{"text":"I had a dumbass dr do that on a c-4, I was just like this dumb bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user is all sweet and peachy with hillary and then when @user get's his interview it's like he committed a crime ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Spittin Crystal in a bitch face was Larry Johnson's funniest moment in my book. Sue me for having a sense of humor.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"retard.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Exactly lol but smelling good is a must for me. Now if he get a NEW cologne then we talkin.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Montana, Wisconsin, Maine, New Hampshire, North AND South Dakota, Wyoming. All places you can move an ex-hoe to and be happy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Just a reminder Donnie..[NEWLINE]#TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpHatesOurVeterans #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #BountyGate #PutinsPoodle #VoteTrumpOut [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue #Biden2020 #BidenForPresident #TrumpLiesAmericansDie https:\/\/t.co\/ggoYrdUTuo","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Would this be the same Conservative Party that recently made the son of a Pakistani Muslim immigrant Home Secretary? Whatabouterry of the highest order from the New Statesman @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The radical Social Media Antifa type can go hang. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @bye_bye_byrdy: Weed ain't a drug! Its a fucking herb bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If someone pushes you too hard today, they may be surprised ho... More for Capricorn http:\/\/t.co\/3kpy22pi0E","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Wow I can\u2019t wait to watch \ud83d\ude2d #MPN #BTS #ARMY #BoyWithLuv @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Erv_Montana: In the 2-6 bitch we prolly hit the same bitch, in the 2-6 bitch we gone bang the same shit, in the 2-6 bitch we prollu hit…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @jennydigi: @thotpockets ✋⭐️bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"wow, what a confidence booster\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b warpaint for confidence in any situation\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f #whiteeeth\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"craving for icecreams :( where should i go? #craving #icecream #bored","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @POONsoaker: You retarded if you say Birdmsn don't go hard.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cue the rascists saying that the suspect deserved it because he's a criminal. Remember. In the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, you have the right to be humilitated by a thug with a badge and a gun... So a cop can do something wrong just because a citizen broke the law? Hmmmm, I think mothers across the land have been telling their kids something about two wrongs not equalling somethin... I can't remember how it ends though...","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Yet this kids in chicago killing each other daily cause u doing so much good in your home state with gun control right?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#babies miles from tomorrowland transforming exo-flex suit #bouncingbaby","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"because \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 @ salon park meyerland ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Todd__Kincannon: Feminism (noun): The perverted political ideology of hateful bitches too fat to get in airplane seats --> http:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"State sponsored murderers with badges, that's what they are.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @jaaaayr: pretty bitch is always comin thru ☺","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Be careful what you do to a good woman because you will have to deal with the bitch you created \ud83d\ude0f ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i've met him and i love him so much!! #blessed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Have you noticed that kavanaugh hasnt actually answered any real question posed on Roe v wade or gun control and even civil rights ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"niggas want you to ride the dick, choke and die for 30 seconds on the dick, juggle on it, gargle their balls like mouthwash, and control you vaginal walls like youre squeezing a stress ball all for them to give you no type of orgasm. goodnight! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user She probably did not think it would get this far. I hope the little sleaze does not go to the hearing and I hope if she does that they will prove what a liar conniving witch she and the rest of the Liberals are. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You estupid bitch I don't like you 👊 how hard is it to understand","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @OMAdoee: I feel like mean girls are the only really really loyal ones. Lemme find me a bitch that hurt my feelings lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He got his chance and blew it ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"lmao you guys i remember when someone hacked my twitter, called me a whore and shit and tried to say it wasn\u2019t them. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@gae_wright @detroitnews \ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]No to Jim Crow Joe Biden and California's Top Cop Kamala Harris after MONTHS of protesting!?!?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The DNC picked thee absolute worst choices. Everyone knows it too.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user how times fly! less than a week to go until the brilliant @user leads our summer conference ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey @USER it would be awesome if you guys reacted to this on your YouTube channel! Love your videos.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" fathers day to all the father in the building......#whotalksay?.... coming soon#keonn","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @GODLOVESUGLYY_: You tell me I'm beautiful, like you tell every other bitch. Come on sir. #dobetter","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"a happy arepa for all fathers, happy father's day!!! \/ #fathersday #arepa face\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"love mornings when i can stay in pj's, practice pregnancy yoga & then sit in the garden & read \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ae #blessed #grateful","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Afghan refugee Waheed Adrian who moved to #UK to be Cambridge doctor gets peace prize ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"two more shows booked-both at @user . i should think about not spending any more money. #stepawayfromtheipad #billyocean","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @VERSACEGAWDD: yall really expect a 40 yr old nigga to still rap about raping hoes and killing his mother? nah","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You're a faggot if you use the cover your face emoji","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Stop sayin you have resting bitch face... Bitch you just ugly AF ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user of coarse he is alex and many other nation leaders are as we;ll lapdpgs ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @the_ironsheik: Wake up you dumb son of a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Unloyal girls turn good guys into assholes. && unloyal guys turn good women into big time bitches...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Truly has got to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Only 5 away from 200 followers! Let's go Patriots! @Truthwillwin007 @QAnon_Report @RealJamesWoods @MajorP8riot @JackPosobiec please help and retweet! Is little guys are in the fight too! #MAGA2020 #WWG1WWGA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#japan abe govt oppress #freedomofspeech than #hatespeech or #nytimes #guardian #humanrightswatch #iamnotabe #anonymous #rsf #afp","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user 30 mins until the #bagrryschallenge! #contestale! gear up & get ready to #win #fitbit flex wristbands. #30daysofbagrrys! #ex\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this is BULLSHIT! Some crappy pop star in Philly instead of the Fresh Prince & DJ Jazzy Jeff! All of America needs to take a knee over this ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091 love you. \u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091 . #sunday #weekend #selfie #longhair #girl #selfporait #love #instagood #instalike... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The Cowboys have a very good chance of having a top 5 defense. Their defense will keep them in every game.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are an absolute dick \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"out of work super early but nowhere to get a drink since it's still so late \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't stand the muslim religion and I want \"islamization\" away from my country, but I can't help but feel this is taking it too far.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user A band of liars Eric has a big L\"\" on his forehead. He is so disgusting. Who votes for these people or don't they really, it has to be rigged.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Top 15!? Yes he is??","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER no he sucks","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The wall isn't racism, it stops slavery via @user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA #GOP #Democrats ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"His Eminence the Imam Sheikh Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar - Australian Immigration has sent Hate Preacher. \"We won't... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER And we pro Americans are embarrassed and sick of you anti America liberals. There are plenty of countries with the lefts ideology already in place. Move there.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"my cis gay friend will say bitch all the time and usually when we're joking around I don't notice but this last weekend he got really drunk and started saying \"fucking cunt\" and I felt SO UNCOMFORTABLE! It wasn't directed towards women but that aggression was still there ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is an ugly black hearted troll URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Hoes get in this bitch ... Talk about irrelevant shit ... 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@___Tamm: @VoiceOfDStreetz cuz you a hoe lol” cuz you went on your lil rant on me man!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Not one immigration activist is calling for assistance for Central American countries to help improve economic conditions there. NOT ONE. Think about that.#Maga #Immigration#StopTheInVasion #ImmigrationIsAWeapon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Remember When Donald Trump Told Biden He\u2019ll Have A Vaccine In A Matter Of Weeks? Well Now Trump Has Been Given Medicine For Covid And His Health Is Already Improving[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/zuKwjRgWjY[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpCovid #Trump #TrumpHasCovid #Trump2020 #coronavirus #COVID #COVID19 #vaccine #Cure https:\/\/t.co\/9u3YJsdM0S","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's truly a day for #orlando and #america . #stop and #pray and it's #time to come #together ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is broadcast sewage! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"so this is where my tax money went.\" jk @user #vividsydney ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So you think you are going to politically assassinate Kavanaugh and hurt his family so deeply that he will not become a justice of United States. We conservatives win! I understand you're frightened.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"nobody want a nigga to take them out on an expensive date.... just don't expect pussy cause you took the girl out... like TF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Rob215__ @thereal_2raw on god my bitch bad","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Camo day! Catch me at school huntin' for basic bitches http:\/\/t.co\/NPiq0jS5uz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dinesh Dsouza is a Globo-Homo agent, like Paul Ryan. Don't let this dot head immigrant lecture you that Andrew Jackson is not an American hero. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BITCH I FUCKING FELT THAT SHIT\ud83e\udd27\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Example 01: Boyfriend: 'I think my girlfriend is cheating on me.' Boyfriend's friend: 'Yeah, bitch got a penis!' ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Don't worry Ann. After your multi-day meltdown over having to simply switch seats on a Delta airplane flight last year, we still consider you the \"Most Hysterical Woman\" ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"coffe break with daddy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b4 #coffecream #smile #break #afternoon #daddy #daughter \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we are a country were most don't apply brains. yet we posses it but we like to store it as walnuts in glass jar ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It was prolly you","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The purists of pure hearts. My Allah grant him internal happiness. I could never do this because it would hurt me more, but this man is what Quran is about and I am not a deeply religious person at that.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you just got home from getting dicked down and now you gotta deal with your shrimp dick boyfriend ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Righteouz_ lmfao!!!!! I remember all the rednecks in my school with that shit lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Live birds found in Elmo doll at US-Mexico border (from @AP) http:\/\/t.co\/JCH9HQVlPl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @t_grun: Yeah I checked my connection, I have fucking wifi. Did you check if you were being a lil bitch nigga? http:\/\/t.co\/0kvF0REwjd","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"en route to the filmhouse to see 2001! #don'tgetoutmuch","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kieffer_jason bitch that says traffic stop bitch stop making excuses","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Police sheriffs in germany are saying its gonna cause ww3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user akalis, bjp distance themselves from 'udta punjab' row #vineetjoshi #india #punjab #akalidalbjp","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @kxyIx: Females love stealing someone's boyfriend , that's not cute y'all hoes need some morals & life goals","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Tons of baby's are aborted every day and nobody says anything about it. This president is cleaning up his state and everyone is going crazy? What a fucked up society we live in? I fucking hate it!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"People are fucking retarded lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"only waiting to watch #naitik scene \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 but no #naitik scene \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 when #naitik last scene will telecast? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #westandwithyoukaran \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the Islamist agenda?! Is this how you're trying to influence people by creating propaganda videos?!!! You all create the prejudice many have here in the US towards Muslims. Stop trying to influence our young generation with these videos instead show what atrocities that Obama has done in the Middle East in Libya and Syria!!!!! You are So biased it's disgusting","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@HeilSidious @DevilGrimz So can we just let this faggot in already before he cries himself to sleep","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Females are always crying out 'sexism.' Don't they know it goes both ways? Men are suffering every day! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I know Outback when I see Outback, hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Of course he will not. He is a strong supporter of ANTIFA and BLM. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And as white as antifa. (the ones you've seen) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FatSlutty_xXx: My ex bitch keep tryna be my next bitch.. when she called me tha other day i told her GIVE IT A REST BITCH","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER bitch my life was flashing before my eyes","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Had to create a whole fake page just to talk shit. \ud83d\ude44 sis is really just miserable #sad ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"And then some bent cunt turns up for a flyer.....last time on this shit hole! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what happened to #bargo bummer that you guys stopped the fun wednesday nights #bummer #dissapointed","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user used the write stuff - best piece of writing all year with a mixed age class teacher #writing#thewritestuff","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Beefin ova bitches trade ya clip for Pom Poms","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ShitPussiesSay: Lets butt chug Mikes Hard Lemonade","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"lil spook and yung lean and robb all night","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Two years strong with this honkie 😘❤ @mflury30 http:\/\/t.co\/dKiQODLaOp","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Because he is a scummy human being. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@GreatGawd: Name something trash” Cavs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"stocking sex sites chick gets fucked ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"im sick of them motherfucker","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"You can draw a straight line btwn ppl who think: @USER is truthful MSM lies #Kavanaugh is treated unfairly #CodyWilson was set up Zimmerman was right A wall is good Refugees are terrorists #BlackLivesMatter is racist Reverse racism is real Kap is disrespectful #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Listening to the Latina women talk about their baby daddy's and\"beating bitches asses\" makes being in the sub at 9am worth it...a little bit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"that's why i like to hear... @user says the same thing! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you gotta be a fucking BITCH to play with a girls heart just for some pussy ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user True. But are all school shootings and accidents with toddlers done by bad criminals who would know how to get a gun? Highly doubt it. These are spontaneous acts\/accidents that would be dramatically reduced by gun control. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER There\u2019s something wrong with my TV as when Liberals are on the Audio simply reverts to: \u201cblah blah blah blah blah blah blah\u201d. I\u2019ve looked into troubleshooting but there\u2019s no fix for that as it\u2019s the \u2018source\u2019 of audio & TV circuitry can\u2019t convert the Insane BS into real words? URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Do we love these hoes?\n\n😂 😂 😂😂😂\n😂😂 😂 😂 😂\n😂 😂 😂 😂 😂\n😂 😂😂 😂 😂\n😂 😂 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ThatSlutAdrian: i'll be that bitch today","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Politicians talk about racism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Rape, Drug abuse etc etc...... Do you not understand how fucking sick it is to ask Jess if she's discussed with her children that complete strangers hate\" Mummy. I hope for your own sake that you are unwell.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@zt0mm: Traded in my nikes for a new mic.. I guess it's safe to say he sold soles for his new life ... -bada$$”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#celebrate good times! #friends #besties #pay #paytime #takemeback ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Idk what's worse then a broke hoe with potential","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"👉 RT @Pr3ttyN33: Don't like me ??? Have a 💺with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck 😜💁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Kicking niccas Tf outcha mentions like http:\/\/t.co\/bEl7uNzgLt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#connecticut attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side i ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"as an american citizen should i be more afraid of rapists or gun nuts? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we got the flat!!!!!! so happy!!!! #newsta #firsthome ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It's Antifa Ford.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jus a D nicca n the A!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I’ll gladly be a victim RT @MafiosoRo: Then im a felon RT @BIGOBUNDLES: A bitch over 200lbs riding ur face is attempted murder 😫😫","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @hoes: Emma Watson #TheOscars2014 😃😃 http:\/\/t.co\/INeOGli7G9","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"do your best and allah will do the rest #ramdan","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Late night phone convos with my hoomie that nigga a gook","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is busy in appeasing minorities henceforth","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is our president and im@USER of him ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i just got a notification from abc news that she died i'm in complete shock ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"EXPOSED: Jihadi kidnap and murder handbook... and plan to infiltrate British Army and police http:\/\/t.co\/gkP1vG6Pnw via @wordpressdotcom","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NoBeeetch faggot ass fucking snitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Every Muslim country is completely backwards. They are violent savage hell holes. The Average national IQ of Middle eastern countries is 80. That's borderline retarded by Western Standards. So obviously the influx of these violent savages is at odds with Germany.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#ripantonyelchin and 2016 takes another one from us... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Kaitlin Staggs okay this bitch pisees me off. Like really? Ugh lol since we were just talking about yoga. Must be our skinny white girlness. I wish my pant size got this memo as well as my bank account.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER OH I finished BL I\u2019m on GD right now!! Tho I hear it\u2019s possible to recruit her if you play BL route at a specific month?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Join us tomorrow for a day of celebrations honoring Chicago's growing refugee community. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't care how hot a bitch is, if her personality is shit, shes shit.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Abed and I are gonna retire in Florida and get all the bad bitches in the nursing home.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This is why I have so little time for liberals and Democrats. Rather than allow democratic process they will deliberately attempt to subvert it to get what they want. Why should anyone believe the claims against Kavanaugh in the face of this. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hadn\u2019t been ok in a long time. Just been getting through the days and accomplishing shit so it seems a way.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BongRipBo: @Thompson_Era Muhammad Ali. Roy Gracie out this hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"shajdhskd i cried just watching short clips of midam and sihun i miss them so much :(((","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"There will be NO #Amnesty\" was @user CLEAR Campaign PROMiSE made at his WELL PUBLICIZED \"Arizona Speech\" so #Trump MUST HONOR that promise & CANCEL #OBAMA's #illegalAlien #DACA EO & also VETO any #GOPe #Amnesty =>#NoDACA or NO 2020 Nomination for ANYONE ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Watch: Germany's Real Women's March against migrant violence and Islamism - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"he's an unamerican . #fact ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Like u wanna claim that you aren't racist but bitch what you're saying and retweeting how Tf is that not Racist u dumb whore ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"summer is up !!! \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u009b\u00b1 #me #crazy #sexy #boy #men #man #selfie #photo #model #photography\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"guess whose #englishtutoring is in the window of the #pacificolifecentre in #panamapacifico?! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Such \u201cvery fine people\u201d speaking for Trump? https:\/\/t.co\/8Vh5eh3gyJ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@KazAtta he jus need to go to brazil get himself a bad brazilian bitch and jus relax","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When you colored every day is Sunday","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"what can i say? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c #selfie #freetime #smile #instavi\u00c3\u00b1a #sonrisa #ust @ olivar vi\u00c3\u00b1a del mar ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Why would you wanna be the Green Ranger? He's evil!\" Duh bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#repost @user - #truth #tearsfohosewelost \u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb unable to digest the hate\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Gang Member Wanted For Sex-Trafficking Of Children @user This is not an isolated incident, this happens far to frequently!When will you#KeepAmericaSafe#BuildTheWall#MaximumSentencing#DeathPenalty#DeportThemAll ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Time For Hungrexit: PM Orban Opposes Mass Immigration In Hungary, Attacks Soros In German Press ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If I ever committ a crime, you can cite LVL as being the sole influence.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"so to have completed conversational spanish i from @user #celebrate","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I thought it was bros over hoes , guess not 😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Drfreezeburnn That's not bias. It's an objective fact that Philly fans are cunts.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @imDOPE_GetHigh: @Whackko man some lame niggah when I find him I'm unfollowing TF out his ass!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER You say you're part of the resistance so I'm fairly certain you are pro-gun control. My question to you is...Why would you want a government headed by this so called dictator\" to enact stricter gun control? I don't think that's an argument that'll get you very far.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course they could just go home if it's that bad, given they are 'refugees' \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AntBreezyOBB: Theses niggas hoes and these bitches greedy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@chrislhayes @TheReelRandom That\u2019s not going to happen. Boris and Natasha (Donnie & Mel) will keep their \u201cillness\u201d to themselves and never share with the American public. Plus, I don\u2019t believe a pathological liar. He lies about everything, so why not his diagnosis of covid? #LiarInChief #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"He bring the hoes out on twitter nigga got magical powers RT @thisisyoungdj: Who is @DJZeeti?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#11 get to hit any bitch on campus he wants to","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Get busy... \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #DemsDesperate ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Let\u2019s me honest, Jews offer things and the white women are just skanks. Muslims gang rape and beat white women. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Get that boy a pie! Stat! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate being questioned about what kind of friend I am bitch you one of my friends u should know hoe been friends since the 7th grade ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sitting at the bar at work watching Walking Dead and all these fucking wetbacks decide to come in & turn on their spic music. Jesus Christ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"US report finds only 20,000 Palestinian refugees in the world | #DepartmentofState #Israel #TedCruz... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user It does? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We've had millions of people marching peacefully in the streets without incident. A small group of far left people got violent on a couple occasions when confronting alt-right hate groups. Antifa is not part of the Resistance any more than the KKK is part of the GOP. G'night.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden Are you not already home Joe? We the People are voting and will make sure you stay there. Sorry, we will not elect Kamala President.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user rewrite this story,santa fe,heard your voice in a dream,let it go, all coming bk to me now, any newsies song ;) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah my nigga just tried to set me up with the ugliest bitch of all time at the club just now. We officially ain't friends no more dawg wtf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"so bro \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e..... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/2 establishment. May. panicking. Trying to get us to abandon brexit. Liberals.. MPs. Now police say they couldn't keep us safe if we leave eu. They say we'll be bankrupt. house prices fall. Food prices rise.... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Shit crazy to think bout how many friends I\u2019ve lost in my life that claim they always gunna be there \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Goodell is one of the worst things that has ever been unleashed on Pro Sports. Useless!!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"1000 gay children have now died as a result of bert and ernie not being gay. hope ur happy conservatives.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Call bullsh#t just poor losser","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Tired of Forced UN Multiculturalism and Rape Gangs in Stockholm: Swedens Anti-Muslim Refugee Party Set For Record Wins As Election Days Away. #DeportIllegalimmigrants #DeportThemAll #GoHome ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Can you say DESPERATE?!?!?!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so you know you're hormonal when you cry over loosing access to your tumblr blog... like a lot. and feel depressed... #tumblr @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Bossman_Carl nigga I didn't have no change.yall some hoes for Tryna shoot know y'all can't shoot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Carrey is truly mentally ill. He\u2019s completely disturbed with no concept of reality.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ICE arrests 225 in NY immigration raids, many with criminal recordshttps:\/\/t.co\/Nu5iVYJKy4#MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No. She is a liar.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals will melt \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@JoeDouglas1 I guess blaspheme to your Allah is ok if your pos muzzie huh? @JewJitsuGrl @efilnikcufecin7 @Darknight420","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He is the worst speaker ever! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The Republicans have no sign of having a plan for any of that. And Fuck Trump\", considering his failure, is a legitimate platform. It's better than the Republican sure-tragedy alternative.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I need one of those \"research\" street signs near usaa . Hang that bitch above my bed lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Another overdose nigga:( ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#HumanTrafficking #Rohingyas #refugees ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#WomenWednesday: Meet multiple-award-winning designer @USER BFA 82. She is the in-demand @USER grad is behind @USER recent redesign: URL Lacava, centre, is pictured with classmates at #Concordia in 1981. #CUalumni URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You are flawed by looking at a large problem through a narrow lens. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#WakeUpAmerica Something's not right in DC. Dem over-reactions to EVERYTHING Trump does have to have monied connections. Who has the dough and will to buy out our #PoliticalClass? Not Russia...Chi-Na! Pelosi isn't nuts for nothing. She's protecting the Deep State. #VoteRed2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, yay for fucktards everywhere. They just make themselves look stupid. I find this sad and kind of funny. Multiculturalism is a beautiful thing and the more we have dicks like this who cry and whine about diversity the further we become apart and less we become more involved in each other's communities. The right wingers in any country have no fucking brains I swear lol.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"$500 Million Funding Competition for US cities That\u2019s nice. \u2066@USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"had a nice afternoon down the park \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #park #hastings #friends #sunny #tattoo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Heart_LessGirI: It amazes me how simple it is for girls to be insane bitches when it'd be just as easy for them to be normal & sane. Ge…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @AllHailTaron_: Bruh thank you I'm about to start cumming in these hoes just to scare them. http:\/\/t.co\/cMCek4h6cv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"possible future:the year is 2100 and we advanced so far laziness is not a issue,so.... #hug #futureofwork ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user if you think that the op ed affects the the people in SC then you are so out of touch. We all think it is more fake news. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bout to get a breasts reduction these bitches be in the way😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user farm rapes are real too bitch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@tacalifornia slid bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i am just waiting for somebody other than you to call me a . i don't see anybody doing it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"well that was emotional! #diysos ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @thegame: RT @sean_locs93: The Game Beats 40 Glocc in LA (Full Video) http:\/\/t.co\/80lf7HvsWm via @youtube - this bitch 40 cop can't be s…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"terra-cotta and green beautiful enhancing colours #bwbpp ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER McGrath is brave enough to kill defenceless elephants,and brett the coward lee,","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user These cowards ain't ready.. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @prolongshop: #LED #Christmas #decor Lights 10m 33ft 100 LED #Fairy string #Light for Outdoor\/Indoor, \n\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/2ew0jjhB6n","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so i have the #beach here on days like these just roll around in the sand like a bum and get wet!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Good pick birds","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The power to help #refugees rebuild their lives is in your hands. Get started tonight \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Excommunicate the guy. That\u2019ll teach \u2018Em. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cit takes more than just a good looking body. you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve got to have the hea and soul to go with it\u00e2\u0080\u009d\u00e2\u0080\u0093 epictetus ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#politicslive Since the coalition everyone knows if you vote @USER you a @USER government #neveragain","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if phareel's was on soultrain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Americans have had enough of liberals at ESPN and the NFL ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Some of the Illegal parent have already been flagged for drug offenses, assault, rape, robbery, kidnapping and domestic violence convictions Should NOT BE LET INTO THE U.S BUT DEPORTED ASAP ! #Trum ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you can't help the damsel if she loves her misery. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user lmao omg \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ASourAppleTree Have heard hillbilly grousings that bugs much worse in the KV since MIC shut down.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I hope they were Reporting on Gun Control ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @lilduval: This bitch is pregnant dancing her heart out for me and I'm on Instagram. I'm an asshole http:\/\/t.co\/qOXkqByxHE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Did they think it was going to get better ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user watching this #nbafinals hus my soul. i want it so bad for lebron, and the cavs. but gs bench looking like allstars to the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@_yesKala: It's so wonderful when you meet a dude that's not a bitch ass nigga these days 😂” 🙌😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user is this your relation? yeah... that's a right... i see you all as the same ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I like that after dating for 8 months you finally understand it when I cringe at the word cock lol","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"looking forward to a trip to @user tomorrow with my little one and her friends \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0095\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00ae #drusillas #daywithfriends \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I'm glad you are doing something fun! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"She make me wanna take things slow but I can't even trust a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😈🆗 we snap chatted for one night lol. But you're cute. Snapchat me back nig","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"let's do this. #charity #swimbikerun #3athlonlife #fitness #race #triathlon #gtr100\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is going shake the church to the ground!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Welcome to the club","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Look at that THOT... pussy popping for usher.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I met him several years ago. He is the shorter than you\u2019re expecting man. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"😂😂😂 RT@gxdlyvisuals: \"bitch i know you got games on your phone\" http:\/\/t.co\/I2HyINFIdW","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate drinking by myself. Everyone's so fucking boring now. Fuck you guys, I'll be fun by myself pussies ✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bitch i'm crying \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheFirstonTV Nails in the lefts \u26b0\ufe0f #MAGA2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER I hope that ENTIRE police department gets shut the f*ck down!Obviously you all feel like you're above the law.Obviously you are incapable of holding your OWN accountable for breaking the law.Obviously you undermine everything a police officer&dept are SUPPOSED to be\/do. Shameful!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@king__saan I feel like I just got married bruh, she a bad bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just spent a whole 16 minutes in court..... bitch it takes longer to drive there ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user primary argument against #Kavanaugh is that he is too Constitutional\"\" The democrats started a civil war during Clinton They heightened their propaganda during Obama They are scared animals backed into a corner Antifa, BLM & MS13 are their Sturmabteilung\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user monroe&nick best friends, & rosalee&addie and now kelly&babymonrosale #grimm families #nadalind","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The liberals are really displaying hate & their message of division. Republicans really need to take advantage of this by welcoming the disgusted democrats that had enough with their party & want a solid policy & no more insults. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are NO CHRISTIAN","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"In case you forgot hoe I been up since 4:18 on the dot made 100,000 dollars at work and still haven't slept.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" all day - #nyc #naturalawakenings","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(1) This man seriously needs mental health treatment and should have his firearms confiscated until he is no longer a danger to himself or others. (2) I'm waiting for gun control advocates to add this to their list of school shootings.\"\" (3) Who buys .22 caliber handguns? Why? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheIronPony You rebel. Next you'll be ripping mattress tags off. It's a slippery slope.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"two days ... #17 #dancingqueenonly17 #annakahnuielsen #annukah ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Walking out is the best thing I did for me \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf that hit different \ud83e\udd74","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if ice jj fish gets all these looks , who really trash me or him","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Please stop! You're making it TOO EASY for right-wing conservatards to mock those of us on the Left! #NotHelping ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When the whole squad is coming over for dinner ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER She is a fake a fraud and a democrat activist plant. She is a tool to try to derail the process and then to later drum up votes for democrats claiming conservatives don't care about victims. If Democrats cared if they wouldn't cheapen real victims with fakes.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you really think it's hot to dance all over black guys? You've completely ruined your image for us humans #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I feel like a bad bitch when I wear my rhinestoned pocket jeans .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa Tribute song - URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ur on ur hols an u still can't stop thinking bout the villa\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bless her, those aholes they could put an eye out, what weiners earning their dirty money like that for greedy companies destroying our earth. May the Gods and Angels protect you all.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Yep...that\u00b4s what we liberals call consensual sex. You should try that some time. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FreeTopher: Some females make being a hoe look so easy like damn girl dont shit bother yo soul sometimes ?? 😩😩😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user How and why do you think this man got his reputation you fools it wasn't mail order or email #MAGA #WalkAway #WWG1WGA #Trump #PatriotsUnited #POTUS he speaks folks listen dignitaries and peasants accomplishments speak mega he doesn't blow ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"waiting for peaky blinders, highlight of my night #calmbeforestorm i suppose \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u0094\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'd punch that cunt in the fuckin mouth. Idgaf if she's a woman ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @ImNeverChillin: I don't have no girlfriend\/side bitches\/ main chick\/ hoes. I just got a ex I want back .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you look like AC Green...bitch don't call here anymore...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yes. I hope some brilliant attorney offers pro bono services to the 2 White House housekeeping staff who've tested positive. Trump deserves nothing but scorn and ridicule. #RecklessEndangerment #COVID19 #TrumpCovid19 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #VoteBlue2020 #TheReidOut #TrumpLies https:\/\/t.co\/N9MKkA7lVn","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user He is saaaaaaadd \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@user named @user one of #atlanta's top pr firms! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is a \ud83e\udd21 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But the Frogs said it wasn't a Muzzie terriorist attack. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user day 2 of fashion and stem class! yesterday textile testing. #nevadacubpride ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeah we need some more made up bullshit protestors and antifa lol time for an epic beatdown\ud83d\ude09","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i just fell in love with a bitch with a stupid bootyyyyyy 😩😩😩😩😜😜😜😜😍😍😍😍😘😘","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#nomilk already in greece#almond#milk#ready to go#healthydrink#veggiedrinks to be on the shelf!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Plenty of ppl work a full shift and still manage to find their way home correctly. This bullshit is not flying with the public.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user That head flick at 0:05 is her ego taking a hit. She cannot take criticism. She is a weak incompetent authoritarian. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"hate it when u get involved can't wait till u leave for uni #sister \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe we do need gun control. Lefties can not handle the responsibility. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sick sad concept is that majority of women woman don't want her to be president b\/c of gender and she's democrat #ohio ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CauseWereGuys: Call a girl a \"bitch\" and she'll get offended but if u put \"bad\" in front she'll swear she's a queen","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@cidalia_borges @TheView @JoyVBehar @sunny The reality is you're a hypocrite if you voted for Joe, who's a racist and pedophile, and for Kamala Harris who is a COP who locked up black males for cheap labor. But go ahead and keep telling us how racist Trump is.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"can't believe i was up through the 3hrs of #orlandohorror unfolding. 1st, w a tweet seen, then w #cnn slowly on tv. tweet, posting ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Plot twist: these hoes are loyal.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Mitchell_Rosee: It's annoying when ppl follow to unfollow.. Like bitch \"I\" was trying to be considerate 😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @NickSwagyPYoung: Happy Halloween from Rick James (aka Swaggy) and Charlie Murphy ( @bigmeat2000 ) haha darkness everybody http:\/\/t.co\/y…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Obama will be remembered as the man that destroy libya. Imagine if mi6 or cia give blm or antifa guns and wages war vs trump. Then they control the msm and say trump use chemical weapon to legalize their coup. The blood is on obama hand.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Learn from Most of #Europe that's been #Invaded by Mostly Muslims! Then look at #Italy #Poland & others who Elected Politicians to #StopImmigration & #DeportIllegals #Sweden & #Germany now trying to Reverse the Huge Mistakes of Unlimited Migration of ppl who Refuse to #Assimilate ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER You're a far-right-wing extremist, Andy, and a liar.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"when you can just \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a someone in the face and not give a fuck \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 #exsforareason #fuming #wtf always tryna find out shit \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Without question Professor Ford is troubled that's being polite. Half the women in the world (probably more) have been groped at one time or an other and don't hold on to it for 40 years. This is obviously a political ploy to deter scotus confirmation. @USER #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user We skewer Sushma Swaraj also for treason. We r not inconsistent like u leftists\/liberals. Take ur bloody poison somewhere else. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The only reason they call them common sense is because they don't know what they want and are just hopping on the bandwagon. #MAGA #2ADefenders #TrumpTime URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user LIAR!!! What supporters is she talking about??? I was embarrassed when our last president went on a world apology tour and he even bowed to them like he was their servant!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I hope this turns out to be everything the Liberals want and then some. I can handle the truth no matter which way it leads I hope they can do the same. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_Leeyoo what niggah","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ChiefKeef fucc droppin songs when yu gon drop a mixtape nicca","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Big hair bitches >>>>>>>>>>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate that my mom says she trying to move out here... Like bitch the only reason your \"trying\" is because you don't have a place to live..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"In Conversation With: @user head of operations at the UN refugee agency: (@irinnews) #WithRefugees @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Yeah, poor conservatives for having eyes that see, and ears that hear. If you're loving your brain bath , then continue on , pretty soon pedophlia will be your next great virtue to champion as you see kind loving pedo's dawn your TV set to make you march in line and resist\".\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@WhiteKidWraps I was RT 100 steal that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user so and accusation by a libtarded Trump hating liberal activist against a Trump appointee doesnt make u wonder if the accusation was politically motivated in the SLIGHTEST? No? This is why conservatives think u are all stupid. Because u are. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"IM SO SICK OF THIS CHANNEL! Don't you people see how they want to portray Syria?!?!! They could've had Palestine, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan... But no they had to show how beautiful and \"free\" all the other countries are and put a picture of militant men with loaded guns in a truck. I can't believe how this channel portrays the people of my country and how biased they are when it comes to Aleppo and the fight in the city, always portraying the rebels as innocents and the government as the perpetrators. You people this isnt what Syria is... This is a Qatari channel, a channel from a country that supports the rebels and funds them and ISIS, an ally of the US.. I can't believe this and I can't believe how gullible people can be.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"😭 RT @KingHov1313: I be thinkin Errbody wanna give me some pussy!😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My nephew albino albinos have astigmatisms eye spasms partial blindness its not their faults","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"woke 2horrific orlando news.i don't give a fuck if you r straight or gay or\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008fgoblins with blu hair. no 1 deserves this #orlando ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The problem with this is that those guys will still be racist. Even after paying those fines, they might get worst. Racism is a mental issue and it needs to be treated through some kind of therapy. These racist idiots will never change unless they get treatment. Online bashing and banning them in society won't help. Even tho some people might be too far gone for help smh.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Thanks to Chen Gong I finally have a use for Raikou. She might even get to bond 10. I can't believe it.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following all patriots please fb","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this. new. mattress. even though my back hus a little, i feel like i'm in heaven. #relax ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Seaside smell like stank ass pussy bruh😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER \u2018Fake News\u2019 is term used RATHER than the word DECEPTION! #MAGA #WalkAway #RedTsunami","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lex Steele I know y'all know him he been knocking hoes off for years and moaning in the process http:\/\/t.co\/iz75peY71Z","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Midnight_Snacka now fuck that stfu shit how a bout u stop being a little bitch and get it round cuz u avoiding question u fucking scarry","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate when i see a cold hoe tryna kick knowledge","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Obama's Hellfire missiles tend to vaporize Jihadis @BemetOr8 @PureMonotheist #UniteBlue","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @the_thrillx3: Sarah burkes pussy b like http:\/\/t.co\/HpXUDcuNEq","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user the drum major and the guard captain \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0093 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These are poor Syrian refugees in camps in turkey and Jordan ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"who is this guy... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009d #love #instagood #photooftheday top.tags #tbt #cute #me #beautiful #followme #follow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That was not good times! Starting the mickey mouse club soon!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"word factory: race denial prevents healing! #southafrica #leadership #transformation #inequality >9 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Deep State coup not working? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CuhCuhCuh: When a bitch say \"I love you\" hit her wit the reverse psychology & say \"do you?\" It work 70% of the time cuh the other 30% g…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Cannibals liberal style. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user true dat ... thanks ! @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"my happy place. not a bad day's work. #beachporaits #photos #beach #summer @ st. george\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user most #singles have #bestfriends. @user @user #wellbeing #singlelife ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SoTrippyWhit remember that African bitch we used to work with at CMI?!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"BORN TO BE THE BEST #\uc6b0\ub9ac\uc6cc\ub108\uc6d0_\uc774\uc8fc\ub144_\ucd95\ud558\ud574 #TwoYearsWithWannaOne My 11 boys is always the best","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user project phase 1 complete. recycled\/skip-dived planks. awaiting compost & seedlings. back ache...beer...sofa ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@DualWieldKatana: After you get done running train on a bitch thats on her period http:\/\/t.co\/DWgHtGA936” 😂😂✋ no that's nasty","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You little dumb ass bitch I dont fuck with you!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My baby is on the plane back to miami from honduras im so happy i get to go to her after i leave work \ud83e\udd7a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"....and yes, I know he's hoarse from campaigning like crazy, but he does sound...beaten & bitter. If you're mad at me for posting this, just hang on a few; I'll go full Reagan\/Thatcher mode if Joe and Kamala get it. \"Mr, Biden, tear down this court-packing!\" \"Den-niis! Den-niis!\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user things wouldn't need fixing if girls didn't fuck them up! #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@TayHASWAGG truuuu bitches don't have ANY respect for themselves so I'm with you on the shit talkin lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"2 hoes 1 dyke","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"go best friend! #national#bestfrindsday! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user it a black day for america. so sad about the loss in orlando. #orlando #weekend #loss #life #pain #tragedy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thank you for signing Shelby\u2019s poster last night! She is still so excited. We are so proud of our big win! #OneTROY #GoTrojans #ProudAlum ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s just people who say they hate identity politics while going on about the left hates them for being black conservatives","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"These are poor Syrian refugees in camps ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MichaelJDelaney: @0beyYourMaster real \"lil\"...bitch you short as fuck","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Basically that man is saying publicly 'I have a tiny peen and I'm really angry about it!'\n\nRacism baffles me. If you take all the water from the oceans, we are all on the same plot of land. Cut anyone open and the same stuff comes out. You're literally too stupid to rightfully exist if you believe one skin colour is more worthy than another. And if you're proud to be racist, you're welcome to lie in the middle of a busy road.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I'm not really a phone kinda guy.. I actually hate talking on the phone & texting kinda trash to me also.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CauseWereGuys: List of bitches who want my dick... http:\/\/t.co\/RIlGVBoghl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Come get this catfish pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user this is some serious bs jemele!! women can thrive outside the home!! \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"(via @jacklayton) Charlie Angus is sending “Made in China” Canadian flag pins back to Conservatives – http:\/\/tinyurl.com\/dmt397","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Eyebrows up and down like Wall Street homes... RT @Apex_Alpha95: RT @Nubie_C: Y'all bitches wilding with pencil 😕 http:\/\/t.co\/WxwRBeE0Ok","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"GStar suspenders got a bad bitch bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Please let your MPs know we do not want any more migrants we cant afford them we do not want a cologne or a free for all enoughs enough ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Outrage in the EU after Israel helped Hungary build a security fence to stop illegal immigration - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"HUGE NEWS!! Hillary, Obama, & Biden ALL Knew This Was A Russian Hoax set up by Hillary. Terrible!! @realDonaldTrump #Trump2020 #TrumpLandslide2020 [NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/ZvrbVHrjxk","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"a look at the repug gop pay #bigots at ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Young, stupid ass hoes these days😂😂#GOTDAYUM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I have condoms everywhere so bitches think I'm responsible. Lol I'm not. Fuck condoms. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"congratulations nicola! see you in october. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's sad to see @user can't even upload photo's on instagram of her kids without people writing negative stuff.. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"very tough,\u201d Trump said at a fundraiser Thursday at the Nashville Marriott, according to an attendee. \u201cThere are a couple senators I can\u2019t really get involved in. I just can\u2019t do it. You lose your soul if you do. I can\u2019t help some of them. I don\u2019t want to help some of them.\u201d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric (fast n furious) holder","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Are u living in Gaza? Cos I don't think you are","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Stupid and ain't got hoes #ShmediumProblems","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I moved that niggah anyways.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Just wanna be laid up with my girl but nope. Work said that sucks come on in buddy \ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HornyFacts: I call my penis The Titanic because so many bitches went down on it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m sorry you think @USER is telling you the truth on his Twitter feed. He\u2019s not. He is an employee of the @USER and gets paid to lie. It\u2019s his job.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happened to see @user ..perfect example of why women are regressing as paicipants in society. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yea I'm illiterate, hot as a skillet bitch. 👏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #oil turns flat to $50.40, eyeing eia inventory data for fuher direction #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I used to chug vodka and orange juice. I also used to chug vodka and gatorade... I used to chug vodka.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user obama joins the jackals \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ass america will miss obama, when they realize trump will do nothing for them. #trumpis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bad bitches is the only thing I like","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I'd argue it's pointless to keep asking him the questions in the first place, what else is he supposed to say? And speaking of running with a quote, I don't believe I said I liked it in any way. You can tho\"\" \ud83d\ude12 . See, this is how things get misconstrued.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@sevensixxx_ @oldirtyjesus great reply except it was trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Excellent! #IllegalAlien Parents will not be catch and release anymore!If you dont want families separated then families go to jail together!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #WompWomp #EndDACA #DefundSanctuaryCities #MAGA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"@Dommoneek: Little stupid as bitch I don't fuck with yoooooouuuu..\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MA_OTL: Luv n hip hop checks drying up bitches turning to insurance scams! http:\/\/t.co\/JrJtHV25t2","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER This is the best tweet for me to see first thing in the morning. It made me smile.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GOOSEmon420er you were there bitch lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user #father#day for all fathers around world","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @shananigans__: 50 shades of shut your bitch ass up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"A Lawyer .. A MoS for Home affairs .. Presenting you Mr Kiren Rijiju who is referring Tamil Nadu people as refugees !! No wonder they welcome these enlightened guys with \"Go Back Modi\" slogans .. ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If this bitch don't turn Crash in 😡👊🔫","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Aamirah sure as hell if these were israel soldiers fighting palestinians or american soldiers fighting this guy, as soon as he surrenders he wud have been killed!! Hats off to these military guys the world need an army like this not of those motherfuckers american or israelien so called soldiers fighting for \"peace\"","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Nobody cares about paid protesters the Capitol Police need to get a hold on them lock them up","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@ohVixen bitches be crazy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"since i finished most of my assignments i'll continue to watch my bts dvd's xd i still have some left #onstage #bts #conce #dvd ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That\u2019s your opinion. Barbz attacked Remy the same way. Now she is acceptable? Cardi is 26. Nicki\u2019s flow and style changed in the beginning of her career. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hi Amy...your book is on my read list...thanks for speaking out Hope you are doing well\ud83d\ude42 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He was fucking murdered and all you can talk about is marijuana?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ugh I meant *wigs shit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is because Japan have a PM with COMMON SENSE & FORESIGHT. They do not pander to Muslims like MAY does. TORY POLITICAL SUICIDE - G.E. 2020 \ud83d\ude04 URL @USER ex TORY","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I will let him know of your support\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Loaning @USER to @USER and keeping @USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Stupid team Useless transfers @USER in @USER out","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Brag bout your hoes, you prolly get 0 to no pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER A quick way to get yourself killed. Thanks Antifa!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"To the bitch who said the United States is rape FREE. Ask the millions of women who haven\u2019t reported it due to how bad our society is. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Shapiro and Yang was an awesome Sunday Special \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ClintSwiftness: “@GodHimseIf: Is that fire works 💥 or pussy poppin” @00sexilexi00 nigga wtf sounds like something you'd say","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can't wait to see you both september 9th!!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@eburnns oh wow the bitch is bitching again #niggasuprized","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Biden what did you drink? Go back to sleep Sleepy Joe.[NEWLINE]#Trump2020[NEWLINE]#MAGA[NEWLINE]#Trump https:\/\/t.co\/eLxb4XGdU3","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user It\u2019d better be on Monday and who the hell are they to slow walk this and dictate terms? #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Misplaced_Momma \nHello dare momma. I show glad dat u follow me. U lbe screamin hot in dem pitchers. \nYou eva b wit colored men?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dark skinned girls with blonde hair need to stop it. The only bitch that can rock that is Dijonay from The Proud Family.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I would affirm her. Tell her she is beautiful but at the same time that beauty comes also from wthin","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And there I was thinking I couldn't like you any more than I already did... Brilliant. \ud83d\ude00\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc89\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch stfu. Whoever is telling you that or making you feel that way can kick rocks. And you can tell them I said so. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I sent my bf the video of Kylie\u2019s house filled w roses on insta and Twitter he left me on seen both times \ud83d\udc94","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You a lying hoe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How he is still batting ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user treating girls 'correctly' would involve fire and gasoline. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Lana i love you bitch. Put that flag back up hoe \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #lustfoflife ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"cormacs such a cunt won\u2019t even let me squeeze his blackheads pussy bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @itslenyybitch: LOL what a fake bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Patchy_Beard G's up, hos down, Rush. I mean clearly he likes to party.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER BS. People died in PR because the local government is corrupt.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 27 sms`s sent for the cash count down and no call ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"jo cox attack is a sign for all politicians to rethink tactics that incite furore just to #winatallcosts #brexit #bremain #ausvotes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"who's pussy better then a crazy bitch?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"[trans] 160613 seong hyun hong's instagram campaign paicipation~~ #thankyoustudio ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Left-Green party of Amsterdam Council wants to accept all fakefugee\/rapefugee boats. Amsterdam is a member of the Cities without fear (seriously)The same day news of Amsterdam Dutch kids being extorted by kids from other culture @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"in sainsbury's. bruce springsteen the river's on the instore muzac. remembering i heard him sing it live, wonderfully, 2 weeks ago \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Cory Booker and the Democratic Party of KKK's Robert Byrd #PJNET #MAGA #TrumpTrain #TrumpTrain2020 #corybooker #MAGA #KAG #KeepAmericaGreat #PresidentTrump URL URL TW352","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MrNBAallday: Kobe calls Dwight Howard a \"bitch ass nigga\" 😂😂\n\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/9l5E8kKW7D","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user don't you just smell a conspiracy theory by Turkey in smashing up a entry point for refugees to go through Nice try Turkey ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user That is why you never want to deal with the left\/democrats. They have become lunatics. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"this much #hatred, #xenophobia, #islamophobia, #antisemitism, and #war was 'too much' for 2016. let's hope #2017 will get less \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bet you ain't gone @ em tho..😴😂 RT @_SelfMadePhat_: Na why OOMF just tweeted that ?😂😂😂😂😂😂 & she know ha pussy WACK","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user my baby will be here in 6 hours ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This no beef thing is for the birds!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"NEW Nashville Noise! @LukeBryanOnline loves burgers, @DierksBentley honky tonks, and @ChrisYoungMusic grabs a pizza. http:\/\/t.co\/sCCDyhE6EY","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#tweetlikelexi Nah we not gonna sit down we gonna walk it out bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ogkaykay_: y'all hoes so annoying 😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hey donald, you're looking weaker every day. #small and frustrated. #loser #pathetic #weakdonaldtrump #boringdonald @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Im trippin ? \ud83d\ude01 man bitch if you keep my fucking name out yo mouth dumb ass lil hoe , i understand y\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This is what the #DemocraticParty #DNC wants in every American community ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#raghuramrajan has great standing in the int. circles, he was doing excellent job and respected. even india inc was totally behind him. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user cuomo: paladino's 'racist, ugly' comments on the obamas embarrass new yorkers #politics #c\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"always be #chadian ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Niyas_Destani burnt tho .. Jus like a nicca 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"also my sister told me to tell Taylor to listen to mikrokosmos and make it right and she said ok","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Steven_ratata my boots get me bitches so","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Look. He\u2019s scared of a woman as he hides in an embassy from child rape charges. Suck your own 8=D, Gay Richard Bra\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm intrigued by how many idiots have reply to this video. The amount of time you spend hating on individual cases is pathetic. Get off your justice warrior crap, you can't do anything other than open your mouth about how bad this cops are.. why don't you start thinking on what you can do to prevent all of this crap? Sensitive Americans!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Rack city bitch !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user thoughts mate?? we aren't winning it...but a point now gets us out of the group ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"have a happy sunday everyone! i think today is going to be a good day :) #positivevibes #sunshine #sunday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I have a better idea Mr Guterriz or whatever his name is should resign & go THE HELL back to wherever the hell his people came from for the sake of this country!!!!!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I think it's clear who the best choice for president is.... Michael fucking Phelps ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This exhibition is much more than just an aesthetic coup for @user It\u2019s also a ringing riposte to wall-builders, border-closers and anti-immigrant rhetoric. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you won't wash down your Plan B with my cum, you're not the girl for me ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He loves it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This guy is a genocidal psychopath. Yet, he gets to dictate the so-called Super Power of the World how HE wants them to shape the World. Free aid, free weapons, free oil, USA as your guard dog....it's good to be an Israeli that's for sure.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user I always have Eddie pick flowers out for me and tell the cashier that he is getting them for me. LOL ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Send him this @USER party #manifesto where they promised they will help families maybe that will remind him his duties. #HostileEnvironment #PriceOnLove #SkypeFamilies @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"HOUSEHOLD NET WORTH:\u00a0$107\u00a0TRILLION\u00a0 URL\u00a0 #MAGA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Disqualify ALL Immigrants from claiming ALL Welfare Benefits. That at a Stroke would get rid of the ones we DON'T need & allow the ones we DO need 2 remain. Simples!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER I don't know if this cat even realizes what he is doing.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck deeeez bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@kincade00: Rico be bored then a bitch”damn boy you watch me more than these hoes do","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Good for him. Hope he gets away with it. If you have 1.2 mill of gold in a bucket and you don't have your eye on it. You had it coming.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"in 1980 when TX was 70% White who would have imagined that today(under 48% white)the MOST POPULAR TX SURNAME is Garcia or Martinez? it's a Mexican INVASION NOT #immigration =it's time to REMEMBER THE ALAMO! #NoDACA NO #DacaDEAL #Amnesty means #OpenBorders ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"confession #319 i love being a girl lol\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude and a lady with class.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"...ANTIFA men\" get themselves riled up before a big Anti Trump rally by playing the theme song from the Wonder Woman movie on repeat. Or was it Power \u26a1\ufe0fRangers?! \ud83e\udd14 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DrummerKid0328: Sike nah 😂😂😂 that bitch be havin me buggin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"As much as I hate Muslims and the invaders in general at the very least I can respect them somewhat. I can't say the same for the German cucks bowing down to these people.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user It's the same slippery slope\"\" argument used very successfully by the gun lobby Margaret. Sure it's way outside the normal conversation but probably 60% of the country buys into that narative about gun control. So what's the difference if the Women's lobby uses it?\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"no chill! im freakin' out! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you\u2019re the cutest \ud83e\udd27","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kieffer_jason bitch cause u wanted to fight and you didn't show up, and tryna make a bet and shit get yo friendly ass off My Twitter","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @1MarsB: I might be ugly but my hoes ain't trippin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"national bestfriend day is just another day when u have no friends ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump family fearless, they stand up to little immigrant babies, kids, teens, they cage these \"violent\" humans in cages. But the Russians and Putin make Trump shit in his pants infear!!!#cowards #crooks #puppets ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Let me be crude for a minute. Davis women ultimately like dick and hard. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"capturing the good days. today, i'm smiling. #motivation #goodday #morning #selfie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i jos wanna say fuck u cube ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Climbs up the charts in Christian Music...only to wither as a fig on a tree as a false prophet. That is @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"when you lay out your holiday cloths #florida2016 #disney #holiday #19days ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"MAGA are PERVERTS AND DEMONS-PERIOD! NOTHING IS SACRED OR INNOCENT WITH THESE MUTTS OF SATAN URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you should be ashamed that these companies pay no tax yet @user will bankrupt normal people of a few 100 pounds. time for change ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@0ddment I could fuck a bowl of graham cracker cereal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"(I guess I just need to double down on my donations to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights!) Fast Company: \u2018Gun Control Groups\u2019 Donations Hurt Because Everyone Agrees With Them\u2019 - The Truth About Guns ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lazy Sunday in Denmark ...Police officers attacked by migrant family,including mom in a head-scarf.Person recording considers the situation very funny as he laughs at the end.A police officer in the hospital w\/a head wound. #DiversityIsOurStrengthhttps:\/\/t.co\/4w471UFY6F ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Would you dare be the girl that gets added and removed on snap by a lad with a girlfriend everytime they have an argument, nah skank ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Holy fuck. White bitch with \"4 baby daddy\" straight goes \"who uses condoms anyways\" \n\nBitch maybe you should so you'd stay outta the clinic!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#love#instagood #me #tbt #fun #draw #beautiful #ink #selfie #summer #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user thanks man, sometimes we gotta state the obvious for the women, this is a parody account #YesAllMen ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"just can't get enough of him!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #myhandsome #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @robert4709: When u finger a bad light skin bitch http:\/\/t.co\/jAzKccC9lE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Another typical liberal who espouses gun control but uses hate and bullying.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@YunGMiGo: @Shane_A1 cinco shit harder fucc nigga\"yee but you fucc wit rich homie cuz dats ya homeboy fucc nicca","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The universe has a way of leading you to where you\u2019re supposed to be, the moment you\u2019re supposed to be there.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This is what's so worrying. At one end, asking a woman out for coffee. On the other, rape. It misses what actually\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is BAFOONICUS !","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Women use niggas all the time for monetary purposes and gain, if a bitch wanna buy me some sneakers I ain't turning shit down.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Feinstein and Schumer are political assassins. Thank heavens that @USER has been able to give a few in the GOP courage to not fold this far. Conservatives need to hit back hard on these political criminals.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"George michael such a fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"blacks are not same as white people.. blacks like protest everything.. they dont want to live the law of the land. they want to do as they please.. cheat people, steal from people.. set fires... they hate whites. they don't obey laws","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Interesting.... somehow the local liberal government has no responsibility in taking care of the local people. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Boobah_: These hoes be fucking all of us niggas. I got news for all the monogamous niggas, yo bitch fucking anonymous niggas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"today's mood \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #fashion #outfitoftheday #sancris #nature #fashionblogger #shadeson #redlips #crazyhair ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because he is the reason for it. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What's a trash party ?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Someone tell this bitch to stfu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Don\u2019t compare Johnstown to Jonestown. Jim Jones had his goons point guns at his followers in order to get them to drink the cyanide, Trump\u2019s supporters are drinking it voluntarily. \ud83d\ude41 https:\/\/t.co\/LI3DEa5E1x","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I swear to god some hoes look like they take the same exact picture everytime. Change it up for once godamn. #ratchet","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER You Sir are correct. There are so many GOOD MEN. She is completely out of line. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Twitter is becoming tumblr 2013 and I am fucking terrified","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MadFlyentist: Look at all those fake ass fuck boy ass desperate for a ring ass trash ass fake ass fans out there","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Trust no nigga, fear no bitch 👊💎","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"old fellas water froze in that funeral home. he got it unthawed and wants me to help get his pump going again, that place spooks me man..boo","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Bitch shut up he building his self esteem","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"for 50 years the only thing cleveland had was a purpose, now it doesn't even have that. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user :') this whore is damn sexy @user tbh this girl knew how to name her acc :') ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Or a piss up in a brewery !! Hat ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"curly blonde beauty #lakely #curlyhair #summer \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#meanstreak was stuck yesterday. #wooden #rollercoaster #cedarpoint #coasters #longest\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @gatorhoops: Ill-advised slant call there.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"first day of school \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0092 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Made my wife take the Egghead Bible Challenge. Our two kids are obviously more obnoxious than that loop because this shit isnt phasing her at all.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i am thankful for my home.#thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And today they don't even wear hoods. They're actually proud to show their faces. Unless of course it's their terrorist wing the ANTIFA or their crybaby wing the RESISTANCE\". URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is why you are my favourite person","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"today i broke my previous running record of 4.8 km . new record is 6 km. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Who won the debate today?[NEWLINE]#MAGA #Trump #Patriots #AmericaFirst #KAG #magamedia #MAGA2020 #PatriotsUnited #GodBlessAmerica #Trump2020 #BLMprotest #TrumpLandslideVictory2020 #BLM #JoeBiden #JoeBidenIsTheSwamp #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #2020Election #2020PresidentialDebate","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@_noWashington he liked that hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @nick_pertile: Oh my goodness do I hate Chinese people. Fucking zipperheads","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Tell us Blue. While NPR knows this kid with zero experience was railroaded by that shit Mueller with the help of an actual CIA spy Halper.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user watch it again. For crying out loud he is talking about Joe within the first few minutes. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when bitches only wanna talk to me is when their bf breaks up with them or theyre on break with their bf. No nigga. Fuck out my inbox","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sorry all my fellow negros","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I am sick and tired of greedy companies taking away land from Indigenous people! Just leave them alone. Haven't we done enough to them in the past!\u00a0\nThis makes me so angry that they think they can do this even though the Chief's of the tribes says NO.\u00a0\nShame on those oil pipeline companies!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yes he is\ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I wanna be around bitches & have fun 😬","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @GirlfriendNotes: reasons to be a mermaid:\n\n- no periods\n- no pants\n- perfect hair\n- u get to lure men into their death\n\nalso, free clam…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ToddKincannon @dywanwii @scotja2 He's been drinking too much of that shitty Canadian hoser beer! #eh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"5 slain in Southern California shootings; gunman kills self (from @user Another mass shooting. When will we learn that it\u2019s past time to do something about gun control? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@kriscope95: All people ever do on twitter is bitch. Get a mother fuckin diary.”👌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"some guy said I was wearing leggings and laughed and called me a fag. they're JEGGINGS, asshole.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Instead of Getting Obamas ,Autograph and fine dining with the EU nobs he should be on a Listening skills course no EU ,migrants ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @alison_cherry: .@nlisa & I are discussing our awful 90s fashion choices: yellow overall shorts, boxers over leggings. What was your bes…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Delusional idiot and the traitor!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If you're going to call someone a #dickhead check your spelling first #dickhead. It's you're not youre.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @FuckBoyLog: I bet I hit that bitch.. like a game winner","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user The FBi has made it so that @user cannot buy a cell phone nor his calling cell to now calls after 5 pm and weekend now but he can use his office phone 619-513-5555 he like to say he is someone else and hate me for call to FBI worked and back and know safe&llook ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Astronauts once left 100 bags of shit on the Moon. We cant go any where without ruining it.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When they bitch about \"carbon emissions\" tell them to stop breathing because exhaling adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user He worries about \u201cantifa\u201d while he invites and poses for pics with known neonazis. SMDH ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Your school got piped by Georgia \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER is really THAT bitch wow","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Someone should'veTaken\"\" this piece of shit to a volcano. \ud83d\ude02\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When he says make America wealthy again he's talking about his self and the rich getting richer.... Waiting to see these good paying jobs he's going to bring to America.!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This list of murders he is wanted for grows by the day!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"and yes.....we had a streak but she broke it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user set-up day @user getting ready for the arrival of our hospitality guests tomorrow. @user here we go!\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i swear everytime i go ''men are trash'' my irl feels the need to say ''well... not ALL men'' BITCH WHO ASKED YOU ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The civil unrest is coming soon, Gov is shooting whatever they wana shoot , the do false flags in order to manipulate Americans and take their guns, they want full control in case of economic collapse check FEMA camps and Walmart relations with the government","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i can't wait to be a nurse ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(3) ...and the so-called liberals are anarchists. - Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ben will gett ya some pussy.. ben will get ya some head!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I think I just gotta accept the fact that all these bitches gonna be hoes til they around the age of 27 and life will be a lot easier","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Caucasians not welcome in Europe. NWO intentions are to eradicate all traces of white skinned people, known as the Kalergi White Genocide plan. This is why these only so called refugees allowed to settle in Europe are all dark skinned, no white skinned. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Im pretty sure she would be a better president at 13 than he is now","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoes Will Get A Room. Invite you. Swear Up & Down You The Only Nigga She Invited. Then When You Get There That Bitch Be Full Of Niggas \ud83d\ude10\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"happy father's day #h2efile #fathersday #pay #innovation #software #enjoy #goodtime #dad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@SamJLayman : Holy shit, Freddie Highmore was in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory\"\nMe: *rolls on the floor, laughing*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Lord_Fernandooo stfu nigguh I've been reading the manga for the longest and you know that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @DS_Arrogance: Hahaha these niggas funny ask💀💀💀RT“@1BookieG: @DS_Arrogance @HG_Shit I bet I can pull at lease 3 bitches with them 😂😂”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"so proud to have a mayor like @user who isnt afraid to speak the truth..and yes he is completely right\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user <3 listen to my most beautiful best friend @user singing with her most amazing voice <3 <3 <3 <3 3 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_Saif10 @jeapsx @chasemx76 @spectatorindex Appreciate patriotic citizens such as yourself. #Vote #MAGA2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I can understand her wanting her title but all that whining and pissing and moaning stop talking and start getting it done enough already you're a coward when you got to beat somebody when they're not looking ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"we own the night \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0086 #sunset #city #night #saturday #whatever #evening #trip #hello \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone who has spent any time at all in Europe, Canada or the USA in the last two descades know Australia's problem isn't migrant numbers. It's inaction on infrastructure development. Our roads and public transport are closer to India's. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Oh no! Sick of leftist lunacy. They stir them to hysteria to do the dirty work for \"the party\". Enough - dems care about none. #Trump jeep #MAGA #BuildThatWall #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh great to all that support Trump and his supporters. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user thank you sm and it was great meeting you too!! seeing you and my other favs reminded me that its so worth pushing through the pain to be able to do things like that!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Work be having a bitch enervated and shit.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Buckm00se @DaRealAlexInLA I didn't spoil anything & you should have been watched it nigger nig nog","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@_DCorNothing_ @KyariesDa4 he should! I got tired of hearing how he can eat pussy 10,000 ways like damn 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user bodyweight session! #workout #bodyweight #calisthenics #health #hydrate #like #love #follow #repost #smile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Tl blew up hoes on waka dick. #turndown he ain't follin y'all hoes#bow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#DegenerateArtist KNOWS words> Bo Jingo dangle fan slang ho, ting pang lick drum swing flick alarm bic> But you can't hear fire can you?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@AdamRotter: Watch: Prust tries to hit Hank during break play http:\/\/t.co\/fZ6lxcS3ok” @BrandonPrust8 pussy attempt by a pussy #mtlhockey","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"coons","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER found\"\" the average american by demographics. I found 118 things that the Average American agrees on, from Bill Gates to Gun Control to driving skills. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user matching bags packed ahead of our trip to malaysia! #travels #holidays !! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"New York city pizza is better","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Kidd_BravO615: Nigga wanna bitch about a party y'all know my address knock at my door","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Shout out to everyone that puts up with my retarded ass. I appreciate it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CantBeLocal: Bruh these hoes psychic now http:\/\/t.co\/Y6pFS0kPVZ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user a giant version of the #flag of #rebellion #sedition and flapping in #virginia on i-95n ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this is my bliss. happy #fridayfeeling everybody. #family #ootd my #smile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The misogyny of trans activists. Weinstein is about the rape and abuse of women ,but we are told pointing this out is 'exclusionary ' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"my current mixture of moods: #loving #loved #scared #worried ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 1. Physical barrier2. Monitor\/deport visa overstays3. Employer crack down4. Listen for the giant sucking sound of self-deportations#StopTheInvasion#CommonSenseSolutions#AmericaFirst#AmericansHaveDreamsToo ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"stuck in bed +movies sunday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So in other words, despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"best decision i've made in quite some time. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"making sweet love to my hand cause i cant buy a hoe tonight","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Tinypinkisboss: can't stand a playin ass nigga✋”bitch*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#qanda look at who Twitter and Facebook are currently banning - all conservatives.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah last week. Using @ your_fuckboy_ for now ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fools No respect","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The native Americans showed us that we can stand up to corporate greed if we can stand up as one. This is so inspiring!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@dablueprint fuck no she dont let nobody hit that pussy either I know it's firm","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This bitch Rihanna is on some dust or something","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@CR4ZYF0RU I just really miss you and I know we can drink it off and talk about all of our problems like basic bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Amy Barrett... come on down... U R the next contestant on the... and the liberals start looking 4 boyfriends she tried 2 rape! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmao RT @MoeMartin44 Yo a cooned out nigger boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @SimplyLucyLu: Welp RT @iDntWearCondoms: The girl of your dreams is a hoe and the guy of your dreams ain't shit. Facts of life","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"conspiracy theory : billie eilish farted on live for y\u2019all weird ass grown men to stop sexualizing her","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude02 @USER rocks #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yep. I was at Yale law school as well.. He also mentioned at one point that he could pee his name in the snow and that groping someone against their will while holding them down and choking them was \u201cboys being boys\u201d. NBD. #MoronsAreGoverningAmerica #MAGA #Kavanaugh ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It really sucks when commies atheists liberals refugees and anyone who isn't one of (us) uses our\" precious tax dollars....\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"the radicalism of woodrow wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s racism #blacklivesmatter #tcot #blacktwitter #tlot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_iForeign: You talking shit 😷 But yo pockets ain't shit 💩 Yo bitch ain't shit 💩 Yo life ain't shit 💩 nigga you just a ain't shit as nig…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I swear @USER makes you like character just so he can kill them and break your heart. Stop making me feel all the feels \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @B_Solo36: @paper_chaysin that's right. you don't marry hoes, you rent em","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JfromHuntington @thatUPSdude <\nI hates to interject but cans I have yo digits? I likes wiggers dat wanna be fucked by coloreds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"She was like ima need you to write a statement. Bitch write yourself a diet! It's always the old people trying to snitch, bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@WhosJuly 1) He's a faggot and I don't like him. 2) I'm on the other side of the state.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist \"art\", a \"remembrance wall\" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user ppffttt used none of my puns. #punfail #lasttimeiwingit","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@sassyharryballs ugly white bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"dragons den day ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/ Party Conference is a good time to remind Parties, particularly the governing party @user what their mandate actually is and what it is not. What exactly is the will of the people\"\" on #Brexit ?\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user there is life after social networking. embrace each day. be ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @PlainBlack_D: Get these trash ass niggas outta my stadium!!! 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I suggest that @user get a real life. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lets see. You brag about grabbing women by the pussy, you demean and belittle people including your own staff daily, so yeah, what we are seeing what we are hearing, IS true o stfu, oh and Mueller is coming. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user i saw this before the results and literally thought i got eliminated WE ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@koleworld4: my name is stefanie ... 👋👋👋👋 stefanie😂😜”fuck u hoe 😩😒😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" video men and women malay hot super sexy girls","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @lildickytweets: Eugene, come watch me run circles round the rap game like my name was chip kelly in this bitch http:\/\/t.co\/kJzH0U4uSz h…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just saw a group of freshmen wearing maga bucket hats \ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22 i hate this school ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @pringlezXII: Dont message me your number and tell me to text you.... I'm not your bitch lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CrownHer: Takes a ho bath RT @1stZodiacSign: He's terrified of water. How TF does he wash himself everyday? lol.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@RespectBox @lefthooklounge @Rodriguez5_ he's texas trash bro","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user wasmadwasibnoworsteverws","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is right","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"can't wait to see jonno tomorrow!!! huge hug waiting for him! then a weekend in london to come #qualitytime ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Come on Texas I know your not ready to hand over your guns to liberals!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate when I upload a pic with a caption that says \"me and my son\" and someone asks \"omg is that your son?\" ...No bitch I found him outside","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Princeeric11: #ReasonsIUnfollowedYou You unfollowed me first bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Respectfully u worried about paintings, while that rapist'Harvey Weinstein'on the lose for 30 years. 2 more women reporting rape ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch shut the fuck up. He tried to stop her from getting raped but he was drunk.Nd he lied so he wouldn't hurt her\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Should I expect good pussy or good but not good for you pussy from a Tampico drinker?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER and use the high first rounder he\u2019d get to draft someone who should\u2019ve gone in the 3rd","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews So sick of the fake news and one sided media that is owned by Democrats. I hope people really aren't as stupid as these media giants think they are.#PATRIOT #TRUMP2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#onthewaytochelmsford @user with @user to see how the team are getting on #nearlyfinished ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And what do the Poms usually do to people with oil? To quote Trump; \u201cBomb the shit out of them!\u201d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \"Please read this and VOTE to get the MF GOP out of our lives...please don't just toss me in the trash.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"aced my first test! #proud ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ACMobbDeep: @sugarhillgang00 @willyc14_ high flyers, crr, militia, boner squad, ball sack, weiner FC, anal brownies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bitch just sucked my dick and tried to give me sugar bitch get out","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why yes, functioning tho RT @blaaksuedepumps: Are you retarded?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm about to hit a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER That will never work, it's too simple and effective.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"awww crap just cracked my phone \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4 #crap #orlando #xboxe3 #cracked #prayfororlando #love #sucks #awesome #twat #bo3 #phone #mad #ps4 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What exactly does he think he is going to do? He should be careful about how he goes around issuing sly theats. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hopefully you are an asu fan and not u of a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The recent US strike in syria in der el zour ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER I just read that whole thread and that guys thinks he is a boxing media social media sure have mess up some ppls head \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"so grateful for my sisters \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f! today's been tough, but always have to be positive about my results \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hunt illigal refugees by dogs to save the USA from bad elements ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user man, sees me wearing manchester united hoodie: are you a fan? me: yes! man: are you sure? do you even know one player?\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"niggas bugging if they think my bitch ain't gunna tell me something, HA","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Good morning, you hoe ass niggas. *Pimp C voice*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@RFam2550 shut up faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#weather tick #wetsuit tick #goggles tick. so tick ! #openwaterswimming #greatnohswim #rocknroll ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user that's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly- ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#DEMS are using #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents in their #Communist REVOLUTION: FACT=HALF of USA Total Muslim Population immigrated under #OBAMA=#NoDACA NO #DACA #Amnesty No #DacaDEAL #BoycottNFL ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user How come Cranleys minions don\u2019t talk about gun control after all the lives lost in the inner city of Cincinnati but one looney shoots up 5\/3 and now the city council wants to talk gun control? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why is this relevant whatsoever? Might as well let us know when someone has a pack of smokes or a 6 pack of beer in the fridge too while you dipshits are at itTabloid garbage ffs ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Stop talkin about urself ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Got ketchup on my swim trunks... Sum bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He hit the lotto ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@clzcdxx: im just a bitch ass elf” @MorbidMermaid","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa is a terrorist organization not a lawful protest. Trump needs to declare Martial Law and Shut Em Down proper.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Where were you in 2008 when people were losing their jobs & their homes & our economy tanked? What did you say about W then? Did you ridicule him & did you praise Obama for saving our country? You are such a hypocrite. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm gonna show you the difference between FIRE & AIR......... Sam Donald Gemini unpredictable like air itself...KAHLILI MACK ARIES...He is always gonna be on FIRE...Every snap of the ball every game the whole game.... Sam Donald trash trash trash Like Donald Trump........ ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"can't wait to see @user at the @user \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #conce #datenight","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Royceda59 Green bananas are better then yellow ones too.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"get your summer '16 tee now;)! it's hard to be what you hardly see! #neworders #media. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How long after the redskins change their nsme will all memorabilia w\/redskind name be deemef racist and therefore illegal? Any thoughts?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @LI_ALP: Still Texans nation hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Why isn\u2019t the media reporting the \u201cSoros\u201d connection. I saw only you tweet yesterday in regard to the lawyer of the alleged victim? Conservatives need to follow the money! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I was think she jisoo but I\u2019m Focused I found she is taeyoun ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"really hoping your dropping this album this year, but i will wait @user #palomafaith ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CNN = Fake News ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Disappointment today IK proved to be a perfect \"Lallu\"....","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@MatthewJshow @realDonaldTrump Dr Fauci the wild card \ud83d\ude02 ok, not the nutter in the WhiteHouse who has no idea what he\u2019s talking about. Did you try the whole bleach\/ light up your backside cure? I bet it didn\u2019t work as well as Trumps $100,000 treatment apparently did. Trump is totally insane","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"some of the bus drivers where i live are idiots seriously!! #busdrivers #showsomerespect","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Aj+ was not even in existence when these violent terrorist killed and raped Kashmiri hindu pandits . They deserve what the behave for and no one wants to hit them with pellet guns but they kill indian army soldiers. Salute INDIAN FORCES and J&K POLICE.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user she's obviously not done her homework on candidates. but what do we have to choose from? a criminal and a conman? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They're calling it #Sandy because the wind is going to make a lot girls clams really sandy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"in your eyes are my wings and also the shore i drown in. #oneword #makesmewantodrink","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @froxgawd: tf is a baby goal? bitch u gone have what you gone have. RT @missloloko: Baby goals 😍😍😍😍👌💯 http:\/\/t.co\/bwldJEx8Qg","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user It was strapped to the back of Russells Jeep as part of the troll stroll video that had Tinys profile banned for thirty days because they drove around neighborhoods they believed antifa lived while making violent threats and screaming we're triggering folks today\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 3\/ you can not like Justin all you want but the conservatives have no plan to even consider climate change and have been using BLATANT misinformation to lead people like yourself into believing that it\u2019s Trudeau\u2019s fault we\u2019re negotiating with a fucking sociopath down south ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah. Gun Control Act of 1968 also uses a lot of innuendoes for black people and ghettos in its text.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you for reminding.!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just stopped by the line up room @BeaLack still look like a doo wop singer.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i do not advocate a kumbaya world. like #anti-semitism, should motivate us to a single purpose: intellectual competitiveness","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #instagirls i want you on the table - ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Moral to the story: If you like the Yanks, I'll pretty much do anything you tell me to do.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh god, that sucks :\/","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These customers are fucking crazy this bitch said God will smite me because her dumbass locked herself out of her account.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If I'm legit trying, the WORST thing you can do is try and play games with me. You'll get the bird sooo fast.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"be one of us! and be positive always! :) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling chill","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this bitch said \"Bookie spend the night with me for a week\" Wait.. what? you got me fucked up lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@LadyVodkax bare it bitch.\nSee what I did there","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Just walked past this women and she goes 'Hello you cunt' I'm crying \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user reaction to getting the ga spot with marauder strength. #official #bleedblue ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You mean exactly like conservatives are attacking this current victim?? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Susan Collins: 'Puzzling' Why Kavanaugh Allegation Came So Late\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mis_sarahd @basedpapi1017 tranny","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Type of nicca owe yu money but still ask you to go n on a blunt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Wish there was a link at the end of the video to the full video. I appreciate this being posted but putting things like this out of context doesn't help people speak intelligently about politics. If people watch the whole thing they may not have a different opinion about him but will be able to defend their opinions more solidly and defend their values.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s Good for our Gun Business. More Guns sell when these people bring up Gun Control. Keep up the Great Work. Guns for All.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I miss you more main slut halavyaahhh HHAHAHHAAHAHpatatas!!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user BITCH I TOOK FOUR YEARS TOO JDKDKDD ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes, Joy @USER ?.... You were about to say Six-and-a-half years?\" Because that's correct, you sociopath. You are \"stuck with this @USER ,\" f o r t h e n e x t SIX-&-ONE-HALF-YEARS. #MAGA2KAG @USER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #WINNING\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@bwanaaa_16: I like down bitches”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER That's what Lindsey Graham uses for a butt hole............","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Says the man with 18% favorability and won't win so he is retiring!\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy at work conference: right \/mindset leads to culture-of-development organizations #work #mindset","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RealWallieWall Sheet i can't do that too a cripple","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user The reason liberals should be deported. They are just to sick and twisted to fix. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Coley_Cee: @lil_aerii yeaaaaahhhh, like relationship wise. So I was like oh no not my Reedzy Thuggin, bitch suppose to thug it out!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Your girl is a hoe, she fucked all my bros ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"typical beaner behavior. beaner women love getting groped.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"awesome -- it's the rare wildly hyped phenomenon that actually lives up to the hype. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SashaNexx: I found a mega-carrot at the store today! 50 retweets and I'll shove it up my pussy (; +pics!!! http:\/\/t.co\/LyMLqUClwJ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@IsThatJamesBond: \"@BluntsNextDoor: Good pussy have a Nigga like http:\/\/t.co\/PSBglHnq8Q\" funniest thing I've ever seen on my tl 😭😭😭”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bunch of hysterical women protesting again. #KavanaughHearings ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This day is also known as 'national catch a sexual harassment charge day' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Larry Curly and Moe are back and this time they're running for president!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@MisterDimmadome \nspiked that bitch\ndamned nailed her down","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"GUYSSSSS YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS 😃😃😃“@itslizkhalifa: @07Cannon maaan :( most of my friends are hoes this can't be true 😪”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Harry is a nasty common nome. Nasty: very bad and unpleasant","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I make bitches fly like Peter Pan do","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @OutTheOrdinary1: @P0WERS_ @eGoaTizM @Blaztful powers U don't go outside ur tanks been on full for 2 months U anti social monkey","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"work. #donrik #big #bud #studio #black #sheep #beautiful #life #day #days #today\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Germans protest against Islam and immigration \"We want Germany to be Germany, not an Islamic state\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"my #final comparison ! #stillinit week 1 to week 8. @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Manhattan Liberals Bus North to Campaign for Dem Congressional Candidate via @user #college #MAGA #DonaldTrump ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Soros paid antifa and the like not Christian conservatives for sure","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER : 7 Myths of Democratic Socialism Debunked URL #MAGA #KAG","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This picture best describes my maturity level ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The scary super experienced knowledgeable members of Antifa @USER is no match for! #Sarcasm Serious question is why the left leaders manipulate the unintelligent inexperienced youth groups it\u2019s form of taking advantage Abuse of the unwary weak URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"If some men think it's an unfair slur on men who don't abuse:Not all men abuse& we women are entitled to call out a\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Feelin like I can have any bitch I want. \n\nFeelin like all these hoes in this bitch want me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Thank's for the link. I'm voting #BidenHarris2020! Get better. You are losing control and it is obvious. Sorry about that but.... not really.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @mimi_rillo These bitches @virginiayumyum @ Fine Fare Supermarket http:\/\/t.co\/kimIKVi0","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#philhughes @Yankees #nyy better then UR whole team","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @thachosenkid321: If I were to say be my girlfriend would you believe that I dropped all my hoes for you?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @souljaboy: Ain't got time for stupid bitches 😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@heavensenttynae you kno I love stuffed clams bai","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user why can't i get my #coldbrew? #needcaffine #nocoldbrew","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"danny o\u00e2\u0080\u0099donoghue pays tribute to murdered voice contestant @user @user #rip","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ditching @user for prom really was #sad thanks clare ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We all know this is another Liberals Corruption!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user we're looking forward to celebrating @user with a tea pay for our team later. #cake ;) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Main stream media doesn\u2019t want you to know. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't say no slick shit then swear you ain't mean it like that cause bitch na I'm finna hoe you \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user more americans hate him ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Jillbiden46 @KamalaHarris I\u2019ll be watching from Tennessee! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All of a sudden craving the hell out of @Oreo cookies.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER RIP The promotion you are trying to access has ended\" shows up\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if dey go to linch together, she gon eat that pussy befo they come back....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It's hard for me to feel sympathy for them when they bypass due process to be in a country illegally and got caught. Especially when I personally have to pay money, queue up for uscis to process my docs to get my visa to go to the States. And they just bypass the system and get to stay there with zero consequences for that many years?? Good job on ICE deporting their ass.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"in honor of my #bihday i am giving #freegifts to help you feel as as i do everyday! #celebration #love","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"at the gym #gym #health #weightless ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"JOKE, Not laughing! Booker is lying for \"EFFECT\" to make it LOOK & SOUND as if he is \"risking\" his JOB, when in fact DOJ gave him clearance the night before #DemocratsAreDangerous #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"AJ+ Really? \"Mexican sedan\" and \"American sedan\"...? both cars are manufactured in Mexico... by the same brand (Nissan, Japanese by the way). Why do not you get real information before posting this kind of fake bullshit.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" #fathers #day love you dad... :) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling happy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The USA is a terrorist, and blabbers in speeches about terrorism.\n\nFeminism is sexist, and blabbers in speeches about sexism.\n\nIsrael is a nuclear superpower invading a country, and blabbers about invasion to them and peace.\n\nAll these three buggers rule the UN.\n\nWelcome to the epoch of people who realised that the best way to go unnoticed DOING wrong, is SPEAKING GOOD.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"When bitches in the library start acting up http:\/\/t.co\/x1qGfTkB4O","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Wrong. @USER was a enthusiastic architect of devastating austerity along with the Tory's. The @USER did not have to abandon every principle they supposedly had to the @USER they could have let Cameron run a minority Government (as dId SNP) but CHOSE not to","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user RT @user RINO Ryan & McConnell are NEOCONs, Globalists, Traitors, and Not Conservatives. \"A Better Way\" is a Fraud, Scam, Not Conservative, and\/or #MAGA. #USA #Americans #America #PJNET #Constitution #business #AmericaFirst # ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@ConManBO @LastGreatStand\n\nAnd a major league bitch too!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i #disagree #nba @user should have been #suspended too! he even had words with @user #gofigure","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How's work bitch @mdsaab1","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' It's just me ? Or do you NOT want nobody else Texting\/Inboxing\/Kiking\/DMing\/Snapchatting\/Emailing\/ Yo girl or niggah ?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @NikoWavy: If you know yo pussy smells like death why tf would you sit there an let a nigga finger you? Bitches have no shame man.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"let me clear things out. rape could happen to anyone bitch and everyone is a fucking potential rapist ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Now that's what I call an Antifa Supersoldier ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" tell me before today have you heard of one america news???? your not into propaganda?? #clown #donthecon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"looks like le monsieur bob approves of the new shag rug... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb #kitty #love #him #he #likes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@QUAN1T0: These bitches don't care they just play that role.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i've just waited half an hour for a bus to come. #x43 to skipton was due at one and didn't arrive until half past. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Booker is the more hysterical woman, while Harris is just a common slut. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If ya bitch ass didn\u2019t wish me a happy Birthday then don\u2019t ever hit me up again! You\u2019re trash! Yes I am talking about you hoe! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Breaking news. Listen live at 1pm CT at #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch yk I don't eat pussy fuck hoe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AshleighRollin: “@ViriDoesItt: Kissin small lips is trash lol..” Trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Ummm theres video of it and the coach literally admitted to it lmao. Maybe read before having strong shitty opinions ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user A woman in my town honked at an asshole driver who cut her off. He followed her home and beat her with a crowbar. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hips pushed forward, cock immediately entering her tight cunt and that obviously caused the Wookie to groan aloud. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" doggies had surgery ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#teamlove #thursday just. be. kind. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lie about what? Certainly not about you throwing gun control & accountability out the window once an illegal is involved. And \u201ca\u201d hollering? Are you seeing shit AND hearing voices?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Leave it! That's how they want to live. Enjoy the beach idiots.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"there's always that dumb twitter hoe when it comes to sports. \"I hope Floyd beat mayweather\" or \"I hope New Orleans beat the saints\" 😒😑🔪","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@lkxox_ exactly, so she's a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Study: 1 million sex crimes by illegals If you think these numbers are atrocious, they are 12 years old!What are the horrifying numbers today?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws#DeportThemAll Stop subjecting our children to this depravity! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user i don't think i can watch u anymore. u pretend 2 b happy w\/ ur weight; i don't buy it. i don't want 2 watch u die. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How much RAM do you need? It\u2019s probably less than you think #graphicdesign ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"off to @user to spend a day with my mam #cricket #gracesatlords #comeonengland ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"well deserved!! we love you lots and thank you for everything \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"car has its first scratch. thanks to the kind stranger who gave it to me. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #newcar","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YUP. Liberals (by which I mean fans of Liberal Democracy\"\") are all too happy to let everyone else around them die as long as they maintain a comfortable existence. It's a fucking disgrace. We need to get the ball rolling on serious Socialist organizing if we are to survive.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"test day! big shoot on thursday! #360 #360video #vr #music #videoclip ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@LiLFridayHOE: Easy cum, easy hoe\" That's a fact !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Should of known she wouldnt show up! Only accuse is in the dems playbook! When will people start understanding that the radical have taken over the party! #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #WednesdayWisdom #FortTrump #1linewed ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch stop playing with me and drop my shit off ! What u do after that ain't no problem because I know they gone send u back lil whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t trust this lying bitch let\u2019s see if any of the other nude women in the lineup come forward she\u2019ll do\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"all i eat is tomatoes and coconut milk no shit my stomach is screaming","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"my own #vinyl dump bin @user #music @user #records #hurstville #sydney #cool #albums ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You're legit an asshole. Man or woman, act your fucking age. Show respect for others. Have decency to talk about things as an \"ADULT\" that you supposedly are. Dont be a fucking cunt about things ESPECIALLY if youre in the wrong. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user they deadass digging a hole for themselves @user fat bitch loose weight ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @olmelonhead: bitches be acting different! 😂 buuut it's cool! 💁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#energetic #asian #lady #very to get #pounded #hard ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TylerCarter4L: Hell yea bitch!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user you broads have low self esteem and are willing to settle for anything #smallminded & .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How is that not a yellow on Ronaldo for full on body bumping the ref?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is beautiful","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user It was more of an allusion to the must-keep-growing economy and the dependence on bullshit jobs to pay back unnecessary debt to create growth to prevent that whole thing falling over. I vote according to the circumstances at the time of the election. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy day! #joy #fathersday #ny @ new york, new york ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #fact: shaibu signed death condolence @user residence but was buried before him #rip ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"acting like we not talking in the dms and shit \ud83e\udd28\ud83e\udd28\ud83e\udd28","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"hurra to #russia today! we needed it! #football ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Say I'm wrong but I can treat that pussy right","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Donot worry Sidhuji If Modi can become PM you are in making. Hind National Party ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user HAHA! You try so hard to be condescending but i'm sure you and stormy can relate! But you are correct on how sad Trump really is. Old man literally owns the Viagra company. Jokes on you kid. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop tweeting about football. You're a girl and you opinion doesn't count. #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You know this hoe saving mofo didn't ever go in on that fragile bitch scared to break her cupcake ass \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44#GH ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Liberals always find a new low to achieve","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the reactions are the surest sign that the terrorists have won and that americans are ready to fight each other first. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy 2nd wedding anniversary to my love @user <3 #truelove #pougueseitalian <3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He also thinks it\u2019s a success doing nothing about gun control with kids being murdered in their schools by people who have no need to possess guns!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user storm here anyway... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's time to spend for #lordvenkateswara #familytime #relaxed #govindagovinda\u00f3\u00be\u008d\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling positive at... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Doesn't ALTERNATIVE FACT\" = FALSEHOOD? #MAGA @USER @USER @USER @USER How do \"Alt\" gov accounts exist? How many accounts? Illegal? Subverting will of the people? Who runs? Who pays? Where from? IP address tracking?\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@Crhedrys: Pussy licking pussy.... meow meow #StopWhitePeople2014 🐱 https:\/\/t.co\/KeegDCjS5K”\"\"\"\"\n\n😕","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#QAnon #MAGA Q Drop 2236 URL URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches get on twitter an turn to saints like they not hoes that shit kill a nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"That cop should not do that. Just cause he has a badge he thinks he can do anything he wants. No he cant. And that is y i hate the cops.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Conservatives left #frustrated as #Congress passes big spending bills... #tcot URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#umm third presidental #elections will take place for 2 days. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"While the ass hole cop is crying, everyone else is shouting \"Turn down for What!!!\" (then we all break out into dance, and laughter)","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"how we feel about friday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #lavieenrose #legallyblonde #friyay ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A lot of shit changed me\ud83d\udcaf","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Journos hard at work on the coverup![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The story isn't about the Biden crack use and corruption[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]It's time to ruin the laptop repair man's life! https:\/\/t.co\/6Tce47JKOj","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck you AJ+\nfuck your regressive apologism\nfuck your religion\nfuck mohammed\nfuck islam\nfuck muslims\n\nand yes, all","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user 3m EU cits living & paying tax in UK who vote in General\/local elections. C.1m UK cits in EU +15 yrs who were promised vote in Conservatives 2015 manifesto. Vote Leave broke electoral spending law & police now involved. Russian \u00a3 paid to Aaron Banks & interference in campaign. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I can't handle no liquor... But these bitches can't handle meeedd\" - Chief Sosa","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If rich people had more money, this wouldn't happen.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@riyastunna: don't fall in love with a bitch” #bestadvice","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER om ah BITCH lol i love you domo \ud83d\udc96","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Excited to be at the @user Roundtable! #loveignited #wewelcomerefugees ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_B_R_Y_C_E_ what happened to going fishing bitch?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this makes me incredibly happy #oitnb #netflix #love #prison #17june \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When she posts about you thinking it will get you to text her... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Throw them the hell out! #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"trophy. i have always been one. by @user \"educate yourself,\" #saturdayblogshare\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the bae gettin her nips pierced 😍😍","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hitler left a stain on Germany for the atrocities he committed against the Jews. Trump will leave a stain on America for the atrocities he's commiting against these immigrant families. I only hope there is a reenactment of the Nuremberg Trials at the end of his reign. #Inhumane ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i'm very happy to announce that i'll be speaking at #edfest2016 next week! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"attica! attica! attica! oh this is so .... grrr .@user .@user #oitnb #season4 #episode13 #oitnbchat #bingewatching ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i lost brain cells comprehending this garble ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER IK never did. He is liar.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Freegeezy17 nigga look my size, plus it get hit in the ass, an look like its been fighting all its life.... I'll sneak dat bitch an RUN!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Then why are you on my page? Why don't you stick with your merry trump mates if you think you can get a rise out of me you are sadly mistaken about that and other things","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"berpose\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #holiday #meagain#beauty#withaynk\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks for nothing, Republicans. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND dead Americans and counting... and Republicans still don\u2019t care. #trumpvirus #trump #gop #maga #election2020 #voteblue2020 #rememberinnovember #TrumpDeathToll200K [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]VOTE BLUE. https:\/\/t.co\/uaryTazBg4","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER One imagines you are being sarcastic. One worries that you are not.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER 2) That's even an ANTIFA motto, By any means necessary\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All one and five dollar bills ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@That1guyJeff bitch please. Not gonna happen. Nope.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sad to see how entire forest ridge around Nizzamudin-Delhi being encroached by Muslim community&Bangladeshi illegal immigrants.NO ACTION ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Thank Mr. President. Please declassify the docs closer to the election so we can all see how corrupt the Dems are. MAGA. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"6. She's a fucking icon. a legend. a genius. THAT BITCH. SHE IS QUEEN. \ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51 @user #NickiDaGOAT ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Niggas be so dehydrated if I wanted my pussy ate everyday for the rest of this year it would happen","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"yall gotta learn to start seeing women as human. yall act like were aliens now. yes i have a cunt and tits and what about it sweety are they too sexual for you?? are they not sexual enough?? well either way its non of your fucking business go choke with your 2 inch cock ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"40 mins. Until that bitch drop","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\ud835\udcd2-\ud835\udcd2\ud835\udcee\ud835\udced\ud835\udcfb\ud835\udcea\ud835\udcf7.. The Nord cannot make a single move, but he is fully aware of what is happening. A chill comes down his spine as a ghostly, rather. . . calm female voice called for him from a corner of the room. Before he even has time to \/attempt\/ a response, +","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so to see #their growth \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00bc just wanna see them #win","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"BITCH HOW CAN U SAY THIS WHEN UR A WHITE MANS WHORE. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Yes & no RT @ChannyMaraj Is it ok to beat a bitch up over some tweets or nah?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER People who employ fascist tactics are fascists. That's what ANTIFA does. Do you want me to start posting videos of ANTIFA riots?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Women are all harassed? And it's also all men unless we prove other wise? You're a clueless cunt\ud83d\udc4d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Bout to bust this bitch wide open. Such a waste of money!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Living with my bitches, hashtag live http:\/\/t.co\/9jKAYWGeVZ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I know I'm a hillbilly, but is there anything better than a big pot of beans and cornbread? Little hot sauce on top.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER is the main muckspreader for @USER and do not be surprised about the various twists and turns of the #Fake #Novichok stories URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@LobstrThinkTank Yeah! Me too. My people, the women, laff at the set apart men... they love the real niggas or niggers.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Buckm00se all I remember was the fat bitch stealing the KFC bucket & hauling ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user CNN is trash and everyone that has a brain knows it! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They go back for holidays, they get sent back there to Schools.So #SendThemBack. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because she's an idiot! #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What were you talking about? Climate change? Abortion? Legalizing cannabis? Private prisons? Wall Street fraud? Trump's lies? Gun control? White supremacy? Solar panels? Electric cars? Wind turbines? Clean energy? Evolution? The age of the earth? The meaning of the word Yom\"? URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You realize how useless your argument is? If you drunk drive you get arrested. You're punished. If you kill someone while drunk driving that is murder. There are rules AND regulations AND safety precautions for both drinking AND owning and operating a vehicle. We need gun control","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, since my first comment was apparently censured by AJ, here's the second try.\nThe US teaching morality at the face of senseless slaughter is like a bad joke out of a sitcom. People are dying of hunger right now in Yemen thanks to the US and its allies. Shame?\nTrying being ashamed for what you did in Iraq and Lybia for starters, death is commonplace now thanks to your destructive greed... now that your destructive greed has been stopped by Russia you start to whine about it?\nGo ahead and censor this again AJ, I have copied this now.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"to celebrate our 2 years of friendship we found dory we went to france and ek. what a fun day #adventure ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #friday everyone! have a #great #weekend whatever you're doing! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"everything feels so disgusting to the point you feel like you wanna throw up your soul out","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"WHY isn't Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in jail? They are traitors to the United States and it's people! The US does not have a two-tiered system for lawbreakers. #LockThemAllUp #DeepState #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #WalkAway #impeachjeffsessions #DOJ ??? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Speed up guys, still not in d trend list #HappyBirthdayDipika","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"israeli regime has roots in racism #gaza #palestine #israel #bds ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fucking cheating bitch whore. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Lml 'no matter what color a girl is she's still a hoe' That's funny. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln Goodbye wackadoos. #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsNotWell #TrumpHatesUs #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@asshole_king oh no. They drafted that gay ass that come out on TV? Well u welcome to Redskins nation. No queers just a lot of niggers.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Her or someone similar.. PM me if you want to talk to JRM face to face btw ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008fthis is hea breaking, what has this world come to? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The saddest thing is that these kind of greedy corporations has something in common. Once they did suck the blood out of that particular place and by the time people starts realizing the damage ,then that'sthe time for them to moves their \nbusiness to another country. But who let them come in?.... corrupted officias who doesn't care for their people. \nSAD.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"he always smiles #noh #vietnam #smilesforyou #travel #photography #photo by trantuanviet #summer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you ever look zayn and be like \"he cunt be reel\"\n\n #EMABiggestFans1D","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @tonyrobbins: Piers Morgan to Charlie Sheen: “You were taking Cocaine…” Charlie Sheen: “I wasn’t taking it. I had to pay for it.” via ...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i've just had nearly 6 hours straight sleep. feel reborn. #sleepdeprivation #mumlife #wantmore #love #babylife #sleeplikeababy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER But what makes you think they are liberals? There is nothing liberal about any of that. These people spent the '90s insulting liberals, publicly humiliating black activists, and openly attacking the New Deal. Where is the liberal\" part? They passed GOP policies!\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"sorry practicum, but got is more appealing. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BitchNiggaAlexx: Bitches be talking about they ride or die with every nigga they talk to. bitch you done died like 8 times already","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Hovaa_ ya I know all the slang I'm racist I h8 porch monkies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Do it with quran and then we will see how much atheist and brave she is... hindus figured it out that this type of attention grabbing big boss wanna be people are not worth it... Go live in your 2 minutes Prime Time covered life ... Lord krishna and his followers don't care ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user David calling for Lynn to resign is an reckless and irresponsible statement and needs to resign immediately as he is unfit do hold any position anywhere. See what I did there. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #bihday @user you're so talented & humble. tnx 4 being my friend even when i fa. #schoolofrock ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Word to my bird! http:\/\/plixi.com\/p\/60040730","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @badnradbrad: @whattheflocka lol have u seen when ike and his kindergarten teacher start having a sexual relationship","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You're right, sadlyStop the India First Immigration Proposals a.k.a. #HR392 America doesn't need a tidal wave of 300,000 Indians ushered in. #KeepCountryCaps #NoHR392 #StandWithAmericanWorkers #endOPT #endChainMigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"totally agree. too many incidents now. someone needs to do something ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Shut the fuck up. I sent my sister a picture of a mini brownie and she was like \"is that a shroom\" like I wish! 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BrandonTweets__: Who else remembers these bitches http:\/\/t.co\/MjrypfCjPd","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @OhArias: I make the pussy cringe http:\/\/t.co\/LNB2UXXQem","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Trumpwashing and US liberals' historical amnesia are the real definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome... URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user In the choir, whores and liars, scumbags in the dirt bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This hoe got 10 seconds to get the hell up outta my face before i set that weave on fire..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user It amazes me how much in synch you are with the man who commuted your prison sentence. It's no wonder that you like each other. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You forgot the sarcasm tag kid. Some people are ignorant enough to think you are serious","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"toe up ass hoe stop worrying bout me and get them roaches out yo baby bed punk bitch\ud83d\udde3\ufe0fyou wan me clean yo house for you?? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And is completely unconstitutional. If the state deems you are not a criminal and therefor have not relinquished your right to bear arms, they have no right to regulate who is competent\" or \"skilled\" enough to own one. Once again, it is NOT the same as driving a car.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A great nation but sadly ruled by an uncaring and greedy elite.\n\nBoth candidates are frankly awful. I feel for the decent US citizens.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER City of 1 499 900 people who don't fuck\" doesn't have quite the same ring to it\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u0080\u009ccharles paladino's racist comments spark calls for resignation\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"al capone was jailed for tax evasion, not murders he committed. what is @user 's achilles heel? #unpresidented #nohate ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cunts, cunts everywhere.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sir it comes to something when you present a lie as a fact.... Have you no shame? This is the fact 65% of labour voters voted to Remain. Ref YouGov polls. Your position is based on a false premise......have a nice day","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I thought I was the only one \ud83d\ude2d I\u2019m trying so hard not use the rest of it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@NatlFascist88 @waspnse Jews and white race traitors have to be swept clean so the Aryan race can survive.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #sun #felizmiercoles #thebest is yet #tocome #madrid #summer2016 @ madrid, spain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why are you the only thick character in the game? Why I gotta play a skinny bitch? @KimKardashian","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Omg! You are the first person I\u2019ve seen complain about this other than my husband. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Correction: Liberals deliberately distorting. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @stephpaulus: I have yet to master the art of eating a powdered donut without looking like I just left Charlie Sheen's house.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CAN I PLZ GET A FOLLOW CAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO LIKE UR VID?\ud83d\udc9b ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A real nigga ain't complete without a real bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"welcome to #ebhour what's your blog about? :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ringing in my 31st year in a beautiful, peaceful, happy place! \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be #provence #france\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ill call you bitch for short as a last resort and my first resort","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You are obsessed with @USER She\u2019s a millionaire because she is a good comedian. You have money because Big Daddy Bone Spurs handed it to you a**hole.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"im not a fan of puma shoes but BITCH I WANT A PUMA SHOES . by bts . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Adam Schiff saying he is FOR releasing FISA info Just another in a long list of bureaucratic hacks that need to be purged from DC! @user please keep doing what your doing to expose these frauds and hypocrites!! #MAGA #KAG2020 #QAnon #WINNING #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Yankees: Time to bounce in the Bronx. #LetsGoYankees #Walkoff http:\/\/t.co\/W5ATfRsLKK","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Coutinho is joining Arsenal on loan, according to L'\u00c9quipe. A bit strange, but better to wait for other sources. Massive signing if true.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck em ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"grabbed the last bottle, amazing red! 21 euros #vinotinto #tuesday #wine #vino #travel #barcelona #washington ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Word cause her music SLAPS THERE'S NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn't but she DESERVES)","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"' y'all ain't shit ' first of all , Idk why u think u some new bitch lmao u still that same old whore no one likes ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Collins is a stupid cunt: Trump Is Hurting 'Vulnerable' Americans, His Acts 'Destabilize the Insurance Market' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user & KaepernickPutting your foot in your mouth, disrespecting #cops & fans are NOT examples of \"sacrificing everything\"They are examples of ignorance.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlu ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user i'd like to think this wasn't really what happen, but i know better! @user !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user well i;m glad then be #smile #more #sex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GabrielaAngela4 I am always there bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user CONway say it louder for your fellow #MAGA Trumpkins because they are the horrible peiple insulting her! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Viri_BraceFacee wassup niggah","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_asslxrd_: my inner nigger is coming out","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@J_Kwest when a bitch look his way http:\/\/t.co\/VkdkoEKLxZ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You a lame ass nigga still cuffin these hoes my bitch got a bitch with er","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"three days #apollo @user #newmusic congrats @user you're my idol.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My prediction brother love breaks in the cell and beats up roman till he is passed out and braun wins aka this is the brother love heel turn and brother love makes his return as manger of braun with ziggler and drew ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ik that bitch was a hoe jus tried to change her but these hoes wana be hoes ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user welcome to #fascism. it will only get worse if you don't figure out how to fight back. #trump2016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fucking disgusting animal","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER GFY since you are into code letters \ud83d\ude02and how about POS \ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffb\u270d\ufe0fKMA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This is so disgusting. And y'all think this immigrant situation is okay? Go to hell, especially this sick fuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Do you have evidence that Trump didn't collude with Russia? DUuUueerrrrhhh, he said so...MAGA!\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"are you really ? invest in yourself at (link in bio). #mind\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No, you are the most hysterical woman alive. Go find an island and stay there. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user She is inciting violence . Big difference between free speech and inciting violence. Sometimes you are expecting action good or bad from the words you use. People must be held accountable for those words good or bad. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user it's florida...people find gators in their swimming pools. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Hey @USER the only men\" not doing the right thing are #liberals and #Democrats: @USER @USER @USER Rapists, abusers and criminals. So you can kiss my white a$$ URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are an amazing mom\u2764 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you just watched your boy ruin his life but you know misery loves company so you decide to ruin yours too ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #nyc #vacaciones \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 @ hotel americano: chelsea, new york ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Coolie_GBE300: It's 2014 & you niggas still runnin round sayin \"Yall don't eat pussy\". Y'all must be suckin dick.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user The choice is simple. If you vote Gillum you are voting for Socialism. If you vote for Ron DeSantis you are voting for everything that makes Florida great. #VoteRonDeSantis2018 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ImChiefy: I'll send dick pics to your bitch quick .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Stfu side hoe head ass bitch go fuck yourself y don\u2019t u try to get dm in a week ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Lvl_7_Eevee @UnicornCowboy @hisorraya I just wanted brownies man","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user can't believe emer will be going to the euros sunday while i'm going training :( ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Funnie watching my nig interview on ESPN","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Grab\u2019m by the pussy!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i plan on doing so much this summer but i know i won't ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Countries have the right to say no to mass immigration even when they get hear they complain when they have homes and help # ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Hold up women leaving good men for some quotes they seen a nigga with no girl post on Instagram that he copied on google...u hoes crazy ✌️✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"A dick has a sad life: His hair is a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbor's an asshole, his bestfriend's a pussy, & his owner beats him.😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"yo hoe will get slayed! 🔪","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user My sister is in G\u2019ville. Says she is going to text you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"im suppose to be like dead and ill..but its the opposite. ..hard and energetic haha \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00e2\u0098\u00ba#aimless ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I was there in Greece when the refugees were being shipped from the islands to Athens and they were wearing Nike shoes and taking selfies with their smart phones. They are\u00a0 rich people, poor people, decent people\u00a0AND criminals because EVERYONE is fleeing Syria.\u00a0 Unfortunately they do not accept the help their host countries give because they just want to pass through to rich countries like Germany and Belgium.\u00a0 The many who riot, smash things up and abuse the townsfolk are making it worse for the rest of them because now NOBODY wants them.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Tell me did restoring your computer to an earlier date correct your problem you were having ?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Keep your mind open. #conservatives #republican #MAGA #Shadowbanning #AmericaFirst #Trump #Patriot @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #FakeNews @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh \"@SoNi99a_: i hope Dre falls dickhole first into my pussy \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#ChristineBlaseyFord is your #Kavanaugh accuser... #Liberals try this EVERY time... #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user IB you ass. Watch how you speak on my name\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Stop giving this family air time. It's exactly how Trump is where he is.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You really listen to yourself, dont u? That's why there are 12.1 illegals here now costing us billions. Seems to me WE HAVE HAD OPEN BORDERS! Close them. #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Seriously. Get these people out of there. If we can't due to current EU or UN directives then we can at least stem Western to Western migration to get them to safety. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes mothers now this is what the deranged left will make you do to your little boys! Are we really going to let this happen? Pure EVIL! #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #2020 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @USER URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Wait, you thought they would actually convict a cop on an unjustified murder? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 these deaths are state funded and sanctioned. They murder us for fun. Why do you think the black community has never be comfortable around and has a reputation for not cooperating with law enforcement? Would you help the motherfuckers who have been murdering and harassing your community for generations???","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user @user thank you for your amazing #glutenfree options \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f #grateful #peaceofmind @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i cant stop smiling i got my twitter back you guys !!! #sohappy #freakinghappy #twitter #ohyes","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Keep your eye on liberals in close quarters. They're very violent and mentally unstable.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user one the flowers i planted as a seed bloomed! #firsttime ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i c sociopaths low iq satanic everything that is an abomination2 god will b the norm as well as committing a1 felonies ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sis said go to sleep I said bitch it's our b day I ain't sleeping 😜😜😜","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user The argument will be made that the assault was decades ago and there have been no other complaints against Kavanaugh. But his lying in current and ongoing. That is enough to vote against him. He is now aligned with Trump in the way he handles accusations. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user But thats ok only dems and liberals can do that dont you know that ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yo for real you are gorgeous ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This was my Chit shake that monkey beeotch http:\/\/t.co\/OOmruo1obI","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user here comes a #supermistict douchebag who can only poke his nose as sme of all. #burninhell","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"U coons watching love and hip hop ain't you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"and that\u2019s just that on that!determined to finish this 5 year program in 4","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"An invading army? They are in camo. Hunt every last one of them down and deport! #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"You should do a Taco Battle:Los Angeles vs whoever doesn't matter because LA will win lol","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"join our church called santa caca. we all poop!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user idc if you suck i just wanna have fuuun ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Manstagram_: This bitch went full on retard http:\/\/t.co\/nXj4QqGMx2","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Mr_Lewis_ @brookebrooklyn_ ohh yaa, he wants Brooke to be his pinkie toe so he can bang it on the coffee table. What a twat!! Lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Come on @user you can do better. This has nothing to do with your Agents. Any subscriber with cash can sell or buy cash at whatever rate. You are just a conduit. Its the Law of Demand and Supply at play. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm an immigrant \u2014 and Trump is right on immigration via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ...and #LeviStrauss wanting gun control How many of us wonder why the heck do they want our freedoms taken away ~ or is it just selective freedoms? URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user yes!!! hate speeches and lack of gun control. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RealScottieTee: Girls dress like hoes and wonder why good guys aren't attracted to them... http:\/\/t.co\/dLRk2I04hO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Go away my child. You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt.\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udc37\ud83d\udc37 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The TL talkin about eatin pussy and u watchin soccer? Ur a grade A faggot RT @KillaKev27: This game is crazy !!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I love how people say come here legally (like if it was easy and cheap), love how they point out my ancestors came here \"legally\" and \"the right way\" but yet they forget to mention that pretty much 18 and 19th century had open borders until they came with the Chinese exclusion act in the late 1800's, then in the 1940's to 1965 hundreds of thousands of illegal Europeans had amnesties to become citizens. \nBut yet they condemn the illegals of breaking the law but kept silent when our president bomb ILLEGALLY other nations ex. Syria. We don't need a wall or deport millions of residents what we really need is a comprehensive, humane immigration policy.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A curly fry in horsey sauce at Arbys and a fry-frosty at Wendys is how you fast food.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric who? Never heard of him. Must work for CNN","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_Mr_Williams_: Hoes gone be hoes.🙅and these hoes can't be trusted ✊","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Snapchat finally has an accurate filter for these bitches.... The goddamn devil ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Can we all stop pretending that the Catholic Church is not the seat of Satan on earth? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He obviously doesn\u2019t care.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn the bad thing about having side hoes is you can't get mad when they don't hit you up all day 😒✋😪","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Only if the self-serving @user don't stand and reject Mrs May's de facto #remain surrender. Now begone with that insurgent hashtag. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this explains it all. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"won on the water but bullied by the event organiser ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"congrats slut he's yours you win :) ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER you are a hypocritical hack. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Come on Tank, break dem hoes backs!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Duh that\u2019s why you suck my dick all the time.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 9 times out of 10 I have the dog on my lap and if I get to rowdy he gets scared that I am hurt then he trys to kiss me.Also he is a ham so when the camera comes out he is like pictures?!Let me be in them.He photo bombs whenever possible.\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc36","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"IT NEVER ENDS! #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall !!!!!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user says who?! your iq is so low u have 2stand on a highstool 2raise your iq. we both know #blm is a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This niggah seems really clingy... Mhmm idk about that ! 😳🙆🙅","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @LilFrenchy__: corny sex being having you wanna kill that bitch right then & there 😂😩😡","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user or not *legal* but a complaint beyond the school itself... which just seems ridiculous in the 21st Century... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#marcorubio at the scene of the crime doing media.. #prayfororlando ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kuczaaaK @Tyg235 Kris, griff is too ghetto to know anything about sperrys or vans","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"That bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"sunshine + garden + book = happy amy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #summer #sun # garden #reader ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When people igg my text they get aired out in my head all types of bitches an dickheads 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @sadiiex_: @Vnxthny I am taking you serious.... Kik me back nigger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"jumper from #nordstroms #thirdthursday #postshow #camdengirl ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a great #testimonial from our #weightloss patient. #transformation #gastricsleep #motivation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"There should be a side trip into DC to Charlie Palmers during CPAC @SHannitysHair @TheFriddle @Glock4Piper @alleygirl2409","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"confused with the caption! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #origamii #origamiilampung \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hungary is best. Never Hungary will accept refugees in their homeland. Even Soros or the EU can make what they want. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Our Daily Planet: EPA ignoring air pollution, immigrant fire crews battle fires in Trump country and an orca mom just can't let go (get your tissues!): ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user it's been widely reported... this is just one source. only those with a vested interest in the status quo would willfully ignore the issue. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER a huge fuck up on my part.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i live in nyc and don't see a lot of ove racism. i was disappointed to see how much there is on twitter. must never be tolerated!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user oh dear, is the donald having a bad campaign day, never mind his hair? how many dead people does he need to boost his #s?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Such a bullshit traditional culture, there are millions of Indian suffering of hunger, but no one help them even for food.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"😂😂 this white bitch think she miley cyrus 😭😭 http:\/\/t.co\/lFfy5HvcNa","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Kicking bitches out the house like Pam","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_tiffnasty: Lmaoooooo RT @Weed_Cloudz: If we cuddle then Im sliding something thick in your pussy, just a warning","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#cssday off to a good sta already, having met the charming & talented @user @user & @user for the first time in person! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I just fucked an albino. It was weird because it was like a white body impersonating a black voice....... like Iggy Azalea","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @SammyLightning_: Screw these hoes http:\/\/t.co\/HBbEX5cIEB","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @DameStr8Cash: @JaeTips I know that's trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @djevilone: stupid ignorant bitch “@SarahPalinUSA: Stopped by Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands to support a great business. http:\/\/t.co\/6 ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"trump calling on obama to resign over the orlando shootings? the boy has a point. 8 years and all he did was \"talk\" about change. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#euro2016 match schedule design - france vs romania ! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 all feedback is appreciated! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#FireMorningJoe he is cut from the same cloth as all other conservatives. His misogyny and bigotry are always on display. He is responsible for Trump. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"the prefect lunch father's day thebeaumont #colonygrill ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you know your worth... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@LimitlessMudi @YoDeddyUgly Y'all both trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SAMMI_boyden bruh we can finally roll like rednecks (': ((drug dealers))","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SchadeTom @user @user I don't vote \"D\"More like got to get rid of my dumb lib neighbors and all the illegals from 3rd world holes.#SendThemBack ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @randycaliboi: When I hear an ugly bitch talk about another ugly bitch 😐 ... http:\/\/t.co\/RwvyvPYE2n","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What Bhagwat tells shakha minions and what he says to rest of the world are two different things. Sanghi goons will keep on raping and killing but the stupid liberals will think sanghis are ' not that bad'. Don't get taken in by his lies else next 5 years India will disappear.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Under AAP rule,Delhi fast becoming a slum.Record influx of illegal migrants.Filth all around in his favorite community colonies.See NZM ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER This is disgusting that this is happening. Strictest gun control laws - not working. Maybe legally allow people to arm themselves for protection - lighten up those tough gun rules that aren't working. Too many lives are lost in Chicago.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user smiling has a positive effect on racist and first impressions - ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"u want a cookie tomorrow bitch @_lostb0y","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ty 4 ur recent flw @user @user @user 2 connect :) hv a gr8 dy! \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0086\u0093grow followers \u00e2\u009e\u00aa \u00f0\u009f\u0086\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00b9","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bite me bitch , chew on a 19 footer","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user How about juxtapositioning that next to all the conservatives who think it shouldn't be investigated at all? Or are you more interested in slanted BS than actual justice? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I hate @user so much now. They fucked up the whole franchise. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@hidalgoparadise lol its #hoe bitch ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"CNT nobody be mad at who he choose to be with I can't be mad at no bitch its the nigga so hay","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"mimando a mis compis del trabajo #cumplea\u00c3\u00b1os bihday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00aa ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a @user documentary \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00be \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #l ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Flight FZ1696 will be arriving at 18:07 (06\/08)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Roscoedash shut the fuck up, your wack as fuck. Garbage mohawk having faggot, stop making music and shovel my snow scrub.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I posted 106 photos on Facebook in the album \"Mayor Bonnie Crombie announce refugee support by local\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Exactly! They're cracking down on child trafficking, so \"Its too dangerous\" to get them back! #BUILDTHATWALL!!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Ivan_splash: \"Did u call me a bitch?\"\n\"I said you were ACTING like one\"\n\"So you just called me one nigga\"\n\"Shut up bitch\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Your so correct! Liberals r so easy to figure out! Make America great again Get rid of All liberal Woman","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@MissStef0318 @_MariaPetrova teabaggers weakening food and environmental regulations is infinitely more scary and lethal than terrorism.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"update: my free app will be live within 7 days. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's SO VERY IMPORTANT between now and the midterms to get the word out that all the #democrats want people of color to believe is they support them - which as you know is SO false. How can the word spread even more to those who need to know? #MAGA #NAACP","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I want some monkey bread.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Uns connects fixolas ahha ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shes so old that shes been pushing gun control since the Lincoln assassination.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I don\u2019t recall a President ever taking random questions for a long period of time and answering almost everyone of them. And liberals accuse him of being a king or tyrant? Pretty accommodating.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Girl. Why these people so PRESSED?! Callin you all kinda ho\u2019s and skanks being LOUD AND WRONG!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Yes, American women are waiting......to be allowed to continue SLAUGHTERING babies. Mao, Stalin and Hitler all killed babies too. Liberals are pathetic, whiney, crooked, yet, say, we are for the children\"\", except they slaughter babies!\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DragonflyJonez: Tell Bubba in Alabama youre African and not black and he's gonna call you a nigger with an EXTRA hard \"ER\".","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"..a broader phenomenon: the reemergence of #race #science in #american intellectual discourse\" #cityjournal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i forgot what day it is. i'm at chick fil a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TrillBaIN this bitch has brain damage","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They need to stop this and stop taking what Don't Belong to you. Let the people Live In Peace \ud83d\ude21 we should all be able to live a peaceful life. I'm so sick of this behavior this is what they're teaching there kid's its a real shame. We will never live in peace\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\nMy God help us all and give them peace.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Mfs don't care about tha kid except a few of my niggas & my bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#FactCheck changing the words doesNot Change TheTruth #Schiffy #GitmoCallingObamaAndCompany #DemocratsHateAmerica #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #StopTheInvasion #EndSanctuaryCities #RedWaveRising2018 #VerbalJudo will no longer work against #TheAmericanPeople #WalkAwayFromDemocrats ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Omg what country were you in?? It wasn\u2019t America. But again you liberals will believe ANYTHING","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good Job @user More Raids Needed ! Illegal Aliens Do not have a Right to Invade the U.S Use Stolen IDs and SSN , Take Jobs From Citizens, lower wages ,over crowd Schools and abuse Resources #SendthemBack ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Because he is a traitor ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\" we will kicked all illegal immigrant cuz they do crimes and and they are rapist\" And during his speech everyone who supported him falls for this fool when the media has hidden his files story glad for the media has guts to show about his past","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"vintage anchor necklace & pendant 31... gbp 8.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve had my id checked by the police zero times in 8 months. of course, this discrepancy has nothing to do i'm a wh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".... and liberals do ... yea whatever! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DankyChan88: Dumb bitches broke my tv, went to wal mart fucked up... Wokeup with a smart tv lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@theHIGHESTpeak_: If you got netflix watch fresh that hoe live” from now on my name is Chuck E I'm not chuckie no more 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@EdgarGuillenjr @jo_clark6 @dalton_ryann @dault24 @blakeanderson21 @justinmiculka01 @ktit_418 @aaronbaxter9 you a bitch Edgar","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i'm heabroken! i can't get starlink for my brz. should have bought it a year later. #subaru #brz ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yah - it's sunday and we're performing at 2.15pm on the huge stage in trafalgar square! come down & see us ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"In redneck land ;) #Tennessee","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Can you eat this child you are wild ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Tweets2Sweet Or lack of “@HumbltonBanks Smh u niggers & ur music knowledge”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Thank you. They all do. It will be excited for all. And I love @user I feel the \ud83d\udc94 for him. He is such a rockstar. \u2b50\ufe0f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't even be away from my phone that long karlie right she is a crazy bitch😕","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Good thinking ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I expected to see kids in cages at a Tucson shelter for immigrant children. What I saw was worse via @user Get over it. They could have stayed in home country then come here illegally. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lokk at july 29 when I said Gordon would be cut for drugs and you called me a dipshit. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I havent checked it so i cant say anything.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i want my boyfriend & chinese food, but my boyfriends @ work & i'm supposed to be on a diet. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m not a muppet. I\u2019m a 6\u20192\u201d 215 lbs voter who is of Puerto Rican decent that doesnt take BS from white liberals like you. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"can grown women stop glorifying being a hoe, y'all don't realize the influence on the young bitches ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Amazing when reporters are scared of the truth!! Doesn't that tell you everything! #MAGA #ReleaseTheDocuments ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I pray that God gives me more patience today.. \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoes thnk they \"won\" when the nigga thats ridin the fence start givin them a lil attention... what u won hoe? A wishywashy ass nigga? Oh.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When you find a bag of drugs on the ground ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Iligal refugees should go home with kids. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Left my calc final singing I'm a boss ass bitch if that's any indication on how that went....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You are an asshole!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MichaelBlackson: #ShoutOut to ChrisBrown for beating up another bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Anyone else think she is a lying opportunist? Yeah...#metoo ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Hanging with daney and ari today !!! 😬😬😬😬 my bitches !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Get that shit off my phone Bono - I\u2019ll never forgive you ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Guess you are going to ignore what karmys are asking... \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The NGO rescueship Lifeline will now go to Malta. This is the wrong signal for all the humancatcher from the NGOs. The Crew should send into jail, because the have ignored the law and the refugees should be brought back to Libya. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"to much pink \u00e2\u009c\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #wedding #inshot #cute #summer #blur #fun #cool #fashion #smile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why these hoes always tryna be Bitches? Don't they know that hoes can't be bitches.. cause they hoes! @yuckhalin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Idgaf what anyone say. GAMBLING IS STUPID. like if you constantly bitch about not having money why tf would you go to a casino?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"making new friends this year is definitely one of the best decisions i've made in my life \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is cute :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"GOP VOTERS BETTER WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!! #RNC poll finds #GOP voters aren't worried about midterms. That's bad URL via @USER #MAGA #TuesdayThoughts","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ain't nothing funnier then watching somebody live a complete different life on the internet I be like \"who this hoe think she foolin\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Got these hoes lurkin got these niggahs talkin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user me and @user mr. nura were in thesame cds group. i still have his gift given to us by nysc. rest in peace brother. #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I will not be playing your game on android EVER as 1) I'm downloading an all from an unknown source and 2) I think all Epic Games should be banned from the android system as you are stripping the revenue that pays for the dev and it's unfair on other devs like me \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Put ya hands up if you a Grade A bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@XxminijokerXx I HATE birds! They just piss me off about the fact that I can't fly!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"annaday\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ab #yurika #anna #anriri #shinjuku #karaoke #dinner #hamburger #snow #love #0613 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Pathetic #UsefulIdiot lauded as a \"hero\" for defending a criminal #FakeRefugee (possible #Rapefugee) is nothing but a stuck up, ignorant, self aggrandizing #Baizuo. Her #WhiteSaviourComplex is dripping with smug superiority & inherently racist itself. This is the face of a retard ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Man and those punk ass cops followed those orders. I can't stand them... these cities can put whatever bullshit law out there and these fools will just follow it. No thinking on their own.... all for a punk ass salary. Cops selling their souls for a salary. Smfh","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Because they are crates by the liberals to save ANY kind of influence... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"and again @user - they are flight attendants #gender #genderequity have a word with your journos ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user back in oslo to deliver a #devops course. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FAAMMoverALL: This nigguh Chris Paul","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@catleesh_ I have small pussy size plugs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user 2 more likes before i release facebook page 3k likes appreciation mix. #poi","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Let that sink in liberals URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Not even close to what happened she is a liar and deflecting how idiotic her actions on the court looked","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Jonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind\"\" should be required reading in high school. Parts of the book elucidate exactly the problem conservatives like Shapiro contend with: they think everyone thinks\/acts like they believe they do - making choices rationally and on principle.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So far, over 400 people have decided to rally the support of their friends & family to support refugees when they arrive in the U.S. Thank you!There is still plenty of time to join this campaign and help refugees rebuild their lives. Join here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"someone: not all men - me: yes, you are right. lee everret would not do this ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Bitch eat ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Hong Rui Lee my dream. To set up a business to be able to feed the poor. No one should feel hungry anymore. (Unless fasting on their own will lah. Lol)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" news today - billy bob was an iconic character in a classic movie... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Bucky_Montana: If this was high school ER body catch A's hoe lmao 😭😂😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/bPfz7sl2mp","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"As a relatively recent immigrant I was only slightly aware of the #ChuckleBrothers, but I liked the little I\u2019d seen. And the influx of new-to-me clips has cheered my cheeseball heart \u2764\ufe0f #RIPBarryChuckle ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#music puts its accent to your #feelings, when you're #happy or and most of the #time, gives answers to your wounded #soul.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"pray for for the surviving and for the families who loss the love ones in the shooting in orlando. #god #bless #the #world","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"niggas living like hoes dats why dey dying bout nothing","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Not manly enough for the guy hiding behind a fake name and profile pic. Are we betas or violent AntiFa thugs? You guys can't seem to make up your minds.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AyaneKunoichi \/\/I thought the Donald Trump one was real--","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant accused of shooting cop has record, but wasn't deported: report ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" #friday peeps! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008d officialtriumph @user #rhyslawrey #2mororider #spada\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #worldoceansday dorice in #peaceful #times now hard at work marking exams & #fightingpoveythrougheducation! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭RT @KfromtheG: Mexican bitches shaped like silly puddy!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@seanhannity He needs to be abolished. Gene pool life guard failed. #trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @easy_edd: lifes a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Because she is nothing more than an opportunistic lying sack of human waste paid by the left. Turn off your tv Ed. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user our hands are up! #edfringe2016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Goofy\u2019s grandfather. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'll beat some pussy up right about now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ArlisDoNotChill: This bitch played too much Subway Surfer http:\/\/t.co\/BK5UnHQO3z","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When I see my memes and tweets stolen and watermarks wiped so you can put them on your pathetic ass page ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@cristiannt_ wow I was like 12 or 13 fighting people in high school, then bitch unfollow me fuck nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user college park md marriott is absolutely useless. please fix this before you lose a rewards member for your horrible service. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All you ladies pop your pussy like this","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Its easy for people to say \"I love you \" but for me it is not.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i wanna be fucked ! my id 13479 meet me here ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I never thought you could irritate me like. Please stop being a fucking bitch. Surprised your boyfriend puts up with you. #stupidspecs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But why did this bitch just follow me...don't even like u @_graceexo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @EvilJeanyis: TheWhite Coward is pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER reckon he is upset about Wacky Wednesdays because the boys told him it was absolutely going to be a Mad Monday this time?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @AyeYoitsDupree: Rape is NEVER something to mock like this. I stand with Jada #jadapose http:\/\/t.co\/uEbuOBwTbg","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i should block you for disrespecting the goat but i\u2019ll let it slide just like my dick slid in yo butt","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Trump is so awful he makes Al Sharpton look like a leader.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats want more gun control. I say go to the range and practice,.. you will get better. \"\" #NRA #maga ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .@user ends 2016 with a hopeful message against in the music industry via\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@mikejason73 There is no decency with Trump and many of the GOP Govenors & members of Congress. Vote Blue! #BidenHarris2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/gbp re-takes 5-dma post-ez data #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bull ! How much is G.SOROS paying you for your statements against the PRESIDENT of out country ? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze in other words you are accustomed to niggers so muchYour Almighty one can be next to u, but yo nigger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It's the 21st century ladies SPOIL YOUR MAN. don't be a snotty stuck up bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault #FoxNews ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@DefectorMedia Exactly why I wouldn't vote for Kamala Biden. Joe Buck is a moron, and this is further proof","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER You are amazing and I love youuuu!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @heyamandakrebs: I bet there are hella rednecks who just got super pissed at that Coke commercial","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #fathersday to the #greatest #dad #ever . #thankyou for being there for me. thankful for all of your... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"lights on and now lights off.. thank you @user for the last 2.5 weeks!! #vividsydney ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" , caoon, crying, eating, adventure time, caoon network, sandwich, sub, emotional e\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @kylerea03: When your at the pharmacist and they tell you your medicine will be ready in 15 mins.... Wtf bitch it's been 30... #stillwai…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER rae sis don't say no offense\" then like tweets calling me a sad bitch, also im truly shocked ur on the L6 train this year\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"late night plans... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#naturephotography. #nature. #birds #wild in #Wisconsin #photography. #picoftheday. #pics #fridaymotivation. #fridayfeeling. #instagramers. I hope you are having an #amazing day URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Did you hear that @user had a game taken away from her because she called an official a theif after he took a point and he only took a game away from her because she is a woman and he'd never have done that to a man? Would love to hear your thoughts on this ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER what happened to your kids ? how are they still alive? you are a backstabber and a fraud","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Funny- Kerry should know! Right! Standing with our President \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Listen, this was completely racist and completely out of line. But the people calling for a boycott on Victoria Secret are idiots. An employee in a SINGLE STORE was the one being racist, not the entire company. I've read many articles on this and Victoria Secret sincerely apologized for the stores actions. This isn't the COMPANY being racist. The EMPLOYEE being racist was fired! How hard is that to understand? If you're going to boycott something, boycott that single store.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"beanies cumming real soon http:\/\/t.co\/GlLjaQb6ty","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user your stupid word software is 100% up to date, yet refuses to save to my macbook and just deleted an entire day of urgent work ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#breakingnews #tech Got some bitcoin burning a hole in your digital wallet? And paradise on the mind? You could u\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That's just modelling. Plenty of women make shit tons of money just for looking good","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We all know it\u2019s not even close to bribery. She\u2019s using that term to defend her disgusting and disgraceful decision to vote with her party over the American people. I have to wonder how much she is getting paid for the yes vote.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"(You are! My prayer is that you are blessed with someone you know like that also. Someone who feels your basic human rights are worth protecting. Especially your God given right to personal privacy.) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Over here gun control is unconstitutional so the 2A protects us shooters that just want to shoot down range.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"strongest one in the room, but the one with the thinnest skin. #heaache ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"walking a calico in batman boxers. like a mature person. \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#bigender \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b1 #darkknight #kitty \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Two horny guys play with a sexy AV models trimmed pussy before they fuck her http:\/\/t.co\/Y3sYBsVpV4","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll go to the original argument that people shouldn't blanket everyone together. Terrorists = all Muslims Alt-Right = all conservatives Both of these are equally dumb. Requiring specific groups to denounce their fringes means that the general populace can't differentiate.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ABCbirds1: #Neonics are deadly to #birds like the American Kestrel and #bees. Ask @Lowes to take it off their shelves. #EcoWed http:\/\/t…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the conjuring pa 2 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab #theconjuring2 #horor #movie #xx1 #jakaa #nonton #scary ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If that pussy don't come with head, I don't want it!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Senate #Democrats cite #coronavirus in latest effort to delay Amy Coney Barrett #confirmation #Trump2020[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Details \ud83d\udd3d[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/nLYMIdjUXn","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you may have good intentions in saying \"i don't see color,\" but you're missing the point. #col\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@NikeDownLuis15: @vintage_monroe_ them Damn brownies”I swear lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I tld that hoe 2 wrongs dnt make a rite now she wanna sing","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if bitches wanna nigga, get off the couch and go fine one💁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The idiot has been caught with blank pages so often that he has to show us paper with words on it.......no one believes he wrote any of it.....what an asshat.... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @jimjefferies: I'm never watching brave heart again! You cunts don't want freedom","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user fantastic till somethink goes wrong and takes a house down ! stupid idea at a bike event it's all about money ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sweet! picked up appointment near sorbonne for final night $$$ grab. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I hate Frakkers and I hate liars","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Y'all motha fuckas best love my foam party in July. This shit is already a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @koleworld4: every time i come out im never with newwww bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TacoRell Stressed backwards is \"Desserts\" that's why bitches eat junk food when depressed","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Blackman38Tide Ha bitch, I'm pickin' up beach babes left n right on the West Coast http:\/\/t.co\/lDXNpohLyD","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @YungPineapple_: \"You like your lunch little boy?\"\n\n\"Nah bitch look what I'm eating cause of you\" http:\/\/t.co\/7cvA8grvds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Uns connects fixolas ahha","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @VinLaden2_: Niggas get married and start dissin single bitches smh RT @A2daO: You bitches want allowance and $200 dates and still singl…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"GET OUT OF MY LAND !!!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user We stand with the woman of Cologne ,Add France it seems young Arab Immigrants want to do a ISIS and abuse deport them or jail ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Another bad bitch fuck her for a hour another cigarette another nut another shower","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I just find it so hard to believe how so many people try to give excuses on the behavior of the policeman in video! Pushing around another person and making fun of anyone shouldn't be tolerated and every worse it should never be excused. I'm not saying all the French police act like that! But stop defending the behavior of those two that obviously we're acting in a disgusting manner.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER EVERYTHING is an issue with Muslims..go live in another country like Iran..","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You sir are a race baiting, lying asswipe. The \u201cshooter\u201d is responsible and all your hot air cannot change that.What happened in Texas can clearly be laid at the President\u2019s feet. He encouraged people. He created the climate. He fanned the flames.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"when both your baes are together and your studying\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e but damn they fine\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_TrillKVLE: @Visually_Gifted I'll find you a ride. But it's no pussy shit and that was some pussy shit 😤😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @natedavvg: grab her booty in front of niggas that want her\n\ngrab her booty in front of bitches that want you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just saw! i'm really happy you're gaining traction, it's only a matter of time until you hit your goal! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@garrett_winker bitch have you ever seen me fight why you even talking shit?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@IWantHis_Heart Ok u fat precious lookin ass bitch, u big fat back at the barnyard lookin ass bitch. I can fix my grammar but u still fat","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You're a bitch dawg. A straight bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#me my daddy leave - ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Hey go look at that video of the man that found the kidnapped girls in Ohio........what a nigger\" - #shitmybosssays","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user hi guys!! #twitter any #realestatequestions for me? #rockon #ilovewpb #downtownwpb #westpalmbeach #florida #mr\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BITCH HOW DARE YOU SUPPORT NACYS HOE ASS!!! IF SHE HAD LISTENED BARB WOULDNT OF DIED ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This is the place that haunts my dreams. It fills me like darkness fills a room. More at @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Shut up bitch and suck my cock ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's 2017 and ur stillllll slut shaming?? BITCH BYE ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"What she really means when she says she likes bad boys ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#mustread #education against & #stereotypes @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @dreamhampton: bell hooks is \"bored\" by Nikki Minaj & thinks \"pussy is old hat.\" I'm bored by her old hat ass pop critiques.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#ibiza in 6 days, twins bihday in 13 days and my bihday in 15 days..can't wait times ahead\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Disclaimer: My views do not necessarily reflect the views of our POTUS & all Conservatives: Ladies Charged by Nature to Guard Vagina. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Europe is for WHITES ONLY!!! Drive non-white monkeys away!! From Russia!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user just saw the update in kickstaer. @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER YOU!!! Need to leave a lot of shit in the past lol this tweet is literally made for you","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I do not see how people praying is such a horrible thing, it is horrible for someone to hate people because they pray, this is not Christianity ! Just because you go to church, you make stupid videos like this one, you call yourself a Christian, does not make you one. If you actually followed the teaching of Christ like you say you did, you could not be disrespectful, hateful, mean etc... to any person or living creature.No matter who they are, I am so sick of these so called Christians preaching hate & using Jesus to defend it.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"If you got a body count already in 2014 you can't talk about anybody being a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NasshRodriguez @linndaroose always down patty never been a pussy 😼","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Bitch.. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Ketamine_Stalin: IF A SINGLE WASP COULD READ THESE #WaspFacts TWEETS THERE COULD BE A PEACE TREATY BETWEEN WASPS AND MAN BUT WASPS ARE …","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FallonTonight: Jimmy and @BillyJoel's two-man doo-wop performance just went live on YouTube! https:\/\/t.co\/NGzhImyvSF #FallonTonight htt…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JoeBudden: My definition of \"bad bitch\" has changed drastically over the years.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user .@user kicks off today! check out the full list of guests we're to see this weekend! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Charlie_Gru: My wife's doing some sort of \"boot-scootin\" while singing, \"a little less talk and a lot more action!\"...where was this ho…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"There are no good songs about positive things girls do. They're all about how they've fucked us guys over #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user only 2 weeks to go and i'm a #personaltrainer full time i will have new slots available from 30 june - pls spread t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#WTF #Canada #IllegalAliens from the south feed you their \"Canned and Coached\" lie of an amnesty line, they get in. Real victims get bent over the maple syrup barrel by you. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"happy at work *conference: right mindset leads to culture-of-development organizations #work #mindset","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #iwasbornto #freedom to #rich to #love to make #people ,to reason of my family's happiness. #iwasborn to maker, to\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I found a new way to chug you have to open your mouth alot\" #shitallysays","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I suppose you think the way liberals attacked Sarah Palin was courageous also. You\u2019re just another hypocrite. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" dragon porn sex sorority girls ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"use the power of your mind to #heal your body! #altwaystoheal #healthy is !! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#greens attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side is sup ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER FF8 sucks MAJOR wang.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When you realize you're a mass murderer ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER He schools read a ammo box warning label...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"how good it feels to edit my profile from 2nd year student to final year student! #socialwork \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Must Make Illegal #Immigration and Over Stays a Felon Pass Mandatory E-Verify for #Jobs and Welfare #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user true but not all men are the same and i hope you make the distinction that its not all men ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Miami was my whole life a bitch will.be back next month real live lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @inkMEhoe: Craziest bitches got the best pussy.....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"canvases and pads ready, just a little bit more for the paints \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The Republicans are against Nancy Pelosi because she is for the working class. They demonized her because she doesn't help the rich. Thank You Nancy for your service and being for the little guys.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That's ok antifa terrorists don't have intelligent conversations any way. Keep your head in that safe space. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I named my dick the truth Cuz bitches can't handle it lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Miseducated411: Your mind is free and your soul. satan will present to u in his kingdom the things that mock u. Stay strong in Yahshua...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't know why he's bothered about terrorism when domestic gun murders in Chicago alone were over 760 just in 2016... compare that with terrorism and see where your problem is..","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @femaIes: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"\n\nno u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 for a ba…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i despise that bitch cunt... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Hahaha the goofball is losing money and is still to dumb to know why..","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"lunch is ready! #whatveganseat #crueltyfree #healthy #compassion #vegan #vegano #veganism\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How's this bitch wearing high heals right now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You have my support Mr. Joe Biden and Ms. Kamala Harris. May the force be with you..... always. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @ProjectLincoln @HamillHimself @realDonaldTrump https:\/\/t.co\/dGBPtGZIgh","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @polarisclub: \"im laughing so hard lay is the un-loyalist of hos\"\n\nplea","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Hi Guy Fieri i like cool person you are down to earth i love your shows i love your red car i love classic cars.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I dimly remember an Econ theory that might apply to Chicago. What was it? \u201cGuns and butt-hurt?\u201d ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I SHITTED\/SHAT YTD AND LOST 0.6KG CAN U BELIEVE IT ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And here we go with him making himself look like an idiot.#2Amendment #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #CivilWar #DeclassifyItAll ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @bakedbeansbro: Throw me in trash http:\/\/t.co\/GvGMJJ6vYi","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday to the #number1 #man in my #life \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#ramadan the & #holly #month \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c @ maarif ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Antifa is a terrorist organization ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I got 2 bitches if them bitches snitching then finger itchin. shot em the kitchen, Makem wash the dishes.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Mi casa, su casa my house is a #HOE house!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"disney gator attack: 2-year-old boy found dead ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"oh my god yall non fans are so annoying let universes and pentagon grieve let us take all this in first just let us fucking be and leave us the fuck alone we dont need your fucking opinion on the matter im so fucking done with yall for fucks sake just shut the fuck up ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I love how people use twitter to just bitch an complain #fuckyou","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This message was approved by #antifa #pussyhats #BLM ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"but i dont like women as much \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2a like they\u2019re dope as a side piece but ive yet to meet a woman i feel like i could drop dick for altogether ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user maybe if you women weren't so fucking indecisive you'd understand ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user They need to be deported shouldn't even go to court immigration should step in ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@DeezNutsDoe how about you wash my butthole out with your tongue you little faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user 3 #miami officers fired over target practice 'jokes' #policebrutality #newswithed ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"wedding photographer - happy valley, or, 97086, usa #jobs valley pls : number of guests: 150 - 200 guests.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"tHE HOUSE BUNNY IS ON NETFLIX FUCK YES","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We do! That\u2019s why Donald Trump is in office! All the Democrats and a good portion of Republicans are the shadow government! You are complicit in this! You are a Globalist ( international communist)! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"as a #manhattan based #business & #brand, #restopresto is to attend the @user #marketingweeknyc kickoff event on 6\/13!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh no, not Jed \"I'm gonna rape this zombie bitch\" & \"Anime games are pedophilic trash\" Whitaker. Whatever will gam\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a day in the life as an #entrepreneur - #stressful @user #staup ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Evan_White4 @jeremy_hemsley really that's why we got side hoes 😎","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TaylorGrisbhy: Nothing is wrong wit staying down here to work at the plant.These little minded bitches need 2 fuckin stop being judgmen…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER ...@USER is 100% correct and should be applauded for criticizing our inept and corrupt President - not denounced for it.....@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives really need to come up with something better for an excuse besides their worn out Hillary Clinton...\". I've never defended either Clinton but trumps undereducated base consistantly assumes if ones against @USER then they are for Clinton Thats ignorant\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"got tickets to the great moscow state circus. don't know what to expect. monkeys? #circus","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"carrying a gun wouldn't of helped if you can't take it in with you. gun control won't stop the black market! terrorism will get worse! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user True. Maybe he'll sink the whole shit cuz he's still mad he got bitch slapped in his dormitory doorway. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @22duces20: Happy birthday to my little ass cousin who doesn't remember who I am @1NOnlyDirtyMike hope it's a good one fag !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I just have to assume you are the MasterMind? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"with my beautiful ladies!!! is a blessing to know them !!\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac. #smile #lovethem\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I tell the truuuOoooth... That bitch is ugly, yeah her aunt, and momma too. I was gone lie about er, but bro I had to tell the truth.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He basically said I am changing the second character because I refuse to be associated or share the same last name as the rest of you.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this made me smile\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0086 #bigbang #babies cto ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"after reading about the @user tapings, i am assuming @user is getting punished for getting over. #buried #over #nxt #wwe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I got a uncle through marriage dude got hips like big momma I swear all the lil kids mock his walk and he don't even know it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".\u2066@USER is pledging more than $1 million to support nonprofits and youth activists working to end gun violence. They\u2019re also partnering with Michael Bloomberg to help create a coalition of business leaders who support gun control measures. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck muslims and islam","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Agreed! Tonight's show was very informative. Tucker is brilliant, and @user is so smart #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Is this nigga really back to dying his hair 2445times in one comeback \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@goldnsilvercoin @TheOregonianBoo @RepBonamici God forbid! She actually voted to give people affordable insurance rates. That bitch #teabag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They were taking a picture and I saw a bird fly past and I was like, oh bird! @HeidyPalma21","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The DAILY Vitriol and Hatred Spewed by SCHEMING Liberals is meant to Incite precisely this type of lunacy. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@King_4_Murphy pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Way2FengShui: \" That bitch wanna ignore my text? Wait till she get off work \" RT @2TONEDASUPASTAR: Caption this http:\/\/t.co\/ZWrImDZQNV","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They say one man's trash is the next man's treasure. Where one finds pain the next might find pleasure.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@That1guyJeff Low blow, cuntface. How many times the Yanks beat us in the playoffs these last 8 or so years?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I just have to assume you are the MasterMind?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sarah the triceratops is such a bitchy lil cunt ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user How do you decide truth with accusation from incident 35 years ago? The big lie! He has been confirmed multiple times and no accusations. This is the liberal MO. Conservatives not falling for it again!!!!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dear john,france actually still helping 'em selling alcool 24\/7 and heavly lacking about police in hot violence spots. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@CharleneforAZ @JoeBiden No, you mean you have Harris\u2019 back!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When is a refugee not a refugee? I think we need a definition of terms--or at least our government needs a... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I will beat your ass. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"London\u2019s shelters are too maxed out to help Toronto house refugees ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Those pesky Muslims coming to our countries to pinch our cheap biscuits and get blow jobs and shag our ginger ladies how dare they ,bloody idiot","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"And these hoes ain't as good as they look..I need to take my own advice doee cause If that pusxy good then I'm good 😹","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"awaiting inse $waves on @user @user @user @user com'on @user @user - exchan ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Who TF this white devil Jersey shore bitch? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This picture I love it\u2026 Because it speaks volumes\u2026 You are in your element\u2026 And you looked peaceful \ud83d\udcaf@USER ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kincade00 don't watch me watch tv hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What a lode of fucking media bull shit. What about the radical Zionist Jews ? Ow let me guess. It's anti Semitic and I'm a racist for bringing it up. What a lode of horse shit\ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4d","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER She is so damn cute! Def with the facial expressions","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"imagine thinking the death of a 20 year old man with an unborn child is funny ... some people really are sick and pathetic","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Careful the CPC needs the numbers but not at the risk of polluting the pool with too many socialist liberals","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER URL any of your announcements every come to fruition or is it basically stealing Labour's ideas to get a few more votes","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user most fucked up nation us! destination of choice for maniacs looking to kill! #orlando #gun #ban","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A monthly blog about men of action for men's rights. Use your RSS feed to receive it. #Sunrise #padres #bitcoin ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Because he is a traitor","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @frankthetank215: There might be a couple cotton pickers on the spurs but they all play unselfish white man basketball","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT if one of your followers sell pussy but hop on Twitter like they got all the morals and class","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Yes mothers now this is what the deranged left will make you do to your little boys! Are we really going to let this happen? Pure EVIL! #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #2020 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Get these criminals off the roads and off the streets! #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@dfa73 @hellyeahcalum @InStyle David block that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user or lying hillary would call it a \"security inquiry\" liberals are like minded if one eats shit then all of them eat shit. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yesterday @user and @user were live from the border in Tornillo, Texas to address the issue of immigrant families being separated. Watch and share the broadcast here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BlazeTheGreat_: I hate when niggas get mad cuz you fucked they girl when really he should be happy you showed him that bitch unloyal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate when public WiFi don\u2019t connect like bitch get some security for all that","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user If he is from AZ I would put my money on sex with underage kids. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#ReasonsWeCantBeTogether if u was talkin to my nig or smashed da homies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Why did Feinstein give grieving Parkland gun control nut parent Guttenburg a full pass to get to Kavanaugh? It threw the Body Guard into full protection mode. Guttenburg hates Trump and Kavanaugh and threatened on his site and blames them for his daughters death.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I wasn't given the option to stay home and stack money but I always tell people if the opportunity is given take it \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Shit hell out here ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"just booked a table for my bihday in a couple weeks time! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Now that\u2019s the pot calling the kettle black! Liberals are nothing but bullies! Antifa-Bullies!!! Trump Haters-Bullies!!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Have a bacon double cheeseburger ...or ten ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@theshardyrebel #faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Media members pressure social media users not to share New York Post's Hunter Biden report[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/SdNrqihjFh","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #music vishakha singh answers on her marriage ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER False. They have not released the names of the 13 Russians yet","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I wanna cut my hair but I'm too busy being a bitch about it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He is a child ~ a retarded one. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER was on \ud83d\udd25 a brutal match after long time Jeff lost was unexpected. Hope he is fine after the fall\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude31 #wwe #HIAC","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's unbelievable to me that there are Americans who refused to kill the okies. That means all Americans weak willed trash.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Eric Holder......Globalist Evil personified. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user can u report dogshit retard link me after u beg ur fucking terrible u foreign cunt u sound like a woman fucking funder ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@icpchad @UnseeingEyes ......monkey look, just like you!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bang on trend mobile charging with your latte! #charging customers #luxury #mon","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany: Refugee sentenced to 8 years and 6 months for teen murder.#deportThemAll #deportMuslimFreeloaders #DeportAfricanFreeloaders #deportMuslimMigrants #deportAfricanMigrants #deportAfricanRefugees ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @NateClark_: “@VroomDET: I want a blunt, pizza and pussy”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I shall be on twitch soon just trying to get myself out this bad fucking mood \ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Tactics of Left\/Soros Network:@AmnestySlovenia, smugglers & migrants falsely accuse border guards of brutality in effort to intimidate. Attacks very harmful to guards-citizens they protect.Disrupt deports & smear @user but UN irrelevant, toothless, obsolete.Onward! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Well perhaps, we must stop investing so much in the media, stop wanting to win people attention and approval concentrate in achievements, humanity, fairness, the future. Promote thing we did and not thing they did or do. We simply must lear to be more self sufficient. More inclusive","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyways the big boobed bitch was also a lowkey whore but nobody knew except our mutual friend who had also told me what she had done ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #nationalbestfriendsday to my #best friend and the #woman i #love @user ! \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00bf\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008e","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for employment. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@nicsarantos @Huntermoore she looks like the pussy lips are huge","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user So how do propose a ward deal with this? Put the gay\/lesbian youth with the opposite gender? Or segregate them from the other kids entirely (awful idea). I\u2019m just going to assume @user has more experience and knows what he is talking about here. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @maya_hampton: i really do get excited to see my bad bitch association in lunch everyday they always make me laugh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Italians supporting refugees and migrant's rights in Pozzallo, Sicily during Interior Minister @user (far-right) visit to the world-known hotspot. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If she'll tell you she's a \"badd bitch\" then listen.\n\nShe's bad for your health!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER WTF @USER & @USER seriously... what manner of bigoted platforms are you running that label an exhortation for children, black or other, to Stay In School\"? #JackDorseyIsAbigot #MAGA #KAG\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@swimmingsigs @realDonaldTrump \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23[NEWLINE]You most likely will be disappointed with the result.[NEWLINE]#Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/UDUBkKQSpI","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"suddenly i'm not a very camper. #endoftheline is in sight cue our lefty\/righty #bluejays #gojaysgo","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck niggah add it up..>>>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_amaaari: bitches be fake af 😂🙅","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Strong character?...strong character? Anybody as bitter as she is for being a sore loser has no character! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ghettobird1er: Yo bitch givin me head while I watch Good Burger.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"sadly, world events is leading us to head in this direction. smaen up world. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user bihday @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 you're amazing, hope you have the best day today! bihdaylucy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The Supreme Court decided to sidestep an abortion dispute between the Trump administration and ACLU lawyers over a young immigrant woman who ended her pregnancy via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I can\u2019t think of a worse 3 game start for a coach at such a big time university in my life. 1-2 and almost lose to Fred Samford University lol I know it\u2019s Sanford. But yea they still owe him whatever he is owed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"battle of the bastard ! #gameofthrones #a #digitalpainting #creativity #highlyanticipated ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Tee_Affiliated: I'm that type of bitch to tell you I'm on my way knowing I just got in the shower","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford May Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cbitch you been a hoe since the womb\u201d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Oooooops!! \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u201eDid I retweet that?!There is a BIG difference between #Immigration & #Invasion... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"YEMENI PEOPLE WILL FIGHT TILL THE LAST SOUL ..AGAINST THE FAGOT KINGS #!YOU MADE UR BIGGEST MISTAKE TRYING TO BULL SHIT AND INVADE YEMEN !!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Which one .. Corey or Cory.. Or both 😂😂“@illmatic_kid: \"He's half retarded\"”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Someone please shoot this waste of oxygen, what a pathetic selfish excuse of a human being. Something good that came from innocent people being killed?! I'm speechless. And these are the people who are placed in Congress.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Useless stupid cunt furious ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Fuck The Corporate Man! Stop allowing their paid lap dogs and lobbyists to drive people off their lands, poison their air, soil and water, destroy the climate and drive more species to extinction - for fucking profits!!! Don't be a consumer of their goods or services, speak out, protest, educate, get active by calling your elected officials or lap dogs in government, become an activist, or help organizations who fight in the courts or on the streets against the corporations. The more people that get active, boycott and keep the pressure on, the better our chances.\nTheir corporations (not to mention the big banks and the financial industry) are fucking all of us in the ass, shouldn't we pay back the compliment? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"there is nothing wrong with being completely done dorm shopping for an august 2 depaure is there? #movingon #ua20 #thebig3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what that he's a celebrated shyster or the fact that these ever proliferating stories only galvanize his constituents? \/true","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This one is tough. It\u2018s too easy to hold a grudge but fucking hard to let go. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"These refugees killed Hindus in Bangladesh and Myanmar no mercy from me, and yeah screw you, ask Middle East to take them","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"It\u2019s always that 1 bitch that wanna be related to everybody","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user can't wait for tomorrow nights show!! #momanddaughter ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cuz liberals are sick of cnn!!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"why take that hypocrite seriously???... in his MANY years as a billionaire... im 100% certain he hired undocumented citizens... and he has literally forced eminent domain on business and residential places for his OWN gain... he does just enough to stay in these rednecks good graces... while blacks, hispanics, and poor whites keeps this nation running... paying 25% in taxes on a bullshit wage... while these slave masters get filthy rich... he may hate immigrants... and people of color... but he cant even begin to deny the contributions they make to this country... for the price of dirt... thats why his sorry ass tried to retract what he was saying... he realized that those rednecks he was trying to impress... were not the majority in this country... vote for trump if you want to revisit slavery and slave wages... its not like we get enough already \ud83d\ude12","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"feeling emotional. #love #future #latenightfeelings #emotional #huing #hu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"daily #affirmation #motivation #inspiration #bold #open #amazing #love #peace \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u00ae\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Georganaaa_: I asked dis bitch to get me water 10 mins ago where Dafuq is it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Yep. They had to produce this article to shut up the liberals. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I had no idea that the had these rules. I always assumed Lebanon was just another Sharia Law Islamic hell hole. Good to know their is a at least one good country in the Middle East.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"damn lol RT @GlobalGrindNews: Janay Rice speaks on the domestic violence costume that mocks her marriage http:\/\/t.co\/n6ucidNUuU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I 100% AGREE. The Republicans MUST NOT allow this individual to DICTATE RULES and put the country on HOLD. EF HER!!!! #ThursdayMotivation #WalkAway #MAGA #Pussyhats","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"only a few more days until we're lying out right here again! #holiday #couple #relaxation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"lawyer fees bills an no help... folks tryin put me back n cage n you want me to b -how?????","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ASAP_RocKI_ @HuhWhatsACondom *sighs* 1. Not a bitch. I'm a woman. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE. 2. I KNOW I'm fat. 3. It's called a scarf, dumbass.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Gone bust it open for a real nicca 😜😜","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user It is false. She is lying. Check her source. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How can you say you don't want a nigga that's friendly but your pussy is like Casper the friendly ghost?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the biggest problem here is that it actually works ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa tell the truth? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @tuitillidie: Icepick punk bitch blood in the mosh pit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Look at that face? Would someone please tell me why it seems soooo many liberals look sooo pissed off all the time Are they constipated? Mix in some fiber! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MzS0FiBadAzz: @j_rellz only bitch round here is the one I’m tweet’n 😴😴😴😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm retarded hungover and all we had were beers. A lot of beers.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#idliketobelieve that the #gop can do better than this. alas...not. #embarrassing #criminal ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Canada -Guilty - Human Rights Crimes Against Female Moslem Immigrant ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @zekNcashe: all i ever asked for was patience, patience & pussy but mostly patience..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#REALITY_CHECK for #CPC Conservatives - from Ninja Warrior\ud83d\udc79#Heather_Mallick. Opinion | CPC beware \u2014 meet Maxime Bernier\u2019s new hard-right PP URL via @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's a big thief and a huge liar","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"and today we shall get the newest version of what once was nextstep \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 macos #wwdc #apple #byebyeosx ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Brag to you about the hoes he hittin and when you ask for a pic he show you some sorry ass female.. Then all you can do is laugh..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user crushing a pc player with Kb\/Mouse with controller in a FPS is unrealistic. Unless he is playing games for the first time or using keyboard mouse for the first time ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn bitch gotta bootay","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"are you #black & feel like the are stomping \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 you? listen #retweet #tampa #miami\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Nigga I got pill poppin bitches in the backkkk, of the Cherokee","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ISmashedYoGurl @Jonathan_Scott_ ahhh stupid bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm sure he doesn't call his gated community's private security firm Bull Connors\" though. It's funny: Now liberals LOVE privatization of police!\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Missouri got them swag fags lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user If we lose tomorrow we r fucked. Tomorrow is our season lol. Too tough a schedule to drop one like this ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Fratfession: \"Every frat should have gay brothers because they pull hella fine bitches to your parties\" - Sigma Alpha Epsilon","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i heard attendance has been down at your events. what a shame. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #migrants #muslimmigrants go home. You do not belong among ordinary people. Killing, raping, enslaving and torturing people is not allowed even if you call it a religion. You have no rights over me. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@zach_smith98 @kieffer_jason @NathannDevlin bitch fight me so I can make you shut up am going to back my shit up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You giving me head tonight or nah ? — I'll shoot your fucking pussy hoe http:\/\/t.co\/yvBJuNoTXE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@lettherainefall fag that's some gay ass shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user She is such a \u00a3ucking liar! You turned on the lights and did not notice it was not YOUR apartment? You had to go look at the number? WTF is she on? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @nofuks007: Shout out to all the bitches who don't have to dress half naked to get a mans 🚶attention. Stay classy!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Yeahh tbh most that do are weirdos and think about sex in a very weird way.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user yay kush! its difficult to wait all the week for weekend and your performances \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0086 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You wore the yoga pants on purpose! You know us guys are gonna stair so stop getting all pissy! #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"fuck me sideways. #24\/7 #meaf #me #miserable #lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user last time i checked, mp's should represent our wishes. not vice versa! #voteleave #outoftouch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@tupacselenas hey bitch imy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER If the NDP were to get 26% then @USER would win because the gains by both the NDP and PCs are directly from the Liberals. However I doubt the NDP get over 20%. I had Ches at the start but he performed really bad in the debates but then again there is a lot of ?s about 1\/","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Ihateitwhenmen1 @realDonaldTrump Shut the fuck up,what did Obama do for 8 year hun,trump did more than Obama In just 4 years","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @ugIycutie: one, two, three, four, how many niggers are in my store?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"G's up, hoes down, while you motherfuckers bounce to this.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@holmes0786 only if its yellow cake & chocolate frosting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ForeverPoverty @sahilkapur @thereidout Impeachment hoax? Stop it. The man deserved that impeachment and many others. Recounts have never overturned anything. It is President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. #freeatlast #GetOutTrump #duecestrump","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #remember #amazing body brazilian #woman #cute #blonde #jessierogers #day ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #arkansasdentalclinic the fun office! for adults and children! located in jonesboro, trumann, & paragould. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@LaurenJauregui so your a dumb bitch?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user So much ass tho ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Why didn't she save her grandfather in Puerto Rico if she had that kind of cash? Bc She is socialist.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"how cute, they both look like dolls. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's ok.\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\udc95 I'm glad you are ok.\ud83d\udc93 It's good you had a nice safe and dreams.\ud83e\udde1 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user What I saw him do in TC show was nothing short of amazing! He is willing to take the fight to them & not allow them over power the conversation. That's why TC said SLOW DOWN!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't be mad cause yo bitch Choosin and I put her ass in the Jacuzzi SPLASH","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You see me shining on yo bitch ass 😺😻✨🌟💫 http:\/\/t.co\/ekWNL6bau4","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"negro always falling asleep on me...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Google your ass you Immature cunt. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"a jew grabing land, Ooh so typycal","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Me too. I\u2019m glad he is back","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FAIthfull_pussy: I'm the coolest bitch 😎","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy monday folks: be more ! how to hack your brain to become more confident and less fearful by... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Matthew - you are a Lefty genius. Go live in Syria, Assad is a much nicer\"\" guy than Trump. U will like it there. \ud83e\udd23Lots of \"\"human rights\"\" no racism, no sexism. Tell us how u get on. \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\ude06 @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The bigger problem is liberal gun control nuts that want open borders to try and \u2018cleanse\u2019 a society from established cultures. Then create a ruling class or a communist structure that has been proven to fail. England is now a Muslim breeding ground. Shameful","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"If your reflexive response is to say or think 'not ALL men,' then it behooves you to think about privilege + otherism + fragility\/narcissism ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"some prude bitch unfollwed me show me ur ugly face","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My nig jus found out his girl fuckin anotha nig so he meets up wit dis nigga.....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thank you, my dear sponsors! :) #letter #love #blessing #blessed #thankful ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"all praise goes to god the almighty #jidesamson #breakthrough #photooftheday #happiness ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when people organize plans and you end up reaching the destination before them...bitch don't ask me if I'm here","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"For all of you saying come here legally blah blah blah. Sometimes that's not a choice for ppl. Y'all act like y'all have never broken the law! Most of y'all look like crackheads anyways.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Forget that @USER called @USER a con man and a KKK supporter...she actually voted for @USER Doesn't that sum up how truly unqualified she is for Florida","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"so nice to be here...hope am gonna have fun..... weekend","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"read with pride. #amazing #beautiful #cute #equality #equalrights #gay #gaypride \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"lmaooooo RT @SirAsshole: when you sit in a ghetto girls seat at lunch https:\/\/t.co\/HaSLMb1Dzj","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@covrtneyyy that was for other bitches lol you cute tho wassup GIMMI YO NUMBA🔫 IMMA NATURAL TOO LMFAOO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"And little bitch ass @_TriggaPlease_","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I ain't even know white girls had good pussy like dat eitha lbvs they #WINNIN too","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"5k Bitches \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc99","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @YouNeed_Jasmine: I hate when ppl say hoes aren't loyal. They supposed to be? 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @DamnitCorn: THIS SHIT IS LIKE 45 minutes away and it's 1 AM so clearly I am in desperate need of some pussy bruh! So I pull up to this …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Not going to happen. Even if the kids were rich and black and super model status, they're still not getting equitable media attention. Why? They're still \"black\" .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"People who grow their own vegetables are nothing but common peasant trash.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Poll: Overwhelming Support For President Trump Immigration\u00c2\u00a0Positions\u2018\u00a6. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"hookah nights are just great nights. #hookah #lavoo #latepost #hookahbonding ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@IzThat_xp @xDSmooth lmao denote got a bitch here right now but he love her","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user @user whoever developed itax did a wonderful job filed my returns in a record one minute.... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user More Voters Support #Trump on #Immigration No Open Borders Detain and Deport ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"L7 niggas will rock anything a bad bitch post post on these social sites.. \"I just want a nigga to sniff a fart off my ass crack like dope.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user This is garbage. Kavanaugh has done a beautiful job fielding questions.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#tuth #life#amen\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f #repost ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Trump backs Rome on migrants at Conte meeting ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"the long wait is finally over!!! #awesome #deadpool #bluray #imtouchingmyselftonight ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"*SCREAMS* SHE IS SO CUTE WHEN SHE DOES THIS!!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because he support d Roseanne?? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user enjoy\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083#chocolate,\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0092be\u00e2\u009c\u00a8o\u00c2\u00b2breakthrough\u00c2\u00ae ,\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4#cancer\u00e2\u009c\u00a8free\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083#body\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa#beauty\u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"2night is the season finale of #livandmaddie on #disneychannel #califoniarooney #theendofseason3 #countingdownforseason4 #comedy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"great ending to the day, not. #snapchat #filter #armystrong ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@karlamorenoo my niggah my niggah lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user These bitches on my brain ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BreadTruckkBri: Denzy a hoe 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this. #treasonoustrump, unsatisfied with his #whiteisis #terrorism, has moved into nuclear terror in a new\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@MobileSuitKwamz it is, we be thugging on these bitches too hard now days","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Liberals had some sort of mutual masturbation awards show. This is me still not caring. @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/3 Anti-immigrant rhetoric and attacks on immigrants are heating up in Italy. Last week I wrote about whether Italy's electorate is on the same page as its right-wing government. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user how true! home-food is considered a cheap-meal. impressions are made at restaurants!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Left the WH dead broke, but were able to buy 2 million dollar homes and buy their Skank daughter a $10 million dollar apartment. Boy, would I love to see those loan applications and bank statements. Can you smell bank fraud and tax shenanigans? #tcot #maga ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"New York politician calls for jail time for Trump officials who separated immigrant families ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"It is now forbidden in France to say: 'French people first, illegal migrants out' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user mike our service engineer ! always has a happy smile \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 workplace #eageoplease ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"auto tranny","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I thought you were leaving the country you washed up skank ass? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"flcrashcorrectors: \"kscrashcorrectors: \"flcrashcorrectors: \"lopezchiro: #father'sday from #lopez #family #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you stupid cunt bitch! All women aren\u2019t stupid, but all women who think like you are!!!!! Whore! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"People are seriously stupid, misinformed and pure ignorant. How are you going to tell a CITIZEN no matter what their country of origin is, to go back to their country? For what reason?! All the lady was doing was her job, which is at Walmart so I'm sure she pays her taxes just like that idiot does. This is NOT how you make America great. The racism, hate, and ignorance has to stop.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"A bitch just be minding her business \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"just killed another day yesterday #personaltraining & #recording! #smile #singer #music #musicislife ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fox\u2019s \u201chysterical female\u201d rears her head in this season\u2019s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power. #AHSCult ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Fucking with these hoes nigga don't be no dumby","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" chick gets fucked c thomas howell naked ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" bihday #eli #crazydog #bestdog #naughty ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It will always be ready and hard for you to bring your holes and beat it with your cunt and ass ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"My god mother thinks im a stoner because she has someone watch my tweets lmfao, no ya boy clean as nikki minaj pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Antifa is a terrorist organization","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Animal is the operative word ! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I love wearing fuzzy socks to work","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#NowPlaying : Great White - Once Bitten Twice Shy on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"day 2 with matt hudson at encore farm about 2 sta! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Damn right. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@CsSalazar15 wetback 😁😂😂😂😂😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"one month in and i totally have this dad thing down pat. #monkeybum #sleepintothejays ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lost my grandmonther and uncle in a 2-week span and i come on Twitter and joke because its my therapy shoutout to yall","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yours is JUST FOR YOU \u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Too many Republicans\/Conservatives perennially bringing a knife to a gun fight is how Connecticut has ended up a basket case state. If you can't stomach matching your adversaries aggression level you will get steamrolled. Every 4th grader knows this. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i hate people like this","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER True, but he and other commentators did it regularly on the coverage. It wasn't a rare occurrence.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I love it when a plan comes together \u263a\ufe0f #maga #nexit ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" #gameday #instaa #instafamous physicians weight los> ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"personalised we... gbp 7.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user she is amazing!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sharefood. family lawyer on how food is integral to family bonding #nomnom #foodporn #food #blog ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Sorry but antifascists and left leaning people need guns for defence unlike what some liberal pundits are propagating with their gun abolition rhetoric. I used to support gun control but I don\u2019t trust leaving the state to have even more power over the majority worker class. Also","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i bet your as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside. why tweet this shit what is it proving. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigerian Immigrant Raped 7-Year-Old Girl In Texas via @user Another scum... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i hope the family made arrangements to make sure that #bastard @user can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t get access. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@CDNBallJunkie I jus wanna let you know OKC trash, IBAKA ain't shit, y'all ain't goin nowhere without Harden","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"That was a bitch move I pulled...probably the most heartless thing I did","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I want to kiss your ass. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Yankees: Remember when we paused an All-Star Game to honor Mariano Rivera? #tbt http:\/\/t.co\/PqEDosogLo","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh yes \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"gotta clear ya throat of all that pussy eh... RT @johnlacarbiere: My voice is the deepest in the morning","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Holder is unhinged !! Brainwashed","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I can't believe Luigi fucking died \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude29\u2764\ufe0f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #WeLoveYouConnor Oxymoron Of The Day: 'Independent Women' ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoe bitches act up i turn chris breezy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"All you niggas saying no grown man should be this excited for a video game. Go get you some pussy. Bitch stfu. We wait all year for the new 2k to drop as well as other games. We get pussy damn near all year round. You enjoy your life and let us enjoy ours beloved. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"*MAGA sense is tingling* URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you Sir i am a R.E developer in Boston the market is on FIRE God Bless and we are ALL behind you #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Since cats lick themselves all the time, they should be great at eattin pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user I had no idea all republicans were nazi racists till Trump got elected. Imagine my surprise. i'm native american so I took it hard finding out I was a racist. Was despondent went around punching out Antifa to work through my depression. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You're a nasty human to bring her children into your hate filled comment.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So you're saying you \/don't\/ like how my cock looks in these panties? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Travel #Movies and Unix #Fortune combined Visit #Salisbury, see the sights, but wherever you go there you are, the same old you, why not travel as an international spy? Find yourself at the centre of a vast international conspiracy when you return home. Recall Recall Recall.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER God I hope not","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Grew up listening to K.I.D.S shit breaks my heart RIP","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Chuck E Cheese isn't the same as when I was a kid. Chuck a skinny bitch & they took away the ball pit. Man wtf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Hahaha the policy in place is Labors, all the LNP government has done is improve it #Manus #SendThemHome ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #ThanksTrump THIS IS A 'START' WE MUST GET THESE 'NUMBERS' DOWN TO 0 (ZERO) BY 'ANY' AND 'ALL' MEANS 'NECESSARY' THESE SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' WHO ARE NOT 'TERRORIST SEXUAL CRIMINALS' MUST STOP BEING 'COWARDS' AND 'RETURN' TO 'THEIR NATIVE LANDS' TO 'FIGHT' #MAGA #refugeesNOTwelcome ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Parliament who trusts who any more more lies in putting up Petrol Prices and leaving EU will pay for the NHS lies Tax rises whose Health are we paying for really foreign staff interpreters support workers ,u managed to change immigration pol ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Not to mention they\u2019re the ones who allegedly defend freedom and liberty but use the NSL\/McCarthyism to silence dissent and almost sent paratroopers to quash the candlelight revolution. Conservatives = hate democracy. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Here comes the he was no angel\"\" argument. \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 She is guilty of breaking and entering and murder. Who cares about some flowers that may or may not have been planted there by police.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"98% of all mass shootings occur in gun free zones. Our cities with the highest gun crimes and murders are the cities with the most strict gun control laws. YOUR idea of disarming everyone doesn\u2019t work because CRIMINALS DON\u2019T OBEY LAWS and see easy unarmed prey. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user eats entire bags of dicks. Like, seriously. I've seen him eat an entire bag of disembodied cocks. He's a ravenous cunt m8 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#entry of a new persons may change your #lifestyle and make you , but those person will never.... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user DaveB the most boring man to have ever graced SIMB. Thank fuck he was run off the BORED ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KINGof334MOBB: Skinny girls pussy be good den a mf u don't feel nothing but pussy. + 100 points on the board for skinny girls.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user that bitch ain't too good to be touched, whore has never had a job in her life and thinks she's better than somebody else. #RESISTANCE ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @dylanhornick: @felferrara & @_tiffanycarter rivvv tn. no bailing.. #pussies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"There was a reason why I blocked this bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Liberals are the worst sexists. Not all women speak truth especially political activists. Try judging the veracity of the allegation by evidence instead of gender. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"A fvcking bitch who is a hoe to everyone ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Decent trade for the #Yankees, a proven veteran #Ichiro for some prospects","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"As much as I hate Trump, can we be fair and mention that Obama deported record number of people in the history of America? What makes this different? (Serious question)","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user Still shoveling shit\"\" for Trump?....What kind of woman supports a liar, racist, pussy grabber?....that's what kind of woman you are.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Odd. Stating opinions comes with an attack (cunt and assumption of a streamer using boobs for attention.) It was verbal diarrhea from a person who ought to know better.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Perhaps if they were then france wouldnt be the rapefugee hell hole it is now. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Dolt. You\u2019ve become another nail for Hammer Trump.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"it's amazing what hood bitches wear I they body and in they head","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"magnum store round two... last year was so much better... no raspberry ice cream :( #magnumldn ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No just imagining if we found a picture of Bret holding a woman like this. Liberals will go insane","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@giannarromano Fuckin moulinyan 🍆","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I don't know any GOP who think delusion. I do know GOP who realize that LIBERALS lie about everything. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"cashual xd ahahhskavsa #selfie #selca #instagram #instalike #follow #like #friends \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Probably while screaming about gun control.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Stop with your nonsense. You are a block. You are STUPID! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@AsapTwelvyy bruh bruh that bitch ain't loyal !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BigGreek79: Hank Baskett cheated with a tranny and just got a shoutout!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"dope in the bag pretty bitch on the side","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"a big thank you to all our #followers! 100 already!! #mugtheduck ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You broke it. A hole. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @shardae85yahoo: Jessica ass dont need no more liquior !!!! when the bitch drinks she forgets everything the very next day ! it never fa…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER 3\/ you can not like Justin all you want but the conservatives have no plan to even consider climate change and have been using BLATANT misinformation to lead people like yourself into believing that it\u2019s Trudeau\u2019s fault we\u2019re negotiating with a fucking sociopath down south","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitches be like \"New Avi >>\" and I'm just like bitch, your new avi is UGLY, your old avi was UGLY, bitch YOU ugly.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user We've had a good conversation. Many will condemnations me for my part from both sides. It does not matter. This is what gun control is about. Discussion. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HUMOR18plus_: \"rt if u remember when steve from 'blue clues' left us with that other bitch ass nigga joe \" http:\/\/t.co\/VsY3ejFZHF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This shit gon keep me in the crib lol fuck it ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user John Kerry is a swamp rat nothing more nothing less CNN we all know is the clown news network ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"20k tweets hoe, I'd like to thank all my supportive fans ✌️ more tweets to come.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"stupid american ass holes","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"ohio trump campaign chair kathy miller should have said \"i didn't have to hear about before #obama. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"most recent criminal negligence by authorities in health & detention staff caused death of #msdhu & #faisal. .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm a Muslim and I honestly don't like this.\n\nHe's just using a horrible terrorist attack against innocent civilians to get attention. Of course people will hug him, British people are kind and loving.\n\nHe should instead do something else like donate money to a youth charity considering that the victims were mainly young people.\n\nOr donate some blood for people in need.\n\nI don't know. But this just looks so clich\u00e9 and it has no real effect. I started hating this ever since YouTubers began using it for views.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @AlexPappas: Rick Scott Refuses To Appear On Debate Stage Because Charlie Crist Has An Illegal Electronic Fan http:\/\/t.co\/qTPeHb2seX via…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"*act. instagram* look who's back home!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user .. #new#year.. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BITCH I JUST POSTED ABOUT THAT KDKSKSKS I HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I raise you with the Lion if the senate. He actually killed someone yet LIBERALS continued to send him to back to congress for 47 years. Blather on URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Untrue! & You are valuable.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hey, @user - what is going to be done about this teacher making statements? #malvern #arkansas ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It makes me sad knowing this queers won't be down the street anymore. @TheOneMiss_Luu @OliviaLuu3 #SadTweet","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Frederick, Maryland man charged with threatening Biden, Harris and those who support them.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\"We are the ones with those scary guns, We are the ones your children have nightmares about\u2026\u201d[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/y4rOVppIKo https:\/\/t.co\/0mHl8POnwX","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This nigga on the train treating his bitch over the phone lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kiara_curry i know im so kidding. Some of BET is funny. I love when blacks call eachother ignorant and niggers. Makes me not have to","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Juan Williams just called Diamond and Silk a Minstrel Show. You know what to do!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user They're all Democrats right? They're not hiding it anymore! #FakeJournalists #FakeNews #NoHonor #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@CHARLESBARRKLEY you need your ass whipped with a whip Mr house nigger, remember u will always b a nigger to them!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@_BeautifulKeezy: “@100046729: @_BeautifulKeezy wassup”bye”bitch you outta order","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Before the madness with my single bitches. 😏 http:\/\/t.co\/FLDe7S4SLC","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheVoiceOfMiami I don't work for pussy... + the code of a real man","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Good shit! Kaepernick is a great model for young kids who play football to stand up for what they believe in","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"like \"look at this annoying little 17\/18 year old asking for a ride haha fuck her poser bitch ass\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER A10 Every moment is a my best moment as she is my world #CartersBodysuitSweepstakes URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(2020 election season) Trump: my dick is the most magnificent dick. Just tremendous. Leftists: prove it you Russian puppet! Trump: *whips dick out in fit of senility* Conservatives: *vote Trump to victory*","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"monroe vol fd announces passing of member, forrest ryan, 24, who died in a mva on june 13th #rip #connecticut ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#jcb #mudrun tomorrow! #can'twait \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"popular smiley face card ~~ ~~ from bare tree designs #smile #thankyou ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump Admin Releases Rule Weve Been Waiting Years For: Obamas Catch-and-Release Loophole Finally ClosingHow did the anti-American Catch & Release policy ever gain traction in the first place. #ObamaGate @user #BuildThatWall#MAGA #wwg1wga ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":". @USER continues our look into government spending. Part II is focused on funding announcements made in battleground Quebec over the summer #cdnpoli URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Better to be silent and allow people to guess you are a moron then to open your mouth and remove all doubt #BuildThatWall #MAGA #WWG1WGA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They are obstructionists. Anti-american. Pharisees. Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing. Maga!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER At an AntiFa riot and screaming at white people","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" after sex real college fucking ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"With no babymama drama , side hoes all that ...just fa me n only me !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER has done this to me and many others. Shut off functionality and targeted censored conservatives. #FoxNews @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That hate shit dont mean nothing bitch im feeling myself http:\/\/t.co\/idmcA55SiD","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER There she is... URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kieffer_jason @zach_smith98 @NathannDevlin so why the fuck are still talking shit. You acting like a pussy ass nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user you just figured that out? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I'll pay yall niggas to get lost, how much y'all hoe niggas gunna cost","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"To funny je don't believe his one wife rich people that's how they think \ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffb","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER FOR THE KOCHS AND THE TRUMPS AND THE POLLUTORS.. BUT NOT FOR WE THE PEOPLE OR STUDENTS OR TEACHERS AND LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT THE THINGS THAT A MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE EXPECT LIKE HEALTHCARE & GUN CONTROL! NOTHING BUT $$ FOR @USER AND DONORS!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you should date me then... But I don't date ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"WHY THE FUCK DOES IT COST SO MUCH TO LIVE","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Tweakin hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"laughing out loud. #leicestersquare #london #people #fun #street #blackandwhite #candid\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"at @user ready for @user vip bring it on!! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Stafford you pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fewer data collection points. new dept reviews - no headings! learning orientation. #education","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I got hoes in different area codes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you would struggle to find two nicer people than these two, congratulations from everybody at mtfc! - ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i don't want to be me anymore... - - #alone #depression #depressedquotes #depressionquotes #depressed #killme \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER No one is talking about Trump! What does this tweet have to do with him? You liberals are more obsessed with him than his own supporters.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"there goes my hopes for a storm this evening. ugh. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"atk porn pics representations of women in men's alcohol ads ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lmao let these hoes be hoes ain't no Savin nem","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Keep Illegals Lock Up they Broke the Law ! Dont let them infect Aemricans with Diseases #Not1MoreIllegal#Trump #MAGA #Immigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Antifa FACIST. Don\u2019t let these mean anti-Americans use a fake title. They are FACIST.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If you look at his ANTIFA list....you will note many high profile names. I intend to comment on these accounts using his Twitter Account name...just to inform. .....he is aware I have reported him to Twitter...he sent an angry tweet my way.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yours looks good. mine looks like a mugshot. i look totally not ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Exactly! Ford is just a damn pawn for the Baby-Adults of America \/ aka Democrats. #SheIsALiar \ud83e\udd25- I \u2764\ufe0f that Conservatives will control the highest court for 20+ years.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't mind her saying she's a whore, but the implication regarding other women and #MeToo goes beyond the pale. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i love you dude \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Be careful.. you know the terrorist arm of the @USER antifa is going to show up an try something..","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Twitter watching bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user If you take dick off of the pizza you're erasing my history and heritage ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #YesAllMen because... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Are we Trumpers doing enough ??? or waiting on Trump n his Team to get it done #StandUpnBeHeard #SpeakUpForTheUSA #MakeADifference #DoSomething #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteDemsOut #WalkAway #KAG2018 #BuildThatWall #DraintheSwa ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Heavily-armed ill's bum-rush the U.S. border uninterrupted.This is an invasion. We MUST #BuildThatWall NOW.CC: @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Twitter your being a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JusDahl I want some.....I'm so damn tired of being in the fucking kitchen, a bitch is hot and needs a glass of wine and a back rub","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my dear, be slow to become angry. #god #listen #speak #james1 #thankful #goodvibes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #hardworking #successful at its best with a proud smile from little joel in class 3. well done joel ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ok - you hear about the superman\"\" thing all the time. And you are certainly busy, but, this could be an EXCELLENT opportunity to step in, in the movies for him as Cavill is steping down!: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another Fraud Senator from the Left!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah I can just tell by the weather that I won't be gettin any pussy today","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The Face of London after 40 Years of Third World Immigration via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 rbi revises rules for resolution of stressed msme loans ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch think she fancy with her old ass C-class get the fuck on","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can you tell i didn't wake up ????? ...... never let them see you #hu!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Pope Char compares Pope Francis to the false prophet. Bingo! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cI am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose\u201dhttps:\/\/t.co\/WPLZ3lTRGz ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@YunGMiGo I said pussy dat ass what be on yo tongue boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Jesus she is the evilest of cunts","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"ion care if I'm in the wrong bitch don't blow ur horn📢 at me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"no pussy, or not tryna go to the studio, don't CALL my mufuckin crib like that, god. Yo. Word up god I will BUSS YO SHIT, god, word up\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #IllegalAliens is accurate.#IllegalAliens is TRUTH.The Left must be stopped from changing our History and manipulating the Present with their insane madness via made up PC Crap. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#katiesikphoto is proud to present #thesexismproject team! @user @user #feminism\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#RT #AutumnLady by @user Mara McClain is a young Irish immigrant looking to begin anew in Victorian-era San Francisco, after the California Gold Rush #Amazon @user #romance #gr8books4u #mustread #histfic #BookBoost #BookWorm #goodreads ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What do you mean by that you cunt? My English is perfect! \ud83d\ude0a ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER No bcus I know you're not willing to pay for some petty ass gossip on Twitter.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I have no shame bruh, none at all ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's Mrs. G, bitches. That's Mrs. GROHL if I don't know you. #wineprobz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i like to know what @user would have done if the victim was one of their big shots daughter. it is time to build the wall and keep these SOBs intheir own damn country #BuildThatWall #ICE ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user thanks to the best b'day wknd kickoff friday bitches","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Goo goo google. \ud83d\udc76\ud83c\udffb ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i've had 9.5 years of mostly #arrogant #abusive #discriminating & even #dutch '#drs'... just leave me to die!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"10 hours of walking in #nyc as a woman #newyork #women #men #bigots","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@ProdsJewel_: “@sreadthepeace: “@yungmindless: @PeacePunkPrince Prince, THIS is art. http:\/\/t.co\/EPHRWxMBHr” nobody takin his bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@sneakerhead226: I cant talk right now i got pussy on my tongue”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"-You would never guess that this employee plays Covet (a fashion game) on her iPad in her free time. \ud83d\udcf1 -She has a strange phobia of dogs.\ud83d\udc15 -She is amazingly weird! She can jump over her foot while it is in... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"People asking for donations for Christy Mack,get real the bitch made thousands of dollars for having sex.\nBitch better be Fuckin me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Zach_Dorsey thirsty hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@AdamHarmon @JeffJeffAllen Yeah tht a bitch, we ain't gay Brah. Chill","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheVoiceOfMiami: I don't care how much pussy I get, I still got to jack my dick...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER fucking liar she was happy to play kate nash when you asked her","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"new york last day!!!!!!! #enjoy #my #day #singer #japan #toronto #nyc #last #too ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"One of my favorite songs. \"There's a man on the shoreline with a white parakeet trying to make his bird go home.\" http:\/\/t.co\/bQ3CBIPk6s","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Paris is burning??? hum...not here. And i live in Paris. Sorry...nothing to do with the big stuff we had few years ago. Stop shitty headlines AJ+","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@jakeysinclair @KamenMyPants it's that puff pass it porn up on the tablet, run up to bitch with assless chaps swearing that I'm catholic","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Oh boo you sound so ignorant with your words. We are on Top. All of America is on Top now. How about stop resisting and try to help make our nation the best for everyone not just liberals. Wake up and Walk Away. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What award. Head of the Nazi antifa violence movement ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i hate the whole, slut, hoe, \"thot\" talk lol given what i'm sure people's personal inboxes and late nights look like","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"- Last Halloween and Christmas my baby girl was still baking. She is here this year & I can\u2019t wait to dress up with her and take pictures. \ud83d\udc99 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I jus wanna live good stay fresh and fuck bad bitches! 👌💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Scum bag! The hypocrisy is overflowing!\ud83d\ude21#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/i1mgBvjGHO","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Dumb ass bitch i swear","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"mannnnn fuck bowser,always kidnapping the princess and junk. find something else to do with your life you dumb turtle","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Antifa simply wants us to kill them. By the way. Most of us carry a back up. And a knife","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Why is Baltimore so damn ghetto 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user you want open borders and more immigration?? @user seven masked illegal immigrants storm jewelry store in Texas @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"hi pretty wanna be my love? #hellokitty #mrhappy #smile #blessed #fruitpie #tuesday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"on the nose: perfumer sparks furore ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #allahsoil all lives matter. #emiratis #2016in4words","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My nig said he don't see the differences between pornos and monster ball.... My face 😧","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @missknf: If your pussy was a book , I'd read up on it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I can't blow bubbles or whistle. I'm basically retarded.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"yearbook signing is ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's a good PMM tanks with fantastic premium rounds \ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Yeah! Let's get some gun control in this piece so white male Americans can stop shooting places up. PROTECT ALL AMERICANS ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You kunt loool ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#raghuramrajan the nations needs u regret now why we had a govt with a majority but takes decisions that so not represent the majority ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So what about your antifa children harassing and threatening members of congress at their homes? Or is that different?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden Yes Lincoln did \"unite\" the country by the end of the war. That itself did not eliminate the racial and economic inequality that still thrives today. Don't take your eye off the prize.[NEWLINE]#Vote2020 #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what a horrible scene at #pulsenightclub sending positive vibes to all the victims. #pulsenightclubshooting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Debates2020 If #Biden doesn't drool or fall asleep #CNN and #MSNBC will declare him a masterful debater and winner #SenileJoe #SleepyJoe #TaxingJoe. #Trump2020 is the clear choice, proven economy builder. Obama\/Biden worst economy ever, worst recovery ever. High taxes no jobs","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER This terrorist fanboy @USER and his saddo @USER cronies are wholly unfit to hold any public office. A proper @USER #Brexit supporting Tory PM would have wiped them out politically by now.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" #thursday #sacramento! both mobiles are out today until 3pm. 3425 mlk jr blvd & 3866 65th street. #pregnancy #baby #findoutnow","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That shit got me dead!! Eager ass boi! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@adnanESPN Houston was top five in AHL attendance while Aeros were here. The transplanted snow bird would love a team.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @cantUCIMblonde @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @Kacado","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"We need your support to make sure Mapache is released and reunited with his family and community. Mapache is yet another undocumented immigrant rights activist targeted and detained for using their activism. ICE can't get away with this. #FreeMapache ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@REAL_Kaysavage that bitch was going or nawl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this is what the result is of a \u00c2\u00a3100 night out looks like \u00c2\u00a33.60 not enough to get a maccy breakfast #typical ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have found that my younger women doctors don't ignore me when I say I know my body, and are more inclusive of everything. The hospital even updated their sheets to include non-binary\"\" for gender and \"\"sexual identity\"\" instead of the common \"\"sex\/gender\"\" m\/f options.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"u know I came to stunt \nso drop that pussy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ItsOnlyJess @LukeFriendyy @J_CATS_RULE she's a right twat, I'd tell you, honestly Sky! Honestly 😈🍕","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My favourite thing about Toni Morrison is she didn't give a fuck about the white gaze. Ugh gonna reread all her novels now \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude22","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Dems are campaigning on medicare-for-all and gun control. How are those falsehoods? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"He called me a bitch. And he said he was changing? Do you call that changing? I don't think so. How about you go fuck yourself. #pissed","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"GAP: \"Damn! Our secret plot to instill *_subliminal racism_* into the clothes and minds of the youth to further our white supremacist agenda was foiled again!\"\n\nFuck you AJ+, do you _need_ to be reprehensible pieces of shit?","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user OK..... you are wrong ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe Hal has an undetected congenital heart defect that can remind him of karma being a bitch to A-holes. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Brrr hoe dichter bij het Sint gebeuren hoe racistischer de drek op twitter en het komt nagenoeg alleen van de proZwartePieten hoek. Engvolk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"attractive #couple relaxing in the #park, ... - #adult #caucasian #girlfriend ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good look ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sack up and talk to her pussy #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The Hill | BREAKING: The #UnitedNations migration agency has rejected... #Trump #KenIsaacs #President ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @LoveMe_AshMarie: I wish it was appropriate to go around slapping bitches when they say stupid shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Iya Risi in my area didnt get the money. She is a widow with 5children and all attempt to get the money proved abortive. Isn't this a scam? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#jalandhar @user says not appointing honest police officers which @user will do @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"very stupid black ethiopians they move in Israel and pretend to be at home , even the whites jews are not at home all are invaders ,now black protest but is them choice to move israel to be citizen second class incredible idiots play be victims ethiopians there s no prosperity in country stolen","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Oh, and I'm back, bitch. No one walks all over me ever again. Ever.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I don't entertain shit.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@xDSmooth follow back bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He is a troll. Not open to facts","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @AlmightyVinny_: I can tell you a freak bitch don't lie to me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Anyone besides me think he is angling for Sessions job saw today statement made only sitting Senator would be approved as replacement otherwise Senators wouldn't stab Session in back well not sure how it makes a difference but LG may be angling then send Mueller packing","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's money over bitches even though I love ladies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @pgammo: Run Differentials:Mets -14, Yankees -32.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Norway: Migrant Quality, not Quantity....\"Based on the idea that the WELFARE STATE has limited resources 1) immigration must be limited.\"https:\/\/t.co\/TguMByMDN6 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Here's Domingo \u2014 an immigrant, father, and Founder of Peels and Wheels Composting. Apply now to join us for the next Collab Accelerator: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He's quite right. Its the sheer numbers that are changing countries and communties forever. Ask yourself....why is it only white European countries that have to undergo mass immigration? Doesn't happen in muslim or African co ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we're born to fly\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c #djlife #quadrilhaterceirao2016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"stuakenyon81 #cover #reveal! swiftly sharpens the fang , #radicalisation & #revenge eevalancaster ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Actually it\u2019s liberals like Waters and antifa who promote violence ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@taylorswift13 @vmagazine @KamalaHarris @inezandvinoodh those cookies look delicious \ud83d\ude0b I just sent in my vote today! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Gotta question the nicca standing next to you cut em off","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Harvey: Ugh! Just disgusting. Pedro: Disgusting are the illuminati women because they were fucked up in every hole. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals didn't give Juanita Broderick a chance to be heard or Keith Ellison's accuser. Can't have it both ways.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A woman in my town honked at an asshole driver who cut her off. He followed her home and beat her with a crowbar.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You've got to see this to believe this. This is #EuropeanSuicide in #Germany... #RefugeesNotWelcome #MigrationIsJihad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iStayRadAsShit: “@1BookieG: What I wish I can do every time I day playing flappy birds https:\/\/t.co\/mWiE7FkBu0”😂😂 foreall","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SMLBound cracker jack work, cdc - did ya think of checking THE PLANE FULL OF PEOPLE?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@ChandlerParsons: How bout them Cowboys!!!!\" Shutup pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hong kong owner happy pdf ebook - #hong #kong #owner ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I bet. Why do think dirt bag pubs like the National Inquirer are still around. Smut and lies sell We can only hope someone writes a tell all bullshit story about Woodward or better yet even one about you. Instead of Fear\u201d it could be called \u201cPervs\u201d. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KaOs_GunnPlay: Ps4=a big booty hoe with tig ol bitties \nXbox one=pancake booty hoe with pancake tits","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@HighClassCapri: @what_evaittakes woke up and bitches was not here lol”I wasn't angry wit my hoes😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Tierrraaaaa: no sex bitch I only want the neck bitch .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TorahBlaze: @1SonofYahweh hell yea! I don't know what's wrong w the brothas that love these cave hoes so damn much... #StopItNow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ROFL, that is real data. Any argument you make now, I can flip it and say Oh an Anti-Trump flunkie\" quit being retarded. FYI, Gun Control doesn't work. England banned firearms and their violent crime stats skyrocketed. Criminals benefit the most from gun control\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user kkd city highst days run ssr (192chandragupta) for heros bih day to nandamuri balakrishna ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#LateNightThoughts how many Congressman dicks did women suck to finally gain voting rights ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Boat carrying undocumented migrants sinks off N.Cyprus ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall ALREADY ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"From the archives: Daniel Berrigan on refugees, Christ, and the American Dream. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Niggas is hoes #OnHere and in real life too....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"yo bitch want that vitamin D she lookin desperate","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"whoever boonk is, he's a fuck nigga 'i don't wanna kiss your ugly ass anyways' after your bitch ass got rejected ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AaronKeplin shut up bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Cause they're assholes","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Being \u201cdisrespectful\u201d... or mitigating illegal immigration, drug cartels, MS-13 and people smuggling? Hmm... \u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u201d #LopezObradorPresidente ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Because he knows he is going to Jail soon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hahahah man please pass along whatever you are smoking!!! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no joke! i'm tired of #celebrities acting like i'm #threatened by them leaving. also they're too to move to #mexico.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Thank goodness Islamic countries would never do something like this. Saudi Arabia's government would never behave in such a manner. How dare the CIA prevent terrorism. Who do they think they are? If Muslim terrorists weren't blowing shit up for their -cult- religion of -violent intolerance- peace, none of this would have happened. Fuck Islam!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I feel like this hoe owe me something ..,","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I have to be a smart ass some way \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"loved being away on holiday, but so happy i got to catch up on all my shows \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #haggerstoncastlewiththefam #cantbeatagoodcaravanholiday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Interesting read about holding the Trump administration accountable for family reunification at the US-Mexico border after the DOJ insinuated that the ACLU ought to be responsible for the reuniting process #UWBaes367su18 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Hey @USER great to see your tax cuts and wider fiscal policies doing so well! #Winning #MAGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL had to share! #IAmSpartacus #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #RedWaveRising2018 #BuildThatWall #KAG2018 #KAG2020 #KavanaughHearings ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bipartisan Christian group forms super PAC to oppose tRump ~ It's about time the true Faithful speak up , people are leaving churches in droves cause of trump, his character simply doesnt line up with Christian Faith.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/CDtqI7x62e via @YahooNews","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user It never gets further that the Caymans But I want to know what gives Boris the right to spunk \u00a345m on a folly of a bridge that wasn\u2019t built Where is the money And what relation to him were the people who were paid it And why are they all now abroad No lnvestigation iniated Why ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#David #Miliband #DavidMiliband flew away in #NewYork to be with the #US #Liberals #Democrats - had to flee #Corbynists hatred of Jews","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK ISRAHELL","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Charlie Baker for Mass Gov..the most lib newspaper in most lib state supports 'R' for Gov! DoG http:\/\/t.co\/DRSXOzTRUI via @BostonGlobe","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#joebiden calls Trump supporters dregs of society. #biden organized a coup in #ukraine. His son steals $B from ukrainian people as they leave their country in search of jobs. @USER #maga #potus @USER @USER #zog\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user why don\u2019t you release names of all our elected officials that have paid for silence for sexual assault claims done while in office with the fund designated for paying off claims; Ford does not know how got home. Maybe attack if happened was by who took her home. # ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@JulieOwenMoylan Coz she has a uterus...and is BAME... \ud83d\ude24 #fucktrump #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER fuck russ 110%","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maybe she should drop the angry b$*@USER routine and try something funny everyone can enjoy....like non political jokes. Don\u2019t think she is capable of doing that.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DatNigPriest: @1BookieG not all of us my nig! I'm light skin with a dark skin mentality lol. We all black","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Nah bitch, you made me slice your damn tomatoes, took all our dressings, kept adding shit to your salad, and was extra af You payin hoe ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user Why? Because you are too busy spreading hate with your TDS? I\u2019m sure you feel fine ridiculing children of conservatives. You represent everything that is wrong in the education (brainwashing) system. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0089\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e - a sunday well spent brings a week of content ... \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #holiday #loving #life ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just got done threatening my coworker to give me money and he says \"black male is illegal\" smh #really","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Papi_Chulo25: The fact that all y'all hoes gettin pregnant wit no ring on ya finger 😂😂😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Tables 1,5,6,9 and 10","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" , cool, syfy, faceoff, really cool, this is really cool via giphy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user See it WORKS! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is about as useless as a tit on a hog just saying \ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I be knowing the vibes for sure .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Tickets hoe http:\/\/t.co\/lPCS9Abo7W","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @AudrianaReye: That's my bitch man I swear","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"tramonto with the geezs #friends #summer #relax #smile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"AJ+ Bullshit","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Buried Girlfriend In The Woods, Suspected Of Killing Her Still-Missing Toddler @user @user @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #FollowYourOath#KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#allahsoil like all religions, islam can be a strong unifying force. #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"last one \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f . appletstag #lastone #ipromise #selfie #sorrynotsorry #fun #nofilter #summer \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user .you're talking about obama ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER should be returning punts in my opinion. He is \ud83d\udcb0","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"to all the special men who care for,nuure,love their children,nieces,nephews&grandchildren #fathersday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I already done been exposed on Facebook by some hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"-- @USER in the sitting room making herself a drink. Her shoulders are raised indicating how tense she is. I walk over to her and start to make myself a drink as well. ] You know you made things more --","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\" broke bitch cant tell me nothing \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"doing more of the things that makes me ! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 getting\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We are so glad we don\u2019t know anyone like those miscreant. Pitiful bunch. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"No room for full explanation here but regarding the hysterical women at the Kavanaugh hearing, the word hysteria is from a Greek word meaning wandering and disconnected uterus. There you have it. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user You are. But you are also sick and that alerts my doctor side. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Economic inequality and injustice impacts first gen non-white immigrant families heavily, and Afro-descended ones in particular ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A tall tee n sum slouch shoes on I could've fucc yo bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I thought this was SNL. The last guy is wearing a fucking beanie with the mindmill on itS","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is not the first time she has expressed this dismissive attitude toward public outcry against her votes. Those people will be a factor when they vote her ass out of office in 2 years. I think she is toast. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"HAHAHAHA this video is SO MUCH CRAP, I understand why there are so many dislikes. :D\n\nFIRST OF ALL, you uneducated fuck (oh, oops, I beg your pardon, I hope my language doesn't insult your so sensitive feelings) the VAST MAJORITY of the immigrants coming to Europe are IN NO WAY refugees!!! They are ILLEGAL immigrants, most of them are literally criminals, murderers, rapists (and the list goes on), so yes, if we could, we MUST keep them away from our HOMES....\nSECONDLY, you idiotic excuse of a person, the MEN who flee from their homelands because of war are NOT considered \"refugees\" but deserters.... There is a very tiny minority of women, that are actual refugees... Very, very tiny minority.\n\nSo yeah, this video is so much crap. Where the fuck do you live uploader? I really do hope you'll receive all these beautiful \"immigrants\" that are coming into Greece, to your country as well, you little piece of shit, and then you'll see with your own eyes all the lies that the tv has force you to believe. :)\n(or, unless you're a jew HA, then you know your plan all too well, don't you?)","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user Conservatives are whining\"\". There, I fixed the typo for you.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"when the holidays find you alone #lonley #alone #holiday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#ALDUB165thWeeksary \ud83d\ude18 @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Be thankful for what you are NOW, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Awww \ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25 CUPCAKES SUCK IT UP. SHE LOST\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 GET OVER IT \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#tubie #chismes #trim #bonus #sending #indo click to watch \u00e2\u009e\u00a1 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@tropicth you know. pens for school? to cut all them bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user just so beautiful \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER MAGA= Mushrooms are growing again","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ChrisPalmerNBA: Udonis talking some big trash to Lance. LeBron holds him back.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@karlamorenoo aha your welcome niggah 😈","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It\u2019s pretty obvious they\u2019re still giving Trump something intravenously. The question is what. https:\/\/t.co\/QgpYJYff1K","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@jaspen7 haha them hoes only go hard when a nigga stooooned lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Aryanliving Welcome to the movement. Anyone who gets even minor publicity is a queer, fed, or jew (well, according to the internet).","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I keep asking please america let me shoot these types of people i do not feel any sympathy for selfish people like that, i can get the job done and take a selfie afterwards","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Is he? Does he know this? You sure he's not out golfing?? Or maybe tweeting like a lunatic. I bet he is planning his next #MAGADingDong rally. He was never President. You are just to brainwashed to realize that. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"love this click\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #exclusive pic of @user on #ssk #set #handsome #hot #dashing #smile @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And like EVERY other time when the shit hits the fan, Russian bot armies start hashtags in support of him, abetted by people who should know better. #Trump2020 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxReturns","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If Isaac is 6'7 now how fucking tall is that guy behind you my dude\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"guys, maybe he's famous but the most impoant thing is... @user is human! this is ridiculous #sorrybradley ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"713. graduation in a nutshell \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 linderp ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Now my side bitch my main bitch Bc my main hoe ain't feeling me no mo. No mo.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #rip #ripchristina #tragic worst mass shooting in u.s. history ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Two extremely creative midfielders with two highly potential strikers and solid back four. Scenes if it does happens.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sure Sadiq Kunt, whatever you say. \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\ude12 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"to people who know you but are not friends to friends who are there but never with you to those who can never or will be anything to you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Now_Thats_Fresh: Your girl's hoe friends gonna gas her to cheat on you. A tall nigga with abs start stroking on her in the club & they …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user can't wait... excited to watch lemans this year #lemans #lemans24 #lego #race ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Under Trump, Muslim refugees from Burma (Rohingya) are numero uno via @user Why the hell we importing trouble for USA ? Islamists never assimilate for the simple reason their religion does not PERMIT assimilation into other societies.. Period ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user off to see you @user tonight for #3fridaynights! @user #friday #pay","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@cooney_mane: @BrianMC630 \"they played a great job\" who's the retard now?”\n\n😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"We need to encourage President Trump to keep trying to ban more refugees. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Just want me a down bitch all these hoes out here on some other shit ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"my all time favorite princess outfit \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 @user @user @user #camgirl ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Civilians Also I'll admit its hard sometimes when helping Grok 24-7 lol I've been called names I didn't even know existed Example Antifa Grannies Brokeback Valor (WTH is that) Grok Girl Friend (Yep No Shit) Things Frauds will say Thank You Grok (Brother) \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user don't fall for that shit...i'm from croatia and those are just some spoiled rich brats acting out #ashamed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user see my previous tweet. all #leavers are now muderous racist savages according to polly. had enough today going to bed. .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Weird ass bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm going to dress up as trash for Halloween. Oh wait, I look like that everyday.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Coward Answer question What have I posted on @user that is not factual As a staunch conservative and pro Israel I post @user positive facts to counter Canadian media helping liberal Trudeau assault on conservatives and Israel. You are either ignorant or a liar. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hahahaha bitch, I watched that video and the whole time I was like \"Kim wants to just get up and leave.\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @reshell_: \"@1inkkofrosess: My ears look good 😍😍😍😍😜😝😁 http:\/\/t.co\/fP3R6mkBaC\"bsa hoe in yo background","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy bihday to my beautiful mum shelley! off to see @user #longleat #bihday #celebrations ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Because he is a liberal.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I feel like post birth abortion should be a thing... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Some guy at orientation got asked what his top 3 favorite music artists are and the first thing this bitch said was \"Usher\".","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user our lovely new hanging baskets! ready for #summer #beaminster #lovedorset #local #pub @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"she liked^^ @user @user #milesteller ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What a handsome boy! Reminds me of one of my fosters a little bit. Sorry I don\u2019t have a better picture - she is one of the ones that got away. I\u2019d have 20 if I could. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about. Paper tiger","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Missing words are politically motivated. I have visited Israel in the past four times. I am not anti Semitic. There is more anti Semitism and racism in the @USER party. I have never encountered anti Semitic thoughts or actions in the @USER party.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user My dumbass was really thinking how in the hell is she been pregnant for the last 6 years\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Will the migrants be sent back home?? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user in today's episode of dahaq we saw all shades of #shekhwat #funny #heabroken #romantic \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Thank you for listening, the hosts\/anchors are now in charge of the show today. Enkosi.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I doubt there\u2019s anything in it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER after which she is thrown under the train...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"saturday night #prosecco #drink #lovinglife ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You never heard \"i think i have weed poisoning\" cause it dont exist hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you not my bitch. I really don't care 👌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Every Country has a Right to Defend its Border and determine who comes into their Country #Immigration is not a Right ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Maybe he is trying to throw hints at Kaycee now to ease the blow if\/when he picks Angela over Kaycee. Or he is just being reckless idk. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Like ANTIFA. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BossyDiva__: Come get yo hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"c u later guyz.... no to bad vibez please # \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling wonderful","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER No conflict here\u2014don\u2019t look at this. #Soros involved in violent left agenda of Antifa also.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Leaders must do much more on gun control overall. Protect our young people. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @YoungBuddhaBruh: @WestSideFlee it all depends on the female dawg, usually that's how it is with these hoes but the genuine women fuck w…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@user you are a disgusting wohless pig of a human being...assuming you are human. go play in traffic.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These hoes gotta pay for my company!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @salomanizor: Kick her in the cunt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ImToBlame listen cuntrag whore bitch, shit be expensive as fuck, man. We had to do PR first that one year, this year was the wedding so.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i\u2019m in the middle of beloved right now so. probably gonna finish that today and it\u2019ll probably hit even harder now","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when someone reaches out to offer you a performance but you already have prior singing commitments :-(","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#nowplaying Death Cab For Cutie \/ You Are A Tourist \/ Codes And Keys [@USER \u266b URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I guess that it what happens when you are the most hysterical woman in Congress. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"How about a Charles in Charge movie with Shia LeBouf as Charlie and Ryan Gosling as Buddy. #WhyNot.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As much as I dislike Antifa. I hope none of them are stupid enough to fall for this bait and end up getting themselves or someone else injured or killed","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LeeniePunkin: Man fuck flappy bird http:\/\/t.co\/QKk26wYVfC","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"A waste of almost 14 minutes. This stupid video focuses on everything except for the problem. Those losers don't have an education. They wouldn't work at Walmart for 9 bucks an hour when they can make thousands on the street. Jobs aren't the answer. They're assimilated to the lifestyle. The city needs a major overhaul. They could start by a change in senior leadership. Everyone here in Texas has guns and we don't have that problem. Remove the leftist ideologies, libs and progressives, and you'll start seeing some change. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Cancer is a hoe y'all pray for the people who have it. http:\/\/t.co\/4XgEQMrZq5\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER All those poor conservatives going to be asking for government handouts and relief.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user analyzing my training with #polarflow. satisfied of my training. @user #training #rio ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I think you are overlooking the fact the Democrats had both houses of congress and the presidency and did nothing. But gun control would work as well as the war on drugs has.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He can put #Kaepernick on his squad anytime. #JustDoIt ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@MIKEB_IN_THE_D you don't want to battle, you shook cause ain't no such things as half way crooks ....bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user nets you a Amount of Gold and other Metals which is dependant on their Mud Hole. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Not only the Antifa got quite alot Israel supporters. You'll find Israeli flags at the right winger protest just as well. Oh the irony URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER By the way why don\u2019t you move to Haiti ? You liberals seem to make shit holes out of large cities. So go somewhere where it\u2019s already a shit hole so you don\u2019t have to do any work !","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user you should join @user they only take the best rubes like you! !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"never realized how tall you are? nice reverse spinning back kick! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Now \u201cBeto\u201d will have three excellent opportunities to sell Texans on gun control and open borders! \ud83d\ude42","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"REAL NIGGA SPEAKING “@DEON1093: @PAPER_CHAYSIN you sound like a bitch”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed all Patriots. Please follow back. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Its funny watching Democrats heads explode after Trumps nomination of Amy Coney Barrett[NEWLINE]#AmyConeyBarrett [NEWLINE]#SCOTUSNomination [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 [NEWLINE]#Trump2020LandslideVictory","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@shitballshonkey try me bitch boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lmaoooooo «@PubesOnFleeK: That bitch stripping at a murder scene “@ItsDollyCouture: My view 😍 http:\/\/t.co\/oiJizl0naF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I will beat your ass.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"lopeeee #family #alisasli #nggapakepensil #udahaslidarisananya #alhamdulillah ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Doct Tape Please! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Agree! She is THE rock star for the ages. Proof? I'm old and love Pink. Her So What\" video is hilarious and brimming with strong woman attitude. And, she can actually sing as opposed to most of the wannabes out there now. THE BEST!\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Disgusting “@ToneDaGawd: GTFOHHHHH RT “@hiitaylorblake: Mom just bought me a pet nigger 😍 http:\/\/t.co\/xEJ8Yv16MN””","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i gave her my hea. my full of it and she have just played with all my feelings... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Dear Fatties Against Fascism... #WalkAway from the Democrats.... Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK There are no fascists in America. Same hate. Different colored hoods. Party of hate since 1828 URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ComedianSpank: I went to college Every college got a bird class where u can get ya friend to sign u in & get an A out the class Rashad …","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Republicans constantly tell us about respecting law enforcement but ignore their judgment on gun control","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Slave Labor is all around us but is ignored and called something else. Fight to remove it and human trafficking too. Paying someone low wages under the threat of turning them into ICE is treating them as your slaves. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BINGO! Since she's the furthest away I wanted her to have a bit of Mina close to her heart. <3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#devestating #super #restinpeace new #angel \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00a3\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00a3\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00a3\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00a3we lost a beautiful being today. #rip ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You still fuckin with a sorry ass nigga that makes you a sorry ass bitch #Mimi #NotSorry","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Now the leftist needs to condemn the violence of #antifa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"their rapists, not they're rapists. he didn't call all mexicans rapist. i hate donald trump as much as the next man, but this is what the media does. misconstrue words and get people psyched up. y'all some sheeple. go read a david icke book or something.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"AJ+ has to lie to gain viewers.\nWhat a shit channel, made for stupid uber-leftist losers.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@kaymckinneyy suck ass bum ass Yankees foh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @KallMe_Tae: \"@PAPER_CHAYSIN: How you fucc for cash but u not a hoe ???? And how I'm going to respect u if your poccets broke ??????\"nip…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Got up to get food, dropped a fruitsnack and my dog went ape shit and woke the whole house up.😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@l3ahpar: I could write a book on the things hoes say.”no way Jose","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I thought she was albino tho 😳","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @user Because some women are stupid ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I hate when bitches \"been thinking\" smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#mucky #teddy looks ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Because some people are bastards. You're hopelessly na\u00efve if you think plenty of frauds won't take advantage of this law change for malign purposes.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user wow shameful malaysian authorities for letting that pedo free roam. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"oooooo @user gonna be soo that #jasonbourne is back! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch thats yo nigga 👀 ....well you aint his bitch 😂😂✌️✌️✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@piersmorgan @JeremyClarkson You two need to stop acting like two little bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user hmm i'd do something like getting really high quality artists to draw really boring cars like a fucking 2002 grand prix or something ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Our African \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 friends don't get free college. The Demoncratic are putting illegals over \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ppl. These Antifa Ninja Turtles running around acting like jihadist and never lived a real life experience. Most of these Antifa colleges kids are White privileged themselves. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You bitches all got that one friend who wear the same fit to every other function and it don't even be that clean😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if your nipples don't get hard when u play the #fireemblemfates final battle and hear that theme, well then ur probably @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These bitches really marry to some rich ass niggas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This whole thing has been a sham from the start! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@SteveStockmanTX hes just a friggin idiot that can say anything and his redneck teabagger constituants buy it. They love stupid people","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Well then, that would be one less woman affected if he weren't here ILLEGALLY #SENDTHEMBACK ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a small matter of a football match and one more sleep until bude 2016!! @user \u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #cmonengland","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump paramilitary unit? Hold on I'm getting a call rn. https:\/\/t.co\/l32M5sHXj2 https:\/\/t.co\/FwfVCGwfnC","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"May resign , you and your party have lost touch with ordinary people in the Uk ignoring Parliments vote is one thing losing the NHS confidence is a no go ignoring our front line staff pleas on Pay ,conditions and funding and cuts will make you pay Immigration has costs us much ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i am honest. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user All 20 of them! Hardly a problem until the Antifa of hundreds showed up .... for what! To riot and destroy!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 Truthfeed News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 'JUST IN: FBI Deals Yet Another Devastating Blow to Democrats on Kavanaugh\u2019s Accuser' #MAGA\ufffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A #Prolife URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Um, no? Saying that Labour is the party of hatred\" implies they are the most hateful party, and therefore The Conservatives are less hateful. Whilst the claim about the Tories can be disputed, it's not whataboutery.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"having some fun yesterday @user #view #photos #paris @ elite model\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Luisaco_: @Tonymartinezz15 dude last day, fuck it walk out that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user there was plenty of chat about the biltong on the e match commentary &hungry","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Mississippi state fans are the best to just mock. It's so easy. Poor state. It's hard getting wins against top 25 opponents. #FailState","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I\u2019m in Cox\u2019s Bazar this week seeing @user brilliant work in the Kutupalong refugee camp. Monsoon season just stepped up a gear. After just two days of heavy rains & there is water everywhere. #rohingyacrisis ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are happy your all friend.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" father\u00e2\u0080\u0099s day! #daddy #fathersday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user coach spot on that @user will be great in @user personally cant wait for the news to hit the shelves ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"He\u2019s infected others. Don\u2019t be a dickhead. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Vote for #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/DCIgJgdjhc","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user you rock my brother wat a way of staing the show. new abt keshi, ali ,ted @user to spice it up","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"always.. #motivation #projects #instamood #original #businessowner #makingmoves \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I dont know a niggah that could cover for me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"never forget how blessed you are. don't be negative... anon #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #ineedtoconsult bro t, i have lot of un-answered questions about my life but the only person to be consulted is my dad. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"coke headz really nead to stay out of my circle! its crazy! seem like everyone is doing that b.s these days! ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you do finally give up and start buying them cats at least you won't have to drink alone, loser ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Re-read my tweet Brian, gun control\"\" not ban (your blatant exaggeration not withstanding). \ud83d\ude44\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@intheKCmix Pau pissed me off like Boozer pissed off Bulls fan... 2 soft faggots","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Mr.nvr get no pussy u a virginnnn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CapoToHeaven Niggas will cheat and not even know that bitch name. That shit aint cheating.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"love ke funday\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac #lovekefunday #comingsoon #yolo #lovinglife #hj\u00f3\u00be\u00ae\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I wouldn't be acting like a crazy bitch if you just told me what the hell goes on in your head","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'd never call a woman a whore because I am grateful for women that enjoy fuccin ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When u hitting it from the back u gotta call her \"bitch\" they love that but don't u dare call em \"slut\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Let's Go LA #support my niccas no matter what","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user But I thought California had gun control ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#DidYouKnow that if all the refugees in the world formed their own country, its population would be larger than the state of Florida? Learn this and more in our new e-book, \"8 Things You Should Know About Refugees.\" Download it here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"with mama denise \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 had a great day with my gals \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #funtimes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hey Woodward: You are a silly old fart and do not know what is going on in the White House. You are the one who has reached a mental stage yourself of Alzheimers","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Going to squeeze another session in today between 4pm - 6pm Drop Me an email MissSarahJessicaMail@gmail.com","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"miy makers monthly challenge stas today! via @user #fabric #amazed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bull shit... stop putting words in people\u2019s mouths.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Esp when bitches are after my leftover always hyping niggas. I made him pick another ugly nigga to put on top.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Its Brittany, bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I think the lock on the door was new too!\ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Forgot how good I am at NHL13. Too bad @ChiefGaming is a pussy and wont buy it. Scared to get fuckin scraped.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user What's doing detriment to this state (and country) is Republicans who refuse to govern as the conservatives they campaign to be. McDaniel may have some flaws (who doesn't) but he's the kind of fighter we need. Some of us are sick of the losers the GOP keeps giving us. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#NowReading: A human rights crisis\" via @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ShadowBeatz_Inc: I know you have me blocked, but next week bitch @KYR_SP33DY","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Calvin Harris Featuring Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry And Big Sean - Feels","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ima shmurda dance in that pussy hoe !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user #father'sday! say \"i love you\" to your dad right now! #sanya #whererefreshingbegins ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@D_MrHoopa23 see thats all gill and green bitch ass they didn't help me get my schools either. Y'all still in the tournament","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" days porn movie pussy pay pics ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ladies, do not be ashamed for having lustful needs. You want dick? Book a dick appointment! Want pussy? Go and eat pussy! Why women need to feel shameful for fucking guys but praise men for fucking girls? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate twitter. Just a bunch of sexy bitches I can't have","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @alexYvette8: “@GhettoAnnabelle: @alexYvette8 don't get me started on you potato head lookin ass bitch”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Kinda just wanna cruise and see if I see that colorful ass bitch walking around. Best believe there will be one less clown on this earth","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Pro Tip- If you're gonna fuck a bitch that just left a wedding, give her a fake name and number cause she's fallin in love regardless ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Where my bitches at Mann","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@bonnoxxx 😂😂😭😭 since day 1 u remember tha bitches in alabama lmfaoo #BIG","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @iROiB: When she comes through with the nudes, but they trash, but she got big titties http:\/\/t.co\/1weYPG8rEr","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I've said that many times. Liberals and Conservatives are two sides of the same coin and that coin is in the back pocket of the wealthy Canadians.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"If Kubiak was a player they'd pump him with painkillers and tell him to stop being a pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Maybe he was smart enough to get on the #TrumpTrain and tired of getting run over by it! Unlike you and your sycophants.. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Or Christian conservatives could man up and do whatever it takes to win.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Of course he is. He will be remembered for being the biggest hypocrite in history. They change the rules constantly. #GOPHypocrites","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"byeeeee bitch, 😜","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude00 I\u2019m happy to say the same about conservatives.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Anony386 @TurnToLive @Tweenki_ they are wrong you are a nigger always causung mischief among ur own people","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ItsPoochFlair: That bitch ugly RT @Titsandlickher: Daughter. http:\/\/t.co\/lboZMlfbOX","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"add me close peepz #staycloseofamily <3 sunday #gmikedrezzy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why you think all these niggas end up with all these kids? Fucking ugly bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER says social housing is good and in the same breath talks of climbing the ladder. Hypocrisy incarnate from a failed lying politician lining her party's pockets with tax money for real estate builders @USER building their failure of lies","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"on a #lean and #clean mission this week! #healthy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"People gotta learn to appreciate the people that go out if their way to help you. Even if you don't want their help don't he a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i love u\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #\u00eb\u00b3\u00b4\u00ea\u00b2\u0080\u00ec\u0095\u0084\u00ec\u0083\u009d\u00ec\u009d\u00bc\u00ec\u00b6\u0095\u00ed\u0095\u0098\u00ed\u0095\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 bogumday\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 616day\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 -s-day\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @WomensHumor: Monday was SUCH a bitch today.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the more familiar we become, the more difficult it is to stereotype. . \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emirati\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @JustCurrieOn: @west2quick @Christooshifty lol aye watch to mouth, you like when I mention you faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @kj_feliciano: @vivalamarley yea dem hoes crazy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Gosh dangit!!! IF we only had reasonable replica gun control this craziness wouldn\u2019t happen!! \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch how i stop talking && the bitch still tweets","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@myfriendbriana Jesus walks bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can't play like shit and win a championship @user got owned last 3 games. . don't care for lebron, but he gave it.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Every time my mom calls me it's to bitch at me about something lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"Caesar is home\" RT @Naewoodster: “@MjaySkillz: https:\/\/t.co\/mw5KAojKXB\"theres so much this bitch looks like. Lets start with ape shit”😭😭\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"all these beautiful bitches, sucha beautiful thing","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Like if you didnt want to have a party, don't fucking broadcast it #ThatsTheShitIDontLike #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"apparently the recipe for happiness \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u00ba #be #smile #love #change #respect #self\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals have made it an art form. #TroughTime\ud83d\udc37 \u2660\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A little appreciation post for my bestie because she\u2019s a bad bitch and I\u2019m thankful for her\ud83d\udc97 @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"this #respect concept was thrown out of the window when #skinheads, #white supremacists & #kkk heeded\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fun times!! #fathersdayweekend #camping ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @skyereyes_: “@Feebito_23: Lol this is why I don't fuck with so many bitches”don't call her a \"bitch\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If it ain't her flag, the POS is in the wrong country. Drag her skank ass out. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#preorder your copy of hot new #dystopian swiftly sharpens the fang for just #99c #99p! ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Her life is crappy because she is crappy. And she\u2019s threatening to kill everyone. Another nut job...Listen up FBI!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@NursingLuv4Life Owing 420 million to shady foreign powers, coming due in a few years, makes this #RussianAsset a GLOBAL security risk. Historic peace deals\ud83e\udd23from non combatants. And yep, a Peace Prize for ignoring bounties on our soldiers. #TrumpIsANationalSecurityRisk #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i felt the same way ngl, i barely even have to look so it's easy work when i'm too to do anything","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can\u2019t she appeal. ? This is all kinds of wrong . If I were ES@USER would beat the sh** out of her.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Noworriezzzz: Don't lie to me bitch I'm giving you my heart","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Id rather be your niggah","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @DJsir_freshley: 🎯🎯🎯RT @GuruJeremy Bitches are only \"moral\" when it comes to sex... when it's convenient for them. Otherwise they hoe th…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"cant stand when a nicca pillow talk about you to a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Target is brilliant with this. Keep an eye out (esp online as there\u2019s online only shit that\u2019s amazing) because 1. Autumn (so oranges!) and also target on thanksgiving\/Black Friday is THEE place to stock tf up on sheets for the YEAR.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TheeGreekGod: Girl: I know you got hoes \n\nMe: http:\/\/t.co\/qNa9ogveWW","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Man that shit got me tight lol","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"NIKE's choice of Colin Kaepernick was SOLELY political. If they wanted an NFL face, there are 100s of players more accomplished & more deserving; w\/o the baggage. TEAMS don't even want him; he was a LOSER.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER this crossing proves very little. It only goes to show many are disgruntled with the lack of leadership of @USER .. But understand Mr. Scheer there are many conservatives disgruntled with your lack of vision and leadership. Hence @USER #cdnpoli","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The US Open has treated her poorly with the whole controversy over her outfit. Bottom line is she was treated differently because she is a women of color and this would never happen to a man. The USTA better soon recognize that she IS women\u2019s tennis and act accordingly!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Mine too! BBCAN2 was a top tier bb season","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She\u2019s one of those \u2018kooky\u2019 liberals.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Why am I being such a bitch today? #lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"How can dre drop it but? So much cunts will illegally download it or go on itunes to get it. Should be a fuckin hardcore cd, in shops only.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What kind of person am I : the one that wears a beanie and does drugs and likes to fuck with bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@_fullawhite rt me to wey I went to the job interview high then a bitch!! Straight stanking like dank haha eyes red then a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"summer is in which means good vibes!! try to keep a smile each day and see all the good things in life!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Could be wrong but I think that\u2019s the other guy\u2019s face just using our guys dick pics.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@KamalaHarris No you and Creepy Joe Biden are the weak ones. #Trump2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Hunglikerobby_ @BOSSBITCHDAPHNE @taytuckfuck 😂😂😂 bitch no more on my account","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"trump plagiarizes tweets? ah that #donthecon, relentlessly bringing his #trumptaint to the #gop. ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Crush him Beto !!! Make him look like the idiot he is. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Can publishers do that?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when people say \"don't throw shade, be direct\" like bitch your basically fucking up the whole concept of throwing shade . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"New test makes your poop neon colored if you have colon cancer → http:\/\/t.co\/GiGzo0ntpD","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Leftism: Please conform to the groupthink of your designated interest or ethnic group. Independent thought helps conservatives. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That bitch want my numba, she gotta.fuck my bruda @AyDontJudgeMe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER U nasty bitch","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"We could not be more proud to have our work on migrant rights and justice under the leadership of @user Watch the full episode where she spoke with @user on @user last night here: ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Comes with the territory but I\u2019m going to say it\u2019s the same leftist that control antifa...just to make more out of it than it actually is! Just saying","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is why women lose their credibility- she was empowered??? Ohhhh Me too! These women and liberals have high-jacked the movement for women who really have been abused. Disgusting ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER nah you bob.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"homemade bruschetta with feta, an interesting twist to the traditional recipe @user @user @user #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Two words I thought I would never hear together #ticats and cornhole ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Huntermoore bout to be in ike a couple hours","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and the brother will have to live with that scene\/image for the rest of his life. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You sound like one lo intelligence. Skank ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @john_nesby: 😂😂😂 I know who Chubb talkin bout lmao definitely not my hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"' I'm that niggah you can show out in public babbbbbbyyyy 󾌧󾬏 lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Dswizzle3 bitch i dont even look like that keep talking and we going to fight","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user The Klan was the militant arm of the Democrat Party. I haven\u2019t seen a past member in public since Sen Byrd died. Antifa is the new militant arm. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And we are worried about Russia election meddling? Now I understand why Google backed out of government deal when Trump was elected. This is result of company getting too big.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"why did @user kick @user of the flight because he spoke arabic. #boycottdelta","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user I'm not screwed any more than you are. Been hearing this same dream of the liberals. What do you think happens if Trump gets removed ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user @user @user get a flag made and hang in front of the house ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008fcome here velly \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #meineumwege #kanal #walkwithdog #dog #mydoggie #oberhausen\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What can we say. 38 billion US PAID to kill more people. While the entire world fixing their sights on Isis and radicals. The government is funding Israel to kill more people. I smell an operation gonna happen in the region. GOD be with the people there. I hope I'm wrong. But if I'm right. The red color will appear soon.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user He is delirious! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #oil reaches fresh 10-month highs amid output disruptions #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When an American is offended by #MAGA or #AmericaFirst , you KNOW you are dealing with a Leftist.#HillaryForPrison #LockThemUp #NoDACA #KAG #POTUS #NEWS #Military #DrainTheSwamp #WalkAway @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"To whatever pussy bitch that broke into my car, FUCK YOUUUUU ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"life is grand! #feelinggood #beer #colorado #nederland #goodday #summer #like4like\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Runyacheckup: “@Shane_A1: A Bitch Couldn't pay me to get dem pregnant again 🙌”😂😂😂😂😂”fr fam ion see how niccas out here poppin kids out","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#LokSabha passes #JammuandKashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019 with 370 votes in favour and 70 against. #Article370","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" we happy few launches on steam early access next month: it's been almost a year since the last time we... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter \ud83d\ude2c ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They... via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @michellemalkin: Good morning to you, too, sunshine! RT @miembrotropa: @michellemalkin dirty bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Its a bitch living in a country where you have two choices for President and fifty choices for Miss America .....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user when is enough enough? This is abhorrent and inexcusable. Your fearless leader seems to have forgotten that he is a public servant. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Hartley - Brewer, Vine, Oakeshott, Moir, women of the right who seem to think #TorySleaze36 is an hysterical witch hunt, say it to victims. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Damn catholics. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I love a bitch with racks of her own","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user And I was the most hysterical woman while watching comedians tear you a new one at the roast of Rob Lowe!!! Hahahahaha Hysterical!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Hoodstarz_Dread: Main reason why i aint got no girl cause i aint never found not 1 bitch who tryna get money wit me all y'all hoes like…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWallNow @user @user BEFORE the Midterm elections #BuildTheDamnWall #EndChainMigration #MandateEverify #NoAmnesty #KeepPheonixPromise National Security ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This is sick , disgusting and heartbreaking !! Allegations or not its inhumane to treat people as second class citizens based on color , race or religion!! Shame on you Myanmar.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Is your partner the blonde chick? Is she single? Thanks. Fuck off @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user weekend @user @user @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These people are fags.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Every bitch got a rainbow in her bio or by her name so all you hoes gay now or is it a wave y'all on ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"America has done nothing for us but a civil war, killing innocents, stealing not only oil because Iraq has alot of great resources, explosions, abductions, sectarianism everywhere, giving a hand to Iran and Saudia to destroy us by playing the cursed game (Suni and Shia) and the most important thing is that the coming up with the scum of the world a group of thieves and greed ppl that all their concern is to destroy the country this group represented by the so-called Iraqi government!! for me as a human being as Iraqi young boy with a foggy future I don't hate Americans at all I like them and I do respect them because they 're humans and we 're connceted in some way, we do carry the message of God that we should love, respect and protect each other and it's not their fault if their government is bad and greed for wealths, but I'm quite sure that there will be a day you will suffer and died before your actual death like the way we feel exactly nowadays. (The blood of innocent ppl never goes with no punishment)","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Bolton is a Mainstream Republican RHINO Chicken Hawk that Trump has to swallow. I was really hoping he would make a huge difference in the Middle East, but it seems the powers that be won't cede that ground.For now, we need him to #BuildThatWall. Hopefully M.E. policy changes. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the #beauty of #life does not depend on how you are. but how happy others can be. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user more payed girlfriends again, thought you were over that ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(I know there are parents among my mutuals\/followers and lots of you are GREAT! But I\u2019ve had to deal with a lot who are laser-focused on an outdated idea of what early childhood education should be) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Never let a boy make you feel like you're anything less than a bad bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Stfu_NobodyCare: I hate how some of you bitches come to school musty . Like how tf you walk out your house stank ? Your mama ain't shit”😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER #RupaliBhosle \ud83d\ude0d one of the top 5 for me .... even now #BiggBossMarathi2","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user nvm he is dodging us we can Play you now ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You are take stupid to a whole new supersized level ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Moron - Real Americans are PROUD of our accomplishments- you are disgusting for not showing the truth.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bad ass bitch* ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#Bangladesh minister claims on TV, India did not raise refugee or #Illegalimmigrants issue with them for 70 years since independence. Why? Cos it suited n helped @user ? #TrinamoolCongress ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You came in my mentions first but okay hoe goodnight ily bitch and I know this picture of this dog just m\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user thanks to you the next four years are forecasted to be the worst. i hope your #fascist plans for #2017fail!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Stories of #refugees who succeeded against all odds via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Of course not she is young and dumb. If she really had a brain she wouldn't believe in socialism","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Brains and beauty. Love her show. Now she is on prime time Oct 15th. I get to watch the whole show. Yay! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Look at antifa..","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hot nigga is just as big as I don't like was. bobby bitch nice too RT @BLASTography: @WaymoTheGod he won't tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i don't know what the point in twitter is i'm just talking to myself because no one even likes or retweets my tweets ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Morning terror read: 99% of the ocean's trash is gone and no one knows where it went → http:\/\/t.co\/CwC2LWCV3T","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Ya niggas","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The USA is one very sick society. This may only be the start, let's hope it's not but I fear there is more to come. You want guns, you seem to be getting your wish.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user wtf, here is everything that's wrong with america ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#welcomethestranger #executiveorder #refugeeswelcome ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Guys relax. Leave the twitter fights to the professionals. I mean vaginals. I mean women. #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@BillOReilly It takes time. It always has. It always will. Let every vote be counted. Trump loses it\u2019s okay guys, god will always love america. God bless our new president Kamala Harr... Oops I mean Joe Biden","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"6\/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist.\"\" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying,\u00a0yet again, that \u201cLAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER.\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@ScanBC hoe the cookie crisp cop is on the case.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0092 !!! #repost reelenterprises with repostapp \u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb scripts ready for my two leads so\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Her- who TF do you think you are Me- ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @BigFatDave: We gave #GunControl a chance. It failed.\n\nNo more of this #GunSense nonsense.\n\n#MomsDemand is statist trash http:\/\/t.co\/MKl…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TheRealIceTre: bae: \"come over\"\n\nme: \"i'm tryna catch a pokemon\"\n\nbae: \"i'm horny tho\"\n\nme: \"bitch it's a fucking mewtwo\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Did you attend Governor Abbott\u2019s meetings on solving gun problems in school?? I guess not! I did! There were excellent discussions on using guns to protect & defend! What\u2019s your point? You stand for gun control & 90% of Real Texans will not have their guns taken away!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Scaramucci We say he golf more than he works but he really working (for himself)[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#BlueTsunami","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"mommy visiting. watching manam together. #pampered #familytime","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Leftists and #Commies in the #USA are going to get a little bit riled up me thinks?! \ud83d\ude06 #MAGA #MBGA #MCGA #Socialists #Lefties #Conservatives #Patriots #MEGA #Trump #Democrats #Republicans URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER David Dennison might know where he is.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @fvckzaina: The only D yah bitches should be thirsty for http:\/\/t.co\/jl7J8xpiIH","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They are illegal immigrants. Gotto go home. Can you now feel how Kashmiri Pandits feel being exiled in their own country due to terrorism of Kashmiri Muslims? You dint shed a tear for them. Shut up now. #NRCAssam ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Omg no. You have no idea wtf you are saying. It\u2019s like a pink sheet stock that keeps reverse splitting. Will eventually be worthless to everyone. But hey may keep dreaming. We all need dreams.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it means skank bastard u dumb bitch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we all #dream of a better life. but when that dream consumes your day, your #humanity begins to slip away, leaving you , #tired & alone!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I had a nightmare last night that my 1 yo child had been taken by immigration and I hadn't seen him for months... It was just a dream and I don't have children.. woke up heartbroken for the immigrant mothers who are living this nightmare in real time \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\udc94 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i want someone to hold my hand and tell me it'll be okay. #alone #upset #missyou #lovewins ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hopefully it is joking. I hate boycotting the Leftist entertainers but I do. Stop saying stupid stuff.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"We ran thru the bitch you fallin in love with!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user bihday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 rg may god add more years to ur life & give good health to serve our nation & bless u ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JaiBrooks1 ur brother looks so queer and ugly","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER She represents tencent.. or is connected with them if i recall correctly","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What a piece of shit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user never would have thought if we held them to 2 runs, we would have lost ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate religion but what kills me is how alot of people, christians especially will act like trump and say some ignorant shit or have certain views against muslims being evil and terrorist. I guess they forgot we have our own domestic terrorist of our own in our country who also go to other countries and terrorize. Not saying don't be cautious of the extremist but don't be foolish in thinking we're safe here under our own leaders. It's already known of what their true agenda is. Geez I hate america.....well most american citizens. So fucking ignorant","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"tyler perry claims \u00e2\u0080\u0098reverse racism\u00e2\u0080\u0099 by critics of his tlc series #tyler #perry #claims #reverse #critics\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Not surprising at all. The Trudeau \u201cLiberals\u201d have been using it to emotionally manipulate and divide Canadians since the beginning. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when you dance like no tomorrow with your baby sister evavlachava \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #pay #time \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"couldn't have said this any better nor truthfully donny boy. @user #theresistance #traitor \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Go out like Seinfeld and cancel the series while it's hot! Jk don't you fucking dare. This better have a 50 issue plan.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @iAmScottyBravo: I hate when old bitches👵 wear clothes these young hoes be wearing💇👙👠, like stay yo ass✋😒 in yo age group","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Well didn't James Comey lie? Or does it only count of you are not FBI? I thought under oath was under oath. Maybe I am wrong.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Your a hoe looking to taken care of...nobody wants to deal with a lazy bitch...male or female! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Sunny #sunnyhostin from #TheView #IamNOTaPROP .. #trump earn my #vote in 2016 & #trump2020 .... #boat #trump2020 #maga #trumptrain #boatparade #blackvoicesfortrump #blacksfortrump #walkaway @abc @sunny @donaldjtrumpjr #blackvote #blackvoice #vernonjones @realdobaldtrump #kag https:\/\/t.co\/NGnyVbfRjT","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Get cunts to threaten me, not bothered. I'd happily hit up a big massive group ae third years or something hahaha. #dropkickkk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"anything is possible #disability #positivity #disabled #wheelchair ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"excited for #dogfest with winston next weekend \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 really to meet noel (hopefully) @user \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If your a Democrat and you love this great country how can you standby and watch as the liberal arm of your Democratic party tries to destroy everything we love about our country. #Walkaway no actually #Runaway. #LibsHateAmerica #CommiesSuck #MAGA and #KAG for everyone \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"best day ever #yaaaaayyy #finally #can'tstopsmiling","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"People talk down on women who don't want broke niggas for no reason, I wouldn't want a broke bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"When it's not your fathers birthday... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Where are there rights we were push out of a clean land and now they want to destroy another these morons just wants money no care for others homes, life etc. I hate greed we don't need pipeline solar power","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@LoVeZanda so everybody knw I mis-spell shit 😂... ion proof read shit!!! let ah bitch call me dumb ima back dey ass up 😎","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Is all leftist fault, we don't want these terrorists in Europe","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"just make someone .. @user #wisdom #inspiration #love #happiness #leadership @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We are \u201cCasually fucked\u201d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER antifa are defined by one striking statistic - virtually none are parents. Why?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate ISIS. Anybody with me?","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Every time I try to be in my feels you always gotta ruin it like shiii let me be a depressed bitch \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"EU doesnt want to reduce refugees! Now the socialist goverment wants to take off the fence of NATO in the enclave CEUTA. 60.000 refugees want to take over to Spain from Maroc. Spain people hate them, but the goverment take all. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"If you ''Repeatedly'' Rape Stab Carry Acid Incite Murder you 'may' Go to Prison..what Fuckin Planet am i Living on... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"@michelle_westt: Facts \"@POONsoaker: Only the dudes with hoes say they don't got hoes”\" @J_Austin12","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Me too!!!! Any takers?!?! I pay very well \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffcI know there are people who love organizing.....and I wish every single one of them would come over to my house\ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@SunkissedSexii bitch trying to turn this shit like Facebook","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER All that shit was hers URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008alama tak muncul \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085#me#selfie#today ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#mtv went #fullretard on video #nzpol #auspol #merkel #retard for #hispters #mansplaining #svpol #theview ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_posterboi: 🙏 Lord please don't let this bitch kill my vibe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The Atlantic takes a close look at how programmes for refugees in America are changing for the worse under President Trump's administration. #USA #world #Refugees #RefugeesWelcome #refugeesNOTwelcome #symmitree #4change ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"today our @user ctu specialists will emphasise on 'actionable threat intelligence' during a special @user event. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \u201cLet\u2019s just say she is the most selfish writer I\u2019ve ever come to know.\u201d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"damn subway just made me the wrong sandwich. probably the last time i'll drive thru ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Darcy = Dorsey? I'm not sure why anyone was expecting a balanced platform when the owner is a satanist.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@NoRapist: Throwing lamps at bitches who need to lighten up.” True dat","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I think he will get decent minutes win the champions league rotation coming into affect. He\u2019s much higher up the pecking order than Herrera or Mctomminay. He is essentially the 4th choice for a 3 man midfield. So first option when resting or even more like today and last week! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RETWEET We ALL know what this MOSLEM was up to. The PROOF is everywhere! @user #MAGA @user #KAG @user #DumpTheDems @user #Trump2020 @user #RedTsunami @user #DeportThemAll @user #Winning @user #NeverForget ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user hey, white people: you can call people 'white' by @user #race #identity #med\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_ConnorRay: I do not fuck with that bitch she cannot keep her legs closed","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you make me miss my sho hair yo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Gabriel_Montoya: RT “@Brandon_Rios1: @Gabriel_Montoya fuck u bitch hope I don't see u bitch cuz I would love for u to tell me to my fac…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Like unemployed LibLeft Antifa SJW parent basement dwellers...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Im the niggah she really wanna ride wit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Adrian1_knowsu: @0124jessi haha lml wrd no nah de pussy shit lol 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Heartlle: i don't like girls that've been around 😴, niggas really be cuffin' community pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user As if a liberal beta male could engage in sex with a straight female. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user How an #evangelist speaks when he is filled with holy spook ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Not according to the ECHR who said it was inhuman & degrading treatment which is pretty awful in itself. So you are directing your comments at the wrong person. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Doomsday for NFL ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"here i am thinking maybe i got a sweet gig with @user but jokes on me cause they sent me an empty gift card. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"knowing there's a reason behind making money makes it a lot easier to be at work. #movingoutwithmylove #cantwait","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I text my ex my new bitch pussy wetter","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"tomorrow is my son's 2nd bihday pay! #bigboy #2years","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"feel so sorry for zara \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 #love island #heabroken","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SenatorDole @realDonaldTrump Both debates were so biased. Wallace was rediculous. Page was quick to stop Pence from talking but let Harris go on and on. More Questions were aimed against Trump.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"off to the cumberland show! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Again if the economy is booming why is gas so MOF high 2nd question this is for the #MAGA cult how will making cars go half as far on gas doubling your cost to fill your tank make Fucking sense to you? #TuesdayThoughts URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TacoRell This show should be called \"side bitches\" I ain't seen love YET","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Lefty Pope should also! He is Not worthy rep for true christian roman catholics!! He failed his flock! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Was this a threat from @user #DangerousDemocrats #maga ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Zach_Thein you pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @oddfuckingtaco: Damn I hate a bitch that like to argue and shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user more #marxist evil jew #propoganda! why is it jew controlled media has never and never will cite any non white grou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #how to be wildly addictive on social media #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jewish dogs","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user @user @user great poster printed for our stand v5 designed by @user printed by @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can you imagine Tryn yo hardest to stop a bitch frm slutin and still comin up unsuccessful","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Awint94 so ppl are pissed off basically saying if we have to suffer, you will too. Tourching tht bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So what is so wrong with saying we will take care of our own first? We have vets, starving children, homeless right here and we have continued to allow it for years because we put others first. He didn't say we are not helping anyone except America, he just said America first.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You know I'm not big on the NFL, but I'm so sick of hearing all of this \"Black and yellow\" shit. LOL @ bandwagon fans and hell, GO PACKERS!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Every pussy the same but I feel like I ain't get enough","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Isis is the most pure islam","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"4th and long bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you're defending a woman against \"condescension\", who was in turn defending a woman that was verbally assailed in f\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user You were on the line listening to the call. You take a radical hysterical delusio\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Also he isnt running for stroud, hes running for cotswolds.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"being optimistic about what's to come and praying for the best. #sexy #chasingdestiny \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Uptown_Byrd: Philly full of these type hoes. Broke bitches! http:\/\/t.co\/AZh2Ql6lwN","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ElRaynerista @selzero #Biden, nice guy. Has all Americans at heart. But he's physically not up to this anymore. We have 73 and 77 year old candidates running for a four year term, for real they are the best future America has to offer? #USElection2020 [NEWLINE]#FuckTrump[NEWLINE]#TrumpIsARacist[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This piece is a heaping pile of BULLSHIT. I live a street away from Alliance Recycling in Oakland and it has caused nothing but problems. All the crackheads that recycle just support the crack dealers on our street. Don't get me wrong these aren't your normal dealers. Just two weeks ago got into a gun fight outside my house with AR-15's AND pistols. Shot the whole god damn block up. While there's baby's in these house's. The dealers they support constantly harass everyone on this street. I can't wait until Alliance shuts down for good. Also the shut down was forced by a police investigation not by the local people. Thanks for lying to all these people for this bullshit piece AJ+.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"GLAAD poll: LGBTQ voters back Biden over Trump, 76% to 17%[NEWLINE]#biden2020[NEWLINE]#bidenharris2020 [NEWLINE]#lgbt [NEWLINE]#joebiden https:\/\/t.co\/SDe3YeTFrR","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @shikeattike: Pussy niggas don't get no pussy nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MiSSKathEVO: #NoFilter I been getting money I ain't worried 'bout a ho, No matter the occasion I'ma always get the dough 😛 http:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER What insanely ridiculous bullshit.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@__sneakyb: I hate when boys deny that they have bitches 👐😩\" smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Your actions speak louder than your words. You voted for the Republican Tax Scam and you're a hypocrite.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Almost half of North American bird species threatened by climate change http:\/\/t.co\/dWSYB5BodA http:\/\/t.co\/F0PVuLNf4c #Climate #Environment","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cOur constitution does not require a concession. It requires that one of the candidates win at least 270 electoral college votes and that\u2019s exactly what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done.\u201d[NEWLINE]S. Sanders.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He also clarified that there is the water birth when we are physically born. Then there is the spiritual birth which is obviously when we spiritually die to our sinful flesh and be reborn sinless after being cleansed by His blood at salvation when our sin debt is paid! Praise God","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i feel so with this \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a6 #icecream #cookie #yogu #sweet #chocolate #dish #desse\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.' -- Wayne Gretzky ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sold my first game on my website! pretty happy #firsttimeforeverything #nolife #whydoihavesomanyhashtags #ihavewaytomany","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope the fuck not","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@MaRAtheeMODEL: @Iam_KiDD_PhilA 😂 Marcus bitch ass @HeartOfAHustlah ain't loyal at all! Team hopping ass !!!” 😂😭😂😭😂🐸☕️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER is one of the only shows that are a Progressive that I can stand to watch. He dislikes the right and left evenly and you know who he is right from the start. If you've never seen his show check it out on YouTube. Insightful \u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These bitches loud for no reason","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @joshhandsomee87: Well I felt sorry for her before but that was stupid. Still though @edgarguillenjr is a bitch who wont try that wit ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Part 1 #Sudanese get home loans with deal done with #BendigoBank putting Sudanese before Australians #AussiesBeforeRefugees #Bendigo #BendigoBank #SENDTHEMBACK #RefugessAreNotWelcomeHere ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Sucks for you ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"WOW! Look at the turnout for a bleeding heart protest in Rockland, Maine against a training session led by a state legislator known for his anti-Muslim migration views via @user Useful fool update... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"1. Declare martial law \n2. Let the army handle this scum","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @right_in_the: pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER How did the market do yesterday donniecakes??","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oooo tomorrow \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DaRealAlexInLA @Buckm00se he wasn't training gook boy doe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"it's not easy being angry all the time. contemplating life. #soangry bird\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@fatbellybella: I know u didnt hit that jigga with my fav purse. .. @solangeknowles”--no chill! 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#nonSense we do not want this in US. #MuslimBan no people from these countries should be allowed without proper vetting. It is really scary imagine #ShariaLaw#EndDiversity#EndChainMigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"happy father's day! let's celebrate the great men out there\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 day fathersday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \u00e2\u0098\u0080all\u00e2\u0098\u0080who\u00e2\u0098\u0080retweets\u00e2\u0098\u0080want\u00e2\u0098\u0080new\u00e2\u0098\u0080followers\u00e2\u0098\u0080 \u00e2\u009c\u0088 #tfbjp \u00e2\u009c\u0088 #teamfollowback \u00e2\u009c\u0088 #openfollow \u00e2\u009c\u0088 #followback \u00e2\u009c\u0088 \u00e2\u009c\u0088 # \u00e2\u009c\u0088 32.71","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Cause I can't have you the way that I want Let's just go back to the way it was When we were on Honeymoon Avenue","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Dear Trump Supporters, you wanted a disrupter. You got one that appears to have cheated Americans and continues to do so on so many levels. He has disrupted your life. 200,000 plus dead and counting. #Trump2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory #EvangelicalsForTrump #LatinosForTrump https:\/\/t.co\/eLc2MvOvVW","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER For what??? Lies and rumors being spread by liberals with their known pattern? Hell NO.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Tattoo_MyLife cuz the whole team trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Italian Interior Minister @user has closed all Italian ports to more than 600 migrants who were rescued by the #Aquarius. This violates international humanitarian laws! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"my right ear is throbbing harder than a virgins pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Lauren_Fawx: “@ItsNotAdam: @ItsNotAdam Adam is a sexy bitch”\n\nConceded ass \n\n(Jk ilusm)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"country boy, hick lyfe, white tee, rebel flag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER omg fuck our lives sis","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"stupid teacher talks to @RandyMower like he's retarded","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Anyone who came to the US as an indentured servant is white trash.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST OH MY GOD. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/XRKdmPpSmA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JimNorton: Sterling is a cunt. My point is simply until everyone has privately taped conversations released, shut the fuck up.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My managers a stupid cunt yes I said it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I LOVE YOUR WIT! You are clearly perceptive and very smart - one of the best to play this game - just played too hard like Andy said. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Her- where'd you learn to eat pussy like that? Me- ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"some say that #trump suppoers are all terrorist gun toting religious fundamentalist psychopaths. some say. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Same paint ball range they used for the antifa vs Proudboy\"\" match last year\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER WHERE DO YOU FIND ANTIFA IN CHICAGO","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When getting #medical help is not an option, undocumented #migrant workers in #Malaysia chose death @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I only fuck with bad bitches I'm stiff","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@Lightskingawdd: Wish I had a bae 😕\"\n\nYou got all the hoes tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Nothing Russia ..case closed ..Yawn! #maga","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"+1 Otakon badge, now with what I'm going to lovingly refer to as my \"cripple ribbon.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#IDontHaveTimeFor Ratchet hoes.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@FusionRocks @jumabr \nI likes me dem Mexican hoes. Day suck me off for 5 dollas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Middle Eastern and Indonesian women are beautiful. Never seen a ugly bitch in a Bollywood film ever","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I learned that every bad bitch comes wit mood swings just like mortal kombat, Liu Kang, so true mane","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"current mood \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6 #alone #anxiety #rain #thistooshallpass ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck off you stupid cunt ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i may be blocked on everything but if my ex is still as crazy as i remember i know she gotta be lurking on my shit.. have you ate baby? \ud83d\ude2d\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER Please commit to a people's vote on Brexit. The Conservatives have made a pig's ear of it.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wtf does this have to do with Zuckerberg, who most ppl don't like anyway? If you're going to assault our eyes with ugliness, make it of the ACTUAL victims, not some tech jerk billionaire few ppl care about.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Hash Tag BombTheFuckOutOfISIS. Hash Tag we're not bombing Syria, we're bombing Isis with Syria. Hash Tag FUCK AJ+. Hash tag we're allied with Russia. Hash Tag the U.S. is aiding ISIS. Hash Tag figure out what the fuck is going on. Hash Tag AJ+ is the worst information source on the planet.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"breen and steward little broke up after steward little was a poop and broke her hea ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"No police department that hires gypsies, half-breeds, and nigglets should be trusted.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MelechT: Apartheid. “@No_Cut_Card: pedestrian check = show me your freedom papers you darkies.”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u201cIf this is your definition of journalism, then don\u2019t be suprised when people call you a racially obsessed tabloid, with no ethics\u201d #StopFundingHate ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Hugh Hefner has lived the life that most of us men only dream of. The man is 88 and still gettin all the pussy he wants.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Your pussy hella tight. Took me an hour to slide in that mothafucka “@flaidfirnruht: “@07Cannon: Quote and I'll compliment you””","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Actually, yes I do. The cunt is the vagina. All women have one. It is a beautiful, wonde\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user But she never questioned Congress\u2019 sluch fund to payoff sexual harassment settlements. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Never going to happen. Bernier split that party. They won\u2019t be in power. All the hard core conservatives out west are with Bernier.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"shame \"@user my old acc @user forgot my password help me to get my folowers\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER But antifa is her people","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"getting to know our acts: @user is on sunday at 1.15pm\/2.15pm\/4pm\/ and 5.15pm...only 18 days to go! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do the#teabaggers like this bald asshole complain about how long a bill is? Should we just draw you morons pictures. #morningjoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL DIMWIT DEM. Start taking losing like a man.....err...like a....uhm? Whatever you identify as today. WE WILL #MAGA NOT TIRED OF #WINNING SEE YOU IN NOVEMBER FOR THE #REDWAVERISING2018 YOU CAN'T STOP #ScotusKavenaugh ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"To accept this notion proves women are stupid! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the way i thot am about to watch yi @user tonight thinking its wednesday ..... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I only like women who’s pussy smell like burnt cheese","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Be careful, they Israelis might just come and bomb it","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user r u a #foodaholic? bt r unable 2 cherish yummy #food coz of #toothaches? dnt b whn u r #hungry! #drmitali ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump uses military people who have risked death as props. Now he's using a virus that he allowed to kill 204K of us and counting as a prop.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Vote him and his crime family out. #Biden2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#MyUnpopularOpinion Spanish bitches suck dick by 11 and have babies by 15 because they're already fine and dressing slutty.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I can definitely help you with the logo and anything related to graphics :) dm me so i can assist you further","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER and it's funny as obama starting talking about gun control shootings started happening. Correlation-definitely so.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"'sad looking bear' (redditor:i124qnds) #looking #bear ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 2018 charts she is. Overall fuck no. Cardi got ways to go to catch niki","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#KKK & Gun Control are traditions of @user Dems started the #KKK because they hated blacks Then they started gun control to stop the @user from arming the Klan's victims #2A #Gunsense is gun ownership! #WhateverItTakes to inform liberals of the truth! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are so beautiful","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"actually both Milo and Alex have a friend in the White House- so ain't nobody ''come' for them- unlike say muslims ot immigrant chilfren ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Africans having their say about Blacks in Europe, and Europeans in Africa, at the #LandExpropriationHearings, currently underway in #SouthAfrica.#SendThemBack ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Further proves antifa members are larping...you clowns not John Wick and this not Imagination Land. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I know his talking about something important (A brilliant piece that is well researched and eloquently executed) but I can't help but think his hot!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Kanye been cancel the moment he said slavery a choice and rock a maga hat #ImWithSnoop ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user all women's facility or program = cool! empowering! all men's facility or program = gay or misogynistic. #doublestan\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Maninder: How I felt, when Immigration New Zealand said \"NO\" to me!: via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama http:\/\/t.co\/kCRWTbCqZd","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I knows y'all white folk only be playin wit me. I colored and I knows my place","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user They are Conservatives to be put on the Supreme Court that don\u2019t have all of these blemishes on their record these questions of their character there are better candidates. They need to find one. This one is the POTUS pic because he thinks the POTUS should be above the law ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump Praises Italy's Conte on Immigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"about to study for my next few #speeches and work on product development. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch ass Ronnie nigga suck my dick bitch give me my vc hoe ass bitch don't play with me like this nigga I'll kill you bitch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user did keep #colinpowell and #condoleezzarice from being #secretaryofstate? words not to use in #2017 . #jumpedthesh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"omg! it's @user day! seeing it today at 2pm. who else is going today? #warcraftmovie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Indeed, the UNHCR reports that Albania treats asylum-seekers well.And what does that mean exactly ?#Albania #ImmigrationDebate via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ZitlalyL: You don't know maybe some bitches like a man in a tutu 😂😂🐶","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":". @user continues our look into government spending. Part II is focused on funding announcements made in battleground Quebec over the summer #cdnpoli ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #loved my #videoproduction at #summer #camp will post in #cute in august. so #photooftheday #beautiful ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user There are thousands apon thousands of videos on YouTube alone of Antifa attacking people just for being at Trump rallies or Republican events. This is not happening anywhere to Democrats. This is on a widespread scale and people like you try to lie and obfuscate to cover them ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"What in the fuck is an #oomf? Well if it refers to women it sucks! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When people say do the \"right way\". There is no right way. Is either risk it all or it's all or nothing. It takes months...years to get papers and especially the money. Not a lot of people like them are fortunate to get the money for the process. This is not how to make America great again. They only target The Latino community. It makes me sad that any Hispanic person has to deal with.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant children being reunited with families in US ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What? I have no clue what you are trying to say. I\u2019m certainly no Trump supporter FFS. Just rational \ud83d\ude02 Keep on keeping on with whatever it is you are trying to achieve. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He too is afraid his backstabbing deeds will be discovered and made public undermining the entire farce of the Obama administration","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A lot of democrats and liberals are even criticizing him for giving him the hug he asked for!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We are playing Clue based on a high school party in the 80s when a federal judge was in his teens. Does anyone really take this seriously?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Following all patriots. PLEASE follow back. Thank you. #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Witchhunt #RedWaveRising #VoteRed #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@mayi_Mcdonald: I got hella hoes.”😯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh! enfin! #dvdvoilavoila #placevvt :) <3 @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @__J_R: Smh nigga is mildly retarded RT @Thotcho: LMFAO RT @JustDoJ: If Griff wasn’t injuries we’d legit be 6-1","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Don\u2019t let the door hit ya... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals didn't want to hear from Juanita Broderick. She was ignored. Liberals don't want to hear from Keith Ellison's accuser. Double Standard","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Cruz needs to add #ANTIFA to this proposed Act. That way we literally kill #2BirdsOfAFeather with one stone. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I say grab him. What a difference maker. He is a home run hitter to compliment smoke. Means we release Grant and Snead has to take over. Don\u2019t know the whole story why Browns would release him. But he is a legit number one WR ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't you hate that dumb ass voice that everyone uses when they try to mock something you said?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Yes. One of my major beefs. You can take the T past chestnut hill but you can\u2019t take it to dot or Roslindale, HP.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What she is proven??? Lies???","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Zedd finger my throbbing pussy flaps","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sike naw I love big smelly hoes doe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This video is *poop*. Misleading information without any evidence. Modi has been cleared off by the Supreme Court. So basically AJ+ wants expect someone to apologize for something he has not done. Aj+ is one of those channels who celebrate Islamic mass shootings.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"huntsvilleisd announces summer school will continue; censors questions about whether it's mandatory #staar @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this nonsensical, hate-filled word-salad w\/b funny if it weren't so sad.... #bigotry #notmypresident! ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I think you've made it clear that these hoes ain't loyal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Same here but the more he talks the dumber he looks WWGIWGA MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I was too busy kneeling to watch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A videographer who reported on the violence of Antifa was found dead due to a tragic car accident. Police now believe his death was no accident at all. Welcome to the tolerant left. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m very excited to buy more lol. The lady at the con all her manga was $6 and she told me some other cons she\u2019s gonna be at so I wanna go to this one in Chicago next year \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm +14 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Saw u on Hannity last night. Want u to know I love your Dad and know everything he has sacrificed for us. He is to me the greatest President in my lifetime and in modern history. I so wish I could tell him. I would probably ugly cry though. He is a Godsend to this country.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@BookerTweet_: There's starving children in Africa but this bitch using bananas to plug her butt hole smh http:\/\/t.co\/DjPgA7QAy5” wtf?😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Canada is a peaceful country your ass. They are also in the war with the US in the middl-east. Sneaky lying Caucasian bastards.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@RedNationBlogga fuck those faggots","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user She agay bitch? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Constitutional Republic Micheal. This is not Greece 2000 years ago. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"politics used to be a noble example of our libey & democracy. now both paies have abandoned this for an agenda-driven power grab. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are some basic white girl who clearly didn\u2019t know any of them personally and it\u2019s awful what has happened to Mac so why don\u2019t you pay respect to that instead of being disgusting and blaming another innocent human in something that has nothing to do with them. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Lmfao RT @GahDamnAnimal: Fat hoes in tight clothes be lookin like a half opened can of biscuits","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"loner.. stoner.. tell yo bitch to bite da boner","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER . She is my life saver\u2764. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Just don't go to Bank of America unless you are ready to prove that you are citizen every time you want to get your money out of your account.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #Causality? Is it: 1. Chicago lawmakers instituted strict #guncontrol BECAUSE of high pre-existing crime rate? 2. Crime rate is high BECAUSE strict gun control prevents law abiding citizens to be armed - so only scofflaws have guns? 3. No causality at all. Statistics are #COHORT ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Cops in Texas are retarded, most of them are thugs with badges ! Racist as hell and can barely do their jobs ,without violating a citizens rights. I feel sorry for any american that drives through Texas, especially if you do not know your rights ! Be prepared to pay out of your ass, for one speeding ticket 2000, in fines. Money hungry cocksuckers will find anything they can, to get you caught up in their bullshit !!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Jeans ho ya girl hu ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fair & lovely effect... ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@MSoltan18 @Matt_Simonson @KoredeB9 nvm thought we were talking fifa sorry matt you're not trash at zombies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"finished the alcohol i had @ 1:55am because i'm a loser #drinking #notdrunk #whiskey #lonely #bands #emogirl #alone #depression ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ryan's wife was from a famously conservative Blue Dog Democrat family in Oklahoma. The conservatives that have left the Dems. She herself has always known to be conservative. She campaigned against Obama nationally in '08 and '12. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i couldnt watch it all. the longer i did the more i wanted to snatch him up by his damn hair. lil black boy is confused. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user google the writer from \"american action forum\" & it becomes perfectly clear #follow$","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/bPU86qzYFt Lola Foxx – Nubile co-ed shows off her pink pussy while she fondles herself http:\/\/t.co\/9QJPbdyzTY","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"pontoon will be here tuesday!! #turnup #yg","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is a big lump of \u2014-I agree 100% ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"am i not famous enough @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(( Bam! There she is! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user corrieeeeeee time!!!!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Human stupidity and greed are endless.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" father sings happy bihday to daughter stranded in iran: richard ratcliffe, from west hampstead, lond... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't fuck wit no bitch ugly friends,","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I dont want this assfucks in my country","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @RipCaps: I wish I would chase a hoe .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @dirtyimage: @Tronkitty not just cause of hoes, go to jail cause of fucking up hoes bloody n making them call you head honcho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Surprise, surprise! TSA trashes Brandon Darby's Border Patrol sources http:\/\/t.co\/EtDKzFrRzK","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AdolfNiggler: when an ugly bitch tells me to text her http:\/\/t.co\/060glx19oR","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Woo_Chamberlain: I just made that interview my bitch. 😎”--finessed it huh!? Lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Liberals always be liberalling. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user who love illegal aliens. You all have more blood on your hands. You have betrayed America.#ILLEGALimmigrants ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@prettycha305: Group chat bitches we call yall undercover Feds 👮👮👮 watching everybody”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER That's new","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we'ont get head from hoes wit overbites..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" fathers day to all the #amazing #dads out there that give up so much for their families! #enjoy your... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"'You're the only one I'm talking to' ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user So you\u2019re the same people who vote for less gun control when we have what I dunno 23 school shootings just this year and 2 fatal shark bite incidents since 1936. You sure really care about humans. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This women is a vile example of the far left lunacy. She is using the Alinsky, Rules for Radicals Handbook.\" No matter what u have to do, (lie,steal,use violence etc. )u must destroy the conservatives. They lack character & have no moral code.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\" Keeks is a bitch she curves everyone \" lol I walked into a conversation like this. Smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hope they played this on the wall at the board meeting they must have hastily convened this morning. \"Resolve the problem.\" Uh huh. They got a big, big one and I doubt they can snap their fingers and resolve it. - Could be they'll have learned a big lesson: you screw and terrify your guests, they won't be coming back.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Build The Wall. Its cheaper than maintaining a lifestyle that nearly 30% of Americans are living on. These are not guests. The are a mass of illegal citizens of another country invading ours. #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And you can see how close he is to tears. I know how hard it is to lose an old friend. They're irreplaceable.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama’s Newly Released Gitmo Jihadi Has Links To Terrorists In Syria http:\/\/t.co\/MywaAFD1yB #tcot #pjnet","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @nrana777: girl logic: \"if I say bye I don't actually mean it\"\n\nthen don't fucken say bye you dumb bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user #good morning sir! good weather today! ! but busy.. no holiday. #vacation #qtd","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Yansii_: Black bitches be like \"boy i told you not to get my hair wet\" http:\/\/t.co\/CSG4OoPgkY","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@IIXIXIII bruhhh I'm joking... Don't pop trunk on me I'm just a bitch ass niiiieeegggaaa","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"White Americans, you may report #UndocumentedImmigrants (#IllegalAliens) invading the United States. Heres how:Call:1 (866) 347-2423orGo online: andLearn more: ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"My nail girl was hyping me up the whole time \"I love your hair\" \"I love your eyelashes\" \"I love your outfit\" Like yass bitch, here's ya tip ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" mornin folks have a #positive day \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 - happy buddy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ||harr harr mahadev|| \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"june has been such a sad tragic month. #tragic #fitfam","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"there's way too much going on in this world! the end is really near. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GossipCop jay-z and bey they will never be..jus trash","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@laceeybugg atleast i wipe my ass trashy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"drinking warm champagne on a mountain at 11:26 on a monday summer","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Americans are smarter than you think. #MAGA #VoteRed2018 #RedWaveRising2018 #SaveOurCountry #VoteDemsOut ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BYEjaliee5SOS: Fine then don't rt little nigs \n#mtvhottest one direction","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I'm sorry but damn she is hot af ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@DiggzTBLB ; bitch.. What? http:\/\/t.co\/OcsuDvN5hy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ion even wanna see this bitch . 😒 talking bout ill make you breakfast","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JewelsAndDrugs9 @ladygaga @madonna lmao madonnas music sucks? yeah you're fucking stupid if you think gaga is better. retard","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"is an 83 year old man still young enough to teach him about sexism and what not to say about women? #help","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user finally got time to sit down and watch @user make happy on netflix! it's brilliant! stop everything and watch it now.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AJ0427 @AshActually Hey, I don't always go there. Sometimes, these three crazy bitches and one suave MFer trick me into going with them","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yes he should for life @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" bday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #darling \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BrosConfessions: \"Unlike a lot of these bros, I actually care about my girl and I love her. It's not called being a pussy, it's called …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"make sure to stop by the @user exhibit to see the best of @user #hech #hr ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"can #music help you overcome #grief? - ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@potpwincess bitch was at a gas station puffin. I swear that's so trashy... Her nigga should put her in check..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"how does one person just decide the ruin the entire countries day #rip #queer #lgbt #gay #why","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"5- Most epic moment in 3 sentences GRAAAWRL WYVERN FOR BREAKFAST GUYS!!! YOU ARE SO DUMB THE HEALER HAS TO BABYSIT YOU AND FIRE THIS SHIT TRY OF A DRAGON BECAUSE OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS also we need to bury the half body of our tank and try to get out his other half from its stomach URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i hope the bastard gets life","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Evil in a white robe","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I honestly despise women who bitch and whine about sexism and equality, yet they're being literally just as bad. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"...friday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 wine \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 chill!!! #thankgod #shitweek","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @lil_dannyyy: It ain't nothing to cut that bitch off ❗️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user And I\u2019ll never watch another movie with him in it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This German music festival brings refugees and locals together through a shared passion for music \u00e2\u2122\u00ab ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Allegedly\", AJ you are news crap","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user I just looked. She just advertises a horror movie she is in. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Im about to get all the pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user flip flop day.\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f may it be a flipping flopping awsome successful day.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"for her #bihday we got her a #nose #job @user \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081 #bihday #petunia we love you \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Can't wait for it to premiering in India! CONGRATS!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Laurenlablue11 basically we ain't got room for basic bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are a sick person","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#WillieNelson laughs at conservatives on #TheView for suddenly being outraged by his support of #Democrats ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Cavs trash too","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Definitely not! I have the same thought, kind of \ud83d\ude01 I hope he's had a massive stroke, heart attack, embolism...but not that kills him. I'd like him alive but incapacitated so he'll be fully aware that it's his immigrant employees who REFUSE TO CLEAN HIS ASS!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Jessycaa_Rubi: You swear youre down n the realest n you stay doing little bitch shit like that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@MarketWiseNick In many areas has that look, but need to see bean count-said it before, beans are a bitch-tend to do what you don't expect","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Listen CAREFULLY TO THESE #LEFTISTS!!! This is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WILL DO! #Liberals & #Leftists can\u2019t be TRUSTED!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"6-4 placement games :))) now it's time for the real grind to begin! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I-75 N in Hamilton Co Vehicle Disabled at EXIT 3: SR-320 \/ E. BRAINERD RD. at 9:48 AM 8\/6 est clear by 10:56 AM 8\/6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil islamophobia only serves to empower the extremists. #emiratis #2016in4words","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Ask the UN why? Ask liberals why? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user >Eradicating HIV and Malaria in the middle of Africa Good bloody luck ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Squill_whispers @quentinking46 God bless that you man- #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user waiting for a flight \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c#airpo #manchester #spain\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 #flight\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Legally you need to take 15 min break every 2 hours and a lunch after 4 if you stream for more than 5 hours lol if you stream for more than 10 hours you are required to take a second lunch before the 10th hour ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"smile ever! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #smile #picture #man #ontheroad #friends #life ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This foo came to the club wit his bitch on a leash 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 https:\/\/t.co\/wC4ub0UN6b","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user cannot wait for a whole week living with @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095#week #boyfriend #love #hopehecanputupwithme","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what are you about today? #celebrate #lulybtips #affirmations ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're hungover AF and you realize tomorrow is Monday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you think your sarcasm will be offensive, say it, whoever finds it offensive is a bitch and you don't need such negativity in your life. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"White bus drivers are all white trash. #LosAngeles","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"7\/8 #Americans deserve to be angry. We need to marshal that thoughtful anger and put it to work to ensure that we do not have this political drunk driving our destiny for another four years. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteHimOut [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/yGRZwPiFLF","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It matters less than swaying the political slant of the SCOTUS by both parties. That\u2019s a fact. This is only important to lib\u2019s and conservatives as to the Court makeup.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user all #smiles when #media is !! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088 #pressconference in #antalya #turkey ! sunday #throwback love! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lovin hoes but thats same bitch we put the pipe in. She suckin dick, thats the same bitch you give goodnight kiss","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@PRAYINGFORHEAD: spongebob out here beating bitches up http:\/\/t.co\/eWIHBSQEk8”@based_shinigami","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheSexFacts101: Fucking over your guaranteed pussy trying to get some more pussy will end you up with no pussy!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"imagine you and me......@user .. monthsary at weeksary.! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"that lil bitch released the exclusive shower photos between niggas. #trustisbroken","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"it's been ten mins, bitch I gave you a 2 min assignment lmfaooooo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"we were here before such a bridge appeared. your denial of indigenous first people is racism. ergo, you are \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER So pointing at the umpire and calling him thief is berating and walking very fast toward an official and calling them f***ing moron is not? I think it is clear who needs help. You are a man perhaps?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It shows that the #DysfunctionalPartyDuopoly is not now nor ever has been predisposed to implement an effective program to #StopTheInvasion. #repX #invasionUSA @user #SealTheBorder ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Suicide_gawd: Nigga when from \" Can I get a hug\" to\n\"I got hoes b \" http:\/\/t.co\/ACLiqHQ5PV","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"UPDATE #Burundi-an refugees in Tanzania live in fear of being put in harm\u2019s way if they are repatriated to Burundi. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"People who hold guns sideways are idiots. You're an idiot for thinking that's how it works.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"this is my favorite picture of my momma and me!!! #silly #mom ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't believe in nobody fuck all of you","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@CrackerJhak Because you're a fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"harm this pussy instead RT @ABC7: missing 26-yr-old USC medical student last seen Tuesday May harm himself http:\/\/t.co\/evU04p6SUR","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Why should #SerenaWillams be paying a fine for speaking the truth? She is not responsible for a #coach who apparently was trying to sabotage her - not just the referee...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you was good on the low for a faded fuck on some faded love","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization that leeches off of George Soros's money. They are a domestic terrorist organization that uses intimidation & violence to spread their ideology. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"no. only buraa dhin ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sitting here thinking about the fact that Al Jazeera(AJ) is showing Jesus as a little girl, and Mary as a man, but they won't show a damn image of Muhammed played with or messed with? So it's okay to blasphemously depicted Christian images and Saints, but they get in a fit over Muhammed being blasphemed in art? Hypocrites.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user man he is so fine ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Niggas be having LOYAL pussy on call... and still be thirsty as fuck. Like BRO, go fuck your woman & get some of them hormones out lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @X_LexiiSoUnique: All I see down my TL is naked white bitches 👀👀👀🙈","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user call me a dog cause DAM... I got a bone for you nigga \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"38-year-old man passed away after fasting for four days to pray for Donald\u00a0Trump\u2019s recovery. According to his family, Bussa Krishna Raju worshipped the US president like a God https:\/\/t.co\/JX4deCBB9R","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user lovely lunchtime run with @user in #brighton now we're ready to tackle the afternoon @user #worklife ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"isis bombing: several killed by suicide car bomb in holy iraqi city of karbala. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"...aaaaaaaaand it begins. RT @RileydaKafka: Fucking niggers that's all Kentucky is and ever will be","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That was fucking fast holy shit lol ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @jaunthegoat: Lost my erection and found it in your girlfriends pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Antifa demo in memory of #KillahP. #Greece URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for celebrations. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The only difference is how many parasites it has feeding off it you mean?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Literally just got shit on by a seagull..... You're gonna fuckin die bird","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Why can't somebody pipe this bitch down? She's a Soros laying cunt getting paid to act. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user If liberals are against Kavanaugh then he's the best man for the job. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user *note* a #story will get you #sympathy but a #hard #grind_ will get you #results so #grind\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Really a sickening issue. Liberals are vicious!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm not watching it ever again. Soccer anyone? That damn soccer game in TN looked like a winner to me. USA beat Mexico 1-0. Over 40k attended. I think Soccer can overcome football in the future. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When is LVMPD and MGM going to be held accountable for #VegasShooting and it's subsequent coverup & knee jerk Gun Control? Anyone else find it curious that the first surveillance video released by MGM was in an exclusive to the New York Times ? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @camxo__: “@Rosaalbae: Playstation is trash. Xbox is better” \nya titties trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These are Canadian refugees ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Liberals GAG","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I only want Brexit because I want small government, free markets and less\/no welfare state","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"no lie tho i'm weak for a pretty bitch. have me doing all type of shit that ain't really me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#2 ED I am said: To man All nation you was warned, Giving time! Trump instead of calling war act on this Corps Ford, my pillow back to business supplies will surely be needed. Death comes with a Scythe U.S more death then any nation! Red states MAGA U.S.A No mercy \u2714\ufe0f 4-27-20!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Larry Flynt YOU MAKING PORN OF WOMEN YOU ARE A SICK BITCH PIG DOG PROFIT OFF WOMEN SEXUALLY DEMEANING DEMOCRAPS ARE MENTALLY UNSTABLE SICKO ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"whoever's going down to smoke secretly can you please lock the front door i keep getting blamed for keeping it unlocked bitch wtf ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders? Second point syntactically nonsensical. I lament climate change & I don\u2019t have a private jet. I favor more gun control & I don\u2019t glorify guns or have armed security. Who is this fantasy \u201cthey\u201d you r fixated on? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How many are willing to testify under oath that they actually knew Kavanaugh? How many would testify to having said NO\" to Kavanaugh? Until you have said \"no\" to man, you do not know what he is like.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LuckyLanceJ: Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass. @DrMayaAngelou","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@MarkDice Yep, that\u2019s why Court Packing Pelosi told people to come down to China Town & went on holiday and got her hair dyed... f*ck the workers, this is about Trump. She\u2019ll pretend it\u2019s for workers in the long term, but she\u2019s been there decades and done nothing so it\u2019s just a lie...","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@ZayySwanson @_EmaniMilan I'm jus Tryn figure out when all dem niccas was together like dat","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I want yo bitch I go get her I smashed er now she won't let up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Holy shit. You better not be drinking milk after eating that. Or else... \ud83e\udd22","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The Wanted","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BowDownn_Bitch: Nine times outta ten the bitch using them same unclean brushes on all ten of her clients. I can't with you \"beat faced\"…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The DC: \ud83d\udda8\ufe0f Should 3D-printed guns be subject to background checks? and... \ud83d\udec2 Is the gover\u2026 via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JeromeSantonio: I don't care how much I hate a girl, I'll never call her a hoe, bitch, slut or any of that shit lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Tina Thank You \u2764 i'm \ud83d\udcaf All In For President Trump\u2764 #MAGA \ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Look at how shamelessly liberals lie to destroy a man's life...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@calissstaaa cause you're a damn border bunny, you forget already?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Yea it will be revealing what she is now put through as to why she didn\u2019t come forward. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thank you... she is my world #CartersBodysuitSweepstakes","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Ashlynohma wtf I DMd you bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why weren't the democrats in the streets marching for the separated families of people like Jamiel Shaw when he was separated from his son forever after Jamiel Jr. was shot and murdered by an illegal alien? #separatingfamilies #BuildThatWall #MAGA #BGR #BlacksGoneRed ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Like freaky bitch but I fucks with her","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" fathersday #father\u00c3\u00a2\u00c2\u0080\u00c2\u0099s #day, #dad #| #skinny #and #single buy things about \"h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Boi I\u2019m trynna feast on that booty... I mean those noodles ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Totally not the way Antifa works.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user ty for the charizard pimp i mean really thank you sadly i was too late for the marshadow haha i mean really man ty :) ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"And this from ... California #MAGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Karl Lagerfeld is against illigal refugees and hate Merkel for this action to bring them all in. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmaooo wait so why everybody talm bout card crackers?! I missed it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@BaylaaGottaBody: 😂😂😂😂 I ain't shit .\" Damn Skippy lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @YELLitOUT_louud: “@_laTodd: “@Satisfied_x: “@S_hawn24: Y'all females love y'all a bum nigga or a jail bird..”!!!!”❗️❗️❗️😩👏👏👏”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Still no excuse... Where TF are her parents??? They are using him & he is using her.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @b0ss561: If you're gonna smoke weed then do you but alcohol is just stupid you faggots are getting more stupid drinking it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"she wasn't ready to die. too young. a young age of 22. #prayforchristina #hearingallhersong ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why can't rich people move into new places? They're not trying to displace people, that's a byproduct of a developing area. You can't expect not to be pushed out of a quickly developing area by doing the same minimum wage work your parents have done. It's an absurd way of thinking. Unless you OWN the property, don't get so butthurt. Go buy some land in Colorado.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch needs to get a life already, jobless skank go do something productive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bedroom decorating is done! #myroomnow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"on that path #poetry #love #game #fire #moment #hea #eyes #happy #walk #path ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I'm honestly not surprised coming from the school you are in. Why would you be vaping. I noticed they like to accuse you of a lot of stupid stuff but don't let it get to you.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know the whole story and honestly I don't care about it either lol but from what I saw In the video was people surrounding the truck, if someone wasn't letting me go where I wanted I'd do the same damn thing! Now if he was encouraging their behavior by following them around and harassing them then it's a different story. Either way both sides probably acted like idiots!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"He should hire Hillary to defend him. Didn't she get a child rapist off with only like two months served? They are both scum bags.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user There\u2019s a big risk (for @user @user ) many conservatives will drift and stick to parties like Aust Conservatives that\u2019ll emerge to cater for this growing dissatisfaction. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_BOOWHOP: I can't trust ah soul I can't trust these NIGHAS I can't trust these hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fantastic video on #buzzfeed's hate of men. #manhate","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Damn these niggas b lame that\u2019s crazy","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #beaboutit anyone in California see how utterly defenseless their gun control agenda makes people? Bravery backed by effective tools prevents loss of life. Good on this guy! Be willing to win at any cost!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"messi is a good man and a Superstar player!!!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"packed all my photo frames ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Awww kaise bache ki tarah she is holding his finger\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83e\udd17 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And they say Russia is the hackers.. Hmmm...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't forget @USER & Democrat backed #Antifa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"No bitch, I don?t have anything to hide. I just don?t like people looking through my phone..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @WallStWatkins: A hoe only cares about the now, the future is irrelevant.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"a #drawing i made a while ago ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Brad Pitt is older than Charlie Sheen. What the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"good to see #england \"fans\" making us all feel proud #sarcasm euro 2016 via @user #disgrace ********","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for having sense of touch. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sometimes I feel like being really nice to everyone then I'm just like wait you're all bitches anyway soooo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yandy gotta pay me for dick im sorry...that bitch ugly","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Get back to work Mr.Squidward. \ud83d\ude11","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user step out of the history that is holding you back. step into the new story you are willing to create. -\u00c2\u00a0oprah winfrey #lo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Null_Hypothesiz: Omg you own a microwave!? \nFancy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#omg #orangeisthenewblack took 3 days. just finished. cried my eyes off! so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #IWillNotSubmit to Accuser Leftist Liberals DemonRats Plantations Mind Control Agenda! Globalist puppet! #MeToo Movement Hollyweird #SnowFlakes #Pedowood was SCUM! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"*sighs sadly* i miss you, tavi... #mlp #vinylscratch #octaviamelody #ship #vinylmelody #octaviascratch #emtpy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Had no interest in watching the DNC hour with a hunch of sanctimonious liberals who trigger over everything except when they are insulting those who disagree with their cause of choice for the moment. Pass. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MattieTrump97: Win % since pile of trash @jairusbyrd went to New Orleans:\n\n#Buffalo:1.000\n#NewOrleans:0.0000000000000\n\n#FuckByrd\n#WhoNe…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER 'Why people who are a particular leaning?' - this implies that there is a specific effort against conservatives which I have not seen any actual evidence of. (Presidential tweets and cherry picking tweets do not count)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil wwi & wwii were both waged over oil. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Previously Deported Serial Child Molester Re-Arrested In Arizona @user This is an everyday occurrence!#NoDACADeal#BuildTheWall #KeepAmericansSafe#ProtectOurChildren#DeportThemAll There are far too many depraved Illegal Aliens to weed out ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"bihday fun last night with sswain14 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #bihday #loveyou ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Actually NO! The privilege is with the person lucky enough to be granted the visa. UK can, and does, attract millions upon millions of would be economic migrants. Fair play to the guy getting the visa originally, now the time for hi ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"over the rainbow \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088\u00e2\u0098\u0098 #saturday #evening #smile #picoftheevening #oveherainbow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fucking sucks when the refs are against you. #KillTheZebras","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"God damn birds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@venusdemilotic @JoelJerseyGuy @WSJ The flu kills more people and we never had to wear a mask before. Go back into hiding. If you are concerned then you wear the mask and stay away from someone without one just that simple. A bunch of political BS #NoMask #Trump2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @ThottyGlo: How quick your bitch will text another nigga whens shes mad at you http:\/\/t.co\/uRSI7AjUMP","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"and said hello to this... #newride #chevy #chevytrax ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iamTHATprettyMF: them other bitches aint got nothing on me I can tell by how your still fucking with meeeee","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The biggest threat to our nation dwells within the White House. Vote Biden. Pass it on! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/bEUCl5NC1I","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"june is a #celebration month bihdays to all my #geminis sisters!!!! #cheers \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Biggest refugee camp in the world and a year ago it wasn\u2019t there. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KlTTYGIRL: im shitty but i promise u im better than that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER AND if it rains I can also go between the mainstage and the stmpd stage swimming","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"US Navy Seal, which killed Osama wrote a book. It tells how this specialforces work today. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Seriously?! Do you really believe your own crap? Why don\u2019t you just move on if she is so offensive. This ugly side to you is very unbecoming\ud83d\ude1e ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"next monday three new assets! #indiegame #indiedev #coomingsoon #ue4 #gamedev #blender #3dmodelling #game #gamer #furniture #create","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Shrug. Maybe it's a Canadian bitch thing","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"that man's daughter really must be of little value to him... #oxymoron","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I refuse RT @LxrdLvndxn: Damn bitches are always talking shit about Draya!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @YaboySkeete: This bitch slow lmaoooooo http:\/\/t.co\/oPmDp5RgLV","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"wow sept 1 me ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MidniteBoss: @fourzerotwo fix the fucking snipers you retarded piece of shit. Fucking overpowered as fuck. They aim down faster then ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER (1) Ok lets play this game. Which side\" is openly advocating for the persecution of a race & promoting segregation? Which is supporting a militant group very similar to Hitlers brown shirts (Antifa)? Which is calling for gun control (even wanted armbands)?\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You can never take a L off a real bitch, I'm hotta than them hoes that you chill w. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"now that i have signed contracts i have updated my li profile with details of my new role #newchallenges","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DanLukas12 gotta keep your bitch in check","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My bitch get on my nerves","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Meeeesh1395 damn makin bitches jealous in reality & Twitter\/facebook. Prolly mad bc if her pic was posted it wouldnt be taken as a joke! 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Some girls think being a bitch and having an attitude is attractive. Who tf made you think that??","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@wodaeeex3 bitch i juss askd yu uh question yo ole choppa bullet head ahh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Heeellllooo \"@__AyooBreezy: If a bitch keep hitting your nigga phone... It's because he's still entertaining her 💯\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f to all the liberals that made this happen.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user np of #princessestelle of #sweden attend #nationalday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0086 -06\/06\/16 #cute #love #sweet #beautiful #girl #child htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user obama never takes ownership of any problems. great at blaming everyone else or our constitution for his failed policies. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You can't treat these hoes like ladies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Ew. Also bitte! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i know one thing that i have not written to @user i still do not understand .... sad \u00e3\u0085\u009c\u00e3\u0085\u009c #lovebts #bts \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A Democrat tried to stab a Republican congressman-a Democrat shot congressman Scalise and tried to kill everybody around him-Democrats are beating up Republicans and denying them the right to speak-we know who the Democrats are and they are not Americans","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"3rd month \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008d #contented #blessed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"eating my weight in chocolate crepes probably isn't going to help me lose weight #fml #hu #tears #brokenhea ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ygAddie: Obama a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Booker is toast! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@WakeUpPeeps1 Read w\/o slant your orig statement said 'everything' we have...that is the only extreme comment made","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @macktology101: \"Hehe\" hoe quotes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Now da #Heat fans bacc y'all niccas kill me ain't tweeted shit all damn game","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realmarkhenning lol, We gotta let these hoes know. *pow pow* this aint what they want. >>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @juanadog: Dallying is for bitches, bro. I dilly, exclusively.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I love you! & if her man passes, I volunteer as tribute \ud83d\ude18 so proud of you!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@dickburritoz \nevery bitches claim","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #fathersday - i made this to #educate on the #horrors of not spending enough #time with your #children. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Will peace with #Ethiopia end misery of #Eritrea's refugees? via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We in this bitch together \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"'Sable is a Whore and a Cunt!' - Sunny Destroys Sable: via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and now i can't see he tweet at all. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"[1466278135.27] update @ #social #analytics #garmin #arduino #igers #design ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A moron thus probably thinks that rape is a form of aggressive romance. People this stupid don't merely exist, many have inordinate power DT ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TrippinC @nuteIla 😂😂😂😭😭😭😂😂 that hoe is like 5'8.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: @JoeBiden under active criminal investigation in Ukraine AND the United States. Seeing a trend here, consecutive #Democrat presidential nominees are #criminals not a good look @TheDemocrats how about running someone honest for president? #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/VzPEvtgO89","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Philippine bishops hit back after Duterte calls God 'stupid' #Philippines #EuropeanUnion #RodrigoDuterte... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I can't fuck with girls that talk about their pussy on social media...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user And this isn\u2019t considered hate speech for the liberals. If a republican said that about democrats the MSM would be raising 10 kinds of Hell The hypocrisy is to be expected now ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Shoutout to everyone that uses 'ur' instead of 'your' or 'you're' cause you're too stupid to know the difference ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user stop the sale of guns please. how many more will get killed like this? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm ready, are you? #Debates2020 #debatedrinkinggame? #Trump2020 vs #CreepyJoeBiden #debate https:\/\/t.co\/FXc3osvFAI","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"we're over here making plans to go to raging waters and we don't even have friends to invite \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #bihday to my #velvet #teddy #bear. #ralph is my best #friend for life. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is new psychology thinker who think about religion and so aggressive on her thought before deeply think on hinduism \ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"i'm not going to sit there drinking a pepsi while you eat your cheese.\" - @user #dairyfree #nopizza ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Rock(Hard)Man","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I neither side with the Klan nor Antifa. I stay out of family squabbles. Dems can clean up their own bastard children. Perhaps you could clarify how I do t support the 14th.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lol he is literally incapable of this. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My baby Lexy. She is a whole ain't shit bitch in the winter. Sorry ass RWD that's her only flaw. Still love you tho http:\/\/t.co\/5UGfhrdrxT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am thankful for memories. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You both look lovely! #FLOTUSrocks #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffe","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck off you stupid fucking CUNT OH MY GODDDDDDDD ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"latepost\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ab #like #like4like #likeforlike #goodnight #night #face #sad #latepost #sendiri ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Doesn't Canada need it's comedians back.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@pufntrees the bitch ass nigga I just called a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @KinkyGoose: Eat mangos, get bitches.\n\nTo be honest, I don't do either of these.😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @EskimoKim_: @WeCameAsJanie I really hate skyler like she's loaning money and it's not even hers like bitch wtf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Well he\u2019s complimenting her body which she is clearly very proud of as she\u2019s naked in every episode ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Look at me bitch I got everything you hoes want ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KeithOlbermann: @MarkDBrown0824 you mean like the Yankees did this year when they prioritized a farewell tour over a playoff run?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Deuce1990: What will the Lakers be after kobe” trash","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"these bitches need to be called out I'm sorry http:\/\/t.co\/Rin49M54fK","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You don't HAVE to say it. You showed yaself. RT @UptownRaised: Bitch nobody said I did now shut the fuck up that fat made you retarded @VofD","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#ShameOnYou #conservatives proud of yourselves for inflicting such horrors on the folk of #Palestinian.\u2026... URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No I have no relationship with him he is not worth the energy it would take to hate him. I have more respect for the gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe than such a selfish spoiled entitled narcissist!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I wasn't aware there was big money in sensible gun control \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @randypop84: U bitches ain't paying my bills......so FUCK YOU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Georgia University...your racism and utter lack of tolerance is showing. Higher education is apparently not your goal. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"this face pretty much sums up my mood over the past couple weeks. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wearing extensions around me is as dumb as wearing panties around me... They both getting ripped off of you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump is a BSer. President Trump tells the Truth. Both things can be true. #EndTheEU #SaveEurope #StopIslam #BringBackTheLira ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Dathighyellaguy: Dem hoes who swear their pussy priceless but u sell ass all day 😕","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Les Miserables Banksy for sexual assault victims in France and Germany another do gooder of illegal immigrants not legal ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"soo true \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099#love #boyfriend#daughter ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't fuck a scary hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@lifeof_brandon text me bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER McQuaid is wayyyyy too expensive for what he is.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Marcus Colston so damn trash.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my little one has no idea that we going on a cruise in 2 days!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0090 #bestsurprise @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you say anything about me I'll knock ur boyfriend out. Go for it bitch. Your boyfriend is a pubeless runt.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Wow the guy who played the guy pitching a doggy product on Modern Family thinks he is the conscience of the nation. Also can I get Hamilton tickets?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I swear that hoe b trying it...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"There is no other words GREED the so called civilized world, only to run your countries they are killing hundreds and millions of innocent civilians.This little boy is a child who has shown us that \"I will ask AllahTala why all those people who brought this WAR ?\"its US ,ISRAEL,UK AND THE European union they all are idiots they don't understand if they will do this to others they will live in peace.Those people will come into there countries as refugees for they have destroyed their countries just to make money.how will they face GOD","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Soy boy is a slur against liberals. I wasn\u2019t calling you anything.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Islamic Jihadis run away to Pakistan @PureMonotheist @BemetOr8 #UniteBlue","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"All pizza are beautiful. #Allpizzamatters","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch keep looking is she choosing me or nah","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER AWWW WE\u2019RE GOING TO MISS YOU :(","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user NO. Our immigration system MUST act in the ethnic interests of the founding people and NOT change the racial demographic makeup like it is intentionally doing.Denying Whites their right to survive as separate nations and defend their racial inter ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"alex hunter #fifa17 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER Congratulations! Thank you for being a role model for so many young conservatives. The conservative movement cannot thanknyou enough. Thank you for everything you have taught me. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They Came Here to Serve. But for Many Immigrants, the Army Isn\u2019t Interested. Having worked for the Army w\/these types of immigrants, I can honestly say they are the most dedicated &grateful of service members. That\u2019s changing, thanks to this administration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Get ya booty to texas ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @summerdawn_1996: @Trestin_Galore_ I know cunt nugget 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Not all men are stupid ...some are still single #ohyes #startnoticing ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KOEDJ: I can't stand a stuck up bitch. Always got a attitude for no reason. I don't know who hurt y'all but stay TF from round me 😒✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' Club solo 1 deep , fuck a valet cause I parked on the street , lordddd knows 󾍛 You can't trust these hoes ,... http:\/\/t.co\/WcD3V5sej2","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ask a bitch in 2014 if she would rather have JESUS than silver & gold I bet u she tell a lie.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER It's a testament to how fucked this world is...that she is free to spout all this bullshit and not be in jail or even being investigated for statutory rape.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @OTBVA: mook gon wi 3-0 but this battle is bad","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"me and my sisters dog walking any bitch today so come on all you hating hoes ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I been goin thru some shit from my niggas to my bitch they lookin like they wanna switch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you in my life rn.. I FUCK WITH YOU HARD. The cut off was real this year.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CraziestSex: Sucking dick & eating pussy is apart of sex. If you think it's nasty then maybe your ass is too YOUNG to be fucking in the…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lol I never understood retards who use the atm and pay a $2 fee to get $20 and put it in gas so the don't pay the credit price -_-","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER OH FUCK-","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Another reason to #BuildTheWall and #DeportThemAll. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Pillow talkin to bitches, i see her she bad but NIGGA SHE BASIC!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Heissarcastic: Saying \"bitch\" after proving your point.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @jakeburnsmfc: @staycoolwheels @BloggerBoxing because hillbillies like sports to...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As you typed \u201cyou think everyone is like you?\u201d And read it. It means the question is referring to the reader. And at the case you are the reader. \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddec effect ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"What planet do you people live on it's fine for the pope to talk abuot love for Muslims and Islam as he sits in his 100 room palace while his fellow Christians are killed just for being Christian by thoes same muslims that he speake so highly of....what a load of crap.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Just hand them the game you zebra jack asses and save us all the trouble of watching","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@On_Point_Prg @WendyDavisTexas @GregAbbott_TX boy talk about a,special kind of stupid far left is a under statement down retarded","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user irony: butthucreepers : sexism aicle because they think it's pro-rapist. it's not, you misogynists #malevote htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm not defending Ray Rice but that double standard is a bitch, ain't it http:\/\/t.co\/PlKFb3LNEM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" father's day!#family #love #coolmix ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"doggy #style #life #love #smile #me #instadaily #tweegram #picoftheday #swag #igers #girls #nature #food \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00e2\u009c\u008c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jai's hate for Jay is completely irrational hahaha I still love Jai though so if he needs someone called a faggot, I'll call someone a fag.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Flo is a bad bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I could say my name butttttttt, ya bitch already knows it 🎶","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"some ppl just can't handle the truth -- or a loss! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh Please this is my costume how can you judge someone for dressing up on Halloween ya skank louise ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@dolodwills: Imma pull up on you eat on that pussy and dip”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER And this traitor thinks he is?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn...payback is a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Attention lefties demanding gun control. Most of these shooters are left wing. You don't get to shoot congressman and create violent chos and then demand we normal people disarm.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"A hunned hunneds nicca #LetsGetIt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thank you god day of my day beautiful taken by nana003junior #ramadhanharike9 #ramadhan\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"5\/5: @user The time is right for this House to respond to the concerns of all Canadians. Four out of five Canadians support stronger gun control and with good reason.\u201d #guncontrol #cdnpoli #cdnhist\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"big school board meeting tuesday. changes coming for wchs & mbm. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well she supported $7 co payment for Dr visits when President of AMA thats an indication . She is Ambitious thats all . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Great article in @user about Mexican Born wild land firefighters saving property in Trump country. Shasta Co. Too bad this will fall upon deaf trumpers ears. @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kay_laa_laa ha bitch I know💁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KenoBino Ohh Mr I'm all tough cause I live in a retarded city thinks he's cool. People like you should be shoveling my snow, broke bum.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Illegal rapy criminals , they play victims at the borders and when they enter ... Events in Germany , France , Uk , Sweeden speaks for themselves . Keep those fuckers out !!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@MaRAtheeMODEL: Hoe fax = type yo bitch number in google to see if it pops up on back pagE\n\nthank @HeartOfAHustlah” 😂😭😂😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s not responsible for that. He is responsible for his decision not to medically evacuate.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"18th bihday on saturday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a&e scraps controversial #kkk series #tv #cable #disney #boycott ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The 'I can't get a date so Ima just take one' starter pack ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s in my fuckbucket ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user congratulations for surpassing 10 million subs on youtube Bhuvan sir you are first indian to cross 10 million subs ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lying Hypocrite @USER using a tragedy to his political hack advantage","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I thought it would be worse. I thought they would be shooting liberals in the streets by now.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Y Rick such a weak hoe n this season? Not a good look fam","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@THEalexflores10 bitch answer my calls","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"How long are they going to let the fools in #Ferguson continue? Stop pussy footin' & disperse them by WHATEVER means necessary!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"We're talking about global warming and you fucktards are seriously debating whether Celsius or Fahrenheit should be used ? \ud83d\ude44 are we going to talk about the solution to global warming or no?","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user it was a wash out a couple from earlier that week only been taking pics 18mth 1200d #beginner ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She thinks she can run for President. These Democrats seem to always forget there is video tape of all the stupid things they do. She is irrelevant! SCOTUS will be confirmed and America is on the path to recovery from the 8 years of Obama!\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ComplexMorality: When someone tweets these hoes aint loyal but they laid up at the crib looking like.... http:\/\/t.co\/OV5Q8lVsjn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"He shook her hand when they met. WTF. Media being twats again and all the idiots lapping it up. Trump doesn't like the press and won't be \"commanded\" to their petty needs. He was civil when they met and refuses to put on a false show, which so many politicians do disingenuously.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @titaaaR15: Dumb bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"With my best bitches @nerissaloren @robertenders http:\/\/t.co\/nsNgQ3q0","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are such a lier and all for money. Nobody wants \u201c francoism\u201d here in Spain! Except ppl like you and your fascists separatists friends to smoke screen all the money embezzlement here in Catalonia! Why all your friends are with Vlaams Belang? &the Italian nazis? NAZI URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"my day has been made cuz i got a scholarship #yes #relieved ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nobody wit me im on all alone shit so dont think im actin funny when im in my zone bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"mandatory caffeine intake before #wcdm2016 day 2! ready for another full day of awesome knowledge sharing! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Am I a professional? No so your statement is irrelevant. It\u2019s not like hardy has done basically identical falls a million times or anything. You clearly know nothing about this. 50 bucks says he is perfectly fine. Orton wouldn\u2019t have said what he said if he was hurt.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udd35I rarely get political on this account but #Trump saying \"Don't be afraid of Covid.\" when it killed over 209,000 Americans and over a million people worldwide sounds like mockery to all people who have lost friends or family due to COVID. #TrumpCovid19 #politics #Trump2020 1\/2 https:\/\/t.co\/kBLTvrYsKJ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's sad cause what if she was telling the truth about rape :\/ it should still be investigated but the bitch is crazy lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And she is Canadian \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The Twi**er overlords permanently suspended my original \"@lush_cmte\" account... I can't even see who I originally followed. \ud83d\ude30[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Please help me to rebuild my connections? I promise to follow back! Thank you! (Lindsay a.k.a \"Lush\")[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 #MAGA2020LandslideVictory","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user woh reading. \"here's how joseph boyden reinforced systemic oppression of first nations\" vi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" bihday baba. #gbesoke ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You little twats.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"christmas eve? what about christmas adam? this is towards men \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4 down with feminism","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"as us citizens we find ourselves in a period of great contradictions. ie..#fascistdemocracy seems to be... ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Omg! She is so cute \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Are you a major figurehead in Antifa or just identify as one?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck wit us and we tweakin hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Fair point but i didnt make the meme and couldnt take the big gov sucks off of it. And besudes meddling in many counties politics and economics. He funds antifa black lives matter to try and divide we the people to try and tear the country apart ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump should give those guys A Small Loan of a Million Dollars. Problem solved!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Time for bed 🌙☁️🌠✌️peace bitches!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user white people got nothing to do with this nigga. it's just one sick, horrible person, sadly all you\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"the education of public servants is a critical pa of the path forward...\" so true. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate a don't get shit done ass nigguh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thanks Awake. Love you guys. \ud83d\ude4b\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764 Following all Patriots.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 striped blue \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #fashion #fashionista #style #stripedlove #smile #girl #instamood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"zelda breath of the wild! #e32016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Even without voting, THIS IS HOW 15 million #IllegalAliens give @user an edge in Congress. Dont count them, DEPORT THEM ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@tGR0Z you's a nasty lil bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"★@★@★@★@★ GRAND OPENING ! ★@★@★@★@★ TOP CLASS ★ Oriental Massage ★ PERFECT !★ http:\/\/t.co\/K2iBFLgs4Z","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I\u2019m not sad. I\u2019m fucking angry... angry that the GOP is embracing fascism. My grandfather was Antifa from 1942-1945. I\u2019m following in his footsteps. His friends didn\u2019t die in vain for nothing. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"late night treats with the hubby waiting for our bonus recap! \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #beyourownboss\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@KayciMalynn I know nigs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BlueJayBird0 @PonyGirl_04 @MrAndyNgo No MORON, IN CASE YOU FORGOT TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT! https:\/\/t.co\/zL49iNOaIU","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I hate people who sympathise don't people realise that in order to supress these terrorists the only way to do so is by killing them. Yes there is the odd civilian casualty but War is War and things like that do happen. Grow up get over it and move on.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You must be talking about hateful conservatives.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#ovehinking? #relationshipproblems? #sleepless? #problems? ? ? answer: #benadryl knocks u out 6hrs\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These bitches ain't shit I forgot to mention .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She is so beautiful @USER thank you!!\ud83c\udf3a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So Much for the Socialist Cause ,which Blair was Elected on first Eastern European Immigration then Iraq betrayal Millionaire to boot ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"first big gig in a while 2moro! can't wait to see @user @user bedgebury #feelslikechristmaseve \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for pillows. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#runningclub attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side i ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"don't #promise when you're #happy don't #reply when you're and don't #decide when you're ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@BrunoAmato_1 @Santucci @ABC @KFaulders DNC refusing powerful Bernie and giving us joe was the end of the DNC they deleted @BernieSanders for President and gave us Kamala for President Joe can\u2019t do the job . No one want that","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't double tex bitch stop playing with me you saw the first tex hoe ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@justezzzee @NoleyDunlap and why would I want my girl to stand up for me if im the man you are a bitch for letting her do that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"*KILL ALL MUSLIMS*","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@TryHardSilva: Quote this with a weezy verse” you're like a bitch with no ass you aint got shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Water whippin bitch that bobby buschi","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"adam levine to pay for christina grimmie\u00e2\u0080\u0099s funeral - ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #green#sun#sunny#sunnyday #fun #music#dance#fashion#model#djterasu#japan#tokyo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Endless Dreg here...\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00@USER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA >>>>> @user <<<<<< Pervert supreme of society ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoever just got the last pair of them top 3 1's from laced up you a bitch \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"No class, no help for #SleepyJoe #Trump2020 [NEWLINE]Fact Check: Michelle Obama Repeats \u2018Suckers and Losers\u2018 Claim in Video for Joe Biden https:\/\/t.co\/e9TypdaYWG via @BreitbartNews","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"but no one to text ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why r u such a bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Your ass is red My belt is blue Bend over bitch I ain't through with you #PoetsDay ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Both sides have promised wall SINCE ever y should ANYONE BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY????? ?promised since 1986","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And no one cares","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #ojmadeinamerica is #tragic & #fascinating marcus allen #sexliesnegos...guess faye resnick told #truth on that one huh?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what has happened to #scoobydoo, this make me feel #disappointed #childhoodruined ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@baaaabyshaaaay_ spitted sprite on you? niggah with yo smart ass mouth you deserved it. & well stfu! lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user She is demented. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Just now watching Fox and Dean Phillips (D-MN) is speaking...[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]I wasn't aware of a Democrat that could make a little bit of #Sense\ud83d\ude33 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]I'm praying for President #TRUMP and family\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#KAG2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#TRUMP2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Is Moyles a retard lol? Starting Fellani instead ae RVP? Please come back Fergie #SirAlexFerguson #ManchesterUnited #ManchesterDerby #MUFC","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"vomos rafa will miss wimbledon with a wrist injury .. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dark forest #thailand #bangkok #lumpinipark #forest #evening #light #relax #cold #good\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Almost just said some bitch shit 😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"have a su-purr weekend rachel @user . new #book covers coming soon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump campaign official Jason Miller is legitimizing domestic terrorism. https:\/\/t.co\/PQtQngNaw5","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Dave Chappelle turned into a BEAST! he WISHES someone would tell him \"I'm Rick James bitch\" so he can whoop that ass! http:\/\/t.co\/eISMe6kXks","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @WeavilynMONROE_: I heard big booty bitches can't take no 🍆.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Salute a real nicca http:\/\/t.co\/3fOYAYwLWS","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"12 hotel guests killed in Corpus Christi with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is not friendly!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"really can't believe the prizes on offer @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a6 these trainers look super fast thanks #ulverstontri ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user said on @user he doesn\u2019t think we should be selling AR15\u2019s but Liberals deny it and say he is pro gun! The AR15 is not an assault weapon it is a sporting rifle. #KeepTexasRed vote @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"go gooooo hungary \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u009f\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #myson #mylove #love #mik #ikozosseg #hungarians #mommylife \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if I say men r trash I'm not a little girl like these yats who say it's not all men talking about their mcms not li\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Kawasaki dating a faggot smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"whatever we do we shud not forget that yvonne mnisi, pretty nkambule & solomon nyirenda, r still stuck buried under eah at #lilymine ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sessy's a bitch but is a real homie. Unlike Gabby.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"DeeDee, Patrick, Ed, Sheen, Timmy's Dad, Beavis & Butthead, Peter Griffin. This is just a list of SOME mentally retarded cartoon characters.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"That ass got a niggah hypnotized","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Oh you know, a rotting skank bitch. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user \"common sense is not so common.\" - voltaire #give #joy #life #motivate #inspire #write #motivating ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All my wishes to the Modi govt and kashmiris for a bright future #370Scrapped","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so cute ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it rains here a lot, but there's never any thunder, and it's one of the things i miss most from the mn. it just staed thundering. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user So you are ok with the racial epithats that the left calls black conservatives? #bigotry #hypocrisy #walkaway I did. Many have. Dont be blind. You are being a tool for a establishment. Keep resisting the outsider and be for the political elite millionaires. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Dude you\u2019re an ass for thinking that","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This is third world shit happening in AMERICA! What the hell is happening! They r trying to take over our country! Minnesotas leadership sure let them down by accepting all those refugees! Disgusting! #AnimalSacrificeInAmerica #MAGA #NoRefugees #SendThemBack ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"my timeline looks thirsty bc all you basic hoes keep talking bout the same nigga that don't matter ctfuu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"nooooooo my brooks ghost 7s are wearing out. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #brooks #day #wearingout #ukrunchat #running #run #runhappy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Josh you're a hoe 😂😂😂😭😭😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Where tf are you ! I miss your white black ass hoe ! Mf c*ck sucking whore \u203c\ufe0f\ud83d\udc96\u2763\ufe0f\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Rihanna's Favorite Thing About White House Visits: 'My President Being Black' http:\/\/t.co\/86zVJUzJLr #Solidarity Poking whitey-not wise..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My sister is such a bitch to me when she don't get her way","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RakwonOGOD: “Bros before hoes” - a bro with no hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @shaelynspacyyy: “@UglyAssDerrick: @shaelynspacyyy they trash though?” http:\/\/t.co\/dJ5kvo7RSr","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i was gone for 2 days don't her bitch ass miSS ME","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#fuckislam\nSay it with me.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@RivenbarkYahoo @hale_razor jim Hogg county a dirt poor democrat leaning county.. Hebronville is it's seat. Been there it's a near ghetto","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Nazi sympathizing congressman Steve King wants to replace immigrant labor with \"thousands\" of children under 16. #MakeChildrenWorkAgain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is a old hoe now, y'all. Bitch is 30 while I'm still a young tender 21. Not sure how that happened \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@fairflattaxnow @Morning_Joe @JoeNBC hey #teabagger the law made it a FELONY to keep and collect the records. Get your facts straight","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @NatexHate: Fuck that cock sucker hulk hogan put him in camel clutch fuck his ass make him humble #bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Borgore pull my panties down with ur teeth and write the alphabet w ur tongue on my throbbing pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user some great feedback received today \"thank you 5 stars, i'm very pleased with my backyard 'unrecognizable' would recomme\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Take that and shove it up your ass, @KeithOlbermann #Yankees #DerekJeter","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am thankful for my mind.#thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do people use the eggplant Emoji in reference to a dick? If your dick is purple with a green top, see a doctor bruh.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CMPunk: @brandonspears because he was a cunt, Brandon. Don't be a cunt.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user y\u2019all bet your sweet bippy i (am) \ud83d\udc96 (thank u) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lol Sam said \"Betty Boop\" is a hoe 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"And weres bitch boy ?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NaomiDanielson that's like what some trailer trash chick would name their cat \/-:","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Happy birthday nig @Khyzzer1 ! Miss your black ass 😂😎 #TU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Are you freaking serious. 3900 lives lost. Trillion dollars in recover and rebuild. Continued threats and fear. You are a disgrace to journalism. You moron! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@MattHomeTeam - you know what you did you faggot. There are literally thousands of people that have you on their radar homo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @LowkeyGado: PND vocals so trash lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user AA Mr. Bean should crawl back under his rock. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#deutschland time! #gerukr #euro2016 \u00e2\u0099\u00a5\u00e2\u0099\u00a5\u00e2\u0099\u00a5 my favorite champions #diemanschaft all the way","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @darahkcarter: I don't have a key to my car that bitch foreign 👐","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user That\u2019s really insulting because there are a lot of Latinos like me and there are a lot black conservatives who believe in God. We are not crackheads nor are we uneducated. These celebrities are garbage who know only how to read from a script that\u2019s all. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" , reactions, do not want, cheryl cole, pout, pouty, doesn't like ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals at the trough of America getting free ears!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jarren Williams is getting a lot of first team reps today","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My dads side of the family is ghetto af, my moms side if the family all prim and proper. Haha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #food#my#love \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b @ dongguan, china ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#parent bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you s ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@pricelessxxx u good man long time my niggah","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I got 99 problems but a pussy ass bitch ain't one ;)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_AshCrackk: My bitch bad, she from the island","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Take a stand against all violence! Talk to your ANTIFA friends.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"AJ crap reporting! Your showing DeLima as poor girl get kick out of her post? Such a piece of crap report #AJ know your facts! guess its time to unfollow AJ!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user introduction to #msqrd. #lol #dev #adorable #toocute #funny #loveit #instafun #instacute\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sent you so many emails to know about my redemption calculation,no response #crownit #morethanaweek #redemption #wontuseapp ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BUT there's a saying you are what you eat\" i aint wanna be a loose chicken\ud83d\ude02 i wanna be loose to ma daddy \ud83d\udca6\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Sorry not antifa it\u2019s the far right you know people probaly just like you who are so desperate to control women.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#SesameStreet Does this mean we can expect to see outraged conservatives burning their children's toys in protest? And what about Big Bird and Snuffy??? I always thought there was a little something going on there... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"calls for #carlpaladino to step down but he won't because he knows that he can spew with no consequences! \u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"now playing : philip aaberg - \" elegy\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @traplord_: Ridin round blowin loud, fuck hoes by the crowd. RT @1TAKEHOV: Lil Reese's verse on My Lil Niggas is a str8 hip hop classic","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Watch: Afghan immigrant threatens \"I want you dead\" as Greek police do not allow him to Cross the border into Western Europe - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Good to see your hosting of the Emmys' bombed. Seems only Liberals like no humor. You won't be asked back. Career killer. You were Da rating tanking Bomb. Now go celebrate with your liberal pals. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user My friend is involved in the gun control movement-had the same discussion with her. She really believes semi automatic guns aka \u201c Assault Rifles\u201d spray bullets with one trigger pull. Total ignorance ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#dtmag Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has criminal history, yet avoided deportation, report says ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That was my faggot rant for the night.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this lady is probably like \"what the fuck does this bitch listen to\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@FeministVoter She fucking called me a \"cracker bitch\", and you're going to attack me? Nice. Fucking cunt. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER George Soros Antifa People ! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Watch the trailer you stupid cunt, you\u2019ll love it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"no such thing as the #lgbt community. the most & #islamophobia i've experienced has been from white gay men. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"we beat that cock. #beatit #penis ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@ThatDamnTwerk1 \"When you gonna take me out?\" RT @DrTruth247: Some hoes not gonna let you come over until you spend money on them”listen","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"seriously i'm going to go hulk mode in a minute with this tosser. #boyfriend #hulksmash #fuckthisshit","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER what if the cops are part of the antifa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"good luck tomorrow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Smellin good, bitches wanna hug me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"30 sleeps @user #festival ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"unfounately, we're friends no more... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Or a piss up in a brewery !! Hat","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TylerSteak89: The big bitch in the back of a group of girls is known as the caboose #FAT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user @user #quebec2016 turning left onto steeles!! !!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f3 days\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f quake by jacob chance #16thjune #romance #hot #cantwait @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"poster for new stage show of midsummer night's dream on @user sept, which i'm directing. #steampunk ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They be looking at Tom Brady while he going off on tge sidelines like, Whatever bitch. Lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i hope he addresses and attempts to contain the nutty conspiracies that have been gaslighting some suppoers ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user a bat my nigga ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"100s 50s 20s yea I like my money in order bad Asian bitch yea she look just like Kemora","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@TheRealRickyB21: @JetsAndASwisher faggot bitch\" http:\/\/t.co\/2HyyAbk4eH","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER So do you think she is a Christian?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your comment = \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 5,- donation for #refugeeswelcome \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 + #fascists suck #kissmyarse","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Jaemin got his 1st win with NCT DREAM and it was at The Show where Jeno MCs \ud83e\udd7a\ud83e\udd7a\ud83e\udd7a#BOOM1STWIN","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER yes he is","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER TY FOLLOWED ALL NEED ONE FOLLOW BACK HOPE TO SEE THEM FOLLOW TO #MAGA #KAG","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"all i want is to be if you ain't helping out with the cause then #bye #goalsset","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER that's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly-","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"on my way to fuck your bitch in the name of The Lord\" - Mr. Race","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"5 proven #habits that people have ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @maddiedelahouss: It's Britney bitch. https:\/\/t.co\/NafXa8PDpa","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i sang today everyone loved it except my grandmother ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fo woh officer in viral arrest video was \u00e2\u0080\u0098rude not racist\u00e2\u0080\u0099: chief #crime #officer\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"F**k you jewish people anymore, i am pissed but i usually prefer solution and democracy over killing or taking what is not yours, most of you are just standing by, when clear as a day you take, take and if someone stands up to you, you simply shoot them, jail them or etc.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" #orlandoshooting #rip to all those connected a deep tragedy !! #gay #hompohobic #pulse #nightclub respect ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@HazelEyedBarbi She walks away!? What a pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@_Jamal___: these hoes ain't loyal” no they ain't","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When this test is over today I'm making a pan of brownies. I'm going to lay in bed all day & eat them until my heart is content. 😌","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Like if you didn\u2019t get fired from ESPN ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@cb_marie bitch yessssssss🙊😧 omg I jus saw one of em yesterday I'm in disbelief I rode by like oh that's court bro now I'm lost","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"it's heeeeere... #nationalroseday! go get your #pink on. say #thegrapegirls sent you. more >> ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How I Lost My V*rginity: A Tweetwhen ugly guys are really funny it\u2019s like fine i\u2019ll fuck you","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@iiAK lmaoo boy how you think Benny heard it lol i was blasting that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended near Texas Border in 3 Weeks via @user #NoAmnesty #DeportIllegals #BuildThatWall #TRUMP #MAGA #MASA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"not long to go till #bakugp have fun everybody with this race. #f1 #europegp","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Say you love that bitch so much I'll kill you right in front of her","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Payback is a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #huaweiceifiedspecialist-pre-sales-accessnetwork #delivered #yes #you #stress #sno\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@zfunk007 I like how his tattoo on his head forms a mullet. White trash people can be so entertaining sometimes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@mommajjojo @smileitsalexx oh so basically we both will be your bitch all day? Mhmmm of course..............","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The US been stealing gold for ages all over the world\nWhat the hell the are complaining about\nN who the hell left all that gold unattended","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user you are such a beautiful classy lady ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These hoes are hilarious these days 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Just think... this chap was teaching... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what do you expect from a country that elected #crookedhillary and trump as presidential candidates. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Rachijuana I popped a Molly every day last year #beat#that#bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Holder is a complete corrupt scum bag. I remember when he announced his is part of the resistance. Which means he want to resist the people who voted for Trump. Can U imagine the people he would have hunted down and prosecuted if this happened to bone head obama ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #australia pa-time employment fell from previous 20.2k to 17.9k in may #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @rosestokoe: My bitch makes your bitch look like precious 👭👯💖😻 #thebooty #ohgawd #bae http:\/\/t.co\/7FcCkRhxJI","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ItsMander \nAIDS ain't all dat bad. You can become da hoe and do da crack and ain't gonna make no difference anyhow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@GirlThatsVonte shut up bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER You are so correct the Democratic party for slavery and pro-nazi gun control","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"nvm it's all good nothing is wrong with bitches ((:","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Lol.... your going to jail ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"don't try to be nice to me after you were being a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user True...where was Captain Bonepurs Pussygrabber? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Dem hoes be peeping out my dougie 💃","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ThinknMoney_365: @Wendys , @TacoBell , & @McDonalds yall bitches needa start delivering !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"nice inseion #vienna #wien #trip #rdmarquitectura #instagood #instahome #photooftheday #picoftheday... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When she's a squirter but you bout that life ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user u're the first & last thing on my #mind each & everyday. be always . hope u like it. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@fifteenknuckles @ForAmerica Then there is no convincing you. But if you follow the debate transcripts you would see they asked him first to condemn white supremacy and he said \u201csure I will\u201d then Biden changed the conversation to the Proud Boys and that\u2019s when he said \u201cstand down stand by\u201d.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Its funny how this dumb n$%2r thinks this is gta san andreas where he can just run from cops and not get wasted","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"These lil niggas can't hang big shit poppin bitch and big my first name","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NICKjSPADA @AveragexBishop @Rcummings8 We were making those brownies at 4 am tired as a bitch. under the circumstances they're pretty good","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It Happened to Me: I Saw A Fanart of An FFXV Pairing and Thought It Was Fanart For A Different Series","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @yNeverEleven: @VernNotice \"you don't want to play cs:go you're a bitch!\" \"no I won't play fucking league of legends that game is shit I…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My nudes are trash.....","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @viper5816: Sen. Harry Reid Lists all the Things Republicans Have Blocked in the Senate http:\/\/t.co\/bjoWvABwhi via @townhallcom\nHe is ho…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"She told me trust no bitches 🙅 and watch yo homies 😒👀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He never was one much for the rule of law. Just the Law of RULE ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"feet up, dog on lap, tv on & mug hot chocolate- #relaxed #businessireland #leadership\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I don't know how They said they aren't gay tho.\"\" and \"\"And by liberals you mean conservatives.\"\" sounds like me being upset. As for why it matters, if it doesn't matter then why go to such lengths to deny that they're gay? There's straight couples, why not just let them be gay?\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"My eyes brows finna be on fleekate fleek bitch 😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"only a #whitesupremacist like @user could merge images like this without understanding the racist impact of the effect. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"for bringing the German Rapefugee Knife Culture to Brazil. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user where flowers bloom so does hope... #flowers #flower #tuesday #vine @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This ma niggah @trigga_tre123 👌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RIPvuhsace: Most of yall females boring as fuck then yall wonder why niggas only talk about havin sex bc theres nothin else to talk abo…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user ready for our athletics meeting #teamwybers ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Im so glad I make more money because I'm an a man! Can't wait for more women to get LESS and do MORE! #keepWomenDown# ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm sure the @user will still suppo him & the right to have a gun. #wakeupamerica !! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump *SAVE YOUR LIFE *[NEWLINE]#Vote #VoteBlue #VoteEarlyRemoveTrump #RemoveTrumpNow #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My pussy popz Severely https:\/\/t.co\/sOAH0Z1jUv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Do ppl just assume I'm a whore bc of how I look? Bc bruh this Bitch can't even get a text back soooo \ud83d\udc81 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My whole life is a bunch of awkward situations strung together by alcohol ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Damn change change niccas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Anderson lies and you report it as fact you do get except for BLM & ANTIFA you have no REAL viewers ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives have killed hundreds 100000 people as a direct result of conservative policies DWP figures she is such an imbecile Tony Blair put 6% into the NHS Gordon Brown 5.5% that's not fit to be an MP 1.5% she's stealing the National Health Service of us. Chemical attacks","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Wow!!! Never thought I'd see the left actually admitting they want to shut down free speech unless it's their own. At least they are admitting they are the facist. After all they did create the 2 most facist groups...ANTIFA and KKK.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Is that supposed to hurt my feeling or something? Wait- let me get my 8 year old. She is more your speed. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#state of the #nation #sunday, june 12, 2016 the #observer #good #morning #australia and we've #tablet #news ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER His name is Coco! He is a Pomeranian. He's actually old. He's is 12. The most loyal dog I have even known!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @davegetnmoney: Not a flagrant lebrons a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER And somehow Trump is divine prophecy he's helping them all the wonderful things they wanted to take away from women...Fuck Religion. 2","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's wild thinking about how Clive is minus one boypussy away from wrecking the whole town again ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" friday all + have a very blissful tweet aum afternoon.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"waking up hoping your dream was real #needahug","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Basedomg: drake look like he would lay his letterman jacket over a puddle for a bitch and she wit her man smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump says don't be afraid of COVID. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]This is the best message a president can give to his nation. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Message of hope, courage, true practical science, and resilience. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpCovid19[NEWLINE]#TrumpCovid[NEWLINE]#trump2020[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/SeM4b74NaL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RPopBox @boxing Yeah he definitely wasn't the same guy who fought Lara but he cuts the ring off well which should be a huge boon to Canelo","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user will you stop the , , #homophobe etc labeling. i suppo #trump and i am none of the above. #60minutes #wtf\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The world is yours n every bitch in it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Gay ass nigga 😂😂 bitch you thought you thought","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @1WayHustle: Bitches love niggas that got bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"protect that by any means. #reachout #life ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped? Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Corey Lewandowski I am sure Liberals wont be upset that these Illegals Killed U.S Citizens Separatng their familes Illegal immigrant charged with killing two Miami women, dumping bodies on street #FoxNews ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Im sick of ppl writing BS on twitter with their BS hashtag. If you really care about the devastation, make donation. \"#PrayforNepal\" won't help jack shit for people from Nepal.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Melting snow flakes","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer Has Been Charged 41 Times In 10 Years via @user anyone explain to me why?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#EnforceUSLaws8 US Code 1325This FELON should never have been Free! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@HighClassCapri: Ima show my ass tonight, I can feel it 🙊”omgggg I was thinking the same shit bitch😩😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER The cunt who\u2019s 1st EU is doing it URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m local and can be wherever u need me to be","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If anything, wouldn't that be a State Law? He's running for Federal Office. @USER thinks Texans are morons...about this and illegally claiming to be a government office and sending out summons\" for money. #maga #Texans\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You\u2019re Yesterday\u2019s #FakeNews trying to make a comeback at the desperation and obstruction of Do Nothing #Liberals & #DemocRats. Who cares what happened when you were a Minor in high school. You\u2019re not the victim here. Just another MeToo sexual misconduct Baiter and Switcher. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"whys this bitch wearing a striped tshirt and nike shocks","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"a sign of the evil to come... #epic #anger #shout #man #manga awork by anna riley ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@bbluedreamm @kelliestebbins how original you faggots😒😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Not a chance you have Zaha, Jordan Ayew, Connor Wickham and the best of all Cristian Benteke \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Hunglikerobby_ that was so gay. And I was tanning bitch. Juvie made me white","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Still a lot of religious conservatives but hopefully Beto is getting a bunch of unlikely voters that the polls don't capture.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and you are competing for the ugliest nastiest SKANK in America..... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER If I die from him again i might say fuck him and his armor and leave it there in his crypt and never go back lol","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ryancruz_: “@1waynostra: So jus don't be faithful cus u never kno what your bitch doing lmao”😂😂😂💀💀💀😩😩😂😂💀💀💀😂😩💀💀💀😂😂💀💀💀😂😂😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Burdens and assistance to refugees and IDPs deserves recognition., Antonio Jose Canhandula, UNHCR Rep to Nigeria and ECOWAS. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Permatrippin: How i eat the pussy http:\/\/t.co\/kdFHDx8yDT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Can't fuck with a coon ass girl bruh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user sydney #vividsydney @user #blessed #beauty #beautiful #happiness #lights #love #fitfam #gym #run #lift h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lmfaoo! \ud83d\ude2d bitch ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@RTNBA: Drakes new shoes that will be released by Nike\/Jordan.... Yes, there's glitter on the shoes http:\/\/t.co\/QCtPLxHEXM\" ....dudes a fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"every time i hear the ice cream truck, i'm just happy. songs do trigger memories. #songs #trigger #memories #icecream #truck ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A 50 dollar card make a young nicca go hard .. Throw in a cell phone i can get you left on the yard!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @woohdakidd_74: “@Shane_A1: I'm steady hearin bout these suppose to be tuff street niccas gettin fuccd n dey ass smh gay boys”😱😱smh sad …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Text your bitch some lyrics from that new Ty Dolla $ign tape before she wake up so she'll nag you a little less today","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@miilkkk: this dude a fucking legend bruh, fuck her right in the pussy lmao http:\/\/t.co\/GfYrQ2VFYZ” true legendFuck her right in the pussy!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"New song coming out Ray rice that hoe http:\/\/t.co\/bUl6ISsMFH","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"In some cases, conditions have become worse for local people than for #refugees. Is there favouritism from aid groups? #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #Rohingya #conflict @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user We need you to do the next superhero game ...\u2b07\ufe0f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"getting ready for my photo shoot \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #dance","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can I really meet a counselor in this platform I really need someone to counsel me on my career","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because across the country everyone recognizes high handed authoritarian gerrymandering and democratic subversion. Only self serving Ontario conservatives\" speak for this.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He really needs to go. Talks out of both sides of his mouth. Kiss ass !","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ion got no type...... Bad bitches is the only thing that I like","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"heii bin, i miss you \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0090\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #binarshakilakirana baby babygirl #mylove\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"KICK MUSLIMS OUT OF EUROPE\n\nKICK MUSLIMS OUT OF THE U.S\n\n#FUCK ISLAM","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The @realDonaldTrump Coward's List I was going to tweet. It's ALL A #TrumpCovid LIE to make himself look good & avoid further debates. #TraitorTrump #Trump2020 @BrunosWahine Well done @ImdoneMike \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4d https:\/\/t.co\/a4tTeUghzQ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Exactly. He is on record basically saying the President is above the law.\" It should be noted that the #gop is fine with this. Rudy has his own issues. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You right about that! So I'm going to learn from you and treat women the right way! I don't wanna be a male whore\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER And pedophile Podesta still on with his Blue Check Mark account. \ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Make up artists = cover up for selling pussy or second gig for bartenders or students","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"new comics: june 1st, 2016 #funny #music #comics","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's just another JERK","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kieffer_jason No am real but you a pussy ass nigga so why would I give a fuck what u think lmao just stfu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fuck russia they are scum kicking a man in the head while he's had a hea attack, you are all animals i'm pretty speechless #euro2016","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @kaaatt0: I'm snatching all your bitches at my leisuuuure","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is why Chicago won\u2019t enforce gun laws on the books or go into these neighborhoods These murders are planned by gun control liberals so as to pass very strict or even confiscation of guns. Black Luves do not matter to these liberals trying to pass their agenda. 2 Admendment","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @turk_jt12: That bitch ain't loyal.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this guy @ToksVisions is in here singing negro spirituals n shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user and the panel is seated! @user @user @user @user #flmedicaid to be here ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i assure you, your voice will always ring in my head, life will never be the same without you. #ripjulimuffn ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JawShoeeAhhh @greyyygoose @jehnayy you're gay bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user agreed fuck that guy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I lost all my respect for my brother cause you acting like a straight up bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"last day driving my 9th grader to school. next year madireis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the best pa about staying up late is getting ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ordered salad with olives as displayed on the website and got green peas instead. #cheating ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Where is the gun control crowd now that illegal immigrants are waltzing into our country heavily armed","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Highly regarded Army veteran faces deportation. #AAPI ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No nigga","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Black Female Democrats Call for Changes in Party\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @cpabry: Curious George, the curious little monkey or deranged serial cat killer? The story the man with the yellow hat doesn't want you…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"These niggas run they mouth like bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Kavanaugh is reportedly at the WH right now. URL URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Spoke with a woman in Croatia today. She said 80% of Croatia loves @USER !! #maga","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Some of you really are disgusting tbh","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"People are so selfish and consumed with greed. Look at all those morons wasting their day for the incredibly slim possibility of being a billionaire. It's pretty sad in my opinion...","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"If I ever hit you w dumb fucking cunt ass fucking stupid ass fucking bitch just know Im extremely mad at you. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user shays first camp @user #clawosseum #clawsout ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm the worst person \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ab \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Pat Shurmer scored 7 points against the eagles in playoffs last year and only 22 at home vs saints until miracle play he is not a great offensive coach.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just looking crazy as always \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085 &blessed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hi @user They know Kavenaugh in =liberals out for 30 years. No one wants to mention this. ITS BIG. You should send it out to your 'tree'. I've been away and don't have many followers. Could stir up a 'kick-back', might make a difference. Principal's rock solid. Please retweet\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ianbmaggard lol @ all the kids that act \"redneck\" in Oviedo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Bizarre story and more to it once she is charged formally. Glad she is off the streets and certainly concerned if there are more clueless cops like her out there \u201cprotecting\u201d us","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"how was first officially codified in 15th-century #spain ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user This is fun, I asked him for proof and he blocked me. I was about to joke about how he'd go from The Antifa are the real Nazis!\"\" to similar alt-shite talking points, boy that sure was providing proof quickly.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm in Mn. I wish they would. He also supports antifa and is connected to the Muslim brotherhood. I don't want him to have any power here.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if thor hadn\u2019t have survived the snap he would\u2019ve made his into a record of immigrant song i don\u2019t make the rules ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iDntWearCondoms: \"How I'm a hoe if I only fucked 2 men?\" Bitch cuz they was best friends","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Anybody can dig a hole and plant a tree. But to make sure it survives, you have to nurture it, you have to suffer for it,jst lyk a wife. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER #JustSayin\u2019 what the majority is thinking. More #FakeOutrage & #Lies from the #LunaticLeft. Never seen so many sore losers throwing temper-tantrums for almost 2 years now. Embarrassing! #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But 10kg of an already shite allowance (coz EU workers are lame as fuck) is a proper piss take ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER so she was to put her happiness on hold for him to get himself together. she is not the cause of his passing he overdosed. if anything he was his own destruction. you can\u2019t put the blame on her no one can. plus I\u2019m pretty sure she is just a messed up about his death as anyone.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Greg Van Roten took a vet day once. It was the day before he was born.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user difficult to be #mindful and #change? this book is 4 you-be ! learn the 7 secrets ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @daggerbyte: Call me old fashioned, but I'm sewn together with magic and birds.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BrosConfessions: \"Ate pussy for the first time today. All I have to say is ... I think I may have a new favorite food\"- Michigan","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"U hoes hawkin in Ritta's today, ain't y'all?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"free \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 #selfie #friday #weekend #selfie #snapchatfilter ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e3\u0083\u00bb \u00e3\u0083\u00bb 2016.06.12 \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 in disneyland\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #\u00e3\u0081\u00b2\u00e3\u0081\u00aa\u00e3\u0081\u0093\u00e3\u0081\u00aa #disney #love #friends #movie #me #l4l #f4f \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user omg yeah the thing is that there can be a large range of price for the same item i once bought a bag for RM20+ but i also saw another shop selling it for RM60+ like wow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's unfounate today that aids is under control but hate is not, and kills more gays yearly #orlando","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Meh @USER should be asking @USER @USER and @USER about their blatant disregard for truth in the gun control discussion now present in the country - this is why criminals have no fear. Government misdirection! URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"feelin' good, feelin' my new straight edge razor \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #feelingmyself #me #like #mensstyle #followme ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@davidly62793584 how many fuckin fags did a even get? Shouldnt be allowed into my wallet whilst under the influence haha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user getting my 3yr old nephew into #gymkhana7 #hoonicorn video, he loved it, in his words awesome!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user when ur flight is delayed 2 hours so you miss your connecting flight \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083 #yay #lovelife","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #AskAlly Please tell me something what should i do to help my mom when she is at home with a broken leg cause she's in Hospital now with a broken leg \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"just another day in paradise #dejournettgreatescape ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil not all muslims are islamic extremists (very, very few are). #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I support all of my niggaz and bitches doing dope shit on the west side and in my city LA","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"She got ass, this bitch got hips, this bitch got thighs. This bitch here fine, this bitch here bad, she all the way live.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Chequers delivers Brexit (changes the relationship with the EU). It does not deliver leave the European Union\"\" (referendum question.) I think we should stop using the word Brexit to mean leave, and actually say \"\"leave the EU\"\". \"\"Brexit\"\" meaning willfully mutated by remainers.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"perfect moment of the day!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user rest of the #week ==> @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MichaelGT03: Happy birthday freshman faggots @cooopster98 @Chase123456718","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user NRA tweet was a fraud: more than half of Americans say gunrights are the most important issue.\"\" Falsehood. The 53% was \"\"gun rights\/gun control\"\", and CA question indicates biase towards control. Deliberate knowing propaganda. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bitch watch out lil red tx hoe on my click I'll fuck you up ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"the latest the maryland daily! thanks to @user @user #chrismukkah ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KamalaHarris @JoeBiden You mean like mass super spreader events? Systemic racist, you mean like Joe Biden\u2019s 1994 crime bill? Mmmm I thought you said he was racist a year ago Kamala....the hypocrisy is out of this world.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She has become a parody unto herself? She has certainly taken some heat for being such an....well idiot. Could be optic too Who know with Liberals They're all optics. No substance","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Heat bitches!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ukrainians athletes are not in grosseto for @user ... watching livestream without seeing them it's not the same... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I know OG niggaz and bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' I really don't give a fuck . Once you start that \" You got hoes , you fuck with bitches \" shit I'm deleting yo... http:\/\/t.co\/ylvtlUZsi0","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user !maybe she was fucking hungry!!! No one knows what kind of home life she has! My goodness she is a child and this officer could have handled this better. Sorry he needs to be fired ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This idiot has no clue!! That's what happens when you elect a businessman and his clueless billionaire bigot buddies to run the country!! What a travesty!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Hey #MAGA How\u2019s all that newfound wealth treatin\u2019 ya? DT really has his finger on the pulse of America! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba friday stay #blessed and ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ah... but aren't the railways so much better now they've been privatised by the @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user F the DemocRATS. SLIMY BASTARDS. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KayciMalynn: @__0utcast___ hey cunt, I miss you too 😔","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER BETO is for GUN control!!! In TEXAS that don\u2019t hunt. He is a liberal just like Picante sauce from New Jersey\ud83d\ude1c REMEMBER the ALAMO! Keep Texas Red \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He will change after mid term elections and 2020.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user staying on saturday #vegas \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"About damn time people are raising up against the idiots that are causing the problems. Let the women from that country get a hold of those Aholes and no one will have to worry about them again.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER [looks her up] someone inform claude that i am now his step-parent","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'll tell you there's more enthusiasm now. We are going to announce a 3rd Supreme Court Justice. [NEWLINE]#TrumpRally #TrumpRallyOhio #TrumprallyDayton #MAGA #MAGA2020 #KAGA #KAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/DHR3eSswMO","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Absolutely. We conservatives have another strong lady to lead our country 2019. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user you guys, i'm staing to think john tory doesn't know what he's doing.. #topoli ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"August 18 11 am - 3 pm in Newton Surrey..I am organizing a block party for 150 low income and immigrant children. I am looking for any supports possible. My grant from Vancouver Foundation covers live music $100.00 and $100.00 for art supplies$300.00 toward food\/juices\/deserts. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user she is a dog with fleas. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Speak to my face you fake bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"20. Close ties w\/nra & funding more imp than people's lives & sensible gun control; 21. Attempting to defend Planned Parenthood whilst at same time rolling back intelligent sex education & replacing with abstinence only teachings which is just fucking stupid;","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"too tired to explain, too confuse to think.. hidup sungguh lucu \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #hardmoment but keep\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #bigot carl paladino, @user ally, wishes obama dead of mad cow disease in \u00e2\u0080\u009917 #trumpproofamerica","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Liberals- rule #1 if liberal man accused of sexual assault or rape : viciously attack accuser( Keith Ellison\/ Bill Clinton rule #2. If Republican man accused- viciously attack man and praise accuser. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Keep up the good work while the liberals waste time crying and pointing the country moves closer to greatness again! MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"but shawty you not a bitch you the one I get money wid","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"cuddles. #love #family #author #writerslife #sassy #gypsy #gypsysoul #bipolar\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Shan: even dumb sluts get pissed over cat calling Me: meeeeeee Shan: no you're an idiot whore there's a difference ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"S\/O to my Luu's. These are down bitches! Don't fuck with them.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Hi_Slick: bitch you better play w\/ this \n\nd\n i\ni\n i\ni\n i\ni\n i\ni\n i\ni\nc\nk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user She is the cutest baby I have ever seen ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Omg you look so beautiful!!!! You are killing it \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_Djweezlove not what I said . I want a DJ to mix the track regardless for their own use ! The video gon be dumb retarded with the reg versi","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER I think he meant to say ... sent to jail for fraud","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ahmed's moms bomb pussy>>>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my friends is playing at work \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #rhcp ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user says a president elect that calls americans enemies #hateful #ignorant","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This is what the Left wants more of in America. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So since Dems want stand on a soapbox over Kavanaugh exactly when will you be addressing the sexual slush fund covering your backsides #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"my thoughts are with the victims' families! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #orlando #victims #families #prayfororlando ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes!!! Love it! You are gold! \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#trump ally wishes mad cow disease death for #obama - cnn #hatred #insults ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p\u2014-ing. on our backs & telling us it\u2019s Raining! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Start with explaining why you think he is stupid rather than writing a question looking for attention.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"note for those who call #wn for opposing the latest @user ad: damn right we are! get that filth off the net, you race-traitors-","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Well you are dumped","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fish tacos \ud83d\ude1b ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ugh! Why bring up muslims in your speeches as something you 'need to deal with' i mean muslims are NORMAL PEOPLE. Muslims have nothing to do with ANY TERRORISM! Am so sick of all the hate as a muslim i receive when all i do is minding my own business going to college and finding a job.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@larryelder Those ideas look an awful lot like bad humans to me!!! #TRUMP2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What do you like to do when you are with your family? #AskAlly","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_hillzzz: this is real life 😭 RT @NoWomanIsRight: She want to give u pussy so bad she mad at u cus u fucking it up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @FunkyDineva: I have not watched part 2 of the reunion. I'm so over them hoes. I don't even care","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Too bad life sucks 4 u #schiff4brains \ud83d\ude02 ur going down along wi ur other CRIMINAL friends. Only red line crossed is the LIES U TELL. U will never b anything more than the belly of a SNAKE #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #schiff4brains ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Kang Daniel really bagged one of the most beautiful kpop girlies","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Said you a mean bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@blastmccurdy in your dreams little leprechaun hemroid","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Grab em by the pussy!!! What's the problem? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"new fantastic jersey by tamai spo wear! #meblojogi #turbokatka @user @user #new #jersey ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"think i should change \"★Doctor's Advocate★\" to \"cunt that goes mental\" #hmm","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Had no interest in watching the DNC hour with a hunch of sanctimonious liberals who trigger over everything except when they are insulting those who disagree with their cause of choice for the moment. Pass.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user my video on the whole @user situation #boycottdelta #exposed #truth #fraud #adamsaleh #delta #prankster ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER We're so so pleased to hear that! You are very welcome.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @OoO_Mr_Perfect: And ima keep fuckn like I love this bitch 🎤😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BasedZae: When lil b said “Word around town that I aint got no bitches? what?! Thats a damn lie nigga my nuts is my witness” http:\/\/t.c…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Donald Trump in Nevada either at that MAGA rally or Tge GOP Convention...His Hollowing Out of America Tour or as Putin likes to put it...\u201dproject red wave\u201d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft is great because she is a badass!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"people be in competition with people that don't even know their name #focusonyou #theydontevenknowyouexsit","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trudeau's \"refugees\" bring mayhem to hotel migrant camps Brainless Trudeau + Migrants in Canada = Rapefugees just like England Germany n Sweden!! Specially against children n young teens!! via @user \nwelcome to thailand bitch- we find rape culture very humorous and we make jokes out of it smh \nLol if we're being honest I spent the whole day depressed as a bitch in my room, this is the only time I've felt ok today .. rn at 11pm \nThis is outrageous! #StopIllegalImmigration #MeritImmigration \n@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02Bitch what with my brand new uniform and shoes\ud83d\ude0f \n@user National security depends on immigration control, stopping visa overstays, vetting, bans from terror ridden nation and the #BuildThatWall \nI'm about to bitch slap bro so he know he's a hoe \n@user The bitch is crazy I hate this whore so much irl and in rp \nPussy ass bitch cunt fuck I HATE YOU. \n#ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh@TheDemocrats @user party of #Obama #Obstructionists @user #Soros #Liers #Violence #Hate #Hypocrisy #Socialists MS-13 #KKK #IllegalAliens #Drugs #ANTIFA #Resist@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user @user #2ADefenders \nConservative Trump Patriots, it might be the weekend but stay up to date. The corrupt Deep State never sleeps. Stay strong for our #Potus45 and for fellow Patriot Conservatives! #NoDaca #Potus45 #MAGA #KAG2020 #VoteRedNovember2018 #StandWithPresidentTump #IfollowAllPatriots \n#Children and #Women Are No Longer Safe Where There many \"\"#asylum\"\" seekers, #IllegalAliens, or just #MassImmigration. The Nations of #Europe need to #BuildTheWall and fix #immigration LAWS NOW.\" ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"my bihdayyyy face!!! :d #bihdaycake #candles #bihdaytimes #pingpongsoho @ ping\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Beaadawgg: Why do the trashiest, really ghetto girls always get the most likes and comments on insta? Boys up and down their pictures a…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @PoohSavage: @Thompson_Era fr mane on some 100 shit cuff her if she made you that happy in one night cause these hoes for everybody fr","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #SendThemBack #Australia #Africa belongs in the sess pool it created for itself ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @jerseywolfgod: I don't want the pussy if it makes me want to pay your bills and not sleep my Sunday mornings away, don't ruin my life.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"tomorrow the spark will be attending 1st uk #imhaw16 conference with @user @user @user @user - ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest dairy k.s! thanks to @user @user @user #\u00e4\u00bd\u0090\u00e9\u0087\u008e\u00e5\u0085\u0083\u00e6\u0098\u00a5 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"saw #indians 2outs away, #browns just miss sb, #cavs lose finals,never thought i would see going into game7 with momentum #cavs ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@MarkUdall2014 just got his pussy kicked, he's out, done, @CoryGardner wins, per Fox News.... #Election2014 #tcot #gop #teaparty #p2","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @guardian_sport: World Cup 2014 diary: Argentina mock Brazil with twirling towels http:\/\/t.co\/iJIFh5FVO0 (Photo: Getty) http:\/\/t.co\/RckP…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Muslims coming illegally across the Southern Border. #maga #kag #BuildThatWall #votered #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Minnesota is full of white trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I\u2019ve said it before and I\u2019ll say it again. I love Zach Herron with my whole Heart\u2665\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Totally shameful and disgusting no excuse. This is 4yo where is this fellow and was he ever punished.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Im literally counting down the days until the kids go back to school. #SendThemBack ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I only wish I could help those poor underfinanced guards who are cuffed from doing the right thing and using lethal force. If it were my country all I'd be doing is busting heads and kicking asses. Get the fuck outa hungary you sand vipers, go back and stand up for your country like a human being should. You bunch of chicken shits and yellow bellies.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ain't nun Ordinary about this bitch ✋😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"she is so cute ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Could you please explain why you praised the research of an anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant foundation linked to Orban's far-right government? \u2026 Or why you are hosting events at the Hungarian Embassy for this foundation? h ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Im a Single bitch on this Money shit 💯💸","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy bihday california gurls \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ab #myfavoritevideo #video #california #gurls \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @hiagokoury: Lmao what my nigga just told me 😂😂😂hoes these days... They lovin the crew gd","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He is a RiNO! Like McCain was. Why he is unelectable in Arizona . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey @ups dis angry white man @thatUPSdude called me a nigger when I didn't answer da door on time. He ain't fit to be delivering pizzas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Who is that pink hat guy, Cody? Caleb? Either way he is a over emotional bitch. #BB16","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'd like to see someone try to hit me off. Joke's on you bitch, I don't have internet!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Passing out masks at the Trump rally in Ohio #Trump2020 #Trump #TrumpRally https:\/\/t.co\/wtQsHsA08p","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#JoeScarborough is a vile excuse for a journalist\". Here he is criticizing #Trump yet refuses to come clean about the death of an intern in his office. Stop talking about everyone else and start talking about YOUR INVOLVEMENT WITH #LORIKLAUSUTIS. @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Brexit has split the Conservatives and Labour remains devided and leaderless on the subject. The TUC is split across unions and UK is in danger of fragmenting. Surely the only way to unite us is to vote on the final exit deal\/WTO v Remain. Meanwhile listen to all options evenly.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":". . . And we wonder why conservatives who work for Twitter fear saying so . . URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Conservatives historically go by the constitution . Part of the reason for the name . The libs like to make to make it up as we progess(ive) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yall out here fuckin other women's men risking ya life & freedom but I'm out here single & dolo with no bitch you gotta worry about.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Nowt you see on my blog will be available in store. Two totally separate entities \u263a\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My cheapest, broke ass meal? I had some egg noodles but we ain't have no buter, no pepper, nothing. I put syrup on them bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are asking the right questions\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"PLEASE ALLOW Joe and Jill Biden, Kamala Harris and Doug to put OUR Country \u201cback together again!\u201d[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]VOTE LIKE OUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#RestInPeaceEbonee It DIDN\u2019T have to be this way! So sorry for your loss Marisa \u2764\ufe0f https:\/\/t.co\/RLLzsMspXX","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is not a new tactic for the left.. This is actually their go to tactic they have used throughout the decades. This is a playbook right out the Nazi-socialist playbook..The democratic socialist are today's neo-nazis. Aka antifa. #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #QAnon ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KenaiViveros: Ima bitch him out lol @Versharky","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"That nigga john ain't ah Real older nigga Forreal.. He let Vick brotha bitch out on maplerow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Looks like no ones running Britain! Our cities are out of control thanks to EU migration an all to often picture of Modren UK ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER After watching the entire match and controversy Serena is lucky she didn't get a match misconduct. She is so upset that the ref. Would give her a warning for her coach coaching\" which he even admitted to. The ref did nothing wrong he enforced the rule and Serena did it like it.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@karmendanielle_ aka he wanna keep you warm, shoulda just introduced himself #coons","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER The reason liberals should be deported. They are just to sick and twisted to fix.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Yessir. You know this man RT @BryceHamilton11: @ItsNotHarold u got some pack fag boy I'm comin thru","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @younngmel: Fuck half the bitches at Mount Rainier  i only fucks wit a few","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SpecialEd24 gotta turn the hoe into housewife","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kathy_doermer bitch please, I'll go to Windsor either way.. When i come up I can bring some also 🇮🇹","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"are you #hispanic .. feel like the are stomping on you? listen #retweet #boricua\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Innovative ideas about an unresolved issue relating to your ho... More for Libra http:\/\/t.co\/UOoN09K1Dq","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Gonna boo his ass regardless now ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"listen here dumb fucker you dont call rania \u201cwhore\u201d and youre the only crazy bitch here\ud83d\ude18 deactivate pls bc nobody c\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Amazon is investigating Chinese employees who are selling internal data to third-party sellers looking for an edge in the competitive marketplace. URL #Amazon #MAGA #KAG #CHINA #TCOT","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Prove your claim or be exposed as the lying piece of shit you are. Meanwhile... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I tweeted about thenwoman who protested immigrant detention centers and WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH THE BOTS ARE OUT RODAY IM LAUGHING SO HARD. Please help ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Fuck my Rick (? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"sculpted gel nails #love #nails #gel #glitter @ rebeccas nails plymouth ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"should be out having fun in bangkok but in bed with tonsillitis \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad what is life #thailand #sick","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this bitch @user is a hoe. u wanna fuck my best friends boy multiple times when you know they're dating cause youre a crusty ass bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user any news on location @ parkside on wade? looks like you guys are about finished .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JLlVE looks prime for some trash pick up","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you sneak dissing & I come to you tryna address the initial issue & you say it ain't nothing... You a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms https:\/\/t.co\/v9gvf2CBUK","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sweden bars refugees from returning to Syria and gives them benefits instead. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"1\/ Resists newest tactic against conservatives. They have decided to trend disarmthem\"\" And advocates attempting to take a weapon from people open carrying. 1. open carry hopefully has retention on their holster. 2. This is likely to result in being fired upon by 2nd party.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @chillin662: Boosie said he got a bitch from the Sip. #THOTs are gonna have \"Boosie's bitch in da Sip\" in their bio now #BETHipHopAwards…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@elchavaloko Toma ESO negros @panama","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i wonder how many cooperative program dollars that cost? #wasteofmoney ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LeBronVuitton: I don't stand in line at clubs, the security come escort me in. Yellow diamonds tell a bitch get over here, Scorpion.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Moore- The United States of America is a REPUBLIC. Where did you go to school? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Im getting sleepy this water doing a bitch right","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_ChickenGeorge: DEAD!!💀“@TAkeme2CHINA: 😩 RT @PEagles14: When ur fuckin and her pussy stank but u have really good friends........... ht…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Those options are weak the situation was lot more complex. To answer your question tho she is a star and if her head is big she earned it and no the umpires shouldnt boycott. People always want to make and example out of serena like this has never happened before ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"chomsky: israeli #apaheid much worse than south africa #israel #internationallaw #occupation #bds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @AloneInMyOwnWar: Bitches always uploading pics of a famous couple doing simple shit, like holding hands talkin bout \"want this\" bitch r…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @IllusiveHaven: shhhh…\nwrap yourself around me\nlet me kiss the bruises on your heart\nlick your unhealed wounds\nand taste the raw wild ho…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @albertogomez51: “@nomaambundy92: I'm not the type of guy to bitch about how hot it is but it's about to be 11 and I'm still sweating” q…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user we just draw a lot of these guys now... #tearwereshed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh no how horrible...maybe they'll flee back to Syria","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"friday treat! \u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080 #jamdoughtnut #naughty #naughtybutnice #tfifriday #foodgloriousfood #dreadedmonkey \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why? why was fbi not aggressive? your administration seems 2b a vehicle to drive crazy leftist agenda. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Whoever just unfollowed me you a bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#That son of a bitch moment when you turn the radio on and your favorite song is on but its the end of the song","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I went walking through the city Like a drunk, but not With my slip showing a little Like a drunk, but not","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Excuse me? EVERYONE LIKES IT!!! BITCH IF YOU DON'T FUCK OFF THIS WORLD! What a hoe! \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Illegal Immigrant Severely Injured After Falling Off 30-Foot Border Wall, Moment Caught On Security Cam ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER 1 of 2) Support Chief's comments. I'd recommend reading excellent true crime book, In Plain Sight:The Kaufman County Prosecutor Murders\" - by Kathryn Casey. Victims were all armed (DA, very heavily) and prepared to \"protect themselves.\" Not about gun control, but...\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@abdashcole @4x4_nation @NatalieSchroyer fuck a raptor. Have fun with that when the tranny fails on you after 70k miles","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Im_a_Asshole_ @ImTooMuch @MyAssHoleSoWet So you gon call me a nigger because of that? Fuck wrong with you?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Xnastyy: no i ain't no bitch & no i ain't no snitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user By defending and making excuses for obvious bad behavior....you're sure to get more of it. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Woke up feeling like a bitch. Gonna stop acting like a bitch over some weak shit and focus on myself now. Its me time bruh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals always play victim. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't believe the bullshit title and caption. These were civilians from rebel-held territory that were on buses ready to be evacuated to Assad government side. These families were elected to escape rebels and an agreement was made. Then a rebel\/terrorist vehicle full of explosive drove into the crowd and detonated during the evacuation process. AJ+ get your shits straight and do proper unbias reporting.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER YOU ARE SO PRETTY OH MY GOODNESS","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I think Judge Kavanaugh will be voted through next week after Mondays hearing unfortunately for him his reputation has tarnished by these vicious lies MAGA WWGIWGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@QueenSAVage97 @FresH_BoY_Will how you gonna compare sushi to pussy tho there ain't no dicks going in your sushi 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Wizard turned into a hoe after a break up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user BURN your Nike gear. Everyone I know is done buying Nike. Oops. Conservatives are the ones buying from Nike. After all we r the ones making the money There\u2019s way way more of us \ud83d\udd95Nike ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just reported 3 tweets & to @USER ...@rezaaslan You need to be suspended from Twitter.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i still can not wrap my head around the fact that #christinagrimmie is gone. and the fact that a man destroyed #prayfororlando just ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Females always tryna make a nigga feel bad about some shit like bitch I'ma smoke this weed and be happy all day","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"they gotta sell they ugliness 😂😂 “@BADi_am: Ugly bitches be the most stuck up ... Like bish what ❓😩😂😂”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I remember when this lil bitch caught me slippin n had me get ina car an 2 mins later I'm lookin at this nigga holdin a gun in my face.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the devils been sending his workers to get at me lately... pussy fuck boy try harder.. can't let'em throw me off my 1... 2ssss","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Rileyy_Babyyy: How you pressed over some pussy you never had 👀? 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Always wanted to fuck that bitch, thank you god I fucked that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Fun fact: I nutted to this ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #idiot do you want to open your home to a murderer? #MAGA #noasylum #buildthewall #sendthemback ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@mariaisab3lla at that point, just call me nigger.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Thinking about trying to get pussy like.....@trestiffer http:\/\/t.co\/08cQV2vCcx","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"excuse my lingo when I call you hoe but bitch you know I talk like dat ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sure Trump will help the slimy little scumbag. Hes pretty desperate[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Lindsey Graham\u00a0was on Fox on Wednesday night asking for money for the second time in days - pleading with donors to dig deep into their pockets & help him hang onto his\u00a0South Carolina\u00a0seat[NEWLINE]#Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/HfTulgVeIU","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@ShainaRakia doubt it cause a bitch aint nothing but a nigga downfall","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Accuser actually needs to be investigated. It\u2019s interesting she whiped all her social media accounts. Was she an ANTIFA member?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Got my VOTE on today. #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Ooryfti6bH","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Smoke sesh niggah what u mean","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sydney on this hoe asking dumb ass questions","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Nobody cares you fucking fag damn you bring bitches water even though youre thirsty as fuck 😂😂😂 #fucknigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ouuh fuck it! @user @user @user @user #bustymilf @user @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This bitch needs to get slapped @MicheleBachmann http:\/\/t.co\/KNCWBPc8eZ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user says he's ashamed of things he's done but continues to make shameful remarks to women #hypocrite\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I don't fuck with these niggas cause they shady I don't fuck with these bitches all they want is to have my baby","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Was? I bet you are still into Sloane...she is pretty awesome!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"In a heartbeat \ud83d\udc97 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #KAG Absolutely! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"next week this time i will be in korea!!!! #travel #korea","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CauseWereGuys: When you realize bae is a hoe http:\/\/t.co\/OkVjxdL7ZW","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"seriously? can't believe this in 2016! trump ally wishes mad cow disease death for obama - cnn #crazy ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user @user @user he's the worse president in the history of this country, yet 53% of americans approve of\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a relieve to see, for a change, that someone has already been found, safe & sound, before i had a chance to their being lost ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RickyNgan: Y'all hoes ain't slick","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"WTC This is a threat!!! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I witnessed Ace hoe soo many niggas at the gardens growing up 😂😂😂 I'm talking strong armed hoein too 💪","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"THIS PAGE WILL NEVER TELL YOU,THAT THOSE ISLAMIC ROHINGYAS ARE NOT FROM MYANMAR..BUT BANGLADESH.....LIKE WHAT THEIR DOING IN EUROPE, THEY ARE DOING IT ASIA....INVADING TERROTORIES AND DEMANDING THAT THEY BE GIVEN LANDS.... THEIR DOING IT THE PHILIPPINES AND MYANMAR..... BUT THEY WOULD NEVER GO TO INDONESIA OR MALAYSIA BOTH ISLAMIC COUNTRIES THAT DOES NOT WELCOME ANYONE ELSE BUT MUSLIMS......JUST COUNTRIES WHERE MUSLIM DOES NOT EXIST.....,FUCK ISLAM,","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Sexy Japanese slut fingers and toys her pussy on the steps squirting her juice all over http:\/\/t.co\/svs8idZjYp","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cruising in my go kart at walmart selling cupcakes, go ahead admit faggot, this shit is tighter than butt rape~","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER But the orange preferred to send the hospital boat away and now she is standing empty. It could have saved many people. Fuck@USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER that's unepic","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"' See I gotta get this money ma palms itchin , niggahs gossip like hoes most of them bitches .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JerGucci she can suck dick tho that's better than brownies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user If she is close by I don\u2019t mind checking in on her. I\u2019m in Greenville NC ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'll round up my hoes in a little bit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Austria proposes sending troops abroad to stop migrant movement ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i am thankful for sundays. #thankful #positive especially in the fall and football ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"REFUGEES ARABS MUSLIMS - NOT WELCOME IN POLAND via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I love my haters they my biggest fans... I'm on the field dem bitches in the stands!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER another judge that first blames the tool then wants to make them dangerous to the legitimate user guess we know wher he is on gun control OUT TO LUNCH your honor sir!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I don\u2019t care if she is right or left go back to tv bitch one tv star in office is more than good #hollywoodisscum ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@LowworldsFinest @1stblock_thomas man y'all niggas chill man I'm High af tho . Y'all niggas ain't even tell me who the hoe is 😴✋","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@DanielSizelove @Conrad_MLG get on cunt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Leave it up\nits not harming anyone u fools..Then u take down the Black Panther flags that iv seen around aswell.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER looking forward to meeting you at conference!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Your husband is a despicable person. He is a narcissist who cares about no one - including you- but himself.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Very disturbed by how this platform has become like a dictatorship from the Soviet state. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Saying the above makes u sound just like the cishets who try to make us out to be sex crazed cheaters! And its disgusting!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I agree my hf clients were short since inception of futures . Big switch in May \/June to long now . Imo Facebook libra key","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"OMG> I was throwing beer bottles on street and yelling at drunk homeless people to stop harassing the trannies.... #Game6 #torturebaseball","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yo honestly you pussy ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Such a wonderful man.. I know kids can be tough at times especially when they wake you up at night.\nAnd this guy is doing it single handedly for so many children with special needs and that too are not his own.\nCan't think of any other deed that is better than this man's work. God bless him and these kids.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"looks like my highlight of the night will be getting Lewis and having a quick fag outside work #shite","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b9Austria: '\u2018\u02dcJesus said give to men in need\u2019: Refugee wants Austrians to share money & homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\u00e2\u0096\u00b6 yung samu ft lokey-#eahquake produced by dj triumph #music #loveit #stripclub","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER SERVES THE BASTARDS RIGHT!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"first day of school na naman \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 #firstdayofschool ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"There are 182 days until the #IowaCaucus! #vote #iowa #caucus","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER VOTE R in #Election2018 November #GOP #RedWave #Trump #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"one thing it seems #evangelicals and #muslim's can agree on, #gaypride. #funny #endthemadness","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so it's currently 3:38 and i can't sleep... why? because i'm getting my new goats tomorrow!!! #wannabegoodacres","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@1Corinthians126 #BooksOfGodWidom Proverbs 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@tori_mills02 I believe that you fuckin can punk nigga bitch😈💪","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user We all know what you mean by 'scum' pal. Couldn't agree more. #SendThemBack ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"beware the \"snowball effect\" blackman! pa 2 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#fedorarchibaldkotovsky #cat #walking on the ground! #\u00d0\u00a1\u00d1\u0087\u00d0\u00b0\u00d1\u0081\u00d1\u0082\u00d0\u00bb\u00d0\u00b8\u00d0\u00b2\u00d1\u008b\u00d0\u00b9 #\u00d0\u00ba\u00d0\u00be\u00d1\u0082\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dudes tryna yeah i watch euphoria their way into some pussy","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ballot Marked Joe Biden Kamala Harris Join Us Vote Women are on the Ballot https:\/\/t.co\/zr8GoYfNMd","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ohhdatsbrucie: I can't be worried bout no bitch cause that bitch could be somewhere sucking dick","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Germany claims success with program to support migrant returnees ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I got bitches on my dick\n\nThey just ain't here yet nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"If they had just complied\" with the law and obtained a search warrant this young man would still be alive. So much for that comply argument when these fucktards don't even follows the laws they are supposed to enforce.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I like bitches that like bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@politvidchannel #fucktrump #fuckthegop #realdonaldtrump #trump2020 #trumpvirus #LindseyGraham[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]AND LOUSY LINDSEY THINKS THEY ARE JUST DANDY, HIS BRAND OF LUNATIC FRINGE.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]A PUNK WHITE POWER STREET GANG COMIN TO A SUBURB NEAR JIM BOGNET[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BOGNET4CONGRESS HELL NO ! https:\/\/t.co\/GMYFaV8gcR","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user has announced he is releasing #Fisa ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He and Obama must be copying each other does any democrat have their own thought PLEASE !!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@clayton_jenn99: I'm gonna miss that bitch of a bus driver...\"no you won't. Don't lie","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"finally made it to new blades! lets hope all the models are ok! #modelmaking #aub #nervous #newbladesshow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we are so #thrilled & to join the amazing 200+ vendors the_vintage_market this fall!\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ahhh! i've been waiting for this since forever! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Females never understand that guys dont give af about females that they dont like liking them. Stop trippin, he dont know that hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"your word i have treasured in my hea. (psalm 119:11) #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @robdelaney: I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like you guys. But then I eat a plus-size model’s pussy in my helicopter.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Charles Manson out here gettin married in jail and your lame ass can't even get a text back ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_MissBre: She's hurt. The nigga she crushing on fucking a bottle girl so they all have to be hoes.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"'scientists+innovators achieve far more abroad than at home' @user #unsurprising #mideast ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Very pathetic man !","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and it's funny as obama starting talking about gun control shootings started happening. Correlation-definitely so. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@BeenBasedB do this nigga think he mick foley ?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user a son first hero & daughter first love #fathers #day. #fathersdaycelebration #owc. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yes Canada that is another great achievement from the #Trudeau #Liberals it just keeps getting better ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"these kind of people need to be erased of eah''s surface -_- , ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my first time student @ first day of school.. #goodluck #studentlife ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Too many corrupt evil beings hold govt positions amd\/or have too much clout w\/the corrupt & evil beings in gvt positions. & the majority all point to the left w\/a few fake conservatives in the mix. Why else is Hillary\/Obama & their cronies still walking free?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER LoL I'm crying , who the fuck is that stupid","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK YOU MIDDLE EAST!! I hate you fucking savage muslims !!! Go back in your primitive countries with your primitive religion! \nEUROPE doesn't need you!!!Go back and bomb yourself!! I hope you all die! I don't fucking care about none of you! \nEurope is a modern and civilized world! It took hundreds of years to be like this! Now, when is peace and quiet, you woke up and ruin everything! \nOur beautiful and quiet Europe will be ruined by some savage muslims who are guided by their own primitive rules!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Does it hurt to constantly apologize for far right conservatives","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck those Police.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@abdullah_omar comes from a guy whose sole qualification to be CM is being the lucky sperm :-)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @SirBhill: Bitches love Miley Cyrus and Rihanna cuz they speak to every girls inner hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Woman's Car Towed Away After She Claimed To Have Explosives Authorities in Prince George's County investigated a threat Wednesday AM at Joint Base Andrews. Reports indicate a woman said she had explosives and that she refused to leave. URL #MAGA @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #need out of #washington state. the gray is not healthy for my mental health. #depersion #washingtonstate","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Salon: A trash-talking athlete vs. a violent congressman: Who's the real \"thug,\" here? http:\/\/t.co\/dFNdCqWDAX via @joanwalsh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"A mood. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheRock @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris Wow an overpaid celebrity giving advice, as if he lives in the real world with the rest of us. \ud83e\udd71\ud83d\ude44 #defundhollywood #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user is anyone flying from glasgow to philadelphia then to poland on the 26th of june?! \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0097\u00bd #campadams","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"got this on ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Calling it am early night heartache is a bitch #broken","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"No, @USER thinks 2000 was laser year so he must also think 1990 was only 10 years ago.Am I the only one around here who still thinks 1990 was only 10 years ago?!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I ain't Neva care what ah bitch had to say bout me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MyJim_AintSlim: Chris Brown reached maximum level of Icy with this hoe. http:\/\/t.co\/SAhGE1wGaS","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Stop saying this shit you are not going to do it shrio you have to fight this depression you can't let it take you half of my life was me hiding my emotions everyone thought I was happy but deep down I wanted to end it all but I didn't let depression beat me I kept fighting.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"saundra treats him to a massage with happy ending: #treats #saundra #massage #with #ending ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Africa must address refugee crisis to ensure development \u2014 AU Commissioner ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user our plant pots are well overdue some attention - trip to local garden centre soon. #plants #garden #spring ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER would help them but he is in his own sunken place.. @USER to the rescue ? URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Damn...that's almost as old as I am! Then again, he is from Utah, and he does what career politicians do...appeal to his base\"\"!\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SLIZRD_WIZRD: 3 point on a bitch like Dirk Nowitzki, up in da club like Dirk Nowitzki.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Niggas be wanting bitches with money ..but be broke as dirt 😂😂😂👎👎👎✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Paper over pussy cause pussy Bring problems #PoweroftheP","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hell yeah that bitch gon' go ham","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Love to put my cock so far down your throat now so hot ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Much of your promise of money is not extra\/new as govt took back \u00a3817 MILLION promised for new affordable\"\" homes! Stop Right to Buy - we have a @user created #HousingCrisis now, too little, too late! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@WyattNuckels @grizzboadams glad you could get your daily dose of giggles faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @driswitdacake: bitches fwu when they wanna .. ha na bitch not over here","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" soomanday\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #bihday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 cre : (somewhere) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He knows his days are numbered so going to cause as much trouble as possible now. Twat that he is!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a bad ass! Keep fighting for us \ud83d\udc95","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER now it's full of shit...!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ladies remember other women (including your friends) are trifling you speak TOO great about your nigga other bitches WILL try him smh lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @chillvitooo: “@__KillSwitch: Nigga damn 😬😳 https:\/\/t.co\/m7gExESuag”LMFAO Dej Loaf got all these bitches getting TRYED😭😭😭😭😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm only fuckin doctors and lawyers from now on. At least if they go nuts I know they have somethin to lose unlike these sluts workin retail ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"@Jewelxo: Can pornhub just get a gaming stream feature so these dumb bitches can gtfo\" @Pornhub get on it Katie<3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Get__Em__Craig lol I will be there in the morning hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ol' Mitch, Trump's little bitch looks forlorn. The two assholes behind him are laughing at him! Tough time working\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @PRIVALEDGE: Undercover hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cut that bitch off !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She's hiding! Republicans don't have an Antifa!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mobilesuitwaifu All the helmets in Destiny are trash. I wish I could just rock an invisible bubble instead. Hunters look like Robocop.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user to speak with @user tomorrow at @user #b2b #ecommerce #event ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@BIackiechan @TheUncurvable @ToneDaGawd @CurtDatNigga lmfaoooo that's some fag shit man.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Read about the Muslim migrant communities in Europe. People who have not lived in civilization before do not know how to live life in the West. Unfettered immigration is changing Europe, and not for the better. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"but if the guy would have dogded the kick he probley would have got shot for trying to fight or some crazy shit see this is stupid.....something needs to be done.. and nothing is diffent between the two men its just that bitch had a badge and a gun so he is permetid to be a fucking ass hole so he thinks","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"|| messy monday || #hair #messy #bun #blonde #monday #me #love #life #beauty #repost\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"😭😭 “@_____AL: Y'all be tweakin wit that WCE shit. Ain't no way in hell u like that bitch every single day.”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Thanks for the tweet. There's a lot of guys who just want to feel helpful. I'm guessing it's most of us.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user new #viualreality #oculusrift #htcvive studio is now on twitter, follow them to win 15000 tickets with rewardsgg ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How do I get on this immigration and refugee board? Seems like it\u2019s stacked. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@StayGetNutty what u doing bitch boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"allie says every #mom needs this list #hfhradio #parenting ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's #never too #late to #staover. if you were'nt with #yesterday, #try something\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dmj fashion with love \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 #good #morning #ladies ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER James hums in approval and pulls back. Allowing her to help him out of his shirt. Letting it fall to the floor as his hand is brushing along her skin. \u201cYou are beautiful baby.. such an angel.\u201d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Imagine master Lude (not me) telling J Frankenheimer[NEWLINE]the end of the movie is that CIA was sold out to CCP[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]He JF would send Lude back to drawing board.[NEWLINE]Guess what. Lude is right on. All thanks to Biden.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]I heard such tales but needed verification[NEWLINE]well now we have it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"daily #affirmation #motivation #inspiration #beliefs #reality #truth #limitless #love #peace ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009fthe best motivational playlist\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0087click here\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0087 #laugh #sleep #grind #ericthomas ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"summer ventures fellows want to \"restore science to their classrooms\" #listentoteachers","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yeah yeah \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af my jam rn \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u00a6\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088 #nobodydoesitbetter #michaelcalfan #tune #banger #blondie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Must get NZM&Okhla area sensitized immediately.Lot of illegal Muslim migrants seen all over Roads\/Pavements\/congested lanes ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Using that thought\/conspiracy then it would be safe to argue that the liberals have concocted this and are stalling in order to help the liberals interest in that. The perfect pawn would play fearful of the process thereby helping confuse & prolong the process. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @dirtyskimask: Lmaooo Friday After Next? “@1stName_Bravo: You like that yo son's a fag?”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JNunchuckfuck u can just ask him to suck his dick not that hard white trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#ChrisMartin Demand an apology from @user He disrespected women incl the mom of your kids Rape is NEVER a jok\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@litigiousmind pretty like a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the love of my life is back in 13 days! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mckinley719 fuck bitches get money","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Doesn\u2019t \u201cmyth\u201d mean something that isn\u2019t true? \ud83e\udd14... hmmmm .. hollyweird liberals should stick to make believe world.. #dummies \ud83d\udc47 URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"beautiful morning in #stuttga #love #running #personaltrainer #fitness #training #run ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The fourth hokage was a little bitch!! Like, nigga can't even take down a bitch ass fox!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ClicquotSuave: Perfect vision....Me, my niggs, mas hoes, mas clicquot, mas dom p, mas moet, \"my type of party\" blasting out a Cali condo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"No to #EU migrant camps in Libya, PM al-Serraj ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @The_April_Fool: Fucking with them hoes! “@Marc_withdaC: “@CamBlunt: my nigga waka i hate it had to be him http:\/\/t.co\/E12YlM2yVa” man t…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"On westside I'm screamin fuck KD bitch!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Emmys Well, most of those ex-crackheads are liberals and Democrats; so ...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"60 powerful minutes - #free podcast #anxiety #stress #life #success #nowplaying # ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#otd in 1987, the last of it's kind dies, the dusky seaside sparrow becomes extinct. @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"*goes to song suffragettes* Waitress: \u201cthere\u2019s a $15 minimum food and drinks charge\u201d Me to waitress : \u201cwho do you think you are?\u201d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"UN says Libya recovered some 100 bodies of migrants in 2018 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This is the VetsResistSquadron\" is Bullshit.. They are girl scout veterans, I have never met any other veterans or served with anyone that was a gun control advocate? Have you?\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And what about the familys and friends of the people they kill?! Fuk the POLICE! EYE FOR AN EYE BITCH! You dont g9 around fukin wit niggahs thinking y9u aint gonna get shot up to foo.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don't understand your logic. Anyways this is going nowhere. This to me is not acceptable. Maybe you are ok with it. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That\u2019s cruel, we all know Luigi was adopted but we don\u2019t have to rub it in his face #FakeNintendoFacts","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\" i spend my money how i want bitch its my business \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am cheery.#i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I never put no hoes b4 my bros","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Thirsty bitches<<<< Not attractive","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my hea goes out to every mother & father of those we lost in #orlandoshooting #tears #weareone #lgbt we suppo you!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JavieTheCreator stank ass hoes haha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER :00000 where on fb???","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch out here settin up dick appointments and your lame ass can't even get a text back ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I don't like him bc he is an anti-Semitic and a Muslim and a racist. Any other questions?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"See American's are terrorist in other countries. I have heard about how the white elite go over to other countries and have sex with little girls coming back home to their rich homes in the suburbs only to play Christian business man. All the while they rape little girls an performed the most diaguesting acts on them..the Pentagon has employees that have been busted with child porn..what they do in the dark will come to light an i pray they feel the pain and suffering that they do to these children.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER My. Arms. Wasn't. That. Big! N. Neither. Was. My. Boobs! They. Are. Now! From. Them. Injecting. Fat! Into. My. Body!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm actually in the same position but this bitch wanna act like a cunt towards me so guess what u ain't knowing shit ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Carrey should be shut up for good ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm honestly not surprised coming from the school you are in. Why would you be vaping. I noticed they like to accuse you of a lot of stupid stuff but don't let it get to you. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#FreeTommyRobinson #Bluehand demand you #Brexit #SendThemBack ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"sta sentences with i am ... follow it with a positive statement e.g i am happy - and if you not - ask yourself why not! #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"like when you love your music but the other people... #punkrock #punk #rock #screens #different ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#lyin'crookedhillary has and will continue to do the same. illegal aliens are treated better than our veterans. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"everyone is going fucking crazy #worldsucks #hateandviolenceneedstostop ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals go crazy over Creationist's religious beliefs yet when useful for their own insanity disregard science There are 2 genders Male & Female - this is a scientific fact A man doesn't chop off his breasts or have babies And where are the breastfeeding nazis for her cruelty","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"She definitely gotta be a hoe because women love the idea of marriage lmao ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Women have a hard time In stores understanding '3 for 5'...that means you have to get 3 not 2, or 6. The deal is '3 for 5' #FUCK ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This fat bitch is wearing these ugly ass jesus sandals, and her big ass feet are overlapping the damn things.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00c2\u00a9the snaparazzi\u00e2\u0084\u00a2: #dorset #durdledoor #england #goodmorning #sea #landscape #beach #fun #spring #summer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#1000daysofsoloharry So glad that to be a fan of someone who\u2019s trying to change the world by being kind to people, being an ally,stands up for women\u2019s rights, donates for different causes, stands for gun control and someone who\u2019s successful but still continues to be humble URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#torylies #PeoplesVote #StopBrexit @user False news ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Really up wondering why this bitch wants all my seconds \ud83d\ude02 40 something year old whore ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"79 degrees in alaska with a calico. \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0088 #sunshine #kitty #gay #instagay #alaska #cutie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Surely he didn't do anything to damage Veterens Affairs? If he sullied a reputation it was another department? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"right @user this can't go on. have some respect for your passengers and stop messing w yr staff. get your service in order! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ProBirdRights: dear Mr. Science: If human so \"better,\" how come they can't be bird? oh I'm sorry was that too LOGIC for you????","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER has two votes in our home! West Texas is stoked about him! He is inspiring! He can do this!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"girl at work \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 #jobs #me #girl #makeup ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @WallStWatkins: To get with a hoe, you just need to be cute, have muscles, dress your ass off (swag), or talk a good game.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"will u sell dat pussy for me?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BeyonceLand: Bey lost her ring at the Met Gala. Jay found it & instead of just giving it back he gave it to her as a mock proposal http…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER and he like a penis repeatedly jammed up his butt","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's our Spanish version of @user and @user aneurysm-inducing story of worker accused of molesting 8 (!!) immigrant kids at Arizona shelter. Please share ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"the #disgusting display of #thirst is real with them and it's ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"who's that ugly\"lady\"? ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ugh. my drawing is not going well tonight. calling it quits and staing again tomorrow. #defeated ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i hate when people take shit that don't belong to them!!!! #frustrating #fedup #so \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #MoscowMitch really means that he's funneling money into his own pockets because he's a corrupt traitor","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@gtconway3d Next year, George. Next year. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck this hoe ass professor she looks like an extra from Halloween town.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the blackberry brand keeps dropping \"value wise\" every given day, no more facebook, no more paypal now twitter trends are gone. .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"amazing show wasn't it. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Brickannn: These bitches are slutty enough without the costumes lol damn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you make me happy\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #life #love #levax #dream #like #likemepelase #like4like\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can no longer let my 9-year-old daughter go out into the street alone in Denmark as these animals walk in groups and look at her with eyes of pedophiles. I swear that one day lose my mind and split the face off this pigs, these animals look sexually for a child.\nNot to mention that the Danes drives a Ford Fiesta and this refugees come to danmark and after one month drives a Mercedes or a BMW. \nThey receive more subsidies than the people who work.\nOne day when the government takes away the subsidies I want to see how crime will increase 300%.\n\nWell done Denmark and Sweden, are well on the way to doom!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Bless you , Veterans and police who will stand in front of the peaceful indigenous people. Thank you for helping to protect them from the violence corporate greed has been displaying on these unarmed peaceful people's! I wish I could be there to help!\u2764\ufe0f","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"new in: mac x halsey & plum princess \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0084 #blogger #beauty #makeuplover #lipstick #mac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It would make sense for her to be a big character in 9 but if she stays the way she is I really hope not. Lol she was making me cringe most of the movie \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Are #LEOs okay with their home addresses being passed out to any antifa who attend a few DSA meets? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user wednesday or thursday ? any day will be ==>@user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am so n for this game","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ContentedIndie Prediction:[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]He dies of sheer stupidity.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]His lunatic supporters write in his name.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Joe Biden wins everything.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@sandcowboy31 hey it's hillbilly jim and Greg the hammer valentine #pffttt","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"all checked in online ready for next week \u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #holiday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Toxictory minister @user attempted to expense \u00a350 charity donation! It's what @user do!! @user #Toriesmustgo #DissolveTheUnion ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SAMMI_boyden well he's a cunt and he can suck my ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"4.\/presumably you think liberals,\" are as trivial as women and their complaining. You wonder why Dr. Ford does not want to surrender herself to such a harrowing experience before you all? @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YOU ARE SO CORRECT JIN IS A WHOLE CRACKHEAD","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A bitch built like that could beat my ass all she wants ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user McRaven engaged in a publicity stunt. He never spoke publicly against any #CommanderInChief before he retired. A retiree issuing a challenge to the President is an empty and hollow gesture. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #AmericaFirst #MAGA #USA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Stupid white people making my posts relevant to they own life #stupid #cousintoucher #honkie #whitetrash #blonde","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user easier for barrack hussein obama to blame guns than his own kind ( radical islamic extremists ) he's a traitor to america \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@StarbucksSanae Are you sure about that, slant? They're plagiarists, and you have no idea who I am.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm with another nigga bitch 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😭 RT @TrashAssTweets: When you wake up to bae being a hoe on the TL http:\/\/t.co\/rbxh33ounM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user bad business. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't fucking toy with me #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"motherfuckers have no right in this country!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @FunnyJokeBook: If your tweets have never offended anyone, then you tweet like a little bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"love spending the weekend just my girl and i \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #perfect #lgbt #lesbians #lovelynight #couple #myforever @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the producers and financiers of these movies are still going to be white. when people and companies have to green light multi-million dollar projects, they tend to be way more conservative with their money and unwilling to take risks like casting minorities as leads, hiring unproven directors\/writers.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CurrenSy_Spitta: And if a bitch can't respect a nigga wit some paper and a fresh pair of bball shorts then she was raised terribly..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Like London with land banked luxury apartments but little or no social housing built.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I pictured Angus running up the side of FOB Sharana with every day in Afghanistan @ReturnTo1776 http:\/\/t.co\/zj1MK6w7EF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user cool dlc idea canadian rockies like jasper banff whistler lake louise #ubie3 #advidsnowboarder ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@D_41395 cuz I was gunna smoke u out today. U a bitch tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @UPTMillz: You can buy milk w\/ WIC guys RT @VernieMack: #QTNA RT @Major_K8: How y’all bitches gon breast feed wit nipple rings? 😳😖“","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ItsSonGoku: Don't Get Spirit Bombed Lil Nigga RT @LeanandCuisine: Dragonball z trash, debate me if you want","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@thejournalist44 best O-Lineman is a rookie. It's him and a bunch of retards I wouldn't trust with a potato gun.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user But I am a good woman with a gun @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I would rather refer to you as: \"Ginger Bitch\" ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I've decided to just live off of these ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Biggest corrupt lying piece of s***\ud83d\udca9 there ever was! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@airwolf1967 @NoInfidel33 @tedcruz @SarahPalinUSA @TWShannon in ALASKA!!\nNothing going on, nothing to do, nothing to bitch about, few laws","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#millennials still #not by #prospect of '#woman' president via @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"John Kerry.... the SELLOUT: http:\/\/t.co\/SFIRSvDy #neverforget how this pussy screwed our troops in Vietnam. Now he's rewarded. Disgusting.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\" it aint nothing to cut a bitch off \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER What does VOC+3 have to say about that? She usually has more to say than we want to hear!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the \u00c2\u00a370 off #deal is still available, purchase your #zingmattress today and #sleep ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RackedUpShad: Bitch had me and my car all the way fucked up! 😡😤 had to cuss a bitch out via note! http:\/\/t.co\/PKxB40JTTO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"happy friday eve\" i like this trending topic. #comeonfriday #weekendsunshine \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy the freelance writer is a man who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 robe benchley ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Its not always good to have haters... sometimes you're just a stupid bitch (._. )","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Shoutouts to my main bitches & my side bitchess !!✊","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER In all fairness, he sucks at everything...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You know Ima get it bitch \ud83d\udcb0 until my casket closed\u26b0\ufe0f , I've been chasing paper \ud83d\udcb8 nigga you been chasing hoes \ud83d\ude34 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You forgot he is also your president URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm serious bruh! She's too pretty I would eat both her pussy & butt 😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I completely believe she will be in GTMO. She is a traitor.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How is it you had a document that all those women signed if you didn\u2019t know anything about the accusation. Sounds to me a cover up was planned. You are a disgrace to the office you hold","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@GingerDemoness \nMy shit's like an eggplant baby. Black and big enough so dat all da women gets dem a piece","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hello, i noticed that u are a health fan, so i ask u to check my free app, it's called mytraining on apple ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"check out piktocha's new ipad app! #infographic #mobile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"...Congratulations. You are truly the greatest speedster the world has ever known. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"tomorrow i'll be under the electric sky. @user \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0080\u00e2\u0098\u0084\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0099","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"these two are my everything \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d fathersday #dad #family #love #instamood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning to everyone celebrating #healthyeatingweek #hew16 - keep enjoying the white stuff made by cows ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Got to be about the dumbest thing ever. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user stop this shit. we have iphones for a reason. keep it like a fuckin iphone you assholes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@drboycewatkins1 Coons and monkeys like you disgust me, you minstrel show negro. Crying about shit all the time you're a disgrace everywhere","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Can someone treat me to some grub? I'm broke bitch over here.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER And dying a slow death such a shame","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user For all I know you're naming off sex robot models ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#Martina #Navratilova: What #SerenaWilliams Got Wrong via @USER Be always really liked and respected Martina and here she is the voice of reason. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How can people support a youtuber who's mocked rape like bitch wtf ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hey guys... it's been a while........ sunday 2 y'all \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling blessed","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"every day is a balancing act! #sunset #lovecapetown #grateful #blessed #blessings \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hahahahahaha......Said the idiot @USER who handed over billions to the Iranians in what was likely the worst deal in the history of US foreign policy.... You are the poster child for someone not qualified to do a job\"....\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Wait , why is everyone Anti Zeke right now ?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"' A HOE does ANYthing for ANY man, A FREAK does ANYthing for HER man, and A WOMAN does ANYthing for ONE man!' ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It made me cry, you never know what someone is going through and how you can be that changed. God bless both. \ud83d\ude4c Love to your heart Peace to your soul","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what is your current mood? #happy #inlove #worried","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"next bitch that cheat on me getting pimped out, you wanna be a hoe bout shit so we gon make this money ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Europeans are morons for electing people like this ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MenstruaI: rt if ur a sassy ass bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden We love you Joe and Kamala! In the final stretch mr. President and madam Vice president. Time to heal and Unite this beautiful country. God Bless America the United States.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user folks be out here faking relationships for likes \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 you won't get me \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When Trump wins Canada is going to have to build a wall to keep all the assholes out who want to leave this country and move to Canada!!!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"the #nc \"monster law\" made by republican lawmakers that disenfranchised black voters \"with near surgical precision.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You just described Antifa and the Black Block as well as the Democrats and big tech. Why do you defend fascists?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the storm is calming down and i'm staing to see some colours of the rainbow!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#tracerequest sending my deepest condolences to the orlando gay families. zimbabwe gay community has you at hea #touched","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is in dayton tonight and i couldn't get a babysitter. :( #damnkids","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Because i'm a little concerned about the Q followers because they slowly become more and more a sort of right wing sjw antifa thingie (Also excuse me for my horrible English it's not my native languase and didn't had much schooling in it so i'm sorry if it sucks. \ud83d\ude05) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @cokvne: Fuck twerking, bitch can you cook? 😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This C is back? Liberals are shortsighted aka stupid. Crying Wolf\"\" is a \"\"favor\"\" to all of those past and future victims of rape and assault? Like I said, stupid.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Good evening Brenda ...I hardly see you ..hope all is well with you & everyone ...\ud83d\ude4c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Italian_Montana im a boss ass bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@asshole_king pats owner is a kike.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user She was on the 81st floor of the North Tower. She is an example of the fraud perpetrated by Red Cross. They raised an enormous amount of money and then didn\u2019t dispense it to those in need like this woman. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @IamMrEchols: Lmao “@GuruJeremy: A hoe's best excuse is \"it just happened\" lol. No. You being a hoe just happened. It's okay to admit it…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#TRUTH RT @notashley: David is the Charlie Brown of #Scandal","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user yep!! back to #sameolestory some black films @user don't deserve any marketing @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HlGHKEY: If ya girl texts back slow you gotta hit her with the \"so who else you texting?\" Watch That bitch get more defensive than dwig…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"500,000 angry Democrat women swarm Hollywood to protest rampant rape, misogyny and sexism Oh, wait............. Ne\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @BrentLanders6: Charlie: \"My last two songs will be quasi-religious songs for the sake of @WhiteIronBand who's coming up next.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Fuck you!! if you don\u2019t start working an a man of steel sequel soon the whole DCEU will irreversibly go to shit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I will eat these hoes alive 💯💯💯😷 http:\/\/t.co\/R4LW4KKfr1","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@joeylattime @Mawson38 @ameriC00N thats just me rooting against a team I hate not banwagoning u retard u have a different favorite","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user ball is in our court not yours ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"you me too \u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b9 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @femaIes: I swear 😂 we in this forever now bitch http:\/\/t.co\/293YMZDmun","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I wasn't aware I had a smell.\" Cologne when he chose to, perhaps. \"So I take it then that you are aware when I am near. And when I shadow.\" Meaning 'follow,' but in an attempt to be less .. creepy.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When your ride for work came early but you weren't done stalkin all of bae's social media pages ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@TheDukeKnight: Typical hoe costumes:\n1. Cat\n2. Nurse\n3. Bunny\n4. Police officer\n5. Themselves”💁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BabbbyGirl0317: #honestyhour no bitch better try to fuck with my girl cause I will go off","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my \u2018friend\u2019 who\u2019s a bitch slut shamed one of the girls i work with today because she has a child ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user When will you and the rest of the #MSM go after #KeithEllison and the reports of abuse about him?..seem like you guys have 2 standards when it come to covering harassment claims against Liberals (ignore or downplay) then Conservatives (24\/7 coverage assuming guilt right away).. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Trump was walking towards a crowd excited to see him. He was reciprocating the love. That moment was about the reception not 911. It was genuine and honest. Barack is nothing more than an actor who fakes crocodile tears to call for gun control. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Chinese spy for 20 years drove Fenstine where China wants it- reason why Feinstein realeased name of Dem activist in academia in fingering #KavanaughConfirmationHearing #NEWS #Jobs #Job #marketing #music #art #fashion #ShopMyCloset #florence #ProjectManagement #Crypto #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #anniversary on sun #queensilvia & #kingcarlgustaf of sweden have been married for 40 years #congrats #royals ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Miss_Missouri11: Insecurities are such a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Yeah! Liberals are all Look at me! I'm a victim just because a man held me down, covered my mouth and tried to rip my clothes off to rape me. Boo hoo. And his friend turned up the music too loud to cover up my screams and it hurt my widdle ears\"\" Get over it already, amiright?\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@97HectorMiranda Stop talking and go hit legs pussy \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And who gives a shit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@_icantmiss send that hoe 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just like i made you hoes come for me , i can make yall go away 👐✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Invaders Are Not Immigrants Another reality check for Americans ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Coming from the man that threatened to try and kick Turmps ass now don't that take a set of ball's","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i just wanna suck this girl pussy off her body \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"the renovations are continuing throughout our administration building! #ccbbcrenovate #calledtothecreek ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the liveleap bonus daily! thanks to @user @user @user #amandanunes ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user woori: #energizing #tuesday by listening to #rainbow #whoo!!! #movingup #rankings >_< #jisook #woori hoho ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL theresa_may: Since my very first day in 10DowningStreet I\u2019ve made it my personal mission to fix our broken housing system. Doing so underpins so much of what this Government is\u2026 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah.. They heard I'm fucking nuts, like the swag of a fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @AlmightyVinny_: \"I'm a soft more\"😂😂😭 hoes dumb man","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I just wanna travel the world with my bitches 😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Some niggas beat a bitch to get a point across some mentally fuck w\/ her some just ignore it ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cam Newton is Such a little girl like grow up and quit actin like a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"U.S. Military Tribunal Should be handing them out to Senile Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff Maxine Waters, William Barr, James Comey, John Banon, AOC & 3 Clowns, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Also between now and December 31, 2020 Handling of this election into coverup.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"You're a dumb bitch. Wow.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ZaneIsClasker the fuck r u talking about I told u once and am going to tell u against nigga I love white bitch gtf bro","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER asks @user to respond to criticism that the Liberals only care about anglophones when it's time to get their votes. Couillard says that's not the case: I think people know my sincerity on these matters.\"\" #Quebec2018\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JudgmentalGay: Best friend being a hoe: yaaas hunty hoe it up slaaaayy\n\nStranger being a hoe: you're so trashy. You're what's wrong wit…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Corey is trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user really about #musicaltheatre #lovesongs #gig at #streatham common rookery with @user @user 7th july for @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the players i admire were able to set aside their differences to promote iptl but not for country #disappointed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Yeah stfu pussy aint copying shit, Im talking about my own shit yet you sitting here acting like you SHIT. You just mad you cant make music in the first place. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am beyond grateful to have a fam who\u2019s always there for me each and everytime, thanks G!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"No matter how long the wait, God's timing is always best.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"HOW MANY REFUGEES YOUR FUCKING BLOATED RICH QATAR OWNERS RECEIVED? ZERO!!! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Now nic bitch he proper dribbling stoopid ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"7 car and truck ramming attacks in Europe and America's gun control lobby URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"all smiles lately \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"We hate niggers, we hate faggots and we hate spics\"-kkk rally","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user She's an uppity racist bitch and those women are stupid for being there and giving her the time of day. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user We need to keep saying it until its built! #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"happy father's day #fathersday #folklore @ folklore llc ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That fucking slutty beaner","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BillRatchet @VottomanEmpire place pussy on stache let pussy take ride","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user There goes the neighborhood! #SENDTHEMBACK ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @ImHim_Cutthroat: \"@TRESHON_SCROOGE: Mrs Harden be blowin me i be wanna snap on her ahh\"I had that bitch freshmen year damn nea caught a…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Just don't go to Bank of America unless you are ready to prove that you are citizen every time you want to get your money out of your account. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just returned from holiday in cornwall. have heard some unfounate comments but not those raised by you. respect 2 u iain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JazzRiley: Wat type of bitch ass nigga rape a innocent female","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" 7 stories that made us happy this week: you can always find something to smile about if you look in th... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER LMFAO!!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #tech how bitcoin will revolutionise gambling [infographic] ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"exhibition update: the agreement has arrived. a lot of reading to do & then 9 bags & 1 compact carryall with be off to shanghai. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nobody cares what @user thinks or wants. She wasn\u2019t elected haha. And she\u2019s not helping her party either so stay out there your only helping the conservatives Progressives DONT LIKE YOU ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user India wish that this Lady officer show spine to tackle criminal NETAS,their atrocities on poor& do her duty bravely without fear ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Pandah_Pooh put your money up pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user attempt at czech fury, only for croatia to score their second. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @OLDBROOKLYNJIM: Only in #Cleveland are #browns fans going to bitch about a blow out win this week. #Believeland #GoBrowns","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"every day of my life i regret not asking the girls who sat next to me at nct for their twitters :(","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"jew are cockroaches THEIR CAN LIVE THREW A NUKE its a cockroaches","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@Godbody_ream: I couldn't hit a woman with a penis and pussy, I don't care how sexy or rich she is”😳","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" to read about the state of the #poor in #india. #water #drought #modi drought selfies and drought suicides ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user They should consider gang squad units. They should consider controlling the dope epidemic. They should consider a lot of things. But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#nazi #swastika #ebay! #trump #donaldtrump #republic#whitepower ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #aud\/nzd recovers to 1.0450 on fresh nzd selling #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Awful","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"French MPs are demanding changes to the law on child rape after prosecutors ruled that an 11yr-old girl consented to sex with a man aged 28. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user uses rehab as a place to escape when she\u2019s in trouble. She makes jokes of her situation. She should be in jail for assaulting a police officer and threatening to kill him. She is classless. She should leave with boring Carole. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You toxic skank Becky! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"my little nut ball \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #catsofinstagram #kitten #freddie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hold on bitch im about to pray then after that imma grab the bible","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I bet u John Elway gets way more pussy than John Dorsey.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#uppers loving the show this morning. Chris is directing the conversation beautifully. Make the teabaggers talk!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER because what every lie you are telling if it happened when you were children the guy is a man and I clearly don't believe shit like that happened. Its just another stall tactic by the liberals.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You\u2019re just as far away behind the goals at Hampden than you are at Wembley. There\u2019s a lot of greeting faced people up here","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 me & my girls \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #revival #rebelhea #lifestyle #beautifulpeople @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#microsoft #twitterbot turns into a raging sexist, and genocide-defender. #ai #tech ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Now what are you ?? A Liberal ?? Intellectual ?? You are nothing but a Bigot. Shamelessness at its peak. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@theBOSS_Leslie I didn't tag you negro lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user - #Liberal from the top down ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They always complain about about Americans killed by guns but not by illegal immigrants or abortion \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user The war on conservatives =ANTIFA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Obvio #sinmaduroyo \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd2a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just got an entire meal for #free in @user @user - thank you for listening to my service feedback and compensating! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"In a heartbeat \ud83d\udc97 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #KAG Absolutely! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When you put fortnite on the poll instead of Spider-Man ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iowahawkblog: \"I love cripples! Look at all these fucking cripples! Goddamit I'm a people person!\" https:\/\/t.co\/XCLA5xPmLX","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@WalshFreedom Joe, I bet you're SUPER excited for the upcoming debates -- America will finally get to see your useless, unfit candidate in action! #NoBiden #Trump2020 #MAGAA #PresidentialDebate #WW3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Its the NATURE of birds. YOU LET ONE of them eat---Next thing you know you've invited the entire ecosystem to shit on your car. #SFvsSTL","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"No one gives less fucks than the guy that comments 'check your DM, ma' on bitches posts ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"getting ready to record an episode of the dafney does books radio show with @user topic: pirates. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#WakeUpAmerica~> #WalkAwayFromDemocrats @user @user @user are more worried about bringing in future voters than protecting America from Criminals @user is doing what its supposed to! #SecureOurBorder #KeepCriminalsOUT #BuildThatWall #MAGA #StandWithTrump @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"working on launching my first community. currently in the planning and seed development stage. #higherlogic","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Everybody is talking and missing the point. Blah blah blah with the colonies, it already happened, we can't change that. \"I wish they can have a studio\" but no one will actually donate to help these children. European colonialism? Where is the government who is stealing from the donations and making their family filthy rich, scratching their bellies while the nation is in poverty? America was under European colonialism and where are we now? You prosper! Instead of defending the wrong, do something right and actually help these children! Like I did by contacting Capezio dance clothing company and figure out how we can donate the necessary material for an exciting, beautiful and joyful art of dance!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user sent that thing btw \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#SaveEurope! Stop the #IslamicInvasion to prevent #WhiteGenocide!#DeportThemALL!There is no virtue in self-imposed cultural and societal suicide!Vote out evil open-border globalist politicians!#UK #France #Sweden #Germany#Belgium #Spain #Italy #Denmark#Netherlands #Ireland ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope that ENTIRE police department gets shut the f*ck down!Obviously you all feel like you're above the law.Obviously you are incapable of holding your OWN accountable for breaking the law.Obviously you undermine everything a police officer&dept are SUPPOSED to be\/do. Shameful! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SarcasmLeague: Somewhere in the world some bitch is ordering roses for herself so she doesn't look like the lonely bitch at the office","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Such a cool Synchronicity..it def made my day! Just released a thread w\/exactly this concept. #DeutscheBank connection is undoubtedly the pivot point..& #Mueller has a crack squad of financial forensics experts on his team w\/VAST DB $$-laundering knowledge. Subpoena #Kavanaugh","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Folks, this is how we perceive your work.#refugeesnotwelcome #trojanhorse ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning with coffe! \u00f3\u00be\u00ad\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0095\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #goodmorning #coffe #knitting #man #woman #instafashion #instadaily #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"being single is better than being lied to, cheated on and disrespected #friendzone #noworried","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@bri_shackelford @bellaangeletti sorry dyslexia is a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @GMB_Ace: Boss Niggas Fuk wit Boss bitches Vice versa..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Just imagine for a moment if this was your child or family member living like this. I hate Russia and Syria for what they have done to human beings. They must be working for Satan.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"one of the next us president are fighting over twitter... #beef #drama #president #kys","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Pappadeaux bread with the scampi butter RT @_ChickenGeorge Her pussy tastes like? http:\/\/t.co\/QFqYC7G7px","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@YGalanter NO they are admitting they went to #Ukraine and got fake info from Russia they are desperate and F up bigly @TuckerCarlsonand Admitting A president went to a foreign country taking the word of Russia #Ukraine to undermine our election ( THAT MEANS ) democrat's were right https:\/\/t.co\/cP60sDVKOz","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#science #ecology #health #nature The Problem of the One and the Many in Gun Control ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@ResiDimples: I heard thigh gaps is a way of telling if a bitch pussy is loose.” What?? http:\/\/t.co\/OSjVJZJXCg","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"sharia Law Tessa is that not tony Blair's wife no y do you let islam law into the country stupid woman with stupid promises she cant keep ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"So I got called a slut, whore and bitch for sticking up for @user but j really don't care cause I got to my point ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This year a young immigrant from Mali saved the life of a child in France. The President of France personally awarded him a National hero medal for bravery after inviting him to the Elys\u00e9e Palace, offered him French citizenship and a job. This year, the\u2026https:\/\/t.co\/hKdEgTi5ya ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i pop dontae already & i got bitch for dah Big 30 yaknow😩🙌💰🎲","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i love how equally #uplifting & this one came out. #rock #acoustic #classical #strings #guitar #mus\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Unbelievable.Why are #Americans going through this when I know #Illegal are getting everything for free. I even know elderly #IllegalAliens receiving #SocialSecurity when never worked a day in #America WHY? #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #Veterans #NeverForget #AmericansOverIllegals ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Fool ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Actually antifa makes u want to kick them right in the teeth URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@ItsMeKevin10 @josie618 @ThatSlutAdrian @ZaidSaracini @papigabs lmao this nigguh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#lawofattraction for #healing!! #altwaystoheal #healthy is !! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if all your nightmares and fears have been true,how can they be false this time around :( #feelingbad #depressed #trust #fling #affair","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sequoia is about the #weekend! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Pass them sticks bitch!!!!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"All you fucking faggots were laughing at her too with that other fucking dumb cunt liberal Ellen DeGeneres ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i am thriving. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What a Asshole..Trump you lieing \"Bitch.. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol Anglo-Saxons\" most of you are a Melting Pot of ethnicities...\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user ..when my mood is not good.. . . #mood #good #notgood #burn #notfun #fun #funny #is #feel \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Book recommendation: In the Gravest Extreme by Massad F. Ayoob. It's a great resource for the beginning CCW.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so to hear about #antonyelchin one of my fav scenes from #curbyourenthusiasm had him in it with @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Now we know the gun control stance of The Residents.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@jayswaggkillah Is a fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i wish everyone could copy your style..we should be led by prunciples not greed of power bihday dr mutunga","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Kobe to Dwight: \"You a soft muthafucka, and you a bitch ass nigga!\" lmaooo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fuck it I just broke down crying because my big sissy Caroline is going to college AND I DONT WANT HER TO","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"statement,doubling down #paladino to media:my comments in avoice were not #libcrib #hate #mental","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user And when did Breitbart become a reliable source of anything? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user first time, a song that @user and i wrote, and are both singing on will be in the ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"WinTHELL?! Can't be real!? #DeportThemAll #EuropeWeeps #NeverSharia #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Cue the liberals\u2019 moral shunning of society for a minute; as they take a break from trying to ruin Brett Kavanaugh\u2019s life & humiliating his family. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Only bitch ass fuckers rape women ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I slept good thenna bitch tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I would've chose the headline Why the left loves Bernier\"\" Personally I could not be more delighted The most important thing in any election is to prevent conservatives from gaining power Just look at Ontario for proof\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Liveitupjersey @D_Cassandra_D @bad_boy_six LOL! That was a cyber bitch slap for sure!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @StillJohnCA: KNOCK KNOCK. Who's there? GEORGE. George who? GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Oh, George Zimmerman. Welcome to cell block C, bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Swagner_813 come see me. anyone named \"swagner\" is obviously a pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user HOW COME LIBERALS DONT QUESTION This ? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Dick so little ugly hoes tryna find me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@SoDamnTrue: I live in constant fear of being shit on by a bird” well this actually fucking happened to me before sooooo. 😑","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I hope it was. Fucken dinosaur thought he Steinbrenner \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Now how this bitch gonna fart and not say excuse me but stink up the hole check out lane #NoLadyLike ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"People are smart voters when it comes to American idol and bullshit like that but when it comes to an election y'all stupid af","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Family recall 7 years of war in Palestinian refugee camp in Yarmouk ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Kavanaugh's judicial philosophy on gun control is foolish and heartless. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I SAW IT but mi*rosoft sucks at translations","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Well I'm back on the prowl for a bad bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"when you're excited to go to work so you can get away from homework ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can not & will not fuck with theses dawg ass hoes no more ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER We have thousands of gun control laws. Which ones aren\u2019t \u201csensible\u201d enough for you?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All it needs is warm beer and I\u2019d be back in college. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user > activist whack job colluding with liberals to pull a dirty & precisely timed political hit ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#adobephotoshop buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"friday feelings. #coffeecheers #coffeesesh #friday #sunny #instacoffee #coffeegram ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"She even had a hoe name.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Both need to be headline because they are children after all. We can't\u200b stop or down play one child, but again how can people get involve if they don't know. This syndrome is only there if the media do not distrubute the same attention to the minority.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jets trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Very hypocritical for AJ+ and other media outlets to report on this as though their fear mongering wasn't what scared this family and this little girl. \n\nThe news has become an entertainment business: To get your ratings and your views you make the most sensationalized story you can - and you're hurting people in the process.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER I played the beta and I think it's great, hope critics gets this as well","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hoes in my iPhone...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@KyraNadiya_: These hoes ain't loyal ; no they ain't http:\/\/t.co\/h1UBsVbkGl\"\n\nSmfh & wonder why nobody decent wants them","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER No. No it\u2019s not. Well maybe in deep blue lib controlled CA with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation which doesn\u2019t apply the law to illegals.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why do you have to bring race into this the real racist are Democrats and liberals like you. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are goddamn right both sides will be heard. We want the TRUTH Kavanaugh. Republicans better not put party above country.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"one killer = 50 dead. 53 injured. somebody intelligent et responsible should sta to work on this subject . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@jennahnorberg because its retarded. lol jk were the same","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#MPLSpotlight: Have you met Stefanie? She's our newest Adult Services Librarian. She has been putting in a lot of hours cleaning up our collections. Here she is with her favorite find, a book on unique homes. If you see her, be sure to say hi!\" #MonroLib URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not if you are from Wisconsin. And it\u2019s a bubbler. And duck duck goose. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I just saw a video that you are corrupting our government and from the evidence i just saw you are going to jail!!!! #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #YouAreGoingToJail #YouHaveBeenExposed URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes lawd «@JusDahl God took extra time on you... “@jaleesaraex: \"you have lips like kylie jenner\"\n...bitch I'm black http:\/\/t.co\/zj2Guu0pCM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY TWITTER PASSWORD\" bitch please","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I don't understand why they mad at her making a track that spoke volumes about you muthafuckas. All the hoe & bitch tracks about females","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Bit of a celebrity\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 my Ass! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And we have the right #Nottowatch","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"SAME FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANTS TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY OR CAME HERE FOR FREE STUFF. GO THE HELL HOME & CHANGE YOUR YOUR COUNTRY & GET FREE STUFF THERE! THE BENEFITS IN USA ARE PAID FOR U.S.CITIZENS they're not FREE we work our butts off for our kids & fellow citizens NOT YOU\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" #dog with a #fridayfelling #lifeisgood find a dog walker at bizziboo bizziboo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That bitch came flyin in !!! Lmao.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But Azealia, you're not happy with only having your intellectual equals (AKA the Kunt Brigade). You want Cardi's place. Nicki's place. LOL ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user how i wish, how i wish you were here. #instagood #instasnow #ilovemyhorse #smile #dark #love #beautifulday #na\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TX_Bruce @GreyGhost_Biker Hahahahaha....when a democrat doesn\u2019t get their way..... #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"love a romantic date in mallorca , reminds me of Lauren's date she had in Palma city silly bitch I'm still jealous . Even if he was a cunt ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Kwasia does ur Shatta Wale even have a career to start with . Idiot..his reign album hype seff Dey zero . As if he is not about to release an album \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f hype no yh vim zero","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'M ALMOST SHOT BY LA GANG MEMBER\/ILLEGAL IN TRAFFIC 9\/5\/4.45 PM MY BELIEF IN THE 2ND AMENDMENT:REACHES ABSOLUTE:CRIMINALS WANT VICTIMS UNARMED:PIX LATER: NRA GUN CONTROL RIGHTS GRAB FALSE FLAG 2A #ICE POLSI FIENSTINE TRUMP ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @_POCAPetite: stick by his side and don't give his pussy up . .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"And if you ask me, you a bitch ass nigga if you let another hoe disrespect the mother of your kids \ud83d\udc50 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I think it\u2019s a political impasse- Conservatives aren\u2019t going to vote to force a GE and TM isn\u2019t going to allow remain on the ballot paper ?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can't wait. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @charcharkuhlman: First day of spring break: ate half a pan of brownies & watched 6 episodes of Parks and Rec with @victoriakuhlman & @E…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"She'll enter your life. Fuck it up. Then leave. ..and she'll start texting you 'I miss you' every time you try to move on. Fuck fuckgirls\ud83d\ude0f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user They are not representing all women. Theyre representing hysterical women that want to whine and cry about our president and the booming economy. The majority of us women do not agree with those few. Check out my article ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user stay the course! #losers never win dinosaurs #thefuture belongs to us #nofear we will not go back! #inferioritycomplex","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @KingCurtisJayy: Ugly hoes love to fight lmao . They ain't got none to lose 😩😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hahaha my girl just popped on a bitch like a Molly haha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user In the criminal world of the democrats & liberals this is exactly how it works!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Who are you to judge a man. Is your name Jesus? Why fuss about the words he chose? How many did your Messiah @USER bring home. Stop being a troll and wake up. #MAGA #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump #TrustThePlan URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"jooooooked out RT @topmodelciara: “@11wdNICK: 4 old hoes, a ponk, and a dyke outchea having \"girl talk\"”LMAO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this bitch bad... firebird shit ain't even drop yet!! http:\/\/t.co\/th7nNiWJU8","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😂😂 fucc nicca yu pose to be pullin up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"feeling #hu #frustrated #mad","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yet another really stupid take by Erick. He is a single issue thinker...overturning Roe. Anything that gets in the way of that is to be mocked and trivialized. He has no other core beliefs.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019m gonna use that bigger gone to destroy you instead","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what the fuck... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER As someone who had never played Spiderman 2 as a kid: I want and tried it a year or 2 back and idk what kinda collective nostalgia people are on but those web swinging mechanics are busted as fuck and kinda trash.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@seansteiger31 bitch i taught you i know my mess ups","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@007_Xia @JENFL23 @AndrewYang Ok. Recap time again. Sensational claim made. Me. Asks for data. You. How dare you ask for data. Me. Asking for data is normal. Do you have any?. You. Asking for data makes you sound like Trump.... you\u2019re doing great bud....","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Steroid girl in steroid rage","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KiiingJaay_: I'm about my commas bitch period","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RubyFakhoury: We out dis bitch 🙌 http:\/\/t.co\/Vb8C2Pjnvi","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Stop dissecting these sick manifestos, they do not point to anything but a deranged, mentally ill mind.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall send her back hommeeeee! Hahaha ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"disgusting little fuck bitch the only good thing about ur boring ass moview are the women in it. you owe everything to women so shut UP!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" #baby & happy #mom with comfoable #best #double #stroller. #top #tips #info ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hey, i noticed that u are a training lover, so i ask u to check my free app, it's known as \"my training\" on apple ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The only reason any of this started is because Assad said no to the US wanting to place a pipeline through Syria, so the US use ISIS to disrupt the country, and make Russia and Assad look like the bad ones using their properganda machine. What a heap of crap this is.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@GeoffRBennett @maddow RALLY[NEWLINE]#VoteBidenHarris[NEWLINE]+ #SenDems [NEWLINE]+ Congress[NEWLINE]= #BuildBackBetter [NEWLINE]\"A Blue Wave\u2014in which Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House\u2014would result in the highest number of jobs added and the best rebound in economic growth, Moody\u2019s found\"[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/4xpfS1F3NI","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A hoe is always gonna be a hoe and a bitch is always gonna be bitchin.. you're both ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The #Left thanks to #LisaPage is realizing that the #MuellerInvestigation is doomed but that\u2019s not news to us. ANY investigation of an innocent person is doomed from the start. #maga","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What about ANTIFA? No one would have died if ANTIFA hadn\u2019t showed up without a permit","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SavageNiggg @ChillAssTweets_ no bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@HBergHattie @snkscoyote I wonder if the progs didn't relegate young black men to the ghettos to keep them away from harry reid's friends...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😂😂😂 “@snapbackBLAC: i seen a thot ass bitch in some high top whites”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Incoming \u201cevil soy\u201d conspiracy nuts ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Eagles fuck around & lose it'll be kill the cracker at the Sophi crib smfh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"1. black can't be racist 2. have seen how a white woman acts when she doesn't get her way? it's a perfect metaphor\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user And people still buy their shit. Why? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hm? Of course. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The hoes are for EVERYBODY my nigga!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER DNA testing? I thought that was the obvious answer. I wouldn\u2019t even want to consider what the snowflakes would say if Border Protection detained or released a child with a pedophile or child trafficker! ... but I take it Ed doesn\u2019t care?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user bihday countdown: 9 days!!!!! #14 #almost14 #9days \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"21 trillion National Debt is a lot for supposedly greatest country on earth, keep supporting Planned Parenthood, you don't want US babies to be born with hundreds of dollars tags on their diapers good night Hollywood adopt more immigrants n refugees please @user Why not? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Translation for the slow he out saving hoes 1 by 1 RT @CiscoAllDay: Out here saving lives! 😭😂😭😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user an unextraordinary life is perma #free on amazon. #romance \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#ghost #love #indieauthor","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"why do hoes think its a good idea to air out their dirty laundry at a public place? bitch im tryna enjoy my burrito","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user I can't watch CNN anymore because the conservative pundits they have on are just partisan hacks. I get CNN wants balance\"\" but the conservatives that defend the indefensible are too much.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER \ud83d\ude0d She is coming to Italy! \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@__LilBoodyJudy: I'm tryna get some snow day dick 😂😂😂😂”gon make a nicca have a wreck out there Tryn pull up on ya 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the latest \"say what?!?!\" thanks to @user #culturesways ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BraXXXedelic fight that shit say you're on free lunch and they must have the game fucked up cause you're colored like the rest of them","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Bitch said Payless shoes are you tryna let your kid get bullied ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's tattoo day!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0095\u008a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DogginTrump @RepublicanSwine @KamalaHarris is going to smoke his ass in the debate. #TheResistance #BidenHarris2020 #ByeDon2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#abc2020 throwing subtle jabs at obama when the focus should be completely on the victims and families. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What? He didn\u2019t get to where he is by saving money through eating McDonalds. How much he makes is the only thing that is relevant.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"electronic music from #bogota #colombia #puntohost #cedm #edm #dj #music ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"is the bitch in the new transformers hot?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Corky BOoger is hands down the most hysterical woman of the bunch, he wins ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Actually he is a soy boy. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@SammySkinner hey nig","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i'm so hungry #breakfast #kitchen gift#enjoy eating meal# win win ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is a failure in every way possible. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Losing! Britain is losing to immigrants & other criminalsBritain 2018: Record Knife Crime Rates Straining NHS, Depleting Blood Supplies ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Far right bastards. They are literally everywhere. Luckily we have far left extremists like Antifa and Jeremy Corbyn's supporters to act as a counter balance. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#Lebanon #Syria #refugees ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Too bad the \ud83e\udd21 are funding it or it would tank by economic law. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and @user channels has no connection. my life is over \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #frustrated \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can feel that Black peoples are taking old justice law in their hands! As is said: \"life for life\". And thanks for it as police brutality scares even white people ( I have this experience in US myself - not won't it again, wasn't nice) if I am their suspect I am treated like that, police is often not safe > brainwashed fanatics with guns and backup of more these idiots with law uniform covering them.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Same engine that's in my LeBaron ;)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Mom: \"heard a song about some guy with bitches, and a long something or other so he could fuck the world for 72 hours or something...\" lolol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER You care about black men dying at the hands of racist cops? You care about the immigrants being kidnapped at the border? You care about the 3k Puerto Ricans that died? I figured you would bring up antifa. That says everything about you.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user air time for men =24 hours, women =0 hours. #yesallmen ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#blog #chocolate #wellbeing today's post. cocoa kick #love #healthymindset ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#confused & somehow!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"while #neonazi and #altright attack fellow #americans with and #hate the real enemy laughs at our gates. #putin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER All this is common sense as long as you aren't throwing bottles and M80's at civilians like all the dumbasses at antifa protests.\" The whole \"violence is sometimes necessary,\" idea that antifa and BLM and communists spread, is retarded y'all... You're kill civilians dummies...\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden The last 47 years comes down to the next 42 days . . . . . #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#friendsarena polar bear climb racing: angry polar bear climb racing, the polar bear living in cold places ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You mean because you're a coward","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"💯 RT @DammitHamm_: Loyal pussy .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am thankful for therapy. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"becoming ugly mt @user #patriarchy #feminist #feminism ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The Utter Hypocrisy And Stupidity Of The Illegal Immigrant Parent-Child Separation Debate It is what leftists do.Slow down Trump by any means... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user That's a black referring to a group. Markedly different from affluent white people calling Ben Carson or any other prominent conservative that term. I'm thinking more of stuff like this: Antifa n word\"\" is quite a fruitful search.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@slings_x_arrows you sub tweeting me nig?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BG_RAMBOE man shut yo bord ass up ! Want some hoes ? Cdfu stay fuckjng wid me on here mann","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @seansteiger31: I don't gang bang ho, I jus gang bang these hoes 🔫","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Wow. Lying comes so easily to you liberals. Scary.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hahaha what great comedy. Liberals are freaking hysterical ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iDavey: Also. RT \"@ParadoxicalMike: I know one ho in particular who loves pointing out that everyone else is a ho. Lol\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i have classes in college park at 8am twice a week next semester \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #amilewalk #csuf","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I follow all these MAGA Patriots \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the SCAM is the Senate voting on an \"opioid package\" without recognizing what they have done to legitimate pain patients, all the while ignoring the true problem of illicit drugs from open borders and going soft on drug traffickers. #NoDACA it means #OpenBorders & #opioidcrisis ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user damn what i would do to be able to eat that pussy ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Koscielny stays even when ze germans are calling. Thank you for the memories. One of the best in Emirates' era #LK5","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I got the book im curious ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"3yearswithbts happy bihday bangtan boys love you all so much third anniversary #bts ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SUCKEDOFF: \"wtf ling ling did you at least calculate the circumference when you threw that ass in a circle?\" http:\/\/t.co\/v2L7GMVA8T","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER So that's why he is dead now??? Really FOX?? I would call that completely unrelated... This is why BLM is neccessary","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Gabby is hella ghetto","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER that would have just offbalanced him he did exactly what was smart, basic grappling: it might have been all instinct but the antifa used basic grappling: Cross side collar to snap down, then stepping out of his weak single leg attempt","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RudeBoi_Drew: @PAPER_CHAYSIN condom were invent for that sole purpose","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Numerous Jewish groups have come out and denounced the misuse of AS as a tool to smear and bludgeon Corbyn. You are welcome to Google this. Not all Jews agree with you. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Refugee status and immigrant status are two different things. Refugees do not have to become permanent immigrants, and they can be returned home, once war, the cause for their departure, is over. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user just talked to a friend that visited #germany they said the country is lost. \"refugees\" throw trash everyplace,threatn citi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so many people with #intolerance they make themselves #paranoid and paranoid angry around & around","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Brianhopecomedy: “Daddy, Batman’s parents are dead.”\n\n“Yup.”\n\n“And Superman’s.”\n\n“Yup.”\n\n“What am I going to be when you die?”\n\n“Sad ho…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Liberals are vile vicious and disgusting URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It is not a crisis\" . The Conservatives think everything is a crisis- the asylum seekers, the economy, TMX now NAFTA. Just relax guys the adults are in the room.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#DISARMTHEM #ANTIFA GOOD LUCK SWEETHEARTS URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Of course she\u2019s making money on the situation she is a dem they have no values but greed and power ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@jessespector the bird has a hat. So it's hats on hats, who can beat that?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#EU grants #Spain extra funding to cope with migrant arrivals ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Sigh... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Arboone people are the worst","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"My bitch won Ralphy for me. Thanks 💋 http:\/\/t.co\/AAKwohDfGv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Tyler_Gale12 @bellakoval @apmorales96 it's at your house bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"found on twitter: #btoday - _#brightonpier #beachbrighton #friends #enjoylife #sum\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DrunkAtChurch @MzYummyDread Slide up on a bad bitch\/Dat bitch look good","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Liberals are self-identifying as spectacularly stupid, egocentric liars who will say & do anything in pursuit of their self-elevating agendaWant proof?Just watch @user & @user compete for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings#WalkAwayFromDemocrats ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Libertarians can be such pussies thought you believed in self defense, yet you want a peaceful revolution?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#WeAreRepublicNotRegime #POTUS BO violated USA sovereignty w\/open border\/Jihadis\/criminal\/diseased\/Haitians\/S.Americans #ImpeachObama","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lol at bitches thinking Kanye is the perfect man because he opened the car door for his wife.. You bitches don't know wtf y'all need..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'll walk away with your money and leave a tip for your bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Whether it's the sexual abuse of immigrant children, or abuse in various other forms, #AbolishICE is becoming easier and easier and easier to sell politically to independent voters, based on these atrocities: A central test for Democrats in 2018+beyondhttps:\/\/t.co\/xc3anv9CYM ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Police night-time swoop on boat heading for Kent beach find \u2018\u02dcillegal migrants\u2019 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user it's clear y'all had no good reason to hand the keys over to a goon. but yet... ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER The beauty of the marketplace of ideas is no one is forced to bite their tongue or to cheer unless they so choose.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"going to give the library app @user a try. just borrowed the volbeat album. #rockon \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a7","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Repost @USER with get_repost \u30fb\u30fb\u30fb Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made, or by dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel\u2026 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iSpeakComedy: Ever stay home from school and look at the clock and say yeah those bitches in math right now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Mueller #DOJ #FBI #CIA #LawEnforcement #PoliceState Proof all law enforcement are paramilitary goons for the communist leftwing #DNC & will do anything to solidify their grip on power. Conservatives should seriously question their support of police. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"seeing ur close girlfriends in public: HEY U STUPID FUCKING SLUT BITCH I HATE U seeing girls u dont really like: hey girl omgggg how u beeeennn its been foreverrrrrr ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"thank you @user for a new #chargehr after mine broke #fitness #becauselifehappens ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wait a min you nigga bitch! Lol RT @WILLIEP252: #FuckTheSteelers #HTTR I don't give a damn if it (cont) http:\/\/t.co\/9VemNXDuQL","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fuck all y'all hoes 😷 gang shit 💯💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Keep getting yours ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you cunt. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Would be nice if you quoted her complete answer. She is right the constitution guarantee the right to face your accuser. But than #EnemyOfThePeople only care about what pleases them","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I bought him a Sumblime shirt for his birthday too 😔 I kinda wanna be a cunt and ask for it back lol #IndianGiver","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@imgooby you're not funny trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dude said 1:30 bitch I took a whole nap before my 5:30 midterms","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user so in love with the beach life!!! #beach #life #goodlife #sun #summer #santabarbara #usa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is awful. And so smug. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@katiieR nah this bitch dykey","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"As soon as a Democrat gets a chance to ? the political hack #foxnews goes to commercial then back with Bolton LMAO #teabaggers #benghazi","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @IScoutGirls: @verbally_abrupt bitch where u been","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I think I would pick that just for the fun of it\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's a question for the Twitterverse What kind of an asshole calls himself an American but does NOTHING except defend illegal immigrant kids while he watches his fellow Americans getting killed by Criminaliens? THIS KIND - REP TED \"Tedhead\" Lieu (D-jo CA) aka \"THE BCDOTUS\" ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"You Hoes ARE NOT Slim Thicc, You Just A Little Less Fat Compared 2 A Regular Size Fat Bitch!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @49ant: if she lives at home she's a little less likely to cheat on you and be a ho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER It\u2019s horrific Adam. Look at the way the Conservatives\u2019 endorsement of Orban has been waved through - it should be a source of national shame. But it\u2019s the norm.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It means HE is still Superman.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Monkey see monkey doo","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #straightfire needs to win tonight. She is the rightful women\u2019s champion. #hiac","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All a bunch of fucktards trying to coax people into their agenda.\u00a0","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Do you know how traumatizing rape is? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER BTW - Guns are inanimate objects ... it is the evil soul behind it that pulls the trigger. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If I were there, I'd jump at the chance! The colour in that work is absolutely beautiful. \ud83d\ude32 Thanks for sharing it.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa doesn't beat facsists to try to get them to change their mind - they know it's a lost cause to try to change a fascist's mind. They do it to scare them into hiding, to demoralize them, and to stop the spread of their hateful ideology. There is no forcing views on others\".\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"How far do tyrants push you? As far as you let them. The mask doesn\u2019t come off till you refuse to wear it @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #MAGA2020 #KAG #KAG2020 #COVID19 #COVID1984 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/LYjnaK4XsE","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on #FoxNews ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Lock 5 fat bitches in 1 room for 5 days with just 5 Mcdoubles. Now that's hunger games","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why hella bitches act like they got everything they have on they own, like no bitch you had some form of assistance","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"weekend fun with my girls #sunday #blondie #smile \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user he\u00e2\u0080\u0099s #extremely - 9 signs that he's #cheating and #lying ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@PramilaJayapal @DFAaction I can't wait for ballots to drop. I'm voting and turning it in the very next day.[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#CountOnUs","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She can go where he is, she doesn't have to stay here. #deportALLaliens #secureOURborder #BUILDTHEWALL #NoDreamers #NODACA #MandatoryEVerify #NoVisaLottery #NOcitizenship #NoChainMigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs &; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" father's day \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ItsMander\nIs you sure you ain't colored?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Friend- how's life treating you? Me- ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The flag is a symbol of treason, its fine for private citizens to fly one, but the government cannot fly a symbol of treason at its capital.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Market Liberals Party when? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Photo: Giving you that trailer park trash. #transformthursday #ladykimora #vegasqueens #vegasshowgirls http:\/\/t.co\/LjejFufULK","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RealBobbyJay: If a mf really like you☺️, they'll drop all their hoes👬👭, exes✋😒, & groupies and focus only on you.. 👫","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER & @user student loan refinancing plan would give every single student loan borrower a tax break & let hundreds of thousands of borrowers have immediate lower interests rates at 0 net cost to taxpayers. @user has 8 years. He did nothing. He is a liar. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"it's never too late - never too late to sta over, never too late to be ...-","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user really planning on running again in this election cycle? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes! The good old days when conservatives got pushed around and bullied by democrats who never gave an inch. The good old days when all conservatives could do was feign outrage and promise to go get them the next time. Yeah, that's what we need. That's the healthy\" libs love!\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"reggae sumfest launch right now .....we're adahzeh will be performing at reggae\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LexaTaughtYou: @hedge_brandon calm down bitch.\nTouch my boobs & ill it your dick off & staple it to your forehead, since you wanna be a…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Thanks for the food \ud83d\ude4f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"' This Niggah Kevin Hart couldn't sit down lmaoooooooooooo My niggah My Niggah 󾌴󾌴󾌴󾌴󾮞󾮗󾭻","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Quit hurting these women Cuz I'm tired of all the bitterness a nigga gotta go through Cuz you a hoe ass nigga.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bitches at rick's in justice tank tops tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i am thankful for music. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019s always at the Corey of the non-issue. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Good god woman. Shut up. If you liberals really believed this @USER would have spoke out against this the day she received the letter.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MrNationWide: fake eyelashes are okay if they look natural, but some of you bitches look like you gonna take flight if you blink too fa…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I love bad bitches 😍😍😍","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm lifted before I'm stiff out of this bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#boston buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @__sabrinaaaaa: the same hoes is still at it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this whole world is out of control. so so #young #ripchristinagrimmie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can someone beat Justin beibers ass? He's such little pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Ish_MallyMal @JayJuice22 all trash to me","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shooting in USA is so common no one is talking about gun control any more.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@WannabeKanye: whys this bitch boosting herself http:\/\/t.co\/uOd2f5WtKV\"\n\nHer size isn't exactly the most healthy tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Elizabeth is a.stupid hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":". . bbq\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088. . . #very#hot#summer. #goodday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So Sterling bitch gotta he a hoe.. aye she paid and you're...mad? Dont blame the bitch. She half black.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RabehChararah1: They claiming bitches them my old hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Instead of saying 'that's not all men' how about you work to change the mindset of your friends, because clearly nothing's getting done ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#myhea goes out to the #innocent #news #everywhere #liveandletlive <3 #orlando","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TorahBlaze: @1SonofYahweh they should be ashamed of themselves. I'll be single for life before I fuck w a nasty, faggot ass white man.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@AntiGlib: RT @nateyfu123: #Yankees Michael Pineda in his next start.. http:\/\/t.co\/Zb1zWN0jet” @954Nole","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"on our way to antwerp to see the girls. @user #potd #girls friday #friday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DaDamnBone 😂😂 I'm Finna DM you the pic Bruh these hoes funny","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The problem is corporate barons are spending millions against conservative causes. Take for instance Nike. They plan on spending hundreds of thousands against Measure 105 in Oregon. Billionaires are spending millions to curb gun rights in Washington URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Kris Kobach, the man who pushed cities and towns to pass anti-immigrant ordinances, then raked in the cash when he was hired to defend them in court (He also routinely lost the cases) ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@RobFernau @GregAbbott_TX @NRA dead babies piled up like trash at a dump Something to be proud of","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Hey Big Guy--I've got a picture of Kew Video for you...that'll be one million dollars.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"typical media idiots. these people are being nonviolent, how do you not see this as a significant variable? if they were to have gone in shooting, like the blacks\/muslims\/etc that you are referencing, there would be an entirely different course of action taken by the government. take for example columbine or the numerous other mass shootings perpetrated by whites. its no wonder why you idiots blame everything on race instead of looking at the real factors as to why some people die and others dont. typical baby brain mentality.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ill kill the bitch (chloe) when your not home \u2014 Idgaf if you\u2019re kidding bitch I\u2019ll report your ass ... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"[NEW POST] The threat Italy poses to the Euro stems from Brussels\u2019 refusal to aid Italy with the refugee crisis and the outrageous demands that the increased expenditure for the refugees must be deducted from other expenditures ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Boy you gotta turn that Nikki song all the way down on the volume kuz it's trash ... But that the ass fat lawd😍😍😍🙌🙌🙌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a6@user such great #news! i'm so for you & #bosas. hooray, #theatre & #boston! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yo bitch a freak fucked ha to sleep and dat was the last time I was slept on. . .Shit I woke ha up nd fucked ha again so she aint sleep long","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user he probably had sex twice for boruto and the other sister that no one cares about ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @718queens: I rather my girl be clingy than a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Low T and the Poontang Clan aka Fucking Donald Trump #trump #maga #art #comicart ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bullshit. People died because of an incompetent government in Puerto Rico. And you can start with that mayor. Stop lying Gutierrez. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Then why is it always recommending he watch conservatives? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we can't wait to see it @user see you tomorrow evening :-) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the view from my window. seriously #wow #travel #barcelona #love #life #europe #spain\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER is the brainchild of @USER - He is playing dirty against @USER and Jen is using her ill gotten money against @USER Mailer linking Nixon to anti-Semitism was approved by top Cuomo aides URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER . #Hypocrisy to see so called conservatives call out supposed sexual deviancy when just about every sexual political scandal in recent memory involves Republicans and it's really #homophobia #RoyMoore #Kavanaugh #JimJordan #MarkFoley #BobPackwood #ClarenceThomas #DonaldTrump","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday to me #40 #beautiful #pool #family ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Arrested for not leaving.... wooopeee fuckin doo!! She resisted arrest because the cops have a bad reputation! Bourne out by this video! Had it been a white cop nothing would have happened or the video would have gotten lost in the mail! Yeah we know how it is fucktards, tiny dick men with a chips on your shoulders wanting to play at being big men! US police! The biggest organised crime syndicate ever devised! Biggest bunch of legalised criminals that roam your streets! Its not just that guy but the others around him they should all be fired instead they get a raise and some paid vacation!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER What exactly is it about Willy that anyone with half a brain would consider conservative? The guy is literally a poster child for Liberals","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't love you hoes.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#RestoreHumanity #AntiFa \u2022 September 22: Stop the fascist NVU in #Amsterdam: URL HT @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@floridalex51 might need you to pummel a bitch 👊👇","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#colorsplurge gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. ma ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil vps got multi-million dollar bonuses while average americans lost their homes. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user easy like sunday morning \/\/ #zen #a #abstract #photography #ocean #beach #belize #peace ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@NaughtyBoyMusic bitch me too","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@AlmightyCBoogie: @BenBornReadySMU @vivalakristia ion wanna hear it, then hoes faker than Momma Dee's teeth”💀💀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user trump may not be the one who started this mess but he can stop it. If he doesn't he is part of the problem. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#gameshow bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with strong excit ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You lied you don\u2019t know about the Mulford Act. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This is not feminism.\u00a0 This is a school kid wanting to be left alone.\u00a0 I understand men hate feminism.\u00a0 I cant stand it either.\u00a0 But this is not feminism.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user UK Govt non announcements are the only consistant and affordable policy under Labour or Conservatives for decades. Designed for a soundbite. No immediate resource required. Never likely to ever be implemented. Its propoganda but sadly it has its desired effect. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"weekend #fun on the pier! #saturday #weekend #nyc #hellskitchen #cute #love #family #photo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That's not catfish stinking up my TL it's sore pussy, my bad.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Good weed, bad bitch. Got these hoes on my dick like Brad Pitt.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"turns out his ex-boss called him a pussy. he lasted a week and a day. You can call me anything, just don't touch. but I am not 25 anymore.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Oz_lito: Dis bitch wanna smoke all our weed","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BillPeriman Send all the fucking muzzies home, now doj come and get me motherfuckers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"uberrush is an on-demand delivery network friday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Die bitch","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant Families Reunited In New York ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Her brain is still somewhere lost in The Matrix... Then again Liberals are just plain delusional no matter what. \ud83d\udc4a ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol niggas still be talking about me threw bitches smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"rain, cereal, coffee, naps & daniel are what my sunday consisted of ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RealWallieWall Ms. Martinez fuckin with the cripple kid?!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"trump, brexit based on misconceptions about race and nationality, says renowned philosopher | cbc radio ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#paladino is one of a rare breed of that should be shot in the street and left pissing blood in the gutter. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Ford is a liar & a ultra left wing radical working with George Soros & others such as Antifa & the Dem party has known it all along.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Have you noticed all the ghetto people naming their kids after cars? Mercedes… Lexus… Repossessed.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @DamierGenesis: \"had all the bitches on MySpace going nuts....\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\" running round here like some brand new pussy thats bout to get fucked \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#JoinTheFight Join the fight against American Communists... Democrats and Liberals have taken this crap to the edge and there is no coming back. They are openly promoting the Destruction of AMERICA. #JoinTheFightAgainstCommunism URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Richard Cephalic is what he is. (Its clinical) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You all DO know that the land of Israel WAS a Jewish state before Jesus Christ and Mohammed were ever born, don't you? So all this talk about \"...Jews kicking everyone else iut of THEIR homeland is just a pile of bullsh*t!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @AndyMilonakis: I bet Beyonce's pussy tastes like a fresh caramel apple","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Dedicated_03: Wassup twitter 😆 http:\/\/t.co\/rNeTkFXm7f” wassup bitch !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user gross and disgusting and revealing response - do you not care if your own daughter came home and said that she thought she was going to die while someone tried to rape her. You are one sick person condone that will participate in that for one minute. Not my America!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Soldier1eaODGrn I don't give a flying fuck what a teabagger piece of human garbage like you thinks =)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Not a fan of her... guess im the minority.RT @KfromtheG: Beyoncé ratchet ass is trash RT @Vagitarian__: you're the anti christ. KfromtheG","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Time for a statement on the @user support for Victor Orban and his anti-semitism. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @O3_Millz: I wonder if mfers gon be mad I took they bitch 👀😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @moneygang_ROD: Musty pussy maggot bitches tryna lick my sac for riches. @OGMaco Fuckemx3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This nigga showed me that sad ass dog my girl pit would look at that hoe and say nigga gone","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Your eyebrows on fleek, but ya pussy on stink","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Don't know who he is and don't really care.... Some rich dude that probably hates our President and our country... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Does nicki even know who she is??? Dreamdoll a whole bully","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"2 pounds off this week total of 2 stone 5 pounds gone forever! never looking back i'm looking forward ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am founate. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user s&p 500. you want to call me a dumdum when i know the things 95% of america needs to know. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Chicago has record number of homicides! Their gun control laws are not working!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @chasemylovex: bitch u lame af.... get with the times and pop that ass RT @SincerelyTumblr: This makes me kinda sad http:\/\/t.co\/tCUJpKoC…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER No they are seeing how liberals are sleazballs and they are #WalkingAway","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019ll toast to me #Hillary ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is like \u201cHoly jesus fucken Christ\u201d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Missing words are politically motivated. I have visited Israel in the past four times. I am not anti Semitic. There is more anti Semitism and racism in the @user party. I have never encountered anti Semitic thoughts or actions in the @user party. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GoldieMack_ hoe told me she was gonna chop my dick off ... She was from Baltimore","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am so i love ashton so mych","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the merocrush daily! thanks to @user @user @user #media","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"belting #5minutes on my way to see @user in #funnygirl because you're my @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dear michele bachman... shut the fuck up you crazy bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this is a special kind of stupid. #liberals have no basis in reality or in history. must be a ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When your ex leaves her shoes at your place ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't no bitch doe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"after nearly a month on the road, i am to be going #home.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He's a disgusting horrible human being","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Will @USER ever admit all the other ways that Twitter censor conservatives? Seems highly unlikely. It's very annoying to have my main feed limited with a stupid black bird ordering me to return to the top\". It wont even let me go back to this morning. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Dad: Why are your eyes so red? Son: I smoked weed, Dad. Dad: Don't lie to me, you were crying because you are a faggot.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER cares a great deal about how he is perceived. The number of people who died is largely irrelevant to him as long as he doesn't look bad. Not sure how blaming Democrats fits with Trump's amorality and lack of empathy but his inability to take responsibility fits.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@ItsYOUR_man you a fucking wigger so stfu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"it's about to go down... #pole #bgp #rozthediva #blackgirlspole #bodyandpole #live #love \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @wb_kaylaa: Fake bitch : hey girl \n\nMe:💅 http:\/\/t.co\/GDiiwRDgNO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@CokaMoschiach_ his defense is trash, and he's been rocked by Jesus Soto Karass, and Diego Chaves.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_NenaKelly: Thursday We will see bitches dressed up like if the hallways were runways, clown make up on some girls,guys with pants belo…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER And these weasels are smiling?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user U liberals ALWAYS pull the race card... I see TRUTH NO MATTER WHAT SKIN COLOR!! THEY SOLD US ALL OUT! U WOULD KNOWTHAT IF U RESEARCHED TRUTH ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Shoes? $1,200! Glasses? Like $400. But bitch, my outfit?? $20, bitch. Get yourself together, bitch. Learn how to budget, hoe. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"just saying they would have let a guy fall to the ground and get wailed on for 10 seconds before calling the fight @user","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER THIRTY AGED ZAYN IS SEXY THOUGH JDKDKDK EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES ME EMO TOO","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Amy when Iook at you think Child of God but also inspring young lady. You showed us that you can conquer anything and say I am stronger than this. God is proud of you and so am I. Mr. Heughan too. He said in an article what is the big fuss about himself you are the answer. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She\u2019s a great comedian. Where as you are a great....nothing. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Is anyone surprised that a President who would commit treason with Russia to get elected would pick a rapist for the Supreme Court?#MondayMotivation #Deplorables #MAGA #MarinesagainstTrump #KavaNO #BlueWave2018 #PostponeTheVote #Kavanaugh #StopKavanaugh ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Swaggyb20 Johans a free agent harveys hurt you retard. and its valverde* #ignorance","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user you can't hate radical islamic terrorists now? america in 2016. .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Prepared? All she has to say is I don't remember\"\" all the time and liberals will believe her BS.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CourtneyyKay: Cruising down the street in my 64, jockin the bitches, slappin the hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#TweetLikeYourBestfriend \"I made out with 3 bitches!\" @lilkrebs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You would. Can't fix stupid. #MAGA #QAnon #ThursdayThoughts #DrainTheDeepState #ThankfulThursday #WWG1WGA #WalkAway","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa is Israel's thug squad in America ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck off, we're full. #outrage @user","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0093 #smile #nice #cute #gay @ new york, new york ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"nice evening. #cosmicflower #elementalbob #southafrika #oslo #chefstalk #cbgastronomi ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@NoHazardNoParty @PiBBzYx @piersmorgan @Jim_McLaren I can't wait for the day they take them be a boon for the entire nation","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jean skirt ass hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate when people ask if I shoot up!! I don't need that pussy shit to be bigger than you unswole niggas👋","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Twitter is for fags.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Money has bin on my mind lately so I think its time to leave the hoes alone and get with the program 💰","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Retweet to the end of time. MAGA Trump2020 and beyond. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Conservatives have become the cadaver party.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@BasedChasen: Chad Jordan in this bitch” I'm crying","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER rates @USER claim that the SAFE Act is the nation's toughest gun control law mostly false.\" URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user my today's #morning : me: i want to wear #lenses. my red bloody #eyes: you want too much, xoxo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER man that sucks unreal","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @tsgnews: UPDATE: Collegian dressed as yellow Teletubby will face charges for break-in, theft of Chinese food leftovers... http:\/\/t.co\/S…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user because i dont know.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 .. always been azzuri fan in international football","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@likemicah: Y'all dumb ass niggas be so pressed to have hoes. Y'all weak as fuck as fuck\" ...weed over hoes, oreos too.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@DrDenaGrayson I\u2019m all for celebrating, but I am a huge fan of social distancing. My uncle just passed away from Covid on Halloween and my sister works in a retirement community and has 17 patients with Covid. But With that said, I\u2019m extremely thankful Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ZachIrving I called people kikes and a lot of fucks","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate bitches that have attitudes all the time","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Why did the democrats have to jam far left liberal judges down conservatives throat? Every liberal judge should be investigated all the way back to grade school. The only lowlife here is you. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ChadJordan23: \"Chad you got all the hoes\"\n\n\"Why are you texting me instead of your hoes\" http:\/\/t.co\/jCSQHeZoRl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I bet these bitches trying to set me up 🎧","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Bayonettes: When you tweet som'n just for laughs & a bitch wanna spoil the fun by getting Serious.. 😒😒 http:\/\/t.co\/9LD1HWz1BU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER That\u2019s why Kitchens is here partner. He is Haley\u2019s right hand man.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DarkskinObama: Roses are red\nViolets are blue\nI just fucked yo bitch\n.....but nigga do you...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Press conference starting now at @user with @user Refugee Rights Director @user - report released on plight of #Rohingya refugees in #Bangladesh on line now: #Myanmar #Burma ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh i can see u now hahahhaa but can't comment ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so takendted what the heck ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SteveStfler: \"Smoking weed is so unattractive\" \n\nHaha I was trying to get high bitch I'm not trying to turn you on.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user bitch you always come out wearing some ugly assssss shoes ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"1\/ Resists newest tactic against conservatives. They have decided to trend disarmthem\" And advocates attempting to take a weapon from people open carrying. 1. open carry hopefully has retention on their holster. 2. This is likely to result in being fired upon by 2nd party.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And you are sure she is lying? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what are the best ways to keep your #employees ? #leadership #hr #productivity ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How about yours Chaplain. Liberals are fools. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER What? I have no clue what you are trying to say. I\u2019m certainly no Trump supporter FFS. Just rational \ud83d\ude02 Keep on keeping on with whatever it is you are trying to achieve.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"mint oreos aren't as good as they seem. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@clfrew27 ill slap a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I swear Newnan utilities be gettin a nicca .. Bout to start reading my own damn meter","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER FEMA has contacted the Senator and was told.its a TV hit you take them when you can\" He Is a liar. If he had a set... he would put on his big girl panties and tell the truth!\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is fucking delusional","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The Swollen Cunt Of A Blonde Woman Troop Commander ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Never heard of this guy. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I FUCKUNG GET TWEETS FROM FANS IF THAT PIECE OF SHIT WHORE SLUT DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING ABOUT HER NEW SONG FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user NOT LONG NOW BEFORE YOU ARE IMPEACHED .. YOU YELLOW BELLIED SELF-CENTRED CUNT ...... NEVER DID NATIONAL SERVICE .. COWARD! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"looking cool in river island outfit @user @user #riverisland #cute #smile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #MAGA their podcastful is about blockchainful. but it'sful about what it meansful to bewise working mothersful who are trying to makewise... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @druggedvibes: Top 5 Thot Tattoos :\n\n1) dream catchers \n\n2) bird feathers \n\n3) inspirational quotes that they dont live by \n\n4) animal p…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Really bitch? No.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"More than 14,000 stopped as migrant crossings into #Europe skyrocket ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day to all the amazing dads. missing mine today and everyday. #happyfathersday #missingmine ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"back to texas i go and i get to be reunited with the hubbs, @user #htown #camptrailcontinues","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"DING! DING! DING! Vatican Bishop confesses: \"Senior Catholic officials are being paid off by George Soros to promote mass Muslim migration into Europe\" via @user How to buy the Catholic Church... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"tears “@TheDouch3: #RelationshipGoals RT @queenallyssa @TheDouch3 don't call me sweetie you fucking retard”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Who TF this white devil Jersey shore bitch?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Vacante_: If a girl cant make a decision whether to date you or not tell that bitch to kick rocks.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user It\u2019s funny how you idiot liberals seem to forget when other presidents do the same shit. Haha. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Rotten character or what we call in Spanish mal character","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is the bomb!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kingxxlopez Roberts is a fuckin fag😂 smack the shit outta him","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @JeneBramel: Clever. RT @LanceMcAlister: Watch Burfict make the hit and then mock officials by throwing a flag on himself. https:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So there are some really incredible Japanese games for PS1 that I\u2019m looking forward to playing now.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#kiddos #converseallstar #converse #bonding @ sm city taytay ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You're a SKANK .....Leave our house and country. Take your corrupt parents with you. You're all cheap white trash!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"racism is a manmade tool to say we're different when we really aren't #equality ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#IllegalAliens cited in theft of 39 MILLION Social Security Numbers.They especially like the social security numbers of Children! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@iTakeOverTLs home of that one hoe Katrina","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Those idiots are fringe right. They are hated by most conservatives. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER yeah and conservatives work in real industries like coal mines\/ oil rigs duhh","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" ayesha curry not exactly happy with cleveland's hospitality: stephen curry's wife and tv network star ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"friends forever \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #friends#sweden#reunion #grateful#love @ egna hem ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Brie said \"We were together since before we were born.\" You guys are twins.. duh bitch. Omg who wrote the script?! #BellaTwins","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ask for my number he a lame I'm like cuh, mobbin with my bitches turn down for what","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you're a male and \"hoes\/hos\" and\/or \"bitches\" is your default word for women...you gotta go. Remove yourself, please.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER They\u2019re just sick in the head trolls who are more to be pitied! Chin up Nathan. \ud83d\udc4d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The most ironic thing is. The dems hasten their own demise while empowering their executioners. Do they think once this monster is unleashed that it will not turn on them first? #MAGA #WWG1WGA Written by Antifa terrorists \ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @allly_sunn: \"That's what that means..some kid called me at like 1 in the morning asking me if I wanted to hit the slopes...\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : arc of doves - \" speak low\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it was very boring, looks like she doesn't want to be there ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am nice. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @IAMNICKlMINAJ: ATTENTION! Leggings ain't for everybody. Especially you hippo looking hoes!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Always glad to see when a revolution hinges on calling women hysterical and needing medication to a\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"that is a sobering statistic! thinking of the families and friends affected by the latest shooting #orlando ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@airam12_ I was like \"This bitch better chill-\" Oh hey Maria😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you a pussy ass nigga and I know it nigga.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Nah I\u2019m okay lol I\u2019m going to watch On my block until a new season \ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s either they lookin for shit for somebody else or they creeps \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Some Douche cubs redneck cubs fan freaked out asking if bites..... No you bloody BERK!!! He's like the… http:\/\/t.co\/ulc6CMVtki","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But is it too little, too late, to save Europe? Rescue ship's ordeal exposes hardening views on migrants in Europe via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @raejeanhightowe: “@Swuu_TheGod: Stop ✋ playin bitch 🙍 you know I'm MVP 🏆😎”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Savage Indians living up to their Reputation!!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #MASA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA#TrumpTrain #CCOT @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER the dopest most illest female artist ever! That's fucken queen right there hands down!!! Try to argue widdit\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude18","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"am theaby wishing my dad mr peter fathers day","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i don't have to do plexus. i get to do plexus! #soblessed #grateful ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And you a bitch.. Even when you say you love me, you a bitch. I pray you crash like Caroline into a ditch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hey @user you fucking cunt ass bitch. Do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself, at least you'll be great to something and not fuck that up.....at least we hope you won't. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@BlakeAnderson21 Rollin coal bitches ready to blow ready set GO!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Agree 100% Jay No wonder FBI back burnered it English appears to be second language high school @ below average use. Also brought attention to being a citizen? \ud83e\udd14 Contradicted information throughout high school\"\" & \"\"THE attack\"\" it CAN'T be both. Ford=University=Soros=ANTIFA=Bull\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @wizkhalifa: Currently taking over ur bitches brain with my creativity and wierdness.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user , Chuck Todd will not debate you for the same reason that Carrot Top would not fight Mike Tyson in his prime. BOTH Todd & CT w\/be decimated & never the same. Which in Todd's case w\/be a good thing.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #USA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Ur head bout big as shit ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"That's still my pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Consider this source ... @USER is a supreme ass kissing douche bag.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@CruzanChoklate look at you with yellow fever.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@thereal_EMandM texans d\/st won't play the redskins again this year...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How much lonely she is and how much she misses her azeez dost and how much she needs that touch to comfort her restless head right now is all evident in this one freaking scene! Bow to these amazing actors\ud83d\udc95 #JenShad is major actors and couple goals\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udd25 #AdiYa #Bepannaah ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dont forget my girl Hillary she is doing the happy dance tonight\ud83d\ude02 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"imy you already\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa(last day of school struggles)#friends #school ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this is propaganda bullshit isis was and is funded by the c.i.a.if it wasn't for the russians bombing real targets the u.n. would still be making excuses why they can't defeat isis. meanwhile guns an weapons are sold using black market oil money. brought from turkey","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"these hos really be hatin on Draya fine ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I am legit sick of being into women, they\u2019re TRASH","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you, are a fool! you, don't know anything! you, just repeat what the liberals say! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is Spartacus!!!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RealErik_95: Don't worry about my old bitch or my next bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Don't those idiots realise we all originate from the same African ancestors?! I'm so sick of people drawing these superficial distinctions based on race and skin colour! We are all humans. And for the record, she looks JAPANESE ENOUGH to me!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"...Screaming for decades ?When was last time Roe v Wade was actually threatened?Asking honestly...@SenGillibrand please, shut the fuck up. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@deepthroatMike: \"@Boys_South: Take me for a ride 😍💋 http:\/\/t.co\/H5mAtjYfGA\"#redneck\" woof woof","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Believe all women, even those who can't even offer any specific details.\" \"These other women are liars!\" I know liberals are hypocrites, but try to stay consistent through at least one event.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user playing in a closest to the pin challenge with lighted balls. playing with two scratch players and holding my own on t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @___MICHIGANMADE: Only the basic bitches put on for Twitter ..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@girlideas: why do bitches stand like this? 😳😝 http:\/\/t.co\/QQ9vQyLru1” she wanted to be in MJ's smooth criminal video so bad..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@A_Brown_30: Lmao Dylan just got called a pussy by Mr O himself @wagggggie” takes skill 😏💪","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Obama will preach about gun control in the U.S. but then arm the drug cartels in Mexico and advocate for open borders. A piece of shit is worth more than Obama. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He obviously isn\u2019t boycotting @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Kid_Flexin: @WeDont_SmokeREG lol thats grwn man shit...nd bitches b loven it 😂😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user 48 hrs til i board a plane bound for bordeaux via amsterdam #euro2016 #wales \u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user when you say you make mediocre videos, you're being way to flattering. why so though? ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @StormyDaniels: I know another chick I will NEVER shoot again. Filing this one under: heartless cunt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It finally sunk in that I\u2019m not going back to Bing this fall. Ima be emotionally paralyzed for the next 24 hours \ud83d\ude22","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#dodgers @user what did happen to a staing line up? old school baseball a video game now ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This shit right here nigguh.. #MantanuskaThunderFuck #SativaDominant http:\/\/t.co\/tDJUj7q0qj","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER God is good to us \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Niccas been deerin me err weekend but I bet I hit dat A dolo dis weekend if niccas playin ✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"its very sad to see your country posturing for civil war with a wanton disrespect of human rights, by both the government & opposition ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @itsdavedude: cant just tell me anything bitch im one click away from google at all times","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Trump Is Making America Great Again ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is the reason why congress didn\u2019t came in power","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... You should be ashamed of your cash payoffs to Iran & of you helping Iran to become a necular power. It would be better if you just set your sales and gave us all a big wave goodby. @user will clean up your mess. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We\u2019re super excited to have him! He is now on board for the #HadexIncursion ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the happiest baby ive ever known\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093 #cute #smiles #babygirl #beautiful #niece #blessed #xo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump Administration May Be Creating 'Permanently Orphaned' Immigrant Kids, Judge Says \u2013 Texas Monthly ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RedTvvitter: \"Does my Mewtwo make your pussy wet?\" http:\/\/t.co\/W4zzHr6Kum","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Its okay to smash one of your homeboys bitches or his girl just as long as you tell him about it afterwards","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you can never take a L off a real bitch\ud83d\ude29 im hotter than them hoes that you chill w\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user why i #love #sydney #vividsydney @user #sydneyoperahouse #happiness #smile #gym #travel #fitfam #fit htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Gunplayrob187: Tired of dealing with these hoes , but my dick not 🙌💯😴😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Trump is done. You are a Anti-Ameican pro-Trump azz!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Have you all seen this from Antifa about disarming people in open carry states? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"zionism is .. ultra-ohodox jewish children's worksheet says 'non-jews' are evil ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user thank you!! the power of #social #media! @user #aande ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user It\u2019s a con and a mighty big con. And by who the Conservatives is that not so @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"End aid to ISRAEL NOW! No more!! This is bullshit. Conservatives think we do not need to spend money on food stamps for our own citizens, but are more than willing to provide billions for arms to another country to committ murder?! This is insanity! No more aid for genocide!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@beejohns1 is gonna find himself a redneck girl one of these days 💏😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER i feel like he is weird eitherway cuz the league was supposed to start yesterday and they havent say shit","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Tee_Bizzle i aint shit, you aint shit...bitch we meant for eachother","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Rubio Wants DOJ Investigation Into Kerry\u2019s Iran Meddling URL via @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fuc* the police","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@_mahoganylov3 Right RT @KingDominicus: Idk which one was selling pussy for $65 but that’s way too high for them http:\/\/t.co\/jSDmSuCDm0”hm","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This nigguh really tried to fight me on the bus over a grape kool aid jammer 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"last day of our #rabies campaign, found these #neutered #dogs #endrabiesnow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't it fun when a manager has a stick up his ass that would make a redwood self-conscious about its size?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #schools should produce , healthy and productive people. forget #exams, #handwriting and facts. @user @user #fant\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wanna stick my dick in a bean burrito just to see what it feels like hours.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Many other issues do, Terrible Ted. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/TtZH88tJ1c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"As Election Day nears, the greater his need for a war. He\u2019ll do everything possible to take our minds off of voting. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]However, the mail in votes will heavily favor a Biden win. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]There is no way tRump can legally win this election. His crime family & ProudBoys is all he has. https:\/\/t.co\/P3KM4DhBfJ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"new*new*new #bag #leather #handmade #shop #germany ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user empowerment of by #trump is absolutely scary. this cud slip to dangerous levels. look 4 legislative attacks on #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hey, @user <== have a tuesday ==> @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I SO wish I could crack open my bottle of wine and toast to the 46th President, Joe Biden, and his history-making VP, Kamala Harris, but I have work in an hour. Someone make a toast for me! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Syrian Christian warns Europe \"They are all ISIS, not refugees. This is an invasion\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user mate try addressing my argument rather than #trolling me? #staups #rude","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @__BrighterDays: I don't understand I don't even fuck with these bitches but I'm so relevant to them though 😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER For the best night sleep in the whole wide world...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"in academia #yehtut offers more nuanced take on #rohingya #dvbmultimediagroup #yehtut is &\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Lolol God he is such an a**hole. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Qual? URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Shy bladder group protests Rob Lowe DIRECTV ad... http:\/\/t.co\/d5YxglIoKL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What that bitch Tryna say","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"your smile power worked. i'm wearing the smile you gave me & it didn't cost you anything #gotmyhappy #wednesdaywisdom #happiness #joy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"forever searching for the perfect toasting time\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa #struggles #pity ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That was deep.... like yo mommas pussy deep.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Question: Hows that gun control laws up the ass they have working out for them?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user will be #astonished at #food they make & i can't do it so basically same as last year ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BrosConfessions: \"People congratulate on losing weight for my health, but in reality I lost all the weight so I could fuck hot bitches\"…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She and Him beign a Joint Acct. Have called Me and Grok everything under the sun The Same Person Women Racist Redneck Antifa KKK Members Grannies (Yes Grannies) Haha Etc It's pretty common when the Fraud Gets Busted to start calling the one's who Busted them hilarious names","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"today is a beautiful day! #dragon#boat#festival ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jennifer Aniston and Adam Aron are among the donors to The Lincoln Project, a group that produces anti-Trump viral videos https:\/\/t.co\/ZrXPhmSJnC https:\/\/t.co\/9DwTuEEBBJ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Please source the video where these antifa\"\" where violent towards you. let's see your sources.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ??? what the fuck ??","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Does he think women will like him more if he capitulates to their hysterical agenda? Or perhaps he thinks that mock\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user @user he's a closet progressive. our country is screwed. too many progressives. @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"flowers can't solve all problems but they're a great sta #thursday #enjoy these #flowers\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8#garden ...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Pinkypromise_12: Lmao these niggas act like lil bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"deliento will be debuting our first stall! we'll be in birmingham at the bcu a & design degree show! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I'm sorry I fucked yo bitch... But she really dig a nigga\" @KingL","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fuck Mike hoe ass bitch ass he need to take his charge ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@CB_Baby24: @white_thunduh alsarabsss\" hes a beaner smh you can tell hes a mexican","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CoIlegefessions: \"My roommate is having sex and I'm eating Oreos. It's gonna be a great year!\" - Kutztown University","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You got to be a bad bitch for me trip","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I just saw a man have a actual conversation with his bird haha","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch got one time to fuck wit me or my dad n ima let her whore ass know ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"pussy so good got me running through the hood","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"angsty cassette #a #drawing #caoon #sketch #doodle #aist #illustration #angst #smoking #funny ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Cher is coming sez Biden campaign.[NEWLINE]This weekend, award-winning singer and actress Cher will travel to Nevada and Arizona to campaign on behalf of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. On Saturday, Oct. 24 she will travel to Las Vegas and on Sunday, Oct. 25 she will travel to Phoenix.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey I wouldn't mind a 3 week paid vacation. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"getting noo message izz alsoo a message...... #silent ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They do the pussy good","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user #honestyhour i always break my back to see if ppl straight but it's never vise versa !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"EU, UNHCR\u00c2\u00a0urge #Italy, #Malta to let in drifting migrant ship #UnitedNations... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You are not helping people your case lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Cis gender and gender pronouns are fucking retarded and hope they die out soon. Aaaanyways, I don't know where the stereotype is placed upon white women as indian people are vastly more involved with yoga than basic white women. \n\nJesus christ I hate this PC generation.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@253hippy Bc she's a cunt hoe bag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hoes are always putting your self in a nigga situation y'all not going to be satisfied till you get your ass beat by a nigga.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" girl | when your weekend stas already on a wednesday \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b3\u00f3\u00be\u008d\u0098 #modeblogger ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Well she's half right... she is shit ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #bookreview lovecraft country 4 stars as #horror appropriate, also funny #mattruff\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" porn video smoking porn fetish","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user u a cold bitch ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Manafort has been on K street for a long time. He knows things. Deep dark things. I agree. He is gonna burn some folk. Mueller already knows who he wants. Manafort is gonna give them up.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\" momma said no pussy cats inside my doghouse \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They are not refugees .They are immigrants trying to get into Europe illegally by acting like victims.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch I might b","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Shit up ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"how can they make a show called #buddysfoodnetwork where they gorge on huge amounts of food, when so many people go to bed hungry? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the man who stands against sensible gun control. #hypocrite","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"wedding locations! #decoration #glamour #gold #greece #groom #illumination #india ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Trigga_Trea_: Some of you hoes so basic I have to break it down Barney style \n😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you want a good life for your kids and their kids??? VOTE TRUMP","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It also happens in Washington DC, the Clinton's are clearly connected and are on record having flown with billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstien. But you liberal media members won't touch that with a mile long pole. #hyopcrits #shills","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Them queer ass shorts Rabchenko got on","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @khernns: All of a sudden all these bitches like soccer today lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@MarkSalter55 @jaketapper Missed your concern about Kamala Harris and the Joe Biden campaign staff bailing out Minnesota rioters...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hmmm no one up for wtt\/wts niel's pc or photo film yet...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DFkinLopes: Lying ass bitch http:\/\/t.co\/vGUClaeNnt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yet this kids in chicago killing each other daily cause u doing so much good in your home state with gun control right? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate when bitches post pictures with other cute bitches and don't tag em in it. That's low key very selfish as fuck","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I had the same! I have to agree though, I think its GoFest and it being Team Mystic's turn. Blue, water? I don't know.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is resting because he can't take another humiliation by Pakistan #180 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER People still trying to use the alt-right\" tag as a blanket statement on people that are in NO WAY associated with \"alt-right\"? Another reminder; The PBs exist because of the violent #antifa. Yet antifa has MANY accounts on Twitter.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The reaction from some conservatives was swift and appealed directly to male fears and male interests.\"- if men, after 50 years., can come forward about priests' sexual assault ,why can't women,especially if the person accused is going to be SC JUDGE & stay on forever\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #currentmood - #linkinpark & #arrogantbastard. #alt #music & an arro\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch said she'll do something strange for some change","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Mr_JSmart24: Twitter was fye when niggas used to go in on Trending Topics…now its just recycled tweets and hoes screaming they want loy…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @donaldblack1995: “@VoiceOfDStreetz: This nigga jerry room smell like bad pussy!😒”😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER This information is out there and should be fully investigated and considered before he gets a life time High Court appointment. Conservatives refused to even give Obama\u2019s person a hearing so please stop acting like they play above board while everyone else goes low.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Imma knock the pussy out like fight night","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"instead of the usual #ripdad fathersday here's something new for a change & boy i'm btw #itsaboy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Thoughtful Thursday Dear Dumbo @user ;Perhaps the 1.6 Million Homeless Children should get the same benefits as DACA folks?#AmericansAreDreamersToo#MAGA #Focus #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #AmericaFirst @user #CloserNation @user #AlexIsStanding ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@equallydestruct lmao don't fight me you don't know my ghetto ass school dude I highly doubt that since I don't give a fuck about it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you know it's kinda frustrating when you eat all the dino nuggets because then you don't *woah* have any","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"show me your tits, idiot! ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Awwwwww they no Kaep ain't rape no bitch!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am delightful. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"racism at home and anti- advice for others: we're good at both. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#realDonaldTrump You've been rather quiet today. I hope that you have spent some time thinking about your endgame with Vlad. I know you probably know this but you are very expendable to him. When we take the country back what will you do?He will not be happy with you! Ponder this ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #chile expected to remain \u00e2\u0080\u0098on hold\u00e2\u0080\u0099 this week, colombian data eyed \u00e2\u0080\u0093 bbh #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @breebree1731: What a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user next @user bracelets... #desdelaraiz #handmade #color #joy #hechoamano\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Says the man who received an experimental treatment that's available to NO ONE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY!!! #LiarInChief [NEWLINE]#SuperSpreaderInChief #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"What kind of BS reporting is this?! You know what this shows? It shows that obviously Assad control of Syria constitutes a liberal, free and secular society where people can dance and party and women don't have to cover etc. Which is what ALL of Syria was like before the US and their gulf allies stuck their noses where it didn't belong and started funding and training \"moderate rebels\" whose leaders are on record, on camera stating that they are aligned with Al-Nusra and Al-Qaida and that their goal is to turn Syria into a religiously fundamentalist country ruled by Sharia with an end to the secularism seen under Assad. That's not so far off from ISIS's plans either. \nSo what kind of dumb blind idiot thinks shitting on Assad and ousting him is going to lead to a better situation and life for the people of Syria when the other options are ISIS or these \"moderate rebels?!\"\nThis is the epitome of insanity and I'd really like to know why AJ is propagating this!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The bitch official though, dick harder than a missile yo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal Mexican immigrant on July 1, 2015. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This bitch lmao \"Steve Wilkos be goin on mfs 😩😂\" https:\/\/t.co\/AgQwqzwTZX","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"seems like a lifetime ago.. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"instead of telling young women to dress appropriately, teach young men to NOT rape, that NO means NO and to love accordingly. #MeToo ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @ryancruz_: Want me to stamp bitches be saying anything to be down 😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #cad cpi preview: what to expect of usd\/cad #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"6 rules to de-stress your #weekends. #relax ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@aravosis May I jump in u ball-less dick-wad? As a conservative, feminist, disabled vet bitch, I wish u luck with a capital F. @DLoesch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Actually should read as liberal MP leaves liberals for another liberal party\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All deses bitches turnt up I'm fenna turn em down","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"yet again a few trolls commenting on things they don't knw jack about.be very careful #getyrfactsright..#trademark protected..#tadelakt ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't fuck any ol bitch niggas be desert dicks out here😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"Who the fuck you callin jiggaboo, nigga?!\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Hilly puts $$above anything I support woman am anti rape but won't return Harv's donations always about money with Clintons ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER The judge and some other guy need to come out and say they are lovers and have been since high school. That would really fuck with liberals. \ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump is just putting what's currently happening into words, it's not as if what he's saying is anything new it's just that people get pissed when something like this goes public. The United States has for a long time Cared only for itself, not that this is a bad thing but the problem is that it involves other's hardships for them to gain.\n\nI guarantee that nothing major in the US will change except the smaller issues just to make it seem something is changing but the bigger picture remains the same. Changes evolving wage, medical insurance, etc. these are fairly simple problems when you look at the bigger picture but sadly everyone focuses on how changes personally benefits instead of the greater good.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"best garden ever! \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0084 #secretgarden #childhood #mikey #three #threeyearsold #\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Mon \u00ab\u00a0bye bitches\u00a0\u00bb suffisait","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"when you need someone to talk to and no one to talk to... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lowkey got a Fan of my hoop skills at lbcc aha he my niggah now lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thank you\u00ef\u00bc\u0081\u00ef\u00bc\u0081 #mybihday#byclassmate @ osaka gakuin university ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"gulf steam is moving along eastern seaboard! hey #republicans, it is obama's fault! nail him on that too! @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Very cool! She 110% deserves the recognition she is getting and more. Very excited to see her take on a villainous role in her upcoming movie! #Cin #Days","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kimcampano 😩😭😭 bitches needa take notes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I'm responding with a fact. You are totally unfamiliar with how Harper government incentives and it's laughable that you're saying that. You know what you can have your check mate. I give it to you. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Illist bitch alive","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @tupactopus: bad bitches get in free night at weenie hut jrs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That is actually a compliment since she is one of the biggest artists out today. Thanks \ud83d\ude03","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@syd_renae okay cool then I'm not the only one 😈 mine is black and fuzzy and it has PINK on the back in all sparkles 👑 hallelujah","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m so thankful for the new direction that my life is now going in & the many blessings that are on the way. \ud83e\uddff\ud83e\uddff\ud83e\uddff","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"just as clay needs to go through intense heat to become strong... love can only be perfected in pain.\" #deep #true","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SayitAINTChey! This bitch is RTing hella cheese tweets right after I said I was lactose intolerant!! Why you gotta do that to me?! ;c","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When men argue that not all men are abusive, yet women are also naturally irresistible, I wonder wat it's like 2 embody cognitive dissonance ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You mean Antifa ?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what the hell boys? i thought i'd come back to a load more tributes. face #cumonmyface#cumtribute #cum #sexysaturday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"are you going to the biggest music and family fun day this summer? tickets will be available at the gate! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#IllegalAliens Yet that is the official usage by none other than our federal government. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user buts it's ok because 'it wasn't meant like that!' whack job! total whack job! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when pas of the gene pool fail. ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" hardcore vinyls jaime pressly nude pics ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good shit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 10 cities to avoid this winter","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER These gun control scientists\" are a disgrace. They should have their license to publish revoked. \ud83d\ude12\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ik his bitch ass saw me mentioned his tall ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I HOPE THE HUNTERS DIE IN A FIRE WITH HER IDIOT MOTHER...... DOGS ! AND IF I SEE A HUNTER IN THE FOREST I WILL PICK HER FACE AND THROW IN THE FIRE... AND U WILL SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE PPL KILLING MY FAVORITE ANIMAL AND IF I WANT TO BE A ANIMAL I CHOOSE WOLF! I KNOW I HAVE JUST 13 EARS RIGHT NOW BUT ITS WHAT IM SAYING FOR A ADULT! I HOPE HUNTERS DIE I WILL THROW A KNIFFE IN THE HUNTERS AND WILL KILL HER DOGS! IM GIVING DISLIKE IN ALL UR VIDEOS BECAUSE THIS! GO THROW A KNIFE IN UR HEART I WILL LAUGH! LAUGH!!!!!!! IF I CAN BE A WOLF I GO TO UR HOUSE AND PICK UR HEAD OUT AND THROW IN THE PACK OF WOLFS TO THE WOLFS EAT!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Tweekin hoe 😎💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"nearly done just a bit more to do \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #a #pencil #paper #drawing #zootopia ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Definantly","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"always love yourself 1st.. \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7 #love #smile tuesday #selfie \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #iamwhoiam\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i will be loosing my #glitteattoo tomorrow\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094i even held my arm out the shower today to #save her\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082#mylittlepony ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"and a fat ass","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Aww Bradley you are so cute","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user current mood: about @user 's web developer meet & hire on 6\/22. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Figures you are a UT alumni. All the commie assholes are.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter is like the friend I sometimes forget to visit, and then he calls and acts like a bitchy mcbitcherson with a side of bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@montaga @instagram @Facebook @tedcruz @MichelleObama That\u2019s Obama and Kanye, wink wink.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @thecoreyholcomb: Every time you sleep with two women in a day it proves this country has a problem educating bitches about their self w…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This is wrong let it be known they are stealing their land to build oil pipelines this is wrong they're destroying their burial grounds to run a pipeline through it","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i am thankful for dishwashers. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are the best president ever","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can you really take dick or nah?\nCan I bring another bitch or nah?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @FilmFatale_NYC: Wow, he basically just told his daughter \"I want some mocha colored grandbabies!\" #HTGAWM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Populism - political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by giving them what they want\" - Cambridge Dictionary Yes I too think the liberals and conservatives must unite to prevent ordinary people from getting want they want #Collusion \ud83d\ude02\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These bitches so redundant","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user two #little owls! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You should investigate Antifa's connections to the Nazis.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#oldest #operating #hockey arena in the #world #galt #2000 #unveiling of the #awork #gordiehowe #hornets #memories #rickmurphy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps:\/\/t.co\/c0gHvd6iMBRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#RSSReachesOut Now its open to everyone who really is intolerant. Shame on these Psuedo liberals ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"No good white trash racist redneck pieces of shit. Those no good fucks will get only a slap on the wrist maiming an innocent man.\nMay those fuckers die for what they did to him.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Man that shit just got me hype like I was watchin it 18 years ago ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"That is what you get when you build your champaign on idiotic people.I dont think Donald himself is a racist,I dont think everybody that voted 4 Donald is racist,but all racist voted 4 him.Now they think their view of the world is legitimate.This is why you dont want the support of such people.What if Obama had shown simpathy for the New black panters,or didnt take a clear position against cop's killing??? Would yall have been ok with that???","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#fatherhood is the bst thng tat cud hapn 2 me,& i'm just glad i can share my voic #dwyane wade #fathersday ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we are #girl (#tgif, #love #friend4life, #friday, #sggirl) @ marina square ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This stupid game you're playing is NOT going to work and Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED! #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA #TRUMPSTRONG #AMERICAFIRST #DRAINTHESWAMP #VOTEREPUBLICAN #TRUMPSTRONG #WINNING \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Cult religion?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fine I'll settle for an Oreo milkshake","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do girls have to post slutty facebook pictures along with lyrics to a terrible top 40 song? Cuz #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She should be fired and arrested. Clearly she is using drugs on the job.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's time the #Conservatives #binnedBoris and sent 'lyin Lynton back to Australia. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER take your fish and get out!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch till when tomorrow. you thought hoe ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@ITSMeESPERANZA_: “@nhalegood: When hoes feel like their photo didnt get enough favorites http:\/\/t.co\/xezFP0uybA” that's me 💁💀” thirsty ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Moisessp14: Look at u now u pregnant stupid bitch lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009d #love #instagood #photooftheday top.tags #tbt #cute #me #beautiful #followme \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And I urge Mattis to reject the Dems demand.#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #bihday #pace \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 the key to a mans hea is not his stomach !!!! lol.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i'd love to be #writing right now, but am having concentration issues. would love to thank my city for that, but no one is listening. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ole girl really told me she doesn't care if her boyfriend has hoes. This is what's wrong with our generation.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"when bitches u hate won't stop staring at u in the halls http:\/\/t.co\/OjNXhoIGdw","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Like my momma said don't waste yo time on plzing des fake ass bitches and bum ass dudes cause they ain't gone get u nowhere but pregnant and","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"relaxing morning with my lil man while daddy does our garden \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #lazymorning #newgarden #family \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"He never replied to my asking about his calling me a \"redneck\" @gigg423 @psherm07 @EchoesErrant @jstines3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so funny \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't care about these people ... I only care when the black people who are killed daily by cops are also humanised. They too have wives and kids and most are just normal citizens. I have no sympathy for white cops.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @SouthsideVic: This tweet was a booby trap and I caught 23 hoes. http:\/\/t.co\/f30lY2JiQP","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. john dewey #sarvajanahitya #educationforall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"There are no words that will feel big enough for her impact. May she rest well.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@DStacks__23: If you aint got shit goin for ya self, what bitch gone want you”❗️❗️❗️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If Trump had any leadership and sense, he would hire Joe and Kamala right now to the virus task force and give them authority to take it on now and work cooperatively plan coordination and focus efforts to save lives. January is too late.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@terrorwatchusa .....I think its about #Whites trying to be the most #Blackish ......what we in Socal call \"wiggers\". #liberals #democrats","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Northern Ireland was explicitly designed so the British establishment could stop paying attention to Ireland. They\u2019ve been indifferent since 1921.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Muslim Man Dragged Out Of Hotel And Beaten For Being With A Hindu Woman = \u201cchanting \u2018Jai Sri Ram\u2019 &; beating him ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"UNTIL 11:59pm PDT TONIGHT \u00e2\u017e\u009d Sign up to help refugees rebuild their lives and we'll give you a free, premium, made to order, fair trade t-shirt courtesy of @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d \/\/ (limited to those living in the U.S. 18 & older) ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@blowme you mean trash.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I aint never had a prob with no other bitch over a nigga if thts yo nigga cool im older enough too go find me another 😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Another fucking Pittsburgh Nazi. Philly Antifa is naming names and it\u2019s glorious. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Legit just LOL'd... Shit is funny asf ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I think it should be @USER in @USER what a team battle that would be \ud83e\udd14What do you think?\ud83e\udd14 Will Valtteri Bottas be in a Mercedes next year?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Girls be like \"10\/23\/12 I love you babe <3\" hoe isn't that today?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I plan on eating this entire motherfucking pizza I just ordered like a mufucka, bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ref: paul brown stadium hamilton co. cincinnati \"never overestimate the intelligence of the voting public\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyway this game sucks :)","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Dennene Martinez Dennene who are you to judge you aint god you don't know his life you weren't there to know what lead up to his opinion or his situation and how dare you say them things about him or his children maybe needing help or food stamps and saying his kids are going to have guns how ignorant can someone be looking in your own backyard before looking good in someone else's because your kids one day might need to have help with food stamps and how do you know your kids won't be around the wrong crowd and they might mess with guns and drugs so you shouldn't make dumb comments like that because you don't know or live there lives and STOP judgments against people that you know nothing about. I repeat cuz it is important to you... so you shouldn't make dumb comments like that because you don't know or live there lives and STOP judgments against people that you know nothing about. Free speech means exactly that he is free to say whatever he wants and not have some bossy biatch try to tell him how to think. how dare you. the nerve of some people to think they or their opinion matter to anyone but them, sorry chickie you aint that special","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"anybody who says against men doesn't exist, hasn't tried to buy disney\/looney toons-themed #scrubs in men's sizes\/cuts.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yo pussy the equivalent of a D list celebrity fuck u mean ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Looks like selling her sole to the Hater Liberals is now weighing heavy on her. They are now wondering is upping the money transfer to her will work.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER He is probably the new pastor moving in","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hbo @user confirms super-sized season 6 finale #winteriscoming @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yeah way to ruin the fucking hype. this is why you werent invited to dennys after we finished with andreas lol.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@dominiloka: My daughter makes me with I wasn't a hoe from age 18-25” u on a roll tonight","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"oh wow, bernie is dropping out! #ourrevolution #trump #women4trump #womenforump ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #metoo #resistance #blm #antifa #Kaepernick all nothing but false outrage. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Another Journalist was murdered in Veracruz yesterday, March 2, 2017, just after he released a research video to the public documenting the fact THE GOVERNMENT is behind all the violence and cartels. Further, the UN is sooo concerned, they dumped more of their \"aint it a shame\" babble on the situation. Just a few days prior to the murder of the Journalist, ELEVEN more people were tortured and murdered. \n\nThat scum is getting by with murder, horrific numbers of murders, horrific tortures and murdered of people who protest, horrific tortures and even murders of people following Google Map instructions to religious sites. EXCUSE ME BUT THIS ONLY ADDS UP TO ONE THING -- AUTHORITIES ARE INVOLVED, THEY ARE THE HIDDEN HANDS. \n\nIf the United States military can be dispatched to make a mess in the Middle East over nothing more than damned oil pipelines, WHY ARE OUR MARINES NOT BEING DISPATCHED SOUTH OF OUR BORDERS WITH WAR MACHINES TO SHUT THAT DAMNED SHIT DOWN??? Anyone who thinks that government cartel scum isn't killing American families and our children is about as smart as a stick. Enough is enough is enough of this horror and if the vatican and that \"pope\" doesn't like it -- SCREW EM. The US Military MUST shut it down.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":".@USER Conference is fast approaching and we will soon be heading to Birmingham. Check out our programme of events below \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc99 URL URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If these hoes ain't lying about being fat they hiding a backpage profile some where...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"1 thang i know these bitches come n go so keep em out your bussiness","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Which one of the two wins the prize for most hysterical woman? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user See his profile? Thinks he is hardcore ....boi \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it\u2019s guilty until proven innocent. Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe James to You? All these Women as Rape Victims don't deserve Respect and Dignity or Justice ? RAPE is FELONY A CRIME =PRISON ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I really hope you don\u2019t block me until after next Monday. I want to see this page\u2019s reaction when Kavanaugh gets confirmed to the Supreme Court. That gun control is effectively dead. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @bbrowne69: @AliciaAlexis209 @collegefession shut up bitch everyone's perfect the way they are.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If we're going to have sex or have had sex, please don't snap me pics of your face swapped with a man... I can't handle that thought process ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER That swole ass dude in GG looks sick af","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"so geeky \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #me #selfie #girl #love #instagood #followme #cute #and #summer #likeforlike\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RealSkipBayless man what about Wilson being the 2nd Black QB to win a chip? Talkn about trash talk. No shine for Russell..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user currently in the first stages of fully redecorating the studio, keep an eye out for what we have planned! htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She's probably a millionaire now and once they get paid all that money to slander and ruin someones name they go away because they don't want to get sued for slander\/libel. The Democrat Party pays a lot of money to get people to make false accusations against conservatives. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"trump new york co-chair won't resign despite racist remarks about obamas #politics #obama #schools","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @erinfbaaby: “@2chainzz2pumps: Girl ugly denna hoe 😔” what's this then :\/ http:\/\/t.co\/YbXiFwTugu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user how to make me ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Important article by Rebecca Yeo about the removal of rights from migrants, disability, & the disabling #HostileEnvironment. Rest in power Bijan Ebrahimi and Kamil Ahmad. Both murdered, both not taken seriously by agencies ostensibly there to protect them. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a drunk lady falls on a heater in #pubfriction & an my indian friend is trying to help but he is being thrown out. #houston #midtown","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Yep FBI and CIA were operating like the KGB.....to conservatives......much like Robert KGB Mueller is doing now ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @philiciaaaa: mcm 😍\nbc tomorrow's 6 months 💘\nFuck everyone who said we wouldn't last. Proved you bitches wrong @tropicaldrew_ http:\/\/t.…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"* Spain \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 Socialist PM Pedro Sanchez in panic mode as aggressive male migrants overwhelm Spain. What did he expect? #v4 #visegrad ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"If it means getting Upamecano, I\u2019m down to sacrifice ESR.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Legit just LOL'd... Shit is funny asf","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Nicki album bomb af I swear yall niggas really just dont like women sound like hatin bitch go put on a skirt and stfu ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Girls watch out for hoes who always have something to say bout your man bc they will be the main one tryin to fuck him behind your back","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Nothing would make me happier than to see you get an STD. #whore #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Devout members of ANTIFA though i'm sure.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Some people are bitch ass niggas & you should just stay far away from","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".Considering THIS , the filth on the streets of San Francisco, and an unsecured border, we're asking for a pandemic. This has to stop.We're a sovereign, Christian nation.No apologies. #Sovereignty #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I hate mfs who slam doors when they mad like bitch if you break my shit how ima keep the hoes out? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I hate bitches who talk about niggaz with kids , Everybody cant find a bitch like yal that abort all they pregnancies soo STFU hoe .... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Hope your not shocked too bad in November#Kag","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Since u r a pathetic self claimed pseudo analyst, don\u2019t bark before you r a bit clear on the subject. Bitch cum whore. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER you are so wonderful Elizabeth...kisses from Italy....","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are a nut ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You need to look at your Twitter feed a little bit closer. I'm neither a Republican or a racist but that's the only thing that liberals can say about people who don't agree with them. As far as Hillary Clinton the evidence is already been presented but Obama gave her a pass ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER please come back! You are missed on the field!!!! Annnnnnnnnnnnnd I love you too\ud83d\udc99 #AlwaysACowboy #NFLSunday #CowboysNation #DEZBRYANT #88","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i promise i don't miss you bitch shut ur whore mouth tysm ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"stupid ass hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ListsBlackTwit @iH8TvvitterHoes @Rosaalbae nigga caping for the bitch like we haven't all seen her nudes already.. What does he want tf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Ever get the feeling these people do not live in the same universe as we do? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #lanasprayberry should be fired if she thinks choking a child and the wrongful arrest of the parent is acceptable.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user can't just apologize. she is willing to hu a family and make excuses for her actions instead of just apologizing #rhod","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Burma. #Syria. #SouthSudan. #Nigeria. These are just a few places where refugees need emergency food assistance. See where & how @user is helping refugees survive, regain dignity and rebuild their own #selfreliance. #WorldRefugeeDay \u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00b8: Joseph Eid\/AFP ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER He is repulsive.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Some women are mad arrogant, man. How much of a douche would I sound like if I went around saying \u201cYou just talked yourself out some dick\u201d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Conte being a little bitch as per. Get sacked already you average cunt \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffb ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"All #Rohingya refugees want to return to #Myanmar but have concerns over security and want @user to monitor their return @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"why men propose &funny #humour #lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@G_Anderson4: I'm Dre's a bitch tho” 😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"All theses hoes on me , they so phony 😖","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"y give a bitch an inch when she rather have 9","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my happy place <3 #bigoldchair #bookshelves #picturewindow #plants #lovemyhouse\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@gurl_Im_Angie: @ItsKiaraaaa @WestYourMajesty I'm not even shy stfu\" kikis mom: Hi angelique \nAngelique: Smiles *Dips cracker in soup*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"as what sakura kinomoto had said, \"everything will be okay,\" #cheerup #stay ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You play with ordinary poor peoples lives like a monopoly board you throw the dice and people never get out of jail migrants win ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall and get this @user out of this country. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"[1465615732.75] update @ #social #analytics #growth #conversion #mtb #smile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"great britain..welcome to our world! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yes good shapely eurotrash manbooty","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"David is my bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Fuck yeah! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user find our dog treats in 2 new spots from today\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be..@user & the bark park #doggiedaycare on mallow road ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Go back to Canada you freak. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user had every right to shutdown Central American Minors Program those kids are not refugees has nothng to do with Race Just Another Illegal Obama Program Ended #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ImmigrationReform - via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Unfortunately there's no way to screen out the good from the bad. Such is life. Fuck 'em All","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user That isn't at all plausible. Tories and Labour have access to that building. More Tories have a problem with her than Labour and there are more Tories. It could have been a leftist\"\" but there are more Tory suspects. You are pretty abusive for someone arguing the left are abusive\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"flat out & soft and gentle \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #lalove #motd #maccosmetics #selfie #smiles #sundayvibes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Eat a dick bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He. Is. A. Sociopath.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"seems we have reached the point where the activities of @user constitute aiding and abetting #terrorism ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is not","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That bitch crazzzy 😂😂😂😂 #1976 pussy, #fixit !!! #Scandal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user What the fuck game are you watching? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Someone at my household wants to die. I get all excited to enjoy a couple of Oreos, but someone left ONLY ONE. ONE FRIGGIN' OREO. 😡😤😠🔪🔫","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#stylemy believes that effective #consultation is key to a #client. see more at ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"...we need to be the ones to ensure this culture of rape, and this belief that power gives you entitlement ends with this generation... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ImTooMuch: Trent Richardson so trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The thread \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2dI'm so sick","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Get used to it......thats what he says.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Dude BEGGED for that. Cops did nothing wrong at all. Good job Officer!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It may well be 'not all men' but it's effected every woman and girl in some way, shape or form. And it IS the responsibility of ALL men... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"' Fuccccck that was ma niggah from Cali swag 󾍆󾍀 R.I.P Jayare .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@IvetteBrianna_ fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@GottaLaff Just got back from putting my ballot in a drop box at my local library. No crowd. Sunny skies![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I like it when you call me McSully I like when bad bitches pour honey on my silky body it's not even the 90s","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Jai may make an appearance at the party... love that fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yo @espn u let that peckerwood skip get away with anything.. Fuck u @espn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😭😭😭 RT @VineForTheByrd: Bae: go text your hoes \nMe: https:\/\/t.co\/5PAfEceL1i","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Must resist... the urge... to hug","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GOPLeader @realDonaldTrump Republicans have created the worst economies in history.... more than once. And it's been Democrats who pulled us out everytime. [NEWLINE]We will do it again[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/0E0sglcBEM","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Kate, gun safety\" is just a code word for gun control. There isn't anything \"safe\" about gun control. It just limits law abiding citizens. Law breakers ignore ALL laws. Wake up! You folks in MN need to get off the liberal wagon. Vote for Patriots Only ... Vote Red! \u271d\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\ude82\u2693\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following all patriots. PLEASE follow back. Thank you. #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Witchhunt #RedWaveRising #VoteRed #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm in the zone like the secondary, no lie bitch I'm flier then a pet canary","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"nove :) #flylondon #friends #sunglasses #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Desirable? Give me a woman over 30 anytime over a girl in her 20s anyday. To much to teach them and you can't relate on a higher level. You are beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1st game of Fall 7s.. finna kill some hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @dallywaggz12: I may be a bitch, but least I keep it real.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You aint no shit, you lil' stupid ass bitch. #TuitSiMikeFueraDelGhetto ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Idk about yall, but i loves me a thirsty bitch. Atleast they not afraid to peruse a nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i was not born in a test tube father's day","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald Trump claimed last night that he won 3-4 Nobel Prizes. He won ZERO.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Is he more a liar or demented clown? [NEWLINE]\ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Lydsortiz: Knew a bad bitch but she was kinda slow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"iMessage so trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My name is Bryanna you can find me at @1bree_bree, I'm the baddest bitch you'll meet, because everybody wants to be me😂😂😂✌️✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😭😭😭 RT @tryna_be_famous: Brees been trash since this.... http:\/\/t.co\/EvYSf5JFkt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"glacial marine mud mask. really clears our those pores! #clean #skin #skincare #cosmetics #beautiful #buynow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"mood : excited. why??... because the #schoolofrock finale is coming!!! #favorite #nickelodeon #bestshow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\" pussy is a powerful drug \" 😅 #HappyHumpDay http:\/\/t.co\/R8jsymiB5b","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Naezus: I remember playing the Halo 4 episodes with @The_Paradox. The pussy finished all chapters without me. Fuck him.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Superman your ho, eyyyy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Los bitch taught me the true meaning of gravity when her panties kissed her ankles!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RakwonOGOD: i started fuckin with bitches who believe everything their horoscope say.they believe the dumbass horoscopes they gunna bel…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#imperfections are #attractive when their #owners are with them\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #lovetheskinyourein\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Have you kept that cooling in your human icebox just for this occasion?Hysterical woman?!?ROFLMFAO! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"tomorrow's the day!! first delivery of our new range of organic eco friendly clothing #nakedsole","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thats normal - USA has colonies, like Puerto Rico for example or Germany, but they also occupy Hawaii - which the call 50. state. This is old slavery mentalty. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #antiwhite new black panthers recently in #milwaukee chant \"free us or die cracker\" & \"f*ck the pigs\"\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yeah dangerous to question a scattered 35 year old account pushed on the eve of a nomination with the liberals saying they will stop at nothing to derail judge Kavanagh or any of Trumps picks? Delete your account... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You want to rephrase that? I think you are talking about the U6 number?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@stevemaxboxing that's what the little egotistical bitch deserves his head is huge for someone who gets KO'd when the wind blows","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"lol stupid ass bitch I don't fuck w\/ you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Put a ring on it or it ain't yo bitch !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #anc has complained that the pap is to white according to their #affirmativeaction #bee #quotas law\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He is an egomaniac and doesn\u2019t like to lose so he will spend money for free agency and his drafts are better","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"that lip gloss tho! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #photooftheday #selfie #shinylips\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Honestly, fuck you you lying black bitch\nBlacks commit over half the total murders in the USA and 90% of the inter-racial murders. So forgive me if I don't give as fucking shit about the occasional dead nog like Michael Brown. If blacks really cared about black lives, you'd think they would start to do things like stop killing each other so much and even just obeying the law\nI guess skanky black cunts like her are too retarded to relate her race's criminal behavior to getting shot by the police occasionally\nAnd a big fuck you to AJ+ as well, you Islamofascist Moslem slime bags","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Anti-Semite Los Angeles County Faces Criticism for Singling Out Jews in Coronavirus Restrictions #WalkAwayFromDemocrats VOTE #TrumpPence2020 4 All Americans, Law & Order https:\/\/t.co\/8rc2oRjwFU via @BreitbartNews","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch I'm sick \ud83d\ude12 dirty whore ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Half of you all are fucking retarded. She put the child's life in danger the officers and herself. And what's the use of tear gas if she's just gonna shoot blindly. She put herself in that position. She got was was coming. And if you wanna say \"why would they serve papers in combat gear\" that's a load of crap. This about how fast a police officer can use the radio and call back up, especially in this situation where the lady had a gun, a child, and threats toward the officer..bad mother..","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@anniec0429 ugly white bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"maannnn if this ain't the truth ido what is ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Speaking of. RT @KingHorseDick: A lot of them backpage hoes don't like fucking black guys so I never went thru with it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Lmao please show me the proof of all you state. Not what I said on CNN. Facts just the facts. Like I said funny all this pops up when all the other stunts didn\u2019t stop the vote. If she is serious she can recall the house how she got there and all the important info. Not that it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\udc80 i beat they ass too for letting them get hit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user it saddens me to know these weapons can be purchased legally in canada. smug indeed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 #nack5 #raji795 #raychell ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: bbc neutrality on right wing fascism #politics #media #blm #brexit #trump #leadership >4 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I'll bet she is a liberal democrat.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ViewFromBoxSeat She's a cunt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user wow when you think your bully will leave you alone then he get tour best friend to destroy you to #fml #crying #ups\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wow you are actually terrible. Imagine being proud of getting people in a disaster zone finding water arrested. The store owner didn't want them arrested and you are an awful person. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you take an oath to preserve and uphold the constitution? Take your people control (it's not gun control) and gtfo with your crazy. Steve Willeford says hi\". Don't know the name? Perhaps Google it and realize how stupid you are.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER that was on purpose because I knew you would","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Can't stand to listen to that puke. I change the channel when he speaks. He believes his own LIES!!....They're all NUTS!! #LeftWingLiberalDisease #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh bitch you lurkin !? Well bitch I'm TWERKIN 😂🙌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Nike lost $3.75 billion after kaepernick was named face of \u201cjust do it\u201d bullshit.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DontForget_E: bitches be having reality twisted","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"summer with friend\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a5 #summer #friend #life #vlog #weeknd #crazy i'll miss you\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Glad to follow Don. Great that he is Trump supporter. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If it's REALLY bad don't eat it, but when the waiter asks, you are obliged to say it was lovely\"\". Remember you can always get a kebab on the way home.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Im_Thirst I love Louis CK! Quit bein a faggot and suck that dick","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lmao trifling ass bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_ShePissGlitter: I'm not going out my way 2 make sure bitches know NOTHING ... Just pay attention !!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Fuckin love king tulip","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"two days \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #littlemix #conce #getweirdtour #milan #assago #streetmusica #queens @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed most patriots already and got the rest appreciate a follow back #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This Idiot Wants to DECLARE WAR ON THE U.S!! Americaans Lets go to Mexico Illegally Vote in their Elections and Live off their Welfare System If they ask for ID Called them Racists then Sue ! #Trump #MAGA #SaturdayMorning #Immigration via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"happy in the morning, happy all day. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #brunettebyveronikalipar #tbt #morning \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Chris bosh made danny green his bitch last night","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"These sour apple bitter bitches, I'm not fuckin wit em\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ooh girl cute face but yellow teef. lol","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user racism at home and anti- advice for others: we're good at both. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Pacific_Tomb: You hoes wanna tweet and talk about equality then hope solo better never see her family again,and go to prison and never …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Charts by David Webster's briefings on benefit sanctions (Nov 2013 to Sept 2018) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why would he order Cohen to print more money? It's amazing how bad you are at this. Or are you just dishonest and purposefully spreading fake news? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ol bitch ass look like she got a bobble head. @lilshwenda","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@4otf @ShackletonsBand So what you're saying is they are Republicans. #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@__iamjazz: ion eat cat . 🙅”bitch what you gay for then","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ScottLinnen: Saw a man in a yellow trench coat & matching fedora with an iWatch. What a Dick.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user dwyane wade #nbavote if you hate #boycottdelta #islamophobia","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"That has nothing to do with voting OR politics and everything to do with tolerance and his upbringing. He's ignorant and intolerant, bottom line. But there's people like that in every color across the globe. Unfortunately the world just has assholes in it. I feel bad for the guy filming but I'm proud of him for handling it the way he did.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Its not too late for dems to pull the plug. Trump bout to walk this man sleep Joe tonight. Cancel it Dems. #Trump2020 #BidenCorruption","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Why are you the way that you are ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't believe Canada elected this male bimbo. What a supreme & utter moron.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"just got done biking with my dyke","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Go with @USER Jeans. I've been wearing Wranglers over 25 yrs now. Ever since I found Levis contributed heavily to Gun Control Groups & Gun Grabbing Politicians back in the 1990s.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He had to talk about how great he was because nobody else was. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I was banned from your chat because I said that cunt was a disrespectful term and I knew why you said it but it still stung. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"one of my bucket list items ticked tonight i finally saw ice cube live tonight \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ! #wildlifefestival 'today was a good day' \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"having #fun with #em2016 #croatia won the #game and we are #soccer #inlovewithcroatia\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hope they're brushed up on their very large negative numbers! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Maxine is a CRACKED POT and should be run out of town. What a loser she is.\ud83d\ude00 What a joke she is also. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CarmeelaCuuh: I be like wassup bitch?!\n¯\\( ˘o˘)\/¯\n ) )\n | \\\n | |_\n\"huh? nothing\"\n\n that's what I thought hoe.\n(˘o˘ )\n <) …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER A rich snow \u2744\ufe0f here","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Not trash, just plain as fuck for $225. And come on, no elephant print on a 3?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i lap you, muahh \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #selfie #selca #potd #baby #babe #boo #bae #niece #love #care \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"believe in yourself!!! we wish you a great week ahead\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #monday #inspirational #motivational #quotes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"free my phone #im ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@megankjanes23 Scrolling through my TL. Ol' sick ass bitch!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i thought lesbians were suppose to be good at oral. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bt bitches && niggahs always had there hand out","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Hm? Of course.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm just over here laughing at how this little ol' white girl came at Sam and thought she was gonna win... LIKE BITCH DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I did anything for my bitch now these hoes only get hard dick nbs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"new #trending #gif on @user , hate, looney tunes, space jam, lola bunny ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The first sexual attack against a woman happened in Hungary. The criminal is a \"legal\" afghan rapefugee. This is how Orban protects us. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"greetings from the us to the world! #discrimination ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Nigga... lol IDK ..Elway trying to snatch everybody! RT @jwill252: Come on redskins shitttt go sign revis idk what he want lls","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#FridayThoughts [NEWLINE]Listen to testimonials of people who have NOT been forgotten by the most caring #prolife @POTUS of all time. [NEWLINE]#TRUMP2020 https:\/\/t.co\/XIRknZdNKC","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This is Bull shit! @user needs to go!Punk ass @user will be gone, so he could care less about what we want. #IllegalAliens#QAnon #TrustThePlan ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I ignore birds","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Hairy | Hairy Florence shoves a dildo in her hairy red pussy http:\/\/t.co\/4DM8Fpcb2d","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheVineNation: when you in a public place and ya side hoes come outta no where 😭 https:\/\/t.co\/1XV2fYehze","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"There's a green bowl high. A spliff high. A j high. A blunt high. A moke high. And a Moke + coffee high.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @FeelinYurTHROAT: Don't watch me you beta watch your bitch nigga!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#craftfest is here!! and we at a.r.p jewellery are ! welcome to #craftfest #open #craft #handmade #businessnotahobby","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I wonder which one is the Democrat and which is the Republican. The dude is now totally for gun control. \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Lil dumb ass bitch I ain't fucking with you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#CNN irrationally argues 4 legalising #abortion in #Ireland based on the murder of an infant in 1984. #Liberals can't think #Savethe8th #8thAmendment #8thref #ccot #PJNET #tcot URL #BlueWave #conservatives #teaparty #LovethemBoth Don't #Repealthe8th URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @PoohSavage: @Thompson_Era cuff her crazy boy you might not ever find another especial not these dirty crew fucking party hoes out here …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sadly the power lies in the hands of corrupt leaders be it East or West.\nThose that do care & have humanity lack the power to help.\nWorld is just full of greedy, corrupt evil leaders who definitely see it but ignore it. As for the Arab nations, their attitude is disgusting and inhumane, their competition in creating the tallest building is priority than a humanitarian crisis.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Fudge report...then apparently she is not a socialist as you and your kind label her and is a successful capitalist but with much higher morals and opportunities for society. You have the dumbest followers.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"A nigga will say the worst about a bitch and she'll still feel validated as long as he would fuck her.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@iH8TvvitterHoes @breezyfrmdablok tell me how that sounds stupid? You were pretending to be a female and talking to a guy. You a faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Flake shld end his search for relevancy\"\". He's RINO filled w hatred for POTUS. #Despicable behavior\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ha! Ha! Don\u2019t forget: Too soon to talk about gun control. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what will you do today to brighten up someone's life? \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 let me know! #inspiration #joy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I already knew that ! LMAO \ud83d\ude02 SO stay with us deplorable bigots!! We\u2019re getting ready to fight for our COUNTRY! #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"sexist slant in media representation of women 'needs to change' #slant #media #representation #women #needs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Happy birthday fag @collin_geer love ya","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user back too you slut ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"happy fathersday @user ! #minime #dad #fathersday #vaderdag #family #love #life #basis #follow #smile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Empty headed Ginger Hammer","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ram man, why are you such a white knight on social media? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Modi is going to die a painful death as he's has always the dead people of Kashmir blood on he's hand.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck you are killing me lately \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Most people do not understand what an assault rifle is! Makes their statements regarding gun control stupid!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Good","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER If Trump supported Nazis then why would ANTIFA a communist group want to harm Trump. \ud83e\udd14 That's right the communist group is made up of the Democratic party.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@PatrickQuelo: If yo girl cant have homeboys you a ol weak bitch ass nigga!\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user for it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my hea. it was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. \u00e2\u0080\u0094judy garland #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She did it and she is alive is greatness of Hinduism. You should try it with Quran if you have guts.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dianne Feinstein disagrees. She effectively called the woman a liar ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is your sister!lol","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"operning of #lyoness open. wonderful place. amazing weather. very good food and a lot of #fun!!! happy... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"For such bold people confrontation seems to make bitches out of alot of you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Doop_3 lol shid who got one? Boy my ass lonely as a bitch. You cuffed up ain't ya","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"nothing more rewarding than #clients! also want to do more, be more, live more? -> ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How's her GO FUND ME\" page working, Kamala rama lama ding-dong? I believe you, Anita, or is it Antifa? The left is off the rails, and heading downhill with a load full of crap. Keep drinking, and smoking your meds.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You voted to trigger Article 50. You are complicit. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Is this retarded bitch really this stupid?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#GOP #Republicans #Conservatives are now proven Male Chauvinistic Pigs Why any women would #Vote for them is astonishing. #Kavanaugh URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"16 year old stabbed in Dagenham this evening and the liberals are worried about data protection. #c4news","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am prepared. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When @user mentioned years of economic pain\"\", was he referring to @user + @user imposed austerity? @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I second this they\u2019re fucking nuts","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She\u2019s trolling to fuck with you cause some of y\u2019all be quick to call mfs coons for minor disagreements","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The tourist on holiday with his parents place a sticker on a pole in Turkey while his parents ate a restaurant and you call that support ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The weakest thing a man can do is disrespect his woman to another woman.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bad bitches hate broke niggaz.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate takin out the trash, I always be expecting a big ass dog to be in the alley or like a raccoon to jump out the dumpster","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Petrov! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER hey y'all take this shit to dms aight","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Her life is crappy because she is crappy. And she\u2019s threatening to kill everyone. Another nut job...Listen up FBI! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@BarackObama I miss you good sir\ud83d\udda4\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 And I\u2019m voting #BidenHarris2020 \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udd4a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't have a bitch with no future or goals. I love kids but if you're not a parent first I can't deal with you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER But you are Dreg of society!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy puppy \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #london #puppy #thursdaymotivation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy tuesday!! enjoy the sho week everyone #showeek #tuesday #pierogi#eurogi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"beekeeping collection by alexandra grimm #goodread at #amazon #reading #farming ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user A national treasure she is. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"going for #warcraft tonight \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Money hungry hoes they can never get a crumb","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Anotherpotheadd: Read my lips bitch, what? My mouth isnt workin?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user the sta of #smaccdub proper! #teamipswich ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I confess. I'm autistic or something. I thought #Aerosmith #DreamOn was #LedZeppelin until like yesterday....... #retarded","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#LiberalLogic #Kavanaugh looks predatory. Therefore he's guilty. #Liberals are DANGEROUS people who should not govern anyone or anything. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, it goes on and on my friend... (20875\/?)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lie detector test? no such thing. if you mean polygraph it doesn't detect lies or truths yes Kavanaugh should ask for an fbi investigation into Dr fords history ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MadameCrystalB: Tori better watch-out from her hoes..she's gonna get caught up 👀👀👀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user if latin music is on, i've gotta dance! #dance #latin #music","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You ain't a real bitch unless you suckin dick , stfu ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Strange! Maybe a problem with how the newspaper receives oversees traffic, as it seems to work over here.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@alyssadugan15 cry about it. You still can't even talk to me even though I'm supposedly the shady bitch that won't confront you lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#\u00e3\u0083\u0097\u00e3\u0083\u00ad\u00e3\u0083\u00a1\u00e3\u0083\u0086\u00e3\u0082\u00a6\u00e3\u0082\u00b9\u00e7\u0081\u00ab\u00e5\u00b1\u00b1 #\u00e3\u0082\u00a2\u00e3\u0083\u00a1\u00e3\u0083\u00aa\u00e3\u0082\u00ab\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e3\u0082\u00a6\u00e3\u0082\u00a9\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0082\u00bf\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u0095\u00e3\u0083\u00ad\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e3\u0083\u0088 #\u00e3\u0083\u0087\u00e3\u0082\u00a3\u00e3\u0082\u00ba\u00e3\u0083\u008b\u00e3\u0083\u00bc #\u00e3\u0083\u0087\u00e3\u0082\u00a3\u00e3\u0082\u00ba\u00e3\u0083\u008b\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0082\u00b7\u00e3\u0083\u00bc #trip#tokyo#enjoy#fun #love#like #lol#myl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Simple answer, Yes.\n Sadly.\n What a bunch of poorly train goofs. Belay that, No there appears to be no training, But real big on Goofs. Who hired these idiots? Not much protection for the people here.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Show me a video\/tv show were an Alpha Male, guy beats down a bad behaved women, it would be great so see that for once ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1 more sleep before @user and upbeat summer showcase! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Poor Yemenis. I hate Saudi Arabia","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ahhh my cousin's fetus doesn't have a dick and I want to rant about gender reveals but I've also been the youngest girl cousin for 29 years. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@___kd_ i need 2 of the bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"rest in peace ronaldo...... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@souljaboy: @kmichelle my ananconda don't want none unless u clean those shitty buns Hun 💩😩”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Trumpism\"\" is going so well you along with all your liberal friends felt the need to try to trash it! People aren't stupid as you suppose. #RedWaveRising #MAGA & #KAG2018 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@jennaferjenbub nice profile pic fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #ty for #share lubricant_staff, #wednesday #topleads #follow (want this \u00f0\u009f\u0086\u0093? >> ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Yup hahaha she is cute","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Girl so am I.. LOL he is actually grown now \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#obama: wall won\u2019t keep terrorists away. Same Obama: gun control will prevent killings by criminals (and terrorists?) #WalkAway ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"why do SOME men treat women like they're nothing but a pile of whore's that only want to have sex and do nothing else? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it looks brilliant! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Her pussy sweeter then some fresh fruit 😏 she gushin I drink the best juice 💦","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Biden and Harris would allow a baby to be aborted 5 minutes before birth! They are RADICAL and will push for policies that will destroy America. Vote today to protect the lives of millions of unborn children in our nation.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/HaGw8OiJEp","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Its ya boi popsley da 83ar aka the real meek mills I was on this earth first pussy http:\/\/t.co\/N8v2johm","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Lmao good one ! Now listen up Sparky your wife is a disease she is a bought and paid for evil soulless propaganda arm for child murderers and Russian agents. So stick with your cutsie tweets but I'd prepare for a long prison sentence if i were you.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Check out Moe Hendrxx's video! #TikTok #mikereese STOP LYING ON PEOPLE!! \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02#BidenHarris2020 #TrumpLies https:\/\/t.co\/1hWBcLtz2H","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Idk, maybe they suddenly found out what a great person you are and decided to stan","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"oscar must pay 4 wat he did ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yesssss my bff \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a. been too long #rollingbacktheyears #theresalwaysonewithagammyleg \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #nannycramps","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Where are those #ypfdj ? #refugees #Eritrea #Ethiopia \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"wouldn't mind robson-kanu at s6. decent player. available on a free transfer too ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can't wait to see the presentations today #tminus5hours @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_LOSOWORLD: @ChiefKeef bitch ass nikka took Flight Frm #Kenosha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yes bitch you still in love in rich. She lying","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ItsWaltBitch: meth brownies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When ever you dog hoes really bad you end up w\/ a girlfriend ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Throwing flares was ridiculed as utter stupidity yet the owner thought that this was a good idea? Deary fucking me.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We have a stupid problem. Conservatives don\u2019t just hate studies by smart people (smart people suck) that show data (data schmata) and facts (#fakenews) but just being near one can turn somebody into a nitwit. #cdnpoli","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ted Cruz #ProudBoys & trump campaign manager stepping down \ud83d\ude02 [NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 [NEWLINE]@tedcruz https:\/\/t.co\/gvHH58nNSx","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberals + #Conservatives= #neoliberalism & #Globalization & all of its Discontents: #PPP-#CorporateWelfare-Dilution of #Constitutional Rights\/Freedoms & #Justice-#SocioPoliEconFinancial #Corruption & PARTICRATIC #Collusion of #cdnpoli\/ticians for 1%ers! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t care. Let them (NFL) die on the field kneeling ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Worlds biggest faggot lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lazy people really annoy the shit out of me !!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"WE dont want you in our lands..this fucking politicans are destroying Sweden","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are so pathetic","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@salome110thebe1 u calling me a pussy but your the one talking shit and making excuses after getting your ass beat stfu with the talking","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If I put my fingers inside of you and you won't taste yourself, you can bet your ass I'm not tasting you either ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"lemme find out i have to put on my boiler in the month of june. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BirdGang316: If you a bird throw it up #birdgang #EaglesNation","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"keep lisa and jisoo out of your dirty mouth ugly skank ass bitch deactivate delete go get a life stay away from bla\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The bitch is freeee!!!! ;D","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy colors\u00e2\u0086\u0094happy weekend!\u00f3\u00be\u0081\u0087\u00f3\u00be\u0094\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #weekend #colorfull #sandals #madeingreece #exotic\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#JCRCinIsrael at Yemin Orde Youth Village: a home, school, and safe haven for at-risk immigrant youth from around the world. @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when 8th #graders say they're for high #school ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SAMMI_boyden: @savanigga oh....I know dude. I just went OFF ON HIS ASS I'm done with that faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate Iran , Russia , Al-assad \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\udc94\ud83d\udc94","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Improve our national infrastructure and our economy? Why would we do that? Tree hugging hippie bastards!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"ready 4 the wedding... #me #boy #selfie #weddingtime #cute #handsome #cool #blue #smile \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER please be aware that the following person who has confirmed attending fordfestND is the guest list , is Canada's top antifa anarchist and intends to disrupt event . His name is Alex hundert URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bastards! That few amount of people shouldn't have that much money! Do something good with that money you greedy bastards! Donate to charity, help those in need and deserving of it. Obviously don't help those who don't deserve it, but those who do.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER you always have such a lovely way with words......you are one wonderful person.....the biggest of hearts. Thank you so much for that ')","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Thirsty fo da bitches saggin my pants n shit ... Shit i paid this much for the belt i betta crack a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user is this what your university stands for? #hate #ignorance #stupidity #lies #mdcollege? ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" hardcore forums prejudice against a paicular gender or sex ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The concept of an \"honor killing\" is barbaric and asinine. There is absolutely nothing honorable about it. Evolve already you backward idiots.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Bitches be sounding damnear retarded on tbh videos 😂😂😂 nbs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@helenyvonnem they already have. Are you retarded?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @lovindadrew: I don't know a bitch in the world that claim they too busy for a nigga they really fuck with.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yall hoes got nothing better to do than to gossip and play telephone.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ain\u2019t got shit done today ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The American people are going to vote RED on November to save our country from the UNAMERICAN Dems & liberals! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Love it that SHE's willing to pay the price\"\"...that someone else will pay. Liberals are INSANE\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@katelyn_lomax I'm not a nig. 😤","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@LifeAsBros: Charlie Sheen is too real http:\/\/t.co\/gGGdK3kOV7\" major fucking respect for Charlie Sheen.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This isn't a 'not all men' bullshit you talking about. This is clearly a 'you mother fuckers' deal. Y'all here is not appropriate. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This old bitch with floppy tits riding on the elevator with me is nerping so bad","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ResistSister111 Whitehouse2020, the anticipation for the ending has me on the edge, someone\u2019s gonna die I just know it\ud83d\ude0e #GOPSuperSpreaders #COVIDIOT #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER it most likely won\u2019t, just depends on the earrings u put in but i\u2019ve had mine pierced since i was a baby and i\u2019m fine","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"As corrupt & dishonest AGs Holder & Lynch were, @user is the WORST. At least THEY were loyal to the man who hired them. Sessions has witnessed FBI & DOJ attempt to take down #POTUS & does nothing.#MAGA #KAG #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bad bitch give good head, dumb bitch get hood rich","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @xCaramel_Jonesx: Don't be 32 on here and saying \"all my friends and everyone I know has a baby\". \n\nWell bitch. Life.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Funny How Liberals Love My Presidents \ud83c\udf46 \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"as impossible as it probably is, my hope is this is the Trump Redemption Arc where he comes out of thr hospital actually taking covid seriously -> actual mask\/health mandates[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]ok redemption is way too strong a word but you get the idea[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 \ud83d\udcaf","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump No you fucking won\u2019t!!! #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER I get what you are saying Brent. But Auburn had just lost the SEC championship game. You know bowl game are a lot of which team actually wants to be there","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"be true to your work, your word, and your friend. henry david thoreau #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I be telling Mcgirt music ain't enough.You gotta have a non music related agenda.Them crackers want to sell something with your face.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@joytooawesome: @im_jessicaaaaa @vintage_monroe_ haha bitch 😋😆” http:\/\/t.co\/n5uuCDTDxT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user \u201cCause you are taller than me and I always get excited to see you.\u201d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i love this, wish there was a full video\nhis perspective is so interesting because millions of people wonder what it's like to be filthy rich but most people don't wonder how their perspective on the economy would change once they have all that wealth","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"look who can work and travel!!! this guy right here! #teamo @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These Republican scam artists are always behind all kind of conspiracy! These greedy bastards must be completely eradicate from our politics. These are the disease like a cancer in our society! These bastards want us to live in 1860\u2019s racist era. They all are old and losers. \nThe day South Carolina Senator died on June 26, 2003 that was one my happiest day! These criminals are always hinder to the progress of our world. These are the people are the real evil to the progress of the mankind! They must be stopped! \n\nThis was one of the best Video about the hinder to the Train System in the US!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ikaw at Ako piano cover. Can\u2019t help but fall in love with this song! It\u2019s one of the OST of the movie, Hello Love Goodbye. \ud83d\udc9e\ud83c\udfb6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user need to fund a lot things at public schools.... music and art class too. but conservatives always want to pay less taxes and every time they get the chance the cut funding for such things. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#wcw all the bad bitches 👅💦","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@tacalifornia bitch go play dead","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bottom line #bidenharris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/lsWZtfTdI2","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Where the girls at say happy birthday to me i need bitches on bitches like i got stacks on stacks","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"got the nibbles in! #coybig #irevswe #euro2016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user republican leaders block gay-rights bill after orlando attack #sick ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What a pussy. Did he say Lured by the US to steal that thing? Holy christ. We need less of these kinds of twaats in this world. KILL HIM!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"someone has banged into me yet again... #publicrelations ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sarah Jeong is exactly why we don't need non white immigration. They come over here with complete hatred for the native population. Thanks for redpilling America \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00af ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Hoes and dey hoe poses","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@regankelly91 go the gulls. First grade should be a cracker. Physical!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER just read that flaming pile of garbage you wrote and the National Review calls an article. Why are liberals losing their minds when the President is being investigated for collusion with a foreign government?! Why is he nominating ANYONE for a Supreme Court appt? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"youth club launch wed 22nd june @user body centre. 7.15pm sta. 10-15 year olds. see you there @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany to hold migrants in detention centres on Austria border ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @yendys45: And @xDSmooth fell in love with pussy he never even got....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Add my snapchat lil bitch: TreVaughn3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @jogonzalez_23: “@shinglewarf: #single http:\/\/t.co\/zLzg6sjBbh”\n\nNOOO \"my nuts bitch\" 😂😩😩😩😩😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER She's a narcissist. She's crazy and has let the power go to her head.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#faggots are MERELY a #scientific indicator that SOMETHING IS WRONG> Do not celebrate as \"unique indiviuals\" for they are #cancer>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"obama tells trump and the american people f**k you before he leaves (but you can't say anything ) ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Trump chips away at liberal U.S. appeals court majorities #MAGA for sure Fill with Constitutional Conservatives!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Punk bitch walking tall like you got something to prove","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i'm shattered. will catch up on the leaks tomorrow on lunch break. @user @user #e3 #geekystuff","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@andrewzoudo @BlVckbricks I'm still gonna smack the fuck out them. They trying to act hard over twitter. Haha pussy ass niggas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I think I read the worst interview ever. Lee Castro and one of the 2 dope bitches. Neither one of these two belong in media.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"WOW I NEVER REMEMBER TWEETING THIS BUT FACTSimagine someone told me to suck up my anxiety, lol why don\u2019t you suck my dick instead","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" sunday #god's compass #passion #purpose #goals #sdodson #life #happiness #direction ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER God thing we have Beto in Texas. He is for decriminalizing crossing the border. He is for reasonable gun control for Texas citizens. Someone could get hurt if citizens try to defend themselves. Poor Arizona you need a Beto of your own.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm boutta merk a nigguh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TravelNevada: Great story of what it's REALLY like to be a camel jockey at the Camel Races in @VirginiaCity http:\/\/t.co\/X02xMAVEqU #Tra…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These hoes going BROKE trying to look RICH. ACT your WAGE!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" fathers day @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He deserve the worst of this all","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitches already twerkin on cinegram, this shit may jus be better than instagram","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"oh my god 3 more days lads & im off to meet my dad for the very 1st time #nervous #emotional#waitedmywholelifefohismoment#tinkofmex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Never lettin dat nigguh used twitter in my phone again","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You didn\u2019t read the whole thing most white mass shooters aren\u2019t even considered terrorism because there\u2019s no \u201cpolitical\u201d agenda to their murder like Dylan roof","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Obama and his Muslim apologism","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Obama reappearing time & time again is like that one turd that just won't go away, no matter how many times you flush!#GoAwayObama #ObamaWorstPresidentEver #MAGA #Veteran #KAG2018 #KAG2020 #AmericaFirst #NoAmnesty #BuildThatWall #2AShallNotBeInfringed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(Albert) Conservatives are spreading the lie Anderson Cooper faked a hurricane... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This does create a slippery slope tho , players gonna have to watch they mouth too , no tolerance for ignorance anymore","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @GossipCop: Charlie Sheen SLAMS Rihanna For Rejecting His Fiancee: You’re A Rude “Idiot” With Bad Wig http:\/\/t.co\/NChn9cRLCj","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@seanlo10s bitch you look like a deformed version of rocky","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Norsu2: Democrats to push income inequality as top issue of 2014 http:\/\/t.co\/6fMioxUIgK Charlie Baker (R) veers further left all in w D…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another sick liberal \ud83e\udd2d ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"That's how you let the beat build bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheLittleFella_: S\/O to @thereal_EMandM for his shitty fuzzy hat. Made sure he wasn't getting laid lmfao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm Totally tired of being Saudi Arabia's bitch... It's gotten wayyyy old.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Fkg monster !! Evil piece of scum. Got to stop now .","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@WaTch_Scenario Yeah so you better play with me ya nigger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Monday you slag ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My cousin just said these hoes ain't shit. Idk why they want me. I ain't shit either. Got me dying over here lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Y\u2019all better stop commenting and liking porn. I don\u2019t want to see that on my feed...\ud83e\udd2e ya nasty and ya need Jesus.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Miriam Dalli appointed EP rapporteur on #EU fund to manage migration flows ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user now we will see politicians using a tragedy to push their own agenda. do they really care? if they did then changes wo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"women hate hoes becuz they fuckin up the economy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i'll never be over the movie #mebeforeyou \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #helpme @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yay! You are unblocked \ud83d\ude02 I see how you gently responded.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we just had our first celebrity in our castleblayney shop getting her makeup done for going on tv tonight, all will be r\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Swedish Church Accused of Peddling 'Immigration Propaganda' During X-Mas Worship ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"How about instead of candy you get a free STD check? * cough * * skank * * cough * ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@vernon1488 this is my female grand champion Jesse. She heard a bird outside. http:\/\/t.co\/1OINieeJ9c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"new video @ 12pm pst!! pssssttt...it is a makeup collection \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0080 #newvideosoon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Fardousaa becuz no man should celebrate his bday at a drreams #faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Watch and listen to the stories of lost loved ones who were murdered by Illegal Aliens as told by their families. If this isn't cause enough to BUILD THE WALL and strengthen our Immigration Laws then nothing will be.... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"F**CKING a-holes : This is not Pakistan or the middle east. Why dont you take your narrow minded attitudes and crawl back under the rock where you actually belong!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: when u deep in the pussy http:\/\/t.co\/0uFAhhYrUe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You thought Kamala Harris was a \"hysterical woman\" at the Kavanaugh hearings?How much box wine have you had today? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Heissarcastic: Pop a molly? Why don't some of you hoes start popping birth control","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The Bluest Eye aka one of the best books I've ever read exposed me to many things and for that I say thank you Toni Morrison","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@eburnns bitch be actin like I'm a celebrity","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This AJ is retarded","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Okey let's build Ram Mandir..? Dare you to answer..!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"playing @user on #bossradio ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#trump is guilty of treason ! we #theresistance must #resist #hate naked raygun treason @user","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JohnCornyn Why the tears sEnator? You won't\/didn't do anything about election interference anyway. Frees-up more of your time to whine and lie on Twitter. #ComplicitCorruptGOP #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@xDSmooth 11k now shut up hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @iAmDaHarper: he's saying...he doesn't discriminate. he like darkskin hoes he like lightskin hoes he like Asians. as long as they bad.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Almost!! Sheeeeeeed. I can't even answer the question when asked at times. Who's your favorite team? \ud83d\ude12","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@VeronikaHumbert: Ultraviolence video, its coming you little bitch! #MTVHottest Lana Del Rey http:\/\/t.co\/533fLbvWqh\" \n\nbitchy promo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER It really is. My abs are lot more defined but I miss lifting heavy ass weight. Thank you girl!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When she says she only dates black guys ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Taylor_1017: Get this bitch out of my house","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My bitch say I'm in the dog house fuck you mean","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Get rid of @user #VoteRed - #BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico - #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Deport all illeagles and their families - #ProudAmerican #AmericaFirst #MAGA #KAG ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Piercethetit @Xenoss_ I don't love these hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user By making conservatives so sick we can't make it to the polling place! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @JimNorton: . @WBCFredJr Was daddy still being an abusive rage-a-holic in hospice, or just making doody in his diapers like a good fag h…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Money pussy & freedom!👏🙌💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I just got so hype haha lets go!!!! Beat the shit out dat pussy ass niqqa","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Not all men care about how sexy you are.Some men wait to hear what you say. Most men fall for ignorance.Real men praise intelligence. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"went out to some club tonight out here in the bay. safe to say, fuck i miss old town thotsdale. i really do. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If women say all men, don\u2019t be an asshole and say \u201dNot all men\u201d. Just man up, treat them with respect, let your... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Let me see them titties bitch, ice cream.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Feenohmenal: @NotoriousBeep fifty bucks says a dense cunt thinks I say totes on the \"reg\" and unfollows b\/c I said cheerleader. Countdo…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Comes with the territory but I\u2019m going to say it\u2019s the same leftist that control antifa...just to make more out of it than it actually is! Just saying ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #patriotwatch: 1.48 projection #auspol #rwnj #upf s #cult #cultism #projection #springst\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER bro she's not gunna actually she prolly gunna fuck you","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@O3_Millz this bitch not tellin me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These hoes needa stop tryna split relationships and get they're own damn man","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Im start askin dese hoe niggas if they got sand in they pussy....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user greed is killing our planet and the human race @user @user @user @user #extinction #stopthewars #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"oh boy here come the \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\noh fuck it even I hate this channel.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user He\u2019s gonna tip him two new assholes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Screaming like a lil bitch 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Johnydeep_: @20ToLife_ bitch nigga lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bitch you can go around me I'm not moving dumb hoe ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I hate bitches but ugly and\/\/or fat bitches are the worst","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@meenaharris is joining Granite State Women for Biden-Harris tomorrow night for a post-debate recap and a conversation about what @KamalaHarris\u2019s historic nomination means for young women and women of color in NH! RSVP here: https:\/\/t.co\/kN8mroVkji[NEWLINE]#NHPolitics #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#NowReading: A human rights crisis\"\" via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JjLoveUp tranny","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Keep banging on with your nationalist nonsense. Once democrats win the midterms and raise taxes you'll be able to get on the same page as everyone else. Universal health care and gun control will save countless lives. Trumpsters like you will learn eventually. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"we're absolutely thrilled to be marching right up front again for @user this year! #pride #lgbt ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@stevedischiavi Thanks 'Walking Dead' Bro Steve For Mend..USMC \"Come on you son-n-bitches you want to live forever\"! DoG","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_IBeKev: Throw me a blunt bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user What dos this have to do with the NRA? California has lot and lots of worthless gun control laws already. Gun control does NOT work because crazy people don\u2019t obey the law. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Why you Worried bout a bitch, weed, clothes,sex, game system, parties,chillin , but no job","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Seriously, Amy and Cindy are BFFs, I know that for sure. Hmm, mmm. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"GMO's are good.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't say her name with anything intelligent behind it \ud83d\ude44. She was a black idiot and we as the \"black people\" don't support her antics \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Typical cops . pussys. rot in hell motherfuckers.666","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"fallout with mods? - #awesome #fallout4 #mods #gaming #xboxone #fun #nice","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"nothing makes me more happier than to see my #family ~ #igca family kids mom","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm ~12 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Idgaf I have my coon moments","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JustTooMuchCake Lmao. it bel ike that nowadays","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Young immigrants detained at juvenile detention center allege abuses via @user Not buying it... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"heading back to greece next year after 12 years! can't wait!!! #greece #holiday #skiathos #holiday #family #summer2k17 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"there's just something about #water that makes us feel #connected and . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i think everything is finally coming together again\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Youss_Mayer: “@SaddyBey: Fat bitch. What's her @? http:\/\/t.co\/IZGkpcqIO0”😭😂😭😭😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user What if you wanting gun control offended me? Should you be fined? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ElizabethBatman bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Same Kamau Bell who spoke to ANTIFA and helped incite them to riot a year ago?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"really wanna buy some chickens so i never run out of eggs... like just now. #eggless jack is a boy.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You ever seen a fine Eskimo bitch?I'm in google images looking them up now.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"2nd #oldest #daughter of #9 children\u00e2\u009d\u00a3our #beautiful #butterfly was too to find her #name\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@FlawlesS_Dv dont be a bitch smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sounds like a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hi @user my friend #lokiday for you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Playing dirty is the only way liberals can win at this point. They are shameless.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"battle of the bastards #gameofthrones #season7 #teamjonsnow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @bniceloco: Charlie Sheen is the realest nigga alive http:\/\/t.co\/pk0nEjIOVh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user yea your the bitch on the right getting smacked ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MensHumor: Kim Kardashian had a baby...in more important news, I took out the trash last night.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals media won't report it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are 20X the trader I am lol I\u2019m screwed but I have a tight stop. I\u2019ll let it ride!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user there's so much mayhem going on with shootings and bombing, i can barely keep up with it all. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm tired of bitches wearin no clothes then got the nerve to say niggas is insecure like bitch I'm tryn help you not look like a hoe ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER If you are not sure then l will block all these useless tweets. OK ?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER An accusation is not enough. We are fortunate to live in a country where you are innocent UNTIL proven guilty.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SunSentinel: The @SunSentinel Editorial Board endorses Charlie Crist for governor -- Better for Floridians http:\/\/t.co\/t21z2YBZlQ http:…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hopefully they will not find them - futurerefugees will hear that and dont come to USA. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@dinneny is out of his goddamn bird trying to say YoBurger is better than 5 guys","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@SexyUnderHere: Females that know they are hoes really the coolest chicks....all sex asides”lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user bitch I was fuckn up till 4:30 but your hoe ass didn't text me back. \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Always been a lier","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@jeffgill24 hey #teabagger Bohner said he got \"98% of what he wanted\" in sequester. You sound like a moron when everyone knows you are LYING","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"1\/ Here's @user as quoted by @user factually incorrect on no less than 6 counts: Trump is raising taxes not just on Democrats, he\u2019s raising taxes on Democrats & Republican & independents & conservatives & short people & tall people.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER his a coward even tacha who is a lady will never apologize never","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Remember nothing says 'I love you' like letting her pay for dinner... It shows her that you really trust her to take care of you ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@FixUpMayte @TheRealYoungZel @DivaMonRoe2uHoE I'm destroying this bitch dawg","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So so sad. Obama sponsored terrorists have lost but at what price. UN is defunct and the Syrian gov has different plans allied with Russia. It a Zero Sum game for the people of Allepo. I think we all need to really think about how this systemic reaction will enact a tidal wave of anger and hate to the international community. It's time for a revolution of conscientious. It's time for us to wake up!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Hillary was sure she would be President too. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mah5H stfu white trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user The vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about. Paper tiger ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"come and see a #nickel brompton and more at @user #brompton #luggage launch! sat 9 july from 4pm. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@babyspittle @Kimmyincali @MartiniShark @SenatorReid Still blaming Bush? Fucking retard","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yea so no more gun control debate. Just slurs ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Must be driving liberals crazy! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user pm what you need boss and i'll see what i got for you. i also have 3 wallchas ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"drying my hair, doing my makeup& memorial for the last day before exams. #bittersweet","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"pull up eat on that pussy and dip💦😁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @LiamGeraldShone: @vernon1488 @AranNicolWHUFC @DSaend get fucked you racist inbred hillbilly fuck","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@KingTeej_: Ol dirty foot ass bitches..\" this was too funny to me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @YrnReggie: How bitch how?😑😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/FCQfDKI4Zn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Judge on separation of immigrant families: \"if there's a hell, that's probably what it looks like\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's not genuine, it's an old picture.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And when bitches be like \"me and him against the world!\" bitch don't nobody even know y'all together -_- nobody hating.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@user @user we kill what we fear, and we fear what we dont understand. #orlandoflorida","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it was an error on my pa i agree. she was an exceptional performer, i was thrown off by an something inconsequen\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#AlexFromTarget gets a million retweets but #ChrisFromWalmart cant even get a bitch to text him back.... http:\/\/t.co\/l0XTPSIG8Z","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Happy 18th to these main bitches!!! Take it easy on the cigs! @aqfleck @rmusshy http:\/\/t.co\/aa7z9X1KUw","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Excuse me? They got what they had before the hurricane. Expecting tract houses when you had lean to's and expecting honorable people likeTrump with the corruption they continue to vote in?!? Wake up. He is flushing the swamp here and they need to flush their swamp there. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" #fisherman with a catch of #fresh #walleye for a #fishfry ;). #airivanhoe #adventure\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Clearly Durbin lived under a rock for those eight years!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Haha a private industry birthday is needed to all who have celebrated our bday the past month I can't wait for ours! I see you nig**s lol 😁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bravo, @user And by the way: I am also an immigrant, and so is my wife, and both my in-laws. When you are saying immigrants do not deserve anything, you are talking about me. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope Kyungsoo will work again with Nam Ji-hyun in the future she is so Good I really liked the chemistry between them @USER #EXO This drama deserve this","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And all they have to do is say a half hearted apology and it all goes away. But let a conservative say anything close and they are ruined for life. These mentally deranged Liberals are totally disgusting jerks! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @HG_Shit: Mfs still in the same spot as 3yrs ago. Beefing with the same nighas. Sleeping with the same hoes. Eating from the same restau…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"118,000 seats in our #Texas Stadium..for the #OctoberRally yah #RedTsunami#MAGA #GOP#TRUMP#TEDCRUZ #2A @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" , 30 rock, tracy jordan ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Me: put a twist tie on the bags of ice or you'll get it all over your car Kiersten: NAHH bitch it'll be all cool.... http:\/\/t.co\/158FCOn7SD","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my dear #kidzoona #ramadhankareem ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch my snap story tonight it will be all over it \ud83d\ude07 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@lauchiemac_ fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"state of emergency? fuck off, you get 7 million dollars a day from USA. 4 Palestinians with hardly no weapons kill 4 Jews with money and power. shows how Palestine is still standing. \n\nwhy you always lying?!?","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"human is the worst species for the eah ever #mad #disappointed @user thailand ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Change is inevitable.Embrace it - don't fear it![NEWLINE]#WinTheDay #NewEra #2020Vision https:\/\/t.co\/Mr8oVQADhE","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hahah its funny how all the little dumb hoes want to follow you nigga just to be all up in your ass like bitch the fuck you kreepen fo?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#school #collage #life#summer#family#love#peace#friends#pay #out#outdoors# ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Pope Francis criticizes policy of migrant family separation via @user Stick to religion Mr. Red Pope... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"morning quote... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 #sunday #morning #trustyou #fight #godisgood [pic] \u00e2\u0080\u0094 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Cheddar85: Dudes taking \"selfies\" aint cute. .... ya pussies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user The deception and dirty tricks happened when @user refused protocol and stole a SCOTUS seat from Obama. Conservatives love to fight dirty but then cry foul when others call them on it or play hardball right back at them. Bunch of pussies. #MerrickGarland #Resist ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@gallinofmilk: I'm a faggot\" I agree","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"PANIC in DC - Sessions sent letter to Supreme Court re: direction for him to UNrecuse himself... #wwg1wga #qanon @user #MAGA #walkaway @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @vincestaples: In other news your bitch cook for me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@__Bino: Looking at nip rings I can't wait until I can change mine 😏” 📝👀📑 lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If the U.S. wants to brain drain the entire planet and get the best and brightest here like we did at the outset of WWII then anyone with an I.Q. above 120 should be fast tracked and given a stipend. Lets get all the geniuses over here. And the refugees, we have tons of space ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I wasn't proposing scare tactics. I really meant what I said. Trump can easily pull the good maga Republicans and can easily steal enough votes from GOP Dem and independents and will bring fresh breath to our rotten politics. Think about it. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@alexxx_carr18 @Nick_504_ sitting here talking about what u would do or gonna do that's something My bitch does","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"For a faggot ass nigga that crys about people who talk about kicks he certainly makes a lot of fucking shoe comments. That's y'all man smfh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@thejudyann: annoying bitch that I love http:\/\/t.co\/8oxlQvQBrC\" JUDYANN'S SO PRETTY!!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Pussy","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user did you ever think we call him names because it's true? #conman #traitor #draftdodger #coward\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"As usual I scroll a misogynists timeline & it's sports, slut shaming wmn, calling hoes ugly, w\/ sad \"why don't women like me?!\" RTs mixed in ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"b e h a p p y \u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0\u00e3\u0080\u00b0 mscandem - zero worries \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5god gat me \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u008f\u00f3\u00be\u008d\u009b\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #regrann \u00e2\u0080\u00a6... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i requested a donation for our title 1 school's middle school graduation celebration but i guess sometimes the answer is no. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Men are fighting for their rights. Subscribe with RSS. #EqualParenting #bb16 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Unfortunately you're right. Keep it real. SHE is the assault weapon! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user nobody wished me one \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092 #disappointed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Got all of u- please follow back\ud83d\udc4d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"KaasPiet,bloemPiet.?lol men weet van gekkigheid niet meer hoe ze simpele oplossing tegen racisme moet maken.Zolang maar blanke beslissing is","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"inspired mornings, hustle hard for what you want!! #beauty #beautiful #motivation\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DreadJackson: broke hoes 3 words, OUT MY FACE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user But what about pizzagate you owl kunt ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AngelaBelcamino Adam Schiff password: scarey-eyes69[NEWLINE]Nancy Pelosi password: vodka-thirty[NEWLINE]Kamala Harris password: kneepads[NEWLINE]Joe Biden password: peepads[NEWLINE]Hunter Biden password: inmate6-niner-243","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user you are a sexy perverse woman\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude08 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Jake gettin all da bitches rn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Never forget, the perpetrators of 911 SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN THE USA. #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"mana andharilo unna common qualification ! manaki mana father's ante ishtam father's day","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"stop tweeting shit like this, its stupidHow the hell are people vegan? Imagine coming home drunk and starving after a long night of turning up just to eat some fucking vegetables","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DragonBallDeez: *Atlanta RT @PacDaGoat: Houston has so many trash drivers","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Oskzilla not fair! You're still a faggot -.-","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Stories like this give hope in humanity. There's always gonna be someone that won't see the great deal of good this man is doing but won't take the time to even try and do something for a fellow human being in need.. Sir you are an angel to those kids and an example to the rest of us.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#HurricaneFlorence is producing up to 40in of RAIN. Please be safe. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user wow .. so incredibly sad.... life is precious.. was an honor to have him in the experimenter . #ripantonyelchin ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @it_itt: @docrocktex26 doing nothing as an agenda. unbelievable that the Dems failed to use that against the teabaggers. @AfricanPrinces…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I hope they will let Cem in America for now until #Zeyal gets back together. So when he gets back Alihan can proudly show off she is off limit \ud83d\ude02 #yasakelma ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"stupid russian trash","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user todd carey days are the best days @user #toddthursday @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What do you expect from people who did worst to the algerians when they took over Algeria cut their heads put them on stamps raped killed tortured disgusting all white people are disgusting your day will come I hate white people I will always hate white people there are the biggest enemy of the world if you're not white like them you'll never live a peaceful life there they will come their days are numbered Europe colonize the whole world America followed Israel the baby of the father Europe and the mother America their days are numbered so much blood on their hands when is it going to come to an end when the tables turn when Every Soul that killed for no reason get Justice even after their death","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user I would be surprised if she is even on tomorrow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The value of Abu Qutada’s statement is that his credentials in Jihadi circles are impeccable. He’s facing trial on terrorism charges.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He really bisca fool huh ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@RudyJay711 Asains had to take the Wu Tang Clan; the draft was suppose to be for half breed like me and @MikeTaylorShow #FallingInTheDraft","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Orangeone4 @SteveWorks4You..biggest liars ever ...republican teabagger asshats like stockboy #pinoccio","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"French police are doing the right thing. Germany and France have come under continuous terror attacks and the terrorist have infiltrated the refugees.\n\nPlus, the refugees have harbored them among themselves and are in denial for no reason.\n\nTIme for both Germany and France to kick the refugees out. THe refugees have raped innocent people, attacked them and German police has been slow in response.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"are you on if not, check out my next post #designer @user #dribbble ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"opening to unconditional love lets you connect to being ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#carl #paladino says #michelle #obama should #live with a #gorilla #resign #resignation #stop - ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Local exhibit, activities shine light on refugee experience - ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER LOL!!! Now will they BURN those? And will they remember to take them off first? One guy didn't. And to burn them OUTSIDE so they don't take down the house as one guy did? Wait until they find out Levis is now pushing gun control. Nazis marching in their tidy whities? Oy.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ahhh how the left punishes it\u2019s soldiers. Today is your last day=don\u2019t forget your 6 million dollar goodbye check. Thanks for supporting the cause.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user are you so bitter because you're a #minoritypresident who lost the people by 3 million? #maga #impeachtrump","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Lol it's funny because it's like gun control....it doesn't work ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good Democracy is overrated. Read Hans Hermann Hoppe- Democracy: The God that Failed ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Charlie looking like he's the one that made that 3.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Rip I mean I\u2019ll have a lot of new pitchers to try out after spending these 1 million stubs on SS cards \ud83d\ude43","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@iowahawkblog I also recommend 6pack of shiner Bock and 12 hours of brisket duty at \"the pit\" feeding oak coals 😉","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"All because the western elites decided they wanted to murder and destroy countries for they're own gains... people wake up. Our puppet countries are what causing this!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @antglizzygg: Tell your bitch that I'm that nigga now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#orlando more love is need in this world today. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey @DreamShakeSBN fans. If anyone is wondering what the yellow tab on the back of the collar for - it's for teams that have won a champion","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fed and watered \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #bordercollie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user friday #love ,be the calm in the midst of our storm ,have a beautiful weekend \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0099\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kingtaylorxx @chanelisabeth I'm a boss ass bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I don't agree with you. But if you want to see a real damsel in distress play the fucking marry Jane missions. They are soooo boring . she's so stupid. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Here is the thing I ain\u2019t disputing that as a nation we have problems and never have I. However to say someone is likely to die earlier in Botswana than anywhere in the world is a reach. That\u2019s where I felt you are just exaggerating.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"gorgeous evening! #family #lakesimcoe @ willow beach lake simcoe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what makes you ? it's individual and everyone's right to pursue it, live it and love it to the fullest. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#instacollage attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source o ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i like you. .darling ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" euro 2016 lovely things: happy spanish mascot, gianluigi buffon still belting out the classics, irish ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She should start kneeling before matches and talk about how oppressed she is. Its getting deep in America with all the BS the liberal nuts are throwing up","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user haha i get it ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Pressure from other liberals may make him change his mind. Their goal is the end result. They don\u2019t care what it takes to get there.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"40th bihday cake #labradors #holland #southafrica #uk #bihday #cake #baking ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Did you attend Governor Abbott\u2019s meetings on solving gun problems in school?? I guess not! I did! There were excellent discussions on using guns to protect & defend! What\u2019s your point? You stand for gun control & 90% of Real Texans will not have their guns taken away!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@ARIZZLEINDACUT: Females think dating a pussy is cute now? http:\/\/t.co\/VxBJg26Gsz\" how does doing this stuff make him a pussy?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KevinKevmooney @LEllerbe when bet now i make sure that bitch is not involved that's 1 thing floyd and pac can agree on she screwed em both","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Are you joining ANTIFA? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A better question: what do American voters need to do to defeat Antifa & their Democrat sponsors?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ComeBackKidd93 Hey, I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris last Thursday.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RnadJorell: “@_KudaBrazyy: @RnadJorell Knocked that bitch soul out her body lol” aha bruh cocked back an fired on that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I already know I'm about to buy so many bitches drinks tonight that I'll never fuck but life's all about hits and misses. Gotta take chances","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@G27Status @VikkiFusco @flyersfan You're still a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Shorty's dad taught him eveything about Pussygrabbing Sexual assault #trump family time. #maga girls have to stay silent. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER & this statement by Jewish Antifa Berlin is so on point <3 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when POC talk about their immigrant success stories without talking about being direct beneficiaries of the civil rights movement ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER This is fucking crazy autistic And that's coming from me the guy that gave a bunch of mentally retarded kids cocaine","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user ...>\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Just made that test my bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@OhShitItsRandy: Remember this bro? 😂 @BrianLovesAss_ http:\/\/t.co\/RAurUW7mY6”niggah don't show people this 😂😂😭😷","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Designer belt with a trash fit is still trash..","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberals grasp at unproven straws ... #NotPlastic ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The bengals have been trash for like 5 weeks it seems","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" men's day to all men","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Josh I am not fucking a loli robot ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Whatever happens, I won't let racism become a big trend again. I refuse. Over my fuckin dead body bitches, I'm mixed I can't be racist","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"got a death wish against like 675 cunts, I'm just no a happy man #fuckittt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user reading this aicle like #fifa17 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Utah nonprofit helps hundreds of refugees go to college Up until she was 13, the only place Kai Sin called home was the refugee camp where she was born after her family escaped ethnic violence in Myanmar. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So was chris brown talking bout hisself when he said \"these hoes ain't loyal ?\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Citygirl_moe - remember when we played plaquemine & they kept calling our whole team gay & Lydia said \"I'll turn all you hoes out, fwm!\" 😩😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"During the 'men are trash' narrative you always say not all men but when someone from another tribe makes a mistake you generalise. Smh ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"all ready to see cats the musical later \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #catsthemusical #nofilter #dress #curlyhair ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a year ago to the day, i was having a blast in #orlando with my friends @user @user & @user today #praying4orlando ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and @user Encouages Illegal Immigrants and #Democrats Protect Illegal Aliens and Criminal Illegals in their #SanctuaryCities Ignoring the Negative Impact it has on Citizens Lives and Wages #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user #BrettKavanaugh is the right man for the job. Liberals need to give up already. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"getting better #running tomorrow i may come in under a 10min\/mile...?!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #fitness #feelinggood ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"HER RESTING BITCH FACE IS GOALS \u2764\ufe0f@WhoreOfThe80s\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user It\u2019s ridiculous. All the sock puppet accounts apparently have marching orders to start a boycott of the film. A lot of MAGA snowflakes. \ud83d\ude10 Thankfully most of them are on our list of known sock puppets so blocking the rest wasn\u2019t hard. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you mean one side controled by Assad and the other side controled by ISIS that was created by the US . so you can clearly see who is the Real Terrorist here! So stop being sooo Stupid AJ+","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user of course cnn won't address real truth only hrc bs and bo lies. meanwhile ppl kp dying. &sickening","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @IamMrEchols: You hoes don't deserve the respect you ask for","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Franco was on pace for 230avg 25hr 80 rbi while playing the 2nd best 3b in the NL.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Probably say fuck it an do just that ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER have a MAJORITY! .@USER used OUR money to buy it. Why they obsessed w\/ what @user would do regarding Brexit? They are not in power & they are not negotiating. .@USER should reply to @user with: call a GE & you\u2019ll get your answer. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Wu_Pac @bestfrycook stfu bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user RBG next! Can\u2019t wait! The hateful intolerant racists on the left will not win! RBG NEXT!!!! MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I agree about what happened to the native americans was bad but when I drive up the the reservation to do my work by the casino and I see the multi million dollar homes they live in not all are struggling","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"buzzing in yr 7 science today- using microscopes for the first time!! #asechat @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@QueenIttyBitty lmfao I wasn't scanning anything..the fat hoes was hittin me up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER that's exactly what his ass gets lmaoo","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #nzd\/usd: awaiting catalyst in the fed, breaking key 50 4hr sma #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@rikki_lovee you're wearing my sweatshirt in your snapchat story hoe! Love you tho lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"don't be sad #illustration #love #rimidesigns ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I just dodged a bullet from a crazy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JRise88 ill fuck you til you love me faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER is staffed with unhinged Liberals & @USER This is a disgusting statement. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I miss you being a wee cheeky cunt to me, sad times #missAbby","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@woohdakidd_74 lol da nicca was str8 n Friday wit out it but dude str8 Uncle Tom nicca now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"1 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f one fucking day !!!! tomorrow will be so awesome \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #soundslivefeelslivecologne @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Boobah_ they trash","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #euro2016~ goal #sturridge ('91) #eng 2 - 1 #wal if you're #happy! fav if youre :(","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user relax it's sunday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c #lifestyle #design #designer #fun #time #pool #sexy #freunde #summer @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@EvanDMyers @nineinchessoft you have a redneck attitude. The same people that think Benghazzi is real think Fox fake nws is real. Your one","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kylegriffin1 Trump speaks directly to the people. Some of us don\u2019t need you to tell us what he said and then interpret what he meant. He means what he says. #MAGA2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hate this country and its rules for one and no rules for another when are we going to man up and stand up to these filthy ppl coming into are country and riding the arse off us? #sendthemhome ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Aww you pooky bear...You are such a victim. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CrittaMo: I'm getting tired of these same ol no hope broke bitches! No job, all they wanna do is twerk and smoke Swishers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So I'm working but a friend of mine is telling me that Corey Booker and Kamala harris are fighting for who is the more hysterical woman in the #KavanaughHearings is that true?#Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user but if you go on a date first..and then have sex...it\u2019s the best of both worlds. and the sex is better. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow, Erick, working on your PhD in theology\". You should pick another career, unless you are Evangelical, then I understand.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How many @user backbenchers think it\u2019s workable? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"my \u201cfuck it I\u2019ll get paid again\u201d attitude needs to chill the fuck out","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Im in a full suit bow tie and all at a restaurant & called my frat a bitch ass nigga.Caught myself Bc Im around white ppl staring at me lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"always be #june #friday #sunny #day #instapic #instadaily #body #shape #beautiful #model #miami... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" bihday\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 \u00e3\u0080\u008c @user \u00e3\u0080\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How the fuck is Joe Biden \"harm reduction\" like for who? You think a notoriously violent transphobe is harm reduction? You think that a segregationist is harm reduction?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Just admit you have no real principles, and stop trying to guilt people into voting for their oppressors.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user Suck my dick you stupid bitch. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Yeah she loves pointing out\"\" people for her rabid anti-Nazi Antifa-loving faction of supporters to, I don't know, give stern looks to? Let's be real, she either wants her minions to disrupt her \"\"enemies\"\" by heckling or making a scene or worse.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Getting ready to Disavow some toxic backlinks... THANK YOU #BING! #USA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #USA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Craving brownies 😩😩","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I think about the fact that dinosaurs evolved into birds every time I eat chicken. Dinosaurs are delicious.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"YOU A BITCH @user AND YOU IN MY FUCKING CITY HOE. ILL SEE YOU SOON BITCH BOY ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2. she died \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095 may her soul rest in peace ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @GucciManeQuote1: Gucci, you conceited bitch I might be\n'Cause my chain so bright, Stevie Wonder might see","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"5 days to go and i've only packed 3 boxes ahhh #moving ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user y'all look like a couple! #congratulations","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"no RT @_sirhampton_: LMFAO those trash tho RT @Barack_Obutta: Candy corn J's _sirhampton_ \"@_justspeedy: These hard? http:\/\/t.co\/SQVYksdkwU\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Everything is a crisis for these conservatives. The only real crisis I\u2019ve noticed is the complete destruction of the Conservative Party.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user arrived in #miami #speedos on and straight to the #pool washingtonparkhotel \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 very very \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Barbod6FCB Am not gonna shut shit up bitch but u can get yo punk ass out there hoe ass nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a love my @user suitcase. looking forward to my time in #nyc #adventure #wagepeace ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @ are fighting back with You ! Now lets #BuildthatWall #DeportThemAll and Ask a #Democrat Why they Support Illegals and Wont Mention Americans killed by Illegals every chance we get ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Does Trump Have Power to Pardon Himself? His Supreme Court Nominee Won\u2019t\u00a0Say. https:\/\/t.co\/xIEwUK7ops","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn bitch thnx http:\/\/t.co\/TwDKCKKTaz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Well we went to your profile and saw you were at 999 and then we saw Lisa Loeb so we couldn\u2019t resist! Thank you for the shoutout!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"50,000 People gathered outside the Lincoln Memorial to sing, pray and worship God. This is pretty awesome whether you are religious or not. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 #OpenUpAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/T0qzUj0XGa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you so much for this link, Lisa.I''ve suspected 4 awhile that the Zionist #Globalists were orchestrating the rapefugeeinvasion of #Europe . Even as nationalismseems 2 be gaining some momentum, I'mvery concerned that they too have beenco-opted by Bolshevik Zionism. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user ahhhhh such a fun event today at @user w\/ @user + @user thanks to all who came out! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so my Chloe don't want to see me win she unfollowed because I made a post i HIT 100 FOLLOWERS and then she unfollowed me bitch fuck u whore ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are literally one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my entire life and I want you to know that.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER One look at the list and knew exactly what was going on. I\u2019ll pass.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#healthy a ceification alone won\u00e2\u0080\u0099t attract students. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Currently sitting down wishing a bitch would.💅","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Went to hand in my ballot today. An older man was walking along beside me. He turned and said \u201cthis is the most fucked up election I\u2019ve seen in 90 years\u201d. I\u2019m not 90 but I totally agree!! #PlanYourVote #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsALiar #TrumpTaxReturns #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"really enjoyed my weeks annual leave. spent quality family time , baking , attending school spos events #mygirlsrock #familyfirst \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ilyamarritz Trump\u2019s Just-Us Dept.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm sure they are Pro Life\" Conservatives. Keep up the great work Chelsea; we need you.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#MediaBias with persecution of #Conservatives while they ignore criminality from #Democrats is Obscene and is the reason most people call #CNN and #MSNBC #FakeNews ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user nazis continue to target jews, businesses in #whitefish #jewish #christians #montana #na\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thank you for voting for the Ern for president, Mr. President. https:\/\/t.co\/fIqzm6rJKY https:\/\/t.co\/GayI9wzXJn","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@yobritttany I didn't know that was a fad sounds fucking retarded haha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You kept a SCJ seat open for over a year with Merrick Garland. It is not fair to push Kavanaugh thru. He is the most unpopular nominee ever. The American people deserve better than this. The woman deserves better than this. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The left doesn\u2019t care. They victimize women and minorities for political gain. Same story different democrat. #libtards #walkaway #maga ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Bitterchick @hellobaphomet \nY'all be some crazy white bitches. I wants to lay down wit you bowf.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"The water isn't yellow, I'm a healthy student\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Condemn #Antifa NOW","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"No matter what color a girl is she still a ho \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@DIRECTV why are you showing Yankees game in arizona when you promo Washington huskies game? I bet @dish would want my business","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2tranquility \u00e2\u0080\u00a2stability #lovelife #me #photo #photooftheday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mitchbattiste sup pussy;)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I been slackin on the ice game i needa cop a watch , so i can fuck me a instagram hoe & press Block","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Democrats only care about this crap when it furthers their mission: To destroy conservatives. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I think she really knows now but she is in denial!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck #xenophobia and ! drink arabian spiced coffee, and eat berberian spiced food! #rainbow #diversity only\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am thankful for being able to walk. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"love my dress \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008d back again nxt week :) #bridetobe x","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER thanks for your follow!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is what I get from Twitter liberals. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you so much for everything you do for me all year not just my bihday my best friend #luckygirl #bihday #31today","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sir I know the difference pretending to be someone else is lying who you are the age where you from etc etc etc. but thats not the point the point is a lot of people are doing both and they been doing it since forever to kill their victims. And it sucks!!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"today's gonna be a great day\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #goodvibes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_Maniac_Mind_ @jet_life12 @Nick_504_ I said I was from where stop putting words in my mouth, that's something a bitch would do","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JamesyNBA damn your bitch really hoe'n for the F!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Health & #Nature under threat from #UK #US @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have watched you talk out of both sides of your mouth for months now. We see you. Nothing but a greedy fame whore. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The way you lot talk about each other is disgusting","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Unfirtunately i have seen hispanics justifying shit from trump. I argued with two family members of mine who believes trump did helped PR a lot. And i have a relative who he is a trump fan & agreeds that the majority of immigrants that come are bad. It is upsetting","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you joined up with antifa? Because they more align with your values?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A squad of dyke cholas fear nobody. They worse than the cartel","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can't wait for @user tonight @user @user xxx","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Black woman are aggressive while white women are stupidly programmed by society to be nice damsels in distress read\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The tide is changing....the Dems on Defense & the #MSM are at a lost! They know what is coming very soon! NO ONE GETS A PASS...#QANON #TrustThePlan #WWG1WGA \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85Love our @user 45 #MAGA #KAG #KavanaughForSCOTUS will be a reality! God Bless! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"More @user lies! #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TheResistance ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i hate it when i see people rounding up other followers to back up their opinion about a tweet a tweeter. this to me is also #bullying ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"'Israel is coming back to Africa', just 3 months ago African migrants and asylum seekers in Israel were going to be forcibly 'coming back to Africa' as well! #Israel #comingtoafrica #Ethiopia ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is a blatant threat by #MadMaxineWaters ginning up the ANTIFA base I smell more violence #WakeUpAmerica URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"' The hoes finna be like \" Owieee Trey , August , And Chris Brown can have my baby at the same time 󾌧 \" Lmfaooooooo Hoes ain't loyal .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"one powerful picture. it takes great humanity and kindness to save the life of someone who hates your existence\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Conservatives\"\" try to preserve institutions that young people are constantly trying to destroy because the aging left brainwash them into taking action. Young people have no conception of a sense of maintaining effective systems. Most are connected to destructive impuse.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Idols literally arent gonna trust yall with dating shit anymore like fuck they actually wanted to be honest with yall and they trusted yall enough to talk about it and yall ruined their fucking careers . Im pissed off and knetz can choke gn ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Hollywood elites make fun of Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, Jesus, & Ex-crackheads. That's very funny, considering they consist of Democrats, Liberals, Atheists, Satanists, and CURRENT\"\" Crackheads. And don't forget, the adulterers, pedophiles, and abusers of woman.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"India is just another Israel and Kashmir is just another Palestine.\nIndia puts blame on Pakistan for every evil in their country. Indians need to take responsibility for their actions. Blame game would not do you any favors when you don't allow UN access to Kashmir so that they can determine who is right and who is wrong.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#music is everywhere! ;) good #morning! :) #life #happiness ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"lmfaooo I can't yo . this bitch has officially crossed the line 😭 http:\/\/t.co\/CIXgIlKkSw","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Chicks love these ugly hipster faggots. Prolly cause they look like the dad that was never in their life.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER So after taking with Kavanaugh he is able to diagnose His accuser","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Remember when for decades conservatives yelled at liberals and progressives for being moral relativists (they weren't)? That was fun.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"8\/10 of the girls u went to hs with look horrible now but don't wanna believe it....I'm bout to piss them Facebook hoes off with this","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @1Armaun: Hoes get a boyfriend and swear they not a hoe anymore. Bitch Having a boyfriend doesn't erase what happened before him you ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Next time you leave magic trash in my jacket try not to have your initials written on them. @whatupag http:\/\/t.co\/tFV1cZtr","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Register to vote. Make your voting plan. Follow your plan. #Vote #VoteLikeYourLifeDependsOnItBecauseItDoes Vote #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/3etmKlZijr","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Slickem_hound Yall still getting y'all face beat igggggy + you still taking pics with a face full of pussy nut?Dawg yoi a slut!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"3 millionaires just walked in why you tripping bitch you paid for the fight ? Lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Mom just called me a rude ass hoe #rude","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Thank you for sharing these stories! We have just launched our own podcast, highlighting our beneficiaries. We'd love for you to check it out! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Got it! Thank you!\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"NO, you don?t have ?haters?. People just don?t like you. Get over yourself hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Hysterical. And pathetic. She won. Flat out. Bunch of crybabies won't let a girl beat boys? BS ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Got the Vector Job, bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you can be a good person with a kind heart & still tell people to fuck off when needed","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How many political refugees are showing up at our border from socialist countries? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"priority tou choro koi 2nd option tk ni banata \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a3 - with 49 others ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @alex05241: Hannah is retarded don't listen to her.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ItsGirllCode: reasons to be a mermaid:\n\n- no periods\n- no pants\n- perfect hair\n- u get to lure men into their death\n\nalso, free clam bra","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GiftedHussle94 @DallyJackson @TreFreedawg \"babe it's the thought that counts\"..\"bitch you a thot\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER What happened to your last guess Kevin Hassert? Huntsman has already denied it. So you are calling him a liar.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We needed a counter -balance for the rape apologists now? These hysterical women are\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So is Fox News now campaigning for the fairness doctrine or is this just Republicans using the power of Congress to force private companies to broadcast whatever the gop says as truth? When will NRA TV have pro gun control NRA members on?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you for what you are doing. For my daughters future.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't stand a nigga that curve his boys for some hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"when you are happy the life is pink color!!! .^. via: snapchat #feliz #heureux\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ON. SIGHT!! RT @MichyDoe: Bitch I bet not see you in the streets @CoreyWhiteJr3 trash ass nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Faux Noise pundits don't like duck molester, pro-slavery racist, #homophobic #teabagger darling Phil Robertson either http:\/\/t.co\/5gt6ZVgqXY","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"went to shift for the last time for a long while. #movingon #byedenton","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The Vice President is speaking at faith and family events today. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The Vice Presidential candidate has been speaking at events to raise money for rioters that burn down black businesses, murder cops, and rapists. @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods #whodoyouwant #trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(The lacks of human rights suffered by immigrant domestic workers in some parts of the Mideast) The Perils of Housecleaning Abroad ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"ice cream! #staffie #icecream #flake #99 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch ass hoe you feel me ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Look at you lying ass bitches couldn't finish school stripping on ya mind ass bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheReal_Salmon: Snail hoe: my parents just left, they gonna be gone for 15 mins..\n\nSnail: ok ?\n\nSnail hoe: Im horny af\n\nSnail:... http:…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Don't know no ugly bitches, don't know no broke niggas. Don't know no snitch niggas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@hazelebaby: Karma is a bitch #Damn #GodProtectsHisAngels 🙌\"\n\n*sips tea*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"choose to be happy. #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Uh there are just so many sides to this.... I hate certain cops like this but this isn't nearly every cop. Plus I find this is mainly an American problem, due to the extremely laid back gun laws.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"you're destiny! #smile #lifeisgood #live #life #lol #orlandoinmiami #original\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thanks for the following and together we can help MAGA and KAG but most of all thank you for your service and your sacrifices for our country ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"getting every dolla out this bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TORYRVGXR: I be in yo bitch pussy like http:\/\/t.co\/GJXThTpjpU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I dont say fuck bitches get money because i love em both","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"silveragatka: had to screenshot & share these snaps from michaelacoel it's an impoant message. #colou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"this is where you could belong\" \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097 #broadwaydreams #irecordedthetonys #motivated #goaldigger #chasingdreams #openedeyes #nyc","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_Perarl bitch all these thick bitches with they ass out on TV , do what you want","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Holy shit thank you so much. Up until the Mine craft I that that because it wasn't on TV anymore that it had ended. I was very very wrong. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a big blot on the dharmic Kashmiri Pandits community. In the name of modernity you have lost all sanity which reflects in the way you have supported this loony womans hinduphobia.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"happy at work conference: right -mindset leads to culture-of-development organizations #work #mindset","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#WednesdayWisdom Antifa calls the right fascist when, in all reality, they and the left are following the same scenario as the Third Reich: indoctrination of our youth, trying to control minorities and a total lack of understanding or knowledge of history. #WalkAway","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FreeMolly_: @VoiceOfDStreetz why I was bouta grab dem hoes yeterday outta hook ups 😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You are weak and wrong. White, Black, yellow or any other color of supremacy is evil. You aren\u2019t fooling the patriots.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't want to deal with yesterday's trash! There's a reason it got thrown out in the first place","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @kizzmybutt: You had me at, \"I hate that bitch too\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Contribute to their Maximum Capacity\" - Translation: \"Vote for guys with a criminal record like me who occasionally wear dresses and support those who disrespect the sacrifices represented by the flag\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s ok love one day it will all be over \ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are absolutely right i am a Fool","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The fact that you equate smoking reefer with sexual assault tells me everything I need to know about you. You MAGA-bot-types are completely at sea when it comes to basic human decency. Like your president. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"no i mean before lrt i accidentally retweeted the mentioned one","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ive never seen this part of pussy town before... lolololol the end of this song thoo....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kade_melton he triesto cause drama between people, he said that you called me a bitch, and i know you didnt hahahaaha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"how far is #europe swinging to the right? - #nyt #libcrib #uniteblue #fascism #trump #fear #ignorance #hate","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How did you get to where you are while still being so profoundly ignorant? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"the only way for you to stay relevant is to open your mouth, and tell other peoples buisness . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Blood this nigga Dion retarded","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user He should have started since game 1. But don't worry once he gets the start it will change the faith for the Browns. He is a winner!!! Nothing against current starter. But he is just a back up in the NFL. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A Long Ass Blog That Might Not Make\u00a0Sense URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall\/EndDACA\/End Sanctuary Cities\/End Chain Migration\/Pass Raise Act\/Enact E-Verify\/Enforce Travel Ban\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/Stop Diversity Lottery Immigration\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/End Diversity Lottery ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Lmao fuck you bitch don't get mad at me cuz u don't know the game of basketball hoe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Celebrations are off in #Germany for the #Germans .. Yeah kind of expected this to happen across the western world over #SecurityFears #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sow seeds of life and blessing #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen #share #passion #church\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \u201cCRINGE WORTHY\u201d Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has criminal history, yet avoided deportation! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @lnsaneTweets: I'm such a sarcastic bitch its beautiful","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Benkasso: I'll beat the pussy up, that's a hook right thur” 👀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' Ima kill that pussy straight murder that shit , and Ima eat it , eat it , eat it 󾭛󾆔 And lick it till it slaps . Aye 󾍕󾌧 .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"when people speak of you, it should bring a smile to their face. #smiles #friends ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MillerThaGod: When Kendrick Lamar said \"I call a bitch a bitch, a hoe a hoe, a woman a woman.\" I knew he was onto something. He was pre…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Make the lot of th refugees - especially Muslims as hard as possible so they get the message they and Islam are NOT welcome. To hell With That Muslim filth, scum, vermin!!!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"17 million dollars is not enough, that's nothing for such a huge company. Btw this is one of the reasons I don't like humans, most of them just don't care, especially lately, when it's needed so much to work together to make our planet suffer less. This makes me sad. Please don't be just a viewer of this video, share it, try to care more, think more about the things you do and what consequences it might have. Thank you","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"gluten free beers, snacks and footie all the way tonight #hungry","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ThatGuyBryant28: Still the greatest tweet ever. RT @DJZeeti bitches run on emotion not logic .. a bitch will say 1+1=3 if the number ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Twitter game is on point tonight btw guys, if you haven't caught on you're full retard.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @LizzardJurado: @b10oreo YESSS it's that one! Ooze! This nigguh! 😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/7DBMDas6Om","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KingsleeyNYC yep lmao. Its been a hectic few weeks. Waddup ho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"For every hoe out there there's some nigga out there tryna save her and make turn her into a good woman...she jus keep ignoring his texts","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@_tiffnasty bitches will great valuable pussy always make you use protection. Too many nasty dick niggas out here","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@CayMarieee bitch you still subtweets but not replying though 😂😭😌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Has ISIS endorsed Trump yet?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Obama can't get off the couch without Valerie Jarrett giving him a shot of estrogen in his ass and then scripting his day. @user #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Goodnight bitches (with a lisp)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user I'm sure Ben Sasse thinks you are sounding just like a hysterical woman now, Elliott. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":">500 comments, and all negative, slamming Chris Hayes for promoting vote suppression via Michael I love rapist & Putin-puppet Assange\"\" Moore & his latest \"\"kill the Dems\"\" movie. How about a town hall on women's repro rights & gun control on eve of Kavanaugh vote instead? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Myalynn__x3 mhm bitch don't play with your life 🔫","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@FrankieJGrande ugly white bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"4 weeks till i perform in a showcase at @user :) #actors #performing #idsa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Did he miss his head? This is a total lack of gun control ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"getting ready for the game @user #dubnationbelieves #dubnation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"who u epp lyrics on go...... moment diz morning ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bad bitches be all ova me .. Besides pussy what could you offer me?! 💯✖️💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Of course, only AJ is stupid enough see this (it must be that phony college education in the Middle East), but Russia doesn't have the power to attack us. They are no longer a superpower. China wants to have no fight with us. Their economy depends on the United States.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#hungry buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone calls u btch, and u don't like it? Bitch like whaaat?! Who wouldnt be called bitch u wore like a whore waiting for someone to dig their dick so stfu barbie yo' nigga disagree! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"im strolling down my #timeline all i see is people mad at the world for shit they did to them self today... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@MrAndyNgo Your mayor and governor are cancer [NEWLINE]That to be cut out of [NEWLINE]The body of your state[NEWLINE]In order for your state to survive,so next election vote their asses out[NEWLINE]#FILLGITMOAGAIN [NEWLINE]#SCAMDEMIC #TRUMP2020 [NEWLINE]#FREEKYLE [NEWLINE]#DRAINTHESWAMP [NEWLINE]\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"EU Court wants to punish Chech, Poland and Hungary, because they dont take refugees. Hungary reports that Soros has made in the EU this political pressure. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Woodword's book is slander. He is nothing but a Clown Tool!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If we are not in control\"\" then how come you are allowed to tweet that idea in the first place?\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 2 battering rams used by liberals; sex & racism. It is sinister & desperate #BeneathHumanity","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Thirsty ass bitch don't sweat me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' All jokes aside , I'm goin thru it a niggah heart hurt smh . 󾬎 .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Kangaroo jac ! “@WayneL_Jr: A Bitch wit dry weave RT @taelar_bby: Fuck I look like hoe http:\/\/t.co\/HKmTwgp9ah”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"A bitch will be quick to get mad if they have to write and essay, but go post 1,000 tweets with ease.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"so terrible.this reminds me so much of selena.a beautiful talented rising star like christina murdered by scum. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @thewayoftheid: Viola Davis sans wig is still stuntin on you hoes in the most classically beautiful way. #HTGAWM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"monday mornings working by the lake #scottieandrussell #work #love #picoftheday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_PrettyJade: I don't care about none of these bitches 😌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if you have to call it pie its not really pizza","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The most broke people have the most to say bitch nigga how can you afford to speak","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@tyler_wilde I'm just saying, it's not like you were up against a bird-eating spider or something. Bet @Pseudobread coulda done it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He is still eating and talking about p**sy on carter V. Trust me","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BigJonBul: The stars wink knowingly and smile at each other when they see two lovers kissing on a secluded bridge on a balmy autumn nig…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Everytime I clean the room my mom tells me \"what bitch is coming over this time\" lmao what a dick !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MoDroJoJo: \"@basedamERICan: \"Ayo take this pic for me fam\"\n\n\"You think the bitches gon fuck with this pic?\" http:\/\/t.co\/dTtZPLIpkm\" LMA…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Why does everyone else get attacked by Antifa type groups who never go to jail and also gets extreme negative media coverage that insights the violence. Except LibLabCon? Why? #stitchup ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow. Rest In Peace Toni Morrison","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@freeyungnwild \"bitches talk shit, you got the right to swerve\" god damnit you are da shittt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER But as a sidenote I don't categorize all ppl on the left as *far left* - *Antifa thugs* etc. Far from. And I don't condone any effort to perpetuate such behavior.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@LayaFace: We out! Brooklyn bound wit this money. Feelin like Yung Jeezy in this bitch! 🔫🔫 http:\/\/t.co\/TOq4bFWnzG” LMAOOOO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user And is completely unconstitutional. If the state deems you are not a criminal and therefor have not relinquished your right to bear arms, they have no right to regulate who is competent\"\" or \"\"skilled\"\" enough to own one. Once again, it is NOT the same as driving a car.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Or perhaps it\u2019s because he is gone \ud83d\udc40","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user me after a shower & coconut oil rub down. > ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user heading out to cheer on @user tonight, up for best deputy at the #bsmerisingstars @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Roses are red, my balls are blue, here's my cock, you know what to do ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user there are three or four r's who could have won, including kasich, w\/out dragging down lower ticket. all 3 branches. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @beethetranny: can we please stop talking about how some scumbag faggots mugshot is sexy? you dumb whores.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user dear #democrats , djt not allowing #islamicradicals 2 use america's freedoms 2 destroy r freedoms is not or #islamopho\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user you are a KUNT ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @LakeShOwQueen: Kevin Love out here bein a hoe... Just let the world know u gonna be a Laker 2015 season dawg","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KamalaHarris Kamala, my friend, I would love to meet up with you, take you for coffee, let\u2019s hang! I\u2019ll be your debate prep partner, whatever you need!!! I felt like Utah felt a little better when I woke up this morning. #BidenHarris2020 #vote","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i have come to the end of my rope and found it frayed #emo #joke #humor #jokes #jokeoftheday #goth #pain","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"She degraded dark skin women and the LGBTQ community, that hoe is cancelled for life ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Women want everything to be 50\/50 but then they make 100% of the Ghostbusters FEMALE. wtf!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"+ 1 RT @RayThaGawd: “@_AListRaivyn: Joe Budden makes people delete their twitter accounts lmfao.” He's pussy tho he blocked me\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" details of how to win the blue snowball or headset. #youtube #cod #bo3 #winner #ps4 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"can't wait to go to macedonia next year ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Like Nike bitch just do it!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It were the least in yes, you had a best in nightcaps, He got a question as chimney, myself had the torture of cottage.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i got married celebrated two bihdays...busy weekend ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so true!! pll b angry & hatful just becuz they want 2 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And yes. Having less access to guns drops suicide rates and accidental injuried snd desths. This can be proven by looking at every single country that has strict or better gun control. Unkess you want to prove otherwise that these countries are just as bad.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@ucsdlibrary .[NEWLINE]Everyone Must \ud83d\udccc Register. @RockTheVote \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE]\ud83d\udccc Confirm the accuracy of your voter information.[NEWLINE]Encourage friends & family to do the same. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE]\ud83d\udcccVote #Vote Early! #USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 @WhenWeAllVote [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 \ud83d\udccd #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/BPoC1f5Xf9","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Watching @user think how immigrant players contribute 10% players born outside the country they play for. 61% of Moroccan team France is average with 10%, and 15% of Croatia players #worldcup #immigration #fastfacts #BELENG @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Peace my friend..Only Peace..I am not your enemy..Dont say that word again..Look at my Facebook wall..One of my best friends ever was a Moor","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#VinitaHegwood can get a job at the naacp. Or as The AG. I hear they like \"diversity and tolerance\". As long as you ain't a cracker #tcot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@realFORTES: Grudges are for weirdos\"and bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Like unemployed LibLeft Antifa SJW parent basement dwellers... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"scream 2\u00c3\u009704 promo \u00e2\u0080\u009chappy b\u00c3\u00adhday to me\u00e2\u0080\u009d (hd) adveise - promo #2x04 #bihday free classifieds ads","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I mean... You got one from me and I don't ever do that so.... \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Tyler's my bitch. Sorry but I own you.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #new zealand electronic card retail sales (yoy) dipped from previous 7.8%\u00c2\u00a0to 3.3% in may #blog #silver #g\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Or a connection or motive between the two because it wasn\u2019t a random shooting. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is dickmatized ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln The ruse is up! Back to politics. This dude is a liar and he faked Coronavirus. He is an embarrassment and disrespectful to the 4 million people who had the virus and 200,000+ who died. F*ck This Guy! #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I watch Obama for as long as I can stomach him just for the laughs LOL he approves himself to be Even more of a narcissist every day! He is so full of himself a.k.a. full of shit! #HangHim","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm about to start calling out people and why they do retarded things","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Understand the meaning of America by reading Creating the Declaration of Independence by @user and share your knowledge of the American Creed with your fellow citizens. #MAGA #KAG @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@MajorSlander One last shot at this love shit then I'm dogging you hoes” #Drakelistener","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Gold diggin ass bitch lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"dope in the bag, pretty bitch on the side\nI sell dope in the back,if you tryna get high #ty","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user I am sure she is his \u201cgood friend\u201dIf He talks like an AntiSemite Walks like an AntiSemite and Acts like an AntiSemite then He is.... surprise! @user not really surprised ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"no @user #bfv fans won't like this dating show. #superficial #adultcampingtrip","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i love how when it was airing everyone loved kill la kill but i was like \"no its fucking trash\" and now everyone who loved it hates it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" childrens day kids of all ages #touchthesky \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I am so sick of the Israel governments 'holier than thou' attitude! Fucking Hippocrates! You are slowly murdering these people.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user back to @user after a v traumatic few months. damage not as bad as thought, proof the plan works! onwards & upwards \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #excit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER throwback to when he wasn't problematic :(","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bs. He is looking for retirement money and a new job.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yet another #lonely #depressed #sleepless night #\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 #\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Not anymore Sweden are full and have border control now you ungrateful scum","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user I will never forget what levels you racist liberals went to and what you did to Clarence Thomas. Liberals are the worst people ever. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"More Migrants from Terrorist Nation Enter Texas Via Mexico This Week How many terrorists have already successfully crossed n2 the USA from Mexico? We will never know. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ##WalkAwayMovement #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ohmygod please don't be a bitch to me today.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hopefully, the CA Conservatives will vote every liberal out of office! They've tarnished and destroyed the state! Stop letting the 'Bay Area' control the entire state! Wouldn't that be 'GOLDEN!' Ask people if they need a ride to the polls! #VoteRed#BuildTheWall #EndDACA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is what happens when you allow employees to destroy your brand. Americans will never choose Football over our Flag. ALWAYS STAND ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Much of the data\"\" being put out by gun control groups is false and misleading. Needlessly scaring parents is not helpful at a personal or policy level, as this SUNY report illusterates. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"She likes big houses now she can accommodate lots of illegal immigrants ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Oh. Wow. Avoiding that bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I'd believe anything underhanded from the NYT.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jihadi pop music debates: “yo, bro, did you hear the latest Abu Yasser hit?”, “No bro, I’m totally an Abu Hajar fan” #UnderGroundCulture","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user jake is right, 2 many ppl lack the will power to take a stand & drown the small minded & oft evil tendencies of past ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #allahsoil most deaths caused by islamic extremism occur in civil wars, not terror attacks. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udde6 Ukraine's President Zelenskyy congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Twitter https:\/\/t.co\/oIpQoQ9dw0","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck her pussy fuck her mouth fuck her ass cause she nasty","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @POTUS Praise be to God! We love you and will co@ti he to pray and support you and our @FLOTUS #Trump2020 #CubanosconTrump #MiamiconTrump #LatinosForTrump #MAGA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What's my #MondayMotivation? I'm inspired every day by my hardworking team @user who support #refugees around the world with emergency food assistance! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Quit talking shit you fucking faggot. You're seriously just mad bc no one wants you. Who the fuck do you even think you are?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Study Conflants Illegal Immigrants with Legal Immigrants to get a low Crime Numberr #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Red Hen ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Cuauhtli02 @elchavaloko @cafebabybull he's a cheating wetback","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These documents reveal that President Trump was an abject failure in business and a serial tax cheat.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]And who does President Trump owe hundreds of millions of dollars to?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The American people have to know who President Trump is so deeply indebted to.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/jPaTis7Ryd","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"flashback to freshman year \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 & to whoever still has this video, youza creep ass bitch\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you know Dan I used to think you were a pretty competent newsman now I can clearly see you are nothing more then a paid whore who sells himself and his once stellar reputation. Trying to be relevant again ? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@awfulbot are you a pig or are you a bird","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"choke that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Mattyfatass pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"At 6'0? Good luck Nh nh RT @UnnagroundKing: I'm 6'0, 150. One of you bitches better reproduce with me. I can give you an athlete.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I love playing with your ass will you rid my cock and I eat you out ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @aivayePVUcheer: I can't stand a \"fuck these niggas\" ass bitch..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER of coarse he is alex and many other nation leaders are as we;ll lapdpgs URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#goodonedean!!! #metoo!!! #lol. #trumpism is #putinism. #donaldtrump is a #traitor, #committed #treason.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#xfactorau sick of guys who sing like pussies. Where are the rock type men?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user This is just more proof @user are beyond unhinged and should never ever have power in this country again. #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #WalkAway @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It ain't nothin to cut that bitch off","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Women are sacred as mothers and wives. Everyone else is a degenerate whore who gets what\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Democrats are sick! Back off & let our president Trump continue to help all Americans!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Paid by democrats just like antifa is paid by Clinton and Soros","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@CHlLDHOODRUINER: when ur teacher tells u that u have homework https:\/\/t.co\/RKk5vawIj1\" this bitch need to go!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RayRayOspeciial: Hate a broke bitch and nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#seattle buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, yo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Makem eat my ass since eating pussy ain't major nomore 💯😩😂✌️🙈💁👏😊","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"About to go watch dis bitch birth the devil #kinky @APTheCreated","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user & follow for a chance to win a @user watch & tickets to #royalascot: wow","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the gop electorate had many oppounities to declare @user unfit before judge comments #biher #muslim #immigrants ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"waited for @user for an hour to come out just for an autograph, finally walk away...he comes out. of course! disappointing! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bad girls get spankings ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t get upset when there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a detour on the way to your destiny. keep a good attitude and it will all work out. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Your reply makes no sense","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@sramirez07943 \nI miss you too faggot 😭😊 http:\/\/t.co\/vKYJGRIIFf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @LupeMeCoje: What's going down pussies?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"4 weeks until we go back to this awesome place. Some awful behaviour from adults staring at her skin but she is a wee fighter. 11 months clear now and her confidence back. \ud83d\udc99 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is true. But man there are many in the comments thinking he is done still even under the video.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Bigboybeezy: If you a hoe on the internet you a hoe irl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KatiePavlich @chadfelixg Don\u2019t be silly... the rules don\u2019t apply to Harris. Obvi","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@phishlicia I got weed. Come over faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm no pussy, but ur still a dick.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I know yall bitches tell yall selfs #WWHD what would hustlelinaa do 😂 cuz yall asses stay following me 😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user still lies just like Obama.He talks right & then votes Left. He did NOT vote for the @user TaxReform bill! Data shows 80%+ WV taxpayers use the Std Deduct & child tax credits- this bill doubled their deductions WITHOUT Joe's help! Vote him OUT on Nov 6th ! #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you still doing music?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"agreed - fantastic performance and great night. #goglam @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're dropping subtle hints that you need to be eaten out ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Too bad Antifa crashes GOP townhalls. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah I bought sumn from them. Tired of morphe \ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Same. We really are soulmates... Dumb AF but soulmates nonetheless \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user bitch \ud83d\ude02 mm fuck it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Latrobemark niggahs be like im draggn my nutts in 2 degree weather , out tgere Frozed like a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"...I'm smarter than he is, I would be fine, he can punch me all he wants and it wouldn't work... And by the way this wealthy New Yorker actually earned his money it wasn't a gift from Daddy\"\" -Jamie Dimon \ud83d\ude0e $JPM\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bumoose ducking those insults like a scared white pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Brigitte Gabriel has experienced a life that most would have nightmares from. She is sounding the alarm for Americans. Buy her book pay attention to what she is warning America about ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When someone brings a screaming kid into a restaurant and acts like nothing is happening ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RIGHT \"@Sotyannaxo: The same bitches saying \"positive vibes\" are the same bitches making fun of someone's weight.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER The tweets show how demented liberals have become. They have zero credibility","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is a domestic terrorist group URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"FUC Coachella ! I went once before it got really lame and before it became several Hundreds $500+ for the tickets ! Nah keep your lame fest for the mainstream dum dums that will pay any cost he wants to charge to a Billionaire greedy closed minded man. There are smaller better fest now days . Coachella is old news kids","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Dam white slave owners ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @AaronTheGoat: This bitch can't be serious... http:\/\/t.co\/dVZegKeBGv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Stop this madness. Send them all back!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#selfporait attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hey, if you're happy paying money for a service you don't then get, that's up to you.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #clickbait #much? that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a really shitty headline @user you should change it. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if someone could please send me the link to the el paso manifesto it would be greatly appreciated","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ACTforAmerica @realDonaldTrump We love him too!! The best President, President Trump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f#Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a women without a man is like a car without an engine; it doesnt work. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@John_Mayer_69 @Biggg_Mackkk dont talk to your hoe that way","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER That's just what Satan would say if he were threatened.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"how simple it is to see that we can only be now, and there will never be a time when it is not now. #goodmorning","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@swag_arella and getting pedicures bitching bout their ex and going tanning is something a bitch does","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user American icon, reminds us what it means to be Human. If you go to church today & come home & support politicians who deny refugees sanctuary, seperate families & lock children in cages, then you missed the message @ church. \u201cDo u ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Kevin_McAdams Because Ian's retarded","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Google is welcome in China if it censors the internethttps:\/\/t.co\/iYW34sCN1X ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Not allowed to play flappy bird around grandma because she swears at me to stop swearing lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Jaydillz: My babies pussy is too tight today. http:\/\/t.co\/if4K4v74RO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If our votes do matter then why did polls show Bernie sanders leading and winning and yet Hillary won? Our votes only matter for statistics because it's not represented by the delegates. And by the way, if justice was on the ballot then Hillary would be in jail right now, not pardoned for who she is. I have lost respect for this guy. This country's priorities are out of order, we build highways and infrastructure in Iraq and Afghanistan the so called terrorist countries while we don't have clean drinking water here. We provide 38 billion in aide to Israel including universal healthcare and etc while veterans here in the states don't have the support they need and commit suicide. We allow corporations to raise prices of much needed medicine to unaffordable prices. Nothing is wrong with making money but 1000 percent more then any other country just seems wrong. And schools are definitely not on the ballot because our children are not advancing like much of the world. President Obama may go out as one of the best president of all time(I voted for him twice) but when you dig deeper we really haven't made much progress. Neither of these candidates have the average person's best interest, maybe I don't see it but it shouldn't be this hard to see.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Our debt is not unsubstantiated. It is backed by the full faith and credit\" of the United States, except when conservatives decide they don't believe in that.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Says the fat Antifa member ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Alt Right & Antifa are for cowards. #Fact #TuesdayThoughts ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These infected ass hoes think its okay to talk to other ppl boyfriend. Like that's not funny nor cute to pussy hop all over the place","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER No his stream chat lmao I raided him and he wasn\u2019t reading chat like the cutie he is","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Lefty Pope should also! He is Not worthy rep for true christian roman catholics!! He failed his flock!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" friday everyone \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #morning #fridayfeeling #love #kind #behappy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My mom FaceTimed me to show off new shoes she got and was like \"no cabe duda que soy una Bitch\" i love her \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Every good story starts off with \"So this bitch...\" lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Antifa and UC Berkeley like this \ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope that piece of shit gets at east 3 years or fired, not only does he not belong in a school, he doesn't belong on the force.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I THINK ILL HAVE A RAP BITCH FOR MY ENTREE CAUSE THEY BE THINKING NIGGAS SPIT SPIT SHINE MY SHOES YOU KNOW I KEEPS\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"bitches don't knw what to let ride certain shit ain't work mentioning","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bout to get some twitter bitches, my twitter fame raising dawg #GETWITME","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"playing games kind of leaves you feeling both.... and #depressed at the same time. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Boy Hollywood sure does like to look like fools all the time. Wait until they find out it's a big hoax manufactured by liberals. Think they will apologize to Kavanaugh? No way.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Having a bitch come in handy during times like this 😕","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I tell a bitch I don't love shit fuck somethin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user That is the same old crap spewed by the liberals (MSM). They are disgusting! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Please call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch don't run to the neighbor he's dead too","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER We can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" factsguide: society now #motivation","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"LMAO RT @IGGYAZALEA post away about this \"bitch\" I've seen all the memes the word has to offer in regards to me i honestly don't care.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user but seriously, the silver looks sexy AF and like very easy access to give you your birthday spankings \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You know how hard it is to find a good woman? But yo hoe ass being ungrateful and cheating on your good woman cuz what? Faggot shit.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fucc India !!! I'm more concerned about my black girls right here !!!! Mfers staging hangings ! And shooting our women ! So I dfaf about India ! India don't care about black Americans in fact they are more racist that any race !!! Including, Italians and the Irish who both typically hate blacks !!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"That dumb black bitch that was getting the cards for the picture made me so fucking mad she ruined my day 😡😡👊🔪💣","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user dress that i wore last year on my graduation day fits tight now #phat ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when people line their shoes up around the room. Bitch you not USED to shit. Your ass need a closet ! \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#LisaxMichaelKors she is soo beautifull","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Man why do these hoes even bother wearing clothes when they're going out like that.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Thats my bitch when i feel like it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BasedLordJesus: Try to crucify me and we tweakin hoe http:\/\/t.co\/zoYZ9pc1EH","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@AllieBruner Stop being mean, bitch! ))))))):","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"And dis shit is for the birds 2 http:\/\/t.co\/o1pKDhYAX9","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user they're not daily tho #imveryinactive","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"'Forget to salute,' trash the other guy for the 'bad war' (during Cairo II), sympathize w\/ 'Pockistan,' gays hurting morale. Thanks King!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user mainstream american news at its finest... they only tell u what they want u to know, they only show u what they want u to see. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"some kid in an angry birds costume bumped into me and I fell over making something else fall over into something else which wobbled and..","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good one! \u201cThe government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth.\u201d PREDICTS = causes by failure to stop. #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user USA Antifa are connecting with the Philippine's CPP-NPA and vice versa. President Duterte should be informed about this! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Nick_504_ bitch who scarry am not backing down from no fuck nigga the fuck you talking bout hoe ass nigga stop dat talking and pull up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Ouch.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate bitches that wear those fake ass ray bans, they're only $100 stop being cheap.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dis hoe wasnt dis violent on Lottery Ticket 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Replace Chris Collins with anyone but Carl Paladino\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @hodgeasia: All the bitches who called me a hoe in high school got like 2-3 kids now..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"so proud of this young man! can't believe i have three adult children. #proudmom #amazed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"all the best ummii...do your best\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Paul Ryan and \u201cBig Club\u201d Begin Positioning Comprehensive Immigration Platform\u00c2\u00a0Narrative\u2018\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lying to the FBI is a crime @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #MAGA #MAGAts URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" people spit on the face of #god | meditations for the \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #cnn #foxnews #christians #conservative #christ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fool me once shame on you. Pussy ho you wont fool me again. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"blossom #love #adopt #baby #blessings #cute #canine #dog #fun #gift #good #grooming #hope \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Calling guys immature doesn't make you any more mature. Ladies you need to find some other BS excuse for ditching us! #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Yes, you are right: not only lefties but (neo) liberals having any trouble. This papers have proper journalistic ethics\" - it's funny \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06; and Magyar Nemzet or N\u00e9pszabads\u00e1g had \"highest circulation\" - it's also funny \/only in the communistic past (before 1989)\/ \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06! URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"So called \"refugees\" in Europe. via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Simple minded hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Which some fantasy gun ban you\u2019re rolling over in your mind would prevent? Gun Control Is Evil Misspelled URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you brotha!!! It means a lot. You\u2019re the greatest friend there ever was. I love ya too sweetie pie!!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Canada doesn\u2019t need another CUCK! We already have enough #LooneyLeft #Liberals f**king up our great country! #Qproofs #TrudeauMustGo","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn @user back at it again with some more drunken tweets \ud83c\udf1a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@LaIndieKid @tneut10 @riwhey_000 what you say bitch? #selfiesONselfies http:\/\/t.co\/FcMlVtIGbL","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Do as I say soo 😡👊 R muthaafuckin J hoe 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @user When a fart slips out in front of your fella for the first time ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"new to tweet quite fr the app :-)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Keep safe. Glad he is going. Our daughter is at school in High Point NC. School is closed Thursday and Friday.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ImToBlame: RT @latry: Hispanic women just have the great pussy and wife skills, white girls own the dick sucking and black chicks....ca…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@comedianjayski: My favorite time of da day HAPPY HOUR!!! #Drinkbreak”when the bad bitches come out and the ok hoes at home doing make-up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@AOC #Trump2020 in person and what about you... you still towing the line for Sleepy Joe OBiden and CumALegsUp Harris???[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 \ud83e\udd23\ud83c\udf46\ud83e\udd2b","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"happy birthday to my main bitch, my ride or die, my girlfriend💕 love you so much @rosestokoe http:\/\/t.co\/wuWByu2oYJ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yo bitch choosin' just let her","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Solitude isn\u2019t loneliness, solitude is when the entire serene universe seems to surround and hold you quietly.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Chileeee the ghetto \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2dAmerican politics is wayyyyy more interesting than Canadian politics![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#PoliticsLive #Canada #politics #america #Democratic #biden #BidenHarris2020 #VoteBiden #vote #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GrizzboAdams @wyattnuckels ight this Friday nig","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @amnesty2016: Stfu stupid bitch. God damn. Unfuckingfollow me then!!! Shit.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"but i do know one thing though, bitches they come they go, Saturday through Sunday monday, monday through sunday yooooo #superman","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" electronic music from #bogota #colombia #puntohost #cedm #edm #fashion ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #sunday #bird #scout #time #instagood #instacool #instabird #\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e @ @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"long holidays have just begun wiz rainy day. dragon boat festival. #\u00e7\u00ab\u00af\u00e5\u008d\u0088\u00e7\u00af\u0080\u00e5\u00bf\u00ab\u00e6\u00a8\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b2 #niftycap #simplysmile#stayawesome ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey, villaespana55 The United States is known as America. dummy . And residents of the other countries on the North American continent are not known as Americans. People from Canada are known as Canadians, people from Mexico are known as Mexicans, people from South America can be referred to as South Americans or as residents of the specific country they live in, such as people from Brazil are known as Brazilians. Only people that live in the United States are known as Americans. \u00a0 So next time do some research before you make your incorrect comments, that way you don't make such a fool of yourself.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Republicans rock. @TheDemocrats can't touch this. #WalkAway[NEWLINE]#LeadRight #VoteRed #TurnCongressRed #4MoreYears #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/5gtBkQ4taD","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yea I see ya hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @user NOOOOOOO FUCCCKING WAY, WHAT A BITCH!!!!! YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HOOKIN UP WITH ANOTHER GUY WHILE YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND. YOU CUNT!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DearAuntCrabby Would not put it past him, especially to deflect from #FLOTUS bullshit, too.[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 #TrumpVirus #TrumpKnew #VoteBlue","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"UNHCR Assistant Representative, Bamba Boubacar presents trophy to #UNHCRTeamrefugees that won match by 2 -1 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@bocgeogaddi @anepicname lmaooooo epic bird wins.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't forget this is Trumps fault. Just like how he is colluding to make the hurricanes worst. They forgot to tell us how this hurricane was also Trumps fault.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"so tonight, spagetti bolognaise and scrabble. dd2 & dd3 came home from work with new books, one for me too. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I roll a blunt better than the bitches in Havana ! Cause I'm the king round here !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@yooocaly lets hang fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @OleNoHoes: Got a bad ass bitch just bouncing on my dick!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"U.N. pact offers hope to world's climate migrants #WithRefugees #climatechange @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The first immigrant to what would become New York City was Dominican. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user He lost his virginity This process has been turned into a clown show Protestors democrats paid for was unethical There hate shows in everyway TRUMP denounced Natzi group and bad on both sides which is true But democrats refuse to denounce Antifa a democratic domestic terror- ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i think i can express my feelings now in this site\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a... #beybii","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"want a summer body so bad but food is literally always on my mind. even in health class when talking about diabetes and obesity. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Her friends. Probably liberals also, so I would imagine they are willing to lie to undermine the nomination. Sure, she told us months ago\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"uk now has the highest average level of student fees in oecd countries.\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Even if suspended ...he is an absolute game changer. #makeithappen ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user i don't think it's that. sma progressives are revolted by her. but some ju\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is Epitome of how low the left goes! Sewers dont go that low!! People #WalkAway!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"are you a @user fan? this should make you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"$24.99-mkf collection jasmine and moira crossbody bags wednesday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":":( She is very evil. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The World Wide Phenomenon of Podcasting and MVP of ShitTalking!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I love your header bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"stuck for gifts this #fathersday? this @user gift set could be a perfect gift for your dad #shoes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a piece of work!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch--Trump: 'Not One' Country Has Been Improved by Mass Immigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"1st cheeto dust cheats to get his position Then he throws paper towels to American citizens who have just been devestated by a hurrican. Next he sends no help to the victims of this latest hurricane. Claims #StopKavanaugh is a great guy Now he is unclassifying docs he shouldn ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" hardcore compilation uk hot teen ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, sink the boats.\u00a0 They are all devil terrorists.\u00a0 And as to what I would do if one of them came to my doorstep.... I'm afraid I am not legally allowed to do what I would wish to do.\u00a0 They are the enemy.\u00a0 Remember Paris.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user not just men. there are plenty of female predators fact","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When your best friend gets out of that relationship and you finally have your hoe'ing partner back ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Mannnn tonight feels like trash.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user At that time (80 years ago) the USA were consequent and have a line. Today the USA are a soft nation without any sucess for the future. The invasion of illigal refugees must stopped in all ways. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives are opposing liberals and Canada","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it will! especially once it stas rocking the chas! #cantwaittoread","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Big night tonight! Battle Royale between @realDonaldTrump and a vegetable, @JoeBiden. Let's see if #ChinaJoe blows a gasket, falls asleep, or wanders off aimlessly like his policies. The Trump kids will be there so interesting to see if Hunter shows up. #Debates2020 #Trump2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@rocafella123 \"@waymoflydenu: If fleek in yo vocabulary you a faggot\"”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I wonder where all these bitches I got at ?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Liberals are full of s#$t when they say they have alot of love to give! They have become the devils minions. No one will prayerfully vote for their socialist agenda!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Nino Brown? Oh das me RT @erikacarissa Nino Brown on yall hoes.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER How dare you tell me what Antifa is doing is right. They are not fighting facism they are fighting for their own stupid cause. They are further from fixing facism than the republicans themselves","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"A Yankee win makes any day better.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #Stauber just might have my Vote #MN08 but I Wish he would favor a Reduction in Legal Immigration and #EndChainMigration Like Pres #Trump wants #mngop #gop #usatoday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"beautiful couple #realwedding #weddingday #photographer #lillimarcsbride #silkgown\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The fantastical tale Kamala Harris told of Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court sounded fake.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]He was a shrewd politician, not a left-wing pansy. https:\/\/t.co\/Lf024MfTjh https:\/\/t.co\/nmLNGbmqUP","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The Liberals same old playbook. It is so old... yawn","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Tim Kaine Completely SILENT. #HimToo #vasen #ViolentLeft #antifa #muslim #virginia ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Niggas bitch about women because they not used to getting women. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Da best piece of pussy I got was from a bitch at waffle house that hoe was from Mississippi.. Pussy was tight and slippery ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ past me bitch you ok???? you fake ass slut ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"shoe shine booths are in trend for retail events but they're not being used effectively, this one was quiet. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#missing #badly #quotestags #quote #nofilter quotestags_app ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All the time lol RT @KoolAssK: Lol ima hoe sometimes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You actin like yo bum ass daddy scaring us BITCH I'll slap that nigga with my dick don't play hoe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Y\u2019all literally go to TSR to read comments that will make you mad. That\u2019s toxic behavior.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"a #bikini kind of life \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4 summer #palmtrees #breeze #place #cali #california #swimwear\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I just gave another $20 to BIDEN\/HARRIS. Yeah, not much but I'm on a very limited income however I have never been so scared that if they are not elected, AMERICA WILL DIE!! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #SendThemHome we do not need those #Students here in #Canada ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"1. mass shooting 2. discuss 1-5 weeks 3. do nothing 4. unto newer topics.. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes I love sex I told yo bitch being the rubbers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user is @user gone?! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hoe w the chanel backpack...... please.....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Yep! She texted me to call her and when i did she told me i was fired like wtf","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck you fuck you you stupid cheating bitch go lick a dick and die ur a stupid nigger bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Let them hoes be greatRT @keyawnagallatin: Y'all bitches be really reaching for the side-titty look","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BestVineFights: \"When you finally see the white kid that called you nigger on Call Of Duty\" 😂😭😂\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/X59D4kMY7P","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@_BeeDontCare My pussy still fresh\" <----- something stank girls say.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This bitch is stupid af. Forcing me to wake up my residents. Like wtf not like I was sitting not doing shit I was doing shit. Stupid ass. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This hangover a bitch. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER we are done. you have no knowledge base for any of this and you are drunk on lies.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"kicking off about #robbiewilliams acting slutty on #bbc. #littlemix do it every time and no one bats a lid. against men! ;)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I do like your tweets!, But maybe you should be more focused on consolidating them and sending fewer out, I miss many of them and you leave yourself open to the New Liberal Fascist Movement Antifa?\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Are you freaking serious. 3900 lives lost. Trillion dollars in recover and rebuild. Continued threats and fear. You are a disgrace to journalism. You moron!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck u AJ+ we know it's easy to follow Gobbel's law, keep repeating lies on and on and You start feeling it as true, those Hindu pilgrims didn't die of accident in Godhra train massacre, it was a planned conspiracy in which local Muslim leaders having allegiance to Congress party were found to be involved, the key conspirator being arrested just recently, having been absconding for the past 15 years, so check the facts before lying blatantly!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Lol yeah per dina he is There everyday per claudia no horse got vet care unless it was for donation example limping etc ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER shit ode","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.https:\/\/t.co\/HFGW0AGyPihttps:\/\/t.co\/kywyK2rg1k ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"good morning \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a, \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #vacay #philippines","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigga, this bitch is scaring me. Pass me the blunt 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm with 3 bitches & 2 of em mix","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@noah_55 also you can only refer to a girl as \"bitch\" if she has sucked your D #BetDat","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BrendaGisselCA I'm not Mexican enough for the real beaners yet too Mexican for the Americanized beaners :(","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Why to the cowards not list ANTIFA on their profiles. Cowards or terrorist or both... I\u2019ll go with both! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Isn\u2019t that the Amazon bitch from Antifa? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"love u dad.....thanks for all the sacrifices u dd fr me and family.....u r d best father's day \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so much for the terror fears. russia-england: the tale of a split europe #euro2016","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It's OK that you are confused. Paul Guenther is a proven DC and play caller. We are rebuilding and trying to remain competitive at the same time. We will have steady improvement","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dropped my cider unloading the car, lost 4 of the 6 bottles ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"draw finished #evasion #relaxing #wellness #proud ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER WHY ! DO the gun control people believe legal owners are not following current laws ? You fools. It is about making the citizens of the USA defenseless.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Keep up the good work you do. And ignore the haters that attack you. You are a good lady! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER how could you support any democrat? makes no sense to me at all. the 2020 candidates are complete idiots","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Realistt__: 😍 “@Squirtology: Crazy things about the pussy that you should know 😈😈\n\nMake sure u know 👉👉 http:\/\/t.co\/xOO7AjnD8y 👈👈 http:\/…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @__Lonz: Once a hoe , always a hoe 👌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @YungRalphMaejor: “@iDocLyfe: Worst movie you can think of?” Fan that fucking trash netflix be posting shit that looks like a porno","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bitch you just said you don't fuck with that boy\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 hoe blew me ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"FUCKING FUCK SHIT PISS MOTHERFUCKING BITCH TIT CUNT FUCKING SLUT ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm sure she's worried. Give me a break. Dana is doing a job. You know where u make a living and pay for your own Healthcare etc. You dirt bags that don't even shower crying about gun control should try it.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@5Dimes fuck you tony...you greaseball piece of shit-","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hold up lebron ain't at dwade wedding if he got uninvited for leaving Miami that's some hoe shit, see y'all so quick to call some1 brother","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bitch live a little.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My mother came to America from the Phillipines 19 years ago, LEGALLY, and she has always explained to me the difficulty it was to get the proper papers because of all the waiting and fines she had to pay. \nI'm on the side of others who plead to say \"Get the proper papers or suffer the consequences\". Cause my mom had to go through it, why shouldn't any other nonciticen go through the process?\nIt seems ignorant to say, but I personally believe it's the best way to avoid trouble. Go through the hardships at the the beginning rather than last minute when you're forced to go back home.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A look at refugee and migrant camp ahead of EU meeting ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Grew up listening to K.I.D.S shit breaks my heart RIP ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Shvkeir: Dr. Suess made his own words to rhyme off of. nigga was trash. i hated them books as a kid.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@KamalaHarris says Dreamers represent the best of what #America has to offer 60K with arrest records NOT OUR BESTNote to #KamalaHarris USCIS Director Cissna~you could be arrested a whole lot of times and still get DACA#NoDACA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user -- christian senator prays for president's death and this is what frank tweets about. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#selfie \u00f0\u009f\u0097\u00bd #spiritcruises \u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00b3#riohudson #statueoflibey #nyc #rainyday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a @ spirit of ny\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#love #instagood #me #tbt #cute #follow #followme #photooftheday #tagsforlikes #beautiful selfie #picoftheday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hitting women is wrong morally but bitches get raped, kidknapped.beat up, an sold to be sex slaves, when they gonna end that?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just because one idiots actions you think the flag is racist!? its heritage and that's all.. history is history so stop being pissy little bitches about the damn thing! and if they flew an Islamic flag theyd protest to take it down because that's NOT heritage and really has no place there! oh and most people don't even know the reason why the civilwar started of when it ended much less what a battle flag means. wouldn't expect ill-minded people to understand.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\u00f3\u00be\u008d\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb yass! #erinviversfergusonmusic #musician #lgbt #lgbtmusicians #vivekshraya #twitter #yass #daymade ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when bitches say \"bro\" and \"bruh\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She can lie in the shit she created ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"12-4 shift today ain't that bad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @anarchistrev: I am no longer willing to claim \"I'm just like you just queer\" as my rallying cry.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"New GOP immigration bill would tie legal status for DACA participants to border security funding via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @jakesiwy: @Ryan_Murphy3 http:\/\/t.co\/i1rnKjMKeU fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I\ufe0f used to say #NotAllMen but let\u2019s be real. If you being honest, men be trash in a number of ways. And what\u2019s wild\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"gay capital\/immigrant sanctuary - a stark depiction of the cretinous ideological delusion the left inhabits 'Asian' Men Sought After \u2018Homophobic Assault\u2019 in UK 'City of Sanctuary' via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That poor thing they should've at least give it a chance to live ;( GO TO HELL CHINESE PEOPLE!!!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user its his only defense, deflect from the fact there is no defense for trump-george showed his true colors #neverump ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Girl power","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And how much will you have to say once you are in jail? Your whole family are #criminals. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YOU ARE CUTER THA ME SHHHH","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@CiscoAllDay: @1Bcarter one of your side chicks came up 5k” them bitches know where I live I be hiding from my cuz @MaiaPapayyya_","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@user how would that have stopped this attack? #omarmateen was an american, acting alone. your ban would've been pointless! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Everybody got foreign bitches and foreign cars 😴😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user This was a poor comparison. Jay Z literally said he fucked nas' baby mom and left the condom on his daughters baby seat. Cardi and nicki are fighting for what? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@kay_reneaa holy fuck thank you. I hate bitches that just fuck their ex then their boyfriend then back to back like damn Call you peace pipe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy bihday to mayuko!!! #\u00ec\u0083\u009d\u00ec\u009d\u00bc\u00e3\u0085\u008a\u00e3\u0085\u008e #0612 #bihday #mayukoday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"From that point should saw how I treated that bitch fucked her now lose my number I ain't answering shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"damn I have nothing to tweet,nothing to complain or bitch about\n): lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This niggah @wherzdaBUDD is a fool","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@FightNightX @NMF4Life khan has been facing nothing but trash since his L to Garcia","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Buckm00se: chava needs to stay in his lane and keep sending gyro to hell you dont want it with the big boys you dirt infest ass beaner","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Fuck the Steelers bah on my mama that\u2019s some racist shyt they doing don\u2019t wanna pay that dude and call him selfish for not wanted to report ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Muzzled pit bull with throat slit found on side of road in PA http:\/\/t.co\/fis8QNvlXu via @examinercom HIDEOUS ABUSE THROAT SLIT LEFT TO DIE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Thank you woody. I'm going to retweet this in the hopes that this will get back a-hole. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sometimes creating a little distance will help people recognize how much you actually mean to them.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Reminder that there is nothing fiscally conservative about MAGA. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch my Twitter bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"when you pay for a medium iced coffee & get a large bc they're out of medium cups! #timhoons #winning fridayeveryone \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00e2\u0098\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Buckm00se Joe Cortez is the ultimate faggot that fight proved it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@G_Anderson4 lol it's gonna be so fun got two niglets on the way","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#immigration in #europe today. #ramadan! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Gave dat bitch da Spirit of the Dragon","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"And my bitch gon' blast and she got the ass like... http:\/\/t.co\/yzJVcu77nF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"6 tips to enter the people club via @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"tonight i lost my grandpa withers. i will miss you and your stories. i love you! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #rip \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why are ps4 clients being told about #go4r6 when were clearly not valued enough as customers for small tournaments! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Beto is a loser POS.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user OH I FUCKING LOVE LATEX HMU IFU GOT Q'S IVE BEEN USING IT FOR YEARS ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user lol she is such a troll im so glad she went away and all u trump supporters told her to GTFO. Thank god we got a real superstar in @user who is going to actually fight for everyone no matter who they choose to vote for. Isn't she awesome! Please join us we rly need ur help! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Trying to smoke out followers that are also antifa? #Shrewd. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ALatrice16 beautiful bride... Tell Erica congrats if she remembers a nig...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"send the back to WHERE TEHY CAME FROM!. Sending them to other European Countries will not make this any better, EUROPE MUST STAND TOGETHER","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"K.Michelle shaped but it's FAKE!She pretty but she a manly bitch.And the little mermaid hair just looks foolish.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user any view on this @user you seem to be campaigning across the country today not remembering #jocoxmp ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Another Shooting What Is New when is it going to stop America you guys need to come together with peace its doesn't matter what your skin colour is you are we are all human at the end of the day. In Australia we are very lucky to have gun laws and a lot of people don't understand how dangerous guns are one shot and your dead and I think it's time America start doing something because I hate to say it but in a couple of days there is most likely going to be another shooting and that means more life's gone and more families with out a family member coming home through the front door. I'm just so sick of turning on the TV everyday and hearing about another shooting in America. A police officers job and to keep the community safe and return home to their families and people in the community their job is to enjoy life. I think we should make a day for all around world and call it Change The World Day on July 8th \ud83d\udc90to start making peace and happiness together. Pray For Dallas. LETS START MAKING A DIFFERENCE AMERICA.\n\nRIP BLACK & WHITE \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udfff\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc6e\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc6e\ud83c\udfff\ud83d\udc90\ud83d\ude94\u26b0","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"little walk to the pub quiz! #selfie #summer #lightleak #filter #eyelineronfleek ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why are you so fucking good. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"10. New Gun Control Laws 11. Term Limits 12. Eliminate lifetime salaries for politicians 13. Same medical benefits as any other Federal Employee 14. Federal Holiday on Election Days 15. A review of Presidential powers of pardon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Libra_DTF: “@RebukedSagacity: That's her fault for not asking before she sent her number tho 😪 http:\/\/t.co\/2JVeTNqNAa” dumb bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are fkn deluded pal #FatNixon is a digusting pig Trump interview on 9\/11: [My building] was the 2nd-tallest in Manhattan... And now it\u2019s the tallest.\"\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I love only one (1) bitch (you) URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Rape a pregnant bitch n tell my friends I had a 3sum ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user and by patiently awaiting the release of @user x @user shades i actually mean.... #slay ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we are done. you have no knowledge base for any of this and you are drunk on lies. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Any doubt that @USER have officially become The National Socialist American Workers Party is gone. With ppl like those on @USER and @USER acting as Der Sturmer and #Antifa as their Einsatzgruppen\/Waffen SS detachment.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't feel bad for the guy that was here for 39 years and got caught with drugs. I do feel bad for the ones that were just trying to live a better life. But come on... you come to the U.S and get into drugs? Nah, he deserved to get deported, as for the rest, I'm sorry.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#riding with friends is always a feeling ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@WayToGoFucker @_AshirieeLove \"bitch\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Smile at the hoes who hate you.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yea you bad but hoe so what","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hahahaha manziel is a faggot and the browns will ruin him. Win win for me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i got bitches that can't stand me over a nigga ion even gaf about anymore \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we need more colors #love #sunsunsun #instafood #foodporn #foodstagram #fruitbowl #fruit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you scare the hell out of me #daiting #boy #scared","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe I shoulda informed my cousin of my social anxiety before taking me to this over crowded bar. On the bright side Texas has hott bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I never got to thank her for everything she has done for me as a Black woman & a writer. I am so fucking sad this hurts so fucking much","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user real shit ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Everything i would've have done even without the curfew, which is really stupid not all men are dangerous ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hallo how are you today i think you are good actor ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0080this kid #helpme #wheredidhegoishedead #vm ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kenzayye ruga bussed yo bitch #bowbow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The silver hair accesory on the back of the shimada katsura wig, a silver \u201cwings\u201d at the base of a Geiko\u2019s top-knot are called nemaki (\u6839\u5dfb\u304d, tied (at the) root), and they symbolize that a #Geiko still lives in and is dependent on her okiya. (1\/2)#Kyoto #Japan #JapaneseCulture ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user needs serious psychiatric help. This guy is an anger management bi polar psych 101 case study. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"girl acting like I'm staring at her\nbitch I just can't laugh at your joke?\nain't worth staring at anyways","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Native American Indians have been dicked around since that ass hole Christopher Columbus showed up & Uncle Sam has been dicking them since .\nAbout time these bits of toilet paper treaties were honoured, the natives aren't citizens of America, they are Americans","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @trapgrampa: I fucked ur bitch after I got bingo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Stfu bitch lol why u Salty I\u2019m tryna get twitter famous ya know ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're trying to enjoy a nice date but your boyfriend won't stop texting you and interrupting it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If a guy gets out of a relationship and he fuckin a new bitch the next day then yall saying he a hoe??? Smfh ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eight years the republicans denied obama\u2019s picks. Breitbarters outrage is as phony as their fake president.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ha.. Who can get the pussy quicker these days","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Open mouf kissing my nig... «@DiSTinctive_Mae @nobetternoworst lol.....Sam love him some kissing smh lol»","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"really to see @user in #theketteringincident july 4th! the ads alone have me hooked. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Old hoe lol @TheShugAvery RT @moyizzy: My juice is gone, I'm just an old bitty now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ps on the flip side: EVERY WOMAN WHO CRIES 'rape' AS A WAY TO BE PETTY OR REVENGE YOURE THE PROBLEM. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #china consumer price index (mom) came in at -0.5%, below expectations (-0.2%) in may #blog #silver #gold\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RavenPeltier_ these hoes ain't loyal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Strange bed partners? Immigrant fire fighters tackle the Carr fire in a county that voted to become a \"NON sanctuary zone\"... Here's the article by LA Times: xhttp:\/\/www.latimes.com\/local\/lanow\/la-me-immigrant-firefighters-20180801-story.html ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0099#archetecture #horaciohamlet #shapes #sky #blue #colors #sunday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we have to do this. need to change profiling, #economicapahied, #hatespeech and get service to the poor.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/usd printing new monthly tops above 1.1400, draghi eyed #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is what happens when liberals get in control","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Life a hoe but gaw damn shit just so good when you hitting it right ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER But the Frogs said it wasn't a Muzzie terriorist attack.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"someone's excited about the birds chirping outside \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bd #caturday #morning #singaporecats\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SSickStory: People need to stop being bitch made.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Mr Fucking Graham Shut the Fuck up about fucking Abortion! Goddamn you son of a bitch, You fucker! you can not take away the rights of women to have the right to their own bodies, you son of a bitch! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HoskinsTy96: “@xjessica14x: Brandon is so annoying”and a lil bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER I think he comes in for Ozil mate. Emery doesn\u2019t fancy him one bit. Not surprised with his fucking eyes.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You have no plan for the environment. Even conservatives should be able to understand that you have to be able to live on the planet to make money there. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"trump vs clinton...smdh...america really is a nation of idiots!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#darksouls3 is bringing out the #raging at #stupidity pa of me, that's not good because i'm at my own stupidity.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you for your fortitude and perseverance. Please give McConnell a kick in the butt from some of us conservatives. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Obama’s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash http:\/\/t.co\/qTfjRAijwn via @worldnetdaily","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#boycott #lying #divisive #nationalist #foxnews add to your list @user @user @user karma s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Kstar__ lol damn. just thought i'd let you know. my dad was going super saiyan ape shit.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Literally Sam is quitting smoking mid competition and obviously having some mood swings from it. She is a fantastic human being and you\u2019re portraying her as shit and portraying JC as a cute little dude when he groped Tyler in his sleep. Shame.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @miilkkk: All these forms and bitch you still don't get what I'm saiyan http:\/\/t.co\/FgwRoG4TPu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my main bitch http:\/\/t.co\/uueCU3AbQv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER TBF, it's Nascar for liberals\" is actually quite a good description.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1 positive: #Trump is mobilizing #democrats & #liberals like never b\/4-get involved! #neveragain #Resist #ImpeachTrump #MuellerTime URL URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"my manager just asked me why i seem so depressed like bitch i been this way my whole life ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"My homies are pakis and Indians. I always bring up this issue of Kashmir and laugh as hell breaks lose between them arguing. For real y'all need to calm down, there's literally no difference between a Pakistani or an Indian or a Kashmir or an Arab or a western. We are one fucking race called the human race. You don't see how deep they've brain washed you by drawing up these idiotic lines on a map and told you \" This here is your land \". Bitch please, earth is my land and anything on it belongs to me as it belongs to you. Peace out pakis and indis.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Screw you and your team. Americans who scraficed are the reason you have a team !!! Leave our President alone !!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user my favorite non @user player prior to 1967 expansion passed! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #flyerrob ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nicki said \"fuck those skinny bitches\"...uh oh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"rest in peace, stephen keshi. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why would you do this on a weekend with a major festival in Stanley Park as well as closing down Nelson street off burrard? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"LMAOO RT @PacDaGoat: Tyga wife hoes and teenagers his life sucks","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Liberals like you WILL never convince us to become lazy entitled victims. But keep trying. I just feel sorry for your son. Having to be raised by someone who will only impart him with the mindset of self-hate and victim-hood. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Tommayydoee bitch lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"keep enjoy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a . . . . . #enjoy #keepenjoy #funny #loveforlove #love4love #likeforlike\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when you don't wear your retainers...... so just can't do right !!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0091","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fynn says thank you, his prize has arrived ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My walk past you like I never fucked your girl game strong AF ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":".. this woman has nothing but play tennis and yet she is constantly being disrespectful it\u2019s insane. the whole all owes her an apology atp URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @khadijzah: Someone will love your bitch ass it won't be me but someone will love you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" father's day !! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user got my tickets to see you in manchester #ohhjesus","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you know for a fact you got a woman who loves you other bitches don't even matter.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The definition of assholes : Cancelling plans last minute. Fucking jerk. Bastards.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All that money hadn't made u smarter. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i now officially have 3 #shostories fohcoming this summer - i will share as they come out between july-sep. #amwriting #writing ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HornyFacts: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"\n\nno u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 for a…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"pics or it didn't happen. got to see so many tattoo aists and ink masters at work! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"live the c.o.w.s \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0099\u00ef\u00b8\u008f compensatory call-in or 641.715.3640 code: 564943# iswar\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@steve_phillips_ funny, I thought @bobmuellerwkrn #tbt 90s photo this week would have you hanging me over a trash can by my ankles","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If your white, red, and blue converse are no longer white THROW THEM TF AWAY! I'm tired of seeing them dingy ass shoes. Ya ain't cute bitch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@TheoMaxximus: Chrus still supahot tho\" *walks up to teacher with test, drops test in that bitch fohead* http:\/\/t.co\/nb5VgdssgI","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The belt is good","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JAYREIDOFFICIAL: Check out JOY and PAIN my nicca @Im_Yung_Jay #mme1636 #blackkingz https:\/\/t.co\/EZuQc2KnYG","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER If he is from AZ I would put my money on sex with underage kids.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#disarmthem #antifa Please NO ONE be stupid enough to do this. Most of us DO NOT open carry, most of us carry concealed. Anyone stupid enough to do this, that is considered an act of aggression and you will be shot We also carry more than one weapon. We shoot to kill, not maim.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Idc how much money i make , i still want some of yours \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f let\u2019s keep this shit a stack \ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is truly dumb as shit. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TheCockiestMan: Do I have time for these hoes? http:\/\/t.co\/OHKWCg9ldW","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#BBC Presenter Loses #EU Immigration Debate With Hungarian Politician via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Start with explaining why you think he is stupid rather than writing a question looking for attention. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user just few hours left your bihday.. #hbddave","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I got my dawg Norris some blue flames for his bday dat bitch couldn't even drink it.... but u no Pop alcoholic ass downed it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"reset your mind #love#instagood#photooftheday#tbt#cute#beautiful#me#followme \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER CAREFUL now soyboy stickman. Your arms might fall clean off. Dweeb.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Tyler_Weddle_23: “@Sexualgif: \"I hate that hoe already\" 😂💀 http:\/\/t.co\/JzBcCsn75h” 😂😂😂 this shit cracks me up!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I prefer not to speak URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @B_Laff: “@JRohrCockblock: im a faggot” @JohnnyRohrCock","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"our leadership award winner, mary schuster of @user couldn't have a better selection. congrats! #ns32016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down. - Toni Morrison You'll be missed. #RIPToni","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"what a broke niggah gone tell her.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ForeignGAWDESS: A relationship is for 2 👫 . . but you know some of you hoes don't know how to count ✋😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"U.S. government looking for new places to house detained #immigrant families - follow along as we #FOIA to keep track of the ever-expanding for-profit industry ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#EuropaLeague Song the EU, cash your remaining chips in and p*ss off \ud83d\udc4d You've played all your cards and liberals in the U.S too. Brexiteers and Trump takes it all so be nice eh and life'll be better for everyone. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"cheeky lol RT @_MELiSA_jay: I want those all black and yellow 95's again... ughh I ♡ those","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I miss you, don't forget to take care of yourself.\u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0a\u2764\ufe0f\u267e\u2728","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I saw that but i dont think thats a tattoo. It looks like that fuckin fashion fabric string or some shit. Idk. Might not me but that ass looks exactly like hers ha ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"nobody bout their actions, you all pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"why are people buying this pr stunt hook line and sinker. oh wait free clicks for media #lazy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"You ain't gunna do shit spear chucker\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i guess @user is talking about progress in the advancement of , #misogyny, #homophobia, #bigotry","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Pope Char compares Pope Francis to the false prophet. Bingo! URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Me_NOindirect bitch stop harassing me!!!!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you rat on your family just so you don't get in trouble you're a little bitch #BloodThickerThanWater","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user ...and then beauty crosses your path! #dragonfly #nature #beauty #smile #vibrant ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user people who post stuff like this needs to be banned for life off @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@goldielocks512 Bitch pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"looks like i'm watching orange is the new black all saturday! #nowork #beenwaiting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He had 1 offer since june! The shitty browns that's it!! Stop thinking he is still good you are living in the past","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @davegetnmoney: It's @2chainz birthday I wish you many big booty hoes mane. Shit ima turn up for your birthday too","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Its not that he can not dye the hair the way he wants it's part of the concept they promote using the haircolors from the music video ...all these things are planned well before hand . And you are leaving the part Jin actually says they don't listen to their company.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is an Idiot. He didn't do any wrong. But proved to Nation that's all he did.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Thas my bitch too","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She is a complete idiot","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@YeIIowbang yeah people know he's not trash but his game is limited and it showed late in games against Portland","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so clearly explained....what if this was the historical fork in the road that had us all come together for what was right? What if this groundswell of committed support is the very way we innovate for new energy options that then lead to work for all those in the oil industry? What if we just hold up this outcome in our minds as plausible","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@SacTownProdigy: Just because tony romo at the mavs game dont mean he still not a bitch lmao.. Fuk them cowgirls\" lol bitch fuck you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Thousands rally in Germany for migrant rescue missions.Idiots! #deportThemAll #deportAfricans #deportMuslimFreeloaders #destroyQuran #destroyDeathCult #IslamNotReligion #destroyMosques #banSharia #banHijab #banBurka ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"poor whitey\" http:\/\/t.co\/3UkKeyznz8","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @FoxNews I have to give credit to [NEWLINE]@NorahODonnell for not joining Kamala Harris laugh-fest.. it made Harris look crazy.. As Joe Biden said yesterday on 60mins., she's smart as a devil, kinda scary! \ud83e\udd21","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That nigga gucci always hits that hoe when he puts \"Rick James\" in a song, giving our nigga rick a shoutout #RIPRICK #RICKJAMESBITCH","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@harley_schuder bitch where you going?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user meet some of our fab @user with @user on betv #volunteersweek ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_Creamm_: @Victoria_Finae dont mind my retarded ass😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ross a bitch for not responding","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Fit4LifeMike: @Whitecholo23 @chanelisabeth true i need to sleep to make them Gainz bruh!! So all the hoes stay Mirin ;p \nAlright, later…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Punk ass broke faggots.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I guarantee there will b some hot twats out tonight in dresses with no leggings and open toed shoes.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@collegefession you are a bitch!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ChaldeanCutie: \"@Vivalaquintaa: Its a bunch of penis on my timeline literally\" - u want me 2 dm u my pussy lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#SHE!\ud83c\udf3f #MOSADI!\ud83c\udf3f #SHE can discern her season #SHE is a wise builder #SHE is a team player #SHE is full of fire and full of the Holy spirit Thanks to @USER and Dr Chantal for such an inspiring event\ud83d\udc8e Thank you @USER \ud83d\udc8e URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When I here this speech I'm reminded of my brother. My brother wanted a puppy and he got one and I told him that after a while he would not want it but he swore to me he would love this dog for ever but 2 months in my brother hated the dog and it ,add me feel good to see how stupid he looked when I said I told you so. Sadly I can't say that to trump because if he screws up and I'm able to say I told you so then I'd buck screwed too.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's unbelievable that in the 21st century we'd need something like this. again. #neverump #xenophobia ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When nigga\/bitch lose in a fight they favorite line is \"he\/she only \" 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm ~7 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ahh my ears hurt from listening in the earphones..still his voice was sexy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#blowoutsbringhappiness yet another client! have you booked your appointment at\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Idk maybe it's just me being bitter but giving bitches money and just being a genuine nigga ain't got me nowhere so fuck that. Struggle hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"makes me sick that 4 ovr 25 yrs idolized george bailey but 2016 #uspoli choose #potter \/ #greed \/ #lies #misogyny\/ learned 0 #fail","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @YatchakHannah: @aireekaTK stop crying you pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @AMGLLCCEO: When you die but a bad bitch walk in yo funeral 😎😎😂😂😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/YZs9DQVqDV","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user #bored with my old look, thought i needed something #fresh #makeover #geek #brighton #coffeehouse #newlook htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Free that hoe 💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"sheikh romance book by lisa love #goodread at #amazon #reading #romance ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why the most Ratchet bitches be talkin shit? Y'all got nothing better to do but talk shit, pick up the liq, and hop on a dick.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"first","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Sum_Pfeif: Did @wagggggie seriously steal my Halloween Oreos ? 😒","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user my age, gender or race should not define my capabilities in 2016. #ageism","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"had a lazy morning with djangountamed_ #cats #kitten #cat #emo #metal #vocalist #selfie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"South Koreans Stand Against Islamic Immigration!!! via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@NumbersDnt_Lie Yeah them hoes straight ima grab that light blue pair","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But bitch hey they look so good @user let me be your slut ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And yes. Having less access to guns drops suicide rates and accidental injuried snd desths. This can be proven by looking at every single country that has strict or better gun control. Unkess you want to prove otherwise that these countries are just as bad. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@MOBBRII #trump2020 Anime sucks \ud83d\ude2c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" days porn movie skinny amateur sex ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 He got our asses Not even believing the truth about the truth!! Lmao! & We Know! Water is damn wet...but cant even believe it coming out his lying ass mouth! \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude48 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user my pleasure :) omg take care :p i know you are damn excited and shattered that he liked ur tweet :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hmmmmm I\u2019m thinking of describing my account and I just opened it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@jay_ibarra95 too bad bitch! You in this shit forever 👻😈","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"3 years today I was a fucking retard and fell in love. Why was I so stupid? Wish I was coldhearted. #neverlovingsomeoneagain #dontneedanyone","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just purchased some essential oils\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a7 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Glad she is OK","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user smh ill look for that hot bitch, i bet shes a fuckin cunt imma beat her ass when i find out who she is ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user It wouldn't surprise me a bit. Just like they falsely call conservatives, Fascists\"\" and justify physically attacking them. \"\"Trump's a Nazi, kill him!\"\". It's just a matter of time before they suggest it.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"always!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #believe #amazing #slowmovement #lifestyle #family #cool #learherbags\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's almost time for tryouts!! who's coming along? we can't wait to meet you all #cheerleading #diamondsareforever","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@iGivePussyCPR baker planted an M-80 in that bitch. When white guy lights the wick... 💣","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ASillyPsycho: Don't be a bitch to me. I'll be a bigger one and I'll win.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this shit so trash lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"that's what we're about #foundationstaers \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"congratulation to #sammamish #littleleague champs in washington.way to go guys!!! #baseball #congratulations ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Chip216: As a kid I listened to Nas. He showed me a new perspective coming from the ghetto like me. Same with Pimp C 👑👑👑","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #CloseUp | pussy fuck close up http:\/\/t.co\/0dvaZWLq2q","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lmao drake is on some bullshit with Serena Williams, wallah she looks like a tranny","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Oh... This is total bullshit.\nIsrael is not using weapons to give genocide to Israel, but as self-defense.\nSo what if America gives aid to Israel?! It's their problem. Of course, they should spend it on America's needs.\n**** you AJ+ for spreading lies.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Exactly. We can take the theatre. \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 100% agree ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Dumb cunt ass cheating bitch doesn't deserve shit in this world but herpes \ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude42 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#ArunJaitleyStepDown He is most shameless #FM in history of India and audacity and shamelessness with which is lies in public is disgrace to post.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #prayfororlando thoughts and prayers are with all family and friends.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#zikzinday #asia#prince @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good news. I hope their advertisers are getting free ad space. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Who in their right mind, would leave all that gold unattended??! Not that I condone theft but Damn you sure had that one coming.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Curvables: This bitch arguing with my dad \nhttps:\/\/t.co\/K0394O7Z8d","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When my right hand get out niggas gon remember why we tru loyal pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I fuckin hate this bitches voice OMG","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Didn't sound bitter to me. The main message was to recall American values and urge people to quit complaining and vote. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@ThatniggaTroy: Oomf so fuckin fine tho 😩 dam\" @ her, don't be no bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I was raped by a 28 year old woman when I was 16 years old #metoo! In my state in America that's statutory rape rather I wanted sex or not. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are correct. My old eyes don't seem to work so well anymore. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Chicago has been ran by Democrats for decades. Why is it up to the GOP to solve the problems they created to begin with? Act is absolutely code for gun control and that's not happening nor would it help anyway. You need 1000 detectives. Start hiring. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Skraw_Berry: Oh I would've stood up!!! Fall back hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"oh yea i feel so much better i love feeling the breeze after a fresh cut\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d. #content\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"how many fingers does a bitch gotta break so mother fuckers will stop taking my god damn lighters","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives are only interested in owning women like property and exploding the deficit so long as the rich are taken care of. Keep the faith tho.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"free creampie sex movies dragon porn ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The Unfairness of Mass Immigration Into the West: Why Are Only the White Countries Absorbing Immigrants? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Nigel_D: Look at all the chicks @JoeBudden follow and tell me he ain't got hoes. http:\/\/t.co\/iw9WPg1SFY","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I wish I would argue with a nigga or a bitch imma just laugh at ya ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MikeDiggEm: \"@Eaaaazzzz: On mammas ig aint ready for ma #wcw's .. I got sum bad bitches up ma sleeve boi lol\" Magician ass nigga lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"cannot wait to show you all my new songs. #studio #nextsingle #london #manchester ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#repost @user with repostapp international #albinism day everyone! ava clarke and\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i fully cant remember hes just always gettimg himself into shit like he never stops causing government based chaos i wish he would calm down ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: who else hated this bitch nigga ?? http:\/\/t.co\/8jwGmV4Yet","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Me: \"Mom, honestly, thank you for making me a bad bitch.\" \nMom: \"You've gotta stop.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Hope you are having a beautiful and blessed Sunday \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc9c URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's a lot of Uncle Tom ass niggas out here.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER do the two of you sit at home and practice your talking points? Do you feel sad that your ratings suck?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't got no type, bad bitches is the only thing that I Iike","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Don't forget the deletion of all of her social media (no doubt Anti-Trump pro Antifa). Why is no-one asking why she cannot fix a year or day? Are they genuinely THAT gullible? She had one\"\" beer and \"\"somehow\"\" ended up in a bedroom? Implausible.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The way I just bought 3 pcs in one night after not buying anything for 3 weeks \ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You have proper right for being anal whore! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen?? That\u2019s one hating ass bitch \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are an inspiration and fierce! #healthyliving","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is still rooted in our society's attitude towards black women's hair. read more from candide uyanze:\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"6 days ago I had a dream that I sat next to Kamala in the Oval Office and I said Mr. President as Joe extended his hand to me. Let me be right for the sake of not just the United States but for the World. Dreams do come true.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Biden is an Imbecile. He doesn\u2019t deserve to be President. We all know what happens if he wins. He will be found incompetent to serve. Kamala Harris will become President. Nancy Pelosi (if the dems retain the house) will be Vice President. And this country will go to hell.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I am leaving the USA and moving to Switzerland this winter. Really excited to leave this politically correct state of fuckwads!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"spent late morn talkin over the state of black stl commercial #radio with @user \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 mfs get #popular but #fail to #monetize the #fame","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, & No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, & open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @user When you first start dating vs a year later ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Sloppy and pathetic.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"New Olympic sport ! Illegal migrant stowaways jump lorry.#IllegalImmigration #BorisJohnson ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Mine too! BBCAN2 was a top tier bb season ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric holder is Obama's straw man of corruption","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The pot calling the kettle black. Most disisive & dirty political party right now is the one you are running for You use the words more perfect union\"\" yet your party shows its bigotry & hatred towards conservatives, republicans, & all who have a different opinion #maga @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER My old ass was here URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user super excited, just registered for level 1&2 - july 9&10. awesome. #lovewine #sa #albea #canada #yegwine","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Groomhaircuts : Hmmn hm, nutten nuh change, but the #Weather.. #LastLeg..#WaveCuts #YouthCuts #StraightRazors #Snip\ud83d\udc87\ud83e\udd35\ud83c\udfff\ud83e\udd35\ud83c\udffc\ud83e\udd35\ud83c\udfff\ud83e\udd35\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc86\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 #Groom\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf2\ud83d\udcf2 #7sBarbershop #SouthOrangeVillage URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And this from the clown that should be in prison?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate when girls say \"I'm single but my heart is taken\" bitch, that nigga don't love you. move on !!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"We want to help immigrants reach their homes Many illegals dont have means to go back. By deporting them & providing them a way to get home we're helping thousands of them get back to their extended families. If u are against deportation u are for separating families. #LibTactics ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER You despicable excuse for a human being. Shame on you.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"These celebrity niggas be passing these Kardashian hoes around monthly","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"8 days to go! #aneveningwithcyrus #eatscottish @user @user @user @user @user #sponsorship","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmfaooooo RT @miavenise: Can't trust a bitch that don't smile with her teeth.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Forgotten? His reboot on Fox starts in less than 2 weeks. Guess you are out of the loop watching fake news all the time. #WalkAway","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitches be mad I'm not pressed over them. sorry, wrong whore \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user beep beep here we go \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #pug #pugsofvine #dogs #dogsofvine #rangerover #bu... (vine by @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i just bought: 'funko pop! tv: once upon a time - regina' by funko via @user #reginamills ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"in two weeks i've lost 1st 2lb on #juiceplus and i've finally fit into the shos i got for my holiday i march and never fit in! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It wus yo fat ass that filled out the application to work there, not me bitch.....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Standing trump strong. Maga URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER he\/she is lying also. claiming I didn't know they were dating\" but when you look at her old tweets you can see her arguing with Careeeema and saying they're dating. Plus Tom and Z are too careful to hold hands in public. \ud83d\ude02\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@itsdaniellef: 😉” hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He obviously isn\u2019t boycotting @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The \u201cLaw and Order\u201d president really hates law enforcement! Lol #MAGA URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Strapped up fasho cause Iont trust no hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This information is out there and should be fully investigated and considered before he gets a life time High Court appointment. Conservatives refused to even give Obama\u2019s person a hearing so please stop acting like they play above board while everyone else goes low. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @PizzaBeforeHoes: Move dat muscle hoe 😤 \n\"Tell me watchu mad foe\"💪😂 https:\/\/t.co\/wlvTLgGDPg","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I\u2019d love to lick your pussy before and after a Big Black cock has fucked it! I\u2019m in northwest Indiana HMU if you need a cuckold!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"And #JoeBiden calls Christian's and Conservatives #DregsOfSociety what about #Antifa #CrazyUncleJoe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish my bitch ass mother would give me my 5grand for.child support, fuckin bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cook, clean, and deliver our awesome fucking offspring ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Bodyguard far fetched if she is alive but not impossible. I think Budd is his own worse enemy as signs of split personality, but uncertain as today's episode was all over the place!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BeenBasedB: “@_KudaBrazyy: Shawn Micheals & Razor Ramon both had bitches” Noone had more than Godfather though","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Factsionary: Pink \"albino\" dolphins are extremely rare but do exist in the wild. http:\/\/t.co\/gWyLpgC9lP","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@dish_answers \nOk. I guess you ain't colored so so don't know da channels?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KamalaHarris Whatever plan Trump comes up with for the American people will be affordable and better than Obamacare! \"If you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor.\" A big lie to get the American people to support Obamacare. #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i wonder who paid these reffs... i cant believe what im watching right now.. #nbafinals #refs ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just heard a brilliant response to 'not all men': 'You're right, it's not you - it's all of you.' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Work ,nigga fuck work!! It's Friday bitches, fuck Friday!! All about Saturday !!! Tomorrow will be epic!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"breaking @user will not charge #omarmateen cancellation fees bc he's a muslim #muslim #terror #news #truth #equality #alllivesmatter","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day.. fathersday #fathers #day #makehappy #behappy #olaysocks ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Republican voters will not forgive you for not building the wall. #BuildThatWall #MAGA2020 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy halloween bitches http:\/\/t.co\/AIXvaTJqxu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER God help us all","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MartinSopchak: @TheChrisCates you're a fucking pussy. And no this isn't a joke you girly little bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"policeman cheats on wife. mistress kills wife. mistress gets life in prison. husband goes on merry way with no consequences. beyond !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He's another one of the puke pool!! It's getting pretty full I can tell you that for sure!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user please don't kill me. antifa on the other hand... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"always my hoes skinny who are losing money due to therapy bills http:\/\/t.co\/zu1uoYQF9u","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"New ~ Glorious ebony woman is having fun with a midget\u2019s tiny cunt Daddy luvs THIS ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER haha - as long as it\u2019s a conscious choice I\u2019m fine with it. and I agree, that photo is awesome.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That's what they are - #IllegalAliens. Now Twitter wants to override US federal government legal designations? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My bad dawg. That's yo hoe 😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yes Respecting the studio's budget and shift in demographic But lets be honest. We want more. \u1d33\u1d49\u1d57\u1d57\u1da6\u207f\u1d4d \u1d35\u207f\u1d48\u1d49\u02e3 \u00b3 \u1da6\u02e2 \u1d57\u02b0\u1d49 \u1da0\u1da6\u02b3\u02e2\u1d57 \u02e2\u1d57\u1d49\u1d56 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I like to play a game called 'what idiots that I can't stand is FB gonna suggest I friend today' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @kuczaaaK: I'm getting trash talked by a 8 year old #wtf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Adolf Hitler said : \"Tomorrow history about me will be incorrect, they will call me a dictator, and responsible for the genocide of millions of Jews. A day will come, the world will realize what I did was correct. I destroyed 90% of the Jews, and leaving 10% of them for the world to understand why I killed them \".","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Woow.. You can smoke cigaret and suke May Dick ...\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude0a ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user I bet you were, you SKANK! \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the text and half of the perfume is gone, even though i didn\u2019t even use it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday to the best dad of the world. #lovemydad #brooklynmood #petlover \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5\u00f3\u00be\u0094\u0097\u00f3\u00be\u00ad\u009a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Dehumanising language to describe migrants. Anyone NOT doing this nowadays? It\u2019s all a load of bollocks btw. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Listen here lady my tweet was about the fact that I\u2019m sick of hearing about trump every time I listen to news. Idk where the fuck you get off trying to spin it in to some sort of racial situation! YOU are part of the problem. Stop turning shit in to something it\u2019s not.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user YOU FUCKED PUERTO RICO & THE PEOPLE AND YOU KNOW IT! MY OWN FAMILY MEMBERS BORE WITNESS & LIVED THRU IT! AT BARE MINIMUM, STFU INSTEAD OF ATTACKING WITH LIES & BULLSHIT! YOU & YOUR PAPER TOWEL THROWING BULLSHIT! YOU FUCKING LIAR!! PIECE O ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Man you really thought this was it huh URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"these bitches be wasting time on some ungrateful niggas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" hardcore vinyls free mexican porno videos ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@NYGovCuomo since you\u2019re narcissistically patting yourself on the back pertaining Covid. Remember @realDonaldTrump assisted you with the tools. So tonight, before you go to bed thank God and then thank the President. They saved lives u ended lives. #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Tweet is directed at him. I can care less about whatever it is he is blathering about. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"If you get into an argument with someone and say, \"Have a nice life & good luck in Ohio.\" that's a \"fuck you, bitch leave.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Illegal Aliens should all be deported along with their entire family NOT, I repeat NOT given free anything .. #NoHealthCare #NoHousing #NoFinancialSupport #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWallNow from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico #VoteRed ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user less than five hours until #euro2016 kicks off\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 less than an hour for the weekend weekend #fridayfeeling","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Not trying to follow any spooks, no offense ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"girls night out \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b9 #brunettes #top #nightout #czech #beautiful #ladies #prague #bday \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I dont want any effing refugees! Not in Greece, not in America, not anywhere in the West! #SendThemBack! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user This is Gun Control! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER America is being destroyed by our President.. he is a cancer to democracy. That is what is sad","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Unfortunately we all already know that once she\u2019s confirmed Democrats are going to go even more insane. That thought is satisfying and scary all at once #ConfirmACB #AmyConeyBarrett #AmyConeyBarrettSCOTUS #SCOTUS #Trump2020 #TrumpPenceLandslide2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@iamkrause \nI see da dayd presidents coz my bitches and hoes be makin money day way","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Liberals FURIOUS over this Trump promiseGood#DeportThemAll now & #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"final day in my front end web development class today @user #thankfulthursday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER send in some of your antifa super soldiers to sort these Tommy Robinson fans out.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy thursday! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d #thursday #infectious #happiness #smile #laughter #goodvibes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you follow me on twitter and you are being loud cunt on the swings at wintersmith don't be a stranger 😎","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I would commit the rest of my gay life to being a complete 100% submissive bottom if I could be Zac Efron's bitch. #NoShame #gayboyproblems","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @SenorSteez: I cannot fuck with a broke bitch! 💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i would have beat the shit out of those cops","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Wassup wit all these fucc niccas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CloydRivers: Roses are red,\nCamo is green.\nTrick or treat bitches,\nHappy Halloween.\nMerica.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ImToBlame Apple TV got the NFL channel on that bitch, I'm pretty sure they're all on there. I've watched a couple. @DukeOfZamunda","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"4A: Texas Medical Board engaging in warrantless searches of doctor\u2019s offices in \u2018back-door gun control\u2019 effort URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@SexualGxfs: @ One of your followers with this 😍😩 http:\/\/t.co\/F1TJl9xnCT\" @ somebody, bitch if you don't","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"prolapsed pussy and women ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Never seen a tinted yellow tongue before. \n\nShe just ate a lemon jolly rancher?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user We call that game #Bullshit . ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I get what you mean though I have never personally seen any liberals complain about white conservative people immigrating here from Poland or wherever. Does that happen on a large scale? I guess a better way to phrase my initial point would be diverse immigration.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn pigs killed her and now the whole world knows it. Now all that need to be done is the dealing out of some punishment to those idiots!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"DACA RENEWAL EVENT: The Undocumented Student Services has been notified by the UC Immigrant Legal Services Center to take action to support the undocumented students covered under the DACA program. As a result of the multiple DACA lawsuits,... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These hoes ain't loyal#","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Barkley is trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I hope he is safe","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when you're stupid, you don't know it. life is so easy. have you ever seen a depressed retard? i envy that.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy bihday! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089mikeas\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #bihday #bihdayboy #celebrate #celebration #19\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"another lovely review from one of our lovely patients :) awesome high to end a week on! #smile #chuffed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Regardless of intent, the term \u201cundocumented immigrant\u201d is incorrect\u2026 because illegal aliens are foreigners (i.e., aliens), who are unlawfully present in the United States (i.e., illegal). ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER And those records stand bruh. I play \"Stay true to the game\" daily","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you keep digging your hole deeper. i jumped through your refund hoops and now you \"can't find\" my submission? #refundme","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Meanwhile the whole world is hoping that Piers Morgan will regenerate into someone that isn't a cunt. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This bitch @Lvl_7_Eevee buys sparkling water.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".You cry baby liberals will have Trump for a total of EIGHJT GREAT YEARS!!! GET OVER IT. #MAGA URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Ricky___m you bitch -.-","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"meanwhile, some french compagnies are still using it ... #sucker ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \u2018Tis a beautiful spot to eat at on the Strip in Las Vegas.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think she really knows now but she is in denial!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"you's a muthaf***in lie “@LifeAsKing: @20_Pearls @corey_emanuel right! His TL is trash …. Now, mine? Bible scriptures and hymns”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user It is a cult! I pointed that out to my brother. He has over 500 FB followers who love to talk hate and bash liberals. I referred to them as his right-wing cult! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Reminder: It's in Trump's best interests to have that SCOTUS seat empty during the mid terms and even the next election. It's his only trump card _against challenges from his own party\/conservatives_ these days.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"50% of the refugees coming into Canada, for all the PMs handouts already have legal status in US, (therefore not refugees) but they still come and happily as the Liberals welcome them with Canadian... URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user side note: I'm always amazed when conservatives say Y'know America's X(culture\/institution\/etc) isn't perfect, but it's better than *the entire rest of the world*\"\" Like, really Tucker? You've examined every other justice system in the world and determined ours to be the best?\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"step up day with some of the best\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #classof2017 #seniors ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#workout When you have a fat belly then you are insulin resistant and can fix it with out medications by fasting... details are here URL URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"he really understands me and it just feels so good","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#milesthompson #goauche #wetback #ca http:\/\/t.co\/g3Ze8bqLPG","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"Fresh nigga so you kno I need a clean bitch... Who kno I'm working cuz I wanna see my team rich.\" http:\/\/t.co\/Cgx3HNAK9A","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Xd @user tight hole lost <3 Kids @user ok cunt penetrate @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user a wasted statement by @user you cannot believe a word he says i'm afraid. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"they've promised that dreams comes true , but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too . #lonely #depressed #alone","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just words-fake words in this case gather around her false light children and you will die","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"president #woodrowwilson held a private screening of d.w. griffith's \"bih of a nation\" #history #13th","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"when i was complaint about not having enough friends and now everyone hits me up all the time \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"From why did i shag at fucking whore at kid is a mistake en the mis stake its self obviously we burnt a few innocent women thank them whores ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hopefully it is joking. I hate boycotting the Leftist entertainers but I do. Stop saying stupid stuff. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How many #illegalaliens use twitter? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Pop that pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user What role does gun control play on school safety? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @OGTREEZ: When bae fights your side hoe & wins http:\/\/t.co\/tbdidTYOtt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Draft Drinking Game: chug a beer everytime you see a black woman crying. @stoolpresidente","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Dave has every right to be on the exact wrong side of an argument! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can you believe we just had a President with a fake ID?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user buzzing to get tickets for @user headliners on monday! wolf alice are gonna be amazing! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Go away ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Gabby's a bitch and has three accounts","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BlakkHoodie_562 always eatin good wit my niggah, and good lookin on the cd my boy got some heat now i can bump some bangers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Unlike others outside Europe, #Merkel created environment which will see them struggle to convince Syrians to return home based on generous benefits provided.Merkel\/Brussels also created special problem to haunt them for decades: economic migrants.#Orban #V4 right from start. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"pay porn free video jokes about women ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He is dead so um irrelevant & he was murdered.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Victor D. Hanson: The 4 Groups that Benefit from Illegal\u00c2\u00a0Immigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This us why I don't like AJ+, just a bunch of idiots","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"can't decide if i should wear my yellow rain boots for the purposes of being all black & yellow errrrything...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_twelvestarr: Niggas be catching attitudes and expect a bitch to beg plenty of sorry's to figure out what's his problem. NO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"really bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Chris_cooper907: @AK_Mueller @B_Reason18 its Brandon motherfucking reason.” He's a bitch nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Actually it\u2019s only libs that ACTUALLY follow up on their threats 36 cops murdered so far by libs 100s of cops shot by libs Dozens of republican congressman attempted murder by libs Antifa assaulting on behalf of libs ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"balling like I'm stunna bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Y'all bitches FAKE 😂😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bro's before hoes, not bro's over your girlfriend","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"lovely night with these two \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #cute #selfie #love #friends #family #bihday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"White Lives matters. All lives matters. Corrupt and greed created this misery. Welcome to Fascist America","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user bitch you're so brave and smart and hysterical omg. I love you so much Allah y7fdhch inshallah \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kathleenparker of the washington post to call the President ignorant I ask you racist ,angry ,bitter, bitch look in the mirror!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"literally \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082. @user @user #funny #laugh #smile #life #rap #battle ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"MACHINE GUN AND GRENADE THEM TO PIECES, THEY ARE A FOREIGN INVASION FORCE. Kill them all\nwhy didn't they run to Saudi Arabia.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"LMAO. Twitter little bitch ass site . I need to start using this hoe more.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Trump admin finalizing plan make more difficult 4 legal immigrants who used certain welfare programs \u2014 Obamacare, children's health insurance, food stamps -to obtain citizenship or green cards, according to NBC News. Good - they never get off welfare.https:\/\/t.co\/OPLwWXmtOz ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I'd shut the fuck up or I'll just be wide and batter any boy you ever go out with haha. Im a cunt, so wit? You cani do shit to stop me... :)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i read in an aicle 4 yrs before that even dhabas on the side of national highways are growing 1\/2 acres of ganjas. @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck the wall. More American white or black men kill way more than any immigrant. Gun control would help way more.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Dream job for a pedophile dressing up like mickey mouse and hugging kids all day","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_iMadeHerWise: Idc about your \"story\", if Petey Pablo said your name in Freek A Leek, you automatically a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER He will lose his entire career?? You people are despicable. I know you do not believe in god but hell will be filled with liberals like you and Dianne","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @rappersaid: When Tupac said \"I ain't a killer but don't push me, revenge is the sweetest joy next to getting pussy.\" http:\/\/t.co\/wL3mtG…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Play me about twice? Aye, im a pyhscopathic cunt. You're dead.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My mum & dad fired me when I was 2. Didn\u2019t make me bitter & twisted the fucking slag whore gay cunts #TheApprentice\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER It just seems like this is another way of the liberals to change history.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"every day is a vacay! #life #relax #celebrate #sunday #texas #fathersday #beram\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@princessmorggan yeah it was such a lie, thats why you deleted it nigger.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Nope. Not going to miss his sorry ass at all. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@DavetheBrave1: Watching #AttackofTitan on @adultswim” bro you a HAN for stealing my tweet, bitch ass nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"what a world. if a man took a dive like that, people would say it was fixed. but b\/c #rondarousey is a woman this is expected.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Your bizarre spin attempts fail because no one trusts one sided zealots anymore. The spell is broken. WE THE PEOPLE do not need people like you and your sick idea. Cater to the loony left like your modern brown shirts antifa. Leave normal people alone ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@DiamondandSilk Done and done. Can\u2019t wait to vote to re-elect the best President America has ever had, @realDonaldTrump! #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG #VoteRed2020 #WalkAwayFromDemocratsForever","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #global economy remains anxious as brexit decision approaches - wells fargo #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Frustration With Do Nothing Sessions Reaches Critical Mass Meadows Brings Down The Roof With IRREFUSABLE DEMANDWhere's the popcorn?@realDonaldTrump #MAGA@USAGSessions #WWG1WGA @user #AmericaFirst#BuildThatWall via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You may see this c@#t in England he will ram you thow.so caution on the roads\ud83d\ude0d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT against the POOREST and most VULNERABLE in our society just keeps on rolling. So much for #ChristianMorals eh? If you voted for this SHIT then HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME. @USER #JC4PMNow #POVERTY #DisabilityRights URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @lmfaohilarious: Never go full retard http:\/\/t.co\/LMk3TX5ViC","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Donald Trump will be Crown King of the u.s. 2021, President.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Obama a true waste so what do you think Joe Biden would be?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]A waste to our democracy, and Kamala Harris may be better off working in a store some where, waste.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@OfficialReplay: I am lowkey tired.\" ...if you tired, be quiet and go to sleep hoe!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I am a whole other bitch when I'm speaking Spanish ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user 11th monthsary","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Since a lot of you lil bitches wanted to add the 5h hashtag into all my tweets I'll do that shit back #vote5sos","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My aunt said I'm handsome fuck you hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my hea is with #orlando right now. i truly cannot imagine. could have easily happened anywhere. :( ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just ordered my first @user bag \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What ppl expect, august aslina is a nig from New Orleans","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user & this statement by Jewish Antifa Berlin is so on point <3 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@_chelousmuch_: bitch im weakkk vic 😂😂😂”😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @zachbooty: Building a dresser really makes me crave an ice cold glass of pussy am I right dudes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" weekend mi gente, kisses from @user #pueobanus ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #NeverWithdraw !! #DianeFeinstein waited on #ChristineFord lies because Dems needed time to scrub the vast amount of Ford's anti-Trump social media rants and coach her to keep her story consistent. #Democrats and #Liberals are evil and mentally sick #ConfirmKavanaugh","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Polo:$80. Levis:$60. Jordans:$180. Snapback:$30. The look on your face when you still don't get any pussy...PRICELESS!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Holder is a real quality guy. Wouldn\u2019t know the truth if it hit him in the face","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Twinkle twinkle little slut, you've got just what this BITCH wants!\u00a0 you & will have lots of fun, you'll kiss my neck & lick My bum!\u00a0#findom ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER you couldn\u2019t catch me letting some saggy whitey bitch talkin like this to me \ud83d\ude2b bitch eat dirt","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"trying to kick myself in gear after the bad medical news yesterday.... could use something\/someone to cheer me up... feeling ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ion trust these bitches and ion trust these niggas!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@patrickstpierre You're a fucking faggot.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@iTweet4UglyPpl: “@KirbyMouf: No one wants an ugly nigga, so you've got him all to yourself. No more stressing over hoes” <-” lies !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Never followed this Mir Jaffar at first place. He is a traitor .","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ThatNiggaKeek: remember in a relationship.. her friends are NOT yours.. 🙅 they'll let her be a hoe...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Need some Hispanic pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user obama took away the constitution from us and that is a FACT..SANCTUARY STATES takes away OUR guarantied Protection from Invasion...Obamas BLM and ANTIFA that takes away OUR guarantied Protection from DOMESTIC VIOLENCE by the way all gun control laws come from Article 4 sec 4 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user juvenile harvest to celestial church of christ worldwide...#k\u00c3\u00ae\u00c3\u00b1g\u00c3\u00a7hi\u00c3\u00b1k\u00c3\u00b8 is so happy,blessed & filled with joy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sing if you wanna sing... #singasong #songforyou #canta #suit @ teleformula ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user moments with rush #wedeyrush ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@StephenStone4 you bad little bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT\"@KILLQuana: I wonder How much pussy justin bieber gets.....\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Get a life! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Almost done with this bitch ass room ....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate stupid white Christians there some evil as mother fuckers they kill and they made Jesus white even tho he's black","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Also she's thick as shit despite her posh brainy voice\"\" on QT when the \"\"refugee\"\" crisis was at it's peak,she said they should come in because there may be surgeons & dentists amongst them.Fecking leftie lunatic.#ScruffBag\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is a war criminal. By the Nuremberg standard Clinton and every other SoS and Pres should be behind bars.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bring it on boys we can't either! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 1 more sleep before @user and upbeat summer showcase! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Newsweek \"The only people who hire all their kids are the mafia, dictators & Donald Trump.\" #Biden2020. Make this billboard happen https:\/\/t.co\/snFtSsK5LP","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How my bestf gon call me \" People \" like ima regular niggah to her now smh .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Sorry you are having issues. Please send an email to feedback@USER with a description of your issue and the email address associated with your account. Thanks. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @tic14tac: Guys be like \"Man, fuck that bitch!\" 😳 But deep inside, they miss that \"bitch\", still love that \"bitch\", & want that \"bitch\" …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CurrenSy_Spitta: I never bought a bitch....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"underneath it all i\u2019m held captive by the hole inside i\u2019ve been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER I want to kiss your ass.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Women are stupid. They get cheated on and approach and fight the side chic. Bitch who cheated on you? Who? Stupidity is unbelievable. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I have an immigrant mentality, which is that the job can be taken away at any time, so make sure you earn it every day,\u201d\u00a0 How Pepsi\u2019s Indra Nooyi Learned To Be A CEO ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because they have a corrupt liberal government that steals from the people. Liberals at work.... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @OfficialAmiyah: Cheers to you, you stupid bitch. http:\/\/t.co\/xPSEgYefCb","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user content: #abuse, #pedophilia, #stalking, #harassment, #gaslighting, #ableism, , #threats, #suicide, #nsfw, #self harm\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This is really disgusting! I feel ashamed of human beings like this one. Why do they have to be so ignorant and selfish?! Why can't they use their brain and realize we are all the same, with the same needs, same lives, same rights! We have to fight them. Whenever I see or hear racism i step out against them, i'll always do it! It's the same story here in Italy, racists everywhere!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"A bf and gf👫 are suppose to laugh😂 at these hoes👯 together💑. A guy should never have these hoes👯 laughing😂 at his girl💆","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lightskins and Spanish girls be acting like breaking niggas hearts is a necessity. Stop being cruel bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER The Fall of the Church of Rome?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Shawty pussy wet, the dope drippn wet 💦","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@shyhoof @umbralfox @Feyote Lamashtu has some great orgies but is a total bitch. lol : P","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"She's not just the first woman who's about to become vice-president in one of the most powerful countries in the world, she's the first woman of colour as well.\"[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Shadow Foreign Sec Lisa Nandy reacts to Kamala Harris becoming the vice-president elect.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/clK3ItFKi7 https:\/\/t.co\/FnrwVR8gKM","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I gotta say though, the how I will change tag is better than 'not all men'. Like fucking duh, then it's not to you lol ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Caliqueeen14 you da realest bitch out here Amber","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Going up to the view point and seeing star child..... What the monkey","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Down with liberals!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd\/cad weaker, breaches below 1.2700 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when it comes to foreigners, specially those who are there by the name of peacekeepers have no solution to my country somalia. they are there only\u00a0 to steal our resources. they dont care who is alshabaab or civilians they treat them same way.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Fucking bitch sarah fucking lying cunt ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#jackandjackdoingitright #USAvsBEL New blog 'Fighting for Men's Rights' --- have a look: #USA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"She obviously cares nothing about the hate many of these refugees are taught by their 'prophet' towards you and... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @TAXSTONE: Niggaz like all them naked bitches on IG pics NIGGAZ DONT LOVE EM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy monday!!! #interiordesign #inspiration #eames #midcentury #amazing #monday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Google steals info of their users","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Oh he is compromised 1000%. An outspoken critic of trump now is trumps water boy. Either trump got info via private eye or Putin\u2019s got the goods.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What happens when you shut off their supply at the border? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@ashlingwilde: @ItsNotAdam is bored supposed to be cute, you faggot?\" Sometimes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Somehow I doubt that statistic you just made up in your head. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ready to suck some cock","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"now playing on sad classical music (.com) : angels of venice - \" sad lisa\" #angels of venice lisa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the greatest friend i've been so lucky to have. since 2008. best friends. @user . \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Woahitsjulian wud up nig I gotta new number 3136139299 text me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I knew I wouldn\u2019t like what he did but I never ever thought that every single Republican but sit by and let him do what he is doing now regarding everything that you mentioned in your tweet pretty ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@TooEffinCool lol I feel like a punk bitch sittin in here with all the lights on! 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I wish men would listen to women and call out their fellow men for their sexist behavior instead of instantly going 'not all men' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@darealwalt_jr he see the jig","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RickRaze: Why would I be in a relationship theses hoes go still do them 😂💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I still want him to fuck my pussy with a rake. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And dying a slow death such a shame ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Floyd please deliver me from temptation as I oh so wish this bitch would hurry thee fuck up so I can surfboard on my bed.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@benrileysmith @DonaldJTrumpJr Get em!!! Trump 2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A lady approached me asking me if I was religious and when I said no she scolded me on how I'm going to hell. See you there crazy bitch 😈","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ah thank Capt. Saerom, my current jam is Love Bomb too.@INTLWORLDrp I loved your song, she's in the rain is my current fav song. \ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffc","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"f a t h e r \u00c2\u00b4s d a y \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a #fathersday #love #family #enjoy #tbt #bw #black #white\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @tbhjust: \"what are you twelve\"\n\nyeah on a scale of one to ten\n\nbitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"*squak squak squak squak*\nMe: bird shut up!!!\n*squak*\nAlex: that was an act of defiance \n@Alextalksback","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Next time your girl's pissing you off, go buy some hair ties and leave one on the floor of your car ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user City of 1 499 900 people who don't fuck\"\" doesn't have quite the same ring to it\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user is the prosecutor considering criminal charges against graves family as they did the greggs? #harambe >black life white li\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so i got my actors id. now i can work in a commercial, movie, or tv show legally since i'm under 18 #actor ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"99% Of Illegal Alien AnchorBabies Birth is Paid by Medicaid 73% of Illegal Household on Welfare Ripping off US Taxpayers #Trump #MAGA #WalkAway #SendThemBack #Immigration via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Nah nicca! WTH are my cheese fries?! 😒 RT @swiper252: @VonshayeB get me one, bring it to the barber sshop at 11 please 😍😍😘😘","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kaitlancollins This pig is writing the legal briefs to make it happen. He has underestimated the American public. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #BillBarrLies","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Hey #BenieSanders they all can't come to US! Come on. We have enough problems with your #Antifa .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Words for my single niggaz out here! too many bad bitches better than the last so never sweat a chick man they confused and that's ok.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"2nd highest prop tax in nation to support gov pensions 1 of 3 states where housing is worst investment More rent for less valuable housing Nations most severe increase in personal tax Illinois sucks thanks to Cook county liberals and corrupt Mike Madigan ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user O\u2019Rourke tell us Texas citizens how you feel about law enforcement officers \ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2640\ufe0f. Tell us about your immigration plan. Tell us about your gun control plans. Tell us about your tax plans. If you can\u2019t tell us what your views are you can\u2019t be Senator. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Trump called Trudeau very dishonest and weak\" and the Conservatives cheer. Conservatives in Canada are Trump supporters. They will accept any crumbs that fall off Trumps table.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Gimme another beer bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#maga #christineford #trump2020 #tcot #ccot #AmericaFirst #Patriots @USER #BrettKavanaugh had this to say about Bill Clinton during Whitewater: It's imperative to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear -- piece by painful piece.\" Indeed. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @iEatLightSkins_: Get a girl with good hair . U don't want a bitch that got nappy ass hair . Yo kids gone end up having bb's nigga 😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user It also means her treacherous actions will seriously offend 70% of @user who voted to #Leave all *Four Pillars* of the CORRUPT #EU. #ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #BoJo4PM ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Nothing abusive should ever be done to anyone! Including the women and people of this country she is putting under horrible stress worrying about what she is going to do. This should have been an easy NO\"\" from her if she is who she says she is. And I agree with you Gabby!\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RachBlevins As long as Donald Trump is abnormally in love with Israel (is a Zionist), and believes in the eternal hegemony of the PetroDollar as the Global Reserve Economy, \"The Endless Wars\", will never ever end... [NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/0bkIMgaNQ2","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Eric Holder should be in prison. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Can't let nobody play my gta, bitches like using up all ya ammo n gettin ya dude kilt by the cops","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT if you want us to expand internationally \ud83d\udd25","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@GirlThatsVonte: These hoes be thinking Meat won't slap they ass 😴👋\" ainna bruh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So at work today I got called a cracker ass bitch. Lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @best_seth14: Now the title bitch doesn't apply to all women, but all women have a lil bitch in em","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Im waiting for QDrop. #WWG1WGA #QAnon #QArmy #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Not to mention they\u2019re the ones who allegedly defend freedom and liberty but use the NSL\/McCarthyism to silence dissent and almost sent paratroopers to quash the candlelight revolution. Conservatives = hate democracy.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are very talented Clare. What else can you make out of paper? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@CiscoAllDay: @1Bcarter you're right I'll take girl on the right over Kim any day http:\/\/t.co\/nbKHCG0bZq”can u support that hoe?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate them fuck all the trash, all the refugees that are destroying europe. Fuck islam fuck refugees youre not welcome to europe specially not to poland or the slavic countries","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Utilizing the facial comparison technology, a CBP officer determined that the traveler was not a match to the passport and referred her for further examination which confirmed that she was a Ghanaian citizen and an impostor.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @chelsearaine: Aw that's cute, your mom raised you to be a bitchy little cunt😘","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user #aldubtogethereternally friday morning!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hey Israelis. why would your pussie asses police kicking Palestinian from their homes? you guys are evil motherfuckers","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user mma fans: losses don't matter! mma fans on rr: she's lost twice, she is trash. #ufc207 #doublestandards","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Breakfast fried chicken jerk chicken Tater tots white rice nd press yellow rice nd beans Mac nd cheese http:\/\/t.co\/Usz8gJnZl0","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It be so good to not gotta woyke in da moanin. I da only colored dat woyke cuz colored folk be lazy and lives off da white guilt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"LMAOO beans RT @ShamarGotHoes: this bitch is so stupid smh http:\/\/t.co\/otonir2yEX","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Think about that folks, keep them out of USA @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #EndDACA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Its a good thing I always wear a glove on my left hand because if I EVER had to touch hands with a woman my IQ would totally drop to 0 Lol ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Europe, you've got a problem! We must hurry and #BuildTheWall before we become overrun with the thugs and drugs smuggled across the border by #IllegalImmigrants. It's happening while we wait! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @FunnyPicsDepot: rt if u remember when steve from 'blue clues' left us with that other bitch ass nigga joe http:\/\/t.co\/AMJyeK77QA","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"he isnt attracted to asian women. sends me a pic of a korean woman and says they all look the same passing it off a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Monte... who fuckin knows at this point","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Love this woman Telling the truth every day WHY do conservatives have to point out the obvious.Are people really that stupid","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Maybe he is making amends before #OpenSelection passes at conference.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ClutchAction c'mon pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user So we should believe this from 40 years ago when the man went to an all boys school. This was a way to try and stop the confirmation and blew up in @user face. She is a corrupt pos!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You cant not stop what is coming. @realDonaldTrump @TuckerCarlson #BurismaBiden #BurismaBribedBiden #Biden https:\/\/t.co\/CJxojI0dCf","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy what you do today can improve all your tomorrows. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 ralph marston ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Is this another one of his acc. Coz I blocked the othe long time ago...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the 1000th follower will be celebrated alongside @user @user @user @user and many more! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Heartbreaking to see World War 3 happening in our Doorsteps. \n\nNext time you meet a Bigot\/Racist\/Fascist. Tell him\/her to change his target to \"Jews\" and check if he sounds like a Nazi.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Hahahahaha-sure-She\u2019s just a Spoiled Brat-and goes berserk when she\u2019s beaten- ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Doesn\u2019t compute! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Friday next year \ud83d\ude2dFor #TeamNaubusan , if we do Day 2 Pero Friday, pwede? Let me know & hear your thoughts. D kc Kaya ng Sunday e & that\u2019s the only time kaya.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Blocked ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bihday to you hope you have a wonderful day. happy #40. we are only 5 months apa lol. have a great day. \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00bb","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the talking dick head says this guy is a criminal with a stolen gun\u00a0and this has nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith? The shooter said exactly the opposite.\u00a0 What a bunch of honky tonk bullshit.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"waiting for your bihday thalaivaa... #thalapathy bihday... 8days for thalapathy day ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is an monster! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"u lucky he holdin me back bitch http:\/\/t.co\/HanER6B9Ts","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i just finished episode 3 of season 2 of sherlock and i did not sign up for this ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It would seem the UK has been separating children from their immigrant parents also. How does May and the govt get away with it? Theresa May called Trump's policy \"deeply disturbing\" probably with her fingers crossed. #marktownsend #theobserver #bailforimmigrationdetainees ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Being a sober soul just wasnt interesting.. bitch im living #5spmg #GGL http:\/\/t.co\/W58Q6Hr20j","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my #coffee is telling me to be today. #smiley face #pareidolia #smile #littlejoys ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I have long thought that liberals are children trapped in adult bodies.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Twitter has a clear leftist agenda as seen in all the comments from conservatives asking, why is this leftist shit in my feed?\"\" We didn't ask for it. We don't want it. Stop trying to push it on us.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It is the sky is like the sky in minecraft","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" . #smiles..... it's simple really #christianabuon #20 #red #fruitypebbles #mightymouse\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Ahki117: 😂😂😂 RT @K1ngMello: Lmfao \"@Ravie_loso: How side bitches be when you scoop them up in the daytime! http:\/\/t.co\/W8sH2AlViA","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" white girl has sex with black guy girls nackt video free online","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Well I just saw this and clicked on Bens link to see who he is and he has me blocked and I've never heard of him before. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"let the learning begin .. with @user #businessbootcamp #upforit ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@jimachterfeld @mattabbatacola Like I said, pussies.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @JewJitsuGrl: @AdmiralAckbar3 @00_jackie @Darknight420 @allahthefairy 👉 @TayyibN 👈\nTiny Jihadi http:\/\/t.co\/PDIKbrvCJ8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The real gun control issue. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Seen it many times. Hair brushes too ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump wants to deport illegal aliens with 'no judges or court cases' #MeTooI am solidly behind this actionThe thought of someone illegally entering a country & showing no respect for its laws,should be protected by same laws is ludacris!#DeportThemAll ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"with my mom. #june #afternoon #mom #mother #father #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"2017 a new beginning!! getting rid of this #nationdivider! good riddance pos!! ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Mane wtf I wake up look at da window it's showin like a mf outside...Good thing a nicca went to Walmart yesterday Good Aone snacks","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"getting or #frustrated provides 2 oppounities: resolve the problem at hand and clear past #issues #growthmindset #awareness","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this jew piece of shit...first he steals the idea of Facebook then sells it's users out to the government to spy on people. and he has the audacity to pretend to be a philanthropist. the next jew holocaust is a long time coming and this little piggy is going to squeal loud","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @AdamSank: Why does Julia Roberts seem completely shocked that she's been nominated? Hey, Julia -- you're in a gown. The jig is up. #Emm…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"made it home for a week. just in time for the rain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm over asking a bitch to do my hair that I'm going to pay nobody got time for you flaking hoes ima just do my own\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@TheBovee CSGO bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So just cuz the kid has long hair, anti social and is into guns...makes him a suspect for a school shooting plot? Hmm..stereotype much? I hate this page","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER ...but liberals want gun control and gun free zones.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this guy is special ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization that leeches off of George Soros's money. They are a domestic terrorist organization that uses intimidation & violence to spread their ideology.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"be n #healthy it doesn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t take much to surprise others, but to surprise oneself, now that is a great feat. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 kristen haley twtl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it feels so good to talk to people and let all this sadness off my chest but doesn't feel too good delivering bad news to someone \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0081 #a2s4","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"guess what people Islam has a violence problem it is the abusive husband of world religions, the sooner you realize that the better, PS fuck Islam, and the bullshit Prophet Muhammad considering he sucks donkey dick in the hell,","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Also cancel school debt\"\" is the most stupid of all of her ideas. And far left idea of free college is bigoted idea. No wonder conservatives call us \"\"elitists\"\". Who is going to pay for technical\/trade schools 4 those who are not \"\"book smart\"\"? Crazy!\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do husbands die before their wives? Because they want to ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"got upgraded on @user for the first time in more than 200 flights taken . g8 327 #thankyou #goair","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@z0mbiedance: I made that bitch lunch. @elizabethbatman\" Bitches love lunch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Broke my toe on my second day in maga.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I like subs better anyways because you catch way more substance IMO... but he dead sound like a bitch lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user going to mexico in 10 days!!! #vacation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"& If you think I'm sweating about your petty ass think again bitch \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #bitchimnotscared #obviouslyyouare #youthreatenedhoe ? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Guess everybody gets \u201cF\u201d cause Hillary ain\u2019t got none ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bird ass URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"So 58% of the British people support a long standing #BNP policy on #immigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Poland: Why don't Qatar and Saudi Arabia take Muslim refugees? This isn't a European problem! - Polish MP #StopTheInvasion ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"who fuckin coat? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ugly ass lmfao ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You kept a SCJ seat open for over a year with Merrick Garland. It is not fair to push Kavanaugh thru. He is the most unpopular nominee ever. The American people deserve better than this. The woman deserves better than this.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Not white southerners owned slaves. MANY of them were poor.farmers and could barely afford to care for themselves.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"that cheap bitch you rat classmate been worship lmaooooooo my expensive ass can't relate at all and will never relate to that cheap whore ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Happy birthday to this coon ass nigga buckcity @ThatLatsonKidd","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Illegal Alien Students Now Allowed On California College Boards. #DeportThemAll #BuildThatWall #NoAmnesty #DrainTheSwamp ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user healess bastards in congress, including #frump! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@ShianneAlvarez: @187XO_ maybe cuz your putting trust in a \" bitch \" not a lady.” or maybe because this a fucking song","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Watch this #Swedish journalist #IngridCarlqvist: Ethnic #Swedes will become minority in 2 to 3 decades Let this be a warning to #Germany and the rest of #Europe Stop this madness #RefugeesNotWelcome #SwedenElection #SwedenDemocrats #AfD #RT ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"My cat just rolled on me and said \"lets go run a game of 21, bitch\" http:\/\/t.co\/6kjgd0z1x2","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Who do you trust?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MAGA #KAG[NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/oA8NEqffVJ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BreadTruckkBri: \"@VoiceOfDStreetz: “@BreadTruckkBri: These hoes gon come && go, i feel it.”\" boy, lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"1. This is a local Fox station not the national Fox News broadcast. 2. If you\u2019d follow anyone outside your liberal bubble you would know the vast majority of conservatives are outraged by this too. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"how ah yardie reach wyoming?? (live at http:\/\/t.co\/8N9mI46CBU)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user some ppl care about winning at any cost & we'll ray is that kind ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When I step off in da club niggas give me daps and hugs hoes swinging dey eye ik one thing right they wanna fuck","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user monster hunter ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She went to my high school. Dumb liberals are prevalent in my area ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Dont ever really talk about your intentions to your boy that nigga might just turn around and take that pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#broken buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user true! ty! no matter how crappy your day is, there is always a face waiting for you.. :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Leave us a alon damn migrants go home ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"It's because we have a lot of dumb mother fuckers here that don't give a fuck. Especially the fucking blacks. Bunch of bad fucking attitudes.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"america first before all others we should be ashamed of our selves. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"450 migrants land in Italy, five #EU states to take 50 each ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Congress must hold the administration accountable for its treatment of immigrants. We have to lift our voices for justice and mercy. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user That's a guy. Guy looks like a Sheila! #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Evidence against Manafort was substantial and beyond reasonable doubt\" on 8 counts. He was found guilty in court, any other spin is useless. This is how our system works. If Manafort had problems with verdicts he can appeal them, he is not.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"hell would freeze over before I ever let any bitch kick me in the fuckin face","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Haha great ending. Modern #Antifa is THE most embarrassing movement since \u201cNu\u201d Metal in the late 90s. These kids will look back the same way ex limp biscuit fans do and say what the fuck was I thinking!?! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Funny thing about these meme maps. South Carolina and Cook county Illinoise have very similar demographics and populations. Cook county has more than twice as many murders as my home state with all that gun control. Start comparing apples to apples... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @toujoours: could never kiss up to a bitch or follow up being someone. not my cup of tea , you hoes look foolish","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"oh i love you thank 4 that. i love this country and i will die for our children to be safe day in america ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@CallNeeshCakey no , a pop wop 😂","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ElizabethBatman & @z0mbiedance are bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @NotYourRealPapa: #ThingsILikeToDo serenading your bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"niggas stay with insides over some hoe shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"wales!!!! what a goal!!!! #gutted #torn","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That Holt video is the first time I haven't sung along to Classic by MKTO in my entire life. It's virtually impossible. Thank God I didn't","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user 1. lmfao. no. non-white people can be #bigots and #prejudiced but is a 'system of oppressi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@CanIFuckOrNah: What would y'all lil ugly bald headed bitches do if they stop making make-up & weave?\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"NYC Media last week: LOL, look at the flyover peckerwoods freaking out.\n\nNYC Media now: BRING OUT YOUR DEAD.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He tihnks he is telling the big lie. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"stfu with your ugly terf bangs","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is about as useless as a tit on a hog just saying \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user a #flower #blossoms for its own #joy. -oscar wilde #quote #trust #life #love #healthy #meditation #yoga ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck You Allen Saudi Arabia Statement to Canada; do not attack countries for human rights while you Canada are the Current Hitler to Female Moslem Immigrant living in Oakville, Ontario.. Saudi Arabia expels Canada&#8217;s ambassador ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"30 seconds after you're done fucking the attitude out of her ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user Well then I guess it's totally fine to attack his character then. My mistake. I mean what right does an American who was the victim of gun violence have to call for stricter gun control laws anyway? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #bernielostme isn't an organic trend. this is crooked hillary's \"social media education\" fund in action #fuckelizabethwa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is Why Cortez is an Idiot 1) Border Crossers and Illegals are NOT Entitled to Enter the U.S (What law?) 2) The U.S already has a safe passage its called LEGAL I#MMIGRATION 3) 90% OF legal Immigrants are non White#Trump #MAGA #RedNatonRising #ThursdayThoughts ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user first day at @user wee walk to wake me up! now waiting for rest of the counsellors to land in! #americamp #sh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Porch monkey 4 Life","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These hoes be busting nuts when they get a RT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user a bunch of people who can\u2019t separate a character you play, from the real world, are moaning that you \u201cglamourise rape\u201d, ugh! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"is there anything better than a friday? yes! payday friday! #friday #weekend #payday @user friday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant detainees contribute to \u2018chaos\u2019 at overcrowded, understaffed Victorville prison, union says. Part one of a two-part series by me and @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\ud83d\udc40 PATRIOTS & ANONS \ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\udca5old SOROS is shopping again!\ud83d\udca5 #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #DeepState @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Brackin in da bity boolin wit sum bitches straight bleedin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"london is full of the most beautiful garden roses right now. #gardenroses #urbangar\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"coffee on tap today....it's going to be a looong day \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is kidding no one. His paper towel throwing stunt was seen around the world. He looked the ridiculous clown yet again. And we as a nation were scorned for the epic fail of a rescue mission to Puerto Rico. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Sounded like a god damn bear just fell out of my trees. Might be time to stop pissing outside and @Rorschach7 piss bucket up in this bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@dztabriseno @venetianstares @Theo_Gessese @adam_stirling33 @k1spon20 @espnmma @DonaldJTrumpJr @ColbyCovMMA PragerU shows an Educated Black woman speak on the lies u all speak, u keep trying to spread the demokkkrat propaganda all you want, the switching parties is a flat out lie and u all know it, nobody speaks of it because it\u2019s a damn lie #TrumpPence2020 Prof Swain is smarter than u","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@iDntWearCondoms: U get what u put in. If all u offering is pussy don't be mad when all u receive is dick” 🙌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#euro2016 #marseille #england #russia #france #teargas #fights #booze @ london, united kingdom ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I bet the first ones she calls when she is being robbed is those very same police\ud83d\ude21\u203c\ufe0f. People are freaking stupid ... \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user <3 listen to my most beautiful best friend @user singing with her most amazing voice <3 <3 <3 <3 28 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"4. Foot in the country and have no sense or feel for what is happening on the ground (except from watching telegram and twitter) is like watching football on TV and claiming you understand what the players are going through physically as you are sitting on the couch eating chips","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"today only have to thank! i understood your words! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u009d #words #omg #mylove #mylife \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"simple happiness! grateful for being her mother. #wonderwomanshop wishes you sabbathday parents ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ROBBIE ROTTEN IS NOT STUPID YOU CUNT ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Awesome!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday to all the men that empower their children #godbless ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Crewz76 I miss Tupac rap offs hillbilly","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @KINGTUNCHI_: Same bitches that diss me gone still be here to eat my Dick when they see that check","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JBilinovich @JZolly23 @cmnw86 You guys wanna skull Fuck some clay birds this weeknd???","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user \"the holidays are a violent time for me, and i\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve begun to question the impoance of families.\u00e2\u0080\u009d#familycircus #chri\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user so she is disgusting to you because she is a Rangers fan! you are disgusting to me because you support breaking up the union! #proudtobeBritish \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"if krakow is so beautiful then go & stay there, & let us build our #love & #peace here uk. i have east european #relatives. @user","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Hype I'm not delivering to that bitch boy anymore.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Always remember... When one door closes, 2 more vaginas open ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"We are most definitely Better off now than under the previous administration.. I still believe most sane people will vote with their head and wallet. There are many closet Republicans who when the chips are down will #VoteRedToSaveAmerica and ignore the MSM. #KAG2018 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Remind me what I pay NI for. And what the fuck have you done with our money cunt? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That isn\u2019t a bill about LGBT sex workers it\u2019s a bill on sex workers in general.Harris has a very good record as attested by LGBT orgs.I mean if we are playing that game you could argue that Bernie votes on gun control has impacted the lives of black people in Chicago negatively.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user YES YOU DO GO TO BED HOE ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This nigga Magic Johnson got a Grade A faggot for a son 😂😂.. He had to have done some terrible shit growin up lol..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Always pay attention to your surroundings, it could save your life. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER she is the only (semi?) important girl chara so ig thats who normie fans relate to? like also its teacher\/student which is an obvious straight ship","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i so can't wait to go here. #costaadeje #tenerife #2016\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"People who play #fantasygames are white trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Muh immigrantssssss ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I missing something of my ofay friends. Day all scared by da recent happenings. Don't chu worry...ol Lamar say you like da colored folk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user kind of says it all !!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This is to decieve people who don't know that women that report rape in Islamic countries are arrested on charges of fornication or adultery ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"' I fw these niggahs everyday , Neva changed up , always been the same to a niggah . Been thru shit with ma niggahs .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These hoes always gone Thot around to who ever give them attention at the time","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"they made me put on basketball shorts now I look like a confused dyke mosh warrior","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @chillRoppy: “@bvdgxl: “@TRILL_A_G: When bitches say \"darkskin niggas fuck the best\" this all I see......... http:\/\/t.co\/2Z2jlzYJUM”\n\nwo…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user God that's the one we should have used to remove Holder. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Who cares who is deadlier? Are you antifa? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Im smack tf out one of you pussy boys ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I just want vanilla Oreos","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"black12iwhiteboy - na: #porn #nude #xxx #nasty #young #horny #slut #hot #shy #sexy #naughty #kinky #we... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is purely a move to block a nomination. Liberals said early on they would not vote for him. This made up story is a slap in the face to all who were really sexually harassed. It shows liberals really don\u2019t care about any true victims. Power first. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"15-year-old Allison was completely in awe of the beauty and talented of the incomparable Marin Mazzie. So grateful to have met such an incredible woman and be a witness to her radiance!!! She is so very missed. \ud83c\udf3b URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Niccas be walking 4 flats to catch a nicca they kno in the club","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i feel horrible just watching my brother being sick ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #bihday to my #love it's a little belated better late than never but never late is\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal alien already sentenced for sexual assault re-sentenced for entering U.S. illegally: #StopTheInvasion ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"There's dudes on twitter who have no respect for their dick.You know,the mirror selfie niggaz,the nude droppers,dick avis,pussy eating avis?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"embrace the moment. congratz to all. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your fall is going to be a thing of wonder #resist #narcissist #psychopath #mysoginist #clown #happynewyear2017","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user im going to call you an old cunt everyday from today ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER AHH TOM \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f she is right though it\u2019s v good","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@jboii2: ima keep on giving these pussy ass niggas ah reason to hate !\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Why are you bothering me ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Defense from what ??? You sick ass nasty low life!! Your people are cutting, burning, raping people and they even ate their liver in real life in a video that is sick!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"DO IT DO IT! You'll still e a fag but do it(: — I'll pass Heidi. ;) http:\/\/t.co\/UTttLmOLXO","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@USER : Jack Dorsey, to his credit, has openly acknowledged that he has a culture within his company that is hostile to conservatives. Now the question is, what is he going to do about it?\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm jus a trill nicca mane","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Katie - You are a toxic bitch and will always be one. You got your way. I am going to be fired again anyways. You toxic bitch. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@AyoO_Fettii: My Anaconda Don't \nMy Anaconda Don't\nMy Anaconda Don't\nWant None Unless You Got GOALS Hun 📕📚💰🏡👫💍” Smh . White Ass niggah .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"France is the worst Islamophobic and Anti Islaam country in Europe. They allow women to march naked but scared of women in burqa. Their history is pathetic and shameful. French are zio nazi racist scums.\n\nAJ, Shame on you for posting this crap from one of the most pathetic and gross nation in Europe.\n#BoycottFrance\n#Islamophobia","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"so much #stupid in these #black on #white posts ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fuck muslims, fuch allah\nreligion makes people killin each others","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"tomorrow!!! #ethiad #waitedyears ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_Maniac_Mind_ @Marcfoor4 stfu with that what I'm gonna do and just fuck oh pussy ads nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lmaooo nigga said a \"Hol it down\" dyke was in the background","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user well @user repoed it first, which means russia beat us about a s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is way more creepier and says way more stupid things URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER hopefully all her boyfriends and or girlfriends will be interviewed. Possibly past students that have said she is a little psyco before the kavanaugh questions on Monday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Make my burger bitch 😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/StVEpVMzZz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You mad you a easy hoe a nigga can say some nice and you in love \ud83d\ude12 bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER DJT2- You have to remember his daughter is married to am Iranian and so he defends them at all costs. He is a coward and a disgrace. Thank GOD for your Dad or we would all be in a World of hurt!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for happiness. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dey selling liquor drinks in dis bitch too!! 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Actually it seems more specific than that. It appears the CBC is saying opposing gun control is the same as covering up child molestation in the catholic church. WTF??","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user People still trying to use the alt-right\"\" tag as a blanket statement on people that are in NO WAY associated with \"\"alt-right\"\"? Another reminder; The PBs exist because of the violent #antifa. Yet antifa has MANY accounts on Twitter.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Same here\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22. I can't hear what she is saying","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If he makes a recommendation of 50,000 refugees (or the 75,000 the contractors want), then know that there is no... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It is absolutely stunning to see a society as brilliant, efficient and clean as Germany become so stupid and inept about the dangers they are putting their people in.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"hoes get beat 2... n if any nigga knw me dey ah tell u I stay wit ah pistol n always ready to squeeze","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user nothing. that would be . #taharrush #taharrushgamea #rapeugee ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The white man has had his day and now its coming to an end just like ALL of the other oppressors in times past...even racist bill o'reiley recognizes it..he said that their is an attack on the white establishment....well what did you think was going to happen when the entire world of people of color in some way shape or form has been affected by the evil acts of the white race...the romans were the same way...blood thirsty, greedy terrorist","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@puckluckbitch @RelaxVibes like I got time to be wasting on some bitch who broke up with me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@tracieeeeee wha? me? i'm just waiting for showtime to bring back queer as folk.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MiraGotTheJUICE: Woah did this bitch say love?😶😂😂😭😭 http:\/\/t.co\/7PzRbWX0NU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #oecd: leading indicators point to stable growth in euro area #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"not all men youre right, gomez addams would never do this ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"UN reaches deal with #Myanmar to repatriate Rohingya refugees #UnitedNations #RohingyaMuslims ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Kyle long is fine. I bet he is just getting rest. Please at Brown over Sims. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Issa_GOLD u think that dream has anything to do with those two dumb bitches in San Diego lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" new year from #hawaii! | ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Roseanne really bums me out. The show, and the woman. On that note, it's time to chug some ZzzQuil.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"morning everyone! #monday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't fuck wit hoe niggas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user From who? People from ANTIFA who r mad at her? We vote libs assault! But SHES LYING so I don\u2019t care!! MAGA KAVA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm really not a complete bitch, just socially handicapped 🙋","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user things to be grateful for that can instantly make you ! read here: #mondayblogs @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"orientation day 3 @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The transparency of their acts furthers the myth that all women are victims. Some truly are but these crazed liberals wouldn\u2019t know one if they saw one. In the end their hubris will hurt the real women that really need help. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"me loving a hoe is ah No No","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user bihday sway\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Short non-fiction story thread about immigrant life & our social normalcy: Algerian families on the beach at Lac La P\u00e8che introducing themselves for the first time as they heard similarities in the type of Arabic that was being spoken from the other side of the shore. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"As you fall asleep, i want you to know what a great person you are. Remember that i admire u, care for u and loving you as always \ud83d\udc96\ud83d\ude46\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let all the do gooders house them. These people do not want to work!! Disgraceful lazy scrounging layabouts!! Taxpayers footing the bill as usual #sendthemback ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#NewVideo \ud83c\udf46\ud83c\udf51\ud83d\udca6 Sex Toys, Anyone? URL URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER BRUH THIS??? LMAOOO","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil muslims aren\u00e2\u0080\u0099t the only ones being displaced by uncle sam \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #2016in4words\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user So she is famous daughter. Who cares about what she is doing really? Not me ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you have chemistry the only other thing you need is timing.. But timing's a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"*cough cough* loser ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Thank You Iron Lilies For very Beatiful pics with Harley Davidson Bikes This Looks Like an Easy Rider Modified Sportster URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Happy Birthday again Namjoon! thank you for always sharing your thoughts and feelings with us! you are a beautiful person with a beautiful mind and heart \ud83d\udc9c\u2728 \u2648\ufe0f URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dumbass: why don't women come forward about sexual assault? [women come forward] dumbass: WHORE! LIAR! WHAT WERE YOU WEARING? YOU PROBABLY ASKED FOR IT! dumbass: just don't understand why women don't come forward? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i couldn't get --- had major #depression-- and then found out it was a #spiritual #parasite. #healing #energy #energetichealing","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm a basic bitch what can I say ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Behind the migrant and refugees labels are individual human beings. Read @user interview @user #destinationEurope #seacrossing #MigrantCrisis ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @_ashwhole: “@TerryLee__: “@______0__o_____: RT “@iHitModelsRaw: *hits blunt* https:\/\/t.co\/WiqgnDXgNM ”” this hoe thought she was so dee…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER God bless you SIR","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Another has been trying to get back in the spotlight Paul McCartney go back to England shut up","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Adicionei um v\u00eddeo a uma playlist @user LIL PEEP Type Beat You're Leaving Already\"\" | Melancholic\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\u00a0Deep Throat ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BigDaddyTise: “@Mr_popular: Bald headed bitches mad at me because they look like this. don't blame me blame your parents. #BMB http:\/\/t…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @OnlyRosee: The way Tricksnipers act is just ugh. 89% of them are Chief Keef, Soulja Boy niggers. Absolute sewage waste","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Shush it makes the ship make more sense","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As clear as the mud UKGov are dumping off Swansea. Corbyn offers no solutions & no answers ... being non-committal on everything & hoping 'not being the conservatives' will get him elected. Westminster politics & government have degenerated so much its no longer fit for purpose.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#techehelp is a best #it #suppo #companies to make your #business . learn more here: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #tiredness loss of #strength this is directly to you by @user #np on #soundcloud ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Traceydee98: I want pussy for dinner”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER was spreading #FakeNews about @USER FYI. #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Disgusting of the Dallas PD to try and find any reason to try and drag this man through the mud just say they can save one of their own when she is 100% in the wrong ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MikeyBlackheart: \"I never talk to anybody!\"\n\n*has dinner with family*\n\n\"I hate everyone!\"\n\n*defends 45 people when I call them cunts*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user another sad, forgotten idiot from the @user trying to out trump trump. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"+Caleb Whittington Only can a racist white man justify the murder, rape, thievery, and removal of a group(natives) of people from their own land. Then state that illegal occupiers should have legal claim to illegal and recorces(militia).THE LAND DOESN'T belong to them.The constitution dosent apply to so called whites they have been bamboozled.The colonizers of this land used the most ignorant and greedy people to accomplish their goals.They made promises that was never going to be kept.SO CALLED WHITES ARE 14TH AMENDMENT CITIZENS AND UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION.They dont have any inalienable or inheritable claim to anything thats owned by the corporate entity.All they ever had was privlages and no rights.They just had more privlages than the average ethnic group so they assumed they had rights and that they were in the right. A PRISON ORDERLY IS STILL A PRISONER NO MATTER HOW WELL THE C.O. TREATS YOU.People with privalages allowed others to get violated while they turned a blind eye and believed the propaganda.Its cold world when you realize that your not a part of the Elites social group but your their SOCIAL EXPERIMENT.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"stop trying to find where it isn't even happening! #airingofthegrievances ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user sad that there is so much hatred towards jews in eu & xians in me. remember xians of kenya, nigeria\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"*after BO1 RT @TheGodWriter_: @iDocLyfe Bruh lol I retired after mw2 because everything was trash afterwards.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"great day at the track ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow fucken Bradley sucks ass. And his coach said this niggah can play for Barcelona hahahahahaha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@_InhaleLove_ bitches love some Alex from target 😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"go for it today nothing to lose. athena xx\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#fridaymorning #nature #loa #crystals\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER you don't put this much thought into antifa goons ripping downtown seattle apart every holiday","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Geeking out over the #StarTrek Biden event. Man, they got so many actors! Favorite part - @staceyabrams panel on women leadership. https:\/\/t.co\/pRz45mOOhT","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I wake up sometimes and realize my ear has been folded as I lay upon it and that shit HURTS!!! Only me ????","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is really bad. Glove always turned the wrong way. How is this possible for a major league catcher? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@heyrmbr I never played Halo, too busy slaying bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@denytheprophecy because you're a weak bitch. Listen to Cruel Hand because the singer fell on face last night.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user We all know that the left is going to believe all those lies demo liberals rats are there to destroy President Trump \ud83d\udc4eNov is going to be red \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @trayn1gga: 1? Smh 😂 RT @WombRaider773: “@HOFSportsTalk: Yoo 😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/4SqZ7Tvp4v”\n\nWhat a fuckin EGO bust. #pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These hoes need Jesus y'all.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Was there any specific comment that brought up this point recently? And yes you are speakin da troof ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user __luicalibre__'s video a close fiends dad died on 911","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"...by accepting the premise that government can and should solve all of life\u2019s problems, conservatives and Republicans... get into a 'bidding war' with progressives and Democrats.\"\" The Libertarian Party is the only party that truly wants less government. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user - special message for @user ! it's not your land either .. #trump #trumpsamerica #day1\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER if you ever want a record setting bad election for the liberals in quebec you need to go back to this URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Tons of self-professed conservatives have unwittingly embraced the key tenets of Feminism without even realizing it. The average conservative\" woman of 2018 is more liberal than the average liberal woman of 60 years ago.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We agree that Trump is a Nazi sympathizer. But the Sandy Hook Hoax and gun control is right out of Hitler's playbook. Bloomberg is a Nazi when it comes to gun control. Dems need to moderate!!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@marc_lotter Yes, when a reporter highlights the issue you\u2019re desperately dodging, the smart thing to do is to loudly call attention to it.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Reporters don\u2019t have the facts on Trump\u2019s last negative test, thanks for screaming about it.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dozy eyes but feeling so refreshed after some my days away \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a #cherished #memories #lady x ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Finland: Poor refugees Locked In Cage after it turned out they were members of ISIS - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All these old politicians are just greedy money hungry opportunists. It's time to elect younger leaders who truly understand the world we live in today not old men who now days act like babies","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#campiglio saturday# finalmente estate ! #montagna#natura#relax ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Documents must be getting close to this crook. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@_Dukefan @KentuckyFanPage thats why we had 8 regular season losses...... #you #are #retarded","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😂😂😂😂 RT @SMASHaVelli: Murda out here sucking bitches 😂😂😂😂 #howDhow?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Nothing was stolen. Crybaby liberals didn\u2019t get what they wanted so they\u2019ve been throwing temper tantrums for 2 years.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Please advise where I can go to sign the petition to stop your petition.#ApproveJudgeKavanaugh #MAGA #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #AmericansB4Illegals #LimitedAbortion ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But antifa are only anti fascist (Romney told me so) she wouldn't throw a brick at you unless you were a na... \ud83d\ude27 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YOU ARE SO TALENTED I ADORE YOU","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I think the people all need to at once start shooting back. This is fascism on a grand scale","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Are you bilingual? This is how you can use your language skills to help refugees.\u00e2\u017e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f@tarjimlyapp ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"One must question the Patriotism of a party that has no problem with non-citizens from 3rd world countries voting in our elections; thus changing our leadership, culture & direction.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I'm sick of his shit man @JonnieSantana: Sit his bitch ass, I'm fed up bro RT \"@80sbaby4life: Geno threw yet another pick smh\"\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"right wings members back to fp\u00c3\u0096 #gegenrechts #nostrache #fp\u00c3\u0096 #noafd #nopegida #populism #nonazis #aufstehn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Hah! The fucking Chats!?! \u2018Onya Boys! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#teamlandesk are ready to meet you at #sits16 #sitsselfie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I support Jahs blessings on his hussle ....he is d bomb ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@trayn1gga: Charlie Strong WILL have Texas back as a power” better power of big 12 is anybody's now","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I got the streets ina headlock i got yo bitch ina leg lock i do not fuck with the fed cops!! ❌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@bigg_boss23: I never get on twitter but when I do, I get in bitch fights with niggas. not even females bruh..” http:\/\/t.co\/Kf6pxGKJXr","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"how the #altright uses & insecurity to lure men into #whitesupremacy ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@skinnysowhat: @PAPER_CHAYSIN you won't have to herd for hoes no more lol” lmao I hope not this shit SCHRESSFUL","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You are an officer of the law. You should act like one. Just because a criminal is a criminal and will break the law , you as an officer of the law should uphold it no matter how angry you are. Otherwise hand in your fucking badge if you can't follow the law and basic human rights. Just be a thug like the ones you arrest.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Oh it was multiple DNA on ol girl man they ran a train on that hoe 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"iggy wanna be black so bad. ur a white widow hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@zramsin @BetoDavidThomas go fuck your self pussy 😘","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@alammus small man syndrome usually deep down they're huge pussies so they join the authority to compensate their weak ego","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"13 days!!! #love #life #reunited #countdown","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Plenty of ppl work a full shift and still manage to find their way home correctly. This bullshit is not flying with the public. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You already know he is \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 and then blown coverages that gave Ole Miss TD ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hellow. African immigrants arent vandheri a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Of course the psycho in the Oval office flips his racist ways and blames Obama. Same old Trump","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats gun control and mass shootings data determined to be FRAUDULENT. Democrats are liars once again. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER hopefully you are an asu fan and not u of a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Chris_Anzueto @Josh_Mackey15 you call someone a faggot and then say to kill themselves, you are a pathetic human being. A fucking disgrace.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user hey everyone i'm new on twitter ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Very sad to see all pavements in front of Lodhi Hotel & Hudco have been encroached upon by illegal migrants. Very bad sight. Besides Delhi Traffic Police is very lax in challaning the Traffic offenders.They r always seen gossiping ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @MoneyHG: I love pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user urgh #love #quotes #lovequotes #deepquotes #cutequotes #love #inlove #iloveyou #imissyou #tired #confused #e\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@KingLuger carne asada, Gallo pinto, tajadas verde, queso frito and a salad With milca","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches so stupid!!! Yal can't know how I'm bouta start popping bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user yes, which is very . open primaries is needed all over the land. closing them out is absurd.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user seriously? what next? calling out for the pope? #sick ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user See. Even liberals are in agreement! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"air conditioning broke at the gym and temp was 89. only lasted 6.4 #eahathon miles #uponeaglewings #hot \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we all went through so much shit together . I miss them bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user And this coming from the sick puppy liberals at the Beast. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"making somewhat #healthy #nachos tonight with @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d love cooking together! #foodies #balance ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch i want those shoes so bad they are so nice ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user You are ridiculous and need to retire! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do! URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i could cuddle this little man for hours! #babyboy #picoftheday #auntietime #auntieandnephew ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We have been saved from you! MAGA! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user *yesterday's leftovers #toobigforahotdog #foodcoma ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the magic of tidying up by brenda palmer #goodread at #amazon #reading #decluttering ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when a girls all \"I'm single and I do single shit (be a lil thottie) cuff me if you have a problem\" like bitch I'll RKO your ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@lkxox_ bitch***","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @theHIGHESTpeak_: Flavaaaaa in ya ear, that hoe live lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Your dad is my Idol an he is raising to amazing young men","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Every time I hear a women slut-shame another women for what their wearing I can\u2019t help but think \u201cBitch you wack as fuck.\u201d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Did he get on his knees? Spends a lot of time getting down\"...High priced BJ giver? \ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude01\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Anonymous has always been a resistance tactic\/idea. It doesn't matter who is leading they are an enemy since Anon doesn't take political sides. There are Anons who support the idea of Antifa and there are those who don't. But no one speaks for the entirety of Anonymous. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Pisses me off so much when Brett screams fag or whore out the window at people","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"mary poppins \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 ba #tdl #\u00e6\u0095\u00b4\u00e5\u0088\u0097 #\u00e3\u0082\u00b0\u00e3\u0083\u00aa\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u0086\u00e3\u0082\u00a3\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e3\u0082\u00b0 #\u00e3\u0083\u009a\u00e3\u0082\u00a2 #\u00e3\u0082\u00b0\u00e3\u0083\u00aa #\u00e9\u0099\u00b8 #\u00e3\u0083\u00a1\u00e3\u0083\u00aa\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u009d\u00e3\u0083\u0094\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e3\u0082\u00ba #\u00e3\u0083\u0090\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u0088 #\u00e6\u0099\u00b4\u00e5\u00a4\u00a9 #\u00e3\u0083\u009b\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e3\u0083\u0086\u00e6\u00a8\u00aa #\u00e3\u0083\u0087\u00e3\u0082\u00a3\u00e3\u0082\u00ba\u00e3\u0083\u008b\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0082\u00ab\u00e3\u0083\u00a1\u00e3\u0083\u00a9\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I don't think he was calling Antifa racist, just that the verge doesent call them out as they do the supposedly White Supremacist\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Lisa Page confirmed the Russia story was passed to the MSM as a distraction for gullible liberals to push as a narrative to hinder our duly elected president\u2019s success in office.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user seems its escaped your attention that bashing whites isn't winning you any elections - over 1200 dem seats lost 08-\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Never Trumper uses brain for first time, wakes up to the fight #MAGA community has been waging for two years.\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s only going to get worse[NEWLINE]Pay attention Catholics [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#RememberinNovember [NEWLINE]#FoxAndFriends #MAGA #Ccot #ACB [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #KAG #KAG2020 [NEWLINE]#SaturdayMorning #SaturdayThoughts [NEWLINE]#COVID19[NEWLINE][NEWLINE] https:\/\/t.co\/u1PH7iezfC","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this should have been enough 2 just say no #notmypres #wtf2016 #neverump #unpresidented #bigot ... ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I was lookin like 😳 when dem niccas told me dat shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"like damn bitch if youre hungry shut the fuck up and eat im trying to sleep!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SUPERi0R_422: My daddy told me not to date a man with soft hands lol... Either he doesn't do hard labor or he's a \"faggot\".","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ShitPussiesSay: Dudes built like a crushed Twinkie http:\/\/t.co\/1WsYI6gDVP","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i always try to do my best to express my feeling to @user but unfounately my english is sucks :( ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this should have been enough 2 just say no #notmypres #wtf2016 #neverump #unpresidented #bigot \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#sick & over alleged #tigeemple #slaughterhouse disgusting & wrong - and here the #endangeredtigers thought they were safe \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Forget Michael he is a coward. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ahh yes we are cause some woman who comes out 30 some years later cant be believed. Where was this liberal outrage when the guy from Minnesota was accused of beating his wife. Silent on that one libs god you hypocritical liberals make me sick ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The NGO refugeeship is running now to rescue more illegal refugees in the middlesea. In Valencia\/Spain students was taken out from their homes to make place for the last refugees which are sick. One room costs there 750 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac and is comfortable. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sad, anoyed , mad because this childs are the victimes of mass-media , victimes of this stupid system created by rich people who wants every day more and more ! This are the results of people who want power, money and control !","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Black bitches don't be kickin up in our school. Bitches still comin wit durags still on they head nd shit.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#bravo @user ~ @user #banningofpostpress means #nothing ~ just as donald is #nothing! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"cringemuch .When women get panicked&start getting hysterical when having a standard delivery. Everyone knows save energy,focus&push. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"sickcunts","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" #freelolita lolita killer whale in captivity - miami seaquarium - please share to ra... via @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a millionaire. Trust me he'll just fine. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trump: I'm giving power back to the people\"\" Liberals: \"\"Authoritarian!\"\" Trump: \"\"I'm giving power back to the states\"\" Liberals: \"\"Authoritarian!\"\" Dems: \"\"We want to control every aspect of your life\"\" Liberals: \"\"That's exactly what we need!\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER You should totally follow those whack job liberals...unhinged and dangerous! Thank you \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Then support meaningful gun control and there wouldn't be atrocities like that to use? Don't want them raising money for good causes? Eliminate the disasters! #trumpisamoron #Stopkavanaugh #NYTimesOpEdByQaNon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"HOES BE WANTING YOU TO FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY AND BE MADD SO BAD! BITCH NOBODY WORRIED BOUT YOU...... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i am founate.#i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Jimmy_Santander: These office hoes do not shut the fuck up with their fucking chisme!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Been a while since it's just been me solo at the crib, feeling kinda lonely like a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Obvio #sinmaduroyo \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd2a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Wow... How did you do it without bumping into restrictions?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Maxine Waters is inciting violence against conservatives. Thank goodness her minion\u2019s switch blade wasn\u2019t working and he couldn\u2019t get it to flip open to stab the conservative House candidate. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I swear girls with good pussy think that's the answer to everything","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@TRob_waddUP @Jordan__Grimes @_TurnDownDre @kushdaddycorr lmao pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Two prominent backwards conservatives removed from Texas education. Looks like they're as blind deaf and dumb as Helen Keller once was.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"POTUS is at work while hospitalized, fighting\ud83e\udd4a for Americans #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall Will Congress get it done? \ud83e\udd14 #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/GpcWPeBQ7y https:\/\/t.co\/KqSQIG9TEC","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Im still going trick or treating. Thats free munchies bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user miss disneyland paris and my pen pal that lives in brittany ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking Muslim lies. The soldier said 'make sure there isn't any body in that house, we gonna bomb it in a two minutes","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER antifa getting shot only brings joy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh no everyone on snl is being unfair to you bo hoho get over it you big baby \ud83d\udc76 I hate you anyway just grow up you ugly fing dick they are just doing their jobs \ud83d\ude03","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Sure hope Maxi marches with Antifa. She will cover her head","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Excellent timing! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My favorite part is where left leaning people say we should believe all accusations at face value when it comes to sexual misconduct but not when it comes to Keith Ellison. Also I'm a Buddhist who's skeptical, thanks for adding to the all conservatives are Christian\"\" stereotype.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"words i live by \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #inspiration #socialmediamanagement ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh no I know why that I just don't know what she is talking about because I don't see a tweet she is repling too lol","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"AJ+ forgot to mention that the little bitch tried to kill someone.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"bitches be hating 😂😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"MS-13 gang members, including 10 illegal aliens, charged in deaths of Virginia teenshttps:\/\/t.co\/dQ9YWomJd8#AnimalBehavior #AmericansHaveDreamsToo #BuildTheWall #PreventableDeaths#SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion#ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere#DeportationsEqualPublicSafety ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"live on #periscope: only 35mins til the jumpsta workshop! #amwriting #quickscope ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"let children play..... they are the future of #india!! make them feel ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I thought it would be worse. I thought they would be shooting liberals in the streets by now. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What a great day! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That's exactly what shameful Dhimmis want in the USA! #MAGA #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Them pretty nail bitches, them bail you outta jail bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I would hate hate to own border property! Terrifying to see and know that was happening in my backyard! Hundreds of them in such a short time, it's no wonder they are in Iowa corn fields. Please #BuildThatWall Please for o ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@therealduxy @TKFan01 *too pretty...not *to pretty. Jeezus...my redneck education is showing.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"friday quotes! #fufitness #fitness #veganlegion #fitforlive #bodyweighttraining\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user way more accurate than most theories.Most history ancient Egypt ect is all made up BS . It\u2019s all been fabricated for us I don\u2019t claim to know why.But if you start looking into history ect there\u2019s no fucking proof of anything.Enjoy the show.Our consciousness is def changing #Doit ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I suggest using handcuffs to remove you!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i\u2019m in the middle of choosing-a-good-bio crisis please hold for a minute! : D","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Smuggled letter by Gaza tunnel digger details suffering under Hamas rule http:\/\/t.co\/jusiee1yhK via @TheMuslimIssue","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Fuck yes ride it baby! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Really a sickening issue. Liberals are vicious!!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"vocal ex #healthy praise team people fans we celebrate jesus ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What Was Their #InsurancePolicy? What #DirtyLaundry was held back to ensure a #GetOutOfJailCard? President @realDonaldTrump ordered the UNREDACTED RELEASE of everything! #WeHaveEverything #WhiteHatsWin #GoodGuysWin #PromisesMadePromisesKept #ReElectPOTUS45 #Trump2020 #SaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/obIlwvRO2G","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user registered by you're not sma, or a spreading confusion. @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Blackman38Tide: @WhaleLookyHere Trying to cat fish me, like nuh uh bitch get in the back.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"How does this #MAGA...?!? Is this our tax dollars at work...?!? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"To which, of course, many Slovenes will respond along the lines of: \"You fool, Slovenes are the worst!\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You\u2019re the embarrassment who should be kicked out of the @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user weekend great :-)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"french montana gotta give that kardashian bitch 2 mil cuz of a divorce i'll never marry none u bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER poor @USER she is a rager and a shamer. sad....","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"1\/So earlier you said, Unfazed and determined,\" you are going to confirm, Judge Kavanaugh. Presumably on behalf of, Chairman Grassley. Now you say it's the liberals fault. How do you work that out? Basically you said serious accusations of potential assault, not to mention lying URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"..@USER @USER 2 of 2 Vote her butt right out of office. #DianeFeinstein is part of the problem in America not part of the solution. Her old ideas and #ClarenceThomas tricks will not work this time. #VoteRed2018 #KAG #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmCoachK #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user commercial showing inter-racial couple attacked by @user #amerikkka suppoers ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user What does a snot nose 18-year-old kid know? He\u2019s just a loud mouth immature punk who the media has placed on a pedestal using to promote gun control. He is fed tag lines to spark controversy in order to bring attention to the gun control debate that he knows nothing about. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucks News...","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user is basically an incompetent mental retardo who is losing to @user a seasoned criminal. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I find it hard to believe cee-lo raping hoes, it's too easy to get them panties off when you successful","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Bret, maybe you're just running away because you pretended to be an expert and got pounded into submission by a girl. All you did was assume and demand proof, I provided. You provided 'your say so. In terms of debating, you lost. Have a nice day.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user when is your ballard, seattle, wa location opening? i'm about to cancel my membership because it's taking too long!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Attend, Poem, son of ScarObsidian!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can this guy get any lower? One of the dumbest people in our country! How did anyone in Arizona voted for this idiot?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"oh gosh. this freaking killed me>> not #president ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If we had a much sympathy for our own cities, homeless, and addicts as illegal immigrant we might have something going for us ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"HRW slams 'appalling' conditions of migrant camps in northern Greece ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Cause that's my mans bitch! Stop dicksucking hoes who hoe you lame ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Congress 202-224-3121...Police Reports Detail Sexual Abuse at Immigrant Youth Shelters - ProPublica ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I hate Billie &; Christy hoe asses. The most annoying &; stupid people on the show ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\" So hoes that smoke are losers ? \" yea ... go on IG","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER BOYCOTTING the National Fools League URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I'm a dick AND a pussy","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are TRIPPIN. Stop jumping to conclusions. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh look Ipigga thinks she knows women who struggle....fuck off bitch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm at the hairdresser's... new colours in. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Looks like the Democrats are on the right side of history.... Conservatives are always wrong... Prove otherwise upper east side Buck... Have you ever eaten in an Applebee\u2019s? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I KNOW THIS! IT TRAVELED A YARD!!!!!!!!!!! #football #BuildTHATWall #KimKardasian ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"When guys are more sentimental than most girls like man up pussy 😒🙇🙅","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Many arrests have taken place. Socialist media not covering of course. The coming arrests will make socialists heads explode. WWG1WGA! MAGA! DRAIN THE SWAMP! BUILD THE WALL!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I am with the Native Americans. Clean water and protecting their land passed down generations is a natural right. Do they (greedy corporations + other greedy political powers) want to steal more? They have stolen way too much already. Too much. Enough is Enough. There is a limit to savageness and greed. Learn from the Native Americans and their ways, how they believe we are apart of nature not a part from nature. We need values like this for humanity to survive and for climate change to mitigate and stop now.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@CheyOsrs @user But then it's a 50\/50 between receiving a dick pic or a \"LOL u ugly any bitch fuck u slut\" message ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user you are right! saddens me so many people are buying his and hillarys bs. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"haunting atmospherics #studiotime ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"finally they have arrived! \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008b #stoneroses #yeahman ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"DUMB CUNT OMM, JUST KNOW IM COMIN FOR YOU HOE ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lebanese Christian beats up Syrian refugee in his home and screams at his wife (with Subtitles) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Stay safe you are an inspiration to me. And practice those kung fu skills if they ever show up again :)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's correct. Talk to the trees and rocks about how great Antifa is. They cant give you any feedback. People can see how sick and demented Antifa is. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Seeing this.. then seeing evil greedy people sitting behind religions with tax free lives claiming to be here for the people with peace, love and forgiveness.. makes me sick! Youll never see the millionaires making a difference, thats the true definition of evil..","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I smell prejudice. Think about refugees when you vote for politicians, whom are going to wage war in these countries. To asshole Brits: Your government and military has been destroying lives and nations for centuries all around the world, what do you expect?!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Haven't talked to my bitch in a while lol. @RynoLewis","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Cops rarely got shot in countries with gun control ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"three weeks until i'm going to amsterdam. cannot wait!! #holiday #july","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"500 #spanks later! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #cane off to my thursday night obligation. i will be back for more fun in ~2-3hrs. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@yo_brandiiii @PennyTheGOAT \nplot twist: you have no penis.\nPenny would make that bitch like a balloon. \nBalloons and bitches can all float","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"5 minutes into 'prison and chill' and you drop the soap... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"just got a new #gadget and i am super ! watch me open the box on my #vlog at ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"true :\/ niggas dont go looking for apaments they go look at shoes and jewelry ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I wanna go to a trash talk concert","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Carlozxivir: @VocaToaster ching chong","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Accidentally bought the baby spinach AND baby kale mix at the grocery store and honestly it\u2019s kinda ruining my week. #HealthSucks","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user video shows white texas cop arresting black mother who repoed assault on her son #bla\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#png police shoot university students protesting against pm #jobs #jobsearch #: protests have spread a... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_tonktrippin: if you can't do or say certain shit in front of yo bitch then don't do it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Democrats are a bunch of them liars and always has been, Period!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigration: The US lost track of almost 1,500 children last year. Here's why people are outraged now. - ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Biggest booth I ever seen lastnight bitch had a leopard print jumper on look like an over weight leopard","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Employers should provide spaces for breastfeeding mothers to breastfeed Retweet if you agree","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user poor triggered snowflake. #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" porn videos free nude beach photo ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"tgif unscrambled = gift #tgif #friday #friends send your first unrapp gift today. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Character of a crook better off using Dillinger","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The Mohammedans are back\nIslam is at war with the world.\u00a0 (NIGERIA)\nIslam is not the religion of peace, but the religion of pieces (of dead bodies)\nIt's a dangerous totalitarian ideology\nSatan in the guise of Allah and Barbarism in the guise of religion\nToo much Islam will kill us.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Crazy freaking liberals","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"bout to go on my first overseas trip on my own #scared #i'manadultnow","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"look for our new sign outside the new studio! coming soon! #wearemoving #celebrate #morespace ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"latest piece of furniture almost completed! #oneofakind #stencils #upcycled #richmondopenstudios ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"being creative with time management fathers day: via @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That beach from Greece is so beautiful 😍 why do i live in bitch ass Virginia while people get to live around such beauty year round 😩😔","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER ........thank God it was not a mosque !!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate the world we are living in today... what is humanity anymore? When we are killing off our own race.. whats the need of all the bombing and torture and horrific crimes happening all over this world.. Humanity needs to be questioned big time... why the hell is our prime ministers not getting off their own arses to help.? sadly money equals power and status these days and this is the result.. Why ruin the lives of innocent babies and children? What kinda life will they have and what kinda person will they be when they have been brought up in war and killing? \nI just hope this stops... humans are the most dangerous existence on this earth not animals","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER You hear something he is not saying but they did drink supposedly at that school in the 80s which was 18 in 79. This tales is 1982 when limits moved to 21 but there is a girl 15 accusing a boy 17 of everything but sex. If you think it is rape prosecute it. Do not imply boy lies","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER A horrendous act of course. Conservatives lie like they breath and are just generally awful human beings. I don\u2019t doubt the victims story even a tiny bit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"As usual the skank democrats lie and make it up to cover their evil ass. We r so looking forward to the public hanging.\u201dswing you bastards!\u201d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@_Perarl he needs to date a grandma , I'm too turnt up for his lil pussy ass, bro and I called him lil baby names like lame & dork","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"first time getting shots up since i screwed up my hand with @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user account has been withheld in France based on local law(s). Learn more. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My Beardie is smarter than Sleepy Joe and Lying Kamala combined. She knows better than to crap in her own bed. Can't say that for those 2 Bozos. https:\/\/t.co\/wf0eyNXguM","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"One of those animals lands on my doorstep I'll blow his fucking head off and feed him to the pigs. Nothing but monkeys with 60 IQ.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"the birds out tonight","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RichgurlTira: These hoes will fake like they really f*ck with you but be hating on you lowkey","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@DimitriCrossin bitch ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Agreed. I have better ideas: ABC\u2014Let AntiFa beat her to death at a pro-Trump Free speech rally. 1\/","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @FeministaJones: Not today, bitch. Not today RT @RennyStevens: @FeministaJones soooo ur a black feminist. U do know how pointless that i…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"shaved my whole fucking body and I feel like a brand new bitch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"look at this bitch feet, how is she high fashion cuh http:\/\/t.co\/tKlXUuxo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Made your bed, now lie in the flea pit you created 'Tourists go home, refugees welcome': why Barcelona chose migrants over visitors ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BasedPaco: The NFL is very equal this season everybody showed glimpses of being trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's why Trump supporters can't even wear a hat without being abused. If they meet the animals on the left attack them. Antifa is a branch of the Communist-Socialist-Nazis Democrat Party.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I see you support gun control \ud83d\ude00 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch I was born where everything is done for me so don't try you little poor ass whore. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@_BatGangBitchh no hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@KuntaKayne I have never seen such ignorant, illiterate pieces of shit in my life. Bring in Natl Guard & disperse this trash. @bassem_masri","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Wanted my ex to get her shit together ; instead she tellin ppl I was the worst ever","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"congratulations because your sma. im so sick of getting labeled with a number #pissed#rant","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah nah nah \u270b\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@butter_obama: I hate when I attempt to make the yellow light but the car infront of me stops at the light 😡😡😡”‼️ I be wanting to fight😂","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iamMaliachigh: Every bitch with her ass out on Instagram bio be like \n\ndeleted at 100k for booking email backpagepussy@gmail.com","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @lyns_Boo: Mansion Elan tonight bitch! >>>>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"4th RT @MayaAngelouFRO: Beat my pussy up like i snitched on you and you had to serve time in a state correctional facility for 5 years.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Two red bones kissin n da back seat","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#goodday #grateful #thankful #blessed #love #joy #peace positivevibesonly #jesusgirl\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@zzzentropy @guynamedjordan bitch boys","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @gojackets973: @WesDurham its the start of another yellow jacket season tonight!!! How about a RT for ALL the Jacket Fans!!! #GTVT1 ...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@maireadlynn So, wait - is *everyone* getting the full suit? [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Cause I want to stunt on these heauxs #BidenHarris2020-style, too...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_DJPHILIP: ✋📖My mama told me if a bitch feet dirty her pussy dirty cause ya feet the first thing that hit the water when you bathe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate Putin and I hate Assad, so why do I give a shit? I hope they both die in this. I hope they both lose their grips on power because of this. Fuck them both.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Behind bars with a orange jumpsuit for all her crimes dating back to Arkansas~along with Billy~ Globalist deplorable~she is~ Karma is a bitc- and it needs to call on Killary this year for sure!! Time to pay your dues Hillary Rodham Clinton~Lucerferian~","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER If his Constituents support him they are as craven as he is. If they don't they need to VOTE HIM OUT! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that is what i call serive. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user come on jo!! we had a massive box for a camp! loads of codes! will see if we still have them!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Japanese teen has her trimmed pussy toyed by a green vibrator http:\/\/t.co\/jC8AZqu6nr","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user My brother works at boost he said he hasn\u2019t heard anything ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just had a discussion with a friend who works with families on the verge of eviction. She is expecting an increase in the coming months due to days out of work and money spent on hurricane supplies. #TheStruggleIsReal ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what about all the refugees that destroy the country ( radical Islamic )!! You will get out them to their countries? #cleaningcanada #canadaelection2019 #canada #Conservatives ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DaRealDip: A bitch can look like a million dollars wit sum garbage ass pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Don't be using teeth, hoe that's childish","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Jihadists in action more reason to #sendthemback #Auspol @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"He is an extremely selfish jew who hides in a womans crotch and than toetures powerless native people so he can usurp their land.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Believe the woman. What person would volunteer for the shit show she is about to experience if it weren\u2019t true. I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @crissstaaaaal: If unfollow me you're a little bitch cus you couldn't handle my tweets lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @vickyBeanMr: When u with yo main bitch and you see yo side bitch in public http:\/\/t.co\/scmkp1nYGU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user it's true, it was aired on libey tv, they gave justification for it. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@ABadBitchCost_: omg yall should see this bag of weed dog this bitch like a .3 fasho lmfaooooo” 😩😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" makes you ask yourself, who am i? then am i anybody? until ....god . oh thank you god!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if you are one of the 64.2 mil #americans who rejected , #bigotry &amp; #hatred fly your flag half mast on jan.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Oyyy hi there Kijung!! My son from the Unit! Hahahaha uwu \u263a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You Conservatives want to talk about scandals! Really? Let\u2019s get started. If you have the balls. Let\u2019s get busy you chickens.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Dumb ass hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Spoiler alert.. George was set up by the corrupt Dems and Hillary, just like President Trump! #FisaBringsDownTheHouse","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I have a higher expectation from China but then when i saw our flag was being burn by chinese i felt like they are disrespecting our country and stabbing us at the back\ud83d\ude44 i hate china, since its made from china (fake) \ud83d\ude39\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude39 stupid chinese people\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udfff\ud83d\ude0a","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Lmaoo RT @IMCoolLike_That: Stfu..who are u to prefer what a woman wears on her feet bitch RT @80sbaby4life: I hate bitches that wear wedges","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00e2\u0096\u00b6 yung samu ft lokey-#eahquake produced by dj triumph #music #loveit #stripclub #turnup #miami","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @eanahS__: @1inkkofrosess bro you just made me want that ho even more , what year?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @JonHorstHoyer: \"Lester, the parasitic spider monkey, had 1 redeeming quality: he ran the boat, & the boat attracted women.\" 'ONLY IN #C…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are all set! I have sent an email to your Gmail account to indicate the update. Have a great day! *HJF ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can\u2019t find it anywhere!I\u2019m not a miracle worker, I just play one when finding things for my children that had supposedly vanished.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I've pretty much eaten an entire box of my nephew's cheese nips. I only feel bad a little.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Antifa brought to you by Carl's jr","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Wow. This is really showing your lower level of reviewing of before governments. This is what Antifa does -- promises antifascism but is lying to everyone by blaming capitalism as we now know it instead of the governments that have perverted it. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Tell dem THOT bitches im NOT right !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#diversity has become #tribalism. #culturalappropriation is Left's 'unwinding of #America. #tcot #conservatives\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@vewxyz this bitch........","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@justezzzee your so fucking ignorant u talk a lot shit for someone who don't wanna fight your mama raised u as bitch huh?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ASOS and Katharine Hamnett team up on underwear line to support refugees ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Oh please EVERY network is reporting this. This is bullshit obviously but stop pretending it's just fox. Your political bigotry is showing. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are still on that Trump train to nowhere!\ud83d\udc4e","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user father's day \u00e2\u009d\u00a4","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@DaeDaviDavie: @white_thunduh im the bitch okay nudes pat 😪😏🐸\" wow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Such vegetables as onions, and its relation to the Tribe.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Pearls_N_Kisses: These hoes be acting up.. & you know what, Imma let em..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Becca. She is too much work.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch fuck yo nigga, what's up with that pussy!!?!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"barely home, work in 4 hours $unday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@2hood2bgud: @uce_INA 👀👂 a bitch is all ears...” My mama told me not to talk to bitches so...😴😂jk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The treatment of the Palestinian people is the most graphic illustration of an apartheid system that you can think of.\nEnd Israeli Zionists apartheid.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"PSAYoure a slut but you dont fuck meBecause you sound like a cry baby bitch shut the fuck up already ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @J_Leche14: A relationship does not stop a hoe from being a hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I got money and hoes money and hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"She said pop can u make it rain I said bitch I'm a water bearer I bring da flood I'll make you drown","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"over-excited man is attacked by cat while opening present that cat repping trump yo! ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user ex-'voice' contestant christina grimmie fatally shot after conce | fox news : #the... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Child Prostitution: Feds Break Up Mexico-to-Queens Sex Trafficking Ring via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Yankees: #Yankees win, 6-5, on a #walkoff single by Derek Jeter!!!!!! #FarewellCaptain","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Um bc she is??????","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Popcorn and candy for dinner. I always knew Charlie Brown was my spirit animal.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user They just all want to keep their CORRUPT & CUSHIONEY JOBS!!! THRY WANT TO GO BACK TO.....BUSINESS AS USUAL \"\" \"\" I DON'T THINK SO\"\" !!!!!!!!!\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are a coward and a traitor!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/AFR2NSpcpI. If those asshats at CAIR called ME an islamophobe I would say \"guilty fuck you... Pass the bacon bitch\"😆 #tcot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hey Bitch stop quoting Jimmy Tatro you fake ass bitch hoe ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Cougar745III: this girl comes into class with fried chicken and pulls hot sauce out of her purse i mean come on how ghetto & Stereotypi…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"it's arrested development, preferring live in a fantasy world than face reality. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER there is no way she is 26 wow drugs maybe who knows","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What have you done...Distorting our hindu scriptures...Sick people like you","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Before I let a pussy cut my hair I just will let it grow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BrendaGisselCA that you got hoes damn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER hope you are having a great day honey. Can't wait to talk to you \ud83d\ude03 I love you \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Between the constant tweegrams and the bad bitches playing themselves out for attention and the stupid caption pics instagram lost me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Only when u vote out the liberals & ndp!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Unity make the strengh \u270c\ud83d\udc9f Still Love no matter what!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kieffer_jason wtf r u talking about I was in Plano tx what r u talking about pussy boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #cnn calls #michigan middle school 'build the wall' chant '' #tcot ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user go take your anti meds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"OMG. If i was an immigrant or person of color, Id HATE to live in Kansas if immigrant zealot Kris Kobach is elected givernor. He can only deprive Kansans of the right to vote. via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitches and their door slamming habits ctfuu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@TheSeanyV quit being being a pussy yourself and call them out by first and last name plus SSN ya poon!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this orlando shooting is fishy to me. since when do police raid a place in 3 hours? 50 people seems like a lot dead, from one shooter. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Ebony | ebony texas bbw with big deep pussy http:\/\/t.co\/dBbxsoW8M2","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@beautiful_bleus: 7. You still fucn ya ex?”na that bitch corny","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #friday! see you in #eso later this evening! #fridayfeeling","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope that dumb cunt gets her face beat in by a black woman over hearing her using the word nigga. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Cory Booker thinks he's the most hysterical woman in the Senate ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sick of your coon antics RT @POONsoaker: Accuracy RT @Thotcho: “Henny > water” 💀💀💀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yall bitches only muslim when yall hair fucked up ctfu stop that youngs!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#ICERaids sweeps up over 100 Illegal Aliens That Stole U,S Citizens IDS and SSN for #Jobs Illegal #immigration is NOT a Victimless Crime #Trump #MAGA #ExecutiveOrder ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh, and by the way, i'm going to new jersey this summer too since that's where she lives. \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #summer2016","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"What's the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing? A pencil has a point ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER He needs euthanasia","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This so call journalist at msnbc are so out of touch with the real voter and Trump supporters. If you watch them, no Latino or Hispanic support Trump. Im from Puerto Rico and I supported Trump since he was a candidate. And I dont support illegal immigration. #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \u201cLike hell he is hurt. Do your job\u201d -Randy Orton. Do you have ears?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"yah the wait is over for #fieldday and i will get to see the great #pjharvey perform! can't wait to dance in the rain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Charlie Faker Baker is a traitor! He prefers illegal immigrants over American citizens! He claims he worries about the illegal immigrant children but doesn\u2019t care about all the children that have ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What would yall do?.....I would act like one of them nd act like we lookin for the same bitch lmao http:\/\/t.co\/7d0JeAmUvf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u2066@realDonaldTrump\u2069 \u2066@SenateGOP\u2069 \u2066@HouseGOP\u2069 It\u2019s all over. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/2BCqbxQVcX","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Over bitches trying to act like I own them a picture","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user A lot of democrats and liberals are even criticizing him for giving him the hug he asked for!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I have met very few good cops. If they were good cops, they were damn good cops and used common sense and had a heart.\n\nThe rest (95%) are egotistical assholes who abuse their power and lie worse than the actual criminals. \n\nNot everyone is a criminal, but cops treat you like dirt, then apologize if they are only caught.\n\nNo respect given because it is all a money racket, government income...If you are broke, you are getting convicted. If you have access to money, you can prove your innocence.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@M_Talleywacker yes. Touch my bitch? Get ya shit knocked","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"astonished to find 3 little boys aged 12 died on the 9th of june 1855 wonder what happened ? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My dad is such a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @imGuccinizz: Quit it with that you got hoes shit you ain't got a got damn thanggg witcha ugly ass !!!!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Can really hold phone convos in my house with this trash ass service","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The news is full of stories and outrage over our governments Zero Tolerance policy which requires all adults entering illegally to be criminally prosecuted. Here's what you need to know. #refugeeswelcome #immigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Actually Texas is a red state that has had TOO MANY liberals move in trying to ruin things. So don't cast aspersions against Texas. It's the liberals from Cali. and Colorado that keep moving in. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@onedirectum fugly white bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am thankful for flowers. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KillPiffy: You unhappy Scrappy? I got Pataki at me. Bitches say I'm tacky daddy. Range look like Laffy Taffy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'am pretty sure for the 100th time I told you ALL POLITICS TO THE SIDE Not my fault Cale is a Sexual Predator and Jill committed Stolen Valor by stealing someone else Military Pictures saying it was her Son I could care less if they are Antifa or Proud Boys who came and 1\/2","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil not all muslims hate america. #emiratis #2016in4words ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6because i'm .\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 it's hour! from 4pm-6pm today, get 1\/2 off cocktails, wine, and drafts. see our me\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That just fucking sick,coward cop.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Alex_Simonson: EVERYONE PRAY FOR MY BROTHER nothin wrong with him he just a bitch lmaoo http:\/\/t.co\/uDKCfhBUIz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user going to bring your Slut whore ass to the states ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Bring another bitch for a real nigga.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"I call him my bitch\" @MaKennaM_","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @L1LDebbie: I'm your bitch down for whatever","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Vacante_: If ya girl shaves the pussy before going out with her girls, somethings wrong.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user We\u2019ll we\u2019ve been fucked by bama twice since we got here so we\u2019re almost tru fans ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can anyone say \u201cwashed up actor trying to stay relevant?\u201d!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"' On twitter say she ridin for a niggah 󾍃󾬏 . That's why I really fuck with her , she down to pull the trigger 󾓵󾮟 .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user you should probably start reading your Bible hun. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are an amazing organizer \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"keep those fuckers out of the U.S","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"i'm \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b4\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b2\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b0 and #blessed \u00f3\u00be\u0086\u00af\u00f3\u00be\u0086\u00af \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling thankful","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when white trash try to act like they're my equal. It only makes it that much clearer how white trash they are.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Way to have some balls and talk shit like this after McCain no longer around. You know he would have told you to stfu. Pussy! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER This is the most consistently stupid argument gun control advocates make.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#ArrestGeorgeSoros He Funds #DomesticTerrorists #Antifa URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Women + Liberals. Nuff said. Kavanaugh to be confirmed next week regardless of these desperate games. Game over. #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so confused. One of the liberals running loose Beaware ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user these simple tips and advice can make you a #successful and #singlemother! pic.twi.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER Just another Republican hater! It amazes me that liberals don\u2019t like Republican\u2019s money \ud83d\udcb0 Colin You\u2019re fired! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02#BoycottColinJost #EmmyAwards ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sometimes you gotta beat ya dick like it stole something ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@yaboysloth you pissing in my trash can again?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Maybe because you\u2019ve provided a play form for hate groups with no criticism or criticism-lite while bashing antifa with zero analysis","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"today is the day \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c #mikael #josemorenobrooks #premier ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Best part is if you read the exchange he had in that thread, a year later this dude comes back on his same blm and Antifa caused nazis\" bullshit lmao. And by \"best\" i mean saddest.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@TinnyTimm: ✊😮 u r gey af. But you're my boy I'm glad I'm close with you. You dumb bitch” how guys say \"I love you\" 😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"224 illegal migrants held in western Turkey ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user peaceful way to sta the morning before the daily chaos begins\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #gratitude ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just one of those days when you feel broken.... <\\3 :'( #broken #.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Listen here lady my tweet was about the fact that I\u2019m sick of hearing about trump every time I listen to news. Idk where the fuck you get off trying to spin it in to some sort of racial situation! YOU are part of the problem. Stop turning shit in to something it\u2019s not. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"btw! i am on a semi vacation also and that's my job .. business and pleasure forever! lol thank god #blessed #grateful #peaceful woot","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02 Well @USER is my business and I am dedicated to make you the best version of yourself.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the fat Antifa member","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user omg tell me about it even tho i packed my lunch for tonight \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"She was a bitch anyway\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"5.10am Still a crowd at Queens Park protesting the conservatives middle of the night power grab. Shame on the conservatives! What kind of party creates chaos during an election? Rather than working with their citizens to create a healthy economy? @user #ONpoli ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hmmm...they piss off the portion of the population that actually supported football and are shocked their numbers took a nose dive? Shocking! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bae gotta bitch 😂 whoops 😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/usd clings to gains on draghi, around 1.1400 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@najmaaa_ali: Lool I agree RT“@stopitfive_: the most fucked up show I ever watched was misfits”” wen Simone wifed that hoe was the saddest","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user fix this shit! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@souljaboy: @kmichelle you mean the niggaz i shot? Ill give you 100k if u let any nigga smell your pussy and it don't smell like shit.” 😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I love you!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don\u2019t understand why she should be heard. I SHOULD BE HEARD and I have pictures and scars from my TRAUMA #ILLEGALALIEN left his car in the middle of #405 fwy in 1982 - when I was 18! We were badly damaged! #Kavanaugh #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Charlie and I!:) love that dog!!:) http:\/\/t.co\/8AQXiYg6Ov","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"not jacking off to hentai mind you my cock been dead for days but busy reading! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@clfrew27 bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#ifyousawinyouwhatisee you would believe the accusations regarding your father ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"great night tonight. just love a family pay. now for some zzzzzz's. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You're twisted in the head. A smear merchant and a liar.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BullHunitProof: bruh said \"Black girls pussy taste like attitudes and arguments\" LOL","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Here is my 15 year old Daughter's report\" \ud83d\ude04 (conservative as well) #fluffywolf1218 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"'IT'S NOT ALL MEN, THOUGH!' yet you sit in a circle with your boys and you hear the things the say. you hear them admitting to being brutal ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All these do called refugee supporters have never been in a Muslim majority neighborhood, or hell a Muslim majority country. But they are always the first one's saying take them in. Angelina, you should let a male live in your house then, i hate when the rich suggest what the lower\/ middle class should spend our money on. Stupid bitch.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Someone bitch slap me into the lake if you see me on FB tomorrow. I suspect my hard core GOP friends will be all over this.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bitches be tambout \"my party\"..... no bitch, its everybody party....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I love the mental attitude you have on these things and how straight up you are about stuff ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a lot of pakistani twitter folk make out like they are totally liberal & open minded... and having any so of deen imaan is \"uncool\". ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude10 sorry but she is an idio ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@JunDishes block or mute the cunt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @KatiePavlich: Charlie Crist doesn't have any more political parties to join, but he could become a spokesman for a fan company.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I\u2019m not sad. I\u2019m fucking angry... angry that the GOP is embracing fascism. My grandfather was Antifa from 1942-1945. I\u2019m following in his footsteps. His friends didn\u2019t die in vain for nothing. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"If you wonder what skank beat is ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@dre_snipes @TheReal__Hop lmao, them bitches was the truth","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"WOW, Trump Just Did It: TWEETS Video Exposing Dem\/Obama\/Hillary Immigration Hypocrisy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i won't waste my time on some sob that has to plaster color on his profile blm bacon lettuce maters matter on 2 slices of bread","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Thank you my lovely! You are beautiful too \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MrHoratioSanz: Vin Scully once called me a camel jockey. #liesaboutvinscully","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"mid week road trip.... #bestdayever","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Iemonaids right in the pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #friday #hair #shearscolourhairsalon fathersday @ shears colour & hair salon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if i have to tolerate ur loud ass maga merch dont say shit about my nike anything kiss my ass","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"like a bitch pic is flirting nowadays","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Send them back by force. Muslims are the rats, the plague returns in the form of these cowardly rats fleeing from their shit hole to create a new shit hole","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This mf trump really said he not giving anyone no more money until the election is over \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @SaluteMiSWAG: nice body parts on ugly bitches is the worst.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Typical... When it backfires it's nothing to see here move along... Trump supporters these days are doing the same thing... All this shit Trump is getting called out on. It's nothing to see here move along . Lol","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lmao. He\u2019ll be confirmed on schedule. Then we start the very short clock on RBG. And 1 or 2 or 3 more in the next 6.5 years. Along with another 30-40% lower court appointments. The democrat destruction over the last 10 years has been epic!! And hilarious. #maga","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"preparing my meal! love it! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083 #healthy #protein #fitness #lunch #foodporn #foodblogger\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are so pretty!!??","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Faceyspace: Dorks are fucking bitch-magnets. Sorry.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"planning my photoshootings! #fashion #photoshoot #photography #student","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Democrats continually prove how crazy they are... URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 3years #smile #be_strong #always #staywithyou #thankyou #rip ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"*this* is everything the next 4 years will be. #neverump #pussygrabberinchief #idiocracy \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"mean people suck, so i wrote the book on nice. nice guys finish first. #smb ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Y\u2019all need to know that she is human being and knew Mac for so many years and was in a relationship with him. She\u2019s grieving. She doesn\u2019t have post something to prove that. AND IT IS NOT HER FAULT HE DIED LIKE DAMN! Stop blaming this poor girl. His addiction killed him.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @sweatercamila: lohanthony is such a little bitch he doesnt even like the girls and he gets followed i dedicate my life to them and i ge…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I love fat bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Another country with strict gun control. For some reason gun control never helps the average citizen but dictators and terrorists sure support it.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RuNeshaShamia: Drunk inlove with my gun bae bitch Beyoncé 😈😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER I thought you said the NYT was \u201cfailing\u201d and \u201cfake news\u201d. So this can\u2019t be true; it\u2019s made up!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"how utterly : people with incurable #stupidity in #africa killing people with #albinism. good luck with an education campaign.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@user are you seriously considering a performance at the inauguration of a #lying #misogynist\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ain't nothing that good head or pussy that curl yah toes up😂😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user it's mind boggling to hear a blm suppoer repeating obvious lies, yet utterly believes them without question. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"are you really bringing the pm's toddler in your debate? #polcan ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How did people respond to @user tweets today?Friday 07 Sep 2018 16:00:26 UTCTop hashtags:#fridayfeeiing#buildthatwall#fridaymotivation#retweet#maga#nikeMost influential accounts:@adventuregirl@WeSupport45@DailyCaller@MichaelRapaport@LouiseMensch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"series finale of house of lies tonight. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_reathie man bring yo bitch ass here ion give a dam bout yo mf attitude","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@EvelDick Y am I not surprised UGLY MIKE BOOGIE has to buy pussy??!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Behind every independent woman, is a pack of hating hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why did women vote for Trump? bitches will vote for a bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user can you please tell jimin even if he knows just how amazing he is and that he actually saved my life no joke we're really thankful and please be safe and healthy i pray for you every single day and minute to be protected and safe \ud83d\udc9cThank you @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user simply cannot accept failure. Former President Harry Truman he is not. Trump will always look to blame others. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Please clarify what subsection you are referring to.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But not all men are this dangerous. There are plenty of men's out here protecting woman no matter what ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"gipsy\u00e2\u0098\u0086clown family time #relaxing #relax #doughter #island #surflife #surfing #snowboard\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Idgaf about you flat chested hoes feelings either, you a grown ass man nigga.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Too many Republicans\/Conservatives perennially bringing a knife to a gun fight is how Connecticut has ended up a basket case state. If you can't stomach matching your adversaries aggression level you will get steamrolled. Every 4th grader knows this.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user in the fake national emergency that was created by conservatives for their nwo bullshit ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user mgaenp was 118 episodes and i thought that was too sho. i stand corrected. it's kahani hamari. #dontendkahanihamari","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ireland: Indian Sub-Continent \u201cTaxi Drivers\u201d Fake Marriage Immigration Scam Exposed ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"After a fight in the club in New Orleans them bitches start jumping","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I'll answer for You!! when you have a different opinion to them you're a racist...when they lose an argument you're a racist...if you love Britain you're a racist...liberals are week people...it takes a strong person to to not be one of the sheep ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bands will make her dance , stamps will make her twerk , If Romney becomes president , these hoes will have to work.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"whoop whoop, who is the best? @user of course!!!!! #sorry #mega \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c i am like a little girl today ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This should be seen far & Wide.@realDonaldTrump #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It ain't nothin to cut a bitch off","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user lol how on earth do you think antifa needs funds for anything? kicking nazis is free and business is booming ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@DavetheBrave1 that hoe on some other shit bro rt and 100x better rn that a nigga high","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@_hellMEL: Men hop in they feelings much quicker than women.” Not me 😈 I hop in ya bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"somebody put a sticker on my dogs cheek 😒😾 bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Will the liberals stop wasting tax payer money with C71 which will be repealed as soon as next year if passed? Move on instead to ensure criminals are dealt with severly and illegals are banned from entry.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Had this play heappened in a 49ER-RAM game would you bore us on that too? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I was such a pussy back then lol like its crazy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I won't deny someone right to be a anchovy kunt eater if that's what they want, but don't think you will\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @xDSmooth: #shoutout to that niggah @1BookieG \nGo follow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#bts with the #gorgeous @user #beautiful #cute #pretty #brunette #smile \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just got my tickets for manchester, bringing 2 non-listener friends by force ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck this fat mexican bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Official_DCole you gonna be 33 years old with no bitches watch...lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @IGGYAZALEA: its like the guy that asks for your number and then says you ugly and a bitch when you say no…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BasedChasen: Ebola not scary at all while yall worried about Ebola ima b getting hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @shikeattike: I hate a bitch that constantly call herself ugly. That shit is so annoying man","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right ... It's a conditioning of sorts resulting in denial... Irrelevant of the facts... THUS Welcomes Cognitive Dissonance in Disguise- ANTIFA \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ReaIDonTrump45_ @michaelbeatty3 @JusticeAmyConey Great choice Mr. President. I have Faith that she will do a great job. #KAG #TRUMP2020 #ACB","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump What is the punishment for treason again? #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"personalised da... gbp 25.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Indians is popular with their stupidity. No surprise here.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @JoeyG_145: Downloaded flappy bird 5 minutes ago... It's already deleted.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And women pussy hole ? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ex-UN envoys urge US to restore Palestinian refugee funds ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @trevso_electric: You want a hot body? You want a Bugatti? You better be born into wealth, bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ALL THIS IS BS. FORD IS LYING!!This has everything to do with delaying the vote... #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaughNow #POTUS ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"plus_system-make_you_freak__rhythm_machine-(plus20)-web-2005-ukhx_int . #web hardcore #1gabba #vk ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" in uk's increased because gb #politicians have impo #immigrants from infidel #childabuse #cultures for #coffee backhanders","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@RicHieDev_ @CONVERSES_ON she can stay as close as she pleases nigguh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hey @USER, Thank you for the follow!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"white girls will never break the internet... \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user U don\u2019t think bad stuff happens to men in cars? Shit happens to everyone it\u2019s just your mindset on how you deal with possible issues like that. You can\u2019t spend your whole life worrying about something that most likely won\u2019t happen to you. But it\u2019s your life do ur thing haha. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bad bitches is the only thing that like","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I don't believe an Elk could grip a rifle even if it could purchase one. Although you would probably want sensible gun control laws\"\" on anything the Elk could purchase to defend itself. Sad.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Sorry...nothing but a setup to try and appease the Socialist Democratic Wacked Out Liberals. We are not stupid","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #sweden consumer price index (mom): 0.2% (may) vs 0% #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"15 in last over required? Bowler is Bumrah!! Who can get it easily...?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER But thats ok only dems and liberals can do that dont you know that","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Today was so good.... ..... ........ ...........Unless my crush's girlfriend shared a pic with the two of them together 2 years ago.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user great to meet @user @user the best #gin experience in #london #worldginday tomorrow!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Uh oh RT @VICD713ENT: Control yo bitch if you don't want her in no shit. It's that simple","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user All this is common sense as long as you aren't throwing bottles and M80's at civilians like all the dumbasses at antifa protests.\"\" The whole \"\"violence is sometimes necessary,\"\" idea that antifa and BLM and communists spread, is retarded y'all... You're kill civilians dummies...\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":",@musclezauber why not animal crackers. i want animal crackers shaped like master chiefs and trolls and gun's and shit, thatd rule.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If we text and I have a pic of your pussy, that's your profile pic in my phone. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@KyleReinders bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I can hear birds outside!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"AJ + : \"We bring you the stories that are shaping our world\". Wow great job. Most of your shared news is bullshit.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Can someone tell this dumb we are a republic ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Sneakbo: Man like @Stormzy1 doing Hella things 💯💯💯🙌 I gotta take my hat off to that nig!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#RebekahismOfTheDay #WednesdayWisdom Liberals: There is no such thing as gender.\" Me: \"Really? Then tell me more about the wage gap.\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"High five to the CRA for catching onto this! #Muslims are not to be trusted as we have been seeing acts of terror in our country. We need to stand up against this! #StopImmigration #BanShariaLaw #BanTheBurka #BanTheBurqa ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Me- I read this article about it Also me- I really just read the headline and made up the rest ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm sorry, the 2 million times a year that firearms are used in self defense bags to differ.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@OutterSpaceSWAG @ChipChipperson @out \nChippah I hopes you ain't be hangin wit dis wigger boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Wait a min RT @angie_goodwood Or her pussy RT @KingHorseDick That Rihanna cologne for men probably smell like curry goat and nail clippings.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BadAdviceDog: r u african because ur african bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user bihday blake! hope you're having a great day and all your wishes come true\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@GrizzboAdams @wyattnuckels bitch I make the plans not you pussy fart I'm in charge follow me or deny me I'm doin Friday and were fighting!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I don't. (._.) RT @FvckFresh: Light skin Bitches will have 30 unread texts & still tweet \"Nobody to talk to\" .. You bitches is outta control","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"won't spare leader #kolianwali, will meet the fate of #ravisidhu: capt #amarinder ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm convinced the rapefugee invasion is an integral stage leading to this, considering their victims tend to be minors. More exposure to an idea, whether positive or negative, has a normalizing effect on the masses. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user It wasnt a mistake-it is a more than appropriate and accurate description of those hysterical women. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Steiny31: Peace, bitch. http:\/\/t.co\/mEkV4wyJvq","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user scary that it's not that long ago! ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I love it that the wet liberals are so frightened by the US. And yet are so keen to deal with the non-democracy that is Europe. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"protects their citizens best\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030warned year ago of negligence of officials in Italy\/Greece\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030lax \u201cvetting\u201d of migrants to be shared w-others. #V4 realistic, not naive. Others in EU making huge mistake taking migrants from \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ac\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ae\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b9@hungary_journal ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@_CaliStrong - lol it's possible that a hoe can treat you the right way but will she love you the right way? No. A hoe will be a hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user HOLY SHIT NO WAY ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Check your balls at the door. Stephen Colbert weighs in on the weird #Trump #CabinetMeeting. Even @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"As much as I hate everyone who endlessly whines about what they think is feminism and pounces every time they think they have any ammo to discredit it, I must agree that it's definitely not misogynistic...just stupid.\n\nI'm sure feminists are just as tired of hypersensitive people who jump at any chance to get offended regardless of whether or not it makes any sense as you are. Please don't typecast, or at least do some research before you do. By that I mean research through academic sources, don't just google search and take a scroll through Tumblr.\n\nTumblr is not a political website; it's a host for image blogs and a place where angry people rant about their problems just like every other social website on Earth. It's a popular website full of pro-feminist sentiment, sure, but that doesn't make it a political movement's HQ.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user because many of us find obama's policies repugnant does not make us you're liberal rac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @skankymunter: Pissed in shower, now checking for yellow legs.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If my bf posts a pic of my daughter, just like it and keep scrolling. Your comments aren't necessary. Yes bitch, I know she's cute.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the fact that i'm just now understanding substantive due process and equal protection lmao #conlaw #barstudy #dontjudge","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That first black Woman was completely wrong on what that flag means, I fully support the flag","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"We only bow to you for being the queenOh hey boos","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You sound just as crazy as he sounds","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"How is Angry Birds the movie going to work? They're just floating bird heads?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @transtrenda: Okay okay but. Trans birds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Well only 10% of Illegal Aliens work on farms the rest work in Service, Construction and Retail #jobs the same jobs Americans and Legal Immigrants do ! We wont miss not 1 Illeg ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Have you ever popped champagne on a plane, while gettin some brain \nWhipped it out, she said \"I never seen Snakes on a Plane\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Am zoneing they say I'm possessed it's a omen I keep 300 like the Romans with 300 bitches with the trojans I been a menace for the longest.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bavarian leader takes softer line on migrants ahead of vote ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user we've reached over 3000 followers! #lovereading #lovelamlibs via @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Hairy | Hairy pussy http:\/\/t.co\/9DOIbSkT17","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @FlowDaddy24: @_RinkO0 @d_brad80 @0biwankobe @zielonkoo @peterbyers24 @coleduff24 @datdude_zp big booty hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" rozay have a blessing month","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"in about an hour, the first track action of the 2016 @user will kick off!!! #lemans24 #wec ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #blogger #food #love lifestyle #happiness #figure #perfect #style #cleaneating #bodycleanse #smile #mind","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Deserved better ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user of course it won't....laws don't apply to conservatives ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Tonight. My sole purpose is to be thoroughly intoxicated. Night off and no class In the AM. Maybe I deserve it","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i like chillin' with yo bitch I like fuckin' her","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user And there you go again, ignoring the point. You\u2019re so worried about \u201cnot all men\u201d\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise\"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #thanksmahal\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is so cute","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" factsguide: this photo by kerstin langenberger shows how polar bears are being affected by climate change. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Gun control is never sensible.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck me daddy","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER removable magazines are still a problem, but limiting high cap mags is another bit of the gun control legislation that will be needed to curb the health problem\" we have in this country.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TideRecruits101: It's ok to trash talk....but I haven't seen any Bama fans wishing harm or injury towards LSU players.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I was at my bf grandma house today goin through old albums and his grandpa had naked pics of his side hos from the 50's 😂😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Killah_Kae: Will your bitches do this for you ? http:\/\/t.co\/gmjkOLmcyQ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"shout out to @user 4 following me! can't wait til i get to meet and hangout with ya'll and see ya'll live in conce ;) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"' My Charger got my fucked up 󾌠󾌡 Finna wrap the cord Tf around my phone this bitch finna charge today cuhz 󾌴󾌴󾌠󾌠 .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cuco for the beautiful vibes this morn.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SallyBitesAlot lol find a \"redneck\" from oakleaf to take you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"new place, new track and new sta...let's see! ;) #europeangp #f1baku #f1 #redseason #seb5 #kimi7","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He knew the email were released earlier! Just pandering to his ignorant base ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"my happy little boy! #smiles #corbinrayp ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes they are stupid, everyone knows that he is a bachelor\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@WendyGAv says the pedophile promoting dolt. LMAO #teabagger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user #trump = #biher non stop election ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lemme talk about how this girl was lightning quick to say \u201cnot all white people\u201d but will roast anyone that says \u201cnot all men\u201d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m not even a bron fan but he is overall the best player in the league.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Always has been a Tory !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"giving away a preorder of full of beans at our #nerdcampmi presentation! @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AlexisDiamond_: With his bitch ass , buut thaats bae kinda lol (:","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I think Becka belongs in that room with the trash making comments like that. I don't hear you denouncing ANTIFA...who ironically models their flag after the nazis.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" - we have now reached 93% @user #crowdfunding #business #staup #crowdcube capital at risk","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't believe Andrew #McCabe wants all of this drawn out in the open during discovery phase of a full-blown court hearing..... but hey, his choice.[NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #VoteInPerson https:\/\/t.co\/dZpVvW1HJq","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"last day at work for the week ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SwearingSport: Pirlo's one of them cunts who'd just be better at everything. He'd beat u at table tennis, shag your wife better & win a…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i'm trying so hard to make your handwritten indirect pretty and you tweet shit like this. shut up ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"he unfollowed me ---------> @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cuz you sound dumb as hell, go start a fire fight wit an AK47 wit a pistol n see how that works for you.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"whatever #saigon #vietnam #terrible #boring #alone ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well if Trumpster said it then it must be true he also have himself a 10 on handling Cuba hurricane sad piece of something he is... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Soooooounds like an AWESOME plan !!! Next he\u2019s gonna be pulling money from Medi-care & Pensions to pay for all the Golf Cart Rentals for his @user detail that watches him struggle to stay on the fairways on all the Golf Weekends he swore \u201che\u2019d NEVER have time for\u201d #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No prison time for you. You're going to get McCain-ed\"\" \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 #DeathPenalty #Treason #Pedogate #MAGA #QAnon\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"AJ+ calls this a \"situation\". Islamic swine.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Tristine214 I swear des hoes just making up challenges now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ISIS Jihadis In Australia Shoot Man In The Face, Chanting ‘ISIS Will Stay’ http:\/\/t.co\/xyzXv5LZs1 #tcot #pjnet","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@lllexiss @lukejohnson06 @ParhamBryce @laurenbeckkkk1 Lil pussy didn't DM me back?, hmm","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I was definitely drunk as shit","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"good night #friends #love #fun #smile #instagood #photooftheday #cute #picoftheday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we'll be heabroken we'll pray we'll vent, beg & plead & again, nothing will happen. because nothing ever happens #sto\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"house burnt down in fo mac - working towards network renewal #mitb #epic 2nd @user event we've missed #kickoff ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Learning? Yes, like how much they nag and how hysterical they get over the most minuscule of things. Females = unbalanced & crazy #schizo ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @OhhMyyTodd: “@ItsNotHarold: I say if a girl got 7 bodies or more and she 20 or younger she a hoe” this one not up for debate","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ALISA AND I AND ONE OTHER COOL GIRL JUST HAD TO FIGHT THIS NOT ALL MEN DICKHEAD I HOPE HEFUCKING DIES ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Did you serve? You rate at bottom of the barrel pal. MAGA. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Go President Trump. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user That's just depressing. Good churches are getting hard to find. Few and far between. I know people who belong to churches that espouse gun control and abortion! That's politics - not God! Not Christ! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"ur welcome teammates! dance to the tune of joyfulness! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish I had a reason to buy a suit for a wedding but clearly bitches dont know what those are.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Disagree; he was chosen explicitly to make the President immune to the rule of law. All of his heinous beliefs on women's rights and gun control are just the frosting to make the GOP confirm him.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Stfu bitch lol why u Salty I\u2019m tryna get twitter famous ya know","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I can\u2019t wait till antifa dorks get shot trying this. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user can ya put the push on the leeds bradford flight #hour #delay so far #mickoleary won't be ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"BITCH. YUGYEOM IS A WHOLE DAMN LEGEND ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@chriskrchr @JamieSooner @nedryun Eat it up butter cup !! #Trump2020 #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@FAGHETTIOS thirsty basic ass bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@treyspears3 dude your fucking gay you made a twitter just to mock me fucking lowlife","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yeah sucks honestly but I plan on coming back on variety rather than fortnite and if the opportunities are nice to start esport on another game but I can approve that fortnite esport is over for me. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you for this! #surprised #igers #igpops #iphonepic #iphoneonly #iphonegraphy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you to everyone for making this possible you are amazing and so are the beautiful bears. I'm a member of Olivers Army and I appreciate everything you do to make lives better. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you realize how curiosity is a bitch. An should of let the unknown stay, unknown. #CuriosityKilledMe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Thanks for sharing it with me \ud83d\udc99","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Xtc isn't going to help you sleep hahahah but it will help you feel better after how Rockstar is shitting on us. Or did you mean sleeping pills\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @thejudyann: And if you ain't a hoe, get up out my trap houseeee!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":". @_HISTO requires soundcloud links and tumblr bitches; he MIGHT let you play his party then.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am thankful for freezers.#thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why would you think Common is trash? Tf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Me too! Her wedding was the best! She is very pretty! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Kanye got the whole family dressin like the trashy whores they are ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER . The #MeToo has been ruined by hateful demonic Democrats. It's now been WEAPONIZED against MEN. Disgusting how Democrats\/Liberals RUIN everything they touch! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user btw, #gandhi was a . in #india, @user adores him (without following him).","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@QovEm Just played against a Heimer support. Biggest faggot ever. Stupid cheese champion.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user then why is America succeeding under President Trump. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So true...she is so busy pointing the finger she forgot what's important!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Conservatives who quit rather than fight betray every claim that cons are patriots\" & \"will fight for our Constitution.\" It reveals extremism & defeatism at once. Dems KNOW they will win if they stick together. History PROVES it.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @coolgirl71899: bitch act like she never seen a face mask #bitchplease http:\/\/t.co\/uQQ0K8H89l","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#tcot #MAGA Complacency kills. Vote in November ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is dead so um irrelevant & he was murdered. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I want Mejia to get the same amount of time that Hedges got","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What the hell did I just watch?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"hampton beach, syracuse fair and atlantic city this summer #lettheadventuresbegin\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Absolutely. Stop wrapping this bloated draft-dodging tax cheat in the flag and vote for a real patriot who won\u2019t dismiss 204,000 dead Americans as \u201cIt is what it is.\u201d #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/P9TkZmLvZo","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"9\/28 you pussy BITCHHHHHHHH EAT IT UP LIL HOE I KNOW YOU BANG WIT US !!!! Its ROLLLLLLINNNNN ON MINE ION DO DA GROOVIN YADIG #SLUMLOVE ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"followed all not previously followed. #Trumptrain #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Nodaca #iwantthewall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user I can't drink. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Here's a link to my channel with a plethora of topics to peruse: URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#WCW #WCE @USER It\u2019s your special day of the week again. I really miss you and I\u2019m looking forward to see you soon. Don\u2019t forget that I love you. I love you with all my heart because you are my heart! \u2764\ufe0f URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Here\u2019s our response to @USER Antifa Don\u2019t you EVER ask our family for donations to #Antifa EVER AGAIN!!! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Taco Bell is super trash when you're sober","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER It really is unbelievable that he feels it\u2019s ok to call citizens worse than deplorable. He\u2019s nuts. No wonder ppl are running to Reps. He obviously thinks he is way better than us. Time to go away Mr. Biden!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Progressive groups, along with members of the House Democratic \u201cSquad,\u201d are unveiling a 2021 agenda, laying down markers for how big a Joe Biden administration could go on coronavirus aid, economic relief and more next year https:\/\/t.co\/INc6unoTh4","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"😂😂😂RT @LiViBADD88: cheap hair.. cheap dresses.. cheap shoes.. tacky ass little bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user YOOOOO I didn't know you had a son. That's awesome. Look how focused he is. \ud83d\ude03 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I don't even play flappy bird anymore because fuck him","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"LMFAOOOOOO GAY AS FUCK RT @PubesOnFleeK: 😭😭😭😭😭 get these two faggots off my TL http:\/\/t.co\/oKUMmSJEYi","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But, but Islam is a religion of peace, right? Fuck off. What a barbaric and disgusting ideology.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user in any case at all, a rape victim is guilty of it, we should educate our men to respect women PERIOD #nomeansno ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I shoot the fuckers","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Go Philadelphia, don't let Trump steal your democracy. Go Pennsylvania, embrace Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Haha macklemoore was just on my ferry boat bitches. That black caddy !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user PHOOEY! It wasn't about stepping forward\"\" it was about @user helping @user wield a crude sharp axe on the UK's poor and vulnerable. He is a total hypocrite and fraud in a stupid affected style hat.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals aren't bright. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And on and it goes. #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I swear my own sister even called and said bitch you pregnant now hoe know I can't have another one ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Useful idiots for international communism just like antifa today. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Lmfao you guys are so disgusting make me wanna throw up \ud83e\udd2e","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fuck you. You had 151 mass shooting in the first half of 2019! You're a pathetic loser.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Photo: Good morning ig …. Giving u white trash body 💀💀💀 #turntup #webad #wepretty #gayvegas... http:\/\/t.co\/dE9O4tttHS","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user The washed-out idiot #Biden feels he has a chance by insulting all conservatives who are supporting their great #POTUS...I don\u2019t think so CRAZY JOE!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"happy happy 19th bihday to meee!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 thank you @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088 &contentedat19 #blessedat19 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate Fiona , dis bitch a fucking whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I CONFESS> #DegenerateArtist and #RebelScience IS THE #WALRUS who sneaks pussy in the night> I AM #Artist paints your wife with #BASTARDS>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Most mass shooters are liberal white men. We should have liberal control not gun control. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Let\u2019s keep the same energy when talking about gun control after a mass shooting ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"training with work today... a quick disney store trip cos i'm in the city.. then it's #nxtdublin \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Whimzee_ so much hoes?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"home is where the hea is\" #tarifa #beach #beachlife #girl #swimsuit @ tarifa, playa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"first thing to do during the zombie outbreak:\n\nsell my hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"that hoe that you in love with? that's that hoe I mess around with","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user thanks for the recent follow @user @user @user #grateful to connect :) sunday.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @PeterpandaCat: @savanigga Sav is a fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER This is one of the soros contacts for antifa activists URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Nekkohbk: I love my sperm cells too much to waste it on a bitch with no hair","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Omo if you dance at my wedding and made It even more lively I will spray you money.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user gonna watch me before you with @user #mebeforeyou ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ricky is such a bitch when it comes to girls😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@1WayGoodEnough @USER From @USER - the latest post, the group picture \ud83d\ude33","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I ain't afraid to cut a bitch, or open a package or somethin. #Gangsta http:\/\/t.co\/3RbXlChr4f","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Some niggah said sugapuss to me lastnight 😹😹😹","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@prettygrl_rocky ugly dyke","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#theoriginalmilkshake has arrived! #socool #nowopen #strawberry #oreo #foodporn \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Biden better hit trump over the head about not protecting our troops and sucking putin's ass!! #BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @BlackNerdJade: #rapeyass RT @FireinFreetown: Uh..not rape her, bitch nigga? RT @latry: You see her passed out drunk, what do you do? ht…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"give hope. dismantle systemic racism. #alliesforblacklives #happyholidays #blacklivesmatters #dismantle \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#building polar bear climb racing: angry polar bear climb racing, the polar bear living in cold places loo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you send a dick pic and get no response ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"...your stage time and red carpet schedule...\" \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 red carpet in la... if you know what i mean \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when you wanna watch the weekly #mlpseason6 episode but you remember a hiatus is on \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #mlp #mlpfim ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"fags god damn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It's still Spring bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Nuclear power takes a hit as European heatwave rolls on \u2014 RenewEconomy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#taylorswift1989 bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. w ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Kerry needs prosecuted for colluding with Iran. This needs to be done quickly. Revoke his security clearance & remove his passport. He is a traitor--always has been! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CaloMitchell: Fuck a title bitch throw that ass back YE YE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Bullshit! Regulations are good because it keeps conservatives from striping our land into the Abyss ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MisterrRager: “@ViriDoesItt: I already know you trash if being tatted is on the list of things you want in a nigga..”\n\nOff top.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dem Party has gone insane. Their new position is that it's immoral to restrict any kind of immigration, from any country, in any amount, for any reason... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"God I would sell both my nuts to watch LeBron tear his ACL right now and watch all those pussies kill themselves","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"im still waiting for chanwoo to breathe on ig \ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude14","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a day after #lgbtq massacre, good analysis on @user featured ink already drops under c-51 & scoc beastiality case? #telling ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@xoxoclauudia: YASSSSSS, ORDERED CHINESE 👏\" bitch you just ate tacos you fat fuck","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Told ya months ago Charlie wasn't bullshittin.. Bevo is next","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"An #HIV -positive man, who was a youth worker responsible for caring for immigrant children in Phoenix , was charged with sexually abusing at least eight teenage boys detained over a one-year period between 2016 and 2017. #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I had to Block Bill deBlasio \u2014he is a disgusting horrible person, and disrespects NYC police.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You Conservatives want to talk about scandals! Really? Let\u2019s get started. If you have the balls. Let\u2019s get busy you chickens. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/bPU86qzYFt Kleopatra – Ivory skinned Nubile Kleopatra fingers her shaved pussy http:\/\/t.co\/v6ibGUTMWQ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"a good dad is irreplaceable in the lives of his children. #fathersday #dad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" hardcore raves srilanka sex porn images ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This fuckin bird http:\/\/t.co\/q2Kjv91KIZ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Now you are making fun of me.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yeayyyy..dia follow back...aumm aumm.. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TrapPat: Allergic to:\n\nBullshit\nFuck boys\nBasic bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER You will want to be in my bunker one day and you are not invited. I am THE ANTI-ANTIFA!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@SacTownProdigy lol just like RGIII and go out like a weak bitch and return the next year and win 3 games","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @FuckYouIsaac_: Maury 70 years old still exposing hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"how in tf you gonna put your two cents in on something and somebody you don\u2019t know then block and unblock me. Like bitch get off my line\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#musicmonday attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user good afternoon. school is staing from tuesday. #newschool but #oldfriends after so many days will go 2 school. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"EVERYDAY YOU SHOVE 'NOT ALL MEN' DOWN THE THROATS OF WOMEN TALKING ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES. ARE YOU NOT TIRED? ARE YOU NOT FREAKING TIRED?? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I wonder if these are the false flags we were expecting...... URL URL #GreatAwakening #QAnon #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes you are stalking. That's what a weirdo would do. If my tweets over video games hurt your feelings then go ahead and block me. Lol ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Greece: Evil migrant throws Newborn Baby At The Greek Police to protest against the \"bad conditions\" of the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Aydren cause you're a sexy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user After using your product for all these years now I find out you're actively twisting the political landscape with your immense power. That action has directly affected me. You are attempting to damage me personally and I don't like it. . . . or else. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Only keep real bitches in attendance 👭💁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheBloodShow: Why all these hoes be wearin flowers around they head. I hope a bee Sting they ASS","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Not here ... #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #WWG1WGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #uk pound continues to show signs of building volatility - investec #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#dancerproblems rooster simulation: i want to climb the vast expanse of mountains. it reached the leakage ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user tomorrow, can't wait to see the likes of @user @user and many more, plus @user will be there!! \\m\/ :d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@asiahh__ alright bitch I hope someone deletes your life suck 30 dicks and get hit by 2 buses","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I wish twitter had a \"stalk this bitch\" button","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Your fucking Bf nigga","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The people complaining about this are almost certainly the ones who think getting in people\u2019s faces (antifa etc) will result in the victim accepting it and thanking them for their advice.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"seeing everyone's cool and #beautifullyobnoxious hair that people have been posting makes me so #dyehappy #gooddyeyoung \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He has no social graces. That is why he was shunned by NY proper everyone knows he's white trash with a little money. He does not know how to act and makes everything about him. Always. He is just a Me ME Me POS that is an embarrassment to the USA. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This Monday St. Johns is hosting an Immigrant Stories film screening and panel with @user Click the link below for info and to RSVP. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"5 more days until i move back home. by 6pm friday i will be back on my beach. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jervea ass bout to really come up missing stupid hoe got me sick \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @iRealFrankOcean: It goes from “babe” to “bitch” “I love you” to “I hate you” “I need you” to “fuck you” “you’re my everything” to “you’…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"keyshacreamy - na: #wet #porn #kinky #horny #xxx #slut #hot #young #snapshot #nasty #naughty #sexy #nude #shy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Good job!! Now start building\/funding the wall!!#BuildThatWall #MAGA2018 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kieffer_jason mfka what ok bitch we going to see. Your a funny mother fucker","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Restrict Welfare Benefits 2 British people ONLY Confiscate properties that house illegal Immigrants Offshore internment camps 4 Illegal Immigrants. Segregate by Ethnicity 2 simplify. Invite UN 2 solve missing passports & Papers. No Residency Automatic Deportation 4 Illegal entry. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch you switched up on me fake ass hoe . ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"what limits a man does not limit god. #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen #share #passion\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Son of a bitch I can't wait till baseball is back. #AmericasPastTime","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ClassicBray: Lmaoo RT @PacDaGoat: That's a legal tackle faggot RT @PP_Rich_Hill: Seriously? http:\/\/t.co\/guMZewrpy3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I feel like you've filled a hole in my heart alys where have you been all my life ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"15 emails. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @yungxprnce: Approach yo bitch like: http:\/\/t.co\/UHMIME9psw","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"normal day, normal look! #notfilter #tired #tbt #gay #instadaily #instagay #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"a very #bihday to our rajkuamar sir... have a great success ahead ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Will shank a bitch for ceviche\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"about to give this chance a listen, see what the fuss about \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@K_forKicKs tf bitch you had brain surgery and aint tell me??!?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"dear @user you are a asshole. please go fuck yourself. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Mental case for sure","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Shut up bitch swallow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user great end to a great day! happy weekend everyone \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #luxurytravel #travel #saturdaynight #wanderlust ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Feckless I encourage liberals and Democrats not to waste a lot of time expending the energy on trying to convince a Trump voter. We don\u2019t need them. We\u2019re the majority.\" URL via @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I got a cousin thats rollin ... Got a bitch in tha hoovers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER You are delusional if you think he is the reason either game was lost in the past two seasons lmao","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#Refugees go home ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @AYEVERB: On twitter you ho%s can jus take a pic with your ass out and be somebody..smh...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ChrisMcDowell_ pussy ass nigga.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can't wait to see @user on tuesday night as celie! #teamunderstudy #whencynthialeavesiknowwhothenewcelieshouldbe","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And he is planning to run in 2020? Joe lost his natural mind...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"keep your kids and #healthy: summer tips for #parents ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Whats wrong with this bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Gonna call bullshit on that one.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"happy saturday #vegas #sunshine #summer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And that Asian dude poked his dick in this bitch's cunt...where it didn't belong ...js ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @fxckabbie: Like I know I can be a bitch sometimes but some people need to know their levels","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @PRAYINGFORHEAD: tyga used to be good before he got into this swag fag shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @____Quinn: When you thinking about killing a bitch http:\/\/t.co\/bT7hf28U0d","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"COLD BLOODED BUMBO CLAAT MURDERER!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@WHAScameradan We might have more. Can't really be sure. But some weird little bird said that might be a possibility. Stay tuned. Maybe.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"But no one calls him a pussy for his injuries","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"rider season is here #bestpaofsummer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user crackers? isn't that a little racist? i mean i'm white but think the kkk should burn in h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I be lonely😂😂 I have no hoes 😩😂✋","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER If the tournament of shit ain\u2019t on here... URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"AND #NorthKorea called #Barack a monkey. LOL! \nRT! \n*If the shoe fits! 'Cause it sure looks like he married one! \nhttp:\/\/t.co\/F0pGDalfaA”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What a disgusting fucking cunt this bitch is I hope she was attacked by the dogs defending their owner #getridofthem ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user i'm weak \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Chicago has the strongest gun laws in the nation but the highest homicide rate. That gun control really works URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes! My paternal an maternal grandparents came to America from Sicily in the early 1900s and ASSIMILATED! #pjnet #SundayMorning #SundayMotivation #BeAdvised #noDACA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I ain't got time for a hoe tell her hop in the whip & shut the Cadillac doe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#WillieNelson LAUGHS AT #MAGA CONSERVATIVES on #TheView for suddenly being outraged by his support of #Democrats #MOG #MAGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s where your wrong. Only ruins conservatives. If it was a dem he would be considered for head of dnc ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER means nothing to me. astrology is fake","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ruckin_andrew: This bitch has a death grip on this niggas balls. Smh http:\/\/t.co\/uh6OSApcMw","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I just figured out why T***p always plays \u201cYou Can\u2019t Always Get What You Want\u201d at his rallies. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]It\u2019s a message to his creditors. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxReturns [NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxes [NEWLINE]#TrumpMeltdown [NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 [NEWLINE]#MakeAmericaGoodAgain","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"PIZZA HUT 4 LIFE!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Hey pussy you still there?\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@justezzzee and your an annoying ass fuck boy he could of still meet up and fight somwhere else u can shut that bitch shit up fuck boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Should our country be run by a couple hysterical women. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Fitted Girbuad straps? Them bitches would be raw as hell.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"our #pescatarian . happy customer = happy us :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Randality: @WeDont_SmokeREG 😂she a dumb bitch smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm really trying not put yal fake ass spiritual ass hoes out but bitch you pushing it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ravenalegria13 @prattprattpratt I was impressed that anybody could chug a Smirnoff Ice that quickly.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Dont Believe #Democrats and @user Lies Illegal Aliens work the Same #Jobs that Americans Work taking Jobs From Citizens and lowering Citizen Wages #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #BlackTwitter #Jobs #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome #NoAmnesty #Immigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user By the way the United States is a Republic! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #japan foreign bond investment increased to \u00c2\u00a5867.8b in june 10 from previous \u00c2\u00a5-549.4b #blog #silver #gold\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm XXX triple x rated bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Goldee_Locx lmao real shit though them bitches be dumb as fuck smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Antifa thugs remind me of orcs if they are stupid enough to try and take someones firearm i wouldn't be surprised if its an orc who is thrown in a dumpster","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Deport his fat butt now!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"★ BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE Brooklyn Park slope --TOP RATED SPA ★718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/6ZUxaQeaVL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Real hustle is still my favorite Big\u2019s up to @USER whatever he said in the pass is coming to pass @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA2020[NEWLINE]Your COTUS.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/N8dRUSQi3D","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019ve had this number forever and this shit about to change \ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Lmaoooooooo RT @Chollie_Grapes: Dumped the shyt outta me. Fuck wrong with her. I'm perfect like angel pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They deserved to be treated like Farkhunda's was treated by them. ASSHOLES. May they burn in hell!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#ReleaseTheCures #DeclassifyFISA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #ItsTime #LockThemAllUp #WWG1WGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #GreatAwakening @user #Winning #QAnon #MAGA Why James Comey knows he's going to be indicted \u2014 9\/14\/18 - YouTube ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Two prominent backwards conservatives removed from Texas education. Looks like they're as blind deaf and dumb as Helen Keller once was. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#CALIFORNIA PATRIOTS... especially those in #CA21 Obama\/Soros are attempting to take this House seat to get control of Congress. Say no to TJ Cox. He is a shill Candidate fronted by the dastardly duo. Please get out and vote David Valadao for House, Dist 21! Follow @USER URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"i have been open about hvg #fibromyalgia & being a #survivor of years #childrape, more than one rapist. is still my chief complaint.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user thanks @user the #autism film plans are hotting up ! your & andrew's hard work is coming together xx @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Orb\u00c3\u00a1n: Merkel is \u2018\u02dcnot in charge\u2019 of Hungary\u2019s refugee policy ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Lima fears change but yet wants to bitch about how much it sucks 😑","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@TheJadedNYer yesterday twitter was telling them same dudes that 30+ pussy was the best, so have faith!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Trump promotes all people. You as well. At lest they don't have BLM signs or are dressed as AntiFa and beating people. These are patches and I look at everyone defensively. The Way Cool patch was the ! Love GUNS and TITTIES! #WalkAway #MAGA #TRUMP ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @manchild1077: Oreo Speedwagon #FatBands","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER There are more good people than criminals. If the good people are armed the criminals won\u2019t stand a chance. In the USA the cities with the highest violent crime rates are those with the strictest gun control. The Swiss are all armed and trained - violent crime is rare.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"vacations are going to sta soon ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #sunday darlings! don't work but rest & play and fathersday - this day is dedicated to our fathers\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #fathersday #sundaymorning","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"He should get the full prison term when found quilty #Trump #MAGA #Immigration via @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user stay stay #healthy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@On_Point_Prg @Fempop @WendyDavisTexas Did you take a picture of your pussy I hope you super sized it because it's huge grand canyon size","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Runyacheckup: Niggas and bitches gotta quit wit da money pics... If I can count it accurately it ain't enough 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user We had Leveon Bell. Thats the dumbest argument. But we can compare college for when he played. His best season was 1700 yds 26 TDs. How about Collins? And this is Conners first year starting and he is starting much better than Collins ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@FlyGuyChanze lol you tell that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#anxietyproblems #frustrated #annoyed . too many emotions. and not being able to express them. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall #IllegalAliens @user .@EXPECT_KA0S Eric Lang, CEO Yarrabee Farms admitted did not use EVerify for this killer or workers. Tell AG .@jeffsessions to get off his behind work on getting EVerify mandatory 4all jobs. Hopefully ICE raids YarebeeFarms as regular visit ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user We dont need gun control. We need White Male control.... ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@MannyDiesel: Def not cowboy lol RT @ArtofFloyd: Terrell Owens was the best Eagle & Cowboy ever\" ..dude cried like a bitch on tv, over Romo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I never understood why anybody waits to say they got raped smh rape me bitch I\u2019m snitching soon as you leave fuck boy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"oh stop @user #14days #2weeks #bestfriend #gbf #abudhabi #soclose #uae #thewestin ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate females that push their asses out as they walk. You know you look like a retarded Flamingo, right?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER It's the Liberals plans to destroy our Judeo-Christian culture and replace it w\/this irrational just science. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just received my @user frame. #nobodyputsbabyinthecorner it's back in the box ready for it to be put up in my new house! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The education system is broken,democrats and teacher unions have destroyed America's edge.Are blacks going to get school choice from Joe and Kamala,clearly no. Democrats have destroyed the integrity of the electoral process,legally blocking access to view it by law #MAGA #TRUMP","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are right \u270a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wayne crazy.... New Orleans ass nicca lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Woman Who Accused Nelly of Rape Wants to Drop the Case, Will Not Testify The woman who accused rapper Nelly of sex\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"we are so for the 2nd annual bailey day taste off!! join us for #familyfun #baileyday2016 #mountainliving ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@_BunnyCocaine_: Oomf a hoe hopper 😂😂😂” 🌾👀🌾","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Economic growth via immigration shifts wealth from young people towards older people by flooding market with cheap foreign labor. It spikes profits & stocks by cutting salaries for manual & skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Kids don't put up with your Mother calling you a thot. She mad because hoe wasn't a cool thing to be called back in her sluttish day.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just noticed some trash on my notification page i had to clean up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user And then same liberals were accusing falsely in Kathua case while hiding in shithole right now. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#MAGA .... sounds fair. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user But to go all antifa on ppl like friggen Milo? I don't buy that conservatives who like medicare don blackout and then going millennials for antifa protests. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER How did you find her Graham ? Did you promise BBC would be there?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"honestly sometimes I just hate seeing black kids ruin it for the rest of us ....... tbh ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"First off , fuck your bitch & the click you claim 🎧","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If me and my husband are ever blessed with a financial windfall, our first investment would be to financially assist young ones to further their education and fulfill their passions","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"stop the hate and enjoy life Arriba las Chivas ,Dallas Cowboys and the LA Dodgers God bless.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what a day! #nutella #shit #girls #instapic ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER California? How? Gun control laws should of prevented this","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck! \"Hostess to liquidate if Bakers’ strike continues through Thursday; end of Twinkies...\" - http:\/\/t.co\/gtWmJmGT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Are #conservatives in #Kansas joining in on claiming Christine Blasey Ford is making false accusations while supporting @user at the same time? Cus that level of stupidity is the hallmark of the @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \"well stop buying food you fat ass\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hundreds of African migrants pulled from sea near Libya ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"to save yourself you must break down other people in the process \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KlTTYKlLLA: “@IsThatJamesBond: \"@BluntsNextDoor: Good pussy have a Nigga like http:\/\/t.co\/Uy6r3zXXNM\" funniest thing I've ever seen on …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"--call the gun control in Oregon is prohibited on the state and federal level.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #belated #bihday #mom #love #you @ truganina in melbourne ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@urHIGHnesss_: “@SMCo71: @urHIGHnesss_ 😂 nah lemme chill i love the bitches”😭😭 like trick love the kids” & you know this 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Conversely you apparentl don't care about kids unless they are shot at school & can be used to promote gun control. Funny that AR you hate so much is used to kill far less people than criminals do with their arms and legs. When do you start calling for everyone to be dismembered? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I fuck with this hard ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch i wouldn't eat yah pussy wit another nigga tongue","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Look at this fucking kaffirs hairdo. Only a nigger http:\/\/t.co\/lmWqJ1EtOa","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You ain't nothin but a piece of cheese with out the corners in other words you ain't never gone be a slice bitch 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@daijahshardaee: 😂😂 @100046729 bitches so late 😴💁” ion exposed 😂😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"-____- No other 1st world country has bullshit like this because they don't have BULLSHIT problems like this Fuck the gun industry and fuck the dipshits enabling them preventing sensible gun control URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@NYDNSports @Yankees ugh , @Espo4710 put one 420 dead center off him @StFrancisNews","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Police state tyrant liberals LOVE the word dangerous\" when gaslighting their sheep.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Runnin' so much game I fuck around & lap a bitch..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#bepannaah 1- Bepannaah \u2013 Hands down, Bepannaah tops the list because an adhiyal Aditya trying to convince a ziddi Zoya that she is in love with him is giving us lots of... URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"today my friend taught me so hood slang 😂 she said fuck nigga, nigga bitch, fuck boy, nigga bruh 😭😩","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I hope he gets on twitter so I can tell him how amazing he is. \u2764\ud83d\ude04 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Keep #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @OGBEARD: And he still wont get no bitches RT \"@willyroast2: Wow wtf http:\/\/t.co\/h4NUr7ZzB8\"\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Women carry a sacred and divine energy. Remember that the next time someone calls you a bitch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the reason for the additional beds is based on the number of (illegal alien) minors, who crossed the border ALONE without their parent or legal guardian.#KeepFamiliesTogether #Deport #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@StellaTex: Guess what? I also have zero time for your mansplaining! Adios!\" Stfu pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_Cashhhhhh: Was deleting this pic until I realized a dike in the back ground dressed like a nigga with wedges on 😂 , bitch I'm 💀 http:\/…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@FPWellman .@realDonaldTrump .@POTUS simply doesn't know HOW to tell the truth...His entire existence has been a web of lies, that can't be detangled when the shit hits the fan...THAT is what makes him so DANGEROUS. He needs to be GONE! #VoteHimOut #VoteHimOutandLockHimUp #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"'They say music can alter moods and talk to you, well can it load a gun up for you and cock it too?' - Sing For The Moment ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @YaBoyKip: \"I hope this bitch ain't a catfish\" http:\/\/t.co\/56JKqioEPE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What makes you always think you're right? #WomenSuck #PeriodProbz ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"NY Protesters Oppose US Immigration Policy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't get it. I'm either a pussy or troll. Where is the room for \"the truth\" and or \"my opinions on my TL\"????? Social media fucked up.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user She is stunning! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#ConManTrump First he puts american in harms way #TrumpKilledAmericans Then our #Troups and now our #SecretService Puting People Americans in Danger Time to go Don #VoteHimOut2020 #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/1IbX9woZFW","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck those terrorists in the ass!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This is actually cute! Messi is the best!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ict exam today ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"tonight's moon observation. \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ad tonight i become a member of the astronomy club. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"how you insecure but a hoe? TF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user mr. paris dinnard...is in denial... smh ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I need sum hoes ah sum, cuz I wake up all I have is hella emails 😭🔫 but not a Goodmoring or goodnight text. Shit not even a single text ✋😑","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Their stupid corrupt filthy rich Senators and Congressmen should provide adequate schools for kids to go to in the first place. I'm deadly sure stupid corrupt stupid filthy rich Senators , Congressmen and Govenors kids never walked across rivers to get to school for three hours a day.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"No one gives less fucks than a man walking around with a wedding ring on.... He's already given up on life ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @deecatanz: Lmao hoes now a days 😂🙅","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user hot blonde happy with a face covered in fresh semen\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #amateur #blonde #private #pics #cum #facial ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Boy! 😂😂😂 RT @jwill252: Some hoes be setting themselves up for failure shit be so funny!! I'm sleep tho 😎😎😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/aixoa7M7bT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"She fuck with me cause I ain't no bitch .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yeen no real nicca if yeen got no porn sites n your internet history","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"so fuckinn true ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If the lefties disagree with you, you are a racist. No matter the issue: taxes, immigrants, gender rights . . . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"4.5 million kids in poverty a screwed up Universal Credit system Brexitshambles an Economy teetering on the brink ...the list is endless and the common factor > @user building a country fit for nothing ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"new #makeup today.. yay \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u00ba #satisfied #yay #beautiful ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"back in #red ! #hair #bepopular #bestpicture #cute #followme #forever #fun #instabeauty\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Got an IDEAL. If we stopped giving illegal immigrants Food Stamp, Welfare would they go home. And if they are illegally here, why should they get any of this? Also, has anyone has the amount of our tax dollars go to these folks? Just asking! \ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\udfa9 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Give these hoes 20,000 followers you got a whole new bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@pot_headed yeah I tend you grab ass 👋and smack bitches in the morning . I don't think you can hang lol😂👌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Climate change #refugees: How to protect them #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"tgif #sky #cloudy #rainy moments times friday #puiishappy\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b #puisabsab\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yep...definitely me...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082#mean #meanmuggin #stare #cat #animallovers #lol #lmao #bruh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER AWESOME \ud83d\udc4f NEWS","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Good news.We are against illegal immigrants.Bangladeshi must go your evidence and stay at Assam. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@KeyshawnSwag lol nigga them look like a combo of trash in your house & trash at the dump","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I usually dont hate people but I actually hate that bitch. You tried to be friends with me outside of work and then when I had a crisis you decided to be professional and use that against me. Thats the worst type of person. Fucking cunt will get hers though. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Gun control is not the answer. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#IJustDontSeeMyself ever supporting strict gun control. #2A #Liberals4Guns #guns #SecondAmendment","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Then do something about gun control laws. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER Yes. Debunked. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"how did women fair in 2016? ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099i'm finally breaking...\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 . . . . . #depressed #depression #anxiety #ugly #selfhate #cuts #cutting #sui\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You got reply in before mine, but what I'm pointing out is women work their lives around being safe from *some men*, not all men ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user going to give some a whirl.. &healthy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I didn\u2019t watch and will not watch @user Watching the September 11th stories and how we came together and stood shoulder to shoulder made me proud even with all of our issues yet the people playing a damn game cannot stand for this moment\u2014protest on a Saturday. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Literally no woman has ever gone out like this. If they did choose though, you're a slimy cunt for cat calling ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Biden_Army Not watching either, the man is sending the wrong message.[NEWLINE]#Biden2020[NEWLINE]#VoteBlueToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i have never had a chance to vote for a presidential candidate i was excited about and this cycle looks to be no different. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck yeah ! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what did we learn by Greenland leaving the EU no immigration no rapes , violence , or meddling fools imposing rules ,brave 2 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"😂😂😂😂 bitch if you're the hobbit you need to let me know right now 😂😂😂😂👏👏👏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user do you have any friends in real life or is twitter your whole world? #arrogance #ignorance","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER For people supposedly extremely gifted in written communication, they write some amazingly stupid shit on Twitter.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Give me a fricking break. They are worse than the Southern Baptist with a pagan idolatrous.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Senior privileges bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"AJ+ news is pro islam , and pro turning europe into a muslim shit hole. i'm blocking vids from this channel cya.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"When dudes act like a chick they truly are a little bitch #hehoes ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"you fake niggah lolol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#RealSmart Answer: This is step #1 on your #RealSmart journey! This course is only offered through UBC on behalf of the Real Estate Council of BC by correspondence. Once registered, you are all set to take our #realsmart course! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i know a few \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #briefencounters hits #itv in july, watch the trailer on youtube now #unmissable htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\/\/ SO WANT TO KICK TWITTERFUCK ASS.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"My son is 9 and still has issues tying his shoes because he's barefoot all the time, in case you wanted to know my hillbilly status.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user yassss *finger clicks* she gonna be a fine ass bull fighter (maybe pull more straight men) to see the look babes!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Customer Service? «@OG_NicciB I really need this bitch to get the fxck out my business. Just open my new account and leave me alone .»","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TripleCz_3G: Finna make a power move wit a bitch taxes we both gone be straight long as she do wat I told ha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"4) New financial services features (and companies!) are also getting faster and easier to launch with platforms like @USER","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's a funny thing that when a man hasn't anything on eah to worry about, he goes off and gets married \u00e2\u0080\u0094robe frost #wedding #love","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When your leg cramps up while you're fuckin ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Behold all the conservatives who deliberately ignore the fact that the OK gesture USED TO BE benign but now is co-opted by racists to signal they're down with white supremacy. Much like swastikas were benign in Asian countries (& still are) but were co-opted & ruined by Nazis. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Hoes will be hoes nd ratchets will be........well u know","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fuc amirica+ rusia+ france+britania+israil+arabe","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Mike makes the best playlist \ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The only reason they call them common sense is because they don't know what they want and are just hopping on the bandwagon. #MAGA #2ADefenders #TrumpTime ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BIGBROWNLEE: The Homie @WersMyLIGHTAAAA Got This bitch Rocken","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Freezing my nips off out here...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Who the hell taught you how to fuck bitch toot it up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user you are a hypocritical hack. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user As if Conservatives didn't hate Sesame St enough ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"perfect timing for this tweet! #staup ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Breaking News: ur a little bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@taylorlynn_15 Hey it works. Most people hate me for it but as long as I'm still happy they can bitch all they want 😂👍","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Álbum de fotos: gaywrites: In the Making, a project by and for queer students at Harvard, highlights the... http:\/\/t.co\/XZQ9XmaQTf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user do you get easily? don't risk your help health by letting negative emotions get the best of you. #health ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@andrewkimmel But, but, but...they spoke at the RNC! They\u2019re heroes to every rich white bigot and model NRA supporters.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#EndTheNightmare [NEWLINE]#ETTD [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"or he\u00e2\u0080\u0099s super excited because he just found out what ont means. @user @user #internet ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DurtMcHurtt: I just want to fuck bitches and listen to Conway Twitty.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user it's the return of #bones on thursday ! @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cNot all men\u201d or \u201c\u2018not all white people\u201d both phrases that\u2019ll fuck you up on Twitter \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user This nigga is everywhere \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02..I can't escape his spews..it's now time ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Turn them loose and see what happens to her city. People like her is what gives the Democrats a bad name. She is risking the entire population of Atlanta. Wonder how the citizens like it. We\u2019ll see at the ballot box ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@lovenati omg...what a retard...should have asked her which weighs more? Thousand pounds of feathers or a thousand pounds of steel?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This is so fake he\u2019s unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn\u2019t respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@NICKIMINAJ: #WutKinda\n\nr purple. Ceeeleee\"man this gurl was jus playin on the \"stupid hoe \" track. But in still shitted on sum gurls","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"Y'all forget he has his brand new baby girl at home\" bitch the cookies are burning","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I kno it's upside down cunt http:\/\/t.co\/qF0EXo9m5O","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@CalebJohnson50 @user @user It may have to do with plain honest speech. So many politicians have the \"political speech\" bug. Theyre accustomed to stating what people want to hear & not what they need to . Like saying it is #Fucktarded to believe the mass #Refugee\/#Rapefugee immigration was good is idiodic ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Met a foreign bitch at Wesley . 👀👀 she better call me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"turkey threw in the towel against spain, says\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #spos #_towel_ #against #coach ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"see how my back #garden grows. 50'x6' of lush #flowers makes me nothing but in #spring\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope they beat his ass in private. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Liberals today R VERY different from Classical Liberals. Liberals today have gone so far left they R Marxists. You're burying your head in the sand if you think neo & classical Libs are the same. Trump is so authoritarian\"\" people can say what they want about him & not be killed.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Almost got to see a white boy get beat around today, but he ran like a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@AnthonyCumia pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NehmeBazzi @DatBoyRayT that kids a fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Z_MEGA: @Im_Yung_Jay grab me some bitches while u up there lmao oh and a belt ( fendi )","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Women4Biden @Yemayah777 You are so awesome! It\u2019s so heart warming young people like yourself are stepping up and showing support!! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"very #beauty #girl #maryjanejohnson #day #smile #bed ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals GAG ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Why do liberals preach gun control but go and get stupid with guns?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Im a canadian afghan and i fucking hate america for destroying my country. Shame on americans i dont think there is anyone in the world that likes americans. I heared when americans go to germany they tell people they are canadians lol. Shame on u","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"When the pussy stank but she looks so good you gotta finish ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Israel needs more diversity. Ur walls are racist. Let those Arab refugees into your civilization. This is cultural enrichment. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@iank12 bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" wheniamalone #alone #lonely #noonecares ness #upsetting #dipressive #stay_strong does anyone else... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm thankful for dem big booty hoes doe #realtalk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Not ALL men. I know some great men. Unfortunately we just got frogs instead of kings. If you need to\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@davidmweissman @icecube Interesting how Joe Biden cares so much yet when I scoop reached out to him he shot him down. Take the blindfold off.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"regrann from @user - @user #boricuasmile #idol #smile #boricuasmile #life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"is everyone gonna be a complete whiny little baby bitch about this shit now lmao http:\/\/t.co\/WhAd6vfaGo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#IllegalAliens deserve Deportation not representation. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #StopMassMigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are two nutcases. Obviously. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@BretVonDehl Damn you bitch you never answer me anymore... LMAO JK ILY! Anyway glad of your first show, be safe when going to the next one","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"working on developing my very first cal! hoping to be ready to sta it by christmas this year! #crochet #staytuned ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How do We Make Babies?: White Genocide Propaganda in French Educational Books for Children #defendeurope #stoptheinvasion #WhiteGenocide #openborders #multicultural #diversity #diversityisourstrength ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user White House said all parties shld be heard! This is why no one trust the media and why liberals are failing ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@954Nole: This bitch is looking dumber and dumber by the minute.... >>>>>>> @MattHomeTeam”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER why should he the woman is lying according to everyone that went to school there except liberals who would say anything to get rid of him.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Or maybe to pay for their protests since Mnuchin shut that slush fund down. Probably going to pay for Antifa riots. Busing in people and weapons. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@StarkFreeOrDie ...I fuckin' want OUT> I'm tired of this bullshit faggot ass, closet racist, wannabe-commune-without-railroad state> #Cali","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @popitfor_tyrick: Tbh I left all my hoes alone 👐","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"A #multibillion-dollarcriminalnetwork is being fueled by inadequate refugee policies, experts say... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER REST IN PUSSY","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He's still around? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@OhNoSheTwitnt Does that make tRump a Talinazi or a Naziban?","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@CayMarieee bitch I'm not coming no more you said your making plans !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Well he is a plagiarizing chronic lier... He's got that going for him.... \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude05[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/MjwiGXo7X5","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BigPoppaDot: I'll never think a bitch is all mine.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Gloryyyy18 brooooo I miss you bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Really # MAGA VOTE TRUMP 2020 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch idc when Ima see you hoe!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Cheesus85 @greyyygoose faaaaggggottttt, speaking with the blonde hair and confused, you're a hypocrite, cuz you're a faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hungry then a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user WHERE THE FUCK AM I U STUPID CUNT ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Jtfooooo at \"pussy on fleek\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Antifa members have to be their #1 clients.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@Tmacc_GFG: BOBBY BITCH-by @BobbyShmurdaGS9 be getting me live as fuck\" hell yea i play that hoe before my workout","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"pay day #weekend #pay #ukraine #nice #black #blonde #driving #funny ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user never before has someone so grossly lacking in experience and intellect won their paies nomination.( you) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Look at the date of this tweet - very TELLING for sure @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #MAGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RealSexNotes: Sex on 1st date dont mean you a hoe, waiting 90 days wont make you a wife, cute pics dont mean y'all happy, having a titl…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"let the hoe ass falcons get steven wackson and our 1st rd pick","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"New Report: Government Gave DACA Protection to Thousands of Criminals @user @user #NoDACA #NoAmnesty#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KeepAmericaSafeStop the deception, Stop the lies.#EnforceUSLaws ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user when i wake up i'm totally going to spend my whole morning watching this \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #ty","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He orchestrated\/provoked it so that he could cry that he was the victim of a yet another conspiracy...He\u2019s such desperate weirdo.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"He better choose up cuz ain't No Bitch checcin a nigga that she don't Fw for being wit other bitches...that don't even sound right ✋😂😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user lol this is the stuff their dozens of repoers tasked to trump found? good grief. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"its raining and i am dancing!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 thank god finally..!! #rains #relief #dancing\u00e2\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00e3\u008a\u0099","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DougBenson hey you bitch, you should get the @lucasbros on your show. They'd be perfect for it! I'm kidding about the bitch part.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Yoo our dogs should totally fuck","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Why don't these Jordanians just fuck off back to Jordan where they're from, instead of causing trouble in Israel. Fuck islam. Go Israel.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER White liberals really hate themselves. #TDS","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another nail in the coffin of the NFL ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DTAVohn269: Best said by @iSpeakMut \"there's a storm brewing bitch\" lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"In life you must ask yourself...are you a chosen one or a basic bitch? #letsbereal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#aldub47thweeksary thursday morning!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JerGucci ur avi prolly shoot dust out your phone cuz that shit so old u cat fishing the bitches on here lmao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER How many liberals will believe Hillary's explanation? She was the one who worked with Russia on Uranium One plus other questionable activities that should be investigated.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ugh! this day. when are things going to feel easier? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just realize ya bitch been cheatin on ya ass. fuck these skank hoes. get money instead ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"lord i hope may result na next week. para next project na ulit ako.. thank you lord. #novenatogodslove #answeredprayer \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A German has been murdered by a Migrant. #DeportThemAll ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just another reason she is vile","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Big_Jim777: @2014Alyssa hahaha look at you tryin to be a bitch lol nice try though haha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the countdown begins! #family #familytime #enjoyinglife #bonding #paradise #belize ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@wild_luke_wild_ yeah wtf you aren't a pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @RaeRecum: These hoes ain't shit 😂😂💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kayysavage bitch you looked surprised asf 😂😭 \"YO MAMA LET YOU DRIVE HER SHIT\" ✋😂😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @misstannaebaby: Niggas all about sex now days. Unlike you bitches, i jus want somebody who gone better me as a young women","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He is going to win! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This woman is going to be so rich .. she is already a hero to half the country and 90% of the media and acedemia because she might stop Trump from giving the court a conservative majority . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn I use to be a big fan of Ronda, but so far she's been a big cunt #TUF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@_BaDa_Bing If it continues.. I turn pussy lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"will the alt-right promote a new kind of genetics? mt @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user oh!!! she looks amazing thank u!! \ud83d\udc96 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@heart_uf_a_king Dumb question, very dumb! With KAMALA HARRIS in the room and diversity our strength, Joe Biden appreciates that. The table is big, round and oh so noisy.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CuhCuhCuh: fat bitches dont like liftin up they arms in the summer all that dampness cuh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why is the word Hispanic pronounced Hispainic in the United States?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@elise_palmer sounds like gypos to me - they used to do this all the time where I lived","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"And even if the sky come fallin, bitch ima still be high. I got faith in my weed man","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Tell you one thing-- I've seen more'n enough dick and balls tonight to last me a lifetime. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@trillasfvck: all these bitches getting mommy money” niggas too.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can't wait for @user at the o2 tomorrow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yoga has been around for ages and these bitches just now figuring it out","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So summer camp is relatable to detention centers? Liberals will paint any picture to get a non-existent point across. #maga URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah you bad but hoe so what","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My mom seen my progress report & was like so wtf is up wit this B bitch wtf do you NOT see them 7 A's 😑 tf she just Ungreatful ✋","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"New boss said my buttons on my shirt can't be white. So I colored them hoes with a sharpie 😂 glossy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CuhCuhCuh: bitches is twerkin on camera while they kid watchin sponge bob cuh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump is on Twitter now declaring himself the winner of the debate based on online polls. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]My headline suggestion: Bots declare shot tot and crackpot winner of 1st debate[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBlue2020 #BidenWonTheDebate","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Poof. Vamoose son of a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Growing number of refugees and asylum seekers in poverty in UK ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"news of the day. great with a good coffee. @user #week @ \u00c3\u0089cully ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All the cop apologists here fucking whining and crying, because just like a lot of cops, they lack balls and are fat, unskilled, and untrained.\n\nEvery other first world country has cops trained to take fighting suspects down, without taking their life\n\nbut here in america, with the conservatives and many other people who lack balls, we have an issue with murders\n\nlittle black kids getting shot for playing with toy guns without a warning\n\nlittle black girl shot while sleeping in a raid\n\nWhite man shot while he was just getting out of his car which crashed and flipped without warning...i can keep going","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Yeah they showed up in America and themselves Antifa.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user for all the love & suppo you have given me, here is something special. #kohlisoon\u00c2\u00a0 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @slinkjohnson: I think Imma patent disposable douche, in ketchup type packages. Bitches can be sanitary and discreet. For the hoe on-the…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What kind of goons and buffoons stop a magazine launch! #ABVPkaGundaraj #GoonsWithGuns #SendThemHome ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i think i would just skip rio this time around...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes keep voting until the NEW REICH IN BRUSSELS GET the result they want. Call another referendum and just see what happens. Go away Liberals your finished ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Gun violence is low except in Democrat controlled cities w\/ strict gun control policies where criminals are armed and citizens are not. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i didn't enjoy it.voltron only formed like 1\/ 3 episode..they didn't announce the pas forming ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@_theDarius boy I was clean in them bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Carxlito PS3 and case is still in the trash can. idgaf anymore","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user must be heabreaking for #blacks within @user to find they're helpless against\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ootd \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0097 . . . #kano_camera #ootd #fashion #me #today #fun #l4l #f4f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Tell this idiot to try with other religion book. Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest. She is sick. She needs treatment. And she is alive becoz she hindu. Don't blabber non sense ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Shit cop, Ppl always making Ppl look bad... and with so many narrow-minded hate-filled ppl hate is all cops all black, white, Spanish ppl will get because no one can see past individual actions... ridiculous","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER He didnt say that when he raped his daughters friend (16 years old) and not too long after she committed suicide","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Today I heard my boss say \"motherfucker, bitch\" like it was so funny bc she has an Asian accent","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ME : WANNA STUDY CHAROT PHONE : NO LIZA ME :HEY SKANK YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY'S STORY YOU'RE PATHETIC INSECURE LOSER ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#UnitedNations: #Trump Immigration Enforcement a 'Serious Violation' of Human Rights | #Breitbart... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This game sucks donkey balls ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are a beautiful model & HWs were jealous of that. I agree that Kendall should stay how she is & not have all that phony plastic surgery like her sisters. I don't event recognize Khloe anymore. Kylie needs to stop w\/fillers. She's pretty on her own & not overdue it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user so for these to be back soon @user @user @user @user #ghostadventures ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm from Long Beach California... so people automatically think I'ma badass, or a bitch.... hahha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user on my way to visit baby harriet #princess \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bill Clinton enjoyed raping them while Ted Kennedy enjoyed killing them. But you are cool with that. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait for the new @user trailer \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0091 #gamer","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The nations know who we are, but we rather be real niggers & bad bitches. http:\/\/t.co\/Ge6tNhxzAF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i just opened the beta-version of @user for ios. i just have to say...this is perfect! i can't believe how cool this is! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Darth_Maxwell dude I was pissed but then looking at it I fucking died at least I'm the most yoked ape😅😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She used her power and authoritative position over this child to manipulate him and get him drunk so she would have him at her disposal. Now she is using her gender as an excuse and claiming the victim assaulted her when we have text messages and pictures that show otherwise","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Actually that money could be used to transfer whole Israel home(America). It would be cheaper for the Americans they will boost the economy reviving bankrupt states like Detroit (work force and money). The Americans will keep their money home ,and The palestinians will get their land back. The Americans will have no problem living with the Israelis (they are. Best friends already) , and the Israelis will have a better future since America is the land where dreams come true. It's a win win solution for everyone.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Personally? I think giving Trump an hour of free airtime is tantamount to giving a baby a razor blade. He\u2019s going to hurt himself. And at the end, nobody in his campaign is going to say, \u201cthat was a great idea\u201c.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@minella_joe @DFSRants I would not describe Kamala Harris as a 'strong black woman.' Angela Davis, Angela Walker, Nina Turner, Barbara Lee, Briahna Joy Gray...yes.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If you seem like a nice person? Maybe if people got to know you they could see that you are worth to be cared about?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@1SonofYahweh he aint a real nigger, oh my bad a real nigga, but praise the sonsof satan for having not a realnigger qualitaties. Im hating?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Almost forgot you was a nigga in ya past life lmao","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"How many Somali refugees has the US admitted since 1983? via @user Depressing,these people never assimilate , their islamic religion forbids it. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And we met him in the Rain omg he is such an amazing person","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Luke5SOS: 5sos are trash !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"..While reading this, I feel like I am hearing Cardi B's voice rapping.\ud83d\ude02 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"freedom \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008d #love #instagood #photooftheday #me #followme #follow #picoftheday #instadaily\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@CallMeRenee_ bitch u 1","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_Kingdineroo: Lmao dis bitch dumb asl http:\/\/t.co\/O0RraJ8Vij","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He knows he dosen't have much time left before he is brought down.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope they all freeze to death","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"It's like it's always the ones YOU CARE FOR THE LEAST that be talking so much shit like bitch I'm not even paying attention to you lil whore ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I hate a \"I can't have no ugly friends ass bitch\" like you just a Rihanna lookin hoe\ud83d\udc80\u2757\ufe0f\u270b ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @BadNewsAli: You really are a faggot if you say that match was bad. Stop watching","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yet all that tra*h comes to America to free load off our kindness & humanity for all. #DeportThemAll ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"this week i lost my gf, mexico lost, my little brother lost, and golden state wanna suck and lose too!!!! #badweek ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user meek mill - dc4 #duedate bihday lil snupe ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so glad i put 3-1 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I fail to see the problem. The leader of America is saying he'll put America before other nations. I could be horribly mistaken, but isn't that the way it's supposed to be?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Most parents with children swept up by Trump's #ZeroTolerancePolicy are NOT crossing the border illegally. They are presenting themselves at points of entry as political asylum seekers. #ImmigrationLies #ICE @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER An airplane you say..no woman falls in love with you when you are a trek star.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She's tragic because she is an idiot and because she had tremendous internalized misogyny. I think of the moment we are in the grips of as the Tyranny of the Half-idiot. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"stay tuned! saint issue #4 is at the printers! #comics #makecomics ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is mocking non-victims claiming victim hood. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I like bitches with 💸","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can't wait for @user on @user ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's funny how females don't want to be called a \"bitch\" but if you put the word bad in front of it then they're happy af","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the racist truth about canadian immigration #cdnpoli #lpc #canpoli #canada","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Cough*Nicky Haley* ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They say home is where the heart is. But I got a hole where my heart is because I let a whore where my heart is ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We love a queen that can empower herself without tearing others down. I love u. U got this\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If her bio says \"Only God can judge me\" she's a hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Rams_6 happy birthday bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"well.. we're fucked.... \u00a0buying me some guns now ;)\n\n\nand moing the FUCK out of meriKa","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"honestly, I just do it for the bitch mob","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ooh it's your bd ?? bih day nelly ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user what a baby! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy bihday!! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c #inshot #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Its @USER fault..she is cheat","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Copycat","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hey Andrew which problems are specifically the result of Justin\u2019s actions. You don\u2019t seem to have any solid info to tweet and you don\u2019t read the articles you retweet. There aren\u2019t enough conservatives in this county to get you elected. So you\u2019d better start speaking to everyone ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"seeing hoes blatantly try to take my man then watching him turn their lame thot ass down is truly fucking hysterical \ud83d\ude02 lol bitch u tho(ugh)t ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So inspiring to see so many people playing!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"love this book written by my friend alison, i highly recommend it. my son with fa's really enjoyed it too! <3 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user i'd go one step fuher. he's revealing a side of america most want to believe doesn't exist anymore. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Absolutely! We all know the Dems want all the votes coming to them; that is why they are all pushing for it to happen. Dems\/Liberals are plainly UnAmerican. All they care about is their paycheck and their position. 1st We need term minutes; no more than 2 terms like POTUS has.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #falsenarrative #falseequavalency your comments are reflections of ignorance and ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I bet that nigga @gucci1017 got charged for murder for tha intro of \"Gucci vs Guwop\" cause straight killed that hoe! #FreeGucci #FreeRadric","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @No_FAKINGG: Somebody tell these broke bitches , stay in they place #yun-stand?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Alright imma need an explanation there ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user don't disrespect sharpie like that bro it was definitely some off brand shit from the back of a dollar tree \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"okay, who stole the weekend!! \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 #theft #weekend #work #mondayblues","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sorry...nothing but a setup to try and appease the Socialist Democratic Wacked Out Liberals. We are not stupid ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"yet another reminder that sexism is alive and well everywhere i am, & any woman who stands up for herself is automatically a bitch or a cunt ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"15. fuckhead for awhile... I open two stores for his bitch ass. little brother & his skank show back up. I find a meth pen tube & foil in ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"They just keep on coming. Build that damn wall and deport. Please! @user #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@DonLemonCNN @DanaBashCNN u both sorry to give racist @SenTedCruz a platform w his trash language Dana ur intvw was below kindergarten level","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Youlove_Tyler lol girrrrl these bitches crazzzzy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user .@user good luck at the unemployment line :') ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Please help me get this message to Congress by sharing it#EnoughIsEnough#WakeUpAmericaI am a proud LEGAL Hispanic immigrant! Loving our USA doesn't make us \"white supremacists\". It means WE LOVE EVERY AMERICAN!#DontTakeRaceBaitersBait#Walkaway#DrainTheSwamp#RedNationRising ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @XdalovelyTishai: Most of these niggas go broke for these hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yes exactly. Works both ways. The amount of times I\u2019ve been groped by some hysterical straight girl on a night out\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"No Woman Is Immune #rape #sexualabuse ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER CC, GET THE PEROXIDE OUT OF YOUR VEINS! HE IS SO STUPID, HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HE'S STUPID!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Occupy Wall Street.....where women got raped","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh course the NFL will cower in fear of liberals who trying to destroy the game. Will submit to their demands ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user And your entire argument ignores th fact that gun control affects law abiding citizens way more that it does criminals. You think they care about background checks? Restrictions? Etc? No. That\u2019s why we call them criminals. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user happiness is an empty page #painting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@tayisbae @stilIgucci @spxrklybubbles what she means is shes a fat bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user \u201cBlame your opponent of the things you are guilty of\u201d - this pope is a satanist ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user having an absolute blast in #berlin ! no one word to describe this city #travel #grow ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals are addicted to fake news. Chris is their Dope man. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Whale__Tail what'd the note say? \"Stop being a bitch, here's some flowers. <3\" gets em everytime","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you are voting for Joe Biden then you are actually voting for Kamala Harris to be President! https:\/\/t.co\/1cds2ZYt9F","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"her simplicity is her real beauty #HappyBirthdayDipika","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch you got hoe mentalities, lol, word from the Don ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Yes. We existed before and we will always exist.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Did I?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Politico reached out to the \u201c65\u201d women. Only 2 stood by him. That\u2019s 65-63=2. Gotta break it down for #Maga.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 45 is sweating. He knows he is screwed..tick rock. Orange is the New Orange. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They all made false statements that they were U.S. citizens- submitted fraudulent Social Security cards, driver's licenses and state ID cards - to their employers to take #jobs From LEGAL Workers #LaborDay #laborday #MAGA #SendThemHome #HireAmericans ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Stupid bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @UrKindOfBrand: Vote or Die bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why was a baton pulled out?\u00a0 If a policeman tried to use one on me, I would grab it too.\u00a0 A baton can be a deadly weapon.\u00a0 The policeman's inability to defuse a small matter is a problem with me.\u00a0 Note he was hit hard in the left jaw and maybe the right jaw with the baton.\u00a0 What was that policeman thinking?\u00a0 Again, why was the baton pulled out?\u00a0 Did the 14 year old pose a threat?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"People of Kashmir want to live alone... They don't want to live with India neither with Pakistan. The dirty politics of both countries is ruining Kashmiri people's lives...","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"trouble is that #dementeddonny has made the #gop the pay of stupid. . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @YungRajee: Ladies listen NO nigga wants to settle down at a young age. All you bitches crying about being single now will be wifed in 1…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Danish Party that wants to deport #Muslims that are on #Welfare growing fast. Why oh why #Conservatives in the #UK don't focus on this I'll never know. #MBGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user fathers day. have a memorable day. from all 1950's waspi women who bore you, raised you, fed you, cared for you,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I rather be alone then to be surrounded by fake ass people","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight \u00e2\u009c\u008c #thebeatles #aye #selfie #liverpool ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#RINO Rauner has severely failed Illinois. Touting his \u201cturn around agenda\u201d he gave us nothing but his \u201cturn coat agenda\u201d. Illinois Conservatives not have one choice #VOTE @USER for State experience! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"aptly named... we have whitesboro in ny with its ndn killing town seal, and whiteland with its mascot ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Gee \ud83d\ude44 I wonder why @FOXTV and Wallace only allowed 2 mins.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Trying to control @realDonaldTrump much?? [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]When you know, if respectfully allowed to speak, he will crush @JoeBiden ?? \ud83e\udd14[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #Debates2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we are having a great time on vacation! #barharbor #soybu @user #fitmom @user #momlife #maine ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Me and all my friends hate everyone... I sometimes wonder how we became friends ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Yall bitches should be girlfriends for Halloween since yall been sidechiccs all year 😂😭😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@TheOneMiss_Luu i also like flip a bitch, which is gabbys. #QualityWords","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i emailed hours ago and no reply ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" to be dining tonight @user . what a bihday treat!! another one of the top 10 restaurants in the world!! #cantwait","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user please retweet! this is an impoant issue that needs to be discussed. #nojustice #loserpizza","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i haven't been trying a lot this year, but these #mariners got me freaking on a tweet binge! #depressed","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user finally got the job .!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Japanese mature cat with spots has her old pussy split wide and filled with hard cocks http:\/\/t.co\/49snPMqnMW","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are a Liberal who doesn't even live in FL. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"frwd to all frinds #best poetry #romantic poetry #love poetry #new poetry poetry free hasil karain + follow @user send to 40404","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Finally a administration that cares about its legal citizens","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can I pay you to stop being a Lil bitch? Gah damn shut the fuck up!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Let the leftist democrats riot in the streets with their antifa counterparts. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@O3_Millz @xDSmooth idk who gave that bitch my name","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user The only thing 'stinky' is your breath. #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #SCOTUSKavanaugh and at least two will be appointed by @user and there's nothing you can do about it. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user don't kid yourself, good dick runs everything \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"STOP texting these hoes good morning!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#crookedhilary #imwither -not! #hillary #hillaryforpresident -not! #corruption #votetrump2016 #makeamericagreatagain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why you shouldn't eat pussy unless you love her http:\/\/t.co\/BkpLT6D9ax","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 this is comical!! They think they are really doing something! When really they're just getting laughed at. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Westbrook you ball hogging bitch pass it to your fuckin teammates if you want to win","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user That the only job a woman can have .. they the best at this job love \u2764\ufe0f Dick Sucking ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives theresa_may: Since my very first day in 10DowningStreet I\u2019ve made it my personal mission to fix our broken housing system. Doing so underpins so much of what this Government is\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @jessietorr: yeah \"basic bitches\" are a thing but how many straight white men do you know who are all the same and SO boring??","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER So you realize what a fool you are making of yourself with your weird obsession over #SusanSarandon Maybe do some research b4 spouting off nonsense.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"VanJones68 knows what's up","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user awesome keith! we can see you're ecstatic about it! #samsungj7 customer - rolando","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Trackstar275: With your bitch ass...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" adeolu philips mr p:","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@MikeyPDaCav5: I love the song \"John Doe\" #dope” @MirandaWigley @edenbaby101 faggots","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER This isn't ya finest moment hun. Try again once you fix ya shit and knock this tweet away.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheSharpEdge1 Joe Biden is compromised. Special counsel!!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Aw aye so putting men and women together justifies sexual assault , what a daft cunt ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That heart shaped braid. \ud83d\udc9c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I know right and it will be good too if I can touch it even for once :(","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I haven\u2019t watched it.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@nosfiend215 @faggot696969 niggers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The Latest: #Spain reports 328 migrant rescues at sea ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@arionnee cuz you know i was playing witchu i aint call yo mama a bitch or say yo brother ugly af did i?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm about to spray perfume on your bitch because if I have to look at trash,it might as well smell decent ✋","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @IamTysonBettis: When u love her none of them hoes matter..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Whops @_JAMAICAJONES yardie. Go smoke a blunt and tell a nigga to come through. You are stressed","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If Drew Stubbs were a pimp, he couldn't even hit a hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"what a bunch of idiots","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"16 ways #exercise makes you happier (#infographic) #workout ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@BB16ZachRance @ArianaGrande oh>>>>> so that's the bald bitch<<<<<<<","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"new spring prints \u00f3\u00be\u0081\u0085\u00f3\u00be\u0081\u0085\u00f3\u00be\u0081\u0085 #colorful #flowers #flower #instaspring #pretty #spring #season #seasons #tree... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#freakyfriday: angry milf milf #milf ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Judge Orders U.S. Government to Stop Force-Feeding Psychotropic Drugs to Immigrant Children via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"icb im gna see epik high in real life like fuckign FUCKING FINALLY IM GONNA CRY","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hillary? Why is she on the social studies curriculum? Why? Who is she to be in any curriculum? She is nothing! I'm shocked that she was in any curriculum, but I am very happy to see that she is OUT!\"\" (I am so glad she's nowhere near the @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I don\u2019t trust Kanye right now. I might not like that shit.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@nick_scott25 come watch Godzilla then faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@moneydriven @2ManyLouboutins glad about your uncle, another stupid faggot off the world, hopefully you next.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He is a child ~ a retarded one.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Like literally after I'm done texting someone when I don't text back I slide the bitch to the left , I'd win that money","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user my hea is broken for them all. such senseless cowardly act against innocent people just enjoying their free time. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Ceallaighaine Oh no! Sorry Hun. That sucks. Hope you heal fast. 😕\n#dancerproblems","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Wow was he wearing his hood when he made that statement? And... antifa? Really?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Commentators bitch at Bird for \"sliding\" but 2 Port guys do it to Buddy and it's Buddy's fault!?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Make sure that these so called refugees don't board those boats, so you don't have to ferry them to Europe where they are not wanted nor needed. Let them build up their own countries, not destroy ours.#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER thanks Joe!!! my sanity was forsaken a looong time ago hahaha","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@jesstoth we could get matching burner phones and be ghetto fab for a few months","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If Richard Stallman has 1 GB of RAM, and if you have 1 GB of RAM, Richard Stallman has more RAM than you. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following you anyway.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LethalBizzle: Suck yo momma flappy bird!!!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @hayybacon: “@phizzyph0: If she got the Chipotle Plug, Cuff that hoe” #TwitterlessAlex @vngelinaa_","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Prom is coming up boys, don't forget your compression shorts! #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I welcome those who want to assimilate but Muslims do not. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"what a bunch of greedy evil white people they should b ashamed","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user Deport them all! #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\u201c#Bangladesh should register fleeing #Rohingya as refugees, ensure adequate health care & education, & let them pursue livelihoods outside the camp\u201d says @user in new @user report \"Bangladesh is Not My Country: Plight of Rohingya Refugees fr #Myanmar ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bad bitches is the only thing that i like","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@CLewandowski_ Cory,, let me help you,,[NEWLINE]Antifa = Anti Facism to be clear to the poorly educated, [NEWLINE]Hitler was a facist, the world didn't like him,, hey kinda like trump..thanks[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#FactsExist[NEWLINE]#GopWhigParty[NEWLINE]#KnowNothings[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020[NEWLINE]#VoteOutTheGOP","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_reathie: \"@1inkkofrosess: Any bitch that has ever had a \"problem\" with me ain't checked shit but my twitter 😝\"NBS !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"No I don't just want to be friends. Why do you think I'm talking to you in the first place #StupidWomen #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@YungRetweet bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_Headsyoulose: I'll write a poem for u hoe http:\/\/t.co\/jQPzftI14w","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JuanDaMeskin you wouldn't last a day there hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"being won\u00e2\u0080\u0099t give you longer life, study says ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thanks for all the things you give me everyday... #french #love #hea #follow","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"After all my years of complaining im finally getting my bitch ass wisdom teeth out so I can stop fucking crying","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Krakin this bitch ipem at 12... WHO SIPPIN WIT ME... ELEMENTS http:\/\/t.co\/lGCM88hsnP","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Can we send this piece of \ud83d\udca9 to the tower? Wouldn\u2019t it be nice if we could do as Great Britain once did. I say build the wall and tower at the same time just in time for the Hillary Clinton NONpresidential suite! Hahahahaha","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"highlight of the day was my boss yelling \"shame on you\" to a client cos the client told her 8yr old girl to steal 1 of our umbrellas. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I take it Notre Dame is still trash. http:\/\/t.co\/fRTMYhu7bl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Like dudes think that women just want their dick.. NO YOU PUSSY BITCH.. I wouldnt touch you with a 12 foot pole you shrimp dick toad. FUCK OFF YOU PESANT.. go fuck yourself.. matter of fact.. I hope you lose your dick so you can never use it again you fucking cunt. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"🙌🙏 RT “@PlanetPOB: Real Men eat pussy.”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@porcelina33 i was raised the person that uses a gun and cant take an ass whipping is a pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER URL a high-tech lynching for Uppity (Republican) Blacks'\" is fine, but raping women by liberals?' \"THEY ALL DO IT\u201d including Bill Clinton.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER They are Antifa democrats disguised as GOP looking to infiltrate the party. Don't worry though it doesn't take long to figure them out.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user besides it's looks a lot nicer and more room at the bottom of the garden, more garden, bigger garden. \u00e2\u0098\u00ba","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Lmao: When I make the paper ball into the trash can. 📰🏀💨 http:\/\/t.co\/VjeGtjEP3X","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Parents of Parkland #victims call for stricter #gun control at rally - Sep 8 @ 11:29 PM ET URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And I'm sooooo tired being too sensitive about everything","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER To demonstrate how wholly incapable of carrying a thought to its logical conclusion she is?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"so when is your next klan meeting?! my wife isn't white & i'm proud of her & our love. we are each others gift from\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Yes...she is ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Tamela_X But a wannabe ghetto white girl will deal with an unaccomplished black man for more than sex.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user She never planned to testify. It was all an act - one that fell flat very quickly. Liberals will never learn. We know their tactics. We can accurately predict their actions & responses. We also know how to think & do research. That's why they hate us. They can't control us. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#FreeElChapo is trending?! why cus French Montana's bitch ass?? you fucks that think selling drugs is cool are the LAMEST POSERS!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Liberals pitching fits again ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@flvshy5: Might go to plaq hc”bitch who you gone go with","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"That fat bitch that's always on the phone just walked in 👊👊✂️✂️ @TibaBurger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @SMACKHighAZ: \"Seton Catholic where their own students talk trash about how low of a division there football team is in.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#carlpaladino's comments about the obamas make him a late contender for the most loathsome character of 2016 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Did you punk bitches take my salmon cream cheese?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheOrangeCone: That rocket blowing up reminds me of that time in college when I blew a tranny. But in my defense, I was drunk. Both tim…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Do you think Beyonc\u00e9 is nice or a bitch \u2014 A little bit of both, depends on the time Wonhoe w... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This \"Deb\" women at my eye appointment.. bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER TRUMP IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE THEN YOUR AN IDIOT. MY FRIENDS IN PR WERE HURT. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO GET EDUCATED. I EDUCATE MYSELF EVERYDAY I TALK TO THEM EVERYDAY. SO STFU","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He's a bitch and a fucking cunt that should get his throat ripped out my canine's ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AlexDunlapNFL @BDOE_KLBJ that evil son of a bitch deserves everything that's coming to him","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"to everyone saying hyuna ruined edawn and pentagon needs to shut the fuck up. she didnt ruin it, yall who complained and sent hate to her did. because of yall sensitive and jealous asses this is what we, actual fans get. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I fully agree with this statements Netanyahu made in this clip. It's unacceptable that in order to create a Palestinian state, it would have to be Judenrein. AJ+can brainwash people as much as it wants. It does not change the fact that an Palestinian state should be willing to integrate Jewish people into it.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @TheeeSickestKid: Yo bag Gucci but you still ugly hoe shut up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"some of our lovely clients happy with their treatments! #beauty ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"very and no one is #makingsense ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is NOT Supreme Court worthy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They are EVERWHERE #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user who? Kerry? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"His bitch ass a hoe ass nigga prolly don't get no pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@angelenagoley: 10 sex positions http:\/\/t.co\/nt3PABMWsm http:\/\/t.co\/JmHZ8Sczf0\"naw this what u call fucking the soul outta bitch 😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"FREE T-SHIRT! Sign up to become a fundraiser for refugees by 11:59p PDT tonight and you\u2019ll automatically receive a free t-shirt courtesy of our friends at @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d \/\/ (limited to those living in the U.S. 18 & older) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ugly bitches post the most retarded shit on social media.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy sunday \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #camillasorum #mumabroad #blog #sunday #flowergirl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER what\u2019s up and thanks for the follow @USER says hello :)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Far-right attacks and plots FAR outnumber antifa counterprotests and attacks. This is documented. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bihday!! trump 2016!! make america great & safe again!! best wishes to you!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what a nice pic\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #goodmorning #sunrise #sun #day #love #beautiful #weather\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"😳Oh this bitch Midy must be crazy http:\/\/t.co\/75LWvtD4oJ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Time will tell. Not the type to jump on the lefty bandwagon and demonize someone until they have had a fair chance. His policies will either be a huge failure like the liberals and result in losing the next election or they will be a success and ontario will dig out of the hole","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ha ha ha sneaky buggers. I have put out a warning to have sound off. That will show them.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you ignorant fool how did you become ag. I forgot it was ignorant Obama. Its not current occupier of white house. Learn from me ignorant idiot He is the President of United states. If you think he is not your President then leave this country and go to hell. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"twitter mentions for american folk a museum: - @user fun cloudy day. #summer #summerinnyc ...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this is #meatloaf collapses on stage! #breakingnews ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#revol #cuisine #white #porcelain 7 #ounce #poultry #dish, set of 4 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@caylinwillis Fuck the Yankees","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ReallyHighIdeas: Scientists have recently discovered that bitches, do in fact, be trippin'","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why has the main stream media been silent about TRUMP????? How DARE you ask this! Ask about how many women Hillary smeared and attacked to cover up Bills DOZENS of rapes. Lets pretend neither of them are rapists, but they both had some cases of sexual misconduct. Which is worse, the guy who engages in some bad decision making or the woman who assembles a TEAM lawyers and private detectives to dig up dirt, embarrass, smear and threaten the women who accused her husband of those things? I know my answer.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I be try a log on to IG an like pics, but bitches dont be posting no pics....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"actin awfully slutty for a bitch in a winnie the pooh sweater http:\/\/t.co\/0gexxJ3SVv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @SmiIe: These hoes ain't loyal http:\/\/t.co\/fGTzQwnSxk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user reminds me of the annoying bitch cunt from school that first touches you and when you give it back ,accuses you of assault ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user We are thrilled he is our President and cant wait for him to #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Theresa May Using #LabourParty Policies to Cling On To her Weak and Wobbly #Government #HousingCrisis #housingmarket the #conservatives are the Corrupt #Landowners #ToriesOut #Corruption ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Immigration is about sharing in the exploitation of the country, not sharing in the building or maintaining it.My country was my home, now its a hotel, and they think I'm going to be a waiter. #WhiteGenocide ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user You claim you read the academic piece I linked to. It spells that out pretty clear. Do you wonder why this genre of race writing is so popular with upper\/upper-middle class white liberals? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\/63 More evidence Liberals only goal is to sabotage #NAFTA to make Trump the enemy and to get Trump Hate vote in Canada for election 2019. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@4mulaD Bad as in she listens to pop music but because I'm a fucking idiot I forgot to add \"IMO\" to my original tweet","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"wew i only know they are diff couples when i look at the guys. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sad that girls look up to Kim so much. Like damn she got famous from being a hoe, and making sex tapes. We need to find better role models.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The Democrats invented #Racism and they perpetuate it by supporting human traffickers, child traffickers, drug traffickers, importing gangs, importing terrorist cells by supporting open borders#IllegalAliens#OldMenWithPens#KAG#VoteRed2018#RedWaveRising2018#WalkAway ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user bought more copies of @user \u00e2\u0080\u009cadoption papers\u00e2\u0080\u009d as presents than any other poetry ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why are you bothering me","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @NevaWhoDat: wet pussy is the best pussy 🙌😏😜👅💦😼💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That explains why some leftists were also shadowbanned.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"actually ordered a kylie lip kit ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Single like a dollar fucking bitches like im slater ..AWW MANE!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Don't speak bitch,just Die Die Die Why can't you go bye bye bye? Cause I will take your life away So turn around and just shut the fuck up!\" ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"girls night \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b8 #friends #fun #pay #picoftheday #instalike #style #girl #instagood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@EricWithAHotDad bitch I'm done with school","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I know they be fired up thinking u got a hammer n your pants from how u walk n find out u got a coochie lol ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What\u2019s shocked me is that they consider themselves seculars !!!! Liberals !!! Those kind of yoga vegan freaks ! But when it\u2019s about occupation they shift to something els ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So is it time for each of us to tell about wild times we had in high school and college??? Liberals are such jackasses. Let he who is perfect cast the first stone....will never be a liberal","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't understand your logic. Anyways this is going nowhere. This to me is not acceptable. Maybe you are ok with it. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@LoLDyrus It's retarded. Ignore the harlem shake fad and hope it goes away soon.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#angels #archangels from on high here to help you live #spiritual and anf lives ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Suck my dick","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#macys you're old and no one young or hip shops at depament stores. everyone here is and shuffling along #zombie #fail #obese","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#NunsProtest sad nobody supporting the \u201cSisters\u201d the \u201cmother Superior\u201d of Christian community...is it so difficult to stand by the victim whether she is nun or ordinary victim","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don\u2019t distribute them across Spain ( Europe) send them back to Morocco where they came from #migrants ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Ik what other rappers think of him. But only cause he is anti-drug and honestly I think his music is good.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when you realize that within a year or so you'll prob be moving into your own place with a friend or two. #yes #ilovetodecorate","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#BlackTwitter #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #SundayMornibg #AMJoy #Immigration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa will sign anything if they\u2019re paid enough.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@STACCS_WNT_FOLD you tell me, coon.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user dosent matter about benifits migrants will still come and look what happened in Germany etc without benifits no to crime ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Seems it takes a 2\/3 vote to do that, and the Dems won't do it.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"VP Joe the Dildo still wants your guns. Hey Joe. FU. Oath breaking prick needs to be routed out. Hows it feel to be honkey whippin boy?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Anyone who supports gun control is a racist. Just like Shannon Twatts ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"GIRL! Trying to put dem bitches on, too! RT @CeeisMee: In AutoZone trying to buy the correct wiper blades for my car http:\/\/t.co\/tifQceESts","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thought i should bring it back #funny #comedy anduknowit andyouknow... (vine by @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dont watch his sc then bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user #crybully #snowflakes wanna talk about &\/or #diversity? but read brief honesty of @user editor @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@GorgeousCamry_ bitch fck all lay wat you wanna do","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ripstephanie_: \"let my shirt go bitch it's Aeropostale wtf is wrong with you \" 😂😭😂 https:\/\/t.co\/xM5s5HN7tq","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @luke_brooks: There was a fly that was banging into all the windows and I called it retarded but then I thought to myself \"umm I'm talki…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But for the fire crew of Mexican immigrants, politics never enters the mind. This isn\u2019t about @user or his supporters, or about border walls. It\u2019s about the pride of protecting people\u2019s homes. #Immigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @cthagod: You know my motto \"It Ain't Tricking If She's Worth It\" but fuck first, trick later depending on the potency of the pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER but if you go on a date first..and then have sex...it\u2019s the best of both worlds. and the sex is better.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DarrionMarz: pregnant bitches get on the bus and think you suppose to give them your seat like bitch you should of fucked a nigga with …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She is so smart.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@NoChillPaz: \"At least I'm not a nigger\" http:\/\/t.co\/RGJa7CfoiT\"\n\nLmfao","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" in the #gop #deplorable i have seen many \"conservative\" memes over the last 8 years #notfunny @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u201cWe\u2019re all worried that you\u2019re dead or killed your mom and went off to jail\u201d oh my god get a fucking grip mosquettiers","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"thats what you get when you try to become some social elitist ass wipe so you could pick people apart and turn your nose up at people, wanting some desk job where you dont produce shit, and expect to make the same amount of money that someone who does hard dangerous labor earns. pay you debt and grow a brain, you dont have the right to make tax payers pay for your poor choices, especially since you tried to become some liberal elitest ass hole sociopath. want want want, the only thing you were ever entitled to was your own choices and you chose poorly because you refused to listen to smart hard working conservatives and just laughed them off.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER And Democrats actually commit acts of violence a la antifa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"'this bitch won't stop riding his dick' LMFAO ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Wish to suck angel cookie.... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ....and about \u201cFast and Furious\u201d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@EdgarGuillenjr @imthatsubieguy @blakeanderson21 @joshhandsomee87 you ain't 6 feet under its not over pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"back to nature! \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0096 . #vsco #vscocam #holiday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"in love with my life \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #canon_60d\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b7 #fun #water #beach #cloud #follow4follow #shoutout\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@marylene58 @sunflower1790 @shelliecorreia @Jan4USA no just a niggress that thinks she's human.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Would you resign with the boys? Just curious and honest question have you gained any perspective of why yall parted ways? Being serious cuz you are a BAD (positive) receiver!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@garrett_winker bitch shut yo little ass up fucking no color emo faget ads nigga u call me dumb but u don't know shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i love him !!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why are you wasting time replying on twitter (trolling) on behalf of people making under that amount? Seems like someone is just a propaganda pusher...or likes gloating to other #MAGA's that they got screwed by Trump. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I was actually thinking you were joining antifa.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@__MotoMoto you a real bitch for that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"flowing down the side of the wall #poppy #poppies #poppywaterfall #red #beautiful #amazing \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I like all the kids on beyond scared straight acting like they are hard ass gangsters end up leaving balling their eyes out like bitches lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Countless and effortless. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The ways in which we help.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month Y\u2019All[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpPence2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user you made my day by this announcement...can't wait to see you in la \u00e2\u0098\u00ba ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"While #forestfires are terrifying and tragic, should the fed. gov. grant #California assistance with which to fight them while it thumbs its nose at the rest of the country by protecting illegal immigrant criminals? (Hasn't Cali been denying federal jurisdiction over its land?) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good Evening. Can you tell us your location and which direction you are traveling so we may investigate? ^Z","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe because you\u2019ve provided a play form for hate groups with no criticism or criticism-lite while bashing antifa with zero analysis ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't mind black people.....hate niggers!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#newstar bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Each will be accompanied with accoseries\ud83c\udf20 as well as tons of pin badges ajdgshzha Thank you for your help in advance!\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc9c\ud83c\udf20","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm so sick of people","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" sunday: click on the link and like the page ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What a wifey would understand a hoe could never comprehend","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@AndrewTaran That's a nice color combo too, love the blue and yellow.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The difficult subject of #refugee economies #Withrefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER His staffers should remember that Trump is in favor of using enhanced interrogation techniques.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#dumbest repoing of the day @user did everything they cld 2 blame #crazy #whiteguy w #legalgun instead what it is #islamicterror","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Previously Deported Child Rapist Re-Arrested In Texas @user @user #HonorYourOath#ProtectUS#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #NoAsylum@TheJusticeDept#MaximumSentencing#NoPleaBargain#DeathPenalty#ChildRape ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user This is why Chicago won\u2019t enforce gun laws on the books or go into these neighborhoods These murders are planned by gun control liberals so as to pass very strict or even confiscation of guns. Black Luves do not matter to these liberals trying to pass their agenda. 2 Admendment ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Look at all these racist white liberals freaking out because I said Tom Arnold has white privileged.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@xDSmooth hell naw bitch no help!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lil hoe tweets on point","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER #ThoseThatAreTheLoudest are afraid, JUSTICE is coming #Bono is a scam just like the #ClintonFoundation #PedoWood #Haiti URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LilHakBeatz: “@ReturnOfTheMarc: I'ma beat with pussy up like Ray Rice. Hit it with a left. I don't need a right. #remix #tosoon” http:\/…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The Nov election will tell the tale. MSM laud Antifa; alt-media expose them as Soros-shill shitheads.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @RaiAllure: \"yo bitch chose me you aint a pimp you a FAIRY.\" #ripPimpC","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When you finally get the bitch to leave ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Lurk_God fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JennyTripleTit it's also a bird, a city, and a math theorem. I make no assumptions!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#fascism doesn't arrive doing a #nazi salut.but in a sharp suit #altright #richardspencer #trumpism #dkpol ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_campkevin: Bitches be thinking they are soooo out here like no your just an everyday average Instagram bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@apmorales96 gotta keep fighting bro Thea hoes just trying to bring me down. #thestrugle","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@PRETTyBOSs_BRAt: We don't love these hoes 👐🙅\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER wish Guy Opperman would knockmy door! 1950's\/1960's infact everyone LOOKOUT this 'Guy' will tellU you Hv to work till nearly 70 U dont it's a LIE just didn't ring fence our NIC's for last 24yrs! \u00a3271bill! If today YP worked as long as 1950's they wld be 76SPA! Read #BATTLEBUS URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 RT @RealityyBites: Nope Thts not wht it says here.. RT @PeachDulce: I'm not a hoe. I'm a people person http:\/\/t.co\/RJ1vIx7VCz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user And niggas still gonna complain about geno ffs ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user yay! congrats @user for a great album that is #number1 #rickastley50 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"new hair for the summer \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #girl #bob #fringe #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just don't be looking for no dick later cuz I'm not a hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He should be talking about the Chinese leader seeing they pollute the most. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"On a handstand? RT @blaaksuedepumps *pops pussy in delight*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"life is about moments... happy father's day! \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #gdegblog #life #moments #family #selfie #love #igers... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER If he decides to bid us adieu in style and apologizing for it Then all will be forgiven \ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\ude48","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"don't sweat the small stuff people. enjoy and live your life! #blessed #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm a light skin niggah 🙌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"cases should not be treated lightly, the judge would've given this so called \"man\" a longer sentence, if he cared! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @fart: i just found out that \"marehood\" is code for \"horse pussy\" #brony #mlp http:\/\/t.co\/ycQTmM3lid","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Mueller was told he either would co-operate or go to prison for life or be executed...it is all coming out. #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState #ConfirmKavanaugh #TraitorsAll ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"United Methodists fight separation of immigrant families . . . #umc #church #news ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm just going to lie face down over here for a while #orlandoshooting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hillary Harvey Weinstein Clinton. One was raping vulnerable woman and the old bitch was planning to rape America. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"They are probably the ones using that excuse lol@Fatima_Phiri The dudes making excuses are killing me \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #united kingdom total trade balance up to \u00c2\u00a3-3.294b in april from previous \u00c2\u00a3-3.83b #blog #silver #gold #fo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Facial | Blonde tranny whore gets rammed and facialized http:\/\/t.co\/Kd9nU3tmWz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#fridayfeeling #fridaythoughts #realtalk from @user #shideism -have a #blessed day #teamshide and be \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u0091 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @__PrettyBlaack: If a bitch think I'm worried about her , that bitch overthinking 😭😂🙅💁🙆‼️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@mendesftbombay I heard the Tamilians are doing pujas for Joe Biden and Kamala to win","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"chat, once mutually connected. easily block and repo creeps. #chat #message ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Follow pioneers on Swedish Immigrant Trail #chisagocounty #exploreminn ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't nothing funnier then watching a woman try to hide her inner hoe 😂😂😂 know she like to get hit from the back and have a finger...nvm","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #thankyou #stud #proud so close never gave up","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Harlem World trash? Interesting.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @linaa_eddz: \"@kxngnandi: And I'm not stuck up. You niggas just love assuming bitches want yall when we just being nice 😒✋\" 🙌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My neice getting so big ... She ready to punch on sum bitches lol http:\/\/t.co\/lRyDtD5MQb","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When someone that never has any weed asks to hit the blunt ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Kendracae \"bitches ain't shit but hoes with tricks\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@AlyssSmithh @KeveeeD Yes indeed! Camels, ostriches and zebras! Sept. 5-7 http:\/\/t.co\/X3Oapfm3e8 #VCCamelRaces","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TrillVanillaaa bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I AM SO WEAK SHE REALLY BEAT HER ASS","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Bitch...cunt...same thing ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user You have lost all sense of reality. You're one very HYSTERICAL woman . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I ain\u2019t gone Lie - I\u2019m bout eatin dat Pussy!!!! \ud83d\udc45\ud83d\udc45\ud83d\udc45\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83c\udf51\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6 #imCutLikeDat \ud83d\udcaa#ForeignLuv","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@MannyKream_G: Birthday Weekend starts today” Shut yo hoe ass up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@nathirhussein Al Qaeda's market share is dropping faster than Viacom & Enron in the Jihadi stock market","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Never going to happen. Not in a million years. Not unless Soros hires a bunch of Antifa punks to pretend to be vets. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user omg, a free assault weapon??? i have seen it all now, faith in humanity is already shaky ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@EricBaetsle your a greaser","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Disgusting! That tells you more than anything that we need law n order and that's conservatives n Kavanaugh! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user thanks @user for making it clear the gop can do two things at once..recognize racism and stand with it! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are so dope man","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@JimmyMcIver @jerrilyn71 @Doc_68W_ Just like \"FAT CHICKS NEED LOVE TOO\" I guess. \nSome Jeffrey Dommer Type would be all over that sloppy ho.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He hugs her back, lifting her a bit as well.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user please don't forget to use the word ! that is what \"binds\" these men. we can never ignore or excuse that\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Toyaaa_K: \"If having hoes excite you, you still a lil nigga\" 🙅","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I guess all of those old white guys DO kinda look alike... \ud83d\ude09\ud83e\udd2d","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Going hard bitch swear I'm on my job throw a quake in the air call that shit a lob","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#elegant gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. materia ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CauseWereGuys: When the fakest bitch you know tweets about being real http:\/\/t.co\/lHq8GUCiAw","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"dressed like the american flag for the @user conce tonight \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #redwhiteandblue #takeitoutside","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019m not a muppet. I\u2019m a 6\u20192\u201d 215 lbs voter who is of Puerto Rican decent that doesnt take BS from white liberals like you.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Mightyy23 i don't FW that nigga he pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i have left school for study leave now \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 i only have a couple of exams left \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #excited #memoriesmatter \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Brazil is a sh*thole. This is the same place where they beheaded a referee during a soccer game, then proceeded to cut his body to pieces. IN THE STADIUM. This is a normal occurrence in Brazil, yet the Left says if we don't have open borders then we're \"racist.\" #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@samross58 it's parseltounge, not basilisk you fucking pussy. Get it right.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"in #pueorico, #environmental injustice and inflame protests over #coal ash: ty\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Gonna suck with all that gun control ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This is freaking pathetic . Their was no need to treat this poor old man like he was a sack of trash. Screw you united airlines , have some respect for your customers . First of all you should not be allowed to kick people off of planes , you have no idea why they are on that plane in the first place it could be something serious.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@KINGDOMMINDED__ @_lostb0y me bitch im tryna keep a clean track record the fuck bruh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @schoolfession: \"Bros before hoes, except chicks with no clothes\" - Everywhere","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user and yet the dems have no issue with aboion, cloaking it in the lie of choice .. #babiesmatter ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@NurbsTheOcho8 @tori_mills02 not dykes or anything👯😛👭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ThaReal_Elijah: Used to be with 50 niggas, 20 of em got murked, 20 of em turned pussy, the other 10 put in work","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community. You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy. I dont give a fuck about what you have to say. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Both speeches sound good. And since Trump is presidents I hope to see some great things. And I'm sure he may have a failure or 2 but I hope everything works out for America in the end","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't understand why there are protests about the illegal immigrants being kicked out of Serco housing? Moreover why are they not being kicked out the country straight away and how come Serco get the heads up? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER ano like how ya meant to cope with stupid fuckin idiots without smoking ???? honest","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m so ready for this new beginning\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's like Meuller Hunted by A Master Sportsman \/ and the most powerful man in the world \/ Barry armed Trump Unwittingly with Lethal Force \/ Barry Never thought Killary would lose \/ URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Cis white man, a huge 'advocate' for women's rights when it gives them an excuse to be racist, urges you it's 'not all men !!' #Weinstein ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Media Blackout: Miami Serial Killer Turns Out To Be An Illegal Alien @user @user @user @user #NoAmnestyEver#DeportThemAll It is not worth the public safety to even consider an Amnesty, there is far to great a risk ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches.\"\" #seuday\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user >YET 'AGAIN'THE ONLY 'THING' THAT SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' BRING TO 'THE RIGHTEOUS WESTERN WORLD' IS '#Terrorism' AND 'SEXUAL CRIMINALITY'THE 'TRUE #German PEOPLE' KNOW 'THIS'NOW 'THEY' ARE TELLING THE '#FakeNews #Politicians' TOO#Kothen #Germany #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"it's official i just purchased the whole kaepop collection of lipsticks!! @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bday to one awasome dj rakesh ,many happy returns of da day. hva an awasome n blessed day. @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ANGELA MARKEL and the people of Germany, The People of Europe everyone contains additional heart for HUMANITY.Like The Philippines Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand And Australia, because helpless people while needs help they came forward to them.Almighty God must help them.I love them i appreciate them other hand those who created this situation I hate them. world when become free from unrest and friendly and enough emotional cooperated when the evil people become like additional hearted human being to bring peace for all who knows?To my understanding those are the devil people who are doing aggression,occupation, aggressive, killing human being,doing communal activities,offensive activities,and strongly,blindly support them.these people are \"IBOLA\" and AIDS virus of this peaceful world.How to protect protect them how to prevent them how to stop them how to destroy them how to vanish them,WHO knows? I don't know.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"accusing a woman of lying about rape to get attention means you're trash ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user it is 2 think even 1 died (black muslim etc) 4 #trump\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"only thing that could make me more excited for my trip is if i was 2 stone lighter \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e #bikinibod","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh yeah I remember America got rich off the labor of Natives and Blacks. Let's totally do that again","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@pussyjuices drink pussy juice nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always with the #truth. 1 cor. 13:6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I prefer not to speak ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Tyranny and oppression\" I love that. The rich will always manipulate our choices made as a whole and nobody sees that","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Gov. Rick Scott Kicks Charlie Crist’s Ass http:\/\/t.co\/YasZ6yXfwc http:\/\/t.co\/RDmCnzyGbE","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why you gotta be such a hoe smh I ain't captain save a hoe !!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#quote of the day:\u00e2\u0080\u009callow #children to be in their own way, for what better way will they find?\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u0093 samuel... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I just need to know what that pussy like so one time is fine with me - drizzy lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Business men and their profits go before Immigration and the effects on them Bupa membership protection no sense of reality ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user BETO running HARD left - open borders - aggressive gun control - socialise medicine - raising taxes. Dem turnout up 100% in primary's 500k to 1 mil and is outraising Cruz. Though Texas had 1.5m REP turnout...must show up and vote in November. Don't assume your neighbor will do it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Repeal trump and his administration. Vote #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Poor Baby. This is why you and your entire network CAN NOT be trusted. The only people still watching CNN are brainwashed liberals and demonrats. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I fuck bitches 💯😘😝😛😍 better watch yah hoe 💯💁💨👅👭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"was this a last minute event? this almost reminds me of the rubio and cruz rallies where you knew they were done. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't fuck with none of y'all bitch ass whores- ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @DevinEleven_: hey slim, thats my girlfriend screaming in the trunk. But i didn't slit her throat, i just tied her up ! See i ain't like…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ty 4 ur recent flw @user @user @user 2 connect :) hv a gr8 dy! (want this \u00f0\u009f\u0086\u0093? >> ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And you should know about being a hysterical woman. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @user It's not her fault that your dick is extra special. It makes people daydream ya know? xp ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"thank god for the #royals of 2015 because without it kansas city is right down there with #cleveland #disgraced ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Antifa protest in #Athens for the 5 years after the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by Golden Dawn. Their voters are complicit to their crimes. #KillahP URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@somerays @Brown43Doug @JulieReichwein1 Obama was a stronger candidate than Biden and Trump beat Clinton and to be honest, she's a stronger candidate even with all her baggage.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @lungfiber: True life I'm an emotional clingy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user LMFAOOO IMAGINEEE but even if i did i wouldn\u2019t say shit cos this fandom would go on fire ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AzlanTheGoat: \"These hoe ain't loyal\"\n\n- a nigga who cheated on his girl 7 times and just broke up with him.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Aww you pooky bear...You are such a victim.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user U people @user r pos. liars. More fake news. U should offer 5 women to Obama. w that skank wife he has he would take the offer. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder will be held accountable. He is pointing the finger away from the crime. Time is not on your side Eric. Looking forward to the collapse of your scandalous time ruining America.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"After the twitter purge was over and black nba twitter changed their accounts back from MAGA white folk ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user stop this ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@TheMayorMatt pitch, chip and slide ur dick in tight clam #22 love it #mywife","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lil bitch that pussy so dry, You finna break the rubber ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @The_Paradox: FAGGOT RT @80sbaby4life: I was in the club and there was this good lookin bitch. ..she had gold teeth tho. I was confused …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I know she is 15 but I still don\u2019t think it\u2019s real ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@user exemplifies the #swamp draining it #20days #dems #taxpayer thieves #islamicterrorist enabler\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"WHO'S THE WHORE NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05 gun control fun a statue of a stupid child under a desk are going to change peoples if that is the case they are stupid because i for will not give up my firearms or free speech or my rights to no one or no government! Fuck you! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"just saw tv commercial for @user milk. there's nothing fair about the lives of dairy cows & their calves #veganfoodchat ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just preordered #usernameregenerated on amazon \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00e2\u009c\u00a8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"54 night club partiers slaughtered in Oregon with .30-caliber Universal M-1 carbine. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"wife crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband who had ordered her killed; community turns against her ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you know its a good date when you hangout till 5am \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #datenight #nl #finally","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All refugees and dreamer s should leave the USA quick. Its no need to stay in USA in the future. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"4 out of 10 British people are basically full-on racists. 4 out of 10 voters vote for the Conservatives. Coincidence!???!???","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is always on his knees anyways ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Very Sad.Religion above NATION FIRST.Adovcating for shelter to illegal migrants, but never raised his voice for Pandits inValley ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER HE IS BEST OF THE BEST!\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@L0SERNIGGA @HotNiggaDarius all bitches all day all the time","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"wishing a happy day for all daddies!! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a3 #daddy fathersday #celebrate #sweet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's a red zone with no TDs.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just kill the time~ \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0098vroom...vroom~ #malang #holiday #jjs #triptomalang #ontheway\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Booooring","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"jeff sessions omits decades of records for his ag confirmation hearing @user you can't hide ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user This liberal is pissed that anyone would give that disgusting pos an award for equality. And....f.u. for including all liberals in this bullshit decision by the HRC. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"It's not the walk of shame if you're shameless ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If yo nigga catch you cheating, and beat yo ass in front yo lil yeah, and lil yeah don't help. You still give him pussy ladies?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"when @user and @user are in pittsburgh and i'm not ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user we've heard @user #monkeymomma is going to croft .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate all these industry fags. I hope they all get the Nigerian Summer Flu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Conservatives Govt have run up debt in spite of austerity cuts while the rich have doubled their wealth. #inequality URL via @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @EmilyFaye2: My signature white-bitch move is profusely apologizing for being late with a full Starbucks cup in hand.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL theresa_may: I\u2019m pleased the Government is investing \u00a32 billion in new long-term funding to build more affordable and social homes. Everyone deserves a decent and safe place to\u2026 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SammyLightning_: Any girl that talk about sex on social media is a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#stateoftheunion would last 15mins if they let the President talk all that standing up clapping is for the birds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @HoodBibIe: \"Side hoes get no love\" - Thotology 6:13","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Mahdyymahd @SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze like the cure time when u shut da fuck up from gettin in other folks bizness like a lil bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#love #golf #friends #relax #sunday a day to relax, spend time with family and friends!\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Spanish #unjustice vs. #FreedomOfExpression and #HumanRights #Spain is a #fakedemocracy @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #cddr #shameonSpain @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Accept your flaws and imperfections because that's what makes you, YOU! See I'm a fuck, small dick faggot with parents who don't love me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Brilliant! #MAGA #WalkAway ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Papa_Woodall: I hate bitches who be laughing with they teeth. That shit is scary as fuck to witness. Like cover your mouth hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"One may get dizzy trying to keep up w-EU on migration, as never-ending game of \u201crunning around in circles\u201d continues.\u00f0\u0178\u017d\u00a0\u00f0\u0178\u017d\u00a1We call it \u201cmigrant shuffling\u201d\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030a waste of time\/money that accomplishes nothing, except to give Merkel & migrants more time.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"eggnog trash","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i would like to ask even a humble request to @user official plz add a button witch we use for feelings here we just can & <3 so..","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, now israel acts like hitler. Seriously, that's why i hate israel.\n\nFree palestine.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @souljaboy: K Michelle pussy smell like shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@user out-drawn and out-gunned by fuckin #rinsepubis. weak, dude. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@A875Silva @jezzzz_ if she do then she gone die too I ain't playin dawg bitches gone be ruthless then I will be too! 💯💪👊","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user It seems that the more often these types of events occur the more the gun control and safety debate heats up. I believe eventually state legislatures will pass laws providing schools with better protection but it is sad that these events have to occur in order to push the agenda. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"I don't love these hoes, baby It's me and you forever\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"creative just sent to @user for #thebigscreen @user this weekend! cheers!\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b8 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"carl paladino is a former trump campaign official. #unpresidented #trump ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' I'm not gon ever be that niggah that hit 300 likes on every picture , but I get WHOEVER I WANT PERIOD . 󾌴󾭻󾌬... http:\/\/t.co\/mKgRljrHcl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"turns out there is a cure for depression. just go see auro sandoval live. #depressioncure","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What we need to do is vote, and vote hard.. and vote because our parent's generation fucked up big time and we're going to be as good if not better than our grandparent's generation to fix what the baby boomers broke. I don't know about the rest of you but I had all I could take of the baby boomer's crap that the economy doing sluggishly because we're taking 'selfies' and do nothing. I think it's a little absurd that an almost an entire generation that became of age at some point between the mid 60's '70s and '80s, who at that time, had the easy access to what they call 'real jobs', who then went on to become politicians and community leaders, District Judges etc. and put into place rules and laws set up for failure during the '90s and early to mid '00s\u00a0 and then have the GALL to blame us for their irresponsibility.\u00a0 All of this that's happening to us now was destined to happen long before our generation even knew what money even was. We need to get out there and fix our country! Fix our government! and vote these old greedy corporate farts out of office! We need to learn more from our grandparents era and avoid their mistakes as well as our parent's. We need to fix our economy not just for us millennials, but for our children's generation, and the generations long after we've taken our last breath. WE ARE GENERATION Y AND WE ARE TAKING OVER WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Who knows there are a lot if Irish Illegal Aliens too ! I dont think of Illegal Immigration as a race but a status ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"' Lemme find out you didn't answer my call cause you otp with that niggah 󾌴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But not prettier than Amber's. RT @YumiYoko: Her pussy is pretty","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Combined IQ= -6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d he is terrible \ud83c\udd97 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"1 hoe 2 hoe 3 hoe 4, girl you know you're just another whore \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER But with an active membership in Antifa and a book that looks like the Imperial flag of Japan. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I was more sad about how many liberals seem to love firing shots at allies. I saw it in 2016 with Bernie Sanders supporters calling me an Uncle Tom for supporting Hillary. I made the same argument then and now. No shade and hopefully you don't block me. I respect your opinion ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"mma's kimbo slice was waiting for hea transplant when he died @user #mma \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Show Me the MAGA!\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"full house @user tonight makes for one very happy chef #midweek #dinners #tuesday #tonbridge wells","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Now the leftist needs to condemn the violence of #antifa ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"After I say some shit I just be like \" wow that was so uncalled for , you're really a bitch \" 😂😂 attitude on 💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Their #Skill is #Looting & #Raping! These #Migrant #Marauders want to turn #Spain into a #ThirdWorld #STINKHOLE like they've done to their own #Countries! Like a #Cancer they need to be expeditiously removed! #NoMoreREFUGEES ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m sure this pope is on a first name basis with Satan himself. What a disgrace to the papacy ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I can suck on your titties and finger you pussy at the same time and make you squirt ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@BabyxShad hoes twerking heavy to that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I don't think the Irish have anything to worry about when Trump talks about illegal immigrants. we know he is talking about Muslims and Mexicans.Infact he has never mentioned any other groups.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#oomf fine ass was in my dream last night and damn that shit felt real \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@NG5_ Thirsty Giants are always like \"ho, ho, ho\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Excuse you. She is the best. She just wants to hang.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He shot himself in a gun free zone. So much for gun control laws","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#GUNCONTROL advocates must STOP falling all over themselves to assure electorate that they too love the HORRIFIC 2A ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Open borders will bring this to America! Dems are brainless! Vote red like your life depends on it because it does! #KAG #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Exactly but they\u2019ll never put him on tv \ud83d\udcfa","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Awk... U don't like your own nephew \/ cousins bc our race.. LMAO broke ugly bitches fuck them we don't need them","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"European Union Assholes, United Nations Hypocrites, American Thugs who are poking their noses on the Philippines war on drugs... This is where your attention is supposed to be... not on the Philippines... we doin just fine... stop destabilizing our government... look here.... a place where you all are needed to be....","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @davis_lyndsi: Lol she blocked you little bitches these days. 😎 @_viktoriagracee","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Don\u2019t ever stop lil ma *COUGH* \u201ceddandflow\u201d *COUGH* oh shit is that my Snapchat how\u2019d that slip out?! ...add me \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude29 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ToMyFutureHus: #DearFutureHusband you have no idea how many brownie points you will get I you randomly play with my hair or scratch my …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"'I don't want to be like the jealous girlfriend who won't let you have friends' bitch you have to be my girlfriend first ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER You know that tweet that\u2019s like \u201cima let my nigga do whatever cus when it\u2019s my turn he gon need a perc\u201d? Yeah","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"That was disgusting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user those who gave away their wings are sad not to see them fly. ~antonio porchia ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"no spoilers ok people :d @user @user @user @user @user #nospoliers #cantwatchtonight ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"saw kozlov beat johnson yesterday. fritz and tiafoe get the hype but he's a good young talent. #merica ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Populists are not anti immigrant or anti immigration or emigration they are PRO rational fair laws of\u2026 \u2014 Allan ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02 NIGGA hit em wit the o well lowkie ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @__YouWEAKTho: ain't no \"WE\" in this bitch .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i just downloaded a ton of @user music and now i cant find any of the songs ;~; ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @tcaputo44: Trust no bitch #wordsofadvice","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user you are amazing and talented and i hope you have an amazing night \ud83d\udc98\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc98 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"15 concert goers gunned down in Jacksonville with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA blames gun control laws. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #lubachka - the performance (17.11.2014\/4256px) [thelifeerotic] #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How about holding parents responsible for breaking the law and endangering their children by illegally crossing the US border! Catch and release is not a solution it's art of the US immigration problem! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"its not racist to want to protect our country from people who want to see our country burn. its not fair for the people who were shot. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\" @rhythmixx_ :hobbies include: fighting Mariam\"\n\nbitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He didn't just lose his talent. He battled demons & played on an embarrassment of a franchise. He is now in an ideal situation. I believe he is still an elite WR but I guess only time will tell.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Carrey is looking more like a tranny every day ?! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @tKOs_way: Cumming in her pussy was love","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @OfficiallyIce: \"That's why you're so good at this game. Cause u sit on your unemployed nigger ass playing all day.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Rohangyas dangerous. Pl don't get cowed down by Appeasement class.Deport all illegal migrantsWHY MUSLIM NATION NOT TAKING THEM ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Not ya grandma brownies, wink wink http:\/\/t.co\/pZPI8RUQ4F","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lol only ones I see attacking anyone is your crybaby liberals","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"12 carat #hydrothermal #alexandrite \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 we're to see this made into a beautiful piece! #jewelry #colorado ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Faz____: I convinced hitler was a faggit, no bitches, no kids, all those leather uniforms, wanted to be alone with his closest men lock…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user your \u2018political analysis\u2019 have been blinded by your obvious bias. Otherwise you couldn\u2019t have come up with such wrong conclusions. Turnbull was the biggest threat to the Liberals existence. Removal also proved that there never was such thing as \u2018Turnbull\u2019s popularity\u2019. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @IcySoleOnline: Should of been a cork sole RT @Johnny_Blaz3: why is there no cork on the WTL XI?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Maxwell_Larsen: I'm jakes bitch”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MyDicklsCaIled: My dick is called Offensive Joke because some bitches get hurt when it goes too far.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@SmeegBaby: Dese hoes be LYIN to all of us nigga\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Yeah I'll not take my gun control policy advice from a Jean's company. Beyond that trumps die hard are almost enough that the snowflakes they claim to dislike and themselves are hard to tell a part ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @copperpeony: @LibsHateUs @1Dittlinger Sharpton went from being a big fat snitch to a skinny bitch. Either way, he's nothing but a carni…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He's a drug dealer, pimp, thief and pedophile !!!!!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"2x the fun y'all URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HakoSav: Bruh why am i always sooooooooooooooo tired but i never sleep i'm like a new species of retard no disrespect","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You are a true blessing","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".Knifeman is arrested after injuring seven people in central Paris via @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #SorosRefugees #SorosMoney ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@WaTch_Scenario Destiny will make Titanfall it's bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Owl\u2019s kid will be the commander of Antifa one day. He\/She won\u2019t have time for college because they will be too busy fighting Nazis on camera ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"met fella who wants brexit, but couldn't come up with anything apa from \"we're 'great' britain & too many migrants\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And bitch I ain't bout to debate with Ya funky ass either.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user says the Hysterical Woman who launched an insane crybaby media tirade that lasted for weeks after she was politely asked to switch seats on an airplane ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Who cares what a union leader has to say big kate? Do u fawningly report Lefty concerns because u and the Left promoting CBC r doing the Trudeau Liberals bidding again.U r a CBC Liberal party Shameful.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is cute.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ispeak_sarcasms: the nigga with no future always have the most hoes..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@buffprobzzz the dude took off running like a bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Sorry Howie she is horrible. I have been to Vegas multiple times and know the people whom spend their hard earned money for a vacation aren't going to waste said money on a scrawny kid whom will scream them into a migraine!! They come to Vegas to see REAL talent!#AGTResults #AGT","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i'm probably going to make my first youtube video today! #cantwait #youtuber #video \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ur no from here, u act sound infront ae me or I'll be an awfy cunt nd break ur fukin phone tae","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Go to hell. Typical americans are like this: Oh! We hate germans because they hate immigrants in Germany, but we also hate mexicans... American people are stupid! Why Multiculturalists don't give US citizenship to every person in Latin America? Hey, I hate nazis but I don't like latin american people, go to hell USA!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":".@USER come pick your girlfriend. She is shifting permanently\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA #tcot #KAG #Trump2020 #ccot [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Schumer and Senate Democrats Oppose Legislation Ensuring Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions. https:\/\/t.co\/VQoABFLX72","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @lovexlilyy: 😂 what gerry sends me, that damn jig a boo😂😑 http:\/\/t.co\/6LYzRxJ5Wn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user bitch i saw your whole ass tweet from wednesday you bitches always talking shit then back pedaling lmao just admit it ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fair & square. Remember that when you\u2019re thinking why! The laws are why. The people spoke and they will again URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user America is being destroyed by our President.. he is a cancer to democracy. That is what is sad ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" coming soon!!! new music!!! #real #single #friends #life #live #joy #pretty\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Exactly. These migrants don\u2019t want to become German; they just want the hard-earned money of the Getman people. They are not fleeing persecution. #Sendthemback ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Chubbylumpkins_: I think this Steubenville rape trial is some bullshit. That rollen bitch wanted the dick lls and got mad when she w ...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"kevin love was ruined by his dad as a youth ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Do not think so maybe do a little research buddy!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"a different type of recipe, but one that is easy to make - #walk #think ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TittyFlex: So they both was selling pussy and doing dirt together and they fell out so they putting each other on blast even though the…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Mmm you are so hot ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals are using a sexual assault claim as a political tool. Let that sink in. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We\u2019ll be there opening night! \ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch had a redbook account with all selfies on the add like bitch no tricks wanna see yo face","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER When the shit hits the fan and civil war erupts, she\u2019s going to wish she had a card-carrying @USER member behind her back.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#everyday #hour #bar and #lounge #area only #enjoy #wine #sangria #domestic #beers@user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TheMav41: The price is wrong bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@yooocaly *mormon hoes ;)","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#illNeverUnderstandWhy anyone from Jersey Shore is famous. I should go be a guido shitbag if it means money for my family.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@I_GotOne awe boy you smell like monkey sex","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"AJ+ reported that there is no crisis, no negative ramifications.\n\nFuck you AJ+.\n\nDon't worry about what comes off of the AJ+ ass rag Europe, AJ+ will bitch and demonize you no matter what.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Joe Biden has dementia. Kamala Harris is a communist. #votefortrump","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ain\u2019t missing shit \ud83e\udd2b\ud83e\udd11","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user let's get weird! Summertime baby! #FuckBitches ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"These bitches really be out here on backpage hoe-ing 😭😭😭 watch yo bitch she could be on there !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"eeek! the countdpwn is on! 1 more day to go and i'll be on a train down south! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"baby you don't know my mind. #thursday <'3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user >New People's Army from the Philippines is being helped by Antifa in the USA and vice versa I suggest you send this to the Philippine government contingent. They need to know about this! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@wodaeeex3 @aaliyahh_lovee yu betta watch cho mouf bout dat one dea hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am thankful for grandparents. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"lovely day at @user saw carol and joe filming and monty talking in the theatre. came home with a fruit cage and a penstemon. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Israel is not the real Israel, Amerikkka created it in 1949 and move white jews from germany there. \u00a0 Fuck Israel. \u00a0","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Where's US taxpayer $s going - here's one place. Cost $4.8 million last year for ICE to fly illegal immigrant children. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The noise on here is deafening. Tales of colonialism causing refugees, etc. Noise.The root of the crisis is the Sovereign Debt Crisis, not dissimilar to 1932. This is what's causing the collapse and we've been tracking it daily here since 2011. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @SexualTruth: Eating your womans pussy is good for the soul.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #turkey budget balance dipped from previous 5.4b\u00c2\u00a0to 3.7b in may #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslim refugees be like now I can rape white women and get a free stuff","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"absurd. outrageous. the world has been taken by such evil that it disgusts me to say i am an eah's inhabitant. #ripchristina ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You're a bad bitch and I want you.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"so #jo' #cox #died wrong #place wrong #time #nothing to do with #politics #rip my #thoughts are with her #family","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER How does this work ? Seems to me he is on the same path as Washington with a deficit -the biggest deficit ever","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CraziestFreaks: When you eat the pussy so good she can't control her moans 😋💦👅 http:\/\/t.co\/Gumzv3iKdJ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😂😂 “@JusDahl “@JustKorey “@JusDahl: Y'all have boring sex.” Nope.. I lick the side of my bitch face when I'm hittin it from the back””","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @cyberbullouing: i fought 2 little bitch ass 6 yr olds over a month ago for those :''') http:\/\/t.co\/rasgyuT6pJ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER We\u2019re blessed to have such an amazing person like you!!\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Could you clarify what specific lies or fake news you believe that she is propagating and your sources to verify her information was false? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you think you finally found the one, then you find out he cries after he cums ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Goodell should have been fired over a year ago. Looks like the owners will let him steer the ship right into the iceberg. Oh well.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"In this house we stan all adaptions of mdzs and understand why some details had to be changed.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language. Provide a competent argument justifying #Brexit even is it\u2019s just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain\u2019s society and economy. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you're on fucking drugs my dude","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another Snow Flake melting down.. URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@BlizzyLC: @Vice504fly u need to be in someone's church negro!”ur absolutely right, but I work Sunday's but still no excuse.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"amen! wonderful daily #inspiration! be :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"celebrating existance and end of summer semmester with @user \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #girl #me \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy wednesday cornerhouse!! sharing the love! #fresh #student #living #midweek ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The left blames President Trump for everything. Gives him credit for nothing. They are sick and evil.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Exactly. If I wanted my johnson tugged Id show up at Kevin Spaceys pool party. We were told the #BuildThatWall money was embedded in the omnibus bill. Show us! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"S\/O to the fine bitch at Walmart Just now. Melted me at the ankles 0_0","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate guys who inbox girls,asking for their numbers.Ladies,if you agree with me,inbox me your numbers so we can discuss this matter in more detail :D","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I'm the gym looking at bitches booty #creeping ✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ok boys Time for haircut","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER the gov and nyc mayor are the biggest joke except maybe for the idiots who elected them","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#kaf16 brochure gone to print! #woohoo #exhausted ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn bro im hungry then a hoe rt and ain't got shit to eat at the crib fuckkkk","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"new york 2017!! \u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @WORIDSTARHlPHOP: These bitches putting their soul in this routine 😂😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/xPjZIvNGAo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TweetnAssChiqk: We gotta be pretty. With a perfect body. Smart. Funny . Not too tall. Know how to cook. Be good at sex but not a hoe. H…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Most Liberals know deep down that it's oppressive and misogynistic but that's better than being a racist Islamophobe which is what you are according to liberals if you dare speak out against it. This is how low the standard for debate is on topics like this. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 1 get your own house in order 2 when you returning stolen land #hypocrite #liar #inhumane\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user His name is Coco! He is a Pomeranian. He's actually old. He's is 12. The most loyal dog I have even known! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ok if you fucking said leave block me. But dm me first I'm gonna kick your ass. Shut the fuck up you ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user andrea's thoughts: human beings make me sad #weareorlando #lgbt #christianity #love #hate ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user That\u2019s RIGHT you The MAN #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #AmericansFirst One Flag One Country \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user my best friend hates me, nothing i do is ever good enough for anybody. why am i even here? -teresa\u00f0\u009f\u00a6\u0084 #quotes qu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"chaplin - the dictator speech via @user #theresistance #resistance #resist #maga #altright #dts #trump","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" and #happy at the same time. angry at mfc, but happy about my macbook.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" girls in the world natt chanapa nu sex fuck ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user You Cut it early or you would have heard their complaints. Smh ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user gossiping ass haters. to the whole team: get a real fucking job and stop stalking people and click baiting. #losers","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user it's gonna be a month long time of sleepless nights as #euro2016 is gonna sta tomorrow. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"feeling blue #illustration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He lets her ramble on for a bit, smiling and admitting to himself that this is why he likes having Kate around. She is definitely a younger version of himself. Pretty sure they done did the do.\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gillibrand must have been a very sexually active woman to be pushing young women to have abortions. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is good at getting to the truth.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user youre not even confident enough to put your face online lmao respect your body you ugly ass bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user 4) The first bullet point by the fool Cillizza also is wrong. This was clearly politically manipulated just like Thomas\/Hill in 1991. It is shameful that pundits like Cillizza excuse Democrats for such cynical manipulation but hold conservatives to higher standards. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Annnna_dav69: Ima make you my bitch 😉","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Piss poor opionion piece. North Korea never stopped developing thier nuclear weapons program and never stopped selling nuclear capable arms shipments. Of course seeing the comments clearly shows people are so stupid as to beleive this doofus. https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/2013\/jul\/18\/history-north-korea-arms-dealing","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"We elect presidents with the hopes that they will put America and Americans first. Notice here Obama is concerned about Muslims in other countries first. Not just Americans. Trump says Americans first. He did not say only but he did say first. All other countries put their own people first so you best believe we better do the same thing. If you don't believe we should put America first then you need to exit America's soon as possible. We elected a president to be the president of the United States of America, not the world. We need to help our own first and then help others along the way.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How much time did he stay on the court ?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"amazing #tunnelview in #yosemite #np #falls #rainbow #father's #day #longexposure #nikon #obama ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@user @user @user @user yeah but we also found out that hulk doesn't have a 10\" penis. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"to whoever broke into our office this weekend, that was really inconsiderate, you are an ass. #why #monday #mondaymorning","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when girls say \"I'm single but my heart is taken\" bitch, that nigga don't love you, hoe. Move on.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"deans crying because she needs to pee peter keeps saying nigger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you tweet that the sky is blue a bitch will find something to be mad about . Mad ass .","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bullets through a nigguh tru jeans","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i'll take that as a no \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mjziccardi that mindless twat is shitting on hiphop hahahaha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a7 london \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a7 #soon #summer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is sexy without even trying.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @NorrisDaGod: I ain't never had a basic bitch.. Never will 💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"can't we show some decency about jo cox's death? i think the pm has answered and it's a resounding no. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals love to hype the Crouton as a financial genius, but much of his success\" was due to downloading costs to the prov, raiding the EI surplus, etc. That said, you use the tools you have in the box, and I give him props as a decent steward of the public purse.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes, things need to be done with calm controlled minds, so irreparable mistakes won't be made. #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user First of all\u2014 they don\u2019t even have pizza at Panera ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ah poor greeks,they steal history,name,teritory,take money make very beautifull place,just suck blood from eu and never enought.Solun is ours,Macedonia for the Macedonians.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"tonight. #bae #babes #k #11 #2 #itiswhatitis #alien #lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate that when I have assigned seats they sit me by the most annoying bitches in the whole class.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You are only believing her Because she is a Women. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user please repo this guy, openly racist and reprehensible #whitesupremacist #repo #trump #depl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my #friends are a real piece of work, always taking advantage of me and tricking me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093 i'm so and #annoyed right now! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I\"M THE MOTHER FUCKIN\" #UGLY> #badguy> #bitches> #EliWallach TYPE SHIT #BreakingBad is a joke about #noose RIGS #LeeVanCleef #sports>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You sound stupid. Women like you should stay in the kitchen and be quiet. This isnt about the money Obama has but about a dumb president and @user that wont do their job. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You're pussy ass set don't mean shit to me.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Our Table at the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust For the Immigrant Arts & Women\u2019s Empowerment Summit ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa is banned by the central commitee for they are not proper socialists. More pinko then red.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Democrats gave birth to ANTIFA & BLM.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sounds cool @user amazing how progress in imaging technology changed life in & outside labs! #spongethursday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what do you really want in life? in a partner?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kinkymuslim bitch music","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Gun control is racist. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't owe you shit, bitch, leave me alone","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BossAce555 @Sounds_good_bro @BloggerBoxing yea u stupid faggot. I'm not leaving till like 5-6pm. Want a ride?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user So your in favor of gun control because that\u2019s what Switzerland has? Am I correct in saying that? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@mikecheck_123 the favorite drink of white trash everywhere....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall BUILD THAT EFFEN WALL!I'm sorry my Lord #Jesus but people are just deaf down here ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"saw a vid where some dude spoke #arabic on his #cell on #delta & got thrown off, these 2 #idiots are screaming\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"wtf is with gun control focusing on ownership or sales rather than manufacture. laws and permits wont change the existence of guns ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are take stupid to a whole new supersized level","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Broke bitches that talk shit those the ones that I stunt for 😎","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"8\/16\/14 MO @GovJayNixon let “kill some crackers, kill their babies\" New Black Panthers hijack his #Ferguson presser http:\/\/t.co\/z2Wko9Ripz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lmfao this is some straight up retarded shit up in here","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Officialzyon777: When the pussy stank http:\/\/t.co\/D6iRWMInqo”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall. Trumpty kept screaming and no one was listening and Trumpty is losing it all. [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #virus #TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpBidenDebate","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please can I have some of whatever it is you\u2019ve been smoking? Thats some top quality shit you\u2019re coming out with.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The president\u2019s feelings are totally opposite of CNN\u2019s feelings. So what does that say about CNN? They\u2019re all liberals. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And I\u2019ll argue all fucking day long because IM \ud83d\udcaf % RIGHT!!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@GovInslee Are you gonna say the same to Joe Biden? Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said, \"Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances\"...after saying in 2016 of Trump, \"That is a direct threat to our democracy.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Pot calling the kettle black, anyone?[NEWLINE]#Culp2020 #MAGA2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lawd, I got so many enemies,,, bitches I don't even know ..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I am not an anime fan by any means but I do like her. She is a cutie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user its freezing everywhere, can't believe how cold kzn is\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Now_Thats_Fresh: Every Seth McFarlene cartoon is trash yall love low iq comedy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Im not apart of Antifa foxy. I agree with you they are terrorsits","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER This pope is a dope!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Heil Facebook! Yeah...pretty much.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Leo after he loses again ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@zT_Supreme @uncr4fted @yoPapi_chulo it doesnt matter if it was a joke, the fact still remains that hes a faggot for pretending to be a girl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sweet! Just found that box of Twinkies I bought last year for $225.00! I bet its at least tripled by now! Such a no-brainer buy!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i don't like the #blacklivesmatter slogan. talk about being .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bowling Green's campus looks old as fuck. Like state penitentiary old. But they do have a lot of bitches so I guess that counts for a lot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@EricTrump @nypost @JoeBiden \ud83e\udda0\ud835\udfda\ud835\udfd8\ud835\udfd8,\ud835\udfd8\ud835\udfd8\ud835\udfd8 \ud835\udd38\ud835\udd44\ud835\udd3c\u211d\ud835\udd40\u2102\ud835\udd38\u2115\ud835\udd4a \ud835\udd3b\ud835\udd3c\ud835\udd38\ud835\udd3b\ud83e\udda0[NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]Let\u2019s not lose sight of the fact that @realDonaldTrump completely bungled the United States\u2019 Coronavirus response. He failed miserably. The gig is up in 41 days.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsALoser[NEWLINE]#Vote https:\/\/t.co\/lzZFKfCDOe","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Got a new bitch and she got ass, lookin at my ex like yeah i know you mad","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @NativeCurator: THIS is how you honor\nNative Americans. #changethename #HTTR @redskinsfacts @redskins http:\/\/t.co\/23VGQvEHy5","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If I die from him again i might say fuck him and his armor and leave it there in his crypt and never go back lol ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"A mood. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mrgeology no you ignorant cement headed hillbilly. You said taxing. Cant you fuckin read you fucking knob gobbling douchebag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @GLODEH: Her shitty booty ass talm about its a prep rally. How bitch how? What y'all preparing for? 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dear people... before you bitch about a black Superman, please do a bit of reading and then stfukthxbai ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you got charge a nigga up for tryna talk to your chick, You really a insecure faggot and have no control over her..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"preston up next #pirelli #ormsuk #britishmx ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So many questions ! Do you have a pic of the finished thing ? Where can one buy it ? (Never heard of those Chinese Lego)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"many #wives will be of teh #invention ...... #3dprint @user #snoring #3dcommerce ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The #BJP will not support men's rights. What are *YOU* doing about it. See the blog, watch men of action! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user We were tired of gun violence long ago. Unfortunately the GOP has allowed the NRA\/gun lobby to take over the issue. Many gun owners support some basic common sense gun control but you wouldn\u2019t know it from the lobbying. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DETROITSWEETS_: U gotta be retarded to skip class in college","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user so, what are you saying, blacks = criminals? #blm #teamd","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I don't think you know what you're advocating for. And you certainly don't know that saying what you said leads to a bunch of shit you probably wouldn't like whether that's what you meant or not. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ensure you use a closed lid with a hole in the centre.. Else you'll send beans flying everywhere! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @UnansweredQuot: Did that bitch ever get out of Ludacris's way?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Anything to change our culture. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ay @user ur flies open in pic 1 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I miss u bUT ALSO FUCK U, CUNT WHORE BITCH ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Re-read my tweet Brian, gun control\" not ban (your blatant exaggeration not withstanding). \ud83d\ude44\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"today was weigh-in day. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @juiceman829: @herk87 @RealMichaelKay how much does your wife wet pussy want another dick. #BIG HEAD","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user So What? We all have concerns on gun control but one man is not going to change our problem. It is much deeper than that. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #oil back sub-$50.00 on profit taking #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and sometimes these edgy bitch boys are not secretly soft (good trope!!) they are just straight up.... abusive..... this is a very thin line to walk and dramione doesn't walk it well ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Republicans platform -take away healthcare -harm the environment -take away children -take away women\u2019s rights -do not believe in rule of law -voter suppression -gerrymandering -take away social security -no limits to gun control -explodes the budget #VoteBlue2018 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"As far as im concerned #Refugees not welcome . ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@ViVaLa_Ari smh what's wrong wit u ho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fat bitches got the most pictures","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What is this women covering up on her head with all these carnival dollar store hats she wears? Is there a big hole\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"You niggaz is bitches better yet actresses da k hit ya ass nd flip you like a pissy mattress","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @120Sports: Twitter tipped its cap to say #FarewellCaptain to Jeter in his Yankee Stadium finale. VIDEO: http:\/\/t.co\/QdldmWBwXJ http:\/\/t…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I will think it is significant they haven\u2019t moved ahead. The difficulty is that liberals over shoot and become zealous in their environmental oversight. This one seems legit. The wild life and fishing people are opposed and I\u2019m sure in Don Jrs ear. And I want to go visit...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Chubby is sex fat is not \ud83d\ude02@USER @USER Fat,chubby what difference does it make?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is why women lose their credibility- she was empowered??? Ohhhh Me too! These women and liberals have high-jacked the movement for women who really have been abused. Disgusting","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"From refugee to Olympic athlete! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @PlMPCESS: A silent protest in Philadelphia, performance artists protest the murder of Mike Brown while passerby's mock it. http:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#wisdom for all of our friends! do you agree? #happiness ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iamhusk: When you having a girls night and you cooking for ya bitches Ctfu #GhettoGirls https:\/\/t.co\/yIgKbRLdhB","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So, I hate to be the devils advocate, believe me when I say I have no respect for our current president, I think he's a clown in a business suit, but where were these reports when Obama deported more than 2X the amount of immigrants?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"' Make a niggah buy a ring for ya finger 󾠥 , Jimmies for ya feet 󾮙 Jeans for that back 󾌧 lingerie for the... http:\/\/t.co\/MxwTT9H4nc","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER OH MY GOD- He mad cuz Star wants some pussy, and not his uncircumcised dick. \ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@protegykid I would reply with the red emoji but I'm not a nigger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NorahODonnell dishing Texas trash talking pts with racist @jdickerson maybe if GBush had apologize for all his sins he wouldn't be hiding","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER already my ass i had so many fucking shots tonight","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#podcast with @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"go germany! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #gogermany #em #em2016 #family #love #germany #selfie #selca #lovemyfamily #smile #ger ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Target this, fuck you money hungry, blood thirsty, spoiled brats ,this is our land , go back to England and destroy your forests !!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @larryelder: Holder asks, \"What AG has had to deal with that kind of treatment?” Tell the whiny little bitch to call Alberto Gonzales an…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Any Muslim that wants to come to our western countries should renounce pigslam then piss on and burn the fucked up filth known as the quraan! :)\nFUCK islam!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"AND Still I give it the old college try! #WalkAway #CommunismKills #LuciferiaRising @user #MAGA #Trump2020 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"stinky hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER I never watch the NFL !!!\u2019 Panthers suck by the way !!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"being on this wifi-less flight at the same time as #game7 of the #nbafinals ... i know, i know, but i am #gowarriorsgo @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Not a fan of Trump at all, but he was castigated for the cages that the poor children were kept in. The cages that Obama opened. Lets see if Joe and Kamala will close them.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @brookebrooklyn_: Spineless bitches in backless dressess","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yet again AJ+ fails.!!! Thank you asshats for putting a paid actor in front of the camera, not a politician, not a business owner, not a member of the military, nope..... you put an actor, who by definition is paid to read from a script.!! So how much did you give \nDe Niro to read your script.!?????","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"a father hold his daughters hand for a sho while, but he holds her hea forever. \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c #father's#day.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"even my dreams cock block me like i killed and save this bitch 100 times just to die and start again bitch this aint mario smd ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This fuck is a weak cunt and puy his fellow country men in a bad way with the rapefugee invasion. Deport THEM ALL. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Tires fly when I mash the gas... My motor hot and these hoes fast","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Kim can burn in hell with my fat bitch sister. \ud83d\ude0a yesssssssssssssssssssssss And my ex whore theif murderer ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user America is better than swamp crud like YOU! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@kayylamarieeee haha pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I always found liberals and progressives to be the spartan ones. All the socialists I knew wanted to live as well as they could afford","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"random running dogs in the ghetto","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5social engineering for all us plebes\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5 #mad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1) This argument that 'boyhood' does not deserve scrutiny only seems to apply to white boys & men of high socioeconomic status. Kavanaugh should be judged for who he is today, influential political voices, mostly conservatives, argue, not what he supposedly did in high school.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_ThatsIt: When a bitch tell me I'm ugly 😂😂😂😂 http:\/\/t.co\/o9EkMrw5WK","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user thanks #maybenotanazi ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I almost was nice once.. Then I realized people need to toughen up and stop being such emotional bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @FavaloroGfavs: @wenh08 bitch, ya betta! Haha I care for too love!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Godsmack_Music @iTunesMusic @iTunes That band is white trash, and only white trash would buy that album.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @itscoleharmon_: s\/o to all those girls who are curled up in a ball in their bed waiting for that goodnight text. go to sleep bitch, he …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"wild food diet #peace #love #organic #vegan ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Only if Soros says I can!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"captain felix at rutland water. the little boat behind is about to go on a very grand adventure.... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" hardcore raves lindsay lohan blowjob movie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dark, #horror antagonizing #possession: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"excellent news with work. #progress ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your @user app is down \/ sucks ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I be using these fufu bitches 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@StephyRae7 No I'm pimping out you and those guys at the park playing bitch volleyball. #HairyChestsDoee","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bengals kicker trash.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Most of drug paddling&human trafficking being done by illegal immigrants from BGD,Afg& Africans.Appeal to Immigration office to WAKE UP ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Before bed I wanna give a shout out to the skank at #MescalColorado Yeah you could have approached me and told... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @SourPinkk: If having hoes still excites you ; you still have some growing to do lil mf !!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".....\" And he is shuting up. Don't mess with Yumi. Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are awesome! I am so thankful I know you!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ion take hoe shit from nan bitch but that\u2019s the difference between a little girl and a grown ass woman they don\u2019t know when to SHUT UP ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"This bitch took her damn eye out like it was a contact! 😱😣","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"got my bitch in her whip coming to pick me up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am adventure. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"love these guys.. or as i call them my little men..: growing up too fast.#gratitude \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @G0ldenG0ddess: Turn up about to be real , marriott with my bitches for the weekend , mansion tonight , adult swim tomorrow 💃","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\" hoe what its hitting for \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Heather_Poole I go for the most direct flight, then by price. Over and done with layovers. Flying is a bitch enough.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"imagine how r founding fathers wldve handled muslim terrorism. contrast that w\/the limp-dicked pc bullshit of the @user admin ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the @user makes the trump candidacy wohwhile. #donaldtrumphastinyhands #tinydancerfoinyhands !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @APTheCreated: @bellabelcastro is the realest bitch I know. Lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"H8 fake bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Pussy's don't get pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@__Dutch my birthday hath already passed with little to no fanfare. So. Enjoy your day and be blessed bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this is how morgan freeman responded when asked 'how do solve racism?' #morganfreeman #commonsense ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@BillPeriman Or as I like to put it 'looking through race colored glasses' @Kel_Antoinette8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@im_sarcasticc 😏😏😏 Yas bitch . Don't have too much fun","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Pulling out all the stops with no holds barred is the battle tactic\/strategy of the usual Secular-Progressive, Democrat, or MSM Archetype. Before our Country...Constitution is lost Conservatives and Republicans must say, No More Mr.\/M's. Nice Person!\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"welcome to my silly life \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 i'm f*cking perfect #moodyah #fridayfeeling #rock \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6given to fly\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 by pearl jam ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I cast my vote as \u201cOPPORTUNIST\u201d #ChristineBlaseyFord had THIRTY-FIVE years to come out with her allegations. Why now? It\u2019s obvious. #MAGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this is how a happy kiwi looks like. #summer #pool #jumping #slowmo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you hate blacks enjoying being black, @user ie. miscegenation. @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Also there to help banks boost their balance sheets post crash. I'd imagine atleast 15% (Maybe more) of current house prices are part of the bank bailout package.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When I go out for just one drink ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@JustKarahn negro please","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"my friend thinks my dad is a liar when really I'm a liar and he just helped me lie","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All that shit was hers ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"ALSO... still laughing at this bitch that my friend Chef brought to DirtyBird... LIKE NO ONE WANTED YOU THERE HOE JUST SO YOU KNOW \ud83d\ude39\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER That's very true Theresa. Most of those MPs however call themselves Conservatives\" oddly enough.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"watching @user #snaptraveler stories for @user makes me ! hope you had fun in #barcelona \u00e2\u0098\u00ba","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Please get out to vote Republican right down the ticket or Pelosi gets back into control","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Finally approved by GoFundMe! We The People can Donate to #SecureOurBorders Let's get it built! #BuildThatWall #MAGA #BuildTheDamnWall #KatesWall #MolliesWall #JamielsWall Vetted & Verified by GoFundMe legal dept. Here's the link: ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"rolled up #roses #claycharms ... #day #kid #polymer #crafter #frikiegirl2016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@kincade00 nigga Madison playing some bitch ass white boys that's going to Harvard on law scholarship play crazy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"final tweet from @user now @user inspire accredited - g work many congrats living ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER i lost my shit and everyone in class is judging me lmao.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All of them! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TyeOnHi: that shit's for the birds","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Yo bitch choosin just letr","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user So you are saying they should not count on him to keep the streak alive? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe Italians see this as the only effective way to purge Italy from #IllegalImmigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Every one of them is more rank than she is. And she's pretty rank. So I guess they all outrank her...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"french flag is out at #waterloointernational for #euro2016! . with #copaamerica too, fever pitch is rising! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@bigDickdoane positive thoughts nig nog 😊","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy bihday to one of the west's greatest!! tupac shakur \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4 #bihday #rip #tupac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Asha my bitch doe 😩👌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"German Minister of Family Affairs blames Germany for rape attacks by migrants - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"but it was not your fault but mine #for #mumford","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Krbfarms @Cornfrmr I was gone once, dog ran a coon up the transformer pole, she picked it off with one shot-and still had electricity!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Idk what feminists are pissed about.. You get free access to our wallets and all you have to do in return is cook and suck our weiners. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#invited2jive \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008danother great local tweet in #tf9, #shropshire. share yours on jivemap: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How to Pronounce Audi Cunt \u21baRT\u2764 #slit #box #muff #clit #Audi #slut #gash #puss #twat #AudiCunt #a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 not the bitch that slagged my dog ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Start punching hoes in they esophagus and shit.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"on the low, wassup with you hoe?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i may have some issues... \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083 #candles #enteainment #fire ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch shut the fuck up ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Somebody you sacrifice the world for may look at you and say I didn\u2019t ask you to do that and they may be rite ...... #WiseUp","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Raheem Kasam, \u201cIncredible reports out of Germany about \u201ccommandos\u201d foiling a terror plot by a Muslim migrant who had been stockpiling ricin for a shrapnel-packed... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Except for the little attempted rape thing he is just a wonderful guy","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Kontraste: Die Clans - Arabische Gro\u00c3\u0178familien in DeutschlandSinds de jaren zeventig heersen Arabische grootfamilies binnen de georganiseerde misdaad in Europa. Mind you, zij waren eerst \"refugees\" uit o.a. Libanon.https:\/\/t.co\/v4QSHmRWYC ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Spain creates its first refugee camp near San Roque to home migrants ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #united states 4-week bill auction declined to 0.19% from previous 0.265% #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TweetsAndFreaks I told u ugly niggas get bitches young I promise u!! Work ya magic lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@GregHillWAAF soo what you putting on those crackers Gregg?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Beautiful Fairy Elegant Dress http:\/\/t.co\/ouxWbYTUt6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i dont want a world like this... homophonia? its not a phobie there are just asshole! #praygay #orlando #prayfororlando","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sometimes the simple things are the best! #tea #cake #simplicity ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CaciTeamorDie: I don't wanna be a hoe 😥","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa are nothing but terrorists. #antifa #antifaAREterrorists ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user See...it's not gun control we need. It's Leftist Liberal Control. Guns don't kill people. Idiotic Immoral Leftists do. #LiberalismIsaMentalDisorder #DemsAreDangerous #WalkAway ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @_BeautifulKeezy: “@100046729: “@_BeautifulKeezy: where tf lyssa toilet mouth ass ? 👀😒” wassup”you be twatching hoe 😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You are a cheater casey! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Everyone Needs To Stop Bitchin about Jeter... Youre witnessing the last week of baseball from the greatest player to wear a Yankees uniform","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My ex just wanted a reason to continue to be a whole hoe outchea and tried to make me feel bad for a comment from a thirsty.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @bakedalaska: bitch took flight 😭 http:\/\/t.co\/WxgTxA7SYA","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @eph4_15: Allen West & The Slippery slope of Obama's constitutional contempt http:\/\/t.co\/ropPmOtnbD #PJNET #CCOT","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So absurd. The left has been fielding violent feminists and communists in the form of Antifa to attack the very peaceful transition of power for more than two years. I wonder if it will ever occur to you that you are the bad guys? I doubt you have the moral fortitude. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Nose goes on taking out the trash this time. 🙊 @caitnicole3 @CiCi_Phi","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Top 5 stankiest pussies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#FuckThis #FuckTrump #FuckYouWhiteHouse #RefugeesWelcome White people stole this land we call America. We're not entitled to tell ppl they're not welcome here. These are human lives. These are unforgivable actions. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"sheryl crow being the bae","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@brianholmes2700 god doesn't send retards to hell","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I want to speed up time to where we all have to actually prove ourselves","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I guess niccas think if they owe you money for so long you'll forget! 😒😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Heissarcastic: If my tweets offend you:\n\n1. stop being a sensitive pussy\n2. Fuck your feelings","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER But but but ..... But like her music sucks!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Sick!!! I hope he is not teaching!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"unlimited yes unlimited yes unlimited yes unlimited yes e vai se fuder ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Who knows how many migrants and refugees might prove to be vital to God\u2019s unfolding story of grace. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Vote no on Kavanaugh. He has committed perjury. He has dodgy financials. He thinks the President is above the law. He thinks contraceptives are abortion inducing drugs. He is too extreme for the SC. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"DIVERSITY: Chcgo Blck Pstr Flooded w\/ Dth Threats Ovr Endorsement Of GOP Candidate: “U Sellout Uncle Tom Ass N*gger” http:\/\/t.co\/vcBWzkyeDv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I see the same hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What was this Young Lady doing in a room with two boys ? #Blackmail #BrettKavanaughHighSchoolConfessions #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #BoycottTheView #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #MAGA URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This makes me happy like an alligator. 12.5 million to go.#MAGA#nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall#NoDACA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"no comment! in #australia #opkillingbay #seashepherd #helpcovedolphins #thecove #helpcovedolphins","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user wish you all a very new year!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m too old for this shit and I don\u2019t care at all for the other bands but I might go anyway","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"that's harsh, even in these post #brexit, #xenophobia, times. what next, a charity called send the bugg\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Without the hoes it was gonna be hard for us to pick out good women so hoes you doing a good job .....keep on hoeing!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"So now ain't nobody got a type you all like bad bitches huh...well why yo baby momma never mind","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"How you doing, crazy bitch?\" is hilarious!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"As long as the position is on all fours who cares ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Reminder: Joe Biden\u2019s most critical decision as nominee was to choose Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate...and that has made all the difference.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"freedom of speech and choice.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DatDudeTorey: Aw damn, Haven't hug a bitch in a while.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Shut yo mesquito lookin ass up poped bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm >10 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @littlecball: You're jealous bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"It only tells us about Americans if their strongest candidate is someone like this sick man. Americans have always had an opinion of not very intelligent people. I was always defending them but this time they proved how dumb they are to be manipulated into supporting him. They are deffinately intelligent people in America who must be now so ashamed of what their country is becoming...","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@ApevonTarskin fuck u ugly ass bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"He just kept screaming 'is it too late now to say sorrrrry?!' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user r doing wonderfully well dividing the nation when will u learn to treat ur own people the same as migrants no houses for them ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"got my tickets for @user today. looking forward to a great day! thanks @user !! #theopen #golffan ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm dat nigga that these hoes just can't stand... 🎶 B.G","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER how come, you were the one who suggested it to me ages ago....","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Swag bitch #gratata http:\/\/t.co\/aGswEopebp","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SEASON TRAILER DON'T TELL ME RICK WAS IN A COMA THIS WHOLE TIME BITCH #THEWALKINGDEAD ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this time next week we will be in zante \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0091\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #bloody ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Terrible man wouldn\u2019t you say liberals. Just terrible. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@mrfoolycooly @DM___3 faggot alert","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Wtf have I missed here. My account was hacked and just got it back up and running. Somebody care to explain what\u2019s going on here. Am I right in saying that the guy who has been playing live saying he is Dash Berlin aka Jeff ??? So what\u2019s happened ???","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lmfaooooo foh w that free thought shit Lmaoooo ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DA_POLO_KING: @VikkiNoSecrets hoes have no life","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bioy-to many people today, god seems a distant or irrelevant figure with little impact on their lives. #wearehishands #loveall","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All the ratchet hoes on Cecil B","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@allsportsbruh how? All of the QBs we had before this season were trash. They brought in a veteran so they could have someone to play","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user All dirty vote bank politics. AAP rule has made Delhi to look like a big slum.Illegal migrants in Delhi have increased 3 time in AAP 3Y rule ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All the hoes I did have now they decided they wanted to be wifey type draya fuck all that up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Shoutout to all the single moms that got pregnant thinking they'd keep a man &; celebrate days like today... lol how'd that work out for you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the only end that i #know it's the #weekend.! :) friday all :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"canny wair for #oitnb to come back on! girl crushing so bad @user \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d so . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@__kiante im askin you negro lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user to the amazing dads; married, single or 2 dads, this day is to thank you. honor you. cherish you. #fathersday h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"arrived for my @user #training #programmeleader #scared @user @user #summer #thechallenge ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Funny how often you see criticism of federal polices and some writes both the conservatives and the liberals\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What do you do when you are bored? #AskAlly","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so stupid ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #goodmorning 15-05-16 all guys #sunday plz #retweet my #tweets & #follow me have a nice day ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"come on england!!!! #euro2016 #engvrus #nervous \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My new bitch eat a dick like a bratwurst","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#cat #kitty walker thompson:","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when the #sisterinlaw gets #frustrated. women have to encounter. #idiots. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you people (blacklivesmatter assholes) behave like chimps in a zoo when there is a banana shortage then its really fucking hard to sympathize with your cause or see you as serious, developed, civilized human beings. Your racism is only matched by your narcissism and entitlement. All lives do matter. That is how a democracy works.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"PANIC in DC Sessions\/Huber having meetings... #wwg1wga #qanon @USER #MAGA #walkaway @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Looks Like The Jokes On Liberals Again. #FortTrump #Poland #BoomingEconomy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"can't wait to test run this summer project........ this little #monster is #summerhouse\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I won't be satisfied until I'm so famous that I can't go out in public... Cause at least then I'll have a good excuse not to go out ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"cannot contain my own face. i am so time to buy 2 tiny pairs of cowboy boots for the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#happiness and how to be more happy... #joy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And don\u2019t forget #supplymanagement! He has been stubbornly clinging to that that tax. It also distorts all of international trade deals. Just makes life less affordable for the average working family. Only the Liberals...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Was he trying to fool you?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" pussy keely hazel nude pictures ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user haha!! omg he's so happy!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are the best! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"how to overcome loneliness with #mindfulness meditation\" #meditation #happiness ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user me and my girl walked through San Francisco and I came up with a new game. Homeless or antifa. The homeless are so much more pleasant ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yea he is he said he would if Tua was healthy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@IIDeAIID @JQuiiin So many bitches you gon need to change ya name from Jebidiah to Bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@GTM_Al: Ya side bitch gotta know it's rules to this shit..anybody ask you my cousin from jersey thinkin bout moving\" lmmfao 😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Where is this persons gun control narrative? Certainly he must not believe in the second amendment!?!? \ud83e\udd23 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I grew up on a rough council estate back in the 70's, that dont make me special it makes me able to say this..LABOUR now detest the white working class and any other colour working class in favour of the immigrant vote and they should be reviled for what they have done to Britain ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user People in Eu & the US dont seem 2understand that the Muslim refugees coming from the Middle East r very poor, uneducated, &have no respect for women, children or animals.They do what was ok in their country ie rape women, children & animals. They r incompatible w\/West culture. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"skinny young nigga n im finer than my bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The police force here disgusts me!!! How do they sleep at night??? This is their land...white people will do anything for a dollar!! Shame on those that aren't man and woman enough to stand for what's right despite their orders!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"so soon! #owls #babyanimals ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Her loss had nothing to do with race or with her being a woman. She is probably the greatest woman tennis player of all time. She has also, always been a temperamental, pampered multi-millionaire, and a sore loser. Serena, you have a great life. Please stop bullying people.\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#instamood #insta_selfies #day @ homesweethomes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @freckle_juice: if a \"man\" tells you he doesn't eat pussy &expects to have sex, just laugh. laugh as u put your clothes on, laugh as u g…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Women drivers no survivors ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" father\u00e2\u0080\u0099s day! - #jobs #jobsearch #: #lahore - like other pas of the world, the ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user when is the christmas mini sessions dates out i no its early but really excited #cantwait ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"What's a Queen without a King?\n\n...A lonely ass bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user What the fuck was that dildo rider antifa fuck going on about? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"my political status will never be radical..i respect the diplomatic process but this \"yorkshire lass\" #jocox so ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Y'all suck on flappy bird","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"just reading trumps tweets makes my hea hu, if this man becomes president many lives will become turmoil & some don't even know it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I told y'all he was going to do that shit u.# pussy boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I wish I never met that bitch bro on god","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"saturday #ginday. #worldginday #furrymcd #furbaby #nomnomnom ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Buhari was among the past leader. What did he do during he time people are keep on blame 16year PDP but you are talking about fix what is this government doing?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"love females but hate bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Per the @user and @user Hierarchy of Controls, bollards are expensive and ineffective. Whats always *best* is elimination: physically remove the hazard. #StopImmigration#Repatriation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Photo: Rest in peace to these bad boys , some bad advise made me let some old asian dude re glue the sole... http:\/\/t.co\/uPRjY6n48K","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Wouldnt it be nice to choose how OUR tax$$ are spent? No more $ on illegals! More $$ on our VETS #MAGA2020 #BuildTheWallNow #ZeroTolerance #SendThemBack #DonaldTrump #Veterans ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Justin_Baez shut the fuck up faggot ass Knicks cock sucker your opinion is irrelevant fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user I'd point out he is an Australian and we don't have free speech like in the US. And we do have hate speech laws which people have been convicted under. This is skirts it enough to hint and point out but room to deny. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user this will lead to the death of public ed... arguing about details while states defund ed in order to privatize... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You know you're a racist monkey huh? I'm sure you know what you are a piece of trash. I never hear these pieces of horse shit speak the truth only their racist lies. Bitch boy it's ABOUT THE RACIST COPS KILLING UNARMED BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE!! THAT'S THE FACT. ASS CLOWN!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @eaglesfan167: #Eagles 5hrs till the birds kick some ass###bleedgreen","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dj Khaled is retarded","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Trump just announced he will be hosting an in-person event at the White House tomorrow. He is trying to infect as many people as possible before we vote him out. https:\/\/t.co\/OihsiRVpIm","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is the size of a stadium","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"silsbee kia wishes all the dads out there a #fathersday! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cBe fearless, be kind, get to know your neighbors.\u201d This is what Mandy Manning, 2018 National Teacher of the Year and friend of @user teaches her #refugee and #immigrant students. Read her story \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"bloody love my manager @user look at him the handsome bugger!! #dreamteam #cutie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Talk about pussy power 😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Sometimes, even I gotta tell these hoes to grow up smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I agree with most of these comments. The only chance that the planet has of surviving is if some apocalyptic event wipes out the majority of people, and some sort of arc is created beforehand which contains the DNA of every plant and animal in existence, and scientists with the right knowledge of reproducing them are left alive to rebuild the world after said event. I saw it in a vivid dream a while back so I won't be surprised if it happens. We should prepare for it just in case. It is unrealistic to think that people can keep reproducing at such high rates, with the pollution and deforestation that they cause and pipelines being built and natural resources being used up instead of seeking alternatives, plus global warming, and greed and corruption and selfish pursuits being the most important things in life. Instead of caring for the planet and animals and being at peace with one another we just fight and destroy everything for money or pride. Something has to give eventually, and we should prepare for it if we haven't already. Who knows, maybe there are people out there in bunkers who are almost ready to set forth the apocalypse to save the planet. If not, there should be. We can't rely on colonizing another planet, we already have one that is inhabitable, we're just destroying it. So people should really prepare a backup plan that's more realistic and achievable than going to Mars or another planet. It's just common sense.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Shyswag69: @torres5salvador you got old bitches upgrade them","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NateSilver538 The debates will help? Trump? ROFL that orange moron thinks he can wing it. His downfall is that he's believing his own fake propaganda. I look forward to him making a complete ass of himself as he tries to lie his way through the debates. [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 [NEWLINE]#Vote [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Partybeforecountry #massmedia Conservatives\u2019 war on the press has gotten dangerous \u2014 and it\u2019s only going to get worse ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Only Trump could get Liberals to scream bloody hell at open transparency.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This heartburn is disgusting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"50 Cent Calls Out Joe Budden's Bullshit\" On Instagram URL URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You ever look at someone and think 'yeah Ima fuck you' ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yal jus fags screen shootin the shit out of my stories 😤 http:\/\/t.co\/Cm55jy52J4","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Giselle_Horan13: @1D_NIPPLES_ you slay that bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I\u2019d be fucking rich lmao cuz I can\u2019t make this shit up.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER America will be better off once you retire Flakey Jeff Flake. Go away.......","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user how about you STFU with your pro abortion and your racist BS. Ive never seen a pathetic group of people like you democrats so worried about a womans so called right to kill new born infants! You people disgust me! #lookinthemirror ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Ugly bitches always trynna take pics from the same angle 😩😩😂😂 guess it's they best side","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats control the media Republicans bow to its pressure Democrats control the power","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user There ain't no MAGA hats sold here but that don't stop me from wanting to MAGA. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The Immigrants. Dance. Arts. Network is dedicated to promoting dance made and performed by and with immigrant artists in New York. Learn more and join the network today: #Dance4All #ImmigrantsDanceArts #NYC ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #300dayshappy @user #dayseventyseven #day77 #happiness #love#lifequotes #life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TonySinchak pussy pussy pussy marijauna wannnnaaa","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I\u2019m SO GLAD you left! You didn\u2019t deserve that disrespect and it was in all likelihood just going to get worse. You deserve someone who\u2019s PROUD of how smart and amazing you are. Someone who doesn\u2019t want to dim your shine to make themselves feel better. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How many more??? This country MUST address sensible gun control! This is more than ENOUGH!!! VOTE BLUE! GET THIS GARBAGE CLEANED OFF OUR STREETS! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user It's already legalized killing of babies and liberals are afraid of Trumps supreme court picks taking it away. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @275YUNGSIMMIE: I flex it ain't no turning down ...take yo bitch fly out of town ... ...Macin stackin ready to get it crackin aint no tu…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Evidently they don't care that their study\"\" is flawed from the start. They just parrot the misleading info from Everytown & all the other leftist gun control addicts\/sites.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Another memory that is to be shared. Remember that the Syrian war by Assad and his allies are killing thousands of innocent children and their parents. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall even if it takes a government shutdown. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TO AFTER THE ELECTIONS. YOU WOULD BE DEALING WITH A LAME DUCK CONGRESS!!!!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#PacerNation 4\/4 on the road! Perfect way to continue after #iubb have finished #NBA #Pacers #indiana #hoosiers","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What was the average wage to average house price when Thatcher was in charge? That ratio is the fundamental reason. Build as many as you like but if they are not genuinely affordable you're just wasting resources.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER is advocating for conduct within bounds of Human Rights but can the terrorists can be categorized as Human? They kill people mostly innocent just like berserk wild beasts. Even wild beasts kill only when hungry. So I feel that the Indian Army who are doing greatly. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user supposedly taunton didn't cross paths w\/ hitchens during his last year. just another religion claiming the dea\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Are you an ostrich?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump I think it\u2019s awesome #trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien kills 2 Search Dogs during pursuit #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #AmericansFirst @user @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user I wonder if she is still in love with the drug dealing boyfriend that worked at Burger King. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I once tried to be everything this bitch said she wanted in a man... That shit didn't get me anywhere.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user babe i hope you are not wonting these women ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Amazing how the POPE is afraid of the truth","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user yes she is! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we\u2019re defo living in the last days ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep it realer than the next bitch no need for u to ever sweat the next bitch indeed‼️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @WhyVee: @georgegalloway A Muslim wmn covers the yellow star of Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her, Sarajevo,1941. http:\/\/t.c…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Chvntre: sometimes I wanna upper cut this bitch but I don't know if she's special ed or not","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Beats the hell NJ out of me lol. Dude already made the assumption that I'm antifa. He even ignored all the evidence to make that assumption.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @taypaynay: Little bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i'm eager to see what college has to offer for me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"REALLY!!!! Former!!!!! So no debate?![NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #MAGA2020LandslideVictory #MAGA2020 #MAGA #DonaldTrumpJr #DonaldTrump \ud83d\udc47 https:\/\/t.co\/MnAXCVJzDW","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My car so wet My bitch so wet when I drive i car pool","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i wish i had a picture taken with my father when i was a child ha ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" hardcore forums beach adult only ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TrapicalGod: These hoes really ain't loyal 😂🙏 http:\/\/t.co\/6u2kbYkQ2n","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Gun control isn't about public safety...it's about hating 'rednecks' and social engineering. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i thought this kind of comments were not allowed in #twitter. someone is breaking the rules. #usa #maga \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user wow \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d a cheeky smile got me a chance to sit on these beauties today \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008d what an amazing day @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they\u2019re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents \u201creally is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,\u201d the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says. \u00a0 \u00a0\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This looks like a dress rehearsal for a Republic of Gilead ceremony (Trump version) https:\/\/t.co\/3cmUpuueAj","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't have anymore excuse me what the fuck\"\" memes.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@sellis1994 @NickEhlers01 @CoryRitter @RToohill @farmersims Agronomist once told me \"beans are a bitch-they do whatever they want\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @zachthorpe78: \"the trash generation\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@AsapTwelvyy hoes.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#upliftingnews little boy sneaks into neighbors garage to hug dog ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Alfredo, Linguini, Pasta.... Just fancily prepared trash","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because he is right the Governor of Puerto Rico \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7 is a FRAUD ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" fathers' day. ur presence counts more than ur presents. be d priest & prophet @ home. be their hero & lover-father. @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh You Cunt! It's 9:30AM ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user you are amazing ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user gotta love @user what a giant slobbering vicious mutt bastard. if he ever let facts get in the way, it'd be !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is incredible. She is being demeaned because she stood up for herself? I hope she knows she has many who support her and stand with her. She is an example for other women.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user your customer service for sellers is absolutely appalling you should be ashamed of your company facilitating fraud!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I chase bread over hoes cause i never met a dollar i aint like #Facts","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"coffee break! today we have a session with the one and only @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #coffeebreak #london #newsongs ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"be so happy that when others look at you at get are too. #makingadifference #smile #heaisfull","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@MeecheBadass you killed that hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user eeeeekkk... today is the day!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s going to be a great week! I\u2019m speaking it into existence. \ud83c\udf3b\u2665\ufe0f\u2728#TuesdayMotivation #manifesting","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #EndDACA Only AMERICANS should vote for elected officials!!! Not dead or illegal people. But then how would you get any votes! #ENDDEMOCRATS ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Big thick pretty bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"you guys live these rules! loved working with you at #rcs16! big thanks for being & #awesome! \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00a1 \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So much Corruption in our government many things are swept under the rug, Drain the Swamp! #BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"CCTV: shocking servo attack on pregnant woman via @user Christopher Josevski you're a fucking vile cunt \ud83d\ude20 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0090\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be can't be told shit really but #tru \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b4","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Chykalet \"I know I must make a lot of ya'll hoes sick & all I can tell you hoes, get used to it bitch!\"”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Teen | Cutie lesbian teens toy slits http:\/\/t.co\/ZS05enjjwm","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@IndicaMangoes they still fucking trash. I cant eat those to save my life.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Good for you Matt! Common sense. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tom, I am not arguing w results, I am disgusted that America business men\/women chose to hire illegals in the first place. I believe this all started w a broken seasonal immigrant hiring system, loss of prevailing wage ru ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@nikkiconner13 @bellabelcastro trippy hoes 🌀🌀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dallas hoe RT @beanreturns: Why http:\/\/t.co\/D6HAlItFmP","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#akron bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you st ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Z_MEGA fasho fasho .. Hurry ya ass up nicca","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"First key club trash pick up with the freshman! #tbt http:\/\/t.co\/rpLXlaylOJ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"These hoes keep callin but I ain't pickin up\"🎶🎶","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you arent going to stick to one garbage can for recycling Im not going to give a single fuck about where Im putting my trash.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CBurrAndJamal: Mom: \"What happened to ___ *insert old friend name*? You used to be close.\" Me: \"Fuck that bitch.\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You are sexy as fuck babygirl\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 1st of all who trust the FBI to do a polygraph?I don't! She can pass it if she's a habitual liar.They have no fear or caring about what or who they lie about. She's probably a closet ANTIFA member.Insane to wait 30 yrs.If true others could have been hurt bc of her complancey.\ud83e\udd2c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Patton -Oswalt - Hollywood 'comedian' women enjoy rape #tcot #tlot #maga ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER That\u2019s your opinion. Barbz attacked Remy the same way. Now she is acceptable? Cardi is 26. Nicki\u2019s flow and style changed in the beginning of her career.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER IF YOU WONNA GET PAID...Pick up the energy people!!!! Scream and shout like you\u2019re at the #Kavanaugh hearing! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@coltforty2Gone: hate when bitches try and put you in the friendzone. bitch I'm tryin to score put me in the endzone 🔥🔥🔥\" ON. MY. SOUL!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"irritations like new-#ghostbusters haters indisputably are intrusively indecent imitations. #misogynist #whiners","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@thecoreyholcomb I'd give that hoe the finger everyday at work until I get fired for it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user it's truly amazing how happy i am and how good i feel #sobersummer #lifeisgood \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 geeked","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#jloaka @user everything about this album sounds so expensive and high class. you can almost hear the $$$","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't subtweet me @ my name so I no it's real ugly bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Last night this bitch was talking bout she wanna smoke & go to wingstop. & I was the 1st person she thought about.. Who paying for all this?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You are so sweet and adorable oppa\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@StognerAllie: Jealous bitches be like ...'😂😒🌵.' 😂😂😂💀”😂😂😂 don't subtweet me hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @virleehol: @cbinflux Well we sure as heck know how to read. I'm reading the trash right now and almost everything I've heard on the web…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AskWhy05: I hat that I paint my beard shit... Just eat some pussy and grow you one dawg... Quit tryin to shortcut it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"AND Still I give it the old college try! #WalkAway #CommunismKills #LuciferiaRising @USER #MAGA #Trump2020 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Men cheat cause we just want a nut. Women cheat for a whole different reason. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Next Sunday faggot @leiacatherinexx","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Tony Parker is making Norris Cole his bitch with the one on one, or just takin him off the dribble an breaking some damn ankles! #GoSpursGo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":",@KiroGx me gusta \"typing like a retard to make the other person look dumber by pretending to agree with them\" bazinga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@RealJamesWoods And if he stops to answer questions, they would be all over him about not keeping his distance. Typical MSM #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER real shit URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@iAmMarshall27 yeah man all my niggas dipped to the cars and left and I was in a barn getting chased by the ghetto bird","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You\u2019re from my state. What is your view on gun control? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is Evil! How dare her.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Meanwhile media on ANTIFA... URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"never leave nothing of value at a nigga house cause they gone be petty when you try to get it back ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Is it an act that DOJ employees are stalking Trump appointees and hitting them with staged protests? Is Maxine Waters part of the plan? Antifa? AG Sessions is not a part of any Plan. He's Stonewalling and protecting the status quo.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lol my brothers just said he a pussy ass niga well in the words of wizdom I second dat lmaoo leave u hurt out here","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Some migrants study in NZ and go back to their home countries. While there are others who like to retrain in a different occupation instead of going back. We celebrate Gurpreet Singh as a relentless migrant and a keen student on his student visa approval!#BrainGainNewZealand ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@waymoflydenu Them Jew Lawyers and Doctors say \"Nigga\" ran? Lol”nope they say shit like queer though","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We\u2019re so far beyond tax returns. This crap affects all Americans and liberals are too stupid to wake up and understand what\u2019s really going on. Step aside. The adults are here to do it.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Can't fuck with no bitches. Just can't do it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user we'll be serving fresh #cr\u00c3\u00aapes all weekend & strong #coffee #parklife2016 #parklifefestival\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00aa ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#nbafinals @user & #stoked watching the game!! u think @user will put it away?? or is it @user ??","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @mmpfeiI: fuck your gpa bitch im a lot smarter than you","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Yea. He is not a fan. He will run the score up if he can","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user ready 4 the wedding... #me #boy #selfie #weddingtime #cute #handsome #cool #blue #smile \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Antifa. Yeah it's a fringe organization. Just like those wastes of humanity I grew up around. Most of em ended up meth heads and junkees. Some are republican alt-right activists. I guess we're all a product of our environment.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I guess all of those old white guys DO kinda look alike... \ud83d\ude09\ud83e\udd2d ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I was getting dressed this morning and I was saying to myself I can't wait to go home \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Simple: to stand #WithRefugees.By protecting 68.5 million refugees and displaced men, women & children forced to flee their homes.#WhyIJoinedTwitter ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Tyga is a hoe!!! He pooted in my muthafuckin face..... we bout to fight, bruh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"see you soon!!! #deservekoto ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do some girls feel the need to be bitches for no reason at all","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if you follow me for my body, you are selfish. i just want to live a normal life.. #depressed #in #2016 #loveme #imsecretlyhorny","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user b'coz i wrote a sho review on my fav podcast @user by @user was published by @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are right Joe. I can do an interview with Fox when I get back from Iowa.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODAC ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@_1KANE: LMAOOO I find this shit so funny y'all hoes ain't content with working it out with one nigga http:\/\/t.co\/dBtcv0fBN1”that's boring","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Please point out what isn\u2019t true. Do the SHITlibs not love austerity and slashing public funding? Do they not love privatization? Are their social policies anything more than empty gestures? Has anyone in this thread referred to Drug Fraud as far right? No? So all true! \ud83d\ude03 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user 25mm + 16mm = no washout no flooding good take and all set for another days golf ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#SupernaturalTNT #TheManWhoWouldBeKing OMG! @USER You are amazing! @USER Crowley and Cas are always great together and I miss it!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user At least he's not a coward like you. What's your platform? Where's your donor list? #BernierNation It's time conservatives did the right thing. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@edvotes @KamalaHarris Trump has said over & over again that his health plan will cover people with pre-existing conditions. Don't show me a photo of someone else! I had pre-existing conditions!! Obama lied and said I could keep my plan. My insurance was cancelled. Obama lied. Kamala is a liar.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Isa__Lopez: @D_Lo520 but you're still a faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Bitch better serve","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil enlightenment is wasted on the wilfully blind. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@R3lentlssTr0ll @AnastasiaPacana yes i like dick and i hate bitches. who am i now?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JunDishes get a can of WASP SPRAY. it shoots out 20 feet and cheaper than bear spay or mace, works just as good","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Chris Christie tests positive for coronavirus.[NEWLINE]I AM STARTING TO THINK THAT THE #Trump2020 TEAM HAS BEEN HIT BY A #spy. SOMEONE THAT HAD THE #ChineseVirus & GOT IN CLOSE TO GIVE TO THE TEAM. WOULD @ChrisChristie DO THAT? \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/8bmiglv7Mo","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER why don't ask Antifa how safe people feel ?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Get your slow ass out my way #bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Like bitch that aint even attractive Smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"make today count! #mondaymotivation #livelifetothefullest #healthy #everydaycounts ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user True point. Gun control is total bullshit. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DatNiggaVegeta: DEFINITION OF REAL “@mikeymageee: @DatNiggaVegeta Except you bruh you let bitch ass babidi turn on your niggas fam” htt…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @OfficiallyIce: RT @Manatti23: \"I fucked your bitch cause she gave me a boner, she went down twice like Adrien Broner...\" #FreckBars","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' Looked at my EX profile and she struggling with that weak ass niggah 󾌴 God Is Good 󾍘󾍛","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"First thing she wit ya, next minute she against ya, like that hoe from the clippers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@NicoleJeanxoxo @A_Mitchellll13 hahahaha \"move bitch get out the wayyyeee\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user @user i got married celebrated two bihdays...busy weekend ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Unbelievable!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm glad you think so. I know you could kick his ass yourself, but I'll always have your back.\"\" He knows he is doing his best. \"\"That's awful. That you had to live like that. No child should have to experience such things.\"\" Shitty people like that should not be allowed near+\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user After seeing the contents of the post @user I for one are pleased with the legislation we have in regard of gun control. On the other hand legislation does need to be improved to support mental aid to this individual. He has to be sectioned. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep up with that \u201c\u0623\u0633\u0644\u0648\u0628 \u0632\u0641\u062a\" and watch me trash you .","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Cooking breakfast in the nude is wifey status? Fuck no. I have actually cooked before & I aint about to get no grease burns on my nips!😲😵","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@_Nadiaxo fags","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Video: Charlie Baker campaign team denies contacting Gov. Patrick for meeting http:\/\/t.co\/qHrA6OalRR","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Awesome win!! I truly believe Americans are sick to death of what the left is trying to do to destroy America and change our country into what it never was intended to be. Go vote America and MAGA! Thank you President Trump for believing in our country and keeping promises.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER They really be doing hellaaaaaaa shit in that show","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#fuji #mountfuji #japan #japan\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b5 #travel #travelphotography #traveltheworld #life @ mount\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i thought he was a goat-man hybridWhy do we have the mentality that Jesus is white and Satan is black?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy first day of college nigger @MorbidMermaid","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#mikeandike #sierraandhunter #twomonkeys #sugarhigh #amped #sendthemhome #sweetuncle #guncle @ Burbank, California ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@urbasicyabish of course bitch. I kinda wanna attempt to play madden tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes it did... And it's on editorial... Is Joe Q the editor of X-Men... No he isn't... He is editor in Chief. He is the boss of all the other editors... Sooo he wasn't responsible... I shouldn't be arguing because this is stupid...","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"10 tips for controlling anger #anger #tips #lifestyleblogger #control #happiness #meditation #bath #lifehack","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How da fucc we gone believe that you out here selling bricks wit some Dirty ass kicks nicca u ain't sellin shit!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i've been doing great without the social distractions tho. such false pretenses & lives led here yet, enteaining","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER shows data won\u2019t convince supremacists that ACA + gun control are good for them. They know + still vote against their interests (because: racism). The question to ask is not \u2018how to change their minds?\u2019 but \u2018how to win elections?\u2019 #valuinghealth2018","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch ass nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Good girl @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Is he a far-leftist dickbag like Jon Stewart? I should be a comedian. I am really really really really really really funny.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"would do anything to go back to this moment!! #amsterdam \u00e2\u009d\u0084\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Fascists &Nazis don't abide by patriotic views shared in their presence. Glad the brownshirt arm (AntiFa) of the left wasn't there to inflict the usual violence vs citizens who dare to speak. Do you hear that, Dems who enjoy wings\/beer\/country music? You're less-than.\" #WalkAway\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f to boston, ma #fun #weekend @user #onmyway","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Broncos HC Vance Joseph on Phillip Lindsay: He is a good football player, not only as a running back ...\"\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user do you have run support data? I\u2019m guessing Nola has gotten more. Everything equal I go with wins but his season is just so good I think he is the exception. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"[1465729992.1] update @ #social #analytics #rainmaker #raspberrypi #v8supercars ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is back baby. Lol","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"* New Balkan route a problem. Croatia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7 is absolutely correct to tighten patrols to stop the illegal migrants from entering in an effort to reach the \u201crich\u201d EU countries. #v4 #visegrad ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Saw one a month ago in Alabama where they said \u201cradical liberals\u201d were trying to stop his appointment over a clip of Cory Booker talking","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#StopTheInvasion! @user Use our Defense Budget NOW 2 Defend America! Don't wait on Mitch & Paul! #FridayFeeIing ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Switch A Roo yo hoe let me hit her","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this is my story about how i escaped from the prison of perfection featured on @user #lifecoach","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll answer for You!! when you have a different opinion to them you're a racist...when they lose an argument you're a racist...if you love Britain you're a racist...liberals are week people...it takes a strong person to to not be one of the sheep","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"it's awesome when people you've known for years talk trash about you behind your back and then ask you for favors later. truly awesome.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"watch out for these foul hoes and flagrant niggas!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Man I hope they say if he is playing or not on Saturday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user California gun control is direct result of white people scared of Black Panthers using their right to bear arms. NRA had no problem with that gun control! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @HG_Shit: @1BookieG aye g.. I fucked yo bitch again by mistake..","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @CallMeRenee_: @1inkkofrosess yasss bitch you did it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i live on the cape and haven't been to the beach once this summer :-) #work #please #save #me #idonthaveasunburn","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it was a sad night 4 honest women when a lying corrupt espionage murder enabler can b ones nominee 4 highest office in greatest country ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"11j keith jackson wins @user over 24yoder, 72 cove. .. i'm going to @user tomorrow night #bottomgrove","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing worse than a baby bitch pussy. Go fly a kite","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I deleted my opening tweet about this because you know, be a good woman, keep quiet, mustn't be 'hysterical' or 'make a fuss' ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"In this update you will find lots of hardcore cock sucking, ass pounding and pussy pulsing thrills. I have to… http:\/\/t.co\/LVODRmiwIh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MsJoseline: If you going to fuck on camera at least be a freak not a boring 45 year ol lady. What they got this hoe under. Granny porn?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' O M G you like stop controllin me , I'm like bitch fuck you thought ? She like niggah fuck you mean !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the world over - the ordinary people get screwed by the rich - and - nothing happens cause the rich own the gov and the police","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#norwalk bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"someone ever get in your way and you say sorry because you're a polite ass bitch and they don't say anything back & you're like lol IGHT HOE ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They aren\u2019t making fun of the woman. They are making fun of the liberals supporting barbaric tradition of covering a woman\u2019s body with a garbage bag because men might be inclined to rape them at any given moment.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"If a teacher tried to throw me some pussy when I was in school, nigga I ain't sayin shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Thank you but you are not addressing my question. My husband made a booking during that period and now his personal data is out there for sale","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Is there a vending machine around this bitch im starvin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You already know he is \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 and then blown coverages that gave Ole Miss TD","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"very to #interview @user and the other wonderful staff at #theargonautnation! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Going to the creek with my bitches tomorrow","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@djfeds lmao yeah bitch that lil shit ripped .!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user P.s. thanks for sharing: If the woman was carrying her own piece she could defend herself. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"US immigrants 'living in fear' of Trump's deportation drive @user aliens should live in fear in a country where they shouldn't be.They broke the law, get out. Ok I.C.E. will come for you. Don't cry you've been here long enough now go home. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Access to Healthcare Improved Infrastructure Green Jobs Less Pollution and poison in waterways Civil Rights Gun Control Birth Control Sounds like a pretty great plan to ME!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AllFucksGiven_ like a hoe gettin dick all day and then tonight she gettin more","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Alibaba \/ Jack Ma: Gotta love a guy who beat Meg Whitman's albino ass back to the US. Freakin' commie genius.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"cold,hungry,sore eyes,banging head great fuckin combo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"back in the day ... five years ago #photo #nikon #viajar #journey #like #me \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"morning, sleepy head. #inshot #boys #cute #morning #blur #sleepy #fun #instagood #hair\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #newyear! new #prez. new #destruction. new #commercials. new !new order! new tweets. new #poopin. new kids on t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Corporate whore meets confident slut. Wants & desires here @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"sky repoing live now it was a mob of 500 suspected russians who targetted england fans #unbelievable ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#businessgoals \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00b3 \u00e2\u009a\u00a0\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\"website under maintenance\"\u00e2\u009a\u00a0\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #weworking #only #inspired \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Beto is a joke","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Play these hoes like the lottery","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i'm walking around nyc in my dont be paranoid tee and a random stranger tells me she loves my shi! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WHAT THW FUCK ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@doctorhawrse SLUT BUCKETS. especially Dan. He a hoe.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"these Asian mother fuckers are dicks","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Haley_Dych: I wonder when it got attractive to be a huge bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Welding with your shirt off is the redneck version of tanning lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user #charity #fundraising director comments \"i've previously used 6 systems but junaricrm+ is the most comprehensive and sim\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER RBG next! Can\u2019t wait! The hateful intolerant racists on the left will not win! RBG NEXT!!!! MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER yes because you are my cakefriend","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Schools should be beautiful places where safety is not threatened and it shouldn\u2019t have to be built like a vault simply because we chose to not consider gun control. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are stronger than you believe my beautiful sneaky pig. Dcl teaches us so much and I am grateful we have the chance to explore ourselves as we grow and learn \ud83d\ude2d\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch be starting lmao sis \"do what you preach\"??? Speak for your fucking self you fucking cunt ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"*Gigantic RT @Naezus What a big faggot. RT @MIllionDolrBaby: Chubbs bout to Earl.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"He has to be one of the dumbest cop ever \u00a0You know that you have a body camera on and still go out and kill someone and lie about it.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Lol at the random \"fist fight\" aka pussy shove match at DnD tonight.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bitches cheat on they bitch... But be SOOOOOO HURT when they bitch cheat back.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER He is virtue signaling playing with young minds. He also thinks he can weaponise it in an attempt to stop Brexit. @USER is a disgraceful vile man to be honest he doesn't care who or what he uses to get what he wants.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DriveMy_Lexis: “@h_candace00: Idk but I think niggas that like getting head are gay 😂😂😂” bitch what http:\/\/t.co\/sqt1TPnELM","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i am inventive. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"here's a ?for the day the government and states county's etc. can #ban smoking, #saying ceain words , #clothing in schools ...so ?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"There in a nutshell is everything that is wrong with people. Invite a racist scum bag onto a uni campus inciting racism is moronic and wrong..and the. We wonder why you have disturbed nut jobs going into university's committing mass murder","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"one of our amazing owners, dawn! always with a smile on her face! #gym #smile #longisland #workout #local ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"all muslims deserves dis","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I dont got no type... Bad bitches is the only thang that i like! You aint got no life.. Cups with the ice and we do this every night!🎶","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My favorite is #picslip that's a dumb bitch, who just posted a pic and isn't sure she should have or not!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"lying on the couch watching a movie, with high speed internet \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b3 \u00e0\u00b8\u008b\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b8\u00a3\u00e0\u00b8\u00b1\u00e0\u00b8\u0087\u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u00ae\u00e0\u00b8\u009c\u00e0\u00b8\u00b1\u00e0\u00b8\u00a7..... \u00e2\u0080\u0094 watching descendants of the sun","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"traveling happy #family holidays #car #sunnyday #sunny #sunday #glasses #enjoy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And would AMERICA be shocked ? The DEMOCRAPS are shady people looking out for THEMSELVES #TRUMP2020 #THEGLOVESROFF #DRAINTHESWAMP https:\/\/t.co\/KoUbh1TZXq","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user You are too cute & adorable to handle....... Such a cutie....... How can I let you go Lobe you my love 4ever. ....... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @NoWomanIsRight: just knowing U can still go out and bag some bitches is good enough for me.... The headace that comes with bagging summ…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Watchu smiling in da can foe nigguh,","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"things that make me alone time with my dogs in the morning. not saying a word and enjoying the scenery. #atpeace","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#watchdogs2 can't come soon enough ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"oh yeah! my summer book finally just arrived! :d #dev #ruby ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Congratulations! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER is shaking while answering question clearly she is no comfortable #onpoli","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"10 years ago today, Taylor Swift released her smash hit \u2018Love Story\u2019. Quote this tweet telling the moment you first heard the song #10YearsOfLoveStory URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good Lird she is a disgusting representation of a human being","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Judge says Trump team '100 percent' responsible for finding deported immigrant parents ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER A resounding NO! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Islam.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"@DBAB_Holloway: Check out our 12th man. #CowboysNation\" even with all those faggot ny fans in the stands","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"..one of the BIGGEST problems with the airlines, is the GREEDY, MONEY GRUBBING practice of 'OVERBOOKING' flights to make sure that the flight is full. ......money, money, money, money, money, .............! (...oh, and if you have to 'boot' someone, make sure it's a person of color!)","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Is the blind man a fash that antifa needs to thrash? Beating up blind guys is over the top! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TuckerMustDie_: When she tells you \"Go hug one of your hoes.\" & you actually do it \nhttps:\/\/t.co\/nfAbyILdkX","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Already pacing you side by side Sir! I think she woke up after the election thinking she could now retire only to be the second biggest loser. She is holding off for hope in the mid-terms and will quit once that one vaporizes like a fart in a hurricane. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @FriendlyAssh0le: If I got something to say to you, ill @ you, until then, dont be concerned about my tweets, bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#RedWaveRising2018. A Texas gun control platform? Someone drank Koolaide in concentrate.?! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You two are nothing but attention seeking whores. Start talking about real issues such as racial injustice sensible gun control prison reform and other issues that important","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Charlie Crist and Rick Scott are both scumbags, however interesting that Crist has yet to run one, just one, positive political ad.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@moneydriven lol profane words, bwahahahahahah mad gay faggot fuck boi. Get at me bitch ass nigga.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"We have a prime minister John key from New Zealand over in America now helping Obama push the TPPA TPP down the Americans throat..we in New Zealand don't want this garbage it's not about free trade..it's about taking away our sovereignty our rites our Democracy..key is not a man to be trusted..he's a liar..if the TPPA..was so good why don't they have a national debate about it so we can all have say..well that's not going to happen..because then all the people in this world would see what the TPPA is really about an it's not good....down with corrupt positions..these people are all about themselves..money greed power..an the you don't matter..an ll the best America...this world depends on yous to make the right choice..Kia ora New Zealand.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Let the niccas feel on her booty.. lmaoRT @55OptimusPrime: take her to the hood were they do most good","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @karlos_budah: @RealNiggaSherm aye bro you kno how this shit go we in this bitch solid af running FREE THE 1ST","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@FvckMike_ I was bout to smack a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user what else is needed to be happy? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 #behello #helloexperience friday #paradise #sun #poolday #caribbean ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Alejvndrv: “@1ortiz1: Id rather be your niggah”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@illest_will @djdynamiq @edrobersonsf @sarahliz_sf TOP NOTCH bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER There's an entire faction dedicated to the idea that school shootings are all faked to try to get gun control laws passed.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008c guys want a spectacle? - ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @mackgotti: “@SMCo71: \" all my hoes stay mad at me i keep em hot guess they got a fever \"”😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"it's so nice to get a run episode that wasn't filmed 37 months ago","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#WhoIsQ #WheresTheServer #DumpNike #DECLASFISA Democrats Support Antifa, Muslim Brotherhood, MS13, ISIS, Pedophilia, Child Trafficking, Taxpayer Funded Abortion\u2019s, Election Fraud, Sedition And Treason!!! #LockThemAllUp #WWG1WGA #QAnon \u2066@USER URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"repost: two years ago he made the decision to come back ceremonial #lebrondecision @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tis funny you assume I\u2019m left or a supporter of antifa even though I dislike nazis. You\u2019re still a ball washer though.\ud83d\ude01 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You forgot skank in your Twitter description. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"we need more fathers like this c'mon ladies you know #fathersday #needmore #president's like #obama too ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I shouldn\u2019t be up and hungry this early \ud83d\ude29 like stomach empty as a mf","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@ronniecaine no in the instrumental I'm not retarded -_-","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Not just exist, but contribute. And contribute to things they themselves enjoy. That often it's a queer person behind those products.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user today is rainbow day in kc! keep the vicitms in orlando in your thoughts & prayers today! hug your loves ones! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Lord have mercy. Hysterical women who cannot research their claims need to take a nap. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"As President, Obama traveled the world & regularly criticized & apologized for U.S. policy & actions. Why in the world would the rest of the world respect us if our President didn't?#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"As of today im cutting muthafuckas off bitches\/niggas that never show love or just temporary people iont need um","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes, fire them and vote for SHitllary right after. Brilliant!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You think America has crooked laws?Women in other countries get executed in the street for shoning.You American hoes wouldn't make it.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Today I proudly casted my vote for Joe Biden to be the next president of the United States. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]It was quite a moment. But I have to say, I\u2019ve been a supporter of Kamala Harris for nearly four years now. It was truly surreal to finally be able to vote for her for the first time. https:\/\/t.co\/jnUYNHDY4n","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ppl really can't handle a girl that's not a \"yes girl\" and says how she feel .. come off as a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER We love you baby\ud83d\ude0d #MAGA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good by football league will be direct URL football here the world comes.Petition to stop any all federal aid to football NFL.The people will have the last word.We will bring entire league to their knees begging for forgiveness.America deserves RESPECT.#","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TheVoiceOfMiami: Miami* RT @PacDaGoat: Houston has so many trash drivers","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @brianduroha1: Bitches ain't shit hoes ain't neither","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"How often does this have to happen??. #BuildThatWallCriminal Illegal Alien Accused of Sexually Assaulting Eight-Year-Old Florida Girl ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @ktthegod: I hate you dumb bitches that swear that to be happy you need to be a in a relationship. y'all honestly need to revaluate life","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Liberals are addicted to fake news. Chris is their Dope man.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" to think that there is only 3 quaers left in the nba season \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"gym time! #fitness #fitnessaddict #bodybuilding #getbigger #lac #djmac #underamour \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't stand ghetto ratchet ass mofos 👎😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dudes kill me with that \"I wouldn't mess with Khloe Kardashian if she ain't have money\" I've seen the hoes y'all be hitting get real","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @AlmightyVinny_: Fucc hoes dats how I feel","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @GreaterThn: When you see bae retweet or mention some hoe http:\/\/t.co\/864iI0yIoV","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user @user it sure has going to be amazing \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 xxx","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER trump may not be the one who started this mess but he can stop it. If he doesn't he is part of the problem.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@EricWithAHotDad bitch I work 24 hours a day to protect your freedom fuck you #AlwaysOnWatch #GlobalForceForGood","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @justjor_: 0 energy for these hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Lmao this bitch got no clue what shes even attracted too...show any women vulnerability and shes gonna be\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER I never call you an American! #MAGA","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Be careful Mr Tepper! Be very careful!!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @NerdAtCoolTable: Soon as your girl see niggas pouring champagne on bitches ass she should want to leave","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"loving today!!!! got a this as a present from a local bee keeper!!!! #localhoney #woodside ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are so correct the Democratic party for slavery and pro-nazi gun control ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"awesome trip to see this #monument #amazing #statueoflibey #nyc #newyork #life \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b7\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if you think that you can do that please drop me a line #germansandtheirbread ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #nationalbestfriendsday to you all. @user and you guys are my best news channel\/friend. thanks!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I can\"t believe that AJ+ is so closed minded media. It just made this news from nothing and made lots of bullshit.\nSaudi Arabia are not attacking Yemen, Saudia arabia is attacking ISIS in Yemen. Yemen people are living among Saudi cities and there are millions of them there. If Saudi Arabia was actually doing what ever bullshit that this news media are saying, Saudia Arabia would be in civil war. It's such an non sense.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@triple6em96 @Hunglikerobby_ bitch you watch your fucking mouth you dirty whore. I swear to god that's a thin line","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user .I would suggest #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall Add solar panels add alligatorsAnd arm those Nuns to say graceBut #BuildThatWall #BuildThat ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER No wonder liberals are so messed up! Watching and supporting trash tv!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you drove me redneck crazy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You can always tell a wack bitch by her shoes \ud83d\ude02dead ass ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I liked a @user video This Immigrant Left the U.S. To Seek Asylum In Canada And Regrets It (HBO) ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Hate him. He is a weasel.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They're becoming more and more like Antifa everyday. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sun is out! happy thursday! \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #breakfast in the #sun #day #sunnyday #sun #blue\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It was thirty years ago supposedly if you keep something a secret that long it usually didn\u2019t happen and he\u2019s gone through several other confirmations in the past and it never came up this is just how liberals play politics nowadays","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@TrillOg_Malik: @vintage_monroe_ knee ass”crow ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He drew the saw because the marker was in his left hand which is connected to his right brain which is connected to his left eye which saw the saw. His right eye which is connected to his left brain saw the hammer. #PSYC1101 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Spoken like a true globalist. A borderless, one world government has always been their goal. No borders means social mayhem. The more chaos they foment, the more the public will demand an all powerful superstate. Ordo ab chao (out of chaos, order) is their motto. #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The sad thing is that actual pure blooded Hawaiian natives (not Filipino, Japanese or Portuguese) but real Hawaiians that can't afford to live in Hawaii no longer are forced to move away. The jobs there should go to Natives first.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user OMG !!!! Really !!! #FrankOz ... Liberals ruins Everything ... #DefundPBS.. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ya know how many ppl have pot in their homes?! So fukn what? The cops are trying to get their buddy off! She is a murderer!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I smell I smell I smell, pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i am thankful for comedies. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Sgp still in bitches dms","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ain't shit like fucking another nigga bitch and askin her \"who pussy is this\" and she say yours lmao no bitch im stealing this pussy lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If a bitch fuck another nigga and you take her back shes making you vulnerable to getting clowned by another that hoe isnt on your team. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"It's 2017 n bitches still don't kno the difference between being freaky and being a whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @TehDucKii: if my tweets ever offended you:\n1.) im sorry\n2.) it won't happen again\n3.) 1 & 2 are lies\n4.) you're a fucking pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user No I don't know. But I know he is one heck of a patriot who preached the unity of the people of #Ethiopia when it was costly to do so. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck those ultra liberal cunt rags on \"The View\". They should be careful of what they say. They're hateful bitches pushing tainted agendas. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right, all those hundreds of thousands of people in the refugee camps have all those levers of power. If they did, #Myanmar would be f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #OldYoung | Old bitch pleases hot-looking young stud http:\/\/t.co\/aIDKdmztLn","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"be happy, always ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And I\u2019m assuming the people waiting to see him and who gave it to him are just as deficient","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #newyear 'wish list' of cretin #carlpaladino,election co-chairman of #presidentelect #trump on mr&mrs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER an adult in the room might get things done. If that happens Liberals will take credit if not Doug will be blamed for sticking his noses inz.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@OttawaPolitico Where does that fucking muzzie edict come from? Feds or Prov govt's?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"what does #mtv have against #whitepeople? #ccot via @user","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Karma is the biggest bitch you'll ever meet, Keep pushing her buttons..........","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @DaRealDip: I hate wen a bitch fart den be like uughh uuuu farted...no bitch clearly u did ill let a mfa kno wen im fin to","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"What a mainstream Muslim terrorist channel, unsubscribed!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user first time i linked up with #kcacols & ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Subtweet me one more time, you dirty chink whore","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@WyattNuckels @DarienDaywalt hear that you dumb bitch he said no one likes you!!!!! #ohshitnigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user what is it going to take for america to ban guns? #guns #stupidlogic","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I've heard people yelling #BuildThatWall but I'm one of many out yelling them to #BuildThatBridge. That's right fuck a wall we need to bridge gaps not make them. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @YaaBoyShiki: How the fuck can some people not get atleast 1 on flappy bird. I just got 11 while smoking a fuckin square.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Antifa: Take note of how to protest with civility. This is why socialism (aka communism) will never win. It is inherently evil and unsustainable. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MaryWCVB: Still waiting for Charlie Baker to take the stage in Swampscott. #wcvb http:\/\/t.co\/lYb3Thm199","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Rapefugees","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"bot @user deletes its own host server file by file. very story by @user . ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT if you've ever been fucked over by a girl. Actually it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when' #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"$ROKU fights all day to staybgreen yesterday and weakest on list today. Reminds me of the Tesla days.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just my luck to have a 20 stone fat knacker snoring his head off down my ear all the way to Egypt","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Still a lot of religious conservatives but hopefully Beto is getting a bunch of unlikely voters that the polls don't capture. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@AmirEldouh @jwheels3 Ali is a hoe for that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Articulate_Aura bro you know I can't not comment on stupid shit like that..bitch Instagram a heart attack on a plate","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"find that quiet place inside & open to happy feelings ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"like okay you say you fwhim but he ain't going nowhere my hoe forever \ud83d\ude0c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You fucking disgusting syrians , you have the audacity to complain and moan about if the germans are asking about the condition in syria. They saved your ass , given you food and shelter so they have the complete right to ask you about what's happening there but you guys getting pain in the backside just to answer the simple questions .Germans did the biggest mistake of letting you allowing in instead they should have let you die in the syria itself","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"He got hoes for sell! Shop with him! #lmfao #TrekGang http:\/\/t.co\/iuCM6OEVy3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Trump\u2019s Lies Have Grown Far More Frequent\u2014and More Dangerous \u2013 Mother Jones URL Truth decay\"... #maga. We're doomed.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you have no balls, lumpy. my girl was spot on. lumpy tony says i am a . prove it lumpy. bwahahahahaha","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ShainaRakia only great thing these bitches can offer 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Happy Columbus Day!!! Just be glad we wasn't usin' #weavetrip to rope the sails. SERIOUSLY THO> That shit would be #wigger>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if i could make this much progress in 1 week, no telling how much i'll make in a year!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All Okies are trash.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a Skrull. Enemy of The Kree. The Kree are who gave Carol her powers and whose uniform she is wearing in the first few moments of the trailer.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Give me head and kiss to nigga you a eww bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i just feel numb & empty \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 #day1 #inshock #single #tellmeimdreaming #wakeup #nightmare\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh for heaven's sake. \ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yay in a week's time my exams will be over!! then a week later i am off to thailand, malaysia and borneo! ;d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"pretty happy with my smiley necklace i love you megan. #love \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b0\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0093#favcolourblue i have talented friends. go... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"extended hours just to finish discharge summaries so that i can have my leave form signed early. okay lang basta maka pag leave!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I be teaching bitches how to clear the bong mon","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@_BeautifulKeezy bitch Wea you going.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TKNCASH1: On the NorthSide @ WildBills With @Djholiday 👉Come up on a check ✔️ Left that hoe🙅 alone ✔️… http:\/\/t.co\/KvLpJsua4f","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #nz: housing heat radiating \u00e2\u0080\u0093 bnz #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"*Teachers call you a pussy for not doing senior skip day*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa unmasked and up close!Hey is that who I think it is??? p.s. They are SO STUPID no one told them a white raised fist stands for \u201cWhite Power\u201dso Thanks D*MBASSES! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user due to the nature of my work, i miss fav #themorningfix, have to catchup on twitter , @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But you only lived in the uk for two years? Do you know a Mr Alan Lake?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He doesn\u2019t want to give anything to POTUS!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i used a belt to close my whore ass around it and hold it deep in place \u2661\u2661\u2661\u2661 my cunt is throbbing like a massive knot is in me ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I had the boldest side hoes, come out to me I front of my girl nd start touchin a nigguh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" bihday to me .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user wtf happened to manservant @user @user broke him like a rented mule. now he follows drumpf around li\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's worried about his bottom line that's what upsets him","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER bt1100 ass malfunction","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She\u2019s confused after all she is only a poor struggling socialist ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @dsrtvet: @FoxNews @tjoy7 And I don't have any confidence NONWHATSOEVER in you Barack! You're the sole reason why this country is in thi…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" father's day bieeee!! my soulmate...the love of my life! love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CuhCuhCuh: if a bitch let me hit ill leave her CRIPpled cuh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Should I tell this hoe who she look like cdfuuu","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@xDSmooth I bet I fuck yo bitch tho","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"First of all ya dick is too mediocre to be having your ugly ass bitch come at me in such manner ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"A pharaohs nd his angry bird http:\/\/t.co\/jMC2eR32Ka","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_TommyCollins: @WeAreRichnow @buffalobills yeah Texans are so much better you fucking retard","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i can't wait for euro 2016 to sta on friday #euro2016 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you feel like we have to talk everyday for us to be friends then bitch bye \u270c\ud83c\udffd ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"it's that tym of the #month when i get my #ipsy goodie bag! \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ilovemytroops @SenatorTimScott I see. So you feel betrayed, your racism comes out. Shocked you didn't call him Uncle Tom you bitter loser","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user You are awesome! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Uh, well- Too Bad. #IllegalAliens #ImaginaryRules #Snowflake #Snowjob #BuildKatesWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @TerryisBetter: What faggot complained about stretch marks?!? My nigga them shits taste like the swirls on cinnamon toast crunch http:\/\/…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user The only ones building on hate and division right now are the Dems and their enforcers Antifa and Naxine Watters. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Gun control and divorce though","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Wtf aren\u2019t they treating antifa as terrorism?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Colarbearr: “@HoesloveMyTweet: Niggas really be proud of having hoes. But how many of y'all gonna bring them dirty bitches home to your…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Our next President, @JoeBiden just gave an amazing speech at Gettysburg. I\u2019m so ready to have a real President again. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you're welcome!!! #monday! :) ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeezus was fuckin trash","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"man st.louis racist than a muthafucka. #stlouis #stl ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Yung_Messiah @NoMeek_JustMilz swear to god log on later. I'm posting the score on every social network you bitch ass nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user who ever can stop immigration will win the vote eastern europe has done much to change the uk no more we r fed up with it ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Mshomicide_: i got hoes i got hella hoes😈👯😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user That\u2019s because he is a Quack ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"enjoying a little background @user at coffee shop ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#GOP on personal responsibility... He was drunk: boys will be boys She was drunk: slut #republicans #conservatives #kavanaugh","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@koleworld4: this bitch tried the wrong one 😂😩 it'll all go down hill from now 😘”👀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"today yrkkh was super execelllent #emotional hatsoff to u all guys #proudfan #cry @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @On1y_Jr: Today the day bitches let's turn tf' up ! 😜😈👻🍻💊🎉🎊 @hiagokoury @ZayZillaaa @Thompson_Era @_joshuahall_ @Blakeanthony98 http:\/\/t…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He is quite #good","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@BarackObama @MichelleObama omfg you elitist bitch no one cares what you think! go fuck yourselves are you in china anyway?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#wakemeupwhen the left stops being so #hypocritical #liberallogic @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The lying continues. Refugees pose no threat to 'Law & Order'. The president's crimes and the inhumane actions of #ICE officers remain the focus of the American people. #AbolishICE #ImmigrantChildren #MuellerInvestigation #Impeach45 #Election2018 @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user , my community stands #WithRefugees! Show that #AmericaWelcomes by supporting U.S. refugee resettlement! #RefugeesWelcome ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user knossos & akrotiri not included because they aren't unesco world heritage sites. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#cuomo: #paladino's ', ugly' comments on the #obamas embarrass new yorkers ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You are that mean ass cousin we all hate lol ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Really craving my arroz con pollo y habichuelas right now","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Disgusting","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER In other words #Mueller it\u2019s not constipated In other words #Mueller has diarrhea? URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"22 june it is @user #shofilm #bollywood ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AlaysiaMichelle: I just wanna get filthy rich & have a nice big house full of bad bitches that I could fuck anytime I want 😜","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@haitian__goLd: Tim Tebow got cut from every team he was on in the NFL and he already got more hoes than me in Starkville. Smh.\" 😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#peppa pig birds #lollipop #finger family \\ #nursery rhymes lyric... via @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user 36 years ago I was sexually assaulted by a Supreme Court nominee, but I would like to remain anonymous so that I don't have to answer questions. This is basically a smear campaign because I am a democrat and don't want conservatives with a majority on SCOTUS.\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user going from seeing you everyday to having to look at you through a phone \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #verysad","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't been on this hoe all day","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is a pathological liar","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"sometimes you have to raise a few brows to raise the bar. #golfstrengthandconditioning #strong #felixfoisgolf","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I love me some chunky babies 😍😍","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_elennamichelle: @erykahminor_ miss ya too nigger 😛😘😘😘😘😍","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"holiday number 3 booked! #2016 #makingupmyairmiles #summer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@BrenJJGMom @hweldon Well...how about those Yankees this year? What a run. #wtfiswrongwithnebraska","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Man can\u2019t believe I use to like some of that shit Wayne use to say man lmao","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @UPTMillz: 😂 RT @DimpledJoint: INTERESTING RT @curtyndacut: RT if ur child father aint shit...then look in the mirror at the dumb bitch …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @MoneyBABY_Rich: So tired of Yall hoes giving a shout out to yall Moma talking bout she ain't raise no hoe 😡☕️🐸","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER She doesn\u2019t remember her clothes or his clothes or the house or how she got there or what songs they were playing or what exact date. This is nothing but weaponizing me too with false accusations for ulterior motives. But if Fiberals can defend #antifa terrorists this is nothing.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"SHUT. IT. DOWN.#BorderWall #BuildThatWall #KAG ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JareerKassis: Charlie Rose: Can you coexist with Israel? Meshal: *Not* as occupiers. After that, national consensus will decide, not Ha…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Anyone who finds M*neta's behavior funny can fuck off and die","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I love my religious brothers and sisters, but @user FUCK YOU, YOU'RE NOT EVEN A REAL THEOCRAT YOU FAT USLESS BITCH. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER She is so cute","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Y'all hoes nasty letting any body hit an eat y'all out smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"truth\u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #truth #goodmorning #igers #followme #instagood #travel #wealth #blessed #me\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user F the nfl! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@bad_boy_six @ksteven37 \nHere ya go wetback, eat this.. http:\/\/t.co\/kf6PgZvH5G","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"girls night out \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0099 @user @user @user #friends #girlsnightout\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"if ur ugly -@ing women who interacted with kriss before this u deserve to have ur GI tract rammed through with a hot iron stake u smug bitch ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"its early, still almost no one here for this year's #pdx #rosefestival #grandfloralparade. #shocking ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yeah most Antifa are Americans and still they advocate for an ideology that will destroy our great country. That makes them traitors and should be treated as such. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER make yourself useful and go bury your head in the sand.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Why didn't someone made him answer the question? And then another reporter went and ask another question, shouldn't they wait until he answered the previous one?\nThey should've waited. If he went to signal someone else to ask a question they should've said \"no, there is still a question pending to be answered\". Its the shitty people who are feeding his ego and that has to stop","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm asking this boy questions like he my bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Real Niggas and Bad bitches have 2 things in common. You're both ignorant as fuck & neither of you know that you're Kings and Queens.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This makes me tear up every time I see something about the struggle of Standing Rock. They are trying to protect the water we use for drinking and growing our food. Corporate greed has gotten out of hand.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user #allahsoil islamic extremism kills tens of thousands of people every year. #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"should deport all of them","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"eagles are fucking cunts http:\/\/t.co\/nK2CO0snNv","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Look at all of you it looks like you came out of the hiding and you are all feeling so sympathetic to your fellow Muslims. When there is a catastrophic painful pictures , that busses stepping over innocent children you were in hiding to write a note,I bet you were happy inside you and you felt winners because you got revenge. You are little cockroaches with no sympathy or empathy just you want to be right all the time.\nAs much I feel so sorry for the young life's that are lost and scared for life with nightmares ,I feel also anger and disrespect for the rest of you.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"You say no to ratchet pussy but juicy-j can't! Bands will make her dance","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Leelucas_: Going dumb on this essay”😂 bitch you sad.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"if you think the answer is more guns, i really don't know what to say to you #orlando ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"NEW VIDEO: \"If Donald Trump is re-elected, all the progress we've made will be in jeopardy. The future of our Democracy is at stake. The future of our economy is at stake. The future of our planet is at stake. We must come together to defeat Trump & elect Biden.\" #ListenToBernie https:\/\/t.co\/vwR88yBwfy","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Of course you felt the need to skank -up Halloween by dressing up as a character from a movie you've n\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"5. They promoted an amendment to lower the voting age to 18. They pushed gun control efforts and gun free zones to give criminals an edge over law abiding citizens. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user cannot wait to see @user working #lcmss17 w\/ @user later this morning! #lcm ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yay! p.j. soles is attending @user again this year! she was super rad when i last met her. #cannotwait","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You still have not addressed your solution to make schools safer....you just preach more gun control...what are your solutions??? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@zooyorkinit you're frumpy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"UN countries agree on pact to manage mass global migration ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user You are pathetic! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bitch im gonna see you on december dont me. We have to see each other","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He spelled Big Dick wrong.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user and the so called letter is where? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BruceVH: Getting over a painful experience is like crossing the monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are so funny. Lol rolling about the floor laughing uncontrollably!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user netherlands haven't qualified for #euro2016 not having sneijder, robben in france playing euro is disappointing ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user bullshit. I live in NH. My daughter goes to school in Cali. She is considered a non-resident. THis is clearly a move to fraud the citizens of NH ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user done!! #pleasecometola","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's not individuals getting rich that are the problem, its the system. It's Companies. Companies that exploit people and just see them as labor to work and profit off\n\nThere are plenty of people that worked hard or were smart and earnt their wealth.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Trouble with being Vicars daughters you get the sermon on the Mount the amount of rubbish immigration excuses the sermon no 1 want ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user This is like when shitty restaurants advertise their \u201cvoted #1 world famous crabcakes\u201d but nobody can tell you who voted and nobody who lives outside a 10-mile radius has ever actually eaten there. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#Yankees Primo! Just got home and the Tanks are on MLB. Finally! And they are winning! Even better. Time to get serious, Sept call up time","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I dont have hoes\" 😴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Would that make him the equivalent of the Antifa March that started the violence there in the first place? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@alexissixela__ stfu youre a pussy sit your ass down with all that noise","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user No people died because officials robbed n didn't do their jobs ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user money talks unfounately. it's the world we live in ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Alan_Casillas niggah lol i had 6 beers before i went to the bar then had 4 beers at the bar then got a 12pck on the way home lool","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hold me & make these thoughts go away. #hatethis #holdme","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is great! Awesome songs... I love walk on by and what it is best!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#adobelife buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/4YyVxESnUR\n\nThe far left looks the best if you ask me, bitches try too hard. Just be yourself, especially if you're thick","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the term jihad is a highly-contested concept. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"good bye old friend. you will be missed. #moviestop #closing #funeral #goodbye #movies #lifestyle ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How I feel when I buy a round of shots ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Terren_Janay: Nobody wants to be with a bum” except bum bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Bitch you're stuck with that LMAO ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals as per Odia standards \ud83d\udc46....RW is liberal when it comes to my state \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#lucky #dad to be cared loved by #amazing #loving #caring #daughter #jannarden! wishingalldadsgoodgirlsboys!\u00e2\u0099\u00a5 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AARONCARTER push me on the wall slowly take my panties down and write alphabet with ur tongue on my tight pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@delaylay_messy i rap that and her part of Problem 24\/7 cause I'm a bad bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"omg, these trump suppoers are deplorable! #dumptrump #notmypresident #deplorable ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Violent threats against Biden and his supporters are getting worse[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]by @DonnaProvencher [NEWLINE][NEWLINE] https:\/\/t.co\/AsyXPHsj3c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Her- send me a dick pic Me-*sends dick pic* Her- that's photoshopped Me- ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user awesome review posted for their cajun queen #selfpub #bookboost #indieauthor #amwriting\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Cats are the Antifa of the animal world ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"daughter riding her bike around driveway, son playing his guitar for us while we enjoy \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba by the campfire... #summeime #memories","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"are they also free to marry who they like, and live where they like? no. #apaheid #fascism @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER And wouldn't #JohnMcCain be proud... Notably @USER read a passage of Scripture at the memorial service but he was not asked to speak his own words Sen McCain likely saw him for what he is once trump took office: a gutless suck-up who's looking for Sessions job! #weasel","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"!!!!!!! RT @UrKindOfBrand Dawg!!!! RT @80sbaby4life: You ever fuck a bitch and she start to cry? You be confused as shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"U wanna piss a hoe off when u in the club & she in front U Tryna dance for u do what I'm doing right now Tweet","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hes a try hard cunt who needs to stay away from women as much as possible ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"54 concert goers massacred in Fort Worth with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She doesn't support stand you ground or arming teachers. Gun control. Idaho believes in gun rights. Zero chance.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa I guess ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why should American taxpayers have to support illegal people? It is not our responsibility!#Deport#BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know how Liberals love to say Conservatives are anti-science Luddites so here for your review, How Your Memory Rewrites the Past\" URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"How come I won't pray but find time for a bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@twaynesback I swear I can't do shit right now but I'm down to get into something tonight if u are nig","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@xNikiaaa_ 😭😂 boa I'm trying see if that bitch was going or not . Me & Vick stay agru about he don't get hoes😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Alex it has been fantastic watching you race this season Love how you pass and how determined you are every race . Thank you","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I impress da young white girl next doe by taking out my giant negro thang and usin it to flip da hamburgers for da #KoolQueefTribute ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ashley1sweetie - na: #wet #porn #sexy #hot #young #nude #horny #naughty #nasty #shy #kinky #slut #xxx ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is more influential so many Japanese and British acts are influenced by her? Why do so many foreign acts work with her producers? Why does she have touring records in Europe and Japan? Why did she win the Legend Award at the WMAs ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Harry must thincc I'm the bitch he can fall Bacc on ah sum 😂😭 Boi BYEEEEE 👋✋✌️","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @YungRetweet: @Versharky bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SeymourBlanco you were supposed to hang w me this week nigger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"lebron do all this pushing but cry when somebody touches him ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#repost seashellcounseling #educatepeople #nothingtobeashamedof #depression #depressed \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Exhibit A gor the utter irrationality of the Left. Respect and support for women....I think not!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The fact that the #Bruins drafted a Yankees fan just goes to show how weak the scouting staff is IMO. Didn't do their homework. #firechoreli","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Germany: Islamic-inspired children\u2019s park in Berlin to introduce children to Islam and the Islamic culture of the refugees - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"just trying to not break down right #shocked #heabroken #orlandohorror","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user She can\u2019t remember when it happened she can\u2019t remember where it happened she can\u2019t remember how she got there. She is a liar and a feminazi who will go to any lengths to smear this man. She is a LIAR. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@morgantayler_ I apologize Morgan, but a bitch was blind for a whole 35 seconds!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Get out in Europe's border !! we not want they in here.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"😟 “@DubPeeWorld: So the new wave is bitches wearing mini shovels on their hand”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" jokes about women penis humping girl","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @xSALUTE_BADDAZZ: Well I just got conformation that is your body count is five or above, it's high and you a hoe 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user What kind of dumb shit am I gonna read next ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Delhi being reduced to big slum.Unchecked influx of Muslim illegal migrants.Pl checkNZM,Okhla&illegal colonies onYamuna Bank ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln The current man in the WH is a total failure. VOTE! #Biden2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@AllieLexiLove I like them dark, light, Carmel, white, red, tan, yellow, blue, purple, green. It doesnt matter what color they are","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user No we don\u2019t! There has been videos of Trump supporters blocking kkk and sending them away! We don\u2019t accept racism. He said \u201cThere are fine people on both sides\u201d. That includes antifa but go ahead and pick and choose your information. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user who's in #sitges town tomorrow? if you are, you're in for a special treat ... #sitgesanytime","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"you're not hear but at least i have a memory. #girl #instaselfie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER First Man movie is an accurate metaphor for the NWO Globalist Left--they give you enough to make you believe they're truthful unless you have educated yourself!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"These fucking idiots don't know what they are doing and what they are starting. Flipping burgers is not worth that much and if they keep this going fast food places will soon start using technology to replace some of the jobs they have. Not getting enough money? Get a higher paying job where the work is worth $15. No wonder more American companies are getting their labor done overseas, because of this bullshit of higher wages.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @MaxDeLaCruz8: Happy birthday bitch @Whitecholo23 http:\/\/t.co\/DmeqQFL8X1","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @LouieVRee: Dyke bitches walk around proud with their pregnant girlfriend like they got her pregnant","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why don't you sound Mexican? Because I learned English from the street bitch, straight out of Hope Arkansas hoe! .. anymore questions \u263a\ufe0f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is she blocked me ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's been almost a year since bdon gave me my set of prismacolor pens, and my last one finally gave out today. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And niccas are 38 HOT if they paid 20 bucks for that Pay-Per-View......","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They're killing the fucking planet. What a bunch of retards.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@kieffer_jason @NathannDevlin @zach_smith98 bitch that's next year come on the weekend","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER So glad you are an American! Americans don\u2019t hate....liberals are the true party of hate!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"lmao so on fridays i sing @user after i get off work #gayboyproblems ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fuck xenoblade chronicles","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop sayin my gov. Name fuck wrong widd u bitch is u stupid","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"even after the bushfires in 2014, the land is still struggling to recover. #fire #recovery ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user try this #yummy recipe now! ==> #food #foodie #foodporn #recipe #recipes #fail #win htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We as conservatives must join the fight against Transphobia\" -National Review, 2020\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"c3's bihday celebration... we miss you so much papa...#family #blessed #nofilter @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And them niggas pussies...cameltoes 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@ttevy_8: i want affection 24\/7 but i also want to be left alone 24\/7... do you see the issue here?”fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"all pay meeting to tackle a movie which uncovers a problem we don't want the world to know. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Rusty hoe to bumpin 2 me #NeedDaName http:\/\/t.co\/DwAEjyUbQr","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Minus all the retarded poor bots.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Jennifer Lawrence's nudes sooooo trash. Im still smashin though, no doubt","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I swear. I\u2019m so glad my fat ass never drunk that shit. I\u2019m tryna be slim but not crackhead slim\ud83d\ude47\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate a nosey bitch like mind yah business","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I wanna try pot brownies.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucken pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is so calm & patient. That\u2019s great..keep it up. Don\u2019t mind people bc everyone has their own viewpoints on each aspects of life.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"all i wanted to do for my bihday was watch @user tonight but i ended up missing the season premier #cry ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JUSTLOVE_NOHATE @Me_NOindirect whole hoe outchea.......","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Cuckservative Traitors Are Worse Than Fortnite Players URL #Conservatives #TriggerWarningRadio","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"DREAMER' Sodomized Multiple Boys, Between The Ages 7 and 9 via @user #DeathPenalty is too good for this dispicable creature.#BuildTheWall #EndDACA What about the dreams this POS Stole from these children?I hope you burn in pits of hell! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Bitch nicca talmbout a mf 3peat....Df y'all ain't da Lakers","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BiertempfelTrib: One more from @JimBowdenESPNxm: \"Yankees wouldn't be letting Polanco sit in minor leagues, because they're all about w…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SwagishSternes yea I listen to that hoe when I wake up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SenatorCollins This may be her way of saving face. Advocate for \"wait till after the election\" but when the Senate is voting, just say \"Well, I would have preferred we wait but now we have to vote\". Works for me! #Trump2020 #SCOTUSnominee","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user im this asshole. \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Republicans don't believe in expanding government. Conservatives want to shrink government.... you are a fake conservative....you are a treasonous fraud.... enjoy Russia ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is flat out lying!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ButtholeTeeth: Your pussy looks like it died six months ago.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @kwagiheath: It's \"Comfortable\" but niccas like me say \"Com-tha-ble\"...smh","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"From janitor to nurse. How an Ethiopian immigrant seized his American dream in Minnesota: ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user . The #MeToo has been ruined by hateful demonic Democrats. It's now been WEAPONIZED against MEN. Disgusting how Democrats\/Liberals RUIN everything they touch! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"'the voice' singer christina grimmie killed in orlando shooting - wbal home via @user #stopgunviolence ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck bfa im going back to rift","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"missing you comes in waves, today i'm drowning... #daddy#nofathersday #hate#strokes#loveyourparents","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CallMeRenee_: “@1inkkofrosess: @CallMeRenee_ 😂😂😂😩✌️ my bad bitch im logged in on everybody shit”hell yeaa me too seen tiff just tweet f…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I don't get why when it's climate change it's easy to say \"Despite all scientific evidence, people still believe...\" but with GMO it's a question. \"Are they a bad thing? Who knows.\"\n\nPaint this picture as what it is -- a bunch of protesters who think they're right and science is wrong. It makes no sense. Also just Monsanto? No one else? DuPont is a huge player too I don't understand why there's never any DuPont hate... they could at least be consistent.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Does Great Britain need a Wall too now?? #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this plays in my head whenever you talk. you know who you are. #assholeswillbeassholes #fuckmylife #tired ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't want a bitch that's erybody bitch !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm in the UK you fucking melon","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"and we're all just as for our #future as melissa is! #theatre #asd #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"get over it pussies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"In NY? Check out Immigrant Arts Coalition Summit @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Nagaland Deploys More Troops on Assam Border to Check Influx of Immigrants via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"all mine say @user on them - :d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If he\u2019d just said \u201cgive me a lawyer asshole\u201d they\u2019d have given him Dershowitz. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#CNN ruthlessly continues #Fakenews onslot. Where's the honest analysis? Right here! URL #tcot #CNN #NRA #massshooting #CNNISFAKENEWS #Conservatives #FakeNewsMedia #FakeNews #PBA #FakeNewsCNN","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hungary's New laws target Muslim migrants \"to preserve Christian culture of Europe\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's this dyke chick cut hair in the barbershop look just like Future","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Elizabeth is a stupid hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Congratulaions. . . who were terrific. . . dont let some fucked up umpire ruin things for you. . . he'd be happy he did.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@OptimusOdd mine will say \"the intimidator\" 😂😂 cause bitches can't handle it.😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Join American Sheriffs to Secure Americas Borders! #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @joshuaxallen_: #tbt Halloween 2011 a spoopy hoe and her pimp daddy http:\/\/t.co\/oQVP80EGhx","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@IamSaintBryan they call me yellow bone","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' Idk why niggah give a female head then throw a condom on lmaooo niggah you already ate the whole STD 󾌴󾌴","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Judge Roy Moore will masterbate to this story. #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Awesome! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I wonder why you needed to bring up this point when I didn't mention anything about that. But it seems like you are uncomfortable talking about race. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"omg just 100 days left!! #countdown #nolefam @user can't wait for him to come to milan! #22092016 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009c ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is the \u201ccomedian\u201d that lectures the audience for an hour how white men are the scum of the earth. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Kriegsson: On Nigger Day we honor nigger traditions by not working.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Dey wants to rename our main street MLK Blvd. I told dem dat will even scare da colored folks away","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Suddenly this hoe is cb shipper, bitch get out, more than once you insulted the cb shippers slkfksdn ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is the best the Conservatives could come up with! Stop this humiliation. #GE2018","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All of my bitches know they temporary","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER I think she is a hypocrite and loyal to the evil GOP. Vote her out.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"These bitches aint playin'. A jealous woman does better research than the FBI.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user happy birthday u bad bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love u lots\ud83c\udf3b ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Side hoes need rounds too... RT @Peachpapayya: They always play stupid hoe song back to back","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user if you're hosting them you are AT LEAST nominating them for a prize! Don't be teasers! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I swear to gawd if I see one more \u201cnot all men\u201d etc shit when a woman is killed by a man and y\u2019all don\u2019t hold people accountable I\u2019m fightin ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How the fuck can he detect an attitude through a text bubble?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"But why does my school always have prom on Friday the 13th like this isn't some Freddy Vs Jason shit Even tho some bitches gonna look it 😪","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I don't think I've ever had true Chicago pizza, so I can't really pick a side. But I think New York is delicious :)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"but i never meant to hu you | #oldpicture #vintage #darkas #siblings #love #family\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Well iWas cool my girl don\u2019t like shit popping out at her so it scared her a little when shit popped out","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user that is heabreaking. do you really believe that? we really are in a state then. wow.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MidniteBoss: If you snipe, you're a fucking faggot. I fucking hope all of you snipers get fucking raped and suffer from cancer.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i don't care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel, cause ain't nann one of you hoes paying my bills \ud83d\ude1b ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Hmmmm. I think they should\u2019ve held on to him a bit longer. We might see his face and hear his name again.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"dont make direct eye contact with anything..birds cats nothing lol RT @EVBY_HATES_ASH: I'm going out west to bu (...) http:\/\/t.co\/oVpwk9I3","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" peruvian women nds adult game","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\" her pussy lips like Heaven doors \" 😌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Wayne went ape shit on tht \"Krazy\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"why do you always try to make me happy? i dont know he to make you sad. #love #devotion ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"(( Bam! There she is! URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RunuldoRants faggot sack","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a legend\ud83d\ude1c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Illinois strict ass gun control let's only the thugs and gang bangers have the guns which means a lot more violence","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And what does this have to do with a lying attorney and a 35 year old claim? I know it's hard for you liberals to look at two things at once","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Penelepe cruz shes hoor ,and she is fraid to loose her job in holywood and of course shes get from the zionist so much sex ,and get payd for it .what can u expect from this bastard girl who every one and every zionist did pis on her and on is derty body ..........hamas is the best hamas will be the winer soon of later ,and hell to every one who suport the zionist","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Yea you pussy boy like I said Ill get into your room if I have too ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Another village missing its idiot!!! \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER used his #LDConf2018 speech to spell out the issues facing Britain and how they can be overcome without resorting to the populism of @user and the @user The @user are the only party who #DemandBetter for Britain ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user it takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends. ~ j. k. rowling\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh no is he going to start painting hideous pictures like @USER and peddle socialism and gun control for everyone but himself. @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe Obama Prefers another country like Sweden for example. He thinks that the U.S. should be more like that other country. He may want the U.S. to be as high up on the list of best countries as all of the Scandinavian countries.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"smile because life is beautiful! #life #me #cosplay #ryukomatoi ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user had a blast recording with @user gaana sunke sab naach uthenge !!!! #newfilm #sickstuff ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I am truly sorry that you are having a rough day. I hope it gets better for you. I am doing fantastic. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"A little food for thought!#NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user A true ass statement right here ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"what the fuck is the sound that sirens make","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"A nicca still tired from last night ... Wtf!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@aasthaxoxo oh shut your mouth i was talkin about the morning you fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I drag a bitch by her hair CAPTAIN CAVEMAN NNN!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER we're buying a couple puzzle toys and looking at classes for him rn! but i think he is becoming a teenage monster.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"“@Hi__________Bye: Damn this bitch always gets hit on by The\n hottest guys n makes them feel stupid @UglyAssAyeKay” i got called an ego kill","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Today's genuinely stupid Bern whataboutism: you can't bitch about the guy who said identity politics are a distraction being the keynote 1\/2 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"this year was not well received because of the gregorian festival took place in the ramadan, so i don't feel like doing bihday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You gotta prove to the world who you are bale!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"1.6 million dollars in gold just there for the taking no major planing needed or nothing? Wow dam morons all should get fired that wasn't a robbery it was shoplifting.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER is Zoe getting married? I refuse to believe this. she is still a BABY. A BABY. LOL.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My great grandmother believed she resulted from the rape of a Cherokee by a German immigrant. My other great grandma was a triple divorcee. My grandmother left my grandfather when he beat her in a drunken rage. Hating men when they act like assholes IS an old fashioned value. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"if yo girl doesnt swallow kids, that bitch basic!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"happy brithday hoshi oppa hoshi day \u00e2\u0099\u00a5\u00e2\u0099\u00a5\u00e2\u0099\u00a5 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#teabagger state like mississippi opposed to minimum wage, child labor laws, unions, is pro-scab, sweatshop work - pretty much #SLAVERY.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"celebrating my @user talk about conflicts with internally conflicted chocolate treat. #agileinthecity ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user On the way home from stealing at walmart they wreck the car they are driving with stolen plates, no insurance and no drivers licence. To cover the expense, MY car insurance goes up $50 every 6 months. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"he be on snap lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This fat bitch be really trying it when it comes to my kids i just wanna drag that fat whore ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American\".\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 'an unappetizing scam' :-) | women, we need to throw off the shackles of #salad | #food #foodie |\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Youre asking about the Most Hysterical Woman?Between you and Donald Trump, I now definitively know the definition of Projection. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"India is home of one of the oldest civilisations in the world not a land of immigrants. It was welcomed refugees driven out from their homeland b it Parsis\/Jews w open arms but will not welcome illegal infiltrators who come here to change demography&become owners one day. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Today I said 'all men are trash' to my coworkers and some girl said 'not ALL men' yes boo, even ya sketchy bf u met\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Women better learn to stop using niggas for free shit like it's cute. These niggas will have yall coming up missing.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"everyone have a -go-lucky-saturday","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TheMav41: Now a days people find the littlest and dumbest things to bitch about. It's pathetic.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user if you count prison rape men are raped more than women. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Masturbation | A very hot black tranny is mastu http:\/\/t.co\/OfGGMLXQAj","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Thanks for letting us get to your lands, and rape your people, and make your country into our own, and paying us for it. You are the dumbest people in the world, Swedes.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user can everyone please pound on @user for this #misogynist comment on #merrychristmas about a great law\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@MotherJones: 10 birds your grandkids may never see, thanks to climate change http:\/\/t.co\/XqmXHkAsWt http:\/\/t.co\/RbITeGRnhm\" #Climate","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"GTFOH u bitch ass ref","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER So @USER what would it take to get it SVA\u2019d to drive on the road? Indicators, horn, fog light, some road legal rubber? ...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/VFXhWNOrrl Yep, yep it was the damn Dems in cahoots with the Chinese. This reconfirms what we all knew, MAGA Troglodytes are as ignorant as it gets. They're huddling with the Proud Boys & the QAnon idiots planning a counter attack. Please God #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Note to PM Sheikh Hasina re #refugees: if you move forward w\/ \"problematic, rights-abusing plan to force #Rohingya to move to risky & remote island of Bhasan Char, global criticism will shift from #Myanmar to #Bangladesh faster than you can imagine\" @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@JawShoeeAhhh @jehnayy no bitch lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"great to see quebec is establishing a provincial inquiry into systemic & towards indigenous ppls ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user My little commie skank look at you!!! Im so proud ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"This niggga said I be branding bitches 😹😂😂😂😂😏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user \ud83e\udd40\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22 so sad and preventable. Lift gun control in Chicago. Allow decent people to defend themselves. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i wish that i could be like a cool kids hahaha #latepost #igboy #last #day #of #summer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lucky bitch! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"A nicca got some crazy head last night 😁😁🙌🙌🙌😃😊😜😝","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Shoot them Let them pray to their fucking allah you are so stupid to have pity for them? You will convert to islam and where a beekeeper suit Their lands are fucked up because of their stupid superstitions and they want to impose them on the rest of the world KILL THEM ALL","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user We are \u201cCasually fucked\u201d ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"with le sister!!!! #family #igers #instagramhub #instamoment #instatraveling #igdaily #i ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think the last thing on the WH or Trump's mind is April Ryan. She needs to stop flattering herself. She's not as important as she thinks she is. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i cannot allow my folks to cuff no whore , not a good look fuck allat turn a hoe into a house wife shit \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @occdissent: Ann Coulter admits on FOX News that America has a negro problem. #crime #tcot #gettingreal","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"LMAO RT @80sbaby4life RT @HumbltonBanks: Yes & no RT @ChannyMaraj Is it ok to beat a bitch up over some tweets or nah? http:\/\/t.co\/gmcyHDtB","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"that feeling that you feel so appreciated \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #justsaying #thankful #blessed","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i hate illegal immigrants. i love legal immigrants like myself. i have a good life. i hope illegals suffer.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"2010: #Conservatives slash #Housing Associations annual capital funding from \u00a33bn a year to \u00a3450m (-\u00a325bn over 10yrs) 2018: #TheresaMay announces groundbreaking\" housing initiative of \u00a32bn for the decade (\u00a3200m a year) \ud83c\udfd8\ufe0f#HousingForAll #HousingCrisis #HousingMarket #NHF18 URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump is correct he just said it the wrong way should the Queen head of the british Commonwealth just tell the shitty nations to buzz off certainly not but would the uk people vote to end the commonwealth l think yes less pressure on NHS Housing etc Brexit no to immigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is really good for him and told him how he needed to straighten up. I like her and I like them together. Sometimes you just need someone who calls you out on your sh*t so you can become a better person \ud83d\udc96 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck that hoe??? thats exactly what dese hoes doin. Gettin fucked nd yall niggas the one to blame","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER A woman in Hatteras told me last night I don't know what I'm talking about when I told her to get off the island. I hope she is alive afterward.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheBlondeBetch WHOA sorry for the spell check error, its not ho it was hey so sorry","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"today is going to be one of the best days ever!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ae\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ab #solaris #shofilm #actor #interstellar ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sex games on newgrounds teen ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".... mean about you or your team and your on your video saying I'm crying and a slut and a bitch and all this... like dudes it's a game!!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"TELL ME WHY ANYONE WOULS VOTE FOR BIDEN WHEN HE REFUSES TO REVEAL HIS PLATFORM, POLICIES, PROMISES? You have no clue what you're voting for! Hating Trump is one reason, but is it worth having our country turn into a Socialist, Marxist, even Communist regime under Kamala Harris?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeah I'll not take my gun control policy advice from a Jean's company. Beyond that trumps die hard are almost enough that the snowflakes they claim to dislike and themselves are hard to tell a part","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"critics threaten boycotts of simon & schuster over milo yiannopoulos book deal | the huffington post ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"the latest the zurich times! ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You got my name In your mouth but I got your bitch on my dick 🙊","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user is turning into the msm. #dnchack","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmao AJ+ Islamic propaganda talking about gun violence lol","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"chillin with the babies and my cat daddy #trinidad #family #tropical #milfswag #sun #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So, his wife died and he fills his home with unwanted children since it seems like he has none of his own. He cares for them while they are in foster care. Good for him, good for the kids. \nSounds like we could use more immigrants like him.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#scrutinize #savor & #dispose #unbelievable #chosen #headlines in 'revolution against racism: humanity' ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER He is a coward.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"that's rude big fellas :| pity her #respect","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user so simple, but so true. becoming all we are capable of being! #burnsurvivor #dolbf #motivation #motivate ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @NotoriousJB_: “@Von_VonRichter: Sometimes females are just fucking retarded bro. I swear I just want to kick y'all in the ovaries.”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @ajbk4life1: how do people not realize the jig ?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Every refugee deserves:protectionsheltera chance to start overunderwearThanks to @user & #PUMABodywear, refugee women and girls will be covered when it comes to the last item: ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user I neither side with the Klan nor Antifa. I stay out of family squabbles. Dems can clean up their own bastard children. Perhaps you could clarify how I do t support the 14th. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"12 was like \"Blocked bitch\" “@NoBeeetch: Don't start \"@bdoulaoblongata: They are blocking us in #Ferguson http:\/\/t.co\/ymPzHmzUxG\"”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Lol okay cuz this shit gotta be discreet \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is a knucklehead. He is not making good decisions. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The Same 2 U Women and Leave Me Alone I Got Anough Skank Problems! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Peteypab620: Eddy and teezy get no pussy so I don't know why they always talking about that shit. They've never taken anyone's girl eit…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"His bitch ass is the same way so it don't matter.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user She is AWESOME. Thanks ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"cultural day was lit! #fashion#love#fun#instagood#beautiful #selfie @ university of benin\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @xDSmooth: This niggah said her lips dry ass hell lmao 😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Battle of the hags! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We're very proud of you LOULOU!!! #iWantLOUDRE LOUDRE BalikOnlineWorld","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA. #GOP2018. #KAG2020. #WalkAway. #BuildThatWall. Heres the VOTER ID controversy boiled down to its essence: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"8am - 11.30pm and i am done. so many plans and ideas put together tonight \u00e2\u009c\u0094\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a #business #brainstorm #goals ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ugh we just moved & da kids really got me in da house by myself already.. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just imagine the tyranny we\u2019d be living under had these leftwing tryants waging war on us and our duly elected president and the American Republic itself gained tyrannical control of the US Supreme Court the neocon\u2019s #NeverTrump crew was trying to deliver to them? #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"my new spectacles \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0093 are ready for collection. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #tech bitcoin trader review \u00e2\u0080\u0093 is a 20% monthly roi possible ? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If i ever said i\u2019m from staten island... no i didn\u2019t #BidenHarris2020 #COVIDIOTS https:\/\/t.co\/7FG009vsHb","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"jwu streetdance workshop later + no classes \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The increase of gun ownership has led to an overall decrease in homicides. And increasing intolerance towards who? People smugglers? Drug cartel members? People who cheat the system essentially flip the bird to legal immigrants waiting in ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's weird cos she's fine acting alone but when she's with the main actor her chemistry is so awkward to me","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Your husband is loosing it. He is fat and crooked and fake. Throwing paper towels!! He has lost his grip on reality. I don\u2019t know how you can help him. He needs lots of help.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER LOL we all believe Muller. Regardless of your little dick temper tantrums.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#RoseanneBarr never hid her #Racism inexcusable but we know #Liberals sunk her because of #MuslimBrotherhood comment #Priorities #BlackLivesMatter we must #Unite to end #Racism. #RoseanneBarr has been an open #Racist for decades. 100 inexcusable. #PCLiberals #WakeUP end #Racism ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@brianschatz NONE OF IT IS TRUE. IT IS ALL A LIE. PR STUNT BECAUSE HE IS LOSING. WANTS SYMPATHY VOTE. FAILED BUISNESS MAN. BROKE LOSER. WORST PRESIDENT EVER. THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY. #COVIDIOT #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpCovidHoax #TrumpIsALoser #TrumpIsBroke #TrumpLied200KDied #Biden2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#press #news #blog #army #sex Once a month, a man of action is highlighted. Check it out today. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslims and people with low iq's actually breed at a higher rate. I dont want these disgusting people in my country. They will out breed us and implement sharia law","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"simple... #FuckThePolice","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Watch: Italian Chef with a shovel beats migrant who threw stones at his restaurant - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Three days from now Americans will be calling Joe Biden President elect and Kamala Harris Vice President elect.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarrisLandslide2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KySportsRadio: For years two fan bases (UNC and Indiana) have said they do things \"the right way\" while UK and others are rogues. My ho…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_mikaylahh: I asked @zzachbarness to get me pink bunnies one time, so he brought me yellow chicks...🐰💕","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Let me pick your brains with this concept \"EQUAL RIGHTS\". What is that we are getting equal rights? We call equal rights being debt embedded? We call equal rights moving from kasi to cities without carrying pass? Nevertheless i carry one since i look like \"immigrant\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so so shocked and sad for the death of jo cox today. #outrageous ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Get__Em__Craig funky hoe you gone solo","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You fucking terrorist organisation AJ+. \nIndian army is only removing filth. What do you do when you have cockroaches at home. \nShame on you to put blame on Indian soldiers. \nThese motherfuckers want every right form Indian government and then ask for freedom. I wish they all for the most painful death. I wish they all die in a nuclear attack and their generations suffer for eternity.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Roy Moore\" \"Allegations From Far Distant Past\" \"Bezos\" \"Bunny\" \"Satire\" #drellenbrandt #MAGA Dr. Melissa Bunny, via a Medium, tells us from beyond the grave: \"About 35 years ago, Jeff Bezos put his hands on me, cut my head off, and cooked me as hasenpfeffer for dinner.\" \ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc07 URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@EmpressTaTa aww man we had a BALL. Small lil affair. Set that bitch out!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Cummings is a fat, rich Dem living off the backs of people in his district who keeps voting for a man who does nothing for them.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00adsad asfk and idk y ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user 2 of 2 Vote her butt right out of office. #DianeFeinstein is part of the problem in America not part of the solution. Her old ideas and #ClarenceThomas tricks will not work this time. #VoteRed2018 #KAG #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmCoachK #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Or the teach might get u got RT @abstraktalante: I really hate a disrespectful ass bitch in class. The professor is talking you STFU bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user you give me a penis boner \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Your statement sums up the Lib Dem party tbh Brett. And the Conservatives....... and the Labour Party......... What a sorry state we are in!!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When you win the lesbian olympics ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Kiss_MyBeautyy: I'd rather argue & make up 😘 then fight 👊💥💢 & break up , 🏃💃✌️cause 💦 thirsty bitches 👯 love to see happy 😊🏡 homes FUC…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Freaking casual fans say you are their favorite.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \"letting go gives us freedom, and #freedom is the only condition for #happiness.\" ~ thich nhat hanh ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why would they drag their feet? If they had something on you (which there isn\u2019t)...it be out by now. TOTAL WITCH HUNT! #MAGA #BestPres45 URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Call of duty out this bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SethMacFarlane Deep in my pussy were your tongue should be. Dial 911 if you need halp.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER she is really putting one the act she has been in a Hotel and have money to eat and also go to museum and her home is ok","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a liar ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#oafc Sick of hearing Pete Wild one of our own. Shut the fk up","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh stop. U r only defending him because u r both conservatives. If I liberal had been accused u would believe the women right away. Go yell at someone in a toll booth and spare us all please.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"It's levels to my bitch you can't fuck her nigga cause she like red bottom you can't afford her nigga she got Benz you riding honda accord","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @BadBish_Rollaan: “@WhitDAWGem_: I'm HUNGRY I won't give a bitch a time or day. I'm trying take care business 💁”✊","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"this is a shockingly and increasingly #violent #world we live in and the #uk has gun control laws. i feel for the mp's family & friends","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"today is anna frank's bihday - she woult have been 85 .imangine a world without hate we do bihday anna ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user did you fight for women? Ever???? Did you fight against the AESO in our recession? Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry? Ever??? Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Skinny is not always healthy, tell that to Hollywood.They wouldn't house the immigrants or refugees from Obama's wars n dare to say they hate Trump bc globalist democracy.Have they looked at Paris France lately.Poor People's Campaign should get more funding from Dem or Rep ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Help confirm a \"Pro-Wall Judge\"Confirm Kavanaugh to #SCOTUS Now!Call 202-224-3121Help #BuildThatWall at #RETWEET to Trigger @user like @user & @user & @user #FarmBill #WednesdayWisdom ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user g+t in hand watching wheeler dealers restore a jag mk 2 !! perfect father's day #cheers ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"healthy habits for pursuing greatness audio program #healthy #productive #wellness ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@RHook220 @ohwait_itsKate @EjPeruski5634 pussy x3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Let me go on my block phase cause you hoes steady coming for me 🔫🔫🔫","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Only white people use the word cunt. Todd really is taking over","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Guilty old perv ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I believe that Serena would not cheat. Yet even her manager has admitted to breaking the rules. This was not her finest hour. First a temper tantrum then calling the umpire a thief. That crossed the line. She is the one that should apologize. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"bitches please in napa fewer than 100 people were injured and literally 2 of those were reported as critical","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Whenever I see a beautiful woman all I can think is how fun it'd be to beat her half to death and rape to pieces ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"A basic bitch will piss me off every single time.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Just proves she's a plant. Motivation is crystal clear. Definite bias. Your definition of far right is interesting since it's been proven time and again liberals play the smear campaign each time. Accusers then disappear.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you didn't the first time .. but now the second u will lol","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @vickyBeanMr: We live In a world full of unloyal hoes & ugly niggas asking for hugs","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Now that nicki minaj said \"fuck skinny bitches\" watch all these fat bitches come outta no where it's time to play.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Almost everyone in America seem to forget they originally came from Europe. The real Americans are Indians who were slaughtered by white people at that time. That's why America has no original cultural roots. Their either immigrants, outcast or criminals that moved or were banished to America.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"These bitches man they love to HARASS","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"0-8 En Taller : S-2, M-5, BX-6 (20:59:35)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#mothersday bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with strong exc ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Omg Jin\u2019s laugh makes me wanna laugh my whole life. He is so adorable","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user What about the women who rape men and boys? Oh, wait, that doesn't exist because rape laws are gynocentric...#FeministLogic ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Dawg ass hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Duckin_Fope thats a win right there. any nigga who doesnt partake in that is a faggot. even if they dont smoke.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Yes he is but that has little to do with beating the Giants from the TE position ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You couldn\u2019t possibly value a girl if you still refer to women as \u201cbitch\u201d \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @pppssshhh_: I be hatin when hoes be comin to me like I'm finna save them #aintnobread bitch u better get out here and get it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user 9902 , #education, #smilingbutimclosetotears hows your week been... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Lol.... your going to jail","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@jkjk04028490 @ZarryluvChelsie @joshbechill5 Have a seat lil bro. We\u2019re professionals.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/qpBYAJSIlS","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I fucking hate this country","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"If you think I fuck with that hoe then you a fool ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"rip grandma yetta #grandmayetta #thenannynamedfran #nounoudenfer #yettarosenberg #thenanny ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These incidents are the indicators, its high time that Europe need to wake up!#StopImmigration #Westminster ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just might fuck yo main bitch. Dats just how I feel 😈 http:\/\/t.co\/oodbPTGV1n","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Man Who Shot Good Samaritan To Death Is DACA Recipient via @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"it's the end of an era. amazon finally took down the final fantasy versus xiii entry in their database. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, the whiggers at the Tea Party Nation banned me. I didn't even use any bad words! Maybe my racist founding father quotes did it...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":".@TwitterSupportRE #IllegalAliensIt is WRITTEN into LAW not your Whim: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Why niccas be hating tho lol .. Let me live homie","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Empathy and understanding for these losers? THEY chose to write crap all over their faces. You don't KNOW that you are going to unemployable if you tat your face? Who doesn't know this? You don't KNOW that people are going to look at you and see a violent scum bag gang banger? Who doesn't know this? Removing your gang tattoos - good decision. Blaming anyone but yourself for being treated like a criminal bum sack of crap - not buying it.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @o_youmad: You a hoe “@VillageBae: I just thought you were cute that’s why I kissed you…”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Agree with you 100% #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ImmigrationReform ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER When liberals and Trump haters leak bits of classified Intel it's patriotic and the right things to do.\" When Presidnet Trump orders that entire documents be declassified to the country its dangerous and potentially harmful right? You hypocrites are pathetic.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, turned my stomach. Didn't think I could get any angrier! #BuildtheWall #NoDACA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"pay if you take migrants\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Brussels tells EUstates. Imagine implications of this indirect \u201ctrafficking\u201d, avenues for massive fraud.EU expands definition of \u201crefugee\u201d to include migrants in \u201crefugee-like\u201d situations.#Visegrad #V4 @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@PaulMoon8 @yurista4life @justinmiculka01 you fuckin Yankees I'll be there in 2 months I'll meet you pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@megalexatron trash about us and your from another conference- you can say goodbye","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You are a dope. A delusional libtard. Ask the Govoner of Puerto Rico about the fantastic response by our President @user ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Even gtta AK sittn at my bitch house","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Expanding the protection of rights is the opposite of curtailing rights. Gun control curtails rights.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Thoughts and prayers don't work. We need sensible gun control legislation. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"because what can't you be your own #wcs ?! #loveyourself #loveyourlife #smiles #freetobeme ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#ibelieveblaseyford is liar she is fat ugly libreal #snowflake she sold her herself to get some cash !! From dems and Iran ! Why she spoke after #JohnKerryIranMeeting ?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"That bitch is lyinggggg","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"aaahhhhh my internet has died, for the whole weekend I'm told, just in time to teach me the true spirit of christmas. fucking cunt.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"51 year old man @user has made it his life mission to hate a 18 year old kid for calling himself the chosen one. #justakid ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@lucas_wright955 @MichaelGT03 faggots","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i'm about to be in one of the most beautiful places with my bestest friend #blessed","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Tiqqz: @ShinSnipes i woke up with a sore throat, im cold, niggers will be niggers. so terrible","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"They come out Charlie Sheen... They come out coupe machine @wontgetme_22","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @_imjustvee: ever wanna text somebody and be like bitch die I hope you don't wake up you low down dirty muthafxcka😈","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fat phony @user is not allowed to speak for himself and must read off teleprompter. #pathetic gop won't allow him to speak","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@T_FLYE lmaooooo bro you still got that shit you are a hoe we boxing when you come back nigga","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You scared I ain't scared to beat the pussy up","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Heres the epitome of the far left in one post, can we deport them all? #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #RT4Trump #TrumpPence2020 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user All women deserve an opinion and have the right to, you on the other hand my dear are a cunt who d\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Son of a bitch #thunder","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SteveSchmidtSES May God Bless Our Nation and our newly elected President and Vice President; Honorable Joe Biden and Honorable Kamala Harris. \ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The wall is military readiness for the safety\/security of the people of the United States. #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@shannonrwatts @PrincessBravato One less vote for Trump on Election Day. She\u2019ll be locked up.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Arsenal Is the Definition of a top heavy team","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can we 'remove' Eric Holder? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@DRSlaten I view hackers on the same level as shoplifters - bitch slapped into the lake and held until drowning. Harsh, but yeah. Hate.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@ktpowers98 @WendyDavisTexas Ha Ha Ha no good fat dyke","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You are a big blot on the dharmic Kashmiri Pandits community. In the name of modernity you have lost all sanity which reflects in the way you have supported this loony womans hinduphobia. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Friend- I'm getting married Me- ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Todd__Kincannon A+ Would expect nothing less from your dominion. Oh by the way, SEC bitches!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user i really want to get your velour liquid lipsticks and lip scrub, but i'm broke and most of the lipsticks are sold out\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Beautiful and sexy.. \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is like a cheap plastic version of a real president.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Yea alright redneck white trash\"@CamoPearls: Stupid niggers hollering out their car going down the road trying to hit on me! Fuck y'all!\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Commie crap at its best. Now these loons demand that we peacefully accept to be killed by muslims extremists, otherwise, we are the bad guys. There are no words to answer this utter stupidity properly.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user I bet she`s had more prick`s than a second-hand pincushion! #MAGA \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Weather as well as news keep it up Jayne saves me watching the BBC thanks","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it just turned into a really good day. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 #relieved #newforme","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"so many men, too many choices....maybe i should shoot 4 videos in fl?! lmao... #thehowardroarkproject #casting ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @O_ShitItsLaura: Good day with these 2 bitches @yadirasarmiento @Jessycaa_Rubi 😘✌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER He's such a dick.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @The_Race_Draft: Obama ain't playin with these hoes... http:\/\/t.co\/b6Opj6D25y","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user #maga is just an empty slogan\/promise that rallies the sheep towards a hollow shepherd ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"relaxing nature sounds #peaceful #chill #relax #beautiful #relaxing #nature #meditation #mindfulness #peace ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't have the words. #orlando ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for being able to remember. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My two main wiggas and I @chloetarantino http:\/\/t.co\/oAyBFEJh54","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Adhir Ranjan chowdhary :boot licker of Pakistan bloody shit. #ShameOnCongress","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" bihday #20\u00e6\u00ad\u00b3 #bro ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Well i feel like a bitch.. 😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"best of soundtrack #best #bestoftheday #gameofthrones #leventgenc #lewo #beautiful #city\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user NO ONE needs hunting in Canada Spread the word.There is no place in a civilized society for rifles and shotguns.The Coalition for Gun Control has 200 associations behind us to support and the Liberals. In the name of the safety of our kids Mr Blair ban those guns. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"The last time your pussy was salmon pink was. ....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I'm mattwho da boy hoe check me out I do some amazing shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER And then wana talk shit when you play something they don\u2019t know but the song be fire and end up blowing up then later becomes they song \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"when you finally finishing hours of typing and you just need to spellcheck and it refuses to work. #seriously ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ClicquotSuave: nigg complaining about a journal and bitches half naked","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @TheDrugTribe: New Years resolution: smoke more weed, make more money, fuck more bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER John careful... liberals will attack you for thinking critically because the facts aren't on their side","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Welp! “@FemaIeStruggle Me: Baby I cooked\n\nBae: What's for dinner?\n\nMe: That bitch you been texting http:\/\/t.co\/pOxpYQ5Eiy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER What in the wide world of sports is go\u2019in on here? Pansies.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is your sister!lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I wish I was a short as you. OOF. Im just as tall as Okabe and you are a size of R\/Luka. lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Bartending becomes a real bitch when you the #bartender are way way taller than the bar was designed for. Holy back pains.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Karma is the worst bitch, remember that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER There ain't no MAGA hats sold here but that don't stop me from wanting to MAGA.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BE GONE THOT (no offence intended she is probably a very nice lady\ud83d\ude42)","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"When election will be near you will remember Sree Ram ! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user and most of the time my street beg sessions draw more money in than a day of tweets #world of #monetary #affairs","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Pakistan? Piss off AJ, until these Muslim people decide it's time for a redormation, we should pay them no heed. Over 80% of these Islamists think it ok to kill apostates and may are ok with honor killings.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#conservatives everywhere in my small red town, kids need to be spanked and put #God first. They need to know consequences!\"\". Also them, \"\"#BrettKavanuagh shouldn't be held responsible for something he did at 17!! #Hypocrites @user how do sleep at night?\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm organizing a cease fire between bald headed bitches and weave !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"North Korea reportedly launches ballistic missile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ALWAYS BELIEVE WOMEN ALLEGING RAPE *cough*unless the perp is someone we like, then forget it. *cough* ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user of we go to london! @user #homelesshealth #hhmatters #poster @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't these PIGS have a job? Don't these SLOBS have a life? Where is there outrage against bill clinton keith ellison harvey weinstein THESE PROTESTERS ARE HYPOCRITES! #MAGA ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives Rehman_Chishti: A wonderful experience reading Elmer the Elephant to young Karachiites at pkBritish BritishCouncil Library. Great to be able to promote the amazing work of Bri\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"be happy #happiness #is #your #choice #we #choose #it #feelinnostalgic @ santa monica,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Join us over on please Sir, let us get away from the censorship of the present Big Tech companies, help conservatives get rid of them for good @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #EndDACA now ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER minus well keep him how he is bruh","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Silly rabbit \ud83d\udc07 laws and rules aren\u2019t for liberals.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m so sorry for what you are dealing with. Hope the next place will be much better! \ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am happy that i get 2 b back at home with my family. my passion is 2 take care of them & b there for my husband & kids ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You say no to ratchet pussy, juicy j cant.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user And most Hillary supporters are racist liberals. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Bored then a hoe in the auditorium 😭🔫 hmu! http:\/\/t.co\/V8tgqHEAg8","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Crank up a little hank, sit on the hood and drink, I'm about to get my redneck on","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bad bitches and good weed","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hawaii is going to rock after training they are a talented,passionate group of terminix nation family! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m just here to see which liberals decide to politicize this tragedy (despite Cincy having tight gun control)... \ud83d\udc40","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"how come the atheletes don't put their hands over their heas during the #nationalanthem? i was raised too @user where is the respect?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@b_shiznitt wanted me to let everyone know he downloaded the whole Acoustic Justin Bieber album #fag","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"- + frwd to all #best poetry #romantic poetry #love poetry #new poetry poetry free hasil karain + follow @user send to 40404","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My hoes they do drugzzz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@EBR_Chiefington: Dej loaf ever bitch wc today, all it takes is a lil juice and these bitches want you”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Or you are the wind between my cheeks!","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Parents Television Council: 'Scandal' sex scene after Charlie Brown was not OK | http:\/\/t.co\/y3GnT4l7vc","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i'll decide.... #love #life #friends #power ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sunday mood . \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b7allanxreyes . #sundays #moods #weekend #love #fashionphotography\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"We had plenty of diversity before the #Globalist elites started to import the 3rd world. #StopMassMigration #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegalAilens #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"nearly there folks #nervous #curious just finalised my stuff with a few pointers from grainne #bringiton ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The left wing liberals like @user @user @user etc welcome these \u201c people \u201c #migrants ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the term jihad is a highly-contested concept. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":". ^___^ ( \u25b0 \u2594\u76bf\u2594 ) \/ Ooh! you are the \u2651Capricorn! \ud83d\udd2eYour Today's Matches: \ud83d\udc96Love: \u264fScorpio \ud83d\ude09Friendship: \u264aGemini \ud83d\udc64Career: \u264eLibra \ud83d\udd2eYour Today's Star Ratings: \ud83d\udc95 Love \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2606 \ud83d\ude42Mood \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605 \ud83d\udcb0Money \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2606\u2606 \ud83d\udc54Career \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605 \ud83d\udc47Bal says.. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : brian crain - \" ice\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JaredLambert21: Brandon's a dumb fat chunky whore","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My bitch work for chic fil and she says this is not real b \"@Dory: RT TO SAVE A LIFE http:\/\/t.co\/5d42kQVo50\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user was literally just talking about this lol all mass shootings like that have been set ups. it\u2019s propaganda used to divide us on major issues like gun control and terrorism ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Man my bitch is beautiful Helen of Troy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@swaqmagician: @100046729 wtf bitch!”dasss why I ain't come to practice","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Today Collins is back with another excuse to vote yes. It's all disgusting. Every GOP rep can see what he is. They won't stop working against the common man. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user join our slack @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ratchet lol ass lol bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Funny. So then why do democrats and mainstream media figures (see don lemon) defend Antifa?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If I\u2019m not mistaken they were the only affiliate to not be resigned to the Pirates system ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"this is beyond upsetting. i was one of her biggest fans. #whitepeople #hawaii #jlaw #disrespect","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" sex blonde free stepdad porn ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@p0rnoPuppy He called @waynebrady a nigger","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"rest peacefully in the bosom of the lord stephen keshi, you were the goat of your generation with the super eagles in both your roles. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ladies RT if your head game better than your pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER is mentally disturbed","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":" @user fresh herbs can take a dish from good to great. plantbutler keeps your herbs fresh longer! #plantbutler ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You always see some shit on Old York Rd on the late night I done seen like 4 tranny and a midget","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#That son of a bitch moment when you finally get in bed and your bladder decides its time to piss","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@J__F__H Happy Another Group of 365 Days, you weird ass son of a bitch. That's why we all love you, though. Hoping there are riots in H-town","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"last day at epcot today then flying home tomorrow #notreadyforhome #loveorlando \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#mlearning gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. mater ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ! these are my only true options","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That would be so weird and uncomfortable working at one of those whore coffee stands.Like I would freeze my ass off, those bitches get naked","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Tarantulas are dope but the spiders that are small n can kill you.. Fuck dat RT @BkRaised718: Spiders arent scary, sheesh y’all some pussies","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well then I guess it's totally fine to attack his character then. My mistake. I mean what right does an American who was the victim of gun violence have to call for stricter gun control laws anyway?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait!!!! #superexcited ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user StopImmigration ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh, can't wait for this... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@VictorRico3 No I don't fuck with those hoes ask Paco he does","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER god you are adorable","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"twatter man wiping clean all stories\/anti trump stories. thats why its down. congress and 1st amendment coming for twatterman !","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Banning \"hate speech\" is directly proportional to crime rise in Germany by Sharia enablers.\"Hate speech\" is a tool to hide UN's mass immigration to conquer the West. #UnitedAgainstSharia ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER #WhyRWPreachesRacism #RWLuciferianCult I keep saying and its not simply rhetoric... These people are not by ANY Bible definition CHRISTIAN anymore than the Christian\" CONservatives who attended public lynchings of blacks often held as public spectacles on Sunday after \"Church\" URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SaveNoHoes: this nigga Kanye looking at his ice cream like \"hoe ass ice cream you aint as cold as Kanye\" http:\/\/t.co\/Z3P8sXQtT3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user I completely agree! We can uphold the second amendment AND have common sense gun control. I\u2019m a responsible gun owner. But no citizen needs military grade weapons or high capacity magazines. To find the problem: follow the $! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Them hoes gone be called strvp","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#FuckIslam","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Theres one dude i can not stand at my school because he stays on the freshman girls and girls from other schools cause none fw him. #bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user the dopest most illest female artist ever! That's fucken queen right there hands down!!! Try to argue widdit\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"\"don't forget to find adventure in a smile.\" -tony robbins #smile #life @ paradigm\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Are u living in Gaza? Cos I don't think you are ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a blast to watch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Full blown American idiots at their finest. Do they think trumps gonna legalise ethnic cleansing or something? He's already removed his plan of kicking out all Muslim's, how longs it gonna take for them to catch on he lied to get votes?","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The one year anniversary of the start of the ethnic cleansing and #genocide in #Myanmar is approaching. #refugees ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#Muslims and #Islam finally got their #WhiteSupremacist #Terrorists they have wanted for so long they can harp on about and say were worse than them .. Two 15 year old boys from #Ramsgate! Jesus \ud83e\udd14 #MAGA #MEGA #MCGA #MBGA #Conservatives #Patriots URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@CommonBlackGirI: bitch that's ham on her face http:\/\/t.co\/vSRAyShD5Y” @rachel_dority","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER This is a good example of why we can't ban the AR-15. Someone could've used gun control\" on those pussies.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump STOP TALKING. We have had ENOUGH. Your tantrums last night were the last straw in your political nervous breakdown.@WhiteHouse #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you in front of me I'm in front of you See you or love you What to do I don't know... How did this happen You are mine See you or love you...\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Democrats will let animals like this out all over the country if they get power back.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"because this pictures is so real \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 at least we didn't forget to take one. #homeowners\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Let\u2019s just go all out and have the thought police surround his ginormous fat head! We\u2019d all be safer then!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Soldier1eaODGrn you are a teabagger scum who wants to threaten people with his penis extender. You are a danger to this country.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thank you @user for bringing back #oitnb #season4 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"severely disappointed with #mtscentre closing all the beer sales off early when hosting #meatloaf really, 9 pm for a conce? #wpg","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Twitter just emailed me that the men trolling & name calling me off #MeToo ht didn't violate TOS. I'm just another whiny bitch cunt, then.\ud83d\ude11 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER can you share my twtich? Trying to make that shit work out URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@xLoiterSquadx i made you lunch you fat faggot 💀","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user I know you guys are scared of ANTIFA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" father's day\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f #love my daddy!!rip\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Just_this_time we need more opinionated bitches.\n\n#MOAR","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @louiev_: It's to the point that I don't enjoy watching Harden anymore. He constantly does that and it pisses me off. Stop being a bitch…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Stephen the threat about your brother doesn't scare me. Quit runnin your fuckin mouth & you won't have to hide behind your brother bitch boy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Did we hear from McCain from beyond as well? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"My nips are freeeeezing...and that's not okay because they're slicing through my bra....\"\n😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"When your one night stand asks you if you wanna go to brunch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@cadiulus Political signs don\u2019t influence. They annoy. At this point people know who they are voting for. The Biden signs where I live get stolen and the Trump signs are left alone. Makes me want to move. #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bloody immigrants like uk say you must obide the law of the country should be put in prison until the immigrant pays the fine ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Another Democrat scam. Republicans don't fund terrorist groups like ANTIFA to threaten people. ...but go ahead make it look real ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Ew I hate when ratchet ass hoes post 'stranger danger' ewww bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I've been trying to find out the name of these for ages. I went to a Hindu birthday and we were given these little dough\/pastry treats. I ate a plateful. I looked up puris\"\" after your post said small and found them. Asma, you are my saviour. Now to find a place that sells them.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberalismisamentaldisorder, but it is also a danger to our country. #Liberals are showing themselves to be utterly hateful. They do not CARE about TRUTH, they only care about POWER.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"listening to 'dolphins' by tim buckley as i sit here painting laurel leaves; #inspirational and #happy in equal measures \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b8","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i\u2019m still bitter she deserved better","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@rmusshy pussies! #StB","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user alec we been knew you are problematic just get over it ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Julia Roberts, you're a ho\" @LaurenGardner8 #NottingHill","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@DecodnLyfe @LupeFiasco @Larellj another black man? What does that have to do with anything? Once a monkey, always a monkey, Chicago idiot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@AutoWorId: Hennessey Venom GT 🙈 http:\/\/t.co\/i8eGMnKaJ9\" that's one sexy bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user He is an awesome dog. Almost worth the trip ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"wake up everyday and remember what you have to be thankful for\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #thankful #grateful \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The power of Christ compels you to pop that pussy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i couldn't pull this off but all those colors are so beautiful \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b #fashion #colors \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That boy has always been a pussy never been a threat!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"American police are the terrorist extension of your corporate overlords. In Nazi Germani, there were many Germans who sided with the German police. Those people were either stupid or evil without exception. Today, there are people who believe that there are good American police. Those people are the same as the people who sided with Nazis. They're either too stupid to know evil when they see it or they are evil and love it. Either way, I dance when a pig gets put out of our misery and I have pissed on the graves of dozens of dead cops who were repaired on the job. Repaired? Yes. The only way to fix a cop, is to kill it.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Can you please go back to hospital @realDonaldTrump! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]You are the most irresponsible negligent idiot who still doesn\u2019t care that people are dying and you are the super spreader. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Everyone needs to #VoteHimOut! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MasksOnGlovesOff #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/1HEhvfyKGl","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"approx. 63 million voted for the #tinyfingeredpuppet but over 74 million voted against him. he has no mandate & con\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" hillary clinton shifts and says she is \"happy\" to use the term \"radical islam\": washington (cbs news) ... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@alexrojas_10 yo fag Rojas","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Talking Angela is a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user study history, @user a #gop president spawned #isis. fearing you'll be booted, you're desperate; you play th\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I told them hoez I only neede one pain killer but they told me take 2 just in case and bitch let me tell you ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He should bash Trump and that will change... liberals hate Trump more than pedophiles. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"My life was really headed in the right direction before I started drinking... At the age of 10... ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#guns in the hands of people. #tears in the eyes of our loving #heavenlyfather. #lordhavemercy #breakthebarrel #thelawofguns","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@GrumpyCatTalkin: I'm sorry I offended you when I called you a bitch, I honestly thought you knew.”😂😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I say K.Michelle is manly because she doesn't act like a lady.She's too foul at the mouth and violent.I'll have to beat the bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @lnsaneTweets: \"You're such a bitch\" \n\nMe: http:\/\/t.co\/YuDDsljbQN","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"brisk_and_vagabond_ft_lisa_marie-free-(ng078)-web-2008-ukhx_int . #next generation #web hardcore #1gabba #vk ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user It is from Assad Syrian refugees flee, not the West. The West gave very limited, mostly non-lethal support. Russia gave Assad \u00c2\u00a3bns in tanks and aircraft, Iran 10s 1000s of fighters to murder and ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user What was the average wage to average house price when Thatcher was in charge? That ratio is the fundamental reason. Build as many as you like but if they are not genuinely affordable you're just wasting resources. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Tigers are fuckin garbage jesus christ...suck a dick ausmus you're just as trash as that sorry ass bullpen","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"AJ is so full of shit there's no way any rational thinking person can consider it a reliable source for anything.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER The rugrats believe in gun control","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"our fundraising day is here! really looking forward to tonight! raising money for @user the kccc and pediactric epilepsy, ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"learning to love my \"imperfections\" #hasa2ndmeaning #nappy #4 #tattoo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"These niggas designing these bitches, they got zippers on hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Too bad! Never liked him since I met him years ago! Very uppity but you see what goes up must come down! Never think you are too good for anything or anyone! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Eritrea is safe. They can all go back home. The Eritreans who 'fled' the country even go back for holidays to Eritrea, so they are not refugees.#sendthemback ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user You nasty ugly whore!!! No one cares what you think and #THEBIGDUMP only sucks black dick now so stop trying to suck #donthecon dick. \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"thanks to @user i shall be off to @user to do a big shopping spree #whattobuy #shopping #mummybloggers","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Baekhyun........\ud83d\ude47\u200d\u2640\ufe0f How are you?? Are you eating well?? I'm inactive these days\ud83d\ude25 bcz of my project and assignment. Anyway I miss you\ud83d\ude2b And you better eat proper meal\ud83d\ude12 When r you coming here?? I'm sorry you are busy but i miss you. Take your time ok. Tata\ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffb See you later\ud83d\ude09","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user not long now, can't wait \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER hey bitch daily reminder that i love you","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"passed out after a weekend with aunt cathy! #yeagerlife #fun #auntcathy #love #missthem\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"So, part of me agrees with Trump. As horrifying as that sounds. You cant love someone until you learn to love yourself. America can't help others if our country is in need of help. The only thing is while America is \"working on itself\" under Trump we may not get anywhere which would be a waste and a terrible travesty for other countries in need.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Weekends vs weekdays ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"is cleveland gonna have it's hea broken again tonight, just like the past 50 years? #nba ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Coolie_GBE300: I hate when niggas be slobin all on the blunt like they eatin pussy & have the nerve to try & pass it. I'm good nigga I'…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@TripleCz_3G @OffsetYRN lmao take off thru, quavo can't do shit but make hooks, offset da only 1 solid but I kno niccas been tellin him dat","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @Milesss_: If u say #blessed u r hashtag lying and r probably unhappy w\/ ur life fake bitches lolz😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Fuck a bitch flip a brick","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i paxxy, hi-hi. . . ------------- add us on snapchat! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb: thelyvers #lyversfacts #fitness\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm getting spanked in fantasy 😂😂 he beating my by 100 because of this damn New England game & Julian eldman trash http:\/\/t.co\/bpptg2pSKF","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user All this division in our nation is utter nonsense. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn girl I'll be your porch monkey","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#yellowcab buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Most women just want to be ravaged... But sadly most of these men don't know what that means and wouldn't know where to begin... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER lol she is such a troll im so glad she went away and all u trump supporters told her to GTFO. Thank god we got a real superstar in @USER who is going to actually fight for everyone no matter who they choose to vote for. Isn't she awesome! Please join us we rly need ur help!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You know good and goddamn well that if you tried to explain all the gun control on a military base is proof that gun grabbing laws won't do shit if you look at Fort Hood.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@MikeyNog I bet Dr. Fauci knows that trump never got it. In his interview with Tapper over his quote being used in a trump ad, he got very dark and pretty much told trump it wouldn't be a good idea for him to be used for political purposes...","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And hypocrite flies in his private jet around the world?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER We are here for Q and the Revolution. Do not allow the shiny objects to divide. Take a step back and look at all of it from that way. #MAGA #WeThePeople.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"loving my new @user purchases! cannot wait to get training in them! #justdoit #fitness #workout ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmao RT @A2daO: Yeah that pussy yours Cee RT @YolaC_: Come get some breakfast from Boom! RT @CeeRoss: Breakfast PLZ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i love teaching! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b#pretty #live#laugh #teach#esthetics #eyes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He *is* the DBA. I had a quiet word with him afterwards about v$datafile ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@YoungRicooo: Sad knowing that most hoes won't fuck with you bc you ain't got stacks.\" wait till friday","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My phone on 10% fml I still gotta get to the yellow sign lol #motivation lol btw I zoomed in 2x lol http:\/\/t.co\/LayVBieIML","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#ChristianBale should be KISSING #Moses ass for his fight with God, OTHERWISE WE MIGHT ALL BE FUCKING DEAD> #retarded #ass #actor #faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"people be like you already forgot so and so.... nah it's not that it's just new names are made a hashtag on a weekly basis ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user steroids and pills mixed in with their alcohol that is a little bit of a BIG NIGHTMARE or bad dream right there... ANTI-SUICIDE LAWS and gun control LICENSE FOR EACH GUN PLEASE walks into a cop station ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user vs Antifa. I know who my money\u2019s on. But seriously this is such a stupid thing to do. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Football is an all American sport that brings families and communities together. It also celebrates masculinity. It seems these things are under attack today. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc snapchat: barbiets.93 \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb #tranny #ladyboy #asianladyboy #thailand #usa #lasvegas\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TattedPapiChulo: Females nowadays don't like to do anything freaky, because you niggas gossip about it like bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#uploading mix from radio show#for u my followers sunday#see u next week saturday on my radio#djnelson ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Course in treachery \ud83e\udd11 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":".I think it's time we stopped being polite to and about the Left. They are not good people, they are walking filth. Small l\"\" liberals are their stooges, who don't see they are being used to destroy this country.\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"2019 tours will include flights and hotels. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"the team are set to conduct the developer product offering telephone survey next week. it's a major step in the process #investor","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user nobody helping since days for complaint ref 3818 #nothinglikenew #mensfashion #centralatdahisar","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @lamessican: I love when bitches throw shade. Just confirms i'm doing something right 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@DaveBautista If Trump wins are you gonna leave the U.S.?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Snowflake @user - whine whine whine #MAGA baby ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It's almost comical at this point","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"getting ready to watch the #warcraftmovie ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 1st #photoshoot @user so watch me #liveoncam @user #flibabes ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Thats silly when the 90s cartoons made him popular as fuck ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He could have killed as many with a hunting rifle with the time and vantage he had. He had close to an hour before police entered his room. His actual shooting was over 10 min. Making this about gun control is just going to get more people killed. We need to be smarter.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"smooth new year's eve! marijuana unleashed at ibooks. ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user 4\/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user me, i need another tattoo, but we can't because i'm from per\u00c3\u00ba .","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"happy saturday! #smile #saturday #weekend #swimwear #neon #beach #summer#holiday #goals #inspo #bikini #laugh ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"add comment here ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@OhhNickHarmon: If she's sending you nudes on snap chats but your not one of the 3 guys on her favorites, she a hoe.”😂😂😂😭","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#NE need to check out a dentist and find out if she is has a perfect work record? What about a child care facility? Now you can check online for all kinds of licensed professionals and it's free @ URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Public lands belong to the people. Greedy corporations can fuck off.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @JulieSnark: I love asking really hot, skinny bitches when they're due.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Why can't girls just tells us how they feel? It'll save us guys so much time and effort #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":" @user thank you! #theedgerobotchallenge @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He should tell that to Big Bubba when he enters his prison cell ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MissVoshay: “@VaIentinesCards: http:\/\/t.co\/y75Aw0Olm3” ooooo give this one to the hot pocket hoe #AAMU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She is an ALEC puppet. If they don\u2019t move the string on her back that works her mouth then she does nothing.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @RT_America: US Army removes ‘negro’ as official reference to black people after public outrage http:\/\/t.co\/qtiTEzE7Bh http:\/\/t.co\/nudHr…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"bitch if you dont shut the fuck up and stop acting like the us isnt responsible for the repressive and brutal society that became afghanistan - theres pics of my gma in miniskirts in the 70s in iran, another country destabilized and vilified to drive american profit ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"the european tour stas in sweden today!! @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I really just want to kill some towel head terrorists already 😒 can high school be over now please?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER let me correct this. jeno is my soul and you are my mate skshsksk","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user thanks gracie! off to louisiana in a week ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"And my mom was really getting me a car smh hoe f u for dat","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"But lets be clear the First branch in a new region even if it's a chain company is always place to please. They may have a way better service\/coffee at this one location than any other place. They will place a high standard on this starbucks to try their hardest to represent their brand name. Btw I HATE STARBUCKS but this is how business works.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"when you get your favourite cousin turn up for a cheeky drink #emotional \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The influx of migrants into the West is tied to the 2015.75, turning point of the Economic Confidence Model. The periphery collapses first, the centre of the Empire is the last to go. This is why the US economy and market remains strong compared to the world. Capital moving in. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@AngryWillHelms Genius, the politically correct term would be \"intellectually disabled.\" It's highly offensive to use the word retarded.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Shoutout to my #Exit47 niccas! #Salute","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER He's world's worst infiltrator bro. Its like they sent Mr. Bean to Area 51. A dick head in a room full of spacemen.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"' Hate a female that got the mentality of a niggah .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"10 minutes into free tinder dinner and chill and he gives you this look... \ud83d\ude37 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Fuck it!! Aint nobody stopping you!! Your day might be wrap after that \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"less than 2 weeks \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b5 @user #ibiza#bringiton#mallorca#holidays#summer ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The club don't never get old to some of y'all hoes though.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Stfu bitch you don't like me get outta here punk hoe you just bored ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @boburnham: In the future, gay culture will be considered cool by America's teens and instead of wiggers there will be straggots.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"😂😂“@BrandonBeSlydin: My fucking god bruh, the birds from southridge are in front of my house.”","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"goomorning\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082 feels great to be on twitter \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d. day #positivevibes","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"ditching @user for prom really was thanks clare #happy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"coming from an ultra #pos like @user surprise surprise @user @user @user #maga #usa at least they can play golf \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER End of Mos2. SM out in space hears a voice in his head asking if he\u2019s kryptonian.Turns around and it\u2019s MM. MM explains his situation & asks for refuge on earth. SM puts out his hand & introduces himself. Has their shaking hand he says welcome to earth. Cut to black.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I wish ppl would learn how tf to stay out my business I'm a grown ass man . I go where I please . Mind your damn business bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"We delivering bitch!!!!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER If deGrom was actually as great of a pitcher as you say he is then he'd hit more homeruns.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"most tolerant nation in the world is india! we tolerated #corruption #rapes #justice #blackmagic #blindfaith #scammers #criminals ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user sponsored aist. #honored ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Good Arrest them all! Arrest the crazy NDP leader @user as well. She is Having her lil minions take a fall for her! She planned this! Will she be paying their Legal fees? I think not! The immaturity level of this goverment party is disgusting!!! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"#my bihday friday. princess eden deserves #gifts and being #spoilt \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be make a princess \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I doubt if he is afraid of France , but he is being hammered by the left here everyday. We think it's France \" behind the genocide secretly for investments ? They sure are silent !!! Not the ordinary French people , the global elites and banks . My guess is you will get help\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm so excited to get new glasses bc I'm a whole new bitch with new glasses ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrants Scum from the middle east has turn my Clean European City in a Baghdad Ghetto Slum.. Thanks Germany.. :( Keep Fighting my EU Brothers and Sister against invasion of these parasite freeloaders.. We Support you..!! No more Refugees!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"White South African farmers apply for refugee protection in Australia; no special treatment for them via @user Stop white genocide,accept white immigrants from now... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Kaedashian: “@WhitDAWGem_: There is nothing wrong with Ariana Grande..... Just cause she don't look like hoe.... Y'all gotta a problem.…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If you one of those \"you prolly was with your other hoes\" type bitch then YOURE FUCKED FOR LIFE!! lol you're dying alone for sure. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user Yeah and....what\u2019s the point of this article? Trying to demonize him for meeting with lawyers? He has a right to defend his character. He also has the right to file a defamation of character case against this woman and Sen. Feinstein. Democrats\/liberals are pathetic. #Ridiculous ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"study history, @user a #gop president spawned #isis. fearing you'll be booted, you're desperate; you play the \"#trump\" card. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @dril: ah, i can smell it,. its just about ready. *opens the oven up and pulls out a sshitty burnt up ritz cracker* my perfect boy's lu…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Yes yes he is Melanie\u2019s boyfriend.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Candace speaks the truth! So what do we do about it? Does Betsy DeVoss have any ideas?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"yo @user its not only about nazis on twitter, search for comfort women or rape of nanking & plenty of jap right wi\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"All bitches do is lie, talk shit and fuck up their eyebrows ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Same people bitchin about jetpacks and shit in AW are counting down the days until it comes out buncha fags.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"from the archives - feeling #calm #11 for my bihday i was given a great new book 'calm' and a jour #family ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user @user Lol #liberalfool just MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BloopersinLife: Ugh, white trash. http:\/\/t.co\/BLdNkQUgf3","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i skipped english a few days ago so i didn\u2019t know about an assignment and this stupid bitch is making fun of me subtlety ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Stop whacking off in the shower queer boy! @Ilovebamf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"-You would never guess that this employee plays Covet (a fashion game) on her iPad in her free time. \ud83d\udcf1 -She has a strange phobia of dogs.\ud83d\udc15 -She is amazingly weird! She can jump over her foot while it is in... URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't concern yourself wit my mingling with other bitches.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Haha I'll shoot you and that bitch I guess my gun is bi","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"The biggest twist would be you thinking of what to wear for the date and you wearing his shirt the next morning.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well, they'll cut out 299 pages and replace it with 1 saying everyone needs more chlorine\" C'mon are you chicken?\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If you are displaced its on Facebook Watch...*disclaimer* - Facebook Watch kinda sucks.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SAMMI_boyden: @jizcalifuh it's a metaphor you dumb fucking nigger @savanigga 😂😂😍😍👅👅","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lol that's some hoe shit","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @user \u201c@LACLlPPERS: #YesAllMen you know what... This is the only double standard were allowed lol ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u0098#the man with a gun is a #much #broader #problem\u00e2\u0080\u0099 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user forgot my book at school \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #uk public sector finances likely to print \u00c2\u00a37.5bn \u00e2\u0080\u0093 rbc cm #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"it's the #fixturereleaseday #lfc @user @user","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn \"@JonnieSantana: It's kinda trash man RT \"@80sbaby4life: How many of you actually have had a threesome. Honestly\"\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Yeah like conservatives are synonymous with truth telling. Pleeease.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @tbhbooty: Latina pussy be like http:\/\/t.co\/VORy1vgH4U","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@IdLikeToCare: @idpetition Wow, putting a whole manifesto up using TwitLonger. \n\nAnd by a Canadian. Hey hoser....how many will you adopt?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"@Samirahusic_: \"I don't want to have sex with my gf because I feel like I'm using her..\" - anonymous\" Whata faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"And I've had enough. Unfollowing dat ass bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Go buy an Antifa shirt from wal mart you lumpenprole ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Hundreds Irish people took to the streets to protest against Islam and call to ban Islamic immigration - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user is paid to attack the credibility of anyone who criticizes or accuses Trump of wrong doing. He is a paid political hitman disguised as a journalist. He is a hack! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I have found that my younger women doctors don't ignore me when I say I know my body, and are more inclusive of everything. The hospital even updated their sheets to include non-binary\" for gender and \"sexual identity\" instead of the common \"sex\/gender\" m\/f options.\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FuckTraVonn: @TropicalKyle I saw the xxx but I just thought she was a hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Your followers might not know it but God knows (or whoever is in charge) what kind of lying monster you are. Don't think because you have that skank Paula White by your side that you won't go down in flames. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Australians are racist , they think that belong there , they ugly fuckers, YOU GUYs are prisoner and prostitute decents that Britain didn't want in there country!!! And by he way , who displays a sticker on there cars saying \"fuck off we full\" , check your comedy strategy cos you not even funny you ugly fat pig!!!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"thank you \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a santa \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0085 , for the best christmas present ever #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #yeg #canada #ottawa @user ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I believe the problem with the #NotAllMen argument is that although yes not all men disrespect women - ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @iFollowLesbians: Lol I have an obsession with smell goods. Candles...plug ins....spray...the smelly good wax thingys...pussy....","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Right now the Supreme Court is divided 4 liberals 4 conservatives which means important rulings are coming up and they need Kavanaugh vote ..and it\u2019s trumps ticket to freedom and it\u2019s the GOP ticket to further their agenda ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Some Jihadi posted a bio of the #ISIS boss Mr Awad with excellent sociological info. Can't thank him\/her enough for the gift.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what is this? We don\u2019t want your $2 tacos we want fucking gun control. Are you seriously trying to capitalize off this tragedy? ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER when is enough enough? This is abhorrent and inexcusable. Your fearless leader seems to have forgotten that he is a public servant. URL","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Is dare any colored players in hockey?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user But that\u2019s not convenient for Democrats who must destroy a man in front of his wife and children for the sake of power- Power that allows them to weaponize the FBI - CIA- NSA -IRS- all used against conservatives !! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Or a connection or motive between the two because it wasn\u2019t a random shooting.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lol did you just do the trump very fine people on both sides? Antifa punches Nazis. Don\u2019t want to be punched? Don\u2019t be nazis oh whaooaaaaa so crazy. OTOH Nazis are literally murdering folks and trying to bomb shit soooo yeah. You\u2019re just a right wing dupe. Sorry that\u2019s the case.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Don't even presume to know what liberals feel or think. I am liberal. I am personally opposed to abortion in any but life-and-death circumstances. But I am also personally opposed to imposing MY PERSONAL FEELINGS about abortion on anyone else. So do us all a favor and STFU.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"You see these two pussies Jason capuano nd Jason cousins taking Chit on the gram but ain't about that… http:\/\/t.co\/IPYnkaqUfz","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Parker Cannon is lyrically beautiful. That bitch comes up with the best lyrics for his songs. Like fuck, man.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user where is the protection of the clean russian athletes. enough athlets from other countries with a juiced past in rio ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@MoneyYoung They not evn hoes in silence anymore”proud of it .... then want respect","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You are the most talented person I have ever met in my life. please stay healthy and do not get sick. You are an extraordinary being that shines with its own light. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY !! \ud83d\udc9c\u2764\ud83d\udc9c","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #shutup & #fuckoff #they' ve #all #had their fun, its my turn to be #fuck what they want now @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"i am appealing. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hating on me? Then bitch what's good?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @laceeybugg: @hedge_brandon you're such a queer ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kieffer_jason bitch u a thot oh fake ass nigga box up hoe u not bout nothing","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"fam i got a pay raise ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user one more day until \"big day in a small town\" is released on itunes!! been looking forward to this for mo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Mymangot2JOBS_: WHO IS SHE? Ill fight her bestie RT @VeronicaGK: Then this bitch in my class wanna copy my homework off blackboard disc…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"I hate Muslims! Stay out of Japan you woman haters!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @mitch77c: Whatchu know bout livin in the ghetto, eating cottage cheese 3 times a day. Lil salt Lil peppa lil A1, Lil barbeeequeee @Ueon…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@danikawillow don't be a pussy. Also there is beer AND FREE PIZZA HERE. I SWEAR","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Bitches are annoying you still letting him fuck u whore and he don\u2019t fw you quit flexin on here ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigga I fire this nina like it's the first day in the job and the bitch over slept.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Especially those who play the Good Religious Boy\"\" routine as 80% of their \"\"Job Interview\"\". Seriously, imagine pulling that crap in a job interview & then imagine - interview for Supreme Court Justice. Kav spends WAY too much time talking about how pure he is.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"My bitches are related . They are \"kissing cousins\" . 😭😭😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Can we please now be honest with ourselves and acknowledge this trans stuff is a mental disorder? And NOT normal human behavior?","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Puffy face hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user The guy is not even a white Romanian he is a gypsy! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You may be able to reconnect now. Mind trying for us? \ud83e\udd1e ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If a bitch has to fuss &&fight over a niggah thats hugged up && ,boo'd up w the next bitch , clearly doesnt gaf bout u","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@_BeautifulKeezy: these hoes be playing w\/ me like I won't send baby Cain at they niggah !!”yesss messy.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@kim92493 @_NikeCaptain_ @Tae_Rhodes I was implying you we're the bro & them two aint nothin but lil hoes..c'mon now I or you Kim","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user she calls me a whore when really im a cyber slut smh ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"You could fuck my bitch , lemme fuck yo bitch 😂😂😂😂 💯","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Niggas talk more then bitches these days","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user You are my favorite bot ily ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the problem is that there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no space for alternative explanations. #emiratis #201\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER because im a broke ass bitxh :(((( and LOL EVEB BETTER she runs in her sleep so like while she\u2019s lying down she just rUNS like feet going usain bolt xD and i get kicked a lot \ud83e\udd19\ud83c\udffb","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@gezus__ @MANIAC3X @bam00se @Woody_AFC mean bro fucking faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @iDntWearCondoms: A woman never cheated unless a man drove her to do it... Men only cheat for new pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user u look like the guy who looks like you, ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nike lost $3.75 billion after kaepernick was named face of \u201cjust do it\u201d bullshit. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Being rude to you. Call u slut or bitch or everything related. U rasa putus tunang is the best way ke? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Who wore it better? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user andrew is rolling in his grave. breitba has been hijacked... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SwallowMyChakra: Crying RT @WestSideFlee: How you gone wife a bitch that let niggas lick on her head in public?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If I ever saw Kendall Jones in person, Id kill her on sight. I hate that bitch more than anything in life.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m admiring San Myshuno and Del Sol Valley from afar, because that\u2019s where the cool people are (in my opinion)\ud83d\ude04","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"View from the ghetto ain't bad, Rio http:\/\/t.co\/umjPU8gT","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"1. My love ~ 2. . . . okai . . there you are ~ URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Truth RT @Adolfhibsta: Only a faggot would turn down hairy pussy","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We've had a good conversation. Many will condemnations me for my part from both sides. It does not matter. This is what gun control is about. Discussion.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user wants to bring in more of these people into #Canada. He is indifferent to refugees and terrorists coming to his country under the same banner. He and his party will be the death of a country.#Toronto#TorontoShooting #TorontoStrong ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"the end of 10 grade. #sad ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"got a great little cycling adventure planned for tomorrow ... involves taking in a bit of the @user race! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" #shenanigans w\/the right person to the right degree @ the right time for the right purpose in the right way ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Butler Unchained Review http:\/\/t.co\/HXyYUjmOrm Short version, whitey sucks and a potentially positive film is simply anti-white agitprop.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Today was just joints on joints on joints of some Reserve wit my niggah @BlakkHoodie_562 #SmokinDrankin","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This bitch for real said you're not a woman without boobs. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @RavenxMiyagi: you here good songs on the radio but it ain't about positivity its mainly bout hoe problems killing and\/or moving weight","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user This kunt is from Chicago too you know that right? Another Alinsky foll\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"THIS BRAINWASHED AMERICA HATER IS A PUPPET OF THE OPEN BORDERS SUICIDAL CROWD. BORDER WALLS WORK THIS PRECISELY WHY THE OPEN BORDERS AMERICA HATERS OPPOSE THEM SO MUCH. THIS ANOREXIC HYPOCRITE WANTS THE U.S TO BECOME JUST LIKE FAILED CRAPPY SHITTY MEXICO A PLACE SHE DOES NOT WANT TO LIVE. LITTLE BIG HYPOCRITE.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Weird","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"If you ain't ma bro you better watch yo bitch 😂😂😂👌 borrow yo hoe introduce ma pimp !","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Guy you are always present...bet why? Lol","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Bussy RT @MrTriskaideka: Is that avi pussy poppin on a handstand??","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Illegal Alien Killed Two People In Alcohol-Fueled Crash In North Carolina #EndTheSlaughter #BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe#EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"MEDIA MANIPULATION ALERT!!!\nNo toilet and food because you need to go to the designated center where they are waiting you (even tough volunteer citizens were in fact giving out food on the spot), you know that, but you are unwilling to do that or register as EU regulations state, unwilling to comply and respect our laws, so STOP COMPLAINING AND GET OUT!\n\nI WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU TO OUR HUNGARIAN POLICE FORCE FOR SUCCESSFULLY PROTECTING OUR BORDERS AND CITIZENS AGAINST AGGRESSIVE DISRESPECTFUL AND UNLAWFUL MUSLIMS INVADER HORDES! THANK YOU! They dont deserve our help, still get it, you will see yourself when they come to your homes! And I'm saying all that as a national liberal","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @TacoPablo_: Rich dollaz always trynna snatch a bitch. Like he a bitch 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@tess_stepakoff @jetsnation6297 bitch please I'm a stud","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i hope amity residents are happy. that lousy council meeting was filled with complainers and as a result i'm late for #tacotuesday. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@MrMooncricket @AtBlackface @UncleUnco @BobbyBotsods @FuckTheMallcops @RacistNegro69 bitch I'm proud to be black, ur a samba","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user This women is a vile example of the far left lunacy. She is using the Alinsky, Rules for Radicals Handbook.\"\" No matter what u have to do, (lie,steal,use violence etc. )u must destroy the conservatives. They lack character & have no moral code.\"\" ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"I love faggots!!! Absolutely love them, especially the ones that can dress to the tea 😍😍💁","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Means nothing!! Your always so dramatic and none of your promises ever come true not sure why I still follow you. I'm starting to realize you are full of crap. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's why I am somewhat conflicted in talking shit or defending myself because there are so many VERY INTELLIGENT bright minds out there that have been held hostage by MSM propaganda Peddling. But uhave to read these Documents and dive deep to know who funds Antifa\/MSM\/DNC etc","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"coffee & happiness #elviscostello #stax #coffee #vinyljunkie #ukmusic #newwave #covera\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @VersaceTweetGod: Jenny was a hoe til she got AIDS until she was ready to settle down with Forrest Gump who tried saving her SO many tim…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"thank you for following @user it's nice to meet you. \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7#friends tuesday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"We can't focus on just Dallas police officers. Because the police officers have been too busy committing murder. Karma is heavy.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"ready \u00e2\u009d\u0093\u00e2\u009d\u0094 . . #snorkeling #swim #swimming #sea #laut #beach #picoftheday #hootd\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop trying to prove you're a good driver ladies. Who do you think you're fooling? ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"10 migrants saved by Turkish tour boat off Bodrum ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @charlieecai: Our taxi driver is fucking retarded.. He doesn't know how to get from grapevine to lewisville","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #very sad\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u0080\u009cbody of toddler snatched by gator recovered \u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"You mother fucking piece of trash stupid fucking idiot hoe i hope you fucking die in hell son of a father fucking fuck bitch whore you fucki ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its time to end Obama Illegal #DACA and Stop Rewarding Illegal I#mmigration U.S Youths need #Jobs #AmericansFirst #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising #WalkAway via @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"One of the best #faggot #jokes of all time is #StephenKing's #IT> Anybody seen that #faggot lately? I believe he's dressed as #Obama .","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"have a wonderful f r i d a y \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 #love #emikagifts #jewelrydesign #designer #handmade\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER the owner of my culo","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone leaves a dumb comment ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER Never had any intentions of showing up. Only intended to delay and testify by way of DNC hit woman lawyer and media. Time to vote on Kavanaugh and any Republican not confirming as Justice should be remembered by all conservatives at the polls.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@CarlaFinch What can I say, Im a stubborn son of a bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"story telling, one of method that i like the most. #ppm #ppmkpi #kel26 #ramadhan\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@JacobbBacker faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@Banqq_Jayy: \"@1Jayee: “@ItsKeeJay: I can't remember all the girls I've smashed 😳🙈” On God.🙌\"hoe shit” Not technically, it takes ✌️.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user Says the supporter of a woman..@HillaryClinton ....that literally protected & threw every woman under the bus that accused her President husband of rape, affairs, etc. Pleeeeeease, STFU, or educate yourself. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#MSNBC #Hardball @USER Bingo you are absolutely correct he cannot bring President Obama down. He can\u2019t get over how President Obama humiliated him at the White House correspondents dinner and I can guarantee you that is a definite driver of his hate for President Obama","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all ill ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'd like to see a sitcom or talk-host show with @user @user and @user ! You could call it STFU. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@__Trail__ take like TAMU... bitches jumped to 6 after beating SC, which ain't that good... @thejournalist44 @That1guyJeff","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" #transformationtuesday ! i'm excited because my abs are coming in\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #vegansofig\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@ahimla2 - we do not want you here either! Suck my pigs arse you muzzie biotch! Get the phuck out and go back to your hellhole life!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Syrian refugee who won right to move to UK shameful that those who are welcoming the refugees are either middle class idiots or ex refugees ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Go trumpf supporters! It is just a matter of time for the real Donald trump to be brought to light with his disgrace and ugliness ... more to come! Trust me!! Ha!","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@Painter_AJ @4OurFuture_ @William15199186 @batshittery1 @itmediasentinel @Kelly_reSister @Robbytreeroot @soholake @ann_neona @flyaway_k @_Spike27_ @RoryCenturion1 @Defeat_Trump2 @Jjdaniels133 @HerbArndt @ChiefsChicSTL Thanks for the shoutout AJ! And your painting is gorgeous!! \u2764\ufe0f[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020[NEWLINE]#VoteBidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/THNsZOsGHi","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"All Niazis should beat the shit out of him whenever they get a chance.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"even as liberal propaganda they still make a good case for brexit, fuck islam, islam is the cancer of the world.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"And mad hoes you can ask Beavis I get nothing butthead","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He is trash himself to do that ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ah.. classic antifa.. behaviour of trashpeople. =)","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"nightgram: missed them so much \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f tags: #friends #love #nightout #drinks #fun #smile #hug\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"There were American negroes who were in favor of slavery.\" Would dearly love to know how she arrived at this interesting bit of misinformation. The only person of African ancestry who is in favor of the institution that I know of is Ben Carson, and he's as big an idiot as she is.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @BasedPaco: I'm just a normal ass dude that has no hoes and happens to be funny every once in a while","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ima start friend zoning these hoes 😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER AntiChrist. The Roman Catholic Church is a House of demons.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I have a friend who has been saying that for the past few years. You are setting yourself up for disappointment","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user is trying too hard to create a racist agenda. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"facebook is just a political warzone these days. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user well donald trump has officially reached the bottom! this clown is paying hood chicks for promotion\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"sitting here tonight thinking and it\u2019s made me well wanna go back to maga next year ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Hamas leader says every Christian nation should convert to Islam by conquering (or migration) \"Europe first and then America\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #music pranitha\u00e2\u0080\u0099s stunning photoshoot ! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"as she shouldalso my sister told me to tell Taylor to listen to mikrokosmos and make it right and she said ok","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Tylar____: This single shit so boring 😫😒”suck it bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"we are super to read @user #review #sheilas #natural #skincare #fingerscrossed it's #love ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HBCUfessions: So my homegirl fucked this alpha but little does she know she's just sloppy seconds... How my pussy taste- FAMU","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @mediacrooks: I believe the time for uncouth\/uncivilised people to be sentenced to death for racial slurs\/attacks against NE citizens...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@darthdanaa Yes you do retard.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Democrats will let animals like this out all over the country if they get power back. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"How did people respond to @user tweets today?Tuesday 11 Sep 2018 16:00:32 UTCTop hashtags:#neverforget#september11th#911memorial#buildthatwall#retweet#trumpMost influential accounts:@WeSupport45@JeffreyGuterman@Brimshack@wdunlap@WashingtonDCTea ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Detroit Lions, bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"slay me lolz jk bitch I'll cut you #EMABiggestFans1D","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"20 Crazy Things Liberals Blame Trump For | TrumpTrain URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"when the waiter asks @user if he wants to eat the plate aswell... ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She is. Ur screwed. Trump owns scotus and he will exact a wrath upon enemies after the midterms","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"powerful father's day! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"15 concert goers massacred in Missouri with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SF_LaMasterBoy: Im scared of her...her pussy too good!! Lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user Guess the robber didn't know about all of NYC's gun control laws ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"'\u1d34\u1d30 Lee Min Ho and Suzy relationship: Lee Min Ho hopes to get married to protect girlfriend Bae Suzy'\u00a0: ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Honestly if the most hoodiest ratchet bitch asked me to her prom I'm in dere","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"IN HONOR OF #ConstitutionDay I PURCHASED A #TRUMP t-SHIRT AND A #MAGA HAT #TRUMPTRAIN #LIBERTY #FREEDOM #AMERICA #USA #LIBERTY ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Just #MAGA ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"There's a hole in my heart where my will to live should be that I filled with stupid photos of MCR. I joke about it, but it's true. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"“@LongMoneyTonyy: @vintage_monroe_ DONT Say Shit Else ! Just Stfu !”bitch we can do a lot more off this Twitter shit you can come see me","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user oh fuck i forgot about poopy in my diaper pants you know me before i know myself ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user HONORED TO BE INCLUDED WITH ALL THESE FINE PATRIOTS ! THANK YOU RENA ! #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\udc95\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 DEAN ! @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did you go to the south side where thousands have died? Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don\u2019t work.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"When your girl been drinkin that lemonade so you gotta disguise yourself and get the fuck outta town ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"The only people I have met who want more refugees in Britain seem to be those who won\u00c2\u00b4t have to contribute to their cost because they pay no taxes and those who don\u00c2\u00b4t live among them. In the main they are the young. We cannot afford hordes of refugees - can't people see that? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"50 year mandatory minimum for ANY crime committed with a gun will substantially reduce violence and put end to gun control babble. NO POLITICIANS will support this because they don't care. Why you ask ? Because they're politicians FIRST #TermLimits URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@MikelaHenry: but what if he actually does choose the ugly bitch over you? \"Her ass must be fat!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user most problems can be solved by talking to each other instead of about each other. #politics #relationships #new\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"298 days lef b4 end of classez yay #risay18 #risaypls","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It never gets further that the Caymans But I want to know what gives Boris the right to spunk \u00a345m on a folly of a bridge that wasn\u2019t built Where is the money And what relation to him were the people who were paid it And why are they all now abroad No lnvestigation iniated Why","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"4) forgiveness is useless: she is trapped by trauma for 40y. Maybe if she lets go of her illusion of a perfect world where \u201cthis cannot happen\u201d accept that she is the only one responsible of getting herself over this","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"ahah fucking queer @KingJames kill urself","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" boob camron diaz naked pics","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Just sayin what up hoe RT @pufntrees: @202SOLE fuck i do to u bitch","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user In 2010 the Conservatives cut annual funding to build social housing by \u00a32.5bn. Today Theresa May announced an extra \u00a32bn to build social housing.... spread over the next 10 years! So by 2028 it\u2019ll be a \u00a333bn cut since 2010 instead of \u00a335bn. I despair!! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@pistol_pete96 that's a good choice, except all the whale bitches you'd fuck would get pregnant","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ha if you really can't see the hypocrisy that is antifa then you have obvious drunk the cool aid. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"hating the conservative homophobes using this tragedy as a way of spouting anti-islam trash. not in my name you bastards!! #orlando","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"littleteensasha - to fulfill all your desire and see you always how ...: #slut #naughty #hot #nasty #... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user to think that most people recognize orlando as 1 of the happiest places on eah, now the home of the largest us mass killing ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Julia's reputation is going down in 3,2,1.... #TeamBea","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"true wife sex stories chick gets fucked ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"rams finna smack steven wackson bitch ass","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Pennsylvania is white trash and is so are all Pennsylvanians.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Ever since Trump\u2019s fear-mongering and hatred-fueled campaign, the assaults on immigrant ways of life have increased dramatically. ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The stats from that are skewed. They considered \u201cschool shootings\u201d a wide range that most didn\u2019t even include a school. Just another fake stat to push gun control.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@TODDIE_soPLAYER well since you is blood you get a G pass but only this time and I won't tell wop about that lyric situation","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user ik right some other racist makes a meme &they swear it's proof, what happened to #fakenews #fakenewsmedia \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"No. Its wrong to try to change #faggots> There is no \"therapy\" so #tcot should understand and sympathize like they are #retards>","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@BobbyBudnic Oxtails and yellow rice is blasphemy” boneless","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Great book by Leo Zagami, Pope Francis, the Last Pope?\" details the breathtaking corruption and evil forces that have been controlling the Vatican for decades.\"","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user dumb ass. wear a helmet next game ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"fear is the root of racism. mostly fear of your ego having to acknowledge another human being is no worse or better\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i think @user n @user need to ban these #assaultdrinking thingies ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"I told that bitch IDGAF about a Benz, bitch!","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user #costest of my #burlesque #glinda. i made the ski & sleeves. #loving how it's come out #cosplay #handmade \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Refugees resettled in the U.S. help grow our economy. In 2015, 13% of refugees living in the U.S. were entrepreneurs, compared to 9% of the U.S.-born population.Help refugees access the vital services they need to give back to their communities. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"I taught myself how to eat pussy, and cut my own hair\"\n\"I taught myself how to eat pussy hair\"😂\nName the movie 😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"born to travel - forced to work)\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00b0\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #travel #travelgram #traveling #girl #hap.. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @erikxrosa: The ones we really like , we can't get.\nBut if you got the one you really like then you a lucky bitch.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER You are apiece of shit! WHY WOULD YOU KILL THAT ANIMAL? How is your mother?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"girls girls girls things just got exciting haha #loveisland #spy ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Twice in 8hrs Twitter has restricted me because i said 'fuck and bitch' . Going for cunt and account blocking. ... ps YouTube are glued ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck you it\u2019s 3","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user talking about greenwood, tulsa, ok. city of tulsa & state of ok has yet to acknowledge the massacre. #history","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And we have the right #Nottowatch ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"shoutout to all the oldest immigrant kids keeping it together for their families. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Maga @USER Antifa website instructing how to hurt multiple police officers and how to cross border. URL URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"His bitch wan fuck me cuz he sneak dissin me 😈","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"D\u00c3\u00a9tention administrative des #migrants, un entretien avec Christin Achermann et Laura Rezzonico @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Her- you usually wear condoms tho, right? Me- ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Fucking pig of a cop deserves his head busted in by Rorschach.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @Amazing_Trey3: Im done wasting my time, I'm just going cut a bitch off faster than I blink.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"You can only say the word negro if it's attached to the word league. Then we're totally cool, guys.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#PMLN is acting like a whore who incites people to rape her in order to use it as a victim card and earn relevance.\u2026 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"getting all my @user ducks in a row today!! #cleaning #blogging #organising \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user These liberals are responsible for the deterioration of American society. They should be ashamed but we all know they\u2019re not. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @thecoreyholcomb: Twitter family, I promise to put my tour schedule up today as soon as I have this pussy hustlin girl I pay for service…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user Liberals don\u2019t give a sh!t. They have no souls. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And they should face consequences.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @roLLYuP23: When you deep in the pussy 😂 http:\/\/t.co\/3AtjdYqMnf","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"“@My_Fish_Died: You dammn Weed potheads are annoying af on Twitter” weed and pot are the same thing faggot","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"My baby guinea pig is so cute #Adorable","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user He is on borrowed time. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"' Hoes on my mind , I fuck hoes all the time . #FatTrel","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both updated their Twitter bios to reflect their newest titles: president-elect and vice president-elect. https:\/\/t.co\/neraVh2iAd","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmao 👋RT @FreakyT252: “@VonshayeB: My nicca! RT @FreakyT252: 🏀🏀🏀” wat fool??","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"22 years old and wandering the streets of New York City the big apple from hell and beyond\"\" and still she is subject to the 'n' word and still other models call her 'n' person of the year and yet she cares but she is more afraid of \"\"u know who\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Wayne__Da__Boss: I hate a bitch dat act like a nigga. 😒","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"have you been when feeling #hungry? science says this is normal #hangry ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Another example of the \u201cwhen they go low we go high\u201d lying liberals. Conservatives are experts at enduring their escapades and voting the right person in anyway. This is so predictable now it\u2019s like a dance.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Icewataa: You fuck a girl longer then 30 min & you still aint bust...she gotta busted loose ass pussy...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Lmfao niggas was going ham on the trash can in class.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER Thank you President Trump! MAGA! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Imagine being stupid \ud83d\ude24 ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ah, describing women as hysterical, how innovative, original, striking ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\" god that created us does not even condemn us when we make mistakes. yet we go ahead and crucify ourselves. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"That dude RENT ain't no punk-bitch either.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"ummmmm how the fuck y\u2019all be affording the shit y\u2019all getting w no job? i cant afford anything and i GOT a job \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What an empty soul you have.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I will always be cruising to Bray Wyatt for you no matter what he is a good man like you and your brother","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"everyday is caturday! #caturday #cat #saturday #indraloka #weekend ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@CoryBandz: having one loyal female is wayyyyy better than having hoes , idc 💯\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER Donald Trump is to blame. He has been perfecting his racist tactics for decades, and now we see the result.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"This #TeacherAppreciationWeek honor #immigrant postsecondary teachers, who come from many countries and backgrounds, bringing their expertise to educate tomorrow's American leaders. #fastfact @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"@LUNAraps: shut yo bitch ass up! https:\/\/t.co\/IemN1u0gm5\" 😭😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"' South Central niggahs really don't be lovin these hoes , these hoes don't be lovin these niggahs 󾍑 . We just be... http:\/\/t.co\/XnTftnwuVD","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user try meditation and breathing techniques! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Ex-husband says Jill #Biden 'betrayed' him by cheating on him with #JoeBiden; Biden camp denies it[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/2kbH8D2PEw #JoeBidenIsNotWell #JoeBidenIsSenile #BidenRiots #Democrats #LiberalHypocrisy #JoeBidenHasDementia #UnfitToBePresident #UnfitForOffice #Trump2020","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I will never forget what levels you racist liberals went to and what you did to Clarence Thomas. Liberals are the worst people ever.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"fruit time #fruit #desse #instamoment #photooftheday #yvr #sweet #vancitybuzz\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TGrozay: \"@WhereYoHussleAt: I'm going to the movies this weekend, by myself. No BFFL, no bitch, no nigga, just me... #Solo\" http:\/\/t.co…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Illegal Alien Who Killed An FBI Agent And A Fire Marshal, Gets $280 Fine, No Jail Time another gross injustice where two citizens lost their lives at the hands of an illegal alien who should not have been here!#DeportThemAll ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s\ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Hahahahaha!! really?: Stiglitz is Nobel prize \ud83d\udca1. You are a simple stockbroker \ud83d\udca9\ud83d\ude02. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Send these motherfuckers back to their homeland.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user just over a week until you're in dublin , can't wait \u00e2\u0098\u00ba ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"whoever hit my sister\u2019s car then drove off last night you are a broke ass bitch and we about to catch ur stupid ass enjoy that hit and run \ud83c\udf1a ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"Mark Judge doesn't want to lie for KAVANAUGH. #MAGA @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user uk 2016: where it fell to pop star @user to do the job of the #bbc #euref #brexit #media ","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @XtraXtraLex: I was disgusted, betrayed, hurt, & my pussy drier than a niggas skin in the winter time","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user it's @user #iampossible today! #extraordinaryladyspeaks #starawards @user @user ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@Benny_Balboa lmfaoo yu stupid lha bitch i been knowing you for about 10yrs you never had a hoe...EVER","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODACA #MAGA #Gohomewhereyoubelong ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER McEnroe is a fucking legend. And he hurled abuse at everyone! Now he appears in commercials yelling at people and movies yelling at people. He is an icon. Do you think it\u2019s fair?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"We must build the #Wall! We must deport every illegal alien! We must have #MoreBorderPatrolAgents We must have #MandatoryEverify We must #EndSanctuaryCities We must #EndChainMigration We must take our nation back!!! ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"RT @gaaybriel: I love pussy 😋👅💦💦🐱","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"This touches my soul so deeply and I feel so much joy, mixed with so much hurt, mixed with a fair amount if guilt. Joy that these children find the love of family they so deserve. Yet it hurts so bad to be reminded that these are kids and they're dying so young. And I must admit my shame and guilt that I so wish I had the strength to do the same but I do not think my heart could take it. Thanks so much for people like this who remind me that we haven't completely lost our humanity.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I turn the tv off when Juan speaks. He is a real sicko. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Private equity: Buy the company, gut it, close up shop. Rinse and repeat.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"just read shana m. account of her meeting mj and i cant wait for the entire book to come out. she is an excellent writer. ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Fascists bastards, Salvini and all you people I spit in your face\" the cultural enrichment of immigration.#stopimmigration #Salvini ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user @user Do you know why this shameless muslim socialist is still so arrogant and believes in himself thst he thinks he is such a good politician? I\u2019ll tell you why. So many \u201cStupid American Voters\u201d per Gruber that are so gullible! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@DaveSwerve boy look like a Slave on that hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@JZolly23 @JBilinovich we need to grow mullets together so we can get all the bitches and @HannahKubiak can hate on us","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER She mocked SJWs and the KKK with extremely clever satire. The fact you don\u2019t have a sense of humor or are too stupid to get it is our fault. None of that means you get to denigrate or lie about her or her motives. She is a Native American woman and you are a bigoted misogynist.","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s exactly why I tweet!! Well that and making fun of liberals and their insanity!! \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f GOD help!!! \ud83d\ude4f\u2764\ufe0f\u271d\ufe0f\u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Brennanculp: But if you a hoe, do you. I ain't judging you. Get it in, but don't hurt someone in the process, be straight up ab it","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@DevilElyie fag*","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SKANK @user ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals at the trough of America getting free ears! ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Hey, how's Brad? [NEWLINE]#TrumpMeltdown [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsBroke [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsNotABillionaire [NEWLINE]#TrumpLiedPeopleDied [NEWLINE]#DumpTrump [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 [NEWLINE]#BidenHarrisLandslide2020 [NEWLINE]#BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@FukknTyler u a bitch in niggas clothing shut yo ass up 😂😂😂😂😂","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"Niggas always yelling \"Fuck bitches, Get money\" meanwhile they're broke and still want the bitches….\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"These bitches love soda","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"i witnessed this. kids these days- frank was slow on the draw ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"But its humane for #IllegalAliens to kill Americans? Crazy sick. #BuildThatWall #supportICE #MAGAVeteran ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\"ain't it time for you hoes to get out of here\" LOL this is what Ariana's mom says to us","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user #humpday \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f time is limited, don't miss out, \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u009e866-820-9100 now to book w\/ ivy! #natural #sexy #vegas #esco ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"EVERY DAMN DAY REPORTED A CHILD RAPED BY AN ILLEGAL. AM SHOUTING ALL CAPS BECAUSE TODAY IT WAS TWO REPORTED. THE OTHER IN ALABAMA. @user THIS IS ON YOU! #BuildThatWall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"I luv watching gas monkey, they be havin some classics on there.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"they said, god will give what's opposite to the person. hahaha.. #sorry for others for mine.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Question for the media - What the fuck is wrong with you?","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"Still canny get er somecunt in maga telling us no to go into bananas cos French boys were spiking folks drinks & kerr turns round n shouts fuck it free dunt \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gonna boo his ass regardless now","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You missed seeing Pruitt chewing butt all the way to the end. He's all business. I love it","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @iamTHATprettyMF: Yall bitches don't know how to be friends 😂😂 https:\/\/t.co\/PiK5Sse3kA","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Peyton Manning's remarkable season:\n• 5,477 Pass yds (NFL record)\n• 55 Pass TD (NFL record)\n• 450 completions\n• likely ho…","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Some reading for #MAGA- time to wake up folks URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks @delaney_jade for coming with me last night because it's ghetto and no one else could of handled it! #Summer2014","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user = STILL refusing to demand the release of immigrant children & toddlers by the Trump administration, which has violated 2 federal court orders to release all the kids ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER She lives in the hearts of all gun nut conservatives.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" passenger hits brooklyn bus driver with bottle after argument #jobs #jobsearch #gaza: #an irate passen... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are though ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"#Scorpio's are sure to be committed partners. Keep them satisfied in bed and you are all set.","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"make changes that change your life for the better. #changes #stop ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh my god triggered","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"\"Foreign chick, no lie.. Man that bitch Beautiful\"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Naw I'm just playin I only fucked with bad bitches","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":" @user i only find @user in the latin super but found this gem at my local @user ! #dominicanblogger ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I love that a graphic novels shelf was a priority - you are a most excellent librarian \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You're a fucking idiot","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"@Wimp_W_Diesel real shit bro yo hoe told me if Smoothie King had straws i ca fuck","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"All the pictures of the ex are gone...there's no pictures with the side hoe posted...*slides into his dm's like* http:\/\/t.co\/XMVtZ0GTPp","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@xDavilunAx ew pussy buy a fucking xbone , u got dat Puppy muny","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Families being separated at the border. In fact, the picture of children in cages that Liberals were using to show how evil\" Trump is was actually taken while OBAMA was President\"","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Pinche_Adina: \"@StayWavyBruh: These hoes getting pregnant just to put some shit like ShaqualidaeMommy, BarackeishaMommy in they IG Bio…","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@chvrlesGoldie like Hov said \"we all ghetto b\" lol","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"If u don't think rape culture exists in the US u should prob check your feed right now 'cause literally every woman u know is posting #MeToo ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"“@_nicolehayley_: @Thompson_Era ahhh you know who? So smart Donny! 😄 but YES RT 😂”\n\nYass! I'm glad you speak your mind to these 2faces hoes","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@Ilhan Don\u2019t you start, \u201csome people\u201d wouldn\u2019t like that. #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/R70lOIQuH2","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are an incredible person pal. I know you won't ever convince yourself otherwise ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@YeridZee bitches better watch out because we're running the tables tonight! 😉🍻🍺🙌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@SlumLord_Laffy bitch.....k?","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@yajairab2 im not a nigglet 😔","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Only a liberal would support a liberal that spent a MILLION to get liberals elected to office. #LibFAIL! ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ImNeverChillin: Bitches hate kim k & bring up she sucked dick too get famous . Yall bitches suck dick & barley get a text back soooooo …","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"being tucked up in bed has made me ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user How about gun control for starters? ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"Its so many bitches n their friends don't like me ,,, all because of one nigga. A nigga that \"I\" will && still have ,.. 😩😍😘💛💙💏","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"hope i made the guy behind me @user morning by paying for his coffee #gooddeeds friday ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this #toilla is to #finally be #eaten ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"The rape thing is a false allegation and has been proven to be so. The comments he made were incredibly stupid, can't really defend him on that point. Still would rather vote for him than someone who will sell all of Americas secrets and do illegal deals when she gets into office.","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"\" is that ya bitch \"","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Hate when bitches with long hair decide to get a haircut. Nothin good ever comes out of that","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"where to sta...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user too late... ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@maddieevaans @felicity182 \"us english\" it's our go learn grammar u dick sucking hoe","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@user @user @user the stupidity of liberal women is relentless! Please stay in your perverted hole LA ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@RepulsiveTool And the only band that sucked worse live is those fags Guns & Poses.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"@USER GUN CONTROL WILL NOT STOP GUN VIOLENCE !!!","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @daberellla: pop a Molly? why don't you hoes start poppin some birth control 💊👌","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"#Congratulations Erika Ikizake who won a 7-Day MARTA Pass courtesy of MARTA and Campus Services! Keep following us for more prizes. #Staytuned #TheStateWay #GoPanthers @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Rumour floating around,goons of Lalu\/Nitish have warned people to stay away from voting ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"#foodforthought We have laws preventing immigrants from being a \"public charge\" and illegals from being employed but they go largely ignored. Why is that? @user @user #deportthemall ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@user After listening to your well thought out arguments on gun control I would like to respond to your key points with my counter argument. I DON'T LIKE YOUR GASSES. ","label":"OFF","label_value":1} {"text":"It\u2019s good that @USER is taking a page out of @USER book by hiring more high power woman in leadership roles. If only he was as good of a leader as #POTUS45 maybe the #Mavericks wouldn\u2019t be in the position they are now. #MarkCuban #metoo #maga","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"60,000 migrants died since 2000 \u2018\u201c UN ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@mis_sarahd @basedpapi1017 never said I wanted to fuck a tranny...","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Today we did the Loving Kindness Meditation as well as Chen 18 Tai Chi. https:\/\/t.co\/9kPzBOZ9E1 via @YouTube #taiji #taichi #Qigong #Health #BoostImmunity #StressReduction #AnxietyRelief #COVID19 #Trump2020","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"rise and grind! what will today bring? #life #business ","label":"NOT","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @IAMNICKlMINAJ: I'm not saying she's a hoe, but she's been on more wieners than Heinz Ketchup.","label":"TOXIC","label_value":3} {"text":"Should close your account you immature cunt. Bullying women on social media is pathetic. Go seek the attention you\u2026 ","label":"HATE","label_value":2} {"text":"@USER ROMY OMFG IM SOOO GLAD I MET YOU TOO BFF FOR LIFE ! YOU ARE THE BEST I LOVE TALKING TO YOU","label":"NOT","label_value":0}