{"annotations": [{"image_id": "v_QOlSCBRmfWY.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen standing in a room and leads into her dancing. The girl dances around the room while the camera captures her movements. She continues dancing around the room and ends by laying on the floor.", "segments": [[0.83, 19.86], [17.37, 60.81], [56.26, 79.42]], "duration": 82.73, "id": 0}, {"image_id": "v_ehGHCYKzyZ8.mp4", "caption": "The video starts with a title logo sequence. A man and woman are in a living room demonstrating exercises. The woman lays on the ground. The man starts pointing to different areas of the woman's body as she does an exercise. The woman begins to do small sit ups. The woman ends with a final title logo sequence.", "segments": [[0, 2.78], [3.09, 61.72], [15.43, 55.24], [17.59, 54], [39.81, 54.62], [56.47, 61.72]], "duration": 61.72, "id": 1}, {"image_id": "v_nwznKOuZM7w.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen moving around a kitchen quickly performing various tasks and sitting down. They then wax down a ski in the kitchen while continuing to move around.", "segments": [[0, 15.51], [11.39, 31.65]], "duration": 31.65, "id": 2}, {"image_id": "v_ogQozSI5V8U.mp4", "caption": "We see a hallway with a wooden floor. A dog in socks walks slowly out onto the floor as a lady films him. The dog turns around and goes back to the other room.", "segments": [[0, 7.49], [7.49, 18.09], [19.37, 36.55]], "duration": 36.55, "id": 3}, {"image_id": "v_nHE7u40plD0.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man are sitting on the sidewalk playing music. People stand next to them and watch them play. A little boy holding a yellow ball walks by. A man poses for a picture in front of them.", "segments": [[0, 145.56], [67.68, 72.78], [82.97, 87.33], [98.98, 103.34]], "duration": 145.56, "id": 4}, {"image_id": "v_69IsHpmRyfk.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting in a chair with a person standing next to her. The person next to her then piercing one ear followed by the other. The person rubs lotion on the piercings afterwards.", "segments": [[1.89, 31.26], [29.36, 71.51], [55.41, 91.4]], "duration": 94.72, "id": 5}, {"image_id": "v_D18b2IZpxk0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown riding a camel past pyramids in Egypt. The camel walks as the woman leans forward. And hand covers the lens as the harness is shown.", "segments": [[0, 17.7], [19.61, 88.01], [90.88, 95.67]], "duration": 95.67, "id": 6}, {"image_id": "v_pizl41xmw7k.mp4", "caption": "A child mops the floor of a hallway in a house. The child sets the mop down and plays with her family member. The child walks into the bedroom area and continues to mop the floor.", "segments": [[0, 85.18], [27.53, 43.02], [86.04, 168.64]], "duration": 172.07999999999998, "id": 7}, {"image_id": "v_oP77DgsbhKQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down on the floor speaking to the camera. The man mixes up various ingredients and begins laying plaster on the floor. He measures the floor and tiles and cuts out a piece of tile to lay on the floor. He continues laying tiles on the floor while looking back to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 40.77], [41.85, 119.1], [96.57, 170.61], [168.46, 214.6]], "duration": 214.6, "id": 8}, {"image_id": "v_fzp5ooc727c.mp4", "caption": "Two lines of young men are walking side by side down a road.Then one man stands in a field holding a wooden object and begins twisting it.He then bends down and grabs a ball.After,the ball is placed on the ground and he picks it up and hits it as if he's playing baseball.The ball is thrown back and he its it again.Shortly after, a field of men are shown and they begin playing a game against one another.There was a penalty and one players attempts to hit the ball into the goal from the side.After,everyone is pictured lying down on the ground as if they are dead but one person begins to sit up but gets hit in the head by the ball and lays back down.Lastly,the screen flashes to a black screen and the words The End are shown.", "segments": [[0, 14.83], [15.57, 32.63], [32.63, 44.5], [44.5, 65.26], [66.74, 72.68], [74.16, 107.53], [106.05, 130.52], [129.78, 137.94], [137.94, 148.32]], "duration": 148.32, "id": 9}, {"image_id": "v_LNKdVrX_0Fg.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing overalls is talking to the camera. She lays out wrapping paper, showing how to wrap a toy in it. She wraps it around the toy, then tapes it up.", "segments": [[0, 22.67], [22.67, 179.11], [182.51, 226.72]], "duration": 226.72, "id": 10}, {"image_id": "v_t0ajvfx6dgA.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit is sitting behind a desk. People are playing lacrosse on a field of grass. A person in a yellow uniform is standing in front of a net blocking balls.", "segments": [[0, 10.31], [17.67, 137.69], [120.02, 125.17]], "duration": 147.26, "id": 11}, {"image_id": "v_IoiDAHNryTk.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen climbing across a set of monkey bars followed by her waving to the camera. She climbs her way back on the bars and jumps down mid way through.", "segments": [[0, 19.29], [19.99, 47.04]], "duration": 47.04, "id": 12}, {"image_id": "v__yWADgOFxP0.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans over a snowy area and leads into a man standing on a snowboard and riding down a mountain. The man zooms in on himself riding down the hill and ends with him turning off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 75.09], [75.09, 238.38]], "duration": 238.38, "id": 13}, {"image_id": "v_AGgJVF3nT6I.mp4", "caption": "A playroom is seen followed by a young boy sliding down a slide and climbing back up again. He slides down again, this time landing on his back, and continues to slide down several more times.", "segments": [[0, 14.31], [14.31, 65.04]], "duration": 65.04, "id": 14}, {"image_id": "v_XD3yFrJHiv8.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are sitting on red couches with sports jerseys hanging on the wall and a blue screen on the wall behind them in the middle of them.The woman picks up a clipboard next to her and smooths out the papers that are on top of it while smiling, crosses her legs and sits back.The man is talking this whole time while the woman gets comfortable on her couch and the woman briefly talks.Various clips begin to play and it briefly shows parts of a city, then most of it is of men outdoors and playing soccer on sand in a middle of city, and occasionally blue words pop up on the screen when certain plays in the game are made. When the clips end the man and woman on the couch begin talking and she puts her clipboard down.", "segments": [[0, 157.32], [0, 16.52], [0, 29.89], [29.89, 152.6], [152.6, 157.32]], "duration": 157.32, "id": 15}, {"image_id": "v_lZKrd84QElk.mp4", "caption": "The former president is seen walking in a large field next to a woman and surrounded by a large crowd. The man gives a speech while people cheering and he shakes hands with others. The man then shares a beer with other people around him.", "segments": [[0.66, 18.76], [16.79, 56.94], [45.75, 65.17]], "duration": 65.83, "id": 16}, {"image_id": "v_6lYTHj9vImo.mp4", "caption": "Four kids are outside in the beach playing in the sand,two boys on the left and two girls on the right.The girls have about six sand castles and a large circle surrounding it filled with water.They then take off running to the beach to grab more water as the boy comes and looks at their work.Once they are done,both of the girls take off running to the water but then stop midway to come back and get their floats.", "segments": [[0, 15.33], [15.93, 34.27], [34.57, 49.6], [49, 60.12]], "duration": 60.12, "id": 17}, {"image_id": "v_E3QtX6r9QX0.mp4", "caption": "A large pile of leaves are seen being blown around with shots of a blower being shown. the leaves continue to be shown blowing around as well as a machine sitting off in the distance.", "segments": [[0, 36.18], [19.12, 103.37]], "duration": 103.37, "id": 18}, {"image_id": "v_iYxj8a1TPYk.mp4", "caption": "A basketball player is seen dribbling a ball in various shots for the camera and leads into the player making baskets over and over again. The man is then seen speaking to the camera and transitions into him scoring several more baskets.", "segments": [[0, 84.21], [83.43, 157.41]], "duration": 157.41, "id": 19}, {"image_id": "v_cp52LdlmlUk.mp4", "caption": "People are standing in a room working out. They are stepping up and down on small stepping stools. They continue working out in the room.", "segments": [[0, 129.96], [5.2, 129.96], [17.55, 129.96]], "duration": 129.96, "id": 20}, {"image_id": "v_bpg2PC2neQM.mp4", "caption": "A black and white video is being played of people playing lacrosse on a field. It then turns back to color and splits into multiple frames and speeds. The video includes numerous clips of players in lacrosse games, hitting the ball toward opposing goals.", "segments": [[0, 32.8], [38.27, 83.11], [88.57, 218.7]], "duration": 218.7, "id": 21}, {"image_id": "v_RgzbNJPchqc.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing the bagpipes in front of people. The people on the couch in front of him start laughing.", "segments": [[0, 69.24], [38.08, 60.59]], "duration": 69.24, "id": 22}, {"image_id": "v__zHSfEhEqkU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen padding a canoe along the water while the camera captures him from several angles. The man continues riding around followed by performing several ways to turn the canoe around.", "segments": [[0, 64.14], [55.39, 194.35]], "duration": 194.35, "id": 23}, {"image_id": "v_dAjhBWalWRM.mp4", "caption": "A group of people stand in front of a blackjack table. The blackjack attendant places cards on the table.", "segments": [[0, 32.09], [0.8, 30.81]], "duration": 32.09, "id": 24}, {"image_id": "v_zihMznAYlV0.mp4", "caption": "Two men in padded sumo costumes are pulled along a tug rope on a ski slope. Two men in yellow padded sumo costumes do jumps on their snowboard on a downhill course. A filmer waives to the camera. The man spins while sliding across a platform in the sumo suit. The two men give each other a high five. The man in sumo suit goes over a small triangular obstacle. A man on small skis crashes while trying to jump. The man jumps onto and slide across a platform while wearing a sumo suit. The man bounces over a low railing.", "segments": [[1.46, 4.73], [6.19, 72.8], [38.95, 40.4], [43.68, 51.32], [51.32, 53.14], [56.05, 58.6], [58.6, 61.15], [61.51, 65.88], [66.24, 67.34]], "duration": 72.8, "id": 25}, {"image_id": "v_---9CpRcKoU.mp4", "caption": "A man was sitting inside a room. He is holding a bowl of noodles and broth. He is drinking the broth from a bowl.", "segments": [[0, 1.62], [1.76, 8.58], [8.87, 14.07]], "duration": 14.07, "id": 26}, {"image_id": "v_epqnpUCVLK8.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is laying on an exercise ball. The boy falls of and gets back on the ball before he falls off again. He tries to sit on the ball but the ball rolls away. He retrieves it and continues to sit on and fall off the ball.", "segments": [[0, 5.07], [5.07, 13.61], [13.61, 24.38], [30.08, 61.74]], "duration": 63.32, "id": 27}, {"image_id": "v_GFE2wAi9fjo.mp4", "caption": "A woman puts a pair of shoes on while sitting in an office chair. The woman buckles her shoes.", "segments": [[0, 17.15], [6.6, 17.15]], "duration": 17.15, "id": 28}, {"image_id": "v_W19-fYOO9sg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a bike wheel is seen that leads into a person's hands pushing on the tire. The person uses a tool along the tire to help move it along. The person finally pushes the tire along it's sides.", "segments": [[0, 32.88], [30.92, 72.63], [65.76, 95.7]], "duration": 98.15, "id": 29}, {"image_id": "v_m22TDwfa8go.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen talking to the camera and presenting various liquids to the camera. She ready's the tip of a glass and dips the glass into sugar on a plate. She pours various liquids into a mixer and shakes the mixture all together. She pours the drink out into the glass while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 23.9], [23.9, 52.4], [54.24, 136.05], [136.05, 183.86]], "duration": 183.86, "id": 30}, {"image_id": "v_V_Nj_BhesEY.mp4", "caption": "Three people stand by the corner of a building. One of the persons, a young boy, takes a bow. A crowd of people watch him. He proceeds to perform various karate moves, such as bowing, cartwheels and flips.", "segments": [[0, 13.72], [14.14, 17.05], [0, 83.15], [17.46, 83.15]], "duration": 83.15, "id": 31}, {"image_id": "v_p9iE8iemCMs.mp4", "caption": "A person is holding a flute. The person shows a fingering for the second octave of the note. The person shows the fingering on the third octave. The woman talks directly to the camera.", "segments": [[10.09, 123.82], [42.39, 72.67], [74.02, 89.5], [92.86, 123.14]], "duration": 134.58, "id": 32}, {"image_id": "v_fN2DiOswmOA.mp4", "caption": "The screen shows the title of preparing a Chilean Hulte salad dish. A person is mixing salad ingredients in a large bowl. There is information shown about Dr. Rachel Collin's trip to Chile. There are several people standing under a canopy at a food market. Two customers make a purchase and give money to the seller and give the camera a thumbs up. The chef is showing hulte placed on a kitchen counter. The chef is slicing the hulte in circular bite size pieces. A woman eats the cut pieces of hulte. The chef chops some cilantro on the kitchen counter. Then the chef places the ingredients in a salad bowl. The finished product is shown on screen, followed by a group of people sitting together and enjoying the salad. The end credits are displayed on the screen.", "segments": [[2.78, 7.42], [7.42, 14.84], [14.84, 22.26], [22.26, 28.75], [28.75, 63.99], [63.99, 95.52], [95.52, 107.58], [107.58, 116.85], [116.85, 134.47], [134.47, 143.75], [143.75, 154.88], [154.88, 166.01], [166.01, 185.48]], "duration": 185.48, "id": 33}, {"image_id": "v_37pwbUp8t1I.mp4", "caption": "Hiphop dancers perform in front of a crowd. They are all doing the same basic dance and having pictures taken of them.", "segments": [[0, 199.04], [59.01, 199.04]], "duration": 200.04, "id": 34}, {"image_id": "v_TmI9MxCDBMw.mp4", "caption": "A murky river is shown next to a row of trees. A bunch of people on intertubes go by slowly. Then we see rapid waters as the tubers go over small falls.", "segments": [[0, 32.63], [34.55, 142.99], [149.71, 191.94]], "duration": 191.94, "id": 35}, {"image_id": "v_4x7HYKV8zkY.mp4", "caption": "Three girls are on the beach talking. They do several flips on the beach. They lift one of the girls up for a stunt.", "segments": [[0, 26.09], [26.09, 65.5], [62.03, 71.3]], "duration": 115.94, "id": 36}, {"image_id": "v__Af_9cK5x4E.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans above lush and green terrain over what looks like a mountain range. A man is shown covered in sweat and then jumping across various hills performing stunts on a dirt bike. He rotates and flips and performs all sorts of acrobatics. He is highly skilled and jumping over everything. The video then shows multiple men on dirt bikes jumping in various different places and shows the action from a variety of angles. The men continue performing their stuns in various other landscapes.", "segments": [[0, 10.45], [10.45, 48.78], [48.78, 73.17], [73.17, 80.14], [80.14, 173.06], [171.9, 232.29]], "duration": 232.29, "id": 37}, {"image_id": "v_y5j9TqTy9Xw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is walking along a track. She takes off at a fast run. She jumps over a bar and onto a mat.", "segments": [[0, 7.62], [9.64, 29.37], [30.71, 44.84]], "duration": 44.84, "id": 38}, {"image_id": "v_Kp7pUEKrb8Q.mp4", "caption": "A person is slicing limes on a board. They put the limes and sugar into a blender. They strain the juice and pour it into a jar. They put a straw and a lime wedge on the rim of the glass.", "segments": [[10.76, 13], [15.69, 63.19], [64.98, 66.33], [68.57, 80.22]], "duration": 89.63, "id": 39}, {"image_id": "v_5lre5zbUV1Q.mp4", "caption": "A child scrubs out the kitchen sink using a brush. The boy turns on the sink faucet. The child uses the faucet nozzle to rinse out the sink. The boy returns the sink nozzle to the faucet and turns off the water.", "segments": [[0, 33.6], [34.37, 38.23], [36.68, 69.51], [69.89, 73.37]], "duration": 77.23, "id": 40}, {"image_id": "v_huFuRGoZt9I.mp4", "caption": "A dealer is shown laying out cards on a table while other people's hands are shown on the side. The person then lays out cards while another person lays out their chips.", "segments": [[0, 13.2], [13.78, 23.36]], "duration": 23.36, "id": 41}, {"image_id": "v_CmEQjszPDrg.mp4", "caption": "Several people are outside with running equipment and numbers pinned to them jogging at a slow pace at what seams to be a Marathon or a 5k.A lady dressed in all black however,seems to be the focal point throughout the video and she is walking at an extremely slow pace for the whole time.After the crowd is shown and more people are seen running through the city or even participating in a wheel chair as the people on the side cheer them on.", "segments": [[0, 40.86], [40.86, 138.03], [139.13, 220.85]], "duration": 220.85, "id": 42}, {"image_id": "v_RULNhPrXnfA.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown standing in front of a blue background as many harmonicas are shown and he starts playing them. He is then shown speaking into the camera and going into detail with regards to the products features. He shows off how many he has in his coat and continues talking. He is then shown playing another harmonica as he gives instruction on it. He speaks some more and shows his harmonica again as the video goes to an end title screen that reads Howcast original\".", "segments": [[0, 23.44], [23.44, 33.76], [32.82, 45.95], [45.95, 151.91], [150.98, 187.55]], "duration": 187.55, "id": 43}, {"image_id": "v_Zd22n1caVgM.mp4", "caption": "A boy wearing white shorts is standing in a room. He puts something in his mouth. He kicks his legs up to the side. The kneels down onto the ground.", "segments": [[0, 31.51], [7.15, 7.8], [15.59, 16.57], [21.12, 26.64]], "duration": 32.49, "id": 44}, {"image_id": "v_ZKP5J7OKEvI.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting on the side and lead into two people dancing together. The people continue dancing along the floor and end by clapping with the band.", "segments": [[0, 119.04], [53.87, 169.43]], "duration": 173.78, "id": 45}, {"image_id": "v_44BfVJnhBgc.mp4", "caption": "A runner tests a prosthetic leg in a long distance run. He runs inside then runs outside.", "segments": [[0, 159.73], [65.42, 159.73]], "duration": 169.92000000000002, "id": 46}, {"image_id": "v_VFOjLDa5VtA.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen wandering around a tennis court hitting a ball over the net. The people hit the ball back and fourth while others watch on the side. They continue to play the game as well as others.", "segments": [[0, 14.63], [14.87, 37.06], [29.5, 47.54]], "duration": 48.76, "id": 47}, {"image_id": "v_O-zE1-Yw3w0.mp4", "caption": "A young girl introduces the video and explains what she will be doing to wood. She places a piece of bubblewrap and makes sure it covers around about half of the wood. She then covers the rest of the wood and walks across it like a plank.", "segments": [[0, 40.86], [48.35, 94.65], [107.59, 125.97]], "duration": 136.19, "id": 48}, {"image_id": "v_LFeoVokXAFY.mp4", "caption": "A man uses a large plastic blue bat. He swings it at a pinata shaped like spongebob squarepants. He misses several times, and keeps swinging.", "segments": [[0, 8.47], [11.98, 50.54], [52.58, 58.42]], "duration": 58.42, "id": 49}, {"image_id": "v_HxJnPUqF9i8.mp4", "caption": "Athletes throw a javelin during a competition. A man practices his throwing stance walking and doing half throws without javeline. A man practices his throwing stance walking and doing half throws holding a javeline. The man swings a hammer. The man throws a weighted ball. Athletes train in a gym doing throwing motions on weighted cable machines.", "segments": [[8.47, 12.71], [13.92, 37.52], [38.13, 54.47], [56.29, 61.13], [67.18, 75.05], [89.57, 113.18]], "duration": 121.05, "id": 50}, {"image_id": "v_FKl0077EUoY.mp4", "caption": "We see a person sharpen a knife on a sanding disc. The person touches it and turns it off. The person turns it on and then off off. We see the man talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 20.24], [7.41, 15.11], [16.25, 30.51], [32.79, 57.02]], "duration": 57.02, "id": 51}, {"image_id": "v_Y_dtU10XIsg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a crack is seen. A woman is outside, shoveling snow. A dog wags his tail as he tries to help.", "segments": [[0, 5.62], [6.94, 42.61], [46.57, 66.06]], "duration": 66.06, "id": 52}, {"image_id": "v_x4iCAIPRDVQ.mp4", "caption": "People exercise on fitness machines while people sits on front and watch. A man pass on front holding a jacket and stand next a TV. A group of woman walk on front people exercising.", "segments": [[0, 23.38], [11.69, 21.63], [21.63, 23.38]], "duration": 23.38, "id": 53}, {"image_id": "v_NwfS7eZiMLg.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing the bagpipes at the bottom of the stairs in the living room of a house, wearing a button up and dress pants, along with socks. He begins to tap his foot along with the beat of his tune, He starts to tap his left foot in a back and forth rhythm with his right foot. He finishes, and smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 99.02], [99.69, 132.7], [133.37, 134.72]], "duration": 134.72, "id": 54}, {"image_id": "v_aJbl1eVBzk0.mp4", "caption": "People are working in a bike shop fixing a bike.They put the wheels back onto the bike. The put the seat on the bike. The bike is put together on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 187.83], [122.09, 129.6], [143.69, 146.51], [167.17, 169.98]], "duration": 187.83, "id": 55}, {"image_id": "v_UYHgieL5IKM.mp4", "caption": "A man is giving advice on outdoor activities, specifically mushrooming and closeup is shown and the man talks about it. The man cuts one open and then cuts it in half. Another man talks about the experience.", "segments": [[0, 90.74], [52.78, 141.66], [157.4, 181.48]], "duration": 185.18, "id": 56}, {"image_id": "v_f0CViWbj3V4.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are seated on a porch. The man plays bongo drums while the woman helps occasionally. Another hand is seen banging a drum in the foreground.", "segments": [[0, 1.38], [1.93, 20.59], [21.41, 27.63]], "duration": 27.63, "id": 57}, {"image_id": "v_h8J08sJ2no0.mp4", "caption": "A person walks on the roof of a climbing equipment, then he goes down the wall and reach the floor and walk forward. The man stand with the hands on the border on the equipment and descend down the walk with the hands, then he walk on hands sideward.", "segments": [[0, 24.8], [24.8, 40.96]], "duration": 45.51, "id": 58}, {"image_id": "v_g0XO-rWHmzs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen holding two dogs on a leash and proceeds to unhook them and let them go. One down then does his business into a bag tied to him and runs off behind bikes.", "segments": [[0.74, 44.39], [35.51, 71.39]], "duration": 73.98, "id": 59}, {"image_id": "v_rBaR5xF8orE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting around an auditorium with one man flying kites around in the middle. The person continues moving around with the kites and walks away in the end with a woman speaking to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 63.45], [62.81, 128.18]], "duration": 128.18, "id": 60}, {"image_id": "v_i2u80Y3BMYs.mp4", "caption": "Two men in work out clothes are standing up against the wall and they begin to talk about working out.One man is then shown and he bends down and shows the proper way to lift the bar with weight on it.A replay is then shown and the boy bends from the knees and then flips his wrist and brings it over his shoulder as he goes down into a squatting position.", "segments": [[0, 63.36], [63.36, 136.38], [135.31, 214.78]], "duration": 214.78, "id": 61}, {"image_id": "v_WvxwmaDFGqk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling in a gym. He leans forward several times. He is performing slow stretching moves.", "segments": [[0, 1.32], [1.78, 7.36], [7.82, 11.49]], "duration": 11.49, "id": 62}, {"image_id": "v_xmag8UI8iws.mp4", "caption": " A person is using a leaf blower to blow leaves into a pile. The leaves blow up onto a hedge. They walk in front of a tree.", "segments": [[0, 104.33], [68.86, 80.33], [100.68, 104.33]], "duration": 104.33, "id": 63}, {"image_id": "v_N9LTq3gYmsI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are sitting down at the top of a snow slide in a tube.The person holding the camera starts his journey and he is off down the slopes of snow.As he reaches the bottom,several black mats are placed in front of him to help slow him down.", "segments": [[0, 14.04], [13.51, 28.62], [28.8, 35.55]], "duration": 35.55, "id": 64}, {"image_id": "v_pZ8QqpYu-H8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated at a piano, playing and singing into a microphone.When he finishes, he looks up and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 165.29], [171.86, 187.83]], "duration": 187.83, "id": 65}, {"image_id": "v_4hmJfJo6UI8.mp4", "caption": "A female athlete runs quickly down a track. She plows into the sand before getting up and walking away. The scene is repeated three times before ending with her cheering and clapping.", "segments": [[0, 14.15], [18.28, 27.71], [41.87, 117.94]], "duration": 117.94, "id": 66}, {"image_id": "v_TEaugXCX1m4.mp4", "caption": "A lighthouse is shown on the beach before we see a man running with a surf board. The man rides a wave, then through it. He completes several stunts before walking onto the beach with the board under his arm.", "segments": [[0, 21.02], [26.27, 110.35], [111.1, 150.14]], "duration": 150.14, "id": 67}, {"image_id": "v_9rW35YTKYq8.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown flipping a violin in his hands, playing a popular song on his violin. The camera shows the violinist from various angles playing the popular song and not breaking concentration. The camera pans all around the player and shows him playing the complete song.", "segments": [[14.22, 36.73], [36.73, 213.28], [94.79, 213.28]], "duration": 236.98, "id": 68}, {"image_id": "v_hoisfXCLJDQ.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on a person riding in a tube. More people are seen riding in tubes behind the man. The people continue to ride around the area down the river.", "segments": [[0.15, 3.19], [3.19, 9.79], [7.06, 12.53]], "duration": 15.19, "id": 69}, {"image_id": "v_mnqSG5o84NE.mp4", "caption": "A man train a boy kick box while two men watch sitting in the room. Then, the man stands and kick the boy who kick back then kneels. After, the man trains another child while showing movements. After, the man stands to practice kicks, then the man lye down and and hug the child who continues practicing kick box.", "segments": [[0, 48.24], [48.94, 62.22], [62.92, 111.86], [112.56, 138.43]], "duration": 139.82999999999998, "id": 70}, {"image_id": "v_IWuiVS3-Z7k.mp4", "caption": "People are shown walking along a beach. Several people in paintball gear are running through an obstacle course. The people shoot at each other, hiding behind the obstacles. The winner dances and runs across the field.", "segments": [[0, 4.8], [7.8, 52.79], [56.38, 103.77], [106.17, 119.97]], "duration": 119.97, "id": 71}, {"image_id": "v_nvsK9ggeics.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting behind a drum set playing the drums. The boy continues playing the instrument while the camera zooms in on him playing.", "segments": [[1.1, 37.36], [30.04, 71.79]], "duration": 73.26, "id": 72}, {"image_id": "v_rAuz_Pf3lp8.mp4", "caption": "A family has a picnic, and goes tubing on inflatable rafts in a narrow body of water surrounded by trees, on a rainy day. A family of people sit at an outdoor wooden picnic table, eating, waiving at the camera. The family watch the weather outdoors as it begins to rain and a little girl runs out into the rain and dances in it. The family then appears, floating, talking and smiling on inflatable tubes on a narrow body of water. The event ends and the family leaves an area bordered by a wooden fence.", "segments": [[3.5, 167.04], [3.5, 11.37], [13.12, 31.48], [38.48, 154.8], [155.68, 174.92]], "duration": 174.92000000000002, "id": 73}, {"image_id": "v_pxb95-aSDYo.mp4", "caption": "A man plays guitar and harmonica at the same time. Then, the man sings while playing the guitar. After, the man continues playing both the guitar and the harmonica, then sing. Next, the man plays the harmonica and the guitar together.", "segments": [[4.22, 11.81], [12.66, 64.97], [66.66, 115.6], [116.44, 168.75]], "duration": 168.75, "id": 74}, {"image_id": "v_y7WO-8cQfO0.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a title sequence. A young man is shown in a gym performing tricks with a jump rope as music plays in the background. He then lays down and begins doing tricks on the floor. The young man gets up again and does more tricks while standing. At one point, his friends assist with the jump rope tricks. The video ends with credits showing the young man's name, along with the names of those who assisted him.", "segments": [[0, 4.79], [4.79, 191.73], [49.85, 70.94], [70.94, 191.73], [90.11, 97.78], [156.26, 191.73]], "duration": 191.73, "id": 75}, {"image_id": "v_74EoyLUbtgI.mp4", "caption": "A lady is seen putting wax on a mans shoes. We see the cloth hanging on the wall. We see the footprints on the platform. The woman rubs the mans shoes with a cloth. We see the cloth on the wall, then the lines of cloth near the shoes shine sign. A man is standing on a platform. We see the holographic man on the wall with the paper.", "segments": [[0, 21.4], [21.4, 29.96], [34.24, 42.81], [42.81, 113.86], [114.72, 138.69], [141.26, 146.4], [153.25, 171.22]], "duration": 171.22, "id": 76}, {"image_id": "v_D9rHZpZoeRA.mp4", "caption": "A black two door Audi A3 is shown and then the camera zooms in on the tires.A finger then touches the emergency light and the lights on the car begin to flash.Next,the truck is opened,and the person removes the spare tire and the jack.He then lifts the car and continues to loosen the bolts on the wheel of the car.Once loose,the wheel is removed and the spare is put on and the same actions are performed in reverse.", "segments": [[0, 29.36], [29.36, 66.83], [67.84, 114.41], [114.41, 150.86], [149.85, 202.5]], "duration": 202.5, "id": 77}, {"image_id": "v_WY9zvUkK_4Y.mp4", "caption": "Two girls stand between a girl in a hair salon stool and begin brushing her and parting her hair. One woman braids her hair continuously to eventually create a french braid. Both women stand talking to the camera while presenting the braid just made.", "segments": [[4.07, 54.97], [53.95, 184.25], [184.25, 192.39]], "duration": 203.59, "id": 78}, {"image_id": "v_N-6-MdxRg50.mp4", "caption": "We see a colorful opening scene. Kids in colorful clothes walk on a stage and get in place. The kids perform zumba on a stage. The girl second from left goes the wrong direction and almost runs into another girl. We see an an ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.38], [4.71, 12.78], [13.45, 128.44], [27.57, 35.64], [129.78, 134.49]], "duration": 134.49, "id": 79}, {"image_id": "v_uFMDSiHu7g4.mp4", "caption": " A man wearing a striped shirt dances with a girl in a brown blouse at a street festival. Other couple join in and dance in a street festival while performers play on a stage. Onlookers pass by while the group continues to dance.", "segments": [[0, 13.59], [13.59, 141.36], [141.36, 181.23]], "duration": 181.23, "id": 80}, {"image_id": "v_Pu92wJ-7UTQ.mp4", "caption": "The man is strumming one drum. The man strum the other drum while moving his leg. The man play two drums at the same time.", "segments": [[1.24, 12.72], [11.48, 31.02], [27.92, 62.04]], "duration": 62.04, "id": 81}, {"image_id": "v_dsVvnFkGAn0.mp4", "caption": "The woman is sitting by the fireplace holding a violin. The woman placed the violin between her neck and shoulder and began strumming the violin with the stick. The lady put the violin on her lap and talked.", "segments": [[0, 13.66], [12.01, 68.31], [63.76, 82.8]], "duration": 82.8, "id": 82}, {"image_id": "v_JgHQCKz_DRc.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a chair as he is getting his hair cut. A man in a black shirt moves a light around. People scramble behind the hair stylist. A hair stylist continuously combs and cuts the man's hair. The hair stylists rubs some pomade on the man's hair. The man is seen posing.", "segments": [[3.12, 88.44], [3.64, 27.57], [3.64, 87.92], [3.12, 87.4], [81.68, 84.8], [90, 98.33]], "duration": 104.05, "id": 83}, {"image_id": "v_DEmArEKL8gc.mp4", "caption": "A teenage female cheer leading squad walks around on a mat and get in formation.The routine begins in a manikin challenge and they all begin to do a flip.After,they do a several straddle jumps and begin thrown up in stands.Once the stunts are done,half of the team begins doing cart wheels and they all meet back in the middle to do stunts in the air.More stunts are done and the girls finish by landing in a split,they then get up and hug each other in the middle of the mat.", "segments": [[0, 22.37], [22.37, 54.48], [54.48, 79.77], [79.77, 143], [143, 194.56]], "duration": 194.56, "id": 84}, {"image_id": "v_8ikOQRbeQL8.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a hood and glasses is talking. She is holding a baton and twirling it in her hands.", "segments": [[0, 132.22], [19.17, 132.22]], "duration": 132.22, "id": 85}, {"image_id": "v_zzz_3yWpTXo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing behind a sink and washing dishes while speaking to the camera. The woman continues washing silverware while looking over to the camera and smiling.", "segments": [[0.22, 10.55], [8.29, 21.09]], "duration": 21.53, "id": 86}, {"image_id": "v_iMiKGoQ7RjE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black hat is hitting a ball on the grass with a club. He continues to talk to the camera. He holds up a small trophy.", "segments": [[0, 35.81], [34.53, 73.54], [102.32, 105.51]], "duration": 127.9, "id": 87}, {"image_id": "v_Vjsd6Ec6eKA.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are on a field. They attach a camera to one of the player's heads. They lift each other over their heads in cheerleading stunts that can be seen from the camera's view. They smile and laugh as they continue to perform stunts.", "segments": [[0, 9.94], [10.7, 35.16], [37.45, 131.46], [133.75, 152.86]], "duration": 152.86, "id": 88}, {"image_id": "v_XnUi1SG9jxA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around when several clips are shown of a man attempting to jump over a bar. The man completes the jump after a couple tries and is shown again in slow motion. The man attempts jumping higher several more times and ends up knocking the bar down each time.", "segments": [[1.73, 27.67], [24.9, 49.11], [47.04, 67.1]], "duration": 69.17, "id": 89}, {"image_id": "v_FeKEqUxiReA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is laughing as she jumps rope inside a gym. She continues jumping for a long period of time, speeding up and changing positions as men with cameras record her.", "segments": [[0, 86.37], [87.55, 236.64]], "duration": 236.64, "id": 90}, {"image_id": "v_BB2vrBWgXkU.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a leopard print shirt and a denim jacket is doing a tutorial on fake nails and how to use them. She is holding a packet of the fake nails in her hand as she explains the process. Then she demonstrates how to place the fake nails on top of her nails. Then she takes a nail file and files the ends of the nails to smooth it. She then uses some glue to glue the nails over her nails. Then she clips off the excess to shorten the nails, followed by filing the nails. She also uses some lime green nail polish and paints the nails to finish off the process and make them shiny.", "segments": [[26.56, 52.13], [52.13, 75.74], [75.74, 99.34], [99.34, 121.97], [121.97, 147.54], [147.54, 176.06], [176.06, 196.72]], "duration": 196.72, "id": 91}, {"image_id": "v_S6t9Lq1xKJk.mp4", "caption": "A cook is standing in front of a large stove. It is covered in ingredients and pans on burners. The man creates a giant omelette, finally flipping it onto a plate and handing it to a patron.", "segments": [[0, 3.37], [4.28, 9.49], [10.25, 30.6]], "duration": 30.6, "id": 92}, {"image_id": "v_0_xap_BBDrw.mp4", "caption": "An old man with gray hair, wearing red shirt and black pants is dribbling the ball in an indoor court, he dribbled the ball side by side, between his legs. He shoot the ball into the ring, then start dribbling again to side to side and between his legs, and shoot the ball into the ring.", "segments": [[0.72, 48.02], [27.61, 48.02]], "duration": 48.02, "id": 93}, {"image_id": "v_QdmUojrWdmE.mp4", "caption": "Music plays as surfers ride the waves. A few men are shown preparing to surf, prepping their board and getting dressed. A helicopter rides over the shoreline where the surfers are riding. A couple laughs together on the beach in a tent awaiting more surfing. A man is then shown prepping his board with surf wax. The crowd watches others riding waves. The crowd cheers multiples surfing runs on. Kelly Slater is featured on a successful run, followed by more clips riding the waves. Kelly Slater is paused mid wave to wrap up the story line. Music and producer credits are then shown.", "segments": [[0, 212.64], [13.72, 22.86], [21.72, 24.01], [52.59, 56.02], [117.75, 126.9], [129.19, 185.2], [129.19, 201.21], [129.19, 197.78], [204.64, 214.93], [214.93, 228.65]], "duration": 228.65, "id": 94}, {"image_id": "v_L2oaUDyzWPA.mp4", "caption": "We see a golden title on a black screen. A man is playing a harmonica as arrows point to numbers above him. We see another title screen and more arrows on numbers. The title screen returns and the man plays with the arrows above him again. The fourth title screen and the man plays with arrows above. The name shows up and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 9.21], [10.13, 22.56], [23.02, 42.36], [42.36, 63.54], [63.54, 87.03], [87.03, 92.09]], "duration": 92.09, "id": 95}, {"image_id": "v_bdC2YPVHGZM.mp4", "caption": "A man puts on a helmet with a camera mounted on it. The man participates in a lacrosse match with the camera recording in first person perspective. The man makes a successful shot on goal and high fives a teammate. The two teams shake hands after the game. The man walks towards a group of people dressed in black.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [5.64, 110.72], [102.25, 107.19], [112.83, 131.17], [131.87, 141.04]], "duration": 141.04, "id": 96}, {"image_id": "v_fny1HWXezlE.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen climbing on a camel as well as a woman in front of him. A man stands the camel up on it's legs and walks around the area. The man continues to walk around with the camels while the camera pans to their movements.", "segments": [[0, 44.89], [30.41, 77.47], [60.82, 142.63]], "duration": 144.8, "id": 97}, {"image_id": "v_pYb8jzB5vs0.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a man in women sitting beside a pool and talking. The people are then shown underwater wearing scuba gear and teaching one another hand signals while the man speaks to the camera above the surface.", "segments": [[0, 21.41], [22.39, 194.65]], "duration": 194.65, "id": 98}, {"image_id": "v_kNkYgYnJTXk.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen in various shots riding around in a canoe and smiling off into the distance. Another person is seen sitting in a canoe and demonstrates how to properly turn around. The man continues moving along the water moving his paddle around while the camera captures his movements.", "segments": [[1.01, 46.58], [50.63, 141.77], [109.36, 202.53]], "duration": 202.53, "id": 99}, {"image_id": "v_cMeKc9mp9wI.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are riding around on horses while carry large sticks and holding them into the air. One man comes close to the camera man and near the crowd for a few moments. The man on horses go back to the stable to await their return, and eventually go back out into the ring.", "segments": [[1.08, 30.62], [17.07, 21.41], [23.3, 54.2]], "duration": 54.2, "id": 100}, {"image_id": "v_qbGml8XLhz8.mp4", "caption": "A man steps to the side on a lawn and begins moving his arms and legs around. He slowly moves his arms in various motions while stepping from side to side. He moves his legs up and his arms continuously following until he finishes the performance.", "segments": [[3.32, 166.09], [15.78, 88.03], [86.37, 164.43]], "duration": 166.09, "id": 101}, {"image_id": "v_90LkAH4tZC4.mp4", "caption": "The person in black shirt is playing drums. The camera zoomed in to the drums as the person continue to play. The camera shifted to the view looking down the drums.", "segments": [[0, 161.45], [7.27, 51.66], [37.94, 161.45]], "duration": 161.45, "id": 102}, {"image_id": "v_F9HKxxoNNSQ.mp4", "caption": "A person throw a disc with a stick, the disc arrives to a triangle on the floor where two people stand. Then, another disk slides on the floor to stop inside the triangle. After, the person throw another disc that stops inside the triangle.The rules oh the shuffleboard game is displayed in a board.", "segments": [[0, 14.31], [14.31, 19.68], [19.9, 35.33], [35.55, 44.5]], "duration": 44.72, "id": 103}, {"image_id": "v_L0jbYqV9Zaw.mp4", "caption": "Paintballs are flying at men in front of a tent. The men back into the tent. People are getting ready for the paintball competition. Paintballs come out of a man's mouth. The sun is setting.", "segments": [[11.26, 27.21], [26.28, 30.03], [34.72, 159.53], [129.5, 152.03], [160.47, 182.99]], "duration": 187.69, "id": 104}, {"image_id": "v_thgW2RT30qQ.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several clips of a person lifting heavy weights over their shoulders as well as their arms all around. More shots are show of athletes performing impressive stunts while looking off into the distance and people measuring their throws.", "segments": [[3.05, 120.13], [62.1, 200.56]], "duration": 203.62, "id": 105}, {"image_id": "v_NSdBL6HqlWk.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing cymbals under a bright light on a stage. He is joined by a woman on a bass drum. Then they are joined by other drummers, and a man on a huge set in the background. Lights flash as they perform in unison.", "segments": [[0, 13.34], [15.25, 29.55], [37.17, 148.68], [154.4, 190.61]], "duration": 190.61, "id": 106}, {"image_id": "v_AdFg_21LRg4.mp4", "caption": "A montage of bullfighting is being shown. The matador is being hit by the bull, while other matadors try to distract the bull.", "segments": [[0, 139.81], [130.49, 207.12]], "duration": 207.12, "id": 107}, {"image_id": "v_h4m7bYDVLAc.mp4", "caption": "A woman blindfolded in a yard and swinging away at a pinata being moved around. Several people around her are watches and can't help but laugh. The woman is laughing as well and finally hits the pinata for the children to grab.", "segments": [[0, 21.55], [0.37, 23.05], [20.18, 24.17]], "duration": 24.92, "id": 108}, {"image_id": "v_by4dS4tgkY0.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera from a parking lot. He runs down the street while continuing to talk. He runs onto several city streets, not stopping.", "segments": [[0, 26.52], [38.83, 117.43], [125, 189.4]], "duration": 189.4, "id": 109}, {"image_id": "v_shLUZZS9oYc.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside by the sidewalk cutting down a set of hedges.As he finishes the side,he moves to the front of the plant and continues cutting the plant down.Once a small portion is shown,he looks at the plant and then cuts off the item in his hand.", "segments": [[0, 14.41], [14.94, 40.88], [41.93, 52.41]], "duration": 52.41, "id": 110}, {"image_id": "v_QLJAQBUisuQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera. An Olympic field is shown with many people walking around on it. The man runs down a strip of track and jumps into a pile of sand. He has a flag wrapped around him and waves at the audience.", "segments": [[12.49, 23.51], [12.49, 146.91], [77.86, 107.25], [119.73, 131.49]], "duration": 146.91, "id": 111}, {"image_id": "v_dbR5AzEZOPE.mp4", "caption": "three man are standing in a gym talking to each other. men opens the wooden door and enters in the gym and are watching the first men, and they panicked. men start running in the court trying to grab a pink ball and start playing dodgeball. man is talking to the camera in font of a bricked wall.", "segments": [[0, 10.55], [10.55, 41.25], [41.25, 141.01], [141.01, 191.84]], "duration": 191.84, "id": 112}, {"image_id": "v_KE2tDW9x9d8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen talking to the camera with her hand on her hip and leads into her holding up various ingredients. She then mixes the ingredients together on a slice of bread and creates a sandwich while pouring chips out onto the side. She then presents the plate while speaking to the camera and holding up various liquids.", "segments": [[0, 48.73], [46.7, 165.49], [162.45, 203.06]], "duration": 203.06, "id": 113}, {"image_id": "v_qxlVkDpdyOA.mp4", "caption": "We see two men walking and jumping on jump-stilts. One man jumps down the road, the the other as a man photographs them. A man on a bike rides past the men. Four bikes ride past the men.", "segments": [[0, 118.75], [4.75, 46.31], [80.15, 86.09], [96.19, 112.22]], "duration": 118.75, "id": 114}, {"image_id": "v_B3ZVUyLeT84.mp4", "caption": "A boy surfs in a big wave. A group of people lye down on surfboards in a wave. Suddenly, a boy stands an surf below the wave. Men stand in the beach holding surfboards.", "segments": [[5.35, 12.49], [12.49, 20.23], [20.52, 52.35], [53.54, 55.03]], "duration": 59.49, "id": 115}, {"image_id": "v_QQNW2ha8WIs.mp4", "caption": "A boy jumps on a trampoline while catching a stuffed doll on his shoulders in the air. The boy falls back and lands on his back on the trampoline. The boy jumps and catches the doll and slams it between his legs on the trampoline. The boy misses trying to catch the doll and falls on the trampoline.", "segments": [[0, 10.35], [8.94, 20.94], [26.59, 36.95], [39.77, 42.6]], "duration": 47.07, "id": 116}, {"image_id": "v_p1JSdZmztGk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to one another while standing on the docks as well as speak to the camera. The people enjoy themselves around the are by getting their hair cut, eating food, and the man preparing a boat. Several shots are shown of a kitchen as well as people riding on the boat and still continue to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[5.6, 79.57], [59.4, 184.92], [163.62, 219.66]], "duration": 224.14, "id": 117}, {"image_id": "v_x3z3dVUxmJ0.mp4", "caption": "The name of the business is shown. A person is braiding a client's hair. A person is running scissor through a braid. A person is applying rods to braids. A person is putting braids with rods into water. A client with reading glasses is talking. A client is leaving after braids are done. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.66, 3.93], [6.55, 119.26], [34.07, 36.04], [39.97, 47.18], [80.6, 84.53], [103.53, 119.26], [119.91, 123.19], [125.16, 130.4]], "duration": 131.05, "id": 118}, {"image_id": "v_HhbTyPnFVIg.mp4", "caption": "A woman stand with athletic jacket in a grass covered and forested yard. The woman enters an open workshop area. Logs are stacked upright on a chopping block. The woman uses an an ax to split the logs in half.", "segments": [[4.19, 16.33], [17.59, 27.64], [30.15, 53.6], [56.12, 72.45]], "duration": 83.76, "id": 119}, {"image_id": "v_qCnHgcP3tM8.mp4", "caption": "Cars are driving down the highway fairly quickly. They stop, a man gets out and helps two women get out. They go into a bar and throw a ball into a girls drink starting a beer pong war. He wakes up in his dorm and then click on his ipad to start a beer pong championship.", "segments": [[0, 11.76], [11.07, 24.21], [24.21, 80.93], [80.93, 138.35]], "duration": 138.35, "id": 120}, {"image_id": "v_EwMAJPldfKs.mp4", "caption": "A young lady with a grey jacket on is standing in front of a sink lathering her hands.She then turns the water on and begins to rinse her hands and flex her fingers to make sure all of the soap is off.After that is done,she grabs a white towel,dries her hands and wipes her mouth.", "segments": [[0, 10.67], [10.19, 21.19], [21.19, 31.86]], "duration": 31.86, "id": 121}, {"image_id": "v_ikZwamRM5mo.mp4", "caption": "Several percussionists stand on a field. They march in place on the field. They are drumming in sync. A woman walks by with a video camera.", "segments": [[0, 193.11], [8.69, 193.11], [27.04, 193.11], [118.76, 193.11]], "duration": 193.11, "id": 122}, {"image_id": "v_QeVVKZhoFCg.mp4", "caption": "A girl with several facial piercings his seen rubbing lotion all over her face and powdering her cheeks and face. She then puts eyeliner on followed by mascara and lip liner. She colors in her eyebrows and puts on fake eye lashes, then rubbing some of the black off and more mascara on. She puts a bit of blush in her cheeks and then smiles and waves to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 42.37], [42.37, 98.18], [98.18, 162.26], [173.63, 206.71]], "duration": 206.71, "id": 123}, {"image_id": "v_Lo0EQXmaeXM.mp4", "caption": "The man looks at the camera and then goes back to looking somewhere else and talking. then the cups they're both holding that has a blue liquid in it is then put into their mouths and they both gargle until they have lots of bubbles formed in their mouths.", "segments": [[0, 60.75], [46.16, 74.17]], "duration": 78.9, "id": 124}, {"image_id": "v_TBeZXLchito.mp4", "caption": "People skateboard in a competition on the road while bending and holding his arms back. Then, a skateboarder opens his arms and signal others to advance. Then, the skateboarders pass on front spectators watching on side the road. People take picture to the skateboarders. A skateboarder fells on the road. People continues skateboarding in the road.", "segments": [[0, 101.05], [101.95, 103.75], [103.75, 138.04], [129.02, 135.33], [138.04, 154.28], [154.28, 167.81]], "duration": 180.44, "id": 125}, {"image_id": "v_SHS8pNOsZDU.mp4", "caption": "A group rides horses playing a game of polo on a field. The group fight over the ball and ride in a tight formation. A member on the team breaks away and rides toward the goal on his horse.", "segments": [[0, 25.83], [6.59, 23.19], [20.95, 25.83]], "duration": 26.36, "id": 126}, {"image_id": "v_yo3s6V19YtQ.mp4", "caption": "A young man is rappelling up the side of a cliff. Another man watches and helps from below. The man continues climbing until he reaches the top.", "segments": [[0, 24.06], [25.91, 123.98], [128.6, 185.04]], "duration": 185.04, "id": 127}, {"image_id": "v_tgdLeBX7aXk.mp4", "caption": "People are playing cricket together outside. A group of people hold up a trophy. People are walking around outside playing cricket.", "segments": [[0, 18.76], [21.67, 29.43], [30.73, 64.69]], "duration": 64.69, "id": 128}, {"image_id": "v_wBhtt9x74TA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing by a toilet in a bikini. A man is rubbing sunscreen onto her legs. She begins to rub her leg.", "segments": [[0, 25.12], [1, 25.12], [12.56, 16.46]], "duration": 25.12, "id": 129}, {"image_id": "v_f-aGlEjgZoE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding up various objects. The puts tape on he eye and begins putting eyeliner above her eye. She continues putting the makeup on while speaking to the camera and takes off the tape in the end.", "segments": [[0, 43.61], [49.5, 150.87], [153.22, 229.84]], "duration": 235.73, "id": 130}, {"image_id": "v_HfowLX1u38Y.mp4", "caption": "man wearing a purple shirt is holding a gas pipe. the man is using the pipe to light up the woodfire. man is standing outside a house lighting up a woodfire.", "segments": [[0, 59.14], [15.87, 62.25], [0, 62.25]], "duration": 62.25, "id": 131}, {"image_id": "v_UhB739uudDo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a field with a dog while holding onto toys. The man then begins throwing the toys while the dog chases after them. The men continues to do tricks with the dog and end with a picture.", "segments": [[0, 13.86], [13.46, 59.12], [56.27, 80.33]], "duration": 81.55, "id": 132}, {"image_id": "v_WBkqGBFsdgI.mp4", "caption": "An older blonde newswoman is reading a story. Various pictures are shown of shuffleboard history. An older man is interviewed for the camera. Various clips of people playing shuffleboard are shown. The older blonde reporter ends the news story.", "segments": [[0, 23.03], [24.85, 43.64], [45.46, 49.7], [52.13, 107.9], [107.9, 121.23]], "duration": 121.23, "id": 133}, {"image_id": "v_JH31FxBZ5Xw.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of wrestlers are shown. They all are doing flips off the corner. The land on their opponent. They knock them down to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 138.3], [15.21, 125.16], [26.28, 125.16], [51.86, 125.16]], "duration": 138.3, "id": 134}, {"image_id": "v_TgDzZIop_uw.mp4", "caption": "An unseen person demonstrates how to remove and install a tire valve on a tire using a special tool. A pair of hands is seen yielding a metal tool over a yellow walled tire lying on a flat surface. The hand uses the metal curved tool to pluck the old tire valve out of its hole. The hand then uses a metal, black, tool to insert a new valve into the tire.", "segments": [[5.78, 41.74], [5.78, 8.3], [8.55, 16.34], [16.09, 41.99]], "duration": 50.29, "id": 135}, {"image_id": "v_djgM0IWIBKc.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are in a kayak going down the river bank. The are paddling and looking at the trees in the distance enjoying their day. One of the men gets out of the boat to go swimming in the water, They all get in and start splashing water, swimming under and enjoying the day before getting back in to turn back. Once they start to head back to land and to get ready to get on the dock.", "segments": [[0, 47.2], [47.2, 103.83], [103.83, 165.19], [165.19, 228.91]], "duration": 235.99, "id": 136}, {"image_id": "v_PwMDJapSo70.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen moving around a cat and trimming it's claws while the cat lays still and looks around. The person then files the nails of the cat and zooms in on the cat's belly in the end.", "segments": [[0, 50.44], [49.59, 85.5]], "duration": 85.5, "id": 137}, {"image_id": "v_MKmrqcoCZ-M.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a black mat in a gym. He lays back and does crunches on the mat. He sits up and continues talking.", "segments": [[4.92, 23.19], [23.55, 57.64], [57.64, 70.29]], "duration": 70.28999999999999, "id": 138}, {"image_id": "v_kH8YpzoflKg.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a shirtless man sitting in the snow followed by the man snowboarding and men riding up a hill. Several shots are shown of people riding down the snowy hill and doing tricks in front of the camera.", "segments": [[0, 73.13], [58.16, 115.17]], "duration": 115.17, "id": 139}, {"image_id": "v_GffGGAwbcHo.mp4", "caption": "A caveman is seen walking a purple rock. He runs into a big dog and the dog eats the caveman. A God walks a poodle. A cowboy walks his dog and is shot outside a saloon. Chaplin is seen walking his dog. A hippie dog lies down on the floor and seems to be hallucinating. Dogs and spacecraft are seen exploring space.", "segments": [[7.96, 12.35], [12.62, 14.27], [15.64, 22.5], [22.78, 27.72], [28.81, 33.2], [33.75, 42.81], [44.18, 49.39]], "duration": 54.88, "id": 140}, {"image_id": "v_E3h0UHRsSQk.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black clothes is sharpening the knife on a stone. The man beside him on blue long sleeves drawing something on the table with his finger. The man turn the knife to sharpen the other side and then wipe it with paper towel. The man in navy blue shirt point to the knife while the man sharpening the knife tries to sharpen it one hand. He continues sharpening the knife, turn it again to further sharpen the other side and wipe it again with paper towel. Throws the old and dirty paper towel and reach the roll of paper towel and clean the knife.", "segments": [[0, 89.71], [21.44, 27.65], [37.24, 46.27], [46.27, 58.68], [58.68, 100.44], [100.44, 112.85]], "duration": 112.85, "id": 141}, {"image_id": "v_-ibmoYKRxQk.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a snowy area and transitions into several people in tubes down a hill. The people laugh while riding down the hill when one person falls off and the camera pans around the people. The camera shows one more shot of the people all riding down the long hill together.", "segments": [[0, 45.1], [45.71, 90.82], [100.57, 121.91]], "duration": 121.91, "id": 142}, {"image_id": "v_x2FfKHiN_3s.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a frozen lake, fishing through a hole and surrounded by fishing gear. He walks away from his stuff, and a fish pulls his pole into the water, disappearing with it. He stands angrily with his hands on his hips, then gets another pole to try to get it back.", "segments": [[0, 10.13], [13.5, 76.52], [79.33, 112.52]], "duration": 112.52000000000001, "id": 143}, {"image_id": "v_hUzsmIWojH0.mp4", "caption": "A man runs up to a beam and jumps over it several times. He makes at least six attempts.", "segments": [[0, 73.38], [79.25, 117.41]], "duration": 117.41, "id": 144}, {"image_id": "v_LNlGgtg70uQ.mp4", "caption": "This woman is showing her viewers how to make a Chambord Royale. First she fills her shaker up halfway with ice and then she adds vodka and Chambord and she puts one ounce of both of them and then she adds a little bit of pineapple juice and cranberry juice. Next she shakes everything up and strains the drink into the cocktail cup.", "segments": [[0, 78.87], [0, 46.14], [45.74, 64.28]], "duration": 78.87, "id": 145}, {"image_id": "v_59mz2Nd8GM0.mp4", "caption": "This perosn is shown making a sandwich that includes lunch meat, swiss cheese, and mayonnaise. He then mixes an egg and milk together and puts the sandwich into the mix. He puts the sandwich into a skillet that's on the stove for a little bit, and then he puts the sandwich on a white square shaped plate, which I'm guessing he ate.", "segments": [[0, 30.09], [76.9, 159.38], [76.9, 222.91]], "duration": 222.91, "id": 146}, {"image_id": "v_DU2hdNIS2WI.mp4", "caption": "A very large, muscular man is shown in a gym with a weight bar as piano music plays in the background. The video begins with the weight on the floor and the man getting ready to lift it. He lifts the weight and first brings it parallel to his shoulders. He then lifts it completely over his head with his arms extended. After leaving his arms up for several seconds, he allows the weight to fall on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 23.99], [0, 8.76], [8.16, 17.99], [18.11, 22.91], [22.31, 23.99]], "duration": 23.99, "id": 147}, {"image_id": "v_MSjSXzk2k50.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman pulling out a bucket and piecing together a mop. The camera pans around the bucket and the woman continues using the mop inside the bucket and moving around the object.", "segments": [[0, 45.7], [41.48, 140.62]], "duration": 140.62, "id": 148}, {"image_id": "v_HHDMFrN7vFs.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt is sitting at an exercise bike. He is moving his legs on the pedals. There are other bikes next to him.", "segments": [[0, 0.11], [0.09, 4.44], [0.18, 4.44]], "duration": 4.44, "id": 149}, {"image_id": "v_DCYz8p4zH6o.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling on the floor swinging his arms back and fourth. Text moves across his face as he swings his arms. The man continues to swing his arms and ends with credits rolling.", "segments": [[0.34, 8.28], [7.93, 24.83], [23.62, 32.93]], "duration": 34.48, "id": 150}, {"image_id": "v_MiTIi_QYt2k.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a wooden bench is seen followed by a person mixing ingredients together. A person is then seen holding a rag and wiping down the bench. More ingredients are mixed afterwards that leads into more wiping down with the rag.", "segments": [[0, 43.68], [38.01, 86.79], [81.69, 110.62]], "duration": 113.45, "id": 151}, {"image_id": "v_56m7PcBuUFc.mp4", "caption": "A girl is pushing two little boys on a backyard swing. She smiles at the camera as she pushes the boys back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 14.33], [18.68, 36.27]], "duration": 36.27, "id": 152}, {"image_id": "v_u35hesPTsNE.mp4", "caption": "A band is seen sitting on the stage with one man playing the drums and a woman interviewing him. The man continues playing as the women speaks to the crowd and sings while they play.", "segments": [[0.66, 72.5], [54.05, 130.5]], "duration": 131.82, "id": 153}, {"image_id": "v_eAOBdYKju70.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of horse saddles and various people riding these saddles on horses. A girl wraps the rope around her saddle while others practice on placed saddles. People ride around the saddles and show various caddie and how to ride them. A tourist is being interviewed on riding experience but she watched other riding and felt confident. A man speakers on his experience and various shots of the horses and wildlife are shown.", "segments": [[0, 99.99], [35.89, 52.99], [65.81, 119.65], [117.94, 135.88], [135.03, 158.96]], "duration": 170.92000000000002, "id": 154}, {"image_id": "v_szW1c2SGdew.mp4", "caption": "A man swings his leg in the air creating letters and we see an opening screen. two men are in two different rooms performing Capoeira moves. A man does a handstand move. The man does a handstand and pauses. We see the website on a black screen. We see four screens with images of men doing Capoeira.", "segments": [[0, 8.86], [8.86, 116.6], [39.55, 45.68], [112.51, 116.6], [117.28, 122.05], [122.05, 136.37]], "duration": 136.37, "id": 155}, {"image_id": "v_5kIl4TspdR0.mp4", "caption": "Someone is brushing their teeth with an electric toothbrush. They wear braces so they make sure to scrub all around very well. You can see the tongue moving around never really being comfortable inside of the mouth. The man continues to brush, toothpaste spewing down his lips a bit .", "segments": [[0, 31.89], [31.89, 66.62], [66.62, 101.34], [101.34, 141.74]], "duration": 141.74, "id": 156}, {"image_id": "v_eMB9L-LDK1E.mp4", "caption": "A person sprays a sink and wipes it with a towel. They spray a bath tub and wipe it with a towel. They spray a toilet and wipe it with a toilet.", "segments": [[0, 52.52], [52.52, 83], [85.59, 129.68]], "duration": 129.68, "id": 157}, {"image_id": "v_UUjXw1xjprU.mp4", "caption": "There are several people gathered in a skating park with skateboards. There a young man wearing a red hat talking about a skateboarding event at Red Bull skate Arcade. Several spectators are gathered in the arcade along with a panel of judges. Some of the participants are beating the heat by splashing water on themselves. The participants begin their stunts on the skateboards as they go over ramps and steep slopes. Several participants are showing off their stunts as spectators cheer and clap for them. They show off their scary yet impressive stunts as the climb up walls and steep ramps without falling. The crowds cheer for them and applaud them. The winners are awarded certificates and prizes for winning.", "segments": [[27.71, 52.55], [52.55, 86], [86, 111.79], [111.79, 127.08], [127.08, 143.33], [143.33, 151.93], [151.93, 162.44], [162.44, 175.81], [175.81, 181.55]], "duration": 191.1, "id": 158}, {"image_id": "v_QooDDNWaQjU.mp4", "caption": "A person throws a Frisbee for her dog for a dog to retrieve during an event on a sporting field. The dog catches the Frisbee and brings it back to the trainer.", "segments": [[0, 62.44], [5, 60.88]], "duration": 62.44, "id": 159}, {"image_id": "v_mvQxhjjVWOk.mp4", "caption": "There is a woman representing Jamaica participating on a long jump event. There is another woman doing long jump from another country. Several other contestant are participating in the same long jump competition. There are spectators watching them as they compete against each other. The contestant from Istanbul makes very long jump in the sand pit. The contestants continue competing in the sporting event.", "segments": [[13.24, 48.54], [48.54, 73.25], [73.25, 112.96], [112.96, 135.9], [135.9, 170.32], [170.32, 176.5]], "duration": 176.5, "id": 160}, {"image_id": "v_sRYDJ379UYc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a piece of exercise equipment with a trainer standing in front of him. The man then moves back and fourth on the machine while the other man helps. He is shown again in another clips moving and the trainer helping.", "segments": [[0.35, 17.44], [14.65, 40.11], [41.85, 66.96]], "duration": 69.75, "id": 161}, {"image_id": "v_k42CKebiSLA.mp4", "caption": "A man travels to Japan to study how to be a sumo wrestler. The man gets training and learns the techniques of sumo.", "segments": [[2.19, 12.02], [13.48, 72.84]], "duration": 72.84, "id": 162}, {"image_id": "v_WMoofjkumOs.mp4", "caption": "In the beginning the man is shown tricking the bull. Many other men have been shown tricking bulls in front of large crowds.", "segments": [[0.77, 9.21], [7.67, 153.44]], "duration": 153.44, "id": 163}, {"image_id": "v_TF591ByrGYk.mp4", "caption": "A young male gymnast is is an arena standing on a mat preparing to do his routine.The boy then approached the bars and does a series of swings and hand stand in the air.While he's performing,he adds several flips and rolls into his performance before finally jumping off of the bars.", "segments": [[0, 14.72], [14.72, 36.92], [36.67, 51.64]], "duration": 51.64, "id": 164}, {"image_id": "v_95pMelnv2dQ.mp4", "caption": "Men play badminton in the sand. A man on the left serves the birdie both men on the right miss it. the man on the right serves and the man on the left hits it back but it hits the net. A man stands on the left watching.", "segments": [[0, 13.91], [0.42, 4.94], [5.08, 6.95], [10.43, 11.47]], "duration": 13.91, "id": 165}, {"image_id": "v_y_HCdBEJbNE.mp4", "caption": "A man puts plaster on a base. The man walks over and rubs it on the ceiling. We see the stilts the man is walking on. The camera becomes wobbly and blurry. The man bends down to grab more plaster. The man smiles and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 2.43], [2.43, 32.83], [27.36, 29.79], [29.79, 72.96], [64.45, 67.49], [115.52, 121.6]], "duration": 121.6, "id": 166}, {"image_id": "v_RWjCwIOuzrc.mp4", "caption": "There is a man nodding in the first frame. The video movies to the man putting up the wall paper by first measuring it out, lining up the pattern and putting it up on the wall. He then unscrews a light switch and pulls it out just a little, making some slits in the fabric or paper, then putting the light switch back over the new wall paper. The camera shows wall paper in a finished room, going over different rooms with different wall papers. The man is later seen measuring and marking the wall, rolling out more wall paper and putting it up on the wall. Then it shows two tables that look like they have also been wall papered.", "segments": [[0, 13.48], [13.48, 49.78], [53.93, 97.49], [101.64, 149.35], [145.2, 188.76], [191.87, 204.31]], "duration": 207.42000000000002, "id": 167}, {"image_id": "v_Fk0z6MeCV0I.mp4", "caption": "A class of kids are at outside at school dressed in uniforms with their teacher standing next to them.As they are in line,one girl is in the middle of a game of hop scotch,turns around,finishes and gets back in line.Once she is finishes,all of the other kids takes their turn one by one.", "segments": [[0, 14.92], [14.92, 36.29], [36.63, 67.83]], "duration": 67.83, "id": 168}, {"image_id": "v__4licRHiRRs.mp4", "caption": "A text intro leads into a picture of a dog and the same dog running along the yard. The dog is seen in several clips chasing after a frisbee. A man throws the frisbee to the dog in the yard who continues chasing after him.", "segments": [[0, 31.86], [28.86, 87.17], [79.95, 116.02]], "duration": 120.23, "id": 169}, {"image_id": "v_c2-6_i1yV5E.mp4", "caption": "Individuals run with a elongated stick and use it to elevated their bodies over a heighten hurdle. A guy touches the back of the individual as he lifts his body. The guy seems like he falls backs while trying to lift his body because the clip is reversed. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 140.16], [49.57, 58.97], [84.61, 88.88], [160.67, 170.07]], "duration": 170.92000000000002, "id": 170}, {"image_id": "v_gDNgiybMA1s.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans up to a person standing in a kitchen and then dancing on the floor. The man continues to dance around while looking to the camera and singing.", "segments": [[0, 39.14], [34.9, 94.32]], "duration": 94.32, "id": 171}, {"image_id": "v_O4P07fipvIA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of cheerleaders are seen running into an arena cheering and beginning performing a routine with one another. The girls continue cheering around the stage while lifting one another up and performing tricks and pans to the audience in the end.", "segments": [[1.1, 130.77], [62.64, 201.1]], "duration": 219.78, "id": 172}, {"image_id": "v_hru57dsi0N0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated in a chair in a dining room. She shows off her bare feet and their shape. She then puts on and tries to lace her shoes around the swollen feet.", "segments": [[0, 33.74], [39.37, 108.46], [122.12, 160.68]], "duration": 160.68, "id": 173}, {"image_id": "v_XHMrvd3sKzE.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are climbing a rock wall. The adults are guiding the lines. The kids continue to climb. The one on the right will make it to the top first. The one on the left did not make it to the top, both hop back down the wall.", "segments": [[0, 5.74], [5.74, 25.63], [25.63, 45.96], [45.96, 59.21], [59.21, 88.38]], "duration": 88.38, "id": 174}, {"image_id": "v_mAWuiYWXmb8.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man exercise sitting on a cardio machine. A woman works out sitting on a cardio machine. A man sits next a woman performing cardio workouts.", "segments": [[0, 1.65], [0.24, 23.59], [0.59, 23]], "duration": 23.59, "id": 175}, {"image_id": "v_l8NepxsCh34.mp4", "caption": "A girl is playing hopscotch on a sidewalk. She gets to the end and turns around to go back. Another girl throws a puck onto the sidewalk and starts to play hopscotch.", "segments": [[0, 13.14], [13.14, 26.77], [26.77, 48.67]], "duration": 48.67, "id": 176}, {"image_id": "v_UZ9D6DhrmDI.mp4", "caption": "A person solves a cube puzzle flipping the pieces around. The person solves the puzzle and show a chronometer.", "segments": [[0.66, 24.6], [24.76, 33.02]], "duration": 33.02, "id": 177}, {"image_id": "v_s9Wop4PMZaw.mp4", "caption": "Two young children are seen riding on a camel past a group of people and a man leading them along. The man continues to lead the camel around with the children on top and ends with them climbing down and others walking up.", "segments": [[0.64, 21.47], [15.67, 41.86]], "duration": 42.93, "id": 178}, {"image_id": "v_2N129Bw1jiQ.mp4", "caption": "Young children are seen jumping on a mat back and fourth while two older women watch them on the side. The boy then takes a big leap and the girl stands in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 10.42], [10.06, 17.97]], "duration": 17.97, "id": 179}, {"image_id": "v_ffyPN2-EDg4.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up to a snow scoop. The man shovels the snow on a roof while the cameraman talks. The man stops scooping the snow.", "segments": [[0, 3.79], [3.79, 107.08], [107.62, 108.16]], "duration": 108.16, "id": 180}, {"image_id": "v_zgdT41KjjrE.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy stands next to horses with a clipboard. A guy walks under a horse fence. A person leads a horse. The guy gets on top of the horse. The guy pats the horse and goes horseback riding. People go horseback riding down a trail.", "segments": [[1.18, 2.36], [4.73, 9.46], [13, 15.37], [15.37, 21.28], [22.46, 29.55], [30.74, 236.43], [87.48, 236.43]], "duration": 236.43, "id": 181}, {"image_id": "v_lQq_JPRFEMw.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of lacrosse on a field. The teams line up and shake hands. A woman in a blue coat is talking to the camera. A man in a tan suit is talking into a microphone.", "segments": [[0, 171.84], [39.52, 43.82], [95.37, 102.25], [153.8, 156.38]], "duration": 171.84, "id": 182}, {"image_id": "v_sRgBK2_nb0I.mp4", "caption": "We see a man raise his arms and prepare to mount the pommel horse. The man mounts the pommel horse. The man does a handstand and throws his open legs over the pommel. The man spins around on the pommel horse. The man does a handstand and dismounts. The man raises his arms and walks away. The man shakes another man's hand.", "segments": [[0, 7.97], [9.03, 11.42], [11.42, 18.59], [19.12, 44.08], [45.14, 47], [47, 52.04], [52.31, 53.11]], "duration": 53.11, "id": 183}, {"image_id": "v_jnnHUCs-t3o.mp4", "caption": "Several people are playing in a public swimming pool. They swim in the water, playing a game with a ball. They hit the ball back and forth, trying to keep it from each other.", "segments": [[0, 5.17], [5.17, 21.74], [22.67, 26.52]], "duration": 26.52, "id": 184}, {"image_id": "v_ztD4lVJATws.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling on the floor and pulling onto a piece of exercise equipment. The woman begins turning her body with the equipment while speaking to the camera. She continues pulling onto the lever while looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0.14, 4.32], [3.75, 10.48], [9.77, 13.53]], "duration": 14.17, "id": 185}, {"image_id": "v_Vcv9P-4Tty0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen standing on a sandy field with one throwing a soccer ball to another. The other person scores a goal and other players jump on him and congratulate him. The same goal is shown several more times from different angles.", "segments": [[0, 9.79], [9.33, 26.18], [26.41, 45.54]], "duration": 45.54, "id": 186}, {"image_id": "v_3NSikmqK3Ys.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a motorbike and puts a toilet lid in the black leathe seat. the man is driving the motorbike thorugh the street and a dog is running next to him. the man opens the motorbike trunk and close it.", "segments": [[0, 44.61], [44.61, 67.59], [13.86, 16.9]], "duration": 67.59, "id": 187}, {"image_id": "v_EU-IdUKbLSg.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen swimming around a pool while a coach yells on the sides. Shots of people playing are shown when one hits the other. The coaches yell to one another while people still play the game.", "segments": [[0.79, 25.77], [21.01, 61.06], [53.53, 74.94]], "duration": 79.3, "id": 188}, {"image_id": "v_ciXArKhjAv8.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is standing eating ice cream. There is a dog on the floor behind him. He laughs and turns around.", "segments": [[0, 3.89], [0, 7.55], [3.58, 7.55]], "duration": 7.55, "id": 189}, {"image_id": "v_K-r_Tj7uFGw.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting on a large chair with two girls beside her and a man tattooing her foot. Another man steps into frame and the girls continue talking to each other while the artist.", "segments": [[0, 22.24], [22.24, 60.12]], "duration": 60.12, "id": 190}, {"image_id": "v_TOfBNYOlv8c.mp4", "caption": "A woman behind a bar is showing how to make a mixed drink. A series of shots appear with a person pouring alcohol into a martini glass and then the screen fades into the video title screen showing a website name, the name of the drink they are making and the person who will be making it. A website address is shown at the bottom of the screen. A girl standing behind the bar explains what ingredients she is using for the drink, the amounts she is using, and mixes them all together in a glass and presents the drink. The camera zooms in on the drink and fades to black to end the video.", "segments": [[6.02, 77.41], [0, 5.16], [7.74, 76.98], [9.03, 82.57], [83, 86.01]], "duration": 86.01, "id": 191}, {"image_id": "v_hlwSgE7Epwo.mp4", "caption": "A woman standing outside near a tennis court talking about things. A girl in all black with a baton practicing her moves and dances inside of the studio. Her coach does an interview while sitting down with her hands held together. The girl continues to practice by herself in the studio.", "segments": [[0, 15.82], [15.82, 87.29], [87.88, 102.52], [103.11, 117.17]], "duration": 117.17, "id": 192}, {"image_id": "v_bNwrAuu0qiQ.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several pictures of a tennis player and leaders into video footage of the player playing matches. The tennis player is shown in several shots of games performing incredible stunts and clenching his fists to celebrate in the end.", "segments": [[0, 44.59], [36.87, 171.5]], "duration": 171.5, "id": 193}, {"image_id": "v_VgQ6a7oVx7g.mp4", "caption": "People are performing gymnastic stunts in front of an audience. A guy locks his arms around bars above his head. The guy swings his body while holding on to the bars. The guy flips off the bars and lands on his feet, claps, and begins to leave. A man approaches the guy clapping.", "segments": [[0, 62.67], [4.7, 11.59], [14.1, 56.09], [56.4, 62.67], [62.04, 62.67]], "duration": 62.67, "id": 194}, {"image_id": "v_21krmbuT21s.mp4", "caption": "Two gymasts are performing in front of a crowd. One is spinning constantly on a beam. The man in red mounts and begins to spin, performing several tricks. The man dismounts, and puts one victorious arm up into the air.", "segments": [[0, 3.19], [3.77, 7.55], [8.71, 49.06], [50.22, 58.06]], "duration": 58.06, "id": 195}, {"image_id": "v_1JHqxhajh60.mp4", "caption": "A hand is holding a shower head close to a dog. The dog moves around the bathtub as he tries to bite the water being splashed on him.", "segments": [[0, 99.85], [0.5, 99.35]], "duration": 99.85, "id": 196}, {"image_id": "v_EmlmKZ6Gi3Y.mp4", "caption": "There's a large team of participants getting ready to do engage in a water tubing activity. They walk down a hilly terrain to the river. They get onto their tubes and begin going down the rapids. The participants seem very calm and happy as they wave to the camera. They all begin their journey down the rapids as the water starts getting more turbulent. They continue going along the with water current as they flow steadily through the water. Then they all arrive at banks of the river where the water is calm and steady flowing.", "segments": [[11.29, 20.52], [20.52, 48.23], [48.23, 82.1], [82.1, 126.22], [126.22, 154.96], [154.96, 183.69], [183.69, 188.82]], "duration": 205.24, "id": 197}, {"image_id": "v_hQXWnoipdFE.mp4", "caption": "The video is represented by North Face and Cliff Bar where they show mountain climbers at Yosemite National Park. There are several people talking about the fascination of mountain climbing. There are pictures of people wearing bandanas shown sitting on the mountain tops. There's a man who is mountain climbing on a steep slope. Another man takes a leap from the top of mountain in an attempt to bungee jump from that height.", "segments": [[20, 50.76], [50.76, 87.68], [87.68, 111.53], [111.53, 136.91], [136.91, 146.91]], "duration": 153.82999999999998, "id": 198}, {"image_id": "v_pHZogKGkc9o.mp4", "caption": "A group of young boys are inside a basketball court. They play a game while the coach cheers them on and instructs them. Some of the boys watch from the sidelines, waiting for their turn.", "segments": [[0, 5.83], [7.08, 34.14], [35.39, 41.63]], "duration": 41.63, "id": 199}, {"image_id": "v_9V7cMp_w1_0.mp4", "caption": "Winter scenes with vehicles and heavy snow are shown. Scenes from the interior of an airport are shown, with people walking around or waiting. A woman talks to the camera. A man cleans snow off a car. More scenes from a winter storm are shown. Scenes of people cleaning snow off their vehicles are shown. A different woman talks to the camera. A car drives away from the camera. Two people talk to the camera. A truck drives away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 37.97], [37.97, 58.28], [58.28, 75.94], [75.06, 94.49], [95.37, 120.98], [120.98, 136.87], [135.99, 147.47], [147.47, 150.12], [151.89, 166.9], [166.9, 176.61]], "duration": 176.61, "id": 200}, {"image_id": "v_NOxiMgQMeuk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown with a paintbrush and a piece of canvas. She uses green paint to fill in a drawing of a plant. She goes around in circles, painting the image.", "segments": [[0, 24.85], [35.32, 88.29], [100.72, 130.8]], "duration": 130.8, "id": 201}, {"image_id": "v_6tveUnZe7WA.mp4", "caption": "A white male is dressed outside in a Scotland uniform standing outside in the middle of a cemetery.As he is standing,he plays the bag pipes with the American Flag hanging down from them.When he is finished,he begins to look to his right,shakes his head,catches his breath and keeps playing.", "segments": [[0, 19.24], [19.24, 43.28], [43.53, 50.62]], "duration": 50.62, "id": 202}, {"image_id": "v_jzDXtd0__DM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a sign is seen followed by a young couple looking to the camera. Other people are seen standing on the side and watching the other two. The coupe hold on and then jump off the side while the others stand and watch.", "segments": [[0, 33.41], [30.7, 112.86], [107.45, 174.26]], "duration": 180.58, "id": 203}, {"image_id": "v_vX8L1RcZ4cc.mp4", "caption": "A little boy doing karate is yelling commands. He starts to do some of his karate moves, moving all around the court. He is a blue belt being judged for his skills. He bows gracefully before walking off and the judges throw up their flags.", "segments": [[0, 9.2], [9.2, 21.55], [21.03, 37.06], [39.69, 52.57]], "duration": 52.57, "id": 204}, {"image_id": "v_3TbZ7uSYUe8.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are standing on a diving board and they take terms jumping off of the diving board.As the last person jumps off the board,a group of men are shown walking across the pool.", "segments": [[0, 26.73], [26.24, 32.6]], "duration": 32.6, "id": 205}, {"image_id": "v_FhbsTTHT2Zs.mp4", "caption": "A woman with blonde hair,a purple jacket and black gloves on is standing near a stable talking.As she continues talking,her saddle is shown and she begins talking about the specifics of it.The lady then puts it on the horse and begins rubbing certain parts of it to make sure it is secure.", "segments": [[0, 17.04], [17.75, 39.05], [39.41, 71.01]], "duration": 71.01, "id": 206}, {"image_id": "v_xld0M1MXNiE.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a globe is shown with a person pointing a hookah at it. The man is then seen looking closely to the camera. He finally blows smoke rings out of his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 0.86], [0.7, 1.92], [1.79, 6.63]], "duration": 6.63, "id": 207}, {"image_id": "v_0SmA1cGocz4.mp4", "caption": "The word curling appears on the screen numerous times. A woman is shown having her hair dried, brushed, and curled by a specialist. He places her hair is rollers, then takes them down and styles it. Then she poses with her new hair style.", "segments": [[0, 17.14], [22.5, 107.14], [112.49, 177.85], [183.2, 214.27]], "duration": 214.27, "id": 208}, {"image_id": "v_py4ekPd5G_k.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of a building are shown as well as a lake surrounded by trees. Many people are seen riding canoes and a person's feet and legs are shown. The people ride down the river while the camera pans in more landscapes and trees.", "segments": [[0, 17.56], [15.41, 51.6], [50.17, 71.67]], "duration": 71.67, "id": 209}, {"image_id": "v_5IkU9svJFRI.mp4", "caption": "We see a boy squatting in the dirt. We then see the title screen. The little boy attempts to make a campfire using a flint. Small flames start and grow. The boy stands up next to his fire. We see 2 title cards about starting fires for survival and the website is show before the end screens.", "segments": [[0, 1.74], [1.74, 13.22], [12.88, 22.97], [21.23, 26.45], [25.75, 32.02], [35.15, 69.6]], "duration": 69.6, "id": 210}, {"image_id": "v_3YiGMRp-7B4.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are standing in a parking lot. The people move in several martial arts techniques. They kick and punch back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 2.04], [3.35, 12.7], [12.7, 23.96]], "duration": 23.96, "id": 211}, {"image_id": "v_WGzUnE043iA.mp4", "caption": "A man in a canoe talks and paddles in a lake surrounded by large rocks, trees, foliage, stray kayaks, and other people in canoes. The man begins at a profile view holding a paddle while sitting in a canoe and talking to a camera occasionally pointing to a nearby shore with the paddle. The man then uses the paddle in the water to push the canoe off deeper into the water. The man begins to paddle freely in the water, passing along the way, a group of people on a canoe and several stray canoes and kayaks in the water, before facing the camera again in a close up and talking.", "segments": [[4.22, 73.42], [4.22, 29.54], [29.12, 51.9], [54.01, 73]], "duration": 84.4, "id": 212}, {"image_id": "v_aDDq5ofaFHI.mp4", "caption": "White words appear on the screen and say \"THE AMERICAN DREAM\" and a man wearing a helmet jumps onto the dirt hill path and continues to walk down, grabs his skateboard and begins skating on the road at the end of the hill of a very scenic area. The man is now skating in a road in a residential area where he passes many homes with cars parked on the roads. The man continues to skate through residential areas, water edges along parks, harbors, cities and etcetera. The man ends with a walk along a rocky beach and carrying his skateboard on his right shoulder.", "segments": [[0, 57.36], [57.36, 81.72], [81.72, 145.37], [145.37, 157.15]], "duration": 157.15, "id": 213}, {"image_id": "v_4d3RtnuVCV4.mp4", "caption": "A video of the UConn women's field hockey team is shown. The coach talks to the players and they have a practice.", "segments": [[0, 126.64], [39.26, 126.64]], "duration": 126.64, "id": 214}, {"image_id": "v_SCGQIhvDcIo.mp4", "caption": "The \"LLumar\" logo appears on screen. A young girl with a pool cue walks to a pool table, the camera focuses on her low cut top. Several women play pool at the table in revealing clothing. The \"LLumar\" logo reappears on screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.69], [11.76, 48.11], [49.18, 205.28], [207.42, 213.83]], "duration": 213.82999999999998, "id": 215}, {"image_id": "v_hsJJbTqSQR4.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen standing on a tennis court holding a racket. The woman begins swinging the racket while another boy stands beside her. The woman continues swinging and walks back to the boy.", "segments": [[0, 3.92], [4.12, 9.8], [9.26, 12.91]], "duration": 13.52, "id": 216}, {"image_id": "v_w-6Oo3bgms4.mp4", "caption": "Several men are playing soccer in a gym. There are some spectators in the background. Another group of men are playing soccer. There are spectators in the background. Various scenes of soccer matches are shown with spectators.", "segments": [[0, 18.31], [4.01, 17.74], [18.89, 32.05], [19.46, 32.05], [33.19, 114.47]], "duration": 114.47, "id": 217}, {"image_id": "v_Y8WY_c3onSY.mp4", "caption": "A couple girls are seen riding down a long slide in the middle of a park. More children ride down the slide while a mother helps the kids at the top.", "segments": [[0, 2.81], [1.55, 5.02]], "duration": 5.02, "id": 218}, {"image_id": "v_u3B3M17akWU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting down holding an ice cream while looking at the camera. She continues to eat the ice cream as the camera pans around her and watching her eat.", "segments": [[0.36, 17.95], [12.92, 35]], "duration": 35.9, "id": 219}, {"image_id": "v_-G8N5FxjZbw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing a set of bagpipes while people behind him push around bicycles. He is seen playing again while more people walk in and out of frame with children and dogs. Some people stop to hear him play and he stops to look to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.99], [31.48, 93.87], [83.38, 112.53]], "duration": 116.61, "id": 220}, {"image_id": "v_gXKGS1N3zuM.mp4", "caption": "A belly dancer dressed in red and black is demonstrating how to hip circles and shimmy. She is standing with her feet hip width apart. Then she shows how to do the foot work as she moves her hips in circles. She simultaneously moves her hips and as she moves sideways. Then she extends her hands and up on one side as she continues to move along sideways. She repeats the steps going back and forth as she twirls her hips.", "segments": [[12.1, 113.46], [40.09, 113.46], [67.32, 141.45], [97.57, 141.45], [114.22, 141.45], [132.37, 141.45]], "duration": 151.28, "id": 221}, {"image_id": "v_SQncxXAlBFE.mp4", "caption": "A woman body builder slowly lifts a giant barbell of weights up into the air. She lifts it to her chest, Then over her head before freezing in place.", "segments": [[0, 43.96], [49.61, 125.6]], "duration": 125.6, "id": 222}, {"image_id": "v_k3yRK68SEDE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are sitting at a table. The men engage in a game of arm wrestling. One of them beats the other.", "segments": [[0, 41.05], [6.16, 36.13], [36.33, 41.05]], "duration": 41.05, "id": 223}, {"image_id": "v_MBouLt-hXDU.mp4", "caption": "Cake chemistry explaining how to do a at home experiment, They give all the ingredients needed and begin to explain what they will be doing. The start to give step by step instructions on how to mix the ingredients together. They give very detailed information about what to do before putting them in the oven. Once, they come out of the oven they explain the difference between all of the cakes and the different ingredients they did not put in each to see why the results were different.", "segments": [[0, 52.69], [52.69, 100.69], [52.69, 94.84], [94.84, 234.17]], "duration": 234.17000000000002, "id": 224}, {"image_id": "v_rbDbXXqaZaM.mp4", "caption": "A man drives a mowing machine to cut the grass of a backyard. The man pass on front the home to continues mowing the other parts of the yard.", "segments": [[0, 104.15], [104.73, 117.68]], "duration": 117.68, "id": 225}, {"image_id": "v_htfrXrKUIzg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing behind a large animal holding a razor and speaking to the camera. The man then shaves all around the dog while stopping to speak to the camera and pet the dog.", "segments": [[2.56, 54.44], [53.8, 126.18]], "duration": 128.11, "id": 226}, {"image_id": "v_fynO9wmckLA.mp4", "caption": "Two young men are standing indoors, talking to the camera. They demonstrate how they run on a track, and do a long jump into sand.", "segments": [[0, 46.22], [50.47, 106.26]], "duration": 106.25999999999999, "id": 227}, {"image_id": "v_pmPEfkb8roQ.mp4", "caption": "A fence in front of a house is shown. A man wearing white starts painting the fence.", "segments": [[0, 11.73], [11.73, 30.86]], "duration": 30.86, "id": 228}, {"image_id": "v_0MtST08F2Xc.mp4", "caption": "A person in blue pants is raking some fallen leaves from the ground. There is a black dog and a white dog jumping around the person raking the leaves. The white dog is trying to bite off the rake. Both the dogs are playing around the man raking the leaves, trying to bite the rake. The person is moving the rake in circles as the dogs are jumping around him.", "segments": [[3.87, 7.37], [7.37, 12.9], [12.9, 17.88], [17.88, 27.28], [27.28, 27.65]], "duration": 36.85, "id": 229}, {"image_id": "v_AEH6JEd_03c.mp4", "caption": "A butterfly is flying on the screen with words on slides. A person is mixing ingredients in a bowl. They spoon the dough onto a cookie sheet. Bakes cookies are shown stacked up on a plate.", "segments": [[15.9, 104.43], [51.95, 73.69], [74.22, 84.82], [83.76, 94.36]], "duration": 106.02000000000001, "id": 230}, {"image_id": "v_P6lwZ6gKvUw.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in a chair and leads into her peeling a potato with a knife. The person then finishes peeling the potatoes and putting it down.", "segments": [[1.37, 57.35], [61.45, 132.46]], "duration": 136.56, "id": 231}, {"image_id": "v_JV4ss42WZG8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen cutting up various fruits while also seen speaking to the camera. The person mixes various ingredients into a container of water. The person spins around the container in the end.", "segments": [[0.99, 19.75], [16.79, 50.03], [45.42, 64.18]], "duration": 65.83, "id": 232}, {"image_id": "v_vw64k9rIi_g.mp4", "caption": "A person's hand washes a grey cat in a white tub of water. A grey cat is sitting in a white tub of clear water, drenched in water. A hand with a tattoo appears and wipes the cat's back with a red cloth. The hand then wipes the cat's neck and the back of its head with the red cloth. The hand, finally, lets the red cloth fall into the water as the hand holds itself up to the cat's nose.", "segments": [[0.08, 15.16], [0.38, 8.47], [0.69, 6.08], [7.08, 12.32], [12.39, 15.09]], "duration": 15.4, "id": 233}, {"image_id": "v_heLlfK--Bx0.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing with her back turned on a court. She turns, accidentally dropping a rope. She then performs, spinning and jumping with the rope.", "segments": [[0, 15.38], [17.4, 47.34], [49.36, 80.92]], "duration": 80.92, "id": 234}, {"image_id": "v_hR6VFvMXCN4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a flame is shown followed by audience members standing up and athletes standing ready. Hitler then watches a man jump into a pit as well as several other runners after him. More athletes continue jumping while the audience gets riled up and ends with soldiers raising flags up to the sky.", "segments": [[0, 28.79], [28.05, 57.58], [54.62, 147.63]], "duration": 147.63, "id": 235}, {"image_id": "v_Gpocjp7hSzU.mp4", "caption": "A chef shows all the ingredients to do pasta. Then, the chef puts the pasta in hot water, then pours oil in a pan. Next, the chef adds to the pan the garlic, tomatoes, basil, salt, pepper and the cooked pasta and mix. After, the chef adds the parmesan cheese on top the pasta and serves in a dish. The chef put cheese and two green leaves on top the pasta in the dish.", "segments": [[5.94, 72.22], [73.21, 101.9], [101.9, 164.22], [165.21, 176.09], [177.08, 197.86]], "duration": 197.86, "id": 236}, {"image_id": "v_BgsxbT9RCeg.mp4", "caption": "A woman ballerina dressed in a pink skirt and white blouse is standing in pose with her back bent forward and hands on her sides on a stage. A man in blue jeans and a white shirt walks in and strokes her back with a yellow cloth. Then a little girl ballerina comes and bumps into the woman. The woman breaks into a dance every time the little girl ballerina taps her. The little girl picks up a pair of wings and tries to put it on her back. The woman starts doing some ballet moves. She continues to dance to ballet moves as the little girl walks away. The woman ballerina twists and twirls on her toes as she dances to music. The crowd applauds and the man in the white shirt and blue jeans lifts her up and walks off the stage.", "segments": [[15.65, 22.49], [22.49, 47.92], [47.92, 74.32], [74.32, 89.97], [89.97, 105.61], [105.61, 129.08], [129.08, 150.6], [150.6, 185.8], [185.8, 195.58]], "duration": 195.58, "id": 237}, {"image_id": "v_cByxAZfw_hM.mp4", "caption": "man is running in a race track and make a long jump while people in stands is watching him an clapping. people on side of the racetrack is sitting on a side.", "segments": [[0, 51.06], [0, 35.23]], "duration": 51.06, "id": 238}, {"image_id": "v_TGVWaA_xTGE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting behind a set of bongo drums and playing along while speaking to the camera. The woman continues hitting the drums while speaking to the camera and singing along.", "segments": [[0, 73.78], [47.34, 114.98]], "duration": 122.97, "id": 239}, {"image_id": "v_vvdmMyyAtN0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is lying on a bed with her hair spread. There are several images of her from behind with very long hair. We then see numerous images of her with her hair cut off to shoulder length.", "segments": [[0, 23.32], [24.43, 133.26], [137.7, 222.1]], "duration": 222.1, "id": 240}, {"image_id": "v_VJyNbaAz6Xs.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red coat is outside on a snowboard. He starts going down a course and doing some really cool tricks while moving. Some men are rubbing down their boards and another gets on the field and starts doing some flips and stuff in mid air. These are all pretty experienced people on the boards, they are even boarding through water and having a good time.", "segments": [[0.84, 19.26], [14.23, 39.35], [39.35, 97.95], [97.95, 167.44]], "duration": 167.44, "id": 241}, {"image_id": "v_lroya8XhuPs.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing talking to the camera holding a microphone and interviewing voleyball players. men are standing in a sandy field being interviewed. men are in sandy field showing he girl how to play beach soccer. woman is sin front of the net talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 49], [16.96, 49], [49, 170.55], [170.55, 188.45]], "duration": 188.45, "id": 242}, {"image_id": "v_dWPlarw_xg8.mp4", "caption": "A man gets pumped up to do a long jump then does it. Others go next and try to get the crowd pumped up for their respective long jumps.", "segments": [[0, 63.33], [67.63, 214.69]], "duration": 214.69, "id": 243}, {"image_id": "v_q-RNYziOHjE.mp4", "caption": "A black female is talking to the screen with long blonde curly hair and a black sweater.A blow dryer is shown and the lady then begins drying a girl's hair.The girls hair is then shown extremely curly and the young lady has trouble drying her hair.The Red by Kiss blow dryer is shown again and the lady continues drying the young lady's hair.", "segments": [[0, 31.46], [31.46, 62.92], [62.92, 115.11], [115.11, 142.99]], "duration": 142.99, "id": 244}, {"image_id": "v_Cjq9wf9XnX0.mp4", "caption": "man is putting the lifts on a pole. man is standing in middle of a room in a gym lifting weight. a lot of different lifts are stacked in the gym.", "segments": [[0, 6.11], [6.11, 33.95], [6.79, 33.95]], "duration": 33.95, "id": 245}, {"image_id": "v_ffWMjZCysO0.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen running along the road wearing equipment and speaking to the camera. The man runs around using strings as well as speaking to the camera. The man continues speaking while more shots are shown of him running.", "segments": [[0, 62.31], [61.22, 158.51], [131.18, 210.99]], "duration": 218.64, "id": 246}, {"image_id": "v_NttjvRpSdsI.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in stands watching people. The people are in robes. They are doing karate moves on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 61.46], [0, 61.16], [4.92, 61.16]], "duration": 61.46, "id": 247}, {"image_id": "v_XCXcwMyrqYM.mp4", "caption": "A man talks about a bow he is using in front of an open field. The man shows how to use the bow by hitting a target in the field. Several vehicles drive down a road behind the field. Cows graze behind the road. The man hits his last target and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 16.26], [17.02, 54.83], [31.01, 42.73], [0, 75.63], [55.21, 75.63]], "duration": 75.63, "id": 248}, {"image_id": "v_JnYteBN2LDI.mp4", "caption": "A male bartender stands behind a bar in front of drinks and mixing cups. The man picks up a steel sup and pours its contents of ice into a glass he holds in opposite hand. The man then picks up a small steel shot glass and fills it with liquir. The man then pours the liquir into from the shot glass into the glass cup with ice. The man picks up another glass with red juice inside and pours it into the glass with ice before setting back down. The man pours the cup with all the liquids into a mixing cup then uses it to cap and shake the mixer. The man stops shaking and sepperates the two cups, setting them back on the counter. The man grabs a third empty glass and moves it to the opposite side of the counter. The man picks up the mixer and pours its contents into the empty glass before setting it back down. The man then adds a staw and miniature umbrella into the drink for decoration before holding up the glass.", "segments": [[0, 5.19], [5.8, 10.39], [10.39, 18.63], [18.33, 24.74], [18.02, 24.74], [24.44, 35.43], [35.43, 38.18], [37.88, 40.93], [40.02, 47.35], [48.26, 61.09]], "duration": 61.09, "id": 249}, {"image_id": "v_NsYBZUTzgDw.mp4", "caption": "A woman lifts up a cat from the table and sits down with it in her lap. The woman uses trimming scissors to cut the cats claws.", "segments": [[0, 9.26], [10.09, 33.07]], "duration": 33.07, "id": 250}, {"image_id": "v_43j1BAyP6Q0.mp4", "caption": "An unseen person navigates several Amazon dot com pages on exercise equipment. An Amazon page showing an exercise machine alone is shown, followed by another image of a Amazon page showing a woman using an exercise machine along with a price and information about the equipment. Another page showing a eliptical trainer is shown in which an active computer mouse is navigating the review for the item at which point another model elliptical trainer on another page is shown.", "segments": [[0.9, 177.26], [0.9, 105.64], [105.64, 176.36]], "duration": 179.05, "id": 251}, {"image_id": "v_HeHQxObROwQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is spreading shaving cream on another woman's legs. She puts her hands under water and begins to shave the woman's legs for her. She starts from bottom to top of the leg and continues that motion. The video is very unsteady, but the woman continues to shave her friends leg.", "segments": [[0, 17.61], [17.61, 39.4], [39.4, 62.57], [62.57, 92.23]], "duration": 92.7, "id": 252}, {"image_id": "v_tjuYS-6UC_M.mp4", "caption": "A pinata hangs from a tree, as a group of girls stand in front of it. One has a stick and is blindfolded. She hits the pinata, then walks away.", "segments": [[0, 49.4], [54.43, 140.67], [141.51, 167.46]], "duration": 167.46, "id": 253}, {"image_id": "v_MGF7I9aCPPM.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a pink shirt is riding a cycle bike. She is then doing push ups on the ground. She does sit ups on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 29.65], [29.32, 38.12], [42.03, 49.19]], "duration": 65.16, "id": 254}, {"image_id": "v_NnEUVHhtLZs.mp4", "caption": "a man is seated, talking to a talk show host. They are animated as they speak to one another. They continue talking, then the host presents the man with a gift.", "segments": [[0, 9.67], [13.13, 78.78], [85, 138.21]], "duration": 138.21, "id": 255}, {"image_id": "v_zCI36lTmBqY.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting inside on a chair inhaling from a pipe that looked like it was an oboe. He takes the hose out of his mouth and start to exhale forming O's in the air. He starts to blow his smoke in a container and makes some really cool circles i have never seen anything like it. It's pretty cool how he is forming the o's, just relaxing and enjoy simple fun.", "segments": [[0, 25.66], [25.66, 69.53], [69.53, 113.41], [113.41, 165.56]], "duration": 165.56, "id": 256}, {"image_id": "v_LmWcpkqUurg.mp4", "caption": "A man stands at the front of his minivan and shows it. The man leans on the tailgate of his van and shows storage cargo features inside. The man assembles together poles. The man sits in the drivers seat of the van and places the rod frame into a socket and twists it around. The man adjusts the rod and reaches under the van to remove a spare tire. The man removes the spare tire from its enclosure. The man works on installing the new tire.", "segments": [[0, 24.35], [25.29, 49.64], [42.15, 70.24], [70.24, 112.39], [114.26, 152.66], [149.85, 164.84], [165.77, 178.89]], "duration": 187.32, "id": 257}, {"image_id": "v_t8_XO-nWaYg.mp4", "caption": "There are two teenage boys playing and solving the Rubic's cube. Another small boy comes in there and takes a look at the camera. The teenagers are competing against each other to solve the cube. They both finish almost at the same time and solve the Rubic's cube. They proudly show off their skills in the camera.", "segments": [[7.12, 16.86], [16.86, 30.35], [30.35, 57.32], [57.32, 67.44], [67.44, 71.93]], "duration": 74.93, "id": 258}, {"image_id": "v_EhxFw5Eb1VE.mp4", "caption": "The male athlete is standing by the two poles, raised his arms up, then jumped on the poles with his arms, while under him, a man pull out a red beam. The athlete perform his exhibition on the poles, he stand on his arms while his feet and legs are extended straight up in the air, he turns around, swirl, jumped and twist around then jumped on the mat, standing straight.", "segments": [[1.01, 17.45], [11.41, 67.11]], "duration": 67.11, "id": 259}, {"image_id": "v_1BfYAuxv6Wk.mp4", "caption": "Maria is demonstrating how to make a Nyquil cocktail drink. She shows the ingredients required for the drink. She points to vodka, jagermeister and food coloring. She then takes a shaker and pours and vodka and the jagermeister. Then adds some ice in it and shakes it. She uses a strainer to strain the drink into a cocktail glass and places the glass on the table.", "segments": [[4.77, 10.81], [10.81, 16.85], [16.85, 22.89], [22.89, 31.79], [31.79, 45.46], [45.46, 47.68]], "duration": 63.58, "id": 260}, {"image_id": "v_ueDoskgg2yw.mp4", "caption": "There are some men shaving with Gillette shaving gel. There's a model whose face is completely lathered with shaving gel and he is using a blue razor to shave his face. Another male model also has his entire face lathered with shaving gel. He is also shaving his face with a blue razor. He shaves his cheeks and mustache area. He pumps out a small amount gel on his hands. Then shows the difference between regular foam cream and gel shaving cream and continues having. He then poses with a lady model who touches his face to feel his smooth skin. The entire Gillette shaving set is shown.", "segments": [[0, 9.66], [0, 2.26], [2.11, 9.51], [2.49, 5.51], [3.4, 5.13], [4.91, 6.72], [6.26, 9.66], [9.43, 12], [11.77, 15.09]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 261}, {"image_id": "v_sgwg1C3i-Vw.mp4", "caption": "An introduction for a canoe sporting brand appears on the screen. Several people are shown preparing to get their canoes into the water on a snowy day. Several other people get off of a bus and head toward the water. People are then shown doing several canoe an skiing training exercises. Then, in the water, people are shown canoeing and having fun. The video ends with the canoesport website displayed.", "segments": [[0, 11.24], [11.24, 33.13], [33.13, 37.27], [33.13, 77.51], [37.87, 115.96], [115.37, 118.33]], "duration": 118.33, "id": 262}, {"image_id": "v_v4KygkYPdp0.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A person rests his hands on the top of drums. The person is playing the drums. The person claps their hands. The person puts his fingers together. The credits of the clip are shown.", "segments": [[0.97, 4.83], [5.8, 11.59], [12.56, 164.25], [79.23, 102.42], [165.22, 169.08], [171.01, 191.3]], "duration": 193.24, "id": 263}, {"image_id": "v_2dFLbFsFyuY.mp4", "caption": "A woman holds a yellow ball behind her neck. She turns around and launches the ball onto a field. People run to measure the distance. A man in a red shirt holds a ball behind his neck. He turns around and launches the ball on the field. People run to measure the distance of it. Another woman holds a ball behind her neck. She also turns around and launches the ball onto the field. People then run over to measure the distance. She waves at the crowd. She then throws the ball again. The results then flash on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 15.63], [15.63, 19.54], [21.01, 22.96], [30.78, 36.15], [36.15, 38.11], [38.11, 42.02], [49.34, 57.16], [57.65, 61.56], [61.56, 64.49], [66.44, 70.35], [70.84, 75.73], [81.59, 94.29]], "duration": 97.71000000000001, "id": 264}, {"image_id": "v_zDPsJ3ECaTI.mp4", "caption": "An intro starts and begins showing a group of people. Various people perform a dance routine together with an instructor performing front and center. The routine continues with the people and instructor moving around with their arms and legs doing various movements to music.", "segments": [[0, 24.35], [24.35, 205.9], [40.96, 205.9]], "duration": 221.4, "id": 265}, {"image_id": "v_t3zAh4NBVko.mp4", "caption": "A boy and a girl are sitting behind a table. They begin to arm wrestle on the table. The man wins and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 24.73], [0, 19.29], [19.66, 24.73]], "duration": 24.73, "id": 266}, {"image_id": "v_mn1ozn0j7D8.mp4", "caption": "We see a couple opening title screens. A man is shaving with a straight razor. We see the man behind him and the men hug and talk. The man returns to shaving his face. We see the man in the rear again. The shaving man talks and we see the ending title screens.", "segments": [[0, 20.37], [21.03, 31.54], [31.54, 59.14], [59.8, 101.85], [101.85, 105.14], [105.8, 131.43]], "duration": 131.43, "id": 267}, {"image_id": "v_oG4zf8dAQKw.mp4", "caption": "A close up of products are shown followed by a woman open the package in front of a mirror. The woman puts the package into her mouth, swishes it around, then spits it out.", "segments": [[0, 17.66], [11.65, 37.57]], "duration": 37.57, "id": 268}, {"image_id": "v_OBbHkBVDX8Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on stage holding an instruments in his hands. He then picks up the instrument and begins playing on stage. The man continues to play and ends looking away.", "segments": [[0, 5.19], [6.91, 119.27], [69.14, 170.26]], "duration": 172.85, "id": 269}, {"image_id": "v_jlqC3lFqxhQ.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a backdrop of a snowy area and introduces the names of the people in the video and that it's the \"Wisp Snowboard Trip 2014.The video then goes into numerous various different segments of a bunch of different people snowboarding while doing tricks either in the daytime or nighttime and at various different locations. The outro goes to gray and then fade to black.", "segments": [[0, 5.04], [5.04, 194.67], [194.67, 201.73]], "duration": 201.73, "id": 270}, {"image_id": "v_ZJCbT3300OA.mp4", "caption": "A large intertube is shown on the screen. A bunch of sledders get on the tubes. They ride them down a steep hill together.", "segments": [[0, 7.49], [16.23, 51.82], [56.19, 124.88]], "duration": 124.88, "id": 271}, {"image_id": "v_QxsELAtsSWE.mp4", "caption": "A female news anchor introduces a story. A female news reporter speaks to a fitness instructor inside a gym, where cyclists are riding fitness bikes. Exercises such as yoga and bicycling are demonstrated by those in the gym. The female news reporter continues talking to the fitness instructor. She speaks to the anchor back in the studio.", "segments": [[5.12, 12.79], [15.35, 47.76], [48.61, 97.23], [98.08, 158.63], [159.49, 170.57]], "duration": 170.57, "id": 272}, {"image_id": "v_iM-HdlplAhw.mp4", "caption": "A child is seen handing onto a set of monkey bars while children running around. The girl then begins climbing across the set of monkey bars. She climbs all the way to the end and jumps off the side.", "segments": [[0, 3.07], [2.5, 11.82], [10, 22.16]], "duration": 22.73, "id": 273}, {"image_id": "v_CNH37tJNzFE.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a gear shaft is seen following by someone opening a trunk and pulling a tire out. The person puts a jack under the car and begins unscrewing the tire and taking it off. The person puts a new tire on and screws it in place while taking off the jack and putting the hubcap back on.", "segments": [[0.65, 39], [40.95, 99.44], [71.49, 127.39]], "duration": 129.99, "id": 274}, {"image_id": "v_DLJqhYP-C0k.mp4", "caption": "The opening credits are shown for a video about bowling. The video then shows several bowlers doing bowling tricks at a bowling alley. A credit comes onto the screen introducing the grad finale trick. A man throws the ball and simultaneously throws himself down the alley as well. The closing credits then com onto the screen to end the video.", "segments": [[0, 10.28], [10.28, 154.25], [156.12, 163.6], [164.53, 182.29], [182.29, 186.97]], "duration": 186.97, "id": 275}, {"image_id": "v_nMTyJxJIZUs.mp4", "caption": "A small child paints another individual's fingernails. The other individual examines the nails.", "segments": [[0, 62.52], [62.18, 68.71]], "duration": 68.71000000000001, "id": 276}, {"image_id": "v_rt1kYX3slRI.mp4", "caption": "A man mounts a beam in front of a crowd. The gymnast begins to drop, lift, hold, and spin in circles on the high beams for the crowd. He dismounts gracefully, raising his arms to the crowd before walking away.", "segments": [[0, 5.57], [5.92, 56.44], [57.49, 69.68]], "duration": 69.68, "id": 277}, {"image_id": "v_Cy56IkwsQVs.mp4", "caption": "Several young people, talk and laugh while standing around a table covered in beer cans and blue plastic cups. A young man stands around a table in a room talking to two two women and some more men, occasionally laughing and smiling. A small white balls is thrown across the table as the people attempt to throw the balls in the blue cups from across the table. In the final moments of the clip a ball flies across the table and the men react in a triumphant way throwing their arms in the air in celebration.", "segments": [[1.19, 224.59], [1.19, 46.34], [46.34, 120.02], [226.96, 236.47]], "duration": 237.66, "id": 278}, {"image_id": "v_Sw7iRtHxMSs.mp4", "caption": "A group of young men poses and goofs around in front of a table full of red cups. A young man in black puts two shot glasses down on the table. Another group of young men sit in chairs outside. A young man in grey bounces a ball on the table and in to one of the cups and celebrates with the young man next to him. A young man in black bounces a ball toward the cups but misses. Another man holds his hand up next to the cups. The two men that bounced the balls at the cups clink the shot glasses together and then drink the shot. A young man in black pats the back of the young man in grey. The young man in grey drinks from one of the red cups on the table while the young man in black pretends to punch him. Another young man rearranges the remaining cups on the table. The young man in grey and the young man in black fist bump.", "segments": [[0, 16.8], [16.8, 20.88], [0, 90.79], [29.96, 34.05], [35.41, 44.49], [38.59, 44.03], [46.76, 60.38], [52.66, 57.2], [61.74, 65.37], [69, 81.71], [82.62, 83.53]], "duration": 90.78999999999999, "id": 279}, {"image_id": "v_3gsF785TAmg.mp4", "caption": "A game of volleyball is being played between blue and yellow team. The yellow team servies the ball and it is hit continually back and forth until the yellow team scores a point. A player on the yellow team falls and the players on each team assist her. They take her shoe and sock off and massage her leg. Two people proceed to pick her up with the help of a third and take her off the court and lay her down to the side to continue care.", "segments": [[0, 11.9], [11.9, 21.64], [21.64, 44.35], [44.35, 71.4], [71.4, 106.56]], "duration": 108.18, "id": 280}, {"image_id": "v_awv0jtZpeoo.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt is working out an an exercise machine. A woman in a purple shirt walks behind him.Two people are talking to each other behind him.", "segments": [[0, 27.72], [13.58, 19.09], [21.21, 26.59]], "duration": 28.28, "id": 281}, {"image_id": "v_0QyHaXliXKs.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen holding up flags and walking in a circle while many others watch on the sides. Two people are then seen walking up to the circle and lead into a wrestling match between the two. One man bows to the other and the winner walks away from the stage.", "segments": [[0.79, 61.05], [42.81, 120.51], [129.23, 156.19]], "duration": 158.57, "id": 282}, {"image_id": "v_9-yA1F4il_A.mp4", "caption": "A lady is blowing leaves off a roof. the lady walks to the right then towards the top. The camera pans down and we see a small boy on the ground below.", "segments": [[0, 14.56], [0.76, 13.64], [14.98, 16.84]], "duration": 16.84, "id": 283}, {"image_id": "v_CvhSPJ0sBCk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are shown parasailing together across ocean water. They move their sails around as they go.", "segments": [[0, 44.77], [48.68, 60.09]], "duration": 60.09, "id": 284}, {"image_id": "v_iDz8nKDpumY.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen riding on skis behind a boat with one person having a child on their shoulders. The people all hang onto one another while the young child climbs on top of them and falls off in the end.", "segments": [[0, 38.14], [32.53, 112.18]], "duration": 112.18, "id": 285}, {"image_id": "v_OH5UXwa3F7E.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen and a man runs and does a high jump at fifteen feet. We see a man jump the high jump on a track at various height with lots of cut scenes. We see seventeen and a still of the man. We see fifteen nine scroll across the screen. We see a series of still of the man and sixteen six. Seventeen two scrolls across the screen. We see seventeen nine scroll across the screen. We then see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 30.85], [0, 186.97], [47.68, 54.22], [71.05, 77.59], [97.22, 128.07], [129.01, 135.55], [165.47, 170.14], [182.29, 186.97]], "duration": 186.97, "id": 286}, {"image_id": "v_iGuOr5KwLQ0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a toga skates on rollerblades in a parking lot. A person holding a camera is standing to the side watching the man on rollerblades.", "segments": [[0, 116.33], [63.98, 66.31]], "duration": 116.33, "id": 287}, {"image_id": "v_my4UPLGI6w4.mp4", "caption": "There's a man coming out of his garage with an electrical leaf blower. He begins blowing the leaves off of his yard for fall cleanup. He walks around his yard with the blower as he cleans the leaves.", "segments": [[13.01, 39.03], [39.03, 63.91], [63.91, 69.65]], "duration": 76.53, "id": 288}, {"image_id": "v_NRdxsuSCJyM.mp4", "caption": "A scuba diver holds onto a rock as he throws a peace sign in the air. The man lets go of the rock and puts up two peace signs in the air. The man fixes his snorkel and goggles.", "segments": [[0, 24.54], [24.85, 38.51], [38.82, 62.11]], "duration": 62.11, "id": 289}, {"image_id": "v_kMsWDe0V1Xg.mp4", "caption": "Blue lights light up a stage. A man's silhouette is visible and we see the arena in blue light. The man on stage plays lit in a red light. We see the arena in blue and the sax player in red. We see another member of the band. We see the man on the saxophone playing close and far. We see the whole arena and the man playing close. We pan from the man out to the audience.", "segments": [[0, 3.82], [3.82, 28.63], [28.63, 48.67], [49.62, 79.2], [80.15, 83.97], [92.56, 125], [125, 182.26], [181.3, 190.85]], "duration": 190.85, "id": 290}, {"image_id": "v_x4DuEusRR7Q.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen swimming the depths of a pool floor. The man comes up before the camera, his face showing. He then swims slowly back toward the surface.", "segments": [[0, 5.25], [5.57, 27.98], [28.14, 31.8]], "duration": 31.8, "id": 291}, {"image_id": "v_Ufm19cvrxGs.mp4", "caption": "A set of instruction is seen with diagrams. A man uses a tool to repair individual links of a bike chain. The bike chain is fastened back together on the bike gears using a specialized tool. The person inspects the newly replaced chain by hand. The person points to different areas on the bike gearing with the bike on the rack after the job is complete.", "segments": [[0, 24.55], [44.34, 60.97], [65.72, 117.98], [120.35, 135.4], [137.77, 147.28]], "duration": 158.36, "id": 292}, {"image_id": "v_uz4Tb2RG1tY.mp4", "caption": "A chef is seen speaking to the camera holding up a knife as well as a sharpener. The man then sharpens the knife on a board on the table as well as on the sharpener.", "segments": [[0, 77.48], [56.42, 148.2]], "duration": 150.46, "id": 293}, {"image_id": "v_M_LSDRzVN38.mp4", "caption": "A blindfolded young woman swings a stick around wildly as a man holds a pi\u00f1ata high above her head on a string at a birthday party. Then woman swings a few more times as the man brings the pi\u00f1ata up and down with the attached string and as she does this knocks a piece of the pi\u00f1ata off and a few kids gather round her to see if any candy fell out. The woman feels for the pi\u00f1ata a few times with the stick, but does not swing as kids continue to look up in amazement.", "segments": [[0, 15.04], [15.04, 32.91], [32.91, 43.58]], "duration": 43.58, "id": 294}, {"image_id": "v_ULZpTYSwlTs.mp4", "caption": "There are some weightlifters on stage participating in weightlifting events. There are several spectators watching the event. One of the weightlifters successfully lifts the weight bar high up and then drops it down. He raises his right hand feeling triumphant.", "segments": [[5.02, 9.2], [9.2, 17.15], [17.15, 24.82], [24.82, 26.91]], "duration": 27.89, "id": 295}, {"image_id": "v_1fF1OQtpctg.mp4", "caption": "A cheer-leading team begins to hold up posters as their mascot runs behind them.They then begin to do a routine and some of the girls run with streamers as the rest of them hold up the girls for their stunt.The stunt is finished and the retreat back to their original position and begin doing cartwheels and other tricks and stunts along with their mascot.As the routine continues,more stunts are performed and the Tiger mascot continues to cheer with the girls.", "segments": [[0, 54.52], [54.52, 125.08], [125.08, 181.74], [182.81, 213.81]], "duration": 213.81, "id": 296}, {"image_id": "v_SnBTp7iV2kE.mp4", "caption": "A boy and a man take turns playing billiards while a crowd watches. The man wipes his face with a towel. The boy wins and the crowd cheers. Several men pick up the boy in celebration. The winning shot is replayed in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 111.53], [87.32, 90.99], [111.53, 132.81], [119.6, 132.81], [133.54, 146.75]], "duration": 146.75, "id": 297}, {"image_id": "v_OqajYZVt1Wc.mp4", "caption": "A women is seen holding a thread of string in her hands and begins knitting the string with her hands. She continues threading the string with her hands and ends by holding the thread up to show.", "segments": [[0, 34.06], [31.04, 75.7]], "duration": 75.7, "id": 298}, {"image_id": "v_xlTKV-3QSW8.mp4", "caption": "A man sitting in a raft in water talks to the camera. The man demonstrates techniques while talking to the camera. The man rafts downstream while paddling.", "segments": [[3.12, 36.32], [36.32, 62.87], [62.87, 78.1]], "duration": 78.1, "id": 299}, {"image_id": "v_62h9hnNTKWM.mp4", "caption": "Alexandra Raisman from Massachusetts is seen wearing purple leotards, getting ready to do gymnastics on the horse bar. She jumps right onto the horse bar and does some front and back flips. Then she does some back hand springs on the horse bar. she swiftly jumps on the horse bar while maintaining complete control over body and balance. She does a final back flip and a front flip and then, gets off the horse bar. The spectators cheer for her as she walks away.", "segments": [[9.49, 27.79], [27.79, 56.26], [56.26, 91.5], [91.5, 109.12], [109.12, 124.71], [124.71, 131.49]], "duration": 135.56, "id": 300}, {"image_id": "v_bQ3yPbCICRg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending over a bang in the middle of drummers. The people hit the drums continuously while the camera pans around. The men drum while the camera pans around them.", "segments": [[0, 2.31], [2.2, 8.13], [7.77, 10.18]], "duration": 10.5, "id": 301}, {"image_id": "v_4innF37ifyY.mp4", "caption": "A news man is speaking in front of a group of people. A man is shown on a diving board high atop a cliff. He dives, jumping into the shallow waters below.", "segments": [[0, 7.19], [7.79, 8.89], [9.09, 19.97]], "duration": 19.97, "id": 302}, {"image_id": "v_4fEY6zIq8bQ.mp4", "caption": "The man is plastering the wall. The man bend over then continue to plaster the wall. The man cover the wall with pink plaster until the whole wall is covered.", "segments": [[0, 219.66], [17.57, 81.27], [71.39, 219.66]], "duration": 219.66, "id": 303}, {"image_id": "v_1iIG5D3jTk4.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing in a large gymnasium speaking to one another and leads into them performing a jump roping routine. The woman continue jumping all along the gym together and end by holding the ropes against their feet.", "segments": [[0.96, 44.27], [35.13, 93.36]], "duration": 96.25, "id": 304}, {"image_id": "v_bY0bGFJ-k1U.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a hand is seen that pans out to a man putting gloves on. The man then assembles a torch and begins burning a piece of metal in front of him. The man continues to work and hammer objects as well as sand it on the side.", "segments": [[2.15, 48.67], [40.8, 116.67], [113.81, 139.57]], "duration": 143.15, "id": 305}, {"image_id": "v_eW5W8dVB_I4.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing on the side of the court holding basketball. The men are giving interview, talking to the camera, while one man is talking the other man is listening, then vice versa. The man went to the basket dribble to the ball, the men ran to the basket and shot the ball.", "segments": [[0, 20.15], [0, 122.09], [54.94, 108.05]], "duration": 122.09, "id": 306}, {"image_id": "v_G5mKcPzVMG4.mp4", "caption": "A man in gray shirt and cap is sitting next to a boat motor, while behind him is a woman riding a surfboard, and holding a harness attached to the boat. As the woman moving the dolphins started to swim with her, the dolphins' fins are visible as they swim up and down.", "segments": [[0, 12.09], [10.26, 73.26]], "duration": 73.26, "id": 307}, {"image_id": "v_ITGlho0dw-k.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a lady putting sunscreen on in a bathroom and on the beach. We see a title screen and see the lady buy her sunscreen and another title screen. The lady throws a way a bottle and looks on her phone before going to the bathroom and putting sunscreen on. We see a title screen and the lady applies sunscreen and a friend puts some on her back. The lady puts on sunscreen on the beach and her friend run on the beach. We see a title screen and the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.79], [3.79, 15.8], [15.8, 42.99], [43.62, 84.08], [84.08, 106.2], [106.84, 115.69], [116.32, 126.43]], "duration": 126.43, "id": 308}, {"image_id": "v_ynispYtdDq8.mp4", "caption": "A woman in lingerie is sitting on a couch waving at the camera. She opens a pack of cigarettes and lights up. She continues sitting and smoking while looking at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.8], [9.81, 53.46], [57.19, 67.68]], "duration": 67.68, "id": 309}, {"image_id": "v_44r5SAczrOg.mp4", "caption": "A person is solving a cube puzzle spinning the pieces to match the colors. When, the person match all the color, points the table and puts the cube puzzle on it.", "segments": [[0, 49.72], [49.98, 53.17]], "duration": 53.17, "id": 310}, {"image_id": "v_KpOSIph2hHw.mp4", "caption": "We see a GoPro opening screen. We see a lady walking with a raft into a river. We see people riding rafts in the river. We see a mans's legs and the lady rides past. We see the lady handing a beverage in a can to the cameraman. The cameraman goes under a branch that is across the water. We then see the GoPro ending scene.", "segments": [[0, 3.76], [3.76, 10.97], [11.28, 58.93], [23.82, 26.64], [30.09, 38.56], [47.33, 51.41], [58.93, 62.69]], "duration": 62.69, "id": 311}, {"image_id": "v_fHEUdQY1cdc.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen running down the road around a bull with some holding sticks in their hands. The people crowd around the bull waving sticks and follow the bull around as he gets angry. Another bull is shown and the two fight while the people stand and cheer on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 29.06], [29.06, 117.14], [117.14, 176.15]], "duration": 176.15, "id": 312}, {"image_id": "v_QlCA9f1WD84.mp4", "caption": "A painter applies plaster to a wall using a wide flat edge tool. The man moves electrical wire handing on the while to plaster around it. Other rooms of the house are seen in different stages of completeness.", "segments": [[0, 30.91], [8.51, 31.09], [31.65, 36.64]], "duration": 37.01, "id": 313}, {"image_id": "v_2yjRePOzYq4.mp4", "caption": " A man skips on a truck signed with white lines, when he arrives to the third line jumps high and lands in the sandbox. The playback of a man performing long jump is show several times.", "segments": [[0, 11.42], [11.64, 44.77]], "duration": 44.77, "id": 314}, {"image_id": "v_UF2v4emX7rc.mp4", "caption": "A group of men in masks are gathered around targets. They are holding paint guns as they run across the field. They hide behind obstacles, shooting at each other.", "segments": [[0, 5.2], [6.24, 48.5], [49.53, 69.28]], "duration": 69.28, "id": 315}, {"image_id": "v_nKnsvy7-wAI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen running down the street holding a box and speaking to another. The man then plays a game with a small girl and bows after each game. The two continue to play with the man laughing at the camera and him giving her a kiss in the end.", "segments": [[0.65, 40.01], [32.91, 92.28], [81.95, 123.89]], "duration": 129.06, "id": 316}, {"image_id": "v_8vcO5DRxP6c.mp4", "caption": "A man picks up a ball and puts it behind his neck and throws it onto the field. Another man in a blue shirt picks up a ball and puts it behind his ear and throws it onto the field. People measure the distance on the field. The man puts on a white t shirt and puts his arms in the air. Another man launches a ball onto the field.", "segments": [[17.27, 40.64], [61.98, 97.54], [97.54, 99.57], [118.88, 129.04], [148.34, 159.52]], "duration": 203.21, "id": 317}, {"image_id": "v_YZJghuPmff8.mp4", "caption": "A woman holds the back section of a girls hair while she gets ready to style it. The woman uses a single pick comb to separate strands of hair. The woman clips back sections of hair. The woman pulls on strands of hairs to get them straightened out. The woman braids them the strands of hair together.", "segments": [[0, 8.25], [10.5, 21.01], [22.51, 28.51], [28.51, 56.28], [56.28, 150.07]], "duration": 150.07, "id": 318}, {"image_id": "v_ol4ScGsyhbI.mp4", "caption": "An image is shown of a man posing with trophies and flexing his biceps. The images cut to videos, as he wins multiple arm wrestling matches and trophies.In the final scenes, a vast audience talks as they watch him win yet again.", "segments": [[0, 67.8], [75.58, 184.52], [190.07, 222.31]], "duration": 222.31, "id": 319}, {"image_id": "v_hMUoeOFmquI.mp4", "caption": "A news segment begins and black and white picture of a smiling girl appears on the screen and the banner on the screen says \"HENRICO TEEN DIES AFTER RACE FATHER RECOUNTS DAUGHTER'S FINAL MOMENTS\". The newscaster appears with her parents talking about the girl while clips of the race play, and still shot pictures of the girl appear on the camera.When the pictures and video clips of the interview and race are over, the newscaster is speaking alone back at the news station.", "segments": [[0, 23.2], [23.2, 100.35], [100.35, 107.9]], "duration": 107.9, "id": 320}, {"image_id": "v_i1llwxnI_Vo.mp4", "caption": "There are several people gathered on the street where live music is playing. There are couples dancing together to the music doing the Salsa style of dance. There are many restaurants and stores in that town square where people are gathered to see the couples dance. Some of the bystanders are video taping the dancers. The couples continue to dance till the music ends. One guy kisses his girlfriend on the cheek after the dance is over.", "segments": [[23.99, 42.22], [42.22, 84.43], [84.43, 117.05], [117.05, 140.08], [140.08, 167.9], [167.9, 183.25]], "duration": 191.89, "id": 321}, {"image_id": "v_8eDJXDetgGE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a stick up and leads into clips of men playing field hockey. Men are seen running up and down a field chasing after a ball and scoring a goal. Several clips are shown of people playing this game as well as celebrating with team mates.", "segments": [[0, 68.7], [55.4, 170.64], [125.21, 218.29]], "duration": 221.61, "id": 322}, {"image_id": "v_W3fKTlm1BPs.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a camera following around a lacrosse match and pausing to show off players movements. The game continues on as the people play and run around chasing a ball.", "segments": [[5.92, 114.78], [91.11, 230.74]], "duration": 236.66, "id": 323}, {"image_id": "v_j-qAgWm_Ylw.mp4", "caption": "The man in stripes shirt ran to the narrow path and hopped and jumped on the sandy ground. The men are jumped one by one on the sandy ground while a man and woman are holding a rake and smoothen the ground. Two people are holding a tape measure and measure the jump.", "segments": [[0, 19.52], [15.8, 185.9], [59.49, 145.93]], "duration": 185.9, "id": 324}, {"image_id": "v_grroBKRxAMY.mp4", "caption": "Words are shown on the screen. A man is talking while standing outside in front of a hill. The man is holding a shovel standing in front of a small tree. The man continues talking and then shovels out some weeds and dirt around the tree. He picks up rocks from around the tree. There is a white bucket in front of him of bark that he puts around the tree.", "segments": [[0, 6.06], [6.99, 16.79], [17.25, 25.18], [40.1, 53.63], [53.16, 56.89], [59.69, 76.01]], "duration": 93.27000000000001, "id": 325}, {"image_id": "v_v_UmAH95xls.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are sitting on the porch of a house while shaving their legs. A boy walks out and looks before walking away.The girls continue soaping up and shaving.", "segments": [[0, 23.41], [25.17, 81.35], [82.52, 117.05]], "duration": 117.05, "id": 326}, {"image_id": "v_YEZrwxz0Ysk.mp4", "caption": "A shot glass is shown, filled with three colors of liquid. Several bottles of different colored alcohols are shown. The liquids are poured one at a time into the glasses, forming the tricolored drink.", "segments": [[0, 18.5], [20.48, 111.63], [112.96, 132.11]], "duration": 132.11, "id": 327}, {"image_id": "v_Ed9xVend710.mp4", "caption": "A still shot of a man on water skis is shown. It then jumps to the same man water skiing very intently. He falls a few times and does his best to stay upright. The video then shows other people trying their best but falling each time. The video continues to show people falling again and again. At the end, credits are shown as to who filmed and starred in the video.", "segments": [[0, 26.12], [27.31, 70.05], [70.05, 136.55], [135.36, 172.17], [172.17, 219.66], [219.66, 237.47]], "duration": 237.47, "id": 328}, {"image_id": "v_o9gsbkp135s.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown outside brushing snow off of a car with lights on. The man walks around the car pushing more of the snow off and shutting the door.", "segments": [[0, 13.55], [13.55, 26.97]], "duration": 27.38, "id": 329}, {"image_id": "v_5MjAgMF_FzA.mp4", "caption": "A black screen with a white title appears. A cook is in front of a professional stove putting seasoning into a metal pan and warming a pan over a gas lit blue flame. The cook now scoops a large portion of mixed egg from a large metal pot into the small metal pan. He begins to whisk the egg mixture with two wooden sticks, holding the pan over the burner. When the egg is almost fully cooked, the man begins to shape the egg inside of the pan with the wooden sticks in the shape of an omelet. He rolls the omelet back and forth in the pan. End black screen and a blue word.", "segments": [[0, 9.82], [10.37, 22.92], [23.47, 27.29], [26.74, 61.67], [61.67, 77.5], [77.5, 98.79], [99.33, 109.16]], "duration": 109.16, "id": 330}, {"image_id": "v_feio1hW6Dy0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of ballet shoes are shown followed by a woman putting them on and moving around in a bedroom. She moves her arms and feet in the point shoes and whips her hair all around the room.", "segments": [[0, 42.08], [34.79, 112.22]], "duration": 112.22, "id": 331}, {"image_id": "v_3VzXH3o88mw.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen mixing various ingredients into a blender as well as rolling rough up into a ball and speaking to the camera. The man speaks to other chefs and instructs them on how to roll a ball of rough. He then puts the dough in a machine to make spaghetti and then puts them in a plate to present.", "segments": [[0, 56.42], [53.83, 99.23], [95.98, 129.71]], "duration": 129.71, "id": 332}, {"image_id": "v_HNBiW2Nq318.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen bending forward on a gymnastics beam while moving his hands up to keep balance. The man then attempts a flip but lands on his stomach and falls off, walking away in pain and his jump shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[1.6, 22.62], [23.02, 39.23]], "duration": 40.03, "id": 333}, {"image_id": "v_e0a1lp4ZWu8.mp4", "caption": "People are riding on horses in a field. A person in a red shirt is standing next to the horse. A man in a black hat is next to the horse.", "segments": [[0, 89.86], [28.31, 29.65], [86.27, 89.86]], "duration": 89.86, "id": 334}, {"image_id": "v_JKFxKhCQPUs.mp4", "caption": "A male gymnast wearing a blue leotard is doing gymnastics on a horse bar. He is performing in an indoor stadium full of spectators. He continues to excel in doing his moves steadily on the horse bar. After he's done, he gets off the bar and one of the coaches hugs him as the crowd cheers for him.", "segments": [[8.03, 20.89], [20.89, 30.99], [30.99, 40.86], [40.86, 45.91]], "duration": 45.91, "id": 335}, {"image_id": "v__ekWWP0dQZM.mp4", "caption": "A ballerina is shown in class warming up her feet and walking away crying. Various actors talk to the camera about filming a movie about ballet and the moves they learned. The ballerinas are moving around the set while the camera is rolling. The actors continue talking about tricks and what they learned. A man plays the violin while the final scene is filmed and everyone is dancing.", "segments": [[0, 13.13], [18.96, 132.74], [51.78, 98.46], [80.96, 118.88], [121.07, 134.2]], "duration": 145.87, "id": 336}, {"image_id": "v_pjF6uBZHVRE.mp4", "caption": "The starting list for the men's pole vault event is displayed over the background of the competition area. Multiple vaulters attempt to vault, one after another, some successfully and some not. The camera cuts to a man wiping his face with a towel, then a quick shot of the last vault attempt, then a quick shot of another man walking away from the camera. Another man in white and blue vaults and is successful. The camera cuts to four other competitors watching. The camera cuts to a man in white and blue celebrating while holding a flag against his black. The man who celebrated is being interviewed. A different competitor, wearing red, is being interviewed.", "segments": [[0, 11.56], [12.52, 78.98], [85.72, 88.61], [91.5, 97.28], [99.21, 100.17], [103.06, 108.84], [111.73, 174.33], [180.11, 192.63]], "duration": 192.63, "id": 337}, {"image_id": "v_X5Bxa0OvdwI.mp4", "caption": "Various items are shown on a floor and leads into a woman holding up the products and speaking to the camera. She holds up her shoe and lights a match over the polish. She then takes a rag and runs over the boot with the polish in small circles.", "segments": [[0, 52.3], [52.3, 148.36], [147.29, 213.46]], "duration": 213.46, "id": 338}, {"image_id": "v_kdRcWkrZRZo.mp4", "caption": "A still picture of an individual's back is shown. Some sort of item is shown in close up. A man and a woman talk to the camera in a newscast setting. Scenes of summer beach goers are shown in a news report context. A man is shown walking near a boat with dogs. The man is shown near a grill. A quick cut of a the item from before is shown up close. The man is interviewed while seated, with a quick cut of him walking. The man removes his shirt. More close up scenes of the item are shown. Still images and video of skin damage are shown. The man talks in an indoor environment. Another still image of the item is shown. The man is interviewed seated again. A still screen of text is shown. A different man talks to the camera while a logo is shown beside him. A webpage about the first man is shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.37], [8.06, 8.95], [8.95, 18.8], [18.8, 34.02], [34.02, 44.76], [44.76, 46.55], [47.45, 52.82], [52.82, 76.99], [76.99, 81.47], [80.57, 88.63], [89.53, 111.91], [111.01, 119.07], [117.28, 126.23], [128.92, 130.71], [131.6, 143.24], [145.93, 162.04], [163.83, 179.05]], "duration": 179.05, "id": 339}, {"image_id": "v_1VmqefkNV_8.mp4", "caption": "A man is dancing on a stage in a yellow shirt. People in the audience watching him are dancing with him. A man walks in front of the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 171.86], [12.03, 171.86], [117.73, 171.86]], "duration": 171.86, "id": 340}, {"image_id": "v_MlGh0geYhSg.mp4", "caption": "A horse kicks a man in a red shirt. A girl in a grey shirt gets thrown off a horse. A man riding a horse gets bucked off. A horse tips over backward with a a person on it. A man is riding on a horse and flies off. A white horse misses a jump and the person falls off. A man gets hit by a rope while chasing a calf. A horse gets his head stuck in a garbage can.", "segments": [[0, 1.86], [2.48, 4.95], [6.19, 9.6], [14.86, 18.27], [18.89, 22.29], [36.54, 41.8], [42.42, 44.9], [46.76, 52.02]], "duration": 61.93, "id": 341}, {"image_id": "v_dSsMVoPLQOk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen shaving down the fur of a dog while the camera shows many dogs sitting in crates. A woman is seen speaking to the camera and showing off several dogs with long hair and afterwards. The woman continues shaving down the sides of the dog while stopping to speak to the camera and showing off the shaved dog.", "segments": [[2.53, 43.05], [36.97, 78.5], [67.36, 98.75]], "duration": 101.28999999999999, "id": 342}, {"image_id": "v_eZ_qerXno64.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is shown playing table tennis, hitting the ball extremely quickly back and forth over the net. Some of the balls fly past her, but she continues hitting new balls without pausing.", "segments": [[0, 37.91], [40.6, 67.11]], "duration": 67.11, "id": 343}, {"image_id": "v_ZT63nK4lexg.mp4", "caption": "A man walks over and chalks his hands. The man walks the bars, stretches and stands there. The man mounts the bars and begins to spin. The man flips and dismounts. The man walks away from the bars.", "segments": [[0, 31.22], [32.15, 44.26], [45.19, 78.74], [78.27, 83.86], [84.33, 93.18]], "duration": 93.18, "id": 344}, {"image_id": "v_ioHDdIBu2go.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks, then she holds the tube of a vacuum and points the nozzle. The woman vacuum dirt on a carpet, then she extends the tube while explaining. Then, the woman puts a small nozzle and vacuum a couch, then she explains how to remove the dust container. The woman continues explaining next to the vacuum.", "segments": [[0, 24.36], [25.15, 45.58], [45.58, 128.1], [128.88, 157.18]], "duration": 157.18, "id": 345}, {"image_id": "v_mqUJEX9qk8E.mp4", "caption": "two men are riding horses in a dusty field in mountains. men and a woman wearing Kufiyyas on their heads are standing on dessert next to horses. dessert with mountains in the distance is shown and the men are standing next to a kids ride the horses adn are going in the desert.", "segments": [[0, 5.48], [5.48, 14.25], [14.25, 109.65]], "duration": 109.65, "id": 346}, {"image_id": "v_eGW0rygfcrg.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are standing in a bar. We see the man and a woman ballroom dancing. The lady kicks her leg out behind and in front of her. We zoom in on the legs of the dancers. The camera goes blurry and the scene ends.", "segments": [[0, 1.84], [2.77, 92.23], [68.71, 73.32], [74.25, 82.08], [88.54, 92.23]], "duration": 92.22999999999999, "id": 347}, {"image_id": "v_kkLRLb8TGwI.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of females are shown playing a water polo match in an indoor pool. it appears to be a tournament as they are highly competitive and going all out. Various shots of the action are shown in normal motion and in slow motion. The match appears to be getting very tense as both teams are trying their best to score and both goalies put up great defense. A young girl who played in the match is then shown with her entire family as they take a picture.", "segments": [[0, 19.67], [19.67, 47.58], [47.58, 70.42], [70.42, 111.01], [111.65, 126.87]], "duration": 126.87, "id": 348}, {"image_id": "v_MsBqlgdzeag.mp4", "caption": "A man approaches a trunk standing by some dirt. He grabs an ax sitting on the dirt. He takes the ax and cuts the trunk in half. The trunk falls and he picks up one of the halves. He takes the ax to the trunk and cuts it in half. He stands the other trunk and cuts it in half.", "segments": [[0, 8.69], [8.97, 13.45], [13.73, 17.1], [17.38, 27.75], [28.03, 36.43], [36.71, 56.05]], "duration": 56.05, "id": 349}, {"image_id": "v_mb1LoOTM_NI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing at the table in arm wrestling position. A woman is positioning the men, holding their hands. One man without glasses is bending on the side to with his weight. The man with glass put down the other man's hand and won.", "segments": [[0, 60.23], [6.63, 33.73], [30.12, 49.69], [47.58, 60.23]], "duration": 60.23, "id": 350}, {"image_id": "v_HVfr9FnEj-Q.mp4", "caption": "Ladies are standing in a workout room. The ladies are belly dancing. The ladies dip down and toss their hair backwards. They swing their dipped bodies. The ladies dip and bend backwards. The ladies throw their hair back and forth. 2:43 A man is in the room in the back and bends down. The ladies finish dancing and take a bow.", "segments": [[0, 4.72], [4.72, 187.77], [56.61, 65.1], [78.31, 83.03], [92.47, 98.13], [144.36, 151.91], [155.68, 184.93], [187.77, 188.71]], "duration": 188.71, "id": 351}, {"image_id": "v_yN3e-giBxns.mp4", "caption": "It's a nighttime outside at a horse ranch and a lot of people are standing around. Suddenly a horse with a man riding on him quickly starts running and there's a calf roped to the horse who is running in front of them. The man lassos the calf, jumps off the horse, throws the calf on its side and quickly ties it up.The man gets up, walks back to his horse, jumps back on and the horse slowly begins to walk as the calf is trying to stand up.", "segments": [[0, 8.1], [8.1, 11.44], [11.44, 18.13], [18.13, 35.2]], "duration": 35.2, "id": 352}, {"image_id": "v_uE_8WuNO7cA.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen with a moon. A lady appears holding a pumpkin. We see the lady in the lower left hand of the screen talking. We see a person open and clean a pumpkin. We see the person carve a drawing on a pumpkin. We see a person draw on the pumpkin with a black marker. We see the finished jack o lantern with a candle in it.", "segments": [[0, 5.88], [5.88, 18.47], [18.47, 164.55], [18.47, 72.2], [72.2, 130.97], [136.84, 152.79], [151.95, 167.9]], "duration": 167.9, "id": 353}, {"image_id": "v_IoOkg-_S4cY.mp4", "caption": "A gymnastic girl is performing balance beam. The girl is getting ready to get on the beam from a jump pad. The girl performs flawlessly on the beam. The girl lands on floor perfectly with a big smile.", "segments": [[0, 78], [0, 3.9], [6.63, 74.49], [75.66, 78]], "duration": 78.0, "id": 354}, {"image_id": "v_UGd9cVzHQOU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen using a machine across a long stretch of leaves while moving up and down the lawn. He continues pushing the leaves around the area and moving up and down the lawn.", "segments": [[3.07, 31.4], [17.58, 31.4]], "duration": 34.13, "id": 355}, {"image_id": "v_YdenUU3g0XY.mp4", "caption": "A man introduces the topic of the video, which is how to do a smash shot in Badminton. He slowly demonstrates the necessary approach and form of the shot. We then see a player perform the shot multiple times as another person sets him up.", "segments": [[0, 17.35], [17.69, 35.38], [46.6, 62.25]], "duration": 68.03999999999999, "id": 356}, {"image_id": "v_E4ItlgO16LI.mp4", "caption": "A male gymnast in a blue outfit applies chalk dust to his hands. An infographic appears, showing his name to be Danell Leyva from the USA. He steps up to a parallel bars and waves. He performs his routine, executing many flips and handstands. He dismounts badly, falling over and landing on his back beside the mat. He steps back onto the mat and briefly raises his arms.", "segments": [[0, 20.1], [4.28, 17.96], [19.67, 31.22], [31.22, 77.42], [76.99, 79.55], [80.41, 85.54]], "duration": 85.53999999999999, "id": 357}, {"image_id": "v_BsceC-igcTY.mp4", "caption": "Hockey players walk out onto the ice, greeting each other. They play the game, trying to get the puck past their opponents into the goal. They roll around on the ice slowly.", "segments": [[0, 17.46], [17.46, 100.41], [102.29, 124.74]], "duration": 124.74, "id": 358}, {"image_id": "v_V1NtrnPz3sA.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is stretching with a ball and swinging her legs back and fourth. She throws the ball and again prepares for another throw. She spins around throwing the ball yet again with a third throw followed shortly after. She performs one last throw and spins herself around once again.", "segments": [[0, 9.1], [9.5, 20.18], [20.97, 56.18], [58.56, 77.95]], "duration": 79.13, "id": 359}, {"image_id": "v_2kx--bbqXHg.mp4", "caption": "Cotton balls are being set on fire and put out in various ways. An ax is used to put out the fire. A piece of wood is used to put out the fire.", "segments": [[0, 225.28], [51.81, 107.01], [183.6, 184.73]], "duration": 225.28, "id": 360}, {"image_id": "v_lHy_OZ8GygM.mp4", "caption": "A woman wash the head of a man and cuts his hair, then the woman stands next two man an touch the head of the young man. The woman cuts the hair of a young man using first a machine, and then a comb and scissors. Then, the woman dry the hair with a dryer and brush the head. After, the woman takes cream on her hands and comb the head of the man with her fingers to gives form to the hair. Next, the woman explains the hairstyle.", "segments": [[0, 26.6], [30.69, 87.98], [87.98, 99.24], [101.28, 157.55], [157.55, 204.62]], "duration": 204.62, "id": 361}, {"image_id": "v_LvRP3c5n3P8.mp4", "caption": "People walk in the hallways of a hospital, then a doctor reviews the injured leg of a man leaving green sparkles on the leg and a machine. Then, the man makes a call and leaves green sparkles on the phone that it is passes to the hand of a nurse that grabs the phone. After the nurse enters to visit a a sick man as well two doctors who carry green sparkles on their hands that leaves on the sick man. A person wash hand, use hand sanitizes and cleans an stethoscope to get rid off microbes.", "segments": [[21.92, 72.69], [75, 105], [105, 139.61], [144.23, 189.22]], "duration": 230.76, "id": 362}, {"image_id": "v_NbdAUGbrWrE.mp4", "caption": "A teenage girl brushes her hair. The girl looks down as if she is confused. The girl talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 128.2], [82.42, 98.77], [128.86, 130.82]], "duration": 130.82, "id": 363}, {"image_id": "v_VM-ldOw7e4Y.mp4", "caption": "An athlete prepares to perform long jump in a stadium full of people, then a white male runs and jumps high to land in the sand. Also, three black males runs fast and jump high to perform long jump. Also, a white male perform long jump, as well two black men do long jumps. A score board shows and score, while a person stands walk away, and takes off his sweet sweater. A black male jumps high happy a runs celebrating his triumph.", "segments": [[0, 31.19], [31.19, 86.9], [86.9, 164.89], [164.89, 183.83], [172.68, 222.82]], "duration": 222.82, "id": 364}, {"image_id": "v_8HxMXHc8Nr0.mp4", "caption": "A screen appears with instructions how to attach an InStep bike trailer. A man is showing how to attach an InStep bike trailer on the back wheel of a bike. Then, the man continues to explain the process sitting in dining room. Two toddlers are sitting in a bike trailer, while the man attach the safety belts.", "segments": [[0, 3.66], [4.57, 106.03], [109.69, 131.62], [130.71, 179.15]], "duration": 182.81, "id": 365}, {"image_id": "v_ZN7C8n_6uH8.mp4", "caption": "A black and white filter pans over a soccer match going on in an indoor field. Color is then shown as more people play soccer back and fourth shown in several shots.", "segments": [[0, 46.45], [32.07, 110.6]], "duration": 110.6, "id": 366}, {"image_id": "v_pZzTMUJG9Rk.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing soccer with another across a field. He performs a quick turn around move with the other following close behind. The same clip is replayed over and over at slower speeds to better understand the trick. Another trick is performed and later shown in slow motion. Two more tricks are demonstrated by the duo and finally showed at a slowed down pace.", "segments": [[4.28, 201.35], [10.71, 37.49], [31.06, 64.26], [59.98, 103.89], [104.96, 214.2]], "duration": 214.21, "id": 367}, {"image_id": "v_KSP62q7tM68.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding waves on the water as well as people partying at a house. A Dj is shown playing music as well as people dancing around and surfers surfing. More shots are shown of people surfing and having fun at the house.", "segments": [[0, 14.9], [18.93, 56.39], [53.97, 78.54]], "duration": 80.55, "id": 368}, {"image_id": "v_n3wYcW4mnrs.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen on white. We then see people on tube playing in a river. A boy in sunglasses floats past the camera. A boy throws a peace sign to the camera. People go over a waterfall in their rafts. We see a bunch of people jump into the water.", "segments": [[0.6, 2.72], [3.02, 60.44], [19.34, 22.06], [33.24, 34.75], [34.45, 38.38], [38.99, 56.21]], "duration": 60.44, "id": 369}, {"image_id": "v_aOzMA2rpWEw.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are standing outside in the snow talking. The man is cleaning the snow off of the car. The girl wears a fur coat and talks to the camera. The man continues brushing the snow off of the car. They are sitting inside the car talking.", "segments": [[0, 42.95], [42.95, 171.8], [177.17, 193.27], [193.27, 222.8], [244.28, 536.87]], "duration": 536.87, "id": 370}, {"image_id": "v_f_mbX87xabo.mp4", "caption": "A child plays a chrome flute inside of home. The girl finishes the song and lowers the flute.", "segments": [[0, 17.01], [18.25, 19.11]], "duration": 19.11, "id": 371}, {"image_id": "v_0j9TxzwRr6E.mp4", "caption": "Two men plays foosball in an arena with two referees standing near by watching the fame. We see the bleacher an spectators. A point is scored and see people clapping and a replay and a title screen. The man in gray backs up and wipes sweat. We see the man in black speaking with the people behind him before the men return to the game. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 120.27], [44.22, 45.1], [97.28, 116.73], [118.5, 125.58], [133.53, 172.45], [172.45, 176.87]], "duration": 176.87, "id": 372}, {"image_id": "v_etfSrbmOvUE.mp4", "caption": "Two people climb a rock climbing wall at night in front of a narrow pool of water surrounding by a crowd of onlookers. The two people climb slowly up the wall, when over midway up, the person on the left falls from the wall and into the water below. Another race up the wall begins in which the person on the right falls off and the person on the left climbs to the top of the wall and then jumps off the wall into the water. In the same setting, but now during the daytime, a lone person wearing skis catapults through the air past the rock climbing wall and lands in the water below.", "segments": [[0, 166.97], [83.01, 95.27], [114.14, 168.85], [174.51, 188.66]], "duration": 188.66, "id": 373}, {"image_id": "v_twGoVVPO08Q.mp4", "caption": "An audience watching pans out into a large track and athletes running into a pit. Several people are shown running down the track while the audience claps and people speak to the camera.", "segments": [[6.71, 79.52], [65.15, 188.74]], "duration": 191.61, "id": 374}, {"image_id": "v_PQ-qpoPeqM0.mp4", "caption": "A young man pulls a wheel out and shows the proper structure of a wheel. He checks the current pressure for the tire and begins pumping air into the tire. He shows the difference between good tread and bad tread as well as when to know when to replace your tires.", "segments": [[0, 72.63], [72.63, 160.54], [154.81, 191.12]], "duration": 191.12, "id": 375}, {"image_id": "v_GVmGXTEm46s.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a sink is shown followed by a person rubbing it down with a rag from various angles. The sink is shown again by itself followed by water dripping down.", "segments": [[0.77, 41.44], [29.05, 75.14]], "duration": 77.46000000000001, "id": 376}, {"image_id": "v_Qx4YLntwZ5s.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady taking in a room and touching her hair. There is a title screen. The lady shows us the products and tools she uses on her hair. We see the lady doing her hair. The lady sections her hair and adds product. The lady twists her hair around her finger. The lady begin blow drys her hair. We see images of the ladies finished hair.", "segments": [[0, 14.64], [14.64, 20.27], [21.39, 63.06], [64.18, 200.43], [70.94, 97.96], [101.34, 124.99], [166.65, 200.43], [202.68, 225.2]], "duration": 225.2, "id": 377}, {"image_id": "v_uhAIe9rcjSo.mp4", "caption": "A close up is seen of a metal double sink. Then we see two bowls with powder and a cut lime. A woman uses the lime dipped in powder to scrub and then rinse the sink before drying it off, showing off a perfecting clean sink.", "segments": [[0, 4.61], [7.3, 12.3], [21.13, 76.85]], "duration": 76.85, "id": 378}, {"image_id": "v_D84XQFQ4tsU.mp4", "caption": "A body of water is shown. A person takes a lid off of a pot. They show a camp site with a tent. They put a cloth into the bucket.", "segments": [[0, 9.51], [11.03, 33.47], [36.51, 41.08], [46.4, 69.98]], "duration": 76.07, "id": 379}, {"image_id": "v_hJn5L1nrkL4.mp4", "caption": "There are two men playing table tennis in an indoor stadium. One of the players is wearing blue and the other player is in a red shirt. There is a person dressed in a black shirt seated near the players. There are several spectators seated in the stadium. They continue playing a rally for some time. The player in the red shirt misses the ball and gives his opponent a winning point. The player in blue cheers loudly after his winning point and breaks into a dance. He continues dancing and goes towards his opponent to mock him. He then goes back to the table tennis table. The man dressed on black shows the score.", "segments": [[2.83, 5.3], [5.3, 6.37], [6.37, 10.61], [10.61, 16.62], [16.62, 22.63], [22.63, 48.8], [48.8, 57.29], [57.29, 60.83], [60.83, 67.19], [67.19, 70.73]], "duration": 70.73, "id": 380}, {"image_id": "v_JTGS1YulUQw.mp4", "caption": "A close up of booklets are shown with a person flipping them open and reading. The woman marks a name down and peels it off to put on a sock. The woman then lays an iron over the name and peels off the paper to show how to properly label a gift.", "segments": [[0, 25.23], [21.41, 56.2], [52.76, 74.93]], "duration": 76.46000000000001, "id": 381}, {"image_id": "v_cEHyZzBsWnw.mp4", "caption": "A female weightlifter lifts a barbell with her legs. She gets it to her stomach, then pulls. She goes up and down, working her abdominals.", "segments": [[0, 17.36], [26.04, 87.43], [90.53, 124.01]], "duration": 124.01, "id": 382}, {"image_id": "v_abjQ1EyqJuw.mp4", "caption": "As the camera walks, it was showing the well maintained hedges, at the center of two hedges is a narrow path leading to a wider field surrounded by more hedges. On one side of the hedge is a man in black shirt, he is standing on a ladder, he is trimming the hedges. Near the man is an empty bench, on the side are more well trimmed hedges.", "segments": [[0.57, 13.99], [6.43, 33.28], [31.95, 37.82]], "duration": 37.82, "id": 383}, {"image_id": "v_Fz1NCLAB8bA.mp4", "caption": "Five products are aligned on a table,illustrating the products needed to shave.A young white male walks into the bathroom,turns on the water and begins to rub his beard.A series of different forms of the product is shown and then the man prepares his skin with oil and puts it around his beard.Next comes the brush and he adds some white cream to it to lather up his hair.Finally,it is time to shave and the beard is taken completely down.For the finishing touches,lotion is added and the man is now dressed in a suit ready to go.", "segments": [[0, 26.35], [26.35, 40.44], [40.44, 65.57], [65.57, 82.11], [82.72, 99.27], [98.04, 122.56]], "duration": 122.56, "id": 384}, {"image_id": "v_UMS4-qifK9A.mp4", "caption": "A man sits down in front of a bed. He starts to play an electric guitar. He finishes playing and stands up.", "segments": [[0, 2.96], [2.96, 51.11], [52.46, 53.8]], "duration": 53.8, "id": 385}, {"image_id": "v_ZNUkzdw2EeI.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen stepping up to a circle and throwing a discuss off into the distance. He then runs excitedly while cameras follow him and shown other athletes spinning the disk. More shots are shown of people celebrating and the athlete runs into the stands.", "segments": [[0, 47.29], [47.99, 111.98], [113.37, 139.1]], "duration": 139.1, "id": 386}, {"image_id": "v_oEd7WT4mVSE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting at a table using a hookah while another woman makes silly faces and gestures behind her. They speak animatedly with the person behind the camera. There is a close up of the items on the table in front of them. The woman with the camera turns it to face herself before aiming it back toward the other women. One of the women coughs as a cloud of smoke hits her in the face.", "segments": [[0, 11.54], [12.2, 26.06], [27.05, 47.5], [47.17, 55.74], [56.07, 65.97]], "duration": 65.97, "id": 387}, {"image_id": "v_Lmne5ZF0McI.mp4", "caption": "man is jumping wearing stilts on a sidewalk. a calm green grassy field is behind the man wearinf stilts. man is wearing white sweater and stilts and is in a green grassy park.", "segments": [[0, 45.65], [0.23, 45.88], [0, 45.88]], "duration": 45.88, "id": 388}, {"image_id": "v_tbOIyG1RCUI.mp4", "caption": "A blindfolded man wearing boxing gloves is seen hitting a punching bag while many watch him on the sides. He continues punching when a person on the roof pulls the bag up higher.", "segments": [[0, 12.83], [7.31, 13.59]], "duration": 13.79, "id": 389}, {"image_id": "v_r82RY124wVY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing on a tennis court talking. She begins to play tennis on the court. She serves a tennis ball across the court several times.", "segments": [[1.5, 4.01], [10.52, 16.52], [33.05, 97.64]], "duration": 100.15, "id": 390}, {"image_id": "v_9eqfQyr3J7k.mp4", "caption": "Several people are outside in a ski resort sitting on the tubes.After,the three individuals in the front,are pulled down the slope and they begin to slide down.Once they are off,the man who pushed him down walks away and more people begin to go down.", "segments": [[0, 7.4], [7.4, 18.63], [18.63, 26.43]], "duration": 26.43, "id": 391}, {"image_id": "v_GQVqSLs2Ulg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a glass while speaking to the camera when another man walks in and begins painting the wall. The man continues to paint up and down the wall while the camera captures him and the other man walks away.", "segments": [[2.14, 41.43], [25.63, 81.58]], "duration": 85.43, "id": 392}, {"image_id": "v_K2l7ops-tno.mp4", "caption": "A man is placing tiles on the floor. A woman appears, removing tiles from a box and talking about them. The woman kneels onto the ground, cutting and applying tiles. A man rolls a pressure roller over the finished floor before the woman returns, speaking about the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 7.67], [14.24, 31.77], [35.61, 81.08], [82.72, 109.57]], "duration": 109.57, "id": 393}, {"image_id": "v_mB90PudOrnU.mp4", "caption": "A girl is giving a small dog a bath. She has an orange bottle in her hand.", "segments": [[0, 27.38], [20.26, 21.49]], "duration": 27.38, "id": 394}, {"image_id": "v_g7IZWqeyM20.mp4", "caption": "A white intro screen appears with a red,white and black art swirl on the left side red and black words on the right that say \"England Squash&Racketball\" and the website in black at the bottom.A man appears with a racket and he's talking to the camera as he hits a racketball then various small clips play afterwards that include him hitting the racketball as well as various other people playing, too.The outro screen appears and it's exactly like the white intro screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.95], [2.95, 110.81], [110.81, 117.89]], "duration": 117.89, "id": 395}, {"image_id": "v_T49ZxNX1DFM.mp4", "caption": "There are people throwing balls to each other in the pool. there are people swimming to the other side of the pool.", "segments": [[4.08, 43.76], [30.05, 43.76]], "duration": 58.35, "id": 396}, {"image_id": "v_jUPbimyUndA.mp4", "caption": "woman is walking wearing a bikini and eating a chocolate is snowy day. people are in sidewalk watching the girl walks. woman is in a restaurant wearing a bikini and two aiter are watching her. woman walks in a airport eating a restaurant.", "segments": [[0, 4.88], [0, 4.58], [4.58, 12.84], [12.93, 19.9]], "duration": 19.9, "id": 397}, {"image_id": "v_7lv1VOxIng4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is putting makeup on her face. She puts lipstick on her lips. She puts mascara on her eyelashes. She sprays body spray on her shirt. She puts eye shadow on her eyes.", "segments": [[0, 233.8], [71.31, 88.84], [106.38, 149.63], [163.66, 173.01], [189.38, 224.45]], "duration": 233.8, "id": 398}, {"image_id": "v_iE3I2ICIvHE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing ready before a beam and then jumping on to perform a routine. The girl then performs several flips and tricks on the beam, ending with her jumping off the side with her legs together and holding her arms up.", "segments": [[0, 23.66], [17.12, 100.68]], "duration": 100.68, "id": 399}, {"image_id": "v_-AjZCBMb4qU.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seating in front of a table, playing an accordian. She stares at the camera as she plays the keyboard and pulls the accordian in and out.", "segments": [[0, 56.02], [58.94, 116.7]], "duration": 116.7, "id": 400}, {"image_id": "v_RisNywzGXt8.mp4", "caption": "A lady pulls and fixes her outfit. The lady messes with her hair. The lady tries on shoes while standing and sitting.", "segments": [[0, 4.45], [6.99, 8.89], [9.21, 61.62]], "duration": 63.53, "id": 401}, {"image_id": "v_IT9uvR9yjxI.mp4", "caption": "An intro is shown of maps and a house close up. Afterwards a close up of a roof is shown as well as logos. More pictures are shown of trucks parked as well as logos.", "segments": [[0, 39.29], [38.73, 72.49], [76.91, 109.01]], "duration": 110.67, "id": 402}, {"image_id": "v_YRRcCaxIoR4.mp4", "caption": "Pole Vault Greats is on the screen. There are several scenes of men and women pole vaulting.", "segments": [[0, 2.93], [2.93, 97.57]], "duration": 97.57, "id": 403}, {"image_id": "v_F4eF_nO2UFs.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. Tools sit on a table and we see a person unpack a bike and assemble it. We see the man put a tire on the bike. A person tightens the holds on the handlebars. The man puts grease on the paddles and installs them before airing the tires. We then see the finished bike. The ending title screen is shown.", "segments": [[0, 6.45], [6.45, 207.49], [112.88, 131.16], [134.39, 172.01], [175.24, 206.42], [206.42, 208.57], [212.87, 215.02]], "duration": 215.02, "id": 404}, {"image_id": "v_ux4iT6vQQb0.mp4", "caption": "People run motocross on a bumpy road in the wood. A person climbs a bump with a motorcycle. Also people rides motorcycles on an unpaved flat surface.", "segments": [[0, 24.87], [24.87, 40.23], [40.23, 71.68]], "duration": 73.14, "id": 405}, {"image_id": "v_OtcJMIJTTx4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl stands on a diving board.Then the little girl jumps, flip and dives in the swimming pool. People are in the swimming pool.", "segments": [[0, 4.69], [4.77, 7.96], [0, 8.08]], "duration": 8.08, "id": 406}, {"image_id": "v_WltsIClflnA.mp4", "caption": "kid is swinging on a playground. woman runs to the swings and sits. woman stands and foot up.", "segments": [[0, 13.43], [13.43, 59.23], [60.26, 68.87]], "duration": 68.87, "id": 407}, {"image_id": "v_EOSvdsejPQQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on the stairs playing a harmonica. He stands up and continues playing it. Words come up on the screen.", "segments": [[7.91, 33.79], [33.07, 133.02], [133.74, 143.8]], "duration": 143.8, "id": 408}, {"image_id": "v_JBTiD2-FcR0.mp4", "caption": "A closeup of a bag of cement mix is shown. One man adds water into a container while another watches. The first man pours the cement mix into the container. The second man uses a mixer on the container. one of the men applies the mixture to a wall.", "segments": [[0, 7.02], [7.52, 11.78], [12.53, 22.3], [12.53, 32.32], [32.82, 50.11]], "duration": 50.11, "id": 409}, {"image_id": "v_Tovbyt_ZiIc.mp4", "caption": "Opening credits show the description of the video. A woman waves her hand and acknowledges her hair and face as she continues to talk. The woman has her hair down and starts styling her hair. She completes styling her hair and continues to talk.", "segments": [[0, 6.1], [6.1, 35.6], [35.6, 186.16], [186.16, 203.45]], "duration": 203.45, "id": 410}, {"image_id": "v_gV6W0rAHyZg.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a white shirt standing in an open field doing a tutorial for Expert Village on how to play lacrosse. He is holding a lacrosse stick in his hands as he explains the techniques of the game. He makes hand gestures to demonstrate the correct method of holding the lacrosse stick for effective playing technique.", "segments": [[8.29, 118.42], [19.54, 108.36], [42.04, 100.07]], "duration": 118.42, "id": 411}, {"image_id": "v_bX8QXK9mjKA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are at a carnival playing in their own bumper cars and a few of them bump into one another and come to a stop.They laugh and begin to pull their bumper cars away from one another. The people start driving around again where they all continue to either bump into one another or just drive around. Eventually all the bumper cars come to a complete stop and the ride is over.", "segments": [[0, 10.25], [10.25, 13.46], [13.46, 60.88], [60.88, 64.09]], "duration": 64.09, "id": 412}, {"image_id": "v_BFICeyu5oMM.mp4", "caption": "Ingredients are sitting on a wooden block. A person starts mixing the ingredients together. Words come onto the screen at the end.", "segments": [[0, 45.4], [19.61, 95.97], [102.16, 103.19]], "duration": 103.19, "id": 413}, {"image_id": "v_rF1n8L571vM.mp4", "caption": "A logo with engine pistons is seen and a disclaimer is shown. Two women in gym exercise pants ride on stationary bikes in a gym together.", "segments": [[0, 6.66], [7.5, 157.4]], "duration": 166.56, "id": 414}, {"image_id": "v_i9g2MGNUVQI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into the news interviewing a man. Several shots are then shown of two bulls fighting other while others watch and speak to the camera.", "segments": [[1.46, 51.52], [44.23, 94.77]], "duration": 97.2, "id": 415}, {"image_id": "v_Uofnmkfohkc.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen riding a skateboard down a road following a group of older boys. Several shots of him riding around are shown as well as him failing and riding more. He fist bumps the camera man and more shots are shown of him riding around.", "segments": [[0, 27.09], [27.75, 69.37], [70.69, 132.14]], "duration": 132.14, "id": 416}, {"image_id": "v_F2Igw6lvqwk.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting at the bottom of the stairs while trying to put her shoes on. She looks off in the distance in a disgusted manor, at the same time appearing quite distracted. She finishes by tying up her shoe laces and laughing to herself and the person filming her.", "segments": [[0.49, 45.93], [6.42, 33.34], [40.99, 49.39]], "duration": 49.39, "id": 417}, {"image_id": "v_BhxKjirVF4Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in gym clothes is doing a tutorial on spinning in a gym. She is demonstrating the dumbbells that she will be using. She then demonstrates the exercise bike and continues to bike along with some other women at the gym. She explains how to do some rigorous exercise on the bike. there are several other women who are also biking on the exercise bike with her.", "segments": [[8.51, 17.01], [17.01, 27.11], [27.11, 44.12], [44.12, 91.97], [91.97, 106.32]], "duration": 106.33, "id": 418}, {"image_id": "v_cmM0li5O1t0.mp4", "caption": "We see a little girl water skiing. We see a man holding a child water skiing. The man lets go, and grabs her jacket again. The man points to the skis. The man lefts go and grabs the jacket again.", "segments": [[0, 26.75], [0, 0.27], [0.94, 5.89], [11.77, 14.98], [20.46, 25.55]], "duration": 26.75, "id": 419}, {"image_id": "v_igwT-3gprOI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown talking to the camera with her hands and the camera pointing to a building. She stands in front of the building doing a several little dances and continues this in front of several buildings and locations.", "segments": [[0, 15.41], [13.7, 114.17]], "duration": 114.17, "id": 420}, {"image_id": "v_yVK-GMdc9UA.mp4", "caption": "A man is smiling at the camera. He is ironing clothes on an ironing board. He flips the clothes over and irons the other side.", "segments": [[0, 2.4], [2.4, 27.23], [27.76, 53.38]], "duration": 53.38, "id": 421}, {"image_id": "v_gU81ZXdYh7o.mp4", "caption": "A boy in an orange shirt is standing in a room. He starts punching a punching bag. The punching bag moves in the air.", "segments": [[0, 5.09], [0.23, 5.09], [0.89, 5.09]], "duration": 5.09, "id": 422}, {"image_id": "v_-Wmrg_0jxA8.mp4", "caption": "A circle is formed of several children who are talking and banging each other in the head with foam mallets. The other people laugh as they watch.", "segments": [[0, 40.99], [48.44, 93.16]], "duration": 93.16, "id": 423}, {"image_id": "v_BwwjQZDn3NE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen outside dancing to himself while wiping a rag on the car. The weather is pouring rain and the man continues to dance around the car holding a rag. The man moves to the front of the car followed by taking his shirt off and waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 17.81], [12.53, 51.13], [50.47, 65.97]], "duration": 65.97, "id": 424}, {"image_id": "v_XKvzx2cD9KY.mp4", "caption": "There is a large crowd shown clapping and two hosts speaking in the beginning. A line of men are then shown wearing sumo wrestling outfits. Two people get inside of the ring and begin fighting. The two people grab each other's necks and try to knock their opponent down to the ground.", "segments": [[7.32, 140.57], [49.05, 140.57], [77.61, 140.57], [79.07, 140.57]], "duration": 146.43, "id": 425}, {"image_id": "v_2wUKu5UIHmI.mp4", "caption": "The camera captures a close up of an older woman putting makeup on and smacking her lips to the camera. She then puts mascara on as well as more lipstick and nods her head back and fourth smiling.", "segments": [[0, 41.86], [39.84, 100.87]], "duration": 100.87, "id": 426}, {"image_id": "v_hmT9H0IjiGs.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a white hat is demonstrating how to make a Caribbean drink. He shows a bowl filled with citrus fruits. He takes a lemon juicer and some lemons and limes and oranges. He then juices the oranges and lemon on the juicer. He then empties the juice a large cocktail bowl. He adds rum to the juice along with some vanilla extract. He also mixes in sugar and rum and whisks the drink. He finally adds a bowl full of water and stirs it well. He pours the beverage in cocktail glasses and places it on the kitchen counter.", "segments": [[14.01, 46.34], [46.34, 63.59], [63.59, 85.14], [85.14, 106.7], [106.7, 132.56], [132.56, 151.96], [151.96, 172.44], [172.44, 195.07], [195.07, 205.85]], "duration": 215.55, "id": 427}, {"image_id": "v_sV6NoTdFaPE.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding onto a field hockey stick. The girl then hits the ball all around the yard while the camera follows. She continues to hit the ball around and stops to look at the camera.", "segments": [[0.86, 27.6], [27.6, 63.82], [57.35, 82.79]], "duration": 86.24, "id": 428}, {"image_id": "v_KwhqAV_0o40.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in snow gear is standing on a frozen body of water and bending over as he looks into a fish hole that his fishing pole is in.The man pulls on his fishing pole, goes on his knees, and continues to slowly pull the fishing pole up and the camera man who had already put the camera down bends down and grabs the fish and places it onto the ice.The man picks the camera up and angles the camera towards the fish on the ice and the man who was fishing is smiling, unhooks the fish then holds it up in the air.", "segments": [[0, 61.17], [61.17, 144.14], [144.14, 167.6]], "duration": 167.6, "id": 429}, {"image_id": "v_hRoHfDR4-e0.mp4", "caption": "People handles bulls in a rodeo ring, a man is throw to the air by a bull. People are throw by bulls to the ground while jumping and kicking with the back legs while people watch the rodeo. Several people riding bulls are throw to the ground while other people distract the bulls that jumps and kicks.", "segments": [[7.11, 40.3], [41.49, 126.84], [126.84, 235.89]], "duration": 237.07999999999998, "id": 430}, {"image_id": "v_1wqSUOGmpBs.mp4", "caption": "Two very large sumos are in an elevated circle doing leg warm ups and squatting while another man in the middle dressed in Japanese garb referees. The referee lets them know when to start and the sumos wrestle while the referee walks around the ring and monitors them.Finally one of the men is able to push another man out of the ring,they stop wrestling, the loser walks to his end and they bow to one another and both leave the ring.", "segments": [[0, 44.12], [44.12, 109.65], [109.65, 129.77]], "duration": 129.77, "id": 431}, {"image_id": "v_TtQPtLPTqBA.mp4", "caption": "A girl is pouring something into a sink. She walks away and wipes her hands on a towel. She pours the bowl into a bucket on the ground. She starts wiping the floor with a towel. She moves the bucket up to the front of the classroom and dumps it out.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [43.96, 64.24], [69.32, 89.6], [100.59, 112.43], [127.64, 147.09]], "duration": 169.07, "id": 432}, {"image_id": "v_0JpULUYPDX0.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing on a court holding a tennis racket. The man then demonstrates several moves with the tennis racket and hitting the ball to another. The two continuously hit the ball back and fourth to one another.", "segments": [[0, 31.51], [33.51, 71.02], [61.02, 97.53]], "duration": 100.03, "id": 433}, {"image_id": "v_kWPvAxLzGw8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting down wearing green sunglasses. She is talking on the cell phone. She is riding in a car. She is laying on a chair getting her foot tattooed. She is showing her foot tattoo. She is sitting outside talking again.", "segments": [[0, 23.79], [23.79, 34.14], [38.27, 41.38], [46.55, 72.41], [72.41, 84.82], [85.86, 187.24]], "duration": 206.89, "id": 434}, {"image_id": "v_p9yq0kAqGU4.mp4", "caption": "Men pull a rope in a game of tug of war. A lady bends down to take a photo and a lady walks and films the even. We see a tower in the field. The men let go of the rope, one man falls and claps. A man smiles and gives a thumbs up to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 108.9], [52.33, 62.94], [99.71, 103.25], [109.61, 113.15], [136.48, 141.43]], "duration": 141.43, "id": 435}, {"image_id": "v_zlOErVVHKEk.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game in a field. The man with the mallet and the man with the red hat run back and forth. A man with a blue shirt runs toward home plate. The man with the mallet is shown getting hit in slow motion. A woman is up to bat and is shown running after getting a hit.", "segments": [[0, 185.51], [23.19, 42.67], [42.67, 45.45], [77.91, 93.68], [95.54, 185.51]], "duration": 185.51, "id": 436}, {"image_id": "v_FPbPkjLAEzs.mp4", "caption": "A man is parasailing on the ocean. Other people also begin sailing in the water, some falling over.", "segments": [[0, 24.07], [26.04, 78.9]], "duration": 78.9, "id": 437}, {"image_id": "v_xC9s-_MNO_Q.mp4", "caption": "We see a man decorating a Christmas tree. The man adds a string of lights. A little girl ads bulbs to the tree. The man turns the lights on. The man and the girl add bulbs to the tree. The lady goes up and own the stairs. The lady adds ornaments to the tree. The man stands on a ladder and adds ornaments. The lady turns off the lights and the family looks at the tree together. The man and woman kiss each other.", "segments": [[0, 103.96], [0, 19.57], [9.17, 12.84], [15.9, 20.79], [53.2, 73.99], [69.71, 70.93], [71.55, 102.12], [89.28, 93.56], [104.57, 122.3], [114.35, 116.18]], "duration": 122.3, "id": 438}, {"image_id": "v_FkQ1V0V_XCs.mp4", "caption": "A lady sits and discusses, indoors. The lady shows off her painted nails. The lady presents her nail polishes. The lady paints her fingernail. The puts nail polish on a folder and uses them to embellish her fingernail. The lady raises her foot and shows off her sock. The credits of the clip are shown.", "segments": [[1.19, 230.89], [10.71, 48.8], [49.99, 72.6], [78.55, 92.83], [104.73, 192.8], [224.94, 226.13], [232.08, 236.84]], "duration": 238.03, "id": 439}, {"image_id": "v_0H_9zlnmW4U.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a large field and leads into him moving his arms and legs around the area. The man continues moving around the area moving his hands up and down and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[3.45, 133.49], [103.57, 222.1]], "duration": 230.16, "id": 440}, {"image_id": "v_JDfFAljt4JM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen doing a ballet dance on stage followed by a woman doing a dance while others watch on the side. The woman continue spinning with the man walking in and out of frame and ends with her bowing to the audience.", "segments": [[0, 109.83], [78.28, 233.68]], "duration": 233.68, "id": 441}, {"image_id": "v_08wKlw4a_so.mp4", "caption": "A black dog walks on a lawn. A lady rakes leaves from the lawn onto the pavement sidewalk. The lady stops raking, turns around, and talks plus gestures. A white ball rolls to a parked car.", "segments": [[0, 4.3], [3.42, 25.31], [18.22, 22.15], [14.43, 21.77]], "duration": 25.31, "id": 442}, {"image_id": "v_xpEbejnuGEY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling into frame next to a patio set. She then shows off various cleaning tools an rubs them along a chair. She brings the chair inside and pours paint into a bucket and paints along the side. She shows off the chair outside again while speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.3], [25.83, 80.43], [61.99, 112.17], [109.21, 142.42]], "duration": 147.59, "id": 443}, {"image_id": "v_K4F8I74OM-Y.mp4", "caption": "A brunette woman newscaster is wearing a white shirt and royal blue blazer over it and is speaking into the camera.A clip begins and it features people running and the words on the screen say they are novices who are training to run a marathon in Tel Aviv, Israel. A man appears training them and different marathoners in training take turns being interviewed while they continue to switch back and forth to everyone going through the training.The last clip is the view from the start of a marathon and hundreds of people start running as they leave the start line.", "segments": [[0, 18.59], [18.59, 24.78], [24.78, 127.37], [127.37, 137.69]], "duration": 137.7, "id": 444}, {"image_id": "v_LChqFAESyCg.mp4", "caption": "There's a young girl standing in her bathroom doing a tutorial on how to apply lipstick. she opens her mirror cabinet and takes her lipstick out. She begins applying the lipstick on her lips. Then she uses the same lipstick and dabs it on her cheeks. She uses her fingers to smear the lipstick evenly on her cheek bones. Then she pouts and smiles for the camera, striking a pose.", "segments": [[14.07, 28.15], [28.15, 48.55], [48.55, 61.92], [61.92, 77.41], [77.41, 97.11], [97.11, 105.55]], "duration": 140.74, "id": 445}, {"image_id": "v_H2KVO7LWU5w.mp4", "caption": "A toddler is holding a leaf blower. A teen is raking the lawn. A teen tosses a rake full of leaves at the toddler.", "segments": [[0, 51.61], [3.35, 14.71], [44.9, 47.74]], "duration": 51.61, "id": 446}, {"image_id": "v_J8VMY1SPJaY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera that leads into clips of people riding in kayaks and camels wandering around. More clips are shown of people riding around the water in a kayak. The person paddles themselves along the water with other people riding near him.", "segments": [[0, 56.35], [65.37, 176.95], [126.23, 215.27]], "duration": 225.41, "id": 447}, {"image_id": "v_skSPijG9sgU.mp4", "caption": "A few kids are seen standing on a stage followed by the children pushing a puck along the ice. Several people are shown playing the game around them and panning to the audience reacting as well as people standing on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 85.81], [78.11, 220.03]], "duration": 220.03, "id": 448}, {"image_id": "v_puGw7gu96AM.mp4", "caption": "A man comes out of a gate on a horse. He lassos and ropes a calf. He then jumps down and ties the calf.", "segments": [[0, 6.49], [7.84, 28.4], [30.03, 54.1]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 449}, {"image_id": "v_2Q0WGQbJbso.mp4", "caption": "A person plays a violin in front of a huge crowd of people. The people give him a standing ovation at the end.", "segments": [[0, 84.02], [77.6, 125.7]], "duration": 128.27, "id": 450}, {"image_id": "v_uMQEaWGQvrc.mp4", "caption": "A man on a diving board walks to the end. the man bounces on the board two times then dives into the water. The man surfaces and swims towards the edge of the pool.", "segments": [[0, 4.96], [4.96, 10.08], [10.85, 17.09]], "duration": 17.09, "id": 451}, {"image_id": "v_rHUCx_JqNk4.mp4", "caption": "a woman with pink hair is posing for the camera. She brushes out her hair with her hands before separating it into sections. She then braids the hair down the side of her head.", "segments": [[0, 20.39], [23.53, 94.13], [100.4, 156.88]], "duration": 156.88, "id": 452}, {"image_id": "v_vpu4Bwq-xHI.mp4", "caption": "There are lots of adults in the room (elderly or young) and they're all watching this girl play the clarinet. First the girl walks to the front of the classroom as she holds her clarinet and the man who plays the piano gets up from his seat to play the piano. Then he starts playing the piano and she plays the clarinet along with the piano, when she's done everyone claps for her.", "segments": [[0, 132.33], [4.63, 11.25], [11.25, 132.33]], "duration": 132.33, "id": 453}, {"image_id": "v_XzYtm5WdAE8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a large field behind a piece of heavy machinery. The man pushes the machine along some tall grass while the camera follows his movements. The man continues pushing along the high grass.", "segments": [[0.32, 7.31], [6.99, 24.95], [22.56, 31.62]], "duration": 31.78, "id": 454}, {"image_id": "v_7D5ItfgJFVw.mp4", "caption": "The white rabbit is in the cage. The rabbit is cleaning its hands by licking it. The rabbit cleaned his back and then wend down to the first floor of his cage.", "segments": [[0, 47.69], [3.1, 10.73], [10.49, 47.69]], "duration": 47.69, "id": 455}, {"image_id": "v_CDWHstJThJA.mp4", "caption": "A group of young Asian men are indoors with a lot of spectators in the stands holding signs and cheering them on. Two young Asian men stand up with their bow and arrows and they each take turns at shooting at their bulls eye target while the crowd cheers them on after each shot is made, and occasionally 3 suited people are shown making commentaries. When the men are done shooting at the target,one of them raise their arm in victory, they shake each others hands,hug, take a bow and wave to the cheering crowd.", "segments": [[0, 215.78], [0, 198.52], [198.52, 215.78]], "duration": 215.78, "id": 456}, {"image_id": "v_cCISvaObBxI.mp4", "caption": "Two teams play soccer in an indoor soccer court, the team wearing white t-shirt wins the competition. The player scores and celebrate with a teammate. Other teams plays soccer, a player with white uniform receives a ball and score. Two teams play soccer, and the player with the yellow uniform scores. Two team of girls compete, a girl with red uniform scores and the team wins. Then, a player with a white uniform scores with a spectacular movement.", "segments": [[12.63, 64.11], [43.71, 48.56], [67.99, 88.39], [92.27, 110.73], [120.44, 137.92], [137.92, 161.23]], "duration": 194.26, "id": 457}, {"image_id": "v_waF8oGaQqvI.mp4", "caption": "A special effect intro appears and a blue word appears in the middle of the screen and say's \"Howcast\". A woman is lying on a bed in a business with a man sitting next to her and a list of things pop up on the screen under the words \"YOU WILL NEED\" appear on the screen. The woman is shown doing various things as steps show up under each action she does, and even tips appear on the screen that lead up to the woman laying on the bed as a man tattoos her.When he's done tattooing her he holds up a white bottle with a green cap and talks to her while showing it and white words appear on the screen giving a warning that \"Applying too much topical anesthetic and then covering the tattoo can cause seizures\". The woman stands up to show her tattoo and the woman is briefly shown sunbathing with the tattoo covered up.A close up of her tattoo is shown and words appear over it that say's \"Democrats are more likely to have tattoos\", then a white screen appears with the blue words in the middle that say \"Howcast\".", "segments": [[0, 4.04], [4.04, 26.96], [26.96, 97.74], [97.74, 115.27], [115.27, 128.08], [128.08, 134.82]], "duration": 134.82, "id": 458}, {"image_id": "v_lJ02cAklA6o.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated while someone buffs his shoes. The person uses a brush to clean his shoes thorougly. Then they use polish to shine them.", "segments": [[0, 3.35], [4.56, 15.18], [15.74, 18.62]], "duration": 18.62, "id": 459}, {"image_id": "v_yVsOoFr61x4.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen walking to the end of a diving board with several other people around her. The girl puts her arms up and then dives into the pool. She's seen again coming to the surface in the pool and swimming over to the edge.", "segments": [[0, 8.91], [8.31, 19.02], [19.02, 24.08]], "duration": 24.08, "id": 460}, {"image_id": "v_NGF0rQiDxNk.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast is spinning and jumping on a pair of high beams as her coach watches, prepared to catch her. He steps onto the beam as she dismounts, arms in the air.", "segments": [[0, 32.21], [32.78, 38.57]], "duration": 38.57, "id": 461}, {"image_id": "v_NV2scxevYKk.mp4", "caption": "Two men do maneuvers on a canoe pivoting the canoe helping with the paddlers. Then, the men pivot the canoe away from the bow paddlers while paddling fast the oars. After, the men slides the canoe forward using the oars to advance. Next, the men sail on the river until arrive to the bank of the river.", "segments": [[12.53, 40.71], [46.98, 70.99], [78.3, 119.01], [125.28, 183.74]], "duration": 208.79, "id": 462}, {"image_id": "v_Vfb3LmFDols.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in BMX bike arena talking. We see people bring bikes up a ramp. We see people start when the gate opens. We then see people riding bikes. We see a man wipe dirt from his hair and turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 6.51], [7.16, 11.72], [11.72, 25.39], [25.39, 124.99], [124.99, 130.2]], "duration": 130.2, "id": 463}, {"image_id": "v_Xf8y5_b2dq4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding onto a paint machine and spraying it around all the furniture. He continues painting around the area while the camera pans around his movements. He finishes the painting and the camera pans around the furniture.", "segments": [[0, 36.34], [38.81, 113.14], [88.36, 160.21]], "duration": 165.16, "id": 464}, {"image_id": "v_QEdbqJijx1w.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while sitting in a chair. She then holds up a contact lens and puts one in her eye. She puts another contact in her eye and smiles to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.49], [15.25, 44.61], [38.13, 75.87]], "duration": 76.26, "id": 465}, {"image_id": "v_blSOfdlqJtY.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen playing around a gymnasium throwing balls at one another and bouncing around. The people continue throwing balls when one hits the camera and shows a persons face. The game continues on with the people throwing balls around and people watching on the sides.", "segments": [[4.48, 45.36], [36.4, 78.95], [53.76, 108.07]], "duration": 111.99000000000001, "id": 466}, {"image_id": "v_s0YJOzALDNg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are under a covering. They are riding around in a series of bumper cars. The cars bump into each other as they drive around.", "segments": [[0, 9.99], [12.25, 51.26], [52.88, 64.48]], "duration": 64.48, "id": 467}, {"image_id": "v_UxlDSfC7S-0.mp4", "caption": "A bag of Spill Master Absorbant is shown on the screen. A man stands in a warehouse talking to the camera and pours some liquid on the ground. He takes a bowl of some material and sprinkled it over the spills. He then sweeps up the material with a broom and dust pan.", "segments": [[0, 7.04], [7.04, 44.56], [44.56, 84.42], [84.42, 156.34]], "duration": 156.34, "id": 468}, {"image_id": "v__-zOtZZ_fwI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is video taping some men in a living room getting jackets on. One of the men motions the the camera person to follow him as he grabs a broom and walks down a hall and out a door to a snow covered parking lot. They walk out into the parking lot as another man comes outside. The man with the broom brushes snow off of an SUV as another man does the same at a car next to him.", "segments": [[0, 11.89], [12.8, 29.27], [29.27, 60.37], [60.37, 182.93]], "duration": 182.93, "id": 469}, {"image_id": "v_cdiazgshHuc.mp4", "caption": "A girl holds up a brush and walks up to the horse. The girl brushes of the coat of the horse in a stable. The girl removes the ankle braces from the horse. The girl wraps up the braces together an puts them away. A horse sticks his head out from a stable and a man watches.", "segments": [[0, 3.38], [3.64, 14.82], [16.64, 29.65], [31.47, 51.49], [35.63, 45.77]], "duration": 52.01, "id": 470}, {"image_id": "v_dth80jcqPxU.mp4", "caption": "Several types of shot put throws and terminology are demonstrated. The different throws show different block types. These are used in various sling types. Some names of some of the throws are the glide shot, the spin Shot, and the stand throw.", "segments": [[0, 107.31], [0, 103.56], [0, 100.87], [23.61, 51.51]], "duration": 107.31, "id": 471}, {"image_id": "v_6VW7ZPurE7c.mp4", "caption": "A small dog is seen wearing an outfit and walking on two legs while people stand around him and watch. The dog continues walking around and looking around as people watch.", "segments": [[0, 48.71], [39.69, 88.86]], "duration": 90.21000000000001, "id": 472}, {"image_id": "v_EOradtej9GU.mp4", "caption": "A mountain full of snow appears and a man begins skiing down the slopes.As he skis,more men appear before he reappears by himself.Once alone,the man skis rapidly down the slopes and does spins and kneels as he skis.Eventually,he goes to fast and ends up flipping over into a pile of snow.", "segments": [[0, 27.26], [27.86, 63.6], [63.6, 101.76], [101.76, 121.14]], "duration": 121.14, "id": 473}, {"image_id": "v_FaKQvJBhMPg.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are sitting in two separate floating donuts, the man in the blue, the woman in the green, and both are smiling then the man raises his left arm to wave.A group of people are also on different colored floating donuts, playing, falling in the water and having a good time.A brown haired woman standing in a pile of floating donuts is holding a mic and talking, and other clips begin to play that include scenery of the lake, interviewing various people of ages and both sexes, people walking with their floating donuts, signs at the lake, people having fun and etcetera. The woman is now sitting in a green floating donut, still holding the mic, and still talking.A white screen appears appears with a maroon and white logo, then it changes to another white screen that has a blue website in the middle of it.", "segments": [[0, 3.56], [3.56, 8.46], [8.46, 66.38], [66.38, 84.19], [84.19, 89.09]], "duration": 89.1, "id": 474}, {"image_id": "v_56kqqlco5H0.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast wearing a blue outfit climes onto the a balance beam and performs a hand stand with a split in a competition in front of a huge American flag. The gymnast proceeds on the balance beam and performs a front somersault and then three consecutive backward somersaults in a row. The gymnast continues with her performance on the parallel bar with spin moves, jump moves and dance moves. The gymnast prepares for the dismount at one end of the parallel bar does a forward somersault on the parallel bar and a somersault with a spin and lands the dismount perfectly.", "segments": [[0, 16.31], [16.31, 30.51], [30.51, 90.48], [90.48, 105.21]], "duration": 105.21000000000001, "id": 475}, {"image_id": "v_nOJUyDGq_l0.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are gathered in a circle in a room. They shake each other's hands, then start fighting in the ring of people. They spin and kick, never actually hitting each other. When they finish the group comes together, clapping as a group.", "segments": [[0, 16.74], [19.7, 106.35], [113.25, 172.33], [174.3, 196.95]], "duration": 196.95, "id": 476}, {"image_id": "v_eRQAjBwhDXk.mp4", "caption": "A person skis quickly down a snow covered hill. People are on intertubes, sledding along the snow.", "segments": [[0, 34.05], [35.67, 81.06]], "duration": 81.06, "id": 477}, {"image_id": "v_-5KAycAQlC4.mp4", "caption": "A man is being pulled on a water ski as he floats in the water casually. He mounts the water ski and tears through the water at fast speeds. Two men are shown sitting in the boat, before cutting back to the turbulent water skiing.", "segments": [[0, 29.28], [31.37, 99], [105.27, 139.44]], "duration": 139.44, "id": 478}, {"image_id": "v_bWCIcijlgCo.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with several shots of people riding down long roads on skateboards in fast motion as well as slow. The people perform various jumps and tricks down these long and winding roads and shows the boarder speaking into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 74.48], [72.29, 146.04]], "duration": 146.04, "id": 479}, {"image_id": "v_LrwBGQ9B0Vg.mp4", "caption": "A group of fish swim around in the ocean floor. A long yellow fish passes the camera. Scuba divers gather on a boat as a man speaks. We see several fish and a shark. The scuba divers dive, looking at the fish and waving at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.83], [11.48, 17.22], [19.83, 68.89], [70.45, 78.8], [85.06, 104.37]], "duration": 104.37, "id": 480}, {"image_id": "v_7BM40jqPYgA.mp4", "caption": "A boy makes repairs to a disassembled bicycle with the use of a solder in a backyard near the back steps of a house. A boy enters the scene and pulls on a pair of gloves while wearing a sports protective mask, turns on a blue machine on the back steps and picks up a solder. The boy then begins to solder a disassembled bicycle on the ground in a backyard. The boy then gets up and walks out of the scene after lifting the lid on his mask.", "segments": [[1.63, 155.96], [1.63, 22.05], [27.76, 150.24], [150.24, 155.14]], "duration": 163.31, "id": 481}, {"image_id": "v_U0IJmOHoa1M.mp4", "caption": "The cricket team of Sri Lanka is playing against another country. the cricketers are playing a competitive game in the field. The Sri Lanka team is represented by the blue uniform. The batsman scores four runs as the bowler throws an overhand ball. The video shows different cricket matches taking place where Sri Lanka is playing against teams from different countries. The stadium is filled with spectators cheering for the cricketers. The match goes on full swing as the batsmen score four runs. The fielder runs to catch the ball after the batsman hits it high, almost catching the ball to make him clean bold.", "segments": [[21.9, 55.33], [55.33, 103.75], [103.75, 142.94], [142.94, 162.54], [162.54, 179.83], [179.83, 194.82], [194.82, 212.11], [212.11, 223.63]], "duration": 230.55, "id": 482}, {"image_id": "v_iiY3TE2O1QE.mp4", "caption": "A camera is held by someone under water and swimming in the ocean. It pans to several shots of men playing soccer on a beach and kick the ball around. The camera pans over the ball followed by several more shots of the man playing.", "segments": [[0, 3.49], [3.3, 16.88], [16.1, 38.8]], "duration": 38.8, "id": 483}, {"image_id": "v_AX2KQGWXg1E.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man practice kick box in a gym where also other people train, then he woman talks. A cars run in a city with a soldier holding a weapon, a family in the street, people walking and car sit o the curve. The woman talks from a room, then she trains with others in a gym, then a lady in the gym talks. at the end trophies are shown.", "segments": [[0, 70.77], [71.7, 94.05], [94.98, 176.93], [177.86, 186.24]], "duration": 186.24, "id": 484}, {"image_id": "v_ohNtDBYmhX0.mp4", "caption": "A male skateboarder is skating, he jumped on the railing and then slipped and fell on his back and a hand helped him up. A boy jumped in a platform with his skateboard and slipped and fell. The skateboarders jumped on the platform or railings and slipped and fell on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 25.56], [13.94, 48.8], [47.25, 154.92]], "duration": 154.92000000000002, "id": 485}, {"image_id": "v_nfTFGY2n_io.mp4", "caption": "A family talks about making healthy food. They start by making smoothies and read ingredients from coconut sugar. They blend food and prepare the food and then blend the smoothie.", "segments": [[0, 222.48], [13.69, 107.25], [108.39, 228.18]], "duration": 228.18, "id": 486}, {"image_id": "v_m7XKITsRtVw.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are drinking coffee outside next to a camper. The man is playing guitar. The woman walks to the camera and starts showing off paper documents. She throws the papers and walks back to the man.", "segments": [[0, 79.74], [0, 7.58], [20.33, 25.52], [64.19, 72.16]], "duration": 79.74, "id": 487}, {"image_id": "v_PLgcXxX3A2A.mp4", "caption": "A boy on a team throws a basketball at other team members. Others join in, some falling as they are hit with the ball.", "segments": [[0, 85.39], [87.08, 169.09]], "duration": 169.09, "id": 488}, {"image_id": "v_8ClpQ4q6NmM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down next to a dog scrubbing his back while another man pours water over the dog's body. The man continues scrubbing as the other pours water and ends with the dog running away.", "segments": [[0, 57.71], [55.88, 121.49]], "duration": 121.49, "id": 489}, {"image_id": "v_j_vP89LZlp8.mp4", "caption": "A woman brushes her long hair at home. The woman sits down on the sofa. The woman gets up and turns away. The person turns around walks out of view.", "segments": [[0, 120.79], [48.97, 101.85], [101.2, 122.74], [123.4, 130.58]], "duration": 130.58, "id": 490}, {"image_id": "v_-vDMeHr1ZfI.mp4", "caption": "a lot of desserts are in a sliding belt in a counter. a sunset in a beach and in a lake is shown. people is doing kayaking in a lake going though the lake with big gren vegetation.", "segments": [[0, 16.04], [16.04, 37.81], [37.81, 229.13]], "duration": 229.13, "id": 491}, {"image_id": "v_rggwT0-G5sk.mp4", "caption": "Two young men are shown running back and fourth down a court hitting a tennis ball. They keep hitting the ball against the wall and chasing the ball around. One pauses and hits the ball on his racket and again throws it for the boys to play. One falls down on the ground towards the end and the other helps him up.", "segments": [[0, 55.77], [7.86, 34.17], [33.78, 54.99], [56.17, 78.55]], "duration": 78.55, "id": 492}, {"image_id": "v_WQAVlmS5IWs.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks to the camera while bathing a baby in the bathtub. The woman demonstrates a small scrubbing pad to the camera. The woman uses the pad on the baby.", "segments": [[0, 86.17], [41.93, 50.23], [50.69, 61.75]], "duration": 92.16, "id": 493}, {"image_id": "v_o5j6N8O6HS4.mp4", "caption": "One man is explaining to another man how to use a rowing machine. One of the main starts to row on the rowing machine before the other. Next, the other man joins the first man and starts to row.", "segments": [[0, 4.05], [4.05, 9.16], [9.16, 30.02]], "duration": 30.02, "id": 494}, {"image_id": "v_g8Yx4qWzNH0.mp4", "caption": "A man is bent down on a mat. He picks up a large weight and lifts it over his head. He drops the weight onto the ground. A man in a blue shirt claps.", "segments": [[0, 5.17], [5.24, 12.43], [12.88, 13.93], [14.3, 14.98]], "duration": 14.98, "id": 495}, {"image_id": "v_J8WxSDLZwu0.mp4", "caption": "This baby hits the ball and falls down. Then he gets back up and grabs the stick to attempt hitting the ball again. Next he falls again and gets back up while holding the stick and he grabs the ball hitting it really far.", "segments": [[0, 3.49], [3.49, 10.67], [10.67, 41.04]], "duration": 41.04, "id": 496}, {"image_id": "v_ZazjI26IQUo.mp4", "caption": "A parent is tattooing their very small child that looks like he is about 3 . He is crying because it hurts and his mean mother is keeping him held down while they tattoo his arm. They keep going with the tattoo it is on his upper arm but you can't tell what they are tattooing. The artist grabs something green and starts to shake it.", "segments": [[0, 11.4], [11.4, 32.2], [32.2, 48.97], [49.64, 67.08]], "duration": 67.08, "id": 497}, {"image_id": "v_dI1RqUHyWYo.mp4", "caption": "Several people at an indoor pool jump off of a diving board into the pool water below exhibiting a mix of advanced diving techniques and diving technique mishaps. Several divers jump off of the diving board into the water below performing many techniques including flips. More, less successful dives are shown near the end of the clip before the scene fades to black.", "segments": [[0.9, 89.51], [0.9, 59.22], [66.46, 90.42]], "duration": 90.42, "id": 498}, {"image_id": "v_l0Sz7dqLzqs.mp4", "caption": "A large crowd is seen sitting in front of a pool followed by several shots of two people diving into a pool. More shots are shown of divers performing impressive stunts into the pool and ends with them walking away and their score being shown. A man speaks off into the distance and the divers stand together to get their medals.", "segments": [[0, 39.55], [38.09, 115.73], [113.53, 146.5]], "duration": 146.5, "id": 499}, {"image_id": "v_0gA_3BAxtVM.mp4", "caption": "People are riding bicycles around a dirt track. Two men crash into each other and fall down. Several people crash into each other and fall down on the track.", "segments": [[0, 175.92], [31.66, 32.54], [102.91, 109.95]], "duration": 175.92000000000002, "id": 500}, {"image_id": "v_54Hp_Z-cu-s.mp4", "caption": "People are interacting in a track field. The marching band are walking with their instruments down a track. The drummers are performing as they walk.", "segments": [[0, 60.37], [0.31, 61.29], [15.4, 61.6]], "duration": 61.6, "id": 501}, {"image_id": "v_HMc2QoiQcoA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated on a bed in a bedroom. She runs her hands through her hair as she talks. She opens a cigarette case and smokes a cigarette while she talks.", "segments": [[0, 14.48], [18.74, 30.67], [40.04, 170.4]], "duration": 170.4, "id": 502}, {"image_id": "v_HGG_st1NOYM.mp4", "caption": "Women in bikinis are playing volleyball on the beach. One of the women falls onto the sand. They pose for a picture on the beach.", "segments": [[0, 96.96], [47.02, 47.99], [78.54, 81.44]], "duration": 96.96000000000001, "id": 503}, {"image_id": "v_modITAJlP_0.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing light blue tank top and black shorts is exercising on an elliptical. She continues walking on the elliptical as she moves her hands forward and backwards. She then finishes her exercise routine, gets off the equipment and takes a drink of water from a blue water bottle. She walks away holding the bottle in her hand.", "segments": [[21.34, 39.88], [39.88, 62.97], [62.97, 66.46], [66.46, 69.96]], "duration": 69.96000000000001, "id": 504}, {"image_id": "v_PlSk7Q9v15A.mp4", "caption": "We see two opening title screens. We see a man behind a bar talking. The man adds ice to a martin glass and a tall glass. the man adds three shots to the glass and shakes it. The man puts a strainer on the glass and pours the ice out of the martini glass. The man pours the lime green drink in the martini glass and adds a cherry and straw. We see the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.11], [9.81, 17.52], [17.52, 41.35], [42.05, 82.69], [83.39, 88.3], [89.7, 117.03], [117.73, 140.16]], "duration": 140.16, "id": 505}, {"image_id": "v_loUYsxA2RHg.mp4", "caption": "An elderly man is setting up his camera and then goes off to get on his riding mower. He appears on the left side riding down the sidewalk until he reaches his lawn. He makes a turn and starts working through the grass, going in circles until he reaches the center of the lawn. He then goes back and reaches a small patch of grass that he missed the first time. He goes back through one more time making sure that he didn't miss any spots, and gets off his lawn mower to turn the camera off.", "segments": [[0, 13.87], [13.87, 21.24], [21.24, 44.22], [44.22, 71.53], [71.53, 86.7]], "duration": 86.7, "id": 506}, {"image_id": "v_6rG5dBgwBDc.mp4", "caption": "Snowflakes are shown falling down the screen before we see a christmas tree. A woman is talking before she starts preparing and decorating the tree. She applies a plethora of ornaments and lights, and the tree is shown several different states of decoration.", "segments": [[0, 9.24], [14.63, 75.47], [80.86, 154.02]], "duration": 154.02, "id": 507}, {"image_id": "v_McwVhHxdr5g.mp4", "caption": "a little boy is riding inline skates down a driveway. He waves his arms, trying to keep his balance. He runs, then falls on the skates.", "segments": [[0, 3.77], [5.97, 18.63], [19.36, 24.35]], "duration": 24.35, "id": 508}, {"image_id": "v_uZC3WPkta-I.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are outside playing a game of croquet in the yard. One of the women in a kirt has her hand behind her back just watching them play. The other woman is the only female playing, she take her turn and then it's back to the men. The man in sandals hit the black ball and then it is once again the woman's turn.", "segments": [[0, 22.9], [23.85, 50.09], [35.3, 63.93], [63.93, 95.41]], "duration": 95.41, "id": 509}, {"image_id": "v_p4RUPQAV0ro.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up and picks up a weight. He lifts it up to his shoulders and then over his head. A person stands up and puts his fist in the air. Another man next to him picks up a weight and lifts it over his head. The men shake hands before walking off.", "segments": [[0, 5.82], [5.65, 14.05], [13.88, 15.25], [18.16, 27.07], [28.44, 31.18]], "duration": 34.26, "id": 510}, {"image_id": "v_2zQk4ZEfzf4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a sand pit and begins spinning around and throwing the object. The man is shown several times spinning around and throwing the object off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 14.99], [14.23, 37.94]], "duration": 37.94, "id": 511}, {"image_id": "v_awag66wjX4k.mp4", "caption": "A bike company is showing off their bikes and how to fix them. There is an intro of the bike company's logo. Then a man gives a quick into talk about the bikes. A person with gloves then shows off some tools and paste. He then uses the tools and paste to fix the bike's handle. The person then shows off the finished product of a fully adjustable handle. The ending screen shows the bike company's logo again.", "segments": [[0, 157.99], [0, 4.84], [6.45, 16.12], [16.93, 41.11], [41.92, 138.65], [140.26, 153.96], [153.96, 161.22]], "duration": 161.22, "id": 512}, {"image_id": "v_bPvxr2-L_HU.mp4", "caption": "A person in Blue pants attemps to pile drive a guy in a pink suit. The guy in the pink suit gets revenge.", "segments": [[0, 5.83], [6.32, 10.8]], "duration": 10.8, "id": 513}, {"image_id": "v_14dA-qLmNZo.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen riding along the water on boats. One person crashes into another and shows a person speaking to the camera. More clips are shown of the boats together and logos being shown.", "segments": [[0.98, 18.92], [15.01, 53.18], [48.61, 63.29]], "duration": 65.25, "id": 514}, {"image_id": "v_lTFCUuLtUJs.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a track leading into several people running down the road. A woman is seen speaking to the camera while several people are seen running and drinking water. More people speaking to the camera while showing them run in different locations.", "segments": [[0, 76.69], [65.89, 152.31], [152.31, 206.32]], "duration": 216.04, "id": 515}, {"image_id": "v_y0VZOcxbjRM.mp4", "caption": "There are five ladies playing shuffleboard in an indoor shuffleboard court. There are three women in green and two women dressed in cream colored shirts playing against each other. A lady from the green team begins to aim the stick to hit the puck while another team member helps her rearrange the pucks. Then she shoots the puck with the stick and steps back to give her opponent a chance. A player from the cream team then hits the puck with her stick but is not very successful. A man steps in and replaces the puck on the shuffleboard.Then another player from the green team comes forward to play.", "segments": [[0, 76.14], [0, 75], [3.81, 33.88], [30.84, 38.83], [30.84, 44.54], [43.4, 49.11], [47.21, 76.14]], "duration": 76.14, "id": 516}, {"image_id": "v_zU6SnkNIdrw.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing an apron and standing in his kitchen. Several food items in bowls are shown. A white bowl is filled with sugar, eggs, and peanut butter, then blended. He presses balls of cookie dough onto a pan and bakes them. He eats one of the cookies for the camera while he talks about them.", "segments": [[0, 8.01], [11.57, 28.47], [31.14, 86.3], [90.75, 135.23], [139.68, 177.94]], "duration": 177.94, "id": 517}, {"image_id": "v_Gkv5ibx0tYw.mp4", "caption": "A woman with short blonde hair is sitting in a chair talking. She holds up a hair curler and puts it in her hair. She takes it out and continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 97.2], [39.85, 61.72], [62.69, 97.2]], "duration": 97.2, "id": 518}, {"image_id": "v_BbeZ2t__2iA.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a man is seen holding a coffee cup and leads into him taking a sip. He nods his head in approval to the coffee and is shown again drinking more coffee next to a person.", "segments": [[0, 3.96], [3.3, 9.43]], "duration": 9.43, "id": 519}, {"image_id": "v_ilXO32we9uo.mp4", "caption": "Two men are sailing on the blue water, with their white boat with white flags, then they avoided the buoys on the water. A plan written on a white paper with black pen, and then the plan is put into action, when the white boat sail on the water and turn around.", "segments": [[2.61, 31.79], [30.75, 93.81]], "duration": 104.24000000000001, "id": 520}, {"image_id": "v_qZaWIb28kfU.mp4", "caption": "A man and a boy walks around a wood fire holding sheets and wearing corned hats, while a crowd stand in a circle. Then, the man stand and talks to people. Suddenly, fire and smoke come out from the wood fire with sparkles.", "segments": [[3.1, 21.27], [21.27, 44.76], [45.2, 83.31]], "duration": 88.63, "id": 521}, {"image_id": "v_J4vq7MLMAtY.mp4", "caption": "Several people are shown at a party playing different games and having fun. A man begins to talk to one of the women as she is playing one of the games. The game begins to get heated while several of the women laugh and joke around. One of the women takes a picture of the laughing women playing the game. A man helps as the women try to get the hang of playing the game.", "segments": [[0, 149.56], [9.72, 23.18], [47.11, 137.6], [83.75, 88.24], [90.48, 128.62]], "duration": 149.56, "id": 522}, {"image_id": "v_wdb4-V33wIo.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a snowy roof and leads into a man pushing snow off of a roof and onto the ground below. The man continues speaking to the camera while pushing off snow and leading into an empty roof. Another man is seen shoveling off snow and ends with pictures of the men working.", "segments": [[4.51, 31.03], [36.68, 91.97], [89.15, 110.03]], "duration": 112.85, "id": 523}, {"image_id": "v_3S5RoKVsAys.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a man in a barber shop and see images of the shop. The barber speaks cut with scenes of a barber shop. We see a Union Jack flag on the arm of a chair. A large dog walks through the room. We see the man shaving a man with a straight razor. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.01], [3.77, 36.92], [37.67, 143.14], [85.13, 89.65], [97.19, 101.71], [121.29, 140.13], [144.65, 150.68]], "duration": 150.68, "id": 524}, {"image_id": "v_bzJTmN6wAC4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated in front of a canvas. He is using a palette to paint an ombre scene. He then covers the ombre to a silhouette of a tree on a hill.", "segments": [[0, 17.82], [26.2, 128.91], [129.96, 209.61]], "duration": 209.61, "id": 525}, {"image_id": "v_c_KU8M2YfzA.mp4", "caption": "A black screen is visible and white words begin to appear.Next,there's a line of ten boys standing together behind a rope outside in a large grassy field.The boys form a circle and begin leaning to the left in a lounge position to exercise.When they are finished,they begin pulling tug of war and the man on the left side with black suit wins.Another group of boys are shown and they begin crouching down in effort to win the game.", "segments": [[0, 5.99], [5.14, 20.54], [22.26, 38.52], [38.52, 132.68], [142.95, 171.2]], "duration": 171.2, "id": 526}, {"image_id": "v_2WeG8QGOfcI.mp4", "caption": "We see an instructor leading an aerobics class. The people do a popping waist dance. The people go back and forth. A man walks past the door. A man in blue enters the room. The people lift their legs high. The instructor finishes and walks back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 195.74], [29.79, 34.04], [64.89, 73.4], [92.55, 96.81], [119.15, 125.53], [169.15, 187.23], [195.74, 212.77]], "duration": 212.77, "id": 527}, {"image_id": "v_VwclmKWo_-M.mp4", "caption": "There are three young men in a house. One the men is sitting on a couch in the living room eating a packet of Doritos. And there are two other men who are staring at him while he eats. One of the men gets up and washes his hands. He then opens a can of coke and drinks from it. Then he begins chopping tomatoes and lettuce to make a sandwich. He slices some ham and makes two toasts in a toaster. Then he puts mayonnaise on the bread and tops it with the meat, lettuce and tomato. He cuts the sandwich in half and serves it on a plate. Then he offers the sandwich plate to the man seated on the couch eating the Doritos. The man takes the plate and takes a bite of the sandwich as the other man stands next to him and watches.", "segments": [[0, 120.91], [5.44, 30.23], [9.07, 36.88], [33.85, 45.94], [41.11, 50.78], [47.15, 60.45], [60.45, 77.99], [75.57, 91.89], [88.26, 98.54], [95.52, 105.79], [102.77, 120.91]], "duration": 120.91, "id": 528}, {"image_id": "v_Bri_myFFu4A.mp4", "caption": "A person retrieves an instrument from a closet. The man examines the instrument in his hand. The person holds up the violin to his chin and gets ready. The person plays a song on the violin. The man finishes the song and lowers the instrument.", "segments": [[0, 6.26], [5.27, 14.17], [14.83, 22.74], [23.06, 60.63], [59.97, 65.9]], "duration": 65.9, "id": 529}, {"image_id": "v_AsTfp_4Um1A.mp4", "caption": "Two little girls take pack a suitcase and take a trip to New York City.Two little girls stand in a room dressed in costumes that later morph into ballerina outfits. The two girls begin to dance together while singing or speaking into the camera. The clip fades to the two girls folding and packing clothes in a suitcase in a bedroom in a house, The girls pack tutus in a pink suitcase and then cut to them in a horse drawn carriage in the streets of New York, talking and pointing to landmarks. The trip ends and the two girls run into a building and then sing together on the edge of a water fountain before running off.", "segments": [[0, 135.36], [0, 41.38], [28.05, 48.39], [46.29, 113.62], [113.62, 140.27]], "duration": 140.27, "id": 530}, {"image_id": "v_ybF4RykZxK8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding down on a skateboard while the camera follows his movements. The man skates around the street through obstacles and down the street. More people continue riding down the street while the camera follows them.", "segments": [[0, 15.93], [13.7, 37.91], [36.32, 62.12]], "duration": 63.72, "id": 531}, {"image_id": "v_qf5wMRlZYnQ.mp4", "caption": "A belly dancer is seen moving herself along a stage and performing a routine while many watch. She continues the routine and ends by shaking her hair around and bending backwards to pose.", "segments": [[0, 59.08], [55.61, 231.69]], "duration": 231.69, "id": 532}, {"image_id": "v_f6JZ3LWJRVE.mp4", "caption": "Two men hunt and shoot a buffalo in a sandy, desert like setting. A room filled with stuffed and hunted animals displays in a room with many of them mounted on walls. Two brown buffalos are standing next to each other on a sandy ground in extremely windy weather. Two men watch the two buffalos from a distance with weapons mounted aiming to shoot as a camera man stands behind them filming the incident. One of the buffalos is shot by an yellow tipped weapon while walking away. One of the men is then shown standing over the dead animal.", "segments": [[6.94, 103.54], [6.94, 10.14], [10.67, 54.97], [63.51, 85.93], [77.92, 90.73], [100.34, 103.54]], "duration": 106.74000000000001, "id": 533}, {"image_id": "v_ESgcgoYgg0o.mp4", "caption": "woman is sitting in front of other in a consulting room and take the glasses out and wash her hands. woman gives her contact lenses and he other woman holds it with the index finger put some some liquid and put it in the eye, then do the same with the other contact put the lenses and talk to the other woman.", "segments": [[0, 40.75], [40.75, 173.41]], "duration": 173.41, "id": 534}, {"image_id": "v_KTIzccovgeg.mp4", "caption": "A lake is seen with the view of a city skyline across the way. A group of walkers walk along the sidewalk near the lake. A man uses a snow blower on a sidewalk area. People use snow shovels to clear the sidewalk. A spade gardening tool is used to break up ice. A man applies salt to the cleared sidewalk area.", "segments": [[8.48, 12.4], [9.79, 19.9], [28.06, 36.54], [36.87, 39.15], [39.8, 46.65], [47.96, 50.24]], "duration": 65.25, "id": 535}, {"image_id": "v_0hWGSkDnRHA.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen passing a ball back and fourth in a pool and leads into one speaking to the camera. The man demonstrates how to properly throw the ball with his hands while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 86.58], [64.67, 207.58]], "duration": 208.62, "id": 536}, {"image_id": "v_WsXxnCQ_MIc.mp4", "caption": "A young woman uses hair products on and blow dries her hair straight with a dryer that has a comb attached to the end of it. The woman begins by removing a terry cloth turban from her head and revealing a wet may batch of hair. The woman then begins to put section of her hair in twist braids. The women then starts blowdrying sections of her hair with a comb attached blow dryer. The woman swings her straightened hair and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 208.51], [0, 2.14], [83.4, 112.27], [75.92, 167.88], [159.32, 193.54]], "duration": 213.86, "id": 537}, {"image_id": "v_zX9DZ_x9rJ4.mp4", "caption": "A black intro screen with white words appear and it notes the location, the people, and the cake they are going to make.A man and woman wearing red aprons appear in a kitchen with a white kitchen aid mixer in front of them and a banner on the screen displaying all the ingredients. The view then changes to a shot from above to show what the man is doing, and the banner on the screen is still showing the ingredients that are being used.The view changes from front to a top angle as the man is mixing the ingredients.The view then changes back to a front view and the man moves the kitchen aid to the side and grabs from the counter behind them, a baked cake and a plate with a slice of cake on it. The outro includes a picture of the man and woman standing together, their names, the name of the cake they made, their address and the news station that aired it.The credits then begin to scroll from bottom to top on a black screen with white letters.", "segments": [[0, 6.96], [6.96, 24.36], [24.36, 132.23], [6.96, 132.23], [132.23, 158.33], [158.33, 166.16], [166.16, 173.99]], "duration": 173.99, "id": 538}, {"image_id": "v_B2qCBkXrb8s.mp4", "caption": "A large man is seen standing and bowing in front of another large man while one holds his hands out inbetween the two men. Several people sit around the circle and the circle and the men wrestle one another. One pushes the other to the ground and the audience cheers. The man pushes another out of the circle and the audience claps once again.", "segments": [[1.03, 19.63], [9.3, 29.28], [29.62, 47.54], [46.85, 68.21]], "duration": 68.89, "id": 539}, {"image_id": "v_LgoMRWkBDkQ.mp4", "caption": "A man takes out the ice over the windows of a car. A person stand watching a man takes out ice on a car.", "segments": [[0, 20.02], [7.61, 11.61]], "duration": 20.02, "id": 540}, {"image_id": "v_LPeyqO2pRd4.mp4", "caption": "A woman add ice on a glass while talking. Then, the woman adds syrup in the glass using a measure cup. After, the woman add liquid to the glass, then pours the it in a black cup. After, the woman serves the mix in another glass.", "segments": [[0, 26.72], [26.72, 49.62], [49.62, 71.25], [71.68, 84.82]], "duration": 84.82, "id": 541}, {"image_id": "v_yRup8RDsCzk.mp4", "caption": "Two men are doing martial arts with others around them watching. Many other men are shown doing several flips and tricks around each other. Two men flip near each other while others around them watch.", "segments": [[0, 179.49], [20.64, 166.93], [39.49, 54.74]], "duration": 179.49, "id": 542}, {"image_id": "v_PqP3JIJEU5I.mp4", "caption": "A man is smoothing a substance on a roof with a trowel. He moves quickly to smooth out dents. The man moves to the bottom and smooths back up the top. He finishes and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 52.21], [23.26, 26.51], [28.67, 48.96], [52.21, 54.1]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 543}, {"image_id": "v_-yOwB5rvMAo.mp4", "caption": "A blonde woman stands by a bridge yelling. A brunette extends purple and red yarn to the woman. The woman is hallucinating this and is then doing an interview. A group of people in a classroom cheerfully knit away and play with yarn. The blonde woman hallucinates seeing the woman who gave her the yarn, and starts laughing hysterically. The group cheerfully displays their yarn.", "segments": [[0, 8.29], [8.65, 18.38], [18.38, 37.84], [39.28, 50.81], [51.53, 55.86], [56.58, 58.02]], "duration": 72.08, "id": 544}, {"image_id": "v_LBC8Fa1oCGI.mp4", "caption": "Several people parasail on a body of water surrounded by other boats, foliage and houses in the distance. Several people in swim trunks sail in a body of water with multi colored parasails. A person in the foreground in blue swim trunks flips the sail over but the sail twists and lands on the bottom so that the person and the sail land on their feet.", "segments": [[0.08, 16.6], [1.16, 6.56], [11.71, 16.19]], "duration": 16.6, "id": 545}, {"image_id": "v_RVYINuYPY6o.mp4", "caption": "Three boys in a grass covered back yard take turns playing a game of cricket on the lawn. The boys take turns throwing and hitting the cricket ball, helping each other out by redistributing the ball back into the game when they land in the field. One of the boys puts on a football helmet and stands on the side lines catching the ball.", "segments": [[1.17, 232.03], [17.49, 72.29], [73.46, 229.7]], "duration": 233.2, "id": 546}, {"image_id": "v_3hp7kPpZDhs.mp4", "caption": "On a track, a runner gets ready to perform. He runs and skips along the way, jumping high at the end. He walks along the track after being finished. The man runs and jumps again. The runner talks to someone.", "segments": [[0, 26.33], [26.71, 35.87], [38.16, 42.74], [42.36, 70.22], [71.36, 76.32]], "duration": 76.32, "id": 547}, {"image_id": "v_aH7puGPu39Y.mp4", "caption": "Three men wearing snowboards get out a ski lift, and a man tie his shoe. Then, the men ski down a hill covered with snow. A man bend his legs on the snow, then continue skiing with other men.", "segments": [[0, 38], [38.95, 112.09], [112.09, 189.99]], "duration": 189.99, "id": 548}, {"image_id": "v_FKQIdqjY9nI.mp4", "caption": "A man plays the bagpipes on stage while wearing a Scottish skirt. Then, the man ends playing and holds the bagpipes on his left arm.", "segments": [[1.06, 211.07], [211.07, 212.13]], "duration": 212.13, "id": 549}, {"image_id": "v_b5E7-GxvCdk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is on her hands and knees cutting grass with some scissors. The camera pans out to give a full view of her cutting the grass. She makes a joke about the grass having split ends and bad roots. The camera goes back to a close up of the grass and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 19.09], [4.77, 13.65], [6.87, 14.12], [13.65, 19.09]], "duration": 19.09, "id": 550}, {"image_id": "v_17nr8u_ze0o.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around several wooded areas and leads into a boy holding a leaf blower and smiling to the camera. The camera pans to an older man and then back to the boys blowing leaves.", "segments": [[0.57, 26.35], [20.34, 56.42]], "duration": 57.28, "id": 551}, {"image_id": "v_UG82vrvkYFk.mp4", "caption": "A man in green trunks throws a man in red trunks in a wrestling ring. The man in green trunks rolls out of the ring. The man in green trunks spears the other man. The man in green trunks power bombs the other man. The man in green trunks pins the other man and wins the match.", "segments": [[0, 1.02], [1.02, 3.57], [4.25, 9.86], [9.86, 17.85], [17.68, 31.11]], "duration": 34.0, "id": 552}, {"image_id": "v_Tix8XrlBZxg.mp4", "caption": "It's snowing outside of a home with a gray parked van and the man is holding tools, puts the camera down and then begins to clean the snow off of the van. The man moves the camera and adjusts the position and then walks back to the van begins cleaning the snow off of the entire top of the van.The man walks back to the camera and moves it once more so it can capture a different view and he continues to wipe the snow off of the side and top of the van.The piece of the tool breaks off and the man grabs it and shows it to the camera and continues talking, goes off camera, and then shows the camera he has fixed the tool and then moves the camera again.A woman shows up and she touches the van with her hands and starts to wipe off the snow with just her hands.", "segments": [[0, 53.07], [53.07, 118.15], [118.15, 146.18], [146.18, 186.23], [186.23, 200.25]], "duration": 200.25, "id": 553}, {"image_id": "v_CBckvP5FR4A.mp4", "caption": "First a screen is shown, showing what song the man will be playing using the guitar. Then the man is shown sitting down playing the guitar and he never looks up at the camera. Finally the video ends and the only thing seen is darkness.", "segments": [[0, 0.66], [0.66, 130.14], [131.46, 132.12]], "duration": 132.12, "id": 554}, {"image_id": "v_bNuRrXSjJl0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing ready on a diving board and leads into her holding out her arms and performing an impressive dive. The woman is seen several more times diving into the pool and coming to the surface.", "segments": [[0, 122.39], [110.95, 221.9]], "duration": 228.76, "id": 555}, {"image_id": "v_dufQjqa3v6w.mp4", "caption": "A man talks in an office holding a harmonica. Then, the man opens a stand and turns on the radio. After, the man plyas the harmonica.", "segments": [[0, 16.41], [16.97, 22.81], [23.08, 55.63]], "duration": 55.63, "id": 556}, {"image_id": "v_qRuPuzY6yiE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of army solider are seen holding a large rope on one side of each other while other soldiers watch. A man stands in the middle and the people begin pulling the rope from one another. One side pulls the others down and the rest of the team cheer while the camera pans around.", "segments": [[0, 23.52], [22.68, 48.73], [48.31, 84.01]], "duration": 84.01, "id": 557}, {"image_id": "v_R0dqEWnDC7k.mp4", "caption": "The video shows two countries represented by blue and green uniforms playing the game of cricket professionally. The batsmen is batting while the bowler is doing an overhand throw. The next scene shows a team of cricketers wearing white uniforms getting ready to play as they gather in a circle with their captain.", "segments": [[17.96, 48.5], [48.5, 74.55], [74.55, 83.08]], "duration": 89.82, "id": 558}, {"image_id": "v_ejMpWeFZLec.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks into the center of a room with a hula hoop. She does several acts and stunts with the hoop, bringing her head and arms in and out.", "segments": [[0, 20.93], [22.73, 119.62]], "duration": 119.62, "id": 559}, {"image_id": "v_tLdbdQ9fVZE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing next to a tree while waving and speaking to the camera. The person then holds up dirt and leads into several clips of her raking around a tree and pointing to it.", "segments": [[1.4, 21.59], [20.19, 55.24]], "duration": 56.08, "id": 560}, {"image_id": "v_8wxFQrFEo3M.mp4", "caption": "An intro screen of clouds appear and the blue words across it say \"HOOKAH TRICK MONTAGE HD\". Various words show up in between many different clips of many different people blowing smoke out of their mouths and doing many different tricks; and when the words are put together they say \"ITS TIME TO MAKE IT RIGHT\". When the clips are done a black screen appears and blue letters appear and it say's \"Thanks for watching\".", "segments": [[0, 7.3], [7.3, 142.33], [142.33, 145.98]], "duration": 145.98, "id": 561}, {"image_id": "v_kM7jFLYDUy0.mp4", "caption": "A boy is in a bumper car, spinning around by himself. He moves back and forward in his car. He looks lonely as he finally comes to a stop.", "segments": [[0, 2.65], [2.77, 9.75], [9.87, 11.54]], "duration": 11.54, "id": 562}, {"image_id": "v_qumU7AgV3Mk.mp4", "caption": "People interact in a circling ice arena. A lady talks to a group of males. A guy slips, falls on the ice arena, and laughs. A man opens his mouth very wide to show his excitement. A lady stops the circling stone with a broom. The credits with two mini clips are shown.", "segments": [[2.63, 115.76], [7.89, 21.7], [62.48, 65.11], [92.08, 92.74], [104.58, 106.55], [116.41, 130.88]], "duration": 131.54, "id": 563}, {"image_id": "v_PFYk8lhE7-0.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside with a large metal box. Another man is sanding a wall and ceiling inside a building. They then sand the floors.", "segments": [[0, 1.97], [4.1, 18.72], [19.37, 32.83]], "duration": 32.83, "id": 564}, {"image_id": "v_aeKIYkn99_Q.mp4", "caption": "We see the title on a black screen. People are in line at a ski slope. We see people in rafts being pulled up a hill and people riding rafts down the slope. We see a man at the top of the mountain. We see writing stating the camera was dropped. The man films his face as he slides down the hill. We see a young man's face as he rides down the hill. We see people walking to their cars in the parking lot. At the end we see a kid laying on a raft.", "segments": [[0, 4.38], [4.38, 7.67], [7.67, 212.53], [47.11, 51.49], [87.64, 93.12], [102.98, 115.03], [124.89, 127.08], [214.72, 218.01], [216.91, 219.1]], "duration": 219.1, "id": 565}, {"image_id": "v_t_2jTjX3a_o.mp4", "caption": "A countdown is shown followed by a woman catching balls thrown at her. The number counts down more and shows more clips of women playing dodgeball. Several more numbers and clips are shown ending with people performing impressive throws.", "segments": [[1.07, 55.58], [57.72, 156.05], [130.4, 211.63]], "duration": 213.76, "id": 566}, {"image_id": "v_YnB0VW34wlY.mp4", "caption": "A boy is chopping wood in a forest. The boy almost drops the axe. The boy looks at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 26.08], [20.21, 22.17], [25.82, 26.08]], "duration": 26.08, "id": 567}, {"image_id": "v_dI1GZfJ-A0E.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking back to the end of their car and putting their hands on their hips. They realize they have a flat tire and pull out a jack attempting to get it off. The woman falls and fails backwards off a bridge, landing on a truck.", "segments": [[0.78, 12.6], [11.63, 31.22], [23.85, 37.61]], "duration": 38.78, "id": 568}, {"image_id": "v_9bnt6lDcF6Y.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue polo speaks to the camera. In a different setting, the man is instructing a blonde woman on how to perform sit ups. The woman does sit ups. The man returns to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[5.02, 43.06], [44.32, 76.51], [53.51, 70.24], [77.34, 80.27]], "duration": 83.62, "id": 569}, {"image_id": "v_Q7eK0xT6VSQ.mp4", "caption": "A video is shown how to change a spare tire. The first tire is taken off and replaced, but nothing else is done.", "segments": [[0, 28.03], [4.76, 12.61]], "duration": 28.03, "id": 570}, {"image_id": "v_jwd8ELi0au8.mp4", "caption": "We see a dart board on a wall. Two men are playing a game of darts. We see the camera operator. We see a man up close in the camera. We see a man up close. We see a mans socks and a man close to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.96], [6.2, 123.93], [8.67, 9.91], [22.31, 23.55], [53.91, 54.53], [88.61, 96.66]], "duration": 123.93, "id": 571}, {"image_id": "v_q4FZTmaqEx8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and begins kneeling down on a roof. The man then use a tool to scrape off tiles on the roof as well as another tool to put them back down. The man continues taking off tiles on the roof and gluing others down and ends by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 51.9], [48.85, 163.84], [125.17, 203.52]], "duration": 203.52, "id": 572}, {"image_id": "v_lxtG6PbeaqY.mp4", "caption": "Two dodgeball teams play against each other in an interior gym surrounded by onlookers in bleachers. The game begins with a team of men against a team of women each taking turns throwing dodge balls at each other violently. The teams then change sides on the gym floor with the women on the left and the men on the right. The game ends and both teams meet in the middle of the floor and give each other high fives.", "segments": [[0.67, 132.46], [12.04, 45.49], [48.83, 105.03], [111.72, 121.08]], "duration": 133.79, "id": 573}, {"image_id": "v_fJ45W32t6h0.mp4", "caption": "A person kicks off a tubing participant to ride down the snow slide. The camera pans to two tubers who are waiting to go down themselves. The next two people ride down the slide. Finally, The cameraman takes the ride and we get to live vicariously through them.", "segments": [[6.68, 18.22], [16.4, 27.33], [44.94, 61.95], [58.91, 121.46]], "duration": 121.46, "id": 574}, {"image_id": "v_x3cOxXOYbwA.mp4", "caption": "A weight is seen putting put on a bar and leads into a man kneeling down. The man grabs a set of weights and begins to lift it over his head. He throws the weight up and then back on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 12.04], [10.37, 28.7], [27.78, 36.48]], "duration": 37.04, "id": 575}, {"image_id": "v_P6t2HLPZ3Dk.mp4", "caption": "A boy dressed in a burgundy polo is at a bowling alley and throws the ball high up in the air and it ends up coming back in the other lane.More bowlers are shown and they begin falling onto the lanes as the attempt to throw the ball.A man then comes along and spins around on his head and ends up hitting the pins with the balls.Finally,a ball is thrown correctly and the man congratulates him.", "segments": [[0, 24.62], [24.22, 48.44], [48.04, 72.27], [72.27, 79.41]], "duration": 79.41, "id": 576}, {"image_id": "v_RTbvrcdPcrs.mp4", "caption": "People are working out in a room. They are stepping up and down on a blue mat. They start raising their hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 129.82], [8.44, 129.82], [39.6, 46.74]], "duration": 129.82, "id": 577}, {"image_id": "v_CtooIi6Mk7U.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a yard flying a kite. A woman is standing in front of him and flies the kite after. The kite is shown in the sky. Another woman starts flying the kite outside.", "segments": [[0, 62.37], [66.27, 111.1], [123.77, 130.59], [175.42, 182.24]], "duration": 194.91, "id": 578}, {"image_id": "v_UnpBbcIa3zA.mp4", "caption": "An athlete sets up her stance in order to throw a disc during a track and field event. The woman throws the disc far across the field. The athlete celebrates the throw and the crowd cheers. A replay is seen of the woman's throw.", "segments": [[0, 12.61], [12.97, 19.45], [20.17, 43.59], [43.95, 72.05]], "duration": 72.05, "id": 579}, {"image_id": "v_RmuhtC-TCck.mp4", "caption": "A man explains while stands on a fenced court. Then, the man dance hip hop, and then explain doing hip hop demonstrations. After, the man sit on the floor and raise his body with her hands, the spins the legs to do hip hop movements.", "segments": [[0, 48.5], [48.5, 130.51], [131.39, 173.72]], "duration": 176.37, "id": 580}, {"image_id": "v_LB1A7BobPwg.mp4", "caption": "We see the white title screen. We then see a bartender talking to two people in a bar. The man puts his arm behind his back. The bartender puts two cards on the bar. They push their cards and drink beer, then pull cards and drink beer. The bartender spits the beer back in the glass. The bartender looks at the camera and speaks. We see the end title screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.37], [4.37, 206.46], [39.33, 43.7], [74.28, 83.02], [109.24, 155.12], [159.49, 163.86], [210.83, 216.29], [217.38, 218.48]], "duration": 218.48, "id": 581}, {"image_id": "v_yPEf9ajKwI8.mp4", "caption": "people are moving the furniture out of the living room, even the carpet and everything. They come in and sweep the floor and then start putting down some tarp and wood. They are remodeling the floor from carpet to wood floors. Once the floor is done they bring back all the furniture.", "segments": [[0, 40.13], [40.13, 105.22], [104.13, 168.13], [167.05, 216.95]], "duration": 216.95, "id": 582}, {"image_id": "v_KcSo4p-hhBs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her cutting a person's hair. She continues cutting and styling the hair while the man looks off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 43.95], [42.14, 90.63]], "duration": 90.63, "id": 583}, {"image_id": "v_nR7tqWpNpe8.mp4", "caption": "There's a group of rafters wearing yellow vests going on an adventure. They are rowing the raft through the river as the turbulent waves gush towards their raft. They continue rafting through the river as they stay afloat against the fierce waves. The rafters stay afloat despite the turbulent and agitated waves of the river. Some of the rafters are on top of a hill and one of the rafter is diving into the water. The rafters continue their journey through the turbulent waters of the river. There's a person bungee jumping from an elevated crane into the river.", "segments": [[7.56, 134.45], [24.37, 130.25], [34.45, 107.56], [68.07, 104.2], [99.16, 113.45], [107.56, 132.77], [128.57, 148.74]], "duration": 168.07, "id": 584}, {"image_id": "v_lfGmSfTjnA8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a messy kitchen in front of the sink preparing to cut something.She grabs a potato and a peeler and begins taking the edges off.As she continues cutting,two young girls walk in the kitchen and begin watching her and grabbing dishes.", "segments": [[0, 37.72], [37.72, 87.47], [87.47, 160.5]], "duration": 160.5, "id": 585}, {"image_id": "v_zfqach0dDYo.mp4", "caption": "wrestler is in a ring doing a head lock and a man jumps outside the ring and push the men. referee is in the ring and counts the seconds of the wreslers on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 3.41], [3.41, 7.11]], "duration": 7.11, "id": 586}, {"image_id": "v__B2kFN9MfwU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown hosting a news segment when the camera pans to sunscreen news. Several people are shown on a beach and interviewed by a reporter on sunscreen. Bottles are shown containing sunscreen and people putting it on. The reporter talks to people and pans back to shirts used for sunscreen and people traveling around the world.", "segments": [[0, 23.29], [21.17, 38.11], [41.64, 94.57], [72.69, 141.16]], "duration": 141.16, "id": 587}, {"image_id": "v_18QVPZgjy8w.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A man holds a badminton racket in a gym and talks. The man leans to the left and holds the racket out. The man turns to the right and shows his back to the camera. the man talks to the camera and the man jumps back and forth across the screen. The man talks to the camera and the man leans left one more time. We see the closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.65], [2.65, 39.06], [39.06, 58.26], [62.23, 76.8], [77.46, 108.58], [109.24, 123.15], [124.47, 132.41]], "duration": 132.41, "id": 588}, {"image_id": "v_xYuqZ_RrCC0.mp4", "caption": "A man combs his beard in front of a mirror in his bathroom. The man reaches down to pick up sizzors then trims his mustache. The man picks up lotion which he applies to his neck. The man picks up a package of razors and assembles them into his steel razor gadget. The man uses his razor to trim his face and beard. The man picks up a package and applies a product to his face. The man uses a towel to wipe down his face. the man picks up a bottle of oil from the counter and applies it to his beard.", "segments": [[0, 10.75], [10.75, 19.97], [19.46, 35.33], [35.33, 50.18], [50.18, 59.39], [60.42, 67.58], [67.07, 71.68], [72.19, 102.4]], "duration": 102.4, "id": 589}, {"image_id": "v_yLS0UuNYXOI.mp4", "caption": "A large ice glacier is shown in the water. A boat is pulling a person on skis behind the boat. The person is floating in the water.", "segments": [[0, 27.77], [27.77, 102.48], [102.48, 128.93]], "duration": 132.24, "id": 590}, {"image_id": "v_SY5WpDrtmEE.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown performing a song at Google's London offices. They are standing inside of an office space and playing the flute. The man starts really getting into it and cheering very passionately a people look on. A close up is shown of him playing over and over. he then ends the song to a round of applause and walks out of the frame.", "segments": [[0, 15.89], [16.82, 55.13], [55.13, 96.25], [95.31, 157.92], [157.92, 186.89]], "duration": 186.89, "id": 591}, {"image_id": "v_icjyAZ3KVBw.mp4", "caption": " A man in a red shirt is standing next to an exercise machine. He gets on the machine and starts working out. Words are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 41.89], [41.89, 57.64], [57.64, 63]], "duration": 63.0, "id": 592}, {"image_id": "v_qSXMTcGBqtY.mp4", "caption": "A woman straights the hair of a young lady using a brush and a hair dryer. The woman holds part of the the hair up, then she curves the hair with and hair iron.", "segments": [[6.71, 108.53], [109.65, 214.82]], "duration": 223.77, "id": 593}, {"image_id": "v_J3jICOa0WCk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a parking lot with one holding a ball. The group then plays a game of kickball while moving around the area and throwing balls at one another. The people continue walking around while looking to one another and throwing the ball.", "segments": [[0, 56.46], [50.07, 180.04], [165.13, 212]], "duration": 213.07, "id": 594}, {"image_id": "v_eg3oZ4XCEKk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running around a disney resort while waving to the camera and several shots of the kingdom being shown. Many characters are shown waving to the runners as well as more shots of people running past characters and going through the finish line and celebrating.", "segments": [[3.7, 109], [80.37, 177.36]], "duration": 184.75, "id": 595}, {"image_id": "v_Q-HdDcyC9d8.mp4", "caption": "The person with black apron spray a white foam on the shoes. The person brush the shoes with white foam on it. The person brushed the shoes after the foam is gone and began spraying a chemical in it and polished the metal part of the shoes.", "segments": [[0, 15.76], [9.52, 22.98], [21.01, 65.67]], "duration": 65.67, "id": 596}, {"image_id": "v_OWEwmnZvvJE.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen standing around a pool followed by several clips of the boy jumping in the pool and swimming around. The boy continues to swim all around the pool with a man swimming behind him and the boy smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[3.8, 73.71], [62.31, 149.7]], "duration": 151.98, "id": 597}, {"image_id": "v_ZMG8WE3Y22k.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures of different individual are shown white water rafting as an intro for a video.Men then arrive in a field and take the rafts out before more pictures are shown.The men then stand in the field with their paddles and actually get in the raft demonstrating the proper way to row.Finally,they are in the water and all of them begin to paddle throughout the water.More people join them and they eventually get out of the water and walk back to land.", "segments": [[0, 13.56], [13.56, 50.84], [50.17, 84.74], [84.06, 113.21], [113.21, 135.58]], "duration": 135.58, "id": 598}, {"image_id": "v_qakxXmFvFy0.mp4", "caption": "Three kids are making a sand castle on the beach. A man is laying next to them on a towel.", "segments": [[0, 58.42], [2.04, 58.42]], "duration": 58.42, "id": 599}, {"image_id": "v_xDRvD_-fvd8.mp4", "caption": "After a Tissot ad appears, a row of fencers are shown. They high five, and are displayed in several clips fighting, then back to the row of standing on the stage. One is injured, and is carried away.", "segments": [[0, 7.73], [12.37, 65.32], [66.48, 77.3]], "duration": 77.3, "id": 600}, {"image_id": "v_Ix2vIutdeNQ.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A smiling man in sunglasses opens mouthwash and gargles. The man spits in a cup. A lady removes a plaque from the wall. We see a closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.17], [3.39, 28.72], [28.72, 31.21], [34.38, 38.22], [41.84, 45.23]], "duration": 45.23, "id": 601}, {"image_id": "v_UgsqMLsPG0k.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. The man then puts plaster on a base and applies it to the ceiling while on stilts. The man walks back and forth smoothing the applied plaster. The man walks to and turns off the camera. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.53], [6.32, 93.2], [93.2, 146.91], [147.7, 151.65], [152.44, 157.97]], "duration": 157.97, "id": 602}, {"image_id": "v_eLQ1c2tMJls.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A man picks up a brown boot and brushes it. A man opens an aerosol can and sprays the boot. A man rubs the products of a black tube on the boot's sole edge. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.36, 6.15], [7.95, 36.88], [37.96, 48.81], [53.15, 57.85], [63.27, 72.31]], "duration": 72.31, "id": 603}, {"image_id": "v_4a0Q-IAqO8U.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is standing outside talking. He then is inside a swimming pool. He is back outside talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 64.85], [63.69, 74.11], [76.43, 231.6]], "duration": 231.6, "id": 604}, {"image_id": "v_PSUGaj7_5LI.mp4", "caption": "At the bowling alley, there are a lot of people. The little boy rolls for his turn and he strikes. He waits for his ball to come back and gets prepared to take his next turn, it's another strike. He takes another turn and makes another strike, everyone is congratulating and hugging him.", "segments": [[0, 18.19], [18.19, 63.65], [63.65, 112.75], [112.75, 181.86]], "duration": 181.86, "id": 605}, {"image_id": "v_k3nRbFeancA.mp4", "caption": "The video shows various clips of sumo wrestlers fighting in a ring while a referee and audience looks on. In the first clip, a much bigger wrestler wrestles a smaller man who ends up winning. The video continues with several other clips of wrestlers and how each wrestler wins the round. The video ends with a comedy commercial where a smaller sumo wrestler crawls under another very large one, and ends up stuck in his sumo outfit.", "segments": [[0, 66.97], [0, 15.26], [23.74, 66.55], [67.4, 84.78]], "duration": 84.78, "id": 606}, {"image_id": "v_juKQ_gU42EM.mp4", "caption": "A anchorman in a suit sits with a laptop on his clear desk. A man is tackled by a bull. The man gets up and his mouth is bloody. People help the man out of the rodeo dirt area.", "segments": [[0, 1.13], [1.35, 45.14], [27.54, 29.12], [29.34, 34.08]], "duration": 45.14, "id": 607}, {"image_id": "v_6iuD3pSgBcw.mp4", "caption": "A young man is standing on stage and eventually several other boys join in wearing kilts. They stand in front of one drum and perform a routine using only drums. The boys spin and flip their sticks constantly and continue performing their drumming routine. One stands up and begins singing a song while the others join in. They boys go back to playing the drums and finally finish by playing each other's drums and faster than other.", "segments": [[0, 15.62], [16.66, 208.21], [33.31, 188.43], [92.66, 129.09], [139.5, 208.21]], "duration": 208.21, "id": 608}, {"image_id": "v_kI0AyrGe-NU.mp4", "caption": "Two cats are seen laying on a bed facing one another. One cat then begins to lick the other. The first cat then stops and the other licks afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 36.87], [9.92, 30.32], [14.79, 36.87]], "duration": 37.43, "id": 609}, {"image_id": "v_NbIxjYWSURI.mp4", "caption": "A montage of athletes completing incredible stunts and races are shown as well as hundreds of people watching in the audience. The shots lead into several more athletes jumping over a pole while pausing the in the middle, finishing with the shot being shown again in slow motion. The final gymnast waves to the camera and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 65.88], [61.26, 208.05], [209.21, 231.17]], "duration": 231.17000000000002, "id": 610}, {"image_id": "v_DWVI_N4Aeo8.mp4", "caption": "A diving is seen standing ready with his arms out to the side. The man then performs an impressive dive and is followed by several clips of other people diving.", "segments": [[0.4, 13.63], [6.49, 25.94]], "duration": 26.47, "id": 611}, {"image_id": "v_Or7mIy83LsQ.mp4", "caption": "A teen stand on a track, then he runs and jumps long on a sand box, after the teen stands and walk. A person pass behind the teen. An athlete performs long jump in the sand box. Another athlete runs and jumps long over the sand box.", "segments": [[0, 44.31], [18.32, 20.09], [43.13, 86.26], [87.44, 115.21]], "duration": 118.17, "id": 612}, {"image_id": "v_JNuVGc8mn54.mp4", "caption": "There men have chairs and are sitting int he subway way making some music. One of them is playing guitar and two of them are playing the violin. People walk by them and a kid pushing a stroller and some other children come and stop to watch them for a little by. There is a crowd that has actually stopped to watch them play, clapping and one of them leaving money in their case.", "segments": [[0, 17.09], [17.09, 29.47], [30.06, 69.55], [69.55, 117.89]], "duration": 117.89, "id": 613}, {"image_id": "v_-sXrwv7C5CI.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps onto two bars. He does a gymnastics routine on the bars. A man in a white jacket watches him perform. He does a flip and lands on the mat. The crowd applauds him after he lands.", "segments": [[0, 2.98], [3.52, 54.15], [25.99, 54.15], [49.55, 50.63], [51.98, 54.15]], "duration": 54.15, "id": 614}, {"image_id": "v_5yfDyVVkPuU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen speaking to the camera followed by several clips of people hitting a ball. More shots are shown of people holding up sticks and hitting a ball with another coach near by helping and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 35.03], [31.71, 93.25]], "duration": 94.67, "id": 615}, {"image_id": "v_5gBRDguUe8U.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting on a stool and piecing together several parts of a bike. The person continues piecing the bike together and pans around the finished product in the end.", "segments": [[1.43, 58.67], [43.64, 140.23]], "duration": 143.09, "id": 616}, {"image_id": "v_F6FyJl5OQ0A.mp4", "caption": "A green boat with black and white accents on it is gliding on the water. A pair of blue and black shoes are on a deck while a foot is being placed the right side. A man is now standing on a waterboard that the blue shoes are attached to and he's holding a blue rope attached to a triangular handle. White words on a black screen show up and read Zucky Wakeboarding 2015 summer and then fades away. The man is shown again and now he's in motion wake boarding as he holds onto the handle connected to the rope and he is doing various tricks going from side to side, occasionally jumping, spinning and sometimes doing all at once. The video ends with white words and numbers on a black screen that read -END- editor: 05.", "segments": [[0, 3.66], [3.66, 12.81], [12.81, 18.3], [18.3, 22.87], [22.87, 177.49], [177.49, 182.98]], "duration": 182.98, "id": 617}, {"image_id": "v_lpeyMIH1YqA.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a revolving chair with his one leg folded over the other. Another man takes a cloth and begins cleaning his black leather shoes with a cloth to make it shiny. He cleans the shoe with a back and forth motion.", "segments": [[8.55, 15.49], [15.49, 22.92], [22.92, 24.78]], "duration": 24.78, "id": 618}, {"image_id": "v_qfb0Qe7s9oo.mp4", "caption": "A woman with blonde hair is explaining how to make rosemary vodka lemonade. Two jars of liquid appear. The woman takes a sip of the liquid. The woman prepares the liquid with herbs and sugar in a bowl. The woman pours the liquid in a glass. The woman pours the liquid into jars with ice. The woman mixes the concoction. The woman drinks the liquid in a jar. The video ends with a view of the jars with liquid.", "segments": [[0, 155.11], [7.76, 12.41], [19.39, 22.49], [40.33, 60.49], [70.58, 75.23], [88.41, 100.82], [107.03, 114.01], [121.76, 125.64], [136.5, 155.11]], "duration": 155.11, "id": 619}, {"image_id": "v_yTJCrP0HqEE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown speaking to the camera and showing various shots of children sitting in a chair and performing on tv. The woman speaks more to the camera and puts a contact into the girls eye. The girl smiles into a mirror and shows how she takes out the contacts and a reminder on your phone. One last woman speaks to the camera and the girl cheers and smiles again.", "segments": [[0, 28.84], [28.84, 63.59], [63.59, 103.52], [102.78, 147.89]], "duration": 147.89, "id": 620}, {"image_id": "v_xfVx1-emCV8.mp4", "caption": "The video starts with a curling game being shown from overhead. The camera then shows a lady skating across the ice. Then the camera focuses back onto the curling game showing a lady about to shoot. They return to the overhead angle of the game while the lady prepares to shoot. Other players are shown watching in anticipation. The player makes the shot and the camera follows along. The crowd cheers and a replay of the shot is shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.89], [5.89, 11.77], [11.77, 20.83], [20.83, 46.64], [46.64, 51.62], [51.62, 71.99], [71.99, 90.56]], "duration": 90.56, "id": 621}, {"image_id": "v_jWuq6clN5q4.mp4", "caption": "The people are shown playing the drums using wooden drumsticks. There are also people behind them playing golden cymbals. After a while they all stop playing and stand silently.", "segments": [[21.72, 59.23], [3.95, 59.23], [71.47, 75.81]], "duration": 78.97, "id": 622}, {"image_id": "v_AEer099-yUM.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands in a red dress. She is throwing darts at a board. She throws several darts at the board. She throws darts in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 47.14], [4.01, 47.14], [8.72, 47.14], [33.23, 47.14]], "duration": 47.14, "id": 623}, {"image_id": "v_FoPNGc6Lg8k.mp4", "caption": "A woman is completing a routine in the olympics on the balance beam. She jumps up and down gracefully and then falls for a bit of a point deduction. She finishes her routine and gets a hug from her coach.", "segments": [[0, 144.45], [13.72, 98.23], [122.78, 144.45]], "duration": 144.45, "id": 624}, {"image_id": "v_8HY9CPl9CqE.mp4", "caption": "A group of swimmers are getting ready to perform. The crowd watches the girls get ready. A girl dives off the diving board and people cheer. She climbs out of the pool while another swimmer gets ready to jump.", "segments": [[0, 5.78], [0, 10.91], [16.53, 22.94], [22.46, 32.09]], "duration": 32.09, "id": 625}, {"image_id": "v_ffDlO-IrsxI.mp4", "caption": "An assortment of teams male and female are lined up outside of a building then they are let in.In the building,there are multiple pool tables and a man begins instructing them on what to do.Different people begin hitting the balls and the instructor goes over to help them.", "segments": [[0, 9.93], [9.56, 38.98], [39.34, 73.54]], "duration": 73.53999999999999, "id": 626}, {"image_id": "v_Alv7N6Ynm1Y.mp4", "caption": "A group of people have gathered on a stage. The audience claps for the performers. They shake hands and hug as credits roll.", "segments": [[0, 30.65], [33.62, 112.73], [117.67, 197.77]], "duration": 197.77, "id": 627}, {"image_id": "v_x0HMqVvqHJE.mp4", "caption": "Many females, some in blue shirts and some in white shirts, run around on a field playing a game. A few people watch from the bleachers in the background. Two referees runs about and down the field with the players. Other players watch from the sideline near a fence. A group of people keeping score sit at a table on the sideline. Some of the people watching from the bleachers are standing now. A man in a blue sweatshirt walks on the sideline.", "segments": [[0, 183.74], [6.43, 153.42], [7.35, 170.88], [37.67, 183.74], [81.76, 181.9], [152.5, 179.15], [157.1, 175.47]], "duration": 183.74, "id": 628}, {"image_id": "v_H9ekrZnisUI.mp4", "caption": "Outside in the yard there is a lady dressed like a cupcake and she is playing a game of cricket. She hits the yellow ball but it does not move very far at all. She has a little bit of trouble trying to get a good position to hit the ball again. When she finally hits it again it does not go through the course like she was expecting so she is disappointed.", "segments": [[0, 3.46], [3.34, 7.13], [7.13, 10.25], [10.25, 22.29]], "duration": 22.29, "id": 629}, {"image_id": "v_VBY8feOQgy4.mp4", "caption": "There is an indoor gym where two contestants are fencing with each other. There is a person dressed in black who is their referee. Another pair of contestants are also fencing at the same event. Two men dressed in fencing gear continue to fence in the gym.", "segments": [[24.69, 74.87], [74.87, 116.28], [116.28, 152.12], [152.12, 157.7]], "duration": 159.29, "id": 630}, {"image_id": "v_bEniqIC5Ric.mp4", "caption": "A woman rides a camel holding a rode with her right hand while a man pulls the camel. Then, the camel stops and the woman gets down from the camel.", "segments": [[0, 38.38], [38.38, 61.91]], "duration": 61.91, "id": 631}, {"image_id": "v_OyeXXxV3MSg.mp4", "caption": "Two men laugh and bow there heads watching work get done. The person paints their friends nails. The man removes his friends hand and continues working.", "segments": [[0, 11.38], [0, 55.85], [38.42, 45.53]], "duration": 71.15, "id": 632}, {"image_id": "v_ytXLI-2wgaQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of children play hockey on a field with coaches coaching as they play. A coach demonstrates how to block a goal inside of a interior gym in front of a group of young people. The children then emulate the training as the camera cuts to the coach talking to the camera. The children continue to play hockey until the screen fades.", "segments": [[13.01, 170.08], [13.94, 15.8], [13.94, 79.93], [80.86, 185.88]], "duration": 185.88, "id": 633}, {"image_id": "v_TN8tBV7CY6U.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a mini pool table with cues and balls. A man uses the cue to shoot the balls into the pockets. He sits a doll on the table to show size. He also shoots a wiffle ball on the table, and a marble.", "segments": [[0, 11.22], [12.34, 63.39], [67.32, 91.44], [98.74, 112.2]], "duration": 112.2, "id": 634}, {"image_id": "v_DD3MU7uM9mM.mp4", "caption": "Two men are fighting inside a wrestling ring. They flip and tumble over each other. One of the wrestlers pins the other, and the count goes to three.", "segments": [[0, 2.59], [2.59, 7.9], [8.04, 13.28]], "duration": 13.28, "id": 635}, {"image_id": "v_25dJIdZj6Xs.mp4", "caption": "Two people wearing scuba gear are sitting at the edge of a boat with their backs to the water. The person on the right leans all the way back and splashes in the water.The next person also leans back but can't fully fall into the water because they're stuck to something on the boat, so their legs go flailing.", "segments": [[0, 0.93], [0.86, 3], [3, 6.9]], "duration": 6.9, "id": 636}, {"image_id": "v_sTtFSpelQk4.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red life vest demonstrates how to paddle in a canoe through gestures and through talking to the camera from a canoe in a body of water. A man in a red canoe is paddling with one oar in a small body of water while talking to the camera. The man drifts to the side slightly while talking using the paddle as an anchor in the water and seemingly demonstrating how to paddle using the paddle and hand gestures to explain how to move the paddle and canoe in the water. The man then pushes away from the camera with the paddle and drifts out into the water before paddling back to the camera again.", "segments": [[4.19, 201.19], [4.19, 18.86], [18.86, 57.63], [58.68, 202.24]], "duration": 209.57, "id": 637}, {"image_id": "v_-_Ud3LXSjdE.mp4", "caption": "A young kid is smoking a cigarette. The kid flip the cigarette and tried to put the other end of the cigarette to his mouth. The young kid continue to smoke, he make faces and then smoked.", "segments": [[0, 66.6], [5.33, 17.98], [32.3, 66.6]], "duration": 66.6, "id": 638}, {"image_id": "v_5LHIoaSvKCU.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a glass and walking to a cabinet. She fills up the glass and peels lemons into the water. She then uses a spoon to drink the water as well as a straw and nodding her head waving.", "segments": [[2.46, 28.06], [19.99, 56.82], [49.1, 68.39]], "duration": 70.15, "id": 639}, {"image_id": "v_II0BlR0BriI.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking inside a gym. A group of female gymnasts form a cluster, then lift a girl over their heads. They hold her up by one leg before twirling her back down and catch her in their arms.", "segments": [[0, 13.26], [20.62, 86.91], [87.65, 147.31]], "duration": 147.31, "id": 640}, {"image_id": "v_HtuDZLsOK6M.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of scenery are shown and leads to a person scratching a dog and pulling a rope. More shots of people riding a boat are shown, seagulls flying, and people playing music. Next a person is seen drawing on a map and ends with an anchor and pictures of people.", "segments": [[0, 30.22], [30.85, 83.1], [80.58, 125.91]], "duration": 125.91, "id": 641}, {"image_id": "v_PjSOjB7qhcA.mp4", "caption": "Girls are playing dodge ball outside with only one ball. A girl gets hit with the ball. The girl gets out of the game and goes and holds onto the clothing line.", "segments": [[0, 31.58], [16.26, 16.74], [18, 22.26]], "duration": 31.58, "id": 642}, {"image_id": "v_4X8raZBOzvM.mp4", "caption": "Two old bagpipe players play towards each other. One bagpipe player turns. The bagpipe players finish playing. The crowd claps for the players.", "segments": [[0, 89.51], [79.29, 80.75], [90.97, 91.45], [91.94, 97.29]], "duration": 97.28999999999999, "id": 643}, {"image_id": "v_U7iNqQs1kRk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated in a chair with a hand drum as another man plays bongos behind him. They play for an extended period together.", "segments": [[0, 27.55], [31.74, 69.75]], "duration": 69.75, "id": 644}, {"image_id": "v_rMes9poepAI.mp4", "caption": "We see the title card for the product. We see a lady cleaning her floor. We see the vacuum attachment product and see the product in action. The lady shows each side, and we see her attach the product. We see the lady mopping. Then we see the ease of using the attachment. We see the lady relaxing after cleaning. We see the attachment product again. We see the lady giving a thumbs up. The title screen returns to end the video.", "segments": [[0, 3.29], [3.29, 14.26], [14.26, 53.74], [54.84, 83.36], [84.45, 104.2], [106.39, 163.42], [163.42, 166.71], [167.81, 211.68], [213.88, 216.07], [216.07, 219.36]], "duration": 219.36, "id": 645}, {"image_id": "v_09Kr5TQ9DHQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown drawing several lines on a piece of paper that leads into several fast motion clips of snowy areas. More close ups are shown followed by a person riding down the mountain. More people riding down are shown and leads into several shots of people performing ski and snowboarding tricks down a mountain.", "segments": [[0, 25.06], [23.84, 67.85], [67.85, 122.25]], "duration": 122.25, "id": 646}, {"image_id": "v_esQnfUcBbPE.mp4", "caption": "A black bull is taunted with a dummy hanging on a rope as the bull lunges at the dummy.A man with a green and white umbrella taunts a black bull on a rope while onlookers also taunt the bull from the side on a wall.The black bull lunges at another dummy and the dummy get caught on the bulls horn as the bull runs off after other taunting targets.", "segments": [[0, 36.9], [37.97, 81.28], [81.28, 106.95]], "duration": 106.95, "id": 647}, {"image_id": "v_J9Sl_H-1BOA.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting front of a piano and playing the instrument with her finger tips. She continues playing while the camera captures her from afar.", "segments": [[0, 8.4], [8.25, 15.14]], "duration": 15.14, "id": 648}, {"image_id": "v_mnv-Qz4QDfU.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls are gathered in a room. They are shown in a series of images posing together. We also several several boys posing before playing a game of foosball.", "segments": [[0, 14.27], [19.33, 44.65], [45.57, 92.07]], "duration": 92.07, "id": 649}, {"image_id": "v_C0OxaqCr_wk.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen speaking while smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke out of their mouths. The person continues speaking while smoking the cigarette and gradually blowing smoke while she speaks.", "segments": [[0, 25.54], [13.28, 25.54]], "duration": 25.54, "id": 650}, {"image_id": "v_vt81bZ6_GcQ.mp4", "caption": "People are in a pool playing water polo. A man in a white shirt walks along side the pool. A woman holding a dog is standing on a dock.", "segments": [[0, 201.89], [12.96, 201.89], [209.45, 215.92]], "duration": 215.92000000000002, "id": 651}, {"image_id": "v_bGDwE1v16HU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into clips of her leading an exercise class as well as shots of the studio. The woman continues riding along on the exercise bike while teaching the class and continuing to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 100.19], [80.7, 185.53]], "duration": 185.53, "id": 652}, {"image_id": "v_2-xPjKzp-Kk.mp4", "caption": " A person moves poker cards and tokens on the table in a casino on front people. A client tap with the finger inside a square. Then, the person stacks all the cards and puts the tokens inside the squares. Then people start to gamble, while the woman distribute the cards and pick up tokens. After, the client shows with the hand, then the person make gestures with the hand showing the table. Next the woman pick up the cards.", "segments": [[0, 111.5], [107.09, 110.4], [112.61, 122.54], [122.54, 184.37], [184.37, 207.55], [207.55, 220.8]], "duration": 220.8, "id": 653}, {"image_id": "v_cAmGHiqmnaw.mp4", "caption": "A rodeo is shown as a man charges out of the gate to throw the rope around a baby calf. he is instantly successful and hops back on his horse.", "segments": [[0, 6.14], [6.14, 25.08]], "duration": 25.08, "id": 654}, {"image_id": "v_LyJxXonLzT4.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a bar demonstrating how to make drinks. He fills a glass with ice. Then he begins measuring various liquors into a cup, and then pours it into the glass. He shakes the drink together and then pours the mixture into shot glasses. Finally he puts another liquor into the glasses. The video ends with the man holding both glasses up.", "segments": [[0, 70.46], [4.93, 7.75], [15.85, 29.95], [31.71, 51.44], [54.61, 62.71], [65.53, 70.46]], "duration": 70.46000000000001, "id": 655}, {"image_id": "v_lJRwUE12drE.mp4", "caption": "People are seen walking around a gymnasium and leads into one standing in between bars. The gymnast then moves himself around the bars and jumps down afterwards. Another man steps up to the bars and attempts to spin around.", "segments": [[0, 22.42], [19.78, 72.09], [57.14, 84.83]], "duration": 87.91, "id": 656}, {"image_id": "v_8BAn48zfc68.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing sweat gear and seen trying obtain a light with a lighter. She fails to do so and begins walking towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 6], [6.44, 8.82]], "duration": 8.82, "id": 657}, {"image_id": "v_8HdfGmQaabM.mp4", "caption": "A blonde woman in a green sweater is talking. She shows off a plate filled with pasta salad and vegetables. She shows how she made the pesto sauce in a blender before mixing mini tomatoes in with the pasta. She returns to the camera, continuing to talk before we see a final scene of the pasta.", "segments": [[0, 26.67], [34.78, 57.97], [60.29, 185.52], [198.27, 231.9]], "duration": 231.9, "id": 658}, {"image_id": "v_bi6C3kyP4mU.mp4", "caption": "Several men are pictured outside in their kayaking uniforms ready to start rafting.Several people begin rafting and they are shown in bars and on buses.As they continue rafting,a clear bucket with a black circle with several lines is shown on each raft and the people walk by putting out cigarettes on it.More people began kayaking and end up flipping the rafts over until a man comes and starts to talk.", "segments": [[0, 12.82], [11.75, 89.73], [89.73, 157.03], [157.03, 213.65]], "duration": 213.65, "id": 659}, {"image_id": "v_ZYrQ-TSPQfU.mp4", "caption": "People whom are wearing helmets, are paddling a inflated boat down a rocky body of water. Water splashes into the inflated boat. The people stop paddling, and the boat is still.", "segments": [[0, 138.19], [113.19, 113.93], [143.33, 147.01]], "duration": 147.01, "id": 660}, {"image_id": "v_v1Iv-ySc2LM.mp4", "caption": "A child uses a mop to wash the floor of a home. The child twist the mop to turn it over.", "segments": [[0, 33.3], [33.89, 39.41]], "duration": 39.41, "id": 661}, {"image_id": "v_2LzWCwYtUzs.mp4", "caption": "We see an animation on the opening title screen. A person washes and peels a potato. The person rinses the person rinses the peeled potato in a bowl. The person then dices the potato. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 1.66], [1.66, 22.12], [22.12, 27.1], [28.21, 51.44], [52.82, 55.31]], "duration": 55.31, "id": 662}, {"image_id": "v_6ECElQXTBIY.mp4", "caption": "A little girl walks into a gym as her name flashes on the screen. The little girl performs a routine with a baton. The girl does a flip, throws her baton and catches it while on the ground. The girl pauses and counts. The girl does a split and lays her baton on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 8.53], [8.53, 77.58], [42.28, 53.14], [55.08, 60.9], [70.6, 73.31]], "duration": 77.58, "id": 663}, {"image_id": "v_cd_-gvb82Bs.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera holding a window washer and begins getting the windows wet. He then points to the window while wiping it down over and over again with various tools.", "segments": [[0, 93.59], [63.31, 183.51]], "duration": 183.51, "id": 664}, {"image_id": "v_TxiLjdHoXU4.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast stands ready at the end then flips up onto a beam. She performs a gymnastic routine while several people on the sides watch her. She continues flipping around the beam and doing various acrobatic tricks. She jumps down and gives her coach a hug while the camera shows her movements in slow motion and she speaks to a woman.", "segments": [[0, 18.43], [19.71, 50.85], [50.22, 91.53], [90.26, 118.23]], "duration": 127.13, "id": 665}, {"image_id": "v_98buk_vE_z4.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen playing a set of bongo drums while singing and looking to the camera. The men continuously play and end by stopping and smiling at one another.", "segments": [[0, 139.62], [128.13, 176.73]], "duration": 176.73, "id": 666}, {"image_id": "v_XGwP_Y-x-dI.mp4", "caption": "In a sped up special effect, there are 3 people who are shoveling a driveway and removing snow from a car on the right side of their driveway while neighbors and other snow plows are also moving about behind them. A person drops their shovel in the driveway, then runs to the end of the driveway to play in the snow, then goes back and picks the shovel back up to shovel again. A black car pulls int o the newly shoveled driveway and the people continue to shovel snow onto the road outside of their driveway.", "segments": [[0, 67.02], [48.41, 50.73], [67.02, 93.09]], "duration": 93.09, "id": 667}, {"image_id": "v_13hdhdieZuc.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman with short brown hair doing makeup tutorial. She begins by wearing a headband to keep her hair out of her face. Then she starts applying some foundation all over her face and blends it in. Then she takes an eyeliner and applies it with a brush under her eyes and on her eyelids. She then takes some powder compact and pats it on her face and spreads it evenly. Then with a brush she applies some eyeliner on her eyelids, followed by an eyeliner pencil which she uses on her eyelids and under her eyes. She takes a pair of eyelash curlers and curls her lashes and then applies some mascara with a brush. She finishes off the makeup with a lipstick that she puts on her upper and lower lips. Then she removes her headband and straightens her hair to finish off her look. She shows the before makeup and after makeup pictures to show the difference.", "segments": [[0, 53.69], [5.64, 11.01], [9.93, 17.72], [14.76, 18.25], [16.64, 20.67], [19.06, 30.87], [30.06, 36.24], [35.43, 39.73], [39.19, 46.17], [45.9, 53.69]], "duration": 53.69, "id": 668}, {"image_id": "v_KOiRoi5_SnQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a pair of skis. He then skis quickly down a snowy embankment, accidentally hitting a skier in his path and sending her careening to the right. they stop and talk, checking to make sure she is ok.", "segments": [[0, 11.47], [16.86, 112.63], [115.33, 134.89]], "duration": 134.89, "id": 669}, {"image_id": "v_pPGniqIBs-U.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a small child while looking and smiling to the camera. The two then climb on a camel and ride around while waving to the camera. The two ride back together with the woman leading them in front.", "segments": [[0, 5.69], [5.02, 28.11], [29.11, 63.57]], "duration": 66.92, "id": 670}, {"image_id": "v_fNPEa0Sd4hM.mp4", "caption": "Olympic triple jumps are shown in a stadium. The first person in yellow goes over 17 meters. The second person does about the same as does the third person.", "segments": [[8.45, 82.94], [11.62, 30.11], [32.22, 105.65]], "duration": 105.65, "id": 671}, {"image_id": "v_oD5lGBt7U7g.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of the inside of a shop followed by a person unboxing a bike. The man then brings out tools and tightens them along the bike and is shown peddling the bike with his hands and showing off the finished bike.", "segments": [[3.17, 99.24], [76.01, 200.58]], "duration": 211.14, "id": 672}, {"image_id": "v_RoAtTRjWKEg.mp4", "caption": "A girl is on a low beam, preparing to flip. She flips forward, then turns backward with her arms outstretched.", "segments": [[0, 1.01], [1.08, 6.97]], "duration": 6.97, "id": 673}, {"image_id": "v_8b3ZBE0n3V8.mp4", "caption": "A boy walk in the room from the left doorway holding a red stuffed animal sits down at the table then put animal away. A girl walk in the room front the right doorway and sits down at the table. They begin arm wrestling and the girl wins. the girl smiles at the camera sighting her victory then they both get up to exit room from the same sides they entered in from.", "segments": [[0, 3.4], [3.4, 3.97], [20.79, 30.24], [31.57, 37.8]], "duration": 37.8, "id": 674}, {"image_id": "v_Hc7A90HiA28.mp4", "caption": "Two teams are playing a tug of war, while the referee is at the center and on the side are people taking pictures. The referee gave a go signal for the team to start pulling, the players are pulling the rope with all of their might until the blue team won, on the other side of the lane another team are playing tug of war, and the camera pans to the audiences who are watching the game.", "segments": [[0, 22.08], [8.1, 147.19]], "duration": 147.19, "id": 675}, {"image_id": "v_yduDG8EcM0A.mp4", "caption": "There's a little boy wearing a red Elmo shirt standing on a step stool in the kitchen with his grandmother. They are juicing a lemon on an electric juicer that is placed on the kitchen counter near the sink. the boy seems excited to help his grandmother juice the lemon. He puts his hand over her hand while she is juicing the lemon.", "segments": [[7.81, 23.44], [23.44, 54.35], [54.35, 60.81], [60.81, 63.53]], "duration": 67.94, "id": 676}, {"image_id": "v_FZtIVsmpYcI.mp4", "caption": "We see a lawnmower and a persons hand. A person starts the mower and it smokes. We see the man mowing the lawn with a smoking mower. We see the mower from the point of view of the mower. We see the boy start the lawn mower again. The boy mows the lawn. We then see the boy walking with the mower.", "segments": [[0, 4.82], [11.57, 44.35], [45.31, 134.97], [111.84, 117.62], [134.01, 141.72], [141.72, 187.03], [187.03, 192.82]], "duration": 192.82, "id": 677}, {"image_id": "v_2mmN96TdEdY.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several clips of people solving rubix cubes while a timer captures their speed on the side. More people continue to solve the puzzle as the camera captures them from many sides.", "segments": [[0, 123.73], [86.5, 216.8]], "duration": 218.99, "id": 678}, {"image_id": "v_0YQPGAsZPgY.mp4", "caption": "A four piece percussion and string band play on a stage with the main focus being a man on the bongos in the center of the stage and wearing sunshades indoors. A man plays bongos in an animated fashion while a woman next to him plays the keyboard and a man behind him plays guitar. A man next to him begins to hit a stick against a metallic percussion instrument. The man playing the bongos knocks one of them over at which point the man next to him sets the bongo upright again.", "segments": [[0, 166.09], [4.15, 19.93], [9.14, 103.81], [103.81, 166.09]], "duration": 166.09, "id": 679}, {"image_id": "v_Deo_GsHyw8Y.mp4", "caption": "Al's begins his skiing tips with an iron and a sponge. Demonstrating what and how you would use it on the ski's. He shows you on the ski's how to rub it on. Then he explains a little more about the process.", "segments": [[0, 15.91], [15.47, 40.21], [40.21, 66.72], [66.28, 88.38]], "duration": 88.38, "id": 680}, {"image_id": "v_eQc-8npRq18.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing before a large track holding a pole. The person begins to run down the track while still holding the pole. The man then jumps over a beam and onto a mat.", "segments": [[0.08, 0.92], [0.78, 2.8], [2.82, 4.09]], "duration": 4.09, "id": 681}, {"image_id": "v_G836MDBhEpg.mp4", "caption": "A woman behind a bar explaining how to make a drink. She pours several ingredients into a shaker and shakes it. She then pours the drink from the shaker into a shot glass and holds it up.", "segments": [[0, 61.14], [3.97, 44.63], [47.99, 61.14]], "duration": 61.13, "id": 682}, {"image_id": "v_xm01x3C3RJo.mp4", "caption": "A dog is put into a bath tub. A girl pours water onto the dog out of a cup. She rubs shampoo on the dogs fur. She dries the dog off with a towel.", "segments": [[11.48, 214.59], [28.69, 102.13], [78.03, 193.93], [219.18, 229.51]], "duration": 229.51, "id": 683}, {"image_id": "v_dU4sCY0kHtk.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing pajamas is talking and standing on a star decorated stage. She demonstrates several dance steps as she speaks. She steps back and forth, turns and shakes her hips like a belly dancer.", "segments": [[0, 17.24], [19.49, 100.46], [104.96, 149.95]], "duration": 149.95, "id": 684}, {"image_id": "v_c6ie4KwFnAs.mp4", "caption": "There is a team of boys dressed in blue uniforms playing soccer against another team of boys dressed in blue striped uniforms in an indoor gym. There are several spectators seated on the side watching the players play soccer. The goalie dressed in yellow tries to stop the opponent's ball. There is also another game of soccer between a team dressed in red and a team dressed inn blue. The first set of teams continue playing the game as the solid blue team scores a goal.", "segments": [[26.96, 71.18], [71.18, 112.16], [112.16, 136.96], [136.96, 198.44], [198.44, 215.69]], "duration": 215.69, "id": 685}, {"image_id": "v_yNyv7Ykn5oo.mp4", "caption": "A group of people start to dig a structure close to the shore. As the digging continues more people join to dig as a pattern ensues.The digging continues and people start to add rocks in a linear fashion around the rig and dig beside the rocks and eventually cover the rocks with sand. Finally in the tide moves up and starts to destroy the structure that was created. In the end people observe the failing structure and leave while a girl stands in the middle as the water moves up and destroys it completely.", "segments": [[0, 33.82], [34.88, 45.45], [45.45, 99.36], [99.36, 125.78], [125.78, 211.4]], "duration": 211.4, "id": 686}, {"image_id": "v_AzUK4Nwd-sY.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen riding around horses and leads into more people riding horses and walking around. A man leads another with a horse around a field while a dog runs around behind him. The camera interviews a man speaking to others while holding the horses.", "segments": [[0, 13.06], [13.96, 60.36], [59.46, 90.09]], "duration": 90.09, "id": 687}, {"image_id": "v_fXgszraP2tc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding onto a leash in different locations. The man is then seen walking around a dog and leads into him back inside still speaking to the camera. He continues to speak more while holding onto the rope and walking around with the dog.", "segments": [[1.09, 64.03], [49.92, 176.9], [168.22, 211.63]], "duration": 217.06, "id": 688}, {"image_id": "v_qBvQjv1XyfQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown talking to the camera and leads into an athletic girl swinging around on uneven bars. She hops down while the man talks again and switches back and fourth to him talking and her performing. She puts chalk on her hands and continues flipping around on the bars and the man finishes speaking.", "segments": [[5.77, 24.25], [23.48, 57.36], [56.21, 77]], "duration": 77.0, "id": 689}, {"image_id": "v_Tk3zk2pJ9KA.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans over several landscapes located in the desert as well as the night sky moving around. The sun rises and more shots of landscapes are shown as well as animals in the area. People are then seen riding around on a boat through a tough river and end with a plane flying over the area.", "segments": [[0, 34.77], [35.42, 99.71], [102.33, 131.19]], "duration": 131.19, "id": 690}, {"image_id": "v_6fI4gF_2VCk.mp4", "caption": "A man's face is seen close up speaking and leads into him smoking a cigarette. The man continues to take drags out of the cigarette while blowing smoke off into the distance. He moves his hand up and down to smoke and blow the smoke out.", "segments": [[1.63, 42.44], [46.52, 124.04], [88.14, 158.32]], "duration": 163.21, "id": 691}, {"image_id": "v_p9JNte3VMKQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a knife in his hands and begins sharpening the knife along a board. The man continues sharpening the blade and then uses other boards to sharpen the knife.", "segments": [[0, 91.61], [93.79, 218.12]], "duration": 218.12, "id": 692}, {"image_id": "v_hwY9jvSjC9I.mp4", "caption": "The woman is shown putting her feet into her shoes while they are tied. But after a few minutes of her lifting her feet off of the ground, she takes them off without using her hands. Then she bends down to turn the camera off.", "segments": [[2.79, 92.86], [61.29, 92.86], [83.57, 92.86]], "duration": 92.86, "id": 693}, {"image_id": "v_sObM6mb3hgs.mp4", "caption": "Several young men exhibit rollerblading stunts using many different pedestrian environments to showcase the stunts including, sidewalks,stairwells, stair railings, walls and parking lots. A camera picks up several candid environment shots picking up lines of palm trees, and a vast cityscape filled with buildings and some foliage. A group of young men are showcased one by one ,with an onscreen name template, rollerblading stunts on stairs and stair railings, jumping in the air, sliding on rails and landing. The men showcase some mishaps in which they fall after the stunt, but then perform more stunts successfully.", "segments": [[12.83, 225.13], [1.17, 9.33], [11.66, 110.81], [130.64, 226.29]], "duration": 233.29, "id": 694}, {"image_id": "v_iWj81FBROQQ.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen looking off into the distance and leads into her hold her arms up. She jumps onto a beam and begins performing various flips and tricks. The girl jumps all around the beam and ends by jumping down and raising her arms up and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[1.11, 60], [56.66, 168.88], [121.11, 218.88]], "duration": 222.22, "id": 695}, {"image_id": "v_deuSw3RnNLU.mp4", "caption": "A woman makes a batch of master cleanse drink at the counter in the kitchen using lemons, water, syrup and red pepper. A woman enters a kitchen, talks to the camera and begins to cut and juice lemons. The woman then pours the lemon juice into a bottle of water. The woman then adds syrup and red pepper to the mixture with blue measuring spoons and a measuring glass, after which she leans on the counter and talks to the camera some more.", "segments": [[1.06, 210.73], [1.06, 113.31], [116.48, 130.25], [134.49, 210.73]], "duration": 211.79, "id": 696}, {"image_id": "v_77w2Am_ttbg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a piece of exercise equipment moving himself back and fourth. A dog walks around the man working and ends by the camera facing the ground.", "segments": [[0, 12.22], [12.43, 21.06]], "duration": 21.06, "id": 697}, {"image_id": "v_yEFS8M4pgMU.mp4", "caption": "There two teams of men playing the game of tug of war in a gym.There are several people seated in the gym watching them play the game. The referee is standing next to the contestants as they continue to pull the rope harder. The opposing team pulls harder and the team in the white ends up falling down and losing.", "segments": [[31.54, 77.63], [77.63, 110.78], [110.78, 148.79], [148.79, 155.26]], "duration": 161.73, "id": 698}, {"image_id": "v_IY1bVy1yZv4.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting down on the ground fixing a child's bike. A kid in a yellow shirt is standing next to him watching. A boy in a blue shirt is pushing another bike behind him.", "segments": [[0, 72.75], [0, 57.84], [55.29, 57.84]], "duration": 72.75, "id": 699}, {"image_id": "v_fvUQQF5S4Dg.mp4", "caption": "A person serves an ice cream with a stick to a man, the cone falls to the floor. The man gives another cone, then the man takes of the cone and gives back to the man. After, the man gives the cone with a napkin, but he takes the cone again, after he gives the ice cream in his mouth. Finally, the man gives the cone to the man while a crowd watch.", "segments": [[0, 18.3], [19.91, 76.97], [76.97, 103.34], [103.88, 107.65]], "duration": 107.65, "id": 700}, {"image_id": "v_9mpPAwSmUmk.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy works on a roof. A guy removes nails and pieces of the roof. A guy removes dirt and twigs from the corner of the roof. A guy measures and cuts pieces for the roof. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.1], [6.37, 119.17], [8.92, 26.13], [28.68, 35.05], [47.16, 115.35], [124.27, 127.46]], "duration": 127.46, "id": 701}, {"image_id": "v_-AUKiMfqga4.mp4", "caption": "A skillet is on a stove with ingredients on the counter alongside it. Someone puts onions in the skillet and beats eggs and other ingredients into a bowl before adding them to the skillet too. He flips the eggs, making an omelette. He flips the omelette gently onto a plate for serving.", "segments": [[0, 18.83], [23.78, 111.96], [114.93, 156.55], [159.52, 198.16]], "duration": 198.16, "id": 702}, {"image_id": "v_54chD8QFKyk.mp4", "caption": "A white cat is sleeping on terra cotta tiles. White text explains how to clip the cat's nails. A woman takes the cats paws, clipping them gently with a clipper until they are finished.", "segments": [[1.57, 11.48], [12, 22.96], [25.57, 104.37]], "duration": 104.37, "id": 703}, {"image_id": "v_D74hnUdBs04.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing on a field playing a volleyball game with one another. The camera pans around the beach and back to the people playing with one another passing the ball around.", "segments": [[0.64, 68.03], [57.12, 126.43]], "duration": 128.36, "id": 704}, {"image_id": "v_p4rdUt1iDkY.mp4", "caption": "A man kneels down on a blue mat and raises a bar above his head. He stands up and walks off.", "segments": [[0, 29.23], [29.8, 37.48]], "duration": 37.48, "id": 705}, {"image_id": "v_JzLqc6MhJtc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a chair. A person is painting something onto their finger. The woman looks up at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 52.15], [0, 51.6], [6.86, 7.96]], "duration": 54.89, "id": 706}, {"image_id": "v_ZTtPztql5jM.mp4", "caption": "Rain falls on a large auditorium. Many people are in the stands. Several athletes stand in the arena. The athletes throw discs on the field.", "segments": [[0, 125.53], [6.28, 125.53], [17.57, 125.53], [25.73, 125.53]], "duration": 125.53, "id": 707}, {"image_id": "v_cJYtpnf5aOM.mp4", "caption": "A boy in young boy drives a small tractor lawn mower around the yard of a house maneuvering around obstacles. The boy mows over some small flowers in the grass.", "segments": [[0, 85.83], [62.34, 71.83]], "duration": 90.35, "id": 708}, {"image_id": "v_2hgXJR5QdkU.mp4", "caption": "A woman with curly hair and very thing eyebrows is sucking from a hookah. She blows out all of the smoke that she inhaled, she is laying in bed by herself relaxing. She seems like she is very bored just blowing smoke recording herself. Turns out, there is another person in the room with her feeding her, she smiles really big and continues exhaling smoke out.", "segments": [[0, 42.38], [42.38, 82.78], [82.78, 152.76], [152.76, 197.11]], "duration": 197.11, "id": 709}, {"image_id": "v_LKf1eTzmK14.mp4", "caption": "A runner is running on a track in front of a crowd of people. A man is shown talking to the camera. Runners are running down a track with crowds on both sides and one of the runners stumbles. Another runner is shown and a man is shown talking to the camera. A runner is crawling across a finish line while other runners are running through the finish line. The distressed runner is carried away. Runners in distress are shown. A man is talking to the camera. Various runners are shown in distress and talking to the camera. More distressed runners are shown.", "segments": [[0, 10.8], [4.91, 7.85], [9.82, 15.71], [17.67, 25.52], [25.52, 34.36], [34.36, 50.06], [51.04, 61.84], [64.79, 65.77], [68.71, 129.57], [112.89, 189.45]], "duration": 196.32999999999998, "id": 710}, {"image_id": "v_7pcnWE7jpQY.mp4", "caption": "A person is attempting high jumps. The first few attempts are good. The final attempt is not ever achieved.", "segments": [[0, 85.87], [6.87, 58.39], [64.83, 85.87]], "duration": 85.87, "id": 711}, {"image_id": "v_EuIBTFqVOt8.mp4", "caption": "Two men are shown performing an arm wrestling match with many watching on the sidelines and a ref calling who the winner is. Several more men battle back and fourth with one another and more people stepping in and out of frame to watch.", "segments": [[0, 47.24], [44.93, 230.44]], "duration": 230.44, "id": 712}, {"image_id": "v_We9NR-CaIgM.mp4", "caption": "People performs arts martial movers, standing on their heads and spinning. Then, a man and a boy jumps over, then kids stands on their head an spin around. Boys bend his body backwards until the feet reach the ground. Teens twist their bodies and bend to the other end.", "segments": [[0, 31.59], [31.59, 83.04], [83.94, 136.29], [136.29, 178.71]], "duration": 180.51, "id": 713}, {"image_id": "v_W04glwJ_IYI.mp4", "caption": "A woman grooms an angry poodle who is collared and tethered to a pole attached to a black grooming table. A brown poodle is being combed by a woman in a yellow walled room on a black grooming table. The woman holds out a pink plastic toy which the dog begins to bite, snap and grab at while the woman combs the poodles fur. The poodle continues to snap at the pink toy and also at the woman's hand and the comb.", "segments": [[13.49, 81.93], [15.9, 78.56], [19.28, 50.12], [52.05, 80]], "duration": 96.39, "id": 714}, {"image_id": "v_vNMBtwYDH9E.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast mounts a low beam in a gym. She performs on the beam, doing handsprings and flips. She then dismounts with her hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 19.28], [23.45, 81.29], [90.14, 104.21]], "duration": 104.21000000000001, "id": 715}, {"image_id": "v_mfq5Y7S3BWs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing by a bathroom door talking. The same woman is now seen on a stationary bicycle teaching a spin class. Several other people in the class can be seen on stationary bicycles in the mirror behind the instructor. The woman is then shown on the ground demonstrating an exercise. The spin class is shown again still in progress. The instructor then does floor exercises again with the class following along. The instructor and the class finish on the bikes again.", "segments": [[0, 19.76], [19.76, 42.06], [19.26, 42.06], [42.57, 50.68], [51.18, 75.51], [76.02, 86.15], [87.17, 96.29]], "duration": 101.36, "id": 716}, {"image_id": "v_oWsEp7hsmZg.mp4", "caption": "A lady stands and talks in a gym. She points to her abdomen, then lays on a bench. The lady holds the bench and and lifts her abdomen and legs. The lady sits up and scoots to the edge. The lady performs the same exercise with her butt hanging off the bench. The lady finishes, sits upright and speaks.", "segments": [[0, 7.36], [7.85, 18.15], [19.62, 55.42], [56.4, 63.27], [71.61, 90.25], [91.23, 98.1]], "duration": 98.1, "id": 717}, {"image_id": "v_1XQUDJhMcj8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen hosting a news segment that leads into clips of fire fighters running down a block and carrying objects over their heads. More people are seen speaking to the camera as they continue running around and women speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[4.24, 71.99], [31.46, 120.4]], "duration": 121.0, "id": 718}, {"image_id": "v_2xQVZorob1Q.mp4", "caption": "An individual shovels snow, but only the lower legs and shovel are visible on camera. The individual sets aside the shovel and walks towards the camera. The camera once again shows the individual shoveling.", "segments": [[0, 101.34], [100.66, 105.42], [105.42, 136.02]], "duration": 136.02, "id": 719}, {"image_id": "v_AXyRIyXqnzI.mp4", "caption": "a man in a grey warm up suit practices shot put behind a net. Another man in a green sweatshirt practices a shot put throw in a field behind a net gate. still photos are featured between multiple men practicing their shot put throw. A series of shot put throws are featured in consecutive tosses.", "segments": [[0, 7.16], [7.81, 13.67], [13.67, 97.66], [97.66, 130.22]], "duration": 130.22, "id": 720}, {"image_id": "v_WWyGnNfcj8Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen decorating a cake blindfolded while a small group of people watch. The man adds frosting to the cake while others continue to watch as well as other ingredients. He takes off the blindfold and cheers as well as putting hawaii outfits on everyone and dancing around.", "segments": [[0, 38.08], [39, 108.66], [118.87, 180.16]], "duration": 185.74, "id": 721}, {"image_id": "v_sW_iLVVMF4w.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside on the roof of his shed with a leaf blower ready to clean the leaves off the roof. He shows a close up of the leaf blower and explains the specifics of it, primes the machine, sets the camera down and starts it. He picks up the camera and gets a close up of the leaf blower again. He now blows the leaves off of the roof of his shed.", "segments": [[0, 29.57], [29.57, 86.19], [87.03, 119.99], [120.83, 169]], "duration": 169.0, "id": 722}, {"image_id": "v_RDC4sqe8xVk.mp4", "caption": "A man is getting dressed to ski in the falling snow. He is talking to the camera about skiing. He is then seen going through the air, and down steep slopes as he skis.", "segments": [[0, 20.22], [21.18, 91.48], [96.29, 192.59]], "duration": 192.59, "id": 723}, {"image_id": "v_H306mUUJ5BE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while sitting in a chair and putting his arms up every now and then. He then plays a harmonica moving his hands around while pausing to speak to the camera and ends up speaking and pointing.", "segments": [[0, 122.99], [19.25, 213.9]], "duration": 213.9, "id": 724}, {"image_id": "v_C4xYnBd7PM0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing beside a bull and holding up a red flag. The bull is then shown attacking several men in many clips. More people are shown chasing bulls with them chasing after.", "segments": [[0.31, 19.84], [21.1, 48.81], [41.89, 62.99]], "duration": 62.99, "id": 725}, {"image_id": "v_L1oWKMy5ofM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting and talking in front of a laptop. She gets up in front of a room of family members. She dances, showing several moves to the people as she shimmies across the room.", "segments": [[0, 14.33], [15.69, 51.17], [51.17, 136.44]], "duration": 136.44, "id": 726}, {"image_id": "v__rzxmgPv6Co.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in his uniform in a desert like area talking.While he his talking,several videos of him are shown off road motorcycle racing around the course jumping over humps.However,he comes back during the segments to show how he uses techniques in certain jumps and the correct way to do it.", "segments": [[0, 53.91], [53.91, 141.52], [141.52, 192.54]], "duration": 192.54, "id": 727}, {"image_id": "v_W2wyahjyTFc.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is standing in front of a hopscotch game in her living room. She jumps forward on each square, then turns and goes the other way. She smiles and bows for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.6], [6.11, 22.65], [22.78, 25.45]], "duration": 25.45, "id": 728}, {"image_id": "v_C1YNGahOoiA.mp4", "caption": "A man fasten his legs on a pole of a sail boat an lay down on his back on the border of the boat. Then, the man sail the boat holding a rope and lay down on the border of the boat. The man falls in the water, then he gets up in the boat and continues sailing on his back. A sail board pass next to the boat.", "segments": [[10.36, 71.35], [71.35, 101.27], [101.27, 215.2], [161.11, 174.92]], "duration": 230.16, "id": 729}, {"image_id": "v_h0p_7Q2Bucc.mp4", "caption": "A man appears treading water as he is waiting to get out of the water and walk up a set of stairs.He finally gets off the stairs and joins the others who are on the wooden diving board.First,a set of three girls jump off before he does and creates a large commotion of waves.", "segments": [[0, 23.59], [22.78, 50.43], [50.43, 81.34]], "duration": 81.34, "id": 730}, {"image_id": "v_vOpFUVofoM4.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a coffee cup is shown as well as a spoon to relaxing music. Various title screens are shown and eventually the same picture of the coffee cup appears while soft music plays in the background.", "segments": [[1.4, 9.1], [10.15, 63.71]], "duration": 70.01, "id": 731}, {"image_id": "v_LGj7_gw2GbQ.mp4", "caption": "The credits of a clip are shown. A person is water boarding on a body of water. People ride a boat and interact. A lady hula hoops to music. A male leaps from the rocks into the waters. People are on the shore and some are on the boat. A man jumps of a boat with his waterboard. A guy uses a hula hoop as a jump rope. Women dance to music in a social function. The individual is in the body of water. Two adults run in a wooden, hollow cylinder. An individual back flips off a boat. A female stands on waterboard that is on grass. People jump off an inflated boat. The credits of a video are shown with clips.", "segments": [[0, 1.63], [2.45, 139.45], [4.08, 143.53], [24.46, 115.8], [26.91, 145.16], [29.36, 30.99], [30.99, 31.8], [52.19, 54.64], [55.45, 57.9], [70.13, 71.76], [76.66, 78.29], [83.99, 126.4], [94.6, 96.23], [121.51, 122.32], [149.23, 162.28]], "duration": 163.1, "id": 732}, {"image_id": "v_jhakEVLCqNM.mp4", "caption": "A youth talks inside a home, then he gets outside the home. A man and a teen stand on front a swimming pool talking, and a person lay down on a chair. Then, the man pushes the teen to the water who has trouble to swim. After, the man gets in the water and flip the teen. The teen gets out the swimming pool and throws chair to the man. Next, the teen walks away angry, and the men and the woman take the chairs out of the pool.", "segments": [[0, 16.05], [16.78, 63.46], [63.46, 88.26], [88.26, 94.83], [95.56, 102.12], [102.85, 145.89]], "duration": 145.89, "id": 733}, {"image_id": "v_cTZw5NUK1-c.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of beaches are shown followed by the camera panning over several shots of waves. A person is then seen riding a surfboard through various shots in the camera. People are shown speaking to the camera when another person crashing on their board several times. More people are seen walking down as more surfers continue riding the waves.", "segments": [[0, 30.38], [31.16, 103.6], [102.82, 129.3], [128.52, 155.78]], "duration": 155.78, "id": 734}, {"image_id": "v_G4D6UtJh3AU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a baby in her lap as a woman next to her uses a plastic comb to brush his hair. She talks to the baby as she brushes, and the baby watches her intently.", "segments": [[0, 36.69], [38.66, 78.9]], "duration": 78.9, "id": 735}, {"image_id": "v_AtUAYnNTniM.mp4", "caption": "A man lifts a girl up over his head, then over his shoulder. He stands her on his hands, balancing her in the air as other watch. He drops then lifts her again.", "segments": [[0, 7.58], [9.74, 35], [36.08, 72.17]], "duration": 72.17, "id": 736}, {"image_id": "v_DEEgoxzTvdk.mp4", "caption": "A group of tall trees is surrounded by water. We see the vast ocean water around us. We then see several people as they relax on a boat.", "segments": [[0, 18.28], [24.6, 57.64], [70.3, 140.6]], "duration": 140.6, "id": 737}, {"image_id": "v_1WSFrupQzQI.mp4", "caption": "We see the title screens flying up. A bull runs out on the field. A bull rams a wall where the matador is standing. The matador teases the bull with a red cloth. We see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.25], [6.25, 18.43], [18.74, 31.23], [31.86, 59.65], [59.96, 62.46]], "duration": 62.46, "id": 738}, {"image_id": "v_EX3szlLBdFM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen moving along a large court followed by other people moving around beside him. Several people are seen running up and down the court while others watch on the side. The people continue moving around while others watch them perform drills.", "segments": [[0, 43.63], [44.56, 132.75], [117.9, 181.03]], "duration": 185.67, "id": 739}, {"image_id": "v__ekSmyvWdRQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is putting salad into a clear bowl. They grab an orange pepper from a pile. They chop the pepper in half.", "segments": [[0, 7.31], [7.38, 9.64], [9.49, 15.07]], "duration": 15.07, "id": 740}, {"image_id": "v_ta9cB1q4AzU.mp4", "caption": "A man talks and then walks in the street until to arrive to an ice cream shop. A woman shows a chocolate and vanilla ice cream cones, and a girl likes an ice cream. People purchase ice cream, and a raise child to see ice cream. The man lick an ice in the shop, then he pretends to lick an ice cream in a picture.", "segments": [[0, 85.04], [85.93, 132.48], [133.37, 138.75], [139.64, 179.03]], "duration": 179.03, "id": 741}, {"image_id": "v_8jj-mhVrlGA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown speaking to the camera and point off into the distance. The camera pans out into another man standing on the court and two basketballs shown. The man and woman then shoot hoops with the balls and pass each other back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 18.33], [17.61, 40.96], [41.32, 71.87]], "duration": 71.87, "id": 742}, {"image_id": "v_BvACPvbUq1k.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen shoveling up some snow with the camera laid on his head. He shows several shots of him shoveling up the snow, a close up of his face, and panning around the area.", "segments": [[1.45, 13.07], [10.02, 27.74]], "duration": 29.05, "id": 743}, {"image_id": "v_7KKYKIlGaXk.mp4", "caption": "A view is seen of an enormous pool. It stretches very long distances, with people using boats and rafts in the water. It is an extensive water park located in Indonesia. People are shown water skiing in the clear blue waters.", "segments": [[0, 17.58], [21.49, 91.81], [96.69, 149.43], [155.29, 195.34]], "duration": 195.34, "id": 744}, {"image_id": "v_l-R4wiSZcRc.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several older clips of olympic performers performing incredible acts. One group of people are seen swimming while hundreds of people cheer and many people look to the camera and smile. Another man shakes the hand of an athlete and he waves while shaking the hands of others and people applauding.", "segments": [[3.38, 38.08], [25.38, 137.92], [135.38, 169.23]], "duration": 169.23, "id": 745}, {"image_id": "v_fVBXRUWEyoA.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits on a couch and clips the front and back paws of an orange and a black and white cat as they sit in her lap. An orange cat stands on a couch and sniffs the cushions. A woman sits down on the couch and puts the orange cat in her lap and begins to clip the front and back paws of the cat. The woman puts the orange cat down and picks up a black and white cat with whom she does the same clipping of front and black paws, after which, the black and white cat runs off away from the couch.", "segments": [[7.69, 219.82], [1.1, 2.2], [3.3, 86.83], [96.72, 216.53]], "duration": 219.82, "id": 746}, {"image_id": "v_yST1TsQ6mgY.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures are shown of people close up in an area as well as people riding around on a camel. People continue riding around on the camels with one man leading them in front and the camera capturing several more people. In the end the camels are seen wandering around one another and a picture of everyone standing together.", "segments": [[0.92, 66.08], [57.82, 137.67], [141.34, 178.97]], "duration": 183.55, "id": 747}, {"image_id": "v_vfLKyUMzFHg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and pointing to a table and laying out cards. He then performs a game of black jack while moving the cards and dice around while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 63.72], [44.78, 114.81]], "duration": 114.81, "id": 748}, {"image_id": "v_gE1nShlv6mo.mp4", "caption": "A woman shows how to clean a shirt with a steam machine while talking. The woman finish cleaning the shirt and takes it off from a hanger and put on the iron board. After, the woman shows a container, then gabs the steam machine and shows while talking.", "segments": [[0, 101.87], [102.55, 110.75], [110.75, 136.05]], "duration": 136.73, "id": 749}, {"image_id": "v_fTGtoTlJyh0.mp4", "caption": "A person is spray painting bars that are taped together different colors. They put a sticker of words onto the bars.", "segments": [[0, 192.82], [93.52, 115.69]], "duration": 192.82, "id": 750}, {"image_id": "v_6asjaqo0OHc.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking as he looks at a bicycle. He places a speed control tool on the handlebar of the bike. He continues talking until he has the bar in place.", "segments": [[0, 18.18], [18.18, 135.99], [136.78, 158.13]], "duration": 158.13, "id": 751}, {"image_id": "v_y-87JMf_-J8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a stool while holing a guitar in his hands. The camera pans closely around the guitar while the man continues to speak. The man then plays the guitar a bit and moves his hands up and down the neck.", "segments": [[1.69, 26.55], [23.72, 81.9], [69.47, 107.32]], "duration": 112.97, "id": 752}, {"image_id": "v_hrpRVbLRoJ4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding around on a horse over jumps in slow motion while others watch. The video moves quicker as more people are seen jumping over obstacles and one speaking to the camera. Several more clips are shown of people riding around on horses as well as pictures inbetween and more close ups of horses.", "segments": [[2.03, 75.18], [60.96, 146.3], [134.11, 196.09]], "duration": 203.2, "id": 753}, {"image_id": "v_hbipKjS0G7w.mp4", "caption": "A lady bents over slightly in an outdoor court. The lady rises and turns. The lady release her hand from her neck.", "segments": [[0, 108.34], [107.11, 113.85], [119.36, 122.42]], "duration": 122.42, "id": 754}, {"image_id": "v_4BofYu8Soz8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen swimming in a pool while passing a ball to a dog back and fourth. The man continues to pass the ball while the dog hits it right back.", "segments": [[0.72, 8.68], [5.87, 15.1]], "duration": 16.07, "id": 755}, {"image_id": "v_Gxjfc5O6AAc.mp4", "caption": "Various still images of a man's hair are shown. A man is shown receiving a hair cut and styling in sped up time. Still images of the man's hair after the styling are shown.", "segments": [[4.69, 11.39], [11.39, 117.9], [117.9, 129.29]], "duration": 133.98, "id": 756}, {"image_id": "v_1opIvQF0m_M.mp4", "caption": "A person on a skateboard moves over and ramp and up on a corner. The camera shows him doing various moves and interviewing the camera. Another man rides a wakeboard doing and tricks and eventually falls. Several other clips are shown of people kayaking doing several stunts while the camera records.", "segments": [[0, 8.71], [8.13, 16.26], [16.84, 38.91], [36.59, 116.15]], "duration": 116.15, "id": 757}, {"image_id": "v_1dM62Xpm9Ns.mp4", "caption": "A man is cutting an onion with a knife on a cutting board. A woman is reading a newspaper nearby while he speaks to her and shows her something in his hand. The man sharpens his knives using an electric tool. He then continues cutting his onion.", "segments": [[0.94, 22.46], [32.75, 63.63], [72.05, 152.53], [156.27, 187.15]], "duration": 187.15, "id": 758}, {"image_id": "v_wYIeRRTRtX8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing on a diving board. She jumps into the water. People are standing under the diving board.", "segments": [[0, 9.76], [9.76, 11.68], [0, 15.37]], "duration": 15.37, "id": 759}, {"image_id": "v_3S7EwcX-Rd0.mp4", "caption": "A bicycling competition is about to begin and the crowd is ready. The riders start and already many fall during the first big jump. Various highlights are shown of the riders attempting the large jumps. Three winners are crowned at the end in a ceremony.", "segments": [[0, 4.88], [6.38, 20.66], [17.28, 61.22], [68.73, 72.11]], "duration": 75.12, "id": 760}, {"image_id": "v_NbmseYFNIlA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a flag while others stand around him and a runner comes into frame. The runner takes several jumps and lands into a pit all in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 19.9], [20.14, 49.13]], "duration": 49.13, "id": 761}, {"image_id": "v_H7EmlU0wQ6g.mp4", "caption": "A person is using a vacuum attachment to vacuum the wood floor. The person then vacuums a rug on the floor. The person vacuums the back of a cat laying nearby. The person returns to vacuuming the wood floor.", "segments": [[0, 2.26], [2.26, 8.93], [9.05, 18.55], [18.66, 22.62]], "duration": 22.62, "id": 762}, {"image_id": "v_9wpV8Gknh1E.mp4", "caption": "A woman and her 2 children are riding around on a camel at a fair or some event. There is a worker who is walking with them in circles walking the camel with a rope as they ride. They go around quite a few times again and again in a circle around a small gated area. When they are done they stop by a red railing, the worker taps the camel on the face while the rider get off.", "segments": [[0, 22.16], [22.79, 60.14], [60.14, 93.7], [93.7, 126.62]], "duration": 126.62, "id": 763}, {"image_id": "v_bp1blshSKJU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing on a piano. A person is playing the piano. The piano turns and a woman is standing behind it.", "segments": [[0, 17.12], [38.37, 99.75], [100.34, 118.05]], "duration": 118.05, "id": 764}, {"image_id": "v_KB9sqtTJTZw.mp4", "caption": "We see a dark opening screen. We then see people performing hip hop dances. We see a sign for the 2004 event. We see people in front of an audience dancing. We see a man do a spin the crowd clips for. We see a sign for the 2005 event. Two men take a bow. We see a screen for the 2006 event. A man in red does a bunch of moves. We see signs for the 2007 event.", "segments": [[0, 3.78], [4.73, 15.12], [16.07, 18.91], [19.85, 172.04], [33.08, 42.54], [62.39, 65.22], [109.65, 111.54], [111.54, 116.27], [136.12, 145.57], [172.99, 189.06]], "duration": 189.06, "id": 765}, {"image_id": "v_qemvXlRMQgM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a blue hookah is shown bottom to top. The bowl is shown, then the hookah is filled with water by gloves. The hose is attached to the hookah. Tobacco is packed into the bowl, then covered with tin foil and punctured with a toothpick. A piece of coal is lit, then the invisible person smokes the hookah while reading a book.", "segments": [[0, 7.88], [8.87, 32.51], [33.5, 62.07], [63.05, 83.25], [85.72, 98.52]], "duration": 98.52000000000001, "id": 766}, {"image_id": "v_jwlYaPt2DIs.mp4", "caption": "We see a man at a table in a field juicing a fruit to make a juice. The man juices 2 fruit then puts sugar in in two glasses. The man then cuts and juices four more fruit. The man adds more sugar to the glasses and ice water from the bucket under the fruit.", "segments": [[0, 79.16], [1.58, 24.93], [25.33, 46.7], [47.1, 79.16]], "duration": 79.16, "id": 767}, {"image_id": "v_wr_1p7obP-g.mp4", "caption": "Several photographs of households and objects are shown followed by a man pouring liquids into a bucket. He pours more objects into the bucket while another man swirls it around. The man opens a box full of stone and lays down some plaster on a wall. He pushes the stone into the wall over and over again to create a stone wall for a home.", "segments": [[0, 32.8], [31.71, 72.16], [72.16, 108.24], [110.42, 218.66]], "duration": 218.66, "id": 768}, {"image_id": "v_TT2e7-NbUxo.mp4", "caption": "A boy is sitting in a salon chair and talking. A stylist cuts his hair into a new style. He dries and sprays the hair into a spikey look.", "segments": [[0, 15.94], [17.54, 131.53], [133.12, 159.43]], "duration": 159.43, "id": 769}, {"image_id": "v_nvsZFU73npI.mp4", "caption": "man is interviewing some people who is watching two women in bikini wrestling, the woman wins and start jumping. two women in bikini are standing with a dwarf and he is winning the fight while the interviewer is talking to people in the audience. women in bikini are preparing to wrest in the ring. some clips of youtube videos are shown.", "segments": [[0, 59.08], [59.95, 110.33], [110.33, 140.74], [140.74, 173.76]], "duration": 173.76, "id": 770}, {"image_id": "v_rVcgTALWCRA.mp4", "caption": "A girl is playing with sand on a beach. She then stands up and looks at other people.", "segments": [[0, 25.75], [12.1, 25.49]], "duration": 25.75, "id": 771}, {"image_id": "v_at_ahUtnF9Q.mp4", "caption": "People are standing next to a ping pong table. A man is demonstrating how to play without a paddle. Two people start playing a game of ping pong.", "segments": [[0, 25.98], [25.98, 79.12], [79.12, 236.19]], "duration": 236.19, "id": 772}, {"image_id": "v_Ly70Hwy52WA.mp4", "caption": "two men are sitting on round tables talking in microphones. men are being interviewed in a large soccer field. men are playing ping pong in themiddle of stadium while a lot of people are gathered around.", "segments": [[0, 21.33], [21.33, 95.47], [95.47, 203.13]], "duration": 203.13, "id": 773}, {"image_id": "v_IIAaKRUze8A.mp4", "caption": "A man stands next to a small roof. He holds out a piece of metal. He places metal along side the roof. He attaches the pieces securely.", "segments": [[0, 188.27], [27.3, 44.24], [48.95, 130.85], [114.84, 188.27]], "duration": 188.27, "id": 774}, {"image_id": "v_4b2_OpAGwW0.mp4", "caption": "A woman braids her hair in several braids. She ties them behind her head.", "segments": [[0, 208.6], [89.4, 221.71]], "duration": 238.4, "id": 775}, {"image_id": "v_veNIfCkd1Pw.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast performs uneven bars routine while people watch. The judge supervises the routine of the gymnast. Then, the gymnast spins holding the higher bar and jumps stand on the mat.", "segments": [[6.42, 59.11], [35.29, 42.16], [59.11, 65.53]], "duration": 91.65, "id": 776}, {"image_id": "v_CIPSw35iF3k.mp4", "caption": "A person is slicing a potato. They stack up the potato slices and start chopping them into tiny pieces. He sets the pieces on a plate sitting in a sink. There is plates of food in the sink. He empties the plates into a pot. He stirs everything in the pot together. He then takes a scoop of that and puts it on a plate with vegetables on it. He tops it with garnishments.", "segments": [[0, 9.25], [9.25, 31.84], [33.9, 42.12], [48.28, 53.42], [54.44, 104.78], [104.78, 113], [135.6, 143.82], [164.36, 179.77]], "duration": 205.45, "id": 777}, {"image_id": "v_CcMic7jNIuE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt and shorts lifts a large weight over his head. Another man is filming it. The same man comes back and lifts the weight over his head again. He drops it on the ground and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 21.21], [21.21, 26.66], [28.78, 58.47], [58.17, 60.59]], "duration": 60.59, "id": 778}, {"image_id": "v_9wMEbyzxNHI.mp4", "caption": "men are talking to the camera sitting in a chair. men taking off their glasses and shave the half of their faces while a woman is putting some makeup on them, doing their eyebrows and putting some eyeliner and lashes. men look at them in the mirror with the half way of the face with makeup and the oher half without makeup and are talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 9.73], [0, 101.34], [100.53, 162.15]], "duration": 162.15, "id": 779}, {"image_id": "v_V2MlQezL1IE.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a title screen. An older man is seen in a gym speaking to the camera while men play volleyball in the background. A simulated screen showing a volleyball court shows while he speaks. The video then comes back to the older man who is directing the players. The men begin tossing a volleyball back and forth. The video ends with a final title screen.", "segments": [[0, 12.42], [18.16, 191.12], [22.93, 39.18], [44.91, 177.75], [116.59, 177.75], [178.7, 191.12]], "duration": 191.12, "id": 780}, {"image_id": "v_MZz0OTfvjrY.mp4", "caption": "An Asian girl sitting at a desk describes arm wrestling. the girl introduces An Asian boy who sits across from the Asian girl. The girl and boy prepare to arm wrestle as a referee stands above the girl arm wrestler uses both arms and pushes in the wrong direction. The girl and boy arm wrestlers get into position again with the referee setting them up they begin wrestling. The girl wrestler tries to wrestle using both arms and her body but falls to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 12.8], [12.8, 17.41], [17.41, 51.72], [51.72, 62.48], [62.99, 102.42]], "duration": 102.42, "id": 781}, {"image_id": "v_Cp4a_gN4pDQ.mp4", "caption": "Three men are seen sitting behind a set of bongo drums playing quickly while several camera flashes are shown. The men continue playing again while laughing and smiling at one another.", "segments": [[0, 31.29], [30.63, 65.18]], "duration": 65.18, "id": 782}, {"image_id": "v_owflykBauOA.mp4", "caption": "A teenaged boy jumps on a skateboard, skating across a street and up a driveway before going back onto the street. He dismounts, talking as he kicks the board. He smiles at the camera, wearing sunglasses.", "segments": [[0, 10.38], [11.81, 22.46], [24.01, 25.96]], "duration": 25.96, "id": 783}, {"image_id": "v_Pr3iVnKpv0c.mp4", "caption": "A teen plays violin in a room. The teen holds the violin with the left hand moving the fingers and playing with the bow. Then, the teen end playing the violin.", "segments": [[0.84, 82.97], [41.69, 46.75], [82.55, 84.23]], "duration": 84.23, "id": 784}, {"image_id": "v_YPXeQVi39nU.mp4", "caption": "A man is on the beach with a bike. He sands down his surfboard. He goes surfing in the water.", "segments": [[0, 15.15], [17.91, 83.33], [84.71, 137.74]], "duration": 137.74, "id": 785}, {"image_id": "v_xH7qxBIz-tU.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit shows up on the screen. The man begins to fight with another man. The man in the suit resets his stance. After fighting more the man in the suit resets his stance again. After the fighting continues another man shows up in the room and escorts the man in the suit out.", "segments": [[0, 1.91], [1.91, 180.17], [87.7, 92.47], [110.58, 119.16], [180.17, 190.66]], "duration": 190.66, "id": 786}, {"image_id": "v_jCNaa108OhI.mp4", "caption": "People shovels the snow using a wheeled snow shovel. Then, a man demonstrates how to shovel the snow, the he uses a bag.", "segments": [[6.19, 61.19], [61.88, 134.76]], "duration": 137.51, "id": 787}, {"image_id": "v_5c1zqvr3yKM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a cat onto a table. She starts clipping the cats nails with a tool. She finishes and pets the cat.", "segments": [[6.02, 7.63], [7.63, 59.84], [61.04, 63.45]], "duration": 80.32, "id": 788}, {"image_id": "v_aNQRlsp5yv8.mp4", "caption": "A man and a boy make a sand castle in the beach. People approach to watch the castle and start to make small house next the sand castle. A little girl is doing more houses next to the castle. The man digs a hole in the center while the boy help extend the castle.", "segments": [[4.27, 71.5], [45.89, 83.24], [88.58, 120.59], [72.57, 191.03]], "duration": 213.44, "id": 789}, {"image_id": "v_QYb2ektVZek.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks on the street wearing a cap. A city is zoom in a map, then a girl performs water sky in a river pulled by a boat while flipping in the air. A road is leading to a water ski station, then a woman slides on ramps in the water holding a water ski rope. A man takes pictures to the girl. Then the girl change clothes and stand on a truck holding prizes.", "segments": [[1.51, 8.28], [8.28, 57.21], [60.22, 136.26], [82.81, 85.07], [136.26, 147.55]], "duration": 150.56, "id": 790}, {"image_id": "v_UeuZeIASSPw.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a racetrack and start running to make a long jump. man stands and marks the space where the woman jumped. the long jump is repeated and a new woman is running in the race track to make the long jump too and a man sits rise a whie flag. woman is in race trakc while other men are in the background and the woman makes the long jump in the competition and then a repetition is shown along the results.", "segments": [[0, 16.13], [16.13, 22.58], [22.58, 72.26], [72.26, 129.03]], "duration": 129.03, "id": 791}, {"image_id": "v_civPiYFf2vE.mp4", "caption": "We see a opening title screen. We see a man holding a vacuum and using the vacuum to hold two bowling balls. The man vacuums stairs and a car interior. We see the vacuum and the man vacuums the ceiling, couch, blinds and others. We see the man empty the canister and put the vacuum in a closet.", "segments": [[0, 2.58], [3.1, 17.05], [18.6, 56.82], [57.85, 87.81], [90.39, 103.31]], "duration": 103.31, "id": 792}, {"image_id": "v_Gg8Ha8OPtZ0.mp4", "caption": "There are two young boys, one dressed in a red shirt and the other in a striped shirt at a bowling alley. The boy in the red shirt bowls with a large green ball and hits a strike. He is ecstatic after his win and begins jumping with joy.", "segments": [[1.5, 14.04], [14.04, 18.75], [18.75, 20.36]], "duration": 21.43, "id": 793}, {"image_id": "v_Ccy8WD2k4L8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is dancing on a stage. She picks up a microphone and starts singing. She begins to play a drum set in front of her.", "segments": [[0, 7.25], [7.77, 39.34], [39.86, 81.28]], "duration": 103.53999999999999, "id": 794}, {"image_id": "v_kF6tSW-ZOFg.mp4", "caption": "A lady stands at the end of a hopscotch court. The lady then jumps across the hopscotch court towards the right. The lady then hops back where she started.", "segments": [[0, 0.85], [0.77, 7.4], [7.4, 15.19]], "duration": 15.42, "id": 795}, {"image_id": "v_6EN1q4TmPtI.mp4", "caption": "Young people carry inflatable boats and get in the water. Then, the young people lie face down on the boats and sail in the river. After, the men advance in the water moving the hand to help advance.", "segments": [[0, 24.82], [25.32, 70], [70.5, 99.29]], "duration": 99.28999999999999, "id": 796}, {"image_id": "v_MQ7k1wig4jk.mp4", "caption": "There are several men playing Foos ball in an indoor room that has wooden panels. They are all engrossed in the game as they hit the ball back and forth.", "segments": [[6.38, 13.74], [13.74, 15.11]], "duration": 16.16, "id": 797}, {"image_id": "v_-zp0Sban5Wk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in her kitchen in front of a counter. She shows a plate of food, and several ingredients. She boils pasta in a pot, draining it. She then mixes cheese, orzo, and vegetables, creating an orzo pasta salad. She takes a bite of the food.", "segments": [[0, 27.98], [38.24, 74.62], [77.42, 136.18], [139.91, 166.03], [169.76, 186.55]], "duration": 186.55, "id": 798}, {"image_id": "v__HeqBIO9TgQ.mp4", "caption": "A lady and a child are washing dishes in the dirt. The little girl walks away. The lady rinses her dishes and puts them on a shelf. We see the boys standing behind the lady. We see the shelf and the dishes. We then see the closing credits screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.57], [4.9, 9.47], [14.04, 21.55], [35.27, 40.5], [53.89, 59.11], [60.09, 65.32]], "duration": 65.32, "id": 799}, {"image_id": "v_NKNgAE07TIQ.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirts with a graphic design is seated near a table with liquor bottles and a shaker. He is a demonstrating how to make a seasonal alcoholic drink. He picks up the liquor bottles that he will be using for the drinks. He uses the jigger to measure and then pour the necessary ingredients into the shaker. He then adds some cream to the mixture. He adds a few cubes of ice into the shaker. Then he shakes beverage vigorously and pours into a conical glass. He then tops the drink with whipped cream from a can and puts a cherry on the top. He gives information about his Facebook page and other details.", "segments": [[11.85, 28.77], [28.77, 44.01], [44.01, 60.93], [60.93, 71.93], [71.93, 88.86], [88.86, 123.55], [123.55, 136.25], [136.25, 144.71], [144.71, 169.25]], "duration": 169.25, "id": 800}, {"image_id": "v_fMVKdmMVixQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of people stand behind a master yogi. He instructs them on position before leading them in yoga. They perform several moves, slowly and gracefully.", "segments": [[0, 8.22], [12.78, 18.26], [30.13, 182.6]], "duration": 182.6, "id": 801}, {"image_id": "v_nhW0O7NC0GM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in the water in a kayak speaking to the camera. The man continues speaking while holding a paddle in his hands. He moves around a bit in the water and leads into him paddling along the water.", "segments": [[0.35, 28.74], [18.35, 53.66], [47.43, 67.51]], "duration": 69.24, "id": 802}, {"image_id": "v_520b6oA9s-U.mp4", "caption": "A woman explains how to make a cake in a kitchen, then she puts four eggs and sugar in a bowl and beat with an electric mixer and add more ingredients to form a wet mix. The woman puts solids on a big bowl and then add the wet mix, oil and milk, then mix with an spatula. After, the woman puts the mix in a greased baking pan and make a syrup with orange juice in a pot. Next, she put the baking cake on a dish and put syrup on top.", "segments": [[2.34, 91.37], [92.54, 124.17], [124.17, 181.57], [182.75, 234.29]], "duration": 234.29, "id": 803}, {"image_id": "v_nn__PD7zCcs.mp4", "caption": "An elderly man is standing in a small room and is plastering a ceiling where he starts in the middle of the room. He then moves to the left and begins to plaster in the corner of the ceiling. The man then stops plastering, and while still talking he faces towards the direction of the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.68], [8.68, 36.99], [36.99, 41.33]], "duration": 41.33, "id": 804}, {"image_id": "v_RKsto2FmBzM.mp4", "caption": "A man with a orange shirt and black hat with glasses are outside standing in front of a green tree.A lawn is shown and then the man begins to mow his lawn.Once the man is finished he comes back to camera and starts talking.", "segments": [[0, 33.18], [32.59, 104.87], [104.87, 118.49]], "duration": 118.49000000000001, "id": 805}, {"image_id": "v_Sbgh1UQcG24.mp4", "caption": "A man standing or sitting behind a chopping board with vegetables on it equips a forearm-mounted knife. The man talks to the camera while pointing the knife at the camera. The man chops various types of items on the chopping board with the knife in sped up video. The man removes the knife and manipulates the containers of ingredients around him. The man re-equips the knife and resumes chopping. The man removes the knife and manipulates the ingredients around him again. The man re-equips the knife and resumes chopping again. The man removes the knife and cleans up his work area.", "segments": [[0, 1.97], [2.95, 3.94], [3.94, 83.69], [83.69, 109.3], [109.3, 136.87], [136.87, 161.48], [161.48, 177.24], [178.22, 196.93]], "duration": 196.93, "id": 806}, {"image_id": "v_DAd-joUpMIk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is getting ready too bungee jump from a cable car. She is surrounded by two men in yellow shirts. One of the men is holding a phone camera in his hand to video tape her as she jumps. The men begin singing to cheer and encourage her to jump. After much hesitation, the woman finally jumps and hangs from the rope. There is another woman in the cable car getting ready to jump down. There is a huge crowd standing on the bridge, looking up at the cable car.", "segments": [[17.08, 35.66], [35.66, 51.73], [51.73, 60.27], [60.27, 65.79], [65.79, 77.85], [77.85, 90.91], [90.91, 100.45]], "duration": 100.45, "id": 807}, {"image_id": "v_Hxb8D4W-G0I.mp4", "caption": "A boy sits on a rock before walking along a shoreline. The young man rides his skateboard down hills around a beach town. The young goes to a local restaurant for a meal. The harbor is seen and the young man walks down a train track at sunset.", "segments": [[0, 43.74], [43.74, 162.87], [119.12, 129.36], [162.87, 186.13]], "duration": 186.13, "id": 808}, {"image_id": "v_TdNiQsZNJTU.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are swimming in a large indoor pool. They swim laps back and forth as they go. They try to compete, getting to the other side the fastest.", "segments": [[0, 27.75], [35.68, 130.83], [148.67, 198.23]], "duration": 198.23, "id": 809}, {"image_id": "v_6qynXM937V0.mp4", "caption": "There's a man wearing a hat and a beige colored shirt standing on the banks of a river playing his harmonica. There is a still river behind him. He continues playing his harmonica to a soothing tune. After he stops playing, he puts his hands down.", "segments": [[33.89, 41.99], [41.99, 125.23], [125.23, 135.54], [135.54, 140.7]], "duration": 147.32999999999998, "id": 810}, {"image_id": "v_SdbxPbXeQJ0.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a couch drinking a beer. He stands up and walks out the door. Someone is walking into a kitchen. They open the fridge and get a beer. They bring it to the man in bed. He sits up and starts drinking the beer. A person picks up a cell phone on a bed.", "segments": [[11.14, 34.28], [34.28, 41.99], [45.42, 65.98], [63.41, 95.12], [100.26, 118.26], [113.97, 144.82], [158.53, 164.53]], "duration": 171.39, "id": 811}, {"image_id": "v_aa-bFJZmcko.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of a close up of a bike and a person pointing to the bike in various spots. The person continuously adjusts the bike and pans the camera all around it in the end.", "segments": [[6.34, 92.39], [79.71, 176.63]], "duration": 181.16, "id": 812}, {"image_id": "v_9riZioI46sM.mp4", "caption": "A boy is bent over in his bedroom. He is trying to put on a shoe. He sits down, playing with a broken lace. He continues working with the shoe lace until he can get it tied.", "segments": [[0, 10.76], [11.32, 27.17], [27.74, 97.94], [98.5, 113.22]], "duration": 113.22, "id": 813}, {"image_id": "v_aVL9ArQS_Ag.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a pair of boots while talking and showing dirty parts. Then, the man put a clothe inside the boot and brush the shaft of the boot thoroughly.", "segments": [[0.7, 49.99], [49.99, 137.99]], "duration": 140.81, "id": 814}, {"image_id": "v_gSeE_Ms-2TI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down on a roof and speaking to the camera. The camera pans all around the roof while the man is seen sitting and still speaking. The camera pans all around the roof and shows the man still sitting.", "segments": [[0, 39.59], [38.8, 118.76], [120.35, 153.6]], "duration": 158.35, "id": 815}, {"image_id": "v_4Gs7Xyn16QI.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks, then runs with a javelin. She throws it across the field, landing near her goal. A few other teammates also perform the act, then we see the final scoreboard.", "segments": [[0, 7.87], [8.31, 66.91], [67.35, 87.47]], "duration": 87.47, "id": 816}, {"image_id": "v_1UQYk6ohuRE.mp4", "caption": "A man talks on front a bush while other person stands on his right side. Then, the man cuts the dead flowers of the bush while talking. Also, the person cuts the dead flowers of the bush.", "segments": [[0, 170.88], [54.01, 170.88], [96.51, 170.88]], "duration": 177.07999999999998, "id": 817}, {"image_id": "v_fBov3cwPEho.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a baby decorating a Christmas tree. The baby takes a blue bulb off the tree. The dad puts it back and the baby takes it again. The child turns towards the camera and the dad walks to a counter. The child drops the blue bulb and goes for another. The child adds another blue bulb to the tree. The camera pans up to show the tree and then shows the stockings.", "segments": [[0.52, 11.37], [11.89, 15.51], [15.51, 25.33], [34.12, 46.53], [46.53, 68.24], [73.93, 78.07], [86.86, 103.4]], "duration": 103.4, "id": 818}, {"image_id": "v_wvlyV067oOU.mp4", "caption": "The young kids are bouncing on the big trampoline. The young boy fell on his back as he avoided the ball. The kids are wearing helmet as they threw the ball and other side of the kids dodge the ball. Two adult people went up to the trampoline to watch the kids.", "segments": [[0, 143.27], [12.89, 43.7], [25.79, 123.21], [80.23, 123.21]], "duration": 143.27, "id": 819}, {"image_id": "v_CtA4VynDEkI.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of young children are shown playing in a park playground. A young boy climbs back and forth on the monkey bars. Another child then joins him on the bars as well.", "segments": [[0, 2.52], [2.28, 10.69], [10.57, 24.03]], "duration": 24.03, "id": 820}, {"image_id": "v_jbSBQL08VHA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and working on a bike followed by him pulling chains and spinning wheels on the bike. He peddles the bike and shows the tire spinning again, ending with him tightening the tire and spinning it once more.", "segments": [[0, 84.5], [76.89, 169]], "duration": 169.0, "id": 821}, {"image_id": "v_DpI9JtaMtec.mp4", "caption": "Sandwiches are displayed in a slideshow. A person spreads mustard sauce on slices of bread, then the person put on top Swiss cheese, jam , sauerkraut and a slice of bread on top. After, the person spreads butter on the sandwiches and put them on a hot surface, then the person cuts the sandwiches in half.", "segments": [[0, 25.2], [26.07, 118.2], [118.2, 168.61]], "duration": 173.82999999999998, "id": 822}, {"image_id": "v_aPXqTfbtgYI.mp4", "caption": "A white middle aged man is standing in a crowd of people playing a saxophone.As he continues,the video pans out and several other people join him in playing the saxophone and it is revealed that someone else is pressing the buttons for the man as he is blowing into the instrument.Then the camera pans back out and the crowd begins clapping for the audience.", "segments": [[0, 5.56], [5.36, 30.48], [30.69, 41.19]], "duration": 41.19, "id": 823}, {"image_id": "v_U0Q10ZdqnJo.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a white shirt in an indoor tennis court hitting balls across the court. She bounces the ball on the ground and then serves the ball across the net.", "segments": [[6.22, 12.85], [12.85, 13.61]], "duration": 13.82, "id": 824}, {"image_id": "v_tS-MHCJKMgM.mp4", "caption": "A welding specialist from Tulsa Welding School is demonstrating how to weld. He explains the techniques of welding with the help of welder wearing protective gear and mask, using the blow torch.", "segments": [[7.71, 30.22], [30.22, 39.35]], "duration": 40.57, "id": 825}, {"image_id": "v_XEqijKYIJNg.mp4", "caption": "A woman shows a dish with vegetables and display the calories, the ingredients and the preparation of a dish. Then, the woman puts vegetables on a bowl, then she fry a leave and put it in the bowl. Then, the woman mix the vegetables and serves it on a dish.", "segments": [[0, 41.42], [42.04, 101.03], [101.03, 121.74]], "duration": 125.5, "id": 826}, {"image_id": "v_QX3pwZOJbRs.mp4", "caption": "Two women attempt to wash two dogs. They get in the tub with the dogs and do shampoo, soap, and then rinse the dogs. They dry the dogs and the dogs are much happier.", "segments": [[0, 151.74], [23.52, 99.39], [114.57, 151.74]], "duration": 151.74, "id": 827}, {"image_id": "v_7n9It_jjaBg.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on a bridge guardrail with a harness while another man holds him. The man jumps off the bridge to the river below. The man swings back and forth over the rapids.", "segments": [[0, 15.81], [16.06, 21.08], [21.34, 50.2]], "duration": 50.2, "id": 828}, {"image_id": "v_f0CVl853HUg.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing green with red hair is scrubbing some clothes vigorously. The water and soap is splashing off of it on to the wall/ She picks up the piece of cloth and hits it against the stand. Then she gets some water from a buckets and pours it over. She squeezes it out and then put the cloth into a bucket of soapy water.", "segments": [[0, 5.51], [5.51, 18.02], [18.02, 29.89], [29.89, 42.4]], "duration": 42.4, "id": 829}, {"image_id": "v_SIX51vtOOek.mp4", "caption": "There's an open land area with greenery around and grassy surface area. There's a lawn trimmer lying on the ground near some over grown patches of grass. A person wearing gray pants and gloves using a lawn trimmer to trim the patches of grass. He is trimming the lawn in a back and forth motion, moving the trimmer horizontally across the grass.", "segments": [[8.65, 17.31], [17.31, 50.56], [50.56, 76.97], [76.97, 87.45]], "duration": 91.09, "id": 830}, {"image_id": "v_IKhLjVIYisg.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a cracked asphalt road. Then we see a man walking, carrying a pair of inline skates. The man performs stunts, going down staircases and riding medians, doing flips and riding backwards. When he is done, he rides away.", "segments": [[0, 4.86], [7.78, 23.33], [44.71, 171.05], [179.8, 194.38]], "duration": 194.38, "id": 831}, {"image_id": "v_nQVJyUX8fHw.mp4", "caption": "A child plays tennis in a court returning balls while a boy stands next to her. The boy left the court while the child continues returning balls, then the boy returns. Then, the boy left again the court, and then he returns with a racket and a ball. The child serves the ball, and the boy helps stands next her watching.", "segments": [[0, 34.06], [35.86, 94.12], [95.02, 107.57], [106.67, 179.28]], "duration": 179.28, "id": 832}, {"image_id": "v_sCCJpFKVV8g.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen bending over a table with a tattoo artist rubbing her back from behind and grabbing a tattoo needle. The woman then begins tattooing the back of the woman while the camera pans around from various angles.", "segments": [[0, 78.36], [68.45, 160.33]], "duration": 180.14, "id": 833}, {"image_id": "v_pibXLs9IOX8.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a green field preparing himself to make a cricket shot, other man is watchim him and take off the hat and the sunglasses and the man is really sweaty and prepare to make the shot and to score which he did, they enjoy and hug each other and the man throw the ball. men are seating on a couch in a living room and are talking to each other and to the camera. winner and information of the video is shown.", "segments": [[0, 90.17], [90.17, 171.75], [171.75, 214.69]], "duration": 214.69, "id": 834}, {"image_id": "v_D5vmWDHQ86I.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a green shirt talking and being interviewed by another man dressed in a black jacket and gray pants. They are seated on chairs in a large room with wooden floors. The entrance of the Valqueire Tennis club is shown. The ID card of the person being interviewed is also shown. The man in green continues talking about soccer to the interviewer. Brazil versus Venezuela soccer game is shown. The man in green talks about a newspaper article related to the soccer as clips from the soccer game are shown.", "segments": [[0, 128.38], [6.28, 123.49], [26.51, 32.09], [30, 35.58], [39.77, 85.12], [78.14, 98.38], [103.26, 139.54]], "duration": 139.54, "id": 835}, {"image_id": "v_im6KJzbZzKE.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is seen standing before a track and begins running down the side. She runs and jumps into a sand pit while a man records her score. Several more clips are shown of women running down the track and jumping into the pit.", "segments": [[0, 36.54], [33.16, 103.54], [89.33, 135.35]], "duration": 135.35, "id": 836}, {"image_id": "v_lM3uGxHWZBA.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen running around a field playing a game together. The players cheer and speak to one another as well as showing more highlights of the game. More clips are shown of people walking away and playing the game.", "segments": [[0, 40.39], [31.01, 98.8], [91.59, 142.07]], "duration": 144.23, "id": 837}, {"image_id": "v_38nAdby_fTw.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A person rides a dirt bike over a hill or dirt pile with help from an incline structure. A person stands, shakes their head and leaves on a dirt bike. Two guys sit on their dirt bike and discuss. One guy uses his rear tire to cause dirt to spray. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.74, 10.36], [13.32, 130.24], [14.06, 27.38], [133.94, 136.9], [137.64, 141.34], [142.08, 144.3]], "duration": 148.0, "id": 838}, {"image_id": "v_swId_MFHywI.mp4", "caption": "A black book called Windmills is on the screen. The camera zooms into a dancer. VincaniTV comes up on the screen. the instructor is talking. The instructor is sitting on the floor introducing the move. A shot of the move is shown, then the instructor shows how to do it. He pushes himself up on his hand and does another move. He is on one knee to show another move. The screen goes to another shot of the same move but faster this time. The instructor is standing and talking. The screen ends with a VincaniTV promo.", "segments": [[0, 7.84], [7.84, 14.56], [14.56, 15.68], [15.68, 19.03], [19.03, 31.35], [31.35, 35.83], [35.83, 95.17], [95.17, 118.69], [118.69, 193.7], [193.7, 203.78], [203.78, 223.93]], "duration": 223.93, "id": 839}, {"image_id": "v_TnOdqLQPQA4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a camp site. She lights matches and throws them into a pile of wood.", "segments": [[0, 99.01], [50.99, 99.01]], "duration": 99.00999999999999, "id": 840}, {"image_id": "v_c6BcS5NdI6E.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen playing a game of volley ball with one another while moving around the beach. Several shots are shown of the people wandering around one another playing the game back and fourth over the net and helping one another.", "segments": [[0.89, 106.47], [67.1, 169.09]], "duration": 178.93, "id": 841}, {"image_id": "v_-SYV9IB-36s.mp4", "caption": "An ad for Howcast is shown. It is followed by a woman in a chair who smiles for the camera, and a woman with braided hair who is speaking. The woman in red applies various makeups to the seated woman, explaining the process as she goes. When she is finished, she speaks again to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 11.01], [17.61, 75.96], [74.86, 199.26], [199.26, 220.17]], "duration": 220.17000000000002, "id": 842}, {"image_id": "v_AZaSkc1gnhY.mp4", "caption": "A man drinks coffee and then plays guitar indoor. The man makes a pause and takes his coffee. Then, the man hols a cup of coffee and a guitar in the street. After, the man plays guitar indoor on front an audience. Next, the man plays harmonica and guitar at the same time.", "segments": [[2.85, 18.99], [19.94, 78.8], [79.75, 112.02], [112.97, 145.25], [145.25, 181.33]], "duration": 189.87, "id": 843}, {"image_id": "v_hQeDWu5NOj8.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen riding in a raft down a rough river. The people use paddles to move themselves along the water and under tunnels. The group continue riding down the river and end with text across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 35.31], [30.81, 96.29], [70.61, 126.46]], "duration": 128.38, "id": 844}, {"image_id": "v_5WJL9eJ8YDw.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several clips of people standing in a circle and throwing an object off into the distance and ends by walking away. Several more people are seen steeping up into the circle throwing objects off into the distance and cheering with one another.", "segments": [[0.42, 38.69], [32.45, 79.45]], "duration": 83.2, "id": 845}, {"image_id": "v_PJdE8Ui2eno.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding onto a rope and speaking to the camera. He holds up his belt while speaking to the camera and begins climbing up the wall. The man climbs all the way up the wall and ends by looking off from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 91.14], [51.55, 133.48], [92.98, 177.67]], "duration": 184.11, "id": 846}, {"image_id": "v_xr0tV2KNqgI.mp4", "caption": "A crowd of people watch as two bulls fight each other in a competition. The camera pans over to show many people in the crowd watching the show. A man walks by the camera. Several people are getting close to the bull trying to catch the action. The bulls begin to chase each other around the field.", "segments": [[0, 98.29], [16.22, 28.01], [20.64, 22.61], [33.42, 98.29], [88.95, 98.29]], "duration": 98.28999999999999, "id": 847}, {"image_id": "v_3Edxa-t4MxA.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of trophies are shown with girls interviewing the camera as well as performing gymnastics moves. An instructor then shows the girls how to perform a stunt properly and has another girl climb on top of their hands. The girl continuously perform stunts with the instructors help and another girl is shown speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 73.7], [45.17, 126.01], [126.8, 158.5]], "duration": 158.5, "id": 848}, {"image_id": "v_EWt03pUigc0.mp4", "caption": "There's a news reporter dressed in a pink floral dress and a white jacket giving an update on sports news. She shows events of the London Paralympics. She is showing the viewers the different events such as shoot put, swimming and running and the gold medals that were won in these events. While the news is being telecast, there are captions on the bottom about current events. She also shows the viewers all the medals that are won by all countries that participated in the Paralympics.", "segments": [[11.49, 38.11], [38.11, 62.3], [62.3, 83.47], [83.47, 107.67], [107.67, 114.32]], "duration": 120.98, "id": 849}, {"image_id": "v_u10c6Nx4K0A.mp4", "caption": "A woman runs down a dirt path. She uses a pole to vault over a high beam.", "segments": [[0, 1.38], [1.47, 5.99]], "duration": 5.99, "id": 850}, {"image_id": "v_j6S6eWSeGr0.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown in fast motion spraying liquid all over a fence in a back yard. The person continues spraying and ends with the camera fading to black.", "segments": [[0, 48.26], [22.32, 51.9]], "duration": 51.9, "id": 851}, {"image_id": "v_xKDHIyd_tWA.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a title slide. A woman and child are in a park with a jump rope. The woman begins to demonstrate how to use the jump rope while the child attempts to copy her. At one point, another woman in the background runs across the screen while jump roping.The video ends with both women speaking to the camera and a final title sequence.", "segments": [[0, 5], [5, 86.04], [5, 85.48], [60.5, 64.94], [86.59, 111.02]], "duration": 111.02000000000001, "id": 852}, {"image_id": "v_-v9YLmGCYO0.mp4", "caption": "A baby is sitting in a swing. The baby is laughing and shaking its feet. The baby turns to the side of the swing.", "segments": [[0, 72.26], [0, 45.89], [45.16, 72.26]], "duration": 72.26, "id": 853}, {"image_id": "v_5kBKAfEX7XA.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen walking up to a set of uneven bars and begins performing a gymnastics routine on the bars. He continues moving around on the bars and ends by jumping down on the side with his arms out.", "segments": [[0, 25.79], [13.47, 43.6]], "duration": 45.65, "id": 854}, {"image_id": "v_8cKjwHtCGU0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt is talking to the camera. He begins to hit a ball against a wall in front of him. He stops and walks towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 81.75], [25.75, 81.75], [78.89, 81.75]], "duration": 81.75, "id": 855}, {"image_id": "v_sX8Rr1o4XWM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a sign is shown followed by a person dipping paint. The person is then seen spreading paint all around the area while another smiles to the camera. The men continue to lay plaster down on the walls.", "segments": [[0, 16.45], [15.71, 54.22], [46.37, 71.8]], "duration": 74.78999999999999, "id": 856}, {"image_id": "v_J65l9OEP3pI.mp4", "caption": "A man is cleaning snow that has fallen on his car. He is standing on the road where his car is parked. He clears off snow from the top of his car by scraping it. He then cleans the sides of his car. He gives someone a thumbs up as he cleans the car. He then moves to the front of the car to clean the windshield.", "segments": [[16.22, 21.03], [21.03, 34.25], [34.25, 57.08], [57.08, 79.31], [79.31, 106.95], [106.95, 112.35]], "duration": 120.16, "id": 857}, {"image_id": "v_1D7iddqIIhM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a hookah is seen that leads to another man. The man grabs the hose and takes a hit from the hookah. The man then blows smoke into the camera lens.", "segments": [[0.24, 7.54], [5.24, 10.96], [10.72, 15.72]], "duration": 15.88, "id": 858}, {"image_id": "v_oYH-XLQzMxU.mp4", "caption": " The man bounces the ball and hits it with his racket. The man bounces the ball and hits it across the court. The man then bounces and hits one more ball.", "segments": [[0, 9.99], [10.32, 23.97], [24.14, 33.3]], "duration": 33.3, "id": 859}, {"image_id": "v_hsUfo_jHQ60.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen running through a street in slow motion while the camera moves around his body. The video then freezes on his feet to show text and ends with him holding his arms up into the air.", "segments": [[0, 39.81], [39.39, 83.81]], "duration": 83.81, "id": 860}, {"image_id": "v_YddPa1ujWuk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a box and newspaper. The woman then begins cutting the news paper and place the box in the middle. The women wraps up the box with the news paper and tapes it down on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 47.9], [32.4, 102.14], [91.58, 135.25]], "duration": 140.89, "id": 861}, {"image_id": "v_20i6YGSnt-c.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and begins shaving off his facial hair. The man continues shaving and shows off his before and after pictures.", "segments": [[1.09, 24.3], [18.02, 52.7]], "duration": 54.61, "id": 862}, {"image_id": "v_UeMcMSTO-Yg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and showing off various tools to the camera. She explains how each tool works for cleaning a horse and ends by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 118.28], [28.29, 128.57]], "duration": 128.57, "id": 863}, {"image_id": "v_II3AiNrQ1uA.mp4", "caption": "A text introduction describing the event is shown. A woman performs gymnastics on uneven bars while a number of spectators watch. The woman dismounts from the bars.", "segments": [[0, 6.41], [6.21, 34.87], [34.87, 40.08]], "duration": 40.08, "id": 864}, {"image_id": "v_nEAypudaSFs.mp4", "caption": "There's a young man in a red shirt and blue beanie hat playing the harmonica. He plays rhythmically as he moves the harmonica rapidly through his mouth to play a fast tune. He continues playing the tune as he closes his eyes in deep concentration. He moves the harmonica side ways as he continues playing till he comes to an end.", "segments": [[0, 124.28], [8.24, 116.67], [69.75, 112.23], [112.87, 126.82]], "duration": 126.82, "id": 865}, {"image_id": "v_02WlEYafQ9Q.mp4", "caption": "Several people white water raft and kayak in large inflatable rafts and kayaks on a violent, narrow, body of water surrounded by large rocks. A group of people on a blue water raft paddle against a violent stream/body of water. Several lone people paddle in small kayaks against the same violent water. A person navigates the rocky waves in a large water raft. The rafters and kayakers continue to fight the force of the water as the scene face to a positivity mantra and then to black.", "segments": [[4.4, 74.08], [4.81, 22.82], [23.63, 43.65], [29.63, 42.05], [42.85, 73.68]], "duration": 80.09, "id": 866}, {"image_id": "v__AdJtwjeITM.mp4", "caption": "A group of older men walk into a ice rink. The group of men gather and get ready to play curling. A younger man and an older man work as a team to move the curl. A older gentleman smiles at the camera while holding his curling stick over his head. The group of men then start to display number and have a laugh.", "segments": [[0, 11.12], [13.23, 33.97], [33.06, 49], [34.27, 49], [48.39, 60.12]], "duration": 60.12, "id": 867}, {"image_id": "v_2DtotlMv9Gg.mp4", "caption": "People are playing lacrosse on a field. They score a point into the net. Two men high five on the field.", "segments": [[0, 65.62], [54.46, 61.35], [57.42, 61.35]], "duration": 65.62, "id": 868}, {"image_id": "v_HGDatODUecQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of water rapids is shown followed by a group of people attempting to paddle in a raft. The people riding all down the river while sticking their paddle up at one point all together.", "segments": [[0, 38.39], [29.86, 85.31]], "duration": 85.31, "id": 869}, {"image_id": "v_lhH3qdh8n3g.mp4", "caption": "There are about ten or more people dressed in athletic wear doing a synchronized form of exercise. They are doing the steps rhythmically to the beats of a song that is played in the fitness center. There are disco lights flashing in the fitness center. They continue to do the steps as they clap their hands in between the steps. They also step on and step off of a step stool as they continue their steps.", "segments": [[11.13, 24.03], [24.03, 53.85], [53.85, 63.64], [63.64, 81.88], [81.88, 89]], "duration": 89.0, "id": 870}, {"image_id": "v_bx5ZHOUG-nI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen bending down over a bucket filled with water and washing clothes in the bucket. The boy continues washing when another person steps in to help wash the clothes and speak to the camera.", "segments": [[1.2, 55.13], [56.93, 118.65]], "duration": 119.85, "id": 871}, {"image_id": "v_K8ivAsscK98.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans between a person and the cameraman and leads into a man sitting in front of a drum set. The man then plays the drums continuously and another man walks in and sings and dances. Another man is shown close up and pans back to the drummer then ceiling.", "segments": [[0, 69.93], [68.9, 175.85], [173.79, 205.67]], "duration": 205.67000000000002, "id": 872}, {"image_id": "v_9E-FFtZl9qM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leading into clips of her running. Close ups of her feet are shown as well as more clips of her speaking and running. She's shown packing up a car and showing off her tools as well as her gear while still running on the road.", "segments": [[0, 30.17], [30.66, 72.02], [68.62, 93.43]], "duration": 97.33, "id": 873}, {"image_id": "v_xpA16yFuDqw.mp4", "caption": "A woman and man are shown swimming backward in the water of a pool. They demonstrate different techniques as the swim. The names of the various methods appear on the screen between examples.", "segments": [[0, 24.99], [26.65, 78.85], [79.41, 111.06]], "duration": 111.06, "id": 874}, {"image_id": "v_lwqSz2Q2L-E.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on a stool smoking a cigarette and looking off into the distance. The woman blows smoke into the air as the camera captures her from several angles continuously smoking.", "segments": [[1.27, 23.97], [19.63, 49.72]], "duration": 50.99, "id": 875}, {"image_id": "v_5JkN8t5k0jU.mp4", "caption": "An intro of titles eventually leads to an athlete holding a large amount of weights over his head. The same man does another lit with his weights while another man watches in the background. He throws the weights down and throws his arms up in the air to celebrate.", "segments": [[0, 6.89], [8.14, 26.09], [25.47, 41.75]], "duration": 41.75, "id": 876}, {"image_id": "v_LXHc1X1pKEM.mp4", "caption": "A woman with short hair and a white tank top is sitting in her bathroom talking about a cyclist who is going to shave his legs. She stands up and shows the cycling team printed on her tank top. She shows the viewers the type of razor she will be using. There's a young man sitting on the bath tub along with the woman. He washes his legs with baby soap and water and begins shaving his legs. Then the woman takes the razor and helps her husband shave his legs.", "segments": [[13.09, 24.16], [24.16, 83.57], [83.57, 118.8], [118.8, 132.9], [132.9, 169.15], [169.15, 183.24]], "duration": 201.36, "id": 877}, {"image_id": "v_P6z57_sYXm8.mp4", "caption": "Windsurfer turns his sail around in a 360. Windsurfer rides the waves slowly forward. Man walks in front of the camera. Windsurfer spins his sail around quickly. Windsurfer falls into the ocean.", "segments": [[6.94, 14.29], [10.21, 75.54], [24.09, 25.72], [33.89, 49.82], [79.22, 79.62]], "duration": 81.67, "id": 878}, {"image_id": "v_mb5CLhyHMvU.mp4", "caption": "People are skiing down a snowy slope very slowly and gracefully. A little boy is bending down trying to catch more speed, he is pretty good at skiing. They continue forward very slowly taking their time and enjoying the experience.they start to slow down a bit almost stopping but then they build back up and continue on.", "segments": [[0, 21.12], [21.8, 57.23], [57.23, 90.61], [90.61, 136.26]], "duration": 136.26, "id": 879}, {"image_id": "v_XztphLXwZjU.mp4", "caption": "A man is indoors, quickly placing wood tiles onto a floor as the camera plays extremely fast. He uses a leveler and cutter and completes the room with grout before walking out.", "segments": [[0, 63.48], [64.12, 126.97]], "duration": 126.97, "id": 880}, {"image_id": "v_KfP205pf7PU.mp4", "caption": "Cars drive by a sign by the road. Several women are shown around a table preparing to knit. A woman talks to the camera in an interview style. The women around the table engage in knitting-related activities. A bus is shown parked outside the building. The woman from the interview scene talks to the camera again. The women at the table are shown knitting. Several exterior shots of the building's locale are shown. The women at the table are shown knitting again.", "segments": [[4.64, 7.21], [7.21, 14.43], [15.46, 23.19], [23.7, 36.07], [37.1, 40.71], [41.22, 46.89], [46.89, 74.71], [76.26, 87.59], [87.08, 98.93]], "duration": 103.05, "id": 881}, {"image_id": "v_bhAVJ2uUw0U.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wiping off the face of a baby with a rag while the baby sticks it's tongue out. the woman continues cleaning the baby and is shown smiling to the camera and waving.", "segments": [[0, 32.92], [33.88, 63.93]], "duration": 63.93, "id": 882}, {"image_id": "v_c1T9LbXOVUs.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen playing rock paper scissors with one another and hitting the person who loses. The men continue playing this game back and fourth and rub each other's heads while others watch.", "segments": [[0.53, 59.39], [43.62, 103.53]], "duration": 105.11, "id": 883}, {"image_id": "v_I7Sole68Gag.mp4", "caption": "Swimmers are swimming to one side of the pool and then they stop briefly. Some swimmers on the side lines are watching them. They start throwing a ball back and forth around. A man in the corner of the pool tries to catch the ball and misses it.", "segments": [[0, 7.71], [7.71, 39.54], [39.06, 69.43], [69.91, 96.43]], "duration": 96.43, "id": 884}, {"image_id": "v_Sx7YgFLnwfM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a chair talking. A persons hand is playing rock paper scissors with a robot. A man in a white shirt is talking to the woman.", "segments": [[0, 20.4], [20.4, 41.94], [43.07, 226.71]], "duration": 226.71, "id": 885}, {"image_id": "v_0_9_HIvxNMw.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are dressed in ski gear, riding in a lift. They are seen going down hills, skiing and throwing snow into the air.", "segments": [[0, 38.69], [40.68, 198.42]], "duration": 198.42000000000002, "id": 886}, {"image_id": "v_bqv3vCT0T5s.mp4", "caption": "A 2011 dance competition in Israel is shown with a woman in gold belly dancing solo with neon lights behind her. She turns her back to the audience to show different angles of her moves. Finally, she artfully collapses on the floor as the song ends.", "segments": [[0, 26.46], [41.68, 54.91], [123.05, 132.31]], "duration": 132.31, "id": 887}, {"image_id": "v_5cTnHXcD7DE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running down the street while many watch on the sides. Several people are seen speaking to the camera as more shots are shown of people running. People cheer others on on the sides as well as marching bands playing and people still running.", "segments": [[0, 72.34], [61.54, 154.4], [114.45, 207.31]], "duration": 215.95, "id": 888}, {"image_id": "v_SCM5-6hQCGY.mp4", "caption": "The little girl who's wearing a rainbow sweater is shown sitting in the sand making a huge hill of sand. Next she looks up and says something. she then keeps adding more sand to the hill. then a little boy joins her and just touches the hill, but walks away. He then comes back again to point at the hill.", "segments": [[0, 120.02], [26.41, 120.02], [28.81, 120.02], [71.41, 120.02], [100.22, 120.02]], "duration": 120.02, "id": 889}, {"image_id": "v_SlgBcsCTy58.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while transitioning into shots of her grooming a dog. The girl is seen washing the dogs as well as blow drying them and trimming their fur. She continues speaking while showing off her clean dogs and others walking on the side.", "segments": [[0, 41.22], [31.76, 110.82], [66.22, 133.79]], "duration": 135.14, "id": 890}, {"image_id": "v_wohWWAB47KM.mp4", "caption": "A man is water skiing behind a boat on a lake. Some people show up on the screen who are watching and recording. The water skier tries to do a flip and ends up crashing into the water.", "segments": [[0, 222.22], [32.22, 37.78], [203.33, 222.22]], "duration": 222.22, "id": 891}, {"image_id": "v_BUk-fR6TAnk.mp4", "caption": "A blue page with white writing explains that the video is about how to wrap a present. Scissors and different types of tape are shown, as well as a roll of wrapping paper. A woman is on the floor with a box. She demonstrates how to cut and fold the paper around the present. She tapes the present shut. She then places a translucent bow on the gift.", "segments": [[0, 7.4], [8.32, 61.96], [62.89, 86.01], [88.78, 118.37], [122.07, 162.76], [163.69, 184.96]], "duration": 184.96, "id": 892}, {"image_id": "v_e6Dhfn1d3ic.mp4", "caption": "Men are acting silly in a bathroom. One man shows off his legs to the camera. Two men are dancing and shaving their legs near the sink. Another man joins the men near the sink to help with the shaving.", "segments": [[0, 99.34], [0, 2.98], [4.97, 99.34], [31.79, 99.34]], "duration": 99.34, "id": 893}, {"image_id": "v_zTnRo6yABtg.mp4", "caption": "A man walks onto a field in front of his dog. He throws a frisbee, and the dog catches it. He does several tricks with the frisbees and the dog.", "segments": [[0, 27.79], [29.85, 132.79], [142.05, 205.87]], "duration": 205.87, "id": 894}, {"image_id": "v_FUrLg7FETWo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen swinging an ax down on a log while another man watches on the side. Another woman takes off the log and the girl prepares to swing. She swings the ax again and looks back smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0.6, 7.33], [7.93, 20.35], [19.46, 29.18]], "duration": 29.93, "id": 895}, {"image_id": "v_nDRaXY5ddPs.mp4", "caption": "A person is using a mop to mop the floor. A small dog is chasing the mop. They continue to mop with the dog on the mop.", "segments": [[0, 41.58], [6.57, 85.79], [40.71, 87.54]], "duration": 87.53999999999999, "id": 896}, {"image_id": "v_k_gjsTv-jy8.mp4", "caption": "A person is standing behind a counter putting food onto a tray. They put the tray into an oven. They take the tray out of the oven and lift cookies onto a plate. They wash off the mat in the sink.", "segments": [[0, 70.03], [70.03, 86.77], [85.25, 117.98], [118.74, 130.92]], "duration": 152.23, "id": 897}, {"image_id": "v_0JCM9uzZafU.mp4", "caption": "We see a ladies hand on a magazine. The lady cuts slices of an article. She puts the paper in water and lays then on her white nails, she peels the paper off and the letters stick. The lady puts clear polish over the nails. The lady sticks rhinestones to her nails. The lady puts clear polish over the decorated nails. We see the lady turning pages in the magazine. We see the white ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.28], [29.64, 45.6], [58.14, 123.12], [124.26, 147.06], [163.02, 193.8], [194.94, 207.48], [210.9, 223.44], [224.58, 228]], "duration": 228.0, "id": 898}, {"image_id": "v_8PkoDfbK5Bc.mp4", "caption": "A person is doing flips on a stage in front of people. People are standing in the corner playing the drums. A man does a hand stand on the stage.", "segments": [[12.61, 26.8], [11.03, 149.76], [104.04, 114.29]], "duration": 157.64, "id": 899}, {"image_id": "v_y8OQkNk8WpY.mp4", "caption": "People are sliding down the ice. They are holding a curling stick and a ball. Two men in white shirts run next to the person sliding.", "segments": [[0, 107.13], [0, 106.59], [59.99, 95.34]], "duration": 107.13, "id": 900}, {"image_id": "v_Jo2-IPbuapw.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen places in the middle of a paper and begins drawing along the picture. The person then paints a large tree while still moving around quickly on the painting. The person finishes the painting and signs their name and shows a picture of themselves.", "segments": [[0, 33.69], [22.64, 78.43], [57.99, 105.49]], "duration": 110.46000000000001, "id": 901}, {"image_id": "v_iNhoeDq_EBQ.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing on a mat and performing a routine with one another. The people do various flips and tricks around the mat and end with a pose and waving to the audience.", "segments": [[0, 69.47], [68.02, 144.73]], "duration": 144.73, "id": 902}, {"image_id": "v_Jd3D2d-RwL0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a leaf blower is shown followed by the camera looking around the area. A hand is then seen starting the machine and pushing the machine around the yard. The man turns off the machine and looks around the front while pointing to the top of the machine. The camera pans around the machine and the man is shown giving a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 20.04], [19.47, 59.56], [60.13, 89.91], [88.76, 114.53]], "duration": 114.53, "id": 903}, {"image_id": "v_sb0r71oGs3M.mp4", "caption": "A lady sits on a couch and discusses. The lady sails a boat. The lady goes water boarding.", "segments": [[0, 62.64], [5.04, 47.21], [16.05, 57.6]], "duration": 62.95, "id": 904}, {"image_id": "v_zf4MXHeiSXs.mp4", "caption": "People rides horses on an unpaved road passing for the woods and on front the ocean. People arrive to a place and gets off the horse and then continue riding passing woods, river, the ocean and beautiful landscapes. Then, people arrive to a camping place, then they running on front the ocean.", "segments": [[5.27, 85.31], [86.36, 102.16], [102.16, 199.06]], "duration": 210.64, "id": 905}, {"image_id": "v_N3WVKg7Q2io.mp4", "caption": "Some boys are in the pools playing with volleyballs. There is a large swimming team swimming and throwing the ball around to their team mates, scoring. Then, there is a team on the filed playing flag football. They are running around trying to score for their team.", "segments": [[0, 9.26], [9.26, 68.41], [68.41, 83.32], [83.83, 102.87]], "duration": 102.87, "id": 906}, {"image_id": "v_ub0pmYL8i5s.mp4", "caption": "A silver sink is shown and a black hose with a scrubber on the bottom of it begins cleaning the sink with steam coming out of it.Once completed,the person then takes a white rag and goes into the sink and washes away the moisture from the steam.", "segments": [[0, 28.03], [28.03, 59.63]], "duration": 59.63, "id": 907}, {"image_id": "v_w50et2-vEOQ.mp4", "caption": "We see the title and introductions screens. We see a boat with a man on it. We see people and the interior of the boat. The man wakeboards around a lake. We see the boat with people in it. The man pulls out the ladder and climbs on the boat then we see a boat take off, and in a show room. The man falls off the wakeboard 2 times. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.76], [8.76, 12.91], [12.91, 19.37], [19.83, 88.09], [44.74, 49.81], [58.11, 72.87], [79.79, 89.01], [88.09, 92.24]], "duration": 92.24000000000001, "id": 908}, {"image_id": "v_BoKEPRjFydk.mp4", "caption": "There are several athletes doing discus throw in an outdoor ring. The first athlete who is dressed in a red and white shirt begins the discus throw using a one and a half kilograms discus. He spins and rotates on the spot and throws the discus. Then another athlete throws the discus but in unsuccessful. The athlete in blue then makes his attempt at the discus throw as he swings and spins to throw the disc. Then another athlete who has won third place throws the discus successfully. Some more athletes come to the ring and throw the discus. The stadium bleachers are not filled with sufficient spectators due to security reasons.", "segments": [[0, 116.77], [5.25, 15.76], [9.93, 15.76], [14.6, 31.53], [32.7, 57.22], [54.88, 71.23], [68.9, 89.92], [87.58, 116.77]], "duration": 116.77000000000001, "id": 909}, {"image_id": "v_QYU2srH753Q.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip is shown. A person cracks their hands. Birds flock the sky above the dirt track. A person's shadow moves over the surface of a white trailer. A person rides a dirt bike. A person shovels dirt. A person stands with sign at the end of the dirt race track. A person lifts a dirt bike and places on a stool. A male child runs and smiles. A helicopter hovers over the race track. A lady pulls on a rider's helmet. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 39.37], [39.37, 43.84], [50.1, 51], [51.89, 54.57], [55.47, 161.93], [67.1, 67.99], [88.57, 89.47], [92.15, 93.94], [112.73, 115.41], [119.89, 120.78], [140.46, 141.36], [166.41, 178.04]], "duration": 178.93, "id": 910}, {"image_id": "v__i_ERtwvcJE.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown staring off into the distance while another holds a ball at a beer pong table. The camera shows the ball hitting the table and landing into the cup on the other side. The first man looks down at the cup and grimaces at what he sees.", "segments": [[0, 12.37], [13.96, 24.58], [23.95, 31.72]], "duration": 31.72, "id": 911}, {"image_id": "v_4R5KDUqBPcU.mp4", "caption": "There's a man wearing a black athletic suit in a shot put field practicing shot put. He begins by taking the ball in his hand and holding it against his neck. Then he spins around and throws the ball far ahead.", "segments": [[1.95, 5.79], [5.79, 8.81], [8.81, 9.68]], "duration": 10.24, "id": 912}, {"image_id": "v_l8aaaDY4ehA.mp4", "caption": "We see a man mowing a lawn. He stands on the stairs to mow. It switches to a woman mowing. It goes back to the man mowing. The man puts the mower in the shed and goes into the house.", "segments": [[0, 78.31], [17.71, 23.31], [78.31, 126.79], [125.86, 165.01], [165.01, 186.46]], "duration": 186.46, "id": 913}, {"image_id": "v_aFpWNTroghs.mp4", "caption": "An intro comes into the screen for a video about removing mulch. A man digs his heel into the base of a tree to push away the mulch. He gets down on his knees and begins to remove the mulch by hand by pushing it further from the base of the tree. He takes out some clippers and clips some of the roots. Last, the video ends with the closing captions.", "segments": [[0, 20.49], [21.43, 44.25], [44.25, 61.95], [62.42, 80.58], [80.58, 93.16]], "duration": 93.16, "id": 914}, {"image_id": "v_nsDyItaRUXI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is knitting what appears to be a scarf while sitting in front of a computer keyboard. She is using the needles to make the scarf. She pulls the yarn through with the loop several times.", "segments": [[0, 4.55], [7.03, 53.36], [56.25, 82.72]], "duration": 82.72, "id": 915}, {"image_id": "v_EoQgUlLb3U4.mp4", "caption": "A man turns his body around, preparing to throw his discus. The man throws the discus really hard. The man watches ahead after his discus.", "segments": [[0, 26.05], [26.31, 31.78], [32.05, 52.11]], "duration": 52.11, "id": 916}, {"image_id": "v_MRpg1K7YWSE.mp4", "caption": "A person's hand is seen throwing several darts onto a board on the other side of the room. The camera then moves closer to the board and zooms in on the location of where the darts are thrown.", "segments": [[0, 18.13], [18.29, 32.09]], "duration": 32.09, "id": 917}, {"image_id": "v_ESsUwNlkJoo.mp4", "caption": "The letters RPM appear on the screen. A room is filled with people riding exercise bikes. They go as fast as they can, advertising a fitness gym.", "segments": [[0, 4.16], [6.93, 33.25], [37.06, 69.27]], "duration": 69.27, "id": 918}, {"image_id": "v_qkN9uA8izVE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen holding each other's hands and moving one to the other side arm wrestling. The men struggle a bit and ends with one slamming the other's down.", "segments": [[0, 38.77], [35.27, 53.85]], "duration": 53.85, "id": 919}, {"image_id": "v_K-eZfCs8yOc.mp4", "caption": "A young man plays violin while wearing headsets. Then, the young man finish playing and take off the headsets.", "segments": [[0, 131.37], [145.06, 155.09]], "duration": 182.46, "id": 920}, {"image_id": "v_xj-f9hzQ3Lc.mp4", "caption": "Several dirt bikers are standing under a garage behind a stand preparing to race.Someone calls a mark and they all stand up on their pedals preparing to be released.The bar is finally let down and the boys begin racing throughout the track that's covered in hills as people stand throughout it to watch them.", "segments": [[0, 14.36], [14.36, 35.5], [35.77, 54.2]], "duration": 54.2, "id": 921}, {"image_id": "v_RTIzzeNaH2Q.mp4", "caption": "A bike is being shown in the narrow walkway. An old man wearing gray shirt is putting on and screwing the black handle bars in the front of the bike, then put the front wheel of the bike, tighten the screw, and lastly he put the seat on.", "segments": [[0, 61.14], [59.58, 148.94]], "duration": 156.78, "id": 922}, {"image_id": "v_A5JcwIaP30Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is trying to balance himself on a rope, he walks on it and does a flip off. He gets back on the rope and does another back flip off. He grips the the rope super tight with his feet while he walks across. He has trouble balancing on it, starts going backwards.", "segments": [[0, 25.02], [25.02, 57.55], [57.55, 90.08], [90.08, 125.11]], "duration": 125.11, "id": 923}, {"image_id": "v_gnVupEzu59g.mp4", "caption": "People are snowboarding down a hill of snow. A man in red goggles is standing in the snow. People are riding a ski lift up the mountain.", "segments": [[0, 193.38], [45.44, 48.34], [147.93, 152.77]], "duration": 193.38, "id": 924}, {"image_id": "v_6lIi6-Y6q10.mp4", "caption": "There's a man dressed in a formal attire with shirt and tie demonstrating how to make a cocktail called Pimms. He puts some ice cubes in a talll glass and then adds some Pimms in it. He slices some lemons and puts the lemons along with a cherry on a toothpick. Then he puts a slice of cucumber that is cut lengthwise into the cocktail.", "segments": [[17.34, 47.17], [47.17, 86.02], [86.02, 122.09], [122.09, 133.19]], "duration": 138.74, "id": 925}, {"image_id": "v_bOULU-0Nloc.mp4", "caption": "In a sped up mode an elderly man walks to the front of a house and grabs a blue snow plow. Continuing in the sped up mode, the man begins to plow snow to make a path. The man then moves the camera view and plows the snow in a different area that is fenced in.The man grabs the camera, points to the plow and then pans to the different areas of the yard. The man then goes indoors to show a messy and cluttered workshop filled with tools and supplies. The man goes back outside, shows his dog and walks around his yard, puts his dog down and the dog runs back to the workshop and pushes the door open.", "segments": [[0, 4.41], [4.41, 18.51], [18.51, 88.15], [88.15, 106.67], [106.67, 118.13], [118.13, 176.31]], "duration": 176.31, "id": 926}, {"image_id": "v_M_CU9guT3C0.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks in a kitchen, then she shows a brush. The woman opens the faucet and washes a dish with the brush, then she brush her hand while explaining. Then, she washes a dish with the brush, then she explains showing the brush.", "segments": [[0, 34.88], [35.38, 66.82], [67.31, 98.27]], "duration": 98.27000000000001, "id": 927}, {"image_id": "v_jwYgWG2fqOA.mp4", "caption": "A dancer positions herself to begin her dance. The dancer performs her dance routine holding a wand. The woman throws her wand as part of her dance and runs to grab it and resumes her performance. The woman takes a bow, finishing her dance.", "segments": [[0, 11.85], [12.7, 166.76], [122.74, 166.76], [167.6, 169.3]], "duration": 169.3, "id": 928}, {"image_id": "v_fO2fWjYEhMc.mp4", "caption": "A man in white shirt and white shorts is holding a croquet bat, he is bending over and swing the bat slowly in the air before hitting the blue ball. The ball went flying passing the ball in a small rectangular holes, and hit the ground.", "segments": [[0, 15.86], [13.11, 26.22]], "duration": 26.22, "id": 929}, {"image_id": "v__pMQwrt-cf4.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screen. We see stills of the flooring material. A man cuts and puts the superfloor on the floor. The man then unrolls carpet over the superfloor. We then see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.94], [5.29, 30.32], [31.38, 56.42], [56.42, 66.99], [68.4, 70.52]], "duration": 70.52, "id": 930}, {"image_id": "v_tGuPkIKGIK4.mp4", "caption": "A woman holds a dog and take to the bathroom to take a bath in a bathtub while rubbing the body with soap. The dog waits until the woman grab a towel to dry the body of the dog. The dog looks angry and show his teeth. Then, woman give a kiss to then dog.", "segments": [[0, 26.89], [30.66, 92.46], [51.89, 80.19], [93.4, 94.34]], "duration": 94.34, "id": 931}, {"image_id": "v_8ao9LZLn0Hs.mp4", "caption": "Four little girls , dressed in white dresses with red sashes, stand in a line, on a stage and play the violin together. Four little girls begin to play violin on a stage on a stage with a pink backdrop. The girl play together using both hands to play the violin before ending the performance and taking a bow together.", "segments": [[1.38, 129.37], [6.92, 114.85], [115.54, 137.68]], "duration": 138.37, "id": 932}, {"image_id": "v_HGy8UgabFMw.mp4", "caption": "A man in blue shirt and jeans is wearing black gloves and trimming the hedge with an orange trimming machine, doing the side first then the front and then the other side. He climbed the blue-green ladder to trim the top of the hedge, he moved the ladder to do the middle top of the hedge. The man trimmed the round low bush, used the ladder to trim the top of the round hedge.", "segments": [[0, 18.93], [14.2, 37.55], [31.87, 63.11]], "duration": 63.11, "id": 933}, {"image_id": "v_mGLCCohSA0A.mp4", "caption": "Several kitchens are shown in the backdrop as a Around the House Menards logo flashes in the middle of the screen.After, a man in blue polo is shown pasting tile on the back of the kitchen walls to renovate the home.Another man is shown sanding and painting the wall and renovating another home.A block of tile is shown again but it is flipped over to see the net on the back of it.The men continue to renovate the house, measuring the wall,fixing the lights and pasting the tile on the wall.Finally, the finished product of the wall is shown.", "segments": [[0, 15.29], [15.29, 27.19], [28.04, 35.68], [35.68, 52.68], [52.68, 150.38], [150.38, 169.92]], "duration": 169.92000000000002, "id": 934}, {"image_id": "v_WEoelJQYlxk.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a man washing a car is shown and leads into several men washing the same car. The men vacuum the inside as well as clean the dashboard and entire interior and exterior. The car is shown off again in the end all clean.", "segments": [[0, 21.02], [20.38, 53.37], [53.37, 64.69]], "duration": 64.69, "id": 935}, {"image_id": "v_h9WOFfVGeAQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing up playing bagpipes. People are sitting on a couch laughing at him.", "segments": [[0, 33.96], [7.47, 33.96]], "duration": 33.96, "id": 936}, {"image_id": "v_8EDq3cjHhz0.mp4", "caption": "We see two people in a studio. We then see a man in a bowling alley speaking to the camera with a man in a bowling pin costume. The man then interviews a man in a black jacket. We see the bowling pin throw a green bowling ball. The newscaster then throws a blue ball down the lane and another ball at the bowling pin mascot who falls over. We then see a split screen with the pin running behind the newscaster and the people in the studio in the upper left corner. The pin throws a ball at the newscaster, and we return to the studio.", "segments": [[0, 9.51], [9.51, 29.49], [30.44, 60.87], [59.92, 80.85], [81.8, 109.38], [110.33, 182.62], [183.57, 190.23]], "duration": 190.23, "id": 937}, {"image_id": "v_wBwBm7Ju9a8.mp4", "caption": "A talking and smiling man is standing in an indoor area and then motions to his right and a woman walks towards him and she begins to talk and smile with him.The woman is now jumping on a trampoline by herself and then she stands on a jumping board and simulates a jump off of a diving board and going straight down into a pool, but instead she lands on a large, soft, black landing mat. The man is now jumping on the trampoline and he does the the exact same thing as the woman just did. Now the woman is standing at an outdoor pool talking and she jumps off of the diving board first, does a few flips and then lands in the water.The man appears in front of the camera holding up a small speedo, he shakes his head in disapproval of the speedos, throws it on the camera, and they show him doing leg warm ups wearing a long pair of swimming shorts.Then man goes on the diving board, rubs his hands together, then jumps off the diving board 4 times and does various flips before he lands in the water. The man and the woman are now on the ground talking and they turn to look at the tallest diving board, and a quick shot from tallest diving board is showing high it is, then it goes back to the man and the woman still standing next to the pool and talking.", "segments": [[0, 24.35], [24.35, 44.1], [44.1, 61.21], [61.21, 76.35], [76.35, 82.27], [82.27, 113.86], [113.86, 131.63]], "duration": 131.63, "id": 938}, {"image_id": "v_wBbSb9Ubis4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a bull is seen as well as another laying on the ground. Another bull is seen running off into the distance and chasing a person. Several people are seen running away from a bull in many shots as they chase them down.", "segments": [[2, 58.08], [57.08, 145.21], [118.17, 196.28]], "duration": 200.29, "id": 939}, {"image_id": "v_kZMDKbfIis0.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down on ice. He begins playing a game of curling. Two people scrub the ice in front of the curling ball.", "segments": [[0, 10.31], [9.93, 76.39], [22.92, 25.21]], "duration": 76.39, "id": 940}, {"image_id": "v_6aWTCiY3eww.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen climbing onto of a camel and begins walking around with a man in front. The man speaks to one on top and gives the camel a slap while looking back to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0.54, 15.05], [9.85, 34.75]], "duration": 35.83, "id": 941}, {"image_id": "v_NcEWimHnC54.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see snow covered ski slope and a title screen. We see people skiing and snowboarding down the hill. The names are shown in a blue bar above. We see a man holding a selfie stick as he boards down the hill. We see a person in dense woods riding a snowboard. We see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 5.19], [5.19, 13.35], [13.35, 135.02], [13.35, 35.61], [37.09, 45.25], [105.35, 106.83], [136.51, 148.38]], "duration": 148.38, "id": 942}, {"image_id": "v_4CTczKzaPa4.mp4", "caption": "Several men stand around a pinata. A man spins a blindfolded man around. The blindfolded man takes a few swings at the pinata. A woman in red shirt laughs.", "segments": [[0, 10.26], [10.52, 21.05], [21.57, 52.62], [47.09, 52.62]], "duration": 52.62, "id": 943}, {"image_id": "v_beRmfL0Uh28.mp4", "caption": "A Caucasian man wearing a red helmet is sitting in a boat in the water talking to water.The rocky water is shown and then the man comes down kayaking throughout the white waters.A flash of vacant water is shown then a group of ten people are pictured kayaking together over the rocks and water and eventually are pushed out the kayak by the large wave.The group of people continue swimming through the water trying to find land.They eventually get out and each person begins talking the camera about what they've just experienced.", "segments": [[0, 13.66], [13.66, 44.98], [44.18, 93.18], [93.18, 120.49], [120.49, 160.66]], "duration": 160.66, "id": 944}, {"image_id": "v_X74SOIQRD4M.mp4", "caption": "The players are running in the field with their bats. The player in shirt is running with player in red shirt. The two players began walking.", "segments": [[0, 2.76], [2.43, 11.1], [9.97, 16.21]], "duration": 16.21, "id": 945}, {"image_id": "v_RDCZQ0nWIPc.mp4", "caption": "A white screen appears and special affects reveal the words \"Howcast original\". A man is talking while various clips of people rollerblading play and a screen pops up indicating that he's giving tips on \"Rollerblading Basics: How to Control Speed on Rollerblades\", and he picks up a pair of rollerblades and points to the wheels, then more clips of him rollerblading and showing examples plays. The outro appears and it's the white screen in the intro that include the words \"Howcast original\".", "segments": [[0, 2.31], [2.31, 113.86], [115.01, 115.59]], "duration": 115.59, "id": 946}, {"image_id": "v_7rf06_5zNJk.mp4", "caption": "Members of a belly dance academy do a choreographed routine in an advertisement for the school. They move around the stage and then show their bellies.", "segments": [[0, 237.7], [59.43, 209.18]], "duration": 237.7, "id": 947}, {"image_id": "v_9ku5v_hSVMw.mp4", "caption": "A man squats and holds a bar over his head several times. A man in a red shirt watches him. He drops the bar on the ground in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 39.4], [4.15, 39.4], [39.19, 39.4]], "duration": 41.47, "id": 948}, {"image_id": "v_Y2gFwWnli4g.mp4", "caption": "A chef speaks as she stands by a table full of cooking ingredients. She grabs oil and salt and pours it into a mixing bowl. She stirs the ingredients with some tongs. She pours some tomatoes, zucchini and red onions into the mixing bowl. She cuts up some cilantro. She throws the cilantro into the mixing bowl. She mixes the vegetables in the mixing bowl with the tongs. She places the vegetable on top of some arugula on a plate. She shows off the salad.", "segments": [[6.43, 24.56], [25.14, 35.08], [35.67, 40.93], [41.51, 54.38], [54.96, 60.81], [61.39, 64.31], [64.9, 85.36], [85.95, 95.3], [95.89, 104.66]], "duration": 116.94, "id": 949}, {"image_id": "v_6TgVNz6PATk.mp4", "caption": "A person in red jacket is standing at the side of the lane. Two people are sliding down the lane covered in snow. The woman in the tube is going further down the lane as she wave her arms.", "segments": [[0, 7.18], [2.8, 14.71], [12.61, 32.74]], "duration": 35.02, "id": 950}, {"image_id": "v_xLRUuV1z3QA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing next to a camel holding the leash. The woman climbed on the camel, and the camel stood up. The camel walk around and stopped as the woman pull the leash and the camel sat down and the woman got off the camel.", "segments": [[0, 12.76], [10.21, 30.27], [22.61, 72.93]], "duration": 72.93, "id": 951}, {"image_id": "v_SwQbnQX7LCQ.mp4", "caption": "A grey car is parked on a driveway, then a person washes the rims of the car. After, the person spreads soap on the car with a bottle joint to a hose, after he brushes the front light of the car. Then, the person cleans the hood with a cloth. Next, the person rinses and dries the car.", "segments": [[3.96, 56.98], [57.77, 97.33], [97.33, 106.04], [107.62, 158.27]], "duration": 158.27, "id": 952}, {"image_id": "v_Lml6HGhM4yg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen holding a tennis racket on a field and hits the ball across the field. He then smiles and walks to the camera while pointing into the distance and fist bumping.", "segments": [[1.78, 18.87], [14.43, 43.73]], "duration": 44.4, "id": 953}, {"image_id": "v_u1grT0O81Qg.mp4", "caption": "A group of fencers pose with an instructor. The fencers are shown inside a gym, practicing. They jab and do various moves with each other during the match.", "segments": [[0, 10.36], [14.34, 95.6], [97.19, 159.34]], "duration": 159.34, "id": 954}, {"image_id": "v_qCtoh8hxjOA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting a top a slide and begins riding down the slide. She meets another person at the bottom while laughing to the camera and another person running in.", "segments": [[0, 13.43], [14.2, 25.59]], "duration": 25.59, "id": 955}, {"image_id": "v_n18TxTWnbFI.mp4", "caption": "A person is standing on a diving board. They jump off the diving board into the pool. He falls backward into the water. Someone is jumping into the water off the diving board. A person jumps and goes under the water. A man is jumping high and does a flip into the water off of the diving board. A person does a black flip into the water off the diving board.", "segments": [[0, 2.74], [3.01, 6.84], [18.33, 23.25], [23.52, 30.36], [30.36, 41.3], [41.58, 48.69], [48.69, 54.71]], "duration": 54.71, "id": 956}, {"image_id": "v_VCdZ9gfzRWo.mp4", "caption": "A large Christmas tree is sitting in a room. A man and woman are putting lights on the Christmas tree. A dog is walking around the Christmas tree.", "segments": [[0, 5.27], [5.85, 39.01], [8.78, 39.01]], "duration": 39.01, "id": 957}, {"image_id": "v_Ok_Tjkob8IA.mp4", "caption": "little kid is standing in front of a counter with jars and ingedients in front of her. woman is putting sugar in a pan with water and heat it, put water and lemon juice and mixing all the ingredients in a jar.", "segments": [[0, 36.46], [36.46, 197.07]], "duration": 197.07, "id": 958}, {"image_id": "v_1aRRlW0k-_4.mp4", "caption": "A boy is playing with a ball. Kids are practicing lacrosse on a field of grass. A man in a black jacket is watching them play.", "segments": [[0, 20.54], [30.34, 93.37], [68.16, 83.1]], "duration": 93.37, "id": 959}, {"image_id": "v_DRI64Xoxy5w.mp4", "caption": "There are lots of people standing outdoors just walking around and talking. A little boy goes behind a ladder and other people keep walking around. A pinata drops from high above and he hits the pinata using a stick and then someone comes out holding a bowl filled with bags.", "segments": [[0, 59.82], [18.84, 21.23], [21.23, 59.82]], "duration": 59.82, "id": 960}, {"image_id": "v_h7cetqsBVn0.mp4", "caption": "There is a line of camels sitting on the ground in the Outback area of Australia. there are tourists waiting to get onto the camels to enjoy a camel back ride. Men in red shirts and cowboy hats are helping the tourists get on the camels' backs. The camels slowly raise themselves up and begin walking around with the tourists on their backs. The tourists are happy as they wave to the camera as they enjoy the camel ride. The camels walk slowly through the dry and muddy grasslands. Then the tourists get off of the camels and walk towards an outdoor dinning area where several tables are arranged with white tablecloths and dinnerware.", "segments": [[40.67, 72.04], [72.04, 102.25], [102.25, 139.43], [139.43, 164.99], [164.99, 182.42], [182.42, 211.47], [211.47, 217.28]], "duration": 232.39, "id": 961}, {"image_id": "v__9h6NBOPTy8.mp4", "caption": "A martini glass is being filled with vodka. A woman is shown behind a bar with different alcohol bottles. She mixes them together, then decorates the final drink.", "segments": [[0, 10.2], [12.41, 41.67], [43, 88.65]], "duration": 88.65, "id": 962}, {"image_id": "v_7-5sFmNf4i4.mp4", "caption": "There are band members talking about their concert in Canada. They are seated on a stage as they talk about their experience about surprising a fan. They surprise a fan who is the winner of a contest. The band members go bowling with the surprised fan and play at the bowling alley. After the bowling game is over, they further surprise the fan by inviting her to their concert ans sound check party.", "segments": [[27.97, 71.48], [71.48, 118.1], [118.1, 153.32], [153.32, 187.51], [187.51, 197.87]], "duration": 207.19, "id": 963}, {"image_id": "v_DmTI8y6Anvo.mp4", "caption": "A basketball player is seen jumping under a basketball ball net and shooting a ball continuously at the net. She continues shooting and the video ends with various text across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 19.29], [18.54, 37.45]], "duration": 37.45, "id": 964}, {"image_id": "v_seScyTd2XSc.mp4", "caption": "A person holds out cleaning product and a spray bottle with the mixture over a kitchen sink. The person sprays down the stainless steel sink with detergent in a spray bottle. A sponge is used to scrub the sing with the cleaning solution. The faucet is turned on and is used to rinse out the sink.", "segments": [[22.35, 35.26], [35.26, 45.68], [48.17, 72.5], [72.99, 83.92]], "duration": 99.31, "id": 965}, {"image_id": "v_evj6y2xZCnM.mp4", "caption": "a baby in a screen is shown and someone hits the screen with a hammer. man is doing skateboard and is felling of the board in different places. man is skateboarding going down a large stairs and fells.man is skateboarding down a cement rail in stairs.", "segments": [[0, 7.51], [7.51, 214.69], [32.2, 44.01], [55.82, 69.77]], "duration": 214.69, "id": 966}, {"image_id": "v_FnrvqpjHe6I.mp4", "caption": "The young female players are running around the court throwing ball to on each other. Some of the players are avoiding the ball, so they continue to run around. The female players walked as they kicked the ball from one side to the next. The players kicked the ball to the next person on the opposite side of the court.", "segments": [[0, 67.92], [58.36, 137.76], [85.14, 137.76], [138.72, 191.33]], "duration": 191.33, "id": 967}, {"image_id": "v_PXvqhB91EkA.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen riding exercise bikes next to one another while a woman stands in the middle motivating them. The people continue spinning around on the bikes with some struggling and others continuing to peddle.", "segments": [[0, 27.42], [22.15, 51.68]], "duration": 52.73, "id": 968}, {"image_id": "v_GEmuTigZlYA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen brushing copious amounts of hair off of a dog's body and collecting the fur in her hand. The dog moves his leg a bit as the woman continues brushing and looks back to watch her brush.", "segments": [[0, 80.73], [23.85, 90.83]], "duration": 91.74, "id": 969}, {"image_id": "v_YAm1JXAtqh4.mp4", "caption": "A person runs down a track and throws a javelin. Another person runs down the track and throws a javelin.", "segments": [[0, 7.45], [7.99, 27.08]], "duration": 27.08, "id": 970}, {"image_id": "v_0_ZLjaAEx5s.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. The lady whips her hair from side to side. The lady parts her hair. The lady brushes her hair, applies gel to her parted hair, and starts to braid her hair. The lady puts a hair ties around the two braids. The lady puts a hat on her head. The lady gives a peace sign and waves. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.82, 1.64], [3.28, 7.38], [8.2, 16.4], [18.86, 106.59], [108.23, 118.07], [150.86, 154.96], [159.88, 160.7], [162.34, 163.16]], "duration": 163.98, "id": 971}, {"image_id": "v_XqW8wjFpGRU.mp4", "caption": "People are dancing and choreographing a routine. They jump around and clap at the end.", "segments": [[0, 74.68], [34.15, 75.06]], "duration": 75.06, "id": 972}, {"image_id": "v_4hbMYlgO8_o.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down in a large field around small trees and holding a stick. The man then wacks the stick along the grass and moving his arms back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 1.52], [1.32, 3.61]], "duration": 3.61, "id": 973}, {"image_id": "v_6B3qNzgqnpc.mp4", "caption": "A person sitting in a canoe is slowly streaming down a river. A shot of a bird is seen off in the distance, as well as another bird. The canoe keeps floating while various bird are shown sitting in the water as well as the trees.", "segments": [[0, 6.34], [6.34, 17.04], [17.94, 36.25]], "duration": 36.25, "id": 974}, {"image_id": "v_d8M7yIj9jbE.mp4", "caption": "A young man is sitting down in a room talking to three other people serving as news anchors.The video then flips to a bar and shows Obama playing a game of pool.After,the four people begin talking again about the former president and his attire.", "segments": [[0, 24.04], [24.04, 48.4], [48.72, 64.11]], "duration": 64.11, "id": 975}, {"image_id": "v_KmhzUY2ooCw.mp4", "caption": "A backyard seen appears with several people outside. The people are playing a game of croquette, taking turns with the bat and hitting the balls.", "segments": [[0, 46.26], [50.15, 97.39]], "duration": 97.39, "id": 976}, {"image_id": "v_HKgnushHynQ.mp4", "caption": "People side dive into a swimming pool. People are standing in a swimming pool. Girls are dancing on the lawn in swim suits. People are jumping up and down in a swimming pool with their arms around each other. People begin playing water polo in the swimming pool.", "segments": [[61.02, 80.97], [80.97, 95.05], [96.23, 111.48], [120.87, 129.09], [134.95, 230.01]], "duration": 234.7, "id": 977}, {"image_id": "v_MyPQ_e4dGDw.mp4", "caption": "A lemon sits on a cutting board. Someone chops the lemon and squeezes it into a glass. The other half is squeezed in. They then add sugar to the mix.", "segments": [[0, 13.05], [14.14, 41.34], [40.25, 63.1], [69.62, 110.96]], "duration": 217.57, "id": 978}, {"image_id": "v_KNzFJses9jc.mp4", "caption": "A large crane is seen sitting on the ground and leads into a man using tools on a wall. The camera continues to watch the person work as he uses the tool to create sparks on the wall.", "segments": [[1.51, 54.44], [52.17, 148.94]], "duration": 151.21, "id": 979}, {"image_id": "v_H-fl49tiqGE.mp4", "caption": "women are in rubbers sliding down a snowy hill. women stands and laugh and walks.", "segments": [[0, 36.91], [36.91, 59.05]], "duration": 59.05, "id": 980}, {"image_id": "v_M2ntILX6VP0.mp4", "caption": "A baby calf is seen running around a sand pit when a man riding a horse and swinging a rope begins to chase him. The man ties up the calf and rides away while the video leads into shots of a horse kicking a rider off of it's back. More shots are shown of horses kicking riders off while people grab the horse in the end.", "segments": [[5.33, 83.18], [61.85, 174.89], [157.82, 205.81]], "duration": 213.28, "id": 981}, {"image_id": "v_1GzrcmQ5Pcc.mp4", "caption": "People are running around playing dodge ball. A woman is holding a camera taking a picture. A woman in a blue shirt poses with a man for a picture.", "segments": [[0, 160.31], [28.05, 28.86], [58.51, 61.72]], "duration": 160.31, "id": 982}, {"image_id": "v_0L959X4oxaY.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on top of a hill. A woman is seated on a sled. She is then released down the hill, moving quickly.", "segments": [[0, 5.61], [6.2, 26], [27.18, 59.1]], "duration": 59.1, "id": 983}, {"image_id": "v_g7l-Y_bgPkI.mp4", "caption": "Several people are watching a man in a white hat on a tennis court. The man in the white hat is holding his hand up. The ball is served and it goes outside the court. The ball is thrown to the man in the white hat. The man in the white hat prepares to serve the ball.", "segments": [[0, 26.56], [8.9, 13.14], [13.96, 16.56], [18.21, 22.72], [22.04, 26.83]], "duration": 27.38, "id": 984}, {"image_id": "v_pmn8_4zKo7I.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside smoking a cigarette with his friend. They are just sitting out relaxing blowing smoke. Another man with a camera walks by while they sit chatting. Its a nice day to just relax and have a smoke outside with friends.", "segments": [[0, 11.24], [11.24, 35.96], [35.21, 53.56], [53.93, 74.91]], "duration": 74.91, "id": 985}, {"image_id": "v_URzytLugoVw.mp4", "caption": "Two men are running on the baseball field. A ball appears and falls to the ground at home plate and a man kicks it. Another man on the field catches the ball. The man with the ball's team runs over to him. We see the play again slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 1.62], [7.03, 10], [10.55, 12.98], [12.44, 22.71], [28.66, 54.08]], "duration": 54.08, "id": 986}, {"image_id": "v_GgfyTMpHfnI.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl with a braid then shaking loose curls in her hair. We watch the girl as she curls and braids her hair. The girl using a curling iron and curls her hair. She then braids and twists her hair into a side braid. The girl shows us the back of her hair and then curls the bottom with a curling iron. The girl makes faces and the ending title screen then loads.", "segments": [[0, 17.17], [17.17, 186.7], [24.68, 61.16], [62.23, 179.19], [180.26, 186.7], [190.99, 214.6]], "duration": 214.6, "id": 987}, {"image_id": "v_zPZGjZES31A.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans a residence's yard. A man wearing a white hoodie and black warm ups with white stripes is mowing the yard with a push lawn mower. The camera captures a rain storm starting and raining over the yard while the man continues to mow the yard.", "segments": [[0, 12.19], [12.74, 74.22], [75.33, 110.77]], "duration": 110.77000000000001, "id": 988}, {"image_id": "v_Ug3pM64HhK4.mp4", "caption": "A Woman is braiding her hair. She is Crossing the strands. Her braid is done on one side and she continues on the next. Crossing and adding hair to the braid. She finishes and turns around and puts the back into a ponytail.", "segments": [[0, 174.01], [13.12, 62.08], [62.08, 129.41], [72.58, 126.79], [140.78, 174.88]], "duration": 174.88, "id": 989}, {"image_id": "v_MoVZoCmkdjY.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman sit behind a table. The man pours a drink into several glasses on the table. A woman is making a drink on the table. She pours a blue bottle into the drink. She pours the drink into smaller glasses on the table.", "segments": [[0, 148.96], [10.41, 40.84], [46.45, 80.09], [80.09, 81.69], [136.15, 145.76]], "duration": 160.17000000000002, "id": 990}, {"image_id": "v_HV_yqsiFoKA.mp4", "caption": "man wearing a black vest is alone on a ring wrestling with another man who is kneeling on the floor. two other men gets in the ring and are wresting the man in the center. people are around the ring wtching the wrest. three journalists are standing wearing suits and watch the men in the ring.", "segments": [[0, 6.16], [6.16, 30.79], [0, 30.79], [13.39, 16.16]], "duration": 30.79, "id": 991}, {"image_id": "v_Bbb8CybvMlk.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about wrapping gifts. Several different close up shots are shows of wrapped gifts and gift wrapping supplies. A person comes onto the screen and begins to wrap a gift. She decorates the gift with ribbons and attachments to embellish it. Several other gift wrapping ideas are then shown on the one after the other. The video ends with the closing credits shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.26], [4.26, 43.68], [43.68, 75.65], [75.65, 117.2], [117.2, 206.7], [206.7, 213.09]], "duration": 213.09, "id": 992}, {"image_id": "v_HiEClhlj5_A.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans down a long list and leads into a group of men and one speaking to them all. Two men shake hands and begin rolling paint along a long paper. They race to put the paper on a long wall and photographs of men measuring the wall follow. The men fist bump another and shake hands as the men continue writing down notes and pictures of high scores shown.", "segments": [[0, 16.25], [18.57, 48.74], [47.2, 111.41], [116.05, 154.74]], "duration": 154.74, "id": 993}, {"image_id": "v_IOoj4yWCoPg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting outside her home and washing her clothes in a tub filled with water and soap. She removes the clothes from the tub and then soaks them in another tub filled with water. She puts the water hose into the water tub. She adds more clothes in the soapy water and continues washing the clothes.", "segments": [[13.05, 34.41], [34.41, 54.59], [54.59, 74.36], [74.36, 77.92]], "duration": 79.11, "id": 994}, {"image_id": "v_xMQcYD044z4.mp4", "caption": "old man is standing in front of a young man talking to him. young man is in the middle of stage and its spreading white cram on his hands and walks making deep beraths. man is ready to lifting weight in middle of a white stage and people behind jim is clapping.", "segments": [[0, 16.73], [16.73, 49.24], [49.24, 95.62]], "duration": 95.62, "id": 995}, {"image_id": "v_0-CYG7bH54A.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of various ingredients laid out on a wooden board, followed by a set of hands cutting up certain ingredients. A person then grades some cheese into a bowl and breaks open the pasta. They put the pasta into a bowl as well as fry the shrimp and puts all the ingredients into one pan together. The person then serves the food onto a plate and text appears across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 25.79], [26.42, 47.19], [46.56, 101.92], [102.55, 125.83]], "duration": 125.83, "id": 996}, {"image_id": "v_GwJ9DmiW8dk.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a purple bodysuit and wearing a bib on her back approaches a wooden balance beam in front of a large audience who is cheering her on. The woman jumps on the the balance beam and a man quickly grabs the ramp she used to jump onto the balance beam and removes it from the area. The woman begins her routine that includes, jumps, flips, and small dance moves. During the routine the woman flips and slightly loses her balance but quickly recovers and remains on the balance beam.The woman goes to the furthest end of the balance beam, has a very concentrated look on her face and she quickly does a series of flips off of the balance beam, lands on her feet, throws her two arms in the air and waves to the audience who is cheering wildly.", "segments": [[0, 6.31], [6.31, 10.68], [7.28, 90.27], [43.19, 46.59], [82.5, 97.06]], "duration": 97.06, "id": 997}, {"image_id": "v_Ia3Aa4AO-_E.mp4", "caption": "two twins dressed in the same way and with the same hairstyle are in a room talking to the camera. the man in the back start putting some boxers above the pants and the man in front continue speaking to the camera. Man in front holds a brushteeth and put some toothpaste and clean his teeth, then the guy introduces the toothbrush into a honey pot and brush the teeth with it. man in front holds an hairbrush and the other guy drinks water, the other guy holds a toothbrush with jam and brush his teeth.", "segments": [[0, 10], [10, 31], [31, 69.49], [69.49, 99.99]], "duration": 99.99000000000001, "id": 998}, {"image_id": "v_3XUxm78gjJE.mp4", "caption": "People are playing baseball on a field of grass. A person in a blue shirt falls down throwing the baseball. The audience is dancing on the side of the field.", "segments": [[0, 143.28], [48, 50.86], [102.45, 121.07]], "duration": 143.28, "id": 999}, {"image_id": "v_RclRzty0YVE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing on the beach with a soccer ball in front of him and a person standing in a goal. The person then kicks the ball several times to the goalie. The goalie attempts to block the shots that are aimed at the net.", "segments": [[0, 29.64], [20.09, 70.83], [61.29, 97.46]], "duration": 100.47, "id": 1000}, {"image_id": "v_lngs7qR5AXA.mp4", "caption": "A man lays in bed and wakes up. The man makes and drinks a cup of coffee. The man drinks from the cup and when he lowers the cup the man is dress as Captain America.", "segments": [[0, 1.88], [1.98, 3.9], [3.9, 6.61]], "duration": 6.61, "id": 1001}, {"image_id": "v_nIIFlJnOXXs.mp4", "caption": "A woman standing behind an ironing board grabs a pair of pants. She starts ironing the pants inside out. She turns the pants back the right way and continues ironing them.", "segments": [[0, 22.11], [17.19, 69.39], [74.3, 122.81]], "duration": 122.81, "id": 1002}, {"image_id": "v_n-1KBnDiWQU.mp4", "caption": " A man is on a canoe holding a paddle in a swimming pool. A man pivots a canoe helping with an oar.", "segments": [[0, 9.55], [9.55, 30.3]], "duration": 30.3, "id": 1003}, {"image_id": "v_aV5DMcsNMmk.mp4", "caption": "A dog holding a cup in its mouth jumps up on a couch. The dog proceeds to eat something in the cup.", "segments": [[0, 1.13], [1.13, 56.73]], "duration": 56.73, "id": 1004}, {"image_id": "v_9OVSvoKwa0A.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in bumper cars. A man on the side is holding onto the side of one of the cars. He jumps off onto the side.", "segments": [[0, 111.35], [40.09, 41.76], [95.21, 97.99]], "duration": 111.35, "id": 1005}, {"image_id": "v_Z1siDLDwbiY.mp4", "caption": "A person begins clearing snow off of a windshield on a car. They then clean the snow off the doors of the car. They then clean the back window off of a car.", "segments": [[4.79, 112.65], [127.03, 147.4], [149.8, 183.35]], "duration": 239.68, "id": 1006}, {"image_id": "v_Ol2rfUv3zHI.mp4", "caption": " A man in a red shirt is playing a drum set. A man in a blue shirt is sitting down talking.", "segments": [[5.51, 129.02], [129.8, 157.34]], "duration": 157.34, "id": 1007}, {"image_id": "v_13vEnzRCKzo.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks to the camera. The woman irons a piece of clothing on an ironing board. The woman flips the piece of clothing. The woman continues to iron the piece of clothing.", "segments": [[0, 1.97], [2.63, 82.72], [82.07, 85.35], [86.66, 131.31]], "duration": 131.31, "id": 1008}, {"image_id": "v_FMXPFrZYhes.mp4", "caption": "A male athlete is outside in a field surrounded by people and begins to spin around and throws a shot put.The crowd begins to cheer and the man throws his hands up jumps in happiness.", "segments": [[0, 7.85], [7.77, 14.4]], "duration": 14.4, "id": 1009}, {"image_id": "v_29Vrl0rJbSo.mp4", "caption": "A lady stands in a bathroom talking. the lady shows the camera her brush and blow dryer. The lady brushes her hair. the lady blow drys her hair while she spins her hair on a brush. The lady turns the blow dryer off and talks to the camera while she adjusts her hair. The lady puts her brush down and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.21], [3.21, 10.71], [10.71, 51.43], [51.43, 174.65], [174.65, 210.01], [212.15, 214.3]], "duration": 214.3, "id": 1010}, {"image_id": "v_rrTNLcPCWK8.mp4", "caption": "People are gathered on bleachers in a gym. Team mates come out waving a white flag. A basketball game commences, trying to make baskets.", "segments": [[0, 44.42], [52.01, 70.42], [98.59, 216.69]], "duration": 216.69, "id": 1011}, {"image_id": "v_6NQl2Vcf0P0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a rodeo owing is performing a stunt. A man is riding a horse in a rodeo ring. the man lassos a cow and throws it to the ground. the man then hog ties the cow. The man gets back on his horse and we pan up and see the scoreboard.", "segments": [[0, 8.97], [0, 1.07], [0.46, 4.06], [4.06, 7.43], [10.57, 15.33]], "duration": 15.33, "id": 1012}, {"image_id": "v_yWCrbhU_X_U.mp4", "caption": "Two little kids are eating an ice cream cone at mcdonalds. They are licking and so happy to have ice cream. The little girl is playing peek a boo with someone and both of their faces have ice cream on them. They are just enjoying the ice cream very much.", "segments": [[0, 17.58], [17.58, 43.36], [43.36, 78.52], [78.52, 117.19]], "duration": 117.19, "id": 1013}, {"image_id": "v_G4tUTpJV-so.mp4", "caption": "An asian woman is seen kneeling on the floor. She rises very slowly, arms first. She does several martial arts moves for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.67], [9.41, 14.64], [18.82, 69.7]], "duration": 69.7, "id": 1014}, {"image_id": "v_Ffi7vDa3C2I.mp4", "caption": "Two men are rollerblading on a sidewalk of a quiet street. There are four young men and women rollerblading on a street with lots of trees. There are some professionals rollerblading in a stadium and on a sidewalk by a fountain. One man jumps over a chained sidewalk while rollerblading. A couple is rollerblading on a sidewalk and another man is jumping over a barricade onto a sidewalk. Several people are rollerblading on the sidewalk. There are some people competing in a rollerblading competition. There are some men rollerblading through streets at very high speed. Some of them are climbing stairs with their roller blades. Some men are rollerblading through a busy city and on bridges. There is a group of young children rollerblading together. One man leaps over a wall while rollerblading. One person dives straight into water as he comes rollerblading at high speed. People are rollerblading through the city, going down the stairs and even on sidewalks. Two boys jump into an S shaped structure while rollerblading. Two people are doing figure eights on a bridge as they roller blade. One person goes steadily while rollerblading.", "segments": [[8.01, 14.02], [14.02, 26.04], [26.04, 31.04], [31.04, 39.05], [39.05, 63.09], [63.09, 70.1], [70.1, 77.11], [77.11, 83.11], [83.11, 92.13], [92.13, 106.14], [106.14, 152.21], [152.21, 159.22], [159.22, 171.23], [171.23, 186.25], [186.25, 194.26], [194.26, 198.27], [198.27, 200.27]], "duration": 200.27, "id": 1015}, {"image_id": "v_zBmVL3I3nFU.mp4", "caption": "First the woman shows us how she looks with her afro before she makes a bug bun. First she sprays her hair with water from a spray bottle. Then she adds moisturizer to her hair and ties a ponytail holder onto her hair. Then she twists the ends of her hair to make a small bun and she wraps it to make it secure. Then she lightly twists the braiding hair and uses as many bobby pins as she needs. Finally, she puts gel on her edges to lay them down and she puts a bandanna on her edges. Then she takes it off and it's all done.", "segments": [[0.65, 8.39], [10.33, 19.37], [28.4, 32.92], [39.38, 45.83], [60.03, 73.59], [68.42, 91.02], [90.37, 111.67]], "duration": 129.1, "id": 1016}, {"image_id": "v_fUJ88Ir7Dgc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking around a track in the middle of a large audience. The athlete then sits down while another stands next to him and prepares. The man is then seen jumping over a bar followed by the same shot being shown again.", "segments": [[0, 29.16], [26.37, 57.53], [43.95, 77.9]], "duration": 79.9, "id": 1017}, {"image_id": "v_5RLeo8LymY4.mp4", "caption": "A pair is rowing on kayaks down a lazy river stream. They use paddles to move their kayaks along the water. The pair looks toward each other, as if talking.", "segments": [[0, 3.6], [3.85, 11.24], [11.56, 12.63]], "duration": 12.63, "id": 1018}, {"image_id": "v_FOF8YgUhRNA.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a glass being poured is shown and leads into a woman speaking to the camera. The woman holds a glass and mixes various liquids into the glass. The tops it off with a lemon and slides the drink closer and still speaking.", "segments": [[0, 18.43], [16.38, 57.69], [58.03, 68.27]], "duration": 68.27, "id": 1019}, {"image_id": "v_PlAVnu-ueM4.mp4", "caption": "Ms Smith is giving an interview talking about weight lifting, she speaks about how she started around 12. The coach briefly speaks about how gives them rest before every competition. She lifts the weight way above her head and drops it wearing her uniform. Everyone claps for her, and then you hear from her and the coach again before the interview is over.", "segments": [[0, 41.41], [41.41, 60.01], [60.01, 81.02], [81.02, 120.02]], "duration": 120.02, "id": 1020}, {"image_id": "v_Jm1y_W7RLSI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing before a camera and begins putting lotion on her hands and rubbing it round her face. The woman continuously rubs lotion all into her face and ends by looking into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 105.62], [60.59, 158.02]], "duration": 163.75, "id": 1021}, {"image_id": "v_KcgpoXEh44M.mp4", "caption": "Two women are in a room standing behind a table and one holds up a teddy bear.The two the help each other,and begin by taking out a roll of wrapping paper.After,the young girl begins to cut,fold, and tape the paper and places the bear inside.Finally,the task is complete and she holds the finished product up on the table.", "segments": [[0, 30.64], [30.15, 58.32], [58.81, 82.04], [82.04, 98.85]], "duration": 98.85, "id": 1022}, {"image_id": "v_0RZ5_8VD4vc.mp4", "caption": "This video allows viewers to hear the testimony of a customer who has used the pro roofing service. First the man tells how he heard about the service and how great it is. He also says that he chose pro roofing because the neighbors chose it and persuaded him by telling how great the service is.", "segments": [[3.39, 39.94], [4.99, 8.99], [8.99, 31.15]], "duration": 39.94, "id": 1023}, {"image_id": "v_bHxWHW2PGy4.mp4", "caption": "The white water polo team huddles together. The game begins and blue scores while deep in the white defense to tie the game. White answers with a powerful goal to grab the lead back. Blue moves in and after a couple of passes ties the game back up. White scores to take the lead, and blue comes right back to tie once again. A scramble for the ball results in white gaining a 2-on-1 advantage and a goal. They push their lead further late and put the game out of reach, winning 14-10. The team celebrates together in the water. The team celebrates their gold metal at the podium.", "segments": [[0, 10.18], [15.73, 31.46], [33.31, 38.86], [50.89, 59.22], [62.92, 100.86], [89.76, 108.26], [116.59, 136.02], [141.57, 166.56], [170.26, 185.06]], "duration": 185.06, "id": 1024}, {"image_id": "v_r4iurK3kOe8.mp4", "caption": "A girl and a dog is in the field. The girl is holding two frisbee, then she walked and turned side by side and the dog roll over in front of her, the dog touched the knees of the girl, the girl walked with her hands up and the dog walked with his two front paws up. The girl threw the frisbee and the dog chase of it and placed it on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 7.36], [6.3, 54.99], [35.03, 70.06]], "duration": 70.06, "id": 1025}, {"image_id": "v_kdjLJTGj4H0.mp4", "caption": "Women are playing a game of curling. The audience watching them cheers and applauds.", "segments": [[0, 89.17], [53.05, 53.94]], "duration": 89.17, "id": 1026}, {"image_id": "v_qvLFSqPCvn8.mp4", "caption": "A man grabs a tire from the back of the car and quickly runs to the front right of the car, drops it on the grass, then runs to the tire still on the car and begins to raise the car with a jack, and remove the lugs, rim and tire and throws them on the grass. The man then grabs the tire he pulled out from the back of the car, puts it on the car, puts the rim on it and tightens lugs onto them with his hand and then he picks up the tool and tightens the lugs with that.The man then removes the jack from under the car and tightens the lugs again with the tool and he stands up out of breath and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 62.43], [62.43, 155.69], [155.69, 158.06]], "duration": 158.06, "id": 1027}, {"image_id": "v_YWsqpINl8Ic.mp4", "caption": "A handyman is standing in front of a porch and talking. The man uses two squeegees to clean two windows at the same time. The man finishes and puts his tools in his tool belt. He smiles and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 10.09], [13.33, 62.69], [63.05, 67.37], [67.37, 72.05]], "duration": 72.05, "id": 1028}, {"image_id": "v_yVrru7t3478.mp4", "caption": "A camera is seen moving closer to a playground and shows a woman going down a slide. A dog rides down with her and another dog walks around the area. The woman rides down several more times with the small dog next to her.", "segments": [[0, 16.37], [15.61, 37.77], [29.46, 49.61]], "duration": 50.37, "id": 1029}, {"image_id": "v_g2Dv154zmMU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to the camera and leads into them passing a ball on sticks to one another. The woman pauses to speak to the camera several times as well as show more clips of the two hitting the ball.", "segments": [[1.62, 52.22], [53.84, 107.67]], "duration": 107.67, "id": 1030}, {"image_id": "v_yqkjHCPsdF0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people play water volleyball in a indoor pool with a few onlookers on the sidelines. A yellow volleyball is thrown between people in a pool. A person makes a goal with the yellow volleyball in a white net. The ball is thrown to the other side of the pool where another goal is met in a white net on the opposite side of the pool.", "segments": [[0.2, 40.16], [2.23, 9.33], [9.33, 13.79], [22.11, 39.35]], "duration": 40.57, "id": 1031}, {"image_id": "v_kC1DyxcRHBg.mp4", "caption": "There's a person wearing pink gloves doing a tutorial on how to clean a white kitchen sink. The person sprays some white cleaning powder in the sink and then sprays some Clorox bleach on it. Then takes a pink scrub and begins scrubbing the sink in back and forth motion. The person makes sure that all the sides of the sink are cleaned, including the drain. Then she starts the tap to wash off the powder and bleach. She then uses a paper towel to wipe off the water and clean off any residual powder from the sink.", "segments": [[0, 117.62], [3.53, 17.64], [15.88, 71.16], [49.99, 74.69], [69.99, 94.69], [92.92, 117.62]], "duration": 117.62, "id": 1032}, {"image_id": "v_AnPLZtJs7zE.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera next to a fence. The man is holding a paintbrush. The man dips the paintbrush into a bucket of paint and starts painting the fence. The man moves along the fence painting it. The man finishes painting and steps away from the fence.", "segments": [[3.83, 17.71], [5.26, 17.71], [20.1, 83.27], [42.59, 83.27], [85.18, 87.58]], "duration": 95.71000000000001, "id": 1033}, {"image_id": "v_f6Nhpyq1XdU.mp4", "caption": "A woman standing in front of the white sing, turned on the faucet, got some liquid soap and wash her hand. She turned around and get some hand napkins from the wall, wiped her hands and threw the paper in the trash basket.", "segments": [[0.17, 22.65], [14.05, 33.07]], "duration": 33.07, "id": 1034}, {"image_id": "v_bGql7ldp84A.mp4", "caption": "A woman comes onto the screen announcing that she will do a video on how to make a cookie dessert. She begins with all the ingredients she will need for the cookies and begins to combine the dry ingredients. She then proceeds to mix the wet ingredients in a glass bowl. After she mixes all the ingredients together she begins to roll the dough into balls and place them onto a cookie sheet, and puts them into the oven. She takes them out of the oven and begins to wrap them into individual sets. The video ends with the closing credits.", "segments": [[0, 24.66], [24.66, 42.67], [42.67, 81.55], [81.55, 128.02], [128.02, 184.92], [184.92, 189.66]], "duration": 189.66, "id": 1035}, {"image_id": "v_RCyZgp1F06s.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen sitting on a swing smiling at the camera. The boy moves back and fourth on the swing while another boy is seen swinging next to him. The two continue swinging back and fourth while the camera captures them from different angles.", "segments": [[0, 4.4], [2.75, 17.04], [14.84, 35.36]], "duration": 36.64, "id": 1036}, {"image_id": "v_aF0gDTbcOxE.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of robots fighting one another as well as the inside and outside of a building. More robots are shown close up as well as people adjusting the robots and setting them down to fight. The people continue using the robots and end by shaking hands and bowing with another man.", "segments": [[0, 42.92], [45.06, 104.07], [104.07, 209.21]], "duration": 214.57999999999998, "id": 1037}, {"image_id": "v_STgbw-zqZJM.mp4", "caption": "A leaf blower machine blows a large pile of leaves around a parking lot. The machine continues moving through the lot and flowing the leaves into a large pile.", "segments": [[0.41, 11.56], [11.56, 26.69]], "duration": 27.52, "id": 1038}, {"image_id": "v_JXL7LxJSjzw.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady in the woods chopping logs of wood. The lady puts a log on a platform. We see chickens running around the background. The lady laughs as she picks up a piece of wood. We see a chicken flapping it's wings in the background. The lady finishes and throws her hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 142.76], [2.86, 5.71], [42.83, 76.37], [68.52, 77.8], [109.21, 125.63], [134.91, 142.76]], "duration": 142.76, "id": 1039}, {"image_id": "v_5iIJl-wjE9U.mp4", "caption": "Girls are talking to the camera. They are making hand motions as they talk. They are playing rock, paper scissors. A girl is laying on the ged as another girl puts her butt in her face. The girl is talking to the camera again.", "segments": [[0, 111.74], [11.73, 43.02], [42.46, 68.16], [68.16, 101.13], [101.13, 111.74]], "duration": 111.74000000000001, "id": 1040}, {"image_id": "v_c3SJUucMqJQ.mp4", "caption": "A person picks up a cat off of a chair. They lay the cat down on their lap. They begin to clip the nails of the cat. A person is sitting next to them on a laptop. The person pets the belly of the cat. They take the cat back and set it in a chair.", "segments": [[13.73, 17.4], [36.62, 53.1], [53.1, 122.69], [41.2, 122.69], [130.01, 157.48], [167.55, 170.3]], "duration": 183.11, "id": 1041}, {"image_id": "v_WSaGZOdrjtM.mp4", "caption": "a male athlete prepares to run down a track. He takes off running, vaulting himself over a bar and onto a mat. He jumps up exuberantly, celebrating as the crowd cheers.", "segments": [[0, 14.78], [24.28, 79.16], [83.39, 211.11]], "duration": 211.11, "id": 1042}, {"image_id": "v_A0H6JceDqlg.mp4", "caption": "A man serves a tennis ball with a racket while he talks. The man bounces a ball and shows how to move the body, then he serves a ball. The man continues talking in the tennis court.", "segments": [[0, 31.39], [31.39, 89.04], [89.04, 95.89]], "duration": 114.15, "id": 1043}, {"image_id": "v_3PC5_h68qkc.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screen. People are putting on their supplies and riding in rafts down a river. We see the location name and the resort shots of the restaurants, bathrooms and more. We see people dance and play games outdoors and in a room in groups with balloons and dancing. We see people zip lining in the jungle.", "segments": [[0, 7.73], [9.66, 42.52], [43.48, 74.41], [76.34, 155.57], [157.51, 193.26]], "duration": 193.26, "id": 1044}, {"image_id": "v_RkhSR7pz9qc.mp4", "caption": "We see two teams of men playing soccer indoors. Two men collide and fall to the ground. Three men high five and hug each other. A man throws the ball clear across the room to the other goal. Two sets of people n the crowd are interviewed. We see the crowd and a man interviewed and see some scoring shots. We see three men stand and pose for a photo and a man is interviewed before we return to the game.", "segments": [[0, 43.75], [14.08, 16.09], [22.63, 25.14], [30.67, 43.24], [44.25, 49.78], [55.31, 89.5], [89.5, 100.57]], "duration": 100.57, "id": 1045}, {"image_id": "v_FTCCoZdr5fo.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are sitting on a couch talking. They are driving in a car down a street. They are rollerblading down a sidewalk.", "segments": [[1.08, 8.67], [15.17, 24.93], [143.07, 159.33]], "duration": 216.78, "id": 1046}, {"image_id": "v_PbZIYJxoWdY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into several shots of a boat on water as well as people holding a camera and wake boarding. The people are then seen climbing on a rock and walking around a forest, ending by jumping in the water. More clips are shown of them wakeboarding as well as riding in the boat and jumping into the water.", "segments": [[3.17, 61.76], [64.14, 120.35], [112.44, 152.03]], "duration": 158.36, "id": 1047}, {"image_id": "v_Ap7GCrt9C4w.mp4", "caption": "women are in the background of a gym lifting weights. man is preparing himself to lift weigh and stands in front of weight.", "segments": [[0, 25.83], [25.83, 143.5]], "duration": 143.5, "id": 1048}, {"image_id": "v_w-st-23ZQSs.mp4", "caption": "Stacy is clapping and getting pumped up and ready to perform. She gets her pole and starts running with it and jumps onto the cushion. Then, other women follow suit doing the same after her scoring differently. Next is the men's turn to take their turns one by one following the women.", "segments": [[0, 34.02], [34.02, 62.17], [62.17, 129.04], [129.04, 234.62]], "duration": 234.62, "id": 1049}, {"image_id": "v_xi4puZ1ulP4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen with seen wearing a tanktop with introduction text. The woman have hair tied back and applies eye make up to eyes using various brushes and colors. The woman begins to puts eye liner on with a fine pencil. The women takes cloth ties out of here hair and lets her hair down which is now curled. The woman uses a comb and hairspray to straighten parts of here hair then ties it back. Messages of tex are shown on the end of the video.", "segments": [[0, 18.1], [18.1, 73.52], [73.52, 104.06], [104.06, 149.3], [149.3, 202.46], [212.64, 226.21]], "duration": 226.21, "id": 1050}, {"image_id": "v_nxyENrsY4mo.mp4", "caption": "A small quote comes across the screen and the title pages follows.After,several people are pictured outside in a field grooming their horses.Finally,the people then get on their horses and they all begin competing with one another playing a game of Polo.As they play,a woman is shown on the side of the field taking pictures and a small logo for the photography shows on the end of the screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.31], [8.31, 37.41], [37.41, 133.01], [133.7, 138.55]], "duration": 138.55, "id": 1051}, {"image_id": "v_1UIhgxQXcfI.mp4", "caption": "This person has dried grains and is now putting them into a small blender. Then he adds an egg and salt to the grains, plus other ingredients too. Next he makes a ball of the grain and then flattens it out, he then puts a cup onto it to make little round shaped cookies. He puts them on a pan and into an oven, after they're done he eats them along with some beer.", "segments": [[0, 13.49], [23.62, 52.85], [38.23, 62.97], [115.83, 158.56]], "duration": 224.91, "id": 1052}, {"image_id": "v_rBsE1WGXbz0.mp4", "caption": "A man throws a ball onto a field. People are standing around measuring the distance. People are watching them from the sidelines.", "segments": [[2.62, 9.19], [9.19, 25.59], [9.19, 65.62]], "duration": 65.62, "id": 1053}, {"image_id": "v_7QA5qyCXwyg.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a living room. He is using his hands to beat a set of drums. He continues playing for the rest of the video.", "segments": [[0, 48.86], [59.59, 182.34], [185.92, 238.35]], "duration": 238.35, "id": 1054}, {"image_id": "v_36K1e9WgEpU.mp4", "caption": "Several people in donut shaped inflatable rafts float down a narrow stream guided by people helping them in the water and watched by a small group of people on nearby land. A group of people, float in a line, down a narrow stream of water in donut shaped, black inflatable rafts. One woman gets stuck on a rock in the raft and shimmies herself loose. The people reach the end of the narrow stream where a group of people help them off of the rafts and another small group of people watches them from nearby land.", "segments": [[0.55, 109.01], [3.87, 27.67], [27.67, 57.55], [56.99, 106.79]], "duration": 110.67, "id": 1055}, {"image_id": "v_Rvsc5eymWIg.mp4", "caption": "man is holding a impact drill pulling out a car wheel. man is holding the wheel in a table and taking out the rubber from the rim and he changes it for another. car is in street next to a mountain.", "segments": [[0, 12.69], [12.35, 60.7], [60.36, 68.59]], "duration": 68.59, "id": 1056}, {"image_id": "v_U8m-9nmAfGU.mp4", "caption": "A person fixes a strap on a guy. The guy moves closer to the edge. Two men places hooks on the guy. A man release a rope. The guy jumps of the edge or bungee jumps.", "segments": [[0, 0.47], [5.13, 26.59], [27.06, 42.92], [43.38, 50.85], [51.31, 93.3]], "duration": 93.3, "id": 1057}, {"image_id": "v_PbzmcZ_IORE.mp4", "caption": "A toy dog is walking on the floor. It stops to look around back and forth. Someone picks the dog up and puts it back down.", "segments": [[0, 77.37], [23.6, 65.76], [37.52, 42.17]], "duration": 77.37, "id": 1058}, {"image_id": "v_HvzJ-RJOF9Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while moving his arms around and others swim in a pool behind him. The man continues speaking to the camera and a person jumps off the diving board behind him.", "segments": [[0, 42.64], [41.4, 82.8]], "duration": 82.8, "id": 1059}, {"image_id": "v_gnZssGiQC7A.mp4", "caption": "A man at a professional sports event performs a long jump over a pit of sand in front of a stadium filled with people. The man begins by encouraging the audience to clap by throwing his hands up at the crowd and gesturing for applause. The man then kneels slightly to prepare for the run and begins to run down a stretch of narrow lane before catapulting in the air over the sandpit. The man lands on the other side of the pit and gestures to the audience again for applause as men smooth sand over with long handled and wide brush brooms, the audience claps and waves flags and camera people rush around the event capturing it on film.", "segments": [[0.36, 71.12], [3.2, 7.47], [9.96, 27.74], [28.45, 70.06]], "duration": 71.12, "id": 1060}, {"image_id": "v_4dVVaDvCzn0.mp4", "caption": "Words come across the screen over an image. We see ladies dealing cards on purple tables in a casino with no customers. the dealer smiles and deals cards and points to them. The dealer finishes and waves her arms across the table as words appear on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.19], [0, 11.01], [3.14, 8.48], [8.42, 11.01]], "duration": 11.01, "id": 1061}, {"image_id": "v_hg8WbkmC2nU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while walking around a kitchen and checking on food. Several shots of food are shown on tables as well as racks and the chef continues to speak to the staff behind. The man walks out front and speaks with the customers that are coming in and finished by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 83.81], [71.99, 182.67], [176.22, 206.3]], "duration": 214.9, "id": 1062}, {"image_id": "v_2Is_nJdG2to.mp4", "caption": "A woman brush the hair of a girl while talking sitting on a bed. Then, the woman kneel on the bed and touch the shoulders of the girl.", "segments": [[0, 14.88], [14.88, 18.72]], "duration": 18.72, "id": 1063}, {"image_id": "v_GHcNgllmcpM.mp4", "caption": "A large crowd is seen sitting before a stage and leads into a young woman hitting drums in a circle and moving around the stage. The woman continues hitting the drums while the crowd watches and ends with text scrolling across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 76.64], [52.22, 165.07]], "duration": 168.44, "id": 1064}, {"image_id": "v_T_CvR3zm6K8.mp4", "caption": "Men are playing volleyball in the sand. Cheerleaders are standing next to them watching. A woman is playing soccer on a beach.A man in a red shirt is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 184.45], [54.08, 56.98], [90.78, 91.74], [126.51, 131.34]], "duration": 193.14, "id": 1065}, {"image_id": "v_ehO168THGqU.mp4", "caption": "Two men skateboarding at an indoor skate park along side each other. They stop and give other pointers, trying to perfect how to jump on the rail. One of them tries again and again and the other gets a stick out of his bag and extends it towards the rail. Then, another male comes and joins in, they play rock paper scissors and get back on board.", "segments": [[0, 26.22], [26.22, 58.99], [58.99, 150.75], [150.75, 218.48]], "duration": 218.48, "id": 1066}, {"image_id": "v_Tm7N2HU4noQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a basketball title screen. A man is coaching as a teen makes basketball shots. The man takes the ball and demonstrates a hip move the the boy tries. The man demonstrates something and the boy shoots the ball. We see the tips on the screen 1 by one. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 17.28], [17.28, 216.06], [60.5, 111.27], [113.43, 159.89], [159.89, 199.86], [199.86, 216.06]], "duration": 216.06, "id": 1067}, {"image_id": "v_jrXoqceGS-k.mp4", "caption": "We see an animated opening screen. A man is driving then gets out of his car. We see a man rollerblading in a plaza and a skate park. We see the man's feet in the blades then a man's face. We see the man standing on an elevated sidewalk then skating on the railing. We see the man skate across a bench then put on sunglasses. We see the man turn and click a button and a car blows up. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 12.18], [12.18, 22.33], [23.34, 109.6], [53.79, 55.82], [111.63, 120.76], [152.22, 158.31], [193.83, 197.89], [199.92, 202.97]], "duration": 202.97, "id": 1068}, {"image_id": "v_MXN34b2OUjQ.mp4", "caption": "two girl teams play field hockey with hockey sticks and a small ball.the team with the burgundy shirts scores three times and the other team scored none.", "segments": [[0, 24.85], [3.98, 24.85]], "duration": 24.85, "id": 1069}, {"image_id": "v__bSRAXNa5PY.mp4", "caption": "We see a man dive into a pool in slow motion. We see the judges giving the man his score and talking to him. We see a lady clapping. We see the diver being interviewed. We see the crowd stand and clap. we see the final score cards for all the contestants.", "segments": [[0, 4.83], [7.25, 80.72], [32.87, 36.73], [38.18, 47.85], [81.2, 84.58], [87, 96.67]], "duration": 96.67, "id": 1070}, {"image_id": "v_TeXm2KTfkzo.mp4", "caption": "Trees blow in the breeze as a man mows the lawn. The sun peeks from behind the clouds and lights the scene up. the man stops and empties grass in the garbage. A man enters carrying a baby and leaves. The man mows along side of the bushes. The man stops and empties his bag again. The man empties his bag and puts it back on the mower and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 72.43], [10.72, 24.39], [20.69, 22.54], [37.32, 45.45], [48.04, 59.87], [59.5, 63.19], [71.32, 73.91]], "duration": 73.91, "id": 1071}, {"image_id": "v_oDZ6refg3Ew.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen performing a dance routine while moving around on the beach near the water. The woman continues moving around on the beach shaking her arms and legs and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 93.51], [85.29, 205.52]], "duration": 205.52, "id": 1072}, {"image_id": "v_oOnKQgQZOZ0.mp4", "caption": "A water polo match is happening at an enclosed swimming pool. There are a few spectators looking on from the sides of the pool, while a referee is following the actions to stay in control of the match. It is quiet other than the young kids that are involved in the game. They are having a great time and are very involved in what they are doing.", "segments": [[0, 4.84], [5.31, 9.37], [10.46, 22.02], [19.83, 30.92]], "duration": 31.23, "id": 1073}, {"image_id": "v_n7AaZhEOJSY.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a man performing various ballet moves while the camera follows and repeats in slow motion. The man interviews the camera and leads into another dancer performing steps. Several more people are seen performing dance moves and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.21, 49.02], [33.29, 96.23], [66.58, 114.99]], "duration": 121.05, "id": 1074}, {"image_id": "v_cQxTLj4XwuU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated on a couch. He lifts up a shoe and bottle of detergent. He takes it to a sink, where he washes it. He then places two pieces of fruit on top, and eats them off with his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 1.21], [1.21, 6.94], [7.09, 12.68], [12.9, 15.09]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 1075}, {"image_id": "v_2Peh_gdQCjg.mp4", "caption": "Descriptive text is shown against a red movie curtain backdrop. A coach shows different leg stances to a student for playing badminton. The coach returns serves from the student using the racket during a practice drill. The students returns serves from the instructor for a practice drill.", "segments": [[0, 13.45], [14.86, 48.83], [49.54, 87.05], [87.76, 137.3]], "duration": 141.55, "id": 1076}, {"image_id": "v_4KgIfmPLuAY.mp4", "caption": "A man kneels on a mat and shows her back an front with his left hand while talking. Then, the man lift a kettlebell and put on front his chest while talking. Then, the man put the kettlebell on the floor and continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 43.22], [44.67, 60.29], [60.29, 71.91]], "duration": 72.63, "id": 1077}, {"image_id": "v_k_ZCg9tqGQo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in front of mirror with a man beside her followed by her laying on a table. The man then quickly tattoos her face and transitions into her sitting up then back down again to show off her tattoo.", "segments": [[0, 9.53], [8.23, 23.52]], "duration": 23.52, "id": 1078}, {"image_id": "v_N_o9Qp0FLVY.mp4", "caption": "woman is in a shower spreading soap and water in her arms. woman is shaving her legs on the bathtub. someone open the curtains and is a man that is inside and runs from the bathroom with a mask on his face.", "segments": [[0, 19.06], [19.62, 45.68], [45.68, 56.05]], "duration": 56.05, "id": 1079}, {"image_id": "v_9H8OBfrm1Rw.mp4", "caption": "Rain is pouring down and a person is walking across the field pointing his finger across the field.After,he is shown in a field holding his hand up starts to play lacrosse.More games continue and the guy who was pointing begins making goals and leading his team.", "segments": [[0, 30.8], [30.8, 84.71], [84.11, 118.47]], "duration": 118.47, "id": 1080}, {"image_id": "v_3J_-uEjb8UE.mp4", "caption": "A red and blue triple-A logo is pictured on a white screen and then the screen flashes to a big snow truck.Once the truck is gone,there are various people plowing through the snow in attempt to get it off of the roads and to clear a walkway.After,a young Black male begins to talk and illustrate the snow on the cars as he represents the Public relations aspect of triple A.As the man continues to talk,a man with of bucket of water is shown and there is no longer any water on his car.After awhile, another man is pictured shoveling snow off of his car and then getting inside to adjust the radio,suddenly,the man is back outside and is scraping off snow from every aspect of the car including, windows,exhaust pipes, windshields,and tail lights then the black male comes back and continues to talk.", "segments": [[0, 2.2], [2.2, 7.68], [9.88, 32.93], [32.93, 38.42], [38.42, 219.52]], "duration": 219.52, "id": 1081}, {"image_id": "v_mz2-lgoNz1M.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a white shirt and a camouflage print hat and ear and lip piercings is demonstrating how to do permanent tattoos. He shows how he shaves the client's arm with a razor and rubs some alcohol on it to prep the skin. Then he places a stencil on the client's arm to lay down the outline of the tattoo. Then he applies some cream over the skin to minimize bleeding. He begins to use the tattoo machine to draw on the tattoo over the outline. He also shows how he uses different colors to fill in the outline of the design. He then completes the tattoo as per the client's specifications.", "segments": [[7.18, 19.39], [19.39, 30.88], [30.88, 50.27], [50.27, 71.82], [71.82, 96.24], [96.24, 126.4], [126.4, 143.64]], "duration": 143.64, "id": 1082}, {"image_id": "v_ZgIKmwnCqr4.mp4", "caption": "A little baby is outside holding a stick attempting to hit the pinata with it.Behind her,a lady is holding up the baby and assisting her as she hits the pinata.As the pinata bounces up and down,the young baby barely hits it and then ends up turning towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.99], [4.99, 11.96], [11.87, 17.21]], "duration": 17.21, "id": 1083}, {"image_id": "v_sTMbpIfI-6o.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is seated at a table in front of two glasses, a 7up bottle and a plate of lime slices. She adds the soda and lime slices to the glasses, squeezing the juice into the liquid before taking a drink.", "segments": [[0, 37.56], [39.81, 150.23]], "duration": 150.23, "id": 1084}, {"image_id": "v_hJ4ZU-FA5XA.mp4", "caption": "An old style television show is shown where a man cuts a woman's hair. A man then cuts her hair real short while another man looks in from outside.", "segments": [[0, 170.13], [42.53, 170.13]], "duration": 170.13, "id": 1085}, {"image_id": "v_po9uigsunAU.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside in a soccer field putting his equipment in a book bag.Once the things are in his bags,he secures it with his straps and begins jumping up and down.The main tasks begins and the man begins running through the woods.All of a sudden,a small body of water is shown and people are tubing and sitting down enjoying each other.", "segments": [[0, 16.06], [16.06, 49.58], [49.58, 125], [125.7, 139.67]], "duration": 139.67000000000002, "id": 1086}, {"image_id": "v_m6T68amiXjs.mp4", "caption": "A boy with a hat is seen walking and talking behind some trees. The boy sneaks out onto a field where another boy is playing field hockey. The boy in the hat takes the ball. The boy playing field hockey is seen leaping around in the background. The boy in the hat kicks the ball back to the field hockey player and another player is seen. The two field hockey players are seen running around and hitting the field hockey ball with their sticks. One of the field hockey players is seen with his arms and legs wrapped around the leg of the boy with the hat.", "segments": [[0, 24.67], [23.5, 32.89], [30.55, 50.52], [41.12, 46.99], [48.17, 56.39], [56.39, 212.64], [220.87, 225.56]], "duration": 234.96, "id": 1087}, {"image_id": "v_ExNd4o46kao.mp4", "caption": "A little girl uses a sweeper to hit a disc. The disc travels down the court before stopping, as do further discs. She continues playing the game, unsure how to win.", "segments": [[0, 36.59], [40, 136.16], [139.57, 170.2]], "duration": 170.2, "id": 1088}, {"image_id": "v_fxlTN3mCWDA.mp4", "caption": "There are several passengers traveling in a subway train. Two of the passengers are seated on folding chairs and they're playing drums on bongos. They continue to play the bongos while the other passengers are busy doing their own thing. One young boy who is seated near the players is watching them play. The players continue playing the bongos and drumming on them. After they stop playing, one person applauds them.", "segments": [[22.94, 62.86], [62.86, 81.55], [81.55, 94.3], [94.3, 160.56], [160.56, 167.35], [167.35, 169.9]], "duration": 169.9, "id": 1089}, {"image_id": "v_P6UwokP8BEg.mp4", "caption": "Three men exhibit hammer throws in an outdoor Olympic event surrounded by onlookers on the field and in bleachers. A man stands at an outdoor Olympic game and performs a hammer throw surrounded by people and and an audience in bleachers before letting the hammer go to fly in the air. Two more men perform a hammer throw in the same way releasing the hammer into the air to fly out into a field. Three men stand in the middle of a field and hold up medals that hanging around their necks.", "segments": [[5.87, 80.79], [9.93, 23.47], [35.21, 47.39], [82.6, 83.95]], "duration": 90.27, "id": 1090}, {"image_id": "v_tT7ljH8GCl8.mp4", "caption": "A lawnmower is outside next to a line of round rocks. A person starts the mower and begins pushing it alongside the rock border. We get a first hand view of the person's lawn being mowed as they turn and push the mower all over. The man's face is shown just before he turns off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.61], [8.41, 44.86], [45.66, 69.29], [70.5, 80.11]], "duration": 80.11, "id": 1091}, {"image_id": "v_Mfk4bUp_ZC0.mp4", "caption": "Children are riding the bumper cars at an amusement park or carnival. A Traffic jam traps the little girls in the middle of cars. the little girl in the hat smiles as she looks in her sisters face.", "segments": [[0, 80.74], [48.04, 54.09], [73.87, 77.1]], "duration": 80.74, "id": 1092}, {"image_id": "v_LwJFjFdJy5c.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting around an outdoor field. A dog is seen running up and down the field in the middle of the audience. The dog keeps running back and fourth while the camera watches from the side.", "segments": [[0.33, 11.09], [9.93, 24.83], [21.19, 31.95]], "duration": 33.11, "id": 1093}, {"image_id": "v_Bi3vlu17qp8.mp4", "caption": "A person in a black shirt gets hit by a ball. People standing on the beach are tossing around an orange ball. There are people swimming in the water behind them.", "segments": [[0, 2.28], [2.13, 28.45], [4.12, 28.45]], "duration": 28.45, "id": 1094}, {"image_id": "v_cdP8_KujTCE.mp4", "caption": "We see a colorful and playful title screen.We then see people in a room and outdoors at a fancy party. A woman walks through the door. The man in the suit come through the gate. A man in red walks past the camera. The lady in white sees the camera and hides. We see Colorful crystal like closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.96], [9.96, 100.71], [32.65, 36.52], [53.67, 57.55], [91.3, 95.73], [94.62, 100.71], [100.71, 110.67]], "duration": 110.67, "id": 1095}, {"image_id": "v_IjdTjpaPPNg.mp4", "caption": "People are riding horses along a dirt trail. They are crossing a river of water on the horses. They continue on their ride on the horses.", "segments": [[0, 81.89], [82.64, 91.66], [93.91, 150.26]], "duration": 150.26, "id": 1096}, {"image_id": "v_hKn_RK3VSAo.mp4", "caption": "Several people in a lab create a formula, and interview with a journalist, interspersed with images of people applying sunscreen to themselves. Many people are shown on video in candid shots of them applying sunscreen to themselves while outdoors. A woman in a lab prepares a formula of varied ingredients interspersed with talking to a camera. More scientists are shown in the lab interviewing and talking intermixed with shots of them preparing formulas in the lab and one final shot of a man in an outdoor market handling ingredients for sale.", "segments": [[6.61, 118.94], [6.61, 25.23], [27.03, 63.07], [63.67, 118.34]], "duration": 120.14, "id": 1097}, {"image_id": "v_GCtrfXIBbwA.mp4", "caption": "young man is playing the harmonica. young man introduces his video lesson and lays out the lesson plan. Musical notes are displayed onscreen while harmonica plays.", "segments": [[0, 29.17], [29.17, 58.34], [58.88, 108.04]], "duration": 108.03999999999999, "id": 1098}, {"image_id": "v_bu7zk-YxEoY.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is seen stepping up to a beam and beginnings performing a gymnastics routine on it. The woman continues moving around on the beam and ends with her jumping down with her arms up and speaking to her coach as her ending is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[1.29, 66.36], [48.96, 123.69]], "duration": 128.85, "id": 1099}, {"image_id": "v_GHOCVoZsFHE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera an leads into clips of him demonstrating martial arts with another man. The men continue to demonstrate with one another while pausing to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[1.74, 41.87], [50.59, 111.08]], "duration": 116.31, "id": 1100}, {"image_id": "v_CXM1sXEMSWI.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a funny video about beer drinking. Some guys in a room prepare to do a trick with a beer can. They perform the trick and a guy begins to chug the beer. Shortly thereafter, the guy begins throwing up all the beer into a trash can while everyone laughs.", "segments": [[0, 4.32], [4.32, 35.03], [35.03, 47.02], [47.02, 95.97]], "duration": 95.97, "id": 1101}, {"image_id": "v_s82_J03bqwQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding in on a skateboard followed by a man drinking a beer through a hose and a man sitting in a car flipping off the camera man. More random shots are show of landscapes, dogs, people standing around, and moving along the water. The video leads into people riding along on the water kite surfing and leads into a man speaking to others outside while smoking a cigarette.", "segments": [[0, 77.82], [70.96, 169.38], [180.83, 228.89]], "duration": 228.89, "id": 1102}, {"image_id": "v_YaHTgeeDs7s.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of kids are playing on the bumpers cars at an amusement park. The crash into each other over and over and seem to be a bit confused as to what to do. They have smiles on their faces as they continue to go around the track.", "segments": [[0, 5.35], [5.55, 24.99], [24.79, 39.66]], "duration": 39.66, "id": 1103}, {"image_id": "v_0jrThYemNLs.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a white fencing mask and a black fencing mask. A fencing coach gives instruction to the two fencing competitors. Two competitors discus fencing strategies. More fencing scenes while a girl and boy argue on the sideline. More competition with the fencing couch watching and critiquing.", "segments": [[0, 11.52], [11.52, 23.36], [23.68, 28.16], [28.48, 35.84], [35.84, 64]], "duration": 64.0, "id": 1104}, {"image_id": "v_CvVqbdk6owc.mp4", "caption": "A groip of dancers are on stage doing a routine for the audience. The car show shows the inside of some pretty neat cars with beautiful exteriors. Another group of dancers take turns break dancing on their heads. They go one by one and are circled by and audience watching around them.", "segments": [[0, 22.21], [22.21, 33.14], [33.14, 53.95], [53.95, 70.52]], "duration": 70.52, "id": 1105}, {"image_id": "v_a_n3mR1iVDI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen hosting a news segment that leads into several shots of people shuffling pucks along the ice in slow motion. More shots are shown of people playing the game and ends with a 3d animation across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 77.54], [71.87, 189.13]], "duration": 189.13, "id": 1106}, {"image_id": "v_So3EfVyUP64.mp4", "caption": "A woman with short hair is seen talking to the camera then flipping a pair of paints inside out. She folds the pants neatly on an ironing board and begins ironing the paints thoroughly.", "segments": [[0, 23], [25.23, 63.88]], "duration": 63.88, "id": 1107}, {"image_id": "v_j9ww01sQkvY.mp4", "caption": "The camera focuses on a smiling man seated next to others. Another individual walks through the frame foreground and briefly obscures the first man.", "segments": [[0, 9.64], [7.37, 8.1]], "duration": 9.64, "id": 1108}, {"image_id": "v_t3UI2gjo8X8.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in the pool with a cap on. We see a man make a goal with a ball. We see another goal scored. We see another goal being scored. We see the man score a goal and swim off. We see the man outdoors swimming and make 3 goals. We see another score and the men playing in the water.", "segments": [[0, 2.63], [7.55, 20.04], [19.38, 22.01], [22.01, 25.62], [28.58, 41.06], [42.04, 60.76], [62.41, 65.69]], "duration": 65.69, "id": 1109}, {"image_id": "v_huv327wdIU8.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys are shown running down a gym holding hands and putting their hands into the air. A woman speaks to the boys while they drink some water and transitions into them playing a game and scoring a goal. The same shot is shown again in slow motion and several more shots of the boys playing are shown.", "segments": [[0, 17.27], [17.84, 32.81], [32.81, 115.13]], "duration": 115.13, "id": 1110}, {"image_id": "v_hIQ4Lmazo4g.mp4", "caption": "We see two little girls in coats playing in the sand. We pan left and see the ocean. We return to the girls. The wind blows he left girls hood on to her head. We pan left to see the ocean again. The left girl moves her hair out of her face as she talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.73], [10.06, 20.46], [21.8, 48.3], [22.81, 25.49], [49.31, 62.39], [63.39, 67.08]], "duration": 67.08, "id": 1111}, {"image_id": "v_EfJO4zg7bYE.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing beside a counter while holding a rag. He picks up a container of polish and talks about the surface of the counter. He rubs it down with polish and the two rags, then dusts it to a shine.", "segments": [[0, 53.88], [58.47, 182.28], [183.43, 229.29]], "duration": 229.29, "id": 1112}, {"image_id": "v_qBEdCDpoeTc.mp4", "caption": "A blue screen flashes with yellow writing with a title page and several paragraphs.A man then appears in a cage with a circle in it spinning in circles before he throws a shot put.The video replays and it stops as he makes the correct steps to throw the ball beginning with the shoulder and following through with the rest of the body.", "segments": [[0, 31.25], [31.98, 82.13], [82.13, 145.36]], "duration": 145.36, "id": 1113}, {"image_id": "v_91ozOcjKl5M.mp4", "caption": "Ingredients are shown on a sliver platter. A man begins chopping food on a black chopping board. He adds pasta to a large pot on the stove. He starts cooking in a pan on the stove. He covers the pan with a lid. He puts the pasta into a bowl. He pours the sauce on top of the pasta.", "segments": [[21.48, 54.17], [64.44, 78.45], [82.18, 93.39], [96.19, 137.28], [139.15, 141.95], [148.49, 154.1], [160.63, 169.97]], "duration": 186.78, "id": 1114}, {"image_id": "v_xOTW_-tiEjY.mp4", "caption": "A baby is sitting at a table eating a Popsicle. He takes a bite out of his Popsicle. He takes something out of his bib and puts it in his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 171.97], [89.42, 110.06], [165.95, 171.97]], "duration": 171.97, "id": 1115}, {"image_id": "v_b1uGF3c3Vz4.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is sitting in a chair playing with a cat.She then takes clothes pins,grabs the nape of the hair and clips the cats nails.After awhile,the cats tries to bite her hands,once the girl is done,she removes the pins and waves at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 15.72], [15.72, 59.3], [59.3, 71.45]], "duration": 71.45, "id": 1116}, {"image_id": "v_SkytxdoXLs4.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are running between orange cones on a court. They are competing to see how quickly they can jump between them as the coach claps and cheers them on.", "segments": [[0, 91.76], [91.76, 166.84]], "duration": 166.84, "id": 1117}, {"image_id": "v_P2H4fTMMHNE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is ironing a brown shirt on an ironing board. She looks at the tag on the shirt. She continues ironing the shirt on the ironing board. She lifts the shirt up and puts it over the ironing board. She turns the shirt inside out and holds it up.", "segments": [[0, 79.46], [23.93, 33.41], [23.93, 88.04], [49.21, 54.18], [84.88, 90.29]], "duration": 90.28999999999999, "id": 1118}, {"image_id": "v_rS8T1dAdiCs.mp4", "caption": "A girl sits a table talking. We see an intro screen. The girl sits at the table and shows a gift bag. A cat runs across the table and jumps off. We see the girl puts gifts into a gift bag with tissue paper. The girl moves the cat off the table and onto the floor. The girl adds more tissue paper to the bag.", "segments": [[0, 3.9], [3.9, 10.13], [10.91, 27.29], [27.29, 34.3], [34.3, 109.15], [111.48, 120.84], [120.84, 155.92]], "duration": 155.92000000000002, "id": 1119}, {"image_id": "v_WhOsURGm0Kg.mp4", "caption": "Several cups are shown sitting on a table with a man standing behind. The man then throws the ball into a cup and cheers. He finally walks away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.24], [4.97, 11.25], [11.25, 15.81]], "duration": 16.3, "id": 1120}, {"image_id": "v_36JC5C6I4sg.mp4", "caption": "People wash a car with water using a hose. A man stands on the side watching the men. Then, the men put soap on the car, after they rinse the car with water. A man gets inside the car.", "segments": [[0, 58.18], [60.06, 118.24], [119.18, 135.13], [135.13, 180.18]], "duration": 187.69, "id": 1121}, {"image_id": "v_4KzG9JBE9V8.mp4", "caption": "A kid rides an inner tube down a big snow hill. People stand and sit on the sides of the snow hill watching.", "segments": [[0, 23.79], [0, 25.58]], "duration": 25.58, "id": 1122}, {"image_id": "v_P4Z4sQNQtJM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing outdoors in a pink martial arts outfit. She moves slowly, showing various martial arts moves. She continues moving slowly as the names of the moves appear onscreen.", "segments": [[0, 18.84], [20.93, 117.23], [121.42, 209.34]], "duration": 209.34, "id": 1123}, {"image_id": "v_sjE-hHKFghc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen wearing roller blades and speaking to the camera. She then rides around on her blades while looking over to the camera and speaking. She continues demonstrating how to properly use the blades and moving around.", "segments": [[0, 50.16], [50.16, 172.9], [122.74, 210.26]], "duration": 213.46, "id": 1124}, {"image_id": "v_wAqQ-8OxhXY.mp4", "caption": "A close up of homes are shown with a person walking with a dog and then speaking to the camera. The man continues speaking as he leads the dog around the neighborhood.", "segments": [[3.87, 45.62], [34.43, 85.22]], "duration": 86.08, "id": 1125}, {"image_id": "v_dtEs78TCOZQ.mp4", "caption": "An older gentleman is brushing a brown horse. He turns around and talks to an older lady. The horse lifts its leg up.", "segments": [[0, 41.91], [41.3, 48.34], [51.09, 61.19]], "duration": 61.19, "id": 1126}, {"image_id": "v_DXOKFXlx84M.mp4", "caption": "A dog is seen laying comfortably in a large bowl with a man beside him. The man is seen kneeling down next to the dog and begins rubbing him down. The man continues to clean off the dog in the bath.", "segments": [[0, 1.79], [1.61, 3.98], [3.35, 5.24]], "duration": 5.27, "id": 1127}, {"image_id": "v_u6FTTLK6GUg.mp4", "caption": "People are playing dodge ball in a gym. They start throwing the balls at each other.", "segments": [[0, 35.99], [9.18, 35.99]], "duration": 35.99, "id": 1128}, {"image_id": "v_a0bj_vVpK9s.mp4", "caption": "A man pushes a tube down a hill. Another person sleds down the hill on a tube. A person in a red jacket is standing at the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 11.29], [14.8, 41.13], [46.39, 50.16]], "duration": 50.16, "id": 1129}, {"image_id": "v_9QnASEwOBT4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to a woman as she puts on a belt and then walks on stage. The woman then bends down and lifts a large weight over her head, followed by throwing it down and walking off stage. Her same lift is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 35.17], [34.17, 83.21], [83.21, 99.06]], "duration": 99.06, "id": 1130}, {"image_id": "v_j4EFi_NoEbQ.mp4", "caption": "boy is skateboarding in a skate park at night. boy is skateboarding in a sidewalk with peopl walking by. man is skateboarding in street and a car almost run over. scenes of men skteboarding in a fences and falling off.", "segments": [[0, 28.39], [28.39, 37.03], [37.03, 39.09], [39.5, 82.29]], "duration": 82.28999999999999, "id": 1131}, {"image_id": "v_zUPadKgtYHw.mp4", "caption": "a lot of people are on a marathon running in street while people is on sides. different women and men are acrossing the finish.", "segments": [[0, 34.46], [34.46, 137.83]], "duration": 137.82999999999998, "id": 1132}, {"image_id": "v_Kbr2nr94EB0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is talking on a basketball court. A boy is playing basketball on the court.", "segments": [[0, 26.95], [26.06, 88.35]], "duration": 88.35, "id": 1133}, {"image_id": "v_zSWuVb-aYAA.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A lady performance on stage with a dog(s) . The dog fetches plates that the lady tosses. A second dog joins the act on stage. The dogs fetch plates together. A dog continuously jumps over another dog and into the lady's hand. A dog jumps through hula hoops. A dog jumps from the stage onto the lady's back. A dog bites on a red plate and does not let go. A dog jumps on a lady's elevated soles. The performers take a bow and with the dog exit the stage. The stage curtains are drawn. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.82, 7.4], [9.04, 135.59], [15.61, 137.23], [24.65, 30.4], [30.4, 32.05], [32.87, 41.09], [43.55, 71.49], [71.49, 74.78], [78.89, 96.97], [132.3, 133.95], [139.7, 146.27], [147.09, 151.2], [160.24, 163.53]], "duration": 164.35, "id": 1134}, {"image_id": "v_09G6PvM5q9Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands behind a table with high heels on it. She starts wiping off the shoe. She uses a q-tip to clean the side of the shoe. She sprays the shoe with Windex and wipes it off.", "segments": [[0, 203.22], [23.37, 49.79], [79.26, 108.72], [144.29, 203.22]], "duration": 203.22, "id": 1135}, {"image_id": "v_3oJ62-Ce9ys.mp4", "caption": "A hand is seen putting weights on a bar and leads into a person lifting weights on their shoulders and walking. The person sets the weights down and walks back with the weights lunging.", "segments": [[0, 22.61], [23.22, 60.3]], "duration": 60.3, "id": 1136}, {"image_id": "v_JI5_cMwgnxI.mp4", "caption": "A guy wearing a red plaid shirt is showing a tutorial on how to trim and prune trees in a garden. He is using a pair of garden shears to chop off the excessive leaves grown on the trees. He then demonstrates how to fertile the trees and shrubs by using some fertilizer balls. He then used a liquid fertilizer on the trees and plants to fortify them. He finally waters the trees and plants with a hose to complete the process.", "segments": [[29.61, 53.45], [53.45, 85.95], [85.95, 110.51], [110.51, 136.51], [136.51, 144.45]], "duration": 144.45, "id": 1137}, {"image_id": "v_pPsqB3tY7hk.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of landscapes are shown as well as people pushing a puck to play shuffleboard. More shots of the game are shown as well as text instructions on how to play. A man keeps score and leads into more shots of the game being played.", "segments": [[3.95, 48.42], [41.01, 65.22], [66.21, 92.9]], "duration": 98.83, "id": 1138}, {"image_id": "v_5MfhJjbNNJE.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a jump rope and talking. He starts jump roping and doing tricks.", "segments": [[0, 11.25], [11.74, 48.9]], "duration": 48.9, "id": 1139}, {"image_id": "v_nSgBX7D4XLA.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen standing on a boat with one pushing a shuffleboard. The men then begin playing shuffleboard with one another while taking turns. They continue playing on the side of the boat.", "segments": [[0, 3.24], [3.24, 9.72], [12.96, 71.29]], "duration": 72.01, "id": 1140}, {"image_id": "v_WgJy8seQ7z4.mp4", "caption": "Two men are arm wrestling on a table. Another man walks up to the table and stands in front of them. They finish arm wrestling and they start to stand up.", "segments": [[0, 55.6], [25.12, 55.6], [56.17, 56.45]], "duration": 56.45, "id": 1141}, {"image_id": "v_loYCYGQpGRw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is adding ingredients to a pan on the stove. She stirs the ingredients in the pan. She pulls a large pot of pasta and dumps it into the pan.", "segments": [[25.32, 109.74], [108.05, 117.34], [146.88, 168.83]], "duration": 168.82999999999998, "id": 1142}, {"image_id": "v_G4kjV4ulJzo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is walking down the street with two dogs. The larger dog is holding a leash in his mouth. The smaller dog is attached to the leash, and is essentially being led by the larger dog on the walk. A man walks in front, leading the way.", "segments": [[0, 5.95], [6.76, 27.32], [27.86, 44.63], [44.91, 54.1]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 1143}, {"image_id": "v_VmwvfQDR4YQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing flips on the grass. A man in a white hat is standing next to the man. One of the men throws a rock into the air.", "segments": [[0, 231.23], [85.55, 86.71], [195.39, 198.85]], "duration": 231.23, "id": 1144}, {"image_id": "v_kv8lsSjfguI.mp4", "caption": "Families are outside in a large field standing behind an orange make shift fence listening to a woman talk into a microphone.A male then comes along dressed in the same shrit as a woman and begins to throw Frisbees to a dog.This activity continues and the dog begins jumping over the dog's head and its back.Others then join in and the boy picks up the dog and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 10.24], [10.85, 41.58], [41.58, 101.83], [101.83, 120.51]], "duration": 120.51, "id": 1145}, {"image_id": "v_6KG4p_pfMQc.mp4", "caption": "man wearing a red shirt is standing in a large green field behind kids. little blonde kid throw a ball and a kid kicks the ball in the field. kisd are running in the field to catch th ball.", "segments": [[0, 12.26], [3.31, 8.71], [8.71, 12.26]], "duration": 12.26, "id": 1146}, {"image_id": "v_0rDb-zfhH0E.mp4", "caption": "A boy and girl in a karate uniform are playing in front of a camera. They talk about how they earned their karate uniforms and what they like about karate. The girl talks about her brother and more about karate. The girl plays effects on her brother. The girl does various karate moves for the camera. Then the brother does several different karate moves for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 69.37], [11.06, 27.15], [19.1, 43.23], [45.24, 70.38], [73.4, 156.85], [156.85, 201.09]], "duration": 201.09, "id": 1147}, {"image_id": "v_2duxXAsCW0k.mp4", "caption": "A man with an umbrella is wiping his car during the rain. He smiles at the camera and begins to talk to the camera person.", "segments": [[0, 17.42], [18.52, 29.7]], "duration": 36.67, "id": 1148}, {"image_id": "v_V2ltLccVh_Q.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of paintball gear as well as a man smoking a cigarette. This leads into people playing paintball with one another and running around. More shots are shown of people playing and speaking to one another.", "segments": [[0, 11.75], [11.49, 37.6], [36.29, 50.13]], "duration": 52.22, "id": 1149}, {"image_id": "v_Vpue9WHrcAk.mp4", "caption": "A woman puts a cigarette in her mouth. Then, the woman lights a cigarette and smokes. The woman blows smoke from his mouth.", "segments": [[4.06, 8.12], [9.03, 27.98], [28.43, 88.45]], "duration": 90.26, "id": 1150}, {"image_id": "v_ZgVmS-AhYgA.mp4", "caption": "A group of rafters carries a raft down a path. Groups of rafters ride down a river going over small waterfalls. The rafters climb out from there boat onto the shore and walk up the path. People jump from rocks into a swimming hole of the river. The rafters enjoy an outdoor lunch at a beach house.", "segments": [[22.15, 25.2], [28.26, 112.26], [114.56, 120.67], [121.43, 130.59], [132.88, 140.52]], "duration": 152.74, "id": 1151}, {"image_id": "v_uLXSOqRSa4A.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are on a lift way above the mountains. A person climbs onto it, looking down. They bungee jump, hanging and swinging above the ground.", "segments": [[0, 32.88], [36.28, 179.13], [183.66, 226.74]], "duration": 226.74, "id": 1152}, {"image_id": "v_4dw_Hk9Wpc4.mp4", "caption": "A large school of small fish swim in the ocean. A seal swims in the ocean. The scene switches to a dog scuba diving with humans. The dog is shown with a human on a ship, with part of its scuba equipment on. The scene returns to the dog scuba diving. The scene changes to a cat walking around. The cat is shown swimming and scuba diving. The cat and dog are shown in various quick scenes together.", "segments": [[0, 3.93], [4.91, 10.31], [10.31, 25.03], [26.01, 30.92], [31.41, 67.23], [67.23, 74.59], [74.59, 88.83], [89.81, 98.15]], "duration": 98.15, "id": 1153}, {"image_id": "v_SKbjRXF35Wk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are dancing on a dance floor. People are sitting and standing on the sidelines watching them dance. They continue to dance on the dance floor.", "segments": [[0, 172.13], [6.89, 172.13], [86.93, 172.13]], "duration": 172.13, "id": 1154}, {"image_id": "v_m0u1kjhlHJ4.mp4", "caption": "A man puts a ball on the ground, then throws a flag. He hits the ball, setting a game into motion. The players fight over the ball, getting it into the goal and the audience cheers. The game continues as the players compete.", "segments": [[0, 5.61], [7.72, 28.77], [32.98, 124.9], [127.7, 140.33]], "duration": 140.32999999999998, "id": 1155}, {"image_id": "v_BshSmo_rRII.mp4", "caption": "A man watch through a window two bears copulate while brushing a shoe. A girl enters the room and see the bears, then she leaves the room.", "segments": [[0.65, 35.21], [15.65, 24.56]], "duration": 43.47, "id": 1156}, {"image_id": "v_ZYAY3TEUjGI.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a chair getting his hair cut by a barber.A man takes a comb and a pair of scissors and starts to cut the hair above the comb and then combs it to the front of the man's head.The male then turns and the middle of the hair begins to get trimmed.Next is the sides and the same actions are repeated until the hair is finished.Finally,razors are taken out and the barber begins to edge the man's hair and the barber goes over the hair one final time with the comb and scissors.", "segments": [[0, 30.26], [30.26, 80.11], [80.11, 111.27], [111.27, 134.41], [133.52, 178.03]], "duration": 178.03, "id": 1157}, {"image_id": "v_OTwG3OCsPoY.mp4", "caption": "A man is see speaking to the camera while sitting on a piece of exercise equipment. He adjusts the settings on the machine and begins using it back and fourth. He grabs onto the machine and moves himself ending by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 24.53], [24.53, 73.07], [64.38, 99.13]], "duration": 102.19, "id": 1158}, {"image_id": "v_YbEX3klOS3Q.mp4", "caption": "A male athlete prepares himself to run. He runs with a javelin over his shoulder. He throws it as hard as he can. Then others do the same shortly after.", "segments": [[0, 5.86], [7.24, 25.87], [27.25, 60.36], [61.05, 68.99]], "duration": 68.99, "id": 1159}, {"image_id": "v_dygVFom6V5c.mp4", "caption": "Two women are riding on the back of a four wheeler, and waving. A man is shown posing with several people, going to a field to play paintball. The people gear up and hide behind obstacles, shooting at one another.", "segments": [[0, 21.2], [26.25, 78.76], [84.82, 201.94]], "duration": 201.94, "id": 1160}, {"image_id": "v_ui_CNb4FUtQ.mp4", "caption": "A man plays the saxophone in various public settings while the audiences watch. The man plays while laying on the ground. A security guard accosts him and escorts him away. The man stands up and walks away while playing. More scenes of the man playing the saxophone in various public settings are shown.", "segments": [[8.34, 46.49], [46.49, 63.18], [51.26, 85.83], [63.18, 85.83], [87.02, 230.08]], "duration": 238.42000000000002, "id": 1161}, {"image_id": "v_xpoIzpip_TQ.mp4", "caption": "Players are on a court playing volley ball. A man in a black shirt dives and hits the ground. Someone scores and the crowd celebrates.", "segments": [[0.79, 78.27], [30.59, 32.18], [64.76, 79.46]], "duration": 79.46000000000001, "id": 1162}, {"image_id": "v_HJZj6z1dyT4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a fooseball table is shown with people moving polls all around. The man bounces up and down as the people continue to play with one another. One man runs away to grab the ball and leads back into them playing.", "segments": [[1.96, 22.94], [20.99, 45.05], [38.89, 55.4]], "duration": 55.96, "id": 1163}, {"image_id": "v_V66cwBOS80A.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while a large group of people walk behind him. Several shots are then shown of people riding down a riving in a raft while some fall out. More clips are shown of people riding in the water as well as falling out and yelling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 56.57], [47.87, 120.1], [113.14, 167.97]], "duration": 174.06, "id": 1164}, {"image_id": "v_LDSEEw5oUM4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking onto a large gym floor while holding a baton and striking a pose. The woman then performs a dance routine with the baton throwing it up into the air and spinning around. She continues spinning around and holds a pose in the end and walks away from the judges.", "segments": [[0, 15.51], [16.28, 103.91], [103.91, 155.09]], "duration": 155.09, "id": 1165}, {"image_id": "v_L0arB1mOuSE.mp4", "caption": "Several clips of shown of people playing kickball against one another in a large field. Several clips are shown of people running around, catching and throwing the ball, as well as partying on the side.", "segments": [[0.46, 29.62], [19.59, 89.77]], "duration": 91.14, "id": 1166}, {"image_id": "v_MAUZbZnbM_Y.mp4", "caption": "web page and the adress of the company. green signs on a pole. woman is talking on the phone inside a car store. man is polishing a black car while people is watching. two men are cleaning the car on the outside and the inside. three cars are parked in front of the store.", "segments": [[0, 15.06], [15.06, 20.67], [20.08, 29.52], [28.34, 39.27], [38.68, 45.76], [45.47, 59.05]], "duration": 59.05, "id": 1167}, {"image_id": "v__fwExctFJpg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding around on a horse holding a piece of rope in his hands moving back and fourth. The man backs the horse up a bit and then takes off chasing a calf and roping him and tying him down. He throws his hands up in the air while the calf moves and then climbs back on top of the horse.", "segments": [[0, 26.76], [24.28, 44.69], [44.41, 55.17]], "duration": 55.17, "id": 1168}, {"image_id": "v_xQxT2_meU50.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a field holding an ax. The man lifts the ax above his head. The man splits a log of wood on a stump. the man then stands upright.", "segments": [[0, 0.34], [0.28, 0.77], [0.8, 1.62], [1.55, 2.56]], "duration": 2.56, "id": 1169}, {"image_id": "v_POhazPPwHhQ.mp4", "caption": "A car is seen driving along the road that leads into people tightening roads and grabbing drinks. Several clips are shown of people walking across the rope as well as bouncing on it.More close ups are shown of peoples faces as well as standing an bouncing on the rope.", "segments": [[2.32, 65.05], [37.95, 125.46], [90.61, 150.24]], "duration": 154.89, "id": 1170}, {"image_id": "v_j3h8Di7V3nk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending over while taking a shoe off to wipe his feet then puts the shoe back on. He does this to his other foot and then walks along the rocks while a man records him and others walk around.", "segments": [[0, 24.67], [25.48, 54.22]], "duration": 54.22, "id": 1171}, {"image_id": "v_J3NhT51f0To.mp4", "caption": "A blond girl is in a residential home, smiling and talking while holding a violin in front of her.The girl briefly stops talking, and then backs up and brings the violin to her chin as she's talking and then starts playing by pulling the fiddle across the strings.The girl stops pulling the fiddle across the strings and walks closer to the camera to talk, and then resumes moving the fiddle across the strings. The girl then backs up, and turns to show her left side as she moves the fiddle across the violin strings, and then she moves to face forward again and walks closer to the camera and plays some more.The girl stops playing and pulls he violin away from her chin.", "segments": [[0, 53.15], [53.15, 139.15], [139.15, 153.64], [153.64, 192.29], [192.29, 193.26]], "duration": 193.26, "id": 1172}, {"image_id": "v_F2yh5HfIj2c.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing scuba gear walks along the edge of a swimming pool. The man starts talking to the camera and shows the camera various items. The camera shows the swimming pool. A tool and air compressor is shown. The man enters the swimming pool and proceeds to place a cover on the drain while under water in the scuba gear. The man gives a thumbs up. The man shows the bubbles the tool makes underwater while bobbing his head.", "segments": [[0, 4.93], [5.64, 31], [31.7, 32.4], [33.11, 35.93], [37.34, 126.8], [126.1, 127.5], [128.91, 140.89]], "duration": 140.89, "id": 1173}, {"image_id": "v_GyLX64aJY80.mp4", "caption": "Two slicess of bread,a plate,and two slices of cheese are on the counter.The person then takes one slice,spreads the butter over it and puts two slices of cheese on it and adds the other slice on top of it.The sandwich now has butter on both sides and the sandwich is placed in a skillet and is fried.Once complete,it is placed on a red plate and cut in half with a thick knife.", "segments": [[0, 49.99], [49.03, 97.09], [97.09, 144.2], [145.16, 192.26]], "duration": 192.26, "id": 1174}, {"image_id": "v_3C00m8lkJi0.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown holding a large bin as well as several people around him gathering leaves. More people are shown walking around scraping leaves while a woman speaks to the crowd and inspires them to work more. The people continue working and the sun shines down on a tree.", "segments": [[0, 8.14], [8.41, 34.99], [34.17, 54.24]], "duration": 54.24, "id": 1175}, {"image_id": "v_Ht2gV7oaqbo.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing outside on a mat. One person then grabs the other person by the legs. The men then flip each other down on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 1.07], [1.07, 3.51], [3.53, 5.34]], "duration": 5.48, "id": 1176}, {"image_id": "v_mJZj3znhBas.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of lacrosse onto a field. A woman is talking to the camera in a gym. A train is driving on the tracks. They continue to play lacrosse on a field.", "segments": [[0, 9.92], [9.55, 10.29], [43.72, 44.46], [43.72, 73.48]], "duration": 73.48, "id": 1177}, {"image_id": "v_rPeQxKmIe4I.mp4", "caption": "The person is swimming under the sea. The woman is swimming forward, she looked at the camera. The woman is shaking her head while behind her another diver is swimming.", "segments": [[0, 21.06], [19.35, 28.94], [25.52, 34.25]], "duration": 34.25, "id": 1178}, {"image_id": "v_O-6zE9_S2KM.mp4", "caption": "A pair of hands are shown at a black jack table. A woman is dealing the cards and chips. The chips are shown in a stack at the end.", "segments": [[0, 2.16], [3.15, 13.7], [13.86, 16.6]], "duration": 16.6, "id": 1179}, {"image_id": "v_-2DajzzRwn0.mp4", "caption": "Several teams of people are seen playing a game of tug of war with one another with people watching on the sides. The people continue competing with one another and ends with one team winning.", "segments": [[2.87, 98.44], [106.09, 188.28]], "duration": 191.15, "id": 1180}, {"image_id": "v_boQbuyDjWnc.mp4", "caption": "An old man in black shirt and eye glasses is sitting on a green table, in front of him are book, chips with different colors and stack of cards. He placed the cards on the table, on top of the yellow stars on the table, he arrange the cards in horizontal way.", "segments": [[2.07, 33.17], [30.06, 207.3]], "duration": 207.3, "id": 1181}, {"image_id": "v_hYVFzI_kfaQ.mp4", "caption": "The woman is shown emptying two different foods onto the plate to make a fruit salad. She touches the strawberries and apples. Then she sprinkles little berries onto the other fruit.", "segments": [[32.9, 70.01], [65.11, 87.51], [107.11, 123.92]], "duration": 140.02, "id": 1182}, {"image_id": "v_mZYqH82delk.mp4", "caption": "There is a man kneeling down on a red yoga mat. The coach standing next to him make sure he is going up and down while he's kneeling and he holds his back to feel the muscle movement.", "segments": [[3.48, 46.87], [11.25, 38.84]], "duration": 53.57, "id": 1183}, {"image_id": "v_Nogr8GCIL9k.mp4", "caption": "A guy stands outside, gestures, and talks. A man ascends from the water, begins water boarding, and does flips. A water vehicle is pulling a man holding a rope. The guy begins to leave after making the last point.", "segments": [[0, 117.78], [28.41, 73.39], [34.33, 62.74], [117.78, 118.38]], "duration": 118.38, "id": 1184}, {"image_id": "v_DFOoFr2H-24.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing an instrument while another watches in the background. He pauses to speak to a large group of boys and continues playing the instrument, blowing wind into their smoke. The boys watch in amazement and bends down closely to another boy.", "segments": [[0, 12.34], [12.34, 44.01], [44.35, 65.69]], "duration": 66.69, "id": 1185}, {"image_id": "v_rP2MviNn52g.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a tag of war game. Children wave at their teammates. The children pull the adults to their side, the right side. The children let go the rope, jump up and down, plus cheer.", "segments": [[0, 37.53], [7.6, 11.78], [28.46, 37.53], [37.78, 42.69]], "duration": 49.06, "id": 1186}, {"image_id": "v_lxNV7FI-LQQ.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a sunset leads into a large group of people riding camels along the beach. Many people are seen riding the camels one after another on the sand. The video continues on showing more people riding the camels and others leading in the front.", "segments": [[0, 19.75], [19.75, 146.26], [71.67, 146.26]], "duration": 146.26, "id": 1187}, {"image_id": "v_6QhZNQlsGys.mp4", "caption": "People are balancing on a rope on the beach. A man in a white shirt does a hand stand on the rope. A person is swinging on a rope in the background.", "segments": [[0, 85.51], [41.47, 42.33], [77.81, 85.51]], "duration": 85.51, "id": 1188}, {"image_id": "v_F99Suh6SvD8.mp4", "caption": "Two girls practice fencing in a school gym with protective gear on and a coach against the wall watching and coaching them as they fence. The two girls talk to the coach and then begin to fence with each other as the coach motions to where they should stand and navigate the space during the spar. Both girls end the spar and remove their head gear as they talk to the coach.", "segments": [[0, 125.7], [0.63, 119.35], [119.98, 125.7]], "duration": 126.97, "id": 1189}, {"image_id": "v_LSvjzZHbetU.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a green sweater puts on a face mask. She paints a wooden fence. She puts news paper onto the fence. She pours a bucket of paint into a sprayer. She starts spraying the fence with a hose.", "segments": [[39.17, 40.15], [47.99, 96.95], [61.7, 70.51], [101.85, 110.66], [130.25, 156.69]], "duration": 195.86, "id": 1190}, {"image_id": "v_PGNwd5bySwI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are talking in front of a helicopter. A man on a wake board is being pulled by a helicopter in and out of the water. He drops from the rope and pulls a parachute and lands on the ground.", "segments": [[11.81, 18.42], [19.36, 57.15], [57.15, 81.23]], "duration": 94.46000000000001, "id": 1191}, {"image_id": "v_aq41GgfAlDo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated on a bench in a park. He is playing an old accordian. He pushes it closed and open as he plays on the keyboard.", "segments": [[0, 9.55], [11.41, 35.02], [37.41, 53.06]], "duration": 53.06, "id": 1192}, {"image_id": "v_rF1AqlLjECk.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears and it has a lot of white words on it that include the name, height, weight, years games, points phone number and email for player #23.Various clips of different hockey games play and occassionaly a yellow arrow will appear pointing out the #23 player in each different hockey game clip.A black screen appears again and it's the same as the screen that was the intro that includes the same information on player #23.", "segments": [[0, 10.93], [10.93, 167.57], [167.57, 182.14]], "duration": 182.14, "id": 1193}, {"image_id": "v_53dqgEMV5e4.mp4", "caption": "A woman pours ice into a glass. She puts shots of alcohol into the glass. She shakes it and pours it into another glass. She puts a straw in it and holds it up.", "segments": [[3.93, 7.26], [9.67, 35.37], [33.86, 50.19], [51.7, 60.47]], "duration": 60.47, "id": 1194}, {"image_id": "v_I8m878YGmU8.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of olympic runners completing long jumps into pits of sand. The video continues on showing several different runners completing their jumps and them cheering to the crowd afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 81.9], [92.5, 192.7]], "duration": 192.7, "id": 1195}, {"image_id": "v_LAD4qVnywmA.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt is clapping his hands. He runs down a track and jumps in the sand. People rake the sand out afterwards.", "segments": [[28.07, 37.86], [40.48, 72.46], [83.56, 91.4]], "duration": 130.57, "id": 1196}, {"image_id": "v_WlFBWlCklm8.mp4", "caption": "An intro black screen appears and the word Poweriser flashes. A man named PRVNI KROKY is on metal stilts outside and he begins, walking, jumping, running and moving and doing various movements while on his stilts and people around him are either sitting or walking doing their own thing.When the man is done demonstrating what he can do on the stilts he stops in his original spot to talk some more, waves and then runs off. The outro appears and it's exactly like the intro.", "segments": [[0, 4.04], [4.04, 147.92], [147.92, 160.04], [160.04, 161.66]], "duration": 161.66, "id": 1197}, {"image_id": "v_Ksbk5rtqVd0.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white shirt is sitting down. She pours some product into her palm. She starts wiping the product onto her face.", "segments": [[10.27, 84.82], [44.19, 47.77], [49.55, 83.03]], "duration": 89.28, "id": 1198}, {"image_id": "v_0PbmXOVIwGc.mp4", "caption": "A woman grooms the right body of a horse, she brush the neck,body and legs. Then, the woman goes to the left side of horse and kneel to groom the legs, and then she brush the other parts of the body.", "segments": [[0, 50.15], [50.15, 120.84]], "duration": 120.84, "id": 1199}, {"image_id": "v_LoA7h0bZmDI.mp4", "caption": "A chef is giving detailed instructions on how to make a dish to another man in the kitchen. The man walks around him casually and picks up a piece of one of the ingredients and eats it. Meanwhile, the chef is putting ingredients and explaining the process of what he is doing and why into the pan. Once the sauce he is creating starts to come together he mixes in spaghetti and blends it all together.", "segments": [[0, 32.05], [32.05, 51.84], [51.84, 121.58], [121.58, 188.5]], "duration": 188.5, "id": 1200}, {"image_id": "v_llcbN-s26vs.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt walks around a ladder. He places his arm on the ladder. A woman places red wallpaper up against a wall. She smooths the red wall paper out with her hands and with a tool. She measures the wallpaper to make sure it's straight. The woman places a tool on the top and bottom of the wallpaper and removes any extra wallpaper. The man in the red shirt is talking.", "segments": [[0, 1.84], [1.84, 5.82], [5.82, 8.74], [8.74, 14.41], [14.41, 16.55], [16.86, 26.21], [26.21, 30.65]], "duration": 30.65, "id": 1201}, {"image_id": "v_sCzauf2u4dc.mp4", "caption": "We see the emblem on the opening screen. We switch to images of two ladies with horses. We see one lady in a sunny field with a hose. We see a small dog on the back of the horse. We see the small dog, then two ladies and the small dog. The lady is sitting playing with the dog. We see a bunch of people in a stable with a horse. We see the end credit emblem.", "segments": [[0, 4.08], [4.08, 12.82], [13.4, 92.65], [33.8, 40.79], [53.61, 61.77], [69.34, 72.84], [93.23, 108.97], [110.13, 116.54]], "duration": 116.53999999999999, "id": 1202}, {"image_id": "v_fdYyIOWkycU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing ready holding a dart and looking off into the distance. The man then throws the dart in slow motion while the camera continues to follow him.", "segments": [[0, 12.41], [8.97, 23.58]], "duration": 24.57, "id": 1203}, {"image_id": "v_I-C_fOUaknA.mp4", "caption": "A man places a tile onto the floor and pushes it down. He smooths it out with his hands. He moves the vent that is on the floor next to the tile.", "segments": [[0, 9], [9, 14.31], [16.3, 18.1]], "duration": 18.95, "id": 1204}, {"image_id": "v_O7SljQqahy8.mp4", "caption": "A person pours vinegar in a sink on a towel. The person then uses the towel to rub the surface of the sink. The person drops the towel and picks it up.", "segments": [[0, 6.68], [6.68, 37.11], [23.19, 25.6]], "duration": 37.11, "id": 1205}, {"image_id": "v_X095EDl0-eU.mp4", "caption": "We see two men fencing in a stadium. A man throws his arms in the air. The left man falls to the ground. The left man throws his hand in the air. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 53.88], [11.67, 13.17], [22.75, 26.64], [34.42, 35.92], [54.47, 59.86]], "duration": 59.86, "id": 1206}, {"image_id": "v_eFZufRRvIz4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is dancing and mopping in the kitchen. Another woman is recording her and laughing. The woman notices the camera and laughs, but continues dancing.", "segments": [[0, 9.47], [13.08, 50.5], [52.31, 90.19]], "duration": 90.19, "id": 1207}, {"image_id": "v_5P-Xs2v6lis.mp4", "caption": "A technician walks along a roof and sprays it using a wand attached to a hose. The man turns off his hose then walks along the peak of the roof. The man sprays around the gutters with the wand. The water comes out of the gutter onto the cement below.", "segments": [[0, 205.87], [58.82, 100.21], [101.3, 111.1], [122, 125.26]], "duration": 217.85, "id": 1208}, {"image_id": "v_DcoHV4WiHQk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on sand next to a girl. The woman looks away from the camera and looks down at the sand. The girl and woman then begin digging in the sand.", "segments": [[0, 4.46], [4.11, 12], [11.4, 17.05]], "duration": 17.14, "id": 1209}, {"image_id": "v_8DZj0ggPr74.mp4", "caption": "A large group of players are lined up and seen speaking to one another. They then move out onto the ice and begin skating around. One man fist bumps another and ends by walking away.", "segments": [[0, 11.74], [9.57, 27.08], [22.57, 35.57]], "duration": 36.11, "id": 1210}, {"image_id": "v_9J72KkOrAq4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen running down a deck pushing a puck with a stick. She looks back and laughs to the camera while other people watch on the side.", "segments": [[0, 3.18], [2.82, 7.06]], "duration": 7.06, "id": 1211}, {"image_id": "v_NMBu3DIn1eg.mp4", "caption": "A black dog is shown looking into the camera. A balding man appears who is standing next to a chair that seems to be in need of restoring. The chair is shown to have scratches. The man begins to apply a substance to the chair as the man rubs the substance all over the surfaces of the chair. The man then points at a scratch on the a part of the chair and begins to wipe it clean with the substance. The man then shows a leg of the chair and wipes it down as well. The man then seems to pour a substance into a can and dips the brush into it and polishes part of the leg. The man continues to wipe the chair as it is getting cleaner and cleaner. The man returns later after the chair dries with a yellow bottle and is now wearing a hat and glasses. The man begins to wipe the chair again using whatever was in the yellow bottle. After this is complete the cushion is put back onto the chair as it is wiped down one more time.", "segments": [[0, 6.07], [6.07, 31.36], [13.15, 17.19], [34.39, 91.03], [71.81, 91.03], [92.04, 111.26], [111.26, 126.43], [126.43, 146.66], [146.66, 156.78], [155.77, 183.08], [184.09, 202.29]], "duration": 202.29, "id": 1212}, {"image_id": "v_fPbVku8Ssyw.mp4", "caption": "People make a hole on the shore of the beach using shovels. Then, people make a wall around the hole.", "segments": [[0, 2.72], [2.72, 6.92]], "duration": 7.06, "id": 1213}, {"image_id": "v_BJuL-yK-I8g.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking while standing in front of a large river. A group of wild pigs are swimming behind the boat, trying to keep up. The man gets to shore, and he and a boat mate are running on the beach, trying to escape the pigs.", "segments": [[0, 12.18], [13.76, 74.64], [75.7, 105.87]], "duration": 105.87, "id": 1214}, {"image_id": "v_x_luDzL03vw.mp4", "caption": "We see a dark opening screen. We then see two men practicing martial arts. The old man pushed the young to the ground. The older man flips the young one over. The old man pushes him forward. The young grabs the older head, and older pushes him down. Man in green is pushed across mat. Old man flip man in green. The Man in white is flipped. Older man pushes green man to ground. Older man rolls man in green.", "segments": [[0, 8.04], [8.04, 229.73], [20.68, 26.42], [37.91, 42.5], [62.03, 66.62], [89.59, 94.19], [110.27, 114.86], [143.58, 149.32], [151.62, 156.22], [195.27, 204.46], [222.84, 225.13]], "duration": 229.73, "id": 1215}, {"image_id": "v_p2C4MeV02GU.mp4", "caption": "woman is talking to the camera holding a big cat on her legs that is sitting in a cat cushion and its caressing his head. woman is holding a nail clipper and cut the cat's nails explaining the right way to do it.", "segments": [[0, 82.66], [83.83, 232.85]], "duration": 232.85, "id": 1216}, {"image_id": "v_0T1FKHx3yOk.mp4", "caption": "Two boys sits talking as they hold their cell phones. The boys are wrestling in Sumo costumes as two other boys films them with camera. One boy get and hits the other with a ladder and they hit each other. The boy in red grabs and hits the green boy on the ladder with a guitar. The red boy brings an ironing board and jumps on the other boy from the ladder. The green boy runs into the other boy with a minibike. A girl in a sum suit in thrown from a wheel barrow and the referee counts the match as finished. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 15.44], [16.62, 225.62], [53.44, 74.81], [78.37, 90.25], [109.25, 140.12], [154.37, 167.43], [199.49, 224.43], [226.81, 237.49]], "duration": 237.49, "id": 1217}, {"image_id": "v__-4ngMPCA9A.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands in a kitchen talking. She walks over to a sink, puts on gloves and washes dishes.", "segments": [[0, 154.25], [15.43, 154.25]], "duration": 154.25, "id": 1218}, {"image_id": "v_pp_J6AzUu4s.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a kitchen. She puts ingredients into a glass bowl and mixes it together. She starts chopping food on a block. She combines all the ingredients into the bowl and mixes it together. She grates cheese onto the top of the food. She then puts salad on top of that.", "segments": [[0, 216.62], [13, 49.82], [56.32, 114.81], [114.81, 147.3], [147.3, 153.8], [162.46, 204.7]], "duration": 216.62, "id": 1219}, {"image_id": "v_rR1R-x_UlOM.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates from behind a standing bar counter inside of a bar, how to mix drinks using a shot glass and several bottles of alcohol. A woman standing behind a bar talks to the camera and pours a bottle of alcohol into a shot glass along with another bottle of alcohol. The woman then pulls a larger bottle of alcohol off of the bar top and pours that into the shot glass as well, The woman then pushes the shot glass forward toward the camera before the scene fades to black.", "segments": [[0.4, 69.78], [0.4, 51.73], [52.93, 69.78]], "duration": 80.2, "id": 1220}, {"image_id": "v_CUtkQIV2eto.mp4", "caption": "A person water ski in the water holding a rope attached to a boat in the river. The person pass on front a boat in the river while waterskiing. Then, the person gives a thumb up while performing waterskii, after the person continues waterskiing. Then, the surfboard floats on front a metal structure.", "segments": [[0, 79.65], [79.65, 154.13], [154.13, 204.81], [204.81, 206.88]], "duration": 206.88, "id": 1221}, {"image_id": "v_UIrn2ziRgEM.mp4", "caption": "a woman lights a cigarette in front of the camera. She takes a big pull off the cigarette. She blows smoke at the camera and smiles. She takes another pull of the cigarette and blows smoke out. She plays with her hair. Then she continues to smoke the cigarette while looking around.", "segments": [[0, 2.56], [2.56, 6.83], [7.69, 10.25], [10.25, 19.64], [19.64, 21.35], [21.35, 170.81]], "duration": 170.81, "id": 1222}, {"image_id": "v_Kd3YFwF-2UM.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people throwing bowling balls down a lane as well as close ups of balls and pins. People continue bowling and the machine shows how the pins spin around and the balls returning to the back.", "segments": [[4.27, 148.36], [76.85, 207.06]], "duration": 213.46, "id": 1223}, {"image_id": "v_03KTIy44yTo.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of brown leaves on green grass are blowing away together. The end of the leaf blower is closer to the grass and is blowing an even bigger area of brown leaves. The end of the leaf blower appears and disappears from view the whole time.", "segments": [[0, 6.75], [6.75, 96.43], [0, 96.43]], "duration": 96.43, "id": 1224}, {"image_id": "v_zb2YYXs4gtw.mp4", "caption": "People are riding on the backs of camels. They get led down a trail by a person. People are standing behind a fence watching them. The camels lay down on the ground and the people step off of them.", "segments": [[0, 29.91], [52.6, 158.82], [92.82, 100.04], [158.82, 202.14]], "duration": 206.26, "id": 1225}, {"image_id": "v_mfK2jcMGe1Y.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a bra is standing in her bathroom and brushing her hair. She does this for a while and continues to fix it. She then brushes it some more as it is very long. She turns around to get the back of it.", "segments": [[0, 16.31], [16.31, 35.49], [35.01, 62.83], [62.83, 95.92]], "duration": 95.92, "id": 1226}, {"image_id": "v_5BYayNkmlBo.mp4", "caption": "A man is inside of a barn and is let out on a horse to catch a cow attached to the horse.As he throws his lasso,he misses the cow and runs to get something before going back to the cow.The man finally approaches the calf and another man comes out to assist him and he returns back to the horse.", "segments": [[0, 10.04], [10.64, 22.63], [22.18, 29.98]], "duration": 29.98, "id": 1227}, {"image_id": "v_6LrY7uMj8Kg.mp4", "caption": "Three men sitting by the counter are sitting watching TV and then ladies in cheerdancing outfit started dancing as the men stare at them. The ladies started dancing, raising their arms up swinging their bodies. The girls play billiards and table football with the guys and they dance.", "segments": [[0, 18.71], [14.81, 70.18], [35.87, 155.95]], "duration": 155.95, "id": 1228}, {"image_id": "v_DACWnbWrd18.mp4", "caption": "A large patch of grass is shown. A man is mowing the yard next to the bushes. He stops and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.04], [11.12, 38.55], [44.49, 74.14]], "duration": 74.14, "id": 1229}, {"image_id": "v_D707ZMWH7jQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt begins talking in front of a wall of tool consisting of wrench,screws,ax and drills.He then holds up a small silver piece and begins sticking it into the chain of the bike.Next,he takes a black utensil,moves the pedals around and takes the chain completely off.He then takes a box with a new chain in it and puts it back on the bike and begins tightening the chain.", "segments": [[0, 38.06], [38.06, 96.16], [96.16, 156.27], [156.27, 200.34]], "duration": 200.34, "id": 1230}, {"image_id": "v_y9xNMLhgTjY.mp4", "caption": "Several people riding skateboard are seen riding down a long hill while the camera follows them from behind. The cameraman continuously rides down a winding road past a group of trees and stops at the bottom to meet up with another. More riding is shown down the hill and ends with the camerman turning around.", "segments": [[0, 39.85], [39.02, 143.61], [142.78, 166.02]], "duration": 166.02, "id": 1231}, {"image_id": "v_pvpfRBndHh8.mp4", "caption": "A lady in a gym punches both of her arms across her chest. The lady then kicks her left leg in the air and then the right one behind her. The lady repeats that sequence over and over.", "segments": [[0, 0.39], [0.52, 2.36], [2.49, 8.73]], "duration": 8.73, "id": 1232}, {"image_id": "v_h15m87WsCHQ.mp4", "caption": "Hockey players are playing a hockey game on the ice. A crowd is watching them play. A man in yellow falls on the ice. A man in a suit is talking to hockey players.", "segments": [[0, 137.51], [2.06, 137.51], [101.76, 104.51], [125.13, 137.51]], "duration": 137.51, "id": 1233}, {"image_id": "v_dkP1In7K63Y.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A man is spraying a sink with a pressure washer. The man sprays a toilet and then sprays the sink again. We see a title screen the man shows the machine and turns a dial and washer the floor, sink and toilet and mirror. The man uses a squeegee on the mirror. The man adjusts the machine and hooks up a hose and uses air to blow dry the sink and mops the floor.", "segments": [[0, 12.18], [13.05, 18.27], [20.01, 61.78], [60.04, 119.21], [119.21, 125.3], [127.91, 174.03]], "duration": 174.03, "id": 1234}, {"image_id": "v_lcOepzWnOO4.mp4", "caption": "A couple and a child are in a living room. The couple begin dancing in the middle of the room, spinning and twirling.", "segments": [[0, 20.76], [23.47, 180.53]], "duration": 180.53, "id": 1235}, {"image_id": "v_ZIFxB0gZ5tY.mp4", "caption": "We see a man swinging in a park. The man stands while holding onto the swing. The man stands again and we see a little girl. A lady tries to put the girl in the swing, but she ends up swinging alone.", "segments": [[0, 23.26], [23.26, 35.72], [58.16, 66.05], [66.88, 83.08]], "duration": 83.08, "id": 1236}, {"image_id": "v_djgnHazfi2Y.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in stage doing gymnastics in a competition. man is holding a video recorder.", "segments": [[0, 46.65], [1.4, 46.65]], "duration": 46.65, "id": 1237}, {"image_id": "v_9Pv2hUyODK4.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is talking outside near a track and field.He then walks over to a student athlete from Florida State University.The athlete then begins talking and showing various techniques that she uses.Once finishes,she begins doing a triple jump into the pit,she tries again, and then the man interviewing her begins doing the same jump.The two come back to the camera and finish talking,she flashes her thumbs up and then leaves.", "segments": [[0, 10.06], [10.61, 29.05], [29.61, 45.25], [45.25, 86.04], [86.04, 111.74]], "duration": 111.74000000000001, "id": 1238}, {"image_id": "v_1wiGNX_S8ZU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen doing flips and kicks around one another in a large circle surrounded by people. More people join in to the kicks and flips as others watch them on the side and clap.", "segments": [[2.73, 57.26], [48.53, 106.34]], "duration": 109.07, "id": 1239}, {"image_id": "v_hhoewBggtuw.mp4", "caption": "We see a title over an image of a car. We see a man sitting next and talking about the car. The man puts a brick behind his tire and grabs his supplies to change his tire. The man loosens the bolts and jacks the car up and removes the tire. The man puts on his spare and lowers the car to the ground. The man puts his supplies away and drives away. The man stops near the camera and speaks before driving off. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.97], [2.97, 13.88], [14.87, 60.49], [60.49, 98.17], [99.16, 133.87], [133.87, 179.48], [170.56, 176.51], [179.48, 198.32]], "duration": 198.32, "id": 1240}, {"image_id": "v_mzxz0EQy1pY.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a heated pool and leads into a person climbing in a kayak and moving around the pool. Several people seen riding kayaks around the pool as well as people swimming around and watching on the sidelines. The men continue moving around in various angles as well as being shown swimming underwater and playing with one another.", "segments": [[3.52, 83.42], [90.47, 192.68], [177.41, 230.28]], "duration": 234.98, "id": 1241}, {"image_id": "v_lIbRuIm9MxI.mp4", "caption": "Howcast logo is on the screen. Two men are sitting in the middle of drums and explaining about the instruments. The men begin playing the drums. The go back to talking about the drums.", "segments": [[0, 5.42], [5.42, 86.09], [86.77, 120.67], [120.67, 135.58]], "duration": 135.58, "id": 1242}, {"image_id": "v_awqVlr-YDM4.mp4", "caption": "People are skiing down a hill and keep falling down and sliding down the hill. A person crashes into a fence.", "segments": [[0, 132.08], [59.43, 60.75]], "duration": 132.08, "id": 1243}, {"image_id": "v_8rypSctbfjU.mp4", "caption": "A brush and two kinds of paint are on a table. A knitter's hoop is shown lying on cloth, and a woman paints a design into the cloth. She forms many leaves and flowers in orange shades. When she is done, she shows off the flower design.", "segments": [[3.4, 15.86], [16.99, 35.12], [37.39, 197.13], [200.52, 226.58]], "duration": 226.57999999999998, "id": 1244}, {"image_id": "v_bCdIcqRYJvo.mp4", "caption": "A man sits and plays a black grand piano in an empty auditorium. We see three people in the front row watching and listening to the man as he plays and one person one row behind them. We see the three people, two women and one men. The player stands and plays. The player finishes and stands up.", "segments": [[0, 117.82], [17.36, 21.08], [76.89, 79.37], [106.04, 119.06], [119.06, 124.02]], "duration": 124.02, "id": 1245}, {"image_id": "v_nShRXseBM4Y.mp4", "caption": "A person is slicing bread with a knife. They mix ingredients in a bowl. They cook the bread on a grill. They add a scoop of chocolate ice cream next to the sandwich.", "segments": [[10, 24.28], [24.28, 27.85], [38.56, 50.34], [54.62, 58.19]], "duration": 71.4, "id": 1246}, {"image_id": "v_IFgEjS97Pmw.mp4", "caption": "A rustic static bike of wood is in a room. Then, a man pedal the bike while showing the handle. Then the man sits on the bike to pedal and then stands.", "segments": [[0, 43.98], [43.98, 72.05], [72.47, 83.78]], "duration": 83.78, "id": 1247}, {"image_id": "v_XLsuG0cNl4o.mp4", "caption": "A man uses a beard trimmer to trim his cheeks and neck. The man strokes his goatee and examines it. The man trims his chin area to make a mustache.", "segments": [[0, 13.27], [14.36, 22.75], [24.38, 54.17]], "duration": 54.17, "id": 1248}, {"image_id": "v_1iP5k9jHBRU.mp4", "caption": "A male is standing by the white door, he is holding rectangular wood, and on the other hand is a board that holds big chunk of brown clay. He pointed the wall and started to spread the brown clay on the wall, she spread it by rubbing it smoothly and in half circle way. He went near the ceiling, knocked on the ceiling, pushed it, knocked on it again, smoothen it using his fingers.", "segments": [[0.25, 8.64], [2.8, 35.33], [24.65, 50.83]], "duration": 50.83, "id": 1249}, {"image_id": "v_PpbBWqlsbxk.mp4", "caption": "We see we an opening title screen. People stand in the woods holding paddles while wearing rafting gear. People walk to the lake with their rafts and get in. We see people riding rafts down a river. The people go over a small waterfall and their raft is overturned. People are plunged into the water as they go over a waterfall and a man pumps his fist. The camera pans up to show nature and fades to white. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.3], [9.92, 13.64], [14.26, 22.93], [23.55, 104.75], [39.67, 46.49], [63.84, 72.52], [103.51, 110.95], [111.57, 123.96]], "duration": 123.96, "id": 1250}, {"image_id": "v_jsofzMPb0i4.mp4", "caption": "There's a basketball player demonstrating various types of basketball hoop shooting techniques on behalf of World of Hoops. He begins by showing the basic technique of the regular lay-up throw, he shoots the ball directly into the hoop. Then he shows another technique where he comes running and shoots the ball from very close to the hoop by jumping up high. He continues to show various other ways to shoot the basket as he runs and dunks the ball straight into the basket. He demonstrates different techniques of shooting the ball right into the hoop without missing a single basket.", "segments": [[0, 139.99], [25.9, 37.8], [77, 109.9], [105, 121.79], [118.29, 130.89]], "duration": 139.99, "id": 1251}, {"image_id": "v_sTev5fWX3T8.mp4", "caption": "A teen is balancing on the higher uneven bar. Then, the teen flips and a man helps her to pass to the lower uneven bar. Two A girl exercise on the uneven bars behind the teen.", "segments": [[0, 7.09], [7.09, 15.09], [0, 13.21]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 1252}, {"image_id": "v_IlzwpnsIRZM.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of ping pong. A man in a red shirt is playing with only one shoe on. Words come onto the screen at the end.", "segments": [[0, 22.86], [1.18, 22.86], [23.03, 33.62]], "duration": 33.62, "id": 1253}, {"image_id": "v_Z2wZr0Beq9c.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting behind a poker table and dealer cards while others do the same in the back. The woman continues dealing cards on the table while looking and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0.66, 60.41], [45.14, 130.11]], "duration": 132.76, "id": 1254}, {"image_id": "v_MxYa4WTV8Zs.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman decorate a Christmas tree from decorations around the room in sped-up video. A dog walks through the camera frame. The man leaves the camera frame. The man returns to decorating wearing a Santa hat. The man stands on a chair to put a decoration at the top of the tree. The completed tree is shown by itself.", "segments": [[0, 180.62], [26.62, 28.52], [55.14, 58.94], [59.89, 67.49], [176.82, 178.72], [184.42, 190.13]], "duration": 190.13, "id": 1255}, {"image_id": "v_TrRsujPlt5w.mp4", "caption": "An elderly man is using an elliptical trainer inside a gym. He pedals and pushes back and forth as he talks to the person with the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.68], [17.12, 63.41]], "duration": 63.41, "id": 1256}, {"image_id": "v_cu8TBL7msJg.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people holding tennis rackets and hitting a ball into the distance. Text is shown across the screen and more shots are shown of people demonstrating. The people continue hitting the balls around the court while the camera captures their movements.", "segments": [[0, 59.57], [54.34, 149.44], [141.08, 205.87]], "duration": 209.0, "id": 1257}, {"image_id": "v_u9oARzRT3fI.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast mounts a high beam in a gym. She does lots of forward jumps, springs, and splits in the air. A boy in the background climbs a rope as she dismounts.", "segments": [[0, 3.51], [4.33, 19.64], [20.81, 23.38]], "duration": 23.38, "id": 1258}, {"image_id": "v_JviFZ5Cliug.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white shirt is standing by an exercise machine. She begins working out on the exercise machine. Information about the machine is placed on the screen.", "segments": [[5.49, 22.86], [70.42, 80.48], [80.48, 92.37]], "duration": 182.9, "id": 1259}, {"image_id": "v_ZCZoL2b6euQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is throwing darts inside a room. Another man ducks so he doesn't get hit. The darts hit the dart board in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 4.34], [4.91, 11.88], [13.14, 22.85]], "duration": 22.85, "id": 1260}, {"image_id": "v_t0YXK4W_L7o.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a horse is seen followed by several people riding on a horses on a beach. One person is seen standing on the horse and the camera continues to follow the people riding along on the horses.", "segments": [[0, 47.92], [46.99, 93.04]], "duration": 93.03999999999999, "id": 1261}, {"image_id": "v_fZzswQaICfM.mp4", "caption": "There is a hopscotch board drawn with chalk on the pavement. A little girl in green takes her turn and then more of her friends follow after. All three girls stand and then drop a bottle cap to move forward with their jumps. They play different variations of the game just having fun doing so and when its over one of the girls throws her hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 25.53], [25.53, 86.96], [86.17, 120.47], [120.47, 159.57]], "duration": 159.57, "id": 1262}, {"image_id": "v_WOonpO98TdQ.mp4", "caption": " A man and a woman in a garage style weight room demonstrate how to lift a weight bar with the woman exhibiting the lifting of the weights. A man in a black t-shirt and sandals stands next to a woman in a garage style weight room. The woman picks up a weight bar using the knees to bend as the man talks and points to her muscle groups. The woman hoists the bar above her head in a weight lifting move several times before lowering the bar back to the floor.", "segments": [[1.16, 228.19], [1.16, 24.32], [18.53, 94.98], [94.98, 229.35]], "duration": 231.67000000000002, "id": 1263}, {"image_id": "v_vpvhtd7CqUA.mp4", "caption": "Some texts pops up on the screen. A video of bulls being hurt by people starts playing. Text pops up on the screen again. Images of people stabbed with arrows and full of blood are shown. More text with an anti bullfighting messages appear. Images of hurts bulls are shown. Anti animal cruelty text appears. A bull fighter is shown fighting a bull. A video is played of bullfighters getting gored. A new video showing dead animals plays. Condescending text appears in the video that chastises people for eating meat ane being cruel to animals.", "segments": [[0, 15.05], [15.05, 54.84], [54.84, 61.29], [62.37, 80.65], [80.65, 88.18], [90.33, 115.06], [118.29, 119.36], [119.36, 137.64], [137.64, 160.22], [169.9, 186.03], [184.96, 215.06]], "duration": 215.06, "id": 1264}, {"image_id": "v_FfVfjZOHsl4.mp4", "caption": "A lawn mower is being pushed through grass. It is pushed along a sidewalk. It is pushed along a flower bed.", "segments": [[0, 78.43], [29.02, 40], [44.31, 53.72]], "duration": 78.43, "id": 1265}, {"image_id": "v_pIUpJihiju0.mp4", "caption": "A person shows the bottom of a large dust mop. Then, the person cleans a gym with the large dust mop.", "segments": [[4.16, 18.88], [18.88, 64]], "duration": 64.0, "id": 1266}, {"image_id": "v_HCub1SN4X20.mp4", "caption": "The girl in the swing is swinging and then she jumped on the ground. The camera turned around, then turned back to the girl swinging, she is twisting the chains of the swing, and she is swirling around with the swing. The girl in black shirt and black skirt and tights keeps swing so fast and high and then she jumped on the sandy ground. The girl climbed the climber, she put her feet up while her arms and hands are holding the bar. The girl fell down on the ground, she stood up, then went to the other side of the climber, reached for the bar and moved to the other next bar. The girl is sitting on blue bouncing chair while she look on her side, she stood up, continue to pull her weight forward and backward. The girl sat on top of the slide then slide down, put on her slippers then went back to the top of the slide and slide down.", "segments": [[4.64, 22.05], [25.53, 61.51], [45.26, 98.65], [105.61, 125.34], [104.45, 177.56], [145.07, 204.25], [206.58, 232.11]], "duration": 232.11, "id": 1267}, {"image_id": "v_Oe1tNvkhrI8.mp4", "caption": "A blue backdrop is pictured with white words saying titling,\"Mowing the Lawn May 2009\".A middle aged man is outside,wearing a white muscle short and red shorts pushing a lawn mower in his yard. As the man turns the lawn mower to go in a different direction he begins to struggle and gets confused because the water fountain is in his way.Once,the male has become frustrated enough,he just decided to not mow it and goes back to his original place of cutting.", "segments": [[0, 2.79], [3.4, 13], [13, 33.74], [33.74, 61.91]], "duration": 61.91, "id": 1268}, {"image_id": "v_OW5Tyr8MICg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of hands is shown followed by a girl brushing her hair and smiling to the camera. The girl continues brushing her hair and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 8.01], [8.16, 15.12]], "duration": 15.12, "id": 1269}, {"image_id": "v_Z0oEaM7h6jM.mp4", "caption": "A logo appears on the screen briefly. A man talks to a group while standing in a raft. A group of people are rafting down rivers with rapids. They cheer by lifting their paddles. They continue to raft down the river.It cuts to the people on the bank at a campsite. People are once again rafting down the river. A person kayaks down the river. Another person kayaks down the river. Another group rafts down the river. It shows monkeys on the bank. People get splashed by a waterfall. It cuts to the logo and information.", "segments": [[0, 5.88], [5.88, 14.7], [14.7, 45.09], [45.09, 48.03], [48.03, 75.47], [75.47, 102.91], [102.91, 129.38], [129.38, 137.22], [136.24, 140.16], [140.16, 163.68], [163.68, 169.56], [169.56, 177.4], [177.4, 196.02]], "duration": 196.02, "id": 1270}, {"image_id": "v_G4O_Ar7EO4Y.mp4", "caption": "A competitive sporting event is taking place in an outdoor arena and the competitors are on the ground while the spectators are in the stands.A man is now standing in a circle on the field and he's holding a ball and the banner display on the screen indicates his name is Krisztian PARS and that he's about to do a Hammer Throw M as he swings the ball that is attached to the rope, swings his body and then lets the rope go as it flies very far on the field.The man is very proud of his throw as he cheers and other competitors as well as people in the stands clap and cheer for him as well as he walks away from the area he was standing in and continues to cheer himself on a little more while giving a thumbs up to a group of camera men taking his picture.A replay of his throw starts again and then it ends with a wide angled shot of the entire arena.", "segments": [[0, 14.01], [14.01, 29.57], [29.57, 63.42], [63.42, 77.81]], "duration": 77.81, "id": 1271}, {"image_id": "v_Jo3R272P8eM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a microphone standing outside a room. People are playing wall ball in the room. The woman is holding a piece of paper.", "segments": [[0, 77.57], [0, 128.22], [0, 16.67]], "duration": 128.22, "id": 1272}, {"image_id": "v_5qublDzEgsw.mp4", "caption": "Two men are shown playing soccer in a gym followed by a pan out showing more players. The man is white leads the ball down the gym several times and performing various tricks and goals. The game continues on with the men doing back and fourth playing with the soccer ball.", "segments": [[0, 22.24], [20.94, 102.71], [106.64, 130.85]], "duration": 130.85, "id": 1273}, {"image_id": "v_uwGcEaW3z3Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is trying to lift weights in a gym. He lifts the barbell up to his chest. He then lifts it over his head before dropping it to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 1.82], [2.55, 8.86], [9.37, 11.36]], "duration": 11.36, "id": 1274}, {"image_id": "v_60yOoxs9AFc.mp4", "caption": "A band is seen playing several instruments on a stage while people dance around them. The band continues playing while lights flash all around them and people continue dancing.", "segments": [[0, 41.39], [41.02, 74.58]], "duration": 74.58, "id": 1275}, {"image_id": "v_BY5mz30u5_8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing on a wake board point out and moving himself around. The camera follows him gliding out into the water gradually going further and further.", "segments": [[0, 6.54], [6.38, 32.69]], "duration": 32.69, "id": 1276}, {"image_id": "v_jHyWtrhNTTk.mp4", "caption": "We see a black opening screen. We see a blue track with people running on it. We then see a man do a high jump at 5'9\". We then see the man jump at 6'. We then see the man jump at 6'2\" and he knocks the pole over. We see him try 6'2\" again and not hit the pole. The man walks to the camera and turns it off.", "segments": [[0, 4.17], [4.17, 12.96], [6.59, 12.96], [14.06, 21.97], [22.85, 29.22], [29.44, 39.1], [39.98, 43.93]], "duration": 43.93, "id": 1277}, {"image_id": "v_K9qWnvl8A1Q.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is holding a paintbrush in the yard. He is swiping a brush covered with water on the fence. He dips it in the bucket, continuing to pretend to paint.", "segments": [[0, 13.58], [15.08, 53.92], [56.94, 75.42]], "duration": 75.42, "id": 1278}, {"image_id": "v_Ocd1VWIIeVs.mp4", "caption": "A man washes a car with a brush, while three people rinse the car with hoses. A man sprays detergent on a car. A person that wears a red t-shirt sprays detergent on a car, then two men rinse the car with hoses, while other cars are covered with white detergent.", "segments": [[0, 29.42], [31.36, 32.98], [35.57, 54.97]], "duration": 64.67, "id": 1279}, {"image_id": "v_OrF46J3HmSw.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen standing before a mat looking down at the floor. She then begins walking along the mat all the way to the end. She walks back and fourth again while looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 1.4], [1.58, 15.76], [10.15, 35.02]], "duration": 35.02, "id": 1280}, {"image_id": "v_QZyR7yfp8hA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera next to a horse and leads into clips of him riding around on the horse and close ups of other horses. The host speaks to another man while more shots of horses are shown as well as a man hitting a ball. The men then ride horses and learn to play a sport and ends with the host speaking in a uniform.", "segments": [[1.25, 48.04], [39.93, 89.22], [80.49, 122.29]], "duration": 124.79, "id": 1281}, {"image_id": "v_4E-RWxR6Xr0.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy rides an exercise bike. The guy adjusts the exercise bike seat. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.59, 10.08], [13.04, 111.45], [71.14, 78.25], [112.04, 116.78]], "duration": 118.56, "id": 1282}, {"image_id": "v_QFWxdR_C71M.mp4", "caption": "A woman uses a piece of chalk on a canvas. She then uses several colors of paint to create an image. When she is done, we see a still life image of an orange on a counter.", "segments": [[0, 13.48], [17.69, 144.07], [144.92, 168.51]], "duration": 168.51, "id": 1283}, {"image_id": "v_mnMmGnnbvSk.mp4", "caption": "An array of shoe shining tools are shown including different kinds and colors of shoe polish, a polishing rag and a black shiny shoe. A group of adult students sit in a classroom style room and look to the front of the class as if attending a class and listening intensely. A shoe shine demonstration takes place with a man kneeling in front of a group of students and using a sample shoe as an example. Several people in aprons, then kneel before people wearing shoes and shine the people's shoes on red buckets with polishing clothes and polish. The shoes shiners then stand in unison, with their aprons, and bow and shake hands.", "segments": [[1.44, 12.93], [14.37, 23.7], [25.86, 51.72], [52.44, 112.77], [114.21, 142.94]], "duration": 143.66, "id": 1284}, {"image_id": "v_hRMSh7vUmGY.mp4", "caption": "A man is lifting very heavy weight above his head and dropping it . He does this multiple time for repetition, this is a workout routine. He then walks away taking a break for a little bit and walks by people sitting and chatting. Once he is done with his break he continues back to his routine.", "segments": [[0, 24.48], [24.48, 54.2], [46.63, 77.52], [77.52, 116.57]], "duration": 116.57, "id": 1285}, {"image_id": "v_q9T1GR6s0vI.mp4", "caption": "Two Sumo wrestlers are indoor fighting one another as the referee moves around them.One person is then thrown off of the mat and another set of people are shown.The smaller of the two then flips the big guy from in the air and then the match is over.The sequence continues and several other men are shown battling one another and giving each other wedgies.When the match is complete,two men are shown sitting at a desk with a phone number on a white board.", "segments": [[0, 4.8], [4.8, 22.82], [22.82, 40.83], [40.23, 117.08], [117.08, 120.08]], "duration": 120.08, "id": 1286}, {"image_id": "v_RVKYgN2S9KA.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing a bikini on the beach is shown doing several sits up on a ball and fixing her hair. She continues performing the exercise while smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 41.85], [41.45, 79.72]], "duration": 79.72, "id": 1287}, {"image_id": "v_HCsfxpQ8C1M.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a weigh on his back, then he kneels on the floor. After, he jumps from the floor to stand while the weigh is on his back.", "segments": [[0, 5.38], [5.38, 8.96]], "duration": 8.96, "id": 1288}, {"image_id": "v_86lJVqKyj3A.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to properly wrap a gift from behind the counter of a gift shop. A woman stands behind a sales counter in front of several wrapped gifts and gift wrapping materials. Gift wrapping materials are shown sitting on the counter including gift wrap, scissors, and ribbon. The woman talks to the camera and begins to wrap the box in gift wrapping paper using a pair of scissors to cut the gift wrapping paper and clear tape to tape the edges of the wrapping paper. The woman then wraps the gift with final ribbon and the camera closes up on the finishes, wrapped, product.", "segments": [[0.95, 188.44], [5.68, 8.52], [10.42, 17.99], [18.94, 151.51], [151.51, 187.49]], "duration": 189.38, "id": 1289}, {"image_id": "v_57cM1GcKktw.mp4", "caption": "A heavy man in a blue shirt is playing the bag pipes. He blows into the pipe while making the notes with his fingers. He slightly dances as he plays. He adjusts the bag pipe and continues to play. He finishes his song and reaches to turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.36], [5.36, 19.44], [19.44, 77.08], [77.75, 131.37], [130.7, 134.05]], "duration": 134.05, "id": 1290}, {"image_id": "v_a370DDsJtBA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated behind a wooden table. She quickly moves color blocks on a puzzle, trying to solve it. She solves the puzzle and shows it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.61], [14.95, 83.45], [84.9, 96.48]], "duration": 96.47999999999999, "id": 1291}, {"image_id": "v_lPYV3qFuXOI.mp4", "caption": "The video's title and credits are shown. A man rides a bicycle down a path with cars in the background. The man disassembles and repairs the bicycle. The man rides the bicycle down a stone paved path. The man rides the bicycle down a road alongside parked cars.", "segments": [[0, 8], [8, 13.09], [13.82, 123.67], [124.4, 131.67], [132.4, 136.77]], "duration": 145.5, "id": 1292}, {"image_id": "v_jFp6ld_IGuY.mp4", "caption": "A man speaks on a microphone. Suddenly, a man jumps on the neck of a person and throw him to the floor. Other men competes wrestling, and one man jumps and land on the border of a wrestling ring. A wrestler jumps on the back of a man to stay upside down while the judge watch. A big man kicks another wrestler, then grabs his head a throw to the floor. A kid and a person jumps to celebrate.", "segments": [[0, 2.86], [3.61, 6.17], [6.32, 11.6], [11.75, 18.67], [18.82, 24.55], [24.55, 29.97]], "duration": 30.12, "id": 1293}, {"image_id": "v_VbhCWRXsEHQ.mp4", "caption": "Parchment paper is placed on the baking sheet. Softened butter is placed in a mixing bowl. The mixer then begins to cream the butter. Sugar is added to the mixing bowl to be beaten in. Flour is measured, and combined with cornstarch which is measured then mixed into the bowl. Dough is measured out by spoonful, rolled up and placed on baking sheet. The dough is flattened and baked into cookies. The cookies are then placed on a baking sheet, then rack to cool with a spatula. The cookies are cooled to be enjoyed.", "segments": [[43.3, 48.83], [53.43, 58.04], [58.96, 88.44], [79.23, 88.44], [95.81, 126.21], [127.13, 139.11], [140.03, 149.24], [150.16, 163.98], [163.98, 166.75]], "duration": 184.25, "id": 1294}, {"image_id": "v_wipGHu-nmNY.mp4", "caption": "A bartender is talking from behind a bar. He shows himself making several different drinks. Then he is shown making a specific red drink, shaking it before pouring it into a glass.", "segments": [[0, 19.9], [30.18, 75.76], [78.33, 128.41]], "duration": 128.41, "id": 1295}, {"image_id": "v_0Bd8Js6Pf6E.mp4", "caption": "Two tam tams are in a living room. Then, A man comes and talks on front the tam tams. After, the man plays the tam tam in a living room.", "segments": [[0, 1.36], [2.04, 4.77], [4.77, 68.15]], "duration": 68.15, "id": 1296}, {"image_id": "v_G3xayqdY0TY.mp4", "caption": "A man on the dock hands a rope to a water skier. A person water skis and does jumps over ramps in the water of a lake. The water skier falls but recovers then lets go of the rope and drifts over to the shoreline.", "segments": [[0, 8.06], [9.85, 174.53], [146.78, 179]], "duration": 179.0, "id": 1297}, {"image_id": "v_2-xMWBQA7iM.mp4", "caption": "We see a man walk over and sits on a rowing machine. The man drink from his water. The man rows fast on the machine. We see a title screen. We see the man stop rowing and walks and gets the camera.The man then shows the screen on the rowing machine. The man kisses his fingers and the camera falls to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 7.11], [10.1, 13.84], [17.2, 29.17], [33.66, 35.9], [36.27, 51.23], [54.22, 66.94], [67.69, 74.79]], "duration": 74.78999999999999, "id": 1298}, {"image_id": "v_nXVNITiaaTQ.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of a business logo and discusses. A rider goes around a turn and plants his foot in the dirt to stabilize. The rider accelerates out of a turn on his motorcycle. The rider goes over a jump on his motorcycle.", "segments": [[15.73, 27.97], [30.3, 84.48], [87.4, 106.04], [107.79, 116.53]], "duration": 116.53, "id": 1299}, {"image_id": "v_YU0DjX7wvRA.mp4", "caption": "A cat is sitting on the floor looking up as his owner tried to grab him. The owner picks him up and sits down with him and begins to clip his nails. The cat is moving his head around wagging its tail around but not giving a hard time. The owner then begins to rub its belly and play with it's feet, before putting the cat back on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 10.34], [10.34, 32.17], [32.17, 81.57], [81.57, 114.89]], "duration": 114.89, "id": 1300}, {"image_id": "v_Pi79Fa4YwDk.mp4", "caption": "We see men playing a game of cricket. The pitcher throws and men all start running. We see a man laying on the ground, with medics around. We see men walking on the field and A medic puts a ice pack on the man's head. We see in slow motion the collision which hurt the man.", "segments": [[0, 16.97], [0.77, 8.87], [16.97, 38.94], [38.94, 55.91], [56.29, 77.11]], "duration": 77.11, "id": 1301}, {"image_id": "v_-YPp9kc3XDs.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in a living room talking to the camera. man starts playing the flute and keep talknig.", "segments": [[0, 22.61], [23.44, 167.45]], "duration": 167.45, "id": 1302}, {"image_id": "v_P3oTMGfwOOs.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Men use ladders to get on the roof to work. The men put a tarp around the house. The men are removing the roof pieces and throwing down onto the tarp. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.68, 7.47], [11.54, 29.19], [42.09, 46.84], [61.1, 117.44], [118.12, 135.77]], "duration": 135.77, "id": 1303}, {"image_id": "v_YAbfhT3fhac.mp4", "caption": "A gymnastic teams practices routines that involve jumping and flipping. They then switch to cheerleading outside.", "segments": [[0, 23.27], [25.52, 74.32]], "duration": 75.07, "id": 1304}, {"image_id": "v_swOYvotIM1Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man battle each other in a game of arm wrestling. She beats him and showcases her muscles. They do it again, she wins again, and shows off her muscles.", "segments": [[0, 25.58], [26.27, 35.95], [36.64, 69.13]], "duration": 69.13, "id": 1305}, {"image_id": "v_KV0L45xelkE.mp4", "caption": "A female basketball coach is seen instructing a group of girl basketball players who are standing in line on a basketball court. The first girl passes to another coach and then runs to the net and takes a layup. The girls continue to do the drill on the right side. The girls move to the left side and perform the same drill on the left side of the court.", "segments": [[5.16, 61.62], [22.03, 32.36], [32.36, 37.52], [37.87, 62.31]], "duration": 68.85, "id": 1306}, {"image_id": "v_8miqQQJEsO0.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a roofed gym lifting weight. coach is standing next to the gril coaching her and helping her. after a few advices the woman lift the weight again.", "segments": [[0, 87.57], [0, 89.61], [89.61, 135.77]], "duration": 135.77, "id": 1307}, {"image_id": "v_wlYxVUJSJVI.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are playing indoor soccer. The boys run, chasing the ball and fighting to get it away from each other. One boy kicks into the opposing team's goal. It is replayed in slow motion. The boys continue playing for the remainder of the game. On the final screen, an older man is shown holding a little boy in his arms.", "segments": [[0, 21.05], [25.48, 60.92], [64.25, 87.51], [91.94, 131.82], [139.57, 187.2], [197.17, 221.54]], "duration": 221.54, "id": 1308}, {"image_id": "v_9uHffl5yny4.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks on a cordless phone while sitting on a throne, and while another woman kneels at her feet and wipes them down with her clothes. A woman in a purple sari kneels at the foot of another woman who is sitting on a gold throne and wearing a gold crown with red feathers in her hair. The woman on the throne sticks her foot out in front of the kneeling woman and the kneeling woman begins to wipe the woman's feet with her sari. The woman on the throne takes a phone call on black cordless phone and begins to talk before the scene finally fades to a blurry image of another woman talking on a phone.", "segments": [[0.46, 42.02], [2.06, 2.74], [3.65, 15.07], [16.9, 44.99]], "duration": 45.67, "id": 1309}, {"image_id": "v_UpnFBPGFgnw.mp4", "caption": "A man is speaking while standing in front of a smart car. He gets in, continuing to talk as he shows the different component of the car, including the trunk. The man returns to the front of the vehicle, finishing with his final words.", "segments": [[0, 7.95], [12.84, 111.28], [113.73, 122.29]], "duration": 122.29, "id": 1310}, {"image_id": "v_xuEhV19bVRI.mp4", "caption": "A compilation of professional wrestler Kevin Owens performing power bombs on many wrestlers, in the beginning of the video he enters the building with a confident look, as he proceeds to get in he performs multiple power bombs. The ending of the video has a subscriber message.", "segments": [[0, 55.3], [55.3, 71.82]], "duration": 71.82, "id": 1311}, {"image_id": "v_H-yBxySDyTw.mp4", "caption": "A man in a office chair is sitting with some type of pen up. He talks about it for a little while and then put it in his mouth, turns out its an e-pen. It's a new technology that you can smoke like a cigarette. He holds it in his hands like a cigarette and puts it in his mouth and exhales smoke.", "segments": [[0, 19.2], [19.2, 49.6], [49.6, 84.27], [84.81, 106.67]], "duration": 106.67, "id": 1312}, {"image_id": "v_uBkJa679ffE.mp4", "caption": "A woman with dark hair and silver framed glasses looks around pensively until her gaze lands on the camera and she feigns surprise at the presence of the camera and begins to talk to the camera. The woman begins to hold a pair of contact lenses and lens solution up to the camera and then proceeds to take the lenses out and talks to the camera alone again. The woman pours solution into her hand and cleans the lens in her hand before plopping two of them in her eyes and exhibiting completely black eyes to the camera while talking. The woman then takes the contact out of her eyes, then puts them back in on the fade out.", "segments": [[1.04, 22.93], [22.93, 69.82], [69.82, 167.77], [167.77, 206.33]], "duration": 208.41, "id": 1313}, {"image_id": "v_aFdYbgmbOeY.mp4", "caption": "Someone grabs a rubix cube off of their desk and begin to solve it. They are moving so fast, they put it down for a split second. They pick it back up quickly and get back to it, moving so fast again. When they finally solve the cube they show their time, it took them only 33,91 to solve the cube.", "segments": [[0, 10.97], [10.59, 36.32], [36.7, 52.59], [52.59, 75.67]], "duration": 75.67, "id": 1314}, {"image_id": "v_9PuaRdU6ViM.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen speaking to the camera followed by a person laying fruit out and mixing it into a blender. The girls continue to put the fruit into a blender while taking bites on the side and pushing down further into the blender.", "segments": [[0, 95.2], [74.41, 218.85]], "duration": 218.85, "id": 1315}, {"image_id": "v_14X-i7vqXWU.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders are seen yelling together all at once and leads into them performing a routine in front of a large audience. The people continue performing their routine on the mat while performing various flips and tricks and ends with them running off stage while the audience cheers.", "segments": [[0, 55.95], [55.95, 211.14]], "duration": 211.14, "id": 1316}, {"image_id": "v_qHU7T2LBToI.mp4", "caption": "A cheerleading team performs on a blue mat. They dance and tumble during their routine.", "segments": [[0, 235.78], [21.22, 235.78]], "duration": 235.78, "id": 1317}, {"image_id": "v_Rvqu079gCh0.mp4", "caption": "We see kids with feet on skateboards. We see the kids riding down the street from a skater pov. A kid crashes and has a hard time recovering. A boy loses his board and has to run after it. We see the person with a selfie stick fall in the grass.", "segments": [[0, 10.53], [12.63, 207.41], [48.43, 71.59], [123.18, 130.55], [180.04, 190.57]], "duration": 210.57, "id": 1318}, {"image_id": "v_aEUbl9oT_0s.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of athletes holding a pole in their hands and leaning backwards. This leads into several clips of more athletes throwing javelins off into the distance. More and more people are shown throwing javelins.", "segments": [[0, 55.47], [56.52, 170.61], [154.91, 204.1]], "duration": 209.34, "id": 1319}, {"image_id": "v_FJZTNJ0LuJ4.mp4", "caption": "Text appears on the screen briefly. Two people stand in front of a cake and they talk. Text appears on the screen as they talk. A woman mixes ingredients into a pot on the stove. A man pours in rum into the pot and stirs it. They poke holes in the cake with knives and pour the mixture on it. They stand in front of the cake again and talk. They eat the cake as they talk.", "segments": [[0, 2.94], [2.94, 42.6], [42.6, 55.09], [55.09, 66.11], [66.11, 92.56], [92.56, 100.64], [100.64, 138.83], [138.83, 146.91]], "duration": 146.91, "id": 1320}, {"image_id": "v_6GGQUpJR5qs.mp4", "caption": "A person is lathering up a dog's fur with an purple shower head attached to a green hose. The dog shakes his fur. The person continues wetting the dog.", "segments": [[0, 132.49], [118.51, 119.84], [121.84, 132.49]], "duration": 133.16, "id": 1321}, {"image_id": "v_KFk4ZpyYeuE.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen standing on the ground and begins boxing with another. The boy uses boxing gloves to hit a man in front of him also wearing gloves. The two continue to go at it and leave with the man standing up.", "segments": [[0, 26.07], [23.17, 67.59], [61.32, 94.63]], "duration": 96.56, "id": 1322}, {"image_id": "v_jRj8deMhPrQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black jacket is standing outside talking. People are skating on an ice rink. A man in a red hat is playing hockey and makes several goals.", "segments": [[0, 5.57], [5.57, 30.3], [31.54, 123.67]], "duration": 123.67, "id": 1323}, {"image_id": "v_D_xht_r3n54.mp4", "caption": "An older man is shown cleaning off a car in front of a home with a snow scraper. The camera pans around the car while the older man continues to push snow off of it.", "segments": [[0, 13.93], [13.93, 21.76]], "duration": 21.76, "id": 1324}, {"image_id": "v_mL7Ipu-HJ5M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a kitchen making a tomato sauce in the kitchen. The woman is showing the camera her plated food. The woman then grabs a green and a box of pasta. The lady then begins to stir the tomato sauce and puts greens into it. Lastly, the lady pours the pasta into the sauce.", "segments": [[0, 123.74], [6.81, 29.7], [28.46, 64.96], [63.11, 103.32], [100.23, 123.74]], "duration": 123.74, "id": 1325}, {"image_id": "v_rFXOInUQjKo.mp4", "caption": "A window cleaner in sneakers and a beanie is hanging up and cleaning a window with a towel, with other cleaners behind him hard at work. He lowers himself down to another section of the window and wipes it with a blade. The camera person pans around the environment.", "segments": [[0, 25.74], [35.67, 59.57], [59.57, 69.49]], "duration": 73.53999999999999, "id": 1326}, {"image_id": "v_wibcfckhRyU.mp4", "caption": "We see small boys playing tug of war in a field. A man in black walks past the kids.The kid in the white shirt lets go of the rope and puts his hands in the air. A lady walks up and talks to the kids.", "segments": [[0, 56.17], [21.34, 28.09], [47.18, 49.99], [53.64, 56.17]], "duration": 56.17, "id": 1327}, {"image_id": "v_VTtRk9vvZoY.mp4", "caption": "A stack of sticks are shown in a pile followed by a person speaking and holding up an object. A person's hands are then seen lighting a match into the pile and creating a fire when he shows his face once more in the end.", "segments": [[0, 61.14], [67.25, 203.8]], "duration": 203.8, "id": 1328}, {"image_id": "v_iyGve9RCjV4.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen performing various martial arts with one another while a large group of people watch on the sides. More people stand in the middle and perform with one another and ends with people moving around and grabbing one another.", "segments": [[2.34, 120.27], [77.07, 227.7]], "duration": 233.54, "id": 1329}, {"image_id": "v_9khzc3a4zz0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is doing tricks with her jump rope. She does a hand stand while jump roping. She does a front flip while jump roping. She stops and walks forward.", "segments": [[0, 43.27], [15.82, 16.91], [24.82, 26.14], [41.96, 43.93]], "duration": 43.93, "id": 1330}, {"image_id": "v_vnlxIMiHKRQ.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. People are loading inflated tires into the body of water. People are floating on inflated tires. People are spraying elongated water guns. People are paddling canoes down the body of water. A guy present his can of beer. The speed of the video is accelerated.", "segments": [[1.83, 7.33], [9.17, 13.75], [14.67, 178.76], [50.42, 136.59], [85.26, 175.09], [102.67, 120.09], [147.59, 178.76]], "duration": 183.35, "id": 1331}, {"image_id": "v_YDwHdB6MBrE.mp4", "caption": "Kids are playing lacrosse on a field. A woman in a blue jacket is standing on the field watching them. The kids are chasing around a yellow ball.", "segments": [[0, 94.16], [0.47, 94.16], [59.79, 94.16]], "duration": 94.16, "id": 1332}, {"image_id": "v_EpLRCz5dwb0.mp4", "caption": "A woman starts running down a track. She throws a javelin onto the field. She gives someone behind her a high five.", "segments": [[0, 9.13], [9.13, 14.41], [26.58, 32.02]], "duration": 32.02, "id": 1333}, {"image_id": "v_Rx9SIyFMfcY.mp4", "caption": "These people are shown exercising on the exercise bikes. These people are pedaling using only one leg and they're standing in the middle of the bike with the other one holding their hands up. Next they do a different exercise where they put one foot on the pedal, while they have one foot out and they bounce up and down.", "segments": [[0, 4.01], [11.22, 23.25], [38.47, 114.62]], "duration": 160.31, "id": 1334}, {"image_id": "v_V-kMGMX-l2g.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands on front a young lady and talks. Then, the woman and the young lady perform fitness exercise while the woman talks. After, the woman and the young lady stop exercising, and the woman talks while making gestures with her hands.", "segments": [[0, 11.25], [11.7, 81.47], [81.92, 90.02]], "duration": 90.02, "id": 1335}, {"image_id": "v_LVG7DLzI-GM.mp4", "caption": "A lady that works at a casino shows you how to play black jack.the lady deals out two card each 5 times and deals her self one card.the lady then explains what you are allowed to do with the cards that you where dealt with,she also deals out two more cards one each deck.finally she deals out two more cards to her self and shows the outcome from adding chips to the areas she dealt the card from the start.the lady then scoops up all the cards on the table and the round is over.", "segments": [[6.65, 66.54], [9.65, 19.63], [19.63, 37.59], [38.26, 52.57], [52.57, 66.54]], "duration": 66.54, "id": 1336}, {"image_id": "v_oq54_GlzK6A.mp4", "caption": "The first clip of the video shows the title sequence. A man is then shown in a bowling store speaking to the camera. Another title slide introduces the next clip. As the man speaks to the camera, several clips are shown of a man rolling a bowling ball down the lane. The video ends with a clip showing the title logo and website information.", "segments": [[0, 3.33], [5, 155], [22.5, 27.5], [34.17, 134.16], [156.66, 166.66]], "duration": 166.66, "id": 1337}, {"image_id": "v_M-PQajs86Bo.mp4", "caption": "A man pushes a child on the swing set of a large park area. The man holds the swing and brings the child to a stop. The man pushes the swing to get the child started again.", "segments": [[0, 48.83], [36.38, 40.04], [40.04, 44.93]], "duration": 48.83, "id": 1338}, {"image_id": "v_CiCNA-Nr1QQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is at a bowling alley dressed in bowling clothes, shoes and wearing gloves as he takes turns rolling the ball down the lane and hitting pins. The man grabs the ball from the return and holds the ball and stands there for a while staring down the lane, and when he finally rolls it he makes a strike. When the strike is over, it then replays in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 82.01], [46.75, 72.99], [72.99, 82.01]], "duration": 82.01, "id": 1339}, {"image_id": "v_QvBG_Da97h8.mp4", "caption": "A graphic introduces the hand car wash video. The car is washed first gently with soap. Next, the tires are soaped and washed thoroughly. After that, the car's engine is steam cleaned. A final spot free rinse is applied and the car is dried.", "segments": [[0, 3.78], [4.65, 18.9], [19.77, 27.04], [29.65, 45.06], [47.68, 58.14]], "duration": 58.14, "id": 1340}, {"image_id": "v_46D3Yvu-BL8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing inside a large room and begins hitting a ball against a wall with a tennis racket. More shots of him hitting the ball are shown in the room and the ball rolls back to him in the end.", "segments": [[0, 67.26], [39.35, 143.11]], "duration": 143.11, "id": 1341}, {"image_id": "v_NVeTGvwk8y0.mp4", "caption": "A glass of tequila sunrise is shown. A man is talking in front of a display of alcoholic drinks. He places the ingredients of alcohol and juice on a table, added the ingredients, as well as grenadine to a tall glass with ice. He displays the beautiful drink on the table.", "segments": [[0, 5.26], [7.01, 14.46], [16.65, 56.95], [68.77, 87.61]], "duration": 87.61, "id": 1342}, {"image_id": "v_2vOBrR0jKgY.mp4", "caption": "A boy is talking in front of a camera in his room. He smokes a cigarette, then blows the smoke from his mouth. He begins making rings as he blows the smoke.", "segments": [[0, 17.39], [18.36, 145.9], [146.87, 193.25]], "duration": 193.25, "id": 1343}, {"image_id": "v_yjUMopRteDc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated as a person with gloved hands inserts a hole into her tongue. The person clamps her tongue, then inserts a piercing. She is then shown smiling and showing off her stud.", "segments": [[0, 13.54], [14.85, 69.88], [73.81, 87.34]], "duration": 87.34, "id": 1344}, {"image_id": "v_NQ51aXtD6Q0.mp4", "caption": "Several wrestlers are shown lined up in a game with a person choosing his characters. The game loads into people wrestling with one another in a ring. The men continue wrestling in the game and end by looking down at a player.", "segments": [[0, 28.61], [24.73, 71.77], [59.65, 92.14]], "duration": 96.99000000000001, "id": 1345}, {"image_id": "v_EZZMYzY6Pug.mp4", "caption": "There's a man demonstrating how to melt wax and coat surfaces with wax using an iron. He melts a piece of wax against the heated surface of the iron. Then he smears the wax and coats on a surface. After the wax cools and solidifies, he scrapes it off the surface.", "segments": [[3.64, 6.45], [6.45, 19.36], [19.36, 29.61], [29.61, 32.43]], "duration": 33.09, "id": 1346}, {"image_id": "v_IJER0EpbxW4.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are running across a gym. They run out into a ring together. They then engage in a wrestling match.", "segments": [[0, 4.11], [5.52, 15.91], [16.93, 25.66]], "duration": 25.66, "id": 1347}, {"image_id": "v_RQajzyqAcQM.mp4", "caption": "A boy talks to the camera at a beach. A man walks from right to left in the background. The boy interacts with a man in front of a sand castle. A woman walks from right to left in the background. Several still images of the boy and the man, sometimes with other people, are shown in front of he sand castle at various stages of completion. The boy, now with two smaller children, interact with the man who is still working on the sand castle. More still images of various groups of people beside the sand castle are shown.", "segments": [[0, 23.07], [14.2, 31.06], [23.07, 61.23], [39.93, 44.37], [61.23, 93.18], [93.18, 150.86], [150.86, 177.49]], "duration": 177.49, "id": 1348}, {"image_id": "v_TUhitcbJ5C4.mp4", "caption": "We see kids washing their hands in a class room at kid height sinks. We watch the boy try and get soap. The boy uses the soap dispenser again. The boy looks at the camera and talks. An adult grabs his hand when he attempts to get more soap.", "segments": [[0, 69.92], [23.07, 28.32], [41.6, 44.05], [53.84, 60.83], [63.97, 68.17]], "duration": 69.92, "id": 1349}, {"image_id": "v_sFMa1EP7d2M.mp4", "caption": "A bicycle flipped upside down is up against the wall as an orange change is shown.A person then comes and removes the chain from the bike and places it on the ground.The man then takes out a yardstick and begins to measure certain parts of the bike.Pieces are then removed and tightened with the wrench and rings are placed inside by where the chain goes.", "segments": [[0, 35.38], [35.38, 88.44], [89.55, 162.51], [162.51, 221.1]], "duration": 221.1, "id": 1350}, {"image_id": "v_uO9qoK8zGQc.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing Tai Chi moves on a beach alone in front of the sun. A group of people all dressed in white joins the man on the beach and does the martial arts moves. The man is alone again doing the moves. The people are with the man doing Tai Chi back on the beach. The man is alone on a hill doing the moves. The man is back on the beach doing the moves as the sun begins to set. The people are doing the moves with him on the beach. Words come across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 45.48], [45.48, 57.8], [57.8, 69.17], [69.17, 78.64], [78.64, 116.54], [116.54, 156.34], [156.34, 167.71], [167.71, 189.5]], "duration": 189.5, "id": 1351}, {"image_id": "v_iF9jetQ7OTE.mp4", "caption": "A boy in a hat is talking. He smokes something and blows the smoke into the air. He continues talking to the camera. He smokes from the pipe again and blows the smoke out a few more times.", "segments": [[0, 30.27], [28.2, 35.77], [37.15, 104.56], [106.62, 137.58]], "duration": 137.57999999999998, "id": 1352}, {"image_id": "v_VTwQgMELGVE.mp4", "caption": "A woman behind the bar talking, she has a bottle of corona. She sucks on the bottle of a few times. Then, she grabs it with just her mouth and holds it up chugging the beer.She chugs and chugs until it is completely empty.", "segments": [[0, 9.96], [9.7, 25.68], [25.68, 41.66], [41.14, 52.41]], "duration": 52.41, "id": 1353}, {"image_id": "v_Igm1Mx4Ng1k.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wearing gear and wandering around a grassy area. The man uses a tool to cut along the grass. He continues moving along the grass and showing off the tool in the end.", "segments": [[0, 33.39], [32.69, 97.39], [92.52, 130.78]], "duration": 139.12, "id": 1354}, {"image_id": "v_s5oN3d77e50.mp4", "caption": "A person is riding a dirt bike over a hill. Someone stands on top of a dirt hill. People are standing on the side of the hill.", "segments": [[0, 64.32], [66.48, 67.55], [71.15, 71.87]], "duration": 71.87, "id": 1355}, {"image_id": "v_ZbS9R9faBQk.mp4", "caption": "A man is stirring a pot on a stove. A plate is brought over to the stove. He dishes out what was in the pan onto the plate.", "segments": [[0, 35.92], [38.59, 41.02], [40.8, 42.36]], "duration": 44.35, "id": 1356}, {"image_id": "v_njPRhj-YgE0.mp4", "caption": "Many different women wearing many different shoes are walking a dog on the sidewalk, one wearing wedges walks up some stairs. A man begins to talk about what seems like a dog stylist parlor. There are many dogs being groomed and getting cute fancy hair cuts. One of them is wagging it's tails very excited enjoying the situation.", "segments": [[0, 7.21], [7.21, 25.52], [24.97, 75.46], [75.46, 110.97]], "duration": 110.97, "id": 1357}, {"image_id": "v_NhM6jEV08s4.mp4", "caption": "Outside a lumbar jack is standing with an axe, he is dressed up in a coat to stay warm. There are plenty of logs piled up to the side of him. All cut and collected most likely by him for fires to keep the house warm during winter nights. He takes his axe and hits the branch with it.", "segments": [[0, 2.28], [2.75, 5.37], [5.23, 8.05], [8.52, 13.42]], "duration": 13.42, "id": 1358}, {"image_id": "v_KnHUAc20WEU.mp4", "caption": "A large arena is shown with a large screen showing the athletes in the field.A man is then shown in a cage spinning around throwing a shot put that people begin to measure.Another man approaches the circle,repeats the action and begins to jump up in glee.More men approach the stand and it continues on until they have completed each of their turns then they turn to the audience and wave.", "segments": [[0, 16.77], [16.77, 38.34], [38.34, 63.09], [63.89, 159.73]], "duration": 159.73, "id": 1359}, {"image_id": "v_wCG7f6naJsQ.mp4", "caption": "There's a man working a bicycle wheel with various tools. He starts off by turning the axle of the wheel with a pair of tongs to position the axle in the center. Then he fixes the center nut and uses a wrench to loosen it. Then he uses his hands to remove the axle out. He uses another tool to unscrew a washer out of the axle. Then he uses a tool with a magnetic end to remove tiny metal particles out of the axle. After that he cleans the inside rim of the greasy axle with his finger. Then he takes the washer and cleans it further to fix it back into the axle.", "segments": [[0, 235.43], [5.89, 37.67], [29.43, 63.57], [70.63, 87.11], [78.87, 117.71], [114.18, 174.22], [165.98, 214.24], [213.06, 235.43]], "duration": 235.43, "id": 1360}, {"image_id": "v__hzMRy2_q4g.mp4", "caption": "A close up of fruit is seen sitting on a plate when a person's hand places them into a container. The person then pushes the fruit around the bowl with a spoon over and over again. The person drops the spoon in the mixture and ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[3.18, 60.45], [42.16, 105.79], [104.99, 153.51]], "duration": 159.07999999999998, "id": 1361}, {"image_id": "v_sNeT1WZ9UwA.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting on horses and leads into them riding down along a dirt path. The camera follows the people riding along on the horses and leads to them back at the stables.", "segments": [[0, 23.96], [17.97, 99.82]], "duration": 99.82, "id": 1362}, {"image_id": "v_MOOeHWuuxlo.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a gym using an elliptical machine. He is wearing a pair of black track pants, black shirt and a cap. He demonstrates how to use the elliptical correctly to maintain a consistent speed.", "segments": [[7.96, 18.9], [18.9, 36.56], [36.56, 45.26]], "duration": 49.74, "id": 1363}, {"image_id": "v_xW1M8k9A-gk.mp4", "caption": "A spoon is seen spinning around various foods and liquids and leads into a hand cutting up vegetables on a cutting board. A baby is seen watching from behind and the camera zooms in on various websites and foods present. Pasta is seen sitting in a pot and the person uses a spoon to spin it around. They pour ingredients into a pot to bowl and add more vegetables, ending with all the ingredients put together on a plate to present.", "segments": [[0, 35.86], [34.8, 90.7], [90.7, 152.92], [152.92, 210.93]], "duration": 210.93, "id": 1364}, {"image_id": "v_RgaFRpTYYR4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a man is seen holding an accordion and sitting in front of a camera. The man begins playing the instrument while looking to the camera. He pauses to speak for a moment then continues on playing.", "segments": [[0, 16.13], [13.67, 51.54], [46.28, 67.67]], "duration": 70.13, "id": 1365}, {"image_id": "v_oOu5vC3EB5E.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a yellow shirt and a man wearing a black shirt play racket ball. The man in black serves the ball. The man in yellow serves the ball. The man in yellow serves the ball again. The man in yellow plays alone while the man in black stands by. A hand covers the camera lens.", "segments": [[0, 62.53], [2.61, 4.23], [17.26, 18.24], [40.06, 41.36], [51.45, 62.53], [63.18, 65.13]], "duration": 65.13, "id": 1366}, {"image_id": "v_8J_bB1vI0uE.mp4", "caption": "A man stands atop a rock formation. Several scenes of individuals rock climbing are shown from various angles and settings, interspersed with brief closeup shots of the climbers. Several credits are shown on a black screen.", "segments": [[1.62, 10.52], [12.14, 144.02], [144.02, 158.58]], "duration": 161.82, "id": 1367}, {"image_id": "v_j_e8c6tOQG8.mp4", "caption": "Water is rushing between rocks in a river. Rafters appear, paddling through the rushing currents. The rafter continues as he navigates the river.", "segments": [[0, 11.1], [21.04, 70.13], [80.07, 116.89]], "duration": 116.89, "id": 1368}, {"image_id": "v_e1TfVkNgitY.mp4", "caption": "A blue logo appears across the screen with white words in it.A young male gymnast is then shown in a room in front of a balance beam.The gymnast then begins using his hands to describe the motions he is about to do.After,the male grabs the two bars and pulls himself up and holds his body up before going into a hand stand,he comes down,and does another one.The gymnast does several more tricks and then does a flip off of the bars.", "segments": [[0, 4.21], [4.64, 21.07], [21.07, 35.82], [35.4, 58.58], [59.42, 84.29]], "duration": 84.28999999999999, "id": 1369}, {"image_id": "v_7Ql7Hw6c1-o.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in a blue shirt and black apron begins talking behind the table.On the table,she has five different kinds of paint, brushes and other supplies needed to complete the task.She then begins talking as she leans on a wooden table stand next to her.The lady begins by taking a screwdriver and removing the knob from the drawer and wiping it down with a wet cloth.Next comes the brown paint as she begins putting various strokes on it to finish it.The stand is done but then goes back and starts add a finish on it.", "segments": [[0, 21.91], [21.03, 72.73], [71.85, 86.74], [86.74, 133.18], [133.18, 143.7], [143.7, 175.24]], "duration": 175.24, "id": 1370}, {"image_id": "v_ImXRDdhcCgs.mp4", "caption": "We see logs in a pile in the woods. A man in a cowboy hat walks up and grabs an ax. The man then goes around hitting the logs with the ax and splitting them in two hits. The man drops the ax and turns off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.35], [5.35, 9.62], [13.9, 204.21], [206.35, 213.83]], "duration": 213.82999999999998, "id": 1371}, {"image_id": "v_2gc7pCOg-NE.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking around a tennis court. Another man appears swinging around a tennis racket. He bounces a tennis ball on the floor while the other man walks into frame. They talk for a bit while walking around and preparing to play. The man run back and fourth and hit the ball off the wall to each other.", "segments": [[0, 7.78], [8.56, 17.11], [8.56, 21], [21, 74.68], [73.9, 151.68]], "duration": 155.57, "id": 1372}, {"image_id": "v_ILARi15rMWI.mp4", "caption": "There's a man on stilts jumping and doing stunts in an indoor gym. There are several spectators and judges watching him perform. After the man finishes his stunts, he gets off the stilts and the judges write down the scores.", "segments": [[7.78, 33.88], [33.88, 49.71], [49.71, 51.93]], "duration": 55.54, "id": 1373}, {"image_id": "v_RgWvaKWa7YU.mp4", "caption": "A band plays drums in a circle around a lead drummer. The female drummers spinner their sticks while playing. The drummers hold up their sticks after completing the song.", "segments": [[0, 164.24], [9.85, 163.41], [159.31, 164.24]], "duration": 164.24, "id": 1374}, {"image_id": "v_axoyB4pypWY.mp4", "caption": "A couple of cages are on the ground. There are dogs sleeping in each cage. A man is shown on a field performing tricks with a dog and a bunch of frisbees. The dog catches, flips, and chases the frisbees.", "segments": [[0, 9.03], [13.2, 20.84], [25.7, 109.73], [110.43, 138.9]], "duration": 138.9, "id": 1375}, {"image_id": "v_N1-TZnH0jy4.mp4", "caption": "There's a little baby wearing a purple bib seated on a high chair holding and sucking on a Popsicle. The baby licks the Popsicle several times and then throws it down.", "segments": [[7.66, 12.66], [12.66, 15.16]], "duration": 15.16, "id": 1376}, {"image_id": "v_xx5TLuZmjcE.mp4", "caption": "woman wearing black clothes is playing squash in a small wooden room. man with a stripped shirt is standing in a court room playing squash. a man and a woman are standing ni a wooden court playing squash.", "segments": [[0, 6.85], [0, 6.75], [0.27, 6.85]], "duration": 6.85, "id": 1377}, {"image_id": "v_CwvtmoTWNgQ.mp4", "caption": "A windsurfer rides along choppy water across a canal with other riders in the background. The makes a turn of direction on his windsurfing board and pumps back and forth to maneuver it. A group of windsurfers ride together around a small dingy boat.", "segments": [[4.61, 148.43], [41.53, 78.44], [134.58, 148.43]], "duration": 153.81, "id": 1378}, {"image_id": "v_oOURAJ7nraU.mp4", "caption": "A male athlete is standing outside on a field stretching preparing himself to run.After he is ready,the man takes off running and does several long jumps into the pit.As he ends his last jump,two people come to the pit and start to measure the distance.", "segments": [[0, 31.19], [31.66, 78.21], [78.21, 93.11]], "duration": 93.11, "id": 1379}, {"image_id": "v_Mv2L6HxB2dk.mp4", "caption": "There are several people skating on the main road in the downtown area of a city at night. The street is lit up with street lights and stores along the sidewalk. The people skate through the road where there are no cars driving.", "segments": [[4.99, 17.12], [17.12, 27.27], [27.27, 31.09]], "duration": 33.25, "id": 1380}, {"image_id": "v_b1RAYvxWawA.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a lake showing the trees and mountains as well as the canoe sitting in front of him. Another boy is seen riding along the water in a canoe as well as several others paddling by. More shots are shown of people riding in their canoes and capturing the scenery around them.", "segments": [[2.73, 65.47], [70.93, 147.31], [125.48, 179.13]], "duration": 181.86, "id": 1381}, {"image_id": "v_ZOczr9WCVig.mp4", "caption": "There are many different tiles being shown and there is wooden floors being shown. First the man removes the baseboard, then he gets a drill and puts screws in the floor. Then he draws lines to put tiles on the floor. I then see him with a machine that cuts tiles in half and he puts half of a tile on the floor. Then he smears cement onto the floor and lies the tiles on top of it. He hammers the tiles a little to make them lie flat. Then floor is now finished and he wipes the tiles off making them shiny.", "segments": [[0, 10.18], [32.8, 50.89], [56.55, 81.43], [56.55, 105.18], [56.55, 132.32], [56.55, 148.15], [160.59, 180.95]], "duration": 226.19, "id": 1382}, {"image_id": "v_ZnoSOqba2HM.mp4", "caption": "A baby is standing on the carpet. A person brushes the child's teeth with a blue toothbrush. The child reaches for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 13.86], [3.17, 13.86], [9.57, 10.41]], "duration": 14.07, "id": 1383}, {"image_id": "v_q4M7SsGjFro.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl performing with batons. The girl throws her leg in the air and spins. The girl does a cartwheel. The girl kneels down and picks up a baton. The girls finishes and throws her arms in the air. The girl walks over and hugs her dad.", "segments": [[0, 157.99], [68.43, 71.81], [84.49, 91.24], [95.47, 100.54], [152.92, 157.99], [157.99, 168.97]], "duration": 168.97, "id": 1384}, {"image_id": "v_um2h6O3zjGM.mp4", "caption": "A man is watching a game eating an ice cream cone. People are sitting behind a desk laughing.", "segments": [[0, 42.35], [42.58, 45.78]], "duration": 45.78, "id": 1385}, {"image_id": "v_lGPUCwHjiK0.mp4", "caption": "A man is preparing to run and jump. He runs very quickly down the track. He takes a flying jump over the high bar onto a mat.", "segments": [[0, 35], [50.26, 113.08], [116.67, 179.49]], "duration": 179.49, "id": 1386}, {"image_id": "v_-qtdjw3MYcY.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting down in a chair. Another person is standing behind her. The woman behind her begins braiding her hair.", "segments": [[0, 15.42], [0.46, 15.42], [0.46, 14.88]], "duration": 15.42, "id": 1387}, {"image_id": "v_Pd9qzQ2MOE8.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen kneeling and sitting before a wall with one speaking to the camera and beginning to lay metal down on the side. The two line it up as well as drill the metal into place while continuing to drill down more while the man speaks to the camera and shows more shots of his crew working in the end.", "segments": [[4.95, 65.64], [50.16, 120.76]], "duration": 123.86, "id": 1388}, {"image_id": "v_2jpnkf-xgf0.mp4", "caption": "A woman bakes cookies on a silicone mat. The ingredients are prepared and cookies are cut.", "segments": [[0, 161.68], [50.12, 147.94]], "duration": 161.68, "id": 1389}, {"image_id": "v_KmJFUfqGKZA.mp4", "caption": "An underwater coral reef is shown. The scuba diver rides a horse and then looks at rays.", "segments": [[0, 187.74], [58.19, 210.8]], "duration": 219.57999999999998, "id": 1390}, {"image_id": "v_dffUIntKlGI.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen running up and down a bricked area while standing in front of a hop scotch game drawn out. The girl then hops along the chalk while looking at the camera and holding her hair out of her face. In the end she gives the person holding the camera a high give.", "segments": [[0, 34.32], [23.73, 75.85], [75.43, 84.75]], "duration": 84.75, "id": 1391}, {"image_id": "v_c9A384zijnk.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of food close up as well as people speaking to the camera. Shots are shown of the outside of a restaurant as well as chefs cooking the food and people eating the food.", "segments": [[2.63, 117.54], [52.63, 172.8]], "duration": 175.43, "id": 1392}, {"image_id": "v_8Tyu4-JnfDc.mp4", "caption": "A white screen appears with a green logo and green and gray words appear and it says \"howdini get yourself a guru\". A brunette woman standing in a kitchen is talking and the words on the screen say \"Howdini Guru Cricket Azima Chef and Author\", then a green screen appears quickly and it say's \"Cookie Exchange Recipes\", and goes back to the woman talking.Cookies on a plate are shown and the words on the screen say they are \"Peanut Butter Blossoms\", and begins to show the woman pouring all the ingredients into a bowl to make them, rolling them in sugar, putting them on a tray for baking, and then showing the final product when they're done baking and the website to go to to see the full recipe.The woman is talking again and the next cookie she is shown making is called \"cookie snowballs\" and it shows all the ingredients needed, a list on how long to cook it for, and she's demonstrating step by step until it's all baked and on a plate next to the other cookies.The video ends with more pictures of other cookies she wasn't shown making, then to a green screen that has white words that include a message to go to their website if you want to see more videos of their cookie recipes.", "segments": [[0, 4.47], [4.47, 33.1], [33.1, 84.09], [84.09, 155.65], [155.65, 178.91]], "duration": 178.91, "id": 1393}, {"image_id": "v_FofBEedm80o.mp4", "caption": "The words \"Grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyan\" and \"Taiji Push Hands\" appear on screen. Several students individually approach the Grandmaster attempting to fight him and are pushed back quickly. The Grandmaster taps a student on the head and he quickly falls to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 6.18], [6.18, 191.57], [192.6, 205.99]], "duration": 205.99, "id": 1394}, {"image_id": "v_F_uouNToDWo.mp4", "caption": "A lady on a rowing machine in a gym sits still. The lady leans forward and works out slowly on the machine. The lady starts to row a little faster and the screen fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 8.51], [8.51, 86.2], [87.26, 106.42]], "duration": 106.42, "id": 1395}, {"image_id": "v_D4zZErqkD6A.mp4", "caption": "Two dancers are seen holding a pose in the middle of a large gymnasium and begin performing a routine using batons. The girls continue dancing and spinning around with the sticks and end by holding a pose.", "segments": [[3.38, 81.69], [52.66, 124.9]], "duration": 135.03, "id": 1396}, {"image_id": "v_Th0SMArnWiY.mp4", "caption": "We see BMX racers on the field and in various locations and riding their bikes. Two men fall off their bikes. We see the races start high on a platform. A man holds a surfboard and a man carries a bike up steps. We see a laughing man holding a surfboard. A lady throws a hand sign to the camera. We see aerial shots of the fields. A man takes a photo and a man holds a New Zeland flag. A man fall off his bike hard. The video fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 194.27], [22.86, 27.01], [36.36, 40.52], [79.99, 85.19], [102.85, 108.04], [116.35, 119.47], [127.78, 136.09], [155.83, 159.99], [169.33, 171.41], [195.31, 207.77]], "duration": 207.77, "id": 1397}, {"image_id": "v_YCrSiqY-TVw.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of the inside and outside of an arena as well as the camera panning out from the ice and two people speaking to one another. Several shots are then shown of people curling and close ups of the pucks. More clips are shown of people playing the game as well as team mates watching.", "segments": [[3.06, 81.51], [66.23, 145.7], [150.8, 202.76]], "duration": 203.78, "id": 1398}, {"image_id": "v_MldEr60j33M.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt bends over and picks up a large weight. He lifts the weight up to his shoulders. He bends down and lifts the weight over his head.", "segments": [[0, 5.04], [6.34, 17.98], [18.11, 25.87]], "duration": 25.87, "id": 1399}, {"image_id": "v_LtQTtCplKz0.mp4", "caption": "A man by the name of ALEX AL-AMEEN is smiling and talking and the words below his name say that he has been \"SELECTED FOR COMMONWEALTH GAMES 2014 110 METRE HURDLES\".A man is then shown on the track sitting on the ground prepping his feet for his shoes as he wraps tape around his foot. Three men are now walking to a track where various people are running and taking turns doing hop, skip and jumps.A man briefly stops and talks to the camera while he appears a little out of breath.Another man is now kneeling and applying tape next to the sandy area of the jump while he talks. The man is now standing at a bar bell with very heavy weights and he slowly starts to lift it, then drops it. A woman is now holding dumbbells while she steps on some stairs, and the man is show again but this time he's pulling on an exercise equipment. The white outro screen appears with their logo and the words saying to subscribe to their youtube channel.", "segments": [[0, 6.8], [6.8, 11.66], [11.66, 114.68], [114.68, 128.29], [128.29, 157.44], [157.44, 162.3], [162.3, 178.82], [178.82, 194.37]], "duration": 194.38, "id": 1400}, {"image_id": "v_eudqfH7Vz_c.mp4", "caption": "Three boys play a game of croquet on a large green lawn with croquet mallets and croquet balls. The boy sit on a bench outside with a bag of croquet mallets and balls and talk to each other. The boys then enter the field and hurt themselves trying to untangle the croquet tools. The boys then start to play, talking to each other through it and end up chasing each other through the field and tackling each other on the ground. The boys finally look at a cell phone together from the field and then layer their croquet mallets on top of one another in a seeming attempt to get the balls through the croquet goal by guiding them through the holes in the layered mallets.", "segments": [[0, 164.81], [0.88, 12.27], [16.66, 28.93], [31.56, 85.04], [86.79, 172.7]], "duration": 175.32999999999998, "id": 1401}, {"image_id": "v_yOFIXQCbSqc.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen swimming around a pool with a man talking on the side. The group begin throwing the ball around while swimming around each other. The group continues swimming and playing ball with each other.", "segments": [[0, 14.46], [13.71, 28.18], [23.48, 36.44]], "duration": 37.57, "id": 1402}, {"image_id": "v_jqRJM8b4pgE.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting at a booth surrounded by pipes, talking and gesturing. The man holds up one end of the pipe. The man demonstrates how to smoke using the pipe, as he blows ringed smoke out of his mouth. He continues to talk and gesture.", "segments": [[0, 34.21], [34.21, 55.84], [55.84, 70.78], [70.78, 78.65]], "duration": 78.65, "id": 1403}, {"image_id": "v_hg-wVv7XSFo.mp4", "caption": "picture of supplies that are needed to do hairstyle .Separate hair into two parts down the middle. French braiding hair from left to right all the way to the end. French braiding hair from the back going right to left all the way to the end. Connect the braids together using a bobby pin. Separate the braids all over to make braids look fuller to form a crown.", "segments": [[7.98, 12.54], [26.23, 36.49], [41.05, 66.13], [70.69, 131.13], [150.51, 164.19], [150.51, 212.08]], "duration": 228.04, "id": 1404}, {"image_id": "v_DF9CGVGiKXY.mp4", "caption": "Five people are jump roping on a blue mat. They do flips and tricks while jump roping. They finish and hug each other before walking off.", "segments": [[0, 77.56], [19.84, 65.39], [78.01, 90.19]], "duration": 90.19, "id": 1405}, {"image_id": "v_1fmaEo3wzxg.mp4", "caption": "We see a black opening screen. A lady sits in a tattoo chair talking. We see the camera operator. The lady has a tattoo added to her back. The other lady sits in the chair. The second lady is being tattooed. We see the finished tattoos.", "segments": [[0, 2.9], [2.9, 7.73], [7.73, 14.5], [30.93, 64.77], [65.73, 94.73], [107.3, 186.56], [186.56, 193.33]], "duration": 193.33, "id": 1406}, {"image_id": "v_pQQb2FP1ewE.mp4", "caption": "Two men push a small private helicopter out of its shed. They land on a beach, then fly it over the clear ocean water. They skydive, opening their parachutes as they get closer to the water. They then scuba dive to the bottom and put on scuba gear to explore the ocean floor.", "segments": [[0.62, 10.55], [12.41, 34.12], [36.6, 91.81], [98.63, 124.07]], "duration": 124.07, "id": 1407}, {"image_id": "v_lKCDcLEby-Y.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around an area and lead into people playing tug of war. People in costume cheer them on as they continue to play as well as showing people dancing in the city. More pictures are shown of the event as well as people speaking to one another.", "segments": [[9.78, 31.42], [34.91, 79.6], [79.6, 134.06]], "duration": 139.65, "id": 1408}, {"image_id": "v_6VD_qwIgTzU.mp4", "caption": "A tattoo artist is seen tattooing a girls foot and leads into a man speaking to the camera. The man continues speaking to the camera as well as pointing and looking away.", "segments": [[3.83, 64.53], [42.65, 105.54]], "duration": 109.37, "id": 1409}, {"image_id": "v_vB00ah6E5E4.mp4", "caption": "A young boy plays the violin. He stops playing the violin.", "segments": [[0, 36.28], [36.47, 37.79]], "duration": 37.79, "id": 1410}, {"image_id": "v_ElXkXNbsZac.mp4", "caption": "A man in white apron and pants stands on a ladder holding a pencil and wallpaper. The man applies a strip of wallpaper to a wall and smooths with his hand. The man uses a rag and then a brush to smooth out thee wall paper to the wall surface. The painter uses a spatula and blade to trim a straight line on the wallpapers edge along the ceiling. The man gets down from the ladder and unrolls the wallpaper to the floor. The man continues to smooth out the lower section of the wallpaper with a brush down to the floorboard. The man trims the lower edge of the wall paper with a blade against the floor board. The man trims the corner of the wall paper from the ceiling down the the floor.", "segments": [[0, 25.94], [27.86, 48.04], [49, 80.71], [81.67, 102.81], [103.77, 120.11], [120.11, 147.97], [147.97, 162.38], [169.11, 192.17]], "duration": 192.17, "id": 1411}, {"image_id": "v_AWAMhmc08Cw.mp4", "caption": "Two children are seen sitting in a tub rubbing their faces and another person's hands interacting. The boy continues to rub water all over his face as well as play with toys and smile at the cameraman.", "segments": [[2.82, 73.2], [45.75, 135.13]], "duration": 140.76, "id": 1412}, {"image_id": "v_PpC4kPd5KfA.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up to a lane in a bowling alley. He throws the ball and watches it glide down the lane multiple times. It knocks down all but two pins, which he misses the second time.", "segments": [[0, 7.9], [9.65, 71.95], [89.5, 175.49]], "duration": 175.49, "id": 1413}, {"image_id": "v_8jJdHFW-lys.mp4", "caption": "little girl is in stage in a competition and do a jump into a parallel to do gymnastics and somersaults. peolpe is standing behind the stage talking.", "segments": [[0, 102.8], [7.2, 102.8]], "duration": 102.8, "id": 1414}, {"image_id": "v_dx5VK79QWlg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is knitting in bed. The woman puts her arms down to catch the yarn. The woman shows what she was making.", "segments": [[0, 20.13], [16.27, 17.11], [21.45, 22.78]], "duration": 24.1, "id": 1415}, {"image_id": "v_AGDsfpZQBIs.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a field of grass. A man holds a ball near his neck and spins around. He throws it onto the field.", "segments": [[0, 20.69], [7.03, 14.07], [14.17, 20.69]], "duration": 20.69, "id": 1416}, {"image_id": "v_t1MXansbY5s.mp4", "caption": "A woman opens a white closet door. She removes some shoes from the closet. She puts on the shoes. She then laces them up.", "segments": [[0, 3.83], [3.15, 7.2], [12.15, 27], [22.73, 31.95]], "duration": 45.0, "id": 1417}, {"image_id": "v_X4P9YA6Oabg.mp4", "caption": "A young blonde lady is talking to the camera inside her room. She separates her hair into sections. She then shows how to braid the sections and pin it in place.", "segments": [[0, 54.3], [63.54, 166.36], [173.3, 231.06]], "duration": 231.06, "id": 1418}, {"image_id": "v_NB4IBjUmrcI.mp4", "caption": "A man is indoors, wearing boxing gloves. He is kickboxing with a large punching bag, kicking and punching it over and over.", "segments": [[0, 3.36], [4.17, 26.91]], "duration": 26.91, "id": 1419}, {"image_id": "v_NzL_uQyQjIw.mp4", "caption": "People walk holding surfboards, then they board a boat. A man water ski behind the boat jumping high and spinning. Then, a woman and a man water ski doing acrobatic jumps. A boat sails empty in the river. After, men water ski jumping and turning around. Next, a person surf on the waves created by the boat, after the man water ski jumping and flipping high.", "segments": [[3.66, 23.79], [24.71, 44.84], [45.76, 64.06], [64.06, 68.64], [69.55, 104.33], [104.33, 183.03]], "duration": 183.03, "id": 1420}, {"image_id": "v_TYRDXDR5l9U.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing before a sink with running water and pushing their hands under the water. They then put soap into their hands, scrub for a bit, and then run their hands under the water. Finally she runs her hands under the water and dries her hand off with a paper towel.", "segments": [[0, 7.78], [8.79, 38.15], [38.15, 50.2]], "duration": 50.2, "id": 1421}, {"image_id": "v_nv22QK8brp4.mp4", "caption": "On a river, people gather to watch people on donuts and boats kayaking rough waters. A couple of people on a kayak are flipped over and fall into the river.", "segments": [[0, 94.08], [81.85, 88.43]], "duration": 94.08, "id": 1422}, {"image_id": "v_uwxuvGci98g.mp4", "caption": "A female with a long blonde pony tale begins running across a large green field throwing a ball.She then continues running across the field and begins looking at the bleachers and anticipating a softball game.As the action continues,she progresses through the bleachers and a url appears on the last screen to watch live cricket games.", "segments": [[0, 42.46], [42.46, 119.03], [119.79, 151.63]], "duration": 151.63, "id": 1423}, {"image_id": "v_VbzzcpsAPo8.mp4", "caption": "A black and white video plays and one of the men is Bruce Lee and he's very skillfully and creatively hitting the ping pong ball back and forth to another man who is holding a ping pong paddle, while Bruce Lee hits the ping pong ball with nanchucks and the man with a paddle can't keep the ball on the table. Now there are two men at the end of the table who are both holding paddles and playing against Bruce Lee as they attempt to keep the ball on the table but ultimately fail. A black screen appears with white Asian lettering in the middle, then a website that say's \"www lee35 come cn\".", "segments": [[0, 37.99], [37.99, 65.03], [65.03, 73.06]], "duration": 73.06, "id": 1424}, {"image_id": "v_S47vfJ9g3Mw.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a title screen and an intro which shows various works of art. The topic is about Chinese paintings of waterfalls and rocks. An older Chinese man speaks to the camera. He then begins painting as the camera pans down to view how he does it. At one point, the camera focuses back to his face for a moment. The video ends with another title screen.", "segments": [[0, 12.18], [0, 187.34], [14.05, 31.85], [14.05, 180.78], [161.11, 164.86], [182.66, 187.34]], "duration": 187.34, "id": 1425}, {"image_id": "v_8qIl-0XOguM.mp4", "caption": "The camera follows several people on a walkway from a first person perspective. The camera shows sliding down a snowy slope from a first person perspective alongside others. The camera shows sliding down a snowy slope from a first person perspective looking backwards. The camera shows another slide down the slope from a first person perspective alongside others. The camera watches as multiple other people slide down the slope. The camera catches another slide down the slope from a first person perspective while spinning. The camera catches more slides down the slope from a first person perspective while looking left and right.", "segments": [[0, 37.34], [37.34, 72.55], [72.55, 86.41], [86.41, 125.89], [125.89, 134.42], [136.56, 154.69], [156.83, 213.37]], "duration": 213.37, "id": 1426}, {"image_id": "v_sg5z7jus30w.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in a chair with his arm out getting a tattoo from a male artist. The men speak back and fourth to one another and the camera zooms in on the arm being done. In the end pictures of the men standing together are shown as well as the tattoo.", "segments": [[0, 34.32], [34.32, 162.24], [164.32, 208.01]], "duration": 208.01, "id": 1427}, {"image_id": "v_gBOWkZBlc8g.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen swimming around an ocean while two men pass a soccer ball back and fourth to one another on the shore. More people walk in and out of frame as the men continue to kick the ball back and fourth to one another.", "segments": [[5.05, 71.32], [47.97, 121.18]], "duration": 126.22, "id": 1428}, {"image_id": "v_kkjBLmM6KEg.mp4", "caption": "A woman speaks to the camera while holding a card. A couple appears on a professional stage under a spotlight and performs a dance routine. The pair finishes their routine, he kisses her hand and the audience applauds.", "segments": [[0, 5.66], [6.28, 119.4], [120.02, 125.68]], "duration": 125.68, "id": 1429}, {"image_id": "v_lue8XE3MEe8.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in black shorts, t-shirt, sneakers and red baseball cap walks into an orange walled room with hardwood floors and demonstrates an arm lift exercise with two metal black dumbbells. An orange walled room is empty except for two black dumbbells lying horizontal on the floor. The man walks into the room and stands in front of the dumbbells and then falls to his knees where he talks and shows his profile and then turns, on his knees, again, to face the camera head on. The man then picks up the dumbbells and begins lifting them directly over his head, facing the camera, and then again from a profile angle, before placing the dumbbells down, vertically, and leaving the room.", "segments": [[0.43, 85.36], [0.43, 2.13], [2.56, 32.44], [32.86, 85.36]], "duration": 85.36, "id": 1430}, {"image_id": "v_Q-dFr9ZS29s.mp4", "caption": "A young girl talks to a video camera with a curler in her bangs, occasionally holding a cell phone up to her face and introducing a younger person in the room with her in the background. The girl with curler in her bang talks to camera in a closeup angle. The girl points to the curler in her bang and holds up a cell phone to throw light onto her face which she brings closer to the camera. The girl laughs when a younger girl in the room with a pink wig on is shown in the background, she laughs again when the younger girl puts her pink wig in the camera.", "segments": [[0.48, 91.59], [3.39, 17.93], [14.54, 39.74], [44.1, 95.95]], "duration": 96.92, "id": 1431}, {"image_id": "v_s7HB851cCrg.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of men are inside a green colored gym. They are lobbing a tennis ball back and forth. They are engaged in a game of tennis.", "segments": [[0, 20.31], [26.47, 102.8], [113.26, 123.11]], "duration": 123.11, "id": 1432}, {"image_id": "v_-JhWjGDPHMY.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a roof. He starts pulling up roofing on a roof. A man walks up a ladder onto the roof.", "segments": [[0, 7.46], [25.38, 132.11], [132.86, 135.85]], "duration": 149.28, "id": 1433}, {"image_id": "v_mo_PhyaQHh0.mp4", "caption": "A boy is seen kneeling down before a wall and begins using a tool on the carpet. The man rubs his hand along the carpet and continues cutting. The man continues to cut along the rug while rubbing his hand across.", "segments": [[0.6, 16.97], [17.57, 42.59], [35.14, 57.48]], "duration": 59.56, "id": 1434}, {"image_id": "v_Mzt-E6pxuUI.mp4", "caption": "A young blonde boy is standing at a kitchen sink with a handheld sprayer in his hand and he's spraying all the dishes. The boy then puts the sprayer in a green pot on the counter and begins spraying the water in there. The boy drops the sprayer then takes a cup from the sink, fills it with water then pours the water into the pot, fills it again and pours it into a bowl on the counter. The boy then picks up a clear glass filled with red liquid, drinks some of it, puts it under the faucet and adds water to it, drinks it a few times then dumps it out into the sink.The boy then takes a dish from the sink that has the red juice and tries to pour it into the pot on the counter but instead it spills all over the counter instead and he gets a sponge and tries to clean it up.", "segments": [[0, 21.46], [21.46, 41.54], [41.54, 61.61], [61.61, 110.08], [110.08, 138.46]], "duration": 138.46, "id": 1435}, {"image_id": "v_2qcdjyT7nDY.mp4", "caption": "We see cheerleaders standing on the stage. The cheerleaders perform a routine. Four girls are lifted and they hold one girl in between them laying down. Ladies hold ladies who hold and shake their pom poms. Four ladies are lifted and hold two other ladies then a seventh lady. the team finishes and hugs. We see ending credits and still shots. A quote and website appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.64], [5.64, 156.89], [39.51, 47.41], [80.14, 86.91], [144.48, 155.76], [154.64, 168.18], [172.69, 206.56], [208.81, 225.75]], "duration": 225.75, "id": 1436}, {"image_id": "v_YTWXDIMEjpg.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of a lake are shown followed by a person climbing behind a boat on a wake board. The person rides the wake board along the water while several cameras capture his movements and jumps behind the boat. The camera captures the person driving the boat as well as following the wake boarder close behind the boat. In the end three boys are riding the boat and driving along.", "segments": [[0, 30.53], [12.44, 142.48], [57.67, 200.15], [199.02, 226.16]], "duration": 226.16, "id": 1437}, {"image_id": "v_I0w8zmcO_Cw.mp4", "caption": "A man stops his bike on the sidewalk. He jumps down to look at the wheel, then uses a tool to press into the rubber. He continues talking about the tool before joining in a bike race, then going back to talking on the sidewalk.", "segments": [[0, 10.87], [14.18, 64.28], [66.17, 94.53]], "duration": 94.53, "id": 1438}, {"image_id": "v_arhhcCWkAoM.mp4", "caption": "Men swing around with a hammer throw ball before releasing it. A man does pull ups on a bar. A man lifts a large weight on his shoulders and also shoulder presses it above his head. Two men run track together.", "segments": [[0, 76.28], [16.78, 22.5], [27.46, 50.72], [52.63, 62.17]], "duration": 76.28, "id": 1439}, {"image_id": "v_4o1k3KUHz6E.mp4", "caption": "A flag waves on a pole in a field. We see a mascot roll a ball to home plate and fall when its kicked back and hits him. We then see the mascot kick the ball and run a home run. The mascot runs and catches a ball in the field. The mascot high fives a line of people and chest bumps the last man knocking him over.", "segments": [[0, 4.31], [4.5, 9], [9.56, 21], [22.5, 26.81], [26.63, 37.5]], "duration": 37.5, "id": 1440}, {"image_id": "v_ahVeDMNS9ws.mp4", "caption": "A close up of sneakers is shown followed by a person holding up various objects and mixing them together in a bowl. The person then uses a tooth brush all around the shoe using the ingredients and showing off the shoe.", "segments": [[1.04, 93.65], [86.37, 192.51]], "duration": 208.12, "id": 1441}, {"image_id": "v_M2ntxFBPaug.mp4", "caption": "A person explains holding a racket and making moves with a racket in a tennis court. Then a man wearing black clothes serves a tennis ball that is returned, and he sends it back. Then, the person talks holding two ball, after the man serves again and the person talks. After, the man continues talking.", "segments": [[2.08, 99.68], [101.75, 126.67], [126.67, 151.59], [151.59, 186.89]], "duration": 207.66, "id": 1442}, {"image_id": "v_y0_lTTdKkro.mp4", "caption": "A goalie is seen in several clips running back and fourth and blocking balls from getting by. The player continues running back and fourth while another man sits in front of him.", "segments": [[1.45, 43.65], [27.64, 88.75]], "duration": 96.99000000000001, "id": 1443}, {"image_id": "v_F79Tzy2i7bI.mp4", "caption": "A baby eats bread in a high chair. A person puts something in the baby's eyes. A person messes with the baby's hair.", "segments": [[0, 57.08], [7.42, 34.82], [36.53, 51.65]], "duration": 57.08, "id": 1444}, {"image_id": "v_QLACTCzs0R0.mp4", "caption": "A large group of Navy soldiers are shown on a dock playing a game of tug of war. On one side of the rope is a team pulling as hard as they can while being cheered on. Another Navy soldier is shown taking pictures of the game. The other side of the rope is shown. One team is pulled over a red line on the ground, ending the game. The men stand up to relax.", "segments": [[0, 47.18], [0, 4.48], [4.01, 6.61], [6.13, 19.58], [19.35, 38.69], [38.22, 47.18]], "duration": 47.18, "id": 1445}, {"image_id": "v_DQXJ8OU7Ox4.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a female weight lifting competition. One of the female weight lifters is shown on the screen as she goes through several increasing levels of lifts one by one. When she finally reaches a weight that is too heavy for her to lift, she leaves the challenge.", "segments": [[0, 5.11], [5.11, 131.25], [131.25, 170.46]], "duration": 170.46, "id": 1446}, {"image_id": "v_4zFiORtQrlA.mp4", "caption": "A man in polo shirt stands with a bike on a rack and demonstrates it's different features in a bike shop. The man takes out a tool and makes an adjustment to the wheel sprocket then turns the wheel before adjusting more. The man adjusts a shifter on the handlebars.", "segments": [[0, 40.95], [40.95, 73.93], [77.65, 106.37]], "duration": 106.37, "id": 1447}, {"image_id": "v_uZCov5TG-Y8.mp4", "caption": "A man is ironing a shirt on an ironing board. Bags are shown sitting on the bed.", "segments": [[0, 69.58], [38.5, 40.97]], "duration": 70.64, "id": 1448}, {"image_id": "v_tQmsDeu1d6M.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen swimming around the wall while the camera pans around and watches them. The kids continue to move around the water as adults walk by as well. More shots are shown of kids playing in the sand.", "segments": [[1.98, 56.72], [31.66, 102.89], [106.85, 129.27]], "duration": 131.91, "id": 1449}, {"image_id": "v_GPWXB0wy5dY.mp4", "caption": "The video that is shot horizontally shows several people windsurfing in the ocean on a sunny day. One of the surfers is going at very high speed against the waves. One surfer on an orange surf comes at top speed and loses control and falls into the water. The surfer with blue sails manages to stay on board as he surfs in the ocean.", "segments": [[1.64, 8.08], [8.08, 15.68], [15.68, 22.12], [22.12, 23.41]], "duration": 23.41, "id": 1450}, {"image_id": "v_NRhoHN8x_00.mp4", "caption": "An older woman is seen sitting before a drum set playing a set of drums. She spins the drums around through her finger tips and continues playing the instrument while the camera captures her.", "segments": [[2.95, 75.74], [16.41, 33.66]], "duration": 84.15, "id": 1451}, {"image_id": "v_xR9VOguQeKM.mp4", "caption": "A man performs high jump with a pole, he jumps over three horizontal lines that touches two of them. The man attempts to jumps higher than while jumping with the pole. Again, the man attempt to jump higher but he makes fall the horizontal line.", "segments": [[14.58, 25], [26.04, 104.18], [104.18, 137.51]], "duration": 208.35, "id": 1452}, {"image_id": "v_fJyxb59mA-A.mp4", "caption": "We see a man sitting on a couch. The man is playing the bagpipe. The man laughs and stops playing. The man starts playing the bagpipe again. The man laughs hard again. The man stops playing the bagpipe. The man waves his hand in front of the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.47], [2.47, 51.62], [14, 19.22], [21.69, 48.88], [49.15, 54.92], [51.9, 52.72], [54.37, 54.92]], "duration": 54.92, "id": 1453}, {"image_id": "v_q0L4clHNIbc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is outside shoveling with a robohandle. It is making the process much quicker because it is a decent size and picks up a lot of the snow at once. She is making a lot of progress in such a small window of time using this snow robohandle. The handle honestly just looks like two large shovels though.", "segments": [[0, 27.87], [27.87, 60.81], [60.81, 93.12], [93.12, 126.69]], "duration": 126.69, "id": 1454}, {"image_id": "v_SLv4rEkiYaU.mp4", "caption": "Text appears on the screen briefly. An elephant rides past a cow. People are in a tube on a river.", "segments": [[0, 5.15], [5.15, 34.61], [34.61, 73.63]], "duration": 73.63, "id": 1455}, {"image_id": "v_WRXSn7DyaoI.mp4", "caption": "People are dancing on a dance floor at a wedding. A woman in a wedding dress is dancing with a man in a tuxedo. A man in a purple shirt is dancing with a woman.", "segments": [[0, 141.43], [11.31, 105.37], [120.93, 141.43]], "duration": 141.43, "id": 1456}, {"image_id": "v_6LX02yo9iGo.mp4", "caption": "People prepare for a BMX bike race. A person lines up and then goes.", "segments": [[0, 59.14], [87.15, 151.73]], "duration": 155.62, "id": 1457}, {"image_id": "v_n33Uv--Lbl4.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a yellow shirt is brushing her teeth in a bathroom. A girl next to her in a blue shirt is also brushing her teeth. They are both looking in the mirror.", "segments": [[0, 2.04], [3.53, 5.39], [22.12, 27.32]], "duration": 37.18, "id": 1458}, {"image_id": "v_ybFvomdhW2Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman is speedily riding a recumbent bike in the kitchen. She sits by the stove, cracking eggs into a pan and making an omelet while she rides. She stirs the egg, then plates it while still riding. She then eats while she continues to ride.", "segments": [[0, 18.31], [23.8, 80.56], [82.39, 159.29], [160.2, 183.09]], "duration": 183.09, "id": 1459}, {"image_id": "v_1aCwFDS0j2A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling on a mat in a back yard and leads into her bending backwards using her hands. She then puts her hands all the way down on the ground while still continuing to look up.", "segments": [[0, 44.69], [46.2, 75.74]], "duration": 75.74, "id": 1460}, {"image_id": "v_iPHZeElXYXU.mp4", "caption": "We see a white opening screen. We see a lady ironing a shirt on an ironing board and talking to the camera. The lady irons a sleeve. The lady irons the back of the shirt. The lady finishes and holds the shirt up. We see a bright title closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.65], [3.53, 165.87], [15, 60.88], [64.41, 120.88], [164.11, 165.87], [166.76, 176.46]], "duration": 176.46, "id": 1461}, {"image_id": "v_3K62qZ2hGyw.mp4", "caption": "We see the title screen for Howcast. A lady is standing in a white room talking to the camera. The lady shows us how to belly dance by dancing. She shifts to her right then back and lifts her hips while belly dancing. The lady shows how to lift your hips one at a time. She pats her head and shakes her hips faster. The lady shakes her hips faster and waves her arms over her head. She stops dancing and stands still. The ending credits load on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.5], [5.14, 19.29], [19.94, 124.11], [20.58, 24.44], [28.3, 49.52], [92.6, 96.46], [99.68, 125.4], [124.76, 126.04], [125.4, 128.62]], "duration": 128.62, "id": 1462}, {"image_id": "v_OEBSls79Ths.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast performs on the uneven bars while spectators watch the performance.The gymnast end the performance and great the audience, and then she join her friends to wait for the score. A woman watch the gymnast and applaud.", "segments": [[0, 52.7], [52.7, 65.06], [47.17, 55.95]], "duration": 65.06, "id": 1463}, {"image_id": "v_u08gU4eQFHY.mp4", "caption": "A weight lifter is in a gym, and he lifts a barbell. He lifts it over his head, then drops it to the ground before walking away.", "segments": [[0, 4.39], [4.91, 9.45]], "duration": 9.45, "id": 1464}, {"image_id": "v_7TOw39_59xo.mp4", "caption": "A close up of several cars are seen that leads into a person cleaning the cars. The person wipes down the front of the cars with a rag including along the tires. The cars are shown lined up afterwards and shown all cleaned off.", "segments": [[0, 36.65], [24.81, 87.97], [64.85, 109.4]], "duration": 112.78, "id": 1465}, {"image_id": "v_u9JhQ0xSSJI.mp4", "caption": "A marching band parades down the street. People on both sides of the street watch the parade and applaud.", "segments": [[0, 30.35], [0.15, 30.2]], "duration": 30.35, "id": 1466}, {"image_id": "v_yeUuZ9vk5gE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen placing dough balls onto a pan and then placing them into an oven. She then takes them out of the oven and puts the cookies onto a plate.", "segments": [[1.9, 25.9], [25.27, 63.18]], "duration": 63.18, "id": 1467}, {"image_id": "v_G_Nzm0WkGEI.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen ironing a shirt on a table and looking into the camera. The boy continues pretending to iron the shirt and eventually puts a dress on the table to iron. He irons the dress and swings it around.", "segments": [[0, 22.24], [20.96, 56.54], [55.91, 127.06]], "duration": 127.06, "id": 1468}, {"image_id": "v_AKQqaMyZtf8.mp4", "caption": "A man walks with a leaf blower. He blows leaves on the ground. The leaves move against the asphalt. The man blows another man with the blower.", "segments": [[0, 153.89], [8.46, 153.89], [51.55, 153.89], [124.65, 153.89]], "duration": 153.89, "id": 1469}, {"image_id": "v_IAqNteMxXNk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing behind a counter speaking to the camera and holding up cleaning products. He puts the products into a sink and begins scrubbing around the sides. He wipes down the counter and shows off the finished sink.", "segments": [[0, 49.95], [31.88, 83.43], [63.77, 102.56]], "duration": 106.28, "id": 1470}, {"image_id": "v_SxIJ6MjcgnY.mp4", "caption": "A man throwing the frisbee to his dog and the dog catches. One owner does a hand stand a throws the frisbee to his dog, who is able to catch. Many owners and dogs throwing and catching frisbees and doing tricks while doing so. A woman opens her arms and her dogs jumps into them, she catches the dog.", "segments": [[0, 30.57], [30.57, 71.83], [71.83, 116.15], [116.92, 152.83]], "duration": 152.82999999999998, "id": 1471}, {"image_id": "v_-YreL-4QCLg.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy holds a lacrosse stick and instructs. A guy moves a ball with the lacrosse stick. A guy tosses a ball into a goal.", "segments": [[0, 2.3], [2.92, 17.12], [17.74, 41.33], [33.19, 36.95]], "duration": 41.75, "id": 1472}, {"image_id": "v_0ZzKrBk1ac8.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are arm wrestling on a table. A woman in a white shirt walks past them. The woman wins and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 53.58], [43.84, 45.56], [54.44, 57.31]], "duration": 57.31, "id": 1473}, {"image_id": "v_lydctNDJZ5o.mp4", "caption": "There are two teams represented by the color green and color white playing lacrosse against each other in an outdoor field. The player from the green team begins running with his stick alongside his opponent to go towards the ball. The two team come head to head as they scramble to hit the ball in the goal. The green team players run fast to prevent the white team from getting the ball. The white team players try to keep up with their opponents and focus on hitting the ball in the goal. Two players from both team come running towards each other and fight for the ball, causing one of the green team players to fall down. They take a break to before they can restart the game as they walk towards the side of the field.", "segments": [[0, 96.15], [2.88, 26.44], [25, 47.6], [42.79, 61.06], [54.81, 71.15], [65.87, 80.29], [78.85, 96.15]], "duration": 96.15, "id": 1474}, {"image_id": "v_DRHW4FvSKdw.mp4", "caption": "A dealer at a casino table deals out to several customers while there's a constant stream of activity in the background. One of the players starts laughing.", "segments": [[0, 18.84], [18.84, 21.82]], "duration": 22.04, "id": 1475}, {"image_id": "v_NGvote9Y6gI.mp4", "caption": "We see cards sitting on table with chips. The dealer deals more cards. The dealer points at two cards. The dealer turns a card over and takes the man's chips.", "segments": [[0, 79.76], [21.14, 42.27], [46.26, 49.45], [62.21, 79.76]], "duration": 79.76, "id": 1476}, {"image_id": "v__wHyOKf_fhc.mp4", "caption": "An advertisement display the presentation of two dancers. The couple is dancing holding hands turning both around. The woman turns around holding the hand of the man.", "segments": [[0, 13.03], [13.03, 149.44], [149.44, 173.77]], "duration": 173.77, "id": 1477}, {"image_id": "v_lq-8Y-YLcNI.mp4", "caption": "women are walking on a lakeside and are putting their shoes and harness. women are climbing a rock wall attached to an harness. woman is going down and when is in the floor shake hands with he other woman.", "segments": [[0, 17.09], [17.09, 30.36], [30.36, 44.98]], "duration": 44.98, "id": 1478}, {"image_id": "v_5rkAMBttgPc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind a counter holding a martini glass. She dumps some ice into the glass. She puts some ice into another glass and adds shots of alcohol. She shakes the drink in a black shaker. She pours the ice out of a martini glass. She pours the drink into the martini glass. She holds up the martini glass in her hand.", "segments": [[0, 8.17], [8.56, 14.01], [16.73, 36.18], [36.96, 44.74], [46.3, 48.24], [52.91, 65.36], [69.25, 77.81]], "duration": 77.81, "id": 1479}, {"image_id": "v_UxhKb-zZoWE.mp4", "caption": "Two sumo wrestlers are seen fighting that leads into people walking in and others dancing together. More wrestlers bend down towards one another and begin wrestling while people drum on the side. More people are walked in and continue wrestling on the pit.", "segments": [[0, 31.71], [29.8, 89.41], [83.71, 116.68]], "duration": 126.83, "id": 1480}, {"image_id": "v__OY-1VtINQQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a piece of exercise equipment moving back and fourth. The man continues moving at different speeds and moving back.", "segments": [[0.87, 33.8], [31.49, 57.19]], "duration": 57.77, "id": 1481}, {"image_id": "v_Cof9eHf7VCI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are standing in the middle of a forest with a trail of pebbles separating them from a beautiful crystal clear body of water.The camera moves across the water and several people on boats and jet-skis are moving in the water near a large wave.More large waves begin to surface and a man begins surfing the waves.The forest is then shown and surf boards appear that are washed up against the banks of the water.", "segments": [[0, 23.1], [23.1, 95.68], [95.68, 169.37], [169.37, 219.96]], "duration": 219.96, "id": 1482}, {"image_id": "v_iEqyqzKSEZ4.mp4", "caption": "A car is driving down the highway at a fast speed, he takes an exit to park. Then, they're at the gym and it's a class full of people jumping rope. A woman coach and a child jump rope one on one together, she goes around instructing some other students in the class. The class ends with pictures of the coach and her students.", "segments": [[0, 29.68], [34.43, 72.41], [72.41, 170.95], [170.95, 237.43]], "duration": 237.43, "id": 1483}, {"image_id": "v_hvXMCjJcIqI.mp4", "caption": "A man drives a lawn mower over a lawn. The man turns to his left. A wagon behind the man is being pulled with children in tow. The man then circles the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 4.89], [4.38, 10.95], [11.12, 20.38], [17.86, 33.69]], "duration": 33.69, "id": 1484}, {"image_id": "v_H7k8ATbTjzs.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a young girl are each walking a dog in a grassy area. They approach another woman sitting in a chair. She pets one of the dogs. Another woman is sitting behind the woman that pets the dog. The woman with the dog walks over and takes the leash of the second dog from the young girl and walks away with both dogs and the young girl still holding part of a leash. A man is standing off to the side watching. The woman and the young girl, each with a dog again, stop in the grassy area, talk and then continue walking.", "segments": [[0, 13.15], [13.7, 15.34], [15.34, 38.91], [15.34, 64.66], [56.99, 72.88], [12.6, 109.6], [76.72, 105.76]], "duration": 109.6, "id": 1485}, {"image_id": "v_W5WfWmISKrk.mp4", "caption": "We see a dark title screen. We see titles in the screen and see the men. We see two men fighting MMA in a ring. The large man is losing his grip on the smaller man. The referee comes to the men and waves his arms. We see the outcome of the game on the screen. The smaller fighter hugs another man. We then see the closing ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 3.9], [3.9, 8.58], [8.58, 126.31], [86.54, 119.29], [120.07, 127.09], [126.31, 130.99], [128.65, 130.99], [131.77, 155.94]], "duration": 155.94, "id": 1486}, {"image_id": "v_UZPSbNS1LU0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are shown rollerblading in Paris. They are moving slowly and there are a lot of them as some of them look into the camera as they pass. The procession continues as spectators look onward. The video cuts to a side angle of the rollerbladers passing by. Another side shot is shown and a cop car and several escort vehicles come into view as the video fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 24.62], [24, 41.85], [49.24, 65.85], [72.01, 89.85], [89.85, 123.09]], "duration": 123.09, "id": 1487}, {"image_id": "v_Vq0-j_C-kZc.mp4", "caption": "A person is video taping a bull fighting event from his television set. The bull fighting scene is in a large open arena which is filled with thousands of spectators who are cheering. The two raging bulls are butting heads constantly while the matadors are trying to contain the bulls within a specified zone. The crowd continues to cheer as the event goes on.", "segments": [[18.32, 44.14], [44.14, 100.77], [100.77, 142.41], [142.41, 154.9]], "duration": 166.56, "id": 1488}, {"image_id": "v_i3uRumyN7mg.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman holding an accordion and a woman in a wedding dress beside her. The woman then begins to play the instrument while others stand around her and watch and others play along.", "segments": [[0.52, 25.62], [17.26, 49.94]], "duration": 52.29, "id": 1489}, {"image_id": "v_b3e7PrPNb30.mp4", "caption": "A woman is smearing a white cream onto her forehead and cheeks. She spreads it around, smoothing it in.", "segments": [[0, 70.84], [74.45, 144.57]], "duration": 144.57, "id": 1490}, {"image_id": "v_GHmxFOXP1Q0.mp4", "caption": "A man pierces a woman's cheek. She sticks her tongue out and then the process is completed.", "segments": [[0, 59.81], [24.22, 58.62]], "duration": 59.82, "id": 1491}, {"image_id": "v_55sP2yXNFxY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen hosting a news segment that leads into him speaking with two other people. Shots are shown of a young man playing pool with his father watching on the side. The man continues to play while his father watches and speaks to the news host.", "segments": [[0, 58.76], [57.76, 144.41], [140.42, 193.21]], "duration": 199.18, "id": 1492}, {"image_id": "v_ou45_7IdWCE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking to a swingset with a small boy and putting him on the swing. Several women with their children are seen swinging back and fourth with one another as well as dads playing with their kids.", "segments": [[0.62, 25.42], [20.77, 58.28]], "duration": 62.0, "id": 1493}, {"image_id": "v_O-hUa9e9_DE.mp4", "caption": "A woman chef demonstrates, in a kitchen, in front of a kitchen counter top and ingredients, how to prepare a salad. A woman stands in front of a kitchen counter top with greens, cheese, vegetables and oils and talks to the camera. The woman begins to cut the greens and put them in a white bowl before turning to pull oven roasted brussel sprouts out of the oven.The woman then squeezes and orange and pours the orange juice on the salad with the brussell sprouts and oil before the scene fades out.", "segments": [[1.04, 203.5], [13.5, 19.73], [20.77, 104.87], [104.87, 197.27]], "duration": 207.66, "id": 1494}, {"image_id": "v_vSAHWgFjQAY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen dancing in a club and grabs onto a woman. The man and woman then begin dancing around each other in the middle of the club. They continue dancing around one another while other people dance beside them.", "segments": [[0, 39.51], [37.93, 114.57], [106.67, 151.7]], "duration": 158.03, "id": 1495}, {"image_id": "v_sVk-Br0zfkA.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a woman is seen looking off into the distance and holding a dart. She throws the dart onto the board which is show up close. The woman then clenches her fists and her throw is shown again.", "segments": [[0.15, 2.66], [2.21, 7.84], [7.39, 9.65]], "duration": 10.06, "id": 1496}, {"image_id": "v_4Rto4Aa6fxw.mp4", "caption": "Two teams play hurling in a stadium full of people. A player serves a ball with the stick, and the teams continue playing. Two players dispute the ball in the air, then they continue playing.", "segments": [[9.91, 19.82], [20.08, 42.24], [42.77, 52.15]], "duration": 52.15, "id": 1497}, {"image_id": "v_cFJo7Nm2W3Y.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a sand pit shaking hands and speaking with one another. The men then begin a soccer match with one another and cheering when they score a goal. The men continue to play against one another while the audience cheers and the ref stands on the side.", "segments": [[0, 62.11], [54.74, 168.43], [127.37, 200.01]], "duration": 210.54, "id": 1498}, {"image_id": "v_vzxT-k8dsVs.mp4", "caption": "man is unning wearing stilts in a skaet park. another man is jumping along with the first man in the skate park. man in skate park is running while a car is passing in the street.", "segments": [[0, 17.67], [17.67, 29.1], [29.1, 51.97]], "duration": 51.97, "id": 1499}, {"image_id": "v_VO49rhXzhk4.mp4", "caption": "A woman's hands are shown wrapping something. The woman talks to the camera. Closeups of the necessary equipment for this operation are shown. The woman wraps a book with tissue paper and tape. The woman cuts paper to shape for the book. The woman wraps the book with the paper and tape. The woman talks to the camera whole holding the wrapped and ribboned book. A closeup of the wrapped and ribboned book is shown.", "segments": [[0, 3.89], [3.89, 11.68], [11.68, 21.02], [21.02, 43.59], [42.81, 56.83], [56.83, 139.34], [139.34, 148.68], [148.68, 155.69]], "duration": 155.69, "id": 1500}, {"image_id": "v_0DEF7Mp7ZP4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting around a casino table speaking to one another and playing a game of poker. Many people watch on the sides while the dealer deals out cards and the people place their chips in the middle. More shots of the game are shown while the camera pans out to a person's face.", "segments": [[0, 86.12], [24.2, 115.29], [112.45, 142.34]], "duration": 142.34, "id": 1501}, {"image_id": "v_B39pJK4FU1o.mp4", "caption": "A lady is talking in an office and holding a pink item. the lady throws the pink item on a game board on the floor. She then jumps hopscotch and picks up the pink item. She throws it again and jumps again and returns picking up the pink item.", "segments": [[0, 2.88], [2.88, 9.07], [10.84, 25.21], [25.88, 44.24]], "duration": 44.24, "id": 1502}, {"image_id": "v_Z3noRsTXGt4.mp4", "caption": "A person is running on an excerise machine. The camera zooms in to the feet. The camera pans to the right slowly.", "segments": [[0, 19.09], [5.73, 8.97], [12.69, 16.7]], "duration": 19.09, "id": 1503}, {"image_id": "v_CsCbJSnAhRs.mp4", "caption": "A man puts a chef hat on a girl while a chef teachers her how to cook. She mixes various ingredients together following the chef's orders and paying close attention to his instructions. The girl makes a lovely batch of cookies and finds herself enjoying them in the end, as well as the company of others.", "segments": [[3.48, 70.42], [11.3, 73.9], [65.2, 80.42]], "duration": 86.94, "id": 1504}, {"image_id": "v_GKhuh6bha6U.mp4", "caption": "Several men stand together for the camera. Scenes of multiple people performing capoeira demonstrations are shown with audiences in the background and foreground.", "segments": [[4.72, 11.32], [11.32, 182]], "duration": 188.61, "id": 1505}, {"image_id": "v_2vy0dMXhlWI.mp4", "caption": "An older man is shown chopping at a downed tree with an axe. he is trying very hard and not making much progress. He seems to be frustrated and is trying again and again to chop of the tree. He then looks at the camera and slightly smirks before continuing trying to cut the tree up. He stops again and stares at the camera. A closeup is shown of him trying again and again before zooming out. The camera then zooms back in to his face as he continues on.", "segments": [[0, 15.53], [15.53, 26.62], [26.06, 33.27], [33.27, 52.12], [52.12, 69.87], [69.87, 73.75], [73.75, 110.9]], "duration": 110.9, "id": 1506}, {"image_id": "v_KPv8ZGrb78Y.mp4", "caption": "Three women show up on the screen doing a tribal dance in a workout studio. One of the women does a solo performance while the music plays in the background. The three women are shown again doing the dance on the stage while other people do the same dance in front of the stage. The trio of women come back onto the screen and continue the dance in the studio. They show up back on the stage doing the dance as the camera films them. The camera goes back and forth between them doing the dance on the stage and off the stage showing different angles.", "segments": [[0, 51.21], [51.21, 54.22], [55.23, 61.25], [61.25, 94.39], [94.39, 104.43], [104.43, 200.83]], "duration": 200.82999999999998, "id": 1507}, {"image_id": "v_gg_F8EtNMW0.mp4", "caption": "Two men are inside an indoor gym. They are engaged in a martial art called kickboxing. They kick and punch at each other, trying to hit each other.", "segments": [[0, 2.18], [2.63, 6.93], [7.19, 10.12]], "duration": 10.12, "id": 1508}, {"image_id": "v_lSX_yj2ohls.mp4", "caption": "Two dudes are talking silly into the camera with things wrapped around their heads. Then you see everyone playing beer pong having a great time outside joking and dancing. A group starts taking selfies and everyone is dressed really funny. One of the dudes flick off the camera and everyone continues to play bee pong and be wild enjoying their time.", "segments": [[0, 51.07], [51.07, 133.02], [134.21, 174.59], [174.59, 237.54]], "duration": 237.54, "id": 1509}, {"image_id": "v_IGcalXmWUwA.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of people playing basketball are shown and leads into two men demonstrating a move. The same move is shown again from various angles and instructor the user how to do it. More tricks are shown as well as step by step instruction on how to properly do it.", "segments": [[0, 44.16], [42.2, 95.18], [93.22, 196.26]], "duration": 196.26, "id": 1510}, {"image_id": "v_FwbnNQBzqHw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind an array of confections in a kitchen. Several different cake pops are being shown. Ingredients are displayed next to actions mixing ingredients. The woman crumbles the cake into a bowl, then adds frosting while she talks. She allows them to sit before melting candy coating, which she then dips the cake balls into. She decorates the cake ball in the final stages. A final array of cake pops are shown as she ends the segment.", "segments": [[0, 4.18], [5.22, 32.36], [34.45, 86.64], [87.68, 133.61], [138.83, 165.97], [167.02, 184.76], [186.85, 208.77]], "duration": 208.77, "id": 1511}, {"image_id": "v_cFcrXdvfxoo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is lifting and squatting inside a gym with a barbell on her shoulders. She lifts then sits over and over again.", "segments": [[0, 7.22], [7.75, 15.05]], "duration": 15.05, "id": 1512}, {"image_id": "v_ayDqRzRN8_M.mp4", "caption": "News hosts present a story seated at a desk in a news room. A news reporter interviews a man on an ice skating rink. An athlete glides a stone across the ice. The reporter and the man practice brushing the ice with brooms. A woman sits in a salon and has her hair curled. The curls are taken out of the woman's hair after the makeover. The news anchors close out the story.", "segments": [[0, 13.74], [14.37, 25.61], [26.23, 29.36], [31.23, 79.33], [36.23, 65.59], [82.45, 98.07], [99.31, 124.92]], "duration": 124.92, "id": 1513}, {"image_id": "v_nDbLtdY66dA.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is holding a saxophone. He begins playing the saxophone. He stops playing and continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 94.65], [51.58, 65.78], [66.72, 94.65]], "duration": 94.65, "id": 1514}, {"image_id": "v_dG8fhIBgx9k.mp4", "caption": "A girl with two braids going down her back is standing outside. She turns toward the camera, and her hair is now down. She lays in a stylist chair, showing how the style was done.", "segments": [[0, 17.94], [20.79, 66.05], [69.72, 81.55]], "duration": 81.55, "id": 1515}, {"image_id": "v_NJQROeaBiVE.mp4", "caption": "The title appears and fades out. We see a man pulling weight close to his head. Three men pass by in the mirror. The camera zooms in on the main subject. A man in gray walks past in the mirror. The screen goes black and we see the end credits.", "segments": [[0, 7.09], [7.09, 72.25], [11.53, 19.5], [45.66, 74.47], [68.71, 74.03], [74.03, 88.65]], "duration": 88.65, "id": 1516}, {"image_id": "v_EVfTWz5GRGw.mp4", "caption": "A bottle of deep cleansing gel is shown. A woman holds up the bottle, Then is shown using several different solutions that she lines up together on the counter. She uses each on her face, then rinses them off.", "segments": [[0, 18.35], [25.94, 91.1], [95.53, 126.53]], "duration": 126.53, "id": 1517}, {"image_id": "v_l7QlSS_li6M.mp4", "caption": "We see a blue title screen with white letters. We see two girls standing in a room, then perform a flip. We see 2 different girls do different flips. One girl does a back flip. We then see four girls do a back flip together.", "segments": [[0, 1.91], [2.01, 6.57], [6.78, 11.23], [12.4, 15.15], [15.26, 21.08]], "duration": 21.19, "id": 1518}, {"image_id": "v_vlIAZsrj6yk.mp4", "caption": "We see a black title screen. We see a man having his facial hair trimmed with an electric shaver. We see a man being shaved with a straight razor. We then see the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.62], [5.39, 50.83], [51.6, 147.09], [148.63, 154.02]], "duration": 154.02, "id": 1519}, {"image_id": "v_PUqHiigzb7A.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up to a barbell and bends over, lifting at the knees. He lifts the barbell up to his chest, rests for a moment, then lifts it over his head. He holds the pose for a few seconds before dropping it to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 6.56], [7.57, 21.56], [22.57, 25.22]], "duration": 25.22, "id": 1520}, {"image_id": "v_qogdv5DWzkQ.mp4", "caption": "A shadow is seen in the smoky room. A woman is taking a shower and washing her hair. She pulls it apart in strands, putting conditioner on it.", "segments": [[0, 27.68], [33.21, 115.13], [116.24, 221.4]], "duration": 221.4, "id": 1521}, {"image_id": "v_Fp_uU-qMDSc.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in all white is shown fighting different men outdoors and hitting them very hard. Tai Chi Combat along with his website and various other website icons are located on the bottom right. The man is then standing alone outdoors where he's still wearing the same white outfit and is talking very passionately using hand motions and lots of facial expressions. The man is once again shown to be fighting different men outdoors and he seems to be winning each fight. After this round of fights, the man is once again talking very passionately with a lot of hand movements and facial expressions. The man then goes back to more fighting with different men somewhere outdoors where he continues to win the fights by hitting and occasionally kicking. Lastly, the man is once again show talking very passionately with hand movements and a lot of facial expressions and around him are overlays on the screen advertising his youtube channel along with his website for TAI CHI COMBAT.", "segments": [[0, 17.43], [0, 88.34], [17.43, 31.85], [31.85, 53.48], [53.48, 67.3], [67.3, 87.14], [87.14, 120.19]], "duration": 120.19, "id": 1522}, {"image_id": "v_suWTtKXXkJU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen wearing a funny hat while speaking to the camera and sitting in a chair. the woman then knits in her chair while ending with another picture of her.", "segments": [[0, 47.23], [43.67, 89.12]], "duration": 89.12, "id": 1523}, {"image_id": "v_tM0BAYylvLA.mp4", "caption": "A young boy sits in a chair with protective gown on and gets his hair cut with electric clippers by mom at home. The mother removes clipped hairs from the boys head with fingers. A girl is seen watching in the room.", "segments": [[0, 52.52], [39.92, 43.59], [43.59, 45.7]], "duration": 52.52, "id": 1524}, {"image_id": "v_9lS5qpgrTmI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a bobby pin and then flips her hair down and begins braiding. The girl then puts her hair up into a pony tail and wraps her hair around to make a pun. She finally pins her hair down and then shows off her hair while pointing to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 82.88], [50.94, 146.76], [146.76, 172.66]], "duration": 172.66, "id": 1525}, {"image_id": "v_P8M00PRbI3c.mp4", "caption": "A female news reporter is talking in a news room. We see several people riding on horses as a crowd watches. The people are hitting bags with sticks as they ride. The people are then interviewed about the game, and a man is shown shooting arrows.", "segments": [[0, 22.64], [25.72, 62.77], [94.67, 169.78], [175.96, 205.8]], "duration": 205.8, "id": 1526}, {"image_id": "v_UtErhcCYBZk.mp4", "caption": "man is in roofed gym weightlifting. woman is walking behind the man watching the man. woman is lifting eights while he man sits to watch her.", "segments": [[0, 21.59], [14.14, 37.96], [37.22, 148.86]], "duration": 148.86, "id": 1527}, {"image_id": "v_WDvsx_q2h-4.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside holding a violin. He begins to play the violin. He stops and sets the violin to his side.", "segments": [[15.42, 22.03], [22.77, 130.73], [131.47, 146.89]], "duration": 146.89, "id": 1528}, {"image_id": "v_bXrdB5AASAM.mp4", "caption": "There are two men dressed in white shirts wearing hats doing freestyle wrestling in an indoor stadium. There are several spectators watching them, some sitting on chairs and some sitting on the ground. There are some people seated on chairs playing various hand instruments and singing to cheer the fighters. The two men continue wrestling in a non aggressive manner by taking turns to attack the opponent. They continue fighting as one man does a front flip. In the final round, they speed up the fight with faster kicks and motion.", "segments": [[15.22, 38.51], [38.51, 84.18], [84.18, 124.47], [124.47, 135.22], [135.22, 169.25], [169.25, 179.1]], "duration": 179.1, "id": 1529}, {"image_id": "v_IqRwR1a9ia0.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a construction hard hat applies plaster to a wall using a hand held flat edge. The man pauses to explain his procedure. A Company name and slogan are seen in white text.", "segments": [[0, 16.78], [4.37, 14.44], [17.19, 20.34]], "duration": 20.34, "id": 1530}, {"image_id": "v_zBtmE0BAjGE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown walking around a kitchen turning on a faucet and l letting the sink fill up with water. She is shown wearing gloves, spraying cleaner around the sink and scrubbing with a brush. She smiles at the cleaning product and pans out to the label being shown.", "segments": [[0, 17.99], [17.33, 44.48], [44.48, 65.41]], "duration": 65.41, "id": 1531}, {"image_id": "v_-8FS4LbXAgE.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of graffiti on a wall as well as people moving around and talking to one another. A rapper is then seen getting a tattoo from a man while the camera captures several angles and show art work. More people show off their tattoos and the rapper points to the camera and shows the finished tattoo and album cover.", "segments": [[0, 49.92], [49.92, 134.54], [135.38, 169.23]], "duration": 169.23, "id": 1532}, {"image_id": "v_wz8d9DKMrTc.mp4", "caption": "A band is practicing in a gym. People are twirling flags while standing in a line. The drummers are marching around the gym. They get into a line and dance out of the gym.", "segments": [[0, 137.81], [8.96, 20.67], [63.39, 67.53], [95.78, 137.81]], "duration": 137.81, "id": 1533}, {"image_id": "v_lCuMD23jOxo.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen speaking to the camera and smoking out of a hookah pipe. The camera pans around the area and continues to speak to the man and leads into a shot of a boat going by and a close fire.", "segments": [[2.37, 60.75], [41.03, 157.8]], "duration": 157.8, "id": 1534}, {"image_id": "v_HoViId2LHl8.mp4", "caption": "A woman starts dancing next to a man in front of a gathered crowd. They spin in circles as they dance. She goes between his legs, sliding outward and injuring her neck. She gets up laughing and gives the man a hug.", "segments": [[0, 22.31], [27.04, 89.9], [91.25, 123.7], [125.05, 135.19]], "duration": 135.19, "id": 1535}, {"image_id": "v_3ekMufBfUdw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen blow drying her hair while using a comb in various fashions and using different products. The woman continues to use the blow dryer on her hair and ends by showing off her finished hair.", "segments": [[1.27, 57.88], [46.43, 122.75]], "duration": 127.2, "id": 1536}, {"image_id": "v_DOONG5zq1Yg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling down on a yoga mat while bending forward. The woman then moves her leg out in front of her and bends down further creating a stretch.", "segments": [[0, 2.68], [2.07, 12.17]], "duration": 12.17, "id": 1537}, {"image_id": "v_D7ZeRbotot0.mp4", "caption": "A man in yellow and black suit welds a steel. He stops the welding job. Then he moves away and inspect it.", "segments": [[0, 15.53], [15.53, 17.07], [16.04, 17.07]], "duration": 17.07, "id": 1538}, {"image_id": "v_uTVjevTM6V0.mp4", "caption": "Three athletes of different countries compete weightlifting on front the jury, during the first round, all the athletes lift the weight successfully. In the second round, the athlete with blue uniform rise successfully and kiss the bar of the weight, also the other athletes are successful. On the third round, the Indian athlete let fall the weight. The athlete with red uniform is congratulated, then stand on the first place of the podium and talks.", "segments": [[0, 66.76], [66.76, 116.6], [117.54, 142.92], [144.81, 177.72]], "duration": 188.06, "id": 1539}, {"image_id": "v_Y1Vop80R9b8.mp4", "caption": "A room is covered to avoid paint being splattered on objects in the room. A room is seen with blue tape on its borders and walls. The floors of the room also have bag over the carpet. The staircase of a house has bags over it to avoid paint damage. A sparkly ceiling is seen.", "segments": [[5.35, 10.13], [15.76, 20.26], [25.61, 30.39], [36.02, 40.53], [46.44, 50.09]], "duration": 56.29, "id": 1540}, {"image_id": "v_Fh1LR3xB3zQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and begins holding up knives. He pans all around his tools and shows off a kit. He then leads into sharpening a knife with various boards and sticks while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 39.49], [44.53, 81.5], [71.42, 154.6]], "duration": 168.04, "id": 1541}, {"image_id": "v_2uMG44uNDJ8.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man are inside a car talking, then the man turn his head. A young lady wash a car only wearing a bra and shorts, then she sprinkle water on her head a turn it. After, the man turns to see the angry woman and scream.", "segments": [[0, 2.1], [2.17, 5.34], [5.45, 7.12]], "duration": 7.12, "id": 1542}, {"image_id": "v_jalqZE5ekho.mp4", "caption": "little kid is in the sand doing a castle using a small toy shovel kid leaves. little girl foes into the castle in the sand and start playing while the kid bring more water from the sea.", "segments": [[0, 52.46], [51.99, 95.39]], "duration": 95.39, "id": 1543}, {"image_id": "v_E1-eVfnNfXI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting with a baby in her arms. She takes licks of an ice cream cone, and the baby laughs hysterically each time. She offers him bites, pulling the cone away and making him laugh.", "segments": [[0, 3.73], [4.47, 32.55], [33.29, 49.69]], "duration": 49.69, "id": 1544}, {"image_id": "v_1LrEiYVd3qg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera in front of a large trailer in he moods. The man is then seen kneeling over a fire and begins lighting a flame into a pit. A boy is seen walking around with a tennis racket and points to the ground while the man is still sitting in front of the fire.", "segments": [[17.36, 83.16], [62.14, 131.59], [105.09, 177.28]], "duration": 182.77, "id": 1545}, {"image_id": "v_Fia1JynWFBA.mp4", "caption": "A woman uses a rolling pin to roll out dough onto the counter. Another woman is taking something off of a baking sheet.", "segments": [[0, 7.64], [1.8, 7.64]], "duration": 7.64, "id": 1546}, {"image_id": "v_sQZaEt-ssCs.mp4", "caption": "women are standing in a table doing arm wrestling in a competition. two referees on side of tables and watch each other. women are arm wrestling in the table again and at the end high each other.", "segments": [[0, 25.11], [0, 104.63], [27.73, 104.63]], "duration": 104.63, "id": 1547}, {"image_id": "v_YAhMxt-3ciU.mp4", "caption": "People are playing croquet on a field of grass. A map of the world is shown. Trophies are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 102.42], [60.94, 73.23], [72.72, 75.28]], "duration": 102.42, "id": 1548}, {"image_id": "v_5Jo_AWt9fB0.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing a hat and kneeling down on a blue mat. He starts pulling on a rope on a workout machine.", "segments": [[0, 65.04], [16.26, 65.04]], "duration": 65.04, "id": 1549}, {"image_id": "v_hxluAHro9bQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman in pink top is holding a hoop and talking to the camera. The woman put the hoop to her waist and start to hoop. The woman paused and turned around and start shaking her hips, she changed her hoops into smaller one, but the small one keep falling, then changed the hoops to bigger one and she began shaking her hips with the hoops.", "segments": [[0, 12.1], [15.88, 43.86], [40.84, 151.25]], "duration": 151.25, "id": 1550}, {"image_id": "v_-CS7U_XrkPI.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are inside a dark club. A man begins throwing darts at something off screen. He repeats this many times before giving up, shrugging, and turning the camera toward the dart board. We see that four of the darts have hit the exact same spot.", "segments": [[0, 5.65], [6.16, 28.24], [28.76, 93.46], [93.97, 102.7]], "duration": 102.7, "id": 1551}, {"image_id": "v_WsqMDMOjuN4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen swimming around a pool and leads into several shots of a swimmer throwing a ball into a net. The goalie blocks a few shots and then switches with another team mate while the audience cheers. The people switch out continuously and leads to one team winning and celebrating all together in the water.", "segments": [[0, 61.5], [60.36, 149.19], [124.13, 227.77]], "duration": 227.77, "id": 1552}, {"image_id": "v_4KqjBUpLQk8.mp4", "caption": "Several men are shown at different rodeos riding horses and capturing the calf attached to the string.As more locations are shown,more animals are captured and more people are shown watching the actions taking place.", "segments": [[0, 55.46], [55.46, 226.35]], "duration": 226.35, "id": 1553}, {"image_id": "v_nPTq63WtemI.mp4", "caption": "An older man is seen kneeling in the middle of a gym with several people around him. The man pulls on a piece of exercise equipment working his upper arms back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 3.42], [3.35, 7.2]], "duration": 7.2, "id": 1554}, {"image_id": "v_extd66Y1tJ8.mp4", "caption": "A young lady is making faces at the camera. She holds up a box that has barcodes and reads \"Sterling Gray\" on it. She shows a bottle of Renew and eye contact lens cases. She applies both of the contact lenses and cries.", "segments": [[0, 6.63], [7.07, 15.02], [15.46, 27.39], [27.83, 88.35]], "duration": 88.35, "id": 1555}, {"image_id": "v_XKuD0F-p6YA.mp4", "caption": "man is opening a box with scissors and take out an unarmed bike. man is arming the bike inside a room with wooden floor.", "segments": [[0, 77.9], [77.9, 133.17]], "duration": 133.17, "id": 1556}, {"image_id": "v_pHAIrx_cRFU.mp4", "caption": "The person holds a blade to sharpen it. The person takes the belt off the machine. The person puts a new belt on the machine. The person sharpents the blade on the second belt. The person takes the second belt off. The person puts on a third belt. The person sharpens the blade on the third belt. The person demonstrates the blade's edge.", "segments": [[0, 15.25], [18.16, 21.06], [23.97, 27.6], [32.68, 65.37], [66.1, 67.55], [71.18, 74.81], [88.61, 111.13], [124.93, 140.18]], "duration": 145.27, "id": 1557}, {"image_id": "v_8rHY_Vt2FLA.mp4", "caption": "A car is seen driving around and leads into a man pumping air in the tire. The man puts a wire along the tire and continues to spin it around. He pumps more hair into the tire and takes off the jack driving it away.", "segments": [[0, 36.32], [36.32, 93.41], [84.32, 125.19]], "duration": 129.73, "id": 1558}, {"image_id": "v_yGO1YnMQNRI.mp4", "caption": "A man in a green shirt throws a disc onto a field. A man in a blue shirt throws a disc onto the field. A man in a purple shirt throws a disc onto the field.", "segments": [[0, 24.65], [24.13, 66.24], [67.27, 102.7]], "duration": 102.7, "id": 1559}, {"image_id": "v_XOUyGnr6iTM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen standing around a room holding tennis rackets. The men then begin playing tennis with one another while hitting the ball around. The men continue to hit the ball around the room and ends with several walking out.", "segments": [[0, 38.45], [32.87, 91.79], [84.35, 121.56]], "duration": 124.04, "id": 1560}, {"image_id": "v_TJ98vfFChfI.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is chopping a piece of wood with an ax. He swings at the wood and misses and hits the ground. Another man carrying a pot walks up behind him.", "segments": [[0, 126.76], [50.07, 65.28], [105.21, 110.91]], "duration": 126.76, "id": 1561}, {"image_id": "v_KtUshVJ28us.mp4", "caption": "We see a young girl gymnast talking to the camera. We then see the title screen. We see the girl perform flips. The girl flips on a trampoline. She jumps and does a split in the air. We see the bloopers where she falls and a title screen. We then see the ending screens.", "segments": [[0, 11.46], [11.46, 19.79], [20.31, 93.23], [34.37, 36.98], [51.04, 54.69], [60.94, 93.23], [93.75, 104.17]], "duration": 104.17, "id": 1562}, {"image_id": "v_pASyH2NPOOw.mp4", "caption": "We see a blue opening screen. We see a man flipping and performing Capoeira cut with blue title screens. The man does a spin kick. The man does a spin and duck. The man does a spin sweep on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 7.33], [8.37, 209.3], [39.77, 46.04], [142.32, 148.6], [140.23, 149.65]], "duration": 209.3, "id": 1563}, {"image_id": "v_Cz2ut3p7nw0.mp4", "caption": "A small toddler is in the bathroom brushing his teeth.As he frantically brushes,a woman comes to assist him as he points to different things on the counter.The young boy keeps brushing and then they end up switching tooth brushes.Eventually,the woman puts toothpaste on the brush and the boy cleans his teeth.Once he is done,he is given a bar of soap and has to wash hands.Finally he is done and he grabs his toy and runs out of the bathroom.", "segments": [[0, 30.23], [30.23, 49.99], [49.99, 93.01], [93.01, 170.91], [170.91, 208.11], [208.11, 232.53]], "duration": 232.53, "id": 1564}, {"image_id": "v_9uZoTZsTwv0.mp4", "caption": "A teenage boy on a horse spinning a rope in the air chases after a little cow. The cow is running and the boy throws the rope around its neck. It causes the cow to fall over after being pulled back by the rope. The boy goes running off the horse after it and pins the little cow down.", "segments": [[0, 1.65], [1.6, 3.71], [3.76, 7.41], [7.41, 11.4]], "duration": 11.4, "id": 1565}, {"image_id": "v_StvwTXdXG2U.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of people riding around on skateboards and performing tricks. Many more people riding are shown and leads into a young man speaking to the camera and a picture of a t-shirt.", "segments": [[0, 84.34], [81.59, 183.35]], "duration": 183.35, "id": 1566}, {"image_id": "v_meAHw06Mh-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him cutting tiles and measuring them along a wall. The man uses a saw to cut the wall as well as the tile while using various other tools to cut around the sides. More tiles are being shown cut out as the man continues to speak and lay them down on the floor.", "segments": [[2.36, 48.32], [43.01, 94.27], [80.13, 115.49]], "duration": 117.84, "id": 1567}, {"image_id": "v_moxpALb09zU.mp4", "caption": "A girl is talking to the camera while using her hands. The camera does a blurred scene change. The girl points down and wipes her hair. The girl waves at the screen. The scene changes to the girl standing in a shower. The girl shaves her legs in the shower. She shows us her shave product in the can and on her hands. The girl shows us her razor then starts shaving.", "segments": [[0, 49.71], [29.49, 32.86], [40.45, 44.66], [48.87, 52.24], [50.56, 52.24], [52.24, 168.52], [74.15, 90.16], [119.65, 127.23]], "duration": 168.52, "id": 1568}, {"image_id": "v_485DjSbjOV8.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing up behind a set of drums looking at the camera. The two then begin playing the drums while a small girl walks in and out of frame. The two pause for a moment then continue playing with one stopping and letting the other finish.", "segments": [[0, 18.59], [17.85, 105.59], [111.54, 147.24]], "duration": 148.72, "id": 1569}, {"image_id": "v_rnPfQuWS4Rk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a kilt prepares himself to toss a large hammer in a competition. After his preparations he swings the hammer around in a circle and tosses it as far as he can.", "segments": [[0, 20.02], [20.18, 31.05]], "duration": 31.05, "id": 1570}, {"image_id": "v_snG89ed-64M.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen playing lacrosse on a field running up and down the field and pushing one another. Several shots of players hitting one another is shown as well as players pushing other people. One team scores several goals and are immediately followed by teammates cheering.", "segments": [[0, 20.02], [18.91, 60.07], [60.44, 74.17]], "duration": 74.17, "id": 1571}, {"image_id": "v_DWal5PJry6k.mp4", "caption": "A doctor went inside the room, then she wash her hands, wipe her hands with paper towel. A medical practitioner is washing her hand with soap and water, while the other medical practitioner in white coat is on her phone. A man in yellow coat is washing his hands, then the man in blue shirt is giving interview.", "segments": [[0, 21.42], [13.73, 70.84], [66.45, 109.83]], "duration": 109.83, "id": 1572}, {"image_id": "v_EsOajUNpEzU.mp4", "caption": "A man talks while holding bagpipes. He then plays the bagpipes. The man moves his fingers to change the sound while he plays.", "segments": [[0, 22.24], [22.97, 72.55], [22.97, 71.45]], "duration": 72.91, "id": 1573}, {"image_id": "v_YOLDcsX7EiA.mp4", "caption": "A person is skiing down a hill of snow. They go off of a jump and fly in the air. They land back on the snow and continue skiing down the hill.", "segments": [[0, 58.47], [9.06, 19.88], [19.88, 27.19]], "duration": 58.47, "id": 1574}, {"image_id": "v_teemFjum3oU.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen sitting on top of a slide while looking over to another child playing. The boy rides down the slide several more times with the girl's assistance and a man standing holding a baby and watching.", "segments": [[0.72, 22.1], [24.63, 69.91]], "duration": 72.45, "id": 1575}, {"image_id": "v_gU67yCVXHnQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl is looking at the camera. She turns around and is getting her hair brushed. She is looking at her phone.", "segments": [[0, 0.38], [0.38, 75.12], [28.92, 75.12]], "duration": 75.12, "id": 1576}, {"image_id": "v_ifDsS6ZRsRM.mp4", "caption": "A woman's feet are shown as she warms up at ballet. A blonde woman is speaking to the camera, which pans out to her performing various dance moves while talking. She moves slowly at each step. She then stops and speaks her final words.", "segments": [[0, 4.6], [5.98, 66.68], [67.6, 82.78], [84.62, 91.98]], "duration": 91.98, "id": 1577}, {"image_id": "v_-2VNLsk1s34.mp4", "caption": "A large man is seen stepping up into a circle and throws several shot puts off into the distance. Several more men are seen stepping up to the circle throwing a shot put off into the distance. People in the audience are seen cheering to one another as their scores are shown in the end.", "segments": [[0, 60.6], [51.04, 132.91], [141.41, 203.08]], "duration": 212.65, "id": 1578}, {"image_id": "v_F_DHgp5hERs.mp4", "caption": "A man speaks to the camera while another man sits on a piece of exercise equipment behind him. The instructor continues moving around near the man and has him show how to machine works. He points to his body showing the muscles worked and walks around the man exercising.", "segments": [[0, 119.98], [30.66, 54.66], [54.66, 129.97]], "duration": 133.31, "id": 1579}, {"image_id": "v_R8-iriCwcyE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnasts wipes chalk on his hands while getting ready. The gymnast stands on a platforms and swings himself onto a set of double bars. The gymnast does a double bar routine during a competition. The gymnast strikes his leg accidentally on the bars bringing him to a stop. The gymnast dismounts from the double bars and lands on the mat. A female gymnasts sits in a chair and waits for her turn. The female gymnasts stretches out her arms before the routine. A replay shows the highlights of the gymnasts routine on the double bars.", "segments": [[0, 13.91], [13.91, 27.82], [27.82, 73.72], [38.94, 42.42], [68.85, 77.19], [85.54, 95.28], [131.44, 139.09], [98.06, 125.87]], "duration": 139.09, "id": 1580}, {"image_id": "v_mfENhAPlES8.mp4", "caption": "A man puts a black lens in his eye. Then, the man takes off the lens and after puts it again.", "segments": [[0.47, 20.45], [20.45, 28.16]], "duration": 31.46, "id": 1581}, {"image_id": "v_92kGXXfm6ok.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending forward grabbing a large set of weights and lifting it on his shoulders. The man then lifts it up over his head and ends by throwing it back down.", "segments": [[0.07, 7.4], [5.57, 14.29]], "duration": 14.65, "id": 1582}, {"image_id": "v_U_4goX5w_1c.mp4", "caption": "A black male athlete run in the field then hopped and jumped and landed on the sandy field. The athlete run around and cheered and kneel down and pray. The athlete run and ripped his shirt off, while he reach of the woman and give her a hug and cheered.", "segments": [[0, 15.06], [13.94, 59.68], [50.75, 111.55]], "duration": 111.55, "id": 1583}, {"image_id": "v_sGTDKZuG1vE.mp4", "caption": " A man is kneeling down in front of a sink. He starts scrubbing the inside of the sink with a sponge. He takes a white towel and wipes off the counter and sink. He sprays the mirror with Windex and wipes the mirror off.", "segments": [[0, 17.16], [35.39, 128.68], [129.75, 158.7], [193.01, 214.46]], "duration": 214.46, "id": 1584}, {"image_id": "v_1Cdqwg7Giv4.mp4", "caption": "A man is spinning in circles and throwing a discuss for a competition. The video slows down and shows the same throw but in slow motion. Another man comes up to the plate and throws the discuss. Again the video slows down and shows the same throw in slow motion. A third player steps up and throws the discuss in slow motion. Several other players step up and take their turn throwing the disk.", "segments": [[12.11, 19.57], [20.5, 30.75], [30.75, 44.73], [47.52, 58.7], [68.95, 82.93], [82.93, 168.66]], "duration": 186.36, "id": 1585}, {"image_id": "v_uatIP3FGQXk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of kids are seen standing around a field playing a game with one another. One boy throws a ball to another and the other kicks it off into the distance. The kids continue to play with one another as well as run along the field.", "segments": [[0, 21.15], [19.2, 49.79], [42.96, 63.13]], "duration": 65.09, "id": 1586}, {"image_id": "v_CQweu0ZYNHU.mp4", "caption": "Three men stand together wearing heavily padded clothing with suspenders. The two men on the end strike the one in the middle below the belt and he falls to the ground in pain. One of the men is seen from behind walking in a hallway. The man sits on a bmx bike on the top of a ramp getting ready. the man drops into the ramp and falls hard slamming on the bottom. The man does tricks and jumps on the ramp riding a bike. One of the men in purple rides through a skate board park wearing the padded suit. Another man in grey shirt rides a skateboard on the half pipe ramp and does tricks. The three men ride together on the large ramp in formation. The man in purple falls and is struck in the face with his skateboard.", "segments": [[0, 3.38], [3.38, 6.75], [6.75, 9.16], [9.65, 13.5], [13.5, 20.26], [21.22, 34.24], [34.72, 62.21], [63.66, 73.79], [78.13, 88.74], [88.26, 93.56]], "duration": 96.46000000000001, "id": 1587}, {"image_id": "v_w_OiqLfRJHI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are kneeling down holding paintball guns. They are walking down the street holding their paintball guns. They begin to play a game of paintballing.", "segments": [[0, 25.34], [47.41, 116.06], [47.41, 124.24]], "duration": 163.47, "id": 1588}, {"image_id": "v_tVIY6uyH3aA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wearing a blue shirt and standing before a fence. The person bends down in front of the fence and begins spraying it down. The person continues spraying the fence while the camera captures from behind.", "segments": [[0.07, 0.99], [1.05, 2.36], [2.61, 3.41]], "duration": 3.55, "id": 1589}, {"image_id": "v_caoMescJ1J4.mp4", "caption": "Three men are sitting on a couch with the man in the middle smiling, the man on the right playing a harmonica and the man on the far left holding his finger to his upper lip area and making a noise with his bottom lip by plucking it with his hand. The man on the right taps his foot as the two men play music. The camera pans to an onlooker standing on the side of the room watching and smiling. The two men stop playing and the man in the middle shrugs as the other two men smile.", "segments": [[6.85, 134], [39.59, 55.58], [90.6, 97.46], [128.67, 134]], "duration": 152.28, "id": 1590}, {"image_id": "v_OKhVHhchsyI.mp4", "caption": "Three young children, 2 girls and a boy, are playing at a beach and piling sand onto a big pile as waves continue to go in and out. The camera person then pans around the beach to show the rest of the beach and various other people that are there. The camera person then focuses on two women talking and standing together. Then focuses back onto the children in the sand that are continuing to dig into the sand and pile sand into a big pile.One of the girls then runs out of the shot and the other girl and the only boy remain near their small pile of sand.", "segments": [[0, 38.57], [38.57, 64.29], [64.29, 75.17], [75.17, 194.84], [194.84, 197.81]], "duration": 197.81, "id": 1591}, {"image_id": "v_j73Ks4r5tbg.mp4", "caption": "A girl with blonde hair and red nails sits in a chair in bedroom and talks to the camera while smoking and showing off a bottle of blue nailpolish. The girl rolls away from the camera in the chair to get a bottle of blue nail polish and hold it up to the screen. The girl then begins to smoke a cigarette in front of the camera while talking. The girl, finally, takes one long inhale and leans in to exhale into the camera before falling back.", "segments": [[0, 183.56], [65.22, 82], [82.93, 171.45], [171.45, 186.35]], "duration": 186.35, "id": 1592}, {"image_id": "v_DgVo1IAVrDM.mp4", "caption": "A helmet camera is put on and then a man goes skateboarding. He zooms through the city and goes on a highway. He passes a truck and other people.", "segments": [[0, 149.16], [36.55, 149.16], [59.67, 130.52]], "duration": 149.17000000000002, "id": 1593}, {"image_id": "v_OVRYoPA6h-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a field talking. He hits a bowling ball with a croquet mallet and then hold up a bowling ball with a big 8 on it. A woman with a large chalice is in the same field talking. Cars pass by and people walk around in the background. A bowling ball that is cut in half is on the ground. A couple of kids look at the half bowling ball. A man hits the \"8\" ball with a croquet mallet and does a little dance. A woman hits 1 bowling ball against another with a mallet. A different man hits a bowling ball with a mallet. A young girl hits the ball with the mallet. Another man hits a bowling ball and does a dance, The young girls play while a man dressed like a joker talks.The game ends and all of the materials for the game are gathered. The woman gives her chalice to the young girls who are very excited.", "segments": [[0, 5.92], [7.9, 22.71], [23.7, 49.37], [0, 197.46], [50.35, 60.23], [61.21, 70.1], [72.07, 78.99], [90.83, 92.81], [96.76, 98.73], [99.72, 103.67], [106.63, 161.92], [163.89, 174.75], [175.74, 197.46]], "duration": 197.46, "id": 1594}, {"image_id": "v_RzlX3Ai9AH4.mp4", "caption": "Text states the video will show how to chalk paint. An armoire is shown, and a woman is holding one of the drawers. She sands down the wood before applying a coat of chalk paint with a brush.She holds the cans of paint as she talks about the finished product. The painted armoire is shown a final time.", "segments": [[0, 16.93], [17.93, 62.75], [64.74, 100.6], [105.58, 151.4], [163.35, 199.2]], "duration": 199.2, "id": 1595}, {"image_id": "v_cV9xeDlKJok.mp4", "caption": "A show of a dumpster is shown as well as women in gear standing in front of it. The woman edges herself along the dumpster while other people walk into frame. The woman then moves herself around on roller blades while the camera follows her movements.", "segments": [[0.37, 24.3], [23.18, 53.83], [55.7, 72.9]], "duration": 74.77, "id": 1596}, {"image_id": "v_UpmzSgLLj-s.mp4", "caption": "We see a quick title screen. We then see a man working on various things in a bike factory. The man puts a bike together quick, puts it in a box, then on a conveyor belt. We then see a person putting tools on the bike box. The man begins to take the pieces part and put the bike together. We see the factory briefly. We return to the man putting the bike together. He finishes and we see the customer service phone number. We then see the end title screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.54], [2.54, 25.38], [25.38, 38.08], [38.92, 49.92], [74.46, 95.61], [96.46, 100.69], [100.69, 153.15], [153.15, 164.15], [165, 169.23]], "duration": 169.23, "id": 1597}, {"image_id": "v_ygHElEUxVwA.mp4", "caption": "A group of a man and three women are on a gym floor. They are dancing in unison, performing several moves. When they are done, one woman laughs and runs away.", "segments": [[0, 15.59], [21.15, 198.19], [198.19, 222.68]], "duration": 222.68, "id": 1598}, {"image_id": "v_Jdtr90RIkHk.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a skateboard indoors and rides it onto a short standing pole on the ground.The same man is now standing outside talking and the words on the bottom of the screen say his name is \"Shawn Connelly\" and he's the Founder- San Francisco Skate Club and while he's speaking various words appear at the bottom of the screen at various times as well as clips of him skateboarding showing different moves that the words mention.The man ends the video of just him talking, no text on the screen, and no other clips showing while he's talking.", "segments": [[0, 5.69], [5.69, 131.49], [131.49, 142.15]], "duration": 142.15, "id": 1599}, {"image_id": "v_cc17BiSDn8w.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red kayak rolls into the water, and out of the water. He rolls into the water once more. He then is in a blue kayak and rolls into the water and out of the water. He does it once more.", "segments": [[4.16, 13.31], [13.52, 19.34], [19.55, 22.87], [23.08, 41.59]], "duration": 41.59, "id": 1600}, {"image_id": "v_a7FNzxXWvgU.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt opens a bag of bread and pulls out three slices of bread. The man raises an empty bottle of Miracle Whip and tosses it backhanded. The man then opens the refrigerator and pulls out a new bottle of Miracle Whip. He then uses a knife to scoop out the miracle whip on to the bread slices. The man then opens a bag of Swiss cheese and places a slice on each bread slice. The man then gets a container of Genoa Salami from the fridge and piles slices onto the bread slices. He then puts the bread slices on top of each other and completes the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 21.92], [21.92, 26.97], [26.97, 36.24], [36.24, 75.02], [75.02, 105.36], [105.36, 152.56], [152.56, 168.58]], "duration": 168.57999999999998, "id": 1601}, {"image_id": "v_RZurdKhOxk0.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a woman standing foreheads together. The people then dance together. The lady holds her legs out at her side. The man swings the woman around. The lady shakes her hips. The lady bends down and the man wraps his arms around her. The people back up from each other.", "segments": [[0, 4.57], [4.57, 121], [38.05, 43.38], [79.15, 86.76], [110.35, 117.96], [117.96, 130.14], [140.79, 152.21]], "duration": 152.21, "id": 1602}, {"image_id": "v_BoK5y7jdhzA.mp4", "caption": "A lacrosse player wearing a white jersey and holding a lacrosse stick is talking about the positions of lacrosse. He is standing in a field that is next to a busy road with many cars passing by. He is demonstrating the various positions and ways of using the lacrosse stick with another man. He explains how the goals are scored in lacrosse.", "segments": [[3.7, 15.23], [15.23, 43.22], [43.22, 75.32], [75.32, 82.32]], "duration": 82.32, "id": 1603}, {"image_id": "v_uHmoFLB-PLc.mp4", "caption": "A boy holds a guitar in a room. He is sitting on a bed. He begins to play the guitar. Eventually he finishes the song.", "segments": [[0, 118.54], [5.33, 118.54], [10.67, 118.54], [101.94, 118.54]], "duration": 118.53999999999999, "id": 1604}, {"image_id": "v_aKhD_bFB7MA.mp4", "caption": "There's a person walking on stilts on a sidewalk where several cars are parked. He is demonstrating how to walk on stilts. He is joined by two other men who also join him in the tutorial. The man on stilts shows how fast he can run while on the stilts as well as jump high up. While he's running on the stilts, his friend drives alongside him in a car. The man continues to do stunts on the stilts.", "segments": [[16.78, 48.73], [48.73, 84.68], [84.68, 111.05], [111.05, 130.22], [130.22, 143.8], [143.8, 151.79]], "duration": 159.78, "id": 1605}, {"image_id": "v_eJvOgEahkys.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen standing at a ballet bar performing ballet moves. A girl is seen dancing on stage followed by a large group of girls warming up. The girls continue stretching and lead into the woman pointing her foot.", "segments": [[0.6, 28.29], [25.28, 85.46], [83.06, 117.97]], "duration": 120.37, "id": 1606}, {"image_id": "v_gTh9bd9yV9E.mp4", "caption": "A teen puts make up to an man on his face.Then, the teen puts mascara, lip sticks and paint the eyelid with an eyeliner. Then, the teen puts color on the cheeks, then she eyeliners the eyelids. After, the teen paint the mouth and put lipstick on the cheeks and paint the eyelids.", "segments": [[8.63, 51.76], [51.76, 98.82], [99.6, 123.91], [124.7, 156.85]], "duration": 156.85, "id": 1607}, {"image_id": "v_91Wdp_uaWrY.mp4", "caption": "Two people are fencing in a room. A person is standing next to a wall watching them. They stop fencing and walk away.", "segments": [[0, 70.82], [24.93, 33.24], [71.18, 72.26]], "duration": 72.26, "id": 1608}, {"image_id": "v_hlFJj2dT3sU.mp4", "caption": "A boy is on a tennis court outside. He serves the ball with a racquet. He serves it a few more times, hitting it each time.", "segments": [[0, 8.13], [8.54, 27.51], [28.34, 41.68]], "duration": 41.68, "id": 1609}, {"image_id": "v_LYOQ0gVySxE.mp4", "caption": "Coffee is ground up in an electric grinder. A cup of coffee and coffee press are set on a table. Milk is poured into the cup of coffee. The cup of coffee is picked up and set back down on the saucer.", "segments": [[0, 6.7], [7.69, 26.53], [17.36, 25.05], [28.52, 47.12]], "duration": 49.6, "id": 1610}, {"image_id": "v_YvIfwsbuiKI.mp4", "caption": "A male figure is seen in a gym bending on mat and carrying out instructions to the camera on how to perform an exercise. He demonstrates on how to properly do exercises on an elastic band that is attached to a fixed pole. He grabs the elastic band and pulls it towards himself. Afterwards he pushes the band away from himself as he and demonstrates the proper use of the equipment .", "segments": [[0, 69.91], [0, 64.2], [31.74, 47.44], [34.6, 70.62]], "duration": 71.33, "id": 1611}, {"image_id": "v_Vx6vP1oxiAg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen leading a camel around with two small children riding on the back. The kids waves to the camera while it pans around their ride and the camel spitting into the air.", "segments": [[0, 15.48], [3.79, 19.97]], "duration": 19.97, "id": 1612}, {"image_id": "v_8Nv52hFr0tg.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast stands idle while being watched by a crowd. A close up of a second woman saying something is shown. The gymnast performs a routine on a beam. The female gymnast finishes her routine and dismounts. People are shown applauding the gymnast. The gymnast walks away from the beam.", "segments": [[0, 15.45], [16.69, 19.16], [20.4, 109.41], [109.41, 115.59], [116.21, 119.92], [121.15, 123.62]], "duration": 123.62, "id": 1613}, {"image_id": "v_kH8o0M69KGc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending over a large set of weights with another walking behind him. The man lifts the bar up over his head and throws it back down. The man does this again while people watch on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 7.98], [7.32, 15.95], [15.14, 31.42]], "duration": 32.56, "id": 1614}, {"image_id": "v_arbdFQpe0fk.mp4", "caption": "A pinata is seen swinging around the middle of people followed by a girl grabbing a stick. She moves all around the room swinging at the pinata as well as another girl swinging with her dad. A young boy walks up to try to hit it as well as another boy.", "segments": [[0, 27.68], [24.46, 104.27], [92.69, 124.87]], "duration": 128.73, "id": 1615}, {"image_id": "v_k2gc3YcVjwM.mp4", "caption": "A guy waves and then speaks. A male approaches and grabs a plate. The male takes the plate to the sink. The male dips the plate into the water and uses a white rug to wash it. The male rinses the washed plate. The male soaks the white plate and then puts it on a dish drying rack. The male gives a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 14.86], [16.48, 19.72], [19.72, 21.07], [21.88, 28.91], [32.42, 39.98], [40.79, 50.52], [52.14, 54.03]], "duration": 54.03, "id": 1616}, {"image_id": "v_6YmZNDXap64.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen spinning a rubix cube into his hands followed by more people attempting to solve the puzzle and speak to the camera. More people are shown attempting to solve the puzzle as well as speaking to the camera and smiling.", "segments": [[2.85, 70.46], [46.97, 129.53]], "duration": 142.34, "id": 1617}, {"image_id": "v_YG_jr8Efdxk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are shown sitting on the sidelines as well as various shots of athletes preparing for an event. One woman is seen lifting a bar several times while her coach yells to encourage her. She finishes her set and walks away with several other people nearby.", "segments": [[0, 16.17], [16.17, 61.11], [61.51, 78.86]], "duration": 78.86, "id": 1618}, {"image_id": "v_hx0WYKDa7PM.mp4", "caption": "A cameraman follows a man as he walks up a diving board. The diver gets to the edge of the board and stretches before falling forwards in the water. The diver dives into the water a second time. The diver gets out of the water and walks away as a cameraman follows him.", "segments": [[0, 16.53], [16.53, 60.62], [61.62, 85.17], [87.17, 100.2]], "duration": 100.2, "id": 1619}, {"image_id": "v__yk7gjnHkjs.mp4", "caption": "A man swings and throws the hammer repeatedly. The man hops on one leg at the end and walks away. We switch to a man throwing shot put. Men on the sideline clap and jump. The man in red and blue raises a red flag. We see a man throw the hammer repeatedly.", "segments": [[0, 93.2], [39.12, 44.88], [94.35, 192.16], [153.04, 170.3], [134.63, 136.93], [194.46, 230.13]], "duration": 230.13, "id": 1620}, {"image_id": "v_GZiG-aSzIJI.mp4", "caption": "There are two white cars that arrive in secluded area where there are warehouses. Four men get off the car and walk towards a man wearing a mask to cover his face. There are some people hiding behind trucks with guns in their hands. One of the men comes out and opens fire. He shoots his gun in the air. That provokes the other people and a huge gun fight breaks out. The men randomly begin shooting at each other. During that time, one of the men get shot in the head and he collapses and falls down.", "segments": [[18.51, 38.39], [38.39, 56.21], [56.21, 78.83], [78.83, 86.37], [86.37, 99.39], [99.39, 106.93], [106.93, 122.7], [122.7, 128.18]], "duration": 137.09, "id": 1621}, {"image_id": "v_xgb-qIgWHw0.mp4", "caption": "A musician plays a set of drums on an elevated jumbo screen as a camera pans in and out on the performance. A musician with a headset attached to his ears and over his mouth, begins to play a set of drums. As the musician plays the drums the camera pans in for a closeup and then pans out. The musician ends the performance, stands, and waives both sticks at the audience.", "segments": [[0.34, 67.42], [0.34, 18.92], [13.76, 64.67], [60.89, 64.67]], "duration": 68.8, "id": 1622}, {"image_id": "v_FrDKwP9XaOo.mp4", "caption": "Males pull a rope in a tag of war match. The males take steps to the right. The males are being pulled to the left. The males raise and let go of the rope now closer to the left.", "segments": [[0, 97.26], [5.95, 66], [66.49, 97.26], [97.75, 99.24]], "duration": 99.24000000000001, "id": 1623}, {"image_id": "v_mouMMOraPyw.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person is seen speaking to a person behind them and paddling along the water. The people continue riding along the water as the water splashes around them and the woman stops to wipe her face off.", "segments": [[2.64, 98.63], [83.66, 169.08]], "duration": 176.12, "id": 1624}, {"image_id": "v_d3Rx-nw5Zlw.mp4", "caption": "There's a young man wearing a blue jacket and a white shirt standing near a wall with white bathroom tiles. He is smoking a cigarette. He continues taking a several puffs of the cigarette as he empties the ashes of the burned cigarette on the side. He looks a bit confused as he continues smoking the cigarette.", "segments": [[54.17, 106.34], [106.34, 143.46], [143.46, 186.6], [186.6, 200.64]], "duration": 200.64, "id": 1625}, {"image_id": "v_8dXbbJWFEJo.mp4", "caption": "A group of athletes row on canoes during a race in between buoys on a waterway. The men cross the final numbered buoys and glide while slowing down after the race.", "segments": [[0, 38.01], [31.17, 38.01]], "duration": 38.01, "id": 1626}, {"image_id": "v_JJzBlV3p1Wc.mp4", "caption": "A woman in an outdoor environment teaches a young boy and girl how to wash clothes using a washboard and a metal bucket. A young boy pulls on a metal lever protruding from a metal bucket with a washboard in it. Two young girls watch as a woman in a white apron demonstrates to the boy and girl how to turn the lever and also hangs clothes on a clothes line. The young girl begins to pull the lever while the boy helps the woman hang clothes, and then all of the children take turns operating different parts of the washboard mechanism.", "segments": [[0.66, 131.93], [0.66, 19.79], [23.75, 51.45], [48.81, 128.63]], "duration": 131.93, "id": 1627}, {"image_id": "v_eChLCFAGyx0.mp4", "caption": "The video takes place in a theater showing a symphony play a song. The video shows close ups of several of the symphony members as they play their instruments. The camera then pans out to show the audience. The symphony continues to play as the conductor leads. The video ends showing the entire symphony.", "segments": [[0, 196.93], [2.95, 54.16], [54.16, 77.79], [78.77, 196.93], [192.01, 196.93]], "duration": 196.93, "id": 1628}, {"image_id": "v_XfF30DaqAGU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing before a bar and bends down in front of him. She grabs the weights and lifts it over her head and then back down. She continuously lifts the weight up over her head.", "segments": [[0, 9.56], [6.97, 33.07], [29.19, 50.37]], "duration": 51.67, "id": 1629}, {"image_id": "v_B4LYBLihttQ.mp4", "caption": "The young female is standing in the kitchen talking to the camera. The female put the pasta in boiling water, chopped the garlic and pour olive oil in the pan, she shredded the orange peel and put in the pan and added tomatoes and seafood. The woman drain the pasta, and put it on the sauce and put them in the white bowls.", "segments": [[0, 186.29], [41.92, 161.14], [153.69, 186.29]], "duration": 186.29, "id": 1630}, {"image_id": "v_txMaVvdALeM.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are riding in a huge raft. They paddle down the rapids, trying to stay upright. They flip over, falling out of the raft.", "segments": [[0, 23.14], [28.48, 97.91], [98.8, 178.02]], "duration": 178.02, "id": 1631}, {"image_id": "v_MoPg7NqyhLI.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting in a floor followed by people shooting bow and arrows and running around a course. The kids continue running around one another shooting the bow and arrows and ends with a woman holding up her hand and showing a picture.", "segments": [[0, 37.42], [33.57, 69.94]], "duration": 69.94, "id": 1632}, {"image_id": "v_FKAlXR9NkKw.mp4", "caption": "A lady walks down a hall while carrying a bucket of cleaning supplies. A lady cleans a window with newspapers. The lady sprays the newspaper. The ingredients to make the spray is shown. The lady sprays the window.", "segments": [[0.25, 1.98], [2.23, 49.6], [2.23, 4.71], [11.41, 16.37], [20.34, 20.83]], "duration": 49.6, "id": 1633}, {"image_id": "v_DTprdtsGCts.mp4", "caption": "Pipes are being shown on a rock. A man is walking on a trail. A large structure behind a fence is shown. A boat is in the water surrounding a rock. A man sits on top of a rock. A man starts playing an instrument. A large rock wall is shown. The man continues playing the instrument.", "segments": [[1.19, 2.38], [8.32, 9.51], [14.26, 17.83], [21.39, 26.15], [34.47, 40.41], [34.47, 237.7], [116.47, 121.23], [116.47, 229.38]], "duration": 237.7, "id": 1634}, {"image_id": "v_fpIS8jWoK9w.mp4", "caption": "The camera watches a man in a hat talking with someone from a low angle. The setting changes and the man in the hat talks with another man while the two look at papers. The man in the hat sits down and talks to the camera. The man drinks from a bottle of water. A woman applies an ink pattern to the man's body. The man lays on his side as the woman tattoos over the ink pattern. Still images of the completed tattoo are shown.", "segments": [[0, 62.05], [62.05, 86.43], [86.43, 107.48], [99.73, 100.83], [108.59, 135.18], [135.18, 212.75], [214.96, 221.61]], "duration": 221.61, "id": 1635}, {"image_id": "v_VAKQMtYrl4I.mp4", "caption": "Several dogs walk down a street. They are on leashes held by their owners. The stream of them is endless. A woman holds her dog.", "segments": [[0, 72.66], [3.29, 72.66], [9.13, 72.66], [58.42, 72.66]], "duration": 73.03, "id": 1636}, {"image_id": "v_TS-p15iwQPc.mp4", "caption": "A class of children dressed in white gi's are walking, kicking and punching in a classroom while their teacher walks around them. The class stops and the instructor talks and walks around them. The class then turns around and begins to walk, kick and punch in the direction they just came from.The class turns around when they get to the end, stops, and the instructor begins talking and demonstrating a kick and a punch to them, moves out of the way and the class resumes. When they reach the end they turn around again to walk, kick and punch back in the direction they came from and once again the instructor stops them to talk and demonstrate the moves and once again the class resumes their movements and when hey get to the end of the room they turn around and end their routine with their legs apart and arms in front of them.", "segments": [[0, 16.13], [16.13, 36.14], [36.14, 56.14], [56.14, 87.76], [87.76, 129.06]], "duration": 129.06, "id": 1637}, {"image_id": "v_uMw7YplUbAM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding an accordion while speaking to the camera and smiling. He then plays the instrument while looking at the camera and ends by speaking more to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 24.09], [26.62, 126.78]], "duration": 126.78, "id": 1638}, {"image_id": "v_DjyO6zWUiDw.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing on a stool in front of a kitchen sink. He is washing the dishes under the water. He puts the dishes into a black strainer.", "segments": [[0, 62.07], [0, 48.41], [48.41, 62.07]], "duration": 62.07, "id": 1639}, {"image_id": "v_RINsqxGLQdQ.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of people riding around kite surfing are shown as well as people speaking to the camera. The kids attempt the wind surfing and are seen moving their arms and legs around and waving to the camera. Two girls are seen dancing as well as people speaking to the camera and kids looking at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 47.64], [46.92, 114.04], [116.93, 144.36]], "duration": 144.36, "id": 1640}, {"image_id": "v_uE15Mhtj9nE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is explaining how to remove wallpaper. She turns around and bends over to pick up a steamer. She shows how to steam the wallpaper in sections. She steps off the ladder and continues to steam the wallpaper. She moves the ladder out of the way then she steams more wallpaper, all the way to the bottom, across and the middle. She moves the ladder, climbs up it and peels the wallpaper from the wall, picking the pieces that stick from the wall. She pulls the residue from the wall. She walks out of camera range and comes back with a scraper to remove the left pieces. She bends down again and walks out of camera range again. She has a sponge and is cleaning the wall. She does more scraping and scrubbing. She turns around and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 29.99], [29.99, 36.91], [36.91, 66.89], [66.89, 80.73], [80.73, 95.73], [95.73, 182.23], [179.92, 192.61], [192.61, 204.14], [202.99, 215.67], [214.52, 221.44], [220.29, 226.05], [227.21, 230.67]], "duration": 230.67000000000002, "id": 1641}, {"image_id": "v_nGOEmEDesPI.mp4", "caption": "There are snowflakes falling over a forest. A man in an orange jacket snowmobiles across a snowy field. The man snowboards down the mountain. Two men snowmobile through the forest. A man in a dark jacket snowboards through a route filled with trees. The man in the orange jacket looks at the camera. The man in the orange jacket snowmobiles down a very steep mountain. The man in the orange jacket snowmobiles off a jump and does tricks. The man in the orange jacket starts a fire. The man in the dark jacket continues to ski through treacherous areas filled with trees.", "segments": [[5.22, 11.47], [12.52, 18.78], [19.82, 29.21], [21.91, 82.41], [39.64, 82.41], [65.72, 67.81], [83.45, 124.14], [125.18, 167.95], [170.03, 181.51], [180.47, 200.29]], "duration": 208.63, "id": 1642}, {"image_id": "v_7wyt_-SoudU.mp4", "caption": "man is welding a machine in a dark room. man is welding a metal pot and smoke is spreading out of the pot. man is wearing welding mask in a dark room welding something.", "segments": [[0, 108.96], [7.26, 111.76], [0, 111.76]], "duration": 111.75999999999999, "id": 1643}, {"image_id": "v_5aUWT0CmJlc.mp4", "caption": "A close up shots of a man riding around is shown and leads into him taking off part of his shows. He shows off several objects and pushes a puck along some ice while the camera sits on the object and the man follows behind.", "segments": [[0, 17.07], [17.47, 79.39]], "duration": 79.39, "id": 1644}, {"image_id": "v_0cYB-WFrVxk.mp4", "caption": "A boat pulls a person out of the water. They stand up and start water skiing behind the boat. The person falls and lets go of the rope.", "segments": [[0, 10.08], [10.08, 220.69], [222.93, 224.05]], "duration": 224.05, "id": 1645}, {"image_id": "v_AUwam1VhQm0.mp4", "caption": "A large slide is shown with dozens of children climbing up and going down. Children run up and down the side and continue to ride down the slide. The camera pans all around the slides and shows the kids going down.", "segments": [[0, 24.09], [22.77, 64.38], [53.43, 84.08]], "duration": 87.59, "id": 1646}, {"image_id": "v_OJYajhN1RHs.mp4", "caption": "A woman does a hair dressing routine by brushing and blowdrying hair. The woman sits and has the hairdresser work her magic in under ten minutes.", "segments": [[26.1, 237.26], [0, 237.26]], "duration": 237.26, "id": 1647}, {"image_id": "v_Jmip8PuILhM.mp4", "caption": "A woman paints a square frame with legs. She turns it and paints another side. The camera pans to flowers.", "segments": [[0, 8.68], [8.13, 32], [33.26, 36.15]], "duration": 36.15, "id": 1648}, {"image_id": "v_aZfNeGBMU1Y.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is holding a stick and is gently hitting a large pinata that is ninja turtled theme.In the background a boy on a white chair is gently tossing a ball in the air above his lap.A taller boy is standing and walking near the boy sitting on the chair and he has a green plastic bag over his left hand that he's moving back and forth with a twist of his wrist.A little girl on the side begins to jump as she's waiting for her turn.", "segments": [[0, 19.97], [2.8, 4.79], [4.79, 14.58], [17.97, 19.97]], "duration": 19.97, "id": 1649}, {"image_id": "v_EBdkGs_jFDw.mp4", "caption": "A person cleans a window screen, and then puts detergent on the lower part of the window and brush. Then, the person cleans the borders of the window with a cloth, and shows the dirt in the cloth. After, the person takes a bottle from the sill and continues cleaning the borders of the window screen.", "segments": [[0, 99.95], [101.04, 174.63], [174.63, 219.66]], "duration": 219.66, "id": 1650}, {"image_id": "v_L9gznB55hhE.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is sitting on a step and then a poster saying I can do it is shown.The girl comes back and continues talking about what she is about to do.She then brings up a knife and talks about it as the camera zooms in on it.She then starts cutting a stick and words are displayed at the bottom showing the steps needed to complete the fire.A pocket knife is pulled out and she begins cutting a small piece of tinder.", "segments": [[0, 25.05], [23.86, 66.81], [65.62, 79.93], [79.93, 124.08], [124.08, 238.61]], "duration": 238.61, "id": 1651}, {"image_id": "v_xWIKFgygROg.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing an earring looks to the side. He is shown holding up a bow and arrow, aiming, then shooting at his target. The scene is repeated several times.", "segments": [[0, 8.47], [12.7, 52.22], [53.16, 94.09]], "duration": 94.09, "id": 1652}, {"image_id": "v_qz47x5-R-BU.mp4", "caption": "band is in stage and the front man is singing. woman is playing drums wearing a black cap.", "segments": [[2.51, 100.5], [0, 100.5]], "duration": 100.5, "id": 1653}, {"image_id": "v_xRfSkg8j7Dg.mp4", "caption": "A garden is shown from the outside of a house. The camera turns to take in various plants and flowers. We then get a good look at the grass.", "segments": [[0, 30.16], [35.75, 176.5], [194.38, 223.42]], "duration": 223.42000000000002, "id": 1654}, {"image_id": "v_wBiRGLLjFVU.mp4", "caption": "Boys balance on slack lines and do various tricks. People balances on a slack line in a park and slowly walks across the length of the rope between two trees. Boys balance across a slack line placed over a small pond at a park.", "segments": [[0, 227.67], [14.8, 99.04], [100.18, 166.2]], "duration": 227.67000000000002, "id": 1655}, {"image_id": "v_Bnw54GNBKlU.mp4", "caption": "woman is sitting in a sidewalk talking to the camera next to a green bucket. woman is jumping on sidewalk playing trick. another woman is in the sidewalk jumping playing trick.", "segments": [[0, 45.46], [45.46, 104.78], [105.55, 154.09]], "duration": 154.09, "id": 1656}, {"image_id": "v_xcworhtkwNY.mp4", "caption": "A band is seated outside on asphalt. They are playing a series of drums with sticks and their hands. Numerous people pass by on foot and bike.", "segments": [[0, 4.11], [4.88, 41.31], [41.57, 51.32]], "duration": 51.32, "id": 1657}, {"image_id": "v_fxEcsM0EaA4.mp4", "caption": "People are jumping rope on a stage. They switch places and a different person starts jumping. A man stands and holds the jump rope.", "segments": [[0, 20.3], [5.48, 6.6], [0.3, 20.3]], "duration": 20.3, "id": 1658}, {"image_id": "v_whcxrkF2hws.mp4", "caption": "The Province of Albay seal is shown. Several team members are on a court outdoors, playing volleyball. They lob the ball back and forth over the net in front of an audience. Afterward, they celebrate, laughing and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [16.48, 57.68], [64.89, 183.33], [187.45, 205.99]], "duration": 205.99, "id": 1659}, {"image_id": "v_LHe5cTzHB3o.mp4", "caption": "There are two men boxing in an indoor boxing room that has mirrors on one entire wall. There is another person standing in the same room who is video taping them fight. The boxer in the red shorts punches the boxer in the black shorts. The boxer in black falls down and lands on his back and groans. Then he stands right back up while the boxer in red walks around him.", "segments": [[5.92, 46.72], [10.28, 46.72], [25.54, 46.72], [50.15, 57.63], [53.27, 57.63]], "duration": 62.3, "id": 1660}, {"image_id": "v__4CLYKFzmoY.mp4", "caption": "A young man is wearing headphones and standing in front of a microphone. He begins playing the violin. He closes his eyes, listening to himself as he plays.", "segments": [[0, 16.22], [22.02, 172.68], [173.84, 231.78]], "duration": 231.78, "id": 1661}, {"image_id": "v_sYhUC2uQR7I.mp4", "caption": "A gym room with several large boxing bags aligned along the perimeter of the room is shown.A group of guys then come in the building and they start to run around the bags as a warm up.Once they are finished,the men pair up with one another and three groups are shown boxing one another.A bumper sticker then appears saying,\"Keep your Eyes on the Prize\" and then more pairs of men begin kick boxing.", "segments": [[0, 16.13], [14.98, 63.36], [63.36, 133.64], [133.64, 230.41]], "duration": 230.41, "id": 1662}, {"image_id": "v_ejzgfj6QKB8.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a yard with a cricket bat. He flips the bat over and over again. He trips, then kicks the ball into the air, hitting it.", "segments": [[0, 10.34], [10.77, 35.75], [38.34, 86.15]], "duration": 86.15, "id": 1663}, {"image_id": "v_AzNHZyeXHBM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing on a track talking. She jumps into a pile of sand. She is sprinting down the track. It shows her stretching and jumping into a pile of sand.", "segments": [[6.6, 10.64], [10.85, 12.98], [14.9, 20.64], [25.75, 26.81]], "duration": 42.56, "id": 1664}, {"image_id": "v_2EfjOGiEeJs.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around a large group of people wandering around and leads into people playing a soccer match. The players are shown watching on the side and show more shots of the people and the city.", "segments": [[0, 40.57], [34.39, 88.19]], "duration": 88.19, "id": 1665}, {"image_id": "v_nHkVfEKklJA.mp4", "caption": "A young boy jokes around sitting at a drum set. A boy plays a drum set at home. The parents watch the boy play the drums.", "segments": [[0, 6.05], [7.05, 100.78], [55.43, 100.78]], "duration": 100.78, "id": 1666}, {"image_id": "v_l4YcjFl6SDc.mp4", "caption": "A hand is rubbing a chalk to a blue tip. The man is concentrating on the pool table, slowly hit the ball with the billiard stick. An old man with beard is giving interview. The man is arranging the ball on the table and then hit them and they all went into the holes.", "segments": [[0, 34.57], [20.74, 45.81], [41.48, 152.97], [62.23, 172.85]], "duration": 172.85, "id": 1667}, {"image_id": "v_GQzwzOM9db8.mp4", "caption": "The athlete who is wearing gray tights and black shirt with number 2 on it started go on the beam and started to swirl around. When he got of from the beam, he walked towards the yellow container that contains white powder, then went back to the beam and did his tricks by swirling around.", "segments": [[0.38, 27.73], [26.97, 69.9]], "duration": 75.98, "id": 1668}, {"image_id": "v_jxAZc0VgG4w.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is shown running down a track and jumping into a large sand pit. Her jump is then shown again several times in slow motion and another runner takes a turn at the jump. Her jump is shown again in slow motion and she waves to the audience while smiling.", "segments": [[0, 22.98], [21.48, 73.42], [71.42, 99.89]], "duration": 99.89, "id": 1669}, {"image_id": "v_-FbWTFJ3kV0.mp4", "caption": "A boat that has a blue sail with two people is sailing in a body of water.The person at the front of the boat is leaning off to the side and is seemingly hitting the water. The water starts to become more and more choppy. The boat makes a turn to the right. The boat begins to head to the shore.", "segments": [[0, 7.59], [7.59, 19.84], [19.84, 31.85], [31.85, 36.5], [36.5, 49]], "duration": 49.0, "id": 1670}, {"image_id": "v_VVezUub0ocQ.mp4", "caption": "cat is sleeping in a furry table and a man holds him and shows a nail clipper and starts cutting the cat nails sitting in a couch. cat is sitting in a red carpet.", "segments": [[0, 155.48], [155.48, 193.14]], "duration": 193.14, "id": 1671}, {"image_id": "v_ShT4biEuQDo.mp4", "caption": "A shirtless man is shoving snow outside at the curb. He waves his hands around and motions at the passing cars. He continues to wave and roll his hands in the air as more cars pass. He continues shoveling the snow.", "segments": [[0, 22.07], [3.12, 6.02], [7.02, 16.83], [15.05, 22.29]], "duration": 22.29, "id": 1672}, {"image_id": "v_hHWXldYW8rU.mp4", "caption": "A camera walks closer to a girl pointing to her eye in the mirror. She then bends down forward and sticks her face under the water rubbing it along her face.", "segments": [[0.17, 4.53], [3.03, 8.31]], "duration": 8.31, "id": 1673}, {"image_id": "v_Si4_ER4lUME.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen sitting in a kayak looking to the camera. The girl then begins moving the paddle back and fourth. She pauses her paddling to laugh off into the distance.", "segments": [[0.2, 10.05], [8.87, 30.95], [24.45, 38.64]], "duration": 39.43, "id": 1674}, {"image_id": "v_Z3NtsxP6w-g.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into actors being interviewed about a film. Several shots of the film is shown as well as stills from other movies and appearances together. The couple is then shown performing a tango routine on a large stage and ends by posing on stage with the audience cheering.", "segments": [[0, 22.94], [22.94, 55.71], [56.8, 218.45]], "duration": 218.45, "id": 1675}, {"image_id": "v_KHOTebb8UC8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking about an elliptical exercise machine specially designed for women. Alongside her is the pro fitness expert who is demonstrating how the machine works. He shows the buttons that need to be pressed in order to start the elliptical. After he gets the machine started, the lady hops onto the machine and begins using the elliptical. She continues to exercise on the machine as the fitness trainer gives her tips on how the machine will benefit her.", "segments": [[10.37, 30.37], [30.37, 58.52], [58.52, 82.22], [82.22, 121.48], [121.48, 148.14]], "duration": 148.14, "id": 1676}, {"image_id": "v_dKf46wUnn-s.mp4", "caption": "Two children are seen walking around a yard play crochet with one another and laughing on the side. the kids continue to play with each other while the camera pans all around their movements.", "segments": [[0.66, 29.64], [27.01, 65.22]], "duration": 65.88, "id": 1677}, {"image_id": "v_r1x3hjFWGYM.mp4", "caption": "We see an intro screen with contact lenses. We see a man wash his hand and take a contact from a new package. The person holds their eye open and inserts the contact lens. The man smiles and we see his face .We are then shown how to remove the contact lens with instructions. We then see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.36], [4.36, 61.89], [61.89, 114.19], [114.19, 130.75], [121.16, 164.75], [164.75, 174.34]], "duration": 174.34, "id": 1678}, {"image_id": "v_Z-kXPcLsxBg.mp4", "caption": "A purple rope is attached to a blue one, which is then stretched between two trees. A man bounces and balances on the rope as three other men watch. The other men take turns, some falling and rebalancing.", "segments": [[0, 8.47], [12.38, 64.52], [69.73, 130.33]], "duration": 130.33, "id": 1679}, {"image_id": "v_hQ4xkr6VpnA.mp4", "caption": "First the woman is shown tracing her finger down her neck. Then she moves a part of her hair out of her way and starts to braid a part of her hair. Then she braids another braid that is smaller than the first one, but she connects the hair, by using a couple of strands from the last braid.", "segments": [[0, 9.46], [10.45, 99.54], [45.79, 99.54]], "duration": 99.53999999999999, "id": 1680}, {"image_id": "v_ehO8oXanK1Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman does a karate routine with a partner and throws a bunch which is blocked twice. The woman practices a karate chops to her partner who watches and lifts hands. The woman throws a blow to her partner who catches it and throws her to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 18.11], [19.46, 31.35], [34.87, 54.06]], "duration": 54.06, "id": 1681}, {"image_id": "v_S7RWgSxlZ-M.mp4", "caption": "A couple of tools are sitting on the edge of a table. A man adjusts the position of the tools. He uses a knife in the crevices, sharpening the knife.", "segments": [[0, 10.92], [18.36, 66.49], [73.94, 99.24]], "duration": 99.24000000000001, "id": 1682}, {"image_id": "v_r8ZIHLqFPfg.mp4", "caption": "Vassen cloud nine red colored contacts are in the container they belong in. A blondish haired woman with brown eyes places one of them in her eye. You can see the difference of the brown and the contact very clearly and it looks pretty great. She then put the other contact in so you are able to see how both lenses look at a distance.", "segments": [[0, 13.99], [13.49, 35.97], [35.47, 65.94], [65.94, 99.92]], "duration": 99.92, "id": 1683}, {"image_id": "v_EzX0FZI6pCg.mp4", "caption": "A young man is standing in a netted green circular area. The man is holding a ball and begins to spin himself around and around multiple times and then throws the ball.After he throws the ball he falls hard and quickly onto the ground.", "segments": [[0, 0.09], [0.11, 2.42], [2.42, 4.44]], "duration": 4.44, "id": 1684}, {"image_id": "v_UA_RDwuO47s.mp4", "caption": "The word funkin is on the screen and underneath it says Bacardi cocktail. A man in a funkin shirt talks about and demonstrates how to make the Bacardi cocktail from behind a bar. The man is showing people how to make a drink in a martini glass. The man puts ingredients in a regular glass while showing the bottles of ingredients he is using. The word funkin is on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.9], [2.9, 63.47], [5.8, 63.47], [11.97, 26.48], [69.64, 72.54]], "duration": 72.53999999999999, "id": 1685}, {"image_id": "v_4j7_nh61bvo.mp4", "caption": "The video by TMZ is showing several overweight men as part of the sumo destruction event. It shows a picture of singer George Michael too. There's a panel of people sitting in a studio talking about the event. They are reading a script and laughing. There are pictures of sumo wrestlers shown too. It also shows sumo wrestlers wrestling as spectators watch the event.", "segments": [[10.01, 15.02], [15.02, 29.47], [29.47, 32.81], [32.81, 58.95], [58.95, 87.31], [87.31, 102.33]], "duration": 111.22, "id": 1686}, {"image_id": "v_mxZRW_Xy7ks.mp4", "caption": "three woman are walking next to a house in a parking lot. people are snowboarding between two fences in a small hall going down a small slope. people are standing in a snowy mountain in snowboards. people are eating sitting outside a tent. people are snwoboarding going down a snowy slope ad doing tricks in mountains.", "segments": [[0, 4.24], [4.24, 7.63], [7.63, 20.34], [20.34, 29.66], [29.66, 169.46]], "duration": 169.46, "id": 1687}, {"image_id": "v_DMw9Cb_Xy2A.mp4", "caption": "A man shoots an arrow with his bow. He grabs another arrow and shoots again. Once more, he shoots an arrow. He finds another arrow and shoots. He takes another shot of an arrow. Another arrow is grabbed and he shoots. He takes another one and shoots it. He grabs another arrow from his waist and shoots again. He shoots an arrow once more. He grabs a final arrow and shoots. A person walks towards the hay where the arrows have been shot.", "segments": [[0, 3.88], [4.37, 12.62], [13.1, 18.44], [18.93, 24.27], [24.75, 32.52], [33, 43.68], [44.16, 49.5], [50.47, 54.84], [55.32, 62.6], [63.09, 65.52], [66.49, 97.06]], "duration": 97.06, "id": 1688}, {"image_id": "v_tnXjdv_GM9g.mp4", "caption": "A man prepares to run down a track. He runs very fast down the path. He takes a giant leap, landing in the sand.", "segments": [[0, 5.34], [7.58, 30.33], [30.61, 56.17]], "duration": 56.17, "id": 1689}, {"image_id": "v_7Nj1Y-fyq_c.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in business attire enters a kitchen with some children behind him, he shakes a woman's hand, rubs her shoulder and then introduces the children to the woman, and the whole time black text on the top of the screen reads \"'Lying' Ryan has a few minutes to kill before a flight\". More clips continue to play of the man in the kitchen, talking, handling cleaning products, and washing dishes, but a lot of negative words about him are appearing on the screen.The man is out of the kitchen now and walking then stops to shake hands and talk to a man, but a negative message about him still appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.88], [8.88, 80.87], [80.87, 98.62]], "duration": 98.62, "id": 1690}, {"image_id": "v_ofrkSTRhCE4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen running down a road while looking at her watch and pointing to things in front of her. She continues running down the street while other people applaud her and she keeps running.", "segments": [[0, 55.98], [51.98, 114.24]], "duration": 114.24000000000001, "id": 1691}, {"image_id": "v_i-LI4TpJNQ8.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in a kayak next to the sidewalk. man is taking out the kayak from the water. man is in the river holding the row and doing kayaking and other men are beside him.", "segments": [[0, 19.37], [19.37, 29.86], [29.05, 161.38]], "duration": 161.38, "id": 1692}, {"image_id": "v_b8S0HFHh_p0.mp4", "caption": "A man is recording himself in a lever with another man. The ride goes up higher and the man with a hat is talking to the other. The ride reaches the top and the man holds out his arms. He counts down and drops the man down to bungee jump. The man makes it to the bottom safely and the ride comes back down.", "segments": [[0, 121.83], [14.99, 75.91], [87.16, 107.77], [107.77, 125.58], [127.45, 187.43]], "duration": 187.43, "id": 1693}, {"image_id": "v_OrVgspx6Axs.mp4", "caption": "Outside in oak creek there is some bikers getting ready yo race down the dirt. When the gates go down they all go as fast as they can through the obstacle of dirt. There are a few people sitting by in the stands watching as the bikers go off. They even show some of the kids waiting and having a good time watching the race.", "segments": [[0, 23.37], [23.37, 87.85], [87.85, 134.58], [134.58, 186.92]], "duration": 186.92, "id": 1694}, {"image_id": "v_4vdclFJFrdk.mp4", "caption": "A woman practices floor gymnastics while others engage in various activities in the background. A second woman practices floor gymnastics. The two women are shown performing the same action in turn. The first woman is shown practicing more floor gymnastics, with occasional slow motion replays of her action. The second woman is shown performing some sort of pose. The first woman is shown performing gymnastics once again. The second woman is shown stretching her leg in the air. The first woman is shown performing gymnastics once more. The second woman is shown in some sort of pose once again. The first woman is shown performing gymnastics yet again.", "segments": [[0.98, 8.31], [8.31, 16.61], [17.59, 23.94], [23.45, 40.06], [40.55, 49.34], [49.83, 57.16], [57.16, 62.05], [62.53, 67.91], [68.4, 81.1], [81.59, 91.85]], "duration": 97.71000000000001, "id": 1695}, {"image_id": "v_fFWHlFZEm3M.mp4", "caption": "A humongous red, black and white ship is shown on the water, then a smaller ship is shown quickly approaching the boat that is filming and suddenly it crashes into the boat and it has black smoke coming from the top of it.A lot of people are shown on the boat with life vests moving quickly about the ship, and men are frantically pulling at rope. A man and a woman are now sweeping the area where the boat was hit and another man is helping to pick up broken pieces.", "segments": [[0, 93.23], [93.23, 147.47], [147.47, 169.51]], "duration": 169.5, "id": 1696}, {"image_id": "v_VRS48f5tj_c.mp4", "caption": "A lady plays the harp and another plays the flute in an orchestra and we see the conductor and return to the flute lady. We see the whole orchestra playing and return to the flute lady and the orchestra cut back and forth. We watch the conductor as he works and see the orchestra. We see the harp again and the orchestra before returning to the harp.", "segments": [[0, 83.12], [84.07, 136.62], [137.58, 167.19], [170.06, 191.08]], "duration": 191.08, "id": 1697}, {"image_id": "v_p2n_FtzA1gk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on the edge of a bath tub. She begins shaving her leg with a razor. She looks at the bottom of the razor.", "segments": [[0, 86.14], [6.56, 86.14], [83.07, 86.14]], "duration": 87.45, "id": 1698}, {"image_id": "v_aT5S8PcnlXo.mp4", "caption": "There's an athlete doing the hammer throw in a large stadium with some spectators and few other players watching him. He begins by swinging the hammer string in his hands while rotating his body. Two people step forward to see where the athlete's ball has landed. The athlete does another hammer throw and the distance of his throw is measured annd his statistics are shown on screen. The spectators in the bleachers watch the sporting event.", "segments": [[0, 94.98], [3.34, 10.5], [10.02, 17.18], [15.27, 64.91], [61.57, 94.03]], "duration": 95.46000000000001, "id": 1699}, {"image_id": "v_ejkGxGrEdO4.mp4", "caption": "A woman and dog are seen standing in a large field performing tricks with a frisbee. The woman and dog are shown in several more clips playing with the frisbee and performing tricks. The dog jumps up and down as well as chases after the frisbee while the woman watches on the side.", "segments": [[2.68, 37.49], [38.83, 107.11], [76.32, 131.21]], "duration": 133.89, "id": 1700}, {"image_id": "v_j5WshG7CEYY.mp4", "caption": "Two pairs of females are in a room playing a game of Foosball.The girls on the left make two goals and they begin to cheer.", "segments": [[0, 27.49], [27.2, 57.26]], "duration": 57.26, "id": 1701}, {"image_id": "v_bRXOj9Jm1_E.mp4", "caption": "A man runs and dives into the water on a beach. A man carrying a surf board walks on the beach. People are surfing in the water. A man is sitting in the sand. More people surf in the water. Two ladies in bikinis are on the beach. People are riding waves in the water surfing.", "segments": [[0, 5.65], [8.48, 9.43], [6.6, 59.38], [58.44, 59.38], [59.38, 135.72], [134.78, 136.66], [138.55, 188.5]], "duration": 188.5, "id": 1702}, {"image_id": "v_1MQkI4UafqE.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several clips of young children practicing gymnastic moves in a large gym. The video continues on with the kids flipping and jumping around on the mats.", "segments": [[1.99, 46.65], [32.69, 75.35]], "duration": 79.74, "id": 1703}, {"image_id": "v_ByTL6_iHoIA.mp4", "caption": "man is scuba diving under water and saying hi to the camera. people are scuba diving watching the fishes are swimming between rocks. people are under the sea scuba diving recording everything.", "segments": [[0, 15.32], [0, 161.22], [8.06, 161.22]], "duration": 161.22, "id": 1704}, {"image_id": "v_TlwJfzlZZsE.mp4", "caption": "A man spins and throws a ball onto the field. Another man spins and throws a ball on the field. People in the stands are huging the athlete.", "segments": [[13.26, 20.49], [26.51, 34.95], [101.23, 109.06]], "duration": 120.51, "id": 1705}, {"image_id": "v_kzeKQBi6Rhg.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about how to play different songs on the violin. A man comes onto the screen with a violin and begins to explain different techniques for playing the violin. He moves closer to the camera so that you can see the detail of what he is doing with his hands. He begins to play different notes on the violin as he moves his fingers. The video ends with the closing credits shown across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 32.75], [32.75, 167.47], [72.04, 159.99], [95.43, 117.89], [167.47, 187.12]], "duration": 187.12, "id": 1706}, {"image_id": "v_c9mrRiwmhZw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of the camera talking and then moves behind the table.On the table,he has wrapping paper,a yard stick,tape and a pencil and moves them to the other side of the box.The box is then picked up and placed on top of the wrapping paper and the man measures the wrapping paper.The wrapping paper is then taped and the rest is measured before it taped.", "segments": [[0, 26.64], [27.56, 73.49], [73.49, 117.58], [117.58, 183.72]], "duration": 183.72, "id": 1707}, {"image_id": "v_orR865dd2l4.mp4", "caption": "A woman and man play shuffleboard outside. The woman goes first and then the man takes his turn.", "segments": [[0, 59.06], [7.16, 59.06]], "duration": 59.65, "id": 1708}, {"image_id": "v_Cx6oTdEq40w.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown wearing a helmet and climbing up on a rock wall. He continues to work his way up the rock wall while the camera captures his movements and panning around the mountains and water around them. The climber checks his rope and shakes the clip off of his rope.", "segments": [[0, 41.78], [40.91, 77.48], [79.22, 87.05]], "duration": 87.05, "id": 1709}, {"image_id": "v_pg-DMwEM3K4.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. People load into orange canoes. People row canoes on a body of water. Two guys paddle their canoe. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.24, 4.59], [4.83, 7.25], [7.49, 14.5], [14.74, 44.21], [44.7, 47.36]], "duration": 48.32, "id": 1710}, {"image_id": "v_RDq85fMq41s.mp4", "caption": "A smiling girl wearing braces and glasses lifts a pink bag above her head as she's standing in front of the middle body of a horse, and the words \"Grooming with Erin\". Now the horse is fully visible and the girl reaches into her pink bag to grab a brush and begins brushing the horse all over its body from front to back and on each side.The girl goes back to the pink bag, grabs another brush and begins brushing the horse again from head to toe and all around its body on each side. The girl once again goes to the pink to return the brush she was using and grabs another brush where she once again begins to brush the horse from head to toe and on all sides.The girls to the bag to drop the brush and then grabs a green tool, walks over to the horses front left foot, picks it up and begins cleaning out the shoe, then walks around the horse and does the rest of its shoes.When the girl is done with cleaning out the shoes, she returns the tool back to the pink bag and grabs a brush from off camera, brushes the mane, kisses the horse, and then returns the brush back to the pink bag, walks towards the camera and smiles big into it.", "segments": [[0, 5.26], [5.26, 44.75], [44.75, 78.97], [78.97, 110.56], [110.56, 164.97], [164.97, 175.5]], "duration": 175.5, "id": 1711}, {"image_id": "v_mxIsgAmJHsM.mp4", "caption": "A woman spins a rod on the air while spinning and dancing, then she throws the rod high and spins before to catch the rod. The woman continues spinning the rod around body, also throw the rod in the air. Then, the woman rolls the rod on her arms, then she throw the rod in the air and and does a cartwheel before catching the rod. Next, the woman rolls the rod on her neck graciously and end her performance.", "segments": [[0, 23.78], [23.78, 54.61], [54.61, 70.9], [70.9, 88.07]], "duration": 88.07, "id": 1712}, {"image_id": "v_HWymkBdgm1M.mp4", "caption": "First the elderly woman goes to hug the young man and then a man in a blue shirt plays the piano beautifully of different melodies. Then two little boys run outside the door while the man who's standing by the door looks tired and pitiful.", "segments": [[0, 98.64], [98.64, 144]], "duration": 144.0, "id": 1713}, {"image_id": "v_1OJa2iiFxfk.mp4", "caption": "A young man with a backpack is talking and walking through a station. There is a man sitting on the ground shining a shoe. He applies ointment to the shoe and resumes buffing the shoe. The customer moves his right foot down and places his left foot on the stand and the man starts polishing the shoe. Two men on either side of the shoe shiner is observing the crowd. The shiner continues to buff the left shoe. The train is moving along the station as a crowd walks by. The shiner returns to buffing the right shoe. The shiner wipes the shoe with a cloth. The man resumes buffing the left shoe. The man drops his block and resumes buffing. The man takes the cloth to shine the left shoe. The customer observes his shiny shoes. The customer steps away from the shoe shiner.", "segments": [[0, 8.2], [8.2, 21.09], [21.09, 57.41], [57.41, 72.64], [72.64, 78.5], [78.5, 99.59], [99.59, 104.28], [104.28, 145.29], [145.29, 164.04], [164.04, 198.01], [198.01, 216.76], [216.76, 227.31], [226.13, 230.82], [226.13, 234.34]], "duration": 234.34, "id": 1714}, {"image_id": "v_dkG9YRNJllQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing a reef blower and blowing all around a trampoline. Kids are seen jumping on the trampoline while the man blows around them. The man continues to blow as the kids jump around.", "segments": [[0, 9.7], [8.67, 24.83], [23.3, 33.34]], "duration": 34.02, "id": 1715}, {"image_id": "v_XlR3u3bROWM.mp4", "caption": "A lacrosse team huddles and then practices. A baby is shown and then there are people interviewed. A helmet is shown and more interviews are conducted.", "segments": [[0, 30.95], [34.99, 85.46], [84.79, 134.58]], "duration": 134.58, "id": 1716}, {"image_id": "v_8xm7fWZ0RmE.mp4", "caption": "An Asian man is standing by the keyboard, he is wearing a red shirt with black top inside. Two people, one girl and one boy are sitting, the girl is wearing a white top, while the boy is wearing a white stripe sweater. The man started playing on the keyboard, he has his hands shown, he is wearing a black bead bracelet, then he continue playing while the two people in white is listening. When the man finished playing his keyboard, people cheered for him.", "segments": [[0, 5.74], [5.57, 9.28], [8.6, 28.51], [27.16, 33.74]], "duration": 33.74, "id": 1717}, {"image_id": "v__0IkiqDouX8.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a large body of water followed by people swimming in the water. Clips are shown of people surfing as well as swimming in the water and smiling to the camera. More clips are shown of people close up moving along the water.", "segments": [[0, 39.74], [34.49, 100.48], [83.98, 145.47]], "duration": 149.97, "id": 1718}, {"image_id": "v_Fe-DUewB8ok.mp4", "caption": "A child boxes a gloved adult kneeing on the floor. The child also practices karate kicks. The adult and child high five with gloved hands. The adult starts to get off the floor.", "segments": [[0, 5.12], [5.43, 14.95], [16.79, 18.74], [19.97, 20.48]], "duration": 20.48, "id": 1719}, {"image_id": "v_njsO-Nlwkmg.mp4", "caption": "A child plays with a vacuum attachment piece in a bedroom. The mother vacuums the floor of the bedroom. The child brings the vacuum attachment into the next bedroom.", "segments": [[0, 27.67], [11.44, 28.41], [27.67, 36.71]], "duration": 36.9, "id": 1720}, {"image_id": "v_VFSSZXuMmgg.mp4", "caption": "People are rollerblading and doing tricks. A person is skateboarding at a skate park. A white car is in the street.", "segments": [[0, 124.15], [26.81, 31.04], [123.45, 127.68]], "duration": 141.09, "id": 1721}, {"image_id": "v_mI7Hwk_AF-M.mp4", "caption": "women are in a big green field playing hurling. woman is in a small green court practicing hurling shots.", "segments": [[0, 80.42], [80.42, 120.02]], "duration": 120.02, "id": 1722}, {"image_id": "v_DsUbSyRX-B4.mp4", "caption": "Outside at the playground a boy has climbed to the top of the swing set while other children are swinging. The boy at the top is just sitting casually while another child is being pushed by a friend on the swing. She is building up a lot of speed and is going really high. She jumps off but does not land very well at all, she crashed down into the grass.", "segments": [[0, 4.87], [4.87, 12.1], [11.95, 15.79], [15.79, 29.51]], "duration": 29.51, "id": 1723}, {"image_id": "v_TQepyWudKYQ.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on a field. The crowd in the stadium cheers on. Players on the field prepare to start a game. The pitcher pitches the ball. The batter tries to hit the ball but misses. The pitchers team excitedly exits the field.", "segments": [[0, 2.7], [2.7, 8.25], [8.41, 13.8], [13.96, 22.53], [22.69, 24.59], [24.75, 31.73]], "duration": 31.73, "id": 1724}, {"image_id": "v_5YsdlM3Stjo.mp4", "caption": "There's a brown horse tied in a stable. A woman in a green shirt and brown boots walks in and begins scrubbing the horse. She continues scrubbing and cleaning the horse on his stomach. She scrubs the horse's neck area and back area thoroughly. She then walks to the horse's other side and continues scrubbing. The horse begins moving his neck and head as she continues scrubbing. Then she goes in front of the horse and cleans his mouth.", "segments": [[3.01, 9.77], [9.77, 32.32], [32.32, 47.35], [47.35, 77.42], [77.42, 102.22], [102.22, 124.02], [124.02, 133.04]], "duration": 150.32999999999998, "id": 1725}, {"image_id": "v_auxBRPzLiIo.mp4", "caption": "Three girls are riding stationary bikes. A man is standing in front of them holding a camera. Another man walks in front of them.", "segments": [[0, 18.09], [0, 11.12], [5.61, 7.78]], "duration": 18.09, "id": 1726}, {"image_id": "v_cukeWRPJzf8.mp4", "caption": "An underwater view is being shown as a woman dressed like a mermaid is swimming. A large nurse whale swims alongside her. Multiple pictures of the swimming mermaid are shown.", "segments": [[0, 19.28], [21.5, 60.8], [62.65, 74.14]], "duration": 74.14, "id": 1727}, {"image_id": "v_a2k-AgrAppg.mp4", "caption": "A little girl sits on front a cup of ice cream, then she takes a piece of food from the cup and eats it. Then, the girl grab the spoon and eats the ice cream. A hand takes nuts from the ice cram.", "segments": [[0, 35.17], [35.17, 63.37], [42.77, 45.62]], "duration": 63.37, "id": 1728}, {"image_id": "v_u-YaDbGZoPk.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a scrubber is shown followed by a man using the item on a set of windows. He then wipes down the glass with another rag and points to the window and closing it while credits roll.", "segments": [[0, 18.56], [18.21, 68.73]], "duration": 68.73, "id": 1729}, {"image_id": "v_W5g1IIAOZqs.mp4", "caption": "People gather in an indoor exhibition. A man and a robot play ping pong in the exhibition. People wears lanyards and watch around the exhibits, while a man explains a person holding two discs. Other people sits in a eating area while reading and texting.", "segments": [[0, 12.04], [12.21, 19.63], [19.8, 28.38], [28.38, 31.35]], "duration": 33.0, "id": 1730}, {"image_id": "v_7OcfzMIZsxA.mp4", "caption": "People are eating ice cream cones. A person puts ice cream into an ice cream cone. A woman in glasses talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0.88, 11.46], [53.76, 55.52], [126.91, 132.2]], "duration": 176.26, "id": 1731}, {"image_id": "v_jbh_K0yyJFo.mp4", "caption": "Two very large men are in the middle of a ring wearing sumo wrestling outfits. They are getting in position and waiting for the referee to tell them to start the match. Once the ref says to start they begin the match both running towards one another immediately. The tan skinned man knocks the other man down tot the ground and he wins the match.", "segments": [[0, 3.31], [3.31, 9.35], [9.35, 16.45], [16.45, 23.66]], "duration": 23.66, "id": 1732}, {"image_id": "v__Rcb5kuhn90.mp4", "caption": "A woman manipulates a Rubik's cube while a man watches on in a competitive setting. Two men walk through the camera frame in the background. The woman puts the solved Rubik's cube on the table before her.", "segments": [[0, 31.99], [7.28, 9.31], [32.67, 33.86]], "duration": 33.86, "id": 1733}, {"image_id": "v_7IIi_92vRLo.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into various pictures of girls with long hair as well as girls who have their hair braided together. A girl's hair length is measured followed by more pictures of her long hair and speaking to the camera. A set of hands is then seen cutting the girl's hair and showing her ponytail to the girl. More pictures of the girl's new hair is shown as well as old pictures of her.", "segments": [[0, 39.28], [40.17, 97.3], [98.2, 145.51], [148.19, 178.54]], "duration": 178.54, "id": 1734}, {"image_id": "v_Zk4Ewz3v6aQ.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt and black shorts is standing next to an exercise machine. He sits on the exercise machine and starts working out. He stops working out and releases the bar.", "segments": [[0, 31.67], [31.67, 103.71], [103.71, 124.2]], "duration": 124.2, "id": 1735}, {"image_id": "v_jIb_BfiRsQ4.mp4", "caption": "A man fry vegetables in a pan and stir with a large spoon. Then the man brake eggs in a bowl and mix well, after the man add the eggs in the pan to do an omelette. He roll the omelette and flip it in the air, then the man serves the omelette on a dish.", "segments": [[0, 31.72], [31.72, 95.15], [95.15, 140.97]], "duration": 140.97, "id": 1736}, {"image_id": "v_SbX8KDWMhio.mp4", "caption": "A woman is dancing along to some music while standing in front of a television. As she is dancing she begins to smoke a hookah pipe. The camera shows two other women in the room as they dance and smoke the hookah pipe with her. the camera turns to a man that is in the room with a camera taking pictures.", "segments": [[0, 7.87], [7.87, 68.45], [19.51, 68.45], [29.78, 44.84]], "duration": 68.45, "id": 1737}, {"image_id": "v_IGcsVPa34Hc.mp4", "caption": "A small girl is making cookies with her mother in her kitchen. She wants her mom to pretend that she is Santa Claus. The laughs and rolls the cookie dough on the cutting board. The mother opens the oven and puts the tray full of cookie dough into the oven for baking. The mother then takes the cookie cutter and makes some more cookies for baking, Then both mother and daughter go through the cookie recipe as they place the cookie dough on the tray. After the cookies are baked, they decorate the cookies with sprinkles and frosting. The girl proudly shows the finished cookie after it's done.", "segments": [[17.15, 36.45], [36.45, 47.18], [47.18, 65.4], [65.4, 167.26], [167.26, 181.2], [181.2, 203.72], [203.72, 211.22]], "duration": 214.44, "id": 1738}, {"image_id": "v_5ohc1_X2W80.mp4", "caption": "Two people are shown pushing around a lawn mower and cutting the lawn. The bump into each other when one turns around the other follows close behind. The male walks up to the house and continues coming back around towards the woman.", "segments": [[0, 58.37], [2.72, 21.78], [36.9, 60.49]], "duration": 60.49, "id": 1739}, {"image_id": "v_n9teiB6FW84.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding along a bike trail while a person wearing a camera following from behind. More clips are shown of people riding bikes along the trail while the camera captures it from several angles.", "segments": [[0, 67.72], [75.73, 145.64]], "duration": 145.64, "id": 1740}, {"image_id": "v_PgfUSPHXluA.mp4", "caption": "woman wearing a red shirt is arm wretling again anothe woman laying on the floor. a blonde woman wearing grey shirt is arm wrestling with another woman on a room. the winner woman is making poses laying on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 31.99], [0.25, 31.99], [31.74, 50.78]], "duration": 50.78, "id": 1741}, {"image_id": "v_THOVGzbo8w8.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a lacrosse game is shown that leads into a man speaking to the camera. More shots are shown of the game with the players running up and down the field as well as many others speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.03], [34.86, 122.32]], "duration": 122.32, "id": 1742}, {"image_id": "v_Gp5Vos--_0k.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing a helmet and kneeling down in a large room. Uses a torch on an object while another person walks into frame. In the end he zooms in on the object he torched.", "segments": [[0, 12.88], [11.15, 26.72], [23.46, 37.11]], "duration": 38.45, "id": 1743}, {"image_id": "v_zdoGEZO5Ldc.mp4", "caption": "A boy sits at a table with a girl beside him. He is trying to solve a rubik's cube while she times him. A counter counts quickly as he tries his best to solve the puzzle. He finally solves the cube, and stands up from the table.", "segments": [[0, 10.35], [11.57, 35.31], [39.57, 108.35], [108.96, 121.74]], "duration": 121.74, "id": 1744}, {"image_id": "v_ypf6WHYpeRU.mp4", "caption": "A man is helping a boy fly a kite. A woman is standing next to them. The kites are flying in the sky above water. The man walks up the hill.", "segments": [[0, 7.84], [35.26, 43.88], [64.25, 81.49], [112.05, 156.71]], "duration": 156.71, "id": 1745}, {"image_id": "v_ok3Kpgv0PzE.mp4", "caption": "The female gymnast raised her arm as the judge raise the flag. The gymnast jump to the beam, balanced herself, did thumbling several times run and balanced herself and did thumbling. The girl jump of the beam landing to the blue mat.", "segments": [[0, 10.76], [10.76, 83.17], [75.83, 97.85]], "duration": 97.85, "id": 1746}, {"image_id": "v_ZreBacTw5Hw.mp4", "caption": "A highway with signs overhead are shown before we see a beach scene and a set of trophies. A bunch of volleyball players gather to start a game. The game commences, the people trying their best to win.", "segments": [[0, 43.64], [48, 99.28], [102.55, 218.2]], "duration": 218.2, "id": 1747}, {"image_id": "v_Tfqln6lL7q0.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around person's faces on a snowy hill as well as them riding down a mountain. The people continue skiing down the snowy path moving back and fourth and ending by stopping at the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 61.17], [47.71, 115.62]], "duration": 122.35, "id": 1748}, {"image_id": "v_WdX_4wwtkGg.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a hat is seen holding up a harmonica and begins playing with his hands. He continues playing the instrument to the camera and ends with him putting the instrument down then holding it up again.", "segments": [[0, 71.13], [55.64, 140.85]], "duration": 140.85, "id": 1749}, {"image_id": "v_9yktj7NCdFI.mp4", "caption": "Two small children are seen drawing with chalk on a side walk while they occasionally looking back to the camera. The girl is then seen play hop scotch jumping down the chalk while the boy watches from behind. A woman then helps the boy jump followed by the young girl helping. The boy jumps on his own and then leads into the two walking on a sidewalk beam. The girl swings her arms up and then the two jump down.", "segments": [[0, 54.88], [60.72, 129.62], [130.79, 159.98], [156.48, 198.51], [195.01, 233.55]], "duration": 233.55, "id": 1750}, {"image_id": "v_S7MZle1gPzI.mp4", "caption": "A man lays back in ocean water as he holds onto a bar. He is drug by a boat filled with people. He gains his balance, and is water skiing quickly behind the boat.", "segments": [[0, 4.51], [4.82, 13.99], [14.61, 31.09]], "duration": 31.09, "id": 1751}, {"image_id": "v_vPZf3F3bNAA.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man steps up before a track while holding a javelin ad standing ready. The man runs down, throws the javelin, and walks back while his throw is shown again several times in slow motion. In the end he is seen celebrating and running around the field.", "segments": [[0, 17.27], [17.58, 49.6], [47.4, 62.79]], "duration": 62.79, "id": 1752}, {"image_id": "v_yScYLIJ_txA.mp4", "caption": "Six people in helmets race on dirt bikes around a circular, paved track surrounded by grass, game tents and onlookers. The people start the race behind a closed and grated fence, which then opens and allows them to start racing from an elevated platform down onto the paved raceway. The racers pedal with one person in a white jacket in the lead. The race ends with the same person in the white jacket remaining in the lead until they approach the end of the track and an orange, white striped cone.", "segments": [[1.03, 41.26], [0.21, 9.49], [9.7, 32.8], [33.83, 41.26]], "duration": 41.26, "id": 1753}, {"image_id": "v_GEHPJEgMm_I.mp4", "caption": "A young man is shown swinging a tennis racket over and over again while hitting a ball at the same time. He continues to perform this swing several times and hits the ball every time.", "segments": [[0, 21.82], [21.82, 47.95]], "duration": 47.95, "id": 1754}, {"image_id": "v_s3OxuR2zsZM.mp4", "caption": "A grinder machine is shown on a patio. A man talks while he shows the parts of the machine. He then demonstrates how the machine is used.", "segments": [[0, 11.2], [14.56, 56.01], [61.61, 112.01]], "duration": 112.00999999999999, "id": 1755}, {"image_id": "v_rA_RAZx2_aA.mp4", "caption": "Women from different nationalities competes long jumps is a stadium. Women continue competing long jump. An athlete runs, then skip and jumps forward to perform long jump while judges holds sticks to measure.", "segments": [[0, 49.38], [50.66, 101.96], [103.25, 128.26]], "duration": 128.26, "id": 1756}, {"image_id": "v_JWFJGkUKVfk.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down in a garage looking at tools on the ground.He then grabs a metal mask and positions himself correctly on the floor.Once comfortable,the mask is held in position and he begins firing away at the object on the ground.Finally,he takes it off and begins to chisel the object and beating the rust off of it.", "segments": [[0, 12.22], [12.22, 44.8], [44.22, 86.1], [86.69, 116.36]], "duration": 116.36, "id": 1757}, {"image_id": "v_ycYPyXN0CPg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wearing a mask over their face and holding a hose in their hand. The person then begins spraying down the fence with the hose. The person continuously sprays along the fence while the camera captures it's movements.", "segments": [[0, 14.83], [13.42, 35.08], [32.49, 46.38]], "duration": 47.09, "id": 1758}, {"image_id": "v_NURIoQoKk1E.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen showing a girl who will demonstrate how she blow dries her hair. She puts some mousse into her hand and proceeds to work it through her hair. She takes out a brow dryer and begins to blow dry her hair from the back to the front. She sections her hair, takes out a brush, and begins to blow dry her hair with the brush. When she is finished, the closing credits for the video show on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 18.26], [18.26, 51.89], [51.89, 72.06], [72.06, 187.36], [187.36, 192.17]], "duration": 192.17, "id": 1759}, {"image_id": "v_N1JcXEim40g.mp4", "caption": "a woman is standing outside a beam. She mounts the beam, then does several flips and hand springs over the bar. She dismounts, raising her arms in the air.", "segments": [[0, 4.04], [6.89, 30.9], [32.32, 47.53]], "duration": 47.53, "id": 1760}, {"image_id": "v_tRatWgaZ-a0.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown swimming through a pool while others swim around her. The people pass a ball around in the water while another team of players play int eh background.", "segments": [[0, 7.31], [7.09, 21.82]], "duration": 22.15, "id": 1761}, {"image_id": "v_7_xkhnbnI7M.mp4", "caption": "A lady holds a cat in her lap on the floor. The lady then clips the cats claws. The cat tries to escape and the person calms the cat with a hair holder. The cat tries hard to escape. The lady finishes an the cat runs off and we see another cat sitting on a bed surrounded by clutter.", "segments": [[0, 15.34], [15.34, 199.39], [55.45, 89.67], [148.66, 182.87], [213.55, 235.96]], "duration": 235.96, "id": 1762}, {"image_id": "v_5yGj9JooT_Q.mp4", "caption": "Two men are fighting with bows and arrows in a room. A man jumps off a stack of mats. Another man does a flip off the wall.", "segments": [[0, 52.52], [21.8, 23.9], [32.83, 34.67]], "duration": 52.52, "id": 1763}, {"image_id": "v_85HxidMLf5Y.mp4", "caption": "A man cleans a small board of wood with a cloth in a workshop. Then, the man uses flannel to polish the wood board thoroughly.", "segments": [[0.56, 47.25], [47.25, 111.18]], "duration": 111.18, "id": 1764}, {"image_id": "v_o8n1YnT8ZZ8.mp4", "caption": "Lemons are juiced one at a time and then put in a pot with sugar. Sparkling water is added and then the mixture is added to this creating sparkling lemonade.", "segments": [[0, 57.08], [64.21, 203.85]], "duration": 203.85, "id": 1765}, {"image_id": "v_2eep4G5Tgho.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside of a building. He is using commercial lawn mowing equipment. He walks back and forth as he mows the grass.", "segments": [[0, 3.22], [5.23, 18.39], [20.27, 26.84]], "duration": 26.84, "id": 1766}, {"image_id": "v_8z8FprjMNbI.mp4", "caption": "An elderly woman wearing glasses is standing in front of a car. She walks over to the car, and cannot get the door open at first. She gets inside the car, then gets out and cleans the snow off the car before getting back in and driving away.", "segments": [[0, 68.15], [69.82, 179.53], [182.85, 332.45]], "duration": 332.45, "id": 1767}, {"image_id": "v_QakbOSMJ0AA.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a man's face is seen followed by a razor on the side and the person combing it's hair. The person continues shaving and combing the mans hair as well as shaving his beard covering in shaving cream. The man wipes off the face when he's done and showing off the clean shave.", "segments": [[1.49, 42.37], [31.22, 101.83], [105.55, 145.68]], "duration": 148.66, "id": 1768}, {"image_id": "v_1ezOsdHncXo.mp4", "caption": "Drawings of hand soap bottles and humans are shown. A little girl is standing next to a white sink, she opened the faucet, wash her hand, rub her hand with soap, rinse her hand thoroughly, turned off the water and smiled at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 45.85], [37.51, 83.36]], "duration": 83.36, "id": 1769}, {"image_id": "v_trV2ycq9rkU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are shown on the side of a building roof. One turns to the side, using a piece of equipment. They appear to be building a roof.", "segments": [[0, 0.66], [0.92, 4.42], [4.86, 6.32]], "duration": 6.32, "id": 1770}, {"image_id": "v_N7ppHQNikv8.mp4", "caption": "There is a boy sitting on a beach building sand castles with a water bottle and a sand bucket. Another little boy wearing a pink float comes running and joins him. The boy pours some water on the sand castle. Then a girls wearing a pink floral bathing suit joins the boys and helps them build the sand castle.", "segments": [[10.93, 25.83], [25.83, 34.77], [34.77, 34.77], [34.77, 54.3]], "duration": 66.22, "id": 1771}, {"image_id": "v_zTzF5R_VhGk.mp4", "caption": "A man in glasses and beret is talking. He is shown playing a harmonica while he also plays a keyboard. He talks about the mechanics of the hormonica in between playing.", "segments": [[0, 20.38], [25.48, 125.34], [126.36, 203.8]], "duration": 203.8, "id": 1772}, {"image_id": "v_M6sXLVNtTSA.mp4", "caption": "A group of men, boys and camels are in a desert area. One man is sitting on a camel. The man explains the correct way to ride a camel. A man in the background holds a video camera. Another man hands the camels reigns to the man riding and the camel starts walking. The camel turns it's head around and yells at the man riding him. The man riding kicks the camel in the side and he starts walking again.", "segments": [[0, 51.69], [0, 51.43], [1.55, 50.14], [16.8, 31.79], [22.23, 25.07], [25.84, 28.95], [48.07, 51.69]], "duration": 51.69, "id": 1773}, {"image_id": "v_1KKVWzCwRSA.mp4", "caption": "Several different men are seen trying to snow board but, falling down over and over. Many different people are in the background watching and doing different things in the snow. The man that were falling give up and stay in a sitting position.", "segments": [[0, 111.64], [0, 124.04], [112.26, 124.04]], "duration": 124.04, "id": 1774}, {"image_id": "v_1Dpm9kvn3M8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a cigarette. The man takes several puffs out of the cigarette while still looking back to the camera. He continues smoking and looking back up to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 22.39], [13.94, 58.71], [57.02, 84.48]], "duration": 84.48, "id": 1775}, {"image_id": "v_3HHAEmr0Q34.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a court holding down a tennis racket. The man then bounces the racket down and hits the tennis ball balancing on top. His hit is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 3.81], [2.98, 9.4], [8.95, 12.51]], "duration": 12.7, "id": 1776}, {"image_id": "v_QGZN8aXpXHU.mp4", "caption": "We see a boy in a jacket standing outside and talking. The boy goes in a building .The boy sits in a chair and test a haircut. The lady then uses scissors. We see the kid with his new hair cut. The lady give the little boy a red balloon. We see the boy as he walks to the door.", "segments": [[0, 21.1], [21.1, 29.17], [38.48, 107.38], [81.93, 101.17], [108, 111.72], [111.1, 117.31], [118.55, 124.13]], "duration": 124.13, "id": 1777}, {"image_id": "v_Xbk1XePzTIA.mp4", "caption": "A man introduces himself to the camera and says he will show how to build a fire. He begins to break his starting stick and put leaves at the bottom of his filled fire pit. He turns on the lighter and starts at the bottom with the leaves. We see the full fire at night.", "segments": [[0, 9.59], [20.38, 30.86], [34.76, 51.24], [53.34, 59.93]], "duration": 59.93, "id": 1778}, {"image_id": "v_8eqO6e2wWmY.mp4", "caption": "A few men and a woman are indoors playing badminton They are very into it and competing heavily. The men go back and forth in an attempt to score and are very focused. Various shots in fast motion and in slow motion are shown of the action.", "segments": [[0, 7.51], [7.78, 35.95], [35.95, 53.66]], "duration": 53.66, "id": 1779}, {"image_id": "v_5x1diXJ8gME.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen riding around on various horses holding sticks in their hand and preparing for a game. The men then throw the ball down and all ride around on horses attempting to hit the ball and one scores a goal. A person holds up a flag and shows other people watching on the sides. A person then scores two more goals and the goalies raise their flag each time.", "segments": [[0, 16.27], [16.27, 33.98], [33.98, 50.25], [49.53, 72.31]], "duration": 72.31, "id": 1780}, {"image_id": "v_Rewtuc-f6wU.mp4", "caption": "a boy is holding a very long pole. The camera turns upright suddenly. the boy runs with the pole, vaulting over a bar and onto a mat.", "segments": [[0, 11.01], [11.71, 19.2], [22.48, 46.84]], "duration": 46.84, "id": 1781}, {"image_id": "v_Rl6US0JizDs.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about mixing a drink called the \"Yah Yah\". She goes over all the ingredients needed for the drink. She begins by taking a glass and filling it with ice. She add all the ingredients to the glass over the ice. The video ends with the closing credits.", "segments": [[0, 5.72], [5.72, 19.67], [19.67, 28.25], [28.25, 67.23], [67.23, 71.52]], "duration": 71.52, "id": 1782}, {"image_id": "v_VRiUhsafjRM.mp4", "caption": "We see a person waving something. A white screen then two boys in the kitchen. We see a counter with ingredient. The boys then mix ingredients in a bowl. We see a person shift flour in a bowl. Someone stirs the cookie dough in a bowl. The dough is put on a sheet. A boy washes the dishes. The cookies are put in an oven. A boy plays a guitar the other boy sings. Each boy eats a cookie and we see them come out of the oven. A poked cookie breaks apart. A boy shakes his head yes and plays with a big black dog.", "segments": [[0, 3.96], [4.95, 17.83], [26.74, 29.71], [33.67, 36.64], [41.59, 60.41], [60.41, 74.28], [75.27, 79.23], [88.14, 93.09], [95.07, 108.94], [108.94, 126.76], [138.65, 154.49], [166.38, 171.33], [185.19, 198.07]], "duration": 198.07, "id": 1783}, {"image_id": "v_61W153jXL3U.mp4", "caption": "A man is showing washing his face with water into a sink and putting lotion into his hand. He rubs the soap together in his hands and massages into his face thoroughly. He then wipes his face off with a towel and speaking to the camera and pouring more lotion. He once again presses the lotion into his face and a recap is shown of his face.", "segments": [[0, 42.77], [41.73, 104.32], [109.53, 157.52], [161.69, 208.63]], "duration": 208.63, "id": 1784}, {"image_id": "v_00Dk03Jr70M.mp4", "caption": "A man enters a room and piles plaster onto a base. The man adds swipes the plaster on the wall then gets more and adds it. The man gets more plaster and swipes it on the wall. The man then walks and turns off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 15.23], [15.23, 105.88], [105.12, 147.78], [147.01, 152.35]], "duration": 152.35, "id": 1785}, {"image_id": "v_5xI8T41HejM.mp4", "caption": "man and woman are standing on top of a big rock jumping into a lake. wo guys are sitting on a side of the rock talking with a woman on the lake.", "segments": [[0, 49.11], [49.55, 87.7]], "duration": 87.7, "id": 1786}, {"image_id": "v_d3crFny-e3E.mp4", "caption": "A large cliff is seen near the ocean. Several boats are nearby, and people are kayaking through the area. A man is rappeling up the side of the cliff. He stands triumphantly on the back of a small boat.", "segments": [[0, 5.28], [6.5, 16.26], [17.88, 65.44], [66.66, 81.29]], "duration": 81.28999999999999, "id": 1787}, {"image_id": "v_ta4QlTBHTTw.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates Tai Chi combat with other person. The man performs Tai Chi while talking, then he shows the movements with the man. After, the man moves the body and the hands while explaining.", "segments": [[0, 10.01], [10.47, 47.79], [47.79, 87.84]], "duration": 91.02, "id": 1788}, {"image_id": "v_pIv2jZdHP0k.mp4", "caption": "A pair of shoes is on the floor, and a man wearing socks stands behind them. He takes out a shoestring and begins lacing the shoes. He then puts the shoes on, and shows how they look.", "segments": [[0, 40.36], [60.53, 273.52], [282.49, 448.4]], "duration": 448.4, "id": 1789}, {"image_id": "v_w1qa9NOiFbE.mp4", "caption": "Scenes of a small rural village under a heavy rainstorm are shown. A woman washes items by a container in the rain while other individuals stand around. A close up of a wash basin by the container is shown.", "segments": [[0, 139.19], [13.56, 139.19], [118.49, 129.2]], "duration": 142.76, "id": 1790}, {"image_id": "v_jC1He93cebg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing on a piece of exercise equipment and moving herself around. The woman moves her feet on the machine as well as showing how the machine works. Another man is seen exercising and ends with text on the screen.", "segments": [[2.08, 42.09], [27.02, 77.43], [71.71, 100.3]], "duration": 103.93, "id": 1791}, {"image_id": "v_kTSuw4T-_Nk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a chair looking down with others beside her. The camera pans all around the people sitting and leads to one putting an objects on his leg. She rips off the object showing the hair as well as his leg and others laughing.", "segments": [[0, 31.4], [25.48, 85.32], [71.1, 114.36]], "duration": 118.50999999999999, "id": 1792}, {"image_id": "v_2gV2apTrRHs.mp4", "caption": "A police officer spins around while dancing. The boy does a hand stand. The police officer does a disco John Travolta dance. The police officer does a break dancing routine. The group of children walk together on the grass.", "segments": [[2.46, 8.08], [10.54, 14.76], [26, 33.73], [41.81, 49.18], [51.29, 68.86]], "duration": 70.26, "id": 1793}, {"image_id": "v_v-qFJJx0bTs.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing on each side of a rope with many people watching on the sides. The men then begin a game of tug of war with one another with one man helping teams on the side and ends with one team falling down.", "segments": [[1.84, 65.58], [38.61, 121.97]], "duration": 122.58, "id": 1794}, {"image_id": "v_dot-t-Nen_k.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of a net. A man is standing in front of a wood fence. Men are playing lacrosse on a field.", "segments": [[22.35, 42.04], [46.3, 50.56], [59.61, 106.44]], "duration": 106.44, "id": 1795}, {"image_id": "v_C53reDr47oU.mp4", "caption": "A young child is shown rubbing glitter all over his lips and walking over to a mirror. He continues putting the gloss on his lips and smacking his lips and finally turning towards the camera to speak.", "segments": [[0, 5.68], [5.87, 18.93]], "duration": 18.93, "id": 1796}, {"image_id": "v_on2DKKcvWhE.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video that will show a demo of some janitorial products. A man on the screen begins to describe a mop and bucket set that are used for cleaning floors. He then begins to demonstrate how to use the mop and bucket set. Next he shows the buckets close up and begins to describe how to use the buckets. At the end of the video the closing credits are shown.", "segments": [[0, 9.62], [9.62, 49.15], [49.15, 157.08], [157.08, 196.62], [196.62, 213.72]], "duration": 213.72, "id": 1797}, {"image_id": "v_Qs0hIRhHPVM.mp4", "caption": "A still picture of a man caught in mid-air about to attack a punching bag, a black and white picture of woman kicking the punching bag, two bare chested men in a boxing position, a silhouette of a man kicking a blurry person, two men in a boxing ring, two men holding a championship belt with their hand covered with boxing gloves. One man in blue shorts is kicking the kicking pad worn by the other man in black shorts. Two men that are barechested are boxing each other outside the boxing ring.", "segments": [[0.3, 22.48], [21.57, 48.61], [35.55, 60.77]], "duration": 60.77, "id": 1798}, {"image_id": "v_fzwNgtDwgKQ.mp4", "caption": "A man drives in circles a four wheels motorcycle in a field with high weeds while dust. Then, the man goes to another place to continue driving in circles.", "segments": [[0, 43.25], [44.09, 83.99]], "duration": 83.99, "id": 1799}, {"image_id": "v_DPw74KWZzGY.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting in front of cameras playing instruments while the camera zooms in. The man then sings to the camera while playing his instrument and speaks to the camera, ending with the two playing again.", "segments": [[0, 59.83], [60.47, 128.66]], "duration": 128.66, "id": 1800}, {"image_id": "v_4XavNhCs-Do.mp4", "caption": "There is man wearing a blue shirt and another man in black seated on a rock, talking about rock climbing. They are seated at a very high altitude in the mountains. The person in blue is demonstrating how the rope is fastened from the rocks. He is also showing tight rope walking from one end to another. Then the person in black also walks on a tight rope.", "segments": [[18.11, 106.64], [40.24, 106.64], [59.02, 126.76], [91.22, 126.76], [111.34, 118.72]], "duration": 134.14, "id": 1801}, {"image_id": "v_Gi1N3FtCZGo.mp4", "caption": "a boy is inside a gym. He lifts a barbell up to his chest. He pauses, then lifts it over his head.", "segments": [[0, 0.82], [1.34, 6.69], [7.43, 14.86]], "duration": 14.86, "id": 1802}, {"image_id": "v_P-YyUw0iuBQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys are seen sitting around talking to one another and playing various games. The men hit one another while they switch places and continue to play more games.", "segments": [[3.8, 72.19], [51.29, 123.48]], "duration": 126.64, "id": 1803}, {"image_id": "v_xBO66pI09rE.mp4", "caption": "A family is shown doing mouthwash. One woman tries to laugh and is successful in not spitting it up.", "segments": [[0, 32.53], [11.87, 32.53]], "duration": 32.53, "id": 1804}, {"image_id": "v_0hfKWxuVT5k.mp4", "caption": "Several bodies of water are shown and a man appears paddling a small boat.Several other people are then shown paddling throughout the city in a small boats,passing several trees and city buildings.As they continue there journey,they pass under bridges,restaurants and other landmarks and then there names appear across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 61.61], [59.24, 149.29], [149.29, 236.97]], "duration": 236.97, "id": 1805}, {"image_id": "v_UEtVbSLGhfY.mp4", "caption": "A person leads a large dog on a leash back and fourth on a hard wood floor. The dog drags the woman person around behind him and looks out the door and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 1.52], [1.64, 8.43]], "duration": 8.43, "id": 1806}, {"image_id": "v_wsmMniNThlI.mp4", "caption": "Two people are horseback riding on a snowy trail. As they are riding they pass a set of glass igloos planted on the estate. They reach a clearing where there is open land and several trees.", "segments": [[0, 140.9], [33.11, 52.84], [54.25, 140.9]], "duration": 140.9, "id": 1807}, {"image_id": "v_2xmu01HHhKY.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady slowly playing a drum. We pan right and see a man on drums. We see a person in orange enter. The lady stops drumming and shows her hands. We then see the camera operator. The lady and the boy in orange struggle over an instrument. The lady pretends to bite the boy, then laughs. We see a man enter the room.", "segments": [[0, 21.58], [1.24, 1.98], [2.48, 3.97], [16.62, 20.83], [22.82, 24.3], [24.8, 35.71], [35.71, 45.63], [46.62, 49.6]], "duration": 49.6, "id": 1808}, {"image_id": "v_ru7UAr2488M.mp4", "caption": "hockey players are getting out the dressers to a field. hockey players are skating in an ice court in a roofed gym. mani s welding something in a dark room and the players are in the court playing. men are sitting on bus looking at his phones and seeing though the window and in the dressers geting ready to play and in the field.", "segments": [[0, 23.43], [23.43, 54], [54, 64.18], [64.18, 203.76]], "duration": 203.76, "id": 1809}, {"image_id": "v_qXQBHaML9Xg.mp4", "caption": "A person flips over another person and gets thrown into the bushes. A person in a red shirt starts running towards them.", "segments": [[0, 5.33], [7.48, 8.14]], "duration": 8.27, "id": 1810}, {"image_id": "v_5LveCNjz_zg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a black cat snuggled in a purple blanket. The cat is meowing as the woman holds her paws. there's another man with nail clippers, slipping the cat's nails. The cat meows loudly in pain and the woman kisses the cat to calm her down. The man continues to clip the cat's nails as the woman cajoles the cat and kisses the cat's ears. The man continues clipping the nails until he's done.", "segments": [[6.46, 24.23], [24.23, 46.03], [46.03, 59.76], [59.76, 93.68], [93.68, 131.64], [131.64, 142.94]], "duration": 161.52, "id": 1811}, {"image_id": "v_BmZwZLKxHCY.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is sitting in a rocking chair. She puts on compact makeup from a case. She then applies eye shadow and lipstick.", "segments": [[0, 21.96], [25.96, 65.89], [69.88, 199.66]], "duration": 199.66, "id": 1812}, {"image_id": "v_DHiFKO68gT8.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of riders standing around a sand pit are shown followed by many angles of people riding bikes over jumps. The camera captures several angles of the people riding along a bike track and interviewing them in between shots. In the end all the riders are shown on screen as well as being interviewed and jumping along one last time.", "segments": [[0, 67.08], [39.89, 157.73], [155.92, 181.3]], "duration": 181.3, "id": 1813}, {"image_id": "v_0p34rFNYj_M.mp4", "caption": "An adult female and a young female is in the beach, the adult female is dumping the sand from the pail to the ground. The woman in polka dots is sitting on the ground and showing her pants. The young girl is pointing on to something and waving at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 37.22], [34.87, 53.98], [48.95, 67.06]], "duration": 67.06, "id": 1814}, {"image_id": "v_zo8XBVxxkmo.mp4", "caption": "Three men are seen sitting on the ground speaking to one another and leading into them riding down a road. More shots are shown of people skateboarding down a road performing several tricks and walking away.", "segments": [[2.86, 92.44], [73.38, 189.64]], "duration": 190.59, "id": 1815}, {"image_id": "v_AMU1mHpR6Os.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a razor is shown an leads into several clips of dogs getting their cut trimmed. Several tools are shown are then shown on cats and them laying down being pet.", "segments": [[3.04, 63.33], [48.72, 120.57]], "duration": 121.79, "id": 1816}, {"image_id": "v_1FlnQzPzS2Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is running down a street. A white car is right behind him on the street. People are riding bicycles next to him.", "segments": [[0, 81.02], [2.84, 81.02], [5.67, 81.02]], "duration": 81.02, "id": 1817}, {"image_id": "v_GtYf9VsPHO0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a sandwich is shown followed by ingredients and a woman speaking to the camera. Several ingredients are laid out and shown close up one by one while the woman mixes them all together in a bowl. She then pours the mixture onto a slice of break and presents it on a plate while speaking continuously.", "segments": [[0, 21.86], [21.27, 90.38], [92.74, 118.14]], "duration": 118.14, "id": 1818}, {"image_id": "v_ZSLzzrc8pro.mp4", "caption": "A camera shows a closet that pans into two girls seen riding on an elliptical. One girl moves up and down on the machine while the other hangs on in front, leading to them jumping and speaking to the camera hiding in the closet.", "segments": [[0, 73.68], [71.05, 175.43]], "duration": 175.43, "id": 1819}, {"image_id": "v_yxSBQXuOwuc.mp4", "caption": "A logo is shown with water drop sounds playing in the background. A man is then shown wearing scubba gear and giving various hand signals to the camera. The water sounds still play and the man shows you various moves and what they mean under water. The logo then reappears on the screen and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 10.8], [14.4, 33.12], [14.4, 127.45], [127.45, 144.01]], "duration": 144.01, "id": 1820}, {"image_id": "v_40Sf-iICgzw.mp4", "caption": "A small child is shown playing drums while a group of people behind him watch and smile. The boy continues to play the drums and a baby in the arms of a man behind him climbs off his lap.", "segments": [[0.75, 12.3], [13.04, 37.27]], "duration": 37.27, "id": 1821}, {"image_id": "v_GuzLtwhxsxA.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a canoe is shown followed by a man pushing the canoe along in various areas. His paddling is slowed down to demonstrate how to properly paddle while more shots of the man paddling in fast motion are shown. The ending shows a beautiful picture of a sun set.", "segments": [[0, 23.03], [24.72, 98.88], [102.81, 112.36]], "duration": 112.36, "id": 1822}, {"image_id": "v_e5rZPT7BJas.mp4", "caption": "A person is peeling a sticker off of a white shoe. They wipe the shoe with a towel.", "segments": [[0.17, 13.79], [18.16, 33.62]], "duration": 33.62, "id": 1823}, {"image_id": "v_aVDVMN9hE8A.mp4", "caption": "A person takes out cheese from a box, then he takes a jar that puts on the counter with two napkins, then he opens the fridge. A man puts water on his face while holding a pail, then takes a sponge and throws over the table. The person puts two bottles and two slices of bread on the table, then he slices the cheese. After, the person puts the cheese and jam on the bread, then he eats the sandwich and drink soda from bottle.", "segments": [[0, 10.94], [11.21, 21.35], [21.35, 33.1], [33.63, 53.38]], "duration": 53.38, "id": 1824}, {"image_id": "v_T84iinm8-V0.mp4", "caption": "A fencing match is taking place inside an auditorium. Two men in full fencing gear begin fighting. They stab and swing, fencing for the crowd. Several people are shown performing various sports in the closing images.", "segments": [[0, 18.21], [21.52, 71.18], [72.84, 133.26], [140.71, 165.54]], "duration": 165.54, "id": 1825}, {"image_id": "v_HsfrvjsaIDU.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown holding a long trimmer. He uses the trimmer to weedeat the bushes. Leaves fall to the ground in droves as he trims.", "segments": [[0, 2.19], [2.74, 14.69], [15.23, 21.92]], "duration": 21.92, "id": 1826}, {"image_id": "v_r10jGF9lQYM.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A man and boys standard sit on the snow and ice fish. We see a tittle screen and a plane flys overhead in the sky and we see the people on the ice and a truck in the distance. A kids walks over to the truck where a lady is cooking hot dogs in the truck bed full of food. We see a title screen and see frozen fish sitting in the snow.", "segments": [[0, 3.25], [4.33, 99.62], [99.62, 173.26], [174.34, 205.74], [208.99, 216.57]], "duration": 216.57, "id": 1827}, {"image_id": "v_jkn6uvmqwh4.mp4", "caption": "A parade procession walks down the street in a parade. A group of members in green uniforms walks waving flags. Members of the procession walk down the street holding small horn brass instruments. A drum line passes by walking down the street playing their instruments. Members of the procession walk down the street holding large flared horn instruments.", "segments": [[0, 73.24], [0, 27.1], [20.51, 38.45], [30.76, 68.48], [68.48, 73.24]], "duration": 73.24, "id": 1828}, {"image_id": "v_pSdlIsd_vZc.mp4", "caption": "The video is very poor quality and it shows a man holding the camera and he is at a park with other people that includes another adult and a small child that looks like a girl. The man climbs onto the park equipment with the little girl. The child and the man then appear on the slide and the little girl goes down the slide alone while smiling the whole time and the man remains at the top of the slide.", "segments": [[0, 43.42], [15.85, 24.32], [24.32, 43.42]], "duration": 43.41, "id": 1829}, {"image_id": "v_dN9ZPc7NMVQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman and young boy are shown smiling and washing their hands in the sink when the woman begins washing his face. The boy smiles with the woman washing his face and the woman dries his face off with a paper towel.", "segments": [[0, 13.22], [13.38, 31.49]], "duration": 31.49, "id": 1830}, {"image_id": "v_d0woFZ26Cx0.mp4", "caption": "A view is seen of a pool table, balls being triangled, and numerous people shooting the balls into the corner pockets during a competition. A woman walks around holding a scorecard as they play.", "segments": [[0, 20.01], [20.92, 30.09]], "duration": 30.09, "id": 1831}, {"image_id": "v_yvzlX5St_Ok.mp4", "caption": "People are driving bumper cars on a brown floor. The bumper cars collide with each other. A girl laughs out loud.", "segments": [[0, 30.3], [6.67, 19.85], [25.76, 28.79]], "duration": 30.3, "id": 1832}, {"image_id": "v_qJrJeICcevI.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of people ride camels. The camel gets down and kneels.", "segments": [[0, 31.3], [14.44, 32.44]], "duration": 32.44, "id": 1833}, {"image_id": "v_1lu7Sbu3a6o.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady and a girl on a raft on a snowy hill. The lady and a man push people down the hill. The people slide in rafts down the hill. The little girl stands and looks behind her.", "segments": [[0, 10.18], [29.01, 31.17], [30.24, 55.55], [58.32, 61.72]], "duration": 61.72, "id": 1834}, {"image_id": "v_Mmdcsw_SEzc.mp4", "caption": "A boy is building a sandcastle near the edge of the ocean. He forms huge circles and stands up.", "segments": [[0, 41.42], [22.58, 41.42]], "duration": 41.43, "id": 1835}, {"image_id": "v_j0Iv6dmSw0k.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are sitting and clapping while men standing up dressed in gi's along a mirrored wall go through different motions of karate. Elvis Presley is now dressed in his concert clothing, standing on stage doing his karate moves, and then it goes back to him standing in front of the mirrored wall and demonstrating his karate moves while he's wearing his gi. Once again Elvis Presley is back on stage in his concert clothing the video ends with him doing his karate moves on stage.", "segments": [[0, 27.79], [27.79, 69.07], [69.07, 79.39]], "duration": 79.38, "id": 1836}, {"image_id": "v_ki2kGFwczMg.mp4", "caption": "An athlete wearing a white shirt and red shorts is running with a javelin in his hand in a stadium with several spectators. There is a person seated on a white bench wearing a blue uniform, tying his shoelaces. The javelin thrower runs and throws the javelin and falls to the ground. He gets up and raises his hands up high in victory. He comes running again and throws the javelin and falls to the ground. The third time, his action is repeated in slow motion.", "segments": [[1.75, 20.71], [20.71, 30.53], [30.53, 43.17], [43.17, 56.51], [56.51, 66.68], [66.68, 70.19]], "duration": 70.19, "id": 1837}, {"image_id": "v_jE2jDJ9WHeE.mp4", "caption": "Player practice lacrosse in a field. Then, teams play lacrosse and a player score for his team. A coach takes notes, and then players train lacrosse. Then two teams play lacrosse in a field throwing the call with a stick.", "segments": [[2.02, 18.98], [19.39, 28.68], [29.08, 40.8], [42.41, 57.36]], "duration": 80.78, "id": 1838}, {"image_id": "v_xT7eQmyr1-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man walks through his yard and retrieves a push leaf blower. The man walks the blower around the yard and blows leaves to the side. The man finishes and pushes the leaf blower beside the fence with the other machinery then walks away.", "segments": [[0, 12.9], [15.05, 197.84], [199.99, 215.04]], "duration": 215.04, "id": 1839}, {"image_id": "v_-G-sh-NhYtk.mp4", "caption": "A person in a black coat is shoveling show from a driveway. A man is being shown standing in a garage.", "segments": [[0, 20.83], [20.62, 20.83]], "duration": 20.83, "id": 1840}, {"image_id": "v_gCf7wYa4AFA.mp4", "caption": "Woman in pink points to the goal. Girl in black shoots and score goal. Teammates congratulate the girl in black for the goal. Players get into their positions. Girl in black runs after the ball. Girl in black hits the ball to her teammate. Girls run after the ball.", "segments": [[5.21, 7.81], [7.81, 11.07], [18.23, 22.78], [21.48, 72.91], [76.16, 78.12], [89.83, 98.3], [95.04, 130.2]], "duration": 130.2, "id": 1841}, {"image_id": "v_52tZGZGuWP4.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a room with two congas in between his legs.One of them is slightly smaller than the other and he tends to play that one and only hitting the larger every couple of beats.His whole face appears in the frame and you can see him bobbing his head and focusing more on his sound.", "segments": [[0, 11.33], [11.72, 44.55], [44.55, 78.16]], "duration": 78.16, "id": 1842}, {"image_id": "v_WdNtrGxSm1Y.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman holding a dog and frisbee and then throwing the fribee for the dog to catch. The dog brings it back and the girl throws the object several more times, with the dog chaseing and coming back each time.", "segments": [[0, 29.66], [28.02, 109.87]], "duration": 109.87, "id": 1843}, {"image_id": "v_55FFh89yqVw.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. The lady puts contents of a bottle in her palms, and the lady rubs it on her face. The lady makes funny faces. The lady washes her face. The lady towel dries her face. The lady puts spots of white lotion on her face and rubs it in. The lady presents a small tube product. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[1.06, 6.35], [7.4, 85.67], [65.58, 75.09], [90.96, 107.88], [110, 117.4], [136.44, 196.73], [197.78, 198.84], [205.19, 210.48]], "duration": 211.53, "id": 1844}, {"image_id": "v_gOUqdgxwNPw.mp4", "caption": "A young person is holding on to a rope as he is boogie boarding through the river.The young person then does a 360 flip in the water and keeps going and shortly after,he does another trick.Then another person is shown and begins doing more rigorous tricks in the water.Next,a series of pictures are shown of other people doing tricks.Next, a snowboarder is shown and then they young person comes back with a still image of him and his awards.", "segments": [[0, 20.17], [20.17, 70.6], [70.6, 119.9], [119.9, 168.09], [168.09, 224.12]], "duration": 224.12, "id": 1845}, {"image_id": "v_19SHLOheCmo.mp4", "caption": "three women are standing in a park in a field doing yoga. man is running in the park behind the women.an old man is walking fast in the park.", "segments": [[0, 231.13], [34.67, 54.32], [159.48, 175.66]], "duration": 231.13, "id": 1846}, {"image_id": "v_2l50doS2wB4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding onto a pair of shoes while speaking to the camera and spraying them down. The man scrubs the shoes down with a rag while continuing to speak to the camera. In the end he holds up the shoes while still speaking and giving the camera a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 76.37], [62.12, 162.93], [161.91, 203.66]], "duration": 203.66, "id": 1847}, {"image_id": "v_Y76yy0chbhU.mp4", "caption": "A couple of teams are on an open field. They are playing lacrosse together. They run around, trying to hit the ball.", "segments": [[0, 9.86], [15.28, 68.03], [69.51, 98.59]], "duration": 98.59, "id": 1848}, {"image_id": "v_uvs1pb32xZM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of children are seen running around an indoor field kicking a soccer ball. The kids move up and down in between poles while still kicking the ball. The kids are then shown kicking balls into a goal one after the other.", "segments": [[0, 27.96], [28.98, 73.2], [70.15, 100.65]], "duration": 101.67, "id": 1849}, {"image_id": "v_4DCxc6mO864.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing in the back of a room that has paper air ballon, and she begins to dance moving her legs back and forth and slightly moving her arms. The girl then picks it up and begins to move more of her arms along with her legs and dances in a small area in the room while facing the camera.The girl then turns to her side and we see her dancing from the side, she turns to face the back and dances a bit that way, then turns again and again until we've seen her dance in all different directions.", "segments": [[0, 7.48], [7.48, 106.37], [106.37, 166.21]], "duration": 166.21, "id": 1850}, {"image_id": "v_OgaurUPiWYI.mp4", "caption": "Four bikers at the start of the line are wearing different colors of uniforms and helmets, they are about to get start the race. The race started, the bikers bike and race in the race track where they jumped and hopped and went to the curb, the one player, when he reached the finish line, he fell on his side and stood up and walked towards the people.", "segments": [[0, 42.67], [39.23, 92.69]], "duration": 98.08, "id": 1851}, {"image_id": "v_kbWQIXFOK54.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a dresser followed by several objects and ingredients being shown to the camera. A woman is then seen painting the dresser with several coats and sanding it down. She places the pieces together and ends by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[2.79, 47.41], [41.83, 104.58], [102.49, 133.86]], "duration": 139.44, "id": 1852}, {"image_id": "v_qAXE_vqt56g.mp4", "caption": "The cartoon of heroes fighting with an evil character. The heroes fight and then sit on front a log.", "segments": [[0.13, 14.2], [14.2, 25.59]], "duration": 25.59, "id": 1853}, {"image_id": "v_qdMjXJTsX94.mp4", "caption": "A spinning logo with a purple background then text are seen on the screen. A woman in blue dress plays a drum set in a studio.", "segments": [[0, 10.37], [10.37, 163.3]], "duration": 172.8, "id": 1854}, {"image_id": "v_eHxRr7Zhsek.mp4", "caption": "The video opens with the host using purple nail tape to create a pattern, slowly applying and making sure it is straight. Next a matte coat is applied over the nail and tape. The tape is gently peeled off the nail, and a top coat is applied to the intersection of lines. Next, a micro bead is placed where the lines meet. The next nail project features a white painted nail and host makes two black C's to mimic the Chanel logo. Gradually the logo is made bolder with more application. Finally a matte top coat is applied to finish it off.", "segments": [[0, 32.42], [33.41, 37.34], [47.16, 74.67], [78.6, 104.15], [112.01, 148.37], [151.31, 180.79], [184.72, 196.51]], "duration": 196.51, "id": 1855}, {"image_id": "v_wrn5qM9aVeo.mp4", "caption": "A chef is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him holding a board followed by cutting up dough. The man peels the dough pieces with a machine and lays them flat to roll out dough. The man then rolls out the flattened dough and shows off his finished pasta.", "segments": [[0, 59.13], [49, 130.09], [131.78, 163.88]], "duration": 168.95, "id": 1856}, {"image_id": "v_IvkpOoeCM3A.mp4", "caption": "This video shows people participating in the world artistic pool championship. Smooth, but suspenseful music is playing throughout the whole video as people shoot pool balls into the holes by themselves. Not everyone is participating, some people are just watching and others are walking around for some other reasons.", "segments": [[7.1, 157.83], [7.89, 157.83], [130.21, 157.83]], "duration": 157.82999999999998, "id": 1857}, {"image_id": "v_RK8VF2pL72I.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a chair knitting. She looks up and talks to someone. She continues knitting in her hands.", "segments": [[0, 34.16], [6.83, 11.95], [6.83, 34.16]], "duration": 34.16, "id": 1858}, {"image_id": "v_gk6NAPqfJoY.mp4", "caption": "The credits of a clip are shown. A person skies and slides on a platform. A person falls on the ice. A person skies and does flips. A person puts their gloved hand on the camera. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.97, 8.77], [9.75, 187.16], [16.57, 18.52], [38.02, 190.08], [119.9, 120.87], [191.06, 193.98]], "duration": 194.96, "id": 1859}, {"image_id": "v_WYjtYDyHUxY.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of paintball are shown followed by many pictures of guns. More pictures of guns are shown and ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 65.17], [63.07, 140.16]], "duration": 140.16, "id": 1860}, {"image_id": "v_45ymM0irIIY.mp4", "caption": "A comedian is seen speaking to the camera and leads into a bull running into a pit and various clips of men fighting bulls. A close up of the bull fighting is shown and pans back to the comedian speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 24.55], [22.63, 42.7]], "duration": 42.7, "id": 1861}, {"image_id": "v_iJahVlx_yDE.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing at the bottom of a snowy hill speaking to one another when a person comes riding down on a tube. More people are seen flying down the mountain with one crashing into another and the person getting out to drag the tubes.", "segments": [[0, 40.82], [35.35, 99.57]], "duration": 99.57, "id": 1862}, {"image_id": "v_XNTy5ZTMqVU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking inside an office to the camera while displaying sign language. Two hands appear, demonstrating several signs indicating the rock, paper, scissors game. The woman continues talking about the game, then it shows several clips of various people using the game to win or make decisions. It cuts to an article regarding tricks for winning the game before concluding with the woman speaking on last time.", "segments": [[0, 12.7], [13.37, 53.46], [53.46, 111.6], [112.27, 133.66]], "duration": 133.66, "id": 1863}, {"image_id": "v_gN_Kq57w72s.mp4", "caption": "An image shows a bag of m&m's and a bag of Maltersers being suspended in midair, appearing to pour onto a cake. A woman bakes a round cake, frosting it and surrounding it by chocolate bars. She then pours maltesers and m&ms into bowls. She prepares the bags, making them look neat before sprinkling the candies onto the top of the cake, completely covering it. She then places sticks into the cake, and runs frosting up the sides of the stucks before adhering the candlies to the sticks. She then balances the bags atop the sticks.", "segments": [[0, 14.26], [19.01, 41.59], [43.96, 85.55], [90.31, 134.27], [141.4, 216.26], [221.01, 237.65]], "duration": 237.65, "id": 1864}, {"image_id": "v_rpDBtiySZ3o.mp4", "caption": "Several people are preparing to play volleyball on the beach. The camera zooms out and the people begin to play the game, tossing the ball back and forth to each other.", "segments": [[0, 15.45], [15.45, 33.95]], "duration": 33.95, "id": 1865}, {"image_id": "v_aHKZIUD3wPI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a hedge holding onto a tool. The man uses the tool all along the hedge while trimming the top. He continues pushing the tool over the hedge while walking away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 6.4], [5.97, 23.04], [20.91, 27.88]], "duration": 28.45, "id": 1866}, {"image_id": "v_MFx2omPfM2o.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen riding in bumper cars and bumping into one another. The people continue crashing into one another while laughing and beginning to get out of the car.", "segments": [[2.7, 42.15], [34.04, 103.2]], "duration": 108.07, "id": 1867}, {"image_id": "v_a1ltYmbbBYI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are sumo wrestling on a ring. A man in a robe is standing behind them. A man trips and falls into the audience.", "segments": [[0, 12.04], [8.87, 14.26], [15.06, 21.24]], "duration": 31.7, "id": 1868}, {"image_id": "v_rgJ00nNS_r0.mp4", "caption": "A group of men play croquet on a large grass covered field at an outdoor social event. The men begin playing croquet with one man making a sexual reference with the croquet stick as people walk by on the grass. The group of men are accompanied by onlookers as they continue to maneuver the croquet ball with their mallets. One croquet goal is accomplished on the grass by one player in brown shoes and a blue pants in the final clip.", "segments": [[0.24, 45.77], [0.73, 10.77], [10.77, 32.31], [32.31, 48.95]], "duration": 48.95, "id": 1869}, {"image_id": "v_S-4ftlylgig.mp4", "caption": "A measuring tape is shown up close. We see a track person preparing to run. He runs, taking a huge leap into the sand, landing on the number 18.", "segments": [[0, 15.04], [17.42, 31.67], [38.01, 158.36]], "duration": 158.36, "id": 1870}, {"image_id": "v_hSq0yL5AB40.mp4", "caption": "Several clips of people are shown waving to the camera and watch people riding bikes. Many people are shown riding around on bikes around a long track and the camera panning around.", "segments": [[0, 103.85], [98.13, 190.54]], "duration": 190.54, "id": 1871}, {"image_id": "v_Cb3IonOw0bs.mp4", "caption": "A lady sits in a tub and rubs her legs with water while wearing an exfoliater glove. The camera zooms out and we see it's a set with camera equipment around. The lady then shaves her legs with an electric shaver. We see the lady smile and continue to shave her legs.", "segments": [[0, 11.21], [6.87, 8.32], [11.21, 15.55], [15.91, 71.61]], "duration": 72.33, "id": 1872}, {"image_id": "v_h-_dzZ3cCfc.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown talking to the camera while walking slowly onto the field with a group of players. Various players are shown one on one with several shots of stadium and cities are shown. The athletes prepare themselves for the match and are shown playing out on the field. The men cheer when they score a goal and sit on the bench after being tired. They run through stadiums and speak to the camera about being a professional athlete.", "segments": [[0, 5.12], [8.53, 95.56], [58.02, 71.67], [86.18, 135.66], [134.81, 170.64]], "duration": 170.64, "id": 1873}, {"image_id": "v_n50dwUENM1E.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in her kitchen demonstrating how to use Astra Clean composite sink cleaner She sprays the kitchen sink with the Astra Clean quirt bottle and then uses a brush to scrub the sink. After she's done, she looks impressed at the sparkly clean kitchen sink. She puts the bottle down on the sink and walks away.", "segments": [[8.18, 38.27], [38.27, 59.52], [59.52, 62.79]], "duration": 65.41, "id": 1874}, {"image_id": "v_OkEqcSlWMJg.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen swimming in a pool and leads into various clips of children learning how to swim. A man helps them practice in the water as well as jumping off a diving board. More shots are shown of kids swimming and leads into a girl grabbing objects under water and swimming with another.", "segments": [[1.07, 78.96], [64.02, 169.66], [181.39, 211.27]], "duration": 213.41, "id": 1875}, {"image_id": "v_QX-uieRfKgg.mp4", "caption": "The man with black apron is brushing the counter. The man in apron smoothen the ski board, then brushed off the dust. The man put polish on the board and continue to scrape and brush the board.", "segments": [[0, 52.83], [13.7, 50.87], [44.02, 179.02]], "duration": 195.65, "id": 1876}, {"image_id": "v_C8m_dPhMGbg.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several clips of a person riding down a snowy hill on a snowboard. The person continues riding down through the snow and falling at one point but cleaning off his goggles and speaking to others.", "segments": [[2.57, 48.78], [39.15, 127.08]], "duration": 128.36, "id": 1877}, {"image_id": "v_r0685Fhcfjs.mp4", "caption": "A large yard is shown with leaves laid out front and a man speaking to the camera. The man pushes the leaves around the yard. The man holds up the leaves and speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 24.02], [19.54, 49.97], [39.4, 63.1]], "duration": 64.06, "id": 1878}, {"image_id": "v_46ac33Z6V4E.mp4", "caption": "person in a dog costome is walking in the outside of a snowy house. person in the costume and cross the street to a car. man sart cleaning he snow from the driver's window and the back window.", "segments": [[0, 17.18], [17.18, 39.95], [40.35, 79.9]], "duration": 79.9, "id": 1879}, {"image_id": "v_6E4_XOsT89k.mp4", "caption": " A person is standing on top of a high diving board. They jump off and do flips into the water. The crowd watches the person dive.", "segments": [[0, 10.34], [10.2, 13.52], [0, 13.52]], "duration": 13.52, "id": 1880}, {"image_id": "v_kN2ZNcn241g.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a coach shirt is standing while a female gymnast turns flips on a beam. He spots her as she flips and dismounts before sitting down.", "segments": [[0, 9.45], [15.68, 40.19]], "duration": 40.19, "id": 1881}, {"image_id": "v_8qAdvUvNuts.mp4", "caption": "A view of the countryside is seen in multiple images, including buildings, trees, fields and flowers near the ocean. A man is shown mountain climbing up the side of a cliff.", "segments": [[0, 43.87], [52.88, 120.19]], "duration": 120.19, "id": 1882}, {"image_id": "v_2n6MvpNewpI.mp4", "caption": "man is mopping the floor in a laundry room. man squeeze out the mop in a bucket.", "segments": [[0, 60.13], [60.52, 77.09]], "duration": 77.09, "id": 1883}, {"image_id": "v_sFQ7AaId8zg.mp4", "caption": "A woman shows a little girl to turn a handle, then, the little girl peels an orange spinning the handle of the machine. The handle gets stuck and the woman tries to help the girl. After, the girl continues turning the handle to peel the orange.", "segments": [[0, 7.09], [7.09, 14.86], [14.86, 45.72]], "duration": 45.72, "id": 1884}, {"image_id": "v_89S-sQUWIcg.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running around a field playing a game with one another while the camera pans around the area. The games continues on as people cheer on the sides and the men continue playing with one another.", "segments": [[1.65, 38.33], [30.4, 65.09]], "duration": 66.08, "id": 1885}, {"image_id": "v_cqkcRy3k4v0.mp4", "caption": "people are riding camels in the sand, the camel kneel down and the man and the woman go down. camel in the back kneel down and people go down in the back are cars and people walking in the parking lot and taking pictures. men go on a camel and the camel stands up.", "segments": [[0, 9.04], [9.34, 24.31], [24.31, 29.65]], "duration": 29.65, "id": 1886}, {"image_id": "v_bULG65Ec5fo.mp4", "caption": "A man is climbing up a mountain trying to find the right spots to pull himself up. He finds a good place to hang his rope on the mountain and starts to climb up again. He decides to move it up a little bit more to a better spot. Then, he starts climbing again struggling a bit before finally making it over the tough spot.", "segments": [[0, 50.28], [46.87, 83.51], [83.51, 114.19], [114.19, 170.44]], "duration": 170.44, "id": 1887}, {"image_id": "v_3eQqgH3PJBo.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt and white gloves places billiard balls on a pool table. A man with a light blue shirt inspects the position of the billiard balls up close. The man in the light blue shirt gets into position with the cue stick and breaks the billiards balls and the balls go in many directions.The man in the black shirt returns and inspects the table and then steps back. The man in the light blue shirt prepares for his next shot by walking from one side of the billiard table to the other looking for his next shot. He chalks the tip of the cue stick before taking his shot. He then prepares for his next shot walking around the billiard table.", "segments": [[0, 32.2], [32.2, 44.76], [44.76, 73.03], [73.82, 84.81], [84.03, 117.8], [117.8, 143.71], [143.71, 157.06]], "duration": 157.06, "id": 1888}, {"image_id": "v_hOdSTik8_nw.mp4", "caption": "The coach is coaching his team. The guy in the black in the back walks off. The coach is then speaking to the parents. two new guys arrive in the back. The coach is on the field with the teams. the yellow bus drives past. the red team is listening to the coach. The kids are playing the game. The kids are listening to the coach. The game is on again. A white bus drives past.", "segments": [[0, 21.58], [6.64, 21.58], [22.41, 51.47], [36.53, 41.51], [53.13, 69.73], [62.26, 67.24], [67.24, 89.65], [89.65, 102.93], [102.1, 104.59], [104.59, 163.53], [151.91, 155.23]], "duration": 166.02, "id": 1889}, {"image_id": "v_ekgfptN7tQk.mp4", "caption": "The word Surfer is on the screen. A surfer is taking to the camera. A surfer is walking on the beach. A man is surfing in the water while the man is taking again. There are a crowd of surfers on the island. Several surfers are in the water and the man is still being interviewed.", "segments": [[0, 3.99], [3.99, 4.79], [4.79, 5.59], [5.59, 36.71], [36.71, 38.3], [38.3, 159.59]], "duration": 159.59, "id": 1890}, {"image_id": "v_HwM3ionUBsg.mp4", "caption": "The video takes place in a gymnasium of various gymnasts. A young girl stands on top of the trampoline in preparation to jump. She jumps on the bar and begins to do several flips between two bars. She then jumps to the padded area and throws up her hands, and a man gives her a hug.", "segments": [[0, 27.56], [0, 5.65], [5.65, 27.56], [22.6, 27.56]], "duration": 27.56, "id": 1891}, {"image_id": "v_03BMaaMEcNo.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting before a wave pool and one leads another out onto the water on a board. The person falls when another attempts to ride the board on the water. The person continues riding along the water and ends with the camera panning around the area and the boy falls.", "segments": [[0, 38.3], [39.23, 126.1], [125.17, 186.82]], "duration": 186.82, "id": 1892}, {"image_id": "v_5gc896my38M.mp4", "caption": "Several couples are shown running outside and doing various activities outside in the sun.More and more people begin talking and each of them has a bottle of sun screen and starts to squirt it on their arms in effort to protect their skin.A small blue bottle of the sun screen is then shown and several more people begin talking about the product.The website to buy the product is shown and the whole video plays again as if its looped.", "segments": [[0, 36.2], [36.2, 75.51], [74.47, 136.53], [135.5, 206.87]], "duration": 206.87, "id": 1893}, {"image_id": "v_EY4YIa-kNgs.mp4", "caption": "A young boy holds a dish scrub as he speaks. He turns to the sink behind him where there are dishes sitting in water. He drops the scrub into the sink and lays a glass down. He grabs a towel and cleans the glass and moves on to scrub the glass as well. He puts down the scrub and grabs the glass to place it in the right side of the sink where he wets the glass and puts it away in the dish rack. He moves to grab the towel and clean a dish. He soaks the dish in water and moves it to the dish rack. He returns to use the towel and clean a knife. He soaks the knife in the water and moves it to the dish rack, the boy goes back to clean a fork with the towel. He moves the fork to the water to rinse soap off it. The young boy stands in front of camera, speaking.", "segments": [[0, 22.2], [23.21, 39.35], [40.36, 42.38], [43.39, 80.73], [81.74, 91.83], [92.84, 117.05], [118.06, 128.15], [129.16, 157.42], [158.43, 186.68], [187.69, 189.71], [190.72, 201.82]], "duration": 201.82, "id": 1894}, {"image_id": "v_MNSDK-vCwTM.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen speaking to the camera while holding cups in their hands and laughing to one another. The camera zooms in on the cups and the girl continue laughing while finally drinking from the cup. They hold the liquid into their mouth and spit it out and laugh in the end.", "segments": [[0, 20.2], [20.2, 63.53], [62.69, 84.15]], "duration": 84.15, "id": 1895}, {"image_id": "v_TNVdpnrtn5A.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera as well as bowing to the camera. The man kneels down on his knees several times and bows again. He turns himself around still bowing and ends by standing up.", "segments": [[0, 48.43], [44.46, 116.7], [111.15, 151.63]], "duration": 158.78, "id": 1896}, {"image_id": "v_Bg526A61c1w.mp4", "caption": "Before an Olympic weight lifting event, a Chinese competitor is shown preparing by working out in a gym. He then practices for the event by lifting the big Olympic sized weights. At the competition, he picks up the weights from a squatting position before rising up and then throwing the weights down on completion. Various successful lifts are shown and the competitor hugs his trainer.", "segments": [[0, 53.77], [68.11, 107.54], [111.13, 127.85], [135.02, 238.98]], "duration": 238.97, "id": 1897}, {"image_id": "v_lS_bztQjpGM.mp4", "caption": "A girl with long blond hair, wearing a blue robe is doing a tutorial on how to use hot rollers in her hair. There is another woman wearing white who is demonstrating how to section out her hair and start putting the rollers in the her one by one. After she's done putting the rollers all over the head, she uses a blow dryer to add some heat to the hair. Then she removes the rollers from the model's hair and starts to run her fingers through the hair. She then parts her hair gently with a brush. She shows how to finish off the look by running her fingers through her hair without using a brush.", "segments": [[11.27, 79.71], [79.71, 96.62], [96.62, 128.02], [128.02, 132.85], [132.85, 140.9], [140.9, 148.95]], "duration": 161.03, "id": 1898}, {"image_id": "v_wJOHmxQZPR4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen hosting a news segment speaking to the camera and transitions into a group of men walking in a straight line. The people then perform in front of a large group of people and one performer is interviewed in between. The news segment then begins talking to other people in the studio who give their opinions and ends with the host laughing and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 38.11], [36.99, 153.55], [153.55, 224.17]], "duration": 224.17000000000002, "id": 1899}, {"image_id": "v_HqxTRzf11tc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing ready in front of a large track with people sitting and standing around watching him. The persons ticks their arms out and runs down the track into the sit pit and flips over.", "segments": [[0, 10.14], [10.26, 23.59]], "duration": 23.59, "id": 1900}, {"image_id": "v_Ne8UzAInivM.mp4", "caption": "A scuba diver is swimming through the water on a video game. They are looking through rubble of an old ship. They get in their boat and drive. They jump under the water again.", "segments": [[0, 66.14], [34.87, 65.54], [66.14, 83.58], [84.18, 116.05]], "duration": 120.26, "id": 1901}, {"image_id": "v_J7GJKAoU0rE.mp4", "caption": "Several people are gathered at a lake. Images are shown of the people posing with and flying kites. They are then seen flying the kites on a beach.", "segments": [[0, 24.34], [26.45, 165.07], [169.3, 211.63]], "duration": 211.63, "id": 1902}, {"image_id": "v_jl10JmELMqY.mp4", "caption": "An older woman is shown talking to the camera and begins knitting on a couch. She continues talking to the camera while the lens zoom in and out of her hands continuing to knit. She shows off her sweater and finally puts her knitting gear down.", "segments": [[0, 58.24], [55.12, 163.28], [176.8, 208.01]], "duration": 208.01, "id": 1903}, {"image_id": "v_EQK_o1qHx7M.mp4", "caption": "There's a young boy standing in his kitchen with a jug of water, some lemons and some apples behind him on the counter. He is pointing to the lemons. His mother comes and helps him squeeze the juice out of the lemons. Both the mother and son use a lemon juicer to squeeze the juice and add it to the jug of water. The mother makes sure that all the juice is properly squeezed out of the lemons, so she uses her hands. Then she adds some food coloring to the lemonade and stirs it well. She then pours the lemonade in a glass with ice and gives it to her son. He takes a sip of the lemonade and smiles.", "segments": [[16.93, 24.06], [24.06, 43.67], [43.67, 62.38], [62.38, 93.57], [93.57, 138.13], [138.13, 155.96], [155.96, 161.3], [161.3, 170.22]], "duration": 178.24, "id": 1904}, {"image_id": "v_goXkohySkU8.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black vest holds white disc's in his hand while a border collie stands in front of him. The man steps froward and slaps the white discs on his thigh. The man steps forward switching each foot as the boarder collie runs between the mans legs. The man taps his head with the white disc he crouches and the boarder collie jumps on his back and balances their. The man tosses the the disc over his head and the boarder collie catches it and runs off.", "segments": [[0, 11.24], [11.5, 12.04], [12.31, 15.51], [15.38, 18.46], [18.59, 26.75]], "duration": 26.75, "id": 1905}, {"image_id": "v_al_769KF6Qc.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks over to a flower bed and wheelbarrow as she talks. She demonstrates how to mulch, picking up the material and showing how to pack it around plants.", "segments": [[0, 33.65], [45.5, 124.65]], "duration": 124.65, "id": 1906}, {"image_id": "v_ac1M42uRXS8.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are on an indoor basketball court. They are performing using batons and wearing purple dresses. They spin and toss, throwing the batons into the air as they perform.", "segments": [[0, 21.26], [26.93, 61.65], [62.36, 141.74]], "duration": 141.74, "id": 1907}, {"image_id": "v_X3hQtXddMd4.mp4", "caption": "A camera and logo appear briefly. A person wake boards on a lake while being towed. They pass a person in the water. They come to a stop by a dock.", "segments": [[0, 5.68], [5.68, 221.44], [120.37, 123.78], [221.44, 227.12]], "duration": 227.12, "id": 1908}, {"image_id": "v_sNQQ2Fpxbzw.mp4", "caption": "A black screen is shown with green words on it and then the screen moves to a white paper with black words.After, a green Lacrosse team appears and they begin to compete.Someone makes a goal and then the ball is placed back in the middle of the field.When they are finished still images from the game are shown.Finally,a black screen appears and the score is shown in blue and green writing.", "segments": [[0, 17.2], [17.2, 51.61], [51.61, 91.99], [92.74, 137.62], [137.62, 149.58]], "duration": 149.57999999999998, "id": 1909}, {"image_id": "v_C_fqFJyf5SU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in front of the camera holding onto fire. Another woman steps beside the first and the two begin performing a fire routine with one another. A man hands them objects to light and the woman continue dancing and spinning around with the fire.", "segments": [[2.59, 50.13], [42.35, 127.91], [114.95, 166.8]], "duration": 172.85, "id": 1910}, {"image_id": "v_sYAGVE3luRo.mp4", "caption": "People are playing instruments marching down a street. They start marching in a circle in a room. A person holding a baton stands in front of the band.", "segments": [[0, 31.03], [31.03, 151.94], [70.01, 112.96]], "duration": 159.1, "id": 1911}, {"image_id": "v_nfBBazBLQFk.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on the roof of a building, and two others appear. They are flying kites in the air over the brick building. The men make the kites dip and dive as they talk and interact.", "segments": [[0, 25.91], [27.99, 149.26], [151.33, 207.31]], "duration": 207.31, "id": 1912}, {"image_id": "v_tJbScqVWPsU.mp4", "caption": "An outdoor scene by the beach shows a large crowd near a resort. They are cheering as several professional skateboarders perform stunts in a ramp pit. The flip and turn in the air, going up and down the ramp. The winners pose for photos with cakes when they are done.", "segments": [[0, 24.09], [26.1, 133.51], [137.52, 176.67], [178.68, 200.76]], "duration": 200.76, "id": 1913}, {"image_id": "v_PUI2Qrn0qbE.mp4", "caption": "kids are driving on bumper cars spinning and bumping. kid is wearing blue shirt and clash with the fence holding the handles with both hands. girl is wearing a leather jacket spining in the bumper car in the amusement car.", "segments": [[0, 37.76], [0, 5.66], [16.24, 19.82]], "duration": 37.76, "id": 1914}, {"image_id": "v_lhnhGI-rrzM.mp4", "caption": "There's a young man wearing a blue shirt and a black helmet skateboarding on a two way road. He is going at a steady and fast speed as he passes through a few cars and lots of trees. He also passes through some residential areas as he skateboards. He finally slows down as cameraman approaches a gray car. The cameraman gets into the car and takes the skateboard away. The skateboarder is kneeling on the side of the main road. He then gets up and walks away.", "segments": [[11.75, 79.54], [79.54, 125.63], [125.63, 132.86], [132.86, 144.61], [144.61, 154.56], [154.56, 169.92], [169.92, 180.77]], "duration": 180.77, "id": 1915}, {"image_id": "v_PntiXZ692xM.mp4", "caption": "We see a magazine on a black background. People begin running on country roads in a marathon. We see them get drinks at a table. A man is running and holding a camera facing himself. The man who is running is seen again. We see a person point at a lake. We cross the finish line. A man is in a lake cooling off. We see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.75], [3.75, 162.05], [38.4, 43.09], [72.13, 87.11], [116.15, 127.39], [133.01, 137.69], [157.36, 168.61], [167.67, 184.53], [184.53, 187.34]], "duration": 187.34, "id": 1916}, {"image_id": "v_2KYGAq5qQCI.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a room with a window. a man is smoothing mud over the wall. He measures and cuts then spreads again. When he is done, the wall is completely smooth.", "segments": [[0, 7.32], [8.09, 32.73], [35.81, 64.7], [66.24, 77.02]], "duration": 77.02, "id": 1917}, {"image_id": "v_W0EN9JeU66A.mp4", "caption": "A young child is moving back and fourth on a swing while laughing and smiling to the camera. The child continues pumping their legs and then is stiff while looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 16.55], [16.4, 30.37]], "duration": 30.37, "id": 1918}, {"image_id": "v_4w_46rTInXI.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of people are playing beer pong in different outfits. Then people bong a beer. A lot of dancing happens at the end.", "segments": [[0, 221.89], [66.57, 221.89], [139.79, 221.89]], "duration": 221.89, "id": 1919}, {"image_id": "v_wVahCLOq4s0.mp4", "caption": "woman is sitting in front of a white table holding a halloween pumpkin. woman holds a knife and and cut the pumpkin head and remove all the seeds from the inside. woman daw the face with black markers and open the holes on the pumpkin.", "segments": [[0, 47.99], [47.99, 102.59], [103.42, 165.47]], "duration": 165.47, "id": 1920}, {"image_id": "v_5zCY_vezHaU.mp4", "caption": "A man in black shirt is stalking in front of the camera, then the calendar and then drawing is shown. The blonde man is talking in front of the camera, while behind him is an empty ramp, then the man skateboard in a wooden ramp, then is is showing how to skateboard, then he skateboard and did tricks on a wooden ramp, then he continue to talk, and then skateboard again.", "segments": [[0, 22.77], [13.5, 168.69]], "duration": 168.69, "id": 1921}, {"image_id": "v_QvM8SFUUvsw.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown solving a rubix rube at record speed while a timer is going and a man records him. Another player at a younger age is shown solving the rubix cube as well as a third patron shortly after.", "segments": [[1.84, 11.6], [12.16, 28]], "duration": 28.28, "id": 1922}, {"image_id": "v_grvzIljsqcI.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen looking at the camera while taking a drink and fixing her hair. The woman then holds up a pack of cigarettes and begins smoking a cigarette. The woman continuously smokes and drinks one after the other while continuing to look to the camera.", "segments": [[1.07, 64.21], [50.3, 163.74], [162.67, 207.62]], "duration": 214.04, "id": 1923}, {"image_id": "v_LrputIUn4oY.mp4", "caption": "There are different athletes in the beginning of the video, but then 2 people are shown diving into the water while a huge crowd watches them. In the end, the men's 10m synchro platform is held.", "segments": [[0, 70.28], [70.28, 83.33]], "duration": 84.17, "id": 1924}, {"image_id": "v_r40TuTkt9y4.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of landscapes are shown that interments with people riding in a large raft. At one point the raft flips over the men riding down the river. More shots of people riding down the river are shown as well as people speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 53.59], [57.79, 141.85], [142.9, 210.14]], "duration": 210.14, "id": 1925}, {"image_id": "v_mGsenLq9yEU.mp4", "caption": "A news woman is talking in a news room. Bullfighters are shown inside a ring. They are trying to entice the bull with capes.", "segments": [[0, 34.13], [44.72, 156.54], [158.89, 235.39]], "duration": 235.39, "id": 1926}, {"image_id": "v_PRTcRz--03E.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking into frame and begins playing on a set of bongo drums. The man continues playing on the drums while the camera doesn't move and ends with him hitting them once and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 68.17], [66.38, 173.12]], "duration": 179.4, "id": 1927}, {"image_id": "v_VVyE6rVJEuI.mp4", "caption": "Two people are dancing in a room. They turn to the side and continue dancing. They finish and pose at the end.", "segments": [[0, 144.86], [52.15, 55.77], [143.41, 144.86]], "duration": 144.86, "id": 1928}, {"image_id": "v_kJrHvEECvEA.mp4", "caption": "A woman standing outside on the roof smoking a cigarette. She blows smoke and plays around with her hair. She keeps smoking and blowing smoking casually all by her lonesome. She exhales one last time and then put her cigarette out on a wall.", "segments": [[0, 14.83], [14.83, 28.95], [28.95, 45.54], [45.54, 70.61]], "duration": 70.61, "id": 1929}, {"image_id": "v_PDaGlIxn6Pk.mp4", "caption": "A couple of teams are playing lacrosse on an open field. A crowd watches the game intently. The players run back and forth across the field, hitting the ball into goals.", "segments": [[0, 26.05], [27.05, 91.18], [102.21, 200.4]], "duration": 200.4, "id": 1930}, {"image_id": "v_OZftVCeblMk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a kitchen sink and washing dishes in his hands. The man then cleans the dishes and puts them away, then looking over upset to see more dishes.", "segments": [[0.13, 2.13], [1.9, 6.37]], "duration": 6.67, "id": 1931}, {"image_id": "v_YIYZHQUOtnA.mp4", "caption": "A groups of students exercise and cheers on a competition, then boys wearing red t-shirt throw bowling balls and throw all the pins and celebrates. Then, young people wearing green t-shirts are successful playing bowling. After, girls play bowling who throw all the pins with the bowling bowl. The winners of the competition receive closed envelopes and trophies.", "segments": [[0, 39.39], [39.39, 56.01], [56.01, 92.93], [92.32, 105.24]], "duration": 123.09, "id": 1932}, {"image_id": "v_IpFsz2xc3sY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is speaking to a webcam in her bedroom. She begins to play with her hair, separating part of it and braiding it. She places the first braid into her mouth while creating another one. She criss crosses the braids, and places a rubberband on it. She begins to do the same process with the other side of her hair. The video finishes by cutting a still image of the same girl and panning up and down.", "segments": [[0, 30.71], [30.71, 72.05], [72.05, 87.4], [87.4, 150], [150, 200.78], [200.78, 236.22]], "duration": 236.22, "id": 1933}, {"image_id": "v_uHLEUps_ahs.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of a white screen. He is talking about the saxophone in his hands and showing the proper hand positions. He demonstrates how to play the instrument.", "segments": [[0, 22.29], [28.15, 159.54], [170.1, 234.62]], "duration": 234.62, "id": 1934}, {"image_id": "v_tYZJ4O5Hsz4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl plays softly the drums holding two sticks while she is singing on a microphone. The, the girl plays more fast the drums.", "segments": [[0, 110.2], [110.2, 157.42]], "duration": 157.42000000000002, "id": 1935}, {"image_id": "v_qXUdnj4VN80.mp4", "caption": "A female seems to be doing tricks with a hula hooping while being very flexible with her body.the lady also rides a one wheel bike while hula hooping.the girl then hula hoops while standing on a mat then hula hoops with two hula hoops standing in the same spot.the girl then hula hoops hanging upside down,she also hula hoops around her hand while doing a split on a mat.the girl hula hoops a big tire hula hoop then hula hoops with three hula hoops using her two hands and one feet in the air.the girl then's try to hula hoop a lot of hula hoops at one time as other girls keep adding more to her.", "segments": [[0, 17.31], [18.06, 20.32], [19.56, 37.62], [43.64, 55.68], [55.68, 100.83], [100.08, 150.49]], "duration": 150.49, "id": 1936}, {"image_id": "v_exzuzQLrv7g.mp4", "caption": "Three men dressed in fencing gear are standing in a gym. The man in the middle is talking and the other two remain still. The two men begin making movements as the man instructs them to, showing off the different fencing techniques. They fight slowly, showing each step before culminating into the man's final words onscreen.", "segments": [[0, 11.78], [13.75, 47.13], [51.06, 166.94], [171.85, 196.4]], "duration": 196.4, "id": 1937}, {"image_id": "v_81F42Yyw_iY.mp4", "caption": "A woman pole vaults over a tall bar. She lands on a yellow mat under her. Words come onto the screen at the end.", "segments": [[11, 55], [51.33, 58.67], [59, 66.67]], "duration": 66.67, "id": 1938}, {"image_id": "v_LZleSe6Kovg.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing a white robe with a black belt. He starts doing karate moves in a room. He stands up right at the end.", "segments": [[0, 27.75], [3.47, 24.42], [24.7, 27.75]], "duration": 27.75, "id": 1939}, {"image_id": "v_3cjtV-ldvto.mp4", "caption": "woman put an egg on a bowl and mix it with vanilla. quick oats and baking powder, cocoa powder and salt are mixed in a bowl. a chocolate bar are cut in pieces with nuts and put in a bowl. sugar and butter are mixed in a bowl till cream and put the vanilla and the powder ingredients with the chocolate and he nuts. themix is wrap and put in a refrigerator. batch is in a pan and ar ready to eat.", "segments": [[0, 16.97], [16.97, 43.49], [43.49, 59.4], [59.4, 149.56], [149.56, 169.71], [170.77, 212.14]], "duration": 212.14, "id": 1940}, {"image_id": "v_yaWwad6WXVY.mp4", "caption": "A person practice dribbling and shooting the ball walking or running in the court, while a man watch the training. The man stands and leave the court. After, several men practice basketball in a court.", "segments": [[0, 163.6], [155.9, 162.64], [162.64, 190.55]], "duration": 192.47, "id": 1941}, {"image_id": "v_-KjJxkFUhv4.mp4", "caption": "The word Happy is written in pebbles on the side of the sand.A large body of crystal blue water is shown and a large boat with people are in it.The individuals began dancing and jumping off the boat and enjoy themselves in the water.As the people continue,three or four people are in the water swimming with goggles on.", "segments": [[0, 12.93], [12.93, 69.36], [69.36, 148.11], [148.11, 235.1]], "duration": 235.1, "id": 1942}, {"image_id": "v_P9I3zxNUu74.mp4", "caption": "A man with two children are seen speaking to the camera with one throwing his hands up and leading into them moving quickly. The kids stand on a chair taking ornaments off a tree while moving back and fourth to the table to place the objects. The kids then sweep up the floor while dancing and having fun and end by all waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 40.4], [41.26, 140.98], [139.26, 171.92]], "duration": 171.92000000000002, "id": 1943}, {"image_id": "v_x08PpU3uQ6Y.mp4", "caption": "The woman in white shirt is standing, then kneel down next to a big plastic bag on the ground. She opened the bag, put the content of the bag in the uneven hole on the ground, and flatten it using her gloved hand. She looked at the camera and talked while she's kneeling next to the plastic bags. She put another bag on the ground, flatten them using her hand until the area is covered. She walks forward, bend sideward to flatten some more dirt.", "segments": [[1.19, 16.63], [18.42, 86.14], [43.96, 73.67], [57.03, 108.72], [104.56, 118.82]], "duration": 118.82, "id": 1944}, {"image_id": "v_xS-F-9E3xKk.mp4", "caption": "Two women are on a stand opposite one another at a table beginning to arm wrestle.There is a brief hold up before they begin,because their thumb positing is inaccurate.Once they finally begin,the girl on the left wins but she is quickly stopped and they have to restart and the same girl wins again.", "segments": [[0, 17.18], [17.18, 45.09], [45.8, 71.56]], "duration": 71.56, "id": 1945}, {"image_id": "v_kBDTz-dwQ2k.mp4", "caption": "There is a woman in a white blouse along with a man in a white shirt in a studio practicing ballroom dancing. They are in a room with a wall full of mirrors. The lady is explaining the steps of the dance as they both demonstrate the moves and foot work involved in the dance. They go back and forth as they take their steps while holding each other's hands.", "segments": [[11.55, 34.65], [34.65, 54.04], [54.04, 70.95], [70.95, 77.14]], "duration": 82.5, "id": 1946}, {"image_id": "v_ANB_IQfi9kA.mp4", "caption": "A man runs past an approaching storm. Surfers are seen in the water, and people are walking with their surfboards. A group of women gather, and a praying mantis is seen. Numerous surfers are then shown, going through and over various waves.", "segments": [[0, 6.61], [7.93, 24.46], [28.43, 54.88], [58.18, 132.24]], "duration": 132.24, "id": 1947}, {"image_id": "v_qF3EbR8y8go.mp4", "caption": "woman is painting in a white paper green leaves in a chinese tree. a red paint is shown and woman put a stamp on the corner of the paper. woman is painting a blue ad purple chinese flower. a red and black flowers are painted on a white paper with very detail for the same woman in a dark room. woman used some black painting for make details, put the red stamp on the corner and finished the painting with yellow and reddetails on the flowers.", "segments": [[0, 45.92], [45.92, 56.13], [56.13, 93.89], [93.89, 137.77], [138.79, 204.1]], "duration": 204.1, "id": 1948}, {"image_id": "v_gMV5Mso7758.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a man is shown followed by him asking a woman a question on the beach. He then is shown speaking to several different people holding a frisbee and playing a game. Many women laugh with the men and the man gives several of them a kiss.", "segments": [[0, 56.69], [55.8, 139.95], [134.63, 177.15]], "duration": 177.15, "id": 1949}, {"image_id": "v_tzChPctqAP4.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen jumping and kicking around one another performing various flips and tricks. The men continue spinning around one another as well as performing gymnastics moves in different locations.", "segments": [[1.25, 62.74], [47.06, 122.34]], "duration": 125.48, "id": 1950}, {"image_id": "v_ivBgqENFmt0.mp4", "caption": "A planter of flowers is seen in front of a home. A roofer nails tiles into the roof beams of a home. The construction worker slides tiles into place on a roof. A crew of construction workers get tiles up onto a roof. A finished tile roof is seen when the job is done. A worker uses a spatula tool to apply grout in between tiles on the roof.", "segments": [[0, 12.5], [13.34, 22.51], [25.84, 40.85], [60.02, 75.02], [83.36, 137.54], [107.53, 130.04]], "duration": 166.72, "id": 1951}, {"image_id": "v_YULJjXegG1w.mp4", "caption": "A basketball court is shown outdoors. A man runs up, and does several consecutive lay ups. He makes a few baskets, then tries again and again. Some kids run by, waving at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 9.89], [11.05, 36.65], [41.31, 80.29], [82.03, 116.36]], "duration": 116.36, "id": 1952}, {"image_id": "v_Qf6gZtm9BIg.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside talking. He gets onto a slack line and starts to cross it. He falls off onto the grass.", "segments": [[0, 7.58], [14.89, 41.69], [42.24, 46.57]], "duration": 54.15, "id": 1953}, {"image_id": "v_lGwUq5vZGEk.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is demonstrating how to do a braid in layered hair. She begins by brushing her hair down. Then she brings all of her hair to her right side and starts braiding the hair on a single braid. She then takes a hair tie and ties it around the bottom of her braid. She takes some hair gel out of an orange container and uses it on the tips of her braid to smoothen the hair. She further braids the bottom part of her braid till the end and ties another hair tie around it. Then she takes a bobby pin and pins the short hair in the front to back of her head. She secures the pin into her hair and waves good bye.", "segments": [[16.55, 30.74], [30.74, 78.03], [78.03, 99.31], [99.31, 128.86], [128.86, 167.88], [167.88, 191.52], [191.52, 230.54], [230.54, 236.45]], "duration": 236.45, "id": 1954}, {"image_id": "v__0CqozZun3U.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in the botom of a stairs and is cleaning the snow hil in the street a snowplow is passing and the man is cleaning the snow and doing a path. man is standing in front of a car and is cleaning the windshield and all the windows.", "segments": [[0, 120.66], [120.66, 294.29]], "duration": 294.29, "id": 1955}, {"image_id": "v_FmRLElPPWV8.mp4", "caption": "People prepare to go canoeing and then launch their boats. People then go down the stream.", "segments": [[0, 36.61], [47.32, 178.56]], "duration": 178.56, "id": 1956}, {"image_id": "v_Pp4U2Ql7bhY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a Batman shirt is sitting down talking. A person starts welding a piece of metal. He takes a brush and brushes off the piece of metal. He puts all the pieces in a black bag.", "segments": [[0, 21.01], [22.01, 107.06], [165.09, 181.1], [188.11, 200.11]], "duration": 200.11, "id": 1957}, {"image_id": "v_BdAPzcdrk9g.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing on two sides of a net. The people then begin playing a game of badminton with one another. They continue to hit the birdie around while serving it to the other side and hitting it back.", "segments": [[0.83, 19.9], [14.93, 40.36], [38.15, 54.18]], "duration": 55.29, "id": 1958}, {"image_id": "v_fLCWIE8a4AU.mp4", "caption": "A crowd of about one thousand people are outside and in the stadium watching a bull fight.Three young men are in the center and begin to tamper with two black and white bulls.The two bulls are now fighting with one another and the crowd begins to close in on them to see the action.", "segments": [[0, 21.18], [21.53, 46.24], [46.95, 70.6]], "duration": 70.6, "id": 1959}, {"image_id": "v_VOTBtV0CQ8c.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a lake and shows a boat moving along the water. A person is seen riding behind the boat on a pair of skis. More shots are shown of the boat riding around with a person skiing in the back.", "segments": [[0, 88.95], [52.26, 158.99], [105.62, 211.25]], "duration": 222.37, "id": 1960}, {"image_id": "v_Lm7KLQgzQDk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing together dressed up with one man speaking into a mic and pointing. The man then busts out into song and dance with another man and pointing to the groom gradually.", "segments": [[0, 55.95], [31.74, 107.6]], "duration": 107.6, "id": 1961}, {"image_id": "v_PLWeVDUH_Cw.mp4", "caption": "Business men walk through a busy crowd. A business man plays against a table tennis professional. Two businessmen play on a team against the table tennis pro. The match ends and the business men shake hands with the athlete.", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [15.62, 30.57], [31.57, 58.15], [59.48, 66.46]], "duration": 66.46, "id": 1962}, {"image_id": "v_lMFp8FPeDHI.mp4", "caption": "A preteen boy is out in an open park filming challenges on monkey bars he points to the left. The camera pans over to the left to show the slide in another part of the jungle gym. The camera pans back to the monkey bars. The boy attempts to climb the monkey bars starting from the second from the top rung of the ladder on the inside and falls, he gets up and goes to the ladder. The boy attempts the climb again, this time from the top rung of the ladder on the inside and falls, he gets up and goes to the ladder again. The boy attempts to climb again, from the top bar on the inside and falls again, he gets up and goes to the ladder again. The boy attempts to climb again, this time he adjusts again standing on the second rung on the inside and falls again when he attempts to climb. The boy attempts to climb again using the same starting point and falls, he gets up and goes toward the ladder but decides he is done and says good-bye.", "segments": [[0, 8.09], [8.71, 11.2], [11.2, 13.69], [13.69, 45.44], [45.44, 70.96], [70.96, 89.63], [89.63, 107.06], [107.06, 124.48]], "duration": 124.48, "id": 1963}, {"image_id": "v_zfi8f5NnYaY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding around on a horse holding a stick and then pausing to sit. He is then seen again walking with a large group of people drinking water and then shakes hands of several people while walking back.", "segments": [[0, 16.77], [16.31, 45.95]], "duration": 45.95, "id": 1964}, {"image_id": "v_hKezMv52Nw8.mp4", "caption": "A female athlete is standing in a field and takes off running and does a long jump in to the pit.After,she walks off and her jump is measures as they show her replay.After,more girls begin to jump and represent their team and their jumps are measured as well.However,for the last jump,a close up is shown of the board because her foot barely touches it and they want to give her credit for those centimeters.", "segments": [[0, 29.28], [29.28, 77.75], [77.75, 148.43], [149.44, 201.94]], "duration": 201.94, "id": 1965}, {"image_id": "v_kCD0iQFnHA4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a dough is shown and leads into a person spreading frosting on a pastry. She puts the pastry onto the cake and continues putting frosting all around the cake. The camera zooms around the cake and shows the woman putting a face on the cake and showing off the finished result.", "segments": [[0, 27.84], [29.2, 95.05], [94.37, 135.79]], "duration": 135.79, "id": 1966}, {"image_id": "v_4rv1uLmbyHA.mp4", "caption": "Two news anchors are talking in a room. A man is making food in a kitchen. He cooks mushrooms in a pan. He adds the food into a bowl.", "segments": [[0, 11.61], [16.83, 116.05], [82.98, 88.2], [99.23, 112.57]], "duration": 116.05, "id": 1967}, {"image_id": "v_owLQzBg4olo.mp4", "caption": "A long colorful scarf is seen running over chairs. A woman is seen knitting the scarf in a purple dress. Three other woman sit together and knit a section of the scarf.", "segments": [[0, 4.85], [6.82, 15.62], [20.02, 27.29]], "duration": 30.33, "id": 1968}, {"image_id": "v_C7so_y5I_9s.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see images of a man opening blinds and carrying a boarding outside. We see a man riding jet skis and performing flips. We see a man sitting on the dock. We see the jet skier ride over a ramp. We see a shoe briefly. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 7.66], [7.66, 26.8], [32.54, 186.64], [73.7, 74.65], [86.14, 89.97], [130.17, 133.04], [187.59, 191.42]], "duration": 191.42, "id": 1969}, {"image_id": "v_hf1JuvacaJc.mp4", "caption": "Individuals bowl at their lanes and knock down pins. A guy bowls a strike and open his mouth to express anguish.", "segments": [[0.85, 169.65], [84.4, 92.93]], "duration": 170.51, "id": 1970}, {"image_id": "v_nyEcPLZQerc.mp4", "caption": "Students are interviewed and then run a race. Everyone seems happy to be involved with the College of Charleston.", "segments": [[0, 60.9], [25.91, 86.38]], "duration": 86.38, "id": 1971}, {"image_id": "v_VyD5Z0S9tXU.mp4", "caption": "A chef demonstrates how to peel a potato using a potato peeler and a potato, in a kitchen in front of cutting board. The man talks to the camera and begins to peel the potato with the peeler peeling of slices of skin and gesturing at the table. The man peels the potato until it has no more skin on it.", "segments": [[0.7, 139.74], [3.49, 30.74], [30.74, 139.74]], "duration": 139.74, "id": 1972}, {"image_id": "v_UmuWttAYfco.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing together on a table with their fist up as the referee holds their wrist.The referee then lets go and almost instantly the arm wrestling match is over and a winner is declared,the winner moves on and several more matches begin to take place and they too are ended abruptly.Near the end however,the opponents finally match and it takes forever to declare a winner as they struggle to move their hands.", "segments": [[0, 10.23], [10.23, 124.28], [124.28, 157.32]], "duration": 157.32, "id": 1973}, {"image_id": "v_XToVLTbQEm4.mp4", "caption": "men are playing basket in a roofed wooden court. man is alone doing lay ups to the basket. another man arrives to the court and start playing together.", "segments": [[0, 12.79], [0, 67.58], [67.58, 182.65]], "duration": 182.65, "id": 1974}, {"image_id": "v_2bkQz8BcKZ4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of girls are seen walking onto a stage followed by more people following behind. More people continue walking out onto the stage with some holding signs and others watching on the side.", "segments": [[3.55, 65.71], [50.91, 114.26]], "duration": 118.4, "id": 1975}, {"image_id": "v_RA61jh8HwPI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen putting makeup on her face and leads into several pictures of makeup. Many more pictures of products are shown with text across the screen. More pictures of products are shown that end with more text and a woman pushing away makeup.", "segments": [[0, 36.47], [25.01, 80.24], [62.53, 103.17]], "duration": 104.21000000000001, "id": 1976}, {"image_id": "v_-6prmNqkAN8.mp4", "caption": "A large snowy mountain is seen as people gather on the ice. They hit several pucks, sweeping them in a game.", "segments": [[0, 22.63], [24.51, 47.14]], "duration": 47.14, "id": 1977}, {"image_id": "v_3sL7fLHM09c.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast is demonstrating a gymnastics performance on bars. Other gymnasts and an instructor are watching the female gymnast perform. Another female gymnast is practicing in the background.", "segments": [[3.93, 31.1], [0, 30.63], [23.88, 24.19]], "duration": 31.42, "id": 1978}, {"image_id": "v_YAPkcWlWmYg.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen listening to music and transitions into her performing a dance routine outside on a walk way. She continues dancing around while smiling to the camera and ends by walking away and giving two peace signs to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 68.99], [67.88, 222.56]], "duration": 222.56, "id": 1979}, {"image_id": "v_gGYje5UGLdY.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking into frame in front of a pair of drums. He then begins playing the drums back and fourth. He continues to play on the drums and ends by turning the camera off.", "segments": [[0, 41.82], [51.38, 182.8], [117.09, 232.98]], "duration": 238.96, "id": 1980}, {"image_id": "v_QBy64z68s0w.mp4", "caption": "A young girl performs her gymnastics routine on the balance beam. The young girl gets on the beam and continues her routine. The young girl falls off the beam. The young girl gets back on the beam and finishes her routine.", "segments": [[0, 6.31], [6.31, 31.07], [31.07, 32.53], [32.53, 97.1]], "duration": 97.1, "id": 1981}, {"image_id": "v_KSu59HUet3E.mp4", "caption": "A man with white shirt is standing in front of a machine. He turned around and pointed the machine. The machine is being shown. A man who is wearing a white shirt keeps talking, while behind him a man in gray shirt walked and reach something in the machine. The man in gray shirt put a powdery stuff in the machine. He is shaking the bag. The man in white shirt is putting cement on the wall. The man is holding a blue long tube pointing on the wall. The man in gray uniform used the tube/pump and spray the cement on the wall. An old man is smoothing the cement on the wall.", "segments": [[8.41, 28.27], [12.23, 28.27], [17.58, 41.27], [13.76, 41.27], [23.69, 48.14], [25.22, 44.32], [25.98, 63.43], [34.39, 58.84], [45.09, 90.17], [75.65, 152.83]], "duration": 152.82999999999998, "id": 1982}, {"image_id": "v_bUHE8XcPZgs.mp4", "caption": "We see a man walk to the parallel bars and jump on. We see the man perform a routine on the bars. The man does a handstand. The man flips and dismounts from the bars. The man raise his arms in the air. The man walks away and hugs another man.", "segments": [[0, 12.32], [11.95, 60.86], [52.27, 56.38], [58.25, 61.23], [60.86, 63.85], [63.85, 74.68]], "duration": 74.68, "id": 1983}, {"image_id": "v_fruimvo90vA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen running down a long track and jumping into a pit. The camera watches her as she walks away and sticks her tongue out to another person.", "segments": [[1.11, 14.98], [15.35, 34.22]], "duration": 36.99, "id": 1984}, {"image_id": "v_06eyqLosXjU.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing behind two inverted drums. He begins to play them with small sticks. He finishes playing and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 3.42], [3.42, 216.4], [215.26, 227.79]], "duration": 227.79, "id": 1985}, {"image_id": "v_8W-x068F4tE.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing before a beam and begins performing a gymnastics routine. He swings himself around and around performing flips and tricks and ends by kissing the crowd and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 34.69], [30.03, 58.31]], "duration": 58.31, "id": 1986}, {"image_id": "v_Zrv8_-Y-jSM.mp4", "caption": "A special effect intro screen appears which is mainly blue and white words in the middle of the screen appear and they read \"ROPE SKIPPING\".Behind the words there are 4 girls with their own jump ropes and they're all rope skipping separately and eventually they jump in unison.White words appear on the screen that read \"Klasse 7c/Fr Leifels\", the girls drop to the ground to end their routine and they smile and look around.", "segments": [[0, 1.9], [1.9, 22.41], [22.41, 27.17]], "duration": 27.17, "id": 1987}, {"image_id": "v_VTFIAQVjHv8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a grey print hoodie is standing against a wall introducing himself and then explaining that he is going to give a tutorial for some tricks. A stop start animation with a desk calendar is shown with flip animation drawings blending into framed animation leading to the title of the group and the skateboard tutorial they are about to explain. Footage of a skateboarder doing a trick in front of a camera is followed by the man in the grey hoodie explaining that he is going to show how to do a frontside 180 on a skateboard and what it can be used for as well as the fundamentals befor learning the trick. He then goes into the explanation of how to do the trick in depth as well as footage being shown while he's talking about the trick. The camera pans up and a black screen appears with white letters and a website address followed by a film company and a site channel.", "segments": [[0, 4.8], [6.73, 18.26], [19.22, 49.97], [50.93, 183.54], [184.5, 192.19]], "duration": 192.19, "id": 1988}, {"image_id": "v_rteN6_HkMkI.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown smoking a cigarette while walking several dogs attached to chains on his belt. A man is talking from behind a table. Several scenes are then shown of the actor while the news person talks about him.", "segments": [[0, 7.28], [10.31, 46.09], [50.95, 121.3]], "duration": 121.3, "id": 1989}, {"image_id": "v_rojFvhZw_z8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is getting ready to bath her dog in her front yard. She takes a hose and wets the dog first. There is another little puppy running around the dog and a little kitten too. The woman takes some liquid soap and scrubs it on the dog. After she's done washing, she wipes him dry with a towel. then she bathes the little puppy the same way with soap and water. The dog is playing on a rug after the bath is over with wet fur on his body. The little puppy is running around the dog with wet fur too.", "segments": [[12.94, 25.07], [25.07, 36.39], [36.39, 58.23], [58.23, 71.17], [71.17, 92.2], [92.2, 116.46], [116.46, 142.34], [142.34, 150.43]], "duration": 161.75, "id": 1990}, {"image_id": "v_aCSG6pfivy4.mp4", "caption": "A tray of cookies is shown, followed by butter being beaten in a bowl. Ingredients are added one at a time, mixing them all together. The dough is piped onto the tray, then baked.", "segments": [[0, 22.49], [28.91, 99.58], [100.38, 160.61]], "duration": 160.61, "id": 1991}, {"image_id": "v_DuDF7hkrjYo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a room talking. She picks up a plastic bottle. She starts dusting a dresser. She wipes it off with a towel. She dumps olive oil onto a rag and rubs it onto the dresser.", "segments": [[0, 34.96], [36.45, 52.81], [60.25, 79.59], [78.85, 85.54], [119.76, 148.77]], "duration": 148.77, "id": 1992}, {"image_id": "v_oZjx7F1doGs.mp4", "caption": "Two men exhibit and demonstrate the use of an automated tennis ball server on a tennis ball court. An animation graphic appears exhibiting two gold cylinders inside of a metal bracket. The animated graphic morphs into a real and actual version of the graphic, appearing on a outdoor tennis court and flanked by two men. The two men standing next to the machinery place tennis balls into the machine, which in turn spits out the balls acting as an automated tennis ball server for a player who is standing on the other side of the tennis court with a tennis racket.", "segments": [[30.38, 142.49], [7.23, 28.21], [28.93, 55.69], [51.35, 142.49]], "duration": 144.66, "id": 1993}, {"image_id": "v_ZoKZTceDTLA.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking while walking through a house. We see another man working on the floor. We see a man laying tile in another room. Two men are in the same room working on different projects. We see the man talking to the camera again.", "segments": [[0, 15.68], [25.58, 37.13], [49.5, 90.75], [92.4, 153.45], [155.1, 165]], "duration": 165.0, "id": 1994}, {"image_id": "v_eJnSC8C3OIw.mp4", "caption": "A website address is typed in. Skateboards skate and do tricks down stairs and on benches throughout a city. A skateboarder rides a concrete ramp in a skate park. Skateboarders ride the banks of a drainage ditch. Different skateboarders ride in a concrete ramp doing tricks. The city lights are seen at night with passing traffic in fast motion.", "segments": [[0, 10.52], [17.54, 220.94], [61.96, 66.63], [100.53, 135.61], [151.97, 158.99], [225.62, 233.8]], "duration": 233.8, "id": 1995}, {"image_id": "v_vNyXwHA_k5A.mp4", "caption": "People are dancing on a stage. People in the audience are raising their hands. A man in a white shirt starts singing and dancing on the stage.", "segments": [[0, 148.39], [8.16, 148.39], [30.42, 148.39]], "duration": 148.39, "id": 1996}, {"image_id": "v_KyDS9Zg76Jg.mp4", "caption": "A chef demonstrates how to cut and chop several vegetables as he prepares an asian inspired meal. A chef in a white chefs outfit in a kitchen, boils potatoes and onions in a pot. The chef talks to the camera and takes a series of vegetables and chops them up on a counter. The chef then puts the vegetables along with some oil into a bowl and sticks two large chopsticks in to showcase the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 151.68], [0, 1.52], [16.01, 101.37], [104.42, 150.92]], "duration": 152.44, "id": 1997}, {"image_id": "v_x5MPJnwJrfE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen laying down on a table with a man tattooing her from behind. A woman watches on the side as the man continues tattooing and the woman having him stop. The woman continues trying to get the tattoo but stopping and speaking to the camera because it hurt so bad.", "segments": [[1.31, 33.43], [36.71, 106.85], [68.17, 122.58]], "duration": 131.1, "id": 1998}, {"image_id": "v_N5J9Zb07uuQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a ladder and leads into several pictures of him on the ladder and then painting the wall with another. They're seen hanging up posters, climbing up and down ladders, and finally cutting carious foods on a large stick afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 96.98], [65.24, 176.33]], "duration": 176.32999999999998, "id": 1999}, {"image_id": "v_qYpb_3oAM0k.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting down on a chair. He starts playing an accordion in his lap. He stops playing and looks at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 95.32], [3.81, 91.03], [90.55, 95.32]], "duration": 95.32, "id": 2000}, {"image_id": "v_QZCBVJHF81w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking forward speaking to the camera and begins washing a car. The man scrubs all around the car while still speaking to the camera. He continues to wash the car and stops for a moment to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.05], [26.45, 92.56], [72.13, 118.41]], "duration": 120.21, "id": 2001}, {"image_id": "v_9_wuEvN2OnQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is trying to play bad-mitten. She is hitting the shuttle cock. She is walking around the court, looking around. She is trying to play the game with not much effort. She hands another racket to a friend. She is not really playing. The other player is a more serious player as she serves. The game of bad-mitten continues as the first player missed again and again. People walk in front of the camera. The camera shows the other two players. The game goes on for a while longer before it ends.", "segments": [[0, 6.46], [6.46, 19.38], [19.38, 30.46], [30.46, 38.77], [38.77, 44.3], [44.3, 69.22], [69.22, 84.92], [83.99, 95.99], [95.99, 107.99], [108.91, 118.14], [117.22, 184.6]], "duration": 184.6, "id": 2002}, {"image_id": "v_UoGoOznvKew.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen looking at the camera and holding up a piece of makeup. She then takes out her contacts and holds up another container. She then puts another set of contacts in and smiles to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.6], [36.46, 97.93], [80.78, 131.53]], "duration": 142.97, "id": 2003}, {"image_id": "v_1Uur858vdY8.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing ready and begins running down a track and jumping into a pit. The man celebrates as his score is shown and his jump is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0.46, 16.64], [13.1, 30.35]], "duration": 30.81, "id": 2004}, {"image_id": "v_4E40jmmc2N8.mp4", "caption": "A large man is seen sitting in the middle of a circle looking away from the camera. The man then spins himself around with a discuss in his hands. Finally he throws the object off into the distance.", "segments": [[0.14, 2.85], [2.76, 6.43], [6.34, 8.83]], "duration": 9.06, "id": 2005}, {"image_id": "v_XCwPsQwzfiA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is pouring ingredients into a Kitchen aid. She turns it on and mixes the ingredients together. She pours the mixture into to cake pans. A piece of cake is shown on a plate.", "segments": [[27.32, 140.13], [46.71, 140.13], [140.13, 155.99], [166.57, 170.09]], "duration": 176.26, "id": 2006}, {"image_id": "v_eECoZPqsTYI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing drums on a set of buckets while several people walk past him and others record him. The man continues to play as the camera pans all around him and people continue to walk around him and show off the area.", "segments": [[2.4, 89.42], [59.88, 156.49]], "duration": 159.68, "id": 2007}, {"image_id": "v_pcrNMrBmy1I.mp4", "caption": "Two teams are playing lacrosse outdoors. Players score and jump and run to celebrate the scores. A player take the ball on the stick and run to the goal to score, where a player scores. The board shows the winner.", "segments": [[0, 114.89], [16.41, 67.48], [60.18, 66.87], [114.89, 118.54]], "duration": 121.58, "id": 2008}, {"image_id": "v_7Xl0K-revJc.mp4", "caption": "A man teaches the proper way to get a mouthpiece on a saxophone. He then describes how to properly play the horn.", "segments": [[0, 73.68], [80.5, 136.44]], "duration": 136.44, "id": 2009}, {"image_id": "v_8M_RipfsJI8.mp4", "caption": "A man is reaching into water and washing his face. A woman is working on the otherside of the water. The man splashes the worker with water. A woman looks on and laughs at the man.", "segments": [[0, 7.56], [0, 63], [8.19, 19.84], [17.64, 63]], "duration": 63.0, "id": 2010}, {"image_id": "v_1sp7zRy1Rxo.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are sitting around a table and transitions into people sitting on a ski lift. They begin taking turns riding down the snowy mountain and several shots are shown of them riding the lift and down the mountain.", "segments": [[0, 61.63], [60.31, 132.54]], "duration": 132.54, "id": 2011}, {"image_id": "v_ndGz8-hHSt4.mp4", "caption": "A person puts on a welding helmet. Then, the person weld a piece of metal. Then, the person finish to weld and rise his helmet but it folds down.", "segments": [[0, 11.23], [11.6, 34.06], [34.25, 37.43]], "duration": 37.43, "id": 2012}, {"image_id": "v_BfSqo9ONd6g.mp4", "caption": "There's a dirt biking event going on which is sponsored by Monster energy drink. There are several contestants participating in the event. One of the contestants falls off his bike and seems like he's injured. He gets up right away and walks to the corner.", "segments": [[12.66, 44.88], [44.88, 73.65], [73.65, 98.39], [98.39, 106.45]], "duration": 115.08, "id": 2013}, {"image_id": "v_dZMMhVx7yY4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera followed by him talking to random women on the beach. They play a game together and when he wins the girl gives him a kiss. When they lose the girl smacks him. Several girls laugh and play along while getting a kiss or slapping the man.", "segments": [[0, 40.19], [44.29, 99.24], [75.45, 118.1], [116.46, 164.03]], "duration": 164.03, "id": 2014}, {"image_id": "v_Lg-mJS-BZZo.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wearing a funny costume while holding onto a piece of machinery. The man pushes the machinery around the lawn while looking into the camera. The man continues using the machine while looking off into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.84], [3.91, 11.74], [10.53, 14.67]], "duration": 15.05, "id": 2015}, {"image_id": "v_zUt53fHpqc8.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are shown cheering and jumping around in slow motion. Many people are present as trophies are displayed. A bunch of people gather to play beer pong and drink. Various shots of the action at different tables is shown and then the video cuts to an internet address to find out more information.", "segments": [[0, 15.63], [15.28, 20.61], [20.61, 41.92], [41.57, 71.05]], "duration": 71.05, "id": 2016}, {"image_id": "v_KsKUIIHiMg0.mp4", "caption": "There are two women in a bathroom washing clothes in blue buckets filled with foamy soap water. The women soak the clothes in the soap water and rinse them out to clean them. Then she put the clothes in a large metal drum that spins rapidly to drain off excess water. They then go on top of their building in an open terrace where ropes are tied across the walls. They begin hanging the clothes on the clothesline for drying.", "segments": [[22.26, 59.37], [59.37, 91.52], [91.52, 125.33], [125.33, 147.59], [147.59, 154.19]], "duration": 164.91, "id": 2017}, {"image_id": "v_UXc2y7lR5t0.mp4", "caption": "A boy hangs on monkey bars. He crosses the obstacle easily. He looks proud of himself. He smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0.46, 3.33], [4.07, 15.17], [15.35, 16.92], [16.65, 18.5]], "duration": 18.5, "id": 2018}, {"image_id": "v_hKE7vI--XGU.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a shawl stands in front of a tropical plant outdoors. A woman presents a band on stage for a performance. A flute player plays a part of a song during the performance. The band plays a song together during the performance.", "segments": [[0, 21.72], [25.34, 29.99], [31.03, 66.19], [67.74, 100.32]], "duration": 103.42, "id": 2019}, {"image_id": "v_93jSVyXW5gc.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a shooting room holding a bow and throwing the arrow into a board. woman stands in a bg large field holding a bow and thowing arrow to baloons. woman is standing in a small court holding a bow and throwing an arow to an apple in a man's head. man is standing in a alrge green field showing a woman how to shoot an arrow and the woman pulls out a gun from the pockets and shot to the board. man is standing next to a tree holding a camera. woman is throwing arros to a watermelon. woman is throwing arrows to movie posters and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 15.06], [15.06, 26.21], [26.21, 32.91], [32.35, 46.85], [71.39, 73.62], [46.85, 69.72], [69.72, 111.55]], "duration": 111.55, "id": 2020}, {"image_id": "v_oLrkd6M2WRY.mp4", "caption": "man is talking to the camera standing next to a box. man is assembling a shuffleboard court in a sidewalk. man start playing the suffleboard hitting the pucks.", "segments": [[0, 23.04], [23.04, 70.14], [70.64, 100.2]], "duration": 100.2, "id": 2021}, {"image_id": "v_CIJp-SG3sWE.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks to the edge of the diving board. The girl extends her hands. The girl dives into pool. The girl swims to the edge of the pool.", "segments": [[0.14, 14.72], [15.44, 18.87], [19.58, 21.01], [24.73, 28.58]], "duration": 28.58, "id": 2022}, {"image_id": "v_WmQC309JCAI.mp4", "caption": "Men in a jerseys are standing around with their arms crossed just kind of staring into space. Then, you see them on the field playing a game and later talking a little bit about it. They each seem to recall their own memories of times they won medal and stare at their medals. they stand around in a small group talking and then you see an audience cheering and clapping.", "segments": [[0, 26.26], [28.07, 81.49], [81.49, 146.68], [146.68, 181.08]], "duration": 181.08, "id": 2023}, {"image_id": "v_-h3NbdE8N9M.mp4", "caption": "A team is on a field, trying to get the ball from their opponents. They are playing a game of lacrosse. They fight over the ball, trying to get it into a goal.", "segments": [[0, 22.42], [30.5, 120.2], [134.55, 179.4]], "duration": 179.4, "id": 2024}, {"image_id": "v_NfjeG6AsoJA.mp4", "caption": "kids are playing on the playground in the school ground. kids are swingin in the swing on a side. little kid stands on the edge of the slide.", "segments": [[0, 55.1], [1.1, 55.1], [27.27, 55.1]], "duration": 55.1, "id": 2025}, {"image_id": "v_rBsRSdPFOww.mp4", "caption": "A chef dressed in a white chef's outfit is demonstrating how to sharpen kitchen knives using a tool called Rada knife sharpener. He is standing in a kitchen in front of the counter that has a variety of raw vegetables displayed. He places a kitchen towel on the counter and then places the knife on top of it. He then demonstrates how to use the Rada sharpening tool to sharpen the kitchen knife by running iit back and forth in gentle and steady motion.", "segments": [[8.49, 26.24], [26.24, 42.07], [42.07, 62.52], [62.52, 71.4]], "duration": 77.18, "id": 2026}, {"image_id": "v_HfpCQGe9eA0.mp4", "caption": "A guy rises to his feet.The guy walks on a tight rope. The guy turns to walk back. The guy walks backwards on the tight rope. The guy steps off the tight rope and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 2.32], [2.32, 39.73], [10.14, 11.83], [24.93, 27.68], [40.15, 42.26]], "duration": 42.26, "id": 2027}, {"image_id": "v_hZRgO5Kd-rE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into various ingredients begin shown and a person slicing up cheese. The person mixes ingredients together and lays them on slices of bread to create a sandwich. The person presses the food into a presser and takes a large bite afterwards.", "segments": [[10.25, 60.67], [66.65, 146.97], [135.86, 169.19]], "duration": 170.9, "id": 2028}, {"image_id": "v_EML3BvJxknA.mp4", "caption": "An older man is sitting in a tube while an older woman climbs on the back. The man in the tube is wearing skiis and eventually rides behind the boat with the woman on top. The couple continue riding on top of each other on the skis while the camera zooms in and out to capture the movement.", "segments": [[0, 18.63], [19.8, 53.57], [37.85, 116.45]], "duration": 116.45, "id": 2029}, {"image_id": "v_3OGD7if0zs8.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands in a kitchen, staring at the camera. The person opens an oven and pulls out a tray of chocolate chip cookies. The woman stares at the cookies, and a second batch is checked. The woman scoops the cookies off the tray, loosening them.", "segments": [[0, 6.19], [7.61, 35.21], [36.64, 70.89], [73.27, 95.16]], "duration": 95.16, "id": 2030}, {"image_id": "v_OVpvpvmV2pg.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is smiling close to the camera. He uses a wrench to remove the bolts from a kids' bike tires. When he is done, he laughs loudly.", "segments": [[0, 11.19], [12.25, 88.96], [97.48, 106.53]], "duration": 106.53, "id": 2031}, {"image_id": "v_huI9TvxZxmM.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman dressed up on stage waiting to start their performance. The performance begins and the start dancing very beautifully. They work very well together, he picks her up on his shoulders. They use the chair as a prop and dance until it time to stop and then they hug.", "segments": [[0, 15.56], [15.56, 59.03], [59.03, 86.93], [89.08, 107.32]], "duration": 107.32, "id": 2032}, {"image_id": "v_TADJh_DZOfE.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A female athlete claps her hands. The female athlete runs and elevates her body over a heighten hurdle. The female athlete rises and yells in joy. The female athlete dances and spins. The female athlete walks away. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.32, 3.53], [4.17, 6.1], [16.04, 49.09], [24.38, 45.88], [30.48, 35.94], [52.62, 58.72], [59.36, 63.53]], "duration": 64.17, "id": 2033}, {"image_id": "v_9o2iojC7gSw.mp4", "caption": "A indoor course is panned with camera in a warehouse setting. An athlete runs down a track and pole vaults over a high bar and onto a cushioned landing pad. The pole vaulter discusses events and sets down some wooden pools before use. The athlete discusses more and is seen on television screens doing previous pole vaults. The athlete sits with a coach and watches a tv screen. The athlete stands and talks on the track and does a warm up run jumping on the mats. The athlete lays on a mat next to a female athlete and stretches. The athlete does multiple pole vaults during practice onto the mat. The outside of the warehouse is seen in a city setting.", "segments": [[5.91, 7.87], [9.84, 17.72], [18.37, 31.5], [32.81, 49.87], [51.18, 54.46], [58.4, 87.27], [76.78, 79.4], [90.56, 123.37], [129.93, 131.24]], "duration": 131.24, "id": 2034}, {"image_id": "v_x1Z_3-X49HY.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a cat is seen sitting in a person's lap. The person then grabs a pair of clippers and begins cutting the nails of the cat. He continues cutting the nails and shows off the cat paws in the end.", "segments": [[0, 23.42], [22.96, 61.07], [61.07, 87.7]], "duration": 91.84, "id": 2035}, {"image_id": "v_MCnvxOLnbsg.mp4", "caption": "A silver car is parked in the street. A man power washes the car in the street. He then dries it off. The car is now completely clean.", "segments": [[0, 52.84], [6.17, 19.31], [21.46, 38.09], [37.02, 53.65]], "duration": 53.65, "id": 2036}, {"image_id": "v_AyYpsQ4xOo8.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks to the camera in a street environment while pedestrians and cars pass by. The woman peeks out from behind a wall. The woman looks at a laptop screen with a man.The man applies a tattoo pattern to the woman's upper arm, with the video sometimes passing in accelerated time. The woman shows the completed tattoo while talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 45.92], [47.87, 49.83], [50.8, 55.69], [56.66, 143.62], [145.57, 180.74]], "duration": 195.4, "id": 2037}, {"image_id": "v_O0uVjGlOW8M.mp4", "caption": "A vast ocean view is shown as a wave crashes in. This is repeated from several different angles. People are then shown surfing through the waves.", "segments": [[0, 25.41], [39.78, 107.18], [111.6, 220.99]], "duration": 220.99, "id": 2038}, {"image_id": "v_ZeugCIqbsD4.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of a table. He is holding a potato and peeler over a bowl. He peels the potato one strip at a time.", "segments": [[0, 5.62], [6.35, 23.68], [26.13, 48.83]], "duration": 48.83, "id": 2039}, {"image_id": "v_YpA8T0ZjRIo.mp4", "caption": "Cars are getting washed at a car wash. A play room in the car wash is being shown. The outside of the car wash building is shown.", "segments": [[4.81, 52.96], [60.19, 66.21], [71.82, 80.25]], "duration": 80.25, "id": 2040}, {"image_id": "v_bXT72HACH4I.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with a red and white logo on the upper left, black and white words going diagonal on the upper middle that read \"SOKOL DOBRIS\" and the bottom have purple and white words that read \"ROPE SKIPPING\".Next shown is a still shot of black shirt with the logo on the upper left of the chest and the word \"DOBRIS\" under it and a red and white jump rope is on top of it.There are 4 different people standing on an indoor court, and 3 are holding ends of 2 different jump ropes and 1 person is rope jumping.Various clips of people rope jumping play and sometimes there's just 1 person jumping alone, but most times there are between 2 and 4 and a lot of times they are alternating between jumping and holding the rope. The clips of videos ends and various still shot pictures involving rope jumping are shown on the screen and a black screen appears when the pictures are done and the purple and white letters appear on the screen that say \"ROPE SKIPPING\".", "segments": [[0, 4.04], [4.04, 8.08], [8.08, 29.27], [29.28, 155.46], [155.46, 201.9]], "duration": 201.89, "id": 2041}, {"image_id": "v_j5cmc3cnLeU.mp4", "caption": "A couple dances in red outfits on a stage for a large audience on a stage lit with colorful lighting. A man and a woman passionately hold each other standing still in an embrace. The man dips his female partner down who does the splits at the end of the dance.", "segments": [[0, 98.41], [0, 3.64], [91.64, 98.41]], "duration": 104.14, "id": 2042}, {"image_id": "v_08uNrWxxHGY.mp4", "caption": "A woman with long hair paints on a large panel in time lapse video. The woman is still painting the panel, but now with a change of clothing. The woman is still painting the panel, but with yet another change of clothing. The woman paints with a fourth different set of clothing. The woman continues to paint with a fifth different set of clothing. The woman continues to paint with a sixth different set of clothing. A closeup of the completed picture is shown.", "segments": [[2.88, 34.62], [34.62, 75.96], [75.96, 87.5], [87.5, 106.73], [106.73, 157.69], [158.65, 186.54], [186.54, 188.46]], "duration": 192.31, "id": 2043}, {"image_id": "v_8Mdnvm8olC0.mp4", "caption": "An \"IAAF\" logo appears with the words \"Long Jump Men\". Several men run down a track and perform a long jump in a professional sports venue. A scoreboard graphic is shown for all the participating players.", "segments": [[0, 2.37], [2.85, 82.15], [82.62, 94.97]], "duration": 94.97, "id": 2044}, {"image_id": "v_-YVhOi8vt_Q.mp4", "caption": "A person places down a rubik's cube on a folder. The puzzle is then solved in 11 seconds.", "segments": [[0, 4.17], [5.6, 21.97]], "duration": 21.97, "id": 2045}, {"image_id": "v_xoXTlNWkC7w.mp4", "caption": "A black screen is shown and various white words are shown.After,a Caucasian man is shown playing the hand drums and stomping his foot.", "segments": [[0, 16.3], [16.3, 181.12]], "duration": 181.12, "id": 2046}, {"image_id": "v_6YvF2YHee5I.mp4", "caption": "A shovel rakes along the snow covered ground of a yard. It pulls up the snow in large amounts.A man pulls up the shovel, and sets it aside.", "segments": [[0, 28.26], [31.69, 74.5], [76.22, 85.64]], "duration": 85.64, "id": 2047}, {"image_id": "v_GwLhmYF7Wdw.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a white cloth in a studio doing exercise in an elliptical machine showing the characteristics of the bike. woman is doing the same that the man, watching the elliptical and doing exercise.", "segments": [[0, 147.29], [147.29, 191.29]], "duration": 191.29, "id": 2048}, {"image_id": "v_OixwThoO8z4.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears and handwritten looking white text appears on the screen and it say's \"Bart Rollin\".A man is outdoors in a city skating with and without a shirt on in different locations, falling a few times and skating both at day and night while people look on at different locations, and sometimes he's alone.When the man is done skating the outro appears and it includes a screenshot of what looks like a bloody finger, a white screen with a male faintly drawn on it and black words scroll from bottom to top until just the white screen with the male drawing is only visible.", "segments": [[0, 4.26], [4.26, 143.96], [143.96, 170.36]], "duration": 170.37, "id": 2049}, {"image_id": "v_-Q03gEypilg.mp4", "caption": "This woman is walking, jumping, and flipping on the balance beam. When she's done she walks off the stage and goes to her dad.", "segments": [[0, 187.68], [179.56, 202.9]], "duration": 202.9, "id": 2050}, {"image_id": "v_uA3dbKjT9rM.mp4", "caption": "A girl sitting int eh driver seat of a car is talking on her phone on speaker. She hangs up and starts talking out loud and then her and her friend are walking through a parking garage. The girls are walking and talking through the mall, then they go to Claires to get ears pierced. They continue walking around the mall for a while.", "segments": [[0, 13.33], [13.33, 34.99], [34.16, 112.47], [112.47, 166.63]], "duration": 166.63, "id": 2051}, {"image_id": "v_GsNyn-6DDJM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting down in a chair. A boy is brushing her long hair. She laughs and covers her mouth with her hand.", "segments": [[0, 33.16], [0.66, 33.16], [9.28, 10.61]], "duration": 33.16, "id": 2052}, {"image_id": "v_Z_F01eV0Iqw.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a little boy in a motorcycle helmet, in a restaurant. The cameraman hands him skis. A woman and baby come sit near him and he attempts to walk, only to fall. Next are clips of the little boy skiing with his father down a snowy slope. At one point, he glides on a small ramp. He also faces a tumble. Soon the boy and his family load their vehicle to leave. The video ends with a picture of the little boy and his dad.", "segments": [[0, 43.4], [6.85, 11.42], [23.98, 43.4], [46.83, 228.43], [55.96, 60.53], [85.66, 92.51], [183.88, 217.01], [218.15, 228.43]], "duration": 228.43, "id": 2053}, {"image_id": "v_zyi4NVylqB0.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen shaking hands and standing together followed by a man blowing a whistle and people running around. The people then play a game of soccer with one another, running up and down the sandy field while coaches yell on the side and a goal is blocked.", "segments": [[0.5, 50.1], [37.07, 97.19]], "duration": 100.2, "id": 2054}, {"image_id": "v_YnvefOl6a7k.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown standing next to a tree holding christmas decorations in his hands. He then hangs the decorations all around the tree while looking back and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 51.62], [52.35, 145.4]], "duration": 145.4, "id": 2055}, {"image_id": "v_QvP8tPp8Wog.mp4", "caption": "There's a young man in a red shirt playing an acoustic guitar. He strums the guitar using his pick and moves his fingers along the chords. After he is done playing, he looks up and smiles.", "segments": [[35.64, 45.36], [45.36, 58], [58, 61.57]], "duration": 64.81, "id": 2056}, {"image_id": "v_QaNQrUpmmgo.mp4", "caption": "A woman in an orange shirt is sitting on an exercise machine. She begins working out on the exercise machine. People are walking past a window behind her.", "segments": [[14.13, 117.07], [24.22, 117.07], [65.26, 71.99]], "duration": 134.56, "id": 2057}, {"image_id": "v_D_zM6YmlUnw.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a tan apron is holding a knife and talking. She then shows an appliance on the table and tilts it upwards. She turns a dial on the appliance and sets it back down. She picks the knife back up and places it on the appliance. She turns the dial again on the appliance. She picks the knife back up and places it in the appliance and slowly draws it back several times. She slices a tomato on a wood block with the knife. She grabs a second knife and puts it in the appliance.", "segments": [[0, 17.93], [19.05, 24.65], [35.85, 48.18], [75.06, 84.03], [87.39, 90.75], [104.19, 152.37], [155.73, 177.02], [188.22, 219.59]], "duration": 224.07, "id": 2058}, {"image_id": "v_hOcP06xuKFg.mp4", "caption": "A person grabs a disk from a pile of disks. They throw it down a shuffle board. The continue to throw disks down the shuffleboard.", "segments": [[0, 0.59], [7.23, 27.76], [33.04, 39.1]], "duration": 39.1, "id": 2059}, {"image_id": "v_6jxqb8FyWnQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men are shown sitting at a table with their arms crossed one another. They grab each other's hand and begin an arm wrestling match with one yelling to the other. One almost wins but the other pulls back quickly and wins while screaming and pushing.", "segments": [[0, 7.42], [8.43, 19.66], [20.46, 40.13]], "duration": 40.13, "id": 2060}, {"image_id": "v_YZacstLO0XA.mp4", "caption": "A man is demonstrating how to make a three egg omelette in his kitchen. He starts by cracking the eggs in a clear glass bowl. He then beats the eggs well and adds some butter into the saucepan. He pours the raw egg batter into the pan. He lifts the pan and moves it around to shuffle the eggs. He then tops is off with some grated cheese. He takes a fork and slides the omelette into a white plate. He then garnishes it with some greens on top for a healthy touch.", "segments": [[11.72, 18.87], [18.87, 31.24], [31.24, 42.96], [42.96, 57.28], [57.28, 73.55], [73.55, 89.17], [89.17, 109.99], [109.99, 124.96]], "duration": 130.17, "id": 2061}, {"image_id": "v_z4qaGiWt-bo.mp4", "caption": "A team is on a field as a runner throws the ball, which the batter hits and is caught. The coach instructs the players as they continue the game. The players walk away, then a view of the ball coming at the bat is shown.", "segments": [[0, 11.15], [11.95, 64.13], [66.52, 79.67]], "duration": 79.67, "id": 2062}, {"image_id": "v_mqa1ptnQWWo.mp4", "caption": "A wall is shown, covered in hanging tools. A man is in a workshop, talking about roofing shingles. He demonstrates how to apply glue, tile, and then hammer and nail the tiles into place.", "segments": [[0, 24.72], [28.06, 89.52], [96.87, 133.61]], "duration": 133.61, "id": 2063}, {"image_id": "v_bQVMoeBK7XU.mp4", "caption": "A bottle of aging cream is shown and a woman begins to apply it on her face in her T-zone.Once it is evenly displayed,several paragraphs begin to show about the use of the product and what each week should be.After,a short sentence appears and tells you to go on their web page to get more details.", "segments": [[0, 28.02], [28.52, 87.55], [88.05, 100.06]], "duration": 100.06, "id": 2064}, {"image_id": "v_ExMpLopi9ug.mp4", "caption": "Gymasts are standing in a competition room. A man mounts a beam. He begins to spin, flips, and do several tricks. He dismounts, raising his arms into the air and bowing.", "segments": [[0, 3.57], [3.99, 8.39], [9.23, 36.92], [40.07, 41.96]], "duration": 41.96, "id": 2065}, {"image_id": "v_uzgIBU9arcU.mp4", "caption": "A baby is seen swinging back and fourth on a swing while laughing and smiling to the camera. The baby continues moving back and fourth while looking up to the camera and smiling.", "segments": [[0.51, 17.23], [10.51, 24.32]], "duration": 25.33, "id": 2066}, {"image_id": "v_8YkCDiVc7RI.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen speaking and waving to the camera that lead into them performing several jumps and tricks on a mat. the girls continue taking turns flipping all around the mat in the area as well as speaking to the camera and waving.", "segments": [[1.62, 64.66], [38.8, 102.38]], "duration": 107.75999999999999, "id": 2067}, {"image_id": "v_r9xmgB116dE.mp4", "caption": "An Asian woman is sitting, then she ride the skateboard and began skating on the empty road. The girl is skateboarding side to side, and while holding a selfie stick. The girl skateboard on the sidewalk, near the water, in a narrow path, and park.", "segments": [[0, 205.36], [50.31, 118.08], [74.96, 205.36]], "duration": 205.36, "id": 2068}, {"image_id": "v_feYYvRmqCgI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people sitting on elevated bleachers, watch a man on a horse lasso a small black calf in a, dirt covered, indoor, rodeo ring. The man emerges into the ring from a floor level door, on a horse, chasing after a small black calf. The man simultaneously throws a rope around the calfs neck and dismounts the horse, while the horse is in motion. Upon landing on the ground after the dismount, the man runs to the calf and ties the calf up in the rope, and then walks back to the horse and mounts the horse again while two men enter the ring and grab for the tied up calf.", "segments": [[0, 32.64], [5.8, 8.45], [8.45, 9.44], [9.28, 33.14]], "duration": 33.14, "id": 2069}, {"image_id": "v_iPXyExgGD5Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown in a bathroom choosing a toothbrush. He then brushes his teeth and sees blood. He uses listerine mouth wash for thirty seconds to kill the germs.", "segments": [[0, 9.18], [9.77, 31.65], [32.05, 39.08]], "duration": 39.08, "id": 2070}, {"image_id": "v_NZ5iioSnCO8.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a table is shown as well as a man standing around the table and pointing to the side. Two men are watching on the side as the game continues and another man records on his phone.", "segments": [[0, 32.29], [29.54, 68.71]], "duration": 68.71000000000001, "id": 2071}, {"image_id": "v_TlDkQ8SNG64.mp4", "caption": "A boy sits a top a camel. The camel begins to move with the help of a handler. People appear in the background.", "segments": [[0, 4.01], [4.01, 25.84], [20.03, 25.84]], "duration": 25.84, "id": 2072}, {"image_id": "v_YLT7YEwUCwI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him sitting still in a pool. The man then begins swimming around the pool back and fourth with others. Several shots are shown of him swimming around people as well as moving in the water.", "segments": [[0, 44.87], [46.02, 167.99], [148.43, 220.92]], "duration": 230.12, "id": 2073}, {"image_id": "v_7KYj4FQUESo.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown vacuuming a large rug with a green vacuum cleaner. A caption comes up on the screen while the man continues to use the vacuum all over the rug.", "segments": [[0.44, 28.31], [11.21, 28.02]], "duration": 29.49, "id": 2074}, {"image_id": "v_6Epn-R6sg5U.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a pool table is shown followed by a person walking around the sides. The person then hits a pool ball continuously around the table. The man then sinks the last ball and celebrates with a group of people.", "segments": [[1.28, 22.13], [26.38, 61.7], [47.23, 82.55]], "duration": 85.1, "id": 2075}, {"image_id": "v_JUvqA51RX0Y.mp4", "caption": "A man throws a ball onto the sidewalk. He plays hopscotch to pick it up. A little kid runs around in front of him.", "segments": [[5.12, 11.85], [10.77, 36.36], [0, 44.98]], "duration": 53.87, "id": 2076}, {"image_id": "v_7lNAmkaMyyg.mp4", "caption": "A man holding an ice scraper is pushing ice off of his car while the camera zoom in. The camera shows his hands mutiple times close up gradually pushing piece by piece of ice off.", "segments": [[0, 13.65], [3.62, 10.99]], "duration": 13.65, "id": 2077}, {"image_id": "v_X7-1DRvX-LU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a living room in front of a fire. She cuts wrapping paper in strips, then wraps it neatly around a box. She tapes the box, then lays it down gently on the table.", "segments": [[0, 17.13], [18.27, 174.68], [180.39, 228.35]], "duration": 228.35, "id": 2078}, {"image_id": "v_qm1dudWLlUg.mp4", "caption": "A man is drinking a beer during a game while others look on and smile. Several people are watching the match and the man drinking a beer looks at the camera and smiles.", "segments": [[0.91, 11.44], [10.16, 16.83]], "duration": 18.3, "id": 2079}, {"image_id": "v_I5N4rwhRa0o.mp4", "caption": "The title and logo appear on the screen. A man holding a saxophone plays and talks to the camera in between. A man holds the saxophone up to show the bottom. The man takes the mouthpiece off his saxophone, and replaces it. We see a closeup of the man playing the saxophone, it zooms out and in on him again. We see a closeup of the opening of the horn.The screen goes black and we see the end screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.65], [4.56, 173.19], [47.4, 51.96], [78.39, 97.53], [110.29, 122.14], [148.57, 153.13], [172.27, 182.3]], "duration": 182.3, "id": 2080}, {"image_id": "v_ZjHIN-M-dQY.mp4", "caption": "A group of people re riding stationary bikes in a big gym. One man moves a stationary bike. A woman adjusts the top hat she is wearing.", "segments": [[0, 57.01], [20.22, 23.2], [24.2, 25.85]], "duration": 66.29, "id": 2081}, {"image_id": "v_FCFSLuCZKj4.mp4", "caption": "A person is using a large armed window washing mechanism to wash the exterior, front, glass window of a sandwich store. The person is a man with grey hair and glasses and he uses the tool to wash the very top of the window all the way to the base of the glass. The man continues to wash all four glass panes one by one using squiggly motions before leaving the window and walking away from the store.", "segments": [[0, 125.01], [5.68, 48.61], [48.61, 125.01]], "duration": 126.27, "id": 2082}, {"image_id": "v_84g4J1rxkQc.mp4", "caption": "A man is in the woods, balancing on a tight rope. He walks back and forth on the rope, then jumps.", "segments": [[0, 55], [73.33, 174.59]], "duration": 174.59, "id": 2083}, {"image_id": "v_MFfJ4V9Dqvg.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is playing in the sand. The girl grabs a shovel. A person walks in front of the camera. The camera pans to the water. The girl walks to the water. The girl walks into the water.", "segments": [[0, 28.36], [12.93, 16.26], [14.6, 16.68], [29.19, 36.7], [39.62, 45.87], [70.06, 82.57]], "duration": 83.41, "id": 2084}, {"image_id": "v_0FTaJwbFdZI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is doing a dance routine on a stage. She twirls and kicks her legs around. She moves all around the stages and bends her body in numerous ways. She continues shaking her body for the audience to see. She shakes her hips back and fourth while moving her arms in various ways.", "segments": [[8.15, 203.66], [31.57, 60.08], [50.92, 107.94], [89.61, 172.1], [89.61, 197.55]], "duration": 203.66, "id": 2085}, {"image_id": "v_Z4KErmUO3gw.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see two ladies dancing in a field. We switch to ladies dancing around a bull in a rind. We see the ladies stand next to each other. We see the ladies on their knees in the field. We see three ladies on the field. We see two ladies dancing. We see the closing screens.", "segments": [[0, 3.03], [3.03, 18.19], [19.2, 166.7], [166.7, 177.81], [178.82, 182.87], [178.82, 186.91], [188.93, 192.97], [193.98, 202.06]], "duration": 202.06, "id": 2086}, {"image_id": "v_K-pwTH9ubkE.mp4", "caption": "A persons hands are seen playing a piano that pans away from the person playing. People are seen smiling and waving to the camera while the man continues to play the piano. The camera captures him from all over playing the piano as well as singing to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 48.87], [42.86, 109.02], [106.76, 144.36]], "duration": 150.37, "id": 2087}, {"image_id": "v_tg6HOGy0BBQ.mp4", "caption": "A man sits down with his leg on a chair. A person puts waxing strips on his leg and pulls off the hair. He puts his shirt over his face.", "segments": [[0, 200.2], [22.02, 174.18], [191.19, 200.2]], "duration": 200.2, "id": 2088}, {"image_id": "v_bay60VGnTls.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a tan suit is talking. A man in a green shirt is playing tennis while sitting on the ground. People walk along a sidewalk. The man in the green shirt is talking into a microphone. A man in a purple shirt then talks into the microphone. The man in green shirt continues to play tennis.", "segments": [[0, 14.17], [15.69, 51.11], [51.11, 54.66], [55.67, 66.8], [71.36, 92.11], [71.36, 101.22]], "duration": 101.22, "id": 2089}, {"image_id": "v_ubR7XPBJQH8.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen performing martial arts moves against one another and leads into a man speaking. The man then demonstrates several martial arts moves with another man while still speaking to the camera. The man continues these motions while stopping to demonstrate how it's properly done.", "segments": [[0, 49.15], [47.06, 159.99], [149.54, 201.82]], "duration": 209.14, "id": 2090}, {"image_id": "v_KKEyKFmatq0.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of soccer in an indoor arena. A man picks up the ball and throws it someone else. People fall onto the arena floor.", "segments": [[0, 135.88], [39.41, 45.52], [126.37, 127.73]], "duration": 135.88, "id": 2091}, {"image_id": "v_KujAY-AST9M.mp4", "caption": "Guys stand around in an indoor court. Two guys play relay soccer, an athlete touches the hands of his opponent and a goalie before he kicks a served ball. A player kicks the ball towards the goalie from center court. The guys pause for a short while.", "segments": [[0, 8.1], [9.26, 231.55], [149.35, 150.51], [153.98, 159.77]], "duration": 231.55, "id": 2092}, {"image_id": "v_3X2CY79a0X8.mp4", "caption": "A man pushes a lawnmower cutting down a high patch of weeds in a yard. The man turns over the lawnmower on its side then clears out tangled grass. The man backs up and swings the lawnmower around in a circle and turns the lawnmower in the opposite direction.", "segments": [[0, 82.13], [17.25, 29.57], [56.26, 63.24]], "duration": 82.13, "id": 2093}, {"image_id": "v_9g1omTdpoYs.mp4", "caption": "Various cupcakes are shown sitting on a plate and lettering comes up stating how to make them. Several ingredients are shown and the person mixing the ingredients together in a bowl. The person blends all the ingredients and puts them in a pan to cook. The cupcakes are finally cooked and set out on a plate to enjoy.", "segments": [[0, 13.13], [19.38, 52.51], [50.63, 87.51], [85.64, 125.02]], "duration": 125.02, "id": 2094}, {"image_id": "v_s6pFNNnub80.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures are shown of nails close up and leads into a person painting text onto a nail. The person shows close ups of nail polish and continues painting on the nail. The woman finishes her design and shows off another picture of nails.", "segments": [[0, 56.83], [48.41, 164.16], [129.44, 207.31]], "duration": 210.47, "id": 2095}, {"image_id": "v_2bEr09bbqAA.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a kayak and holds his oar in a river showing how to use it properly. The man leans back in his kayak to show balance techniques. The kayak rider paddles into the white wash below a water fall and flips over then rights himself again.", "segments": [[0, 67.35], [42.86, 63.78], [68.89, 100.01]], "duration": 102.05, "id": 2096}, {"image_id": "v_yyUmEgvq3B0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking with a chair and puts it in the middle of a bowling lane. He high fives the audience and throws the ball over the chair and hits all the pins. He same shot is shown several times and he sits down in his chair laughing.", "segments": [[0, 27.91], [27.91, 61.23], [60.81, 83.3]], "duration": 83.3, "id": 2097}, {"image_id": "v_wSGrM1nrWq4.mp4", "caption": "A hair dryer and advertisement are shown with some info about the dryer. A woman shows how to use the dryer with different brushes. The same woman then shows how to use the dryer with different attachments for different kinds of hair. The dryer and advertising info are shown again.", "segments": [[0, 22.47], [23.91, 74.64], [74.64, 107.25], [109.43, 144.94]], "duration": 144.94, "id": 2098}, {"image_id": "v_6V6XB0KmYkk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen playing hockey around an arena performing various tricks with the puck. The men continue to hit the puck around one another as the camera captures them from several sides. The man push the puck around more over and under obstacles.", "segments": [[1.56, 44.45], [46.79, 125.56], [112.3, 155.19]], "duration": 155.97, "id": 2099}, {"image_id": "v_fm6UhMKF8DU.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of a bridge are shown as well as a sign and people standing on the ledge. Two men then bungee jump off the side of the bridge and are shown swinging up using their legs.", "segments": [[2.18, 27.09], [30.52, 60.1]], "duration": 62.28, "id": 2100}, {"image_id": "v_2i_rotAjuoE.mp4", "caption": "First there is a screen shown for a small amount of time letting viewers know what this video is about. Then there is a man riding different horses in different settings where people watch them. In the first one, the horse runs with him on his back and he tries to jump over a wooden obstacle, but fails and there are many more fails.", "segments": [[0, 0.98], [0.98, 195.14], [0.98, 19.51]], "duration": 195.14, "id": 2101}, {"image_id": "v_4wiLmu1yTZI.mp4", "caption": "A man with curly hair is seen speaking to the camera with a serious conviction. He then brushes through his hair with a dog in frame and shows off his poofy hair. He then is seen again with wet hair and closes his eyes to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 34.64], [47.87, 89.44], [88.81, 125.97]], "duration": 125.97, "id": 2102}, {"image_id": "v_-4Q_zG9EChY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a rope and begins walking across the rope. The man continues walking while the camera captures his movements. He walks all along the rope to the end and jumps off.", "segments": [[0, 36.55], [22.43, 120.43], [110.47, 163.62]], "duration": 166.12, "id": 2103}, {"image_id": "v_hhHiBeL08-M.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a porch is shown with the camera panning all around. The camera walks to the end of the porch. The camera turns around while still looking at the porch.", "segments": [[0, 9.34], [11.32, 27.61], [26.82, 38.34]], "duration": 39.73, "id": 2104}, {"image_id": "v_ZbFyGkfGFcE.mp4", "caption": "Children are playing on the beach. They are building a sand castle. A girl dumps a bucket full of sand in front of her.", "segments": [[0, 15.12], [6.2, 15.12], [11.19, 12.02]], "duration": 15.12, "id": 2105}, {"image_id": "v_wIthr5w6RV4.mp4", "caption": "A man in a hat is talking to a camera. He is dressed up in a sumo wrestling outfit and playing curling. He is playing tennis on a tennis court.", "segments": [[4.18, 8.75], [9.51, 35.36], [35.36, 40.3]], "duration": 76.05, "id": 2106}, {"image_id": "v_uaqcvxz_5fY.mp4", "caption": "A city view is seen from a skyscraper. Two men are shown cleaning windows on the side of the building. They squeegee and wipe down the glass professionally. They then check their work before finishing.", "segments": [[0, 18.32], [20.35, 62.41], [62.41, 124.82], [127.53, 135.68]], "duration": 135.68, "id": 2107}, {"image_id": "v_ZGSi-QAkf5A.mp4", "caption": "There some geese flying in the sky above a park. A man is talking in his microphone as some men are playing cricket behind him in the park. It is a sunny day with geese walking around the park and people enjoying a casual game of cricket. There's a man hitting the ball with his cricket bat and another person trying to catch his ball. A squirrel is sitting on the park bench and enjoying the sunshine as well.", "segments": [[3.7, 13.57], [13.57, 34.54], [34.54, 62.91], [62.91, 111.63], [111.63, 122.11]], "duration": 123.35, "id": 2108}, {"image_id": "v_CB0yYGVNcOk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing a saxophone into the camera and leads into him speaking. More shots are shown of him playing the instrument while pausing to play more. He continues playing along and ends by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[2.87, 31.52], [32.24, 104.59], [101.72, 141.12]], "duration": 143.27, "id": 2109}, {"image_id": "v_fkUnZB6NTT8.mp4", "caption": "Several people are shown in photos, gathered together in winter gear in the snow. They ride in intertubes down a hill together, laughing and talking with each other. They are then shown in after even celebratory photos, posing together.", "segments": [[0, 47.81], [55.78, 127.49], [128.28, 159.36]], "duration": 159.36, "id": 2110}, {"image_id": "v_s3HhNlysFDs.mp4", "caption": "A cross appears in the style of the tile under the water in a pool. A man in a swim cap swims through the water toward the camera. He is shown swimming from numerous angles.", "segments": [[0, 22.53], [27.22, 93.86], [96.68, 187.72]], "duration": 187.72, "id": 2111}, {"image_id": "v_o4_Vi7asvxg.mp4", "caption": "Two people are dressed in all black riding their bicycles down the road.The two boys are then pictured on a split screen against each other putting on their helmets.The two then put on their green biking gloves and get back on the bikes.A skate park is then shown and one of the boys begin doing tricks over the bumps.Once completed,the bikes are walked over and the boys begin to shake each others hand.After the tricks continue and they keep jumping and doing tricks over the hills.", "segments": [[0, 3.54], [3.54, 8.86], [8.86, 13.73], [14.17, 28.34], [28.78, 42.51], [42.07, 88.56]], "duration": 88.56, "id": 2112}, {"image_id": "v_Xr8zB1aIBzg.mp4", "caption": "People wait in an indoor gym as the instructor walks out. The class starts a stepercize class using black boxes. The class finishes by waving their arms and the instructor walks away.", "segments": [[0, 5.57], [6.37, 144.87], [145.67, 159.2]], "duration": 159.2, "id": 2113}, {"image_id": "v_ZA_XYgP4fMA.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen arm wrestling with one another while holding their arms down to the sides. They keep starting again until one of them eventually wins.", "segments": [[0, 43.69], [43.34, 70.47]], "duration": 70.47, "id": 2114}, {"image_id": "v_y3Wfx-RvTpk.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing under a basketball goal. A group of boys is listening to the coach. They begin warming up by doing lay ups.The boys line up, prepared to play the game.", "segments": [[0, 5.75], [6.57, 18.88], [19.29, 73.46], [74.29, 82.08]], "duration": 82.08, "id": 2115}, {"image_id": "v_r3dM-5cZ7e8.mp4", "caption": "A group of swimmers stand ready on a platform and bend down to their feet. Several men stand behind them when they all jump in at the same time. The men race back and fourth doing a butterfly movement back and fourth until they all reach the end.", "segments": [[0, 9.75], [8.07, 18.84], [19.17, 67.27]], "duration": 67.27, "id": 2116}, {"image_id": "v_OVpila9fAaQ.mp4", "caption": "people are in a lake wakeboarding being pulled by a boat. a lot of people are standing on a dock watching the wakeboarding competition. people are walking on the dock wearing winter clothes.", "segments": [[0, 230.06], [1.15, 230.06], [207.06, 230.06]], "duration": 230.06, "id": 2117}, {"image_id": "v_COx5Bf0PsQs.mp4", "caption": "A platter with lemonade drinks sits on a counter top. A woman squeezes a lemon. She adds sugar to a large pitcher. She stirs the sugar with a large wooden spoon. She proceeds to add water to the pitcher in order to dilute. Afterwards, she adds more sugar to the pitcher. She pours the finished lemonade into a cup. The steps of making lemonade are presented once more.", "segments": [[5.03, 14.74], [15.1, 22.65], [23, 30.91], [31.63, 34.87], [35.59, 47.45], [47.81, 51.76], [52.12, 58.59], [59.31, 64.7]], "duration": 71.89, "id": 2118}, {"image_id": "v_LOINRpWGrlw.mp4", "caption": "Someone is at the bowling alley on a lane with a red ball. He throws the ball, his foot goes up and the ball rolls to hit the pins. Multiple people take their turns doing the same stance and everything more or less. You never see the balls hit the pins just everyone throwing the ball.", "segments": [[0, 21.97], [21.24, 46.14], [46.14, 85.69], [85.69, 146.47]], "duration": 146.47, "id": 2119}, {"image_id": "v_W07hi9Y37Jg.mp4", "caption": "A man plays the accordion on a stage in front of a music stand while wearing a red suit jacket. A man sits on a chair on a stage and plays the accordion in front of a music stands. The man runs his fingers up and down the keys and pulls the accordion open and closed with a free hands before ending the performance and rubbing his hair with his hand.", "segments": [[4.02, 167.84], [4.02, 40.2], [40.2, 170.85]], "duration": 201.01, "id": 2120}, {"image_id": "v_nYlAXMmPWw0.mp4", "caption": "Five women are in a room dancing. They dance around in a circle. They continue dancing together in the room.", "segments": [[0, 177.93], [62.27, 72.06], [80.07, 177.93]], "duration": 177.93, "id": 2121}, {"image_id": "v_-ntEh6HpeX0.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing gloves is in front of a sink. She sprays it down with a cleaning solution. She then scrubs the sink until it is clean.", "segments": [[0, 33.51], [43.91, 144.45], [153.7, 231.12]], "duration": 231.12, "id": 2122}, {"image_id": "v_ct3uprBbPHw.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of the camera, then starts combing his hair forward. He then focuses on the sides and back of his hair, again combing down. He brings the brush all around his hair, adding his left hand to swipe along.", "segments": [[3.17, 21.41], [38.86, 68.2], [88.03, 141.96]], "duration": 158.62, "id": 2123}, {"image_id": "v_NSegylr0MBg.mp4", "caption": "We see a man adjust the camera and shake his hair. We see commentary on the screen. The image is in color and the man blow drys his hair. The man uses a brush and instructions appear. We see more instructions on the screen. Instruction tell views to mold hair. More instructions appear on the screen. The man adds pomades to his hair. The man brushes his hair with a brush. We see the scene go dark and the writing appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.49], [10.95, 13.13], [12.4, 57.65], [17.51, 22.62], [29.19, 32.11], [49.62, 72.24], [64.94, 67.13], [72.97, 112.37], [113.1, 121.86], [134.99, 145.94]], "duration": 145.94, "id": 2124}, {"image_id": "v_L-rPS8tlAy4.mp4", "caption": "A horse runs wild with a trainer chasing after it. A horse runs after and bucks a bull that charges it with its horns. The horse is let out of the coral by the cowboys. The horses intestines hang from its body from the injury. The horse lies on the ground having a seizure. A bull chases after a cowboy on a horse carrying a lasso.", "segments": [[0, 15.17], [20.58, 48.74], [50.37, 63.37], [64.45, 77.45], [82.87, 90.99], [91.53, 108.32]], "duration": 108.32, "id": 2125}, {"image_id": "v_dm5WXFiQZUQ.mp4", "caption": "A motorcyclist is in the bed and is woken up by an alarm clock. The motorcyclist gets out of bed and prepares to leave by bathing using the bathroom and reading the newspaper. He rides the motorcycle down the hall and into the elevator.He exits the building and rides the motorcycle into a casino where he performs several tricks as people watch. He exits the casino and the closing credits show up on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.4], [6.4, 16.79], [16.79, 53.56], [53.56, 151.1], [151.1, 159.89]], "duration": 159.89, "id": 2126}, {"image_id": "v_k7nuduqYOdQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a weight is shown. Several individuals are shown lifting barbells with weights in various ways in a gym while other individuals watch or exercise in the background. A screen with a logo and contact information is shown.", "segments": [[0.98, 3.91], [9.78, 180.96], [182.91, 195.63]], "duration": 195.63, "id": 2127}, {"image_id": "v_HxenZkvSkPc.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady walking a dog. We see a man walking the dog. We return to the lady walking the dog. The dog pulls the lady down the street. We see the lady and the man talking. The man walks the dog up the stairs and in the driveway. We see the lady put a harness son the dog and walk him as the man watches. We then see the black closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 45.7], [45.7, 50.27], [51.41, 71.98], [65.12, 71.98], [75.41, 94.83], [87.98, 145.1], [155.39, 209.08], [225.08, 228.51]], "duration": 228.51, "id": 2128}, {"image_id": "v_2b_hjshny54.mp4", "caption": "Female swimmer jump off into the water at a swim meet. They quickly race down the swim lanes. The swimmers repeatedly go back and forth down the swim lanes using various swimming techniques.", "segments": [[0, 3.31], [4.14, 18.21], [19.04, 165.56]], "duration": 165.56, "id": 2129}, {"image_id": "v_RuBLAghI1vE.mp4", "caption": "There are some people curling in an indoor ice rink. There are some girls getting ready with the curling sticks and prepping the rink to play curling. Two girls dressed in black gear are playing the game as they go through the rink with their curling sticks pushing the rock. One of the players glides through the floor and pushes the rock to the end of the rink. The two players continue playing as they go through the rink and slide the rocks till the end of the line. Two other players wearing pink play the game as they slide the rocks through the rink.", "segments": [[0, 132.26], [1.98, 17.19], [11.9, 56.87], [44.97, 72.08], [68.78, 83.99], [82.66, 132.26]], "duration": 132.26, "id": 2130}, {"image_id": "v_1FMjfLRpXwM.mp4", "caption": "The lady in black is doing a hairstyle tutorial and demonstrating on another woman who is seated next to her. She shows the hairspray that she has used on the model. She uses the hairspray on the model's hair and sprays it. She then takes a pair of scissors and cuts the rubber band off and spray her hair again. She pulls her braid apart and rubs her fingers over it. She then twists the braid and pins it up on the model's head. She twists it again and tightens it up and secures it with a pin again. She also makes a bun out of the braid to complete the hairstyle. She shows the hairspray bottle again that she has used on the model.", "segments": [[10.65, 19.89], [19.89, 27.7], [27.7, 33.38], [33.38, 46.87], [46.87, 55.39], [55.39, 68.18], [68.18, 78.83], [78.83, 105.11], [105.11, 106.53]], "duration": 142.04, "id": 2131}, {"image_id": "v_jCw0kBph-v4.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are standing in a starkly white room. They lay plastic on the ground and fill a tub with white paint. They then demonstrate how to hang a strip of wallpaper onto the wall.", "segments": [[0, 44.03], [52.46, 144.27], [148.02, 187.36]], "duration": 187.36, "id": 2132}, {"image_id": "v_6azNzt8rXAs.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen practicing his ping pong abilities followed by him playing the game against another person. A man watches on the side as the men continue to play with more people stopping to watch.", "segments": [[0, 100.45], [68.99, 182.63]], "duration": 202.92000000000002, "id": 2133}, {"image_id": "v_hKLDr9ZaDb8.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a bikini is standing in a room. She begins to hula hoop with a lit up hula hoop. The hula hoop is seen sitting next to a shirt.", "segments": [[2.97, 135.89], [3.71, 135.89], [135.89, 148.52]], "duration": 148.52, "id": 2134}, {"image_id": "v_O67GDqPk_ug.mp4", "caption": "A person walks into frame holding a tool and cutting a tree up and down. The person continues using the tool on the tree and uses a small one to finish out the sides, presenting a small tree in the end.", "segments": [[0, 89.91], [34.74, 204.35]], "duration": 204.35, "id": 2135}, {"image_id": "v_fKbrGn6c3us.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in front of an ironing board while talking. She shows off a white shirt, which she sprays with something in a can. She arranges the shirt on the ironing board, then begins to iron the shirt. After she irons the shirt, the screen goes to an advertisement for Expert Village.", "segments": [[0, 19.9], [20.68, 39.8], [40.19, 66.73], [67.12, 78.04]], "duration": 78.03999999999999, "id": 2136}, {"image_id": "v_I8doQJXPqwo.mp4", "caption": "Two women are at the carwash. A car is covered in soap suds. The women begin to use a water hose to clean off the soap. They work the hose and brush all over the car. They finish hosing it off.", "segments": [[0, 63.07], [7.57, 60.54], [15.45, 28.7], [25.54, 50.14], [50.45, 62.12]], "duration": 63.07, "id": 2137}, {"image_id": "v_dj_GBrR5N4E.mp4", "caption": "A young man prepares to complete a routine on the parallel bars. Many people are in bleachers in the background walking around, sitting and watching. The young man uses a spring board to mount the bars. A man standing nearby pulls the spring board out of the way. Several judges sit at a table in front of the bleachers watching. The young man completes his parallel bar routine. The young man then dismounts, lands and bows. He walks away as another man in the same uniform approaches.", "segments": [[0, 8.51], [0, 66.42], [8.51, 18.31], [17.88, 22.56], [0, 65.99], [18.31, 60.03], [60.88, 65.56], [65.99, 66.42]], "duration": 85.15, "id": 2138}, {"image_id": "v_Lg6QZST92xo.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a log is seen and a person swinging an ax up and down. The person swings the ax against the dog and cuts it in half. The person performs this several more times.", "segments": [[0, 15.43], [15.69, 37.93], [30.08, 49.96]], "duration": 52.32, "id": 2139}, {"image_id": "v_tydn-vo3DaY.mp4", "caption": "Various people are seen doing sit ups with other's help and transitions into several shots of people performing grueling tasks. One man climbs a wall and does push ups while another is interviewed by the camera and several people climb a wall. More shots of the people exercising are shown as well as climbing rock walls and several push ups.", "segments": [[0, 54.24], [53.14, 156.09], [154.98, 221.4]], "duration": 221.4, "id": 2140}, {"image_id": "v_C6OmnTWhsEc.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a white shirt and frog pattern headgear touches his nipples while holding a recorder. The man brings the recorder to his right nostril. The man begins to play the recorder. The scene cuts to the man, having finished playing, bowing while touching his nipples.", "segments": [[0, 1.7], [2.55, 5.1], [5.38, 52.71], [53, 56.68]], "duration": 56.68, "id": 2141}, {"image_id": "v_C8hdbmjUMRc.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a room mixing cement on a bucket. the man grabs the mix and spread it in the floor and put white tiles. the man sweeps the floor and spread cement again to put the tiles in the remaining part of the room.", "segments": [[0, 10.83], [10.83, 51.84], [51.84, 154.74]], "duration": 154.74, "id": 2142}, {"image_id": "v_OhpILjGpQTs.mp4", "caption": "We see the title card fade out. We see two kids on a camel at a carnival. The man leads the camel out of the pen as he smokes a cigarette. They pass the petting zoo. We see the mom taking pictures of the kids. The ending card is shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.31], [5.31, 76.74], [5.31, 28.57], [42.05, 61.23], [70.21, 75.11], [75.11, 81.64]], "duration": 81.64, "id": 2143}, {"image_id": "v_5CtecK635eI.mp4", "caption": "There is one man who's in the room with two other men and he lifts up a weigh that weighs over 400 pounds. Next he lifts up a weight that is heavier than the last one. He gets, a handshake and a hug from an elderly man. Then someone gives him money and someone else who's sitting in a chair gives him a highfive.", "segments": [[5.35, 214.07], [153.06, 172.32], [178.74, 195.87], [190.52, 207.64]], "duration": 214.07, "id": 2144}, {"image_id": "v_F4ERtlGMFt4.mp4", "caption": "A person is riding a bull in an arena. People are standing in an arena around a bull. A bull charges them and knocks them to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 3.72], [13.32, 61.95], [58.85, 61.95]], "duration": 61.95, "id": 2145}, {"image_id": "v_RO5WKh6dViA.mp4", "caption": "A group of children play on playground equipment watched by parents. A child swings across the monkey bars. The child gets to the other side bows and runs back to the monkey bars jumping and laughing. The child jumps around happily and falls down but get right back up.", "segments": [[0, 74.79], [35.69, 49.35], [35.69, 50.87], [65.3, 75.17]], "duration": 75.93, "id": 2146}, {"image_id": "v_8874vqLm958.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen on an elliptical trainer in an ad. Then we see the various components and options for using the machine. A woman scrolls through a digital screen, then is seen riding the elliptical.", "segments": [[0, 12.52], [17, 110.92], [114.5, 178.91]], "duration": 178.91, "id": 2147}, {"image_id": "v_TSVdiNxLu50.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of people walking on a beach and leads into many people surfing on the water. Dozens of people are shown in various clips riding along waves in the water as well as people sitting in the water from behind.", "segments": [[8.79, 72.53], [74.72, 204.39]], "duration": 219.78, "id": 2148}, {"image_id": "v_FrVitupq7sQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing on a tennis court holding rackets and speaking to the camera. Several slow motion scenes are shown performing a correct tennis serve with the men demonstrating right after. The men do this for several turns with one slow motion of a man performing the trick done afterwards.", "segments": [[3.3, 31.37], [30.55, 94.94], [94.94, 165.12]], "duration": 165.12, "id": 2149}, {"image_id": "v_2FjaU9wfxaU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen hosting a news segment with a man and leads into a person bring out a dog and petting the dog. The man then demonstrates how to properly groom the dog while the host continues to speak and pet the dog.", "segments": [[0, 84.82], [50.09, 157.53]], "duration": 161.57, "id": 2150}, {"image_id": "v_HVmZOfkh8Pk.mp4", "caption": "A boy talks in a field, then he plays with a person using a stick to hit a ball. The boy throws the ball to the other boy and score. The boys talk in the field.", "segments": [[0.28, 28.71], [28.99, 37.71], [37.71, 54.88]], "duration": 56.29, "id": 2151}, {"image_id": "v_M1hPI8WvySo.mp4", "caption": "A tutorial on how to wrap a gift, first you put doe enough wrapping paper and place the gift on top of it to make sure it is a decent size. Then, You fold one of the corners of the wrapping paper into triangles and press it out repeatedly. You would then cut the edges and tape doen the outside of the wrapping so it sticks down. Finally, You put the gift inside of the paper and fold the paper around it nicely and tape it down and you have a pretty wrapped present.", "segments": [[0, 29.03], [29.03, 99.38], [99.38, 148.51], [150.75, 223.33]], "duration": 223.32999999999998, "id": 2152}, {"image_id": "v_rlH9RkelqHk.mp4", "caption": "A person's feet are show followed by a woman putting shoes over her socks and bending forward. She twirls around her feet and looking to the camera while showing her shoe completely on.", "segments": [[0, 8.65], [8.74, 18.02]], "duration": 18.02, "id": 2153}, {"image_id": "v_7LhgGs4TrYA.mp4", "caption": "a man is seated, talking to the camera. He is wearing a suit and tie with a colorful background. He continues talking, using his hands as he goes.", "segments": [[0, 19.62], [20.88, 69.6], [74.03, 126.55]], "duration": 126.55, "id": 2154}, {"image_id": "v_ABMVo0NDhKo.mp4", "caption": "A guy is standing on a beach flying a kite. The guy continuously looks away from the kite's position. A man approaches the guy.", "segments": [[0, 32.53], [18.54, 29.6], [32.04, 32.53]], "duration": 32.53, "id": 2155}, {"image_id": "v__Yt94ffXcCE.mp4", "caption": "A boy welds a piece of metal in an indoor shop while wearing a protective coat, helmet, goggles and gloves. A boy in a shop talks to the camera while standing in front of a piece of metal and handling welding tools in preparation to weld. The boy begins to weld creating extreme sparks of fire like reactions in front of him over the material being welded. The boy shows a close up of the red hot tip of the tool, finishes welding, and pans the camera to another young boy dressed in the same protective welding gear behind him.", "segments": [[0, 77.37], [1.21, 28.61], [29.82, 53.6], [53.6, 75.76]], "duration": 80.6, "id": 2156}, {"image_id": "v__AuJBnTClQ8.mp4", "caption": "Several close ups are shown of a razor that leads into a man shaving another's face. The man shows his face again with the shaver putting cream on and beginning to shave. The man uses various tools on the other to shave as well as speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 44.54], [41.66, 106.31], [99.85, 140.07]], "duration": 143.66, "id": 2157}, {"image_id": "v_iCveBOc8JzM.mp4", "caption": "A young lady shows a a beauty cream bottle. Then, the young girl puts cream on hrs finger and rubs her shoulder.", "segments": [[0.06, 2.29], [2.29, 11.08]], "duration": 11.19, "id": 2158}, {"image_id": "v_v0NEZPgjcXI.mp4", "caption": "A video game for WWE professional wrestling starts, showing a three on one match. The player controlling Roman Reigns hits a big move on his opponent, and his team comes in for a big coordinated attack.", "segments": [[0, 5.69], [7.17, 25.04]], "duration": 27.08, "id": 2159}, {"image_id": "v_S9KUHyvFuGc.mp4", "caption": "man is riding a horse inside a barn and with a rope catch a bull. man is standing on side of te barn.", "segments": [[0, 33.23], [1.83, 33.23]], "duration": 33.23, "id": 2160}, {"image_id": "v_33SI8z8PovA.mp4", "caption": "A black female is shown in a room with a black scarf around her head.Black spots on her faced are then zoomed in on and she begins to apply something on it.Next,she takes some spray and it makes her skin extremely oily and she continues to talk until the video is over.", "segments": [[0, 85.32], [84.18, 154.71], [153.57, 227.51]], "duration": 227.51, "id": 2161}, {"image_id": "v_N1c3C_Npr-E.mp4", "caption": "A police officer is riding a horse down the street very slowly. Many bystanders are walking by, cars are passing and casually moving along. its just a normal day riding down the street protecting serving, making sure no crimes are being committed. He rides with one of his hands on his gun and the other steering the horse.", "segments": [[0, 9.87], [9.87, 31.59], [31.92, 49.68], [49.68, 65.81]], "duration": 65.81, "id": 2162}, {"image_id": "v_eNq-jGrQuV0.mp4", "caption": "A small young boy is outside running across a green field,he then reappears wearing a green helmet and a stick in his hand that is shaped like a paddle.The boy then gathers with the rest of his team,they stand in a line, and begins scrimmaging against one another.As the game continues,the kids run back and forth across the field and the coaches trail behind them.", "segments": [[0, 44.6], [44.6, 116.64], [115.78, 171.53]], "duration": 171.53, "id": 2163}, {"image_id": "v_l_36uVP3LnI.mp4", "caption": "A screen says triple jump on it. A man is standing in a field before running and jumping into a square of dirt. He walks away from the jump and talks to the camera. It is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 11.55], [14.43, 24.06], [26.46, 76.5], [79.87, 96.22]], "duration": 96.22, "id": 2164}, {"image_id": "v_-ux1hQSR1AM.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man dressed in blue approaches the gymnastic horse and stands there and stares at it for a few seconds. The man then approaches it and puts his two hands on it and begins doing various moves on it where he twists, turns and maneuvers his body very skillfully all around the gymnastic horse. The the man finishes the end of his routine and jumps off of the gymnastic horse landing on his two feet, holds his two arms up in the air, claps his hands once and then takes a bow.", "segments": [[0, 8.31], [8.31, 49.35], [49.35, 53.64]], "duration": 53.64, "id": 2165}, {"image_id": "v_x7M1yRFtnxY.mp4", "caption": "People are running around obstacles playing a game of paintball. A boy looks around a corner and gets down on the ground. An American flag is shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 183.12], [82.82, 97.54], [163.8, 167.48]], "duration": 184.04, "id": 2166}, {"image_id": "v_vF-XFROSmv4.mp4", "caption": "There's a man wearing a white colored vest and blue hard hat rowing in a yellow row boat with double sided oar. He is demonstrating the correct way to row the boat while staying afloat. He is in a water body that has some strong waves. He is showing how to do the strokes with the oars to go against the water current. He goes in circles as he demonstrates how to row against powerful waves.", "segments": [[10.55, 32.23], [32.23, 67.39], [67.39, 83.79], [83.79, 107.23], [107.23, 111.33]], "duration": 117.19, "id": 2167}, {"image_id": "v_7ezC4N3ArmQ.mp4", "caption": "men are at sides of table playing beerpong. a man is sitting in a chair next to the table watching the men while are playing. the men are Accommodating the cups on the table.", "segments": [[0, 109.48], [1.12, 106.13], [79.87, 106.13]], "duration": 111.71000000000001, "id": 2168}, {"image_id": "v_7Iy7Cjv2SAE.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman using a brush to push hair off a large dog. She continues brushing on several other dogs and giving them pets before sitting down and petting them.", "segments": [[0, 62.55], [58.64, 187.65]], "duration": 195.47, "id": 2169}, {"image_id": "v_6ZUHLsyJ6yo.mp4", "caption": "A line of drummers play inside a superdome. Several bass drummers appear wearing jerseys. They all play a beat as people with cameras walk between them.", "segments": [[0, 10.73], [11.86, 75.12], [76.24, 112.96]], "duration": 112.96000000000001, "id": 2170}, {"image_id": "v__gnMuU1UJnM.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with white words that read \"SPORT BEZ BARIER CURLING NA WOZKACH\". An ice cleaner is now riding on an ice rink, and then people on wheelchairs start wheeling onto the rink. A woman on a wheelchair begins speaking and the words on the screen say her name is \"Agnieszka Kachel\". The rink is shown again and it shows gray objects with colorful tops are being pushed on the ice with sticks that the people in wheelchairs are holding and it switches back and forth to the woman talking alone and to the people on the ice playing.A white outro screen appears with black letters that include a list of names, websites and logos.", "segments": [[0, 5.36], [5.36, 16.07], [16.07, 25.71], [25.71, 205.65], [205.66, 214.23]], "duration": 214.22, "id": 2171}, {"image_id": "v_dXLhYjRSNcs.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen climbing onto a set of uneven bars and performing a routine while many watch on the side. He performs various flips and tricks and ends by jumping down and putting his arms up.", "segments": [[0, 19.82], [18.83, 49.55]], "duration": 49.55, "id": 2172}, {"image_id": "v_w_PJ9N8CMo8.mp4", "caption": "A man washes his face in front of a mirror. He laughs at the camera. He rubs his face some more. He bends into the sink to rinse it.", "segments": [[0, 45.09], [2.71, 8.12], [9.24, 30.21], [33.82, 45.09]], "duration": 45.09, "id": 2173}, {"image_id": "v_JGxSaJ7XoPQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a purple blouse sits on a fence post as she is brushing a horse who is tied to the fence. The girl stands on the fence post while reaching to brush the horses mane. The girl continues standing on the fence post leans onto the horses back and brushes the back of the horse as she smile at the camera. The girl mounts onto the horses back as she continues to brush the horses neck and mane. The girl in the purple blouse dismounts the horse and stands on the fence post brushes the horses hind quarter.", "segments": [[0, 11.89], [11.1, 21], [21.79, 39.63], [39.63, 66.57], [66.57, 79.25]], "duration": 79.25, "id": 2174}, {"image_id": "v_azCsE98qwus.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a red outfit raises her hands and feet, alternating them in a slow and methodical fashion. She puts on a show on a stage, going back and forth fluidly. The woman turns in several different directions, providing different actions before standing straight and still as her finale.", "segments": [[0, 24.89], [26.45, 76.24], [77.02, 155.59]], "duration": 155.59, "id": 2175}, {"image_id": "v_Z5lRHCRBA_E.mp4", "caption": "A black screen with white zooming text of a girls performance on the uneven bars. A gymnast strides to the uneven bars jumps off a board and grabs on to the bars and goes through her routine. There is text that appears on the screen describing what she has to do. She ends her routine and lands on the mat as the crowd cheers. A black screen with white text appears followed by the gymnasts score.", "segments": [[0, 3.91], [4.19, 43.56], [6.42, 40.21], [43.84, 45.51], [45.79, 55.84]], "duration": 55.84, "id": 2176}, {"image_id": "v_IC-Rd7ouQmE.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen sitting on bikes and waiting before a track. A bar let's go and the men ride around a long track on the bikes behind one another.", "segments": [[0, 7.15], [6.69, 46.12]], "duration": 46.12, "id": 2177}, {"image_id": "v_x3WVWHn3teI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of a bike speaking to the camera and leads into shots of him riding around. The man continues to speak to the camera as more shots are shown of him riding the dirt bike around a track.", "segments": [[0, 60.89], [43.4, 129.55]], "duration": 129.55, "id": 2178}, {"image_id": "v__gO4UzCTqhk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera in front of a large bush. The woman then uses a shovel along some dirt. The camera pans around the plant when she is finished.", "segments": [[0, 9.1], [11.87, 21.13], [23.08, 32.18]], "duration": 32.51, "id": 2179}, {"image_id": "v_UIH5arBo3-Y.mp4", "caption": "An older man with glasses and gray hairs sits and sings as he plays the guitar. The man pauses for a second. The man finishes his song and stops. We see the ending title screen with a cat on it.", "segments": [[0, 115.29], [72.59, 75.64], [113.46, 116.51], [116.51, 122]], "duration": 122.0, "id": 2180}, {"image_id": "v_sN1MPx9hb1I.mp4", "caption": "An intro is shown of a woman knitting with her hands while various pictures of cats are shown in the background. Text on how to knit appears while her hands continue moving to demonstrate how to properly knit.", "segments": [[0, 11.6], [7.18, 36.83]], "duration": 36.83, "id": 2181}, {"image_id": "v_FutaoYIC4Ok.mp4", "caption": "A young lady roller skate on the road in the forest. Then she arrives pass on front of an abandoned car.", "segments": [[0, 6.16], [6.16, 26.8]], "duration": 26.8, "id": 2182}, {"image_id": "v_d1doBRc_hAM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding on a treadmill followed by several images of the treadmill and a man taking pictures. A person undoes the machine and then rides on the machine and leads into more people taking pictures of the machine and people riding.", "segments": [[0, 65.99], [65.99, 191.29]], "duration": 191.29, "id": 2183}, {"image_id": "v_Mgy7IRETxSk.mp4", "caption": "The marching bands are in positioned in the field. Then The band started to play their instruments. The ladies with flags moved their flags up and down and rotate them as the band plays.", "segments": [[0, 22.91], [18.51, 111.93], [100.47, 176.26]], "duration": 176.26, "id": 2184}, {"image_id": "v_V8gr2EMHNwQ.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of the ocean as well as boats riding along the water. People are seen laying on beaches as well as speaking to one another and riding behind boats. Close ups of fish are seen as well as people riding around and surfing the water.", "segments": [[0.6, 36.08], [33.67, 94.4], [98.01, 118.45]], "duration": 120.26, "id": 2185}, {"image_id": "v_eD2SW7ibzmM.mp4", "caption": "Two men start dancing on a stage. They put their hands up next to their face. An album of a woman is shown on the screen.", "segments": [[16.16, 194.94], [182.82, 194.94], [197.97, 202.01]], "duration": 202.01, "id": 2186}, {"image_id": "v_blCvgADz8LY.mp4", "caption": "A man bends down and picks up a large weight. He lifts it up over his head. He then drops it onto the ground.", "segments": [[8.33, 24.72], [28.88, 29.16], [29.99, 33.33]], "duration": 55.54, "id": 2187}, {"image_id": "v_3792wPKkdXI.mp4", "caption": "a man and a woman are arm wrestling on top of a table in middle of stage and the woman wins. people are in stands around the stage watching the competition.", "segments": [[0.27, 53.26], [0, 53.26]], "duration": 53.8, "id": 2188}, {"image_id": "v_tokwDYW6rS0.mp4", "caption": "A Howcast logo is the opening scene of the video. A woman is showing paintings of her work. An instructional slide is shown. The woman is explaining the materials used. She then describes the brushes she uses. She shows the paint pallet and various colors of paint. She explains the bottles of paint. She then instructs on how to clean the brushes with liquid and paper towels. The video ends with the same logo it started with.", "segments": [[0, 1.29], [1.29, 10.94], [10.94, 13.52], [13.52, 48.28], [48.28, 77.9], [77.9, 91.42], [91.42, 107.51], [107.51, 126.18], [126.82, 128.76]], "duration": 128.76, "id": 2189}, {"image_id": "v_n04N7AuqZsY.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls in field hockey outfits walks onto a green field in a line. The girls are then seen in front of a male coach talking to them and pointing to spots on the field. Several girls are interviewed from the field and bleachers before and as video of the girls practicing field hockey are shown. The girls are then shown playing field hockey on a large green field interspersed with an interview from the coach.", "segments": [[0, 11.58], [16.21, 17.36], [18.52, 100.71], [100.71, 230.37]], "duration": 231.53, "id": 2190}, {"image_id": "v_tww0AR8NanU.mp4", "caption": "man is standing talking to the camera showing a big metal piece. te man in the room is playing the harmonica. the man stops playing and keeps talking to the camera in a small white room.", "segments": [[0, 13.22], [13.22, 44.74], [44.74, 203.38]], "duration": 203.38, "id": 2191}, {"image_id": "v_Scjxbdh6b54.mp4", "caption": "A white BMW 3 series is in a garage being cleaned by two men wearing safety jackets.Once the front is cleaned,the men move towards the back spraying the vehicle and come back to spray the rim and go back to the trunk to get all of the spots.", "segments": [[0, 13.28], [13.52, 47.44]], "duration": 47.44, "id": 2192}, {"image_id": "v_1P_BTFhNZFo.mp4", "caption": "There are two girls wearing sparkly blue tank tops and black skirts doing a coordinated dance with sticks in their hands in a gym. They begin by facing their backs to the camera and break into a dance move by raising their sticks up in the air. Then they fling their sticks in the air and catch it and turn around to face the camera. They continue dancing in coordination by going in circles and twirling their bodies simultaneously. Then they do front flips together and continue twirling their bodies in circular motion. One of the dancers does a front flip while the other throws the stick in the air and catches it. They continue dancing as they fling their sticks and catch them in their hands as they coordinate themselves. After they're finished with the dancing, they stand together and wave to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 126.87], [7.75, 26.78], [22.56, 49.34], [37.36, 107.14], [74.71, 102.2], [89.52, 122.64], [108.55, 127.58], [128.28, 139.56]], "duration": 140.97, "id": 2193}, {"image_id": "v_q-FOdt9a7Js.mp4", "caption": "A person is pushing a snow plow through snow. They are clearing a path down a sidewalk. A white car dives by on the street.", "segments": [[0, 148.75], [9.67, 148.75], [72.89, 74.37]], "duration": 148.75, "id": 2194}, {"image_id": "v_Flh-37A4HWY.mp4", "caption": "A person holds a coffee mug in a pool of koi. The koi swim towards the coffee mug.", "segments": [[0, 12.63], [0.09, 12.9]], "duration": 18.04, "id": 2195}, {"image_id": "v_TZ9JbvClnZA.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a bowling lane is seen with a man standing in front. The man throws a ball down the lane and hits several pins. He finally walks back up the lane.", "segments": [[0.07, 3.61], [3.26, 10.06], [10.13, 14.17]], "duration": 14.17, "id": 2196}, {"image_id": "v_m5T_w1mhWgY.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding down a snowy hill followed by a man working on a machine and pulling paper out. The camera zooms in on the machine and the man takes a ski and runs the ski over the machine. He shows off the ski while continuing to use them on the machine and showing off how they look.", "segments": [[0, 79.55], [38.18, 150.62], [152.74, 212.14]], "duration": 212.14, "id": 2197}, {"image_id": "v_TvlCdfubl9Y.mp4", "caption": "man wearing a green shirt is assembling a bicycle on the middle of a living room. another man wearing a blue sweater is helping the other man assembling the bicycles. men are assembling three bicycles on living room.", "segments": [[0, 25.1], [0, 12.17], [0.63, 25.1]], "duration": 25.1, "id": 2198}, {"image_id": "v_8sTJGmY-SGQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing with his arms up and walks in between a set of uneven bars. The man then hopes up on the bars and begins spinning himself around. He continues spinning on the bars and ends by jumping down on the sides.", "segments": [[0.47, 13.53], [13.76, 34.05], [33.82, 46.42]], "duration": 46.65, "id": 2199}, {"image_id": "v_-pLiSHAz4fo.mp4", "caption": "A man talking about how to work out in a certain position. He explains it and shows in detail how it should be done. Then he grabs the bar and demonstrates like that also. He begins to do it in repetition a few times before finishing up.", "segments": [[0, 17.27], [17.27, 39.56], [39, 79.67], [79.12, 111.43]], "duration": 111.43, "id": 2200}, {"image_id": "v_gY-8BUnSgf4.mp4", "caption": "A Man is shown throwing a bowling ball down a lane. It then intercuts to a bunch of different throws of the ball towards the pins. A woman interview the professional bowler and put on an apparatus on his wrist. He then is shown gripping the ball and makes a throw in slow motion. This is shown several times from different angles. After a series of these action shots, the video then moves to a man speaking directly into the camera, with the logo of the show appearing as it ends.", "segments": [[0, 12.35], [9.26, 10.29], [10.29, 34.99], [33.96, 76.15], [76.15, 173.9], [173.9, 205.8]], "duration": 205.8, "id": 2201}, {"image_id": "v_QNKjKB4k4D0.mp4", "caption": "A man on a horse goes through a rodeo fence. He dismounts, roping and tying a calf. When he is done, he walks back to his horse and gets back on.", "segments": [[0, 5.05], [6.77, 17.72], [17.85, 24.61]], "duration": 24.61, "id": 2202}, {"image_id": "v_19YCgLDhfoE.mp4", "caption": "A woman exercise sniping a stick on her hand in a filed. The woman exercise on front the ocean spinning the stick on her neck. Then, the woman throws the stick on the air. After, the woman pass the stick from hand to another on her folded arm.", "segments": [[1.59, 12.75], [13.81, 36.11], [37.17, 50.45], [50.98, 85.5]], "duration": 106.21000000000001, "id": 2203}, {"image_id": "v_DlE6Rtuo__o.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a tattoo artist is seen drawing along a person's leg. The artist continues drawing all over the person's leg while looking up every once in a while to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 30.6], [30.6, 82.71]], "duration": 82.71000000000001, "id": 2204}, {"image_id": "v_wqThk38AdEA.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in the middle of stage playing the flute. women are standing in sage behind the woman with the flute standing holding microphones. men are standing behind the women playing different instruments.", "segments": [[0.81, 23.06], [0.81, 11.87], [0, 23.06]], "duration": 23.06, "id": 2205}, {"image_id": "v_nDggAkf1ulc.mp4", "caption": "There's a little girl in a pink shirt and black tights and pink shoes playing hop scotch in a playground. She jumps around on the colorful squares as she has fun. Then she goes around a small water fountain that is next to the hop scotch squares. She is enjoying herself running around in the playground.", "segments": [[14.74, 40.84], [40.84, 50.98], [50.98, 56.2], [56.2, 58.96]], "duration": 61.42, "id": 2206}, {"image_id": "v_Tg1G0EtWw9s.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated at a black jack table. He is talking about the game and showing the cards and chips. He shows how to deal each hand, and how to dispense the chips to the winners.", "segments": [[0, 21.98], [34.71, 150.4], [155.03, 231.39]], "duration": 231.39, "id": 2207}, {"image_id": "v_gtd2Ye-raxE.mp4", "caption": "A male gymnast hops up onto bars and begins performing a gymnastics routine. He swings around the bars over and over again while the judges watch and critique. The man eventually jumps off and the video fades away into an effect.", "segments": [[0, 15.31], [15.31, 43.9], [45.6, 68.06]], "duration": 68.06, "id": 2208}, {"image_id": "v_fQDj7pnGdVY.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing boxing gloves is seen hitting a bag in an empty room. He continuously hits the bag over and over again while pausing in between punches to catch his breath.", "segments": [[0, 148.63], [29.56, 164.24]], "duration": 164.24, "id": 2209}, {"image_id": "v_TTDruR5Vin4.mp4", "caption": "Two bikers are riding their motor bikes through rough terrain. They are dressed in biking gear with protective helmets and clothing.They are going on hilly slopes and uneven terrain on their motorbikes. They go through extremely steep and dangerous dirt roads at high speed. They also go over ramps created in the dirt road. They continue biking through the dirt at high speed as they create a cloud of dust behind them.", "segments": [[8.66, 45.91], [45.91, 78.83], [78.83, 121.27], [121.27, 140.33], [140.33, 162.85], [162.85, 168.05]], "duration": 173.25, "id": 2210}, {"image_id": "v_iGOGz6M_zcE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is washing her face in a sink. She looks in a mirror in front of her. She continues wiping her face.", "segments": [[0, 41.31], [17.76, 22.1], [17.76, 41.31]], "duration": 41.31, "id": 2211}, {"image_id": "v_h8cXVe6N6Oc.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman long black hair looking in a mirror and brushing her hair. There's another woman with blond hair that makes a face looking angry and disgusted.", "segments": [[2.78, 3.71], [3.71, 4.19]], "duration": 4.41, "id": 2212}, {"image_id": "v_EsYsshh2CyA.mp4", "caption": "A bartender begins speaking to the camera and pours ice into a glass. She think instructs to mix rum and lemon juice into the glass and an ounce of different rum. Finally she mixes grenadine with some sweet and sour mix with soda water. Finally she mixes all the components together and creates a nice alcoholic beverage.", "segments": [[0, 5.51], [5.86, 26.52], [26.87, 50.64], [50.64, 68.55]], "duration": 68.89, "id": 2213}, {"image_id": "v_Z3jo5hbPo1Q.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is standing on a stage in front of 4 judges that are sitting along a table and they are talking to her. The girl then begins her performance where she is dancing ballet and singing and when they pan to the judges and the audience they seem pleased with her performance. When the girl is done performing, she gets a standing ovation from the audience and some of the judges. The judges then take turns speaking with her expressing their approval, and the girl is very happy about it. The girl then runs off the stage and behind the curtains she gives a man who is possibly her dad, a kiss and a hug.", "segments": [[0, 19.86], [19.86, 93.44], [93.44, 107.46], [107.46, 226.6], [226.6, 233.61]], "duration": 233.61, "id": 2214}, {"image_id": "v_FC5FsugGt8o.mp4", "caption": "A group of women are seen walking around a sandy area and begin playing a match of volleyball with one another. The girls continue playing the match while others watch on the sidelines and walk back slowly in the end.", "segments": [[0, 53.74], [50.98, 137.79]], "duration": 137.79, "id": 2215}, {"image_id": "v_m210FwMsnTQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl does a balance beam routine and jumps around. After stretching, the woman does four flips. The woman dismounts and finishes the routine.", "segments": [[0, 94.27], [17.89, 68.65], [92.82, 96.69]], "duration": 96.69, "id": 2216}, {"image_id": "v_oFtwNVuasmU.mp4", "caption": "On a river outside the boys are walking down the street as cars pass by. There are many people out doing many different activities on the water. Some of the boys do jumps off the bridge and other are riding behind a boat. it's a nice summer day to be out and enjoy fun in the sun by the water.", "segments": [[0, 44.56], [44.56, 94.47], [94.47, 133.68], [133.68, 178.24]], "duration": 178.24, "id": 2217}, {"image_id": "v_fYQTAuBS7zw.mp4", "caption": "A guy shows you how to hold a small sharp ending stick in your hand and between your fingers to use as a weapon.The man shows you how to throw the sharp ended stick into the wall and make it stick from different distances.", "segments": [[0, 19.67], [19.67, 157.34]], "duration": 157.34, "id": 2218}, {"image_id": "v_TxLBvNWVk-4.mp4", "caption": "We see a series of bowling bloopers. We see a baby throw a ball and an adult fall. We see a lady fall while sitting on a bench. We see a man put a bowling ball in a cannon and shoot it across a field.", "segments": [[0, 54.46], [7.91, 9.74], [34.38, 39.55], [55.07, 60.85]], "duration": 60.85, "id": 2219}, {"image_id": "v_bj4nkWPdqIY.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a track is shown followed by a woman walking slowly away. Several shots are then shown of her performing long jumps in various places. She continues jumping in slow motion and ends with her landing in one last pit.", "segments": [[0, 64.18], [63.22, 136.99], [121.66, 189.67]], "duration": 191.59, "id": 2220}, {"image_id": "v_Wm1CL_g91G4.mp4", "caption": "There's a lady in green sanding the counter giving out tickets to people who are purchasing them for snow tubing. Several people are out snow tubing down a snow caped slope. People are going downhill on their snow tubes wearing winter gear and goggles. Some of them are snow tubing in groups of threes. They are enjoying themselves coming down the slope rapidly.", "segments": [[7.08, 31.44], [31.44, 77.04], [77.04, 117.13], [117.13, 141.5], [141.5, 150.93]], "duration": 157.22, "id": 2221}, {"image_id": "v_PXBcPu2_KOo.mp4", "caption": "An athlete climbs on the pommel horse to perform jumps and flips. The athlete flips backwards and then continues with her routine. The athlete stands on the border on the pommel horse and runs to jump, then flips and fall stand on the floor.", "segments": [[3.29, 49.34], [49.34, 143.08], [143.08, 160.35]], "duration": 164.47, "id": 2222}, {"image_id": "v_dN14VPSHimI.mp4", "caption": "a man is riding a horse in a rodeo and catch a bull while in stands people are watching them andother man in a hse are on side of the court. men are riding a horse in a barn and throw a rope to catch a bull.", "segments": [[0, 33.3], [33.3, 111]], "duration": 111.0, "id": 2223}, {"image_id": "v_dyLGepr7VR0.mp4", "caption": "Two men and a woman are seen walking up onto a stage while a group of people are seen behind them in mirrors. The three then perform a dance routine while the people in the audience follow from behind. The man pump up the crowd and continue dancing as the others follow along in the mirror.", "segments": [[4.47, 63.44], [54.5, 134.03], [138.49, 176.02]], "duration": 178.7, "id": 2224}, {"image_id": "v_FhWxgGQtCJY.mp4", "caption": "A man is shoveling up some mulch into a wheel barrel. He brings the wheel barrel over and dumps it in a pile where a woman is using a rake to spread it evenly out. They continue to bring over loads of the mulch and a man dumps over a little tractor of dirt. He rides off on the little deer john tractor while the others continue raking.", "segments": [[0, 15.29], [15.29, 56.44], [56.44, 89.37], [89.37, 117.59]], "duration": 117.59, "id": 2225}, {"image_id": "v_50MmJszF2XM.mp4", "caption": "A female coach and cheer director talks to the camera. She then spots a little girl through a backflip. She helps her do several different tasks, explaining the process as they go.", "segments": [[0, 13.5], [15, 66.74], [71.99, 149.98]], "duration": 149.98, "id": 2226}, {"image_id": "v_7Ozl-ud1zTo.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing on a beach looking off into the distance. Several shots are shown of people riding a surf board and others watching on the side. More people are seen riding the waves in various shots.", "segments": [[2.33, 62.86], [48.11, 110.2], [87.69, 151.33]], "duration": 155.21, "id": 2227}, {"image_id": "v_7XGimCWcafc.mp4", "caption": "A large off-roading truck drives by along a dirt track next to a body of water and comes to a stop. Many spectators approach the vehicle, while the driver climbs out of the vehicle and attempts to remove a tire from the back of the truck. A worker and some assistants approaches the vehicle with a spare tire, and some men begin to jack up the rear of the truck to try to replace the rear passenger side tire. While the tire is being replaced, the driver climbs back into the truck, and a specator takes a picture of the vehicle. Other spectators come to the driver side to talk with the driver. The tire is replaced and the truck drives off. A detailed look at the tire that was replaced is shown.", "segments": [[0, 26.8], [26.8, 58.07], [60.31, 104.98], [104.98, 140.71], [140.71, 189.85], [189.85, 196.55], [197.67, 216.65]], "duration": 223.35, "id": 2228}, {"image_id": "v_Uw_4gKpmAhI.mp4", "caption": "There are three contractors remodeling a house that is torn down for renovation. One of the contractors is cementing a brick wall. The other contractor is breaking an existing wall in the living room. The entire house is under renovation with furniture and boxes lying around the house with dust.", "segments": [[8.67, 9.63], [9.63, 17.82], [17.82, 41.18], [41.18, 46.47]], "duration": 48.16, "id": 2229}, {"image_id": "v_5Q8ltS84BBg.mp4", "caption": "kid is sitting in a red room talkin to the camera. the kid grabs a guitar and start playing it and singing. kid is playing the guitar and talking to the camera in a small room.", "segments": [[0, 9.89], [9.89, 73.24], [0, 73.24]], "duration": 73.24, "id": 2230}, {"image_id": "v_MOH9q_3Z9zg.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is shown in several images receiving a haircut. She is then shown in video form as her long hair is cut off in the style of a ponytail, meant to be donated to a group called Locks of Love. The girl is shown in various photos, holding the hair she is going to donate.", "segments": [[0, 12.38], [17.02, 135.36], [142.32, 154.69]], "duration": 154.69, "id": 2231}, {"image_id": "v_I637SOXSbHY.mp4", "caption": "A man bends down and picks up two kettle bells. He raises and lowers the kettle bells. He puts them down on the grass in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 8.07], [8.35, 49.83], [49.83, 51.27]], "duration": 57.61, "id": 2232}, {"image_id": "v__s20ZN8WZbo.mp4", "caption": "A man stands behind a bar with several mixed drinks. He pours ice into a glass and tops it with different liquors. He then adds a small straw.", "segments": [[0, 9.79], [11.81, 58.05], [59.06, 67.5]], "duration": 67.5, "id": 2233}, {"image_id": "v_n8gFxENOyR0.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing a contraption which holds his small son on his back as he hikes in the woods. We see the boy playing in an indoor porch at the house. The boy runs into the yard and his dad puts a helmet on him and helps him skateboard. The dad skateboards and holds the boy. We then see the ending screen and switch to the boy sitting on a rock high five his dad and we return to the close screen.", "segments": [[0, 47.02], [47.99, 70.52], [71.5, 156.72], [125.37, 137.13], [161.62, 195.9]], "duration": 195.9, "id": 2234}, {"image_id": "v_P4dx0xrr6fM.mp4", "caption": "An athlete walks onto a field. He spins in circles around a platform. He tosses a ball a great distance, and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 1.98], [2.08, 12.07], [13.26, 19.78]], "duration": 19.78, "id": 2235}, {"image_id": "v_tuhEnqKmUKg.mp4", "caption": "There's a teenage boy wearing a black beanie hat skateboarding through the city streets. He skateboards wearing a white shirt while jumping over a small cement wall. Then he jumps over another wall while skateboarding. Then in a green shirt, he skateboards past a school, straight into a basketball court and then jumps over a metal railing. Then back in a white shirt, he tries stunts by jumping up to a metal hand rail on his skateboard.", "segments": [[8.42, 29.2], [8.8, 14.22], [10.11, 14.04], [14.41, 25.64], [26.01, 29.2]], "duration": 37.43, "id": 2236}, {"image_id": "v_YAWoigyJ9sA.mp4", "caption": "A person is drinking from a coffee cup and looking away from the camera. His eyes pand up to the camera at the last second and he smiles.", "segments": [[0, 7.27], [7.45, 8.99]], "duration": 9.03, "id": 2237}, {"image_id": "v_uWJUoJyvFF0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a living room on a couch talking to the camera explaining what she is about to do.The camera pans down and the lady begins showing important aspects of the object she is knitting.When she is done,she grabs the needle,puts the thread in it and finishes knitting.", "segments": [[0, 14.45], [14.45, 60.56], [59.87, 137.64]], "duration": 137.64, "id": 2238}, {"image_id": "v_0_GpcrCLdag.mp4", "caption": "First a boy is shown eating a thin waffle. then an elderly lady is shown drinking water from a small glass. Next there is a little boy shown dipping his hand into a parfait and then grabbing a spoon from another boy and then eating the parfait. Finally a boy is shown eating a spoonful of a milkshake from a glass that has waffles in it.", "segments": [[0.84, 1.68], [2.94, 3.78], [4.63, 10.51], [70.65, 80.74]], "duration": 84.1, "id": 2239}, {"image_id": "v_b2uAgV5n3FU.mp4", "caption": "A man splits hardwood for use in wood stoves. There are two techniques used, one with an ax and one with a hammer and ax.", "segments": [[0, 143.48], [66, 143.48]], "duration": 143.48, "id": 2240}, {"image_id": "v_tmBTO0cA_qw.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of a counter with his hands down in front of equipment. He uses the surface to rub a knife blade back and forth, sharpening it. When he is done, he checks the blade before lying the knife back down.", "segments": [[0, 19.35], [23.42, 183.3], [186.35, 203.66]], "duration": 203.66, "id": 2241}, {"image_id": "v_o7z-u08tc-Y.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen holding onto a rope and playing tug of war. The camera pans around the other team playing with the group while others watch on the side. The people continue playing back and fourth and end by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 42.03], [43.83, 91.86], [90.06, 118.28]], "duration": 120.08, "id": 2242}, {"image_id": "v_W0dCIs9Y8yg.mp4", "caption": "The camera follows a small child on skis as he or she maneuvers past a crowd of people. The child skis down a slope with other people at various points along the trail. The child stops as the cameraperson approaches.", "segments": [[0, 14.62], [14.62, 160.02], [160.02, 162.46]], "duration": 162.46, "id": 2243}, {"image_id": "v_R2qPyJVTUlI.mp4", "caption": "Women are dressed up in fancy clothing. A woman is putting something onto another woman's body. Words come up on the screen.", "segments": [[7.35, 87.79], [20.22, 87.79], [90.55, 91.93]], "duration": 91.93, "id": 2244}, {"image_id": "v_T8nteSe3U9Q.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman stand outside while he sprays her with sunblock. They are both laughing and having a good time. She turns around so he can get her back thoroughly as they both playfully flirt with each other. He starts to spray her and she gives him directions as to where he missed applying it. She then turns around for him to get her arms, face and any of the other areas that he missed.", "segments": [[0, 16.75], [16.02, 26.21], [26.21, 75.73], [75, 95.39], [95.39, 145.64]], "duration": 145.64, "id": 2245}, {"image_id": "v_OLRDf3vO8lw.mp4", "caption": "Family day at the beach, father and son are walking around and then they start to play in the sand. They have a sand in buckets trying to build sand castles. When they take the bucket up the sand isn't very stable at all. The little boy goes and kick down all the castle parts that they were creating.", "segments": [[0, 5], [5, 14.39], [14.39, 27.57], [27.57, 39.96]], "duration": 39.96, "id": 2246}, {"image_id": "v_gvHQDDF7EGU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing a saxophone and transitions from various locations of the person playing the instrument. The man is then seen side by side with himself and more shots of him playing in a room.", "segments": [[0, 51.02], [47.56, 172.94]], "duration": 172.94, "id": 2247}, {"image_id": "v_30y8Uy0B_uk.mp4", "caption": "A man is hanging on a rock wall and talking to the camera. The man swings back and fourth and how to keep your balance when rock climbing. He begins climbing up the wall and talking about keeping straight arms. He continues climbing up the wall and where to position your feet and how to push. He finally makes it to the top of the rock wall and faces the camera.", "segments": [[6.91, 157.12], [16.4, 30.22], [25.04, 45.76], [46.62, 114.82], [144.17, 159.71]], "duration": 172.66, "id": 2248}, {"image_id": "v_tvR1ovqyJZ8.mp4", "caption": "A person is riding inside a boat on the water. They are dragging a person on water skis. The person stays upright as they are pulled quickly through the water.", "segments": [[0, 17.32], [21.88, 75.21], [77.49, 91.16]], "duration": 91.16, "id": 2249}, {"image_id": "v_yNmV_c3rlLA.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing the hand drums in a living room. The man throws his head back. We zoom in on the man's hands. We zoom out and see the whole man. He finishes playing and takes a bow.", "segments": [[0, 76.55], [11.21, 17.01], [23.58, 37.5], [37.5, 76.16], [76.16, 77.32]], "duration": 77.32, "id": 2250}, {"image_id": "v_vBdm15wRqig.mp4", "caption": "Boys get out a train and walk in the street holding surfboards. They, the boys surf in a choppy river in a city. A boy put his surfboard on the rives,jump on and surf, then fell, also other boys surf. After, the boys are inside a train.", "segments": [[1.47, 21.32], [21.32, 86.75], [87.48, 131.59], [133.06, 141.15]], "duration": 147.03, "id": 2251}, {"image_id": "v_ysbUc6WS12k.mp4", "caption": "There's a bon fire lit in an open ground next to some tents and bikes. There's a person dressed in a biker's suit who comes up and sets fire to a pile of wood sticks. The fire begins to spread through the twigs and wood sticks and bursts into large flames.", "segments": [[0, 59.68], [8.65, 17.31], [16.41, 59.68]], "duration": 59.68, "id": 2252}, {"image_id": "v_-YjGbsbDoxs.mp4", "caption": "A lady named Linda, creator of Paint Along is demonstrating how to do an acrylic painting. She starts with a one inch flat brush and yellow and white acrylic paint. She makes X patterns across the canvas with the yellow color. She continues the same pattern on the top part of the canvas. Then she draws straight lines across the canvas with an orange color. She then takes a liner brush to do some finer detailing on the painting such as branches of a tree. She takes a flatter brush to demonstrate a dabbing technique with excess paint to show flower petals. She ends the video with the abstract painting technique.", "segments": [[11.36, 127.45], [18.67, 127.45], [37.34, 127.45], [43.84, 127.45], [60.88, 127.45], [108.78, 127.45], [123.39, 155.86], [153.42, 155.86]], "duration": 162.35, "id": 2253}, {"image_id": "v_jdAJ7cJBxnQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in a pool playing a game while a man in white stands on the sideline waving his arm. The ball is thrown and the goalie in front of the net jumps to stop the ball. The goalie then dips deep underwater.", "segments": [[0, 5.27], [6.19, 7.82], [8.1, 9.59]], "duration": 9.59, "id": 2254}, {"image_id": "v_hHpcr5tYWso.mp4", "caption": "An Asian woman with black hair in beige jacket and printed blouse, is talking in front of the camera. Four black and white kites with blue and yellow diamond print on them are flying from the ground, a green octopus, dragons and other shapes of kites are flying in the sky, while men in red pull the kites.", "segments": [[0.62, 11.18], [8.49, 40.18]], "duration": 41.43, "id": 2255}, {"image_id": "v_r5NqGSZsN0E.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is shown sitting down and speaking to the camera white holding a shirt. She ties the shirt around her arm and dips it into the water and scrubs it with her hands.", "segments": [[0, 24.19], [25.04, 56.26]], "duration": 56.26, "id": 2256}, {"image_id": "v_bF55ewgaJLA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated in a chair, holding a saxophone. He stands as he plays, his fingers moving up and down the instrument. The screen cuts to black and white text.", "segments": [[0, 31.2], [34.22, 178.15], [193.24, 201.29]], "duration": 201.29, "id": 2257}, {"image_id": "v_eAIJhHmdjmk.mp4", "caption": "We see the green opening screens. We then see a person shovel snow with a pusher. We see an title screen. We we a man plowing an ice rink with his shovel. We then see the product screen. We see a closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 7.47], [7.47, 61.6], [61.6, 67.2], [67.82, 115.1], [114.48, 115.73], [116.97, 124.44]], "duration": 124.44, "id": 2258}, {"image_id": "v_8H3Wy96BwHM.mp4", "caption": "We see numbers slots on asphalt. We then see kids riding BMX bikes cut with scenes of other things. We see kids talking to the camera. We see a gate open and kids start riding. We see a coach standing with kids. We see another coach standing with kids. We see kids pass the finish line. We see the emblem on the screen with kids sitting on their bikes. We then see the close screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.92], [6.29, 44.82], [11.75, 13.39], [14.76, 16.94], [25.96, 28.7], [32.8, 33.89], [44, 44.82], [45.09, 48.65], [50.29, 54.66]], "duration": 54.66, "id": 2259}, {"image_id": "v_OCQ9OyMKQKw.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a hat is standing outside. He picks up a chainsaw off of the ground. He begins to chop down a bush next to him.", "segments": [[0, 55.8], [39.06, 40.45], [39.06, 55.8]], "duration": 55.8, "id": 2260}, {"image_id": "v_YKzVHb16eUk.mp4", "caption": "There are a bunch of children standing around a table and the main focus is a boy who is cutting stuff on a blue tray. The boy walks away from the tray and an adult starts cutting. The adult stops cutting and another boy begins to cut the objects very slowly,the adult interrupts the child to demonstrate how to cut and the child walks away.", "segments": [[0, 16.04], [16.04, 26.48], [26.48, 74.58]], "duration": 74.58, "id": 2261}, {"image_id": "v__f0S0vQZ9JM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to the camera followed by several drinks laid out. The people then begin mixing ingredients with one another and speaking to one another. The people continue mixing drinks with one another and presenting them to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 40.31], [39.57, 111.23], [102.27, 142.59]], "duration": 149.31, "id": 2262}, {"image_id": "v_e__FVkfXB-U.mp4", "caption": "A man is throwing a blue frisbee and a dog is chasing after it. The dog is jumping over the man kneeling down on the grass. They continue to play frisbee with the dog.", "segments": [[10.49, 38.67], [38.67, 42.61], [38.67, 131.1]], "duration": 131.1, "id": 2263}, {"image_id": "v_peoMXSP3VgY.mp4", "caption": "Mountains are seen in the background and a boy rides in a car. Skateboarders ride down through a parking garage together. The skateboards ride down a hill the skid at the bottom. The boy sets his board standing upright. A boy skateboards through the bleachers of a stadium.", "segments": [[0, 4.25], [19.97, 39.09], [44.62, 53.12], [62.04, 66.29], [70.54, 81.16]], "duration": 84.99, "id": 2264}, {"image_id": "v_lJeJ2LFna5o.mp4", "caption": "A crowd gathers watching a volleyball game. A volleyball player hits the ball. The player's teammate also hits the ball. The player hits the ball three more times. The players teammate hits the ball. The other player hits the ball over the net. The ball returns and one of the players hits the ball. The players teammate dives to hit the ball. The other player hits the ball to the other team. The ball returns and one of the players hits the ball out of bounds.", "segments": [[0, 35.48], [3.55, 4.97], [5.14, 5.85], [9.05, 19.34], [19.51, 20.76], [20.93, 25.01], [25.19, 25.72], [25.9, 27.32], [27.5, 28.92], [29.27, 35.48]], "duration": 35.48, "id": 2265}, {"image_id": "v_aw89asgFHbs.mp4", "caption": "A girl does flips across a mat. The mat is black and red. Several girls watch her and clap. She then does some backflips.", "segments": [[0, 15.15], [0.68, 15.15], [7.12, 15.15], [11.9, 15.15]], "duration": 15.15, "id": 2266}, {"image_id": "v_B2HIj_QWaG0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is playing a violin on the street while various people walk around here and behind her. She smiles into the camera while playing and continues playing the song while several people bend down to tip her and walk around her.", "segments": [[0, 7.07], [7.07, 108.79]], "duration": 108.78999999999999, "id": 2267}, {"image_id": "v_FMUaey1tigI.mp4", "caption": "A man adjust his camera and captures a close up of his hand and face. A young child wearing a green shirt is playing some conga percussion instruments. An older boy wearing a burgundy shirt moves into the picture behind the child who is playing the Conga's and begins to dance. The boy in the burgundy shirt walks out of the picture as the young conga player also walks away as the camera follows him. The young child returns to continue playing the conga's as a child wearing a blue shirt walks behind the young conga player.", "segments": [[0, 7.49], [7.49, 15.52], [14.45, 46.55], [44.95, 68.49], [68.49, 103.28]], "duration": 107.02000000000001, "id": 2268}, {"image_id": "v_Tv3v-UpBJ2Y.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing on a field holding onto a rope. A man stands in front as the group begins pulling the rope to one side. The people continue pulling until one falls down afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 65.53], [66.72, 191.83], [162.04, 234.72]], "duration": 238.3, "id": 2269}, {"image_id": "v_Z6xXj6tbMCo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen doing various flips and tricks on a gym floor while others practice behind him. The man continues slipping around the room while people walking him stop and watch.", "segments": [[0, 68.39], [57.81, 162.84]], "duration": 162.84, "id": 2270}, {"image_id": "v_8j75QYV-iCg.mp4", "caption": "a young girl in a yellow outfit poses with a baton. She begins to dance, twirling the baton as she goes. The girl spins, sits, slides, and twirls as she performs. She falls to the ground in a pose and smiles as she finishes.", "segments": [[0, 20.02], [21.56, 60.07], [63.15, 137.85], [140.16, 154.02]], "duration": 154.02, "id": 2271}, {"image_id": "v_a9ItMklOTyE.mp4", "caption": "It looks like this is an arabic language that is being written or something. Then on a field there is men playing a game throwing the ball. Some coaches are walking around with hats to keep the sun out of their eyes. The game looks pretty intense, one man puts all of his might into one of the throws he make.", "segments": [[0, 20.03], [20.03, 47.07], [47.07, 75.61], [76.61, 100.15]], "duration": 100.15, "id": 2272}, {"image_id": "v_Yp-NJgTAOCc.mp4", "caption": "The scene comes into focus showing the outside of a building, with some text at the bottom that says it is a school for breakdancing. A man is doing some paperwork while some other men are standing in the background next to a projector screen. A large number of kids inside a gym are practicing breakdancing. The kids are inside a classroom watching a presentation by the man seen earlier. The kids are seen once again inside the gym practicing their breakdancing moves. The screen goes black and a graphic appears on screen showing the company's logo and youtube channel information.", "segments": [[0, 1.57], [1.57, 3.13], [3.13, 4.7], [4.7, 69.72], [69.72, 139.43], [139.43, 156.67]], "duration": 156.67000000000002, "id": 2273}, {"image_id": "v_qlbuekEsXL4.mp4", "caption": "A boy on a horse is released from a gate. He ropes a calf, dragging it to the ground. He dismounts, tying the calf with rope before getting back on his horse.", "segments": [[0, 4.19], [5.27, 19.6], [19.87, 27.03]], "duration": 27.03, "id": 2274}, {"image_id": "v_UAgb3FEjBN8.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a small child riding a dirt bike on a dirt path. Several shots of the boy grown up are shown followed by more footage of the boy riding a dirt bike.", "segments": [[0, 26.92], [26.92, 234.1]], "duration": 234.1, "id": 2275}, {"image_id": "v_iiyYRmc1YiA.mp4", "caption": "We see a crowd of people watching an event. The men fiddle with a metal handle. They hold hands in preparation for the match and the judge touches their hands. The men begin their arm wrestling match, and the guy on the right wins. The guys shake hands and hug. We see a shot of one of the contestants.", "segments": [[0, 88.16], [1.78, 17.36], [17.36, 41.41], [41.85, 79.7], [79.25, 88.6], [88.6, 89.05]], "duration": 89.05, "id": 2276}, {"image_id": "v_517rgTzIobE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are playing racket ball in an indoor court. The two men, one in black and the other in a red shirt playing racket ball against each other. The man in black begins the first serve and the man in the red shirt returns his serve. They continue playing racket ball. Then the same players play racket ball on a different occasion wearing black and the other wearing a yellow shirt. They continue serving and hitting the ball against the wall. They play several rounds on the game. They are back again in the red and black shirts playing racket ball. They run to hit and the ball served by the opponent as they continue to play.", "segments": [[0, 87.42], [3.5, 87.42], [5.68, 16.17], [4.81, 11.37], [15.74, 31.91], [20.98, 34.1], [24.04, 32.78], [33.66, 73], [39.78, 81.3]], "duration": 87.42, "id": 2277}, {"image_id": "v_pzZ4TGcMK1k.mp4", "caption": "People stand on the border of the diving boards and they dive while in the water. Swimmer stand on the diving boards, then they jump spinning in the air and diving in the water. Swimmers jump from the diving board, they spins three times in the air before to dive inn the water.", "segments": [[9.22, 79.28], [79.28, 156.71], [156.71, 184.37]], "duration": 184.37, "id": 2278}, {"image_id": "v_t04jE7d0Obw.mp4", "caption": "We see a man give a lady a rose. The man and the woman then perform a dance in front of a crowd. 35 The man spins the lady making her dress flounce and looks at her chest. The dance repeats over and over again many times. The man bends the woman forward looking at her chest two times and almost puts his hand on her neck.", "segments": [[0, 12.26], [14.89, 175.17], [34.16, 42.92], [43.79, 160.28], [161.16, 175.17]], "duration": 175.17000000000002, "id": 2279}, {"image_id": "v_bVMxBXeYMr0.mp4", "caption": "A black man caresses his beard and face in a loving way. The black man uses a clipper trimmer to trim his beard and face. The black man attaches an orange attachment to the clippers and continues trimming his beard. The black man washes his face and beard and displays an array of accessories and applies them to his face and beard.", "segments": [[0, 17.44], [17.44, 107.23], [108.1, 129.03], [129.9, 174.36]], "duration": 174.36, "id": 2280}, {"image_id": "v_Gr5jGxLEp70.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen wandering around a festival with shots of people speaking are shown as well as playing crochet. More people are seen playing the game as several others watch on the sidelines and critique.", "segments": [[0.96, 36.62], [35.65, 94.92]], "duration": 96.36, "id": 2281}, {"image_id": "v_5Bo0gFXxDQk.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a blue shirt is sitting on the floor welding. He is wearing protective gear to cover his face and eyes. He also has protective gloves on that are brown in color. He continues welding a long metal rod with welding tool directed towards the rod.", "segments": [[1.02, 3.06], [3.06, 6.88], [6.88, 12.24], [12.24, 12.75]], "duration": 17.0, "id": 2282}, {"image_id": "v_s2PFIKG5PYI.mp4", "caption": "A large piece of machinery is seen sitting in a room. A robot arm then moves into frame attempting to push things around. The robot fails and pulls it's arm back in.", "segments": [[0, 6.14], [5.52, 13.76], [9.55, 16.39]], "duration": 17.53, "id": 2283}, {"image_id": "v_iOpoR0UeJNg.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman talk to the camera in a newscast setting. The scene transitions to various people training in gymnastics. Two women are interviewed on camera sequentially. The scene transitions to more gymnastic practice segments.", "segments": [[0, 16.72], [17.5, 32.28], [32.67, 48.62], [49.01, 77.79]], "duration": 77.78999999999999, "id": 2284}, {"image_id": "v_2U_BUV8PLtk.mp4", "caption": "A pair of handlebars are detached from the bike and is laying down flat on a table.The man then picks up the handlebars and sticks them back into the bike tightening them with a key.", "segments": [[0, 33.98], [34.43, 89.43]], "duration": 89.43, "id": 2285}, {"image_id": "v_4E89GQ2UnoQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a raft full of people in a rough river and see lots of stills. We see the people in shots. We see the title screen. We see a helicopter over a river. The raft turns over and a lady laughs. We see a bus driving on the street. We see the canyon from afar. We see a tunnel and a speedboat. We see still shots of the rafters. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 24.37], [23.5, 26.98], [27.85, 36.56], [37.43, 45.26], [76.6, 85.3], [101.84, 107.06], [129.69, 132.3], [133.17, 146.23], [156.67, 161.89], [162.76, 174.08]], "duration": 174.07999999999998, "id": 2286}, {"image_id": "v_dm5ZnhOeBBQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing next to a vacuum. She dumps something onto the floor. She takes the vacuum and vacuums up the mess. She takes the hose off the vacuum and starts using that on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 20.27], [20.27, 29.34], [30.95, 61.89], [62.96, 106.71]], "duration": 106.71000000000001, "id": 2287}, {"image_id": "v_UIZkQUo8VtA.mp4", "caption": "A truck is seen parked in front of a house with several shots of the house shown. A man is then seen standing on the roof hosing down the top and again standing in front of the house watering. The camera shows the truck parked out front again and the final product of the roof.", "segments": [[0, 14.61], [14.32, 42.95], [45.04, 59.65]], "duration": 59.65, "id": 2288}, {"image_id": "v_x_lN_QxbEjQ.mp4", "caption": "A black intro screen appears and it includes a lot of text in white, blue and green that include numbers and letters, and then a logo to the right side that's for QUICKSILVER and the clips will be from a surfing competition in PIHA, AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND.The beach is shown and there are multiple people and tents and the people are watching and cheering on various different surfers who are surfing big and long waves.The outro appears and it's the same black screen with the logo and text as it was for the intro.", "segments": [[0, 5.09], [5.09, 198.62], [198.62, 203.71]], "duration": 203.71, "id": 2289}, {"image_id": "v_A-Oz6mBBBZQ.mp4", "caption": "Three girls are sitting on the beach, making a mound with sand and water. They use a bowl to form a mold.", "segments": [[0, 10.9], [12.17, 25.36]], "duration": 25.36, "id": 2290}, {"image_id": "v_aHzNMe-VKfE.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is in the house playing in his shirt and diaper. He has a little hockey stick and he is using it to swing at a rolling back. The ball keeps coming toward him and he keeps swinging trying to hit it. He is having a lot of fun and staying entertained playing inside alone.", "segments": [[0, 3.23], [3.23, 8.36], [8.36, 13.39], [13.39, 18.99]], "duration": 18.99, "id": 2291}, {"image_id": "v_xgIxKDm9M38.mp4", "caption": "The man walks out from his house and opens his car door on a snowy day. The man lifts up the windshield wipers of his car. The man uses a house broom to sweep snow off of his car. The dog plays with the owners. The man gets in his car and backs it towards the house into a parking spot.", "segments": [[0, 45.06], [47.71, 62.29], [64.94, 157.71], [180.24, 200.12], [169.64, 241.2]], "duration": 265.06, "id": 2292}, {"image_id": "v_vFRSso8WQfY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a kitchen at the island in front of a blender and various ingredients. She places apples and sugar into the blender with ice, and blends them together. She then pours the mixture into two glasses while she continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 46.81], [47.66, 123.41], [124.26, 170.23]], "duration": 170.23, "id": 2293}, {"image_id": "v_USCVBB97pOc.mp4", "caption": "A man has a tool he uses to trim cat claws, he messes around with it a little bit and then he gets up to find his cat. He pets the cat a little bit as to not make it so suspicious and scared. He gets the kitty in a good position and starts feeling for her claws and one by one starts to clip them. Then he moves her the other arms and pets her some more, showing the difference between her clawed and declawed nails.", "segments": [[0, 29.76], [29.76, 60.96], [60.96, 103.06], [103.06, 145.15]], "duration": 145.15, "id": 2294}, {"image_id": "v_MhO48WnApoM.mp4", "caption": "There are people standing on a frozen body of water and are looking into a small hole that has a fishing wire in it and they watch it as it bobs up and down.The standing man pulls the pole and wire up higher and the man kneeling on the ice pulls the fish out of the ice water and puts it onto the ice. Another man takes a picture of the fish, the kneeling man unhooks it and the standing man picks it up, holds it by its gills and poses with it.", "segments": [[0, 99.14], [99.14, 108.48], [108.48, 143.69]], "duration": 143.69, "id": 2295}, {"image_id": "v_LvbM6zv8XVc.mp4", "caption": "People are dancing on the beach. A woman is laying down on a red towel. A man is laying on a green towel. Two dogs are next to them on the beach.", "segments": [[0, 184.25], [42.38, 43.3], [58.04, 58.96], [179.64, 181.49]], "duration": 184.25, "id": 2296}, {"image_id": "v_IV5llWEEfAw.mp4", "caption": "A sailboat sails through rough waters in the ocean. The skipper is seen manning the steering wheel at the back of the boat. The mast of the ship is seen in full view.", "segments": [[0, 73.9], [25.5, 59.86], [63.55, 69.47]], "duration": 73.9, "id": 2297}, {"image_id": "v_DDwBAbeGejE.mp4", "caption": "woman is sitting in studio giving the news. a person is in a yard sweeping dry leaves. old woman is being interviewed and is talking to the camera in a living room. a woman and a man are being interviewed and are talking to the camera while they are sweeping the leaves. old woman is agani alking and back in studio talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 17.93], [17.93, 26.53], [26.53, 37.29], [26.53, 114.03], [114.03, 143.43]], "duration": 143.43, "id": 2298}, {"image_id": "v_g6tF83rCXh0.mp4", "caption": "A female weight lifter is preparing to lift a barbell. She lifts with her knees, raising the bar to her chest. She then stands, lifting it over her head before dropping the barbell back to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 5.55], [6.58, 31.89], [34.15, 41.15]], "duration": 41.15, "id": 2299}, {"image_id": "v_okC18bPTils.mp4", "caption": "The man is standing above water before he goes scuba diving. He's underwater along with a few other people where there's shells and rocks in the sand. There is also wooden logs and small lobsters crawling around.", "segments": [[0, 0.45], [0, 50.86], [50.86, 90.01]], "duration": 90.01, "id": 2300}, {"image_id": "v_Nd209mI-wq0.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in a music store playing an acoustic guitar and talking to the camera showing the ibanez guitar. man starts playing the guitar showing how the guitar sounds connected to an amplifier.", "segments": [[0, 138.39], [138.39, 172.99]], "duration": 172.99, "id": 2301}, {"image_id": "v_FGKdmKX1z64.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera wearing a microphone and begins wiping down a window. He uses several tools and objects to clean the glass and continues wiping down while looking at the camera.", "segments": [[0.54, 53.52], [43.25, 108.13]], "duration": 108.13, "id": 2302}, {"image_id": "v_8EyYHnijfnI.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits in a chair. Another woman puts something up her nose. She then pierces it with a needle. She puts a piece of jewelry on it next.", "segments": [[0, 130.66], [19.6, 75.78], [77.09, 89.5], [101.91, 130.66]], "duration": 130.66, "id": 2303}, {"image_id": "v_yjd9UOJdes8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is shown speaking to the camera as well as dancing and then is seen playing the violin. She plays the instrument while dancing at the same time and ends with her speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 38.14], [35.07, 121.81]], "duration": 123.04, "id": 2304}, {"image_id": "v_pULb9WvZwU4.mp4", "caption": "Multiple men are loaded onto a crane boom bucket. When three men are safely aboard, the crane begins to lift them up in the air slowly. Once they reach the top of the crane, the view switches and they can be seen looking over the landscape. The man that is preparing to bungee jump is at the edge of the boom looking around nervously. One at a time the men jump out of the boom and hang above a small body of water. There certificate of accomplishment ends the video.", "segments": [[0, 10.05], [8.27, 39.01], [35.46, 54.38], [54.38, 79.2], [78.02, 118.21], [109.94, 118.21]], "duration": 118.21000000000001, "id": 2305}, {"image_id": "v_DPsa28MmdoI.mp4", "caption": "The words \"The Shotover River In Flood\" appear on screen. First person video shows a raft full of people heading down and extremely rough river in-between rocky cliffs. The words \"Big thanks to River Guide J-Rod\" appear on screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.94], [9.93, 193.73], [193.73, 198.69]], "duration": 198.69, "id": 2306}, {"image_id": "v_JqFFXs0RAnI.mp4", "caption": "A person competes solving a cube puzzle behind a chronometer, while a woman takes notes and watch the person. The person solves the puzzle, then he stands, raise his arms and walk. The person shake hands with people in the room. Suddenly, the person runs making thumps up and pose for a picture.", "segments": [[0, 11.56], [10.6, 22.55], [22.55, 35.08], [35.08, 37.78]], "duration": 38.55, "id": 2307}, {"image_id": "v_eypKc4FyZ2s.mp4", "caption": "A boy with a gardening pot is watering her bush outside in the yard. He and another boy get together and the other boy begins to start playing croquet while he talks. Another taller boy comes and joins them and talks about the game. Then, They start to hit balls rying to make it through the obstacles.", "segments": [[0, 21.79], [21.79, 56.45], [56.45, 127.75], [127.75, 198.07]], "duration": 198.07, "id": 2308}, {"image_id": "v_ReOsTqcQBmY.mp4", "caption": "Three people are jumping rope and doing tricks. Other people sit and stand at tables in the background and watch or film the jump ropers. Four different people are now jumping rope and doing tricks. Another group of three people shows off their jump rope skills. Another group of three in red shorts jumps rope. People in the background walk around. A group of four girls jump rope. The first group of people jumps rope with a fourth person. A different group of four in red and black jump rope. A different team of jump ropers watches in the background. A team of four in black and yellow jump rope.", "segments": [[0, 23.47], [0, 178.35], [24.41, 40.36], [40.36, 45.99], [45.99, 56.32], [48.81, 55.38], [57.26, 76.97], [77.91, 108.89], [110.76, 145.49], [124.84, 144.55], [147.37, 178.35]], "duration": 187.73, "id": 2309}, {"image_id": "v_IKeV3kdX-_I.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy in a horse ran towards the field and chase a cattle. The cowboy got off the horse and chase after the cattle, when he catched the cattle he tied the cattle.", "segments": [[0, 12.17], [9.48, 35.78]], "duration": 35.78, "id": 2310}, {"image_id": "v_3PiN6rDgg_E.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to use one container of powdered pigment to make many different hair, nail, and face makeup products. A woman talks to the camera in front of a counter filled with makeup. The camera shows different makeup pieces with accompanying descriptions cards in between cutting back to the woman talking. The woman begins to apply some of the makeup to her face, including lips and to her nails via nail polish. The woman uses some of the makeup to make hair streaks in another persons hair. The woman then uses the containers of powdered makeup to make foundation and eye shadow before smiling and displaying the entire line of colors and displaying a marketing graphic.", "segments": [[0, 208.4], [0, 21.88], [14.59, 28.13], [26.05, 72.94], [72.94, 82.32], [82.32, 208.4]], "duration": 208.4, "id": 2311}, {"image_id": "v_jCVi9xt3GUY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is washing dishes with soap and a scrub in her kitchen sink. She takes the scrub that is soaked in liquid soap and scrubs it on the bowl to thoroughly clean it. She places the plates and bowls on top of each other in the sink as she washes them.", "segments": [[10.55, 24.15], [24.15, 35.72], [35.72, 37.95]], "duration": 40.59, "id": 2312}, {"image_id": "v_UCOn2HkJJt8.mp4", "caption": "A man rides a four wheeler in a field. The man stands up on the four wheeler and hits his break lights to inspect a target. A man holding a bow and arrow is talking and demonstrating features on the bow he's holding. A website scrolls across the screen while the man fires the bow at a target. The camera then zooms in on the target. The website scrolls across the screen again and the man fires three more arrows. The screen changes to gray and the man shows the brand of bow is a Bowtech.", "segments": [[0, 15.74], [15.74, 25], [25, 64.8], [64.8, 87.02], [87.02, 91.65], [91.65, 180.53], [181.45, 185.16]], "duration": 185.16, "id": 2313}, {"image_id": "v_RztM-NVwV5o.mp4", "caption": "woman is in studio talking in the news holding a paintball gun and shot a wall. a man and a woman are in a field doing shots and playing with the small pain balls. they recharge the guns and are playing in a green backyard paintball practicing shots and wearing masks.", "segments": [[0, 27.07], [27.07, 90.64], [90.64, 235.43]], "duration": 235.43, "id": 2314}, {"image_id": "v_bnItfkwBogY.mp4", "caption": "A woman performs a dance routine with a hoop on a stage. The woman performs the routine with two hoops. The woman returns to performing with one hoop.", "segments": [[5.84, 27.03], [27.03, 33.6], [34.33, 65.75]], "duration": 73.05, "id": 2315}, {"image_id": "v_1V0TqgcXSVk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a room, surrounded by yoga gear. She then shows how to use a stepper to exercise, stepping on and off, side to side. She talks a little longer about the exercise.", "segments": [[0, 12.06], [14.68, 92.78], [93.83, 104.84]], "duration": 104.84, "id": 2316}, {"image_id": "v_Gba1MksaNBQ.mp4", "caption": "Some men are playing pool as three boxer dogs watch. The boxers stand by the pool table, trying to snap at the balls as they are shot with the cues.", "segments": [[0, 83.94], [90.69, 192.96]], "duration": 192.96, "id": 2317}, {"image_id": "v_o8PA6XW32oI.mp4", "caption": "a person begins to solve a rubix cube. They start turning it in all directions. They have solved the rubix cube.", "segments": [[0, 3], [3, 27.79], [27.79, 31.58]], "duration": 31.58, "id": 2318}, {"image_id": "v_M0ygYlmTHy4.mp4", "caption": "A group of people play water volleyball in an outdoor pool. The people begin to play competitively with volleyball in the water. the camera changes angle and catches the people playing from behind with the net between the people and the camera.", "segments": [[3.04, 192.45], [36.47, 95.21], [131.68, 195.49]], "duration": 202.57999999999998, "id": 2319}, {"image_id": "v_wfFnIYdSjCI.mp4", "caption": "A small group of children are seen running around a lacrosse field playing a game with one another. The camera continues to follow the people around as they chase the ball and run up and down the field.", "segments": [[0.39, 14.89], [11.49, 24.82]], "duration": 26.12, "id": 2320}, {"image_id": "v_hW25ecQ1GUc.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a chair is seen followed by a woman walking into frame. The woman sits in the chair and begins putting a pair of shoes on. She puts both on and stands up to move her feet around.", "segments": [[0.65, 11.2], [13.57, 31.66], [31.23, 42.21]], "duration": 43.07, "id": 2321}, {"image_id": "v_6WlnhNQOWFA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a game of hopscotch drawn out and begins jumping down the path while others follow. The camera continues to follow the man as he jumps down the path and captures several others doing the same as well.", "segments": [[3.18, 69.93], [59.76, 122.07]], "duration": 127.15, "id": 2322}, {"image_id": "v_w6P9JrTGRlE.mp4", "caption": "A dog is dressed in clothes and a human is behind him only showing his hands. As to look like the dog is part human and doing human like stuff. He is feeding himself breakfast and then wipes his face. After that he grabs a cup of coffee to drink. He struggles to grab another napkin to wipe his face again.", "segments": [[0, 18.94], [12.79, 32.24], [31.73, 65.51], [65.51, 81.37], [81.88, 102.35]], "duration": 102.35, "id": 2323}, {"image_id": "v_g1lqpONbOKY.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl gymnast on a balance beam performing. The girl prepares to do a flip and falls on the bar and hurts herself. The girl stands crying and a lady comes to help her.", "segments": [[0, 8.17], [8.37, 10.8], [11.09, 19.46]], "duration": 19.46, "id": 2324}, {"image_id": "v_aSPPD0fDI3g.mp4", "caption": "Make up is shown on a table. A woman sits on her bed and applies makeup to her face. She uses a large brush to apply powder to her face. She puts mascara on her eyelashes. She puts lipstick on her lips. She puts a backpack on and walks out the door.", "segments": [[0, 11.87], [11.87, 193.83], [78.13, 93.95], [115.71, 153.29], [179.99, 189.88], [194.82, 197.79]], "duration": 197.79, "id": 2325}, {"image_id": "v_0xtS7g7vZLU.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans out a wooden table with a boy with glasses showing it off. The boy pushes various pucks across the wooden board to see where it ends up. The boy pushes several more pucks and the boy holding the camera walks to the end to show the results.", "segments": [[0, 23.23], [23.23, 99.46], [98.73, 143.74]], "duration": 145.2, "id": 2326}, {"image_id": "v_Z_lah8-xYx8.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman walk out onto the pier of a boat. They are playing a sweeping game. The woman pushes the puck, which slides into the camera. The scene is repeated in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 3.7], [3.84, 7.4], [8.23, 16.87], [17.28, 27.42]], "duration": 27.42, "id": 2327}, {"image_id": "v_RmTDHszp1v0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is standing next to parallel bars. A boy jumps onto the parallel bars and starts swinging back and forth. The boy starts doing a routine on the parallel bars.", "segments": [[7, 119.08], [43.3, 65.59], [66.87, 119.08]], "duration": 127.36, "id": 2328}, {"image_id": "v_zNMLz9GIQLk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen using a wet rag on a window and moving the cleaner all around the glass. He continuously dips the object in cleaner and cleans all around the glass while using a rag close behind.", "segments": [[0, 93.33], [33.18, 138.26]], "duration": 138.27, "id": 2329}, {"image_id": "v_v8jzbjQqNhE.mp4", "caption": "A man holding his kayak talk to the camera. He is in his kayak paddling downstream. Another rower passes him and does a flip. He talks to the camera again. We see the parking lot off camera. Back in the water passing a waterfall. Talking head to camera again. Point of view shots from his kayak. Talking head as he very animatedly talks to the camera. Point of view from the boat following another rower. Talking head interspersed with shots from the water illustrating the technques he talks about in his talking head shots.", "segments": [[0, 16.9], [16.9, 27.47], [21.13, 26.41], [26.41, 52.82], [44.37, 45.42], [53.88, 62.33], [62.33, 79.23], [91.91, 128.88], [110.92, 211.28], [119.37, 130.99], [154.23, 211.28]], "duration": 211.28, "id": 2330}, {"image_id": "v_Yh9eGll8fYQ.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to one another and leads into a man standing on the edge and jumping. The man's jump is shown several times from different camera as he jumps off the side and back up again.", "segments": [[0.28, 28], [20.72, 54.89]], "duration": 56.01, "id": 2331}, {"image_id": "v_l7nsRRyzD4k.mp4", "caption": "A group of people is building sand castles on the beach. A girl waves to the camera. A man is seen digging in the sand. A girl is seen looking through a beach bag. The girl finds what she is looking for.", "segments": [[0, 22.3], [2.93, 4.72], [10.74, 19.04], [22.46, 28.32], [28.49, 32.56]], "duration": 32.56, "id": 2332}, {"image_id": "v_bTE3HEy_kVk.mp4", "caption": "We see two roof images side by side. We then see images of one roof. We see the roof up close and see moss growing on it. we see the insulation and the roof as it is being installed.A man is screwing the roof into place. We see the finished new roof. We see the ending screen credits.", "segments": [[0, 2.82], [3.1, 14.1], [14.66, 17.2], [17.2, 26.79], [27.64, 34.97], [35.25, 47.94], [48.22, 56.4]], "duration": 56.4, "id": 2333}, {"image_id": "v_XSDIekFXkv0.mp4", "caption": "A person stands on his hands on a trampoline above a swimming pool, then the boy flips in the air and dives into the water. After, the boy stands on the trampoline with the back facing the pool, then jumps, flips and dive in the water. Now, the boy stands on the trampoline facing the pool, then jumps, flips and dive in the water, then do the same but this time with the back facing the pool. At the end, the boy enters the trampoline running and flip in the air, then he stands on the trampoline and flips and end diving in the water.", "segments": [[5.11, 21.22], [22.01, 33.4], [33.4, 58.95], [60.92, 72.71]], "duration": 78.6, "id": 2334}, {"image_id": "v_QGY7zA03RkE.mp4", "caption": "A group of people play ping pong with automated machines and robots. One man plays ping pong with an orange machine with a red paddle attached to the end of a robotic arm. A man and a child play ping pong across a blue ping pong table as a man appears standing next to an orange automated machine and talks. Another man plays ping pong across a blue ping pong table with a white, metal, robot. A man in a suit and tie talks while a hand places an orange ball into the automated two prong hand of a white robot before going to an area in a room filled with orange robotic machines.", "segments": [[0.38, 53.89], [0.38, 17.58], [17.96, 21.02], [47.78, 54.27], [54.66, 76.44]], "duration": 76.44, "id": 2335}, {"image_id": "v_rzomS2gZGQ4.mp4", "caption": "A man stands by his ice ridden car. He rakes the entire sheet onto the ground, watching it shatter.", "segments": [[0, 2.73], [3.26, 11.87]], "duration": 11.87, "id": 2336}, {"image_id": "v_DthkauVLag0.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown smiling and talking into the camera and holding a young boy up on a sink. The man holds the boys eyes open while he laughs and brushes his teeth.", "segments": [[0, 8.68], [8.68, 52.62]], "duration": 52.62, "id": 2337}, {"image_id": "v_zyPisOj2Tdo.mp4", "caption": "A woman peforms before a court on a basketball gym. She is a majorette, flipping and throwing her baton into the air. The crowd watches as she flips, throws, and turns.", "segments": [[0, 15.81], [18.6, 85.58], [86.04, 93.02]], "duration": 93.02000000000001, "id": 2338}, {"image_id": "v_jMQgOcM9vZA.mp4", "caption": "Multiple short clips play of different hockey moves and the names of the moves appear on the screen with it. When the clips are done in intro screen appears with a cloud and the hockey ground as backdrop, the NHL logo and the words \"HOCKEY SKILLS\". A group of people wearing all of their hockey gear are standing or kneeling on the ground while the look at a man who is standing and talking without a helmet on his head and the words on the screen say his name is \"KEVIN WEEKES\".The man begins to demonstrate multiple different moves near the goal and he continues to talk throughout all of the demonstrations as the rest of the people watch him.When the man is done talking and demonstrating other people in the group go up to the goal separately and they each do what they man was demonstrating.A screen appears with a backdrop of clouds on top and hockey rink at the bottom with the logo in the middle and the words \"HOCKEY SKILLS\".", "segments": [[0, 9.69], [9.69, 11.92], [11.92, 28.31], [28.31, 102.07], [120.69, 142.3], [142.3, 149]], "duration": 149.0, "id": 2339}, {"image_id": "v_SaBcTNvRA6g.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen showing off a glass of honey. She shows off the bottle of honey as well as a bowl of water and a towel. She shows her hair pulled back. She opens the bottle of honey and lathers it all over her face. She holds up a cat. She returns to lathering her face and waits in anticipation. While she waits, she plays some instruments and with her cat. Finally, she rinses her face with water and dries her face off with a towel. She proudly shows off her bottle of honey.", "segments": [[7.13, 13.54], [19.25, 22.81], [27.09, 29.94], [35.64, 45.62], [52.04, 54.18], [54.89, 63.44], [67.72, 93.38], [97.66, 124.04], [114.06, 124.04]], "duration": 142.57, "id": 2340}, {"image_id": "v_V5MvrOzQWZo.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is standing near a bar with her hands in the air. The girl gets on the bar and performs. The girl flips on the bar. The girl performs 2 flips and almost falls off the bar. The girl does 2 perfect flips. The girls flips, then runs, flips and dismounts. The cloud claps as she walks away.", "segments": [[0, 3.77], [3.77, 89], [24.02, 28.25], [42.85, 54.15], [64.04, 72.05], [81, 90.41], [90.41, 94.18]], "duration": 94.18, "id": 2341}, {"image_id": "v_EwzkySgI6CQ.mp4", "caption": "A blonde woman is lying on a table as a tattoo artist is putting a design on her pelvis. She cringes in pain as he works.We see a temporary close up of her heaving abdomen as he continues.", "segments": [[0, 45.06], [53.55, 114.93], [115.58, 130.6]], "duration": 130.6, "id": 2342}, {"image_id": "v_WKLLTGbDI7w.mp4", "caption": "The recipe for making limeade is shown. Limes are juiced and then combined with water and sugar. The whole thing is stirred.", "segments": [[0, 79.44], [15.09, 51.63], [52.82, 79.44]], "duration": 79.44, "id": 2343}, {"image_id": "v_BAgUUUOGaxI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in a busy city square playing an accordion while others watch. The man continues playing as people walk around and notice.", "segments": [[2.48, 103.24], [70.2, 163.54]], "duration": 165.19, "id": 2344}, {"image_id": "v_p6ea3QpXryw.mp4", "caption": "A dart board is shown against a wall. A man lifts his arm in slow motion, throwing darts one after another at the board. He walks up to the board and reaches for it.", "segments": [[0, 9.7], [13.16, 124.67], [124.67, 138.52]], "duration": 138.52, "id": 2345}, {"image_id": "v_P-ENnGQ_FuU.mp4", "caption": "A red car is shown with the words Unique Car Wash. Men are shown inside a car garage, soaping down a car with a sponge. They are then seen using a sprayer to clean the tires and spray the residue off the vehicle. They use rags to wipe it clean and detail the inside of the car.", "segments": [[0, 5.56], [6.3, 27.07], [29.67, 53.77], [55.25, 74.17]], "duration": 74.17, "id": 2346}, {"image_id": "v_LWJzkihZUWA.mp4", "caption": "We see a little girl putting makeup on her face at a toy vanity. She closes the makeup case and opens it back up. She rubs the tip of the brush with her finger.", "segments": [[0, 41.77], [24.44, 31.75], [39.48, 41.77]], "duration": 41.77, "id": 2347}, {"image_id": "v_jto8_gMKUjE.mp4", "caption": "The Pinta rowing team works together to make it down the whitewater. They have a refreshing dip under a waterfall to cool off. They pose together with other rafters. Falling underwater can be a scary undertaking. All in all it is a fun and relaxing time.", "segments": [[0, 109.61], [48.23, 55.9], [55.9, 75.08], [84.95, 89.88], [89.88, 109.61]], "duration": 109.61, "id": 2348}, {"image_id": "v_MiTTWddOuaM.mp4", "caption": "Two men walk in the street holding a box, then they assemble a soccer table. People plays soccer table in the street. After, the men carry the table and enters a train where they continue playing. After the man carry the soccer table to a park and other places where people play and paint it.", "segments": [[0, 15.01], [15.51, 33.03], [34.03, 42.04], [42.54, 95.08]], "duration": 100.09, "id": 2349}, {"image_id": "v_mW9iDH07j40.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen putting on a jacket followed by her cutting parts of the vest off and holding up an iron. She then irons the shirts and finishes by putting the vest on.", "segments": [[0, 58.93], [58.93, 100.88]], "duration": 106.19, "id": 2350}, {"image_id": "v_19fGZFUE7yE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black tuxedo is speaking to the camera. A person walks by in the background. A group of people walk by in the background. We see a game of poker being played. An odd man appears in front of the camera. We see the first man, then cards being dealt and we fade to a black screen.", "segments": [[0, 35.34], [15.7, 17.95], [29.17, 33.09], [35.34, 99.28], [99.28, 102.08], [102.64, 112.18]], "duration": 112.18, "id": 2351}, {"image_id": "v_KBfCXpgGhdw.mp4", "caption": "a lot of people are sitting on terraces in a big field and people is walking in the entrance of a big stadium. men are standing on a sandy area walking. man are talking to the camera standing on the sand. men are standing on motorbikes getting ready for a motocross competition. man is talking to the camera and standing on a podium.", "segments": [[0, 13.92], [13.92, 26.51], [26.51, 40.42], [40.42, 107.35], [107.35, 132.53]], "duration": 132.53, "id": 2352}, {"image_id": "v_huo2ldsQHUI.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of people are inside a dimly lit gym. They are riding recumbent bikes while being led. They clap their hands and pedal quickly.", "segments": [[0, 1.81], [2.11, 12.38], [13.21, 15.09]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 2353}, {"image_id": "v_ibDWgL2D2l4.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen holding a stick and hitting the pinata with the stick. Older women the bring hr back and have her hand the stick to another child.", "segments": [[0.74, 11.69], [8.24, 23.25]], "duration": 24.6, "id": 2354}, {"image_id": "v_JW5P5FdOrcw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing up talking and holding a blue mop. She is showing the bottom of the mop. A bottle of vinegar is shown on a table next to alcohol and soap. She begins mopping the hardwood floor. A dog is laying down on a bed.", "segments": [[0, 72.76], [72.76, 97.71], [103.94, 142.4], [153.84, 193.34], [193.34, 207.89]], "duration": 207.89, "id": 2355}, {"image_id": "v_5AoshxUQv0U.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt picks up a child. He lifts him up to sit on his shoulder. He throws the kid on his back onto a bed.", "segments": [[0, 5.22], [5.46, 9.88], [10.28, 16.07]], "duration": 16.07, "id": 2356}, {"image_id": "v_zLVNSgR4IoA.mp4", "caption": "The man is jumped to the two white poles and stand on his arms. The man in red shirt outside the court is watching the athlete as he swing on the pole. The athlete swing and then jumped of the pole and swing up and the air and landed on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 9.69], [8.48, 30.58], [28.46, 60.56]], "duration": 60.56, "id": 2357}, {"image_id": "v_hIjOvSJf9c0.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to the camera and leads into a ruler being shown and the woman holding a sponge. She wipes down a wall while the man sands it down and then are seen measuring the length of the wall. Then they lay paper down, cut the paper, and align it onto the wall. They rub in the paper, press it along the wall, and smile back at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 43.48], [30.7, 87.82], [86.12, 146.65], [142.39, 170.53]], "duration": 170.53, "id": 2358}, {"image_id": "v_cudeag10U7Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman is riding a bike down the street, then others are shown as well. The people speak to the camera in between takes of riding their bikes on city roads. The bike is called an elliptico, enabling them to stand and pedal as they ride.", "segments": [[0, 15.17], [22.75, 136.5], [139.03, 168.52]], "duration": 168.52, "id": 2359}, {"image_id": "v_R7vb6cuP6GE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen speaking to the camera while holding a snowboard and leads into him riding down a snowy hill. The man continues riding the snowboard down the hill and ends with him stopping at the bottom.", "segments": [[1.98, 39.99], [30.09, 73.24]], "duration": 79.18, "id": 2360}, {"image_id": "v_xbA294b3Z5c.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while showing off her nails and leads into her holding up a contact lens. The girl then pours liquid out into a container and them demonstrates how to properly put in and take on a contact lens.", "segments": [[4, 83.15], [66.36, 157.51]], "duration": 159.91, "id": 2361}, {"image_id": "v_A1U24_iC6ww.mp4", "caption": "Cement is being made in the cement mixer. Three Hispanic men are laying the foundation of the pool with a cement gun. A man that is dressed in white is doing the cement finish as the other men lay the cement with a gun. Once the cement is done all the men start to do finish.", "segments": [[0, 10.02], [0, 59.64], [0, 67.83], [0, 89.23]], "duration": 91.05, "id": 2362}, {"image_id": "v_dla6qDuAXTw.mp4", "caption": "An older man is shown standing behind a swing set while pushing a small girl back and fourth. He grabs and holds the girl and gives her several pushes while the girl sticks her head back and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 16.74], [16.24, 49.97]], "duration": 49.97, "id": 2363}, {"image_id": "v_TgantuXBiJg.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen putting makeup on outside while other people on the side watch and also play with makeup. The girls continue to attempt to put makeup on as the camera pans back and fourth between the two.", "segments": [[5.2, 65.64], [37.7, 128.04]], "duration": 129.99, "id": 2364}, {"image_id": "v_Ggw7rtn3J-8.mp4", "caption": "A commercial exhibits a varied array of welding equipment and demonstrates how to weld using the equipment. A welding helmet, clamps,welding kit and gloves are shown in line on a white background. A person begins to use the welding tools to weld inside of a car producing fire sparks as the welding takes place. a closeup of the welded area is shown before a marketing template presents across the screen.", "segments": [[1.84, 60.8], [6.14, 18.12], [19.35, 42.68], [48.52, 61.42]], "duration": 61.42, "id": 2365}, {"image_id": "v_sbvk9FNaAH0.mp4", "caption": "A hand is seen playing with a machine followed by shots of a beach and a young boy carrying a wind sail. Many people stand on the beach walking around and leading into a man pulling up a sail on a boat and people preparing to wind surf. Several shots are shown of people riding along the water with a kite as well as people on a boat and various landscapes. In the end a shot of a sunset is shown.", "segments": [[0, 47.24], [44.57, 94.48], [96.26, 159.54], [157.76, 178.26]], "duration": 178.26, "id": 2366}, {"image_id": "v_xTEXsZO-PVI.mp4", "caption": "A small sail boat with two men in it is pulling a water skier behind it. A wind surfer goes by. A man in the sail boat leans back to pull on the sail in the boat. Another wind surfer goes by.", "segments": [[0, 62.62], [2.5, 15.03], [6.89, 62.62], [25.05, 33.19]], "duration": 62.62, "id": 2367}, {"image_id": "v_xAaHXwTz1Ug.mp4", "caption": "A kite is flying in the sky. A little girl is holding the string of the kite. She's walking backwards and talking to someone while watching the kite.", "segments": [[0, 6.69], [7.65, 12.43], [16.73, 25.82]], "duration": 47.81, "id": 2368}, {"image_id": "v_P7lUYSLtErY.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a dance room that has mirrors along the walls, wooden floors, and he's dancing alone. There is a woman that is standing in the corner and recording him the whole time. When he moves more to the other side of the room as he's dancing, more people watching and recording him are revealed.The man does he last dance move, smiles, takes a few steps and then takes a bow.", "segments": [[0, 147.91], [0, 150.93], [38.49, 46.03], [148.67, 150.93]], "duration": 150.93, "id": 2369}, {"image_id": "v_q7Ap96aMkZ8.mp4", "caption": "We see people jogging on a city street. We zoom in on a shirtless man juggling. We pan backwards towards the other runners.", "segments": [[0, 16.41], [5.27, 13.99], [13.99, 17.28]], "duration": 17.28, "id": 2370}, {"image_id": "v_F4GwrEQUvDc.mp4", "caption": "An athlete runs with a stick, then he shoot the javelin and walks away in a stadium. Then, a man holds a javelin and runs to throw the javelin, then another athlete also shoot the javelin.", "segments": [[0, 23.5], [23.5, 79.65]], "duration": 79.65, "id": 2371}, {"image_id": "v_lhdro5SnxU0.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on the stairs talking. He is standing over a sink. He sprays the sink with a cleaning agent. He takes a sponge and scrubs the inside of the sinks. He turns the water on and sprays the hose around the sink. He wipes the sink off with a towel. The man is sitting on the stairs again.", "segments": [[0, 32.97], [32.97, 39.79], [50.02, 59.12], [84.13, 161.43], [161.43, 180.76], [184.17, 212.59], [212.59, 227.37]], "duration": 227.37, "id": 2372}, {"image_id": "v_SqfB4ohs2Ro.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen a map and still images. Men hammering roof tiles on a panel of roof inside. We see a title screen. We see a man tap a hook into the wood. We see a title screen again. We see the men working on roofs. We see two screens with men working on roofs side by side. We see the ending title screens.", "segments": [[0, 26.09], [27.27, 47.43], [48.62, 54.55], [55.73, 154.16], [156.53, 160.09], [163.65, 215.82], [179.06, 195.66], [218.2, 237.17]], "duration": 237.17000000000002, "id": 2373}, {"image_id": "v_IsVpeZoK5FI.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen exercising in a class together with a man leading them in front. The group continues to move around together over a bar and ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[1.77, 36.04], [32.5, 70.31]], "duration": 70.66, "id": 2374}, {"image_id": "v_CbfgZlo0Ut4.mp4", "caption": "A man talks inside a car dealer. After, a car exits a car wash. A crew of people clean a car by hand.", "segments": [[2.09, 6.28], [6.45, 10.39], [10.47, 13.78]], "duration": 16.12, "id": 2375}, {"image_id": "v_5nvximBXhFI.mp4", "caption": "A tall garage building is shown in the dark and then several teen age boys appear skateboarding in the inside of it.As they come around the corner,they hold on to each others shirts and come down the slanted road in a single file line and a boy is shown holding a camera with a selfie stick recording the action.After,a black male appears talking in the car and the boys are then shown walking up a set of stairs.The action continues and all the boys join one another back in the garage and the male that was talking in the video is seen skating with the rest of the boys.", "segments": [[0, 19.09], [19.09, 32.46], [32.46, 92.6], [92.6, 190.94]], "duration": 190.94, "id": 2376}, {"image_id": "v_fVtiM88rOJI.mp4", "caption": "A telescopic view of multiple people dressed in biking gear is shown. The crowd spreads out, walking around with guns in hand. They aim at various objects. The men hide behind a wall, shooting at each other as they run by.", "segments": [[0, 27.21], [28.96, 95.67], [96.55, 144.82], [147.46, 175.54]], "duration": 175.54, "id": 2377}, {"image_id": "v__1JGrGGCY9k.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen wandering around a dance studio with a man in front. The man then begins to lead a dance class in front of the group of people. The people continue dancing around following the man and moving their arms and legs around.", "segments": [[2.77, 59.96], [62.73, 131], [112.55, 181.74]], "duration": 184.51, "id": 2378}, {"image_id": "v_SID0y9y6Uk4.mp4", "caption": "Two men prepare for a fencing match. The video shows several highlights of people fencing each other in various matches. Some win the matches quite quickly. Two men constantly go back and fourth towards each other. The man wins over and over again. He is shown practicing for his upcoming matches against another. He seems to win over and over again.", "segments": [[2.8, 11.21], [2.8, 133.87], [12.62, 21.73], [12.62, 115.65], [28.74, 84.81], [72.19, 84.81], [6.31, 124.76]], "duration": 140.18, "id": 2379}, {"image_id": "v_IaRYt0J7pHI.mp4", "caption": "people are standing in a hair salon sitting on chairs. woman is standing behind anoter drying her hair combing it and talking to the camera. woman is sitting on a chair while woman behind her is drying her hair.", "segments": [[0, 193.73], [19.37, 193.73], [20.34, 193.73]], "duration": 193.73, "id": 2380}, {"image_id": "v_aR05GUXDiYg.mp4", "caption": "A male player in yellow and black shirt is carrying a small kid who is wearing the same shirt while they are being interviewed by the reporter who is wearing white shirt and holding a microphone. Different teams in different uniform colors are playing soccer in the table.", "segments": [[0, 63.84], [57.38, 143.45]], "duration": 143.45, "id": 2381}, {"image_id": "v_MERZe5qdfWc.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of a snowy mountain are shown as well as a person riding up a hill. The person looks to others around him and is seen riding down mountain. The person rides down several times more with people attached on the sides.", "segments": [[1.28, 45.47], [25.62, 84.53], [85.17, 122.96]], "duration": 128.08, "id": 2382}, {"image_id": "v_I58i4uJkHJ0.mp4", "caption": "A female Russian gymnast is on a mat in front of a large arena with several people watching her.The girl then starts doing a series of cartwheels and ends up jumping on the balance beam to do her routine.Once she is done,the girl ends doing several tricks and walks off to the side.People begin to cheer for her and her replay is shown,and her score of approximately 28 is shown across the bottom of the screen.", "segments": [[0, 27.78], [27.78, 70.64], [71.43, 125.4], [126.99, 158.73]], "duration": 158.73, "id": 2383}, {"image_id": "v_EO9ZKeBSGSw.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a baseball uniform is standing at the end of a hopscotch game. A girl in a red shirt is playing hopscotch. A ball player is playing hopscotch. The girls laugh at each other.", "segments": [[0, 2.95], [2.87, 8], [8, 13.52], [13.52, 15.07]], "duration": 15.54, "id": 2384}, {"image_id": "v_eRh6V0bcBpU.mp4", "caption": "Inside a man and a woman are playing a game of raquet ball. She begins to talk about it for a little bit very causally. Then, she goes to practice hitting it by herself for a little bit. This is a game she really enjoys to play, its a hobby.", "segments": [[0, 7.95], [7.62, 26.18], [25.18, 45.39], [45.73, 66.27]], "duration": 66.27, "id": 2385}, {"image_id": "v_Fhk2t6beztU.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen rollerblading down a long road with several people walking around her. The camera zooms in on her face and shows all the people around the area followed by the cameraman's feet.", "segments": [[0, 6.63], [6.2, 14.42]], "duration": 14.42, "id": 2386}, {"image_id": "v_8GJWokVCzUM.mp4", "caption": "This man is wearing a red tank top, black shorts, and shoes. He runs on the race track and the he does the triple jump in which he almost makes it to the end.", "segments": [[0, 42.68], [1.28, 40.97]], "duration": 42.68, "id": 2387}, {"image_id": "v_JH-Q5JNTgwE.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a city and leads into several clips of people playing in a casino. A man is seen speaking to the camera as well as being interviewed by the news. More men are seen being interviewed while showing off clips of the casino.", "segments": [[0, 48.53], [46.37, 165], [152.06, 209.22]], "duration": 215.69, "id": 2388}, {"image_id": "v_4WrU5OdkvY0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen stretching on the floor followed by people fencing with one another. People move back and fourth around an arena fencing with one another and the camera capturing their movements. They continue fighting back and fourth and end by walking away.", "segments": [[0.81, 15.82], [18.66, 58.01], [56.79, 77.48]], "duration": 81.13, "id": 2389}, {"image_id": "v_hQIwXufRVGY.mp4", "caption": "A large black dog is walking down the street. He is holding the leash of another dog in his mouth. The second dog allows the first to lead him wherever he goes.", "segments": [[0, 7.39], [7.68, 41.23], [42.08, 56.87]], "duration": 56.87, "id": 2390}, {"image_id": "v_UGCn1zgYboQ.mp4", "caption": "One man is seen moving a fooseball table around quickly as possible while another man watches on the side. The men then play a game against one another while one continues to move the poles quickly.", "segments": [[0.36, 11.97], [8.62, 23.46]], "duration": 23.94, "id": 2391}, {"image_id": "v_xsRNDo8Upys.mp4", "caption": "A large group of dancers are seen standing on a stage and beginning to perform a routine. The girls continue dancing with one another and ending by holding a pose.", "segments": [[5.11, 92.94], [89.88, 197.12]], "duration": 204.27, "id": 2392}, {"image_id": "v_WQXoBfyUpaY.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a woman enter a bar room in costumes. The man and woman perform a dance. The man flips the woman and swings her around. The man picks up the woman and puts her on his shoulders. He then flips her off and onto the ground. The man puts the lady on his shoulder and flips her two times. The man spins the lady around and around and dips the lady. The crowd claps for the people. The man spins the lady around. The dances finish and take their bows and shake hands.", "segments": [[0, 3.98], [11.95, 148.98], [25.49, 32.66], [48.6, 52.58], [52.58, 54.17], [68.51, 81.26], [90.82, 97.99], [97.99, 105.16], [119.5, 126.67], [149.78, 159.34]], "duration": 159.34, "id": 2393}, {"image_id": "v_w4QM4nztkkE.mp4", "caption": "A wrestler is in the middle of the ring waiting for his opponent. Once he comes in they grab a hold of a rope and begin to play tug of war with it, pulling each other. They struggle trying to beat the other when finally the red head wrestler makes the other fall. He gloats, jumping up and down and banging his hands against his chest.", "segments": [[0, 9.9], [9.24, 39.59], [39.59, 83.15], [83.15, 131.98]], "duration": 131.98, "id": 2394}, {"image_id": "v_ctHNLEOtgPY.mp4", "caption": "A man crouches in a dance studio. He lifts himself onto his hands. He holds his feet up in the air. He then lays on his back on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 7.11], [24.89, 60.44], [24.89, 71.1], [59.25, 154.05]], "duration": 237.01, "id": 2395}, {"image_id": "v_fmdG9uPnWHQ.mp4", "caption": "a blonde woman is playing with dogs, she is kissing them and giiving them a shower, the woman is holding a scissor and is cutting the dog's hair. blonde woman is with a beatiful white dog in a table a veterinarian's office. the woman is with the black dog and is styling the dog's hair. woman shows their diplomas and awards and is with a white puddle combing her hair. woman comb the black dog's hair and plays with it. woman holds the white dog paw and cut her nails. woman is with the black dog giving him a shower and styling his hair. woman is talking while in the bottom a blonde woman is combing a white puddle. blonde woman holds the white puddle and is talking to the camera giving the web adress to the dog salon white shows how comb and shower the dogs.", "segments": [[0, 15.36], [10.97, 15.91], [15.36, 29.63], [29.63, 40.6], [40.05, 51.03], [51.58, 59.81], [59.81, 69.68], [69.68, 89.99], [90.53, 109.74]], "duration": 109.74000000000001, "id": 2396}, {"image_id": "v_8_RfK2rp2To.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen standing ready holding a pole and begins running down a large track over a beam. The woman then jumps over the beam and throws her arms in the air to celebrate and run around the field. The woman does flips on the mat while celebrating and ends with her jump shown again and her sitting in front of her score.", "segments": [[0.94, 35.32], [27.78, 75.34], [61.22, 90.88]], "duration": 94.18, "id": 2397}, {"image_id": "v_HoybOj2Ro7o.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on various foods and ingredients as well as a pan on a stove. A person wearing gloves is seen spreading food onto a plate followed by a large pastry and spreading butter on it. The person continues making layers and then undoes the cake and shows off the solid cake. She takes tape out and then rolls out more dough and spreads it along the cake, showing off the finished result.", "segments": [[1.09, 29.51], [46.99, 135.51], [149.72, 180.32], [180.32, 215.29]], "duration": 218.57, "id": 2398}, {"image_id": "v_p1-APric9UM.mp4", "caption": "A slightly rotund man is shown standing in a kitchen while holding a can of drink. The man is laughing and speaking to the camera about the can in his hand. He pours the drink into a glass, and proceeds to drink it alongside a male friend. The two men drink the contents of their glasses while they talk.", "segments": [[0, 9.19], [11.48, 50.52], [51.67, 88.41], [89.56, 114.82]], "duration": 114.82, "id": 2399}, {"image_id": "v_5MnHirHxqkA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and laying her hands across a pair of pants on an ironing table. She begins ironing the pants and ends by showing the crease she made in the middle.", "segments": [[0, 91.17], [94.14, 198.2]], "duration": 198.2, "id": 2400}, {"image_id": "v_LSCQ1yqocHg.mp4", "caption": "There's a man standing in a kitchen and washing his hands in steel kitchen sink. He takes a pump from the liquid hand soap from the sink counter. He then turns on the water and and washes his hands. After he's done washing, he uses a white hand towel that is lying next to the sink on the counter.", "segments": [[2.83, 4.55], [4.55, 12.42], [12.42, 20.04], [20.04, 22.38]], "duration": 24.59, "id": 2401}, {"image_id": "v_ecVUPpBNpdA.mp4", "caption": "A man speaks holding a microphone, then the man performs arm wrestling with a person. The man grabs a weigh and practice weight lifting with his left hand. After, the man takes his watch off and performs arm wrestling with the person and wins, then he jumps happily.", "segments": [[5.09, 35.19], [35.62, 53], [53.42, 65.3]], "duration": 84.8, "id": 2402}, {"image_id": "v_-qXqnltHWtE.mp4", "caption": "Cowboys compete in a rodeo competition. Men ride horses out of a gates and ropes a bull before dismounting and tying their its legs. The winner waves his hat and is congratulated by the other riders.", "segments": [[0, 213.46], [1.07, 165.43], [170.77, 212.39]], "duration": 213.46, "id": 2403}, {"image_id": "v_nxs4o4S43oY.mp4", "caption": "A man is cutting his beard with scissors. He uses a shaver to shave off the beard. He collects the hair in the sink. He puts shaving cream on his face and uses a razor to finish shaving. He wipes his face with a towel. He smiles and gives a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 43.12], [44.84, 91.41], [89.68, 91.41], [95.72, 154.36], [151.77, 154.36], [171.61, 172.47]], "duration": 172.47, "id": 2404}, {"image_id": "v_mYrTrVCYSY0.mp4", "caption": "A man runs down two streets in a marathon, in a city setting, as onlookers from the sideline cheer and clap. A man in black shorts with a number pinned to his chest is running down a city street in a marathon. People on the sidelines are clapping for the man and smiling as he continues to run. The man runs down another street where he runs for a short time behind a bicycler, and as a motorcyclist comes up from behind him near the sidewalk which has a metal barrier running the length of it.", "segments": [[0.4, 79.36], [0.4, 16.35], [1.99, 34.7], [35.49, 78.96]], "duration": 79.76, "id": 2405}, {"image_id": "v_fwqDDFkOaCc.mp4", "caption": "A violinist, Lindsay Stirling is performing live with some other participants on a stage in front of an audience. She begins by playing the violin while the other performers dance in a choreographed fashion. The violinist dances as she plays the instrument along with five other dancers. They dance in a modern and hip hop style of dancing. Then only two of the dancers stay on the stage with the violinist and dance in a Salsa style. After they leave the stage, one of the male dancers does some modern style of dancing as he rotates on his knees. Then the entire dance team comes on stage and continues dancing in coordinated steps as the violinist plays and dances along with them. Then they leave the stage with only the violinist performing as she continues to dance and play the instrument.", "segments": [[0, 154.02], [6.52, 48.08], [10.59, 70.08], [14.67, 74.16], [67.64, 97.79], [95.34, 108.38], [105.94, 140.98], [138.53, 152.39]], "duration": 162.98, "id": 2406}, {"image_id": "v_58he7Xcwfws.mp4", "caption": "A weightlifter prepares for his first lift. Friends are watching and one films. He squats and he lifts the bar. He holds it for a moment, then drops it. He starts all over again and completes a second lift.", "segments": [[0, 4.71], [0, 36.22], [4.71, 14.31], [14.31, 18.47], [18.47, 36.22]], "duration": 36.22, "id": 2407}, {"image_id": "v_wUg9S2xx850.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen standing on a field when a man runs towards a woman with a soccer ball. one girls swing another around while a man grabs a ball and throws it to another.", "segments": [[0, 11.74], [14.06, 30.91]], "duration": 30.91, "id": 2408}, {"image_id": "v_gEOVtyRAaFY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a cat in her lap. The cat is slapping at the pair of trimmers in her hand. She uses the trimmers to cut the cat's nails, one at a time.", "segments": [[0, 15.57], [17.6, 48.74], [52.8, 135.4]], "duration": 135.4, "id": 2409}, {"image_id": "v_LKeQMeUZFso.mp4", "caption": "A person walks up to a vacuum cleaner and picks up the wand. The person vacuums a carpet in the hallway of a home. The person turns off the vacuum then replaces the attachment with a larger one for carpets. The person adjusts a knob on the vacuum cleaner.", "segments": [[0, 9], [9.78, 70.8], [26.6, 39.11], [43.03, 52.41]], "duration": 78.23, "id": 2410}, {"image_id": "v_ZWlh8sQE2Z4.mp4", "caption": "A man kneels on one knee in a room and talks to the camera. The man raises his right arm and reaches to the ground with his left hand. The man switches and does the other side.", "segments": [[0, 61.4], [9.49, 37.35], [37.98, 63.3]], "duration": 63.3, "id": 2411}, {"image_id": "v_BCzsVKHrN5Y.mp4", "caption": "A large yard is seen covered in snow with a person walking into frame. The man is seen holding a shovel and begins pushing it around the area. The man clears out all the snow and shows off a path in the end.", "segments": [[0.41, 5.88], [4.1, 19.69], [13.4, 26.4]], "duration": 27.35, "id": 2412}, {"image_id": "v_4BRCZaaITn0.mp4", "caption": "A man is mowing his lawn around a tree in front of his house. He walks back and forth, avoiding the rocks. He turns at the driveway and returns again.", "segments": [[0, 4.36], [5, 21.3], [22.71, 25.66]], "duration": 25.66, "id": 2413}, {"image_id": "v_UFfi0gxL6_Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a dress holding a violin addresses an audience. The woman plays the violin as other musicians look on. The woman finishes her playing and everyone applauds.", "segments": [[0, 8.74], [9.54, 156.6], [156.6, 158.99]], "duration": 158.99, "id": 2414}, {"image_id": "v_WmOTDAim7XM.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a chain saw over his head. He starts clipping the top of the hedge. People are walking on the sidewalk behind him.", "segments": [[0, 9.87], [0, 16.05], [0.32, 16.05]], "duration": 16.05, "id": 2415}, {"image_id": "v__BJqPK0NNZU.mp4", "caption": "The woman in the field is standing behind the net. The woman swirl around and threw a heavy metal towards the field. The field has people in the, a man is running. The athlete in pink top is walking forward. An athlete with Barrios tag on her shirt is standing behind the net. The woman raised the circular metal and she started to swirl around and threw the metal. The metal hit the field. A man is running towards the white circle on the ground. A woman is stretching behind the net. She swirl around and threw something towards the field. Two men running towards each other. The woman gave a hug to other woman. The green field has audiences on the sides of the field.", "segments": [[8.28, 24.35], [10.71, 24.35], [15.09, 27.27], [17.53, 37.98], [20.94, 33.11], [24.35, 38.95], [29.7, 43.82], [31.16, 43.82], [35.06, 49.67], [44.31, 55.51], [47.72, 66.22], [72.06, 97.39], [75.96, 97.39]], "duration": 97.39, "id": 2416}, {"image_id": "v_Q_v6MdHJ7Go.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling on a floor and puts his hands behind his head. He then bends his body forward and performs several jumps onto his feet.", "segments": [[5.49, 11.36], [11.74, 37.87]], "duration": 37.87, "id": 2417}, {"image_id": "v_mQHY2uMOMP4.mp4", "caption": "The video instructor, Stephanie is talking about a hair tutorial. She is demonstrating how to cut long hair on men. Her model is seated in a chair next to her as she combs his wet hair. She shows how the hair is parted and sectioned before cutting the hair She uses scissors to point cut the tips of the model's hair. She continues the procedure on the model's hair. She then explains how to blow dry the hair to get the finished look on the model. She finally gives information about her website.", "segments": [[8.08, 15.01], [15.01, 25.98], [25.98, 41.57], [41.57, 86.03], [86.03, 100.46], [100.46, 110.85], [110.85, 115.47]], "duration": 115.47, "id": 2418}, {"image_id": "v_2NAbdlHXcTI.mp4", "caption": "A man does a disk throw. He spins around and throws the disk.", "segments": [[0, 20.6], [7.08, 20.6]], "duration": 21.13, "id": 2419}, {"image_id": "v_z8lxaUC1Shk.mp4", "caption": "A man walks into a room playing his bagpipes. He stops playing his bagpipes.", "segments": [[0, 73.21], [73.58, 75.08]], "duration": 75.08, "id": 2420}, {"image_id": "v_xICaX0kCCF4.mp4", "caption": "A man in Sesame Street costume is riding a recumbent bike. A man dressed as Ernie soon joins Bert. They bike together, as if in a race. They both get up and walk away.", "segments": [[0, 4.55], [6.56, 19.13], [20.4, 31.15], [31.88, 36.43]], "duration": 36.43, "id": 2421}, {"image_id": "v_Aq2w52hpwig.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting along the water with a close up of a paddle is shown. The camera pans around to another group of people sitting in a canoe across from them. More people are seen sitting in the water as well as boats along the water.", "segments": [[0.31, 8.97], [8.51, 21.96], [21.96, 30.62]], "duration": 30.93, "id": 2422}, {"image_id": "v_yp1zqqLB57M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is belly dancing on a stage. There is a close up of her belly. She slows her dance down and turns circles.", "segments": [[0, 180.73], [74.1, 102.11], [155.43, 180.73]], "duration": 180.73, "id": 2423}, {"image_id": "v_kr4RUFi1UGs.mp4", "caption": "Two men are rappeling up the side of a steep rock cliff. One of the men climbs about halfway up, before letting go and releasing himself back toward the ground.", "segments": [[0, 7.81], [10.53, 36.32]], "duration": 36.32, "id": 2424}, {"image_id": "v_Zzcj8Eea3Mc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking forward and speaking to the camera while two people pull an object behind him. The man is then speaking while a woman exercises next to him. The man continues speaking and text is shown across the screen.", "segments": [[0.42, 26.13], [24.02, 59.42], [55.63, 82.18]], "duration": 84.28999999999999, "id": 2425}, {"image_id": "v_1RMNLqb8OWI.mp4", "caption": "man carrying a lawn blower is blowing the dust in the sidewalk walking in street. man is cleaning the sidewalk from the dry leaves pouring out the sidewalk. man is walking in sidewalk watching the man that is carrying the blower.", "segments": [[0, 163.6], [51.53, 163.6], [0, 22.9]], "duration": 163.6, "id": 2426}, {"image_id": "v_G3cINUdHdGo.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt speaks and demonstrates how to throw darts against a dart board while three other people in red shirts watch behind him. A man in a red shirt faces the camera and begins to talk while holding darts in his hand and while three men behind him watch. The man turns away from the camera, standing at a profile view and facing a dartboard attached to a wall, he starts aiming at the dartboard with the darts in his hand. The man then throws three darts against the dartboard, two of which stick to the board, the man goes to retrieve a dart from the board and gestures with his fist and a smile.", "segments": [[4.71, 40.26], [6.01, 11.5], [11.77, 16.99], [17.26, 39.48]], "duration": 52.29, "id": 2427}, {"image_id": "v_WSGXoKV9vLs.mp4", "caption": "A hand is pouring liquid into a martini glass and white words on the left of the screen appear and they say \"Girls Mixing Drinks dot com\" and \"Keylime Pie with Lee\".A blonde woman appears at a bar and the website appears at random times while the woman is grabbing cups, alcohol and ice as she makes her drink in a martini glass.The woman fills the martini glass with ice and water. The woman then moves onto a large silver silver shaker and begins putting alcohol and other liquids in it, covers it with a small clear cup and begins shaking the contents. When she's done shaking the liquids, she empties the ice and water from the martini cup, then fills it with the liquid from the shaker, puts a lime on the edge, pushes the martini glass forward and smiles. The last screen appears with a red background and the website displayed in the middle.", "segments": [[0, 5.87], [5.87, 125.32], [39.82, 50.91], [50.91, 90.73], [90.73, 125.32], [125.32, 130.54]], "duration": 130.54, "id": 2428}, {"image_id": "v_Sx3YbcKbuYk.mp4", "caption": "A pile of kindling flanked by rocks is shown. The kindling is lit with a torch. The fire is started, and we watch as it begins to burn.", "segments": [[0, 5.24], [8.07, 33.08], [36.31, 80.69]], "duration": 80.69, "id": 2429}, {"image_id": "v_S24MDjduWIY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while people practice basketball drills intermittently. The man ties a rope around a ball and continues having him perform layups on the court. More clips are shown of them practicing while the man speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 72.38], [65.14, 159.24], [152, 199.57]], "duration": 206.81, "id": 2430}, {"image_id": "v_10uSu442cOE.mp4", "caption": "A girl plays a brass flute standing on stage during a performance. The girl finishes the performance and lowers her instrument.", "segments": [[0, 123.55], [125.67, 128.49]], "duration": 141.2, "id": 2431}, {"image_id": "v_mtC3trP8ahY.mp4", "caption": "Two teams of boys are in a grass field playing a game. They have little poles with nets that they use to catch the balls in and throw. One of the boys from the red team throws the ball over to the other side. Then one of the kids int he black uniform comes running back and throws the ball.", "segments": [[0, 43.31], [44.25, 105.46], [105.46, 143.12], [143.12, 188.31]], "duration": 188.31, "id": 2432}, {"image_id": "v_2NITA0d4vqo.mp4", "caption": "Two men play pingpong using different tricks. A man shows off a camera box, and the ping pong player uses it. The box busts open so the player uses a camera part to play. He uses a battery to hit back, and then uses a different tool. Various strange objects are used to play the game. The man breaks an egg with the ball. More strange items including a bat, watch and candy bar are used. The man is filmed uploading the video to YouTube.", "segments": [[0, 3.96], [10.3, 22.99], [19.82, 35.67], [36.46, 45.18], [51.52, 95.11], [69.75, 71.34], [73.71, 114.93], [121.27, 158.52]], "duration": 158.52, "id": 2433}, {"image_id": "v_674t-jyyKeg.mp4", "caption": "A woman tries to eat ice cream to a child, but the child refuses to eat the ice cream, then the woman eats the ice cream in the spoon. After, the woman gives ice cream to the child, and then the woman cleans the child's mouth. An old woman feeds a boy ice cream.", "segments": [[0, 6.49], [6.4, 17.53], [12.62, 16.13]], "duration": 17.53, "id": 2434}, {"image_id": "v_74qSBsksI-E.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and begins holding a razor up to his face. The man then shaves his face around the sides and ends by still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[2.07, 36.01], [23.61, 58.73]], "duration": 59.03, "id": 2435}, {"image_id": "v_3ArMGKnxlcU.mp4", "caption": "People are canoeing down a river of water. They are going around poles in the water. They go under a bridge.", "segments": [[0, 152.83], [56.55, 104.69], [107.75, 114.63]], "duration": 152.82999999999998, "id": 2436}, {"image_id": "v_-deoJLN27hE.mp4", "caption": "Two soccer teams play a game of soccer in front of a crowded audience in bleachers, in which the team with the blue and white uniforms makes a series of goals. The team with the yellow and blue uniforms wins a goal on the field against the black and white team and reacts by hugging and smiling each other. The yellow and blue team go on to make a series of goals, sometimes sliding after the final kick, with the audience standing for them each time a goal is made and wearing yellow shirts. A digital scoreboard is shown with the score as the yellow and blue team goes on to make more goals.", "segments": [[9.11, 222.05], [9.11, 55.8], [55.8, 182.19], [182.19, 222.05]], "duration": 227.74, "id": 2437}, {"image_id": "v_h3GLEcwSvD4.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are in a room doing various hand movements and moving their feet.As they continue,the man in the back falls on the ground,gets up and continues moving in the back of the room.They finish,stand still and begin clapping and high-fiving one another.", "segments": [[0, 28.31], [28.31, 58.22], [58.86, 64.33]], "duration": 64.33, "id": 2438}, {"image_id": "v_7t666Y8cLGk.mp4", "caption": "A lady uses a Shisha pipe while sitting. The lady blows the smoke into a cut, soapy bottle half. The bubble pops releasing the smoke. The bubble float away with the smoke still enclosed and falls to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 23.27], [5.07, 29.74], [14, 15.22], [30.62, 34.99]], "duration": 34.99, "id": 2439}, {"image_id": "v_QPKJDlQSO6c.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a beer pong table as well as people talking and speaking into a microphone. More people step up to play the beer pong while a man raps into the mic and others react. Several shots are shown of people playing the game and cheering with one another.", "segments": [[0, 40.99], [42.35, 105.89], [73.1, 135.94]], "duration": 136.63, "id": 2440}, {"image_id": "v_zJquKzopJuI.mp4", "caption": "A group of men standing beside each other are all bent forward chugging beer through very long straws. There are people in front of them watching them and pointing at them as they chug. They made it a game they are racing to see who can finish first. They all stop around the same time and the people watching continue to be very rowdy.", "segments": [[0, 5.97], [5.65, 15.01], [15.01, 22.76], [22.76, 32.29]], "duration": 32.29, "id": 2441}, {"image_id": "v_IbcBQFvcS9o.mp4", "caption": "a white house and a backyard full of snow appears a person is cleaning the fron entrance of the house. a car covered in snow appears and the person is cleaning the snow from the car and its open the road in front of the car. a red car appears covered in snow and a person is cleaning the snow . a black car is covered in snow.", "segments": [[0, 63.21], [63.21, 108.63], [108.63, 120.29], [121.51, 122.74]], "duration": 122.74, "id": 2442}, {"image_id": "v_-Kmx-BCAsQc.mp4", "caption": "A man in orange waves then mounts a pommel horse. The man spins around and around on the pommel horse. A man on the right takes a photo. The man swings one leg at a time. The man does a handstand then dismounts. The man walks away as another walks to the pommel horse. The end screens are shown and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 3.26], [3.26, 41.7], [3.26, 41.37], [29.97, 35.18], [40.07, 43.33], [43.33, 48.54], [48.54, 65.16]], "duration": 65.16, "id": 2443}, {"image_id": "v_ITVfOVR34Jo.mp4", "caption": "The army are lined up, they are divided into four groups, they started to do war practice by shooting by group with paint gun, they hide among the stone walls and vacant cars. The army grab their paint guns on the table and loaded them with paint balls.", "segments": [[0, 92.28], [70.93, 137.73]], "duration": 137.73, "id": 2444}, {"image_id": "v_Ek2OvKMdvys.mp4", "caption": "A girl is dressed in a pink and black outfit talking in a room laying on a blue yoga mat.The lady then lays on her back and puts her hand across her chest.Before she begins,she talks about her stomach and how to put your hands behind your neck the correct way.Finally,she does about four crunches and shows that your head should be up and as well as your body before she finishes her crunches.", "segments": [[0, 17.28], [17.28, 59.39], [59.39, 168.46], [168.46, 215.97]], "duration": 215.97, "id": 2445}, {"image_id": "v_TJFl99tLNWk.mp4", "caption": "Different shades of nail polish bottles are seen. Pieces of taper are wrapped around the tips of fingers around the nails. Different shades of nail polish are applied to a foam pad then dabbed on the finger nails. A clear coating is coating is applied onto the nails. The tape is removed and the edges are cleaned up with nail polish remover solution.", "segments": [[8.65, 28.11], [33.51, 72.43], [81.08, 165.39], [142.69, 172.96], [175.12, 198.9]], "duration": 216.2, "id": 2446}, {"image_id": "v_TY4-gh8DV04.mp4", "caption": "A woman work out in a cardio machine pulling a handle in a gym. A person enters the gym.", "segments": [[0, 32.27], [8.55, 11.62]], "duration": 32.27, "id": 2447}, {"image_id": "v_W40iaV960sw.mp4", "caption": "The camel is sitting on the ground, but then the man puts on his glasses while he's sitting on the camel as it lifts up bringing the man forward a little bit. Then someone grabs the rope on the camel to guide the camel to the right place. Finally the man pulls the camel the man is sitting on while the other 2 camels walk behind the camel in the front.", "segments": [[0, 4.41], [4.41, 9], [9.08, 16.97]], "duration": 16.97, "id": 2448}, {"image_id": "v_dJVTlZWqYOs.mp4", "caption": "A man picks up a bowling ball and throws it down the lane at some pins. He falls onto the ground. The audience behind him applauds him.", "segments": [[0, 43.85], [45.29, 49.96], [53.92, 71.89]], "duration": 71.89, "id": 2449}, {"image_id": "v_99KPQLxH4cw.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of various snow boarders grinding down rails into snow with one falling and hurting himself. More shots of people wiping out in the end are shown as well as people talking to one another in a circle.", "segments": [[0, 44.22], [44.22, 176.87]], "duration": 176.87, "id": 2450}, {"image_id": "v_P00O62PPzNU.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people seen pulling a rope away from one another. More games are shown of people playing tug of war. People watch on the sides as the men continue to play with one another.", "segments": [[0, 46.28], [29.94, 95.27], [76.22, 133.38]], "duration": 136.11, "id": 2451}, {"image_id": "v_CB41iJu4ZVY.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing ready with her arms up in the air in front of a large crowd. The girl then jumps up onto a beam and begins performing gymnastic tricks. The girl continues flipping and spinning around and ends with her jumping off to the side.", "segments": [[0.95, 28.55], [26.17, 64.72], [55.68, 93.75]], "duration": 95.18, "id": 2452}, {"image_id": "v_T5GVJRbvNb8.mp4", "caption": "A young man runs and jumps over a bar onto a mat multiple times. People run and walk around a track in the background. The same young man then jumps over the bar using a springboard landing on the mat several times. People walk around a field house near the track.", "segments": [[0, 40.55], [4.05, 157.33], [45.41, 157.33], [98.94, 105.42]], "duration": 162.19, "id": 2453}, {"image_id": "v_SsW-IeF0bzE.mp4", "caption": "Several kids are driving bumper cars in a group at a fair. A younger girl gets stuck and a man walks over to help her. The groups time runs out and all of the kids stand up and exit the bumper car area. The kids all go down the stairs and back to the fair area. There are lots of people of all ages around doing different things at the fair.", "segments": [[0, 197.74], [14.12, 35.31], [197.74, 207.16], [207.16, 215.39], [0, 235.4]], "duration": 235.4, "id": 2454}, {"image_id": "v_ggDfJLB8jTk.mp4", "caption": "Shooting targets are shown on the grass. A man uses a bow and arrow to hit the targets. Words are shown on the screen. A man shoots a bow behind a pile of sticks.", "segments": [[21.84, 31.44], [36.68, 41.92], [47.16, 98.7], [113.54, 136.25]], "duration": 174.68, "id": 2455}, {"image_id": "v_B92SbWzu8yI.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen standing behind a set of drums and then begins playing the drums. The boys continues playing on the drums and ends with him kissing his fingers and giving a peace sign.", "segments": [[0, 74.78], [59.82, 213.65]], "duration": 213.65, "id": 2456}, {"image_id": "v_Coctj-3Yzic.mp4", "caption": "There are people in a garage standing around a long wooden table that has a lot of red solo cups on it. They all start throwing ping pong balls in attempt to get them to land in a red solo cup. Suddenly, one of them falls backwards into the table and the table falls. All the men start laughing, pull the table off of the man, and only one of the men go to help the person up.", "segments": [[0, 16.34], [16.34, 28.98], [28.98, 33.56], [33.56, 43.58]], "duration": 43.58, "id": 2457}, {"image_id": "v_tOiPx5Veyd8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen interviewing another man on camera and leads into several groups of people playing shuffle board. The camera pans back to the man being interviewed and ends with the host having one final word to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 48.47], [39.61, 104.24]], "duration": 104.24000000000001, "id": 2458}, {"image_id": "v_6iwKUJUUlaQ.mp4", "caption": "Two woman are outdoors outside of a building and are playing hopscotch on cemented ground. There is white text on the screen. The younger woman in shorts jumps on the squares and an older woman wearing a dress also jumps on the squares. The young girl falls over. The older woman walks and celebrates raising her arms. The two look at the camera and give a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 14.75], [0.15, 14.67], [0, 12.53], [11.35, 11.94], [12.61, 13.57], [13.64, 14.75]], "duration": 14.75, "id": 2459}, {"image_id": "v_78UikTQkGgg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of subway is seen and leads into a woman speaking to the camera and cutting up a piece of bread. The woman then lays out various ingredients on the bread and rolls it up in a wrap. Several pictures are then shown in the end of the sandwich all ready and people enjoying the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 46.89], [52.3, 146.08], [145.18, 180.35]], "duration": 180.35, "id": 2460}, {"image_id": "v_1Xav7gMRCOQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing inside a gym. He jumps on and off an exercise stepper, front to back and side to side. He spins as he climbs on and off.", "segments": [[0, 5.1], [5.77, 32.84], [33.06, 44.37]], "duration": 44.37, "id": 2461}, {"image_id": "v_9ZGy24Geu5k.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen in the ocean on a surf board. The man glides towards an on coming wave. The man then jumps over the wave. The man then rides the inside of a new wave.", "segments": [[0, 17.81], [17.81, 40.79], [36.19, 60.89], [59.74, 114.89]], "duration": 114.89, "id": 2462}, {"image_id": "v_G72bQBMZmzs.mp4", "caption": "Two sumo wrestlers are shown on a set with hundreds of people watching in the back taking pictures. The video continues to show several different athletes fighting in a ring and pulling the other down within a matter of seconds.", "segments": [[0, 23.72], [22.73, 197.63]], "duration": 197.63, "id": 2463}, {"image_id": "v_xQcJ8gTPRSU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to the camera and leads into the man peel a pear and scoping out the sides. The man then cuts the fruit and presents it onto a plate while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 89.48], [82.02, 165.7]], "duration": 165.7, "id": 2464}, {"image_id": "v_UOF3w4T-bBE.mp4", "caption": "A group of guy friends are in the bathroom talking and having fun daring on of the boys to shave his leg. The camera pans over to the boy's leg showing one of his friends shaving the hair off his leg with an electric razor.", "segments": [[0, 32.39], [11.66, 32.39]], "duration": 32.39, "id": 2465}, {"image_id": "v_ScWdvpS6epQ.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a blue mat. They begin doing a cheerleading routine on the mat. They hold up signs in front of the mat.", "segments": [[0, 149.12], [2.98, 149.12], [38.03, 41.75]], "duration": 149.12, "id": 2466}, {"image_id": "v_eGA5tbX8oH0.mp4", "caption": "A family is in the living room I'm trying to get out after being snowed in. A man opens the door and tries to jump over the snow that is in the way. He gets stuck in the snow and his family tries to help him get out. Once he gets out he throws them a shovel to shovel the snow on the floor. The video ends with the credits shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 73.44], [0, 13.82], [13.82, 63.18], [63.18, 73.44], [73.44, 78.97]], "duration": 78.97, "id": 2467}, {"image_id": "v_Z1POv1Qeno0.mp4", "caption": "People are floating down a river in rafts. We then see people getting rafts at a building. A man is in a boat people floating in a raft. A bus sits in front of the rafting facility and men stack rafts as other men walk with their rafts. A man and a woman are floating down the river in separate rafts.", "segments": [[0, 7.81], [7.81, 14.97], [14.97, 20.83], [21.48, 33.2], [34.29, 43.4]], "duration": 43.4, "id": 2468}, {"image_id": "v_TpB_zMG3XBA.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady and two men standing in a lake. The lady then jet skis. We see the head of the person on the boat on the left bob in and out of the shot. The boat turns and we no longer see land in the background. The lady falls off the ski. A man walks over to help the lady in the lake.", "segments": [[0, 7.34], [7.34, 146.75], [51.36, 119.84], [87.23, 105.98], [144.3, 150.82], [158.16, 163.05]], "duration": 163.05, "id": 2469}, {"image_id": "v_SiqB6_9kNQU.mp4", "caption": "At the fair the bumper cars are being used. A bunch of different people are riding around bumping into each other. They are just driving around aimlessly in circles as they hit and get hot by other riders. This is innocent fun during summer nights when you're bored and the fair is in town.", "segments": [[0, 29.19], [29.19, 71.35], [71.35, 111.9], [111.09, 162.17]], "duration": 162.17000000000002, "id": 2470}, {"image_id": "v_AnRYS02tvRA.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman play rock paper scissors. The woman wins and smiles. The woman puts a blind fold on. The woman gives the man a hug.", "segments": [[0, 76.65], [76.65, 79.98], [99.98, 103.31], [122.64, 123.97]], "duration": 133.31, "id": 2471}, {"image_id": "v_k0w1lMRoqYk.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen talking to the camera and leads into her browsing the internet then raking up leads in a yard. The girl is then seen sitting in the leaves and transitions into speaking with her mother in the kitchen. She is shown speaking to the camera one more time and ends with various pictures of kids.", "segments": [[0, 93.55], [94.46, 159.85], [158.94, 181.65]], "duration": 181.65, "id": 2472}, {"image_id": "v_XftM9eALPy0.mp4", "caption": "A large arena houses many people. Poles are set up in the arena. Gymnasts perform on the poles. They do many tricks on them.", "segments": [[0, 68.66], [5.84, 68.66], [13.05, 68.66], [20.26, 68.66]], "duration": 68.66, "id": 2473}, {"image_id": "v_1Xt1gZfZ2Rw.mp4", "caption": "A man is brushing the bottom of a ski. He melts wax onto the bottom of the ski and irons it. He then scrapes the wax off with a tool. He uses a brush to brush the bottom of the ski.", "segments": [[44.86, 46.46], [52.07, 88.12], [96.13, 114.56], [119.36, 132.98]], "duration": 160.22, "id": 2474}, {"image_id": "v_FRag7CCTP4k.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is shown warming up in front of a pole while several others in the background run around a track. The man eventually prepares for his jump and jumps over the pole. He swings his arms up to celebrate and others around him clap for him.", "segments": [[0, 30.24], [30.86, 49.88], [54.86, 62.35]], "duration": 62.35, "id": 2475}, {"image_id": "v_3xEonDbWxTM.mp4", "caption": "A lady stands with a pot and shows an area of a wall. The wall is cleaned with a wet towel using the solution in the pot. The lady points to an area of the wall that is discolored.", "segments": [[0, 22.78], [25.5, 79.2], [79.75, 108.5]], "duration": 108.5, "id": 2476}, {"image_id": "v__gJFrtUQDLw.mp4", "caption": "An image is shown of an album cover that leads into a young man playing a harmonica slowly. The man rocks back and fourth to the song and interments between pictures of a band and himself playing.", "segments": [[0, 60.02], [48.69, 226.49]], "duration": 226.49, "id": 2477}, {"image_id": "v__wqhA-Ceqwc.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a counter showing how to sharpening a knife.in the background man is cooking in the back counter. man is explaining and checking the areas of the knife.", "segments": [[7.75, 221.54], [52.06, 110.77], [0, 221.54]], "duration": 221.54, "id": 2478}, {"image_id": "v_9Hw3xvJJTy0.mp4", "caption": "Three wrestlers were in the ring and crowd iswatching intently. One wrestler named, East of Angeles, back away and climb the ladder. Another wrestler, TandumisGreat, gets up and starts climbing the other side of the ladder. They started hitting each other on top of the ladder. TandumisGreat climb on the back of East of Angeles and they both fall off the ladder, knocking East of Angeles. TandumISGReat climbs once again on the top of the ladder and holds the hanging money bank.", "segments": [[0, 37.53], [0, 7.24], [1.91, 10.1], [10.1, 22.86], [23.05, 27.63], [28.2, 38.1]], "duration": 38.1, "id": 2479}, {"image_id": "v_pZZVzBD8bZY.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of large crowd celebrating in the distance and people riding motorcycles around. The people continue riding around in slow motion as the camera captures their movements.", "segments": [[1.36, 64.82], [58.68, 128.96]], "duration": 136.46, "id": 2480}, {"image_id": "v_w83HV_L4AiU.mp4", "caption": "A cartoon animation is shown with various hands and lobsters and demonstrating how to play rock paper scissors. More text is shown as well as hands and animals and shows steps on how to play the game.", "segments": [[0, 36.91], [15.01, 59.43]], "duration": 62.56, "id": 2481}, {"image_id": "v_OCT2h1kmZoA.mp4", "caption": "We see an animated opening sequence. We see men riding snowboards on a ski slope. We see a man riding on the back part of the snowboard. We see a person in a bright pink jacket . A man is snowboarding with bare arms. Another man with no coat on is snowboarding. We see the ending sequence.", "segments": [[0, 12.14], [13.01, 163.89], [25.15, 32.08], [61.57, 79.78], [81.51, 84.98], [131.81, 142.21], [163.89, 173.43]], "duration": 173.43, "id": 2482}, {"image_id": "v_5gaobaT6K1A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen riding off a bull when the bull knocks her off and others run in to help. Several more people are shown attempting to taunt the bull and end by getting hurt and others helping.", "segments": [[0.99, 28.07], [18.16, 63.73]], "duration": 66.04, "id": 2483}, {"image_id": "v_6koP53YFNjg.mp4", "caption": "People are throwing balls into plastic cups. A hand knocks over a red plastic cup and wastes the liquid inside. A male reaches for a ball that rolls under a table. A plastic cup has a white suspension inside. A man welds and machine carves a wooden board. A guy carries a lady as they gesture and cheer.", "segments": [[0, 36.74], [4.19, 4.79], [4.99, 6.59], [6.79, 7.99], [16.57, 30.75], [37.14, 39.94]], "duration": 39.94, "id": 2484}, {"image_id": "v__Xydl5mYkQ8.mp4", "caption": "A counter is shown with beer cans on it. A man is in a bathroom, using a toilet. He flushes, then smiles and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.69], [7.98, 37.61], [38.18, 56.98]], "duration": 56.98, "id": 2485}, {"image_id": "v_w69pipCSlM4.mp4", "caption": "The skier adjusts the rope with his red and black skis extending in front of him over the water as he prepares to ski. The boat pulls him off the dock and into the water as he rests upright, his skis out in front of him. As the boat picks up speed, the skier rises, and holds onto the rope, steering left and right. He just seems to miss a buoy as he cuts through water and the boat's wake. The boat turns towards the land with large buildings coming into view, and slowly he is taken back to the dock.", "segments": [[0, 8.81], [8.81, 27.9], [27.17, 117.49], [28.64, 48.47], [116.76, 146.87]], "duration": 146.87, "id": 2486}, {"image_id": "v_Wi9bm9omdoM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of children are seen playing hand games with one another and finally hitting the loser on the head with a bottle. The kids continue to play the hand game with one another that leads into the beating another with a bottle.", "segments": [[0, 75.55], [63.08, 146.69]], "duration": 146.69, "id": 2487}, {"image_id": "v_KTNJc_NVOmg.mp4", "caption": "A cat is laying on its back on the couch. A person picks up the cat and lays it on their lap. They start clipping the cats nails.", "segments": [[0, 42.99], [42.99, 114.64], [51.01, 114.64]], "duration": 114.64, "id": 2488}, {"image_id": "v_uFtP9Z_K87U.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of people are shown in water as well as landscapes around an island and people riding and moving around a boat. More shots of people scuba diving are shown as well as fish swimming around and people in the ocean. In the end the camera shows several shots of the boat and people moving away on a smaller boat.", "segments": [[5.19, 42.83], [31.8, 114.2], [115.5, 129.78]], "duration": 129.78, "id": 2489}, {"image_id": "v_B3YfGd4Wt24.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are seen practicing various cheer leading moves in a gym as well as woman speaking to the camera. Several shots are shown of the girl's outfits as well as them demonstrating moves.", "segments": [[0, 37.96], [34.42, 101.24]], "duration": 101.24000000000001, "id": 2490}, {"image_id": "v_3UOWHwwxczI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into clips of him climbing along a wall. The man continues climbing along the rock wall and ends by looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0.97, 34.78], [23.51, 62.48]], "duration": 64.41, "id": 2491}, {"image_id": "v_MYWnPFGvxwQ.mp4", "caption": "A backyard is shown as a man sitting on an electric lawn mower begins to cut the grass.He makes it to the other side but then starts to run into the tree.After,he back up,runs into the tree again and cuts around it.", "segments": [[0, 14.3], [14.3, 32.76], [32.76, 46.14]], "duration": 46.14, "id": 2492}, {"image_id": "v_VEXswbPrwxE.mp4", "caption": "A bull comes out of the gate at a rodeo and man in the ring jumps on then off his back. The man picks up his fallen hat in the ring. The man runs around dodging the charging bull. The man drops his hat in the ring. The man jumps on the wall to avoid the bull. Another man opens the gate and calls to the bull to enter the pin.", "segments": [[0, 5.53], [10.28, 14.23], [5.93, 70.75], [67.59, 68.77], [69.17, 73.12], [70.35, 79.05]], "duration": 79.05, "id": 2493}, {"image_id": "v_m2DOej6tPNs.mp4", "caption": "We see people doing a dance routine in a basketball court. The people wave their hands in the air. The camera pans left to show others. The camera pans right and we see others. The lades stand still and wave their arms in the air. The camera pans down to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 206.36], [39.21, 43.33], [49.53, 57.78], [78.42, 82.54], [159.93, 165.08], [205.32, 206.36]], "duration": 206.36, "id": 2494}, {"image_id": "v_8nj8tlvLyUo.mp4", "caption": "Someone is running on the beach towards so sand castle competitions. A dog jumps in some sand dirt and is so happy about it. There are so many awesome and different things being made out of sand, it looks like it takes a lot of time and energy. There are people walking around and looking at all of them.", "segments": [[0.95, 36.25], [36.25, 62.01], [62.01, 124.02], [124.02, 190.8]], "duration": 190.8, "id": 2495}, {"image_id": "v_wBODR3P39Nw.mp4", "caption": "A few pictures of a high school field hockey team are shown. Two teams of young girls are playing field hockey. The goalie is shown falling to the ground while making a save. The goalie makes another sliding save. The goalie kicks the ball away from the net. The game ends and the girls give high fives.", "segments": [[0, 4.72], [6.07, 20.92], [13.5, 31.72], [29.7, 41.84], [68.16, 98.53], [128.23, 132.95]], "duration": 134.98, "id": 2496}, {"image_id": "v_TLQFjTXZ58E.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside in his front lawn with his mower. He talks about different lengths of grass for a while and then bends down to his mower. He uses a ruler to show more detailed and then moves the mower to the sidewalk to talk some more. He starts mowing his lawn finally going up and down the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 21.11], [21.11, 47.98], [47.98, 81.88], [81.88, 127.94]], "duration": 127.94, "id": 2497}, {"image_id": "v_UzdI8PLRiXg.mp4", "caption": "A towel and glass are on a table next to a piece of foam and metal. A tool is being shown by a man holding it. The metal is used to sharpen a knife in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 38.67], [44.19, 66.29], [68.5, 220.96]], "duration": 220.96, "id": 2498}, {"image_id": "v_xmAcpNTJUxo.mp4", "caption": "A person with a white mask and a sheet over his head walks back from the camera and grabs a pumpkin.The min then starts to carve the pumpkin and takes out the pumpkin sees.When they are all cleaned and taken out and placed in the oven as the man takes a sip of alcohol.", "segments": [[0, 41.34], [41.34, 86.37], [85.14, 123.39]], "duration": 123.39, "id": 2499}, {"image_id": "v_onW5hJXnI5s.mp4", "caption": "This is a documentary on horseback riding. They explain the power, thrill, fun, grace, flying, friends, freedom, and love of horseback riding. They then show the difficulties of training horses, the dangers of riding them, and the downside of competition. Then they show the highlights of competitive riding.", "segments": [[0, 204.57], [7.16, 94.1], [94.1, 171.84], [171.84, 204.57]], "duration": 204.57, "id": 2500}, {"image_id": "v_MLU2wreEGIg.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen standing before a set of monkey bars. The boy then pushes himself along across the monkey bars. He jumps down in the end and begins walking across a bridge.", "segments": [[0.1, 6.96], [5.96, 14.41], [14.61, 19.58]], "duration": 19.88, "id": 2501}, {"image_id": "v_f14r3tC-Y4E.mp4", "caption": "A large boat is shown sailing through ocean water. A man in scuba gear climbs over the side. He works on pulling a large bag into the boat, trying not to capsize.", "segments": [[0, 22.34], [26.4, 138.11], [146.24, 203.11]], "duration": 203.11, "id": 2502}, {"image_id": "v_ibHRKaD5MbM.mp4", "caption": "A pinata is hanging from a tree, and a woman brings a girl with a stick over to it. She helps her whack the pinata several times.", "segments": [[0, 5.73], [6.08, 13.82]], "duration": 13.82, "id": 2503}, {"image_id": "v_L61yQxW8HVE.mp4", "caption": "An intro screen appears that include a logo and the words \"Expert Village Presents\". A woman is now sitting and talking while holding a clarinet. The woman then puts the clarinet to her mouth and begins playing for a few seconds. The woman stops playing and resumes talking and using a lot of hand motioning, then resumes playing. The woman once again stops playing and begins talking while using her hands a lot and holding it in front of her face and etc. The woman begins playing once more until the outro of a white screen appears and it include a logo, and information for:copyright, rights and website.", "segments": [[0, 3.17], [3.17, 15.86], [15.86, 24.85], [24.85, 56.57], [56.57, 88.3], [88.3, 105.74]], "duration": 105.74000000000001, "id": 2504}, {"image_id": "v_Amnp8434e90.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of windersurfers are shown on a large body of water with several people swimming off in the distance. The wake boarders ride back and fourth past each other and perform several tricks. The ride close to shore doing tricks one at a time.", "segments": [[0, 79.33], [78.36, 151.89], [151.89, 193.49]], "duration": 193.49, "id": 2505}, {"image_id": "v_fp0dd844oUU.mp4", "caption": "A man in gray long sleeves talks in a stage of Ultimate Guinness World Records. A young table tennis player is standing in front of table with spectators behind her. Two players play table tennis and continue playing for a minute and record 173 hits. The play is reviewed and the young player was introduced as Ai Fukuhara, with a record of most table tennis counter hits . The man in stage talks again while walking around the stage.", "segments": [[0, 9.68], [10.22, 17.75], [18.29, 80.7], [80.7, 94.15], [95.23, 107.6]], "duration": 107.6, "id": 2506}, {"image_id": "v_s7ajQRC7w9w.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding onto a wind surfboard in the water. She steps onto the board and starts wind surfing. She holds onto the kite of the wind surf.", "segments": [[0, 61.3], [61.3, 74.23], [66.57, 95.78]], "duration": 95.78, "id": 2507}, {"image_id": "v_jmWtHelsblo.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are shown performing a dance routine together with one woman leading in front. The people continue moving their arms and legs around together to move their bodies and obtain exercise.", "segments": [[0, 95.46], [95.46, 209.14]], "duration": 214.51, "id": 2508}, {"image_id": "v_oNN6NE8fq0U.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the audience while seated on stage before a performance. A man plays the keys of an accordion while opening and closing the air box. The man sings a few verses loudly with excitement. The man finishes the song and gathers up his notes from the podium.", "segments": [[3.92, 15.69], [16.67, 176.48], [98.05, 112.75], [177.46, 180.41]], "duration": 196.09, "id": 2509}, {"image_id": "v_7AtINKDyH2Q.mp4", "caption": "There is a team of players playing hurling in an outdoor field. A person named Donal Cusack explains what hurling is and what is comprises of. The team players are playing a game of hurling with their bats as they try to hit the ball into the goal.", "segments": [[20.73, 50.48], [50.48, 77.07], [77.07, 86.08]], "duration": 90.14, "id": 2510}, {"image_id": "v___c8enCfzqw.mp4", "caption": "A lady in black jacket is posing for the camera, then a man with medium length hair is shown, the man touched her hair to check on it, then the girl blow dry her hair. The lady sat at the center of the studio with her wet hair, she put a white cream on her hand then rub it on her hair. The girl blow dry her hair with white blower, sectioned her hair, brushed her hair with roller brush while blow drying it at the same time, she roll the brush downwards and upwards. She styled her hair by brushing and combing it to give more volume.", "segments": [[0, 51.84], [24.19, 118.37], [72.58, 157.25], [132.19, 172.8]], "duration": 172.8, "id": 2511}, {"image_id": "v_tIaNvRDp0eE.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen sitting in tubes at the top of a hill. The men speak to one another while one climbs in. The men all finally ride down the hill together while getting out in the end and laughing with one another.", "segments": [[0, 7.7], [7.98, 19.39], [21.39, 55.32]], "duration": 57.03, "id": 2512}, {"image_id": "v_u0WgmhffTyI.mp4", "caption": "A male toddler is sitting on the floor near a female toddler and they are playing miniature floor foosball. The young male takes his hand and reaches inside to grab the soccer ball.As they keep playing, a set of feet appear and hold down the end of the board.Once they are removed,the two kids continue playing the game and moving the handles on the bars.The camera then zooms in on the boy and then the girl expressing their emotions.Each of them continues to play and adjust their body position as they become more focused.A goal is finally made and the girl goes into the goal and picks the ball out.", "segments": [[0, 21.31], [21.31, 34.76], [34.76, 42.61], [34.76, 117.75], [117.75, 136.81], [136.81, 194], [194, 224.28]], "duration": 224.28, "id": 2513}, {"image_id": "v_Cul7VFkLTMc.mp4", "caption": "A group of surfers are on their boards surfing waves. One of the surfers is swallowed by one of the waves. Two surfers surf close to each other and are knocked down by a wave. A surfer is casually swimming when a wave crashes straight into him. A surfer attempts to surf but is quickly thrown off his board by a wave.", "segments": [[0, 147.42], [8.85, 10.32], [35.38, 40.54], [109.83, 129], [122.36, 126.05]], "duration": 147.42000000000002, "id": 2514}, {"image_id": "v__LKFGLH8XxI.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is playing with a toy hair dryer. She turns around and smiles. She continues playing with the toy hair dryer and talking. She picks up a toy curler and sets it down on the desk in front of her.", "segments": [[0, 8.23], [8.23, 10.39], [10.58, 31.75], [35.08, 39.2]], "duration": 39.2, "id": 2515}, {"image_id": "v_TCFDMNSYTVw.mp4", "caption": "Two people are skiing, holding a rope. Waves are opened in their crest. They move under a small bridge. The boy in green bends over. The boy in green zooms out to the side. The boy moves to the side of the boat and then flips over the second skier. The boy leans back on his board and flips back over the other skier. The boy in green swings out again and flips over the skier giving him a high five. The two skiers have a conversation while riding. Both skiers swing out and swing to the other side of the boat. The boys continue to wave and talk.", "segments": [[0, 33.02], [0, 194.26], [33.02, 38.85], [38.85, 41.77], [41.77, 64.11], [64.11, 83.53], [83.53, 110.73], [110.73, 127.24], [127.24, 154.44], [154.44, 177.75], [177.75, 194.26]], "duration": 194.26, "id": 2516}, {"image_id": "v_tEnhhhWqnWQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman does a dance with a hulahoop. She throws it up, catches it, and dances around the room.", "segments": [[0, 188.34], [38.61, 188.34]], "duration": 188.34, "id": 2517}, {"image_id": "v_gPofktt3hUw.mp4", "caption": "A young man puts cement to the ceiling and even with a flat tool. the man wears stilts on his feet. The man puts cement on the empty spaces and strokes with the tool to even the ceiling.", "segments": [[0, 45.37], [9.53, 14.87], [45.37, 75.49]], "duration": 76.26, "id": 2518}, {"image_id": "v_dxgeEdlt7do.mp4", "caption": "Dirt bikes race across a bumpy track. A rider falls off his bike and a trailing bike hits him and knocks him back to the ground. The words \"2014 FIM MOTOCROSS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MXGP\" appear on screen followed by social links.", "segments": [[0, 56.66], [57.32, 108.12], [108.77, 130.26]], "duration": 130.26, "id": 2519}, {"image_id": "v_kBUDMFgWO9I.mp4", "caption": "A view of a very large diving platform with different heights is shown and people around the pool are walking. A person on one of the platforms dive into the pool. The diver hitting the pool causes a small splash.Video then freezes and there are no movements.", "segments": [[0, 9.84], [7.63, 8.89], [8.83, 10.02], [10.02, 12.61]], "duration": 12.61, "id": 2520}, {"image_id": "v_YxUNzzrgJnI.mp4", "caption": "A car is driving down a road with passengers. The men gather on a bridge, adorning equipment. A man in a gorilla costume walks along the bridge. The men take turns bungee jumping from the bridge. The people wave as they drive away, then are shown posing for a picture.", "segments": [[0, 7.61], [15.21, 61.69], [68.45, 114.93], [123.38, 147.88], [152.11, 169.01]], "duration": 169.01, "id": 2521}, {"image_id": "v_v05j8FVewPc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking and is excited. She pulls out a pink sweater to iron. She irons the pink sweater.", "segments": [[0, 13.28], [18.45, 40.59], [47.24, 144.66]], "duration": 147.61, "id": 2522}, {"image_id": "v_Tcf9sOzU-7M.mp4", "caption": "Several different intros eventually leads into two men pointing on a field and getting ready for paintball. Then the men run throughout the field and attack each other with paintball guns. They run through the field quickly and attack one another using the paint gun.", "segments": [[0, 50.46], [66.16, 224.28], [103.17, 224.28]], "duration": 224.28, "id": 2523}, {"image_id": "v_mwGs9TeYpM0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera in a large field while holding a lacrosse stick. He points to himself while holding up the stick and continues to speak to the camera and how to properly hold the stick.", "segments": [[10.27, 21.33], [21.33, 46.08]], "duration": 52.66, "id": 2524}, {"image_id": "v_XuwqWdp-u2M.mp4", "caption": "A girl swings her stick away at a pinata. A group of people watch her from behind and cheer her on. She continues to swing away at the pinata and the object moves back and fourth in the wind.", "segments": [[0, 38.96], [2.07, 37.92], [19.89, 37.92]], "duration": 41.45, "id": 2525}, {"image_id": "v_K8Fq9kjfK_U.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a large gymnasium and leads into two performers walking to the middle of the stage. The girls perform a dance routine use batons and end by holding a pose.", "segments": [[3.76, 85.67], [67.64, 148.05]], "duration": 150.3, "id": 2526}, {"image_id": "v_-Cefl3S_L-w.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen playing a tug of war match with one another and pulling onto a rope against one another. The people continue playing with one another and ends with one team winning and the crowd cheering.", "segments": [[0.83, 40.63], [30.27, 82.09]], "duration": 82.92, "id": 2527}, {"image_id": "v_NKQehrewXlM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen jogging on the side of the road as well as speaking to the camera. Clips are shown of him warming up on the side and running up along mountainsides. He continues speaking to the camera while running around a neighborhood and people showing off his movements.", "segments": [[1.43, 31.36], [24.23, 89.81], [66.28, 134]], "duration": 142.55, "id": 2528}, {"image_id": "v_LMxfRVcBrD8.mp4", "caption": "A woman chef is demonstrating how to make restaurant style pasta. She begins with adding spaghetti in a large pot of boiling water. She sautes chopped onions and some Italian dressing along with garlic on a saucepan. She then adds a cup of grape tomatoes. She checks the pasta for it's softness. She removes the cooked pasta off of the gas and pours it into a plate. Then she adds the cooked sauce right over the pasta. She chops fresh basil with a pair of scissors and garnishes it over the pasta along with some cheese Then she shows an Alfredo sauce recipe. She sprinkles grated Parmesan cheese over the Alfredo pasta to finish off.", "segments": [[10.29, 28.07], [28.07, 43.98], [43.98, 77.66], [77.66, 90.76], [90.76, 100.11], [100.11, 127.25], [127.25, 145.03], [145.03, 174.97], [174.97, 187.13]], "duration": 187.13, "id": 2529}, {"image_id": "v_sV8nkrbJIKE.mp4", "caption": "A close up of food is shown followed by a person putting various ingredients into a mug. They mix around the ingredients, put the mug in the microwave, and take it out in the end showing off the cake.", "segments": [[0, 63.21], [65.12, 191.54]], "duration": 191.54, "id": 2530}, {"image_id": "v_2PCZkpF1_wU.mp4", "caption": "A large multilayer red velvet cake is shown, along with the multitude of ingredients. A hand turns on an oven, before mixing the ingredients together in a bowl. Throughout, some random tidbits and facts are shared.", "segments": [[0, 16.96], [20.35, 122.93], [127.16, 169.55]], "duration": 169.55, "id": 2531}, {"image_id": "v_Z47Ig2AqKfg.mp4", "caption": "A man is on a stage amongst bright flashing lights and music. He is quickly playing a violin for the audience. He pauses to dance, then goes back to playing as they clap and cheer.", "segments": [[0, 9.58], [10.45, 67.48], [68.35, 87.08]], "duration": 87.08, "id": 2532}, {"image_id": "v_wbrnTczxvVw.mp4", "caption": "There are two women dressed in black and blue tank tops demonstrating how to use the hula hoop. They both begin spinning with blue and silver hula hoops. They are in a spacious room with little furniture and hardwood floors. The woman in the blue tank top shows how to hula hoop in fast motion. Then both the women show how to twirl the hoop by raising it high up above their heads. They bend their backs to lower themselves down as the continue to hula hoop. They talk to each other as they share tips about ways to hula hoop.", "segments": [[23.48, 54.01], [54.01, 83.37], [83.37, 124.47], [124.47, 157.35], [157.35, 186.7], [186.7, 214.89], [214.89, 225.45]], "duration": 234.85, "id": 2533}, {"image_id": "v_CF6Q5ojrAJo.mp4", "caption": "The men are taking turns chopping a log in two. The chop over and over again. The log breaks in two.", "segments": [[0, 39.15], [0, 36.6], [36.6, 39.15]], "duration": 39.15, "id": 2534}, {"image_id": "v_dth916VxJUw.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of a set of pull up and double bars at a park. The man does shoulder dips on the set of parallel bars. The man does push ups with his feet up on the parallel bars. The man does pull ups on one of the bars. The man walks back up in front of the equipment after the routine.", "segments": [[0, 21.17], [22.58, 76.21], [90.32, 103.73], [78.33, 86.8], [129.13, 131.96]], "duration": 141.13, "id": 2535}, {"image_id": "v_pbTzltaBByk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a hedge is shown followed by a man walking into frames with tools and beginning to cut the hedge. The man continues cutting all along the hedge while moving in and out of frame.", "segments": [[0.58, 27.54], [15.94, 57.4]], "duration": 57.98, "id": 2536}, {"image_id": "v_woLR9wHe0Vs.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in a yard raking with a title on the screen. We see a tree trunk and leaves falling. We see the man talking and see the yard as he rakes. We then see the man as he blows it with a leaf blower and a vacuum.", "segments": [[0, 8.48], [9.33, 27.56], [30.1, 56.82], [57.66, 84.8]], "duration": 84.8, "id": 2537}, {"image_id": "v_9-hrNWXnuY8.mp4", "caption": "Several images of dogs are shown outside in the field.A young woman then appears in a grassy field and play with her dog and throwing a red Frisbee to him.The girl then kneels down in the grass and holds the Frisbee over her head and congratulates her dog as the trick is completed and they continue to do it over and over again.", "segments": [[0, 24.91], [24.91, 75.58], [75.58, 171.78]], "duration": 171.78, "id": 2538}, {"image_id": "v_lpZytCK-g1M.mp4", "caption": "A young boy kneels outside and washes his face and hands from small dishes, in front of him, filled with water and soap. A boy kneels in a corner of an outdoor patio in front of a row of bowls. The boy splashes water on his face and lathers his hands with soapy water from the dishes. The boy continues washing his face as a woman in a light colored dress garment walks past him.", "segments": [[0.36, 67.27], [2.89, 12.3], [11.21, 35.08], [46.65, 71.97]], "duration": 72.33, "id": 2539}, {"image_id": "v_nT1-fINd4nA.mp4", "caption": "A person uses a leaf blows and blows leafs. The dog runs to the right and out of the path. The dog runs back and fort in front of the leaf blower.", "segments": [[0, 18.72], [1.87, 4.4], [6.27, 18.72]], "duration": 18.72, "id": 2540}, {"image_id": "v_K7rfN2W0ts4.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen at a poker table grabbing cards while another deals. The dealer continuously throws out cards while also putting chips in. The person playing does the same several times.", "segments": [[0.91, 45.43], [33.62, 135.38], [119.94, 181.72]], "duration": 181.72, "id": 2541}, {"image_id": "v_cufmgoo7E_k.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a horse tied up to a calf with a man roping a rope around the animal. A man is then shown being interviewed on camera as well as an other woman beside him.", "segments": [[0, 29.87], [29.25, 62.23]], "duration": 62.23, "id": 2542}, {"image_id": "v_oofh5aSJUSc.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a ghost shirt is playing a game of beer pong. He lines up four cups, throwing the balls into the cups. He continues until all the balls have gone into the cups perfectly.", "segments": [[0, 10.22], [11, 58.95], [59.74, 78.6]], "duration": 78.6, "id": 2543}, {"image_id": "v_r-rNYo8ju4k.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are all seen standing around one another on a beach while speaking and laughing to one another. Then men the begin putting sunscreen on one another down a line.", "segments": [[0.1, 4.55], [3.18, 9.68]], "duration": 9.78, "id": 2544}, {"image_id": "v_p1pkFRHG7UY.mp4", "caption": "A tall building is shown with a tower. People are applauding for people that are jumping off of the top of the building.", "segments": [[0, 3.87], [4.04, 35.17]], "duration": 35.17, "id": 2545}, {"image_id": "v_n5xfkpQ8PWM.mp4", "caption": "A woman wraps several Christmas gifts. A woman smiles and cuts a wrapping paper with a scissor. The woman places a teddy bear in a bowl. A woman puts two crystal presents in a white and pink box. A woman holds up a covered gift wrapped in silver wrapping paper. A woman places a jewelry box in a box. The woman presents a gold bowl. The woman holds out stacked, wrapped gifts with her hands. The woman blows glitter papers from the palm of her hand. The sponsor of the clips is introduced and displayed on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 15.23], [1.07, 2.06], [2.13, 4.04], [4.11, 5.03], [5.18, 5.79], [5.94, 6.93], [7.01, 8], [8.07, 10.13], [10.28, 11.12], [11.2, 15.08]], "duration": 15.23, "id": 2546}, {"image_id": "v_bfZZdTPYmos.mp4", "caption": "There's a man wearing a white graphic shirt, sitting with bongo drums drumming a beat on the drums. He is wearing headphones as he drums a beat on the drums. He continues playing the drums. After a while he changes the beat after pausing for a little time.Then continues playing another beat on the drums. Then he stops for a little bit and rearranges the drums to play again. Another person is drumming beats on an electrical drum set that has several drums.", "segments": [[25.1, 75.31], [75.31, 127.8], [127.8, 142.63], [142.63, 163.17], [163.17, 187.13], [187.13, 201.96], [201.96, 211.09]], "duration": 228.21, "id": 2547}, {"image_id": "v_kHyEIbBnzYM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking over to a young girl who stands on a stage and begins performing martial arts. She performs several flips and tricks and bows to a man in the end while everyone claps for her.", "segments": [[0, 42.29], [44.93, 132.15]], "duration": 132.15, "id": 2548}, {"image_id": "v_rBQO0Nf05vg.mp4", "caption": "The man in black shirt and blue jeans is rolling an old red carpet and vacuum the floor. He then unroll the new gray carpet, install it by cutting it and nailing the carpet on the floor, he removed the excess carpet on the wall, flattened it with a tool, then vacuum once the installation is complete.", "segments": [[0, 17.26], [14.19, 76.72]], "duration": 76.72, "id": 2549}, {"image_id": "v_jXARa4T2G8o.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a camera panning around various snow locations with people moving and plows moving. The camera shows several different people stretching and warming up followed by two people falling over and standing up. Several clips are shown of snow boarders doing tricks on a mountain as well as jumps and grinds.", "segments": [[0, 23.33], [25, 84.16], [96.66, 166.65]], "duration": 166.65, "id": 2550}, {"image_id": "v_HD4aY4ATCFY.mp4", "caption": "a big burguer is in a table. woman is talking to the camera sanding i front of a wall with a lot of wallpapers. woman grab a sandwich and spread butter in it, then put pickles, cheddar cheese, jam and pork, then se put butter on top and toast it, when the sandwich is ready is cutted in the half and its being serve in a plate.", "segments": [[0, 5.58], [5.58, 41.49], [41.49, 159.57]], "duration": 159.57, "id": 2551}, {"image_id": "v_xmGucghu2FI.mp4", "caption": "An intro of text leads into several clips of athletes throwing javelins off into the distance. The video continues with several more athletes being shown performing impressive throws with the Javelin.", "segments": [[8.81, 105.73], [70.48, 192.85]], "duration": 195.79, "id": 2552}, {"image_id": "v_zh2Thxc6NVI.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red jacket is talking on a hockey rink. Several people start playing hockey on the ice. He gives another player a hug.", "segments": [[0, 16.98], [16.98, 102.94], [71.03, 72.57]], "duration": 102.94, "id": 2553}, {"image_id": "v_3nLA8R3ULSE.mp4", "caption": "man is riding a motorbike in a dusty path inside a dome. motorbikes are riding bikes doing motocross in a field inside a dome. people are in bikes in a competition.", "segments": [[0, 128.06], [0, 124.86], [0, 127.42]], "duration": 128.06, "id": 2554}, {"image_id": "v_5sYPXv0RkiM.mp4", "caption": "A man stands next to a pile of wood holding tools on his shoulders. The man uses a large ax to chop logs standing upright in a grassy forested area area.", "segments": [[0, 6.11], [7.13, 50.18]], "duration": 50.95, "id": 2555}, {"image_id": "v_3dR4MEUDHa0.mp4", "caption": "Two men are playing ping pong together, one guy is wearing a black suit, the guy in the black suit has a unique style. The man in the black suit spikes the ping pong ball and celebrates. The camera scene switches to show the players from another perspective, the player in the black suit makes another spike on the ball. Now two players proceed to play the player in the black suit at once, he spiked the ball on both players. The man in the black suit is using nunchucks to play ping pong, they now have 4 players playing against him, the man in the black suit taunts them by reading a book while playing, he also pauses the ping pong balls, takes a sip of water and resumes The man starts laughing at them, and the men are frustrated. A final challenger arrives and walks towards him. The challenger spikes the ball so hard it kills him.", "segments": [[0, 18.45], [18.45, 19.99], [21.53, 37.67], [37.67, 63.81], [63.04, 116.86], [114.55, 122.24], [122.24, 153.76]], "duration": 153.76, "id": 2556}, {"image_id": "v_MEwGjGcV_Ik.mp4", "caption": "Two people front to front push discs on the floor with a stick in a gym. A man pass on front a clock.", "segments": [[0, 40.06], [17.82, 22.83]], "duration": 40.06, "id": 2557}, {"image_id": "v_scapZQe6_Iw.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing on a field behind a row of houses. One swings a bat and runs onto the field, chasing a ball. The ball is thrown back to the batter, and he continues the game of cricket with his team mates.", "segments": [[0, 24.71], [32.23, 128.93], [133.22, 214.88]], "duration": 214.88, "id": 2558}, {"image_id": "v_OUY4TkdjnyA.mp4", "caption": "The topic of the video shows how to play foosball. It begins with a title screen. Then a clip is shown of a little boy who puts a ball shaped like an eyeball on a foosball table. A screen with words shows up. Then, a clip is shown of two boys playing with the foosball table, one of whom is reading a magazine while playing. Several additional clips appear showing the boys playing foosball in different ways. The video ends with one of the boys falling asleep while playing.", "segments": [[0, 173.01], [0, 15.57], [15.57, 34.6], [34.6, 38.93], [38.93, 74.4], [80.45, 173.01], [161.77, 173.01]], "duration": 173.01, "id": 2559}, {"image_id": "v_tuhHQ-lHIs4.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids poses with the arms in the air. Another group of kids poses holding up peace signs. A third group of kids poses with their arms around each other. A fourth group of kids poses with their mouths open. A fifth group of kids poses smiling. A group of kids stands on a line in a gym. A girl flips across the gym. A young boy bounces a dodge ball. A group of kids in blue all run toward the center of the gym. A young boy aims a dodge ball at a group of kids on the opposite side of the gym and throws the ball hitting one of them. A young boy in blue celebrates. Another older boy in blue throws a dodge ball. A little boy runs to the line holding two balls and throws one of them. A boy in blue throws a ball while a boy behind him runs. A boy in pink throws a ball. A young boy in white dips down and a ball flies over his head. A boy in pink and then a girl in pink throw a ball. several kids in white celebrate. A group of kids runs toward the center of the gym. The white team plays and a very young player throws the ball. A boy in green throws the ball and the blue team runs to throw several balls back. Another boy and girl run and throw a ball at the same time. A boy in white throws a ball. A group of adults stands on the line on the gym floor. The adults play do0dge ball. A group of kids and adults hold up trophy's and wave.", "segments": [[3.35, 6.7], [8.13, 10.52], [11, 13.39], [13.87, 16.26], [16.74, 19.13], [19.61, 20.09], [20.09, 21.52], [22, 23.44], [23.92, 25.83], [26.31, 27.74], [28.22, 29.18], [30.13, 30.61], [31.09, 33], [33.48, 34.44], [34.92, 35.87], [36.35, 36.83], [37.31, 39.7], [40.18, 41.14], [41.61, 42.09], [42.57, 45.44], [45.92, 51.18], [52.14, 53.09], [53.57, 54.05], [55.01, 59.31], [59.79, 75.1], [75.58, 85.14]], "duration": 95.67, "id": 2560}, {"image_id": "v_6Pj1Ocz8MUo.mp4", "caption": "A teen skateboard down a road while turning around and spinning. Another youth skateboard on the road while making turns. A boy holds a skateboard on his hand. A young man skateboard until a busy street, then the teen continue skateboarding.", "segments": [[7.61, 12.17], [12.68, 64.9], [24.84, 26.36], [65.4, 101.4]], "duration": 101.4, "id": 2561}, {"image_id": "v_hzU9--vcDMY.mp4", "caption": "A man puts on paintball gear in a mirror grabs his gun and runs through the snow. Men duck behind trees, plywood walls and fences on a paintball field. Men shoot back and forth at each other. Men run and duck looking for a place to hide. The men sit on either side of the wall looking for each other then stand up and face each other. A man talks in front of a paintball park sign.", "segments": [[0, 14.32], [14.32, 54.18], [55.43, 68.5], [69.75, 87.81], [88.43, 112.1], [112.1, 124.55]], "duration": 124.55, "id": 2562}, {"image_id": "v_QBlveXzAZsY.mp4", "caption": "Several bikes are in a shop lined up. We see people looking at the bikes, and a large box containing one. A man opens the box and removes the bike, He shows the pieces to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 34.19], [36.33, 125.01], [132.49, 213.69]], "duration": 213.69, "id": 2563}, {"image_id": "v_OYMGPkucZYI.mp4", "caption": "Ehow and Style are on the screen. A woman is standing at a table with a shoe and a can of hairspray. The woman sprays hairspray on a scuff mark on the shoe and takes a cotton tip and rubs the scuff mark out. The scuff mark is gone and she talks to the camera. The video ends with a ehow promo.", "segments": [[0, 5.08], [5.81, 25.03], [25.4, 53.33], [53.33, 63.13], [63.13, 72.2]], "duration": 72.56, "id": 2564}, {"image_id": "v_cTbkhIaj_Xc.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are standing a field and a man rolls a red ball to the other team and it is kicked out.After,the team switches and continue to play games of kickball.Now two more teams approach and the captains play Rock,Paper,Scissor to determine who will start the game.The woman loses and the men begin to play kicking the ball and running to the bases.", "segments": [[0, 44.05], [44.05, 75.83], [75.83, 119.88], [119.15, 144.43]], "duration": 144.43, "id": 2565}, {"image_id": "v_xF7etZzLFbY.mp4", "caption": "A man walks alongside a boy who is mowing the lawn. He instructs the boy on how to turn the mower and go around a small tree. He continues walking and guiding the boy.", "segments": [[0, 8.09], [9.76, 33.8], [35.22, 47.6]], "duration": 47.6, "id": 2566}, {"image_id": "v_RQwgREUcreI.mp4", "caption": "A woman holding a doll undoes curlers from the dolls hair. The woman shoes off the dolls hair. The woman turns the doll around to show off the back of the dolls head. The woman continues to show off the dolls hair.", "segments": [[21.75, 125.04], [126.12, 142.43], [143.52, 157.65], [158.74, 217.46]], "duration": 217.46, "id": 2567}, {"image_id": "v_3HUoSa_3vpc.mp4", "caption": "We see a bartender behind a bar add ice to a glass. The man pours three liquors into a glass and shakes it up. The man pours it in a glass and adds soda. The man squeezes a lemon, stirs in the glass and transfers it to a smaller glass. The man adds a straw and presents the glass to us.", "segments": [[0, 8.66], [8.66, 46.57], [46.99, 54.4], [56.88, 77.07], [79.13, 82.43]], "duration": 82.43, "id": 2568}, {"image_id": "v_J5xPmg3tmtg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding sponge and a sander in each hand. The man then wets the sander and uses it along a set of skis. He guides it along the ski and stops to speak to the camera and smile.", "segments": [[0, 32.57], [30.07, 98.96], [95.83, 125.27]], "duration": 125.27, "id": 2569}, {"image_id": "v_uWWo9qZh3cU.mp4", "caption": "News anchors introduce a clip sitting at a desk in a newsroom. President Obama introduces and interviews a band playing on stage. President Clinton plays the saxophone on stage with a band. President George Bush dances with an African drum player and other diplomats.", "segments": [[0, 26.83], [30.05, 68.69], [77.27, 88.54], [89.61, 107.32]], "duration": 107.32, "id": 2570}, {"image_id": "v_P62B_iDlQXM.mp4", "caption": "A circle of green grass is shown with a trail of rocks surrounding it,a brick wall,and some trees.A man then comes and starts to cut the grass going around its perimeter.After,he takes the lawn mower and starts going vertically across the grass until the whole thing has been completed.", "segments": [[0, 5.21], [5.06, 15.34], [15.34, 30.67]], "duration": 30.67, "id": 2571}, {"image_id": "v_-ucwgrxTBEg.mp4", "caption": "Two people are demonstrating Tai Chi. There is a garden with colorful flowers shown outside the Tai Chi school building. The instructors wearing blue robes are showing the basic moves used in Tai Chi. They are swaying their hands above their heads from left to right. Then the instructor demonstrates arm strength by tapping his right arm over his extended left arm. Both the instructors stand facing each other as they demonstrate slow and gradual hand movements.", "segments": [[2.9, 27.02], [27.02, 67.56], [67.56, 84.93], [84.93, 140.91], [140.91, 169.86], [169.86, 181.45]], "duration": 193.03, "id": 2572}, {"image_id": "v_FbvTQ1-FCag.mp4", "caption": "A man is shooting a bow and arrow. The dart board that they are shooting at is shown. People are celebrating and clapping hands.", "segments": [[0, 234.69], [45.76, 48.11], [66.89, 69.23]], "duration": 234.69, "id": 2573}, {"image_id": "v_j7rvKBvvvRg.mp4", "caption": " A man is on front a sink talking and wash a dish, then he puts it on the counter. The man put dish soap on a dish and scrub it while rinsing with water. Then the man shows his tattooed arms, then continues washing dishes.", "segments": [[6.55, 40.14], [41.78, 90.93], [117.96, 163.84]], "duration": 163.84, "id": 2574}, {"image_id": "v_SNuH7bpgHuY.mp4", "caption": "The two bulls run into each other and they bump heads fighting until they knock each other down. Then the people run over to them and some are holding rope, while one checks on it's bloody head.", "segments": [[0, 41.64], [41.64, 66.1]], "duration": 66.1, "id": 2575}, {"image_id": "v_16T82DHJClA.mp4", "caption": "Two men are arm wrestling on a table. The door opens and another man comes in and arm wrestles. They start fighting in the room. They arm wrestle again at the table.", "segments": [[0, 28.36], [28.36, 56.1], [56.72, 90.01], [88.77, 101.1]], "duration": 123.3, "id": 2576}, {"image_id": "v_g0ns-bQ4PjE.mp4", "caption": "The lady in pink is belly dancing on the stage. The man is playing a keyboard, while the other man is playing the drum. The lady turned around, swirling around the stage and shake her hips.", "segments": [[0, 180.03], [16.2, 149.42], [69.31, 159.32]], "duration": 180.03, "id": 2577}, {"image_id": "v_8GeLWWLIar4.mp4", "caption": "We see a dancing man on the cover of a book then on a street. We see the man sitting on the floor talking to a camera. We see the man illustrating break dance moves. The man is talking and sitting still. We see the man dance fast. We see the man perform a leg sweep move. We see an animated close scene and a subscribe page.", "segments": [[0, 14.84], [15.34, 27.71], [27.22, 59.87], [60.37, 75.21], [75.71, 81.65], [81.65, 88.57], [89.07, 98.96]], "duration": 98.96000000000001, "id": 2578}, {"image_id": "v_ys3NrLuOxMs.mp4", "caption": "Green text explains several rules of the game. A man and a boy practice lay ups together, and the coach shows his point of view. They demonstrate a couple of different moves.", "segments": [[0, 6.77], [7.04, 37.63], [39.8, 54.15]], "duration": 54.15, "id": 2579}, {"image_id": "v_xSMmdsV65Bc.mp4", "caption": "A White plastering tool is shown with a brown wooden handle on it.A person then picks it up and begins to bend it showing how the object works.After,the object is demonstrated on the corner of the walls and then the plaster is washed off in the grass.", "segments": [[0, 25.58], [25.58, 55.57], [55.57, 176.4]], "duration": 176.4, "id": 2580}, {"image_id": "v_xr64cSwpNOM.mp4", "caption": "A man competes in a strong man competition and stands on a log chopping it with an ax in hand. The man finally splits the log below his feet. A second man in the competition in vest picks up and drops a large spherical weight on a tire repeatedly. A A man in red steps onto a log and receives an ax by a referee.", "segments": [[0, 56.21], [56.62, 60.76], [57.04, 69.44], [65.3, 82.66]], "duration": 82.66, "id": 2581}, {"image_id": "v_wAt_OsQe-qM.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking inside a room in a house. He is holding a stick and violin. He then demonstrates how to play the violin.", "segments": [[0, 13.49], [17.99, 26.34], [26.99, 128.5]], "duration": 128.5, "id": 2582}, {"image_id": "v_1G3rv9ssDY4.mp4", "caption": "Two professional bikers are biking at the Peckham BMX Club. The bikers are going over a curbed surface at full speed. There are several other bikers doing the same activity on another curved surface. There are five bikers wearing helmets standing ready to start a race. They begin racing at high speed over a curved road. Two more batches of racers start the same race. A single biker is going through the curved road at very high speed.", "segments": [[10.58, 16.39], [16.39, 23.8], [23.8, 34.37], [34.37, 43.36], [43.36, 54.47], [54.47, 76.15], [76.15, 79.33]], "duration": 105.77000000000001, "id": 2583}, {"image_id": "v_hHxEBnhLsXs.mp4", "caption": "A person perform wake board holding a ski water rope. The man jumps an obstacle several times and lands in the water. Then, the man jumps the obstacle and spin around. Then, the man slides on ramps while flipping in the air.", "segments": [[6.13, 20.22], [22.67, 87.01], [87.01, 102.33], [102.33, 118.27]], "duration": 122.56, "id": 2584}, {"image_id": "v_w8gNl6HWctA.mp4", "caption": "A man exercises by doing animated stretches in a doorway while holding a tennis racket. A woman approaches him and the two begin to talk. The man and woman begin to play tennis in a closed gym room by hitting the tennis ball against a wall with their tennis racket. The man becomes irate as he plays and begins stomping, yelling, wildly gesturing and pushing the woman down on the floor when she falls as they play the game. When the game ends the woman leaves, looking upset and the man looks satisfied as he begins doing wild stretches in front of the doorway and talking to another person.", "segments": [[0.75, 10.57], [11.32, 30.95], [31.71, 43.78], [43.03, 129.84], [129.84, 145.69]], "duration": 150.98, "id": 2585}, {"image_id": "v__aEA1UuTai8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing on top of a balance beam. She does forward flips on the beam. She watches as other girls do the same.", "segments": [[0, 13.65], [20.74, 77.51], [88.43, 109.17]], "duration": 109.17, "id": 2586}, {"image_id": "v_bAD_-DEgubk.mp4", "caption": "There's a young boy playing lacrosse in his front yard. he is holding a yellow lacrosse stick. He is excited as he plays the game while his mother cheers him up to play.He picks up the yellow ball and throws it across to his father. When his father throws the ball to him, he catches it with the lacrosse stick. His mother gets excited and shouts out for him.", "segments": [[10.15, 19.44], [19.44, 30.46], [30.46, 41.78], [41.78, 47.58], [47.58, 50.19], [50.19, 53.67]], "duration": 58.03, "id": 2587}, {"image_id": "v_6uhLrPgbpUA.mp4", "caption": "Several bicycle racers dressed in motocross suits and wearing helmets are lined up at the start line, waiting to race. The race begins, and all bikers race down a hill, toward a jump. The bikers jump off a hill, but one of the bikers, dressed in red and black, tumbles to the ground. The biker immediately behind him, dressed in red, white and blue, tries to avoid the fallen biker, and falls to the ground as well. The other bikers race off. The biker in black and red immediately trots off the track, while the biker in red, white and blue, is clearly injured and struggles to get to his knees. Three men dressed in black jackets come to the aid of the first biker.", "segments": [[0, 5.08], [5.31, 8.77], [8.77, 10.39], [10.39, 11.77], [11.77, 12.23], [12.46, 15.69], [15.93, 25.62]], "duration": 46.16, "id": 2588}, {"image_id": "v_XFlWVBU4z9E.mp4", "caption": "A woman attempts to remove her coffee from a glove compartment, but it won't budge. She leans forward, waving away the camera man as she tries to take a drink. She finally is able to remove the cup.", "segments": [[0, 11.86], [18.46, 62.84], [70.31, 87.89]], "duration": 87.89, "id": 2589}, {"image_id": "v_yE5euaQmcXw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen grabbing a puck and curling along the ice in front of others. The people push the puck down the ice and celebrate with one another. People on the sidelines cheer and the men walk away.", "segments": [[0, 39.78], [23.67, 72], [54.88, 98.19]], "duration": 100.71000000000001, "id": 2590}, {"image_id": "v_c7fu7RcM2iE.mp4", "caption": "A group of men do freestyle running jumps throughout the city. The men run together in a group. Each man does a set of multiple jumps in a continuous line. The filming is interrupted by building staff.", "segments": [[0, 179.12], [115.53, 128.07], [138.82, 168.37], [173.75, 179.12]], "duration": 179.12, "id": 2591}, {"image_id": "v_wiflxvRl04M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking into frame and nodding at the camera that leads into her pouring mouthwash out and into her mouth. She rinses the mouthwash around, gurgles the liquid into her mouth, then spits it out and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 24.68], [16.14, 63.29]], "duration": 63.29, "id": 2592}, {"image_id": "v_po_mfZ5LUVo.mp4", "caption": " A young man stands on the start line of a swimming pool. Then, the young man gets in the water and swims to the other side of the pull. After, the young man gets off the pool.", "segments": [[6.57, 9.48], [10.21, 133.51], [134.24, 137.89]], "duration": 145.92000000000002, "id": 2593}, {"image_id": "v_TvNNx-ZFfDA.mp4", "caption": "There is a facility open just for beer pong games so people can come play. Everyone loves it and is excited to be there around other people that like to play. A lot of different groups are playing and talking about it as well as even playing rock paper scissors to see who gets to go first. Whoever is the winner gets a check at the end of the game.", "segments": [[0, 48], [48, 84.57], [84.57, 164.58], [164.58, 228.58]], "duration": 228.57999999999998, "id": 2594}, {"image_id": "v_fUivipdikFU.mp4", "caption": "A group of women are gathered in an indoor gym. They are being led by an instructor. They are doing zumba dances using steppers.", "segments": [[0, 26.37], [35.73, 94.42], [99.53, 170.13]], "duration": 170.13, "id": 2595}, {"image_id": "v_g_qHPA0RkAY.mp4", "caption": "A line of knives and cutting utensils are on a table. A woman is cutting the top off of a pumpkin and raking the seeds into a bowl. Then she begins gutting the seeds from the pumpkin. She draws a face on the outside before using a knife to begin carving out the face of her pumpkin. Finally she places the top back in place, and puts a candle inside.", "segments": [[1.02, 8.65], [9.16, 26.96], [27.47, 45.78], [46.29, 69.68], [70.19, 98.68]], "duration": 101.72999999999999, "id": 2596}, {"image_id": "v_fqOp0uhdEyM.mp4", "caption": "Michele Obama and another woman are hula hooping outside on a sunny day. As the camera zooms out a young boy and another woman to the side are also seen hula hooping while people behind run past. A closeup back to Michele Obama's face where she looks like she is getting quite the workout, making a smirk on her face. The camera angles down to just the two women's hips with the hula hoops as in the beginning and back up to mostly just seeing Michele's face. Michele now runs and jumps into a jumprope where she fails to successfully jump in the jump rope twice, both times looking embarrassed. The third time she prepares herself and runs towards the jump rope successfully jumping a couple times before being unable to do anymore. Now Michele is running through a foot course on the ground, while a young man trails behind. She is now going back and forth through another obstacle of sticks and runs towards the woods where she stops and points. She runs all the way back down the field, giving high fives to random people on the field at her arrival.", "segments": [[0, 6.31], [6.31, 13.53], [13.53, 18.94], [18.94, 29.31], [31.11, 42.84], [41.94, 55.92], [58.17, 66.29], [65.84, 76.66], [76.21, 90.19]], "duration": 90.19, "id": 2597}, {"image_id": "v_YFIkhFEtD8w.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen close up solving a rubix cube followed by a man speaking to the camera. The man then solves a rubix cube blind folded while a timer captures his score. He finishes the cube and takes off the headpiece in the end.", "segments": [[0, 11.83], [10.96, 75.38], [74.95, 87.66]], "duration": 87.66, "id": 2598}, {"image_id": "v_-jl_v7zi17A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen riding on a piece of exercise equipment followed by several shots of her adjusting the equipment and moving it around. More shots are shown of her riding the equipment and changing the settings on the front.", "segments": [[0, 124.44], [121.22, 214.55]], "duration": 214.55, "id": 2599}, {"image_id": "v_Is0_Qv6NLm0.mp4", "caption": "Two young guys stand together and hold up money. The young guys talk to a homeless man and shake his hand. The men talk with a homeless youth sitting outside a store. The group all walks together down a street. The men hold an arm wrestling contest standing on an outside patio. The man wins and both contestants are given prize money.", "segments": [[0, 8.96], [9.96, 35.86], [45.82, 69.72], [69.72, 79.68], [81.67, 126.49], [124.5, 183.26]], "duration": 199.2, "id": 2600}, {"image_id": "v_99dCcB5Unmo.mp4", "caption": "A dancer's feet are shown in a classroom as well as a ballet class occurring in the background. The teacher instructs the girls how to perform proper ballet moves, as the students follow. The girls move their arms in the correct position and eventually turn to one side. Finally the instructor teaches the girls to extend their legs and perform a proper move.", "segments": [[11.77, 35.31], [28.07, 159.34], [46.17, 79.67], [85.1, 161.15]], "duration": 181.07, "id": 2601}, {"image_id": "v_V1CX5B7ih6c.mp4", "caption": "Two men are on a padded surface, fighting. They jump and kick at each other. They roll around on the mat until one of them pins the other.", "segments": [[0, 12.44], [13.22, 45.11], [45.37, 51.85]], "duration": 51.85, "id": 2602}, {"image_id": "v_-kAlrG4jS9M.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown bullfighting in front of a crowd. The man falls and is run over by the bull. The man is escorted out of the arena. The man falling over and being run over is replayed. Two people are shown reacting to the incident. Slow motion video and still images of the man's injury are shown. The video content repeats starting from the two people reacting.", "segments": [[0, 14.66], [14.66, 20.53], [20.53, 34.45], [34.45, 43.25], [43.98, 44.72], [44.72, 96.03], [96.03, 146.61]], "duration": 146.61, "id": 2603}, {"image_id": "v_b82y7f7TFbw.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks about playing pool. She explains the right way to stand and how to shoot a ball when playing pool.", "segments": [[0.84, 167.72], [15.09, 167.72]], "duration": 167.72, "id": 2604}, {"image_id": "v_y5wu5pysE14.mp4", "caption": "A guy runs and jumps over a pole without touching it and lands on mats,as some people in the back ground watch and others do there practices.the guy seems to be practicing how high he can jump by jumping over the pole many times,each time a person raises the pole higher and higher to see if the guy can jump over it.one jump the guy knocked the pole down when he tried to hump over it.the guy knock the pole down six time out of all his jumps.", "segments": [[0, 187.31], [19.67, 187.31], [44.02, 46.83], [74.92, 187.31]], "duration": 187.31, "id": 2605}, {"image_id": "v_dpU5CcFqAPU.mp4", "caption": "Players are pulling the rope in a tug of war match. A man squats on the floor and rises. Guys pulling the left side of the rope falls to the ground. The guys let go of the rope, get off the lawn, and hug in celebration.", "segments": [[0, 82.13], [0, 13.49], [58.67, 61.6], [82.72, 110.88]], "duration": 117.33, "id": 2606}, {"image_id": "v_MO8Dfz2Lp3w.mp4", "caption": "A group of young men play volleyball on a sandy beach in front of the ocean. A group of men in swim trunks and bikini briefs play volleyball in the sand at the beach in front of a tall green volley ball net. The men are competitive as they play using feet and head and chest to move the ball around. One man is lying on the sand and then gets up to play more volleyball.", "segments": [[0.65, 122.74], [0.65, 28.42], [29.07, 84.62], [102.71, 129.2]], "duration": 129.2, "id": 2607}, {"image_id": "v_lO2Y1vkpyNc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen hosting a news segment that leads into a player standing on a field. A person hits a ball and teammates cheer followed by more people playing the game. The sport continues on with people throwing balls an hitting them as well as teammates cheering and the host finishes speaking.", "segments": [[2.77, 45.67], [43.59, 105.18], [79.57, 136.32]], "duration": 138.39, "id": 2608}, {"image_id": "v_iVGGeRlJekQ.mp4", "caption": "a stands woman by a ball and sets it in place. Another woman appears and they wrap the ball in wrapping paper. They finish wrapping and taping the ball. they take the camera and start to talk into it.", "segments": [[0, 16.97], [16.97, 70.98], [70.98, 91.04], [91.04, 102.87]], "duration": 102.87, "id": 2609}, {"image_id": "v_ClE77VhGQsk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while people use exercise equipment around her. More shots are shown of people using the machine as well as people speaking to the camera and close ups of the machine.", "segments": [[2.1, 26.1], [24.9, 58.5]], "duration": 60.0, "id": 2610}, {"image_id": "v_AJtJcV2_l1Q.mp4", "caption": "A construction man introduces the video and talks about placing shingles on a roof. He places some shingles down and nails them in. He nails in a metal piece that runs along the corner of the roof and building to help keep things in place. He repeats this process before closing the video.", "segments": [[0, 59.44], [59.44, 75.9], [88.71, 102.43], [142.66, 182.9]], "duration": 182.9, "id": 2611}, {"image_id": "v_JAO5R6VA8r4.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a room is shown when a man walks into frame. The man then begins jump roping over and over again. He continues to jump rope and ends by walking out of frame.", "segments": [[0.82, 10.61], [12.44, 30.6], [28.56, 39.37]], "duration": 40.8, "id": 2612}, {"image_id": "v_b39hqdpOn7k.mp4", "caption": "A still shot picture of a man appears while a lot of white words go scrolling from the bottom to the top.The man is now in an enclosed ad small racquetball court area and he's going through the motions of hitting a ball with his racquet with the words \"not recommended\" in the upper left corner. A screen quickly appears and it has white text that say \"please subscribe to this youtube channel\".The man is then shown again playing racquetball on the court until the outro screen appears and it includes a lot of white wording that is scrolling from the bottom to the top.", "segments": [[0, 13.11], [13.11, 46.93], [46.93, 51.16], [51.16, 84.57]], "duration": 84.56, "id": 2613}, {"image_id": "v_35Xzs3Bz1hQ.mp4", "caption": "A working man carried a tray of coffee to a table with guest. Another man is talking to some reporters with the microphone. Another entrepreneur talks with the the reporters about the coffee business. Then they are in the coffee shop them making coffee and working around.", "segments": [[0, 20.14], [20.14, 44.41], [44.41, 69.13], [69.13, 91.56]], "duration": 91.56, "id": 2614}, {"image_id": "v_ojQdrhHT_gE.mp4", "caption": "People are driving in bumper cars and bump into one another and are forced to stop. The three bumper cars break away and begin to drive in different directions as they continue to bump into one another. Two girls in a bumper car bump into a wall and briefliy have a hard time getting back to moving. People are constantly driving their bumper cars and bumping into things until the ride is over.", "segments": [[0, 6.23], [6.23, 95.9], [44.59, 48.43], [0, 95.9]], "duration": 95.9, "id": 2615}, {"image_id": "v_kC8DS6b76yI.mp4", "caption": "There's a man wearing a black shirt and a green bandana demonstrating how to spray paint a microfiber sofa. He is using a red can of spray paint to demonstrate how to paints a cream colored sofa with red paint. He continues to spray paint the back and the arm rests of the sofa. He then places one unpainted of the seat cushions back on the sofa.", "segments": [[8.89, 19.43], [19.43, 39.18], [39.18, 56.3], [56.3, 65.85]], "duration": 65.85, "id": 2616}, {"image_id": "v_coK0QVLhuj0.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of people grooming dogs are shown as well as a woman speaking to the camera in several settings. Dogs are seen being scrubbed, nails clipped, and brushed down with combs by several people and another woman showing off the collars they have in store. More shots of the store are shown as well as many dogs being groomed.", "segments": [[0, 32.89], [27.33, 74.58], [74.58, 92.65]], "duration": 92.65, "id": 2617}, {"image_id": "v_5VHqMj5iikc.mp4", "caption": "A bike is pulled up to a stop in a park. A rider takes off from a gate on the dirt bike. He takes the turns and curves sharply, going over hills.", "segments": [[0, 18.58], [23.04, 91.42], [106.29, 148.66]], "duration": 148.66, "id": 2618}, {"image_id": "v_eu3CLlQ9c2s.mp4", "caption": "A man replaces a tire on his bike rim using tools. The man reattaches the bicycle wheel to the frame of the bike. The sun goes down as the day gets later. The man stands up his bike and gets ready to depart.", "segments": [[0, 13.98], [14.32, 16.14], [16.14, 20.46], [6.25, 20.12]], "duration": 22.73, "id": 2619}, {"image_id": "v_hyv8OkQcgEA.mp4", "caption": "Men blows dead leaves pushing a leaf blower machine on the ground or holding a machine on the back. Then, a man explains how to operate a leaf blow machine while men continue blowing the leaves. Another man explains while other men vacuum and blows leaves.", "segments": [[0, 32.32], [33.01, 88.02], [88.71, 136.16]], "duration": 137.53, "id": 2620}, {"image_id": "v_U2u9JboK97A.mp4", "caption": "We see an image and a title card. We see a man playing basketball. The shot he made is seen in reverse. We see a gym with teenagers shooting basketball. We see a title card on black. A man is shooting basketball in a gym. We see a man dunk the ball twice. We see the ending title card on black.", "segments": [[0, 3.08], [3.52, 29.94], [11.45, 15.41], [29.94, 33.9], [34.34, 36.54], [36.54, 66.04], [41.82, 47.11], [66.04, 88.05]], "duration": 88.05, "id": 2621}, {"image_id": "v_9YxgMsdO9GE.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen riding down a road with a dog. One person is riding a bike and the other a skateboard while the camera follows close behind. Several other dogs run by and the people continue riding down the road path.", "segments": [[0, 128.27], [13.87, 138.67], [45.76, 138.67]], "duration": 138.67000000000002, "id": 2622}, {"image_id": "v_tTIsHfF0UgA.mp4", "caption": "man is holding a pole with an ice cream and giving it to a little child. people are standing and walking behind the boy in a amusement park.", "segments": [[0, 76.86], [2.31, 76.86]], "duration": 76.86, "id": 2623}, {"image_id": "v_O9crPOB_9tE.mp4", "caption": "A man is surfing in rough ocean water, riding on and against, massive high waves while onlookers on motorboats watch and commentate. The man, in a wetsuit, is standing and riding on a yellow surfboard and a red surfboard first on a calm wave and then on a series of large and high waves. The man rides the rough waves on the surfboard with the waves at time covering his entire body and surfboard. The man hugs and shakes hands with people upon completing the rough surf episode and rides one last lone, high wave before fading to black.", "segments": [[10.24, 220.82], [20.49, 162.77], [54.64, 163.91], [192.36, 220.82]], "duration": 227.65, "id": 2624}, {"image_id": "v_GZsplhHXQy0.mp4", "caption": "A man performs a kettle throw in front of an outdoor stadium filled with spectators in the audience. A man on a round dirt area on a field swings a ball around and around while standing in place. The man lets the ball go, where it flies in the air ahead of him. The man stops and bends with his knees as he watches the ball fly in the air.", "segments": [[0.06, 10.92], [0.66, 5.85], [6.4, 8.05], [8.6, 10.81]], "duration": 11.03, "id": 2625}, {"image_id": "v_PG3f3Wkkptk.mp4", "caption": "A man guides a camel with kids riding on the back along a beach shoreline. Beach goers stand and walk along the shoreline in bathing suits.", "segments": [[0, 15.26], [9.84, 15.26]], "duration": 15.26, "id": 2626}, {"image_id": "v_lAa8tS962Qg.mp4", "caption": "A teen explains how to flip and turn a surfboard with the feet. Then, the teen shows how to rise the tips of the surfboard. Then, the teen stands on the surfboard and demonstrates how to turn it to the side. After, the teen puts his hand in shoes on the surfboard and demonstrates a turn. Next, the teen make the turn with his feet.", "segments": [[0, 99.42], [100.53, 133.67], [134.77, 156.87], [156.87, 191.11], [193.32, 220.94]], "duration": 220.94, "id": 2627}, {"image_id": "v_Quj1J31xQFM.mp4", "caption": "People are rowing down a body of water. A guy rinses his face with water from the body of water. The guy runs his water fingers through this hair. A man with a mustache leans over, wets his hand, and whips his face.", "segments": [[0, 30.65], [0, 7.97], [8.12, 9.2], [15.94, 20.54]], "duration": 30.65, "id": 2628}, {"image_id": "v_EJr0qHpy77g.mp4", "caption": "A guy stands in a court holding a colorful stick and touches a pinata. A guy swings a stick at a pinata. The guy stops and puts the stick besides him.", "segments": [[0, 7.02], [9.09, 47.55], [48.07, 51.97]], "duration": 51.97, "id": 2629}, {"image_id": "v_gXVjjjvjVf4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated in front of a small canvas. He uses a long pointed brush to create an image. He then fills the image with paints.", "segments": [[0, 20.44], [28.39, 169.22], [172.62, 227.14]], "duration": 227.14, "id": 2630}, {"image_id": "v_8v4NoUJMssI.mp4", "caption": "A man pours coffee into a mug. The man grabs open a beer bottle with the use of a jug. The man pours the beer into the mug. The man drinks the drink.", "segments": [[4.14, 9.67], [9.95, 28.18], [28.46, 35.92], [36.2, 49.46]], "duration": 55.26, "id": 2631}, {"image_id": "v_rWoSJ9YBy5E.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking to a camera then hold a curling stone then people laughing at the man. The man throws the curling stone as people sweep brooms in front of the stone. Three ladies throw the stone and slides down the track. We see people partying an lights flashing. Images flash of people curing again, and a group of people jump in the air. We see a title screen for curling.", "segments": [[0, 5.42], [6.56, 13.12], [13.26, 19.25], [19.39, 20.67], [20.67, 25.09], [25.81, 28.52]], "duration": 28.52, "id": 2632}, {"image_id": "v_DuLweixeP8I.mp4", "caption": "Two people are sword fighting on a stage for an audience. A guy gestures the the result of each match. The audience members look on.", "segments": [[0, 91.07], [0, 35.97], [12.75, 37.79]], "duration": 91.07, "id": 2633}, {"image_id": "v_JbAvSsIaI8g.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting behind a laptop. He takes a contact out of his eye. He rubs his eye before putting it back in.", "segments": [[0, 78.07], [16, 35.91], [35.91, 58.16]], "duration": 78.07, "id": 2634}, {"image_id": "v_lxlXHOHSOlk.mp4", "caption": "Ships are shown in the water. Men are walking on a street. A man in a yellow shirt is riding on a boat. People watching the men in the boat are applauding.", "segments": [[8.29, 10.88], [10.88, 12.95], [31.08, 32.12], [87.54, 89.61]], "duration": 103.6, "id": 2635}, {"image_id": "v_SzLlB2SgtQo.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of different people riding around windsurfing while passing one another. A man is seen talking to the camera and leads into a shot of a person wind surfing and waving to the camera. More people are shown surfing and waving to the camera while moving around the ocean continuously.", "segments": [[0, 38.16], [38.16, 116.54], [116.54, 136.3]], "duration": 136.3, "id": 2636}, {"image_id": "v_LHiui4s2X1s.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing in front of a large crowd with one cheering and shoving his arms back and fourth. The men throw the ball back and fourth and switch places with another, ending with the same man cheering and hugging another.", "segments": [[0, 34.84], [23.34, 69.68]], "duration": 69.68, "id": 2637}, {"image_id": "v_AjSFqqfzml0.mp4", "caption": "We see a play button on a screen. We sees a lady shave her legs with a pink razor. We then see the ending screen play button.", "segments": [[0, 1.92], [1.92, 15.79], [15.6, 18.25]], "duration": 18.25, "id": 2638}, {"image_id": "v_N7z9_g196z0.mp4", "caption": "Titles in bold lettering are seen on the page against still images and a dark background. Men play a game of croquet in a grassy yard. Men kneels down and hits the croquet ball like a billiard shot. The man runs holding up his stick celebrating. A man skips on the grass holding his stick smiling.", "segments": [[0, 85.2], [0, 178.82], [50.56, 136.69], [117.03, 167.59], [168.52, 180.69]], "duration": 187.25, "id": 2639}, {"image_id": "v_2WvbAEMG5DU.mp4", "caption": "A mother and child in swim suits build sand castles on the beach. The child destroys the sand castles. The mother throws the plastic mold frustrated.", "segments": [[0, 48.96], [11.35, 52.25], [48.07, 52.55]], "duration": 59.71, "id": 2640}, {"image_id": "v_UyThFVEvNsI.mp4", "caption": "Two women are playing badminton on a stage. People are playing the game of the price is right. A woman wins and walks on the stage to give the host a hug.", "segments": [[2.14, 4.28], [25.36, 48.59], [51.64, 61.12]], "duration": 61.12, "id": 2641}, {"image_id": "v_jDlF26-Uu2I.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are standing on a grass field. One of the girls starts doing cheerleading moves. The other girl stands next to her talking.", "segments": [[4.89, 72.29], [31.63, 72.29], [6.02, 72.29]], "duration": 75.3, "id": 2642}, {"image_id": "v__I1DKeGg_w8.mp4", "caption": " A man is practicing throwing darts at his dart board. He throws them all and then he has to get over to get them all off. Once he has them all off he starts to throw them again. He repeats this cycle a few times over and over again.", "segments": [[0, 32.52], [32.52, 69.78], [56.23, 98.91], [98.23, 135.49]], "duration": 135.49, "id": 2643}, {"image_id": "v_WV_MFi9EZeQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a scraper. He pushes the scraper along the car while speaking to the camera. In the end he slides down into the snow.", "segments": [[0, 12.42], [12.99, 42.07], [42.92, 54.49]], "duration": 56.47, "id": 2644}, {"image_id": "v_r1ZhBGLfRWY.mp4", "caption": "A boy is twirled around and prepared to break a pinata. Instead he hits a girl in the face.", "segments": [[0, 14.19], [8.7, 14.19]], "duration": 14.26, "id": 2645}, {"image_id": "v_kAmDOTsp5cs.mp4", "caption": "A man skip rope in a drive way, then the man jumps and skip rope. After, the man holds the rope on his left hand and skip while turning the rope. Next, the man alternate skipping rope and flip the rope side to side on front. Also, the man jump rope criss cross and jumps rope double. Then the man jumps rope doing squatting jumps and jump lunges.", "segments": [[1.97, 6.89], [71.8, 91.47], [92.46, 118.03], [119.02, 157.38], [158.36, 180]], "duration": 196.72, "id": 2646}, {"image_id": "v_Tu1oKxyfHTs.mp4", "caption": "A male is wearing black and white swimming shorts, standing at the edge of a diving board, bounces a few times and then jumps out of view and into the water. An older shirtless man wearing black shorts begins to walk on the same board of the male who previously jumped but then stops. On a shorter board a male wearing blue swim underwear walks to the edge of the board jumps a few times, stops, turns around and walks back.The male walks to the edge of the board again, jumps a few times, then once again turns around and walks back. The male tries one more time and walks to the edge of the diving board and finally jumps and does a few flips before landing in the water and then swims to the edge of the pool.", "segments": [[0, 8.33], [8.33, 25.69], [25.69, 43.39], [43.39, 57.62], [57.62, 69.43]], "duration": 69.43, "id": 2647}, {"image_id": "v_K-t4tUTq_Ik.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a tennis court. They are playing a game of tennis. A man in a white shirt hits the tennis ball.", "segments": [[0, 12.7], [0.32, 12.7], [3.24, 3.49]], "duration": 12.7, "id": 2648}, {"image_id": "v_Nj_fvFbf56I.mp4", "caption": "A little boy runs across a hopscotch on the ground. He returns to the beginning, and tries to jump. He hops all the way to the end.", "segments": [[0, 3.29], [4.11, 18.89], [20.54, 32.86]], "duration": 32.86, "id": 2649}, {"image_id": "v_uqzy1FAUpPM.mp4", "caption": "A man gets ready to to preform an event. He begins to start running fast. He is running down the lane and the he jumps 3 times into the sand. He runs out of the pit happily. He continues to walk around cheering as it cuts to the crowd and announcers. He blows a kiss to the crowd. He goes and starts hugging fans.", "segments": [[0, 6.23], [6.51, 10.47], [10.47, 14.72], [14.72, 20.1], [20.1, 34.25], [34.25, 39.34], [39.34, 56.61]], "duration": 56.61, "id": 2650}, {"image_id": "v_Nc71GzZhAHE.mp4", "caption": "cars are driving in a snowy highway. a sign to a sugar mountain is shown and peolpe practicing snowboard. people is snowboarding down a snowy hill. snowy cars are riding in snowy hill. men are snowboarding in a hill.", "segments": [[0, 7.46], [0, 38.38], [38.38, 75.7], [75.7, 109.81], [109.81, 213.23]], "duration": 213.23, "id": 2651}, {"image_id": "v_FEGf7ejk8Fc.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting in a chair in front of a table with a large body. The hands are then seen writing a note and rubbing against the face while the child laughs and the hands continue moving.", "segments": [[2.36, 20.32], [21.49, 56.53]], "duration": 58.89, "id": 2652}, {"image_id": "v_qbUQVhjQJ48.mp4", "caption": "A man pushes a disc in front of a hopscotch game. Another person pushes a disc towards the hopscotch. The first man makes a funny face.", "segments": [[0, 3.47], [3.63, 14.12], [14.2, 16.91]], "duration": 16.91, "id": 2653}, {"image_id": "v_XzNMQl0EdEo.mp4", "caption": "A lone man in a room with a green screen backdrop performs a break dancing move on a patch of hardwood floors, using his back to spin. The man stops dancing and stands in front of the camera talking to it before demonstrating basic break dance moves including using the hands and knees to perform spins from the floor. The man continues to demonstrate break dance moves and talk to the camera until he gives a peace sign to the camera and the screen fades to a marketing graphic.", "segments": [[0, 10.51], [10.51, 98.96], [98.08, 171.65]], "duration": 175.15, "id": 2654}, {"image_id": "v_M6i-5nzy5Bk.mp4", "caption": "Clips of women and men are pole vaulting indoors while a lot of people are moving about around them or just watching, and a banner at the bottom reads that it's at \"Texas Elite Pole Vaulting Competition Bell County Expo Center on 12 28 13\".As various clips of different people are pole vaulting, a man and woman are standing indoors next to one another and talking to the camera with the words at the bottom of the screen say their names are Kaitlin Petrillose & Jack Chapman Competitor & Chairman\".The view blurs and white words on the screen appear in the middle and say \"Killeen Daily Herald By Marianne Gish\".", "segments": [[0, 8.3], [8.3, 65.39], [65.39, 69.2]], "duration": 69.2, "id": 2655}, {"image_id": "v_sRMrtzg0nwU.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of strings are shown followed by knitting supplies and people knitting in a library. The woman give a small child knit wear and demonstrate how they properly knit to the young girl.", "segments": [[0, 28.13], [27.21, 92.23]], "duration": 92.22999999999999, "id": 2656}, {"image_id": "v_lUrHCNqVl-A.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing in a circle followed by spinning around and throwing an object off into the distance. More people are seen stepping up throwing the object while the camera watches. Several people watch on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0, 39.72], [52.08, 125.34], [116.52, 169.48]], "duration": 176.54, "id": 2657}, {"image_id": "v_9peoWGfb9jc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen putting tape on a set of skis on each end and begins rubbing wax on the ski. The man then takes a sander and runs it all along the length of the ski. The man then takes a board and rubs it along the ski and ends by taking it off.", "segments": [[1.14, 26.16], [22.74, 61.03], [54.97, 73.92]], "duration": 75.81, "id": 2658}, {"image_id": "v_a7DEFV0_nCE.mp4", "caption": "A large beach is shown as well as people standing around on the beach and looking at the sky. People are seen flying kites up in the air while people look around and watch. More people are seen flying kites up in the air with some grabbing them off the ground.", "segments": [[0.94, 25.43], [21.03, 47.09], [38.61, 62.16]], "duration": 62.79, "id": 2659}, {"image_id": "v_QHF28_yGOV8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black wet suit and carrying a surfboard is talking to the camera man, about to get in the water. Dramatic music plays while showing various clips of surfers in the water, riding waves. The video ends as the man in the black wet suit comes on shore after riding a wave and smiling.", "segments": [[1.13, 10.77], [13.04, 110], [106.6, 113.41]], "duration": 113.41, "id": 2660}, {"image_id": "v_-YMpwZkNc2A.mp4", "caption": "A man walks into frame and speaks to the camera while holding a razor and razor heads in his hands. A scene appears over the man's video and he is seen rubbing cream on his face and shaving off the hair. He leaves a bit of hair on his chin and is seen again speaking to the camera and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 44.76], [43.13, 126.13], [126.13, 162.75]], "duration": 162.75, "id": 2661}, {"image_id": "v_x7lP6GKepco.mp4", "caption": "Various people are shown in a workshop working while pushing objects, driving machinery, working machinery and etcetera. A woman is shown putting a long metal piece into a large machinery and the words \"TODAY'S TOPIC: WELDING\" appears on the screen followed by a person wearing a mask and welding with a torch. A woman is now standing at a machine and she is grabbing various metal objects and putting them into a machine that welds them together. The outro appears and it's a white screen with a red and blue logo, website and hashtag information.", "segments": [[0, 6.47], [6.47, 25.49], [25.49, 61.63], [61.63, 76.09]], "duration": 76.09, "id": 2662}, {"image_id": "v_bwcgMTHFRV8.mp4", "caption": "A large band is walking down a parade and there a lot of people walking alongside, and standing on the sidelines watching or taking photos and videos.The view changes to women carrying and swinging flags on a pole and then switches back to the large band that comes to a stop and continues to play for the crowd.The band resumes walking and so does the crowd around and behind them.", "segments": [[0, 46.48], [46.48, 54.68], [54.68, 136.7]], "duration": 136.7, "id": 2663}, {"image_id": "v_Jy9kiITFsjI.mp4", "caption": "People are in the stands of an arena. A bull gets drug out of the arena by horses. A woman is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[5.77, 11.1], [27.96, 32.4], [59.92, 60.81]], "duration": 88.77, "id": 2664}, {"image_id": "v_PtoVL69LEh4.mp4", "caption": "A man raps along with a song. The guy gets a tattoo as well.", "segments": [[0, 144.69], [28.2, 144.69]], "duration": 148.4, "id": 2665}, {"image_id": "v_zm8gZpwZkRE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a room with chairs. She is playing the violin. Two men are playing drums with her. The camera pans between them.", "segments": [[0, 60.88], [4.87, 60.88], [7.61, 60.88], [10.35, 60.88]], "duration": 60.88, "id": 2666}, {"image_id": "v_dVLIfsEMD8Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is throwing darts on to a dart board. He throws one and makes it to the center of the board. He throws again and also makes it to the center. Every single shot makes it right in the center of the board.", "segments": [[0, 1.89], [1.89, 9.25], [9.17, 12.34], [12.25, 17.14]], "duration": 17.14, "id": 2667}, {"image_id": "v_-cwPzzcNpGs.mp4", "caption": "Two men sit together at a booth and compete in an arm wrestling match. The friends gathered around watching make challenges with the arm wrestlers after the match. The men shake hands and talk after the match.", "segments": [[0, 48.8], [65.94, 116.06], [114.74, 128.59]], "duration": 131.89, "id": 2668}, {"image_id": "v_8dhDEj0Dd5s.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is standing at a pose waiting to begin her performance. She starts to twirl her baton and move her body a long with it doing flips and everything. She begins to do one handed cartwheels and swinging the baton around her neck. She does a stunning performance and once it is over she freezes in place.", "segments": [[0, 30.68], [30.68, 72.38], [72.38, 112.5], [112.5, 157.34]], "duration": 157.34, "id": 2669}, {"image_id": "v_uYLYJABDubw.mp4", "caption": "We see two ladies arm wrestling. The right lady looks at the camera. The right lady wins the match. The left lady drops her head to the table. The right lady throws her arms in the air and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 17.73], [3.42, 4.81], [17.94, 18.69], [19.01, 19.87], [19.12, 21.36]], "duration": 21.36, "id": 2670}, {"image_id": "v_wqM6TdjBCfs.mp4", "caption": "A man chops wood with an ax on the snow. A person stands behind the man. A person handles the spliced firewood to a man. The man continues chopping firewood with the ax. The ax gets stack in a piece of wood, but the man get it off and continues cutting the firewood.", "segments": [[5.31, 14.87], [13.81, 48.85], [16.99, 25.49], [48.85, 153.98], [153.98, 202.84]], "duration": 212.39, "id": 2671}, {"image_id": "v_ZksAXEVmFrg.mp4", "caption": "An elderly white woman with short blonde hair and glasses begins talking in the corner of the gymnasium.The small girls then enter the gym and a male coach begins assisting them as they walk across the balance beam.", "segments": [[0, 15.02], [15.46, 88.33]], "duration": 88.33, "id": 2672}, {"image_id": "v_bjYah4IvnII.mp4", "caption": "A camera with a caption is shown and leads into several people jumping off a bridge. Another shot of people riding down a river on tubes is shown followed by large groups of people on the sandbars. The cameraman grabs another tube an jumps in the water while still floating down and catching a popped balloon.", "segments": [[0, 17.27], [16.96, 48.05], [49.31, 62.81]], "duration": 62.81, "id": 2673}, {"image_id": "v_4aiE_-yQWZE.mp4", "caption": "Several people are dressed in sweatsuits rolling out mats in a large gym.After the mats are rolled out,other individuals begin walking across the floor dressed in fencing uniforms.The athletes then begin walking around and talking to each other as a small mascot walks across the mat.Finally,a match begins and once it is over about five of the individuals pose for a picture.The camera then speeds up and shows several teams and people entering and leaving the gym.Next,fencing matches are shown between about 12 pairs of people and they line up and give each other a high five before huddling up and having a talk with their coach.", "segments": [[0, 24.57], [24.57, 58.24], [58.24, 99.19], [98.28, 116.48], [116.48, 153.79], [154.7, 182]], "duration": 182.0, "id": 2674}, {"image_id": "v_W8eqlIPRWCk.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with blue letters that say \"Jayne Clarke Field Hockey Clips 2009\".The clips begin to play and there are a series of small clips put together of the girl playing with a team, practicing alone, and practicing on a course. The video ends with the girl practicing alone on a empty and large blue indoor court.", "segments": [[0, 6.46], [6.46, 93.89], [93.89, 99.36]], "duration": 99.36, "id": 2675}, {"image_id": "v_6tdIiKzMVcg.mp4", "caption": "We see strong men arm wrestling. We see two men hug after the match. A host in a white suit narrates. We see a camera man right behind the table. A person walks in front of the camera. The final match starts and ends very quickly and the men hug. We see a mirage of images.", "segments": [[0, 189.98], [0, 8.08], [32.34, 48.51], [53.56, 85.9], [99.03, 104.09], [176.84, 188.97], [189.98, 202.11]], "duration": 202.11, "id": 2676}, {"image_id": "v_sd2MhdKdQTo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on stage while singing into a microphone and people sitting behind her playing instruments. The girl continues singing with the band and ending by speaking to the audience.", "segments": [[8.92, 193.95], [89.17, 222.94]], "duration": 222.94, "id": 2677}, {"image_id": "v_iODCh_DsGak.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit and a woman in a dress are standing in front of an audience. They begin to dance on the floor. They finish dancing and the audience claps.", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [9.44, 157.03], [157.03, 171.62]], "duration": 171.62, "id": 2678}, {"image_id": "v_WreRcthWXv8.mp4", "caption": "A person is holding onto a motorcycle wearing roller blades and being dug along a street. A man is standing by a fountain of water. People are doing roller skating tricks.", "segments": [[0, 14.01], [129.2, 129.98], [0, 155.67]], "duration": 155.67000000000002, "id": 2679}, {"image_id": "v_7FtSO6hPcxU.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera in a close up view. Scenes of the man's daily activities are shown. Scenes of the man getting serviced at a hair salon is shown, usually with other individuals in the background. Scenes of the man talking to the camera with various others are shown. More scenes from the hair salon are shown.", "segments": [[0, 8.9], [8.9, 21.14], [21.14, 134.62], [134.62, 157.99], [156.87, 222.52]], "duration": 222.52, "id": 2680}, {"image_id": "v_47SHPAe0s0k.mp4", "caption": "Three men are seen riding on top of horses around one another and leads into a bull running in and chasing a man on a horse. The man rides around the bull and shows several more shots of the riders riding around the bull. At one point more men run into the pit and the bull lays down on it's side while the audience cheers and the man holds his arms up.", "segments": [[0, 23.81], [23.81, 123.31], [125.86, 170.08]], "duration": 170.07999999999998, "id": 2681}, {"image_id": "v_CAa74sedG9A.mp4", "caption": "Kids are on a field, kicking a ball back and forth. A girl runs up and kicks at the boy. She runs down the sideline and tries to take the ball while other girls watch from the sidelines. The kids continue playing until the clip ends.", "segments": [[0, 17.32], [18.53, 32.62], [34.64, 58.8], [60.82, 80.55]], "duration": 80.55, "id": 2682}, {"image_id": "v_WlsVDIIo2dk.mp4", "caption": "Several couples of men and women are shown performing a tango routine in front of a group of people. Many people watch on the sides and one couple laughs and walk away in the end.", "segments": [[0, 126.43], [67.35, 236.31]], "duration": 236.31, "id": 2683}, {"image_id": "v_Ib1xMq2aUl0.mp4", "caption": "These 3 men are shown rollerblading outdoors in the middle of the street. They are dancing, going in circles, and spinning around.", "segments": [[10.62, 16.42], [62.76, 179.6]], "duration": 193.12, "id": 2684}, {"image_id": "v__7JooVc_sCQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of bike riders are awaiting to start a race, eventually all falling down when the gate open. A close up shot of a bike is done while a man puts his gear on to ride. One rider is shown riding around while another does various tricks. Several different bikers are shown riding up and down tracks and flying through at record speeds.", "segments": [[5.2, 11.44], [10.4, 50.94], [53.02, 83.16], [85.24, 198.56]], "duration": 207.91, "id": 2685}, {"image_id": "v__vVKdZM5Cy8.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown holding a volleyball talking to the camera and leads into showing various jumps. He continues talking to the camera and moving around the gym hitting the ball.", "segments": [[0, 29.97], [29.43, 107.02]], "duration": 107.02000000000001, "id": 2686}, {"image_id": "v_gsfIHiBB6xE.mp4", "caption": "The men on the field grab their tools. We see men in a field cutting tall grass as other watch. The left man uses a sickle and takes the lead over the man with the weed wacker. The man with the sickle finishes. The crowd claps for the man. The shirtless man walks away. The camera pans right to show the other man working on the grass.", "segments": [[0, 0.86], [0.86, 85.9], [7.3, 9.88], [48.54, 50.25], [50.25, 59.27], [51.54, 55.41], [55.84, 85.9]], "duration": 85.9, "id": 2687}, {"image_id": "v_xrbKvttgcMA.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing on a court holding a racquet in his right hand, a ball comes his way and he hits it very hard.The boy walks towards the left and a man is there hitting the ball and he and the boy go back and forth taking turns hitting the ball very hard against the wall in front of them.The ball rolls on the ground, the boy picks it up and hits it to the wall and once more the man hits the ball and the camera points to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 6.6], [6.6, 34.55], [34.55, 38.82]], "duration": 38.82, "id": 2688}, {"image_id": "v_WC3GCmEqCBc.mp4", "caption": "A chef is seen standing behind a counter speaking to the camera. The man is then seen holding up several tools and presenting them to the camera. The man then uses the tool in a bowl of salad and presents it to the camera.", "segments": [[3.18, 40.28], [24.91, 77.38], [74.2, 104.94]], "duration": 106.0, "id": 2689}, {"image_id": "v_anO5Xhewrsw.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is sitting at a drum set with headphones on. She plays the drums and cymbals, keeping a fast beat. She bangs her head back and forth as she plays.", "segments": [[0, 6.55], [8.73, 41.48], [45.48, 72.77]], "duration": 72.77, "id": 2690}, {"image_id": "v_RUv9YPd_0Zc.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a presentation about auto repair. The video displays several different parts of the car that is being worked on. The a dent fixing mechanism is attached to the cars to show how it works to repair one wheel. Then it shows another wheel being repaired by the same mechanism. Next, the closing credits for the video appear on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 35.78], [35.78, 54.72], [54.72, 131.54], [131.54, 184.16], [184.16, 210.47]], "duration": 210.47, "id": 2691}, {"image_id": "v_mnS-nMZne3I.mp4", "caption": "A man walks onto a diving board. He jumps on the diving board several times and jumps into a pool. The man surfaces and stands up in the pool.", "segments": [[0, 2.86], [2.72, 5.35], [8.94, 9.22]], "duration": 9.22, "id": 2692}, {"image_id": "v_3Vj0GcB_qh4.mp4", "caption": "Two young girls stand in front of a fireplace holding violins. The girls begin playing a piece of music on the violins and then bow at the end. Two younger children appear outdoors with a website address overlaid.", "segments": [[0, 4.3], [4.63, 63.77], [64.1, 66.08]], "duration": 66.08, "id": 2693}, {"image_id": "v_BTtMoBOHrlQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men are posing in a photo for martial arts. A group is gathered inside a room, shown in various martial arts poses. They change movements, text on the screen showing what they are doing. It ends with an ad for the school.", "segments": [[0, 14.25], [17.1, 33.26], [37.06, 172.93], [175.78, 190.03]], "duration": 190.03, "id": 2694}, {"image_id": "v_mwndGBRpOPg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a surfboard with a kite on top along the water. The person pushes themselves up into the air and flips back down. He continues riding along the water.", "segments": [[0, 2.3], [2.04, 4.38], [4.54, 6.49]], "duration": 6.59, "id": 2695}, {"image_id": "v_CrCtYGvG9Uw.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to a camera about his hair. Another man comes in and begins cutting the first boy's fair. He brushes his hair and cuts through it with a fine comb. The stylist performs various styles and techniques on the hair. The stylist puts gel in the hair and the boy is finished with his cut.", "segments": [[0, 6.96], [6.47, 22.39], [22.39, 54.72], [54.23, 78.11], [78.6, 99.5]], "duration": 99.5, "id": 2696}, {"image_id": "v_fYuJdh9gqr0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a hard hat is looking at a building. A second man walks up and shakes the first mans hand. Both men acknowledge the building and discuss. Three men are spackling the wall as two comparisons are shown. The two men inspect the wall. Another man walks up and is introduced to the other man. The man walks away as the first two continue talking.", "segments": [[0, 2.55], [2.55, 10.84], [10.84, 15.95], [15.95, 36.68], [36.68, 41.46], [41.46, 52.3], [52.3, 63.79]], "duration": 63.79, "id": 2697}, {"image_id": "v_vMdSEzQkRTg.mp4", "caption": "A person stands on front a wood fire in the woods. Then, the person light a match and throw it in the wood fire, then a fire lit.", "segments": [[0, 3.68], [3.72, 8.08]], "duration": 8.08, "id": 2698}, {"image_id": "v_WsHzMciP5X8.mp4", "caption": "A large audience is seen watching a sports game and leads into a coin toss. The audience cheers more and leads into people throwing a ball and others hitting it. More shots of the game being played are shown as well as others watching on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 21.23], [15.39, 67.41], [59.45, 101.92]], "duration": 106.16, "id": 2699}, {"image_id": "v_QBJelFFVJu0.mp4", "caption": "The harmonica is held up and shown. A person holds a harmonica between his hands a plays a song. The person finishes the song and holds up the harmonica.", "segments": [[0, 2.31], [4.63, 74.82], [74.44, 77.14]], "duration": 77.14, "id": 2700}, {"image_id": "v_XgaEYidtX6E.mp4", "caption": "Walking down the street holding onto a skate board the boy puts his board down and begins to skate. Then three friends join him and they skate down the road. While on the board they bend down with their hands behind their backs to build up some more momentum. They ride around all over from one area to another enjoying their free time boarding.", "segments": [[0, 25.96], [25, 101.92], [101.92, 148.07], [148.07, 192.29]], "duration": 192.29, "id": 2701}, {"image_id": "v_wqZzLAPmr9k.mp4", "caption": "An image is shown of a plate of sardine pasta, along with a list of ingredients. Water is salted and boiled for the pasta, and vegetables are sauteed in olive oil. Sardines are added, then mixed with the spaghetti noodles, creating a finished dish.", "segments": [[0, 12.92], [17.53, 119.94], [122.71, 184.53]], "duration": 184.53, "id": 2702}, {"image_id": "v_YcxPoVlukf4.mp4", "caption": "A hockey player talks in an interview on tv. Several stills of him playing ice hockey are shown as he talks. He continues talking as the pictures flash across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.12], [14.49, 50.43], [54.19, 107.3]], "duration": 107.3, "id": 2703}, {"image_id": "v_Y-1QkIGm81w.mp4", "caption": "The man wearing gray sweater is playing guitar. The man looked on the guitar. The man in blue shirt play his guitar, then poke the threads.", "segments": [[0, 15.07], [8.81, 24.74], [22.75, 56.87]], "duration": 56.87, "id": 2704}, {"image_id": "v_rWfi4xN3XQI.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands next to a horse in a field. \"HJCTV presents: Grooming your horse 101\" is overlaid. A woman stands in a stall with a horse with a grooming brush, she starts brushing it. Two girls stand outdoors with another horse and brush it. The first woman returns with a new brush and allows children to help brush the horse.", "segments": [[0, 1.13], [1.13, 4.5], [5.63, 90.1], [91.23, 131.77], [132.9, 225.25]], "duration": 225.25, "id": 2705}, {"image_id": "v_cRBnLFujD3g.mp4", "caption": "Performers sings and dancers on a concert stage. A performer climbs down the stairs. Several performers pose, gesture, and point towards the audience. A performer break dances on stage. The break dancer lays on the stage floor. A performer raises the standing break dancer's hand in the air. The break dancer gives a performer five. A performer squats and gestures.", "segments": [[0, 111.34], [0, 7.79], [17.26, 29.51], [36.74, 77.38], [77.94, 80.72], [82.95, 87.4], [87.4, 89.07], [101.32, 107.44]], "duration": 111.34, "id": 2706}, {"image_id": "v_M8aDrPK7D94.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps off of a bridge and bungee jumps. It shows him climbing back up onto the ledge. He jumps again off the bridge.", "segments": [[0, 41.19], [45.31, 48.61], [58.49, 82.39]], "duration": 82.39, "id": 2707}, {"image_id": "v_b-p57jzkrQI.mp4", "caption": "A man in a chefs outfit is standing in a kitchen. He flips something that is in a pan. He uses a spoon to stir what is in the pan.", "segments": [[0, 25.33], [13.43, 15.07], [16.59, 17.73]], "duration": 25.33, "id": 2708}, {"image_id": "v_gCxLSh-cgng.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about playing tennis. And man comes on to talk about the lessons that he will be teaching in the video. He swings the racket several times to demonstrate a good form for swinging the tennis racket. Another man comes onto the screen and performs the several tennis wings while the other man narrates. As the video ends the closing credits are displayed on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.27], [0, 131.92], [28.81, 67.47], [67.47, 88.7], [131.92, 151.63]], "duration": 151.63, "id": 2709}, {"image_id": "v_nuqxJvTbG9w.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kicking a ball out into a field of people and then running back to the home plate. She then kicks the ball again while others around her run and grab the ball from the field.", "segments": [[0, 17.32], [17.32, 30.65]], "duration": 30.65, "id": 2710}, {"image_id": "v_2j-DRUk2yCs.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of an image on a cell phone. A male gymnast runs, flipping back and forth across a mat. He is then shown flipping far into the air before standing before the cheering crowd.", "segments": [[0, 6.48], [8.1, 23.5], [24.72, 81.04]], "duration": 81.03999999999999, "id": 2711}, {"image_id": "v_tV_1whw_S4g.mp4", "caption": "Two people are wrestling in a ring. A referee is standing on the side of the ring watching them. The crowd behind them is cheering.", "segments": [[0, 40.36], [0, 9.28], [7.47, 40.36]], "duration": 40.36, "id": 2712}, {"image_id": "v_BMzspHz04Q8.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast in a pink outfit stretches before starting routine. She jumps on the balance beam and balances herself. She begins her balance beam routine. She does several flips and somersaults. She is getting ready to dismount. She flips several times in the air during her dismount and lands perfectly.", "segments": [[0, 11.07], [11.07, 25.65], [16.6, 83.5], [29.68, 65.39], [77.46, 85.51], [78.97, 98.59]], "duration": 100.6, "id": 2713}, {"image_id": "v_Y1kCMRoDjWk.mp4", "caption": "A man stands by a row of hedges. He then begins to trim them with sheers. He trims the top of a bush. Several different groomed bushes are shown.", "segments": [[0, 21.33], [17.23, 77.93], [54.14, 103.36], [101.72, 164.06]], "duration": 164.06, "id": 2714}, {"image_id": "v_8XB_0x_erho.mp4", "caption": "A little chinese boy sits in a room on the floor with books and toys around him while he looks into the camera.the little chinese boy then goes outside and start playing in a park,having fun by his self while the camera man record him. the boy little slides down the slide,climb steps while smiling and having fun.", "segments": [[0, 8.87], [8.87, 59.12], [20.4, 59.12]], "duration": 59.12, "id": 2715}, {"image_id": "v_Ib3XqmBqy10.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of people are shown followed by several shots of kids jumping rope. A man then speakers to various kids on a court and shows more shots of the kids jumping rope together. The man then jumps rope while more kids perform tricks with their jump ropes and ends with the man speaking to one more jumper.", "segments": [[0, 27.25], [24.23, 101.95], [105.98, 201.88]], "duration": 201.88, "id": 2716}, {"image_id": "v_PZjWkB_q2lE.mp4", "caption": "Cars are being washed at a car wash. A man in a red shirt talks to a man in a black shirt. The car is going through an automatic car wash. Someone is now scrubbing a car to wash it. They walk into a garage and inspect the cars.", "segments": [[0, 166.62], [50.66, 69.8], [77.68, 88.94], [106.95, 118.21], [201.52, 225.16]], "duration": 225.16, "id": 2717}, {"image_id": "v_yNwdhK5UKec.mp4", "caption": "Four men in the studio are playing different instrument. The man with big guitar is singing while playing his guitar. The man playing harmonica stopped playing and looked at the man singing, then he continue to play his harmonica. Two men behind the four men are playing instruments. The man with guitar pull out a white cloth and wave it.", "segments": [[0, 151.51], [9.85, 141.66], [14.39, 46.97], [34.85, 132.57], [87.88, 151.51]], "duration": 151.51, "id": 2718}, {"image_id": "v_WUTHTWQb-5g.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is standing in a room with a grey sweater,black tights,and pink shoes.In her hand she has a croquet stick and is fiddling with the small ball.She does it for quite some times keeping it still until eventually walking with the ball and ending the video.", "segments": [[0, 1.81], [1.81, 10.57], [10.41, 15.09]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 2719}, {"image_id": "v_nFfMY4CQq50.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy standing in a bathroom speaks and gestures. A person shaving his chin is shown. A guy puts cream from a blue tube in his palm and applies it to his chin. A guy puts gel from a blue tube in his palm and applies it to his chin. A guy washes his face. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[1.17, 2.34], [4.68, 222.44], [15.22, 173.27], [114.73, 119.42], [149.86, 155.71], [203.71, 215.42], [224.78, 234.15]], "duration": 234.15, "id": 2720}, {"image_id": "v_Eh0OoXQDLVc.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks to the camera while young girls stand behind her. The woman continues to talk to the camera while demonstrating individual dance movements, as the young girls follow along. The woman leads the girls in practicing the entire sequence. The girls perform the sequence on their own.", "segments": [[5.58, 15.63], [15.63, 78.68], [78.13, 102.68], [102.68, 110.49]], "duration": 111.61, "id": 2721}, {"image_id": "v_jsu65VwKf74.mp4", "caption": "A player of a read team performs a free shot on front a soccer goal, and the players scores. Again a player wearing red t-shirt scores, and the players jumps and hug to celebrate. Then, a player with white t-shirt scores, and the teams continue playing. The red team scores again, and people celebrate.", "segments": [[0, 29.93], [29.93, 65.69], [65.69, 123.36], [123.36, 145.98]], "duration": 145.98, "id": 2722}, {"image_id": "v_7LmSZAoD6-c.mp4", "caption": "woman is running to make a high jump and start walking and the woman makes the same high jump 3 times. woman loose the hair sits on the floor and untie the shoes.", "segments": [[0, 95.33], [95.88, 109.58]], "duration": 109.58, "id": 2723}, {"image_id": "v_n913aoCh1IQ.mp4", "caption": "People stand on a slack rope and cross it on a beach. A man falls off into the dirt. A man takes his shirt off and throws it on the sand. A man continues doing tricks on the slack rope.", "segments": [[0, 78.97], [20.14, 20.53], [48.57, 51.73], [48.57, 78.97]], "duration": 78.97, "id": 2724}, {"image_id": "v_xhyCKLKaG0c.mp4", "caption": "Dragon ball z characters are yelling at one another standing in front of each other. They start to play paper scissors rock to see who will win. They have watchers standing by very stressed about how it will end up. They just keep playing and one of the other characters starts to get really angry.", "segments": [[0, 6.65], [6.65, 20.66], [20.66, 33.95], [33.71, 47.49]], "duration": 47.49, "id": 2725}, {"image_id": "v_xbWAmySRE88.mp4", "caption": "Two women are standing behind a young woman who is sitting in a chair getting her hair done.The video begins with a title page showing that a video of a versatile sew-in is about to be done.First image,the braid pattern is shown on the individuals head as some of her hair is left out around the perimeter of her head.A lady then grabs weave, a needle and begins to sew in the hair.Once she shows how the sew-in is secured,the finished product is shown and the girl now has long curly hair.", "segments": [[0, 9.45], [10.17, 37.78], [37.05, 43.59], [43.59, 118.43], [118.43, 145.31]], "duration": 145.31, "id": 2726}, {"image_id": "v_CEQqdt0vV0o.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing and talking inside a gym to the camera. He stands on the open surface, dancing back and forth. He demonstrates several moves as he goes.", "segments": [[0, 31.82], [52.67, 148.13], [155.81, 219.45]], "duration": 219.45, "id": 2727}, {"image_id": "v_SSldR9yOJq8.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a costume is seen standing and posing inside a canoe and eventually pushes themselves down the river. The person moves in the canoe slowly and the camera follows him moving along the water in the canoe.", "segments": [[0, 112.2], [99.21, 236.22]], "duration": 236.22, "id": 2728}, {"image_id": "v_6ciZ58xAV9I.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast wearing a red and white uniform prepares to mount a pommel horse for his exercise. The gymnast jumps onto the pommel horse and starts with scissor moves. The gymnast moves into a spinning exercise while on the pommel horse. The gymnast moves into a hand stand while walking with his hands. The gymnast goes from the hand stand to his dismount.", "segments": [[0, 6.51], [6.51, 13.28], [13.53, 36.33], [36.33, 39.34], [39.34, 50.11]], "duration": 50.11, "id": 2729}, {"image_id": "v_ErEr4Sxdprw.mp4", "caption": "A man is in the gym in tight he bends over picks up a weight over his head and drops it back down. He walks back and loosens up before walking back up and doing it again adding more weight. He does this multiple times adding more and more weight to the rack. He finally lifts 374 pounds and calls it quits.", "segments": [[0, 29.14], [29.14, 70.37], [70.37, 101.64], [101.64, 142.15]], "duration": 142.15, "id": 2730}, {"image_id": "v_8oI4xGqkzSE.mp4", "caption": "A man kicks a Frisbee to a dog. The dog does various tricks while catching the Frisbee. The dog jumps off the man to catch the toy. Several other dogs also do a tricks to catch the toy. A man swings a dog around on a toy.", "segments": [[7.18, 195.78], [25.63, 152.73], [67.65, 78.93], [93.28, 173.23], [190.66, 205.01]], "duration": 205.01, "id": 2731}, {"image_id": "v_rYrO0KnZ7F0.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see steps to carve a pumpkin. A person cleans a pumpkin. We see step and a person carves the pumpkin. We see another step and person uses carved bits to make cat ears. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.75], [5.75, 15.09], [16.53, 41.68], [42.39, 104.91], [105.63, 132.93], [133.65, 143.71]], "duration": 143.71, "id": 2732}, {"image_id": "v_Tu9QF2ALd2s.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a blender is seen with various ingredients on the inside. A person's hand then blends the mixture together and moves their hand away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.98], [7.02, 19.23]], "duration": 19.23, "id": 2733}, {"image_id": "v_MEU83dUao4g.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen with markings on her tongue and a person placing paper towels on her tongue. The man then pierces the girls tongue and she looks at the camera smiling.", "segments": [[1.9, 31.33], [29.75, 59.81]], "duration": 63.29, "id": 2734}, {"image_id": "v_5TV-V6Cxero.mp4", "caption": "A shirtless man is standing on porch while instructing how to build a redneck fire. He shows a beer bottle and some other alcohol cans. He demonstrates a campfire that he has set up in a pit. There are three men standing near the campfire pit to demonstrate step three. One of the men picks up a gasoline can and ours some of it into the campfire pit. Another man lights the bonfire up to start the fire. The bonfire continues burning as the fireworks crackle in the pit. One of the instructors comes back and point to the redneck campfire.", "segments": [[6.41, 11.39], [11.39, 22.07], [22.07, 39.16], [39.16, 44.86], [44.86, 53.4], [53.4, 67.64], [67.64, 96.13], [96.13, 106.81]], "duration": 142.41, "id": 2735}, {"image_id": "v_q2JRY6-riYA.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in blue bumper cars. They drive around and bump into each other. A little boy in a hat waves at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 42.05], [0.63, 42.05], [30.91, 35.53]], "duration": 42.05, "id": 2736}, {"image_id": "v_WE9Md637nbc.mp4", "caption": "A pair of dirty nike sneakers are seen on a counter. A man fills a bowl with water, then adds a cleaning solution. He uses a brush to scrub the shoes clean.", "segments": [[0, 9.03], [9.85, 51.32], [52.14, 82.11]], "duration": 82.11, "id": 2737}, {"image_id": "v_6180cMhkWJA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated in front of some video monitors and related equipment. He reminds us that when we were young we weren't afraid to try because we liked it. We then see some kids playing soccer along with some older players, obviously enjoying themselves. We see the man once again, who advises us not to ever grow up.", "segments": [[3.01, 8.69], [3.01, 18.04], [17.71, 60.15], [50.79, 53.46]], "duration": 66.83, "id": 2738}, {"image_id": "v_t1s7ST4FRJc.mp4", "caption": "There are four women dancing to a choreographed dance to some Hip Hop music in a studio. They follow a synchronized and rhythmic beat to follow the same steps as the rest of the dancers. They continue following the steps one after the other in a structured manner where everybody is shaking their hands and legs rhythmically. Their dance moves change as the music changes and they slow down or move faster according to the beat of the song.", "segments": [[28.81, 65.31], [65.31, 107.58], [107.58, 172.89], [172.89, 192.1]], "duration": 192.1, "id": 2739}, {"image_id": "v_IcfWEKjl_AY.mp4", "caption": "A boy stands from the bottom of a slide and walk away. Other kids slide on another slide in the playground. A toddler climbs a jungle gym, and then go down the slide.", "segments": [[0, 1.76], [3.73, 5.05], [5.49, 21.97]], "duration": 21.97, "id": 2740}, {"image_id": "v_D-y_N4u0uRQ.mp4", "caption": "A man enters a car holding a briefcase. Then, the man smokes a cigarette in office, and a nurse gives him papers. After, an elegant woman smokes and then smile.", "segments": [[8.77, 21.19], [21.19, 54.43], [54.8, 68.68]], "duration": 73.06, "id": 2741}, {"image_id": "v_UbVTGLlR0L8.mp4", "caption": "People raft down a stony river on inflatable boats. Two men are in the water and other men help get in the boat. The men pass between high mountains.", "segments": [[5.46, 92.8], [22.75, 33.66], [92.8, 181.97]], "duration": 181.97, "id": 2742}, {"image_id": "v_yslzj3NGuLU.mp4", "caption": "A woman removes the snow on the top of a car using a brush, also removes snow on the side windows and back window. After, the woman continues taking snow from the hood of the car and the front window that has a lot of snow.", "segments": [[10.48, 133.97], [133.97, 232.99]], "duration": 232.99, "id": 2743}, {"image_id": "v_Eaq95CTpfZI.mp4", "caption": "A person is mixing drinks behind a bar. A person is playing a game of shuffleboard. Words are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[11.95, 17.92], [31.2, 62.07], [61.41, 66.39]], "duration": 66.39, "id": 2744}, {"image_id": "v_7x5oY2Myd7I.mp4", "caption": "A team is playing ice hockey in front of a crowded stadium. The players are shown crashing into each other. A countdown of ten is being shown as we see bloopers from different sporting events, from hockey, to baseball, to football and basketball as people fall down and make mistakes.", "segments": [[0, 21.96], [25.09, 52.27], [55.41, 209.1]], "duration": 209.1, "id": 2745}, {"image_id": "v_l5HNvNpRTpk.mp4", "caption": "Words are being displayed across the screen that read how to make the perfect sandwich. The ingredients you will need are bread, cheese, ham, turkey sub kit deli meat, kraft real mayo, spicy brown mustard, seasoning and a knife. Spread mayo on both slices of bread then put on mustard and cheese on both slices of bread put ham then turkey meat and add other seasoning to your taste.", "segments": [[0, 6.04], [6.9, 34.49], [36.22, 172.46]], "duration": 172.46, "id": 2746}, {"image_id": "v_T98RJsOiQWc.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen holding a stick and swinging at a pinata. A girl is seen blindfolding another while a man plays with the camera on the side. The man holds the stick and gestures to the girl on the side.", "segments": [[1.33, 23.05], [20.39, 65.6], [58.51, 84.66]], "duration": 88.65, "id": 2747}, {"image_id": "v_uY0ngQlbIZc.mp4", "caption": "Two men that are matching each other are playing a game of racket ball. They are in an indoor enclosed court area playing the game. They are moving around all over the court trying to hit the ball. The bald man begins to walk out of the court smiling.", "segments": [[0, 15.49], [15.19, 31.27], [30.97, 42.29], [42.88, 59.26]], "duration": 59.56, "id": 2748}, {"image_id": "v_mIi5fkvHDAo.mp4", "caption": "A female news anchor is talking about a clip that will be shown. Monkeys are skiing behind a boat in the water. Another monkey is seen driving a speed boat pulling a skiing monkey. Several people watch and take photos and video from the shore.\nThe monkey driving the speed boat is shown again. The monkey circles the steering wheel with the boat moving. The monkey then drives the boat to a set of buoys where three people are waiting for him. Three news anchors discuss the monkeys.", "segments": [[0, 11.75], [12.12, 21.22], [21.6, 37.51], [37.89, 40.54], [40.92, 62.9], [45.09, 54.56], [55.7, 63.66], [64.03, 75.78]], "duration": 75.78, "id": 2749}, {"image_id": "v_XRb38sJzuY4.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen grabbing a ball and walking forward speaking to the camera. He is then seen in a shot holding on a stick and hitting a ball. He continues hitting the ball into a goal wile looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.45], [6.66, 18.86], [16.16, 29.95]], "duration": 31.7, "id": 2750}, {"image_id": "v_RI-l0tK8Ok0.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are standing by a piano. The man and the woman play the piano together. They switch places and continue playing the piano. They switch places again, rapidly. They do it again, laughing away together. Finally they finish and walk away together happily.", "segments": [[0, 9.33], [9.71, 43.31], [43.69, 50.41], [50.78, 59.37], [59.74, 67.96], [68.33, 74.68]], "duration": 74.68, "id": 2751}, {"image_id": "v_Xpb1Lup1GAU.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits by a window knitting a white piece. The woman holds up a pattern book with an image of the piece she is working on. The woman continues her knitting. The woman shows off her work so far and continues knitting.", "segments": [[0, 26.59], [27.31, 53.9], [54.62, 104.92], [105.64, 143.73]], "duration": 143.73, "id": 2752}, {"image_id": "v_aK0238Rz6UA.mp4", "caption": "A large bow is laying on a table. The close up details of the archery set are being shown. A man is shown pulling back and arrow and letting it go.", "segments": [[0, 18.33], [20.49, 112.15], [119.7, 215.67]], "duration": 215.67000000000002, "id": 2753}, {"image_id": "v_Q6XjxUlbP2M.mp4", "caption": "A group of people ride in bumper cars in a huge bumper car ride at an amusement park. Two yellow bumper cars are stuck in the middle of the track until they get bumped by another car. The rest of the bumper car drivers continue to follow the course.", "segments": [[0, 11.42], [11.42, 20.04], [20.79, 37.45]], "duration": 37.45, "id": 2754}, {"image_id": "v_X6IoTFqaegc.mp4", "caption": "A woman's hand is shown wiping a glass screen followed by various objects sitting on a table. The woman sprays the glass and follows the object down the glass. She does this several times and shows where to plug in and how to use the tool.", "segments": [[0, 14], [14, 38.76], [38.4, 71.77]], "duration": 71.77, "id": 2755}, {"image_id": "v_xcSWHI3K0KA.mp4", "caption": "A man is running on a track with a javelin. He throws it as hard as he can. We see him throw again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 5.56], [5.56, 7.56], [9.12, 44.02]], "duration": 44.47, "id": 2756}, {"image_id": "v_ZGnnFIDJjaY.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a chair on the beach and is approached by another man, the first man gets up and applies lotion to the second man. A woman and a man are sitting on a towel at the beach and a man approaches. The sitting man gets up and puts lotion on the man who approached. Five guys are laying on the beach when a woman approaches them. One man gets up and applies lotion to the womans back. Five guys are laying on towels at the beach and a man approaches them.", "segments": [[0, 26.32], [26.32, 32.72], [34.86, 58.33], [59.75, 65.44], [66.87, 127.33], [128.04, 135.16]], "duration": 142.27, "id": 2757}, {"image_id": "v_YkqO2oi9SIk.mp4", "caption": "A group of swimmers cliff dive into a body of water surrounded by onlookers, large rocks, buildings and boats, in a judged competition. The swimmers jump off a man made metal cliff wrapped in sponsored advertisement art and graphics. A group of judges hold up scorecards with numbers on them as car drive by on a nearby street and onlookers sit side by side on a raised wall watching. Two swimmers hug while one swimmer jumps up and down and three more hold up trophies.", "segments": [[2.53, 73.28], [7.58, 49.7], [50.96, 59.8], [68.65, 80.02]], "duration": 84.23, "id": 2758}, {"image_id": "v_XB139ATiXuk.mp4", "caption": "A well attended classical concert is shown. The composer speaks to the audience about music. The crowd applauds and smiles. The composer talks about music and the orchestra behind him. One member comes out to play the saxophone for a solo as the crowd claps along. The orchestra gradually joins in for a full performance. The song slows and builds as the crowd joins back in with claps. The song ends and the crowd applauds thunderously. The saxophonist bows and returns to her seat.", "segments": [[0, 3.11], [4.15, 15.55], [27.99, 33.17], [58.05, 65.31], [73.6, 102.63], [103.67, 117.14], [160.68, 168.97], [189.71, 198], [192.82, 207.33]], "duration": 207.32999999999998, "id": 2759}, {"image_id": "v_Vg5Vfb16Kb8.mp4", "caption": "A little girl wearing a pink blouse sits on a bed squinting her eyes. The little girl then puts on purple lipstick on her lips. The little girl continues putting on lipstick while speaking to the camera man about putting on makeup.", "segments": [[0, 9.34], [9.34, 46.72], [47.21, 98.36]], "duration": 98.36, "id": 2760}, {"image_id": "v_J98U-PGh1bQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is mopping a dirty public bathroom floor. He pushes the mop back and forth, making the floor clean and shiny.", "segments": [[0, 11.26], [11.67, 27.8]], "duration": 27.8, "id": 2761}, {"image_id": "v_KZ-6u3MUp44.mp4", "caption": "A game is in progress in front of a crowd. A man spins, throwing a disc through the air. He walks around the field afterward.", "segments": [[0, 8.22], [9.24, 60.25], [61.62, 68.47]], "duration": 68.47, "id": 2762}, {"image_id": "v_J5wZTdD4XeU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are on a platform, fencing. They jab at each other with their swords. A woman watches as they parlay back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 27.93], [30.63, 140.55], [142.35, 180.19]], "duration": 180.19, "id": 2763}, {"image_id": "v_uyp6t45rOD8.mp4", "caption": "An athlete performs high jump and lands on the mat while person takes notes. Then, the athlete performs high jump successfully. After, the man perform high jump but drops the horizontal pole. The athlete perform high jumps successfully. The athlete perform a high jump, but the pole falls.", "segments": [[0, 21.77], [21.77, 39.42], [39.42, 59.43], [59.43, 88.85], [88.85, 117.68]], "duration": 117.68, "id": 2764}, {"image_id": "v_7A7XJLhRVVE.mp4", "caption": "A large pontoon boat is sailing across an ocean and runs into a large wave that covers the people as well as the boat in water.The people on the boat continue walking around but the water knocks them over and they start to hold onto the wheels to steer the boat back in the right direction.", "segments": [[0, 55.41], [55.41, 184.69]], "duration": 184.69, "id": 2765}, {"image_id": "v_Dutm5TiFBqQ.mp4", "caption": "A very muscular shirtless man is about to arm wrestle with a man in an orange hoodie. Another man in a yellow hoodie comes over. They begin the match, the man in the orange hoodie looks to be struggling. The shirtless man wins and then wrestles the man in the yellow, he wins and they all stand around talking.", "segments": [[0, 11.05], [11.05, 47.89], [46.97, 98.54], [98.54, 184.18]], "duration": 184.18, "id": 2766}, {"image_id": "v_p4cQt5On74M.mp4", "caption": "Several people are outside in a large field on segways playing a game.They continue to move around and hitting the ball with a long racket.As they game goes on,the referee walks on the field and watches them.", "segments": [[0, 27.63], [27.63, 62.63], [62.63, 92.1]], "duration": 92.1, "id": 2767}, {"image_id": "v_dcmfRooP6dg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a strawberry is shown. A woman is talking with an array of watercolors. She demonstrates how to use the watercolors to create art on a canvas.", "segments": [[0, 28.54], [45.19, 195.05], [202.19, 237.87]], "duration": 237.87, "id": 2768}, {"image_id": "v_OG7-gtjRaEg.mp4", "caption": "Several children stand in front of a cage. A women is inside with a tiger. The children pull on a rope that against the tiger. They let go of the rope at the end.", "segments": [[0, 135.14], [19.6, 135.14], [57.43, 125.01], [107.44, 135.14]], "duration": 135.14, "id": 2769}, {"image_id": "v_SGdhHAZHwmI.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a suit is talking to a camera. A woman is putting contact lenses into her eyes. Contact lenses are shown on a hand. The woman in the suit continues talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.63], [25.53, 30.35], [55.88, 68.99], [115.9, 137.97]], "duration": 137.97, "id": 2770}, {"image_id": "v_te1znGPS_Vw.mp4", "caption": "guys are having a paint ball fight with each other.A guy explain how to hide and protect yourself when in the filed,How to crawl ,where to place your foot and hands when crawling.", "segments": [[7.16, 27.03], [27.83, 159]], "duration": 159.0, "id": 2771}, {"image_id": "v_5Z5DAI4Grb0.mp4", "caption": "A title page pans into hands holding a paint brush with a portrait in the background. She holds another picture beside her and pushes the brush into paint. She then begins painting the picture and adding more color to the portrait.", "segments": [[0, 23.68], [28.56, 87.77], [89.86, 139.32]], "duration": 139.32, "id": 2772}, {"image_id": "v_lHVn-5OwXMw.mp4", "caption": "man is in a big stadium waking in the field. men are playing criquet in a field rnning on side to side with a lot of audience sitting on stands.", "segments": [[0, 12.91], [0, 184.41]], "duration": 184.41, "id": 2773}, {"image_id": "v_hjtGItcwkQA.mp4", "caption": "A group of sail boats sail together through choppy water on a windy day. Two men pull on the rigging seated on the small sailboat. The sail boat makes a turn in front of the bow of another boat only partly seen.", "segments": [[0, 17.3], [11.8, 76.29], [52.69, 76.29]], "duration": 78.65, "id": 2774}, {"image_id": "v_kzm9ckZ5gU0.mp4", "caption": "Two men on a ladder fight in a professional wrestling match. The men flip off the ladder on to the mat. The referee kneels near by. The man in red crawls to the man in blue and pins him winning the match. We see a replay of the match.", "segments": [[0, 9.96], [10.55, 19.05], [24.32, 30.77], [30.77, 43.37], [45.71, 56.56]], "duration": 58.61, "id": 2775}, {"image_id": "v_CSk99DHanfg.mp4", "caption": "People on a boat suit up in scuba gear then jump into the water. Scuba divers swim through a cave area. A tropical beach is seen. Sea turtles graze and swim in the ocean. Various fish are seen swimming through the reef. A manta ray swims in the ocean over a reef.", "segments": [[9.86, 26.62], [35.49, 70.98], [71.96, 74.92], [102.52, 116.32], [76.89, 143.93], [145.9, 186.32]], "duration": 197.16, "id": 2776}, {"image_id": "v_d3VVwwVkJBs.mp4", "caption": "This elderly man is blowing the leaves out of the way using a leaf blower. First the camera is giving viewers a close up view only showing the man's face. Then the camera zooms out and shows the man blowing the leaves using a machine and when he's done half doing his job, he turns the leaf blower off.", "segments": [[0, 15.19], [0.08, 1.97], [1.97, 15.19]], "duration": 15.19, "id": 2777}, {"image_id": "v_bV_vdBbOubE.mp4", "caption": "little kid is holding a red tennis racket close to her face but then put it on the floor and jump on top. little kid is standing in a small room playing in a Hopscotch. the girl is grabing toys from the floor.", "segments": [[0.77, 116.35], [0.77, 124.06], [124.06, 154.11]], "duration": 154.11, "id": 2778}, {"image_id": "v_Xm23RMCpDd8.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on a field in an outdoor game surrounded by bleachers with people in them and performs a hammer throw. The man spins the hammer around many times and then lets the hammer go to fly into the hair and land in the field. A slow motion video of the hammer landing appears as the man looks happy with the score and dries off with a towel.", "segments": [[0.25, 48.54], [1.98, 11.14], [26.25, 49.53]], "duration": 49.53, "id": 2779}, {"image_id": "v_IkXuooaGnCc.mp4", "caption": "Letters are shown on a screen. A blue bucket is put into a sink. A man starts mopping the hardwood floors. He mops the tile in the bathroom.", "segments": [[0, 32.08], [32.08, 70.76], [74.53, 154.72], [154.72, 175.48]], "duration": 188.69, "id": 2780}, {"image_id": "v_d83YCo6xLkk.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing on a beach looking down at sand. The person then begins building a large sand castle in front of them. The person continues working around the sand and ends by walking out of frame.", "segments": [[0.51, 6.84], [7.6, 19.76], [17.48, 25.08]], "duration": 25.33, "id": 2781}, {"image_id": "v_gNFrILoB8LY.mp4", "caption": "A man dances and pulls his pants, which are falling down, back up, as he sweeps a cafe floor. A man, with his back to an elevated camera, begins to dance while sweeping a coffee shop floor. The man begins to pulls his pants up as his blue underwear shows from the twisting of the dance, which has pulled down his pants. The man then turns to face the camera and smiles while pulling his pants up.", "segments": [[0, 16.46], [0.25, 8.07], [8.81, 12.02], [12.18, 16.46]], "duration": 16.46, "id": 2782}, {"image_id": "v_SlT6OBmQqpc.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen standing in front of the camera and begins spinning in circles. He continues spinning and then does several kicks and punches while also throwing darts.", "segments": [[0, 16.74], [14.65, 52.32]], "duration": 52.32, "id": 2783}, {"image_id": "v_3DDo37BcChI.mp4", "caption": "An ax rests in a fallen tree. A man picks up the ax, and chops the trunk of the tree. He continues chopping until the log is in half, then walks away.", "segments": [[0, 19.51], [21.14, 143.1], [144.72, 162.61]], "duration": 162.61, "id": 2784}, {"image_id": "v_QdTUPBtxAV0.mp4", "caption": "A smiling young boy slides down a red slide that has netting on each side and a brand name, website, email and telephone appear on the screen when he reaches the bottom.Then two other children behind him that are little girls slide down.Just as the girls are reaching the bottom of the slide boy gets up and leaves the slide and the girls follow right behind him.", "segments": [[0, 1.76], [1.76, 3.25], [3.25, 7.06]], "duration": 7.06, "id": 2785}, {"image_id": "v_6BKkSQ7uGco.mp4", "caption": "We see the title card on black. We see a lady riding slowly on an elliptical machine and pulling the handles. We switch to the lady riding without holding the handles. We then see the bike in stair stepper mode and using the handles. We then see her using the bike in stair stepper mode without the handles.", "segments": [[0, 5.58], [5.89, 16.73], [17.04, 31.6], [32.84, 44.92], [45.23, 61.96]], "duration": 61.96, "id": 2786}, {"image_id": "v_p-lwebxSYyo.mp4", "caption": "People are painting a wooden fence in a yard. A dog walks behind them. They continue painting the fence.", "segments": [[1.43, 27.22], [27.22, 28.08], [28.65, 57.31]], "duration": 57.31, "id": 2787}, {"image_id": "v_cau489T9DLE.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a small room doing tricks with a baton. men are running on a side of the woman. women enter to a room.", "segments": [[0, 24.16], [0, 1.98], [20.82, 24.92]], "duration": 30.4, "id": 2788}, {"image_id": "v_xbEI98IA-XU.mp4", "caption": "Title credits are shown on the screen. A woman talks to the camera in a gym. The woman demonstrates a lifting exercise. The woman turns back to the camera and talks again. End credits roll on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 12.23], [12.79, 30.02], [32.25, 79.51], [79.51, 84.51], [85.07, 111.2]], "duration": 111.2, "id": 2789}, {"image_id": "v_uFMlVrTUoR8.mp4", "caption": "A man dumps a wheelbarrow of mulch on the lawn. He rakes it out over the ground. He brings another wheelbarrow full of mulch and rakes it out over the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 11.13], [14.03, 30.49], [29.52, 78.39]], "duration": 96.78, "id": 2790}, {"image_id": "v_LE05u6TR9MI.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing in a crowd yelling and playing a game of volleyball. The group of girls continue to play while people cheer on the sides as well as cheerleaders.", "segments": [[0, 19.18], [14.92, 41.78]], "duration": 42.63, "id": 2791}, {"image_id": "v_1Y3BV0Awjuo.mp4", "caption": "We see an Asian script on the title screen. We see food on a table and a lady picking at a potato. The potato is cut, then dropped in a pot. It's transferred to cold water and the skin just slides off when pulled. We see a red illustration on a potato and a potato is mashed. Two more potatoes are peeled easily, Another potato is boiled and dropped in cold water.", "segments": [[0, 5.56], [5.56, 17.81], [17.81, 36.73], [37.28, 65.66], [77.35, 87.92], [88.48, 111.29]], "duration": 111.28999999999999, "id": 2792}, {"image_id": "v_-ap649M020k.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people wandering around areas, looking to the camera, and skateboarding down a hill. Several more people are shown skateboarding own various areas as well as swimming, rolling joints, and and surfing on the water. The men perform tricks, get naked, swim underwater, cut open a watermelon, as well as various other activities that lead back into skateboarding.", "segments": [[3.19, 59.62], [56.43, 161.82], [154.37, 199.09]], "duration": 212.93, "id": 2793}, {"image_id": "v_PfNtxlM1QHw.mp4", "caption": "A crowd of people are at a stadium watching a bull fight.A petite man is standing in front of the bull with a red cloth and taunting the bull.Once the bull moves,three more men come out with pink cloths and begin taunting the bulls and he hits them with his horns.The men finally leave the bull alone and he lays down on his side and they begin giving him something in the mouth.Once laid to rest, another man comes and wraps something around his mouth to secure him as another set of men walk out guiding horses.", "segments": [[0, 4.16], [4.63, 17.12], [17.12, 33.78], [33.78, 68.49], [68.03, 92.56]], "duration": 92.56, "id": 2794}, {"image_id": "v_DpoIgaZ1m_U.mp4", "caption": "Two men spar in a karate practice match inside a gym studio. The instructor trips the student after catching the punches. The instructor does a sliding kick on the student. The instructor catches the kicks of the student.", "segments": [[0, 216.57], [23.82, 33.57], [110.45, 142.94], [145.1, 204.66]], "duration": 216.57, "id": 2795}, {"image_id": "v_LpTVTiu8oro.mp4", "caption": "A shirtless man with a machete walks out into the front yard. He starts hitting the grass repeatedly over and over cutting the grass. Instead of using a lawnmower he is cutting the grass with a machete. He stands right up and walks up to a patch and then starts to use the machete towards it also.", "segments": [[0, 12.48], [12.48, 29.87], [28.98, 74.45], [74.01, 89.17]], "duration": 89.17, "id": 2796}, {"image_id": "v_zlXvqnBqVvI.mp4", "caption": "The two people take shots with their pucks down the board. The person changes the score on the board posted on a pole. A player walks down the board to retrieve the pucks. Two people play a leisurely game of shuffle board on an outdoor court.", "segments": [[0, 13.24], [15.62, 21.06], [16.75, 19.02], [0.34, 22.64]], "duration": 22.64, "id": 2797}, {"image_id": "v_F6BJoTLozoc.mp4", "caption": "An empty stage with four lights are shown as a crowd of people stand waiting for something to happen.A lady with a orange and yellow cape and skirt then comes out from the side and starts to belly dance.The woman then drops the cape and begins walking towards the crowd moving her chest and smiling at the people.", "segments": [[0, 61.63], [62.79, 145.34], [145.34, 232.55]], "duration": 232.55, "id": 2798}, {"image_id": "v_B4zPg1ftxf4.mp4", "caption": "We see people playing paintball on a football field. The people take off and head out into the field. The man is crawling on the ground. He fills his gun with orange balls. A person walks up to the bag near the man. The man reloads his gun with blue balls. We see a man behind a fence and the man is walking.", "segments": [[0, 201.67], [38.41, 40.55], [72.56, 85.36], [102.43, 106.7], [126.98, 130.18], [165.39, 169.66], [191, 213.41]], "duration": 213.41, "id": 2799}, {"image_id": "v_4FGdbFzq-8I.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in the back of a car waxing down a surf board and another man speaking to the camera. Slow motion shots of a man surfing are shown and the man continues speaking.", "segments": [[7.06, 31.95], [30.09, 74.3]], "duration": 74.3, "id": 2800}, {"image_id": "v_GKpeX_lWMgg.mp4", "caption": "People are riding in sailboats from the view of a large ocean liner. A woman leans against the edge, watching the boats.", "segments": [[0, 18.51], [21.41, 38.57]], "duration": 38.57, "id": 2801}, {"image_id": "v_krUhklOpyQU.mp4", "caption": "A man is filming inside of am apartment looking around at several different things. A little boy comes into the scene and quickly exits out of the view of the camera. The boy comes onto the camera again doing karate moves with a stick. The man gets a close up of the boy while he talks to the boy in another language. the boy does a bow and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 74.07], [9.63, 18.52], [33.7, 65.55], [65.55, 70], [70, 74.07]], "duration": 74.07, "id": 2802}, {"image_id": "v_iFTYM1Ez5ZM.mp4", "caption": "An athlete in a white and blue uniform prepares to compete in a Triple Jump competition in a track and field tournament. The competitor gradually begins by running slowly then picking up speed to a sprint and landing one foot on the white marker line and two more hops on each foot and then jumps over the sand course. The competitor skips and runs off of the track and goes to the spectator stands and celebrates his jump. A close up of the competitors foot position landing on the white marker line is shown on a close up and the jump is shown in slow motion and at regular speed multiple times.", "segments": [[0, 3.92], [3.92, 12.56], [12.56, 26.68], [26.68, 156.97]], "duration": 156.97, "id": 2803}, {"image_id": "v_xGpaEqbVgBI.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around a large group of people playing a soccer match on a field with many people watching on the sides. The players walk around the field a bit and lead into them playing the game. A person's hand then covers the camera and moves all around the area.", "segments": [[0, 25.32], [22.51, 64.31], [61.9, 80.39]], "duration": 80.39, "id": 2804}, {"image_id": "v_SvM0twHYsus.mp4", "caption": "A woman looks through a large pile of clothing and begins throwing at the camera man. She miles his direction while talking and irons some clothes on the table.", "segments": [[0.25, 16.01], [16.5, 49.25]], "duration": 49.25, "id": 2805}, {"image_id": "v_uXPm6SMQH1M.mp4", "caption": "A black horse is standing in a stable with several yellow things on his hair.A woman then appears and begin shaving off all of the horse's hair.The side is completely gone and when she moves from the back she goes underneath his body to remove that hair as well.", "segments": [[0, 12.73], [12.37, 24.03], [24.03, 35.87]], "duration": 35.87, "id": 2806}, {"image_id": "v_tgnyGoKM2tM.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking in a bike shop. The man touches the handle bars of a bike then grabs a wire off a table. The man strings the wire through the bikes brake system. The man adds a black plastic sheath over the wire and attaches it to the wheel brace.", "segments": [[0, 130.4], [2.61, 11.74], [18.91, 48.25], [61.29, 126.49]], "duration": 130.4, "id": 2807}, {"image_id": "v_diZvvLb46O8.mp4", "caption": "The team in white and red uniform danced in the court. The team individually do jumping rope, danced on the ground. The team do jumping ropes where two females hold the end of the jumping rope, rotating them as the other team member jumped inside the rope and dance.", "segments": [[10.06, 33.19], [23.13, 164.96], [82.48, 201.17]], "duration": 201.17000000000002, "id": 2808}, {"image_id": "v_6ITE3hona-4.mp4", "caption": "a person is assembling a vacuum on the carpet. They plug the vacuum in. They turn the vacuum on and begin vacuuming the floor. They take the attachment hose off and vacuum the base boards and stairs. They take the filter out and empty it. They unplug the vacuum and put it in the closet.", "segments": [[0, 68.78], [69.82, 72.95], [72.95, 117.76], [117.76, 158.4], [161.53, 168.82], [200.09, 208.42]], "duration": 208.42000000000002, "id": 2809}, {"image_id": "v_nTsXn3oHf_8.mp4", "caption": "A small boy plays on a stair stepper in a store. We back up and see the boys legs. The camera zooms in on the boy again.", "segments": [[0, 44.79], [30.46, 40.98], [41.21, 44.79]], "duration": 44.79, "id": 2810}, {"image_id": "v_E4AoMNfsuaw.mp4", "caption": "A little girl in a diaper uses a small vacuum. She is vacuuming dirt out from under a chair in a living room. She uses the brush to suck up dirt on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 12.08], [13.94, 69.71], [71.11, 92.95]], "duration": 92.95, "id": 2811}, {"image_id": "v_xfyoEDb6kVg.mp4", "caption": "A boy spins around a gym with a tennis racket and pushes a ball around to another boy. The boys run back and fourth bouncing balls against a wall with their hands and a tennis racket. They slide around the floor pushing the ball and continue hitting the ball back and fourth across the gym.", "segments": [[0, 130.89], [16.36, 38.61], [50.39, 85.73]], "duration": 130.89, "id": 2812}, {"image_id": "v_bMRx3vSVZUQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen in several shots looking off into the distance followed by others riding around on boards. The men gear up on the sides while speaking to the camera and ride around on the water. The people continue to ride around while others watch on the side.", "segments": [[0.88, 37.76], [35.12, 140.49], [120.29, 172.1]], "duration": 175.61, "id": 2813}, {"image_id": "v_xs4MvE_uAtU.mp4", "caption": "A person uses a brush to scrub a shoe over a sink. They wipe the shoe off with a white towel. He lifts up the shoe to show the camera.", "segments": [[7.56, 166.4], [157.76, 186.93], [189.1, 216.11]], "duration": 216.11, "id": 2814}, {"image_id": "v_q_eRxmeGJBY.mp4", "caption": "We see an image of a male gymnast in mid swing. We see a title card with a family on it. A man swings around on a pommel horse. A man in blue plan swing his legs back and forth. The man in red shorts is spinning wildly. He then spins on a round device.", "segments": [[0, 3.92], [3.92, 14.71], [14.71, 62.74], [62.74, 83.82], [83.82, 90.19], [90.19, 98.04]], "duration": 98.03999999999999, "id": 2815}, {"image_id": "v_C2KzNljiTIU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated, brushing her hair with her back to the camera. She continues brushing with long strokes. She leans her head to one side, continuing to brush.", "segments": [[0, 17.01], [18.32, 42.39], [43.18, 52.34]], "duration": 52.34, "id": 2816}, {"image_id": "v_vXOT_VXWOqo.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of large groups of people running around a field. Audience members are seen cheering while people play soccer on the side. People continue playing up and down the field while others watch them play.", "segments": [[0, 25.93], [60.15, 160.74], [143.11, 201.18]], "duration": 207.4, "id": 2817}, {"image_id": "v_UlddctIswqo.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing an orange hoodie and a girl wearing a black blouse enter a home and go into the kitchen. The girls are preparing to bake cookies.The cell phone rings and both girls get excited. Some one is at the front door and the girl in the orange hoodie runs through the house to go answer the door. The girl in the black blouse is at the door disguised as a man. The girl in the orange hoodie squeezes a bar of butter and it falls to the floor and slams the door shut. The girl in the black blouse turns and walks away dejected.", "segments": [[0, 19.9], [20.69, 46.96], [46.16, 66.86], [66.86, 95.51], [96.31, 132.92], [135.31, 141.68], [140.08, 159.19]], "duration": 159.19, "id": 2818}, {"image_id": "v_zCND0HJq6Iw.mp4", "caption": "A white man is on the stage with long dreads throwing up the piece sign to the audience.After their interaction,the man begins to play the wind pipes on his back as he walks back and forth across the stage.The crowd is shown and the camera goes back to the stage and several lights come on as the guitarist begins to play.", "segments": [[0, 14.75], [14.75, 40.08], [40.08, 75.63]], "duration": 75.63, "id": 2819}, {"image_id": "v_3boxQwSpv-8.mp4", "caption": "A little girl smiles and talks to the camera. She and other children are then shown washing their hands at sinks. They talk about singing the birthday song or counting to know how long they should wash their hands.", "segments": [[0, 3.46], [3.31, 25.43], [25.58, 30.09]], "duration": 30.09, "id": 2820}, {"image_id": "v_xM5OQYON59w.mp4", "caption": "We see a man with a ball he is preparing to throw shotput. The man lifts his arm. The man spins and throws the ball. We see men in the distance measure. We see the thrower grab his jacket and walk away.", "segments": [[0, 14.94], [15.17, 17.74], [17.51, 24.98], [24.98, 32.21], [33.15, 46.69]], "duration": 46.69, "id": 2821}, {"image_id": "v_G-giwt-TN8A.mp4", "caption": "We see a tractor and a title screen. We see a tractor blowing leaves. We see the tractor up close. We see the closing title screen. We then see flowers on trees.", "segments": [[0, 5.12], [0, 79.53], [31.16, 51.63], [79.53, 82.79], [83.25, 93.02]], "duration": 93.02000000000001, "id": 2822}, {"image_id": "v_7tdlcmbuLOA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera that leads into several clips of people wake boarding. The man then speaks to a woman and helps demonstrate how to properly ride the wake board. The boat then takes off and helps the girl ride along while she falls the first time then successfully rides.", "segments": [[0, 51.06], [51.06, 153.17], [141.93, 200.14]], "duration": 204.22, "id": 2823}, {"image_id": "v_nxNJNn8blDw.mp4", "caption": "An old man with eyeglasses is standing in front of model tiles talking to the camera. A group of men in black started to removed the first half of the carpet in the living room, then replaced it with lighter, newer carpet. The group of men in black shirts moved the couch from the wall to other side and removed the other half of the carpet, exposing the green floor. The group of men put the carpet on the floor, they measure it, cut it and taped it. When the new carpet is properly installed, the men vacuum the carpet while the lady walked in the living room. The men and the old man and the woman removed the TV from the wall and installed a wooden TV set furniture, while the other men and the lady arranged the couch and put the pillows on it.", "segments": [[2.03, 7.78], [7.1, 24.34], [10.14, 24.34], [12.51, 56.8], [52.07, 63.56], [55.45, 63.56]], "duration": 67.62, "id": 2824}, {"image_id": "v_XBbSLB3Ov0w.mp4", "caption": "A group of eight people are white rafting in somewhat calm water as the two people in the back paddle them down the water.The two people in the back continue paddling and the camera zooms in on them but the water is too calm for them to get the full experience and nothing is happening.Lastly, a blue screen flashes and white words appear.", "segments": [[0, 46.87], [46.27, 118.99], [119.59, 120.19]], "duration": 120.19, "id": 2825}, {"image_id": "v_2VYQ4q24D-4.mp4", "caption": "Two cars are parked on the side of the road as train passes by.All of a sudden,the angle shifts and a boy begins skateboarding down the hill and throughout the city.", "segments": [[0, 38.57], [38.11, 92.95]], "duration": 92.95, "id": 2826}, {"image_id": "v_vOI3hJ45lag.mp4", "caption": "A man sits on a table with accordions.Then the man holds an accordion while touching the buttons and talking.", "segments": [[0, 6.76], [7.35, 58.77]], "duration": 58.77, "id": 2827}, {"image_id": "v_iOgmO3MMeH4.mp4", "caption": " A woman plays piano in a room decorated with candles. Katty Perry walks with a man in street, they she plays the piano, then she talks with the man.", "segments": [[27.27, 62.41], [62.41, 104.89]], "duration": 104.89, "id": 2828}, {"image_id": "v_U2td95KJU7Y.mp4", "caption": "A boy stand on a pool diving board in an Olympic competition. Then, the boy jumps and does four flips in the air and falls into the water. The crowd applaud the boy holding British flags. A man hugs the boy who looks happy, and the boy walks around. The boy jumps from a diving board and does four flips in the air before gets into the water.", "segments": [[0, 32.33], [32.86, 46.42], [46.94, 55.8], [55.8, 70.93], [70.93, 104.31]], "duration": 104.31, "id": 2829}, {"image_id": "v_uR-o9wILN6U.mp4", "caption": "The man in blue shirt with cap is hitting the thick rope. The man get on the rope and the crowd applauded. The man in blue shirt started to bounced on the rope doing some tricks like sitting on the rope, bouncing on his chest, cartwheel and walking on the rope.", "segments": [[0, 16.28], [12.45, 49.78], [31.59, 191.47]], "duration": 191.47, "id": 2830}, {"image_id": "v_Jk3oA2mhPD8.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is doing gymnastics on a blue mat. She does several back flips on a trampoline. She does a flip into a pile of foam pieces.", "segments": [[0, 96.16], [57.02, 71.49], [120.84, 124.25]], "duration": 170.2, "id": 2831}, {"image_id": "v_MduMjuxuIac.mp4", "caption": "Men walk out on a stage clap and high five. The men perform a cheerleader routine. They hold five men in the air and flip them and flip four men in groups. One man is lifted high and swings two men on his arms to the other side then five men make a star like shape. the men kneel and dance and pose for the finish. The men jump and cheer as they leave the stage. A person in the front row stands in front of the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.08], [18.99, 169.06], [83.17, 125.67], [127.47, 145.56], [162.73, 168.16], [169.06, 180.81], [179.01, 180.81]], "duration": 180.81, "id": 2832}, {"image_id": "v_Ga-204sSRoc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling of a roof while holding a piece of wood. He begins hammering down the piece of wood while the camera pans around. He continues hammering around and looks back at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.06], [12.52, 38.49], [29.68, 44.28]], "duration": 46.37, "id": 2833}, {"image_id": "v_KeTYxQkYfQw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen looking to the camera and snapping his fingers. This leads into a man playing an instrument while the camera watches. The man continues to play moving his hands up and down and looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 52.85], [45.18, 120.2], [111.67, 166.23]], "duration": 170.49, "id": 2834}, {"image_id": "v_rtJTJ10ppRc.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are outside at the beach playing sand volley ball.The ball falls and a fat boy with yellow shirts takes the ball and tries to serve it.However,the ball doesn't make it over the net,rolls back and he goes to get it.", "segments": [[0, 4.4], [4.4, 11.78], [11.78, 20.48]], "duration": 20.48, "id": 2835}, {"image_id": "v_Cx1614E1Mgk.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking and playing drums in a split screen. As he explains the process, he uses his hands to beat out a tune. He continues talking and playing until it switches exclusively to him playing the drums.", "segments": [[0, 14.06], [14.67, 71.52], [72.74, 122.25]], "duration": 122.25, "id": 2836}, {"image_id": "v_LlhgIOYsxsE.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting work out machines. They begin pulling a rope to work out. A woman is standing next to a work out machine.", "segments": [[4.12, 50.61], [6.75, 50.61], [56.23, 65.61]], "duration": 74.98, "id": 2837}, {"image_id": "v_yRD0WDE5IG0.mp4", "caption": "Several people exercise in a room. The step on and off of a platform in rhythm. They are very dancing intensely. Some of them spin in circles.", "segments": [[0, 218.27], [20.74, 218.27], [48.02, 218.27], [88.4, 218.27]], "duration": 218.27, "id": 2838}, {"image_id": "v__tPDUYSu1IQ.mp4", "caption": "There are two men elbow wrestling on a table. There are several people are watching them wrestle. In another scene, there are two more men elbow wrestling. There are a series of elbow wrestling events shown in the video where one man is more forceful than the other and ends up winning the wrestling game. There are some over dramatized scenes where people are elbow wrestling and over reacting to the game. There are also some referees seen acting as moderators in the elbow wrestling match.", "segments": [[25.37, 47.12], [47.12, 77.02], [77.02, 110.55], [110.55, 130.49], [130.49, 165.83], [165.83, 170.36]], "duration": 181.23, "id": 2839}, {"image_id": "v_MO37MVz4uuA.mp4", "caption": "A brunette woman is sitting in a room and has her left arm raised and is looking at her armpit. The woman puts her arm down and talks into the camera and a black cat climbs on furniture behind her while she's still talking. The woman is now standing in her shower fully clothed and she's applying a lot of shaving cream to her right leg that's propped on a wall.The woman is now standing upright and has a lot of shaving cream on her left armpit and falls, then she's standing with shaving cream all over her and then claps her hands. The woman is back in the room talking, then appears back in the shower with a razor and shaving her legs.The woman is talking in the room again and her black cat goes up to her and the woman continues to talk and ends with a clip of her carefully getting out of the bathtub.", "segments": [[0, 1.84], [1.84, 38.09], [38.09, 45.89], [45.89, 51.4], [51.4, 71.14], [71.14, 91.79]], "duration": 91.78999999999999, "id": 2840}, {"image_id": "v_MFvdMVCzfB0.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing a red shirt and white shorts is standing in her bathroom at the sink with a toothbrush in her hand. She takes some toothpaste and puts it on her brush and begins brushing. She starts to dance as she brushes her teeth and wiggles her body too. She continues brushing and dances faster and laughs. Then she realizes that her mouth is full of toothpaste foam and that it is coming out, she spits it out in the sink.", "segments": [[18.11, 63.86], [63.86, 106.76], [106.76, 142.98], [142.98, 169.67], [169.67, 178.24]], "duration": 190.64, "id": 2841}, {"image_id": "v_DZVJtWJrWTU.mp4", "caption": "A young woman with red and black hair is shown using a hair dryer. She uses a large round brush to brush her hair straight as it dries. When she is done, she rakes her hand through her hair and brushes it into place.", "segments": [[0, 26.2], [32.49, 167.69], [168.73, 209.61]], "duration": 209.61, "id": 2842}, {"image_id": "v_sfeUXTuKMs8.mp4", "caption": "Photos of horses are shown followed by the \"Equestrian Life\" logo. A woman stands outside with a brown horse and puts on a helmet. The woman talks to the camera and mounts the horse. She continues to speak to the camera and then walks the horse in a circle.", "segments": [[0, 12.8], [12.8, 57.61], [58.41, 108.01], [108.81, 160.02]], "duration": 160.02, "id": 2843}, {"image_id": "v_e9R62cyqW4A.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a bike down a long road followed by a large camel off in the distance. The animal moves closer while the camera zooms in the three people riding on the top the camel and passing by more riding camels.", "segments": [[0, 29.1], [30.79, 67.66]], "duration": 67.66, "id": 2844}, {"image_id": "v_tqanHyXTFFw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera that leads into a man speaking to a group. Another man speaks to the camera while the demonstrator points to a bike and takes off a wheel. More people speak to the camera while the man demonstrates how to put air in a tire and well as taking it apart.", "segments": [[0.82, 27.36], [23.68, 60.43], [42.87, 80.03]], "duration": 81.67, "id": 2845}, {"image_id": "v_XCejO7RyWdA.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a pink shirt is standing outside. A brown dog is playing with a frisbee. The dog is standing on the woman's back.", "segments": [[0, 54.1], [7.03, 54.1], [16.77, 18.4]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 2846}, {"image_id": "v_l12QfUhRLLc.mp4", "caption": "stadium is shown with a lot of people in the audience sitting on stands watching a criquet game. men are being interviewed in the field.", "segments": [[0, 45.87], [13.3, 18.12]], "duration": 45.87, "id": 2847}, {"image_id": "v_aQAAzVQ_gSA.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at a toy machine before he looks up and runs, jumping over a counter. He grabs a bowling ball and begins bowling. The men do backflips and slide as they bowl, sometimes rolling the balls under each other. One is blindfolded before making a strike, then the other does hand stands on the equipment.", "segments": [[0, 18.72], [19.57, 102.94], [108.05, 135.27], [137.83, 170.16]], "duration": 170.16, "id": 2848}, {"image_id": "v_5yqHTGQm2B0.mp4", "caption": "Men on these robotic looking pogo sticks are playing basketball inside of a court. They are walking on the pogo sticks and jumping a bit too. They try to get the ball in the hoop and continue bouncing around the court. A man in green does a flip in the air and shoots the ball into the hoop.", "segments": [[0, 20.37], [20.37, 41.16], [41.16, 68.32], [68.32, 84.87]], "duration": 84.87, "id": 2849}, {"image_id": "v_kTJDylL6pCU.mp4", "caption": "A dog is seen standing in a bath tub chained to a tub and a woman walks into frame and grabs the dog. She hold up a bottle and sprays it around the dog, rubbing it into it's fur while speaking to the camera. She then takes a hose and sprays the dog with water and ends by looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[9.06, 59.8], [58.89, 132.28], [131.38, 181.21]], "duration": 181.21, "id": 2850}, {"image_id": "v_czh5nNO_Eow.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with white words that read \"How to Paint a Paneled Door\". A man then appears in front of a red door that is leaning up against a wall that has plastic on it, and he's talking and touching the door.The man then grabs a paint brush and begins painting on paints various parts of the door while continuing to talk.The man stops painting, and begins talking as he points at a few things on the door. A black screen appears with white words that include a website if someone wants more information.", "segments": [[0, 2.15], [2.15, 30.13], [30.13, 205.56], [205.56, 212.02], [212.02, 215.25]], "duration": 215.25, "id": 2851}, {"image_id": "v_fBbjlXgtd50.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing classes dances in front of the camera. The woman turns around while raising an arm. The woman turns around again.", "segments": [[0, 29.12], [5.53, 8.01], [26.64, 29.12]], "duration": 29.12, "id": 2852}, {"image_id": "v_VLg5XqBRorY.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a chef at an omelette bar making multiple omelets at the same time. We see the man pour more egg into the pans. The man sprinkles seasonings on the omelets. The man pours the omelettes on plates. We then see the ending screen. We see photos of the chef.", "segments": [[0, 5.58], [5.58, 153.37], [54.84, 72.5], [100.39, 127.34], [134.78, 154.3], [155.23, 167.31], [167.31, 185.9]], "duration": 185.9, "id": 2853}, {"image_id": "v_zaPxNw11llc.mp4", "caption": "An individual stands behind a netted area. The individual begins to swing for a hammer throw. The individual releases the weight.", "segments": [[0, 8.3], [8.3, 18.03], [18.03, 21.85]], "duration": 21.85, "id": 2854}, {"image_id": "v_QjKmQO_9TaA.mp4", "caption": "A man is dancing in a room. He steps up and down on a small black stepping stool. He then dances with a woman in the room.", "segments": [[3.28, 94.3], [4.1, 94.3], [95.12, 164]], "duration": 164.0, "id": 2855}, {"image_id": "v_54VcTlhF2H8.mp4", "caption": "man is standing on a race track ready to make gymnastics in parallels in the midle of a stadium. a lot of people are sitting or walking on stands. the man lands in the floor, greets and people applauds.", "segments": [[3.18, 70.28], [0, 70.28], [62.16, 70.28]], "duration": 70.64, "id": 2856}, {"image_id": "v_0vCynjlkM5A.mp4", "caption": "A green race car comes into a pit stop. The man with the jack lifts the car up. The pit crew begins to work on the car by changing the front and rear tires of the car. The jack man then takes the jack out as a man in a pink shirt comes in front of the camera.", "segments": [[0, 13.14], [1.18, 2.43], [2.17, 10.38], [10.45, 13.14]], "duration": 13.14, "id": 2857}, {"image_id": "v_wOwWidUOaxc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down in a picture followed by two men bending down towards one another. They begin wrestling and one man pushes the other down and their clip is shown again.", "segments": [[0, 39.59], [34.83, 73.32]], "duration": 73.32, "id": 2858}, {"image_id": "v_ZX8sFpq471A.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are in a room with several targets behind them talking.The lady is then shown in another room demonstrating the proper technique to be efficient in archery.Two pattern continues and then the girl comes back and is shown with bows behind her back before shooting at a target on the wall.", "segments": [[0, 35.23], [35.23, 84.43], [84.99, 111.83]], "duration": 111.83, "id": 2859}, {"image_id": "v_W5jswt09V3s.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are playing instruments outside a building. Two men crouch in front of each other as they play. The men jump up, and begin doing martial arts moves around each other, simulating kicks and flips.", "segments": [[0, 20.26], [25.09, 47.28], [51.14, 192.98]], "duration": 192.98, "id": 2860}, {"image_id": "v__n0cR3Oshxg.mp4", "caption": "A man sits on front a bowl, then a woman shows cookie dough in bowls, then review a cookbook. Then, the woman make dough balls and putsion a baking pan, also a teen makes dough balls and puts in baking pan. After, the man put the cookies in the oven.", "segments": [[5.46, 32.77], [33.86, 206.44], [206.44, 212.99]], "duration": 218.45, "id": 2861}, {"image_id": "v_R2cL7miVEwA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running along a field and leads into them playing a field hockey game. The game continues on with arrows pointing to various players as well as shots of people falling down.", "segments": [[1.96, 110.77], [89.2, 190.17]], "duration": 196.05, "id": 2862}, {"image_id": "v_lx83HHNNrlc.mp4", "caption": "A man holds the handle of a cleaning tool. The man cleans the kitchen floor. A lady discusses with the man. The man takes the mop out of the red bucket and moves the bucket aside. The lady stands next to a male. The lady gestures with her hands. The man hands the mop to the lady and empties the red bucket in the sink. The male grabs alcohol, while the lady mops. The man hands the bucket and mop to the male. The man waves and salutes. The lady laughs out loud. The man washes his hand.", "segments": [[0.66, 9.86], [11.17, 85.44], [37.46, 55.86], [63.75, 67.69], [72.95, 76.23], [82.15, 84.12], [93.98, 97.26], [97.92, 108.44], [121.58, 122.9], [123.55, 125.52], [126.18, 128.81], [128.81, 131.44]], "duration": 131.44, "id": 2863}, {"image_id": "v_uOmCwWVJnLQ.mp4", "caption": "A bar of exercise equipment is shown in a living room. The different details of the equipment are being shown. The man holds on to the bar of the machine as he talks about it.", "segments": [[0, 19.82], [20.35, 73.92], [76.06, 107.13]], "duration": 107.13, "id": 2864}, {"image_id": "v_U6KrVIJSeDo.mp4", "caption": "A close up of an exercise equipment is shown followed by a man walking into frame and begins using the machine. The man moves back and fourth on the machine while the camera continues to capture his movements.", "segments": [[0, 36.42], [39.73, 66.22]], "duration": 66.22, "id": 2865}, {"image_id": "v_UmU8dx36O9w.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in front of the camera and begins putting a contact lens in her eyes. The woman keeps attempting to put the lens in her eye while looking around trying again. She succeeds the last time and is seen cheering to the camera.", "segments": [[1.29, 31.38], [20.2, 59.74], [60.17, 81.23]], "duration": 85.96000000000001, "id": 2866}, {"image_id": "v_BsSZDCHPjtY.mp4", "caption": "A large lake is seen with a man sitting in a tube as well as others looking around the area. The men crash with one hitting up against a log and leads into the tube being moved around and the person sitting back on.", "segments": [[0.26, 19.16], [15.33, 48.8]], "duration": 51.1, "id": 2867}, {"image_id": "v_5Ra6milBrOM.mp4", "caption": "An introduction animation is shown with the title of video. A female coach in sweats gives instructions to a group of students in a gym for a physical activity by acting out the routine. The students mimic the instructors motions. The coach points to different areas of the gym and individual groups of students. A student in black shorts runs across the gym. A group of students plays rock paper sissor. Students run around the perimeter of the gym to different stations. A student wearing a hat sits on the bench and looks sick. A animated page shows credits for the video.", "segments": [[0, 12.92], [12.92, 101.03], [55.22, 125.71], [105.73, 125.71], [117.48, 124.53], [128.05, 148.03], [148.03, 219.69], [184.45, 193.84], [224.39, 234.96]], "duration": 234.96, "id": 2868}, {"image_id": "v_Bvry1S-bYXU.mp4", "caption": "A girl competes vault gymnastic in front the judges while spectators observe from the bleachers. The gymnast approach to her coaches to talk and then they leave. After, the a flashback of the performance of the gymnast is show.", "segments": [[0, 103.59], [103.59, 125.73], [125.73, 158.15]], "duration": 158.15, "id": 2869}, {"image_id": "v_uThAYmmxBFk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen moving around a room performing an exercise routine. The people move up and down on beams while moving their arms around and a woman leading in front. The group continue dancing with one another and end by holding a pose.", "segments": [[0, 27.95], [22.45, 71.01], [65.51, 87.96]], "duration": 91.63, "id": 2870}, {"image_id": "v_OyV4eki18GE.mp4", "caption": "A baby in a hat is sitting on a chair. A man is holding the baby playing with a ball. A baby is sleeping on a couch.", "segments": [[0, 9.31], [9.7, 76.03], [76.41, 77.58]], "duration": 77.58, "id": 2871}, {"image_id": "v_D-XCWhvStd4.mp4", "caption": "We see the title screens for the video. We see a person skiing. We switch to a workshop and a list of tools. We see a man adds a band on a ski and the ski sits on a contraption. A man brushes and rubs the ski. We see colorful wax and a man turning a dial. The man pours wax and we get instructions before he irons the wax on the ski. The man scrapes the wax and brushes the ski. We get a ski fact and the video end card shows.", "segments": [[0, 3.26], [3.26, 11.09], [11.74, 33.26], [33.26, 43.69], [43.69, 60.65], [60.65, 73.69], [74.34, 102.39], [103.04, 119.99], [119.99, 130.43]], "duration": 130.43, "id": 2872}, {"image_id": "v_SXwCedd4MKg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen throwing a frisbee off into the distance and a dog chasing after it. Several shots are shown of dogs running after frisbees after their owner throws them. More dogs are seen chasing after the frisbees while the owner watches from behind.", "segments": [[0, 43.46], [46.93, 121.68], [98.21, 164.26]], "duration": 173.82999999999998, "id": 2873}, {"image_id": "v__zR5wVbz3xU.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps onto bars and starts swinging on them. He does a flip off them and lands on a mat.", "segments": [[0, 55.25], [55.84, 59.1]], "duration": 59.1, "id": 2874}, {"image_id": "v_uXX2lSVAXq8.mp4", "caption": "A medical processional puts a device and needle in someones face. It is actually a piercing. He cleans it and then she gets up.", "segments": [[0, 99.19], [56.91, 117.89], [106.51, 162.61]], "duration": 162.61, "id": 2875}, {"image_id": "v_YK5n3YTf8pI.mp4", "caption": "A group of photographers take pictures as a weight lifter shows up on stage and prepares his hands. He lifts a barbell at the knees, then pauses at his chest. He lifts the barbell over his head before dropping it back to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 11.43], [12.93, 39.09], [39.09, 60.14]], "duration": 60.14, "id": 2876}, {"image_id": "v_ZXEc0cahpuw.mp4", "caption": "There is a woman whose wearing nothing but shorts and a tshirt. She is shown sitting on a rock while washing the little bit of clothes she has in the river.", "segments": [[0.3, 30.37], [0, 29.92]], "duration": 30.37, "id": 2877}, {"image_id": "v_VFUk9WX8y5w.mp4", "caption": "A group of people holding skateboards stand on the start line, then people skateboard down the road. They get in a school bus, then, they skateboard on the road. A boy falls on the ground, and other people continue skateboarding. Two, people fall on the road. After, a man gives the start to people who skateboard on the road until reach the finish line to receive their trophies. A person skateboard jumping on a ramp.", "segments": [[0, 33.88], [33.88, 48.06], [48.06, 70.12], [70.12, 74.06], [74.85, 144.98], [145.77, 157.58]], "duration": 157.57999999999998, "id": 2878}, {"image_id": "v_Rh2UGc42X0M.mp4", "caption": "A woman smiles before sledding down a hill on an intertube. She laughs and waves at the camera on the way down the hill. Several people are then shown sledding together before coming to a stop on a snowy slope.", "segments": [[0, 22.43], [25.76, 128.78], [131.27, 166.16]], "duration": 166.16, "id": 2879}, {"image_id": "v_M0UsJ31h64U.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are shown swimming around in a pool playing water polo. The match continues on with people passing the ball around the pool while many sit along the sidelines and watch.", "segments": [[0, 224.93], [118.09, 224.93]], "duration": 224.93, "id": 2880}, {"image_id": "v_Ej_a4iCd45I.mp4", "caption": "We see the title cards on blue. We see men playing beach volleyball. We see an interview with a man. Two men high five each other the men all trade sides. The ball lands on the ground. A man kicks the ball to the other side. A man jumps and spins in the air. The man in gray daces as the other men jump around. The men pose for a photo. The title card is shown and we fade out.", "segments": [[0, 4.37], [4.37, 163.57], [15.74, 56.86], [67.35, 71.73], [96.22, 103.21], [121.58, 124.21], [135.58, 141.7], [150.45, 154.82], [159.2, 163.57], [163.57, 174.94]], "duration": 174.94, "id": 2881}, {"image_id": "v_-1IlTIWPNs4.mp4", "caption": "A cameraman walks down a snowy driveway to capture a young child shoveling up snow. The boy speaks into the camera and continues pushing the snow around with a shovel.", "segments": [[0, 21.08], [21.94, 86.05]], "duration": 86.05, "id": 2882}, {"image_id": "v_tJSF2GAp9TU.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps on parallel bars and does a gymnastics routine. The audience is watching him in the stands. He jumps off and lands on the mat with his hands raised.", "segments": [[0, 60.23], [0.81, 60.23], [55.38, 60.23]], "duration": 80.85, "id": 2883}, {"image_id": "v_QePg4GKh3rw.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing ready and waves one arm into the air. She jumps onto a set of uneven bars and performs a gymnastics routine consisting on flips and tricks. She jumps off the bars in the end and waves her arms in the air while her coach claps for her.", "segments": [[0, 6.92], [10.54, 52.39], [53.71, 65.9]], "duration": 65.9, "id": 2884}, {"image_id": "v_CEEJ1gzdmAk.mp4", "caption": "Guys are playing hockey on an ice arena. Some players are laid out. A pile of players lay on a fallen athlete. A player gets knocked to the ice and his helmet too. A guy has a head injury and is blooding on the ice after he falls.", "segments": [[0, 169.83], [3.43, 168.12], [39.46, 42.89], [47.18, 50.61], [152.68, 153.54]], "duration": 171.55, "id": 2885}, {"image_id": "v_6yD5jZn6SEs.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen leaning over a long bar with a person standing next to her on the ground. The girl then hops herself up on the beam. Finally the girl begins to swing down around.", "segments": [[0.2, 4.16], [3.9, 9.18], [8.85, 12.68]], "duration": 13.21, "id": 2886}, {"image_id": "v_UaiKJ_7mKIA.mp4", "caption": "A group stands at a train station. A man shovels snow from the sidewalk. A man in a wheelchair goes down a sidewalk on a cold winter day. A woman in snow jacket shovels snow from a sidewalk. A man breaks up ice with a spade. A man shovels snow from a sidewalk into a tree lined planter.", "segments": [[0, 1.2], [1.96, 9.49], [9.94, 13.1], [15.51, 17.47], [17.62, 21.38], [21.83, 26.35]], "duration": 30.12, "id": 2887}, {"image_id": "v_mhqfGS59FG0.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen holding tennis rackets and hitting a ball around in a small room. The men continue to hit the ball back and fourth to one another and run around the hit the ball.", "segments": [[0.4, 36.2], [35.8, 78.76]], "duration": 79.55, "id": 2888}, {"image_id": "v_rIqITS6qMB0.mp4", "caption": "A guy stands in the fields and lights a piece of paper. A guy tosses the piece of paper towards stack wood and then runs. The wood catches on fire. The guy walks towards a man.", "segments": [[0, 6.42], [6.84, 7.54], [7.68, 27.93], [23.46, 27.93]], "duration": 27.93, "id": 2889}, {"image_id": "v_HPv-d6qybdE.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around an indoor gym and leads into clips of people pole volting over a bar. Several people are shown running with a pole over a beam and onto a mat one after the other. More people take their turns while others walk around the gym and watch them on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 35.39], [32.18, 139.43], [132.99, 213.43]], "duration": 214.51, "id": 2890}, {"image_id": "v_lRRBeGRTpdc.mp4", "caption": "the word BRENMAR is in the center of the screen going around, then change to the word UNiiQU3 and Hoola Hoop. three women wearing all black are standing holding a white hoola hoope on her hands. a man is bending on the floor srronded by hoola hoops. woman wearing black pants and white shirt starts dancing with a hoola hoop arond his neck. second woman with yellow hair starts dancing two people appears and a set of dancing women appears doing tricks with a hoola hoop while the man is watching them, woman with green jacket is singing the song. women appears in a dark room with brilliant hoola hoops dancing and doing tricks, woman with yellow hair keeps dancing alone.", "segments": [[0, 14.05], [14.05, 16.05], [16.05, 18.06], [18.06, 19.06], [19.06, 128.42], [128.42, 200.66]], "duration": 200.66, "id": 2891}, {"image_id": "v_m6w3Skrc89s.mp4", "caption": "The man in black shirt is kneeling and reached for his back leg. The man slightly moved forward. The man paused forward while he is holding his ankle.", "segments": [[0, 3.9], [1.81, 18.27], [13.94, 27.89]], "duration": 27.89, "id": 2892}, {"image_id": "v_NSi8DorB6L0.mp4", "caption": "This man is water skiing and he does it sitting down and standing up, except he's holding onto the handle bars backwards. While he's skiing he tries to around to stand forward like normal, but he goes flying when he tries to turn around.", "segments": [[0, 35.16], [35.16, 39.73]], "duration": 39.73, "id": 2893}, {"image_id": "v_voaGOm-rl9Y.mp4", "caption": "A person is shoveling snow off their sidewalk. A dog is jumping in the snow he is throwing. Words come onto the screen.", "segments": [[0, 43.77], [9.58, 43.77], [45.07, 51.8]], "duration": 51.8, "id": 2894}, {"image_id": "v_nQjxgOz1WYo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen acting crazy towards a camera while sitting at a poker table with another man. The men stick their tongues out at the camera and the camera moves in on another table with people playing. In the end he faces the camera towards himself.", "segments": [[0, 9.25], [5.94, 28.56], [28.07, 33.02]], "duration": 33.02, "id": 2895}, {"image_id": "v_4EQYvkfMUWw.mp4", "caption": "A teen holds a violin and then plays on front of other teens that talk and laugh. Teens talk and make comments and a woman laugh. Then people in the room applauds.", "segments": [[0, 58.34], [8.55, 26.81], [47.74, 58.93]], "duration": 58.93, "id": 2896}, {"image_id": "v_rWHm1-o_zL0.mp4", "caption": "A shiny mopped floor is shown. A janitor is shown rolling rugs, scraping gum, putting out signs, and mopping floors. He goes into a closet and picks out the cleaner he uses while he talks about it. He sprays water and the cleaning solution into his mop cart. He is then shown mopping the floor with the solution. He takes everything apart and puts it away before washing his hands for the day.", "segments": [[0, 10.55], [12.18, 31.66], [33.29, 50.34], [51.15, 116.1], [116.91, 140.46], [141.27, 162.38]], "duration": 162.38, "id": 2897}, {"image_id": "v_rDlPcW_2nG0.mp4", "caption": "Two women standing in the kitchen, one girl is wearing a black top and the other one is wearing a beige top. The woman in beige showed a sandwich on the kitchen counter, then started peeing the green cucumber using a peeler, then start slicing the cucumber. She then spread butter on the bread, placed the sliced cucumber on the bread, sprinkle some salt, cut the edges of the bread then sliced it into triangle, then placed in on the white plate, then both of the women ate the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 29.38], [25.8, 103.92], [57.33, 143.34]], "duration": 143.34, "id": 2898}, {"image_id": "v_6w4OWjY6k_k.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen walking forward with a stick in his hand and pushing a puck down a track. He walks back while another boy hits the puck and several people watch on the sidelines. The young boy continues to walk back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 22.57], [19.07, 42.72], [42.72, 53.73]], "duration": 53.73, "id": 2899}, {"image_id": "v_qJYp25ni6tg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera followed by various ingredients laid out and him chopping up vegetables. The man continues cutting and mixes the ingredients into a bowl. He pours liquid into the bowl and ends by presenting it on a plate.", "segments": [[0.97, 53.13], [44.43, 129.44], [109.15, 188.36]], "duration": 193.19, "id": 2900}, {"image_id": "v_-rJVr9sQ1h8.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of dogs walking around and leads into a woman petting a dogs fur. The woman continues brushing and shows clips of the dog running along a park.", "segments": [[3.22, 53.7], [49.41, 105.79]], "duration": 107.41, "id": 2901}, {"image_id": "v_Q8Y9pmhvJqE.mp4", "caption": "Two adult men in helmets are teaching little boys how to play ice hockey. The boys gather in a circle, hitting their sticks on the ground. They then cheer and skate away.", "segments": [[0, 37.73], [38.54, 47.63], [47.9, 53.52]], "duration": 53.52, "id": 2902}, {"image_id": "v_F1-PnXa9SwQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white dress starts a lawn mower. She starts mowing the lawn. She turns around and goes back the other way.", "segments": [[0, 11.57], [11.74, 23.81], [23.48, 33.07]], "duration": 33.07, "id": 2903}, {"image_id": "v_QQfH0FDsYPc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a field and begins swinging an object around and around. He continues swinging and finishes by standing on the field.", "segments": [[0, 5.32], [5.38, 11.56]], "duration": 11.56, "id": 2904}, {"image_id": "v_o1DCCTev0CQ.mp4", "caption": "A sign says superfresco easy on the screen. A man is shown painting a wall with grey paint. He uses broad sweeps to completely cover the wall.", "segments": [[0, 38.72], [39.79, 168.84], [173.15, 215.09]], "duration": 215.09, "id": 2905}, {"image_id": "v_96krk6Ka9Vc.mp4", "caption": "Several views are seen from the inside of a stadium. A group of teams walk onto the field, cheering. The crowd cheers as the teams make goals during the game.", "segments": [[0, 13.89], [15.05, 71.77], [73.5, 115.75]], "duration": 115.75, "id": 2906}, {"image_id": "v_pi4p4zdoqmw.mp4", "caption": "A man in surfing attire is featured with his name and size of his board. The video cuts to the beach and the man begins to surf. He catches waves but wipes out early on most of them. A bird appears to divebomb into the ocean. Other surfers further out appear.", "segments": [[0, 6.42], [6.42, 142.76], [10.71, 142.76], [57.82, 59.24], [77.09, 80.66]], "duration": 142.76, "id": 2907}, {"image_id": "v_jwyLw2n_YVw.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks into the kitchen and turns the knobs on the oven.A blender is then put on the counter and the lever is pulled down followed by a tea bag being placed in a cup.The lady then moves to a counter and adds a piece of baking paper over two large racks.She then grabs the boiling hot water and pours it into the mug.She returns back to the counter and begins placing rolls of cookie dough on the racks.Its finally time for the cookies to be in put in the oven and she sets the timer on her phone so she won't burn them.After the time is up,she takes them out of the oven adds one on a plate and takes it to a girl down the hall.", "segments": [[0, 1.72], [1.72, 19.77], [19.77, 33.52], [33.52, 42.11], [42.11, 116.88], [116.02, 146.95], [146.09, 171.88]], "duration": 171.88, "id": 2908}, {"image_id": "v_bNR0MmJ9d8I.mp4", "caption": "A man speaks to the camera. He rolls a big box into the room and proceeds to open a box where a bicycle sits inside. From the inside of the box, he takes out a small box full of tools for the use of assembling the bicycle. He's seen speaking to the camera again. He removes all of the boxes sitting around the bicycle and assembles the bike. Again, he speaks to the camera. He removes two pedals from bags and attaches both pedals onto the bicycle. He takes the bicycle for a ride. Briefly, he speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.57], [5.33, 32.01], [32.77, 37.34], [38.87, 41.15], [41.91, 99.07], [51.06, 54.11], [99.83, 125.74], [126.51, 129.55], [130.32, 138.7]], "duration": 152.42000000000002, "id": 2909}, {"image_id": "v_28GYivx4lyk.mp4", "caption": "We see two people playing foosball. A man in a black shirt leave the room and turns before leaving. A man puts his face in front of the camera.", "segments": [[0, 11.05], [0, 3.59], [9.34, 11.05]], "duration": 11.05, "id": 2910}, {"image_id": "v_uAKyRSEaY1s.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a grey t-shirt stands at a desk with a computer monitor displaying a timer. The man holds a Rubik's Cube and starts the timer as he starts to solve the Rubik's Cube. As the man completes the Rubik's Cube he drops the puzzle and stops the timer at 26 seconds.", "segments": [[0, 5.02], [5.02, 31.57], [31.57, 41.82]], "duration": 41.82, "id": 2911}, {"image_id": "v_fU2mbWwVSXU.mp4", "caption": "A man in white uniform is standing at the kitchen counter. The man pull out a knife and sharpener, he touched the edge of the knife. The man hold the metal knife sharpener and slowly sharpen the knife from side to side. The man use different types of tools to sharpen the knife such as machine and water stone.", "segments": [[0, 162.61], [17.89, 42.28], [33.34, 89.44], [78.05, 162.61]], "duration": 162.61, "id": 2912}, {"image_id": "v_QWXzDdMjZOw.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a saxophone, then he takes out the neck and blows the mouthpiece while talking. Then, the man puts on the neck in the saxophone and shows the keys while talking. Then, the man plays the saxophone while explaining.", "segments": [[6.08, 75.22], [75.22, 123.08], [123.08, 144.35]], "duration": 151.95, "id": 2913}, {"image_id": "v_TKGjHAmCaRo.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing with a dog on the grass. he then flips and throws a Frisbee. The dog runs side to side and chases it. He grabs two other Frisbees and tosses them around while the dog jumps. He throws the Frisbee some more while the dog runs. The dog continues jumping side to side and running in all directions as they get thrown.", "segments": [[0, 11.63], [8.21, 32.85], [32.85, 57.49], [57.49, 88.97], [90.34, 117.03], [117.72, 136.88]], "duration": 136.88, "id": 2914}, {"image_id": "v_q23IYtwNOkE.mp4", "caption": " A man and an woman sip a blue liquid and rinse his mouth. Then, the woman bend and throw the liquid while the man continues rinsing his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 41.7], [42.31, 60.1]], "duration": 61.32, "id": 2915}, {"image_id": "v__nBOWe_VhXg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown talking to the camera and leads into her beginning to paint a picture. She moves her brush back and fourth on the canvas and putting various colors and swirls around the sides.", "segments": [[0, 36.1], [32.39, 185.11]], "duration": 185.11, "id": 2916}, {"image_id": "v_0wwx4wnHv-U.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing on a tennis court bouncing a ball. Another man is seen standing ready on the other side in front of a large audience. The man then hits the ball over the net and bounces back on the other side.", "segments": [[0, 1.84], [1.89, 6.93], [6.19, 8.56]], "duration": 8.78, "id": 2917}, {"image_id": "v__kG3DxvGnnQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen sitting in a chair with another person wiping her face and handing her a mirror to look in. He then pierces the girl's cheeks and the camera zooms in on the girl's face when he's done.", "segments": [[0, 93.91], [91.82, 208.68]], "duration": 208.68, "id": 2918}, {"image_id": "v_9LraB2HBC0g.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while standing in a shower and holding various objects. The woman then rubs lotions all over her legs and begins shaving her legs and ending by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[2.76, 94.77], [68.09, 179.42]], "duration": 184.02, "id": 2919}, {"image_id": "v__g2D5oXLCZI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera holding a basketball. The man then begins throwing the ball in the hoop several times. He walks back to the camera and continues speaking while moving his hands.", "segments": [[0, 15.48], [15.48, 40.73], [38.83, 53.5]], "duration": 54.31, "id": 2920}, {"image_id": "v_2OPk79DNQdM.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen speaking to the camera and transitions into her with her hair in front of her face. She slowly brushes and parts her hair and flips her hair back in the end.", "segments": [[0, 28.12], [29.32, 119.68]], "duration": 119.68, "id": 2921}, {"image_id": "v_3gc3nddr8TE.mp4", "caption": "A small group of girls are seen huddled up and begin moving around the field. More women are seen running around the large field playing field hockey. The girls continue to play against one another and end by waling away.", "segments": [[0, 12.21], [11.63, 42.15], [35.76, 55.24]], "duration": 58.14, "id": 2922}, {"image_id": "v_6iTymXuGFhg.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a young child moving around on a swing and people standing around him to push. The camera continues to follow the boy around the yard while the mom lays in the grass and then the daughter swinging around. The parents play with the kids more, give them a kiss, and the dad walks away with the daughter.", "segments": [[0, 26.75], [17.63, 99.11], [96.07, 121.6]], "duration": 121.6, "id": 2923}, {"image_id": "v_jG1kgKJkf8c.mp4", "caption": "A street performer is sitting down on a crate and drumming on buckets and pans with drum sticks. He busts on of the buckets and in frustration, stabs it with the stick. He replaces the bucket and starts over in his beat as a crowd gathers. He rearranges the buckets once again and continues drumming.", "segments": [[0, 61.26], [67.01, 85.19], [86.15, 154.12], [155.07, 191.45]], "duration": 191.45, "id": 2924}, {"image_id": "v_29k1TypoU4w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling on a mat and demonstrating how to do a proper exercise but moving his arms and legs. The man moves back and fourth while moving his arms and legs and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.87, 39.45], [23.41, 83.67]], "duration": 86.7, "id": 2925}, {"image_id": "v_22n4w0uferc.mp4", "caption": "A screen appears with a snowy mountain with pine trees and an overlay on the screen of a logo and words that say \"Efficient Hot Waxing Tips Reduces time material waste, cost and mess\". A pair of skis are in a workshop and a man is doing some work on them that included rounds rubbing wax on the skis, ironing the skis, scraping skis while words on the bottom appear throughout the entire process as it explains what is being done.The man is now sharpening the edges of a file then begins to scrape the skis, then finishes up by ironing it with different clothes between the iron and skis. The outro screen appears and it's the exact picture like the intro but the words now say \"Checkout our video Scraping & Brushing\" and it also includes the company logo.", "segments": [[0, 5.68], [5.68, 124.11], [124.11, 184.74], [184.74, 189.47]], "duration": 189.48, "id": 2926}, {"image_id": "v_9K97gmkVbyQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while grabbing various bags and laying them out. She puts and object into a bag while pointing to a box next to her. She stuffs paper into the bag and ends by tying a bow on top.", "segments": [[0, 42.23], [36.07, 86.22], [92.38, 170.68]], "duration": 175.96, "id": 2927}, {"image_id": "v_r3H_75-lRjE.mp4", "caption": "A man plays the harmonica on front a microphone, then he ends and say goodbye. Then, a girl steps on the stage and speaks with the microphone.", "segments": [[11.99, 170.63], [172.47, 183.54]], "duration": 184.46, "id": 2928}, {"image_id": "v_jzGsvw5Douk.mp4", "caption": "We see rafts and people in a building. People board a bus and exit at a water park. People grab rafts,and people on rafts fill a river. We see an artificial waterfall and people sliding through it. A person falls out of their raft. A man holding a selfie stick is riding a raft. Another man holding a selfie stick. We see the phone number and credits for the video.", "segments": [[0, 24.29], [26.24, 49.56], [49.56, 66.08], [66.08, 95.23], [89.4, 93.29], [117.58, 122.44], [139.93, 149.65], [175.89, 194.35]], "duration": 194.35, "id": 2929}, {"image_id": "v_V2PhVadSbpQ.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera while intermittently raking leaves. A closeup of a pile of leaves is shown.", "segments": [[5.09, 66.93], [37.47, 39.65]], "duration": 72.75, "id": 2930}, {"image_id": "v_IB068eD8A7Y.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a small boy holding a bow and arrow in a field. The boy shoots the arrow stretches and shoots more arrows. We see the man shoot three arrows and see the target. We see the boy as he tries to shoot balloons on the target and misses them all. The boy walks away and we see lady shoot two arrows and turn and kiss her hand.", "segments": [[0, 10.16], [10.16, 63.22], [63.22, 104.99], [106.12, 200.95], [202.08, 225.79]], "duration": 225.79, "id": 2931}, {"image_id": "v_vWEbHvnkogA.mp4", "caption": "A jazz musicians is teaching how to play the saxophone. He is giving instructions and talking about music and scales. Then he starts to play some for a little before going back to lecturing. He talks about the notes he has written on the chalk board and goes back to lecturing more about it all.", "segments": [[0, 33.41], [33.41, 74.46], [74.46, 134.6], [134.6, 190.92]], "duration": 190.92, "id": 2932}, {"image_id": "v_omuYi2Vhgjo.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen smiling and laughing into the camera and beginning to play piano. The boy plays furiously on the piano at a fast pace and leads into him wearing a different shirt and still playing. He finishes by putting his body onto the piano and then smiling into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 25.7], [24.54, 179.93], [205.63, 233.68]], "duration": 233.68, "id": 2933}, {"image_id": "v_8UJ5PGzu1PE.mp4", "caption": "A man lays a Coca Cola bottle on a bundle of hay. The man shots an arrow from a bow. The arrow uncaps the bottle.", "segments": [[1.18, 15.69], [29.91, 36.42], [51.52, 59.22]], "duration": 59.22, "id": 2934}, {"image_id": "v_8qODQbBVsus.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are standing at a counter with a pineapple. The man ripped the top of the pineapple. The man sliced the top off the pineapple. The man cut the pineapple in half. The man cut the skin off the pineapple.", "segments": [[0, 31.61], [31.61, 47.07], [47.07, 53.39], [53.39, 68.85], [68.85, 140.5]], "duration": 140.5, "id": 2935}, {"image_id": "v_mCdKLZGnKxk.mp4", "caption": "Someone is placing a vent on the roof of a house. They seal the vent with glue.", "segments": [[0, 75.05], [50.28, 56.66]], "duration": 75.05, "id": 2936}, {"image_id": "v_jKPgBtesr74.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are standing behind a table. They have a glass and a lemon on the table. They pour it into a pitcher of water and make a drink. They pour the drink into two glasses. They both take a drink out of the straw.", "segments": [[0, 110.74], [23.81, 32.67], [45.4, 67.55], [71.98, 81.94], [85.27, 88.04]], "duration": 110.74000000000001, "id": 2937}, {"image_id": "v_74MEdLMrXAQ.mp4", "caption": "Boys play indoor soccer while kicking the ball and passing it to playmates, then the referee enter to the center and gives instructions. Then, the referee puts the ball on the goal area and a boy kick the ball, but the goalkeeper stop the ball. The boys play shooting the ball to the goalkeeper stops the ball. After, a player scores and the teams continue playing.", "segments": [[4.06, 40.55], [40.55, 95.3], [95.3, 181.47], [181.47, 201.74]], "duration": 202.76, "id": 2938}, {"image_id": "v_bpfak_VIJ8o.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of landscapes are shown that leads into a man and woman speaking to the camera. The couple walk onto a sandy pit and pan around a group of players. More people are seen speaking to the camera that shows shots of them playing volleyball and ending with the couple.", "segments": [[5.88, 70.54], [61.13, 169.29], [148.13, 230.42]], "duration": 235.13, "id": 2939}, {"image_id": "v_NVnjzpoY1O8.mp4", "caption": "An elderly priest is sitting down in his chair indoors in a large building and 3 different men break dance on the ground in front of him as the people around him start clapping and lights go off from all the flashes. When the men are done dancing they stand up together in front of the people and the priest, and they take their bow to the priest and to the people. The men then walk over to the priest and each kiss his hand and white words appear on the screen and say \"Bilder: Reuters Redigering: Malin Lagerlof\".", "segments": [[0, 45.56], [45.56, 51.82], [51.82, 59.56]], "duration": 59.56, "id": 2940}, {"image_id": "v_AU3_oU1_rfA.mp4", "caption": "An eHow intro comes onto the screen with music in the background. I man appears on the screen narrating the video about how to shave. A man is shown getting his skin moisturized and having shaving cream buffed onto his face. The video ends with the eHow closing credits.", "segments": [[0, 5.18], [5.18, 93.23], [17.09, 81.31], [93.23, 103.59]], "duration": 103.59, "id": 2941}, {"image_id": "v_rzZutQSmyJo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is playing a set of bagpipes in a room. She laughs as a man helps her adjust the pipes, and continues to play.", "segments": [[0, 71.12], [79.49, 139.46]], "duration": 139.46, "id": 2942}, {"image_id": "v_-0NfmccuL9Q.mp4", "caption": "A man has a few tools and is pumping his car up some so he can take off the tire. He uses the tool to take off all of the nuts one by one. Then he grabs the tire off and moves it over and he puts on another tire. He does everything he did before but the opposite, putting the nuts back on in place to tighten the tire on, he then brings the car back down.", "segments": [[0, 33.43], [33.43, 80.88], [80.88, 145.59], [145.59, 215.69]], "duration": 215.69, "id": 2943}, {"image_id": "v_sFKOnFMJF2Q.mp4", "caption": "A teen skateboards in a road, then he walks with a friend holding his skateboard, then they skateboard. A car enters the street where the teen skateboard. A youth wearing a pink t-shirt skateboard on the street. The teen walks holding his skateboard. Teens skateboard in the street making tricks and turn. After, two teens walk in the street, and then they skateboard.", "segments": [[1.79, 31.02], [25.65, 26.85], [31.62, 42.95], [38.78, 41.76], [42.95, 83.52], [83.52, 112.76]], "duration": 119.32, "id": 2944}, {"image_id": "v_l6a56j87obQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a stage at night time with a lot of stage lights, a band behind him, and a crowd in front of him and he's playing a bag pipe.Another man comes onto the stage playing the guitar and the lights go flashing.When the man is done playing the bagpipe another man runs on the stage to grab it from him, and the man who was playing the bagpipe gets something to drink, then grabs a mic and starts singing and waving his right arm in the air.", "segments": [[0, 88.18], [88.18, 106.57], [106.57, 126.87]], "duration": 126.87, "id": 2945}, {"image_id": "v_EMgWolnolDg.mp4", "caption": "Two men outside in the woods while one man wearing a knit cap balances on a rope tied across two trees while one man with a black beard supports the man with the knit cap. The man with the beard releases the man on the rope and moves away. A man in a green hoodie balances on the rope while the man in the beard supports the man on the rope. A Man in a grey shirt pushes off of a man wearing a black shirt and performs a back somersault and lands firmly on the leaf covered ground.", "segments": [[0, 59.71], [58.99, 99.27], [99.99, 125.17], [125.17, 143.87]], "duration": 143.87, "id": 2946}, {"image_id": "v_wlx5YuEHsO8.mp4", "caption": "A white intro screen appears with special effects and a lot of coloring that include words, numbers, and logos. Men are then shown in a dark room filled with people as they put on shirts, shakes hands with others, pose and then they begin a game of Foosball while images of their flag briefly show up on the screen and a lot of people around them watch as different men team up against one another.When they are done playing a man and a woman are standing and talking at a mic while one man hands over a box to another man and they walk off the stage.The same white screen from the beginning appears with special effects and lot of colored words then it fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 8.9], [8.9, 174.98], [174.98, 188.82], [188.82, 197.72]], "duration": 197.72, "id": 2947}, {"image_id": "v_v79nh_3vpVk.mp4", "caption": "People are playing lacrosse on a field of grass. A man in a white shirt is talking to the camera. A girl then talks to the camera. Pink water bottles are in a box. They walk onto the field and start playing.", "segments": [[0, 6.66], [12.81, 28.19], [31.26, 37.92], [42.53, 44.07], [70.72, 84.04]], "duration": 102.49000000000001, "id": 2948}, {"image_id": "v_mFSdzT5gXQs.mp4", "caption": "A computer generated game of a man, he starts spinning. He turns around quickly and lets go of the frisbee and the refs run up to mark where it lands. The man starts to do it again, he spins and throws again. The score shows up on the screen before he spins and throws again and then he cheers in excitment.", "segments": [[0, 34.37], [34.37, 83.16], [64.31, 148.57], [148.57, 221.75]], "duration": 221.75, "id": 2949}, {"image_id": "v_Vp63nbOfxgs.mp4", "caption": "Some is carrying an instrument case walking around outside, they put the case down on the ground and take out a violin. The woman plays the violin everywhere she goes and she dances while she plays too. She does some movements of her body making her back bend down almost touching the ground while still jamming out on the violin. She is very intense about it, she plays and plays and when she is done she walks away casually.", "segments": [[0, 17.01], [17.01, 79.38], [79.38, 123.12], [123.12, 162.01]], "duration": 162.01, "id": 2950}, {"image_id": "v_8729_qnILMM.mp4", "caption": "A woman plays flute sit on a piano while moving her feet. The woman finish playing bow and smiles.", "segments": [[3.42, 81.33], [81.33, 85.61]], "duration": 85.61, "id": 2951}, {"image_id": "v_Ie7DREiXp08.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and pouring out liquids into a case. She then pulls contacts into the case and then places one in each eye. She holds up the case in the end followed by her putting the contacts back into the case.", "segments": [[0, 55.55], [54.74, 111.9], [116.73, 161.01]], "duration": 161.01, "id": 2952}, {"image_id": "v_AXA-G5DdNrU.mp4", "caption": "People raft down a rocky river. Suddenly, the boat turn over and all men fall in the water. Then, people reach the shore, while a man climbs a rock. After, persons in a boat rescue a man in the water and recover the boat. two men stand in the shore next to a ladder. Rafters are still in the water waiting.", "segments": [[0, 12.16], [12.61, 23.41], [23.41, 64.38], [65.73, 72.49], [72.94, 81.04], [81.49, 90.05]], "duration": 90.05, "id": 2953}, {"image_id": "v_K-rEA43wOS0.mp4", "caption": "People play beer pong while other persons watch. People get happy when the ball get inside a cup. Then, a man throw a ball inside a cup, and a person drink the liquid in the cup. A man throw a ball inside a cup and people congratulates and hug the man.", "segments": [[16.72, 128.46], [43.33, 66.13], [66.89, 76.01], [115.54, 128.46]], "duration": 152.02, "id": 2954}, {"image_id": "v_6VNFwlzQiuc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen speaking to the camera and walking into a tattoo shop, followed by a person getting tattooed by an artist. The man continues speaking to the camera while another is being tattooed in the background and continues speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 55.96], [54.86, 219.45]], "duration": 219.45, "id": 2955}, {"image_id": "v_JKCwcCMAnxg.mp4", "caption": "We see a blue title card. A man and a woman begin dancing in a ballroom. They pause and the lady sweeps her leg. The man dips the lady. The lady slides to the ground. The lady does the splits. The man lifts the lady in the air. We switch and see people dancing in different locations. We see the blue ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.16], [4.16, 186.14], [60.31, 76.95], [93.59, 97.75], [110.23, 117.51], [141.43, 145.59], [160.15, 164.31], [186.14, 195.5], [195.5, 207.98]], "duration": 207.98, "id": 2956}, {"image_id": "v_fhXVqPPDjN8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen dancing in a nightclub with two women around him. The three continue dancing with one another while others dance on the side. The people dance around one another while the camera captures their movements.", "segments": [[0, 68.82], [35.19, 117.31], [35.19, 156.41]], "duration": 156.41, "id": 2957}, {"image_id": "v_5RKzXZ-0xQ8.mp4", "caption": "A person paint nails to a woman using purple nail polish. A woman is looking down.", "segments": [[0, 9.21], [9.21, 14.4]], "duration": 14.4, "id": 2958}, {"image_id": "v_PQgydNnSggw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a chair speaking and waving to the camera and looks into a mirror showing her and the camera man. A tattoo artist then steps into frame and begins tattooing a symbol on the girl's neck. In the end pictures of the girl's tattoo are shown.", "segments": [[0, 92.37], [93.22, 147.45], [147.45, 169.48]], "duration": 169.48, "id": 2959}, {"image_id": "v_ulJxGEx2r7o.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads to a small group of small children standing on a stage holding instruments. They begin playing the instruments while the camera zooms in out of each of them playing.", "segments": [[0, 41.37], [44.63, 217.71]], "duration": 217.71, "id": 2960}, {"image_id": "v_BZK8b0xCkB0.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a santa hat is talking. She puts Christmas lights onto the tree. She puts ribbon around the tree. She strings decorations around the tree. She puts bulbs on the Christmas tree. She puts small stuffed animals on the tree. She puts candy canes on the tree. She puts a star on the tree. The star falls off the tree. She puts cotton underneath the tree.", "segments": [[0, 218.87], [30.64, 43.77], [43.77, 62.38], [62.38, 91.93], [91.93, 183.85], [182.76, 190.42], [194.8, 196.98], [200.27, 202.46], [201.36, 203.55], [214.49, 218.87]], "duration": 218.87, "id": 2961}, {"image_id": "v_rkgeHZjFskY.mp4", "caption": "A young girl in a room talks to a camera and shows off her hair style. She then goes back to before it was braided and combs it out, sectioning it off. She then takes two sections and intertwines them, and grabs more lengths of hair as she goes down the braid. She then tucks the braid to the side and grabs lengths of hair to secure it to the side and incorporates lengths from the back of her hair. Her hair is succesfully braided and she shows off the finished look.", "segments": [[0, 10.41], [10.41, 24.28], [24.28, 97.12], [138.74, 173.43], [97.12, 138.74]], "duration": 173.43, "id": 2962}, {"image_id": "v_pbeQcGC3nXY.mp4", "caption": "A man in fencing gear begins to talk about fencing gear getting ready to talk about his fencing experiences. He gets dressed in his gear and goes to the studio for practice. He and another man practice with one another while a timer is running. There is a certain stance and way you move your feet when you fence that helps with moving towards and from the opponet .", "segments": [[0, 24.25], [24.25, 57.59], [56.98, 82.44], [82.44, 121.23]], "duration": 121.23, "id": 2963}, {"image_id": "v_uCLUexLKpnU.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a sky showing kites in the air. A person is then seen riding a kite board on the water. The person continues to ride around while the camera watches.", "segments": [[0, 3.52], [3.15, 9.36], [8.16, 14.38]], "duration": 14.98, "id": 2964}, {"image_id": "v_eeD2_hKG7zE.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen standing before a set of monkey bars and smiling while speaking to the camera. She then carries herself along the set of monkey bars and moves back and fourth on the play set. She makes her way back to the start and climbs down the ladder finally looking at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.03], [10.41, 51.29], [50.91, 74.33]], "duration": 74.33, "id": 2965}, {"image_id": "v_TXq9MO-dYhI.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks on front the blinds. Then, the woman plays four tam-tams, she mainly plays the tam-tam on front her. Then, the woman stops playing and smile.", "segments": [[0, 10.33], [10.93, 120.26], [120.26, 121.48]], "duration": 121.48, "id": 2966}, {"image_id": "v_28QW8P1x_LE.mp4", "caption": "A man and two women are doing an aerobic dance inside a building. They perform several moves, speeding up with time. They stop, clapping and wiping the hair out of their faces when they are done.", "segments": [[0, 20.22], [21.18, 163.68], [164.64, 192.56]], "duration": 192.56, "id": 2967}, {"image_id": "v_tSR4Pj_muN0.mp4", "caption": "A man is walking in a field. We see his back and see blood and a harness in his skin and another two men one who has the skin harness. We see the men climbing and standing on a crane high in the sky. The men with the skin harness jump off a crane high above a forest. We see the ground below.", "segments": [[0, 5.52], [1.92, 9.11], [9.35, 17.75], [17.99, 46.53], [46.77, 47.97]], "duration": 47.97, "id": 2968}, {"image_id": "v_Relgb880pRI.mp4", "caption": "A cartoon of an archway is shown and leads into a man placing tomatoes onto a plate. He puts onions and other ingredients onto a plate and cuts up several more ingredients. He places the final ingredients into the bowl while talking to the camera and pans out on the meal he made.", "segments": [[0, 32.5], [33.14, 91.13], [91.13, 127.46]], "duration": 127.46, "id": 2969}, {"image_id": "v_cKFTf1vZQOw.mp4", "caption": "Two male kids are outside on a driveway talking to one another.Once they have finished their conversation,they begin skateboarding down the road into an open park.The two boys arrive at their destination stop and talk then one takes off and the other boy follows him and they keep rollerblading.", "segments": [[0, 32.57], [33.21, 98.35], [98.35, 127.73]], "duration": 127.73, "id": 2970}, {"image_id": "v_WXMb7XF6k8o.mp4", "caption": "A series of women are shown in close up of their faces. A stylist is standing beside a girl seated in his chair. He gives instructions on how to style her hair. He uses a dryer to blow her hair, then clips it.", "segments": [[0, 16.55], [17.74, 87.5], [92.22, 203.37], [205.73, 236.47]], "duration": 236.47, "id": 2971}, {"image_id": "v_v13d7g_uUXM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking into frame bending down to grab a set of weights and begins to lift himself upward. He then lifts the weight up over his shoulder several times while jumping to give himself momentum.", "segments": [[0, 82.07], [73.69, 167.49]], "duration": 167.49, "id": 2972}, {"image_id": "v_FBqtQ3HCk48.mp4", "caption": "A man carves a pumpkin and a piece of ice, then the man holds a carved pumpkin and put it on a bench. A young man takes pictures of artistic ice sculptures, while a person carves a piece of ice in the street. The man shows how to carve a pumpkin using carving tools to make faces. The carved pumpkins with scary faces and an ice sculptures are displayed in a room.", "segments": [[0, 31.68], [32.58, 44.35], [44.35, 175.59], [175.59, 181.02]], "duration": 181.02, "id": 2973}, {"image_id": "v_EDEFxLnf_Wk.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. People are spinning on exercise bikes. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.16, 1.79], [2.12, 29.2], [29.53, 32.63]], "duration": 32.63, "id": 2974}, {"image_id": "v_OOKHi7EBNKk.mp4", "caption": "An individual wearing face covering drags an inner tube type device along the snow, surrounded by other people doing the same thing. The individual walks towards another individual wearing a red jacket. The individual hands the rein for the device to the person in the red jacket and sits on the device. The person in the red jacket pulls the device downhill and the first individual rides down the slope. The first individual dismounts and resumes pulling the device. The individual pulls the device along some sort of covered walkway with a moving floor.", "segments": [[0, 32.97], [32.1, 51.19], [51.19, 62.47], [62.47, 96.31], [96.31, 151.83], [151.83, 173.52]], "duration": 173.52, "id": 2975}, {"image_id": "v_ryZuSiZNN2o.mp4", "caption": "A field of two teams are shown fighting over a lacrosse ball in the middle of a large green field.They then get up and continue playing across the large field.Shortly after,a small brawl begins in the middle of the pool and a man in a black uniform nose begins to bleed and the game is at a halt and replays are shown.", "segments": [[0, 3.6], [3.2, 38.05], [38.45, 80.11]], "duration": 80.11, "id": 2976}, {"image_id": "v_Zgiq5MK8fQ8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing next to a frozen car while looking away from the camera. The woman then begins using a scraper to scrape off the sides. The woman continues scraping the car and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0.15, 9.77], [8.86, 22.23], [16.98, 29.3]], "duration": 30.05, "id": 2977}, {"image_id": "v__IlyE43ZUH8.mp4", "caption": "An ad for Beckon Call services appears. A man is standing in a backyard speaking. He picks up several window screens while he talks about them. He adds them to the stack and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 9.21], [10.37, 71.41], [73.71, 160.09], [163.54, 230.34]], "duration": 230.34, "id": 2978}, {"image_id": "v_ll4HKY9ZBOA.mp4", "caption": "A marching band stands ready on a street while an audience watches. The conductor conducts the band. The band plays on the street while the audience watches.", "segments": [[0, 3.14], [3.76, 125.46], [13.8, 125.46]], "duration": 125.46, "id": 2979}, {"image_id": "v_Tb875ldI6AY.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen speaking to the camera and begins holding a cigarette. The man takes a puff from the cigarette while still speaking to the camera. The man continues smoking while looking off and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 40.29], [42.61, 116.21], [105.36, 148.75]], "duration": 154.95, "id": 2980}, {"image_id": "v_AHXcJCpvkAQ.mp4", "caption": "A title screen leads into two women stepping up and down on a block. They perform several different exercises on the beam and move together in a synchronized motion. The girls spin round and round then hope back up and then down on the beam.", "segments": [[0, 21.96], [20.74, 65.48], [61.01, 81.34]], "duration": 81.34, "id": 2981}, {"image_id": "v_VmD2k_dtddc.mp4", "caption": "Two teams are on a field with referees. They are involved in a game of lacrosse. They run across the field, trying to keep the ball out of the opponent's goal.", "segments": [[0, 11.33], [14.16, 36.41], [37.22, 80.91]], "duration": 80.91, "id": 2982}, {"image_id": "v_p-JFdMUWVvU.mp4", "caption": "An older man is seen standing before two pucks while another person pushes them along the ice. The man bends down several times and then glides along the ice with the pucks.", "segments": [[0, 8.71], [8.17, 36.29]], "duration": 36.29, "id": 2983}, {"image_id": "v_53tCYiyAyf0.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a man throwing darts onto a board. He looks closely off into the distance and continues throwing darts. The camera shows the board in the end and the man throwing it.", "segments": [[0, 7.9], [8.04, 21.58], [20.88, 26.94]], "duration": 28.21, "id": 2984}, {"image_id": "v_xfThpRE6bLc.mp4", "caption": "A few people attempt to surf in an ocean. Sometimes they fall, but often the surfers do a great job.", "segments": [[0, 204.45], [174.35, 204.45]], "duration": 207.56, "id": 2985}, {"image_id": "v_38qpTblXDTw.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits on a riding lawnmower in the distance. The woman drives the lawnmower towards the camera. The woman begins to turn the mower at a fence corner.", "segments": [[0, 0.48], [0.56, 14.52], [14.6, 15.95]], "duration": 15.95, "id": 2986}, {"image_id": "v_cMndipw7_As.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip is shown. A person mends steel with a welding equipment. A person uses a hammer and a flat equipment to remove debris. A person uses a flat equipment to remove melted steel debris. The person places two dumbbell shaped steel in opening that he is welding. A person uses a flat equipment to clean the welded opening. A person uses a flat equipment to move the dumbbell shaped steels and then removes them with his hand. The credits of the video is shown.", "segments": [[0.55, 7.7], [7.7, 102.82], [23.09, 26.39], [36.84, 40.69], [41.24, 45.64], [77.53, 80.28], [80.83, 86.88], [104.47, 109.97]], "duration": 109.97, "id": 2987}, {"image_id": "v_gmPoDbH-odg.mp4", "caption": "A woman hands from a red bar and does several arm pull ups. She then uncrosses her legs and jumps down with her hands at her side. A Life Fitness logo then flashes on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 11.3], [11.69, 12.17], [12.56, 15.7]], "duration": 15.7, "id": 2988}, {"image_id": "v_LxwKUIJdt_4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen blow leaves around a yard using a leaf blower sitting on his back. The camera follows him as the man moves up and down the yard blowing leaves all around the area.", "segments": [[0, 85.27], [3.46, 86.56]], "duration": 86.56, "id": 2989}, {"image_id": "v_gOKkjA2yvGo.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a cycle bike working out. A man is standing up next to him talking. A black and white logo comes onto the screen.", "segments": [[3.52, 49.28], [3.52, 48.73], [49.82, 54.15]], "duration": 54.15, "id": 2990}, {"image_id": "v_j0FMv4RDpEk.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Men are working on a roof. A man is spraying the paste on the roof, a male is handing off the pieces, and a guy is adding the pieces to the pasted area on the roof. A person is spraying the paste on the roof pieces. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 18.55], [21.48, 186.45], [21.48, 40.02], [87.86, 134.71], [187.42, 195.23]], "duration": 195.23, "id": 2991}, {"image_id": "v_KX-vl2o8U1w.mp4", "caption": "A drummer is drumming, then the stick broke. A boy in blue shirt hit the drum, but the big drum keeps moving, then it fell. A boy with earphones is drumming and the stick got stuck in the instrument. The band is playing, while the man is singing, the drummer fell off the his chair. The marching band play their drums, then one of the drummers fell on the ground, a person came to help him. A drummer on stage fell of the stage.", "segments": [[0, 16.25], [9.93, 35.21], [29.8, 67.72], [61.4, 102.93], [96.61, 136.34], [131.82, 180.58]], "duration": 180.58, "id": 2992}, {"image_id": "v_lzQwtmUrSK4.mp4", "caption": "People are running around on dirt playing soccer. People are in an indoor arena playing soccer. People in the stands are applauding for them.", "segments": [[0, 15.68], [15.68, 209.12], [200.75, 209.12]], "duration": 209.12, "id": 2993}, {"image_id": "v_3am00ii0n-o.mp4", "caption": "A guy and a lady interact. The lady holds up papers and books. The guy claps and cheers. The lady plays a flute while looking down a the notes on the papers. The lady stops playing the flute and presents it. The guy plays a harmonica. The guy looks angry, and the lady look apologetic. The guy puts his head down. The guy and lady wave bye. The guy takes the flute from the lady and pretends to hit her on her chin.", "segments": [[0, 212.06], [39.43, 41.56], [50.08, 112.96], [57.54, 108.69], [118.28, 134.27], [149.19, 151.32], [154.52, 165.17], [190.75, 197.14], [206.73, 207.8], [209.93, 212.06]], "duration": 213.13, "id": 2994}, {"image_id": "v_u7dfBgc_SqU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in the sunlight, posing and modeling for the camera. She shows off her natural hair, then demonstrates how to style it using a blow out.", "segments": [[0, 30.17], [32.83, 177.47]], "duration": 177.47, "id": 2995}, {"image_id": "v_xcDAjcRX93A.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing with his arms up and then begins a gymnasts routine. The man continues swinging around on the uneven bars and jumping off to finish. The man walks away while his score is shown and his routine is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 27.94], [27.08, 65.76], [68.34, 85.96]], "duration": 85.96000000000001, "id": 2996}, {"image_id": "v_a_EkYuPdaJ0.mp4", "caption": "A man talks stand on front a fence of a backyard. Then, the man talks a person in a paint shop, and the person shows him tools in a showcase. After, the man shows the buttons of the painting machine in the backyard. After, the man puts blue tape on the side of the fence and covers a rail. Then, the man paint the fence with the hose of the machine while wearing a mask. The man continues explaining on front the machine and buckets of paint.", "segments": [[17.46, 33.76], [33.76, 68.68], [68.68, 126.89], [128.05, 132.71], [132.71, 169.96], [169.96, 221.19]], "duration": 232.82999999999998, "id": 2997}, {"image_id": "v_DjY-7jEpxZ0.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are in a classroom like setting standing in a circle.In the middle of the circle,a woman is hitting a pinata wrapped in blue wall paper.", "segments": [[0, 11.19], [11.19, 24.06]], "duration": 24.06, "id": 2998}, {"image_id": "v_q8mReXud6fE.mp4", "caption": "little kid is jumping on dry leaves. woman is raking dry leaves on a yard. kid kneels and grabs a dry leaf to put it in the trash bin.", "segments": [[0, 19.17], [0, 21.06], [18.01, 29.05]], "duration": 29.05, "id": 2999}, {"image_id": "v_pKV8lrvbX6Q.mp4", "caption": "A little girl swings across the monkey bars on a play ground. She goes across each bar before jumping to the ground. She goes back to the beginning, and swings across the bars again.", "segments": [[0, 5.53], [5.72, 30.14], [31.28, 38.15]], "duration": 38.15, "id": 3000}, {"image_id": "v_pVehZjbud_M.mp4", "caption": "A lady plays with her hair. The lady brushes her hair. The lady brushes the bottom of her hair by stretching her arm upwards she brushes the top then the ends and finishes.", "segments": [[0, 10.19], [10.19, 92.69], [78.13, 97.06]], "duration": 97.06, "id": 3001}, {"image_id": "v_X-xQLFHZIOU.mp4", "caption": "a lot of people are sitting on stands on a bullring. bullfighters are holding red cloth nad running to a bull.", "segments": [[0, 63.94], [63.24, 139]], "duration": 139.0, "id": 3002}, {"image_id": "v_Ly21QMQ4kGA.mp4", "caption": "Several awards are pictured over a fire place and then moves to the wall on the left.A table of food is shown and the person recording grabs a cookie and leaves the room.The next room he enters,there are several people standing around playing beer pong and he proceeds to walk through the house.", "segments": [[0, 9.44], [9.07, 22.04], [22.59, 37.04]], "duration": 37.04, "id": 3003}, {"image_id": "v_yyvc2OSPx1Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown in wal-mart, laughing and choosing earrings from a rack. She sits in a chair, and an employee shoots an earring into her lobe with a piercing gun. She cringes in pain as it enters her ear.", "segments": [[0, 21.78], [28.13, 155.19], [159.73, 181.51]], "duration": 181.51, "id": 3004}, {"image_id": "v_6TxGVSw6Ayw.mp4", "caption": "We see three separate intro screens. We see a man making shots in hockey with title screens in between. A man shoots a shot at hockey and makes it and we see a slow motion recap. The man takes another shot and makes it and we see a recap of that as well. We see the shot from above, and a recap.", "segments": [[0, 7.72], [8.42, 70.14], [10.17, 70.14], [28.41, 46.29], [47.69, 70.14]], "duration": 70.14, "id": 3005}, {"image_id": "v_FqlXey9KFZA.mp4", "caption": "A guy is operating a electric presser. A man is whipping with a dark rug. The guy is gesturing at the machine's work.", "segments": [[0, 49.55], [28.24, 49.55], [42.12, 47.57]], "duration": 49.55, "id": 3006}, {"image_id": "v_xeFS0RuvVGA.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys play water catch with a yellow ball in an outdoor pool surrounded by a fence and tall trees and foliage. A group of boys play catch in an outdoor pool with a yellow ball , throwing the ball to each other and and then throwing the ball out of the pool to an unseen party. The ball is thrown back into the pool and the boys proceed to throw it back out again.", "segments": [[0, 77.42], [1.97, 33.4], [33.8, 77.42]], "duration": 78.6, "id": 3007}, {"image_id": "v_mi6wetIKq2w.mp4", "caption": "An intro filled with special effects of different screens coming together appear and the end result is a square sign that reads \"GETITSWEET GET IT SWEET 2014\" and the color them is white, pink, dark pink, and brown with the effect of chocolate dripping from the top portion of the sign. A batch of cinnamon roll cookies on a tray appear and a quick list of the ingredients appear along with the actual ingredients in different bowls. The ingredients are now shown being poured into a large clear bowl getting mixed up with a hand mixer, and instructions occasionally pop up on the screen.When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed the person flattens it between plastic, cools it, then puts it on a cutting board to roll it out, then adds sugar and cinnamon to the flat surface. The person then rolls it and puts it on a piece of saran wrap that's next to the cutting board then wraps the saran wrap around it, rolls it a little where the instructions say to cool it for 30 minutes. Once it's done being cooled it's removed,sliced on the cutting board, placed on a cooking sheet, and then cooked. The cooked products are then shown on white plates with a cup of coffee and the person picks it up and bites it.The last screen is a youtube promotion of the person's channel that has 2 small videos you can click on, and wording encouraging you to subscribe.", "segments": [[0, 8.4], [8.4, 21], [21, 63], [63, 92.4], [92.4, 105], [105.7, 116.2], [116.2, 130.19], [130.19, 139.99]], "duration": 139.99, "id": 3008}, {"image_id": "v_CzXF0CQn2Fk.mp4", "caption": "people are in a small room dancing doing a choreography. the man stops dancing and keep doing the choreography. man wearing red shorts and grey shirt leading the choreography in front of the people in the room.", "segments": [[1.1, 219.71], [142.81, 143.91], [0, 219.71]], "duration": 219.71, "id": 3009}, {"image_id": "v_Z-gDuGMpClo.mp4", "caption": "A window on a car is tolled down and a shirtless man walks to the are. We see shirtless men in small tight underwear washing cars. The men walk in the parking lot in a line with only underwear on. A man shakes his wet hair. A man washes another man's butt. A man wipes the water back and looks at the camera. Men do dances in a line and scenes of washing the car. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.63], [5.63, 173.5], [6.56, 20.63], [58.15, 60.02], [75.03, 79.72], [128.49, 135.99], [147.24, 165.06], [173.5, 187.57]], "duration": 187.57, "id": 3010}, {"image_id": "v_Rc_pWU_3WLk.mp4", "caption": "Two sumo wrestlers stand in an arena. One knocks the other one out. The winner stands tall on the arena. The crowd looks at the winner.", "segments": [[0, 31.53], [12.46, 24.12], [19.55, 24.12], [24.12, 31.53]], "duration": 31.53, "id": 3011}, {"image_id": "v_WwDGutCfElc.mp4", "caption": "The video shows a man in glasses and headphones, wearing a brown hat and shirt doing a tutorial on how to play a PVC flute. He takes the flute in his hands and begins playing by moving his fingers along the holes as he blows into the flute. He continues playing the flute till he finishes the tune.", "segments": [[13.27, 49.37], [49.37, 95.55], [95.55, 101.92]], "duration": 106.16, "id": 3012}, {"image_id": "v_BlfFKVGQbi8.mp4", "caption": "A man plays many games of shuffleboard in a room occupied by other people and many other shuffle boards. A man in a collared shirt and glasses plays shuffleboard with metal pucks and a long wooden shuffleboard in front of a lit scoreboard in a room. The man puts paper towels over his eyes and under his glasses to absorb sweat from the intensity of the shuffleboard game. The man continues to play shuffleboard with a few onlookers in a room with a final visual shot of all but one of the pucks off of the shuffleboard.", "segments": [[7.96, 58.01], [9.61, 21.21], [20.88, 27.18], [27.51, 59]], "duration": 66.29, "id": 3013}, {"image_id": "v_OzjjQ4SZ8PY.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing scuba diving gear is under the water. She explores the ocean floor, looking at the fish and wildlife as a man swims behind her.They give ok signals to the person with the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.33], [16.19, 134.91], [137.99, 154.18]], "duration": 154.18, "id": 3014}, {"image_id": "v_Yr6Oyltj6Eo.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is shown jumping in slow motion over a pole, followed by several more women attempting the same jump. Several more women follow behind performing the jump while the camera captures them in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 20.62], [18.79, 52.2]], "duration": 52.2, "id": 3015}, {"image_id": "v_0tJ7eW6TKKM.mp4", "caption": "The people are shown slowly jogging in this marathon. There is only one man who juggles white balls in his hands while jogging backwards throughout the whole thing. In the end, the number of people lessens and there is just one person running and the man who juggles balls.", "segments": [[1.59, 152.87], [3.98, 152.87], [117.84, 152.87]], "duration": 159.24, "id": 3016}, {"image_id": "v_SLfZUqfyfjs.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside trying to shovel off snow off of their windshield.The man then goes inside and starts talking.Once finished,he walks outside from his garage and test the product of the IceScreen.", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [11.09, 30.89], [30.89, 158.39]], "duration": 158.39, "id": 3017}, {"image_id": "v_uy7WAwrrNiA.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a field looking up at kites in the sky. A kite is shown in the sky by a tree. A boy chases after the kite and catches is.", "segments": [[0, 164.1], [84.51, 149.33], [150.97, 164.1]], "duration": 164.1, "id": 3018}, {"image_id": "v_KxWvKN_kGMY.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures show people bring canoes off a truck and loading them into the water. The people are then seen fishing as well as riding down the river shown in several pictures.", "segments": [[0.53, 45.87], [27.73, 99.74]], "duration": 106.67, "id": 3019}, {"image_id": "v_WTOTYZOu3MQ.mp4", "caption": "The barefoot man serve the ball but missed it. The man served the ball and hit the wall but it just bounced so low that the man can't hit it. The man chase after the ball picke it up and hit, then a shirtless man came up to him and teach him how to serve the ball.", "segments": [[0, 33.48], [17.38, 57.3], [52.15, 128.76]], "duration": 128.76, "id": 3020}, {"image_id": "v_eS445rQ9SBo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is smiling at the camera. The woman takes an iron and starts ironing a white shirt in small circular patterns. The woman uses both hands to push the iron. She resumes ironing with one hand in the same spot. The woman inspects the star on the shirt. The woman then resumes ironing the pattern. The woman peels the paper away from the pattern and then resumes ironing. The woman holds up the the shirt after she is done.", "segments": [[0, 2.4], [2.4, 27.62], [27.62, 34.23], [34.23, 57.64], [57.64, 59.45], [59.45, 87.07], [87.07, 115.89], [115.29, 120.09]], "duration": 120.09, "id": 3021}, {"image_id": "v_Gl8HTsP7Jfk.mp4", "caption": "A boy speaks to a camera while holding a lacrosse stick and hitting balls into a net. The boy throws several balls into the net over and over again hitting directly into the net.", "segments": [[0, 34.52], [32.27, 150.09]], "duration": 150.09, "id": 3022}, {"image_id": "v_I9HV59QQkNw.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a couch, drinking a beer from a bottle. He drops the bottle from his mouth, smiling.", "segments": [[0, 3.93], [4.02, 6.39]], "duration": 6.39, "id": 3023}, {"image_id": "v_pG0uYjcjBR8.mp4", "caption": "People are standing around in a circle. Two people begin fighting in the circle. A man is doing flips outside on the grass. They continue to flight inside the circle. A man is standing outside talking in front of a street. A man does several back flips on the grass.", "segments": [[20.15, 69.21], [20.15, 67.46], [73.59, 78.84], [80.6, 91.11], [91.11, 96.36], [99.87, 125.27]], "duration": 175.21, "id": 3024}, {"image_id": "v_u4nL6NXfsak.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands talking to the camera, with a dog in front of her. The woman holds the dog's front leg as she talks. The woman brushes the dog with a blue brush.", "segments": [[6.97, 53.35], [6.97, 21.22], [25.46, 53.05]], "duration": 60.63, "id": 3025}, {"image_id": "v_B_NQ_U2JEp4.mp4", "caption": "A ad for premier packaging appears. A woman is standing in an office in front of a basket filled with small gifts. She shows how she used cellophane and a hair dryer to shrink wrap the gifts in the basket and keep the safe and presentable.", "segments": [[0, 9.95], [12.08, 33.4], [34.82, 142.13]], "duration": 142.13, "id": 3026}, {"image_id": "v_r1v5fEOypSM.mp4", "caption": "A person rides a wake board behind a boat through the choppy water. The wake boarder jumps over the wake of the boat and does flips. The wake boarder does a final jump and falls into the water.", "segments": [[1.3, 17.33], [18.63, 83.17], [79.7, 86.63]], "duration": 86.63, "id": 3027}, {"image_id": "v_L35c6QI1l_0.mp4", "caption": "A scene of sand dunes leading to a beach shoreline. A girl in a blue blouse walks and poses in the sand. A man wearing a safari hat leads a group of camels with riders in a single file. The camera pans a close up of the camels lying in the sand with their riding saddles on. A rider captures the view of the sand dunes leading to the ocean. The camel caravan arrives to a camp on the beach.", "segments": [[0, 9.48], [8.43, 16.86], [16.86, 23.71], [23.71, 33.19], [33.72, 87.46], [87.46, 105.37]], "duration": 105.37, "id": 3028}, {"image_id": "v_9N1525JmqZQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a fireplace is seen with the camera moving around the front. The camera zooms in on the pit and shows a man kneeling own in front. The man lays plaster out on the front and begins putting tiling down over the plaster.", "segments": [[3.61, 51.21], [44, 98.82], [87.27, 139.93]], "duration": 144.26, "id": 3029}, {"image_id": "v_q7Pp1TAgv3I.mp4", "caption": "The video pans into several shots of people performing arm wrestling matches and screaming afterwards. Many people are seen playing with one another and screaming to the crowd after their performance.", "segments": [[0, 101.88], [90.56, 226.4]], "duration": 226.4, "id": 3030}, {"image_id": "v_TwQQPCjT_A4.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are sitting behind a table. Players are playing soccer on dirt, outside. Fans and players cheer or celebrate.", "segments": [[0, 3.21], [3.74, 52.16], [34.51, 52.43]], "duration": 53.5, "id": 3031}, {"image_id": "v_Uru0CastJqU.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking forward and jumping up and down and diving in a pool. The same person is shown several more times performing various dives off a high board while the camera captures him from several angles.", "segments": [[0, 10.38], [10.38, 54.61]], "duration": 54.61, "id": 3032}, {"image_id": "v_1GXQLnTalcg.mp4", "caption": "A video tutorial plays with a woman talking in the background about how to brush your teeth. She lists out the tools you need and steps to brush. A man opens a bottle and puts toothpaste on it. He begins brushing his teeth following the woman's instructions. The man rinses his mouth out with water and smiles with the woman's voice.", "segments": [[1.65, 99.59], [14.31, 22.56], [25.86, 33.01], [34.66, 72.08], [92.98, 101.24]], "duration": 110.03999999999999, "id": 3033}, {"image_id": "v_d1JA5V3hO3Q.mp4", "caption": "A man talks in a blue room then sprays a toy car and pretends to wash it. We see a title screen and people in suits wash cars as a joke. A man and a small boy with high powered hoses wash cars followed by cheerleaders. We see a black van with people getting out and a man in a top hat touch the car. The people get in the black van and drive away adn teh car owners stand on the street. We then see the ending scene.", "segments": [[0, 14.4], [14.4, 58.2], [58.8, 91.8], [90.6, 101.4], [102, 113.4], [113.4, 120]], "duration": 120.0, "id": 3034}, {"image_id": "v_FsQWaEejutU.mp4", "caption": "A man is smoking a pipe and blowing smoke rings. The man uses profanity and flips the camera off. Another man is standing by watching him.", "segments": [[0, 13.76], [13.66, 16.95], [16.95, 19.95]], "duration": 19.95, "id": 3035}, {"image_id": "v_ZwDfAhQVKLQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking into frame in a dark room and walks down a long set of stairs. A man is seen in the corner moving back and fourth on exercise equipment. A woman then speaks to the man as he continues rowing and showing a close up of the machine.", "segments": [[0.84, 20.1], [16.19, 38.8], [39.35, 53.31]], "duration": 55.82, "id": 3036}, {"image_id": "v_aEyTdUOp-qs.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up with a mop and bucket. He takes them up out of the bucket and begins to mop the floor. After a moment she begins to pretend that he is dancing with the mop.", "segments": [[0, 3.64], [3.64, 14.84], [14.84, 29.1]], "duration": 29.1, "id": 3037}, {"image_id": "v_jfnFrt9nfSo.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt is playing basketball on a court. He shoots at the hoop and misses it. A person in a white shirt is standing behind them on a tennis court.", "segments": [[11.09, 32.41], [56.3, 71.65], [145.01, 170.6]], "duration": 170.6, "id": 3038}, {"image_id": "v_CCL8kqQMCRw.mp4", "caption": "A young boy attempts to break open a pinata at his birthday party inside a garage. Another boy nearly walks into the range of the boy's stick but is saved by an adult. The boy continues bashing the pinata before taking a break and handing the stick to another boy.", "segments": [[0, 12.04], [12.97, 16.31], [18.71, 37.06]], "duration": 37.06, "id": 3039}, {"image_id": "v_M-IRMq2DmY0.mp4", "caption": "A brunette woman is sitting in a bubble bath with one leg out shaving it with a pink razor. The woman goes up one stroke of the razor and begins again. She repeats this process shaving up the leg and beginning again a few times around her leg.", "segments": [[0, 15.67], [0, 4.08], [4.08, 15.05]], "duration": 15.67, "id": 3040}, {"image_id": "v__4wEUsTft44.mp4", "caption": "In a blue room two men are using tools and fixing up the carpet. It seems like they just put in new carpet and now they are making sure it is held down correctly. They use a nail gun of some type to nail the ends of the corner. One of the men walks around checking to see if anything is missed.", "segments": [[0, 14.81], [14.81, 46.13], [46.13, 80.86], [80.86, 113.89]], "duration": 113.89, "id": 3041}, {"image_id": "v_ZLXhlWhrkno.mp4", "caption": "We see a clearing in the woods. We zoom in on a buck walking in the woods. The buck stops and looks left, then right. The buck is drinking from a puddle the runs off startled. The buck stands in the clearing. A man is working with a bow while another films the animal. The hunter shoots the animal with a bow and it dies slowly. The hunter is photographed with the dead animal.", "segments": [[0, 7.06], [7.06, 50.57], [50.57, 54.1], [75.27, 87.03], [88.21, 149.36], [147.01, 164.65], [162.3, 223.46], [225.81, 235.22]], "duration": 235.22, "id": 3042}, {"image_id": "v_eCd8x8KqxKQ.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of a casino are shown as well as people getting passes and walking around the inside. The camera pans around several tables of games being played as well as slot machines and people playing with one another.", "segments": [[0.56, 22.16], [17.67, 53.3]], "duration": 56.1, "id": 3043}, {"image_id": "v_ISJodiRZ_uo.mp4", "caption": "A girl with braided hair asks a worker at an equestrian center some questions. The woman responds and talks about horse care. The girl brushes the horse's mane. The two continue going over horse care. The girl and woman both work on brushing techniques. The woman brushes the horses tail is lots of care as the girl watches.", "segments": [[0, 3.93], [8.5, 30.75], [32.71, 47.76], [50.38, 69.35], [64.11, 100.75], [105.33, 130.84]], "duration": 130.85, "id": 3044}, {"image_id": "v_QPxiOzXkUFM.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting on a boat in a calm lake. car is being driven in a highway with cars standing on the sides. photo of a iver is shown and he car going through the haighway and arriving to a lake. people are in boat paddling in the river and arriving to a camp on pier.", "segments": [[0, 6.3], [6.3, 28.36], [28.36, 60.92], [60.92, 209.02]], "duration": 210.07, "id": 3045}, {"image_id": "v_AjohJX4RedM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on a rowing machine. The woman places her feet into the straps of the rowing machine. The woman holds onto the rowing cables and rows. The woman stops and demonstrates the motor area of the machine. Back sitting on the rowing machine, she rows one more time and places the cables down. The woman removes her feet from the straps.", "segments": [[5.52, 13.5], [13.8, 19.02], [19.32, 43.25], [43.56, 47.85], [48.16, 55.52], [55.83, 60.43]], "duration": 61.35, "id": 3046}, {"image_id": "v_C4QrTmNDADY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen laying on the floor and begins demonstrating how to properly perform dance moves as well as the wrong way to perform them. The man continues moving all around the floor and leads into several clips of people performing the move.", "segments": [[5.89, 108.41], [87.2, 232.15]], "duration": 235.68, "id": 3047}, {"image_id": "v_dXTfrVz9A9o.mp4", "caption": "A man cleans the snow with a self lifted shovel that has a rod to impulse up the shovel. The man puts the shovel in the snow and it lifts and throws snow. The man shovel heavy hardened snow from the ground effortlessly. The person shows the shovel that has behind a weight lifter.", "segments": [[6.09, 24.92], [25.47, 37.1], [37.66, 70.89], [73.1, 97.47]], "duration": 110.75999999999999, "id": 3048}, {"image_id": "v_ZG4ApSk5iKw.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing various tasks while doing crunches. He stops and talks to the camera. He raises the back on his work out machine and starts doing crunches again. He sits up and continues talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 147.75], [36.2, 49.5], [57.62, 147.75], [115.98, 147.75]], "duration": 147.75, "id": 3049}, {"image_id": "v_MMnTMB6AmuU.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands up and starts jump roping. The rest of the women stand up and join her jump roping. They do a hand stand on the ground in front of them.", "segments": [[3.59, 7.18], [7.18, 164.19], [25.12, 26.92]], "duration": 179.44, "id": 3050}, {"image_id": "v_Lv6ypQZWIEg.mp4", "caption": "A young child walks across some sand carrying equipment around her waist. While on a school field, she throws a stick. Back on the sand, she continues walking with the equipment attached to her waist. She throws a pebble into the beach. On a school track, she throws a stick. She throws another stick in a grassy field, where her coaches watch on. A man gives her a medal. In a grassy field, she throws a stick.", "segments": [[0, 3.54], [4.72, 8.26], [9.44, 40.73], [41.91, 47.81], [48.99, 64.34], [70.24, 85], [85.59, 95.62], [96.8, 118.05]], "duration": 118.05, "id": 3051}, {"image_id": "v_MXbwIfqSq_Q.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a man is shown and then drawings of human vertebrae. The man in gray out is standing in a room and started to rotate his hands forward and backward. The man is swaying side to side and move his arms in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 45.4], [44.27, 163.46], [157.78, 227.02]], "duration": 227.02, "id": 3052}, {"image_id": "v_V9ktV85lA9E.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of a cat who keeps walking on his wrapping paper. The man pushes the cat down on the paper and folds it around the cat. He then tapes the paper onto the cat, leaving only the head sticking out. He then places a bow on the cat's head.", "segments": [[0, 12.01], [13.34, 39.59], [40.47, 80.06], [80.06, 88.96]], "duration": 88.96000000000001, "id": 3053}, {"image_id": "v_S1bEYnNyLZE.mp4", "caption": "A mother tries to brush a baby's teeth. The baby takes the toothbrush and tries herself. The baby spits out some of this toothpaste but keeps trying.", "segments": [[0, 55.08], [11.19, 45.61], [22.66, 56.23]], "duration": 57.38, "id": 3054}, {"image_id": "v_2O-TyeSMueg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people ride on a boat to Catalina Island. A man wearing a grey t-shirt films himself using a selfie stick while riding on a boat. The group of people on the boat are dressed in scuba diving gear. A man in scuba gear enters the water while filming himself while holding a selfie stick. The diver films himself while diving underwater. The ddiver films a school of fish a nd bright yellow tropical fish.The diver cameraman walks backwards onto steps leading out of the water. A group of divers dressed in street clothes ride in a golf cart.", "segments": [[0, 13.28], [13.28, 19.93], [21.03, 24.35], [24.35, 46.49], [46.49, 116.23], [116.23, 178.22], [178.22, 212.54], [212.54, 221.39]], "duration": 221.39, "id": 3055}, {"image_id": "v_kq7KVmvkYPc.mp4", "caption": "A black screen advertises the video. A man is shown lying down while someone shaves his beard. The blade is shown very close to the skin as the man shaves him carefully, rinsing between scrapings. The screen fades to black as the man finishes the shaving.", "segments": [[0, 14.24], [19.49, 90.68], [92.93, 127.4], [129.65, 149.89]], "duration": 149.89, "id": 3056}, {"image_id": "v_sI7qq85QaA0.mp4", "caption": "Two males play table tennis in a small room. Another man walks in the background.", "segments": [[3.52, 74.75], [5.87, 8.22]], "duration": 78.28, "id": 3057}, {"image_id": "v_kbK-9Me0BnA.mp4", "caption": "A group of women are standing around as one of them is on a camel .The camel lifts up an the trainers and other friends stare on. They seem to be having a great time as the camera pulls back to show them all. They move ahead with the camel very slowly an the lady riding it waves. The video then cuts, showing the camel come to a stop before dropping down to the ground to let the woman off. She pets it and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 1.82], [1.36, 16.81], [16.81, 35.44], [35.9, 51.35], [51.8, 74.52], [74.52, 90.88]], "duration": 90.88, "id": 3058}, {"image_id": "v_U-ApHGUtLMA.mp4", "caption": "Guys are standing around near a stall. A guy horseback riding chases a cattle. The guy lassoes the cattle and gets off his horse to tie up the cattle's legs. Two men remove the rope around the cattle's neck and legs. The cattle rises and runs away.", "segments": [[0, 22.65], [23.33, 24.34], [24.68, 33.13], [52.07, 64.24], [65.25, 66.6]], "duration": 67.62, "id": 3059}, {"image_id": "v_8xYzQMbI5fM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen making marks on a paper using a tool as well as a pencil. He then screws the tools in place of the holes and the camera pans down the finished area. He then wipes down the area, measures out more area, and then rolling the paper down over a tool. Finally he takes a sharp object and runs it all along the paper.", "segments": [[3.18, 20.42], [20.87, 46.73], [47.64, 80.76], [80.76, 90.74]], "duration": 90.74, "id": 3060}, {"image_id": "v_kRMskyrrRcA.mp4", "caption": "A person in a holding a Rubik's Cube. The person starts to solve the Rubik's Cube. The person places the solved Rubik's Cube on the desk and hurriedly click something. The person shows his computer screen. The person picks up the Rubik's Cube and shows each face of the solved Rubik's Cube.", "segments": [[0, 6.38], [6.63, 29.21], [29.21, 30.19], [37.06, 41.72], [43.44, 46.14]], "duration": 49.09, "id": 3061}, {"image_id": "v_rC24UspQv14.mp4", "caption": "The boy is standing under the tree with blindfold thing to hit the pinata but missed it. A man came up to him and assist him, the boy hit the pinata once. The man rotate the little girl and then let walk a little and the girl hit the pinata. A young man hit the pinata ad the kids are lined up to take their turns to hit the pinata.", "segments": [[0, 49.14], [16, 49.14], [40, 86.85], [77.71, 228.56]], "duration": 228.56, "id": 3062}, {"image_id": "v_qcaaF0SqVss.mp4", "caption": "A wrestler in maroon brief is provoking the black man. The black man attacked the other wrestler but he was knocked down. The wrestler with maroon brief carried the black man and slam him on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 11.74], [3.67, 19.81], [13.7, 48.93]], "duration": 48.93, "id": 3063}, {"image_id": "v_KNpeiKm3xyM.mp4", "caption": "There's a man sitting with the Olympics logo behind him, talking about sports. A group photograph of a many people of different age groups is shown. There are some people playing beach volley ball in the sand on a sunny day with several people watching them. One of the players hits the ball to his opponent by punching it with his fist. Another player returns the ball by kicking it across the net. The players continue playing the game by punching the ball across the net.", "segments": [[0, 11.33], [10.16, 17.98], [17.59, 70.34], [22.28, 50.02], [43.38, 61.35], [59.4, 78.16]], "duration": 78.16, "id": 3064}, {"image_id": "v_8KxL1itwI3Q.mp4", "caption": "An open field is covered in snow and then suddenly a large bear appears on a table and is then put in a box.Martha Stewart then begins taping the box.The box is then placed on top of the counter and wrapping paper is put on both ends to about six inches up the box.More wrapping paper is then pulled out and wrapped around the now covered box in the center.After being taped,several red glitter bows are placed on top of the wrapping paper.On the counter,appears several more rows of rapping paper and tubes.The socks are then placed in a tube and covered in the silver wrapping paper.The woman then takes a circular shaped object and traces it with a pencil and makes squiggles in the middle of it.After they are cut out,they are placed on the end of the tubes and stacked together to give the illusion of fire wood.", "segments": [[0, 10.39], [10.39, 28.33], [28.33, 60.44], [60.44, 91.6], [91.6, 107.66], [107.66, 117.1], [117.1, 129.38], [130.32, 160.54], [160.54, 188.87]], "duration": 188.87, "id": 3065}, {"image_id": "v_bKEvJveN6k4.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are throwing balls at one another in a bouncy room where the floors are inflatable bounce platforms. The children on the right side of the room throw balls at the children on the left side of the room as balls come flying onto their side of the mat in an effort to hit them. The children hurl and dodge with one child in a blue t-shirt retreating into the far right corner of the bounce room to try to avoid a ball which comes hurling at him from the other side.", "segments": [[0, 94.66], [2.38, 44.24], [44.24, 93.71]], "duration": 95.13, "id": 3066}, {"image_id": "v_zW_8T8w7304.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen mopping a floor with a mop and moving around all areas of the room. He stops to play with the mop a bit and pushes a box back under a stand.", "segments": [[0, 107.76], [83.81, 199.55]], "duration": 199.55, "id": 3067}, {"image_id": "v_a68k87VXX1c.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black shirt is dancing in a room. A small dog on the floor next to her watches. She claps her hands together at the end.", "segments": [[0, 126.71], [65.89, 70.33], [122.91, 126.71]], "duration": 126.71, "id": 3068}, {"image_id": "v_45Bscg4Qe-I.mp4", "caption": "A group of people go to a bowling alley and fail hilariously. A woman talks to the pins and figures out how the pins are set up and replaced.", "segments": [[0, 53.13], [92.69, 226.07]], "duration": 226.07, "id": 3069}, {"image_id": "v_XptFota2__4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting around a table speaking to one another while using a hookah and vapor pen at the same time. The men continue smoking and looking into the camera when one starts showing off his body and panning around the room.", "segments": [[0, 113.03], [121.8, 194.89]], "duration": 194.89, "id": 3070}, {"image_id": "v_AItKK-a8eEI.mp4", "caption": "We see a black opening screen. We see people surfing in the ocean Two men are taking images. We see a title screen then two men stand on the beach with a camera. We see the surfers in the ocean. We see the third title screen and two men on the beach with a camera. We then see the surfers in the ocean. We see a man on a boat with a camera. We then see the closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.75], [7.12, 46.29], [47.48, 58.16], [58.16, 110.38], [111.57, 118.69], [118.69, 192.28], [192.28, 197.02], [230.26, 237.38]], "duration": 237.38, "id": 3071}, {"image_id": "v__cZD6JN-SYg.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures of men are shown in the beginning of the video followed by several lines of text shown. The men are then seen kicking soccer balls into a goal while they save some and the goalie blocks.", "segments": [[0, 46.24], [50.15, 130.25]], "duration": 130.25, "id": 3072}, {"image_id": "v_W4XaqnwD6gU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing a violin while the camera pans all around him moving his arms up and down. The man continues to play while others play behind him and the violinist playing and looking at the audience.", "segments": [[4.68, 84.15], [80.41, 180.46]], "duration": 187.0, "id": 3073}, {"image_id": "v_kl_JsmJ84PI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen playing a game of soccer in an indoor field while a group of people watch on the sides. People shown fighting in the stands and players walk around watching the fight and the paramedics take a man away.", "segments": [[0, 40.75], [43.5, 91.58]], "duration": 91.58, "id": 3074}, {"image_id": "v_L2MfC4jcRo0.mp4", "caption": "A screen with text gives details of an event. Boys faces are seen up close in an intense facial expression. Two boys play an intense game of table soccer. The boy wins the game and the other strikes him with a handle of the table tennis game.", "segments": [[0, 8.27], [15.77, 21.73], [11.34, 35.18], [27.11, 37.3]], "duration": 38.45, "id": 3075}, {"image_id": "v_DfpUMDpSbS4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while standing behind a set of weights and pointing to his body. The man then bends down and grabs the bar while still speaking to the camera. The man lifts the bar up then back down again while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[3.54, 53.05], [69.56, 167.42], [169.78, 232.26]], "duration": 235.8, "id": 3076}, {"image_id": "v_yCPeF59MOEk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white tuxedo is led to a pinata by a woman in a wedding dress. He hits at the pinata that keeps moving up and down.", "segments": [[0, 16.19], [20.99, 119.96]], "duration": 119.96000000000001, "id": 3077}, {"image_id": "v_1RQOgX36Z2E.mp4", "caption": "A man is working inside a shop. He rolls a tire over to a piece of equipment. He shows how to mount the tire onto the equipment.", "segments": [[0, 28.43], [39.36, 136.66], [144.32, 218.66]], "duration": 218.66, "id": 3078}, {"image_id": "v_xlPpP0eVL9A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking inside an office. She is shown giving a facial treatment to an older woman. She wipes her face down with substances and lotions.", "segments": [[0, 17.47], [25.24, 73.78], [77.67, 194.17]], "duration": 194.17, "id": 3079}, {"image_id": "v_q53Ajkll_kw.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black dress is playing a bag pipe on stage. The word \"Ilbo\" is in a red font and scrolls down on the left hand side of the screen. The camera zooms into the woman's fingers. The camera shifts to somebody playing a piano. A band is also playing musical instruments in the background. The camera zooms into the face of the woman playing the bag pipe. The woman finishes playing and the audience applause.", "segments": [[0, 203.94], [18.73, 21.85], [124.86, 137.34], [169.6, 173.76], [173.76, 181.05], [186.25, 199.77], [202.9, 208.1]], "duration": 208.1, "id": 3080}, {"image_id": "v_LB2P_KH0W2I.mp4", "caption": "Two women are washing dishes in the kitchen. They go back and forth over the kitchen. The scene is in very fast motion.", "segments": [[0, 10.1], [1.36, 6.46], [1.36, 10]], "duration": 10.1, "id": 3081}, {"image_id": "v_T3XGYHEFVIQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing protective gear. He is using a welder and creating a bright light as he works on metal. When he is done, he stops and looks at the camera, showing off the completed welding.", "segments": [[0, 2.87], [3.39, 24.01], [24.27, 26.1]], "duration": 26.1, "id": 3082}, {"image_id": "v_It2fslENHXs.mp4", "caption": "An large outdoor sports field is shown. A man runs and does a successful pole vault. He stands up from the pad and picks up the pole.", "segments": [[0, 0.7], [0.93, 33.12], [31.95, 46.65]], "duration": 46.65, "id": 3083}, {"image_id": "v_FT_34R0dZnA.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a park as well as a lake and a man speaking to the camera. The camera pans around a canoe filled with objects and leads into the man padding down and speaking to the camera. More shots are shown of animals nearby as well as a man and woman speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.53, 52], [42.06, 110.89], [79.53, 142.24]], "duration": 152.95, "id": 3084}, {"image_id": "v_b02GzZM5iGI.mp4", "caption": "People are playing volleyball on a beach. A girl falls down onto the sand. A girl raises her hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 84.94], [28.88, 33.13], [59.46, 61.58]], "duration": 84.94, "id": 3085}, {"image_id": "v_IjKWgD0y4rc.mp4", "caption": "A white screen appears with black text that comes in twice on the screen and then scrolls off screen while fading out. Three children in life vests and two supervising adults are on a raft waiting to go rafting. The group rafting down a river with all it's bumps and water splashing. There is a yellow text that comes on screen showing the locations they are at. The children are at the destination as one young girl comes close to the cam and waves at it. A white screen appears and two words appear one in yellow at the top of the sceeen and one in blue at the bottom on the screen and both then move off screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.32], [11.05, 25.79], [26.53, 123.06], [40.53, 94.32], [123.8, 139.27], [140.01, 147.38]], "duration": 147.38, "id": 3086}, {"image_id": "v_dQs2-z3TIes.mp4", "caption": "A woman is on stage speaking to a little girl while holding a microphone. The girl speaks into the microphone, then performs a ballet piece. She dances around the stage for the audience. She falls onto one knee as she completes her performance.", "segments": [[0, 5.87], [6.17, 14.39], [15.27, 48.76], [50.23, 58.75]], "duration": 58.75, "id": 3087}, {"image_id": "v_uug0bhnLgHs.mp4", "caption": "A person stirs a large bowl of lemonade. A woman is chopping up a potato. She adds the potato to a large pot of water. She adds lemons and lettuce and cucumbers to the bowl. She mixes it all together in a bowl.", "segments": [[1.85, 3.7], [31.43, 42.52], [46.21, 61], [67.47, 125.7], [128.47, 132.17]], "duration": 184.86, "id": 3088}, {"image_id": "v_bM7Tgb1mJfc.mp4", "caption": "We see a man instructing another man on shooting arrow. The mans first arrow misses. The man loads another arrow. We see the targets in front of a backdrop. The man hits the backdrop and it collapses. The people all stand around laughing. The instructor walks over to the targets.", "segments": [[0, 24.5], [3.92, 11.43], [11.43, 19.28], [25.48, 36.26], [35.94, 41.16], [41.16, 60.44], [60.44, 65.34]], "duration": 65.34, "id": 3089}, {"image_id": "v_rJKrXQ4v-9s.mp4", "caption": "A plume of smoke is shown going across a pair of skis. A man is carving designs, burning them into the wood. He then rakes an iron across the boards, setting the image.", "segments": [[0, 10.87], [11.26, 49.32], [50.87, 77.67]], "duration": 77.67, "id": 3090}, {"image_id": "v_yATxB9giT34.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking into a mike that transitions into a close up of a beer pong table as well as people playing. Shots of beer are poured, people playing rock, paper, scissors, dealing money, and computer screens for music. More people are shown playing beer pong while being interviewed on camera and walking around a room. Several more shots are shown of people dancing, playing pong, fighting, and speaking to one another.", "segments": [[8.45, 45.61], [25.34, 90.37], [69.26, 133.44], [109.8, 168.92]], "duration": 168.92000000000002, "id": 3091}, {"image_id": "v_veaxOUe_8HE.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to the camera and leads into several clips of people playing volleyball with one another. The people continue to play the sport while others speak to the camera as well as watch on the sides and high five each other.", "segments": [[2.06, 114.27], [50.44, 198.69]], "duration": 205.89, "id": 3092}, {"image_id": "v_WaWkDf6b_j4.mp4", "caption": "A man walks along a bare field while a woman walks around beside him. He walks back and fourth preparing to jump and eventually jumps over a pole. A girl claps for him and the same move is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 7.67], [6.39, 20.02], [20.02, 85.19]], "duration": 85.2, "id": 3093}, {"image_id": "v_DVZCBD8-y2I.mp4", "caption": "A video shows how to clean snow off a car. A person folds a blue cloth, wrapping it around a snow brush neatly. He then uses the brush to gently wipe snow off a vehicle. The video ends with an advertisement for an auto shop.", "segments": [[0, 6.06], [8.81, 36.34], [38.54, 95.25], [96.35, 110.11]], "duration": 110.11, "id": 3094}, {"image_id": "v_IFmtu3Sd7iI.mp4", "caption": "Several scuba divers are seen swimming around the ocean while sharks move around them underneath. The camera continuously follows the sharks around the water and the scuba divers interact with one another while they move.", "segments": [[1.14, 45.69], [38.26, 110.79]], "duration": 114.22, "id": 3095}, {"image_id": "v_aINlF3UDJ7s.mp4", "caption": "A blue screen appears and on the left side a clear bottle is pouring liquid into a clear martini glass and white words appear on the left side of the screen that say \"Girls Mixing Drinks dot com Notre Dame Pick-Me-Up with Stacey\".A brunette woman wearing all black is standing in a bar talking, she picks up a clear drinking glass, puts ice in it and touches all the ingredients she's going to use while talking about them. The woman then begins to measure out each alcohol into a shot glass, pours them into the cup, squirts liquid from a clear bottle into the cup, pours some soda from a can into the cup, pours juice from a box into the cup, then adds a straw to the cup and pushes the cup to the front of the counter. Throughout the whole time she's making the drink the website pops up from time to time at the bottom of the screen, then the outro screen appears with a two tone red diagonal background of thick stripes and the website in the middle reads www dot GirlsMakingDrinks dot com.", "segments": [[0, 5.99], [5.99, 29.95], [29.95, 73.09], [73.09, 79.88]], "duration": 79.88, "id": 3096}, {"image_id": "v_1SQAnbh_lcM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind a counter sharpening a knife. She pours water on the knife sharpener and continues sharpening the knife. She picks up a knife sharpener and sharpens the knife.", "segments": [[0, 224.12], [88.53, 94.13], [136.71, 169.21]], "duration": 224.12, "id": 3097}, {"image_id": "v_sCTmSj_tsDQ.mp4", "caption": "Men appear in a field with bulls and the words \"Bullfight Laos\" appear on screen. The men gather around the field where two bulls are. The bulls are encouraged to fight with their horns while the people watch.", "segments": [[0, 5.3], [5.96, 38.41], [38.96, 132.08]], "duration": 132.45, "id": 3098}, {"image_id": "v_NK0WynwKc34.mp4", "caption": "A small baby hits a bongo in a room. The baby stops and takes something off his hand. The baby goes back to playing the drum.", "segments": [[0, 8.87], [8.97, 14.69], [14.98, 19.71]], "duration": 19.71, "id": 3099}, {"image_id": "v_jGoW5WVAtX4.mp4", "caption": "We see the outside of a restaurant with a snow like graphic on the bottom. We see men inside the bar and one man speaking into a microphone. We then see ladies playing beer pong against a team of men. Two teams of men play beer pong together as a man stands behind them holding a camera in the air. We switch and see other teams in the room playing and see two ladies talking. We then see a lady toss a ball across a table. We see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.26], [8.26, 24.77], [24.29, 45.18], [45.18, 81.12], [81.61, 91.81], [92.3, 95.7], [96.67, 97.15]], "duration": 97.15, "id": 3100}, {"image_id": "v_uavao6fYoMM.mp4", "caption": "A drawing of a court is shown on the screen. We see a game of soccer in progress on an outdoor field. The men are kicking the ball away from each other. They try to get the ball into the opposing goals.", "segments": [[0, 13.8], [21.16, 66.25], [69.01, 138.01], [139.85, 184.02]], "duration": 184.02, "id": 3101}, {"image_id": "v_8C6iIFY47Kc.mp4", "caption": "Two wrestlers meet at a table inside a wrestling ring. They sit at the table and hold each other's hands, prepared to arm wrestle. The men try hard to beat each other, pushing hard on each side. One wins, then they get up and start fighting inside the ring. One is kicked out of the ring, leaving the giant as the victor.", "segments": [[0, 14.36], [18.78, 60.76], [62.97, 123.73], [127.04, 185.59], [187.8, 220.94]], "duration": 220.94, "id": 3102}, {"image_id": "v_4bw6ocN0jGU.mp4", "caption": "A dog is running by a lake. A man is wake boarding behind a boat. A person is sitting in the water.", "segments": [[0, 4.88], [17.91, 162.82], [91.18, 94.44]], "duration": 162.82, "id": 3103}, {"image_id": "v_k2vkwy2vdP4.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a water motorboat in the ocean. Beside him appears a man on a surfboard. The man on the surfboard speeds past, leaving him in his wake.", "segments": [[0, 12.55], [14.35, 60.08], [61.42, 89.67]], "duration": 89.67, "id": 3104}, {"image_id": "v_aS6Qv9N5mG0.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen playing games with one another in a large gymnasium. Many people watch on the sidelines an the people pass a bad mitten back and fourth to one another.", "segments": [[0, 20.83], [2.67, 26.7]], "duration": 26.7, "id": 3105}, {"image_id": "v_gCx-ucvPhDY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black Speedo is standing on a diving board with his hand down on his sides.He then begins running and does two hops to get to the end of the board.Finally,he is at the end of the diving board and does a flip into the water as the crowd on the side watches.", "segments": [[0, 1.96], [2.01, 4.34], [4.37, 5.6]], "duration": 5.6, "id": 3106}, {"image_id": "v_6dJrQV3Jzbw.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running down a field playing a game of lacrosse. The people hit the ball all along the field while a ref watches them on the side. The group continue to play together while the camera moves back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 36.62], [37.43, 118.81], [101.72, 158.68]], "duration": 162.75, "id": 3107}, {"image_id": "v_BNa85xIhNqA.mp4", "caption": "A large kite is seen flying over a beach with people wandering around on the sides. A man is seen flying the large kite while others watch him on the side. Another kite is shown flying beside his and leads into a show of the ocean.", "segments": [[0, 33.8], [33.8, 80.69], [76.87, 107.95]], "duration": 109.03999999999999, "id": 3108}, {"image_id": "v_ZN9kbYULUtw.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen stretching in a circle while taking his shirt off and looking off into the distance. The boy then begins performing various martial arts in front of a large crowd. The boy continues kicking and spinning around while ending to bow to the camera.", "segments": [[0.49, 25.9], [23.94, 69.88], [58.15, 96.76]], "duration": 97.72999999999999, "id": 3109}, {"image_id": "v_YZhNtSJMzq8.mp4", "caption": "A boy mows a backyard using a mower that has a collecting bag on back. The boy pass the sidewalk and turn to the yard to continue cutting the grass.", "segments": [[0, 28.13], [28.13, 49.34]], "duration": 49.34, "id": 3110}, {"image_id": "v_Gi9aPJOgn6M.mp4", "caption": "A car commercial begins with numerous people washing a vehicle as it goes through a professional car wash. The people stand in a group, waving their rags in the air at the camera, as if to say goodbye. Then it cuts to a final screen advertising the name of the service.", "segments": [[0, 21.99], [22.29, 25.15], [25.3, 30.12]], "duration": 30.12, "id": 3111}, {"image_id": "v_z60D7p37Lws.mp4", "caption": "A woman spins a young boy in circles. The boy is holding a long stick and wearing a blindfold. The woman stops spinning the boy and aims him at a pinata hanging from the ceiling. The boy swings and hits the pinata once. He then swings and misses many times. The boy finally gives up and takes the blindfold off. A different woman walks in and stops near the pinata.", "segments": [[0, 21.82], [0, 75.15], [22.22, 25.45], [29.9, 33.13], [34.34, 75.15], [75.15, 77.17], [77.57, 80.81]], "duration": 80.8, "id": 3112}, {"image_id": "v_vjVtKL3xd8w.mp4", "caption": "We see a green opening screen. We see a ladies hair in a close up. A lady speaks while sitting on a couch. We see a lady putting a roller in her hair. We then see the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 3.54], [4.25, 9.2], [9.91, 40.33], [41.04, 136.57], [136.57, 141.53]], "duration": 141.53, "id": 3113}, {"image_id": "v_yeQDfh6K6Sc.mp4", "caption": "A man turns on a camera. A man in a black shirt is squatting on a couch and smoking hookah. The man attempts to blow smoke rings. The man blows smoke directly at the camera. The man again proceeds to blow smoke directly at the camera. The man reaches to turn the camera off.", "segments": [[0, 2.28], [2.9, 41.4], [13.25, 17.6], [24.43, 27.12], [38.71, 40.37], [39.75, 41.4]], "duration": 41.4, "id": 3114}, {"image_id": "v_QJmoA3byOzo.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms in to show the car's front right wheel. The camera zooms out to show the man spraying the car with soap. The camera zooms in again to show the soap running down the back of the car, then the camera moves to show the left side of the car. Then two men spray water on the car to wash the soap off.", "segments": [[1.89, 18], [18, 46.43], [29.37, 64.43], [112.75, 189.5]], "duration": 189.5, "id": 3115}, {"image_id": "v_J_SD_hhGET8.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks to the middle of the room. She performs belly dancing moves. She extends her fingers out and finishes her dancing.", "segments": [[0, 14.1], [15.27, 231.39], [233.74, 234.92]], "duration": 234.92000000000002, "id": 3116}, {"image_id": "v_Us795clHJmw.mp4", "caption": "A woman spins a blindfold person holding a stick on front a pi\u00f1ata. Then, the person hits the strong, while the pi\u00f1ata is moving. The person laugh and the woman approach her.", "segments": [[0, 5.73], [5.88, 28.94], [28.94, 30.95]], "duration": 30.95, "id": 3117}, {"image_id": "v_4QqoWbK2ELc.mp4", "caption": "A person prepares to bungee jump over a body of water while onlookers watch from the ground. The person is sitting down, first, strapped into bungee jumping gear. The person stands at the edge of a wooden jumping surface as onlookers watch from the ground. The person jumps off of the edge and falls down as the camera follows and reveals that this is a man who has jumped, and the man is smiling and laughing as he flails in the air just above the water.", "segments": [[0.45, 90.29], [0.9, 9.03], [10.84, 18.06], [25.73, 90.29]], "duration": 90.28999999999999, "id": 3118}, {"image_id": "v_k5vE0ehf5TA.mp4", "caption": "An individual uses a vacuum cleaner hose to play with a dog. The camera switches to a more side view of the dog. The camera switches to a more top down view of the dog.", "segments": [[0, 67.66], [3.38, 15.9], [15.56, 67.66]], "duration": 67.66, "id": 3119}, {"image_id": "v_cvuSpqwxRYE.mp4", "caption": "A man dips a sponge into a bucket. He uses the sponge to wipe black mud all over a boy. Other people are covering people in paint. They are preparing for the running of the bulls in spain.", "segments": [[0, 2.78], [7.83, 24.49], [29.54, 43.94], [45.96, 50.5]], "duration": 50.5, "id": 3120}, {"image_id": "v_8ycO15nH8YM.mp4", "caption": "We see a title screen on white. A lady has a cake turned upside down she puts back in the tray. The lady slices parts of the cake and flips it again. The lady cuts the edges off the cake. The lady moves everything and brings it back. We then see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 2.8], [3.73, 21.47], [21.47, 81.21], [79.34, 151.21], [151.21, 181.08], [182.01, 186.68]], "duration": 186.68, "id": 3121}, {"image_id": "v_4EoFt8F3_nw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking beside a hedge in a public area with a dog beside him. The dog is seen walking on it's two legs and hops down in the end.", "segments": [[0.13, 2.71], [1.97, 4.91]], "duration": 5.06, "id": 3122}, {"image_id": "v_ckzLOLHjP44.mp4", "caption": "We see men on a lacrosse field playing a game. A man hits the ball and the men run on the field. We see a man in red run on the screen and walk back.", "segments": [[0, 32.46], [1.3, 7.79], [8.76, 13.15]], "duration": 32.46, "id": 3123}, {"image_id": "v_r8RJSDKy9iA.mp4", "caption": "A young girl has several people holding her eye open while another tries to put in a contact lens. They cannot get the lens in at the eye at first and try over and over again. They eventually succeed in getting the lens in but the girl stands up as thers laugh.", "segments": [[0, 24.73], [26.21, 78.64], [79.13, 98.92]], "duration": 98.92, "id": 3124}, {"image_id": "v_4mRdgV8t4KY.mp4", "caption": "People are riding horses in an indoor arena. People are sitting outside the arena watching them. They stop the horses and the girl turns around.", "segments": [[0, 189.31], [49.22, 51.11], [186.47, 189.31]], "duration": 189.31, "id": 3125}, {"image_id": "v_H8aW-6HhMBA.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are sitting in Hooters the restaurant,the female is an employee and the guy is a regular customer.He grabs a beer and then kisses the girls.He tries three more times and he is successful but the third girl was by accident and she hits the guy and becomes extremely upset by it.The male does it again and more girls in the restaurant begins to kiss him.", "segments": [[0, 16.45], [16.45, 30.85], [30.16, 103.5], [103.5, 137.09]], "duration": 137.09, "id": 3126}, {"image_id": "v_hANXaoStVR0.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in the swimming pool playing water polo. He is in the pool playing water polo with a yellow ball and two other people. He throws the ball across and the people sitting by the pool and watching him play cheer loudly.", "segments": [[3.13, 12.77], [12.77, 21.15], [21.15, 23.91]], "duration": 25.03, "id": 3127}, {"image_id": "v_6mrjcnKVJyY.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen wearing boxing gloves and punching and kicking one another.The men continue going back and fourth with each other and a text appears at the end of the video.", "segments": [[6.68, 70.96], [102.69, 156.12]], "duration": 166.98, "id": 3128}, {"image_id": "v_VshQp9mHeh4.mp4", "caption": "A boy runs into the shot and kicks a soccer ball. The ball lobs toward a crowd in a park. Few other boys try to catch the moving ball. One boy eventually kicks the ball back toward the camera. A girl comes in from the sidelines and kicks the ball back toward the crowd of boys and the kids continue this cycle of kicking.", "segments": [[0, 16.03], [16.03, 19.23], [19.23, 30.99], [30.99, 52.36], [51.83, 106.86]], "duration": 106.86, "id": 3129}, {"image_id": "v_SOkS5d8GjZ4.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are shown sitting at a table with a cigarette in her mouth and their arms crossed at one another. They begin arm wrestles and the girl with the cigarette beats the man.", "segments": [[0, 9.64], [9.12, 20.96]], "duration": 20.96, "id": 3130}, {"image_id": "v_ZVKUKjVYwF8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen moving down a set of stairs and holding out various measuring items. The man kneels down and begins putting carpeting down on the floor as well as on the stairs. The man finishes putting the carpet down and the camera zooming in on his work.", "segments": [[0, 40.15], [36.08, 90.78], [83.21, 109.4]], "duration": 116.38, "id": 3131}, {"image_id": "v_jNGa0jPAMjI.mp4", "caption": "A seated man looks at a clipboard. The man begins smoking from a large pipe. The camera pans down to show the various items on the table before him. The camera pans back up to the man.", "segments": [[3.08, 6.48], [6.48, 58.3], [14.5, 35.78], [35.17, 57.99]], "duration": 61.7, "id": 3132}, {"image_id": "v_aEWVDbV76_Q.mp4", "caption": "People sail in a boat in a river, and a man pulls a string of a person that sets up to perform water ski. Then, the person water ski behind the boat while people watch. The person falls in the water, but stands again and continues doing water ski. A boat appears in the river behind the person, while the person water ski. The person falls again in the water, the people in the boat laugh and a man does thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 25.23], [26.02, 56.77], [56.77, 121.42], [94.61, 130.88], [134.82, 157.69]], "duration": 157.69, "id": 3133}, {"image_id": "v_N6HUPyM5m2o.mp4", "caption": "woman is wearing a purple shit lifting weight. woman is sitting in stairs tying the laces. two women are in a gym room doing exercise.", "segments": [[0, 8.1], [0.22, 8.71], [0, 8.71]], "duration": 8.71, "id": 3134}, {"image_id": "v_1TWdrO8cCxA.mp4", "caption": "A girl with a jump rope is in athletic shorts and a t-shirt, holding a jump-rope. She begins to preform complicated stunts, such as hand-stands, flips, and the splits while jumping rope. She has a brief mishap as she drops the jump rope and then picks it up to resume her performance. Many people are sitting on the sidelines, some watching as an audience, some are judges, some are filming the event.", "segments": [[0, 3.32], [3.32, 47.29], [48.95, 50.19], [0, 82.97]], "duration": 82.97, "id": 3135}, {"image_id": "v_p3LvCbxC_ZE.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a large yard to show two people moving a wooden bar. One man then steps on the bar and begins using a tool to cut down hedges. The man looks back to the speak to the camera and the men move the bar.", "segments": [[0, 27.17], [25.47, 87.16], [72.45, 109.24]], "duration": 113.2, "id": 3136}, {"image_id": "v_cWU5059m_1Q.mp4", "caption": "We see a guy in a gym holding a jump rope. The guy does a jump rope routine. The guy does a flip with the rope. The guy does two push ups. The guys leg gets caught on the rope. The guy jumps high and the rope gets tangled again. The guy finishes and lays on the ground. The guy gets up and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 9.51], [9.51, 88.93], [14.27, 17.6], [31.39, 37.09], [44.23, 45.65], [66.1, 68.48], [82.74, 89.4], [90.35, 95.11]], "duration": 95.11, "id": 3137}, {"image_id": "v_Qz_PtO18pXE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is posing on a diving board. She springs backward into the water in front of a watching group.", "segments": [[0, 5.19], [5.37, 8.73]], "duration": 8.73, "id": 3138}, {"image_id": "v_IIAg_MFuCoY.mp4", "caption": "We see a couple dance on a dance floor in a club. We see a man looks in the camera and opens his mouth as a group of people walk past. A man in a black shirt walks past the camera and stands their for a moment. The lady shimmy's and bends down to the ground and back up. The man dips the woman and the smile at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 200.46], [66.15, 75.17], [103.24, 116.27], [138.32, 152.35], [193.44, 200.46]], "duration": 200.46, "id": 3139}, {"image_id": "v_wEgt41AJaU4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen running around an outdoor arena and playing paintball with one another. One man runs forward and a large cloud of smoke spins around and a man waves his arms in the air while another helps.", "segments": [[0.29, 14.32], [9.45, 27.78]], "duration": 28.64, "id": 3140}, {"image_id": "v_UaCSf-kW2Ho.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting down in chairs playing drums. People are walking past on the sidewalk. A person pushing a stroller walks behind them.", "segments": [[0, 95.13], [5.71, 95.13], [11.89, 37.1]], "duration": 95.13, "id": 3141}, {"image_id": "v_SwXGVQXyXkQ.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a barber chair. The barber begins to shave his head. He shaves stars into his head. The design is intricately done.", "segments": [[0, 148.98], [45.44, 148.98], [70.02, 148.98], [102.05, 148.98]], "duration": 148.98, "id": 3142}, {"image_id": "v_cM67XJS7yM8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen looking at the camera then crying and hugging a group of people. Shots of people playing shuffle board are shown followed by people celebrating and the woman speaking to the camera. More shots of celebrating are shown and the team mates all hug one another.", "segments": [[0, 9.59], [9.59, 33.15], [34.82, 41.7]], "duration": 41.7, "id": 3143}, {"image_id": "v_s4pnHlWlt5k.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is standing in the grass swinging a bat at a pinata. People are watching the boy. A girl in a blue swimsuit takes the bat and starts swinging at the pinata.", "segments": [[0, 39.56], [0, 53.45], [40.36, 53.45]], "duration": 53.45, "id": 3144}, {"image_id": "v_fEsTL9tYOVc.mp4", "caption": "We see a GoPro and the title card. We see the water and a boat full of people riding on the water and put on wet suits and enter the water. We see the people underwater swimming around. A person is swimming in a crevasse. We see an animal on a rock. We see part of a ship. We are shown various sea life. We see the people near the ship. People are holding a large sea-slug. We see a large underwater turtle on the ground. Bubble float to the surface and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 3.2], [7.47, 34.16], [34.16, 197.49], [48.04, 79], [64.05, 68.32], [86.47, 96.08], [96.08, 123.83], [121.7, 129.17], [136.65, 165.47], [180.41, 187.89], [196.43, 213.51]], "duration": 213.51, "id": 3145}, {"image_id": "v_9WmsYbZl1pw.mp4", "caption": "There's a sandwich that is still whole and has been cut in half into a triangular shape and white words pop up on the screen noting that it's a \"Reuben sandwich\". A man in the kitchen appears and he's putting seasonings into a pan and he starts swishing the pan around. An introduction of 6 different small videos of foods appear and there's text below that say's \"Steve's cooking\". A large piece of raw meat appears on a white plate and the word Reuben flashes a few times on it as it's shown in various different angles. The man then places the meat into a large pot and pours liquids onto it until it's fully covered and begins to season it with various seasonings and at the same time the names of the seasonings appear on the screen as each seasonings fall. Then there's a close up shot of a large knife that is crushing a bunch of garlic cloves that also get thrown into the pot and the seasonings and meat are gently stirred then quickly shows that the water is now boiling and text shows up that say's \"About one hour per pound\", and a lid gets put onto the pot. A pair of tongs pull out a piece of meat from the pot and is placed onto a white square plate where it gets put onto a cutting board and gets thinly sliced with a large serrated knife. An empty large clear bowl is shown and mayonnaise, ketchup, relish, worcesterchire sauce, and hot sauce get spooned into the bowl. A purple onion, celery and parsley then get chopped up individually and each individually gets thrown into the bowl where it begins to get mixed by a whisk and then seasoned with salt and pepper and mixed some more. A finger dips into the bowl to get a sample out and mixing continues for a bit longer. A small brush with melted butter begins to butter bread on both sides which gets put onto a flat grill and flipped until both sides are grilled. Some white shredded food gets thrown onto the grill and is stirred around by a black spatula. Thin slices of meat appear next to the white shredded food and they get topped with 3 slices of swiss cheese and covered with a white bowl until the cheese melts, then the white shredded food is scooped up and put onto the meat and cheese. The mixed sauce from the clear bowl is then shown being spread onto the bread with a spoon and the meat,cheese and shredded white food is put onto the bread, topped with the other bread, and then sliced in half diagonally. The sandwich is then spread apart and a hand picks up one half to show it at different angles, it gets bitten a few times and then put back on the plate where the rest of the video just shows it at differently angles and short previous seen clip of the meat being sliced.", "segments": [[0, 3.56], [1.19, 14.23], [15.42, 20.16], [20.16, 29.65], [29.65, 45.07], [45.07, 54.55], [45.07, 66.41], [66.41, 83.02], [83.02, 115.04], [115.04, 119.78], [119.78, 139.94], [139.94, 143.5], [147.06, 162.48], [162.48, 181.45], [181.45, 237.19]], "duration": 237.19, "id": 3146}, {"image_id": "v_2NAs35b7fck.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are playing soccer. One player kicks the ball into the goal before going for the opposing goal. They continue fighting over the ball for an extended period.", "segments": [[0, 42.83], [45.21, 136.41], [138, 158.62]], "duration": 158.62, "id": 3147}, {"image_id": "v_DzCk5xjSF9o.mp4", "caption": "A lady in white stripes shirt is standing next to a young boy, they are standing at the counter, they cut the side of the bread, put spread on it, roll the bread in a plastic, cut the side of the bread, put meat on the bread, shredded the cheese, roll the bread in the plastic. The woman sliced the plastic with bread in it then put it in a rectangle plate.", "segments": [[0, 30.3], [26.89, 42.68]], "duration": 42.68, "id": 3148}, {"image_id": "v_VOnP9N7FAT8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting down in a chair playing an accordion. She stops playing and puts her arm down. Words flash onto the screen.", "segments": [[0, 175.84], [165.39, 170.14], [172.04, 190.1]], "duration": 190.1, "id": 3149}, {"image_id": "v_ORVjNqVSLe0.mp4", "caption": "A person shaves the back legs of a man using a shaver while he is lying face down. Then the man turns face up, and the person starts to shave the legs. After, the person uses a machine on the legs, and then a picture shows the legs before and after shave.", "segments": [[0, 111.33], [113.2, 168.4], [169.33, 176.82]], "duration": 187.11, "id": 3150}, {"image_id": "v_Tp4g0ErB2oQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman behind a fence watch a group of players in a field. An old lady pass behind the woman. People play hurling in a field.", "segments": [[0, 21.48], [0.75, 3.87], [12.99, 19.33]], "duration": 21.48, "id": 3151}, {"image_id": "v_nxFbmoV3Idk.mp4", "caption": "A man puts a tire over a machine and rotates the rime. Then,the man uses a tool to loose the rime, then the machine removes the rubber tire. After, the man takes glue and brush the tire, and then using the machine he puts the rubber tire in the rim.", "segments": [[6.89, 78.04], [81.49, 142.32], [143.46, 222.66]], "duration": 229.54, "id": 3152}, {"image_id": "v_YDz0pyc26Ss.mp4", "caption": "Several people are outdoors, one of which is riding and performing tricks on a skateboard. The man goes into a group of people before another man, then another are shown going downhill on the street riding their skateboards. They perform several tricks and flips as they go.The people clap as the winner is announced.", "segments": [[0, 21.85], [23.93, 59.31], [62.43, 178.96], [184.17, 208.1]], "duration": 208.1, "id": 3153}, {"image_id": "v_7NMds32-lMc.mp4", "caption": "Men are lifting heavy weights over their head several times. A man in a blue shirt is watching one of the men. A man in a gray shirt is mimicking the person lifting the weight.", "segments": [[0, 237.49], [52.25, 57], [98.56, 102.12]], "duration": 237.49, "id": 3154}, {"image_id": "v_lGRZ3F7tW2c.mp4", "caption": "A large group of kids are seen practicing basketball drills on a court and passing the ball quickly to one another. Several boys make baskets while still speaking to one another an the coach moves in and speaks to the boys. He walks away and more drills are shown with the boys.", "segments": [[0, 35.89], [35.19, 105.57], [102.05, 140.76]], "duration": 140.76, "id": 3155}, {"image_id": "v_Tz3OXEWBSVA.mp4", "caption": "Several close ups of plants are shown with a man walking into frame and speaking to the camera. The man continues to speak while pointing to the camera and begins laying out mulch to put all over the plants. The man continues pushing dirt around and ends by watering all the plants.", "segments": [[2.46, 42.4], [41.17, 97.09], [87.26, 119.22]], "duration": 122.9, "id": 3156}, {"image_id": "v_YoXZfvf5Teg.mp4", "caption": "The intro is a white screen, the website on the top left,the words \"Howcast original\" appear and afterwards another set of words describing the lesson appear and it reads \"Vibrato Beginner Violin Lessons\". A woman named Julie Artzt Becker is holding her violin is sitting and talking in front of a blue screen. The woman puts the violin up to her chin and continues to talk. The woman then puts her fingers onto the strings and with her other hand she touches and points on her fingers on the strings as well as taking the bow to her strings every now and then. The woman talks throughout the entire video as she's demonstrating her movements or pointing towards her finger motions. Eventually the woman stops talking and ends with a smile and the words \"Howcast original\" appear on the white screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.78], [5.78, 27.73], [27.73, 33.51], [33.51, 227.64], [5.78, 228.8], [228.8, 231.11]], "duration": 231.11, "id": 3157}, {"image_id": "v_nUghBtcrTPA.mp4", "caption": "Two men are fighting in an asian art form outside. They are taking swings and hits as well as kicks at each other throughout.", "segments": [[0, 67.55], [70.77, 128.68]], "duration": 128.68, "id": 3158}, {"image_id": "v_9IIcG8AiUnA.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing inside a kitchen in front of a small table. He shows and talks about olive oil and lemon juice. He uses the items to clean and polish the table of scratches.", "segments": [[0, 14.57], [30.46, 90.06], [100, 132.45]], "duration": 132.45, "id": 3159}, {"image_id": "v_Marb8CMxPV0.mp4", "caption": "Various people are seen standing in an open area performing several tricks with their dogs. Many people watch on the sidelines and more people continue to show tricks with their dogs. Several people are interviewed by the camera and leads into even more tricks being shown.", "segments": [[0, 155.71], [10.56, 171.54], [52.78, 171.54]], "duration": 175.94, "id": 3160}, {"image_id": "v_GAEavSUmQRk.mp4", "caption": "A man in glasses speaks to the camera. He demonstrates a key around his neck and points to his trumpet. He attaches the key to the trumpet and continues to speak and demonstrate important features of the trumpet.", "segments": [[0, 216.34], [19.47, 28.12], [30.29, 216.34]], "duration": 216.34, "id": 3161}, {"image_id": "v_vu-3Zi94F0M.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in a kayak looking to the camera. He then sticks his paddle in the water and begins moving along. He continues riding around an area while moving the paddle.", "segments": [[0, 4.93], [4.56, 14.05], [11.13, 17.06]], "duration": 18.25, "id": 3162}, {"image_id": "v_tPZYyaX63yE.mp4", "caption": "A person is holding a red leaf blower. They begin to blow the leaves in the yard. They show the leaf blower again.", "segments": [[2.98, 8.01], [8.17, 27.8], [28.9, 31.42]], "duration": 31.42, "id": 3163}, {"image_id": "v_6lyXvR5VtTQ.mp4", "caption": "An older man and young woman are seen spinning around a stick while the girl is blindfolded and people sitting around her watch. The girl then swings the stick around the air aiming for the pinata and hitting the object several times. She continues to swing around the air until the end when she finally hits it.", "segments": [[0, 24.67], [25.48, 63.91], [61.89, 80.9]], "duration": 80.9, "id": 3164}, {"image_id": "v_qZvP5BvVbcg.mp4", "caption": "Some people are skiing down a mountain and following each other. They finish by going faster and faster until they finish.", "segments": [[0, 207.75], [80.6, 227.04]], "duration": 227.05, "id": 3165}, {"image_id": "v_RWir3muDHg0.mp4", "caption": "A lot of men are standing outdoors on a dirt field and there are two teams standing along a rope while a lot of people are standing around watching them.The men wearing yellow and blue shirts pick up the rope and are getting in position to play tug o war. Suddenly the men start pulling on the rope as other men are instructing them and the spectators are cheering.The men in the yellow and blue shirts are easily pulling the rope and they have won while the people around them cheer.", "segments": [[0, 2.03], [2.03, 32.42], [32.42, 77.01], [77.01, 81.06]], "duration": 81.06, "id": 3166}, {"image_id": "v_S-VSs8o98Ho.mp4", "caption": "Cigarettes are placed down on a table. Someone shuffles cards onto the table. A man pushes a broom behind them. They continue playing cards at the table.", "segments": [[0, 13.44], [9.71, 33.6], [27.13, 33.6], [30.37, 49.78]], "duration": 49.78, "id": 3167}, {"image_id": "v_tCkHrK6mRME.mp4", "caption": "A video leads into several clips of a man performing tricks with a dog. The man continues performing tricks with the dog as the camera captures him from several angles as well as others doing tricks with their dogs.", "segments": [[4.34, 47.16], [43.44, 120.39]], "duration": 124.11, "id": 3168}, {"image_id": "v_Jy8JurvYlH4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl walks into a bathroom and starts talking to the camera. The bathroom transforms into a factory. The girl picks up a toothbrush and continues to talk. Toothpaste is applied to a tooth brush. The girl brushes her teeth and the factory changes back to a bathroom.", "segments": [[0, 20.57], [20.57, 32.62], [32.62, 50.35], [50.35, 55.32], [55.32, 141.84]], "duration": 141.84, "id": 3169}, {"image_id": "v_HadTAlDM5YM.mp4", "caption": "A man is speaking into a microphone. A man wearing a black cape is getting his beard shaved. A person puts a white towel over the man's face. He puts shaving cream on the man's face. He then puts a towel over the mans face again. He then shaves the mans beard with a razor. The man puts a towel on the other man's face again. He takes the cape off and stands up.", "segments": [[0, 5.25], [6.56, 24.27], [24.27, 33.45], [40.01, 49.2], [49.85, 60.35], [59.69, 87.9], [97.74, 108.23], [110.2, 114.79]], "duration": 131.19, "id": 3170}, {"image_id": "v_4L0mci9CTPg.mp4", "caption": "A couple dances on a ballroom floor with people seated at tables nearby. People nearby take photos of the couple. The couple finishes and leaves the dance floor.", "segments": [[0, 13.12], [13.77, 38.91], [39.13, 43.72]], "duration": 43.72, "id": 3171}, {"image_id": "v_CbQPrRwG2BM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl shows his long hair until the waist. Then, a hairdresser cuts short the hair of the the young girl. After, the girl shows her short and long hair and two braids.", "segments": [[0, 9.67], [14.51, 47.87], [47.87, 96.71]], "duration": 96.71000000000001, "id": 3172}, {"image_id": "v_IjBMVPd2Rcs.mp4", "caption": "There's a person dressed in a blue track suit demonstrating how to use a rowing machine. He sits on the bar of the machine and secures his feet into the foot rest. Then he begins by pulling the rope towards his chest while straightening his legs. Then he continues to use the machine in back and forth motion. Then comes to a rest by releasing the rope and leaning backwards.", "segments": [[0, 82.56], [3.79, 16.85], [14.32, 62.76], [54.76, 78.35], [75.4, 82.14]], "duration": 84.24, "id": 3173}, {"image_id": "v_uqlErIm56Jg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a sneaker is shown followed by a person turning on a faucet and letting the water run over the shoe. The person then takes show polish and begins scrubbing the shoe with a toothbrush while still running it under the water. The person turns off the water and presents the shoe in the sink.", "segments": [[0, 61.13], [50.75, 177.63], [161.48, 220.31]], "duration": 230.69, "id": 3174}, {"image_id": "v_ZwIu2pPxB3Y.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans away from a set of exercise equipment and leads into a woman's feet moving along. The woman is then seen using the machine as well as adjusting the settings and continuing to run.", "segments": [[0, 20.33], [14.47, 38.52]], "duration": 39.1, "id": 3175}, {"image_id": "v_8ohisLftwZ4.mp4", "caption": "Two men play squash in a room. A player goes to find the ball and throw it to his partner. Then, the two men continues playing squash. A man pick up a ball from the floor and continues squash.", "segments": [[1.25, 15.41], [15.83, 21.66], [21.66, 44.56], [44.98, 83.29]], "duration": 83.28999999999999, "id": 3176}, {"image_id": "v__ucD-3rUWWE.mp4", "caption": "Two sets of people are in the middle of the woods kayaking,in vibrant white water surrounded by large rocks.They begin to move to their left and fall over the first hill of large rocks and meet in the corner and begin talking.The second person begins to kayak and goes ferociously down the next steep hill of rocks and waits.Shortly after,the man in the blue jacket follows suit and comes behind them.Lastly,they take two pictures with the forest as back drop near a brown sign with white words reading Great Falls Overlook.", "segments": [[0, 10.24], [10.24, 39.35], [39.35, 76.01], [76.01, 98.11], [99.19, 107.81]], "duration": 107.81, "id": 3177}, {"image_id": "v_W8ILh7ickB4.mp4", "caption": "The person is squeezing the lemons in the squeezer. The person pour the lemon into the white spray bottle and added water. The person spray the lemon juice in a bow and rub the bowl with sponge.", "segments": [[0, 26.41], [22.52, 56.72], [54.13, 86.6]], "duration": 86.6, "id": 3178}, {"image_id": "v_0xxl3iG3VKY.mp4", "caption": "An sportsman launch a javelin in a stadium. The javelin flies in the air and lands in the green track, then a man runs toward it. The sportsman walk raising his hands and clap his hands. A cameraman film the athlete. The gymnast launch a javelin in the stadium.", "segments": [[0, 2.34], [2.58, 7.03], [7.26, 17.57], [15.23, 16.63], [18.04, 46.86]], "duration": 46.86, "id": 3179}, {"image_id": "v_ir759AX1EYY.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures are shown of people shining shoes for others in various locations using rags and brushes on their shoes. The video continues with many more pictures being shown of people shining shoes and a man standing with an apron in the end.", "segments": [[0.54, 50.26], [50.26, 107.01]], "duration": 108.09, "id": 3180}, {"image_id": "v_keFBEoBy0zY.mp4", "caption": "A door with red signs are covering it. A fireman runs outside carrying a board. He sleds down the road behind a car, going around turns and falling down a few times.", "segments": [[0, 19.13], [36.14, 88.23], [97.8, 212.6]], "duration": 212.6, "id": 3181}, {"image_id": "v_iBpyYbLv1WU.mp4", "caption": "A man is strumming away on his guitar aggressively. Another man with a blue guitar is playing and knocking around all over his guitar. A man in a red shirt who has an electric guitar is tapping his foot keeping tempo and playing a tune. He plays up and down a scale or tune.", "segments": [[0, 18.07], [18.54, 48.97], [49.44, 78.45], [78.45, 95.09]], "duration": 95.09, "id": 3182}, {"image_id": "v_bf3ac4bkIIo.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures of ingredients are shown with text across the screen and leads into a woman washing and peeling lemons. She rolls the lemons on a table and cut them into halves. Then she juices the lemon and pours the mixture into a large pot with sugar. She boils the pot and pours the final result into several glasses, enjoying a sip in the end.", "segments": [[0, 14.44], [14.44, 31.42], [30.15, 60.29], [61.14, 84.92]], "duration": 84.92, "id": 3183}, {"image_id": "v_uvnrLngXHh8.mp4", "caption": "A boar bristle brush is shown, then a video dvd of how to shave. A man is lying down, lather on his face while a barber shaves his beard. The man then lathers his head and shaves it with a straight razor as well. An image of the dvd is shown again.", "segments": [[0, 8.95], [9.95, 129.35], [133.33, 185.07], [186.06, 199]], "duration": 199.0, "id": 3184}, {"image_id": "v_xv6h1JNMX8g.mp4", "caption": "A man and a dog are standing in a field surrounded by a group of people.The dog goes on and then the man is seen walking off of the field.However,a lady remains and her and her dog begin doing Frisbee and tricks at the Purina Dog challenge.", "segments": [[0, 31.05], [30.27, 80.73], [80.73, 155.25]], "duration": 155.25, "id": 3185}, {"image_id": "v_bFm6E4cz5tM.mp4", "caption": "A man water ski on front a glacier. The man watch a seal and a whale in the cold water. The man water ski in the water holding a rope pulled by a boat. The man bends to pass a glacier, then he pass over an iceberg. A whale swim in the ocean. After, the man passes over an iceberg and spins, then snowboard over a big iceberg. The man slide from an iceberg and falls in the water, and people stand to watch an iceberg falls.", "segments": [[5.39, 17.08], [17.98, 28.76], [29.66, 77.3], [77.3, 106.96], [112.36, 114.15], [107.86, 140.22], [140.22, 167.19]], "duration": 179.77, "id": 3186}, {"image_id": "v_8rimo9x4qqw.mp4", "caption": "A snowboarder gives a tutorial for how to hit a jump. A few techniques are shown in four parts.", "segments": [[0, 136.96], [47.35, 145.71]], "duration": 145.71, "id": 3187}, {"image_id": "v_jVM8v6uJx8c.mp4", "caption": "The intro comes onto the screen introducing a video about ho to climb rocks. A man appears on the screen hanging from a harness to give some instructions. The video cuts to him climbing the wall while he continues his narration. The video cuts to another person in a green shirt getting help to try to climb the wall. The video shows a split screen with two views of a man climbing the wall. Then, a woman is shown trying to climb the wall. A warning is displayed on the screen at the end of the video.", "segments": [[0, 4.73], [5.16, 85.96], [24.93, 45.56], [45.99, 51.15], [55.02, 60.17], [61.03, 71.78], [80.37, 85.96]], "duration": 85.96000000000001, "id": 3188}, {"image_id": "v_8hrRE3_sWXo.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening credits on a black screen. We then see a man coaching a man in a garage and talking to the camera. The man in gray gets on his knee on the blue mat.The man stands and gets on both of his knees. The kneeling man stands up again. We see a title screen and see the kneeling man holding a machine which he pulls down and out. He releases the cord, The credits on the video run.", "segments": [[0, 11.43], [12.57, 121.13], [41.14, 74.28], [75.42, 113.13], [114.28, 117.71], [118.85, 214.84], [213.7, 228.56]], "duration": 228.56, "id": 3189}, {"image_id": "v_rBCf1qjOwCc.mp4", "caption": "litle kids are standing in front of a ouse talking to the camera and making lemonade. the kid opens a pot and grab sugar and poured into a cup of water, lemon juice and mix it with a spoon.", "segments": [[0, 27.94], [27.94, 147.05]], "duration": 147.05, "id": 3190}, {"image_id": "v_XgbTh1BCciA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing ready with a set of bagpipes and begins playing them for the camera. The man continues playing and then stops to look at the camera.", "segments": [[0.32, 37.99], [37.99, 64.95]], "duration": 64.95, "id": 3191}, {"image_id": "v_XqxJsWQqKRk.mp4", "caption": "A white screen with blue and white shapes and black words flash across the screen. A smiling black man is in a residential kitchen and he's wearing a santa hat and pouring ingredients into a large bowl. A hand pushes a clear bowl filled with dark figs and a cutting board appears immediately afterwards and the instructions on the screen say to cut the stems off of 1lb of figs and quarter them. While the list of ingredients are shown that include: 1lb Figs, 1lb Raisins, 1lb Cherries, 1lb Currants, 1lb Prunes, Port Wine and Angostura Bitters; they are all poured into a white bucket. Stirring begins immediately and the instructions on the screen say to let it soak for at least two weeks to up to 30 days. 30 days later the contents are stirred and put into a food processor and turned into a paste. The man greases a 10x3 round cake pan and covers it with parchment paper. A list and bowls of more ingredients are prepared and poured into a large metal pot and stirred vigorously. A large rectangular metal pan appears with instructions that say to fill it with a pan of hot water. The circular cake pan that was previous greased appears, and the stirred contents are poured into it and placed into the pan of hot water where they're all placed into the oven. When it's done baking and cooled the cake is put on a plate where it's glazed, cut and a slice is put on another plate.", "segments": [[0, 14.73], [14.73, 23.39], [25.13, 33.79], [33.79, 55.45], [52.85, 57.19], [57.19, 64.98], [64.98, 71.92], [71.92, 122.17], [122.17, 123.04], [123.04, 135.17], [135.17, 173.29]], "duration": 173.29, "id": 3192}, {"image_id": "v_e_X0K2t8API.mp4", "caption": "A blindfolded man swings at a pinata with a bat while others look on from nearby seats. The man succeeds in breaking the pinata. The man removes his blindfold as some of the others approach him.", "segments": [[0, 58.86], [58.03, 62.56], [62.97, 82.32]], "duration": 82.32, "id": 3193}, {"image_id": "v_WUSEdPfHPoY.mp4", "caption": "two men enter a squash court to compete in a game of squash. One man is wearing a white shirt and the other man is wearing a dark shirt. The men begin playing while the game progresses each man serves from the serving box. The game finishes with a hand shake and a wave to the crowd. A girl in a pink blouse enters the squash court as another man enters the court.", "segments": [[0, 18], [18, 28.59], [28.59, 147.16], [148.22, 167.28], [167.28, 211.74]], "duration": 211.74, "id": 3194}, {"image_id": "v_AAQp3iEJxJc.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures lead into clips of people riding down a river on canoes and kayaks. Several people are shown riding along the rough rivers while paddling themselves along. The people continue to push themselves along the water while the camera follows their movements.", "segments": [[0, 56.93], [52.19, 148.26], [122.17, 231.29]], "duration": 237.22, "id": 3195}, {"image_id": "v_X1pGJqP89Nk.mp4", "caption": "Women sit outside in small chairs and hand wash clothes in plastic tubs. The lady scrubs a garment on a wooden board. The lady rings out the water from a garment then tosses it aside when done washing it.", "segments": [[0, 210.36], [51, 183.8], [198.67, 212.49]], "duration": 212.49, "id": 3196}, {"image_id": "v_18k_K9cFFJg.mp4", "caption": "A boy is skating in a parking lot. He does several moves, dancing and talking. The boy skates around the parking lot on inline skates.", "segments": [[0, 21.16], [26.93, 138.49], [138.49, 192.35]], "duration": 192.35, "id": 3197}, {"image_id": "v_MKLwNTbEK4E.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a poker table is shown followed by the camera panning around to other tables in the area as well as people playing. Several clips are shown of people sitting at tables gambling as well as laughing to the camera. More pictures are shown of people at the casino as well as video of them wandering around the area.", "segments": [[2.02, 50.45], [41.71, 104.94], [84.76, 129.16]], "duration": 134.54, "id": 3198}, {"image_id": "v_l7EktV5FYGk.mp4", "caption": "The camera focuses on a man piloting a sailboat in a harbor environment. The boat's sail dips into the water. The man rights the sailboat and continues.", "segments": [[4.93, 193.08], [104.42, 110.33], [109.35, 115.26]], "duration": 197.02, "id": 3199}, {"image_id": "v_AdnLY0a6yn0.mp4", "caption": "A man is practicing indoors, he is doing intervals of jumping while running. Once he lands in the sand he goes back to start again. He does this over and over each time starting farther back. Then the practice is over and it's done.", "segments": [[0, 12.24], [12.24, 36.28], [36.28, 62.44], [62.86, 84.38]], "duration": 84.38, "id": 3200}, {"image_id": "v_qRmaZNDyDhA.mp4", "caption": "A van drives down a country road and pulls to the side of the road with a flat tire. The driver fumbles with a hand jack and is frustrated. The driver then uses an electric car jack to lift the car wheel up instead. The woman plugs in a an electric hand drill that and uses it to remove the lug nuts. The woman puts a new tire on the car and bolts it in place. The woman lowers the car wheel off of the jack. A man points to the different tools in a tool box. The man hooks a charger up to the car battery.", "segments": [[4, 16.99], [17.99, 27.99], [28.99, 58.97], [61.97, 97.95], [98.95, 123.94], [124.94, 137.93], [142.93, 167.92], [164.92, 185.91]], "duration": 199.9, "id": 3201}, {"image_id": "v_iKH8FgONbVw.mp4", "caption": "A man kneel on a ball and holds a rod. The man push her body forward pushing the rod. Then, the man bring his body to a straight position, then again bring his body forward.", "segments": [[0, 0.9], [1.02, 14.35], [14.48, 25.63]], "duration": 25.63, "id": 3202}, {"image_id": "v_5sdUW55eS4M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is mopping the white tiled floor with a mop. The woman put the mop in a green bucket, and put it in a strainer to squeeze out the excess water, then she pushed the floor map handle as she squeeze out the water and began mopping the floor, and under the chairs, side of the couch, the liquid on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 13.84], [11.94, 95.48]], "duration": 95.47999999999999, "id": 3203}, {"image_id": "v_56sQMnSUWaI.mp4", "caption": "A black woman does a routine on the balance beam. She spins, jumps, twirls, and flips. She falls off, finishes her routine, and them dismounts to a clapping audience.", "segments": [[0, 95.59], [6.69, 73.6], [53.05, 95.59]], "duration": 95.59, "id": 3204}, {"image_id": "v_jml_hnhjltg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen carrying a snow blower and pushing it along a path. The woman continues pushing the snow blowing along the snow with the camera following her movements. She moves back and fourth while stopping to speak to the camera and continue moving.", "segments": [[0.65, 40.71], [34.9, 98.22], [79.48, 127.95]], "duration": 129.24, "id": 3205}, {"image_id": "v_nYxjWwJrHwk.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are gathered on a snowy hill. They are walking around with intertubes. They ride the intertubes down the snowy mountainside.", "segments": [[0, 11.52], [11.88, 38.51], [39.95, 71.98]], "duration": 71.98, "id": 3206}, {"image_id": "v_zqqiiZCmPLw.mp4", "caption": "A young ballerina wearing a tutu is seen standing at a ballet barr performing various ballet moves and moving to the floor. She continues moving around the floor dancing and leads to her holding a razor and putting lotion on her legs. She shaves her legs while moving her legs around and continues dancing with the razor in sight.", "segments": [[0, 23.63], [29.99, 122.69], [120.87, 181.77]], "duration": 181.77, "id": 3207}, {"image_id": "v_vZVnMzH4pkc.mp4", "caption": "A man throws a ball into a cup. Another man throws a ball into a cup. The two men pick up a cup and drink it.", "segments": [[0, 13.67], [25.94, 35.4], [57.83, 64.84]], "duration": 70.1, "id": 3208}, {"image_id": "v_yacDrjVTUak.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of wires and puts on a welding helmet. He starts to weld the corner of the room. The man sands the corner where he was welding. He continues to weld in the same corner. The man pushes his helmet up and replaces the wires and sands the same area again. He places his gloves down and shows the weld he finished.", "segments": [[0, 30.44], [30.44, 100.68], [100.68, 125.27], [125.27, 202.54], [202.54, 217.76], [217.76, 234.15]], "duration": 234.15, "id": 3209}, {"image_id": "v_4YGuIycW_IA.mp4", "caption": "A man stands outside holding a bottle of sun screen and talking. He sprays the sun screen on his arm and rubs it in.", "segments": [[0, 57.71], [56.2, 100.36]], "duration": 100.36, "id": 3210}, {"image_id": "v_pZsHrSHAOqs.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a blue shirt throws a bowling ball down a bowling alley. The ball strikes both pins and bounces into the adjoining alley striking the pin down there too. A seated man in a red shirt shakes his head. The man in the blue shirt walks back.", "segments": [[0, 3.55], [3.55, 6.67], [6.73, 10.54], [10.6, 12.47]], "duration": 12.47, "id": 3211}, {"image_id": "v_sOL5ksIFX50.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about the winter sport curling. Curlers ar shown as they take different shot and sweep down the ice. The video ends with the closing credits and graphics.", "segments": [[0, 8.61], [8.61, 47.9], [47.9, 53.82]], "duration": 53.82, "id": 3212}, {"image_id": "v_UO9bRJmfMzI.mp4", "caption": "A man scrapes snow off of the side of a car. He then scrapes snow off the hood. He then moves to the other side to remove more snow. Finally he finishes clearing the car.", "segments": [[0, 15.1], [16.17, 61.46], [77.63, 164.97], [177.91, 215.64]], "duration": 215.64, "id": 3213}, {"image_id": "v_qlP8qKtGE7U.mp4", "caption": "A little baby boy is sitting in his high chair dipping a fork into a glass of chocolate milk being held by an adult.The adult takes several turn dipping the fork in the cup and licking it.Then he pauses for a minute and starts to play with the fork.", "segments": [[0, 16.24], [16.24, 33.34], [33.77, 42.75]], "duration": 42.75, "id": 3214}, {"image_id": "v_aVHmi3Kjr_Q.mp4", "caption": "A christmas tree is shown followed by several people moving in fast motion hanging up a set of lights. The people move all around the house up and down the ladder and end by turning off the lights to see.", "segments": [[0, 20.8], [12.65, 56.21]], "duration": 56.21, "id": 3215}, {"image_id": "v_x75wqBUD3zo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a harmonica. The man blows into the instrument while pausing to speak to the camera. He continues playing the instrument and stopping to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 46.26], [40.48, 102.64], [104.09, 138.79]], "duration": 144.57, "id": 3216}, {"image_id": "v_kI6maggAugg.mp4", "caption": "A very slow playing video of a very strong man is shown as he picks up a barbell that has a lot of heavy weights on it, and he squats for a little bit with it at his chest. The man then stands up and holds the barbell to his chest.The man then tries to hold the barbell above his head while he squats but he ends up dropping the barbell and then looks at his hands as if they failed him.", "segments": [[0, 3], [3, 103.8], [103.8, 120]], "duration": 119.99000000000001, "id": 3217}, {"image_id": "v_e1bHYT-G__8.mp4", "caption": "A special effect bowling theme intro appears and the text in the middle read \"CHRIS HARDWICK'S ALL STAR Celebrity Bowling\".There are four men posing in a bowling alley, all are wearing yellow shirts and their team name text say's \"nerdist\".A group of 4 people appear next and there are 3 men and 1 woman and the team name text say's \"WWE Superstars\".Clips begin to play and it includes various people bowling, talking, demonstrating bowling, giving interviews, hanging out, laughing, playing around, shaving facial hair, doing pushups, eating, feeding one another and etcetera. Large yellow words on the screen appear and it say's \"Team Nerdist Wins!\" and the entire team gets up and celebrates. A nerdist team member happily speaks into the camera, and then unhappy member from another team unhappily speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 1.69], [1.69, 7.59], [7.59, 9.27], [9.27, 139.96], [139.96, 146.7], [146.7, 168.62]], "duration": 168.62, "id": 3218}, {"image_id": "v_q-mpNUe0JNo.mp4", "caption": "We see a title card on a black screen. It changes to skateboarding performing tricks.We see a photographer taking pictures. A man jumps a fire hydrant. We see a man jump over stairs up close. A man rides with lots of cameras flashing. The camera slows down and the scene ends. We see a black screen and credits.", "segments": [[0, 7.54], [7.54, 134.97], [7.54, 12.33], [24.66, 29.46], [39.05, 45.9], [91.12, 94.54], [120.58, 126.06], [126.06, 137.02]], "duration": 137.02, "id": 3219}, {"image_id": "v_U6Xnw2RGjsI.mp4", "caption": "A young man pumps up and down kneeling on both legs. The student jumps up from the kneeling position and lands on top of a stack of mat then lands on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 14.08], [14.17, 17.07]], "duration": 17.07, "id": 3220}, {"image_id": "v_HIIUd1osd_I.mp4", "caption": "People and dogs are walking down a trail. Pink flowers on a bush are shown. People are walking dogs on leashes down a street.", "segments": [[0, 37.68], [47.1, 54.17], [58.88, 235.52]], "duration": 235.52, "id": 3221}, {"image_id": "v_ojVY8I3GPa4.mp4", "caption": "A bull is in a ring, looking at the bullfighters on the outside. A bunch of fighters walk up behind it. They begin to fight with the bull, sometimes pulling his tail and waving the cape in front of him to make him charge.", "segments": [[0, 31.54], [32.37, 102.1], [102.93, 166.02]], "duration": 166.02, "id": 3222}, {"image_id": "v_EsGpVb1-W0E.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a tennis racket and begins hitting the ball against the wall. He continues speaking to the camera and transitions to him hitting the ball.", "segments": [[0, 45.07], [29.03, 86.67]], "duration": 86.67, "id": 3223}, {"image_id": "v_eQ9cmxPKvT8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a gray sweat shirt is standing at a bus stop. He starts roller blading down a street and doing tricks. The man is skating backwards.", "segments": [[0, 13.51], [14.64, 225.16], [212.78, 213.91]], "duration": 225.16, "id": 3224}, {"image_id": "v_r7E7cVoJ0JE.mp4", "caption": "A man in black pants is standing on a roof and nailing a long shingle onto the roof.A man in blue shorts appears on the right and is also nailing long shingles on the roof.The zoom goes in on the an wearing long black pants and he's nailing shingles onto the outside perimeter of the roof.", "segments": [[0, 4.21], [4.21, 19.1], [34.26, 56.17]], "duration": 56.17, "id": 3225}, {"image_id": "v_AYhduTuI_zM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen playing a flute while a man speaks into a microphone and two people play the piano behind her. The woman pauses to speak to the man and the man takes the flute from her and plays. The man hands her back the flute to play and ends by still speaking to her.", "segments": [[5.73, 102.04], [84.84, 177.71], [174.27, 225.86]], "duration": 229.3, "id": 3226}, {"image_id": "v_UCZGbQFg6io.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen running down a track into a pit. Several more people are seen running down the track into a pit. One after another more people jump.", "segments": [[0, 10.01], [12.37, 58.91], [50.66, 116.05]], "duration": 117.82, "id": 3227}, {"image_id": "v_9bFevj6bomQ.mp4", "caption": "A news anchor in white coat is talking in front of the camera. The player kicked the ball and hit the goal. Two players in the court started to argue and pushed each other and fight, one of the player threw the ball to the other person, the players started to chase and pushed each other, then team in blue uniforms walked away. Team in white uniforms stayed at the court and cheered.", "segments": [[0, 10.77], [10.77, 28.82], [16.88, 47.73], [43.37, 55.59]], "duration": 58.21, "id": 3228}, {"image_id": "v_cNCrFL2l83o.mp4", "caption": "A bald man is standing next to the counter with glass and stirrer in front of him. The man put ice in the glass, put clear liquid in the glass, added orange juice, he mix the contents as he pour the orange juice, then add red liquid that fell under the orange juice.", "segments": [[4.47, 69.97], [69.22, 146.63]], "duration": 148.86, "id": 3229}, {"image_id": "v_SH0t2-GgwiQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks and lie down on the floor, then she bend her legs and lift both. Then, the woman lifts the two legs straight. After, the woman lifts only one leg and the other leg rest bend on the floor.", "segments": [[1.19, 58.19], [58.19, 85.5], [86.09, 116.37]], "duration": 118.75, "id": 3230}, {"image_id": "v_JY-H1u1hJZw.mp4", "caption": "The little boy sits in the blue kayak holding paddles. Then someone else is shown paddling in the water and there are people standing on shore. The camera turns around a few times to show the trees and the sky.", "segments": [[0, 11.47], [11.47, 81.91], [43.82, 81.91]], "duration": 81.91, "id": 3231}, {"image_id": "v_nJMS8jN3uU4.mp4", "caption": "There are four kids of varying ages playing kick ball in their backyard. The girl in pink kicks the ball to her brother in the orange shirt while the little kids run around and play. There's a little baby sitting on the ground in a baby bouncer watching them play.", "segments": [[7.96, 24.41], [24.41, 40.08], [40.08, 49.33]], "duration": 51.39, "id": 3232}, {"image_id": "v_lmYmYYXs1mo.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at a counter with a Smith knife. He demonstrates how to sharpen the knife. He pours oil on the sharpening tool and runs the knife over it. He cleans the tool and puts it away.", "segments": [[0, 10.64], [10.64, 60.93], [60.93, 183.75], [183.75, 193.42]], "duration": 193.42, "id": 3233}, {"image_id": "v_YnFDzvuDJSQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman in red is standing beside a table explaining some things. she puts her hand on the christmas tree and talks some more about it. She grabs some red ribbon and begins to tie into a bow. She then goes to place it on to the christmas tree and continues to speak about it.", "segments": [[0, 32.68], [33.7, 86.79], [88.84, 148.06], [148.06, 204.22]], "duration": 204.22, "id": 3234}, {"image_id": "v_MIAhrxkYadk.mp4", "caption": "Hair styling tools are shown in closeup. A woman walks down a street an into a salon. The woman interacts with a man in the salon. The man and woman look at pictures of hairstyles together. Scenes of the woman with her hair being cut and styled are shown. The man and woman interact as they examine her new style. A closeup of hair on the floor is shown.", "segments": [[3.11, 12.45], [12.45, 20.23], [20.23, 100.36], [69.24, 96.47], [100.36, 143.93], [143.93, 152.49], [154.04, 155.6]], "duration": 155.6, "id": 3235}, {"image_id": "v_e5e16U5hnzY.mp4", "caption": "A man and women are talking to a camera and the girl demonstrates on how to properly hold a discuss. Secondly she shows the proper stance of throwing the item and throws the discuss how into the air. She demonstrates bending down and spinning with the disk and does one throw full out. The man then tries to throw how the woman did and attempts to throw more and get better.", "segments": [[0, 37.06], [37.06, 67.32], [68.08, 108.16], [106.65, 151.28]], "duration": 151.28, "id": 3236}, {"image_id": "v_Epl3pExUuNs.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in bumper cars crashing into each other. They stop and get out of the cars. A boy in a white shirt walks out with a boy in a blue shirt.", "segments": [[0, 125.14], [125.14, 128.54], [131.26, 136.02]], "duration": 136.02, "id": 3237}, {"image_id": "v_sUrqd6Qn8Qw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on a piece of exercise equipment with her arms and legs strapped in. The woman is seen moving back and fourth on the machine while looking forward. The woman continues to move on the machine while the camera watches her movements.", "segments": [[0, 11.94], [11.06, 31.19], [27.43, 43.79]], "duration": 44.24, "id": 3238}, {"image_id": "v_u0PEB9bXWpY.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A lady shows off her fingernails. The lady puts drops of white paint on her finger nails. The lady uses a toothpick and drags it through the white paint. She doe another fingernail with the same process. The lady shows us the flower designs on her nails.", "segments": [[0, 3.35], [4.19, 23.46], [24.3, 87.13], [86.29, 111.42], [119.8, 149.96], [152.48, 167.56]], "duration": 167.56, "id": 3239}, {"image_id": "v_LAU_pVRs9RQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men are sitting at the table with their arms on the table, they are positioned for arm wrestling. A in blue shirt is standing at the center holding both hands of the player. The man with the bear broke his arm after the other man push it down.", "segments": [[0, 8.28], [5.3, 11.77], [10.99, 25.87]], "duration": 25.87, "id": 3240}, {"image_id": "v_Djlmto9iibw.mp4", "caption": "A dog is swimming in a small pool. He is being rubbed with shampoo. He is back in the water getting cleaned. A person is spraying the dog with a hose. The dog is then put in a metal pen.", "segments": [[0, 15.51], [15.51, 38.11], [38.11, 46.97], [46.97, 70.9], [71.35, 88.63]], "duration": 88.63, "id": 3241}, {"image_id": "v_sWEbq5Ry63Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown point to a bicycle tire and cutting a piece of wire using pliers. He then moves to bars around and spinning the wheel followed by a stick pressing against the tire. He pushes a tube into the tire and adjusts the wires using a device. He tests the wheel out thoroughly and assures the bike is ready to go.", "segments": [[0, 39.81], [38.64, 120.61], [118.27, 158.08], [163.94, 234.2]], "duration": 234.2, "id": 3242}, {"image_id": "v_HKkzII7ap7E.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking to a camera. She picks up a flute and starts playing. She puts the flue down on her lap and continues talking. She puts the flute back up to her mouth and continues to play. She puts the flute back down and nods her head. She puts the flute back up to her lips and plays.", "segments": [[0, 38.73], [38.73, 86.88], [87.92, 123.51], [124.56, 163.29], [163.29, 174.8], [174.8, 209.34]], "duration": 209.34, "id": 3243}, {"image_id": "v_8UvKQnfXnCk.mp4", "caption": "A person is water skiing behind a boat. Another boat is seen in the water behind them. They are going around yellow cones in the water.", "segments": [[0, 78.02], [2.34, 5.07], [22.63, 78.02]], "duration": 78.02, "id": 3244}, {"image_id": "v_l0aksT_7wKo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen laying on the floor while speaking out loud and crossing his arms overs his chest. The man then does several crunches in various ways and ends by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 11.61], [10.37, 30.95]], "duration": 30.95, "id": 3245}, {"image_id": "v_M0cKfbLMlSA.mp4", "caption": "Two pairs of men are getting ready to box. Both pairs of men are seen boxing. Another pair of men are seen talking and gesturing about boxing in the distance. The main pair of boxers take a short break. All groups stop boxing and begin to talk. One of the men begins hanging on a rope and swinging forwards and backwards.", "segments": [[0, 4.2], [4.2, 183.55], [33.56, 138.45], [148.94, 153.13], [183.55, 209.77], [187.74, 206.62]], "duration": 209.77, "id": 3246}, {"image_id": "v_bCtiTOEf9KI.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in a black tank top and black tights is doing stomach crunches on a mat. She is exercising on a hardwood floor in the gym. She continues doing her stomach crunches.", "segments": [[4.15, 8.65], [8.65, 12.73], [12.73, 13.23]], "duration": 14.3, "id": 3247}, {"image_id": "v_bW4AfWvteIo.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a close up of a fooseball table and panning around several specs of the table. Two people are seen playing with one another while the camera shows the table in several spots and the boys high fiving one another.", "segments": [[1.14, 24.79], [24.22, 55.84]], "duration": 56.98, "id": 3248}, {"image_id": "v_NNuIaUFYGCE.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures of people painting are shown using several tools on hard walls. More pictures are shown of people plastering with various text images shown inside.", "segments": [[0, 26.04], [18.49, 52.08]], "duration": 52.08, "id": 3249}, {"image_id": "v_YCHmXwLhs3A.mp4", "caption": "A man is assembling a bike on a table. He is putting training wheels on the back wheel of the bike. He puts the front tire on the bike. He puts the handlebars on the bike. He puts the pedals onto the bike. He puts the seat onto the bike.", "segments": [[0, 213.76], [54.51, 69.47], [96.19, 107.95], [127.19, 133.6], [160.32, 167.8], [171.01, 177.42]], "duration": 213.76, "id": 3250}, {"image_id": "v_kYrztBFfaZ8.mp4", "caption": "A man swings a baseball bat. He hits a ball and it goes onto a roof. A man is running and throwing a ball.", "segments": [[0, 1.69], [3.21, 8.27], [18.74, 20.93]], "duration": 33.76, "id": 3251}, {"image_id": "v_XZ1IuZjsk8A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is pouring shots of alcohol into a glass of ice. She shakes the glass and sets it down. She then pours it into another glass and sticks a straw in it. She holds up the drink while talking.", "segments": [[0, 41.08], [41.08, 47.67], [52.68, 58.01], [59.27, 62.72]], "duration": 62.72, "id": 3252}, {"image_id": "v_p8uTRV3u3JM.mp4", "caption": "Two groups of men wearing uniforms, one with dark shirts and one with white shirts, are playing on an indoor volleyball court. The man in the darker jersey wearing number 17 dives to the ground to save the ball. A team member wearing a dark shirt spikes the ball but it goes out of bounds and the team with the lighter shirts cheer on while the guy who spiked the ball out of bounds bends over in disappointment.", "segments": [[0, 79.88], [13.98, 16.77], [63.9, 79.88]], "duration": 79.87, "id": 3253}, {"image_id": "v_QuU6I9w1btI.mp4", "caption": "Two vacuums one taller and one is shorter is show. The vacuum is being use on the carpet, wooden floor, on the corner, under the table and on the side of the trash can and then the carpet. A hand is pulling out a tube, used the tube to vacuum the stairs and the corner of the ceiling, then a hand took out the tube and threw away the dust from the transparent tube. A woman is carrying the vacuum and put it in the storage. A woman is walking at the factory, then a person is drawing the vacuum in a white sheet.", "segments": [[0, 11.61], [10.37, 59.3], [22.81, 70.92], [60.13, 82.53], [68.84, 82.53]], "duration": 82.94, "id": 3254}, {"image_id": "v_Cdiv-IzHcjQ.mp4", "caption": "A person irons a brown paper. The person flips the iron around and continues ironing. The peels the ironed paper off and lays it down. The person leaves the iron on a new brown paper.", "segments": [[0, 135.2], [53.93, 55.45], [97.22, 125.32], [150.39, 151.91]], "duration": 151.91, "id": 3255}, {"image_id": "v_SbY68ygmuEA.mp4", "caption": "A crowd watches as several runners in a race jog past. They all keep jogging, coming in at the end of the race.", "segments": [[0, 73.22], [76.79, 119.05]], "duration": 119.05, "id": 3256}, {"image_id": "v_m7cHlmcFk9Y.mp4", "caption": "A cat is in a woman's lap in the bathroom. She pulls a towel over the cat's head. She then gently tries to clip his claws one at a time.", "segments": [[0, 29.06], [36.33, 133.5], [138.94, 181.63]], "duration": 181.63, "id": 3257}, {"image_id": "v_D9EQ6jCH0_M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is scrubbing a white chair with a yellow sponge. She is now pouring something onto a rag and washing a white table. She is spray painting the chair and table she just washed. The finished furniture is shown.", "segments": [[35.78, 45.25], [46.31, 69.46], [93.66, 169.44], [186.27, 195.75]], "duration": 210.48, "id": 3258}, {"image_id": "v_Exu0qsz42fQ.mp4", "caption": "A young child is sitting playing on a drum set. Using his foot for the base and drumming on the snare like a natural. A woman is on a piano playing along with the child. They have a small audience sitting and watching them perform.", "segments": [[0, 40.47], [40.47, 69.09], [69.09, 117.45], [117.45, 197.39]], "duration": 197.39, "id": 3259}, {"image_id": "v_Fdjw9ld-hbA.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in a blue uniform is fighting against a male dressed in an all red uniform.The man in the red,picks him up and drops him down on the wrestling match.After,the referee drops down and pounds the mat counting down the end of the match.", "segments": [[0, 0.97], [0.85, 2.98], [2.95, 6.08]], "duration": 6.08, "id": 3260}, {"image_id": "v_FLbTQGyoEMk.mp4", "caption": "A young woman speaks as she smiles. She squeezes the side of her right eye and pokes out a contact lens. She moves on to her left eye and pokes out a contact lens.", "segments": [[0, 6.99], [7.19, 25.08], [25.9, 40.5]], "duration": 41.11, "id": 3261}, {"image_id": "v_rDADR0Lg4U8.mp4", "caption": "A group of female players walk onto a court behind their coach. They engage in a lacrosse game, fighting over the ball with their bats. The girls celebrate their win with flowers and hugs.", "segments": [[0, 21.73], [22.23, 84.89], [85.39, 101.05]], "duration": 101.05, "id": 3262}, {"image_id": "v_YwUW6Qh_5TA.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing with his arms out and hops on a board. He then begins spinning himself around while judges watch on the sides. He continues his routine and jumps down with his arms up.", "segments": [[0, 17.14], [17.58, 55.38], [48.35, 82.2]], "duration": 87.91, "id": 3263}, {"image_id": "v_ZREM_AcXHX8.mp4", "caption": "A new segment leads into clips of a woman speaking to the camera and holding up a bow and arrow. The girl shoots the bow while still speaking to the camera and bending the bow. She continues speaking while using her hands and showing off pictures to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 64.87], [68.29, 168.44], [157.06, 225.35]], "duration": 227.63, "id": 3264}, {"image_id": "v_XGj9lakgSic.mp4", "caption": "A girl dances as she sits in a booth. The girl mixes ingredients together in a pot. The girl adds dried ingredients to the pot. The girl adds tomato and eggs from a plate to the pot. The girls waves goodbye and leans back on the booth.", "segments": [[0, 17.36], [20.57, 120.21], [36.64, 112.5], [82.28, 87.43], [124.71, 128.57]], "duration": 128.57, "id": 3265}, {"image_id": "v_iXLXRHHFp60.mp4", "caption": "There's a brown horse tied outside a polo club. There are several jockeys playing polo on the field in an event. There are also several spectators standing and watching the event. One of the polo players is trotting on the horse across the field. Another game of polo takes place where several spectators are watching. After the event is over, the judge hands awards to the winners. There's a British flag flying high in the field.", "segments": [[8.62, 161.25], [43.98, 161.25], [85.37, 161.25], [103.47, 161.25], [109.51, 161.25], [162.97, 169.01], [167.28, 169.01]], "duration": 172.46, "id": 3266}, {"image_id": "v_OsiES8BiRac.mp4", "caption": "A belly dancer walks onto the stage from behind the curtains. The belly dancer dances on stage shaking her hips and body. The belly dancer spins in circles during the performance. The dancers turns with her back to the audience and dances. The dancer bows at the end of the performance.", "segments": [[0, 5.65], [5.65, 217.09], [140.21, 146.99], [62.19, 193.35], [208.05, 223.88]], "duration": 226.14, "id": 3267}, {"image_id": "v_aXXes0e-eM0.mp4", "caption": "two kids are in a litle car watching a little kid holding a pole hitting a lightning mcqueen pi\u00f1ata. people are gathered around the little kid.", "segments": [[0, 46.93], [10.09, 46.93]], "duration": 46.93, "id": 3268}, {"image_id": "v_tDG8VoRQTuM.mp4", "caption": "There are two people talking about stilts used by stunt men. They are standing on a street near several clubs and restaurants. One of the men is demonstrating how the stilts are used in stunts. Henry, the guy dressed in the white shirt is showing how high he can jump with the stilts and perform stunts. He shows numerous tricks on how he jumps up high and over benches and tables. He shows how he uses the Power Riser jumping skills on the streets and in the park.", "segments": [[27.87, 53.13], [53.13, 74.9], [74.9, 104.52], [104.52, 128.91], [128.91, 165.49], [165.49, 174.2]], "duration": 174.2, "id": 3269}, {"image_id": "v_l7rzaG3aDyw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen performing a belly dancing routine on a stage with flowers hanging in the background. She continues performing her routine and ends by spinning around and posing.", "segments": [[0, 193.82], [57.34, 229.37]], "duration": 229.37, "id": 3270}, {"image_id": "v_0rX2f0H3AaA.mp4", "caption": "A white screen is shown and several words are shown on the screen.Then a blue mat is shown and an individual begins sweeping and laying the blue mat against the mat.The man takes out a measuring tape and cuts off a piece of the blue mat and continues covering the floor.", "segments": [[0, 5.84], [6.25, 42.51], [42.1, 83.36]], "duration": 83.36, "id": 3271}, {"image_id": "v_drjYCuezfA8.mp4", "caption": "A woman in white shirt is standing next to a metal sink, she take out two white plates, silver container, strainer, spoons, and placed it on the metal container next to the sink. She then take a pan in the sink, put water, put liquid soap in a sponge, rub it on the plates, lid, container, spoons. She wiped the counter with her hand, then placed a green basket, rinse the plates, lid, container, pan, and put them in the basket.", "segments": [[1.43, 18.15], [11.47, 54.46], [45.39, 95.55]], "duration": 95.55, "id": 3272}, {"image_id": "v_Aqx7rM9gZgg.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a blue shirt stands next to a brown horse. She holds onto the horses red lead. She is brushing the side of the horse. She steps away from the horse and bends down. She picks up a larger brush and begins brushing the horse again. She is brushing the horses face and neck. She is brushing the horses front leg in a downward motion.", "segments": [[0, 102.35], [0, 1.02], [16.89, 25.08], [25.08, 35.31], [34.8, 56.29], [61.92, 83.42], [87, 100.31]], "duration": 102.35, "id": 3273}, {"image_id": "v_SXRSA62VbZg.mp4", "caption": "A tattoo salon has displayed a metallic blue motor cycle. there's a person sitting on the counter of the salon. A customer walks in and gives a child's picture to the tattoo artist. The tattoo artist traces the child's picture on a paper. Then he cleans the client's arms with alcohol. The artist wears a pair of latex gloves and begins tattooing the client's arm. He replicates the image traced from the picture on the client's arm along with some additional designs. He then takes a picture of the client's tattooed arm on a cellphone.", "segments": [[25.7, 42.5], [42.5, 69.19], [69.19, 82.04], [82.04, 87.97], [87.97, 104.78], [104.78, 162.11], [162.11, 183.86], [183.86, 189.79]], "duration": 197.7, "id": 3274}, {"image_id": "v_kLflIBGCNrc.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen swimming around a pool playing a game while the video pauses to show off players. The camera continues to pan around the players swimming all around the pool throwing a ball and others reacting on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0.61, 62.38], [49.54, 117.43]], "duration": 122.32, "id": 3275}, {"image_id": "v_qAMf2UUH1xI.mp4", "caption": "A person jumps in the ocean and we see them being pulled on a line. We see divers underwater and see sealife and people on boats. A person with a camera on their head jumps from the boat into the water. Two men wave and we see sealife including a dolphin swimming next to the boat. A lady pretends to beat a man up by hitting him in the head while underwater. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 18.09], [18.09, 133.13], [42.69, 57.88], [75.97, 99.12], [116.49, 124.45], [133.13, 144.71]], "duration": 144.71, "id": 3276}, {"image_id": "v_3CO7fRiJOy4.mp4", "caption": "Several small children drive around in bumper cars. One of them continuously spins in circles. She rides alone after the others have left.", "segments": [[0, 3.75], [3.99, 16.94], [17.18, 24.2]], "duration": 24.2, "id": 3277}, {"image_id": "v_Fde_qSwXRzY.mp4", "caption": "Two boy scouts are seen standing and speaking to a large group of people and attempting to light a match. One cups his hands and creates a flame using oxygen and puts the flame into a pit.", "segments": [[0, 52.26], [53.73, 97.69]], "duration": 97.69, "id": 3278}, {"image_id": "v_oZgyW8Yca_M.mp4", "caption": "A woman at a beach talks to the camera. The camera pans back and forth to show activity other beachgoers' activity around the woman. The woman dumps a bucket of sand on the beach. The woman combines sand and water in a bucket. The woman dumps the mixture out on the beach.", "segments": [[0, 97.01], [4.85, 22.8], [23.77, 36.38], [40.26, 72.27], [74.7, 89.25]], "duration": 97.00999999999999, "id": 3279}, {"image_id": "v_-wcSkAAeOK8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while standing in front of an exercise bike. The woman continues speaking and begins climbing onto the bike. She spins herself around on the bike while sitting and standing and the camera panning around the girl.", "segments": [[2.25, 51.72], [37.1, 85.44], [91.07, 212.49]], "duration": 224.85, "id": 3280}, {"image_id": "v_tLxv2E7gj5c.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen running inside an indoor closed room and hitting a tennis ball around with rackets. The men continue running around hitting the ball off the wall.", "segments": [[0, 17.66], [9.98, 30.72]], "duration": 30.72, "id": 3281}, {"image_id": "v_rmMCA60HqZ0.mp4", "caption": "A fat women and a thin woman talk face to face in a beauty salon. The fat woman talks and the thin woman wash and puts cream to her face. Then, the fat woman pass a device over the face of the thin woman.", "segments": [[0, 112.46], [38.56, 76.47], [113.1, 115.67]], "duration": 128.52, "id": 3282}, {"image_id": "v_72PUOTjZpQU.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing in a gymnasium with two people in front. The group then begins dancing with one another and leads into another large group of people. People are seen speaking to the camera and leads into them jumping up in the end.", "segments": [[0, 15.7], [12.71, 59.07], [51.22, 69.91]], "duration": 74.77, "id": 3283}, {"image_id": "v_fqWjjWqsJPU.mp4", "caption": "A man speaks to the camera which follows an intro screen to him skating. He continues talking to the camera and performing various tricks on his board throughout the area.", "segments": [[0, 26.97], [27.86, 179.77]], "duration": 179.77, "id": 3284}, {"image_id": "v_jEGTpBJrD4s.mp4", "caption": "This man is shown playing one drum in the beginning of the video and he says a few words. Then a man sits next to him and starts to play his guitar and the other man slowly joins to start playing the drums. The man who is sitting next to the man playing the drums is not only playing the guitar, but he's singing too.", "segments": [[0, 15.05], [41.38, 62.07], [65.84, 133.55]], "duration": 188.11, "id": 3285}, {"image_id": "v_8eMjzrhxv2U.mp4", "caption": "We see a man walking on the ice. He moves a stick and pulls a fishing line out of a hole. The man pulls a fish out of the hole. He picks the fish up and shows us the fish. The man then throws the fish back into the hole.", "segments": [[0, 7.26], [7.26, 53.85], [53.09, 57.29], [63.4, 72.18], [72.18, 76.38]], "duration": 76.38, "id": 3286}, {"image_id": "v_tzsgg_o6xHo.mp4", "caption": "A woman in man in black clothing stand in together and discuss a routine. The woman begins dancing and goes in a circle a few times while the man watches. The woman continues discussing the routine then holds hands with her partner and they begin dancing together.", "segments": [[0, 33.39], [33.88, 54.01], [54.5, 98.2]], "duration": 98.2, "id": 3287}, {"image_id": "v_8ATFQNEWHL0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking about how to make a salad. She breaks up the lettuce into smaller parts.", "segments": [[0, 9.21], [9.21, 59.42]], "duration": 59.42, "id": 3288}, {"image_id": "v_XxM72xEvsjE.mp4", "caption": "A man and young child are seen pushing a lawn mower across the yard while the boy smiles to the camera. The man and boy continue to push the lawn mower along the yard while stopping to look at the camera.", "segments": [[0.42, 45.32], [27.69, 80.56]], "duration": 83.92, "id": 3289}, {"image_id": "v_XThYcZoFMMs.mp4", "caption": "All the ingredients you need to make butter cake are on the counter, someone is pointing at each ingredient and starts grabbing them. They use a mixer to mix some of the ingredients together. They add the eggs in one by one while the mixer is still mixing and then they turn it off and add some more in. They use a pan and and put a bottom in it and scoop out the mixture into it before finally getting ready to put it into the oven to bake.", "segments": [[0, 57.77], [57.77, 82.84], [82.84, 156.95], [156.95, 217.99]], "duration": 217.99, "id": 3290}, {"image_id": "v_lfuNoeRYWz4.mp4", "caption": "Text is shown from the centers for disease control regarding proper handwashing. A woman is shown soaping her hands while water is running in a sink. She reaches for a towel and then turns the faucet one with one hand. She soaps her hands, then rinses with the water before grabbing another towel to turn off the faucet, and discarding the towel.", "segments": [[0, 5.25], [8.4, 30.97], [32.02, 87.66], [88.18, 104.98]], "duration": 104.97999999999999, "id": 3291}, {"image_id": "v_ZUZ7EVzHS5E.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are outside in a large field on horses playing a game of polo.Player number three takes the ball all the way to the end of the field and he is then trailed by four other people.Once they leave the end of the field,they all begin trotting back to the middle by the referee on a horse.", "segments": [[0, 12.85], [12.08, 38.04], [38.3, 51.41]], "duration": 51.41, "id": 3292}, {"image_id": "v_RAmQyeaBu-k.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of signs and landscapes and leads into a person tying a rope. Several people are seen wandering around and smiling to the camera as well as climbing up a rock. More people are seen climbing up the rock as well as a man climbing down.", "segments": [[0, 45.82], [42.36, 131.4], [129.67, 162.52]], "duration": 172.9, "id": 3293}, {"image_id": "v_QLbWA54l1Sg.mp4", "caption": "The two people hold out hands to begin an arm wrestling match. The women compete in an arm wrestling match seated at a table. The women switch hands and and arm wrestle with their left hands. The women have a rematch with their dominate hands. The two athletes flex their arms.", "segments": [[0, 11.78], [11.78, 65.49], [18.85, 39.58], [54.18, 65.96], [77.27, 90.46]], "duration": 94.22999999999999, "id": 3294}, {"image_id": "v_j1oB2NAlYsQ.mp4", "caption": "There is a diver wearing yellow swim trunks is diving from a diving board in an indoor swimming pool. He jumps off of the diving board several times as some other people are leisurely swimming in the pool. He does the backward and forward diving moves as another young man watches him dive right into the pool. Then another young man dives from the same diving board. They both do the forward diving move. Another diver goes up much higher and dives right into to pool.", "segments": [[25.29, 55.63], [55.63, 94.07], [94.07, 137.56], [137.56, 156.78], [156.78, 183.08], [183.08, 194.2]], "duration": 202.29, "id": 3295}, {"image_id": "v_HPyLSmDjsHY.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting in front of a camera and presents various nail objects to the camera. She then begins painting all her nails thoroughly and ends the video with various pictures of her and her nails.", "segments": [[0, 140.64], [140.64, 171.52]], "duration": 171.52, "id": 3296}, {"image_id": "v_2Vf8yqNHaGM.mp4", "caption": "A little boy in a yellow shirt is holding a yellow ruffled stick. He tries to hit the Batman pinata hanging, he missed then he hit him, he go around the pinata to hit it.", "segments": [[0.87, 27.41], [4.93, 26.97]], "duration": 29.0, "id": 3297}, {"image_id": "v_4WNso9fVJG8.mp4", "caption": "A woman with short hair is wearing an earphone and eyeglasses is showing two clips, then she clipped both sides of her hair, showed her blue and white contact lenses containers and removed her eyeglasses. She showed her hand, then showed a sclera lenses, and put it on her right eye pupil, went closer to the camera to show her eye, then removed the contact lens from her eye by pinching it.", "segments": [[9.98, 41.03], [27.17, 99.25]], "duration": 110.9, "id": 3298}, {"image_id": "v_0fNBm46reNg.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen pulling mulch into a bin when another is seen raking around the tree. They continue to scrape out of the mulch while measuring out the area and leads into one cutting the grass around the tree. They lay out more dirt evenly while some are grabbing bags behind them.", "segments": [[1.78, 46.32], [14.7, 66.8], [69.03, 89.07]], "duration": 89.07, "id": 3299}, {"image_id": "v_pT2fO9vlVn0.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown in a gym class leading at as the people step up and down on thier steppers. The man is very enthusiastically jumping up and down trying to keep the motivation going. He is very into it as is the class and they are dancing in sync with each other. They conclude the routine by clapping and celebrating their hard work.", "segments": [[0, 14.85], [14.03, 35.06], [35.48, 77.55], [77.14, 82.5]], "duration": 82.5, "id": 3300}, {"image_id": "v_IZCzbslH8jo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is on a court playing with a stick. She hits a ball on the court. She demonstrates how to swing and hit the ball.", "segments": [[0, 14.69], [17.13, 96.27], [99.53, 163.17]], "duration": 163.17000000000002, "id": 3301}, {"image_id": "v_UYFDYX4i2EY.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a stage performing different moves. He walks off the stage and someone else walks onto the stage.", "segments": [[0, 110.45], [110.45, 121.37]], "duration": 121.37, "id": 3302}, {"image_id": "v_TPu-vPWJtIA.mp4", "caption": "Women in leotards dance together in a line. Women jump into the pool. Women synchronize dance in the pool. Announcers talk to the camera. Men in the side of pool talk. Man in yellow talks to the camera. Man in pink leotard jumps out of the pool.", "segments": [[0, 31.03], [31.54, 35.6], [35.6, 79.35], [52.9, 54.42], [57.98, 58.49], [75.79, 84.43], [72.23, 101.22]], "duration": 101.72999999999999, "id": 3303}, {"image_id": "v_cRTsarldNlc.mp4", "caption": "a boy stands on a field with a shot put in hand. The boy begins to spin around. The boy throws the shot put. The spins and throws another shot put.", "segments": [[0, 4.34], [3.96, 9.71], [8.05, 16.35], [16.73, 25.54]], "duration": 25.54, "id": 3304}, {"image_id": "v_Ou24uqaFRPg.mp4", "caption": "A furniture renovation company advertises their services by showing several homes and tools they have worked on and use and what type of work they do. A man in an apron carefully puts a colored substance on a plate. The man mixes two of the different colored substances with a paint brush. The man carefully touches the paint brush to an old table coloring portions of the table that have been damaged. A different man in an apron and face mask sands an old table. The man then puts polish on a rag and polishes the table. The man polishes a different old table. Information on how to reach the restoration company is displayed.", "segments": [[0, 50.48], [9.84, 12.87], [15.4, 17.42], [17.67, 25.49], [25.75, 37.1], [31.05, 37.1], [37.36, 41.14], [41.65, 50.48]], "duration": 50.48, "id": 3305}, {"image_id": "v_p74gAY-kWaY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing beside a girl sitting down brushing her hair. A boy watches on the side as the woman continues to brush the hair. The woman speaks to the girl while running the brush all over her hair.", "segments": [[0.6, 19.98], [18.19, 41.14], [37.27, 58.44]], "duration": 59.63, "id": 3306}, {"image_id": "v_LG7p5JrgMfE.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in a black suit and woman dressed in a black dress are dancing together to Latino music. They are doing a combination of ball room dancing and waltz. They are dancing on the sidewalk of a city where there are several bystanders observing and watching them dance. They continue dancing hand in hand to the music. A group of people standing on the right begin to applaud them. The couple continues to swirl and twirl as the music plays and more people in the crowd applaud. The lady finally jumps into the man's arms as the music comes to an end. The crowd cheers and applaud's loudly at the couple.", "segments": [[10.49, 37.11], [37.11, 49.21], [49.21, 66.95], [66.95, 82.28], [82.28, 114.55], [114.55, 155.69], [155.69, 159.72], [159.72, 161.33]], "duration": 161.32999999999998, "id": 3307}, {"image_id": "v_TtrDWeSW3mg.mp4", "caption": "How To Expo is demonstrating how to make a three bean salad with black beans, garbanzo beans and kidney beans. The presenter shows minced garlic, chopped onions and chopped red bell pepper, along with chopped parsley and one teaspoon of cumin. She also shows the dressing ingredients like olive oil, red wine vinegar and salt. Then she takes a large bowl and begins mixing all the ingredients together. She mixes everything with the three types of beans. She takes large spatula and mixes everything well. then she takes some olive oil and vinegar and mixes it together for the dressing. She pours the salad into a plate and tops is with the salad dressing.", "segments": [[12.25, 47.99], [47.99, 87.81], [87.81, 107.22], [107.22, 135.81], [135.81, 151.12], [151.12, 167.46], [167.46, 188.9], [188.9, 201.16]], "duration": 204.22, "id": 3308}, {"image_id": "v_Vx4ZW7Xseyg.mp4", "caption": "A guy is diving off a diving board doing flips in the air and lands in a pool of water,the guy dives and do different flips many different times.the man seems to be practicing his dives and flips of the diving board.the guy is trying to jump his highest to get a better diving flip.", "segments": [[0, 164.4], [33.7, 164.4], [43.57, 164.4]], "duration": 164.4, "id": 3309}, {"image_id": "v_KJQi_5e72lM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen talking to the camera as he sets up a ski on a work bench inside of a Ski shop. After lining up the ski and securing it on the bench he uses a plastic card and goes over the bottom of the ski three times. Afterwards he uses a bristled brush and scrubs the bottom of the ski. Finally he uses a soft brush and runs it over the ski once more .", "segments": [[0, 44.6], [45.69, 121.84], [121.84, 165.35], [170.79, 213.22]], "duration": 217.57, "id": 3310}, {"image_id": "v_H5kerJ_FoBU.mp4", "caption": "The video starts with a title screen shot. A man in a white shirt is showing applying plaster to a room. As he applies the plaster, a voice is describing the techniques used by the company. The video ends as the man reaches the end of the room.", "segments": [[0, 3.3], [7.51, 60.05], [3.6, 60.05], [54.34, 60.05]], "duration": 60.05, "id": 3311}, {"image_id": "v_aIvWwX--xKw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind a counter in a kitchen. She takes the lid off of a pot of salad. She moves the salad into a new bowl. She takes the towel and puts it over the lettuce. She takes the lettuce and puts it in a wooden bowl. She tosses the salad with two spoons.", "segments": [[0, 9.2], [7.94, 12.54], [12.96, 35.95], [33.03, 39.3], [43.9, 61.46], [65.22, 71.49]], "duration": 83.62, "id": 3312}, {"image_id": "v_zHzKPtrgv1k.mp4", "caption": "A set of kids are in bumper cars and begin driving and hitting each other.One of the young kids runs into wall and the males who are operating the ride assist the child.", "segments": [[0, 25.48], [25.48, 101.94]], "duration": 101.94, "id": 3313}, {"image_id": "v_o8EOFXW5GJo.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of plates are shown with food leading into a man preparing food. The man then puts more food into a plate and spinning around ingredients. He continues to put food onto a plate and ends by presenting it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 32.43], [38.92, 116.77], [101.94, 183.49]], "duration": 185.34, "id": 3314}, {"image_id": "v_saMBbZcDAjM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen hitting a ping pong table back and fourth in the middle of an outdoor park. They drop the ball and pick it up and then continue playing again.", "segments": [[0.11, 11.26], [9.05, 21.97]], "duration": 22.08, "id": 3315}, {"image_id": "v_u2hzK9YyIXY.mp4", "caption": "A person's shoe is seen sitting in a sink and the person scrubs the outside of the shoe with water running. The person turns the water off and let's the dirt from the shoe run down the sink.", "segments": [[0, 34.83], [33.96, 43.82]], "duration": 43.82, "id": 3316}, {"image_id": "v_GdEKSyad_rk.mp4", "caption": "A man is water skiing on a river. He leans backward, still holding on. He also turns and lifts one foot in the air.", "segments": [[0, 10.84], [11.56, 49.86], [56, 72.26]], "duration": 72.26, "id": 3317}, {"image_id": "v_j30ZbXEi8sc.mp4", "caption": "A large marching band are seen standing in the middle of a lawn. The middle of the group begin to play followed by the rest around them. The group take turns playing back and fourth and end by standing still.", "segments": [[0, 61.22], [48.77, 130.74], [113.1, 199.22]], "duration": 207.52, "id": 3318}, {"image_id": "v_Lfj9JC7uWmE.mp4", "caption": "man are playing war of a tug in an open field in font of a lake. men are standing in sidewalk watching the men playing and taking pictures.men reunite and pose to a picture and a lot of camcorders are taking pictures.", "segments": [[0, 64.04], [0, 53.91], [64.44, 81.06]], "duration": 81.06, "id": 3319}, {"image_id": "v_AuS32BoK0Bg.mp4", "caption": "A man is putting on a pair of shoes. He grabs his skies and boards a lift. He is then shown skiing down various hills and mountains.", "segments": [[0, 22.43], [23.49, 46.99], [53.39, 213.58]], "duration": 213.57999999999998, "id": 3320}, {"image_id": "v_5Chl3x_mx40.mp4", "caption": "The players are playing curling in an ice court. The players pushed the stone and two people are brushing the front of the stone until it reached the target. An Asian girl pushed the stone and the other girl is brushing the front of the stone until it hit other stones.", "segments": [[0, 208.1], [19.77, 195.61], [162.32, 206.02]], "duration": 208.1, "id": 3321}, {"image_id": "v_k4WHaby5jd8.mp4", "caption": "A man is in the garbage and he brings out a suitcase and takes a bike out of it. He begins to unravel the bike and start putting it all together.He screws in some pieces and put the hand bars on using a a pocket knife. He inflates the tires with air and finishes putting the rest together, and then he rides off.", "segments": [[0, 13.97], [13.97, 33.26], [33.26, 62.53], [62.53, 133.05]], "duration": 133.05, "id": 3322}, {"image_id": "v_8ZyBER6U9Wc.mp4", "caption": "Three girls that are matching clothes are jumping rope at a competition. They start to switch places between jumpers, doing tricks while jumping. They move up and down the floor while never stopping. Then they drop their rope and bow.", "segments": [[0, 14.55], [14.12, 35.95], [35.95, 56.92], [59.06, 85.59]], "duration": 85.59, "id": 3323}, {"image_id": "v_RrgUFU70PNQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are in a ring around a mat. Two crouch in front of each other before springing onto the mat, fighting and kicking. They are performing a type of martial arts, fighting their oponent as cameras flash.", "segments": [[0, 8.88], [11.34, 82.36], [82.86, 98.64]], "duration": 98.64, "id": 3324}, {"image_id": "v_Q6SooTA1os4.mp4", "caption": "A dog runs around a house from room to room. Two men take the dog into the bathroom and get him in the bath tub. One of the men washes the dog. The other man records what is happening. The dog hops out of the tub and one of the men dries him off. One man holds the dogs mouth open while the other man brushes the dogs teeth.", "segments": [[0, 4.5], [4.66, 7.55], [4.66, 22.17], [4.66, 24.91], [22.82, 24.58], [25.39, 32.14]], "duration": 32.14, "id": 3325}, {"image_id": "v_Jvxk68D3F2w.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a paintball course and shows a closeup of a person speaking. Several clips are seen of people running around the course and shooting paintball at one another. More close ups are shown of a gun as well as a man speaking to the camera and others socializing with one another.", "segments": [[0, 44.95], [34.86, 141.26], [132.08, 180.7]], "duration": 183.45, "id": 3326}, {"image_id": "v_WMxQ5hc4s78.mp4", "caption": "A small table sits atop another table. A man enters wearing a black hoodie. He opens a jar and pulls out something. He then varnishes the table.", "segments": [[0, 184.74], [1.85, 12.93], [13.86, 32.33], [66.51, 184.74]], "duration": 184.74, "id": 3327}, {"image_id": "v_PT18KK_6jmU.mp4", "caption": "An intro of a black screen with a logo and the words CAMERON HANSEN GALLERY appear along with the website at the bottom right.A school of fish swimming in the ocean appears and the location and the description of the video is displayed.A series of many different videos begin and it includes footage from underwater with a snorkeler, many different sea life swimming and even an elephant swimming.The next set of clips include various different footage of people who are above water and the scenery around them.It then switches to caves and it shows the outside, inside, and then the snorkeler back under water holding a flashlight to see as it's very dark.The focus goes back to other clips where the elephant is swimming again, a still shot picture of the beach is displayed, and more clips from the water above. It ends with a picture of a large tree branch near the water and the words The Andaman Islands appear at the top and fades to an all black screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.23], [6.23, 9.78], [9.78, 78.27], [78.27, 97.84], [97.84, 142.31], [142.31, 164.55], [164.55, 177.89]], "duration": 177.89, "id": 3328}, {"image_id": "v_-Pa52Pf_Raw.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is sitting in the doorway of a building. She is staring at the camera. She keeps taking puffs from a cigarette as she sits.", "segments": [[0, 45.33], [56.38, 172.46], [177.99, 221.1]], "duration": 221.1, "id": 3329}, {"image_id": "v_wZ-teiWX4mg.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in an ice rink practicing hockey. man is putting hockey uniform.", "segments": [[0, 115.5], [7.51, 30.61]], "duration": 115.5, "id": 3330}, {"image_id": "v_fkmYC91-biI.mp4", "caption": "Two little kids are sitting indian style on the carpet inside the house,they have a hookah and are smoking it. They take turns inhaling and exhaling the smoke. They exhale from their nose like they do it often and have been trained like little pros. It is very sad these children are allowed to do this like its normal, they seem to enjoy it too.", "segments": [[0, 8.8], [8.8, 19.79], [19.79, 33.42], [33.64, 43.98]], "duration": 43.98, "id": 3331}, {"image_id": "v_TFkI_wKMypE.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen speaking to the camera with one giving a thumbs up. The girls then play a game of hop scotch with each other and high giving one another in the end.", "segments": [[0, 4.76], [4.69, 15.88]], "duration": 15.88, "id": 3332}, {"image_id": "v_K757XUwinrc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen holding onto a brush and grabbing a brush. Another girl brushes through her hair while the camera pans her movements. She continues brushing the other's hair while looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 6], [5.57, 20.56], [16.57, 26.7]], "duration": 28.56, "id": 3333}, {"image_id": "v_VeU_EBE-YPE.mp4", "caption": "There are several Seagull brand acoustic guitars are shown displayed in a store. A man dressed in black, seated on a stool is playing the acoustic guitar in the store where the guitars are displayed. The man continues playing the guitar.", "segments": [[32.49, 72.92], [72.92, 119.13], [119.13, 134.3]], "duration": 144.41, "id": 3334}, {"image_id": "v_oeSyeZqlC1g.mp4", "caption": "People sits on steps, after people are on boats in a river. An adult and several teen in canoes holds paddles. The man shows the teens how to move the oars. The teens follow the instructions of the man and row the oars.", "segments": [[0, 11], [11.4, 26.07], [26.88, 53.76], [53.76, 80.64]], "duration": 81.46000000000001, "id": 3335}, {"image_id": "v_sax2PjbeLdk.mp4", "caption": "There are shoes placed on the floor just lying there. Someone puts their feet into one of their shoes very slowly. They begin to buckle the straps on the left shoe. Then they put their foot more securely into the right shoe, finally bucking the straps on that shoe too.", "segments": [[0, 1.85], [2.08, 6.24], [6.24, 11.91], [11.91, 23.13]], "duration": 23.13, "id": 3336}, {"image_id": "v_f-r9g_-5huM.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are talking. A man starts playing a harmonica. The crowd watches him play.", "segments": [[0, 5.56], [5.76, 7.74], [23.03, 29.18]], "duration": 39.71, "id": 3337}, {"image_id": "v_GwmpYLRpJQw.mp4", "caption": "snowy mountins are shown and people is doing snowboard going down the hill holding poles. a snow house with kids playing is shown. ma is playing with a toy airplane. people doing snowboarding are going down the mountain with red lighes and fireworks are in sky.", "segments": [[0, 125.56], [125.56, 130.14], [130.14, 140.22], [140.22, 170.47]], "duration": 183.3, "id": 3338}, {"image_id": "v_DOfpOkDHe_8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing in her home with her hands behind her back and her legs shoulder width apart. The girl then firmly drops her hands to her side, brings her feet together and does a bow and continues to do a routine of various karate moves. The girl ends her routing a little further from the point she started and firmly drops her hands to her side and does a little bow, then opens her legs shoulder length apart and goes back into the same position as she was in when she started. After she is done holding the position for a while the girl relaxes and then walks away.", "segments": [[0, 12.31], [12.31, 100.75], [100.75, 109.71], [109.71, 111.94]], "duration": 111.94, "id": 3339}, {"image_id": "v_DxtISmKol2I.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen kneeling down before a board and pushing down objects. Other people watch on the side as the two robots begin to attack one another. One pushes the other off the side and the men put the robots back to battle several more.", "segments": [[0, 37.24], [37.24, 97.6], [71.91, 127.13]], "duration": 128.42, "id": 3340}, {"image_id": "v_JMrfe-UVA0Y.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a screen talking to the camera. a woman is playing with a cat and its in table with a nail clipper cutting the cat's nails.", "segments": [[4.38, 72.93], [20.79, 72.93]], "duration": 72.93, "id": 3341}, {"image_id": "v_-BVpaPkee2I.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is seen talking to the camera and leads into her teaching a cycling class with others. More shots of her leading are shown in different areas.", "segments": [[0, 38.55], [38.07, 96.39]], "duration": 96.39, "id": 3342}, {"image_id": "v_VsFHNZHhNwI.mp4", "caption": "A lady sits in the shower washing a fluffy dog. The lady leans over the dog and washes his front paw on the left.", "segments": [[0, 23.62], [17.71, 23.62]], "duration": 23.62, "id": 3343}, {"image_id": "v_SI0GumzxYt4.mp4", "caption": "A camera follows around a small boat that is moving along the water as well as landscapes. The camera zooms in on the boat and shows people riding inside.", "segments": [[2.67, 63.45], [41.41, 129.58]], "duration": 133.59, "id": 3344}, {"image_id": "v_QHd9bJOuvIU.mp4", "caption": "A man is walking up a ladder to a roof. He is standing in front of a house talking. Men are putting new shingles onto a roof.", "segments": [[0, 6.9], [19.4, 26.3], [19.4, 86.24]], "duration": 86.24, "id": 3345}, {"image_id": "v_uG2sRzp5Bk4.mp4", "caption": "Information about Blackjack site iis provided. There are two people shown playing in a casino. A representative from Blackjack is showing a casino gambling game. He lays playing cards on the table against tokens. There are several tokens stacked up on the table. He is explaining how to play the gambling game to maximize one's money. He puts more cards on the table and takes a hand to earn more tokens. Information on how to download the app is provided on the screen.", "segments": [[14.4, 34.57], [34.57, 61.46], [61.46, 94.11], [94.11, 119.07], [119.07, 137.32], [137.32, 160.36], [160.36, 177.65], [177.65, 185.33]], "duration": 192.05, "id": 3346}, {"image_id": "v_7c5vvEn3uLk.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy is riding on a horse in a large arena and is swinging his rope.The view changes to show a group of men with their horses and they're each holding onto their ropes and doing various things with them like tying and swinging them.The focus switches to a man talking whose name is Trevor Brazile and it flashes from him talking and then to clips of him riding his horse in different arenas as he is also wrangling a small calf.Another man by the name of Stran Smith is now talking and clips of him riding his horse in different arenas as he wrangles a calf also plays. Clips of both of men talking and clips of them riding horses and wrangling calves play and rotate between the two of them.The outro video begins and it shows a hanging banner at the arena that reads \"CALGARY STAMPEDE\", a woman riding a horse and holding a red flag that say's \"1912-2012 Calgary Stampede\",and a calf is running across a dirt field.", "segments": [[0, 5.09], [5.09, 21.07], [21.07, 38.51], [38.51, 49.41], [49.41, 134.41], [134.41, 145.31]], "duration": 145.31, "id": 3347}, {"image_id": "v_xNiYjTyCTtg.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are standing in a shop and hug each other. The two girls acknowledge the girl holding the camera. They each show their ears that they are wanting to be pierced. The woman working in the shop straightens the girls head and marks her ear and pierces her right ear, as the girl makes faces. The woman looks shocked as the worker talks to her and holds the mirror for h er to see the ear. To be continued is shown on the screen. The girl shows her ear as she sits in the chair and tries not to cry as the camera zooms in on her ear.", "segments": [[0, 13.09], [13.09, 14.14], [14.14, 32.46], [32.46, 67.55], [67.55, 85.87], [85.87, 91.63], [91.63, 104.72]], "duration": 104.72, "id": 3348}, {"image_id": "v_HrWr7FmBYn4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to a camera and leads into herself with wet hair and brushing it through. Her hair is snow dry and she puts clips into her hair and begins curling. She continues curling the ends of her hair and runs her fingers through in the end and smiles at the camera while giving a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 41.92], [41.92, 98.43], [98.43, 182.28]], "duration": 182.28, "id": 3349}, {"image_id": "v_4S5ethZhgqs.mp4", "caption": "A big green garbage can is pushed up against a brick wall and a reindeer jumps out drinking from a coffee cup.The reindeer continues to drink out of the coffee cup and eventually falls out of over the garbage can.", "segments": [[0, 8.26], [7.07, 17.03]], "duration": 17.03, "id": 3350}, {"image_id": "v_DJ5tenTs0A0.mp4", "caption": "A child ski on the snow holding two poles and wearing skies. Adults ski behind the child. Then the child stops, then start to walk until start sliding on the hill.", "segments": [[0, 24.62], [19.37, 32.29], [24.62, 80.73]], "duration": 80.73, "id": 3351}, {"image_id": "v_2Mw-3jScc0M.mp4", "caption": "An aerial view of a field and animals is shown. People mill around a dartboard and then start doing lumberjack things with logs. A boat is prepared and the group starts water skiing, wakeboarding, and the like. At the end, people relax on the boat.", "segments": [[0, 19.23], [20.36, 40.72], [44.11, 205.85], [208.11, 226.21]], "duration": 226.21, "id": 3352}, {"image_id": "v_yJ5zO0T9jgk.mp4", "caption": "People are playing badminton on a court. An audience is watching them play. A cartoon of people playing the game is shown. A man in a blue sweater is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 121.77], [20.55, 23.59], [39.57, 47.18], [140.79, 152.21]], "duration": 152.21, "id": 3353}, {"image_id": "v_m0_F34CgAco.mp4", "caption": "The baker is putting a safe ring on a silicone molder. The baker pour the batter in the purple molder, then he place a silicone tray in the oven and put the cake in the oven. The baker turn over the cake in the plate and put icing and fruits on top. The baker put safety ling on the molder, put jelly in it, then he put the jelly off the molder. The baker made popsicles and cake decorations and chocolates using the molder.", "segments": [[0, 15.3], [6.73, 29.39], [20.81, 33.06], [24.49, 57.55], [42.24, 122.44]], "duration": 122.44, "id": 3354}, {"image_id": "v_Lh-cI4M0dNw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding along on a horse and then ropes a calf while others watch. The man then ties up the calf and climbs up on the horse and others step into the ring.", "segments": [[0, 18.38], [12.25, 51.06]], "duration": 51.06, "id": 3355}, {"image_id": "v_ZZVrH3Hv1fM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking into frame and speaking to the camera while holding various objects in her hands. She continues to pull out more objects while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[2.36, 31.55], [23.3, 56.62]], "duration": 58.98, "id": 3356}, {"image_id": "v_2_tzemKY72E.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast is shown in a photograph. She is then shown preparing and then mounting a high beam. She flips and turns on the beam, changing between two beams. She dismounts, throwing her arms into the air triumphantly.", "segments": [[0, 9.88], [14.41, 67.95], [68.77, 72.89], [74.54, 82.36]], "duration": 82.36, "id": 3357}, {"image_id": "v_Hg1tl2hFWGc.mp4", "caption": "a child is sitting on a counter with a container of water colors. She is using a paint brush to apply the paints to her face. She then starts putting the paint all over her chest.", "segments": [[0, 5.03], [6.65, 23.65], [23.79, 29.56]], "duration": 29.56, "id": 3358}, {"image_id": "v_U2-GFZxIufw.mp4", "caption": "A boat goes on to a lake with a rope behind it. A boy grabs the rope and goes in the water after the boat. The boat begins to speed up. The boy is brought to his feet and begins to water ski.", "segments": [[0, 9.88], [8.89, 19.1], [14.82, 40.18], [41.17, 65.88]], "duration": 65.88, "id": 3359}, {"image_id": "v_3MqnXsnEAkM.mp4", "caption": "A man walks onto a mat and lifts a large weight over his head. A man in a red shirt is sitting down. A man walks up and lifts a large weight over his head and drops it on the ground. Another man comes onto the mat and lifts a weight over their head.", "segments": [[1.55, 13.17], [44.15, 54.22], [78.23, 89.85], [125.48, 139.42]], "duration": 154.91, "id": 3360}, {"image_id": "v_7VvcQNSAd24.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of a mirror holding a razor. He then begins shaving his face while still looking in the mirror. He finishes shaving his face and looks back smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[0.73, 10.04], [11.02, 36.48], [33.79, 47.99]], "duration": 48.97, "id": 3361}, {"image_id": "v_7ftCKS5SCCk.mp4", "caption": "little girl with long hair is dancing in a living room with a lot of boots and shoes on the floor, she put them on and take it off. girl is on skateboard in the living room and to the room again. little girl is in library and grab something and then starts dancing in the room.", "segments": [[0, 91.26], [92.18, 125.37], [125.37, 184.37]], "duration": 184.37, "id": 3362}, {"image_id": "v_DxNIzbD6uD4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera in front of a large exercise bar and begins standing on the equipment while speaking and using her hands. The woman continues to demonstrate how to properly execute the exercises while moving her arms and legs back and fourth.", "segments": [[2.3, 49.21], [30.81, 86.46]], "duration": 91.98, "id": 3363}, {"image_id": "v_p8_hwwgyoZE.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are on a stage together. They quickly play drums before a crowd. An older man is then seen also playing drums.", "segments": [[0, 11.94], [14.32, 114.59], [115.38, 159.15]], "duration": 159.15, "id": 3364}, {"image_id": "v_vgO3mzJGbSI.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a shop and pans back to a girl talking. She points to her face multiple times and gives a little tour of her room. She continues talking to the camera and eventually shows footage of her getting her nose pierced. She apears back in the room with the pierced nose and shows off a drink and sushi. Finally she shows a book as well as a bag with white powder and herself in a pony tail.", "segments": [[0, 21.34], [22.35, 57.92], [57.92, 121.93], [127.01, 159.53], [158.51, 203.22]], "duration": 203.22, "id": 3365}, {"image_id": "v__jT57LdAHUs.mp4", "caption": "A man talks on front the drummer and holding two sticks. The man pretends to play the drums, and then continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 98.88], [98.88, 202.96]], "duration": 208.17000000000002, "id": 3366}, {"image_id": "v_hXGE1GGTHzM.mp4", "caption": "This man is trying to shoot the white ball on the pool table backwards. He keeps trying to shoot it backwards, but he just can't so he decided to do it the regular way and shoot forwards. When he does it, he puts the cue stick down and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 40.72], [40.72, 61.64], [61.64, 73.38]], "duration": 73.38, "id": 3367}, {"image_id": "v_Bdpqtvdx2T8.mp4", "caption": "We see a little girl painting a fence red. The girl puts more paint on her brush. The girl fills her brush again. We see the fence and an adult shows her how to paint. The adult points at a missed spot.", "segments": [[0, 107.39], [23.09, 27.39], [52.09, 57.46], [59.07, 81.08], [99.88, 107.39]], "duration": 107.39, "id": 3368}, {"image_id": "v_qfCqVXhNPE8.mp4", "caption": "A woman with black hair is explaining something. The woman pulls out a container with hair rolls. The woman pulls out a bottle of shampoo. The woman rolls her hair and pins it in place and leaves it for ten minutes. The women removes the rolls from her hair. The woman takes out hair spray and sprays it on her hair.", "segments": [[0, 218.38], [12.01, 22.93], [30.57, 33.85], [32.76, 124.48], [124.48, 146.32], [156.14, 183.44]], "duration": 218.38, "id": 3369}, {"image_id": "v_0IxId05Eo6k.mp4", "caption": "There are a lot of people indoors in a large building walking, or hanging out, and the banner below say's \"WHAT IN THE WORLD? China's National Tug-of-War Championships\" and he logo on the right say's \"east SPORTS WEST\". There are two sets of people along a rope and they are separated in the middle by referees. They take a bow, pick up the rope, and each team begins to tug on the rope until a winner is called. A woman referee is now standing with her two arms up and she lets them down to indicate that the two teams can start tugging on the rope, and they do until she blows a whistle to indicate the winner.Two short clips play and it shows a womens tug-of-war match, then a mens but it doesn't show much and then it goes straight to outdoor shots of the city and text on the screen appear with the network logo, website, and rights of the video.", "segments": [[0, 8.94], [8.94, 13.2], [13.2, 33.22], [33.22, 49.4], [49.4, 85.17]], "duration": 85.17, "id": 3370}, {"image_id": "v_cqHWqXRkUfU.mp4", "caption": "Several people are standing outside in a snow with tubes in front of them.Two people then get in the tubes and are pushed down the slopes.They go down the snow slide and once they reach the bottom they get off.", "segments": [[0, 23.59], [23.59, 60.19], [60.19, 81.34]], "duration": 81.34, "id": 3371}, {"image_id": "v_6I1aP4O04R8.mp4", "caption": "A large pile of leaves are seen blowing around a yard as a person uses a tool to push them along. The camera continues to capture the man blowing the leaves and uses several camera effects on the frames.", "segments": [[0, 104.78], [109.49, 220.16]], "duration": 235.46, "id": 3372}, {"image_id": "v_6qghJRLpHpo.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen riding kayaks down a rough river with one person performing a flip in the water. The person performs several more flips with the camera captures him from far away.", "segments": [[0, 18.6], [18.07, 35.09]], "duration": 35.09, "id": 3373}, {"image_id": "v_lZ2X-e33E0A.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screens. A man walks into a room and grabs a bucket and returns with it. We see a man in a bright shirt mix plaster in a bucket and spread it on a wall. The man adds more plaster to his base and spreads it on the wall.", "segments": [[0, 6.29], [7.07, 20.43], [20.43, 157.15], [107.65, 113.15]], "duration": 157.15, "id": 3374}, {"image_id": "v_E4yf1mz4ij0.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen walking into a circle and preparing himself to throw a shot put. The man throws the object several times after spinning around and several people watching on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0, 29.98], [31.32, 88.15]], "duration": 89.49, "id": 3375}, {"image_id": "v_iTc3UCWgUF0.mp4", "caption": "A man sits down in a chair putting his sneakers on and points to a fox running in. The fox stands by the man and jumps up and down on his lap while he continues to put his shoes on.", "segments": [[0, 33.94], [31.85, 83.81]], "duration": 83.81, "id": 3376}, {"image_id": "v__rs8dhCdI1w.mp4", "caption": "A person puts tape on a leather sofa to form a square. Then, the person apply foam to a sponge and cleans inside the square. After, the person clean with a cloth and peels the tape. Next, the person cleans all the sofa putting foam on a cloth and rubbing the sofa.", "segments": [[12.62, 72.29], [73.44, 100.98], [102.13, 120.49], [120.49, 213.44]], "duration": 229.51, "id": 3377}, {"image_id": "v_9xtYwXpaiZ0.mp4", "caption": "A shoe polishing machine sits in a living room. A man walks up to the shoe polishing machine a turns it on. The man wearing blue jeans begins bushing his black shoes. The man then begins brushing and polishing his brown shoes. The man approaches the shoe polishing machine and brushes his grey sneakers. The man crouches down and pulls out a dust bin from under the polishing machine.", "segments": [[0, 9.68], [9.68, 12.1], [12.1, 33.89], [33.89, 72.61], [72.61, 92.58], [92.58, 121.02]], "duration": 121.02, "id": 3378}, {"image_id": "v_fJMVz_TBWU0.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing in a crowd when a man holding a set of bag pipes walks up and gives everyone the devil horns. They give the horns back and the man plays while walking up and down the stage.", "segments": [[0, 19.97], [18.81, 76.79]], "duration": 76.78999999999999, "id": 3379}, {"image_id": "v_NVWk38z7f4U.mp4", "caption": "Several signs for tattoo shops are shown, along with a girl speaking to the camera. She shows off the tattoo she wants to get. The woman sits in a chair as a tattoo artist makes a snowflake on her arm. She talks to the camera the entire time as he inks her. Afterward, she shows off her completed tattoo and speaks about it.", "segments": [[0, 29.4], [31.66, 81.42], [82.55, 143.61], [144.74, 178.66], [183.18, 226.15]], "duration": 226.15, "id": 3380}, {"image_id": "v_c-TD6-GESQk.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a gym. He bends down and picks up a large weight. He sets it down and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 52.15], [25.03, 28.16], [45.11, 48.76]], "duration": 52.15, "id": 3381}, {"image_id": "v_z93quI8Gxx4.mp4", "caption": "The woman is riding a camel as she talks to the camera. A man is guiding the camel and giving the camel food. The woman is reporting while she is on the back of the camel.", "segments": [[0, 14.56], [5.94, 30.9], [10.99, 51.7]], "duration": 59.42, "id": 3382}, {"image_id": "v_rrNJt73BG_8.mp4", "caption": "A person opens a faucet and wet the hands. The person uses soap to rub vigorously the hands. After, the person rinse the hand thoroughly with plenty water. After the person dry the hands with a clean towel, and turns the the sink using the towel.", "segments": [[0.86, 6.57], [6.57, 17.7], [17.99, 40.54], [40.54, 47.68]], "duration": 57.1, "id": 3383}, {"image_id": "v_q2-2jIQGfvg.mp4", "caption": "The words \"speed cubing 53 sec\" appear on a black screen. A young man sits at a table and starts playing with a Rubik's Cube. The man solves the puzzle completing all sides of the cube and the screen goes black.", "segments": [[0, 1.91], [2.29, 54.69], [55.07, 76.49]], "duration": 76.49, "id": 3384}, {"image_id": "v_SFDvkbDZTjA.mp4", "caption": "A cat is scratching its paws on the carpet. A man holds the cats paw and starts clipping its nails. He holds the cat outside.", "segments": [[11.5, 13.66], [46.74, 73.34], [125.11, 125.83]], "duration": 143.8, "id": 3385}, {"image_id": "v_TFdv2VQ8-Hg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people gather on a tarmac. They board the plane before taking off, showing the runway and clouds in the sky. They are in an airport, then driving down the road. Finally they are riding a boat in the coean, looking at a map and chartering the waters. They go surfing in the large waves.", "segments": [[0, 7.73], [8.51, 45.63], [50.27, 91.25], [92.03, 136.88], [137.66, 154.67]], "duration": 154.67000000000002, "id": 3386}, {"image_id": "v_n7ED3zaQqws.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen moving along a pool while the camera watches from behind. A man is then seen speaking to the camera and moving his arms around. More clips are shown of the person swimming along the water.", "segments": [[0.57, 11.95], [11.66, 38.69], [40.12, 54.34]], "duration": 56.9, "id": 3387}, {"image_id": "v_Y_QRRCIujIc.mp4", "caption": "A young man is shown in a room playing ping pong. At one point he shrugs his shoulders while waiting for his opponent to start. The video continues to show the man playing ping pong, and at times stopping due to the ball leaving the table. The video ends as the man comes up to the camera to turn it off.", "segments": [[0, 169.46], [27.96, 30.5], [30.5, 169.46], [166.92, 169.46]], "duration": 169.46, "id": 3388}, {"image_id": "v_FBtrv1Vg8hU.mp4", "caption": "A young woman on a white horse is shown riding through the field.The lady is then shown exercising on a blue mat doing several yoga stretches.After,she is pictured in her home talking while sitting on the couch.Finally,the screen returns and she is shown in horseback riding in the field going through the stable.", "segments": [[0, 17.76], [17.35, 39.15], [39.95, 63.36], [63.76, 80.71]], "duration": 80.71000000000001, "id": 3389}, {"image_id": "v_clUgEizjVkM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen skating around the ice playing a game of hockey against one another. One member scores as the camera pans around them and a man watching.", "segments": [[0.12, 12.86], [8.92, 20.97]], "duration": 23.17, "id": 3390}, {"image_id": "v_G4XDVF_hYZc.mp4", "caption": "A boy is sitting at a table fiddling with a Rubik's cube and then places it on the table.The boy then picks it up and begins competing with four other males to solve it.Once solved,the boy slams his arms against a black bar that stops the timer and the judge times him at 20 seconds.", "segments": [[0, 7.66], [7.99, 19.89], [19.72, 32.6]], "duration": 32.6, "id": 3391}, {"image_id": "v_PZ4miMXdjHE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a large pit with a group of children and teaching them how to stand. The kids then get powder on their hands and the man chases them around and has fun.", "segments": [[0, 48.75], [40.88, 78.62]], "duration": 78.62, "id": 3392}, {"image_id": "v_8NcRuVMSQLs.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around an athletic woman standing ready and others watching her on the side. She jumps high over a pole and walks away as her jump is shown again in slow motion and another runner steps up. Several more women are shown jumping over the beam while their scores are shown immediately afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 68.71], [69.82, 181.74], [177.31, 221.64]], "duration": 221.64, "id": 3393}, {"image_id": "v_nEv28s46Kvo.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen as a black and white film. We then see people putting on fencing gear. The two men fence in between title screens. The men switch from outdoors to indoors. We see a man's helmet. We see a men fighting in slow motion. The men finish and walk away from each other.", "segments": [[0, 18.09], [19.22, 39.57], [39.57, 223.88], [89.33, 223.88], [99.5, 108.55], [180.91, 223.88], [219.36, 226.14]], "duration": 226.14, "id": 3394}, {"image_id": "v_HRjSOacCdWI.mp4", "caption": "A man picks up a heavy weight. He drops it to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 11.94], [12.04, 13.53]], "duration": 19.9, "id": 3395}, {"image_id": "v_rX2tRvv2ZfU.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman dressed in a brown dress standing next to another lady in blue who is demonstrating a recipe. They are standing next to the kitchen counter that has several bowls filled with various ingredient in it. The chef is talking about the recipes that the ingredients are used for. There's a white plate with shredded meat on the kitchen counter. The chef then picks up the meat plate and gives it to the lady in brown. The presenter then empties the meat into a blue bowl. The chef continues to explain the recipe. Then they add some chopped cucumber to the blue bowl and mix it with a spoon. The chef shows the cucumbers she has used in the salad. Then they add chopped cherry tomatoes, followed by sliced white onions and some leafy greens. Then they add some more garnishing on top of the salad.", "segments": [[0, 217.64], [13.06, 169.76], [19.59, 83.79], [84.88, 94.67], [94.67, 113.17], [101.2, 116.44], [114.26, 127.32], [119.7, 133.85], [136.03, 158.88], [154.53, 184.99], [183.91, 212.2]], "duration": 217.64, "id": 3396}, {"image_id": "v_ilE77hVgjjo.mp4", "caption": "A girl moves around an indoor playground. The girl slides down and climbs up a slide with boy. A finger touches the girls hair and head.", "segments": [[0, 109.92], [20.89, 109.92], [51.66, 52.21]], "duration": 109.92, "id": 3397}, {"image_id": "v_VLQQVNIZQqo.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a hummer sits on the ground. Then, the man spins the hammer several times and throw it far. Other man perform the hammer throw while people watch.", "segments": [[5.28, 19.27], [19.27, 43.3], [43.03, 49.37]], "duration": 52.8, "id": 3398}, {"image_id": "v_uWnlmM2uOs4.mp4", "caption": "There are many people in bathing suits standing in a lake with motor boats behind them. One girl wearing a bikini and holding a Coke can in her hand is rubbing sunscreen on another woman's chest. There are some men standing in swim trunks behind them, talking to each other.", "segments": [[4.56, 11.85], [11.85, 26.29], [26.29, 29.33]], "duration": 30.4, "id": 3399}, {"image_id": "v_ZuHwSBCjfds.mp4", "caption": "News clippings of a water polo player are shown, as well as images and stills. We then see the water polo games in video, as the players try to lob the ball into a net. The people fight over the ball, and a small crowd claps and cheers.", "segments": [[0, 55.92], [61.63, 209.99], [211.13, 228.25]], "duration": 228.25, "id": 3400}, {"image_id": "v_eXK0iVPl1j8.mp4", "caption": "A crowd is gathered around a black tiled area. A man in black does some breakdance moves. He then trades off with a man in white, Several breakdancers trade off displaying moves as the crowd looks on. Finally, the last breakdancer finishes his routine.", "segments": [[0, 97.8], [0, 12.23], [16.63, 77.75], [82.15, 97.8]], "duration": 97.8, "id": 3401}, {"image_id": "v_MewROhYmQP0.mp4", "caption": "A polo match is being held outdoors in a field. A player on a horse hits the ball. A wide shot of the polo field action is shown.", "segments": [[0, 4.65], [4.96, 45.91], [46.22, 62.04]], "duration": 62.04, "id": 3402}, {"image_id": "v_Mu8-AwcMqaw.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her showing off her hair then tying it into a ponytail. She sprays down her hair and then braids her bangs followed by pushing the braid back into a ponytail. She puts a bow in her hair in the end and smiles off to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 49.01], [50.48, 113.39], [109.73, 146.31]], "duration": 146.31, "id": 3403}, {"image_id": "v_uzXbaoWOm5o.mp4", "caption": "A white screen appears and happy faces are displayed and black text words read \"happyface Entertainment\".There are two Asian women standing face to face very close to one another and talking about a can while subtitles show up at the bottom.The woman holding the bottle on the right tries to unscrew the bottle open and has a hard time so someone reaches in and opens it for her and hands it back. The women laugh, smell the contents in the bottle and the brunette tastes a little bit of it and they both laugh.", "segments": [[0, 8.51], [8.51, 35.51], [35.51, 41.38], [41.38, 58.7]], "duration": 58.7, "id": 3404}, {"image_id": "v_li16LYa7us8.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with the white letters and numbers that say EXAM 2012.An outdoor of a two story older building is shown and the white letters on the screen say Bolshoi Ballet Academy.A blonde woman is shown sitting at a piano and as she begins to play a bunch of young women are shown dressed in their ballet gear and are dancing ballet on a stage while people watch them.Some of the girls are shown putting on tutus that stick straight out, they walk onto the stage and begin dancing as their tutus that stick straight out bounce with them.The women end their ballet routine, and they all walk to the side of the stage to grab the hand of the woman, they all routine to the stage, take a bow, and all the ballet dances celebrate their performance and give on another hugs.", "segments": [[0, 4.22], [4.22, 8.44], [8.44, 75.98], [75.98, 182.56], [182.56, 211.05]], "duration": 211.05, "id": 3405}, {"image_id": "v_u024Wa07GNs.mp4", "caption": "A sandwich is sitting on a counter. There are many vegetables around the sandwich. A person puts cucumbers on top of the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 16.72], [0.44, 16.72], [0.98, 16.72]], "duration": 17.79, "id": 3406}, {"image_id": "v_en6lOb4wRUU.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown smoking a cigarette continuously blowing smoke out of his mouth and looking into the camera. He puts sunglasses on and continues taking puffs off the cigarette. He pans the camera to a crack in the floor and back to his face smoking outside.", "segments": [[0, 66.12], [67.03, 136.78], [138.59, 181.16]], "duration": 181.16, "id": 3407}, {"image_id": "v_KCxa27MM7Cg.mp4", "caption": "Two small children as seen sitting at a table laughing with one another. One girl is seen painting another's nails while she looks off into the distance. The girl continues painting the others' nails while she laughs into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.15], [12.22, 28.2], [21.8, 36.47]], "duration": 37.59, "id": 3408}, {"image_id": "v_fCE3Eo7_Nmw.mp4", "caption": "A person takes a knife and cut the ends of a potato, then the person peels the potato. After, the person cut the potato in squares.", "segments": [[5.44, 12.99], [12.99, 57.07]], "duration": 60.4, "id": 3409}, {"image_id": "v_LnqAgjTpi0k.mp4", "caption": "We see a pink opening scene. A lady walks up stairs and people are gathered in a plaza outdoors. We see a race banner and people moving under the banner. Runners are running down a city street in a marathon. We see a stadium like structure a km 8. We see a fountain spraying water. A mariachi band sits on the sidewalk playing music followed by drummers. We see the end and a cup of coffee and a medal. A lady photo shops her picture in with the mariachi band. The ending title screen is shown.", "segments": [[0, 10.38], [10.38, 31.14], [31.78, 37.62], [38.27, 100.54], [53.19, 57.73], [72, 77.84], [90.81, 100.54], [106.38, 114.16], [114.81, 124.54], [125.84, 129.73]], "duration": 129.73, "id": 3410}, {"image_id": "v_exPOJAoyG7Q.mp4", "caption": "There's a girl talking about cheer leading, gymnastics and tumbling. She is demonstrating how to do somersaults, cartwheels, round off and back and front walkover. She also shows various other moves like aerial, tic- toc and back handspring. She continues to demonstrate several other gymnastic moves by swiftly moving her body through front flips.", "segments": [[9.3, 25.25], [25.25, 53.59], [53.59, 77.95], [77.95, 84.6]], "duration": 88.59, "id": 3411}, {"image_id": "v_E29kZvEtOUA.mp4", "caption": "A child helps push a lawn mower with an adult to cut the grass. A man mows the lawn of a large yard along with a child watching nearby. The man empties out the collection hopper bag on the lawn mower and empties it into a trash bin and wheels it away. The child plays with the lawn mower while turned off.", "segments": [[0, 137.85], [43.97, 112.89], [135.47, 185.38], [150.92, 237.67]], "duration": 237.67000000000002, "id": 3412}, {"image_id": "v_5j6j4NJkUXA.mp4", "caption": "A boy is shown swinging on a piece of gymnastic equipment with others training in the background. The camera shows several shots of different boys swinging on the equipment around and around with the camera panning to different angles.", "segments": [[0, 28.53], [28.87, 61.81]], "duration": 67.92, "id": 3413}, {"image_id": "v_dtT0BzjTStw.mp4", "caption": "A coach gives instructions to boys in a basketball court. Then, two young men demonstrate the boys how to pass and shoot the ball in the basket. After, the young man helps the boys throw the ball in the basket, while by two run passing the ball to shoot in a basket. Then, the boys practice basketball defense taking turns while running to the other side of the court.", "segments": [[5.34, 22.68], [22.68, 32.91], [32.91, 58.27], [62.27, 81.39]], "duration": 88.96000000000001, "id": 3414}, {"image_id": "v_5c1jHhHUwPI.mp4", "caption": "pitcher throw the ball to the batter playing criquet. the batter is fighing with the man and other people trye to calm him down.a lo of people wearing black unifroms are running in the field fighting.", "segments": [[0, 8.86], [17.29, 42.17], [8.86, 42.17]], "duration": 42.17, "id": 3415}, {"image_id": "v_oEZToisRw4w.mp4", "caption": "Various women are seen walking around with shot puts in their hands followed by more shots of athletes walking around, throwing the ball, and waving to the crowd. The video continues on with several different shots of female athletes throwing shot puts as well as cheering to the crowd and moving around.", "segments": [[0, 79.23], [89.94, 198.07]], "duration": 214.14, "id": 3416}, {"image_id": "v_KnI7IWbLWmE.mp4", "caption": "Two men play bagpipes, while being photographed at an outdoor military and police ceremony with a speaker at a podium surrounded by men in uniform and in front of a formally seated audience. Two men play bagpipes in front of a row of police officers and a man in a military uniform, all as a photographer takes their photo from below. The camera pans to a man in a suit standing at a podium in front of a group of people who are standing along with the rows of people in uniform behind the speaker. The camera then pans to three military planes flying overhead as part of the ceremony before returning to the people, who are standing, in front of the man at the podium.", "segments": [[0.81, 160.25], [0.81, 55.84], [108.45, 127.07], [131.11, 161.06]], "duration": 161.87, "id": 3417}, {"image_id": "v_LnEed8TnWwk.mp4", "caption": "Shots of people standing on the sides are shown as well as a group of girls playing tug of war with one another. Several more shots are shown of girls playing tug of war against one another while people celebrate on the sides as well as with their team mates.", "segments": [[3.58, 111.73], [55.42, 169.83]], "duration": 178.77, "id": 3418}, {"image_id": "v_SMhW9V-cJsQ.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing gloves is on his hands and knees using a power tool that is creating sparks. He continues using the object as the camera man watches and finishes burning the object.", "segments": [[0, 12.92], [12.65, 27.49]], "duration": 27.49, "id": 3419}, {"image_id": "v_p31a9wkiSHA.mp4", "caption": "boy is standing in front of a door talking with other boys in front of a kitchen. man walks to the living room in front of a ping pong table.man are putting the shoes, grabs a skateboard and is skateboarding by a sidewalk with her friends. man is hanging from lianas on a tree on a park.", "segments": [[0, 9.28], [9.28, 18.56], [18.56, 206.22], [156.72, 179.41]], "duration": 206.22, "id": 3420}, {"image_id": "v_lIb8_YksZyg.mp4", "caption": "A kid is standing with some men at a chair lift, dressed in ski gear. The boy skis down a hill, but falls down. He then is shown doing a flip in the air, followed by several ramp and flipping tricks. When they are done, they go inside a building.", "segments": [[0, 14.94], [22.41, 115.26], [117.39, 177.15], [179.29, 213.44]], "duration": 213.44, "id": 3421}, {"image_id": "v_zIvC3Yytcv0.mp4", "caption": "Various groups of men are shown that leads into a man wearing a uniform and speaking to the camera. He then leads a group of people to play an instrument all together while the camera pans around.", "segments": [[0, 82.78], [76.19, 188.13]], "duration": 188.13, "id": 3422}, {"image_id": "v_DIF8qouivIU.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a white fencing outfit walks over to a woman in leather with her hands tied together. He holds her waist and speaks to her while watching the men fence behind them. They speak to another couple defiantly and the men prepare to fight. The men fence back and fourth when the older gentleman pinches his eyes and fight again. The men become agitated and one leaves with shirt off.", "segments": [[0, 40.09], [18.93, 43.43], [80.17, 135.85], [135.85, 169.25], [165.91, 222.7]], "duration": 222.7, "id": 3423}, {"image_id": "v_ynda_PQe_CM.mp4", "caption": "Several men are playing indoor soccer. A large crowd watches from the stands. A man wearing yellow kicks the ball into the goal and celebrates with his team before a replay of his goal is shown. The game continues and two men knock each other down before the red team scores a goal and a replay is shown. The yellow team tries to score and is blocked multiple times before finally scoring and a replay of this goal is shown twice. The game continues until the red team scores. A man from each team kicks the ball at the goal, each man gets the ball in the net and it flies back out. The same thing happens for one more man from each team. When the next red team member kicks, the goalie blocks the ball. Another man from each team scores before the goalie blocks a ball kicked by a man in yellow. Another ball from thew red team is blocked and two men from the sidelines in suits jump up and run on to the court and shake hands with a few players. The players celebrate some being followed by a camera. Men in suits hand a trophy to a man in yellow and he holds it over his head with everyone in the background celebrating.", "segments": [[0, 149.97], [0, 211.23], [12.67, 25.35], [26.4, 42.25], [43.3, 62.31], [63.37, 87.66], [88.72, 99.28], [100.34, 111.95], [100.34, 118.29], [126.74, 146.81], [147.86, 156.31], [157.37, 168.99], [172.15, 211.23]], "duration": 211.23, "id": 3424}, {"image_id": "v_YW3mCNKVaa4.mp4", "caption": "A view is shown of steep mountain snow. Skiers are traveling on a lift. They are sledding on the snow down a steep hill.", "segments": [[0, 6.04], [7.77, 23.51], [23.94, 43.14]], "duration": 43.14, "id": 3425}, {"image_id": "v_8NfYYT8d3EQ.mp4", "caption": "A text that reads \"Deeba's Recipe\" appears on the screen. The video then cuts to a woman standing behind a table filled with cooking ingredients. She speaks to the camera while showing some of what she has prepped for the dish. She places the various ingredients into a bowl and garnishes it very precisely. She then pours a sauce all over it. She then speaks to the camera some more to offer tips on how to make the dish. Another set of text showing \"Deeba's\" recipe is shown again.", "segments": [[0, 6.02], [6.02, 25.09], [25.09, 68.25], [69.25, 127.47], [127.47, 175.64], [175.64, 194.71], [195.72, 200.74]], "duration": 200.74, "id": 3426}, {"image_id": "v_Me3ykrZobJE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen holding a wrapped gift and begins wrapping paper around a box. The girl pushes it down on the sides and begins tapping the box. She finishes tapping all around the box and ends by presenting it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 40.38], [36.34, 98.26], [94.22, 133.26]], "duration": 134.61, "id": 3427}, {"image_id": "v_IQp6JF5v1qc.mp4", "caption": "The screen opens up with an ACDC promo. A little boy is speaking to the camera. The little boy begins to break dance and does many flips. He stands up and begins to rap.", "segments": [[0, 4.97], [4.97, 8.38], [8.38, 54.62], [54.62, 62.07]], "duration": 62.07, "id": 3428}, {"image_id": "v_dHzX9NqyBZw.mp4", "caption": "man is standing behind a counte behind the pool. two men are standing on top of trampolines and make a Synchronized jump into the pool. man is going up the stairs to the trampoline.", "segments": [[0, 12.8], [0, 10.36], [10.3, 12.8]], "duration": 12.8, "id": 3429}, {"image_id": "v_B0jASjqZl7s.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads of a clip of people riding down a snowy hill on tubes. More people are seen riding down the hill while pointing to one another. The group continues riding down the hill while also stopping to talk to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 47.29], [50.44, 114.27], [99.3, 154.47]], "duration": 157.62, "id": 3430}, {"image_id": "v_a_sm5Hv7HNw.mp4", "caption": "Three kids are climbing up a mountain with out any rope. Then, they are hanging out in their room laughing and having fun. They're just three best friend doing everything together, walking, shopping, relaxing and climbing mountains. When they get to the top of the mountain they hug each other.", "segments": [[0, 24.6], [24.6, 46.23], [46.23, 96.18], [96.93, 149.12]], "duration": 149.12, "id": 3431}, {"image_id": "v__-M4xNBhSEI.mp4", "caption": "A group is playing football on a large field. A green ball suddenly bounces across the fifty yard line. It comes to a stop, and the people back away.", "segments": [[0, 2.4], [2.75, 5.7], [5.76, 6.47]], "duration": 6.47, "id": 3432}, {"image_id": "v_mc5XVTo5PVk.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast mounts a high beam in front of her coach. She does several flips forward and backward. She dismounts, and he claps as she walks away.", "segments": [[0, 2.09], [2.49, 12.87], [13.36, 16.09]], "duration": 16.09, "id": 3433}, {"image_id": "v_reit7blyxIo.mp4", "caption": "A man is lying in bed under the covers. He sits up on the edge of the bed, scratching his beard. He then stares at the shaver on his table, picking it up. The man shaves his bear, making it much shorter before lying down in bed, cuddling with the bag filled with his beard hair.", "segments": [[0, 8.65], [9.37, 25.23], [26.31, 59.46], [60.54, 72.08]], "duration": 72.08, "id": 3434}, {"image_id": "v_z5bc9KKiAGI.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing behind a counter. He is throwing darts at a wall. A woman is standing next to him.", "segments": [[0, 40.59], [0, 35.92], [38.36, 40.59]], "duration": 40.59, "id": 3435}, {"image_id": "v_Ayix_aDOrzs.mp4", "caption": "A girl is shown looking at several pictures of hairstyle and leads into another cutting one's hair. The kids sits patiently with a towel on her head and speaking to the camera. A goldfish is shown followed by a man cutting and styling her hair. The man cuts the girl's hair and styles it into an adorable look. The girl smiles and leaves the hair salon looking happy.", "segments": [[0, 12.87], [13.55, 33.87], [26.42, 60.96], [60.28, 100.92], [116.5, 135.47]], "duration": 135.47, "id": 3436}, {"image_id": "v_4q7LmVSgIPk.mp4", "caption": "A person is talking on camera while showing various tools on the ground. A person is putting objects in front of a tire to move the car. A person drives the car over the object to move it. The tire is now sitting on top of an object and they take it off. A person brings out an old bike and talk about what needs to be done.", "segments": [[1.02, 28.46], [26.43, 42.7], [51.85, 91.49], [95.56, 165.7], [165.7, 197.21]], "duration": 203.31, "id": 3437}, {"image_id": "v_W0RYvQUUNe0.mp4", "caption": "The person is parasailing the water. As the person sail, he started to bounce on the water. The person maneuver the sail to turn around.", "segments": [[0, 11.58], [1.27, 3.42], [2.95, 11.58]], "duration": 11.58, "id": 3438}, {"image_id": "v_SvMIG1JlcMk.mp4", "caption": "Women are dancing on a stage. Women are waving flags around behind them. A woman is doing a belly dance in the middle of the stage.", "segments": [[0, 169.85], [16.14, 169.85], [160.51, 166.46]], "duration": 169.85, "id": 3439}, {"image_id": "v_IeqBzYDyHGQ.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with shots of people cheering as well as several shots of players standing on a sand pit. The crowd is seen doing the wave and continues to cheer as the camera shows various clips of a soccer match going on.", "segments": [[0, 81.03], [60.77, 168.81]], "duration": 168.81, "id": 3440}, {"image_id": "v_soDdkeamoMM.mp4", "caption": "A boy is swinging back and forth. The boy then falls on his face and cries.", "segments": [[0, 7.09], [7.46, 10.47]], "duration": 10.58, "id": 3441}, {"image_id": "v_H2-rEH9TXR4.mp4", "caption": "A woman in blue shorts hands a man a dart. A man in a white hat throws a dart at a board. The woman walks up to the board.", "segments": [[0, 1.76], [1.81, 5.73], [5.68, 10]], "duration": 10.06, "id": 3442}, {"image_id": "v_ztogHoQpE4A.mp4", "caption": "A man is working over the back of a trailer. He is welding the metal between two pieces of wood. Sparks fly as he works, crouching down on the sidewalk.", "segments": [[0, 8.74], [10.59, 34.41], [35.47, 52.94]], "duration": 52.94, "id": 3443}, {"image_id": "v_rHWOESWciSc.mp4", "caption": "A man in a chef's outfit is talking in a kitchen while holding a potato. A man is working behind him as he peels the potato with a tool. He peels extremely fast, finishing in seconds.", "segments": [[0, 7.26], [8.4, 15.85], [17, 38.2]], "duration": 38.2, "id": 3444}, {"image_id": "v_ZjbBmS8Q8kM.mp4", "caption": "First different kinds pool balls are shown lined up. Then the boy starts to play pool all by himself with the balls.", "segments": [[0.68, 20.29], [20.96, 135.26]], "duration": 135.26, "id": 3445}, {"image_id": "v_kdQfR6oqJ_M.mp4", "caption": "There are several jockey riding brown horses in a stadium during a derby event. There crowd is cheering loudly as they stand with straw hats and umbrellas. The jockeys are getting ready to play polo as they move around with their sticks. A woman cheers loudly in the camera. The jockeys ride slowly around the field.", "segments": [[12.41, 27.22], [27.22, 47.64], [47.64, 54.04], [54.04, 73.66], [73.66, 80.06]], "duration": 80.06, "id": 3446}, {"image_id": "v_fX3tcnTdAN4.mp4", "caption": "The boys lacrosse team is shown working out. They are then running drills on the gravel. Next, the team is in a scrimmage on the field. After that they were shown playing an actual game, running back and forth. Lastly a few members are at a professional game.", "segments": [[0, 9.95], [10.54, 27.51], [29.85, 32.78], [40.39, 111.81], [113.56, 117.08]], "duration": 117.08, "id": 3447}, {"image_id": "v_1gradpCDbPU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen bending over a sink with a small child next to her. The woman and child stick their hands under a sink to wash them off. The woman dries the girls hands in the end and shows her putting lotion on.", "segments": [[0, 12.34], [12.95, 41.24], [37.03, 57.8]], "duration": 60.21, "id": 3448}, {"image_id": "v_vT6bb2y34UE.mp4", "caption": "Two wires are seen laid across and table with a person putting a box on top. The person wraps the box with wires and tying a bow on top. The person ties a candy cane with the box and shows it off to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.17], [10.11, 43.02], [37.25, 55.44]], "duration": 57.75, "id": 3449}, {"image_id": "v_aRurjtzwmS8.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a building leads into a 3d game of men sumo wrestling. The game continues on with the characters fighting and a ref watching on the side. The game ends and shows more pictures of men sumo wrestling and pointing.", "segments": [[0.98, 22.97], [17.39, 46.92], [41.67, 62.34]], "duration": 65.62, "id": 3450}, {"image_id": "v_JMIvoKPtxRA.mp4", "caption": "A red, white and black intro has a logo and the words and letter W2K15. The video game begins and there are 3 characters against 1 character and they are wrestling in a rink performing numerous tricks like strangling, hitting, running into the character to make them fall, or picking them up and then slamming them down to the ground while the referee is standing in the corner. A new round begins with different characters wrestling and the referee tries to stop them but one of the characters picks the referee up and then slams him to the ground where he lays there for a few seconds. The referee gets up and then kicks one of the characters out of the rink then he drops on the ground to bang his hand on the rink to end the wresting round.The outro video begins and it's the same as the intro video.", "segments": [[0, 2.69], [2.69, 69.52], [69.52, 78.68], [78.68, 95.39], [95.39, 107.79]], "duration": 107.78999999999999, "id": 3451}, {"image_id": "v_Zest0gXEWEc.mp4", "caption": "A logo for \"The Galley\" with the tagline \"Reinventing the Kitchen\" briefly appears. The scene is narrated by a female speaker. A woman with blond hair prepares a sink dishwashing station with a hanging sink and drying bars above a metal channel. The woman washes glasses, plates and knives and then places each on the racks to dry. The woman finishes by pulling the plug on the hanging sink allowing the water to flow away in the channel underneath. \"The Galley\" logo appears again.", "segments": [[0, 2.56], [3.13, 56.54], [3.13, 12.22], [12.22, 40.06], [40.06, 52.84], [52.84, 56.82]], "duration": 56.82, "id": 3452}, {"image_id": "v_tETVZtWqdDs.mp4", "caption": "woman is in the news talking to the camera about a hand sunscreen. woman is holding a sunscreen tube and put it in her arms, hands and face and the woman in studio keeps talkin about the natural sunscreen.", "segments": [[0, 31.67], [31.67, 93.16]], "duration": 93.16, "id": 3453}, {"image_id": "v_LmEUkoYh0nQ.mp4", "caption": "A text intro leads into several shots of a pumpkin as well as tools followed by a man carving the pumpkin. The man draws and cuts away all around the front of the pumpkin while moving in fast motion. The man finishes his pumpkin and the camera pans all around the side.", "segments": [[0, 44.9], [41.45, 113.98], [98.09, 136.78]], "duration": 138.16, "id": 3454}, {"image_id": "v_KqOLTkf5ujs.mp4", "caption": "a man is standing outside with a paint pan. He talks as he demonstrates how to paint outdoor wood. He shows off a paint roller. He continues talking about the process as he stands there.", "segments": [[0, 24.84], [27.52, 77.2], [80.55, 109.42], [110.76, 134.26]], "duration": 134.26, "id": 3455}, {"image_id": "v_1DvNkSGk-JA.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding onto a bar as he is standing on a water ski. He is being pulled through the water by a motor boat. He is water skiing over a long lake, trying to remain upright.", "segments": [[0, 9.78], [13.83, 50.94], [51.28, 67.47]], "duration": 67.47, "id": 3456}, {"image_id": "v_WUYSGCwm6OM.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a bathrobe facing a mirror cleans her hands. The camera cuts to closeup scenes of her fingers picking up a contact lens and holding it up. The camera briefly cuts to the woman's face before returning. The woman puts the contact lens on her eye. The woman applies contact lens solution into her lens carrying case. The woman washes her hands. The woman removes the contact lens from her eye. The woman places the lens on her palm and, using solution, cleans it. The woman places the lens into the case and adds solution. The woman begins to leave the camera frame.", "segments": [[10.16, 28.13], [28.13, 64.08], [37.51, 39.07], [64.86, 82.05], [83.62, 92.21], [95.34, 101.59], [103.94, 115.66], [116.44, 134.41], [135.98, 145.35], [147.7, 150.82]], "duration": 156.29, "id": 3457}, {"image_id": "v_XPN_PSadJ_A.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting on a bike before a track looking down. The man then begins riding down the track with several others riding in front. The person rides all around the area and ends with a go pro logo.", "segments": [[0, 27.77], [25.28, 60.93], [60.51, 81.24]], "duration": 82.9, "id": 3458}, {"image_id": "v_8TNzCiy8iaY.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a suit in the city walks down the streets of new york and meets up with another man who likes just like him. The men compare items and then perform a dance routine in the center. The men grabs hands to end the routine then walk away from one another.", "segments": [[0, 48.53], [48.53, 138.43], [134.45, 159.12]], "duration": 159.12, "id": 3459}, {"image_id": "v_MmYNcmba_Ps.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen walking forward while shaking her arms and legs around and adjusting her swim suit. The girl bends forward and performs a dive into the pool while the camera pans back to a scoreboard.", "segments": [[1.53, 18.31], [12.97, 29.6]], "duration": 30.51, "id": 3460}, {"image_id": "v__5UtmlGMIUc.mp4", "caption": "A man has his foot up on the toilet. He starts shaving his leg with a shaver. He pulls up his pants and starts shaving his other leg.", "segments": [[0, 26.48], [25.57, 83.11], [83.11, 131.51]], "duration": 182.65, "id": 3461}, {"image_id": "v_ShozMaLUS20.mp4", "caption": "Old man is raking leaves outside his home in the fall. Man is narrating the action. There is a bike parked next to the house.", "segments": [[0, 13.58], [0, 14.07], [5.63, 8.94]], "duration": 14.07, "id": 3462}, {"image_id": "v_pKOwZrmQan4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking around a field followed by several shots off the field and people watching on the sides. The video transitions into several shots of trainers doing tricks with their dogs using frisbees. The people continuously throw the frisbee around the field while the dog chases afterwards and runs around the field.", "segments": [[0, 17.71], [18.3, 85.6], [84.42, 118.07]], "duration": 118.07, "id": 3463}, {"image_id": "v_Fu46pdVz4qY.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady in a pink shirt talking to the camera. We see the lady pick up a basket of laundry and put it down. the lady shakes out a dress and puts it on an ironing board. The lady rubs the dress and straitens it out. The lady puts a shirt on the board then puts it back in the basket. The lady folds the dress, smiles and the scene ends.", "segments": [[0, 29.79], [30.32, 37.24], [39.37, 55.86], [55.86, 81.39], [81.39, 102.14], [102.14, 106.39]], "duration": 106.39, "id": 3464}, {"image_id": "v_qi_6u0mMJQM.mp4", "caption": "A person shows a piece of furniture. Then, the person covers a wood box with carpet and cuts the leftovers. Then, the person fold the carpet on the borders and cut the parts not needed.", "segments": [[0, 12.05], [12.91, 84.34], [84.34, 170.41]], "duration": 172.13, "id": 3465}, {"image_id": "v_MOBJ_kpzHc0.mp4", "caption": "A caucasion woman is standing in the kitchen talking to a toddler and they begin banging their fist on the island.A red screen appears with a picture of lemonade and the two reappear.The lady begins talking extremely energetic to the camera.The two then begin dumping ingredients into a blender,beginning with strawberries and ending with syrup.Lastly,the toddler dumps a cup of ice in the blender and the lady blends the ingredients.Once done,the lady grabs two cups and fills them up and the two of them enjoy a drink together.", "segments": [[0, 11.37], [12.32, 43.6], [44.54, 72.03], [72.97, 120.36], [121.31, 162.06], [161.11, 189.55]], "duration": 189.55, "id": 3466}, {"image_id": "v_F54PZypvzCc.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is standing in a living room. He is throwing darts at a target. He walks over and removes the darts before trying again.", "segments": [[0, 11.61], [14.42, 64.08], [64.48, 80.1]], "duration": 80.1, "id": 3467}, {"image_id": "v_GvRPOGpObyU.mp4", "caption": "Alcohol is shown being poured into a glass and leads into a woman holding up a glass and pouring ice into it. The woman then pours various alcohol mixes into the glass and ends by presenting the glass to the camera.", "segments": [[1.57, 28.19], [24.12, 59.83]], "duration": 62.65, "id": 3468}, {"image_id": "v_p4KNKI2UZLc.mp4", "caption": "An American gymnast climbs the balance beam, the she performs four flips backwards and one flip forward. Then, the gymnast spins backward one time on her side, then she jumps and flips two times backwards. After the gymnast jumps, spins and turns. The gymnast stands on the end of the beam, then she runs and flips to times and end stand on the mat. After, the gymnast raise her arms and she is congratulated by people. The routine of the gymnast is repeated again.", "segments": [[0.94, 34.63], [34.63, 73.94], [74.88, 92.66], [94.54, 101.09], [101.09, 127.3], [128.23, 187.2]], "duration": 187.2, "id": 3469}, {"image_id": "v_cqxrPBGP4nU.mp4", "caption": "A before and after picture of a sink is shown. A person is then shown putting cleaner on a sponge and scrubbing a sink. The cleaning products and the clean sink are then shown.", "segments": [[0, 6.85], [9.03, 47.62], [47.93, 62.25]], "duration": 62.25, "id": 3470}, {"image_id": "v_JBnHqQjeVMk.mp4", "caption": "Cars and RV's sit outside a rodeo center. Cowboys practice their lasso work. People shop inside the store of the rodeo center. A young kid catches a calf. A cowboy jumps off his horse to control the calf he has caught. Another cowboy in a black shirt jumps off his horse. A man in a pink shirt lassos a calf. A woman on a horse catches a calf. Another man jumps off his brown horse to control the calf he has caught.", "segments": [[3.28, 6.73], [6.91, 7.94], [8.11, 9.5], [12.78, 16.92], [17.26, 18.82], [19.16, 20.37], [20.72, 21.75], [22.27, 24], [24.34, 25.9]], "duration": 34.53, "id": 3471}, {"image_id": "v_9ntzCNcFTKM.mp4", "caption": "Six children wearing white clothing and orange belts are in a room with others watching. A man yells an order and the children demonstrate their Taekwondo. The man yells again and the children line up and bow. The children demonstrate poses as the man orders them. They then perform more martial arts moves. They return to the line they were standing in previously. They demonstrate additional moves including kicks and punches. They line up again and bow for a second time.", "segments": [[0, 92.56], [0, 16.2], [16.2, 20.36], [20.36, 32.86], [33.32, 51.37], [51.37, 68.49], [68.49, 87], [87, 92.56]], "duration": 92.56, "id": 3472}, {"image_id": "v_K5X_ytiMuqc.mp4", "caption": "A girl talks to a camera shes holding on followed by shots of a store and her dog in a car. She records several items shown around the store and then herself in a bikini. She puts the lotion on herself standing in front of a lake and smiling into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 13.35], [15.02, 34.49], [33.94, 111.27]], "duration": 111.27000000000001, "id": 3473}, {"image_id": "v_Mg8y0rgD16M.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures of various foods are shown and leads into a person cutting foods on a cutting board. More pictures are shown while the man cuts up vegetables and mixes them into a bowl. He stirs around the ingredients and more pictures of the foods are shown.", "segments": [[0, 38.99], [38.99, 127.2], [128.13, 185.69]], "duration": 185.69, "id": 3474}, {"image_id": "v_yjQ-0AGqFS4.mp4", "caption": "We see a boy playing drums in an instrument store. We see a man across the room playing drums. We see a girl, another boy, and the dad. We see the man across the room, then the boy. The boy in stripes touches something on the drums. We see the boy and the man at the same time. The boy in the stripes shirt rocks back and forth. The boy finishes and looks at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 19.22], [20.23, 25.29], [25.29, 33.39], [33.39, 199.3], [105.22, 111.29], [148.72, 156.81], [167.94, 189.19], [200.32, 202.34]], "duration": 202.34, "id": 3475}, {"image_id": "v_V3dTp7_NyiE.mp4", "caption": "a man is working outside in a garden. He uses trimmers to cut pieces of a plant. When he is done, the plant is fully trimmed.", "segments": [[0, 12.12], [11.48, 47.2], [53.26, 63.79]], "duration": 63.79, "id": 3476}, {"image_id": "v_dfex2oZYqmU.mp4", "caption": "A soccer match is occurring on a field and a player is shown falling down. The man is able to get up and the video shows the fall again in slow motion. The players continue playing and one of them even scores a goal. The goal is shown over and over in low motion to show the significance of the play.", "segments": [[0, 3.63], [7.26, 19.35], [19.35, 39.52], [43.95, 72.58]], "duration": 80.64, "id": 3477}, {"image_id": "v_kQoGS3YjBXk.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown speaking to the camera and leads into him standing in front of a bike frame. He points to the frame while speaking to the camera and leads into him screwing objects into place. The person continues to screw the frame as well as the chain while turning and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 39.01], [32.04, 96.13], [91.25, 138.62]], "duration": 139.32, "id": 3478}, {"image_id": "v_rFx-j3NhSgI.mp4", "caption": "An empty gymnasium is shown when a girl hits a button the computer and begins starting a routine. She twirls around the gym floor with a baton and moves her arms around. She kicks her legs continuously with her arms.", "segments": [[0, 11.54], [11.19, 46.84], [47.19, 69.22]], "duration": 69.92, "id": 3479}, {"image_id": "v_gIzsM5cv7XM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is standing in the room in a black cami and black and white legs preparing talking.She is then shown talking to a young girl with a pink sweater and black skirt and multiple games of rock paper scissors are being played between her and two other girls.The girl with the pink sweater wins and she sits on the girls face.Afterwards,the three girls stand together and start talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.18], [18.18, 105.44], [105.44, 152.7], [152.7, 181.79]], "duration": 181.79, "id": 3480}, {"image_id": "v_L2J_QI2_qms.mp4", "caption": "women are making some gymnasic jumps in a hallway. men and women are in department stores doing gymnastics jumps. woman is making a hand stand ni a parking lot and on stores. man is sanding in a fence in a mall looking o the first floor.", "segments": [[0, 11.41], [11.41, 109.78], [109.07, 126.89], [126.89, 142.57]], "duration": 142.57, "id": 3481}, {"image_id": "v_flfLCoLHm2k.mp4", "caption": "A girl waves to the camera and begins speaking followed by various ingredients laid out. The girl then puts the ingredients on a plate and puts saran wrap over the food. She mixes up the food with other ingredients followed by bread on top and cut into pieces. She takes a bite of the food and eventually leads to pictures of her food next to a cup of tea.", "segments": [[0, 31.94], [38.33, 67.07], [67.07, 179.92], [178.86, 212.93]], "duration": 212.93, "id": 3482}, {"image_id": "v_LeSq1XE93mE.mp4", "caption": "A band is shown on a stage. A man is playing guitar, and the man to his right is playing the drums. The person in front of them is dancing and singing.", "segments": [[0, 52.45], [60.43, 171.03], [176.73, 228.04]], "duration": 228.04, "id": 3483}, {"image_id": "v_l5xW6UZWwBs.mp4", "caption": "There two old men wearing straw hats, dressed in t-shirts and shorts getting ready to play shuffleboard. There two other men standing a few yards away with their cue sticks. A woman with gray hair and a yellow shirt is seen playing shuffleboard. There are two discs on the ground that get hit by another disc. Several spectators are watching a shuffleboard event where various people are competing and playing. One of the players adjusts his discs before hitting it with the cue stick.", "segments": [[7.9, 12.29], [12.29, 16.69], [16.69, 27.22], [27.22, 62.35], [62.35, 75.52], [75.52, 87.82]], "duration": 87.82, "id": 3484}, {"image_id": "v_vJyJG6Lvy9Q.mp4", "caption": "White text appears on a blue background. A girl in makeup and cheerleading outfit is shown at a game. Then we see a gymnast doing flips across a mat before doing a back handspring in several different styles.", "segments": [[0, 18.88], [26.97, 103.37], [105.16, 179.77]], "duration": 179.77, "id": 3485}, {"image_id": "v_j8bfR_d_TlM.mp4", "caption": "A person makes a jack o lantern. First they cut the top off of a green pumpkin and scoop the seeds and other stuff out. The remaining insides are cut and scraped off with an ice cream scoop. A design is drawn on the pumpkin and then cut out. The inside of the pumpkin gets sprayed with mold remover and patted dry. A candle is placed inside and lit and the lid is put back on. With the lights turned down the jack o lantern can be viewed.", "segments": [[0, 97.15], [10.2, 33.03], [33.52, 42.26], [43.23, 71.89], [72.38, 78.69], [80.15, 87.44], [87.92, 97.15]], "duration": 97.15, "id": 3486}, {"image_id": "v_gCxLG4hinNw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a show playing bagpipes while other around him watch in amazement. The man continues to play and the audience claps when he finishes. He hands the instrument to a man walking in and gives the host a handshake. He talks to the host a bit and strikes a pose before the host finishes with the guest.", "segments": [[0, 15.86], [15.86, 55.94], [55.5, 65.63], [66.07, 88.1]], "duration": 88.1, "id": 3487}, {"image_id": "v_kIjYdddY3Xk.mp4", "caption": "A boy stands at a sink in a kitchen. He is wiping his shoe down. He turns around and smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 59.35], [2.08, 46.29], [55.49, 59.35]], "duration": 59.35, "id": 3488}, {"image_id": "v_8B3qhnSB7U8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a chair laughing while a man points in front of her. The man then holds a gun up to her nose and pierces her nose. A woman plays with the girls hair while speaking to the girl and showing off her nose piercing.", "segments": [[0.24, 14.28], [12.59, 38.72], [36.79, 45.26]], "duration": 48.4, "id": 3489}, {"image_id": "v_1ZuUq5rVwPs.mp4", "caption": "A carpenter sprays a ceiling with paint. A second carpenter smooths out the paint on the ceiling. The first carpenter sprays paint all over the ceiling. A couple of carpenters smooth out the paint on the ceiling. One of the carpenters is seen spraying the ceiling and stops for a second to move a light. The painting continues as well as the smoothing out of the paint.", "segments": [[4.43, 20.24], [20.87, 26.56], [27.19, 39.21], [39.84, 56.92], [57.55, 73.36], [73.99, 92.33]], "duration": 126.48, "id": 3490}, {"image_id": "v_kWh_zSLpZuQ.mp4", "caption": "Kids are shown playing basketball on a court. The coach is talking to them and trying to tell them how to play. The kids perform lay ups.", "segments": [[0, 20.76], [22.4, 80.3], [80.85, 109.25]], "duration": 109.25, "id": 3491}, {"image_id": "v_Tm1ebIrDyz0.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a girl run and perform a high jump and make it over the bar. We then see a replay and and slow motion replay. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.74], [5, 11.05], [11.05, 46.83], [46.83, 52.62]], "duration": 52.62, "id": 3492}, {"image_id": "v_agX22QLvOcU.mp4", "caption": "A man is dribbling a basketball. He jumps and shoots the basketball into the hoop. Words are shown on the screen at the end.", "segments": [[5.2, 11.27], [10.98, 15.02], [55.75, 57.77]], "duration": 57.77, "id": 3493}, {"image_id": "v_G4mX4StOvQE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is kneeling down on a blue mat. A man stands behind her talking. The woman starts moving her legs and arms.", "segments": [[0, 105.76], [0, 105.14], [47.34, 105.14]], "duration": 122.97, "id": 3494}, {"image_id": "v_u_RzyIJi8qc.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing outside with a crowd of people lifting weights and exercising.Many people begin to film the guys on their phone,the weight lifting continues and several people come back to do interviews.More people are shown and then a logo comes that is sponsored by Reebok.", "segments": [[0, 40.76], [41.58, 109.24], [109.24, 163.05]], "duration": 163.05, "id": 3495}, {"image_id": "v_5zPTTiJiXUY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a car barefoot, trying to drive. She lights a cigarette as she drives.", "segments": [[0, 6.68], [8.1, 14.21]], "duration": 14.21, "id": 3496}, {"image_id": "v_EgPk-mmJyS8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her laying out a paid of shorts. She then demonstrates how to properly iron the clothing items.", "segments": [[0, 19.08], [19.49, 81.19]], "duration": 81.19, "id": 3497}, {"image_id": "v_0dgmG3h9RLA.mp4", "caption": "A person is playing bagpipes out in a park. A man and two boys watching from a far. The camera shoots areas all around the park while the bagpipes play.", "segments": [[1.18, 9.41], [6.67, 14.9], [16.07, 78.41]], "duration": 78.41, "id": 3498}, {"image_id": "v_8im-T1bsyHs.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen running down a large track and throwing a javelin into the air. Her throw is shown again in slow motion followed by several more athletes who take their turns.", "segments": [[0, 50.34], [36.42, 103.36]], "duration": 107.1, "id": 3499}, {"image_id": "v_81w6SClSFMU.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screens. People are working on cameras in a workshop. We see them mount it to a tube. the lady then dances the hula hoop with the tube. We see a blonde man making adjustments to the tube. We see the closing end screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.38], [13.85, 62.88], [54.81, 62.88], [65.19, 81.92], [82.5, 98.07], [100.38, 115.38]], "duration": 115.38, "id": 3500}, {"image_id": "v_NxnEKnqWLCI.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a group of people sitting at a table followed by a man holding a surf board. The man carries the board out onto the water and begins riding the water. The person continues to ride around following behind another person on the water.", "segments": [[0, 48.53], [50.36, 134.6], [126.36, 177.63]], "duration": 183.13, "id": 3501}, {"image_id": "v_Sh8JODtAMhc.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of a theme park are shown including rides moving, people playing games, and other people interacting with one another. Two men are then shown driving around an area on bumper cars while laughing to the camera and others speaking to the camera. The men continue riding around and ends with a woman pulling down a cover for the game.", "segments": [[0, 43], [39.34, 133.57], [132.66, 182.97]], "duration": 182.97, "id": 3502}, {"image_id": "v_2FKWKDEg5KE.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screen. We see a man working on a piece of equipment. The man heats the caulk and scrapes it off. The screen flashes and the man puts on new caulk. The man stops and points at the caulk The end scene is seen.", "segments": [[0, 2.04], [10.22, 19.43], [20.45, 131.89], [137, 187.09], [187.09, 204.48]], "duration": 204.48, "id": 3503}, {"image_id": "v_lHnSteuHdZ4.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking slow on ice,trying to to crack it.the person made many mid size hole in the ice and have fishing line hanging deep in the water underneath.the person walking to one of the hole and checks the fishing line to see if he caught nay fish.the guy then pulls hard on the fishing line and drags it in.finally he uses a long metal hook to hook the fish he caught and brings it out the hole.he then unhooks the long hook and use his tools to unhook the small fishing hook the the fish mouth leaving the fish bloody.", "segments": [[0, 226.58], [13.59, 226.58], [44.18, 57.78], [57.78, 158.61], [158.61, 164.27], [164.27, 226.58]], "duration": 226.57999999999998, "id": 3504}, {"image_id": "v__nvQDglPcmc.mp4", "caption": "water polo team is standing by the pool talking to the camera. man jumps in the water and is holding a ball and sart playing in the pool.", "segments": [[0, 27.27], [26.08, 237.11]], "duration": 237.11, "id": 3505}, {"image_id": "v_J8Ziy8QR8WQ.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Guys throw balls on a field. A guy holds a few balls and talks. A man holding a flat bat walks across the field followed by a male holding one ball in each hand. Two men sit with one man holding a flat bat. Guys hit balls with the flat bat. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 3.88], [4.14, 35.44], [10.09, 23.02], [15, 23.02], [23.28, 27.16], [35.7, 50.18], [50.44, 51.74]], "duration": 51.74, "id": 3506}, {"image_id": "v__9v34KLET0g.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera behind a table with various ingredients and glasses laid out. The man mixes the ingredients into a glass together and juices a lime into the glass. He then pushes the ingredients around and pours liquids into the glass, creating an alcoholic drink. He presents the glass while the ingredients list is laid out and he walks away from the frame.", "segments": [[0, 55], [55.96, 119.65], [118.68, 157.28], [157.28, 192.98]], "duration": 192.98, "id": 3507}, {"image_id": "v_RlC3n0VSGOU.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into clips of people riding surfboards on the water as well as jet skis. The camera pans around the area and continues to show more clips of people surfing. A close up of a surf board is shown followed by many more people surfing on the water.", "segments": [[3.27, 71.91], [54.47, 165.6], [148.17, 212.45]], "duration": 217.9, "id": 3508}, {"image_id": "v_HfjvlIAEsJY.mp4", "caption": "A screen appears with bike spokes as the background and red words that read \"Overhauling & Adjusting Cup & Cone Hubs\" and a website in gray right under the red words.A man then enters and from behind he uses tools on the hub to take it apart, clean it thoroughly, grease it, then he puts it all back together and makes sure everything is secured tight.The outro is a spinning wheel with fast scrolling words going from the bottom to the top then it quickly fades to a black screen.", "segments": [[0, 7.7], [7.7, 179.04], [179.04, 192.52]], "duration": 192.52, "id": 3509}, {"image_id": "v_ObU5as8-u-s.mp4", "caption": "To teams play hurling in a field while holding stick. A woman stand and a lady walk on front a bench. The referee extend his left arm.", "segments": [[0, 32.79], [13.44, 26.39], [13.93, 17.21]], "duration": 32.79, "id": 3510}, {"image_id": "v_gK71Ut9XQ-Y.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of tools are shown that lead into a man sitting down holding a guitar. The man then strums the guitar for a bit and pauses. He is then shown playing again as well as more tools being shown.", "segments": [[0, 20.53], [20.18, 52.54], [50.11, 67.16]], "duration": 69.59, "id": 3511}, {"image_id": "v_wfy5UXaAVnQ.mp4", "caption": "Multiple groups of people in boats are out exploring a river. Wind blows the trees in the Grand Canyon. A group of people on a white boat paddle away at the waters in the river. Multiple groups battle high violent waters. At one point, the violent waters seem to almost topple one of the groups. A brave, single kayaker paddles away at the waters.", "segments": [[7.23, 12.94], [15.22, 18.64], [19.02, 22.45], [24.73, 47.18], [49.46, 55.17], [57.45, 66.58]], "duration": 76.09, "id": 3512}, {"image_id": "v_pExl_cwmT8M.mp4", "caption": "A middle aged man is standing in the street wearing rollerblades. The man precisely skates in-between a tight row of small cones. The man does a handstand after completing the course and goes back to the beginning.", "segments": [[0, 13.08], [13.34, 36.36], [36.62, 52.32]], "duration": 52.32, "id": 3513}, {"image_id": "v_iH8eHkIHrg4.mp4", "caption": "Two men walk along the beach with their surfboards. They enter the water and the surfer with the white board catches a wave.White board catches another wave as the blue board opts out, more waves taken by white board are shown. The surfer on the blue board catches a few waves. The white board surfer is shown gliding across more waves, clearly like an expert.", "segments": [[0, 0.94], [2.82, 30.12], [33.88, 88.46], [93.17, 101.64], [106.34, 188.22]], "duration": 188.22, "id": 3514}, {"image_id": "v_Bl2Hqx3h9Fw.mp4", "caption": "A series of screens appear with white and purple words in paragraph form.A person is then shown walking out to the car with a utensil taking the snow off of the glass.Then another screen appears with white words and displays a sentence and the location.", "segments": [[0, 47.4], [47.95, 101.41], [101.41, 110.23]], "duration": 110.22999999999999, "id": 3515}, {"image_id": "v_iUOCQ9sE2_A.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing on a mat and begin fighting one another. The men pause for a moment and continue fighting on while people watch on the side. The boys continue fighting and stop in the end.", "segments": [[0.66, 14.83], [16.47, 48.11], [44.48, 65.9]], "duration": 65.9, "id": 3516}, {"image_id": "v_brrf2inGs7E.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen turning on a faucet and rubbing their hands under the water. The person pushes soap into their hands, watching the soap drip down, and then scrubs their hands.", "segments": [[0, 11.25], [10.98, 27.45]], "duration": 27.45, "id": 3517}, {"image_id": "v_-ApIBtH_pVc.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman with a hand tattoo and red painted nails attaching and screwing a parts in the trunk of a car to attach the spare tire. Then she places the spare tire into the metal case. She takes the plastic dial and screws it in securely to fit the spare tire in the trunk. She places the cover over the tire inside the trunk.", "segments": [[20, 57.16], [57.16, 78.3], [78.3, 100.59], [100.59, 107.45]], "duration": 114.31, "id": 3518}, {"image_id": "v_pON-g7IJKEY.mp4", "caption": "There are many kids ranging from toddlers to teenagers enjoying themselves at a backyard birthday party. There is a Disney princess pi\u00f1ata hanging from a tree. The kids are enjoying hitting the pi\u00f1ata with a blue stick. they kids take turns to hit the pi\u00f1ata. A little girl dressed in a purple skirt tries to tear the pi\u00f1ata by hitting it hard with the stick.", "segments": [[3.3, 9.89], [9.89, 13.85], [13.85, 19.12], [19.12, 23.61], [23.61, 25.06]], "duration": 26.38, "id": 3519}, {"image_id": "v_Mil3AyFfjX4.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen standing before a shuffleboard table holding a stick. The boy then pushes the puck across the game. The camera follows the pucks movements and leads back to the boy.", "segments": [[0.07, 2.33], [2.33, 5.19], [4.53, 6.9]], "duration": 6.97, "id": 3520}, {"image_id": "v_4xmQoAK3QNc.mp4", "caption": "A man hits a ball with a bat. Three men stand on a field. One man throws a ball on the field. Three men flip a coin.", "segments": [[0, 12.72], [7.27, 20.45], [12.27, 20.45], [17.27, 29.54]], "duration": 90.88, "id": 3521}, {"image_id": "v_0PnAEoMx-v0.mp4", "caption": "A person is playing an acoustic guitar. There is a Christmas tree behind him. A logo with words comes onto the screen.", "segments": [[0, 69.43], [0, 68.47], [69.43, 95.76]], "duration": 95.75999999999999, "id": 3522}, {"image_id": "v_uINj6L2EEUs.mp4", "caption": "Different views around a city are seen. A large crowd is seen cheering inside a large auditorium. Athletes walk together through a hallway then stand on logs and chop through them in a competition. Two athletes walk through wearing green and orange jerseys then saw through large logs in a competition. The judge inspects the log and declares a winner to the crowds delight. Two athletes walk through a hallway then chop an upright log in a competition. Cheerleaders enter through a hallway then dance on stage. Two athletes enter through a hallway then use a hand saw to cut through a log. Two athletes enter through a hallway then place boards into a log to stand on while chopping it down. Athletes compete in a chainsaw competition and saw through large logs before congratulating each other. The winner is seen holding a trophy along with runners up and the crowd cheers.", "segments": [[0, 5.01], [6.02, 25.07], [30.08, 58.15], [61.16, 80.21], [81.21, 86.23], [87.23, 99.26], [100.26, 113.3], [115.3, 130.34], [131.35, 142.37], [144.38, 175.46], [176.46, 197.52]], "duration": 200.53, "id": 3523}, {"image_id": "v_Xv2-EY_zKNM.mp4", "caption": "These 2 different teams are running on the field because they're playing shinty. Only half of the crowd is filled with people, while the other side is empty with no one there to watch anything. In the end, someone wins and people in the crowd clap and cheer.", "segments": [[0, 49.81], [6.97, 19.67], [49.31, 49.81]], "duration": 49.81, "id": 3524}, {"image_id": "v_T3CHT7rQQVc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated with an electric guitar. He is speaking to the camera, then he starts playing. Another man plays the chords on a table.", "segments": [[0, 7.58], [8.16, 83.96], [84.54, 116.61]], "duration": 116.61, "id": 3525}, {"image_id": "v_P_b6_k2ocYw.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a hat and a vest stands buy a cart. She is crocheting something black and white. A car drives by the cart. Another person reaches into the car.", "segments": [[0, 87.89], [2.64, 87.89], [50.54, 57.57], [75.58, 87.89]], "duration": 87.89, "id": 3526}, {"image_id": "v_OSw73cXwjR4.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a hat is sitting no a couch. They begin playing an accordion. They are pointing at buttons on the accordion with a screwdriver.", "segments": [[0, 159.71], [35.93, 117.38], [114.99, 142.94]], "duration": 159.71, "id": 3527}, {"image_id": "v_P5lLZ_jsA2o.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen swinging around on a bar doing various flips and tricks across two sets of beams. She continues spinning around and ends with her hands up and her coach clapping. People watch on the sides and her scores are shown in the end.", "segments": [[0, 21.69], [21.37, 44], [43.69, 62.86]], "duration": 62.86, "id": 3528}, {"image_id": "v_Zk4EvGw7cAw.mp4", "caption": "There are two high school students in the high school cafeteria standing next to a table where some students are sitting. One of the students is undressing and changing his shorts while the other student in a red shirt is watching him. After the student finishes changing, the boy in the red shirt makes fun of him. The student gets provoked and punches the boy in the red shirt on his face, causing him to fall on the ground on his head.", "segments": [[0.83, 23.34], [2.26, 9.41], [8.93, 10.24], [10, 23.1]], "duration": 23.81, "id": 3529}, {"image_id": "v_ueKSGag6w4Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks around a stage holding a saxophone. She starts to play the saxophone as she dances. She stops and talks to the crowd again. She starts to play and dance again.", "segments": [[0, 41.39], [41.39, 56.21], [56.21, 83.8], [83.8, 102.19]], "duration": 102.19, "id": 3530}, {"image_id": "v_GdrutQ4RrDs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated in front of a camera. Her hair is in spiral curlers. She demonstrates how to remove them, showing the final result.", "segments": [[0, 13.64], [14.68, 36.71], [41.95, 209.77]], "duration": 209.77, "id": 3531}, {"image_id": "v_96HJ_LqNdkg.mp4", "caption": "This girl is doing a video of how to make your white shoes become sparkly clean. You will need a toothbrush, baby powder, a glass cup or bowl, bleach, and q-tips, blowdryer, and water.First she adds water pours a little bit of baby powder into the small bowl and she mixes it up using the toothbrush. She puts the baby powder soaked toothbrush onto the shoe and starts to rub it there. Then she grabs the blowdryer and blowdrys the shoe and scrubs them again. Then she pours bleach into the small bowl that has baby powder in it and she puts the toothbrush in the bowl and rubs it on the shoe again. Finally she wets a cloth with water and wipes the shoe off.", "segments": [[0, 15.03], [42.58, 53.44], [49.26, 60.95], [49.26, 68.47], [49.26, 94.35], [49.26, 126.08], [49.26, 129.42]], "duration": 167.0, "id": 3532}, {"image_id": "v_cA2ZLOZcCyc.mp4", "caption": "A person is riding the bike on the dirt road. The biker jumped into high ramps. The biker drove to the curve path then drive over the high ramp.", "segments": [[0, 20.23], [3.94, 13.96], [13.05, 20.23]], "duration": 20.23, "id": 3533}, {"image_id": "v_AFnEr0_wStU.mp4", "caption": "A piercing artist removes a tissue from a woman's nose and wipes part of the nose. The woman holds piercing pliers up against a woman's nose. She pierces a needle through the nose and holds the pliers in place. She removes the pliers from the woman's nose. The woman sitting down speaks. The piercing artist touches the needle and the nose as she screws a nose ring on. The piercing artists arranges the piercing inside the nose with some pliers. The piercing artist touches the piercing. The piercing artists uses a tissue to collect blood around the piercing. A collection of artwork is seen on the wall. The piercing artist continually uses a tissue to wipe blood from the woman's nose. The woman stands up and waves.", "segments": [[0, 10.81], [11.71, 24.31], [25.21, 45.02], [46.82, 54.93], [55.83, 56.73], [57.63, 72.93], [73.83, 92.74], [92.74, 99.95], [100.85, 146.77], [147.67, 152.17], [153.07, 172.88], [173.78, 180.08]], "duration": 180.08, "id": 3534}, {"image_id": "v_SX075xQ0j6c.mp4", "caption": "We see a book on a table. We see image in the book with videos of people knitting. We see a lady teaching two girls. We see a teacher teaching a boy to knit. We see a lady teaching a group of children to knit. We then see the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.99], [3.99, 40.6], [3.99, 9.1], [15.09, 19.08], [32.61, 39.94], [40.82, 44.37]], "duration": 44.37, "id": 3535}, {"image_id": "v_RPKcM8q74FE.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are in bumper cars. They ride around, trying to hit each other. They bump into the other cars as they go.", "segments": [[0, 6.02], [7.53, 48.54], [49.29, 75.26]], "duration": 75.26, "id": 3536}, {"image_id": "v_WmPkqkqAxyc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a large field holding onto a tool. The man then uses the tool on the grass in font of him quickly. The man continues to cut the grass while the camera captures his movement.", "segments": [[0, 2.36], [2.56, 14.56], [11.41, 37.59]], "duration": 39.36, "id": 3537}, {"image_id": "v_Ygt3z-K-ZMQ.mp4", "caption": "Women mix a variety of alcoholic drinks for consumption. Steps are shown for a beautiful whiskey sour.", "segments": [[0, 99.06], [34.17, 99.06]], "duration": 99.06, "id": 3538}, {"image_id": "v_0EDEA8dZeGo.mp4", "caption": "First the man sets his timer that's attached to his chest and he sits down and puts his leg onto the ski. Next he stands up while holding onto something and he starts water skiing as he gets pulled by the boat. But, he eventually falls off and is seen standing in the water.", "segments": [[0, 10.74], [10.74, 121.46], [121.46, 134.21]], "duration": 134.21, "id": 3539}, {"image_id": "v_G6LjkB0xv2k.mp4", "caption": "A woman exercises at a machine. The camera focuses on and features specific parts of the machine. The woman demonstrates folding the machine for storage. The woman continues to exercise on the machine.", "segments": [[0, 79.49], [25.48, 78.47], [78.98, 87.65], [87.65, 100.89]], "duration": 101.91, "id": 3540}, {"image_id": "v_0Zg9UgCp4a4.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are outside sitting around a fountain playing a game of oddly drawn hopscotch.One boy takes his turn and then they all begin talking again.Next,a boy tries to jump over the bricks but ends up falling.Another boy jumps after him and he is successful.However,the next boy jumps and has to stand on one foot and collect all of the pieces thrown behind him.", "segments": [[0, 13.18], [13.73, 26.36], [26.36, 43.39], [43.39, 71.41], [71.41, 109.85]], "duration": 109.85, "id": 3541}, {"image_id": "v_MzqovHjEKE4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him holding up a tool and pointing to several bushes. The man then trims along the bush while stopping to speak to the camera and holding up the tool.", "segments": [[0, 33.52], [28.82, 62.66]], "duration": 62.66, "id": 3542}, {"image_id": "v_xMImWgn3owc.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing on a beam and begins performing gymnastic moves on the beam. The girl spins and flips all along the beam while the camera captures her movements. She ends her routine but jumping down off the side with her arms up and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 18.07], [19.02, 66.08], [67.51, 91.76]], "duration": 95.09, "id": 3543}, {"image_id": "v_kH50-giCeDM.mp4", "caption": "Two men walk to the barrel in a yard at a barbecue and the men both reach for the last beer in the barrel. The men do rock paper scissors and the right man hits the left with a rock, takes the beer and walks off. We see a beer poured in a glass. We see the injured man with his hand up and a man walks past and gives him a high five.", "segments": [[0, 10.23], [10.68, 22.27], [22.72, 26.18], [26.33, 30.09]], "duration": 30.09, "id": 3544}, {"image_id": "v_sQtT9sUyUwE.mp4", "caption": "A man rows a canoe down a river. Several other people are rowing too. His canoe is colored red. He finally passes the point.", "segments": [[0, 9.71], [0.53, 9.71], [1.31, 9.71], [7.67, 9.71]], "duration": 9.71, "id": 3545}, {"image_id": "v_hniQpwn3Ob4.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several clips of different athletes performing shotput throws in a circle. More men continue to step up and throw the object while many watch on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0.79, 79.67], [51.27, 156.18]], "duration": 157.76, "id": 3546}, {"image_id": "v_soHEsBIljbI.mp4", "caption": "A teen girl sits on the floor holding a shoe. She is then shown wiping the shoe down with a cleaning solution. She shows the shoe close up after she is done.", "segments": [[0, 3.31], [4.08, 14.36], [14.7, 17]], "duration": 17.0, "id": 3547}, {"image_id": "v_gSOUhz7yQ-s.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside of a large window and begins to clean it with a long stick.One the window is wet,he takes the razor like stick and drags it up and down getting the water off.After the two top windows are complete,he leaves the other two untouched and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 7.74], [7.39, 35.53], [35.88, 70.36]], "duration": 70.36, "id": 3548}, {"image_id": "v_0T7yANM5I5Y.mp4", "caption": "A man bends at the knees in front of a barbell. He lifts it slowly, bringing it to his chest. He pauses, then lifts it over his head before dropping it back to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 2], [2.11, 13.89], [15.22, 22.22]], "duration": 22.22, "id": 3549}, {"image_id": "v_lAZIxuxjogI.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a ledge of a tower. He jumps off and bungee jumps. It is shown in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 100.04], [100.82, 156.32], [137.56, 156.32]], "duration": 156.32, "id": 3550}, {"image_id": "v_Wd8Kz1XRpdg.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around several men drinking a large container of alcohol and the camera panning back to the beginning. The camera continues capturing the men drinking as well as talking to one another and one rubbing his eyes in the end.", "segments": [[0, 61.66], [58.03, 145.08]], "duration": 145.07999999999998, "id": 3551}, {"image_id": "v_-aWU5Yj_OPw.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seated in a living room. He is playing an electronic keyboard. The keyboard is printing a document as he goes.", "segments": [[0, 2.11], [2.72, 7.92], [8.3, 15.09]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 3552}, {"image_id": "v_R4M90w2zPVU.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red hockey helmet and with a long curling mustache is seen in a still shot standing next to a woman while leaning on a glass barrier in front of a hockey skate rink. The man is then shown entering a live hockey game and playing hockey with a floor filled with other players. Another man is shown sitting next to a snoopy doll before the camera changes back to the man in the mustache again in another still shot.", "segments": [[0, 3.79], [3.79, 75.82], [75.82, 83.4]], "duration": 84.24, "id": 3553}, {"image_id": "v_tkmoslnsmwY.mp4", "caption": "A rapid river is running past a tree. A group of rafters don their gear, pushing their raft into the water. The paddle through the rapids, trying to stay upright and together.", "segments": [[0, 13.21], [24.53, 117.95], [122.67, 188.72]], "duration": 188.72, "id": 3554}, {"image_id": "v_rKTpKq7bh_U.mp4", "caption": "We see an image of a lady and a child. The lady fades, the child plays a flute and we see a man. The man is crying as the child plays, We see the people in the sky. We see a man and woman embracing in the sky. We see images of nature. The people in the sky bow and dance. The man lays down in a prayer position. The child finishes playing the flute.", "segments": [[0, 3.75], [3.75, 143.38], [41.29, 52.55], [53.3, 55.55], [63.06, 72.82], [85.58, 93.84], [114.11, 150.14], [147.14, 150.14]], "duration": 150.14, "id": 3555}, {"image_id": "v_5YVN5d8DkSk.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around several pitting sitting at a bar as well as bartenders attending to people's needs. More shots are shown of people interacting in the restaurant and finally people speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 79.96], [50.32, 137.86]], "duration": 137.86, "id": 3556}, {"image_id": "v_eS1USHkyb2U.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen brushing her hair that leads into her speaking to the camera. She holds up several brushes while speaking to the camera as well as various objects. She uses scissors to get hair out of a brush as well as a toothbrush and bowl to clean out her brushes.", "segments": [[0.96, 125.32], [35.67, 125.32], [87.72, 186.05]], "duration": 192.8, "id": 3557}, {"image_id": "v_Oi-atN4-Oqk.mp4", "caption": "A young man dance in a room moving his hands and putting behind his back. Then, the man put his hand behind his head. The reflection of the man is in the mirror.", "segments": [[0, 26.14], [26.14, 29.7], [2.97, 8.91]], "duration": 29.7, "id": 3558}, {"image_id": "v_C1vhQIJtLsw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on stilts in a city square while other people around him roller blade. The man takes off running down the block and then runs back to where he started.", "segments": [[0, 16.82], [16.64, 36.57]], "duration": 36.57, "id": 3559}, {"image_id": "v_f0JySdrM_l8.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a blue shirt spins around and throws a ball onto the field. Another person comes and throws a disk onto the field. People are standing at the side of the field is watching.", "segments": [[0, 25.64], [26.04, 78.9], [0, 78.9]], "duration": 78.9, "id": 3560}, {"image_id": "v_x7yOoVf5-Do.mp4", "caption": "A business and the area around it is shown and the name on the business say's \"LUMBERJACK NATIONALS\" carved in a wooden sign, and the white text below say's \"Columbia Basin BMX RICHLAND, WA\".A boy dressed in biking gear is putting on a helmet while standing and text on the right side of the screen appear and say \"@BryceBetts13Z CHASE STAYSTRONG\" as the boy gets on his bike and pushes it out of screen. The boy is now on the curvy and twisty dirt bike track riding around very fast and occasionally other people are shown riding on the track, too.A special effect outro appears with the boy still riding around the track and other text and logos appear on the screen until it fades to a white screen that end with a clip art on the left and large words that read MENDO MEDIA on the right.", "segments": [[0, 4.84], [4.84, 14.53], [14.53, 81.39], [81.39, 96.9]], "duration": 96.9, "id": 3561}, {"image_id": "v_hBT_SN8IGsQ.mp4", "caption": "Players on a field are running around playing a game. They get into a big fight on the field. The ref comes and breaks the fight up. A man in a yellow striped shirt is talking to the referee.", "segments": [[0, 121.65], [24.33, 58.39], [52.31, 58.39], [105.84, 115.57]], "duration": 121.65, "id": 3562}, {"image_id": "v_wG0OD99mjdY.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people climbing up and down rock walls while many others speak to the camera. Several more people are shown climbing on the rocks while speaking to the camera and making their way up and down.", "segments": [[1.19, 70.35], [48.89, 117.45]], "duration": 119.24000000000001, "id": 3563}, {"image_id": "v_s6oXeM9OluM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown holding a cat while a dog stands by her feet. She talks to the camera and shows off her cat nails. She grabs a tool and begins cutting the cat's claws. She adjusts the cat a bit but finishes her nails and lets her go.", "segments": [[16.17, 45.11], [41.71, 59.58], [56.17, 103.84], [107.24, 160.01]], "duration": 170.23, "id": 3564}, {"image_id": "v_4qONyTNaPOI.mp4", "caption": "A still shot picture of a body of water appears and yellow words appear on the screen and read \"AMERICAN DISK\" and include the website. A brunette woman is now speaking next to the water and she's smiling the whole time. Various clips of people play and they are all standing next to or in the water as well and they all appear happy.People are now on the water and doing various different things, with a large circular board that they're either standing, sitting, squatting, kneeling, riding or doing tricks on while they sometimes are getting pulled by a fast moving boat.A black screen appears and the yellow words are displayed on the screen and read \"The Disk\", and once again the brunette woman is speaking while standing by the water. The screen then goes to black and displays their website in yellow letters.", "segments": [[0, 6.13], [6.13, 24.54], [24.54, 38.85], [38.85, 185.05], [185.05, 194.25], [194.25, 204.47]], "duration": 204.47, "id": 3565}, {"image_id": "v_b2YyPJ02NNQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a babies and kids playing. Kids walk on silts in circles. The kids walk in lines on their stilts. A man helps a girl walk on slits. A kid on stilts falls to their knees. Kids walk in a circle on their stilts. I see a closing screen and it fade to black.", "segments": [[0, 30.76], [37.45, 42.13], [59.51, 62.86], [68.87, 73.56], [85.59, 90.27], [119.03, 123.04], [127.05, 133.74]], "duration": 133.74, "id": 3566}, {"image_id": "v_gXUm7nobsfU.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a sparkling green dress talks on a stage. A couple is shown dancing, kicking and swirling creatively. When they are done, they hold hands as the crowd cheers. They walk over to the woman in a green dress, hugging her before leaving the stage.", "segments": [[0, 18.48], [24.64, 120.1], [123.18, 133.19], [140.11, 153.97]], "duration": 153.97, "id": 3567}, {"image_id": "v_mAfp5ABlKyM.mp4", "caption": "Two men are playing table tennis while two judges sit at either end. The men hit the ball back and forth. The winner raises his hands as the crowd cheers. The scene is replayed of his successful hit.", "segments": [[0, 6.65], [8.15, 19.3], [20.37, 39.24], [40.1, 42.89]], "duration": 42.89, "id": 3568}, {"image_id": "v_cQ3pZhIBPHI.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a gym kneeling down holding a medium sized medicine ball.He then sits up and starts to throw the ball back and forth against the wall.After,a list of cues appear before showing off the venue and their youtube page.", "segments": [[0, 18.46], [18.46, 39.44], [39.72, 55.94]], "duration": 55.94, "id": 3569}, {"image_id": "v_uLhOFVNmRu8.mp4", "caption": "A man in green sitting at the end of the sand square taking video, on the sides of the square are three men. The young athlete in blue uniform run in a narrow lane, hopped and jump on the sandy ground.", "segments": [[0, 15.39], [10.55, 87.96]], "duration": 87.96000000000001, "id": 3570}, {"image_id": "v_7KT-z20qxI4.mp4", "caption": "Three people are in a news room, talking to the camera. A team is playing ice hockey, and celebrating as they win a game. The happy teammates smile for interviews in the locker room after. The news casters are shown holding number sticks and laughing.", "segments": [[0, 18.28], [20.56, 125.65], [125.65, 201.05], [205.62, 228.46]], "duration": 228.46, "id": 3571}, {"image_id": "v_MWn4qozlaMs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen pulling food out of a fridge and speaking to a girl who walks downstairs. They women continue speaking when a man also walks down the stairs. The woman and man then speak and the other woman walks upstairs.", "segments": [[0.82, 10.72], [11.95, 28.03], [30.09, 40.19]], "duration": 41.22, "id": 3572}, {"image_id": "v_wtQQ5I0QRuw.mp4", "caption": "A young women in her bra and underwear sits on a bed. She then applies lotion to her legs and hands. She is very thorough in her work making sure not to miss anything. She then starts the process of shaving her legs very intently. She continues this process with her other leg being very good at attention to detail.", "segments": [[0, 14.4], [15.3, 36.01], [36.91, 76.52], [76.52, 95.43], [96.33, 180.05]], "duration": 180.05, "id": 3573}, {"image_id": "v_EqhnCfb5vEc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is on stage doing a belly dance routine, she is very passionate about it. She starts to spin in circles, her dress twirling along with her. Her dress comes up over head and then down to her shoulders, she continues to spin in circles and takes the dress off and holds it like a baby. She goes back to spinning around until her dance is over and then she drops to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 37.23], [37.23, 88.42], [71.67, 123.79], [123.79, 186.16]], "duration": 186.16, "id": 3574}, {"image_id": "v_4rmo35vpG00.mp4", "caption": "A woman and girl are trying to get a dog into a shower. The dog keeps jumping back out. They finally give the dog a bath outdoors with a hose.", "segments": [[0, 9.98], [12.7, 25.71], [28.13, 60.49]], "duration": 60.49, "id": 3575}, {"image_id": "v_2glmVDTPY44.mp4", "caption": "A man snowboards over snow covered slopes and hills and several other objects like railings, roofs, garages and tree stumps. A man snowboards over snow covered hill. The man then continues to snowboard off of a garage roof, a stair railing and several other places. The man does a complete spin in the snow in the final shot.", "segments": [[7.92, 223.92], [27.14, 78.03], [143.63, 192.26], [162.85, 222.79]], "duration": 226.19, "id": 3576}, {"image_id": "v_0bbL30qENMg.mp4", "caption": "A boy rinses his face with water in a bathroom sink. The boys laugh and joke together in the bathroom. A boy rubs soap on his hands and then onto his face. The boy rinses the soap off from his face in the sink. The boy rolls up the towel and throws it in the corner of the room.", "segments": [[0, 24.24], [25.25, 54.54], [59.59, 133.31], [141.39, 162.6], [179.77, 197.95]], "duration": 201.99, "id": 3577}, {"image_id": "v_VbWomrZXIus.mp4", "caption": "An old man flips an skateboard with his feet, then take it and throw to the floor and skate. After, the man hit the skateboard with his foot and it raise high, the man tries to catch the skateboard but he miss it. A boy almost get hit with a skateboard. Then the man skate on the park and then goes to a skateboard track.", "segments": [[12.97, 58.35], [58.35, 70.02], [61.59, 68.07], [70.67, 116.05]], "duration": 129.66, "id": 3578}, {"image_id": "v_UJiQEkByWcM.mp4", "caption": "A young boy in a blue sweater jumps out from the side and stands in front of a dart board.Once he calms down,he turns around and begins throwing darts on the board.After all of the darts are thrown,the camera zooms in on the darts to show what he had done.", "segments": [[0, 5.43], [5.51, 10.48], [10.41, 15.3]], "duration": 15.3, "id": 3579}, {"image_id": "v_4E8rMLHIpag.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black hat is talking to the camera. He starts playing a violin on his shoulder. He stops playing and puts the violin down to his side.", "segments": [[0, 11.28], [11.91, 98.38], [98.38, 125.33]], "duration": 125.33, "id": 3580}, {"image_id": "v_Yd98o-oEGvI.mp4", "caption": "A man and a dog is out in a field and the dog holds the frisbee between his legs and the dog jumps over the person's back and fetches the frisbee.The game continues and the two continues to play with the frisbee while the owner puts his legs up for the dog to get.Now,the human has four or five frisbees and starts to throw them rapidly for the dog to get.", "segments": [[0, 34.5], [34.5, 117.48], [117.48, 164.31]], "duration": 164.31, "id": 3581}, {"image_id": "v_2YE_8XDuDBI.mp4", "caption": "A view of a home is briefly shown. It pans to another room and it shows a small child sitting at a drum set, sucking on a pacifier and holding two drumsticks and hitting the drums. The child hits the cymbals a few times with his left hand then he grabs the drumsticks and starts hitting all of the drums.", "segments": [[0, 6.78], [6.78, 135.67], [14.25, 22.39]], "duration": 135.68, "id": 3582}, {"image_id": "v_4ELWxQw0PPE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen holding hands with a ref holding them together and leads into an arm wrestling match. One man wins and then goes on to arm wrestle several more people.", "segments": [[0, 58.96], [56.69, 226.77]], "duration": 226.77, "id": 3583}, {"image_id": "v_90cHokbZy6A.mp4", "caption": "a man is talking outside in a garden. He is holding a pocket knife in his hand. He uses a stone to sharpen the knife for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.81], [20.49, 94.76], [110.98, 170.74]], "duration": 170.74, "id": 3584}, {"image_id": "v_83a5nOzZU1g.mp4", "caption": "A drink is being poured into a glass followed by a woman grabbing a glass and pouring mixtures into it. She creates an alcoholic drink by pouring several different mixes together and the camera zooming in on the drink.", "segments": [[0.46, 25.36], [25.36, 92.23]], "duration": 92.22999999999999, "id": 3585}, {"image_id": "v_v9vc_d-qFnk.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen steeping up to a set of uneven bars and puts his arms up to present he's ready. The man continues to spin himself around performing flips and tricks on the uneven bars. The man continues to flip around and ends by wobbling but putts his hands up to finish.", "segments": [[0.49, 16.54], [11.68, 36.48], [34.78, 47.43]], "duration": 48.65, "id": 3586}, {"image_id": "v_jJ5t3ZUxP7Y.mp4", "caption": "A man walks over to the end of a table that has a bunch of red cups arranged in a triangle. He begins to toss a ball into the cups. The video goes to black and a graphic appears to close the clip.", "segments": [[0, 6.01], [6.56, 16.94], [17.85, 36.43]], "duration": 36.43, "id": 3587}, {"image_id": "v_GK_DCUGw5lM.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black shirt is dancing. She is twirling a baton. She catches the baton and twirls.", "segments": [[0, 41.68], [5.84, 41.68], [24.8, 30.63]], "duration": 41.68, "id": 3588}, {"image_id": "v_zuqNxHmtBD8.mp4", "caption": "We see a man's face up close with his name imposed over it as the man prepares to run on a track. The man runs down the track and performs a long jump and throws his arms in the air. We see another man stretching his arms. The jumper waits for the scores to appear on the screen and the man who jumped throws his hands in the air and runs away. A reply of the jump is played.", "segments": [[0, 2.74], [3.01, 17.24], [17.51, 18.61], [17.51, 36.94], [37.49, 54.73]], "duration": 54.73, "id": 3589}, {"image_id": "v_mX3gbTBdbKY.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are on camera, singing in a video and talking. They are wearing sunglasses as they change from a lot to a paint covered warehouse. A man is covered in paint and wearing boxing gloves as he gloats to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 41.74], [48.33, 104.34], [107.63, 219.66]], "duration": 219.66, "id": 3590}, {"image_id": "v_TiiSh9R89vM.mp4", "caption": "There are two people out on a snow tubing slope where one of them is video taping his experience of snow tubing with his friend. There's a woman who picks up some ice that's fallen o the ground. There are several people waiting in line to go snow tubing. After they reach the top of the slope, they get into their tubes and begin sliding downhill. They go down the snow covered slopes till they reach the bottom.", "segments": [[36.71, 79.72], [79.72, 117.48], [117.48, 158.39], [158.39, 190.91], [190.91, 201.4]], "duration": 209.79, "id": 3591}, {"image_id": "v_3fAVDJyrSQs.mp4", "caption": "People are standing around a camp site chopping wood. A boy stands holding a stick. A man throws pieces of wood into a pile. Chairs at the camp site are shown. A man walks towards the camera talking. They continue chopping wood at the camp site.", "segments": [[0, 75.93], [0, 12.15], [15.19, 20.88], [26.96, 29.61], [38.34, 45.56], [45.56, 75.93]], "duration": 75.93, "id": 3592}, {"image_id": "v_Jxhz1ln7UXk.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking around a yard as well as many people standing. The people then beginning playing a game with one another and running around the yard. The people huddle up together while leading into more shots of people playing the game and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.02, 50.2], [68.64, 164.94], [130.11, 199.77]], "duration": 204.89, "id": 3593}, {"image_id": "v_3gpgeAMy6a8.mp4", "caption": "kids are standing in a green grassy field flying kites. man wearing white shirt is flying the kite in a lage field.litle kid wearing an orange shirt is watching the man.", "segments": [[0, 36.83], [20.44, 36.83], [21.18, 36.83]], "duration": 36.83, "id": 3594}, {"image_id": "v_KvscV2XxyTE.mp4", "caption": "Gymnast Micah Ross mounts the balance beam before a celebrated audience as the crowd cheers and shouts her name. Her routine begins with a flip, split, and summersault. She then performs two backwards flips and a pirouette. A forward flip and jump follows along with a sideways flip. After briefly wobbling on the bar, Micah regains her composure and performs a forward summersault. Ross successfully dismounts with a double flip to the applause of the audience.", "segments": [[0, 16.51], [16.51, 29.93], [32.5, 46.44], [58.3, 63.98], [64.49, 90.29], [91.32, 103.19]], "duration": 103.19, "id": 3595}, {"image_id": "v_YED3l3gkrk4.mp4", "caption": "A tutorial is given on how to make a perfect french manicure. An advertisement is shown at the end.", "segments": [[0, 146.34], [147.94, 159.94]], "duration": 159.94, "id": 3596}, {"image_id": "v_9vzbohxkIKA.mp4", "caption": "A person's hand are seen dealing cards onto a table as well as several clips of a casino being shown. More shots are shown of people dealing cards to others as well as people cheering and continuing to deal cards.", "segments": [[0.75, 29.07], [18.55, 48.87]], "duration": 50.12, "id": 3597}, {"image_id": "v_DXIHbnyfNGA.mp4", "caption": "A computer monitor sits on a desk. A boy puts on gloves. He then puts on a helmet. He then rides a longboard.", "segments": [[0, 16.55], [28.69, 32], [36.41, 50.76], [47.45, 220.68]], "duration": 220.68, "id": 3598}, {"image_id": "v_nK7XMj4gYJs.mp4", "caption": "A man is demonstrating a gymnastics performance on two bars. There are spectators watching the performance. A person is photographing the performance. The gymnast jumps off the bars and another gymnast is running towards them.", "segments": [[2.51, 40.86], [0.23, 44.05], [7.3, 39.03], [39.26, 45.65]], "duration": 45.65, "id": 3599}, {"image_id": "v_RGVDeXqN1ao.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in a black shirt representing the company Bents is standing in a garden and demonstrating how to use Cellophane to wrap a plant for gift purposes. She cuts a rectangular piece of the Cellophane and place the pot over it in the center. Then she brings to together the edges of the Cellophane towards the top of the plant. She takes a decorate piece of ribbon to tie the scrunched up cellophane together to make it look like a bow on top.", "segments": [[18.91, 48.5], [48.5, 98.65], [98.65, 137.29], [137.29, 152.09]], "duration": 164.42000000000002, "id": 3600}, {"image_id": "v__nTjmHQ0-gQ.mp4", "caption": "A man springs on a track and jumps onto a dirt area. A second man does the same. A third man follows him. A fourth man goes after him. A fifth man starts to sprint as he holds a long bar.", "segments": [[0, 4.53], [4.96, 9.48], [9.7, 23.06], [23.27, 42.24], [42.45, 43.1]], "duration": 43.1, "id": 3601}, {"image_id": "v_WLpjci5dN8s.mp4", "caption": "Words are written on the screen. A knife is put into a sharpener and moved back and forth and used on a circular sharpener. A pair of scissors is sharpened on the sharpener. The scissors cut a purple towel and a piece of paper. Words are shown on the screen again.", "segments": [[0, 12.05], [12.05, 55.32], [57.51, 84.36], [84.36, 95.31], [95.86, 109.55]], "duration": 109.55, "id": 3602}, {"image_id": "v_UgrOTFBD7tA.mp4", "caption": "Mountains are seen in the distance with clouds moving over top during the afternoon. Mountain climbers use ropes and hooks to metal clips up along cracks in a sheer rock face. The climber sets a metal round clips into the crack of the rock face. Clouds move over a mountain range at sunset.", "segments": [[0, 9.11], [15.19, 188.37], [97.22, 124.57], [191.41, 202.55]], "duration": 202.55, "id": 3603}, {"image_id": "v_L-A8RECKhtQ.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a man is seen and leads into a man bending down on a lawn and performing various dance moves. The man sings along while performing his routine and is then seen running across the yard with a lawn mower. More dancing and singing is seen, a picture of holding cards is shown, and ends with him cutting the grass and holding down with a friend.", "segments": [[4.74, 39.13], [40.91, 92.5], [90.72, 118.59]], "duration": 118.59, "id": 3604}, {"image_id": "v_inw7wXFL9dw.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of young people dancing and partying with one another as well as drinking and playing beer pong. More shots are shown of people looking and speaking to the camera while playing pong and drinking beer with one another.", "segments": [[7.17, 113.7], [74.78, 201.8]], "duration": 204.87, "id": 3605}, {"image_id": "v_RpItv2ztook.mp4", "caption": "A video of skier on a snowy hill shoots video of themselves as skiing as other skiers go past. The skier goes past the ski lifts as they go around a corner and go past the lifts again. They then turn back around and go under the lift and travel further down hill on a path passing blue fences, a trail marker sign and ending at a lodge.", "segments": [[0, 223.59], [19, 45.83], [46.95, 223.59]], "duration": 223.59, "id": 3606}, {"image_id": "v_zrXTMcKFa5E.mp4", "caption": "A child goes and plays in a playplace. She climbs, goes down slides, rocks back and forth, and has general merriment.", "segments": [[0, 234.77], [59.28, 237.13]], "duration": 237.13, "id": 3607}, {"image_id": "v_cS19K2310Lc.mp4", "caption": "A picture is shown of a baby juxtaposed beside a little girl. A woman is seen with a young girl as she speaks. She then has the girl sit down as she proceeds to braid her hair in long, thick pieces. She pins the hair in place, then waves goodbye to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 6.16], [8.22, 31.85], [33.9, 183.9], [185.95, 205.47]], "duration": 205.47, "id": 3608}, {"image_id": "v_Po6tK3rYE8E.mp4", "caption": "A man rolls out a sheet of wallpaper from a tube, then a large photo. He applies the sheet and photos to the wall, creating a real life photography mural. He wipes the images onto the wall cleanly.", "segments": [[0, 18.18], [21.39, 91.44], [91.98, 106.95]], "duration": 106.95, "id": 3609}, {"image_id": "v_kee3-2cw7-E.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen blindfolded while holding a stick and two others around him. The man then swings violently at the pinata as someone moves it higher and then drops the pinata right above his head.", "segments": [[0, 9.17], [8.8, 24.45]], "duration": 24.45, "id": 3610}, {"image_id": "v_eil9mWGJB8E.mp4", "caption": "A crowd is gathered around two women who are arm wrestling. The women grab each others hands and push as hard as they can until one of them loses. They redo the arm wrestling. One of the girls lets her hand loose and the other girl opens her mouth in shock.", "segments": [[0, 29.44], [2.06, 12.51], [12.66, 21.35], [22.08, 29.44]], "duration": 29.44, "id": 3611}, {"image_id": "v_XM3SktXBbHU.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen in the middle of a large gymnasium jumping around with another man in the middle raising his arms up. The person on silts then jumps over the person with their arms up as well as another.", "segments": [[0.04, 4.56], [3.39, 7.61]], "duration": 7.8, "id": 3612}, {"image_id": "v_1nXLVjfupto.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing behind a table speaking to the camera and then hold up various objects to the camera. They use tools on a tin can and then are seen sitting outside holding up more tools.", "segments": [[0, 74.54], [75.69, 229.37]], "duration": 229.37, "id": 3613}, {"image_id": "v_YSO5CGeeTmE.mp4", "caption": "A band is marching down a street playing drums. A woman in a black hat is standing on the street watching them. People are standing up watching the band.", "segments": [[0, 106.98], [0, 43.86], [55.63, 106.98]], "duration": 106.97999999999999, "id": 3614}, {"image_id": "v_Vm07Uu4_iCE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down to a tire an then places it on a machine. He continues to use the machine to take the rubber off of the tire and ends by placing it back down.", "segments": [[2.39, 31.08], [23.91, 67.63]], "duration": 68.31, "id": 3615}, {"image_id": "v_zxzBoK5t0XY.mp4", "caption": "A horse is seen off in the distance followed by a man speaking to the camera in front of a large group of horses. Various people are then seen riding around on horses through different landscapes and being led by people. The men continue to lead people around on the horses through a large body of water.", "segments": [[2.32, 104.55], [69.7, 189.36], [178.9, 228.85]], "duration": 232.34, "id": 3616}, {"image_id": "v_pyeTqpj2EPo.mp4", "caption": "A chef is working in a kitchen. He presses buttons on a digital screen. He prepares a large dish of pasta, which he cooks in the machine.", "segments": [[0, 12.7], [16.04, 103.58], [108.26, 133.66]], "duration": 133.66, "id": 3617}, {"image_id": "v_BIL1t2eQrDU.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown talking to a camera followed by him and another woman standing near a volleyball net. The man throws the ball to the girl who bounces it back to him. He continues to speak and demonstrate various volleyball moves to do appropriately.", "segments": [[0, 24.22], [23.46, 60.54], [61.3, 151.35]], "duration": 151.35, "id": 3618}, {"image_id": "v_Da9uVKDLwVY.mp4", "caption": "A small collie is standing on top of a table. He is tied in place, and a man begins brushing him all over. He stands still as he is being groomed.", "segments": [[0, 14.3], [23.84, 146.62], [160.92, 238.4]], "duration": 238.4, "id": 3619}, {"image_id": "v_UcnzlGqUEyA.mp4", "caption": "A person picks up a piece of fruit. A brush is shown on the screen. A man is shaving his beard.", "segments": [[8.94, 12.52], [15.2, 18.78], [22.65, 27.72]], "duration": 59.61, "id": 3620}, {"image_id": "v_c2ejr7Lci8s.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a unicycle in the middle of a forest while holding an instrument. The man continues riding down the path as the camera follows his movements.", "segments": [[0, 13.59], [13.17, 27.73]], "duration": 27.73, "id": 3621}, {"image_id": "v_vr0Wi359kWM.mp4", "caption": "An intro shows off the products of the video. The host shows off each product and how they help clean a shoe. First we see the sneaker get cleaned. A basketball shoe is cleaned next. Some ads play to close the video.", "segments": [[0, 6.91], [18.13, 46.63], [56.12, 112.25], [116.56, 163.19], [166.64, 172.69]], "duration": 172.69, "id": 3622}, {"image_id": "v_9MGnF59gZfM.mp4", "caption": "A man with a bow and arrow is practicing his aim and form. He shoots an arrow and grabs another one from behind hm and gets ready to shoot again. He pulls back the string on the bow and releases it along with the arrow. He continues this routine over and over, practicing for perfection.", "segments": [[0, 18.32], [18.32, 44.73], [44.73, 77.6], [77.6, 107.78]], "duration": 107.78, "id": 3623}, {"image_id": "v_fGDVlbI90pw.mp4", "caption": "A young girl wearing a gray sweater with long red colored hair is brushing her hair. She is using a silver paddle brush to remove the knots from her hair and de-tangle it as she brushes it through. She suddenly begins to scream as she brushes her hair.", "segments": [[1.2, 8.99], [8.99, 10.62], [10.62, 10.89]], "duration": 10.89, "id": 3624}, {"image_id": "v_OkMH4AlF8hQ.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen holding an ice cream cone and speaking to the camera while smiling. She speaks to the camera man holding a doll in the other hand, then sits down on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 39.44], [39.7, 50.25]], "duration": 50.25, "id": 3625}, {"image_id": "v_BUhpWV98EjM.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man are standing outside doing some interesting techniques with one another. They seem to work well with one another moving in sync of or less never hitting the other. They are doing some type of karate or something. The one grabs the man intensely and hugs him it looked they wanted to kiss but they didn't.", "segments": [[0, 25.8], [25.8, 59.45], [59.45, 80.21], [80.21, 112.18]], "duration": 112.18, "id": 3626}, {"image_id": "v_EE2nFMHRacg.mp4", "caption": "A group of elderly people are seated on chairs outside. A man is playing a tune using a stick and a saw. The men next to him are holding instruments, waiting their turn.", "segments": [[0, 22.51], [23.19, 113.91], [114.59, 136.42]], "duration": 136.42000000000002, "id": 3627}, {"image_id": "v_xeOHoiH-dmo.mp4", "caption": "A playground is shown and a back yard as the camera pans over to a window on a roof. The video shows various pictures on how to fix a roof and the man pans over the window again with material. He places various objects around the window and shows more pictures of the roof with the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 19.57], [17.7, 110.89], [117.41, 186.36]], "duration": 186.36, "id": 3628}, {"image_id": "v_NnW_1eQV9GU.mp4", "caption": "A rodeo rider comes out of the gate on a bull and gets thrown off.The rodeo clowns distract the bull as the rider gets to safety.A clown gets hurt and goes for treatment from a pretty lady.A group of men on horses talk and as they ride away, the clown restarts his job in the ring.The clown gets injured again as he jumps over a bulls head and the other clowns help him up.", "segments": [[13.13, 111.62], [19.7, 111.62], [19.7, 29.91], [19.7, 36.48], [19.7, 49.61]], "duration": 145.92000000000002, "id": 3629}, {"image_id": "v_WWhL75t7p8A.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen holding a rope while two more walk into frame and the camera closes in on the people. The camera continues to pan around the people and leads into a match of tug of war and the women celebrating.", "segments": [[0, 53.35], [52.34, 100.66]], "duration": 100.66, "id": 3630}, {"image_id": "v_sn1OtmEJxng.mp4", "caption": "A long line of bikers are shown in the dark at an event. A man is speaking onstage to the people as they prepare for the main event. The people run and jog past the cheering crowd, until the reach the finish line, where they stop to talk and hold up the rope they tore down.", "segments": [[0, 22.53], [23.3, 51.27], [69.91, 155.37]], "duration": 155.37, "id": 3631}, {"image_id": "v_lzb6HHN59K4.mp4", "caption": "A dog owner takes three dogs to a dog cleaning service and company where the dogs are washed and dried. Three dogs are shown getting dirty by waking in mud puddles and through dirt and grass. The dogs are then loaded in a vehicle and taken to a dog washing company where they are placed in wash sinks. All three dogs are washed and dried by people after which the people are shown cleaning the area where the dogs were washed.", "segments": [[5.28, 98.78], [6.03, 18.85], [18.85, 71.64], [36.95, 124.42]], "duration": 150.81, "id": 3632}, {"image_id": "v_UomiLRs--C8.mp4", "caption": "A man is begining to weld. He starts to weld a piece of metal onto a frame. He finishes his weld and backs away.", "segments": [[0, 8.06], [8.06, 47.01], [47.01, 53.73]], "duration": 53.73, "id": 3633}, {"image_id": "v_Sfdj_kMDUh8.mp4", "caption": "A man is unrolling carpet onto the floor. He is on his knees cutting the carpet. He is putting glue onto the floor. He then lays the carpet down on top of it and smooths it out. He then vacuums the carpet when he is finished.", "segments": [[9.84, 12.11], [15.13, 32.54], [51.46, 65.08], [65.84, 126.38], [124.11, 131.67]], "duration": 151.35, "id": 3634}, {"image_id": "v_gC4B1Az2Mk0.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is seated on the floor with a cup and a spoon. He is eating a white substance as his mother comes to check on him. He continues eating slowly as she walks past.", "segments": [[0, 8.72], [11.15, 69.3], [65.42, 96.92]], "duration": 96.92, "id": 3635}, {"image_id": "v_iBEUNOMTr8M.mp4", "caption": "A couple of women are talking as they stand in a backyard. They are holding moss killer attached to hoses. The women spray the moss killer onto the roof of a shed, killing the growth with the liquid. They then hold up the moss killer strips in a box.", "segments": [[0, 15.52], [17.34, 39.24], [43.81, 127.77], [131.42, 182.53]], "duration": 182.53, "id": 3636}, {"image_id": "v_a0hFDXB1RgY.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a kayak in the river while speaking to the camera about his trip. He moves slowly in the water while giving instructions on how to properly move the kayak. He begins paddling up the stream and showing what to do if you get stuck.", "segments": [[1.71, 105.04], [20.55, 33.68], [77.07, 97.05]], "duration": 114.17, "id": 3637}, {"image_id": "v_YDIRaWzfyYY.mp4", "caption": "man is talking to a camera and holding a knife and some magazines. man holds the knife and shavea small piece of his arm. man grabs some rocks from a cup of water and sharp the knife. man use the knife to cut the magazine.", "segments": [[0, 29.4], [29.4, 41.16], [41.16, 146], [146, 195.98]], "duration": 195.98, "id": 3638}, {"image_id": "v_b7fs8OAJzQk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen in the ocean waters. He is riding a pair of water skis. He is being drug by a boat as he skis through the waves.", "segments": [[0, 5.65], [7.22, 23.23], [24.17, 31.39]], "duration": 31.39, "id": 3639}, {"image_id": "v_RMrL2txm79c.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screens. A person washes and cuts open a pumpkin. The person cleans to the insides and draws a face on the pumpkin. They carve the face to make a jackolantern. We then see the carved pumpkin with a candle inside and the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.08], [3.08, 28.26], [28.78, 50.36], [50.36, 89.93], [90.95, 102.77]], "duration": 102.77000000000001, "id": 3640}, {"image_id": "v_zKYqEsVfEnU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing together with one speaking to the camera and the other laying on the floor. The man kneels behind him and points to his body while the man laying door moves his arms and legs to demonstrate proper exercises.", "segments": [[0, 49.66], [51.5, 122.63]], "duration": 122.63, "id": 3641}, {"image_id": "v_0gm_g4rYCic.mp4", "caption": "A large group is inside a raft on a river. A man in a kayak is next to them. They float into the rapids, trying to go through them.", "segments": [[0, 21.54], [28.72, 104.83], [109.86, 143.61]], "duration": 143.61, "id": 3642}, {"image_id": "v_tL90IPP3hbA.mp4", "caption": "A logo is seen and captions are shown on the screen. Trees and mulch are shown with a slight breeze. Several people are shown planting a tree. The people are spreading mulch around the tree. Several logos are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.8], [6.95, 27.32], [27.78, 78.25], [48.62, 78.25], [79.17, 91.21]], "duration": 92.6, "id": 3643}, {"image_id": "v_bghOBRA0z-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man gives a harmonica lesson with closeups and basically a way to tell about how to play the harmonica. The man introduces other types of harmonicas as well.", "segments": [[0, 204.29], [62.31, 204.29]], "duration": 204.29, "id": 3644}, {"image_id": "v_NtX9Q0QX3sw.mp4", "caption": "A man cleans a window using a soft squeegee with detergent while explaining, then the man takes a steel wiper to clean the detergent on the window. Then, the man applies more detergent with the soft squeegee, then clean with the steep wiper. After, the man wash again the window using the soft squeegee and the steel wipe while explaining the procedure.", "segments": [[0, 79.03], [80.87, 142.43], [143.35, 183.79]], "duration": 183.79, "id": 3645}, {"image_id": "v_Lh50gF5l0dw.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a blue shirt is throwing the shot put. He is going in a circular motion on a red circle painted on the ground. He throws the shot put into the air. Another man is swinging in circular motion, ready to throw the shot put.", "segments": [[1.65, 6.84], [6.84, 7.81], [7.81, 13.37], [13.37, 15.02]], "duration": 15.02, "id": 3646}, {"image_id": "v_I9wra8bj2sg.mp4", "caption": "A horseman throws a rope to catch a calf while people watch. Intermediately, the man get down the horse and tie the calf. Men walks behind the horse. After, the man get in the horse.", "segments": [[0, 4.85], [4.96, 15.23], [18.35, 20.89], [15.46, 22.62]], "duration": 23.08, "id": 3647}, {"image_id": "v_0-kEI13BtcY.mp4", "caption": "Ducks are swimming in the water. People are moving dirt around in a park. A woman in a black shirt and glasses talks to the camera. People are raking the dirt around. Different people are talking to the camera. The people continue to landscape at the park.", "segments": [[8.7, 12.66], [15.03, 28.48], [28.48, 39.56], [40.35, 62.51], [64.88, 109.19], [64.88, 158.24]], "duration": 158.24, "id": 3648}, {"image_id": "v_C1kmoJttp4M.mp4", "caption": "A still shot picture of an omelette being poured out of a pan and onto a white plate appears and the white text on it say's \"How to make an omelette\". A white screen with a clipart of red lion wearing a crown appears and the blue words \"British Lion Quality are around he lion.A woman is now in the kitchen standing in front of a pan on a stove, she turns the oven on, grabs a large measuring cup and begins cracking eggs into it then adds various other ingredients to the eggs, and then whisks it all up. The woman then puts butter in the pan, melts it all around, then pours her egg mix into the pan.The woman grabs her wooden spatula and starts manipulating the eggs in the pan making sure it doesn't stick and that it cooks thoroughly. The woman then takes the egg to the white plate and folds it onto it then adds a handful of greens next to it. A white screen appears with the red clipart lion in the middle and the blue words \"British Lion Quality\" going around it.", "segments": [[0.64, 1.29], [1.29, 3.86], [3.86, 53.33], [53.33, 78.39], [78.39, 104.73], [104.73, 125.29], [125.29, 128.5]], "duration": 128.5, "id": 3649}, {"image_id": "v_OeIQ0P0FCCg.mp4", "caption": "A person sitting on a bicycle is seen sitting before a track start with others and leads into him completing a race. Several more shots are shown of people racing all together as well as the man riding around and others recording him.", "segments": [[4.55, 110.33], [87.58, 208.15]], "duration": 227.49, "id": 3650}, {"image_id": "v_ez9uLqGV7AA.mp4", "caption": "A man is skateboarding down a sidewalk. He does a flip on the skateboard. He falls off the skateboard onto the ground.", "segments": [[0, 151.8], [68.16, 75.13], [128.57, 130.89]], "duration": 154.9, "id": 3651}, {"image_id": "v_tD30qafrkhM.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are having sex and kissing inside a shower. She pushes him away and starts crying. A couple is having sex on a bed. The woman pulls out a feather and licks it. She rubs it on the mans face. She has a knife and rubs it down his chest. She looks up at him and lights a cigarette. She lays on her back and laughs. The woman is talking and laughing while holding a snake. The woman is talking to someone. A table with food on it is shown. A wine glass is given to a man by the woman. He denies the drink and she takes a sip. They begin to kiss each other.", "segments": [[0, 12.97], [12.97, 17.83], [18.64, 21.89], [21.89, 36.48], [36.48, 45.39], [45.39, 49.44], [49.44, 60.79], [60.79, 83.49], [83.49, 99.7], [102.94, 123.21], [123.21, 130.5], [136.17, 147.52], [145.09, 152.39], [157.25, 162.11]], "duration": 162.11, "id": 3652}, {"image_id": "v_ZeUNeRiU6YY.mp4", "caption": "The camera follows a person in red pants snowboarding down a slope. The camera briefly pans away from the woman to focus on the slope. The camera pans away from the woman to focus on the slope.", "segments": [[0, 100.64], [46.68, 52.14], [100.64, 121.26]], "duration": 121.26, "id": 3653}, {"image_id": "v_-K_cgWfJxiU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera holding a paddle and sitting in a kayak. The man then paddles himself around the area on the kayak flipping around and looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 39.42], [39.42, 101.07]], "duration": 101.07, "id": 3654}, {"image_id": "v_injaml6fr7s.mp4", "caption": "A woman rides a horse in an indoor barn while playing a game of solo polo. A woman rides a horse in an indoor barn and plays polo while holding a polo stick and chasing a red ball in the indoor setting. The woman hits at the ball while riding the horse in circles. the woman rides the horse until the sun begins to set and the scene gets darker and darker.", "segments": [[6.73, 214.21], [13.46, 54.95], [54.95, 150.28], [150.28, 224.31]], "duration": 224.31, "id": 3655}, {"image_id": "v_CUJJViubZ9c.mp4", "caption": "Wrestlers are fighting in a ring. A man is picked up and thrown down by other men. A man falls on a table and breaks it.", "segments": [[0, 147.24], [16.2, 23.56], [134.72, 139.14]], "duration": 147.24, "id": 3656}, {"image_id": "v_8fLHaW3YvJY.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing glasses is standing outside in the snow with some gadgets talking. He brings forward the blue large shovel looking gadget, still talking and then grabs another shovel. He throws the shovel and then walks to demonstrate how to shovel up the snow. He continues to talk and then starts using the shovel gadget again. He shovels piles out some piles of snow.", "segments": [[0, 19.24], [19.24, 47.04], [47.04, 116.53], [116.53, 153.94], [153.94, 213.81]], "duration": 213.81, "id": 3657}, {"image_id": "v_WkWCbz54JSU.mp4", "caption": "People are standing in a bull ring. A bull starts chasing a man holding a colorful blanket. Two horses are dragging a bull off the arena.", "segments": [[0, 143.27], [25.79, 131.81], [121.06, 130.37]], "duration": 143.27, "id": 3658}, {"image_id": "v_JBnL0T2XzGs.mp4", "caption": "A group is playing ice hockey for fun in an indoor rink as a man speaks to the camera. Two women sweep, fighting over the puck, as a woman talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 52.06], [53.78, 114.43]], "duration": 114.43, "id": 3659}, {"image_id": "v_vmFfa1yv72k.mp4", "caption": "Several peoples outfits are being panned from the bottom up.Then a group of cups are on the table and they begin playing beer pong with a group of people.Several rooms and couples are shown and the ball is thrown in a cup.Once done,the camera pans out and you can see the couples are competing against each other in a room together.Couples come back and more beer pong games come back.", "segments": [[0, 27.5], [27.5, 100.09], [97.89, 134.19], [135.29, 151.79], [150.69, 219.99]], "duration": 219.99, "id": 3660}, {"image_id": "v_2gc5VDx2xY8.mp4", "caption": "There is a man on a horse waiting for the time to get going to start. Once the gates open a cow starts running and the man on the horse chases after it with a tassel. He swings the tassel in the air a few times and throws it catching the cow and then tying him down. There is an audience in the stands watching the man do this and there is another man on a different horse at the side waiting.", "segments": [[0, 2.31], [2.31, 4.43], [4.34, 12.14], [12.43, 19.27]], "duration": 19.27, "id": 3661}, {"image_id": "v_hJI5PEg2UuA.mp4", "caption": "This elderly man is standing up cutting the red tomato into slices. He is in the kitchen cutting the tomato using a cheap knife. It looks hard for him trying to use a knife that barely does anything to try and cut the tomato, but the difference shows in good products.", "segments": [[0, 92.7], [51.91, 71.38], [71.38, 92.7]], "duration": 92.7, "id": 3662}, {"image_id": "v_DLlooZTLPdI.mp4", "caption": "Several bikers are riding back and for the at a festival in the dessert. A man dressed in women's clothing comes onto the screen and begins to hula hoop while a camera is attached to the hula hoop. Several other people perform inside the hula hoop camera while the music plays. Then several people are shown waling up to the hula hoop camera getting ready to hula hoop. The man that is dressed as a woman gives some one a hug. The video ends with people riding on a bicycle while the camera is attached to the bike.", "segments": [[0, 3.46], [3.46, 12.12], [12.12, 160.99], [42.41, 155.79], [160.99, 162.72], [162.72, 173.11]], "duration": 173.11, "id": 3663}, {"image_id": "v_mTlReluteEQ.mp4", "caption": "A man throws an object in a track and field event at the Olympics. This is then shown in slow motion and then sped up. The coach reacts and cheers. The athlete receives a medal and waves to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 54.02], [13.37, 32.63], [62.58, 80.77], [81.3, 106.97]], "duration": 106.97999999999999, "id": 3664}, {"image_id": "v_lIqAkmaXnXg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on a chair while she pulls thin art foil pieces from a small table in front of her, and applies it to a small dresser that is also in front of her. The woman then takes her brush and begins brushing all of the pieces of foils on the top drawer while holding a hand under it to catch all the pieces that fall. The woman then closes the drawer and brushes it some more.", "segments": [[0, 79.06], [79.06, 126.86], [126.86, 183.86]], "duration": 183.86, "id": 3665}, {"image_id": "v_ALjodjboELk.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen swimming around a pool with one man sitting on his head. More shots are shown of people close up swimming up the water as well as kneeling. A woman takes off her tank as well as putting it back and leads into them swimming more.", "segments": [[0, 55.06], [46.05, 163.17], [131.13, 189.19]], "duration": 200.2, "id": 3666}, {"image_id": "v_N8nv95D4-pw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a gym talking. the woman demonstrates how to do an exercise with a step.", "segments": [[3.35, 66.94], [16.07, 65.94]], "duration": 66.94, "id": 3667}, {"image_id": "v_j5Fq7Y8EJk8.mp4", "caption": "A man rides a jetski on a river with the camera at a distance. The man jetskis while holding the camera at arm's length. The man is shown waterskiing while pulled by the jetski. The man falls and is briefly submerged.", "segments": [[0, 28.69], [28.69, 68.27], [79.15, 177.1], [178.09, 189.97]], "duration": 197.88, "id": 3668}, {"image_id": "v_9qgO4EQiQzI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen placing a mat down on a floor with various tools laid out around him. He measures the floor with a ruler followed by him putting plaster down on the floor and putting the mat back down.", "segments": [[0, 54.68], [56.27, 150.57]], "duration": 158.5, "id": 3669}, {"image_id": "v_RJ5U2y6ccvA.mp4", "caption": "A young baby is outside in murky water holding on to a white bar.Two men push him and he is shown riding a water vehicle being pulled by some type of thing.As he moves,a woman is on the side of him following him and stopping him along the way making sure he is okay.", "segments": [[0, 10.71], [10.97, 33.42], [33.42, 52.22]], "duration": 52.22, "id": 3670}, {"image_id": "v_R6INcHHxlNs.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen shirtless standing in a kitchen and holding a mop. The man looks back and laughs to the camera while holding the mop. He continues to laugh and dance around while pushing the mop around.", "segments": [[0, 16.4], [11.98, 33.64], [29.44, 41.21]], "duration": 42.05, "id": 3671}, {"image_id": "v_3xUAyMuqBrQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is putting ingredients into a pan. He stirs it together over a stove. He puts it on a plate and shows the camera.", "segments": [[3.39, 9.57], [9.42, 18.99], [21.79, 25.91]], "duration": 29.44, "id": 3672}, {"image_id": "v_a6lCnOqNaMY.mp4", "caption": "A man is running down the track. He throws a javelin onto the field. The audience is behind him in the stands watching.", "segments": [[0, 3.79], [2.09, 5.69], [17.64, 21.44]], "duration": 37.94, "id": 3673}, {"image_id": "v_eZ_IOp638kQ.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen running to throw a ball and another person hits it into the audience. More clips are shown of people playing the game on the field with the audience cheers and players move around the field.", "segments": [[2.22, 62.2], [44.43, 216.59]], "duration": 222.15, "id": 3674}, {"image_id": "v_FXb8rBMvol4.mp4", "caption": "People are coming off of a van holding snowboards. A man straps his snowboard on. Several people are snowboarding down a hill. A man in goggles talks. A woman holds a child up to kiss a man. People are snowboarding down a hill. A man talks to the camera. Several people do tricks on their snowboards. A man talks to the camera again. Several more people are snowboarding and talking. A man with a beard talks to the camera. A man takes off his snowboard.", "segments": [[0, 12.6], [12.6, 16.09], [16.79, 25.89], [26.59, 30.09], [34.29, 36.39], [37.09, 56.68], [56.68, 57.38], [58.78, 82.57], [83.27, 85.37], [85.37, 105.66], [105.66, 109.86], [137.15, 139.95]], "duration": 139.95, "id": 3675}, {"image_id": "v_qV8hycDJWto.mp4", "caption": "A man steps away from a desk. The man applies his glove to his left hand. The man taps a metal with a soldering iron. The man soldiers on the piece of metal. The man stops soldering the metal. The man removes his glove and blows smoke away from the metal piece.", "segments": [[0, 3.67], [4.08, 7.76], [8.16, 26.94], [27.35, 66.13], [66.54, 71.84], [72.25, 81.64]], "duration": 81.64, "id": 3676}, {"image_id": "v_e2fXKrG2BkY.mp4", "caption": "Two boys in blue karate suits and red belts are standing on a stage in a school cafeteria and they are doing a karate routine in unison. When they are done, they turn to one another, bow, and do some karate matches that involve gently throwing one another to ground and when done with the matches they each take a bow facing the crowd.The boys then start another karate routine and they are doing various moves with their arms and legs while doing them in unison as much as possible. When done they both take a bow facing the crowd and they both run off the school stage.", "segments": [[0, 65.22], [65.22, 103.77], [103.77, 141.57], [141.57, 148.24]], "duration": 148.24, "id": 3677}, {"image_id": "v_L_fvvmvV-Tc.mp4", "caption": "A man and a little boy are mowing a lawn. The man pushes the real mower back and forth. The little boy follows him with a toy mower.", "segments": [[0, 11.63], [13.38, 52.06], [52.93, 58.17]], "duration": 58.17, "id": 3678}, {"image_id": "v_N_FbnDY_2j8.mp4", "caption": "A person ski on the pent of a hill covered with snow. Then, the person arrives to a flat area where there are four people.", "segments": [[0, 25.81], [25.81, 30.19]], "duration": 30.19, "id": 3679}, {"image_id": "v_nmUJ2GfVkKY.mp4", "caption": "An athlete performs a long jump at a professional sports event as onlookers watch and clap. A man in an athletic outfit and a paper number pinned to his chest paces on a sports field. The man runs a distance and performs a long jump. The man smiles and paces after the long jump as a British flag waves in the background and a template of his score goes across the screen along with slow motion re-inactments. The man takes his shoes off while sitting on a bench.", "segments": [[0, 133.92], [5.15, 18.4], [19.87, 35.32], [33.85, 134.66], [134.66, 145.7]], "duration": 147.17000000000002, "id": 3680}, {"image_id": "v_Fp8e9dbWeSg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen riding in bumper cars and running into one another. The people keep bumping into each other and driving around and then stop to climb out of the cars.", "segments": [[0, 88.82], [76.71, 161.5]], "duration": 161.5, "id": 3681}, {"image_id": "v_hXBeu7o9uUM.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a room holding a large instrument. He begins to play the instrument behind a microphone. A man in a green shirt is talking into a microphone.", "segments": [[4.39, 200.9], [37.33, 200.9], [203.1, 208.59]], "duration": 219.57, "id": 3682}, {"image_id": "v_TmA7xnrULME.mp4", "caption": "A small group of kids are seen playing with two adults on a beach pushing sand into a pile. The kids continue grabbing water while the camera pans around the other people swimming in the area.", "segments": [[0, 23.09], [22.45, 64.13]], "duration": 64.13, "id": 3683}, {"image_id": "v_OIA7lPraPSM.mp4", "caption": "Three people are riding skateboards on a road in a city and the text on the bottom left screen say \"Three regulars Justice - New Jack\" and they are skating fast going forward, turning, curving, bending down and doing other various tricks all throughout the city and not wearing any helmets or other safety gear. Two of the guys are stopped on a road and then all of a sudden one of them picks up a skateboard and throws it very hard against the wall.The guys are shown skateboarding again and this time they are wearing helmets as they skateboard down the roads in this city going very fast and doing multiple various tricks.", "segments": [[0, 85.18], [85.18, 90.64], [90.64, 218.42]], "duration": 218.42000000000002, "id": 3684}, {"image_id": "v_9cD-Z6Aw7bE.mp4", "caption": "We see young ladies hug each other on a track. We then see replay from their run. A lady swings her arms as she finishes. We see a title screen. We see a 4 ladies throwing the hammer. A lady hugs someone after her thrown. A lady hugs a woman and a man.", "segments": [[0, 7.49], [7.49, 41.22], [29.23, 32.23], [68.2, 70.45], [70.45, 134.9], [117.66, 123.66], [141.64, 149.89]], "duration": 149.89, "id": 3685}, {"image_id": "v__dp7ZH3Upuw.mp4", "caption": "A small boy swings out off a large piece of playground equipment. He swings across the bars, trying to hold on. He makes it all the way to the end before jumping off.", "segments": [[0, 7.76], [10.25, 30.76], [34.36, 55.43]], "duration": 55.43, "id": 3686}, {"image_id": "v_rSTXxDLYxTQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of shoes are shown followed by a person holding the shoes and rubbing polish around the shoes. The man then rubs polish into the other shoe on the table as well as back to the one he started on. He takes a brush and uses it on the shoe, ending with him grabbing the camera.", "segments": [[0, 60.13], [61.2, 182.53], [183.6, 214.74]], "duration": 214.74, "id": 3687}, {"image_id": "v_tYV23sjRgt8.mp4", "caption": "This woman is showing viewers how to make a whiskey sour. First she pours one ounce of whiskey over ice into the ross glass. Then she pours citrus into the glass and puts a straw into it.", "segments": [[5.49, 84.48], [19.43, 46.46], [46.46, 60.4]], "duration": 84.48, "id": 3688}, {"image_id": "v_y47RXYfefvQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a snowy parking lot. He is using a brush to wipe snow off the back windshielf of his car. He glances at the camera, then keeps wiping.", "segments": [[0, 1.7], [2.26, 10.11], [10.3, 12.56]], "duration": 12.56, "id": 3689}, {"image_id": "v_PIGH5p2iMoI.mp4", "caption": "A marching band is playing on a field. A man in a trench coat is talking into a microphone. A team is playing lacrosse on a field of grass.", "segments": [[0, 11.52], [11.52, 42.25], [42.25, 192.05]], "duration": 192.05, "id": 3690}, {"image_id": "v_JhiX65Okpt0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is performing partial arts moves with a man on a stage. A band plays instruments in the background. The two spin, flip, and kick, taking turns.", "segments": [[0, 25.49], [28.22, 101.05], [104.69, 182.07]], "duration": 182.07, "id": 3691}, {"image_id": "v_rxwmIyvVVUU.mp4", "caption": "A lady plays pool alone indoors. The white ball falls off the pool table. The lady picks up the white ball from the floor.", "segments": [[0, 16.65], [8.66, 8.74], [13.49, 14.9]], "duration": 16.65, "id": 3692}, {"image_id": "v_ilX9ntIzaoQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a man run and jump on a raft as it slides down a long snowy hill. The raft stops and the cameraman gets up and walks around while filming the ground. A hand then covers the camera.", "segments": [[0, 22.3], [21.97, 30.93], [31.09, 32.56]], "duration": 32.56, "id": 3693}, {"image_id": "v_Q_Rufuciohg.mp4", "caption": "An older woman peels a potato over a table. She sets the knife down on the table.", "segments": [[1.9, 50.47], [50.15, 63.48]], "duration": 63.48, "id": 3694}, {"image_id": "v_3VoIt9XkPEM.mp4", "caption": "People are floating down a river in tubes. A person's feet are shown on a tube. People are standing on the short next to their tubes.", "segments": [[26.09, 162.45], [67.34, 69.02], [97.64, 98.48]], "duration": 168.35, "id": 3695}, {"image_id": "v_bdKB3QYNFbc.mp4", "caption": "men are in a dust racetrack riding bikes doing tricks. little kids are going down a slide in a dust pathway.", "segments": [[0, 24.38], [24.38, 232.15]], "duration": 232.15, "id": 3696}, {"image_id": "v_wV2c3sdctbs.mp4", "caption": "A boy is explaining how to put on toes shoes on his left foot. Then, the boy raise the right foot and take out the toe shoe and continue explaining.", "segments": [[0, 31.18], [31.44, 50.7]], "duration": 50.7, "id": 3697}, {"image_id": "v_9xOUoTQLea4.mp4", "caption": "A person makes a pot of coffee. The person then adds a bunch of sugary products to it. The man drinks it and then calls people from a smart phone.", "segments": [[0, 34.01], [35.15, 109.97], [119.04, 226.74]], "duration": 226.74, "id": 3698}, {"image_id": "v_5iQsKA84vWo.mp4", "caption": "There two women boxers competing in kickboxing against each other in a boxing event. The referee is standing next to them. There are several spectators watching the boxers compete. After the referee gives a go, the contestants begin the match. The crowd cheers for them as they compete. The boxer in the black uniform punches the boxer in red and makes her fall down. The boxer in red kicks her opponent. The boxer in black strikes back at her opponent and the boxer in red punches her face. The referee declares the boxer in black as the winner and crowd applauds her victory.", "segments": [[7.78, 20.23], [20.23, 30.35], [30.35, 38.91], [38.91, 50.58], [50.58, 65.37], [65.37, 84.05], [84.05, 99.61], [99.61, 112.84], [112.84, 116.73]], "duration": 155.64, "id": 3699}, {"image_id": "v_8B4M8AsGZmQ.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a person standing and leads into him looking off into the distance and carrying gear. The man suits up as the camera shows close ups of his board. The man is then seen doing numerous tricks over the water while following behind a boat.", "segments": [[0.18, 9.12], [7.89, 17.18], [17.36, 34.71]], "duration": 35.06, "id": 3700}, {"image_id": "v_0ufZs4e24Xs.mp4", "caption": "Two men are boxing inside a gym. They are engaged in a martial art called kickboxing. The two men kick and alternate blows with punches.", "segments": [[0, 22.63], [27.85, 116.62], [118.36, 174.06]], "duration": 174.06, "id": 3701}, {"image_id": "v_dXdhOe0DPC4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sanding a book shelf with a sander. She touches the sanded portion with her hand. She stands next to the shelf talking.", "segments": [[38.64, 143.67], [145.65, 165.46], [165.46, 198.16]], "duration": 198.16, "id": 3702}, {"image_id": "v_LZ1142kuCnI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking around a room carrying a broom. She pushes it along the wall beside her. In the end she turns around and pushes it back.", "segments": [[0, 3.17], [3.17, 9.95], [9.58, 14.52]], "duration": 14.75, "id": 3703}, {"image_id": "v_SLPD1U5iDjY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen outside playing a game of beach volley ball serving it over the net in slow motion.It makes it over the net and the other team of two balls is able to hit it back over the net.Both pairs of people continue to play the game and eventually the side with the man and woman on the team end up winning.", "segments": [[0, 22.65], [22.65, 62.11], [62.76, 129.41]], "duration": 129.41, "id": 3704}, {"image_id": "v_kMHMdqkGRB4.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing before a large beam and putting his hands up in the air. He then performs a gymnasts routine while swinging himself all around the bar and ends by jumping down.", "segments": [[0.22, 14.67], [15.1, 41.2]], "duration": 43.14, "id": 3705}, {"image_id": "v_cJyl4yqFuK0.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting next to a tub and bending over the side. A person speaks to her on the side while she looks back to the camera. She bends further into the sink then moves back to the camera to look.", "segments": [[0, 26.84], [22.05, 73.81], [62.78, 91.06]], "duration": 95.85, "id": 3706}, {"image_id": "v_66BGqvwHbUw.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on a person playing guitar and leads into a man speaking. Several more shots of people playing guitar and guitars on walls are shown as well as the same man speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.56], [5.29, 30.26]], "duration": 30.26, "id": 3707}, {"image_id": "v_erxnWYOO1ew.mp4", "caption": "We see a man jumping on jump stilts. We see a person sitting in the yard. The man on the stilts stops and turns around towards the camera.", "segments": [[0.07, 5.8], [1.74, 6.94], [6.11, 6.94]], "duration": 6.94, "id": 3708}, {"image_id": "v_wO9DGYTAX70.mp4", "caption": "Slow motion shows of people riding horses over jumps are shown that lead into a woman speaking to the camera with a horse behind her. The woman then wears a glove and brushes the horse all over while the capture captures her movements and the horse. She brushes the back of it's tail and finishes around it's belly.", "segments": [[0, 54.87], [53.36, 123.26], [123.26, 150.32]], "duration": 150.32, "id": 3709}, {"image_id": "v_Q2PC60uwjdY.mp4", "caption": "Beets are being chopped up on a chopping block. They are put in a pan and covered with water. Kale is being chopped up on a cutting board. It is tossed in salt for a few minutes. Carrots are grated over the kale. A tomato is diced and mixed with dressing. This is then poured over the kale. A man takes a bite of the salad.", "segments": [[30.52, 59.34], [59.34, 68.67], [70.36, 87.32], [86.47, 101.73], [104.28, 110.21], [127.16, 135.64], [137.34, 155.99], [158.53, 159.38]], "duration": 169.55, "id": 3710}, {"image_id": "v_mgEX5A1o2jg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen moving in fast motion unpacking a bag and piecing together parts of a tire. Many people stop to watch on the sidelines while the man continues to build the bike and finishes by packing everything up and holding his arms out while smiling.", "segments": [[0, 29.75], [25.5, 121.44]], "duration": 121.44, "id": 3711}, {"image_id": "v_7pYrfYFoxdc.mp4", "caption": "A woman climbs into the back of a van with other people. Several men are standing together in a line before we see a person in a gorilla suit. Many people are dancing, falling off skateboards, and performing various tricks like tightrope walking and flips. The group walks out of the building together, making signs and faces at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.51], [9.46, 30.28], [32.17, 170.3], [171.24, 189.22]], "duration": 189.22, "id": 3712}, {"image_id": "v_vWsPUB8dQMU.mp4", "caption": "A train goes by on a track, and several cars are seen driving on a wet road. A woman gets out, and crouches by a flat tire. She uses equipment to lift the car from the ground, then removes the tire. She replaces the bad tire with a spare. she then puts away her equipment and gives a thumbs up before driving safely away.", "segments": [[0, 17.87], [23.23, 37.53], [40.21, 82.21], [84, 152.81], [153.7, 178.72]], "duration": 178.72, "id": 3713}, {"image_id": "v_ekzUyQo2R9Y.mp4", "caption": "There's a person wakeboarding in a lake. He is being pulled by a red rope that is fastened to a steamboat. He is going at a steady speed behind the steamboat.", "segments": [[4.01, 9.83], [9.83, 16.75], [16.75, 18.46]], "duration": 20.06, "id": 3714}, {"image_id": "v_i7L1KNGeEqU.mp4", "caption": "snowboarder is in big field in white snow. a cubicle in the mountain and slip down the mountain in snowboard. people is in cubicle and moving down the mountain in snowboard and pass by a parking lot.", "segments": [[0, 19], [19, 120.31], [120.31, 158.3]], "duration": 158.3, "id": 3715}, {"image_id": "v_JuC7EY32Spg.mp4", "caption": "An older women is shown sitting on a front step putting socks on with a small dog standing near her. She then puts her shoe on the foot and the dog looks off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 14.12], [13.58, 26.63]], "duration": 26.63, "id": 3716}, {"image_id": "v_GvDu_0ktsJ0.mp4", "caption": "A cooker shows ingredients to make salad pasta while talking. The cooker puts pasta on a square container and adds vegetables. Then, the cooker adds cheese, broth, white cream, salt and then he mix it. The man serves the pasta with a piece of tomato and he taste the salad.", "segments": [[9.44, 60.44], [61.38, 105.77], [105.77, 152.99], [153.93, 180.37]], "duration": 188.87, "id": 3717}, {"image_id": "v_CZRkT9Lno3k.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is seen standing ready holding a pole in her hands and looking down and back. She then holds the stick up and pole volts herself onto a mat. She waves to the crowd and then walks away with others getting ready around her.", "segments": [[0, 23.02], [22.51, 39.39], [39.13, 51.15]], "duration": 51.15, "id": 3718}, {"image_id": "v_rDYeRbucGt4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated cross legged watching a show. A man is kneeling in front of the crowd, talking. He continues talking as the crowd is enraptured, listening to his every word.", "segments": [[0, 12.01], [12.83, 43.89], [47.61, 82.8]], "duration": 82.8, "id": 3719}, {"image_id": "v_UjG_uHlFf3s.mp4", "caption": "A clip of the show top Gear is shown with one man sitting in a car speaking to the camera, and another speaking to the camera in a different car. Two men speak on walkie talkies on the side and the men drive the cars into one another. One pushes the car back and the men all get out and speak to one another. Another car is test with the men speaking to the camera and pushes the car back while others look in disbelief.", "segments": [[0, 25.85], [24.49, 49.67], [48.3, 97.29], [96.61, 136.07]], "duration": 136.07, "id": 3720}, {"image_id": "v_QTfz_zprGcQ.mp4", "caption": "A BTRtv reporter visits a soul cycle studio and store, interviews a soul cycle instructor and takes a sample soul cycle class. A reporter holding a microphone, stands outside of a soul cycle store speaking to the camera, and then enters the store and interviews a soul cycle instructor. The reporter then changes clothes and takes a soul cycle class interspersed with video of instructor led soul cycle classes. The reporter returns to interviewing the soul cycle instructor with a final shot of rows of clothing hanging in the soul cycle store.", "segments": [[3.63, 173.43], [3.63, 69.92], [78.09, 153.46], [154.36, 172.52]], "duration": 181.6, "id": 3721}, {"image_id": "v_Zk3JXtS2fOY.mp4", "caption": "An olympic fencing match is shown. Each side scores points and then a new match is shown.", "segments": [[0, 189.15], [48.23, 185.37]], "duration": 189.15, "id": 3722}, {"image_id": "v_9sbiZgFefA4.mp4", "caption": "We see a title screen on black. We then see a woman skating down a street in a city. Cars begin to pass the lady. The lady passes parked cars. The lady talks as she stands in front of a building door. She talks near a highway. We see the ending screen on black.", "segments": [[0, 3.94], [8.53, 15.75], [15.75, 28.23], [37.42, 43.32], [43.32, 53.83], [80.74, 88.62], [120.78, 131.29]], "duration": 131.29, "id": 3723}, {"image_id": "v_QQQ7jSVSG3A.mp4", "caption": "A group of belly dancers are posing onstage. They begin to dance, swirling their scarves around their bodies as they dance. They drop the scarves, focusing solely on the dance before dropping to the ground, then rising and dancing off stage.", "segments": [[0, 32.46], [36.65, 188.5], [192.69, 209.44]], "duration": 209.44, "id": 3724}, {"image_id": "v_itlF0DEBetk.mp4", "caption": "A man is raking leaves in his yard. He has bagged several leaves as he rakes them out of a bird bath. He continues raking, then opens a bag to pour rocks around the bird bath.", "segments": [[0, 6.76], [8.66, 30.84], [33, 54.1]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 3725}, {"image_id": "v_5pPQc85IXtU.mp4", "caption": "People competes bike cross in a field. People bike on a bumpy track where a crowd gather to watch the bike cross competition. A biker falls on the ground. The bikers arrive to the finish line.", "segments": [[7.02, 14.92], [20.19, 144.82], [140.43, 145.7], [145.7, 158.87]], "duration": 175.54, "id": 3726}, {"image_id": "v_ZmoSxXei954.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a gym holding a racket while the camera pans out to show two men. The men move around one another in the gym hitting a ball off the wall. The two continue hitting the ball around and walking around to hit it.", "segments": [[1.05, 53.72], [65.3, 162.2], [122.18, 205.39]], "duration": 210.65, "id": 3727}, {"image_id": "v_zB8kwWJqQ8Q.mp4", "caption": "men and women are in team playing foosball in a table in a basket court. referee is standing in front of table watching the game. people is sitting in terraces behind the court watching the game.", "segments": [[0, 159.24], [5.57, 158.45], [3.98, 159.24]], "duration": 159.24, "id": 3728}, {"image_id": "v_crfrKqFp0Zg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a black room and proceeds to play a flute while the camera captures him. The man continues to lay the instrument while moving his hands up and down and moving his head to the beat.", "segments": [[2.59, 111.31], [42.06, 126.19]], "duration": 129.43, "id": 3729}, {"image_id": "v_rq-Xyoo5Rs0.mp4", "caption": "People are doing flips by running and jumping to the wall.boys do back flips on a blue mat. A kid jumps over several other kids laying on the mat. Two guys body roll with each other on the mat.", "segments": [[5.23, 16.98], [16.98, 110.39], [97.32, 116.92], [118.88, 122.8]], "duration": 130.64, "id": 3730}, {"image_id": "v_o7O6XJYVDRE.mp4", "caption": "Supplies to wrap a gift is laying on a wooden table. A gift wrapped present is wrapped with a clear plastic and taped in place. Red ribbons are tied at each end. A scissor is used to cut off the excess clear plastic at each end. The final wrapped product is laying on the table.", "segments": [[0.76, 31.07], [42.44, 81.85], [87.16, 117.47], [128.84, 131.87], [150.82, 151.58]], "duration": 151.57999999999998, "id": 3731}, {"image_id": "v_tnWmUCOEdFY.mp4", "caption": "A woman with long hair is seen looking deep into the camera and stroking her face. She then brushes her hair and ends the video by smiling.", "segments": [[0, 7.42], [5.15, 15.14]], "duration": 15.14, "id": 3732}, {"image_id": "v_e9p0xmsU3h0.mp4", "caption": "A girl plays in a indoor plastic ball pool with a slide. The girl climbs up the stair case then slides down the slide. The girl climbs up a staircase then crawls through a tunnel. The girl slides down into a ball pool then climbs back up the slide. The girl plays with the tick-tack-toe board before sliding back down. The child swings on a swing set. The child walks into a trampoline room then jumps up and down. The child walks over a suspension bridge then then over a bridge with nets. The girl slides into the ball pool then climbs up onto the wall and jumps back in. the girl climbs up the slide railing. The girl slides down a steep orange slide. Balls are thrown at the girl and she throws them back laughing.", "segments": [[0, 43.42], [45.7, 59.41], [60.55, 82.26], [83.41, 94.83], [97.12, 111.97], [114.25, 118.82], [118.82, 134.82], [135.96, 155.39], [157.67, 178.24], [179.38, 185.09], [191.95, 194.23], [197.66, 214.8]], "duration": 228.51, "id": 3733}, {"image_id": "v_0bXzFAKRoBU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing the drums with another man beside him with several lights flash around his face. Another man is seen holding a guitar and several shots of a stage are shown. The musician grabs a microphone and the guitarist jumps on stage with a cigarette in his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 15.75], [14.97, 23.08], [24.01, 31.19]], "duration": 31.19, "id": 3734}, {"image_id": "v_9lX18LyTuAQ.mp4", "caption": "A man holding a violin is speaking to the camera with a young boy who is also holding a violin. The boys talk back and fourth for a while and the man shows the boy how to properly play the violin. The boy then does exactly what the instructor taught him while the instructor corrects his playing.", "segments": [[0, 58.51], [56.46, 155.01], [156.04, 205.31]], "duration": 205.31, "id": 3735}, {"image_id": "v_C7rGK81C7SU.mp4", "caption": "A persons hands are seen laying clay out onto a cake and begins painting objects on the side. The woman puts the decorations around the cake and continues decorating more objects on the side. She finishes the cake by adding the final decorations and presenting it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 80.05], [69.3, 179.22], [138.6, 227.01]], "duration": 238.96, "id": 3736}, {"image_id": "v_9dqz5ojw-ys.mp4", "caption": "People are in stands watching two teams in a pool play pool soccer. The players are yelling and then the ball is hit towards the goal and deflected as the crowd cheers them on. The ball is then thrown back into the pool.", "segments": [[0, 8.87], [0, 3.86], [7.81, 8.87]], "duration": 8.87, "id": 3737}, {"image_id": "v_FsXl6whrCWk.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black shirt is sitting on a bench. A man sits behind a desk. Two people are sitting on a bean bag chair. A man is drinking from a mug.", "segments": [[0, 1.94], [2.29, 5.46], [5.64, 9.87], [16.57, 21.68]], "duration": 35.25, "id": 3738}, {"image_id": "v_GWJw2jR2mTY.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a white shirt stands in a kitchen with a mop. The man begins mopping the floor while standing in front of washing machines. The man mopping takes a few steps and slips as his left leg slides on the floor and he falls to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 0.28], [0.25, 2.39], [2.37, 4.6]], "duration": 4.6, "id": 3739}, {"image_id": "v_9mL3eC5iizc.mp4", "caption": "Two trains drive along an elevated rail in a city. The camera pans to show a man playing a harmonica while sitting on a log beside a river. A woman walks near the train tracks while a train drives by. The woman sees the harmonica playing man in the distance. She watches him and listens to him playing. She walks away leaving the man. The man finishes playing and remains seated.", "segments": [[0, 2.96], [2.63, 16.44], [16.44, 19.73], [19.4, 22.36], [22.36, 49.65], [49.65, 55.9], [55.9, 65.76]], "duration": 65.76, "id": 3740}, {"image_id": "v_o2mqzjWJJNw.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a heavy apron, heavy gloves and large plastic mask over his face walks over to a tool sitting on a wooden table. The man picks up the tool and touches it to something on the table making sparks fly. A continuous spray of sparks shoots off of the tool. The man stops and and takes a step back while pulling his face mask up and looking at the item on the table. The man pulls his face mask back down and begins to use the tool again sending sparks flying again. The man pauses and backs away looking at the item on the table. He touches the tool to the item one more time. The man then looks at the tool he is using and shakes it a little before sitting it down on the table. The man then removes one of his gloves and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 4.36], [4.36, 29.44], [19.63, 29.44], [30.53, 34.17], [34.53, 45.08], [45.44, 53.07], [53.44, 59.62], [60.71, 65.8], [66.16, 72.7]], "duration": 72.7, "id": 3741}, {"image_id": "v_PqrexMJ5ohk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of balls moving around a pool table are shown followed by a person walking around the table. Two men then hit the balls around the table back and fourth while many watch and react around them.", "segments": [[0, 69.52], [40.93, 129.95]], "duration": 129.95, "id": 3742}, {"image_id": "v_qZIJRg7hJ0o.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting in bumper cars playing a game with one another. The people driving around in the cars while others watch on the sides. Another shot is shown of people playing bumper cars and crashing into one another.", "segments": [[0, 25.5], [24.87, 67.16], [60.32, 121.88]], "duration": 124.37, "id": 3743}, {"image_id": "v_uIl5Tj74sLw.mp4", "caption": "a girl stands in front of a bathroom mirror and vigorously rubs her face. The girl turns on the faucet. The girl then splashes water on her face several times. The girl wipes her face with a towel.", "segments": [[0, 5.21], [3.28, 12.34], [9.64, 24.11], [22.37, 38.57]], "duration": 38.57, "id": 3744}, {"image_id": "v_e5VrEH2X8LI.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a bearded man talking to the camera and presenting an object to the screen. He uses the tool to push a carpet area over and continues talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 46.5], [46.03, 93.95]], "duration": 93.95, "id": 3745}, {"image_id": "v_GRGBMJG1Koc.mp4", "caption": "Several multi colored and shaped kites fly high in the air above a beach setting interspersed with images of people preparing to fly kites and onlookers. Several kites fly in the air, in a bright blue sky, over a sandy area. A man is seen kneeling over some equipment in the sand. More kites fly as people watch the varied styles of kite, including one kite shaped like a dog.", "segments": [[2.02, 196.78], [10.09, 56.51], [57.52, 125.13], [126.14, 195.77]], "duration": 201.82999999999998, "id": 3746}, {"image_id": "v_otrk9uW9UjU.mp4", "caption": "A lady lays on a yoga mat in a carpeted room and does sit ups while talking. A finger enters the screen. The lady finishes and stops.", "segments": [[0, 95.54], [98.57, 100.09], [100.09, 101.1]], "duration": 101.1, "id": 3747}, {"image_id": "v_BLmAF2wbTz8.mp4", "caption": "A bartender is shown speaking to the camera while pouring ice into a glass and various liquids into a blender. He pours more ice into the blender and mixes up the liquids all together. He pours out the liquid and places a straw into the glass while the camera pans around.", "segments": [[0, 42.5], [42.5, 112.2], [112.2, 169.99]], "duration": 169.99, "id": 3748}, {"image_id": "v_ERVK6vQbor4.mp4", "caption": "A man in a gym is donning a pair of boxing gloves. He begins punching the bag, going around in circles as he does so. He continues punching, then we see a slight view of a man jumping rope.", "segments": [[0, 16.42], [18.88, 146.97], [148.61, 164.21]], "duration": 164.21, "id": 3749}, {"image_id": "v_puwMWETdvL0.mp4", "caption": "We see a black opening logo. A man etches a pumpkin with a knife like tool. The man then carves a logo into the pumpkin. We see the pumpkin with a light inside of it. We then see the same logo as the open.", "segments": [[0, 3.11], [3.11, 24.34], [24.34, 84.94], [84.94, 98.92], [99.96, 103.59]], "duration": 103.59, "id": 3750}, {"image_id": "v_waTjpd7yDkc.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman wearing roller blades kneel facing each other on a basketball court. A dog runs by the man and woman. the man and woman rise together. The man and woman perform a paired roller blade routine. The man and woman finish the routine and move towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.23], [3.93, 10.37], [8.23, 12.16], [12.88, 60.81], [61.88, 71.54]], "duration": 71.53999999999999, "id": 3751}, {"image_id": "v_AElVyfjSHIo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him playing on a set of drums. The man continues speaking to the camera with his hands and moving the sticks while looking around.", "segments": [[0, 60.33], [46.75, 150.81]], "duration": 150.81, "id": 3752}, {"image_id": "v_drfE5oASHaU.mp4", "caption": "The host enters a gun store and dances around. Afterward the into plays for the show. He then goes on to talk for a while in the store and plays around with a gun on a few cuts. Afterward a outro for the segment plays with credits.", "segments": [[0, 10.07], [11.08, 21.14], [22.15, 96.65], [96.65, 104.71]], "duration": 201.36, "id": 3753}, {"image_id": "v_NW42KGlKi_c.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans out away from a beach followed by hundreds of people rowing canoes. The people are seen running along the beach as well as rowing the canoes and a man sitting at a table. The man checks his phone and looks off into the distance and another shot of people canoeing are shown.", "segments": [[0, 20.7], [17.96, 47.18], [52.66, 60.88]], "duration": 60.88, "id": 3754}, {"image_id": "v_nN1u9BVysQs.mp4", "caption": "We see the title on the black screen. We see instruments and the wall with the school name. People are shown warming up. We are then shown Capoeira technique. People are practicing Capoeira moves. The ladies are explaining why they chose Capoeira. We are shown the end card for the website.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [4.23, 11.98], [11.27, 22.54], [21.84, 33.82], [33.82, 77.49], [78.2, 135.26], [135.26, 140.9]], "duration": 140.9, "id": 3755}, {"image_id": "v_78WY5lXk42A.mp4", "caption": "A man spreads a white sheet onto a wall. He then presses a sheet with a photo printed onto it onto the white background. When he is finished, there is a photo of a yellow motorbike parked against a brick wall on a living room wall.", "segments": [[0, 28.76], [39.04, 118.13], [121.22, 205.45]], "duration": 205.45, "id": 3756}, {"image_id": "v_SQiIQDKhnh0.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of an armoire as he talks. There is a close up of the armoire, spanning up its length. The man touches several cracks and chips in the wood, talking about them. Several household items are individually shown on the screen. The man uses the items to scrape, clean, and cover the cracks and scratches. The finished product, free of cracks and scratches, is shown as the man says his final words to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.42], [16.31, 55.91], [56.69, 105.61], [106.39, 122.69], [122.69, 135.9], [136.67, 155.31]], "duration": 155.31, "id": 3757}, {"image_id": "v_Q6tYENILn40.mp4", "caption": "a man is seated at a piano. He starts playing a tune, looking back and forth at the keys as he plays. He stops, turning his head and speaking.", "segments": [[0, 6.94], [7.73, 28.24], [28.56, 31.56]], "duration": 31.56, "id": 3758}, {"image_id": "v_wxoe1M2L4Qo.mp4", "caption": "A camera records a shop with two people standing inside, eventually leading over to a group of people standing by docks. A man walks down the docks while another holds a bucket and the camera pans to a woman talking. The woman puts on a vest and goggles and walks down into a boat. She talks to the camera while adjusting her goggles and is led over to the water wearing a tank. She hops in the water with the man and climbs back into the boat talking to the camera.", "segments": [[6.49, 15.15], [15.15, 49.77], [49.77, 100.62], [100.62, 144.98], [146.06, 209.9]], "duration": 216.39, "id": 3759}, {"image_id": "v_rZ8tVgFyY84.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing surgical clothes demonstrates the proper way to wash hands for surgical procedures and first removes jewelry. The surgeon then wets his hands and ads soap. The surgeon then rubs the palms together and builds a lather. He then rubs back of hand with palm. The surgeon then rubs the back of fingers with hands. He then rubs the thumbs with the palm clasping thumb. Then he rubs the tips of the fingers into palm. Then he rubs the wrists and rinses the hands in wter and fully dries his hands.", "segments": [[0, 24.88], [24.88, 55.05], [55.05, 64.85], [64.1, 73.9], [73.14, 83.7], [83.7, 94.26], [92, 98.03], [100.29, 150.81]], "duration": 150.81, "id": 3760}, {"image_id": "v_RG0wtfLnNrE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting inside a raft and paddling themselves along a rough river. The camera pans all around to people sitting in the raft and continuing to move along and move under a bridge.", "segments": [[0.52, 25.85], [19.84, 50.13]], "duration": 52.22, "id": 3761}, {"image_id": "v_5HEunlL4nF0.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen walking into frame hitting a ball around a room. The girl walks around the room back and fourth while holding a tennis racket and hitting a ball. The girl continues to hit the ball around while the camera watches.", "segments": [[0, 30.23], [20.25, 47.05], [35.52, 60.14]], "duration": 62.32, "id": 3762}, {"image_id": "v_9voJIuym_f8.mp4", "caption": "There are two brown hot dog dogs standing at a gate that's at the end of a staircase.One of the dogs closest to the gate gets the gate open and both of the dogs go running up the stairs at a very fast pace while the camera person runs after them. The dogs are so fast that the camera person can't keep up with them and when they find them, the dogs are trying very hard to get into a bath tub that has water in it.The first dog succeeds in jumping in and starts swimming in the water, and the other dog can't get in and continues to jump and struggle until the camera person puts the dog in the tub and now both dogs are playing and swimming happily in the water.", "segments": [[0, 4.47], [4.47, 13.71], [13.71, 22.35], [22.35, 59.61]], "duration": 59.61, "id": 3763}, {"image_id": "v_T8mTuW85NNo.mp4", "caption": "A tv news anchor reports on a story. A variety of people are shown watching their hands, as the report speaks on germs. A tv news anchor appears.", "segments": [[0, 5.62], [6.42, 31.45], [31.93, 32.09]], "duration": 32.09, "id": 3764}, {"image_id": "v_V2QIntSKqhA.mp4", "caption": "People ride camels through the desert. A person carrying a camera or luggage walks with one of the groups. The first camel group begins walking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 39.73], [14.5, 39.73], [25.03, 39.73]], "duration": 39.73, "id": 3765}, {"image_id": "v_r-GVVgxtoMk.mp4", "caption": "A group of little girls and boys are dressed like princesses and princes. One of the girls begins tapping a pinata with a baseball bat. She taps it over and over again, but doesn't break the pinata.", "segments": [[0, 3.3], [4, 29.37], [30.42, 34.76]], "duration": 34.76, "id": 3766}, {"image_id": "v_TnYCazY5WEM.mp4", "caption": "A group is playing volleyball on a beach. The men volley ball back and forth over the net. One of the players falls on the sand.", "segments": [[0, 4.25], [4.52, 11.94], [12.48, 13.49]], "duration": 13.49, "id": 3767}, {"image_id": "v_C4td7rprQGM.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks on front a hopscotch.Then, the woman hops n the hopscotch while talking. The woman turns when arrives to the end of the hopscotch and continues hopping.", "segments": [[0, 17.77], [17.77, 30.34], [30.62, 54.67]], "duration": 54.67, "id": 3768}, {"image_id": "v_hXjxOvlNxQM.mp4", "caption": "A wrestler picks up another wrestler from the ground. The wrestler lifts him up into the air. Lastly, the wrestler drops him hard onto the floor.", "segments": [[0, 2.07], [2.17, 5.17], [5.31, 7.13]], "duration": 7.13, "id": 3769}, {"image_id": "v_a25vC5zsf6A.mp4", "caption": "A large wheel is spinning nonstop on a stand. We get a close up of the truing stand, and the spokes. The bike wheel is then adjusted and fixed.", "segments": [[0, 30], [31.77, 125.3], [127.95, 176.49]], "duration": 176.49, "id": 3770}, {"image_id": "v_nypZiLC1_Z8.mp4", "caption": "A close up of bicycle handlebars are shown as well as a person adjusting the handlebars. The camera zooms in on the bars and the person pours liquid into the side. The man continues working and ends by putting the handlebars back and riding away.", "segments": [[0, 40.8], [43.11, 116.23], [85.44, 147.79]], "duration": 153.95, "id": 3771}, {"image_id": "v_JGRpVcxltKE.mp4", "caption": "A woman on screen talks about lemonade. She juices her lemons on a cutting board, with a knife and bowl. She strains her juice into a bigger cup. At an oven, she prepares simple sugar with water and sugar. She mixes all of her ingredients in a pitcher to make lemonade. She shows other lemonade recipes.", "segments": [[0, 22.41], [27.59, 65.52], [68.96, 77.58], [86.2, 122.41], [123.27, 147.41], [155.17, 166.37]], "duration": 172.41, "id": 3772}, {"image_id": "v_cJiwi-wB1FY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt lifts a kid onto a counter. The kid starts throwing darts at balloons on the wall. The woman behind the counter hands the boy a toy.", "segments": [[13.92, 18.29], [29.43, 75.95], [77.14, 79.53]], "duration": 79.53, "id": 3773}, {"image_id": "v_S7ktlGGweeA.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen speaking to one another and lead into a game of volleyball played by a large group of people. The people continue playing back and fourth while the audience cheers and stops to speak to one another.", "segments": [[1.83, 56.86], [47.69, 111.27]], "duration": 122.28, "id": 3774}, {"image_id": "v_ZmVy3gSaKv0.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A man dives into a large pool repeatedly. A man sitting on the side middle takes photos while sitting. The sitting man stands and takes photos of the diver. The diver swims to the edge of the pool.", "segments": [[0, 3.7], [3.7, 99.29], [4.23, 84.5], [83.97, 97.71], [99.29, 105.63]], "duration": 105.63, "id": 3775}, {"image_id": "v_fqoEZaCd7hU.mp4", "caption": "A person with no arms is seen sitting in a chair and playing the guitar with his feet. He continues playing while singing along and moving his feet up and down the guitar.", "segments": [[3.19, 37.92], [36.72, 78.23]], "duration": 79.83, "id": 3776}, {"image_id": "v_yrvV4Ncqyf0.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white dress walks into her house all happy only to be very disappointed when she see's the dishes in the sink. She changes out of her dress in to some comfortable clothing and gets in the kitchen ready to do the dishes. She is very childishly blowing bubbles with the soap and dancing around. She dries some of the dishes with a rag and put the rest in the dishwasher, once the dishes are done in the dish washer she takes them out and puts them all away.", "segments": [[0, 22.94], [22.94, 45.87], [45.27, 76.05], [76.05, 120.72]], "duration": 120.72, "id": 3777}, {"image_id": "v_PHIZza_xVog.mp4", "caption": "A woman puts some lotion on her hand. She rubs the lotion onto her face. A cartoon demonstration is shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 11.06], [13.48, 43.22], [43.91, 69.15]], "duration": 69.15, "id": 3778}, {"image_id": "v_WnLYDJ8Jwv8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is shown washing and scrubbing her face several times while speaking into the camera. She finishes by turning on the faucet and rinsing water through her face.", "segments": [[0, 79.25], [96.04, 134.33]], "duration": 134.33, "id": 3779}, {"image_id": "v_LAkaYds-8X0.mp4", "caption": "A young man plays bowling with other man while throwing balls and pins. A ball exit form a container. A man holds a bowling ball on his hands. The young man goes to a room of the bowling facility, they he continues playing.", "segments": [[0, 59.93], [22.55, 24.33], [38.57, 39.76], [61.71, 112.74]], "duration": 118.68, "id": 3780}, {"image_id": "v_w6Avae5on_0.mp4", "caption": "A child is hitting a ball over a net in a gym. A man stands on the other side, lobbing the ball back to him. They continue hitting the ball back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 3.78], [4.54, 25.74], [26.68, 37.85]], "duration": 37.85, "id": 3781}, {"image_id": "v_z0vMpInrDqM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting before a camera and leads into him looking and holding up a contact lens. The person then holds their eye open and putting the lens in followed by looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0.12, 12.41], [8.44, 23.95]], "duration": 24.82, "id": 3782}, {"image_id": "v_-rx6D1uBsUU.mp4", "caption": "There are several workers packing many rafts in a truck to be hauled away. There's a fast flowing turbulent river flowing under a bridge. The scenic mountain view shows clouds blowing in the wind. There are many rafters outside a log cabin packing and getting ready for their rafting trip. The rafters begin their adventure in the wild and turbulent river water as they try to stay afloat. The river waves are so turbulent that it causes the raft to overturn and drown the rafters in the strong waves. The rafters try hard to stay in the raft as they fight the fierce waves of the river to stay afloat. The waves are so strong that it becomes hard for the rafters to in the raft. They are forcefully thrown out in the river as the raft overturns on them. One of the rafters smiles and talks about his experience as he walks back with his fellow rafters.", "segments": [[0, 13.25], [16.56, 24.29], [26.5, 35.34], [32.02, 36.44], [36.44, 206.5], [46.38, 140.25], [59.63, 152.39], [82.82, 160.12], [96.07, 204.29], [207.61, 220.86]], "duration": 220.86, "id": 3783}, {"image_id": "v_XzbvKQ-o5Ow.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting around a gym when a girl runs in and performs a routine on the uneven bars. The girl continues swinging around and ends with her jumping off the side and waving to the audience.", "segments": [[0, 23.3], [19.75, 44.37]], "duration": 44.37, "id": 3784}, {"image_id": "v_oYhVH1vIXFM.mp4", "caption": "This video shows you how to make spaghetti with sausage with a simple tomato sauce. First she puts the sausage on a baking sheet that has aluminum foil on it and she puts it in the oven. Next she pours tomatoes into a small blender and she blends them up. Then she pours crushed red peppers and garlic into the skillet and she pours the tomato sauce into it. Then she stirs it up and takes the sausage out to cut them into tiny pieces and she lets them cook some more. Finally she puts them into the skillet with the pasta and cooks everything together creating a nice meal.", "segments": [[0, 134.42], [41, 42.34], [46.38, 59.15], [63.18, 78.64], [73.26, 98.13], [73.26, 134.42]], "duration": 134.42, "id": 3785}, {"image_id": "v_kGLMybXl5Kk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking into frame and begins bending down in front of a set of weights. The man then lifts the weights up and down over his shoulders while the camera watches form behind. The man walks in and out of frame walking back towards the weights and another man coming into frame to lift.", "segments": [[0, 30.66], [17.93, 85.6], [62.47, 115.68]], "duration": 115.68, "id": 3786}, {"image_id": "v_nEcOF04KK0g.mp4", "caption": "A man stirs shoe shine crafting materials into a jar. He prepares the shoe for shining. He explains his method of shoe shining. The man shines the top of a shoe and finishes by fixing the laces of the shoe.", "segments": [[4.12, 6.93], [7.12, 12.56], [12.74, 15.74], [15.93, 27.17]], "duration": 37.48, "id": 3787}, {"image_id": "v_wWOH-b4PTq4.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting on a beach that leads into several people sitting on sail boats and riding along. The various boats continue riding all along the water with the winner jumping in the water and standing proudly on the podium.", "segments": [[2.96, 74.81], [57.78, 144.44]], "duration": 148.14, "id": 3788}, {"image_id": "v_zdaD55zVNdQ.mp4", "caption": "A man throws a hammer throw in a judged sports performance, outside, on a grass covered field with a group of onlookers on the side lines. A man approaches a square, paved,white surface surrounded by black netting . The man spins in place to gain momentum and releases/throws the hammer ball. Two people emerge with a long tape measure to measure the distance the hammer ball was thrown. The athlete runs off jumping and smiling and chest bumps another player.", "segments": [[0.26, 51.07], [0.26, 7.78], [8.81, 14.78], [17.11, 22.3], [24.63, 51.07]], "duration": 51.85, "id": 3789}, {"image_id": "v_u1ZFiwJJXSQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands talking on a yoga mat in a driveway area. The woman does an aerobic workout stepping back and forth and lifting arms on the mat. The woman jumps back and forth in a doing a more vigorous workout.", "segments": [[0, 24.43], [24.97, 78.17], [79.8, 108.02]], "duration": 108.57, "id": 3790}, {"image_id": "v_yvTmIulkl7c.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is inside a covered porch. She swings a baton at a small pinata. She is blindfolded as she continues to swing again and again.", "segments": [[0, 6.66], [7.86, 20.53], [21.06, 26.66]], "duration": 26.66, "id": 3791}, {"image_id": "v_EfQtRtIFGVo.mp4", "caption": "A woman shows off her nails followed by several clips of nails being painted by a brush. The brush makes several lines on the nails and shows celebrities with fashionable nails. The video speeds up and shows off several different designs for nail polish and examples.", "segments": [[0, 62.95], [61.32, 124.27], [127.54, 163.52]], "duration": 163.52, "id": 3792}, {"image_id": "v_mt3G8TrI-uY.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person's nails are shown followed by a person filing the nails of another. Several products are shown close up as well as a person's nails being painted and put under heat. The person continues painting the nails and puts on a gem in the end.", "segments": [[0, 49.91], [36.86, 119.02], [101.36, 145.9]], "duration": 153.57999999999998, "id": 3793}, {"image_id": "v_r4oAhRg4H14.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see shots of people playing soccer in an indoor arena. We see a man hop and deflect a ball from the net in slow motion. We see two men collide in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 7.97], [8.76, 159.31], [58.95, 66.91], [119.48, 128.25]], "duration": 159.31, "id": 3794}, {"image_id": "v_KoCjfxd302Q.mp4", "caption": "The little boy is at the sink brushing the pot. The boy lift the brush from the pot and brush the sink instead, then he put it in the pot. The boy brushes the lid of the pot, and an adult put plates in the pot and the boy took it out and dip the fork.", "segments": [[0, 18.9], [16.46, 96.34], [93.29, 121.95]], "duration": 121.95, "id": 3795}, {"image_id": "v_FrvK75jGdjE.mp4", "caption": "A child plays a violin on stage during a solo performance. A man watches with interest from the side of the stage. The girl pauses briefly then begins playing again. The girl lowers her violin and wand at the end of the performance.", "segments": [[0, 139.64], [17.54, 23.86], [101.75, 112.98], [137.54, 140.34]], "duration": 140.34, "id": 3796}, {"image_id": "v_xh8qQfCYDBY.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing safety gear holds a metal rod with a clamp. Then, the person weld on a surface. Smoke comes form the clamp.", "segments": [[0, 16.87], [18.13, 39.85], [40.06, 42.17]], "duration": 42.17, "id": 3797}, {"image_id": "v_gc04Okw4DTs.mp4", "caption": "A painting of a cloudy sky over mountains is displayed on a canvas. A brush begins painting blue onto the canvas. A complete image is shown in brilliant colors of a beach before going back to the brush strokes in progress. The ocean is completed in the final scene.", "segments": [[0, 21.29], [24.7, 52.8], [53.65, 110.71], [113.26, 170.32]], "duration": 170.32, "id": 3798}, {"image_id": "v_pleP5-tuJ_Q.mp4", "caption": "An old woman is knitting on a bed. A little girl is sitting on the floor knitting as well. She talks to the camera as she learns to knit.", "segments": [[0, 13.54], [17.11, 103.35], [106.91, 142.55]], "duration": 142.55, "id": 3799}, {"image_id": "v_RnZ-icC6xbQ.mp4", "caption": "A young man is standing in an open doorway with his hands over his head palms facing towards him on a bar secured at the top of the doorway. The young man lifts himself up and places his feet in the gap between the bar and the top of the door frame. The young man lowers his body, extending himself the full length of the doorway, hands behind his head, elbows out. The young man does two sit ups. The camera shows the top of the doorway focusing on the bar and the young man's feet secured at the top of the doorway. The camera returns to the full view of the young man doing sit ups in the doorway. The young man does three more sit ups.", "segments": [[0, 0.6], [0.6, 4.95], [4.95, 7.49], [7.49, 13.04], [13.04, 19.49], [19.78, 20.98], [21.13, 29.98]], "duration": 29.98, "id": 3800}, {"image_id": "v_CE93IieQkAg.mp4", "caption": "A man is driving a riding lawn mower. He starts mowing the lawn on the lawn mower. He raises his hand and continues mowing the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 148], [7.4, 148], [133.2, 148]], "duration": 148.0, "id": 3801}, {"image_id": "v_0A-p1Q0rseE.mp4", "caption": "A mixologist is talking about how to make alcoholic drinks. She talks about the drinks she makes a lot of favorites. She starts with a voda soda and how to make one. The next drink she makes is vodka seven. Then she makes a screwdriver, a greyhound, and then mixed with cranberry juice.", "segments": [[2.05, 15.38], [10.25, 25.12], [23.07, 39.98], [43.57, 64.07], [70.74, 102.52]], "duration": 102.52000000000001, "id": 3802}, {"image_id": "v_spAlIMm8jSg.mp4", "caption": "A woman jumps onto two bars and does a gymnastics routine. The audience is watching her perform. She jumps off the bars and lands on the mat with her hands in the air. A replay of her performance is shown. Words are then shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 84.13], [0, 81.59], [39.02, 40.04], [42.57, 81.08], [85.14, 101.36]], "duration": 101.36, "id": 3803}, {"image_id": "v_JAEMwQqh51c.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed for cold weather is outside in the snow fumbling with a chain in his hands.The chain is then placed around a tree stump and the man picks up an ax.The man hits the stumps continuously until the stump is broken up into pieces and then he unchains it in the back of his truck.", "segments": [[0, 12.23], [12.23, 30.19], [30.96, 76.44]], "duration": 76.44, "id": 3804}, {"image_id": "v_n0Az4cLruf4.mp4", "caption": "A man is inside a gym while speaking to the camera. Other men are working out behind him. He demonstrates via volunteer how to use a rowing machine.", "segments": [[0, 18.56], [23.02, 28.96], [46.04, 148.51]], "duration": 148.52, "id": 3805}, {"image_id": "v_flneQOXwGxw.mp4", "caption": "Men are standing on a field talking. A man kicks another man. That man swings a bat at him.", "segments": [[0, 4.59], [16.62, 17.26], [18.84, 23.11]], "duration": 31.66, "id": 3806}, {"image_id": "v_I5setZ8js9I.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a surfboard in the ocean. He stands up on the board during a wave. He surfs through the wave, weaving in and out.", "segments": [[0, 19.3], [29.51, 89.1], [94.21, 113.5]], "duration": 113.5, "id": 3807}, {"image_id": "v_hjaUbrqPe-w.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in rafts going down a river. A man is standing on the side of a river taking a picture. People are getting out of the raft onto land.", "segments": [[0, 191.15], [192.26, 193.38], [209.03, 223.56]], "duration": 223.56, "id": 3808}, {"image_id": "v_fjGqWAxenL0.mp4", "caption": "A person is welding a metal outside. The person stops welding the metal on the floor. The person moves the welding tool behind.", "segments": [[0, 36.43], [36.63, 36.82], [37.61, 39.17]], "duration": 39.17, "id": 3809}, {"image_id": "v_vZmDiMGYCo0.mp4", "caption": "Two small kids sit in a box at the top of slide in an indoor play area. A little girl joins and plays on the slide. The girls leaves and the boys take turns going down the slide. The boys connect a slide to the first one and try out the new slide. Two kids run over and away. The last boy runs off and we see the slide ladder.", "segments": [[0, 14.74], [14.74, 42.88], [42.88, 58.96], [60.3, 102.51], [102.51, 115.24], [118.59, 134]], "duration": 134.0, "id": 3810}, {"image_id": "v_9d8ttpHu3cc.mp4", "caption": "Two people are kayaking down a rough river. Now only one person can be seen going by the rocks. There is an edge of a porch with a pair of shoes and a pair of legs up on the edge of the porch.", "segments": [[0, 7.48], [7.48, 19.04], [19.04, 23.36]], "duration": 23.36, "id": 3811}, {"image_id": "v_UciHec7xncc.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen speaking to the camera and begins climbing across a set of monkey bars. She makes it to the other side smiling to the camera and then climbs down afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 10.48], [11.21, 18.23]], "duration": 18.23, "id": 3812}, {"image_id": "v_nQM5LT1-ZRU.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in a room talking about a bike. We see a title screen. We then see the man adjusting the handle bar of the bike. The man demonstrates how the levers sit and adjusts the brake levers. The man demonstrates the sitting positions and braking and screws them tight. The man then, and adjusts the shifter lever. We see a recap and the closing scene of the video.", "segments": [[0, 7.62], [7.62, 8.71], [13.07, 63.16], [66.42, 106.71], [119.78, 155.71], [155.71, 190.56], [190.56, 217.78]], "duration": 217.78, "id": 3813}, {"image_id": "v_nwttSIR1qvs.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about how to fix a stinky sink. A man comes onto the screen and explain several days ago about getting the smell out of your sink. He first explain how you can use different chemicals and core them down the drain to get the smell out. Then he shows you how to remove bottom of the sink to clean it out which may help with the smell. The video it's with the closing credits shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.97], [4.97, 190.02], [32.83, 145.25], [145.25, 190.02], [190.02, 198.97]], "duration": 198.97, "id": 3814}, {"image_id": "v_hCFCYe_Jp-k.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a gray shirt and black tights and very short hair performing tricks with a small stick in her backyard by the swing. She is juggling between two sticks in her hand and trying to catch one stick while throwing the other in the air.", "segments": [[41.11, 84.69], [84.69, 94.6]], "duration": 99.06, "id": 3815}, {"image_id": "v_9AzESzqOtb0.mp4", "caption": "A man runs down a track outside. He is holding a long javelin. He pole vaults over a bar. He does the same thing again indoors.", "segments": [[0, 9.87], [0, 12.59], [8.16, 19.05], [22.11, 53.75]], "duration": 68.03999999999999, "id": 3816}, {"image_id": "v_hY73M6hJqgU.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen beating eggs and mixing them into a bowl while separating the shells from the eggs.They mix the eggs around a bowl and place butter and milk into another bowl and mix them all together. They add several more ingredients to the mixture and show the end result of cookies sitting on a plate.", "segments": [[0, 31.73], [32.72, 108.09], [108.09, 198.32]], "duration": 198.32, "id": 3817}, {"image_id": "v_4efxBizoKyQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is close up to the camera introducing the video. His wife is cleaning off a piece of white bedframe quickly. The man again shows his face and goes back to his wife.", "segments": [[0, 3.76], [4.3, 21.49], [22.7, 26.87]], "duration": 26.87, "id": 3818}, {"image_id": "v_hWZ3B28_fAs.mp4", "caption": "The leads into a man playing a long guitar in front of a home while moving his fingers up and down. The man continues playing and the video leads out to text above his head.", "segments": [[0, 103.47], [59.49, 103.47]], "duration": 103.47, "id": 3819}, {"image_id": "v_VvbWwNDHJf4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen wearing roller blades and looking back to the camera. She attempts to ride around while another person beside her tries to help. Another person is seen holding sticks in the distance and walking towards the camera.", "segments": [[1.24, 46.42], [39.61, 92.84], [85.41, 118.83]], "duration": 123.79, "id": 3820}, {"image_id": "v_tI87cD7sv-Y.mp4", "caption": "A teen talks, then he takes off a contact lens from the right eye. Then, teen puts the contact lens on the index finger and then puts again it in his right aye. After, the teen continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 13.46], [13.95, 22.82], [22.98, 32.83]], "duration": 32.83, "id": 3821}, {"image_id": "v_sxZTPWMnyFY.mp4", "caption": "A person putting weights on is shown followed by a woman lifting weights on her back. She puts the weights down and another woman is shown lifting a heavy set of weights. Several more people are shown performing their lifting talents and ends with a logo of the gym shown.", "segments": [[0, 19.85], [20.84, 43.66], [44.65, 198.46]], "duration": 198.46, "id": 3822}, {"image_id": "v_Ai6RYjJ97Zg.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks, then she puts slices of bread on a hot baking pan on the stove. Then, the woman puts cream cheese on the bread and cooks meat. When the meat is done, the woman puts sauerkraut and cheese on top, then cover it and make sandwiches.", "segments": [[0, 38.55], [39.59, 103.14], [104.18, 208.37]], "duration": 208.37, "id": 3823}, {"image_id": "v_kVzojOj5_Zg.mp4", "caption": "A volleyball instructor is giving information about his volleyball skills in salt lake city. He plays with another instructor on the court. He just talks and talks for a while about all about it. You see the the volley ball net and then the coach continues to talk.", "segments": [[0, 7.96], [7.58, 18.19], [18.19, 40.93], [40.93, 75.03]], "duration": 75.78999999999999, "id": 3824}, {"image_id": "v_OSjsVUg_wXA.mp4", "caption": "A marching band plays in a stadium while the cheerleaders perform on side. A team of football players gather behind the marching band. A cheerleader pass behind the marching band. The cheerleaders in the bleachers perform with pom poms. Then, the cheerleaders next to the band performs jumping and moving around.", "segments": [[2.7, 108.07], [6.48, 41.07], [13.51, 17.29], [70.78, 74.03], [87.53, 92.4]], "duration": 108.07, "id": 3825}, {"image_id": "v_zGT6EplIOHY.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. People kick a ball indoor between yellow cones on fake grass. A player kicks a ball over a guy's head. Players kick a ball that knocks down a yellow cone which they pick up.", "segments": [[0.82, 9.87], [5.76, 162.07], [10.69, 13.16], [130.81, 155.49]], "duration": 164.54, "id": 3826}, {"image_id": "v_Tssba1kYoo4.mp4", "caption": "A person sits holding a laptop while a woman curls her hair. The woman takes a lock of hair and puts above the head, then she curls the hair with a curling iron.", "segments": [[0, 22.47], [22.47, 140.41]], "duration": 140.41, "id": 3827}, {"image_id": "v_B0enQXEBfKk.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman set up to dance before an audience. The man and woman dance before the audience. The camera shows three judges of the event standing and clapping or pointing.", "segments": [[0, 10.46], [10.46, 98.6], [98.1, 99.59]], "duration": 99.59, "id": 3828}, {"image_id": "v_nhky9RGjzwc.mp4", "caption": "Two women are arm wrestling on a table. A woman in a referee uniform is standing behind them. One of the girls walks away.", "segments": [[0, 25.01], [0.81, 25.01], [26.22, 26.89]], "duration": 26.89, "id": 3829}, {"image_id": "v_O36pn7cHNVc.mp4", "caption": "A group of elderly people are meeting in a park. They talk and do yoga together. They perform several yoga moves with the help of an instructor. They then say goodbye and go on their way.", "segments": [[0, 21.59], [21.59, 74.99], [77.27, 198.85], [204.53, 227.25]], "duration": 227.25, "id": 3830}, {"image_id": "v_ZKo1lM6TJTY.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast holds a ball attached with a string and then spins holding the ball. Then, the gymnast throw the ball while spinning in the field.", "segments": [[0, 8.66], [8.72, 12.03]], "duration": 12.03, "id": 3831}, {"image_id": "v_fsoAdigH0X4.mp4", "caption": "A man is mowing the lawn. He looks up and speaks to someone.The man continues to mow the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 2.61], [2.61, 6.57], [6.24, 16.69]], "duration": 16.86, "id": 3832}, {"image_id": "v_-2dxp-mv2zo.mp4", "caption": "A female chef in white uniform shows a stack of baking pans in a large kitchen presenting them. The pans are filled with pastries and loaded into the oven. A knife is used to cut cylinder shaped dough into rounds. A tray of potatoes is loaded into the oven and removed. A large tray of cake is flipped over and placed on counter. A large tray of meat is prepared then it is removed from the oven by a helper when done. The woman chef stands behind the stack of tins and picks one up.", "segments": [[3.16, 30.35], [30.98, 37.3], [37.3, 51.21], [51.21, 62.6], [63.86, 69.55], [70.82, 91.05], [91.68, 121.4]], "duration": 126.46, "id": 3833}, {"image_id": "v_HF_a81qOmVQ.mp4", "caption": "The man in yellow shirt is bouncing the ball on the paddle. The player almost hit the ball with the paddle. Two player as pushing each other.", "segments": [[0, 10.86], [5.27, 20.41], [17.12, 52.67]], "duration": 65.84, "id": 3834}, {"image_id": "v_ZXm8ed-ZHRs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking in the middle of a large gymnasium and leads into several different gymnasts performing one after the another on uneven bars. The gymnasts continue to move all around the bars and ends with one girl going over and over and everyone waving in the end.", "segments": [[2.54, 88.84], [65.15, 159.07]], "duration": 169.23, "id": 3835}, {"image_id": "v_PVJK-r4pNg8.mp4", "caption": "We see a smiling man with credits running on the screen. We see an instructional screen. We see two men playing a game of squash. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 12.47], [13.23, 20.41], [21.93, 61.62], [62.75, 75.61]], "duration": 75.61, "id": 3836}, {"image_id": "v_pn1XDTlNMso.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen speaking to the camera and lead into rubbing down furniture as well as showing off polish. The women continue speaking as they show off how the polish works as well as the scenery in the area and another woman speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.7, 88.09], [52.85, 133.19]], "duration": 140.95, "id": 3837}, {"image_id": "v_h3uTJ7HknzA.mp4", "caption": "A person dance and flips Capoeira while a band play music. Then, a woman talks with the man, after the man dance in group with other people. After, the man dance in group and with a partner, then all say bye.", "segments": [[0, 1.67], [1.67, 23.37], [23.37, 65.93]], "duration": 83.45, "id": 3838}, {"image_id": "v_hwP4uLVR-uc.mp4", "caption": "A band is on stage and a girl with a trumpet and boy beating the drums are playing. They have a little duet while the saxophones int he bank are paused. The trumpet player walks over and picks up a bell. Then it's just the drummer banging on the drums.", "segments": [[0, 16.54], [15.99, 43.57], [43.57, 72.24], [72.79, 110.3]], "duration": 110.3, "id": 3839}, {"image_id": "v_QMFtjdg6d2A.mp4", "caption": "A man in a green shirt is waving a red towel. A brown bull knocks a person to the ground. People are standing on the sides watching.", "segments": [[0, 9.13], [9.55, 10.82], [9.55, 42.45]], "duration": 42.45, "id": 3840}, {"image_id": "v_0MyaFtXcTKI.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen wandering around a playground while the camera follows closely behind. The boy plays with several other kids on the playground and is seen climbing around the sides and going down the slide. More clips are shown of the kids playing with one another and laughing to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 46.85], [32.69, 156.91], [154.73, 215.75]], "duration": 217.93, "id": 3841}, {"image_id": "v_sFQ343Qq4TE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking away from the camera and begins an exercise routine while speaking to the camera. The man moves up and down a bar while swinging his arms around and walks to the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 32.68], [46.91, 105.42]], "duration": 105.42, "id": 3842}, {"image_id": "v_HtZ0bvriAvQ.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast wearing a red and black uniform jumps on the horse bar. She comes running again and jumps on the horse bar and does a front flip. The the third time she jumps again on the horse bar and raises her left foot, does a front flip and gets off the bar. She repeats the same steps again and jumps off the horse bar.", "segments": [[2.58, 21.91], [21.91, 43.49], [43.49, 58.96], [58.96, 64.44]], "duration": 64.44, "id": 3843}, {"image_id": "v_EVcn8N-YxtI.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen performing tango moves slowly while text appears on the screen. The woman then does the same moves by herself while the man and woman's silhouette is shown beside them. Then the man performs his moves alone and leads into the couple performing again.", "segments": [[0, 29.78], [29.78, 102.49], [102.49, 175.2]], "duration": 175.2, "id": 3844}, {"image_id": "v_fppEk17hs8M.mp4", "caption": "A team is on the ice, playing a game of hockey. They slide around, hitting the puck and trying to keep it away from their opponents. The goalie attemps to keep the puck from going into the goal.", "segments": [[0, 7.74], [8.29, 32.24], [33.72, 36.85]], "duration": 36.85, "id": 3845}, {"image_id": "v_bqBJ1tcHCHk.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into various pictures of horse tools and a woman speaking to the camera holding a brush. She then brushes the horse's mane thoroughly while still looking to the camera and speaking.", "segments": [[0, 18.2], [19.41, 80.88]], "duration": 80.88, "id": 3846}, {"image_id": "v_mrqSaH_FIcs.mp4", "caption": "A man talks with a saleswoman who trims a plant in a pot, then the man put away the plant. After, the man puts a bush on front the saleswoman who trim it while the man points the plant and talks with the woman.", "segments": [[8.13, 66.2], [67.36, 220.68]], "duration": 232.29, "id": 3847}, {"image_id": "v_-PbWrGLuHT8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a board along the water with a kite on top. More clips are shown of the person riding back and fourth on the board. The person continues to ride the board along the water.", "segments": [[0, 13.81], [13.28, 35.6], [35.6, 51]], "duration": 53.13, "id": 3848}, {"image_id": "v_c8GFfLcwFrE.mp4", "caption": "A man is surfing on a large wave in the water. The water and the sky is red. Several people are surfing on the water.", "segments": [[0, 52.08], [52.69, 56.37], [57.6, 122.55]], "duration": 122.55, "id": 3849}, {"image_id": "v_BSl22Hx2WGM.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of close ups of cheerleaders leading into clips of them performing tricks and flips with one another. The video continues with many shots of the cheerleaders performing together in slow motion and doing tricks with one another.", "segments": [[0, 105.7], [80.26, 192.81]], "duration": 195.75, "id": 3850}, {"image_id": "v_2cYfV33Qw4Y.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera as people begin going down a man made white water river on kayaks. The people get slightly stuck, then unstuck as they go down small waterfalls. A woman falls out, and is pulled back in by another person. We then see several images of people in kayaks on the rapids.", "segments": [[0, 30.6], [31.43, 57.9], [62.03, 129.85], [149.7, 165.42]], "duration": 165.42000000000002, "id": 3851}, {"image_id": "v_vWULU8NttX8.mp4", "caption": "A group of bike riders are seen standing ready side by side with one another and speaking to a man in front. The camera continues to pan around the riders getting ready and finally jumping down and racing along the dirt path.", "segments": [[4.08, 53.1], [49.6, 115.54]], "duration": 116.7, "id": 3852}, {"image_id": "v_6dc-fQCzOiw.mp4", "caption": "A person talks in the street, then the person skateboard on the road. Then, the person kicks the skateboard back. After the person jumps off it and the skateboard slides on the road. Next , the person practice skateboard dragging a foot, after the person use the grass to do tricks.", "segments": [[0.87, 24.4], [24.4, 48.8], [48.8, 97.6], [97.6, 167.32]], "duration": 174.29, "id": 3853}, {"image_id": "v_K7oJNZsI1Cc.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a big room holding an \u00e9p\u00e9e and aman walks in and holds other \u00e9p\u00e9e and start fighting with the woman. kids enters in a room and run to the man and woman. man gives a black mask to the woman and wear it.", "segments": [[0, 163.39], [98.85, 163.39], [151.95, 163.39]], "duration": 163.39, "id": 3854}, {"image_id": "v_Ocvdvqvu7I8.mp4", "caption": "A child in a stable brushing a horse hair. the child walks away from the horse while speaking to get a bottle of liquid then returns to brushing the horse hair.", "segments": [[0, 64.18], [64.18, 114.61]], "duration": 114.61, "id": 3855}, {"image_id": "v_NuSM8LfLR90.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on a person performing a routine on a large stage spinning a baton into the air. The person continues the routine and ends with a split and the audience applauding.", "segments": [[0, 71.3], [68.06, 162.05]], "duration": 162.05, "id": 3856}, {"image_id": "v__akwfjIbsUA.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen standing on top of a slide and edging his way down. The boy rides all down the slide and the camera follows him walking around afterwards.", "segments": [[0.66, 13.37], [10.49, 25.43]], "duration": 26.22, "id": 3857}, {"image_id": "v_ZDlw4L7oNfs.mp4", "caption": "Two people are chilling out on their skateboards. They fix some of the parts and then go skating around.", "segments": [[0, 25.19], [22.11, 122.86]], "duration": 122.86, "id": 3858}, {"image_id": "v_PV6OCwbp6nQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is speaking to her class about jump roping. She puts the rope under her feet and starts demonstrating a little bit. She begins to jump rope going very quickly. She stops and continue to talk more before starting to jump again.", "segments": [[0, 25.75], [25.75, 69.45], [69.45, 91.61], [91.61, 119.75]], "duration": 119.75, "id": 3859}, {"image_id": "v_xxvBR4zdV48.mp4", "caption": "A man in the tuxedo starts explaining black jack. A dealer deals cards to four players. Several close ups of cards are shown. The man in the tuxedo continues to explain the rules of blackjack.", "segments": [[7.82, 30.55], [33.4, 49.03], [51.87, 61.82], [70.34, 110.13]], "duration": 142.11, "id": 3860}, {"image_id": "v_BHQasKzBDQU.mp4", "caption": "two women are standing no a table arm wrestling in the middle of stage. referee wearing black and white shirt is standing behind the girls. two hot women are arm wrestling on a table and referees are standing in front or sitting in the back. women are in a bar arm wrestling and a lot of people are around them watching them.", "segments": [[2.37, 26.99], [2.37, 26.52], [26.52, 56.83], [56.83, 94.72]], "duration": 94.72, "id": 3861}, {"image_id": "v_EwoxOKwqUPI.mp4", "caption": "A woman plays a game of beer pong with a short man dressed as a leprechaun. A DJ plays spins a pair of turntables on stage for the crowd. The woman scores a shot and celebrates. The two players hug each other and raise the woman's arm in victory.", "segments": [[0, 111.63], [33.42, 133.67], [109.49, 115.18], [116.6, 142.2]], "duration": 142.2, "id": 3862}, {"image_id": "v_fTQYGNJpSUk.mp4", "caption": "An animated new paper clipping is shown and the video consists of a bunch of letters in black block letters giving the title.Shortly after, a young female begins talking while and throws down a curling object.The young woman then walks over to a male dressed in all black and begins asking him questions about the game.While they are talking, a game is being played and the two watches them.After,the man begins teaching her various techniques used in the game and they begin to glide across the floor.Once they are finished,the woman comes back to the camera and begins talking about the sport.", "segments": [[0, 6.38], [6.38, 21.86], [21.86, 42.82], [42.82, 64.68], [64.68, 136.66], [136.66, 182.21]], "duration": 182.21, "id": 3863}, {"image_id": "v_tkQK_2celDY.mp4", "caption": "A gray dog is walking outdoors, and the owner is young white male who is walking along with the dog outdoors and talking to the camera.A screen appears that displays two logos in the middel and the text above the logos read \"BEHIND THE SCENES\" and under the logo words read \"PRESENTED BY:GEICO\".A man is now dressed in protective gear and he is joined by many others who are dressed the same and clips of them playing paintball guns in an open area and on a course.A man is now standing on a very high platform looking down at a large group of people, and the words \"COMIC-CON SAN DIEGO CA\" are at the bottom right, and the man jumps onto a very large air mattress, he gets up and begins running along a very long obstacle course requiring him to do various different things and the view is from a camera that his is wearing around his neck.He completes the obstacle course and an outro screen appears with 3 small different video screens playing over the main screen and the top words on the screen say \"PRESENTED BY GEICO\".", "segments": [[0, 55.96], [55.96, 60.03], [60.03, 124.13], [124.13, 189.25], [189.25, 203.5]], "duration": 203.5, "id": 3864}, {"image_id": "v_S2MHi_oC3Lg.mp4", "caption": "A girl is shown talking to the camera and showing various paints. She zooms in on products she owns and puts paint on a pallet. She dabs a brush in the paint and begins painting her nails. She performs several different styles on the nails and several pictures of finished nails.", "segments": [[0, 18.47], [20.64, 48.89], [49.98, 94.52], [95.61, 211.86]], "duration": 217.29, "id": 3865}, {"image_id": "v_-EKpX0t44pQ.mp4", "caption": "A wrestler is walking out and gets into the ring. Someone is laying on their stomach getting a tattoo on their back. A man in a red shirt is tattooing the man laying down. The wrestler is shown again.", "segments": [[0, 16.6], [17.93, 97.62], [33.87, 97.62], [98.95, 132.82]], "duration": 132.82, "id": 3866}, {"image_id": "v_vX0fg06e9co.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen bending down to take a sip of water and leads into her spinning a hula hoop around herself. The woman continues spinning the hula hoop around while grabbing several more and performing tricks in the city center.", "segments": [[2.93, 93.81], [53.75, 179.81]], "duration": 195.44, "id": 3867}, {"image_id": "v_n2sTs3k9G-U.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen hanging up a bicycle wheel and speaking to the camera. He begins adjusting the bike and unscrewing the settings on the back. He then puts on a pair of training wheels and showing how it moves.", "segments": [[0, 48.76], [33.4, 94.18], [76.81, 124.23]], "duration": 133.59, "id": 3868}, {"image_id": "v_qp9OcGPufEc.mp4", "caption": "A dog is seen running around a man in the middle of an open field. The man performs tricks with the dog while the dog jumps on his back. He continues to roam around with the dog performing tricks with the dog and frisbee.", "segments": [[0, 48.29], [34.36, 140.23], [118.87, 182.95]], "duration": 185.74, "id": 3869}, {"image_id": "v_4_3m_-SGzXw.mp4", "caption": "graphic about how to do digital wallpaper is shown. man is in a room with a digital paper machine and the machine is printing a sign. men are sticking the wallpaper to a white wall.", "segments": [[0, 53.7], [53.7, 98.17], [98.17, 167.81]], "duration": 167.81, "id": 3870}, {"image_id": "v__0mR06FcftE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is doing a tutorial on how to clean a kitchen sink with baking soda, a toothbrush and cloth rag. She first takes some baking soda on the rag and scrubs it on the sink. Then she takes the toothbrush and dips it in the baking soda. she brushes the toothbrush on the sink edges to clean it. She turns on the tap and washes the baking soda off of the sink. Then she takes some vinegar on the wash cloth and wipes the sink down with it.", "segments": [[13.7, 29.26], [29.26, 51.67], [51.67, 78.44], [78.44, 89.02], [89.02, 113.3], [113.3, 117.04]], "duration": 124.51, "id": 3871}, {"image_id": "v_pPn5f_ked3s.mp4", "caption": "A woman clapping in the sidelines, cheering someone on. Coaches standing on the other side of the fence watching to rate. The runner runs down the turf super fast. He jumps at the end and lands smoothly into the sand, while one of the coaches pulls a string over.", "segments": [[0, 1.62], [1.57, 4.27], [4.22, 6.04], [6.43, 9.82]], "duration": 9.82, "id": 3872}, {"image_id": "v_vZzl0RbIQPM.mp4", "caption": "The host greets the video and introduces her recipe. The ingredients list appears and the host talks about them. The host begins to make the drink by starting a syrup. Next lemons are sliced on a cutting board. The many lemons are juiced one by one. The host fills the container with ice and pours in the liquid ingredients, followed by basil and lemon slices. The host decorates some straws and finishes her drink.", "segments": [[0, 14.28], [16.96, 39.27], [42.84, 67.84], [71.41, 82.12], [83.9, 99.08], [101.75, 132.99], [148.17, 178.52]], "duration": 178.52, "id": 3873}, {"image_id": "v_7EEpIeXhO54.mp4", "caption": "A large pool is seen followed by a person walking in and falling off a board. Another person is seen walking off a diving board and jumping into the water. Several more clips are shown of people attempting to dive in the water but failing.", "segments": [[2.1, 46.99], [35.77, 101.7], [67.33, 138.17]], "duration": 140.27, "id": 3874}, {"image_id": "v_wlAnWPxnQ8k.mp4", "caption": "girlwearnig a purple body is in fornt of a balance pole and make a jump to stands on top. the girl is doing gymnastics on top of balance beam. people in the stands around the court are watching the kid doing gymnastics. the girl make a big somersault and lands on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 5.13], [0, 82.49], [0, 93.21], [82.49, 93.21]], "duration": 93.21000000000001, "id": 3875}, {"image_id": "v_LvkqCFRC5Vk.mp4", "caption": " A man in a brown suit is talking. People are running around on a field playing lacrosse.", "segments": [[7.02, 9.95], [7.02, 117.05]], "duration": 117.05, "id": 3876}, {"image_id": "v_KfX3APC8lp4.mp4", "caption": "A woman comes onto the screen kneeling down holding a stick. She begins to stretch deeper into the position while holding the stick for balance. She stops right before the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 1.82], [1.82, 14.31], [14.31, 15.81]], "duration": 15.81, "id": 3877}, {"image_id": "v_Cdmd9VB8tJI.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown washing a dog with a water hose in a backyard with several flowers. The camera pans around the wet dog as the man continues to wash him and he shakes off. He pours more shampoo on the dog and rubs the shampoo into it's fur.", "segments": [[0, 57.03], [2.66, 26.3], [24.52, 57.91]], "duration": 59.1, "id": 3878}, {"image_id": "v_SHzmpIt0Euw.mp4", "caption": "Man begins to rip up carpet underlay. He measures the slat to put between the door opening. Then he places materials underneath the carpet underlay. He puts a wooden slat in the door entrance. He picks the slat up. He cuts the slat. He lays the slat down again. He drills it into place. He then lays his hands on the top of the slat.", "segments": [[26.89, 28.68], [34.95, 36.75], [43.92, 50.19], [73.49, 76.18], [91.42, 95], [101.28, 103.07], [114.72, 118.3], [135.33, 147.88], [166.7, 169.39]], "duration": 179.25, "id": 3879}, {"image_id": "v_9tks__Y0mqI.mp4", "caption": "A lady is feeding a baby ice cream in a car. The lady hands the ice cream to the lady next to her and feed the baby something else. The baby reaches for the food. The baby reaches for the food again. The lady wipes the babies face and stands her up. We see the ladies talking.", "segments": [[0, 71.66], [75.76, 164.83], [98.28, 102.38], [119.78, 127.97], [161.76, 186.33], [186.33, 204.75]], "duration": 204.75, "id": 3880}, {"image_id": "v_YS3Q47uz3HI.mp4", "caption": "There's a lady doing a tutorial on how to make a cotton soft Ogura cake. She begins by mixing the ingredients in a large bowl placed on her kitchen counter. She adds some eggs to the flour along with vanilla essence. Then she uses a hand mixer to blend the ingredients together. She then whips up some cream and sugar to make frosting. She adds the frosting to the cake batter and mixes it well. Then she pours the mixture in a baking bowl. She places the bowl in a cookie sheet and places it on the oven rack. She bakes the cake and pulls it out when it's done. She also shows some other baked goodies that she has prepared.", "segments": [[13.58, 28.76], [28.76, 47.93], [47.93, 61.51], [61.51, 79.89], [79.89, 94.27], [94.27, 106.25], [106.25, 119.03], [119.03, 131.02], [131.02, 142.2], [142.2, 149.39]], "duration": 159.78, "id": 3881}, {"image_id": "v_beejEQ04nkY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen hosting a news segment that leads into a clip of a dog jumping. People are shown doing tricks with their dogs and running all across a field. More clips are shown of people throwing frisbees and dogs following after.", "segments": [[0.31, 7.73], [7.58, 20.72], [15.77, 29.38]], "duration": 30.93, "id": 3882}, {"image_id": "v_k-071peyck4.mp4", "caption": "Several people are outdoors, washing laundry in open basins. The women use a pump to bring in water into the basins.", "segments": [[0, 19.79], [23.22, 40.38]], "duration": 40.38, "id": 3883}, {"image_id": "v_dxvKVBrNMDw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding a hula hoop and then proceeds to spin the object around her. She continues hula hooping over and over again and leads into pictures of people hula hooping in the end.", "segments": [[13.52, 64.06], [57.01, 105.2]], "duration": 117.53999999999999, "id": 3884}, {"image_id": "v_WVJEFQpO5jg.mp4", "caption": "A man lifts a ball in the air and holds it against his neck and throws the ball far. The man holds the ball against his neck and twists his back and throws it. The man grabs the ball and takes a big step behind him and throws the ball. The man twists his body a few times as he holds the ball against his neck. The man does a 90 degree move around as he holds the ball against his neck. The man holds the ball against his neck as he does a full 180 degree rotation with his body. He pretends to hold the ball as he rotates his body into a 270 degree movement.", "segments": [[14.36, 27.7], [36.93, 41.03], [49.24, 68.73], [87.2, 105.66], [114.9, 148.75], [155.93, 174.4], [182.6, 196.97]], "duration": 205.17000000000002, "id": 3885}, {"image_id": "v_SpwOzrXw9JU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him holding several objects out on a table. The man then sharpens an object on a board and finishes by brushing off the board.", "segments": [[7.64, 87.39], [61.94, 156.97]], "duration": 169.69, "id": 3886}, {"image_id": "v_YqB7UEdhKug.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing up playing a saxophone. A band is playing behind him. Blue and white words come onto the screen.", "segments": [[6.84, 71.45], [23.56, 25.46], [71.45, 76.01]], "duration": 76.01, "id": 3887}, {"image_id": "v_CteuM2BUmHo.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening screen on gray. We then see a man on discs smoothing a concrete floor. The man removes concrete from his trowel. The man uses his hand to remove concrete. We then see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 3.71], [3.71, 100.7], [26.5, 30.74], [62.01, 66.78], [102.82, 106]], "duration": 106.0, "id": 3888}, {"image_id": "v_o00AfbAIOlA.mp4", "caption": "The boy is opening the box. He then removes the bike. He is removing the packaging. He is assembling the bike. We see images of the bike. The Subscribe page shows up.", "segments": [[0, 5.09], [5.09, 13.74], [13.74, 46.32], [46.32, 78.89], [79.4, 87.04], [87.55, 101.8]], "duration": 101.8, "id": 3889}, {"image_id": "v_pMXz0BKQOLQ.mp4", "caption": "A food attendant prepares an ice cream cone from a frozen yogurt dispenser. The man happily watches his ice cream being prepared. The man enjoys is ice cream eating it as fast as he can. The man rubs his head and is relieved.", "segments": [[15.5, 40.3], [9.3, 44.43], [48.56, 171.53], [177.73, 182.89]], "duration": 206.66, "id": 3890}, {"image_id": "v_5iIlhXLDsf8.mp4", "caption": "A man is speaking inside a gym. He lies on the ground to do sit ups, talking about the mechanics of the act. The man demonstrates how to do sit ups over and over again.", "segments": [[0, 9.8], [15.3, 74.08], [80.81, 122.44]], "duration": 122.44, "id": 3891}, {"image_id": "v_nSsll1A6Gxw.mp4", "caption": "A woman with long hair is seen sitting behind a piano and speaking to the camera. She places her hands around the piano and begins playing a song. She continues playing the instrument and pauses to speak to the camera a bit. She plays some more and ends with her still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 34.01], [32.88, 96.37], [95.24, 179.14], [172.33, 226.76]], "duration": 226.76, "id": 3892}, {"image_id": "v_c8ntlBKuVmc.mp4", "caption": "A bench is shown in a backyard in front of bushes. A man is using a ladder to trim the hedges. He moves the bench, and walks around with the ladder, continuing to trim hedges.", "segments": [[0, 13.57], [20, 87.85], [88.57, 142.85]], "duration": 142.85, "id": 3893}, {"image_id": "v_0Qed9-9yp9Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen hopping over bars as well as throwing an object in different locations. The men is then seen lifting weights as well as throwing the object around more and walking away from the camera. He continues practicing by throwing the object around and the camera following his movements.", "segments": [[0, 47.17], [47.17, 164.56], [147.79, 206.49]], "duration": 209.63, "id": 3894}, {"image_id": "v_aZQWCEejbk8.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks up to a slide, sits down, then goes down the slide. She walks back to do it again.", "segments": [[0, 17.7], [18.46, 21.85]], "duration": 21.85, "id": 3895}, {"image_id": "v_K1EW6wZDnOs.mp4", "caption": "A small horse is outside in a field being held by a rope that is attached to a belt wrapped around the horse's neck.The person with the rope in his hand has a torch like item in his right hand but it appears to only have air in it and begins moving it back and forth across the horses face and mouth.However,the horse doesn't seem to please and begins moving his lip trying to avoid the treatment.", "segments": [[0, 17.42], [17.42, 40.18], [40.18, 56.19]], "duration": 56.19, "id": 3896}, {"image_id": "v_l9jSJaV0DA0.mp4", "caption": "A boy demonstrates how to ride a skateboard in the street through example. A boy stands, outdoors, holding a skateboard in his arms and then puts the board down and begins to step on it. The boy then stands on the board rocking back and forth on it. The boy then exhibits upper body twists while standing on the skateboard and eventually pushes off and rides into the street on the skateboard.The boy then returns to the curbside and puts one foot on the board and the other on the ground as he stands still.", "segments": [[0.99, 197.6], [0.99, 22.72], [23.71, 114.61], [89.91, 146.23], [145.24, 192.66]], "duration": 197.6, "id": 3897}, {"image_id": "v_BIy2GQjWUsA.mp4", "caption": "We see a rubber glove on the floor. A person cuts the glove in half and puts a hole in the end. The person puts the glove on a dog with it's claw sticking through the hole. A person shows a clipping tool. The person then sands the dogs claw with an electric sander.", "segments": [[0, 2.14], [2.14, 27.31], [29.18, 31.06], [31.06, 36.68], [48.19, 53.55]], "duration": 53.55, "id": 3898}, {"image_id": "v_yUSo_xjyGhM.mp4", "caption": "Two young boys are at a sink. One of the boys has no hands. He is washing the dishes. The other boy helps him clean.", "segments": [[0, 120.05], [6.6, 120.05], [13.21, 120.05], [23.41, 120.05]], "duration": 120.05, "id": 3899}, {"image_id": "v_4qstg-tiRvQ.mp4", "caption": "Cheerleaders stand in a gym in the group. the girls then perform a routine. The girls break into three groups and the two on the sides kneel while the middle group squats. They kneel and throw their hands in the air at the finish.", "segments": [[0, 3.9], [4.26, 22.6], [9.7, 13.25], [22.01, 23.54]], "duration": 23.66, "id": 3900}, {"image_id": "v_9wukG78Z0u8.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling inside a gym. He has a barbell resting on his shoulders as he hops up. He stands fully, then drops the weights.", "segments": [[0, 6.01], [10.73, 35.2], [36.05, 85.85]], "duration": 85.85, "id": 3901}, {"image_id": "v_DfiPwDSjjHE.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a pink shirt is talking. She picks up a clear box and opens it. She closes the box and puts it away. She picks up a large stuffed animal. She then picks up a small red bag. She picks up some different fabrics and ribbons.", "segments": [[0, 203.06], [31.47, 45.69], [72.09, 81.22], [86.3, 103.56], [102.54, 127.93], [130.97, 203.06]], "duration": 203.06, "id": 3902}, {"image_id": "v_j4YrzUjxAp8.mp4", "caption": "Vacuum parts are displayed on the floor. A person vacuums the carpet. A person wets and vacuums the carpet. A person vacuums or soaks up coffee from the carpet. A person scrubs and dries a tiled floor with a vacuum. A person empties the contents of the vacuum in a white sink. Ways a vacuum can be used are showed in split screens.", "segments": [[0, 6.35], [6.73, 13.08], [13.85, 17.89], [18.08, 20.78], [21.16, 28.47], [28.66, 30.78], [30.97, 38.48]], "duration": 38.48, "id": 3903}, {"image_id": "v_5MJmwr1cmnU.mp4", "caption": "A large wave is seen moving on the water followed by several people carrying surf boards and surfing along the water. The people continue riding along the water on surf boards and walking around on the beach.", "segments": [[3.11, 71.47], [55.31, 122.43]], "duration": 124.3, "id": 3904}, {"image_id": "v_hXrNCak63u0.mp4", "caption": "A robot is sitting behind a piano in a room. Its hands are lighting up no the piano keys.", "segments": [[0, 80.23], [10.75, 80.23]], "duration": 82.71000000000001, "id": 3905}, {"image_id": "v_2DvMNOas7jY.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding down a long street on a skateboard while the camera follows from behind. The person continues riding down the hill with the camera capturing scenery and cars as well as placing his hand on the boarder in front of him. In the end he passes by the boarder and makes a stop by the car.", "segments": [[0, 41.7], [32.34, 154.9], [152.34, 170.22]], "duration": 170.22, "id": 3906}, {"image_id": "v_g-l5CI29DPQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl is playing hopscotch on a back porch. A person is sitting down on a picnic table watching them. The other person gets up and starts playing.", "segments": [[0, 86.48], [0, 85.34], [87.63, 114.55]], "duration": 114.55, "id": 3907}, {"image_id": "v_bQa8S4Z-1cE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen pulling items out of a box and present them to the camera. The man then rubs down a shoe with a rag and presents more items to the camera as it pans around.", "segments": [[0, 16.67], [16.23, 43.86]], "duration": 43.86, "id": 3908}, {"image_id": "v_Wgr9YpWni30.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen tying their shoes and leads into several shots of people jumping and moving around on rope. Several shots of landscapes are shown as well as more people attempting jumps and tricks on a long rope tied to trees.", "segments": [[0, 75.38], [58.17, 163.86]], "duration": 163.86, "id": 3909}, {"image_id": "v_nsdB1r31-70.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a little a boy are swinging on a tire swing. A person pushing a stroller is behind them. The boy turns away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 73.05], [5.11, 18.26], [71.95, 73.05]], "duration": 73.05, "id": 3910}, {"image_id": "v_xYW64moSLKg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is under water and she gracefully come up from underneath. She later is swimming with tom and jerry very pretty and oddly.Then a she is hanging from a hoop up above and jumps down into the water. She does a lot of different shows involving her dancing and swimming around in the water.", "segments": [[0, 37.95], [37.95, 81.22], [81.22, 110.82], [110.82, 151.81]], "duration": 151.81, "id": 3911}, {"image_id": "v_Xueo66Jb8T4.mp4", "caption": "A white screen appears with a black brand name that say's \"THE SHINGLE HOG\" and it has a picture of a hog in the o of the word HOG.A quick picture of a red and black tool is shown, then a man is talking and clips of people removing shingles play in between moments shown when the man talks. The tool is now shown on its own and the brand and logo is displayed on the screen to the upper right.Now there are clips of people on the roof using the tool to remove shingles and once again the man appears talking in between clips. A black screen appears and it has a list with a lot of white words on it and the title is \"Shingle Hog Savings\".The man talking and the clips of the man using the shingle machine play until a white outro screen appears that include the brand name, logo, product info and website.", "segments": [[0, 9.92], [9.92, 62], [62, 66.13], [66.13, 122.34], [122.34, 128.96], [128.96, 165.33]], "duration": 165.32999999999998, "id": 3912}, {"image_id": "v_WVM8itzRVjs.mp4", "caption": "Four men in sports uniforms are shown along with information about AIB. The first man introduces himself. The second man introduces himself. the third man introduces himself. Finally, the fourth man introduces himself. The first man is then shown practicing by trying to hit targets on the wall. The second man to introduce himself takes a turn trying to hit the targets on the wall. The man wearing white shorts then tries the practice wall out. And finally the man with red hair gives it a try. The first man to practice gives a comment on his performance. The last man to practice with red hair talks. Info about the AIB and the upcoming game are shown.", "segments": [[0, 15.85], [16.38, 17.44], [17.97, 19.55], [20.08, 21.14], [21.67, 25.37], [25.9, 41.75], [42.28, 58.13], [59.19, 71.35], [72.93, 85.61], [86.14, 89.31], [89.84, 95.13], [95.66, 105.7]], "duration": 105.7, "id": 3913}, {"image_id": "v_MjHlAvy2qVY.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting on a beach with several putting sunscreen all over their bodies. Shots of scientists are shown making the sun screen while interacting with one another and speaking to the camera. Finally a man is seen packing up a fish in a shop.", "segments": [[0, 49.86], [24.03, 105.72], [107.53, 120.14]], "duration": 120.14, "id": 3914}, {"image_id": "v_1fyxOUEihAQ.mp4", "caption": "kid is holding a blower and is blowing leaves from the street. the kid walks in a sidewalk and cleans the dry leaves with the blower and a man help him.old man is holding a rake raking the dry leaves.", "segments": [[0, 34.1], [34.1, 109.99], [36.3, 109.99]], "duration": 109.99000000000001, "id": 3915}, {"image_id": "v_pc_QYeZG9GA.mp4", "caption": "a little boy is in a messy living room. He is using an electric toothbrush. He scrubs his teeth with the toothbrush while he smiles.", "segments": [[0, 3.38], [4.25, 14.38], [16.01, 21.78]], "duration": 21.78, "id": 3916}, {"image_id": "v_pcFn1KBwn6Y.mp4", "caption": "A man in a light blue shirt breaks the pool balls to start the game. He walks around the table looking for a good spot to hit. Then he moves around the table again and makes it in again.He finally hits the black ball in and ends the game.", "segments": [[0, 18.81], [17.99, 58.89], [58.89, 109.6], [109.6, 163.59]], "duration": 163.59, "id": 3917}, {"image_id": "v_9uitA8tmSfE.mp4", "caption": "A woman jumps into a pool. A woman is holding a large camera laughing. Several more women dive off diving boards into the water.", "segments": [[0, 21.7], [39.26, 41.33], [56.82, 206.63]], "duration": 206.63, "id": 3918}, {"image_id": "v_Sw4QZTF7sOI.mp4", "caption": "A chef speaks to the camera. She moves on to cut a lot of mushrooms. She moves around the mushrooms she just cut up.", "segments": [[0, 13.28], [13.67, 56.22], [56.61, 78.09]], "duration": 78.09, "id": 3919}, {"image_id": "v_rNQbSptv1cM.mp4", "caption": "We see the starting title card. A cheerleader jumps and a boy walks up and talks. We see the girl perform cheerleader jumps and arm maneuvers. We see her feet up close. The girl stretches by bending to the ground, and sits on the ground stretching. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.26], [3.99, 61.64], [17.77, 32.63], [34.45, 37.71], [42.42, 50.76], [62, 72.52]], "duration": 72.52, "id": 3920}, {"image_id": "v_ICzctKJ6nqc.mp4", "caption": "The young woman with long blonde hair is showing her wrist that has a few scars from a surgery. Then she takes a neon green colored hula hoop and spins it around her body. She demonstrates how to effectively use the hula hoop by holding the hoop up towards her chest. Then she begins spinning with the hoop on her chest. She shows how to spin the hoop and rotate the hoop around her body without dropping it down. She continues showing how to properly rotate and spin the the hoop with her hands lowered next to her body. Then she stops and twirls the hoop in her hand.", "segments": [[17.79, 48.15], [48.15, 84.79], [84.79, 125.61], [125.61, 148.64], [148.64, 167.48], [167.48, 187.37], [187.37, 195.74]], "duration": 209.35, "id": 3921}, {"image_id": "v_-vPshfXc1fc.mp4", "caption": "A man is welding a circular metal piece. A green light appears out of no where. The man continues welding the circular metal piece.", "segments": [[0, 12.21], [12.44, 19.95], [21.36, 46.95]], "duration": 46.95, "id": 3922}, {"image_id": "v_a2Xwx37YbhE.mp4", "caption": "A black and white dog is at a dog park and the owner is bending down and moving in front of the dog as it watches him. The owner then walks more into the grass holding onto frisbees and is not only joined by the black and white dog but another dog that is brown and white.The man begins to throw the frisbees in the air and the dogs take turn catching them and doing tricks to get them that even include jumping on the man's back.", "segments": [[0, 3.95], [3.95, 10.96], [10.96, 43.84]], "duration": 43.84, "id": 3923}, {"image_id": "v_Paj9y9YMSg0.mp4", "caption": "People are riding horses in a field. They are playing polo on horses. A person standing on the sidelines waves a white flag.", "segments": [[0, 91.53], [1.83, 91.53], [71.85, 74.6]], "duration": 91.53, "id": 3924}, {"image_id": "v_j59UZGZtuNg.mp4", "caption": "Two girls walk up to a pool, ready to dive. One of them raises her arms into the air, then dives into the water before surfacing.", "segments": [[0, 7.55], [7.69, 13.49]], "duration": 13.49, "id": 3925}, {"image_id": "v_SWbUJh4XuMQ.mp4", "caption": "A welding tool is applied to a surface. A guy that is holding a welding tool is wearing a helmet. Two gloved hands are using a welding gun and stick on an object.", "segments": [[6.27, 72.99], [18.8, 19.91], [25.07, 27.28]], "duration": 73.72, "id": 3926}, {"image_id": "v_8d8juWOKb0c.mp4", "caption": "A man is dressed in dark medieval armor. Several instances of men dressed in different kinds of armor and holding various shields are showing jousting against one another. Ultimately, the man with the round shield is defeated when he tumbles to the ground and stabbed in the back. The winner now jousts against a man carrying a blue diamond shaped shield. They joust several times but the man with the blue shield is defeated when he is hit in the head and chest and falls on his back onto the other warrior's knees. A close up of the surviving warrior is shown, clearly satisfied with his victories.", "segments": [[3.14, 7.85], [9.42, 86.4], [86.4, 99.75], [100.53, 128.02], [128.81, 146.87], [147.66, 157.08]], "duration": 157.07999999999998, "id": 3927}, {"image_id": "v_7DY1vm9RiIk.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a title sequence and logo. Several clips begin playing of volleyball fields with spectators. The first clip shows the players celebrating. The video moves on to members of a band. It then continues to show clips of men playing volleyball. The video ends with a closeup of the audience and a title sequence.", "segments": [[0, 4.93], [4.93, 197.28], [4.93, 17.75], [18.74, 38.47], [45.37, 147.96], [148.94, 197.28]], "duration": 197.28, "id": 3928}, {"image_id": "v_gRqvh21b8Hw.mp4", "caption": "People begin to dive into an empty pool and you see them underneath the water. Then, above from the dive board two swimmers are standing by and one of them dives in. A group of kids holding the camera film themselves diving in and doing cool tricks and flips into the pool. From very high above they record their view from the top to the water and the swim once they're in.", "segments": [[0, 14.07], [19.54, 59.41], [59.41, 105.53], [105.53, 156.34]], "duration": 156.34, "id": 3929}, {"image_id": "v_ZbAfEWdGBzQ.mp4", "caption": "Two wrestling women are fighting in a ring. They do a suplex, and the referee counts to three as the dark haired woman wins.", "segments": [[0, 8], [9.4, 12.8]], "duration": 12.8, "id": 3930}, {"image_id": "v_06ofnvq2Hjs.mp4", "caption": "We see images which were shot around DC. We see a man talking and shots of skateboards as people assemble in a room. We see Tony Hawk who points to other people. We see people skateboarding in the street, and around DC. We see a skater named Shaun Gregoirie. A lady holds up a USA Flag and talks. We see a cop car on the street. We see Anthony Shetler sitting and talking before skating on the street. A man jumps stairs and falls. We see the ending credits for the video.", "segments": [[0, 5.09], [5.09, 28.49], [27.47, 34.6], [41.72, 192.31], [56.98, 64.1], [75.3, 78.35], [92.59, 96.66], [99.72, 111.93], [147.54, 151.61], [194.34, 203.5]], "duration": 203.5, "id": 3931}, {"image_id": "v_Pf8eE_zup_k.mp4", "caption": "A hand fills a cup with water. A woman puts two glasses on the counter. The woman puts beer and orange juice in a big glass, then she pours liquor in the small glass. After, the woman puts the small glass inside the big glass.", "segments": [[0, 3.46], [5.97, 17.91], [17.91, 49.32], [49.32, 58.12]], "duration": 62.83, "id": 3932}, {"image_id": "v_M4DcibAnW_E.mp4", "caption": "A large wave is shown followed by a person standing up on a surf board. The person is shown surfing all along the water while the camera films from behind. The man continues surfing and paddles himself towards a boat.", "segments": [[0.85, 25.92], [27.62, 63.74], [62.04, 81.59]], "duration": 84.99, "id": 3933}, {"image_id": "v_32-Bxdbf3mQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt drives an orange tractor around the lawn. A dog runs around the yard. A woman drives the orange tractor.", "segments": [[0, 19.48], [1.42, 3.01], [19.65, 35.41]], "duration": 35.41, "id": 3934}, {"image_id": "v_UiK3kYsvvQ8.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen walking on stage and lead into them performing a belly dancing routine. The women dance all around the stage while lights flash around them. The women continue to dance around one another and end by laughing with one another.", "segments": [[0, 40.28], [41.37, 132.8], [130.63, 207.91]], "duration": 217.71, "id": 3935}, {"image_id": "v_DJNmAoSQu6k.mp4", "caption": "A news woman is talking to a camera. She has a conversation with a man who is also a newscaster. Images of hand molds are shown in the background.", "segments": [[0, 17.75], [28.1, 93.92], [99.84, 147.91]], "duration": 147.91, "id": 3936}, {"image_id": "v_XP5Oqr1giQ4.mp4", "caption": "A man is bull fighting =, he has a pink sheet and is running away backwards from the bull that is coming toward him. There are three men now and one of them gets completely trampled by the bull. Then about six more men stand in a line messing with the bull. It's very dangerous messing with a bull and teasing him, these people can seriously get hurt.", "segments": [[0, 50.56], [50.56, 82.8], [82.06, 114.3], [114.3, 146.54]], "duration": 146.54, "id": 3937}, {"image_id": "v_6YtaXJJKUKM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while a small fooseball table sits before her. The woman continues speaking as she spins around the game occasionally and leads into her playing with another girl.", "segments": [[0.59, 22.62], [20.27, 56.98]], "duration": 58.75, "id": 3938}, {"image_id": "v_C3K-OgdK8FY.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing sunglasses inside a building. We see a group of people in the building as they dance aerobically. They shake in unison, going back and forth and side to side.", "segments": [[0, 25.06], [29.88, 112.76], [118.54, 192.75]], "duration": 192.75, "id": 3939}, {"image_id": "v_jsfPXYQuikQ.mp4", "caption": "A boy is balanced on the end of a diving board. He dives, flipping backwards as he goes. He lands gracefully in the water.", "segments": [[0, 5.76], [7.2, 29.2], [32.28, 41.12]], "duration": 41.12, "id": 3940}, {"image_id": "v_Z7BPvGPizYE.mp4", "caption": "A man uses a course brush and hand towel to prepare the ski to be worked on while it sits on a rack. The man melts a wax bar across the ski surface with an iron then uses it to blend in the wax. A man sharpens a flat edge then scrapes the outer layer of wax from the skis surface. The man uses a course brush then a towel to finish preparing the skis surface.", "segments": [[1.71, 12.85], [18.85, 84.81], [89.95, 155.06], [157.63, 170.48]], "duration": 171.34, "id": 3941}, {"image_id": "v_74HRnmwIhfM.mp4", "caption": "A plate of creamy cabonara is shown and the ingredients appear in small clear dishes.Salt is then added to a pan and the spaghetti begins to boil.A bit of oil is then placed in a skillet and Canadian bacon and onions are being fried.Next,more ingredients are added with pasta and egg yolks.Finally,the sauce is done and all of the ingredients are compiled and cheese is added to the dish as it is positioned on the plate.After,more entrees are shown and the screen ends on the url of Ulampinoy's website.", "segments": [[0, 35.27], [35.27, 62], [62, 136.82], [136.82, 179.58], [179.58, 212.72], [212.72, 213.79]], "duration": 213.79, "id": 3942}, {"image_id": "v_G7zChU3ma0M.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of a lane with his legs spread apart, and then another man goes to roll a bowling ball between his legs and he does so, but he accidentally hits his fist into the man's private parts and they both begin to laugh.A blue screen appears and text on the screen appears and say's \"Bowling Fails FailCorporation\".Various clips of various different people falling while trying to roll the ball, laughing, and even accidentally throwing the ball into the ceiling plays.A blue screen appears with logos, and text that say \"FailCorporation Subscribe Next video\" appear.", "segments": [[0, 2.8], [2.8, 9.02], [9.02, 51.96], [51.96, 62.23]], "duration": 62.23, "id": 3943}, {"image_id": "v_Bs3OMhhUlY4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of boys are seen standing on the edge of a pool and grab one another by the sides. The boys then all jump into the pool together at once with some looking at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.43], [6.07, 15.19]], "duration": 15.19, "id": 3944}, {"image_id": "v_GLsIq3P-J3A.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while the camera pans out to a card table and the man dealing cards. The man lays out several cards while flipping over more and pointing to objects laid out on the table.", "segments": [[0, 53.43], [27.88, 92.93]], "duration": 92.93, "id": 3945}, {"image_id": "v_PG-AK5fawJI.mp4", "caption": "A TV presenter and an actress are putting googles to play rock, paper and scissors pie on front a pie with white cream. After playing a while, the woman turn a handle that raise the pie that lands on the face of the actress. Then, the pie lands for the second time on the face of the actress, as well on the face of the TV presenter. The TV presenter stands holding ducks on both hands, then he pretends eats the duck on the right hand.", "segments": [[0, 204.27], [54.55, 148.56], [148.56, 203.11], [203.11, 232.13]], "duration": 232.13, "id": 3946}, {"image_id": "v_c8LevTVQ5nk.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen opening up presents with another's help and various shots of him playing a drum he received. The mother is interviewed and shows more shots of the boy playing several different instruments. It finally shows the boy grown up and ends with information for a movie trailer.", "segments": [[0, 18.4], [18.04, 50.86], [52.31, 72.15]], "duration": 72.15, "id": 3947}, {"image_id": "v_nTNkGOtp7aQ.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a trampoline and make a vig somersault into the pool. two men are sitting in the first floor of the trampoline watching the jump. man get outs the pool, grab a towel and dry his face. people are walking around the pool carrying bags.", "segments": [[0, 19.07], [0, 32.93], [26.52, 34.67], [0.35, 34.67]], "duration": 34.67, "id": 3948}, {"image_id": "v_zc-RT9tpoBA.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting inside a room. He is talking to the camera animatedly. He is talking about and demonstrating how to play a harmonica.", "segments": [[0, 34.99], [42.65, 88.57], [94.04, 218.7]], "duration": 218.7, "id": 3949}, {"image_id": "v_WXQol1TisqE.mp4", "caption": "Several walking or horseriding individuals walk by the foreground while the camera focuses on a group of people in the background. A gate opens and a horseriding man chases a cow. The man lassos and secures the cow. Others run up to help with the cow.", "segments": [[0, 17.27], [17.57, 27.87], [27.56, 54.22], [54.83, 60.58]], "duration": 60.58, "id": 3950}, {"image_id": "v_Zq9jr2S5wGM.mp4", "caption": "A woman in white and gray shirt is talking, then a glass and pitcher of lemonade with straw is shown. Two lemons is in small bowl, then the blonde woman talks in the camera, a hand cut the lemon, squeeze the lemon in the bowl, pour the lemon in the pitcher using a strainer. The woman talks then the pot is placed in the stove, added water, then added the sugar, added the zest of lemon and mixed the pot, the woman added yellow liquid in the pitcher, added the ice and sliced lemons and pour the juice in the glass.", "segments": [[0, 18.17], [16.71, 65.4], [29.07, 145.33]], "duration": 145.32999999999998, "id": 3951}, {"image_id": "v_dXSlCw8AXv0.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding along the water on a surfboard as well as others speaking to one another. A man is seen speaking to the camera as well as more clips of people riding on the water. More people speak to one another as well as into the camera and end by riding away on the boards.", "segments": [[0, 46.39], [41.23, 149.47], [143.29, 204.11]], "duration": 206.17000000000002, "id": 3952}, {"image_id": "v_-DaX_1bBNAo.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a bra is standing in a room. She throws a dart across the room. A man with a hat stands next to her.", "segments": [[0, 20.24], [3.2, 16.24], [20.58, 22.87]], "duration": 22.87, "id": 3953}, {"image_id": "v_cgfJnog1WLE.mp4", "caption": "A young lady with broad shoulders and pig tails approaches a stage in prepares her mind.The lady cracks her knuckles and then bends down and tries to lift the weights.Too much weight is on the bar and the girls ends up twisting her arm in a circle,drops the bar and cries out in agony.Another girl then walks up and lifts the bar half way,realizes shes incapable and drops it.After she walks off she brushes her self off and attempts again and raises it over her head,drops it, and walks away congratulating herself.A screen of scores are then shown and a different girl attempts the weight.The second young lady comes back and does the same thing as well as the female who came after her.The girl comes back but realizes the weight is too heavy and gives up lifting it.However,the original girl comes back and continues to lift more and more weight with ease until the last time,she then bows and they walk up to an Olympic stage and receive their metal.", "segments": [[0, 7.37], [7.37, 35.01], [35.93, 65.41], [65.41, 105.94], [105.02, 124.37], [85.68, 124.37], [124.37, 137.27], [137.27, 148.32], [148.32, 184.25]], "duration": 184.25, "id": 3954}, {"image_id": "v_LZ-Cy0GqCiU.mp4", "caption": "A photo is zoomed in on of a man being gored by a bull. A bull charges a man and knocks him around until people come out and distract him. It cuts to the man again being charged by the bull. He gets knocked around again until people come out to distract the bull. He is carried off out of the ring. Once again the bull charges the man and knocks him down. People come out and distract the bull. He is carried out for a last time.", "segments": [[0, 4.81], [4.81, 21.63], [21.63, 23.07], [23.55, 35.56], [35.56, 57.67], [57.67, 68.25], [68.25, 77.86], [77.86, 96.12]], "duration": 96.12, "id": 3955}, {"image_id": "v_l_cjSGt5j40.mp4", "caption": "An older man is seen sitting on a log in a public space in front of a piano. The man then plays the piano while the camera captures him playing. The man sings to the camera while continuing to play and the camera moving around his movements.", "segments": [[0, 82.91], [60.8, 152.56], [126.03, 212.26]], "duration": 221.1, "id": 3956}, {"image_id": "v_Mh-qSztuLtE.mp4", "caption": "A huge crowd is gathered outside. They are all performing an exercise dance known as zumba.", "segments": [[0, 9.8], [10.03, 23.34]], "duration": 23.34, "id": 3957}, {"image_id": "v_LZ4dINjqX5U.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing with his arms a up and begins performing a gymnastics routine. He spins himself round and round on the bar performing several flips and tricks and ends with him sticking his arms up into the air.", "segments": [[0, 24.32], [23.09, 49.13]], "duration": 49.13, "id": 3958}, {"image_id": "v_Xd_xJnlUHm0.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is talking to the camera in his bedroom. He removes things from drawers, like lip gloss and puts it on for the camera. He applies messy makeup and poses for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 26.83], [27.75, 136.91], [139.69, 185.02]], "duration": 185.02, "id": 3959}, {"image_id": "v_I5YCAQXHoFw.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a beach showing water crashing on the waves. A person is then seen wearing gloves and painting down an arm chair. The person continues painting down the chair and showing it off in the end.", "segments": [[0, 29.85], [31.57, 87.82], [86.67, 110.78]], "duration": 114.8, "id": 3960}, {"image_id": "v_jcX2QAiqP9U.mp4", "caption": "Kids are shown in side of a gym playing indoor soccer. One of the kids makes a great move to get around a defender and almost scores. He is then shown scoring on a different occasion before the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 2.22], [2.09, 17.23], [17.5, 26.11]], "duration": 26.11, "id": 3961}, {"image_id": "v_v5O_Yfeqza4.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him throwing darts onto a board. He holds his hands up in excitement as the camera zooms in on the darts.", "segments": [[0, 13.03], [15.58, 31.79]], "duration": 31.79, "id": 3962}, {"image_id": "v_7AkyOhKkT6g.mp4", "caption": " Mj's mommy is playing around with her hair smoothing it out. She goes to the bathroom with clips in her hair and gets out treatments and shampoos. She begins to apply the hair things to her hair and combing it out, she starts to part her hair and put in curlers. She begins to talk about what she is doing with her hair while she waits to take out the curlers, when she takes them out her hair is perfectly curled.", "segments": [[0, 19.97], [19.01, 67.5], [67.5, 125.5], [125.5, 188.25]], "duration": 190.15, "id": 3963}, {"image_id": "v_-tvhSol-wTs.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen talking to the camera while holding a tennis racket and begins demonstrating how to hit the ball. The man continues to speak and hit the ball while moving around the gym and gesturing to the camera.", "segments": [[3.78, 61.15], [52.33, 112.85]], "duration": 126.09, "id": 3964}, {"image_id": "v_LublNVXGH5I.mp4", "caption": "A man points to and picks up a pressurized spray can to display it. The man then picks up a roll of paper towels. The man shakes the pressurized spray can. The man sprays the window where the stain is and wipes the area with a paper towel. sprays the glass cleaner on the middle of the window in multiple spots and wipes them off.", "segments": [[0, 42.34], [45.6, 49.94], [66.22, 73.82], [74.91, 99.88], [106.39, 207.36]], "duration": 217.13, "id": 3965}, {"image_id": "v_1YGz5CQBflM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen blowing a kiss as well as taking off his jacket and interacting with another man. The man prepares his arm as the other grabs his hand and he pretends to kick his head. More people step up to arm wrestle this man while food is being shown and the loser gets food all over him.", "segments": [[1.65, 23.89], [27.18, 62.19], [56.43, 79.9]], "duration": 82.38, "id": 3966}, {"image_id": "v_fI12XNNqldA.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen kneeling before a plant sitting on the ground and speaking to one another. The men continue to move dirt around the plant and end by standing next to the tree and pulling roots away and dumping more soil around it.", "segments": [[8.84, 127.07], [64.09, 204.41]], "duration": 220.99, "id": 3967}, {"image_id": "v_xFqGY-y4OUg.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a pool room. A man and woman enter the room, grabbing cues. They engage in a game of pool together, hitting the balls into the pockets.", "segments": [[0, 35.48], [43.89, 149.4], [152.2, 186.75]], "duration": 186.75, "id": 3968}, {"image_id": "v_9i7ABIB99Ow.mp4", "caption": "Step by step instructions to make creamy pasta, first putting the pasta into boiling water and stirring it. Then in another pan adding sausage and onions and stirring it all together. Adding tomatoes and heavy cream to make it pasty. Finally adding the pasta to it, along with some cheese and parsley flakes and mixing it all together.", "segments": [[0, 37.68], [37.68, 81.36], [81.36, 112.2], [112.2, 167.87]], "duration": 171.29, "id": 3969}, {"image_id": "v_7hDCO9fJb90.mp4", "caption": "A man stands next to a young girl dressed in a gymnastic outfit in a gym and talks to the camera. The man then coaches the girl on the gym bars in a gymnastic practice session as the girl swings on the bars in a gym filled with other children practicing gymnastics. The man then closes standing next to the girl again and talking into the camera.", "segments": [[9.08, 18.72], [19.85, 102.11], [103.24, 108.35]], "duration": 113.45, "id": 3970}, {"image_id": "v_srR0M_HL3Ao.mp4", "caption": "A person surfboard in the choppy water of the ocean. A woman stands on front a swimming pool talking, then a slide show of pictures and a man talking in an event is shown. Then, the prince Harry of England sits in an event while people dance and perform. After, people play polo in a field riding horse an throwing a ball with a pole, also the woman and the man talks.", "segments": [[6.96, 9.28], [11.6, 59.55], [60.32, 107.49], [107.49, 140.75]], "duration": 154.67000000000002, "id": 3971}, {"image_id": "v_n_CMnVD7kCg.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of people performing impressive gymnastics flips in a large gymnasium. The people continuously perform flips and tricks onto the mats with some being shown in slow motion and in pictures.", "segments": [[3.65, 61.25], [41.57, 131.26]], "duration": 145.85, "id": 3972}, {"image_id": "v_6d9z33GFEGo.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a wine glass and talking. He takes a drink of the wine and sets the glass down. He shows bottles that are sitting on a counter. He pours oil into a pan on a stove. He adds seasonings to the pan. He stirs a pot that is on the stove. He takes a scoop of what's in the pot and adds it to the pan. He begins to stir the pasta that is in the pan. He scoops the pasta out of the pan onto a plate. He picks up his wine glass again.", "segments": [[0, 12.43], [12.43, 18.24], [23.21, 29.84], [33.99, 56.37], [56.37, 75.43], [79.58, 88.7], [88.7, 106.94], [108.59, 144.24], [142.58, 153.36], [161.65, 165.79]], "duration": 165.79, "id": 3973}, {"image_id": "v_f4983HmCNiM.mp4", "caption": "A group of dirt bikers are waiting on a ramp. They take off when it opens, going around in circles on the track, racing each other. Some fall off their bikes. They make it through the finish line, ending the race.", "segments": [[0, 24.54], [27.54, 82.61], [85, 105.36], [110.15, 119.72]], "duration": 119.72, "id": 3974}, {"image_id": "v_HjVQNiy4uuw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding on a long river with another person riding behind. The camera transitions into several people riding in tubes and pushing themselves down a river.", "segments": [[0, 4.24], [4.47, 23.55]], "duration": 23.55, "id": 3975}, {"image_id": "v_DzCVpvVJCo8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen laying down on a table while a man wearing gloves holds scissors to her belly button. He then pierces the girl's stomach and she sits up and walks away in the end smiling.", "segments": [[0, 23.89], [21.6, 50.83]], "duration": 50.83, "id": 3976}, {"image_id": "v_cp4n_xpbBDs.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears and the white words on it read \"Rob Lane is the MillionaireMaintenance Man\". A man wearing glasses appears outdoors in front of a fence and he's holding an air brush machine and talking. The man then turns around and walks to the fence and begins airbrushing onto it.The man stops airbrushing and starts talking again while hand motioning to the fence and to this airbrush machine.", "segments": [[0, 4.07], [4.07, 11.81], [11.81, 59.85], [59.85, 81.43]], "duration": 81.43, "id": 3977}, {"image_id": "v_oijpI0s_R04.mp4", "caption": "The colorful title screen is seen. Two people in a room dance slowly to the back. A title screen loads and we see the man dance alone. We see a title and the lady in the green room dancing alone. A title loads and we see the man's feet as he dances. A title loads and we see the ladies feet as she dances.", "segments": [[0, 5.11], [5.11, 46.83], [47.68, 84.3], [85.15, 117.5], [118.36, 146.45], [146.45, 170.3]], "duration": 170.3, "id": 3978}, {"image_id": "v_aXm3sPITCKM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while brushing his hair and looking around a bathroom. The man continues brushing his hair and begins playing with his facial hair. The man points the camera around his head showing off his hair and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[1.81, 75.05], [66.01, 139.25], [103.98, 177.22]], "duration": 180.84, "id": 3979}, {"image_id": "v_X5gh32tHdsc.mp4", "caption": "Men are playing indoor tennis inside a building while soccer is on the tv in the background. They hit the ball back and forth for a while. Other men in the room occasionally look up.", "segments": [[0, 26.22], [28.61, 124.75], [126.34, 158.92]], "duration": 158.92000000000002, "id": 3980}, {"image_id": "v_Mo9-1cuMVtQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a newscaster in a studio talking. We then see a soccer game indoors. A man talks in front of the camera and we see the crowd. We see the game in progress. The man talks again and we see the game again. The man talks one more time and we return to the game. We see the newscaster in the studio again.", "segments": [[0, 12.39], [12.39, 42.43], [42.9, 49.1], [49.58, 61.5], [61.97, 83.42], [83.9, 94.87], [94.39, 95.34]], "duration": 95.34, "id": 3981}, {"image_id": "v_nOvrsb0XyGk.mp4", "caption": "We see a number of men throwing darts and a woman keeping score. The man grabs the darts off the board and walks away. Another man shoots, grabs his darts and goes. A third guy shoots darts and goes. The fourth guy shoots and goes. the first guy returns for another chance. the second guy goes again. the third guy plays again. The fourth guy takes his turn. And we see them repeat.", "segments": [[0, 135.42], [10.83, 17.6], [18.28, 31.82], [31.82, 42.66], [46.04, 59.58], [59.58, 72.45], [73.8, 85.31], [85.31, 94.12], [94.79, 107.66], [111.04, 135.42]], "duration": 135.42, "id": 3982}, {"image_id": "v_ERcMdKNF_pc.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast prepares to mount a beam. He mounts, then spins and flips several times. He dismounts, raising his arms into the air.", "segments": [[0, 3.81], [4.62, 28.51], [31.72, 40.15]], "duration": 40.15, "id": 3983}, {"image_id": "v_mpj1rR1wXKU.mp4", "caption": "We see a couple of opening screens. We see a man in a blue shirt bowling talking in a bowling alley. The man picks purple ball from the dispenser and talks to the camera. The man holds the ball out then we see him putting his fingers in the ball and talks to the camera. The man puts the ball down and grabs another, then another and talks. We then see the man roll the ball down the aisle.", "segments": [[0, 2.94], [2.94, 60.7], [19.58, 29.37], [66.58, 136.09], [137.07, 186.02], [187, 195.81]], "duration": 195.81, "id": 3984}, {"image_id": "v_PN99KIY7jRY.mp4", "caption": "A man serves a tennis ball with his racket. He brings the racket down to his side.", "segments": [[0, 4.57], [4.72, 5.13]], "duration": 5.13, "id": 3985}, {"image_id": "v_3tfGg2rVv6o.mp4", "caption": "little girl is doing gymnastics in the middle of the court holding batons. pictures of woman are shown.", "segments": [[0, 134.78], [134.78, 187.2]], "duration": 187.2, "id": 3986}, {"image_id": "v_0pGXfomqurw.mp4", "caption": "woman wearing sport clothing is climbing stairs and talking to the camera. woman is in gym talking on the camera and with other man while a woman is making exercise in an orbitrek.", "segments": [[0, 39.95], [39.17, 156.67]], "duration": 156.67000000000002, "id": 3987}, {"image_id": "v_Jtlvh2w1aUM.mp4", "caption": "A person blows leaf off of a lawn and walkway using a leaf blower. The person begins by pointing the leaf blower towards leaves around a bush and near grass. The person blows leaves out of a tight corner and then progresses to a walkway. The person blows leaves from a walkway and across a lawn.", "segments": [[0.39, 78.16], [3.93, 17.67], [15.32, 69.91], [39.67, 76.59]], "duration": 78.55, "id": 3988}, {"image_id": "v_XxbuqeqOGaM.mp4", "caption": "A chef in the kitchen wearing a chef hat is giving instructions on how to sharpen a knife. He brings the knife to a sharpener and begins slowly to demonstrate. He picks up the sharpening tool and talks about what he will do next and begins to sharpen again. Then he shows all of the pieces that come with the kit and talks about it all.", "segments": [[0, 15.14], [15.57, 47.14], [47.57, 66.6], [66.6, 86.5]], "duration": 86.5, "id": 3989}, {"image_id": "v_U-mwyUsNOMU.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen kneeling down next to a hole of ice and reeling in a fish. The person continues reeling in on the rod while the camera zooms in on the hole. Finally the person grabs the fish and presents it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 79.89], [72.72, 169], [142.37, 199.73]], "duration": 204.85, "id": 3990}, {"image_id": "v_WUcjqCvYfQ0.mp4", "caption": "A couple is sitting outside talking. They go in the house and gather supplies for shaving, which are listed on the screen. The woman lathers the man up, Then shaves his beard and mustache using a beaver boar brush and razor. She then rinses him clean, and applies aftershave. He is then shown giving her a shoulder rub.", "segments": [[0, 15.81], [18.06, 37.63], [38.39, 115.91], [117.42, 140.75], [140.75, 150.54]], "duration": 150.54, "id": 3991}, {"image_id": "v_4MKbQ816r9A.mp4", "caption": "A tall thin male is standing in a bar surrounded by liquor.The male has a cup of ice in front of him that he pours into a regular glass that he then adds liquor into.Followed by two more shots of different clear liquors.He then takes two syrup like liquor and pour them in the cup.Once everything is in the glass,he puts the mixer on top of it and shakes it up.Finally,the drink is complete and he pours it into another glass and adds a straw for it to be served.", "segments": [[0, 2.6], [2.6, 32.56], [31.69, 38.2], [38.63, 53.83], [52.96, 78.57], [78.57, 86.82]], "duration": 86.82, "id": 3992}, {"image_id": "v_Qtj7QFDjH1A.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen standing in front of the camera playing a set of bagpipes. He continues playing the instrument and ends by holding it in his hands and a picture of him playing guitar.", "segments": [[1.78, 30.91], [23.78, 57.36]], "duration": 59.44, "id": 3993}, {"image_id": "v_2ptdloHcTcs.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a surf board through a wave and leads into several more people riding waves and sitting along the water. More shots of people surfing incredible waves are shown with some wiping out but overall riding along.", "segments": [[0, 48.24], [47.07, 235.34]], "duration": 235.34, "id": 3994}, {"image_id": "v_rfWlK9njyzg.mp4", "caption": "The floor has a hopscotch on it. Someone is sitting with a lap top. There is a trashcan in the corner. A boy is playing hopscotch.", "segments": [[0, 3.87], [4.32, 12.96], [13.42, 15.24], [15.24, 45.49]], "duration": 45.49, "id": 3995}, {"image_id": "v_fgP3D3Gqn6U.mp4", "caption": "People sit on a bench at a rodeo. We see people standing around a fence. The gate open and calf and a man come out we see four men hogtie calf's. We see a calf running in the ring and another calf being hogtied. A man and a little boy are walking and holding the reins of a horse. We see an older man holding the reins of a horse. The camera points to the ground and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 2.64], [2.64, 3.17], [2.64, 51.71], [60.68, 84.96], [89.7, 96.56], [97.62, 104.48], [104.48, 105.54]], "duration": 105.53999999999999, "id": 3996}, {"image_id": "v_-cApkmTI3F8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen drinking out of a cup held by a woman who is also drinking from a bottle. The two continue drinking as others record them and then stop immediately.", "segments": [[0, 9.23], [8.09, 19.04]], "duration": 19.04, "id": 3997}, {"image_id": "v_3jt4XE6ilIQ.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a white shirt being interviewed in the 60 Minutes program by the host of the show. He is talking about his participation as a matador in a bull fighting event where there are several spectators watching him. During the event, he gets injured and is taken on a stretcher by the paramedics for first aid treatment.", "segments": [[0, 18.3], [6.01, 50.24], [29.76, 48.61]], "duration": 54.61, "id": 3998}, {"image_id": "v_EbqurNRxneE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is kneeling on the sandy beach. She is helping a baby with suntan lotion. She rubs the lotion on the baby's skin.", "segments": [[0, 3.6], [4.8, 16.82], [17.33, 34.32]], "duration": 34.32, "id": 3999}, {"image_id": "v_d4B9z_WJAKs.mp4", "caption": "Four men are playing bad mitten. There are clips of great shots from teams. The yellow team makes several points in a row. Denmark's team made several points. The clip ends with the yellow team holding trophies.", "segments": [[0, 16.69], [16.69, 230.15], [153.83, 186.02], [186.02, 211.07], [232.53, 238.49]], "duration": 238.49, "id": 4000}, {"image_id": "v_ArT40PO05h8.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing a ukulele for a woman while a man watches from behind a curtain. Suddenly, the video cuts to several different people doing window washing tricks. The video ends with a man on the phone doing a comedy skit about windows.", "segments": [[0, 16.01], [16.01, 136.43], [136.43, 152.44]], "duration": 152.44, "id": 4001}, {"image_id": "v_PRkEpM8ffak.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen using a piece of exercise equipment moving up and down on the machine. The camera pans all around the man using the machine and zooms all around the man moving around.", "segments": [[0.5, 19.07], [16.06, 49.68]], "duration": 50.18, "id": 4002}, {"image_id": "v_mB0MeZjjCmU.mp4", "caption": "A vanilla sponge cake is shown on the title screen.A white plate is then placed on a brown table alongside four brown eggs.They are then put in a silver bowl and they are whisked at a rapid pace as sugar is gradually added it and the whipping continues.After,milk,butter,flour,banana pudding,salt and vanilla extract are shown on a table.The milk and butter are heated up then added in a large bowl with the cake batter to be whisked.The vanilla is then added and poured into another bowl before the final product is shown.", "segments": [[0, 2.14], [2.14, 15.01], [15.01, 58.95], [58.95, 99.68], [99.68, 168.28], [163.99, 214.37]], "duration": 214.37, "id": 4003}, {"image_id": "v_srARxP_ocyg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kicking a man wearing gloves in his hands. The man then walks around the circle while people take turns hitting the man. The man continues walking around while they hit him.", "segments": [[0, 6.48], [7.1, 21.91], [16.97, 30.55]], "duration": 30.86, "id": 4004}, {"image_id": "v_8NRv-75RlPI.mp4", "caption": "An elliptical trainer is shown, as well as its components. A woman is shown working out on the elliptical. She pedals and demonstrates the mechanics of the programming screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.95], [11.36, 60.44], [62.88, 81.13]], "duration": 81.13, "id": 4005}, {"image_id": "v_TPqgLJpxyvY.mp4", "caption": "A person rolls over in bed and looks at their phone. They sit up on their bed and rub their face. They wash their hands and face. They start rollerblading and doing tricks.", "segments": [[0, 23.25], [28.79, 45.4], [58.68, 66.43], [58.68, 221.45]], "duration": 221.45, "id": 4006}, {"image_id": "v_lO1r4df9uUc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen skiing behind a boat. He holds on tight as he is pulled through the water. The man is water skiing until the end of the clip.", "segments": [[0, 13.79], [16.17, 61.36], [63.74, 95.13]], "duration": 95.13, "id": 4007}, {"image_id": "v_xE9anOqq2XQ.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing ready while holding a javelin and then runs down the track and throws the pole into a field. He walks away with his hands on his hips and his same throw is shown again. Several more athletes step up to throw the javelin into the field followed by their same throw shown again and them laughing to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 28.4], [29.17, 49.89], [47.59, 153.51]], "duration": 153.51, "id": 4008}, {"image_id": "v_lUw8OA9R4mQ.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a room with a woman in front grabbing a drink. The woman puts her drink down and begins leading a group of people dancing around. The group continues to dance around while the camera captures their movements.", "segments": [[3.29, 101.94], [60.29, 155.65], [128.24, 218.12]], "duration": 219.22, "id": 4009}, {"image_id": "v_BryW4niZT9Y.mp4", "caption": "A man serves a tennis ball when playing tennis with a person in a tennis court. Then, the man serves again to a person behind the net, while a player stands next to him. After, the man serves a ball but nobody is behind the net.", "segments": [[0, 45.28], [45.28, 67.64], [67.64, 92.8]], "duration": 111.81, "id": 4010}, {"image_id": "v_-NndIs9BaS4.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a gren field and start jumping the rope. man drops the rope and explain how to jump and holds the rope again.", "segments": [[0, 24.51], [25.05, 106.58]], "duration": 106.58, "id": 4011}, {"image_id": "v_Ti3z17QofU8.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening scene on a black background. We see a man hammer a nail. The man shows us some bolts. We see the man screw a screw in.", "segments": [[0, 5.43], [5.79, 14.23], [14.84, 17.01], [17.13, 24.13]], "duration": 24.13, "id": 4012}, {"image_id": "v_xpmXZBpYrM0.mp4", "caption": "A person applies leg lube to their leg and then proceeds to shave the leg and then wipe their leg down with a wet rag. A person in a bathroom, with one foot on top of a toilet cover rubs leg lube on their leg. The person then begins to shave the length of their leg with a blue razor. The person wipes their leg down with wet rag after holding the rag under the bathroom sink tap before holding a bottle of leg lube in their hand in a closeup view.", "segments": [[0.24, 46.83], [0.24, 19.3], [20, 35.54], [36.48, 45.89]], "duration": 47.07, "id": 4013}, {"image_id": "v_bOp6pObPeZ4.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man are dancing on a stage. There is a band playing behind them. There is an audience sitting in chairs clapping for them.", "segments": [[0, 143.56], [19.3, 43.22], [146.65, 148.96]], "duration": 154.37, "id": 4014}, {"image_id": "v_C1djGYqkhYI.mp4", "caption": "A young girl in a green leotard begins twirling a baton and doing tricks.The girl begins to incorporate her arms and does a flip and continues to flip the baton over her hands and arms.As the young lady continues her performance, she twirls the baton between her legs and over her head,catches it and does a gallop.The rest of the young girl's performance is a set of twirls and twist and then she runs off the floor to finish her performance.", "segments": [[0, 12.86], [12.33, 40.73], [40.19, 77.17], [74.49, 107.18]], "duration": 107.18, "id": 4015}, {"image_id": "v_lkCpF06uEmE.mp4", "caption": "A person lifts a 90 kg weight until the shoulder and then above the head, then the man drops the weight to the floor. Then, the man lifts 95 kg weight above his head. After, the man lifts a weight of 101 kg successfully.", "segments": [[0, 8.62], [10.48, 29.35], [29.35, 46.59]], "duration": 46.59, "id": 4016}, {"image_id": "v_LSkcoamI3gw.mp4", "caption": "A man comes outside and starts shoveling the snow with his black shovel and many people drive past while he's doing it. In the end the camera zooms in to show what is written in the big pile of snow. The letters create this world known holiday phrase and that is Merry Christmas including the year 2013.", "segments": [[4.03, 110.88], [114.91, 134.4], [118.27, 134.4]], "duration": 134.4, "id": 4017}, {"image_id": "v_Tp6MFA0SbFU.mp4", "caption": "A female wrestler is holding another wrestler upside down. She slams her down onto the mat, on her back.", "segments": [[0, 13.58], [14.01, 21.55]], "duration": 21.55, "id": 4018}, {"image_id": "v_tMheZSxPl3Q.mp4", "caption": "Pieces of furniture are seen including cabinets and tables. A person sands down a piece of wood with an electric sander. A person sands down a piece of wood by hand.", "segments": [[0, 72.4], [45.08, 53.28], [62.84, 71.49]], "duration": 91.07, "id": 4019}, {"image_id": "v_aorWXCqqyJs.mp4", "caption": "Some people are surfing in rough ocean waves. They lay down on their boards, disappearing into the water. The girl just rides the surf with her father helping.", "segments": [[0, 20.58], [22.71, 104.32], [118.51, 141.93]], "duration": 141.93, "id": 4020}, {"image_id": "v_y1CzJvvItrM.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a ladder wiping down a wall. A black bucket is sitting next to him. A man is standing up throwing mud at the wall.", "segments": [[19.44, 52.43], [19.44, 65.09], [62.37, 90.4]], "duration": 90.4, "id": 4021}, {"image_id": "v_qD52CX0CSBs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while standing next to a horse and petting the horse on the side. The horse sniffs all around the woman while she pets him down and turns his head in the end.", "segments": [[0.63, 25.15], [18.59, 41.84]], "duration": 42.26, "id": 4022}, {"image_id": "v_UvIS1-hwgaQ.mp4", "caption": "A man approaches a large mountain, with friends, and climbs it while attached to a green rope until he reaches the top. A group of young people approach the base of a mountain and set down their things where they smile and prepare to climb the mountain. A long green rope is shown on a large rock after which a man in glasses begins to climb a mountain using metal hooks in the mountain and his feet to climb the mountain. The man smiles and gives the camera a thumbs up when he gets to the top of the mountain.", "segments": [[9.37, 149.17], [12.5, 31.24], [17.18, 21.87], [30.46, 149.17]], "duration": 156.2, "id": 4023}, {"image_id": "v_BOqca4eckEs.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing with a group of people on a long platform made of wood.She is attached to a rope and with several people behind her then she is pushed off of the stand participating in a free fall.The female falls then hangs down over the water for a long period of time.", "segments": [[0, 3.28], [3.28, 39.31], [39.31, 81.9]], "duration": 81.9, "id": 4024}, {"image_id": "v_hFzMCWZ3Jps.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen looking into the camera while brushing her hair and leads into her putting her hair into a ponytail. The girl then braids more hair into her and ends by waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0.52, 55.59], [45.72, 99.75]], "duration": 103.91, "id": 4025}, {"image_id": "v_ULBhK8jXNws.mp4", "caption": "There is a truck being driven on the road in the beginning of the video. Then a man is shown sitting by the poolside, surfing in the water with other people.", "segments": [[4.62, 8.31], [48, 184.62]], "duration": 184.62, "id": 4026}, {"image_id": "v_jAlYwQevBxA.mp4", "caption": "People are seen walking around a snowy area carrying boards in their hands and riding along the trail. The people ride down the snowy mountain continuously while looking back to the camera. The people continue to ride around while zooming in on their feet.", "segments": [[0, 74.77], [71.47, 175.92], [127.54, 214.4]], "duration": 219.9, "id": 4027}, {"image_id": "v_EdJgTx0iFeE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera holding a hula hoop and leads into her spinning around the hula hoop. The woman continues to push the object around her waist while spinning herself around as well as dancing in place.", "segments": [[2.41, 82.81], [69.95, 154.37]], "duration": 160.8, "id": 4028}, {"image_id": "v_9u-wH-UBuRc.mp4", "caption": "A thin man and a fat man perform arm wrestling while a cameraman film them. The thin man win the arm wrestling competition.", "segments": [[0, 52.27], [52.27, 72.1]], "duration": 72.1, "id": 4029}, {"image_id": "v_b_DY76Y6ekg.mp4", "caption": "People in harnesses walk on a platform with trees far below in the background. The man sits on a bench and is hooked to a large white rope. The man shakes a lady's hand. The man stands and walks to the edge of the platform assisted by two people. The lady then pushes the man off the edge and the camera pans down to watch the mans' bungee jump. A man with stick holds it out and the man catches it and they release the man from the rope.", "segments": [[0, 9.46], [10.51, 62.03], [48.36, 52.56], [77.8, 105.13], [118.8, 179.77], [182.92, 210.26]], "duration": 210.26, "id": 4030}, {"image_id": "v_I-1UKECfQko.mp4", "caption": "Several people lay in tubes in the snow. More people are standing around them. Eventually some of them go down the hill. They reach the bottom of the hill.", "segments": [[0, 28.65], [0, 15.43], [33.94, 88.14], [76.68, 88.14]], "duration": 88.14, "id": 4031}, {"image_id": "v_kxUkqmzS2wc.mp4", "caption": "A man puts shaving cream on his face. He starts shaving his face with a razor. He dries his face off with a towel.", "segments": [[9.22, 16.13], [16.13, 66.83], [68.68, 71.9]], "duration": 92.18, "id": 4032}, {"image_id": "v_KjXvBqmh5C4.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a gym is shown followed by several clips of a person attempting to pole volt and others socializing. Several people speak to the camera and lead into them pole volting. More people are seen speaking to one another as well as the camera and using a pole to get over a bar.", "segments": [[0, 71.74], [72.82, 154.34], [141.3, 211.95]], "duration": 217.39, "id": 4033}, {"image_id": "v_-b2lkhdJXf4.mp4", "caption": "A small white ball dashed out into the court and hits a player smack dab in the head. Another player then steals the ball and starts kicking it until its more into his control, and kicks it straight into the goal. A small replay shows how he managed to kick it in there. A short montage of similar moves, the player kicking a ball straight into the goal. A short amount of footage shows how the player reacts to his own shot.", "segments": [[0, 7.54], [7.54, 12.38], [12.38, 21.53], [21.53, 96.37], [95.29, 107.67]], "duration": 107.67, "id": 4034}, {"image_id": "v_1oyWMusaDTI.mp4", "caption": "A man is kite surfing on the edge of the board. The camera zoom in and shows the board then zooms back out. We see the road in the distance and see cars driving. We see a second person kitesurfing.", "segments": [[0, 61.76], [16.06, 21.31], [22.23, 46.32], [44.15, 60.83]], "duration": 61.76, "id": 4035}, {"image_id": "v_W06Ojnv-Wxg.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen jumping onto a set of uneven bars and performing a gymnastics routine in front of others. The man continues flipping around the bars and ends with him jumping down and bowing to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 20.08], [20.31, 44.14]], "duration": 44.14, "id": 4036}, {"image_id": "v_IuntoXkEWPI.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen climbing up a slide at a playground very slowly. She edges her way up to the top and then slides down the slide.", "segments": [[0, 21.54], [19.48, 29.51]], "duration": 29.51, "id": 4037}, {"image_id": "v_wsrSku74OpM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of solo cups are shown followed by a man throwing balls. A person moves the cups alongside the table while the person continues throwing and the men switch place. The two continue taking turns while the camera captures their movements.", "segments": [[0, 35.66], [31.41, 132.45], [108.68, 165.56]], "duration": 169.81, "id": 4038}, {"image_id": "v_cdb7VSVuUl8.mp4", "caption": "Two men in inflatable sumo wrestler costumes entertain the public by street performing in a public square. Two men in inflatable sumo wrestler outfits talk to the camera and begin to entertain the people passing by as they stand in a paved public square. The two men show a little boy how to use an automated scooter, perform mock sumo wrestling matches, and take pictures with the audience as well as dancing with the audience before ending the performance and speaking again to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 196.32], [0, 33.24], [33.24, 205.67]], "duration": 207.75, "id": 4039}, {"image_id": "v_NmmFlMtvE68.mp4", "caption": "We see a person bring a dog into a shelter. We see a black screen with writing. We then see a lady use an electric shaver then scissors to groom a dog. The groomer kisses the puppy. We see shot of the dog after the grooming. We then see a black title screen.", "segments": [[0, 7.8], [9.36, 13.65], [13.65, 58.48], [49.9, 53.41], [60.04, 69.01], [69.01, 77.97]], "duration": 77.97, "id": 4040}, {"image_id": "v_oghT33khlYQ.mp4", "caption": "Many trees and deep water from a river is shown. A man is standing on the back of a speedboat. He places his board in the water and begins to water ski. He performs several tricks as he skis.", "segments": [[0, 11.65], [13.31, 36.61], [38.27, 74.88], [76.54, 166.4]], "duration": 166.4, "id": 4041}, {"image_id": "v_uowNtTu74nA.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of surfers moving along the water and riding waves past other people. Several shots are shown on how to properly surf and is followed by more shots shown in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 100.58], [97.19, 226.02]], "duration": 226.02, "id": 4042}, {"image_id": "v_t6iq95QPZIg.mp4", "caption": "The back of a speed boat is shown followed by feet jumping into water and looking around underwater. A person holds a stick out and grabs a fish and pokes at sharks.", "segments": [[0, 26.1], [26.65, 108.76]], "duration": 108.75999999999999, "id": 4043}, {"image_id": "v_7YOV0kZQIAo.mp4", "caption": "A man plays a saxophone while facing the camera. The man finishes playing and smiles at his instrument.", "segments": [[0, 81.85], [82.27, 84.38]], "duration": 84.38, "id": 4044}, {"image_id": "v_cCYLiE1fiEo.mp4", "caption": "A person steps on a tan mat several times. They take their shoes off and put a different pair of shoes on. They continue stepping on the mat in the new shoes. They take those shoes off and walk away.", "segments": [[0, 57.98], [59, 85.45], [87.49, 179.04], [179.04, 203.45]], "duration": 203.45, "id": 4045}, {"image_id": "v_Bs3TR80BRco.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a forest, and his feet are shown with and without shoes. He mounts a tightrope and balances on it. He uses the tightrope to walk, showing the proper positions to maintain balance.", "segments": [[0, 13.02], [15.91, 86.06], [88.23, 144.64]], "duration": 144.64, "id": 4046}, {"image_id": "v_MvKhjWRNTvI.mp4", "caption": "A woman pics up a bottle filled with red bullets. The cotton pad is removed, then a gun is loaded. She shoots the paint bullets at a target, spattering it red. Several targets are shown getting spattered.", "segments": [[0, 17.45], [19.11, 44.04], [47.36, 98.05], [105.53, 166.19]], "duration": 166.19, "id": 4047}, {"image_id": "v_LqBp5qgcwLY.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of a city are shown as well as people walking around and speaking to one another. People are then seen paving along walls as well as handing out pamphlets and speaking to one another. The people touch the materials on the walls and ends by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.5], [30.77, 97.55], [80.53, 124.39]], "duration": 130.94, "id": 4048}, {"image_id": "v_jWzLhOqcGtE.mp4", "caption": "A man is dribbling a basketball. They run on the court and continue to dribble the ball. They jump up and make a basket.", "segments": [[0, 7.36], [4.02, 14.83], [10.23, 11.95]], "duration": 22.99, "id": 4049}, {"image_id": "v_H8MY7XGrN6Q.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen roller balding around a street while many people are seen walking around him. A man is then being interviewed by reporters and ends with the camera panning away.", "segments": [[9.06, 27.17], [27.43, 53.27]], "duration": 53.27, "id": 4050}, {"image_id": "v_hs81dVKvvdw.mp4", "caption": "A person is sitting down getting their arm tattooed. They stand up and show the tattoo.", "segments": [[0, 71.77], [72.92, 115.75]], "duration": 115.75, "id": 4051}, {"image_id": "v_5bZ2FdbAKiQ.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing ready with her arms up and turns to face the beam. Just jumps up on the beam and begins perform a gymnastic routine until she falls off. She climbs back up on the beam and ends by flipping off the beam.", "segments": [[0, 2.75], [3.31, 51.78], [51.23, 107.42]], "duration": 110.18, "id": 4052}, {"image_id": "v_ymEh5T11kSQ.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing on a sandy beach with one kicking the ball and passing it to another. The boys continue passing the ball back and fourth while many people are seen walking around and playing in the water.", "segments": [[0, 21.5], [8.11, 35.07]], "duration": 35.25, "id": 4053}, {"image_id": "v_FSfxYKauc9w.mp4", "caption": "Two teams of hockey players are inside of the rink playing a game.The puck is hit behind the goal and the team hits it back out and the game continues.After fighting for it,the players hit the puck down on the other end and it is blocked by the goalie.Each team rallies back and forth with the puck but neither of them are successful and they are blocked on both ends of the rink.", "segments": [[0, 18.88], [18.88, 60.17], [60.76, 98.51], [98.51, 117.98]], "duration": 117.97999999999999, "id": 4054}, {"image_id": "v_7gRbYNWSUjk.mp4", "caption": "A man practice martial arts in a gym turning and spinning around. Then, the man leans on her hands to spin his body and make turns. After, the man stands on his hands and tilt his body to the sides and front. Next, the stands on his hands and rotates his body.", "segments": [[4.02, 20.12], [20.63, 42.26], [43.26, 74.45], [74.96, 90.55]], "duration": 100.61, "id": 4055}, {"image_id": "v_Q43BuVI2r-s.mp4", "caption": "Two men are walking down planks with one rolling out paper and putting tape across. Other men lay down a green sheet of paper and continue taping down the paper. One last set of paper is laid across with tape and the men continue working.", "segments": [[0, 18.46], [18.88, 52.45], [59.16, 83.92]], "duration": 83.92, "id": 4056}, {"image_id": "v_ACnOpQNrhqs.mp4", "caption": "We see a college volleyball game being played by women. A group of ladies passes. A lady falls and slides across the ground. Two ladies high five each other. Three ladies fall into the crowd on the left. A lady misses and falls. A person dangles a set of keys.", "segments": [[0, 189.29], [73.82, 82.34], [87.07, 92.75], [123.98, 126.82], [140.07, 146.7], [169.41, 174.15], [178.88, 185.5]], "duration": 189.29, "id": 4057}, {"image_id": "v_vcl8rFSCH4w.mp4", "caption": "A close up of people are shown sitting on a snowy hill and looking to the camera. The people then all ride in tubes down the snowy trail with one moving around at the bottom.", "segments": [[1.76, 36.29], [33.12, 69.42]], "duration": 70.47, "id": 4058}, {"image_id": "v_P3q6n0ZjumU.mp4", "caption": "A teen boy has a bunch of darts in his hands. He throws each dart, trying to hit his target on the wall. A cell phone camera above the dart board records as he throws, then gets hit by a dart before falling onto the carpet.", "segments": [[0, 5.79], [7.24, 31.12], [33.05, 48.25]], "duration": 48.25, "id": 4059}, {"image_id": "v_6G1wS1p1ig0.mp4", "caption": "A large group of kids are seen dancing in a room followed by men moving around and laughing. More clips are shown of people jump roping in different rooms and laughing with one another.", "segments": [[6.69, 103.66], [89.17, 205.1]], "duration": 222.94, "id": 4060}, {"image_id": "v_p377oL-EM_E.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with yellow writing on it.Once gone,a field is shown and a buff females throws a shot put into the field and a replay is shown.", "segments": [[0, 7.3], [7.11, 39.47]], "duration": 39.47, "id": 4061}, {"image_id": "v_lGAK_3Jp2I8.mp4", "caption": "A man body slams another man on a ring. A referee taps on the ground several times. The crowd cheers for the people.", "segments": [[14.15, 15.97], [16.78, 20.22], [22.24, 25.68]], "duration": 40.44, "id": 4062}, {"image_id": "v_QNsonWAaFk4.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. Men snarl and we see the crowd and shots of volleyball play. We see ladies on the sidelines. A tall man is shown from the legs up as he jumps. A man misses a shot and looks behind him and two men look behind them. We see men cheer and jump. A shot is made and team hugs.", "segments": [[0, 0.93], [0.93, 186.41], [35.42, 36.35], [71.77, 84.82], [89.48, 127.69], [130.49, 143.54], [168.7, 178.02]], "duration": 186.41, "id": 4063}, {"image_id": "v_Vc4NSwtI5jM.mp4", "caption": "A man cleans the rim of a wheel with a brush, then the man rinse the car with a hose. After, the man applies detergent with a washing scrub brush. Next, the car enters inside an automatic car wash machine.", "segments": [[1.2, 15.66], [15.66, 20.78], [20.78, 29.67]], "duration": 30.12, "id": 4064}, {"image_id": "v_f98FHTGx64Q.mp4", "caption": "Two people arm wrestle and take off clothes. They get dressed up and go extreme kite flying in a hurricane. The kites crash into the people once.", "segments": [[2.6, 33.83], [24.29, 173.48], [95.41, 109.29]], "duration": 173.48, "id": 4065}, {"image_id": "v_OUPEzXXawCs.mp4", "caption": "People are riding horses on a field. A dog and a person cross in front of the camera. The horses are running around on the field.", "segments": [[13.32, 83.24], [31.63, 38.71], [31.63, 83.24]], "duration": 83.24, "id": 4066}, {"image_id": "v_J6T9pokWX1E.mp4", "caption": "The exterior of a business is shown and the blue and white sign on it say's \"BORONIA DOG GROOMING & PET SUPPLIES\" with a picture of a dog in water and covered with suds and paw prints on the sides of it, and the word \"DOG GROOMING\" is along the front facing of the ledge that sticks out.A woman is talking and in between there are clips playing of groomers grooming dogs, customers, dogs walking in the store, products and dogs walking in the store.The same clip of the exterior of the building that was shown in the beginning, is the same exterior view that is shown at the end.", "segments": [[0, 6.58], [6.58, 94.68], [94.68, 101.26]], "duration": 101.25999999999999, "id": 4067}, {"image_id": "v_roTIeCtx94Q.mp4", "caption": "woman puts butter in a bowl with sugar, and flour and mix it in a kitchen aid, adding eggs, vanilla and flour, when the mix is homogenous add chocolate chips. the dough is molded in balls and in a tray to the oven.", "segments": [[0, 64.16], [64.16, 104.33]], "duration": 104.33, "id": 4068}, {"image_id": "v_FOlMVTmAeaQ.mp4", "caption": "A male athlete is shown and he spins around and throws the discus.Once complete,two people rush out to measure the distance.The sequence is then continued and other men are shown throwing the discus.", "segments": [[0, 19.44], [19.44, 57.68], [58.33, 129.61]], "duration": 129.61, "id": 4069}, {"image_id": "v_nHafujMomWg.mp4", "caption": "A man is in front of a cutting board covered in potatoes. He uses a peeler to peel the skin from a potato. He moves quickly, peeling until all the potatoes are bare.", "segments": [[0, 16.81], [17.41, 88.24], [85.83, 120.05]], "duration": 120.05, "id": 4070}, {"image_id": "v_YPFk9ftkzl4.mp4", "caption": "A boy is sitting at a wooden table in a cafe. He lights a hookah, then pulls a drag on the smoke. He sits back, blowing smoke out of his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 2.73], [3.04, 15.32], [16.06, 20.99]], "duration": 20.99, "id": 4071}, {"image_id": "v_ePqfnkzAQjQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl sits and endures pain as she gets a traditional Polynesian tattoo. The artists stop for a moment and clean off the area. They begin to continue tattooing her hand as she endures visibly the pain.", "segments": [[0, 136.36], [29.32, 65.45], [65.45, 136.36]], "duration": 136.36, "id": 4072}, {"image_id": "v_6dNh6AxVLx8.mp4", "caption": "The video starts with several shots of bmx riders riding along a track with one taking a hard fall. Several more shots of people riding on a track are shown with many standing on the sidelines to watch. More falls are shown with a slow motion affect and more people continue to ride around.", "segments": [[0, 29.38], [29.97, 94.6], [71.1, 117.52]], "duration": 117.52000000000001, "id": 4073}, {"image_id": "v_1bcm3LHTI_w.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with white,red,green and blue words that say \"membrillo films\" on one screen, \"Mateo Bervelillo\" ,and \"Trillizos\".A man is now outdoors, sits on a wooden box, and begins tapping his fingers onto the box and bouncing his feet on the ground. Another man who looks like the first man comes out of a door and sits on the chair outdoor near the first man and he begins hitting a bongo. A third man who looks like the two previous men before him, come out of a door and sit on the last chair and he plays on his bongo.", "segments": [[0, 12.95], [12.95, 45.34], [45.34, 73.19], [73.19, 129.54]], "duration": 129.55, "id": 4074}, {"image_id": "v_OJJMEEsOdPQ.mp4", "caption": "girl us hanging from a pole in a roofed gym and make a jump to the land pool. woman wwearing a red shirt is standing in front of the pole. little girl is walking in front of he girl doing gymnastics.", "segments": [[0, 11.26], [0, 12.38], [0, 6.87]], "duration": 12.38, "id": 4075}, {"image_id": "v_Qn61vl2khuo.mp4", "caption": "We see the black title screen. We see a lady and a man working on a machine. We see the people standing and talking about the product with shots of the machine. We see the display on the machine. The lady gets on, sets the time, and runs on the machine. We see just the man talking then using the machine. We return to the people talking together. We see the closing title screens.", "segments": [[0, 11.63], [11.63, 23.26], [23.26, 68.99], [67.44, 73.64], [73.64, 110.85], [110.08, 133.33], [134.88, 141.09], [138.76, 155.04]], "duration": 155.04, "id": 4076}, {"image_id": "v_FMmrxy3OanA.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a title sequence showing a girl throwing clothing at a man, and a title screen. The man and his family are in a backyard speaking to the camera. After he speaks, they cheer. The man and woman put on a tutu and blindfolds. They then begin to hula hoop until the woman loses. Afterward, they speak to the camera and wave goodbye.", "segments": [[0, 7.46], [9.6, 53.32], [51.19, 53.32], [67.18, 95.97], [95.97, 123.7], [153.56, 213.28]], "duration": 213.28, "id": 4077}, {"image_id": "v_z-94IUxC4Xc.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of scenery are shown followed by a person performing a trick on a skateboard and others riding down a hill. Several shots are shown of people riding down the street on skateboards and doing several tricks while the camera zooms in. One man falls in the end and his board crashes along the side.", "segments": [[0, 48.86], [39.09, 108.89], [110.28, 139.6]], "duration": 139.6, "id": 4078}, {"image_id": "v_2Ua6E2a6kT4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while standing out in a back yard. He pans to a man spraying down a fence with a hose and another man watching on the side. The man continues to spray down the hose while another watches on the side and pans back to the camera man.", "segments": [[0.22, 11.84], [9.83, 33.73], [27.48, 43.34]], "duration": 44.68, "id": 4079}, {"image_id": "v_ZsqjU0X3mxY.mp4", "caption": "A pale young woman in a white dress is standing in the forest with long curly brownish-reddish hair and begins skipping.Then she is shown with a black shirt and long hair and begins talking in a dark staircase.She stands up,flips her pony tail and the camera pans her outfit and she has on a black shirt and blue shorts and begins walking up the stairs.Next,she goes into a room and begins talking to a woman with a black shirt and blonde hair.The lady holds up a white index card with sketches of two heads.The lady washes her hairs and begins cutting it with a pair of shears to a very short length.The girl sits in the chair and begins shaking her ear length hair and holding up the cut off hair in her hands.The hairdresser begins blow drying her hair,cutting it and styling it.She continues to get her hair down while her hair is panned over on the counter and the floor.Then she sits on a bench and smiles at the thought of her short hair cut.", "segments": [[0, 14.93], [14.93, 27.55], [27.55, 43.63], [45.92, 47.07], [47.07, 50.52], [51.67, 90.7], [90.7, 110.22], [110.22, 227.33], [112.52, 229.62], [228.47, 229.62]], "duration": 229.62, "id": 4080}, {"image_id": "v_1XicledQXng.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking into frame in front of a large closet. The woman then lets her hair down along her back. She brushes her hair continuously and ends by walking out of frame.", "segments": [[1.21, 33.29], [36.31, 89.57], [70.81, 114.99]], "duration": 121.05, "id": 4081}, {"image_id": "v_2Tm_2wgv2Zs.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing before a fooseball table grabbing onto poles. The men play against one another while taking breaks to get a drink and speak with team mates. The people shake hands with one another and hug friends and family.", "segments": [[0, 19.3], [17.54, 57.19], [57.19, 68.42]], "duration": 70.17, "id": 4082}, {"image_id": "v_r4QPhlrqqP4.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands and talks in a garden next to a bed of herbs and plants and a wheelbarrow filled with mulch. A herb garden appears with a woman standing next to it in a large garden next to a wheelbarrow filled with mulch. The woman begins to talk to the camera while gesturing to the flowerbed and the mulch, before eventually picking up a handful of the mulch. The woman continues talking before the scene morphs into video of a small red potatoes on the ground pulled up by the root.", "segments": [[0.71, 139.3], [15.56, 38.18], [19.8, 99.7], [100.41, 140.01]], "duration": 141.42000000000002, "id": 4083}, {"image_id": "v_dbLtukGqkhI.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a roof top looking up. A woman in a green shirt eats chips. A man in a blue shirt is pointing to the sky and moving his hand in circles. There are many kites in the sky around them.", "segments": [[0, 64.62], [12.28, 15.51], [18.74, 56.54], [45.56, 64.3]], "duration": 64.62, "id": 4084}, {"image_id": "v_ATBbNtNlBnY.mp4", "caption": "We see a man using an electric sander to sharpen a variety of things. He uses a caliper and ruler on a item. We see him sharpening more things and beveling a tool. The man adjust some screws and moves an arm. We see the item comes with a 7 year warranty. The man adds an oil to the item, and we see the packaging. We see the ending credits for the video.", "segments": [[0, 25.08], [26.65, 47.82], [54.87, 80.74], [81.52, 109.74], [108.96, 119.15], [124.63, 138.74], [149.72, 156.77]], "duration": 156.77, "id": 4085}, {"image_id": "v_smJtFktW640.mp4", "caption": "A small group of women are seen dancing together doing choreography with one leading the group in the front. the woman continue dancing with one another and ends with a zumba logo shown in the background.", "segments": [[0, 199.02], [66.34, 199.02]], "duration": 207.31, "id": 4086}, {"image_id": "v_epZjMuRRXLo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in front of a mirror and begins jumping rope while smiling at the camera. She continues jumping over and over again swinging her arms and ends by stopping to smile at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 74.52], [48.13, 155.25]], "duration": 155.25, "id": 4087}, {"image_id": "v_jaRSbVCkxlU.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a kitchen in front of a camera holding a door. woman cuts the door and spread chocolate cream on he top and put another layer of cake. the woman spread the chocolate cream again in the top and put another layer of cake and spread the cream on top and at sides. woman flatten the cream and varnish it. thw woman grabs white fondant and kneads it and then cover the cake with it with her hands and cuts the remaining, adds ornamens on top.", "segments": [[0, 11.86], [11.86, 37.96], [37.96, 58.12], [58.12, 99.64], [99.64, 237.24]], "duration": 237.24, "id": 4088}, {"image_id": "v_kW_2ihjROgw.mp4", "caption": "A baby is sitting at a tiny table outside. He is smoking a cigarette and waving at adults. He high fives a woman, then continues to smoke.", "segments": [[0, 12.32], [13.5, 62.8], [64.56, 117.38]], "duration": 117.38, "id": 4089}, {"image_id": "v_zkR_t6p3lto.mp4", "caption": "A person's skis are shown close up as they move continuously down a snowy hill moving quickly past trees. The person continues moving down the trail at a fast pace and meeting up with others at the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 94.81], [85.14, 187.69]], "duration": 193.49, "id": 4090}, {"image_id": "v_UcQ63-sQ9bI.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a guitar is seen followed by a person strumming the back. The person moves their hands up and down the neck of the guitar while moving it to play. The man continues to play the instrument and stops in the end.", "segments": [[0, 48.54], [46.28, 149.01], [128.69, 206.58]], "duration": 225.77, "id": 4091}, {"image_id": "v_Vshvpb9eecg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking into frame while speaking to the camera and putting her face in cream. The woman then rubs the cream on her face while still speaking to the camera. The camera pans around the kitchen while the woman continues to rub her hands in the lotion.", "segments": [[0, 38.69], [36.51, 78.46], [82.27, 108.97]], "duration": 108.97, "id": 4092}, {"image_id": "v_SA2GomtZkvE.mp4", "caption": "A man plays an accordion in the street. He is wearing a hoodie. He is sitting next to his bike. A man walks in the background.", "segments": [[0, 161.54], [13.73, 161.54], [19.39, 161.54], [88.04, 161.54]], "duration": 161.54, "id": 4093}, {"image_id": "v_Y5qDKbTkCaY.mp4", "caption": "The words \"The Shot Put\" appear on screen over an athlete. \"The Shot Put Introduction\" appears on screen followed by several athletes performing the sport. The words \"Thank you for Watching\" appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.04], [8.58, 98.63], [99.17, 107.21]], "duration": 107.21000000000001, "id": 4094}, {"image_id": "v_CqAJxW84FkU.mp4", "caption": "A man in a green shirt and green hat is holding a large knife. He starts cutting a piece of wood with the knife.He cuts the piece of wood in half.", "segments": [[0, 64.99], [66.09, 201.58], [202.69, 220.31]], "duration": 220.31, "id": 4095}, {"image_id": "v_rsJUOsr1u3o.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing over an oven cooking something in a pan. He bends down to check the flame. He tosses the pan a few times. He is adding seasonings to the pan. He pours a liquid into the pan. He shakes the pan again.", "segments": [[0, 98.36], [16.23, 20.66], [22.62, 27.54], [42.79, 48.2], [57.54, 63.44], [75.25, 80.66]], "duration": 98.36, "id": 4096}, {"image_id": "v_Cq7Myyfbtn0.mp4", "caption": "A person helps another person walk on stilts on the sidewalk. The person walks by themselves. The man sits down in a chair.", "segments": [[0, 53.42], [53.42, 103.9], [103.31, 117.4]], "duration": 117.4, "id": 4097}, {"image_id": "v_CXb3Ce7s6G0.mp4", "caption": "Several screens are shown of bright orange lettering on a black background. A man and a woman are standing upright in a pool, and the man is showing the woman swimming techniques. The woman begins to emulate the man's actions, moving her arms and dipping her head under the water. The man shows her how to swim outward by doing so himself. The woman watches as he swims away.", "segments": [[0, 10.67], [11.93, 54.63], [58.4, 99.21], [93.56, 111.77], [112.4, 125.59]], "duration": 125.59, "id": 4098}, {"image_id": "v_RRIGf87R6jc.mp4", "caption": "A girl is pouring ingredients into a bowl and mixing them together. She uses a cookie cutter to cut shapes out of the dough. She is dipping the dough into a white glaze.", "segments": [[0, 47.23], [53.49, 73.97], [92.18, 113.8]], "duration": 113.8, "id": 4099}, {"image_id": "v_12sz7NMvyfI.mp4", "caption": "A person is blowing leaves in the back of their yard. The kid is having some trouble but is generally doing an ok job.", "segments": [[0, 68.61], [17.15, 68.61]], "duration": 68.62, "id": 4100}, {"image_id": "v_XSNenkxgryQ.mp4", "caption": "A news anchor presents a story behind a desk in a large newsroom. People are seen smoking regular cigarettes and electric cigarettes. The news anchor talks with a guest in the newsroom. Professionals are seen in there offices discussing the subject. Text is seen against a red background with a website and information.", "segments": [[0, 7.53], [8.47, 130.78], [31.05, 171.24], [87.5, 116.67], [175, 188.18]], "duration": 188.18, "id": 4101}, {"image_id": "v_YIb8sArOPww.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast performs a balance beam gymnastic routine in a professional sports event with an audience in the bleachers. A girl stands in front of a balance beam in a gymnast outfit and jumps on the beam where she begins to execute a gymnastic routine on the balance beam. The girl stands on the beam and performs back flips on the beam before landing one final back flip off of the beam where she lands on a mat and exits the area in front of an audience in bleachers.", "segments": [[0, 78.47], [0, 19.52], [19.52, 78.47]], "duration": 79.67, "id": 4102}, {"image_id": "v_GA8XzZTETPE.mp4", "caption": "A ballerina starts dancing on a stage. She does several spins on the stage. She does a leap on the stage. She lays down on the stage.", "segments": [[3.17, 133.76], [50.65, 65.69], [86.27, 99.72], [136.13, 140.88]], "duration": 158.29, "id": 4103}, {"image_id": "v_-t_Zhm1b0FI.mp4", "caption": "People playing instruments are on the stage. A man in a suit walks on the stage and starts talking. The band keeps playing in the background.", "segments": [[0, 25.12], [23.72, 42.56], [43.26, 139.55]], "duration": 139.55, "id": 4104}, {"image_id": "v_65rZgGe7Zr4.mp4", "caption": "man is walking in a backyard shake the tree holds a broom and sweep the dry leaves on the floor. man go for a dustpan and a bag and pick up the leaves from the floor.", "segments": [[0, 10.28], [10.01, 26.36]], "duration": 26.36, "id": 4105}, {"image_id": "v_g5-CU3qfSWY.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen running down a long track with a pole and attempting to push herself forward. Her run is shown again in slow motion as another person attempts to push over the pole and fails. More clips are shown of people attempting to jump over the wall and not making it high enough.", "segments": [[1.41, 24.75], [23.69, 53.03], [45.96, 68.23]], "duration": 70.71000000000001, "id": 4106}, {"image_id": "v_dLLvpM-gB8Q.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are playing in the back of a truck. People are standing around a yellow ice cream truck. Two kids are sitting down on a sidewalk eating ice cream.", "segments": [[0, 43.27], [44.94, 57.42], [67.41, 113.18]], "duration": 166.44, "id": 4107}, {"image_id": "v_Vq2mQvMp_c4.mp4", "caption": "Someone is riding a horse across a grassy field and comes upon other people on horseback. We soon see the riders are part of a group, and we follow the group across a parking lot and into a stream. Celebratory cheers are heard as the group is enjoying riding across the stream. Then we see a couple of riders, one of them standing up in his saddle.", "segments": [[0, 14.22], [14.76, 37.73], [37.73, 100.07], [100.62, 108.82]], "duration": 109.37, "id": 4108}, {"image_id": "v_aQHGZzqZLxs.mp4", "caption": "A man is demonstrating how to kindle a small pit of fire. First, the man shows off the flint he has for the fire. He then puts the flint into a pile of wood. The man then lights the fire, which slowly spreads throughout the wood. The man then pokes the fire with pieces of flat wood to spread the fire. The man then shakes the twigs on the wood to further spread the fire.", "segments": [[0, 109.54], [0, 6.62], [8.43, 22.27], [21.07, 42.73], [45.14, 76.44], [93.89, 101.71]], "duration": 120.37, "id": 4109}, {"image_id": "v_mOVPZhGyUrs.mp4", "caption": "There are two men playing ping pong in a basement. One of the players is wearing a black shirt and the other is a blue shirt. There is a mattress leaning against the basement wall. The players continue playing a smooth rally. Then the person in black misses the shot. They continue playing ping pong for a few more rounds. The person in blue hits the ball in the net. They continue playing more till the person in blue drops the ball on the ground.", "segments": [[3.73, 9.16], [9.16, 11.88], [11.88, 31.22], [31.22, 43.78], [43.78, 46.83], [46.83, 55.99], [55.99, 64.82], [64.82, 67.87]], "duration": 67.87, "id": 4110}, {"image_id": "v_FZix27qFZTc.mp4", "caption": "A man paints a hose on front a fence in a backyard. The man paint the fence from up to down.", "segments": [[4.46, 5.7], [5.7, 17]], "duration": 20.74, "id": 4111}, {"image_id": "v_m22vOf2fw1M.mp4", "caption": "A person trims the top of a pink hedge using a hedge trimmer. Then, the man trim the sides of the pink hedge on front a house.", "segments": [[0, 103.7], [103.7, 139.19]], "duration": 139.19, "id": 4112}, {"image_id": "v_-KbDXeEoQ1E.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures of shown of a girl and a horse and leads into a person riding a horse over jumps. More pictures are shown off the horse and person together followed by more clips of the girl riding the horse. In the end the horse is seen tied up to the stables and the girl wanders around him.", "segments": [[0, 55.92], [46.6, 182.25], [187.42, 207.1]], "duration": 207.1, "id": 4113}, {"image_id": "v_p0_buoe9M7I.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is sitting on a red lounge chair as a tattoo artist begins doing his job.As he applies the needle,the girl fringes in her face but stays as still as possible.The tattoo is finally finished and the man dabs the rest of the tattoo on her foot.", "segments": [[0, 8.54], [8.66, 16.83], [16.58, 24.75]], "duration": 24.75, "id": 4114}, {"image_id": "v_LNK_yYs6UOA.mp4", "caption": "A man walks into a circle on a field. He spins while holding a disc. He lets go of the disc, letting it fly through the air.", "segments": [[0, 1.98], [2.12, 5.23], [5.58, 14.13]], "duration": 14.13, "id": 4115}, {"image_id": "v_r9X01daYa5o.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting down in a chair. He is wearing a mask on his face. He is welding something in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 35.66], [0.18, 35.66], [0.71, 35.66]], "duration": 35.66, "id": 4116}, {"image_id": "v_FuaxI8PkeHQ.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen sitting in a chair looking away with others walking by. The man then takes a sip of a drink and makes a funny face.", "segments": [[0.12, 12.84], [11.1, 23.44]], "duration": 24.94, "id": 4117}, {"image_id": "v_F6cNWYlfUs8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen walking in the snow with several being interviewed on the camera. They're seen inside a shop sharpening skiis and laughing with one another.", "segments": [[0, 18.14], [17.43, 47.11]], "duration": 47.11, "id": 4118}, {"image_id": "v_Zm32ORZly10.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around with one woman holding signs and leads into people playing tug of war. Several shots of the games are shown as well as a girl dancing and kids warming up. the kids play more tug of a war and a close up of a person's face is seen in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 20.56], [20.19, 49.35], [49.35, 74.77]], "duration": 74.77, "id": 4119}, {"image_id": "v_Tko7eefi1BI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting outside on a white chair playing at accordion. There is a music stand sitting in front of her.", "segments": [[0, 62.72], [0, 24.46]], "duration": 62.72, "id": 4120}, {"image_id": "v_5wchVLM0f5Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen solving a rubix cube was another sits beside him and watches. He solves the puzzle and puts it down on the table then smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 28.84], [28.03, 40.91]], "duration": 40.91, "id": 4121}, {"image_id": "v_TdAfqkmTrf0.mp4", "caption": "Players are running around playing lacrosse on a field of grass. The audience is watching and applauding for them.", "segments": [[0, 115.89], [67.22, 69.53]], "duration": 115.89, "id": 4122}, {"image_id": "v_W4aPcuQSxFI.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a sink is shown followed by a person turning on a faucet and grabbing the camera. She faces a table and sprays down a rag followed by pushing the rag along the floor. The woman continues cleaning the floor and walks back to the camera.", "segments": [[1.67, 39.03], [30.11, 84.2], [75.28, 107.06]], "duration": 111.53, "id": 4123}, {"image_id": "v_ZpuZEui-Bu0.mp4", "caption": "There are two little girls standing in an indoor court learning to play squash. They are standing with their racquets and trying to hit the ball against the wall. They attempt to hit the ball but end up brushing it on the floor. They run around the court trying to catch the ball with their racquets. they run around smiling with their oversized racquets and run to follow the ball around the court.", "segments": [[13.6, 50.64], [50.64, 80.12], [80.12, 108.84], [108.84, 139.82], [139.82, 149.65]], "duration": 151.16, "id": 4124}, {"image_id": "v_VDX1IQnUMgo.mp4", "caption": "A news anchor is standing behind a table with papers on it talking as a man is picture swimming on the television screen behind him.After,a group of people are in a pool playing a game of water polo making goals.A coach is then shown in a hallway as the people come back and continue playing the game before a football game then shows.", "segments": [[0, 20.08], [20.34, 35.99], [36.77, 52.15]], "duration": 52.15, "id": 4125}, {"image_id": "v_55ziFpzx5oc.mp4", "caption": "Four young women and a man are on the stage, while one girl is playing the guitar. The lady in yellow began singing, then the lady in pink shirt. When the girls are finished singing the crowd cheered.", "segments": [[0, 68.71], [5.15, 56.68], [48.1, 68.71]], "duration": 68.71000000000001, "id": 4126}, {"image_id": "v_PzNpPDd-VWE.mp4", "caption": "We see a man fall in the water in reverse. We watch people walk on a slackline over a body of water. We see a series of falls. A man makes it across. We see a man climb a tree and get a coconut. The pan puts a tap in the coconut and pours it in his mouth as he lays on the ground. The man sits up and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 6.44], [6.44, 73.83], [30.23, 55], [55, 72.84], [74.33, 84.73], [85.72, 95.14], [95.14, 99.1]], "duration": 99.1, "id": 4127}, {"image_id": "v_AS1nLh3xfxI.mp4", "caption": "A close up of boots are seen as well as person digging a hole. The person lays out dirt and cut a hole into it while also putting a plant inside. The person waters the plant and ends by laying out more dirt.", "segments": [[0, 10.67], [10.2, 22.13], [21.66, 30.45]], "duration": 31.39, "id": 4128}, {"image_id": "v_ZNsX4KYJlVQ.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing at the counter facing backwards from the dart board. His mom is standing beside him and he is getting ready to throw his dart. He throws it and completely misses the dart board all together. He hits the top of the wall and he goes over to reach for it and take it out.", "segments": [[0.21, 1.58], [1.53, 3.49], [3.43, 6.55], [6.5, 10.57]], "duration": 10.57, "id": 4129}, {"image_id": "v_8wNsOZHTsj0.mp4", "caption": "A man splits logs into using an ax in a grassy yard while his wife retrieves the pieces. A man splits logs in the yard by himself. The man sets his ax blade into the log and takes a brake.", "segments": [[0, 22.78], [24.88, 55.01], [64.12, 70.08]], "duration": 70.08, "id": 4130}, {"image_id": "v_r4kC4AHDIH8.mp4", "caption": "People on a river bank get on inflated boats and raft in a river with choppy waters. Two men are on a red canoe. A group of rafters go down the river while, also people in canoes raft. The rafters arrive to calm waters, then a team celebrates a victory.", "segments": [[0, 91.74], [54.63, 56.69], [56.69, 169.04], [169.04, 193.78]], "duration": 206.15, "id": 4131}, {"image_id": "v_wv2baWJtSoc.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt is sitting down holding a bar on an exercise machine. He pushes off and uses the exercise machine.", "segments": [[0, 34.46], [17.92, 34.46]], "duration": 34.46, "id": 4132}, {"image_id": "v_4Mo-IYfNKBo.mp4", "caption": "We see a man mopping a floor under women's feet. The middle lady uses her foot to move the mop. The left lady then moves the mop with her foot. The middle lady does it again then the man finishes mopping the floor.", "segments": [[0, 37.57], [0, 11.83], [11.83, 19.54], [20.48, 37.57]], "duration": 37.57, "id": 4133}, {"image_id": "v_L6BxxvCbwpQ.mp4", "caption": "A guy is crawling on the ground. The guy is using a box knife to cut the carpet. The guy looks behind him. There are a lot of papers on the wall.", "segments": [[0, 30.45], [0, 25.89], [26.3, 27.13], [8.08, 41.43]], "duration": 41.43, "id": 4134}, {"image_id": "v_4gQpW3zR-Aw.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are seen leading a camel around while a person rides on top of the camel. One man leads the camera around with the person on top and people recording them from the sides. The man lays the camel down for the person to climb off and the rider smiles and waves to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 32.49], [26.69, 81.8], [78.9, 116.03]], "duration": 116.03, "id": 4135}, {"image_id": "v_F03y7m3Nwuw.mp4", "caption": "A German man is throwing a discus in competition. He drops the discus and then walks away. A replay is shown and he looks sad.", "segments": [[0, 18.51], [17.26, 30.52], [30.02, 50.04]], "duration": 50.03, "id": 4136}, {"image_id": "v_eCzDH6PdtlE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast performs on a pommel horse on front a crowd in the bleachers. Then, she flips backwards and lands stand on the foam mat.", "segments": [[0, 85.64], [86.12, 95.69]], "duration": 95.69, "id": 4137}, {"image_id": "v_YufXlj-WpEw.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of people running down a long track and jumping into a sand pit. More women are shown running down the track and landing into the sand pit as others watch.", "segments": [[2.89, 78.88], [77.43, 143.28]], "duration": 144.73, "id": 4138}, {"image_id": "v_wDlbcTFI90o.mp4", "caption": "The video is a tutorial about installing deck tiles. There's a contractor working on a deck. He begins installing the interlocking wooden tiles on a concrete deck surface. He covers the entire deck with the wooden tiles to evenly cover the surface area.", "segments": [[10.4, 42.09], [42.09, 62.89], [62.89, 83.7], [83.7, 90.79]], "duration": 94.58, "id": 4139}, {"image_id": "v_HbXNXmCRFh4.mp4", "caption": "An older man is in a pool and he's holding a yellow ball in front of his face. The man throws it to a dog who is balancing on a blue floating device and the dog hits it back to the man using his nose. The man throws it back to the dog and the dog hits it back and then he slips off the floating device and splashes into the water.", "segments": [[0, 0.65], [0.65, 2.68], [2.68, 4.06]], "duration": 4.06, "id": 4140}, {"image_id": "v_QbhMOqg9Tmg.mp4", "caption": "women are insisde a bathtub shving her legs with ceam and water. women are laughing in front of a mirror.", "segments": [[0, 200.83], [200.83, 226.93]], "duration": 226.93, "id": 4141}, {"image_id": "v_T3rh5gQVFKA.mp4", "caption": "We see a wolf fall in the title screen. We see the landscape of a small town. A boy rides down a street on a skateboard. Four boys on skateboards ride past. We see a boy almost fall two times. We See the board on the curb. A group of boys walking up a hill. The end credits play and we see a boy on a bus.", "segments": [[0, 8.83], [19.62, 33.35], [34.33, 190.3], [83.38, 96.13], [95.15, 107.9], [113.79, 121.64], [155.97, 162.83], [164.8, 196.19]], "duration": 196.19, "id": 4142}, {"image_id": "v_n9MONPwq7x0.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in a black sweatshirt and black shorts, along with another person dressed in white athletic wear are standing in a tennis court near the net. They are both holding tennis rackets. The person in black is giving a tutorial on how to return a serve in tennis. There is a player demonstrating the serve as the coach explains. Then the person in white begins taking about more about the tennis serve and how to play effectively. The player continues to demonstrate the serves.", "segments": [[15.34, 28.12], [28.12, 31.53], [31.53, 46.01], [46.01, 95.43], [95.43, 163.6], [163.6, 170.41]], "duration": 170.41, "id": 4143}, {"image_id": "v_SsAmEJvdpyU.mp4", "caption": "People are doing tricks on roller blades. A man jumps down a flight of stairs on roller blades. A man in a white shirt jumps down a flight of stairs.", "segments": [[0, 82.85], [73.32, 74.98], [77.88, 79.54]], "duration": 82.85, "id": 4144}, {"image_id": "v_smGijLg8Cho.mp4", "caption": "Three men are set up to play darts. The man in the peach shirts throws a dart at the dart board. A man in blue hits a cue ball. The man in peach lines back up and shoots three darts at the dart board and removes them. He lines back up in front of the board and throws one more dart. More people gather around as two men remove the darts from the dartboards and walk back a distance. Both men throw a dart at the dartboard. The man in peach walks to remove the darts. A woman stands by the dart board and smiles. The man in peach throws three darts at the board again and smiles as he removes them.", "segments": [[0, 2.49], [2.49, 11.18], [11.18, 18.64], [18.64, 51.57], [51.57, 52.82], [52.82, 62.14], [62.14, 68.35], [68.35, 88.23], [88.23, 95.69], [95.69, 124.27]], "duration": 124.27, "id": 4145}, {"image_id": "v_eqWQOAjF4-k.mp4", "caption": "We see a little boy standing on a platform on a jungle gym. The boy climbs across on the monkey bars. The boy reaches the other platform and turns and smiles for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.96], [2.96, 19.17], [20.59, 23.66]], "duration": 23.66, "id": 4146}, {"image_id": "v_xlCOq0ryx-Y.mp4", "caption": "Two men sit in a room smoking cigarettes one playing guitar the other on keyboard. The man on guitar on the right takes his cigarette out of his mouth and puts it down. The man on the left takes his cigarette out and wipes mouth on his arm. They finish and the man on the left wipes his mouth and the right takes his cigarette out and blows smoke.", "segments": [[0, 178.08], [127.46, 132.88], [137.4, 142.82], [175.37, 180.79]], "duration": 180.79, "id": 4147}, {"image_id": "v_XbSQ_7vh7yc.mp4", "caption": "An older woman and young child are seen washing dishes in a sink and speaking to one another. The people play in the water and the girl blows bubbles while the woman washes dishes.", "segments": [[0, 200.01], [122.59, 215.06]], "duration": 215.06, "id": 4148}, {"image_id": "v_548xC74c6MQ.mp4", "caption": "A colorful hexagonal shaped kite is flying high in the air. The clear blue skies and the bright sun shinning make the kite look very colorful and radiant.", "segments": [[2.37, 12.43], [12.43, 13.94]], "duration": 14.37, "id": 4149}, {"image_id": "v_0WVkoTBmhA0.mp4", "caption": "A cartoon animation video is shown with people wandering around and rockets being shot. Two men fight robots of evil and ends with a to be continued.", "segments": [[1.54, 72.33], [75.41, 152.36]], "duration": 153.9, "id": 4150}, {"image_id": "v_xmb7j1e0wts.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her laying out various food items and mixing ingredients into a blender. She pours more out more flours into the mixer and shows several shots of cookies being made. She lays out more ingredients, pours of spoonfuls of dough onto a pan, and then breaks apart a cooked cookie.", "segments": [[0, 70.89], [59.91, 155.76], [149.77, 199.69]], "duration": 199.69, "id": 4151}, {"image_id": "v_ouEWLFNLLos.mp4", "caption": "An elderly man is walking and a large white bird is biting at his right foot.The man turns around and points and scolds the bird and continues to walk.The man then bends down near some stairs, wipes the outside of the building and the bird continues to attack the man. The man scolds the bird again and motions to the small dog that's also there that the dog and bird should interact but the bird keeps messing with the man and the dog stays out of it.", "segments": [[0, 4.5], [4.5, 7.96], [7.96, 21.12], [21.12, 69.24]], "duration": 69.24, "id": 4152}, {"image_id": "v_FRX4LTw9650.mp4", "caption": "Various women are seen looking at the camera followed by a man speaking to the camera. Several tools are shown that lea into one woman brushing out her hair. Another woman brushes her hair and leads into more clips of women smiling and looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.81, 43.97], [39.09, 107.49], [94.46, 160.42]], "duration": 162.87, "id": 4153}, {"image_id": "v_4llkVfMzsN4.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing wall ball in a room. A boy falls down diving for the ball. A person walks in front of the room.", "segments": [[6.01, 200.37], [60.11, 62.11], [99.18, 108.2]], "duration": 200.37, "id": 4154}, {"image_id": "v_k1WnO7UeBJ8.mp4", "caption": "Two people are shown walking around with a rug over their shoulders and walk inside a building. They open the rug then pull out measuring tape and hammer down the rug. They then put plaster all over the floor and present the finished product of the rug by shaking hands with the owners and smiling for pictures.", "segments": [[0, 19.29], [18.88, 39.4], [39.81, 82.08]], "duration": 82.08, "id": 4155}, {"image_id": "v_6iBXtHrJ4gc.mp4", "caption": "An older man is seen walking towards the camera and points to various plants around him. The camera pans around the area with all the plants growing and shows the man holding a tool. The man then uses the tool along a hedge of bushes while looking back and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 52.37], [42.19, 109.83], [103.29, 143.29]], "duration": 145.47, "id": 4156}, {"image_id": "v_ajYA9O6R-AY.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen speaking to the camera standing before a game of hop scotch drawn out. The girl then throws a rock and hops to end while grabbing it and hopping back.", "segments": [[1.58, 27.18], [24.01, 50.92]], "duration": 52.77, "id": 4157}, {"image_id": "v_qVy_WDpLHRM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind a vacuum. She begins vacuuming the carpet. She takes off the hose attachment and cleans a lamp and the stairs. She empties the filter of the vacuum into the trash can.", "segments": [[13.27, 16.8], [19.46, 87.55], [87.55, 116.73], [145.03, 156.53]], "duration": 176.87, "id": 4158}, {"image_id": "v_g_KbloQigw8.mp4", "caption": "Text is shown across the screen followed by a man kneeling down in dirt. The man using a torch to light a spark on the machine in front of him. He stops to look back at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 6.89], [5.19, 12.35], [10.74, 16.92]], "duration": 17.9, "id": 4159}, {"image_id": "v_IkjulgI7gzg.mp4", "caption": "There are two body builders dressed in a black shirts demonstrating weightlifting in a gym. One of the bodybuilders is lifting the weights while the other is explaining the correct method of doing it. He bodybuilder lifts the weight gradually at first and then swiftly picks himself up to raise the weights. The other bodybuilder continues to explain the weightlifting strategies that is used professionally.", "segments": [[13.6, 40.8], [40.8, 82.33], [82.33, 125.28], [125.28, 133.87]], "duration": 143.18, "id": 4160}, {"image_id": "v_Z-syOvXCc20.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting on a swing set when an older man steps behind him and pushes. The boy moves back and fourth on the swing and leads to the boy jumping off and the man looking surprised.", "segments": [[0, 11.2], [10.3, 29.86]], "duration": 29.86, "id": 4161}, {"image_id": "v_WttP_X-aCEA.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown outside in a kid park with grey shorts on a a pair of black and white Puma sneakers.He then pulls him self up on top of the monkey bars and stands on top of them and goes into a hand stand.Once he has got his balance,he travels across is and jumps off one he has gotten to the end.", "segments": [[0, 3.43], [3.67, 8.17], [8.05, 23.67]], "duration": 23.67, "id": 4162}, {"image_id": "v_oHDeMg1ZFp8.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking and standing in a kitchen wearing a white robe and a lot of colorful vegetables in front of him. Now the vegetables are gone and the man is now scooping something from a little bowl onto a white plate that is sitting on a wooden cutting board. The man then begins to break the contents up with his utensil and then his hands until they are into separate pieces.", "segments": [[0, 13.39], [13.94, 22.87], [22.87, 111.55]], "duration": 111.55, "id": 4163}, {"image_id": "v_knY08LrNyHg.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of people pushing sail boats into the water as well as riding them around one another. People are seen riding around on jet skis following the boat as well as close ups of the boats being shown as well as underwater. More people are seen riding on smaller boats and end by dragging a boat back to shore.", "segments": [[0, 75.29], [74.17, 176.43], [192.16, 224.75]], "duration": 224.75, "id": 4164}, {"image_id": "v_5QZpCDyXNx4.mp4", "caption": "Kids are riding bicycles around a dirt track. One of them tips over and falls. They continue to go around the track. Another person crashes and falls.", "segments": [[0, 88.47], [13.27, 13.71], [13.27, 47.33], [47.77, 51.31]], "duration": 88.47, "id": 4165}, {"image_id": "v_RcDEaYPwI6I.mp4", "caption": "A group of dancers in red outfits dance on stage. A group of cheerleaders in pink stand on a field while a group in white walk up to great the coach. A solo woman in a red blouse discusses the events in a room with lit up letters in the background. Both teams of women line up on the field together. Both groups of women dance together in unison with the coach leading in front. The women in pink uniforms dance on the field. The women in white uniforms dance on the field.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [4.23, 15.73], [16.94, 28.43], [22.38, 26.01], [27.82, 42.95], [35.69, 57.46], [58.67, 113.72]], "duration": 120.98, "id": 4166}, {"image_id": "v_Uot4XZns2b4.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a man prying shingles up around a pipe. The man then pushes the pipe down and nails it. The man add tar to the pipe base and nails shingles down around it. The man then puts tar under the top shingle. We see the house and a truck parked in the driveway.", "segments": [[0, 2.36], [2.36, 41.35], [41.35, 66.15], [67.34, 205.55], [206.73, 233.9], [233.9, 236.26]], "duration": 236.26, "id": 4167}, {"image_id": "v_9PvtW0Uvnl0.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans away from a road and shows a person's feet moving around. Several shots are shown of people tying their shoes, hitting a button, and checking a watch. People are then seen running down the road one at a time followed by many more following.", "segments": [[0.96, 15.08], [16.05, 44.61], [42.68, 62.58]], "duration": 64.18, "id": 4168}, {"image_id": "v_v7o9uSu9AVI.mp4", "caption": "A strong man is lifting his legs up and down across parallel bars. He begins to do shrugs on the bars. He starts to walk his body across with his hands. He circles around on the edge of the bars with his arms. He swings his legs and leaps with his arms across the parallel bars. A man does dips on the parallel bars. Another man does dips down to his elbows on the parallel bars. He then starts to do dips down to his armpits on the parallel bars called Russian Dips, while keeping his legs in the air. A man does dips with his body in front of the bar and legs swoops underneath the bar. He then does pushups on the parallel bars, by going down, pushing forward, then up. He begins to do pushups, with his knees tucked, with the parallel bars. A different man does leg dips, swings his legs up and around each parallel bar and pushes forward across the parallel bars. When he reaches the end, he tucks in his knees and lifts his body up and perpendicular to the bars.He then does knee and leg raises. A different man keeps his legs straight out and moves them across each bar. A different man brings his legs straight up into a V-shape on the bars. He then rests his elbows on the bars and swings his body perpendicular to the bars then parallel to the bars. He begins to do shoulder stands on the bars. He switches to doing a head stand and holds. A different man starts to swing his body from under the bars and presses himself up and over the bars.", "segments": [[0, 14.19], [15.21, 20.28], [20.28, 27.38], [27.38, 34.47], [34.47, 41.57], [42.58, 50.7], [51.71, 60.83], [59.82, 65.9], [65.9, 76.04], [76.04, 86.18], [87.2, 96.32], [97.33, 106.46], [107.47, 117.61], [118.63, 127.75], [128.77, 137.89], [138.9, 143.97], [144.99, 154.11], [155.13, 166.28], [167.29, 174.39], [175.4, 183.52]], "duration": 202.78, "id": 4169}, {"image_id": "v_Tbo7I63oIms.mp4", "caption": "A person ski over a ski rail and spins in the air, then land stand on the snow. The person ski over a ramp and fly in the air very high. Then, the person ski over the rails of a home turning ans spinning and then land on the street. Then, a person ski over the fence of a walking bridge and also ski on the stairs.", "segments": [[6.69, 52.53], [51.57, 106.01], [106.96, 139.44], [140.39, 186.23]], "duration": 191.01, "id": 4170}, {"image_id": "v_3j52keiQuiw.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast mounts a low beam in front of a crowd. She does bends, handsprings, and forward and back flips on the beam. She dismounts proudly, lifting her arms into the air.", "segments": [[0, 17.95], [20.94, 61.32], [63.31, 99.71]], "duration": 99.71000000000001, "id": 4171}, {"image_id": "v_2OEa00knM9E.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a horse with a rope in his hands. He then rides in on a horse and ropes up a calf with the rope. Several people are shown riding in and roping up cattle while others watch on the side.", "segments": [[0, 8.76], [9.53, 29.61], [30.39, 49.7]], "duration": 51.5, "id": 4172}, {"image_id": "v_6h-WE-0eBlA.mp4", "caption": "A man is leaning over a pool table, hitting the ball with his cue. A woman in a pink bikini spins her cue as she waits her turn. Then she takes a shot at the ball, knocking them into the holes.", "segments": [[0, 17.53], [23.37, 116.83], [119.75, 194.72]], "duration": 194.72, "id": 4173}, {"image_id": "v_1RJgvoFfbkI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are in the middle of the court fighting one another. They are practicing their moves while others stand by and watch. It's like a culture practiced by many who actually enjoy it and think it is a fun sport. They take it very seriously, some fight and some enjoy watching.", "segments": [[0, 19.35], [19.35, 45.47], [45.47, 69.65], [69.65, 96.74]], "duration": 96.74000000000001, "id": 4174}, {"image_id": "v_O2Vd29Slt7g.mp4", "caption": "A young man on the roof of a tall building, with the backdrop of a city skyline, performs a series of dance moves, gymnastics moves, tumbling moves and high kicks. The man begins with his back to the camera and stands facing the city skyline from the roof top. The man then begins a series of high kicks, handless back flips, and breakdance moves. The dance moves end with more high kicks, head stands and semi martial art moves, as the camera circles the man, as the man finishes, and walks, with back to camera, to the edge of the roof again.", "segments": [[0.35, 60.35], [0.35, 3.18], [3.53, 34.59], [35.29, 67.41]], "duration": 70.59, "id": 4175}, {"image_id": "v_hRIXXCe0Hi0.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking to a camera. We see shots of men and a crowd of people. The men play rock paper scissors. A lady in the crowd jumps up and down. We see the man high five each other. We see a lady in front a person in costume. The man in red raises his hands in triumph. Ladies bring a big check to the man in red.", "segments": [[0, 9.98], [10.64, 21.95], [25.28, 114.42], [29.93, 31.93], [43.9, 45.9], [101.78, 103.77], [115.08, 121.73], [122.4, 133.04]], "duration": 133.04, "id": 4176}, {"image_id": "v_poERMbR_nY4.mp4", "caption": "People slides on inflatable sleds down the hill. People take turns to sled down the hills. Then people get together to sled on group. Also, people sled on on a line down the hill.", "segments": [[3.73, 45.72], [45.72, 80.25], [80.25, 105.44], [106.37, 142.76]], "duration": 186.62, "id": 4177}, {"image_id": "v_q0P0EvJOfRQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen dancing in the street placing an instrument while others watch on the side. The woman continues to play the instrument while moving her leg up and down and the people clap for her on the side.", "segments": [[1.02, 39.91], [24.9, 66.52]], "duration": 68.22, "id": 4178}, {"image_id": "v_zacXKdNZHrI.mp4", "caption": "A text intro leads into a boy sitting on a stool holding an accordion. The boy then begins playing the instrument while looking away from the camera. The boy continues to play while looking around the room and pulling the accordion around.", "segments": [[0, 40.12], [36.97, 114.86], [103.06, 154.98]], "duration": 157.34, "id": 4179}, {"image_id": "v_Zg7J_rLXbuk.mp4", "caption": "A girl lifts her arm and prepares to mount the balance beam in an arena. The girl get on and performs a routine on the balance beam. The girl is laying on the beam and does a flip to the standing position. The girl flips across the beam. The girl runs flips and dismounts the beam. The crowd cheers and claps for the girl as she lifts her hands.", "segments": [[0, 5.48], [5.48, 95.72], [10.47, 14.46], [22.43, 28.42], [90.23, 95.22], [95.72, 99.71]], "duration": 99.71000000000001, "id": 4180}, {"image_id": "v_4taBobzpYNU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera holding a sharpening tool in her hands. She then demonstrates how to properly cut the knife and placing the object down while speaking.", "segments": [[0, 85.88], [86.48, 120.12]], "duration": 120.12, "id": 4181}, {"image_id": "v_e0-lO2jb8vo.mp4", "caption": "A baton twirler is standing on the gym floor. She begins her routine. She tosses the baton in the air. She does flips and twists. She continues to twirl the baton and dance. She drops her baton and goes after it. She is twirling, dancing and flipping again. She drops the baton again. She now has two batons and is twirling and dancing and throwing them in the air. She dropped it a third time. She picked it up and added a third baton and finished her routine.", "segments": [[0, 9.44], [9.44, 33.98], [33.98, 37.75], [37.75, 51.91], [51.91, 68.9], [68.9, 73.61], [73.61, 91.55], [91.55, 97.21], [97.21, 150.06], [150.06, 155.72], [156.67, 188.76]], "duration": 188.76, "id": 4182}, {"image_id": "v_z9MMLl1isUk.mp4", "caption": "old man is holding a green pole hitting a pi\u00f1ata in the middle of a room. little kids are dancin and jumpin behind the man.man givs the pole to a kid and other kids stands behind him.", "segments": [[0, 36.74], [3.08, 36.74], [36.74, 41.05]], "duration": 41.05, "id": 4183}, {"image_id": "v_ynpvos7UFZo.mp4", "caption": "There are some people knitting with yarn and knitting needles at a cultural center. A rack of knitted hats and sweaters is stacked up against the wall. A finished gray sweater with black embroidery is shown. A women representing The Daily news channel is talking about the sweater and then she wears it. There are people sitting and knitting with yarn and needles. There's a man named John George talking about his knitting experience in the class. He along with his other fellow knitters demonstrates how they knit. Another person named Charles Henry is talking about his knitting experience at the cultural center. Several people are seen at the cultural center sitting together and knitting as one of the organizers talks. The news reporter wears the gray sweater and looks very happy in it.", "segments": [[0, 176.55], [11.03, 16.05], [13.04, 18.06], [16.05, 28.09], [24.07, 37.11], [34.11, 65.2], [59.18, 107.33], [102.32, 133.41], [121.38, 179.56], [175.54, 200.62]], "duration": 200.62, "id": 4184}, {"image_id": "v_J4WbF-bJ1T8.mp4", "caption": "Two people are fencing in a polka dot walled room, while dressed in fencing gear and fencing masks including a fencing weapon. An animated graphic populates displaying the physique of the two fencers in a grid pattern with the two animated figures exhibiting some fence/weapon movement. A cut away appears of several people interviewing and talking to the camera in front of an extreme fencing sign along with still images of people preparing to fence. The two people dressed in fencing outfits begin to fence in a demonstration.", "segments": [[1.77, 17.7], [17.7, 53.99], [61.95, 115.05], [115.94, 177.01]], "duration": 177.01, "id": 4185}, {"image_id": "v_sx4zAnVDV9Y.mp4", "caption": "A CBS NEWS anchor reports on a story. A marching band appears on a large field performing. A student of the marching band gives an interview along with the marching band instructor. The marching band practices their performance.", "segments": [[0, 18.78], [19.53, 34.55], [35.3, 86.38], [87.89, 150.23]], "duration": 150.23, "id": 4186}, {"image_id": "v_uXcCES4BsQ0.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting behind a counter when one moves back and fourth and prepares himself. The man then solves a rubix cube while a timer is going and he puts a blindfold over his eyes and a person puts paper in front. He solves the sube and then slams his hands down on the table.", "segments": [[0, 16.69], [16.44, 43.75], [44.51, 50.57]], "duration": 50.57, "id": 4187}, {"image_id": "v_i0jy3fjw8xQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are standing on an outdoor bridge. They are putting equipment around each other's bodies to protect them. The person jumps off the side of the bridge on a bungee cord, swinging over the water below.", "segments": [[0, 14.48], [23.79, 70.33], [74.46, 206.84]], "duration": 206.84, "id": 4188}, {"image_id": "v_VIQG4W0vYxw.mp4", "caption": "a lot of people are gathered in a square. people start to run in the street and by the bay.", "segments": [[0, 14.81], [15.55, 148.12]], "duration": 148.12, "id": 4189}, {"image_id": "v_bWquUXC2Te8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen looking to the camera wile holding a razor. He begins shaving his face while looking into the mirror. He points to the razor and continues shaving his face and looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.75], [10.36, 37.03], [33.58, 58.37]], "duration": 62.76, "id": 4190}, {"image_id": "v_smfBAiFujmE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in the water with a pair of skis attached to his feet. The man then gets up on the skis and rides along the water behind a boat.", "segments": [[0, 12.57], [12, 28.24]], "duration": 28.24, "id": 4191}, {"image_id": "v_5eM2Hcvj6R8.mp4", "caption": "A view of a wide berth of trees in a forest is shown. A woman walks out holding a hula hoop. She begins using the hoop seductively while dancing. She spins, flips, and does cartwheels while using the hoop. She finishes her performance with a frozen, upward staring pose.", "segments": [[0, 8.52], [9.47, 21.78], [22.73, 118.38], [121.22, 160.05], [165.73, 189.41]], "duration": 189.41, "id": 4192}, {"image_id": "v_pRGlbeqRfM0.mp4", "caption": "man weaing a green shirt is standing next to a little girl. girl wearing glasses is talking to the camera. the man and the girl are drinking from a white cup. the girl holds the drink in her mouth and spit it on the grass and the man do the same.", "segments": [[0, 206.5], [0, 121.83], [33.04, 40.27], [121.83, 206.5]], "duration": 206.5, "id": 4193}, {"image_id": "v_tSk1GWyofaU.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks to the end of a diving board and lifts her hands. The girl jumps on the diving board to prepare herself. The girl then does a backwards flipping dive into the pool.", "segments": [[0, 14.29], [14.29, 28.22], [28.59, 37.13]], "duration": 37.13, "id": 4194}, {"image_id": "v_78je-JBAqxQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is blowing a whislet in front of a room filled with people. They are playing beer pong with several red solo cups, drinking in between plays. A blonde woman watches as a man wins the game, hugging the woman next to him.", "segments": [[0, 12.44], [19.55, 91.85], [98.96, 118.52]], "duration": 118.52000000000001, "id": 4195}, {"image_id": "v_qPZwXF1Xcpw.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans over a grass field surrounded by a track, with people doing indistinct things in the background. A man is shown engaging in shot put. Judges measure the man's throw. The audience is shown clapping as the man receives congratulations from people nearby. A replay of the throw is shown.", "segments": [[0, 15.87], [15.87, 28.46], [29, 36.12], [36.67, 59.1], [60.2, 109.45]], "duration": 109.45, "id": 4196}, {"image_id": "v_X1vyuNazaIc.mp4", "caption": "Two children in pajamas hang Christmas ornaments from a tree. A fake bat bursts out of the Christmas tree and scares the children.", "segments": [[0, 7.46], [7.66, 13.45]], "duration": 13.45, "id": 4197}, {"image_id": "v_ThWgMXhkS2E.mp4", "caption": "A man standing outside of a building window cleaning with a large squeegee. He goes over the door window and then uses another gadget after to wipe down the soap. He starts all the way at the top making sure to get in the corners of the window. The window looks very clean and nice once he is down doing all of that.", "segments": [[0, 9.87], [9.87, 33.06], [33.49, 69.55], [69.98, 85.87]], "duration": 85.87, "id": 4198}, {"image_id": "v_IhuwmiSPx0w.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders perform on stage while people watch. Then, the cheerleaders make a tower and then jump, then they do cartwheels. Two cheerleaders get up in a tower and then flips and fall on the arms of people. The girls do again a tower and then spin and jump. The cheerleaders raise the girls up and then flip down, then they continue performing.", "segments": [[0, 27.55], [28.47, 88.15], [88.15, 128.55], [128.55, 176.3], [177.22, 183.65]], "duration": 183.65, "id": 4199}, {"image_id": "v__dFzOHyZSNk.mp4", "caption": "Two men are long boarding down a hill. He stops and puts his foot down on the ground. He is standing on his board upside down. A man in a green shirt is sitting on the ground with his long board in front of him.", "segments": [[22.13, 37.22], [41.24, 46.27], [78.46, 113.67], [116.68, 117.69]], "duration": 201.18, "id": 4200}, {"image_id": "v_uqd8A4iJ6Bo.mp4", "caption": "The person is shown mixing the ingredients. The person rolls the dough and cuts it into little pieces and flattens the tiny balls out using their hands. The person uses a fork to put lines in the dough. Then the person puts the cookies on a baking sheet in a pan and bakes them for 15 minutes. Then takes the cookies out when they're done.", "segments": [[10.84, 108.38], [51.34, 108.38], [81, 108.38], [87.27, 108.38], [96.97, 108.38]], "duration": 114.08, "id": 4201}, {"image_id": "v_rLlm6h0Nfvo.mp4", "caption": "A person flips and throw to the air a hula ring, then the woman pass the hula ring through her body. After, the woman pass the hula ring around her waist fast. Then, the woman does an exercise with her feet and body.", "segments": [[0, 118.21], [118.21, 164.84], [164.84, 198.46]], "duration": 216.9, "id": 4202}, {"image_id": "v_MwkRK7A46P4.mp4", "caption": "Several news logos are shown and then a male reporter shows up talking behind his desk.The camera then flips to a woman and she begins doing interviews with men who were playing a game of soccer.Many quarters are being played and after the goals are made,the players start to jump on each other's back and jump for joy and show their happiness.", "segments": [[0, 57.21], [57.21, 135.06], [135.06, 187.58]], "duration": 187.58, "id": 4203}, {"image_id": "v_VzR7cskYnng.mp4", "caption": "Two men perform kick box in a room while a man supervise the moves. A person leans on the wall behind the men. A little child pass on front the men. A woman walks and stand on front the men.", "segments": [[0, 127.8], [81.15, 120.13], [58.15, 61.35], [65.82, 127.8]], "duration": 127.8, "id": 4204}, {"image_id": "v_1hTqfvjis9E.mp4", "caption": "A large man is standing on a circular dome in a field. He holds a steel ball on a rope as he talks. He then shows how to stand before swinging the ball around his head in circles. He lets go, and the ball flies far across the field as he walks away.", "segments": [[0, 2.79], [3.79, 4.99], [5.99, 25.55], [26.74, 39.92]], "duration": 39.92, "id": 4205}, {"image_id": "v_Nn4sVR3__DQ.mp4", "caption": "A mom is sitting at the top of a slide with her little baby. She is contemplating going down for a while. She finally slides down it with baby. When they reach the bottom she lets him go and he starts to walk around.", "segments": [[0, 5.28], [5.28, 12.32], [12.32, 26.41], [26.41, 39.13]], "duration": 39.13, "id": 4206}, {"image_id": "v_YXl4cEB7E3Y.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing in the middle of a parking lot. He is wearing a hat with a feather in it and sunglasses. He is playing a bagpipe.", "segments": [[0, 4.42], [4.8, 7.3], [7.87, 19.2]], "duration": 19.2, "id": 4207}, {"image_id": "v_E3KLk-55yC0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kicking a soccer ball on his feet and gradually passing it to a wall. The man continues kicking the ball off of his foot and against the wall while the camera captures him.", "segments": [[0, 52.45], [10.74, 61.35]], "duration": 61.35, "id": 4208}, {"image_id": "v_g0jF_Gh8c8g.mp4", "caption": "men are standing on ice fishing in a large ice region. man grabbed a fish from the ice and lay on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 183.81], [114.88, 183.81]], "duration": 183.81, "id": 4209}, {"image_id": "v_Wg0xG-eRTho.mp4", "caption": "A standing pair of legs appear and the words \"Summer Leg Routine\" are displayed on the screen. The legs are now bent with the knee up from the ground and the girl rubs the mango scrub all over her legs, then wipes the excess off with a towel. On the upper right hand of the screen a small video plays and shows a VEET product while the girl takes two VEET wax strips and puts them on her leg, then removes them in the order they were put on. The girl then takes another VEET product which turns out to be wiping strips and wipes her legs down, then takes a towel to her legs. After she's done wiping her legs she takes Nivea lotion and rubs them all over her legs, stands up and then shows her legs to the camera at various angles.", "segments": [[0, 3.99], [3.99, 27.13], [27.13, 111.73], [111.73, 131.68], [131.68, 159.61]], "duration": 159.61, "id": 4210}, {"image_id": "v_pJEOK1DbTfU.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is doing flips and handsprings on a high bar. She goes forward and backward several times. The screen stops as she goes to the top of the beam.", "segments": [[0, 1.85], [2.42, 11.19], [11.6, 16.11]], "duration": 16.11, "id": 4211}, {"image_id": "v_ipYVfTYZze8.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a large snowy hill as well as people sitting on a ski lift and riding around a mountain. The people do flips and tricks as well as follow one another down a hill and catch each other skiing from several angles.", "segments": [[2.7, 108.06], [80.14, 176.49]], "duration": 180.09, "id": 4212}, {"image_id": "v_BMa9v2uZBp8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a coat is pulling a board up a hill of snow. He starts snowboarding down the hill. The man lifts the goggles off of his face and smiles. People are snowboarding down a hill together.", "segments": [[0, 19.95], [19.95, 118.72], [119.72, 123.71], [129.69, 199.53]], "duration": 199.53, "id": 4213}, {"image_id": "v_Ar3eaYtLlKI.mp4", "caption": "A man puts dog treats into another man's hand. The man is walking a dog down the sidewalk. Someone else is walking behind them.", "segments": [[0, 5.93], [7.34, 56.45], [47.42, 49.11]], "duration": 56.45, "id": 4214}, {"image_id": "v_INmaUkmVK24.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down with a razor and looking up towards the camera. The man shaves off part of his leg and holds up an object while walking away.", "segments": [[0.33, 11.23], [8.48, 21.35]], "duration": 22.01, "id": 4215}, {"image_id": "v_E0DbrJVJUho.mp4", "caption": "A black screen with a white banner at the bottom has various information that include a website, state, phone number and logo.A white screen follows and it includes a logo, name of the products and indicates that this is an \"INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO\".Another white screen appears and a content list appears and there 1-5.On the next white screen a cardboard box is shown and then it begins to show the many different contents that come in the box, along with the names of them next to it.A woman is now standing in a hallway as she puts together her cleaning tool by screwing the top portion onto her pole and applying a cloth to the end, then she straps her spray bottle onto her hip. The woman then begins to spray the cloth on the cleaning tool and starts cleaning various different areas in the office including windows, elevator doors, TVs and changing out the clothes in between to suit the surface she is working on.The woman is now seen at a double glass door as she's now holding a cloth in her hand to clean the doors and other surfaces.The woman is then shown putting the different clothes into the washer and then hanging her cleaning tool up on the wall. A black screen appears and it includes the same white banner as it did in the very beginning.", "segments": [[0, 5.54], [5.54, 10.15], [10.15, 14.77], [14.77, 21.23], [21.23, 42.46], [42.46, 147.7], [147.7, 165.24], [165.24, 180.01], [180.01, 184.62]], "duration": 184.62, "id": 4216}, {"image_id": "v_bTC_MdhURLg.mp4", "caption": "A man is rubbing his hands in a frantic manner as he stands next to a female.The camera shifts and you can see he is in a casino playing a game of Black Jack.Once the dealer has flipped over all of the cards,the two are shown again talking and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 20.5], [20.16, 53.3], [53.3, 68.34]], "duration": 68.34, "id": 4217}, {"image_id": "v_HoQQlRzybmA.mp4", "caption": "A large choppy waterfall is shown. A man is laying on a slack line over the water. A person is playing the guitar sitting on a rock.", "segments": [[1.09, 38.01], [41.27, 42.35], [89.05, 91.22]], "duration": 217.2, "id": 4218}, {"image_id": "v_m4ef0fCA2WU.mp4", "caption": "Children of different ages are playing on a playground. A couple of women are in the playground area talking. A young woman holding a baby walks to a swing and puts the baby in the swing. She then walks in front of the baby and sits in the adult seat attached to the baby swing. Another woman walks past with a few kids. The woman on the swing swings the baby while talking to him and making faces at him.", "segments": [[0, 30.77], [2.85, 4.92], [0.48, 7.3], [7.45, 10.78], [7.45, 10.94], [11.1, 30.93]], "duration": 31.72, "id": 4219}, {"image_id": "v_C_bwHYiX-Vw.mp4", "caption": "A man shows how to change a tube in a tire. He takes the old tube out, puts the new one in, then pumps it up.", "segments": [[0, 216.62], [45.49, 191.71]], "duration": 216.62, "id": 4220}, {"image_id": "v_mrT7FqQ0lCs.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of text are shown followed by a person walking into frame. The person then walks in and out of frame performing various dance moves on the ground. The person continues moving around on the ground and demonstrating how to perform moves.", "segments": [[1.37, 49.88], [39.63, 107.96], [94.3, 133.93]], "duration": 136.66, "id": 4221}, {"image_id": "v_Vbkq1ldn3A8.mp4", "caption": "People are seen sitting at a table while a man stands beside them and taking a puff from a hookah. He hands the hose to a girl sitting who takes a few rips and the man is shown speaking to the camera. the girls hands the hose to other one sitting while she takes a few hits and passes it back to the other person.", "segments": [[0, 8.68], [8.32, 54.99], [55.35, 72.35]], "duration": 72.35, "id": 4222}, {"image_id": "v_UAAk2SxqSvs.mp4", "caption": "Two boys skateboard through the streets at different times wearing helmets. A skateboarder in a blue t-shirt and black helmet skateboards through streets bordering countrysides and residential neighborhoods. A skateboarder wearing all black falls off of the skateboard onto the paved street, gets up and walks off.", "segments": [[2.18, 212.55], [23.98, 197.29], [199.47, 216.91]], "duration": 218.0, "id": 4223}, {"image_id": "v_XbvlEwmvLko.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen with a rope in his mouth and rides in on a horse immediately roping a calf. He throws the calf down and ties him up, followed by several other men performing the same trick at different speeds.", "segments": [[0, 14.83], [9.41, 72.35]], "duration": 72.35, "id": 4224}, {"image_id": "v_kzBTJEMgoj0.mp4", "caption": "A woman cleans a cafeteria floor with a mop while occasionally talking to the camera. The woman walks to and cleans a different part of the cafeteria floor. The woman plunges the mop head into a bucket. A number of people walk by in the background. The woman talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 30.09], [30.09, 62.83], [62.83, 176.98], [99.11, 176.98], [116.81, 176.98]], "duration": 176.98, "id": 4225}, {"image_id": "v_vrWcBuRPDBw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing next a brown horse. People are riding horses along a dirt trail.The horses are getting a drink of water. They continue walking along the trail on the horses. A picture of a brown house is shown.", "segments": [[9.96, 13.94], [13.94, 132.77], [49.13, 55.76], [56.43, 130.12], [125.47, 130.12]], "duration": 132.77, "id": 4226}, {"image_id": "v__ENXbB6aaa4.mp4", "caption": "An intro begins for DX sports and shows two men skating down a road. The continue riding down the road while the camera follows them close behind down the winding road. The men eventually get to a car and their ride down the long road.", "segments": [[0, 20.46], [20.46, 113.19], [114.55, 136.37]], "duration": 136.37, "id": 4227}, {"image_id": "v_3mymOHc5-Gs.mp4", "caption": "A man shows a boot and shining tools. Then, the man cleans the shoe with a cloth. After, the man points the tip of the shoe and applies black paint and shows insoles . Then, the man polish the shoes using a cream, after spray the shoes.", "segments": [[2.92, 20], [29.99, 37.91], [37.91, 49.99], [49.99, 78.32]], "duration": 83.31, "id": 4228}, {"image_id": "v_fGA7nlbGmHU.mp4", "caption": "A kid is sitting behind a drum set. He starts playing the drums in front of him. He stands up and waves at the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 61.18], [9.33, 61.18], [61.87, 69.13]], "duration": 69.13, "id": 4229}, {"image_id": "v_jfIcmcE320Q.mp4", "caption": "man is playing with a ball making balance with a lacrosse pole. little kid grab the ball from the floor with the pole. kid is playing with a ball in a green grassy field.", "segments": [[0, 25.66], [0, 1.41], [0.13, 25.66]], "duration": 25.66, "id": 4230}, {"image_id": "v__Mz7KEe_mz0.mp4", "caption": "A forested area is seen and young men walk up the street. Groups of skateboarders race each other down a forested road and are pulled by trolley cars back to the top. Skateboarders ride down a forested street one after the other doing skids and hard turns as friends watch along the side.", "segments": [[0, 10.75], [10.75, 86.92], [86.92, 179.21]], "duration": 179.21, "id": 4231}, {"image_id": "v_GQ1eaxmDlzQ.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting around a stage and leads into a man and woman hosting. The hosts lead into a large group of people on the stage performing a dance routine with one another. The people continue dancing around one another and end with the judges clapping and the host leading them off.", "segments": [[0.53, 38.4], [27.2, 84.27], [77.87, 104.01]], "duration": 106.67, "id": 4232}, {"image_id": "v_zWA4Fb4fVmE.mp4", "caption": "little kid is playing saxophone in front of a wall. people are passing in front of the kid. old man kneels and put some coins in he hat of the kid.", "segments": [[0, 60.77], [0, 58.94], [26.74, 31.9]], "duration": 60.77, "id": 4233}, {"image_id": "v_U9Ofeof4rlA.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing in a circle with his arms out to the side. The man then begins swinging around an object around and around. The man continues to spin and ends by throwing it off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 5.51], [5.51, 14.32], [14.32, 21.26]], "duration": 22.04, "id": 4234}, {"image_id": "v_IJV7CwRhFvw.mp4", "caption": "There are three people playing racquetball on the enclosed court and the view is from the person wearing the camera.The camera person picks the ball up with racquet balances it on the racquet, rolls it off and then hits to the wall.The view changes to the door and there are two men standing at the door waiting to hit the ball.", "segments": [[0, 168.44], [0, 9.26], [17.69, 19.37]], "duration": 168.44, "id": 4235}, {"image_id": "v_TVbPV7X49tw.mp4", "caption": "We see flashing images of motorcycle riding. We see a man talk standing high above a city. We then see motorcycle stunts. A bike jumps a group of people in a plaza. We see four bikes jump a ramp one after another. We see a man in red talking. A man jumps off his bike. A man kisses a woman on his bike. We see boy is talking. A bike is kicking up smoke. A man puts his arm in the air. We see a bike smash a bottle stop.", "segments": [[0, 7.52], [7.05, 12.22], [12.22, 92.12], [21.15, 23.97], [30.55, 38.54], [39.95, 41.36], [49.35, 50.29], [61.1, 65.33], [64.39, 67.21], [75.67, 79.9], [81.31, 84.6], [91.18, 94]], "duration": 94.0, "id": 4236}, {"image_id": "v_1VAugQRO05g.mp4", "caption": "A black and white video is shown of a young marching band walking down the street in a parade.Several people in the band walk by then a close up of a boy playing the trumpet is shown and he is highlighted.The video continues and the majorette girls begin dancing.Now they are at a stand still and playing without marching as the little kids begin to watch them.", "segments": [[0, 25.87], [25.32, 52.84], [52.29, 92.47], [92.47, 110.09]], "duration": 110.09, "id": 4237}, {"image_id": "v_x0tjkH_zfXA.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are raking leaves in a yard using large green and red rakes. A dog continuously runs through the leaves, messing them up. The boys laugh and keep trying to rake the leaves.", "segments": [[0, 13.75], [14.2, 39.66], [39.66, 45.07]], "duration": 45.07, "id": 4238}, {"image_id": "v_KlxUgvLHP7M.mp4", "caption": "A large stage is seen that transitions to various angles of people performing jump roping tricks on a stage in slow motion. More shots are shown of various people performing incredible jump roping skills and ends with one group holding their arms up.", "segments": [[0, 82.81], [65.91, 169]], "duration": 169.0, "id": 4239}, {"image_id": "v_AA1wvSZ4Mno.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a yard and shows two dogs on leashes. The dogs move with the person as cars move in and out of frame. The camera pans around the sky in the end.", "segments": [[0, 20.13], [17.76, 55.64], [56.83, 74.58]], "duration": 78.93, "id": 4240}, {"image_id": "v_P-6ITEpg0mw.mp4", "caption": "1 The opening of the video. 2 a girl does a lot of flips on the bars.", "segments": [[0, 2.44], [2.58, 27.14]], "duration": 27.15, "id": 4241}, {"image_id": "v_WMx0-3GZGUI.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is in a kitchen talking. The girl mixes several things from small bowls in a bigger bowl. An adult helps the girl spray her baking pans. The girl puts her mixture into the pans and puts them in an easy bake oven. The girl then removes what she made from the oven. A younger boy watches while eating a cupcake. The young girls cuts the desert she made and eats it.", "segments": [[0, 182.51], [6.39, 34.68], [35.59, 40.15], [49.28, 71.18], [89.43, 129.58], [89.43, 170.65], [130.49, 165.17]], "duration": 182.51, "id": 4242}, {"image_id": "v_cfKMu6aeMwU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while a woman works out on a machine in front of him and adjusts the settings. The man continues moving on the machine showing off it's different settings while the man continues to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[1.24, 65.89], [32.94, 113.75]], "duration": 124.32, "id": 4243}, {"image_id": "v_x1Mb7cN8WgU.mp4", "caption": "A person is hammering nails into a roof. She slide tiles onto the roof and nail them into place.", "segments": [[0, 147.09], [149.43, 233.48]], "duration": 233.48, "id": 4244}, {"image_id": "v_LTmYxVYBa90.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are sitting on camels in the sand beside a hill. A man reaches for the chain on the camels mouth as the camel sits. The man in light blue assists the man in dark blue to untie. The second camel holding the next couple starts to sit on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 9.95], [9.95, 22.4], [22.4, 31.11], [31.11, 35.55]], "duration": 35.55, "id": 4245}, {"image_id": "v_vB2qMaP_JaI.mp4", "caption": "A woman braids her hair slowly. She then ties the braids together and ties the end together.", "segments": [[0, 77.31], [113.25, 217.78]], "duration": 217.78, "id": 4246}, {"image_id": "v_K68iNoSnZMg.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a boy peel potatoes on front a trash can. Then, the boy puts the potato and the peeler over the counter, but again he takes it. The woman finishes to cut the potato.", "segments": [[0, 27.66], [27.66, 40.51], [40.9, 74.79]], "duration": 77.9, "id": 4247}, {"image_id": "v_sJFgo9H6zNo.mp4", "caption": "A little boy playing on a jungle gym. He is climbing up a set of stairs. Now is sliding fast down a slide. Another boy is shown playing in the grass. Now the first boy is being picked up by a woman. Now he is going to go down the slide once again. The boy likes playing with a large wheel on the playground. Once again he goes down the slide, but with dad right behind him. He goes down the slide a 4th time but with another little boy. He goes down the slide several more times.", "segments": [[3.48, 17.38], [3.48, 13.9], [9.04, 18.77], [19.47, 27.11], [27.11, 38.24], [33.37, 45.19], [45.88, 51.45], [65.35, 78.56], [84.82, 98.02], [111.93, 130.7]], "duration": 139.04, "id": 4248}, {"image_id": "v_ciIaZrpHqgs.mp4", "caption": "A group of teams are shown doing various sports events involving snow.The camera then shows handicap individuals playing a game where they are sitting in a wheelchair pushing puck like objects with handles.A man is then shown and begins talking describing the game that is taking place.", "segments": [[0, 6.95], [7.82, 110.35], [110.35, 173.78]], "duration": 173.78, "id": 4249}, {"image_id": "v_HwYZEZYgeBI.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several tools laid out on a table and a women walking in an removing a plant. The woman then pulls out a rag and wipes off the table. She tend holds the rag again, sprays down the table, and wipes down the table in a proper motion. She is then shown again dusting over various areas and places the plant back on the table and pushing the chairs in.", "segments": [[0, 16.32], [15.96, 35.18], [35.54, 51.14], [50.05, 72.54]], "duration": 72.53999999999999, "id": 4250}, {"image_id": "v_ekn9AFX2XX8.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits by the beach applying sunscreen to the top of her back. An air balloon flies through the air. A dj is seen spinning a disc. A woman walks her suitcase. Some graphic cars crash into each other. High orange flames are seen.", "segments": [[7.71, 24.81], [38.89, 41.58], [41.91, 44.59], [44.93, 47.61], [47.95, 50.63], [50.97, 53.65]], "duration": 67.06, "id": 4251}, {"image_id": "v_U7OZcgwLRcc.mp4", "caption": "Three different women are shown in succession. Each woman is seated, playing drums and cymbals. They are billed as the top three female drummers in the world as they play continuously.", "segments": [[0, 15.97], [23.96, 132.76], [137.75, 199.64]], "duration": 199.64, "id": 4252}, {"image_id": "v_C3BBG_9Vo48.mp4", "caption": "This video shows how to make a microwaved cake using Ganache frosting. First the woman adds 1 cup of sugar to 1/4 cup of vegetable oil and she puts it in a mixing bowl. then she mixes the sugar until it dissolves and he adds 1 whole cup of milk along with two teaspoons of lemon juice. Next she adds 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and she mixes everything up, then she adds 1 1/4 cups of all purpose flour along with 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder and salt. Then she adds baking powder and baking soda and she whisks it until smooth. Finally, she pours the mix into a microwavable safe dish and it's done. She then let's the cake stand for 15 minutes.", "segments": [[0, 3.15], [5.25, 7.35], [5.25, 10.51], [22.06, 24.17], [22.06, 37.83], [22.06, 129.24], [22.06, 142.9]], "duration": 210.14, "id": 4253}, {"image_id": "v_xZEl3yh0Cos.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing sunglasses is talking to the camera. He displays how to cut the strings on the front of a bike, and remove part of the tire. He replaces the part, explaining how the process is done as he goes. He then speaks to the camera further.", "segments": [[0, 13.53], [18.3, 56.5], [58.89, 135.28], [135.28, 159.15]], "duration": 159.15, "id": 4254}, {"image_id": "v_WzAGE-xKDpw.mp4", "caption": "A man sitting on an exercise equipment. He put his feet on a holder, and put the strap on. He pull the bar, at the same time pushed his legs. He repeat the process several times.", "segments": [[0, 56.12], [4.49, 16.56], [9.82, 30.87], [27.5, 56.12]], "duration": 56.12, "id": 4255}, {"image_id": "v_6KXVjADefBY.mp4", "caption": "A person vacuum dirt from a couch with a hand vacuum with a brush nozzle. Then, the person vacuum the crevasses of the couch using a crevasse noodle Then, the person uses a handle held vacuum to clean the top of the couch and the floor. After, the woman shows the battery of the vacuum and then she keeps it.", "segments": [[24.68, 30.69], [36.69, 74.05], [79.39, 128.09]], "duration": 133.42, "id": 4256}, {"image_id": "v_ILeNuidJc00.mp4", "caption": "There's an outdoor swimming pool with a very high diving board. There's a woman in a green swim suit who dives down into the pool. She is doing various diving moves such as backward, forward and pike. She also does the hand stand before diving swiftly into the pool. She repeats her steps and dives several times into the pool.", "segments": [[11.15, 23.84], [23.84, 44.99], [44.99, 53.45], [53.45, 71.14], [71.14, 73.83]], "duration": 76.91, "id": 4257}, {"image_id": "v_wVCDyGGog4I.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing ready in a park with their arms and legs by their sides. The group then begins moving around with fans in their hands moving their arms and legs. The group continues moving around together and ends with them standing together and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[2.33, 67.65], [58.32, 178.45], [145.79, 222.77]], "duration": 233.27, "id": 4258}, {"image_id": "v_eT9oCTQUMhA.mp4", "caption": "A diver stretches out on a high dive platform bending at the waist. The diver towels off then tosses down her towel and approaches the end of the diving board for a first attempt. The diver makes multiple dives doing flips in the air before landing in the water.", "segments": [[0, 14.31], [14.31, 29.51], [30.41, 178.86]], "duration": 178.86, "id": 4259}, {"image_id": "v_T4g31MwZ2ds.mp4", "caption": "Broken glass sits on the ground. A young man stretches in front of it. He then does break dancing moves. He puts his legs behind his head.", "segments": [[0, 150.14], [14.26, 33.78], [45.04, 150.14], [75.07, 100.59]], "duration": 150.14, "id": 4260}, {"image_id": "v_zMrUSfQ_mzo.mp4", "caption": "A boy is seated at a table in a crowded room. He has a rubik's cube, and tries to solve the puzzle. He times himself as he finishes the cube, tossing it down on the table.", "segments": [[0, 2.76], [3.53, 16.54], [17.1, 22.06]], "duration": 22.06, "id": 4261}, {"image_id": "v_KA6YYIl2z4E.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with various words and instructions on how to insert & remove Halloween contact lenses. A contact lens container is then filled with contact solution and the contacts into both sides of the container. The woman then puts her thumb and finger into the left side and pulls out a white contact lens and inserts it into her right eye and blinks a few times as the words \"featuring White Out contact lens\" on the bottom of the screen. The woman reaches into the right side of the contact lens container and pulls out the other contact lens and inserts it into her left eye and then blinks multiple times. The woman then reaches back into her left eye first, then into her right to remove the contact lenses and a shot of them sitting in the contact lens container appears. Video ends with a screen telling you to subscribe to their YouTube channel for more helpful videos.", "segments": [[0, 14.18], [14.18, 26.78], [26.78, 48.3], [48.3, 78.75], [78.23, 97.13], [97.65, 105]], "duration": 105.0, "id": 4262}, {"image_id": "v__8-4M5XVuwI.mp4", "caption": "A woman and man are raking leaves outside their home. They move the leaves into a firepit, burning them.", "segments": [[0, 17.56], [18.2, 25.64]], "duration": 25.64, "id": 4263}, {"image_id": "v_jRnJRqvmZvk.mp4", "caption": "Boys arm wrestle in a match for a large crowd. The crowd congratulates the winner. The two boys shake hands after the match.", "segments": [[0, 108.44], [9.23, 22.49], [110.17, 115.36]], "duration": 115.36, "id": 4264}, {"image_id": "v_Lme4KL45gwk.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen wearing a helmet, speaking to the camera, and holding up pads. The boy is then shown in various clips riding around on the board while also speaking to the camera. The boy demonstrates how to perform proper skating moves while bending down and grabbing his board.", "segments": [[3.98, 74.7], [65.74, 139.44], [147.41, 191.24]], "duration": 199.2, "id": 4265}, {"image_id": "v_3zPoB-_JxEc.mp4", "caption": "A man talks on a telephone. The man puts a cigarette in his mouth. The man lights the cigarette. The man removes the cigarette from his mouth and holds it in his hand.", "segments": [[0, 38.15], [5.27, 8.01], [9.7, 11.8], [14.76, 38.15]], "duration": 42.16, "id": 4266}, {"image_id": "v_K8W0PtyPlD4.mp4", "caption": "A group of adults plays a game of beach volleyball. Groups of children of kids play a game of beach volleyball. Rules are shown for the game. A group of girls play a volley ball game. A group of adults play a volleyball game on an overcast day.", "segments": [[8.51, 40.83], [41.4, 64.09], [45.37, 64.09], [65.79, 83.94], [85.07, 108.33]], "duration": 113.43, "id": 4267}, {"image_id": "v_Le6fNx5IWRI.mp4", "caption": "A stadium is seen from above with a large audience. Gymnasts compete in an event and do stationary platform routine with hand grips. The medalists of the competition receive their awards and stand together waving. Athletes give interviews after the competition.", "segments": [[0, 21.01], [23.43, 97.76], [109.07, 124.42], [126.85, 160.78]], "duration": 161.59, "id": 4268}, {"image_id": "v_I4B52tt3mNM.mp4", "caption": "woman is in front of a mirror make a yawn and drinks mouthwash and spit it in the handwash and smils at the camera. man stands in front of the mirror try to open the mouthwash bottle and drinks from it and is disgusted by it.", "segments": [[0, 23.98], [23.98, 62.28]], "duration": 62.28, "id": 4269}, {"image_id": "v_SB08N4L6Ujw.mp4", "caption": "Several women are seen moving around a gym performing various exercises on a beam. The woman continue jumping up and down and leads into one moving a tire around as well as jumping up and down a punching a bag. The coach then speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[2.66, 48.61], [41.28, 113.19], [112.53, 133.17]], "duration": 133.17, "id": 4270}, {"image_id": "v_D9eo9NfFhkg.mp4", "caption": "A bald man and a woman wearing handkerchief in her hair stand and wave next to a customized bus.The lady ads a scoop of ice cream to a sugar cone.The bald headed man places a menu on the side of the bus.The lady from the ice cream parlour bus hands an ice cream cone to a client. Multiple images and clips of many different people eating and showing their ice cream.The bald man and the lady inside of the ice cream parlour bus are shown working and picking up supplies as more images of patrons eat and show their ice cream treats.", "segments": [[0, 3.02], [3.02, 11.46], [11.46, 16.88], [16.88, 21.71], [21.71, 34.37], [34.98, 120.61]], "duration": 120.61, "id": 4271}, {"image_id": "v_ttsZ4M-AKgY.mp4", "caption": "A group of bikers are going down a busy street filled with cars. They are seen with cameras mounted on skateboards before they start boarding in traffic. The man dismounts his board and takes off his helmet before running.", "segments": [[0, 11.55], [14.12, 112.29], [112.94, 128.34]], "duration": 128.34, "id": 4272}, {"image_id": "v_JNr0oI927ng.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing at the end of a diving board with her arms down and facing forward. The woman then begins jumping up and down on the board and diving back into the water.", "segments": [[0.13, 5.64], [5.64, 12.36]], "duration": 12.68, "id": 4273}, {"image_id": "v_XeC4nqBB5BM.mp4", "caption": "A close up on the inside of a space ship is shown followed by a woman with crazy hair speaking into the microphone. She then plays a song on a flute with shots of another man in a different location playing a flute. The camera pans back and fourth between the two and ends with the man speaking to the camera, the woman waving back, and the man soluting.", "segments": [[0, 39.08], [36.99, 78.16], [76.77, 139.58]], "duration": 139.57999999999998, "id": 4274}, {"image_id": "v_No2adeap68I.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wiping down a door and then puts a large poster over the door. He puts the paper down and trims around the edges, ending with several pictures of posters shown and how to buy.", "segments": [[0, 40.64], [38.47, 108.37]], "duration": 108.37, "id": 4275}, {"image_id": "v_rMX2KeJa8qI.mp4", "caption": "A group of shirtless men are seen standing around the outside of a home when one grabs various tools and hands more to another. The men then hit a ball all around the yard through stands sticking out and speak to one another while drinking water. The men hit the ball a few more times and continue to speak to one another.", "segments": [[0, 26.66], [27.22, 93.87], [93.87, 111.09]], "duration": 111.09, "id": 4276}, {"image_id": "v_HDHS_7pOiDk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown outside high five two kids that are playing near her. The woman helps the girl down and jumps along the ground until she falls.", "segments": [[0, 13.59], [13.83, 23.85]], "duration": 23.85, "id": 4277}, {"image_id": "v_UdBFm97tOJs.mp4", "caption": "A woman stares blankly at the camera. She takes a drink of tea. She repeats the same action exactly. She then takes another drink and makes a menacing face.", "segments": [[0, 1.21], [1.67, 4.24], [4.47, 8.18], [11.88, 15.14]], "duration": 15.14, "id": 4278}, {"image_id": "v_F3tKnLz9YyE.mp4", "caption": "A boy and his dog are seen swimming under water in a large bowl. The two come above the surface and the dog runs around while the boy rubs his eyes.", "segments": [[0, 18.98], [18.86, 23]], "duration": 23.0, "id": 4279}, {"image_id": "v_xijxN7XB4d8.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a bedroom practicing his violin.Another day passes by and it is now sunlight outside as the boy practices playing his instrument once more.The practicing continues on for several more days in the same room and finishes on until day 7.Finally,the man takes a set in the room and begins talking and demonstrating effective ways to hold the violin and play it efficiently.", "segments": [[0, 31.7], [31.7, 103.32], [103.32, 189.03], [189.03, 234.82]], "duration": 234.82, "id": 4280}, {"image_id": "v_SOyOank50IY.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen on black. We see a man and woman washing dishes and talking. An image of a lady pops up on the screen. We see the ladies image again. The lady pops up in the subtitles. We see them from a darker, higher camera. We see them from the higher camera again.", "segments": [[0, 1.24], [1.54, 61.46], [11.43, 12.35], [18.84, 21], [29.03, 31.19], [38.91, 41.07], [55.9, 60.84]], "duration": 61.77, "id": 4281}, {"image_id": "v_xH8l5rCWrMU.mp4", "caption": "woman is posing to the camera in a white game in a presentation. woman is standing in a kitchen talking to the camera and showing a plate of pasta and the ingedients. woman is chopping vegetables and saute vegetables in a pan. hen mix the vegetables with pasta.", "segments": [[0, 9.88], [10.35, 38.1], [38.1, 78.54], [78.54, 94.07]], "duration": 94.07, "id": 4282}, {"image_id": "v_wz_kM0oBW5g.mp4", "caption": "We see a shuffle curling court. Arrows point to stones on the court. A lady walks off and returns. Arrows appear to point to the stones. We see two ladies, a different lady, then others. We see a team of player throw the stones. We see the crowd clap. We see the score appear on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 25.53], [0, 5.47], [4.38, 14.22], [12.03, 17.14], [25.53, 38.66], [38.29, 58.35], [58.71, 60.54], [71.11, 72.93]], "duration": 72.93, "id": 4283}, {"image_id": "v_IRj0d3cLi6g.mp4", "caption": "A young child plays a bagpipe next to an adult bagpiper. The young bagpiper marches in place while playing his bagpipe while onlookers watch from behind. The adult bagpiper and the child stand next to each other while performing. The child finishes playing and walks forward to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.78], [2.78, 12.21], [12.05, 26.27], [26.12, 30.91]], "duration": 30.91, "id": 4284}, {"image_id": "v_y80Jbcb5GWA.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is shown swinging on a swing on the public playground. He swings high into the air as someone pushes him. The boy smiles and talks to the person with the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.4], [5.97, 49.21], [50.63, 56.89]], "duration": 56.89, "id": 4285}, {"image_id": "v_7IW2BELXDHA.mp4", "caption": "Men are playing a sport n the sand. A man sits on the sand injured.", "segments": [[0, 50.27], [20.11, 50.27]], "duration": 50.27, "id": 4286}, {"image_id": "v_nd5l829R8mw.mp4", "caption": "A marching band plays in the street. People walks behind the marching band. People pass on front a large window of a store.", "segments": [[0.33, 11.7], [9.15, 11.24], [11.77, 13.07]], "duration": 13.07, "id": 4287}, {"image_id": "v_klqHoK_8ar8.mp4", "caption": "A man is painting the something on the floor green. She stroke up and down repeatedly trying to make sure he doesn't miss any spots in the area. He stands up a bit and looks at the piece for a little before dunking his brush back in the paint and starting again. He moves along to parts he hasn't yet gone over to paint.", "segments": [[0, 24.41], [24.41, 48.82], [48.19, 83.87], [83.87, 125.18]], "duration": 125.18, "id": 4288}, {"image_id": "v_ewTlNriXY3c.mp4", "caption": "There is a competitive game of tug of war going on in an open field. Where a team wearing blue is competing against another team. The coach is giving directions to the team on how to pull the rope. He is encouraging them to not give and continue their efforts.There are spectators watching the event and cheering for the participants.There are few more rounds of tug of war played s the spectators watch and cheer for the players. The coach continues to encourage the players. After they win the tug of war, all the spectators run out and hug the players. A cameraman takes their pictures. The entire team poses for a team picture after their win.", "segments": [[26.23, 206.59], [65.58, 206.59], [90.73, 206.59], [113.68, 206.59], [145.38, 206.59], [158.5, 206.59], [170.52, 206.59], [180.36, 206.59], [196.75, 214.24], [213.15, 214.24]], "duration": 218.62, "id": 4289}, {"image_id": "v__p0eoCHZ8BA.mp4", "caption": "A woman starts brushing a horse. She gets a pink brush and starts brushing the horse again. She gets a black brush and continues brushing the horse. She starts brushing the legs on the horse. She lifts up the horses foot and cleans the bottom of the foot.", "segments": [[8.59, 48.7], [48.7, 87.85], [87.85, 120.32], [128.91, 170.93], [172.84, 190.99]], "duration": 190.99, "id": 4290}, {"image_id": "v_otGlbzsPIi0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him holding a cooking pan out a hot stove. The man mixes ingredients together into a bowl and pours it into a pan while continuously stirring. He pours the food onto a plate and still holds the pan in his hand.", "segments": [[0, 17.72], [17.38, 51.15], [54.16, 66.86]], "duration": 66.86, "id": 4291}, {"image_id": "v_HSEnmPWF5GY.mp4", "caption": "A montage of a priest is giving communion to people. Jesus and Mother Teresa are shown as a montage continues.", "segments": [[0, 30.05], [11.42, 31.56]], "duration": 33.58, "id": 4292}, {"image_id": "v_DHfiz3MNbcc.mp4", "caption": "A young lady with burnette hair is standing behind a black counter in a bar with several alcohol on it.She then grabs a clear glass and puts ice in it.Next comes the liquor and she pours,orange juice and syrup in it and the drink is complete.", "segments": [[0, 26.22], [26.93, 46.42], [46.42, 70.87]], "duration": 70.87, "id": 4293}, {"image_id": "v_FBL7iWMmTHU.mp4", "caption": "four men are standing on racquetball court. one man serves the ball. The men then begin to volley. One team scores a point. They all repeat the process.", "segments": [[0, 34.47], [20.46, 70.01], [48.47, 98.01], [80.78, 138.94], [132.48, 215.41]], "duration": 215.41, "id": 4294}, {"image_id": "v_no9vPN7D-1s.mp4", "caption": "A person in an orange protective suit and a metal black mask solders something in an industrial setting. A person stands next to a black box in a metal helmet as fire sparks erupt from a wired box on the right. A large grey wheel spins behind the worker in the midst of the fire sparks and another worker walking by in a blue protective suit.", "segments": [[1.5, 146.12], [9.74, 32.22], [50.95, 149.86]], "duration": 149.86, "id": 4295}, {"image_id": "v_Ch_qHjUtOpE.mp4", "caption": "Two women are standing on others' shoulders. They lift another woman into the air, balancing her between them before dropping her to be caught. However, the girls below are knocked to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 2.98], [3.2, 17.65], [18.2, 22.06]], "duration": 22.06, "id": 4296}, {"image_id": "v_jIKAVLlyXIQ.mp4", "caption": "A man cuts into a piece of wood with an ax. Then, his action is replayed in slow motion. Next he takes a piece of the wood he cut an throws it into a pile.", "segments": [[0, 2.43], [2.5, 7.42], [7.49, 13.86]], "duration": 13.86, "id": 4297}, {"image_id": "v_CZp3ZPTQrds.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera followed by several pictures of bearded men. The man then begins using scissors on his face while holding up pieces of paper. The man continues to shave his face and ends by waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 30.49], [37.2, 91.48], [86.6, 120.76]], "duration": 121.98, "id": 4298}, {"image_id": "v_jXORdfzz4oE.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in the court with a net behind he. men are playing volyball in a oofed court gym.", "segments": [[0, 7.94], [7.94, 71.82]], "duration": 75.61, "id": 4299}, {"image_id": "v_lkSkFmHYdtI.mp4", "caption": "A young male athlete is standing in a field and turns backwards in a small circle.He then extends his arms and begins moving them back and forth.Once ready,he spins around and throws the discus out in the field,walks away and looks back at the distance.", "segments": [[0, 4.87], [4.76, 13.96], [13.96, 21.64]], "duration": 21.64, "id": 4300}, {"image_id": "v_cvFFwMKFg7Q.mp4", "caption": "Two people are raking leaves in a park. The man in the rear turns his back to the camera. The lady on the left turns to the right.", "segments": [[0, 7.62], [5.22, 7.05], [6.7, 7.62]], "duration": 7.62, "id": 4301}, {"image_id": "v_R6MnhM2omiE.mp4", "caption": "The man uses his match to set fire to the wooden logs. The fire is really small at first, but then it grows and gets bigger. After a while the video ends still showing the fire created by matches and tree branches.", "segments": [[0, 3.33], [3.33, 49.88], [50.64, 51.15]], "duration": 51.15, "id": 4302}, {"image_id": "v_Y6UKk3t8Hj8.mp4", "caption": "The Livestrong website is showing a video on boxing. A woman boxer, Jolie Glassman is demonstrating how to properly punch and box the punching bag. She is in a gym demonstrating kicking and punching techniques.", "segments": [[7.77, 17.05], [17.05, 27.28], [27.28, 36]], "duration": 37.9, "id": 4303}, {"image_id": "v_zrR9hGDeQhg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding down a snowy hill close up as well as another person and child riding down the mountain. Several more clips are shown of people riding down the mountain from various angles with people yelling and cheering.", "segments": [[0, 110.15], [111.34, 236.89]], "duration": 236.89, "id": 4304}, {"image_id": "v_QkqsI11OtC8.mp4", "caption": "We see a child playing hopscotch in a yard. An older girl the jumps. The first girl jumps back to the start location. The older girl then goes again.", "segments": [[0, 2.53], [3.12, 5.72], [6.76, 9.81], [11.89, 14.86]], "duration": 14.86, "id": 4305}, {"image_id": "v_WnoJmKZC_qg.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates, through example how to play the recorder. A man stands in front of two windows covered in closed beige blinds, holding a wooden recorder instrument with both hands in front of him, while talking to the camera. The camera closes up on the body of the wooden recorder as the man begins to play lifting his fingers off of the various hole to make noise. The camera stays in a close up shot of just the man\u2019s hands and the bottom of the recorder for the rest of the clip.", "segments": [[7.23, 139.62], [7.23, 44.85], [44.85, 110.68], [110.68, 137.45]], "duration": 144.68, "id": 4306}, {"image_id": "v_qgQVbGtIn0M.mp4", "caption": "A group of rocks are shown washed up against the banks of a large blue river.The camera continues to span the river and a mountain range is shown.Another angle is shown and a small circle appears on the screen.Two hikers wearing backpacks are visible and show a rope.One man then gets in the water and tightens the ropes around a tree from one side of the water to another and sits on the rope.The man then stands up and attempts to tight rope across the water but falls into the water.", "segments": [[0, 26.19], [26.19, 36.33], [36.33, 39.71], [39.71, 52.39], [52.39, 105.62], [105.62, 169]], "duration": 169.0, "id": 4307}, {"image_id": "v_U7SRRMoCGks.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before an exercise beam and begins moving himself on the bars while others practice around him. The man continues to workout on the beam and pauses to speak to the camera while using his hands.", "segments": [[5.26, 84.95], [50.37, 141.33]], "duration": 150.35, "id": 4308}, {"image_id": "v_brZ1m2qNUzc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wiping down a rag followed by several ingredients attached to her hip. She sprays down the rag and is then seen again washing various windows around an office. She wipes down door handles as well and then puts the rags into a washing machine, hanging up the pole in the end.", "segments": [[27.25, 44.83], [46.59, 141.52], [143.28, 175.8]], "duration": 175.8, "id": 4309}, {"image_id": "v_z4B1JZQnHl4.mp4", "caption": "A group of skaters are going quickly around an outdoor track. A man who curls in a wheelchair speaks to the camera. A man is shown with a puck, performing. Several people alternate playing with talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 26.59], [32.37, 91.33], [92.49, 157.23], [163.01, 231.23]], "duration": 231.23, "id": 4310}, {"image_id": "v_uc1RbyLfuSs.mp4", "caption": "A person is wind sailing through a body of water. The person passes someone swimming. The person turns on their board.", "segments": [[0, 7.76], [0, 2.13], [4.03, 7.76]], "duration": 7.76, "id": 4311}, {"image_id": "v_xqYII12ta4E.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders are wearing dark red, white and black uniforms standing in formation getting ready to do their routine, and the words below on the screen say \"Mill Creek HS Class AAAAA\".The cheerleaders begin their routine and it includes a lot of jumping, cheering, flipping, either in sync or separetly, throwing and catching other cheerleaders, and many other moves.They end their routine, cheer themselves on and 2 women from the audience run up and hug some of the cheerleaders.", "segments": [[0, 1.54], [1.54, 146.54], [146.54, 154.25]], "duration": 154.25, "id": 4312}, {"image_id": "v_zp86ztwZEKk.mp4", "caption": "A talking man dressed in athletic gear is standing on a very green field and the words on the bottom left say his name is Neil Macmillan and his title is Head Coach.A large group of girls dressed in athletic gear are shown playing land hockey, and the people not playing are dressed for cold weather. Clips of the man continue to play and rotate from showing the man and the girls playing land hockey until they are done playing.", "segments": [[0, 13.26], [13.26, 19.45], [13.26, 88.42]], "duration": 88.42, "id": 4313}, {"image_id": "v_cNCkHqOnJV0.mp4", "caption": "The sky is shown that leads into a man speaking to the camera with his friend. Several people are then seen sitting in tubes riding down a river past one another. The people continuing riding down the river through tunnels and paths while the man still speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 78.48], [49.19, 179.21], [122.98, 223.71]], "duration": 234.26, "id": 4314}, {"image_id": "v_FwV1XbjLJHY.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks in a bar, then she puts ice in a stainless steel glass. Then the woman adds to the cup two measures of liquor, juice and sugar. After, the woman puts a cup on top and shake it, and serves in a cup with a slice of lemon.", "segments": [[5.67, 41.94], [42.51, 73.68], [73.68, 108.26]], "duration": 113.36, "id": 4315}, {"image_id": "v_4CRacVTadPQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a yellow shirt is holding a bottle in her hand. She opens the bottle and pours it into a bucket on the ground. She puts a mop rag into the bucket and puts it on her mop. She then lifts the bucket out of the room. She starts mopping the tile on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 15.79], [15.79, 31.07], [43.29, 77.42], [78.95, 82.51], [84.04, 99.32]], "duration": 101.87, "id": 4316}, {"image_id": "v_DU36SNYN-rw.mp4", "caption": "The tile screen plays with a picture of a long field. A man walks up with a disk and a dog hold onto it as he passes a few people. The man starts playing with the dog by throwing the think and having him bring it back. He then claps for the dog. The credits roll at the end.", "segments": [[0, 12.14], [12.69, 27.6], [27.6, 64.03], [64.03, 70.1], [70.1, 110.39]], "duration": 110.39, "id": 4317}, {"image_id": "v_68m6uCPwwNo.mp4", "caption": "A red ball sits between two poles. A cricket bat begins swinging. Two shoes sit on either side. The bat strikes the ball.", "segments": [[0, 9.58], [0, 6.53], [0, 9.82], [7.32, 8.15]], "duration": 9.82, "id": 4318}, {"image_id": "v_aWKZSqbOi2Q.mp4", "caption": "A large group of girls dressed in cheerleading outfits are standing in formation and at the same exact moment the girls do a flip in sync and they begin their very detailed routine that includes, jumps, flips, hand claps and etcetera. They break off into 5 different groups where all the girls huddle in each group and throw one girl in the air and hold her up, but suddenly the front group is unstable and the girl they are holding up drops, and the girls below all catch her and they just wait until the girls are done to resume their routine in sync.They are all standing still in formation when suddenly one of the girls pulls off her left shoe and throws it to the side and they all remain still for a few seconds. The girls resume their cheer and break up in 5 sections once again to hold a girl up in the air, but once again, the middle group loses the balance of the girl on top and they fail and she falls in their catch and they resume their routine that now include multiple flips from each girl until the finish.", "segments": [[0, 53.54], [53.54, 120.47], [120.47, 132.9], [132.9, 191.22]], "duration": 191.22, "id": 4319}, {"image_id": "v_sz0GhFkkXYI.mp4", "caption": "A man leans forward as a baby in a swing tries to grab and chew on his hair. The baby laughs, swinging back and forth, then tries to grab the camera.", "segments": [[0, 53.76], [58.48, 118.14]], "duration": 118.14, "id": 4320}, {"image_id": "v_xyZ87TEcDSI.mp4", "caption": "A few people go surfing on waves. They fall sometimes but are ok.", "segments": [[4.11, 63.18], [17.37, 63.18]], "duration": 63.18, "id": 4321}, {"image_id": "v_KkBMOQOGTdk.mp4", "caption": "Band members in full dress stand in a yard. They are using a rake to rake leaves. A man walks by as they rake.", "segments": [[0, 1.56], [3.01, 19.24], [19.73, 24.06]], "duration": 24.06, "id": 4322}, {"image_id": "v_VnBZR-yBLXA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing behind a counter speaking to the camera and then beginning to peel a potato. She continues to peel potatoes while pausing to speak to the camera and smile.", "segments": [[0, 57.03], [46.45, 117.59]], "duration": 117.59, "id": 4323}, {"image_id": "v_EHVkkRI7mBQ.mp4", "caption": "Young men an a car talk and play around before arriving at the ski slope. We see men snowboarding over obstacles and ramps on the ski slope. A man jumps a ramp and falls to the ground. We see the boys standing in the parking lot and are shown their names. The last boy removes his helmet, shakes his hair and smiles at the camera. We then see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 41.68], [42.7, 175.87], [169.77, 175.87], [176.88, 193.15], [187.05, 193.15], [194.16, 203.31]], "duration": 203.31, "id": 4324}, {"image_id": "v_QjFioni0uCM.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing behind a woman sitting in a chair. He is putting a product into her hair. He begins to blow dry her hair. She starts to blow dry her hair herself.", "segments": [[5.83, 126.08], [16.03, 53.93], [53.93, 83.81], [83.08, 107.86]], "duration": 145.75, "id": 4325}, {"image_id": "v_gJydcG-d1cs.mp4", "caption": "A woman holds a flute and practices the keys while lying down. A woman in a formal dress holds up a flute and gestures while talking. A woman plays the flute with exaggerated blowing. A woman plays a flute in a room with other instruments hanging in the background. The two women play flutes together. The woman shake their hands with a cramp.", "segments": [[13.09, 44.03], [20.23, 114.24], [115.43, 121.38], [167.79, 197.54], [159.46, 160.65], [186.83, 189.21]], "duration": 238.01, "id": 4326}, {"image_id": "v_HK9tOFFF5II.mp4", "caption": "a scene from th big bang theory is shown and the man is lying down in a table in a tattoo room and a tattoo artist is standing by him. man in the bed stands and talk to a woman and remove the fake tattoo sleeves.", "segments": [[0, 68.53], [68.53, 141.31]], "duration": 141.31, "id": 4327}, {"image_id": "v_rfxXEgc9RTQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person's feet are shown followed by two men seen in an open room holding tennis rackets and hitting a ball. Then men hit the ball all around the room while running to each side to hit the ball.", "segments": [[0, 22.33], [20.33, 66.64]], "duration": 66.64, "id": 4328}, {"image_id": "v_zQ4HbFGX7t0.mp4", "caption": "A man closing his house door and then opening his car door. He gets in the car and puts the keys in the ignition and starts driving down the highway to his shop. He gets some boards and starts sanding them down smoothing them out. When the day is over he turns the lights off and gets ready for work.", "segments": [[0, 5.31], [5.31, 20.36], [20.36, 47.22], [47.22, 59.03]], "duration": 59.03, "id": 4329}, {"image_id": "v_ptlSMte8xz0.mp4", "caption": "A guy is skiing with a camera on his helmet to show us what he is seeing as he ski.the guy ski down the hill and passes a guy that was in front of him.As the guy skis he start to come cross other skiers also skiing,finally the skier makes it to the end of down hill slop and comes to a stop.", "segments": [[0, 48.54], [47.41, 88.04], [88.04, 112.87]], "duration": 112.87, "id": 4330}, {"image_id": "v_-0i3BpAQAgE.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are playing rock paper scissors. The man gets on his knee and pulls out a ring. They hug next to the swimming pool. They give each other a kiss.", "segments": [[0, 11.02], [11.35, 28.2], [27.88, 38.9], [54.78, 55.75]], "duration": 64.83, "id": 4331}, {"image_id": "v_jwv7eQpeGW4.mp4", "caption": "A man is running down a track he jumps into a pile of sand. He runs down the track again and jumps into the sand several times. Scores are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 23.52], [23.52, 166.48], [168.29, 180.95]], "duration": 180.95, "id": 4332}, {"image_id": "v_-vKXPND_mD8.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a green outfit is leading a camel. Two people are sitting on top of the camel. A man is walking next to the camel.", "segments": [[0, 3.72], [1.25, 8.08], [7.27, 8.08]], "duration": 8.08, "id": 4333}, {"image_id": "v_4kriQ6h6ymI.mp4", "caption": "A graphic shows and then photos follow of a girl growing up with horseback riding. Three years after those photos the girl moves and she is shown riding horses. The girl is shown with other girls posing with some awards for horseback riding. Another video is shown of the girl riding the horse indoors. Photos of the girl taking care of her horses close out the video.", "segments": [[0, 15.76], [17.34, 63.05], [84.33, 96.93], [100.87, 135.55], [139.49, 157.62]], "duration": 157.62, "id": 4334}, {"image_id": "v_RfsugL4sLso.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen brushing her teeth and leads into toothpaste being spread on a toothbrush. Another girl brushes her teeth and shows several stills on how to properly brush teeth. More clips are shown of people brushing their teeth.", "segments": [[0, 28.55], [24.78, 75.96], [75.42, 107.74]], "duration": 107.74000000000001, "id": 4335}, {"image_id": "v_sQo4gMcgfT4.mp4", "caption": "Several people are in bumper scooters moving around in a small entrapment.Finally,they get out of the big clump and start to move around the gym easier.The ride finally ends,and all of the people get out and a girl and boy walk up to the camera giving a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 45.36], [45.36, 114.85], [114.85, 193.03]], "duration": 193.03, "id": 4336}, {"image_id": "v_09MaNbzc2TA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen wandering around a beached area followed by people dancing and enjoying the beach. Several clips are shown of a soccer match going on as well as fans celebrating to the camera. In the end the team all celebrates together while confetti falls from the sky.", "segments": [[0, 61.04], [52.42, 112.74], [113.46, 143.62]], "duration": 143.62, "id": 4337}, {"image_id": "v_amCD-2TIKw0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is playing music on a stereo in a busy city. Another woman is standing on the sidewalk with headphones. They both smile at each other as they groove to the music. The woman picks up the stereo and starts walking. The other woman follows her on the same sidewalk. They walk together holding the stereo. A man in a red shirt starts dancing next to a car with another woman. They join the woman walking with the stereo in her hand. Several other people join them as they walk and dance to the music. All the people break into a synchronized dance right on the street.", "segments": [[9.93, 15.52], [15.52, 19.87], [19.87, 24.22], [24.22, 29.18], [29.18, 31.05], [31.05, 35.39], [35.39, 42.84], [42.84, 57.74], [57.74, 120.46], [120.46, 124.18]], "duration": 124.18, "id": 4338}, {"image_id": "v_vH9gqDUaBQ0.mp4", "caption": "An old man talks next a sailboat in the shore, then the man carry the sailboat to the ocean. The old man sails the boat sitting on the border of the boat and pulling a handle. Then, the old man sits for awhile, and then continues sailing and stops when he talks. After, the old man stops and the boat turn over, then he pulls the boat to the shore. After, the old man continues sailing in the ocean.", "segments": [[3.21, 47.01], [47.01, 117.53], [118.6, 164.54], [166.68, 191.26], [191.26, 207.28]], "duration": 213.69, "id": 4339}, {"image_id": "v_QKIkAfzncFc.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen playing a set of bongo drums and pausing to talk to the camera. He presses a button on his phone and plays the drums again and ending with one final smack on the drum.", "segments": [[0, 34.55], [36.77, 55.29]], "duration": 55.29, "id": 4340}, {"image_id": "v_dnJJWt0SBTc.mp4", "caption": "People are standing in a line holding swords. A man in a white jacket is talking into a microphone. Another older gentlemen is talking into a microphone.", "segments": [[0, 32.69], [76.99, 99.13], [147.64, 181.39]], "duration": 210.92000000000002, "id": 4341}, {"image_id": "v_dGHCQVdC27c.mp4", "caption": "A man covers a wall with cement using a hose. A person works behind the wall. The person is covering the last section of the wall.", "segments": [[0.34, 50.29], [25.83, 26.85], [50.97, 67.97]], "duration": 67.97, "id": 4342}, {"image_id": "v_UzmnkYD5YTA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking into frame holding an instrument in front of a piano. He plays the instrument in front of the piano and walks back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.4], [27.33, 101.22]], "duration": 101.22, "id": 4343}, {"image_id": "v_CX5QUmM97DI.mp4", "caption": "The logo \"FAB\" appears with two crossed swords. The words \"Meyerco Machete Cut Test\" follow on screen. A man is trimming a damaged bush using a machette. The man continues chopping the cut branch on a deck.", "segments": [[0, 12.06], [12.06, 26.31], [26.31, 77.84], [78.94, 219.27]], "duration": 219.27, "id": 4344}, {"image_id": "v_cpeevuvJKjE.mp4", "caption": "A group of ballet of dancers compete with a group of hip hop dancers. A boy dance hip hop, spins and make a flip. After, the boy climbs on a column to make a flip backward and stand on his hands, then a ballet dancer is raised by her friends. Then, a boy runs and break a door to enter to the other side where a girl is surprised.", "segments": [[0, 86.23], [3.63, 6.35], [73.07, 77.61], [87.14, 90.77]], "duration": 90.77, "id": 4345}, {"image_id": "v_5OhIRnEFMyw.mp4", "caption": "A girl smiles at a camera holding a violin and pulls her hair behind her head. She continues talking to the camera followed by her playing the violin. She takes her hair down and continues talking to the camera and showing various violin moves while singing. She once again puts her hair up and continues with her playing.", "segments": [[0, 33.71], [31.54, 85.91], [73.95, 127.24], [123.98, 217.5]], "duration": 217.5, "id": 4346}, {"image_id": "v_0kfJ7Lu4tvo.mp4", "caption": "A person turns on the emergency lights of a car and takes out the emergency tire. Then, the man loose the lug nuts of the tire, and then reads the manual. After, the man puts a jack below the car to raise it. Next, the man puts the emergency tire and tight the lug nuts. At the end, the man keeps the jack and the flat tire.", "segments": [[6.65, 50.97], [50.97, 70.91], [72.02, 88.64], [88.64, 178.38], [178.38, 213.83]], "duration": 221.59, "id": 4347}, {"image_id": "v_Lou-YFz3kb0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding a violin. The woman continues speaking and them begins demonstrating how to play a song. She finishes playing the song and smiles to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 32.7], [30.47, 118.92], [104.05, 146.41]], "duration": 148.64, "id": 4348}, {"image_id": "v_CV3pIbE8BnE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen bending over his legs with a person putting shaving cream all over his leg. The person then grabs a razor and begins shaving the man's leg while dipping it into a sink. The woman continues shaving his leg while panning back to the sink and him having a drink.", "segments": [[0, 73.82], [59.7, 162.83], [144.38, 214.94]], "duration": 217.11, "id": 4349}, {"image_id": "v_D32TzYSHM08.mp4", "caption": "A man ball rolls across a baseball field and a small boy in a green shirt kicks the ball and runs around the bases. The boy stops and looks at the camera then starts running again. A person runs in front of the camera. The boy makes it to home as a lady chases a ball to the fence.", "segments": [[0, 63.09], [14.2, 27.76], [34.38, 38.17], [55.52, 63.09]], "duration": 63.09, "id": 4350}, {"image_id": "v_YmhbwAv0Xbc.mp4", "caption": "The boy in the red hat and the blue coat is being pulled in a red tube by a rope over some icy roads. A man in a black hat has his turn with the tube. A man in a grey hat hits a snow embankment with the tube. A man goes up a snow hill in the tube. More people begin sliding but this time it is with a small sled, not a tube. A man lets go of the rope and hits an embankment of snow. A group of friends sit on a couch together.", "segments": [[3.77, 15.69], [15.69, 33.27], [28.88, 42.06], [65.29, 72.82], [38.92, 82.86], [69.68, 81.61], [107.97, 111.11]], "duration": 125.55, "id": 4351}, {"image_id": "v_OZpxc1X8Bsc.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing only black shorts, sandals and a gear belt, climbs a rock using a rope in a natural environment filled with trees and foliage. The man in the black shorts stands at the bottom of the rock and begins to climb the rock. The man climbs from the bottom using knees to gain balance and a rope to steady when losing grip with the rocks. The man reaches the top of the rock as the tan rope, behind, dangles.", "segments": [[0.36, 70.67], [1.42, 3.91], [4.26, 34.45], [36.58, 70.32]], "duration": 71.03, "id": 4352}, {"image_id": "v_6gzU9P-5tqE.mp4", "caption": "A man falls down while trying bowl down a lane. A woman falls down trying to bowl. A man throws a bowling ball and it hits the ceiling. A man slips and falls as he's trying to bowl.", "segments": [[4.09, 10.45], [32.71, 36.35], [63.61, 65.88], [80.88, 90.87]], "duration": 90.87, "id": 4353}, {"image_id": "v_v1ukgczEA5A.mp4", "caption": "A person flips a ski upside down. They melt onto onto the bottom of the ski. They run the iron over the top of the was on the ski.", "segments": [[0, 17.76], [31.68, 38.41], [40.81, 87.37]], "duration": 96.02000000000001, "id": 4354}, {"image_id": "v_PSAfQ1qjtOA.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast stands and waves her arms before a performance. The gymnast hops up and mounts the balance beam. The gymnast does a routine on the balance beam doing flips and hand springs. The gymnast jump and does the splits in the air. The gymnast dismounts the balance beam onto the mat.", "segments": [[0, 15.61], [17.28, 20.63], [22.86, 105.93], [84.74, 99.24], [100.35, 108.16]], "duration": 111.5, "id": 4355}, {"image_id": "v_kmtuO9Xdp-Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman plays guitar on stage. The lady sings in the microphone. The lady takes a break from singing. The lady begins to sing again. The lady stops singing then steps back to the microphone.", "segments": [[0, 207.12], [22.78, 109.77], [109.77, 129.45], [129.45, 200.91], [198.84, 207.12]], "duration": 207.12, "id": 4356}, {"image_id": "v_wQHMoyzJx_w.mp4", "caption": "We see a white opening scene. We see a lady in a kitchen talking and cooking. The lady cuts a potato and puts it in the water. The lady puts the potato in cold water. The lady peels the skin off the potato easily. We see the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.31], [5.31, 72.11], [34.51, 50.43], [56.19, 68.57], [70.34, 81.85], [81.85, 88.48]], "duration": 88.48, "id": 4357}, {"image_id": "v_sx_npA4wRrw.mp4", "caption": "A chef is mixing water and vinegar in a glass bowl and adding dried chilies to it. Then in a blender, the chef mixes capers, garlic, anchovies and black olives along with some olive oil. The chef mashes the ingredients into a paste. The chef adds some garlic to oil in a saute pan and sautes it with some sun dried tomatoes. Then adds in the olive tapenade to the pan. The chef then chops some parsley and garlic together. Then he adds some spaghetti to boiling salt water and cooks it. He adds the chopped parsley to the spaghetti and mixes it well along with the olive tapenade.", "segments": [[11.2, 25.46], [25.46, 47.86], [47.86, 80.45], [80.45, 98.78], [98.78, 115.07], [115.07, 142.56], [142.56, 179.22], [179.22, 189.41]], "duration": 203.66, "id": 4358}, {"image_id": "v_7yndv2xOmn0.mp4", "caption": "A person is putting black icing on a cake. They pour icing on the top out of a pot. They put strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and black berries on top of the cake.", "segments": [[0, 21.21], [21.21, 50.91], [50.91, 106.07]], "duration": 106.07, "id": 4359}, {"image_id": "v_8Kj5Whf2JyA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are see bouncing around on trampolines throwing dodgeballs to one another. The camera pans around to the people on the outside and back onto the kids playing.", "segments": [[1.2, 39.42], [20.46, 57.18]], "duration": 60.19, "id": 4360}, {"image_id": "v_ezugU3qibVQ.mp4", "caption": "A pink screen appears that have black numbers and words that read \"handbagbuyer 82\", then hearts appear to fade out the intro screen and a smiling blonde woman wearing green appears talking straight to the camera.The woman then picks up a tray with a cover that includes colorful curlers of different sizes and she continues talking while pointing at them.The woman then picks up a black bag and grabs a silver clip from it, puts it back in the bag and puts the bag on the side and continues to talk.The woman is now standing in a bathroom wearing a red sweater with hello kitty on the front and she's brushing her hair, rolling it in curlers and clipping each one individually with the silver clip and curlers she showed earlier. When she completes putting all the curlers that can fit on her entire head, she smiles to the camera and turns her head from side to side. The woman is now standing in the bathroom wearing green again and she has her hair down and she's talking and using her hands to move her hair around to show the curls. The outro screan is pink and ends with black words and then a black screen that has a clip art red pair of lips on it.", "segments": [[0, 36.43], [36.43, 56.3], [56.3, 91.63], [91.63, 189.89], [189.89, 193.2], [193.2, 213.07], [213.07, 220.8]], "duration": 220.79, "id": 4361}, {"image_id": "v_xfOs5nRsSuQ.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a green field practicing balance a ball in a golf club. another woman is in the court and its practicing with the girl passing the ball from a golf club to another. in the background cars are parked in a parking lot.", "segments": [[0, 57.68], [57.68, 135.72], [0, 135.72]], "duration": 135.72, "id": 4362}, {"image_id": "v_CrnNXizH0IQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while pointing to various tools and wooden objects in front of him. The man unhooks the side followed by sanding it down on the side. The man then takes a screwdriver and drills in holes while stopping to sand it and show it to the camera.", "segments": [[2.05, 37.92], [27.16, 64.57], [57.4, 97.88]], "duration": 102.49000000000001, "id": 4363}, {"image_id": "v_Ufki4AjZHFI.mp4", "caption": "A young man is shown on a road wearing stilts. He walks over to the side of the road. He then lifts his feet up and down as if in preparation of running. The video ends as the person recording tilts the camera and covers the lens.", "segments": [[0, 11.21], [0, 1.64], [1.83, 9.62], [10.66, 12.18]], "duration": 12.18, "id": 4364}, {"image_id": "v_vUuC72xikqw.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a pumpkin is seen followed by a child scouping out the middle. Another child next to her is seen cutting out the pumpkin when an adults walks into frame. The adults helps the children with one smiling to the camera and holding up seeds while the camera pans around the room.", "segments": [[0, 33.26], [38.63, 152.37], [149.15, 211.38]], "duration": 214.6, "id": 4365}, {"image_id": "v_zkLld95_bhg.mp4", "caption": "Between clips of a man on a catamaran moving in the ocean, black screens appear and different times with different words describing each movement the catamaran makes.The man is now standing on the boat and is pulling on ropes that move on the boat and then is shown once again as the boat is moving. The outro appears and it's a white screen with a picture of the boat and the words \"MULTIHULL CENTRAL\".", "segments": [[0, 89.31], [89.31, 106.72], [106.72, 112.34]], "duration": 112.34, "id": 4366}, {"image_id": "v_FAPMunnTNsE.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen riding in a canoe pushing a paddle along the water and looking into the camera. More clips are shown of the scenery as well as the people riding around and meeting up with others.", "segments": [[1.39, 55.78], [33.94, 90.65]], "duration": 92.97, "id": 4367}, {"image_id": "v_7MWDmMh3zyA.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are in tubes floating on top of murky water with huge rocks in it.The camera scans the crowd and people continuously paddle their way across the water.", "segments": [[0, 18.81], [18.63, 36.53]], "duration": 36.53, "id": 4368}, {"image_id": "v_L3X8OmIbj2c.mp4", "caption": "Guys arm wrestle indoors in the presence of two referees. The referees point in the direction of the winner. The players give a dab handshake.", "segments": [[0, 222.63], [18.92, 219.29], [21.15, 221.52]], "duration": 222.63, "id": 4369}, {"image_id": "v_83WXP5z80Y0.mp4", "caption": "Title screens are shown on the video. The woman demonstrates using a hula hoop in a large room while another person talks. Another person looks in through the window of the door. The woman stops hula hooping and takes a bow. The ending credits roll.", "segments": [[0, 9.14], [11.96, 127.3], [55.56, 75.26], [128.71, 131.52], [135.74, 140.67]], "duration": 140.67000000000002, "id": 4370}, {"image_id": "v_X_9NiZmR2tQ.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing tennis on a court. One person falls back on their back.", "segments": [[0, 45.19], [40.44, 43.15]], "duration": 45.19, "id": 4371}, {"image_id": "v_cBCi-pOE5NQ.mp4", "caption": "A man has his sax around his neck and he is explaining about reeds and mouth pieces and how you should put your mouth on it or what nor. He talks for a while about this, demonstrates how you would move your tongue to make sound. He blows into the sax to demonstrate a little more. He even briefly puts his finger in mouth to try to explain a little better as well.", "segments": [[0, 58.91], [58.08, 101.23], [101.23, 119.49], [119.49, 165.95]], "duration": 165.95, "id": 4372}, {"image_id": "v_rjgu0ucCW7U.mp4", "caption": "A man pushes a lawn mower around a grass lawn area with tents cutting the grass. The man cuts the tall grass around a tree. The man shuts down the lawnmower and takes a break.", "segments": [[4.95, 91.03], [98.47, 117.66], [118.28, 123.86]], "duration": 123.86, "id": 4373}, {"image_id": "v_0Z_mhRoqG2E.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a landscape is shown followed by a woman climbing up a rock on it's side. The woman continues climbing and ends with her reaching the top and throwing her arms up.", "segments": [[0, 20.04], [19.5, 108.35]], "duration": 108.35, "id": 4374}, {"image_id": "v_KDPa4AvVt0s.mp4", "caption": "A group of people is playing dodge ball in a court. People joke to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 191.56], [90.04, 188.69]], "duration": 191.57, "id": 4375}, {"image_id": "v_fY2IeYSxY4U.mp4", "caption": "A white wall is shown with pegs poking out and strips of tape hanging down and a girl begins cliff climbing the wall as a man in a blue shirt begins to talk.The young lady continues progressing up the wall as the man continues to talk in a split screen.The man lifts his foot up to talk about a certain position and the girl demonstrates it as she begins getting off the plate.", "segments": [[0, 66.94], [66.01, 137.6], [137.6, 185.95]], "duration": 185.95, "id": 4376}, {"image_id": "v_lC12SCZ_-1o.mp4", "caption": "A small car is covered in a thick layer of snow. A man appears with a sweeper. He uses it to rake all the snow off the vehicle.", "segments": [[0, 15.93], [19.53, 40.59], [41.11, 102.77]], "duration": 102.77000000000001, "id": 4377}, {"image_id": "v_ggNmtMAdqe0.mp4", "caption": "A man welds a section of a steel beam in a workshop. The tip of the welding gun is adjusted using pliers. The man marks and measures pieces of plate metal in between making welds on it. The man demonstrates the angle to make a weld on the piece of plate metal.", "segments": [[6.77, 41.32], [48.09, 50.8], [55.54, 109.73], [114.47, 132.08]], "duration": 135.47, "id": 4378}, {"image_id": "v_ZIBWRRBft8g.mp4", "caption": "man is kneeling on the floor talking to the camera and showing the tiles above the wooden floor. man is showing a place without the wooden floor and its putting the wooden pole in the floor measuring the space. the man puts a wood sheet in space and put floor tiles.", "segments": [[0, 26.41], [26.41, 133.74], [133.74, 170.37]], "duration": 170.37, "id": 4379}, {"image_id": "v_pAAGm-KEFW0.mp4", "caption": "There is a boy sitting on the bed showing off his sunburn and putting cream on it. A friend is shaking his head because of the other guy's sunburn. The friend lifts his shirt to show his sunburn as well. The camera pans around room and back to the first guy. A girl walks by carrying a plate, puts it on the table and does a dance. The camera pans to a mirror with two men standing in it with a phone and waving. The camera looks over the balcony of the room. A woman puts a plate of food on a table and a man walks back inside. The sunburned man is taking his shirt off and laying it on the bed. His friends help him with cream on his sunburn. The woman is sitting at the table eating.", "segments": [[0, 34.36], [34.36, 40.09], [40.09, 46.96], [46.96, 57.27], [57.27, 64.14], [64.14, 69.86], [69.86, 83.61], [83.61, 90.48], [90.48, 107.66], [107.66, 229.07], [197, 207.3]], "duration": 229.07, "id": 4380}, {"image_id": "v_BJM1rUjXvkQ.mp4", "caption": "The candied fruits are in the bowl, then the woman pour liqueur in it and mixed them. The woman added brown sugar on the butter, then added eggs one by one and mixed and then cream, then flour, baking soda, cinnamon powder and mixed them well. The dried fruit mixture is added in the batter, and then shredded nuts and they were mixed well together. The batter is pour into the pan, smooth the batter and making sure that its evenly distributed.", "segments": [[0, 40.2], [36.85, 128.41], [115.01, 161.91], [156.33, 223.33]], "duration": 223.32999999999998, "id": 4381}, {"image_id": "v_-qGmUrF_7v4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl in a room standing in front of some chairs is hitting a dora pinata. She hits it a few times and then its someone else's turn. An older girl hits it so hard that it doesn't break but the whole pinata falls down and the adults have to put it back up. After everyone takes their tun the little girl gets to go again, when hitting doesn't work they all grab a piece of string and pull it.", "segments": [[0, 28.69], [28.69, 67.64], [67.64, 105.56], [105.56, 204.96]], "duration": 204.96, "id": 4382}, {"image_id": "v_I3WRp3QB8eg.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen speaking to the camera and walks into a hair salon and shakes hands with an stylist. Several shots of an artist are shown and the man then begins cutting the girl's hair. He hands her the hair and washes her hair followed by more cuts and looking into a mirror. In the end her hair looks just like the artist and she is seen smiling and hugs a person, ending with a side by side picture of the artist and her.", "segments": [[0, 17.97], [17.97, 49.57], [48.95, 95.42], [95.42, 123.93]], "duration": 123.93, "id": 4383}, {"image_id": "v__DiTdY1Mtj4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen bending over near a crowd and begins playing a game of shuffleboard. The people continue playing back and fourth on the mat while other people playing around them and walk into frame. A man and woman are seen speaking to one another and is again shown pushing the pucks.", "segments": [[0, 54.81], [54.07, 115.46], [114.73, 146.15]], "duration": 146.15, "id": 4384}, {"image_id": "v_RLdlDewtKbE.mp4", "caption": "An intro is shown for a cricket game. Several players begin to play a cricket game on a field. A man stumbles over one of the cricket posts. The players shake hands as the game ends. The results of the game a then shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 1.51], [1.51, 76.71], [26.24, 27.76], [77.22, 98.92], [97.41, 100.94]], "duration": 100.94, "id": 4385}, {"image_id": "v_0EbXjHsMBmM.mp4", "caption": "At a store by the name of skinny ski's there is a table set up with things needed to saw down skis. A man uses some equipment to melt some wax over a ski, going over it a few times. He then directly uses the iron right on the ski too smoothen out the wax he just melted over it, going over it a few times. He then shows a package of dibloc low fluoro hot wax and information on how to contact for services.", "segments": [[0, 34.34], [34.34, 98.87], [98.87, 149.86], [149.86, 208.14]], "duration": 208.14, "id": 4386}, {"image_id": "v_HVU5EmblAP8.mp4", "caption": "We see the title card on black. A man is playing the drums with is hands. The man pauses then plays again. The man pauses then plays slower.", "segments": [[0, 8.72], [8.72, 48.82], [48.82, 102], [102.87, 166.51]], "duration": 174.36, "id": 4387}, {"image_id": "v_kliGNOFLJSk.mp4", "caption": "people is in a court stretching and making exercise, jumping the rope and weightlifting. man is talking to the camera and the people practicing capoeira, doing suicides and weightlifting are training.", "segments": [[0, 31.89], [31.89, 163.52]], "duration": 163.52, "id": 4388}, {"image_id": "v_MleQSQt6Utw.mp4", "caption": "A boy in a blue shirt is playing in the sand on the beach. A man in a white shirt is standing behind him helping him. A man in blue shorts is also helping the boy make the sand castle.", "segments": [[0, 180.98], [16.29, 180.98], [28.96, 180.98]], "duration": 180.98, "id": 4389}, {"image_id": "v_GFQuGc1yY8o.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown with a woman dancing in front of a large crowd on a tv show. The woman spins around as the man leads her through the routine. She then is lifted up and spun around again. They dance very romantically and she is spun around various times before being tipped backwards by the man as they continue to dance. The two dancers reach out to one another and the routine ends.", "segments": [[0, 19.11], [19.11, 37.15], [37.68, 62.09], [62.09, 80.13], [80.13, 106.14]], "duration": 106.14, "id": 4390}, {"image_id": "v_rML1aj5XW0M.mp4", "caption": "A wrestler is hoisted on a man's shoulders. The man throws the wrestler on a table. The other man hollers out loud. One of the other men stands over the injured man.", "segments": [[0, 5.62], [5.62, 10.36], [13.04, 14.91], [15.09, 17.86]], "duration": 17.86, "id": 4391}, {"image_id": "v_1C0Ur7fen8s.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys are playing a game of foosball with girls. The two groups stand on either side of the machine. They use the little men to hit the ball back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 17.1], [20.67, 52.02], [53.45, 71.26]], "duration": 71.26, "id": 4392}, {"image_id": "v_LlgGMRw16UY.mp4", "caption": "Teen compete skateboard down the road very fast. A teen falls face down from his skateboard on the ground. Another teen falls on the road. Other teens continue skating and some on them falls while skating.", "segments": [[7.3, 100.37], [101.28, 104.02], [107.67, 117.7], [117.7, 176.1]], "duration": 182.49, "id": 4393}, {"image_id": "v_XxMzH75Bhr8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of men are seen running around an indoor field when one scores a goal and the audience cheers. Several more shots of goals are shown followed by slowed down shots of each goal. Close up of players are shown and ends with a group of players all hugging and cheering with one another.", "segments": [[0, 81.88], [80.3, 124.39], [125.96, 157.46]], "duration": 157.46, "id": 4394}, {"image_id": "v_aFlumCYsZgM.mp4", "caption": "A boy enjoys an ice cream cone. A girl eats licks and eats an ice cream cone. The boy finishes the ice cream cone. The girl lightly licks the ice cream cone.", "segments": [[0, 9.6], [10.69, 54.85], [35.38, 45.52], [47.99, 54.85]], "duration": 54.85, "id": 4395}, {"image_id": "v_CkC1wxAaDjM.mp4", "caption": "An archery tournament begins and the montage shows the players hiding behind shields and firing back and forth. The parents of the children are shown watching the battle.", "segments": [[2.44, 62.77], [90.8, 96.29]], "duration": 121.88, "id": 4396}, {"image_id": "v_gaNiULmtQg8.mp4", "caption": "A girl jumps onto a balance beam. She begins to do a routine on the balance beam. She dismounts and lands on the mat with her hands in the air.", "segments": [[10.97, 15.36], [15.36, 104.23], [104.23, 109.72]], "duration": 109.72, "id": 4397}, {"image_id": "v_9XanCE5nX2Q.mp4", "caption": "There is a woman dancing on stage in front of a man in the beginning. There are many different women doing hip hop moves.", "segments": [[0.84, 1.69], [3.38, 162.08]], "duration": 168.82999999999998, "id": 4398}, {"image_id": "v_Qg3Lih9PTBM.mp4", "caption": "Two sumos wrestle fiercely while a judge watch them. Then, the sumo wearing black slip pushed out of the ring the other sumo. Then, two sumo wrestle and trip with the judge, one of them falls. After, the sumosn continue wrestling and the sumo with black slip falls out the ring.", "segments": [[0.63, 14.79], [15.1, 16.05], [16.36, 48.14], [48.45, 62.3]], "duration": 62.93, "id": 4399}, {"image_id": "v_QEfXMtnI6rw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a piece of paper. The man also holds up a razor and begins writing on the paper. The man is then seen shaving his face and ending with credits.", "segments": [[0, 27.01], [22.71, 63.42], [53.63, 76.73]], "duration": 78.3, "id": 4400}, {"image_id": "v_zyh16NahocQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady talking in the bathroom. She shows us her blow dryer box. She brings the blow dryer box back into view. The lady grabs and lifts her hair. The lady shows us dryer attachments and the dryer. The lady brushes hear hair and adds blow drys her hair.", "segments": [[0, 199.14], [11.95, 35.84], [65.71, 78.66], [95.58, 97.58], [101.56, 127.45], [129.44, 175.24]], "duration": 199.14, "id": 4401}, {"image_id": "v_x9BN93AXNTQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a computer is shown followed by a man stepping into frame and singing into the microphone. The man continues singing while the camera captures him and fades to black in the end.", "segments": [[8.83, 104.02], [87.33, 183.5]], "duration": 196.26, "id": 4402}, {"image_id": "v_5vlGKyxl22M.mp4", "caption": "An old woman talks before run in a marathon where there is a lot of people participate. Then, the woman cross the finish line and people help her. A cameraman films on front the finish line while people is arriving. A woman raise her arms when cross the finish line.", "segments": [[0, 65.45], [65.45, 71.36], [65.91, 90.91], [76.82, 79.54]], "duration": 90.91, "id": 4403}, {"image_id": "v_3Z4b34lBnyU.mp4", "caption": "A very large man wearing a black speedo is standing in a wrestling rink huffing and puffing.A referee walks past the man, a man from the ground stands up and the very large man kicks him, picks him up, then slams him onto the rink. The man just lays there writhing in pain.", "segments": [[0, 1.42], [1.42, 10.97], [10.97, 20.32]], "duration": 20.32, "id": 4404}, {"image_id": "v_memk6ryZCjE.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen speaking to one another and leads into them performing martial arts against one another. The girls continue to fight and leads into one sitting down while the other continues to perform moves.", "segments": [[4.57, 105.12], [77.69, 176.41]], "duration": 182.81, "id": 4405}, {"image_id": "v_qPZBSTNEl78.mp4", "caption": "A girl in red outfit serves the ball to her friend on an outdoor tennis match. The friend returns the ball and the two play a round of tennis. The ball is deflected by the net and the partner loses the round.", "segments": [[0, 4.51], [5.44, 27.98], [28.6, 31.09]], "duration": 31.09, "id": 4406}, {"image_id": "v_IdEcXDZ4Cos.mp4", "caption": "Several men stand on a pier. One of the men is shirtless. They bring out some raw meat. One of the men gets on a board and does tricks.", "segments": [[0, 32.25], [6.45, 32.25], [21.5, 50.53], [66.65, 215.01]], "duration": 215.01, "id": 4407}, {"image_id": "v_2zwUExKXw9s.mp4", "caption": "A group sits on horses as the stand and take a rest. The group rides on the horses along a trail.", "segments": [[0, 3.22], [3.22, 40.76]], "duration": 42.9, "id": 4408}, {"image_id": "v_s24-UW2mnjM.mp4", "caption": "This man is roller blading through the streets extremely fast. He jumps over a closed off area and keeps on skating passed people into the streets. He is skating in the streets of paris along with another skater, still skating past people and going down into the subway. He hold on to the back of someones motorcycle and uses it to catch speed and then continues back out of the subway back on to the sidewalks.", "segments": [[0, 43.15], [43.15, 91.7], [91.7, 156.44], [156.44, 215.77]], "duration": 215.77, "id": 4409}, {"image_id": "v_zChDaAcfc2o.mp4", "caption": "We see water flowing over a river. A title appears on the screen. A person in a canoe goes over the waterfall. The person rides the rapids of the river. We see people on a rock on the riverbank watching the canoer. The person in the canoe smiles and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 1.89], [1.89, 9.07], [12.47, 17.01], [12.47, 74.85], [50.28, 68.8], [68.8, 75.61]], "duration": 75.61, "id": 4410}, {"image_id": "v_dL--vW-AJJo.mp4", "caption": "A close up of tires are shown followed by a man working on a tire as well as being interviewed on camera. The camera captures the tool on the tires from several angles as well as lifting up the car to work underneath. More shots of the men working as shown as one speaks to the camera and ends by fading to white.", "segments": [[0, 60.77], [58.64, 153.52], [162.05, 213.23]], "duration": 213.23, "id": 4411}, {"image_id": "v_Qfi8dqC4E4s.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman wearing red jackets, the man was cheering, while the woman is taking video using her iPad, she has very serious look on her face, the woman handed the iPad to the man. A woman is picking up a pole, putting it inside the bigger pole, a man in blue jacket looked up from the ground. A male athlete wearing red and blue top, blue shorts ran, hopped and jumped, he fell on the #18 sand then got up walked around the grass and field towards the group of people. A male athlete wearing blue top ran to the lane, started hopping after passing the white line and jumped to the sand, hit the sandy ground then stood up, then walked to the track field. A male athlete in red and blue uniform started to run to the field, hopped when passed the white line then jumped towards bed of sandy ground, he hit the ground, fell on his side and stood up and walked towards the field. A woman in red top is shown.", "segments": [[6.37, 37.3], [10.01, 50.03], [19.1, 90.05], [60.95, 127.35], [82.78, 181.93], [161.01, 181.93]], "duration": 181.93, "id": 4412}, {"image_id": "v_IKTYMYu8FFs.mp4", "caption": "A container of hair styling cream is shown by a stylist. She applies it to a seated brunette's skin. She then demonstrates how it works.", "segments": [[0, 10.17], [14.99, 56.22], [58.9, 107.09]], "duration": 107.09, "id": 4413}, {"image_id": "v_BnAG37ecNbA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on a hospital bed with a razor handle in her mouth and people around her are moving her hair out of her face. The woman then starts to pull the razor up and down the part of her left leg that she can reach with her bend.The woman then grabs the razor from her mouth with her right hand and starts shaving her left leg.The woman puts the razor handle back in her mouth and tries to shave again but it falls out of her mouth and she drops her head in frustration then leans back on the bed, laughs, and then crosses her arms.", "segments": [[0, 15.18], [15.18, 31.41], [31.41, 43.41], [43.41, 70.59]], "duration": 70.59, "id": 4414}, {"image_id": "v_Et8xkGzQOTA.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black hat is standing on the street. A person starts dancing on the street. A man starts break dancing in front of a car.", "segments": [[0, 7.16], [14.32, 16.43], [21.27, 42.12]], "duration": 42.12, "id": 4415}, {"image_id": "v_ghFOHoBiyD8.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing glasses is holding a book and talking. He is shown entering a bowling alley. The man interviews players and joins them in a game of bowling. A player explains the techniques he uses.", "segments": [[0, 20.38], [21.45, 53.63], [54.71, 166.26], [167.33, 214.53]], "duration": 214.53, "id": 4416}, {"image_id": "v_rhfoyYzp93Q.mp4", "caption": "A person is paddling down a river in a canoe. The person turns and looks back.", "segments": [[0, 63.71], [64.38, 67.06]], "duration": 67.06, "id": 4417}, {"image_id": "v_dUvZ6-IVo34.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up an instrument. The man then begins playing the instrument in front of the camera. The man continues to play the instrument and stops to look at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 19.22], [22.82, 65.67], [46.05, 78.48]], "duration": 80.09, "id": 4418}, {"image_id": "v_Cu8kOOnAjaw.mp4", "caption": "A dog is close to the camera, play fighting with another dog. They jump off a man's lap, then back on again as they continue to play.The man puts his glasses back on as the dogs calm down and lie down on his lap.", "segments": [[0, 14.6], [22.5, 102.17], [105.21, 121.63]], "duration": 121.63, "id": 4419}, {"image_id": "v_D-BRqQhL74Q.mp4", "caption": "Three girls are seen holding a rope with one walking away and two playing tug of war. Two girls switch places and the final two compete against one another playing tug of war back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 10.34], [10.34, 44]], "duration": 44.0, "id": 4420}, {"image_id": "v_X1bmeq4u6YE.mp4", "caption": "A video shows how to make curry toast. The curry is in a pan and the bread and butter are on a tray. The man applies the butter, then the curry to the bread before toasting it. A cartoon charicature of a stick person dances at the end.", "segments": [[0, 9.43], [10.29, 15.43], [24.86, 134.59], [142.31, 171.46]], "duration": 171.46, "id": 4421}, {"image_id": "v_nuEK3POl9jA.mp4", "caption": "At the 2008 Olympics, a man prepares to lift a loaded barbell. He bends down and works his way up with great effort, finally lifting the barbell over his head. He drops the weights and they crash to the ground. He celebrates and we see that the Olympian has set a record.", "segments": [[0, 7.6], [8.4, 28.21], [28.81, 29.41], [29.81, 40.01]], "duration": 40.01, "id": 4422}, {"image_id": "v_tp0L6sR1qts.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen rolling out a bike and begins checking the tires with another man. One man cuts a wire and checks more tires and another man spins the tires once more.", "segments": [[0, 25.86], [23.37, 62.32]], "duration": 62.32, "id": 4423}, {"image_id": "v_JU_o9ZtH-VM.mp4", "caption": "A balded man is seen speaking to the camera with a head sitting behind him with a head full of hair. He then cuts the hair on the dummy in a certain fashion and the camera zooms in on the finished result in the end.", "segments": [[0, 68.38], [67.27, 220.57]], "duration": 220.57, "id": 4424}, {"image_id": "v_5k0KMrksf8c.mp4", "caption": "Two teams are standing at the scrimmage line together waiting to play the game.The game begins and the two teams fight each ferociously in a game of Lacrosse.One person gets hit so bad,he is out and remains laying down on the field as the rest of the players take off down the field.", "segments": [[0, 0.82], [0.82, 5.91], [5.91, 9.68]], "duration": 9.68, "id": 4425}, {"image_id": "v_z6IsPWucZnU.mp4", "caption": "A baby is shown floating upside down in a pool. Trainers are teaching the child how to stay afloat. He is learning how to swim, keeping himself above water.", "segments": [[0, 13.46], [14.5, 54.36], [57.46, 103.54]], "duration": 103.53999999999999, "id": 4426}, {"image_id": "v__O6ONcIPR_s.mp4", "caption": "A wind kite is shown in the air. A man in a black shirt is controlling the wind kite and falls on the ground. Dogs are running around on the grass.", "segments": [[0, 1.81], [3.81, 40.15], [18.47, 40.15]], "duration": 40.15, "id": 4427}, {"image_id": "v_qYN_YrwUCBs.mp4", "caption": "An introduction graphic comes onto the screen presenting a volleyball championship. A man comes onto the screen announcing the competition before it begins. Different girls are shown playing beach volley ball as the narrator tells the story of their road to the championship. Many of the team members are shown talking on the court and strategizing for the win. The video cuts to a conference room where there is a discussion about the volleyball players. The video ends with the graphics for the c losing credits.", "segments": [[0, 4.94], [4.94, 16.45], [16.45, 158.76], [58.4, 115.98], [129.14, 134.08], [158.76, 164.51]], "duration": 164.51, "id": 4428}, {"image_id": "v_NKZzGiS5hv0.mp4", "caption": "men are siting in a dark room talking to the camera. sumo wrestlers are standing in stage ready to fight and people are gathered around them and sitting in he terraces. men are talking in the dark room and explaining their point of view.", "segments": [[0, 30.97], [29.65, 89.61], [89.61, 131.77]], "duration": 131.77, "id": 4429}, {"image_id": "v_RQO61KXeBos.mp4", "caption": "A man starts running down with a stick he places it down and jumps over a really high obstacle, he lands and gloats. The next man takes his turn and he does the same using the stick to get over the obstacle and jumping up with excitement after landing. Then another man takes his turn and when he lands he throws off his helmet and yells and jumps for joy like the previous men. The audience is very thrilled too, they all take more turns trying to get the best score.", "segments": [[0, 39.4], [39.4, 82.38], [82.38, 133.71], [133.71, 238.77]], "duration": 238.77, "id": 4430}, {"image_id": "v__nup1BwPnXc.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see kids in purple pose for a photo. The kids then play tug of war as two girls stand nearby cheering. We switch to a girl and a boy cheering. We see two different kids cheering. We switch the cheering kids again. The kids win and an jump and cheer as one girl talks to a teacher. We see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 3.74], [4.27, 8], [8.54, 30.42], [30.95, 55.5], [56.03, 69.9], [70.44, 81.64], [81.11, 96.58], [97.12, 106.72]], "duration": 106.72, "id": 4431}, {"image_id": "v_sA8fmJulHMs.mp4", "caption": "Several shirtless men are gathered in a room, one smokes a cigarette as the rest cheer him on. He sucks down the cigarette all the way down to the bud. He coughs a bit and then inhales it in his nose, pointing to the camera afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 12.4], [27.38, 68.71], [73.36, 97.13]], "duration": 103.32, "id": 4432}, {"image_id": "v_eM-l2d8e-CA.mp4", "caption": "Pucks are seen sitting along the ice as well as a man speaking to the camera and people walking around. More clips are shown of people curling on the ice while also speaking to the camera. The people continue to push the puck along the ice while looking back to the camera as well as speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 63.44], [51.31, 140.88], [130.62, 179.13]], "duration": 186.6, "id": 4433}, {"image_id": "v_PgoRelvwBUI.mp4", "caption": "We see a tire well on a table in a clamp. A man puts a vice grip on the well. The man pushes and spins a tire over the wheel well.", "segments": [[0, 45.88], [13.08, 17.89], [24.32, 45.88]], "duration": 45.88, "id": 4434}, {"image_id": "v_V3ZDyR7mVpc.mp4", "caption": "We see waterski and the side of a boat. We see a boy standing on a dock, people gas their boat then board. We see two boys playing. We see a person water skiing on a lake. We see the cars in the parking lot near the lake and a dog sniffs the camera. We see a shop then a person paddling on a kayak. A person jumps into the water and we see the water skier again. A boy on a trampoline in a shop, people on a raft and a boy jumps in the water. We see a boy on a toy bike, the water skier falls. A person on skis jumps a ramp.", "segments": [[0, 17.08], [19.22, 25.62], [25.62, 29.89], [30.96, 70.47], [74.74, 80.07], [81.14, 87.55], [92.89, 97.16], [116.37, 152.67], [152.67, 177.23], [185.77, 191.11]], "duration": 213.53, "id": 4435}, {"image_id": "v_otWcr0Rxy5g.mp4", "caption": "a group of performers are standing on a stage. They turn, and begin playing the drums. They put on sunglasses while they play for the audience.", "segments": [[0, 33.43], [36.47, 158.04], [169.19, 202.62]], "duration": 202.62, "id": 4436}, {"image_id": "v_uqAFtPVzEEs.mp4", "caption": "A news man is standing in front of a screen talking as it displays a volleyball game on the beach. Then we see the players, fighting over and kicking the ball, alternating with speaking to the camera individually before going back to scenes from the game.", "segments": [[0, 25.31], [29.24, 112.48]], "duration": 112.47999999999999, "id": 4437}, {"image_id": "v_qpdREcmjhUw.mp4", "caption": "A young boy has a long stick in had and is pushing a puck across a white triangle with numbers in it.The puck goes to far down the board and the toddler chases after it.Once the puck is back on the board,he takes off running back down the board.", "segments": [[0, 14.23], [14.23, 35.35], [35.8, 44.47]], "duration": 44.47, "id": 4438}, {"image_id": "v_9x7FyIJdVsI.mp4", "caption": "A male is shown deep underwater in a pool doing a breast stroke.As he is swimming,a man in an orange polo is standing on the outside describing his technique.", "segments": [[0, 43.18], [43.68, 99.27]], "duration": 99.27000000000001, "id": 4439}, {"image_id": "v_DsnVkCHbEVM.mp4", "caption": "A series of screen flashes and it shows statistics about driving drunk and when to take breaks driving.After, a group of about forty individuals are in a large pool playing water polo.The people take turns going back and forth throwing the ball and a person finally makes a goal.", "segments": [[0, 12.52], [12.85, 39.54], [39.21, 65.9]], "duration": 65.9, "id": 4440}, {"image_id": "v_wj0D-wiqEb0.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing a wooden instrument inext to another man, sitting inside a small room. When he is done, he lowers his instrument and smiles broadly. They appear to be riding inside a train.", "segments": [[0, 9.96], [17.76, 70.61], [73.64, 86.63]], "duration": 86.63, "id": 4441}, {"image_id": "v_sbvdGKpHy2M.mp4", "caption": "The interior and supplies of an old fashioned barber shop are shown. A man sharpens a razor strap. He shows off the cream as he puts it on his client. He then gently and professionally gives the man a beard shave. The man lies still as he applies a cloth, then aftershave. A close up is shown of the clean shaven face.", "segments": [[0.57, 7.38], [8.51, 14.76], [15.04, 22.98], [23.27, 45.97], [45.97, 51.36], [52.49, 56.75]], "duration": 56.75, "id": 4442}, {"image_id": "v_dUBkspFNj-E.mp4", "caption": "Guys are playing pool in front of an audience. A guy changes his pool stick. The two men stand close together and give an interview. A man puts his arm around his partner's shoulders, and his partner dances. A man sits on his pool game partner's lap after he makes his shot, .", "segments": [[1.6, 158.77], [29.52, 31.12], [48.67, 63.83], [59.04, 63.83], [79.78, 95.74]], "duration": 159.57, "id": 4443}, {"image_id": "v_e51NGAPMp1s.mp4", "caption": "A man sinks underwater in a pool. The man sinks underwater in a pool backwards. Text is shown on a black screen.", "segments": [[4.77, 37.07], [38.66, 102.2], [102.73, 105.91]], "duration": 105.91, "id": 4444}, {"image_id": "v_vLJz4a4NvRI.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen and a man and lady look happy and the lady throws her hands in the air. We see a man dealing blackjack in front of a screen. We see a C emblem screen. We see the man continue to deal cards. We see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.47], [10.47, 50.26], [50.26, 53.4], [54.44, 98.94], [98.94, 104.7]], "duration": 104.7, "id": 4445}, {"image_id": "v_v-mNvC8zVhE.mp4", "caption": "A young lady is in a room rolling down a piece of grey and white wallpaper on a wall.She is now on another wall and is using a utensil to smooth out the paper.Then,she is shown cutting the grey wallpaper and brushing it.Finally,she moves to another flower piece and begins to cut off the excess paper ensuring it is measured correctly.", "segments": [[0, 26.88], [29, 60.83], [60.83, 103.97], [102.56, 141.46]], "duration": 141.46, "id": 4446}, {"image_id": "v_PzERiygIpkg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sticking their hands under a dink and rubbing soap on their hands. The person scrubs their hands thoroughly and then runs them under a faucet. She then grabs a paper towel to dry her hands and show them off.", "segments": [[0, 19.5], [16.61, 56.71], [49.84, 71.15]], "duration": 72.24, "id": 4447}, {"image_id": "v_AHd87Cn-NkU.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a sink is seen with cleaner on top while the camera zooms in on the sink. A woman is then seen rubbing down the sink with a rag and shows off the sink in the end.", "segments": [[0, 41.81], [41.39, 83.62]], "duration": 83.62, "id": 4448}, {"image_id": "v_h2HRRkwHoKw.mp4", "caption": "There is a busy restaurant by the lakeside where nearly all the tables are occupied by guests dining there. The server fills in ice in the glasses and barista makes coffee. The customers are busy eating their food that is served. The bartender is mixing drinks to make various cocktails. The barista is making latte and cappuccino. A lady customer is seen enjoying her drinks.", "segments": [[3.9, 18.39], [18.39, 34.56], [34.56, 72.46], [72.46, 85.84], [85.84, 98.1], [98.1, 104.23]], "duration": 111.47999999999999, "id": 4449}, {"image_id": "v_3_Gha8keu-A.mp4", "caption": "A group of women stand facing the camera. An older woman walks to the head of the group. The group dance together facing the camera.", "segments": [[0, 1.06], [1.06, 7.44], [7.44, 212.7]], "duration": 212.7, "id": 4450}, {"image_id": "v_gHYcZYkrxxQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a snow covered parking lot lined with tall street lamps scrapes hardened snow and ice off of his maroon sports car at night. The man begins by scraping ice and snow off of the bottom of his windshield and the hood of his car and front grill. The man then scrapes and kicks at ice chunks surrounding the area around the front passenger tire. Lastly, the man scrapes ice off of the trunk of the car and the rear passenger tire area before waiving and walking toward the camera.", "segments": [[0.69, 137.76], [0.69, 24.8], [26.18, 96.43], [97.81, 137.76]], "duration": 137.76, "id": 4451}, {"image_id": "v_-s1MQAiOMeY.mp4", "caption": "A black template with scrolling print with white lettering goes across the screen in an upward motion. A motor boat with two canoe like hulls on either side of the sail, sails across an ocean, in daylight, with two people hanging on to the side. The image of the boat on the water changes to night vision with only green and white colors reflecting before the credits roll.", "segments": [[0.63, 14.48], [48.47, 91.91], [93.17, 124.01]], "duration": 125.9, "id": 4452}, {"image_id": "v_MuOkEmd4Gp0.mp4", "caption": "There are four people participating the BMX dirt biking competition. They are doing incredible stunts on their bikes by jumping up high over ditches and steep terrain. One of the bikers takes a fall after he leaps over a hilly road. Several other bikers go in full speed over hilly terrain and steep hills. People are gathered to watch and participate in the BMX event. The bikers continue doing their stunts as they go over hilly terrain and hilltops. The winners of the race are awarded trophies and certificates. They proudly raise their trophies high up to show their accomplishment.", "segments": [[23.45, 62.55], [62.55, 101.64], [101.64, 125.09], [125.09, 144.08], [144.08, 163.06], [163.06, 179.82], [179.82, 198.8], [198.8, 208.86]], "duration": 223.38, "id": 4453}, {"image_id": "v_xUHXFXela-0.mp4", "caption": "man is climbong a rock wall atached to harness. a group of friends are standing on the field and above them the man is climbing the rock wall. man is climbong the rock wall holding it and the other people on the floor is attached to harness ready to climb the wall too.", "segments": [[0, 23.77], [23.77, 31.03], [31.03, 132.03]], "duration": 132.03, "id": 4454}, {"image_id": "v_wEwp63lUsrE.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing gloves is seen speaking to the camera while holding up various objects to the camera. He then puts the objects together to create a large flame and hammers down a tool in the end and shows the results.", "segments": [[0, 56.11], [56.11, 158.06]], "duration": 158.06, "id": 4455}, {"image_id": "v_oYmE833AO2w.mp4", "caption": "A man in grey shirt applies plaster with a handheld spatula to the interior wall of a building. The main points to the corners of the room to show the line he is working. The man in applies more plaster the the wall and covers more area. The man in grey stops to discuss with his partner. The man in grey along with his partner begin to apply a coating on the wall together. The man in grey watches and gives tips to his friend. The man in grey and the friend both apply plaster together higher up on the wall and ceiling.", "segments": [[0, 41.02], [41.91, 50.82], [52.61, 83.82], [83.82, 115.91], [116.81, 126.61], [126.61, 150.69], [150.69, 178.33]], "duration": 178.32999999999998, "id": 4456}, {"image_id": "v_R_HDifqMHSY.mp4", "caption": "A singer is shown standing on a piano on a large stage and talking into the mic while a drummer plays in the background. He continues singing to the audience followed by jumping off the piano and dancing around the stage. The drums continue to play and the lights flicker behind him while people shuffle other drums around the set. The two men then begin playing the drums back to back with each other while switching between drum kits and movements.", "segments": [[0, 16.18], [16.98, 54.19], [52.57, 121.31], [124.55, 161.75]], "duration": 161.75, "id": 4457}, {"image_id": "v_l_R7AbA-d04.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans in on a television set that leads into a man holding a stick in front of a large crowd. He speaks to a woman and a shot of people playing shuffle board is shown in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 16.74], [16.43, 62]], "duration": 62.0, "id": 4458}, {"image_id": "v_ni6VySdH0XY.mp4", "caption": "A person is sharpening a knife behind a table. People are standing in front of the table watching. He picks up the knife sharpener and uses it to sharpen the knife.", "segments": [[0, 13.54], [17.71, 45.84], [55.56, 69.45]], "duration": 69.45, "id": 4459}, {"image_id": "v_bXCOtMuaJf4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen washing dishes in a sink while a man speaks to the camera and zooms in on the dishes. The man continues to speak to the camera and demonstrate how to properly wash dishes.", "segments": [[0.74, 60.53], [43.55, 141.73]], "duration": 147.63, "id": 4460}, {"image_id": "v_sbT8DfccM7I.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing in front of a picnic table speaking to the camera while holding a bike wheel. He then puts the tire on the ground, moving his hands around the make sure the tire is properly inflated. He paces the tire back onto the table then pulls out a rope to tie it with.", "segments": [[0, 72.01], [72.01, 145.85], [144.94, 182.31]], "duration": 182.31, "id": 4461}, {"image_id": "v_Oheg1qwrESg.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen moving back and fourth on a large mat while fencing with one another. The audience cheers as they finish and ends by showing the match again in slow motion.", "segments": [[1.64, 38.06], [31.83, 64.64]], "duration": 65.62, "id": 4462}, {"image_id": "v_afL6f_pwgMs.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in a tube drinking a beer while other people are seen siting off in the distance. More shots are shown of the people riding along in tubes while drinking beers and speaking to one another.", "segments": [[4.23, 64.09], [47.16, 120.93]], "duration": 120.93, "id": 4463}, {"image_id": "v_gLsHOCeeVUM.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her holding bottles and washing her face. She wipes her face down with a towel and then puts lotion all over her face.", "segments": [[0, 91.63], [95.94, 215.6]], "duration": 215.6, "id": 4464}, {"image_id": "v_4r0qYLCucEI.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed inn a black shirt and camouflage print shorts is demonstrating how to fix the rubber tires on a car wheel rim. He shows all the tools that are required to do the process. He takes the rubber tire and sprays it with a liquid. Then he fits the inner rim of the wheel into the tire. He uses a mallet to secure it in tightly. He then uses a tool to tighten the various screws that run across the entire diameter of the inner circle of the tire. Then he uses a torque wrench to tighten the screws further. He fills in air and checks the tire pressure.", "segments": [[22.47, 38.52], [38.52, 63.13], [63.13, 95.23], [95.23, 136.96], [136.96, 161.57], [161.57, 175.48], [175.48, 194.74], [194.74, 205.44]], "duration": 214.0, "id": 4465}, {"image_id": "v_yEn-5y95DI0.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls are posing for a picture. They are then shown playing volleyall on a field in front of several tents. They lob the ball back and forth. A boy makes a hand gesture in front of the camera as he smiles. Again we are shown the group of girls posing in the photograph.", "segments": [[0, 3.68], [3.96, 15.85], [16.42, 40.19], [40.76, 51.23], [52.08, 56.61]], "duration": 56.61, "id": 4466}, {"image_id": "v_lrM8LSnXmSw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while standing in front of a board. She begins moving up and down the board while spinning herself around and moving her body. She continues to move and stops to face the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 25.37], [20.07, 55.28], [47.33, 72.31]], "duration": 75.72, "id": 4467}, {"image_id": "v_7lUaR1veDJU.mp4", "caption": "We see people playing water polo in a pool. A man in the rear on the right throws the ball to a player closer to the goal. That player then throws the ball across to a man on the left. A man grabs the ball and throws it in the goal.", "segments": [[0, 13.52], [0, 2.64], [10, 11.49], [12.03, 13.52]], "duration": 13.52, "id": 4468}, {"image_id": "v_j_IJQAywTuU.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen riding along a skateboard followed by several more shots of people riding on boards. The boys perform several tricks while the camera pans into the sky and move up and down the track.", "segments": [[0, 24.39], [12.38, 72.8]], "duration": 72.8, "id": 4469}, {"image_id": "v_KRz3aBw_TlQ.mp4", "caption": "Men take turns throwing darts at a dart board. A woman in the crowd claps for them. A man takes a drink out of a glass.", "segments": [[0, 188.34], [54.62, 55.56], [179.86, 180.8]], "duration": 188.34, "id": 4470}, {"image_id": "v_MlkXsUDCoww.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen pushing a lawn mower all across the yard. The person pushes the mower along the edge of the grass and throughout the rest of the grass. The man then grabs a weed wacker and cuts the weeds along the edge.", "segments": [[0.77, 16.44], [11.56, 34.17], [30.83, 48.3]], "duration": 51.39, "id": 4471}, {"image_id": "v_afORRx0QZgI.mp4", "caption": "A woman lays on the floor in a room. Music starts to play and she gets up and begins belly dancing. As she dances, others watch. In the background, a child gives a woman a hug as they watch on. The music stops and the dancer walks off stage.", "segments": [[0, 9.24], [8.58, 129.98], [19.79, 129.98], [86.43, 110.19], [129.32, 131.96]], "duration": 131.96, "id": 4472}, {"image_id": "v_izSjI7hH1-Y.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is sitting a chair extremely still as a pair of scissors are being put up her nose.The person who is piercing her septum continues to hold it and grabs the needle with the other hand.Once he pierces it,a drop of snot flies from her nose and the girl begins talking until the balls are on the end of the ring.", "segments": [[0, 26.32], [26.32, 55.74], [55.74, 103.23]], "duration": 103.22999999999999, "id": 4473}, {"image_id": "v_iwHZqcYwZYU.mp4", "caption": "A man steps on a diving board and jumps. Then, the man flips three times and and dive in the pool.", "segments": [[0, 4.81], [4.87, 8.52]], "duration": 11.59, "id": 4474}, {"image_id": "v_hR1HPLOmR1I.mp4", "caption": "A pinata is hanging from the ceiling. A boy is hitting the pinata with a stick. People are standing behind him watching.", "segments": [[0, 43.86], [15.79, 43.86], [0, 43.42]], "duration": 43.86, "id": 4475}, {"image_id": "v_ThYidZUtnuo.mp4", "caption": "A worker removes moss from the top of a roof. Another worker sprays water all over the roof. The roof is then really clean.", "segments": [[4.03, 31.14], [31.67, 41.87], [43.48, 48.05]], "duration": 53.69, "id": 4476}, {"image_id": "v_eC90hOqQ0yk.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen kneeling before one another and begin wrestling one another. A large group of people are seen watching on the side while the men fight. The men continue fighting with one pushing the other out into the ring.", "segments": [[0, 11.42], [8.94, 29.11], [22.64, 37.49]], "duration": 38.06, "id": 4477}, {"image_id": "v_--mFXNrRZ5E.mp4", "caption": "Two men are dressed in fencing gear. They are battling on a court with their swords. Green lines occasionally indicate the moves they are making. They stab at each other with the swords and jump about the stage.", "segments": [[0, 11.25], [14.18, 48.41], [49.39, 88.02], [90.96, 97.8]], "duration": 97.8, "id": 4478}, {"image_id": "v_3IdaN49b9xg.mp4", "caption": "A person put objects in a pumpkin on a desk while looking inside it. When the man walks away, the pumpkin blast and turn on an light to see the a mouth and two eyes.", "segments": [[0, 27], [27.19, 36.99]], "duration": 36.99, "id": 4479}, {"image_id": "v_894d9_pty3o.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are skiing down the side of a mountain. A group of moose are baying between scenes of lifts and helicopters overhead. People give each other high fives as they ski.", "segments": [[0, 7.85], [11.16, 44.36], [44.36, 60.35]], "duration": 60.35, "id": 4480}, {"image_id": "v_6QImnhUemH0.mp4", "caption": "The man puts the mop into the blue mop bucket first and then he starts mopping. First he mops near the stove and the counter. Then he mops on the floor that between the refrigerator and another counter. Then he mops the center of the kitchen floor.", "segments": [[0.93, 1.86], [9.32, 13.36], [24.55, 32.32], [36.36, 44.44]], "duration": 62.16, "id": 4481}, {"image_id": "v_7LvEI5zhENk.mp4", "caption": "We see a shot of a track and field arena. A lady in a blue shirt from Uzbekistan runs and performs a high jump and we see her score. We see a lady from china run and perform a high jump and see her score and we see her manager and a slow motion. An different lady from Uzbekistan performs a high jump and we see her score. The first lady performs again and knocks the bar over and looks disappointed. The lady from China has a second turn and also knocks over the bar and looks mad. The second lady from Uzbekistan performs and clears the bar and almost cries. We see the arena and scoreboard on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.48], [0, 38.3], [39.46, 78.92], [80.08, 112.58], [114.9, 145.08], [146.24, 176.42], [177.58, 220.52], [222.84, 232.13]], "duration": 232.13, "id": 4482}, {"image_id": "v_UZNw4utsywI.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people riding around on skateboards in a park while looking back and smiling to the camera. The video continues with many more shots of people performing grinds and tricks on their skateboards and speaking to the camera. In the end they are seen driving around together in a car and laughing with one another.", "segments": [[4.25, 57.82], [53.57, 121.59], [120.74, 165.8]], "duration": 170.05, "id": 4483}, {"image_id": "v_nxDAt9SkPoA.mp4", "caption": "A group of men and women are doing jump rope for aerobic exercise. They run in a circle, jumping as they run. They then lay out mats, and do several yoga cool down moves.", "segments": [[0, 97.8], [98.72, 148.99], [156.3, 182.81]], "duration": 182.81, "id": 4484}, {"image_id": "v_9qOfesI3bGE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated with an accordian on his lap. He pulls it in and out as he plays the keyboard with his other hand. He is shown with two different accordians as he continues to play.", "segments": [[0, 10.99], [12.14, 72.29], [73.44, 115.66]], "duration": 115.66, "id": 4485}, {"image_id": "v_S5Aj9b5T284.mp4", "caption": "Several men play table football while an audience watches on. A bald individual retrieves the ball and reinserts it into play. The bald individual reaches for the table for some reason. The bald individual retrieves the ball and reinserts it into play again. The players shake hands as the match ends.", "segments": [[0, 178.31], [52.94, 55.72], [96.58, 98.44], [143.02, 144.87], [179.24, 185.74]], "duration": 185.74, "id": 4486}, {"image_id": "v_ursegSrjG1M.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into clips of him moving dirt. Other men help plant the areas while moving around wheel barrows and planting plants while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 56.48], [54.75, 114.69]], "duration": 115.25999999999999, "id": 4487}, {"image_id": "v_IBte7CKOLSs.mp4", "caption": "A man throws a bowling balls and throws all the pins every time. Then, the man continues playing bowling successfully. The man miss one pin in the last play.", "segments": [[24.16, 84.57], [84.57, 145.77], [146.58, 152.22]], "duration": 161.07999999999998, "id": 4488}, {"image_id": "v_LkA7hS3FBkQ.mp4", "caption": "A rests underneath a car in place but not lifting it off the ground. A man uses an electric drill to wind up the floor jack and lift the car tire off the ground. The man uses the electric drill again to mind down the floor jack and lower the car.", "segments": [[0, 10.56], [11.67, 37.78], [38.06, 54.73]], "duration": 55.57, "id": 4489}, {"image_id": "v_PUHGXI6N0DA.mp4", "caption": "A male gymnast walks up to a beam, powdering his hands. He mounts the beam, then spins around it several times, changing between bars. He dismounts, then raises his arms into the air.", "segments": [[0, 9.15], [11.15, 51.17], [52.59, 57.17]], "duration": 57.17, "id": 4490}, {"image_id": "v_a-6lVnhqU4w.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is holding a tablet to record a video of people running in a race and she is standing in the stands at a track filled with people. A man is running across the grass field with an orange shirt and a flag on the grass in the middle of the track. Another man in a black shirt runs towards the man in the orange shirt. The young woman continues to video the track with her tablet. The man in the orange shirt is running across the grass again. The young woman puts her tablet down after trying to video the game and looks off into the distance at the people on the track. Everyone starts clapping together in the stands. There is a photo with a guy wearing a track uniform.", "segments": [[10.19, 38.83], [37.56, 47.11], [46.47, 56.66], [51.56, 73.21], [73.21, 86.57], [84.66, 103.76], [106.94, 118.4], [118.4, 127.32]], "duration": 127.32, "id": 4491}, {"image_id": "v_TjDlEonao3s.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman doing a tutorial on how to use a curling iron on a model's hair. She takes sections of the model's hair one at time and puts it into the curling iron and then releases it gradually to pull out the curls. She continues the process till the entire head of hair is curled with the iron. The model then smiles and takes a selfie while looking in the mirror.", "segments": [[12.2, 92.32], [18.57, 54.12], [45.63, 85.95], [87.02, 101.34]], "duration": 106.12, "id": 4492}, {"image_id": "v_dzpsJQN4o-Y.mp4", "caption": "The door opens and two people wearing slippers enter the room. A logo briefly appears on the screen. Two men standing in front of a pair of bathroom sinks and mirrors remove the robes they're wearing to reveal spandex clothing, then turn to face the camera to speak. A large group of people ride bicycles down the road. A barefoot man stands in a bathroom. The title \"How to Shave Your Legs\" appears over a man performing that action. The men discuss and demonstrate using an electric razor to shave your legs. One then discusses how high your legs should be shaved. The man demonstrates how to lather up your legs. The two men demonstrate how to use a razor to shave your legs. They then demonstrate how to rinse your legs off. A man rides a bike down the road. The two men shave their other leg.", "segments": [[0, 3.49], [3.49, 6.97], [6.97, 12.2], [13.07, 16.56], [18.3, 21.78], [26.14, 28.75], [28.75, 52.28], [52.28, 67.09], [67.09, 88.88], [88.88, 147.25], [147.25, 155.1], [155.97, 159.45], [159.45, 165.55]], "duration": 174.27, "id": 4493}, {"image_id": "v_Ye6_xb7h7jc.mp4", "caption": "two kids are standing in front of a christmas tree showing purple boots that are on the christmas tree hanging. the kids are pointing out the balls and the ornamens. the kids stands next to the three and say goodbye to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 42.54], [42.54, 77.29], [77.29, 103.75]], "duration": 103.75, "id": 4494}, {"image_id": "v_bQ0L24YbGGI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is dancing on a stage. A person lifts them up in the air over them. Ballerinas are dancing on a stage.", "segments": [[8.9, 29.13], [29.53, 30.34], [64.33, 69.18]], "duration": 80.91, "id": 4495}, {"image_id": "v_U7x4eGLBITE.mp4", "caption": "People are pulled up a hill on a tug rope sitting on inter tubes. A family pulls their inter tubes along by hand and the top of the hill. A person sits in an inter tube at the top of a hill then rides down the slope laughing. The family straps together the inter tubes in a circular grouping with the kids sitting in them. The family rides in a large grouping of inter tubes down a snowy slope.", "segments": [[0, 21.7], [22.47, 30.22], [34.09, 65.09], [66.64, 90.66], [91.43, 141.8]], "duration": 154.97, "id": 4496}, {"image_id": "v_3kcGcDv0NOw.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen spinning in circles and throwing a discuss long across a field. He steps up and throws several more balls in a circle while in the end wiping sweat off his face with his shirt.", "segments": [[0, 18.41], [17.31, 73.65]], "duration": 73.65, "id": 4497}, {"image_id": "v_UNPQdg_tWh4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking across a yard while holding a stick in his hand. The man is then seen playing a game of crochet while others watch on the side. The man continues to hit the ball around as well as bend down and measure out his shots.", "segments": [[1.32, 44.25], [30.38, 93.13], [73.31, 127.48]], "duration": 132.1, "id": 4498}, {"image_id": "v_yHXZZEucV1I.mp4", "caption": "The credits of clip are shown. Limes are cut into pieces on a white cutting board. The cut limes are placed in a blender with a liquid and blended. The liquid is added to a pitcher with a strainer. The credits of video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 7.05], [8.05, 49.33], [56.38, 100.67], [131.88, 142.95], [193.29, 200.33]], "duration": 201.34, "id": 4499}, {"image_id": "v_GLHsjvmOXRs.mp4", "caption": "A news woman sits at a desk, talking. We see numerous people running into water with kayaks, racing down a river of rapids.When they are done, several of the competitors are interviewed on camera, and others walk in the water on fake kayaks.", "segments": [[0, 10.6], [13.87, 61.18], [73.41, 163.14]], "duration": 163.14, "id": 4500}, {"image_id": "v_eXUcFgDxslw.mp4", "caption": "We see a pregnant lady doing ballet in a studio. The lady spins and does a pliea. The people in the background clap for the lady. The lady then walks off camera while laughing.", "segments": [[0, 21.01], [17.66, 20.64], [19.02, 24.87], [20.14, 24.87]], "duration": 24.87, "id": 4501}, {"image_id": "v_cht49ZCSDmY.mp4", "caption": "Two water faucets are running and show a persons hands under the sink. The man moves his hands around and then ends with him wiping his hands through his hair.", "segments": [[0, 8.82], [8.43, 19.39]], "duration": 19.39, "id": 4502}, {"image_id": "v_PWriIL3pTWY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a pink suit talks to a man in a red suit and man not wearing a shirt. They play rock paper scissors. The man in the pink suit celebrates. The man not wearing a shirt chases the man in the pink suit. The man in the pink suit falls down. The man not wearing a shirt throws a white barrel at the man on the ground. A man in a black suit comes out from the bushes. He fights the man in the red suit. The man with out a shirt throws a barrel on the man in the black suit.", "segments": [[0, 14.78], [14.78, 21.18], [23.15, 27.09], [36.45, 49.75], [49.75, 51.72], [51.72, 52.71], [64.04, 76.36], [74.88, 82.76], [85.22, 86.21]], "duration": 98.52000000000001, "id": 4503}, {"image_id": "v_uaIu2yDmhNU.mp4", "caption": "A jump runner warms up before going in for a long jump. He does the long jump, then immediately hops up and runs back, cheering and celebrating with the crowd. He beats his chest and hugs people. He then poses in front of a scoreboard while people take photographs.", "segments": [[0, 3.71], [4.8, 19.21], [20.08, 36.67], [37.54, 43.65]], "duration": 43.65, "id": 4504}, {"image_id": "v_ODblEia5mcI.mp4", "caption": "A man makes repairs to a bicycle on the hardwood floors of a bedroom while two cats look on. A man enters a bedroom and takes a part a bicycle on his bedroom floor. The man then makes repairs using tools while two cats walk around the periphery watching and moving around.The man produces a lot of black dust while making the repairs to the bicycle, and he eventually leaves the room, comes back and then leaves again as one cat approaches the area the man was working from.", "segments": [[0.6, 119.24], [0.6, 13.12], [13.71, 64.39], [64.39, 116.85]], "duration": 119.24000000000001, "id": 4505}, {"image_id": "v_Jt-DIHv8YK8.mp4", "caption": "A kid in a blue shirt is long boarding. He falls off and onto the street. He keeps going down the street on his long board.", "segments": [[0, 72.66], [25.43, 25.79], [25.43, 72.66]], "duration": 72.66, "id": 4506}, {"image_id": "v_FjZKKAEEHbY.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen standing next to a horse and speaking to a small group. She pushes the horse a bit and begins brushing it's tail while still speaking to the group. She stops brushing while speaking to the group and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 68.94], [50.14, 127.14], [111.92, 175.49]], "duration": 179.07, "id": 4507}, {"image_id": "v_12IrPzohRSw.mp4", "caption": "We see people in bumper cars at a carnival. The camera pans left and we see the driving court. A person in purple drives past the camera. A girl smiles at the camera as she drives past.", "segments": [[0, 113.59], [16.47, 24.42], [30.67, 38.62], [65.32, 69.86]], "duration": 113.59, "id": 4508}, {"image_id": "v_c21Y_pi3-Gg.mp4", "caption": "Several close ups of sandwiches are seen as well as a person cutting up meat and vegetables. The person cuts up bread following by laying various ingredients on the bread. The person closes the bread to make sandwiches followed by putting them in a french press and presenting them to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 40.35], [39.51, 126.93], [114.32, 163.07]], "duration": 168.11, "id": 4509}, {"image_id": "v_xBtOxEIETtk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen performing break dancing moves in the middle of a city square while people walk in and out of frame. The man continues to dance around and hold poses while looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[1.15, 21.79], [15.67, 37.27]], "duration": 38.22, "id": 4510}, {"image_id": "v_12qgT1JASV4.mp4", "caption": "Two people does kick box in a boxing ring on front a crowd, while the referee turns around the boxers. The referee fix the helmet of the boxer. A stick fly and lands on the boxing ring.", "segments": [[0, 159.31], [57.35, 66.91], [139.4, 143.38]], "duration": 159.31, "id": 4511}, {"image_id": "v_DyVqsDJYXdM.mp4", "caption": "A play the is part of a cricket game is shown on the screen. They players in the cricket game are shown celebrating and interacting with one another. A replay is shown and stats are then shown on the screen. The game continues with another play and a replay is shown of that play. Another play is shown and a replay of that play is shown as well. The next play is shown an the team begins to celebrate before a replay of that play is shown. The next play is shown and then the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 4.24], [4.24, 11.67], [11.67, 43.5], [43.5, 114.58], [114.58, 143.22], [143.22, 180.36], [180.36, 212.18]], "duration": 212.18, "id": 4512}, {"image_id": "v_AdXXy6WTVi0.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a beach area followed by people walking with a surf board and proceeding to do tricks on the water. The camera captures the men performing different tricks as well as swimming in the ocean and moving in slow motion.", "segments": [[2.3, 46.56], [21.84, 103.46]], "duration": 114.95, "id": 4513}, {"image_id": "v_M2pxaQiBbXA.mp4", "caption": "A water polo game is shown, with one player highlighted. A man dressed in white walks back and forth by the poolside in the background. A man dressed in white is shown standing in the foreground and gesturing.", "segments": [[0, 78.71], [10.34, 79.51], [17.49, 36.97]], "duration": 79.51, "id": 4514}, {"image_id": "v_9yiXv7Hu5Lw.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in yellow and black winter clothes ice fishes on a a frozen lake. The man is reeling in a fish for a long time. The mans catch finally reaches the surface.", "segments": [[0, 5.99], [5.99, 50.14], [50.45, 62.12]], "duration": 63.07, "id": 4515}, {"image_id": "v_2cc7BoZHEJI.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of water polo in a swimming pool. A woman standing on the side of the pool is talking to the camera. A man blows a whistle on the side of the swimming pool.", "segments": [[0, 18.56], [18.56, 68.05], [77.77, 82.19]], "duration": 88.38, "id": 4516}, {"image_id": "v_Oj_PLXsWxL4.mp4", "caption": "A weightlifter stands on a wooden platform in a gym room and lifts heavily weighted bar bells above his head, several times while surrounded by onlookers. A weightlifter lifts over three bar bells above his head squatting under the weight as other gym attendees look on as he hoists the weight above his head and then allows the bell to fall to the floor. The man performs several more lifts of the bell bending at the knees first and then hoisting the bell to the shoulders before throwing the weight on the floor. The man shakes hands and hugs the onlookers when through with the demonstration.", "segments": [[0.86, 167.94], [7.71, 42.84], [42.84, 151.66], [154.23, 165.37]], "duration": 171.36, "id": 4517}, {"image_id": "v_cYLIJC6QjQA.mp4", "caption": "There are several people in a park participating in outdoor activities. There is a person biking on a tight rope, trying to balance as he falls off towards the end of the rope. There are children running around on the ground. There's another man walking on the tight rope. There are also many people sitting on the ground as they watch the activities. One man continues to walk and jump and bounce on the tight rope, doing stunts as the people watch him. There is a bicycle fallen on the ground with its wheels turning fast.", "segments": [[39.06, 71.02], [71.02, 112.45], [112.45, 133.75], [133.75, 164.53], [164.53, 181.1], [181.1, 224.89], [224.89, 236.73]], "duration": 236.73, "id": 4518}, {"image_id": "v_yqOW5LBA81w.mp4", "caption": "A man cuts the hedge of a house using a trimmer. The man stops cutting and pulls the wire of the trimmer and continues cutting.", "segments": [[0, 27.21], [27.21, 67.19]], "duration": 67.19, "id": 4519}, {"image_id": "v_agIcVWDyeH0.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen sitting on a chair talking to the camera. He shows that his arm is in a cast and putting on his socks and shoes. He finally ties his shoes and looks back at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 82.59], [17.82, 64.33], [68.24, 86.94]], "duration": 86.94, "id": 4520}, {"image_id": "v_9_7Z6Nhkzx8.mp4", "caption": "A few children are dressed up to go out on dirtbikes. The children do jumps and make fast turns. An onboard camera captures all of the fun.", "segments": [[0, 51.1], [52.09, 151.35], [159.21, 196.56]], "duration": 196.55, "id": 4521}, {"image_id": "v_jCyrQzXK4eI.mp4", "caption": "A young man is painting the fence. A man in white shirt came up to the man in stripes and talk to him.The man in stripes painted the bread, then he is talking in his cellphone.", "segments": [[0, 53.22], [0.8, 16.23], [15.7, 53.22]], "duration": 53.22, "id": 4522}, {"image_id": "v_MeGHSbUpM-U.mp4", "caption": "There are two people sailing on a speed boat through the ocean on a sunny day. They go through the ocean water steadily and at high speed. One of the sailors pulls a red rope as he wake boards on the steam boat. They speed through the water to catch up with another boat that is ahead of them. Several other steam boats pass by them as they sail through the ocean.", "segments": [[0, 229.39], [14.91, 204.16], [79.14, 158.28], [96.34, 200.72], [160.57, 229.39]], "duration": 229.39, "id": 4523}, {"image_id": "v_a073aSPGTIw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a home gym, talking to the camera. She demonstrates how to use exercise equipment, pedalling and pulling ropes, even while sitting at a computer. She talks to the camera for an extended period, peppered with training on the equipment.", "segments": [[0, 17.52], [27.25, 155.72], [158.64, 194.65]], "duration": 194.65, "id": 4524}, {"image_id": "v_rmGvgGOkqyk.mp4", "caption": "The audience look on at the games. A guy run with a thin, elongated stick and throws the stick. The guy sticks out his tongue. The guy holds his lips together and raises his hand. The guy smiles and puts a cloth down.", "segments": [[0, 0.25], [0.99, 34.01], [15.53, 17.5], [35.49, 40.42], [40.92, 49.3]], "duration": 49.3, "id": 4525}, {"image_id": "v_k5lyc7zsox8.mp4", "caption": "The Scottish Archery Association has gathered in their range with several people ready to participate in an event. the participants take turns to use their bow and arrow to aim art the target board placed several feet away from them. The archers aim their arrows and shoot at the target to aim for the bulls eye.", "segments": [[26.36, 68.78], [68.78, 111.86], [111.86, 120.21]], "duration": 128.57, "id": 4526}, {"image_id": "v_uJbM9KQBXak.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking along a slack line. They are moving back and forth on the slack line. He turns around and starts walking in the other direction.", "segments": [[0, 190.99], [88.81, 99.31], [144.19, 171.89]], "duration": 190.99, "id": 4527}, {"image_id": "v_eAFFf5cSX5c.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman perform various dance moves back and fourth in an empty room. The couple continue to spin and perform the tango routine while the man spins her around behind him.", "segments": [[1.29, 68.56], [40.71, 85.71]], "duration": 85.71000000000001, "id": 4528}, {"image_id": "v_i3u27-oJzBY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a wire in his hands. He continues to speak while using his hands and stepping around a carpeted area. He then uses a vacuum on the floors while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.62, 27.91], [29.77, 89.31], [73.18, 114.74]], "duration": 124.04, "id": 4529}, {"image_id": "v_bNGldPjMYHc.mp4", "caption": "A clip is shown of a bunch of people white water rafting down some pretty tough river streams. They work in unison and it is very rough. They almost hit a rock as they all paddle very hard. A still show of them after making it through is shown with them cheering. A shot of them in slow motion of the most difficult parts is then shown. The video shows some more slow motion and fast motion before coming to an end and showing ending credits and a youtube channel name.", "segments": [[0, 48.06], [48.06, 56.24], [56.24, 76.69], [76.69, 84.87], [84.87, 193.25], [193.25, 204.5]], "duration": 204.5, "id": 4530}, {"image_id": "v_fpVaXCwccNk.mp4", "caption": "A lady is standing and holding a hammer. The lady spins with the hammer and throws the hammer. The lady leaves after releasing the hammer.", "segments": [[0, 0.2], [3.91, 22.48], [36.17, 39.1]], "duration": 39.1, "id": 4531}, {"image_id": "v_ap2XL5wma4c.mp4", "caption": "children are playing in an olimpic pool and a woman is talking to camera. kid is using sunscreen and a woman is talking about coppertone sunscreen recommended for kids.", "segments": [[0, 15.1], [15.1, 100.64]], "duration": 100.64, "id": 4532}, {"image_id": "v_lgWH94ea3-U.mp4", "caption": "A man is using a hookah inside a room. He turns and blows a pillar of smoke. Another man takes the hookah and takes a hit as well.", "segments": [[0, 9.94], [12.15, 37.17], [41.22, 73.61]], "duration": 73.61, "id": 4533}, {"image_id": "v_nlHN3bO_MOQ.mp4", "caption": "A drum line is happening on a city street. They get in formation then start marching down the street.", "segments": [[0, 126.25], [31.56, 126.25]], "duration": 126.25, "id": 4534}, {"image_id": "v_oL1gGyMz79s.mp4", "caption": "A man is bowling and misses one pin with his first ball. He gets all strikes for the next six rounds. The man switches balls and bowls several more rounds getting mostly strikes. He changes his ball again and bowls two more strikes. A replay of the man bowling with each ball is shown.", "segments": [[20.61, 24.04], [25.42, 50.84], [61.83, 86.56], [92.05, 99.61], [105.79, 121.59]], "duration": 137.39, "id": 4535}, {"image_id": "v_w2fsq9BOoZo.mp4", "caption": "People are in a city walking, talking and doing activities. Two men play in the street paper, scissors and stone on front other people. A man talks with people watching him.", "segments": [[3.75, 32.98], [33.73, 80.94], [81.69, 149.9]], "duration": 149.9, "id": 4536}, {"image_id": "v_qnDHR-jYWf0.mp4", "caption": "a man is shown inside a swimming pool. He tosses a ball over and over to his dog. The dog continuously bounces the ball back with his nose.", "segments": [[0, 4.75], [5.25, 17.86], [18.99, 24.99]], "duration": 24.99, "id": 4537}, {"image_id": "v_HbF6UM4jUDk.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a green shirt is standing outside holding a hula hoop. She starts hula hooping with the hula hoop. Words come up onto the screen at the end.", "segments": [[5.79, 231.6], [54.43, 231.6], [223.49, 231.6]], "duration": 231.6, "id": 4538}, {"image_id": "v_l9mvKfKACio.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are outside a ski resort entitled Boulder ridge and they begin to wait in line with their tubes.As they are waiting,they can see several people going down the hill and tubing before it is finally their turn.Once they reach the bottom,they grab their tube and begin to walk off the slope.", "segments": [[0, 44.07], [44.07, 115.98], [115.21, 154.65]], "duration": 154.65, "id": 4539}, {"image_id": "v_2vixXUJiNhk.mp4", "caption": "An intro video with a blue screen that has a picture of a drawn ship is in the background while yellow words scroll from the bottom to the top.A view from the water begins and a few houses and a lot of trees are shown on land.A person underwater in snorkeling gear is now swimming around the bottom of the water and meets up with another snorkeler and they both go into a ship that is underwater as they both hold their flashlights and cameras to explore the ship and everything else at the bottom of the water.A school of fishes appear and they're swimming and hanging around the boat.The focus goes back to the snorkelers as they continue to explore the area with their flashlights.The outro video appears and it's the same blue picture as the intro and includes some contact information on the video and the credits begin to roll with the text scrolling from bottom to top.", "segments": [[0, 21.19], [21.19, 34.57], [34.57, 136.03], [136.03, 147.18], [147.18, 199.59], [199.59, 223.01]], "duration": 223.01, "id": 4540}, {"image_id": "v_CTmXCO7ha-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated, playing a guitar. Close ups are occasionally shown of the instrument, then back to the man playing.", "segments": [[0, 48.51], [53.18, 186.6]], "duration": 186.6, "id": 4541}, {"image_id": "v_PU6f-DcDngM.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a polo match in a field. The focus is on one man and horse who chase the ball. The camera stays on number 2 the whole time.", "segments": [[5.6, 182.84], [0, 186.57], [10.26, 186.57]], "duration": 186.57, "id": 4542}, {"image_id": "v_XkTWEDKtP1A.mp4", "caption": "A man named bob is running and does a long jump. He does it again landing into some sand. He continues to do this run and jump again landing like a pro. Then another man named ralph is going to take his own turn next.", "segments": [[0, 7.71], [7.25, 19.87], [19.87, 32.02], [32.02, 46.74]], "duration": 46.74, "id": 4543}, {"image_id": "v_vjCKf3el7pM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen looking closely into the camera followed by a person wake boarding and performing various tricks. Several shots are shown of people doing tricks along the water while the boat pulls them from the front.", "segments": [[0, 115.68], [102.59, 218.27]], "duration": 218.27, "id": 4544}, {"image_id": "v_q4jeW0iSA9Y.mp4", "caption": "Various text intros lead into several people running down a long track. The camera captures the runners from several angles and leads into them performing jumps. The runners continuously jump into the pit and end with text across the screen.", "segments": [[0.82, 27.15], [25.91, 55.53], [62.94, 79.39]], "duration": 82.27, "id": 4545}, {"image_id": "v_WP8YccCA2Jc.mp4", "caption": "Man scraps the ice from his windshield. The man in black puts a piece of cardboard on his windshield. Man pours hot water mixture on his cold windshield.", "segments": [[3.32, 11.81], [23.99, 27.32], [57.96, 63.12]], "duration": 73.83, "id": 4546}, {"image_id": "v_oxcUr-Nlldo.mp4", "caption": "We see men walking down the street and a skateboarder fall. We see club kids and skateboarders with title screens. We see men skateboard down a street and stand around in groups. A man jumps over stairs and runs into the camera. A man falls and another runs into the camera. We see a man wave and another on a bull horn. The club lights flash and a band plays music as people dance. We see the credits and more skating.", "segments": [[0, 8.03], [8.03, 26.09], [26.09, 139.5], [34.12, 40.14], [78.28, 86.31], [118.42, 130.46], [140.5, 168.6], [170.61, 200.71]], "duration": 200.71, "id": 4547}, {"image_id": "v_JRg3W4xKvJI.mp4", "caption": "An intro clip appears and it's an animation of a gray rocking chair rocking on a very light gray screen that have orange words that say \"THE Strippers!\" and the white letters M&R in a dark blue oval.Clips of the shop exterior and interior are shown and it includes a person in an office, people in the shop working on the wood pieces, people being interviewed, wood supplies, and the finished wood pieces themselves. The outro appears and it's the video clip of the workers working on the wood pieces, and text appear on the screen that include the shops address, email, website and phone number, the exterior shop is shown again.The last screen is the light gray screen first shown and include the company name, number and the website.", "segments": [[0, 5.45], [5.45, 159.02], [159.02, 177.2], [177.2, 181.74]], "duration": 181.73, "id": 4548}, {"image_id": "v_SOpFjnAT_SE.mp4", "caption": "A girl sits in front of a lap top. She is smoking a hookah with a red tip, and blowing the smoke out of her mouth. She laughs, then shares the hookah with another woman, who changes the tip and smokes as well. The women talk and smoke at the table for a long time.", "segments": [[0, 6.63], [9.28, 58.31], [60.96, 95.42], [98.73, 132.53]], "duration": 132.53, "id": 4549}, {"image_id": "v_76RoR_LbIzQ.mp4", "caption": "Pictures of an office is shown. A woman is doing another woman's hair. People are doing hair in a hair salon.", "segments": [[0, 14.99], [14.5, 16.92], [14.5, 96.69]], "duration": 96.69, "id": 4550}, {"image_id": "v_R7QwxoVTtE0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding various objects in her hands and begins spraying down a window in front of her. The woman wipes down the window with a rag as well as a scraper and continues to look back and speak to the camera.", "segments": [[1.46, 29.47], [32.75, 67.68]], "duration": 72.77, "id": 4551}, {"image_id": "v_BetFWvm92nM.mp4", "caption": "A girl pours liquid from a bottle to a cup that holds a young lady, then they rinse their mouths while making gestures and laughing. After, the young lady spits the liquid and then she pock the cheek of the girl who spits. Next, the girl turns on the faucet of the bathtub and bend, after the girl turns off the faucet and clean her hands while speaking.", "segments": [[0, 86.6], [86.6, 118.24], [118.24, 166.53]], "duration": 166.53, "id": 4552}, {"image_id": "v_YgrWck47C-g.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a man talking. The man wets his hands and adds soap. We see the man wash his hands. The man rinses his hands. The man drys his hands and turns the water off with the paper towel. We then see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 19.85], [20.28, 23.3], [24.17, 33.23], [36.68, 50.06], [52.65, 57.4], [57.4, 69.91], [69.91, 86.31]], "duration": 86.31, "id": 4553}, {"image_id": "v_xIAq1OdWQM0.mp4", "caption": "Several young men practice long jumps, and backward jumps inside of a gym with an American Flag hanging on the wall. A man practices a long jump inside of an indoor gym using a interior sandbox for landing and a drawn race track isle. Another man practices hurling himself backward over a pole onto a gym mat inside of the gym. Several more men practice long jumps and backward jumps inside of the gym using the sandbox and gym mats as landing tools.", "segments": [[3.03, 143.11], [6.81, 61.33], [42.4, 105.25], [86.32, 146.14]], "duration": 151.44, "id": 4554}, {"image_id": "v_PziLzNjG2bI.mp4", "caption": "There are two contestants participating in the athletic jump competition. There are several spectators and judges watching them as they jump over the bar in a large indoor stadium. Both the contestants successfully jump over the bar. There is a slow motion video of the contestant jumping over the bar.", "segments": [[4.75, 6.86], [6.86, 11.93], [11.93, 20.37], [20.37, 21.11]], "duration": 21.11, "id": 4555}, {"image_id": "v_3vs3ofTw1vY.mp4", "caption": "There are several people getting ready to ski. There's a person skiing downhill with full speed whose shadow can be seen. There are people sitting and waiting on top of a mountain waiting to start skiing. The skier going fast downhill is demonstrating how to turn and manage speed while going downhill. There are some people walking toward the ski mountain on a escalator. The skier continues to ski downhill steadily on steep and winding slopes.", "segments": [[30.93, 70.69], [70.69, 109.35], [109.35, 152.43], [152.43, 167.9], [167.9, 198.82], [198.82, 208.76]], "duration": 220.92000000000002, "id": 4556}, {"image_id": "v_QrsOyEw4_7k.mp4", "caption": "There's a girl with light eyes and dark brown hair talking about a colored eye lenses. She is doing a tutorial on how to wear colored lenses in your eyes. She opens a small glass bottle that contains the colored lenses. She removes the lens out and places it on her finger. Then she gently wears the lens in her right eye first and then in her left eye. She shows the yellow colored lens that she has worn.", "segments": [[25.5, 34.55], [34.55, 46.89], [46.89, 59.23], [59.23, 71.56], [71.56, 131.61], [131.61, 156.29]], "duration": 164.51, "id": 4557}, {"image_id": "v_L7Gt1NO1nx8.mp4", "caption": "We see the title over the scene. We see the reverse of a man is mowing his lawn with an electric mower. The man goes halfway up the yard and turns around. The ending title returns to the screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.92], [0, 73.03], [17.53, 21.91], [68.28, 73.03]], "duration": 73.03, "id": 4558}, {"image_id": "v_nARkYpOZWyg.mp4", "caption": "A man rides on a small rail cart blowing leaves with a leaf blower. The man goes right on a fork in the tracks on a cart and around a bend.", "segments": [[0, 59.86], [40.41, 59.86]], "duration": 59.86, "id": 4559}, {"image_id": "v_0zXTrkgUj0U.mp4", "caption": "A young child uses a toy vacuum cleaner on a wood floor. The mom comes and helps the child.", "segments": [[0, 56.8], [36.07, 56.8]], "duration": 56.8, "id": 4560}, {"image_id": "v_EZZzVXqxG6U.mp4", "caption": "Multiple men begin to start turning their bodies as quickly as they possibly can. They each in different situations but all playing the same sport. They build up as much speed as possible so they can throw as far as possible. There are even audience for this sport that actually come to watch it.", "segments": [[0, 51.87], [51.87, 104.71], [104.71, 149.86], [149.86, 192.12]], "duration": 192.12, "id": 4561}, {"image_id": "v_8klHUzPHtQw.mp4", "caption": "We see a BMX biker as he prepares to to ride. We see the gate open and see the field. The rider takes off down the course. We see riders perform jumps and people riding bikes. We see another start and a group of people take off in an indoor track. We see shots of men riding outdoors and another gate opens. We see a bike laying on it's side.", "segments": [[0, 22.46], [22.46, 34.13], [35.93, 62.88], [84.44, 93.42], [94.32, 106], [107.79, 175.16], [178.75, 179.65]], "duration": 179.65, "id": 4562}, {"image_id": "v_7xLL5okHSIU.mp4", "caption": "A intro begins and shows a man holding a shovel and talking to the camera. He gradually rakes leaves and talks to the camera and shows several people also helping picking up leaves. Different people are interviewed on camera while several others are shown raking up the leaves. A man is seen sitting in his car and another puts his gloves on. The camera pans over the raked up leaves while several others discuss their hard work.", "segments": [[0, 14.66], [17.21, 74.57], [45.25, 61.83], [66.93, 96.88], [96.25, 127.48]], "duration": 127.48, "id": 4563}, {"image_id": "v_kTStFRAp99E.mp4", "caption": "We see two girls one sitting the other bending over. The bending girl stands up. We see a person painting the sitting girls toe nails.", "segments": [[0, 2.04], [1.99, 3.49], [3.49, 10.75]], "duration": 10.75, "id": 4564}, {"image_id": "v_QTD0vCdofTE.mp4", "caption": "little kid is in a parking playing hopscotch next to cars. man wearing shorts is standing next to the hopscotch game. litle blond kid is standing in street playing in font of a man.", "segments": [[0, 31.54], [8.21, 31.54], [0, 32.18]], "duration": 32.18, "id": 4565}, {"image_id": "v_MyqWp3ipXxA.mp4", "caption": "A large rock is shown followed by people moving around objects and leading into a new segment. A man is then seen cutting up a pumpkin while a woman speaks and leads into a weather report. The man then shows the pumpkin around a group of people as well as close up.", "segments": [[4.38, 78.87], [83.25, 166.5], [156.64, 211.41]], "duration": 219.07999999999998, "id": 4566}, {"image_id": "v_RX8YG2zlyUo.mp4", "caption": "There are horses, and they are getting off a trailer. They go to ride through the desert, through different portions of the desert.", "segments": [[0, 25.64], [26.92, 85.47]], "duration": 85.47, "id": 4567}, {"image_id": "v_vfJnUQ9Tax0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen washing her hands under a sink with a light appearing in the water for temperature. The person continues scrubbing their hands and shakes them off in the end.", "segments": [[0, 14.2], [9.84, 28.89]], "duration": 32.28, "id": 4568}, {"image_id": "v_4wIqgWw53XE.mp4", "caption": "People sail on sailboards in the ocean. A man sails on a sailboard passing on front other sailors. A plane fly above the beach where people sail. A woman takes picture of the city from a hill.", "segments": [[7.37, 44.24], [45.88, 141.74], [25.4, 39.33], [142.56, 149.12]], "duration": 163.86, "id": 4569}, {"image_id": "v_BxyOAXTWkzk.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen in different scenes, walking in public. A man helps a woman mount a horse in the woods. She feeds the horse apples as they ride through the wooded paths.", "segments": [[0, 19.89], [22.54, 101.45], [111.39, 132.61]], "duration": 132.61, "id": 4570}, {"image_id": "v_BVzW_OoUmnU.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing out in the woods holding a piece of bark and talking to the camera. A woman is seen making a stack of logs while the boy walks into frame. She continues lighting the stick until a flame begins and puts it into the fire. The fire gradually gets bigger and the woman puts more and more bark into it.", "segments": [[0, 12.64], [10.95, 42.13], [41.29, 65.73], [66.57, 84.27]], "duration": 84.27, "id": 4571}, {"image_id": "v_aj2cioE_yG0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing a red shirt and standing next to a fooseball table. The man plays a bit followed by holding up a beer can and presenting it to the camera. The man then continues to play while the camera zooms in on the table.", "segments": [[0, 57.65], [59.91, 162.79], [157.13, 218.18]], "duration": 226.09, "id": 4572}, {"image_id": "v_Zhfm2dWtnpc.mp4", "caption": "A man runs all around doing jump rope while the crowd cheers. Some people are crawling around in the background on the floor. The man finishes the routine and then runs over to hug a woman.", "segments": [[0, 82.67], [8.54, 17.07], [84.47, 89.86]], "duration": 89.86, "id": 4573}, {"image_id": "v_t2wawfMaTzM.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are seen standing around in indoor room holding tennis rackets. The camera pans around to children hitting the ball holding tennis rackets. The kids continue to hit the ball around one another.", "segments": [[0.33, 15.89], [15.89, 46.34], [46.67, 62.89]], "duration": 66.2, "id": 4574}, {"image_id": "v_Chj1_JbBc4A.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing with one another and leads into them running and playing a game of paintball. The cameraman aims all around him from capturing others and shooting several times off into the distance. The game continues on with the man running around and stopping in the end.", "segments": [[3.4, 68.82], [45.03, 144.43], [144.43, 168.21]], "duration": 169.91, "id": 4575}, {"image_id": "v_88Mt7VfUQBU.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down on a blue mat. Another man kneels down on the ground next to him. The man lifts up one end of a weight and lifts it over his head.", "segments": [[0, 172.26], [21.53, 172.26], [31.87, 164.51]], "duration": 172.26, "id": 4576}, {"image_id": "v_2DTwoKZsLMo.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing black socks is shown putting his black leather shoes on and tying his laces. There's another person wearing brown leather shoes on black socks. He ties the laces tightly to secure them. Then another scene shows a person wearing leather slip on shoes over black socks. Followed by several scenes showing the person wearing brown leather shoes with laces. He wears the shoes over black socks and ties the shoe laces securely. He then stands up after he's done wearing the brown leather shoes.", "segments": [[16.36, 38.45], [38.45, 45.82], [45.82, 70.36], [70.36, 89.18], [89.18, 110.45], [110.45, 139.9], [139.9, 150.54]], "duration": 163.63, "id": 4577}, {"image_id": "v_3HUvtWSu4mA.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen clipping the nails of a cat while the cat struggles a bit. More shots of her clipping the cat are shown and at one point he moves and she grabs him by the neck.", "segments": [[0, 54.04], [37.46, 121.6]], "duration": 122.82, "id": 4578}, {"image_id": "v_yEBiJguscMY.mp4", "caption": "Two men are playing wall ball in a room. There is an audience watching them play. The man pretends his racket is a guitar.", "segments": [[0, 74.05], [4.44, 5.92], [27.77, 28.88]], "duration": 74.05, "id": 4579}, {"image_id": "v_i9t0zZzzbhE.mp4", "caption": "men are in a stadium cleaning te snow from the stands. men are riding horses in snowy field. men are puting boots and polo uniforms. women are standing in a field walking and sitting on stands. men are playing polo in snowy field while people is around watching them.", "segments": [[7.81, 27.33], [27.33, 44.51], [44.51, 63.25], [63.25, 73.4], [73.4, 156.18]], "duration": 156.18, "id": 4580}, {"image_id": "v_GejFc4J2mfc.mp4", "caption": "A young man wearing a tie die shirt is seen speaking to the camera and then shows him picking out some clothes. He shows off his legs and then runs an electric razor down his legs shaving off the hair. He then puts shaving cream on his legs and shaves them, finally showing off his bare legs in the end and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 46.31], [45.41, 128.96], [129.86, 181.63]], "duration": 181.63, "id": 4581}, {"image_id": "v_A9uBPwP7DQc.mp4", "caption": "We see astronauts floating in a ship. The man hands the lady the microphone. The middle man crosses his hands and has the microphone. The lady gets the microphone back and talks. The lady grabs flute and plays.", "segments": [[0, 161.1], [6.44, 8.86], [54.77, 75.72], [82.16, 126.46], [76.52, 161.1]], "duration": 161.1, "id": 4582}, {"image_id": "v_bXp_reTHyHY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking with a horse and pans around to another girl walking away. More girls are seen holding a product and speaking to the camera and leads into the girls showing how to clean the horse and brushing the horse.", "segments": [[0, 15.8], [14.78, 101.94]], "duration": 101.94, "id": 4583}, {"image_id": "v_PhioVMXx0yY.mp4", "caption": "A man is using an elliptical trainer while standing. Then a woman sits on it as she uses it in another fashion. It switches between the two as they exercise. A close up is shown as to how the machine works, and folds up for easy storage.", "segments": [[0, 8.3], [8.3, 20.76], [20.76, 41.84], [42.48, 63.88]], "duration": 63.88, "id": 4584}, {"image_id": "v_AUSqTMtjD0Y.mp4", "caption": "A man and boy are outside on a driveway. They are competing to see how fast they can shovel snow off the driveway. They run back and forth as fast as they can.", "segments": [[0, 7.82], [8.94, 37.75], [39.76, 44.68]], "duration": 44.68, "id": 4585}, {"image_id": "v_kgPvfYhmn54.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are floating on rafts on a river. They are paddling the rafts through harsh white water rapids. The people fall out, and are pulled back in by other rafters before continuing on their way.", "segments": [[0, 41.19], [46.68, 128.14], [135.46, 183.06]], "duration": 183.06, "id": 4586}, {"image_id": "v_o9LZZeQZ-Zc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while sitting in a kayak and holding a toy person on a kayak around in his lap. The man continues to speak to the camera while holding the object and leads into him riding around in the kayak.", "segments": [[1.66, 33.96], [35.96, 62.27]], "duration": 66.6, "id": 4587}, {"image_id": "v_NT0dXbWzt7w.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is filling an ice cream cone with ice cream. He licks the ice cream cone. He lifts the ice cream cone up to show the camera.", "segments": [[0, 30.84], [33.11, 39.68], [48.02, 50.55]], "duration": 50.55, "id": 4588}, {"image_id": "v_iDofsMwceTo.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing a suit and speaking and the words on the screen say that his name is Rich Noonan and that he's the host of Best of The Best Television.A series still shot pictures of homes, people, stucco work being done on a home, a list of stucco information begin to play and the opening words before the pictures start say \"BEST OF THE BEST TELEVISION\".When the pictures are done a dark gray screen appears that include the name of the stucco company, their phone number and their website.The host appears talking once again and it ends with the words a screen saying BEST OF THE BEST TELEVISION and then a screen naming the producer and his website.", "segments": [[0, 14.5], [14.5, 97.07], [95.18, 102.74], [102.74, 126.06]], "duration": 126.06, "id": 4589}, {"image_id": "v_Yojuicji624.mp4", "caption": "Some white text on a black background explains that no humans were injured during this video. A young man is making some faces to the camera while standing in front of a rock. Some footage plays of other people tight rope walking and doing other tricks on the tight rope. An older man is riding a tiny bicycle inside a store. More footage is shown of tight rope walkers tripping and falling. Some graphics from the organizations who made the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 3.67], [3.67, 6.61], [6.61, 56.59], [56.59, 63.2], [63.2, 138.16], [138.16, 146.98]], "duration": 146.98, "id": 4590}, {"image_id": "v_1pOmOTz-bzk.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding along the water in a kayak. The person uses a paddle to push themselves around the water while looking off into the distance. The person continues riding around flipping in the water and moving away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.07], [8.58, 48.28], [44.79, 59.72]], "duration": 63.53, "id": 4591}, {"image_id": "v_QN2wHsiBEC0.mp4", "caption": "A man, with a saxophone around his neck, demonstrates how to play the saxophone in front of a green chalkboard and next to a brown piano. The man points to different sections of the saxophone as he talks to the camera. The man begins to play the saxophone briefly and then turns to the chalkboard and begins to write notes on it as he talks to the camera. The man points to notes written on the chalkboard before beginning to play as he reads the notes from the board, before returning to talking and playing in front of the camera.", "segments": [[1.63, 162.61], [1.63, 58.02], [58.02, 108.68], [108.68, 161.79]], "duration": 163.42000000000002, "id": 4592}, {"image_id": "v_fljxcvQe_Mo.mp4", "caption": "The top shingle of a roof dangles unsecured. A man on a roof hammers a nail into the shingle, securing the shingle.", "segments": [[0, 28.28], [28.71, 84.43]], "duration": 84.43, "id": 4593}, {"image_id": "v_iKuBIzUHxYc.mp4", "caption": "A seated man is talking to a room full of soccer players. They kick the ball around in their locker room. The man talks to the camera about the game. He walks out, and a game is shown in progress as he discusses it longer. Men are shown talking, playing the game, and posing for a team photograph at the end.", "segments": [[0, 15.4], [16.17, 41.58], [43.9, 76.24], [78.55, 139.39], [139.39, 154.02]], "duration": 154.02, "id": 4594}, {"image_id": "v_akMN3uX51Ws.mp4", "caption": "Teens skateboard on the road and a parking lot during the day. The teens skateboard in the street day and night. Teens skateboard in a busy street, then they skateboard on the rails of a building. After, the teens skateboard day and night in the street.", "segments": [[0, 27.85], [28.31, 46.88], [46.88, 69.16], [69.16, 84.94]], "duration": 92.83, "id": 4595}, {"image_id": "v_NM4nBojCSwQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding up a shirt to the camera while the cameraman speaks and pans back to the man with the shirt. The man holding speaking and points to an iron near him. He picks up the iron waiting for it to get hot, then proceeds to iron his shirt while looking at the camera.", "segments": [[3, 25.1], [23.98, 52.08], [49.83, 73.81]], "duration": 74.93, "id": 4596}, {"image_id": "v_2PAVJbmj2lQ.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around a gymnasium with one running down and shooting a basket. Several more people are seen running down the lane and shooting a basket above them. More girls run down to shoot a basket and end by walking back together.", "segments": [[0.58, 17.93], [15.62, 42.81], [43.39, 57.28]], "duration": 57.85, "id": 4597}, {"image_id": "v_vdYFwqfqgJA.mp4", "caption": "A still image of a hockey team is shown and a number seven is shown across the screen.A circle then highlights the player and the game begins.As the game keeps going,the athlete is pictured several times when he does something spectacular.", "segments": [[0, 30.16], [30.16, 73.93], [73.34, 118.28]], "duration": 118.28, "id": 4598}, {"image_id": "v_NwfosNrFnwk.mp4", "caption": "A man holding a pole runs quickly towards the finish line and throws it quite far. The athlete seems proud of his throw and his moment is shown again in slow motion. The commentator continues to discuss his technique while replaying the throw several times.", "segments": [[0, 14.68], [17.23, 71.47], [39.56, 127.62]], "duration": 127.62, "id": 4599}, {"image_id": "v_C5KcdwGSvbw.mp4", "caption": "A person is pressing buttons on an oven. A girl pours ingredients into a bowl together. She mixes the ingredients using a mixer then puts more ingredients in the bowl.The mixes again and finally puts another small amount of ingredients in the bowl. She mixes a third time and adds chocolate chips, finally mixing one more time. The oven peeps and she prepares a pan with cookie dough. She puts the dough into the oven and presses bake options. After several minutes she takes out the pan and spread the cookies out.", "segments": [[0, 8.19], [7.1, 14.19], [15.83, 36.57], [31.66, 41.48], [44.75, 62.22], [70.41, 81.32], [83.51, 93.33], [96.06, 109.16]], "duration": 109.16, "id": 4600}, {"image_id": "v_e1tC-0BSwV4.mp4", "caption": "Lemonade is seen being poured into a glass and a woman pouring out water. She mixes ingredients into a container and pours out more water. In the she she shows off her lemonade.", "segments": [[0, 11.36], [10.93, 45.01], [45.01, 87.4]], "duration": 87.4, "id": 4601}, {"image_id": "v_G7kqlq8WhRo.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people is seen standing around several men holding a rope preparing to play tug of war. Another group of men is seen with pulling the rope while a crowd standing around cheers them on. A third group of men are seen playing tug of war with a crowd around them. A forth group of men is shown also playing tug of war in a crowd. A fifth group of men is shown playing tug of war in a crowd of people and dogs. A different group of men plays tug of war with a crowd watching. A seventh group of men is playing tug of war in a crowd. A different group of men is playing tug if war and appear to be winning while being cheered on by the crowd. Yet, another group of men is playing tug of war while a crowd watches on. Another group of men is shown playing tug if war up close while a crowd watches. Another group of men plays while people sit and stand in the background. A different group of men is seen playing while people sit and stand around them. A different group of men is shown up close while people sit and stand in the background. A group of men is shown up close playing tug of war with people around them. Another group of men is seen playing while people stand on the sidewalk watching. A group of men in all black plays tug of war while people stand around them. A different group of men plays tug of war among a large crowd cheering for them. Some of the men fall down as they win the game. Another group is seen up close with a crowd of people and a young girl screaming.", "segments": [[4.28, 5.99], [10.27, 16.26], [17.11, 24.81], [24.81, 33.37], [33.37, 39.35], [40.21, 47.05], [47.91, 52.19], [53.04, 66.73], [67.59, 73.58], [74.43, 80.42], [81.28, 87.27], [88.12, 94.96], [94.96, 99.24], [100.1, 106.94], [107.8, 113.79], [114.64, 119.78], [120.63, 157.42], [153.14, 157.42], [161.7, 165.97]], "duration": 171.11, "id": 4602}, {"image_id": "v_sLtQvJXnrOE.mp4", "caption": "There's a guy wearing yellow rubber gloves demonstrating how to fix a tire on a car wheel. He is unscrewing the screws that hold the plates of the wheel. He loosens the screws to remove the tire.", "segments": [[4.16, 12.79], [12.79, 17.91], [17.91, 19.82]], "duration": 21.32, "id": 4603}, {"image_id": "v_gY-TqRhcWY8.mp4", "caption": "A group of young men are inside a room. They are engaged in a game of foosball together. They laugh and kick the people back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 5.28], [6.48, 24.54], [27.27, 34.09]], "duration": 34.09, "id": 4604}, {"image_id": "v_QRn9v8F8Nn0.mp4", "caption": "a sreet woth houses and cars covered by snow are shown. man is removing a thick layer of snow from a car.", "segments": [[0, 75.11], [75.11, 375.54]], "duration": 375.54, "id": 4605}, {"image_id": "v_DfYDYCWkB-o.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while sitting in a chair and leads to hear sitting in a shower holding a dog. She scrubs the dog down with soap and then rinses the dog off while speaking to the camera. She is then seen playing with the dog outside and intermittently speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.36], [13.99, 54.49], [60.38, 73.63]], "duration": 73.63, "id": 4606}, {"image_id": "v_rBEQh8V2TI8.mp4", "caption": "The words \"Conga The Entertainers Dance Company Flemington New Jersey\" appears on screen. Four young girls perform on stage at the \"American Dance Championships.\" The girls fall to the floor as part of the routine and continue to dance.", "segments": [[0, 6.21], [6.9, 78.64], [78.64, 137.97]], "duration": 137.97, "id": 4607}, {"image_id": "v_rE2IiY5E8LQ.mp4", "caption": "A man stands around a giant ball. The man kneels down and takes hold of a ball. The man slides out with the ball, sliding the ball in front of him. A man is hit by the ball and falls down to the floor. The man stands up and starts walking.", "segments": [[0.2, 11.97], [12.18, 20.9], [21.11, 29.43], [29.63, 35.92], [36.12, 40.59]], "duration": 40.59, "id": 4608}, {"image_id": "v_dNUZyM1gF1E.mp4", "caption": "Two teen boys are standing at a school playing rock, paper & scissors and are surrounded by a large group of teens who are watching. A woman walks towards them to look at what they're doing then walks back out of the circle. A man then walks to the boys and stops them by putting his hands on each boy and walking them off.", "segments": [[0, 33.07], [22.65, 29.76], [29.76, 33.07]], "duration": 33.07, "id": 4609}, {"image_id": "v_xI_XIVYtERk.mp4", "caption": "A moving cloudy sky with lightning appears before we see white text. Several people are shown close up, smoking cigarettes. Some talk to the camera. The video ends with the words South Beach Smoke.", "segments": [[0, 5.57], [8.67, 89.14], [92.24, 110.81], [112.05, 123.81]], "duration": 123.81, "id": 4610}, {"image_id": "v_BFXSk5F0E_w.mp4", "caption": "A woman speaks to the camera, then it cuts to a little boy using a hula hoop. The woman shows colored tape used to wrap a hose around and create the tube herself. She shows off the final product, then the boy using the hula hoop again.", "segments": [[0, 16.99], [20.99, 176.91], [177.91, 199.9]], "duration": 199.9, "id": 4611}, {"image_id": "v_9xC9rVAJHm8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is adjusting a camera in a bedroom. She is smoking a cigarette and ashing it into a tray. She grinds the cigarette into the tray when she is finished.", "segments": [[0, 9.21], [17.27, 83.45], [84.02, 115.1]], "duration": 115.1, "id": 4612}, {"image_id": "v_UeH0TCDAbSU.mp4", "caption": "A woman doing a presentation on how to iron a shirt. She is discussing the shirt and brings out a startch spray. She begins to to use the spray on the shirt. She then rearranges the shirt. Next she demonstrates how to iron the shirt. She then shows how to get the harder creases out. Next she flips over the shirt and places the sleeve down. She then shows how to iron the sleeve. She then flips the shirt over.", "segments": [[0, 139.18], [9.74, 39.67], [36.88, 45.93], [49.41, 61.94], [61.94, 82.12], [82.12, 94.64], [97.43, 112.04], [112.04, 119.7], [119.7, 139.18]], "duration": 139.18, "id": 4613}, {"image_id": "v_JLdp1Kz0naI.mp4", "caption": "A person is riding on a dirt bike. He sets up for a race. He starts racing on his dirt bike. Text appears on the screen as it fades.", "segments": [[0, 16.85], [16.85, 40.63], [40.63, 189.26], [189.26, 198.18]], "duration": 198.18, "id": 4614}, {"image_id": "v_Iib8Qt_9HQc.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is standing in a gym. He sits on an exercise machine and starts working out. He finishes and puts the bar down.", "segments": [[0, 29.03], [29.03, 106.43], [108.13, 113.83]], "duration": 113.83, "id": 4615}, {"image_id": "v__uTNqQhQA9w.mp4", "caption": "A lady dances and speaks indoors. The lady mixes all the ingredients and bakes colorful layers for a cake. The lady added a lot of colorful embellishment to the layered cake. The lady goes outside to a rabbit cage.", "segments": [[0, 1.86], [2.32, 33.88], [2.32, 81.21], [83.07, 92.35]], "duration": 92.81, "id": 4616}, {"image_id": "v_B_-jPPr2RLA.mp4", "caption": "Two young boys stand on a residential driveway. The little boy plays hopscotch twice on the driveway. A little girl plays the game too and then follows the other children away from the driveway.", "segments": [[0, 0.89], [1.04, 15.56], [15.7, 29.63]], "duration": 29.63, "id": 4617}, {"image_id": "v_7edBQl3VD1o.mp4", "caption": "A man in an orange jacket holding skis is walking on the snow to a hill.The person holding the camera puts their skis down and holds the poles. The man in the orange jacket skis down the hill. The man holding the camera follows. They ski down the snowy hill. The man in the orange jacket can be seen in front of him skiing. They both stop and talk to a lady at the bottom of the hill. He takes off his glove and pulls his cell phone out. A man in a blue coat walks up to them and talks to them.", "segments": [[0, 20.57], [20.57, 39.08], [39.08, 43.19], [39.08, 47.3], [39.08, 180.98], [150.13, 180.98], [183.04, 199.49], [188.18, 197.43], [199.49, 205.66]], "duration": 205.66, "id": 4618}, {"image_id": "v_lgXtDr9pNAk.mp4", "caption": "A man up on the roof putting up some metal pieces through the shingles. He's putting little metal pieces on the metal to keep them held. He talks about it a little bit jokingly. Then he tried to adjust it a little more.", "segments": [[0, 25.28], [24.96, 42.88], [42.56, 56.32], [56, 64]], "duration": 64.0, "id": 4619}, {"image_id": "v_s-kFpQRPcyE.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Hair products and hair tools are displayed. The male stylist is does a client's hair with products, a clipper, and hair dryer. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[2.45, 17.99], [16.36, 30.26], [31.08, 154.57], [155.38, 157.84]], "duration": 163.56, "id": 4620}, {"image_id": "v_e6Ti5g_zQ_4.mp4", "caption": "At a pool place people are all gathered around some pool tables waiting for players to take their turns. A male takes hie turn and then another in red takes his hitting but bot making it in. No one makes it on their turn so they continue on to the next player. The game continues waiting for someone to make some shots.", "segments": [[0, 18.62], [18.62, 45.42], [44.96, 64.49], [64.95, 90.84]], "duration": 90.84, "id": 4621}, {"image_id": "v_mvomkmq32vU.mp4", "caption": "A track athlete prepares and stretches out on a starting line. A track athlete runs down a track and high jumps over bar onto a mat. The athlete makes attempts at jumping over the bar but is unsuccessful knocking it down on the mat.", "segments": [[7.49, 11.82], [11.43, 44.92], [48.47, 73.29]], "duration": 78.81, "id": 4622}, {"image_id": "v_ouqYXdtEuCI.mp4", "caption": "A girl is doing flips on a trampoline in a gymnasium. We then see a child dive backward into pool. We see the kid on the trampoline. We then see the kids diving again. We return to the kids practicing on the trampoline and back to them diving again.", "segments": [[0, 28.54], [28.54, 36.55], [37.56, 48.07], [49.57, 68.6], [68.1, 100.15]], "duration": 100.15, "id": 4623}, {"image_id": "v_KYjWkaXVnbw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at a bar. We see the title screen on how to make a drink. The man pours three liquors and some lime soda in a glass. He stirs the glass with a metal tool. The man then drinks from the glass. The man points at the camera, we see the end sequence.", "segments": [[0, 4.24], [4.24, 9.34], [33.1, 87.43], [89.97, 101.01], [104.4, 111.19], [156.18, 169.76]], "duration": 169.76, "id": 4624}, {"image_id": "v_9bUNAiuRXyo.mp4", "caption": "A boy walks up to a post on a very large indoor court. He gets himself ready, moving his arms around.He begins to spin around very quickly. Finally letting go and throwing the ball.", "segments": [[0, 2.07], [1.98, 4.57], [4.49, 11.3], [11.3, 17.25]], "duration": 17.25, "id": 4625}, {"image_id": "v_JK1Wn9sORbs.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera outside while various objects and tools sit around him. The man continues speaking and leads into clips of him pushing around a low mower. He continues cutting the grass and leads into more clips of him speaking.", "segments": [[0, 24.85], [23.56, 65.12], [60.83, 81.4]], "duration": 85.68, "id": 4626}, {"image_id": "v_Ke5MPiv-wrY.mp4", "caption": "The Awesomeness TV Network Logo Animation plays. A man is flipping and tumbling across a mat. The same man flips across the mat again, this time not wearing a shirt. The man is talking to the camera. A woman with a blue bow in hair walks across the screen behind the man and begins talking to another woman who exits the screen. The shirtless man is shown flipping and tumbling across the screen again, this time he does not land his final flip and he falls onto his side. He then starts walking towards a man on the side of the mat. The bystander points to his head and the gymnast also does the same to his own head. The gymnast is talking to the camera again explaining what happened during that routine. A small video pops up in the lower right replaying the moment he falls. He starts flipping across the mat again. The man is standing next to a couple of other guys, he jumps up in the air and does some kicks. Now he is doing back flips across the mat. He goes from a forward flip to back-flipping. Now he is standing on the side line getting ready to do flips. He is doing some more flips and landing on the red mat. Now he is flipping again and reverses and starts flipping the other way. This time he is wearing a yellow shirt and starts by doing a kick, then starts flipping backwards. Now he is walking across the mat slowly.", "segments": [[0, 2.73], [3.41, 8.18], [8.86, 15.68], [16.36, 21.82], [17.73, 20.46], [22.5, 27.27], [27.27, 30], [29.32, 31.37], [33.41, 52.5], [39.55, 50.46], [53.18, 57.28], [56.59, 68.19], [64.78, 78.41], [72.96, 77.73], [82.5, 95.46], [94.1, 98.19], [99.55, 109.78], [110.46, 119.32], [120.69, 128.19]], "duration": 136.37, "id": 4627}, {"image_id": "v_UfrztSg9gf0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in on a large field performing various dog tricks with a dog. Another person watches in the distance as the man and dog continue to perform tricks and the dog running all around.", "segments": [[2.37, 58], [47.94, 111.87]], "duration": 118.38, "id": 4628}, {"image_id": "v_3mlxwa9Ve5I.mp4", "caption": "A man looks around and grabs his face. He places a towel over his face. The man showcases a shaving unit and a balm. He shows a bowl and swivels the shaving brush around it. The man places shaving cream all over his face with the use of his shaving brush. He takes a razor and shaves. He grabs the bowl again and swivels the shaving brush around the inside. He smothers shaving cream over his face face. He shaves his face once more. He splashes his face and dries it with a purple towel. He rubs an oil over his face and excitedly shows off his muscles.", "segments": [[4.96, 11.03], [11.58, 17.64], [18.19, 25.36], [26.47, 35.29], [37.49, 41.35], [43.56, 59], [60.65, 63.41], [63.96, 68.92], [69.47, 79.95], [80.5, 86.01], [87.11, 93.18]], "duration": 110.27000000000001, "id": 4629}, {"image_id": "v_AwoZxz8M8Jg.mp4", "caption": "A man in red turban stands in a kitchen. He pours some ingredients into a glass. He explains his methods holding a spoon. He then finishes the drink with a garnish.", "segments": [[0, 164.34], [44.9, 70.94], [55.68, 85.31], [158.05, 179.61]], "duration": 179.61, "id": 4630}, {"image_id": "v_e0E2EVuhYu0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of an ocean floor is shown as well as a scuba diver and fish swimming around. The camera continues to capture the bottom of the floor as well as several fish and bottom feeders on the ground. The scuba diver moves a flashlight around to capture the bottom and watches the wildlife move around.", "segments": [[0, 43.06], [43.06, 125.79], [114.82, 168.85]], "duration": 168.85, "id": 4631}, {"image_id": "v_NLTd7qCLT7o.mp4", "caption": "A man is walking on the grass wearing stilts. People are watching him next to a pond. He continues walking on the grass toward the people.", "segments": [[0, 47.44], [45.89, 49.78], [51.33, 155.55]], "duration": 155.55, "id": 4632}, {"image_id": "v_xAPz4YOcIX0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a painting is shown followed by a brush dipping into paint and moving all along the picture. The person continues painting bushes in the picture and ends with credits rolling above the screen.", "segments": [[0, 59.18], [53.26, 169.09]], "duration": 169.09, "id": 4633}, {"image_id": "v_IAZV246DKis.mp4", "caption": "A close up of potatoes are shown followed by a woman speaking to the camera. The woman points to a pot and then begins peeling the potatoes and putting them into a pot. She mixes it with salt and dips the potatoes into ice water, watching them finish peeling.", "segments": [[1.23, 21.31], [23.36, 54.92], [42.21, 78.69]], "duration": 81.97, "id": 4634}, {"image_id": "v_44htu_ovvLs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen looking off into the distance followed by shots of her riding a horse and looking off into the distance. The woman continues riding around on the horse and ends with her walking away and waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0.57, 35.88], [27.34, 56.96]], "duration": 56.96, "id": 4635}, {"image_id": "v_bLpeUxij7YY.mp4", "caption": "A female weightlifter is attempting to lift a set of weights. She lifts at the knees slowly. She raises the bar to her chest, pausing. She then lifts it over her head before crouching beneath it.", "segments": [[0, 5.67], [7.33, 15.34], [15.67, 56.34], [57.68, 66.68]], "duration": 66.68, "id": 4636}, {"image_id": "v_ytvIoI5uwFA.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in front of another man while someone adjusts the table between them. The men lock arms, and begin to arm wrestle. They push and pull hard, trying to win. They suddenly begin punching each other, breaking out in a fight. One begins to fall after a punch.", "segments": [[0, 13.78], [16.73, 36.41], [38.38, 45.27], [50.19, 88.57], [91.52, 98.41]], "duration": 98.41, "id": 4637}, {"image_id": "v_TiQ6P1NkPHU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are dancing in a dance studio. First the woman sways her hips a little bit and moves one foot behind the other. She also tells viewers to make eye contact with the person to make sure they're comfortable and at some point, the man spins her around in a circle and she comes back around for them to start dancing normal again.", "segments": [[0, 135.51], [27.1, 53.53], [53.53, 135.51]], "duration": 135.51, "id": 4638}, {"image_id": "v_bMWWSk_YFY8.mp4", "caption": "An ox is held by a trainer in a city plaza. Two ox duel with horns in a corral while trainers guide them. The ox charge at the trainers lined up against the wall. Spectators watch and walk in the stands during the event.", "segments": [[12.2, 22.56], [23.78, 93.9], [94.51, 101.22], [102.44, 121.95]], "duration": 121.95, "id": 4639}, {"image_id": "v_5vm6bjMeEN8.mp4", "caption": "People are working out in a room stepping on a step stools. A man in a white shirt is leading the group. He then walks off behind the camera.", "segments": [[0, 219.38], [9.87, 215], [216.09, 219.38]], "duration": 219.38, "id": 4640}, {"image_id": "v_wQbVxdVTN-I.mp4", "caption": "A boy holds an axe outside. He swings the axe at a stump. Another boy is shown doing the same thing. They continue to try to split the wood.", "segments": [[0, 50.34], [3.78, 50.34], [23.16, 50.34], [34.74, 50.34]], "duration": 50.34, "id": 4641}, {"image_id": "v_C0F-xroK_Eg.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking about making a spicy pasta dish. The man takes sausage and cooks it in a pan. Parsley is added to the sausage. White wine is added to the mixture. Heavy cream is added to the meat along with a jar of marinara sauce. Water is shown boiling in the pot. Pasta and sauce are mixed together in the pot. The final pasta is added to a bowl and Parmesan cheese is added.", "segments": [[0, 205.36], [19.51, 36.96], [50.31, 56.47], [68.79, 82.14], [87.28, 105.76], [124.24, 130.4], [131.43, 149.91], [151.96, 205.36]], "duration": 205.36, "id": 4642}, {"image_id": "v_F-jZv4hqYds.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are sitting on horses near gated areas. The people are looking around in amazement as one horse riding catches a calf almost instantly. The man ropes of the calf and the crowd cheers him on as the announcer gives him his time.", "segments": [[0, 11.67], [11.67, 25.22], [25.41, 35.01]], "duration": 37.64, "id": 4643}, {"image_id": "v_GqCS5MNl6a4.mp4", "caption": "Pictures of a town covered n snow is shown. A person is chipping the ice off of their car.", "segments": [[0, 26.3], [30.19, 194.79]], "duration": 194.79, "id": 4644}, {"image_id": "v_tN8mcdcwCwc.mp4", "caption": "A cat is laying on its back in someone's lap. The person starts clipping the cats nails with a nail clipper. They finish and pet the cat's foot.", "segments": [[0, 45.73], [9.15, 45.73], [44.33, 45.73]], "duration": 46.91, "id": 4645}, {"image_id": "v_hS7VEMlJ4N0.mp4", "caption": "A female is outside in a sports bra and bikini bottoms walking around prepping. She take her hair down and puts it back up in a ponytail. She spanks her butt and stands there getting ready to start her run. She starts her run and she jumps over the course and lands.", "segments": [[0, 22.46], [22.11, 40.01], [40.01, 54.05], [55.8, 70.19]], "duration": 70.19, "id": 4646}, {"image_id": "v_U2aNQHCnVfI.mp4", "caption": "There are two young girls holding violins in their hands, standing with a music stand and a book with music notes behind them. The older girl is helping and teaching her younger sister to properly hold the violin by changing her head position. Then the older sister grabs her violin and tunes the strings of the violin. Then older sister begins playing the violin while the younger sister watches her. The older girl shows her sister how to play the violin. Then they both begin to play the violin together.", "segments": [[0, 159.61], [9.44, 45.48], [44.62, 63.5], [51.49, 90.96], [60.07, 126.14], [119.28, 162.18]], "duration": 171.62, "id": 4647}, {"image_id": "v_aXnllTmgeqg.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown on a stage, playing drums. He beats the cymbals and drums very fast. He continues, making faces as he goes.", "segments": [[0, 12.77], [16.73, 70.44], [72.64, 88.05]], "duration": 88.05, "id": 4648}, {"image_id": "v_E-bv464MTsQ.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people riding horses are walking around each other on a large field. One of them throws a ball onto the field and the people begin playing a game on their horses.", "segments": [[0, 5.2], [5.06, 27.38]], "duration": 27.38, "id": 4649}, {"image_id": "v_hgTgOjkcvpc.mp4", "caption": "There's a man dressed in all white playing croquet in an open field. there are several chairs arranged in the field. He takes the mallet in his hand and hits the croquet ball to the hoop. He hits the ball and it lands straight into the hoop.", "segments": [[3.53, 8.71], [8.71, 10.52], [10.52, 13.73], [13.73, 14.99]], "duration": 15.7, "id": 4650}, {"image_id": "v_NXFnVeZen1U.mp4", "caption": "A man picks up a ball with his racquet and swings it to his opponent over the net. The opponent serves the ball. The teams engage in rapid back and forth hitting of the ball. The game stops for a second and resumes with one of the teams serving the ball. They battle each other on the court, sending the ball back and forth over the net. The ball goes out of bounds. A man serves the ball and they engage in a brief back and forth of the ball before the ball falls to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 1.82], [2.08, 4.69], [4.95, 17.97], [18.75, 19.01], [19.27, 32.29], [32.55, 33.33], [33.85, 52.08]], "duration": 52.08, "id": 4651}, {"image_id": "v_YVSD611Zpvo.mp4", "caption": "We see a black title screen. A man walks to a brick wall with a squeegee and shows us a bottle of windex. The man washes the window. The man sprays windex and washes off with squeegee. The man uses leaf blower to dry the window. The man finishes and talks about the window before walking off.", "segments": [[0, 2.47], [2.47, 33.32], [33.94, 65.41], [45.05, 65.41], [67.26, 108.61], [108.61, 123.42]], "duration": 123.42, "id": 4652}, {"image_id": "v_88wc2an-eC4.mp4", "caption": "TWo children are doing mixed martial arts in front of a television. They are punching and kicking each other for sport.", "segments": [[0, 94.54], [34.6, 122.96]], "duration": 123.58, "id": 4653}, {"image_id": "v_5HW6mjZZvtY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen in several shots on a skateboard in a dark warehouse. The man then begins jumping on his board to demonstrate moves. He continues jumping around the room while the camera captures his movements.", "segments": [[0, 27.04], [27.9, 63.52], [45.92, 84.55]], "duration": 85.84, "id": 4654}, {"image_id": "v_pbZVsdQNWNU.mp4", "caption": "We see a hockey goalie skating on the ice. The goalie blocks shots repeatedly. We see the goalie laying on the ice. A shot makes it past and the goalie has a tantrum. The goalie sits on the ground as a person makes their shot.", "segments": [[0, 10.59], [10.59, 211.74], [99.52, 107.99], [136.57, 139.75], [135.52, 138.69]], "duration": 211.74, "id": 4655}, {"image_id": "v_j15g2ZTig1k.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt and blue jeans is playing an acoustic guitar. He plays a riff as he moves his legs rhythmically. He continues playing the guitar as the camera focuses on his hands and the guitar only.He plays several different tunes one after the other as he strums the guitar with his pick.", "segments": [[30.64, 73.2], [73.2, 120.01], [120.01, 158.31], [158.31, 170.23]], "duration": 170.23, "id": 4656}, {"image_id": "v_yslrb52Di5w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen laughing and smiling to himself and leads into him playing a piano before him. The man pauses and looks off into the distance to see another man speaking to him as well as into a microphone.", "segments": [[0.77, 26.16], [21.54, 50.78]], "duration": 51.29, "id": 4657}, {"image_id": "v_AKoregkLJgc.mp4", "caption": "A line of players are on a court together. They begin jumping rope in unison. They move alike, dancing and flipping through the ropes.", "segments": [[0, 8.42], [14.31, 53.44], [59.75, 84.15]], "duration": 84.15, "id": 4658}, {"image_id": "v_czCM6ZNwHK8.mp4", "caption": "A guy prepares to play an instrument. The guy plays a saxophone and uses a microphone. The guy takes the saxophone out of his mouth and bents over.", "segments": [[3.48, 5.8], [6.96, 221.51], [222.67, 224.99]], "duration": 231.95, "id": 4659}, {"image_id": "v_9-xf_gylOR0.mp4", "caption": "A person is painting a wooden fence. A cat's paws can be seen coming out from under the fence. A dog is looking at the cat's paws.", "segments": [[0, 8.77], [8.77, 38.13], [20.02, 29.55]], "duration": 38.13, "id": 4660}, {"image_id": "v_IKrnz_OzqT8.mp4", "caption": "A man watches a performance on tv while playing a set of hand drums at home. The man looks forward and focuses while playing the drums. The man leans back and plays vigorously on the drums.", "segments": [[0, 84.44], [27.25, 51.38], [54.95, 82.2]], "duration": 89.35, "id": 4661}, {"image_id": "v_JZDTcGPKw2w.mp4", "caption": "woman is riding a horse in a barn and another woman is leading the horse with a rope. photos of various people riding horses are shown. woma is riding a horse in a barn and pictures of people riding horses. woman is riding a horse in a riding track. and a girl is jumping in the tracks too. childs are in a living room playing in front of a tv and pictues of theirs on the mood are shown. childs are in a bridge dancing and jumping into the pool.", "segments": [[0, 25.39], [25.39, 37.11], [37.11, 56.64], [37.11, 58.6], [58.6, 103.52], [103.52, 159.19], [159.19, 195.33]], "duration": 195.33, "id": 4662}, {"image_id": "v_ac1DjqY4xHs.mp4", "caption": "A young boy swings at a pinata without getting a good hit on it. The boy dodges the pinata that is swinging at him. The boy gives up and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 26.47], [13.47, 19.28], [26.63, 30.6]], "duration": 30.6, "id": 4663}, {"image_id": "v_9YnYdsmjkIY.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a chair and talks while holding a harmonica and occasionally playing it while sitting in a front of green cloth backdrop. A bald man sits in a wooden chair and talks to the camera while holding, pointing to and occasionally playing a harmonica in his hands. The camera zooms in for a tighter shot of the man as he talks and before the man pulls the harmonica directly up to his face and plays the harmonica briefly before pulling the harmonica away and looking into the camera.", "segments": [[0.58, 111.67], [4.03, 47.78], [50.66, 113.97]], "duration": 115.13, "id": 4664}, {"image_id": "v_FCKkV9mYuI4.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are talking in a room. Several fighting scenes are shown from a martial arts movie. They move quickly, pretending to fight for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.67], [26.75, 104.9], [109.12, 140.81]], "duration": 140.81, "id": 4665}, {"image_id": "v_N84ci0Imc30.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into shots of him walking down a hallway and getting a coffee. He grabs sugar, puts a lid over his coffee and then smiles off in the distance while walking away.", "segments": [[1.68, 34.61], [29.57, 60.48]], "duration": 67.2, "id": 4666}, {"image_id": "v_Z8yKTJeRMOE.mp4", "caption": "A man professionally paints several pieces of furniture using a spray painter in a paint shop while wearing overalls, a denim shirt and a paint mask. The man begins by painting a wooden armchair metallic gray with a gold spray paint can. The man then paints a side table black with lights shining off of the black painted wood. The man ends with painting a dresser drawer pink before the scene fades to a black marketing graphic.", "segments": [[11.19, 55.95], [11.85, 24.69], [26.99, 38.84], [39.5, 55.95]], "duration": 65.83, "id": 4667}, {"image_id": "v_SSLcbqaBiRM.mp4", "caption": "A man starts out riding a dirt bike and immediately crashes into the ground behind him. The video follows several more people attempting to race a dirt bike and instantly crashing on the path in front of them.", "segments": [[0, 17.76], [16.71, 208.93]], "duration": 208.93, "id": 4668}, {"image_id": "v_5-ydqbn30kA.mp4", "caption": "A boy and a girl are sitting in their living room with colorful yarn and demonstrating how to knit. The boy is wearing a blue hoodie and the girl is wearing a white sweater with blue horizontal stripes. The mother who is not pictured in the video is taping them demonstrate. The boy holds the needles up and shows how he uses the yarn to knit.", "segments": [[3.66, 8.54], [8.54, 19.51], [19.51, 27.59], [27.59, 29.27]], "duration": 30.49, "id": 4669}, {"image_id": "v_x164DXmWtRM.mp4", "caption": "A group of masked people, wearing all black, play an animated graphic game of paintball in a war field. An animated person runs through a field of black masked soldiers with a paint gun and begins shooting people, several people are wounded among a war field littered with empty stone shacks and abandoned cars. The fighting soldiers pass an animated dog on a leash with a person dressed in a black and white referee uniform holding the leash. The shooting continues among the masked soldiers until a \"red team wins\" letter box appears and the soldiers head to the right and thin out in numbers.", "segments": [[8.13, 109.75], [18.97, 54.2], [76.55, 81.97], [82.65, 111.1]], "duration": 135.49, "id": 4670}, {"image_id": "v_4_MR2Tpc7SM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending down while holding a crochet bat and hitting a ball through a hole. The man then holds his hands up and looks back to the camera and smiles.", "segments": [[0.6, 5.81], [5.27, 11.86]], "duration": 11.98, "id": 4671}, {"image_id": "v_j_tKuqWYV-A.mp4", "caption": "Divers take turns diving from high dive platforms into a swimming pool. The crowd claps and watches the divers performance. A diver does a handstand dive from the highest platform into the swimming pool.", "segments": [[3.45, 131.14], [13.11, 131.83], [93.18, 107.67]], "duration": 138.04, "id": 4672}, {"image_id": "v_ouv2veXexVw.mp4", "caption": "A group of soccer players await the return of a soccer ball to the field. One soccer player kicks the ball into the field. Another soccer player takes hold of the ball and passes it to another soccer player. The soccer players kicks it to the goalie. The goalie kicks it to a nearby soccer player. The soccer player kicks it to another soccer player.", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [10.51, 15.56], [15.77, 17.87], [18.08, 25.44], [25.65, 29.23], [29.44, 42.05]], "duration": 42.05, "id": 4673}, {"image_id": "v_qS7TStZg_5c.mp4", "caption": "A man is showing playing guitar with a title screen shown on the left. The man strums over and over again while gradually banging his head to the beat.", "segments": [[0.17, 5.07], [5.07, 10.2]], "duration": 11.66, "id": 4674}, {"image_id": "v_Wu3wa5Rc_Qw.mp4", "caption": "A large waterfall is shown outside near a rocky trail of water.All of a sudden,a person on a long raft comes paddling down the water and goes over the fall with ease.Once over,they continue paddling and sailing through the water as the people on the side watches.", "segments": [[0, 3.08], [3.08, 10.13], [10.13, 17.62]], "duration": 17.62, "id": 4675}, {"image_id": "v_J7Q3b1uFHyc.mp4", "caption": "First the camera shows the three people who are snow tubing down the slippery snowy slide. Then one person is shown wearing glasses and other snow gear in the snow tubes. Then a great amount of other people are shown snow tubing next to each other.", "segments": [[0, 27.62], [27.62, 58.12], [58.12, 112.79]], "duration": 115.09, "id": 4676}, {"image_id": "v_8K4cX9GfaII.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen painting a wall while the camera captures him moving quickly and others walking in and out of frame. The person continues painting along the wall with other people standing around and helping.", "segments": [[0, 36.88], [26.97, 65.56]], "duration": 68.28999999999999, "id": 4677}, {"image_id": "v_2-h36nfbFK8.mp4", "caption": "A man is snowboarding down a very steep hill at a fast pace. The video intercuts with various angles showing this trip down the mountain in a very exciting way. The kid jumps off of a log intended for this purpose and continues down the hill. Another man in yellow does back-flips off of a small snow ramp while going down the mountain. Another man in blue does the same and there are various cuts going back and forth between the three of them. They are highly skilled and going down every obstacle they can find. The video then shows multiple people hiking up a very rocky mountain as they speak to the camera. The people who climbed is then snowboard down it in a daredevil like stunt.", "segments": [[0, 17.16], [16.26, 25.29], [25.29, 37.94], [37.94, 50.59], [51.49, 84.01], [84.01, 108.41], [108.41, 129.18], [129.18, 180.68]], "duration": 180.68, "id": 4678}, {"image_id": "v_Z3bPr9odxpw.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen walking on a stage with a man speaking to the crowd and leads into the group dancing with one another. The people continue dancing together as the camera captures them from several angles.", "segments": [[2.03, 80.36], [82.4, 197.35]], "duration": 203.45, "id": 4679}, {"image_id": "v_liK3LME0gNY.mp4", "caption": "A young girls is using a trowel on a wall and siting on the floor. She stands and wipes her trowel clean with a brush. She returns to the wall work. She stands and points and the wall. She she wipes the brush on the trowel again. She smooths the wall again. The girls uses a the brush to clean her tool. She wipes the wall again, then cleans her brush again twice. We are show the top of the wall and the girl as she works.", "segments": [[0, 8.28], [8.28, 18.93], [18.93, 31.94], [31.94, 41.4], [46.13, 53.23], [53.23, 126.56], [128.93, 134.84], [160.86, 214.09], [214.09, 235.38]], "duration": 236.57, "id": 4680}, {"image_id": "v_mSPUMHD4F-E.mp4", "caption": "An intro screen appears with logos, company names and website. A woman bends down in front of 3 boxes and begins to pull out tiled carpet pieces from the top box. A bunch of tools appear on a tiled floor and they include: Carpet Tape,Knife, Sticky Tabs and a T-Square. The woman is on a tiled floor with a pile of tiled carpets in front of her and she begins to dust off the excess carpet pieces off of the front and back of the pieces.A screen appears with the words \"Methods of Installation\" and includes 3 different diagrams of layouts, and then shows different tiled carpets in each layout.A woman is now kneeling on a tiled piece of carpet and she's pulling double sided sticky tapes off of a sheet and places them onto the tiled carpets and sticks them onto the floor.A different woman appears near a wall and she's demonstrating how to cut tiles once a wall is reached and uses a long ruler to measure, cut, and break apart the carpet tile and places it back onto the floor.The outro is a white screen with the logos, company names, and website.", "segments": [[0, 3.39], [3.39, 10.17], [10.17, 17.8], [17.8, 34.76], [34.76, 70.36], [70.36, 102.58], [102.58, 164.47], [164.47, 169.55]], "duration": 169.55, "id": 4681}, {"image_id": "v_S-mMmPO6a9s.mp4", "caption": "A man pushes a lawnmower on a lawn. Two children help him push it. They make several passes on the lawn. Several cars drive by them.", "segments": [[0, 122.49], [13.47, 122.49], [23.88, 122.49], [72.88, 122.49]], "duration": 122.49, "id": 4682}, {"image_id": "v_b4KrsFjcj-o.mp4", "caption": "People stand around in a room. People do karate while some play the drums. The karate opponents shake hands and hug.", "segments": [[0, 31.23], [37.92, 148.7], [69.15, 74.35]], "duration": 148.7, "id": 4683}, {"image_id": "v_N6y3yXiVo24.mp4", "caption": "A little girl/toddler stands outside, on a grass covered field, and hits, repeatedly, a pink pinata hanging from a tree. A little girl/toddler in a lime green hair bow and tutu stands outside under a tree and hits a pinata with a stick. The pinata flings around, and the girl hits the pinata again. The little girl turns to look at the camera in between hitting the pinata.", "segments": [[0.53, 34.71], [1.4, 5.61], [4.03, 19.99], [31.56, 34.89]], "duration": 35.06, "id": 4684}, {"image_id": "v_5rtrGkZNfLo.mp4", "caption": "A standing man talks to the camera with two women seated beside him. The camera pans to focus on the two women.", "segments": [[0, 65.16], [65.16, 70.44]], "duration": 70.44, "id": 4685}, {"image_id": "v_2syOa4jpZDU.mp4", "caption": "A person cuts the nails of the front legs of a cat. Then, the person cuts the nails of the back legs of a car.", "segments": [[0, 61.72], [61.72, 114.29]], "duration": 114.28999999999999, "id": 4686}, {"image_id": "v_idACyRv-Sqk.mp4", "caption": "A man attempts to walk across a rope spread between two homemade pieces of wood. He balances on the rope, swinging back and forth. He loses his balance and jumps off the rope.", "segments": [[0, 7.8], [8.33, 28.7], [29.41, 35.43]], "duration": 35.43, "id": 4687}, {"image_id": "v_FFUh8Fx4FsA.mp4", "caption": "There are two cars in the car wash and one parked in a spot. The owners of the cars are soaping them down and cleaning the tires very well. Inside of the car wash it it completely empty, no one is inside of it. One of the other car owners is rinsing his car off.", "segments": [[0, 14.81], [14.52, 29.04], [29.33, 49.48], [49.48, 59.26]], "duration": 59.26, "id": 4688}, {"image_id": "v_OnfvTk_DECY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera followed by several shots of a celebrity and a dummy. The man then begins coming the dummy's hair and using scissors along the side. He continues cutting the dummy's hair and using hair gel in the end to spike it up.", "segments": [[0, 65.65], [49.24, 171.8], [147.72, 218.85]], "duration": 218.85, "id": 4689}, {"image_id": "v_AH-3mF6wWhU.mp4", "caption": "A video on how to make a kite is shown. Materials are gathered and then the kite is assembled.", "segments": [[0, 122.3], [26.29, 122.3]], "duration": 122.3, "id": 4690}, {"image_id": "v__7a80bvsbk8.mp4", "caption": "A few people are seen standing in a large pit with a bull inside and many watching on the sides. The man walks closer to the bull and the bull attacks several people while they also try to pull him down by his head and tail. They finally all break away at once.", "segments": [[0, 15.15], [14.35, 48.37], [48.9, 53.15]], "duration": 53.15, "id": 4691}, {"image_id": "v_rqraLuIBvyg.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clips is shown. A woman is outside next to a pile of snow. A guy picks up a shovel land shovels snow off to the side. The guy puts down the shovel and stretches his back backwards twice. The guy picks up the shovel and continues to shovel snow. The credits of the clips is shown.", "segments": [[0, 4.09], [4.54, 15.9], [17.26, 69.94], [70.4, 81.3], [81.3, 85.84], [85.84, 89.93]], "duration": 90.84, "id": 4692}, {"image_id": "v_F_EHrfbYsRE.mp4", "caption": "A graphic with some keywords forming the number '2' is shown. The scene switches to a black screen with some text about an upcoming marathon. A man is shown jogging through a city on some sidewalks, a bridge, some paths in a park, etc, with a counter on the side showing his progress in kilometers as he goes.", "segments": [[0, 6.81], [6.81, 11.34], [11.34, 226.88]], "duration": 226.88, "id": 4693}, {"image_id": "v_Ym_hy49DaS4.mp4", "caption": "A person is covering her legs with soap while she is standing on the bathtub. Then, the person takes a blade to shave her legs while washing the blade under the faucet. After, the person, takes off the underwear and put it on the bathtub.", "segments": [[0, 66], [66, 220.01], [189.21, 194.71]], "duration": 220.01, "id": 4694}, {"image_id": "v_8wKBvYGGldQ.mp4", "caption": "There is a fast motion video showing a family carving four pumpkins to make jack o lanterns in their kitchen. There is a little baby sitting on the dinning table watching the others carve the pumpkins.The two other girls are helping their parents carve the pumpkins and remove the seeds and pulp out of the pumpkin.", "segments": [[15.21, 42.74], [42.74, 72.34], [72.34, 78.5]], "duration": 82.2, "id": 4695}, {"image_id": "v_UPZm0tx77Vw.mp4", "caption": "A man seated in front of a tennis net turns around and faces his opponent, with a coach and camera man looking on. As they both rise we see that they are actually heading to a table tennis game, the table on an actual tennis court. They being their match, one in a white tank top and green shorts, the other in an orange shirt and white shorts. They hit back and forth for some time, the enjoyment of the game seeming more important the winning, and they slap hands at the conclusion.", "segments": [[0, 13.82], [13.82, 21.04], [28.85, 34.86], [34.86, 120.21]], "duration": 120.21, "id": 4696}, {"image_id": "v_h-A3CAx_eyU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen speaking to one another in front of the camera while moving their hands around to their voices. The men continue speaking with one another while acting crazy on the couch and pointing to one another.", "segments": [[3.14, 84.04], [41.63, 147.66]], "duration": 157.07999999999998, "id": 4697}, {"image_id": "v_jw8yJ6tJXrA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down before a track while others watch on the sides. A person runs in on the side and jumps into a pit. The man sitting tracks his score and several more people are seen running in.", "segments": [[0, 3.06], [3.51, 10.08], [9.85, 14.41]], "duration": 14.93, "id": 4698}, {"image_id": "v_Q5qIsUsM_-A.mp4", "caption": "A young man solves a rubix cube quickly in a digitally timed session. A man in a yellow shirt with a graphic of a man's face on it talks to the camera and holds up an unsolved rubix cube. A black digital timer appears on the screen in the lower right hand corner and begins to run time. The man begins to solve the rubix cube when the timer starts, and then solves the rubix cube with 00:34:08 time, at which point he holds the solved rubix cube in the air as demonstration.", "segments": [[0.75, 49.31], [1.99, 8.22], [8.97, 19.42], [8.97, 48.56]], "duration": 49.81, "id": 4699}, {"image_id": "v_8uP35-qttBo.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen speaking to the camera while each hold a bow and arrow. One man shows off his while clips are shown of people shooting the bow and shown in between. The other man shows off his bow while still showing off his specs.", "segments": [[0, 33.92], [29.78, 127.41], [128.24, 157.19]], "duration": 165.47, "id": 4700}, {"image_id": "v_nqmw4BCi6io.mp4", "caption": "A mop's attributes are demonstrated through computer graphics close-ups of various parts. The mop is demonstrated in actual use. The preparation of the mop head is shown. More component closeups are shown. The mop head is demonstrated again.", "segments": [[13.06, 43.01], [43.01, 140.57], [62.99, 73.74], [76.04, 99.86], [99.86, 100.62]], "duration": 153.62, "id": 4701}, {"image_id": "v__wo35butdOc.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A lady stands raising a metal disk in one hand. The lady spins with the disk and releases the disk. The lady places a towel around her back.", "segments": [[0, 1.99], [2.48, 3.47], [3.57, 8.24], [16.08, 19.75]], "duration": 19.85, "id": 4702}, {"image_id": "v_PaPR1XQU0_A.mp4", "caption": "A person sets a piece of wall paper in place and lines it op with the other pieces. The wall paper is cut with sheers to the proper size. The man checks the wall paper then peels off an adhesive strip on the back. The wall paper is attached to the wall and smoothed down by hand. The person uses a towel to flatten out the wall paper. The wallpaper is cut at the bottom and creased against the floorboard. The wall paper is cut and creased along the ceiling.", "segments": [[0, 30.31], [32.33, 39.4], [41.42, 59.6], [63.64, 110.11], [112.13, 118.19], [123.24, 150.52], [152.54, 183.85]], "duration": 202.04, "id": 4703}, {"image_id": "v_ul9kg5QdvJo.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are shown at a festival serving food and interacting with their crowd.The male continues,to play with the crowd and makes them work for their ice cream cone.Finally,the video ends,the man smiles,and the credits begin to roll.", "segments": [[0, 27.37], [27.73, 61.3], [61.3, 72.98]], "duration": 72.98, "id": 4704}, {"image_id": "v_eMQ5sazq-q0.mp4", "caption": "People picks up piles of grass on a front yard. A dog walks in the yard where people pile grass. A man cut the grass using a hand cutter. The dogs smells on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 15.49], [16.2, 57.05], [58.45, 101.41], [102.12, 140.85]], "duration": 140.85, "id": 4705}, {"image_id": "v_Vtnn6yJqHqM.mp4", "caption": "A pair of hands are shown playing piano. The piano player is shown playing with another person seated beside him. The playing is seen from a hand close up view again. The second man imitates the first man. The first man claps at the second man's imitation.", "segments": [[4.09, 8.99], [8.99, 15.36], [15.36, 17.16], [17.32, 30.89], [31.05, 32.68]], "duration": 32.68, "id": 4706}, {"image_id": "v_8iQ_ZjJGQkE.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of the camera and then takes a puff of his cigarette.After,he appears with roller blades on and starts to jump on different blocks and boulders in the city.The man continues making his way through the city,passing cars,and jumping over rocks.", "segments": [[0, 15.61], [15.31, 40.53], [40.53, 60.05]], "duration": 60.05, "id": 4707}, {"image_id": "v_nmMs1pWkiAU.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man salute, and then they demonstrate karate moves in a gym. After, the woman and the man stand and salute.", "segments": [[0, 48.17], [48.17, 53.4]], "duration": 55.06, "id": 4708}, {"image_id": "v_gee7iCW34_E.mp4", "caption": "A graphic is seen with drawings of mushrooms and plants. A tall pine tree is seen. A match is lit and a young man holds up another lit match along with sticks then blows it out. The young man builds a ring of rocks near a tent. The camper then shows various sized sticks in his hands and others that he breaks in two. The young man breaks sticks with his foot and carries them to the campsite. The young man builds a fire with the various sized sticks in the fire ring and lights it. The fire burns into the night.", "segments": [[0, 8.14], [9.88, 15.11], [15.11, 27.9], [27.32, 36.04], [37.2, 61.04], [62.78, 69.18], [69.76, 95.92], [97.08, 116.26]], "duration": 116.25999999999999, "id": 4709}, {"image_id": "v_3N1tbv5Z6Kk.mp4", "caption": "A man in tuxedo and woman in party dress dance the tango in a ballroom surrounded by crowd in chairs during performance. The crowd cheers at the end and claps hands.", "segments": [[0, 140.39], [140.39, 146.24]], "duration": 146.24, "id": 4710}, {"image_id": "v_rcqXzX-7ULg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in front of a washer and dryer in a laundry room. Step by step instructions are given for ironing clothes. She shows how to prepare and iron clothing using a rag and steam.", "segments": [[0, 22.11], [31.59, 133.73], [137.95, 210.61]], "duration": 210.61, "id": 4711}, {"image_id": "v_8GxWehFZVRE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting next to a baby in a high chair. She is playing an accordian for the baby. The baby rocks back and forth, dancing to the music.", "segments": [[0, 1.8], [2.3, 14.44], [16.24, 32.81]], "duration": 32.81, "id": 4712}, {"image_id": "v_iUIfmMljiOg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is giving instructions on how to make her lemonade. She shows all of the ingredients that she uses and starts to boil them and mix them on a pot on the stove. In a blender she blends some strawberries and lemon juice. She then starts to do more or less all of those steps again for all different types of other lemonades that she makes.", "segments": [[0, 32.33], [32.33, 58], [59.9, 87.47], [87.47, 190.15]], "duration": 190.15, "id": 4713}, {"image_id": "v_6d7oOG3dS-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen pushing a board down into the floor to push the carpet down. He continues cutting around the carpet and pushing it down with a large beam.", "segments": [[0, 32.87], [21.11, 60.3]], "duration": 60.3, "id": 4714}, {"image_id": "v_Nn9qwOB-g34.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing along an indoor with one player kicking the ball and scoring a goal. The audience cheers and the same shot is shown again several times and the player walking away. Many more shots of goals are shown during the game followed by the same shot shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 37.36], [37.36, 89.92], [87.38, 126.64]], "duration": 126.64, "id": 4715}, {"image_id": "v_fHXgxSFDmJc.mp4", "caption": "We see man teasing a bull with a flag. The bull charges at the flag. The bull charges and goes after the flag. The bullfighter moves left and the bull follows him.", "segments": [[0, 38.92], [7.2, 10.7], [18.49, 32.88], [32.69, 38.92]], "duration": 38.92, "id": 4716}, {"image_id": "v_uE3YXkZoV5c.mp4", "caption": "Two men walk holding sticks out in front of them. They arrange discs onto some numbers. One of the men throws a disc with his stick. The man in red throws his disc. The first man throws another disc. The man in the red shirt follows. The first man throws another disc and the man in the red shirt follows. They high five each other.", "segments": [[0, 22.35], [23.24, 43.8], [44.25, 49.62], [50.51, 55.87], [56.32, 63.92], [50.06, 55.87], [70.62, 83.14], [84.93, 89.4]], "duration": 89.4, "id": 4717}, {"image_id": "v_vLEz1mHahdM.mp4", "caption": "A man in military uniform is standing in front of a group of soldiers. He is playing the bagpipes while the other soldiers stand and watch him. It may be a parade they are practicing for because they are standing and watching him on top of trailer. Once the soldier is done with his song on the bagpipe all the soldiers clap and cheer for him.", "segments": [[0, 9.37], [9.37, 20.47], [19.97, 33.54], [34.03, 49.32]], "duration": 49.32, "id": 4718}, {"image_id": "v_yrf93aLQXBE.mp4", "caption": "An old video of people surfing is shown. People catch waves and the fat guy does a pretty good job.", "segments": [[0, 120.38], [43.18, 120.38]], "duration": 130.85, "id": 4719}, {"image_id": "v_Jj7Xcisw62E.mp4", "caption": "A large black male and John Cena are in a wrestling ring arm wrestling.The black male is beginning to win but John Cena uses all of his might to not give in and gains enough strength to push the hand back the other way.After a certain amount of time,John Cena wins and someone jumps on his back and begins wrestling him and picks the black man up and drops him.As John Cena continues to celebrate the other guy begins talking trash and John Cena looks at him then talks back to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 10.97], [9.97, 29.42], [29.42, 80.27], [80.27, 99.72]], "duration": 99.72, "id": 4720}, {"image_id": "v_VqTyewe2R1A.mp4", "caption": "A marching band plays in a gym and people watch. Then, the marching band stops playing for a little bit, then it resumes. A woman pass on side the marching band. A young man drinks from a can. After, a child pass on front the Marching band.", "segments": [[0, 84.88], [84.88, 158.95], [99.03, 101.53], [99.86, 111.52], [149.8, 153.13]], "duration": 166.44, "id": 4721}, {"image_id": "v_f6NpnKJZJE0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is working out an elliptical machine. A man is working out on an elliptical machine. A person plugs a cell phone into the machine.", "segments": [[0.59, 6.52], [7.71, 10.68], [84.82, 91.94]], "duration": 118.63, "id": 4722}, {"image_id": "v_UYzgXZIRUR8.mp4", "caption": "A boy skateboard on a road jumping and flipping the skateboard in the street. A skateboard leans on a tree. Then, the boy skateboard on small ramps and then continues skateboarding in the street.", "segments": [[0.97, 142.4], [61.03, 63.94], [141.44, 193.75]], "duration": 193.75, "id": 4723}, {"image_id": "v_YJTz7mpI-mY.mp4", "caption": "A man places shaving cream on his face. A man spits some liquid out of his mouth. A man sharpens his razor blade. The man shaves his face with the razor. The man puts more shaving cream on his face.", "segments": [[3.09, 8.08], [5.7, 5.94], [11.88, 13.3], [14.49, 46.32], [37.06, 42.05]], "duration": 47.51, "id": 4724}, {"image_id": "v_n6k21NjvqXE.mp4", "caption": "An intro appears and it has a logo and the words \"outdoor interlaken +\", and then yellow words and roman numerals appear.The outdoor shop appears and it quickly changes to the inside of the shop where people are all gathered to get instructions, get dressed in helmets and safety gear, and prepare for white water rafting. The people are then going outdoors where they practice on land on how to sit in the raft, paddle and etc. When they are done practicing the all walk to the water with their rafts and they are all seen in the very rough waters going down and paddling and in their rafts where they end up in calm waters and jump out of their rafts to celebrate their success.When they're done celebrating the people walk out of the water holding their raft and they end up in a vehicle where they are smiling and happy.The outro appears with contact information, website,logos and credits.", "segments": [[0, 8.96], [8.96, 19.34], [19.34, 33.49], [33.49, 76.42], [76.42, 78.3], [78.3, 94.34]], "duration": 94.34, "id": 4725}, {"image_id": "v_0LebHO3TvzE.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting on shore while sitting in kayaks. One person inches himself closer to the water and begins riding along down the river.", "segments": [[0, 7.14], [6.31, 18.55]], "duration": 18.55, "id": 4726}, {"image_id": "v_8J_erRJya-k.mp4", "caption": "Young men ride skateboards and do skidding turns in a city plaza. The skateboarder does a wheelie. The skateboarders ride along a sidewalk going somewhere. The boys walk around and go into a transportation station.", "segments": [[0, 65.33], [66.52, 71.27], [71.86, 102.15], [103.34, 118.78]], "duration": 118.78, "id": 4727}, {"image_id": "v_JksdZ0YMkoQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in red in outside screwing in his rotors and putting his tire back on his truck. He grabs pieces to tighten it and begins to make sure they are on super tight. He does it repeatedly to make sure they all stay on well. Otherwise it would be dangerous to drive on if they are loose.", "segments": [[0, 40.71], [40.71, 71.88], [71.24, 91.6], [90.96, 126.59]], "duration": 127.22, "id": 4728}, {"image_id": "v_XHuKkrKjnhQ.mp4", "caption": "city with buildings and skyscrapers are in the back and a woman holding a cake is walking and is written how to wrap gifts. wmoan is sitting in a table and have a box and a a gift wrap on top and its showing how to wrap the gift and talking about it. decoative tapes are used to make a ribbon aound the gift and is showing how to make ribbons with diferents clothes.", "segments": [[0, 17.12], [17.12, 105.02], [105.02, 228.3]], "duration": 228.3, "id": 4729}, {"image_id": "v_svZ7DPi7rLI.mp4", "caption": "A man is running throws a javelin. He puts his hands in the air and waves at the crowd. He grabs a towel and puts his hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 24.26], [23.72, 29.92], [45.83, 47.72]], "duration": 53.92, "id": 4730}, {"image_id": "v_xUDwlT5fw_o.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at a bar and he begins pouring ice into a tall cup along with blue liquid, dark liquid, and a red liquid. The man then pours it into a shaker and shakes it until thoroughly mixed. When the man is finished shaking the drink he removes the cup from the shaker, pours the liquids into a smaller cup, and sticks a white straw in it.All while talking the man then picks up the cup, smells it, smiles and holds the drink up.", "segments": [[0, 37.96], [37.96, 51.11], [51.11, 65.77], [65.77, 75.16]], "duration": 75.16, "id": 4731}, {"image_id": "v_2DCeEAz8iO8.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a person riding around on a horse. The person continues riding around the area and pauses to speak to the woman while she laughs and speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 58.26], [54.98, 164.12]], "duration": 164.12, "id": 4732}, {"image_id": "v_4-Xe_9Ywvd8.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders gather on a football field. They cheer and flip as they jog across the field. They then put on a performance, flipping and jumping.", "segments": [[0, 12.01], [13.73, 112.38], [113.24, 171.57]], "duration": 171.57, "id": 4733}, {"image_id": "v_qhsK94t7x7w.mp4", "caption": "People in stands watch as two bulls walk around in a bullfighting ring, other people walk around in the ring taking pictures. The bulls lock horns, and are aggressive toward one another. One bull walks away from the other one, and then quickly turns to reengage in the fight. The bulls circle one another. The bulls begin to fight.", "segments": [[0, 235.99], [10.62, 235.99], [40.12, 43.66], [87.31, 206.49], [206.49, 235.99]], "duration": 235.99, "id": 4734}, {"image_id": "v_w8PqH7bltJQ.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a workshop standing in front of a bicycle talking to the camera. list of materials is shown in the screen. man is putting red tape on bicycle bars. the man is wrapping all the bar in the red tape.", "segments": [[0, 28.06], [28.06, 30.53], [30.53, 118.01], [118.01, 165.05]], "duration": 165.05, "id": 4735}, {"image_id": "v_kM6v-XN8Ixo.mp4", "caption": "A man throws a frisbee on a field. A dog jumps and grabs the frisbee in the air. The man lays on his back and the dog stands on his feet. The man bends down and the dog jumps on his back. The dog runs and jumps into the mans arms and the man carries him.", "segments": [[0, 3.87], [4.97, 8.29], [41.45, 47.53], [72.4, 76.26], [99.47, 110.53]], "duration": 110.53, "id": 4736}, {"image_id": "v_539ByIcbUPs.mp4", "caption": "A woman speaks to the camera. Many lemons fall onto a counter. The woman grabs a wooden bowl and pours brown sugar into it. She grabs a lemon and rubs brown sugar all over the lemon. She proceeds to rub two lemons onto the counter. With a knife, she cuts a lemon in half. She squeezes lemon juice into a bowl. She pours the squeezed lemon juice into a pitcher. She pours boiling water into the bowl with brown sugar in it. Shes pours the watered brown sugar into the pitcher and stirs. She breaks ice cubes by hitting them with a spoon. She places the ice into a glass and adds the lemonade. Lastly, she takes a sip of the lemonade she just made.", "segments": [[0, 4.65], [12.21, 16.85], [17.44, 24.41], [24.99, 41.85], [42.43, 45.33], [45.91, 55.8], [56.38, 62.77], [63.35, 72.65], [73.23, 81.37], [81.95, 91.83], [92.41, 96.48], [97.06, 104.62], [105.2, 108.1]], "duration": 116.24000000000001, "id": 4737}, {"image_id": "v_047dUA_39x8.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy rides a horse out of a corral and enters into a fenced off area. The man rides his horse out of the fenced are and throws a rope around a cattle. The man is helped by other cowboys while tying up the cattle.", "segments": [[0, 26.37], [27.18, 59.63], [59.63, 79.1]], "duration": 81.13, "id": 4738}, {"image_id": "v_cdHBwzbNI5Y.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a sparkling outfit marches onto the court followed by other girls. They are holding batons as they march. They then walk away, off the court.", "segments": [[0, 2.92], [5.18, 20.44], [22.96, 26.54]], "duration": 26.54, "id": 4739}, {"image_id": "v_8eGaK2mVEhY.mp4", "caption": "An indoor track is shown as a male begins running with a pole vault but he isn't successful in his jump.Another person then comes behind the camera and begins talking.The athlete then does his jump several more times but he isn't successful.", "segments": [[0, 16.87], [17.26, 27.46], [27.85, 78.46]], "duration": 78.46000000000001, "id": 4740}, {"image_id": "v_ZIbrxshdMu0.mp4", "caption": "Older people play croquet near the ocean. A group of people come and walk by in the background. The two groups play and interact with each other.", "segments": [[4.89, 139.78], [32.85, 113.92], [64.3, 139.78]], "duration": 139.79, "id": 4741}, {"image_id": "v_Pw0ANcAM-zc.mp4", "caption": "A man l dead lifts a weight bar from the ground over his head in a gym. The man does repetitions lifting a weight bar up off the ground to waist level.", "segments": [[7.85, 49.44], [49.44, 147.55]], "duration": 156.97, "id": 4742}, {"image_id": "v_r9vcB6tc1mM.mp4", "caption": "There are two men using defense techniques as a way of dance moves. They are in the middle of a circle of people, who are clapping. Two other men come in from the crowd to try and dance, but the video ends.", "segments": [[28.38, 137.34], [33.88, 137.34], [172.14, 173.97]], "duration": 183.13, "id": 4743}, {"image_id": "v_REOP3JWB0yc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing sunglasses and speaking to the camera while holding a lacrosse stick. The man continues to speak to the camera while moving the stick all around. In the end is seen still speaking while moving his legs as well as showing how to properly throw the ball.", "segments": [[0, 65.23], [50.98, 116.96], [101.22, 141.71]], "duration": 149.96, "id": 4744}, {"image_id": "v_xXRKrdnuZBQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into clips of him hitting a ball around with a stick. The man continues speaking to the camera in several spots and as well as hitting the ball around an indoor area.", "segments": [[0, 53.86], [22.6, 96.18]], "duration": 96.18, "id": 4745}, {"image_id": "v_jSxu2GOiBO0.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about how to ski. A man begins to talk about some key components of skiing and how to go about learning how to ski. The video then goes to video of people skiing down a slope while twisting and turning from side to side. A scene is shown of three men talking while riding up the ski lift. The closing credits and graphics are shown at the end.", "segments": [[0, 5.47], [5.47, 200.33], [84.29, 209.09], [107.28, 126.99], [209.09, 218.94]], "duration": 218.94, "id": 4746}, {"image_id": "v_tSUzEX6ps0s.mp4", "caption": "A Subway employee is standing in the kitchen preparing sub.On a white piece is of paper is a foot long piece of bread and a row of ham,pepperoni,salami then cheese are added on the sub.Next,the man puts the sub in the oven to be toasted and moves a tray of cookies to the other side of the counter.As he waits,he begins talking to his friend and checking the cookies.Now,the sub is toasted a lettuce and tomatoes are added along with cucumbers,anchovies,oil,vinegar and mayo.The sub is finally finished cut in half,rolled in paper, and then totaled out on the register.", "segments": [[0, 4.65], [3.99, 25.91], [25.25, 41.2], [41.2, 63.12], [63.79, 109.63], [109.63, 132.89]], "duration": 132.89, "id": 4747}, {"image_id": "v_MysxDDxgHNo.mp4", "caption": "Several boys are interacting in an ice rink. Two boys that are sliding on their knees towards each other collide and fall back. A boy releases a curling stone. Three boys walk together across on the ice.", "segments": [[0, 13.82], [0, 4.14], [2.14, 7.39], [9.33, 13.82]], "duration": 13.82, "id": 4748}, {"image_id": "v_RhsCYNiAaV8.mp4", "caption": "Title cards flash across the screen. Images of rafts are shown. We see people sitting in their raft then start rowing. A waterfall spills into the raft. Two boats of rafters raft down a river. The first boat splashes the rear boat. The rafters splash each other. A raft turns over in the water and rafters float to the river bank. A van is then driving down the road. The end title card appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.2], [6.2, 18.59], [21.69, 30.98], [30.98, 41.31], [30.98, 160.08], [58.87, 64.03], [105.34, 120.83], [162.15, 189], [189, 198.29], [198.29, 206.56]], "duration": 206.56, "id": 4749}, {"image_id": "v_aTl4KzTuJoU.mp4", "caption": "A man is in the ocean water, holding a rope. He is attached to a boat while he is on water skis. He lifts himself up, skiing in the waves.", "segments": [[0, 4.14], [6, 19.25], [21.12, 41.4]], "duration": 41.4, "id": 4750}, {"image_id": "v_36lphp9tnMk.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside drinking beer. People are standing around watching him. He sets the beer glass down on a table.", "segments": [[0, 127.13], [127.13, 127.89], [143.02, 151.35]], "duration": 151.35, "id": 4751}, {"image_id": "v_1y9s_l_DIEk.mp4", "caption": "A woman holds two big gloves where two little girls tap with both hands. Then, the woman puts the globes on front her chest. People practice karate in a room.", "segments": [[0, 19.22], [19.12, 20.78], [5.09, 13.3]], "duration": 20.78, "id": 4752}, {"image_id": "v_PVAV7PdHhgE.mp4", "caption": "A person holds a boy that is on a swing rod, and then push the rod. Then, the boy swings on the rod to impulse his body to swing in circles until the rod loss force. After, a man helps stop the swing rod, while other people are fixing something. A young man wearing yellow t-shirt move his arms.", "segments": [[0, 9.35], [7.19, 117.25], [117.25, 143.86], [135.23, 138.83]], "duration": 143.86, "id": 4753}, {"image_id": "v_npzRJiGHc9c.mp4", "caption": "A field hockey game is being played.As a team is trying to score,a player in a white shirt ducks as the puck flies over her head.After the puck goes through the goalie,the young lady smiles as she goes over to the sideline and is given a high five from her coach.", "segments": [[9.94, 29.65], [10.3, 16.69], [16.69, 30.18]], "duration": 35.5, "id": 4754}, {"image_id": "v_R7uL6BvULN8.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. Two people are carrying kite surf boards to the water and we see people riding them in the water. We see the board up close. We see a man riding and come to a stop. We see the board up close again. We see the man riding the board in the water again. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.91], [7.26, 18.32], [18.32, 26.96], [27.3, 37.33], [37.67, 55.99], [55.99, 61.52], [61.87, 69.13]], "duration": 69.13, "id": 4755}, {"image_id": "v_XZCmkuDKltY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting before a table with a rubix cube on it and his hands on a platform. He then solves the rubix cube in a matter of seconds and shows off his time to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.34], [2.63, 29.21]], "duration": 29.21, "id": 4756}, {"image_id": "v_UaZcqOngDzo.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are seen riding in a truck moving down a road as well as shots of landscapes and the kids sitting on bikes. Several shots are shown of the kids riding around a dirt track with one another while the camera captures them all over.", "segments": [[1.42, 61.17], [44.81, 139.41]], "duration": 142.25, "id": 4757}, {"image_id": "v_h5fX5z-unJc.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a white shirt is playing pool in a recreation room. There are some other players standing besides the pool table. The man playing pool hits the balls as he continues playing the game.", "segments": [[5.35, 9.61], [9.61, 15.73], [15.73, 16.39]], "duration": 21.85, "id": 4758}, {"image_id": "v_bFHpaULTwsE.mp4", "caption": "A tree and mulching materials are show, then a man prepares the area around the tree. Then the man put mulch around the tree and gives form with a rack.", "segments": [[0, 38.94], [38.94, 74.89]], "duration": 74.89, "id": 4759}, {"image_id": "v_K-E0UXNscjU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen throwing a dart to the board and looking back laughing while another watches from far away. She throws more darts onto the board while stopping to grab them and a man bending down beside her.", "segments": [[0, 20.87], [20.42, 44.4]], "duration": 44.4, "id": 4760}, {"image_id": "v_9Tip00S7cFY.mp4", "caption": "A man is in an indoor racquetball court, talking as he holds a ball and racquet. He lobs the ball back and forth against the wall, interspersed with talking about the game. He speaks for a while longer before the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 5.48], [7.61, 52.33], [53.55, 60.85]], "duration": 60.85, "id": 4761}, {"image_id": "v_tdHQb9Uwc4A.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing on an indoor gym and in sync they both start jumping on their metal bouncy stits and they both do a backflip.Various clips of various different people also wearing the bouncy stilts play and they're all running, flipping and doing various tricks while landing onto blue mats in an indoor gym.Now there are a lot of people outdoors, both men and women, and they are all running, hopping, jumping, and doing flips outdoors. A large group of them all line up and a view from above show that they have formed the number 7. Various still shot pictures show and clips of more people outdoors in a different area play and they're all also jumping over poles, doing flips, jumps, running and etcetera.Now there are people jumping into the water with their bouncy stilts, then back in a large grassy area until a black screen appears and a lot of white words and websites scroll quickly from bottom to top.", "segments": [[0, 5.59], [5.59, 37.27], [37.27, 68.95], [68.95, 89.45], [89.45, 150.95], [150.95, 186.36]], "duration": 186.36, "id": 4762}, {"image_id": "v_zxm4KYn7r8c.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera in various clips as well as shooting a bow and arrow. The man demonstrates several times how to properly shoot a bow in different locations while looking back to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 66.32], [57.54, 195.05]], "duration": 195.05, "id": 4763}, {"image_id": "v_-ROljbRVlos.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing on a court wearing stilts on his feet. The boy then begins running down the court on the stilts. The boy dunks a small ball into the basket and walks back to grab it.", "segments": [[0.07, 2.42], [1.77, 5.24], [3.94, 6.79]], "duration": 7.22, "id": 4764}, {"image_id": "v_h_Kt_rqmODs.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking along the street that has chalk on it. A person in a red shirt is hopping along the street with the chalk on it. They finish and smile at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 17.76], [18.12, 70.32], [69.96, 72.49]], "duration": 72.49, "id": 4765}, {"image_id": "v_G4fSvtn1HAw.mp4", "caption": "This is a recipe for making chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate bars are cut up with a knife. Butter is microwaved and prepared with sugar and other ingredients. Everything is stirred and the chocolate is put in. The cookies are shaped and put in an oven.", "segments": [[0, 193.77], [12.6, 28.1], [33.91, 62.98], [63.94, 134.67], [128.86, 190.86]], "duration": 193.77, "id": 4766}, {"image_id": "v_LIaNG_UliKk.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in the driver's seat. people are in snowy mountain snowboarding.", "segments": [[0, 7.24], [7.24, 206.73]], "duration": 206.73, "id": 4767}, {"image_id": "v_5laHmakSAAg.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of people throwing impressive shots of balls landing into cups. Several people are shown throwing balls into a cup and the camera showing a close up.", "segments": [[1.83, 92.3], [84.99, 178.2]], "duration": 182.77, "id": 4768}, {"image_id": "v_306mYrvdzIk.mp4", "caption": "Four people are in a pool hitting the ball back and forth over the net.As they play,someone walks across the camera and then a set of boys are zoomed in on as they serve the ball.The ball goes out on both sides and they are forced to get out and go and get it.They get the large beach ball back and continue to hit it over the net to one another.", "segments": [[0, 19.5], [19.5, 103.24], [103.24, 161.75], [161.75, 229.43]], "duration": 229.43, "id": 4769}, {"image_id": "v_PJvOR4ue3tU.mp4", "caption": "The man in black shirt is walking and then raised the ball up. The man put the ball on his neck and started to turn around and threw the ball. The man cheered and gave a high five to other man, then he is so happy he went to the ground on his stomach and he continue to cheer.", "segments": [[0, 16.62], [14.61, 47.86], [44.83, 100.75]], "duration": 100.75, "id": 4770}, {"image_id": "v_MVVhOW7t3u0.mp4", "caption": "A track athlete walks down the path. A female participant prepares to run. She runs with a javelin over her shoulder, throwing it as far as she can. She then runs away from the spot on the track.", "segments": [[0, 3.66], [4.71, 7.32], [7.49, 20.22], [21.26, 34.85]], "duration": 34.85, "id": 4771}, {"image_id": "v_6fjc0Brqa7A.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of landscapes are shown followed by a woman speaking to the camera, gearing up, and riding behind a vehicle. The person walks around and interacts with the driver and leads into more clips of the person riding a board behind a car. A man speaks into a walkie talkie and showing the speed of the car as well as people celebrating and the man receiving a plaque.", "segments": [[0.63, 50.68], [44.34, 101.35], [101.35, 121.62]], "duration": 126.69, "id": 4772}, {"image_id": "v_BD4i-g3U5Kw.mp4", "caption": "An ice rink is shown with a hockey game in progress with the first long shot goal is made followed by a replay. A goal by the other team in red shows twice. A heated battle of two teams ends with an orange team player scoring. Two more teams make long scoring shots from left to right. A white teams scores after a player falls on the ice rink. Another few games and a second player falls before a goal. A higher aerial view is seen of the last game to show.", "segments": [[0, 25.42], [25.42, 33.6], [33.6, 62.65], [63.56, 98.97], [100.79, 114.41], [119.86, 138.02], [138.93, 181.6]], "duration": 181.6, "id": 4773}, {"image_id": "v_aBr9bdWrl0I.mp4", "caption": "blonde woman is raking dry leaves in a backyard and dog is playing with them running. dog is unning in the backyard and is drinkin water from a smal fountain and keep running through the field playing with the leaves while the woman keep raking.", "segments": [[0, 39.08], [39.08, 166.3]], "duration": 166.3, "id": 4774}, {"image_id": "v_tnavaGow7BI.mp4", "caption": "Two people are standing behind a counter. One person is adding peppers to a salad. Another person is chopping the pepper on a board.", "segments": [[0, 5.9], [0, 2.06], [1.98, 5.9]], "duration": 5.9, "id": 4775}, {"image_id": "v_LW8UDBQ1yJc.mp4", "caption": "The opening credits for a film appears on the screen. Several young men are shown performing various stunts on skateboards. They jump on tables, over fountains, and down stairs.", "segments": [[0, 21.27], [25.9, 148.91], [152.61, 184.98]], "duration": 184.98, "id": 4776}, {"image_id": "v_-kky8-yaEPg.mp4", "caption": "A man is stirring something in a pot. The first man leaves the scene as a second man enters and stirs something in a bowl. The first man walks into and out of frame. The camera pans left to watch the first man working at an oven.", "segments": [[0, 5.1], [5.29, 26.65], [15.88, 17.01], [26.84, 37.8]], "duration": 37.8, "id": 4777}, {"image_id": "v_hK3E6njydQA.mp4", "caption": "People in uniforms of various characters are shown running around a green field.Then, a lacrosse game begins and they compete against one another.The large yellow character attempts to get a goal but isn't successful and he falls to his knee in disappointment.", "segments": [[0, 22.27], [22.7, 68.53], [68.53, 85.66]], "duration": 85.66, "id": 4778}, {"image_id": "v_ivivR6ZdgRM.mp4", "caption": "A man in a denim shirt and black baseball cap plays the harmonica at the beach in front of a sandy shore, ocean water and a grass and flower covered knoll. The man is standing at the top of a short wooden staircase, and, leaning against the railing the man begins to play the harmonica covering the entire instrument with both hands while playing. A beach goer in shorts walks past him in the distance on the wet sand of the beach. The man continues to play the harmonica ending by pulling the harmonica away from the mouth and wriggling a large, puffy, mustache dramatically.", "segments": [[0.25, 49.78], [0.25, 7.47], [22.4, 24.64], [25.14, 49.78]], "duration": 49.78, "id": 4779}, {"image_id": "v_B6W_0AvgGTY.mp4", "caption": "A man and dog are seen standing in a field with the dog looking to the owner. The man throws a frisbee off into the distance and the dog chases after it. The dog grabs the frisbee and runs back to the man.", "segments": [[0.23, 6.61], [7.08, 18.56], [16.12, 22.39]], "duration": 23.2, "id": 4780}, {"image_id": "v_XuFiQCgRsRo.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is in a gym. She sits on an exercise machine while speaking to the camera. Three other people are near her, also on exercise machines. The woman then begins to use the exercise machine. The video ends with the woman stopping the machine and smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 67.69], [0, 12.52], [14.55, 67.69], [13.54, 67.69], [66.33, 67.69]], "duration": 67.69, "id": 4781}, {"image_id": "v_6SWx37_Byzs.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are seen performing a dancing routine on a floor with one another. The man and woman are also seen in shots dancing by themselves and leads into them dancing together again.", "segments": [[0, 10.16], [11, 33.86]], "duration": 33.86, "id": 4782}, {"image_id": "v_ZREEgMgSz_o.mp4", "caption": "A girl stands in a bathroom talking to the camera as a man films her. The lady wipes her eye makeup off and washes her face. the lady rinses the soap off her face. The lady stands upright and wipes her face with her hands while smiling.", "segments": [[0, 8.08], [2.62, 24.01], [24.45, 37.76], [37.98, 43.65]], "duration": 43.65, "id": 4783}, {"image_id": "v_cfwJd80WCZU.mp4", "caption": "A man walking on metal stilts is bouncing a basketball with his right hand as a man passes him on rollerblades in the opposite direction. The man on stilts turns around while still bouncing the ball, loses control for a little bit, but steps it up and bounces is again. The man then grabs the basketball with two hands and pretends that he's going to throw it towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.83], [4.83, 16.81], [16.81, 17.88]], "duration": 17.88, "id": 4784}, {"image_id": "v_7g3YO0-R4qk.mp4", "caption": "A swimming pool is shown in a room. Men are shown jumping into the pool and swimming laps.", "segments": [[0, 22.04], [22.04, 209.86]], "duration": 209.86, "id": 4785}, {"image_id": "v_SZqwvjwqwK4.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A man is playing the drums while wearing earphones. We see the man's feet in the upper corner. the mans' feet return in the corner. We see a game being played before returning to the drummer. We see another scene from the game. The man throws and catches one of his drumsticks. We see a closing screen with a website on it.", "segments": [[0, 5.57], [6.68, 212.58], [57.88, 60.1], [67.89, 69.01], [125.77, 130.22], [153.59, 155.82], [176.97, 180.31], [217.04, 222.6]], "duration": 222.6, "id": 4786}, {"image_id": "v_g9sYWTE6LTg.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are sitting around while two men bring out a table and a man and woman stand on it. The man and woman speak to the crowd and perform a tango routine while standing on the table the entire time. The people step off the table and bow to the audience clapping and the camera panning around.", "segments": [[0, 21.69], [22.77, 164.84], [164.84, 216.9]], "duration": 216.9, "id": 4787}, {"image_id": "v_w--HmpjK-s8.mp4", "caption": "A man with dreads is talking and getting his instruments together to make some music. he is jamming out in the car very happily. There is a lot of traffic and and ambulence driving by too. He records all of the music on a laptop.", "segments": [[0, 20.29], [20.74, 53.66], [53.21, 68.99], [68.99, 90.19]], "duration": 90.19, "id": 4788}, {"image_id": "v_xcI2e5T_BL0.mp4", "caption": "A man is scooping out the inside of a watermelon. He eats a piece of the watermelon. He draws on the side of the watermelon. He starts cutting out portions of the watermelon to carve it. He pulls out a piece of the watermelon skin. He continues drawing and cutting the watermelon. He shows the carved watermelon. The lights turn off and he shows the carved watermelon.", "segments": [[0, 25.61], [26.06, 26.96], [30.55, 44.48], [45.83, 52.57], [53.92, 57.06], [58.41, 73.69], [75.03, 78.18], [80.43, 89.86]], "duration": 89.86, "id": 4789}, {"image_id": "v_k67UWfSt-iE.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen playing a game of volleyball while people watch along the sidelines. The players hit the ball several times over the net as well as chasing after the ball. The continue to play the game while others cheer and high five one another after.", "segments": [[0.86, 31.5], [27.19, 61.71], [56.1, 82.86]], "duration": 86.31, "id": 4790}, {"image_id": "v_Isx1Q5wyJZg.mp4", "caption": "Two girls spin double jump ropes while a girl in a black skirt jumps and a crowd of spectators watches on. A girl in jeans enters the ropes and performs different jumping moves. A girl in a blue shirt enters the jump ropes and performs different moves while jumping. A girl enters the jump ropes going extra fast speed and performs fast jumps.", "segments": [[0, 28.06], [28.06, 53.96], [53.96, 139.21], [139.21, 215.83]], "duration": 215.82999999999998, "id": 4791}, {"image_id": "v_wC-k0Zfx-cM.mp4", "caption": "People are sumo wrestling on a mat. People are playing the drums. Sumo wrestlers are talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 24.56], [24.12, 26.75], [35.52, 70.6]], "duration": 87.7, "id": 4792}, {"image_id": "v_nOm1JLcBD30.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen riding around bumper cars and crashing into one another. The group continues driving around and passing one another. The people continue driving the cars and passing one another.", "segments": [[0.89, 72.36], [67, 139.35], [118.81, 176.87]], "duration": 178.66, "id": 4793}, {"image_id": "v_BuaWU70q7cE.mp4", "caption": "A teenaged boy and his mother are sitting in bed dressed very relaxed and talking about how to wrap gifts. He gets side tracked on his phone and then gets back to business, they start cutting the wrapping paper. They put the presents in the middle of the paper and try to start wrapping. They seems to have different techniques as the son finishes much faster and mom's comes out looking a little bit better.", "segments": [[0, 19.23], [19.23, 49.55], [49.55, 102.06], [102.06, 147.91]], "duration": 147.91, "id": 4794}, {"image_id": "v_mS7SAG1nW1o.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a stable with a white horse. She shows a collection of brushes and grooming supplies. She pets the horse as she talks, and tries to keep him calm. She uses the brushes to groom him thoroughly, then cleans his hooves.", "segments": [[0, 6.43], [7.35, 32.77], [33.69, 50.54], [50.84, 61.26]], "duration": 61.26, "id": 4795}, {"image_id": "v_cy3a8BJJ-YQ.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting around a poker table with a woman dealing cards in front. The woman deals cards to the people while they put their cards and chips in the middle. The dealer continues playing with the people and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 65.6], [45.85, 100.88], [81.83, 138.97]], "duration": 141.09, "id": 4796}, {"image_id": "v_JZK-HJ-Tdw4.mp4", "caption": "We see an animated opening scene. We see see man run with a pole and perform a high jump. The man knocks the pole down and lays down in disappointment. We see the man holding his pole and make his 2nd attempt knocking over the pole. The man tries a third time and the poles stays up. The man raises his arms in the air. We then see attempt 1,2 and 3 again. The man raises his arms in the air for the crowd. The man throws his arms in the air and falls to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 7.76], [0, 181.84], [18.85, 25.5], [27.72, 54.33], [62.09, 67.63], [67.63, 75.4], [87.59, 221.75], [119.75, 134.16], [216.21, 221.75]], "duration": 221.75, "id": 4797}, {"image_id": "v_cwVZNpqc-mQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is sitting down playing a drum set. He stops playing and starts talking into a microphone.", "segments": [[0, 216.22], [216.22, 236.31]], "duration": 236.31, "id": 4798}, {"image_id": "v_hHiPEAiYKv0.mp4", "caption": "A man is shoveling snow off his driveway in a heavy snow storm. He is wearing winter clothing and his fully covered. Another man is also shoveling snow off of he walkway of the house is not wearing any winter gear. They both continue to shovel and clean the snow in the heavy snow storm.", "segments": [[29.49, 33.64], [33.64, 46.1], [46.1, 59.39], [59.39, 62.29]], "duration": 83.06, "id": 4799}, {"image_id": "v_vbyMT7bdUX4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in front of a table covered in wrapping supplies. She shows off a mug filled with gifts. She places it in cut cellophane, the wraps it around the present. She then ties it off with colorful ribbons.", "segments": [[0, 9.76], [11.39, 18.98], [20.61, 84.6], [86.77, 108.46]], "duration": 108.46000000000001, "id": 4800}, {"image_id": "v_NS8qkB39x9U.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a dark kitchen and leads to the person walking down a set of stairs. Clothes are seen on the floor followed by a woman in curlers smoking a cigarette and playing on the computer. She speaks to the camera and gets a shot of her and the camera man together.", "segments": [[0, 21.45], [11.85, 51.87], [51.23, 64.04]], "duration": 64.04, "id": 4801}, {"image_id": "v_k3MFZmhXynI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen pushing a lawn mower all around a yard while moving around in fast motion. The person continues moving around to cut the grass and the camera captures his movements.", "segments": [[0.58, 15.08], [12.33, 26.68]], "duration": 29.0, "id": 4802}, {"image_id": "v_3vVhq-v5-wM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen grabbing a bowling ball and winding his arm while other people bowl around him. The man throws the ball and hits several pins while running back and cheering to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.32], [9.1, 30.35]], "duration": 30.35, "id": 4803}, {"image_id": "v_14AnvDNV5BI.mp4", "caption": "A young man sits on a cardio machine. Then, the man grans the handle of the machine. After, the man pulls the handle of la machine to do abs.", "segments": [[0.45, 4.02], [4.36, 6.92], [5.92, 22.34]], "duration": 22.34, "id": 4804}, {"image_id": "v_soE6TfvOiIo.mp4", "caption": "A news man is talking in front of an image of a bulldog puppy. Doors open to a store, with various images of people working on different projects. A man shows how he received prostetic legs for the dog. The dog is shown with his new legs as they heal. In the final scene, the dog is walking along with a leashed pet pig.", "segments": [[0, 11.79], [13.56, 56], [58.94, 90.77], [93.72, 106.69], [106.69, 117.89]], "duration": 117.89, "id": 4805}, {"image_id": "v_WYyqptHdgkk.mp4", "caption": "The man is on his feet bouncing towards the camera while standing on a tight flat ribbon that is connected to two very tall rock walls. The man then turns around and starts bouncing on his backside then back and forth onto his feet and backside while holding and letting go of the ribbon. The man continues to do tricks on the tight ribbon until he gets off of the ribbon and walks away smiling.", "segments": [[0, 4.2], [4.2, 7.7], [7, 139.97]], "duration": 139.97, "id": 4806}, {"image_id": "v_YaIuavIbk6A.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about a sporting competition. A woman is interviewing another woman about the competition and all the events. Several clips are shown of people enjoying different sports and activities. After the interview ends, the closing credits are shown with graphics.", "segments": [[0, 4.28], [4.28, 166.18], [23.13, 162.75], [167.03, 171.32]], "duration": 171.32, "id": 4807}, {"image_id": "v_O8tsM_ilGx4.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy riding a horse exits a gate. He ropes a little calf with a lasso. He jumps down and ties up the calf.", "segments": [[0, 4.36], [6.62, 24.98], [25.88, 30.09]], "duration": 30.09, "id": 4808}, {"image_id": "v_poI4vU4k1sY.mp4", "caption": "A cue ball rolls on a table slowly away from the pocket. A man stands holding a touch screen discussing. Men compete and play a games of billiards.", "segments": [[0, 10.4], [11.55, 206.78], [30.04, 159.42]], "duration": 231.04, "id": 4809}, {"image_id": "v__79Qlv1SQ9k.mp4", "caption": "A leg wearing a blue pants with red and white lines is shown, it moves on the snow, the legs were crossed as the lifebuoy moves on the snow. A person from afar is on a lifebuoy sliding on the snow.", "segments": [[4.8, 98.48], [39.03, 98.48]], "duration": 120.09, "id": 4810}, {"image_id": "v_0lYwrXV1R3A.mp4", "caption": "A hockey player is injured and is helped up from the ice by the coach. The hockey player is escorted from the ice by the coach. A replay shows the hockey player being hit in the face by the puck and he falls to the ice. The teams stand together around a circle and face off to start the match. Hockey player play a game and skate around the ice passing back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 19.01], [19.01, 53.36], [55.55, 75.29], [82.6, 98.68], [107.45, 146.19]], "duration": 146.19, "id": 4811}, {"image_id": "v_8ErMpNsK3_c.mp4", "caption": "A little girl swings across the monkey bars on a playground. Her mother talks as she watches her slide to the ground and start again.", "segments": [[0, 16.99], [17.16, 33]], "duration": 33.0, "id": 4812}, {"image_id": "v_UZIs0_W2Akw.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a horse is shown followed by a woman walking into frame and brushing the horse. She continues brushing the horse in various spots and ends with her feeding the horse.", "segments": [[0, 42.89], [38.9, 99.75]], "duration": 99.75, "id": 4813}, {"image_id": "v_AJ_QqCET1iY.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps onto a balance beam. He does a gymnastics routine on the balance beam. He dismounts and lands on a blue mat. He waves at the crowd and walks off.", "segments": [[6.63, 15.15], [14.84, 53.35], [53.35, 55.24], [55.88, 63.14]], "duration": 63.14, "id": 4814}, {"image_id": "v_TxxUmibEy9Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing and walking inside a store. She walks up to a man and shakes his hand. She walks away, perusing the items on the shelves before leaning onto the counter, flexing her biceps. The woman shows the man her biceps before engaging in arm wrestling with him. She sits beside the counter, continuing to talk with him for a while.", "segments": [[0, 18.92], [23.66, 62.45], [63.4, 132.47], [135.31, 162.75], [163.7, 189.24]], "duration": 189.24, "id": 4815}, {"image_id": "v_qZTAv1s_eBQ.mp4", "caption": "man is running wearing stilts in a green grassy field. cars are parked on side of a street in the background.man get ous the grass and runs into a street.", "segments": [[0, 84.27], [0, 83.42], [63.62, 84.27]], "duration": 84.27, "id": 4816}, {"image_id": "v_Nr49JFixNE4.mp4", "caption": "People are standing in a gymnasium talking. They start running and throwing balls at each other.", "segments": [[0, 44.07], [45.8, 172.83]], "duration": 172.82999999999998, "id": 4817}, {"image_id": "v_XJ-knBky6S0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing at the end of a dock and looking back to people partying. The man walks up and sees two people performing martial arts in the middle of a circle. The people continuing moving around while others watch on the side and the soldier joining in as well.", "segments": [[1.43, 35.68], [29.26, 103.46], [77.78, 139.14]], "duration": 142.71, "id": 4818}, {"image_id": "v_EMOfWVKMqDM.mp4", "caption": "There's a young woman who is curling in a curling rink. There are several other players who are also curling. Various pictures of that same woman are being shown posing for some sort of photo shoot. The woman seems a bit distressed about the game. She is posing for a photo shoot with a curling rock.", "segments": [[11.09, 23.14], [23.14, 33.75], [33.75, 48.22], [48.22, 85.34], [85.34, 92.09]], "duration": 96.43, "id": 4819}, {"image_id": "v_abWGVKYPffM.mp4", "caption": "A man is using a weed whacker to trim bushes. He turns away from the bushes and cuts weeds on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 4.63], [4.85, 22.04]], "duration": 22.04, "id": 4820}, {"image_id": "v_c3lo99rni-o.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a kitchen talking to the camera holding a bag of pasta. woman grab some pasta and put them in boiled water. woman grab one spaghetti and eats it to see if is cooked and explain how to know it. throw the water in the sink and grate cheese in pasta and a little oegano and serve it in a white plate.", "segments": [[0, 28.14], [28.14, 103.17], [103.17, 152.15], [152.15, 208.42]], "duration": 208.42000000000002, "id": 4821}, {"image_id": "v_cWdWucjUhks.mp4", "caption": "A person does a routine on parallel bars. He does his routine and then dismounts.", "segments": [[0, 38.3], [33.77, 69.64]], "duration": 69.64, "id": 4822}, {"image_id": "v_cUEGoRjraxM.mp4", "caption": "Dog owner stand with and hold their dogs. People play with their dogs in a park with obstacles. A group holds signs with a dog on a city sidewalk.", "segments": [[3.33, 151.65], [41.66, 71.66], [81.66, 83.33]], "duration": 166.65, "id": 4823}, {"image_id": "v_Q3cc0HlO7so.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are seen standing on a stage with a spotlight shown on them. The duo begin playing instruments together while looking at one another as well as the camera. The two continue playing with one another and pause to look at the camera.", "segments": [[1.44, 59.58], [33.74, 107.68], [66.76, 139.26]], "duration": 143.57, "id": 4824}, {"image_id": "v_Vi2gzCrS-fE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen cutting up a tomato and demonstrating how the knife works on a piece of paper. The person then sharpens the blade on a coffee mug and cuts through the paper.", "segments": [[0, 44.63], [51.06, 75.65]], "duration": 75.65, "id": 4825}, {"image_id": "v_IVHmmp3Nsd4.mp4", "caption": "The words \"Abstract Birds/Oil Painting Katy Jade Dobson\" appear on screen. Dobson sketches out a design on white canvas and starts painting it. She stands by her finished work as paint drips in lines down the canvas.", "segments": [[0, 2.02], [2.02, 170.06], [171.07, 202.46]], "duration": 202.46, "id": 4826}, {"image_id": "v_SfiAcQAPpQ8.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing behind a bar. He puts ice into the glass and pours drinks into it. He stirs it with a straw.", "segments": [[0, 82.27], [21.39, 43.6], [43.6, 49.36]], "duration": 82.27, "id": 4827}, {"image_id": "v_23ApAC123aQ.mp4", "caption": "The scene opens up with a carwash and and advertisement. Two men are talking while one is sitting in his car. A man is cleaning a car and talking to the camera. The car is dried and vacuumed, then on to the next car. The customer is handed his keys and he is on his way with a clean car. Two men are messing around while cleaning the car. A sign shows the services they offer.", "segments": [[0, 8.02], [8.02, 15.38], [15.38, 57.51], [57.51, 75.57], [75.57, 88.94], [88.94, 111.68], [111.68, 133.75]], "duration": 133.75, "id": 4828}, {"image_id": "v_Tm0jUAQf6zY.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is standing in her living room holding a baton horizontal to her neck while a cat on the ground is moving about. The girl then unbends her arm, lets the baton roll to her hands then begins to do a series of twirling the baton.The cat below walks in and out of the screen while she's twirling the baton and even throws it up in the air, catches it then continues to twirl it.", "segments": [[0, 15.73], [15.73, 42.59], [42.59, 131.05]], "duration": 131.05, "id": 4829}, {"image_id": "v_6YmUCNIMpB4.mp4", "caption": "A man bends on front a hedge holding an electric cutter. The man cuts a long hedge of a garden using an electric cutter. Then, the man removes leaves on top the hedge with his hand.", "segments": [[0, 1.25], [1.25, 17.69], [17.55, 27.59]], "duration": 27.86, "id": 4830}, {"image_id": "v_GhvNhbL2ivg.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in a room playing congas.keyboard is behind the man playing congsa in a room. man is playing salsa in congas in a music room.", "segments": [[0, 150.65], [0, 146.13], [4.52, 150.65]], "duration": 150.65, "id": 4831}, {"image_id": "v_Vcxv3nyZpSs.mp4", "caption": "A girl is riding on a yellow riding lawn mower on a very large yard filled with green grass. When the girl reaches the end of the yard she makes a turn and drives up in the same direction she just came from.When she reaches that end, she makes a turn but it's too tight and she reverses a little.The girl then makes her turn in the opposite direction once again and when she reaches half way down the yard she turns once again and heads up the direction she just came from.", "segments": [[0, 3.36], [3.36, 14.21], [14.21, 19.81], [19.81, 37.38]], "duration": 37.39, "id": 4832}, {"image_id": "v_bNh4SQ2nR80.mp4", "caption": "A video is shown for how to do a frizz free blowout. After washing and conditioning, product is applied and blow dried. Then the rest of the procedure is completed.", "segments": [[0.83, 153.79], [0, 77.31], [92.27, 166.25]], "duration": 166.26, "id": 4833}, {"image_id": "v_eMkBTRYwBAU.mp4", "caption": "A man in ski jacket on a snowboard holds onto a rope attached to a truck. The truck starts driving and the man is pulled behind on the tow rope. The man maneuvers to pull up parallel with the truck and alternates going back and forth behind the truck. The man slows down before he lets go of the tow rope and comes to a stop.", "segments": [[0, 19.59], [20.57, 35.27], [35.27, 160.66], [161.64, 195.93]], "duration": 195.93, "id": 4834}, {"image_id": "v_xFDQTAemadA.mp4", "caption": "A guy is on a horse with a white long rope that has a big circle tied at the end and seems to be waiting for some blue gates to open.The blue gates open and a little bull runs out and the guy on the horse chase it down.the guy the tosses the rope and catch the bull around the neck while the or end of the rope is tied to the horse.The guy then jumps off the horse,runs to the bull and flip it on his back then tie the bulls legs together.the guy then gets back on his horse while two other guys free the bull from the rope tie and take it away.", "segments": [[0, 31.49], [31.49, 33.78], [34.35, 35.49], [36.64, 56.68], [62.4, 114.5]], "duration": 114.5, "id": 4835}, {"image_id": "v_pmbHoeudjKc.mp4", "caption": "A lady is walking across a lawn. A guy runs and stops on the lawn. A man is standing on a track. The man runs on the track, jumps, and lands in a sand box. The man gets up, falls to the ground, and lays there.", "segments": [[0, 5.82], [2.42, 5.14], [0, 2.8], [3.02, 9.15], [9.83, 15.12]], "duration": 15.12, "id": 4836}, {"image_id": "v_UnZtNrtvSPA.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in front of the camera in a white room playing with her hair. woman is sitting in a shair and a woman behind her start grabbing a small section of he hair doing a braid and anchoring it with a bobby pin and decorating it with hair pins.", "segments": [[0, 8.4], [8.4, 93.32]], "duration": 93.32, "id": 4837}, {"image_id": "v_9029wVyGkvg.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of the camera before being shown playing a game of basketball while punching a man with a pair of boxing gloves. The two men shake hands.", "segments": [[0, 96.45], [98.69, 112.15]], "duration": 112.15, "id": 4838}, {"image_id": "v_NWbWuVtgt9Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a bench holding a guitar and speaking to the camera. He points to microphones in front of him and begins strumming the guitar. The man continues to play while moving his hands all around and stopping to look at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 81.46], [73.65, 162.93], [117.18, 209.8]], "duration": 223.19, "id": 4839}, {"image_id": "v_Oz4q98BhqKo.mp4", "caption": "We see people standing in an aerobics class. The teacher starts and the class follows. While standing on the step the people swing their hands. The class swings their arms again. The man in red walks off to the left. The class finishes and stop dancing. The teacher walks to turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.1], [8.16, 200.84], [69.32, 72.38], [148.84, 151.9], [195.74, 201.86], [195.74, 200.84], [199.82, 203.9]], "duration": 203.9, "id": 4840}, {"image_id": "v_OW_iCiS_U4Y.mp4", "caption": "A female swimmer is standing on a diving board in a black swim suit and she jumps off doing multiple flips.She is then shown on ground level talking and wiping her face with a towel.All of a sudden,she returns back to the diving board and does a crazy flip where her knees are tucked in and she's doing several flips and then men applaud her and there's an instant replay.The routine continues and the girl attempts to do more flips and the people react the same way and she puts her hand up to her mouth in awe.", "segments": [[0, 15.79], [14.95, 47.36], [47.36, 113.82], [113.82, 166.16]], "duration": 166.16, "id": 4841}, {"image_id": "v_mlUg8iMtew0.mp4", "caption": "Various text intros lead into pictures of a girl and paint close up. A person is then seen painting on a piece of paper using different colors. The person continues painting with text shown and blending in the paint.", "segments": [[2.04, 54.98], [37.67, 125.22], [107.92, 190.38]], "duration": 203.62, "id": 4842}, {"image_id": "v_xUKQWr2aLTU.mp4", "caption": "The video is about Bristol BMX Club holding a biking event. There's a man drawing a white starting line on the ground for the race. The bikers get ready to begin their race. They start the race and go through ramps and bumps. The bikers are from various age groups ranging from teenagers to adults. The races continue as the bikers make their way through the obstacle course of going over ramps and bumps.", "segments": [[16.52, 25.26], [25.26, 70.93], [70.93, 112.71], [112.71, 137], [137, 170.04], [170.04, 184.61]], "duration": 194.33, "id": 4843}, {"image_id": "v_NogC2IkaaAI.mp4", "caption": "A couple of sumo wrestlers are on a stage. They engage in a wrestling match together. A please stand by sign appears as technical problems are encountered.", "segments": [[0, 2.11], [3.2, 9.67], [10.97, 14.54]], "duration": 14.54, "id": 4844}, {"image_id": "v_bz62JE0qMSk.mp4", "caption": "little kid is standing in a pool poining out a yellow bucket in the water and other peolpe is sitting in benches around the pool. woman is carrying the child on his back and then she is with a man and the kid riding bikes in the park. kid is running inside a roofed basket court. kid is laying with a tennis racket.", "segments": [[0, 9.62], [9.62, 24.04], [24.04, 59.63], [59.63, 192.36]], "duration": 192.36, "id": 4845}, {"image_id": "v_joehK-w2bCc.mp4", "caption": "A man is walking in a room. A girl is dancing in front of a mirror in the room. He watches her from outside the room.", "segments": [[0, 13.33], [13.33, 63.31], [71.09, 74.05]], "duration": 74.05, "id": 4846}, {"image_id": "v_woRQ2JxcVHA.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in black plays a saxophone on a pool patio. The saxophone player glances over to his keyboard player.The camera pans over to the keyboard player playing a Korg electric piano.", "segments": [[0, 20.64], [20.64, 26.69], [27.13, 29.49]], "duration": 29.49, "id": 4847}, {"image_id": "v_ofrX4WyAM-0.mp4", "caption": "The lady talks to the camera. We then see a pot. We see spaghetti in a box. We see salt in a cup. The water is boiling in the bot. She adds salt to the pot. She adds pasta to the water. We see the pasta box up close. We see the lady set the timer. She takes the pasta out of the pot. She talks and waves bye to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 11.67], [11.67, 14.78], [15.17, 19.06], [19.06, 23.34], [23.73, 27.23], [27.23, 30.74], [30.74, 36.18], [36.57, 42.8], [43.19, 49.41], [49.41, 64.58], [70.03, 75.48]], "duration": 77.81, "id": 4848}, {"image_id": "v_biAQgXDFskw.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are seen standing in the middle of a floor with a woman speaking to the camera and leading into her dancing with the man. The two spin and dance around one another and ends by walking away from each other.", "segments": [[0.94, 40.73], [27.62, 91.76]], "duration": 93.64, "id": 4849}, {"image_id": "v_PcGzPNEnVD0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while standing next to a car with an open trunk. The man then unscrews a tire and lifts the car with a jack. The man takes the tire off and puts a new one on, ending by screwing it into place. He takes off the jack and finishes by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.01, 50.58], [45.53, 95.1], [94.09, 163.89], [161.87, 200.32]], "duration": 202.34, "id": 4850}, {"image_id": "v_p6jip892RdM.mp4", "caption": "a bicycle is shown in a dark room. man is wearing motobike clothes and is riding a motorbike in a field. man is doing high jumps on the motorbike practicig motocross in a dusty field.", "segments": [[0, 13.44], [13.44, 206.71], [40.31, 206.71]], "duration": 206.71, "id": 4851}, {"image_id": "v_opCMfcAl7yw.mp4", "caption": "A large group of flags is shown. Several swimmers are swimming in the pool. They swim competitively, shown from underneath.", "segments": [[0, 9.5], [13.73, 116.16], [122.5, 211.2]], "duration": 211.2, "id": 4852}, {"image_id": "v_b2eonKWCocE.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown speedily raking leaves in his front yard. Several cars go by as he continues raking. He rakes around the bushes and tree in his yard. A woman appears and helps him rake and bag the leaves. They take the bags away when they are done. They stand in front of the camera and pose with the rake.", "segments": [[0, 16.46], [22.73, 60.36], [61.93, 97.99], [101.12, 130.91], [130.91, 137.18], [138.75, 156.78]], "duration": 156.78, "id": 4853}, {"image_id": "v_RJus6sogyiM.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking in a yard while recording it with a camera. The person gets a tray of white paint and paints a fence.", "segments": [[0, 6.85], [6.85, 85.59]], "duration": 85.59, "id": 4854}, {"image_id": "v_HdOylJP08Lk.mp4", "caption": "man is walking in a casino watching the pople and the machines. woman is sitting in a black jack table and is talking to men. woman is smiling and stretching her arm behind her back. man sits in a table and start playing black jack in a casino.", "segments": [[0, 39.45], [13.76, 19.27], [22.02, 34.87], [39.45, 183.51]], "duration": 183.51, "id": 4855}, {"image_id": "v_nd50oUKdygI.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera from a kitchen. The man demonstrates sharpening a knife with several sharpening tools. The man talks to the camera again. The man sharpens and then holds up a knife. Several types of knife storage options are displayed. The man talks to the camera some more.", "segments": [[0, 26.25], [26.25, 62.75], [62.75, 86.44], [74.27, 80.04], [86.44, 112.05], [112.69, 119.74]], "duration": 128.06, "id": 4856}, {"image_id": "v_OKTxSQMS560.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen with a dog. We see a lady in a nurse shirt talking and two dogs in a kitchen. The lady has a small wet dog she is vacuuming on table and is brushing the dog. We see the dogs running around on the kitchen floor. We see the lady shave a dogs fur and brush the dog. We then see the dogs on the floor again. We see the lady and her contact info over her face.", "segments": [[0, 5.19], [5.19, 87.24], [88.27, 125.66], [125.66, 148.51], [149.55, 171.35], [174.47, 194.2], [194.2, 207.7]], "duration": 207.7, "id": 4857}, {"image_id": "v_eQnwUWfah9w.mp4", "caption": "An ad for football appears on the screen. Several men are playing football indoors. They kick the ball back and forth while some people watch on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0, 22.72], [24.4, 115.28], [118.64, 168.29]], "duration": 168.29, "id": 4858}, {"image_id": "v_xCplsH6deic.mp4", "caption": "A baseball player hits a run on a sporting field and runs the bases making a home run. Players kick a ball and run the bases on a baseball field. The catcher has fun while dancing. A kick is caught midair by the baseman and the player is out.", "segments": [[0, 16.1], [18.3, 73.19], [47.21, 53.06], [54.53, 59.28]], "duration": 73.19, "id": 4859}, {"image_id": "v_P7kSJ8SRNHQ.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen sitting in a swing. The child moves back and fourth on the swing while a laughing. A person's hand is seen pushing the child as she moves back and fourth.", "segments": [[0.41, 37.62], [7.16, 27.6], [19.01, 39.66]], "duration": 40.89, "id": 4860}, {"image_id": "v_6gZuc4umTPk.mp4", "caption": "Two young girls are seen speaking to the camera and playing with one another. One girl then pulls out a bottle of nail polish while the other waves to the camera. More clips are shown of one girl attempting to paint the nails of the other and ends by waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 67.61], [51.29, 155.03], [129.39, 219.14]], "duration": 233.13, "id": 4861}, {"image_id": "v_CCMtNNSzHw8.mp4", "caption": "A lady is wiping her face. A little girl is applying makeup to her face. The mother does the girls makeup. The girls admires her reflection. The girl grabs her toothbrush.", "segments": [[0, 60.65], [3.06, 63.1], [71.68, 89.45], [90.06, 108.44], [113.95, 122.53]], "duration": 122.53, "id": 4862}, {"image_id": "v_VToS7Ma-V4g.mp4", "caption": "The woman is positioned to take off on the race track and the man moves out of the way for her to go. Then she speeds off and does the triple jump into the sand making it all the way to the end of the 16 inch ruler. Next she is shown standing off the track smiling with her arms raised in the air filled with joy.", "segments": [[0, 3.94], [3.94, 15.51], [15.51, 49.23]], "duration": 49.23, "id": 4863}, {"image_id": "v_kCOMyIb7f0Q.mp4", "caption": "People are skiing in doors in between each other. A button is pushed on a machine. People walk into a cabin. A person is trying on skis. Other people are practicing skiing on a motor belt.", "segments": [[0, 25.54], [19.16, 35.58], [29.19, 52.91], [40.14, 95.78], [103.99, 182.44]], "duration": 182.44, "id": 4864}, {"image_id": "v_KBxE7NIOkf8.mp4", "caption": "Men stand on a steel platform high in the area and an instructor talks. A man is seated on the edge of the platform and holds onto large ropes. A patron runs and jumps from the platform wearing a budgie cord and he bounces on it as he reaches the bottom.", "segments": [[2.02, 25.22], [25.55, 35.64], [33.29, 67.25]], "duration": 67.25, "id": 4865}, {"image_id": "v_mdv8UW_871g.mp4", "caption": "We see a boat pulling out of the dock. We see the boat driving as a person jet skis behind it. We see the skier without the boat. We see the boat from above again. The skier falls into the water. We see the skier ski and perform 4 flips. We see the skier ski. We see the skier swim towards the boat. A person in the boat raises their hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 8.02], [8.63, 28.99], [28.99, 44.41], [44.41, 74.01], [53.04, 56.74], [74.01, 91.89], [91.89, 107.31], [107.31, 118.41], [119.03, 123.35]], "duration": 123.35, "id": 4866}, {"image_id": "v_MPolPBO-K-Y.mp4", "caption": "The man in black shirt is playing guitar in the studio. The man is strumming the guitar. The man is pressing the thread on the guitar keys as he strum the guitar.", "segments": [[0, 170.51], [23.87, 165.39], [43.48, 165.39]], "duration": 170.51, "id": 4867}, {"image_id": "v_XsCND4lDiqA.mp4", "caption": "An old man threw the yellow ball in the cup and it bounced back on the table. The old man in black shirt threw the ball and landed on the table. A man threw the ball back and the man in black shirt take the ball from the cup and threw it but landed outside the table.", "segments": [[0, 51.73], [43.24, 110.41], [73.35, 154.41]], "duration": 154.41, "id": 4868}, {"image_id": "v_84uYA9rFoSw.mp4", "caption": "A woman bends over in a ballet pose. She then faces the camera talking. She displays more ballet moves. She finishes with the low fifth position.", "segments": [[0, 3.49], [4.8, 13.09], [13.09, 87.25], [73.29, 87.25]], "duration": 87.25, "id": 4869}, {"image_id": "v_uj0UBMgR2gk.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in an orchestra making faces. The man then stands and plays the violin. We see people at lockers. We go back to the man playing the violin. We see the people in the locker. We see the playing man and then the crowd stands and claps. The man smiles and waves.", "segments": [[0, 10.41], [10.41, 31.76], [31.76, 37.24], [44.91, 64.62], [64.07, 87.62], [87.62, 105.7], [106.79, 109.53]], "duration": 109.53, "id": 4870}, {"image_id": "v_WiGOn6O-S1g.mp4", "caption": "There are several swimmers standing on the tallest diving board of a swimming pool. The divers are getting ready to dive into the pool. One of the divers dives and jumps into the pool from a great height.", "segments": [[3.61, 8.07], [8.07, 14.03], [14.03, 15.2]], "duration": 15.67, "id": 4871}, {"image_id": "v_bDTQVC0ASbE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red apron is talking. He is rubbing something on a board and ironing it. He's scraping the top of the board he ironed.", "segments": [[8.72, 25.18], [27.12, 133.67], [133.67, 193.73]], "duration": 193.73, "id": 4872}, {"image_id": "v_m7wfcL6YSMY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen riding on a camel behind another man on a camel. She looks back and smiles to the camera while it pans around the area. Another person is seen riding from behind while people hold onto the camels.", "segments": [[0, 7.38], [8.03, 20.18], [16.71, 41.01]], "duration": 43.4, "id": 4873}, {"image_id": "v_-xQvJmC2jhk.mp4", "caption": "Two women in a child are shown in a canoe while a man pulls the canoe while standing in the water, with other individuals visible in the background. The child and a different man sit in a canoe while the man paddles. The camera pans to show the first man in the foreground. The child and the first man are in a canoe while the first man paddles. A series of still images of the various people shown during the video are shown.", "segments": [[6.18, 13.79], [13.79, 49.92], [40.89, 49.92], [48.97, 66.08], [66.56, 95.09]], "duration": 95.09, "id": 4874}, {"image_id": "v_cqVvHj1oC-8.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen hosting a news segment that leads into clips of people scraping off their cars. A woman is seen speaking to the camera while scraping off her car and holding up products to help. More people are seen speaking to the camera and showing off their methods of melting ice and leading back to the two reporters.", "segments": [[3.37, 92.16], [80.92, 170.83], [161.83, 220.27]], "duration": 224.77, "id": 4875}, {"image_id": "v_NiaE7amNW7s.mp4", "caption": "A young female gymnast wearing red prepares for her balance beam routine in the Olympics. The female gymnast runs to the springboard and jumps from it to the balance beam. The female gymnast then does her tumbling routine on the balance beam while commentators explain what she is doing and how difficult it is. A huge crowd watches and cheers the gymnast on. An Asian man walks to the balance beam and pulls the springboard away from the beam. The gymnast performs a difficult tumbling sequence and the crowd cheers louder than before. People in the crowd that is watching the gymnast enter the gym and find seats while others stand up and exit the gym. Another female gymnast walks past the balance beam in the background. The female gymnast prepares for her dismount. The female gymnast runs and completes a tumbling sequence to exit the balance beam. The female gymnast lands perfectly and throws her arms straight up in the air with a huge smile on her face Other gymnasts in the background watch and clap. A large group of photographers watch and take photographs of the gymnast. The gymnast waves while spinning in a circle and then runs to the side of the gym floor. Three Asian gymnasts in yellow watch and clap without smiling. The gymnast in red hugs and talks to her other teammates and her coach while several photographers take photos of her. The commentators replay several of the gymnasts more difficult tumbling sequences and her dismount in slow motion while explaining what she is doing. The female gymnast hugs another coach and another one of her teammates while a man films them with a large camera. All of the gymnasts on the United States team and their coaches walk through the gym while the crowd cheers very loudly. Several gymnasts from other teams also walk past. The female gymnast talks with her team while waiting for her score to be displayed.", "segments": [[0, 5.7], [5.7, 8.55], [0, 84.5], [0, 81.65], [7.6, 13.29], [28.48, 30.38], [13.29, 83.55], [37.03, 38.93], [85.45, 87.35], [87.35, 90.2], [90.2, 92.1], [89.25, 92.1], [93.05, 95.9], [95.9, 100.64], [101.59, 117.73], [119.63, 159.51], [162.36, 167.11], [169, 182.3], [179.45, 187.04], [184.2, 189.89]], "duration": 189.89, "id": 4876}, {"image_id": "v_cSCskKqO7CE.mp4", "caption": " A little girl demonstrates how to apply make up using a mini makeup kit as a makeup source, all while talking to the camera. A little girl talks to the camera and then leans into the camera in a close up shot. The little girl pulls out a colorful make up palette and shows the camera the inside of the palette before beginning to apply some of the make up to her eyes. The girl then applies black mascara to her eyelashes and some eyeshadow and lip gloss taking breaks after the applications to talk to the camera. The little girl gives a final thumbs up and blows kisses to the camera before talking more and smiling as the scene fades out.", "segments": [[0, 170.58], [0, 10.34], [11.2, 58.58], [58.58, 141.29], [143.01, 171.44]], "duration": 172.31, "id": 4877}, {"image_id": "v_RpyRgnHdUXc.mp4", "caption": "A man sits on a rowing machine in a gym and talks to the camera while demonstrating how to use a rowing exercise machine. The man begins to exercise on the machine slowly , all while talking to the camera, eventually building up to a more fast paced work out on the same machine. The man begins to demonstrate how to use the digital panel on the exercise machine by pointing at it and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.72, 169.27], [27.5, 122.87], [123.73, 169.27]], "duration": 171.85, "id": 4878}, {"image_id": "v_8QbHeaXOJOA.mp4", "caption": "A kite is shown high in the air. A man is holding the kite before letting it go. It spins high into the air and flips in circles and angles, bouncing off the ground.", "segments": [[0, 16.84], [23.16, 121.07], [125.28, 210.56]], "duration": 210.56, "id": 4879}, {"image_id": "v_9YYypM0JvUM.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a gym holding up a large bicycle wheel moving his hands along the tube inside the rubber.The man continuously performs the action as he moves the circle around on his knee.After, the man picks up a yellow object and starts to tighten the spokes on the wheel and sealing the lifting the rubber up.", "segments": [[0, 33.17], [33.75, 69.25], [69.25, 116.38]], "duration": 116.38, "id": 4880}, {"image_id": "v_IRz9PYgpb8U.mp4", "caption": "A man uses a trimmer to trim the leaves on a tree in a backyard, starting in the middle. He moves to his left to continue trimming the tree.", "segments": [[0, 1.93], [3.31, 10.17]], "duration": 10.17, "id": 4881}, {"image_id": "v__Y4czVoIxvE.mp4", "caption": "Two women are standing inside a house. They show off a canvas tile. They then show how they made the tile and laid it out on the ground, piecing it together like a puzzle. They sit on top talking about it before moving the furniture back in place on top of it.", "segments": [[0, 13.24], [15.13, 19.86], [33.1, 133.33], [143.74, 189.13]], "duration": 189.13, "id": 4882}, {"image_id": "v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4", "caption": "A fluffy dog is standing on a sidewalk with a child behind it. The dog begins walking on the sidewalk and closely behind him a child is riding on a scooter as the dog walks.", "segments": [[0, 1.97], [1.9, 14.05]], "duration": 14.05, "id": 4883}, {"image_id": "v_V7C34-4tBok.mp4", "caption": "A sink is shown full of dirty dishes and leads into various products shown off. A person then scrubs the dishes and begins putting some of them into a bucket. They wash the dishes continuously while stacking them in a rack off to the side.", "segments": [[0, 33.35], [28.43, 82.56], [74.36, 108.26]], "duration": 109.36, "id": 4884}, {"image_id": "v_ze6Bu0bcNbg.mp4", "caption": "A Phillips three headed razor is shown and then un-boxed on a red table.Next,the razor is assembled and place on its charge to charge once it is plugged in.Once fully charged,the man rinses the razors,applies shaving cream to this beard area and start to shave.As he is shaving,the man continues to talk and his face begins to turn a little big razor and the razor is then placed back on the charger.", "segments": [[0, 49.05], [50.22, 103.95], [103.95, 175.19], [175.19, 233.59]], "duration": 233.59, "id": 4885}, {"image_id": "v_uRcVktMzlUc.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a stage in front of an american flag while reading into a microphone from a piece of paper. He then is shown in front of a crowd as they scream behind him. The men walk out, and begin competing in a dart throwing challenge. The winner is interviewed afterward.", "segments": [[0, 16.31], [20.97, 75.71], [78.04, 202.68], [207.34, 232.97]], "duration": 232.97, "id": 4886}, {"image_id": "v_b_v5uGSheEw.mp4", "caption": "The Bali River tubing information is shown on the screen. There's a yellow and red tube shown with the name Bali River printed on it. There are several people wearing protective helmets tubing in the river. There's a man standing under a pipe with fast flowing water. There are some tubers paddling through the water with their hands. There's a man relaxing in his tube giving a thumbs up. The tubers continue tubing through the river.", "segments": [[0, 1.21], [0.86, 3.8], [4.14, 31.92], [21.05, 22.43], [23.12, 25.53], [24.15, 28.98], [28.81, 34.51]], "duration": 34.51, "id": 4887}, {"image_id": "v_KlmlCbJup5A.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing a mask and pushing an object along a wall. The man is then seen laying out paper across a table. He shortly after puts wallpaper up on the wall.", "segments": [[0.98, 16.37], [14.17, 37.88], [34.46, 47.41]], "duration": 48.88, "id": 4888}, {"image_id": "v_buhaBimF4M0.mp4", "caption": "A woman on roller blades moves backwards, falls on the grass and laughs. A friend is talking with the fallen woman as she tries to get up. A friend talks to her while holding the camera and offers her a hand to get up. Two women hold hand and start rollerblading, while the girl in the red shirt learns how. The girl in the red shirt falls and they all laugh.", "segments": [[0, 12.58], [9.43, 20.96], [15.72, 29.35], [35.64, 199.15], [201.24, 209.63]], "duration": 209.63, "id": 4889}, {"image_id": "v_7UrJuhFvlQ4.mp4", "caption": "A leaf blower is shown blowing a large pile of leaves across a green lawn in front of residential houses. The leaves fly up in the air but stick largely together as the the leaf blower wipes the ground clean of brown leaves and starts to form piles on the lawn. The camera occasionally and finally settles on a yellow riding lawn mower sitting in the yard beyond the piles of leaves.", "segments": [[0, 90.08], [1.82, 85.98], [87.35, 90.53]], "duration": 90.99, "id": 4890}, {"image_id": "v_vxJlOKF1VB4.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl with purple hair talking to the camera. We see the girl looking down at the camera. We see the girl pretend to brush and spray her hair. She holds 2 bottle to the camera. The girl brushes her hair and puts it in a ponytail. The girl adds products to her hair. The girl points at the camera. The girl gives the camera a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 229.83], [14.94, 28.73], [29.88, 44.82], [45.97, 63.2], [75.84, 86.19], [78.14, 83.89], [156.29, 160.88], [198.8, 201.1]], "duration": 229.82999999999998, "id": 4891}, {"image_id": "v_rAL6jEy54Tk.mp4", "caption": "man is standing on a room playing dart. man is throwing darts into a dartboard. the man grabs the darts from the board and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 32.09], [0, 9.95], [17.01, 32.09]], "duration": 32.09, "id": 4892}, {"image_id": "v_pMCPCsvxRBw.mp4", "caption": "There are people working in a drink food stand filling cups, shaking cups, holding cups or just walking around. A young man fills a clear cup with liquid, puts it on the counter, covers it with a paper cup, shakes it vigorously, and when he's done he puts the paper cup down and pours all the contents into it, puts a yellow straw into it and hands it to the person waiting.Next to him another boy was also shaking a cup, and then preparing to transfer the contents to a paper cup.", "segments": [[0, 55.75], [13.94, 54.64], [36.24, 55.75]], "duration": 55.75, "id": 4893}, {"image_id": "v_cmzEDurFcwI.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt talks next to a air hockey table game in a showcase room, interspersed with video of four men demonstrating a game of air table hockey. A man begins speaking from a showroom, while standing in front of a air hockey table game. The camera cuts away to show four men playing a game of air hockey with the table game. The man speaks again, next to the table game, until the camera pans away again to the men playing air hockey until the scene fades to an elaborate Gold Standard Games marketing graphic.", "segments": [[11.36, 118.43], [14.95, 28.71], [29.91, 42.47], [43.66, 116.04]], "duration": 119.63, "id": 4894}, {"image_id": "v_AoRk69eieek.mp4", "caption": "A man stands by a pole vault rig while a series of vaulters is shown attempting the vault with varying degrees of success. A group of people wearing white uniforms walk by in the background. Two people walk by in the background.", "segments": [[0, 111.13], [27.23, 28.89], [89.46, 99.46]], "duration": 111.13, "id": 4895}, {"image_id": "v_yinXvETACC4.mp4", "caption": "A host is seen speaking to the camera and leads into a trainer speaking with others exercising behind her. More shots of people exercising on bikes are shown and ends with the trainer walking through and talking.", "segments": [[0, 53.87], [53.87, 126.76]], "duration": 126.76, "id": 4896}, {"image_id": "v_PPXrVuZAb74.mp4", "caption": "A woman is closing her eyes standing on a diving board. She does a flip and dives into the water. She swims to the surface.", "segments": [[0, 3.48], [3.43, 7.46], [7.66, 10.08]], "duration": 10.08, "id": 4897}, {"image_id": "v_54K2F3zAZ0o.mp4", "caption": "A band is playing on a stage. A man and woman kiss. A man in a yellow shirt plays the saxophone.", "segments": [[0, 37.79], [27.78, 30.99], [0.57, 37.79]], "duration": 37.79, "id": 4898}, {"image_id": "v_i-G50GikqTg.mp4", "caption": "A young man sits down and pulls a drum close to him. He picks up his sticks and hits them together. He starts to count and drum. He drums faster as he looks away and then stops to adjust a few drums. He gets up and moves the camera to show a lever he moves and then he taps on the top of a drum over and over. He gives a thumbs up and peace sign.", "segments": [[0, 10.38], [10.38, 24], [24, 54.5], [54.5, 78.5], [78.5, 117.43], [117.43, 129.75]], "duration": 129.75, "id": 4899}, {"image_id": "v_GqWH2IYPw6U.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of a city are shown followed by a girl playing violin and many other watching. Another girl steps in and joins her by singing and several others join in to sing as well. A mime walks in with fireworks while the group still sings and many around are seen laughing and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 19.51], [19.02, 72.68], [73.66, 97.56]], "duration": 97.56, "id": 4900}, {"image_id": "v_MlbM7Mew0Ys.mp4", "caption": "Two men exercise inside a gym, then a man jumps rope crossing his arms and also the moving the rope on front. The man moves the rope with his right hand, then he moves both hands while skipping. Then, the man jumps crossing the arms, after he jumps normal for long time. Next, the a young man jumps rope raising the feet high, then he cross his the arms jumping. After, the young man moves the rope with the right hand, then he moves it with both hands and also moves the rope on front. After, the young man jumps alternate crossing the arms, skipping and moving the rope on front.", "segments": [[3.5, 35.03], [36.2, 46.71], [46.71, 112.1], [112.1, 155.31], [156.48, 192.68], [192.68, 218.37]], "duration": 233.55, "id": 4901}, {"image_id": "v_0VHUSC4YFT4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen hanging on the side of a beam going down while another man holds him. He then pulls the other man up and watches him jump off on the side on a bungee cord.", "segments": [[0, 55.37], [40.23, 86.52]], "duration": 86.52, "id": 4902}, {"image_id": "v_JhqQGe0TkBU.mp4", "caption": "People stands on top of a diving board, the a man jumps in the swimming pool. Suddenly a girl runs on a lower dining board and jumps in the swimming pool. People sit around the pool.", "segments": [[0, 119.2], [14.06, 15.4], [119.2, 133.93]], "duration": 133.93, "id": 4903}, {"image_id": "v_qq1wRySmDTc.mp4", "caption": "a man is crouching in the woods next to a pile of stones. He is explaining the building of a fire. He lights the wood, creating a fire.", "segments": [[0, 8.74], [16.99, 66.49], [67.46, 97.06]], "duration": 97.06, "id": 4904}, {"image_id": "v_8AP2he781Cw.mp4", "caption": "People are playing hockey on an ice rink. A person falls over onto the ice. A person runs after a puck and falls over again. He begins hitting the puck and falls again.", "segments": [[0, 51.26], [4.1, 6.41], [13.07, 14.35], [30.24, 31.52]], "duration": 51.26, "id": 4905}, {"image_id": "v_wNwwiK6znIE.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a man in a shop holding a ski. The man shows us a can of product he this sprays on and wipes down a ski. The man then holds the ski for us to see. We see two ski products and an ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.32], [2.55, 6.95], [7.18, 33.14], [33.6, 35.46], [35.46, 46.35]], "duration": 46.35, "id": 4906}, {"image_id": "v_-kmomJph-6E.mp4", "caption": "Two kids with extremly long hair are outside near a group of sheds.The shorter boy begins pulling the other guys hair and pulling him by it.However,the boy lets the guys hair go and the guy begins to knee him in the private area,pick him up over his head and drop him on a piece of wood.", "segments": [[0, 0.83], [0.83, 6.79], [6.7, 18.34]], "duration": 18.34, "id": 4907}, {"image_id": "v_YnsusYE6i_0.mp4", "caption": "There are a lot of dressed up people sitting in a large dining area at a reception. A brunette woman taps a blonde woman on her back, points to something on the ground, and the women smile with the blonde woman leans over and picks up her sweater that was on the ground.A woman dressed in a blue flowing dress with a blue bodysuit underneath is standing up, and she begins to do a ballet dance routine in the middle of the large dancing floor while the people in the reception area are watching her every move, taking picture and videoing her.When the woman is done dancing she stands there with her arms crossed on her chest and the crowds applauds, and gives her a standing ovation while she takes a few bows.", "segments": [[0, 8.97], [7.85, 14.57], [7.85, 195.04], [195.04, 224.19]], "duration": 224.19, "id": 4908}, {"image_id": "v_aKJKZHvP53E.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in front of a poker tokens and cards. she turn around the cards and mixing it. cards are in a stack and split them in 4 and mixing it. cards are in a stack and other person split it in two and put them in a transparent box.", "segments": [[0, 31.36], [31.36, 60.58], [60.58, 100.5], [101.21, 142.55]], "duration": 142.55, "id": 4909}, {"image_id": "v_7dx3MobORY0.mp4", "caption": "A girl shows how to bake cookies from scratch. Ingredients are added, stirred, and then the mixture is put in the oven.", "segments": [[0, 203.08], [39.6, 203.08]], "duration": 203.07999999999998, "id": 4910}, {"image_id": "v_rzsp_r9fq_A.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a black raincoat standing next to a wooden fence. She is joined by a little girl wearing a polka dotted jacket who brings her some green paint. The woman begins painting the fence with a bush. There are several other people in the neighborhood who are seen volunteering to paint the fence with green paint. The volunteers are being interviewed. There are two boys dressed in Batman costumes standing there. The volunteers continue to paint the fence. Some people from the community gather around the parking lot. The people continue painting the fence.", "segments": [[7.04, 19.1], [19.1, 25.14], [25.14, 56.3], [56.3, 109.59], [109.59, 118.64], [118.64, 134.73], [134.73, 159.86], [159.86, 177.96], [177.96, 187.01]], "duration": 201.09, "id": 4911}, {"image_id": "v_EPCb-f6yQxA.mp4", "caption": "Various mountain scenery is shown from different angles. A soldier plays a bagpipe in a mountain scene.", "segments": [[3.1, 13.18], [13.56, 74.8]], "duration": 77.51, "id": 4912}, {"image_id": "v_YmAIoN4uuz0.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of landscapes as well as people riding along on boats and a man speaking to the camera. The man dives into the water and is shown in several clips swimming around and fish moving along as well. The man gives hand gestures to the camera and swims to the surface when another man grabs his gear and he speaks to the camera. More men speak to the camera as he jumps in.", "segments": [[0, 24.24], [24.24, 76.41], [74.94, 114.61], [109.47, 146.94]], "duration": 146.94, "id": 4913}, {"image_id": "v_-C9mAKWi9Ho.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into two men fencing in a field. Several shots are shown of the men sticking swords to one another and the other blocking. In between clips are shown of the men boxing.", "segments": [[0, 35.43], [31.29, 66.26], [64.41, 89.72]], "duration": 92.02000000000001, "id": 4914}, {"image_id": "v_Ba3uRADSg50.mp4", "caption": "A few older men are shown standing in front of monkey bars talking to one another. One begins climbing along the bars with several other people coming from behind. One woman falls in the water and many more climb across the monkey bars.", "segments": [[0, 45.25], [43.06, 86.85], [88.31, 145.96]], "duration": 145.96, "id": 4915}, {"image_id": "v_x2ztI3YNu9o.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a snowy area and leads into a man holding an accordion and beginning to play. The man continues to play the instrument while the camera shows off more scenery of snowy areas and the man continuing to play.", "segments": [[3.52, 75.43], [43.7, 132.52]], "duration": 140.98, "id": 4916}, {"image_id": "v_BRApK7rWSAk.mp4", "caption": "A Capri Sun wrapper in a pile of rocks on the ground with a pile of sawdust on it. We see a pile of sticks to the left and see a flint. The person strikes the flint and a flame sits on he sawdust. The person then puts a handful of twigs on the fire. The fire grows and the cameraman backs up to show the rocks surrounding the fire.", "segments": [[0, 29.1], [30.03, 91.04], [95.73, 109.81], [109.81, 115.44], [116.38, 187.71]], "duration": 187.71, "id": 4917}, {"image_id": "v_UWusSRe8Whg.mp4", "caption": "Two men are sitting in a room with four congos in front of them playing.They are both in unison and they're using their body parts as part of their routine to make different sounds.The men take an extremely brief pause before rapidly hitting the congo and end by pointing their finger at each other.", "segments": [[0, 22.6], [22.6, 48.64], [48.64, 98.27]], "duration": 98.27000000000001, "id": 4918}, {"image_id": "v_GNzaxjYL0TM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting on dirt bikes speaking to the camera with one shoveling dirt and the other riding along. Several shots are then shown of the two riding dirt bikes along a trail while stopping to gesture to the camera every now and then.", "segments": [[0, 44.3], [39.38, 89.49]], "duration": 89.49, "id": 4919}, {"image_id": "v_G8-soqkFiI8.mp4", "caption": "A woman on a beach begins to build a sand castle. A man comes over and begins to build the sand castle with her. Several people walk by as they continue to build the castle.", "segments": [[0, 1.98], [1.98, 24.78], [0.74, 23.29]], "duration": 24.78, "id": 4920}, {"image_id": "v_eaR8oEBlYWk.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a jacket is washing clothes in a sink. She pours water into a blue bowl. She puts clothes into the buckets of water that are in the sink. A white washing machine that is unplugged is shown. The woman continues to wash the clothes in the sink. She walks over and takes the lid off of a large bucket of water on the ground. She dips a pot into the bucket and dumps the water into the sink.", "segments": [[0, 133.98], [23.45, 25.46], [31.49, 42.2], [46.89, 49.57], [50.24, 93.12], [95.8, 114.55], [126.61, 131.97]], "duration": 133.98, "id": 4921}, {"image_id": "v_qgJzdtHCebM.mp4", "caption": "A bull runs around a pen and tries to hit the clown with their horns. A guy jumps over a fence to get away from the bull. A clown is hiding behind a red barrel. The man falls onto the ground being chased by the bull.", "segments": [[0, 122.63], [74.19, 76.64], [77.25, 84.61], [114.65, 117.72]], "duration": 122.63, "id": 4922}, {"image_id": "v_BzhREL6ncq4.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast exercise on the parallel bars while the coach give directions and fix a mat. Then, the gymnast spins on the high bar , then flip and fall stand on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 25.13], [25.31, 34.67]], "duration": 34.67, "id": 4923}, {"image_id": "v_Kd_qpMbvRtI.mp4", "caption": "We see a title on a dark gray screen, We see a boat on a lake from different angles. A person riding a surfboard behind the boat does a flip., We are shown the interior of the the boat. We see the interior then the outside of the boat intermittently. We see people on a raft being pulled by the boat. A girl grabs something form a cabinet then jumps in the water. We see the end credit scenes.", "segments": [[0, 9.93], [22.92, 25.98], [34.38, 45.08], [34.38, 146.7], [111.55, 113.84], [122.25, 138.29], [148.23, 152.81]], "duration": 152.81, "id": 4924}, {"image_id": "v_qOi_E_uYCIo.mp4", "caption": "Vodka is shown being poured into a martini glass. A woman is behind a bar, showing off bottles of alcohol. She mixes the ingredients together, then shakes them up before pouring into a glass filled with ice.", "segments": [[0, 4.27], [11.95, 18.78], [23.05, 85.36]], "duration": 85.36, "id": 4925}, {"image_id": "v_jdfe-CV_cpE.mp4", "caption": "Three men sit together on a couch. A man gets up and walks into a barber shop. He sits down and gets his hair cut. He is sleeping in the chair. He wakes up and looks in a mirror. Him and the man start fighting. The man pulls a gun and points it at the other man. He runs into another mans arms and they walk out the door.", "segments": [[0, 61.11], [59.98, 76.95], [76.95, 130.14], [123.35, 156.16], [155.03, 162.95], [168.61, 179.93], [185.59, 203.69], [203.69, 226.33]], "duration": 226.32999999999998, "id": 4926}, {"image_id": "v_gCku1WVr608.mp4", "caption": "The video shows how to get discounts on amazon for a category of dog supplies. Then it shows a woman shaving a dog.", "segments": [[20.71, 30.33], [77.68, 147.96]], "duration": 147.96, "id": 4927}, {"image_id": "v_Bg_CMSihJl0.mp4", "caption": "A woman with glasses on is knitting. A girl in a black shirt is sitting down talking. The woman knitting talks back to the girl.", "segments": [[3.84, 13.62], [13.62, 18.03], [18.41, 24.74]], "duration": 38.36, "id": 4928}, {"image_id": "v_CneLYCPg7Es.mp4", "caption": "A lady holds a toothbrush as a child sits on a counter. The lady brushes the boys teeth. She finishes and the little boy smiles. the lady backs away and the child puts a pacifier in his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 2.81], [2.81, 35.12], [35.12, 37.33], [37.53, 40.14]], "duration": 40.14, "id": 4929}, {"image_id": "v_uDqnGmLJyao.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking to the camera. She shows how to hang a border along a wall in a living room. She then goes back to talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 15.23], [20.55, 66.99], [68.14, 76.13]], "duration": 76.13, "id": 4930}, {"image_id": "v_o4zmTkyTu8g.mp4", "caption": "A group is playing volleyball in a swimmming pool. They bounce the ball back and forth over the net as a golden retriever joins it, hitting the ball with his nose.", "segments": [[0, 31.88], [36.6, 78.71]], "duration": 78.71000000000001, "id": 4931}, {"image_id": "v_6OLIr7E0eHA.mp4", "caption": "A boy plays the drums on front people. A man sings holding a microphone next to the drummer. A person pass on front the boy.", "segments": [[0, 56.29], [10.41, 15.2], [34.33, 35.46]], "duration": 56.29, "id": 4932}, {"image_id": "v_assDWZW6zTA.mp4", "caption": "A boy is seen speaking to the camera holding two basketballs and leads into him holding them up to his face. The boy then moves up and down the court while dribbling the balls and shoots a basket off in the end.", "segments": [[0, 47.1], [32.72, 97.66]], "duration": 99.15, "id": 4933}, {"image_id": "v_UVxXr_mh5BM.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a young lady's bun is shown and then the lady then appears.She begins by braiding one side of her hair and then twists it down and does the same thing on the other side.With one twist,she pulls it up and bobby pins it together with the other side following.The hair style is then complete and she more pictures are shown again of the finish product.", "segments": [[0, 10.81], [10.81, 94.33], [94.33, 176.86], [176.86, 196.51]], "duration": 196.51, "id": 4934}, {"image_id": "v_7coVNZXiU6U.mp4", "caption": "A woman gets her hair cut very short in a kitchen by a woman with a pair of scissors. A man, wearing glasses, talks into the camera in a close up shot before the camera pans to a woman seated in a soft chair and focuses on her upper arm. The camera pans into a kitchen area and a seated woman holding up a lock of her own hair while another woman behind her ( the woman who was formerly seated) begins to cut her hair with a pair of scissors. The camera pans to a close up of the woman in the kitchen chair who has had most of her hair cut off and now how a very short haircut. The camera cuts again to the man who first appears in the film and a shot of a digital clock displaying the time.", "segments": [[68.32, 162.25], [0, 65.47], [69.26, 92.04], [95.83, 160.35], [166.99, 186.92]], "duration": 189.77, "id": 4935}, {"image_id": "v_5P_Scs7Vo2c.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen kneeling in a tub with clothes all around her. She steps on the clothes and bends down again to scrub them while the camera pans around her. She holds up the clothes and continues to wash them as well as a man stepping into frame to help.", "segments": [[0.97, 49.42], [45.54, 140.5], [132.75, 188.95]], "duration": 193.79, "id": 4936}, {"image_id": "v__TeU8A-CGbU.mp4", "caption": "A person install a carpet using a machine. The person cuts a piece of stained carpet. Then, the person replace with a new piece and bush.", "segments": [[2.57, 29.59], [29.91, 43.74], [44.06, 64.32]], "duration": 64.32, "id": 4937}, {"image_id": "v_2jHMUtvWP_0.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a room with a freshly painted wall and a man painting the wall on a stool is seen. The camera pans over the skylight and finishes by looking behind the area.", "segments": [[0, 14.48], [13.2, 23.36]], "duration": 23.36, "id": 4938}, {"image_id": "v_OPqqbxGKp6E.mp4", "caption": "We see a person in a kitchen cooking on the stove. The person has skillet with butter they add eggs to. The person flips the eggs. A fire starts on the eye the person blow it out. The person flips the eggs with a spatula. The eggs are poured into a plate and salt and pepper are added. The person walks away from the stove.", "segments": [[0, 89.52], [4.16, 28.45], [34.7, 45.8], [64.54, 82.58], [93.68, 97.84], [100.62, 136.01], [136.01, 138.79]], "duration": 138.79, "id": 4939}, {"image_id": "v_Ve0Ufrv-T0s.mp4", "caption": "A dog urinates consistently, without stopping, and while walking on its forelegs only, down and around a paved sidewalk all while a person is walking them on a yellow leash. The pug dog starts urinating on a stone curb along a low stone mini wall, lands on all four legs to turn around, and then proceeds to start walking on its two forelegs only. The dog begins urinating while walking on its forelegs only with the yellow leash following behind as an unseen person walks the dog from the background. The dog continues to urinate in this way, past more sidewalk and grass, and finally starts using three legs, stops and urinates more while stationary on three legs.", "segments": [[0.76, 75.16], [0.76, 3.82], [8.39, 58.75], [48.83, 73.63]], "duration": 76.3, "id": 4940}, {"image_id": "v_VZ2CPdIPa30.mp4", "caption": "A man secures a seated woman in a bungee harness while others stand by. The woman talks to the camera in a close up view. Several shots of the scenery are shown interspersed with the woman waiting. The man finishes with the equipment. The woman carefully walks out to the jumping platform while one of the men stands behind her and an audience watches. The woman bungees off the platform. A replay of the woman bungeeing off the platform is shown.", "segments": [[0, 18.46], [18.46, 32.31], [32.31, 57.7], [57.7, 66.93], [66.93, 136.16], [136.16, 169.63], [169.63, 222.71]], "duration": 230.78, "id": 4941}, {"image_id": "v_wBij_rEXdCk.mp4", "caption": "We see a table covered with papers and a laptop as a man works. The man leaves and goes to a graffiti covered garage and turns on a boombox. The man break dances then sees there is a man across the room. The men then take turns break dancing. The men stand face to face and break dance together. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.18], [12.85, 22.95], [22.95, 49.57], [50.48, 138.6], [140.44, 173.48], [174.4, 183.58]], "duration": 183.58, "id": 4942}, {"image_id": "v_x2uByejBIiY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen holding ingredients in their hands while speaking to the camera and boiling water. She fries nuts on a pan and pours them on a plate while mixing more ingredients into a pan and pouring it over the nuts. She mixes them all together and shows off several plates in the end.", "segments": [[0, 70.86], [62.86, 165.72], [169.15, 218.29]], "duration": 228.57999999999998, "id": 4943}, {"image_id": "v_H-PhEsI9njQ.mp4", "caption": "people are standing in a court playing shufleboard while people is in the terraces are watching the game. a lot of people wearing red uniforms are walking and sitting around the court.", "segments": [[0, 44.47], [44.47, 60.09]], "duration": 60.09, "id": 4944}, {"image_id": "v_KEWlDtEt2cQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit and a lady in a sparking dress stand on stage. The people then ballroom dance as people watch. The man spins the woman in the air in front of him. The man dips the lady and she kicks her feet in the air. They finish and the crowd claps as they walk off stage.", "segments": [[0, 7.29], [7.29, 92.8], [64.62, 67.54], [86, 89.89], [92.8, 97.18]], "duration": 97.18, "id": 4945}, {"image_id": "v_BUmS918SyLA.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen holding a pose in the middle of a large gymnasium while others watch around them. The girls begin performing a dance routine while using batons. The girls continue to dance around and end by holding a pose.", "segments": [[0, 26.69], [28.03, 106.78], [96.77, 133.47]], "duration": 133.47, "id": 4946}, {"image_id": "v_oAyygdg493M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is walking on the beach carrying a surfboard. She starts surfing in the water.", "segments": [[0, 6.97], [6.97, 107.28]], "duration": 107.28, "id": 4947}, {"image_id": "v_sY7m7E-sAYc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is washing in a sink and shows a little bottle. Then, the woman add several potatoes in a steaming pot. After, the woman put the potatoes in a bowl and then peel a potatoes easily.", "segments": [[0, 32.05], [32.73, 60.69], [60.69, 135.69]], "duration": 136.37, "id": 4948}, {"image_id": "v_5DhbyYavYp4.mp4", "caption": "There is a garden with many trees and shrubs. There is a man using a hedging and trimming equipment trimming the bushes. Another man is giving instructions on lawn and garden care. The man climbs up a tall ladder to trim the trees and bushes several times. He goes around the entire side to trim the hedges. The instructor continues talking about the gardening process, The man trims the hedges that form a barrier near a house. The instructor explains the process again to the viewers. The scene changes to a strange looking statue in a busy city and ends with a thank you for watching message.", "segments": [[12.9, 35.18], [35.18, 48.08], [48.08, 87.95], [87.95, 107.88], [107.88, 120.78], [120.78, 143.06], [143.06, 170.03], [170.03, 175.89]], "duration": 234.52, "id": 4949}, {"image_id": "v_YizcSEo0bTo.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are inside a building. They are all riding bumper cars around a track. They bump and slam into each other.", "segments": [[0, 3.35], [4.87, 31.65], [32.56, 60.86]], "duration": 60.86, "id": 4950}, {"image_id": "v_PI1ZaFQ28Ao.mp4", "caption": "A lady discusses while standing in a kitchen adjacent to a sink. The lady is holding a sponge while the sink water is running. The lady is soaking dishes in soapy water.", "segments": [[0, 68.17], [0, 3.41], [38.18, 53.86]], "duration": 68.17, "id": 4951}, {"image_id": "v_4-BW75h1D1A.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white dress belly dances outside near columns and trees. The woman shakes her hips as she dances. Credits appear on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 210.35], [74.81, 210.35], [204.93, 210.35]], "duration": 216.85, "id": 4952}, {"image_id": "v_aA6Bchzww4Y.mp4", "caption": "A man uses a mallet to chip ice off of a car while it is snowing outside and a man videos him from behind. A man in a black winter coat and gloves uses a mallet to chip ice off of an ice covered car in the snow. The man then takes his car keys and tries to open the trunk which is frozen and requires tugging to open. The man continues to slam at the ice on the car with the mallet as the ice chips off in chunks. The man tries to open his trunk again, this time the opening is easier and the man climbs into the trunk of the car to the front of the car to open the drivers door from the inside drivers seat.", "segments": [[0, 186.33], [0, 39.33], [39.33, 80.53], [81.46, 125.47], [136.71, 186.33]], "duration": 187.27, "id": 4953}, {"image_id": "v_jmmOBfS3JIg.mp4", "caption": "A man in dress shirt taps his cloth on the spout of a glass container to get it damp. The man uses his cloth wrapped around his index and middle finer to polish a shoe. The man rubs his cloth in a shoe polish tin for more of the substance. The man continues to polish the show around the toe of the shoe. The man again rubs his cloth in the tin for more polish. The man continues to polish the show around the toe of the shoe near the toe in a circular motion.", "segments": [[0, 3.68], [3.15, 13.66], [13.66, 15.24], [15.24, 77.23], [78.8, 79.85], [80.38, 105.07]], "duration": 105.07, "id": 4954}, {"image_id": "v_by8QQWbyimw.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are acting silly and throwing signs at a camera. They then take turns doing cartwheels across the lawn. They do front and back flips, then run toward the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.61], [11.48, 79.42], [87.08, 191.38]], "duration": 191.38, "id": 4955}, {"image_id": "v_OhgsnOwo4b4.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing inside a kitchen in front of ingredients and tools for cooking. He shows dressing being poured onto a cabbage salad. He explains how to cut a melon, creating slices that go into his salad.Then he shreds a carrot, and moves the salad into a bowl before drizzling it with dressing.", "segments": [[0, 18.08], [19.03, 37.11], [43.77, 94.19], [97.05, 190.29]], "duration": 190.29, "id": 4956}, {"image_id": "v_7TgvbmIn03A.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with white words that read \"GoPro Hero3+Black Making everyday tasks fun 'Mowing The Lawn' Resolution: 1080p superwide.A view from the top of a lawn mower shows a woman pulling onto the pull handle of the lawn mower. The view change to the view of the lawn mower and the mower is moving along a yard filled with green grass.The view changes back and forth from lawn mower view and the view of the whole woman mowing the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 10.39], [10.39, 14.05], [14.05, 69.05], [69.05, 122.21]], "duration": 122.21, "id": 4957}, {"image_id": "v_tgPjcWP7Vig.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting on bicycles exercising with one another. A woman speaks to the camera while more shots are shown of people riding. A woman leads the class as well as speaks to the camera and others riding around.", "segments": [[0, 48.82], [53.18, 129.9], [121.18, 169.13]], "duration": 174.36, "id": 4958}, {"image_id": "v_j4vMVBSfyu0.mp4", "caption": "A hand is showing a curved blade knife, and then he showed an ice pick with white paper at the end of it. The man threw the blade on the plywood, then he threw the ice pick.", "segments": [[0, 29.36], [28.13, 81.55]], "duration": 81.55, "id": 4959}, {"image_id": "v_vctal2m9Zvg.mp4", "caption": "An indoor barn is shown and a man is sitting on a horse.The gates open and the man flies out with is lasso chasing after a black and white calf.The man throws the rope and catches the calf,gets off,ties the cow up and returns back on top of the horse.", "segments": [[0, 1.02], [1.12, 7.15], [7.15, 20.43]], "duration": 20.43, "id": 4960}, {"image_id": "v_KxY2z_xDsO8.mp4", "caption": "A person's hand is seen pushing various marbles down a long track and watching where they land. They push several more marbles while the camera moves up and down to catch the action.", "segments": [[0, 26.51], [25.28, 41.1]], "duration": 41.1, "id": 4961}, {"image_id": "v_5XiBb9XGsg8.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him trying to solve a rubix cube. The boy then solves the cube and pans the camera back to show his time.", "segments": [[3.15, 62.91], [55.36, 120.8]], "duration": 125.83, "id": 4962}, {"image_id": "v_c-3ed17J3F8.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a shed behind a crafts table talking to the camera.Next,a man in a navy uniform begins walking down the road and ends up in the room with the man.The two of them begin polishing a pair of boots together with a white cloth and a green brush.As they finish,the man in the green shirt is given a patch and a screen of tips come on the screen for properly caring for your boots.", "segments": [[0, 38.08], [38.08, 95.2], [95.2, 169.12], [169.12, 224]], "duration": 224.0, "id": 4963}, {"image_id": "v_8SMXK2uOvk0.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. People are biking down a path. A person is trying to start a fire. The person feeds the fire and moves it to a hole. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.21, 2.79], [5.58, 8.8], [12.88, 14.6], [15.89, 39.5], [39.71, 42.93]], "duration": 42.93, "id": 4964}, {"image_id": "v_HqGWA16ECWE.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a dress is crossing monkey bars. She gets to the end and steps on a rock. A boy in a blue shirt stands behind her.", "segments": [[0, 8.53], [8.63, 10.41], [7.59, 10.41]], "duration": 10.46, "id": 4965}, {"image_id": "v_OtMNVvCSxVo.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on front a sink. Then, the man puts soap on a cloth. After, the man wash the pot outside and inside. Next, the man turns and dry his hands.", "segments": [[0, 4.63], [5.7, 7.48], [7.83, 66.92], [66.92, 71.19]], "duration": 71.19, "id": 4966}, {"image_id": "v_FjMeS0FCvas.mp4", "caption": "A man lifts up a large pitcher of beer and starts drinking it. People sitting around a table cheer him on. The man puts his hands in the air and laughs. The people around the table start pumping their hands in the air. The man claps his hands.", "segments": [[0, 12.93], [14.54, 18], [18.46, 26.77], [29.08, 35.54], [37.39, 41.55]], "duration": 46.16, "id": 4967}, {"image_id": "v_SQs7o8LeU6A.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a rustic living room and plays a bagpipe in his socks. We see a man tapping his foot as he plays. The man switches to his other foot tapping. the man finishes playing and wipes his face.", "segments": [[0, 129.32], [64.33, 103.06], [104.37, 126.03], [128.66, 131.29]], "duration": 131.29, "id": 4968}, {"image_id": "v_ZKtjyZhRB6E.mp4", "caption": "A group of older people are seen sitting on a bus speaking to one another. The camera pans around the bus to show more people sitting and speaking. A woman is seen speaking to a man next to her while he knits.", "segments": [[0.86, 15.43], [13.07, 29.36], [24.86, 41.79]], "duration": 42.87, "id": 4969}, {"image_id": "v_8IlwMnM_n38.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Guys are break dancing on a stage in front of an audience. A guy breaks dance right off the stage and exits. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.72, 2.17], [2.9, 139.9], [138.45, 139.9], [142.08, 143.53]], "duration": 144.98, "id": 4970}, {"image_id": "v_64JprLAtnzg.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls are dancing along a ledge. Each girl dances on the ledge gracefully. The screen fades away to black.", "segments": [[0, 2.56], [2.94, 12.58], [13.26, 15.07]], "duration": 15.07, "id": 4971}, {"image_id": "v_2YeImloBCA8.mp4", "caption": "We see people working out on exercise steps in an aerobics class. The leader puts her hand in the air. The lady in back left gets lost and stops. Rear right gets lost and throws out her arms. The instructors arm is in the air again. The lady second on right stops trying.", "segments": [[0, 167.79], [1.68, 4.19], [12.58, 21.81], [45.3, 62.92], [97.32, 99.83], [150.17, 167.79]], "duration": 167.79, "id": 4972}, {"image_id": "v_hpU50i4WBK8.mp4", "caption": "Two people are on a boat getting ready to dive into the ocean. They dive in and are able to look at all the beautiful corals and see fish and other things. They find a cockpit that they begin to observe and look around also running into a jelly fish. They begin to explore the outside of the plane where they are also able to see more fish and other marine life around it.", "segments": [[0, 28.89], [28.89, 60.08], [60.08, 140.96], [140.96, 231.09]], "duration": 231.09, "id": 4973}, {"image_id": "v_Eeq-noKrGwY.mp4", "caption": "A girl in an orange shirt takes a drink of mouth wash. She swishes it around in her mouth and spits it out into a sink.", "segments": [[0, 2.99], [2.99, 45.95]], "duration": 45.95, "id": 4974}, {"image_id": "v_sYKtWOfH6VQ.mp4", "caption": "There's a lady doing a tutorial on how to wash hands in her kitchen. She walks towards the sink and turns on the tap. Then she takes some liquid soap in her hands and rubs her hands on the top, the palms and in between her fingers. She demonstrates how to properly rub the palms and the wrist area to ensure a clean wash. Then she turns the tap back on to wash off the soap. Then she uses her right elbow to turn off the tap to avoid touching it directly. Then she takes a paper towel from the window sill and wipes her hands dry.", "segments": [[0, 115.77], [5.21, 9.26], [8.68, 64.25], [18.52, 75.83], [75.25, 81.04], [79.88, 86.24], [84.51, 109.98]], "duration": 115.77000000000001, "id": 4975}, {"image_id": "v__gDw8q2sRLk.mp4", "caption": "Three people are seen walking out onto a large gymnasium floor and lead into the three performing a jump roping routine. The three continue to jump around the floor while many watch and end with their arms up.", "segments": [[0.38, 32.66], [25.9, 72.83]], "duration": 75.08, "id": 4976}, {"image_id": "v_bDf_xpUpdmU.mp4", "caption": "A falls off a skateboard in an awkward way. Then we see several other boys as they trip and fall. They take sharp turns on suburban roads, trying to stay on their boards.", "segments": [[0, 18.66], [20.1, 124.19], [125.62, 143.57]], "duration": 143.57, "id": 4977}, {"image_id": "v_gKkk82LG8H0.mp4", "caption": "Group play the bongos while a young woman dances. A couple walks past the group. The drummer gives the camera a thumbs up gesture. Lots of people pass in the background. A small group are looking on at the musicians. The dancer poses with 2 other women.", "segments": [[0, 121.53], [26.13, 32.21], [36.46, 40.71], [53.47, 68.06], [81.43, 111.2], [111.2, 121.53]], "duration": 121.53, "id": 4978}, {"image_id": "v_sjpWwjzCbrw.mp4", "caption": "A health professional washers her hands with soap in a sink. The woman scrubs between the fingers thoroughly. The hands are dried with a paper towel in between the fingers thoroughly. The woman throws the paper towel in a designated waste bin. The medical professional shuts off the water faucet using her elbow and also the paper towel.", "segments": [[0, 121.88], [87.17, 114.61], [124.3, 146.09], [152.55, 161.43], [146.9, 150.93]], "duration": 161.43, "id": 4979}, {"image_id": "v_Mnhg-VEP69U.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen assembling a tire on a lift and taking the rubber off using a machine. He then puts the rubber back on using the machine and ends by moving back from the tire.", "segments": [[0, 23.92], [23.61, 61.32]], "duration": 61.32, "id": 4980}, {"image_id": "v_3xoIXUMqmqA.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down on a blue mat. He pulls down on a rope and works out. He lowers the bar and starts pulling the rope in the other direction.", "segments": [[10.37, 147.64], [18.36, 45.49], [79.81, 137.27]], "duration": 159.61, "id": 4981}, {"image_id": "v_gIFI03m-ATM.mp4", "caption": "A large paint ball arena is shown with a group of people standing off to the side. The people then begin running around the course shooting guns at one another. The people continue running around and stop i the end to speak to one another.", "segments": [[0, 19.62], [15.53, 38.69], [30.79, 52.05]], "duration": 54.5, "id": 4982}, {"image_id": "v_KWeZbXoX8Ys.mp4", "caption": "There is a very tall and steep slide running through some trees in a large open ground. There is a rubber surface running lengthwise at the bottom end of the slide to protect people from getting hurt as they land down. A young boy wearing black shorts and a shirt comes sliding down in full force. He lands far from the slide as he tumbles down and off of the slide.", "segments": [[1.47, 2.59], [2.59, 5.23], [5.23, 7.05], [7.05, 7.61]], "duration": 10.15, "id": 4983}, {"image_id": "v_HCZpS7mhvrE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a hat talks at a press conference. We see cabins and trailers in a snowy area. Three men re waxing skis in a workshop and we see the man at the press conference. A man runs behind trailers and two men walk on the snow before we see the press conference again. We see the men skiing. The man at the press conference and a men puts a mask on in the workshop and a machine sits in the field. Two men pose holding rifles in the snow.", "segments": [[0, 12.11], [15.42, 31.93], [33.03, 114.51], [115.61, 122.22], [123.32, 126.63], [127.73, 216.92], [218.02, 220.22]], "duration": 220.22, "id": 4984}, {"image_id": "v_iHzyX1djHU4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in a chair as well as shots of people riding wake boards and clips of a dock. The man continues speaking to the camera while more shots of people wake boarding are shown as well as doing flips and tricks.", "segments": [[0, 99.25], [76.21, 177.24]], "duration": 177.24, "id": 4985}, {"image_id": "v_XJQlO4G5Fns.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady holding the camera and blow drying her hair. The lady sits the camera on the floor, and continues blow drying her hair. The lady throws her hair back and picks up the phone.", "segments": [[0, 7.17], [7.17, 28.68], [28.68, 34.97]], "duration": 34.97, "id": 4986}, {"image_id": "v_jqEpQ-cRGFk.mp4", "caption": "We see a sleeping lady in a hospital. A person begins combing the hair of a sleeping elderly lady in a hospital. The camera moves to the top of the ladies head. The camera then moves to the front of the ladies face.", "segments": [[0, 2.4], [2.4, 95.9], [29.73, 48.43], [48.91, 95.9]], "duration": 95.9, "id": 4987}, {"image_id": "v_1mksQqxFtv4.mp4", "caption": "A man in shorts is in a gym. He is jumping rope in there. He speeds up his jumping. He is doing it in front of a mirror.", "segments": [[0, 14.02], [0.84, 14.02], [6.24, 14.02], [0.49, 14.02]], "duration": 14.02, "id": 4988}, {"image_id": "v_FRFjdn_pjYk.mp4", "caption": "An older man is shown standing on a piece of exercise equipment. He talks to the camera and holds a remote up and continues moving on the machine.", "segments": [[0, 58.06], [13.42, 58.06]], "duration": 58.35, "id": 4989}, {"image_id": "v_5MpJCKOxRVs.mp4", "caption": "First, the person is seen unscrewing the handle bars. Then he unscrews the base to level it out to his liking. Then he sits on the bike seat to achieve the best results. Then he adjusts the handle bars again and makes sure they are firmly in place.", "segments": [[8.79, 13.65], [22.74, 27.9], [28.51, 33.66], [41.24, 46.4]], "duration": 60.65, "id": 4990}, {"image_id": "v_Qm-XTJ-uG5s.mp4", "caption": "Two men are in a room with three walls and a set of glass doors behind them hitting a ball back and fourth against the wall with tennis rackets.As they continue,one boy falls to the ground and they have to start over.", "segments": [[0, 33.07], [33.07, 70.36]], "duration": 70.36, "id": 4991}, {"image_id": "v_kUlwaBYvyBI.mp4", "caption": "We see a man standing in front of a workbench in a workshop and talking. The man shows a piece of wood and a sander. The man wipes a substance from a jug on the wood and the sander and sands the wood. The man shows us the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 107.14], [2.14, 34.82], [39.64, 96.42], [100.17, 104.99]], "duration": 107.14, "id": 4992}, {"image_id": "v_JHFjlLtpIcU.mp4", "caption": "A crowd watches a gymnastics show. A gymnast runs up to a high bar and alternates between the high and low bar, performing various gymnastics moves and flips. She flips off the bar and lands on her feet. Her fellow gymnasts run up to her in excitement.", "segments": [[0, 42.17], [0, 37.32], [38.16, 42.17], [40.48, 42.17]], "duration": 42.17, "id": 4993}, {"image_id": "v_B-nlhZ0RR4A.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue outfit puts chalk on his hands. A man in a yellow shirt is watching. The man in the blue outfit picks up a large weight and lifts it over his head. The crowd cheers for him. He gives a man in a suit a hug.", "segments": [[17.01, 20.3], [28.53, 32.37], [35.66, 71.88], [72.43, 80.66], [101.51, 104.8]], "duration": 109.74000000000001, "id": 4994}, {"image_id": "v_UoO7VCPs8Jw.mp4", "caption": "A man holding a shot put stands on a base. The man turns his back to the camera and prepares to throw. The man throws the ball and and spins around.", "segments": [[0, 1.25], [1.19, 9.06], [9.06, 12.49]], "duration": 12.49, "id": 4995}, {"image_id": "v_zogfsf4O3Vg.mp4", "caption": "A man in yellow opens a beer. A man in gray grabs the beer, adjusts his clothes then sits on the floor holding the beer. The man puts one arm behind his back and adjusts himself to try and pick the bottle up with his mouth. The man then quickly drinks and puts the bottle down. We see a countdown clock.", "segments": [[0, 1.01], [3.02, 28.22], [28.22, 85.68], [85.17, 94.75], [96.77, 100.8]], "duration": 100.8, "id": 4996}, {"image_id": "v_hrcSCXaNhmY.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a field with Frisbees in his hand and throws it to his black and white husky dog.The two continue to do tricks and the dog jumps on the mans back.More Frisbee are thrown and the dog catches the Frisbee and the man hugs the dog.", "segments": [[0, 13.11], [13.11, 29.9], [29.08, 40.96]], "duration": 40.96, "id": 4997}, {"image_id": "v_6O8QXbjvYKs.mp4", "caption": "A little boy picks up a bowling ball. He sets it on a rail and pushes it down a lane. A woman with a baby strapped to her chest bowls a ball down a lane.", "segments": [[10.62, 34.89], [35.26, 41.33], [59.15, 75.84]], "duration": 75.84, "id": 4998}, {"image_id": "v_G_kJ-Af89ew.mp4", "caption": "A man in plaid shirt hit the ball with stick, the ball scattered on the table. The man in gray sweater lean on the table and look at the ball, he then hit the white ball and hit the yellow ball, while the man in plaid shirt sat on the chair. The man in gray sweater continue to play the billiard, making the balls shoot in the holes.", "segments": [[0, 21.56], [20.74, 78.79], [59.72, 165.88]], "duration": 165.88, "id": 4999}, {"image_id": "v_mTDRTiTnsjQ.mp4", "caption": "A hand is pushing a grass blower machine. The machine spit out dry leaves from a black pole. The machine turned in a curve towards the house.", "segments": [[0, 33.86], [4.74, 28.95], [19.64, 33.86]], "duration": 33.86, "id": 5000}, {"image_id": "v_Z56Xq8Ud4I0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and then takes her ring off to run her hands under some water. She scrubs her hands with soap and then runs her fingers under the water. In the end people perform a little dance with showing how to properly wash your hands.", "segments": [[0, 44.74], [43.11, 113.06], [112.25, 162.68]], "duration": 162.68, "id": 5001}, {"image_id": "v_G_npKjzxQLk.mp4", "caption": "We see people deep sea diving. We see the surface of the ocean. We see people holding hands underwater. People are throwing up hand signs. We see a man throw a hand sign and we see people standing in the water. A man goes under the water slowly.", "segments": [[0, 95.8], [8.62, 10.54], [38.32, 42.63], [56.04, 60.83], [65.14, 88.61], [89.57, 95.8]], "duration": 95.8, "id": 5002}, {"image_id": "v_7qjiHcYuq2Y.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing on a beach playing a game of volleyball. One person hits it to the other and they hit the ball game. The game continues on while people are seen watching on the sides.", "segments": [[0.35, 5.65], [6.92, 16.5], [14.08, 22.16]], "duration": 23.08, "id": 5003}, {"image_id": "v_RkCSfz8GeNg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing with her hair in front of the camera and leads into her brushing her hair. She then ties her hair up and proceeds to blow dry her hair while a comb. Then takes her hair down and runs lotion through her hair while still looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 66.23], [68.54, 107.04], [107.81, 154.02]], "duration": 154.02, "id": 5004}, {"image_id": "v_2fp9Ni7Ms6A.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a board is shown followed by various groomers grooming dogs on tables. The people continue grooming the dogs on tables and the video ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 18.16], [18.62, 45.98]], "duration": 45.98, "id": 5005}, {"image_id": "v_R4ouBBtg-B4.mp4", "caption": "Various people are shown smiling into a camera and being interviewed about a question. Several other questions are asked to the same people as well as shots of people doing activities around the beach on a string.", "segments": [[0, 30.93], [31.54, 121.3]], "duration": 121.3, "id": 5006}, {"image_id": "v_DVlDRG0SxG8.mp4", "caption": "The front of a yellow kayak is seen as the boat floats through turbulent white waters of a river. It passes a rock and numerous trees before slowing down.", "segments": [[0, 20.97], [22.44, 26.88]], "duration": 26.88, "id": 5007}, {"image_id": "v_JvP1O8ZIL3A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing behind another woman sitting in a chair and begins styling her hair. The woman brushes and parts her hair ad begins braiding the hair and pinning it in several locations. The woman shows off her finished hair do while looking and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[8, 89.11], [74.26, 159.94], [163.37, 221.63]], "duration": 228.49, "id": 5008}, {"image_id": "v_41xqneu4_RA.mp4", "caption": "A man is inside a room in a house. He is using a racquet to hit a tennis ball back and forth against a wall. He continues hitting the ball until he is finished playing the game.", "segments": [[0, 11.61], [12.12, 89.35], [92.38, 100.96]], "duration": 100.96000000000001, "id": 5009}, {"image_id": "v_VA8SXILXTj0.mp4", "caption": "A couple of lemons are seen sitting on a table with glasses and plates and leads into a person putting the lemons in a container. He mixes ingredients with the lemons and shakes them up in another glass. He finishes the lemonade and presents it to the camera while also taking a sip.", "segments": [[0, 74.62], [66.83, 178.2], [168.18, 221.64]], "duration": 222.75, "id": 5010}, {"image_id": "v_73n-KuFkH94.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of athletic runners are shown followed by slow motion shots of an athlete running a long jump and celebrating. The camera pans into scenes of men stretching and watching followed by one running down the long jump and cheering to the crowd. His jump is shown several more times followed by other's jumping performing their jump in front of the large crowd.", "segments": [[0, 30.55], [31.45, 121.3], [120.4, 179.7]], "duration": 179.7, "id": 5011}, {"image_id": "v_O9qI26TB3R0.mp4", "caption": "A toddler wash a dog in a bathtub pouring water with the shower hose. The toddler rise the tail of the horse and wash the butt. After, the toddler, grab a brush and scrub and wash the dog.", "segments": [[0, 86.05], [86.05, 112.11], [112.11, 157.9]], "duration": 157.9, "id": 5012}, {"image_id": "v_ql7I6qtyhBU.mp4", "caption": "The screen shows company sponsors for a winter club event. A blue convertible drives past the North shore Winter Club. A couple enters the club while a silver mini van is parked outside. Several people are entering the Curling room inside the club. The coach representing the Brasil team, wearing a green jersey is giving instructions to the players. The coach talks to the players while they prepare themselves. The players begin playing with their sticks as they push the rocks through the floor, Several other players are practicing curling on the floor as they glide through the slippery surface. Players continue to play and exchange high fives as they practice. About nine of the contestants receive medals of victory from the judge. They applaud themselves and each other high fives to express their victory. The video ends with details about all the sponsors responsible for the event.", "segments": [[5.63, 8.45], [8.45, 9.39], [9.39, 15.96], [15.96, 25.35], [25.35, 32.86], [32.86, 46.01], [46.01, 128.63], [128.63, 148.35], [148.35, 153.98], [153.98, 171.82], [171.82, 187.78]], "duration": 187.78, "id": 5013}, {"image_id": "v_GehJuCIJ7AI.mp4", "caption": " five different people tosses a freebie in the air and a dog jumps and catch the freebie in his mouth, the dog then moves on to the next person and do the same thing as many people watch from a distances.there are two dogs now that are jumping the air catching freebies while doing tricks.Now there is one lady with one dog doing tricks and the dog catches the freebie as the lady toss it in the air.", "segments": [[3.4, 38.77], [38.77, 87.05], [88.41, 136.02]], "duration": 136.02, "id": 5014}, {"image_id": "v_adz3kDJLCF4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is using a pink brush to brush her teeth. She is brushing very fast and vigorously. She is brushing her upper and lower teeth. She sticks her tongue out to clean the toothpaste. She checks her teeth to see if they're clean enough. While she continues brushing, she opens her mouth. Some of the toothpaste falls down. She starts brushing her tongue thoroughly. Then she continues brushing her upper and lower teeth again. She then sticks her tongue out and scrapes it against her teeth. She spits out some toothpaste. Some of the toothpaste falls on her chin making it look like a white beard. She pretends to be Santa Claus and says, ho, ho, Merry Christmas. Then she laughs as she shows her teeth with a wide smile.", "segments": [[0, 2.41], [0, 9.98], [0, 12.05], [0, 13.43], [0, 15.15], [0, 24.79], [0, 32.7], [0, 40.28], [0, 44.75], [0, 47.85], [0, 53.36], [0, 54.73], [0, 64.37], [0, 68.85]], "duration": 68.85, "id": 5015}, {"image_id": "v_b0bM4vKxoXQ.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting around in a circle and 2 bulls standing in the pit. The animals and people continue to walk around one another and lead into the bulls fighting one another.", "segments": [[0.65, 60.38], [48.04, 127.9]], "duration": 129.85, "id": 5016}, {"image_id": "v_bp1wsvCaiB0.mp4", "caption": "A logo appears then the word fencing. People begin to fence together. People gear up to fence and are shown fencing in a variety of ways.", "segments": [[0, 3.28], [3.28, 12.57], [3.28, 109.27]], "duration": 109.27000000000001, "id": 5017}, {"image_id": "v_0Yb2EQlAEYM.mp4", "caption": "The bottom of a murky river is shown and then it flashes to the name of the springs.A group of people are shown and they begin to get floats and play and float throughout the springs.Two kids are on the rocks together and they catch a dragonfly.After,various group of people are shown and a couple floats together with a dog sitting on the male's lap.", "segments": [[0, 5.67], [5.67, 31.57], [30.5, 45.75], [45.75, 70.94]], "duration": 70.94, "id": 5018}, {"image_id": "v_jcqRPdvb18w.mp4", "caption": "First the man pushes a tire and he steps inside of it. He then starts hula hooping inside of the tire with it around his waist.", "segments": [[1.22, 20.76], [37.25, 60.76]], "duration": 61.07, "id": 5019}, {"image_id": "v_TVeIcQOvMZI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera that leads into a person playing crochet. Several shots are shown of children hitting the balls as well as speaking to the camera. More kids and adults speak to the camera while showing how they hit the ball.", "segments": [[0.47, 23.92], [16.89, 68.01], [66.6, 90.53]], "duration": 93.81, "id": 5020}, {"image_id": "v_59nQKYriHQc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling down on the floor speaking to the camera while a dog lays next to her. The woman is then seen running soap and water all over a dog in the sink and ending by cleaning him off and watching him run around and be excited.", "segments": [[0.76, 33.62], [16.18, 46]], "duration": 50.55, "id": 5021}, {"image_id": "v_D5hsFA2ZrIQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown working in an outdoor garden. He is using tools as he works. He trims a long row of hedges, then cleans up the debris.", "segments": [[0, 1.43], [2.15, 7.41], [7.54, 13]], "duration": 13.0, "id": 5022}, {"image_id": "v_Kmk0IVi2Xu4.mp4", "caption": "We see a set of drums and a man standing behind the drums talking and holding a drink. the man drinks from the drink and puts it down. the man plays the drums with his hands. The man stops and talks before playing the drums again. The man stands on the drums and dances. We see two men sitting and the first man is clapping his hands. We see the man playing the maracas as a lady dances nearby the man stops and the lady turns away.", "segments": [[0, 20.49], [20.49, 24.94], [25.83, 67.69], [68.59, 102.43], [104.21, 122.92], [125.59, 160.33], [163.89, 178.14]], "duration": 178.14, "id": 5023}, {"image_id": "v_HWkGANOfqQE.mp4", "caption": "The man is showing how he plays the guitar. Then he shows us how he plays flute.", "segments": [[1.13, 125.1], [129.6, 225.4]], "duration": 225.4, "id": 5024}, {"image_id": "v_Yr2unlRQZa0.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man performs cardiovascular fitness holding handles of a machine while running. A person adjust the angle of the pedal and continues running. The screen of the machine shows relevant information, and is show the audio input jack of the machine and the muscle profile while the man and the woman continues exercising.", "segments": [[0.59, 62.86], [62.86, 73.54], [74.13, 116.24]], "duration": 118.61, "id": 5025}, {"image_id": "v_6_uxd3nj2d0.mp4", "caption": "A woman leans over a boy, dabbing his face with a substance. He laughs and struggles as she continues. He grabs her by the hair, eating the piece of food she had been rubbing on him.", "segments": [[0, 31.35], [37.05, 135.83], [144.38, 189.98]], "duration": 189.98, "id": 5026}, {"image_id": "v_qwJhmfZKdNQ.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a purple sweater is demonstrating how to use garden shears. He is trimming the hedges and bushes in the yard. He shows how the shears can be used effectively in hard to reach places.", "segments": [[5.42, 23.27], [23.27, 38.41], [38.41, 41.8]], "duration": 45.19, "id": 5027}, {"image_id": "v_BaJwohtZMtA.mp4", "caption": "A person shows up on a stage dancing in the dark with an LED hula hoop. As the person dances the LED lights on the hula hoop begin to change colors. The closing credits show up on the screen as the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 18.73], [18.73, 160.69], [160.69, 197.16]], "duration": 197.16, "id": 5028}, {"image_id": "v_EZsumzBA68I.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a large fence holding a spray hose in his hand. The man sprays paint all along the wall while the camera captures his movements. The man continues to spray the wall while the camera follows him from behind.", "segments": [[3.19, 35.77], [30.66, 88.14], [76.64, 126.46]], "duration": 127.73, "id": 5029}, {"image_id": "v_znIFzXChO1M.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a white dress is hitting a pinata with a bat. A man is standing behind her watching. Two girls are standing by the house watching.", "segments": [[0, 7.76], [0.16, 7.76], [0, 7.72]], "duration": 7.76, "id": 5030}, {"image_id": "v_G6qOkn-K6aw.mp4", "caption": "People are dancing on a dance floor at a wedding. It is dark in the room and colorful lights come on. People continue dancing on the dance floor.", "segments": [[0, 208.21], [43.72, 53.09], [54.13, 208.21]], "duration": 208.21, "id": 5031}, {"image_id": "v_knHJztfWFrA.mp4", "caption": "Two men are shown standing in a recording studio playing instruments. One is playing the guitar while the other plays the flute together. They finish their song and one gives a hand gesture to the camera while the other smiles.", "segments": [[0, 148.3], [10.83, 148.3], [147.46, 166.63]], "duration": 166.63, "id": 5032}, {"image_id": "v_d-cxJQcmBzA.mp4", "caption": "A man is buffing the floor with a blue buffer. Another man stands next to him watching. He goes over the tile with the buffer.", "segments": [[0, 63.39], [0, 8.24], [2.54, 63.39]], "duration": 63.39, "id": 5033}, {"image_id": "v_jX26w60MxmU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen sitting in a canoe in low motion and then tips the canoe a bit with a paddle. The men do this several times followed by instructions and locations written in text.", "segments": [[0, 33.28], [22.41, 67.92]], "duration": 67.92, "id": 5034}, {"image_id": "v_2NyOIsFJ3Tw.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We then see a girl run and fall on a slip and slide. We see another title screen and watch the kids slide down slide and across their slip and slide. A kid slides down the slide on a raft.", "segments": [[0, 2.63], [3.15, 7.35], [7.35, 73.5], [74.03, 105]], "duration": 105.0, "id": 5035}, {"image_id": "v_Kb8SPjD121k.mp4", "caption": "two guys beginning a arm wrestling match,the guy in the back shirt wins the first match.the men switched hands and starts a new match.the finally match was won by the same guy with the back shirt.", "segments": [[0, 27.28], [27.28, 29.03], [29.03, 58.05]], "duration": 58.05, "id": 5036}, {"image_id": "v_Oh83skxSJkQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a piano is seen followed by a person walking into frame. The person then stretches out their nails and begins playing the piano. The person continues playing on the instrument and stops to turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 45.07], [41.25, 111.54], [100.84, 146.68]], "duration": 152.79, "id": 5037}, {"image_id": "v_0rDLcTmgzGQ.mp4", "caption": "The men riding the horses are playing polo in the field. The men are chasing the ball and hitting with mallet. A player hit the ball and then ran after it, behind him are other players.", "segments": [[0, 29.5], [20.11, 98.56], [65.04, 134.1]], "duration": 134.1, "id": 5038}, {"image_id": "v_RIaNmXzBQnE.mp4", "caption": "There is a woman eating ice cream from a tub and talking to the camera man. And he tries to look into the tub, but she pulls it away. The camera person sits down to continue talking to the woman. She gets up and he follows her through the house as she walks into the kitchen. She puts the rest of the ice cream in the freezer and rinses the spoon.", "segments": [[0, 150.08], [44.69, 60.7], [60.7, 86], [129.84, 167.78], [148.39, 166.09]], "duration": 168.62, "id": 5039}, {"image_id": "v_sHRajZw7A8g.mp4", "caption": "We see a blue opening screen with a drink. We see a lady mixing drinks behind a bar. The lady add ice and three shots liquor to a glass. The lady pours something red in the glass. The lady adds something form the dispenser and a can. The lady stirs then pushes the drink forward. We see a red closing screen and a long black screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.54], [4.99, 56.29], [17.7, 35.86], [39.04, 43.13], [44.49, 51.75], [51.75, 56.29], [59.01, 90.79]], "duration": 90.78999999999999, "id": 5040}, {"image_id": "v_1JeK3U_nUUc.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of people wandering on a beach that lead into clips of a soccer match and people celebrating. More people are seen dancing around as well as playing soccer and gesturing to the camera.", "segments": [[6.39, 82.34], [53.24, 141.26]], "duration": 141.97, "id": 5041}, {"image_id": "v_VE-zu8cdL44.mp4", "caption": "A dog who is missing his front legs is walking across a lawn. He is following the camera man, then breaks into a hopping run. He returns, and does the same again.", "segments": [[0, 13.15], [14.98, 56.98], [60.27, 73.05]], "duration": 73.05, "id": 5042}, {"image_id": "v_-IkL9Kq9zfQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in cold weather clothing is kayaking on a river. The shot pans out to show several kayaks, and the man stuck on a small waterfall. He finally gets himself unstuck, pulling away from the falls.", "segments": [[0, 4.36], [5.81, 29.89], [32.18, 41.52]], "duration": 41.52, "id": 5043}, {"image_id": "v_KnF56TCKPYw.mp4", "caption": "A dog sniffs the feet of a man and a woman. The couple walk the dog down to a lake. There are other owners and dogs, and they play at the water's edge.", "segments": [[0, 32.87], [32.87, 113.36], [113.36, 226.72]], "duration": 226.72, "id": 5044}, {"image_id": "v_BtGrWzfvmP0.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen smiling and waving to the camera followed by her holding up a contact lens and cleanser. She mixes the two together followed by putting the contact lens in her eyes. She finally shows off her eyes in the end and gives the camera a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 25.75], [30.66, 99.94], [103.01, 122.63]], "duration": 122.63, "id": 5045}, {"image_id": "v_hnwZmUR1FUw.mp4", "caption": "There are two men indoors and playing racquetball in an indoor court as they quickly hit the ball against the wall and take turns.One of the men wearing a green shirt looks angrily at the camera and throws the racquet at the camera. The camera person turns the camera to himself and he is running and laughing while looking in the camera.", "segments": [[0, 64.6], [64.6, 66.7], [66.7, 83.89]], "duration": 83.89, "id": 5046}, {"image_id": "v_Y97KgwAmdrU.mp4", "caption": "Various ingredients are laid out on a counter and are all mixed together in a bowl. The person is then shown placing dough balls into the oven and pressing a button. Then person then takes the cookies out and they disappear, all in stop animation.", "segments": [[0, 46.59], [47.31, 100.35], [98.92, 143.36]], "duration": 143.36, "id": 5047}, {"image_id": "v_EKyV_WFsJH0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while a shot of a person playing basketball shows behind. The man continues speaking as more shots are shown of the boy playing basketball. The man continues speaking and ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[3.23, 54.86], [39.37, 93.58], [89.07, 123.92]], "duration": 129.08, "id": 5048}, {"image_id": "v_E5uAH7_WTFs.mp4", "caption": "A professional swimmer wipes his eyes before engaging in the competition. He takes off, swimming as he tries to beat the two competitors on either side of him.", "segments": [[0, 1.99], [2.41, 9.46]], "duration": 9.46, "id": 5049}, {"image_id": "v_DEVD2oszH48.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast gets ready and stretches out before an event. The gymnast runs then tumbles down a platform during an Olympic game finally landing on a padded mat. A large crowd applauds the performance. Other gymnast look on and nod with approval. A replay shows the gymnasts performance in slow motion. The gymnast sits with her coach and is congratulated.", "segments": [[0, 20.88], [21.31, 33.49], [34.79, 37.4], [38.27, 40.01], [43.93, 70.89], [72.63, 84.81]], "duration": 86.98, "id": 5050}, {"image_id": "v_-lV2zo5XsCg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a horse is seen standing in a fenced in area. A person is then seen brushing the horse from the side. The person continues brushing as a close up of the horse is shown.", "segments": [[0.46, 7.98], [8.13, 22.85], [22.24, 29.29]], "duration": 30.67, "id": 5051}, {"image_id": "v_NbTlXQLScRo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera followed by him laying several ingredients out and boiling them in some water. He then pours more food items under water and into a pot filled with water.", "segments": [[5.4, 82.88], [85.58, 177.46]], "duration": 180.16, "id": 5052}, {"image_id": "v_rWVpotNVeyM.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with with white words reading, Winter Sedona,AZ.A man begins walking through a field of trees and shrubs,wearing a yellow hat,cardigan,boots,and a bag.He then stops and begins playing a wooden recorder.The camera zooms in and he continues playing the recorder and various forms of the surrounding landscape is shown.", "segments": [[0, 8.39], [9.44, 36.7], [34.6, 118.48], [117.43, 209.7]], "duration": 209.7, "id": 5053}, {"image_id": "v_7IfBJgi3WCE.mp4", "caption": "The camera moves in on two cars parked on the street facing one another. A young man is then seen riding a tractor along the lawn to cut the grass and moves all around the camera man.", "segments": [[0, 24.71], [15.06, 47.07]], "duration": 47.07, "id": 5054}, {"image_id": "v_ikHGZpkhfNc.mp4", "caption": "Five people carrying skateboards are walking towards the light. The young people are skateboarding in a subdivision while sitting down using their hands as a break. The young people skateboard in a ramp, then to the parking lot, then to the subdivision, one of the skateboarders fell off their skateboards.", "segments": [[0, 21.31], [18.11, 93.75], [53.26, 213.06]], "duration": 213.06, "id": 5055}, {"image_id": "v_JO_CW4PR3I8.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a wooden case. He puts a towel through the case. He begins to shine his shoe with the towel.", "segments": [[2.23, 13.97], [13.97, 23.49], [24.7, 40.5]], "duration": 40.5, "id": 5056}, {"image_id": "v_cxFt88Cs-fs.mp4", "caption": "Two men are outside on the side of a bridge talking to each other as several people are walking by talking to them and shaking their hands.After,the man that is in the harness grabs on to the shoulders of two men as they help him stand up on top of the bridge.Finally,the man does a free fall off of the bridge and a orange ball is thrown to him.", "segments": [[0, 71.37], [71.37, 148.23], [148.23, 183]], "duration": 183.0, "id": 5057}, {"image_id": "v_rBnygEUFOvE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast wearing red leotards is performing gymnastics on uneven bars in a large stadium with a several spectators. She is doing front flips and back flips with swift motion without falling down. After she's done, she gets off the uneven bars and walks off as she gives a high five to her coach.", "segments": [[7.58, 28.97], [28.97, 41.42], [41.42, 50.09]], "duration": 54.15, "id": 5058}, {"image_id": "v_5jaIcPomOuM.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen speaking to the camera with one holding a cat in her lap. The woman then proceeds to hold the cat's claws and cut the nails while pointing to the cat and looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 26.6], [24.83, 59.12]], "duration": 59.12, "id": 5059}, {"image_id": "v_eOsASILOUZM.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands on a diving board. She jumps off of the diving board. She dives into the pool of water. She swims under the water.", "segments": [[0, 1.78], [2.6, 5.39], [5.01, 8.18], [8.43, 12.36]], "duration": 12.68, "id": 5060}, {"image_id": "v_nOxKfRwdf2w.mp4", "caption": "People are dancing on a stage. Two people are talking to a camera outside. A ballerina does several twirls on stage.", "segments": [[0, 30.79], [30.79, 33.07], [79.82, 103.77]], "duration": 228.07, "id": 5061}, {"image_id": "v_HqpflYNEI7o.mp4", "caption": "A pumpkin is sitting on a counter. A knife is carving a face into the pumpkin. The lights are turned off and the pumpkin is lit up.", "segments": [[5.17, 48.96], [15.52, 48.62], [49.31, 56.55]], "duration": 68.96000000000001, "id": 5062}, {"image_id": "v_oZnbAhzN3jg.mp4", "caption": "A person shows how to clean large windows. First the soap is applied then it is scraped away. The process is repeated and finished.", "segments": [[0, 172.66], [17.27, 44.89], [55.25, 158.85]], "duration": 172.66, "id": 5063}, {"image_id": "v_f5Ja983oTMw.mp4", "caption": "A man mounts a pommel horse and starts spinning. A gymnast in the background falls mid performance. The main performer dismounts and throws his arms in the air. The main performer walks away.", "segments": [[0, 30.25], [12.97, 15.13], [29.71, 30.43], [31.87, 36.02]], "duration": 36.02, "id": 5064}, {"image_id": "v_ljxNDSS_AcA.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a room talking. Another man is painting the walls of the room. The man sets his paint can and his towel down next to him.", "segments": [[0, 14.34], [7.17, 163.15], [164.04, 170.32]], "duration": 179.28, "id": 5065}, {"image_id": "v_toeGFZLoeHU.mp4", "caption": "A man, wearing a kilt and white t-shirt plays the bagpipes while standing outside of a shopping strip parking lot, as cars pass by. A man stands outside next to a yellow fire hydrant and plays the bagpipes as cars pass. The man moves closer to the cars or the edge of the sidewalk as he plays. The man continues to play bagpipes on the sidewalk until the scene fades to black.", "segments": [[0.41, 39.73], [8.11, 14.19], [17.84, 29.39], [34.06, 40.54]], "duration": 40.54, "id": 5066}, {"image_id": "v_KFIxTdJtXAE.mp4", "caption": "One group of adults are in a raft, paddling through the water with big waves. The group hit each other's paddle like a high five and then continue to paddle through the river. Other group of people are riding the rafts and stopped at the side of the river.", "segments": [[0, 94.22], [60.83, 135.97], [110.92, 238.54]], "duration": 238.54, "id": 5067}, {"image_id": "v_nypn_gYS8Ik.mp4", "caption": "A woman is combing her hair while looking into the camera. She then brushes her bangs straight. She continues brushing with the comb and her hand.", "segments": [[0, 7.33], [7.64, 33.31], [34.84, 61.12]], "duration": 61.12, "id": 5068}, {"image_id": "v_lu7viu9nf6g.mp4", "caption": "Various clips of a large group of people are seen standing together leading into clips of people shooting bows and arrows. More clips are shown of people speaking to the camera are shown as well as people celebrating and shooting more bows and dancing.", "segments": [[0, 38.72], [30.3, 84.17]], "duration": 84.17, "id": 5069}, {"image_id": "v_aKLKf4Qd_4U.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a house is seen when a person walks into frame. The person is seen grabbing lawn mower and pulling it to the side. The person then pushes the lawn mower all around the house.", "segments": [[0.33, 6.03], [6.03, 15.03], [12.29, 21.72]], "duration": 21.94, "id": 5070}, {"image_id": "v_FSU0YVLCoSc.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen close up on a tool and begins moving the handle around and taking the tool apart. The person unscrews some items and tightens the inside and moves the screwdriver around while holding the tool.", "segments": [[0, 152.26], [54.85, 163.72]], "duration": 163.72, "id": 5071}, {"image_id": "v_ot7hBY4lQ2c.mp4", "caption": "A group of men have gathered indoors. Two of them crouch in the center. They flip to the center of the circle, doing ornate kickboxing stunts. Several more clips of other fighters are shown, flipping, rolling, and kicking. The two men hug at the end.", "segments": [[0, 13.97], [14.79, 19.72], [24.65, 61.63], [65.74, 150.37], [151.19, 164.34]], "duration": 164.34, "id": 5072}, {"image_id": "v_mHe2twk5BDE.mp4", "caption": "Various still shot pictures of different men, different ages, different races and different sizes appear with white text names appearing over each of their faces. A blue screen then appears and white text words appear and say \"WAIT!! SO WHAT IS WATER POLO??\".Various clips of many men playing water polo in a pool start to play and it shows them splashing in the water, fighting for the ball, swimming, and trying to make a goal at the net that's at the end of a pool.Another blue screen appears and it has white text that say's \"OK then so heres us in action\" and numerous still shot pictures display of people playing water polo in the pool, or just hanging out are displayed. When the pictures are done a blue screen appears with a lot of white words on it that basically say that if you're interested in what you just saw, you just need to contact one of them.", "segments": [[0, 39.24], [39.24, 44], [44, 110.59], [110.59, 219.98], [219.98, 237.82]], "duration": 237.82, "id": 5073}, {"image_id": "v_Xj--zKhm6k4.mp4", "caption": "A large man is dancing inside a dark room. People behind him laugh and clap. He is throwing darts at a target in the distance.", "segments": [[0, 4.76], [6.09, 9.96], [10.85, 29.72]], "duration": 29.72, "id": 5074}, {"image_id": "v_UoX2xhYPD38.mp4", "caption": "A young man is washing clothes inside a bathroom sink as he talks to the camera. Initially he starts to wash the clothes with both hands. Afterwards he adds more soap using two different bottles to the sink. Subsequently he keeps washing the clothes as he talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 81.15], [0, 34.49], [33.68, 53.16], [53.56, 81.15]], "duration": 81.15, "id": 5075}, {"image_id": "v_NQyAC1aweec.mp4", "caption": "A cat is shown close up with a person's hand cutting the nails on the cat. The person continues cutting the claws while the cat attempts to get up several times.", "segments": [[2.71, 41.42], [30.97, 71.22]], "duration": 77.42, "id": 5076}, {"image_id": "v_opGZh9nUlWA.mp4", "caption": "A lady stands in a dance studio. the lady performs a ballet dance. The lady lifts her leg up behind her and moves it to the front and rests it on her leg. The lady stands in front of the camera facing the mirror. We see a person sitting on the left side of the room.", "segments": [[0, 13.63], [13.63, 170.34], [53.66, 68.14], [103.91, 114.98], [168.64, 170.34]], "duration": 170.34, "id": 5077}, {"image_id": "v_gS4dNLjHouo.mp4", "caption": "A marching band parades down the street, playing drums and other instruments. People on both sides of the street watch the band perform.", "segments": [[0, 186.78], [0.93, 185.85]], "duration": 186.78, "id": 5078}, {"image_id": "v_Pl4zAGveukQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman with long hair speaks to the camera. She holds up a long brush. She demonstrates how to use the brush to scrape snow off a car. When she is done, she continues talking about the brush.", "segments": [[0, 14.85], [18.07, 30.34], [33.57, 106.51], [107.8, 129.1]], "duration": 129.1, "id": 5079}, {"image_id": "v__EKqIcXdW04.mp4", "caption": "A lady knees, while a guy walks and instructs. The lady places both hands behind her head.", "segments": [[0, 54.08], [9.19, 54.08]], "duration": 54.08, "id": 5080}, {"image_id": "v_gDhfInESf_E.mp4", "caption": "A lady is brushing her hair. The lady brushes her hair from underneath. 115 The lady runs her hand through her hair. The lady finishes and sits upright.", "segments": [[0, 76.02], [33.03, 39.32], [76.02, 102.76], [102.76, 104.86]], "duration": 104.86, "id": 5081}, {"image_id": "v_7Lkcan0X5VA.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are shown playing piano. A close up of a trumpet shows a man playing. The video fades to the people playing on stage. The camera zooms in on the trumpet player. A girl is shown playing piano. The duo continue playing until the song ends.", "segments": [[0, 8.8], [9.53, 49.84], [48.37, 58.64], [58.64, 85.02], [85.75, 115.07], [115.8, 146.59]], "duration": 146.59, "id": 5082}, {"image_id": "v_rI-Iq496Sgk.mp4", "caption": "A man has climbed a large ladder outside. He is using trimmers to cut and trim large trees. He reaches up, cutting the branches and twigs.", "segments": [[0, 10.67], [12.55, 49.9], [54.29, 62.76]], "duration": 62.76, "id": 5083}, {"image_id": "v_HdgVytIzu4s.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a tennis racket and begins hitting a ball around a room. Another man is in frame also holding a tennis racket and hitting a ball around. The men continue to play with one another around the room while the camera follows their movements.", "segments": [[0, 23.6], [19.79, 70.8], [74.6, 148.45]], "duration": 152.25, "id": 5084}, {"image_id": "v_RNqJj9tt3F0.mp4", "caption": "Several NHL players are playing a hockey game in a hockey stadium. One of the player is shown expressing his anger at the game. A news caster comes onto the screen to announce a a segment about hockey meltdowns. The top ten hockey melt downs are then shown.", "segments": [[0, 2.15], [2.15, 16.11], [16.11, 35.44], [35.44, 214.76]], "duration": 214.76, "id": 5085}, {"image_id": "v_Ka0Rtjfi9fI.mp4", "caption": "A man trims a large hedge with a pole trimmer. There are several close ups of the tool in action. Several extensions are shown for it. The man trims a tree with it.", "segments": [[0, 21.67], [22.17, 35.78], [69.53, 80.12], [82.13, 100.78]], "duration": 100.78, "id": 5086}, {"image_id": "v_VFOpGMVouVg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her playing with her hair and pining it up. She ten begins braiding her hair in various places while speaking to the camera. She ties her hair back around her head and ends by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[2.04, 45.79], [45.79, 149.59], [149.59, 197.42]], "duration": 203.52, "id": 5087}, {"image_id": "v_eQMT-WmxKM8.mp4", "caption": "a girl is holding a baton her hand. She tosses it to a boy beside her. They take turns throwing it into the air and catching it.", "segments": [[0, 9.73], [10.4, 47.33], [51.02, 67.13]], "duration": 67.13, "id": 5088}, {"image_id": "v_a42c_maArv4.mp4", "caption": "The camera shakes on an image of an indoor volleyball court. A woman races back from the net to hit the incoming volleyball. A fellow team member also hits the ball and sends it across the net.", "segments": [[0, 3.21], [3.27, 6.21], [6.26, 10.89]], "duration": 10.89, "id": 5089}, {"image_id": "v_e60HGAzBOvo.mp4", "caption": "The man is wearing an apron as he walks into the works space and the words \"Conti Ski-Boots Service Presents Race Operation\" is overlayed onto the screen as he grabs a ski pole and picks up a drill and uses it on the top of the ski. The man then grabs the ski and puts it into the green machinery that is located behind him and runs it through the machine a few times then removes it and stars to work on the backside of the ski which appears to look like he is sanding, taping and pouring some type of clear finish onto it. The man then runs a device over the sky that looks like an iron, and continues to sand it, clear it off, scrape it, and use the ironing device again.The man then removes the tape and turns the ski onto it's side to scrape at it. When he's finished he grabs the ski and puts it into a compartment that is located above the green machine.", "segments": [[0, 14.84], [14.84, 92.17], [92.17, 132.79], [132.79, 146.85], [146.85, 156.22]], "duration": 156.22, "id": 5090}, {"image_id": "v_woiigfrANUM.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in an arena preparing to skateboard. The man skates down a halfpipe and goes back and forth from one end to the other. The man loses his skateboard and comes down the wall on his knees. We see the man's disappointment as another man prepares to skate. The man walks away and hops on his skateboard behind the stage.", "segments": [[0, 38.26], [39.68, 70.86], [70.86, 74.4], [75.82, 132.5], [133.21, 141.71]], "duration": 141.71, "id": 5091}, {"image_id": "v_MzYA5oo-mzk.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a screened area standing on a concrete circle and swings a ball on a rope around two times above his head.The man then quickly starts spinning himself along with swinging the ball on the rope. After numerous and quick swings and spins the man lets the rope go and the ball goes flying.", "segments": [[0, 0.42], [0.42, 4.91], [4.91, 7.06]], "duration": 7.06, "id": 5092}, {"image_id": "v_DsqNpc9JChY.mp4", "caption": "A person wash the dishes using a brush in a sink. Then, the person wash the utensils while cleaning with the brush. After, the person pours dishwasher in a glass and a cup, then brush and rinse.", "segments": [[0, 88.04], [89.16, 139.31], [141.53, 222.89]], "duration": 222.89, "id": 5093}, {"image_id": "v__HQTWGmXXsc.mp4", "caption": "A young woman with a black dress and red cardigan on is standing in the corner of a kitchen cutting fruits.After awhile,she grabs six strawberries and leaves them on the cutting board as she begins to cut grapes.In front of her,there are two large white bowls full of fruit and she begins putting the cut up fruit in those bowls.The camera then moves and the person zooms in on the contents of the fruit bowls,showing pineapples,strawberries and grapes.", "segments": [[0, 14.07], [14.07, 44.31], [44.83, 70.37], [70.9, 104.26]], "duration": 104.25999999999999, "id": 5094}, {"image_id": "v_g-KEU43sCt4.mp4", "caption": "Children perform martial arts moves in a dojo as adults watch. A girl flips and takes her turn then flips out of the center. A teen does a flip to the other side of the room. One of the teachers moves to the middle of the floor. The teen talks to another one of the children and send the boy in when it's his turn. the teen attempts to have a scared boy take a turn but the boy refuses. The children all run to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 219.55], [48.17, 81.77], [86.25, 95.21], [114.25, 127.7], [133.3, 168.02], [192.66, 204.98], [220.67, 224.03]], "duration": 224.03, "id": 5095}, {"image_id": "v_2SnFlGUHKnc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is dancing in the middle of the street with a baton. She twirls and throws the baton while a small crowd watches. She continues down the road, performing with the baton.", "segments": [[0, 7.89], [9.55, 49.82], [54.39, 83.04]], "duration": 83.03999999999999, "id": 5096}, {"image_id": "v_KRfdZgxLZPY.mp4", "caption": "In the snow, various young men perform snowboard tricks before the camera. A man in a blue sweatshirt jumps down a staircase. A young man in a black outfit performs a double trick by grinding down one railing and jumping down a staircase. A man in a purple sweatshirt grinds down a staircase railing. A man in a purple and black striped sweatshirt jumps down a staircase. The man in the blue sweatshirt grinds down a railing and lands stylishly on the floor.", "segments": [[2.16, 138.88], [7.2, 11.51], [12.23, 19.43], [30.22, 35.98], [68.36, 77], [130.25, 136.72]], "duration": 143.92000000000002, "id": 5097}, {"image_id": "v_07GFy_Z7Nuc.mp4", "caption": "A male gymnast walks up to the parallel bars and uses a spring board to jump up. Another man pulls the spring board out of the way. A large crowd watches from the stands in the gym. The gymnast does a parallel bar routine. Several other male gymnasts walk around in the background. The male gymnast completes his routine and runs off of the gym floor.", "segments": [[0, 10.23], [8.72, 11.13], [0, 60.16], [9.33, 55.95], [6.02, 60.16], [57.76, 60.16]], "duration": 60.16, "id": 5098}, {"image_id": "v_zCijq4G1B3Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is painting the wood with brush, the wood is being shown. The man is painting the fence with brown paint, then painting the table. The man mixed the paint and then began painting the wooden table, then he clean up the floor and brush it.", "segments": [[12.96, 58.75], [38.88, 120.08], [105.4, 172.78]], "duration": 172.78, "id": 5099}, {"image_id": "v_4XX5rcqpOXA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting at a table followed by two people dancing with one another and others sitting around watch. The people continue dancing around one another and end by stopping and having other two dancing beside them.", "segments": [[5.99, 96.77], [80.5, 168.7]], "duration": 171.27, "id": 5100}, {"image_id": "v_J80e9M4AQ5w.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen with a black background. We see a lot of people moving snow with shovel, brooms, pots, and bowls. A man is shoveling with a dist pan followed by ladies with a hoe and plate. A man throws snow on a lady. A man throws snow on people. A person is stuck in the snow is buried by others. A lady talks to the camera and it goes black and white. People are mainge snow angels. We see the closing credits of the video.", "segments": [[0, 5.69], [6.64, 176.32], [43.61, 54.03], [67.3, 72.04], [86.26, 100.48], [100.48, 132.71], [132.71, 154.52], [152.62, 164.94], [178.22, 189.59]], "duration": 189.59, "id": 5101}, {"image_id": "v___dXUJsj3yo.mp4", "caption": "A middle age woman is shown squatting down picking up snow and dumping it in pile.She then walks towards the camera and sticks her tongue out.", "segments": [[0, 11.84], [11.69, 29.98]], "duration": 29.98, "id": 5102}, {"image_id": "v_QY-2lN9zwho.mp4", "caption": "A young boy laughs while holding two toothbrushes. He uses an electric brush to brush his teeth. He shakes the brush, occasionally pouring water on it and putting it back in his mouth.", "segments": [[0, 20.4], [23.92, 83.01], [83.71, 140.69]], "duration": 140.69, "id": 5103}, {"image_id": "v_N0mNYZaCJoQ.mp4", "caption": "A person pulls the rope of a camel that a man sits on. A man pulls a camel with two people in the desert. Two women are close to the camels. A car pass behind the camels.", "segments": [[0, 1.76], [1.76, 32], [0.96, 1.6], [20.32, 32]], "duration": 32.0, "id": 5104}, {"image_id": "v_oGwn4NUeoy8.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen on a stage getting their instruments ready. A woman begins playing the drums while another plays piano and the others watch. The two continue to play their instruments and others on the side watch.", "segments": [[0, 43.63], [32.15, 117.11], [81.9, 146.97]], "duration": 153.09, "id": 5105}, {"image_id": "v_dukaFaotZGc.mp4", "caption": "Two men quickly dismantle a red chimney. One man puts wood over the gaping hole. The man then covers the wood with shingles.", "segments": [[0, 16.44], [69.27, 78.07], [95.09, 102.73]], "duration": 117.4, "id": 5106}, {"image_id": "v_nIpT_lGpjck.mp4", "caption": "We see a person chopping a fruit. The person then cuts off the chopped portion. The person chops the fruit again and cuts off the chopped bit. The person picks up a slice from the bowl and cuts it. We then see the person chop and cut more. The person picks up bits off their pants.", "segments": [[0, 1.48], [1.36, 3.09], [3.09, 9.77], [10.02, 11.25], [11.75, 22.01], [23, 24.73]], "duration": 24.73, "id": 5107}, {"image_id": "v_P17kaxPrbdc.mp4", "caption": "A boy is seen holding a stick while other people watch and clap on the sidelines. The boy holding the stick performs a martial arts routine in front of the people and ends with a pose while everyone around him claps.", "segments": [[0, 26.67], [26.67, 136.77]], "duration": 136.77, "id": 5108}, {"image_id": "v_S2VKbwm0uE8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen giving the camera a piece sign while others around him talk and gear up. One man is then seen stepping up on a platform and jumping off the side.", "segments": [[2.06, 75.02], [31.66, 135.58]], "duration": 137.65, "id": 5109}, {"image_id": "v_QF7wNOCJpMU.mp4", "caption": "A man competes in a canoe in a river moving the oar very fast. Then, the man pass turbulent waters.", "segments": [[0, 40.35], [40.35, 87.73]], "duration": 87.73, "id": 5110}, {"image_id": "v_SXlSHYVNcvM.mp4", "caption": "The word ehow appears on the screen. We see a woman dressed in red standing in a room of a house. She is talking about a table in front of her. She picks up some furniture polish, and applies it to the wood, polishing it with a sock she has put over her hand.", "segments": [[0, 5.96], [9.54, 31.01], [34.58, 91.83], [97.79, 236.13]], "duration": 238.52, "id": 5111}, {"image_id": "v_HEfOp_pz_j4.mp4", "caption": "In a dark crystal ball, an alien looking thing is looking at the characters inside. Three men are playing paper, scissor, stick and stone while creatures with different colors are watching them with shock. One character won by using scissor, he then talked to the people around him.", "segments": [[0, 5.96], [5.96, 40.3], [27.96, 37.63]], "duration": 41.12, "id": 5112}, {"image_id": "v_8JKK6JayDeA.mp4", "caption": "A woman bends down and lifts a heavy weight over her head. People are sitting behind them on benches. Several more people keep lifting the weights.", "segments": [[9.93, 17.65], [24.27, 204.11], [37.51, 204.11]], "duration": 220.66, "id": 5113}, {"image_id": "v_cb5Xy7k7z1w.mp4", "caption": "A young girl and gymnast performs a gymnastic exercise on the balancing beam at a professional sports event in front of many photographers and an audience in the stands. A young gymnast in a blue outfit stands in front of a balance beam, jumps on it and begins to perform a routine involving flips. The girl performs several flips on the balance beam and high jumps using her arms to balance her stance before performing one final flip off of the beam and sticking the landing after which she walks hugs a coach before looking at the scoreboard and talking briefly with a man seated in a white chair.", "segments": [[0.54, 107.48], [0.54, 30.25], [30.79, 108.02]], "duration": 108.02000000000001, "id": 5114}, {"image_id": "v_R2izNBHhctM.mp4", "caption": "A woman in pink dress is clipping the right paw of a white cat who is sitting on her lap. She took the left paw to clip, the cat looked up and the woman looked down and gave her a quick kiss on the head. The cat looked up while the woman is clipping the right back paw of the cat. While the woman is clipping the left back paw, the cat was blinking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.38], [16.38, 49.85], [49.14, 68.01], [63.03, 68.01]], "duration": 71.22, "id": 5115}, {"image_id": "v_GN0TdqHETvc.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing in a room and speaking to the camera while holding rackets. The two then continuously hit the ball around the closed area back and fourth and point to the camera with a racket and run around.", "segments": [[0, 56.21], [43.81, 165.33]], "duration": 165.32999999999998, "id": 5116}, {"image_id": "v_l866oFamRY4.mp4", "caption": "A group of numerous people are walking down a public street. One couple is walking a pit bull on a leash. We see smoke billowing from a building as the people walk away.", "segments": [[0, 1.9], [2.08, 10.78], [12.14, 18.11]], "duration": 18.11, "id": 5117}, {"image_id": "v_G02h5bFOpCE.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a surf board. Birds fly into the sky above the water. He surfs the waves in the water. He is in the car talking. He surfs in the water some more. The birds are flying over the water again.", "segments": [[15.37, 19.98], [19.98, 22.54], [23.57, 46.11], [46.11, 46.62], [47.65, 74.29], [74.29, 75.83]], "duration": 102.47, "id": 5118}, {"image_id": "v_JjUQ6dWZIL0.mp4", "caption": "A large flag is flowing in the wind. A man is on a street, hitting a stick with another stick. Two men engage in martial arts kick boxing, kicking and swinging and flipping.", "segments": [[0, 18.94], [33.15, 139.21], [143, 189.41]], "duration": 189.41, "id": 5119}, {"image_id": "v_Xfu6WQuFEks.mp4", "caption": "A man is chopping wood in a snowy yard. There is a pile of snow behind him. The log split in two with one strike.", "segments": [[0, 6.77], [0.39, 6.77], [2.81, 6.77]], "duration": 7.01, "id": 5120}, {"image_id": "v_cqgecSy943o.mp4", "caption": "A man bends over to talk to the camera. The man then skateboards on a ramp. He tries to run up the ramp without a skateboard. A child slides down the ramp on her butt. The man's skateboard gets away from him. The man chases his skareboard. The man talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.59], [19.68, 209.94], [59.05, 65.61], [139.96, 147.61], [148.71, 151.99], [179.32, 185.88], [209.94, 218.69]], "duration": 218.69, "id": 5121}, {"image_id": "v_1WR4jgFCqRw.mp4", "caption": "An older gentleman in a blue shirt is painting a wooden fence. He picks up the paint bucket and walks up the sidewalk.", "segments": [[0, 56.09], [56.91, 81.29]], "duration": 81.28999999999999, "id": 5122}, {"image_id": "v_6tzQ5-VBgVU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding around on roller blades in a park and performs a grind while the camera slows down. Several more roller bladers are shown grinding around a park in various locations as well as showing several more tricks. The camera man holds the camera close to his face and zooms in on a man sitting and smoking.", "segments": [[0, 21.54], [21.54, 135.65], [135.65, 159.59]], "duration": 159.59, "id": 5123}, {"image_id": "v_a2Y7AK4VD0o.mp4", "caption": "A girl plays a wind box instrument inside of a house. The woman laughs then resumes playing the song on the instrument.", "segments": [[0, 13.89], [14.19, 30.19]], "duration": 30.19, "id": 5124}, {"image_id": "v_sHxzQu_4edY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown in a yard, talking to the camera. She is then on horseback, and a woman is shown in several scenes talking about technique. The girl rides the horse alone, then with other people down trails.", "segments": [[0, 19.83], [21.48, 114.03], [116.51, 165.26]], "duration": 165.26, "id": 5125}, {"image_id": "v_FDTkn9SFPfs.mp4", "caption": "A person holding a cat straightens the cat's paw. The person cuts the cat's claws with a scissor shape clipper. The cat attacks the the cutter.", "segments": [[0, 3.72], [4.28, 37.18], [5.58, 34.2]], "duration": 37.18, "id": 5126}, {"image_id": "v_Cw5NDI8NnZU.mp4", "caption": "People are surfing on a large wave in the water. A boat is in the water. A large wave crashes in the water.", "segments": [[0, 67.01], [18.43, 30.16], [58.3, 67.01]], "duration": 67.01, "id": 5127}, {"image_id": "v_s0Pw7vKtqpo.mp4", "caption": "Two people are shown and then several boats are advertised. After,the two people in the water surfing over large huge waves together.Next,people on the boat comes into the water as well as on jet skis as a man stands on top of a large cliff over the water.", "segments": [[0, 53.16], [53.16, 127.8], [127.8, 204.48]], "duration": 204.48, "id": 5128}, {"image_id": "v_BJGACTBaU_Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking closer to a pinata while a large group of people stand around him. The man misses the pinata and hits a person behind him, shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 9.04], [5.83, 13.85]], "duration": 14.58, "id": 5129}, {"image_id": "v_Sma-ydx49eQ.mp4", "caption": "A man starts jump roping on a stage. People are in the audience watching him. Two men stand behind cameras filming him.", "segments": [[0, 78.62], [0, 57.79], [47.17, 78.62]], "duration": 78.62, "id": 5130}, {"image_id": "v_snPtOKtIEA4.mp4", "caption": "A team of basketball players are shown on the right side of the court doing lay-ups.After several turns,they move to the left side of the court and begin practicing the lay ups once more.As they are going,a chair sits in front of them to serve as the marker and a man walks back and forth watching them go.", "segments": [[0, 13.8], [13.44, 43.94], [43.94, 72.62]], "duration": 72.62, "id": 5131}, {"image_id": "v_Zhf052cWrv8.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing and walking in the gym. The man sat on the rowing machine and put his feet on the pedal. The man began to pull the belt.", "segments": [[0, 10.85], [7.89, 35.51], [31.07, 98.64]], "duration": 98.64, "id": 5132}, {"image_id": "v_6SHSstpZN1I.mp4", "caption": "We see kids on dirt bikes on a dirt field with adults standing over them. The kids take off and start down the dirk track. The kids have a hard time turning to come up the dirt track. One of the boys has fallen and dropped his bike. We see the kids high fiveing men and women on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0, 21.17], [21.72, 88.49], [32.03, 37.46], [47.23, 52.12], [88.49, 108.58]], "duration": 108.58, "id": 5133}, {"image_id": "v_i5kuZ8zlhMg.mp4", "caption": "The video is about girls varsity water polo. There are several girls getting ready to go to a water polo sport event. They are holding their backpacks and gear. They are traveling to the event together and check into a hotel. The entire team spends time together before the event. Two of the team members talk about their experience with the water polo event. The team members talk about the competition and how they fared in the sport. The screen shows all the final wins and loses in the girls varsity water polo.", "segments": [[17.26, 32.49], [32.49, 40.61], [40.61, 70.06], [70.06, 95.44], [95.44, 104.58], [104.58, 135.03], [135.03, 176.66], [176.66, 189.86]], "duration": 203.06, "id": 5134}, {"image_id": "v_apPeChgjzs4.mp4", "caption": "A shirtless man is playing bongo drums in front of a microphone. There are other sets of drums to his left. To his right is a green bag and a hat situated on a table.", "segments": [[0, 25.89], [0, 24.73], [1.55, 25.89]], "duration": 25.89, "id": 5135}, {"image_id": "v_0WJX2A6PSnA.mp4", "caption": "Cleaning supplies (and the list of names appear on the screen) are on an island in a kitchen. A woman walks in, grabs the supplies, starts spraying the sink and begins scrubbing with a sponge. The woman then starts rinsing the sink with the hand held sprayer until it's all clean. The cleaning spray is on the edge of the counter and text on the screen below it read \"For tough stains repeat as necessary.", "segments": [[0, 2.64], [2.64, 13.77], [13.77, 17.74], [17.74, 22.04]], "duration": 22.04, "id": 5136}, {"image_id": "v_g2GZd1160m4.mp4", "caption": "Two young boys perform martial arts dances. A group of boys around them watches on. Behind the performs sits a group of men playing music for the performance. The performers return to their seats.", "segments": [[12.7, 50.54], [12.7, 52.92], [12.7, 52.65], [50.27, 52.92]], "duration": 52.92, "id": 5137}, {"image_id": "v_dB4SbhaQQV8.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of kids are standing on a soccer field and a girl is talking. The girl is ready to kick a red ball rolled on the ground. The young woman wearing blue shorts and a t-shirt runs and kicks the ball. The young girl slides into the first water slide. The girl then gets up and then slides into the second water slide.", "segments": [[0, 2.48], [1.92, 5.64], [6.43, 11.74], [9.82, 14.9], [17.49, 22.57]], "duration": 22.57, "id": 5138}, {"image_id": "v_6diEN8nUqsI.mp4", "caption": "A man catch a fish from a hole in the ice. Then, the man holds the fish that moves on the ice. After, the man put a metal rod on the mouth of the fish.", "segments": [[0.61, 60.83], [60.83, 89.41], [89.41, 121.65]], "duration": 121.65, "id": 5139}, {"image_id": "v_5SzzJMuyC_M.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen throwing plaster onto a wall while the camera follows the person close behind. The person gradually throws more and more onto the wall and the camera pans over the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 30.21], [29.3, 91.56]], "duration": 91.56, "id": 5140}, {"image_id": "v_2pJTak2Qz8Q.mp4", "caption": "Lots of people are seen walking by in the beginning of the video.Then different people are shown skiing up ramps to do cool tricks.", "segments": [[1.19, 10.69], [26.14, 237.66]], "duration": 237.66, "id": 5141}, {"image_id": "v_r2oMItb5EVM.mp4", "caption": "A young man puts in a pan oil, onions, tomatoes, green leaves and salt, then mix to cook the vegetables. After, the man puts aside the vegetables, and cooks an omelette in the pan. After, the man puts the vegetables over the omelette and folds it, then he serves the omelette.", "segments": [[0, 46.94], [48.03, 82.96], [84.05, 109.16]], "duration": 109.16, "id": 5142}, {"image_id": "v_sYphlW-m1pU.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is sitting in front of a desktop as he plays with a Rubik cube.He finishes the cube and sets it on the desk and quickly stops a timer. He grabs the cube again and begins to complete it. He finishes again and starts another game of the cube.", "segments": [[0, 89.04], [90.02, 91.98], [91.98, 152.64], [153.62, 195.7]], "duration": 195.7, "id": 5143}, {"image_id": "v_DYahQgHG1Gk.mp4", "caption": "An intro appears on the screen for a video bout a man who will be playing the rums. The man begins to play the drums as the camera records him. He pauses and people are laughing and enjoying the music. He pauses again and waits for a reaction from the crowd. the camera turns to show the people that are enjoying the music. The video ends with the closing credits.", "segments": [[0, 15.79], [15.79, 108.85], [55.27, 65.43], [83.47, 89.11], [100.96, 106.03], [108.85, 112.8]], "duration": 112.8, "id": 5144}, {"image_id": "v_bzHSF5GJc8o.mp4", "caption": "A group of women are wearing volleyball team uniforms standing in an indoor gym, and a young woman that has a number 10 on her shirt is bouncing the volleyball and getting ready to serve. The woman serves the ball and a game ensues as all the women keep the ball in the area and hit it over the net multiple times trying to keep it in bounds.The same woman that served the ball spikes the ball very hard ,the other team misses it and her team mates cheer.The same woman that served earlier serves the volleyball once again and the other team quickly spikes the ball that sends the opposing team member rolling on the ground in an attempt to save the ball from hitting the ground.", "segments": [[0, 4.73], [4.73, 43.64], [43.64, 51.27], [51.27, 72.73]], "duration": 72.73, "id": 5145}, {"image_id": "v_9A0BwCxAKAg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen talking to the camera and leads into him rubbing down a window. He streaks the window with cleaner and shows several methods on how to use a wiper properly. The window is all clean in the end and he is still seen talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 34.64], [34.64, 205.54], [204.39, 230.95]], "duration": 230.95, "id": 5146}, {"image_id": "v_L6Uf3epn3zA.mp4", "caption": "Several canoes are sen laid out that leads into shots of people riding in the canoes. A man is seen speaking to the camera as well as riding in a canoe with another woman. More people are seen riding down the river in canoes while the man continues to speak.", "segments": [[0.94, 53.46], [55.33, 150.06], [131.3, 178.19]], "duration": 187.57, "id": 5147}, {"image_id": "v_eoOzE3cpqVg.mp4", "caption": "A man in gear is shown pointing two guns. He is hiding behind rocks, sneaking up on other paintball players. They shoot at each other as he goes back behind the rocks to hide.", "segments": [[0, 4.4], [5.17, 29.75], [30.26, 51.74]], "duration": 51.74, "id": 5148}, {"image_id": "v_YYpeT1sH_m0.mp4", "caption": "Fit guys stand on a bleach. The guys play beach soccer. A man gives an interview. A player juggles two soccer balls.", "segments": [[0, 7.14], [7.85, 142.76], [22.13, 135.62], [52.82, 56.39]], "duration": 142.76, "id": 5149}, {"image_id": "v_Ox51OBhM5Ak.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a yellow shirt is eating an ice cream cone. A boy in a striped shirt is sitting across from her eating an ice cream cone. A man next to him looks back at her.", "segments": [[2.89, 24.6], [5.79, 10.45], [19.62, 19.94]], "duration": 32.16, "id": 5150}, {"image_id": "v_rHMMgJBUWh8.mp4", "caption": "A guy spins a ball attached to a rope. The guy releases the ball and rope attachment to the area behind him. The guy spins the ball attached to a rope and falls to the ground.", "segments": [[0.94, 6.21], [6.34, 7.15], [7.42, 25.36]], "duration": 26.98, "id": 5151}, {"image_id": "v_9A9wnSoXs48.mp4", "caption": "A man in white shirt and white lifevest is sitting in a single orange raft. The man in a raft is going against the water waves, he paddles and the raft is turning in circle.", "segments": [[0, 63.05], [52.81, 107.78]], "duration": 107.78, "id": 5152}, {"image_id": "v_ZpwXqrCxcGg.mp4", "caption": "An empty room is shown with yellow tile. A man in a white shirt is painting a wall. He turns around and looks at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.97], [15.96, 24.32], [45.85, 50.67]], "duration": 50.67, "id": 5153}, {"image_id": "v_-9B2XtqICFw.mp4", "caption": "We see a series of title screens. We then see a badminton match. We see a illustration of badminton. We then see a lady and a man playing indoors. We see animations as the man hits the ball. We see a illustration of the man. We then see the ending screen. A man is talking in a green room.", "segments": [[0, 11.06], [11.06, 23.04], [23.96, 33.17], [34.09, 152.97], [78.33, 140.07], [121.64, 130.85], [153.89, 164.02], [164.02, 184.3]], "duration": 184.3, "id": 5154}, {"image_id": "v_zGDecqEw9AU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen playing a fooseball table and cheering with one another. The people continue playing and pausing to cheer ending with a handshake.", "segments": [[0.95, 31.52], [30.26, 61.78]], "duration": 63.04, "id": 5155}, {"image_id": "v_w4CiGbHLTBg.mp4", "caption": "A green paint brush holder is shown. The brush of the paint brush is being shown on a person's finger. They are painting with the brush. They are dropping thinner into the paint with a dropper. There is a model airplane sitting on the table. The airplane is being painted a gold color. A green paint brush is being shown and turned around.", "segments": [[6.29, 21.66], [21.66, 30.04], [30.04, 51.69], [51.69, 60.78], [61.47, 67.76], [68.46, 139.72], [124.35, 132.03]], "duration": 139.72, "id": 5156}, {"image_id": "v_ZTwmb1d44bc.mp4", "caption": "A curling stone slides down the ice. The blue team discuss their strategy. The white team high five each other. The blue team discuss while a member points. A blue team player takes his turn and curls his stone into the center. The blue team comes and hugs the player as they celebrate. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.83], [6.08, 8.11], [8.36, 10.64], [10.9, 14.19], [16.22, 38.02], [38.27, 43.09], [43.59, 50.69]], "duration": 50.69, "id": 5157}, {"image_id": "v_73zt29iKyL4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking along the snow and pulling a sled behind him. The person cuts a hole in the ice as well as bait and finally catches a fish. The man cuts the fish, cooks it, and is then seen eating it and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 58.56], [58.56, 154.47], [116.1, 197.88]], "duration": 201.92000000000002, "id": 5158}, {"image_id": "v_y76trNI6U0Y.mp4", "caption": "A lady is washing a small dog in a sink. The lady puts shampoo on the dog. The lady picks the dog up again. The lady takes the dog over to a table and stands him up. She drapes the dog over a rolled up towel. She then picks up the dog.", "segments": [[0, 71.12], [16.28, 47.98], [52.27, 71.12], [71.97, 125.1], [125.1, 166.22], [167.94, 171.36]], "duration": 171.36, "id": 5159}, {"image_id": "v_UJebyFqxDXI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera holding various objects and transitions into him cutting the edge of a lawn. He is then shown mowing lawns and trimming hedges while speaking to the camera as well as blowing leaves out of a yard.", "segments": [[0, 65], [65.7, 141.29]], "duration": 141.29, "id": 5160}, {"image_id": "v_9pJZsi04xBk.mp4", "caption": "Two teams play a game of indoor field hockey. Teams take shots on a goal keeper that are blocked. The referee starts and stops the game.", "segments": [[0, 95.97], [4.32, 91.17], [62.86, 82.05]], "duration": 95.97, "id": 5161}, {"image_id": "v_iKnRiVXMMGg.mp4", "caption": "Scenes of women using various methods to curl their hair are shown. A computer graphics sequence shows one particular device's functionality. Several women display their curled hair. The curling product is once again demonstrated by several women. One woman's before and after pictures are shown.", "segments": [[0.44, 55.03], [29.7, 35.38], [55.03, 62.89], [62.46, 83.42], [84.3, 87.35]], "duration": 87.35, "id": 5162}, {"image_id": "v_Zts8FynhoJs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is brushing her teeth in a bathroom. Someone is filming her behind her. She spits the toothpaste out into the sink in front of her.", "segments": [[0, 20.09], [4.32, 6.03], [14.16, 15.16]], "duration": 20.09, "id": 5163}, {"image_id": "v_RsHk6sq_9IY.mp4", "caption": "An advertising screen appears momentarily as the video begins. A group of men are shown kicking a ball back and forth in a stadium. The men run after the ball, attempting to capture it from the opposing team. A yellow circle is shown around a particular player.", "segments": [[0, 6.93], [8.09, 52.57], [53.15, 83.77], [85.5, 115.54]], "duration": 115.53999999999999, "id": 5164}, {"image_id": "v_YJ4ynq5Adg0.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are standing around wearing lifejackets as the camera pans around a lake. A man is seen sitting in a boat and the camera continues panning around the area. The kids wander into the boats and beginning paddling down the river. The water becomes more furious and the kids splash the camera man playfully. The continue riding down the treacherous waves as the camera watches them from afar.", "segments": [[1.81, 7.25], [7.25, 24.16], [24.16, 58.59], [58.59, 93.03], [93.03, 120.21]], "duration": 120.81, "id": 5165}, {"image_id": "v_Te1d8H4VWYw.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen swimming around a pool grabbing a ball and throwing it back and fourth. The people continue playing with one another and throw the ball around.", "segments": [[0.39, 7.19], [5.49, 14.92]], "duration": 15.47, "id": 5166}, {"image_id": "v_JgHubY5Vw3Y.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are talking in a room. A person is riding a bike down the street. Someone falls over after riding a bike. The man and woman are talking in a room. A bike is leaning against a fence. A man puts a lock around the tire of his bike.", "segments": [[0.72, 5.75], [6.46, 10.05], [17.95, 19.39], [24.42, 39.5], [70.38, 72.54], [97.67, 112.76]], "duration": 143.64, "id": 5167}, {"image_id": "v_HW9c7WFW6q8.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a sunset set is shown followed by peaking smoking and walking around a paint ball pit. The men speak to one another and lead into running around and playing paint ball. They pauses for a few moments to speak to one another and the camera captures the shooters from different angles.", "segments": [[10.13, 54.04], [52.91, 158.74], [167.75, 225.16]], "duration": 225.16, "id": 5168}, {"image_id": "v_W01QffZYsxQ.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen laying down on a rug while the camera records them. The child then covers their eyes with their hands and moves their head up and down. Finally they smile to the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 18.39], [3.13, 14.53], [15.26, 18.39]], "duration": 18.39, "id": 5169}, {"image_id": "v_hYgheCsbtco.mp4", "caption": "A close up is seen of chords and numbers scrolling next to the top of a guitar. Instructions are being given for playing the instrument. The person's fingers move up and down on the chords as they are shown.", "segments": [[0, 3.36], [3.85, 35.81], [36.77, 48.07]], "duration": 48.07, "id": 5170}, {"image_id": "v_k6pU9VaFsZ8.mp4", "caption": "man is wearing stils and is making high jumps above a trasher bin in a parking lot. man is doing high jumps inf ront of the las vegas sign in the street and above a stoned wall in the street.", "segments": [[0, 43.53], [43.53, 95.67]], "duration": 95.67, "id": 5171}, {"image_id": "v_XQ0_P0LpCFM.mp4", "caption": "Two teams are shown on a field and the man is running playing lacrosse and runs directly into the other opponent.Another play starts and this time another person is ran into except it is more fragrant and the person lays on the ground hurt for quite some time.After consulting with the referee and seeking help,the male finally gets up and the rest of the game continues.", "segments": [[0, 60.32], [61.15, 115.69], [115.69, 165.27]], "duration": 165.27, "id": 5172}, {"image_id": "v_m_ST2LDe5lA.mp4", "caption": "Two people wearing scuba gear are underwater. They look at each other, remove their mouth pieces, then kiss. The man places his mouth piece back in.", "segments": [[0, 4.19], [4.87, 14.78], [15.55, 17.09]], "duration": 17.09, "id": 5173}, {"image_id": "v_R3YoG3Hi4iI.mp4", "caption": "A person jumps off a boat into the water. A boy is long boarding down a street. They stop and sit on a park bench. A person is riding an escalator up.", "segments": [[12.68, 18.6], [20.29, 76.94], [45.65, 47.34], [143.72, 169.09]], "duration": 169.09, "id": 5174}, {"image_id": "v_eZdao9O8jrw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a room talking. She shows a bottle in her hand. She pours some of the lotion onto her hands and rubs it on her face. She uses a towel to dry her face.", "segments": [[0, 227.28], [38.64, 65.91], [98.87, 143.18], [170.46, 227.28]], "duration": 227.28, "id": 5175}, {"image_id": "v_FjfWqx-NL_w.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is in an outdoor parking lot. He is trying to roll around on a pair of inline skates. He tries to balance on a small piece of wood.", "segments": [[0, 17.55], [18.05, 72.71], [76.72, 100.29]], "duration": 100.28999999999999, "id": 5176}, {"image_id": "v_gusezUdYfNA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a toilet paper roll and begins blowing smoke into the roll. The man continues to take several drags off a pipe and blow it out into the toilet paper roll.", "segments": [[4.19, 75.38], [58.63, 134.01]], "duration": 139.59, "id": 5177}, {"image_id": "v__3lgJ6yp7o8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in a kayak and moving himself down a rough river. The person continues riding down the river while another people watches on the side.", "segments": [[0.11, 10.99], [8.01, 22.32]], "duration": 22.9, "id": 5178}, {"image_id": "v_XSu5dteR2Ko.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is playing a harmonica. Another man sits on a porch of a house. A woman in a white scarf turns a lantern off.", "segments": [[6.86, 26.48], [60.8, 95.12], [71.09, 77.96]], "duration": 98.06, "id": 5179}, {"image_id": "v_-fLJHBqizNM.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown on parallel bars doing a routine on them. He is very focused and flipping and rocking back and forth.The athlete then dismounts the bars and lands on his feet. Various shots of the same routine are shown with pauses in between and notes as to proper technique are shown.", "segments": [[0, 9.45], [9.45, 19.99], [19.99, 26.9], [26.9, 72.7]], "duration": 72.7, "id": 5180}, {"image_id": "v_yJN4jnk_S1U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking onto a stage performing a belly dancing routine in front of an audience. The woman continues dancing around the stage and ends with her posing.", "segments": [[0, 87.82], [65.65, 177.42]], "duration": 177.42000000000002, "id": 5181}, {"image_id": "v_CIQ-mnURg9E.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in front of a screenboard. man is cooking chopping carrots and sautee the vegetables in a fying pan and serving it in bowls abd out the dressing and cheese while pople behind him are watching him cook.", "segments": [[0, 7.04], [7.92, 176.08]], "duration": 176.07999999999998, "id": 5182}, {"image_id": "v_rRoRvt4p2LU.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen riding down a rough river past others while many watch on the side. The group continues to paddle along and meeting up with other groups at the bottom.", "segments": [[1.68, 78.27], [54.7, 161.59]], "duration": 168.32, "id": 5183}, {"image_id": "v_xbWSMxwcP_8.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting on a couch next to an adult looking down at their feet. The girl plays with a toy iron and moves the item up and down on a shirt.", "segments": [[0, 6.97], [1.21, 12.12]], "duration": 12.12, "id": 5184}, {"image_id": "v_xlOc6r6E08w.mp4", "caption": "A man is running down a pathway in the field in slow motion preparing to throw a javelin.As he comes closer,he begins to turn and run sideways and throws the javelin.Once it is released,he stumbles and has difficulty trying to catch his balance as the rest of the people surrounding him look to see his distance.", "segments": [[0, 19.13], [19.37, 35.84], [35.6, 48.44]], "duration": 48.44, "id": 5185}, {"image_id": "v_YdfWewUrcTw.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking to two other men outside a warehouse. Inside the warehouse we see a box the men ride their skateboards over. The man falls off his skateboard repeatedly. He flips the skateboard, and we see it in slow motion. The man gets a hat, and we see the end screen. A man jumps on a pile of boxes and we see the end screen again.", "segments": [[0, 34.51], [36.38, 140.85], [87.68, 127.79], [127.79, 138.05], [140.85, 160.43], [160.43, 186.55]], "duration": 186.55, "id": 5186}, {"image_id": "v_gYBIX_tGaXo.mp4", "caption": "Betty Heidler competes in the Olimpic games in the women's hammer category. Betty Haidler seems really focused and determined to go home with a prize. Betty Heidler starts spinning and then with all the momentum tossed the hammer really far away. Betty Heidler classified to the next round as the toss was successfull. Someone interviews Betty Heidler and she's really happy about qualifying to the next rounds of the game.", "segments": [[0, 13.98], [0, 6.66], [3, 14.15], [14.15, 19.98], [21.14, 32.96]], "duration": 33.3, "id": 5187}, {"image_id": "v_o8wdvkauJQQ.mp4", "caption": "People workout on a fitness machine pulling a strings on a rod and going back and forth. A man folds a fitness machine in a gym. Then, a man make workouts in a fitness machine.", "segments": [[0.69, 19.93], [19.93, 22.45], [22.45, 26.34]], "duration": 45.81, "id": 5188}, {"image_id": "v_IPehEfMBLM0.mp4", "caption": "A woman in blue shirt is chopping the wood, when she chopped the wood in half, she put them aside then she take another log and chopped it in half. The woman try to chop the wood in half but it won't get chopped in half, then it fell on ground and she put it back on the chopping board, and she continue to chop the wood, after several attempts she finally chopped the wood in half.", "segments": [[0, 87.88], [87.01, 174.02]], "duration": 174.02, "id": 5189}, {"image_id": "v_uy9Z2i8AmyY.mp4", "caption": "Various picnic tables are shown on a field followed by a man putting on gear and others running through the forest. Several people are seen playing a paintball match with one another and continuously moving around the forest and holding up a gun. The person then runs through an area holding his gun up and shooting when a person arrives.", "segments": [[0, 72.05], [58.19, 134.86], [125.62, 184.74]], "duration": 184.74, "id": 5190}, {"image_id": "v_rQc7UhpiDU8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen shooting a bow and arrow followed by another man taking a bow and aiming. Another man is seen kneeling down before bows and speaking to the camera. He points to various boxes and continues looking into the camera and speaking.", "segments": [[0, 21.54], [20.91, 86.18], [86.81, 126.74]], "duration": 126.74, "id": 5191}, {"image_id": "v_xmvwhxB1q30.mp4", "caption": "A man and two children paddle down a river. Two canoes are tied together. The water gets choppier as they go on. The river is lined with many trees.", "segments": [[0, 192.26], [4.81, 192.26], [51.91, 192.26], [61.52, 192.26]], "duration": 192.26, "id": 5192}, {"image_id": "v_iC1C5wfb0iU.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A group of men play foosball outdoors. The men on the right win and shake hands and hung. One man high fives a child held up by a lady behind them. We see a closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.13], [2.51, 12.3], [12.17, 20.46], [18.45, 20.21], [22.97, 25.1]], "duration": 25.1, "id": 5193}, {"image_id": "v_79gvzh0wn0Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman in white karate uniform does a demonstration of a routine on the mat for judges during event. The woman bows and walks off the mat. A woman in black uniform shakes hands with judges. A woman in white uniform walks up and greets judges shaking their hands.", "segments": [[0, 58.54], [58.54, 62.63], [63.08, 75.79], [76.24, 90.77]], "duration": 90.77, "id": 5194}, {"image_id": "v_ihMn28mft2s.mp4", "caption": "A man sporting a beard and mustache and wearing a white shirt is giving a tutorial on volleyball safety. He then wears a black sweatshirt and demonstrates how to do stretching exercises. He continues to explain what gear to wear while playing and warming up for volleyball. There are some athletes playing volleyball as he talks. There is a game of volleyball shown where players are in an indoor gym.", "segments": [[13.24, 25.85], [25.85, 67.47], [67.47, 91.43], [91.43, 110.98], [110.98, 126.11]], "duration": 126.11, "id": 5195}, {"image_id": "v_Sk1RSHPavBU.mp4", "caption": "We see men playing soccer in the sand. The ball enters and everyone runs towards the ball. A man on the right kicks the ball into the goal. The men in red all high five.", "segments": [[0, 9.87], [2.57, 4.44], [4.39, 5.63], [7.3, 9.52]], "duration": 9.87, "id": 5196}, {"image_id": "v_zM1-aiWdPvY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while standing next to a horse and holding a brush. She begins brushing all along the horse while still speaking to the camera. She pauses for a moment to end while speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 26.87], [18.16, 53.75], [41.04, 70.82]], "duration": 72.63, "id": 5197}, {"image_id": "v_8WJWtfmEipI.mp4", "caption": "A car is stopped at a red light and there's a view of a small town that has some snow on the ground.The light turns green and the car drives down the street and there's no people walking on the sidewalk and just one truck parked. On the right side there's someone shoveling ice from the road and the car passes him.", "segments": [[0, 1.99], [1.99, 11.65], [11.65, 15.95]], "duration": 15.95, "id": 5198}, {"image_id": "v_uxsZFuXKs3A.mp4", "caption": "A man is outdoors standing on a 4 step tool and swipes his hedge cutter to the right. The man then lifts the cutters up and begins cutting more towards his left side.The man stops cutting and begins to step down from the ladder.", "segments": [[0, 1.68], [1.68, 12.35], [12.35, 12.93]], "duration": 12.93, "id": 5199}, {"image_id": "v_fvUckFYBQks.mp4", "caption": "A woman starts braiding her hair. Directions come up on the side of the screen. The woman turns to the side to show her braid.", "segments": [[19.16, 55.36], [55.36, 86.24], [92.09, 93.16]], "duration": 106.46000000000001, "id": 5200}, {"image_id": "v_T3ngvDyxYiE.mp4", "caption": "Two teams are on either side of a field. They are holding a rope, getting ready to pull. The two teams begin pulling, trying to win the competition as a crowd watches. The yellow group begin to be pulled forward against their will.", "segments": [[0, 15.31], [17.76, 50.83], [52.06, 94.93], [96.76, 122.49]], "duration": 122.49, "id": 5201}, {"image_id": "v_EM0N4dzewIg.mp4", "caption": "The front of a building called Giant is seen. Technicians are shown inside, working on bicycles. They work in teams, trying to build and repair.", "segments": [[0, 25.82], [25.82, 173.5], [178.66, 206.54]], "duration": 206.54, "id": 5202}, {"image_id": "v_ETZOazHvdZg.mp4", "caption": "We see a bowler in front of a crowd stand and hold the ball. the bowler throws a strike and the crowd claps, a lady holds her hands in front of her face and the bowler wipes his hands.The man throws another strike and falls. He rises from the ground as the crowd claps. the man throws a third strike and is seen laying on the ground. He gets up and shakes the hand of men around and we see a lady holding her hands in front of her face. We then see an older man talking alone in a room.", "segments": [[0, 4.1], [4.1, 32.32], [32.83, 53.86], [53.86, 62.07], [67.72, 87.21], [88.24, 101.57], [101.57, 102.6]], "duration": 102.6, "id": 5203}, {"image_id": "v_2bnO6YWXCiU.mp4", "caption": "A man is spreading mulch around plants. A man is sitting at a table reading a newspaper. A well manicured yard is shown.", "segments": [[14.93, 21.01], [21.29, 22.39], [49.76, 52.25]], "duration": 55.29, "id": 5204}, {"image_id": "v_8LB2tdMOZ6g.mp4", "caption": "a football game is showing and a man in the news is talking about a voleyball game. the set is shown with the voleyball game and some women in bikini playing white the spectators are on the grades clapping. back to the studio are three commentators talking.", "segments": [[0, 7.58], [6.97, 39.36], [39.56, 41]], "duration": 41.0, "id": 5205}, {"image_id": "v_-rKS00dzFxQ.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman stand by a table speaking to the camera. A recipe of mashed potatoes sits on the table. The man peels and cuts potatoes before throwing them into a yellow pot. The man throws in three handfuls of salt into the yellow pot. The man cuts up some garlic. Into the pot, the man throws the garlic along with two leaves. The woman joins the man at the table and she cuts butter in half. The woman throws the butter into a saucepan. The man speaks to her briefly and the woman proceeds to pour some milk into the saucepan. The man places the yellow pot and the saucepan on the stove. The man grabs the pot's lid and covers the pot. Back at the table, the man removes the lid from the pot and removes the leaves. The man mashes the potatoes. The man throws in a pinch of salt onto the potatoes. The man resumes mashing the potatoes. The man pours in the milk from the saucepan into the pot. The man mashes the potatoes some more. The man grabs some pepper and throws it onto the potatoes. The man adds some more milk. The man returns to mashing the potatoes and stirring them as they have thoroughly become soft. The man pauses for a second to throw in some water and resumes to stirring the potatoes. The finished mashed potatoes dish is left on a counter.", "segments": [[8.1, 23.14], [24.3, 39.34], [40.5, 53.23], [54.39, 60.17], [61.33, 62.49], [63.64, 72.9], [78.69, 82.16], [83.32, 84.47], [85.63, 91.42], [92.57, 102.99], [104.15, 105.3], [114.56, 123.82], [124.97, 131.92], [133.07, 136.55], [137.7, 152.75], [153.9, 160.85], [162, 167.79], [168.95, 177.05], [178.2, 180.52], [181.68, 196.72], [197.88, 210.6], [211.76, 217.55]], "duration": 231.43, "id": 5206}, {"image_id": "v_45v95EtrJX0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a board with shown with several pucks sitting around the side. Suddenly another puck is pushed down and knocked into others while people watch.", "segments": [[0, 4.63], [3.75, 8.34]], "duration": 8.34, "id": 5207}, {"image_id": "v_iPc-u9aU_SQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men are crouched beside a car, and a third stands. They remove the tire while another man takes pictures. The two men change the tire, putting on a spare.", "segments": [[0, 32.34], [33.92, 122.28], [124.65, 157.78]], "duration": 157.78, "id": 5208}, {"image_id": "v_RmwaWeIPX70.mp4", "caption": "A woman carry a heavy ball and stands on a circle. Then, the woman spins the weight. Then, the woman throw the weight.", "segments": [[1.12, 13.05], [13.24, 21.63], [21.63, 32.82]], "duration": 37.29, "id": 5209}, {"image_id": "v_hog7gGdk4i4.mp4", "caption": "the kids are on the swing while one kid stand and push a little dog on the swing.three bikers are riding there bike in the parking lot passing the swing area.A women then jogs on the sidewalk passing the swing area as well.", "segments": [[0, 13.07], [0.98, 3.99], [4.97, 7.97]], "duration": 13.07, "id": 5210}, {"image_id": "v_WL4iqWa_1Z0.mp4", "caption": "Two young males are sitting at a desk behind two microphones and two computers.One boy leaves and the other guys stays to gather his belongings.As he is packing up,a young woman walks in and begins shutting off the equipment and cleaning up around the radio station.Once everything is packed up,the boy leaves and begins blowing kisses to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 0.8], [0.8, 10.21], [10.21, 30.84], [30.84, 40.06]], "duration": 40.06, "id": 5211}, {"image_id": "v_jzl0Ar3H5f8.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in black walks through a long hall in a palace.Two men in dressed in white practice stretching and prepare for a fencing match while a coach dressed in black looks on with a butler in the rear stands by.The two men dressed in white put on their fencing masks and begin a fencing match.The coach dressed in black begins critiquing the two fencers and holds the tips of the swords in his hand.The coach turns and walks to the butler and begins conversing.", "segments": [[0, 14.49], [14.49, 46.88], [46.88, 86.95], [86.95, 121.89], [123.6, 170.48]], "duration": 170.48, "id": 5212}, {"image_id": "v_R58R070r2GE.mp4", "caption": "A girl jumps onto a balance beam. She does a gymnastics routine on the balance beam. She dismounts and lands on the mat with her arms up.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [4.23, 77.89], [77.04, 84.66]], "duration": 84.66, "id": 5213}, {"image_id": "v_fM4pJeHb8hQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting down in a chair with a woman standing behind her. The woman begins to brush the woman's hair. She starts to braid the hair.", "segments": [[0, 185.41], [19.47, 83.44], [82.51, 185.41]], "duration": 185.41, "id": 5214}, {"image_id": "v_iM8ZD2PwKDg.mp4", "caption": "There is a group of ladies in a gym dressed in workout tops and tights. They are all participating in a structured aerobics class. They are coordinating their steps and synchronizing their moves as they step on and off of the platform. They are dancing as they exercise to music. After they're done, they stop and raise remove the platforms.", "segments": [[15.94, 34.43], [34.43, 60.57], [60.57, 87.99], [87.99, 112.86], [112.86, 122.42]], "duration": 127.52, "id": 5215}, {"image_id": "v_L9cxYlPkUYs.mp4", "caption": "An d for About dot com starts with a man in white speaking to the camera in front of a white background. The video then shows a series of professionals working hard and then cuts to two women running on the beach. A shot of a cyclist is shown and then it cuts back to the same man in white speaking. A woman is shown running and the man continues speaking about fitness tips.", "segments": [[0, 26.48], [26.48, 94.06], [94.06, 149.77], [149.77, 182.65]], "duration": 182.65, "id": 5216}, {"image_id": "v_ymwMEUuXygs.mp4", "caption": "A man with a blue shirt is outside walking up a stair case into a building.As he walks in ,he walks down a row of several bicycles and sets up a camera.The man then enters another room with three other males and they begin to unbox and assemble several bicycles together.Once they are secured,the men get on them,testing them out and making the final touches on them.The bikes are finally finished and the man lifts it up to the camera and begins riding it down the sidewalk.", "segments": [[0, 12.49], [12.49, 48.17], [48.17, 97.23], [97.23, 144.5], [144.5, 178.4]], "duration": 178.4, "id": 5217}, {"image_id": "v_fFu37ig0pkY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is dancing outside on the sidewalk. She grabs a baton and starts twirling it around. She starts juggling the batons in the air. She does a back flip and goes into the splits.", "segments": [[0, 139.69], [30.03, 111.06], [113.15, 120.83], [135.5, 139.69]], "duration": 139.69, "id": 5218}, {"image_id": "v_EOvotFy4YX0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding a camel that has a cart attached to the back with two passengers. The people in the back have a conversation while riding through several people watching on the sidelines. The man riding the camel smiles and waves to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.04], [9.83, 39.09], [40.21, 44.68]], "duration": 44.68, "id": 5219}, {"image_id": "v_wZEf-Bs__sU.mp4", "caption": "A group of athletes are on a track outside. A man walks down the path, then runs. He takes a giant leap into a sand pit.", "segments": [[0, 26.9], [28.56, 65.4], [68.29, 82.78]], "duration": 82.78, "id": 5220}, {"image_id": "v_pI-rY6fLM1Q.mp4", "caption": "A group of people ice fish on an ice covered lake on an overcast day. A man walks on a snow covered lake and pulls a fish out of a fishing hole. A woman and a man then run on the ice and pull another fish out of another hole in the lake. A third fish is pulled out of another hole in the ice and then thrown back into the hole.", "segments": [[10.12, 114.53], [10.12, 64.54], [69.6, 91.12], [96.18, 115.16]], "duration": 126.55, "id": 5221}, {"image_id": "v_BN3ejP3RbkQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a street. He is playing an instrument next to an open instrument case. People are passing on the sidewalk in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 55.47], [1.11, 55.47], [0, 54.92]], "duration": 55.47, "id": 5222}, {"image_id": "v_D4LoDBsIFjw.mp4", "caption": "A boy watches as a semi truck drives through the desert. A man puts on his helmet and pushes off into the river on a kayak. A man paddles on rapids and down a river on a kayak. A man fishes from a beach on the shore of a river. A group prepares a picnic on the shore. A man flips over on his kayak from being turned over in the water.", "segments": [[0, 14.05], [37.46, 45.26], [53.07, 147.5], [64.78, 70.24], [92.87, 106.92], [139.7, 142.82]], "duration": 156.09, "id": 5223}, {"image_id": "v_B7Q1egUKmZg.mp4", "caption": "A group of children play and practice basketball throws and techniques in an interior gym in front of coaches and other children. A group of children take turns throwing orange and white balls in the net and running up to the net as well. The coaches trail them as they play, at time, trying to block the throws using the hands.", "segments": [[0.42, 83.2], [0.42, 25.38], [25.79, 81.95]], "duration": 83.2, "id": 5224}, {"image_id": "v_7LkHBg_eAfU.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are standing in a dance position. They then shift, showing different steps slowly. They continue dancing, showing how to perform different moves.", "segments": [[0, 28.11], [31.13, 103.42], [107.43, 200.81]], "duration": 200.81, "id": 5225}, {"image_id": "v_p2RMXdo5avw.mp4", "caption": "A shuffleboard is sitting against a wall. Someone throws a ball down it. A green ball gets through down after it.", "segments": [[0, 34.85], [5.05, 17.43], [17.6, 34.85]], "duration": 34.85, "id": 5226}, {"image_id": "v_dh4bxvmrCNs.mp4", "caption": "The girl is shoot the arrow. Five young people are shooting arrows. The young people removed the arrows from the target boards.", "segments": [[0, 12.75], [7.65, 41.65], [32.73, 85.01]], "duration": 85.01, "id": 5227}, {"image_id": "v_vb1CG5i1lEs.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a large, white suit is shown spraying down a fence with water. The person is shown from various angles performing the task and makes the fence look brand new.", "segments": [[0, 183.08], [63.16, 183.08]], "duration": 183.08, "id": 5228}, {"image_id": "v_WBRQ4vHBFMY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is laying down in a chair as a man with gloves works. He places clamps on various parts of her nose. He then inserts a rod before creating a piercing.", "segments": [[0, 2.4], [3, 20.68], [22.03, 29.98]], "duration": 29.98, "id": 5229}, {"image_id": "v_xZOzVaTezm8.mp4", "caption": "A person in a green jacket walks around on the snow. A young girl lays in a tube on the snow. She is then pushed down the ramp. Eventually she comes to a stop.", "segments": [[0, 15.79], [5.26, 23.89], [32.39, 43.72], [68.01, 80.97]], "duration": 80.97, "id": 5230}, {"image_id": "v_VCg6_fuipp8.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing ready in front of a large crowd and then runs down the track and jumps over a beam. The man celebrates with other people and his same jump is shown several times in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 47.32], [46.34, 98.59]], "duration": 98.59, "id": 5231}, {"image_id": "v_y-OZ45FQZ0g.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on the couch wearing jeans a shirt, and he's holding a guitar on his lap, strumming with his right hand and tapping the upper strings with his left hand.The man slows down and stops strumming and tapping on his guitar.A colorful screen appears and it displays a cartoon picture of a Pokemon standing outdoors near a tree while it's snowing, and red words read \"Pokemon-Pallet-Town\".", "segments": [[0, 55.18], [55.18, 56.4], [56.4, 60.98]], "duration": 60.98, "id": 5232}, {"image_id": "v_Xc2CUi0Rnpw.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms in on several players and leads into a small group of people playing soccer against one another. Coaches and audience members react as they watch the game and the players continue kicking the ball up and down the field.", "segments": [[0, 84.63], [70.7, 214.25]], "duration": 214.25, "id": 5233}, {"image_id": "v_VEDRmPt_-Ms.mp4", "caption": "women are in a gymnastics competition doing high jumps in a roofed gym with a lot of people gathered around them watching them. participants are on the podium receiveng thei medals.", "segments": [[0, 205.39], [205.39, 232.08]], "duration": 232.07999999999998, "id": 5234}, {"image_id": "v_ggGw9EGSMs8.mp4", "caption": "A man paints a fence as the man next to him waters the fence. Both of them go over the fence a second time. They do it a third time. And they do it a fourth time. They do it a fifth time.", "segments": [[2.99, 5.02], [5.12, 5.99], [6.09, 6.96], [7.05, 10.14], [10.24, 19.32]], "duration": 19.32, "id": 5235}, {"image_id": "v_ZEgmWaMa9PU.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of landscapes are shown that pan back from people standing on a bridge. Shots are shown of people jumping off the side of the bridge while the camera captures more landscapes. Several more people are seen lined up watching that lead into more people jumping off the side.", "segments": [[3.44, 61.97], [51.64, 190.49], [158.36, 227.21]], "duration": 229.5, "id": 5236}, {"image_id": "v_R4aCl2dLS1w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing boxing gloves and hitting a bag in the middle of a large room. The man continues to hit the bag while several others are seen hitting bags in the background. He kicks and punches the bag and ends by walking towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 25.38], [25.38, 129.34], [143.26, 163.72]], "duration": 163.72, "id": 5237}, {"image_id": "v_O2vrVwjqktg.mp4", "caption": "A volleyball is spinning on a ledge. We then see a game being played of table tennis, the players showing the mechanics of the paddle, ball, and table as they play.", "segments": [[0, 18.27], [24.12, 146.18]], "duration": 146.18, "id": 5238}, {"image_id": "v_byO53jHoAwI.mp4", "caption": "A man standing in a yard and playing bagpipes. The man is taking deep breaths and moving the keys.", "segments": [[0, 11.53], [11.53, 135.63]], "duration": 135.63, "id": 5239}, {"image_id": "v_vrMWYB0UuGM.mp4", "caption": "Two individuals play squash together in an indoor court. One of the individuals recovers the ball and serves. The same individual recovers the ball and serves again.", "segments": [[0, 33.07], [2.48, 10.25], [18.85, 24.63]], "duration": 33.07, "id": 5240}, {"image_id": "v_cB5ozEChN5Q.mp4", "caption": "People ride a line up a hill in a tubing resort. A person rides a tube down a hill. We watch the people walking up the hill holding their tubes and watch people go down the hill. We watch as the camera man goes down the hill. We see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 11.87], [12.43, 44.64], [45.77, 77.98], [79.11, 109.62], [110.19, 113.01]], "duration": 113.00999999999999, "id": 5241}, {"image_id": "v_u3nOmvgcs84.mp4", "caption": "A girl stands by a counter with various food items placed out on the counter. She holds up the ingredients and instructs what you'll need to make a sandwich. She begins chopping the vegetables and putting the dressing on the bread. She spreads around the dressing and puts the other ingredients on the sandwich to finish.", "segments": [[1.73, 139.31], [23.36, 43.26], [45.86, 103.83], [105.57, 173.06]], "duration": 173.06, "id": 5242}, {"image_id": "v_Irmh66trRY4.mp4", "caption": "We see the title go across the screen. We see baking supplies and ingredients. Someone stirs cookie dough and puts cookies on a sheet. The cookies go into the oven and bake for 9 minutes, and a new batch is put in the oven. The warm cookies are put on a cooling rack. The person washes, and drys the silicone baking sheet. They roll the baking sheet up and show us the finished cooling cookies.", "segments": [[0, 2.38], [0, 16.69], [16.69, 31], [31, 88.23], [88.23, 132.35], [135.93, 203.89], [209.85, 238.47]], "duration": 238.47, "id": 5243}, {"image_id": "v_MfSdXqOC-f0.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on an open field outdoors. He uses an archery set to pull back and arrow at a flying disc. He hits the discs with the arrow every time.", "segments": [[0, 11.02], [11.94, 57.38], [58.3, 91.81]], "duration": 91.81, "id": 5244}, {"image_id": "v_Ft3SzVtUsKA.mp4", "caption": "A camera is shown sitting on the side of a pool capturing bubble underneath. More bubbles are shown followed by a man jumping in. The man jumps all the way into the pool and the camera captures his movements.", "segments": [[0, 20.65], [19.52, 52.57], [49.19, 71.71]], "duration": 75.09, "id": 5245}, {"image_id": "v_u3qNB8GDOzY.mp4", "caption": "A ladder is leaning against a house. A piece of wood goes up and down the ladder.", "segments": [[0, 108.14], [55.15, 108.14]], "duration": 108.14, "id": 5246}, {"image_id": "v__zAfwnDt4VE.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down in the dirt over a a silver bowl that is full of soap.In the large bowl,he begins to move a white shirt as if he is washing it.Finally,he stops and takes a hose to finish rinsing the water.", "segments": [[0, 1.84], [1.89, 4.34], [4.37, 5.83]], "duration": 5.83, "id": 5247}, {"image_id": "v_XoCvj2IbVGE.mp4", "caption": "A person;s hand is seen turning a knob followed by their foot stepping on a button and a man holding up an iron. He adjusts more settings While testing the iron and begins ironing a shirt on a table. The men continues to flip around the shirt and iron and en by showing off the ironing machine to the camera.", "segments": [[7.76, 63.19], [53.21, 151.88], [124.17, 212.86]], "duration": 221.73, "id": 5248}, {"image_id": "v_ItFq_6cIByw.mp4", "caption": "A man sits behind a drum set. The man starts playing the drum set. The man keeps playing the drums.", "segments": [[0, 27.54], [1.24, 27.54], [19.28, 27.54]], "duration": 27.54, "id": 5249}, {"image_id": "v_N-92_rikI8U.mp4", "caption": "There's a man skiing down a very steep mountain slope. The man is going down very fast and steadily while fully dressed in ski gear and goggles. He then falls down to the ground as he reaches the bottom of the slope. He gets right back up and dusts off the snow from his clothes. He talks to another person through a hands free device attached on his coat to let him know he's okay.", "segments": [[12.96, 29.61], [29.61, 62.93], [62.93, 88.84], [88.84, 115.99], [115.99, 123.39]], "duration": 123.39, "id": 5250}, {"image_id": "v_mcS9LX_P4BA.mp4", "caption": "an image of a girl with her vlog asking people to subscribe.a girl wearing red hirt with her face is sitting on a living room and is reading tweets and talking about them. girl holds a small pumpkin and a knife and cut the pumpkin while talking.the pumkkin is slice in two and is shown the inside while the girl keps talking and reading tweets.", "segments": [[0, 4.78], [5.58, 36.64], [36.64, 88.42], [88.42, 159.31]], "duration": 159.31, "id": 5251}, {"image_id": "v_8ltNqT5N-xs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen belly dancing on a large stage while people watch her on the side. She moves her hips all around while a band plays instruments behind her. The woman continues dancing and ends by holding a pose and flipping back her hair.", "segments": [[1.8, 56.74], [53.14, 137.81], [117.09, 175.64]], "duration": 180.14, "id": 5252}, {"image_id": "v_k4a5XXRYKK4.mp4", "caption": "A game of lacrosse of being shown with a large group of people running around a field. Several people watch on the sidelines as the game continues and a ref steps in to make a call.", "segments": [[0, 20.52], [14.2, 45.09]], "duration": 45.09, "id": 5253}, {"image_id": "v_q_DajTs5gIA.mp4", "caption": "A person holds and pet a hairless cat. The person cleans and cuts the nails of the front legs of the cat.", "segments": [[0, 16.26], [16.26, 123.29]], "duration": 135.49, "id": 5254}, {"image_id": "v_Fi_ja3Urdtg.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking from behind a bar. He shows off several kinds of bottles and taps. He shows how to mix a drink which he serves to a woman.", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [11.13, 34.23], [36.46, 55.66]], "duration": 55.66, "id": 5255}, {"image_id": "v_XFZ5_uNU7jE.mp4", "caption": "A person peels potatoes in a sink, suddenly a cat jumps to the bench to watch the woman. The cat touch the sink with his mouth and intend to pass to the other side of the sink but the woman prevents it. Then, the cat drinks water from the sink and cat continues watching the woman. After, the cat touch the potato peeler with a leg while the person continue peeling the potatoes.", "segments": [[0, 12.02], [12.5, 32.2], [32.68, 74.02], [74.5, 89.4]], "duration": 96.13, "id": 5256}, {"image_id": "v_86S2O0fpX4g.mp4", "caption": "A woman is lying on equipment in a gym. She has her feet tied with chain to a machine. She holds her head as she pulls her feet back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 3.07], [3.88, 10.46], [11.46, 18.04]], "duration": 18.04, "id": 5257}, {"image_id": "v_JrRtv8puAZI.mp4", "caption": "A guy holds a light cloth. A guy gets a white basin from beneath the sink and fills it with water in a sink. The guy puts down the light cloth and adds dish soap to the basin. The guy gets a rack from beneath the sink and places it on the counter top. The guy adds utensils and a dish to the white basin and washes them with a red rug. A boy watches from behind. The guy rinses the dishes and puts them in a rack. The guy dries the dish with the light cloth.", "segments": [[0, 37.64], [25.71, 37.64], [38.56, 44.07], [47.74, 56.01], [66.1, 121.19], [44.99, 53.25], [122.11, 157], [157.92, 183.62]], "duration": 183.62, "id": 5258}, {"image_id": "v_vSpl69BWMKI.mp4", "caption": "A man in gray shirt and jeans with orange helmet is trimming the hedges, he is standing in a ladder to reach the top of the hedge and trim it, the man continue to trim the hedge. A man in white shirt and orange helmet is trimming the burned hedges.", "segments": [[0, 71.63], [64.18, 82.81]], "duration": 82.81, "id": 5259}, {"image_id": "v_2u1gdf_53C0.mp4", "caption": "A person in a protective white suit and goggles sprays a surface with purple paint using a spray gun in a room with white walls and floors. The person then spins the surface around on a spinning table and paints the sides. The finishes matte product is shown, dried, in the plain white room where the painting happened.", "segments": [[6.62, 64.73], [9.56, 52.23], [54.44, 65.84]], "duration": 73.56, "id": 5260}, {"image_id": "v_bqA-WmqF19E.mp4", "caption": "People are playing pool in a room. A man shoots at the ball and makes it into the pocket. People are standing behind him playing pool on another table.", "segments": [[0, 80.69], [37.52, 45.59], [37.52, 80.69]], "duration": 80.69, "id": 5261}, {"image_id": "v_uX-UwKfRvJY.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with four pictures of contracted human abdomens. There's a young girl dressed in a blue tank top and black tights demonstrating the proper way to do planks and crunches. She is laying on a blue Yoga mat as she does crunches. Then she lays on her stomach by raising herself up on her elbows to show how to do planks.", "segments": [[13.12, 36.25], [36.25, 80], [80, 113.12], [113.12, 120.62]], "duration": 124.99, "id": 5262}, {"image_id": "v_6kUeZVukTEI.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people lifting heavy weights as well as jumping on a track. People are seen jumping over poles, squatting with weights, as well as performing various other exercises. In the end more people are seen jumping over a pole.", "segments": [[0.63, 36.3], [35.68, 97.01], [90.75, 123.3]], "duration": 125.18, "id": 5263}, {"image_id": "v_P0N68OQDhNs.mp4", "caption": "An athlete in black shirt gives instructions for a practice drill while standing on a large sporting field. The man sets up for an exercise and squats up and down for practice. The man jumps multiple times and goes further each jump. The man bends down and touches the ground while twisting. The man gives more instructions on a practice run while giving hand gestures. The man sets up on the edge of a line and jumps with one foot, then repeats. The man gives a final set of instructions while breathing heavy. A set of text is seen with information.", "segments": [[0, 31.97], [31.97, 85.64], [87.92, 106.19], [103.91, 110.76], [110.76, 137.02], [137.02, 181.55], [180.41, 214.67], [215.81, 228.37]], "duration": 228.37, "id": 5264}, {"image_id": "v_OdLcbH2H_zI.mp4", "caption": "An arrow graphic is seen and title text. A woman stands on a dark lit room holding an accordion and demonstrating how to play it. The woman begins to play a song pressing in the keys. The woman pauses to discuss then plays more of the song. The woman finishes and closes the accordion.", "segments": [[0, 3.9], [5.58, 107.62], [27.88, 57.99], [59.67, 101.49], [102.05, 104.83]], "duration": 111.53, "id": 5265}, {"image_id": "v_Mgvj2B6MyjI.mp4", "caption": "A girl is nervous on the edge of a diviing board. She falls in after standing up and then squatting again.", "segments": [[0, 17.67], [9.28, 17.67]], "duration": 17.67, "id": 5266}, {"image_id": "v_eWG5T3TC_cg.mp4", "caption": "A marching band walk in the street playing instruments while a woman on front holds a flag. A boy on front the band holds a rode and raise and spin around. Then, band arrives and pass a traffic light.", "segments": [[0, 76.69], [0, 46.99], [77.23, 108.02]], "duration": 108.02000000000001, "id": 5267}, {"image_id": "v_lMbDEY-CVwE.mp4", "caption": "A man is indoors, as he picks a frisbee off the ground. He then uses several frisbees to train and display the stunts of a medium sized collie dog. The dog runs off screen and brings back the frisbees.The scene ends with the dog trying desperately to remove a frisbee from the seated man's hand.", "segments": [[0, 18.51], [24.68, 88.13], [91.66, 144.54], [154.23, 176.26]], "duration": 176.26, "id": 5268}, {"image_id": "v_AffS41W1Jgg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him laying up wallpaper on the wall. He continues speaking to the camera while still spreading paper on the wall.", "segments": [[0, 25.03], [18.92, 58.21]], "duration": 58.21, "id": 5269}, {"image_id": "v_WlYhEPyLcBc.mp4", "caption": "Two couples play badminton in a court. A man enter in the court and goes to sit left the court with other person.", "segments": [[0, 90], [21.6, 49.05]], "duration": 90.0, "id": 5270}, {"image_id": "v_LYrqEz_vttQ.mp4", "caption": "A dog is sitting on an orange couch. A dog is sitting in a bath tub getting a bath. A person is drying the dog with a towel. The dog is getting blow dried with a hair dryer.", "segments": [[2.14, 22.83], [26.4, 72.06], [78.48, 99.88], [109.87, 111.3]], "duration": 142.69, "id": 5271}, {"image_id": "v_h61C_KfvG0Y.mp4", "caption": "The logo \"Weldy\" appears over a photo of welding tools. The words \"energy 1600\" and the Weldy website address appears. A man is working on a white rooftop with one of the Weldy tools. \"energy 1600\" and the website appears on screen again.", "segments": [[0, 4.41], [4.41, 17.01], [17.64, 121.58], [122.21, 125.99]], "duration": 125.99, "id": 5272}, {"image_id": "v_PeMJjLrDjhQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while turning on a faucet. She then pumps soap off and scrubs her hands. She runs her hands under the sink and ends by drying her hands and walking out to put hand sanitizor on.", "segments": [[0, 52.21], [56.96, 134.81], [56.96, 122.47]], "duration": 189.87, "id": 5273}, {"image_id": "v_uOxKf-kNEyg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is using polish in a container to polish a black shoe. She talks to the camera as she works. Black polish is shown dripping onto her legs.", "segments": [[0, 15.27], [17.45, 54.16], [55.62, 72.7]], "duration": 72.7, "id": 5274}, {"image_id": "v_JyjONoyBr4Q.mp4", "caption": "There is a lady dog trainer dressed in a blue hoodie playing with a black and white dog in a park. She is throwing a Frisbee to the dog and makes the dog fetch it for her. The dog runs every time she throws the Frisbee at a distance and fetches it for her. The doh jumps high up to grab the Frisbee off her hand. He dog even jumps over the lady when she is laying on the ground. He continues to run and fetch the Frisbee for the lady as she throws multiple Frisbee. The same lady is now wearing an orange shirt and is throwing the Frisbee to the dog. The dog continues to jump and catch the Frisbee in his mouth.", "segments": [[20.68, 49.12], [49.12, 71.52], [71.52, 88.75], [88.75, 105.99], [105.99, 119.78], [119.78, 130.98], [130.98, 160.27], [160.27, 172.34]], "duration": 172.34, "id": 5275}, {"image_id": "v_qmOYKPkURiw.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is standing outside watching another person play their bag pipes.Several people walk by and a lady stops and throws money into the person's case.", "segments": [[0, 23.74], [23.06, 34.16]], "duration": 34.16, "id": 5276}, {"image_id": "v_35DlDj_hzvg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending forward and holding onto a set of weights while gripping tightly. The man then lifts the weight over his end and throws it down in the end.", "segments": [[0.27, 6.28], [4.61, 10.57]], "duration": 10.73, "id": 5277}, {"image_id": "v_6-P9SRNbwac.mp4", "caption": "Two young friends are together on a sandy beach. First the girl on the right speaks, and then her friend in a purple t-shirt speaks next. She finishes by turning to her friend and they get up, grabbing hands, and exit the scene to the right. Next we see them again seated on the sand facing each other as they begin to build something in the sand. The focus is shifted to one girl, who speaks, and finishes by writing something in the sand.", "segments": [[0, 116.22], [0, 13.36], [12.2, 13.95], [14.53, 90.65], [91.23, 116.22]], "duration": 116.22, "id": 5278}, {"image_id": "v_1Om21fCH1sI.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of people riding around on bikes as well as sitting on bikes ready to race. Several clips are shown of people up close as well as them riding around on bikes.", "segments": [[0, 14.87], [11.68, 30.35]], "duration": 30.35, "id": 5279}, {"image_id": "v_yiFKPKXevOU.mp4", "caption": "A man puts a wood upright on a tree stump. A guy is splitting wood into halves. A guy repeatedly tries to cut a wood. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[1.97, 13.79], [14.04, 44.08], [29.3, 37.68], [46.05, 49]], "duration": 49.25, "id": 5280}, {"image_id": "v_zqXJkZgKmSk.mp4", "caption": "A ball flies through he air on a baseball field. The person with the camera takes off running. The runner stops on the home base and turns around. We see the people at the back of the field.", "segments": [[0, 2.56], [1.93, 5.8], [5.9, 7.42], [7.47, 10.45]], "duration": 10.45, "id": 5281}, {"image_id": "v_3pBldeB3uaE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a pool as well as people writing on paper and speaking to one another. More people are seen diving on a board and jumping off onto the side. Several people are seen watching on the side as the kids continue to dive.", "segments": [[1.25, 53.01], [42.41, 95.42], [92.31, 120.37]], "duration": 124.74, "id": 5282}, {"image_id": "v_O_bDLIcx5k0.mp4", "caption": "A drawing of airplanes and machineries are being use, then pictures of men and a woman. A man in blue shirt is brushing a paint to an airplane model, then he paint a different color to make the plane looks like a camouflage.", "segments": [[0, 27], [21.89, 145.96]], "duration": 145.96, "id": 5283}, {"image_id": "v_pOIJeK3YZr8.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting next to several small trees. He pulls some leaves off of the trees. He takes scissors and cuts some leaves off the tree.", "segments": [[0, 238.7], [19.1, 25.06], [75.19, 238.7]], "duration": 238.7, "id": 5284}, {"image_id": "v_S5kuckj4Ud4.mp4", "caption": "We see a black title screen. We see are driving down the street then we see the man in the car. The man gets out and grabs flat tire supplies. The man sits in the car and thinks about how to change a tire. The guy loosens bolts, jacks the car up and takes off the flat. The guy then puts the spare tire on the car. We see the bolts up close in a line. The man puts the spare tire in the car and gets in the car. He makes a call and turns on the radio. The man makes a u-turn and leaves. We see the ending title.", "segments": [[0, 2.3], [2.3, 14.95], [14.95, 43.71], [44.86, 60.96], [63.26, 123.07], [125.37, 169.08], [138.02, 143.78], [172.53, 195.53], [196.69, 203.59], [207.04, 227.74], [227.74, 230.04]], "duration": 230.04, "id": 5285}, {"image_id": "v_LdAT5MEBkuQ.mp4", "caption": "A man water skiis at a river. A long haired man operates a boat and the boat drags a man water skiing across the water. A man in glasses speaks to the camera. A guy holding onto a rope attached to a boat water skiis. The man in the glasses appears again, speaking to the camera and points to a man water skiing on the river. The water skiier glides back and forth on the water of the river. The man in glasses talks about the water skiis.", "segments": [[4.31, 10.05], [10.76, 17.22], [17.94, 25.83], [27.27, 30.14], [30.85, 59.55], [60.27, 99.73], [100.45, 139.91]], "duration": 143.5, "id": 5286}, {"image_id": "v_0ys4fnsu9Jc.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen standing on a trampoline and throwing a ball off into the distance. More kids are seen picking up balls and throwing them to the other side. More kids are seen throwing balls and playing dodgeball with one another.", "segments": [[0, 18.71], [14.52, 40.33], [40.01, 62.92]], "duration": 64.53, "id": 5287}, {"image_id": "v_VqZr2oZk4z4.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of scuba divers moving along the water as well as people riding and riding boats. More clips are shown of people getting ready on land as well as swimming around the ocean.", "segments": [[1.2, 16.41], [12.95, 29.06]], "duration": 30.12, "id": 5288}, {"image_id": "v_mU3ujj4Z7lE.mp4", "caption": "A small dog is seen standing in snow and a person pushing snow with a shovel. The dog follows the person shoveling while biting at the shovel and barking at the camera man.", "segments": [[0, 33.57], [25.39, 56.43]], "duration": 56.43, "id": 5289}, {"image_id": "v_uEaxyzKonCY.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen on a tennis court with 4 men playing together. They continue playing the game back and fourth with each other whiles others play in the background.", "segments": [[0, 163.47], [55.58, 163.47]], "duration": 163.47, "id": 5290}, {"image_id": "v_krqxyYFHzBI.mp4", "caption": "People start fighting outside on the ground. They knock a man onto the ground. They lift him up in the air and slam him back on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 28.66], [28.66, 33.76], [56.05, 61.15]], "duration": 63.69, "id": 5291}, {"image_id": "v_ivkkCEynzPs.mp4", "caption": "A man wears a welding helmet and holds a rod. Then, the man use the road to held a piece of metal on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 13.37], [13.37, 76.39]], "duration": 76.39, "id": 5292}, {"image_id": "v_afrMWrFkgDg.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl kick and sit down. A boy joins her and they eat ice cream. The boy puts his cone in front of the camera. The boy licks his ice cream wildly. A boy throws something at the boy with ice cream.", "segments": [[0, 6.86], [10.09, 68.63], [29.47, 45.21], [60.15, 66.2], [74.68, 76.7]], "duration": 80.74, "id": 5293}, {"image_id": "v_V-6nF6U6rfI.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing ready and holding her arms up that lead into her climbing on a beam and performing a gymnastics routine on the beam. The girl performs several jumps and tricks that ends with her jumping into a mat and holding her arms up.", "segments": [[0.93, 47.53], [33.55, 88.54]], "duration": 93.21000000000001, "id": 5294}, {"image_id": "v_HJws_Cwu3qE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing around a room and begin hitting a ball while others watch. More men appear in the room and are seen chasing around a tennis ball and hitting it.", "segments": [[0.68, 12.1], [6.51, 21.91]], "duration": 22.83, "id": 5295}, {"image_id": "v_7VWp-Dfvqkg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking into a microphone with another man on stage. One man then leads into playing harmonica on the stage while others watch on the side. The man continues playing while others walk in and out of frame as well as play.", "segments": [[1.86, 38.22], [51.27, 137.95], [129.56, 178.03]], "duration": 186.42, "id": 5296}, {"image_id": "v_dgXPoqHrKRM.mp4", "caption": "Skiers walk and stand on skis at the bottom of the hill at of a ski resort. Kids ride on inflatable tubes down lanes on a ski slope. Snowboarders and skiers ride down ski runs while other groups sit on the ski lift. A group hangs onto a tow rope on inter tubes and throws snowballs.", "segments": [[5.35, 21.42], [22.95, 100.98], [86.44, 139.99], [143.05, 153]], "duration": 153.0, "id": 5297}, {"image_id": "v_Zsaa3XXIAhk.mp4", "caption": "A man plays a song on an acoustic guitar in a studio. The man resets his hands and finishes the song.", "segments": [[0, 52.06], [29.86, 52.06]], "duration": 52.85, "id": 5298}, {"image_id": "v_Nb87GFizCB8.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks through a snowy parking lot, looking for her car. She is seen using a mop in an attempt to wipe the snow off her car. Snow begins to fall as she continues cleaning.", "segments": [[0, 77.35], [82.18, 374.64], [389.14, 483.41]], "duration": 483.41, "id": 5299}, {"image_id": "v_OqoUemFpetc.mp4", "caption": "Two teams playing throwing balls to hit an opponent. The players hold two balls and throw each other to hit and opponent. A boy holding a ball throw to another player and the opponents also throws ball.", "segments": [[0, 44.19], [44.19, 89.07], [90.48, 138.17]], "duration": 140.27, "id": 5300}, {"image_id": "v_oXPgInpuHDA.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders perform in the middle of a basketball court while an audience watches. A man walks through the bottom of the frame. The cheerleaders finish, and a group of younger cheerleaders replace them.", "segments": [[0, 73.47], [57.78, 61.08], [73.47, 82.55]], "duration": 82.55, "id": 5301}, {"image_id": "v_8gKV8f3qSOg.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a purple dress is seated, speaking to the camera. She is shown massaging cream into her face, then rinsing it off with water and patting dry with a towel. She then speaks to the camera again.", "segments": [[0, 44.75], [45.18, 71.42], [72.72, 86.05]], "duration": 86.05, "id": 5302}, {"image_id": "v_RJpWgi0EaUE.mp4", "caption": "Three individuals sit on stage and have a conversation. Two boys dance in the same fashion. An image of a man is incorporated into the screen with the dancers. The man cover his face with his hand. The man and woman gesture the dancers hand movements. This man gets off his seat and knees. The man gets of his knees and sits back down. The man and female touch hands while sitting. The man claps his hands together. The man waves at a man backstage to join them. A standing man who is backstage claps. The two boy dancers are shown extending one hand. A man walks from backstage. The man shake hands and hugs one of the man on stage. The female stands and also hugs the man. A man stand and then sits. The man in a black suit dances and then sits. The man in a brown suit returns to the backstage area. The man is shown while backstage. The show's name is shown.", "segments": [[0, 207.92], [8.4, 27.3], [16.8, 19.95], [28.35, 33.6], [40.95, 45.16], [74.56, 82.96], [82.96, 91.36], [124.96, 128.12], [128.12, 131.27], [151.22, 153.32], [154.37, 155.42], [156.47, 158.57], [158.57, 159.62], [159.62, 161.72], [159.62, 164.87], [169.07, 172.22], [172.22, 177.47], [172.22, 175.37], [198.47, 199.52], [203.72, 207.92]], "duration": 210.03, "id": 5303}, {"image_id": "v_4Y94njisJd0.mp4", "caption": "A young man in a black shirt hits a small ball against the wall. A man in a red shirt hands the ball to him with his racket. The young man hits the ball against the wall again. A group of men walk around trying to hit the ball. The young man in the black shirt hands the ball to the man in the red shirt. The man in the red shirt hits the ball against the wall. The group of men run around the court, swinging their rackets and trying to catch the ball.", "segments": [[0, 1.95], [1.95, 3.66], [3.66, 6.1], [6.1, 25.11], [25.11, 27.31], [27.31, 29.99], [29.99, 48.76]], "duration": 48.76, "id": 5304}, {"image_id": "v_whwserG3XGc.mp4", "caption": "team wearing yellow uniform are running in a field. photographers are standing in he ield taking pictures of the yellow and blue team. teams start to pla lacrosse in a big gren grassy field.", "segments": [[0, 9.01], [9.01, 15.45], [15.45, 100.39]], "duration": 128.71, "id": 5305}, {"image_id": "v_bXEG4X7pRds.mp4", "caption": "The lady picks up a brush and scissors. She sweeps the base of the stand. She brushes the dogs right leg. She then clips the hair on this paw. She brushes the fur upwards. She then clips the fur on the paw again. She brushes his paw again. She then clips the fur on the paw another time. She then combs the cut hair off the paw. She clips the hair off the back of the paw. Fade to black, and the credits occur.", "segments": [[1.3, 5.84], [5.84, 12.32], [17.51, 25.3], [35.68, 47.35], [53.19, 58.38], [58.38, 78.49], [80.43, 83.68], [83.68, 100.54], [99.24, 110.27], [111.57, 119.35], [120, 129.73]], "duration": 129.73, "id": 5306}, {"image_id": "v_fRLDhkPqrTE.mp4", "caption": "A lady looks behind her with delight. The lady plays a black piano. The lady looks to her side.", "segments": [[0, 0.54], [0, 36.14], [16.26, 32.53]], "duration": 36.14, "id": 5307}, {"image_id": "v_qwBFQf5STBA.mp4", "caption": "Colorful zebra nails are shown and a colorful screen appears with colorful text that say's \"Acid Zebra Nail Art by professionalDQ\", and then followed by a lot of other words that include a list of supplies needed. A still shot of six different solid colors of nail polish are shown and some are rounded bottles and some are square bottles.The demonstration begins and it shows someone is sponge painting various colors onto a long white painted nail.A colorful screen briefly appears with colorful text and it say's \"Then added a coat of sparkle flakes Awesome\",shows the bottle of sparkle nail polish, then more text appears on a colorful screen. A black paint bottle is shown then the person paints a thin black line unto the sparkly and multi colored nail and paints them in the pattern of zebra stripes. A colorful screen along with colorful text appears and it has instructions to \"Finish with topcoat And now you're an invincible Nyan Zebra!!\".The finished nails are modeled and shown at different angles and a colorful screen with colorful letters appear and it say's \"Don't forget your tail!\" and then it shows the person holding a furry pink and black, long tail. A colorful screen with colorful text appears and it say's \"Thanks for watching SWOOSH!\" and more still shots of the finished colorful zebra nails are displayed in different positions and angles.", "segments": [[0, 13.77], [13.77, 16.06], [16.06, 47.04], [47.04, 59.66], [59.66, 114.73], [114.73, 118.17], [118.17, 136.53], [136.53, 229.46]], "duration": 229.46, "id": 5308}, {"image_id": "v_uZk7ciOa5aE.mp4", "caption": "A male and female dance duo are in the middle of a ballroom floor surrounded by people preparing to dance; however,the music doesn't start and they are delayed.They then begin to dance and shuffle their feet across the tile and spin each other around.The both then do a split,finish the routine and go out to mingle with the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 25.99], [26.63, 83.05], [83.05, 126.8]], "duration": 126.8, "id": 5309}, {"image_id": "v_wHxB-5jKjbQ.mp4", "caption": "People sail in canoes rowing with a paddle in a choppy river. Two men in a canoe sail near the bank of the river, but then sail in the river. The men spins the canoe an pass near an arch of the canoe course. The two men cross a person alone in a canoe. The men continue sailing down the river passing between arches. Men in a canoes are on the border of the river. After, continue sailing straight in the river.", "segments": [[3.94, 36.4], [37.38, 73.78], [73.78, 81.65], [81.65, 132.81], [132.81, 172.16], [66.9, 67.88], [172.16, 191.84]], "duration": 196.76, "id": 5310}, {"image_id": "v_PLvg8riZZVw.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a fishing pole over an ice fishing hole. He gently tries to pull up and then reel the fishing line out of the hole. He dips and lowers while taking a break. He tries to reel the line out again. He removes his gloves and gets to his knees and back up as he tries to pull the line out of the hole repeatedly. He steps around the hole and continually gently pulls the line from the water as another man pulls the fish out of the water.", "segments": [[0, 21.47], [21.47, 40.55], [40.55, 42.14], [42.14, 70.77], [70.77, 120.07], [120.07, 159.03]], "duration": 159.03, "id": 5311}, {"image_id": "v_Ktxr4ZiqO3o.mp4", "caption": "A person is shaving their beard with an electric shaver. They are slowly moving the shaver up their chin. Words are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[4.25, 41.93], [40.71, 113.63], [113.63, 121.53]], "duration": 121.53, "id": 5312}, {"image_id": "v_hjDGz9OhwvM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is showing sitting on a floor talking to the camera and pretending to iron. She prays the bottle of water onto the clothes and irons doing this several times. She flips over the shirt to continue ironing and looks off into the distance.", "segments": [[1.94, 34.3], [27.18, 106.15], [107.45, 129.45]], "duration": 129.45, "id": 5313}, {"image_id": "v_oXqzXQRqAhI.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are seen sitting in a bath tub with one holding a bucket and the holding smiling and laughing. The boy pours the bucket over his face and a hand gives him a towel while the girl also splashes her face. The sprays water again with the bucket and rubs his eyes.", "segments": [[0, 50.91], [3.87, 44.82], [44.82, 55.33]], "duration": 55.33, "id": 5314}, {"image_id": "v_HaprTZfP4sQ.mp4", "caption": "A gold ornament is shown hanging from a christmas tree. Two women are on the floor, wrapping presents. They cut the paper and tape it around boxes before adding bows. We then see the completed tree, adorned with a ring of wrapped presents at the base.", "segments": [[0, 6.45], [9.38, 22.29], [24.05, 104.4], [105.58, 117.31]], "duration": 117.31, "id": 5315}, {"image_id": "v_sanasW2azw4.mp4", "caption": "A young boy wearing sunglasses is shown pushing a long a lawn mower across a lawn. The camera continuously follows him as he moves back and fourth with the mower on the lawn. Finally a picture of him sleeping on the couch is shown.", "segments": [[0, 42.65], [41.39, 109.13], [117.28, 125.44]], "duration": 125.44, "id": 5316}, {"image_id": "v_zxOcSuLSrU4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen pushing a lawn mower along some tall grass while moving back and fourth. The woman continues pushing the machine around the yard and turns her back towards the camera to mow the back.", "segments": [[0, 39.36], [21.45, 39.36]], "duration": 39.36, "id": 5317}, {"image_id": "v_qcV3JtJDoV8.mp4", "caption": "A person is skiing down a hill of snow. They pass a group of people snowboarding. They get to the bottom of the hill and stop in front of a small building.", "segments": [[4.18, 189.29], [60.66, 77.39], [179.87, 203.93]], "duration": 209.16, "id": 5318}, {"image_id": "v_73ZdOEJcsUw.mp4", "caption": "An old lady knits with a red needle and red wool. An old lady stops knitting and talks continuously. The old lady knits again and examines her creation.", "segments": [[0, 102.19], [75.22, 93.37], [97, 103.75]], "duration": 103.75, "id": 5319}, {"image_id": "v_WSpfyZuoi3A.mp4", "caption": "A little girl sled in an inflatable boat hold to a string on front a man, suddenly she falls in a hollow. People carry sled boats and the little girl is in a sled boat. After a group of people sled do down the hill until meet other persons.", "segments": [[0, 32.28], [32.28, 55.15], [55.6, 89.68]], "duration": 89.68, "id": 5320}, {"image_id": "v_fevlUD03yCM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is applying sunscreen to her face. A beach is crowded with people while a motoroboat speeds across the water. A doctor from the Cleveland Clinic named Jennifer Lucas speaks. People apply sunblock to each other outdoors.", "segments": [[0, 6.11], [6.55, 25.33], [25.77, 42.37], [42.8, 87.35]], "duration": 87.35, "id": 5321}, {"image_id": "v_aEopPs2eY-Q.mp4", "caption": "A girl names Ashley dressed in all purple walks up slowly, then it turns to nature view of dirt and flowers. Ashley comes out getting dressed in her motor cross gear and slowly walks her bike out. She goes out and starts riding through the dirt, catching some air really high after hitting little mountain hills. She speaks in sign language with another rider for a little but before returning toe the dirt to ride some more.", "segments": [[0, 33.78], [33.78, 86.1], [86.1, 154.76], [154.76, 217.97]], "duration": 217.97, "id": 5322}, {"image_id": "v_YMsyF-g2TqE.mp4", "caption": "We see a carved pumpkin and a title screen. A man draws a face on a pumpkin. A man then carves a pumpkin into a snarling old man. The man takes an image of the pumpkin with a phone. The man tilts the pumpkin back into the light. We see still shots of the carved pumpkin. We see the ending screen with a website.", "segments": [[0, 4.85], [4.85, 7.76], [7.76, 169.73], [150.33, 153.24], [154.21, 160.03], [170.7, 187.19], [188.16, 193.98]], "duration": 193.98, "id": 5323}, {"image_id": "v_drarkco9LfQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is about to do an arm wrestling match with an older gentlemen. The older man is struggling from the faces that he is making. The camera's are getting all in their faces basically. The older man wins the match and the referees and everyone start to talk.", "segments": [[1.43, 9.66], [9.66, 32.2], [32.2, 50.81], [50.45, 71.56]], "duration": 71.56, "id": 5324}, {"image_id": "v_2Dlfwnvz76Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting at a desk. A man sitting in front of her is playing a harmonica. The woman is playing with her hair.", "segments": [[0, 77.53], [1.16, 77.53], [64.74, 77.53]], "duration": 77.53, "id": 5325}, {"image_id": "v_USwMjvs45MU.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen in various areas of a building while some are signing up for a race. People sit around a track and leads into small children performing several long jumps. An older man announces awards in the end and the winners stand by and get their ribbons.", "segments": [[0, 22.03], [21.41, 99.73], [100.34, 122.37]], "duration": 122.37, "id": 5326}, {"image_id": "v_Z7zc7zs5Zj8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking down a set of stairs and begins performing a routine in front of a large audience. The woman continues dancing around the stage while a group of people play instruments behind her.", "segments": [[0, 116.06], [65.14, 236.86]], "duration": 236.86, "id": 5327}, {"image_id": "v_j5SX_9JKtfs.mp4", "caption": "cleaning materials sit next to a double sink, then a person puts a bottle with blue liquid next to the cleaning materials. After, the person pours a little bit of blue liquid in the sink and scrubs the sinks with a sponge. After, the person rinse the sinks with water and dries with a cloth.", "segments": [[0, 63.85], [64.83, 108.06], [109.04, 196.47]], "duration": 196.47, "id": 5328}, {"image_id": "v_CaDoaqs_5jE.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a frozen lake with trees and leads into a group of people fishing around a hole. The men continue to sit around the holes with a pole speaking to one another and wandering around the ice.", "segments": [[2.23, 108.15], [59.09, 209.6]], "duration": 222.98, "id": 5329}, {"image_id": "v_cMeMbnjX-pg.mp4", "caption": "A man is skating on an indoor rink with a sweeper as people watch. He cleans the floor as people try to talk to him. A man falls and slides, and another grabs him in a fight.", "segments": [[0, 3.38], [3.38, 14.63], [16.6, 28.14]], "duration": 28.14, "id": 5330}, {"image_id": "v_JFupxdGxgPQ.mp4", "caption": "Several men stand in a dirt arena. Several other men sit on horses. A gate opens and a calf runs out closely followed by a man on a horse. The man on the horse throws a lasso around the calf's neck yanking the calf back to land on it's back. The man jumps from his horse and runs over and ties up the calf. The man gets up and walks back to get on his horse. Several men run over to free the calf as it gets up and runs away.", "segments": [[0, 45.51], [0.23, 45.51], [6.37, 8.87], [9.1, 12.06], [11.38, 17.75], [17.75, 29.13], [40.96, 45.51]], "duration": 45.51, "id": 5331}, {"image_id": "v_8L1xXJvKuv4.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are swimming in an indoor pool with other swimmers standing on the side of the pool watching. The children on the sidelines are jumping up and down with swim caps and swimsuits on as they watch the people who are already in the pool swim. A person walks by the camera as the shaky camera focuses on the people who are already in the pool swimming.", "segments": [[0.77, 73.24], [16.49, 19.94], [20.71, 73.24]], "duration": 76.7, "id": 5332}, {"image_id": "v_AkeJ-lJLNkw.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen performing various kicks and tricks around one another while a large group of people watch on the sides. More continue kicking around one another in the middle of the circle while others watch and react on the side.", "segments": [[0, 85.09], [61.88, 184.67]], "duration": 193.38, "id": 5333}, {"image_id": "v_f00gW6PbWDE.mp4", "caption": "A young man wearing blue jeans and a blue and white plaid long sleeved button up shirt is sitting on the ground with his legs wide opened on a board that has numbers on it in a triangular shape.There are two elderly women holding sticks, and they are getting ready to hit the disks across the board into the man's crotch while 5 men are standing alongside the board watching and cringing.The woman shoves the disk across the board and it hits the man in the crotch, the second woman shoves the disc across the board and it hits the man in the crotch very hard and the guys all laugh and gringe then help the guy up.", "segments": [[0, 1.44], [1.44, 10.56], [10.56, 48.02]], "duration": 48.02, "id": 5334}, {"image_id": "v_NfVL1o5HMEo.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen rubbing his hands together and walks over to a set of uneven bars and raises his hands up. The man performs a routine on the bars while hundreds of people watch on the sidelines. He jumps down, waves his arms in the air, and walks over to high five his coach afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 11], [10.67, 54.67], [53.33, 66.67]], "duration": 66.67, "id": 5335}, {"image_id": "v_x0cSfzhQRAs.mp4", "caption": "A man walks across a rope suspended between two mountains high in the air using his arms for balance. A man walks across a suspended rope high in the air, losing balance at one point and holding on to the rope with his hands and feet wrapped around the rope. The man then is able to hoist himself back enough on the rope to sit on it with the rope between his legs.", "segments": [[0.14, 28.19], [0.87, 19.08], [19.8, 28.19]], "duration": 28.91, "id": 5336}, {"image_id": "v_NqYEX8tUjYg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen performing a trick on a snowboard followed by more a woman speaking to the camera. Several more clips are shown of people riding snowboards and performing tricks on a board. More people are seen riding on a board and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 53.05], [51.97, 156.98], [153.73, 208.95]], "duration": 216.53, "id": 5337}, {"image_id": "v_DzdNjXensv0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are gathered outdoors at a market. People walk by looking at all the wares. A dog appears, as people continue to bustle.", "segments": [[0, 41], [46.46, 119.57], [123.67, 136.65]], "duration": 136.65, "id": 5338}, {"image_id": "v_6S9NCdsUxfE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen waxing a set of skis while looking back to speak to the camera. The man continues moving his arms up and down the skis while looking up to speak at the camera every once and a while.", "segments": [[0, 19.74], [18.99, 49.97]], "duration": 49.97, "id": 5339}, {"image_id": "v_uM6ErLnAGW4.mp4", "caption": "Carved pepper jack-o-lanterns are seen prepared. A woman uses a knife to carve out the center and facial features of a bell pepper then places in a dish. The woman adds chopped vegetables, salsa, and eggs to a large bowl. The woman uses a spatula to mix everything together. A spoon is used to add ingredients into the hollow bell peppers. Cheese is added to the tops of the bell peppers and the tops are placed back on them. The bell peppers are removed from the dish and put on a plate. the finished bell peppers are seen on the cutting board. A woman adds ingredients to a casserole dish.", "segments": [[0, 2.9], [3.87, 44.45], [45.42, 88.9], [90.83, 103.39], [104.36, 123.69], [125.62, 155.57], [156.54, 172.97], [174.9, 177.8], [179.73, 193.26]], "duration": 193.26, "id": 5340}, {"image_id": "v_Kz6I9Zx5E_0.mp4", "caption": "A team of young cheerleaders are in a gym doing toss ups and flips.The owner then comes along and begins to talk as the video goes over the materials each person will need.After,three girls are shown standing in a straddle position and begins to clap and lunge with their right hand to the side and go down.The girls continue to do the cheer and when they are done, the owner joins in.Once the coach disappears,the girls continue the cheer and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 18.64], [18.64, 46.16], [46.16, 123.39], [123.39, 149.13], [154.46, 177.54]], "duration": 177.54, "id": 5341}, {"image_id": "v_fkgojk18K0E.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady in a dancing costume. She points at her hips and waist. She begins to belly dance slowly. She picks up speed and spins her hands. She goes slower then goes fast again. The lady finishes her dance, stops and bows.", "segments": [[0, 6.25], [10.09, 16.81], [24.02, 32.19], [31.71, 59.57], [59.57, 92.72], [92.24, 96.09]], "duration": 96.09, "id": 5342}, {"image_id": "v_8slE1UskRS4.mp4", "caption": "Three people are standing outside under a very large concrete gazebo and briefly the white word \"MARANHAO\" is on the right side of the screen.A man with an instrument starts walking towards the three people and he begins to adjust his instrument. Two of the people start dancing, the woman starts singing, then all the people are now holding instruments and are smiling as they start playing their instruments, dancing, and singing together.", "segments": [[0, 10.82], [10.82, 30.3], [30.3, 216.41]], "duration": 216.41, "id": 5343}, {"image_id": "v_zwQYVBQnn4o.mp4", "caption": "This man is shown lifting a very heavy weight in the beginning of the video. Then another man does the same thing and he lifts it successfully. When he's done, someone comes on stage and gives him a hug. He is then given a medal.", "segments": [[0, 22.71], [41.36, 59.21], [41.36, 108.68], [41.36, 146.8]], "duration": 162.22, "id": 5344}, {"image_id": "v_v8Dqgro-f-U.mp4", "caption": "We see a gym filled with people watching as people jump rope. We see the outside of the building and a man is interviewed with shots of the inside cut in. We watch girl perform see ladies serving snacks and watch another person perform. We see girls interviewed outside the main room and scenes from inside the gym. We see people on bleachers and kids jumping. We then see the blue ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 27.88], [28.67, 93.98], [94.78, 109.11], [110.71, 145.75], [146.55, 156.1], [156.9, 159.29]], "duration": 159.29, "id": 5345}, {"image_id": "v_DCKwTvFrA6Q.mp4", "caption": "The woman introduces herself in the beginning of the video and then different pictures are shown. She also talks about the fun you can have in Chicago and her big production of being the black widow.", "segments": [[0, 19.48], [19.48, 185.48]], "duration": 185.48, "id": 5346}, {"image_id": "v_5Qav3tLfiZA.mp4", "caption": "The man in dark blue shirt is kneeling with one knee. The man is dribbling the blue ball. The man is dribbling the ball on his side.", "segments": [[0, 6.69], [1.71, 6.25], [2.34, 6.25]], "duration": 6.69, "id": 5347}, {"image_id": "v_5sUctxaAFrw.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures are shown in the beginning of old roofs as well as new roofs and people working on top of these roofs. More shots are shown of people spraying down the roofs and looking away from the camera.", "segments": [[0.6, 30.97], [19.55, 58.04]], "duration": 60.14, "id": 5348}, {"image_id": "v_ZL7xefcDWYc.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is performing on the bars while a crowds is watching. At the end, the gymnast flips around the bars and jump on the mattress.", "segments": [[0, 33.67], [33.67, 51.41]], "duration": 51.41, "id": 5349}, {"image_id": "v_R8RrOgz9hj8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen riding down multiple rafts down a rigorous river while paddling continuously. Several shots are shown of the people riding down while holding their sticks up into the air and ends with people stopping to eat.", "segments": [[3.74, 86.89], [71.94, 174.71]], "duration": 186.85, "id": 5350}, {"image_id": "v_zVMDHCnT-d4.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seated in a room in front of a robotic arm. One of the men is using a controller to make the arm pick up a bottle. The arm brings the bottle to the man's face, so he can take a drink. Then the robot returns the bottle to the table.", "segments": [[0, 4.62], [5.54, 17.86], [19.1, 52.05], [52.36, 61.6]], "duration": 61.6, "id": 5351}, {"image_id": "v_0PLaN0hmMDY.mp4", "caption": "A person holds a ring in a small box. Then, the man wraps the box with gift paper. After, the man tries to find the end of a scotch tape roll, but he can not find it. The man cuts the excess of paper and put take on the gift.", "segments": [[1.17, 18.78], [19.95, 66.9], [66.9, 137.32], [138.49, 226.52]], "duration": 234.73, "id": 5352}, {"image_id": "v_l3k_7ydV74A.mp4", "caption": "Four men perform a wrestling stunt in costume while standing on an elevated, lit, stage in front of a seated audience. Two men in black lift one man in a blue shiny outfit, up, on their shoulders. The two men in black place the man in blue's legs around the neck of another man, the biggest man on the stage, who is also dressed in black. The large man in black then takes the man in blue and slams him down, off the stage and onto a table next to the stage, at which point the man lands with a force that breaks the table in two causing the man to fall to the floor under the table.", "segments": [[0.09, 8.96], [0.22, 0.85], [0.9, 3.63], [3.41, 8.47]], "duration": 8.96, "id": 5353}, {"image_id": "v_j82E082KJSw.mp4", "caption": "There are two teams playing volley ball in an indoor stadium in front of a large number of spectators. The green and yellow team is playing against the red team. The players dive up high to throw the ball across the net to their opposing team. Then the green and yellow team plays against the blue team. The red team is back to play with the green and yellow team. Then the blue team returns to play against the green and yellow team. The volley ball game continues as the red team and blue team alternately play with their opponents.", "segments": [[0, 226.49], [16.18, 54.31], [25.42, 54.31], [55.47, 68.18], [72.8, 83.2], [85.51, 139.82], [137.51, 221.86]], "duration": 231.11, "id": 5354}, {"image_id": "v_d6uMS_ZgMg4.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a piece of exercise equipment followed by a woman riding on it. A person is seen adjusting the settings of the bike as well as riding around and drinking water. More shots are shown of the woman adjusting the machine as well as rolling it away and continuing to ride.", "segments": [[1.11, 40.95], [21.58, 85.21], [80.79, 106.79]], "duration": 110.67, "id": 5355}, {"image_id": "v_QESBvmN1hcM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen swimming around a pool and lead into several clips of people playing the game as well as celebrating. Various people are then seen speaking to the camera followed by more clips of the game being shown and people celebrating.", "segments": [[1.15, 64.18], [28.65, 109.45]], "duration": 114.6, "id": 5356}, {"image_id": "v_yzmPtZyuo4s.mp4", "caption": "An African American male athlete is walking preparing himself to run.The male then begins to run from an angle towards the mat and does a high jump clearing the bar.A replay is shown and the crowd begins to cheer for him.", "segments": [[0, 16.8], [16.11, 43.88], [43.19, 68.56]], "duration": 68.56, "id": 5357}, {"image_id": "v_Z9pWpZK4k2M.mp4", "caption": "Two men, a woman, and a toddler are walking down the road but all of the adults have on Kangaroo shoes.People continue to walk pass them and the two males begin jumping extremely high as the lady walks away with the child.The four individuals then move in front of a building and start hoping around then eventually to a set of steps in what looks to be a court yard.", "segments": [[0, 70.82], [71.96, 161.05], [161.05, 228.44]], "duration": 228.44, "id": 5358}, {"image_id": "v_-V00wKlFJA0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a garage and proceeds to play a set of bagpipes. The man continues playing the instrument while moving his hands around and stops in the end to turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0.46, 30.13], [31.99, 89.47]], "duration": 92.72, "id": 5359}, {"image_id": "v_bVOD0M4LCEY.mp4", "caption": "Several pairs of people are out in the desert holding a selfie stick as they travel around on camels.As they continue,some people come around and begin to film the people with their own camera.Now,a line of people are in the sand just standing around watching them as the people on the camel begin to talk back to them.", "segments": [[0, 55.05], [54.44, 93.58], [94.81, 122.33]], "duration": 122.33, "id": 5360}, {"image_id": "v_9-XGzUTSsuI.mp4", "caption": "A white screen appears and green letters appear in the middle of the screen and read \"eHow\"and changes to a blue screen that has a large white word that reads \"health\" under a small white square that contains the green eHow.A man wearing athletic clothing is standing in an indoor gym doing some fighting exercises and when he stops to talk, a banner on the bottom left say his name is Steve Hess and he's a Personal Trainer.While talking the man is also doing arm and leg movements and the camera is zoomed out to show his whole body.When the man is done the same blue screen from the beginning appears and ends with the same white screen with the green eHow written in the middle.", "segments": [[0, 5.01], [5.01, 19.11], [19.11, 83.29], [83.29, 91.02]], "duration": 91.02, "id": 5361}, {"image_id": "v_paY7wXmzcTQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing on a pair of skis while others move around an area. One person sits on a tube while others walk from behind. A person then kicks the person n the tube down the hill.", "segments": [[0, 13.49], [11.6, 41.55], [33.73, 52.08]], "duration": 53.96, "id": 5362}, {"image_id": "v_aeEMrTpNUss.mp4", "caption": "A man steps up to a set of uneven bars while a man does flips behind him and begins performing a gymnastics routine. The man flips and spins himself around on the bars and ends by jumping down and waving his hands up.", "segments": [[1.4, 30.32], [20.49, 54.74]], "duration": 56.15, "id": 5363}, {"image_id": "v_FFZOmzFc_us.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing an apron in front of sink stacked with many dishes. The man begins washing the dishes in a quick motion and throwing them into a pile. The man continues washing the dishes while looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0.19, 3.49], [3.61, 8.88], [7.73, 12.49]], "duration": 12.68, "id": 5364}, {"image_id": "v_n1LmL6_vxKs.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending down before a large weight while looking off into the distance. He then picks the weight up over his head. Finally he throws the weight down on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 5.99], [5.03, 14.77], [15.52, 20.77]], "duration": 21.41, "id": 5365}, {"image_id": "v_PAF5AIQNXhs.mp4", "caption": "A baby is seated in a swing, rocking gently. A little girl is seen swinging herself back and forth. Then a toddler and baby look at each other as they continue to lightly swing.", "segments": [[0, 7.22], [9.98, 52.63], [53.67, 68.8]], "duration": 68.8, "id": 5366}, {"image_id": "v_2L9pp85KvbQ.mp4", "caption": "A man has a hookah in his mouth and he is inhaling smoke for a while. He takes the hookah out of his mouth and exhales letting out a bunch of smoke. I think he is trying to make O's with the smoke but he doesn't know how. He keeps inhaling and continues to try blowing out the smoke.", "segments": [[0, 9.61], [9.61, 35.13], [35.13, 55.84], [55.84, 73.96]], "duration": 73.96000000000001, "id": 5367}, {"image_id": "v_Wzpyu5NEqZ4.mp4", "caption": "Men are playing wall ball in a room against each other. A man in a red shirt and glasses is talking. A man in a black shirt talks to a man in a red shirt. Papers are being shown on the screen. The man continues to talk to the microphone. A man in a black shirt is talking. The men are playing more wall ball.", "segments": [[33.38, 54.63], [56.65, 67.78], [75.87, 103.18], [109.25, 114.31], [122.4, 139.6], [167.92, 177.03], [180.06, 181.07]], "duration": 202.32, "id": 5368}, {"image_id": "v_UCBAyJpXuCw.mp4", "caption": "People are on a stage playing instruments. A man in a black shirt is playing a drum set. A man in a green shirt plays a guitar at the front of the stage.", "segments": [[0, 144.73], [11.58, 68.02], [71.64, 78.15]], "duration": 144.73, "id": 5369}, {"image_id": "v_xq7Gr0FUwpo.mp4", "caption": "Two scientist throws stones in the water while talking. Scientist writes a formula on a board, then the scientists run and jumps in the water. Then, people water ski in the water pulling by a boat. A woman water ski while two men explains the movements made by the girl. After, a man water ski holding a water sky rope tie to a pole while a person watch, then he falls in the water. After, a person water ski and then falls in the water.", "segments": [[5.58, 24.55], [25.67, 73.65], [73.65, 101.55], [102.67, 118.29], [118.29, 162.93], [162.93, 223.19]], "duration": 223.19, "id": 5370}, {"image_id": "v_5HLW2AI1Ink.mp4", "caption": "A swimmer is shown putting on his goggles and spreading his hands out before he dives into a pool.A side view of the man is shown as he does the side stroke underneath the water.The male continues to swim and several techniques of his are highlighted such as the way his hand is cuffed and the position of his legs.", "segments": [[0, 27.18], [27.91, 60.96], [61.7, 146.9]], "duration": 146.9, "id": 5371}, {"image_id": "v_I4mFeQwqjnE.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clips are shown. People in black play dodge ball on a court. A guy dives to the ground to prevent ball from hitting him.", "segments": [[0.26, 4.67], [5.19, 51.92], [16.87, 17.39]], "duration": 51.92, "id": 5372}, {"image_id": "v_UsqhZb0co6o.mp4", "caption": "A man is laying in bed and looks at his phone. He runs into a room and gets dressed. He sits down on his bed and puts shoes on. He stands up and runs out the door.", "segments": [[0, 3.09], [3.66, 12.53], [12.15, 29.7], [29.7, 38.57]], "duration": 38.57, "id": 5373}, {"image_id": "v_U0mKdo2-Gfc.mp4", "caption": "A weather map is shown for a second, then two news women sitting at a desk. Several people are shown warming up for a race. A gun is fired, and the race begins. We go back to the women in the news room, talking.", "segments": [[0, 15.19], [16.24, 26.72], [28.81, 34.57], [44, 104.77]], "duration": 104.77000000000001, "id": 5374}, {"image_id": "v_eL4Ce4WPI0Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen wiping off her feet and stepping into a circle pit. The woman then spins around and throws a discuss off into the air while the camera follows her.", "segments": [[0.78, 17.6], [15.25, 37.73]], "duration": 39.1, "id": 5375}, {"image_id": "v_80spFFIdnC4.mp4", "caption": "A view of a wide ocean taken from a boat appears and various men are shown doing different things on the boat on both the inside and the outside and include steering the wheel up deck, or sitting at computers monitoring things.A man sitting on the deck of the boat is talking to the camera while a man behind him is standing and the man beside that standing man is controlling the steering wheel of the boat.The focus change to another man on the boat and he is talking to the camera as well.", "segments": [[0, 81.77], [81.77, 106.24], [106.24, 119.37]], "duration": 119.37, "id": 5376}, {"image_id": "v_ItpDcSURusI.mp4", "caption": "A professional diver named Pandelela Rinong is getting ready to dive in a competition. She goes forward on the diving board and does a backward dive into the pool from several feet. She twists her body as she dives down into the pool. After she's done, she smiles and walks out of the pool.", "segments": [[6.26, 24.49], [24.49, 35.11], [35.11, 47.62], [47.62, 52.25]], "duration": 54.43, "id": 5377}, {"image_id": "v_JGStyHrlN2U.mp4", "caption": "Several player on horseback are playing cricket on a field. All players ride their horses to one side of the field. The ride around and around as the try to hit the cricket ball. The ball is hit into the middle of the field away from all the players.", "segments": [[0, 40.33], [7.87, 22.79], [22.59, 36.3], [36.3, 40.33]], "duration": 40.33, "id": 5378}, {"image_id": "v_CJCONq_i1cQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in a driveway cleaning snow from his car. The man cleans the snow under his windshield wipers. We see the building behind the car. We do a 360 spin to see the parking lot. The man opens the doors on his car and gets in. The man backs out and and gets out of the car.", "segments": [[0, 151.53], [73.98, 81.13], [139.6, 143.18], [153.92, 171.82], [169.43, 202.84], [210, 238.63]], "duration": 238.63, "id": 5379}, {"image_id": "v_ZluOmpTPdWw.mp4", "caption": "A group of people seen running around a sandy field playing a soccer match in front of a large crowd. The people continue kick the ball around with several more balls being thrown in as well.", "segments": [[0, 13.17], [12.58, 29.61]], "duration": 29.61, "id": 5380}, {"image_id": "v_E2KlBkQJyzU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting on a ski bench putting on gear and leads into people pushing a puck around a hockey rink. Several shots are shown of the players skating around the ice and playing the sport of hockey. In the end they all kneel down next to one another and skate away.", "segments": [[14.83, 81.07], [67.23, 156.22], [156.22, 187.85]], "duration": 197.74, "id": 5381}, {"image_id": "v_tlNpR7CkM-4.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown inside a church. He is playing a set of bagpipes while wearing a kilt.He continues to play, not moving.", "segments": [[0, 16.04], [18.55, 71.69], [78.21, 100.26]], "duration": 100.25999999999999, "id": 5382}, {"image_id": "v_az-UGTdlbaA.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black top and shorts wears boxing gloves. She spares with a man in black. She kicks and hits at him. She does several different exercises.", "segments": [[0, 84.51], [5.28, 84.51], [13.5, 39.32], [49.89, 117.38]], "duration": 117.38, "id": 5383}, {"image_id": "v_K0XdsHfUpco.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Players play croquet in a lawn. A guy plays a bag pipe on the croquet field. Players shake hands to demonstrate sportsmanship. Players carry a huge check. A guy steps out of a line and charges at the camera.", "segments": [[0.74, 3.71], [5.19, 140.13], [25.95, 30.4], [140.87, 143.83], [143.83, 145.32], [146.8, 147.54]], "duration": 148.28, "id": 5384}, {"image_id": "v_wlO7PcigY-s.mp4", "caption": "A man drops a tennis racquet with ball then hits the ball. Another person does the same trick and then shows that he is from Serbia.", "segments": [[0, 27.95], [29.22, 63.53]], "duration": 63.53, "id": 5385}, {"image_id": "v_4KgCkxpsN2g.mp4", "caption": "People are in a large yellow raft going down a water fall. A man in a boat is going down the river. Several pictures of rafters are displayed on the screen. Rafters are going down a rough hill and hitting the rocks.", "segments": [[0, 190.85], [23.86, 28.63], [30.54, 119.28], [56.3, 139.32]], "duration": 190.85, "id": 5386}, {"image_id": "v_rHD_vDxPpDA.mp4", "caption": "A shoe is cleaned with a toothbrush by a sink. The counter is wiped with a towel. The shoe is cleaned more with the toothbrush and a towel.", "segments": [[4.6, 95.28], [95.28, 97.91], [97.91, 128.14]], "duration": 131.43, "id": 5387}, {"image_id": "v_yDCZNNI3tDo.mp4", "caption": "A lady is talking to the camera then she laughs and looks down and the camera focuses elsewhere. The camera is back to the lady and a man is now cutting her hair as her mouth is open in disbelief and the man is laughing as he cuts her hair in one quick motion around her head.The lady is so in shock and drops hair from her lap and looks down at the ground at all the hair, touches her hair, stands up to look in the mirror, screams, cries, starts freaking out, sits back down and stands back up to look in the mirror. The lady looks in the mirror and is smiling but you can tell she's not happy.", "segments": [[0, 16.71], [16.71, 44.56], [44.56, 105.28], [105.28, 111.41]], "duration": 111.4, "id": 5388}, {"image_id": "v_M_hfBH8xEig.mp4", "caption": "Blue text talks about the description of the video. Some boys are shown performing backetball layups, one after the other. One boy continuously does layups until the end.", "segments": [[0, 4.21], [7.12, 44.33], [45.95, 64.72]], "duration": 64.72, "id": 5389}, {"image_id": "v_G-EDozcMT_4.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of skateboarders riding around on rails in a large city. The camera follows these borders closely as they perform tricks up stairs and over benches. The men continue skating on and ends with a police woman smiling and giving a thumbs up to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 54.64], [52.57, 164.94], [163.91, 206.17]], "duration": 206.17000000000002, "id": 5390}, {"image_id": "v_ZzarNWOJnro.mp4", "caption": "A man picks up an ax. He swings it at a piece of wood on a stump. He picks another one up and chops it.", "segments": [[0, 6.34], [6.74, 43.59], [35.27, 63.4]], "duration": 79.25, "id": 5391}, {"image_id": "v_17ODXa4CEmI.mp4", "caption": "A person puts slices of lemon over two glasses of lemonade with ice. Then, the person pours water and adds sugar in a pot to make syrup. The person press hard a lemon, and then cuts the lemmons and squeeze them using an electric citrus juicer. next, the person pours a glass of water in a jar, then adds the syrup, the lemon juice, slices of lemon and ice. Then the person serves the lemonade.", "segments": [[0.56, 10.67], [11.23, 23.59], [24.15, 44.37], [44.37, 90.43], [90.99, 103.91]], "duration": 112.34, "id": 5392}, {"image_id": "v_P49Ci0Ph8eU.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast stands before a large crowd in an arena and puts his hands up. He begins his routine that involves many flips and rotations. The crowd sits silently while he does this. He does a handstand and a series of more rotations and flips before dismounting. He claps as the crowd cheers him on after his routine is over.", "segments": [[0, 5.46], [5.46, 31.14], [31.96, 38.79], [33.87, 45.9], [46.17, 54.64]], "duration": 54.64, "id": 5393}, {"image_id": "v_GYh4XH7jUL4.mp4", "caption": "A person dives off a board into a pool. They come up from under the water.", "segments": [[0, 5.11], [5.31, 7.87]], "duration": 7.99, "id": 5394}, {"image_id": "v_xH_1O0mckTU.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in street holding a board and skateboarding through the street. man is walking in a yard and doing jumps and talking to a microphone.", "segments": [[0, 19.11], [0, 129.93]], "duration": 191.08, "id": 5395}, {"image_id": "v_U01xasUtlvw.mp4", "caption": "a man is outside wearing a superman shirt. He spins in circles, looking around. He finds a broken bike, and repairs it while an angry man yells at him.", "segments": [[0, 22.67], [29.28, 50.06], [55.72, 188.9]], "duration": 188.9, "id": 5396}, {"image_id": "v_6LOfAoP4Mg8.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown sanding a wall and laying out a large piece of water paper across the wall. He continues pushing the paper into the wall and sanding it from behind.", "segments": [[0, 59.11], [55.39, 106.51]], "duration": 106.50999999999999, "id": 5397}, {"image_id": "v_XQ4owd3yQ_4.mp4", "caption": "A man pushes a table into the sand. He is then shown surfing on the bottom of the table in the ocean, gliding across a wave. Another angle is shown with the surfer effortlessly riding a wave on a table. He crashes along with the wave.", "segments": [[0, 4.7], [5.46, 14.11], [15.33, 23.82], [25.34, 30.35]], "duration": 30.35, "id": 5398}, {"image_id": "v_x_BIktHkEc4.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing headphones is in a studio, speaking into a microphone. Other men are shown, one of which begins playing a harmonica. He stops playing and says something that makes the DJ laugh.", "segments": [[0, 11.81], [12.85, 58.01], [58.71, 69.47]], "duration": 69.48, "id": 5399}, {"image_id": "v_pv6CNBFhgCU.mp4", "caption": "A machine draws a face on a pumpkin. The lights turn off and it shows the carved pumpkin turned on. It shows the pumpkin in the light.", "segments": [[0, 101.64], [101.64, 109.14], [109.14, 115.5]], "duration": 115.5, "id": 5400}, {"image_id": "v_HVhLOYGU9E4.mp4", "caption": "A large semi truck is driving in the rain. Then we see boys riding skateboards outside a house. They perform several stunts on a board in the driveway.", "segments": [[0, 9.36], [9.79, 56.17], [57.44, 85.1]], "duration": 85.1, "id": 5401}, {"image_id": "v_JxN0fchWCNI.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are standing in a kitchen behind an island with fruits on them.Once the male finishes talking,the woman begins grating a vegetable and cutting an orange in half.She then squeezes the orange into a clear glass bowl and seasoning it and mixing it together with the previously cut up ingredients.", "segments": [[0, 25.82], [25.29, 75.34], [75.87, 105.37]], "duration": 105.37, "id": 5402}, {"image_id": "v_6AwS8vWMwSA.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a woman playing competitive rock paper scissors cut with scenes of the crowd. We see a man with a mustache clapping. The lady wins and the man in the suit raises her hand. The man and the woman shake each others hands. The man in the game shakes his head as he turns around.", "segments": [[0, 41.28], [33.73, 34.54], [43.44, 46.95], [46.95, 48.3], [49.65, 53.96]], "duration": 53.96, "id": 5403}, {"image_id": "v_jBKlpn2mE8I.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks into a backyard, and flips her hair forward. She brushes her hair for a long time, smoothing and tossing it. She then walks away from the camera, continuing to brush. She stands upright, then bends over to brush some more.", "segments": [[0, 23.04], [29.33, 163.39], [167.57, 182.24], [191.66, 209.47]], "duration": 209.47, "id": 5404}, {"image_id": "v_icOO9whIgX8.mp4", "caption": "A yellow frame with girls playing Lacross opens up the video. A game of girls Lacross is going on as different slides are shown. The game ends with a penalty shot.", "segments": [[0, 7.27], [7.27, 180.64], [180.64, 207.63]], "duration": 207.63, "id": 5405}, {"image_id": "v_E2sbaDQabkA.mp4", "caption": "A black and yellow jump rope lies on the floor while three people are in the background.The title, \"Jump Rope Steffisburg\", appears on the screen while several people in green shirts run behind. Two young women perform a somersault. A large group of people in green shirts perform various jump rope stunts in a large gymnasium. Someone picks up a yellow and black jump rope from the floor and walks off with it.", "segments": [[0, 2.48], [3.31, 7.45], [8.28, 13.24], [14.07, 158.91], [159.74, 163.88]], "duration": 165.54, "id": 5406}, {"image_id": "v_r7Z5Pm3pKMA.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and people entering a stadium. We switch to people on teams, and military marching in a yard. People are playing a game with sticks. We see a group of people on a team standing in a a circle. We see a man walking down the street then a person sitting on the sidewalk.", "segments": [[0, 5.48], [5.48, 22.13], [22.13, 30.34], [30.57, 40.61], [43.35, 45.63]], "duration": 45.63, "id": 5407}, {"image_id": "v_BdKxwCdax_w.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a room in front of a mirror talking. He gets down on his knees and stands on his head. He moves around in a circle on his head and spins.", "segments": [[0, 40.95], [40.22, 80.43], [81.16, 146.24]], "duration": 146.24, "id": 5408}, {"image_id": "v_fgEMvRrOCRI.mp4", "caption": "There are players, one in yellow and the other in red hurling in an open air stadium. They are part of a team that is playing in the large stadium with several spectators. The video is demonstrating how to catch the ball and scoop it up with the stick. It also demonstrates how to balance the ball on the stick as the player runs. The players are showing all the steps in the tutorial where the one of the player shoots the ball bravely for a point. There's a player in a blue and white uniform shooting the ball for a point and scoring a goal.", "segments": [[4.39, 12.19], [12.19, 26.33], [26.33, 42.91], [42.91, 69.73], [69.73, 85.33], [85.33, 93.14]], "duration": 97.52000000000001, "id": 5409}, {"image_id": "v_x2CZHFxoZaM.mp4", "caption": "A man is crossing the finish line of a race. Lots of people are running in a race. People are running down a dirt road.", "segments": [[10.91, 12.59], [22.67, 25.19], [22.67, 167.9]], "duration": 167.9, "id": 5410}, {"image_id": "v_EEaLID3z9tM.mp4", "caption": "A group of four young girls are standing beside each other in the bathroom and they chug something. They are swishing it in their mouths and almost all of them have their hands over their mouths. One of them spits it out in the sink and the other three are trying to carry on. They are having a really hard time and eventually they all spit out and one girl wins.", "segments": [[0, 8.07], [8.76, 17.06], [17.52, 30.44], [30.44, 44.73]], "duration": 46.12, "id": 5411}, {"image_id": "v_jvQU6RyhY7I.mp4", "caption": "A woman has a bandana tied around her eyes. She uses a stick to swing at a pinata. She hits the pinata numerous times.", "segments": [[0, 5.98], [7.9, 28.71], [29.19, 47.86]], "duration": 47.86, "id": 5412}, {"image_id": "v_TMnmi7WJr_o.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside a tattoo and piercing parlor. He lies down on a bench while a tattoo artist works on a tattoo on his back. He shows a close up of his work, which says thuglife. The man looks at the work in the mirror.", "segments": [[0, 10.82], [13.14, 77.28], [79.59, 132.92], [136.78, 154.55]], "duration": 154.55, "id": 5413}, {"image_id": "v_MhWIIdVyWVs.mp4", "caption": "A martial arts artists performs slow moves with her arms and legs simultaneously. A man speaks to the camera after the woman finishes her martial arts routine.", "segments": [[0, 194.46], [195.65, 238.6]], "duration": 238.6, "id": 5414}, {"image_id": "v_piKE8obU4JY.mp4", "caption": "A drum line gets in formation at an outdoor event. They begin their routine, each section moving in their own set way before coming together and spreading out again. They form into two rows and finish the song.", "segments": [[0, 4.17], [14.94, 41], [55.25, 69.5]], "duration": 69.5, "id": 5415}, {"image_id": "v_N88-LuWK_K0.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several clips of people riding in on horses throwing a rope and grabbing calf's in the middle of a pit. More clips are shown of people roping calf's in the pit and ending with pictures of people performing.", "segments": [[1.5, 64.35], [44.9, 145.91]], "duration": 149.65, "id": 5416}, {"image_id": "v_jkmbAc9BWaE.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a red shirt and a checked shirt over it, standing in a park. He throws a rubber tire on the ground. He is standing near a park bench with a skateboard in his hand. He is demonstrating how to do stunts on the skateboard by jumping up on the park bench. He repeats the same stunt over and over again. He falls off the skateboard a couple times but is successful most of the time. Then he holds the skateboard in his hand as he talks while pointing to the bench.", "segments": [[1.03, 8.23], [8.23, 40.13], [40.13, 84.37], [84.37, 112.15], [112.15, 148.16], [148.16, 186.23], [186.23, 197.54]], "duration": 205.78, "id": 5417}, {"image_id": "v_D8dHEAYIawg.mp4", "caption": "A group of women and a man are playing volleyball in the sand on a beach. They lob the pink ball back and forth over the net. A woman goes behind a piece of equipment to grab the ball.", "segments": [[0, 16.68], [17.27, 54.2], [54.8, 59.56]], "duration": 59.56, "id": 5418}, {"image_id": "v_BPpq8m93LSI.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see balls and paddle and a blue table then a man talks and two men playing table tennis. We see an instructional title screen. The man demonstrates hitting a ball and we see him in play hitting the ball. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 1.54], [1.54, 18.51], [18.51, 23.66], [23.66, 100.28], [101.31, 102.86]], "duration": 102.86, "id": 5419}, {"image_id": "v_sjyZWmvTGA4.mp4", "caption": "Several men are blowing leaves in front of a home. One man is going all throughout the yard to blow the leaves. He clears out in front of the home. He also clears out by the shed. Another man is shown wandering through the yard.", "segments": [[0.54, 27.34], [3.06, 27.34], [5.75, 25.18], [10.07, 12.95], [27.34, 35.25]], "duration": 35.97, "id": 5420}, {"image_id": "v_cjFHlsWZY4c.mp4", "caption": "Someone is drawing on tape and cutting it out. They dip a paint brush in paint and paint it put it on a sponge. They put that on their nail and put a top coat on. They put glitter over the heart on the nail.", "segments": [[10.53, 15.8], [27.92, 38.98], [47.93, 67.42], [73.22, 83.75]], "duration": 105.35, "id": 5421}, {"image_id": "v_smk2WJV1Zmo.mp4", "caption": "woman is in a gym doing leg exercise and abs. thw woman is sitting in a terrace talking to the camera. woman is walking in a sidewalk with a white small dog and enters in a house. the woman is again in the terrace talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.04], [5.04, 19.54], [19.54, 100.85], [100.85, 126.06]], "duration": 126.06, "id": 5422}, {"image_id": "v_xxXspvK4tEY.mp4", "caption": "An elderly woman is sitting on the couch with a young girl, showing her how to thread yard onto a knitting hook. The girl smiles and laughs as she figures out how to handle it.", "segments": [[0, 36.87], [42.61, 95.76]], "duration": 95.75999999999999, "id": 5423}, {"image_id": "v_Ac_8KQGAe0c.mp4", "caption": "A cat is standing on a table getting petted. A person takes the cats paw and starts clipping its nails. The person picks the cat up to clip their back paws. The person pets the cat after clipping its nails.", "segments": [[0, 61.32], [68.99, 197.77], [197.77, 271.36], [271.36, 306.62]], "duration": 306.62, "id": 5424}, {"image_id": "v_S2jbh7QMrKc.mp4", "caption": "People surf in the choppy waters of the ocean while a cat sits on a rock. One person surfs on a big wave going to the right, while other surfer gets in a wave to surf and falls but get on the surfboard again. A man surfs on a wave going to the left while other people surfs in the ocean. Suddenly, a man appears rowing a canoe.", "segments": [[4.55, 28.42], [28.42, 138.7], [138.7, 210.32], [210.32, 222.82]], "duration": 227.37, "id": 5425}, {"image_id": "v_legHHtPK5fA.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are standing in a row. They are throwing darts at targets. The people converse as they try to hit their targets.", "segments": [[0, 6.8], [9.92, 31.04], [31.41, 36.73]], "duration": 36.73, "id": 5426}, {"image_id": "v_QV2QXt6eDdI.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen washing various dishes in a sink while wearing gloves and running them under water. The boy continues to stick a bowl under the water while the camera pans around his movements.", "segments": [[0, 16.93], [13.86, 30.79]], "duration": 30.79, "id": 5427}, {"image_id": "v_0_BvBpwDMpU.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen raising his arm in the air and climbing on top a gymnastics beam. He spins himself around performing various tricks on the beam and finishes by jumping down and smiling to the applauding audience.", "segments": [[0, 9.43], [7.43, 57.17]], "duration": 57.17, "id": 5428}, {"image_id": "v_RAQs7EkXLtE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of women are seen moving around a stage and begin with two women performing a belly dancing routine. The women continue dancing around the stage and end by holding a pose and bumping into one another.", "segments": [[0, 89.52], [83.05, 215.71]], "duration": 215.71, "id": 5429}, {"image_id": "v_E4PIKUW4v0k.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman stand on a street talking on front a window. A person passes on front the man and the woman. People pass on front the woman and the man.", "segments": [[0, 48.58], [3.16, 4.86], [32.3, 46.63]], "duration": 48.58, "id": 5430}, {"image_id": "v_MbCAiWBhAjo.mp4", "caption": "Lemons are thrown onto a counter and glasses of lemon-aid appear with ice in mason jars on the counter as well. Lemons are then rolled around against the counter back and forth evenly with the palm of a hand using firm pressure. The lemons are scraped back and forth against a metal food grater to get the zest off of them leaving the skin of the lemon in a bowl. Water is added into a saucepan along with sugar, and then the lemon zest that was extracted with the metal shredder is added to the water as well. The lemons are cut and juiced over a glass bowl and then the juice is poured through a strainer along with the sugar water with zest that was previously mixed in the saucepan. The mixture is stirred with added water and ice is then added.", "segments": [[0, 9.47], [9.47, 26.39], [26.39, 39.93], [39.93, 64.97], [64.97, 92.04], [92.04, 135.35]], "duration": 135.35, "id": 5431}, {"image_id": "v_FzdLe1mjk7c.mp4", "caption": "There is a wall of paintings then the scene fades out. People are standing on a balcony over looking a soccer event and the screen says Wuzler Cup Finale. Two rows of people are playing table soccer. The ball jumped off the table and a woman put it back into play and a goal was made. There are cheerleaders for this event. The red team won and are showing off their tshirts.The scene changes to a reported behind a desk.", "segments": [[0, 5.06], [5.55, 10.13], [10.85, 30.87], [30.87, 37.62], [37.62, 40.99], [40.99, 46.3], [46.06, 48.23]], "duration": 48.23, "id": 5432}, {"image_id": "v_PxEu0AAH9LI.mp4", "caption": "A group of women wearing blue dresses are dancing on a stage in sync they dropped to the ground and the screen fades to black.A woman alone then appears on the stage with white words on the bottom left that say \"BALLET D'ORIENT\",and a special effect background and she begins to belly dance, then other women join her.The spotlight fades as the routine ends and the screen fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 9.32], [9.32, 231.94], [230.77, 233.11]], "duration": 233.11, "id": 5433}, {"image_id": "v_f0lxilPpXeM.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are sitting behind a desk talking. A doctor is performing surgery in a room. A woman in a red shirt is standing at a counter talking. A woman wipes her mouth with a napkin.", "segments": [[0, 16.18], [40.44, 43.98], [72.29, 80.37], [98.57, 101.1]], "duration": 101.1, "id": 5434}, {"image_id": "v_YeNlYRWhFzE.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of a man riding a large wave of a surf board from various angles. One man is then interviewed by the cameraman and is shown again riding large waves in the ocean. Another man is interviewed by the camera and shows off his surfing skills on his board.", "segments": [[0, 39.13], [40.19, 136.42], [134.31, 211.51]], "duration": 211.51, "id": 5435}, {"image_id": "v_k8ZXFB6xqZs.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside in a tennis court talking while he is holding a tennis racket. He goes on the court and with the racket and a ball from his pocket and hits it. He gives some very detailed information a for a while, tennis seems to be something he knows about very well. He shows how you should hit the ball properly and goes on talking some more.", "segments": [[0, 39.97], [39.97, 108.03], [108.03, 157.73], [157.73, 216.06]], "duration": 216.06, "id": 5436}, {"image_id": "v_tkHJgKq3jTs.mp4", "caption": "woman is in an offece talking to a men that are decorating a christmas tree.man talks to the one who was standing by the tree and gives him a barbie.man walks to a woman and start talking in te corner of the room. man is holding a ball next to the christmas tree putting the balls.", "segments": [[0, 37.99], [37.99, 59.4], [59.4, 77.06], [77.06, 107.02]], "duration": 107.02000000000001, "id": 5437}, {"image_id": "v_0IN40z63WAU.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown working out on several different pieces of exercise equipment as well as adjusting the settings. The man puts in a USB and continues to ride around on the machines. He adjusts more settings as well as watches tv when he works out and close ups of his feet and body shown.", "segments": [[4.64, 71.92], [77.72, 175.17], [124.13, 221.57]], "duration": 232.01, "id": 5438}, {"image_id": "v_Scv939uhNCc.mp4", "caption": "A group of young men are sitting at a table with Rubik cubes in front of them.The two boys to the right have already started and the two boys on the left are at a delay.In eight seconds,the boy solves his cube and the boys behind them jump up and begins to congratulate him as the others continue to solve their.", "segments": [[0, 11.99], [12.86, 27.68], [27.24, 43.58]], "duration": 43.58, "id": 5439}, {"image_id": "v_etWdTMJ9_To.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking down a field followed by several people running back and fourth. The men throw the ball around the yard and continue to run up and down on the grass.", "segments": [[0.81, 20.96], [15.47, 39.28]], "duration": 40.71, "id": 5440}, {"image_id": "v_VcyO9tZ3NkY.mp4", "caption": "A roof is repaired by PVC. The roof is cleaned and the seal is made again.", "segments": [[0, 124.02], [36.59, 119.68]], "duration": 124.02, "id": 5441}, {"image_id": "v_q59X9izcjQc.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of a woman standing and pointing on a beach that lead into her dragging along a board and and adjusting it on the water. The woman then grabs onto the board and moves around the water while demonstrating proper moves and the camera moving all around others.", "segments": [[2.25, 155.01], [101.09, 215.67]], "duration": 224.65, "id": 5442}, {"image_id": "v_2rA5pyel_NE.mp4", "caption": "Children bring desert out for their family member. The family enjoys eating the desert together. The people in the restaurant laugh at the man and he wonders what they are doing. The man gets up and walks away to the other room.", "segments": [[0, 8.63], [8.05, 56.95], [47.75, 94.92], [96.07, 115.06]], "duration": 115.06, "id": 5443}, {"image_id": "v_nDGhaYCgRiI.mp4", "caption": "people is in a gym doing exercise some push ups and stretching. men start settle the gym and bring some mats and strings to ge gym. people are balancing on the srings on the gym and jumping in the elastic bed in gym class. men and women are balancing on th string and doing tricks making jumps.", "segments": [[0, 16.94], [16.94, 39.17], [39.17, 116.46], [118.58, 211.74]], "duration": 211.74, "id": 5444}, {"image_id": "v_PKdQIdYuXo8.mp4", "caption": "man is standing holding an harmonica while is playing the guitar and its reading the music sheet. man is teaching how to play the harmonica in the key of A and its talking and playing the guitar.", "segments": [[0, 21.53], [21.53, 116.4]], "duration": 116.4, "id": 5445}, {"image_id": "v_ha40KZvmcEo.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people riding in water on kayaks. The people perform flips in the water while text is shown. More clips are shown of people riding in the water and doing flips in the kayaks.", "segments": [[2.13, 34.65], [34.65, 82.63], [66.64, 106.08]], "duration": 106.62, "id": 5446}, {"image_id": "v_YApgx2YL9wM.mp4", "caption": "A firefighter is shown walking on a tight rope in his gear very slowly. He moves along the rope towards the end and walks back to the start until he fails.", "segments": [[0, 11.76], [11.51, 49]], "duration": 49.0, "id": 5447}, {"image_id": "v_7vXt9RxeXWY.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down on a blue mat. A man is standing up behind him talking. The man on the mat has a brown belt around his waist.", "segments": [[3.58, 72.46], [5.97, 72.46], [65.29, 71.26]], "duration": 79.62, "id": 5448}, {"image_id": "v_16Mq9vM7Nck.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen walking out of a building and leads into them playing crochet with one another. The men continue hitting the ball around the yard while speaking to one another and measuring out the ball. The men continue playing and one holding out his arm and end by walking away.", "segments": [[1.16, 30.98], [22.08, 64.29], [61.97, 76.3]], "duration": 77.46000000000001, "id": 5449}, {"image_id": "v_j6Kf_y7k-yU.mp4", "caption": "People watch competitors get ready near a red stage. The competitors put their robots down in the circle as the judge instructs them. The judge signals the beginning of the competition. The robots begin to move, and one of the robots is pushed out of the circle. The competitors walk back up to the stage and replace their robots. The judge signals for the competition to begin again and everyone applauds when one of them wins.", "segments": [[0, 27.44], [27.44, 70.57], [70.57, 73.7], [74.49, 83.11], [83.11, 142.7], [143.49, 156.82]], "duration": 156.82, "id": 5450}, {"image_id": "v_w5J3Gt5WLwU.mp4", "caption": "A water polo match is shown and a person scores goals. This is a recruiting video.", "segments": [[11.44, 142.99], [35.75, 142.99]], "duration": 142.99, "id": 5451}, {"image_id": "v_HCraAphAW1A.mp4", "caption": "A person in a black t-shirt clips the nails on the front paws of a brown and tan speckled cat. A brown and tan speckled cat is lying on a white cushion when a person walks in holding a pair of red handled nail clippers. The person cuts the forepaws of the cat as the cat watches on. The person finishes cutting the cat's nails and pets the cats head and shows the clippers close to the camera before walking away.", "segments": [[0.14, 25.85], [0.14, 3], [4.57, 20.71], [21.42, 25.7]], "duration": 28.56, "id": 5452}, {"image_id": "v_f0Z-qud2N74.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are wrestling in a bedroom. One boy is picked up and thrown on the bed. The boy turns off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.06], [5.95, 14.15], [14.15, 17.25]], "duration": 17.25, "id": 5453}, {"image_id": "v_rrXdhD3WDy4.mp4", "caption": "A piercing artist inserts a bar into a woman's nipple. The man screws on hardware to the end of the piercing. The woman wearing a costume sits up and shows her new piercings.", "segments": [[0, 72.29], [45.36, 72.29], [76.54, 94.5]], "duration": 94.5, "id": 5454}, {"image_id": "v_Sn8IRyUFNac.mp4", "caption": "A woman smoking a cigarette speaks to another about how much they need smoking. They continue talking about their smoking habit and what they can do to continue smoking if they please.", "segments": [[1.49, 16.55], [15.81, 26.97]], "duration": 37.2, "id": 5455}, {"image_id": "v_aVDyPmUgHU0.mp4", "caption": "A man comes onto the screen to introduce a video about him trimming trees. He picks up a trimming saw and starts the engine. He climbs the ladder and begins trimming the tree. He looks back to the camera and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 11.41], [11.41, 23.59], [23.59, 65.44], [65.44, 76.09]], "duration": 76.09, "id": 5456}, {"image_id": "v_FYv-2ehoGWo.mp4", "caption": "A blonde woman wearing a dress has two, side by side shots of her playing a violin. She plays two different melodies on the violin and finishes together at the same time, smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 128.94], [27.72, 128.94]], "duration": 128.94, "id": 5457}, {"image_id": "v_UIZN2F8pjzE.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside in the dark smoking a cigarette in front of a green garage.After,an image of a lung is shown and shows how cigarettes affect your organs.", "segments": [[0, 6.31], [6.16, 30.05]], "duration": 30.05, "id": 5458}, {"image_id": "v_KKbfCtmIE0o.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to do Tai Chi outside on the grass. The same woman demonstrates Tai Chi indoors on a stage.\nA second woman joins the first woman to help demonstrate.", "segments": [[18.39, 66.21], [66.83, 112.81], [98.71, 112.81]], "duration": 122.62, "id": 5459}, {"image_id": "v_luDywPbDOEQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a white title screen. We then see a lady moping and wringing the mop by hand. We see a bucket which rings a round mop without touching it. A lady changes the mop head with her foot. Three ladies give endorsements and we see them using the mop. We then see more of the mop in action. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.66], [2.66, 10.66], [10.66, 19.32], [24.65, 27.98], [45.3, 74.61], [74.61, 105.92], [107.92, 133.24]], "duration": 133.24, "id": 5460}, {"image_id": "v_n96adnrNnno.mp4", "caption": "Two Asians a man and a female are sitting down at a table before going to the inside of a gym.In the gym,several young girls begin doing gymnastics and performing before coming back and doing an interview with the reporter.Next,a young man approaches the bars,does his routine,and then comes back to to his interview.", "segments": [[0, 52.14], [52.14, 101.39], [101.39, 144.85]], "duration": 144.85, "id": 5461}, {"image_id": "v_DDZFQKi1v2U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen laying on the couch with another girl sitting above her. The girl is then shown piercing the nipple of the girl laying down. She finishes the piercing and ends by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 28.08], [30.89, 82.57], [79.2, 108.97]], "duration": 112.34, "id": 5462}, {"image_id": "v_FXN6qiDsClw.mp4", "caption": "An animation demonstrating the arc length of a welding type tool emitting heat. A demonstration of the tool emitting heat in real time. A graph illustrating the Long Arc of the tool documenting Voltage and Amperage. The tool is shown in real time emitting heat with a photo of a welded material. A graph illustrates Short Arc with the Voltage and Amperage documented. A man in a blue coat and orange gloves uses the arc tool.", "segments": [[0, 20.1], [20.1, 31.02], [31.46, 44.13], [44.13, 74.27], [74.27, 80.39], [79.95, 87.38]], "duration": 87.38, "id": 5463}, {"image_id": "v_hS4L3PMfYqA.mp4", "caption": "A person sings on front a crowd dressed on hip hop clothes. A man dance hip hop doing acrobatics moves with his hands and legs on the floor on front a crowd. People takes pictures and film the man who are behind the man.", "segments": [[11.13, 17.81], [17.81, 111.32], [90.17, 92.95]], "duration": 111.32, "id": 5464}, {"image_id": "v_-5xWaBSwnjY.mp4", "caption": "woman is in a large green field holding a yellow frisbee and playing with a dog.a lot of acrs are parked in the street behind the alrge field. woman is throwing the frisbee to the dog.", "segments": [[0, 143.34], [1.43, 143.34], [0, 142.62]], "duration": 143.34, "id": 5465}, {"image_id": "v_LGku-onF4VI.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting behind large drums. They start playing the drums with their hands. People stand on the street watching them. A man picks up his chair and turns it upside down on the drums.", "segments": [[0, 64.23], [2.57, 64.23], [4.82, 64.23], [47.21, 64.23]], "duration": 64.23, "id": 5466}, {"image_id": "v_S4ppfXBp5o0.mp4", "caption": "There are three body builders exercising and working out in a small gym with weightlifting equipment. One of the body builders lifts the weight bar several times and then drops it down while the other two body builders watch him. Then he goes and wipes off his sweat with a towel and lifts the weight bar again and drops it. He then wears an abdominal belt and lifts the weight bar again and drops it. He struggles to lift the weight bar, lifts it slightly and then drops it down.", "segments": [[0, 140.19], [3.5, 51.17], [49.77, 82.01], [79.21, 114.95], [109.35, 140.19]], "duration": 140.19, "id": 5467}, {"image_id": "v_Hujj6Q1Et3k.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing headphones stands behind a pair of large drums. The man plays drums with his palms. The man ceases playing the drums and turns away.", "segments": [[2.73, 3.41], [3.41, 133.53], [133.53, 135.57]], "duration": 136.26, "id": 5468}, {"image_id": "v_Mcutz37Bowg.mp4", "caption": "A man lays out a scarf and puts some accessories in the middle of it. He ties the end and folds it into double knots. He opens it again and puts something else into the middle of it. Then pulls it together and it closes, he made a little bag out of a scarf.", "segments": [[0, 15.49], [15.49, 33.5], [33.5, 59.8], [59.08, 72.05]], "duration": 72.05, "id": 5469}, {"image_id": "v_Lbdp-HCjWw8.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about how to play squash. Two men are shown on a squash court playing a game of squash. Text shows up on the screen showing the things you will need for the game. An indication shows on the screen letting you know the different lines. Tips for the game also show up on the screen. At the end of the video a text box shows up with a fun fact about squash.", "segments": [[0, 5.12], [0, 73.17], [10.61, 16.1], [20.49, 38.41], [40.97, 59.27], [66.95, 73.17]], "duration": 73.17, "id": 5470}, {"image_id": "v_Vvco5y9PUFM.mp4", "caption": "A man cross a parking lot bouncing with bouncing shoes. There are car in the paring lot.", "segments": [[0, 14.35], [8.83, 12.7]], "duration": 14.35, "id": 5471}, {"image_id": "v_YpXe04ALJw4.mp4", "caption": "Several people are outdoors enjoying the beach.In the middle of the sand however,there are a group of men playing a game of beach volley ball.After several hits,one man decides to kick the ball over the net and another man takes off running from the other side and tackles him in the dirt.", "segments": [[0, 2.86], [2.94, 9.2], [9.2, 15.47]], "duration": 15.47, "id": 5472}, {"image_id": "v_Se7eQXlW-BA.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are seen standing on a bowling lane with another reading in the distance. A woman walks in and speaks to the blonde woman and hands her some bowling shoes. The man speaks over and the girl throws the bowling ball with her heels on.", "segments": [[0, 10.97], [10.97, 23.88], [23.23, 64.53]], "duration": 64.53, "id": 5473}, {"image_id": "v_5t_hQVg9NsE.mp4", "caption": "Old clips are shown of a man drawing a picture and two children watching. The kids are then shown in several clips performing dives off a board and walk along the sides climbing back to the top.", "segments": [[1.88, 36.81], [21.04, 74.38]], "duration": 75.13, "id": 5474}, {"image_id": "v_P14X14uarj0.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen passing a basketball all around a court to others and ending by shooting a basket. The group continues to pass the ball around to one another performing drills while the coach instructs.", "segments": [[1.39, 33.74], [28.17, 67.12]], "duration": 69.56, "id": 5475}, {"image_id": "v_So4BX0I1VRI.mp4", "caption": "The person is shown knocking down 9 of the bowling pins, which means he has a spare. Next he knocks all of the pins down and gets a strike.", "segments": [[38.16, 68.54], [51.58, 70.66]], "duration": 70.66, "id": 5476}, {"image_id": "v_qiw2I1oQIVQ.mp4", "caption": "Several black and white photos are being shown of people who played drums. A group of drum players gather, playing in a room. Their playing is interspersed with images of sheet music, then returns to their performance.", "segments": [[0, 6.76], [11.48, 106.06], [106.73, 135.11]], "duration": 135.11, "id": 5477}, {"image_id": "v_Y5puaQ9oNVw.mp4", "caption": "The gymnasts run to and then did cartwheel and thumbling as he go through the end of the mat. The player jumped and cartwheel high. The male gymnast rotate up in the air and then he landed on the end of the mat.", "segments": [[0, 21.93], [13.4, 38.75], [35.58, 48.74]], "duration": 48.74, "id": 5478}, {"image_id": "v_CBDFNn15G90.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of forests that lead into a person gearing up and riding in a kayak. The person paddles themselves along the rough river as well as showing other people riding along. They move past rough waters along the river and end by sitting near one another.", "segments": [[0, 51.1], [46.75, 181.56], [152.2, 214.17]], "duration": 217.43, "id": 5479}, {"image_id": "v_aJsAuChVmlY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen inside a bathroom. She is using a dryer to blow dry her hair. She occasionally uses a brush to help speed the process.", "segments": [[0, 2.73], [3.05, 16.08], [16.5, 21.02]], "duration": 21.02, "id": 5480}, {"image_id": "v_C-M4L_WDzK8.mp4", "caption": "A group of women play field hockey on an outdoor field covered in grass . The women run after a white ball on the field while holding hockey sticks. The red team and blue team continue to play field hockey while a referee watches on and a guard guards the goal.", "segments": [[1.05, 205.37], [10.48, 64.96], [64.96, 207.47]], "duration": 209.56, "id": 5481}, {"image_id": "v_mJQS2T-IVWc.mp4", "caption": "A man in a hard hat walks across a yard to a metal structure. He adjusts a ladder and leans it up against the structure, walks back to look, and adjusts it a couple more times. When satisfied, he tightens a strap, and grabs a second ladder. He climbs up, taking this one with him.", "segments": [[0, 10.95], [10.95, 83.22], [82.49, 103.67], [105.86, 146.01]], "duration": 146.01, "id": 5482}, {"image_id": "v_LLD4SapVrgQ.mp4", "caption": "BMX waiting at the gate for the gate to come down and the race to begin. They take off on the track going really fast through it really fast. Florida has several locations for BMXing if you love to do it and don't know where to go, they have 1500 licensed riders and 30 sponsored teams.They even have some bikes for mini riders that want to be like their daddy's.", "segments": [[0, 24.78], [24.78, 75.37], [75.37, 144.55], [144.55, 206.5]], "duration": 206.5, "id": 5483}, {"image_id": "v_8leZKBY0B6I.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen turning her neck to the side and a person wearing gloves holding a needle. The person then pierces the ear of the girl sitting down. He puts an earring through the piercing and makes sure it's in place.", "segments": [[0, 66.23], [30.83, 84.51], [67.38, 112.48]], "duration": 114.2, "id": 5484}, {"image_id": "v_osLHgm_yuMc.mp4", "caption": "People are running around playing paintball. A man falls into a large puddle of mud. A man falls down and another man runs up to check on him.", "segments": [[0, 132.05], [22.45, 25.09], [66.03, 68.67]], "duration": 132.05, "id": 5485}, {"image_id": "v_mQCFphhDFw8.mp4", "caption": "A man in yellow shirt and black tights, walked towards the bike, bend over and unscrew the screw. The man in yellow shirt took out his tools from his pocket, he took off the bike wheel from the bike, pull out a yellow tool, insert it between the rubber and metal, removed the rubber inside the tire, tried to find the hole, took a square cloth, wipe the tire, then put the sticker, he pumped the rubber then put it back in the tire. The person screw the wheel back to the bike.", "segments": [[2.1, 24.55], [11.22, 117.13], [99.59, 136.77]], "duration": 140.27, "id": 5486}, {"image_id": "v_WWip1_lFvGg.mp4", "caption": "A person holds their eye open. They put a contact lens in the eye. They then take the contact lens out of their eye.", "segments": [[0, 1.53], [1.83, 7.34], [10.19, 18.25]], "duration": 20.39, "id": 5487}, {"image_id": "v_c4GQ3WTOeAA.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen sitting on a coach opening a present. The camera pans all around her while she opens the present and smiles to the camera. She continues to try to open the box while looking and smiling.", "segments": [[1.59, 30.13], [28.54, 77.18], [70.3, 102.55]], "duration": 105.72, "id": 5488}, {"image_id": "v_k_z03d9w_Mk.mp4", "caption": "A woman and man wearing matching green color dance on stage during a performance. The man spins his partner during the dance. The dancers kick up there feet while dancing.", "segments": [[0, 50.06], [23.28, 50.06], [2.5, 22.53]], "duration": 50.06, "id": 5489}, {"image_id": "v_63lmoqLxB8c.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of volleyball on a court. People are sitting along the benches against a wall watching. A boy serves the volleyball.", "segments": [[0, 237.03], [0, 235.84], [225.18, 231.1]], "duration": 237.03, "id": 5490}, {"image_id": "v_qknJO39WUGk.mp4", "caption": "A boy talks to the camera. The boy scrubs a metal sink with a brush. The boy switches his grip on the brush.", "segments": [[0, 2.99], [2.99, 33.23], [11.96, 12.46]], "duration": 33.23, "id": 5491}, {"image_id": "v_aaMrQi25WHc.mp4", "caption": "Three people sit on front the ocean. A man surfs on a small wave, then fly in the air and lands on the shore. A person takes picture to the surfer. The man continues surfing, spinning and jumping, after he takes his surfboard and walks on the beach. A surfer turn over in a wave.", "segments": [[5.93, 10], [10.74, 43.72], [18.52, 20.01], [44.09, 68.17], [64.83, 65.94]], "duration": 74.1, "id": 5492}, {"image_id": "v_8K_gkiWH5EI.mp4", "caption": "A surfer is standing in the ocean current. A couple of other surfers join him as they surf into the waves. They rides the waves to the shore together.", "segments": [[0, 39.34], [55.07, 171.96], [179.83, 224.78]], "duration": 224.78, "id": 5493}, {"image_id": "v_kIIAJsYMjyc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on the floor and jumping to a standing position. he then goes back in to a kneeling position and jumps to his feet again. The same man does this two more times.", "segments": [[7.29, 11.98], [12.24, 17.98], [18.24, 32.31]], "duration": 52.11, "id": 5494}, {"image_id": "v_MRt7pz2OY5M.mp4", "caption": "A black intro screen appears and it has the words SUPER WASH in the middle. A red car and a car behind it is at a car wash and both of them are being worked on by two sets of people at each car. Now there are 3 cars visible and the same men are working on washing the red car while another man starts working on the 3rd car that's to the side of the red car and all the cars continue to get washed.The red car is parked outside of the building and it's clean, dry and very shiny.", "segments": [[0, 2.93], [2.93, 12.39], [12.39, 41.69], [41.69, 45.07]], "duration": 45.07, "id": 5495}, {"image_id": "v_i69NhEDno_M.mp4", "caption": "People are driving a car down a street. They are paddling in a boat down a river. A man is standing in the water holding an oar.", "segments": [[4, 14.3], [14.87, 107.52], [63.48, 66.34]], "duration": 114.38, "id": 5496}, {"image_id": "v_rwUlqI6HWyY.mp4", "caption": "A chef in a white chef\u2019s uniform stands in an empty commercial kitchen and demonstrates how to make an omelette. A chef stands in a kitchen talks to the camera before taking an egg and pouring it into a mini black skillet. The chef maneuvers the egg over the stove with a fork gently prodding it. The chef then fold the egg in half in the skillet and plates it on a white plate before turning to the camera and talking again.", "segments": [[1.01, 200.65], [1.01, 40.33], [40.33, 131.08], [131.08, 200.65]], "duration": 201.66, "id": 5497}, {"image_id": "v_RWTLd_0BeAg.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are dancing and twirling batons on a gym floor. One of the girls leaves and the other girl continues dancing alone. She starts throwing the batons in the air. The second girl joins her again and they finish dancing.", "segments": [[0, 69.37], [70.47, 150.85], [150.85, 184.98], [184.98, 220.22]], "duration": 220.22, "id": 5498}, {"image_id": "v_iKJB-RU_PKY.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a table is shown that leads into several clip of a puck moving along the table from various angles. People push and look down towards the pucks as they move along and continue to play the game with one another back and fourth.", "segments": [[0.88, 90.19], [68.3, 170.75]], "duration": 175.13, "id": 5499}, {"image_id": "v_jJNDLjhemaE.mp4", "caption": "We see an indoor hockey game. The goalie blocks a shot and a handful of players fight over the puck. The puck hits the referee and knocks him over. The goalie blocks a shot.", "segments": [[0, 78.24], [14.47, 26.6], [40.69, 43.42], [73.16, 78.24]], "duration": 78.24, "id": 5500}, {"image_id": "v_BahcBS2r0es.mp4", "caption": "Several children sit along a pool. They are all wearing flippers. A girl is underwater wearing scuba gear. Several children practice wearing scuba gear.", "segments": [[0, 13.03], [9.02, 21.05], [19.04, 35.08], [49.11, 200.44]], "duration": 200.44, "id": 5501}, {"image_id": "v_j-FGgYaQVio.mp4", "caption": "A woman in an office is holding a pair of grooming clippers while standing next to a black dog who is standing on a table next to her while tethered to a metal pole on the table. The woman begins to groom the dogs face with the clippers. The woman then begins to groom under the dogs front legs. Finally, the woman grooms the dogs back legs and tail before a blue and white advertising sign populates.", "segments": [[2.29, 146.47], [14.49, 70.94], [70.94, 97.64], [97.64, 150.28]], "duration": 152.57, "id": 5502}, {"image_id": "v_WJ4tCIdAgVo.mp4", "caption": "A girl is tying a blind fold around another while several children on look and an adult holds the girl in place. The girl is then handed a bat and attempts to break open a pinata. The girl succeeds in breaking the pinata and the children get very excited.", "segments": [[0, 5.13], [16.07, 22.55], [22.77, 44.65]], "duration": 44.65, "id": 5503}, {"image_id": "v_MDdCBN1o2sE.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around the sky and shows a close up of a kite. A person is seen standing on the ground and pans back to the kite. The kite continues to move in the air while a person continue flying it.", "segments": [[0, 13.46], [13.46, 32.78], [28.22, 41.47]], "duration": 43.42, "id": 5504}, {"image_id": "v_fZ729TTJq8g.mp4", "caption": "We see a bike tire and a man interviews BMX bike riders. We see the riders names and countries. The men wait then take off riding around the track.A man falls off his bike and the bike slides. Another man falls off his bike and is almost run over. The man interviews two men after the race and the screen goes green.", "segments": [[0, 46.34], [47.16, 57.09], [57.92, 127.43], [89.36, 93.5], [120.81, 128.25], [128.25, 165.49]], "duration": 165.49, "id": 5505}, {"image_id": "v_zEyFuCsJh3Y.mp4", "caption": "People are working out on cycle bikes in a gym. A woman in the front stands up and pedals on the bike. A banner hanging on the wall is shown.", "segments": [[0, 53.44], [29.92, 33.59], [57.71, 61.07]], "duration": 61.07, "id": 5506}, {"image_id": "v_3nvVkcxxaJ4.mp4", "caption": "A man in black is sitting and playing at a piano while a man in red is standing near drums. As the man in black plays, the man in red is rolling up a wire. The man in red begins bobbing his head to the beat of the piano music. The man then places the wire down.", "segments": [[0, 10.96], [3.34, 9.48], [4.93, 9.26], [8.93, 10.96]], "duration": 10.96, "id": 5507}, {"image_id": "v_N6vpa6BarX4.mp4", "caption": "A boat is seen riding along the water with people sitting on the sides and watching. A young boy is then seen swimming underwater that leads into people riding the boat and driving around a city. The camera continues to pan around the city as well as the nightlife.", "segments": [[2.77, 60.93], [57.24, 141.25], [115.4, 179.11]], "duration": 184.65, "id": 5508}, {"image_id": "v_ujWG6rjlN3s.mp4", "caption": "woman are practicing jumps in a cheerlading team. woman is laying down in a bed and a man is assisting her.", "segments": [[0, 37.45], [38.15, 46.81]], "duration": 46.81, "id": 5509}, {"image_id": "v_0gkxTQGR6zI.mp4", "caption": "There are two people dressed in red shirts and blue shorts playing ping pong in a large stadium with lots of spectators watching them. The players play a long round of ping pong as they continue to maintain a great rally. The player on the right slices the ball across the ping pong table as he returns the ball to his opponent. The opponent manages to return the ball without missing it. They continue to play a great rally as one of the players literally jumps on the ping pong table to return the ball. The other player falls down on the ground trying to hit the ball back to his opponent.", "segments": [[0, 38.21], [1.91, 25.41], [21.4, 29.23], [22.16, 27.32], [25.41, 30.38], [29.23, 38.21]], "duration": 38.21, "id": 5510}, {"image_id": "v_KuAVv3uS4zc.mp4", "caption": "Several intros lead into a bike race between 3 men on bikes. One crashes hard while the others pass and continue the race. All men continue to ride through the track until one eventually wins while one chases him.", "segments": [[0, 28.47], [28.47, 104.39], [106.98, 172.55]], "duration": 172.55, "id": 5511}, {"image_id": "v_Va3NsrY1DJ8.mp4", "caption": "A man is on a tighrope in the snowy woods. He bounches high into the air, off the rope and back on. He continues this action throughout the video.", "segments": [[0, 9.85], [11.99, 75.34], [75.77, 85.61]], "duration": 85.61, "id": 5512}, {"image_id": "v_GVn7MSMHXxk.mp4", "caption": "A teen boy is running on the beach. A dog is chasing him, trying to catch his frisbee. He throws the frisbee, and the dog jumps into the air to catch it.", "segments": [[0, 7.06], [8.19, 23.16], [24.01, 56.5]], "duration": 56.5, "id": 5513}, {"image_id": "v__0sDAdyMtnk.mp4", "caption": "We see a man conducting an orchestra. We see a lady in a blue dress is playing in front of the other players. We see the lady from the back, and we see the other players. We see a shot of the whole orchestra. We see the basoon players playing. We fade to black and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 4.42], [5.05, 16.42], [38.53, 39.79], [56.22, 57.48], [101.06, 102.96], [124.43, 126.33]], "duration": 126.33, "id": 5514}, {"image_id": "v_bd3Df5_QMNw.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a dog in shown in a tub and leads into hands holding tools and a dog wandering around a tub. The person puts toothpaste onto a brush and brushes the dog's teeth back and fourth. Finally she puts gel in the dog's mouth and the dog is seen sitting on a bed waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.64], [14.83, 46.29], [47.2, 60.51]], "duration": 60.51, "id": 5515}, {"image_id": "v_X5_KlfVvi6E.mp4", "caption": "Two woman are seen performing on a stage with one playing a flute and the other playing the piano. The women play a song while the camera zooms in on the flute player and them bowing and leaving in the end.", "segments": [[11.72, 123.77], [22.7, 146.47]], "duration": 146.47, "id": 5516}, {"image_id": "v_yUHN5TIprwk.mp4", "caption": "A text intro leads into a person seen sitting on an exercise bike. The person speaks to a class she is speaking while peddling her feet. The woman continues moving her feet as well as others in the class.", "segments": [[0, 21.68], [19.43, 44.2], [40.54, 53.78]], "duration": 56.31, "id": 5517}, {"image_id": "v_TfFVoogTDJY.mp4", "caption": "The bikers are biking on the ramp, while on the starting line the group of bikers are in positioned. The small fence was put down the the bikers went bike racing over the big ramps. The spectators are on the side of the tracks.", "segments": [[0, 21.96], [16.54, 43.02], [36.4, 60.16]], "duration": 60.16, "id": 5518}, {"image_id": "v_a6Wwa7qvlrA.mp4", "caption": "A man holds an iron that pass on top a painting. A man snowboard down a hill holding a stick. Snow flying in the air lands on the face of the man, then the man continue snowboarding. After, the man arrives to the ski station.", "segments": [[5.38, 15.37], [15.37, 72.99], [72.99, 87.59], [87.59, 153.67]], "duration": 153.67000000000002, "id": 5519}, {"image_id": "v_cyJAifECfH0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending down before a heavy set of weights. The man then bends down and lifts the weights over his head. He continues to hold the weights up and throws them down in the end while walking away.", "segments": [[0, 3.52], [3.17, 12.67], [12.58, 17.16]], "duration": 17.6, "id": 5520}, {"image_id": "v_2QeU2xYPdWE.mp4", "caption": "A woman prepares for a shot put throw swinging her arms on a sporting field. The athlete winds back her shoulders than spins her body throwing a shot put.", "segments": [[0, 38.5], [40.4, 76.23]], "duration": 76.23, "id": 5521}, {"image_id": "v_Paus1tL8KjE.mp4", "caption": "Several young men board a small powered boat on a very nice and sunny day. The slowly back the boat out to go water skiing. The boat leaves the dock and they're off. After picking up speed on the powered boat, their friends jump off and have a great time. A line of rope is thrown out for them to grab onto and it begins. They pick up speed and a young woman is skiing on the water at a very brisk pace. She goes back and forth and side to side in slow motion. The friends look back to see how she is doing. A young man is shown skiing on the water and is doing a great job. After he is done he lets go of the line and continues to ski on the water, only to fall back.", "segments": [[0, 15.93], [15.93, 27.88], [27.88, 38.83], [38.83, 48.79], [48.79, 62.73], [52.77, 73.68], [79.65, 88.62], [88.62, 113.51], [113.51, 178.23], [181.21, 199.14]], "duration": 199.14, "id": 5522}, {"image_id": "v_kF7p6irju1Q.mp4", "caption": "A couple of women are shown inside a gym. One woman talks to the camera while another shows off dance moves. She demonstrates different ballet moves and positions.", "segments": [[0, 19.25], [23.1, 83.59], [84.69, 109.99]], "duration": 109.99000000000001, "id": 5523}, {"image_id": "v_NrKBxbZXXg4.mp4", "caption": "People are rafting down a choppy river. A blue raft goes down a high waterfall. Words are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 76.09], [77.48, 79.33], [82.12, 92.79]], "duration": 92.78999999999999, "id": 5524}, {"image_id": "v_VkJ03vm8FJk.mp4", "caption": "Two men are holding a flute while one blows and the other moves his hands. An orchestra shows behind the men while they continue playing on the same instrument. The men continue playing until the song is finished and take a bow as the band claps.", "segments": [[2.28, 91.09], [23.23, 33.25], [56.93, 91.09]], "duration": 91.09, "id": 5525}, {"image_id": "v_43OU5XCzLzo.mp4", "caption": "People sails in a rocky river on inflatable individual boats. The boats pass with difficulty between the rocks. Then, people enters in more troubled waters.", "segments": [[0.72, 9.38], [9.38, 28.51], [28.69, 36.08]], "duration": 36.08, "id": 5526}, {"image_id": "v_NAl-SP-92dI.mp4", "caption": "A \"Monkeysee com\" logo appears on screen with the tagline \"See how the experts do it.\" A young man stands in the foreground speaking while a female cheerleader stands behind him performing routines. The copyright and logo screen appears on a black screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.44], [4.59, 218.15], [219.3, 229.64]], "duration": 229.64, "id": 5527}, {"image_id": "v_e4ZTZDDFtYY.mp4", "caption": "kids are standing in the opening of a cartoon. woman is talking in front of a micropone in front of a big audience. mmen are in the middle of an arena in a big stadium fighting between them.", "segments": [[0, 14.31], [14.31, 60.29], [60.29, 204.38]], "duration": 204.38, "id": 5528}, {"image_id": "v_ck05xSh9-ig.mp4", "caption": "A guy is wiping a car tire. A female walks from driver side lightly rubbing a black cloth on the join the guy. The female throws the black cloth on a car directly above the tire the man is cleaning. The man picks up the black cloth, drops the rug on the sidewalk, and uses it to wipe the tire.", "segments": [[2.25, 22.45], [3.14, 22.23], [12.91, 13.14], [14.93, 21.67]], "duration": 22.45, "id": 5529}, {"image_id": "v_zE1l4avJZaU.mp4", "caption": "A person is making a bow out of ribbon.They tie the ribbon onto a wrapped package. They tape the bow they made onto the package.", "segments": [[0, 69.69], [68.95, 126.04], [126.78, 136.42]], "duration": 148.28, "id": 5530}, {"image_id": "v_y3Ll1puxM8c.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears and the white words read \"Nevena & Goran Rodry-Go! El Mambo del Tra\". A man and woman appear outdoors on a concrete brick deck and they begin dancing a routine in unison that include arm movements, steps, spins and various other dance moves.They stop dancing and the woman walks closer to the camera and sings to it while the man behind her dances along. She stops singing and they both laugh and walk away.", "segments": [[0, 2.32], [2.32, 211.93], [211.93, 222.36], [222.36, 231.62]], "duration": 231.62, "id": 5531}, {"image_id": "v_5o9iv0wC59g.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a dark blue shirt and sporting a braid begins playing the bongos. He begins drumming on the bongos to a beat as he shakes his head rhythmically. He continues drumming on the bongos alternating between the two drums. He plays for some time and then stops drumming on the bongos.", "segments": [[5.22, 21.79], [21.79, 25.65], [25.65, 32.91], [32.91, 34.05]], "duration": 45.4, "id": 5532}, {"image_id": "v_Z8yNbpjUSLc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a kitchen talking about how to make lemonde. She presents various ingredients that you need to have. She blends all the juices together into a grinder to make a mixture. She then pours the mixture into a glass and drinks the juice.", "segments": [[6.66, 116.56], [24.14, 51.62], [81.59, 119.06], [123.22, 149.03]], "duration": 166.51, "id": 5533}, {"image_id": "v_3zT7x5jZEfI.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of an audience cheering are shown as well as many clips of impressive sports events happening. People hit volleyballs back and fourth to one another while also showing clips of the people celebrating with their team mates.", "segments": [[0, 76.09], [74.94, 230.58]], "duration": 230.57999999999998, "id": 5534}, {"image_id": "v_DXG4djsPk7s.mp4", "caption": "A person is wind surfing out on a lake. Other windsurfers pass behind him.", "segments": [[0, 19.48], [7.89, 12.18]], "duration": 19.48, "id": 5535}, {"image_id": "v_lrxLP-R_ILw.mp4", "caption": "A girl does a tutorial on how to pack a bag. She then gives ballerina tips, especially on how to treat one's feet right.", "segments": [[0, 80.95], [103.34, 344.46]], "duration": 344.46, "id": 5536}, {"image_id": "v_gjyT6Rt985k.mp4", "caption": "A man walking very slowly toward a woman as she walks slowly towards him. They meet up and begin their dance, it is very intense and very well done, they work very well together,when they are done they bow and high five each other while the audience cheers for them. Then one of the judges stands up and speaks to them, causing them to smile and be more ecstatic. Another female judge critics them and the woman dancer runs up and hugs them, then the final judge tells them what he thinks of their performance.", "segments": [[0, 23.48], [23.48, 101.73], [101.73, 157.63], [157.63, 223.59]], "duration": 223.59, "id": 5537}, {"image_id": "v_7PSicg5Q2ZI.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a green shirt stands in a kitchen. She stands in front of several ingredients. She cuts a lemon in half. She laughs a lot throughout the video.", "segments": [[0, 229.37], [21.79, 53.9], [47.02, 88.31], [47.02, 229.37]], "duration": 229.37, "id": 5538}, {"image_id": "v_ze4292jVUcQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of people in swim caps are playing volleyball in an outdoor pool, surrounded by a spattering of onlookers, and an upright digital scoreboard. A yellow ball flies into the right side of the pool and the people in the pool swim and move it to the left side of the pool, while a man in all white tracks them from the side of the pool on a raised cement border. A person in the front spikes the yellow ball against a blue goal and past a goal blocker in the pool. A person on the far left of the pool throws the ball into the right side of the pool where all of the players swim to follow it.", "segments": [[0.17, 33.37], [0.17, 33.2], [12.01, 18.69], [23.36, 33.2]], "duration": 33.37, "id": 5539}, {"image_id": "v_A7PBp9PDW80.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen looking off into the distance as well as a girl. People are seen walking inside followed by clips of people fencing. More shots are shown of people practicing and a girl bumping into an older man.", "segments": [[0.48, 9.77], [8.17, 21.77], [18.89, 30.9]], "duration": 32.02, "id": 5540}, {"image_id": "v_X2LI_I_qw-A.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are hanging out by a picnic table. A young girl peels potatoes. A young boy cuts the potatoes.", "segments": [[0, 32.65], [0, 24], [0, 32.48]], "duration": 32.65, "id": 5541}, {"image_id": "v_7uumfT4aGLU.mp4", "caption": "A male gymnast is in an arena full of people and grabs two bars to begin his routine.After he is on the bars,he does several flips and turns before landing his performance and leaving the mat.", "segments": [[0, 11.36], [11.36, 43.68]], "duration": 43.68, "id": 5542}, {"image_id": "v_MfFM_a26bR8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding around on the horse in a closed in area. The camera continues to follow him riding around the area galloping around.", "segments": [[0, 107.88], [32.9, 107.88]], "duration": 107.88, "id": 5543}, {"image_id": "v_R586XlFT7Go.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into a woman running and interviewing other runners. She interviews two twins while running and the news shows off other runners in the area.", "segments": [[0, 22.46], [20.04, 69.1]], "duration": 69.1, "id": 5544}, {"image_id": "v_CIcVR4m7nOc.mp4", "caption": "Several people stand outside of cars. They get in a river on tubes. They float near a large bridge. The water gets a little choppy.", "segments": [[0, 5.25], [11.38, 17.51], [24.96, 39.4], [48.6, 67.86]], "duration": 87.56, "id": 5545}, {"image_id": "v_M96TST6CN4M.mp4", "caption": "A large man is seen bending down on his knees moving his arms around and looking off into the distance. The man continues moving all around on the mat performing various martial arts moves and moving back and fourth to the camera.", "segments": [[0.88, 48.25], [36.41, 86.85]], "duration": 87.73, "id": 5546}, {"image_id": "v_7QvvqWJRwNo.mp4", "caption": "People are sliding down a snowy slope with inflated tires. A child stands in the tire and jumps for joy. An adult gets up and pulls both tires.", "segments": [[0, 10.43], [12.45, 13.57], [17.05, 22.43]], "duration": 22.43, "id": 5547}, {"image_id": "v_3VkqckKyshc.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in a camouflaged suit is standing in a large grassy field with other people and he's pulling on a string we can barely see.There are a lot of other people moving around on the field doing their own thing.The camera angles are changing and when we get a close up of the man we can finally see the string he is pulling on.", "segments": [[0, 40.69], [0, 66.71], [40.69, 66.71]], "duration": 66.71, "id": 5548}, {"image_id": "v_V90aT-d_FKo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is bathing two white colored puppies in an orange tub filled with water. She is joined by a man wearing a wrist watch, who helps the woman bathe the two puppies. One of the puppies tries to step out of the tub and the man holds him and puts him back in. The woman continues washing the puppies.", "segments": [[19.85, 53.32], [53.32, 60.71], [60.71, 75.89], [75.89, 77.06]], "duration": 77.83, "id": 5549}, {"image_id": "v_OM0jqPYx700.mp4", "caption": "A man in black shirt wipe the table with white cloth. The white lights are reflected on the table. The man wipe the edge of the table with white rag.", "segments": [[0, 6.17], [3.61, 23.02], [20.61, 30.09]], "duration": 30.09, "id": 5550}, {"image_id": "v_gYvYh9aMohY.mp4", "caption": "A boy is jumping rope and doing tricks around in circles. Then, Another boy is jumping rope as well and swirling it around and he eventually throws his rope. There is a larger group of 5 that jump rope in sync and do a lot of cool tricks. Followed by a lot of videos of many different people jumping and in groups together doing it in competitions and for fun or practice.", "segments": [[0, 29.18], [26.16, 51.31], [50.31, 89.55], [89.55, 201.23]], "duration": 201.23, "id": 5551}, {"image_id": "v__BWSmg81iMM.mp4", "caption": "A band wearing Scottish kilts plays bagpipes and other instruments in the front University auditorium. The crowd looks around and anticipates the event. The school sign is seen hanging above the podium.", "segments": [[0, 29.32], [0, 28.64], [29.84, 34.12]], "duration": 34.3, "id": 5552}, {"image_id": "v_jEN2smSwZ-o.mp4", "caption": "A man with tattoed arms swabs the ear of young lady with an ear swab. The lady stand up and looks at herself in the mirror. She lays down on a black medical chair and the man pierces her ear's tragus with medical tools. The lady looks at herself and her new piercing in the mirror, smiles and gives two thumbs up. The words \"If you want to know anything else about piercing just comment or message me:) New beauty videos along with a makeup collection will be up soon Bveeees<3\" appear on screen.", "segments": [[0, 11.59], [12.48, 16.05], [16.94, 147.14], [148.03, 163.19], [164.08, 178.35]], "duration": 178.35, "id": 5553}, {"image_id": "v_RW7LEc-Ykh8.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast walks up to a beam, preparing himself. He mounts the beam, then does several acts around it, including spinning and flipping. He dismounts and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 4.04], [8.33, 44.19], [45.45, 50.5]], "duration": 50.5, "id": 5554}, {"image_id": "v_SthTqCtPg7s.mp4", "caption": "A camera captures a net in front of the sky and shows two people preparing ropes for bungee jumping. The camera man jumps off the ledge and shows his feet while spinning around. Another camera captured his jump from the bottom and leads into several people waiting at the bottom and driving away.", "segments": [[0, 63.96], [62.87, 137.67], [134.42, 216.81]], "duration": 216.81, "id": 5555}, {"image_id": "v_uC27rJLCn70.mp4", "caption": "A young boy in a blue jacket pulls onto a donut snow tube. Two young kids watch him. The whole group goes down the snow.", "segments": [[0, 31.32], [31.66, 38.73], [39.07, 67.36]], "duration": 67.36, "id": 5556}, {"image_id": "v_Izr9-P7YIKw.mp4", "caption": "A woman removes a bolt from a tire. The woman removes a second bolt. The woman removes a third bolt. Lastly, the woman removes a fourth bolt. The woman takes the tire off the car.", "segments": [[0, 4.93], [5.18, 16.53], [16.78, 28.62], [28.87, 39.47], [40.21, 49.34]], "duration": 49.34, "id": 5557}, {"image_id": "v_ObqrS-ZONKM.mp4", "caption": "A couple is seen performing a tango routine with one another in a small room. The people continue spinning and dancing all around the room and ends with them stopping and facing the camera.", "segments": [[0, 80.15], [43.26, 127.22]], "duration": 127.22, "id": 5558}, {"image_id": "v_s3JuGKwna6o.mp4", "caption": "A group sits at a cafe table and enjoys cafe and pastries. The women pass condiments to each other. A small group sits on a balcony and talk.", "segments": [[3.31, 27.7], [7.34, 24.62], [28.88, 45.93]], "duration": 47.35, "id": 5559}, {"image_id": "v_VEzhpSPnBrY.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down on the ground. He is pulling on a cord that is attached to the wall. He continues pulling on the cord and working out.", "segments": [[0, 77.76], [1.56, 77.76], [61.82, 77.76]], "duration": 77.76, "id": 5560}, {"image_id": "v_M4IUb6kp2yo.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up to a hedge carrying a large pair of hedge trimmers. He shows how to trim the hedges neatly, going down them a little at a time.He stops, talking to the camera as he goes.", "segments": [[0, 7.39], [9.51, 48.59], [48.59, 70.43]], "duration": 70.43, "id": 5561}, {"image_id": "v_tnk1skdLN0Q.mp4", "caption": "A strong young man is standing in a large open green field preparing to throw a shot put.Once he throws the ball,a man runs out to mark the distance and he walks to the tent and takes the tape off of his wrist.Another man who is slightly shorter and larger approaches the circle and does the same thing followed by another person.All three of the men are finished and there scores shown.", "segments": [[0, 7.93], [7.93, 36.24], [36.24, 90.6], [90.03, 113.24]], "duration": 113.24000000000001, "id": 5562}, {"image_id": "v_wuZkli4TSZQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing before pinata and swinging a bat. People watch on the side as the woman continue to hit the object. The woman swings over and over and a man comes into frame to kick it.", "segments": [[0, 20.98], [17.08, 43.45], [32.36, 56.34]], "duration": 59.93, "id": 5563}, {"image_id": "v_DlJPKOVd0bA.mp4", "caption": "A group of children are standing outside a building. Adults supervise them as an officer walks by. The kids perform various exercises led by the adults.", "segments": [[0, 11.37], [14.52, 83.99], [85.25, 126.29]], "duration": 126.29, "id": 5564}, {"image_id": "v_AS0hqTk_mIs.mp4", "caption": "In 2009, a man is shown sitting at a table. He has two rubik's cubes in front of him. As a timer runs, he solves the puzzle using only one hand. He jumps up in victory after only 17 seconds.", "segments": [[0, 3.35], [5.03, 6.91], [9.43, 30.58], [31.42, 41.89]], "duration": 41.89, "id": 5565}, {"image_id": "v_DrigU09Wf7k.mp4", "caption": "The person is climbing on the stairs as the waves hit them, the surfers are surfing over the strong waves. Two people carrying their surfboards are climbing on the stairs. The people behind fence are watching the surfers as the run before the big wave hit them.", "segments": [[0, 107.95], [40.01, 107.95], [85.3, 145.69]], "duration": 150.98, "id": 5566}, {"image_id": "v_o_Davs3OrOw.mp4", "caption": "A little boy wearing goggles jumps into a pool. He dives down to the bottom and picks something up off the bottom of the pool. He swims back to the top and above water.", "segments": [[0, 2.38], [3.13, 25.17], [25.32, 29.79]], "duration": 29.79, "id": 5567}, {"image_id": "v_wZgSzWl5Hgg.mp4", "caption": "A line of people pick up a rope. They begin playing a game of tug of war. One side falls over and the crowd cheers.", "segments": [[0, 39.97], [40.49, 84.1], [84.62, 103.83]], "duration": 103.83, "id": 5568}, {"image_id": "v_VIjOP5ZBvHg.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with the words,\"Ticas Grooming Purse\" along with their url.A dog is then shown hanging from a silver pole with two straps on him.A human then begins grabbing the dogs paws as the little dog tries to bite her.The grooming continues and then the dog is eventually put back down on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 6.41], [6.05, 23.86], [23.5, 55.19], [55.9, 71.22]], "duration": 71.22, "id": 5569}, {"image_id": "v_OMYnLCWTdEA.mp4", "caption": "A man is squatting down in a big open room talking. The man demonstrates how to do a dance move. He then does the move several times and hops up to his feet.", "segments": [[0, 138.01], [38.61, 106.54], [107.97, 143.01]], "duration": 143.01, "id": 5570}, {"image_id": "v_8JgckTuL1WA.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of badminton on a court. People are sitting behind them watching the game. A girl in a pink shirt picks up the ball.", "segments": [[0, 124.18], [1.24, 124.18], [91.27, 122.32]], "duration": 124.18, "id": 5571}, {"image_id": "v_Ouy1exEw_dI.mp4", "caption": "A man prepares himself on a dock to go water skiing. He launches into the water as the boat guns off. The man holds onto the rope while gliding through the water, looking very confident and skilled. The boat is tied up on the dock and the man is finished for the day.", "segments": [[0, 14.87], [20.68, 40.72], [38.78, 92.42], [106.64, 129.27]], "duration": 129.27, "id": 5572}, {"image_id": "v_gQLH5G88ClE.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a christmas tree is shown followed by close ups of ornaments. Two people are then seen moving around the tree decorating as well as turning the lights off. They finish decorating the tree and playing with one another and laughing. In the end close ups of the trees are shown as well as a bear.", "segments": [[0, 37.23], [38.11, 101.93], [78.88, 144.47], [112.56, 175.49]], "duration": 177.26, "id": 5573}, {"image_id": "v_rZmNsUX-7SU.mp4", "caption": "A girl and a dog are on the swing set. They swing up and back down. They swing up and back down again.", "segments": [[0, 16.33], [0, 4.84], [9.69, 15.43]], "duration": 16.42, "id": 5574}, {"image_id": "v_0xJPQ1I8-e0.mp4", "caption": "The man in blue helmet is paddling through the water current. Two rafts are stuck in running water. The people are paddling through the water but they are stuck in one spot.", "segments": [[0, 15.95], [14.13, 23.78], [14.13, 27.98]], "duration": 27.98, "id": 5575}, {"image_id": "v_6Bm-_hI5A9A.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown playing a violin in front of a video game being played on tv. The man continues playing the instrument while the tv in the background shows a game being played.", "segments": [[2.58, 92.85], [92.85, 171.94]], "duration": 171.94, "id": 5576}, {"image_id": "v_pF-r_m8LVPs.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing at the bottom of a snowy hill speaking to one another. The people are then seen riding in tubes and going down a snowy trail. Several shots are shown of people riding down the mountain while looking and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 66.96], [59.4, 166.33], [131.77, 210.62]], "duration": 216.02, "id": 5577}, {"image_id": "v_HnM44lX65cQ.mp4", "caption": "A seated man is using a sharpener to sharpen a large knife. He scrapes it along the surface and underbelly of the knife, sharpening it.", "segments": [[0.29, 21.52], [22.4, 58.96]], "duration": 58.96, "id": 5578}, {"image_id": "v_L1XpfS1RCzE.mp4", "caption": "The person is riding a blue single raft. The man is paddling through the strong current of water. The man fell in the small falls.", "segments": [[0, 13.92], [10.78, 15.67], [14.92, 25.08]], "duration": 25.08, "id": 5579}, {"image_id": "v_34cQhizPKfc.mp4", "caption": "A video of back country skiing is shown. The group prepares its equipment and then looks at its yurt. They then show skiing videos.", "segments": [[0, 144.02], [20.18, 99.99], [125.67, 179.79]], "duration": 183.46, "id": 5580}, {"image_id": "v_2SMmL6kIx-w.mp4", "caption": "Several performers walk out of a box and it ends up being one male and one female.The lady then begins moving in strange ways and continuing telling a story in ballerina form.After a few minutes,the male joins them and they continue dancing together with strong legs and firm arms.", "segments": [[0, 10.44], [10.44, 90.47], [90.47, 231.97]], "duration": 231.97, "id": 5581}, {"image_id": "v_HM3Rd5ZcME8.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing a white ski jacket runs along the ski slope pulling an orange inner tube. A tubing attendant assists a group of kids load up on their inner tubes.The kids slide down the slope together in their inner tubes.The kids climb back up the tubing slope and slide down on their inner tubes once again.", "segments": [[0, 28.22], [28.22, 44.02], [44.02, 130.94], [130.94, 225.76]], "duration": 225.76, "id": 5582}, {"image_id": "v_27e4y89XeyI.mp4", "caption": "An older black male is standing in the kitchen ironing a dark grey t-shirt.The man then pauses his ironing and looks at the person who is filming him and continues to put on his shirt.", "segments": [[0, 14.06], [14.56, 20.09]], "duration": 20.09, "id": 5583}, {"image_id": "v__il2j9UtSe4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen with messy hair and looking off in the distance. He holds up a coffee cup and turns towards the camera. He then gives a big smile while looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.09, 1.68], [1.63, 6.27], [4.94, 8.74]], "duration": 8.82, "id": 5584}, {"image_id": "v_jIQFVSymHQs.mp4", "caption": "An inflatable ball bounces on the grass as kids watch playing a game. A young boy in blue shirt and jeans retrieves the ball and runs towards the group.", "segments": [[0, 2.52], [2.46, 11.73]], "duration": 11.73, "id": 5585}, {"image_id": "v_cP2LVnGxiww.mp4", "caption": "This man is shown holding a pumpkin in the beginning of the video then he carves the top off and gets the seeds and everything else out of the pumpkin. Someone gives one of the snow dogs a piece of the pumpkin. Then he puts the stencil on the pumpkin and carves a snow dog into the pumpkin.", "segments": [[5.6, 10.08], [19.03, 91.81], [117.57, 223.93]], "duration": 223.93, "id": 5586}, {"image_id": "v_rBVbsbJJcyM.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a fine linen company. A woman explains that she will describe how to fold cloth napkins. She starts by pressing the napkin with a hot iron. She folds the napkin and continues to press it some more. The video ends with the closing credits.", "segments": [[0, 1.33], [1.33, 41.81], [41.81, 90.25], [90.25, 126.09], [126.09, 132.73]], "duration": 132.73, "id": 5587}, {"image_id": "v_Wr7YbcQ_Q9g.mp4", "caption": "A young boy mows the front lawn in a suburban residential neighborhood. A young boy in t-shirt and shorts maneuvers a lawn moves back and forth across a small patch of lawn as he mows the lawn. The boy then walks the mower down a longer stretch of lawn near the corner across from a stop sign.", "segments": [[0.2, 40.19], [0.2, 30.95], [30.95, 40.19]], "duration": 40.19, "id": 5588}, {"image_id": "v_R_ffZ9kGeTI.mp4", "caption": "A large open outdoor area is shown by a moving camera. A man wearing a helmet is shown riding a skateboard with a long wooden plan base in various outdoors locations. A second rider joins the first rider on the skateboard. A clip of a man not wearing a helmet and riding another skateboard is shown. The helmeted man with the plank as a skateboard is shown again. Several other individuals riding other skateboards are shown. The original skateboarder is shown again.", "segments": [[0, 5.91], [5.91, 82.76], [35.47, 39.69], [82.76, 92.05], [92.05, 105.56], [105.56, 132.59], [132.59, 166.37]], "duration": 168.9, "id": 5589}, {"image_id": "v_QjaqFPDoImc.mp4", "caption": "A man is running through a concrete sidewalk with steps in his Kangaroo shoes.More people appear and they too begin to jump throughout crowds of people.", "segments": [[0, 11], [11, 27.17]], "duration": 27.17, "id": 5590}, {"image_id": "v_H0gSWEElh6A.mp4", "caption": "There's a man demonstrating how to use a hand setting tool. He is hammering nails into a wooden bar. He uses the tool to properly align the nails before hammering it in.He then demonstrates how the hammering process would look without using the alignment tool. Then he uses the alignment tool to show thew difference it makes to hammer a nail into wood when the tool is used.", "segments": [[13.85, 42.27], [42.27, 75.79], [75.79, 92.55], [92.55, 126.8], [126.8, 138.46]], "duration": 145.75, "id": 5591}, {"image_id": "v_0-auIBOTx9E.mp4", "caption": "A skinny man,is talking on the phone bowling and knocks down all the bowling pins.Next,he has to go through several obstacles to roll the ball down and he ends up making it anyways.Some of them include,bowling with pins in the lane,standing from behind a chart,and even doing it with his eyes covered.", "segments": [[0, 18.96], [19.71, 84.17], [84.92, 151.65]], "duration": 151.65, "id": 5592}, {"image_id": "v_dsCJ4xdRq-Q.mp4", "caption": "A group of four boys are at a table. As a timer counts, a boy is trying to solve a rubik's cube. He solves the cube, and shakes hands with the other boys.", "segments": [[0, 5.63], [7.65, 23.23], [24.24, 28.86]], "duration": 28.86, "id": 5593}, {"image_id": "v_Q711Ki5aFHw.mp4", "caption": "A group dances in a spotlight wearing traditional chines robes and hats. The men pretend to pull imaginary ropes. The men crouch down one after the other and thrust there hips. The men stand back to back in a partial circle and dance. The men hold up there arms like a Hindu goddess.", "segments": [[13.88, 111.06], [42.91, 46.69], [50.48, 56.79], [92.76, 99.7], [104.12, 111.06]], "duration": 126.2, "id": 5594}, {"image_id": "v_WwcbpTANbeU.mp4", "caption": "A view is seen of a deep canyon with a lift above it. A man is dressed in bungee gear by another man. He jumps out, then swings back and forth over the thin waters.", "segments": [[0, 6.62], [8.95, 43.2], [43.59, 77.83]], "duration": 77.83, "id": 5595}, {"image_id": "v_bV4xdc71azY.mp4", "caption": "man is in a kichen holding a pan on stove and preparing an omelette. man is holding a bag and holds the pan, grab some cheese fom he bag and bend the omelette.", "segments": [[0, 75.22], [75.22, 211.88]], "duration": 211.88, "id": 5596}, {"image_id": "v_PTkNBVyhUuo.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen standing around bow and arrows then the camera camera down a long line of people shooting bows. A man is then seen speaking to the camera followed by Several shots of random people shooting the arrows to a target. Many people watch on the sidelines and is followed by more shots of people shooting bows.", "segments": [[0, 26.7], [27.4, 115.92], [107.49, 140.5]], "duration": 140.5, "id": 5597}, {"image_id": "v_JlgDwIT9KLI.mp4", "caption": "A red bowl contains a spoon and tuna fish in chunks. Someone pours mayonnaise into the tuna, as well as seasoning. The substance is mixed together, then spread onto the bread to make a sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 14.83], [23.61, 73.03], [75.23, 109.82]], "duration": 109.82, "id": 5598}, {"image_id": "v_PUGP8PSlJEA.mp4", "caption": "A man is rock climbing on a wall next to a rock. He gets to the top and releases himself to fall to the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 176.87], [174.21, 176.87]], "duration": 176.87, "id": 5599}, {"image_id": "v_LHu41OIGw7Q.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a lake area and leads into a person climbing into a kayak. The person then begins paddling along the water while moving underneath bridges. The person continues paddling all along the water and looking up to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.96], [26.47, 75.91], [55.93, 98.38]], "duration": 99.88, "id": 5600}, {"image_id": "v_5kXIZCs22l8.mp4", "caption": "woman is posing to a camera in a white room. man is standing behind the wmoan cutting her hair with a scissor and the model is posing.", "segments": [[0, 17.44], [17.44, 105.7]], "duration": 105.7, "id": 5601}, {"image_id": "v_YamDoDK71Ds.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a belly dancing outfit is dancing moving her body very strategically. She has her hands up in the air moving as she moves her hips very quickly. She talks about her love for belly dancing and stuff. Then you see her a different purple belly dancing outfit dancing outside.", "segments": [[0, 46.61], [46.61, 97.45], [97.45, 153.59], [153.59, 211.85]], "duration": 211.85, "id": 5602}, {"image_id": "v_IvkpJMxlRKc.mp4", "caption": "A man was peeling a potato using a green peeler. He peeled the middle part one more time. Thrown it in the container.", "segments": [[0, 28.76], [23.04, 28.76], [28.76, 29.35]], "duration": 29.35, "id": 5603}, {"image_id": "v_JguB9cLEXGY.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen holding up a stick followed by several clips of people throwing a javelin. More shots are shown of athletes throwing the javelin great distances while screaming each time after their throw.", "segments": [[0, 21.21], [20.38, 83.17]], "duration": 83.17, "id": 5604}, {"image_id": "v_lBfyQsXSvUk.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a chair. He is getting a tattoo on his arm. A man watches him get the tattoo. He gets his tattoo wraps with saran wrap.", "segments": [[27.76, 99.7], [34.71, 99.7], [52.37, 53.64], [89.6, 99.7]], "duration": 126.2, "id": 5605}, {"image_id": "v_5aTek77vxBA.mp4", "caption": "A woman kneels outdoors on a concrete ground and rinses clothes out and washes them using a metal bucket for the rinsing and the ground as a washboard for the clothes. A little girl walks up to the woman and pours more water in the woman\u2019s metal bucket then walks away to stand next to a well where another woman is kneeling and washing clothes in the same way. The first woman is shown again this time washing a large white sheet against the ground using the metal bucket again for the water supply.", "segments": [[0, 7.6], [8.47, 28.02], [30.41, 42.58]], "duration": 43.45, "id": 5606}, {"image_id": "v_pRzFL4_I-cE.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of a casino is shown that includes close ups of poker tables and people sitting at a table playing. Many shots are shown of the dealer dealing cards while turning them around and the audience reacting.", "segments": [[1.34, 69.85], [53.06, 128.28]], "duration": 134.33, "id": 5607}, {"image_id": "v_UyqM2sglj1s.mp4", "caption": "A person is snowboarding on a mountain. There is a montage of roads leading to a mountain and a chairlift. People jump on ramps and halfpipes.", "segments": [[0, 13.08], [16.65, 47.57], [48.76, 237.87]], "duration": 237.87, "id": 5608}, {"image_id": "v_sZbkKa2iKrM.mp4", "caption": "A text intro leads into a wrestler slamming down another wrestler in a ring. The video continues with more shots of the man pinning down wrestlers. Several more shots are shown and ends with a subscribe option.", "segments": [[0.6, 17.1], [16.5, 45.89], [42.59, 59.39]], "duration": 59.99, "id": 5609}, {"image_id": "v_vY77rUOOgwg.mp4", "caption": "The man in brown shirt is talking to the camera. The man placed a tool on the carpet with long pole. The man used the stretcher to flatten the carpet on the floor.", "segments": [[0.82, 23.17], [17.72, 32.99], [31.35, 54.52]], "duration": 54.52, "id": 5610}, {"image_id": "v_AY2usHrPYL0.mp4", "caption": "We see a store, maps, and people on a bus. We see people at the beach. We see people in the lake and in rafts. We see a dog on the raft. We see a person paddling a raft. We see a dog swimming in the river. We see the ending screen in blue.", "segments": [[0, 16.99], [16.99, 20.38], [20.38, 217.43], [65.68, 78.14], [116.64, 142.69], [156.28, 171], [218.56, 226.49]], "duration": 226.49, "id": 5611}, {"image_id": "v_GMwV9roiBYo.mp4", "caption": "A man is skating on a hockey rink and goes to make a goal. He shoots and makes a point and the crowd cheers. He makes another point and the crowd cheers. A team of yellow jerseys rushes onto the ice to congratulate him. They are lined up on the court while a man in a suit walks away from them. The man in the suit stops and talks to another man. He waves and walks back towards the players. The team beings skating towards the people. They skate across the ice and a man stands on the stands and holds up a trophy.", "segments": [[0, 14.15], [14.15, 14.98], [14.98, 23.31], [23.31, 36.63], [36.63, 51.61], [51.61, 59.94], [59.94, 79.08], [80.75, 114.88], [147.34, 166.49]], "duration": 166.49, "id": 5612}, {"image_id": "v_eC4l8AuAmKw.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are dancing in pairs on a dance floor. People watch from tables all around the dance floor. A man with a microphone stands on the dance floor.", "segments": [[0, 165], [0, 164.18], [2.48, 165]], "duration": 165.0, "id": 5613}, {"image_id": "v_tRAntV9Om2o.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a hat is seen putting on gloves and starting up a machine in some tall grass. The man then moves the machine all along the grass to cut it down. He pauses for a moment to speak to the camera and raises his hands up.", "segments": [[0, 22.36], [23, 97.1], [96.46, 127.76]], "duration": 127.76, "id": 5614}, {"image_id": "v_9S9hPRDwi24.mp4", "caption": "A stick is being held from the ground. A man uses the croquette bat to hit a ball, then places it back to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 2.12], [2.37, 8.31]], "duration": 8.31, "id": 5615}, {"image_id": "v_-t2ikmhg9_w.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated on the floor, talking about a vacuum cleaner. She demonstrates how to apply powder to the carpet, and vacuum it up. She then shows how to clean the vacuum out, and the mechanics of the machine.", "segments": [[0, 20.43], [24.32, 134.26], [137.18, 194.58]], "duration": 194.58, "id": 5616}, {"image_id": "v_KaGXQh-UHVU.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are in a house. A man is mopping the floor with a mop. Another boy attempts to walk through where he is mopping. The man takes a drink of beer and complains to the camera. He mops through the room in between the people. He stops mopping and speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.53], [10.35, 59.68], [59.68, 73.68], [74.29, 92.56], [93.17, 101.08], [101.69, 119.35]], "duration": 121.79, "id": 5617}, {"image_id": "v_1LdbczjQPII.mp4", "caption": "A globe is turning with writing in front of it. A man throws a bowling ball into various pins. He bounces it off of trampoline and knocks pins down. The throws a bowling ball off a bridge. A woman throws the ball down at pins. A man catches the bowling ball and throws it to pins. A man bounces it off a car and hits pins. Another trampoline trick is shown. A man throws a bowling ball down a slide and a person catches it at the bottom. A man throws a bowling ball up a hill and it rolls back down and hits pins. Two men bounce balls off trampolines to hit pins. A remote control car drives the bowling ball to hit pins. Two men high five after knocking pins down. A man standing on top of a building throws a ball down and hits pins.", "segments": [[0, 13.88], [13.88, 21.23], [22.05, 26.95], [39.2, 41.65], [44.1, 47.37], [52.27, 55.53], [62.07, 65.33], [66.97, 71.05], [78.4, 89.01], [98, 102.08], [106.16, 107.8], [127.4, 132.3], [139.65, 140.46], [142.1, 152.71]], "duration": 163.32999999999998, "id": 5618}, {"image_id": "v_57J-q04z1Hs.mp4", "caption": "Two dancers dance in the center of the floor where there aren't many people watching. They're both wearing black decor and they're turning the batons in many different ways and music is playing. Many people are cheering, some are standing and others are sitting.", "segments": [[0, 22.24], [0.11, 22.01], [6.34, 22.24]], "duration": 22.24, "id": 5619}, {"image_id": "v_k_bvz0NHKBo.mp4", "caption": "Two boys and two girls compete beer pong while other persons watch. Almost all the balls throw by the boys land in the cups, only one ball is missed. The girls talk each other while looking the boys.", "segments": [[3.38, 11.83], [11.83, 126.78], [126.78, 161.44]], "duration": 169.04, "id": 5620}, {"image_id": "v_mBHsAuDJmj4.mp4", "caption": "a man in overalls sits in front of a large wheel of metal. He picks up a torch, and begins welding. Sparks fly as he wears his mask, welding the equipment.", "segments": [[0, 22.05], [23.82, 132.32], [137.61, 176.43]], "duration": 176.43, "id": 5621}, {"image_id": "v_YUN8d87DNNY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sweeping in front of a barn. Chickens are on the ground behind her. She is shoveling dirt into a wheel barrow. Men are sweeping in front of the barn. A woman is brushing a horse with a brush.", "segments": [[0, 26.42], [9.69, 26.42], [27.3, 50.19], [62.52, 65.16], [75.72, 88.93]], "duration": 176.1, "id": 5622}, {"image_id": "v_SzCK4QuEG3c.mp4", "caption": "A set of knifes rest on top of pin cones. A pocket knife is taken from wooden box and held with a clamp. The man uses sharpening stones on the blade of the knife.The man cuts through pieces of paper to show the knifes sharpness. A still shot of a hot open fire pit is seen.", "segments": [[0, 5.79], [7.89, 25.25], [26.3, 69.96], [71.02, 83.12], [84.17, 105.21]], "duration": 105.21000000000001, "id": 5623}, {"image_id": "v_f0rWFvJ7uTk.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys line up in a baseball field then run to chase the ball. A woman rolls a kick ball on the field. The ball is returned to the field by someone on the sideline. A boy runs around the bases on the field. The group of boys point and signal to other players on the field. A boy kicks the ball and the other players run around the bases.", "segments": [[0, 10.51], [1.03, 18.75], [10.1, 15.87], [20.2, 27.82], [28.03, 35.24], [33.8, 40.8]], "duration": 41.22, "id": 5624}, {"image_id": "v_NDvp3JeVWcM.mp4", "caption": "There is large indoor gym where a gymnastic event is being held. There is a girl gymnast who is performing on the bars. There are spectators watching her as she swings swiftly. She gets off the bars and is congratulated by her coach. The awards are then presented to the winners of the competition. the winners stand on stage to receive their medals of victory. The score board shows the names of all the winners.", "segments": [[14.47, 42.77], [42.77, 63.53], [63.53, 78.63], [78.63, 98.13], [98.13, 105.68], [105.68, 118.89], [118.89, 120.77]], "duration": 125.81, "id": 5625}, {"image_id": "v_0-igBOtXYeE.mp4", "caption": "Several different wrestling battles are shown with many different wrestlers showcased. A man is hoisted onto the shoulders of another man and is then thrown down onto a table, which breaks in half with the force of his weight. Several more wrestlers are thrown violently onto ring floors and flat surfaces and tables, with one dark and long haired man appearing several times throughout the clip screaming in an animated way. A red haired man talks to a camera near the end of the clip.", "segments": [[0.77, 152.03], [43.22, 91.06], [91.83, 131.96], [137.37, 145.86]], "duration": 154.34, "id": 5626}, {"image_id": "v_asyXgaH1Sro.mp4", "caption": "Two men are talking on the sidewalk. An orange fork lift goes by behind them. One of the men is brushing the other mans hair. The man in the red shirt plays with his hair.", "segments": [[0, 61.63], [0, 15.1], [14.79, 54.54], [51.46, 61.01]], "duration": 61.63, "id": 5627}, {"image_id": "v_-L-LiCO1v-s.mp4", "caption": "A man standing in front of orange flowers talks. A small dog is laying on the ground. A shower head is shown. A woman is sitting on a bed with the dog. Her and the dog are in the shower. She is spraying the dog with water. A bottle is being held up to be shown. She dries the dog off with a white towel. A robot is dancing on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 30.87], [31.69, 37.37], [39, 40.62], [42.25, 49.56], [51.19, 128.37], [51.19, 99.12], [88.56, 91], [103.18, 127.56], [134.87, 162.49]], "duration": 162.49, "id": 5628}, {"image_id": "v_LjfF72Hwpyg.mp4", "caption": "A snow piled lawn is shown. A man on a tractor is pulling a kid on a tube over mounds of snow over and over. It ends with the boy close up, and another eating cereal from the top of a staircase.", "segments": [[0, 28.65], [33.42, 205.3], [214.85, 238.73]], "duration": 238.73, "id": 5629}, {"image_id": "v_V3uCGRAWG2M.mp4", "caption": "A representative of the GCN Network is talking and demonstrating how to use tools to fix bike wheels. He is standing near an elevated blue bike with several tools displayed on a wall behind him. He is using an Allen key to lever the bike tire. He rotates the bike tire and then uses the Allen key to adjust the screws. Then he resets the pistons of the wheel to realign them. Then he precisely fits in the attachment into the wheel.", "segments": [[13.55, 30.22], [30.22, 46.37], [46.37, 67.22], [67.22, 77.12], [77.12, 93.79], [93.79, 99]], "duration": 104.21000000000001, "id": 5630}, {"image_id": "v_Sb2SPX38lyQ.mp4", "caption": "A dark sky with a moon and cloud is shown in between trail so dirt.After,A man wearing a hat is shown walking down the trail and several dirt bikers racing are shown.The man then puts on a helmet,the bar is let down and he begins jumping over a hill.As the video continues,you are following the man racing through the trail and doing tricks and riding at side angles to ensure that the tricks are landed and he doesn't fall off.The man then reappears and the reflection of racing is shown in his eye before he walks off.", "segments": [[0, 30.98], [31.82, 74.52], [74.52, 110.53], [110.53, 147.37], [148.2, 167.46]], "duration": 167.46, "id": 5631}, {"image_id": "v_ifmHO5lQq18.mp4", "caption": "A blonde woman runs and does a high jump repeatedly. A woman in white in the background does a high jump. A black lady walks past the camera. The black lady appears again and adjusts something on the ground. A man raises a red flag.", "segments": [[0, 150.6], [0, 9.04], [60.24, 66.26], [83.58, 87.35], [147.58, 150.6]], "duration": 150.6, "id": 5632}, {"image_id": "v_tjUuEqmLGeI.mp4", "caption": "A girl in her dance uniform is standing with her mom talking waiting for her turn to come up, when it's her turn she and her partner walk on stage. They begin to do their routine with their batons. They work well together and one of the girls does a flip while the other girl holds her, they continue on with the rest of their routine. They end their routine, one of them kneeling and the other behind her and get up and walk off the stage.", "segments": [[0, 16.1], [16.1, 60.39], [60.39, 115.14], [115.14, 161.03]], "duration": 161.03, "id": 5633}, {"image_id": "v_x1wy8QmHZL8.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a blue and sparkly costume is standing on a court while holding two batons.The girl begins her baton routine and starts her routine and twirls the batons and her body. Judges at a table watch her the whole time while they also write on a piece of paper.The girl drops her baton, picks it up and then continues on with her routine.", "segments": [[0, 10.21], [10.21, 109.91], [15.01, 118.92], [109.91, 120.12]], "duration": 120.12, "id": 5634}, {"image_id": "v_7iuU-zsauOY.mp4", "caption": "A man is deep water scuba diving with some type of machine as if he is searching for something.In the midst,he begins playing with a small fish before continuing on his search.The man continues traveling through the water at a slow pace but he isn't finding anything.", "segments": [[0, 36.68], [36.68, 94.94], [94.94, 143.85]], "duration": 143.85, "id": 5635}, {"image_id": "v_dI6TWaB6tls.mp4", "caption": " Two dancers engage in a ballroom dance in front of a live band and a full televised audience. A woman in a ballroom outfit approaches a man in a ballroom dance, when the two meet they begin to dance across the floor using elaborate footwork during the dance. A phone number inviting people to call in and vote for them appears on the screen along with the network logo. The two continue to dance exhibiting slides, pickups, a last kiss and slides on the dance floor as the people in the audience clap.", "segments": [[0, 110.67], [5.53, 103.47], [6.09, 87.43], [49.25, 109.56]], "duration": 110.67, "id": 5636}, {"image_id": "v_55bimE5eU9E.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman stand by each other as the man speaks. The woman reaches down and lifts a bar. She makes small lifts against her thighs. She continues the small lifts and adds a variance of big lifts. She lifts the bar over her head and brings it down to her thigh area to continue the small lifts. She brings the bar back over her head and drops it down to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 113.88], [44.98, 51.82], [51.82, 64.91], [65.48, 71.75], [71.75, 88.83], [88.83, 93.95]], "duration": 113.88, "id": 5637}, {"image_id": "v_3HP2E_a9xrU.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen swinging at a pinata with a large group of children behind them. More kids stand up to take a swing at the pinata as parents walk around the kids. One last girl attempts to break the pinata in the end.", "segments": [[0, 56.53], [50.13, 164.26], [149.33, 207.99]], "duration": 213.32, "id": 5638}, {"image_id": "v_t_D9MYkEPEo.mp4", "caption": "an audience claps as a couple appears on stage. They dance gracefully, spinning and twirling. The couple bow as they finish their routine.", "segments": [[0, 17.35], [31.04, 133.29], [136.94, 182.59]], "duration": 182.59, "id": 5639}, {"image_id": "v__BHoMDR2ZVg.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing glasses is seen speaking to the camera in a tattoo shop. The man is laying on a table and waving to the camera. He shows his outline and a man begins tattooing his leg.", "segments": [[0, 9.77], [11.19, 23.63], [23, 29.93]], "duration": 31.51, "id": 5640}, {"image_id": "v_X1WExPnfJjE.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting in front of the camera running a brush down her long hair. She suddenly jumps and screams towards the camera while smiling and setting the brush down.", "segments": [[0, 18.84], [18.36, 32.21]], "duration": 32.21, "id": 5641}, {"image_id": "v_aFVthcfDK9Q.mp4", "caption": "A city next a river is displayed on a screen. Reporters talk in a TV set where other people are working. A man wearing white shirt clean his face while looking a mirror.", "segments": [[0, 7.87], [8.18, 30.05], [8.81, 24.38]], "duration": 31.46, "id": 5642}, {"image_id": "v_pD-zyfLtC6w.mp4", "caption": "A biker seated on a bike revs the engine. Another biker is shown seated on a bike, making a gesture with both arms. Scenes of various bikers failing stunt jumps are shown, with occasional crowd reaction and aftermath shots.", "segments": [[0.93, 1.4], [2.33, 4.19], [4.66, 91.24]], "duration": 93.1, "id": 5643}, {"image_id": "v_G1LGXWN_9v4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing a bongo drum quickly moving his hands all around the instrument. He continuously plays the drum while closing his eyes in concentration and ends by hitting his hands faster.", "segments": [[0, 125.57], [21.36, 129.45]], "duration": 129.45, "id": 5644}, {"image_id": "v_28P5f3p_32g.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown holding a knife while taking to the camera and smiling. He begins cutting the tomato laid out on the table in various sections. He then sharpens the knife on the machine next to the vegetable and shows how much better it works.", "segments": [[0, 16.05], [16.74, 85.81], [85.11, 139.53]], "duration": 139.53, "id": 5645}, {"image_id": "v_3AWvyAJv20g.mp4", "caption": "A woman folds towels on an ironing board at home. Different clothing items are seen such as shirts, socks, and ties. The woman adds a tag to a piece of clothing and irons it in place. The tag is shown close up.", "segments": [[0, 135.91], [33.3, 59.12], [61.84, 106.01], [107.37, 114.16]], "duration": 135.91, "id": 5646}, {"image_id": "v_HddRC-twMLc.mp4", "caption": "There's man dressed in a blue shirt and blue shorts shooting darts in a room that has beige walls. He has two darts in his hands which he aims and shoots at a target.", "segments": [[5.93, 12], [12, 13.2]], "duration": 14.12, "id": 5647}, {"image_id": "v_-yn3D1fOfr0.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black shirt is talking in front of a Christmas tree. She begins putting decorations on the Christmas tree. She places a gold bow on the top of the tree. Three women are talking in front of the tree.", "segments": [[0, 15.34], [16.15, 54.5], [54.5, 61.36], [78.31, 79.52]], "duration": 80.74, "id": 5648}, {"image_id": "v_nO2tXrQDD8I.mp4", "caption": "Several individuals play against each other in a table football match. Two individuals walk by in the background. Another two individuals walk by in the background.", "segments": [[0, 53.4], [8.58, 12.45], [35.69, 39.56]], "duration": 55.33, "id": 5649}, {"image_id": "v_JVfhBvlv0IY.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing ready and runs down a long track into a sand pit. The man walks away while looking into the audience followed by another man running into the pit. Several more men take turns running down with their run showed again afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 25.7], [15.67, 76.49], [57.05, 121.63]], "duration": 125.39, "id": 5650}, {"image_id": "v_efaYmJsTDJc.mp4", "caption": "A camera ia seen showing the outside of a home followed by a girl sitting in a tub. She looks to the mirror and has a friend hand her a solo cup. She runs throughout the house outside and shows a close up of mouth wash.", "segments": [[0.74, 25.17], [19.62, 59.22], [48.12, 73.29]], "duration": 74.03, "id": 5651}, {"image_id": "v_gLPJ7_VhWVU.mp4", "caption": "A young lady explains how to put makeup on the eye lid using a brush. The young lady use an eyeliner to paint the border of the top lid. Then, she puts mascara to her eyelashes, and paint the the lower lid. After, she brush her cheek and put lipstick on the lips.", "segments": [[0, 85.62], [86.7, 146.31], [147.4, 185.33], [186.41, 211.34]], "duration": 216.76, "id": 5652}, {"image_id": "v_xC5RVs9mXyM.mp4", "caption": "A large marching band are seen standing in the middle of a big crowd. The band then begins playing with one another in the circle. The people continuing playing with one another while people watch on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 22.07], [16.91, 44.14], [28.67, 54.18]], "duration": 57.33, "id": 5653}, {"image_id": "v_zFb7PKk_-vA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while a group of people sit in tubes around her. The other people smile and wave to the camera while showing off the other tubes. The people continue to ride around the water while the camera pans all around their movements.", "segments": [[0, 16.97], [12.26, 70.72], [59.87, 90.99]], "duration": 94.28999999999999, "id": 5654}, {"image_id": "v_Ni7Lqloy5Qc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera as well as other people in a car wit her. Shots of her and her friend are shown through a frame and leads into them looking at tattoos. They're shown singing in the car and waiting to get a tattoo down while still speaking to the camera. The girls are then each shown getting tattoos done and ends with pictures of their tattoos being shown off.", "segments": [[0, 42.5], [42.5, 89.36], [89.36, 171.09], [171.09, 217.94]], "duration": 217.94, "id": 5655}, {"image_id": "v_U_Pb3Wm_pb4.mp4", "caption": "An orange rope is tied to a tree and dangling in the wind. A man steps up on the rope and begins to walk across it. The man jumps down off of the rope and starts at the beginning to walk across it. The man jumps off again and gets back on the rope and jumps off. The man tightens the rope. The camera shows the ground.", "segments": [[0, 3.47], [5.45, 15.36], [18.83, 41.12], [63.41, 79.76], [88.68, 96.11], [97.59, 99.08]], "duration": 99.08, "id": 5656}, {"image_id": "v_Uo9q4riquHM.mp4", "caption": "It is raining outside while a man is on a lawn mower mowing his lawn. The camera focuses on water dripping down. The man rearranges himself on the mower. He continues to mow the lawn. The camera focuses on the running water again. It goes back to the man mowing. Then switches back to the running water.", "segments": [[0, 26.74], [17.49, 18.52], [26.74, 33.95], [34.97, 102.86], [78.18, 85.38], [85.89, 94.64], [94.64, 102.86]], "duration": 102.87, "id": 5657}, {"image_id": "v_QosVN26lb1g.mp4", "caption": "We see a woman hitting a pinata. The lady pauses to line up her shot. The lady holds the pinata as she hits it. A man takes the bat from the ladies hands.", "segments": [[0, 25.43], [8.53, 13.38], [21.58, 24.76], [25.1, 32.46]], "duration": 33.46, "id": 5658}, {"image_id": "v_ivmBrbO32Qo.mp4", "caption": "a man in a lab coat uses a swiffer broom. He rakes it across a floor with cleaning solution. The floor shines as it comes clean beneath his feet.", "segments": [[0, 10.53], [11.55, 56.39], [56.73, 67.94]], "duration": 67.94, "id": 5659}, {"image_id": "v_HzmT-lvHrpM.mp4", "caption": "A man stands with a bicycle on a rack and shows its different parts and features including the wheels. The man turns the crank and the wheel spins on the bike. The man spins the front wheel by hand. The man tightens a screw with his hand tool.", "segments": [[7.37, 206.3], [77.89, 97.89], [119.99, 143.15], [68.42, 75.78]], "duration": 210.51, "id": 5660}, {"image_id": "v_WhEdTfs7U5E.mp4", "caption": "At beach, several volleyball nets in different colors are set up, while people are standing or sitting on the side off the nets. Different teams, with combination of males and females played the beach volleyballs in the nets assigned to them.", "segments": [[11.39, 67.62], [50.54, 141.65]], "duration": 142.36, "id": 5661}, {"image_id": "v_PMy2EyktRmo.mp4", "caption": "People are working out on exercise bikes. A man in a blue shirt is standing in front of them running around.", "segments": [[0, 84.99], [3.4, 84.99]], "duration": 84.99, "id": 5662}, {"image_id": "v_lj-VovhJcPA.mp4", "caption": "A reporter talks in a TV set, then a reporter talks in a park, then a map of London is shown. A man shows a bag with a cigarette and then it is show next of papers. After, the man is in a backyard explaining to the reporter. People are in a park walking, a person with a pet and mother with a child. A man and a woman talk with the reporter.", "segments": [[0, 17.04], [61.78, 84.14], [87.34, 112.9], [145.92, 157.63], [158.7, 213.02]], "duration": 213.02, "id": 5663}, {"image_id": "v_LFOlEafI35c.mp4", "caption": "Two young men arm wrestle in a kitchen using a standing cat chair as an table. A young man in a white tank top places his elbow on a elevated cat chair along with another young man in a black shirt. The two young men begin to arm wrestle. The man in the black shirt wins the arm wrestling match at which point the man in the white tank top backs away and stands in front of a refrigerator next to a girl drinking a canned beverage.", "segments": [[0.16, 15.02], [0.72, 2.09], [2.81, 7.95], [8.36, 15.83]], "duration": 16.07, "id": 5664}, {"image_id": "v_avxSMcGBdG8.mp4", "caption": "Individuals play croquet, with the camera only showing their lower legs an the balls and mallets. A group of people in witch costumes stand together as one talks. More small videos of people playing croquet are shown. The group of people in witch costumes are shown again. A series of croquet teams are shown, with some of them wearing costumes. The group of people in witch costumes is shown once more. Yet more small videos of people playing croquet are shown. And ending title screen is shown.", "segments": [[0.91, 13.24], [13.24, 21], [21, 32.42], [32.88, 35.16], [35.16, 63.93], [63.93, 68.95], [68.95, 79.45], [79.45, 91.33]], "duration": 91.33, "id": 5665}, {"image_id": "v_n9P4ltD0g2k.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing behind a bar. He starts cutting up fruit and putting it in the glass. He starts mashing the fruit with a stick. He adds ice to the glass and pours alcohol in. He shakes the drink and pours it into a tall glass. He adds some liquid and stirs it with a straw.", "segments": [[0, 213.37], [43.74, 75.75], [92.82, 117.35], [131.22, 136.56], [148.29, 158.96], [158.96, 198.43]], "duration": 213.37, "id": 5666}, {"image_id": "v_tEAEFVJGGG0.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A man trims the bush on the lawn with a electric cutter. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 2.21], [2.21, 139.29], [140.03, 147.4]], "duration": 147.4, "id": 5667}, {"image_id": "v_I9ZeyASdgTk.mp4", "caption": "A person turn on a button of a device with a long road next to a wood box. Then, the man put the rod in a hole and sparks come out, after the man end doing sparkles.", "segments": [[0, 35.24], [35.49, 48.95]], "duration": 48.95, "id": 5668}, {"image_id": "v_iMF8-iDLl6U.mp4", "caption": "An intro featuring the text \"how to change a tire\" plays. A woman has a tool that allows you put the tire on to a rim while a man holds the tool. The woman then uses the same tool to remove the tire from the rim. The person filming shows an iPhone's timer at various points to show how long a step should take. The tool that removes the tier from the rim is shown and how it works. A man opens a Bridgestone locker or machine to show the inside. The video ends with an image of a solar powered vehicle.", "segments": [[0, 10.98], [14.28, 70.29], [70.29, 140.58], [51.62, 142.78], [142.78, 188.91], [188.91, 210.87], [210.87, 219.66]], "duration": 219.66, "id": 5669}, {"image_id": "v_nnWON1EzK0o.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding on a horse into a pit chasing down a baby calf. The man ropes the calf and jumps off the horse to tie him up then walks back to the horse.", "segments": [[0, 7.86], [7.26, 20.16]], "duration": 20.16, "id": 5670}, {"image_id": "v_MM5mreexkI8.mp4", "caption": "A young girl runs through the living room dropping flowers and dirt around. A woman grabs a vacuum and vacuums the floor. She inserts a tool into the vacuum and vacuums along the baseboards. She uses a special tool of the vacuum to vacuum around the sofa and the stair carpet. She uses another tool of the vacuum to vacuum around windows. She pulls a tray out of the vacuum.", "segments": [[0, 8.55], [8.94, 38.47], [38.86, 50.52], [50.91, 54.79], [55.18, 60.23], [64.12, 67.61]], "duration": 77.72, "id": 5671}, {"image_id": "v_maXU1lGguxs.mp4", "caption": "A beautiful young woman holding a violin in hand begins to motion back and forth against the strings with the bow to play a song that she has practiced. The nicely dressed woman in black with white sleeves continues playing and smiling intermittently while eloquently holding down different chords and notes in the corner of the room next to a piano dancing back and forth as she plays. The woman stops playing and smiles once more before walking out of view of the camera putting the violin down and ending the song.", "segments": [[0, 9.8], [9.8, 76.7], [76.7, 85.22]], "duration": 85.22, "id": 5672}, {"image_id": "v_EfJIu_moZaE.mp4", "caption": "A person goes sailing by another boat in the water. Several scenes are shown of people sailing on the boats. A man is standing and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.3], [24.93, 135.22], [141.93, 191.8]], "duration": 191.8, "id": 5673}, {"image_id": "v_TjMdEjgAKLw.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on metal stilts an pulls a large straight edge over a ceiling to flatten out the plaster. The man reaches the nearest side and then turns around to continue. The man reaches the far side of the room and turns around to continue. The man finishes and lowers the straight edge tool smiling.", "segments": [[0, 47.98], [15.82, 20.75], [36.05, 40.2], [49.02, 51.87]], "duration": 51.87, "id": 5674}, {"image_id": "v_ykcLgz3DlYg.mp4", "caption": "We see half a cake on a form with a person hand pointing to things. We see the person spins the cake with the cardboard above it. A person scrapes wax paper over the cake. We see a whole globe covered in chocolate.", "segments": [[0, 17.31], [17.98, 55.26], [60.59, 108.53], [109.86, 129.84]], "duration": 133.17, "id": 5675}, {"image_id": "v_eyfUkLbsixg.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a red suit is talking behind a desk. A man is standing up holding his foot behind is back. People are running down the sidewalk. A man in a blue shirt is talking to the camera. A woman in a black shirt is talking to the camera. People are running down a trail.", "segments": [[0, 20.75], [23.72, 25.69], [28.66, 37.55], [39.53, 41.51], [49.41, 52.38], [177.88, 179.86]], "duration": 197.65, "id": 5676}, {"image_id": "v_iJ6rHJf_Hgo.mp4", "caption": "We see a skateboarder walk with his board. the man then skateboards down a busy street. The boarder has his hand on the ground as he skates. The boarder takes a right turn. The cars drive by and the scene ends.", "segments": [[0, 10.73], [10.06, 120.08], [94.59, 103.31], [116.72, 122.76], [122.76, 134.17]], "duration": 134.17, "id": 5677}, {"image_id": "v_eEfvYiuGULM.mp4", "caption": "Athletes throw a javelin across the field during a competition in a stadium. The athlete is not pleased with his throw and slaps his legs in frustration. The athlete is moderately pleased with his throw and claps his hands walking away and nods his head. A scoreboard is seen with the results of the competition.", "segments": [[0, 148.82], [58.87, 86.68], [103.85, 129.2], [157.82, 163.54]], "duration": 163.54, "id": 5678}, {"image_id": "v_S4GiCywMi38.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates how to apply make up to a face by applying make up to his own face in the camera. A man talks to the camera, close up, while standing in front of a mirror. The man begins to put on makeup blush using a brush and brushing across the apples of his cheeks. The man then runs a crayon like makeup tool across his cheeks before returning to apply blush to his cheeks and forehead. the man then uses a narrow and wide brush across his cheeks and then back to the regular brush for the same areas of his face.", "segments": [[2, 199.62], [9.98, 25.95], [38.93, 85.84], [78.85, 126.76], [127.76, 188.64]], "duration": 199.62, "id": 5679}, {"image_id": "v_ZKo3_ifK2tQ.mp4", "caption": "A toy bear wearing red and white overalls pours a cup of coffee into a yellow coffee cup. The camera man zooms in on the toy bear from a side view to a front view. The camera man pans out and moves to a side view of the toy bear and zooms out.", "segments": [[0, 8.11], [8.11, 15.71], [15.71, 33.79]], "duration": 33.79, "id": 5680}, {"image_id": "v_D_GSISuQw3Y.mp4", "caption": "There's a girl wearing a brown Cheers shirt doing a demonstration on how to paint her nails. She shows a bottle of magenta nail polish that she has already used on her nails. Then she takes a strip of rhinestones that she meticulously places and glues on her painted fingernails. Then she coats her nails and the rhinestones with a layer of neutral polish to secure the rhinestones. She talks in the camera as two boys stand behind her trying to participating in the video tutorial.", "segments": [[25.24, 60.57], [60.57, 95.9], [95.9, 127.2], [127.2, 175.65], [175.65, 201.9]], "duration": 201.9, "id": 5681}, {"image_id": "v_m8SFyH4vhik.mp4", "caption": "A girl jumps onto a balance beam. She does a gymnastics routine on the balance beam. She dismounts and lands on the mat next to the beam.", "segments": [[5.29, 6.87], [7.4, 89.37], [89.37, 93.6]], "duration": 105.77000000000001, "id": 5682}, {"image_id": "v_9WXl-2sINno.mp4", "caption": "A young girl giving a make up tutorial. She begins with the eye shadow. She gets a little bit distracted and starts talking to someone else in the room. She then finishes her other eye and laughs a little bit.", "segments": [[0, 13.13], [13.73, 47.74], [47.74, 87.72], [87.13, 119.35]], "duration": 119.35, "id": 5683}, {"image_id": "v_U4ua-VD7hNM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen laying on a long wire and walks his way all the way to end. He attempts to flip across the string again but fails and hurts himself. Several more men are seen watching from the sides when one slides across again. Another man is seen doing a flip on a rock and more shots people walking and jumping onto the string are shown.", "segments": [[0, 14.68], [10.85, 29.36], [25.53, 45.95], [45.95, 127.64]], "duration": 127.64, "id": 5684}, {"image_id": "v_1gM0xfKN-Kc.mp4", "caption": "Several men and women are outside on a silver adult monkey bars climbing across it.After they all finish,the people get off and run back to do another set on the monkey bars.In the distance,more people are coming from the trail and a young boy is shown going across the bars before a group of images of them doing different activities are shown.", "segments": [[0, 59.67], [59.67, 117.12], [117.12, 220.99]], "duration": 220.99, "id": 5685}, {"image_id": "v_2ErgL7-MXHw.mp4", "caption": "Two men stands on front a tall hedge holding trimmers. The men cuts the top of the hedge. Leaves falls from the top of the hedge.", "segments": [[0, 0.33], [0.33, 10.98], [8.43, 10.59]], "duration": 11.09, "id": 5686}, {"image_id": "v_lsvZBtYMXZM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are standing face to face under a spotlight. The man wearing a black and white suit simulates a slap to the woman wearing a dress on the right. A man wearing a black tank top immediately runs into the spotlight to stand between the two and they all begin to dance as the room is lit up to show a large dancing area with people in the audience watching them. The three continue to dance until the man in the black tank top picks the woman up and throws her to the ground and leaves the dance floor. The man in the suit and the woman continue to dance alone. The man in the tank top returns to the dance floor and tries to punch the man in the suit, but the man in the suit dodges the punch and pushes the man in the tank top out of the dance floor. The man in the suit and the woman in the dress continue to dance alone and they end dramatically in a pose with her back on the ground and the man hovering above her.", "segments": [[0, 9.27], [9.27, 10.3], [10.3, 30.38], [25.75, 30.38], [30.38, 67.97], [67.97, 73.63], [73.63, 102.98]], "duration": 102.97999999999999, "id": 5687}, {"image_id": "v_M5UrBI13R3s.mp4", "caption": "A white intro screen appears and red letters in a foreign language appear flashing on the screen.A white bowl filled with water and 3 potatoes appear in one bowl, and ice cubes are in another white bowl.A hand then grabs the top potato, the bowl of ice cubes and pours the cubes into a bigger white bowl that already has water in it.The two hands now drop the potato into the larger bowl with the ice cubes and water and the fingers begin to peel off all of the skin under the water and when all the peels are gone the potato is placed onto a clean white plate.The white outro screen appears and more foreign red letters appear.", "segments": [[0, 16.01], [16.01, 21.49], [21.49, 26.96], [26.96, 38.11], [38.11, 40.54]], "duration": 40.54, "id": 5688}, {"image_id": "v_VFVAkH9zPIM.mp4", "caption": "We see the title introducing us to Jesse. Jesse the dog runs and catches Frisbee. We see Jesse close up in the camera. Jesse is running around catching the Frisbee the lady throws. We see five still shots of Jesse jumping in the air. Jesse continues to run around with his Frisbee. We see the end credits on a black screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.13], [5.13, 23.61], [23.61, 26.69], [26.69, 163.24], [163.24, 174.53], [174.53, 200.2], [200.2, 205.34]], "duration": 205.34, "id": 5689}, {"image_id": "v_We0DJIKCBOw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown preparing to lift a barbell into the air. She lifts it into the air and above her head. She drops the barbell to the ground. She bows for the crowd and blows them a kiss. She then walks off stage.", "segments": [[0, 6.24], [6.24, 15.73], [15.6, 17.6], [17.72, 22.09], [22.09, 24.96]], "duration": 24.96, "id": 5690}, {"image_id": "v_zBg0FEtpC-o.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black knit hat talks to the camera while standing in front of a table with items on it and in front of a yellow truck with a black star on the door. The man picks up an orange packet from the table and later a smaller yellow packet and an orange device, all while talking. The man then places the yellow packet and orange device on the table next to each other on a metal table. The man then takes a metal plate, puts it upside down and starts a fire on top of it using the materials in the packet, before returning to talk to the camera again.", "segments": [[3.35, 223.08], [59.11, 108.19], [105.96, 169.54], [153.92, 219.73]], "duration": 223.07999999999998, "id": 5691}, {"image_id": "v_6RxF2UHMYQM.mp4", "caption": "A person picks up a paint brush and can of varnish on an outside lawn. The person paints a coat various boards leaning up against an exterior wall of home.", "segments": [[0, 9.48], [9.48, 208.51]], "duration": 210.62, "id": 5692}, {"image_id": "v_yWvyLG3kq2I.mp4", "caption": "A large water fall is shown. A person goes over the water fall in a green kayak. People are standing on the rocks above the water watching.", "segments": [[0, 6.83], [6.83, 22.08], [44.17, 45.54]], "duration": 45.54, "id": 5693}, {"image_id": "v_KkpQ347Ceak.mp4", "caption": "A person is putting food into a bowl. They crack a nut and put that into the bowl. They crack another nut over a black tray.", "segments": [[0, 51.99], [20.54, 30.93], [50.43, 51.99]], "duration": 51.99, "id": 5694}, {"image_id": "v_-HKsU_uFUWo.mp4", "caption": "woman is kneeling down in the floor talking to the camera holding a bend slide and opens it in the living room. dog is walking behind th woman. baby is walking to the woman and climb to the slide.", "segments": [[0, 119.32], [0, 15.51], [27.44, 75.17]], "duration": 119.32, "id": 5695}, {"image_id": "v_Q9UovyMsTLc.mp4", "caption": "Three girls are seen standing behind a counter speaking to the camera with one spreading butter around a pan. Another mixes ingredients into a bowl with another girl's help and the girls lick the spoon used afterwards. They pour the mixture into a pan, put it in the oven, then shortly take it out some time after. Frosting is then seen all over the cake and the girl's spread it around and serve pieces onto a plate, followed by them eating on in a living room.", "segments": [[0, 28.55], [29.32, 96.45], [96.45, 131.94], [130.4, 154.32]], "duration": 154.32, "id": 5696}, {"image_id": "v_7CNEttu-t7g.mp4", "caption": "A large exercise machine is shown. A man sits down and starts working out on the exercise machine.", "segments": [[0, 38.46], [38.02, 88.42]], "duration": 88.42, "id": 5697}, {"image_id": "v_weeD4A7gl2A.mp4", "caption": "A car is seen sitting inside a car wash on a security camera with rags moving up and down the vehicle. A man then opens his door which is followed by the machine taking off the door and the car driving away.", "segments": [[0, 6.75], [6.47, 27.55]], "duration": 27.55, "id": 5698}, {"image_id": "v_jx7_0MRlScw.mp4", "caption": "People are driving around playing bumper cars. A man has to help get cars unstuck.", "segments": [[0, 91.16], [17.32, 29.17]], "duration": 91.16, "id": 5699}, {"image_id": "v_G0g7vEwI0z8.mp4", "caption": "Two people are cooking in pans on the oven. Two plates of food are on the counter. Words come onto the screen.", "segments": [[39.24, 56.73], [60.98, 89.08], [90.67, 106.05]], "duration": 106.05, "id": 5700}, {"image_id": "v_hQl2eeYX3IY.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a red shirt and brown hat blowing leaves off his driveway with a leaf blower. He begins by blowing the leaves off from near the front lawn. Then he moves towards where his white van is parked. He walks all around the driveway and blow the leaves, making sure he covers the entire driveway. Then he goes towards the corner of the garage and blow off a large pile of leaves that is lying there in a heap.", "segments": [[0, 76.91], [2.31, 26.92], [26.92, 44.22], [43.45, 54.22], [53.83, 76.91]], "duration": 76.91, "id": 5701}, {"image_id": "v_yBjsQN4fzVY.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a pink dress sitting with a man in a gray shirt. They are talking about brushing teeth in underwear and how it is banned by Metacafe. The man has a script in his hand that he's reading. A man in folded pants is walking on the beach. He picks up a toothbrush from the sand and begins brushing his teeth. The woman in the bathroom is brushing her teeth and is attacked by a man with a knife. There is blood splattered all over the bathroom. The injured woman gets up and looks in the mirror only find out that she has the face of the man from the beach. The same man is now back on the beach, walking along the shore.", "segments": [[15.66, 31.31], [31.31, 41.2], [41.2, 56.85], [56.85, 72.51], [72.51, 99.7], [99.7, 102.17], [102.17, 133.48], [133.48, 153.26], [153.26, 156.55]], "duration": 164.79, "id": 5702}, {"image_id": "v_zYN_cbLO3MU.mp4", "caption": "Several people surf with paddles in ocean water navigating rough waves as onlookers watch from boats and kayaks. A man is paddle rowing on a surfboard in a body of water, when he begins to surf the ocean waves using the paddle to navigate and guide the surfboard. Another man is shown in a red outfit performing the same feat with the paddle along with yet another man in a green shirt. Another man in is paddle surfboarding in a clear blue type of water before the scene switches again to another several more people navigating large and rough waves with surfboard and paddles.", "segments": [[1.01, 188.76], [6.09, 32.47], [32.47, 64.95], [64.95, 186.73]], "duration": 202.97, "id": 5703}, {"image_id": "v_lzcVvTHZlQo.mp4", "caption": "A shot is seen of two men performing an arm wrestling match together while the audience cheers. One man beats the other and the two hold up their arms to cheer and everybody celebrates. One man in the audience looks disappointing and the winner holds up a boy.", "segments": [[0, 26.65], [22.06, 47.79], [47.48, 59.12]], "duration": 61.27, "id": 5704}, {"image_id": "v_kt_sGN-1prU.mp4", "caption": "Various text shown leads into several clips of people swinging around on uneven bars. More and more gymnasts are shown jumping off of a beam and onto uneven bars. Several woman are shown back to back performing these tricks.", "segments": [[0.99, 51.29], [60.16, 154.84], [135.12, 192.32]], "duration": 197.25, "id": 5705}, {"image_id": "v_x06fLYM58wM.mp4", "caption": "A female ballet dancer is in a studio room by herself wearing a purple leotard with a skirt attached to it.She begins gracefully dancing throughout the room doing a series of turns and kicks all while on the tip of her toes.Finally,she begins doing a series of tiny backward steps and finishes in the position she started in.", "segments": [[0, 51.49], [51.49, 115.86], [115.14, 143.04]], "duration": 143.04, "id": 5706}, {"image_id": "v_cXw6os9Xk5c.mp4", "caption": "A man on the side of the street drumming away on an actual drum set. People are standing around waiting an watching him. Cars are passing by and he just continues to drum like it's normal. He jams out using the cymbals and everything.", "segments": [[0, 4.26], [4.26, 11.59], [11.59, 19.6], [20.11, 34.09]], "duration": 34.09, "id": 5707}, {"image_id": "v_6x3qs7jQQko.mp4", "caption": "A woman is styling the hair of a mannequin. She rolls the hair into curlers on top of the head of the mannequin. She takes the curlers out of the hair and styles it.", "segments": [[0, 205.22], [44.12, 131.34], [131.34, 205.22]], "duration": 205.22, "id": 5708}, {"image_id": "v_x7PDVqDFw6c.mp4", "caption": "Film strips appear to roll across the screen. A man is using a telescoping pole by the side of a building. He stretches it upward, then cleans the side of the building with it. He uses it to clean the windows tha are highest.", "segments": [[0, 9.71], [12.36, 43.27], [46.8, 163.37], [164.25, 176.61]], "duration": 176.61, "id": 5709}, {"image_id": "v_U9b8U-EymNw.mp4", "caption": "A company log is on the screen. A boat is floating on the water. A tube has water running through it and there are floats on the water. The camera is scanning the boat. Two women are sitting on the boat, one is poking the other. A plastic seat is inflated then a board is put into the water. A woman is on the board and holding on to a line attached to the boat. A woman is driving the boat while the other woman is boarding behind her. A woman is taking a selfie while on the boat. The woman is doing tricks with the board on the water. She let go of the line and floated freely.", "segments": [[0, 5.63], [5.63, 23.34], [23.34, 32.19], [22.53, 32.19], [32.99, 45.87], [45.87, 51.5], [52.3, 61.16], [61.16, 75.64], [75.64, 87.71], [87.71, 152.89], [152.89, 160.94]], "duration": 160.94, "id": 5710}, {"image_id": "v_dIlpPraDc-I.mp4", "caption": "The man in red jacket is skiing on the slope. The man in is skiing down slope with is knees bend down. The man is skiing down the mountain.", "segments": [[2.9, 31.88], [29.46, 69.55], [66.65, 96.6]], "duration": 96.6, "id": 5711}, {"image_id": "v_mhHoL-9mY1E.mp4", "caption": "We see a person sitting in front of a shoe holding a can with brush. The man takes the top off and sprays the shoes. The man uses the brush on the shoe to rub the shoe. The man puts the top back on the can. The man gets up and grabs the camera.", "segments": [[0, 25.3], [30.85, 42.57], [43.19, 50.6], [74.04, 80.83], [119.08, 123.4]], "duration": 123.4, "id": 5712}, {"image_id": "v_VEihQG2UWKE.mp4", "caption": "People are flying kites on grass. The kites are shown in the sky. A woman is holding a purple umbrella. People are walking around in a park.", "segments": [[0, 15.02], [15.02, 70.11], [70.11, 73.24], [117.06, 125.2]], "duration": 125.2, "id": 5713}, {"image_id": "v_hpoReoD1vD0.mp4", "caption": "A white plate is sitting on a white table in a kitchen. A child places turkey slices on two pieces of white bread, then adds a slice of cheese. Finally, she adds a layer of miracle whip. She leans forward, taking a large bite of the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 19.66], [21.3, 108.13], [108.95, 144.17], [144.99, 163.83]], "duration": 163.82999999999998, "id": 5714}, {"image_id": "v_8fqxUtHLyoE.mp4", "caption": "Two women are on a court with jump ropes. They do several stunts while jumping the ropes. They flip forward, backward and sideways in unison.", "segments": [[0, 11.15], [11.15, 62.12], [62.52, 79.65]], "duration": 79.65, "id": 5715}, {"image_id": "v_IjmeHBgFb3g.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen sitting before a beam and begins performing a routine with another person attached to his lower half. The two present to be one gymnast on a bar and end with them jumping off with their arms up.", "segments": [[0, 32.28], [28.29, 62.57]], "duration": 66.56, "id": 5716}, {"image_id": "v_h9YbUJuYzLk.mp4", "caption": "A male stylist talks as he smooths a woman's hair. He then demonstrates how to cut and style her hair, clipping it as he goes. When he is done, he blows her hair dry and gives it it's final styling.", "segments": [[0, 13.38], [18.25, 97.95], [99.16, 121.67]], "duration": 121.67, "id": 5717}, {"image_id": "v_4fw4nswO748.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about snowboarding. A snowboarder begins to make some commentary about his snowboarding techniques. Several clips of snowboarders are shown performing the technique as he explains. The video ends with the closing credits shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.45], [9.93, 50.63], [5.45, 58], [58, 64.09]], "duration": 64.09, "id": 5718}, {"image_id": "v_deU1mGcNh1Q.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting on the floor grabbing ice cream with it's hands. The child then grabs a spoon and continues to use his hands to eat.", "segments": [[1.17, 18.78], [13.41, 32.86]], "duration": 33.53, "id": 5719}, {"image_id": "v_wEI_iPEfLNk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her holing up a jar of honey. She continues speaking and leads into her rubbing honey on her face. She dries off the mask and continues speaking while smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[3.22, 131], [125.64, 181.47], [176.1, 210.47]], "duration": 214.76, "id": 5720}, {"image_id": "v_085A7Iv6xzA.mp4", "caption": "A view is shown of a man removing a paddle from a fence. We see his face as he speaks, before he kayaks down a very thin stream into open waters. He uses his phone as another person arrives, then videos others shooting down the passageway.", "segments": [[0, 14.49], [19.32, 32.19], [45.87, 160.96]], "duration": 160.96, "id": 5721}, {"image_id": "v_FtAQcl1h7O8.mp4", "caption": "People are riding spin bikes in a gym. Two women are working out on exercise bikes. Yellow words come on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 82], [56.59, 58.9], [83.16, 115.5]], "duration": 115.5, "id": 5722}, {"image_id": "v_v1hQ0vf66QY.mp4", "caption": "A countdown of text is shown that leads into clips of sumo wrestlers performing impressive throws. The video continues counting down as more shots are shown of sumo wrestlers fighting one another and people watching on the side.", "segments": [[3.18, 118.75], [79.52, 203.56]], "duration": 212.05, "id": 5723}, {"image_id": "v_FGAlwzRvAHg.mp4", "caption": "The screen shows Transworld Snowboarding at Keystone, Colorado. It displays the fundamentals of snowboarding by Jack Mitrani. A person wearing a green hoodie and a hat is talking about the essentials required for snowboarding. He is demonstrating his tutorial with a snowboard placed in front of him. He is holding an iron in his hand as he is explaining how to wax the board. He has a piece of hard wax in his hand and an iron too. He begins melting the wax with the heated iron and drops it on the board. He drops the melted wax all over the board. He then drags the melted wax all through the board. He continues the same process throughout the entire board. Then uses a scraper to scrape the wax off and clean the board. He also uses a brush to brush off the wax and blows the wax shavings off of the board.", "segments": [[8.26, 14.68], [14.68, 28.44], [28.44, 39.45], [39.45, 46.79], [46.79, 62.38], [62.38, 77.98], [77.98, 90.83], [90.83, 105.5], [105.5, 119.27], [119.27, 136.7], [136.7, 164.22], [164.22, 183.49]], "duration": 183.49, "id": 5724}, {"image_id": "v_ILwwD00q1ZY.mp4", "caption": "A person in a furniture store is talking about popular furniture made from reclaimed wood. He shows rustic, contemporary and traditional type of furniture that is in his store. He shows the high quality reclaimed wood and the different furniture made from it.", "segments": [[8.32, 31.9], [31.9, 43.23], [43.23, 45.54]], "duration": 46.23, "id": 5725}, {"image_id": "v_jkWqhnD8hyQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a title in the upper left corner. A man is talking to the camera. The man drills the cabinets apart and wipes and paints them. The cabinets dry and the man wipes them. We see a person applying a product over the paint. We see the cabinet faces put back on the cabinets. We see the end credits on a black screen.", "segments": [[0, 20.46], [0, 36.66], [36.66, 65.64], [66.5, 75.87], [89.52, 148.34], [148.34, 166.24], [161.98, 170.51]], "duration": 170.51, "id": 5726}, {"image_id": "v_5BAvlsHfTLk.mp4", "caption": "Santa Cruz Nomad Bike company is demonstrating how to install a bike. The company representative is putting together the bike parts piece by piece. He starts with the main body and then goes to attach the wheels, the handle and the pedals. Then he goes ahead and attaches the rubber tires. After that he fixes the handles of the bike with black rubber tops. He finally reinforces all the parts and ensures the bike is ready for use. when he's done, he gets on the bike and rides it.", "segments": [[12.14, 30.35], [30.35, 60.71], [60.71, 75.12], [75.12, 100.92], [100.92, 121.41], [121.41, 141.9], [141.9, 147.21]], "duration": 151.77, "id": 5727}, {"image_id": "v_q0buJ1CKj-Y.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in front of a desk holding a guitar in his hands. The man then begins playing the instrument moving his hands up and down. The person continues playing on the guitar and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0.73, 15.3], [12.39, 35.46], [32.06, 46.88]], "duration": 48.58, "id": 5728}, {"image_id": "v_D0dyvNTI7yU.mp4", "caption": "A man in a bare studio showcases a series of martial arts moves by himself in front of a camera. A man appears in a white t-shirt and black pants, barefoot and begins to showcase martial arts moves. The man begins using moves that exhibit floor work and light tumbles along with a headstand. The man progresses into controlled somersaults and side to side work along with high kicks.", "segments": [[7.62, 115.65], [7.62, 34.95], [37.49, 66.08], [64.18, 118.19]], "duration": 127.08, "id": 5729}, {"image_id": "v_KEUJ7ulD-_A.mp4", "caption": "The video opens up with an intro segment for a BMX race. The racers are shown at the gate getting ready for the race. Several racers are introduced with their names shown on the screen. The race starts and the racers race around the track.", "segments": [[0, 11.51], [12.66, 46.04], [47.19, 154.22], [155.37, 230.18]], "duration": 230.18, "id": 5730}, {"image_id": "v_Mvw0hvMeM-w.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with the annual BMX biking event where several participants are gathered to begin their competitive event. Several bikers begin biking on their bikes on curved slopes in the open air arena. The bikers go over bumpy and hilly slopes in their gears and helmets. There are several bikers beginning a race from the top of the biking slope. They show off their stunts and skills as they speed through the obstacle course of the biking arena.", "segments": [[35.66, 67], [67, 99.42], [99.42, 138.32], [138.32, 178.31], [178.31, 196.68]], "duration": 216.13, "id": 5731}, {"image_id": "v_ggw-70xi0dA.mp4", "caption": "A man with a red jacket and grey pants is walking across a slack line in the middle of the mountains.As he is trying to tight rope,he falls over and is never able to stand up.Although he isn't able to get up,he holds on and starts bouncing up and down upside down.", "segments": [[0, 2.96], [3, 6.3], [6.3, 7.59]], "duration": 7.59, "id": 5732}, {"image_id": "v_bUCMSDMB7MU.mp4", "caption": "Two side by side videos are shown of a man in slow motion playing frisbee and doing tricks with a dog. The same man is shown again performing various tricks with his dog that are shown in real time as well as slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 73.83], [71.72, 210.95]], "duration": 210.95, "id": 5733}, {"image_id": "v_diBZlwUO8rc.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a lady in a chefs coat in a kitchen talking. A lady sharpens a knife on a rod. The lady puts water on a black sharpener block. The lady then sharpens the knife. She then returns to the rod. Then back to the black block. We see a closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.4], [6.6, 109.18], [29.39, 34.79], [54.59, 57.59], [58.19, 89.38], [94.18, 97.18], [99.58, 100.78], [111.58, 119.98]], "duration": 119.97999999999999, "id": 5734}, {"image_id": "v_8UyB9XigBXM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen brushing her hair as well as spraying product into her hair. She takes her hair in parts and begins braiding her hair. She finishes braiding her hair and ends by a picture of the braid.", "segments": [[0, 29.88], [31.07, 120.7], [118.31, 239.02]], "duration": 239.02, "id": 5735}, {"image_id": "v_VmjCJxgPSiE.mp4", "caption": "A campfire is surrounded by stones. A person adds browned leafs to the campfire. A person uses a stick to move the leaves inside the fire. A person moves backwards away from the fire. A person moves forward towards the fire.", "segments": [[0, 1.57], [2.24, 5.15], [24.62, 25.51], [25.96, 27.53], [28.65, 30.44]], "duration": 44.76, "id": 5736}, {"image_id": "v_kLpYpfT5bok.mp4", "caption": "Two people are fighting on the ground. People are sitting around them watching. People are sitting on chairs playing drums.", "segments": [[0, 215.04], [37.63, 215.04], [4.3, 215.04]], "duration": 215.04, "id": 5737}, {"image_id": "v_9jFyJhik9VM.mp4", "caption": "A person goes windsurfing on a lime green board in a body of water. The person does a few spins.", "segments": [[0, 15.51], [10, 14.04]], "duration": 15.51, "id": 5738}, {"image_id": "v_do_AQlxV9SI.mp4", "caption": "A large man is doing behind the neck shoulder presses. He is holding his breath doing them and then he stands up and starts to walk. He gets back on the bench and does a few more pf the shoulder presses again. Then, he goes outside and practices spinning and throwing.", "segments": [[0, 12.53], [12.16, 25.43], [25.06, 43.48], [43.85, 73.33]], "duration": 73.7, "id": 5739}, {"image_id": "v_yUC6HXP9S8A.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing outside on top of ice fishing out of a small hole in the ice.The boy struggles to get the fish out and someone comes and takes it out for him.Now there are four men visible and they all begin to fish out of the ice pond.Eventually,a man grabs a chair and starts fishing and taking his fish off of his line.", "segments": [[0, 62.5], [62.5, 107.64], [108.8, 188.66], [187.5, 231.48]], "duration": 231.48, "id": 5740}, {"image_id": "v_1zyyumIi0iQ.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a group of cheerleaders performing several moves as a team and girls being interviewed on camera. They perform a routine shown by several videos and pictures and continue showing various tricks backstage and on stage. The girls speak to one another back stage with their coach and many people interact with them in the audience.", "segments": [[0, 88.24], [84.76, 169.52], [181.13, 232.21]], "duration": 232.21, "id": 5741}, {"image_id": "v_i3H8cucgXEc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding around on roller blades and performing a grind on a bar. Several more clips are shown of the person performing grinds with roller blades as well as other flips and tricks.", "segments": [[0.56, 53.66], [41.8, 105.62]], "duration": 112.97, "id": 5742}, {"image_id": "v_XN7mRI1qGlQ.mp4", "caption": "woman is holding a hairdryer and dying a little kid hair. little kid in the back is standing and laughing.", "segments": [[0, 62.07], [13.34, 62.07]], "duration": 62.07, "id": 5743}, {"image_id": "v_UeN7XgwLkOU.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a room opening the blinds. men are skating on sidewalks by the street with a lot of people around.", "segments": [[0, 45.24], [45.24, 192.53]], "duration": 192.53, "id": 5744}, {"image_id": "v_aMexiSP5Vjc.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen using an elliptical while watching a computer video in front of her. The girl controls the moves on the video using the machine while the camera zooms in and out of the area.", "segments": [[0, 72.04], [37.84, 91.19]], "duration": 91.19, "id": 5745}, {"image_id": "v_TIfAkOBMf5A.mp4", "caption": "People run out onto a stage. They begin to dance and work out on the stage. An audience is watching them perform.", "segments": [[0, 8.87], [13.3, 218.36], [29.93, 32.14]], "duration": 221.68, "id": 5746}, {"image_id": "v_MTC0fs4QyEY.mp4", "caption": "There is an old man doing Tai Chi on a sidewalk while pedestrians walk by. The man continues doing Tai Chi on the sidewalk as several people walk by him. He then stands next to some well pruned shrubs and continues his exercise in the open while it rains heavily. He then takes his shirt and walks away after he is done with his Tai Chi exercise.", "segments": [[18.02, 92.36], [92.36, 186.96], [186.96, 217.37], [217.37, 225.26]], "duration": 225.26, "id": 5747}, {"image_id": "v_g9bIJ1MIvPk.mp4", "caption": "A roll of shingles is shown lying on a roof. A man holds up a sheet of the shingles. He uses pliers to remove damaged shingles before replacing them with new ones.", "segments": [[0, 12.85], [15, 28.92], [31.06, 214.23]], "duration": 214.23, "id": 5748}, {"image_id": "v_e34P8tr-Mi4.mp4", "caption": "Three men are applying plaster to the ceiling of an unfinished room while another man watches. One of the men climbs a ladder to reach the ceiling. One man performs a short dance. The camera moves to reveal that the man dancing and another one of the men are using stilts to reach the ceiling.", "segments": [[0, 64.06], [2.56, 4.16], [43.56, 46.45], [48.05, 55.1]], "duration": 64.06, "id": 5749}, {"image_id": "v_e-44ig51evc.mp4", "caption": "We see a title screen for the video. We then see little boys playing soccer in a couple of gymnasiums. We watch the boy in the white shirt score a goal. We see a boy kick a goal and the goalie reaches to stop the ball but misses. We see the boy in white score a goal and his Teammates hug him. 3:10 The white ream number 10 scores and a teammate gives him a high five.", "segments": [[0, 1.97], [2.96, 197.02], [24.63, 26.6], [77.82, 81.76], [94.57, 104.42], [183.23, 193.08]], "duration": 197.02, "id": 5750}, {"image_id": "v_zVOj9aaq4L0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown, playing with her hair. A salon artist appears, and his tools are shown on a table. The woman blows her hair dry before posing, and is shown step by step creating curls in her hair with his tools. She adjusts and brushes her hair, then shows off the final result.", "segments": [[0, 8.48], [9.33, 29.67], [32.22, 145.82], [148.36, 169.55]], "duration": 169.55, "id": 5751}, {"image_id": "v__CYdiU1sMwc.mp4", "caption": "A man is using a leaf blower to blow the leaves off the grass. A car drives by on the road at a decent speed. He continues to blow the leaves mindlessly. The leaves are all falling on the road making the grass look so much better.", "segments": [[0, 6.98], [6.98, 14.55], [14.43, 19.24], [19.24, 24.06]], "duration": 24.06, "id": 5752}, {"image_id": "v_cDV1vDdAT1w.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen riding around on surf board with kites on the top. They continue riding around and a small child is seen up close. More shots are shown of them riding around one another and riding along the water.", "segments": [[0, 19.55], [43.32, 56.25], [18.35, 56.25]], "duration": 60.16, "id": 5753}, {"image_id": "v_CiryRTSYkC4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen gearing up while speaking to the camera and leads into him doing push ups. The man walks down a hallway with a women being introduced and leads into the two playing ping pong. The two continue playing and leads into the man holding up a basketball and the woman shocked.", "segments": [[0, 56.83], [50.81, 130.89], [111.08, 170.5]], "duration": 172.22, "id": 5754}, {"image_id": "v_W2Wjbhsuacw.mp4", "caption": "Outside in a bucket there is some wood and someone come out and starts to blow something on it. He is blowing fire on to it with some kind of fire contraption that looks like a gardening tool. It is catching nicely and the woods is burning quick. The fire dies down a little but is still burning.", "segments": [[0, 1.65], [1.55, 5.57], [5.67, 11.24], [11.34, 20.62]], "duration": 20.62, "id": 5755}, {"image_id": "v_rkDuiu5H8JY.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to create a braided hairstyle using a young woman as a model for the style in a hands on tutorial. The hairstylist begins by parting the hair in four sections with a comb before braiding each section and clipping a hairpin on the ends of each braid. The woman then pulls each braid across the front of the models hairline. The model showcases the look while sitting in the chair and the camera captures her hairstyle from different angles before and image of three women on a sofa with a fly away helium balloon appears.", "segments": [[1.07, 102.76], [7.49, 42.82], [42.82, 82.42], [71.72, 102.76]], "duration": 107.03999999999999, "id": 5756}, {"image_id": "v_3kEAg-JtDBY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is wearing a white robe and a black belt. She does karate moves in her room. She kicks her legs up several times. She finishes and stands up right with her arms by her side and bows.", "segments": [[0, 29.17], [0.87, 29.17], [9.04, 23.19], [24.64, 29.17]], "duration": 29.17, "id": 5757}, {"image_id": "v_HdNOiIdGqvE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white lab coat is seen talking to the camera and showing various tools in a laboratory. Towel are seen sitting in a sink and the man shows the proper hand washing tools. He puts his hands under the sink with soap and washes his hand thoroughly. He dries his hands and continues talking to the camera how why this is important.", "segments": [[8.94, 21.45], [20.38, 29.31], [50.05, 56.12], [59.34, 71.14]], "duration": 71.5, "id": 5758}, {"image_id": "v_FyxltEKCfZ0.mp4", "caption": "We see nurses giving children shots. We see a laboratory with a scientist. We see a person in an MRI and we see a doctor looking at the results. Coffee is poured into a white mug. Coffee beans are spilling on each other. We see people making coffee in a coffee shop.", "segments": [[0, 11.63], [12.32, 26.69], [27.03, 43.45], [44.48, 48.24], [48.24, 50.64], [50.98, 68.43]], "duration": 68.43, "id": 5759}, {"image_id": "v__NwkwvaC7Bg.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black shirt is talking to the camera. The scene transitions into a bunch of young people carrying pieces of wood to an open area outdoors. They begin to attempt to chop the wood, but have trouble getting the axe out at first. A woman finally gets the axe out and they start chopping the wood. The camera pans around to the spectators as a woman in a bandanna successfully chops the wood and takes a bow. The scene returns to the woman at that was at the beginning of the video. The video ends with the women around the wood startled as something falls.", "segments": [[0, 2.79], [3.1, 14.57], [16.75, 29.46], [31.01, 49.31], [33.18, 50.86], [54.58, 57.06], [58.61, 62.02]], "duration": 62.02, "id": 5760}, {"image_id": "v_lQP65cm11FA.mp4", "caption": "A person puts on safety glasses and walks through a gate into a courtyard. The person blows the leaves from a driveway using an electric blower. The person blows the leaves from a grass area using the blower. The blower is seen up close with different attachments and settings featured.", "segments": [[9.25, 17.92], [19.07, 31.21], [31.79, 49.13], [49.7, 110.97]], "duration": 115.59, "id": 5761}, {"image_id": "v_Qm7AL0RjHxI.mp4", "caption": "A man step on a square drawn in the beach and turns the body back and forth. Then, the man step on the triangle and does hand movements, after the man joint the hands.", "segments": [[0, 32.36], [32.77, 77.99]], "duration": 82.97, "id": 5762}, {"image_id": "v_alcSAjjsH9w.mp4", "caption": "a man wearing an apron is laughing over a table. He is shown with a large bowl and several cracked eggs. He talks to a group of people about what to do with the eggs. He creates an omelette, then plates it.", "segments": [[0, 9.78], [15.48, 44], [44.82, 137.71], [138.53, 162.97]], "duration": 162.97, "id": 5763}, {"image_id": "v_nt9tMdFVQ1c.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are playing volleyball on the beach, 3 on one side, and 2 on the other side. One team attempts to serve and it crashes into the net. The other (shorthanded) team sends its own serve, a simple lob, but the opposing team knock their return out of bounds.", "segments": [[0, 0.9], [0.97, 2.84], [7.09, 14.93]], "duration": 14.93, "id": 5764}, {"image_id": "v_f2W1Mt04CIM.mp4", "caption": "People rides bumper cars in a carnival. An old man rides a small bumper car. Several people get stuck with other bumper cars. There are a lot of people in the carnival.", "segments": [[0, 47.59], [8.52, 45.53], [20.86, 28.2], [48.47, 58.45]], "duration": 58.75, "id": 5765}, {"image_id": "v_9UGNhbRWM14.mp4", "caption": "A girl and a man are practicing boxing in a gym. There is a punching bag swinging in the background. The girl and man move around the floor swinging at each other.", "segments": [[0, 116.63], [29.16, 116.63], [1.17, 116.63]], "duration": 116.63, "id": 5766}, {"image_id": "v_wyARf3xHOgs.mp4", "caption": "Children practice gymnastics in a room. A woman helps a child do a flip. Some children kick off of a wall. Some other kids do more flips.", "segments": [[0, 60.16], [10.53, 18.35], [17.75, 34.29], [39.71, 60.16]], "duration": 60.16, "id": 5767}, {"image_id": "v_VcthLhKIntA.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a hat is talking on a stage. A woman enters, and she begins to dance. The woman lights a hula hoop on fire, dancing with the hoop.", "segments": [[0, 32.89], [39.93, 164.43], [166.78, 234.9]], "duration": 234.9, "id": 5768}, {"image_id": "v_9XyrLUWZl40.mp4", "caption": "A boy puts together a rubix cube and excitedly drops it. He jumps up and claps his hands together so happy about it. Another boy is doing it with only his feet. It's a competition, the audience is watching as the people competing are being timed.", "segments": [[0, 1.91], [1.21, 4.83], [4.93, 11.07], [11.78, 20.13]], "duration": 20.13, "id": 5769}, {"image_id": "v_BG4QxmqBaS4.mp4", "caption": "Screens begin to appear with white words on them describing events that are about to take place.A still image is then shown before a guy attempts to do several pole vault jumps.Another black screen appears and a different person tries to do the jump but he too hits the pole.Once he is done, a different man attempts to do it but he isn't successful either.", "segments": [[0, 6.38], [8.2, 10.93], [16.4, 121.15], [120.24, 182.18]], "duration": 182.18, "id": 5770}, {"image_id": "v_Pi5fonaOYTI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking to the camera while standing against a white background. She holds up a hula hoop while she talks. She then shows how to utilize the hula hoop while doing exercises and yoga poses, sometimes inserting parts of her body into the hoop.", "segments": [[0, 29.52], [31.63, 53.76], [59.03, 210.84]], "duration": 210.84, "id": 5771}, {"image_id": "v_CXP20cVQN30.mp4", "caption": "People walk past the camera . The camera zooms in to show people swimming in the pool and some playing volleyball in the pool. One person gets out of the pool and walks away. A person throws the ball at someones face. People throw the balls so far that they go out of the pool.", "segments": [[0, 0.88], [28.96, 73.73], [20.19, 85.14], [58.81, 100.94], [69.34, 154.48]], "duration": 175.54, "id": 5772}, {"image_id": "v_zDBpa2miW8A.mp4", "caption": "An intro starts entitled how to cut the grass. A man walks out wearing funny attire and showing off to the camera with a lawn mower. The man then walks around and blows the leaves off still wearing the funny outfit.", "segments": [[0, 3.93], [4.19, 18.86], [21.74, 45.57]], "duration": 52.39, "id": 5773}, {"image_id": "v_Q3FkUH9kImU.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a room talking. He is showing a shuffleboard. He walks to the end of the shuffleboard and another man is on the other side. He begins playing by throwing one down the board.", "segments": [[0, 6.89], [8.09, 26.37], [26.37, 39.85], [39.55, 52.74]], "duration": 59.93, "id": 5774}, {"image_id": "v_TfIGKODkpPY.mp4", "caption": "There are people flying kites collectively in a huge parking lot where several cars and mini vans are parked. There's a man in a blue striped shirt standing with another man in a brown shirt, both getting ready to fly their orange kite. They pull the strings out of the spool and begin flying the kite.", "segments": [[22.12, 71.88], [71.88, 109.36], [109.36, 122.88]], "duration": 122.88, "id": 5775}, {"image_id": "v_Y5VEl3e9Hbo.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are polishing shoes with brushes. Then, one boy takes a shoe up to play. A little boy put his leg in a big shoe and polish with a brush. Then, the other boy put his hand in the shoe to polish it.", "segments": [[9.14, 35.47], [34.4, 55.36], [56.43, 81.69], [82.76, 93.51]], "duration": 107.49000000000001, "id": 5776}, {"image_id": "v_5rO2DwFhdwo.mp4", "caption": "Two men are on an indoor racquetball court. They hit the ball back and forth against the wall. They pick the ball up and continue competing.", "segments": [[0, 41.8], [50.76, 158.26], [161.24, 199.07]], "duration": 199.07, "id": 5777}, {"image_id": "v_3GgQdXjJfEU.mp4", "caption": "man wearing black shorts is running on race track and make a javelin throw. men are sitting on a side of the race track. man is standing in a dusty diamond behind green net. thee men are standing next to a green net watching the javelin throw. referees wearing green shirts are standing on the field.", "segments": [[0, 7.2], [3.28, 7.2], [6.55, 7.2], [3.89, 7.2], [0, 7.06]], "duration": 7.2, "id": 5778}, {"image_id": "v_c6wINALtTvs.mp4", "caption": "woman is in a kitchen talking to the camera and showing how to prepare cookies. woman is mixing ingredients ni a kitchen aid and making balls and putnig them in a pan and on the oven.", "segments": [[0, 34.72], [34.72, 217.01]], "duration": 217.01, "id": 5779}, {"image_id": "v_2QO41PbOUJ0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen looking off into the distance while smoking a cigarette. She speaks to someone out of frame while taking puffs from her cigarette. She continues smoking while the camera captures her movements.", "segments": [[0, 22.67], [19.68, 69.73], [66.73, 84.7]], "duration": 85.56, "id": 5780}, {"image_id": "v_7jGKlEvH_uw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen spinning two hoops around her hands while looking back to the camera and speaking. She continues spinning around the hoops while pausing inbetween to hold them and speak.", "segments": [[5.23, 83.69], [68, 145.71]], "duration": 149.44, "id": 5781}, {"image_id": "v_31KEa5VhvPs.mp4", "caption": "A group of spectators are gathered in a gym. A man and his teammates are pushing a puck. They are engaged in a game of curling on the ice.", "segments": [[0, 47.85], [56.36, 166.95], [179.71, 212.67]], "duration": 212.67000000000002, "id": 5782}, {"image_id": "v_JYh2Oejg_lQ.mp4", "caption": "A person with long hair shows a rubik's cube. The person begins to solve it . They toss it up and it is magically solved.", "segments": [[0, 8.74], [7.54, 26.01], [26.4, 39.71]], "duration": 39.71, "id": 5783}, {"image_id": "v_nt8MurhX7HY.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing on each side of a rope wile putting their hands up. The men then grab onto the rope and pull against one another. Men watch on the side as one team wins.", "segments": [[0, 26.41], [25.95, 64.2], [67.39, 89.7]], "duration": 91.07, "id": 5784}, {"image_id": "v_YH3571KWDpM.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around an indoor gym behind one another. The group then begins dancing with one another performing the same moves. The people continue to dance around the room while the camera records their movements.", "segments": [[2.03, 55.76], [56.77, 141.93], [115.57, 197.69]], "duration": 202.76, "id": 5785}, {"image_id": "v_ZmUk9OQ1zfk.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera. Several team members from a volleyball games are interviewed. They are shown playing on the beach, kicking the ball.", "segments": [[0, 5.59], [11.8, 97.52], [99.38, 124.23]], "duration": 124.23, "id": 5786}, {"image_id": "v_hN9diyaOK4E.mp4", "caption": "A man competes solving a puzzle cube. A person pass behind the man. A hand extends a sheet on front the player. After finish, the man puts on his glasses.", "segments": [[0, 93.28], [4.24, 7.54], [55.59, 57.01], [89.52, 94.23]], "duration": 94.22999999999999, "id": 5787}, {"image_id": "v_tB_B3HVdO2I.mp4", "caption": "A boy is swinging across monkey bars in a park. A man is doing something behind him. The boy makes his way all the way across.", "segments": [[0, 1.42], [1.47, 4.5], [5.07, 9.47]], "duration": 9.47, "id": 5788}, {"image_id": "v_ghWwS5ev6xk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in a kayak while speaking to the camera and holding a paddle. The man then moves himself around on the kayak while demonstrating how to properly move. He continues to spin around while looking up at the camera.", "segments": [[0.48, 30.57], [20.54, 71.64], [66.38, 94.56]], "duration": 95.52000000000001, "id": 5789}, {"image_id": "v_HVD8N0bbPVo.mp4", "caption": "A man in sunglasses is standing outside a building. He is then seen inside an elevator, acting strangely as he punches the air with different people riding. He is intentionally trying to scare and worry them.", "segments": [[0, 25.3], [32.74, 111.62], [116.09, 148.83]], "duration": 148.82999999999998, "id": 5790}, {"image_id": "v_Ogx1hUoOSrE.mp4", "caption": "Four girls are shown looking into the camera. A girl up front begins waving a bottle of mouthwash. The girl then takes a cup of the mouthwash and drinks it. The cup of mouthwash is passed around until all the girls drink from it.", "segments": [[0, 21.19], [12.36, 48.56], [35.32, 72.4], [75.05, 176.59]], "duration": 176.59, "id": 5791}, {"image_id": "v_PofMK_beoR8.mp4", "caption": "Several people begin walking into a room wearing Kangaroo shoes and bouncing around.On the left side of the room,there is a bar on two poles that is about five feet high that each person takes turns jumping over.", "segments": [[0, 75.91], [75.11, 161.52]], "duration": 161.52, "id": 5792}, {"image_id": "v_qt-0mo_8ufU.mp4", "caption": "Skiers ride up a ski lift. A man in yellow skis down a slope. Several tricks are done by skiers. They jump over several ramps.", "segments": [[0, 18.6], [25.07, 33.15], [34.77, 110.78], [94.61, 161.73]], "duration": 161.73, "id": 5793}, {"image_id": "v_kcB7HQPxzDM.mp4", "caption": "Lithuanian Zinaida Sendriute throws the discus 64 meters to lead out for her third throw, waving to the camera as she walks off. Cuban Yarelis Barrios is next and unleashes a mighty 67 meter toss with a thunderous scream. Croatian Sandra Perkovic out distances both of the previous throwers with a 69 meter toss to claim the lead.", "segments": [[1.93, 19.68], [21.61, 39.75], [41.29, 68.69]], "duration": 77.18, "id": 5794}, {"image_id": "v_p35FXT4drA0.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen stepping up to a circle and throwing an object off into the distance. His throw is shown again while others measure his throw on the side. The man grabs a flag and walks around the arena.", "segments": [[0, 28.61], [20.74, 64.28], [60.96, 80.04]], "duration": 82.94, "id": 5795}, {"image_id": "v_Y_ITwC4_pEY.mp4", "caption": "A large screen is shown followed by a band playing on stage. A man wearing a mickey costume and playing the drums. The man continues playing the drums and ends with the curtain closing.", "segments": [[0, 52.11], [34.12, 83.74], [68.86, 117.24]], "duration": 124.07, "id": 5796}, {"image_id": "v_tn8YmTHinZc.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in kitchen talking to the camera and showing ingredients that are on top of a counter. woman holds a lemon and squeeze it in a plastic water jar and mix it with sugar. woman holds a knife and chop the lemons in small pieces and add soda to the jar and the chopped lemons along with strawberries.", "segments": [[0, 14.24], [14.24, 70.01], [70.01, 237.31]], "duration": 237.31, "id": 5797}, {"image_id": "v_KPfKLVV-HCQ.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen moving around together in a large gymnasium. The people move up and down on a beam kicking their legs up and moving around. The people continue moving all around the board while the camera captures their movements.", "segments": [[2.03, 39.29], [39.29, 101.6], [90.08, 130.05]], "duration": 135.47, "id": 5798}, {"image_id": "v_FRsHew2Pcko.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seated in front of a drum set. He is rapidly playing the drums in front of him. He also hits the cymbals several times.", "segments": [[0, 8.33], [11.72, 42.86], [44.71, 61.67]], "duration": 61.67, "id": 5799}, {"image_id": "v_w24Pub_hNSw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated, a man is standing, and a little girl is climbing on playground equipment. She drops down, hanging from the monkey bars as she pretends to kick the man. She swings to the end, and lands in another man's arms.", "segments": [[0, 4.57], [7.7, 42.84], [43.08, 48.14]], "duration": 48.14, "id": 5800}, {"image_id": "v_c5Io6wg8D60.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing by a desk talking with some coaches about something. He begins to walk backwards and get himself ready to start running. He starts running and builds up speed pretty quickly. He lands into the sand and when he is done and man come behind him to smooth the sand out.", "segments": [[0, 6.39], [6.21, 16.74], [17.09, 25.89], [25.89, 34.52]], "duration": 34.52, "id": 5801}, {"image_id": "v_88qqQjRPFUQ.mp4", "caption": "A camera shows a young child walking up a playground set with a dog wandering in the back. The child climbs up a set of stairs and slides down a slide.", "segments": [[0, 8.2], [7.58, 30.95]], "duration": 30.95, "id": 5802}, {"image_id": "v_wdecG9VSAl0.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen paddling a canoe down a river. He talks to the camera as he approaches. He gets out, continuing to talk about canoeing.", "segments": [[0, 21.66], [27.25, 55.21], [60.1, 139.76]], "duration": 139.76, "id": 5803}, {"image_id": "v_V50vtrHboIE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen moving a hula hoop close up in front of the camera. The girl then speaks to the camera and leads into her spinning a hula hoop around. The woman continues speaking to the camera while spinning the hoop and demonstrating how to perform proper moves.", "segments": [[0, 54.9], [60.39, 140.55], [125.17, 215.21]], "duration": 219.6, "id": 5804}, {"image_id": "v_BJWL_X79HRc.mp4", "caption": "Several men dreassed in lacrosse gear run onto a field. The opposing teams are shown in several clips, fighting and hitting the ball into each other's goals.", "segments": [[0, 30.76], [32.47, 170.9]], "duration": 170.9, "id": 5805}, {"image_id": "v_ROvaMfVEMSw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a horse and riding into a pit swinging a rope. The man throws the rope onto a calf and jumps off the horse. He ties up the calf and ends by running back to the horse.", "segments": [[0.07, 4.08], [3.94, 10.13], [10.55, 13.51]], "duration": 14.07, "id": 5806}, {"image_id": "v_fzHg9PhhlAg.mp4", "caption": "Several men from different places are outside on a large field playing cricket.Men come to the middle of the field and stand around a small rectangle and begin hitting the ball extremely far.As the ball goes to the outfield,the teammates begin jumping up and down and cheering for their team.Finally,a man is shown holding up a large silver award.", "segments": [[0, 49.39], [49.39, 114.06], [114.06, 206.95], [206.95, 235.17]], "duration": 235.17000000000002, "id": 5807}, {"image_id": "v_SHT08nPhIb4.mp4", "caption": "A man is shooting a basketball into a hoop. Another man starts shooting a basketball into the hoop. The first man watches the second man.", "segments": [[1.57, 15.95], [15.95, 44.93], [20.89, 44.93]], "duration": 44.93, "id": 5808}, {"image_id": "v_btMVEIvr0oc.mp4", "caption": "We see kids playing dodge ball in a trampoline park. We see a boy hit with the ball and throw it back. We see a boy in green throw the ball hard. The boy in striped shirt joins the game and the boy in red is out. A girl walks past the camera waving her hand. A boy in a yellow shirt walks towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.49], [4.14, 8.98], [9.84, 13.47], [20.03, 26.41], [30.73, 33.32], [33.15, 34.53]], "duration": 34.53, "id": 5809}, {"image_id": "v_xaMEGQCxddY.mp4", "caption": "Old videos are shown of track meets. A man is shown multiple times as he throws a discus. He spins in circles, then throws the disc as far as he can.", "segments": [[0, 1.16], [6.52, 28.65], [29.58, 46.58]], "duration": 46.58, "id": 5810}, {"image_id": "v_f1HMhfSlPSw.mp4", "caption": "Gymnasts do tumbling routines with flips and spins on a mat inside of a gym. Men swings on hand rings as part of his tumbling routine. The man falls on the ground while swinging on the rings. The gymnast plays around a bit batting his ear and waiting for another person to clear the mat.", "segments": [[0, 192.97], [60.62, 126.29], [83.86, 105.07], [156.6, 202.06]], "duration": 202.06, "id": 5811}, {"image_id": "v_ptY-0n53uq0.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is inside a garage room. He is playing a large drum set while wearing headphones. He hits the cymbals and drums hard with the sticks.", "segments": [[0, 26.4], [30.54, 80.24], [84.9, 103.54]], "duration": 103.53999999999999, "id": 5812}, {"image_id": "v_iZg4cUU6Hkc.mp4", "caption": "A group of teen boys are outside in a yard. They gather supplies, then light a fire. They begin kicking a flaming ball back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 8.68], [11.74, 65.84], [67.37, 102.08]], "duration": 102.08, "id": 5813}, {"image_id": "v_qWdjYyFfrTM.mp4", "caption": "A production graphic is shown along with a link for more media. This fades into a man starting to play the saxophone in his living room up to a microphone. The man is now wearing sunglasses while playing, grooving to the music. The man is shown back without the sunglasses. Another window displaying the performer is shown in the corner of the video.", "segments": [[0, 14.75], [19.36, 32.27], [36.88, 48.87], [57.17, 82.06], [87.6, 184.41]], "duration": 184.41, "id": 5814}, {"image_id": "v_KaGGtAhiH64.mp4", "caption": "A group of young men are seated at tables at a rubiks cube competition. An official removes a slip of paper from a rubiks cube sitting in front of a young man at the end of a table after which the competitor solves the cube and celebrates by banging his hands on the table. An official lifts a cup to reveal a rubiks cube that the same man then solves. A young man wearing a beige shirt solves a cube and presses his hands to his face before standing up. An official removes a piece of paper from on top of a cube as the young man in the black sweatshirt solves another cube. The young man solves two more cubes in front of an official before moving to get up.", "segments": [[3.2, 213.11], [3.2, 45.82], [47.95, 88.44], [58.61, 82.05], [89.51, 127.87], [128.93, 209.92]], "duration": 213.11, "id": 5815}, {"image_id": "v_Lr0Vm9zBXKE.mp4", "caption": "snowy mountain range is shown and people are doing snowboarding. helicopter is in the air landing in a mountain leaving people in the top of the mountain. people are inside the helicopter talking between them. people start going down the slope snowboarding in the mountain. peolpe inside the helicopter are talking and puting the winter clothes and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 193.26], [64.74, 82.14], [91.8, 100.5], [100.5, 173.93], [174.9, 193.26]], "duration": 193.26, "id": 5816}, {"image_id": "v_Jz2xJx1ICCM.mp4", "caption": "Some kids in class are about to start arm wrestling, they get their arms in place to start. The other kid on the side feels on one of the wrestlers muscles. He's writing things down keeping score and what not. The female arm wrestler wins bringing down the other guys arm.", "segments": [[0, 9.34], [9.34, 15.62], [15.62, 21.89], [21.89, 29.19]], "duration": 29.19, "id": 5817}, {"image_id": "v_n7dHbqoEiek.mp4", "caption": "A man trims a wall of foliage outdoors, while wearing shorts and a pair of noise canceling headphones with a tree trimming motorized tool. The man takes a break and then climbs a ladder and uses the tool with an extended arm to trim the top of the wall from the top of the ladder. The man then moves the ladder down the length of the wall to continue trimming the foliage.", "segments": [[1.12, 223.48], [111.18, 175.19], [177.44, 221.24]], "duration": 224.61, "id": 5818}, {"image_id": "v_mXb1tduBEj8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera holding a volleyball and leads into shots of him hitting the ball. He continues speaking to the camera while holding the ball and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 38.69], [38.69, 83.2]], "duration": 83.2, "id": 5819}, {"image_id": "v_6iA4RXGAR_k.mp4", "caption": "Two ballroom dances are shown performing a routine in a large auditorium. The couple spin multiple times while the audience cheers them on loudly. They continue performing their dance routine and several people on look using phones and cameras. The couple does one last spin and eventually takes a bow.", "segments": [[0, 61.5], [5.45, 21.46], [35.56, 58.94], [51.89, 64.06]], "duration": 64.06, "id": 5820}, {"image_id": "v_xIB7VSLKvaM.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown mowing his lawn with a push mower. He turns and goes back and forth, leaving marks on the lawn. A man talks in the corner of the screen about the process.", "segments": [[0, 28.77], [33.73, 128.96], [136.9, 198.41]], "duration": 198.41, "id": 5821}, {"image_id": "v__j5JUQzOCtc.mp4", "caption": "An Olympic logo is seen with the 5 rings. A young boy wearing striped shirt in a gym lifts a weight bar over his head. A young man in blue shorts lifts a weight bar over his head in a crowded gym. Professional athletes in competitions lift large heavily weighted bars overhead for judging.", "segments": [[0, 9.09], [9.09, 31.82], [32.47, 51.31], [51.31, 119.5]], "duration": 129.89, "id": 5822}, {"image_id": "v_r-xtiGmrKxA.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in the gym alone and begins talking to the camera.He then puts his fist up and begins shadow boxing as he moves around the room.Next,he adds his feet and starts to kick the air and does twist as if someone is there hitting him.Finally,he comes back to the screen slightly out of breath to end the video.", "segments": [[0, 32.09], [32.09, 105.13], [105.13, 172.64], [171.53, 221.33]], "duration": 221.32999999999998, "id": 5823}, {"image_id": "v_RZFU1gXLqDs.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting in bumper car and begin driving around crashing into one another. The camera follows around a woman he cannot seem to move the car and others on the side instruct her on how to drive as others crash into her.", "segments": [[1.39, 74.47], [55.68, 135.72]], "duration": 139.2, "id": 5824}, {"image_id": "v_TbFqsEFrCB4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera in front of a large pool while using his hands with enthusiasm. The man continues to speak while using his hands and pans to the man swimming around the pool and back to talking.", "segments": [[1.98, 91.01], [71.23, 193.9]], "duration": 197.86, "id": 5825}, {"image_id": "v_Kj2SF5bCxJ8.mp4", "caption": "A kid spreads peanut butter in two slices of bread. Then, the kid adds on top jelly. After, the kid gives a bite to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 61.14], [61.72, 102.29], [102.29, 114.29]], "duration": 114.28999999999999, "id": 5826}, {"image_id": "v_zq621OgpFFk.mp4", "caption": "A man services a tennis ball across the court. The man turns to talk to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.99], [2.94, 5.11]], "duration": 5.11, "id": 5827}, {"image_id": "v_XWG_-4VMTcA.mp4", "caption": "A wrestler, standing at the top of a ladder, with another man on the ladder with him, but in front of him, jumps off the ladder from the top and takes the other person with him. A man in a wrestling costumer stands at the top of a ladder in the middle of a ring with a referee and people in the audience. The man jumps off the ladder as people in the audience clap for him and the other man falls off as well.", "segments": [[6.39, 52.52], [6.39, 6.67], [6.67, 42.8]], "duration": 55.58, "id": 5828}, {"image_id": "v_eCNng1eGQ_0.mp4", "caption": "We see the title screen on a red background. We see women playing lacrosse. We see the players through the net of a goal. We see a lady in pink talking to the camera. We then see a lady in a blue shirt talking. A lady in a backpack talks to the camera. We then see the ending screen and black.", "segments": [[0, 3.46], [3.46, 131.32], [74.88, 96.76], [131.32, 150.9], [150.9, 184.31], [184.31, 221.17], [221.17, 230.39]], "duration": 230.39, "id": 5829}, {"image_id": "v_VOxaxr5LPiQ.mp4", "caption": "A shop attendant holds up the hula hoop and shows how to grip it. The woman drops the hoop and lets it spin around her body to the ground. The woman drops the hula hoop and lets it spin around her body then catches it. The woman practices swinging the hoop between two legs. The woman catches the spinning hula hoop as it falls between her legs. The woman spins the hoop upwards around her body.", "segments": [[28.33, 55.52], [55.52, 71.38], [71.38, 128.03], [121.23, 173.35], [105.37, 128.03], [174.49, 184.68]], "duration": 226.6, "id": 5830}, {"image_id": "v_99A2KqvfBLI.mp4", "caption": "A man walks onto the stage to join a band. A man plays up front of a band with a harmonica. The keyboardist plays a spirited solo during the song. The man congratulates and gives a high five to the keyboardist at the end of the song.", "segments": [[0, 6.95], [6.95, 126.42], [58.15, 73.33], [117.57, 122]], "duration": 126.42, "id": 5831}, {"image_id": "v_jgHYzuDU2Iw.mp4", "caption": "A man in tan khakis and a button down shirt sweeps a floor with a wide broom. A man walks and sweeps a floor walking to the left of the room pushing the wide broom in front of him. The man then walks to the right side of the room with the same wide broom. The man then finishes sweeping, lleans the broom in the corner of the room and stands against the wall in front of a window.", "segments": [[0.19, 38.17], [1.36, 8.72], [9.69, 16.86], [17.05, 37.98]], "duration": 38.76, "id": 5832}, {"image_id": "v_sqEsAtdFfrg.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen standing ready holding a pole and then runs down a long track and throws the pole. He walks back around the track when another person is seen running down and throwing the stick. Finally one last boy steps up to the track to throw the javelin and then walks back to the others.", "segments": [[0, 22.99], [21.46, 59.77], [59, 76.63]], "duration": 76.63, "id": 5833}, {"image_id": "v_KIOvUY8S2pQ.mp4", "caption": "An intro with text is shown across the screen followed by two cartoon characters. The characters speak to one another and lead into them playing a game. One character loses the game and then disappears.", "segments": [[0.3, 5.43], [5.13, 11.17], [11.24, 14.79]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 5834}, {"image_id": "v_DRK5oUhjwTg.mp4", "caption": "A pilates instructor on skates explains how to strap your risk protectors tight and shows that you need knee pads to protect your knees.The lady then explains the skates movement and how to use the breaks that is in the back of the skates.finally the lady shows you the right way to skate to have fun.", "segments": [[0, 38.41], [38.41, 74.77], [74.77, 102.42]], "duration": 102.42, "id": 5835}, {"image_id": "v_E5bRptEXtq8.mp4", "caption": "Kids are sitting in bumper cars. They begin crashing into each other. They stop and start getting out of their cars.", "segments": [[0, 156.76], [6.27, 156.76], [155.19, 156.76]], "duration": 156.76, "id": 5836}, {"image_id": "v_gzuLIo5ZR9A.mp4", "caption": "We see a little girl holding the leash for a big dog. The little girl falls and drops the leash. The little girl then follows the dog to get the leash. She gets the leash and walks the dog.", "segments": [[0, 50.46], [14.13, 19.93], [20.18, 32.04], [32.8, 50.46]], "duration": 50.46, "id": 5837}, {"image_id": "v_G0vkQmcalvk.mp4", "caption": "A woman plays the drums and sings on stage. The camera pulls back on the scene. The woman finishes and stands up.", "segments": [[0, 36.63], [36.84, 42.11], [42.55, 43.86]], "duration": 43.86, "id": 5838}, {"image_id": "v_3HEJb83Wm_I.mp4", "caption": "We see a green title screen. A lady in a bathroom talks to the camera. We see her pour baking soda and vinegar on her sink drain and talks and moves her hands while the solution foams. The lady turns the water on to rinse the solution down the drain.", "segments": [[0, 3.68], [4.2, 36.23], [36.76, 84.54], [85.07, 105.02]], "duration": 105.02000000000001, "id": 5839}, {"image_id": "v_Kq115s7yL3I.mp4", "caption": "A window cleaning commercial demonstrates all the materials and techniques need to clean a house window. The commercial begins with a closeup up a two story house and the interior of the house including a line of large windows. Images of a person cleaning a window, soap, a bucket and sponge are showed along with a chalkboard with ingredients needed to clean a window. A person cleans a window using all of the tools, including removing screens to clean them and removing stickers on windows.", "segments": [[0.71, 140.48], [7.8, 12.06], [14.19, 53.21], [54.63, 141.9]], "duration": 141.9, "id": 5840}, {"image_id": "v_u0p_dBCEDs4.mp4", "caption": "We see an intro screen with arrows. A chef is talking while standing in front of a bow as she cooks spaghetti. The lady adds salt, and spaghetti to boiling water. The lady grabs a noodle to show how it should look when cooked. The lady drains the water, adds sauce, and adds some of the cook water. She puts it on a plate. We then see the black credits rolling.", "segments": [[0, 4.21], [4.21, 135.47], [36.5, 63.17], [80.72, 83.53], [86.34, 129.16], [131.26, 136.18], [136.88, 140.39]], "duration": 140.39, "id": 5841}, {"image_id": "v_oqX-n2KHWAM.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking as he stands in a kitchen. The man boils milk and adds fresh vanilla and pours the solution into a bowl with other ingredients. The man cooks the custard and pours into a bowl and freezes to make ice cream. The man cuts and cooks rubarb in sugar on the stove. He eats the ice cream over the cooked rubarb. We see a shot of London and fade out.", "segments": [[0, 191.78], [30.9, 101.22], [102.28, 158.75], [159.82, 185.39], [192.85, 210.96], [212.02, 213.09]], "duration": 213.09, "id": 5842}, {"image_id": "v_uMAjCPUZfp0.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of various people fencing with one another. The people continue moving back and fourth while the camera zooms in on the people playing.", "segments": [[0, 69.96], [48.44, 153.76]], "duration": 153.76, "id": 5843}, {"image_id": "v_CV9n0jgThLY.mp4", "caption": "A person is in the basket of crane on a roof of a barn, while a man stands on the truck holding a rope. Smoke comes near a table. People stand on front the barn watching, also two women and two children stand on front the barn.", "segments": [[0, 31.93], [24.96, 26.41], [31.93, 57.18]], "duration": 58.05, "id": 5844}, {"image_id": "v_exxji9vqjSw.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of snowy mountains that transition in between shots of people skiing and snowboarding down the mountain. The people are seen performing various flips and tricks down the mountain while the camera captures them from many angles as well as the mountain.", "segments": [[0, 88.17], [77.96, 176.34]], "duration": 185.62, "id": 5845}, {"image_id": "v_RZkwDTyxMZI.mp4", "caption": "We enter a room and see a boy putting a shirt on an ironing board. The boy begins ironing the tank top with an unplugged iron. The little boy irons a gray shirt and sits the iron on the board next to it. The little boy walks away smiling. The boy shows two fingers and walks around the room with the iron.", "segments": [[0, 23.51], [24.61, 72.73], [73.28, 78.74], [77.65, 86.4], [87.49, 109.37]], "duration": 109.37, "id": 5846}, {"image_id": "v_EeGunBjmpFw.mp4", "caption": "A man in a jacket talks in front of house as men stand on the roof. A man throws shingles off the roof in the background. The men continue to throw the shingles off the roof. The man holding the camera turns and climbs the ladder and stands on the rooftop. The man turns the camera on himself and continues to talk.", "segments": [[0, 37.88], [8.14, 9.91], [16.64, 32.57], [37.52, 70.8], [63.36, 70.8]], "duration": 70.8, "id": 5847}, {"image_id": "v_-5K3KZ6fHuI.mp4", "caption": "A group of friends are seated on sleds at the top of the hill. The two friends are pushed down the hill and they slide to the bottom. The two friends are stopped by rubber mats at the bottom of the hill.", "segments": [[0, 15.44], [15.44, 32.66], [33.45, 39.59]], "duration": 39.59, "id": 5848}, {"image_id": "v_Yg6jFRYIyXw.mp4", "caption": "An Aurora Borealis is seen over a northern landscape. A man shovels snow from his porch with a snow shovel. The man shovels snow from a stair case with a snow shovel. The man finishes the job and shows his muscles.", "segments": [[0, 5.63], [20.98, 47.59], [48.62, 91.1], [92.63, 101.33]], "duration": 102.35, "id": 5849}, {"image_id": "v_zQFC5vNZ_Qs.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is crossing the monkey bars. A woman is helping her standing under her. The girl drops and the woman catches her.", "segments": [[0, 28.82], [2.34, 31.16], [29.14, 31.16]], "duration": 31.16, "id": 5850}, {"image_id": "v_y3LlQBDXAHI.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen standing in a circle and spinning herself around and around. She throws an object off in the distance and is shown again in slow motion. She walks back while cheering and others hold up a flag.", "segments": [[0.38, 9.3], [8.73, 28.27], [23.33, 36.99]], "duration": 37.94, "id": 5851}, {"image_id": "v_eFq3gsEi9yI.mp4", "caption": "Two white pegs are shown in the wall with a red bed on the side and someone hitting it with a large block of wood.Another angle is shown and the person takes 21 shots at the balls.For the 22nd shot,a man is standing in a large field of white pegs and begins to hit all three balls at the same time in different directions.", "segments": [[0, 32.53], [33.26, 107.92], [107.19, 147.84]], "duration": 147.84, "id": 5852}, {"image_id": "v_tr8JRPrfAN0.mp4", "caption": "A woman cleans the carpet and the floor with a vacuum, after the vacuum picks up dirt from the carpet. Then, the woman takes out the canister of the vacuum and continues cleaning the floor, the wall, the sofa and the floor. After, the woman cleans the frames of picture and pick up hair from a pillow. Next, the woman rewinds the wire of the canister and drops the trash in the trash can.", "segments": [[0, 34.54], [34.54, 105.3], [106.14, 124.68], [124.68, 158.37]], "duration": 168.48, "id": 5853}, {"image_id": "v_drVqGhjI558.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting at several tables and peeling potatoes while the camera looks around in fast motion. Another person is seen peeling potatoes and the man walks back over to the table to continue peeling.", "segments": [[0, 57.3], [55.37, 128.77]], "duration": 128.77, "id": 5854}, {"image_id": "v_zu960Glpzo4.mp4", "caption": "Two men film themselves in an arm wrestling match that someone asked them to make. Two men are sitting in a room next to each other while one man reads off a laptop then they both grab one another's hand to motion what is about to happen. One man sets up the camera to film the match. The men get prepared at the corner of a table, grab hands and then countdown from three. The two men arm wrestle as the make jokes and laugh while doing it. One man gives up and both of the men talk and laugh about the match. One man grunts and throws his hands up in victory.", "segments": [[0, 100.08], [0, 21.02], [22.02, 39.03], [39.53, 51.04], [52.04, 68.55], [69.05, 100.08], [88.07, 91.57]], "duration": 100.08, "id": 5855}, {"image_id": "v_YrS64TBX798.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen moving quickly around a horse brushing it's sides. She brushes all over the horse while another horse walks in and out of frame. She continues to brush the horse while the camera captures her movements.", "segments": [[0, 7.01], [6.9, 17.15], [16.48, 21.93]], "duration": 22.27, "id": 5856}, {"image_id": "v_6B7fKzdJAbo.mp4", "caption": "women are standing in a wooden court in a roofed gym playing voleyball while public is in teraces watching the game. the ball hits a woman for the red team and people run to her.", "segments": [[0, 28.42], [16.91, 28.42]], "duration": 28.42, "id": 5857}, {"image_id": "v_aEnq40UPxJ0.mp4", "caption": "People are standing in a swimming pool. They are playing a game of water polo. A woman throws the ball into the net and it's caught by the goalie.", "segments": [[0, 61.81], [0.31, 61.81], [52.85, 61.81]], "duration": 61.81, "id": 5858}, {"image_id": "v_LITdMW0xh7o.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside in the good with an ax attempting to cut down a tree.Finally,the tree comes down and the man begins to hit the tree with the ax.", "segments": [[0, 80.35], [80.35, 107.86]], "duration": 107.86, "id": 5859}, {"image_id": "v_L9MTwigRhmk.mp4", "caption": "BMX biker going down a track practicing in his lane by himself. Then there is another biker too, they're probably racing, They're going super fast down the track turning and hitting high bumps that make them go high up in the air. The track opens again and they start another race. Two bikers are dancing around before getting back on their bikes to get back on the track for another little race.", "segments": [[0, 39.28], [38.4, 75.06], [74.19, 101.25], [101.25, 174.57]], "duration": 174.57, "id": 5860}, {"image_id": "v_IgEc5mY9L44.mp4", "caption": "A foreman wear blue colored gloves before he begins welding metal. He continues welding the metal with his torch and protective gear on. He welds the metal for a very long time. Then switches off the welding torch and puts the equipment away.", "segments": [[8.25, 50.88], [50.88, 85.26], [85.26, 89.38], [89.38, 90.3]], "duration": 91.67, "id": 5861}, {"image_id": "v_tD-wp39rjnE.mp4", "caption": "A man holding a javelin runs down a track. The man throws the javelin. The man falls to the ground. We see the javelin flying through the air. We see people run to measure the distance of the javelin. The man pumps his arms and we see happy people in the crowd. we then see a reply of the man's toss.", "segments": [[0, 4.9], [4.9, 6.25], [6.25, 7.44], [7.78, 10.14], [9.8, 11.66], [11.66, 17.58], [17.58, 33.81]], "duration": 33.81, "id": 5862}, {"image_id": "v_9z_ylV5c9HA.mp4", "caption": "A girl demonstrates applying contact lenses to her eyes in an extreme close up video. A pink slide appears advising that the a person is not good at applying contact lenses. A girl with blonde hair and long pink nails proceeds to apply contact lenses to her eyes in a close up video which capture the lens and the eye before and after.", "segments": [[8.76, 122], [0.63, 5.01], [8.13, 122.63]], "duration": 125.13, "id": 5863}, {"image_id": "v_OOcsprnRCQQ.mp4", "caption": "Three people are walking on a bridge on a lagoon. We see a man on a boat and a lady putting on scuba gear. The man and the woman are underwater looking at sea life. We see a man holding an underwater animal he hands to a lady. We see a man and a lady on a tropical patio talking and laughing.", "segments": [[0, 18.35], [18.35, 37.62], [37.62, 156.92], [129.39, 156], [155.08, 183.53]], "duration": 183.53, "id": 5864}, {"image_id": "v_y2MSbfOsukM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen bending forward while sitting on a bed and holding a brush in her hands. She then runs the brush through her hair over and over again. She continues to run the brush through her hair and ends by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 31.9], [29.19, 84.85], [86.88, 126.93]], "duration": 135.76, "id": 5865}, {"image_id": "v_ziJaskA3588.mp4", "caption": "People are in a boat while a person is attached to the back and waterboarding. As a large splash of water flies into the air white words appear in the middle of the screen that say \"Wipeout Bay of Plenty\". The person is shown from different angles waterboarding and then falling hard into the water multiple times.", "segments": [[0, 9.5], [9.5, 15.2], [15.2, 190.06]], "duration": 190.06, "id": 5866}, {"image_id": "v_j_YetAlzwbk.mp4", "caption": "A child is standing on a stool filling a cup up with water in the sink. The child puts purple gloves on. They take the gloves off and set them in the sink.", "segments": [[0, 74.49], [40.97, 70.77], [70.02, 74.49]], "duration": 74.49, "id": 5867}, {"image_id": "v_RtbfdVDciWQ.mp4", "caption": "A man wiggles his toes while seated in a room barefoot. The man puts on his shoes and ties the laces. The man dances his feet around while seated.", "segments": [[0, 14.56], [14.56, 50.65], [52.55, 125.35]], "duration": 126.62, "id": 5868}, {"image_id": "v_-JqLjPz-07E.mp4", "caption": "Three men are presenting an instructional video for Slikhaar Studios. The man in the center is demonstrating a hairstyle on the person wearing the blue shirt. The man in the blue shirt sits on the chair next to the sink. The other man begins washing his hair. He scrubs in the shampoo and then washes it off. He then combs it and blow dries his hair after styling it with gel. He uses an electric clipper to groom the sideburns and the temples. He also trims the back and sides of his head with the clippers. He uses scissors to trim the hair and give it a finished look. The model uses some hair gel to style his hair after the haircut. The host of the show then explains how the hair was cut and styled and gives information about his website.", "segments": [[10.02, 17.81], [17.81, 20.03], [20.03, 24.48], [24.48, 27.82], [27.82, 34.5], [34.5, 47.86], [47.86, 60.1], [60.1, 74.57], [74.57, 120.2], [120.2, 166.94], [166.94, 174.73]], "duration": 222.59, "id": 5869}, {"image_id": "v_gF0ymMmpS_M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown standing in front of an elliptical trainer, talking. She flips through a booklet before walking over to the trainer. She begins to demonstrate how to prepare the trainer for use. She climbs onto the trainer and shows how it is used by pedaling with her feet. A close up of the display screen is then shown. The trainer is folded to show compaction and ease of storage.", "segments": [[0, 8.95], [10.33, 33.75], [34.44, 82.64], [83.33, 108.13], [108.82, 118.46], [119.15, 137.74]], "duration": 137.74, "id": 5870}, {"image_id": "v_hThdSxhMhDo.mp4", "caption": "A grey bunny is standing on a bed on a black towel eating something in his hand.As he eats,the bunny begins to grabs his ears and shakes its head.Struggling more,the bunny bends down and keeps eating something before looking out.", "segments": [[0, 16.48], [16.69, 30.85], [30.01, 42.26]], "duration": 42.26, "id": 5871}, {"image_id": "v_fhEvf47Jqi8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him holding a set of tools and presenting them to the camera. He then uses the tools on bushes nearby while still looking to the camera to speak.", "segments": [[0, 105.98], [108.92, 180.56]], "duration": 196.26, "id": 5872}, {"image_id": "v_PmWF-HawRw0.mp4", "caption": "Athletes run down a track and throw a javelins across the field. A referees runs out to check the javelin position. A leader board is shows scores of athletes.", "segments": [[0, 49.36], [12.45, 59.5], [62.73, 86.26]], "duration": 92.25, "id": 5873}, {"image_id": "v_5sl-E-AwptI.mp4", "caption": "A field hockey player dribbles a ball on the field between his legs. Th field hockey play dribble the ball back and forth in front of him. The field hockey player hits up while juggling the ball in the air and balances on his stick. The players dribble through a set of cones and takes shots on the goal.", "segments": [[1.91, 11.44], [18.59, 27.65], [11.92, 59.6], [71.52, 95.36]], "duration": 95.36, "id": 5874}, {"image_id": "v_hrN0hOmQrD4.mp4", "caption": "People are driving a car with rafts on the back. They get in the rafts and are rafting down a river. They go to a hot dog stand and get food. They continue rafting down the river.", "segments": [[0, 13.44], [14.93, 80.61], [80.11, 86.09], [87.58, 99.52]], "duration": 99.52000000000001, "id": 5875}, {"image_id": "v_ILgkiTHnGVI.mp4", "caption": "A man shows up on the screen wearing a martial arts uniform showing people how to do a side kick. He sways from side to side to show how to control your balance. He lifts his knees, one after alternating from left to right to show how to begin the kick. He continues to show how to finish the side kick with a follow through. Then he demonstrates how to do the kick from several angles.", "segments": [[0, 60.26], [1.51, 17.47], [17.47, 25.01], [25.01, 35.85], [35.85, 60.26]], "duration": 60.26, "id": 5876}, {"image_id": "v_mGgidUE8drE.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening white screen. We then see a man pushing a bike brake and adjusting it. The man pulls a cord on the bike near the tire. The men then adjusts the bake lever again. We then see the man talking to the camera. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.62], [5.39, 61.57], [61.57, 112.36], [112.36, 143.91], [144.68, 148.53], [149.3, 153.92]], "duration": 153.92000000000002, "id": 5877}, {"image_id": "v_KKAPxOMogDE.mp4", "caption": "woman that is sitting in a chair is holding a cup in the dog's mouth so the fog can lick the cup. black dog is standing in a living oom licking water from a cup. a woman is standing in a living with a black dog in a white carpet.", "segments": [[0, 6.99], [0.21, 6.99], [0, 6.85]], "duration": 6.99, "id": 5878}, {"image_id": "v_l-YtPYZ_534.mp4", "caption": "We see a white opening screen. We see two men sitting then shaking their heads. We see tools and tips for croquet. The two men argue about the game. We see the men playing croquet. We see a diagram on the screen. The man has his foot on a red ball. We see a man laugh and dance while another is upset. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.26], [5.74, 9.39], [9.91, 36.51], [37.04, 42.77], [42.77, 54.77], [55.29, 57.9], [71.46, 73.55], [85.55, 94.42], [94.94, 104.33]], "duration": 104.33, "id": 5879}, {"image_id": "v_OkCu0QymO10.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a ladder and working on a roof while the camera captures his movements. The man then sprays down the roof and moves back and fourth.", "segments": [[0.54, 11.13], [14.72, 35.9]], "duration": 35.9, "id": 5880}, {"image_id": "v_OhXBMlKOHMI.mp4", "caption": "There are a lot of people in an opened court area and they look to be mostly elderly people playing some kind of sport. A man and a woman begin to walk across the court together and they stop to watch a man with a stick who hits something across the court using his stick. Another man then walks up to the court to take his turn while the man who just had a turn moves out of his way.", "segments": [[0.42, 42.28], [3.81, 13.95], [13.95, 42.28]], "duration": 42.28, "id": 5881}, {"image_id": "v_mpyN1mrMl3U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is pouring ingredients into a mixer. She then makes the dough into balls and puts them on a cookie sheet. She places them in the oven.", "segments": [[0, 7.19], [13.4, 28.77], [29.42, 37.93]], "duration": 65.39, "id": 5882}, {"image_id": "v_xAxax-pfZsk.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting down on the ground and has a skate show on one foot and a prosthetic leg for the other.The man then puts the roller blade over his prosthetic and then follows with the other foot.Once they are both on,he scoots to the grass and someone assists him as he gets up.After he is steady,he gets up and goes rollerblading down the sidewalk before coming back and sitting on the pavement.", "segments": [[0, 42.25], [42.25, 76.35], [76.35, 102.3], [102.3, 148.26]], "duration": 148.26, "id": 5883}, {"image_id": "v_ZjuM-Xv_jqY.mp4", "caption": "Several items are seen laid out on a table followed by a person presenting each item to the camera. The person dips a brush into water followed by a cleaner and rubbing a rag across the brush. The person scrubs down the shoes with the brush and wipes off the side with a rag. He waits a certain amount of time and rubs the shoes again and presents them.", "segments": [[0, 30.68], [30.68, 60.35], [59.85, 87.51], [81.98, 100.59]], "duration": 100.59, "id": 5884}, {"image_id": "v_eyWerZITH1Y.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps onto a balance beam. They begin to do a gymnastics routine on the balance beam. They jump off onto a mat next to it.", "segments": [[0, 6.51], [6.7, 36.67], [36.27, 39.43]], "duration": 39.43, "id": 5885}, {"image_id": "v_YoJxVl_hUWg.mp4", "caption": "A man is underneath an RV trying to fix the wheel as a man stands on the outside helping.The wheel is then taken off and the other group of people crowd around to find the problem.As they are talking,the man remains underneath the RV and begins smiling as he holds the rig.", "segments": [[0, 23.12], [23.12, 40.31], [40.03, 56.38]], "duration": 56.38, "id": 5886}, {"image_id": "v_O4LdjwlsGKI.mp4", "caption": "A young man in a brown hoodie and cargo pants is standing on a road in a forested area, instructing viewers as he holds onto the end of a skateboard. After demonstrating a stance on the board, he picks it up and walks back several yards, and places the skateboard on the ground, tiling it up with one foot on the end. He puts it down flat, and begins to skate forward on the board. He flips around on the board, doing a tricky move, and then heads back to where he began to skate. 60 After speaking for a little longer, and gesturing to the board, he repeats the move again, heading back once again to the spot he started from.", "segments": [[0, 10.43], [10.91, 45.52], [40.78, 47.42], [47.89, 77.76], [76.81, 94.83]], "duration": 94.83, "id": 5887}, {"image_id": "v_yWfTd8pRLgM.mp4", "caption": "A girl is doing back flips on a blue mat. A girl does the splits in the air. People are laying down on the mat next to her. She does several flips on a trampoline.", "segments": [[0, 96.12], [26.52, 27.62], [89.49, 91.15], [96.12, 110.48]], "duration": 110.47999999999999, "id": 5888}, {"image_id": "v_Imui46JTe7s.mp4", "caption": "We see a fitness center sign. We then see a man talking to the camera and sitting and laying on a exercise ball. The man performs sits ups while on the ball and talking. The man sits up and talks to the camera. The end screen is seen on a black background.", "segments": [[0, 2.45], [2.45, 26.31], [48.34, 110.74], [109.52, 119.31], [119.31, 122.37]], "duration": 122.37, "id": 5889}, {"image_id": "v_aCiN9mqkXoA.mp4", "caption": "Ingredients are prepared and poured into a large mixing bowl. A woman washes a bowl in a kitchen sink with a sponge. The woman smells the bowl to make sure it is clean. The woman places the bowl into a dish washer and shows the proper placement. A woman washes a plate in a kitchen sink with a sponge. The woman smells the plate to make sure it is clean. The woman places the plate into a dish washer and shows the proper placement. A woman washes glass cups in a kitchen sink with a sponge. The woman smells the glass cups to make sure they are clean. The woman places the glass cups into a dish washer and shows the proper placement. End credits are seen for the film.", "segments": [[1.63, 6.53], [16.33, 48.17], [55.52, 68.58], [72.66, 83.27], [84.91, 97.15], [97.97, 99.6], [102.87, 113.48], [114.3, 120.01], [124.1, 125.73], [130.63, 139.61], [155.12, 163.28]], "duration": 163.28, "id": 5890}, {"image_id": "v_aMQVH3dF0QM.mp4", "caption": "An introduction appears on the screen for a video about galloping along the beach. Several images are shown of people riding on horseback along the beach. The images turn into a video of several people going along the sand dunes. The video then alternates between images and video of people enjoying the beach ride. The video ends with text displayed showing more information about the trip.", "segments": [[0, 14.72], [14.72, 36.06], [36.79, 55.19], [55.19, 122.89], [122.89, 147.17]], "duration": 147.17000000000002, "id": 5891}, {"image_id": "v_xmK2kbPSGUs.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to make a mixed drink in a bar at a bar countertop in front of a countertop filled with alcohol. The woman begins by talking to the camera and pulling out a bottle of alcohol next to a mason jar prepped with a slice of lemon and mint in it. The woman pours ice in the glass and a few shots of alcohol and then pours lemonade in the glass with a mint sprig and lemon wedge on the rim. The woman takes a sip of the drink before the scene fades.", "segments": [[5.31, 88.52], [5.31, 15.93], [15.93, 77.01], [77.45, 82.76]], "duration": 88.52, "id": 5892}, {"image_id": "v_iZImXrduFlA.mp4", "caption": "a man is outside in his yard. He is using a pressure washer to wash the leaves off his lawn. He sprays them up and down, pushing them down an incline.", "segments": [[0, 7.99], [11.99, 92.55], [94.55, 133.17]], "duration": 133.17, "id": 5893}, {"image_id": "v_UYhKDweME3A.mp4", "caption": "A man fills a pot with water and adds salt and oil, and then boil the water while talking. Then, the man puts the spaghetti in the bowling pot. After, the man taste the spaghetti and drain it. Next, the man adds grated cheese and oil on the spaghetti.", "segments": [[0, 25.72], [24.8, 50.06], [50.52, 67.98], [67.98, 81.75]], "duration": 91.86, "id": 5894}, {"image_id": "v_f1YrGAkQd0U.mp4", "caption": "There are 3 men and 1 woman. Each of them show and tell you their way of bowling to earn strikes and get perfect scores on the high scoreboard.", "segments": [[19.18, 23.35], [38.35, 155.08]], "duration": 166.76, "id": 5895}, {"image_id": "v_K9cQxJ37xzA.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white tank top is riding an exercise bike in a room. She is doing push ups on a black mat. She is back to riding the exercise bike. She is lifting weights up and down at her sides. She is riding on the exercise bike again.", "segments": [[0, 36.81], [36.81, 45.35], [45.88, 72.55], [73.62, 83.76], [83.76, 106.7]], "duration": 106.7, "id": 5896}, {"image_id": "v_jafEh82XETQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is demonstrating how to cook a friend bologna sandwich in his kitchen. He takes two slices of sandwich bread and puts them in the toaster. Then he takes a little butter and bologna in a frying pan and fries it. He flips the bologna to fry it on both sides. Then he takes two slices of American cheese. He takes the bologna out of the pan and places it on the toast along with the cheese slices. He shows the finished sandwich with the bologna and cheese.", "segments": [[9.49, 16.74], [16.74, 21.2], [21.2, 26.23], [26.23, 55.8], [55.8, 66.4], [66.4, 94.86], [94.86, 104.34]], "duration": 111.6, "id": 5897}, {"image_id": "v_yfeKtTU0aOE.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a weight machine and grabbing onto handle bars. He pulls the handlebars back and fourth as the seat he's moving on continuously moves. He performs this set several times and eventually pauses to let the instruction end.", "segments": [[6.78, 38.22], [11.92, 36.78], [22.81, 36.78]], "duration": 41.1, "id": 5898}, {"image_id": "v_5l2_BVOqQX8.mp4", "caption": "A bald man in gray shirt is standing at the playground, he walked towards the monkey bars and started to pull himself up and down, he walked towards a lower pole and started to pull himself up while his legs are stretched down. He walked back to the monkey bar and pull himself up and down, his legs are moves from side to side then pull him up and down.", "segments": [[0, 141.47], [92.12, 219.34]], "duration": 219.34, "id": 5899}, {"image_id": "v_hiz0rH1bO7k.mp4", "caption": "kids are playing hurling in a large green field. kids are sanding al in front of the goal to make a free shot. kids are posing for a picture in the green field.", "segments": [[0, 172.07], [161.5, 169.19], [172.07, 192.26]], "duration": 192.26, "id": 5900}, {"image_id": "v_9Ds9DvdPQkM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking while holding a saxophone. She begins to play the saxophone.", "segments": [[0, 36.1], [36.39, 59.18]], "duration": 59.18, "id": 5901}, {"image_id": "v_fULvroAfMAo.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy raises a metal ball above his head, spins with a metal ball, and releases the metal ball. A guy cheers after releasing the metal ball. The score board is shown.", "segments": [[0.59, 1.77], [4.73, 84.56], [39.03, 86.92], [102.29, 111.76]], "duration": 118.25999999999999, "id": 5902}, {"image_id": "v_dDYQNtOtb-Q.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is riding in a car drinking a drink and playing with his phone. He begins to have a conversation with an older man who is recording him in the car.", "segments": [[0, 9.88], [9.88, 33.48]], "duration": 33.48, "id": 5903}, {"image_id": "v_VOLBBe1br3Q.mp4", "caption": "A man runs out on a professional stadium and throws a ball at a batter. Two women watching the game cheer after the batter hits the ball with his plank. One of the women exposes her bare chest to the camera, a black bar is overlaid. The camera returns to action on the field.", "segments": [[0, 3.19], [3.26, 6.63], [6.69, 9.46], [9.58, 12.28]], "duration": 12.28, "id": 5904}, {"image_id": "v_WjX-xi2Ocbo.mp4", "caption": "A dirt clodden rodea is shown, as a man on a horse is released from a gate. He ropes a calf, dismounted to tie it up. Another man rides on screen momentarily.", "segments": [[0, 2.69], [2.92, 17.17], [18.34, 23.36]], "duration": 23.36, "id": 5905}, {"image_id": "v_PPJ6gSuk33o.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a bathroom with a woman and looking back to speak to the camera. The man then moves all around the bathroom while continuing to speak and the camera zooms in.", "segments": [[0, 45.48], [30.78, 69.26]], "duration": 69.96000000000001, "id": 5906}, {"image_id": "v_AuVL_nkYXw0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while standing in front of exercise equipment. He continues speaking and leads into clips of a person's feet moving on the machine. The man the uses the machine continuously while pointing to his body and showing off his legs.", "segments": [[0, 64.69], [55.61, 162.3], [122.58, 219.05]], "duration": 227.0, "id": 5907}, {"image_id": "v_daSrmaPxaZA.mp4", "caption": "A set of black boots are shown on a small table along with a bottle oil and a rag in front of a woman.The woman then grabs the rag and puts olive oil on it and begins polishing the boots.She then pauses with the rags and starts talking.", "segments": [[0, 19.48], [19.1, 60.73], [60.73, 76.39]], "duration": 76.39, "id": 5908}, {"image_id": "v_352jrqIWSFY.mp4", "caption": "Two wrestlers are seen hunches over in a ring with one running over to the other. One wrestler grabs the other and flips him over his shoulders, then a ref hits the side to tap out.", "segments": [[0, 3.35], [3.35, 7.79]], "duration": 7.79, "id": 5909}, {"image_id": "v_J9OSz5iCwNU.mp4", "caption": "A young boy roller blades off a ramp and onto another ramp. The boy speeds off onto a ramp and jumps off it, landing on the cement. Later, the boy roller blades onto another ramp. The young boy is seen in another outfit, performing spins at the end of his roller blading. The boy roller blades criss cross style around some orange cones. The boy does it again, this time weaving in and out of the cones.", "segments": [[0, 3.61], [5.29, 12.51], [12.75, 15.4], [15.64, 29.59], [29.83, 36.81], [37.05, 45.95]], "duration": 48.12, "id": 5910}, {"image_id": "v_5Z-78AmLjFo.mp4", "caption": "A man is using a welding tool on a pile of random metal indoors. Another man is holding up a shield to protect himself. The man holds up a shield to his face as he welds.", "segments": [[0, 13.34], [20.49, 80.05], [81.48, 95.3]], "duration": 95.3, "id": 5911}, {"image_id": "v_oyljZJZJ7IA.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates how to use a special dog collar and harness on a dog using both a stuffed toy dog and real dogs. A man standing in front of a wooden fence holds a stuffed dog with a red collar/harness and holds the dog up while talking and demonstrating features of the collar harness. Two hands are showcased holding the red collar by itself and demonstrating the features of the collar harness with still graphics to accompany the hand showcase. The man stands, now, with a real dog and demonstrates how to put the harness on the real dog, then goes back to demonstrating with the stuffed dog before finally ending with petting the collared, real, tan, dog as a black Labrador Retriever wanders into the final shot.", "segments": [[0.89, 165.96], [0.89, 13.31], [16.86, 77.21], [78.98, 165.96]], "duration": 177.49, "id": 5912}, {"image_id": "v_OMGTFZ9csg0.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on a backyard that contains a volkswagon and other various items. A man is shown putting skis together at a rapid pace. The man finishes up the skis and leaves his hat on top of the skis.", "segments": [[0, 5.18], [5.18, 27.29], [28.55, 31.37]], "duration": 31.37, "id": 5913}, {"image_id": "v_JA-B3KK9A-I.mp4", "caption": "An underwater view of blue water appear at the deep end of the pool.In slow motion someone splashes into the water.Various clips of men appear doing different dives into the pool and from different heights. A man goes into the water feet first, lands at the bottom of the deep pool, then drops to do a push up and then quickly shoots up.One guys jumps on the diving board but instead of diving he loses his footing and falls into the water. A boy is standing at a wall pressing a button and talking into an intercom then stops and laughs.", "segments": [[0, 5.95], [3.57, 8.33], [3.57, 228.51], [92.83, 129.73], [218.99, 238.03], [228.51, 238.03]], "duration": 238.03, "id": 5914}, {"image_id": "v_3zMCxmdkcRY.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are dancing on a roof top of a building in a city. He lifts the woman up into the air. The camera pans up to a tall building in the background.", "segments": [[0, 189.32], [170.08, 189.32], [194.38, 200.45]], "duration": 202.48, "id": 5915}, {"image_id": "v_Qlh-VSBxcJs.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a belly dancer performing a routine in front of a mirror. She continues dancing around while moving all around the floor whipping her hair and grabbing her skirt. She finishes by sitting down on the floor and looking into the mirror.", "segments": [[0, 40.04], [38.93, 185.76], [183.54, 222.47]], "duration": 222.47, "id": 5916}, {"image_id": "v_tzbJ_CETeG8.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are in a sandy desert. They climb on top of camels and ride them. They ride the camels toward a set of pyramids.", "segments": [[0, 9.67], [14.51, 65.76], [68.67, 193.42]], "duration": 193.42, "id": 5917}, {"image_id": "v_JYRVSy54UUY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding onto an accordion. She begins moving the instrument slowly while looking to the camera. She continues playing the accordion while speaking and looking away.", "segments": [[0, 28.29], [31.66, 93.63], [69.38, 123.27]], "duration": 134.72, "id": 5918}, {"image_id": "v_NoVa1C5KBno.mp4", "caption": "A young teenaged boy is standing outside of the house with a tennis ball and racket. He goes to the tennis court and begins to talk about the game of tennis. He does some stretches for a little but and then gets ready to hit the ball over to the other side of the court. He talks about it on the court and then he leaves to go home.", "segments": [[1.52, 27.33], [27.33, 71.36], [71.36, 112.36], [112.36, 149.56]], "duration": 151.84, "id": 5919}, {"image_id": "v_ersl2OEJ-eI.mp4", "caption": "A man is concentrating extremely hard as he is throwing darts on to a board at a tournament.People cheer and screen for him as another man approaches the board and hives him competition.The two go back and forth,however the first guy appears to be the fan's favorite and ends up winning the game.", "segments": [[0, 47.09], [47.09, 97.64], [97.64, 138.5]], "duration": 138.5, "id": 5920}, {"image_id": "v_SlogVhfmTVs.mp4", "caption": "A boy sprays shaving cream into his hand from a can in his bathroom. The boy applies the shaving cream to his face. A man has shaving cream on his face and reads a label on a pressurized can and discusses it. A man rubs his smooth face. The man holds up a metal oil can. The man applies a medicine dropper with liquid to a razor and demonstrates how to use it.", "segments": [[6.78, 11.87], [12.71, 26.28], [27.12, 95.78], [102.57, 112.74], [118.67, 125.45], [130.54, 169.53]], "duration": 169.53, "id": 5921}, {"image_id": "v_G9m5zxl2f08.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen putting their hands in a sink full of dirty water and pressing his face up against the water. The man continues wiping the mud off of his face as the mud drips down into the sink.", "segments": [[0, 34.35], [26.99, 98.15]], "duration": 98.15, "id": 5922}, {"image_id": "v_J3qC2hqRhPc.mp4", "caption": "Elmo from Sesame Street is presenting how to brush teeth along with singer Bruno Mars. Elmo pulls out a toothbrush and begins dancing while Bruno Mars appears brushing his teeth on the mirror. Elmo is singing along as Bruno Mars continues to brush his teeth and the multicolored lights on the mirror flicker. Elmo and Bruno Mars continue to dance along as they teach little kids the importance of brushing teeth.", "segments": [[0, 84.68], [2.54, 29.22], [25.41, 60.97], [57.59, 84.68]], "duration": 84.68, "id": 5923}, {"image_id": "v_pmIJcJiydpk.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen standing with her hands on her hips and between jumping down a hop scotch outline. She jumps all the way down and speaks to the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 7.21], [6.71, 12.54]], "duration": 12.54, "id": 5924}, {"image_id": "v_QdvC8Xt-ym0.mp4", "caption": "Two teams on horses ride around on a field. Using cricket bats they hit a ball back and forth. A team finally makes a goal. The scoring team then rides around in victory.", "segments": [[0, 65.25], [0, 44.7], [44.04, 47.31], [48.28, 65.25]], "duration": 65.25, "id": 5925}, {"image_id": "v_rBmFxH3BUOw.mp4", "caption": "A man points to some products for the usage of waxing skis. The man cleans the ski with a towel. The man grabs one of the products and rubs it all over the ski, letting the product sit there for a while. After some time has passed, the man grabs another product and rubs it all over the ski.", "segments": [[9.54, 25.44], [26.08, 36.26], [36.89, 73.15], [73.79, 113.86]], "duration": 127.22, "id": 5926}, {"image_id": "v_UU8a7vp6tgY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is puts a rod in a base. She then puts a skirt over the rod on the floor. She puts a fake Christmas tree up on the rod. A close up of the bow of the Christmas tree is shown. She fixes the bow on the tree.", "segments": [[0, 5.09], [5.09, 7.8], [10.01, 21.88], [23.24, 28.67], [29.35, 33.93]], "duration": 33.93, "id": 5927}, {"image_id": "v_Rte9HqaQ1tw.mp4", "caption": "A white wall on the interior of a room is shown. A hand holding a lit match lights a candle. A man sets the candle beside a sink and begins to wash dishes.", "segments": [[0, 5.26], [8.09, 20.22], [26.29, 80.9]], "duration": 80.9, "id": 5928}, {"image_id": "v_u713piB4VWk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of people sweeping is shown followed by people walking around an arena. Two wrestlers then bend down and walk around the pit a bit followed by wrestling one another. One man throws the other down and leads into clips of the city.", "segments": [[1.11, 24.86], [22.1, 90.61], [87.3, 109.4]], "duration": 110.5, "id": 5929}, {"image_id": "v_Wh-Q13ZAffE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a sled down a hill followed by several people climbing up the hill and sliding back down again. An adult and child ride down as the person pulls the child out of the sled followed by more people riding down and walking up again.", "segments": [[4.31, 59.07], [28.92, 121.22]], "duration": 123.07, "id": 5930}, {"image_id": "v_MxZtYALqIrE.mp4", "caption": "A man is engaged in a pool competition. He shoots the stick at the balls, making them go into the corner pockets. When he wins, he high fives another man.", "segments": [[0, 32.62], [40.78, 210.89], [217.88, 233.03]], "duration": 233.03, "id": 5931}, {"image_id": "v_KVaTsulE5Z0.mp4", "caption": "A man is crossing a slack line. He puts something in the trunk of a car. He crosses the slack line onto the other side.", "segments": [[0, 98.72], [21.63, 22.74], [99.28, 102.6]], "duration": 110.92, "id": 5932}, {"image_id": "v_ZdgWC6Jk2Nk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a lawn mower is seen with a person's shoes walking behind. A camera pans out of a dirt hole and shows a man placing it down next to a tree. The camera pans around the tree and shows the man checking up on the dirt.", "segments": [[0.24, 11.67], [10.72, 38.83], [35.26, 47.17]], "duration": 47.65, "id": 5933}, {"image_id": "v_dSOVaLk3ZmU.mp4", "caption": "A man sitting in a kayak pushing himself around swirling water using his paddles for support. The man flips several times in the water attempting to break free and he eventually does.", "segments": [[0, 3.85], [3.85, 7.82]], "duration": 8.36, "id": 5934}, {"image_id": "v_Po6rrhjsS8g.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in the camera, while another man with scarf is behind him, then they went in the building and sat on two couches, a woman came over to give them water. The man in sweater checked his phone then get two rackets in the bag, handed one to the guy, the guy standing bounced the ball on the racket. The two men started playing tennis while they are sitting. Then they moved the couches and started playing on the wall, then play in the area where people where working. A bald man went down on the stairs and went to the two men who were playing tennis on the wall.", "segments": [[4.21, 66.46], [33.65, 98.43], [39.54, 101.79], [87.49, 164.05], [130.4, 164.05]], "duration": 168.25, "id": 5935}, {"image_id": "v_XpFkoI5hz7s.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen working out with a man and leads into her speaking to the camera. She then steps back and fourth on a board moving her legs around and continuing to speak to the camera. She then hops around the camera and bit and ends by still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 26.21], [26.21, 51.44], [50.94, 98.92]], "duration": 98.92, "id": 5936}, {"image_id": "v_0vIFg1eE7Tw.mp4", "caption": "A woman blowing kisses at the camera, then inserting her contact lenses. She begins to put eye shadow on her eyelids and rubbing it in. She adds eyelash extensions on her eyes. Then, she begins to contour her entire face little by little patting it down as she goes along.", "segments": [[0, 28.52], [29.54, 59.08], [59.08, 90.66], [90.66, 202.71]], "duration": 203.73, "id": 5937}, {"image_id": "v_ECjumI_otNw.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders perform doing a tower, then the cheerleaders jump down. After, the cheerleaders jump, flip and does cartwheels. Next, the cheerleaders form human towers and dance together.", "segments": [[9.64, 29.71], [29.71, 69.86], [69.86, 158.98]], "duration": 160.59, "id": 5938}, {"image_id": "v_pA8QJ2ZoeBM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is working out on an elliptical machine. The woman is sitting on a couch in heels. She continues to work out on the machine.", "segments": [[0, 11.27], [20.99, 24.08], [24.3, 24.75]], "duration": 44.19, "id": 5939}, {"image_id": "v_JAZu9CWEVbQ.mp4", "caption": "There are two men in the water wearing wetsuits and laying on their surfboards as they ride a wave.The camera man is in a fast moving boat and he continues to video the surfers who are still riding the wave but now they are standing up. The surfer who is in front is happy to riding the wave for so long that he raises his two arms up in the air and then lowers it back down. The surfer in the back begins to lose balance and falls off of his board while the man in the front is still standing up.", "segments": [[0, 4], [4, 176.22], [176.22, 196.24], [196.24, 200.25]], "duration": 200.25, "id": 5940}, {"image_id": "v_LlpV8R-EaDQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting in the sand. She is putting sand in a blue bucket in front of her. Two people walk along the beach in front of her.", "segments": [[0, 17.32], [0.78, 17.32], [3.98, 11.61]], "duration": 17.32, "id": 5941}, {"image_id": "v_lnieKUxnxuY.mp4", "caption": "A man walks into a room and puts his hand on a ladder while talking. We see a man putting orange tiles on a floor. We see aa man tiling a shower. We see the man putting the tiles on a floor again. We return to the man talking near the ladder and a website appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.6], [4.73, 11.49], [11.62, 16.99], [17.11, 19.92], [20.18, 25.54]], "duration": 25.54, "id": 5942}, {"image_id": "v_kbRciA51ouY.mp4", "caption": " A newsman in a suit is talking. Older women are behind sewing machines sewing blankets.", "segments": [[0, 12.9], [13.52, 122.88]], "duration": 122.88, "id": 5943}, {"image_id": "v_kZXVFSjRt5g.mp4", "caption": "A few people are sitting down indian style with life vest on watching a man inside of a float boat talk. They get ins the boat with paddles and some others next to them in a kayak. They use the paddle to try to control the boat, but get splashed by the very brown water. Another little boat comes and bumps into them, they paddle until they are about to reach back to land.", "segments": [[0, 17.01], [17.72, 52.46], [52.46, 88.61], [88.61, 141.78]], "duration": 141.78, "id": 5944}, {"image_id": "v_N4Z9eYSu2uM.mp4", "caption": "People are playing tug of war on a field. People fall into a pile of muddy water. People are standing next to them watching.", "segments": [[0, 128.92], [15.47, 18.69], [3.22, 128.92]], "duration": 128.92, "id": 5945}, {"image_id": "v_blMN_9ZtxsY.mp4", "caption": "People are dressed up playing ping pong. People are standing next to the table watching. They continue to play and two of the men high five.", "segments": [[0, 184.44], [0.92, 184.44], [167.84, 174.29]], "duration": 184.44, "id": 5946}, {"image_id": "v_2VvCuSFicyA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding on a bicycle down a street with a dog tied next to him. The camera is shown in various angles the man riding the bike with the dog. The man continues riding around with the dog.", "segments": [[0, 24.77], [23.22, 72.23], [71.2, 100.09]], "duration": 103.19, "id": 5947}, {"image_id": "v_0X34KkUlCAI.mp4", "caption": "A man with a whistle holds the middle of the rope. Two men are at each end of the rope pulling in their own direction over the mud. The red rope is leaning toward the man in blue as he nearly sits on the ground. The referee is on his knee observing. The competitor is taking short breaths as he stares. A man with a beard gives a wink and grins. Each man continues to pull as they lean back in the mud. It shows 6 minutes has passed as they continue to pull. It shows 8 minutes and 30 seconds have passed. The man in red stands up and runs backwards pulling the other man across the line. The two men shake hands and hug and walk away. The man in blue puts his arms around two men and walk away.", "segments": [[0, 5.08], [5.08, 19.81], [19.81, 28.96], [28.96, 33.02], [33.02, 36.58], [36.58, 44.2], [44.2, 53.35], [53.35, 70.11], [70.11, 85.35], [85.35, 87.89], [87.89, 95.01], [95.51, 101.61]], "duration": 101.61, "id": 5948}, {"image_id": "v_Nkcc9kLDQz8.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a hill of snow. People are snowboarding down a hill of snow. People are skiing down a hill. The skiiers stop at the bottom and talk.", "segments": [[0, 6.46], [6.46, 70.27], [70.27, 151.84], [151.03, 161.53]], "duration": 161.53, "id": 5949}, {"image_id": "v_p1yEPOr467M.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are pulled on an inflatable hot dog which make a swift turn causing them to fall of. People on water skis and inter tubes have comical crashes while being pulled along in the water. A boy on skis holds onto a tug rope on a dock and is pulled over falling in the water. A large group on inter tubes are pulled on tug ropes in the water then hit a large wave and flip into the air. A man on a boat jumps ship after an item with the boat still moving.", "segments": [[0, 4.69], [5.42, 64.98], [42.96, 44.4], [45.13, 48.37], [65.7, 71.48]], "duration": 72.2, "id": 5950}, {"image_id": "v_EcQ7DcVefdw.mp4", "caption": "A middle eastern news caster is talking about a recent event in another language. The scene switches to show group of people at an event of some kind. The people at the event are shown polishing shoes. A man in a red shirt is being interviewed while it shows others at the event on the split screen. The scene switches back to just the event with the newscaster talking over the footage.", "segments": [[0, 5.31], [5.31, 37.9], [38.65, 46.23], [46.99, 93.22], [93.98, 151.58]], "duration": 151.57999999999998, "id": 5951}, {"image_id": "v_mG8h5rX3OnU.mp4", "caption": "Several people are captured decorating a Christmas tree in a living room in a fast forward, speed motion video. A Christmas tree stands undecorated in a living room. Two people decorate the tree with a light cord. Three people decorate the tree with blue and silver balls. The tree lights are turned on and wrapped gifts are placed under the tree as people start to sit under the tree and a dog casually walks by the tree.", "segments": [[0.33, 65.7], [0.33, 1.33], [4.31, 27.54], [28.87, 48.78], [50.1, 65.7]], "duration": 66.36, "id": 5952}, {"image_id": "v_PdNb0g36a6U.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy is standing, gesturing, and instructing in a gym. A man demonstrates a gymnastic stunt on a hand platform. The man poses with his hands extended in the air. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 4.49], [4.83, 66.99], [39.36, 60.77], [61.46, 61.81], [67.33, 69.06]], "duration": 69.06, "id": 5953}, {"image_id": "v_96kej9yK8To.mp4", "caption": "There's man dressed in a black sweater playing the violin in a church. There's a woman standing next to him, also dressed on black holding a violin in her hands. There's a statue of Jesus Christ right behind them. After the man stops playing the violin, the woman joins in and begins playing her violin. there are a few people seated in the front row, watching the woman play.", "segments": [[18.74, 32.96], [32.96, 63.97], [63.97, 91.76], [91.76, 113.73], [113.73, 122.13]], "duration": 129.24, "id": 5954}, {"image_id": "v_IrO7Fgr102M.mp4", "caption": "A group of men on donkeys play a form of polo on a dirt field. The camera pans to people watching the game. The camera returns to the people riding the donkeys.", "segments": [[0, 19.89], [20.15, 26.86], [27.12, 51.66]], "duration": 51.66, "id": 5955}, {"image_id": "v_1sA-lEbrgak.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a score board is shown followed by a man lifting a heavy set of weights. The man lifts it over his head and his score his shown afterwards. He does this several more times.", "segments": [[0, 14.74], [16.14, 42.45], [36.84, 66.66]], "duration": 70.17, "id": 5956}, {"image_id": "v_uPyciwjOz3E.mp4", "caption": "Several dogs are at a park. Their owners talk about the. Several vendors are set up in tents. The ownders walk the dogs around.", "segments": [[0, 183.58], [14.69, 180.82], [27.54, 180.82], [104.64, 180.82]], "duration": 183.58, "id": 5957}, {"image_id": "v_AWPlbtK7afY.mp4", "caption": "A group of people is learning how to rollerblade. Some peeople go in groups, but generally they are slow and awkward.", "segments": [[0, 188.71], [63.22, 163.24]], "duration": 188.71, "id": 5958}, {"image_id": "v_Bc0_vvpfMAE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown talking in her kitchen. She fills a bowl with butter, flour and sugar, and adds eggs. She creates a dough, and then makes and bakes a batch of cookies.", "segments": [[0, 37.42], [49.89, 123.6], [127, 226.79]], "duration": 226.79, "id": 5959}, {"image_id": "v__bj64aqyIyk.mp4", "caption": "A girl is crossing the monkey bars. A girl in a yellow shirt is standing on the ground watching. A girl on a blue shirt is standing on a playground.", "segments": [[0, 8.13], [0.24, 8.13], [7.44, 8.13]], "duration": 8.13, "id": 5960}, {"image_id": "v_Il0IelOoXa4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a canoe when a man pushes her along and climbs in back. The man is seen riding around and looking at her surroundings while the man behind paddles. The woman continues sitting and looking around her at the trees and sights.", "segments": [[0.54, 25.23], [24.69, 83.2], [75.15, 106.29]], "duration": 107.36, "id": 5961}, {"image_id": "v_jSHcj_pXiI4.mp4", "caption": "A man is getting his ear pierced by another individual who only has his or her hands in frame. The second individual pushes a cart behind the first individual. The camera focus on the first individual. The second individual pierces the first man's other ear.", "segments": [[0, 70.76], [70.76, 78.99], [78.99, 97.91], [97.91, 164.56]], "duration": 164.56, "id": 5962}, {"image_id": "v_AG2g8djPKV0.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a lady washing clothes by hand outdoors. The lady pours water on the clothes from a bowl. The lady pushes her hair back. The lady pours more water on the clothes. We see the closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 4], [4.89, 38.89], [14.67, 16.89], [18.44, 22.67], [27.11, 30], [39.11, 44.44]], "duration": 44.44, "id": 5963}, {"image_id": "v_A49K-WtIzsY.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside scraping the ice off of the windows of his car.Once he is finished,he puts the tool in the back of his seat and gets in the car.", "segments": [[0, 43.34], [43.07, 52.85]], "duration": 52.85, "id": 5964}, {"image_id": "v_T9jiC2SRLJQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen making a drink close up followed by him speaking to others on a mountain. More shots are shown of the man having a drink as well as speaking to others. The man has another drink and plays pool followed by a picture of them.", "segments": [[0.71, 22.96], [22.25, 54.04], [49.09, 68.87]], "duration": 70.64, "id": 5965}, {"image_id": "v_RVOBQBamjDA.mp4", "caption": "A lady is sitting and playing the piano. A guy is standing and playing a saxophone. The lady and guy are performing on the same stage, together. The lady and guy stop playing.", "segments": [[0, 7.34], [8.39, 36.69], [38.79, 206.51], [206.51, 208.6]], "duration": 209.65, "id": 5966}, {"image_id": "v_z31xpHUGgO0.mp4", "caption": "A man and a little boy play badminton in an indoor court. The little boy serves and returns the ball well. The little boy miss a ball that ends in the net, then the man recovers the ball and they continue playing.", "segments": [[0, 40.88], [40.88, 91.99], [92.56, 110.16]], "duration": 113.57, "id": 5967}, {"image_id": "v_KCOzA0Suy5U.mp4", "caption": "Two young motorcycle riders sit on the bikes and wave on a dirt trail. The boys ride their bikes over jumps on the trails. A young rider jumps a ramp and clutches the handlebars with his feet. The boy does heal clicks and kicks his feet to the side of the motor bike in mid air.", "segments": [[7, 9.33], [10.33, 63], [25.33, 28], [36.33, 44.67]], "duration": 66.67, "id": 5968}, {"image_id": "v_x9VlxLDK-VM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl with messy curly hair is standing in front of the sink cleaning a dish with a blue sponge.She then rinses the top of the plate and hands it to somebody standing behind her.As she grabs the next dish,someone comes along and puts another dish in the sink as she continues to dump water in and out of the container.", "segments": [[0, 34.6], [34.6, 88.62], [88.01, 121.39]], "duration": 121.39, "id": 5969}, {"image_id": "v_XklHV0q3w40.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting down playing a saxophone. He stops playing the saxophone and talks. He stands up and continues playing the saxophone.", "segments": [[12.99, 27.16], [27.16, 42.51], [43.7, 236.19]], "duration": 236.19, "id": 5970}, {"image_id": "v_VOyKKN3NdXM.mp4", "caption": "A colorful intro with a lot of flashing words flash across the screen along with a logo and a banner with foreign language written on it. A woman dressed in an orange and red dress and scarf is standing and talking has she hold white paper in her hands. The woman is no longer shown and there are various pictures flashing that seem to be about SPEED CAR WASH. A few short video clips begin and they all take place at the SPEED CAR WASH company where cars are driving, products are shown, a man is washing a car and various people are talking either together or alone. The woman from before who is dressed in an orange and red dress appears again and is still holding the white paper as she talks. Flashing words appear after the woman is talking and continues to the end.", "segments": [[0, 9.09], [9.09, 30.67], [30.67, 44.3], [44.3, 209.01], [209.01, 215.82], [216.96, 227.18]], "duration": 227.19, "id": 5971}, {"image_id": "v_q8TBL7DBgXY.mp4", "caption": "A pier is shown at a beach, with people walking alongside it. Many pictures are shown of a woman tying up a pair of skates. She skates and we see bikes, people riding them, palm trees, and ferris wheels. We follow the woman as she skates alongside surfboards and other people.", "segments": [[0, 12.29], [13.01, 40.48], [41.92, 76.62], [79.51, 144.57]], "duration": 144.57, "id": 5972}, {"image_id": "v_4gEDonpfTeY.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman dance in a restaurant full of people. The woman approaches a young male and touch his face, then the man gets angry and push the woman who ends on his arms and they continues dancing. A fire appears on the floor. A man puts two bread sticks on the nose while a woman watch with surprise. The man helps a woman light a cigarette, then he flips and takes as red table cloth to make tricks, the the man and the woman continues dancing until they kiss while liquid come out of bottles and appears the moon at the end.", "segments": [[0, 80.71], [80.71, 103.52], [86.85, 88.61], [92.12, 95.63], [105.28, 173.71]], "duration": 175.46, "id": 5973}, {"image_id": "v_HeMpg3SAUUs.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is wiping water all over her face. She looks at the camera and smiles as she continues to wash her face. She sticks her tongue out slightly at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.29], [4.29, 25.03], [25.3, 27.66]], "duration": 27.66, "id": 5974}, {"image_id": "v_d_z2CA-o13U.mp4", "caption": "people are having fun playing with paint ball guns in interesting ways,some are riding in cars and other are on the ground shooting paint balls at each other.there are people on motorcycles as well as up in the air in parachutes just have a big fun day.One guy seems to have a paint ball rocket launcher and shoots a guy with it.there are people on motor skate boards also.they show that a group of people made it to the top of a small hill to plant there flag and many of there team mates were defeated.", "segments": [[6.37, 182.07], [21.85, 182.07], [84.66, 87.39], [134.73, 141.1], [147.48, 182.07]], "duration": 182.07, "id": 5975}, {"image_id": "v_DVsLkoQijV4.mp4", "caption": "Two girls dressed in a red shirt and black spanxs are bending over preparing for a volley ball game.The other team is shown on the other side of the net and they serve the ball.Both of the girls begin to play,hits the ball back over and the girl cheers as they gain a point.", "segments": [[0, 5.58], [5.58, 13.22], [13.13, 16.42]], "duration": 16.42, "id": 5976}, {"image_id": "v_L9ons75VGCg.mp4", "caption": "There are a lot of different teams rowing very fast in a very large body of water that is outdoors, surrounded by a lot of trees and a lot of buildings.Now the focus is on canoes that only have one woman in it and they are racing on another just like the teams did but they are alone and they have numbers behind them.Now they are showing canoes with two men racing and they are also rowing very fast, and then teams of 4 men begin to race.When they are done racing they are now shown walking up to a man and a woman who are placing medals on ribbons around men and women that walk up to him.When the medals have all been given out the list of winners begin to display on different screens.", "segments": [[0, 48.99], [48.99, 90.58], [90.58, 154.35], [154.35, 167.29], [167.29, 184.86]], "duration": 184.86, "id": 5977}, {"image_id": "v_Hcoc9euI0tk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are skiing down a very cold and snowy mountain slope during winter. Going left and right and starting to build up some more speed as they go. One of them falls and still moving down the slope ends up running into another skier causing him to fall down also. They try to grab hands and they end up finally at a halt.", "segments": [[0, 19.04], [19.04, 28.39], [28.04, 43.28], [43.62, 69.24]], "duration": 69.24, "id": 5978}, {"image_id": "v_zuNQFkkyBNo.mp4", "caption": "We see green writing on a black title screen. A lady in a lacy black and white bra sits in a black room under bright spot lights smoking a cigarette. The lady pushes her hair back. The lady adjusts her position in the chair and looks down. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.05], [3.08, 37.32], [10.66, 13.33], [24.4, 37.11], [37.73, 41.01]], "duration": 41.01, "id": 5979}, {"image_id": "v_UusDcf16TVQ.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a mask plays the accordion. A woman waves to the person with the camera.", "segments": [[0, 111.99], [37.91, 39.08]], "duration": 116.66, "id": 5980}, {"image_id": "v_Xk3KngL2ZH0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of snow is shown that leads into a man playing drums. The man leans over a set of drums in the snow while the camera pans around. The man still plays the drums and stops to walk away and look at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 11.89], [14.09, 45.39], [36.62, 59.47]], "duration": 62.6, "id": 5981}, {"image_id": "v_dtYofkPozXM.mp4", "caption": "A man is painting a room. He stands on many ladders to reach the walls. He poses in front of a fireplace.", "segments": [[5.82, 131.59], [10.18, 127.23], [137.41, 139.59]], "duration": 145.4, "id": 5982}, {"image_id": "v_8WFB_LUOx4k.mp4", "caption": "A camera captures several shots of sites as well as people standing outside drinking and celebrating. One man pulls out a weed and a drone is seen flying in the distance. The people attempt to hit the drone and then are seen driving around on a golf cart around other people. A man shows up in a guerrilla suit and the drone flies over people playing games and riding around.", "segments": [[0, 33.06], [32.29, 54.58], [54.58, 96.86], [100.71, 153.75]], "duration": 153.75, "id": 5983}, {"image_id": "v_Q1mh4F0L8Ec.mp4", "caption": "A girl in white top and blue jeans is brushing the fur of the horse on one side then she moved on the other side and then brushed his leg. The lady picked up a black bottle and spray the body of the horse, then brushed off the dirt off the horse shoes then put polished on the horse's feet.", "segments": [[0, 88], [82.43, 222.77]], "duration": 222.77, "id": 5984}, {"image_id": "v_2ESPauwYUnQ.mp4", "caption": "A young boy arranges a shirt on the floor. He grabs and iron and irons the shirt. He places the iron down and looks around the room.", "segments": [[0, 15.15], [15.3, 23.03], [23.33, 30.3]], "duration": 30.3, "id": 5985}, {"image_id": "v_UD4RnQp5tPY.mp4", "caption": "A young man stands in a dark room holding two maraca's and speaking to the camera. Another man walks in scolding him and then eventually take off their shirts. They walk to the bathroom and rub shaving cream all over their legs. They begin shaving their legs and hold up a razor smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[13.22, 22.04], [23.14, 35.26], [40.77, 99.17], [98.07, 146.55]], "duration": 220.38, "id": 5986}, {"image_id": "v_4ksF9BUdQJM.mp4", "caption": "A man walks outside plugs his lawn mower in and gets ready to mow. He starts mowing his lawn casually going over all the grass. His dog comes outside and starts to follow him a little while he's closer to the house. The yard is slowly starting to look really really nice, once he is completely finished the yard looks great, nice and smooth.", "segments": [[0, 7.39], [7.39, 23.1], [23.41, 39.43], [39.73, 61.6]], "duration": 61.6, "id": 5987}, {"image_id": "v_L0K-WJuI1-I.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a kitchen talking. He uses a vacuum to clean the floor. He removes the filter from the vacuum. He talks some more after this.", "segments": [[0, 11.6], [11.6, 34.12], [25.93, 45.04], [47.77, 136.49]], "duration": 136.49, "id": 5988}, {"image_id": "v_syy0FVZ7SkQ.mp4", "caption": "A middle aged man talks while holding a mop. The man throws a mop pad on the floor and puts the mop on it picking up the pad. The man goes around the room mopping the floor. The same man is standing in a kitchen. The man runs water over the mop pad and then wrings it out. The man throws the mop pad on the floor again and picks it up with the mop. The man mops the floor going around the furniture.", "segments": [[0, 12.5], [21.15, 25.96], [25.96, 86.54], [87.5, 91.35], [92.31, 105.77], [106.73, 115.38], [116.35, 188.46]], "duration": 192.31, "id": 5989}, {"image_id": "v_sByOncVAMqg.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast mounts a low beam in a gym. She stands on the beam, then does several hand springs and flips. She dismounts, raising her arms in the air.", "segments": [[0, 14.46], [29.41, 80.76], [88.24, 99.71]], "duration": 99.71000000000001, "id": 5990}, {"image_id": "v_wtA-5-6DRcY.mp4", "caption": "A group is lazily floating on intertubes in a river. The people are holding hands so they stay together. They float down the water in the rain, through the rapids.", "segments": [[0, 17.97], [19.72, 62.24], [70.56, 87.66]], "duration": 87.66, "id": 5991}, {"image_id": "v_aDsRltSdQak.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screen. We see the ocean and an island in the water. We see a person kitesurfing in the water. We then see two people kitesurfing. We go back to just one person surfing. We see the island from above. We return to the surfer in the water. We then see the closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.17], [5.17, 30.29], [30.29, 107.87], [72.41, 87.19], [88.66, 107.13], [108.61, 114.52], [114.52, 137.43], [138.17, 147.77]], "duration": 147.77, "id": 5992}, {"image_id": "v_v0mUPr68x2U.mp4", "caption": "A man get out a home while a dog follows him. Then a toddler get out the home, stand on the border of the swimming pool an falls in the water. The baby floats face up, then a man comes and take the baby. A woman puts a baby in the swimming pool, and the baby swims fast to reach the border of the swimming pool. A woman puts the baby in the swimming pool who swings and floats.", "segments": [[9.19, 40.84], [40.84, 86.78], [86.78, 163.35], [172.54, 179.68], [180.71, 203.17]], "duration": 204.19, "id": 5993}, {"image_id": "v_0-ReTddxkhg.mp4", "caption": "Two women are in front of a camera, the woman in the red shirt is speaking. The women both put something from a cup in there mouths. The woman in red begins to dance. The woman in black makes a face to the camera. Both girls bend over a bit in front of the camera. The woman in red stops dancing and begins to laugh and the woman in black does this as well. It appears that both women either swallow or spit out whatever was in their mouths.", "segments": [[0, 7.12], [7.12, 10.12], [18.74, 36.35], [22.86, 24.36], [32.23, 50.97], [55.84, 74.96], [62.96, 74.96]], "duration": 74.96000000000001, "id": 5994}, {"image_id": "v_yhWPzE-kmk4.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen talking to the camera while wearing oven mits and holding a stick. The boy then opens and oven door and pulls out a plate of cookies. He uses the stick to push the rack back and closes the oven while waves to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.62], [3.39, 27.58], [28.48, 45.21]], "duration": 45.21, "id": 5995}, {"image_id": "v_QT2l100KJe0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a yellow shirt has his hands behind his head. He is running down a track and throwing a javelin. He trips and falls forward. A shot of the field is shows with many people walking on it.", "segments": [[0, 5.45], [5.62, 12.77], [13.11, 14.81], [17.54, 34.05]], "duration": 34.05, "id": 5996}, {"image_id": "v_W34A9wUi-4g.mp4", "caption": "team is in a court playing futsal, running through the court, while people is siting on stands watchin the game. team are standing on sides charging a penalty. people are in a roofed gym playing and waching the game.", "segments": [[0, 76.26], [80.35, 98.73], [99.42, 136.19]], "duration": 136.19, "id": 5997}, {"image_id": "v_0OxOI3sAIrM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on a mat on the floor. A man is talking about how to use a bowflex. She lies down, doing sit ups as he continues to talk.", "segments": [[0, 11.68], [11.68, 57.59], [59.2, 80.55]], "duration": 80.55, "id": 5998}, {"image_id": "v_iAWXaWo82u4.mp4", "caption": "A person is holding a dog covered in suds and holding a bottle of shampoo in a yard. We see the person standing next to the dog and washing him with the shampoo. A person waves their hand in front of the dog. The camera pans and we see another dog laying on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 7.24], [9.87, 40.38], [19.53, 22.16], [40.81, 43.89]], "duration": 43.89, "id": 5999}, {"image_id": "v_1FFbrlvDQ7c.mp4", "caption": "A white screen appears with a picture of a globe and a banner around it with yellow words that say \"ABADA-CAPOEIRA\"and is followed with various white screens that have black writing on each individual screen. People that include both children and adults are gathered in a room and are watching a film being projected on a large wall.Now there are people that are dressed in white and are in a room with blue mats on the ground and various different people including both adults and children are all dancing capoeira style either together, or separately while some people play instruments and some people just watch them. When they're done dancing a lot of the children pile onto and around an adult man and they take a group picture. Outro appears and it's the globe, white screens with black words on each one, and then logos.", "segments": [[0, 14.72], [14.72, 46.13], [46.13, 152.12], [152.12, 163.89], [163.89, 196.28]], "duration": 196.28, "id": 6000}, {"image_id": "v_J3TwVc0v89A.mp4", "caption": "Two sister toddlers enter in a kitchen, then one toddler wash the dishes in the sink. The mother puts dishes on the sink and open the dishwasher. The toddler sister helps with the dishwasher and then climbs the high chair and help wash the dishes and the toddler loads the dishwasher. The mother stands near the refrigerator drinking tea and texting. The sister toddler go down the chair and leave the kitchen. Then, the toddler go down the chair, then she close and turn on the dishwasher.", "segments": [[0, 173.8], [7.16, 27.6], [48.05, 132.91], [71.57, 89.97], [129.84, 132.91], [173.8, 204.48]], "duration": 204.48, "id": 6001}, {"image_id": "v_QFz-keqof9g.mp4", "caption": "A rope is strung between two trees. A man walks on the rope. He falls several times off the rope. Eventually he is able to balance and walks back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 43.91], [3.51, 43.91], [10.54, 19.32], [26.56, 43.91]], "duration": 43.91, "id": 6002}, {"image_id": "v_JKVOi9DE8Hs.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is throwing darts at a board. He walks over to the target, looking at where the darts hit.", "segments": [[0, 35.05], [43.91, 73.79]], "duration": 73.78999999999999, "id": 6003}, {"image_id": "v_1o9RGnujlkI.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing in a room taking out several arrows out of her pack and using her arrow to release them.She then moves around the gym,takes a deep breath and continues going.After she moves again,two carpets are shown hanging from the wall and she continues to aim at her target until all of her bows are gone.", "segments": [[0, 28.06], [28.06, 90.7], [90.7, 130.5]], "duration": 130.5, "id": 6004}, {"image_id": "v_K1G84xfLr9s.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks onto a mat, bowing before the judges. She performs several martial arts moves using a large wooden stick. When she is done, a man blows a whistle.", "segments": [[0, 17.14], [20.95, 111.1], [114.27, 126.97]], "duration": 126.97, "id": 6005}, {"image_id": "v_bKec2fA5RZ8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown talking to the camera holding a vacuum and followed by her vacuuming up her floor at a fast pace. She vacuums all around the area while still talking to the camera and eventually transitioning to a close up of the vacuum.", "segments": [[0, 66.25], [67.16, 180.6]], "duration": 181.51, "id": 6006}, {"image_id": "v_gMaakjqhNmM.mp4", "caption": "There are some men playing darts in a basement where two dart boards are hung on the wall. One of the men wearing a green shirt aims the dart board with a dart to hit the bull's eye on one board. Another man also hits the dart on the other dart board. The man in green shoots another dart and then goes to remove it from the dart board.", "segments": [[0, 19.99], [0.8, 6.8], [0.7, 8], [8.7, 19.49]], "duration": 19.99, "id": 6007}, {"image_id": "v_8kkKxLpiMus.mp4", "caption": "a group of people are gathered inside a room. They are walking back and forward together. They are dancing as a form of aerobics.", "segments": [[0, 4.43], [5.28, 28.44], [29.47, 34.06]], "duration": 34.06, "id": 6008}, {"image_id": "v_kp-mNHSU5Rc.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of people leading around horses are shown and one ties a horse to pole and wets down a razor. The woman then cuts the horses mane and rubs down the horses coat while the camera pans around. The woman unties the horse and finishes by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 28.38], [29.24, 134.17], [135.89, 172.01]], "duration": 172.01, "id": 6009}, {"image_id": "v_IcDadC2tw5c.mp4", "caption": "A person watches another person using a leaf blower in a yard from an elevated window. A person in dark clothing blows leaves on a piece of property in front of two open garage doors. Another person moves with the camera as they watch from a window in an elevated room against a white window sill. The person blowing the leaves moves around the yard and continues to do lawn maintenance.", "segments": [[0.3, 30.1], [1.06, 7.87], [9.53, 26.47], [14.07, 29.95]], "duration": 30.26, "id": 6010}, {"image_id": "v_k3rWocPJ428.mp4", "caption": "A table soccer set is seen without players that is built out of Lego type blocks. A ball is dispensed from an enclosure. Two boys play a game of table soccer. A boy scores a goal and the ball is retrieved from the slot. A ball falls down a square chute.", "segments": [[0, 11.24], [11.59, 22.48], [24.23, 54.09], [50.22, 54.79], [57.95, 62.87]], "duration": 70.24, "id": 6011}, {"image_id": "v_KoP6ZgL6fMY.mp4", "caption": "A woman in red is practicing to jump in the sand, She runs a little and jumps in the sand again. Then she starts to try from further back, sprinting and jumping into the sand. She starts to jump over little stands next and then another man joins in to practice with her. Then, an actual race begins and everyone is racing along.", "segments": [[0, 35.39], [35.39, 82.87], [82.87, 140.7], [140.7, 172.64]], "duration": 172.64, "id": 6012}, {"image_id": "v_hKa9wV1orM8.mp4", "caption": "People rides bumper cars in a carnival. A teen wearing red cup gets hit by other cars. People spin around and then continue riding and bumping. Then, people spin without hitting and then continue riding and bumping cars. A boy wearing white shirt spins around and get hit by several cars.", "segments": [[0, 6], [6, 9], [10, 29.51], [29.51, 69.03], [69.53, 100.05]], "duration": 100.05, "id": 6013}, {"image_id": "v_CZISTSKNsSk.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about how to ski. A man presents the videos with the topics he will cover as well as the equipment that will be needed to ski. Throughout the video, several people are shown demonstrating some key concepts of the skiing lesson. The video ends with the closing credits for the segment.", "segments": [[0, 4.14], [4.14, 93.66], [10.87, 93.66], [93.66, 103.49]], "duration": 103.49000000000001, "id": 6014}, {"image_id": "v__kdhjXHUfes.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen holding a pose on a stage and leads into another man walking on stage. The man and woman then perform a dance routine together around the stage while looking at one another. The two continue dancing and end with a bow and the audience applauding.", "segments": [[1.14, 27.36], [25.65, 92.9], [69.53, 110.57]], "duration": 113.99000000000001, "id": 6015}, {"image_id": "v_rmaHl5HTcwE.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a dart board is seen that leads into darts appearing. A person's hand takes off the darts and more darts are shown hitting the board. This happens several more times while the camera captures it's movements.", "segments": [[0, 11.75], [14.32, 37.45], [38.91, 72.32]], "duration": 73.42, "id": 6016}, {"image_id": "v_yJgC3-t_ciw.mp4", "caption": "There are two men playing Foos ball with two young boys in a living room. There is a large decorated Christmas tree behind them. There is a woman sitting in the living room with a little girl. The boys play Foos ball with the men. They laugh and enjoy themselves as they continue to play.", "segments": [[9.19, 22.66], [22.66, 34.92], [34.92, 43.8], [43.8, 53.9], [53.9, 57.27]], "duration": 61.26, "id": 6017}, {"image_id": "v_BK8yiRJkfcU.mp4", "caption": "A large arena is seen with a person running by and pointing to the camera. Several shots are shown of the athlete playing football and leads into him standing. The man then runs down the field and long jumps into a sand pit and his jump is shown again.", "segments": [[0.7, 14.55], [15.72, 35.43], [32.38, 46.69]], "duration": 46.93, "id": 6018}, {"image_id": "v_asWvAGhlbdQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a sharp knife in his hands while the camera zooms in and the man points to two boxes. He then glides the knife along the boxes and shows off the sharpened knife to the camera. He ends by holding the knife and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 71.47], [56.09, 148.36], [157.41, 166.46]], "duration": 180.93, "id": 6019}, {"image_id": "v_8aYk3so14fE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen looking off into the distance and leads into him speaking to the camera. The man continues to speak to the camera and then walks behind a set of drums. The man plays the drums continuously and ends by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 64.6], [66.59, 143.11], [149.07, 194.79]], "duration": 198.76, "id": 6020}, {"image_id": "v_hDV6wQKvKCg.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is shown swinging back and fourth on a swingset and smiling into the camera. She continues going back and fourth while the camera captures her yelling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.44], [14.44, 44.42]], "duration": 44.42, "id": 6021}, {"image_id": "v_vBCnsp-NEAg.mp4", "caption": "A person slices and ground garlic and chop parsley. Then, the person adds the garlic in the hot oil in a pan. The person cooks and drain the pasta, then put the pasta in the pot and add chicken broth, the cooked garlic, parsley, salt, pepper and cheese on top. Next, the person make fried chicken, then serves the pasta with the chicken.", "segments": [[0, 29.75], [29.75, 53.42], [54.03, 106.85], [106.85, 117.17]], "duration": 121.42, "id": 6022}, {"image_id": "v_1f_EQl4C700.mp4", "caption": "Different people enjoy having a cup of tea together. A woman blends the holds up a greased pan then adds a yellow butter to a bowl. Flour is added to the bowl and everything is blended together. Eggs are added to the mixture and blended in with a blender. The woman adds a liquid extracts as well as additional powdered flour to the dish. The woman adds cubed fruit to the mixture and stirs it with a spatula. The host pours the ingredients into a pan then cooks them in an oven. The women enjoy a bite of the dish together. The host pours a cup of tea to enjoy.", "segments": [[6.13, 18.38], [34.71, 52.07], [66.36, 76.57], [78.62, 90.87], [94.95, 124.56], [124.56, 134.77], [137.83, 152.13], [153.15, 171.53], [173.57, 190.92]], "duration": 204.2, "id": 6023}, {"image_id": "v_kS_wMOFfMDk.mp4", "caption": "A woman rubs her hand very well. Then, the woman rinse her hands with water.", "segments": [[0, 5.57], [5.57, 23.69]], "duration": 23.69, "id": 6024}, {"image_id": "v_2ehPAKS6Gpo.mp4", "caption": "People are playing hockey on a rink of ice. A referee skates over to the people. They continue playing the game of hockey.", "segments": [[0, 30.23], [8.01, 13.76], [13.76, 30.23]], "duration": 30.23, "id": 6025}, {"image_id": "v_Z4OyG8ZzUpg.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are out in the yard playing ball. One stands in front of the net and passes to the other with lacrosse sticks. The boys continue passing the ball bath and fourth to each other. One boy throws the ball out into the road while the other runs after it. Another boy comes in with a wig and the boys start wrestling each other. The boys then pretend the beat the boy with the wig up. The boys all continue wrestling each other while grabbing the objects and running away.", "segments": [[0, 40.56], [8.82, 40.56], [7.05, 45.85], [29.98, 37.03], [43.21, 84.65], [84.65, 125.21], [126.98, 175.47]], "duration": 176.36, "id": 6026}, {"image_id": "v_E8r9-dSKLwc.mp4", "caption": "People are riding bikes around a dirt trail. They go over a hill several times. The boy is wearing a helmet.", "segments": [[0, 49.34], [23.19, 42.68], [2.22, 49.34]], "duration": 49.34, "id": 6027}, {"image_id": "v_pv73L2pQX1s.mp4", "caption": "A person is welding a small square metal object. A flame exit a tube and a light sparkles form the welding machine. Two men weld to join to big cylinders.", "segments": [[0.33, 26.08], [27.07, 45.88], [45.88, 66.02]], "duration": 66.02, "id": 6028}, {"image_id": "v_-1IBHYS3L-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man removes snow on a car using a snowbrush. Then, the man writes over the snow covering the window of a car, and a woman wearing winter clothes smiles. Then, the man continues removing the snow on his car.", "segments": [[0, 190.88], [190.88, 241.44], [241.44, 252.82]], "duration": 252.82, "id": 6029}, {"image_id": "v_OYPyiUC4h68.mp4", "caption": "A man in bathing suit and his wife float down a river on intertubes. The man falls from his intertube and walks over to the waters edge. The man, now wearing life jacket, with his wife float down a river in the middle of a large group. A group from behind floats next to the man and woman as they slow down near the side of the river.", "segments": [[0, 6.8], [7.48, 33.99], [33.99, 119.64], [127.8, 135.95]], "duration": 135.95, "id": 6030}, {"image_id": "v_oB6h3DscMUw.mp4", "caption": "A woman cuts the ends off a sweet potato on a cutting board with a knife. The woman uses a peeling tool to skin a sweet potato over the cutting board.", "segments": [[1.85, 8.49], [8.49, 27.93]], "duration": 30.86, "id": 6031}, {"image_id": "v_L4ZhAK04yjg.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a a woman dancing together. The man spins the woman back and forth. The screen turns a green shade. The lady takes her hair out of a pony tail. The screen turns a blue shade. A person enter the room then leaves. The people start spining again. The person returns and moves to the left. The color becomes normal again. The man stops and the woman is upset.", "segments": [[0, 121.1], [19.22, 57.67], [28.19, 48.06], [59.59, 64.72], [61.51, 85.86], [73.05, 87.78], [82.02, 121.1], [92.91, 99.96], [122.38, 128.15], [121.74, 128.15]], "duration": 128.15, "id": 6032}, {"image_id": "v_ZWHFbIjh0N8.mp4", "caption": "An intro appears on a dark screen with red and white special effects and the words \"MILWAUKEE OPEN\" and \"BEST PLAYS\" show up on separate screens.Clips of various people, both men and women are outdoors at beaches, wearing beach attire as they play sand volleyball during different matches while a lot of spectators watching them and cheering them on.The clips end and the outro appears and looks just like the intro and ends with the words \"BEST PLAYS\" and \"MILWAUKEE OPEN\" on two different screens.", "segments": [[0, 8.46], [8.46, 178.55], [178.55, 187.94]], "duration": 187.94, "id": 6033}, {"image_id": "v_tO1VJnsd8sg.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing tennis on a court. A person in a yellow shirt stands outside watching. A woman opens the door and walks out.", "segments": [[0, 80.23], [1, 80.23], [80.73, 99.66]], "duration": 99.66, "id": 6034}, {"image_id": "v_3AZgr5HkSDY.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen performing a routine together in an exercise class while moving up and down on a beam. The people continue moving around one another while moving their arms up and down on the beam and end by holding onto one another and walking around the room.", "segments": [[3.4, 124.73], [92.98, 217.72]], "duration": 226.79, "id": 6035}, {"image_id": "v_9Ht1yvo936I.mp4", "caption": "people is playing black jack around a table. dealer is dealnig the cards and the tokens to the women. man stands from a table and walks in a room.", "segments": [[0, 78.05], [0, 67.7], [40.22, 78.05]], "duration": 79.65, "id": 6036}, {"image_id": "v_hYj38k-VOFM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen raking a yard and pauses to put his hand in his pocket. Another man comes walking in with a leaf blower pushing the leaves around. The man rakes more leaves and the leaf blower man comes in again.", "segments": [[0, 9.48], [9.9, 25.77], [25.36, 41.24]], "duration": 41.24, "id": 6037}, {"image_id": "v_Ho0eNR4jvEg.mp4", "caption": "We see the underwater sea floor. Two people swim in front of the camera. We see a man holding a camera. We see a fin enter the camera. The camera is spinning wildly. Bubbles rise out of a tube. A man hands another person the mouthpiece.", "segments": [[0, 141.1], [7.05, 16.23], [23.99, 29.63], [47.27, 51.5], [67.73, 141.1], [98.06, 105.82], [112.17, 119.23]], "duration": 141.1, "id": 6038}, {"image_id": "v_4S09Z8HRtdo.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen walking around a yard in front of a board. Another man walks in and the group are seen laying up a fence. The men continue to put boards up on the fence and end by presenting it to the camera.", "segments": [[1.75, 56.93], [56.93, 134.01], [107.73, 170.79]], "duration": 175.17000000000002, "id": 6039}, {"image_id": "v_f3Mse2A5edA.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting behind a table completing a Rubik's cube. A person in a blue shirt is standing next to the table holding a stop watch. The man completes the Rubik's cube and sets it down. He hugs a person that walks up next to him.", "segments": [[0, 114.64], [50.89, 60.83], [81.89, 84.81], [93.59, 94.17]], "duration": 116.97999999999999, "id": 6040}, {"image_id": "v_STR26rN9GcA.mp4", "caption": "Two men are outdoors on a sidewalk, playing drums with their bare hands. A large crowd crosses the sidewalk as they complete the show, and the man on the left stands upright.", "segments": [[0, 20.32], [21.72, 27.84]], "duration": 27.84, "id": 6041}, {"image_id": "v_VNMj5YKHEsY.mp4", "caption": "woman is talking to a man in an icerink skating and holding hockey poles playing pulling the disc. woman is in an hospital talking to a man. man and woman looked the man that have bandage in his head.", "segments": [[0, 110.21], [110.21, 156.76], [156.76, 190.01]], "duration": 190.01, "id": 6042}, {"image_id": "v_n1sWb2K6hBM.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady bring a horse into a stable turns the horse around and ties him up. The lady then brushes the horse and cleans the hooves on the horse on the right. The lady then sprays a product in the mane and comes it. The lady moves to the front of the horse and brushes his mane. the lady brushes the left side of the horse and cleans his hooves. The lady then brushes the tail and the horse and the lady leave.", "segments": [[0, 17.57], [18.41, 59.41], [57.73, 84.51], [88.69, 91.2], [91.2, 120.49], [121.33, 167.35]], "duration": 167.35, "id": 6043}, {"image_id": "v_oeFUzyNgxQU.mp4", "caption": "We see men on a stage walking on a slack line as two other men film the event. They switch and a different man then walks the slackline who flips off the slackline. The men switch again and the first man is on the slackline. The man fall off the slackline onto his butt. The second man bounces and flips off. The first man bounces and flips off. the men clap and take the slackline off stage.", "segments": [[0, 126.04], [60.47, 83.78], [84.51, 96.89], [94.71, 96.89], [96.89, 110.74], [110.74, 127.49], [126.04, 145.71]], "duration": 145.71, "id": 6044}, {"image_id": "v_p8C7govzEPw.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a clock is shown followed by a person making and pouring out coffee as well as the outside of a building. A women sets up her keys, writes on a board, and leads into her grooming and petting the dogs. Several clips are shown of the woman grooming the animals from various views and the animals shown afterwards.", "segments": [[9, 80.99], [60.53, 124.34], [111.25, 158.7]], "duration": 163.61, "id": 6045}, {"image_id": "v_CZGDWYYkO-U.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing glasses is seen speaking to the camera that leads into her taking them off and holding them to her camera. She then holds up various items and holds her eye open to put in contact lens for both eyes.", "segments": [[0, 53.46], [53.46, 232.46]], "duration": 232.46, "id": 6046}, {"image_id": "v_Ygy-zufAejI.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a man walking a tightrope high above a mountain range. We see a picture in picture in the upper left corner. We see the man holding a selfie stick. The man reaches the other side and turns around. the ending title screen loads.", "segments": [[0, 2.04], [2.33, 41.91], [24.16, 28.82], [27.65, 32.02], [39.58, 41.91], [41.91, 58.21]], "duration": 58.21, "id": 6047}, {"image_id": "v_enESbo2pA9U.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of a celebrity walking the red carpet as well as a woman hosting a news segment and pictures being shown beside her. More pictures are shown as well as the celebrity skiing and snowboarding and ends with men escorting the celebrity into a building and more pictures as the woman speaks.", "segments": [[0, 62.16], [44.76, 124.32]], "duration": 124.32, "id": 6048}, {"image_id": "v_JhoGvKrhs8s.mp4", "caption": "A large marching band is seen standing together in front of a large building with others standing around. More shots are shown of the group standing around one another while the camera pans around.", "segments": [[0.97, 42.08], [35.79, 95.77]], "duration": 96.74000000000001, "id": 6049}, {"image_id": "v_7hxCoi0XU6I.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into two women in front of the camera, one standing and speaking, and the other sitting and watching. The woman standing holds up a brush and begins brushing the woman's hair. She finishes brushing the woman's hair and looks back to the camera smiling.", "segments": [[0, 28.5], [28.5, 82.58], [83.74, 116.31]], "duration": 116.31, "id": 6050}, {"image_id": "v_vlBzrnOuW9U.mp4", "caption": "A woman helps a little boy kick a ball during a kickball game. Each time the ball reaches base, another kid has a turn to kick.", "segments": [[0, 14.53], [15.67, 28.49]], "duration": 28.49, "id": 6051}, {"image_id": "v_bqsWU8HqpxE.mp4", "caption": "A man runs with a pole and a jumps high, then people jumps several times. Two men are boxing, then people gather, men parachute and a man dive in the water. People dressed with military clothes, then they are doing other activities. People practice pole vault, climbing and other activities.", "segments": [[0, 46.56], [0, 81.48], [81.48, 142.01], [142.01, 213.02]], "duration": 232.8, "id": 6052}, {"image_id": "v_P5Sg_kACPRM.mp4", "caption": "Two men run on a track while a large crowd of spectators and press watch. A man in the grass in the background runs with the men for a moment. The man on the inside lane of the track starts running very fast and then jumps into a sand pit. the other man runs past the sand pit. The man that jumped steps out of the sand pit and walks to the side.", "segments": [[0, 15.63], [4.22, 5.78], [2.42, 13.6], [15.08, 15.63], [14.14, 15.63]], "duration": 15.63, "id": 6053}, {"image_id": "v_xXGc5_0_2QI.mp4", "caption": "Inside of a fence men are sitting upon horses waiting. One of the men starts to chase after a bull on his horse. He gets off of his horse and brings the bull down and starts walking back to his horse. He gets back on the horse as the bull just lays on the ground defeated.", "segments": [[0, 14.56], [14.56, 18.35], [18.14, 27.64], [27.64, 42.19]], "duration": 42.19, "id": 6054}, {"image_id": "v_v26OP6f29Qc.mp4", "caption": "The men discuss a project sitting at the table. Two men sit at a table together and read from a document. The two men play a game of rock paper scissors.", "segments": [[0, 145.43], [13.82, 59.63], [95.25, 109.07]], "duration": 145.43, "id": 6055}, {"image_id": "v_1Z3mjpu1I2A.mp4", "caption": "There's a little girl washing dishes and spoons in the kitchen sink. She uses a blue dish scrub and plenty of dish soap and washes the glass and spoons while keeping the tap running. She has her hands covered with soap foam as she washes the spoons and knives under the tap. She then washes a pizza cutter and spoon thoroughly with the soap and water.", "segments": [[12.97, 40.44], [40.44, 91.56], [91.56, 134.29], [134.29, 143.45]], "duration": 152.6, "id": 6056}, {"image_id": "v_VyQ4ZbgqMXk.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing a game of shuffleboard. A man falls down onto the shuffleboard. A disc is dropped onto the ground.", "segments": [[0, 22.49], [36.84, 42.27], [59.33, 67.09]], "duration": 77.56, "id": 6057}, {"image_id": "v_pieT6K771WQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl talks stand on the sidewalk, then she walks to a hopscotch. The girl stands on the hopscotch, then she jumps hopscotch while talking.", "segments": [[0, 14.33], [14.65, 65.13]], "duration": 65.13, "id": 6058}, {"image_id": "v_FLL06mU-ua8.mp4", "caption": "A man gives tips on outdoor physical training. He demonstrates on the monkey bars going back and forth with upper body strength.", "segments": [[0, 141.32], [42.39, 141.32]], "duration": 141.32, "id": 6059}, {"image_id": "v_QgklQUCQcV4.mp4", "caption": "A news report on physical fitness is given. A few people discuss the benefits of hulahooping and then do a demonstration.", "segments": [[0, 209.72], [25.17, 209.72]], "duration": 209.72, "id": 6060}, {"image_id": "v_vcRCId1-xdA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen holding a drink on stage speaking into a mic as well as the audience. The woman continues speaking and looking around the audience while taking sips of her drink and putting it down. Finally she picks up a guitar and grabs a pic from the front and steps away.", "segments": [[0, 24.77], [29.87, 121.66], [120.21, 145.71]], "duration": 145.71, "id": 6061}, {"image_id": "v__W8m7v1Ir5I.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing behind one another with others watching on the sides and leads into the group running down a road. The large group of kids continue running down the road after one another while people still watch on the sides.", "segments": [[1.19, 72.62], [46.43, 117.26]], "duration": 119.05, "id": 6062}, {"image_id": "v_mtF0AFNSFnI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in front of a woman who begins playing a piano. Another man is seen sitting next to her playing an accordion. The man and woman play together while smiling and nodding and end by stopping and the man applauding.", "segments": [[0, 31.39], [36.63, 94.93], [77.74, 148]], "duration": 149.49, "id": 6063}, {"image_id": "v_VlfnvORj6KY.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting behind three drums. He begins playing the drums in front of him. He finishes playing and pictures are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.18], [2.18, 137.12], [138.57, 145.1]], "duration": 145.1, "id": 6064}, {"image_id": "v_-bzI8_hCbWk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a large gymnasium playing a game of dodge ball with one another. One man performs an impressive flip that leads to a man speaking to the camera and showing more shots of impressive dodgeball play.", "segments": [[2.19, 108.61], [100.93, 213.92]], "duration": 219.41, "id": 6065}, {"image_id": "v_Il2jGm3L0-0.mp4", "caption": "A male athlete puts powder on his hands. He mounts a high beam in the gym. He spins and flips several times before dismounting.", "segments": [[0, 12.31], [16.79, 51.85], [58.57, 74.61]], "duration": 74.61, "id": 6066}, {"image_id": "v_IeMeu-7QihI.mp4", "caption": "A shot of people are shown from several angles and leads into various shots of people riding skis and doing tricks. More close up of water skiers are shown while the boat trails around the area.", "segments": [[0, 37.4], [36.64, 76.32]], "duration": 76.32, "id": 6067}, {"image_id": "v_hV9sBYo342M.mp4", "caption": "A man is running down a track. He jumps onto a blue mat. He jumps over a high bar and lands on the blue mat.", "segments": [[0, 4.67], [4.11, 5.04], [15.69, 20.36]], "duration": 37.35, "id": 6068}, {"image_id": "v_Zfo0XXcWXiU.mp4", "caption": "A woman brushes and dries her hair. The woman puts the blow dryer down and brushes her hair again.", "segments": [[0.66, 61], [61, 65.6]], "duration": 65.6, "id": 6069}, {"image_id": "v_O_IrzZbXiCc.mp4", "caption": "A child smiles at the camera. The child practices field hockey with obstacles on the ground. The child walks away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.45], [2.94, 95.63], [95.63, 98.08]], "duration": 98.08, "id": 6070}, {"image_id": "v_2-hF-v79XyQ.mp4", "caption": "We see two men in a TV studio talking. We see people playing an indoor soccer game. A man in black is running with his arms in the air. A man in yellow slides on the ground. The 10 in yellow throws a tantrum. The yellow team all hug each other. We return to the men in the studio.", "segments": [[0, 18.44], [19.63, 114.22], [47, 49.38], [64.84, 67.82], [84.48, 88.05], [107.68, 109.46], [114.82, 118.98]], "duration": 118.97999999999999, "id": 6071}, {"image_id": "v_FNX7CeuIvIQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside with two dogs on leashes. He puts on a show with the trained dogs. He throws frisbees, and the small crowd claps for the performing dogs.", "segments": [[0, 14.77], [22.15, 103.38], [105.22, 184.6]], "duration": 184.6, "id": 6072}, {"image_id": "v_eWP99kNayuU.mp4", "caption": "A man stands over a roof of a house and puts a took on the roof. Then, the man holds the handle of a tool with one hand. The man holds the handle with two hands, then he continues holding the tool with one hand.", "segments": [[0, 1.95], [1.95, 17.15], [16.96, 34.7]], "duration": 38.99, "id": 6073}, {"image_id": "v_vKShqwBJrME.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen attempting to solve a rubix cube while the end of a table is shown. The person continues until they finish the cube and then shows his time on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 59.27], [46.42, 82.9]], "duration": 82.9, "id": 6074}, {"image_id": "v_4_CcDjbCXBQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen hosting a news segment and leads into shots of people playing soccer and audience members watching. More highlights of the game are shown as well as team mates celebrating and hugging one another.", "segments": [[0, 82.82], [46.59, 172.55]], "duration": 172.55, "id": 6075}, {"image_id": "v_JxEnKQ7iXUI.mp4", "caption": "A group of young girls are dressed in pink tutus, standing on a stage and doing their ballerina routine.One of the girls goes out of sync from the rest and starts moving her feet as she's doing her routine and everything other girl is just standing on their feet and moving just their arms.The girls are now starting to sing as they continue to dance and the same girl that was doing her own thing out of sync continues to do her own dancing different from the majority of the young girls.The dance ends and some of the girls do a curtsy and then they all walk off the stage.", "segments": [[0, 16.22], [16.22, 60.98], [60.98, 115.48], [115.48, 129.75]], "duration": 129.75, "id": 6076}, {"image_id": "v_oq8DE3Cbar0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a movie mask is seated by a flight of stairs. He is playing an accordian for the people passing by. A few pause to listen, then continue on their way.", "segments": [[0, 10.75], [11.05, 48.39], [49.59, 59.75]], "duration": 59.75, "id": 6077}, {"image_id": "v_34eCEU2Y4T0.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates, on a toy baby, how to swaddle a baby and wash a baby\u2019s face using cotton balls and wet towels. A woman stands in front of a toy baby and talks to the camera. The woman swaddles the baby in a white blanket and then begins to apply water soaked cotton balls, from a nearby water filled container, to the baby\u2019s eyes and nose and face. The woman finishes and talks to the camera again.", "segments": [[4.64, 154.62], [4.64, 9.28], [14.69, 48.71], [135.29, 142.25]], "duration": 154.62, "id": 6078}, {"image_id": "v_s789WxU8PFY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and begins unboxing an item. She pulls out the panels as well as putting sunglasses on and presents a pan of objects to the camera. She continues speaking to the camera and pulls the objects out to present baked cookies. The cookies are seen again on a tray and she breaks them open to see.", "segments": [[0, 35.16], [35.16, 84.55], [82.87, 140.63], [140.63, 167.42]], "duration": 167.42000000000002, "id": 6079}, {"image_id": "v_7845vSLQoG8.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is bending over dipping a paint brush into a blue bucket. He paints the fence in front of him. He walks towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 15.68], [15.1, 20.86], [22.01, 28.77]], "duration": 28.77, "id": 6080}, {"image_id": "v_3G3Zear4vog.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen moving quickly around the room while switching places and looking into a camera. The younger girl laughs to the camera while putting on makeup and the other moves around quick.", "segments": [[0.61, 7.93], [6.94, 14.65]], "duration": 15.26, "id": 6081}, {"image_id": "v_yB35e1u3pJs.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen speaking to the camera while sitting at a table and leads into her holding up a contacts case. The girl then holds her eye open and takes out the contact, followed by her dipping it in liquid and putting it back in while still speaking.", "segments": [[4.42, 96.34], [54.8, 173.23]], "duration": 176.76, "id": 6082}, {"image_id": "v_JRr3BruqS2Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman is rollerskating across a street with people crossing behind her. She goes back across the street alone. A woman in a grey sweater talks to the camera on the sidewalk. A man in a black hat talks to the camera in front of a blue building. A man in a black shirt is sitting down and talking. It goes back to the man in a black hat talking. It goes back to the man in the black shirt talking. The girl is bent over on roller blades pulling something out of a bench. She does tricks on the bench. A woman in a brown hat is talking. A man with a mohawk talks. The girl does more tricks on her roller blades. A woman in a pink shirt is talking. Three kids are sitting on a bench in roller skates talking. The girl on roller blades does another trick. An older woman is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.92], [18.92, 25.6], [25.6, 36.73], [37.84, 47.86], [48.97, 58.99], [63.44, 70.11], [72.34, 77.91], [81.24, 91.26], [91.26, 105.73], [106.84, 119.08], [120.2, 122.42], [122.42, 152.47], [152.47, 163.6], [164.71, 185.86], [185.86, 213.68], [214.8, 222.59]], "duration": 222.59, "id": 6083}, {"image_id": "v_Er88I-NQkG4.mp4", "caption": "spanish letters are shown in the video.baby kid is dancing in the top of a table wearing a white diaper in the kitchen and a woman is filming it.", "segments": [[0, 5.43], [5.43, 180.88]], "duration": 180.88, "id": 6084}, {"image_id": "v_qisMX7KNi7s.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind a table. She opens a white bin and pours water and soap into it. She then closes it and turns the top. She hangs the clothes from a wood rack to dry.", "segments": [[0, 138.98], [42.59, 54.55], [64.26, 94.9], [99.38, 100.87]], "duration": 149.44, "id": 6085}, {"image_id": "v_60CCYfec2vQ.mp4", "caption": "There are several workers on top of a roof working on repairing the roof. They are removing the old shingles with the help of a roof jacks. They continue removing the shingles while standing on top of the roof.", "segments": [[7.69, 29.54], [29.54, 48], [48, 54.46]], "duration": 61.53, "id": 6086}, {"image_id": "v_xoETvVbyiBA.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up to a set of parallel bars. The man performs acrobatics on the bars in a professional venue. The man successfully jumps of the bars and lands on his feet.", "segments": [[0, 3.23], [3.52, 52.2], [52.5, 58.65]], "duration": 58.65, "id": 6087}, {"image_id": "v_3Rc2pPAQ-Cs.mp4", "caption": "The man in white shirt is strumming the bongo drum. At the counter the man is sitting behind the counter. The man playing bongo hit one drum then the next, then he beat the drums fast.", "segments": [[0, 42], [25.85, 69.15], [62.68, 129.24]], "duration": 129.24, "id": 6088}, {"image_id": "v_CsaeiOFuij0.mp4", "caption": "A man is positioning a camera and then walks into a room through a wall of glass with three walls in them.When he enters the room,another man appears with a racket in his hand and they begin hitting the ball up against the wall.The two go back and forth hitting the ball and they eventually stop when neither of the men are able to get to the ball.", "segments": [[0, 19.72], [19.46, 37.88], [37.63, 51.9]], "duration": 51.9, "id": 6089}, {"image_id": "v_KHxBqZmSaJU.mp4", "caption": "people is sitting on a studio talking to each other. man is in the beach doing tricks with a little kid and people in the studio is talking about the video. page of a cheerleaders is shown in the screen and the video of the girl in the beach doing tricks. man is in a living room with a little girl and is doing tricks with her and on the beach, then a video of the man and the girl talking to a camera is shown while people in the stuio keep talking and showing their videos.", "segments": [[0, 3.97], [3.97, 26.22], [26.22, 38.93], [38.93, 158.9]], "duration": 158.9, "id": 6090}, {"image_id": "v_UgtzVS_oeq0.mp4", "caption": "People are shown interacting in a dance hall. A woman smokes and exhales black smoke. A man approaches a table and places food on it. Two children eat under the table. Two individuals dancing together kiss. The woman smokes and the black smoke disappears.", "segments": [[0, 41.14], [9.26, 11.93], [15.84, 18.1], [19.54, 22.21], [25.92, 30.85], [31.26, 34.35]], "duration": 41.14, "id": 6091}, {"image_id": "v_Gd6YooP1_CU.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a coffee drink is shown followed by a man drinking out of the cup. The camera pans around to more people with drinks in their hands. A ma looks down at his lap with the drink still in front of him.", "segments": [[0.63, 9.8], [8.54, 23.72], [20.87, 30.04]], "duration": 31.63, "id": 6092}, {"image_id": "v_n5RVQbgz1Rs.mp4", "caption": "A large green field is shown as two teams begin rushing towards a ball hitting it with a stick that has a net at the end of it.As the game progresses,a player runs into two other people and flips over their shoulders ultimately getting injured.He lays on the ground and several replays of the incident are shown.Next,several still images of other teams walking and preparing to start are shown of them playing games in various locations.", "segments": [[0, 28.95], [28.95, 46.1], [46.1, 83.62], [83.62, 214.41]], "duration": 214.41, "id": 6093}, {"image_id": "v_PFn7a6eEhb4.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms in on a baby cow with various title pages shown across the screen. A group of men run around a calf while others hold him down. A drunk man attempts to interact with a bull and is flipped into the air. Several men drag him out while a tourist attempts to draw the bull in. The bull nearly grabs him but the boy makes it on the fence and throws the red blanket on the bull.", "segments": [[4.48, 21.84], [28, 39.76], [35.84, 45.92], [46.48, 88.47], [91.83, 111.99]], "duration": 111.99000000000001, "id": 6094}, {"image_id": "v_uUzmPV8Vgqg.mp4", "caption": "A woman in track pants and her daughters wash a small dog with soap and water in a bucket on a patio. A woman uses a cup to pour water on the dog to remove the soap.", "segments": [[0, 59.76], [60.92, 112.55]], "duration": 116.03, "id": 6095}, {"image_id": "v_qtfFFPKya3Y.mp4", "caption": "A field is shown with about ten men standing in the middle and a man takes off running and throws a ball at a man holding a paddle.More games are shown and the same exact actions are repeated throughout various teams.A man with short black hair is then shown and his teammates begin congratulating him and more teams are shown playing the game.", "segments": [[0, 33.61], [33.61, 136.53], [136.53, 210.05]], "duration": 210.05, "id": 6096}, {"image_id": "v_Pt4BlfBqduE.mp4", "caption": "man is holding a hammer fixing the roof of a garage. man is standing in the rooftop adding a black mix.", "segments": [[0, 30.75], [30.2, 109.83]], "duration": 109.83, "id": 6097}, {"image_id": "v_ean7ZR6XmG4.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting on a table eating a sandwich in a rstaurant talking to other man. man is watching the man while eats and talking to him. both men stands and play rock paper scissors and man hits the man sand this falls to the floor. man is sitting on the chair and talks to the man on thefloor and throw him the sandwich. man walks to a desk and sits in front of te computer drinking water and the other man is laying on the floor trying to talk. anoher man siting in front talk to the man in the desk. man stands and talk to the man on the floor and hits him again and the man spit blood.", "segments": [[0, 38.3], [8.51, 38.3], [38.3, 69.92], [69.31, 76], [76, 100.32], [97.28, 102.75], [102.75, 121.6]], "duration": 121.6, "id": 6098}, {"image_id": "v_FmugQfHQ4p0.mp4", "caption": "Two vacuums appear in a gray room. One of the vacuums disappears. A lady vacuums her house then empties the vacuum. The lady puts the vacuum in a closet. We see a room full of desks and engineers designing products. Three Dyson fans swivel toward the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.7], [3.7, 6.98], [7.8, 58.72], [58.31, 71.04], [71.86, 78.43], [78.84, 82.13]], "duration": 82.13, "id": 6099}, {"image_id": "v_bJahexpTlr8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a silver jacket is fixing a spoke on the tire of his bicycle. He spins the wheel of the tire. He takes the tire off the bike and lays it against the building. He uses a tool to fix the spoke of the tire. He puts the tire back on the bike and spins it.", "segments": [[0, 208.59], [79.26, 82.39], [147.05, 154.35], [164.78, 182.51], [197.11, 208.59]], "duration": 208.59, "id": 6100}, {"image_id": "v_67NwPB79MTo.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen moving around a gym kicking a ball around. The boys yell to one another with their hands up and continue walking around the gym.", "segments": [[0, 23.24], [9.3, 34.44]], "duration": 34.44, "id": 6101}, {"image_id": "v_ERmsX91_7V4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen running onto a court and shooting a basketball. The man is shown in several clips running down and scoring a basket. The man continues to shoot hoops over and over again.", "segments": [[0, 22.69], [23.17, 69.5], [60.04, 93.61]], "duration": 94.55, "id": 6102}, {"image_id": "v_hLnVjkmioH8.mp4", "caption": "A boy sits at a kitchen counter and adjusts the camera. His friend moves the camera back so they are more visible. The two boys then arm wrestle and the left boy wins both times. The right boy walks away and the left boy reaches for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.95], [12.78, 18.19], [19.17, 92.91], [94.87, 98.31]], "duration": 98.31, "id": 6103}, {"image_id": "v_SQM-heGm8iU.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen running around a room and leads into one speaking to the camera. The people hit a tennis ball around the room while dancing and cheering with one another. The people continue hitting the ball around while playing with one another.", "segments": [[0, 46.1], [57.17, 142.92], [103.27, 179.8]], "duration": 184.41, "id": 6104}, {"image_id": "v_Lvia-mF_Hnk.mp4", "caption": "A man in welding attire welds a piece of metal to another piece of metal on camera. A man wearing protective clothing and a metal welding hat stands in front of a piece of metal missing a long strip on the face of it. The man begins to weld creating large sparks of white light. When the welding stop the finished product reveals a strip has been welded onto the formerly bare spot and the welder tests it with a hard instrument.", "segments": [[0, 75.74], [2.28, 6.85], [6.85, 61.65], [61.65, 76.12]], "duration": 76.12, "id": 6105}, {"image_id": "v_WhYyvKiwLc8.mp4", "caption": "A woman rides a bike outside. She is then shown playing a violin. She then roller blades outside. And then she does push ups on a roof.", "segments": [[0, 4.18], [3.54, 11.26], [23.16, 42.14], [33.78, 47.61]], "duration": 64.34, "id": 6106}, {"image_id": "v_DEt_Xgg8dzc.mp4", "caption": "A person jumps and land on the sand. A man runs fast and jumps high to land on the sand, then stand and goes skiping to his sit, while people walk in the stadium. A man talks sitting in an elegant room. A man pass on front the crowd, then jumps and bend on the floor to celebrate. Three athletes stand on the podium, then a man runs and jumps to land on the sand.", "segments": [[1.53, 5.37], [4.6, 61.34], [62.87, 93.54], [93.54, 131.88], [131.88, 151.81]], "duration": 153.35, "id": 6107}, {"image_id": "v_taO9hPOvMz0.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting on the sand on a beach. People are surfing on large waves in the water. A boy lays a towel out onto the sand of the beach. People continue to surf on the large waves of the water.", "segments": [[5.91, 9.84], [9.84, 109.24], [110.23, 111.21], [110.23, 196.84]], "duration": 196.84, "id": 6108}, {"image_id": "v_BKRKHkkZq6g.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt holds an exercise ball over another man wearing a light blue shirt performs sit-ups on an inclined bench. The man wearing the black shirt drops the ball on the floor and crouches down and high fives the man performing the sit-ups.", "segments": [[0, 17.54], [16.96, 36.84]], "duration": 38.99, "id": 6109}, {"image_id": "v_j_ImkPKoA-U.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a rock by a fast flowing river. Another man sails past him in a raft trying to keep up with the strong current and waves. There are several other people sitting on the rocks watching the rafter go by. They are sitting on the rocks with their life vests besides them.", "segments": [[1.05, 12.12], [12.12, 18.42], [18.42, 21.33], [21.33, 21.8]], "duration": 23.31, "id": 6110}, {"image_id": "v_MlxMV7WH9-g.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans out of chocolate chip cookies and milk and leads into a woman speaking. The woman mixes various ingredients together in a bowl and leads into her putting clumps of dough onto a pan. She puts the pan in the oven then takes it out to show off her chocolate ship cookies.", "segments": [[0.51, 29.56], [35.17, 81.55], [82.57, 97.35]], "duration": 101.94, "id": 6111}, {"image_id": "v_0acEl97ZBME.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans up to a man sitting and smoking a cigarette. Another man walks over with a cart and begins digging through trash. The man smoking cigarettes begins talking to the homeless man about how life sucks and how he can relate to the homeless man.", "segments": [[0, 8.73], [7.19, 19.52], [16.44, 102.75]], "duration": 102.75, "id": 6112}, {"image_id": "v_f4s1ngeK5P4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wearing slippers and holding a stick in their hands. The person then begins walking around a room pushing the ball around with the stick. The person continues hitting the ball while walking around the room.", "segments": [[0, 9.26], [8.79, 25.12], [19.15, 30.77]], "duration": 31.39, "id": 6113}, {"image_id": "v_gmFioIDX4X0.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen climbing into the back of a kayak with another man and paddling alone the water. The camera pans around the area and zooms back and fourth along the water and pans to people on the beach.", "segments": [[0, 51.86], [50.74, 111.53]], "duration": 111.53, "id": 6114}, {"image_id": "v_vycd0CJTwoA.mp4", "caption": "A parking lot is shown, and a man on roller blades takes off down the hill. He goes around sharp curves on his skates. He takes several country and wooded roads before rolling to a stop in a parking lot.", "segments": [[0, 17.89], [19.57, 88.88], [92.8, 111.81]], "duration": 111.81, "id": 6115}, {"image_id": "v_TcxOTZ4xnQ4.mp4", "caption": "A girl demonstrates several gymnastic and tumbler moves in a living room and on a green lawn with a line of residential houses as a backdrop. A girl demonstrates a somersault move in the living room in front of two couches. The girl then demonstrates more advanced backflip gymnastic moves in a field of grass with houses in a residential neighborhood as the backdrop.", "segments": [[6.14, 38.82], [6.14, 14.26], [14.46, 39.61]], "duration": 39.61, "id": 6116}, {"image_id": "v_dUa0E0ASviM.mp4", "caption": "A girl is warming up and stretching and grabs 2 large ropes. Two women are holding each rope and the girl tries to pull both ropes at once. She continues pulling the rope and succeeds at pulling the two women closer to her.", "segments": [[0, 6.92], [6.46, 92.23], [15.68, 88.54]], "duration": 92.22999999999999, "id": 6117}, {"image_id": "v_EL47wkhiOq8.mp4", "caption": "The young boy serve the shuttlecock but it hit the net. The older man serve the ball and the kid missed it. An older woman in gray shirt serve the ball and the girl in red hit it.", "segments": [[0, 6.09], [5.22, 22.19], [20.89, 43.52]], "duration": 43.52, "id": 6118}, {"image_id": "v_Jv7AjsdOk2I.mp4", "caption": "A man is skateboarding, he jumps up on higher levels. He kicks to build up some speed and does some cool tricks . He gets off and then jumps back on the board and does more tricks all around. He jumps up on a rail and then gets back down and sits on the board and waves.", "segments": [[0, 34.27], [34.27, 72.35], [72.35, 124.71], [124.71, 183.74]], "duration": 190.4, "id": 6119}, {"image_id": "v_taHfD8TFfX4.mp4", "caption": "A baseball player is seen standing on a patch of dirt with another behind him. The man then begins to hit a ball. The man hits the ball in slow motion.", "segments": [[0.06, 2.1], [1.88, 3.87], [3.7, 5.28]], "duration": 5.53, "id": 6120}, {"image_id": "v_X3Nr9Gj6JR0.mp4", "caption": "A person makes spaghetti from scratch using flour, eggs, a blender and a pasta press. A hand mixes flour in a bowl, adds eggs and mixes both ingredients with a mixer. The hands then take the resulting ball of dough and kneads it, covers it in saran wrap and cuts it in pieces before rolling it flat with a rolling pin. The person then takes the flattened dough and puts it in a presser, dusts it with flour, and puts it into a container and then a spaghetti press which produces many strands of spaghetti.", "segments": [[2.12, 98.91], [2.64, 18.51], [19.04, 46.02], [47.61, 98.39]], "duration": 105.78999999999999, "id": 6121}, {"image_id": "v_YRp5nE0Hlsc.mp4", "caption": "The screen is black and we see a ballerina dance across the stage spilling feathers. The person moves it's head like a chicken. The person does a shuffle and dance then falls to the ground before getting up and dancing more. The person puts their hands in a prayer pose. The person picks up feathers off the ground and sprinkles them around then dances and falls to the ground and the scene ends.", "segments": [[0, 104.68], [63.61, 68.44], [93.41, 146.55], [119.98, 125.61], [139.3, 161.04]], "duration": 161.04, "id": 6122}, {"image_id": "v_mbmMY04yMUA.mp4", "caption": "There is some script shown on fear of singing on stage. A woman in a green shirt is singing while doing the dishes in her kitchen sink. She continues to wash the spoons and forks with a blue scrub and soap as she sings in a high pitch and tone. She continues to wash a large knife and then places the wet utensils on a drying rack. She washes some glasses and scrubs them thoroughly with the same sponge. Then places the glass on the drying rack.", "segments": [[8.1, 22.28], [22.28, 38.48], [38.48, 65.48], [65.48, 95.18], [95.18, 122.85], [122.85, 135]], "duration": 135.0, "id": 6123}, {"image_id": "v_etqiXPKlthk.mp4", "caption": "A young man drinks six bottles of beer while a person stand on front him holding a chronometer. Then, the young man spits beer on the person who fall on the ground. After, the person stand sand take off his pants and t-shirt, then he crowls on the grass.", "segments": [[0, 119.94], [119.94, 122.94], [122.94, 199.9]], "duration": 199.9, "id": 6124}, {"image_id": "v_dpUDMvzlwmI.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen playing a soccer match on a large, sandy beach. Many people watch on the sidelines as the kids pass the ball back and fourth to one another. The game continues on as the kids move up and down the field and attempt several goals that end up missed.", "segments": [[0, 111.74], [7.82, 103.91], [58.66, 111.74]], "duration": 111.74000000000001, "id": 6125}, {"image_id": "v__EZnGbfMqsc.mp4", "caption": "A young blonde girl jumps outside. She holds a jump rope and turns the jump rope in front of her. She performs the same thing again. She turns the jump rope once more and catches it with her feet. She does it once more. She turns the jump rope and completes a full jump. She goes and does it again. She jump ropes multiple times. She does it again, jump roping over and over again. She speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[14.63, 15.1], [25.48, 28.31], [35.38, 37.74], [41.99, 43.4], [50.48, 51.9], [55.2, 57.09], [64.16, 65.11], [68.41, 69.82], [76.9, 79.26], [83.03, 84.92]], "duration": 94.36, "id": 6126}, {"image_id": "v_-3baQGb2zIY.mp4", "caption": "A black male majorette begins walking through the drum line with his baton.As he makes his way to the front of the band,he bgeins to twirl the baton and move across the field and takes his pants off.Underneath his pants is a pair of sparkly shorts and he continues to dance, doing turns,tricks,kicks,splits,and popping as the band plays.", "segments": [[0, 16.2], [16.2, 52.79], [52.79, 104.54]], "duration": 104.53999999999999, "id": 6127}, {"image_id": "v_jwOZsKS25oc.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in a pink tank top and gray tights is demonstrating spinning in a fitness gym. She shows the various exercises using the bicycle. She also shows stomach crunches and stretches while laying down on the floor. She motivates her team to continue biking as she encourages them to go faster.", "segments": [[9.55, 25.85], [25.85, 34.28], [34.28, 49.73], [49.73, 56.19]], "duration": 56.19, "id": 6128}, {"image_id": "v_--veKG73Di4.mp4", "caption": "A man and a women introduce themselves to the camera and start to talk to each other while the man is sitting behind a four set bongo set and the women is on the other side holding a water bottle. As the conversation ensues another woman approaches the woman and takes away her water bottle. Afterwards the man starts to play the bongos and woman starts to dance. As the woman dances on a man on a bike passes by and starts to observe what's going on. In the end while the woman stops dancing and starts to clap and the man playing the bongos stops playing and does a final clap.", "segments": [[0, 24.82], [24.82, 26.55], [26.55, 98.13], [35.21, 45.03], [102.75, 115.45]], "duration": 115.45, "id": 6129}, {"image_id": "v_bxxSc2m08Sk.mp4", "caption": "We see a man performing Capoiera in a plaza. The man is joined by a second man and the practice together. The first man leaves and another man jumps in. The two men finish and shake hands and hug. Both men back out of the ring and a new man enters.", "segments": [[0, 5.39], [5.39, 22.91], [23.59, 33.02], [33.02, 36.84], [37.52, 44.93]], "duration": 44.93, "id": 6130}, {"image_id": "v_HB11MXjwvVo.mp4", "caption": "A young boy pushes a vacuum cleaner in the kitchen of a home. The mother points underneath the furniture with her hand then foot directing the boy. The boy pushes the vacuum cleaner into the hallway and vacuums the area.", "segments": [[0, 89.69], [37.63, 83.41], [90.31, 122.93]], "duration": 125.44, "id": 6131}, {"image_id": "v_Ue2EbbpegkE.mp4", "caption": "A man explains and shows how to do snow surfboard hillside turn. Then, the man performs toeside using a snow skateboard. The man continues explaining and performs a turn. A toddler ski on the snow.", "segments": [[3.2, 46.44], [46.44, 93.69], [93.69, 145.74], [115.31, 123.31]], "duration": 160.15, "id": 6132}, {"image_id": "v_dsYLNeumBig.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing and talking in a kitchen. She is using a small vacuum cleaner. She demonstrates how to use the vacuum as she talks.", "segments": [[0, 10.67], [11.85, 48.6], [51.76, 79.02]], "duration": 79.02, "id": 6133}, {"image_id": "v_GaxyzK2mHqw.mp4", "caption": "woman is in a kitchen talking and slicing cheddar cheese into thick pieces, cutting the bread, then she put butter in a pan and the bread loaf on the pan with the cheese on top so the cheese can be melted in the pan, woman says this is wrong. woman shows a clean pan, put the butter on the bread and grate the cheese, then put it as a sandwich and in the pan with a lid till the bread is tasty. woman serve the bread in a blue dish and slice in two.", "segments": [[0, 69.86], [69.86, 141.29], [141.29, 156.99]], "duration": 156.99, "id": 6134}, {"image_id": "v_hsIudyKGz6A.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a fire holding up an ax and begins cutting a piece of wood. Another man holds up the pieces of wood as the man continues to cut the wood and the other man moving the wood.", "segments": [[0.67, 32.09], [25.4, 63.51]], "duration": 66.85, "id": 6135}, {"image_id": "v_T-vwsIOVNTw.mp4", "caption": "A person in white runs towards first base playing kickball. The man is tagged out by a woman wearing red.", "segments": [[0, 3.44], [3.54, 6.55]], "duration": 6.55, "id": 6136}, {"image_id": "v_P_sjOVZiv6A.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen and a man drinks from a cup. the man paints a lady's nails in a dining room.The lady shows us her finger nails. The man drinks from his cup. The man leans back and laughs. we see a ending credit screen.", "segments": [[0, 12.6], [12.03, 47.26], [19.76, 23.2], [32.94, 40.96], [46.97, 51.56], [51.84, 57.28]], "duration": 57.28, "id": 6137}, {"image_id": "v_lz2FMoj9tpo.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen holding a discuss and begins spinning himself around in slow motion. The man then throws the object off into the distance and slow walks back while moving in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 21.08], [20.05, 69.13]], "duration": 69.13, "id": 6138}, {"image_id": "v_xg0OCQW8t2s.mp4", "caption": "A lawn mower is tied to a white rope. It is turned on and starts going in circles around the rope mowing the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 67.13], [12.75, 67.13]], "duration": 67.13, "id": 6139}, {"image_id": "v_sRTDDlI1-Yo.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a playground is shown with various kids playing on the playground and riding down a slide. More shots are shown of kids swinging and hanging up side down as well as moving a steering wheel and climbing to the top.", "segments": [[8.36, 68.56], [59.37, 142.15]], "duration": 167.23, "id": 6140}, {"image_id": "v_RfbEuBH1Pow.mp4", "caption": "A team of swimmers are huddled in. The team gets in the pool. Two teams play water polo against each other. A crowd looks on from the stands.", "segments": [[6.41, 7.26], [13.66, 24.34], [24.34, 76.86], [29.46, 79.85]], "duration": 85.4, "id": 6141}, {"image_id": "v_5E42nKwv1xY.mp4", "caption": "We see a scoreboard in a game. Girls run onto the field and shake hands with the other team. We see girls playing volleyball indoors. The girls on the left make a shot and the team hugs. We see the scoreboard and people on the sidelines talking. We see a shot in slow motion and the girls hug. The game is over and the girls all shake hands.", "segments": [[0, 16.89], [17.82, 27.21], [27.21, 187.63], [53.47, 58.17], [122.9, 128.53], [137.91, 143.54], [180.13, 187.63]], "duration": 187.63, "id": 6142}, {"image_id": "v_vuXsKQKbAfE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are in a pool putting on diving gear. The man in red puts the breather in his mouth then floats backward on his back. We see the man in red and blue putting a solution on their goggles before trying them on. The man in red puts the tube in his mouth then the breather before going under water. We then see a sign upside down floating in the water.", "segments": [[0, 210.67], [39.77, 61.27], [94.59, 106.41], [128.98, 162.3], [210.67, 214.97]], "duration": 214.97, "id": 6143}, {"image_id": "v_3ROld-bSgPQ.mp4", "caption": "A baby girl is sitting next to all of her toys eating an ice cream very messily. Her mom takes the ice cream away from her and she starts to cry . Her mom gives her back the ice cream and she is happy again, back to eating it. She plays with her toys with her sticky ice cream fingers and her ice cream in the other hand.", "segments": [[0, 29.6], [29.18, 38.9], [38.9, 58.35], [58.35, 84.57]], "duration": 84.57, "id": 6144}, {"image_id": "v_vwaQwo_5X-k.mp4", "caption": "We see a man break dancing in an office plaza. We switch and see different men break dancing in office plazas and lobbies. We see man do a handstand. We see a man take off and throw his jacket on the camera. We see the black closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.83], [4.46, 109.03], [105.84, 110.31], [109.67, 113.5], [113.5, 127.52]], "duration": 127.52, "id": 6145}, {"image_id": "v_TBFAAb62ou4.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black baseball hat and a black shirt is playing an acoustic guitar. He is playing the Beatles song Yesterday on his guitar. He plays till the entire song is over and then stops and smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[16.31, 37.25], [37.25, 51.39], [51.39, 54.38]], "duration": 54.38, "id": 6146}, {"image_id": "v_6GYdu5G61g8.mp4", "caption": "A group of people transport a boat on their heads. People jumps backwards on the river and floats on their backs. Then, people in a boat raft down the choppy waters of a river while paddling. People in two boats meet and start to throw water each other using the oars, then some rafters jump into the water. Persons jump from a balcony on the rocks to the water while other people continues rafting.", "segments": [[7.31, 8.53], [8.53, 12.8], [12.8, 51.81], [51.81, 73.14], [73.14, 121.9]], "duration": 121.9, "id": 6147}, {"image_id": "v_TNwMZhQ7SFc.mp4", "caption": "A small girl is standing behind a man in a bathroom who is standing at a sink.The man turns around, grabs the towel and begins drying himself while the girl is still standing on the ground, and then puts the towel back when he's done.The man then picks up the small girl and begins to wash her face off and while the little girl brushes her teeth as she's getting her face cleaned.", "segments": [[0, 10.6], [10.6, 48.11], [48.11, 163.1]], "duration": 163.1, "id": 6148}, {"image_id": "v_JNFUZz1bqmg.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in front of two large windows. Two men are kneeling down on the ground. The man is back to talking in front of the windows. Two men are sitting on a train talking. A man in a black coat is walking down the street. He is holding a white paper in his hand and writing on it. He is then walking up some stairs on an bridge with other people. He is getting harnessed on top of the bridge. He jumps off the bridge and bungee jumps. A man in an orange vest puts him into the boat. A man holding a camera is standing on the sidewalk and watches another man trip and fall and runs over to help him.", "segments": [[0, 11.74], [13.87, 20.27], [27.74, 48.01], [57.61, 62.94], [73.61, 77.88], [78.95, 88.55], [100.28, 108.82], [109.89, 116.29], [124.82, 150.43], [170.7, 174.96], [178.16, 213.37]], "duration": 213.37, "id": 6149}, {"image_id": "v_QnATCZ_P9DE.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown in the water, wearing a helmet, holding a paddle and sitting in a kayak. He is talking to the camera about how to use the kayak. He shows several rocking and paddling motions, and flips the kayak once at the end.", "segments": [[0, 9.48], [12.32, 37.92], [39.34, 94.8]], "duration": 94.8, "id": 6150}, {"image_id": "v_ZRnCnUeqKv4.mp4", "caption": "a group is playing soccer on a field. The girls chase the ball, hitting it with sticks, trying to get it into the goal.", "segments": [[0, 81.33], [84.62, 164.31]], "duration": 164.31, "id": 6151}, {"image_id": "v_ZGzXbvRHNAE.mp4", "caption": "A man cleans a spot in the kitchen sink with a sponge and bottle of clorox cleaner, in a black and white commercial. A shot of a suburban town is shown with a close up of the city name on a town sign. A man in an apron stands in front of a kitchen sink putting dishes away in a drainer. The man cleans a spot in the sink with a bottle of clorox and a sponge, before a marketing template appears with lettering and closeup of the bottle of clorox.", "segments": [[0.59, 58.39], [0.59, 12.39], [13.57, 18.28], [20.35, 58.68]], "duration": 58.98, "id": 6152}, {"image_id": "v_eSQnn2RFxeY.mp4", "caption": "A woman holds the wheel of the yacht that sails in the ocean, and a dolphin swims near the yacht. Then, a young men talks, and from time ti time shows the sunset. Four people start to dance in the yacht, and one boy dance against the sail. The four people holds a big fish with both hands while the yacht continues to sail.", "segments": [[0, 34.9], [34.9, 65.43], [66.68, 104.69], [105.94, 124.01]], "duration": 124.64, "id": 6153}, {"image_id": "v_XbN3TvLEm2A.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed very comfortably is doing an exercise down on one knee. She puts her arm in the air and stares off into the distance holding it into place. After holding that on place for a few minutes she puts her arm down and then faces forward. She continues to just stay in that position.", "segments": [[0, 2.51], [2.51, 7.83], [7.83, 18.28], [18.18, 20.09]], "duration": 20.09, "id": 6154}, {"image_id": "v_VOGF4tBFEuw.mp4", "caption": "A first person view is seen of a man riding a riding lawn mower. He takes turns quickly, mowing the lawn. He continues until the entire yard is mown.", "segments": [[0, 3.31], [4.21, 20.15], [21.21, 30.08]], "duration": 30.08, "id": 6155}, {"image_id": "v_ooadlJjyibo.mp4", "caption": "A girl performs on a balance beam. The girl stands and performs two flips. The girl jumps in the air two times. The girl sits down then gets back on her feet. The girl flips across the beam two times and dismounts the beam. The girl raises her arms and turns to high five and hug a lady standing nearby.", "segments": [[0, 72.4], [15.46, 22.25], [26.77, 31.68], [41.86, 50.15], [67.5, 72.03], [72.03, 75.42]], "duration": 75.42, "id": 6156}, {"image_id": "v_uo1ERV8LZeU.mp4", "caption": "Pictures of a drink are shown followed by an empty bowl and a person putting ingredients in the bowl. The person stirs the ingredients all around and pours the mixture into a glass with ice to serve.", "segments": [[4.22, 45.8], [43.39, 118.12]], "duration": 120.54, "id": 6157}, {"image_id": "v_yKdvz5dgro4.mp4", "caption": "A young man dry a pot lid while dancing. Also, a teen wash a cup of steel and dancing. A woman enters and then leave the kitchen.", "segments": [[0.69, 10.54], [0, 10.54], [0.42, 3.85]], "duration": 10.54, "id": 6158}, {"image_id": "v_R3CGHNqunGA.mp4", "caption": "A young man sits on a a planter in front of a brick building. A graphic is seen with cartoons. The young man sits on a planter with a skateboard on his lap the young man spins his board and does skateboard tricks riding on asphalt. The young man does tricks over an orange safety cone. The skateboarder stands up from the ledge and stands on his skateboard.", "segments": [[0, 7.28], [12.74, 21.84], [25.48, 163.8], [84.63, 90.09], [113.75, 124.67]], "duration": 182.0, "id": 6159}, {"image_id": "v_qpVPY6w9Fp0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while standing on a beach next to a shovel. The man then begins shoveling a pile of dirt and walking to the water to fill up buckets. The man stacks the buckets and begins putting sand around it and sculpting it into a castle. He walks away in the end and shows off the castle he's made.", "segments": [[0, 57.41], [60.93, 155.83], [110.14, 206.22], [208.56, 231.99]], "duration": 234.34, "id": 6160}, {"image_id": "v_9g-5J05BIiQ.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of people riding a skateboard around various areas and ending in a corn field. They end up at a house and swim into the pool doing tricks on their boards underwater. They are then seen riding down a road again in the end and one boarder scuffs dirt into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 25.27], [24.64, 99.81], [102.97, 126.34]], "duration": 126.34, "id": 6161}, {"image_id": "v_GhwvPy4_2KE.mp4", "caption": "A young child is pushed on a swing set of an outdoor playground at a park. The child reaches out her hand.", "segments": [[0, 57.8], [43.35, 57.8]], "duration": 57.8, "id": 6162}, {"image_id": "v_BLLeQHgNmYc.mp4", "caption": "Three people are seen standing on a lawn beginning to perform martial arts moves. The group moves around at the same time while looking away from the camera. They continue to move their arms and legs around together and end by holding s pose.", "segments": [[0, 23.51], [22.13, 70.54], [62.24, 89.9]], "duration": 92.21000000000001, "id": 6163}, {"image_id": "v_suwVnxHZtI8.mp4", "caption": "People are sledding down a snowy hill on an inner tube. They stop at the bottom of the hill. Several tubes are on a rope going up a hill. People are sledding down a hill on an inner tube again.", "segments": [[0, 41.98], [41.98, 42.5], [43.02, 66.34], [67.38, 103.65]], "duration": 103.65, "id": 6164}, {"image_id": "v_51XRujaBAbE.mp4", "caption": "Children sit on motorcycles and parents are next to them. A man carry a child, a woman applaud and a man takes pictures. A toddler stands on the hay and grabs the leg of a woman. Then, men push the motorcycles with the children while a man takes notes. Then, the children line on the start line and then run.", "segments": [[0.8, 34.27], [35.07, 54.99], [55.79, 58.98], [59.78, 105.21], [106, 157.81]], "duration": 159.41, "id": 6165}, {"image_id": "v_FjY3eKNvzug.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting on exercise machines in a room. They all begin working out and pulling on a rope. People are standing in front of them cheering them on.", "segments": [[0, 163.24], [31.02, 115.9], [44.89, 130.59]], "duration": 163.24, "id": 6166}, {"image_id": "v_2Ot4ZPYpNwI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated on a couch, playing a harmonica. He lowers it from his mouth when he is done.", "segments": [[0, 191.95], [196.1, 207.52]], "duration": 207.52, "id": 6167}, {"image_id": "v_8cH0mAgsuAc.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is talking. Several people are kneeling down on a red mat doing stretches.", "segments": [[13.22, 57.28], [13.22, 176.24]], "duration": 176.24, "id": 6168}, {"image_id": "v_enx7eEDrYcc.mp4", "caption": "A girl is kneeling on a pad, arms in the air. She leans back, letting her arms touch the wall. She repeats the action one more time.", "segments": [[0, 2.33], [2.47, 8.13], [8.76, 14.13]], "duration": 14.13, "id": 6169}, {"image_id": "v_2zFmooC8gUg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen kneeling down on top of a roof and holding objects in place to hammer down. The man then lays down more tile while hammering the sides and presenting the tiles to the camera.", "segments": [[4.37, 95], [96.09, 210.74]], "duration": 218.38, "id": 6170}, {"image_id": "v_BFrsZmuj4Ns.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen running around a circle surrounded by people and performing martial arts moves. More people come in the circle and the people continue spinning around one another and fighting with each other.", "segments": [[6.16, 92.36], [85.18, 199.1]], "duration": 205.26, "id": 6171}, {"image_id": "v_FCzT4Knfhqs.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a group of people standing around each other with one spinning in circles. A man pushing the spinning girl around and around and zooms in on a pinata. The girl swings at the pinata blindfolded and a man jumps down to grab a piece of fallen candy. The girl breaks open the pinata and several people run down to grab the candy.", "segments": [[0, 44.23], [45.65, 64.2], [64.2, 104.14], [102, 142.66]], "duration": 142.66, "id": 6172}, {"image_id": "v_fRUoSevi63M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is painting a picture on a canvas. She has orange and yellow paint on a board in front of her. She paints two flowers onto the canvas.", "segments": [[5.29, 128.2], [24.45, 27.76], [35.02, 125.56]], "duration": 132.17, "id": 6173}, {"image_id": "v_Ci9WKE6wkOQ.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are talking to a camera on exercises. The girl talks about equipment and how to use it. She prepares the equipment and helps the man perform the exercise.", "segments": [[10.86, 33.36], [34.91, 81.46], [82.23, 142.74]], "duration": 155.16, "id": 6174}, {"image_id": "v_KrLVIvCoW90.mp4", "caption": "people standing on side of the road on skateboards and with parked cars in a side. boys are doing tricks riding skateboards in the wet asphalt going down a hill. boys are gathered under a tent in the sidewalk and doing tricks in skateboard showing the wey asphalt and the wet grass.", "segments": [[0, 50.23], [50.23, 193.43], [193.43, 213.73]], "duration": 213.73, "id": 6175}, {"image_id": "v_Yxsw5nTf4Dg.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a bikini is doing hula hoop on a patio. She spins around several times and seems to be having a lot of fun. The came moves up and down to keep her in the frame. It then jumps to another girl only showing her bottom half as a hula hoop spins around her. Another girls is shown dancing inside of a house several times.", "segments": [[0, 16.15], [15.68, 24.23], [24.7, 34.21], [35.16, 50.36], [49.88, 95.02]], "duration": 95.02000000000001, "id": 6176}, {"image_id": "v_82s4QeuHioo.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting on akayak holding a row and showing the corect way of rowing. people are in a kayak on lakeside. people are on rapids kayaking. men are swimming on the lake by the kayak and walking in the lakeside holding kayaks.", "segments": [[0, 39.13], [39.13, 46.42], [46.42, 144.71], [144.71, 182.02]], "duration": 182.02, "id": 6177}, {"image_id": "v_3cmHM1Yu92s.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown working out on an elliptical and smiling off into the distance. The video shows several different perks the machine can do while the woman continues to work. She eventually steps on the machine again and continues to work out on the machine.", "segments": [[1.13, 75.44], [15.84, 55.45], [56.2, 75.44]], "duration": 75.44, "id": 6178}, {"image_id": "v_c2VcfB3YTBo.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady walking down stairs. She enters a room with kids in it, takes off her coat and starts dancing. A man enters and the lady and man perform a fancy dance as the kids watch. The man throws his coat across the room. The lady hugs the man from behind. The lady tries to leave and the man grabs her and pulls her back. They finish and the man shakes the hands of the kids. The lady puts on her coat as a girl talks to her and leaves the room.", "segments": [[0, 4.42], [4.42, 39.07], [39.07, 136.37], [44.23, 45.7], [90.67, 93.61], [108.36, 111.31], [131.94, 140.79], [141.53, 147.42]], "duration": 147.42000000000002, "id": 6179}, {"image_id": "v_lBXRkMZfIXk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him holding a piece of paper and two objects. He puts the objects on a board and sharpens a knife along the object. He continues speaking to the camera while sharpening the blade and pointing to the object.", "segments": [[6.71, 71.92], [72.88, 146.72], [138.09, 177.4]], "duration": 191.79, "id": 6180}, {"image_id": "v_CG-7jcSB5_c.mp4", "caption": "A toddler holds a lacrosse stick, then he catches a ball with the lacrosse stick and throws to the floor. Then, the toddler try to catch another ball, but it rolls under a chair. Next, the toddler catch a ball and throw to the floor and the ball bounce. After, the toddler catch the bouncing ball and throw to the backyard, then the toddler steps down a step.", "segments": [[0, 4.25], [4.43, 17.35], [17.35, 29.91], [29.91, 36.37]], "duration": 36.92, "id": 6181}, {"image_id": "v_Geh_BZchxFY.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady peeling small potatoes. The lady peels her second potato. The lady moves on to her third potatoes. We zoom out and see the ladies face. The lady peels her fourth and fifth potato.", "segments": [[0, 57.76], [10.74, 19.16], [20.32, 28.44], [28.73, 33.38], [33.96, 58.05]], "duration": 58.05, "id": 6182}, {"image_id": "v_tl3wQEusmj8.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening scene with an image. We then see a lake with ducks and rocks. People are paddling in the lake in a canoe. We see a bridge and the people pass under the bridge. We see tall grass blowing in the breeze as the boaters ride past. The boaters arrives at the shore. We then see the closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.75], [3.75, 13.94], [12.33, 103.99], [50.92, 68.08], [73.97, 77.19], [95.95, 103.45], [103.45, 107.21]], "duration": 107.21000000000001, "id": 6183}, {"image_id": "v_XXIDYn4H_1A.mp4", "caption": "A scoreboard and large video screen are shown. Bikers launch down a very tall ramp onto a dirt bike track. The bikers race around the bumpy track.", "segments": [[0, 19.64], [20.03, 35.35], [35.74, 78.55]], "duration": 78.55, "id": 6184}, {"image_id": "v_EiPofuIoUic.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person's feet are seen riding along the river in a tube. Several more people are seen riding in tubes down the river while others watch on the side. The person continues riding down the river past others.", "segments": [[0.61, 18.38], [17.46, 47.8], [48.41, 60.67]], "duration": 61.28, "id": 6185}, {"image_id": "v_ZqkJAD0CGBU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing behind a small child who is blindfolded. Several clips are then shown of people swinging around at pinatas and failing miserably. More clips are shown of people swinging around at pinatas and ends with them hitting other people.", "segments": [[0.36, 16.07], [19.64, 53.57], [41.78, 69.64]], "duration": 71.43, "id": 6186}, {"image_id": "v_v5peBgLKWL8.mp4", "caption": "bright sun is in the sky and shows a snowy mountain and a lot of pine trees covered in snow. an snowboarder is walking in the snow holding two poles. cubicles is hanging on wires and a snowboarder is going down the snowy slope with other snowboarders standing behind. men are walking in a snowy slope holding the poles and other snowboarders are sliding behind. women are in a hanging chair and under the kids are going down slope riding snowboards and playing in a snow castle. people is walking in snowy mountain and snowboarding. wmoan enters in a cave with a man and are serving wine and a elderly couple are toasting. a lot of people is waiting and sitting on their bags with the snowboards on a side, people is going down the mountain while the days goes by.", "segments": [[0, 37.38], [37.38, 43.13], [43.13, 52.72], [52.72, 65.18], [65.18, 81.47], [81.47, 94.89], [94.89, 108.31], [108.31, 191.7]], "duration": 191.7, "id": 6187}, {"image_id": "v_jpGyplACWUg.mp4", "caption": "a man is celebrating with his arms in the air. He is shown spinning on a field. He then throws the ball far away and it is measured.", "segments": [[0, 7.01], [7.23, 30.97], [31.87, 45.21]], "duration": 45.21, "id": 6188}, {"image_id": "v_e-Z9xiEQqPQ.mp4", "caption": "A military procession carries a coffin and goes through a funeral ceremony. A news anchor talks in a newsroom. A coffin and is carried by a wagon along with military personell. A military man presents a flag to a guest. A man with a prosthetic leg and a woman ride horses with trainers with a trainer alongside. A journalist rides with a man in football jersey along a sidewalk. A horse trainer talks near a forested area. The man in a jersey stops on the horse as he approaches the funeral procession.", "segments": [[4.6, 12.27], [13.03, 20.7], [22.24, 34.5], [34.5, 38.34], [43.7, 93.54], [95.07, 132.64], [133.41, 137.24], [138.78, 153.35]], "duration": 153.35, "id": 6189}, {"image_id": "v_6l0tenUYS-w.mp4", "caption": "There is man speaking on the microphone to announce who's coming up. Next many different people go up on stage to dance.", "segments": [[0, 0.56], [7.29, 112.15]], "duration": 112.15, "id": 6190}, {"image_id": "v_LtdO87DWEHM.mp4", "caption": "Several clips of shown of a person riding down city streets on roller blades. The person continues riding along the streets and then text appears across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.49], [7.02, 15.09]], "duration": 15.09, "id": 6191}, {"image_id": "v_GjHanmMGvuw.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is shown on a large gym floor doing flips and tricks with a baton and several judges watching her. She continues moving along the floor while along girl practices behind her. She finishes her routine and stands in front of the judges and hears her results.", "segments": [[0, 69.77], [36.17, 69.77], [70.41, 129.2]], "duration": 129.2, "id": 6192}, {"image_id": "v_97McCuWAynA.mp4", "caption": "A surfer wearing a wet suit takes off and rides a wave in the ocean. Two surfers is greeted by a seal in the ocean that jumps on his board and plays with them. The surfer wearing a wet suit takes off on a wave leaving the seal behind.", "segments": [[0, 5.73], [6.37, 112.67], [113.31, 127.32]], "duration": 127.32, "id": 6193}, {"image_id": "v_-x1twrM_ABM.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a room, pointing and talking about tiles. He is placing the tiles into the wall one at a time. The man completes the construction, then turns off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.05], [30.54, 157.91], [162.27, 174.49]], "duration": 174.49, "id": 6194}, {"image_id": "v_Y-UOZRZ01hI.mp4", "caption": "A page with a video structured to look similar to Youtube is shown. A seated woman talks to the camera, interspersed by scenes of individuals shown welding. A man talks to the camera. The Youtube lookalike page with a video is shown again.", "segments": [[0.63, 10.34], [10.13, 29.32], [29.53, 31.85], [32.91, 41.77]], "duration": 42.19, "id": 6195}, {"image_id": "v_IfYiYObrUlY.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks in kitchen, then come two boys and talk whiles showing the fruits on the counter. Then, a man comes and puts all the fruits in a large bowl while explaining. After, the man adds on top the fruits yogurt, chocolate and cereal.", "segments": [[7.29, 92.75], [92.75, 132.35], [133.39, 190.71]], "duration": 208.42000000000002, "id": 6196}, {"image_id": "v_moMisK3nGuY.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing next to a horse holding a brush combing the horse's hair. litle kid is caressing the horse. woman walks to the track.", "segments": [[0, 58.96], [71.78, 85.45], [64.09, 85.45]], "duration": 85.45, "id": 6197}, {"image_id": "v_ksPQdczmNKs.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen crossing her arms and hula hooping over and over again. She continuously hula hoops while moving her legs all around and doing various jumps and tricks.", "segments": [[0, 43.95], [48.46, 225.37]], "duration": 225.37, "id": 6198}, {"image_id": "v_n1dboqahvZU.mp4", "caption": "A man named Andrei approaches the stage. He powders his hands in preperation. He puts his hands on the weight. He prepares his body for lifting the heavy weight. He pulls up but drops the weight and falls down. The other competitor rejoices at their win.", "segments": [[11.5, 19.8], [17.88, 21.4], [28.1, 32.25], [31.61, 42.47], [42.15, 45.67], [60.04, 63.87]], "duration": 63.87, "id": 6199}, {"image_id": "v_kO_4QDNExkY.mp4", "caption": "A hand is shown flipping a switch. A the hose of a leaf blower is shown. The hose begins forcefully blowing leaves away from the camera. The person holding the leaf blower repeatedly swings the hose left to ring blowing leaves into a pile.", "segments": [[0, 3.17], [3.17, 11.61], [11.61, 39.05], [39.4, 70.36]], "duration": 70.36, "id": 6200}, {"image_id": "v_phDLuo6dYrk.mp4", "caption": "The clear sky is shown before a group of girls appear playing a game of field hockey.The two teams compete against each other in the building as still images are shown in between the plays.As one team gets close to making a goal,a male photographer is shown on the corner of the goal and then a girl appears at the end of the video making a funny face.", "segments": [[0, 51.53], [51.53, 120.58], [120.58, 206.11]], "duration": 206.11, "id": 6201}, {"image_id": "v_yHtapvYRcMw.mp4", "caption": "Two men are performaing capoeria in the middle of a circle of people. They are performing while everyone claps. They take a short break and walk around a bit before starting their performance again. People are clapping to a set rhythm. This lasts for a long while.", "segments": [[0, 31.51], [30.05, 83.55], [84.28, 109.93], [109.2, 129.72], [131.19, 146.58]], "duration": 146.57999999999998, "id": 6202}, {"image_id": "v_1xQTlp0hscs.mp4", "caption": "Bright text appears on the screen. An art piece is displayed on the wall, and we are shown several close ups of the paint. Perusers of art walk through the gallery, looking at the painting. We then conclude with someone taking a photo and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 8.21], [10.56, 89.17], [92.69, 198.29], [211.19, 234.66]], "duration": 234.66, "id": 6203}, {"image_id": "v_ZMopjyYvcqw.mp4", "caption": "A man is showing a crossbow and a knife and other hunting gear. The man is talking to the camera showing a hunting bow. The bow is shown in detail. Another man is shown outdoors using the hunting bow to shoot a target. The man is talking to the camera again indoors showing the hunting bow.", "segments": [[2.59, 14.68], [29.36, 36.27], [36.27, 78.59], [78.59, 128.69], [128.69, 168.42]], "duration": 172.73, "id": 6204}, {"image_id": "v_0ERgbWePjWk.mp4", "caption": "A man is on a diving board and begins to jump on the board once. The man goes into the air and does a forward roll in the air. The man then starts descending into the water from the top of his jump. The man lands into the water as it splashes and makes the move to come back to the surface.", "segments": [[0, 1.52], [1.52, 2.51], [1.95, 2.45], [2.66, 4.16]], "duration": 4.16, "id": 6205}, {"image_id": "v_ZQs-OWTZA6o.mp4", "caption": "The woman with sunglasses, blue jacket pushed the round lifebuoy on the snow and jumped on it. The lifebuoy continue to slide on the snow, the woman is looking a the camera, she passed the orange flags, and several people that are standing on the side of the trail.", "segments": [[0, 5.86], [2.85, 29.75]], "duration": 31.65, "id": 6206}, {"image_id": "v_NSavdMErlYA.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy talks while gesturing. The ingredients to make a dish is shown. The guy puts butter, oil and dry ingredients into a pan. The guy adds pasta to the pan. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.52, 4.18], [4.7, 34.49], [17.77, 22.99], [35.01, 62.19], [64.8, 93.54], [101.38, 104.51]], "duration": 104.50999999999999, "id": 6207}, {"image_id": "v_fgkiHZ0nENg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen standing around a yard when one hits a ball and another watches closely. Another man walks into frame hitting the ball and the other people behind him continue playing.", "segments": [[0, 23], [19.87, 44.65]], "duration": 44.65, "id": 6208}, {"image_id": "v_NDWJOqVUGeA.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans over a roof and shows several people working and a man being interviewed. A man sprays down a roof and shows the product used several times and the top of the roof. Another man is interviewed and shows more men working on the roof.", "segments": [[0, 47.9], [46.41, 111.53], [113.77, 149.7]], "duration": 149.7, "id": 6209}, {"image_id": "v_dAP7xalPRHo.mp4", "caption": "A person puts a garment in a pail, then he adds detergent and water. Then, the man washes the cloth with his hand, and then pours water and rinse several times. Next, the person carry the the garment to hang on a rope and dry.", "segments": [[2.91, 20.97], [24.47, 78.65], [79.23, 115.35]], "duration": 116.52000000000001, "id": 6210}, {"image_id": "v_fKFcbNM89MA.mp4", "caption": "A large river is seen followed by a person riding down in a tube. Another person is also seen riding in a tube. The two ride down the river together and pass other people sitting alongside the river.", "segments": [[0, 6.16], [7.51, 18.47], [19.07, 28.23]], "duration": 30.04, "id": 6211}, {"image_id": "v_-nskwoky7vk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a large accordion in his hands. The man then demonstrates how to properly play the instrument while moving his hands up and down.", "segments": [[4.01, 71.39], [44.92, 154.81]], "duration": 160.43, "id": 6212}, {"image_id": "v_RiQdIJNDTo4.mp4", "caption": "A white haired man sits at an upright piano and begins to play in a lobby while people walk by. The cameraman zooms in on the mans hands as he's playing and zooms back out.", "segments": [[0, 150.5], [152.59, 209.03]], "duration": 209.03, "id": 6213}, {"image_id": "v_HPJuOvOmEW8.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a tall man wearing a santa costume and skating down a long street in between people. The camera follows him riding around the city and performing various tricks and maneuvers around cars and people.", "segments": [[0, 37.99], [36.94, 211.06]], "duration": 211.06, "id": 6214}, {"image_id": "v_3baH1vI0Cxk.mp4", "caption": "Two men walked over the football table, one man counted the dice on the side. The players twist and push and pull the poles as they play on the table. The camera men are taking pictures behind them.", "segments": [[0, 11.37], [9, 73.42], [58.26, 88.58]], "duration": 94.74000000000001, "id": 6215}, {"image_id": "v_Dys_KC7uIzs.mp4", "caption": "Several men are shown bowling while an audience watches on. The bowlers bowl in turn, one at a time. The players and audience cheer one of the players.", "segments": [[2.34, 11.71], [11.71, 231.92], [74.97, 87.85]], "duration": 234.27, "id": 6216}, {"image_id": "v_i-8vfNV-klk.mp4", "caption": "A man is using a pair of hedge trimmers on trees. He is talking to the camera as he goes. He trims the trees with the shears.", "segments": [[0, 14.54], [14.54, 71.69], [72.69, 100.26]], "duration": 100.25999999999999, "id": 6217}, {"image_id": "v_Z-2Gwqt_GCQ.mp4", "caption": "A person gather mops and cleaning materials on a hard floor. The person cleans the hard floor using a dust mop. Then, the person puts a cup of detergent in a litter of water, then wet a cloth and attaches to a handle to mop the floor. The person removes stains on the floor using a cloth with a special solution.", "segments": [[15.66, 40.37], [41.2, 58.5], [60.15, 121.95], [122.77, 157.38]], "duration": 164.79, "id": 6218}, {"image_id": "v_qlvW6jW2mfQ.mp4", "caption": "A person take two sticks on the drums, one stick holds with a hand and the other with his foot, then the person plays with one hand and the drums falls. The person plays with a hand and feet, and the face of, a gorilla appears. Then, the person puts mustard in one drum and one egg on other drum, and drums. After, the person puts a tortilla and drums over, then fried and egg. Next , the person destroys the drums.", "segments": [[0, 21.56], [22.18, 41.89], [41.89, 67.15], [67.76, 94.87], [94.87, 123.21]], "duration": 123.21, "id": 6219}, {"image_id": "v_rcMv32d1QkI.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with several shots of a person doing tricks on a skateboard while many people watch him on the sides. He attempts many more tricks that fail to have him land on the board and he walks around the bowl each time afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 65.08], [63.26, 121.65]], "duration": 121.65, "id": 6220}, {"image_id": "v_Az7bzVcLMSM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing on a stage stage with a single light shown and begins performing a dance routine. The light is seen on the woman is leads into her on a lit stage performing a belly dancing routine. The stage becomes dark again and the woman continues dancing all on the stage and holding a pose.", "segments": [[0, 56.27], [36.9, 151.28], [160.5, 184.48]], "duration": 184.48, "id": 6221}, {"image_id": "v_doNSg6PuKDM.mp4", "caption": "A child shovels the snow in a yard and throws it into the driveway. The girl drops her shovel and shovel in the snow. The child walks over to her family in the yard.", "segments": [[0, 38.88], [39.12, 40.56], [40.8, 48]], "duration": 48.0, "id": 6222}, {"image_id": "v_G98dfNXqu4Q.mp4", "caption": "Several people are on horses at a rodeo. One man comes out of the gate and ropes a calf. The calf falls to the ground as he is roped into place. He tries to stand, but another man grabs him.", "segments": [[0, 2.42], [3.5, 11.03], [12.38, 22.07], [23.28, 26.91]], "duration": 26.91, "id": 6223}, {"image_id": "v_5FSdOfvJnek.mp4", "caption": "a lot of people wearing red life jackets and are in a bus and holding rafts. people are in water paddling in the river.", "segments": [[0, 35.65], [35.17, 96.35]], "duration": 96.35, "id": 6224}, {"image_id": "v_fxxeCpqgRfk.mp4", "caption": "The male athlete bow then raised his arms then walked to the poles. The athlete jumped onto the poles and balanced on the two poles, standing on his arms then falling and rotating. When the athlete is done with his number he jumped from the pole and landed on his feet on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 5.5], [4.53, 58.85], [50.76, 64.67]], "duration": 64.67, "id": 6225}, {"image_id": "v_xpxxH2V7Fe8.mp4", "caption": "A row of drummers are standing in front of an orchestra. The drummers hold their drumsticks in front of their face. They each beat their drums. After each note the drummers raise their drumsticks back in front of their faces.", "segments": [[0, 17.42], [7.58, 28.79], [25, 68.18], [68.18, 151.51]], "duration": 151.51, "id": 6226}, {"image_id": "v_pA5W1NYnmyY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a ladder and speaking to the camera. He holds up various tools and begins piecing them together. He then cleans off a window using the tools and tightening up the ladder.", "segments": [[0.92, 30.77], [25.26, 67.52], [57.87, 85.43]], "duration": 91.86, "id": 6227}, {"image_id": "v_4rKTw99bM8g.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a blue jacket and orange helmet is on an overturned raft in the water. The raft completely overturns as he tries to make his way up. Then the man straightens the raft and sits up straight in the raft.", "segments": [[1.1, 4.97], [4.97, 4.97], [4.97, 7.61]], "duration": 9.57, "id": 6228}, {"image_id": "v__hdjRMpleWs.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding in on a horse while swinging a rope and grabbing a calf. The person ties up the calf while others ride in on horses and the men untie the animal.", "segments": [[0, 34.03], [29.34, 58.68]], "duration": 58.68, "id": 6229}, {"image_id": "v_R-lGXNY19wE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a baby on the beach. She sets the baby on a towel and starts rubbing sunscreen on the baby. She picks the baby up and gives it a kiss.", "segments": [[0, 9.65], [9.65, 65.22], [65.99, 77.18]], "duration": 77.18, "id": 6230}, {"image_id": "v_yfPa5IKWTvU.mp4", "caption": "A billboard is shown on a wall. Kids run out onto the stage and get in formation. A banner is placed at the front of the stage. The kids start cheerleading on the stage. The kids in the front hold up the banner. They run off of the stage.", "segments": [[0, 12.39], [13.52, 33.8], [28.17, 34.93], [52.96, 206.2], [205.07, 212.96], [219.72, 225.35]], "duration": 225.35, "id": 6231}, {"image_id": "v_1PpVSeE2BJ8.mp4", "caption": "A baby boy is seated at a restaurant table. He is eating a vanilla ice cream cone. He takes a napkin and wipes his mouth before handing the napkin back and continuing to eat.", "segments": [[0, 5.07], [6.03, 16.16], [16.41, 48.25]], "duration": 48.25, "id": 6232}, {"image_id": "v_SHfFrzy_fKM.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is guided as she mounts a camel at a station. A man helps her as he leads the camel around. The girl smiles as she rides the camel around the pen.", "segments": [[0, 13.71], [15.66, 45.43], [47.78, 78.32]], "duration": 78.32, "id": 6233}, {"image_id": "v_Q2OOxx3RWhY.mp4", "caption": "The young girl is speaking to the camera. The girl is holding a hair curler. The young woman is providing tips to other girls on how to curl their hair. At the end of the video, the girl asks to like the video.", "segments": [[10.49, 35.67], [47.21, 81.84], [93.38, 142.69], [168.92, 201.45]], "duration": 209.84, "id": 6234}, {"image_id": "v_RNxHKDlWAGQ.mp4", "caption": "A camera shows a person riding around a dirt track on a bike moving at a quick speed. Several more shots are shown of people riding the dirt track on bikes while the camera captures them from several angles.", "segments": [[1.93, 84.8], [57.81, 184.04]], "duration": 192.72, "id": 6235}, {"image_id": "v_5P-4_nS8euM.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen talking to the camera from various angles and then using a razor to cut his hair. He continues cutting his hair while speaking to the camera and laughing. He finishes his hair while looking into the camera then has his reflection shown behind a shower curtain.", "segments": [[0, 32.81], [32.25, 91.2], [92.87, 111.22]], "duration": 111.22, "id": 6236}, {"image_id": "v_gF14lRI0HUM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are boxing in a ring. A man in a black shirt is refereeing the fight. A woman is holding a camera taking pictures of them fighting.", "segments": [[0, 19.13], [0.48, 19.13], [1.15, 19.13]], "duration": 19.13, "id": 6237}, {"image_id": "v_HDhG0WkwGaU.mp4", "caption": "The videos transitions into a countdown of various people getting hurt on the streets from bull attacks. many different people are seen running down streets while a bull flips them over and hurt them.", "segments": [[0, 140.41], [135.99, 221.12]], "duration": 221.12, "id": 6238}, {"image_id": "v_fOGXvBAmTsY.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman talking about being the first woman to participate in a marathon in 1967. A picture of the participant when she was young is shown. She talks about how different the marathons used to be back in the day where she shows clips of participants from a marathon at least 50 years ago. There are pictures of male participants shown dominating the scene where she was the only female participant. She talks about her experience as she shows more pictures of her participation against all odds. She also shares information on how things changed later when she was finally allowed to participate freely.", "segments": [[0, 199.92], [30.99, 47.98], [59.98, 92.96], [83.97, 98.96], [92.96, 165.94], [156.94, 199.92]], "duration": 199.92000000000002, "id": 6239}, {"image_id": "v_DLFerdBxdxQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing at a table, putting food into a large pita on a plate. An older woman demonstrates how to cut onions, peppers, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, etc into chunks. The vegetables are places in a processor and pureed into a bowl. The mix is blended and put on the table to be served on the tortillas. The women sit at the table and talk as they eat.", "segments": [[0, 7.53], [10.55, 64.8], [66.31, 125.83], [126.59, 135.63], [137.89, 150.7]], "duration": 150.7, "id": 6240}, {"image_id": "v_qVgsPJeQYMY.mp4", "caption": "A group of students stretch out in gym class. A group of band students practice inside a classroom and gym. The school band plays during outdoor events and sporting games.", "segments": [[3.87, 24.49], [26.43, 42.54], [49.63, 101.2]], "duration": 128.92, "id": 6241}, {"image_id": "v_F-WmsfI8HG0.mp4", "caption": "We see a newscaster in a studio. We see a man operating 2 manual vacuum cleaners. We see some old style vacuums. We see a black and white TV clip. We see the man vacuum and still from the museum. We see a lady in black and white and in color. We then see a factory and a man talking. We see the man talking and see him near a vacuum. We see an old print ad. We return to the newscaster in the studio.", "segments": [[0, 12.98], [28.31, 38.93], [40.11, 67.24], [76.68, 92.02], [92.02, 128.59], [128.59, 142.74], [143.92, 155.72], [178.13, 194.65], [195.83, 199.37], [209.98, 235.94]], "duration": 235.94, "id": 6242}, {"image_id": "v_9wH6BIpe9X4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into clips of her and another riding horses in a forest and beach. The women then run the horses along the beach while the camera captures them from several angles.", "segments": [[1.38, 40.61], [39.69, 88.61]], "duration": 92.3, "id": 6243}, {"image_id": "v_aDhbXceBwHw.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen doing a sumo move in a large circle surrounded by others. One man pretends to fight a sumo wrestler and is pushed to the side very easily. The other man tries with his shot shown again in slow motion and stand all together with their arms up.", "segments": [[0.72, 20.97], [14.46, 50.61], [48.81, 72.31]], "duration": 72.31, "id": 6244}, {"image_id": "v_MqQ9mgUb664.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman is standing on the counter while the man talks in the camera. A plate of cut pineapple is on a plate on the table, as the man get some grapes and put it on the chopping board and cut them into half, then placed them on top of the pineapple cuts, then he wiped his hands and showed the plate to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 23.46], [16.02, 114.45]], "duration": 114.45, "id": 6245}, {"image_id": "v_bY0vSkxH0PE.mp4", "caption": "A child watches at a window while a man outdoors is shoveling snow. He moves back and forth, picking up snow and moving it away from the door.", "segments": [[0, 9.29], [9.39, 20.2]], "duration": 20.2, "id": 6246}, {"image_id": "v_-tv6laq1ic0.mp4", "caption": "We see blinds down on a window. A person is laying in a tattoo parlor being tattooed. We back up and see the tattoo artist. The lady looks in her phone and smiles at the camera. We pan down and see the tattoo artist work.", "segments": [[0, 1.65], [2.2, 54.99], [12.37, 29.42], [19.24, 54.99], [47.01, 53.89]], "duration": 54.99, "id": 6247}, {"image_id": "v_LgUCZHYBBEc.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen riding on horses and begin moving around. The people play a game on the horses while chasing a ball. The men continue to play and end by one jumping off the horse.", "segments": [[0.33, 13.35], [11.39, 40.37], [40.04, 62.5]], "duration": 65.11, "id": 6248}, {"image_id": "v_FkWlzk8CrxA.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white shirt is talking to the camera. A man and the woman start to dance together. She raises her arm and he twists her around.", "segments": [[0, 7.11], [7.53, 83.62], [62.71, 83.62]], "duration": 83.62, "id": 6249}, {"image_id": "v_dWUEAavKWmI.mp4", "caption": "Two men wearing blue are inside playing a game of ping ping. They are hitting the ball back and forth pretty quickly without stopping. One of them hits the ball up and stops their progress, they have to start again. they get back to playing and hitting it barely missing a beat.", "segments": [[0, 26.23], [26.23, 57.45], [57.45, 93.05], [93.05, 124.9]], "duration": 124.9, "id": 6250}, {"image_id": "v_jLwUrFMRGzY.mp4", "caption": "An intro is shown followed by two people and a man talking to the camera. The camera pans out to more people and shows them performing an exercise that swings their legs back and fourth. The people continue following the instructor through various movements while he leads them in the exercise.", "segments": [[0, 10.61], [10.22, 48.75], [47.57, 78.62]], "duration": 78.62, "id": 6251}, {"image_id": "v_cBMi-cIbI2c.mp4", "caption": "A man is dressed in a black uniform and approaches a small circle that is in the middle of the field surrounded by green nets.The crowd is panned and then the man is shown throwing his discus as multiple people run out to track his distance.An instant replay is played and the front of the man's face is visible.", "segments": [[0, 4.98], [5.09, 12.66], [12.56, 20.76]], "duration": 20.76, "id": 6252}, {"image_id": "v_nDG3MsnLE20.mp4", "caption": "We see a series of title screens. We see a curling stone and a graph. We see a person pushing the stone. We see the stone on another graph. We see a man push the stone and people sweep in front of it.", "segments": [[0, 17.31], [17.31, 23.68], [23.98, 33.09], [33.7, 39.47], [39.77, 60.72]], "duration": 60.72, "id": 6253}, {"image_id": "v_vPh9o_BuJaU.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person's feet are shown sitting in a chair. The person then bends forward and begins putting shoes on. He finishes putting shoes on and gets up to walk away.", "segments": [[0, 2.57], [2.66, 11.39], [11.11, 18.09]], "duration": 18.37, "id": 6254}, {"image_id": "v_HnEvJUr8DEM.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a field. He kicks a ball into the air. He runs to first base.", "segments": [[0, 8.22], [1.07, 3.49], [6.37, 8.22]], "duration": 8.22, "id": 6255}, {"image_id": "v_a7QrIgqkyao.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind a table with several pumpkin carving kits. She shows the contents of the books. The woman chooses a design, carving it into the pumpkin. She then places batteries in tea light to go inside, and paints the pumpkin black.", "segments": [[0, 31.59], [33.39, 60.47], [63.18, 148.02], [149.82, 180.51]], "duration": 180.51, "id": 6256}, {"image_id": "v_UVJ0mQndDhE.mp4", "caption": "We see a person sliding blue discs down a wooden table. The man moves to the other end of the table and the camera moves to see them from the end. We wee the person slide all their blue then the red discs down the table. We see a hand appear and point. The person grabs a blue disc and slides it two times.", "segments": [[0, 138.16], [15.89, 23.49], [26.94, 134.71], [95.33, 99.47], [127.11, 138.16]], "duration": 138.16, "id": 6257}, {"image_id": "v_iOnlcEk50CM.mp4", "caption": "A male is standing on side on a road in front of a forest with his foot on a skateboard.The male then gets on the skateboard and start balancing himself on it.After,he picks up the skateboard and moves a few feet back and starts skateboarding.Once done,he picks up the skateboard and holds it back down to his side.", "segments": [[0, 5.83], [5.83, 28.3], [28.3, 59.1], [59.52, 83.24]], "duration": 83.24, "id": 6258}, {"image_id": "v_CIAZbDkD0TE.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks out of a kitchen and over to a steamer with her daughter behind her. She picks up her iron and begins to iron a pair of pants as the girl plays with a dress, and the woman has left the iron resting on the clothing. She irons the dress for the girl as she watches.", "segments": [[0, 16.6], [17.78, 91.27], [96.02, 118.54]], "duration": 118.53999999999999, "id": 6259}, {"image_id": "v__HIJu_hNweY.mp4", "caption": "Three girls are seen standing on a cliff hitting a birdie to one another. The camera pans around their movements as they hit the birdie around. The girls continue to hit the birdie around and showing off their butts in the end.", "segments": [[0, 48.02], [46.51, 107.28], [103.53, 144.05]], "duration": 150.05, "id": 6260}, {"image_id": "v_H_xL4tssqEU.mp4", "caption": "A woman knits and shows her work. Women are knitting while sitting in a circle and talking each other. A reporter talks in the room where the women knits.", "segments": [[0, 11.1], [11.1, 114.48], [22.2, 27.45]], "duration": 116.82, "id": 6261}, {"image_id": "v_K_0DLTcFy-8.mp4", "caption": "A man with a thick mustache is dressed in winter clothing is sitting on a white bucket turned upside down on a frozen body of water as he drinks a beer from a blue can and talking.The man then picks up his fishing pole and pulls on the fishing wire that's in the fishing hole in front of him,holds the wire up, then puts it back in the hole while he's still talking.The man then gets off of his bucket and while on his two knees he puts his fingers in and out of the fishing hole and keeps talking.", "segments": [[0, 32.48], [32.48, 127.23], [127.23, 180.47]], "duration": 180.47, "id": 6262}, {"image_id": "v_bJkemB0CcKo.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera smiling and transitions to him holding a pan and spreading butter into it. He pours egg into the pan and pushes it around with several vegetables. He finishes by putting the omelet onto a plate and eating one big bite.", "segments": [[0, 17.07], [17.07, 62.23], [69.38, 110.13]], "duration": 110.13, "id": 6263}, {"image_id": "v_EeUkryzfwYk.mp4", "caption": "An animated intro screen has a lot of little Christmas pictures moving on it and white words appear that say \"Decorating The Christmas Tree\". The same animation continues to play and the white words now appearing are \"With Me, My Sis, Mom & Chris\". In fast motion, there are people in a residential home and they are winding strings of white Christmas tree lights around a very full and grown tree.When they are done with the lights, the begin to decorate the tree with ornaments until it's all filled with ornaments.The camera is picked up and the man is now attempting to put a white star on the top of the tree while children are hanging around and talking.The star is now on the tree, the camera is put back down, one of the girl hugs the tree.", "segments": [[0, 5.59], [5.59, 10.48], [10.48, 51.68], [51.68, 98.47], [98.47, 120.81], [120.81, 139.67]], "duration": 139.67000000000002, "id": 6264}, {"image_id": "v_ceDvPX6hP_U.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing inside a gym as he speaks to the camera. He indicated a blue block on the ground before stepping over it and kneeling on top of it. He begins pulling the cord on the equipment, showing how it is used.", "segments": [[0, 13.53], [18.51, 111.06], [116.04, 142.39]], "duration": 142.39, "id": 6265}, {"image_id": "v_lvlVfgZ53NQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking behind a bar, standing in front of numerous alcohol bottles. He pours liquids over a glass filled with ice. He then garnishes the final product for serving.", "segments": [[0, 7.74], [8.75, 51.14], [53.16, 67.29]], "duration": 67.29, "id": 6266}, {"image_id": "v_z-1HUIQFGIg.mp4", "caption": "Karate students play standing and hand held drums in a studio. Karate students jump over the top of a rope held by other students on a mat. The group of karate students practices punches standing in a line. A group of younger student practice sparring against opponents. The groups spin each other in circles holding each others hands. The group stands in a circle and jump up and down together while watching the instructor.", "segments": [[9.63, 19.25], [21, 70.01], [72.64, 89.27], [112.9, 136.53], [130.4, 142.65], [143.53, 170.66]], "duration": 175.03, "id": 6267}, {"image_id": "v_q2TF-3bWZuU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking as she stands outside horse stables. She talks as a client is riding one of her horses in a dirt field. She discusses the form and positioning of the rider. The rider takes the horse around for a trot while the woman watches.", "segments": [[0, 20.81], [24.84, 51.02], [53.7, 109.42], [112.11, 134.26]], "duration": 134.26, "id": 6268}, {"image_id": "v_wdsZn1Yu_5M.mp4", "caption": "A blonde woman is speaking in a news room in front of a large screen. Boats are seen pulling people on water skis. A man is shown preparing and then skiing through the water.", "segments": [[0, 9.54], [10.13, 68.55], [72.72, 119.21]], "duration": 119.21000000000001, "id": 6269}, {"image_id": "v_rBMQFpHspmo.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen wandering around an indoor field with one pole volting over a bar. The same shot is shown again in slow motion as well as several other attempts the boy makes. He attempts the jump several more times while people watch him on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 17.32], [15.15, 93.8], [85.14, 125.55]], "duration": 144.31, "id": 6270}, {"image_id": "v_V1AqyQ3qaQY.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing next to a pond. He loads an arrow in the bow. He shoots the arrow at a ceramic cat, knocking it into the water before moving on to other targets.", "segments": [[0, 8.87], [14.78, 39.4], [43.34, 197.02]], "duration": 197.02, "id": 6271}, {"image_id": "v_4Dj7wOTfyH4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking into frame and speaking to the camera. She sits down on boxes while holding others up and begins laying tiles down on the floor. She picks others up while speaking to the camera followed by vacuuming the floor and a child playing along.", "segments": [[0, 102.81], [69.18, 146.05], [95.12, 190.25]], "duration": 192.17, "id": 6272}, {"image_id": "v_1G5cu1NvDFw.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen running around a back yard on a large set of stilts. The boy continues bouncing around as the camera captures him as well as running.", "segments": [[1.51, 22.89], [17.92, 41.68]], "duration": 43.19, "id": 6273}, {"image_id": "v_LHjmL7Pg_80.mp4", "caption": "Boys are running on a field playing a game of soccer. Then they are are playing professional on an indoor court while an audience watches. They show many different clips from many different games, like a memoir of videos.Number 12 is the basis of them all, he seems to be a very great soccer player.", "segments": [[0, 34.65], [34.65, 105.09], [105.09, 167.45], [167.45, 230.97]], "duration": 230.97, "id": 6274}, {"image_id": "v_eGl_I8h832w.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen speaking to the camera and looking off into the distance. She continues speaking and leads into a woman cutting her hair. She hands the girl her hair and shows off her cut in the end.", "segments": [[0.37, 17.21], [17.57, 51.26], [48.7, 71.4]], "duration": 73.23, "id": 6275}, {"image_id": "v_dD3eR9Sb1x0.mp4", "caption": "Multiple colors and designs flash across the screen. Women gather onstage as they are about to perform. The women dance and jump, leading a zumba routine.", "segments": [[0, 10.4], [14.57, 60.34], [78.03, 208.08]], "duration": 208.07999999999998, "id": 6276}, {"image_id": "v_fJEXzQ0L1uU.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of signs are shown as well as people walking around a field and getting ready for events. Many people are interviewed for the camera and show people waving and getting ready on the sides. People wave to the camera and stand around holding signs while more speak to the camera and show games of hopscotch.", "segments": [[0, 52.73], [43.48, 147.09], [146.16, 185.02]], "duration": 185.02, "id": 6277}, {"image_id": "v_E_6XYa_WO8I.mp4", "caption": "A man starts chopping a piece of wood with an ax. He picks the wood back up and throws it into a pile. He picks up a new piece of wood and chops that one.", "segments": [[0, 59.16], [59.82, 69.67], [69.67, 131.46]], "duration": 131.46, "id": 6278}, {"image_id": "v_WjEh7acrr5o.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a chair knitting thread while the camera watches her. The woman continues to knit while stopping to look at the camera and make faces.", "segments": [[0.25, 5.99], [4.43, 12.05]], "duration": 12.48, "id": 6279}, {"image_id": "v_GhVERbQMZWQ.mp4", "caption": "A hummer backs a boat down a ramp. A person is wake boarding behind the boat. People are sitting on the boat.", "segments": [[19.99, 24.27], [34.27, 37.12], [60.68, 66.39]], "duration": 142.78, "id": 6280}, {"image_id": "v_80pIiAmVa5Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seated at the bottom of a slide. She is adjusting her camera. A child slides down the slide, running into her from behind.", "segments": [[0, 6.14], [7.23, 13.37], [14.25, 43.84]], "duration": 43.84, "id": 6281}, {"image_id": "v_GZjNt2TsChs.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen climbing up a playground and then going down a slide. She goes back to the top again followed by another go down the slide and back to the stairs again.", "segments": [[0, 23.24], [24.85, 64.55]], "duration": 64.55, "id": 6282}, {"image_id": "v_yRswMXWCcrI.mp4", "caption": "A person stands on a hill covered wit snow, then the person ski down the hill and fall. A skier comes down a hill makes a jump over stones and falls and rolls on the snow. Then, other man skies on the hill and flat areas covered with snow. Also, skiers makes a flip from in the air while other people watch.", "segments": [[0, 25.55], [25.55, 53.07], [53.07, 93.03], [93.69, 129.72]], "duration": 131.03, "id": 6283}, {"image_id": "v_fYIr-1aIHmA.mp4", "caption": "We see a black screen and the title. We see a boy holding onto to a pole being pulled by a boat. He gets on his feet and skis. The boy loses his balance and fall off the pole entirely. A girl is next to hold onto the bar of the boat. The girls looks at the camera before she looses her footing and falls off the bar.", "segments": [[0, 2.93], [2.93, 14.63], [14.63, 44.47], [43.3, 53.83], [53.25, 105.33], [105.33, 117.03]], "duration": 117.03, "id": 6284}, {"image_id": "v_2EQMXueAmCA.mp4", "caption": "Two men play squash on an indoor court. The left man in the white shirt misses the ball and the start over. We see the man in the gray shirt miss the ball land stands up and pumps his fist while looking disappointed.", "segments": [[0, 27.28], [6, 12.14], [24.42, 27.28]], "duration": 27.28, "id": 6285}, {"image_id": "v_5Owjrx-YjjM.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is sitting on the porch floor with her dad as he puts together a blue butterfly kite for her. After he's done completing the kite, they go out in the open to fly the kite. The father is holding the kite in his hand as the wind blows strongly. The girl holds the string of the kite and begins flying the kite high up in the air.", "segments": [[6.92, 17.13], [17.13, 39.72], [39.72, 61.23], [61.23, 69.97]], "duration": 72.89, "id": 6286}, {"image_id": "v_JXvPFMjtbcw.mp4", "caption": "A chef explains how to cook an omelette with vegetables and spices, Then, the chef take a dish and serves the omelette with lettuce and lemon. A man and a woman pass behind the chef in the restaurant. Another man sit in a table, stand and walk away. Another person enters the restaurant and turns left.", "segments": [[0, 227.19], [61.34, 72.7], [13.63, 54.52], [184.02, 186.29]], "duration": 227.19, "id": 6287}, {"image_id": "v_FhGOGbL-A84.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is in a yard, using a leaf blower. A little girl soon joins him, raking leaves.", "segments": [[0, 24.93], [26.13, 47.95]], "duration": 47.95, "id": 6288}, {"image_id": "v_MIE0KbGIXjM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bent over washing his hands when another man walks out and speaks to him. The other man then begins washing his hands with soap under the faucet while the other man watches. He finishes washing while the other man leaves and cues to a third man walking out of the stall.", "segments": [[0, 26.24], [24.45, 79.32], [63.22, 113.32]], "duration": 119.28, "id": 6289}, {"image_id": "v_5Qj8hHmZbiI.mp4", "caption": "People are playing beer pong at a party. People are drinking drinks from the table. A glass of beer is shown.", "segments": [[0, 94.97], [46.54, 94.97], [83.57, 84.52]], "duration": 94.97, "id": 6290}, {"image_id": "v_Ck5i8CVEkJI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen throwing a dart onto a board and leads into a woman speaking. The man throws several more darts while taking the time to speak to the woman. More people are shown throwing dart while the two continue to speak and the man points to the board.", "segments": [[0, 23.7], [23.7, 80.97], [79.65, 123.76]], "duration": 131.66, "id": 6291}, {"image_id": "v_oMegp6a547Q.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around several groups of people are seen performing martial arts around one another as well as people walking around and watching. Many shots are shown of people dancing and singing as well as performing martial arts in the streets and helping one another. People are seen playing instruments, reading the the news, and performing martial arts all around the street.", "segments": [[1.18, 45.9], [39.43, 97.1], [64.15, 115.35]], "duration": 117.7, "id": 6292}, {"image_id": "v_j1QaZ7YWcJ8.mp4", "caption": "A person plays tam-tam inside a room, the man mainly plays on the tam- tam on front hum. A hand pass on front the screen. The person extend her arm over the tam-tam.", "segments": [[0, 152.75], [72.89, 75.21], [153.53, 155.08]], "duration": 155.07999999999998, "id": 6293}, {"image_id": "v_0RUs80IYF38.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps off of the brown horse and he lassos the bull to the ground in the beginning. Then he gets on another horse and he lassos a bull bigger than the last one to the ground. When he's done tying the bull's legs together, he gets up and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 7.56], [7.56, 26.67], [26.67, 29.63]], "duration": 29.63, "id": 6294}, {"image_id": "v_Rn_frSrkkbM.mp4", "caption": "A cricket game is being played between two teams in front of a crowd of people. The first play is made and the commentators narrate the play. Then, a replay of the previous play is started while the commentators narrate it. The camera cuts to a man laughing at a mistake made in the play.", "segments": [[0, 61.39], [0, 27.63], [27.63, 49.42], [49.42, 61.39]], "duration": 61.39, "id": 6295}, {"image_id": "v_ahY7nqwwJEg.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several clips of people performing skateboarding tricks out in public places. Many more clips are shown of people riding around on skateboards doing flips and tricks.", "segments": [[3.52, 67.59], [47.87, 137.99]], "duration": 140.81, "id": 6296}, {"image_id": "v_wS_T-RMSSCE.mp4", "caption": "elephant is walking in a small water well playing with a ball. woman is talking in the camera and the elephant is again in the water well playing with the ball. little elephant is playing with a big blue ball.", "segments": [[0, 12.36], [12.36, 42.5], [42.5, 60.28]], "duration": 60.28, "id": 6297}, {"image_id": "v_1izVZnE0l7k.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing at a sink, washing dishes and playing in the water. She smiles as she rinses a plastic bowl. She walks over to the camera talking and laughing before leaving the room with her brother.", "segments": [[0, 30.21], [38.55, 183.36], [190.65, 208.37]], "duration": 208.37, "id": 6298}, {"image_id": "v_nHuu6aInr1w.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A man puts a pile of marshmallows in his mouth. A man make a campfire and tips flash on the screen. The man digs a hole put rocks around it and gather firewood. He puts the wood in a triangle in the pit and logs on the outside. The man lights the fire and adds a few more pieces of wood. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.8], [4.75, 11.41], [15.21, 176.82], [44.68, 81.75], [81.75, 125.48], [143.54, 168.26], [181.57, 190.13]], "duration": 190.13, "id": 6299}, {"image_id": "v_BYLxSOPFOuc.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a mirror holding a camera. woman enters in the bathroom carying a white cat and the man kneels so the cat can stands on his back. the woman leaves the bathroom and the man keeps recording himself making poses in front of the camera and talking to himself in the mirror. the man enters in the bedroom and the woman is sitting in the bed holding the cat. man is in the bathroom again holding a knife and the woman enters in the room with a back scarf around her head. they are driving the car and are parked in snowy parking lot. they eners in a restaurant and leaves and walks to the car again. the woman gets into the car and the man opens the door and grabs a little brush and cleans the windshield and the woman do the same and plays with the man.", "segments": [[0, 2.45], [2.45, 19.58], [19.58, 78.3], [78.3, 107.66], [107.66, 168.84], [107.66, 261.82], [261.82, 278.95], [278.95, 489.38]], "duration": 489.38, "id": 6300}, {"image_id": "v_NaTBiY3G3zc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen pushing a puck along the ice with others followed by a man speaking to the camera. More clips are shown of people curling on the ice while the man continues to speak to the camera and the game is shown in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 103.95], [82.73, 212.14]], "duration": 212.14, "id": 6301}, {"image_id": "v_m_sBF4vLRRc.mp4", "caption": "woman is wearing a red shirt and is standing talking to the camera in a white room. woman start dancing salsa steps on a wooden court. the woman is doing samba steps shaking her body side to side.", "segments": [[0, 14.68], [14.68, 28.45], [28.45, 91.78]], "duration": 91.78, "id": 6302}, {"image_id": "v_XkOO6lc5vxw.mp4", "caption": "An intro shows off a hedge trimmer. A woman beings to speak about the hedge trimmer. The product is shown in action, trimming a bush. The woman shows off the blade, and charger. We see the product in use again. The woman shows the comfort grip. The woman talks about how to order the product.", "segments": [[0, 5.28], [7.39, 13.73], [14.79, 29.58], [30.28, 39.44], [39.44, 47.19], [47.89, 52.82], [53.17, 70.43]], "duration": 70.43, "id": 6303}, {"image_id": "v_O0nOzufJ_OM.mp4", "caption": "A compilation/tribute video for a Hungarian discus throwing Olympian begins with some pictures of him in action. An attempt with him twirling rapidly begins and the discus launches. More photos play, showing the competitor in different positions. Two straight attempts featuring a powerful spin result in the the discus flying far both times. This is followed by more photos. Another attempt plays, followed by another slate of photos. The next attempt occurs in front of a large green net, the discus is launched like a rocket and the thrower celebrates. Another set of photos close the montage.", "segments": [[0, 19.93], [20.84, 39.87], [41.68, 51.64], [52.55, 91.51], [92.42, 115.97], [116.88, 135.91], [136.81, 167.62], [169.43, 178.49]], "duration": 181.21, "id": 6304}, {"image_id": "v_IZXFAoiSj0c.mp4", "caption": "A female athlete is in a field and she begins to throw a shot put.The lady spins and spins in slow motion as words are shown at the top describing each phase needed to throw a shot put successfully.", "segments": [[0, 17.38], [17.02, 72.42]], "duration": 72.42, "id": 6305}, {"image_id": "v_AXDa8WmY2og.mp4", "caption": "A Shih Tzu dog is standing on a table being groomed by an elderly Asian woman.Once she is done with the top,the lady the grabs the dog front left paw and takes a pair of scissors and begins trimming underneath his body.Once the belly is done,the goes to the top of the dogs head and cuts the hair around the face and clips the rest of the hair behind him.The next step consist of her trimming the hair under the dog's mouth.", "segments": [[0, 48.07], [48.07, 86.99], [86.99, 117.89], [117.89, 228.92]], "duration": 228.92000000000002, "id": 6306}, {"image_id": "v_PWw-DAcSszM.mp4", "caption": "We see a man slowly performing Tai Chi. A white banner streams across the bottom. The man lifts his legs up in front of him then kicks out. The man stops and stands still.", "segments": [[0, 157.37], [14.38, 85.48], [76.69, 100.65], [156.57, 159.77]], "duration": 159.77, "id": 6307}, {"image_id": "v_bsl3oM4svdQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen pulling a piece of exercise equipment while struggling to get it to move. She moves the mat underneath her and then is able to pull the bar back and fourth towards her.", "segments": [[0, 14.29], [15.27, 49.27]], "duration": 49.27, "id": 6308}, {"image_id": "v_lXTcGMN9I8g.mp4", "caption": "A young man at an outdoor festival is doing tightrope tricks in front of a crowd. The young man does various bouncing and balancing tricks on a tight rope a few feet above black mats. The gets off the rope and walks on the mats off the floor and towards his group.", "segments": [[0, 29.75], [0, 23.05], [23.05, 29.75]], "duration": 29.75, "id": 6309}, {"image_id": "v_Jbl0E75cx8o.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a chair while a man uses various tools to pierce her ear. The man finishes the piercing and the girl begins to turn in the end.", "segments": [[0, 74.89], [46.08, 117.13]], "duration": 128.01, "id": 6310}, {"image_id": "v_cnFw7hjmqJY.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a court in front of kids and is walking showing how to score a basket. man throw the ball with someone in the other side of the court and make a lay up and the kids behind him in the court do the same. the coach os hlping the girl to catch the ball and run.the kid make a throw and then score a basket adn the kids behind her keeps doing the same.", "segments": [[0, 19.88], [19.88, 28.92], [28.92, 54.83], [54.83, 120.51]], "duration": 120.51, "id": 6311}, {"image_id": "v_84x9A9xyLcE.mp4", "caption": "The sun rises over the hills. A man in shorts walks around. He grabs his board and places it into the water. The man climbs the board and surfs.", "segments": [[2.79, 7.24], [7.8, 11.7], [12.26, 18.39], [19.5, 111.46]], "duration": 111.46000000000001, "id": 6312}, {"image_id": "v__AaSNARQPfE.mp4", "caption": "A man picks up a weight over his head and drops it on the ground. A man picks up a bar and raises it several times. A man in a black shirt is standing next to him. Another man stands next to him and lifts a bar with him.", "segments": [[0, 12.04], [13.05, 94.35], [13.05, 200.74], [99.36, 167.62]], "duration": 200.74, "id": 6313}, {"image_id": "v_3sAcnQxBchE.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a woman sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette. She speaks to the camera while continuing to smoke and ends by spreading her legs.", "segments": [[0, 22.28], [23.63, 67.52]], "duration": 67.52, "id": 6314}, {"image_id": "v_6k5m4u5AchQ.mp4", "caption": "There are two camping out in the winter for an ice fishing trip. One of the men comes out of his camping tent with a fish in his hand. The two men are sitting in their make shift tent, fishing through a hole in the frozen lake. They are patiently sitting with their fishing rods till they fish out mid size fish from the holes. They show the kind of fish they have found as they lay it out on the frozen ground. One of the men cleans the fish scales. Then they cut the fish into small pieces and clean them up outside their garage. They sharpen the knife to slice the fish to prepare batter covered fried fish. The entire family sits together on a large dinning table and enjoy a delicious fried fish meal.", "segments": [[0, 115.88], [3.94, 10.25], [11.04, 88.29], [15.77, 68.58], [79.62, 108], [103.27, 116.67], [115.09, 120.61], [127.71, 145.05], [141.11, 155.3]], "duration": 157.66, "id": 6315}, {"image_id": "v_7OZHg_OOfxw.mp4", "caption": "boys and girls are stading in a court practicing cheerleaders choreography and a woman is talking in a studio on news. high scoo musical scene is show and a man practicing is being interviewed and scenes of bring it on is showed.", "segments": [[0, 9.63], [9.63, 175.01]], "duration": 175.01, "id": 6316}, {"image_id": "v_jzBR9ihZBbI.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in front of a couple of graphs. She demonstrates the technique with his racquet. He then goes into a room, and plays a game of racquetball with a man. They hit the ball back and forth against the wall. When they are done, he walks out and discusses it some more.", "segments": [[0, 15.67], [16.78, 85.04], [97.35, 196.94], [198.06, 205.89], [210.37, 223.79]], "duration": 223.79, "id": 6317}, {"image_id": "v_b3bawTEPLtA.mp4", "caption": "A ballerina is seen swirling in a room and leads into the woman speaking to the camera and performing several ballet moves. She stands at the barre and then on her own to demonstrate how to properly perform ballet moves. She moves her arms up and down as well as her legs and continuously speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[9.37, 44.05], [40.3, 149.01], [119.96, 187.43]], "duration": 187.43, "id": 6318}, {"image_id": "v_K-kJ-0nkKZk.mp4", "caption": "A set of hands are seen putting brush into a stack of sticks and then places cotton in the pile. He then lights a match and creates a fire and then bends over the fire to put more in. The camera closes in on the pit and is seen placing logs around the side.", "segments": [[0, 29.28], [29.93, 89.15], [89.15, 130.15]], "duration": 130.15, "id": 6319}, {"image_id": "v_cvatsuUhqhk.mp4", "caption": "Two men are playing Foosball in a dark room. They compete intensely at a fast pace. The man of the red team wins all four times. Every time when he wins, he does a little cheering dance.", "segments": [[3.18, 212.3], [9.55, 212.3], [50.95, 210.18], [50.95, 212.3]], "duration": 212.3, "id": 6320}, {"image_id": "v_ZOeQh2-ci3M.mp4", "caption": "A person uses the toilet in a stall. The man leaves the bathroom without washing his hands. The man eats from food dishes using his hands. A woman plays with the dogs. A person washes their hands in a sink using foam soap. The person uses a paper towel to dry off his hands. A person washes their hands in a stainless steel sink.", "segments": [[10.35, 24.85], [24.85, 29.68], [42.8, 51.77], [55.23, 62.13], [68.34, 95.27], [96.65, 109.07], [120.12, 128.4]], "duration": 138.07, "id": 6321}, {"image_id": "v_76tyabobb_0.mp4", "caption": " A messy kid is eating an ice cream cone. He bites the parents ice cream cone. The parent adjusts the cone for the child. The parent wipes ice cream from the child's face.", "segments": [[0, 18.46], [18.15, 21.78], [40.24, 44.48], [58.09, 60.51]], "duration": 60.51, "id": 6322}, {"image_id": "v_QJm_B5Hx4DI.mp4", "caption": "An employee of the beach patrol is talking about how to have a safe day at the beach. Sunscreen is addressed and he overviews how and why to apply sunscreen properly. Sunscreen SPF value is addressed with a slide on how to pay attention to the proper SPF. He addresses the negative impacts of sunburns, especially with children. He then talks about different types of specialty sunscreen to ensure you are safely covered. Children sunscreen safety is then talked about and how to properly protect your kids. He then discusses what to do when a sunburn does occur, how to handle it to take care of your skin. A slide is shown to make us aware of when a sunburn is bad and needs medical attention. He then takes another overview of how to use sunscreen to make your day enjoyable.", "segments": [[0, 200.83], [0, 34.14], [33.14, 46.19], [46.19, 84.35], [84.35, 108.45], [108.45, 148.61], [148.61, 157.65], [157.65, 167.69], [166.69, 200.83]], "duration": 200.82999999999998, "id": 6323}, {"image_id": "v_EJxWhTE_ZeE.mp4", "caption": "Several clips of boxes are shown as well as people moving around a stage and an audience watching. The video leads into several people washing windows as quickly as they can while many watch them on the side. Many men speak to the camera as well as people announcing the scores and more window washing taking place.", "segments": [[0, 70], [57.65, 165.74], [162.65, 205.88]], "duration": 205.88, "id": 6324}, {"image_id": "v_mgmwdQixDXY.mp4", "caption": "woman is showing her nails with a cute manicure and some polishes behind her hand. woman is holding a pink polish and start painting her nail. and with a little sponge and a little pin paint the nail with white blue and purple paint. with a small bush put som wwhite dots and clean the nail. woman cut a red paper and paint with frosty gray polish.", "segments": [[0, 15.1], [15.1, 39.07], [39.07, 71.93], [71.93, 111.01], [111.01, 177.61]], "duration": 177.61, "id": 6325}, {"image_id": "v_tPiuksisb4E.mp4", "caption": "There is a hookah placed on a kitchen counter. A man wearing a black sleeveless shirt comes there and kneels down to begins smoking the hookah. He smokes the hookah and blows out smoke. He takes a few puffs of the hookah and exhales the smoke out. He continues smoking by taking long puffs of the hookah and then leaves.", "segments": [[3.3, 43.79], [43.79, 92.53], [92.53, 125.58], [125.58, 154.49], [154.49, 165.23]], "duration": 165.23, "id": 6326}, {"image_id": "v_Qv0fN5A1vp4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a bag is seen followed by a woman looking in the camera. She holds up a phone and speaks into the mirror. Finally she jumps up and down a bit and ends by turning off the camera.", "segments": [[0.43, 8.69], [8.83, 20.37], [21.37, 26.92]], "duration": 28.49, "id": 6327}, {"image_id": "v_9mF5s6_dTlk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a crowded garage with lots of tools speaks to the camera as he holds a piece of paper. He taps a paper, continuously, on a iron type tool and brushes the paper against a long piece of wood. He puts down the piece of paper and takes the iron tool straight to the piece of wood. He picks up a paper towel and presses the iron against the piece of wood with one hand while using the other hand to drag a paper towel over the ironed areas of the board. He places the iron down. He takes the paper towel and quickly cleans the piece of wood.", "segments": [[0, 19.56], [20.21, 41.73], [42.38, 69.11], [71.06, 124.53], [125.18, 125.83], [127.13, 130.39]], "duration": 130.39, "id": 6328}, {"image_id": "v_5Fq-ln3yC38.mp4", "caption": "A man pours a liquid onto a table. With the use of a paintbrush, he covers the table with the liquid. He removes varnish from the top of the table. Afterwards, he does a light sanding of the table. With a tack rug, he removes the dust. Wearing gloves, he applies a stain to the table. Finally, he polishes the table and shows off his end result.", "segments": [[0, 17.24], [17.88, 24.9], [25.54, 47.89], [48.53, 69.6], [70.24, 87.48], [88.12, 99.61], [102.81, 125.79]], "duration": 127.71, "id": 6329}, {"image_id": "v_E4oP6Ex9IPo.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a yellow iron sitting on top of a box. He melts a bar of was on the bottom of the hot iron.He then irons over the wax that dripped down onto a ski. He finishes and sets the iron down.", "segments": [[0, 25.86], [26.67, 56.56], [58.18, 151.91], [151.91, 161.61]], "duration": 161.61, "id": 6330}, {"image_id": "v_5Y4YkCkgShc.mp4", "caption": "A nighttime view of a city is shown through a window. A man in a chef's coat is standing in a kitchen talking to the camera. A pancake is shown with syrup being poured on it. Ingredients are placed in a bowl. The man cracks an egg and whisks the ingredients in a bowl. A ladle is shown next to the bowl. The man ladles the pancake batter onto the griddle. The man flips the pancakes. The pancake is placed on a plate and syrup is poured on it. The man is shown eating a piece of the pancake. The man continues talking to the camera while holding a piece of pancake. A television studio is shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.82], [7.76, 18.42], [13.57, 15.51], [19.39, 42.66], [19.39, 87.25], [88.22, 89.19], [93.07, 104.7], [102.76, 122.15], [131.84, 141.54], [141.54, 161.9], [163.83, 186.13], [187.1, 191.95]], "duration": 193.89, "id": 6331}, {"image_id": "v_aSYCOvkN5uk.mp4", "caption": "A young man with Downs Syndrome bowls. Another young man throws a bowling ball. The first young man celebrates after a successful throw.", "segments": [[0, 77.35], [77.9, 98.05], [98.6, 108.95]], "duration": 108.95, "id": 6332}, {"image_id": "v_ruHRz56XGE4.mp4", "caption": "A man mows the grass around a tree. The man gets stuck and the mower turns off, and the man has to pull the igniter. Then, the man continues cutting the grass around the tree.", "segments": [[0, 5.24], [5.45, 22.25], [22.25, 43.63]], "duration": 43.63, "id": 6333}, {"image_id": "v_COIwJdDOmcc.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a gray car in a workshop changing a car wheel and talking to te camera. first the man grab an hiyraulic jack and put it under the car, unscrew the bolts wit a wheel brace and pulls out the wheel and mount the new one, put the screws back again with the wheel brace and tightens. man talking in front of the car and giving recomendations.", "segments": [[0, 39.85], [39.85, 149.44], [149.44, 199.25]], "duration": 199.25, "id": 6334}, {"image_id": "v_Kv-A_H9TXug.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy sits on the floor and speaks. The guy lays down and does sit ups. The guy goes back to the sitting position. The credits of the video and an image are shown.", "segments": [[0.92, 12.37], [13.29, 19.24], [19.7, 75.59], [76.51, 83.38], [84.3, 90.25]], "duration": 91.63, "id": 6335}, {"image_id": "v_MeHEDK_Y8sE.mp4", "caption": "A female Caucasian is sitting in a chair spinning around showing off her long blonde hair style,it is pinned to the right and has curls in the bottom.On the next screen,a woman begins grabbing the bottom and rolling it from the bottom up to about three inches and seals it with a piece of foil.Once the hair is folded up in a the foil,the lady takes a flat iron and runs it over the foil.As the next scene comes,the lady is pictured with eight foiled curls in her head that are sealed with long hair pins.The next step is to then remove the pins followed by the foil and release the curls.Finally,the style is completed and she is spun around once more to show the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 10.45], [11.2, 50.76], [50.02, 74.65], [74.65, 115.71], [115.71, 123.92], [123.92, 149.31]], "duration": 149.31, "id": 6336}, {"image_id": "v_AahkhvTAXwg.mp4", "caption": "a woman walks onto a blue lit stage. She starts flipping back and forth on the stage. She is spinning and twirling a baton while she performs before disappearing.", "segments": [[0, 31.85], [36.1, 82.28], [84.93, 106.16]], "duration": 106.16, "id": 6337}, {"image_id": "v_ZT_gv2W65Zc.mp4", "caption": "A woman brushes her hair with her hand. The woman combs her hair with a comb. The combing is shown in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 4.32], [4.32, 18.14], [18.14, 28.79]], "duration": 28.79, "id": 6338}, {"image_id": "v_IC61TQ-sd8o.mp4", "caption": "boys and girls are in stage doing a cheerleader choreography in a competiion while people in stands are watching them. men wearing black uniforms are standing behind the cheer team.", "segments": [[0, 159.45], [1.59, 159.45]], "duration": 159.45, "id": 6339}, {"image_id": "v_n637bl2-DDo.mp4", "caption": "A man talks in front of an office building. The man enters the building and walks up the staircase. The man enters the gym room. People ride on stationary bikes and watch a television in the gym.", "segments": [[0, 12.52], [13.75, 27.49], [29.32, 39.4], [40.93, 60.48]], "duration": 61.09, "id": 6340}, {"image_id": "v_byVhCu3KH1g.mp4", "caption": "Shoe polish supplies in a store, then people in a classroom get instructions about shoe polish. The teacher demonstrates to polish a boot using a tissue. Then, a girl polish the shoe of a woman using a cloth. A person takes pictures and a cameraman film. After, people practice shoe polish in group.", "segments": [[3.92, 12.15], [12.55, 33.33], [34.5, 38.42], [22.35, 30.19], [39.21, 72.93]], "duration": 78.41, "id": 6341}, {"image_id": "v_oHOR69nFt-4.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening screen on orange. A lady is cooking in a kitchen. The lady pours ingredients into a bowl and stirs. The lady stirs an egg mixture and mixes it in with her original bow. She puts it in a glass pan and puts the pan in the oven. We then see the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 6.43], [6.43, 192.76], [16.06, 108.16], [112.45, 178.84], [182.05, 195.98], [195.98, 214.18]], "duration": 214.18, "id": 6342}, {"image_id": "v__-_SwG4EnRU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a kitchen. She begins dancing in the kitchen. She starts mopping the floor while she's dancing.", "segments": [[0, 23.85], [2.62, 23.85], [4.05, 23.85]], "duration": 23.85, "id": 6343}, {"image_id": "v_0Q9RHSEFeMI.mp4", "caption": "People are working out in a gym. They are stepping up and down off of black step stools. They raise their hands and stop dancing.", "segments": [[0, 166.58], [2.5, 166.58], [164.08, 166.58]], "duration": 166.57999999999998, "id": 6344}, {"image_id": "v_m3SlyuAh1Wk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of leaves are shown followed by a woman raking them and speaking to the camera. The woman continues raking while speaking to the camera back and fourth. She shows her piles as well as the clean lawn while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 44.34], [44.34, 149.64], [112.69, 177.35]], "duration": 184.74, "id": 6345}, {"image_id": "v_Pmt3R5olRP0.mp4", "caption": "A middle aged woman wearing a headpiece speaks to the camera while stiring with a spoon. She takes a couple sips from a cup while still speaking to the camera. She does this one more time before turning the camera off.", "segments": [[0, 8.17], [9.15, 26.65], [25.83, 32.69]], "duration": 32.69, "id": 6346}, {"image_id": "v_UQXB3JOoxYE.mp4", "caption": "A boy sits in the water, his skis out in front of him, while he holds the handle of the rope between his legs. We see a short flashback as we then see him in the boat in then in the water being assisted with his skis. Once again he is in the water, and the boat slowly picks up speed, pulling the young man upright until he is skiing full-speed behind the boat. A man comes up beside him, his arms outstretched as he holds a camera, and then a show of him with several other men in the boat. We soon see the man again in the water with his arm around the boy's shoulders, the boy triumphant after his successful ride. All in all everyone seemed to enjoy a great day outdoors whether in the boat or skiing or both.", "segments": [[0, 15.83], [17.81, 34.64], [35.63, 50.47], [50.47, 126.67], [164.28, 197.93], [0, 197.93]], "duration": 197.93, "id": 6347}, {"image_id": "v_5HqegO_ayw8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a square with people playing volleyball. The people continuously hit the ball around the sandy field as the camera pans around them playing. The camera pans around the group as they keep playing.", "segments": [[1.2, 43.13], [37.73, 94.64], [88.05, 118]], "duration": 119.78999999999999, "id": 6348}, {"image_id": "v_HAEyXtEdERI.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around the outside of a building and surrounding areas and leads into several shots of people riding bikes on a track. Many people watch the race on the sidelines as the people continue going around the track and others record their time. Many people sit around speaking with one man speaking to a large group. More shots of people speaking and riding are shown and the audience cheers them on in the stands.", "segments": [[0, 31.2], [30.22, 95.54], [95.54, 155.98], [155.01, 194.98]], "duration": 194.98, "id": 6349}, {"image_id": "v_sPEed6XrTZA.mp4", "caption": "An older man in a yellow t-shirt stands by an opened garage and white car parked outside. The man pours water and solution into a bucket and wand sprayer tank. The man begins washing the Nissan Leaf car with the sprayer and wipes it down with a cloth.", "segments": [[0, 20.6], [21.23, 48.07], [48.69, 124.85]], "duration": 124.85, "id": 6350}, {"image_id": "v_CGz-ghbUXvk.mp4", "caption": "A wedding party is standing at the front of an aisle. A pair of men playing bagpipes enter the room before the bride makes her entrance with her father. Everyone stands to watch the procession. The man shakes hands with the groom, and we see the couple standing at the altar, facing each other.", "segments": [[0, 7.12], [7.51, 30.45], [31.64, 64.85], [66.43, 79.09]], "duration": 79.09, "id": 6351}, {"image_id": "v_G3TPqsLNlrw.mp4", "caption": "A young man is water skiing and falls. Watching video of the lake and driving.You can see a man skiing from several different angles. Winter of Water skiing at Stoney Park.", "segments": [[0, 12.5], [6.95, 21.53], [48.62, 84.05], [97.25, 130.59]], "duration": 138.93, "id": 6352}, {"image_id": "v_o6Xr1PiL-Jg.mp4", "caption": "The woman attempts to rake leaves, but then she falls and gets back up holding the rake and a man takes it from her. Then she walks away and comes back again and he rakes the leaves on top of her.", "segments": [[0, 37.55], [37.55, 59.61]], "duration": 59.61, "id": 6353}, {"image_id": "v_2w7Fxoeo_Qk.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a helmet and carrying a skateboard lays on a skateboard and goes down a bowling lane to knock over pins. People look to watch him go down the lane. Someone pushes someone laying on a skateboard down a bowling lane. People throw bowling balls after the person. Two men laugh watching the man. Someone pushes another person laying on a skateboard down a bowling lane.", "segments": [[0, 11.04], [12.25, 14.65], [14.85, 27.3], [14.85, 23.49], [28.3, 30.91], [36.53, 40.15]], "duration": 40.15, "id": 6354}, {"image_id": "v_yVJGQI5MBIk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen doing various martial arts moves to one another while a crowd of people cheer and applaud. The men continue kicking around one another and ends with them grabbing hands and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 95.48], [24.83, 95.48]], "duration": 95.47999999999999, "id": 6355}, {"image_id": "v_TwJvPxAq9_o.mp4", "caption": "A girl is smoking a cigarette. A girl blows out smoke. A guy sits, gestures, and discusses. The guy gestures smoking a cigarette. The credits of the clip are shown.", "segments": [[0.75, 4.48], [3.73, 4.48], [5.97, 144.08], [33.59, 34.34], [144.83, 149.31]], "duration": 149.31, "id": 6356}, {"image_id": "v_XHQLkc06XIc.mp4", "caption": "A little girl does an introduction for a video of herself playing the violin. She begins to play the violin in a joyful and professional manner. She begins to pick up the speed of the song. When she is done playing she explains that the piece she just played.", "segments": [[0, 14.21], [14.21, 141.12], [85.24, 142.07], [139.23, 189.43]], "duration": 189.43, "id": 6357}, {"image_id": "v_MNpV9WvVPSA.mp4", "caption": "instructions of how to play chords on the violin are shown. woman is in a room playing the violin. woman is showing how to play chords on wooden violin.", "segments": [[0, 30.23], [30.23, 77.51], [0, 77.51]], "duration": 77.51, "id": 6358}, {"image_id": "v_lWFGSRpuopM.mp4", "caption": "Kids are driving around in bumper cars. The cars crash into each other. The kid in the green car crashes into the wall.", "segments": [[0.77, 154.02], [11.55, 154.02], [107.04, 109.35]], "duration": 154.02, "id": 6359}, {"image_id": "v_Igpy_o0h3Cs.mp4", "caption": "A woman wear curls shows how to wrap pieces of fabric on a roller. The woman unrolls the curls from her hair. The woman combs out her hair using her hands.", "segments": [[8.3, 26.4], [27.16, 127.5], [80.72, 141.83]], "duration": 150.88, "id": 6360}, {"image_id": "v_mEsW__Np9Xo.mp4", "caption": "People are riding horses around an arena. People are standing outside the arena watching them. The people watching turn around and look behind them.", "segments": [[0, 33], [33.81, 54.1], [44.63, 54.1]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 6361}, {"image_id": "v_v2iIR1YLdz4.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing gymnastics in a living room. He is doing hand stands on a couple of bars on the ground. The bars are made from pvc pipes.", "segments": [[0, 6.43], [8.85, 41.02], [42.09, 53.62]], "duration": 53.62, "id": 6362}, {"image_id": "v_LbGr5TjfTBY.mp4", "caption": "A cooker talks in a kitchen and shows the inside of a sharpener knife that has discs inside. Then, the man puts a knife in the sharpener knife to sharpen. After, the man wash and dry the knife.", "segments": [[5.64, 128.58], [128.58, 170.31], [170.31, 192.87]], "duration": 225.57999999999998, "id": 6363}, {"image_id": "v_kF-J9mKwA8A.mp4", "caption": "A young boy playing a large drum game concentrates while the camera watches him play. Other people walk in and out of frame from the boy while he continuously plays the game on the drum. Another boy holding a drink walks into frame and watches the boy play the game.", "segments": [[0, 140.39], [10.53, 91.25], [120.73, 140.39]], "duration": 140.39, "id": 6364}, {"image_id": "v_gR9qUDlytF8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are walking towards the camera and they look like they're in a small village. As the people get closer we see a man and a child are holding onto a saddle attached to a camel and riding on it while another man holds the leash and guides the camel.The camel passes the camera person and we get a view of the camel walking away and a view of a different side of the area that looks like a village.", "segments": [[0, 4.09], [4.09, 10.67], [10.67, 16.04]], "duration": 16.05, "id": 6365}, {"image_id": "v_4w7sVSMbjyM.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a snowy area is shown followed by two people hoping along the area and speaking to the camera. More shots are shown of the men hopping around on snowboards in various locations as well as speaking to the camera and showing pictures of the people as well as footage of them riding around.", "segments": [[1.9, 76.96], [50.36, 190.02]], "duration": 190.02, "id": 6366}, {"image_id": "v_cGEhbEHCQyE.mp4", "caption": "Many men are in a building playing a group of ice hockey against each other.As they continue to play,the referee begins to skate back and forth on the side in circles.After several starts and finishes,the games keeps going and the goalie is successful in blocking the puck each and every time.", "segments": [[0, 35.37], [35.37, 120.27], [119.09, 235.82]], "duration": 235.82, "id": 6367}, {"image_id": "v_zwx1Kig4nXg.mp4", "caption": "We see a baby spining in a room with adults watching. An adult dances with the baby. Two adults hold the babies hands and dance. The baby is twirled in a circle. The baby is twirled again. The baby dances alone again. The baby picks up a toy dog and dances with it.", "segments": [[0, 26.85], [25.92, 48.14], [97.21, 99.98], [97.21, 99.06], [113.87, 116.65], [144.42, 172.2], [174.05, 185.16]], "duration": 185.16, "id": 6368}, {"image_id": "v_n0meVEbpXak.mp4", "caption": "Kids are riding small dirt bikes around a track. A kid falls over and people help them up.", "segments": [[0, 25.08], [13.67, 25.08]], "duration": 25.08, "id": 6369}, {"image_id": "v_jIsGq431gBs.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of people are meeting in a raft shop. They all meet in a room to put on helmets and get together their equipment. They all go for a long walk together, including down a large flight of stairs. They reach a long line of rafts by the water, where they get in and begin rafting. The people are white water rafting down a turbulent river, using their paddles in unison, going down small waterfalls together. They all stop to have lunch under an outdoor pavilion at the end of their adventure.", "segments": [[0, 14.99], [16.15, 26.53], [27.68, 50.75], [59.97, 133.79], [133.79, 198.37], [199.53, 230.67]], "duration": 230.67000000000002, "id": 6370}, {"image_id": "v_bmf7otW5TQo.mp4", "caption": "A teen performs pommel horse spinning around, then jumps on the floor and goes to get power from a container. After, the teen gets again on the pommel horse and spins many times, while the jury observes. People walk behind the jury. Next, the teen stands on his hands and jumps to the mat.", "segments": [[0, 43.35], [44.19, 76.6], [15.57, 53.45], [76.6, 84.17]], "duration": 84.17, "id": 6371}, {"image_id": "v_nyjtOdSyHn4.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a wig is seen blindfolding another girl while others watch on the sides. Kids are playing on the bouncehouse and a woman spins around the blindfolded girl. The girl swings around at a pinata and hits then walks away.", "segments": [[1.16, 37.69], [33.64, 92.21], [85.25, 113.08]], "duration": 115.97999999999999, "id": 6372}, {"image_id": "v_-ceM4HHukhE.mp4", "caption": "A man sits down on an exercise machine. He begins working out on the machine. A man in a tan shirt stands behind him.", "segments": [[0, 210.98], [14.77, 210.98], [7.38, 210.98]], "duration": 210.98, "id": 6373}, {"image_id": "v_DK271OQnNRA.mp4", "caption": "Three people go tubing down a rapid. They get stuck on the rocks, then push off and continue floating.", "segments": [[0, 31.21], [7.49, 31.21]], "duration": 31.21, "id": 6374}, {"image_id": "v_4DFKpHF2aq4.mp4", "caption": "There's a young man wearing a black hoodie and hat out in the wilderness. He takes an umbrella in his hand and then tosses it behind him. Then he walks on a tight rope and tries to balance himself. There are some other men doing the same thing out in the wilderness, trying to balance themselves and walk on tight ropes.", "segments": [[3.91, 6.31], [6.31, 14.42], [14.42, 48.68], [48.68, 56.79]], "duration": 60.09, "id": 6375}, {"image_id": "v_omLZQlz1PAo.mp4", "caption": "An elderly couple are dancing alone on a gymnasium floor while a line of people at a table watch. They spin and dance happily, and the crowd claps as they finish and walk away.", "segments": [[0, 83.6], [86.18, 172.36]], "duration": 172.36, "id": 6376}, {"image_id": "v_c0Cn3HFXpLs.mp4", "caption": "Three men playing a game of racquetball are in a court surrounded by white walls. The man in white serves, followed by the man in the hat scoring on his serve. The man in the yellow shorts is next and manages to take the game over, serving several times to close the video.", "segments": [[0, 25.82], [38.38, 69.79], [72.58, 139.58]], "duration": 139.57999999999998, "id": 6377}, {"image_id": "v_jsxrJJkUl2E.mp4", "caption": "A group of four men talk in front of a camera. There is an animated sequence. They continue to talk in front of the camera. Two of them stand holding a rake and they play rock paper scissors. One loses the game and jumps on the rake. Replays of him jumping on the rake. The other two hold the rake and play rock paper scissors. A different person loses and jumps on the rake. They show replays again of him jumping on it. A different set of guys hold the rake and play rock paper scissors again. One loses and jumps on the rake again. They show replays of him jumping on the rake.The other guy then jumps on the rake. They once again show replays. All four are once again talking in front of the camera. It ends with other videos of their you tube channel.", "segments": [[0, 6.72], [6.72, 16.79], [16.79, 42.53], [42.53, 50.37], [50.37, 59.32], [59.32, 72.76], [72.76, 85.07], [86.19, 90.66], [90.66, 114.17], [114.17, 139.92], [139.92, 148.87], [148.87, 157.82], [157.82, 160.06], [160.06, 173.49], [173.49, 212.67], [212.67, 223.86]], "duration": 223.86, "id": 6378}, {"image_id": "v_8wDm37sdBCI.mp4", "caption": "A person is down below and is swinging a fabric and hitting it onto something. A wide shot of a city is shown from the from above.The view pans to other parts of the city and then zooms on other people hitting fabric onto an object as well.", "segments": [[0, 20.6], [0, 4.84], [4.84, 20.6]], "duration": 20.6, "id": 6379}, {"image_id": "v_zzxYEZkahBU.mp4", "caption": "A person is throwing a disk down a strip of land. A woman in a brown shirt is holding a red cup. A boy pushes a ball with a stick. A man in a black shirt is holding a stick. A boy in a white shirt smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.06], [13.46, 15.98], [30, 34.49], [34.77, 38.97], [51.87, 53.83]], "duration": 56.08, "id": 6380}, {"image_id": "v_bX-PSFlwV5s.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a tool. A person is then seen peeling off a roof using the roof and speaking out loud. The man continues to take apart the roof.", "segments": [[0, 44.96], [35.68, 104.2], [95.63, 139.88]], "duration": 142.73, "id": 6381}, {"image_id": "v_UCmycSotoy4.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are playing in white water kayaks. The person in the red tries to flip. A person in green attempts the same thing. The person in the red then has their front in the air for a long time.", "segments": [[0, 38.08], [2.48, 6.66], [6.28, 13.9], [17.52, 38.08]], "duration": 38.08, "id": 6382}, {"image_id": "v_qoSn8oUMBSE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen walking out onto a field with a crowd cheering behind them. The men then begin playing a game of soccer and kicking the ball around the field. Several shots are shown of people scoring goals as well as others celebrating and holding one another.", "segments": [[6.88, 53.32], [48.16, 137.59], [107.49, 165.97]], "duration": 171.99, "id": 6383}, {"image_id": "v_-vqefJDOxkw.mp4", "caption": "Several spectators watch as a man does track and field. The video with a man who begins running down the track. As he reaches the dirt section, he he does three jumps. On his final jump, he extends his legs to try and jump as far as possible. The video ends after he lands and he is shown smacking the ground.", "segments": [[0, 6.04], [0, 2.08], [2.08, 4.68], [3.41, 4.77], [4.8, 6.04]], "duration": 6.04, "id": 6384}, {"image_id": "v_ahOnhEvMgq0.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around a man standing in front of a ping pong table and begins playing a match with another man. The men continue hitting the ball back and fourth while various people watch him on the side.", "segments": [[0, 54.48], [52.91, 69.38]], "duration": 78.39, "id": 6385}, {"image_id": "v_6XINT0LDdz8.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen looking off into the distance and standing before a set of uneven bars. The man then jumps up onto the bars and begins swinging himself back and fourth. The man continues to swing around and ends by jumping down.", "segments": [[0.59, 13.86], [11.88, 29.3], [21.18, 38.01]], "duration": 39.59, "id": 6386}, {"image_id": "v_rlWN8PZMbfY.mp4", "caption": "A woman washes her hands at a sink. The woman towels her hands dry. The camera shows a closeup of her dropping liquid into a contact lens. The contact lens is held up for inspection. The woman rubs the contact lens with the fluid. The woman puts the lens on. The woman removes the lens. The lens is held up for inspection. The woman removes the lens from her eye again. The woman cleans the lens with solution. The woman places the lens into a container.", "segments": [[5.14, 11.14], [11.14, 14.56], [15.42, 21.42], [21.42, 28.27], [28.27, 47.12], [47.12, 63.4], [68.54, 72.82], [72.82, 92.52], [92.52, 111.37], [124.22, 143.07], [143.93, 153.35]], "duration": 171.34, "id": 6387}, {"image_id": "v_7n1L0evoi34.mp4", "caption": "In Home Pet Groomers demonstrate how to groom a pet. The person is demonstrating how the dog's hair is trimmed with electric shears at their grooming salon.", "segments": [[24.67, 72.33], [72.33, 79.85]], "duration": 83.62, "id": 6388}, {"image_id": "v_aVJRaXUjsEE.mp4", "caption": "Two men stand on the far left of a beer pong table. One of the men throws a beer pong ball across the table, into a cup. The other man with him throws a ball across the table, too. Two other men stand on the far right side of the beer pong table, and one of the men reaches to grab the cup where the ball fell into, and the other man bends down to catch a ball that has fallen on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 6.6], [1.02, 1.35], [3.53, 4.72], [4.75, 6.6]], "duration": 6.6, "id": 6389}, {"image_id": "v_4Fxj9ObTMw8.mp4", "caption": "A girl leans over a sink, and a boy walks up to talk to her. She starts laughing and jumping up and down. The boy seems equally excited, and she smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 1.9], [2.08, 14.36], [14.7, 17.3]], "duration": 17.3, "id": 6390}, {"image_id": "v_rt3t2n6K_ww.mp4", "caption": "A young girl with a ponytail plays a drumkit, she appears to a trained musician. The girl focuses on one particular drum. The girl continues to play different parts of the drumkit.", "segments": [[0, 13.7], [14.76, 24.25], [25.3, 210.84]], "duration": 210.84, "id": 6391}, {"image_id": "v_3DQTz4Ke50Q.mp4", "caption": "A truck is seen backing up and blowing leaves around while the camera captures the area around the truck. The truck is seen again in several locations backing up and pushing leaves back away from the truck.", "segments": [[0, 40.4], [34.72, 126.26]], "duration": 126.26, "id": 6392}, {"image_id": "v_8ofNg0y8w60.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing a tennis match on a blue court. The man in the blue shirt misses the ball and walks away to talk to someone. They replay the video of him missing the ball. A man in a white shirt sits on a chair with a microphone. They restart another tennis match.", "segments": [[0, 15.52], [15.52, 36.35], [36.35, 55.55], [55.55, 59.22], [71.89, 80.05]], "duration": 81.69, "id": 6393}, {"image_id": "v_IpCYVZ-sMTc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a ski and pointing around it in various locations. The man continues speaking while rubbing down the ski with lotion and ending by presenting it to the screen.", "segments": [[4.41, 45.15], [42.4, 109.03]], "duration": 110.13, "id": 6394}, {"image_id": "v_thvpt_lUxTI.mp4", "caption": "Two buses are parked in a parking lot. People are walking in front of it in the snow. A person is shoveling the snow in front of them.", "segments": [[0, 30.47], [7.95, 36.3], [18.28, 33.38]], "duration": 52.99, "id": 6395}, {"image_id": "v_G5HZX5i26us.mp4", "caption": "An older woman is seen sitting in a chair with a needle in her hands. The woman then begins sowing while the camera captures her movements. The woman continues sowing and the camera watches from the side.", "segments": [[0, 7.38], [6.83, 16.31], [15.54, 20.82]], "duration": 22.04, "id": 6396}, {"image_id": "v_06dIgOEgYp0.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands in snow with the words \"Fat Girl Snowboarding\" overlaid. A long typed message about her reason of wanting to snowboard. She makes several attempts down the snowy hill and falls many times.", "segments": [[0, 13.07], [14.26, 30.9], [32.09, 237.7]], "duration": 237.7, "id": 6397}, {"image_id": "v_42i3phJnY4M.mp4", "caption": "a bullfighter holding a red cloth is in field. a bull is running to the red cloth of the bullfighter. a lot of people are sitting on stands watching the bullfighter.", "segments": [[0, 51.8], [1.3, 51.8], [0, 49.99]], "duration": 51.8, "id": 6398}, {"image_id": "v_FDIYymZEFi0.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen pouring soap into his hands and scrubbing his hands above a sink. He then grabs a paper towel and dries off his hands.", "segments": [[0, 14.74], [14.74, 24.99]], "duration": 24.99, "id": 6399}, {"image_id": "v_siMXfU6NPlE.mp4", "caption": "Couples dance on a dance floor during a party in front of a stage. The man spins his partner around while dancing. A man on the right dances swinging his arms back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 51.67], [19.63, 35.13], [13.43, 49.34]], "duration": 51.67, "id": 6400}, {"image_id": "v_LAbzDJZtSvQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in the woods, talking. He uses an ax to hit a large piece of wood. He splits the wood into logs with the ax.", "segments": [[0, 13.33], [14.81, 62.2], [66.15, 98.73]], "duration": 98.72999999999999, "id": 6401}, {"image_id": "v_dcARAWmvWSo.mp4", "caption": "We see men working on a roof on a ranch style house. We see the supplies on the ground. We see the men on the front part of the roof. We see a man throwing shingles into a trailer on the ground. We see the rolls of roofing materials. We see a man throwing shingles into a trailer. Three men throw shingles off the roof.", "segments": [[0, 215.68], [53.92, 56.08], [66.86, 215.68], [83.04, 86.27], [118.62, 129.41], [138.04, 141.27], [175.78, 196.27]], "duration": 215.68, "id": 6402}, {"image_id": "v_GqrEVe0c6PQ.mp4", "caption": "A setting of glasses with lemon water are set on a place mat with a whole lemon. Lemon slices are scooped from a jar and placed into drinking glasses on a steel counter top. Steaming hot water is poured over the lemons in the glasses. The glasses are stirred with a stirring rod. The glasses are seen set on the table and are slowly panned over from right to left.", "segments": [[0, 8.79], [9.34, 64.83], [67.57, 80.21], [82.41, 95.59], [96.69, 109.88]], "duration": 109.88, "id": 6403}, {"image_id": "v_1F_CSpL_4Dg.mp4", "caption": "A couple is seen with a crowd, going up a snow covered hill. They tube down the snowy hills. The people slide down steep fast curves on the intertubes.", "segments": [[0, 20.48], [27.93, 96.82], [98.69, 124.13]], "duration": 124.13, "id": 6404}, {"image_id": "v_DXu_aHrZaUs.mp4", "caption": "A sign board is seen with a company logo and contact information. A construction worker screws down floor baseboards. A construction worker uses a handheld scraper to apply plaster to the bare floor. A worker places tiles onto the floor and uses plastic cross spacers in the groves. A heavy weight roller is rolled over the newly placed tiles. The finished floor is seen after the job is done.", "segments": [[0, 10.19], [11.39, 43.77], [41.97, 54.56], [55.16, 94.73], [95.93, 102.52], [103.12, 114.51]], "duration": 119.91, "id": 6405}, {"image_id": "v_9fh_ray_B80.mp4", "caption": "A few guys are sitting near a cliff. A man is climbing a cliff with all limbs. The man that is climbing falls and begins to laugh.", "segments": [[0, 56.17], [0, 53.92], [54.48, 56.17]], "duration": 56.17, "id": 6406}, {"image_id": "v_4M4MXPP9oRY.mp4", "caption": "There are several people gathered to watch a competitive game of water polo on a sunny day. There are two teams in an outdoor swimming pool playing against each other. The spectators are watching and cheering for the players. the players are playing with a yellow colored ball. After one of the team scores a point, the fellow teammates cheer for them. The winning team scores more points and receives applause from the crowd.", "segments": [[22.66, 51.67], [51.67, 88.84], [88.84, 134.16], [134.16, 147.76], [147.76, 166.8], [166.8, 175.86]], "duration": 181.3, "id": 6407}, {"image_id": "v_Hfd5sxW8Clg.mp4", "caption": "Several contestants are on a stage standing behind a podium made to look like a Rubik cube.A boy then places a blind fold on his forehead as a man stand to his left examining his every move.The cube is then picked up off the counter and the timer begins as he attempts to solve the puzzle.After thirty five seconds,he pulls the blind fold down over his eyes and continues to try and solve the cube.A minute and fifteen seconds has passed and the boy puts the cube down and the timer stops.Everybody is extremely happy for him and begin and congratulates him as the other opponents are still attempting to solve theirs.", "segments": [[0, 36.51], [37.45, 78.64], [78.64, 111.41], [111.41, 140.43], [140.43, 153.54], [153.54, 187.25]], "duration": 187.25, "id": 6408}, {"image_id": "v_QuaoqO4JgKY.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen walking to the end of a diving board and jumping off the side. The boy comes up from the surface and another boy is seen walking to the end of the board.", "segments": [[0, 9.9], [9.27, 17.83]], "duration": 17.83, "id": 6409}, {"image_id": "v_KlIAmoVrptA.mp4", "caption": "A brunette woman is smiling and talking while standing in a bathroom with just her chest up visible and a quick banner on the bottom of the screen say's her name is \"Aubrey Morgan\".The woman is now standing up and with just her legs visible and wearing shorts, she's holding a razor up and showing it in different angles, and close ups, the text on the screen reads \"Good Quality Razor\".The woman begins to wash her legs while still standing up, exfoliates, and then applies a thick layer of shaving cream all over her leg, fans her leg, and then begins shaving her legs from the ankle and the knee and then rinses her razor.The woman holds up a disposable razor, then holds up a reusable razor and shows that the razor can be popped up. The woman is standing again and is now applying lotion to her leg. The woman is now standing with just her upper body showing and is smiling and talking.", "segments": [[0, 6.22], [6.22, 18.09], [18.09, 86.5], [86.5, 97.24], [97.24, 108.55], [108.55, 113.07]], "duration": 113.07, "id": 6410}, {"image_id": "v_tl2RLYJUu3k.mp4", "caption": "Three martial artists with black belts do a demonstration for younger children. They jump and kick then bow to each other.", "segments": [[0, 45.79], [21.75, 45.79]], "duration": 45.79, "id": 6411}, {"image_id": "v_nGsRDNIsc2o.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting on exercise bikes and working out. A woman puts something on the side of the leg of a man working out. A man in a black suit talks in front of a television.", "segments": [[0, 22.16], [42.3, 57.74], [124.88, 132.27]], "duration": 134.28, "id": 6412}, {"image_id": "v_AjiCJiOIDtI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a foam rubber mat. The camera pans around more mats laying out while the man still speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.19], [16.52, 37.13]], "duration": 37.13, "id": 6413}, {"image_id": "v_Gdf7ZWhh9Nw.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen scrubbing down the mane of a horse's fur and leads into washing him and spray him. The camera shows shots of the liquid and then shows the woman scrubbing down and washing the horse. She walks the horse away and shakes the bottle, showing more shots of her cleaning the horse with the bottle shown intermittent.", "segments": [[0, 18.58], [18.58, 85.83], [87.75, 128.1]], "duration": 128.11, "id": 6414}, {"image_id": "v_BV4zqyN8hLs.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of a man wake boarding and doing flips followed by him sitting on a boat and speaking to the camera. Several more shots of him riding and speaking are shown as well as a blonde woman also wake boarding. The two ride along the water together while the man continues to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 37.15], [37.15, 100.95], [107.41, 161.52]], "duration": 161.52, "id": 6415}, {"image_id": "v_stkWKPWbQpE.mp4", "caption": "A man holding a baton and wearing glittery tights is standing on a basketball court and is doing a routine of baton twirling, flips, and dramatic dances. The man twirls the baton very quickly and unexpectedly drops it. The man quickly recovers and picks up the baton and continues his routine like he's never dropped it in the first place and throws the baton high up into the air and does numerous spins and quickly catches the baton before it hits the ground.The man ends his routine in a sitting position with his legs spread apart, his head thrown back and the baton resting on his right and between his legs.", "segments": [[0, 158.24], [142.42, 147.96], [147.96, 154.29], [154.29, 158.24]], "duration": 158.24, "id": 6416}, {"image_id": "v_NgBfcoVZ254.mp4", "caption": "The building is being shown then the clock tower. The young people are walking on the walkway in front of the building. A young man is skateboarding on the road, going side to side moving his feet on the board.", "segments": [[0, 19.53], [13.39, 54.11], [49.09, 111.57]], "duration": 111.57, "id": 6417}, {"image_id": "v_IxrncvpPWV8.mp4", "caption": "A group of several teen boys are playing a game of tug of war. They pull hard until the rope gives, and they win the game.", "segments": [[0, 12.28], [13.71, 23.85]], "duration": 23.85, "id": 6418}, {"image_id": "v_Acogo5mgX4Q.mp4", "caption": "The scene is of a neighborhood surrounded by tall trees and a pile of dead leaves next to a leaf catcher. A man holding a rattle puts leaves in bags attached to a leaf catcher. Also, the man use the leaf catcher to collect trash in a bag.", "segments": [[0, 10.35], [10.79, 86.29], [44.01, 47.89]], "duration": 86.28999999999999, "id": 6419}, {"image_id": "v_kYZSCs-ILNQ.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a white shirt is holding a tennis racket. He starts hitting tennis balls with his tennis racket. He stops and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.29], [33.85, 78.99], [78.42, 95.35]], "duration": 112.84, "id": 6420}, {"image_id": "v_GycRQhoHnXw.mp4", "caption": "A large group of women are seen standing in a room and begin belly dancing. The woman dance with one another performing the same routine and one woman dancing in front. The women continue dancing with one another and end by walking around.", "segments": [[0, 43.48], [50.53, 193.88], [178.61, 230.31]], "duration": 235.01, "id": 6421}, {"image_id": "v_E9hFBWDR12A.mp4", "caption": "person is walking inside a house to an open field holding a baseball bat. perso is walking with a handle stick behind some men running around the field. some papers are shown and women selling lacrosse tshirts, in a game, people are gathered around the field. players walks from the dressing rooms and are in the field playig.players are stading in line clapping at the end of the game, results are shown in the end.", "segments": [[0, 9.06], [9.06, 19.42], [19.42, 48.54], [47.9, 109.39], [110.03, 129.45]], "duration": 129.45, "id": 6422}, {"image_id": "v_jIYRVlrXJgc.mp4", "caption": "Two players are playing a game of racket ball. One female takes a swing at the ball and hits it. The other female takes a swing at the ball and misses and hits herself instead. She then sits down on the floor while the other person comes to turn the camera off.", "segments": [[0, 9.83], [1.71, 2.91], [3.06, 4.66], [4.36, 10.03]], "duration": 10.03, "id": 6423}, {"image_id": "v_P3BkKdkf43I.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen standing in the middle of a room and holding a tennis racket up in the air. Himself and a man are then seen hitting the tennis ball around while running around the room. The boy runs away from the man and towards the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 23.28], [20.01, 50.56], [50.56, 67.66]], "duration": 72.75, "id": 6424}, {"image_id": "v_WMdeqUyHWSo.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are standing together while a women in a beautiful dress speaks. Various people in costume are shown and a girl runs around playing with a kite. Several kites are shown up in the air while other children play with them. Hundreds of kites are shown in the air for a festival and a man interviews his experience with the kites. Several people stop and look around and the city pans over the night.", "segments": [[0, 9.11], [9.76, 25.38], [22.13, 52.07], [16.27, 113.25], [96.98, 123.01]], "duration": 130.17, "id": 6425}, {"image_id": "v_3CJW0qBwwx4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down beside a car spraying a hose on the car. He uses a sponge to clean around the car while others clean around the sides. More shots are shown of them cleaning the inside as well as under the hood while the camera pans around.", "segments": [[0, 7.6], [7.6, 87.35], [78.49, 124.7]], "duration": 126.6, "id": 6426}, {"image_id": "v_s07U8_fkUWU.mp4", "caption": "women are playing voleyball in a wooden court. peolpe are siting in chairs around the court watching the girls. referees are standing on sides of the court holding flags and watching the game no stairs.", "segments": [[0, 141.69], [0, 139.56], [6.38, 141.69]], "duration": 141.69, "id": 6427}, {"image_id": "v_jN-FG9yxNvE.mp4", "caption": "\"Fitness for Life 365\" appears on the screen. A panning up of the inside of a gym is shown as there is a man climbing monkey bars going backwards. He then goes back and forth to continue his workout. The video then fades to a black screen and asks you to subscribe to their youtube channel.", "segments": [[0, 3.88], [3.88, 18.97], [19.18, 37.33], [37.74, 40.8]], "duration": 40.8, "id": 6428}, {"image_id": "v_Pt0CjFgzpxM.mp4", "caption": "The video shows a tutorial on how to install ceramic tiles using concrete. A person wearing an orange vest and black pants is working on tiling a room in a house. He is kneeling down next to a pile of white square ceramic tiles and a bucket filled with grout and cement. He is smearing the floor with cement with a trowel. Then he places the square tiles next to each other in a straight line, making sure they are fitted tightly together. He removes more tiles from the box to places them on the wet cement, making sure they are properly aligned with each other. He continues placing the tiles to fill in all the gaps until the entire room is fully covered with the white tiles.", "segments": [[0, 173.48], [6.94, 157.86], [12.14, 151.79], [6.94, 32.96], [25.15, 132.71], [34.7, 147.46], [108.42, 173.48]], "duration": 173.48, "id": 6429}, {"image_id": "v_z9uVyf0D8eM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen playing a set of bag pipes to the camera while moving his hands up and down. The man continues playing the instrument in the room and ends by moving his hands down.", "segments": [[0, 120.16], [106.02, 176.7]], "duration": 176.7, "id": 6430}, {"image_id": "v_WSKx2EK_Bqc.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting down with a microphone attached to his ears and starts to talk about the congas in front of him.Once he is done talking,the man begins to play and hits the congas back and forth.In between his performance,he takes briefs breaks and talks before continuing playing.Now,he has on head phones and starts to play the congas straight through with no interruptions.", "segments": [[0, 52.37], [52.37, 96.76], [96.76, 138.48], [138.48, 177.54]], "duration": 177.54, "id": 6431}, {"image_id": "v__uPVFvEQocU.mp4", "caption": "I woman talks to the camera while holding a ping pong ball and standing by a ping pong table, interspersed with closeups of short demonstrations of technique. The woman retrieves a new ball. The woman retrieves two balls, then gets rid of one. The woman retrieves another ball.", "segments": [[0, 114.8], [45.92, 47.07], [88.4, 93.56], [98.73, 99.3]], "duration": 114.8, "id": 6432}, {"image_id": "v_WbZpWiPCHVU.mp4", "caption": "Coffee is spilled on the carpet. A person carpet cleans the carpet. They then clean seats of a car. They empty the water into the sink. They empty the bucket into another bucket. They vacuum up sprinkles off of the carpet.", "segments": [[0, 2.28], [4.92, 8.96], [9.49, 12.47], [15.99, 22.66], [24.94, 26], [29.51, 34.25]], "duration": 35.13, "id": 6433}, {"image_id": "v_rVxxAI6wlXk.mp4", "caption": "A man grabs a suitcase out of a car. He lays down in a barber chair. A man starts shaving his beard with a razor. He wraps a towel around his face.", "segments": [[14.57, 26.9], [34.75, 39.23], [53.8, 197.27], [206.23, 207.35]], "duration": 224.17000000000002, "id": 6434}, {"image_id": "v_OtcRXishIxw.mp4", "caption": "A young man is helping a young woman swing at a soccer pinata. They are on an outdoor green field at a school or community center. She keeps missing the pinata while her friends try to help her out. An adult is controlling the pinata trying to keep her from hitting it. She finally ends up finding where it generally is while her friends laugh at her and continue to try to help. She gets hit by the pinata and ends up being unsuccessful.", "segments": [[0, 7.57], [7.57, 37.85], [27.75, 55.09], [43.73, 48.78], [58.87, 66.44], [74.01, 79.9]], "duration": 84.1, "id": 6435}, {"image_id": "v_pmix_U52VWk.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing behind a music stand playing a flute. He stops playing and smiles before walking away.", "segments": [[0, 67.2], [67.57, 74.26]], "duration": 74.26, "id": 6436}, {"image_id": "v_lipavQnHm_g.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on an indoor court with his racket in his right hand the racket ball in the left hand and is talking and motioning a lot. The man then drops the ball on the court, hits it, then catches it when it returns to him. The man continues to talk as he holds the ball and racket in his hands and the screen fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 47.59], [47.59, 52.84], [52.84, 74.94]], "duration": 74.94, "id": 6437}, {"image_id": "v_yXzLQU_jS44.mp4", "caption": "A man is looking down and talking into the camera. The man removes his glasses and shows us how to insert contact lenses. The man shows the contact lens to the camera. The man inserts the contact and moves his eye around. The man shows his other contact. The man inserts the contact on the right and moves his eye around.", "segments": [[0, 182.56], [7.3, 8.22], [74.85, 81.24], [96.75, 112.27], [133.27, 142.39], [149.7, 159.74]], "duration": 182.56, "id": 6438}, {"image_id": "v_J6-rLsT975U.mp4", "caption": "A man shovels snow in the winter. A timelapse photo is made and a path is cleared so a car can drive out.", "segments": [[0, 215.06], [50.54, 195.71]], "duration": 215.06, "id": 6439}, {"image_id": "v_sOUNe30PXY4.mp4", "caption": "Two men are on top a ladder in a wrestling ring, a man is bend on the ladder. Then, the wrestler jumps over the man, and the man and the wrestler fall to the ring. The judge watch the men.", "segments": [[0, 1.06], [1.03, 4.6], [0, 4.6]], "duration": 4.6, "id": 6440}, {"image_id": "v_Qwj7f4vqveo.mp4", "caption": "A kid takes a drink and swishes it around in their mouth. They spit it out into a sink. They take another drink out of a cup. They put their mouth on a towel. They take another drink and dump it out in the sink. They pick up the towel and wipe their face. They grab a cup and turn the sink on.", "segments": [[0, 19.59], [20.01, 21.67], [28.34, 29.59], [35.84, 45.85], [46.26, 57.52], [59.6, 67.52], [80.44, 83.36]], "duration": 83.36, "id": 6441}, {"image_id": "v_Gc1Mk5UyECQ.mp4", "caption": "A lacrosse team goes to play a game. other highlights are shown.", "segments": [[0, 113.52], [36.89, 110.12]], "duration": 113.52000000000001, "id": 6442}, {"image_id": "v_sLq6p6NKApk.mp4", "caption": "We see a man with a croquet mallet talking. The man lines up his shot of the red ball. The man hits the red ball. The man points at the blue ball the kneels in the grass.", "segments": [[0, 74.89], [13.48, 43.06], [43.81, 46.8], [58.78, 74.89]], "duration": 74.89, "id": 6443}, {"image_id": "v_c-3fceLb7n4.mp4", "caption": "A group of friends play shuffle board on an indoor court. The group takes turns shooting pucks onto the shuffleboard court.", "segments": [[0, 76.07], [4.56, 76.07]], "duration": 76.07, "id": 6444}, {"image_id": "v_g9b-kCC79kQ.mp4", "caption": "People are talking in a room. People are playing blackjack in a crowded casino. A man claps his hands and signs a paper. People continue to play blackjack.", "segments": [[0, 14.03], [10.69, 133.66], [86.88, 90.22], [86.88, 133.66]], "duration": 133.66, "id": 6445}, {"image_id": "v_gPtpPiea0iQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks into a partially netted area. The woman stands preparing to hammer throw. The woman performs the hammer throw. The hammer is seen landing with judges walking towards it. The woman raises her arm. The woman walks out of the netted area. The woman raises her arm again.", "segments": [[0, 6.7], [6.94, 16.99], [16.75, 24.89], [24.65, 29.2], [29.92, 33.75], [33.75, 47.87], [47.39, 47.87]], "duration": 47.87, "id": 6446}, {"image_id": "v_V8UMJTrfXdw.mp4", "caption": "Two people play foosball with a woman behind. One person scores and claps.", "segments": [[0, 7.86], [3.04, 7.89]], "duration": 7.9, "id": 6447}, {"image_id": "v_o4uymxrCKeo.mp4", "caption": "A boy swings on a swing outdoors. He swings as high as he can with his legs out.", "segments": [[0, 6.14], [6.74, 13.35]], "duration": 13.35, "id": 6448}, {"image_id": "v_cXVWUEcSx20.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on a couch holding a hat and leads into her cutting the cat's claws. She then holds up a piece of paper as the cat runs away and she points to the paper.", "segments": [[0, 73], [73.58, 114.96]], "duration": 114.96000000000001, "id": 6449}, {"image_id": "v_ULPw4uZcx5I.mp4", "caption": "A person is sitting in a tube with other people standing around and pushing the person down a snowy trail. The person flies down the trail in the tube with another person following down afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 28.8], [27.18, 81.13]], "duration": 81.13, "id": 6450}, {"image_id": "v_c3vEqTcKPsU.mp4", "caption": "a journalist is interviewing a basketball player in a court. man is polishing the wooden floor.", "segments": [[0, 79.78], [20.34, 31.12]], "duration": 79.78, "id": 6451}, {"image_id": "v_y1jyeWW-G4E.mp4", "caption": "a little girl is sitting in sand where she has been trying to make a sand castle. Adults and another girl laugh as they try to build something in the sand.", "segments": [[0, 39.73], [43.39, 104.56]], "duration": 104.56, "id": 6452}, {"image_id": "v_-wFNUGYf298.mp4", "caption": "A young adult male punches and kicks a suspended punching bag. The young male then starts to move around the punching bag while still punching and kicking it. The young male then walks away while removing his gloves.", "segments": [[14.57, 22.41], [23.53, 203.93], [203.93, 209.53]], "duration": 224.1, "id": 6453}, {"image_id": "v_2WzsyEvhPPI.mp4", "caption": "A man talking to the camera while holding a poster. He grabs various objects off the table and explains his instructions. He wraps a box with tin foil then writes on the box with a marker. He lays out more tin foil and wraps another object with it. He finishes wrapping all objects with tin foil and showing how.", "segments": [[0, 17.84], [17.84, 37.92], [40.15, 88.11], [88.11, 131.6], [131.6, 210.78]], "duration": 223.05, "id": 6454}, {"image_id": "v_FujUrbL1qc0.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a workout bench. He lays back and starts doing crunches. He sits back up on the machine and continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 33.82], [33.82, 108.71], [108.71, 161.05]], "duration": 161.05, "id": 6455}, {"image_id": "v_sx5Q-JsaAAs.mp4", "caption": "Two men play ping pong on front a crowd. When the person with black jacket serves, the ball lands on net, also the young man fails to serve well and the ball lands outside the table. The young man wins and raise his hands, while his opponent hug him. People take picture to the men.", "segments": [[9.03, 78.77], [78.77, 134.56], [134.56, 154.25], [140.3, 143.58]], "duration": 164.1, "id": 6456}, {"image_id": "v_WRv7Kpf1KT0.mp4", "caption": "Two men are putting suntan lotion on each other at the beach. They rub it on each other's backs before turning around.", "segments": [[0, 10.11], [11.32, 30.19]], "duration": 30.19, "id": 6457}, {"image_id": "v_3Y46yorcd5Q.mp4", "caption": "A large wave breaks in the ocean as surfers and surfers paddle over it. A large wave crashes in the ocean and a man rides down the face on body board. surfers ride waves in the ocean. A large wave breaks on shore and spectators run.", "segments": [[0, 19.89], [24.57, 32.76], [33.93, 205.95], [205.95, 234.03]], "duration": 234.03, "id": 6458}, {"image_id": "v_CcBPELJaRlk.mp4", "caption": "Several people are divided up into groups on rafts kayaking through murky water.The first group of eight people paddle themselves near a cliff and go down the hill and the others trail behind them with the same actions.For the fifth group, an aerial view is provided and the others way for them to come.After, each group does the same thing as they maneuver throughout various parts of the water and hitting rocks.", "segments": [[0, 33.01], [33.01, 80.33], [77.03, 112.25], [112.25, 220.09]], "duration": 220.09, "id": 6459}, {"image_id": "v_JLipYEVwKTg.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a leopard print jacket is sitting with a man in a hookah bar. The man kisses her as he leans forward. She is holding the hookah in her hand ready to take her first puff. After she inhales the hookah, she puffs out some smoke and coughs in discomfort.", "segments": [[4.42, 7.99], [7.99, 16.84], [16.84, 25.54], [25.54, 28.54]], "duration": 28.54, "id": 6460}, {"image_id": "v_eEBiomp_9tQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a dress is walking up stairs. She takes her dress off and starts dancing. She is working out with other people on a step stool.", "segments": [[0, 5.41], [5.41, 30.05], [7.21, 30.05]], "duration": 30.05, "id": 6461}, {"image_id": "v_XOEQfCu6KsE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking around a field with a dog next to him. The man then grabs a frisbee and begins performing tricks with the dog. The man continues to throw around a frisbee with the dog while others watch on the side.", "segments": [[0, 26.48], [27.91, 105.91], [95.18, 137.4]], "duration": 143.13, "id": 6462}, {"image_id": "v_f7qFnCkFIuQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking towards three people who are painting a fence black. The man asks the boy to see his work and pans the camera over to his wife. The man makes a joke to his wife and laughs off camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.17], [8.47, 26.09], [27.81, 34.55]], "duration": 34.55, "id": 6463}, {"image_id": "v_BrnUW2LSJDI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing around a shuffleboard table followed by the men hitting pucks across the board. The men continue hitting the pucks and zoom in on their faces in the end.", "segments": [[0, 19.89], [19.46, 42.77]], "duration": 42.77, "id": 6464}, {"image_id": "v_VuGLqAda2hE.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks in a gym, then she drives a static bike. Then,the woman and other people lift weight. Then, the woman continues riding the bike and then lift weigh.", "segments": [[0.89, 26.57], [26.28, 38.09], [38.38, 59.05]], "duration": 59.05, "id": 6465}, {"image_id": "v_qp3OfC0dCOs.mp4", "caption": "Outside in the backyard two little boys in matching swim suits are playing with nets trying to catch a ball. They are both trying to get the ball in their own net basically playfully fighting over whose going to get it. The dad comes and throws the ball over and the boys run after it. They continue to play and one of the little boys gets it in his net and trows it and when it lands they both go after it again.", "segments": [[0, 24.91], [24.91, 53.98], [53.29, 96.2], [96.89, 138.42]], "duration": 138.42000000000002, "id": 6466}, {"image_id": "v_6cha8sVi65k.mp4", "caption": "Several hockey players leave a group, skating across the ice. They begin playing, shooting the puck back and forth, trying to get it to go into the enemy's goal. A goalie stands alone at his goal. Everyone gathers again as the referee signals them to play.", "segments": [[0, 18.52], [23.35, 99.82], [103.05, 128], [131.22, 161.01]], "duration": 161.01, "id": 6467}, {"image_id": "v_CJKwvmOuhJk.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing before a sink wearing gloves. The woman looks back to the camera and smiles while holding a toothbrush. She then turns back to the sink full of dirty dishes.", "segments": [[0.18, 7.44], [9.79, 29.02], [25.03, 34.64]], "duration": 36.27, "id": 6468}, {"image_id": "v_Szze8i9UsRo.mp4", "caption": "A person opens a round box and take off a bottle of nail polish and puts on holder. Then, the person puts a nail on a round support on the box, then paint her nails. After, the woman close the nail polish bottle.", "segments": [[0, 38.28], [38.28, 190.28], [190.28, 216.18]], "duration": 225.19, "id": 6469}, {"image_id": "v_sWaU9O4xzFE.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman get ready to play darts. Instructions on needed materials to play darts are displayed. The man and the woman walk to the dart board. They joke around getting ready to play darts. The man throws a dart. The woman follows after him. The woman throws three more darts. The man shows off his dart and demonstrates how to step. He throws the dart from afar. The position of the darts on the boars are shown. The man grabs the darts from the board. The woman throws some darts. The man follows after the woman. The woman does it again. The man returns to do the same. The woman throws them again. The man goes after her again. The woman goes once more and triumphantly wins.", "segments": [[6.91, 14.68], [15.55, 23.32], [24.18, 33.68], [34.55, 55.27], [56.14, 57.87], [58.73, 61.32], [62.18, 69.96], [70.82, 95.87], [96.73, 107.1], [107.96, 139.05], [139.91, 144.23], [145.1, 145.96], [146.82, 147.69], [149.41, 150.28], [151.14, 152.01], [152.87, 153.73], [154.6, 155.46], [156.32, 159.78]], "duration": 172.73, "id": 6470}, {"image_id": "v_Mg3_BN9t9JY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen hosting a news segment and that leads into people riding around on horses. People are seen walking around an area with dogs stomping their feet as well as another man speaking to the camera. More shots are shown of the people playing the game on a horse as well as others speaking to the camera and getting a trophy.", "segments": [[0.67, 28.69], [28.69, 67.38], [74.05, 129.42]], "duration": 133.42, "id": 6471}, {"image_id": "v_Hc--KcdMkEA.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of a podium talking. Two other men stand next to him. One of the two men digs in a fire pit where there was a fire and then pours water on it. The same man digs around in the pit with his hand looking for burning embers.", "segments": [[0, 42.02], [0.41, 42.02], [42.84, 65.5], [66.73, 75.38]], "duration": 82.39, "id": 6472}, {"image_id": "v_n-i9nC6vxu0.mp4", "caption": "A body of water is shown below the trees. A person is walking on a slack line over the water. They get to the end of the slack line.", "segments": [[0, 94.81], [21.81, 94.81], [90.07, 94.81]], "duration": 94.81, "id": 6473}, {"image_id": "v_ncTkaZcDcTo.mp4", "caption": "A skater girl in a white t-shirt and shorts tries to jump with her skateboard and falls backwards hitting her head. Two more skaters head around a curve, but one plows straight into a hay-stack, though luckily helmet-first. Another helmeted skater tries a hand-stop, and does stop, though unfortunately his skateboard does not. After a few more skating mishaps, the last performance is by a skater who doesn't feel the need for safety equipment and while headed straight down a hill, he flips off of his skateboard and spends several minutes checking on his various road-rashes.", "segments": [[0, 2.7], [7.19, 17.98], [17.98, 25.62], [26.07, 79.12]], "duration": 89.91, "id": 6474}, {"image_id": "v_A1k7CSI7aRs.mp4", "caption": "Outside as a group looks on, a man lifts a guy onto his shoulder and throws him on a table which breaks. Outside, a male back flips on a trampoline and lands on his face. Two men lay the male down and look at his face, and another person moves a laying individual to look at the male's face.", "segments": [[0, 4.32], [4.39, 8.09], [8.79, 15.42]], "duration": 15.42, "id": 6475}, {"image_id": "v_mtQUYdj2Ecg.mp4", "caption": "A man attempts to lift a barbell. He bends at the knees, lifting it to his chest. He hits himself in the throat, falling backward.", "segments": [[0, 2.36], [5.43, 16.75], [17.46, 23.59]], "duration": 23.59, "id": 6476}, {"image_id": "v_pJRUkudK6iE.mp4", "caption": "A textured intro screen appears and a logo of a shoe is displayed along with green words that say \"VICKERMANN und STOYA\".Two groups of supplies are shown and they include products from the company name in the intro screen that include brushes, a cloth, shoe shaper, shoelaces and a couple of small tin containers.A man wearing a green apron is untying shoelaces from a brown high shoe, then brushes it with a large brush, then he takes a smaller brush, dips it into a small container, then brushes it onto the shoe and the shoe looks very polished on any surface that he brushes.The man then picks up a white cloth and rubs it all over the shoe.The man puts the white cloth down, picks up a thick brush and brushes the shoe all over. Then he puts the shoe and the brush down, picks up the shoelace and laces the shoe.The man then picks up the polished shoe and unpolished shoe and puts them closer to the camera for a comparison then the same textured screen from the intro appears with the shoe log and the company name of \"VICKERMANN und STOYA\".", "segments": [[0, 10.87], [10.87, 15.82], [15.82, 116.64], [116.64, 150.25], [150.25, 171.01], [171.01, 187.81], [187.81, 197.69]], "duration": 197.7, "id": 6477}, {"image_id": "v_CD8FFj8AJE0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him wiping down another man's back. He rubs in lotion and then stands up with the man. The man holds a mirror up to his back and smiles back to the artist.", "segments": [[0, 25], [22.62, 85.72], [91.07, 116.67]], "duration": 119.05, "id": 6478}, {"image_id": "v_Qxquum8p8S8.mp4", "caption": "There are some kids using a water pump to wash their hands at the Plumpton Park Zoo. There's a young boy in a black and white hoodie helping pump out water for another boy to wash his hands. Then he goes on help another young boy wearing a black hoodie to wash his hands. The three kids are having fun in the water as they wash their hands clean.", "segments": [[0, 40.23], [1.22, 11.17], [11.38, 23.37], [21.74, 40.43]], "duration": 40.64, "id": 6479}, {"image_id": "v_1P_y_DLlg-E.mp4", "caption": "A lady stands in a yard holding a leaf blower before stepping over the cord. The lady blows the leafs as she walks around the yard. The lady points the tool at the camera and laugh. The lady continues to blow the leaves.", "segments": [[0, 4.07], [4.21, 13.01], [13.14, 16.17], [16.3, 26.29]], "duration": 26.29, "id": 6480}, {"image_id": "v_QHJTOHgjDMw.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks into a room, seeing sheet music at a piano. She opens the piano and begins to play. She thinks about a couple while she is playing.", "segments": [[0, 11.06], [11.54, 55.76], [57.68, 96.13]], "duration": 96.13, "id": 6481}, {"image_id": "v_bLqd98mmu3w.mp4", "caption": "A woman is scared of going in the water and says she cant do this. A group of people are sitting in a pool of water that is precariously close to the edge of a waterfall. The woman jumps in the water and everyone cheers. The group of people are laughing and talking while more people jump in the water. Scenes of the waterfall are viewed.", "segments": [[0, 8.52], [8.52, 14.2], [15.14, 22.24], [24.61, 60.1], [70.98, 94.65]], "duration": 94.65, "id": 6482}, {"image_id": "v_MEuGzNPI1pw.mp4", "caption": "A man prepares for a gymnastics routine on the parallel bars. The crowd seems to approve when he flips and catches himself before then dismounting.", "segments": [[0, 18.71], [33.43, 79.6]], "duration": 79.6, "id": 6483}, {"image_id": "v_qU_605hliNw.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a wooded area and leads into two people riding around on skis. Several shots are shown of various people riding behind a boat on skis and performing tricks. The people continue riding as well as hanging on the side on a large pole.", "segments": [[0, 67.23], [48.27, 131.01], [124.12, 171.52]], "duration": 172.39, "id": 6484}, {"image_id": "v_hyW_cjYi8P4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while presenting various objects in front of him. The man then uses a marker to dig up the side of a table and fill it in. He shows how to use the pen on several objects while filling it in and sanding it afterwards.", "segments": [[4.74, 107.04], [30.31, 143.04], [91.88, 186.61]], "duration": 189.45, "id": 6485}, {"image_id": "v_BC1ZIeZvFXw.mp4", "caption": "A boy is riding a long board down various road ways. He does a flip trick riding down one of the road ways. He winds back and fourth down the snowy road. He skateboards at night and the logo is shown.", "segments": [[0, 86.32], [46.39, 55.2], [62.25, 73.99], [88.67, 117.45]], "duration": 117.45, "id": 6486}, {"image_id": "v_LxntXVcMxtc.mp4", "caption": "Two girls in karate class bow forward and then to each other before practice. The girl dodges an attack by taking a knee while blocking a hit. The karate students punch and block with their wrists. The girl does a standing spinning kicks.", "segments": [[0, 6.09], [9.14, 10.66], [22.85, 30.27], [12.38, 16.18]], "duration": 38.08, "id": 6487}, {"image_id": "v_TqO-bmGQGiY.mp4", "caption": "Two dogs wearing clothing run together up stairs. The two dogs are shown running together amidst crowds in several different locations while following a man. The man teaches one dog to pull another by the leash.", "segments": [[0, 9.8], [9.8, 92], [92.55, 108.88]], "duration": 108.88, "id": 6488}, {"image_id": "v_TXSNkjjTzdE.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks and fix her wet hair, also she shows a brush and a dry hair. The woman brush her hair on different directions using a hair dryer. Then, the woman stops and shows her hairstyle while talking. After, the woman shows the direction to comb hair, then uses a hair iron to straight the hair.", "segments": [[0, 45.07], [45.07, 193.78], [193.78, 206.17], [207.3, 225.33]], "duration": 225.32999999999998, "id": 6489}, {"image_id": "v_gY5akj1YcMk.mp4", "caption": "A man does wave wheels in a canoe. He is shown doing downstream momentum, rolling over in his canoe. Now we see set edge and plant blade as he moves upstream.", "segments": [[6.69, 27.44], [10.54, 15.06], [17.9, 26.6]], "duration": 33.46, "id": 6490}, {"image_id": "v_j_Xr8nLEjLQ.mp4", "caption": "A person stands on a rope, and then he jumps over a rope. The person jumps on his feet, as well on this butt and body.", "segments": [[3.55, 51.83], [51.83, 121.4]], "duration": 141.99, "id": 6491}, {"image_id": "v_5QDwobEnN3g.mp4", "caption": "A family is seen sitting on the beach making sand castles with a object. People stand around to watch them work and the camera pans around the kids playing in the sand.", "segments": [[0, 37.12], [24.04, 81.41]], "duration": 84.36, "id": 6492}, {"image_id": "v_iM8rmKLJnt8.mp4", "caption": "woman is painting the fence with white paint. man is painting a green bench in the park.", "segments": [[0, 11.21], [11.21, 42.04]], "duration": 56.05, "id": 6493}, {"image_id": "v_0ysVELHeEyc.mp4", "caption": "Text appears on the screen briefly. The camera pans down the side of a fence. It stops at a broken section. It continues to pan down the fence. Nails are hammered into the fence. They continue down the fence and remove some dead plants. They show a product used to clean the fence. A man sprays the fence with the product. He drops it and gets some paint. A painted section of the fence is shown.", "segments": [[0, 3.31], [3.31, 30.61], [30.61, 32.26], [32.26, 53.77], [53.77, 61.21], [61.21, 94.3], [94.3, 99.27], [99.27, 126.56], [126.56, 132.35], [132.35, 165.44]], "duration": 165.44, "id": 6494}, {"image_id": "v_PWrVWeH45Zo.mp4", "caption": "Boys are moping the tiled floor. A boy in short places his mop in a yellow bucket. A lady walks away with a long clear object in her hand.", "segments": [[0, 44.44], [2, 5.33], [32.67, 36.89]], "duration": 44.44, "id": 6495}, {"image_id": "v_agr3ZKq1Iso.mp4", "caption": "Children ride in bumper cars on an amusement ride. One person follows close behind a car in front of him riding his bumper. The group gets stuck in a a large traffic jam after bumping each other. The cars turn around and get out of the traffic jam. A boy crashes into the back of a stopped car.", "segments": [[0, 90.3], [13.09, 17.16], [26.64, 36.12], [36.57, 40.64], [70.89, 76.31]], "duration": 90.3, "id": 6496}, {"image_id": "v_39FIjDeot-s.mp4", "caption": "a lot of kids ar standing ni a basket court doing boxing movements. little girls are standing in the middle of a court practicing boxing. people are sitting on chairs in a wooden court.", "segments": [[0, 59.27], [59.27, 105.84], [61.91, 105.84]], "duration": 105.84, "id": 6497}, {"image_id": "v_rVLkm3MLzns.mp4", "caption": "A man in ski gear is standing on a snowy hill. He and others begin skiing down the slopes, kicking up snow and traveling through tunnels.", "segments": [[0, 98.14], [101.41, 218.08]], "duration": 218.07999999999998, "id": 6498}, {"image_id": "v_H8f7pTaBFKk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen scraping off a car that is covered with snow and speaking to the camera. The camera follows the man around as he continues to scrap off the car and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 92.27], [92.27, 169.3]], "duration": 169.3, "id": 6499}, {"image_id": "v_0-F3q8Aj9Zk.mp4", "caption": "A teenage boy dances around in the background while another teenage boy wearing practices high jump in a school cafeteria. A teenage boy completes a high jump landing on his back on the mat. Several adults and teenagers are standing and sitting around the high jump mat while a boy in black does the high jump. The boy in black does another high jump while another teenage boy watches in the background. The same boy in black does a high jump while a taller boy in white walks past. The same high jump is shown slowly to point out mistakes the boy is making. A different boy wearing white does the high jump while other people stand and sit nearby. The high jump from the boy wearing white is replayed to point out mistakes. A third boy wearing blue does the high jump three times in a row with others in the background. A replay of the boy in blue is played to point out mistakes he is making.", "segments": [[0, 6.22], [20.74, 25.93], [26.96, 28], [29.04, 30.07], [31.11, 34.22], [46.67, 71.55], [72.59, 85.03], [99.55, 140], [143.11, 150.37], [162.81, 207.4]], "duration": 207.4, "id": 6500}, {"image_id": "v_7kQ3JRkEQr0.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are standing up doing karate. People are sitting down watching them. A woman in a black robe is standing up next to them.", "segments": [[0, 63.89], [2.33, 63.89], [2.33, 66.55]], "duration": 66.55, "id": 6501}, {"image_id": "v_R0sADQPdso8.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A lady speaks in front of a plaza. the lady hula hoops in short shorts and a tight shirt in a plaza and we see a timer in the upper right corner periodically. The timer reads The lady hula hoops for 2 minutes and seventeen seconds. The lady speaks to the camera again. We see the ending YouTube screen.", "segments": [[0, 4], [4, 18.29], [18.29, 80.61], [80.61, 83.47], [84.04, 98.9], [98.33, 114.34]], "duration": 114.34, "id": 6502}, {"image_id": "v_DLfOiuxMstg.mp4", "caption": "A envelope with a key on it is shown. A woman wraps a book in brown paper. A woman in a gray sweater is talking. A woman waves at the camera. They finish wrapping the book and put the envelope on the front of the package. The words thank you is stamped inside a book.", "segments": [[0, 7.85], [7.85, 12.61], [14.57, 23.54], [24.1, 24.94], [32.79, 48.77], [49.61, 51.57]], "duration": 56.05, "id": 6503}, {"image_id": "v_X7f-hwiYZ1Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking and laughing to the camera and leads into her holding up a magazine and presenting pages to the camera. The woman presents more objects to the camera and then uses one to brush her teeth while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 87.24], [65.43, 165.25]], "duration": 167.77, "id": 6504}, {"image_id": "v_rVYuVW9tB3U.mp4", "caption": "Two suma wrestlers walk to a ring. A crowd watches the fight. The suma wrestlers prepare themselves. A referee calls them into position. The suma wrestlers begin fighting, with one of them immediately throwing the other to the ground. The winning suma wrestler is applauded and cheered on by the crowd as he walks off the stage.", "segments": [[0, 10.02], [0, 80.13], [10.42, 27.25], [27.65, 34.06], [34.46, 42.07], [42.47, 80.13]], "duration": 80.13, "id": 6505}, {"image_id": "v_dH_gpSfaA6E.mp4", "caption": "To wrap a circular gift you will need ribbon scissors, paper scissors, ribbons, tape, Japenese using paper because its soft and strong and the color doesn't come off. First measure the paper correctly by measuring at the sides then fold paper in the middle holding the paper the same way on the other side then close paper in the middle of the joint to make a crease then repeat until crease is all around then put tape on top then tie on the ribbon.", "segments": [[0, 30.12], [30.12, 194.33]], "duration": 194.33, "id": 6506}, {"image_id": "v_c-aDlEaZmFk.mp4", "caption": "A lady gymnast dressed in black leotards is performing gymnastics on bars. She flawlessly jumps on the bar and swings back and forth from one bar to another without falling off. She successfully completes her round and jumps off of the bars. The crowd cheers loudly as they applaud for the gymnast.", "segments": [[8.54, 20.91], [20.91, 41.53], [41.53, 49.78], [49.78, 58.91]], "duration": 58.91, "id": 6507}, {"image_id": "v_3TwqeiVbpS8.mp4", "caption": "A series of people violently falling off of water skis while water skiing exhibits. A person crashing into a family on the beach from going full speed on a water ski occurs. Several more people are shown crashing while on water skis with one man crashing and the water turning red at the point of impact and crashing. A last clip shows someone going up a ramp on water skis and then crashing into the water.", "segments": [[14.38, 134.74], [58.29, 62.83], [62.83, 86.3], [90.08, 96.89]], "duration": 151.4, "id": 6508}, {"image_id": "v_at2XbuHG5WQ.mp4", "caption": "A white fence is shown outside a house. A man is holding a scraper and brush. He scrapes the paint off the fence, then repaints it with fresh paint.", "segments": [[0, 6.88], [10.55, 57.31], [58.69, 91.7]], "duration": 91.7, "id": 6509}, {"image_id": "v_Ed08LA1pjIg.mp4", "caption": "The person is skiing down the high snow covered mountains. A red helicopter is flying around as the skiers are climbing the top mountain. The skiers ski down the slope, ride their motorcycles, went fishing , and ski.", "segments": [[0, 65.85], [27.82, 96.45], [46.37, 185.48]], "duration": 185.48, "id": 6510}, {"image_id": "v_boqZwv68BiM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a tool is shown followed by a person cutting along a rug. The person continues using the tool along the sides and the camera fades to black shortly after.", "segments": [[0, 9.73], [8.78, 21.15]], "duration": 21.15, "id": 6511}, {"image_id": "v_Bg9hw5K-m6Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in his yard. He uses a brush to brush his very long hair. He brushes it from several different angles.", "segments": [[0, 5.92], [6.22, 37.91], [41.46, 59.24]], "duration": 59.24, "id": 6512}, {"image_id": "v_MyMYuXh8E0Y.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black hoodie talks to the camera. A second man in a blue hoodie walks in and talks to the camera. The man in the black hoodie shows off a bottle of mouth wash. The two men talk to each other. The man in the blue hoodie pours the mouthwash in two glasses. The two men take classes and \"cheers\" each other. The two men keep the mouthwash in their mouths. The man in the black hoodie shows off his t-shirt. The two men show off signs that insult each other and try to make each other laugh. The man in the blue hoodie laughs first. The men both spit the mouthwash in the sink.", "segments": [[1.13, 3.4], [2.26, 28.29], [4.53, 29.43], [4.53, 30.56], [29.43, 70.17], [74.69, 82.62], [86.01, 218.43], [107.52, 115.44], [117.7, 212.77], [211.64, 216.16], [218.43, 226.35]], "duration": 226.35, "id": 6513}, {"image_id": "v_DvtfiPvPhZ8.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman is seen walking onto a large stage away from one another. The two then begin performing a tango routine with one another. The man lifts the woman all around while they continue dancing and end by holing a pose.", "segments": [[2.17, 38.45], [35.74, 75.81], [58.48, 106.13]], "duration": 108.3, "id": 6514}, {"image_id": "v_-HaFSqzE4Nc.mp4", "caption": "A teenage boy and girl are sitting in s car smoking from a hose. The girl and boy take turns blowing smoke rings.", "segments": [[0, 53.52], [4.01, 52.72]], "duration": 53.52, "id": 6515}, {"image_id": "v_aM9WZ1_8yC0.mp4", "caption": "A man is throwing darts at a dart board. He points to the words on his shirt. He shows the darts in the dart board. He shows his hand while throwing the dart.", "segments": [[0, 172.08], [69.69, 74], [116.16, 137.67], [141.11, 172.08]], "duration": 172.07999999999998, "id": 6516}, {"image_id": "v_hShYj_OGFtc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen kneeling down in a large hole rubbing plaster along a wall. The man rubs plaster using a tool and stands up to grab paper. He rubs the paper along the wall and ends by looking up to the camera.", "segments": [[1.92, 66.19], [48.92, 143.89], [124.71, 190.9]], "duration": 191.86, "id": 6517}, {"image_id": "v_2tpwfPdSEVo.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks as she is seated on the ground. She shows off a pair of clipping scissors. She then uses them to gently but quickly trim a cat's nails while another woman assists her.", "segments": [[0, 11.26], [13.31, 55.28], [58.35, 204.75]], "duration": 204.75, "id": 6518}, {"image_id": "v_uxRBnIWE79s.mp4", "caption": "People are indoors and the focus is on various clips of various different people fencing one another. A fencing match between two women begin and the wording on the screen say's their names are Michelle Li & Cindy Gao, and they are shown fighting from various different angles doing many fencing moves.When they are done fighting the women are shown standing close together, smiling, and the woman on the left has her arm resting on the shoulder of the woman on the right. The outro is a white screen with multiple colors on it that include logos, website and the name of the event.", "segments": [[0, 7.97], [7.97, 54.86], [54.86, 59.64], [59.64, 63.79]], "duration": 63.79, "id": 6519}, {"image_id": "v_at3YFTd6nEw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is smiling sitting in a tattoo sitting on the chair waiting patiently, smiling and being over friendly. He is wearing gloves and grabs a clamp then hr puts it in her mouth and clamps her lip with it. Then grabs a needle and sticks it through her lip, he gets a piercing and puts it on for her. After that she gets up off the chair and walks to the mirror to check it out for herself.", "segments": [[0, 37.9], [37.9, 94.74], [94.74, 156.05], [156.05, 222.93]], "duration": 222.93, "id": 6520}, {"image_id": "v_qI_Bo0D6p7I.mp4", "caption": "A small girl is seen hula hooping over and over again with her hands on her hips. The girl spins around with the hula hoop moving from her feet to her knees as well as the rest of her body. At one point she throws the hula hoop accidentally but picks it back up and continues spinning with it. In the end she falls to the ground with the hoop still in her hands.", "segments": [[0, 33.2], [33.2, 141.65], [138.33, 212.47], [211.36, 221.32]], "duration": 221.32, "id": 6521}, {"image_id": "v_IN8-B39kq_k.mp4", "caption": "Two men introduce themselves in the beginning of the video and tell the viewers that they will be talking about tattoos. One of the guys comes on the screen and gives some tips about how to prepare to give a tattoo. A close up of a man is shown giving a tattoo to someone. Several clients are shown close up on the screen while they are in the process of a tattoo.", "segments": [[0, 21.7], [21.7, 66.76], [25.7, 32.38], [35.38, 58.75]], "duration": 66.76, "id": 6522}, {"image_id": "v_iEGYd3DJ3Wo.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed as a referee is shown in a hockey rink. A number of men play are shown playing hockey. Several of the hockey players start a fight.", "segments": [[0, 0.7], [0.96, 14.47], [14.65, 17.55]], "duration": 17.55, "id": 6523}, {"image_id": "v_02V8Hz-M6BM.mp4", "caption": "The people are walking in the street with marching band. The men in green vest are walking on both sides of the parade. The man in neon green jacket is taking picture of the parade.", "segments": [[0, 55.43], [7.76, 36.58], [26.05, 44.62]], "duration": 55.43, "id": 6524}, {"image_id": "v_oSyBkE3gYMM.mp4", "caption": "There's a young man skateboarding through a two lane empty road that has trees on both sides. He goes steadily through the long and winding road without stopping. He passes through curves and turns around to adjust his speed. Then as he approaches a steep curve, he tries to turn but ends up falling down and bruising himself. He gets up immediately and shows his friends his scraped and injured elbow. Another friend of his also shows his injuries that he's had from skateboarding.", "segments": [[0, 60.97], [2.71, 54.65], [10.39, 48.32], [49.23, 69.55], [66.39, 82.2], [79.04, 88.52]], "duration": 90.33, "id": 6525}, {"image_id": "v_h9LI_6eBzw4.mp4", "caption": "A montage of canoe sprinting is shown. The winners celebrate and both men's and women's are shown.", "segments": [[0, 182.52], [79.28, 182.52]], "duration": 184.37, "id": 6526}, {"image_id": "v_w_X7cLnFCYw.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen about a video showing how to triple jump. A guy is shown running down a track making a jump. The jump is shown again in slow motion for better understanding. The guy is then shown exiting the track.", "segments": [[0, 5.77], [5.77, 16.27], [16.27, 88.69], [88.69, 104.96]], "duration": 104.96000000000001, "id": 6527}, {"image_id": "v_q0o0k2uD0co.mp4", "caption": "A person is washing a car. The person changes hands and washes with their other hand. They then use both hands.", "segments": [[0, 29.09], [20.5, 29.09], [26.9, 29.09]], "duration": 29.09, "id": 6528}, {"image_id": "v_FKphYO14qhw.mp4", "caption": "A man is leaning over a large pool table. He uses a cue to shoot the ball toward the pocket. He tries again and again until they go into the pockets.", "segments": [[0, 48.46], [61.15, 162.69], [166.15, 230.76]], "duration": 230.76, "id": 6529}, {"image_id": "v_mRyXubjYWEo.mp4", "caption": "A man first salutes and then does karate inside a room while spinning on one leg, next he makes salute. A male makes the cross signal in a squatting position, then he spins his body. Then, the man and the male fight while jumping and kicking. After, the male kick the face of the man with his feet and does a spin with a hand on the floor while the man lands on a foamy mat.", "segments": [[1.56, 24.96], [25.48, 60.84], [61.36, 91], [91, 102.96]], "duration": 104.0, "id": 6530}, {"image_id": "v_43hQNmW-6_k.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing the splits inside a gym. He talks to the camera about the procedure. He leans forward, stretching his legs.", "segments": [[0, 23.85], [29.81, 105.63], [110.74, 170.37]], "duration": 170.37, "id": 6531}, {"image_id": "v_6yVhTyPaaLQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands on front a paint holding a bottle, and then paintings on canvas are shown in a slideshow. Then, the woman paints two canvas using a bottle, when it is necessary the woman rotates the canvas. Then, the woman puts the canvas on the floor and continues painting with the bottle. After, the woman hangs the paintings on the, then she puts the paintings on the floor and then hang on the wall to continues painting.", "segments": [[0, 5.61], [6.42, 86.63], [86.63, 115.51], [116.31, 151.6]], "duration": 160.43, "id": 6532}, {"image_id": "v_Xg_MSiPhJns.mp4", "caption": "A person is spreading something green on bread. They put the sandwich into a grill. They take the sandwich off the grill and put it onto a plate.", "segments": [[17.28, 32.22], [52.77, 57.9], [63.51, 78.45]], "duration": 93.39, "id": 6533}, {"image_id": "v_HjRevGoqqz0.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. People are interacting in an inside court. People run to pick up balls from the center of the court. Two teams are playing dodge-ball. A red team member runs up and throws a ball directly at an opponent.", "segments": [[0, 2.65], [3.54, 175.96], [3.54, 7.96], [7.96, 175.96], [87.54, 101.69]], "duration": 176.84, "id": 6534}, {"image_id": "v_SgkdciuEuKs.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to dry a counter top and sink of water splashed from a sink faucet with a paper towel. A woman stands in a kitchen next to a sink and talks to the camera. the woman points to a water splash on the counter next to the sink after turning on the water at the sink. The woman then grabs a paper towel and wipes down the sink counter, the inside of the sink and the faucet spout. The woman then returns to talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 68.5], [0, 18.15], [18.49, 31.51], [31.51, 60.62], [60.62, 68.5]], "duration": 68.5, "id": 6535}, {"image_id": "v_SfYJTxMRKDE.mp4", "caption": "A man hold a dish with food while talking, then, two girls run in the field were other people are walking. People play throwing balls on the ground. After, a band plays and people dance including a bride. The people get in boats and sail in the river while other people rest. People pass a small waterfall with choppy water, and then they go down the river. People dive in the river, and then rest while drinking, then go sail in the river.", "segments": [[0, 32.21], [32.21, 39.11], [40.26, 67.87], [69.02, 126.54], [128.84, 162.2], [163.35, 227.76]], "duration": 230.06, "id": 6536}, {"image_id": "v_I71OenniCZI.mp4", "caption": "A group of senior citizens are gathered at a court. They are engaged in a game of curling. They hit the puck, pushing it forward.", "segments": [[0, 3.39], [6.21, 29.64], [32.74, 56.45]], "duration": 56.45, "id": 6537}, {"image_id": "v_tJiYIajy41Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen close up standing on a field. A person then passes the man a ball to move up the field. The people then begin kicking the ball around.", "segments": [[0, 3.91], [4.06, 11.42], [11.04, 14.5]], "duration": 15.02, "id": 6538}, {"image_id": "v_Kt1JpqwDvl8.mp4", "caption": "A person vacuum the inside of a car, while other men clean by hand the car with detergent and water. Then, a man dry the car with clothes. Other cars are washed in a automatic car machine. After, people cleans the car with cloths inside and outside by hand.", "segments": [[1.63, 9.53], [9.53, 13.72], [13.95, 19.77], [19.77, 36.74]], "duration": 46.51, "id": 6539}, {"image_id": "v_PhJVHb-J7zM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a floor is seen followed by a young child kneeling before another. A person is seen sitting on a bed with the young child shines the shoes of another. The kids continues to shine the shoes of another.", "segments": [[0.97, 27.62], [26.65, 72.21], [66.88, 94.01]], "duration": 96.92, "id": 6540}, {"image_id": "v_134sVNOzn_w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen using a hammer and tool to knock off pieces of a roof. The man then lays a bar down and continues placing roof shingles on while the camera pans around.", "segments": [[11.91, 50.15], [52.65, 118.47]], "duration": 125.37, "id": 6541}, {"image_id": "v_dQyZheN0Fw0.mp4", "caption": "An animated image of a curling brush is shown. A woman bends down and puts something on a scale. She then slides across the ice.", "segments": [[7.46, 45.5], [60.42, 118.6], [118.6, 147.69]], "duration": 149.18, "id": 6542}, {"image_id": "v_QwLiAkfSa9A.mp4", "caption": "A larger woman is seen sitting on a chair while a man wipes down her lip and puts a mark onto it. The woman lies down and the man puts a needle into her lip creating a piercing. The woman sits up and smiles while the man wipes down her lip and she continues speaking.", "segments": [[0, 37.95], [37.38, 76.48], [76.48, 112.71]], "duration": 115.00999999999999, "id": 6543}, {"image_id": "v_ma0HmFqdFqg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen wiping down a mirror that leads into her standing behind a counter. She pours ingredients into a buckets, soaks the sponge in the bucket, then wipes down a mirror with a wiper.", "segments": [[0, 34.9], [32.75, 105.76]], "duration": 107.37, "id": 6544}, {"image_id": "v_rOeNl9qIoVI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding along the water in a kayak while another man watches him on the side. He continues riding along the water in the kayak and doing flips in the water.", "segments": [[0, 9.18], [9.18, 16.84]], "duration": 16.84, "id": 6545}, {"image_id": "v_mvWKOkRzfos.mp4", "caption": "People are playing volleyball in the sand. A person falls into the sand. A woman in a blue shirt is talking to the camera.A woman in a black shirt is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[3.61, 76.66], [9.63, 11.24], [36.12, 52.18], [59.8, 69.44]], "duration": 80.27, "id": 6546}, {"image_id": "v_oj6czGQ830c.mp4", "caption": "Men and woman posing and smiling at the camera. A groups men and woman dressed in cold water diving gear arrive in a van. The divers march in single file on a dock to the water and pose with their diving gear on. The divers are under water performing different sunken vehicles and playing around and posing.The divers are featured in some trick photography. The divers relax at a restaurant with their regular close on seated at a round picnic table.", "segments": [[0, 61.25], [61.25, 73.5], [73.5, 82.41], [83.52, 181.52], [181.52, 206.02], [206.02, 222.73]], "duration": 222.73, "id": 6547}, {"image_id": "v_efkbBgZ2Mzo.mp4", "caption": "A person does a tutorial on how to use an elliptical most efficiently. A woman does the backwards elliptical while smiling sometimes.", "segments": [[0, 60.26], [11.75, 59.95]], "duration": 60.26, "id": 6548}, {"image_id": "v_8-muYZwFf9c.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into various shots of people kite surfing all along the ocean. The person continues riding all along the water while the camera follows him from a bird's eye view.", "segments": [[0, 69.34], [65.38, 198.11]], "duration": 198.11, "id": 6549}, {"image_id": "v_nSR-JSqGoWQ.mp4", "caption": "A video recap of a beach soccer game begins with an Argentinian goal off a deep pass. The Brazilians follow up with a goal on a penalty kick, taken by an exuberant keeper. The Argentinians steal a pass halfway across the sand field and take it down for a goal in the tight corner. This is immediately followed by another goal from Argentina on a penalty kick. Brazil finds itself down even more on another Argentinian goal on a beautiful pass and shot across the field. To make matters worse, Argentina scores on a deep uncontested shot after that. This game is far too easy for them, and they win by a large score.", "segments": [[0, 17.89], [23.61, 40.06], [42.21, 62.96], [65.1, 77.98], [79.41, 105.88], [107.31, 131.63], [133.78, 143.08]], "duration": 143.07999999999998, "id": 6550}, {"image_id": "v_oW2v7KlfmJk.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing shuffleboard on a ship. He turns to the camera and says something.", "segments": [[0, 5.81], [5.81, 7.59]], "duration": 7.59, "id": 6551}, {"image_id": "v_F2x2fynkbAQ.mp4", "caption": "A man dips a rag into a black container. He begins wiping a shoe with the rag. He picks up a brush and begins using that to brush the shoe.", "segments": [[9.72, 24.05], [24.56, 56.81], [63.97, 102.35]], "duration": 102.35, "id": 6552}, {"image_id": "v_vMYPNyBR3d0.mp4", "caption": "We see three men on a boat in a lake. The left man holds his nears near his chest. A man acts weird and sprays himself.", "segments": [[0, 12.19], [8.05, 11.4], [9.02, 12.19]], "duration": 12.19, "id": 6553}, {"image_id": "v_SXZjg8ap1Uk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of cheerleaders are seen running through a hole and onto a stage. The group then begins performing with one another while lifting one another into the air. The group continue to lift and jump around one another and end by walking off stage.", "segments": [[0, 24.2], [30.72, 132.19], [94.95, 181.52]], "duration": 186.18, "id": 6554}, {"image_id": "v_O8jThut7tAQ.mp4", "caption": "A person talks and throws a bowling ball on the bowling lane. The man holds a ball and shows his left leg forward, then throws the bowling ball on the lane while talking.", "segments": [[3.88, 88.52], [88.52, 138.99]], "duration": 155.3, "id": 6555}, {"image_id": "v_GyOLWizKXaE.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside with a lawn utensil and he begins cutting the yard.He moves a knob and then continues to cut the grass and another woman is shown cutting the yard.Finally,the man comes back and shows how his the object works to cut the grass.", "segments": [[0, 24.65], [24.03, 88.74], [87.51, 123.25]], "duration": 123.25, "id": 6556}, {"image_id": "v_vSExyDlV9JA.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing on a sandy beach and leads into a game of volleyball. The people play back and fourth with one of them spiking the ball and the camera panning around to people watching and celebrating.", "segments": [[0, 36.57], [20.7, 46]], "duration": 46.0, "id": 6557}, {"image_id": "v_anfZnOQGPk0.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen standing on a stage with others and one begins dancing in the middle. The young boy then moves in the middle taking turns with others dancing around. Another man moves to the middle to dance while others watch on the side.", "segments": [[0, 28.74], [28.12, 92.93], [80.09, 116.16]], "duration": 122.28, "id": 6558}, {"image_id": "v_DmaPpBMsuXg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing in the middle of a gym holding a tennis racket. The person then begins hitting a birdie across the gym. The person continuously hits the object back and fourth while looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.13, 9.38], [8.61, 17.99], [15.04, 24.81]], "duration": 25.71, "id": 6559}, {"image_id": "v_GG3JgE6hy4g.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a roof pushing pieces of debris up with a stick. The man continues pushing the debris off the roof while digging deeper and deeper into the mess.", "segments": [[0, 50.39], [49.33, 106.09]], "duration": 106.09, "id": 6560}, {"image_id": "v_k25ECDpOD0E.mp4", "caption": "A person brush the teeth of a dog while holding the back neck. After, she taps the chest of the dog and put toothpaste on the brush and continue brushing the dog's teeth. After, the person tap again the the chest, put toothpaste on the brush and brush the dog's teeth. When the person finish to brush, she kiss the dog.", "segments": [[4.58, 51.27], [51.27, 84.22], [84.22, 173.02], [173.02, 178.51]], "duration": 183.09, "id": 6561}, {"image_id": "v_4HC2-Unzuu4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking to the camera surrounded by alcohol bottles. The woman begins pouring different alcohols and lemon juice into a glass of ice. The woman shakes the drink mixture and strains it into another glass. The woman puts a small straw into the drink and holds it up and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 71.38], [8.57, 47.47], [48.54, 66.74], [67.45, 71.38]], "duration": 71.38, "id": 6562}, {"image_id": "v_dE1NAofn3ks.mp4", "caption": "A curler prepares to make a curling shot while being watch be other people in the arena. She makes the shot and lets go of the puck as the other team members chase it and sweep the ice. Another shot is made, and team members proceed to follow the shot and sweep the ice. A third shot is then made and the curlers allow the shot to knock out another puck.", "segments": [[0, 4.39], [4.39, 18.95], [18.95, 33.29], [33.29, 46.23]], "duration": 46.23, "id": 6563}, {"image_id": "v_3ZUy7h-dN38.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black hat plays guitar for the camera to see. He continues strumming his fingers and moving his hands around the instrument until the song ends as well as the video.", "segments": [[1.91, 175.64], [86.87, 190.92]], "duration": 190.92, "id": 6564}, {"image_id": "v_aEG-_-m49mY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is recording a video of a little boy who is painting a fence. The camera pans to the rest of the backyard and fence. Another little boy is painting the other end of the fence, and the camera goes up to him. The video then cuts to show that the fence is mostly completed. The video then shows the two boys working together to complete the final panel of the fencing. The video ends as the camera pans out to show the house and the freshly painted fence.", "segments": [[0, 220.64], [15.44, 29.79], [24.27, 69.5], [75.02, 123.56], [124.66, 220.64], [179.82, 220.64]], "duration": 220.64, "id": 6565}, {"image_id": "v_ui7LIgAF8-E.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen performing a jump off of a high dive and landing into a pool. More shots of her diving are shown again shortly after in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 9.16], [9.77, 20.36]], "duration": 20.36, "id": 6566}, {"image_id": "v_y1F_Hzpux48.mp4", "caption": "A large fish is seen swimming under frozen water. A man creates a hole in the ice to catch the fish. He catches it on a line, and pulls until He is able to get it through the hole.", "segments": [[0, 11.26], [11.26, 79.9], [81.51, 107.25]], "duration": 107.25, "id": 6567}, {"image_id": "v_kuyuhXuMPX4.mp4", "caption": "We see the intro and intro scenes. A man stands in a garage with two shovels. We then see his shoveling supplies. The man stretches and puts on his winter clothes. He sprays his shovel with nonstick spray and shovels his driveway. The man lays down and had a hard time breathing. After putting down sand he drinks a warm beverage. We see the ending credits screen.", "segments": [[0, 13.33], [13.33, 16.66], [17.99, 31.32], [31.32, 47.98], [49.98, 97.3], [97.96, 103.29], [106.63, 122.62], [123.95, 133.28]], "duration": 133.28, "id": 6568}, {"image_id": "v_yOcWUk9cOws.mp4", "caption": "Several girls are outside in a large green field playing a game.The girl in front of the camera is dressed in a yellow shirt and black shorts hit the ball with the stick and begins jumping in the air.", "segments": [[0, 13.79], [13.64, 30.3]], "duration": 30.3, "id": 6569}, {"image_id": "v_15Yf7NIDLtM.mp4", "caption": "A shot of a christmas tree is shown followed by a man walking into frame. The man then begins decorating the tree as well as others. People continuously decorate the tree moving quickly around one another and end by presenting it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 39.6], [38.05, 110.26], [102.5, 148.31]], "duration": 155.3, "id": 6570}, {"image_id": "v_0KwSF8NdEug.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a bag of cookies as well as a plate. Various ingredients are then see laid out in bowls. The woman mixes all the ingredients together and squishes them into tiny balls to plate in the end.", "segments": [[0, 100.18], [101.27, 147], [141.56, 211.25]], "duration": 217.78, "id": 6571}, {"image_id": "v_-X7fBYN5fBc.mp4", "caption": "Men are standing against the fence, the gates are up and a rider is waiting to start. Once the gate opens a little cow comes running out and the horse chases after. The rider throws a rope at the cow trying to catch it and then jumps off the horse. After he jumps off the horse he starts to pin the cow down and tie the rope around its legs very roughly.", "segments": [[0, 4.21], [4.21, 7.66], [7.66, 14.81], [14.81, 25.54]], "duration": 25.54, "id": 6572}, {"image_id": "v_8OSnT8UvJkU.mp4", "caption": "A woman with a nose ring is seen speaking to the camera and leads into someone cutting her hair. The person cuts around the sides and the woman is seen wearing glasses and posing with her new style. More shots of a person cutting is shown while the woman speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 48.58], [48.58, 128.73], [127.92, 161.93]], "duration": 161.93, "id": 6573}, {"image_id": "v_pw0A0Uv2TZM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is inside a bathroom with her dad. He rubs water up and down her face. She giggles and smiles as he does so.", "segments": [[0, 5.81], [6.39, 29.33], [29.91, 58.07]], "duration": 58.07, "id": 6574}, {"image_id": "v_cIN4HNSRoAg.mp4", "caption": "A close up shot of a fooseball game is shown as the plastic people push around a ball. Hands are seen moving the ball around as well as grabbing the poles to play.", "segments": [[1.33, 61.27], [6.66, 66.6]], "duration": 66.6, "id": 6575}, {"image_id": "v_lIXHKxbq59c.mp4", "caption": "Some people are shown as they prepare to tube down a long snow slope. They begin to head down the slope until they reach the end and are able to stop themselves. After that, they get out of their tubes and begin to exit.", "segments": [[0, 46.92], [46.92, 63.75], [63.75, 71.63]], "duration": 71.63, "id": 6576}, {"image_id": "v_-fBxVUu0KcQ.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a sport on sand. A man in a green uniform gives a high five to someone on the sidelines. A man falls down into the sand.", "segments": [[0, 145.17], [57.34, 67.5], [76.94, 79.84]], "duration": 145.17000000000002, "id": 6577}, {"image_id": "v_ZyOPt4sgsbs.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen holding onto a cat and smiling towards the camera. The cat begins to fuss around and the woman continues to smile. The woman then cuts the cats claws while the cat still moves around and she holds up the cat.", "segments": [[0, 9.07], [11.2, 20.8], [21.33, 103.47]], "duration": 106.67, "id": 6578}, {"image_id": "v_OD5rJOPicoM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are sailing on boards out on a lake. One person is seen sailing on their board until they fall off the board and into the water.", "segments": [[0, 17.74], [18.35, 30.58]], "duration": 30.58, "id": 6579}, {"image_id": "v_1qi8ZXUH_wY.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are wrapping boxes on a table. Several people are walking around the area. A man is getting very in depth on his wrapping and wraps the box tightly. Another man appears and grabs paper then walks away. The man wrapping finishes his box.", "segments": [[2.06, 75.97], [7.84, 72.66], [15.69, 57.39], [33.44, 69.36], [62.75, 82.57]], "duration": 82.57, "id": 6580}, {"image_id": "v_PgZ2e0H1ZVE.mp4", "caption": "A young man wearing a hat is seen speaking to the camera and holding up a chart. He continues speaking and begins playing a harmonica. He holds up the sign more while continuing to play and speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 70.74], [58.64, 134.96], [101.45, 183.36]], "duration": 186.16, "id": 6581}, {"image_id": "v_ntJk6Rj-lRA.mp4", "caption": "A person goes upstairs supporting on a crutch, then sits on the last step while a man follows him. The man lifts up the carpet, then the person gives the man a carpet runner with nails while talking both men. After, the man puts the carpet runner on the wood step and hummers the loosed nails. Next, the man put on the carpet and uses a machine and a hammer to fix the loosed carpet.", "segments": [[3.59, 32.35], [33.24, 75.47], [75.47, 101.53], [101.53, 175.21]], "duration": 179.7, "id": 6582}, {"image_id": "v_CHaTWk6uqd8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while pointing to a bike frame and spinning around the tire. The man then uses tools to adjust the tire wheel and continues spinning it. He is still seen working on the back of the bike while the camera zooms in.", "segments": [[1.15, 48.46], [48.46, 163.84], [126.92, 219.22]], "duration": 230.76, "id": 6583}, {"image_id": "v_NkJA_0tErGY.mp4", "caption": "A man is speaking, he had a china cabinet behind him filled with glass product. He begins to start to show step by step instructions on how to make a sauce . Then in another frying pan he adds some meat and cheese while his bread is toasting. He then adds all the ingredients on the bread and cuts it in halves and begins to eat.", "segments": [[0, 28.23], [28.23, 73.99], [73.99, 136.31], [136.31, 194.72]], "duration": 194.72, "id": 6584}, {"image_id": "v_uMCyo89mK_E.mp4", "caption": "A large christmas is shown is shown followed by a woman standing beside it. The girl begins decorating the tree while jumping up and down in place. She continues bouncing around while decorating the tree and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 32.47], [26.19, 74.37], [72.27, 101.08]], "duration": 104.75, "id": 6585}, {"image_id": "v_3xmgPNrmUYM.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on a weight with a person standing nearby. A woman is then standing with weights in her hands and doing lunges. A second woman comes in as well as a man doing various weight lifting moves.", "segments": [[0.85, 4.8], [3.39, 25.67], [25.96, 50.5]], "duration": 56.43, "id": 6586}, {"image_id": "v_QE80ROTC_fI.mp4", "caption": "A man and dog are seen standing outside in a field with a man playing fetch with a dog. The man throws the frisbee around with the dog while the animal brings it back. The man performs several more tricks with the dog using several frisbees.", "segments": [[0, 38.7], [34.32, 103.7], [96.4, 141.67]], "duration": 146.05, "id": 6587}, {"image_id": "v_toS-_4Ik5us.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen dealing cards as well as several shots of a casino table and poker chips being dealt. A band is playing, a person is seen smoking a cigarette, as well as people bartending and speaking to one another. In the end more people are seen enjoying the casino and moving around.", "segments": [[0, 39.81], [35.26, 89.85], [96.67, 113.73]], "duration": 113.72999999999999, "id": 6588}, {"image_id": "v_NPt1niJMbvE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast runs fast, then he jumps long in a stadium full of people. Two men walk holding javelins. After, the gymnast jumps happily. People take pictures of the gymnast.", "segments": [[0, 9.95], [2.02, 3.96], [10.03, 16.86], [15, 16.86]], "duration": 16.86, "id": 6589}, {"image_id": "v_vlwOSDuiKQA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a large room holding up a tennis racket. Two more people walk into frame and begin hitting the ball around the area. The men continue to hit the ball around with tennis rackets and chase it around the room.", "segments": [[0, 65.64], [57.56, 154.51], [144.41, 196.92]], "duration": 201.97, "id": 6590}, {"image_id": "v_dJVWRkiRXHM.mp4", "caption": "A man holding a racket stands in a squash court talking to the camera. The man bounces and catches a blue ball. The man then hits the ball off the back wall and catches it. The man then stands and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 72.6], [27.95, 30.85], [44.65, 49.73], [50.82, 72.6]], "duration": 72.6, "id": 6591}, {"image_id": "v_5IwVWA2HY5M.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a kitchen, talking. She is showing off an array of sandwich toppings. She places meat and cheese on bread, then closes the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 16.85], [25.98, 63.9], [79.35, 140.44]], "duration": 140.44, "id": 6592}, {"image_id": "v_0m63LNVHP1U.mp4", "caption": "An older woman is seen talking to the camera and leads into her swinging back and fourth with another child. The child pushes the woman in a swing and continues playing with her on the swing set.", "segments": [[3.42, 61.54], [62.23, 130.61]], "duration": 136.77, "id": 6593}, {"image_id": "v_bWBcYdYEup4.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen performing a fencing match back and fourth while other people practice in the background. Several shots of people fencing are shown as well as a fencer being interviewed on camera. More shots of people fencing are shown and ends with many standing around and two shaking hands.", "segments": [[0, 32.95], [33.68, 100.32], [98.12, 146.45]], "duration": 146.45, "id": 6594}, {"image_id": "v_Q4UF7Z0ozCw.mp4", "caption": "A pile of clothing is shown on a bench in a house. A sweater hangs from a rack. The sweater is shown from several angles as a vacuum is used to pick up hair and lint.", "segments": [[0, 18.48], [22.5, 65.89], [79.54, 160.7]], "duration": 160.7, "id": 6595}, {"image_id": "v_H1FKtaktOEc.mp4", "caption": "A large building is seen with cars driving by and people walking around an arena. Several people are then seen shooting bow and arrows at a target and waving their hands in the air. The people continue to shoot the bow and arrow at the target while others watch on the side.", "segments": [[0, 64.94], [54.64, 151.53], [134.01, 198.95]], "duration": 206.17000000000002, "id": 6596}, {"image_id": "v_YCdPa5gJYmc.mp4", "caption": "A shirtless guy spins a ball attached to a pole. The guy lifts this item from the grass at the pole end. The guy releases the item. A guy moves away from the descending item. The website address of the group is shown.", "segments": [[0, 19.77], [0, 0.77], [19.77, 20.38], [24.71, 26.56], [27.02, 30.57]], "duration": 30.88, "id": 6597}, {"image_id": "v_bnkO0slLSyw.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks to the camera while a man stands beside her. The man turns and walks away while the woman demonstrates the female perspective of the dance sequence by herself. The man rejoins the woman and talks to the camera while demonstrating the sequence of steps from the male perspective. The two demonstrate the dance together without commentary.", "segments": [[0, 23.26], [23.26, 71.99], [71.99, 188.29], [188.29, 221.52]], "duration": 221.52, "id": 6598}, {"image_id": "v_0Mn0gxECBLA.mp4", "caption": "A male mows a lawn using a red riding mower. A man whips grass of his foot. A large, black dog runs across the lawn. The man stops and reverses the riding mower. The man rubs his ear.", "segments": [[0, 63.07], [3.15, 3.47], [10.09, 11.98], [22.7, 26.49], [49.51, 50.45]], "duration": 63.07, "id": 6599}, {"image_id": "v_P0j0bBKsNAo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen beginning to climb up a rock wall while looking back and speaking to the camera. He continues to climb up and down while showing off to the properly climb with his feet. He does this a few more times while the camera shows text instructions.", "segments": [[0, 38.83], [43.94, 134.89], [143.07, 197.23]], "duration": 204.38, "id": 6600}, {"image_id": "v_ABB755sPZfY.mp4", "caption": "Inside a gym, two men hold two jump ropes. A guy in a ponytail jumps the jump ropes with hand stands. A man in a black shirt watches.", "segments": [[0, 12.82], [0, 11.66], [0.13, 12.82]], "duration": 12.82, "id": 6601}, {"image_id": "v_iiQ6t0p9lik.mp4", "caption": "The video takes place in the pool of a backyard. A tight rope is strung across the length of the pool and a woman is attempting to walk across, She falls several times. The last time she falls, the camera rewinds and shows her falling backwards. The video then cuts to a man who is also using a tight rope to cross a pool. The video shows several clips of the man falling. At one point, he is holding a camera while falling in. He also attempts to stand with one leg on the rope, as well as balancing. The video ends showing him in a final fall into a tube.", "segments": [[0, 224.72], [0, 40.45], [34.83, 40.45], [42.7, 224.72], [61.8, 224.72], [61.8, 86.52], [101.13, 142.7], [217.98, 224.72]], "duration": 224.72, "id": 6602}, {"image_id": "v_2SBTnunPQrQ.mp4", "caption": "A little boy shines the shoes of a person using black shoe polish and make shine with a brush and a cloth. Then, the man pays the little boy. A boy cleans the tennis shows of a person putting white painting.", "segments": [[5.75, 162.08], [162.08, 164.38], [166.68, 218.41]], "duration": 229.9, "id": 6603}, {"image_id": "v_o1WPnnvs00I.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing a flute in front of a microphone. A few other men are shown playing guitars as they sit. The group plays for the audience, occasionally zooming in on individuals. One man is playing drums while the others are on flute and guitar. The lights move fluidly as they crescendo, and they screen goes black.", "segments": [[0, 16.09], [18.39, 83.9], [86.2, 168.94], [172.39, 211.47], [212.62, 229.86]], "duration": 229.86, "id": 6604}, {"image_id": "v_RYv3eIxMouY.mp4", "caption": "A yellow and brown animal is attached to the wall swaying from left to right.While it is there,a boy is wrapped up in a bandanna and he is holding the stick on the left side of the pinata.He then moves it to the right side and begins to hit the pinata ferociously.", "segments": [[0, 2.38], [2.43, 6.84], [6.84, 9.71]], "duration": 9.71, "id": 6605}, {"image_id": "v_fm9mf-VuWxI.mp4", "caption": "People are playing lacrosse on a field. A woman in a blue shirt is holding a lacrosse stick. They continue to play lacrosse.", "segments": [[0, 79.55], [81.71, 82.25], [81.71, 108.23]], "duration": 108.22999999999999, "id": 6606}, {"image_id": "v_ucEqZtmQS-0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is standing in a salon. He starts shaving a man's beard that is laying down. He towels off the man's face.", "segments": [[5.51, 31.86], [31.47, 53.89], [56.64, 59.4]], "duration": 78.67, "id": 6607}, {"image_id": "v_vygPNS-eAYM.mp4", "caption": "A father and daughter are playing hop scotch on their tiled porch. The girl is wearing a blue sleeveless shirt and shorts and the father is wearing a gray shirt and shorts. They take turns to jump on the squares. Then she little girl is joined by her mother who begins hopping on the squares. She gives the daughter a high five. then the girl begins to hop and jump across the squares.", "segments": [[5.68, 17.28], [17.28, 25.42], [25.42, 32.83], [32.83, 38.75], [38.75, 46.16], [46.16, 47.89]], "duration": 49.37, "id": 6608}, {"image_id": "v_uVcyJg_3Fj8.mp4", "caption": "A time lapse video is shown of people walking around a house. Later, they begin to put up a Christmas tree with two people involved in the process. They put lights on the tree and light them up. Next, they begin to put several different ornaments on the tree. Lastly, they put the skirt under the tree and end the video with a kiss.", "segments": [[0, 8.52], [8.52, 80.32], [24.34, 32.05], [32.05, 66.12], [66.12, 81.13]], "duration": 81.13, "id": 6609}, {"image_id": "v_A9TcWJnbcWs.mp4", "caption": "There are two boys playing squash in an indoor squash court. They are playing randomly in an unstructured game where they often miss the ball.", "segments": [[3.11, 6], [6, 6.64]], "duration": 7.06, "id": 6610}, {"image_id": "v_Tc8L-74Ilck.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing at the bottom of a hole while a man records him. Two men are seen climbing along the hill and looking up to the camera. One man pulls the other out and climbs down while they and others speak to the camera.", "segments": [[3.5, 66.51], [58.34, 170.36], [130.69, 224.04]], "duration": 233.37, "id": 6611}, {"image_id": "v_eL0LrJio1XE.mp4", "caption": "A bike stands on a bumpy unpaved road. People rides bikes very fast in the road and giving high jumps when passing the bumpy part of the road. The shadows of a biker cast on the bumpy road.", "segments": [[0, 25.71], [25.71, 131.94], [56.84, 59.54]], "duration": 135.33, "id": 6612}, {"image_id": "v_ZdUUBA1czgY.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a large field wlking and practicing a shot put. man wearing red shirt is standing on a side. men are pacticing in a large green grassy field.", "segments": [[0, 18.48], [1.39, 4.62], [0, 17.28]], "duration": 18.48, "id": 6613}, {"image_id": "v_7HKWppcWgeY.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing next to a bicycle. He is holding a new tube for a tire. He grabs an air pump and attaches it to the tire. He pumps the tire with air. He attaches the pump to the flat tire and pumps it up.", "segments": [[0, 238.4], [34.57, 39.34], [57.22, 64.37], [132.31, 140.66], [201.45, 213.37]], "duration": 238.4, "id": 6614}, {"image_id": "v_z_ojmuWzMWo.mp4", "caption": "A dog is being bathed by a woman. The woman is spraying water on the small dog with a hose. She is now blow drying the dog. The dog is placed in the kennel next to a woman's feet. A dog plays behind and with the groomed dog. The dog now is getting a haircut.", "segments": [[0, 30.24], [5.63, 30.24], [30.95, 45.72], [39.39, 60.49], [57.67, 68.93], [69.63, 139.96]], "duration": 140.67000000000002, "id": 6615}, {"image_id": "v_R547-iOgb6g.mp4", "caption": "Intro screen appears and includes an illustration of a man wiping the floor with a mop in a bathroom, a brand name and some other words.A woman is now in the bathroom using an advanced bucket that is tall and includes a handle for squeezing the flat mop and a storage compartment, and she mops the floor with the mop, then demonstrates how to squeeze it in the bucket and goes back to moping the rest of the bathroom.A top view of the bucket is shown and it shows the bucket has two water compartments and the clean water is in the front and the dirty water is kept in the back.A white screen appears and it displays the logo brand, different pictures of the mop sleeves and numbers next to it.The woman walks to the entrance of the bathroom, removes the wet floor sign, puts it in her cart, starts pushing the cart, and the focus goes back to the clean bathroom she just cleaned.", "segments": [[0, 6.38], [6.38, 90.78], [90.78, 101.42], [101.42, 120.57], [120.57, 141.85]], "duration": 141.85, "id": 6616}, {"image_id": "v_c8HFew22GnI.mp4", "caption": "A man is acting as a dj with headphones on. Another man takes off on a pair of water skis. He skis as people gather and leave on a pier. Several people join in on a curling event, holding signs and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 7.43], [11.55, 31.36], [31.36, 132.04], [136.16, 165.05]], "duration": 165.05, "id": 6617}, {"image_id": "v_Launtf-qjDM.mp4", "caption": "A man with a orange shirt and blue gloves is shown operating a fire torch machine.Two more people are shown and and a close up is pictured.Lastly,the camera pans out on a man standing up torching away at a machine.", "segments": [[0, 6.05], [6.46, 16.65], [17.35, 20.18]], "duration": 20.18, "id": 6618}, {"image_id": "v_oY1y_UONCGg.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is sitting on the floor, touching a vacuum cleaner and talking. He also picks up another vacuum, and starts rolling it across the room, back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 54.86], [60.51, 161.36]], "duration": 161.36, "id": 6619}, {"image_id": "v_8i2lkdpB2w0.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in row boats in the water. A man is standing up in a red row boat. A boat flips over and the camera goes into the water. Two people standing on a dock lift their boat out of the water.", "segments": [[0, 26.58], [26.58, 36.66], [152.16, 170.49], [173.24, 177.82]], "duration": 183.32, "id": 6620}, {"image_id": "v_8fVB8gAjTO4.mp4", "caption": "We see two opening title screens. we see a man in a room playing a set of drums. The man plays the drums on the left side primarily. The man pauses while playing. The man hits a few drums then stops.", "segments": [[0, 6.06], [6.06, 74.94], [27.25, 42.01], [68.51, 70.4], [70.78, 75.7]], "duration": 75.7, "id": 6621}, {"image_id": "v_2UjVfKEcj4g.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding two extremely dirty high heeled women's shoes. He uses a ruler to scrape off the dried dirt. He then uses a brush to polish up the suede material before spraying a white substance onto the shoe. He scrapes it clean, then applies a new sole and spike to the heel. He shows off the renovator can.", "segments": [[0, 15.3], [18.35, 35.18], [40.53, 113.18], [114.71, 133.83], [138.42, 150.66]], "duration": 152.95, "id": 6622}, {"image_id": "v_WkiBckpLXfU.mp4", "caption": "a man and a woman are talking in front of the camera. players are in a court playing hockey. a man and a woman are being interviewed.", "segments": [[0, 6.83], [6.83, 17.55], [17.23, 65.02]], "duration": 65.02, "id": 6623}, {"image_id": "v_c0qbyRWSptg.mp4", "caption": "Boats are going through the water. A storm hits and a man is crying. The boats continue to go through the water.", "segments": [[0, 31.7], [32.38, 35.75], [40.47, 130.19]], "duration": 134.91, "id": 6624}, {"image_id": "v_gpmrwsV9skQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit is reading a newspaper. He puts a dissolving tablet into a glass of water. Someone runs in front of a car on stilts.", "segments": [[0, 6.68], [11.96, 15.07], [24.23, 26.72]], "duration": 31.07, "id": 6625}, {"image_id": "v_5jfQNanBKAM.mp4", "caption": "A large group of boys paddle around on a lake in red canoes. Other groups of boys on a dock prepare boats for use. Two boys on a canoe back paddle to get away from the reeds on the edge on the lake.", "segments": [[0, 69.13], [15.9, 32.83], [51.5, 69.13]], "duration": 69.13, "id": 6626}, {"image_id": "v_aB5xErksFkI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen kneeling down on the floor laying out plaster as well as onto a tile. The person then flips over the tiles and places them down on the floor.", "segments": [[0.3, 7.54], [4.14, 14.39]], "duration": 15.07, "id": 6627}, {"image_id": "v_OHwE8aA90IE.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen standing before a lawn mower and looking at the camera. The boy then pulls a string on the lawn mower. He finally pushes forward on the lawn mower.", "segments": [[0, 0.8], [0.9, 2.49], [2.32, 3.68]], "duration": 3.83, "id": 6628}, {"image_id": "v_9hR1MHvXGv8.mp4", "caption": "We see a man putting items in his car. The man gets in the car and drives down the street. We see men climbing indoors on a climbing wall, and outdoors in the woods. We see two men outdoors at night then day. We see men climbing a cliff. A man waves from the top. We see the men on the top of the cliff. A man drills holes in a wall. We see a man fall repeatedly. We see three men in a boat on a river.", "segments": [[0, 3.94], [3.94, 19.69], [20.82, 30.94], [32.63, 42.2], [45.57, 105.77], [70.89, 73.14], [74.27, 80.45], [82.14, 84.96], [95.08, 105.77], [106.34, 112.52]], "duration": 112.52000000000001, "id": 6629}, {"image_id": "v_Z6WJ0A9VvxQ.mp4", "caption": "peolpe are running in street under a bridge. people are standing and running through the bridge and street.", "segments": [[0, 12.03], [12.03, 218.66]], "duration": 218.66, "id": 6630}, {"image_id": "v_uPqh5uA1mhA.mp4", "caption": "The screen shows the words Shot Put Men. Kurt Roberts, in a yellow top, throws the ball and a man rushes to measure the throw. Kurt drinks from a Gatorade bottle. Reese Hoffa steps up and throws the ball and a man rushes to measure the throw. Reese adjusts his shirt and waits for his score. Davis Storl sits and is featured on the screen. He then throws the ball and the man rushes to measure the distance. He is shown standing with his team and an instant replay of the throw is shown. The score is shown on the screen. Fans are shown doing the wave.", "segments": [[0, 2.95], [2.95, 13], [13.59, 18.31], [18.31, 33.67], [33.67, 42.53], [41.35, 48.44], [48.44, 60.25], [60.25, 90.97], [92.15, 103.97], [103.97, 118.14]], "duration": 118.14, "id": 6631}, {"image_id": "v_YtKUxxMo6Cs.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a pair of water skis while attached to a boat. He swerves from side to side in the water, holding on. He jumps into the air as a stunt, then loses his balance and falls into the water.", "segments": [[0, 7.03], [8.04, 35.16], [36.5, 66.96]], "duration": 66.96, "id": 6632}, {"image_id": "v_8SCg3toperM.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running around a field playing lacrosse while others watch. The game continues on as people still watch them on the sides. They stop various times to speak to one another and continue playing the game.", "segments": [[0.88, 22.54], [15.02, 60.54], [59.21, 86.17]], "duration": 88.38, "id": 6633}, {"image_id": "v_eSyrFLhr3b0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while showing a plate of food and pouring out ingredients onto a plate. He continues to mix ingredients together onto a plate and ends with a close up of the dish and him speaking more.", "segments": [[1.92, 64.63], [39.04, 118.39]], "duration": 127.99, "id": 6634}, {"image_id": "v_xXDNNCl1m6c.mp4", "caption": "The Department of Transportation demonstrates ice and snow safety tips with a white car covered in snow. A lady in a red winter jacket places the keys in the ignition and starts the car. The lady in the red jacket opens the trunk of the car and removes a snow brush and brushes the snow off of the car body, windshields, head lights, front grill and license tag.", "segments": [[0, 8.75], [8.75, 13.4], [13.68, 54.71]], "duration": 54.71, "id": 6635}, {"image_id": "v_XTErpg4IdiE.mp4", "caption": "A man is on the floor with some gadget looking at it and messing around with it. He puts a hose in one sde of it and starts ro mess around with it some more. He then moves it to the corer of the carpet and starts working on it. He moves it down more and pushing the carpet down, he does this to basically the entire room.", "segments": [[0, 39.3], [39.3, 92.71], [91.71, 146.12], [146.12, 201.55]], "duration": 201.55, "id": 6636}, {"image_id": "v_rx_WRuQ-X14.mp4", "caption": "A wall is painted by two men. They then hang up wall decorations that are wallpaperlike in appearance.", "segments": [[0, 10.13], [11.08, 60.79]], "duration": 63.32, "id": 6637}, {"image_id": "v_jqrLD8zs7R4.mp4", "caption": "A couple appears on the screen, talking about dancing the tango. They begin showing different steps of the dance as they talk. They move forward and back and forth, demonstrating the tango. They then dance together for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.43], [13.9, 60.83], [66.91, 131.22], [134.7, 173.8]], "duration": 173.8, "id": 6638}, {"image_id": "v_SN_YS2w3JhE.mp4", "caption": "Players stand on the sideline before a volleyball match on the beach. Players walk onto the court and take positions for the match. Teams play a game of beach volleyball. The players shake hands and congratulate each other.", "segments": [[6.29, 18.31], [19.45, 27.46], [27.46, 84.1], [87.54, 101.84]], "duration": 114.43, "id": 6639}, {"image_id": "v_p4pj27t5B6g.mp4", "caption": "A young man talks while showing a saxophone. The young man points the keys of the saxophone while talking. Then, the young man fasten the saxophone with a blue ribbon on his neck. After, the young man puts his mouth on the mouthpiece of the saxophone, then he continues explaining.", "segments": [[0, 66.29], [66.29, 85.56], [86.33, 90.18], [90.18, 152.62]], "duration": 154.16, "id": 6640}, {"image_id": "v_hPQEkPZmNsU.mp4", "caption": "A hair stylist explains how to cut a mans haircut. The hair sylist prepares the hair into sections with some clips and begins cutting the hair with a feather razor and puts a clip in the hair on top of the head and proceeds to cut the hair with scissors making layers. The hair stylist then uses a hair blower dryer to fluff up the hair using her fingers. The hair stylist then uses only her fingers to fluff up the hair. A close up of theman and the final cut and a close up of the hair stylist.", "segments": [[0, 10.04], [11.59, 95.01], [95.01, 105.82], [105.82, 138.26], [139.03, 154.48]], "duration": 154.48, "id": 6641}, {"image_id": "v_r4F2X_MlL-U.mp4", "caption": "A hand lines the loose area of the wallpaper. The hand puts paste from a bowl on the back of the loose wallpaper. The hand runs a scrub on the loose wallpaper. The hand holds a blow dryer and the other hand rolls a device to mend the loose wallpaper. The hand runs a scrub quickly through the mended wallpaper.", "segments": [[1.79, 7.17], [16.13, 43.02], [49.29, 51.08], [62.73, 162.21], [145.18, 147.87]], "duration": 179.24, "id": 6642}, {"image_id": "v_iuVi8QAWfCI.mp4", "caption": "A woman introduces her home decor video, standing next to a chair. She first scrubs the dirt from the chair with a sponge. Next, she applies a silver paint to the chair. She then dips her brush in a blue paint to cover the chair's seat, back, and then arms/legs. Lastly, she places stencils on the chair and paints the insides white to decorate.", "segments": [[0, 9.91], [14.49, 26.69], [28.98, 38.13], [51.09, 80.83], [88.46, 152.51]], "duration": 152.51, "id": 6643}, {"image_id": "v_SjfrdNchlqw.mp4", "caption": "men are sitting in a black jack table in a casino and the dealer is spreading the cards to players. man is talking to the camera. the dealer woman is standing talking in front of the camera. man is standing in front of slot machine talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 71.06], [16.4, 56.48], [71.06, 100.21], [100.82, 121.46]], "duration": 121.46, "id": 6644}, {"image_id": "v_E5SWUUNrHDU.mp4", "caption": "Various tools and products are laid out on a table and transitions into a man walking in front of a mirror and putting lotion on his face. He then puts cream on his face and shaves all around his face. He then wipes his face down with a rag and walks away from the mirror.", "segments": [[0, 22.77], [22.77, 118.98], [117.51, 146.89]], "duration": 146.89, "id": 6645}, {"image_id": "v_qbDQNRf-EUI.mp4", "caption": "A man speaks to camera in front of bicycles. The man places a part on a bicycle being worked on. The man tightens the part on the bicycle.", "segments": [[0, 19.27], [19.62, 42.46], [42.81, 71.36]], "duration": 71.36, "id": 6646}, {"image_id": "v_h4N22DApP_Y.mp4", "caption": "Crowd are sitting on chair, kids and young people are sitting at the table with timer solving the rubik's cubes, while a man with big beard is talking in front of the camera. The boys are solving the rubik's cube one is blind folded, one is solving it with one hand, others are solving with with both hands.", "segments": [[0, 90.55], [90.55, 213.07]], "duration": 213.07, "id": 6647}, {"image_id": "v_yW76UI8lnNc.mp4", "caption": "Black and yellow tokens slides on the floor while people holding sticks arrange the tokens on a painted triangle. Toddlers walk on the sidewalk and cross the road stepping on the tokens.", "segments": [[0, 78.41], [20.39, 50.18]], "duration": 78.41, "id": 6648}, {"image_id": "v_2zl0O1VRDC4.mp4", "caption": "A person puts sealing material around steel planks and a roof. Then, the man paints a roof with black paint.", "segments": [[0, 63.14], [64.47, 132.94]], "duration": 132.94, "id": 6649}, {"image_id": "v__86X1xtj67w.mp4", "caption": "Two teams plays throwing balls to hit an opponent. Two boys advance to the center and throw the balls, then they return to his place. After, the other team advance throwing balls and hit one player wearing purple t-shirt. They continue playing taking turns to hit the balls. People handle balls to players, then they go to the center to hit other team with the balls.", "segments": [[0, 55.47], [55.47, 80.58], [80.58, 120.35], [120.35, 166.4], [166.4, 209.31]], "duration": 209.31, "id": 6650}, {"image_id": "v_msGQHfIRLhE.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen performing several martial arts moves in the middle of a large mat. The girl continues moving around and then leads into her fighting a boy. More pictures of her are shown as well as her fighting.", "segments": [[0, 17.73], [17.73, 73.05], [69.25, 84.45]], "duration": 84.45, "id": 6651}, {"image_id": "v_3Wjig_NRlnU.mp4", "caption": "A man performs martial arts fighting with people in a film, then a big door close and a woman helps the man fight. The man and the woman are on front a river fighting, and then hung his legs from a tree. Cannons fires a home and a village, after an army fight in a field and cannons destroy homes in a village. A man gives to the man a big gold coin, after the man fights with people.", "segments": [[1.11, 26.08], [26.63, 33.29], [33.85, 54.93], [56.59, 104.31]], "duration": 110.97, "id": 6652}, {"image_id": "v_JowsnupmNd0.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is crossing the monkey bars. She swings her leg up. She drops down to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 15.82], [6.1, 10.29], [16.4, 19.06]], "duration": 19.06, "id": 6653}, {"image_id": "v_U6M5hbiHn5Q.mp4", "caption": "Man does acrobatic moves down a mat. Another man is running down a mat in the background. Several replays of acrobatic moves occurs. Young man runs and hugs what looks to be his coach. Another set of replays occur. Words go across the screen directing people to social media and websites.", "segments": [[0, 15.22], [6.72, 10.62], [16.28, 39.99], [39.99, 44.94], [44.94, 59.45], [59.45, 70.78]], "duration": 70.78, "id": 6654}, {"image_id": "v_YJcjkeVD0qk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of food is laid out on the table and leads into a man taking puffs out of a hookah pipe. The man blows smoke rings as well as several other drinks while speaking to the camera and moving to various spots in the house.", "segments": [[2.32, 60.26], [52.73, 108.94]], "duration": 115.89, "id": 6655}, {"image_id": "v_kHSCvFav1p4.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing around a gym hitting a birdie to one another. The men hit the object back and fourth while others watch on the side. The people continue to watch the two play and one off the side takes his shirt off.", "segments": [[0, 51.33], [58.54, 129.68], [109.87, 172.91]], "duration": 180.12, "id": 6656}, {"image_id": "v_slUvIngXl4g.mp4", "caption": "two sumos are on sides of a ring and the refeee is in the middle while people is in sands sitting arpund them watching them. sumo start wrestling and fell out the ring.", "segments": [[0, 47.88], [47.88, 85.5]], "duration": 85.5, "id": 6657}, {"image_id": "v_6wTk8QqWxuo.mp4", "caption": "A boy is helping his father push a mower. They turn back to the camera. A person goes stand near the fence.", "segments": [[0, 46.68], [13.02, 18.18], [30.22, 49.13]], "duration": 49.13, "id": 6658}, {"image_id": "v_l9LHfuoU8js.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen cutting a piece of roof tiling and hammering down the tile for a roof. He walks through hamming down the fabric and nailing a long board across.", "segments": [[0, 39.64], [40.17, 107.13]], "duration": 107.13, "id": 6659}, {"image_id": "v__Boy9qJLibI.mp4", "caption": "A graphic is seen with logo title. A Google map shows different city locations. Teammates in jumpsuits run navigate through a course of wooden crate obstacles aiming paintball guns. The men receive gear from a rental shop including clothes and weapons. The two teams walk in a line together entering the course to play. The men fill their gun hoppers with ammo. The teammates navigate through a course with inflatable obstacles aiming for opponents. A man is hit in the face mask to end the game.", "segments": [[0, 8.56], [14.54, 17.97], [30.8, 51.33], [53.9, 65.02], [67.59, 74.43], [92.4, 95.82], [88.12, 112.08], [154.85, 159.13]], "duration": 171.11, "id": 6660}, {"image_id": "v_S_CnkpTkjYQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated while playing the drums, with a woman instructing him standing next to him. He hits the drums back and forth as they talk. He then talks extensively about how to play the congas. He demonstrates by playing further while talking.", "segments": [[0, 10.42], [12.82, 60.1], [60.9, 121.8], [122.6, 160.26]], "duration": 160.27, "id": 6661}, {"image_id": "v_IbYlWVA8Dh8.mp4", "caption": "a hand is shown on a table with different supplies. A man is seen taking all the parts of a bicycle out of a box. He assembles the bicycle in the yard.", "segments": [[0, 6.46], [8.19, 61.2], [62.06, 86.19]], "duration": 86.19, "id": 6662}, {"image_id": "v_7dlkshlM4nk.mp4", "caption": "A tree is seen by the side of a road. A man shows how to mulch around the bottom of the tree. He spreads the mulch evenly as he gives directions.", "segments": [[0, 4.2], [5.28, 18.97], [19.81, 24.01]], "duration": 24.01, "id": 6663}, {"image_id": "v_Gp2bIEiDWTI.mp4", "caption": "A girl plays with her braided pony tail. The girl twists her hair together in two sections. The girl braids the end of the twisted hair. The girl separates the braids and loosens them. The girl pulls the braids up her hair to make them more fluffy. The girl uses a flat iron on her hair. The girl holds two dogs and dances.", "segments": [[0, 18.62], [26.99, 60.5], [63.29, 84.7], [85.63, 120.07], [128.45, 151.72], [161.02, 163.82], [181.5, 186.16]], "duration": 186.16, "id": 6664}, {"image_id": "v_iH659QSrcDc.mp4", "caption": "A text graphic is seen with a title and description. A man stands on a roof and drills pieces of wood down. Credits are seen for the video with a website.", "segments": [[0, 17.09], [5.73, 11.35], [19.31, 23.41]], "duration": 23.41, "id": 6665}, {"image_id": "v_xi1oCOBPAzQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a fishing hole is shown with a person using objects to fish and another stands off in the distance. The man uses the objects to capture a fish and zooms in on a hole. They finally pack up a tent and carry it with them as they drive along.", "segments": [[23.07, 69.2], [57.67, 171.86], [146.48, 227.22]], "duration": 230.68, "id": 6666}, {"image_id": "v_V9LQVhq2ePE.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans away from a sign and leads into people pushing material around a floor. A bend bends down around a floor and pushes the material around the room. In the end the camera pans around the finished floor.", "segments": [[1.18, 32.37], [29.43, 82.4], [76.52, 115.36]], "duration": 117.72, "id": 6667}, {"image_id": "v_zcDA0s8eWU4.mp4", "caption": "A woman chops wood on a block with an ax. She has a hard time getting the ax out of the wood. Someone else comes and tries to get it out but they can't. The first girl comes back and continues trying to pull the ax out of the wood.", "segments": [[0, 21.32], [26.14, 74.98], [74.98, 127.26], [127.26, 137.58]], "duration": 137.57999999999998, "id": 6668}, {"image_id": "v_AQQT21DBT_E.mp4", "caption": "People are grooming and brushing dogs in a public facility. Women take cares of dogs that have long hair. A woman take cares of a poodle, while other woman pets a big dog. A woman talks on front a dog while petting.", "segments": [[3.01, 39.12], [39.72, 73.43], [74.03, 102.32], [102.92, 118.57]], "duration": 120.37, "id": 6669}, {"image_id": "v_NpsOCOnQS6c.mp4", "caption": "A man spraying a fence grey using a powerful spray gun. A man in casually standing behind him watching with his hands crossed, yawning. The man spraying sprays up and down making good time. He makes sure to go over all the spots so he doesn't miss any.", "segments": [[0, 8.84], [8.84, 22.84], [22.1, 33.15], [33.15, 49.11]], "duration": 49.11, "id": 6670}, {"image_id": "v_RNrxxPOyHo4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling on the floor while holding an iron in his hands. He bends down with the iron to iron the shirt and puts it down. Afterwards he covers his ears and looks away in pain.", "segments": [[0, 5.67], [4.86, 14.68], [12.25, 19.64]], "duration": 20.25, "id": 6671}, {"image_id": "v_0wpStx2JuS4.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt and hat is sitting down. He is playing two drums in front of him. He stops playing them and sits up straight.", "segments": [[0, 69.2], [1.38, 69.2], [68.5, 69.2]], "duration": 69.2, "id": 6672}, {"image_id": "v_5BVcwR8hEo0.mp4", "caption": "A boy serves a tennis ball. He then serves two more. The boy turns and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 0.24], [0.42, 10.03], [10.5, 11.94]], "duration": 11.94, "id": 6673}, {"image_id": "v_NNKEE-015ZY.mp4", "caption": "A teen talks and hold a leash of a dog while a young man pets a dog on a couch. Then, the teen runs with the dog were other youth play frisbee, after the teen talks. A woman reads a book lean on a dispenser soda machine. A man walks a dog in a parking lot and the street. After, the teen and the young man are indoors.", "segments": [[9.11, 30.99], [31.44, 45.11], [38.73, 45.11], [46.03, 74.28], [74.28, 81.11]], "duration": 91.14, "id": 6674}, {"image_id": "v_0gvD2pktxxw.mp4", "caption": "a boy is sitting in front of a timer on a computer monitor. He has several rubik's cubes in a row. He is timing himself as he attempts to solve the cube. He moves quickly, solving them in short time. He clenches his fists with joy.", "segments": [[0, 9.72], [11.49, 20.33], [23.86, 106.06], [106.95, 160.86], [161.75, 176.77]], "duration": 176.77, "id": 6675}, {"image_id": "v_9n_cwQLpo_c.mp4", "caption": "A person is snowboarding indoors alone. The person is zig-zagging with his board down a slope. The person turns around at the end of the slope with arms extended.", "segments": [[0.31, 61.63], [1.23, 60.39], [60.7, 61.32]], "duration": 61.63, "id": 6676}, {"image_id": "v_s3DoV1L9zAM.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen sitting behind a drum set holding sticks. The man begins playing the drums continuously while the camera captures his movements. He is still seen playing the drums and ends with his hands up.", "segments": [[0, 38.42], [32.36, 105.83], [90.33, 130.77]], "duration": 134.82, "id": 6677}, {"image_id": "v_xmStXpxlG_I.mp4", "caption": "A toddler hits a pi\u00f1ata with a bat while it is spinning. A person is near the boy showing an arm.", "segments": [[0, 9.13], [0.82, 2.14]], "duration": 9.13, "id": 6678}, {"image_id": "v_nxNir9CE3zI.mp4", "caption": "The scene says River Scum with a black background. A kayak is going down a river while a person is paddling. A screen comes with words.", "segments": [[0, 2.18], [2.18, 54.22], [54.22, 62.32]], "duration": 62.32, "id": 6679}, {"image_id": "v_Ip1EWQCXvRM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen sitting in a raft with close ups of their feet and paddles are shown. A man speaks to the group and leads into them paddling down a river. The group continues riding down the river showing close ups of them working and ending with a logo across the screen.", "segments": [[0.65, 39.1], [32.58, 97.09], [96.44, 125.76]], "duration": 130.32, "id": 6680}, {"image_id": "v_UCFV1JYhq18.mp4", "caption": "An advertisement is on the screen first. A girl is jumping rope as people are watching. She is doing tricks and flips as she jumps. The video ends with credits of the ones who put the video together.", "segments": [[0, 1.73], [2.16, 73.99], [49.76, 75.72], [75.72, 86.54]], "duration": 86.53999999999999, "id": 6681}, {"image_id": "v_-Q9WotFs1MI.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding an ax in the forest. He is talking and adjusting a large stump. He uses the ax to split the wood.", "segments": [[0, 7.37], [10.49, 30.61], [31.17, 56.68]], "duration": 56.68, "id": 6682}, {"image_id": "v_TPsMocKBQU0.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady bouncing on a slack line. The lady sits on her knees. The man in the background picks up snow. The lady falls of the slack line. We see a man bouncing on the slack line. We go back to the first lady bouncing. The lady jumps off the slack line and gets back on. The lady spins while bouncing. The lady jumps off then is back on.", "segments": [[0, 60.55], [26.58, 43.57], [41.35, 46.52], [59.07, 63.5], [63.5, 88.61], [89.35, 147.68], [112.97, 116.67], [121.84, 124.79], [137.34, 141.03]], "duration": 147.68, "id": 6683}, {"image_id": "v_NE6SEdnVUh4.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are sitting outside playing instruments together. One of the men hand another a stick made into a flute and he sits done and begins to start playing on it. The man starts playing saxophone along with him. The other men all join in and they all make music together, having a nice time.", "segments": [[0, 6.88], [6.88, 24.06], [24.06, 50.8], [50.8, 76.39]], "duration": 76.39, "id": 6684}, {"image_id": "v_aXCAudMzN2o.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen jumping up and down on a pair of stilts while a few others move around on stilts with help. More shots are shown of people jumping around on the stilts and others still needing help from others.", "segments": [[0, 52.31], [48.78, 117.54]], "duration": 117.53999999999999, "id": 6685}, {"image_id": "v_OsB_uEj1PRM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen laying on the ground holding onto his stomach. He begins moving himself up and down on the ground while holding onto his waist. He continues moving up and down while the camera captures his movements.", "segments": [[0, 28.13], [25.01, 85.65], [90.65, 123.15]], "duration": 125.03, "id": 6686}, {"image_id": "v_HI_lWd3JhII.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person holding a bag is shown and follows with the person taking out the items. He lays the items out and runs a board across a ski. He finally rubs the ski again and places the cap on the bar.", "segments": [[0, 15.03], [15.75, 54.41], [54.76, 71.59]], "duration": 71.59, "id": 6687}, {"image_id": "v_BcflqWdlBjI.mp4", "caption": "A man chops a large notch into a lox with an ax. The man uses his gloved hand to brush away splintered wood from the log.", "segments": [[0, 2], [2.09, 4.64]], "duration": 4.64, "id": 6688}, {"image_id": "v_xafFWMX7ZeY.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman performing several different tricks with a dog and showing text for how to perform the trick. The woman continues performing tricks with the dog and end by walking to the camera.", "segments": [[6.86, 106.31], [99.45, 220.62]], "duration": 228.62, "id": 6689}, {"image_id": "v_XwrF8edyJz0.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around glasses of lemonade followed by a person squeezing juice out of lemons. The person mixes various ingredients together into a bowl and pours it into a glass. Several shots are shown of the glasses being poured as well as presented to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 45.1], [51.55, 161.09], [143.91, 209.42]], "duration": 214.79, "id": 6690}, {"image_id": "v_XG6ar8yc2pM.mp4", "caption": "The words \"My Horseback Riding Fails\" appears. A girl riding a white horse fails to make her horse do jumps around a track. A song plays over the video.", "segments": [[0, 2.16], [2.16, 144.03], [0, 144.03]], "duration": 144.03, "id": 6691}, {"image_id": "v_gN27GB5txG8.mp4", "caption": "A black screen with three rows of Arabic writing is shown.A young girl then comes into the bathroom and begins to wash her hands.As she continues,she begins talking and describing the process and then more writing appears.", "segments": [[0, 8.47], [8.47, 48.58], [48.14, 89.14]], "duration": 89.14, "id": 6692}, {"image_id": "v_Z2GWtB7MGVs.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans back to show a hotel with red lanterns in the air and crows of people standing and looking out over the beach. A man rides a jetski in front of a large wave of dirty water. A sailboat is being swayed by a large wave. A lady is surfing on a large wave as a boat rides next to her filming it. We see the boat in the water swaying again. We see people surfing the large waves of the river. A man does a handstand on a surfboard while surfing.", "segments": [[0, 14.54], [14.54, 26.84], [33.55, 40.26], [49.21, 71.58], [71.58, 76.05], [77.17, 219.2], [170, 177.82]], "duration": 223.68, "id": 6693}, {"image_id": "v_YiMOKwzEf1k.mp4", "caption": "A kneeing man runs a small grass cutter over the surface of the lawn. The man mows the shaded green grass. The man mows the sun lit grass.", "segments": [[0, 18.21], [0, 16.38], [16.48, 18.21]], "duration": 18.21, "id": 6694}, {"image_id": "v_JNBWPj42n-g.mp4", "caption": "A man's hands are shown at a table. He places a cardboard box over wrapping paper. He begins to wrap the box, demonstrating how to properly wrap a present. He tapes the wrapping paper around the box. The man ties a bow around the box as the camera slows down the motion. He cuts the excess bow away, and we see a sticker with a woman's face.", "segments": [[0, 13.53], [18.94, 90.2], [92, 116.36], [117.26, 141.61], [142.51, 160.55], [161.45, 180.4]], "duration": 180.4, "id": 6695}, {"image_id": "v_DJyfOeZc2lI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is throwing darts at a dart board. The dart board is shown on the wall. She continues to throw darts at the dart board. She pulls the darts out of the dart board.", "segments": [[9.48, 17.11], [17.11, 27.42], [27.01, 37.73], [37.32, 41.24]], "duration": 41.24, "id": 6696}, {"image_id": "v_tTBbFGv9emI.mp4", "caption": "A man cuts the center of a log with an ax while standing on the log. The man stands on the log holding the ax with the right hand. Then, the man continues cutting the log. After, two people walk on front the man, and one takes loosed wood from the log.", "segments": [[0, 86.96], [88.12, 102.04], [104.35, 224.94], [226.1, 231.9]], "duration": 231.9, "id": 6697}, {"image_id": "v_Y5hT9Sk5EY4.mp4", "caption": "A dog groomer brushes the coat of a dog with a brush that is sitting on a table. The brushes are seen by themselves up close. The groomer holds up the brush to view it close up. The groomer removes hair from the brush and puts it into a pile.", "segments": [[0, 100.07], [27.9, 40.03], [62.47, 94.01], [53.37, 61.26]], "duration": 121.3, "id": 6698}, {"image_id": "v_sxf0x55Cvb4.mp4", "caption": "We see a swiftly-moving, white water stream. A man in blue rafting equipment and a helmet is watching from a bed of rocks. We notice a man in a kayak and a yellow helmet coming in from the left. As he approaches, his kayak flips upside-down. As the view follows him, we notice another man seated on the rocks to the right in red with a white helmet.", "segments": [[0, 10.26], [0, 11.66], [0, 3.38], [3.67, 7.52], [6.18, 11.66]], "duration": 11.66, "id": 6699}, {"image_id": "v_S_ONutgLuV8.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person's face is shown as well as driving and laying out a surf board toy. The man controls the machine along the water doing jumps and tricks and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[4.88, 44.92], [43.46, 97.16]], "duration": 97.65, "id": 6700}, {"image_id": "v_H0puoztHMY8.mp4", "caption": "A fire place in a room is shown. Windows on a house is shown. A hardwood flooring in a house is shown. There are paint cans sitting on the floor.", "segments": [[0.78, 4.89], [9.59, 14.29], [14.29, 18.01], [23.49, 27.21]], "duration": 39.15, "id": 6701}, {"image_id": "v_Svr-YN9ujkA.mp4", "caption": "A woman puts her hands down on a table with some wash cloths to get a manicure. The manicurist puts some glass clear nail polish on her nails and then picks up a little bag of red glitter. The manicurist starts to put little fun decorations to make the nail look pretty. Then she gets the gooey stuff and goes over the nails with it to prevent them from coming off.", "segments": [[0, 20.26], [20.26, 67.54], [67.54, 169.96], [168.84, 225.12]], "duration": 225.12, "id": 6702}, {"image_id": "v_1xcFq3SkTKk.mp4", "caption": "A large crowd of girls walk into frame holding bars then put the bars down on the ground. The girls then perform a dance routine moving the bars all around and end with them holding a pose and walking off stage.", "segments": [[0, 86.14], [80.87, 175.8]], "duration": 175.8, "id": 6703}, {"image_id": "v_kDurnkUZCXs.mp4", "caption": "An individual uses a hose and a thin instrument to clean a shoe. The individual sets aside the shoe and turns over the other shoe. The individual uses the thin implement to dig between the patterns of the shoe bottom.", "segments": [[0, 8.99], [8.84, 11.98], [12.13, 29.95]], "duration": 29.95, "id": 6704}, {"image_id": "v_YYUm4o1aDmY.mp4", "caption": "A woman untie a pair of shoes until half and raise the tongues. Then, the woman put on a foot and tie the shoe behind the tongue. Then, the person put the other feet and tie the shoe, then she puts the tongues up. The woman talks and shows her shoes and skinny pants.", "segments": [[4.49, 64.42], [65.91, 145.31], [146.81, 197.74], [200.74, 293.62]], "duration": 299.61, "id": 6705}, {"image_id": "v_zjbxaEVgzyE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen stepping into a pit with a large man and then begins running around one another. The woman then climbs on top of the man while he spins her around and she gets him in a head lock. The two bow to one another and the woman stands next to the host shaking his hands.", "segments": [[0, 19.98], [15.88, 42], [41.24, 51.22]], "duration": 51.22, "id": 6706}, {"image_id": "v_VCldTcZi0aE.mp4", "caption": "There are several people gathered in an outdoor gymnasium. There are people standing and seated in the bleachers watching about twelve band students performing. Most of the players are drumming on the percussion instruments in a rhythmic tune. The percussion players begin going round in a circle as they play the instruments.", "segments": [[12.02, 30.04], [30.04, 67.94], [67.94, 88.74], [88.74, 91.51]], "duration": 92.44, "id": 6707}, {"image_id": "v_IIKwRyf4Oyg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a guitar is seen with a hand plucking the strings. A man is then seen singing into a microphone while still playing the guitar. The man moves his fingers up and down the guitar while still singing into the microphone.", "segments": [[1.42, 27.7], [21.3, 88.06], [83.09, 142.03]], "duration": 142.03, "id": 6708}, {"image_id": "v_MN0YWduOEHk.mp4", "caption": "men are standing in big field pulling a thick rope. men are walking on sides of the rope and preparing themselves to pull the rope. men start pullnig the rope in both sides.", "segments": [[0, 59.85], [59.85, 180.73], [180.73, 234.71]], "duration": 234.71, "id": 6709}, {"image_id": "v_5K6oT9zBjVE.mp4", "caption": "A person is showing off a scrubbing brush and cleaner and pouring the clearing into a sink. He scrubs the sink with the brush creating suds in the water while the facet runs. He continues scrubbing the sink with the brush until the sink is clean. He wipes a paper towel around the sink with the water continues to run.", "segments": [[0, 18.82], [18.82, 49.22], [48.5, 102.07], [101.34, 144.78]], "duration": 144.78, "id": 6710}, {"image_id": "v_3VYPdypGB_Q.mp4", "caption": "A guy is outside playing a guitar. A boy rides a scooter. A child slides down a slide. Children and an adult stand in line. The boy walks towards the line.", "segments": [[0, 3.13], [0.45, 14.74], [15.41, 41.77], [19.21, 22.78], [19.21, 29.26]], "duration": 44.68, "id": 6711}, {"image_id": "v_DbF6oI705UA.mp4", "caption": "A lady wearing a UCA jersey is giving a tutorial on the different moves of cheer leading. As she talks, several cheerleaders show the different poses and stretches that are often done by cheerleaders to improve flexibility. The lady continues to explain how certain poses help in improving general flexibility in cheerleaders.", "segments": [[15.35, 44.69], [44.69, 80.35], [80.35, 90.28]], "duration": 90.28, "id": 6712}, {"image_id": "v_rEDbnmvTblI.mp4", "caption": "The video is shot in first person view along a snowy slope. The person starts at the top of the slope, riding a tube. They quickly slide down and travel through the snowy path. At the bottom, a large pile of tubes stops the person from sliding further. The camera pans to another group of people who have also finished sliding down the slope.", "segments": [[0, 58.58], [0, 7.62], [7.62, 35.74], [38.67, 44.82], [50.09, 58.58]], "duration": 58.58, "id": 6713}, {"image_id": "v_fSA-eTz3GkU.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt spins around and throws a ball onto the field. A man in the stands claps for him. Another man spins and throws a ball onto the field.", "segments": [[3.17, 17.1], [51.94, 53.21], [59.54, 68.41]], "duration": 126.69, "id": 6714}, {"image_id": "v_HrBa_UraJvc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen using a hookah and blowing smoke out into the air and leads into him scraping tobacco and driving around. He speaks to the camera and pans back to a hookah and begins smoking out of it.", "segments": [[0, 73.78], [79.62, 146.1]], "duration": 146.1, "id": 6715}, {"image_id": "v_FbPUX8cWmeU.mp4", "caption": "A young lady dressed in a pink leotard and tuto begins prancing around a large stage.As she continues her routine,she continues doing ballet leaps and swinging her arms and twisting like a ballerina.Behind,her a castle appears cast on the wall as the girl smiles and looks out to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 39.5], [39.5, 98.76], [98.1, 131.68]], "duration": 131.68, "id": 6716}, {"image_id": "v_M6O-QNDUdwU.mp4", "caption": "Several swimmers walk past each other, shaking hands. They gather in the pool, then engage in a game of water polo. They hit the ball back and forth, trying to get it into the net.", "segments": [[0, 14.5], [17.32, 53.18], [55.6, 80.57]], "duration": 80.57, "id": 6717}, {"image_id": "v_Jz9ZxenBLa8.mp4", "caption": "There are a lot of people riding in small bumper cars that can fit either 1 or 2 people.A woman in a blue bumper car bumps into the middle metal part and she seems stuck and can't move but suddenly she begins to move again.Everyone keeps riding their bumper cars after the woman gets herself going again and eventually they all come to a stop.", "segments": [[0, 117.15], [59.16, 88.44], [88.44, 117.15]], "duration": 117.15, "id": 6718}, {"image_id": "v_eufCY8KHuMA.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a black horse in slow motion. People are shown trying to jump fences in several scenes, falling over or breaking through them at break neck speeds. As the rider walks away, the words Do you think it's easy? Appear on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.46], [14.56, 133.94], [138.31, 145.59]], "duration": 145.59, "id": 6719}, {"image_id": "v_uDNLf3ty9ao.mp4", "caption": "A man in a brown sweater is sitting down and talking. A woman in a black and white sweater sits behind him. She takes off her sweater and puts it on the chair behind him. A boy in a blue shirt hits behind him.", "segments": [[0, 174.52], [78.53, 123.91], [123.03, 130.89], [147.47, 158.81]], "duration": 174.52, "id": 6720}, {"image_id": "v_t-xIv68Ac4c.mp4", "caption": "Several people are in a dance room and an instructor comes as they begin to dance.The six people continue to dance from side to side making arrows like a Jamaican dance.As it continues,steps are repeated and throws fist punts in the air.", "segments": [[0, 64.31], [64.31, 154.34], [154.34, 233.85]], "duration": 233.85, "id": 6721}, {"image_id": "v_KyMDXMXZLyM.mp4", "caption": "A person is talking while looking at their icy car. He uses a tool to scrape the ice off the windshield. He continues scraping until he can see to drive.", "segments": [[0, 12.76], [13.87, 75.46], [84.34, 110.97]], "duration": 110.97, "id": 6722}, {"image_id": "v_Nf-7lKa387k.mp4", "caption": "There is smoke and lights and words on the screen. The smoke is rolling around a hat. A person is blowing smoke out of their nose and smoke rings. The camera reverses and he continues to blow smoke. The words everything is purple. The smoke continues to blow and the words Edits by Jarron Jones comes up. The man keeps blowing smoke into the air.", "segments": [[0, 7.01], [7.01, 14.34], [14.34, 18.8], [18.8, 34.41], [34.41, 41.42], [41.42, 53.2], [53.2, 63.72]], "duration": 63.72, "id": 6723}, {"image_id": "v_rBgMeunuviE.mp4", "caption": "There are 5 different people sitting in chairs playing accordions that has pianos attached to them. There are 2 women, and 3 men and all of them, look very serious about what they're doing. They all press different keys to make blending sounds and not all of them use the accordion much.", "segments": [[0, 92.37], [2.77, 89.6], [0.46, 89.6]], "duration": 92.37, "id": 6724}, {"image_id": "v_JOYduGqZSRc.mp4", "caption": "Men explains the game beer pong, while people compete in the tournament. Two person wears funny clothes and white wigs. Several people compete beer pong in a table full of cups with beer, then one person wins and people congratulates the winner. Then, people plays beer pong unsuccessful, and then a man throw the ball in the far cup, then people hug the winner who receives a price. A person takes pictures to the winner.", "segments": [[18.37, 63.37], [55.1, 57.86], [63.37, 135.92], [120.3, 167.14], [152.45, 154.28]], "duration": 183.67, "id": 6725}, {"image_id": "v_KIIcgQyr0-Y.mp4", "caption": "We see a guitar illustration on the opening scene. We see a man hitting the guitar like drum. The man plays a song on the guitar and we briefly see the song and artist name on the screen. We focus on the mans left hand on the guitar neck. The man finishes and stops playing. We see the illustration again.", "segments": [[0, 3.29], [3.29, 7.68], [7.68, 217.33], [98.78, 141.59], [211.84, 216.23], [217.33, 219.52]], "duration": 219.52, "id": 6726}, {"image_id": "v_APCbvR0SBl0.mp4", "caption": "A person runs and throws a javelin. There are people watching them behind a fence. A green umbrella sits next to the track.", "segments": [[0, 33.41], [1.17, 33.41], [1.5, 2]], "duration": 33.41, "id": 6727}, {"image_id": "v_0pxONuRdIAY.mp4", "caption": "Two people give a news report about the importance of wearing sunscreen and talk with each other. People are shown outside putting sunscreen on. The newscasters then talk at the end with each other.", "segments": [[0, 147.08], [76.48, 107.36], [113.25, 147.08]], "duration": 147.07999999999998, "id": 6728}, {"image_id": "v_KoMKIJ6QbpY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is putting a tile on the floor. The man points beside the tile then stands. The camera zooms in on the tile.", "segments": [[0, 17.41], [17.41, 19.44], [20.51, 23.85]], "duration": 23.85, "id": 6729}, {"image_id": "v_4ivePL3RW0Q.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a close up of two young boys. A title slide is then shown, and then shows several ingredients used in a recipe for cookies. The video then shows the two boys mixing ingredients together. They roll the dough into balls and place them into an oven. The boys take the cookies out of the oven and begin eating them.", "segments": [[0, 3.28], [3.28, 28.67], [31.95, 126.98], [126.98, 146.64], [149.91, 163.84]], "duration": 163.84, "id": 6730}, {"image_id": "v_I6riV09yqm8.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman preparing to jump and flips around and around on bars. She continues her gymnastic routine flipping through the bars with a bar spotting her and she finishes by putting her arms up.", "segments": [[0, 9.31], [12.92, 46.56]], "duration": 60.07, "id": 6731}, {"image_id": "v_dS9TsX_zyPg.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing an apron is seen rubbing down several dishes while throwing them in a sink. The man continues rubbing down dishes while immediately throwing them into a sink of water.", "segments": [[0.11, 3.72], [4.12, 11.45]], "duration": 11.45, "id": 6732}, {"image_id": "v_SIeV0DPSpHQ.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening sequence with flashes. We see two men in a yard pushing an item in the grass. We see a dirt patch in the grass. We see the monitor on the device. We see a tree in a round of dirt. We see a root in the yard. We see the ending credits and the screen fades.", "segments": [[0, 5.27], [5.27, 25.49], [27.25, 40.43], [50.1, 59.77], [116.03, 122.18], [141.52, 154.7], [169.65, 175.8]], "duration": 175.8, "id": 6733}, {"image_id": "v_wjD2BdbSb1o.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a black shirt and pink shorts is painting a wooden fence. Words come onto the screen.", "segments": [[0, 63.13], [65.87, 91.49]], "duration": 91.49, "id": 6734}, {"image_id": "v_s84BStnbfK8.mp4", "caption": "Two people are standing in a room. They begin to play a game of wall ball. They are swinging their rackets hitting the ball.", "segments": [[0, 169.09], [4.23, 169.09], [8.45, 169.09]], "duration": 169.09, "id": 6735}, {"image_id": "v_xkKjgwIPEuM.mp4", "caption": "People are running around on field playing lacrosse. The crowd is watching them play. A black and white logo is shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 171.9], [110.87, 113.45], [170.18, 171.9]], "duration": 171.9, "id": 6736}, {"image_id": "v_0jBwj0bfZ3Y.mp4", "caption": "A small ground of people are seen standing around a baseball field looking around to one another. Suddenly a few begin dancing around and one holds the ball in the middle.", "segments": [[0.45, 28.71], [12.11, 26.77]], "duration": 29.91, "id": 6737}, {"image_id": "v_K4cNyYu2LLg.mp4", "caption": "A set of toddler boys are standing up against the wall talking and playing with toothbrushes.They both begin to brush their teeth ferociously without any toothpaste or water.", "segments": [[0, 95.42], [95.42, 190.85]], "duration": 190.85, "id": 6738}, {"image_id": "v_B5s4uYNIM24.mp4", "caption": "An intro comes onto the screen showing a high rise building. Then, a man is shown gearing up and putting on several contraptions that he can connect to a belt. He is then shown washing the windows of the very tall building. He uses a scrapper the scrape of a sticker from one of the windows. He is shows dipping a washer in a bucket and washing the windows of the ground floor. Several of the window washing supplies are shown again before the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 13.17], [13.17, 21.21], [23.41, 146.31], [68.77, 76.81], [76.81, 123.63], [123.63, 146.31]], "duration": 146.31, "id": 6739}, {"image_id": "v_uE6_kwnfDCQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman shows tango steps moving and turning around while talking. Then, the man moves around showing tango steps. After, the woman and the man dance tango together while the man talks.", "segments": [[4.76, 59.08], [59.08, 106.72], [106.72, 173.42]], "duration": 190.57, "id": 6740}, {"image_id": "v_ThRbaI4pGIs.mp4", "caption": "A picture of an island coast is shown with calm blue waves washing up against the rocks.A male suddenly appears and begins running towards the water with a surf board.The man begins surfing on the waves as several people sit on the beach watching him.After awhile,the male leaves the water and sits on the hill with the surfboard and then walks away.", "segments": [[0, 8.79], [8.79, 37.02], [37.65, 111.07], [111.7, 125.5]], "duration": 125.5, "id": 6741}, {"image_id": "v_AmW-O5MmJHk.mp4", "caption": "A woman hands a young boy a stick with a little girl grabbing for her attention. The pinata is lifted and the boy begins swinging at the object. The camera pans around people watching while he hits the pinata and a little boy is seen clapping behind him.", "segments": [[0, 12.27], [12.97, 35.05], [33.3, 70.1]], "duration": 70.1, "id": 6742}, {"image_id": "v__7l3OxQodF0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a purple shirt is talking to the camera. He starts climbing wood planks up a wall. He gets down off the wall and continues talking.", "segments": [[5.37, 43.9], [43.9, 144.23], [144.23, 179.17]], "duration": 179.17000000000002, "id": 6743}, {"image_id": "v_B3ZL18f1x4Y.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures of food are shown followed by a person cutting up vegetables and mixing various ingredients into a pot. He then cuts up a piece of bread, scoops out the insides, and fries up some meat. Finally he pours all the ingredients into the break bowl, wraps it up in aluminum foil, and shows more pictures of the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 82.34], [83.54, 174.23], [174.23, 238.68]], "duration": 238.68, "id": 6744}, {"image_id": "v_0RUMAGGab1k.mp4", "caption": "a man is standing in front of a camera. He starts playing a harmonica for the camera. He rocks back and forth to the music as he goes.", "segments": [[0.62, 18.68], [33.62, 102.11], [107.09, 124.52]], "duration": 124.52, "id": 6745}, {"image_id": "v_04LdesS7Pxk.mp4", "caption": "A man is closing his eyes while getting his beard trimmed and combed. The man now has a nearly shaven beard and is getting his neck shaved. The man has shaving cream on his neck and side and is getting his beard closely shaven with a razor in a downward motion. His face is getting toweled off after being shaven. A man rubs something on his hands and pats it on the other mans face. His face gets patted with the towel at the end.", "segments": [[0, 177.73], [37.03, 74.98], [74.98, 121.26], [122.19, 142.55], [154.59, 168.47], [170.32, 185.13]], "duration": 185.13, "id": 6746}, {"image_id": "v_qyssgQ2xq2M.mp4", "caption": "Inside of the house on the couch two men are sitting, one of them is talking casually awhile the other is holding his arm out on a pillow. The man is painting his friends finger nails, he seems to have done someone else's nails also and made little red heart. The man is talking and pretty excited her able to do this, he keeps putting the top of the polish back to get more paint on it. He jokingly rubs the other mans face, and continues to take his time painting his nails.", "segments": [[0, 39.11], [39.11, 110.5], [110.5, 155.48], [155.48, 195.57]], "duration": 195.57, "id": 6747}, {"image_id": "v_jQU4NYJzxco.mp4", "caption": "There are two children standing at a double stainless steel sink in a residential home.The taller child moves dishes from the right side of the sink to the left side of the sink one by one while the smaller child holds onto an orange bottle brush and doesn't move any dishes. Both of the children turn to the camera behind them and the older gives a big smile while the little one gives a very small smile.", "segments": [[0, 71.91], [0, 66.88], [66.88, 71.91]], "duration": 71.91, "id": 6748}, {"image_id": "v_8TDYCXqSHCw.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast lift a weight until his shoulders, then lift it above his head. The man left the weight fall on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 17.37], [17.37, 22.37]], "duration": 22.71, "id": 6749}, {"image_id": "v_bDD56LnztiQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera behind a desk and leads into shows of people riding on skateboards. More shots of him talking are shown as well as people do tricks on the skateboards.", "segments": [[10.14, 132.52], [31.14, 144.84]], "duration": 144.84, "id": 6750}, {"image_id": "v_T9JSNxOyUQA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people is standing and walking around several stacks of inner-tubes and a bus. Two young children are sitting in one of the bus seats. A group of adults is riding in the bus talking. Several kids are in their inner-tubes in the water among other people floating on inner-tubes in the water. Several people are shown in canoes with people in inner-tubes in the background. A young girl sinks down in the middle of her inner-tube and jumps back up with her head soaked. Someone shows a first person view floating down the river. Various other people are shown in inner-tubes and canoes in the water. A few people are seen buying food from two women at a a concession stand. A man holds a young boy in a life vest who looks like he is sleeping.", "segments": [[0, 19.39], [19.39, 21.67], [22.81, 38.78], [41.06, 50.18], [52.46, 58.16], [59.3, 70.71], [59.3, 228.09], [94.66, 182.47], [143.7, 151.68], [166.51, 212.12]], "duration": 228.09, "id": 6751}, {"image_id": "v_l5uaH-Qydxk.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is climbing across the monkey bars outside a building. She is swinging from each rung, moving her body forward one at a time. When she reaches the other end, she turns and starts making her way back to the beginning.", "segments": [[0, 7.2], [9.12, 84.49], [85.45, 96.02]], "duration": 96.02000000000001, "id": 6752}, {"image_id": "v_iJPPWotXvV0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a gym walks over to a barbell. The man lifts the barbell to his chest, then over his head. The man drops the weight. The man hugs the men behind him. A man in red runs and jumps on the weight lifting man. The man in red walks away laughing.", "segments": [[0, 3.72], [3.72, 18.79], [18.79, 21.45], [21.1, 24.11], [25.35, 28.54], [28.9, 35.46]], "duration": 35.46, "id": 6753}, {"image_id": "v_lxMSX0Y0b8I.mp4", "caption": "We see a couple of title screens. We see a man perform a series of Capoeira moves with the names before the move. We see a man shift and roundhouse kick. The man does a handstand on one hand and kicks his legs in the air. The man does a flip from a handstands. We see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 19.15], [19.15, 193.55], [65.53, 76.62], [139.12, 147.18], [175.41, 181.46], [193.55, 201.62]], "duration": 201.62, "id": 6754}, {"image_id": "v_ZSoPIyVJWWk.mp4", "caption": "A clear package of soft flexible hair curlers is shown on a black table as a hand picks up an unwrapped purple curler and fidgets with it. The hand turns the bag around so that the contents are shown through the mouth of the bag before handling both the loose purple and pink curlers. The hand continues to go back and forth between handling the two loose curlers and the full back of curlers before the video ends.", "segments": [[0.66, 23.74], [23.74, 73.85], [73.85, 131.21]], "duration": 131.87, "id": 6755}, {"image_id": "v_SIHG_BRgn2E.mp4", "caption": "A black and white video intro appears with special effects of asian lettering showing up while different pictures of people are displayed.An Asian man is now smiling and talking to the camera as he sits in front of a microphone in a studio, and he then sings as he plays on a black piano as he reads music from music sheets on the piano.When the man is done singing and playing he turns to the camera and gives a big smile. A black screen appears and white lettering appears at the bottom right.", "segments": [[0, 18.77], [18.77, 177.42], [177.42, 182.11], [182.11, 187.75]], "duration": 187.75, "id": 6756}, {"image_id": "v_QR2BmWR5FGM.mp4", "caption": "A small playground is seen followed by a man and his dog walking into frame. The man pushes it dog up and the dog rides down the slide. The man does this again with the dog in another playground.", "segments": [[0, 16.14], [15.11, 40.98], [40.47, 51.22]], "duration": 51.22, "id": 6757}, {"image_id": "v_iAwNYgA6mkc.mp4", "caption": "A man kneels in his fencing gear. A man walks up to him with his back turned as they talk. The man stands, and engages in fencing with an opponent, both attached to cables behind them.", "segments": [[0, 19.37], [25.48, 118.23], [124.35, 203.85]], "duration": 203.85, "id": 6758}, {"image_id": "v_M9og58TMAm0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen moving up and down on an exercise bar while several shots are shown of her exercising. She's shown again holding weights and doing exercises while standing on the beam as well as laying.", "segments": [[4.99, 68.39], [64.12, 134.64]], "duration": 142.48, "id": 6759}, {"image_id": "v_nQgmUkyblgc.mp4", "caption": "A barefoot woman in a purple outfit and beige headscarf is kneeling and washing dishes in an outdoor body of water in front of grass and a wooden platform. The woman rinses a bronze platter in the narrow body of water and proceeds to place it in an orange plastic bucket. The woman continues to wash other dishes and place them in the orange basket. The camera pans out a great distance and turns to show a yellow bannister on an outdoor deck with a brown leather chaise like seating area over looking a large lake.", "segments": [[0, 34.07], [0.71, 2.38], [2.38, 30.97], [30.73, 47.41]], "duration": 47.65, "id": 6760}, {"image_id": "v_4XGQR2VmWpw.mp4", "caption": "We see a red light then the title. A man's biker gear is shown. We are shown the terrain. The riders take off on their bikes. We see them ride over all types of terrain. We see an Aerial shot of the bikers. We see a lake, and a dog followed by a bike on a street. A man uses a knife to open a coconut. We go back to the dirt bikers performing stunts. We see two bikers flying through the sky. We then see three bikers sitting still on their bikes. We see the end title card.", "segments": [[0, 2.83], [2.83, 13.23], [13.23, 40.62], [40.62, 44.4], [40.62, 168.16], [72.74, 76.52], [95.42, 103.92], [103.92, 107.7], [107.7, 156.82], [156.82, 168.16], [167.21, 173.83], [174.77, 188.94]], "duration": 188.94, "id": 6761}, {"image_id": "v_vWGkTOLx57s.mp4", "caption": "A young gymnastic boy gets on a bar and starts doing flips and other things. It seems like he is being judged for a tournament. He is on the bars doing excellent, looking awesome and having fun while doing it. Then, he lands and poses and the audience is shown.", "segments": [[0, 9.59], [9.59, 19.18], [19.52, 48.95], [49.95, 66.15]], "duration": 66.15, "id": 6762}, {"image_id": "v_XDFJFhaG_p0.mp4", "caption": "A man stands holding a violin and bow discussing its features. The man sets the instrument under his chin and tightens the bow. The man undoes the bow strings and raps them around the violin. The man plays a song on the violin.", "segments": [[0, 56.72], [59.56, 87.92], [93.6, 124.79], [126.68, 189.08]], "duration": 189.08, "id": 6763}, {"image_id": "v_crSMHcUkPcA.mp4", "caption": "A green splash appears against a white back drown.Then a series of words appear across the screen and showing various pictures describing the terms. A man is then shown standing on a ladder laying wall paper.After,the man cuts the wall paper and gains assistance while putting the paper on the roof.The two finish and give each a high five.Finally,several rooms are shown displaying the work they've done.", "segments": [[0, 4.97], [5.42, 35.23], [35.68, 41.1], [41.55, 72.71], [72.71, 81.29], [82.2, 90.33]], "duration": 90.33, "id": 6764}, {"image_id": "v_Hj_YKQiU-8Y.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen speaking to the camera while playing with her hair. She points to her shirt and leads into her brushing her hair while speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[2.44, 54.2], [44.45, 114.48]], "duration": 121.79, "id": 6765}, {"image_id": "v_iVVatZsgnGo.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen swimming under water using scuba gear and pulling a rope by her side. She then catches a fish and is seen again in a bikini swimming around a whale. More shots of a dolphin are shown jumping through the water and ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[12.03, 68.99], [68.99, 125.15], [123.55, 154.03]], "duration": 160.45, "id": 6766}, {"image_id": "v_5OGNGIF22SY.mp4", "caption": "A buff young man is sitting on a machine with a sliding seat demonstrating weight lifting techniques.He then slides back,puts his feet in the ropes and starts to tie his shoes.Once complete,the man grabs the rope and moves back and forth while pulling out the rope to exercise.Now he is done,he drops the ropes and starts to talk again.", "segments": [[0, 45.6], [45.6, 98.45], [98.45, 167.88], [167.88, 207.26]], "duration": 207.26, "id": 6767}, {"image_id": "v_dgbGv3G4k5M.mp4", "caption": "A family is rearranging furniture in a living room. They set up a Christmas tree in the corner of the room. They put lights on the tree. They put bulbs onto the tree. A little girl does a spin in front of the tree.", "segments": [[0, 9.58], [8.98, 119.77], [50.9, 119.77], [82.04, 119.77], [116.18, 119.77]], "duration": 119.77000000000001, "id": 6768}, {"image_id": "v__icW_MAe7Po.mp4", "caption": "A man is inside a gym with a ball. He joins a team, playing a game of soccer. They kick the ball back and forth on the court.", "segments": [[0, 12.46], [14.02, 53.6], [54.22, 62.32]], "duration": 62.32, "id": 6769}, {"image_id": "v_huKjjvCG0EE.mp4", "caption": "men are standing in a geen grssy field playing croquet. people are sitting on the field around the croquet game. man wearing white uniform is talking to the camera in the field. a man and a woman are talking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.31, 130.61], [0, 130.61], [27.43, 34.61], [69.88, 77.06]], "duration": 130.61, "id": 6770}, {"image_id": "v_aiTAx3oo97U.mp4", "caption": "We see a person standing on a stair stepper. The person moves a cord out of the way. The man begins to walk on the stepper. The person lifts their right hand.", "segments": [[0, 24.2], [1.09, 2.18], [3.02, 24.2], [7.98, 10.89]], "duration": 24.2, "id": 6771}, {"image_id": "v_tt5-QtDwm3Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him helping a man shoot several baskets. The coach is then seen instructing a large group of children as they shoot baskets over and over.", "segments": [[1.17, 40.11], [27.26, 75.15]], "duration": 77.88, "id": 6772}, {"image_id": "v_GTOP7XXi_vI.mp4", "caption": "Smoke fills an empty dark room. Words appear on the screen, followed by the appearance of men who are kickboxing. A group plays instruments behind them while they fight. The two men end the fight with a hug.", "segments": [[0, 22.9], [23.99, 85.04], [86.13, 199.52], [201.7, 218.06]], "duration": 218.06, "id": 6773}, {"image_id": "v_ldjIg23Rofw.mp4", "caption": "two man are in a room playing row row row your boat. two men are playing taking a selfie in a living room. man is standing in living room playing beer pong and taking out his shirt. man is standing in the living room holding a tennis racket and hiting a ball. two men are standing in the living oom playing beer pong and doing other shot games with a bottle of whiskey.", "segments": [[0, 35.04], [35.04, 63.9], [63.9, 71.11], [71.11, 89.66], [90.69, 206.12]], "duration": 206.12, "id": 6774}, {"image_id": "v_zyh1cftKtQM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding up various objects and begins brushing her hair. She ties her hair up while still speaking and holding up several brushes at the sign time.", "segments": [[1.17, 115.63], [63.07, 218.41]], "duration": 233.59, "id": 6775}, {"image_id": "v_WdC6dVbfTvs.mp4", "caption": "A body piercing artist is seen piercing the belly button of a female. Initially he uses a piercing tool to make the incision on the belly button. Afterwards he inserts the piercing and makes sure its secure. Than he uses a wipe and cleans the area. Afterwards the girl stands up talks to he friend and looks in the mirror. In the end the camera man turns around and speaks to the camera with authority .", "segments": [[0, 65.17], [0, 21.97], [24.16, 66.63], [66.63, 115.69], [115.69, 131.07], [140.59, 146.45]], "duration": 146.45, "id": 6776}, {"image_id": "v_yrCBN0tYjPE.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a large room. He then jumps up on beams. He then balances himself on the beam. He does several flips and tricks.", "segments": [[0, 4.43], [4.43, 9.65], [17.99, 29.47], [37.29, 52.15]], "duration": 52.15, "id": 6777}, {"image_id": "v_5fgJ5vWTcSQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a skateboard down a suburban road. Two more are shown as the camera man is spotting them from behind. He pushes them, keeping them at a fast pace.", "segments": [[0, 36.92], [45.92, 154.88], [154.88, 180.09]], "duration": 180.09, "id": 6778}, {"image_id": "v_a_v_1fL2VyM.mp4", "caption": "An athlete jumps with a pole to pass the horizontal bar, then he falls on the foamy mat. Then, there is a flash back of the vault pole jump.", "segments": [[0, 5.56], [5.77, 19.63]], "duration": 20.99, "id": 6779}, {"image_id": "v_EO_BnsrWMnI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing a funny uniform and walking out onto a large stage while intervening to speak to the camera. The man performs gymnastics moves around a beam in a silly manner and ends with the audience clapping and the man waving.", "segments": [[3.19, 105.38], [91.54, 203.31]], "duration": 212.89, "id": 6780}, {"image_id": "v_xtmxgih0yIk.mp4", "caption": "A horse stands alone, attached to a wooden trunk. A man approaches the horse holding two brushes in his hands and speaks for a bit. He goes up to the horse and brushes the hair of the horse, removing the hair of the horse that attaches onto the brush. He pauses for a bit to speak. He goes back to removing the excess hair off the horse. He pauses again and speaks for a while. He returns to brushing the horse. He stops brushing the hair and speaks.", "segments": [[0, 23.26], [24.42, 62.81], [63.97, 107], [108.17, 129.1], [130.27, 157.02], [158.18, 195.4], [196.56, 217.5], [218.66, 232.62]], "duration": 232.62, "id": 6781}, {"image_id": "v_I5RVQUYA1w4.mp4", "caption": "The two girls hug each other and the girl who's wearing the blue dress slightly pushes past the other girl. Then she runs back to her and hugs her and runs away from her again.", "segments": [[17.36, 19.05], [23.1, 31.86]], "duration": 33.72, "id": 6782}, {"image_id": "v_6Eh7B3GnQWI.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking to the camera while holding an accordion. The man then plays the accordion and we see it up close. The man holds a note and his hands shake. We zoom out and the man stops playing.", "segments": [[0, 6.22], [6.22, 58.05], [50.45, 54.59], [56.66, 69.1]], "duration": 69.1, "id": 6783}, {"image_id": "v_mvl6wff267o.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running down a track and transitions into several more people running. Two girls check their wrists while one speaks to the camera and several shots of a wristband are shown. More people are interviewed while wearing the wrist bands and show how they work while many run around.", "segments": [[0, 33.77], [36.02, 108.82], [106.57, 150.09]], "duration": 150.09, "id": 6784}, {"image_id": "v_vkk-sOo8Hqw.mp4", "caption": "We see men on a boat, a saw appears then a man in a hammock. the man gets up and goes to his mower and creates something on a wheel well and ties it to the mower and the shed door. The man allows the mower to spin around the object and cut the grass. It then pulls the object into the shed on the line and the door pulls closed.", "segments": [[0, 27.01], [30.01, 147.07], [147.07, 179.09], [180.09, 200.1]], "duration": 200.1, "id": 6785}, {"image_id": "v_A6CBFa22oJc.mp4", "caption": "An add displays a web site about a business called happydogz. Then, a man appears pulled by a dog, then adds display information about a retractable dog leash. After, a couple pulls two dogs from leashes. After, adds display information about the leash.", "segments": [[0, 11.84], [12.41, 36.1], [36.66, 74.45], [75.01, 108.29]], "duration": 112.8, "id": 6786}, {"image_id": "v_8LI3rnG6kMA.mp4", "caption": "A carved pumpking with a light in it glows on a counter. Supplies for carving are then shown. A woman cuts the top off the pumpkin, emptying the seeds. She then carves the traced lines to cut out the design. When she is done, a tea light is placed inside the pumpkin and lit.", "segments": [[0, 10.55], [11.01, 15.6], [16.52, 28.91], [32.12, 56.89], [63.32, 91.77]], "duration": 91.77, "id": 6787}, {"image_id": "v_JK8pYBpatAY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is kneeling down on a blue mat. She has a metal weight bar on her shoulders. She moves up and down lifting the weight.", "segments": [[0, 28.47], [0.71, 28.47], [1.99, 28.47]], "duration": 28.47, "id": 6788}, {"image_id": "v_2iBb6ArHweI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding a bottle of sunscreen. She then opens the bottle and uses a holder on the side. She shows off the holder while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[3.04, 42.59], [37.01, 76.56], [62.36, 99.88]], "duration": 101.4, "id": 6789}, {"image_id": "v_TpURw9nc8ks.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen standing around one another holding sticks and looking around. The people hit a ball across a lawn one at a time and are seen laughing and smiling at one another.", "segments": [[0, 34.1], [21.87, 52.06]], "duration": 52.06, "id": 6790}, {"image_id": "v_IHPb-JPIhg8.mp4", "caption": "A man is swinging on a balance beam. He jumps off and puts his hands in the air. He gets back on the balance beam.", "segments": [[6.01, 13.22], [11.54, 15.63], [16.83, 30.54]], "duration": 48.09, "id": 6791}, {"image_id": "v_MZ4yIxM6snw.mp4", "caption": "A man in a yellow construction top is inside painting the wall beige. He goes from the bottom up and grabs more paint on his tool. He is making progress across the wall pretty quickly the way he is doing it. He makes it half way across the wall but the bottom of the wall is still white.", "segments": [[0, 18.51], [18.51, 52.65], [52.65, 84.47], [84.47, 115.71]], "duration": 115.71000000000001, "id": 6792}, {"image_id": "v_QtiqvB4uw2Y.mp4", "caption": "A view of a top of a roof with pine straws shown strewn all over it appears and a banner at the bottom say's \"If you got pine straw on your roof, call us 678-887-9479. A man is now on the top of the roof and he has a blower in his right hand, metal stick in his left hand for balance, and he's walking along the roof blowing off all of the pine straws. The last view is of the cleaned off roof and the website is shown at the bottom of the screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.73], [5.73, 31.81], [31.81, 36.99]], "duration": 36.99, "id": 6793}, {"image_id": "v_Y76wuHBZgdU.mp4", "caption": "A man is is laying carpet in a room. A woman is looking at carpet samples in a shop. Men are on their knees installing hardwood flooring.", "segments": [[5.46, 14.96], [14.96, 28.97], [30.39, 47.49]], "duration": 47.49, "id": 6794}, {"image_id": "v_VdeYnCIbRJ4.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen standing at the beginning of a long track with several people standing on the sidelines. He begins running down the track and jumping with a few others walk around him in the distance.", "segments": [[0, 4.34], [4.46, 7.97]], "duration": 7.97, "id": 6795}, {"image_id": "v__UPD2IvdQ_M.mp4", "caption": "An audience is gathered in a gymnasium to watch the gymnast on the pommel horse. He concentrates, and then mounts to begin his routine. He performs first one, and then a second impressive handstand while gripping one handle with both hands. He completes his routine, and then finishes with a flawless dismount to cheering.", "segments": [[0, 49.74], [0, 12.43], [12.19, 19.9], [20.14, 48.74]], "duration": 49.74, "id": 6796}, {"image_id": "v_nn-ASL9KZUo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen throwing a dart up over the camera while looking into the distance. Several shots are shown of him throwing as well as text going across the screen. The man continues throwing over and over again.", "segments": [[0, 22.57], [22.57, 88.34], [91.56, 127.03]], "duration": 128.96, "id": 6797}, {"image_id": "v_0YPfoB84Fes.mp4", "caption": "A woman shows how to cover a cake with frosting using a spatula. Then, she explains how to cleans the border of the cake using a cloth.", "segments": [[0, 75.02], [75.45, 86.23]], "duration": 86.23, "id": 6798}, {"image_id": "v_hG2kfPRWjO0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a phone is shown as well as a person waking up, brushing their teeth, and walking out the door. Close ups are shown of people riding up a ski lift as well as down a mountain. The people to zoom in on the camera looking closely and waving to one another.", "segments": [[0, 33.1], [28.83, 165.49], [151.61, 207.13]], "duration": 213.53, "id": 6799}, {"image_id": "v_AF6tasHTW-8.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are jump roping outside. Two adults are kneeling down on the ground holding a jump rope for a kid. The woman is talking to the camera. A boy spills a glass on his face while jump roping.", "segments": [[6.91, 9.09], [10.18, 15.63], [49.08, 49.81], [51.99, 54.9]], "duration": 72.72, "id": 6800}, {"image_id": "v_f4mDKdD0z3U.mp4", "caption": "woman is wearing harness and get in a helicopter above and are flying above a volcano. a man and a woman are hanging from the helicopter's door holds to a rope and make a jump. the man and the woman are in the land talking to a couple.", "segments": [[0, 40.82], [40.82, 71.84], [71.84, 81.64]], "duration": 81.64, "id": 6801}, {"image_id": "v_H6g8SsxL8RU.mp4", "caption": "man in in front of a car with the hood open. man walks through the woods and ty to light a woodfire.", "segments": [[0, 25], [25.28, 55.57]], "duration": 55.57, "id": 6802}, {"image_id": "v_pVkwQOp1xZo.mp4", "caption": "Someone is stroking blue paint up and down on a fence. They put the paint brush in the paint again to gather more paint. Then continue to proceed with painting the fence. They do that multiple times trying to cover all of the brown.", "segments": [[0, 9.58], [9.35, 19.39], [19.39, 28.06], [28.52, 45.63]], "duration": 45.63, "id": 6803}, {"image_id": "v_jqW7r60gOzE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a hold child holding up a pinata while others stand around and watch. The blind folded boy then takes multiple swings at the pinata while the kids sit around and watch.", "segments": [[0.46, 6.44], [5.59, 12.55]], "duration": 13.14, "id": 6804}, {"image_id": "v_lk2niPrG3y8.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a yellow tank top and black tights doing jump rope in a gym. She jumps in a rhythmic manner without stopping on the hardwood floor surface. After she's done, a person standing in front of her gives her a thumbs up and cheers for her.", "segments": [[8.9, 16.95], [16.95, 24.99], [24.99, 26.57]], "duration": 28.72, "id": 6805}, {"image_id": "v_W3KCFRADoX8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a room talking. There is a white cat on the bed behind her. She starts braiding her hair to the side. She continues talking and blows a kiss to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 177.84], [15.12, 177.84], [92.48, 146.72], [166.28, 177.84]], "duration": 177.84, "id": 6806}, {"image_id": "v_cKHdMUfKsQ8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a paintbrush and bucket. She paints a piece of furniture next to her while also holding up a brush. She holds up more objects while dipping the brushes into them as well as uses it on the furniture.", "segments": [[0, 54.66], [49.91, 139.03], [120.02, 234.09]], "duration": 237.66, "id": 6807}, {"image_id": "v_FeXBmKYV8HY.mp4", "caption": "A woman reporting is speaking to a camera with a serious demeanor. A man unzips his violin from the bag and plays a little bit for the camera while the reporter commentates. He begins to struggle playing with his condition, and shows surgery on how to fix him. The reporter claims that the man is better than ever and shows his progress playing a violin in a show.", "segments": [[0, 24.12], [23.32, 49.85], [40.2, 79.6], [102.11, 160.8]], "duration": 160.8, "id": 6808}, {"image_id": "v_cwQQj3VZLC8.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at the start line clapping his hands, people look on. He takes off running and does a long jump. He salutes the large applauding audience. Another man waits on the start line before accelerating into the long jump. He looks to the crowd who are subdued. He walk away looking at the ground. Another man waits on the start line before running into a longjump. He waves to the appreciative crowd and runs away smiling and celebrating.", "segments": [[0, 4.07], [4.07, 14.05], [14.05, 18.11], [18.11, 29.94], [30.31, 35.86], [35.12, 41.77], [41.77, 57.67], [57.3, 73.93]], "duration": 73.93, "id": 6809}, {"image_id": "v_uu4_cV49pMI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen lying on the ground with another person running from behind. The person running then falls and others around them help and drink water.", "segments": [[0.46, 8.85], [6.75, 17.06]], "duration": 18.25, "id": 6810}, {"image_id": "v_n2fFj1mBjhQ.mp4", "caption": "Players are playing lacrosse in a hockey arena. The players leaves the arena. A green team player runs towards the clear window.", "segments": [[0, 8.91], [8.24, 16.65], [16.23, 16.65]], "duration": 16.65, "id": 6811}, {"image_id": "v_dVCAykynRzs.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a mcdonalds and leads into a man speaking to a cashier. Several shots are then shown of people playing rock paper scissors with employees. When people win the game, they get a free ice cream.", "segments": [[0.35, 19.03], [20.79, 50.39], [48.63, 67.65]], "duration": 70.47, "id": 6812}, {"image_id": "v_E7OCzz_XuiI.mp4", "caption": "A fridge is seen opening with two people grabbing onto a piece of cheese. The two men fight then begin playing a game of rock paper scissors. They use various tools and objects to play as well as smaller versions of themselves that keep panning backwards.", "segments": [[0, 30.69], [41.48, 121.94], [108.67, 165.08]], "duration": 165.91, "id": 6813}, {"image_id": "v_50oy8wP2Wo8.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen then a sitting lady. We see a person cutting the ladies long hair with a level. The person then brushes her blunt hair. The lady turns around and smiles. We see a before and after. We then see scenes of people using the tool. We see the tool in white and blue. The closing screen is seen.", "segments": [[0, 5.27], [8.15, 33.09], [37.88, 41.24], [50.35, 61.38], [61.85, 77.2], [77.2, 88.71], [88.71, 92.06], [93.02, 95.9]], "duration": 95.9, "id": 6814}, {"image_id": "v_VFKUKX9ToNI.mp4", "caption": "a group of swimmers are on a diving board. A man falls off the board very suddenly. He hits other levels on his way down into the water.", "segments": [[0, 1.96], [2.3, 7.54], [8.17, 11.51]], "duration": 11.51, "id": 6815}, {"image_id": "v_insSTTMSC38.mp4", "caption": "A woman is doing some exercise on a machine. She is going at a pretty fast speed, you can see her get off and then get back on again. She places her hands around a piece and it allows her to she her stride and speed as well as her heartbeat and stuff. She changes the her speed and drink some water and keeps on going.", "segments": [[0, 35.52], [35.52, 92.35], [93.23, 133.19], [133.19, 177.59]], "duration": 177.59, "id": 6816}, {"image_id": "v_1Ao43T5yRjI.mp4", "caption": "A rusty ball is shown rolling down some type of man made ramp.Several Olympic athletes are then shown putting the shotput by their neck and throwing it and getting their distance measured.A black scoreboard is finally shown and they begin to give the winner the medal and show the flag of the country the person is representing.", "segments": [[0, 49.16], [48.25, 148.4], [147.49, 182.09]], "duration": 182.09, "id": 6817}, {"image_id": "v_lcUtnIptSjM.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a lab coat is in a hospital recovery room. She soaps up her hands well with soap. She then rinses and dries them thoroughly.", "segments": [[0, 41.2], [42.34, 155.64], [161.36, 228.88]], "duration": 228.88, "id": 6818}, {"image_id": "v_zcvbHJ1BZ9s.mp4", "caption": "A man pulls a boot onto his foot seated in a chair inside. The man fastens the straps on the boat. A person shows the man how to fasten the straps on the boot. The man shakes while trying to finish putting on the shoes.", "segments": [[0, 13.97], [9.32, 25.23], [26.78, 57.44], [56.67, 76.07]], "duration": 77.63, "id": 6819}, {"image_id": "v_29kX1NaPGP0.mp4", "caption": "An older man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a tennis ball and racket in his hand. He moves the racket and ball up to demonstrate how to properly serve the ball, followed by him actually serving the ball in slow motion. The same shot is shown several more times to demonstrate how to properly perform this serve.", "segments": [[0, 23.41], [23.91, 70.73], [71.72, 99.61]], "duration": 99.61, "id": 6820}, {"image_id": "v_aEAmMKa8iuM.mp4", "caption": "An indoor BMX bike race happens. After the start, everyone goes around the track as quick as possible.", "segments": [[0, 40.61], [4.67, 38.38]], "duration": 40.61, "id": 6821}, {"image_id": "v_TIue1jR51j8.mp4", "caption": "Man in purple talks to the camera. Man in purple walks forward in slow steps. Man in gray demonstrates how to walk. Man in gray demonstrates different jumps.", "segments": [[0, 238.07], [16.66, 47.61], [54.75, 105.94], [164.26, 221.4]], "duration": 238.07, "id": 6822}, {"image_id": "v_arfBwR8qgPw.mp4", "caption": "a camera shows a group of people sitting around a gymnasium floor with a few standing and one crossing his arms. Suddenly a student comes into frame and jumps over a pole into a mat.", "segments": [[0, 2.54], [2.54, 5.46]], "duration": 5.46, "id": 6823}, {"image_id": "v_wRKFbuczjsw.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a pink shirt and black shorts training a dog on a large open lawn. she is throwing pink colored Frisbee discs for the dog to run and fetch. Every time she throws the disc, the dog gets excited and runs and fetches the disc for her. The dog is well trained to catch the disc in its mouth almost every time without missing it. there are are few people standing and watching the trainer and the dog.", "segments": [[12.22, 30.91], [30.91, 54.64], [54.64, 109.27], [109.27, 129.4], [129.4, 139.46]], "duration": 143.78, "id": 6824}, {"image_id": "v_yAa24V7sXJM.mp4", "caption": "An emblem appears on the screen. A view of the sun is seen between the clouds. A woman walks up to a young boy who has his pants down, crouching in front of a bucket. She yells at him, and drags him away. She shows him how to lather his hands with soap. Then the group of gathered women talk as the boy watches and listens. The women look sad as she walks away. A boy and woman walk up to talk to another woman, and she looks upset. A doctor is shown talking about dirty hands to the women. They are then shown outside, washing their hands and doctoring the boy as they show how not to be dirty. The group jumps into the air in celebration.", "segments": [[0, 17.26], [18.28, 30.46], [35.54, 54.83], [57.87, 59.9], [72.09, 82.24], [83.25, 120.82], [121.84, 133], [135.03, 145.19], [146.2, 151.28], [156.36, 181.74], [185.8, 203.06]], "duration": 203.06, "id": 6825}, {"image_id": "v_Kdf1HhynNx8.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen waving to the camera while one holds up a drink and the other plays with her hair. The girls walk around a bit followed by drinking out of a glass and making funny faces to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 85.95], [65.48, 204.64]], "duration": 204.64, "id": 6826}, {"image_id": "v_jYphKtLFIUk.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys chisel a name in sand on the beach with their hands. The boys leave the art piece leaving just one boy in a red t-shirt to work on it alone. Two boys returns with two balls of sand in circles and sit next to the art piece as they work on rounding out the balls of sand they have gathered while a group of children gather around to watch.", "segments": [[0.69, 139], [24.32, 41.7], [41.7, 139]], "duration": 139.0, "id": 6827}, {"image_id": "v_45WfFPM5yvw.mp4", "caption": "a man in swimming trunks is outdoors, fastening himself into equipment. He gets on a parasailer, and gets into the water. He begins sailing on a surfboard, holding on tightly as he speeds up. He then stops in the water, leaning onto his side.", "segments": [[0, 30.63], [31.49, 109.77], [109.77, 152.32], [155.73, 170.19]], "duration": 170.19, "id": 6828}, {"image_id": "v_r-XQMXUJBqk.mp4", "caption": "A kid is playing hopscotch on the ground. They go back and forth on the hopscotch board. They bend down to pick something up.", "segments": [[0, 87.89], [0, 86.57], [87.01, 87.89]], "duration": 87.89, "id": 6829}, {"image_id": "v_5K-soRkdGDs.mp4", "caption": "A dog is shown running up steps to a building. They go inside, and it's a dog grooming salon. Several signs in another language are shown before the equipment is turned on. The dog is rinsed, soaped, bathed and clipped on the machine.", "segments": [[0, 15.76], [18.02, 65.3], [69.81, 113.72], [141.87, 225.19]], "duration": 225.19, "id": 6830}, {"image_id": "v_oO6jZR9Aijc.mp4", "caption": "A store front is seen from the outside.A store owner stands behind a display wall and discusses. Paintball players run through a grassy court with obstacles and aim their weapons. The store owner displays different face masks for the sport.", "segments": [[3.18, 7.16], [2.39, 154.35], [9.55, 100.25], [101.84, 151.17]], "duration": 159.13, "id": 6831}, {"image_id": "v_DKnvOGEDUyQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen standing around a Foosball table playing a game with one another using the poles to play. The men continue playing game and fourth while the camera captures them from above and two walk away in the end.", "segments": [[0, 108.83], [99.84, 179.89]], "duration": 179.89, "id": 6832}, {"image_id": "v_37Q3so6ERxs.mp4", "caption": "A man in blue shirt drink a big glass of beer. The blonde man beside him is cheering. The man in blue shirt finished his drink and put it down, and the blonde man cheered.", "segments": [[0, 7.39], [3.55, 8.26], [5.95, 8.26]], "duration": 8.26, "id": 6833}, {"image_id": "v_CRKA3xPEKm8.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in parallels doing gymnastics in a roofed gym. people is in teraces watching the man.", "segments": [[0, 49.67], [2.55, 49.67]], "duration": 50.95, "id": 6834}, {"image_id": "v_rV9RzL8o7tk.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing a white coat with hood is next to man and a woman on side of a pool table. Then, the girl walks and takes off the coat, then she takes a cue stick and bend on front two men. After, the girl turns and grabs the boy shirt while making a sexy gesture, then she turns to play again. A man wants to touch the butt of a girl.", "segments": [[0, 7.67], [7.67, 30.43], [30.43, 46.97], [39.06, 40.02]], "duration": 47.93, "id": 6835}, {"image_id": "v_nw8MpBwL508.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a purple outfit gets onto a balance beam. She does a gymnastics routine on the balance beam. She dismounts and lands on the mat with her hands in the air.", "segments": [[0, 9.06], [9.06, 96.15], [96.15, 100.68]], "duration": 100.68, "id": 6836}, {"image_id": "v_QCcueK6xiZ4.mp4", "caption": "A man is crouching on the ground, cleaning something. Several cars are parked in a parking lot. People are seeing washing the cars with soap and water.", "segments": [[0, 8.04], [10.24, 55.94], [57.76, 73.12]], "duration": 73.12, "id": 6837}, {"image_id": "v_gtzg66XV6E0.mp4", "caption": "a woman is in front of a table, holding a cat. She pets the cat to calm him down. She then gently clips his toenails.", "segments": [[0, 13.28], [16.4, 81.24], [88.27, 156.24]], "duration": 156.24, "id": 6838}, {"image_id": "v_0J55EGFLglQ.mp4", "caption": "it seems like they are watching on tv a game of soccer. The station shows for what channel it is that is being watched. The women on the court are running around trying to get the ball. One of the women runs all the way into the goal.", "segments": [[0, 5.06], [4.96, 8.34], [8.34, 13.3], [13.4, 19.85]], "duration": 19.85, "id": 6839}, {"image_id": "v_ezx7z-kx2v4.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing up and throws a rock. People are standing and watching him. A man gets into a horse carriage and rides away.", "segments": [[22.24, 33.92], [36.14, 43.37], [74.51, 86.19]], "duration": 111.21000000000001, "id": 6840}, {"image_id": "v_7univ6G4RXA.mp4", "caption": "We see a boy brushing his teeth and dancing in the bathroom. The boy pauses and looks at the brush. The boy returns to brushing and dancing. The boy holds on the the sink for a moment. The boy holds onto the sink again.", "segments": [[0, 8.36], [8.78, 13.8], [14.21, 83.62], [57.28, 58.53], [66.89, 72.75]], "duration": 83.62, "id": 6841}, {"image_id": "v_veKNTB-N9EQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a wall is shown with water spraying down the sides that leads into several pictures as well as people spraying down the ground. More people are seen spraying down a truck as well as cars being lifted up on a machine while more pictures are shown.", "segments": [[0.76, 57.51], [47.67, 149.83]], "duration": 151.35, "id": 6842}, {"image_id": "v_6sorAV7KJxA.mp4", "caption": "This man is shown standing on the roof saying a few words. Then he starts removing some parts of wood from the roof and he piles all of the tiles up. Then he puts them where they should go to make a full part on the roof.", "segments": [[0, 59.36], [69.42, 119.73], [128.78, 183.11]], "duration": 201.23, "id": 6843}, {"image_id": "v_MJZjSHG6tBY.mp4", "caption": "A man does a barbecue in a yard while singing with people showing drinks in cans and cups. Then people walk to a bar and sing inside drinking beer. Women serves drinks from a fountain. A man talks on front a microphone and people continue singing and showing beer. Then, people are again singing, drinking and dancing outdoors.", "segments": [[3.36, 69.49], [71.73, 173.72], [106.47, 114.32], [106.47, 110.96], [175.96, 218.55]], "duration": 224.16, "id": 6844}, {"image_id": "v_M6yAoJJQvGY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into clips of her performing ab exercises wile speaking to the camera. The woman demonstrates how to do a proper sit up by moving her arms in different places and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[2.28, 56.88], [38.11, 112.62]], "duration": 113.75999999999999, "id": 6845}, {"image_id": "v_4XEowfJ-1W0.mp4", "caption": "A person shows a bowl of ice cream at Disneyland. The person enjoys the bowl of ice cream. A trolley rolls along a street with a conductor hanging out of the window. A busy street is seen with many people walking along and looking at a parked trolley car.", "segments": [[3.86, 69.53], [70.5, 174.8], [93.67, 107.19], [108.16, 177.69]], "duration": 193.14, "id": 6846}, {"image_id": "v_mHbsKzezfFQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a black screen and the credits. A person is cutting a man's hair. They switch to an electric razor on the back. The person uses the shaver on their hand. The screen changes to black for a moment. We see the screen change again and the person lines the back of the man's head. The barber touches the shaver edge. The screen fades to black and the ending credits roll.", "segments": [[0, 5.39], [7.19, 173.34], [52.99, 173.34], [68.26, 77.24], [86.22, 88.02], [128.44, 173.34], [141.01, 153.58], [174.24, 179.63]], "duration": 179.63, "id": 6847}, {"image_id": "v_p4YTDxTASBI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are riding in various canoes down a river. A man shoots a flame up into the air followed by several others as well. The camera pans around the group of people dressed as pirates and in other various costumes.", "segments": [[0, 33.42], [2.19, 20.43], [20.59, 33.76]], "duration": 33.76, "id": 6848}, {"image_id": "v_vHejQlbAL78.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen grabbing skis as well as cars lined up and people speaking to one another. This leads into several clips of skiers riding down mountains one after the other. People are shown riding together as well as a solo and ends with a man kicking at the camera.", "segments": [[1.9, 80.69], [54.11, 146.2], [133.86, 183.22]], "duration": 189.87, "id": 6849}, {"image_id": "v_o_AftOrP4zI.mp4", "caption": "The athlete is putting on his red sneakers, then he talked to the camera, and then run in the indoor tracking field. He rested for a bit, then his coach is having interview, then the scene change where the athlete started to practice, running around, then did some pole jumped. He did some exercises and stretches.", "segments": [[3.17, 46.7], [30.87, 132.96], [112.39, 151.17]], "duration": 158.29, "id": 6850}, {"image_id": "v_jTMdMnbW9OI.mp4", "caption": "A boy in an orange shirt is playing a video game. The scene changes to the game itself. The scene changes back to the boy. The camera zooms in on the controller. The scene goes back to the game. There is a close up of the boy's face. The camera shows the TV with the back of the boy's head. The game is playing until the end. The boy says something and TV has numbers on it. The boy is talking again. The boy gets up and leaves the room. He goes to the bathroom and is rubbing his eyes. He looks in the mirror then reaches for the face wash and puts some in his hand. He throws the face wash on the washing machine. He puts his head in the sink and washes his face angrily. When he looks in the mirror again, it is an old man. He falls to the floor. He washes his face again and this time it turn to a skull. He rubs his face and the skull falls into the sink.", "segments": [[0, 2.48], [2.48, 6.81], [6.81, 10.53], [10.53, 13.01], [13.01, 17.97], [17.97, 22.3], [22.3, 25.4], [25.4, 32.21], [32.21, 37.79], [37.79, 42.13], [42.75, 47.08], [47.08, 70], [70, 87.35], [87.35, 89.83], [90.45, 102.84], [102.22, 105.32], [105.32, 107.18], [107.18, 117.09], [117.09, 123.9]], "duration": 123.9, "id": 6851}, {"image_id": "v_q5thIuCSTkk.mp4", "caption": "A person has their hand over the lens. We then see a child in gray skiing in front of the camera operator. the child falls off their skis and lays in the snow. The camera person stops and wipes snow from the kids goggles and turns off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 1.85], [4.07, 42.19], [42.19, 56.26], [49.97, 74.03]], "duration": 74.03, "id": 6852}, {"image_id": "v_ArGF2CfOxkY.mp4", "caption": "A horse is behind a yellow gate as a man sits on top holding a rope.The gate is opened,and a black calf comes running out into the field of dirt.Almost instantly,the man throws his lasso and jumps off to secure the cow.Once he is finished,the man gets back on the horse and other individuals come out to take the calf out.", "segments": [[0, 10.14], [10.14, 31.86], [31.28, 48.95], [49.82, 57.93]], "duration": 57.93, "id": 6853}, {"image_id": "v_XU8FzYcRat4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen standing on a sandy field hitting a ball back and fourth. The men begin a game of volleyball and hit the ball all around the area. The men continue playing while the camera captures them moving around.", "segments": [[0, 27.1], [20.72, 65.88], [70.13, 104.66]], "duration": 106.25999999999999, "id": 6854}, {"image_id": "v_ciEBsDNryN8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen holding an accordion while shaking her fists into the air. A band is seen walking in behind her and begins playing while she does. The girl continues to play with the band and ends by looking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 37.66], [35.87, 89.07], [68.15, 114.18]], "duration": 119.56, "id": 6855}, {"image_id": "v_WGHXYbCWvyU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a field with his eye closed and standing still. The man then begins moving his arms and legs around his body. He continues moving his body around with his eyes closed.", "segments": [[3, 52.08], [57.08, 141.21], [141.21, 191.28]], "duration": 200.3, "id": 6856}, {"image_id": "v_bXLa6zLsJ50.mp4", "caption": "A woman lays on a table being prepped for ear piercing. The person in charge of the operation pierces her ear in two places with a small rod. The person applies a cork to one end of the rod. The person pushes a different rod through the holes created by the initial piercing. The person caps the new rod on both ends. The woman shows off her new piercing and smiles.", "segments": [[6.56, 13.11], [13.71, 40.52], [39.93, 50.66], [51.85, 73.3], [73.9, 95.35], [106.08, 109.06]], "duration": 119.19, "id": 6857}, {"image_id": "v_rosZj4ZcPBA.mp4", "caption": "Outside a man is using a leaf blower using it to blow a pile of leaves. He seems to be at a park or something in the parking lot. He is wearing a hat and jeans and just out there by himself. He continues to keep blowing the pile of leaves when a dog runs by out of nowhere.", "segments": [[0, 14.53], [14.16, 35.39], [36.51, 50.67], [50.67, 74.51]], "duration": 74.51, "id": 6858}, {"image_id": "v_S2V2TgLAMKg.mp4", "caption": "A person holds small objects in their hands. The person applies objects continuously to a wooden surface. When the person rubs on the smaller object, it puts a white residue on the surface. When the person rubs on the brown object, it removes the residue.", "segments": [[0, 5.81], [6.41, 40.06], [6.61, 13.22], [14.42, 18.83]], "duration": 40.06, "id": 6859}, {"image_id": "v_79LyHiS908U.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown sitting in front of several drums and banging to a rhythm. He talks to the camera about his song and what he is planning on playing. The man continues playing while the camera pans in and out on him playing the drums.", "segments": [[3.08, 12.75], [13.63, 28.14], [28.58, 80.02]], "duration": 87.93, "id": 6860}, {"image_id": "v_UBqFQKI1YW8.mp4", "caption": "A black man gymnast prepares to perform on a parallel bar exhibition. The man mounts the parallel bar and goes into a handstand and performs a series of spins and moves. The gymnast goes into his dismount and lands a perfect landing on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 13.68], [13.68, 20.32], [20.32, 78.16]], "duration": 78.16, "id": 6861}, {"image_id": "v_TH1kq-KBr9Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is hanging up wallpaper. He looks back at the camera. He steps down from the step ladder. A chair appears with the wallpaper. The man is taking down the paper.", "segments": [[0, 19.62], [2.1, 3.43], [5.33, 6.86], [21.9, 26.28], [27.62, 35.05]], "duration": 38.09, "id": 6862}, {"image_id": "v_eVwRbDXyBbc.mp4", "caption": "There is a pool table with billiard balls on it. A person has a pool cue in their hand. They hit the cue ball into the other balls.", "segments": [[0, 7.28], [0.68, 1.25], [1.17, 4.11]], "duration": 7.55, "id": 6863}, {"image_id": "v_AWXdK-ix3gQ.mp4", "caption": "A gymaist stands holding is arm up and jumping onto a beam. He moves his arms and spins himself round and round on a set of bars. He does handstands and flips and jumps off to finish his routine.", "segments": [[0, 13.44], [12.26, 38.2], [37.49, 47.16]], "duration": 47.16, "id": 6864}, {"image_id": "v_2RfasAe0-tA.mp4", "caption": "A girl dressed as a tomboy and a boy dressed in a red shirt are standing in a room across from each other in a messy room.The two begin to grab each other and they begin salsa dancing.They continue dancing and spin each other around and doing a some type of salsa dancing.", "segments": [[0, 19.29], [19.29, 56.17], [56.6, 85.75]], "duration": 85.75, "id": 6865}, {"image_id": "v_KPJJfGK5NCw.mp4", "caption": "This woman is shown standing in one spot for a little while. Then she moves to throw the ball into the air and she goes back to the position she was in. Then she jumps back and turns around to throw the ball at a small distance, except she is not positioned quite right this time.", "segments": [[0, 10.92], [14.14, 24.42], [89.32, 100.25]], "duration": 128.52, "id": 6866}, {"image_id": "v_6URUyopL8qM.mp4", "caption": "A sign appears in a yard and a red van comes traveling down the road.After,a man appears tubing in a trail of water underneath the bridge.As he continues down the river,he hits a few rocks along the way and begins to bobble up and down before returning back in front of the red van.", "segments": [[0, 28.3], [28.3, 49.43], [49.03, 79.73]], "duration": 79.73, "id": 6867}, {"image_id": "v_Hh7aXAtWsXg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is see laughing with a group of people and one man hitting the other. A person hands a man a set of darts who then throws them off into the distance. The people continue speaking while the camera pans all around them.", "segments": [[0.33, 9.15], [6.49, 25.79], [16.47, 32.44]], "duration": 33.28, "id": 6868}, {"image_id": "v_1VDNFR3vQR4.mp4", "caption": "There are two guys standing on a large blue mat in a gym and they are both wearing shorts and a pair of boxing gloves. The men square up and they begin hitting and kicking at one another with brief moments of stopping in between their punches and their kicks. One of the guys kicks the other one too hard and the one who got kicked gets mad, rips his gloves off of his hands, walks away and angrily throws his gloves.", "segments": [[0, 2.39], [2.39, 42.58], [42.58, 53.22]], "duration": 53.22, "id": 6869}, {"image_id": "v_ih3LAZtQM50.mp4", "caption": "A guy bows while standing outside. The guy start doing karate outside. The guy does karate indoors and then leaves. A dog stands with a sweater.", "segments": [[3.38, 4.16], [4.69, 37.22], [37.48, 49.2], [49.2, 49.46]], "duration": 52.06, "id": 6870}, {"image_id": "v_qywEvklc1kM.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to the camera with one holding a pot and the other handing him ingredients. The other then mixes the ingredients into a bowl and pouts it into a pan. More people come in to take a bite as well as a young boy helping and the man continuing to cook.", "segments": [[0, 36.68], [34.49, 76.09], [67.33, 109.48]], "duration": 109.47999999999999, "id": 6871}, {"image_id": "v_q-ID2mgEIow.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing glasses is seen stepping into frame and playing an accordion. The man continues to play while looking off into the distance and stops by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 38.52], [25.98, 89.58]], "duration": 89.58, "id": 6872}, {"image_id": "v_l5qCvYE1-tA.mp4", "caption": "Two young girls are in a gym and they do a side ways hurtles over a bar in the middle of the gym.The video is then replayed in slow motion and once again in a faster speed.", "segments": [[0, 11.78], [11.1, 27.4]], "duration": 27.4, "id": 6873}, {"image_id": "v_zwm-v9MLOFY.mp4", "caption": "4 men are in a square doing break dance while people is gathered around them watching them dance and do tricks in front of a lot of stores. names of the break dancers are shown in the screen.", "segments": [[0, 208.97], [210.09, 224.7]], "duration": 224.7, "id": 6874}, {"image_id": "v_9qUbxwjh-4A.mp4", "caption": "We see a young girl light a cigarette. She then takes the cigarette out of her mouth and talks. She hands the lighter to another person and puts her hand on her hip.", "segments": [[0, 2.77], [2.92, 7.93], [7.85, 11.96]], "duration": 14.95, "id": 6875}, {"image_id": "v_d7-tFV0RSCk.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside of a home talking with a large silver pole in his hand that has a yellow rope attached to it.The man begins cleaning the inside of a sliding glass door with his pole and brush and washes around the base and the inside of the window.The man then stops and begins talking to the camera and pointing to the window before he waves bye.", "segments": [[0, 24.95], [24.37, 83.54], [82.96, 116.03]], "duration": 116.03, "id": 6876}, {"image_id": "v_CTIVIXvCI3c.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen hoping along the floor when a woman leads in more young dancers. She lines up the girls in front of a large crowd and the kids begin dancing on the stage. The little ones continue to dance and twirl on stage and walk off stage.", "segments": [[0, 67.44], [59.01, 150.8], [104.9, 184.52]], "duration": 187.33, "id": 6877}, {"image_id": "v_48xSiJdaH2g.mp4", "caption": "The video is about Wallwik and wallpaper removal system. It shows a woman removing wallpaper off the wall in a convenient and easy manner. She is using a a scouring tool to scratch off the wallpaper from the wall. Then she uses a soap solution and dips the sheet in the solution. There's a man hanging the wet sheets on the wall. A woman uses a sprayer on the moist sheets and sprays it on. Then a man and woman begin peeling off the old wallpaper off of the wall. The video shows instructions on how to use the Wallwik products.", "segments": [[7.8, 16.46], [16.46, 40.72], [40.72, 66.72], [66.72, 80.58], [80.58, 100.51], [100.51, 122.17], [122.17, 147.3], [147.3, 159.43]], "duration": 173.29, "id": 6878}, {"image_id": "v_r3lN8kgtgw4.mp4", "caption": "A group travels to a river, getting into inflatable rafts. They paddle quickly down the river through the raging white rapids and over small waterfalls.They float slowly back as water sprays down on them from a fall.", "segments": [[0, 12.03], [21.06, 183.5], [185.51, 200.55]], "duration": 200.55, "id": 6879}, {"image_id": "v_tPHfkxAwyp8.mp4", "caption": "A title screen appears in red letters and then fades out in a martial arts classroom. In a small martial arts classroom the students are gathered around, singing, clapping and playing instruments around a small circle for 5 capoeira matches where the fighters dancing and swinging their legs and arms and at the end of each match the fighters shake hands, hug and touch the musicians. Then a closing screen with a logo for the Capoeira school.", "segments": [[0, 9.2], [4.6, 224.31], [225.46, 230.06]], "duration": 230.06, "id": 6880}, {"image_id": "v_yxZ4ouqcld4.mp4", "caption": "A camera shoots various shots all around a city and shoe store. Hundreds of people are walking around an area and checking out shoes. A man talks to a woman about what shoes she likes to wear. People are dancing and enjoying the event together. There is food being eaten at the event by many. Several runners are getting ready to start a race. The race begins and people run very fast. Several people get interviewed during the race. The man who wins the race comes across the finish line. Several more people are shown finishing.", "segments": [[0, 73.46], [19.22, 72.77], [15.79, 30.21], [24.03, 38.44], [22.65, 32.27], [36.38, 48.06], [43.94, 62.47], [57.67, 118.76], [70.02, 81.69], [78.26, 129.75]], "duration": 137.3, "id": 6881}, {"image_id": "v_UKhH_iEifrU.mp4", "caption": "a list of ingredients is shown and the items are in a white table. fist a bag of tea is sumerge in boiled water and added some syrup into a starbucks cup.", "segments": [[0, 8.45], [8.45, 187.85]], "duration": 187.85, "id": 6882}, {"image_id": "v_EA58Fo2e0CI.mp4", "caption": "A news station ad appears on the screen. We see two reporters outdoors, talking with members of a running team. They are preparing for a race, one of which is pregnant. The crowd is shown walking to where the race will begin.", "segments": [[0, 5.12], [8.27, 41.37], [42.95, 48.47], [53.2, 78.81]], "duration": 78.81, "id": 6883}, {"image_id": "v_LlI1IJEkW5E.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a kitchen, talking in front of an array of sandwich fixings. She opens the bread, and applies meat, cheese, pickles, and mustard. She closes the sandwiches, and puts them in a heated panini press. She removes the sandwiches as they are toasted, and plates them.", "segments": [[0, 12], [13.12, 49.11], [50.61, 67.48], [68.6, 74.98]], "duration": 74.98, "id": 6884}, {"image_id": "v_QXZkejzunpk.mp4", "caption": "People ride bikes on a bumpy track circuit. Then, they arrive to the finish line where people is washing the competition.", "segments": [[0, 63.13], [63.13, 71.33]], "duration": 71.33, "id": 6885}, {"image_id": "v_xPDjkE7llg4.mp4", "caption": " A woman cuts the nails of the back legs of a cat with a nail trimmer, while a person restraints the cat. Then, the woman stands on front the cat, and the person holds the cat from a neck. After, the woman cuts the nails of the front legs, but the cat kicks. A person wearing black clothes enters the room.", "segments": [[0, 25.78], [26.37, 65.34], [66.54, 117.49], [112.69, 119.89]], "duration": 119.89, "id": 6886}, {"image_id": "v_f119wB0sj0w.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a title sequence. Several clips of baseball players are shown playing the game. At one point it shows a player arguing with a referee. The video ends with another title sequence.", "segments": [[0, 3.44], [3.44, 114.67], [75.68, 91.17], [110.66, 114.67]], "duration": 114.67, "id": 6887}, {"image_id": "v_H1_5M9mQ79w.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing headphones is seen speaking into a microphone and begins playing a harmonica into the mic. The man continues playing and the camera ends with a close up of the instrument.", "segments": [[0, 130.8], [130.8, 166.63]], "duration": 166.63, "id": 6888}, {"image_id": "v_hHmn5tf5d5I.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing in a room with a woman standing in front. The woman then begins dancing around with the women while following her around. The women switch places with men and then begin following the woman dancing around.", "segments": [[0, 14.53], [13.62, 107.17], [94.46, 178.02]], "duration": 181.65, "id": 6889}, {"image_id": "v_Krh4m6nxZWE.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a blue shirt is walking along a slack line. She falls off and grabs the rope.", "segments": [[0, 7.75], [7.8, 9.17]], "duration": 9.17, "id": 6890}, {"image_id": "v_GrqBqKMW4ps.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing a gymnastics routine on parallel bars. He dismounts and lands on a mat. He gives several people high fives as he walks off the mat.", "segments": [[0, 42.43], [42.12, 44.58], [48.88, 58.41]], "duration": 61.49, "id": 6891}, {"image_id": "v_qCZhlIBr8_Q.mp4", "caption": "An assortment of drum lines are shown practicing in various locations.Several schools are shown and the SB4TS is in the bottom right corner as a group in blue shirts and black pants begin to perform and make various formations.", "segments": [[0, 16.16], [16.5, 67.33]], "duration": 67.33, "id": 6892}, {"image_id": "v_u0SpXGr_elM.mp4", "caption": "A gyros restaurant is shown from the outside. We enter, and the chef begins talking to the camera. He demonstrates how to make a gyro sandwich. He places all the ingredients on the counter, shaves the meat, and begins to stack them inside the pita. He continues talking for the camera, then serves the camera man a gyro. The man eats it, nodding in approval.", "segments": [[0, 14.69], [20.57, 66.62], [68.58, 128.33], [134.21, 166.54], [172.42, 183.19], [184.17, 195.93]], "duration": 195.93, "id": 6893}, {"image_id": "v_QkX8GFbwN7c.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen creating sparks onto a metal pole while moving it along the side. He then puts the torch down and zooms in on the bar.", "segments": [[0, 20.76], [19.78, 32.69]], "duration": 32.69, "id": 6894}, {"image_id": "v_rGuOU8U5Bvk.mp4", "caption": "A person is walking a horse in an arena. They begin to brush the horse's fur. They brush the ear of the horse. They brush the face of the horse.", "segments": [[5.1, 17.84], [23.79, 110.44], [112.98, 116.38], [126.58, 129.12]], "duration": 169.9, "id": 6895}, {"image_id": "v_XnctHnlJB4g.mp4", "caption": "A man in red stands on a stage. He lifts a barbell over his head. He drops the barbell on the ground. Several people cheer him on.", "segments": [[0, 17.04], [5.03, 15.25], [14.83, 15.94], [16.53, 17.04]], "duration": 17.04, "id": 6896}, {"image_id": "v_zJKedNWsZKY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a piece of exercise equipment and begins moving himself back and fourth on the machine. The man continues moving back an fourth while pulling his body back and ends by unhooking himself and moving his feet.", "segments": [[3.58, 49.58], [43.01, 112.9]], "duration": 119.47, "id": 6897}, {"image_id": "v_xa-zOtV3uPU.mp4", "caption": "A dealer is dealing cards at a blackjack table. People are sitting around the table playing. A man in a white shirt is standing up next to the table.", "segments": [[0, 4.08], [2.36, 42.96], [35.22, 42.96]], "duration": 42.96, "id": 6898}, {"image_id": "v_Lan3mtnCmlw.mp4", "caption": "We see a Santa clause underwater in the ocean. We see white and yellow fish swimming around the man. We sit above the man seeing his bubbles. The man swims under a rock arch.", "segments": [[0, 53.27], [10.92, 20.51], [26.63, 27.7], [42.88, 48.21]], "duration": 53.27, "id": 6899}, {"image_id": "v_mA4wEXlASpc.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing ready with one running down a track and into a sand pit. The man lays down while another raises a flag and walks away from the track.", "segments": [[0, 17.56], [17.56, 42.82]], "duration": 42.82, "id": 6900}, {"image_id": "v_w9M6GUCtoQQ.mp4", "caption": "An girl is seen sitting at a table holding various objects in her hands and pushing them all together. She then rubs a needle on a cotton ball then pushing it onto a pencil and wrapping thread around it. She then holds up a box of a product and then pouring several liquids into a bowl. She then dips the needle in ink and using the pencil to draw a design on her leg, rubbing it off with a rag in the end.", "segments": [[0, 47.71], [47.71, 129.15], [129.15, 182.68], [185.01, 232.71]], "duration": 232.71, "id": 6901}, {"image_id": "v_fpWOf1DR1oA.mp4", "caption": "A predominately dark dart board is empty. A guy throws a dart at the dart board. The dart hits the bullseye.", "segments": [[0, 0.96], [2.05, 5.43], [5.89, 9.13]], "duration": 9.13, "id": 6902}, {"image_id": "v_dAdCETrsDQw.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen walking the red carpet and speaking to one another. An athlete is then seen speaking with a new host and several shots of him playing and riding a horse are shown. More clips are shown of him playing a sport and speaking to the host and shaking his hand.", "segments": [[1.04, 68.53], [56.07, 170.3], [150.57, 205.6]], "duration": 207.68, "id": 6903}, {"image_id": "v_Gn651vGKC2I.mp4", "caption": "A woman makes a tattoo in the arm of a girl while cleaning with a tissue. The girl makes pain gestures in the face.", "segments": [[0, 70.96], [70.96, 99.94]], "duration": 99.94, "id": 6904}, {"image_id": "v_WUOiJOqrHlI.mp4", "caption": "A shot of the movie Forest Gump is shown with the man playing ping pong in several shots and him laughing in the end. More clips are shown of the actors playing with one another and a man showing the footage on a computer while speaking to the camera. Tom Hanks is interviewed several times about the event and then sits down in the end while playing.", "segments": [[0, 60.57], [43.01, 136.93], [129.91, 175.56]], "duration": 175.56, "id": 6905}, {"image_id": "v_4y8mMJkvAR4.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in all black with a visor and sunglasses is talking holding a paddle.Once she is done talking,she begins kayaking with her white dog between her legs.Now the woman is out of the water and begins doing arm exercises with the paddle behind her head lifting it up and down.She then adds the legs and begins doing lunges in the grass before she continues to do curls with her hands.The lady has now moved to a patio an is laying down flat on her back doing leg exercises.", "segments": [[0, 41.75], [40.05, 77.54], [77.54, 120.99], [120.99, 154.22], [154.22, 170.41]], "duration": 170.41, "id": 6906}, {"image_id": "v_485Wn1DXt5U.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing outside in a field talking and hula hooping.Another girl then tries to do the same thing but she isn't successful.The first girl comes back and does it effortlessly as the second girl still struggles.For the last round,the girl begins to hula hoop and drinks soda and runs across the grass.", "segments": [[0, 25.03], [25.03, 67.95], [67.35, 95.97], [95.37, 119.21]], "duration": 119.21000000000001, "id": 6907}, {"image_id": "v_Damu3T2Yy0M.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen speaking to the camera when another walks into frame laughing and walks away. The men continue speaking then lead into an arm wrestling match between the two. One beats the other and flexes his arms to the camera while smiling.", "segments": [[0, 50.04], [51.03, 71.34], [71.34, 99.08]], "duration": 99.08, "id": 6908}, {"image_id": "v_Y1f_NXMfD98.mp4", "caption": "A black and brown down is standing up against the wall as a person moves a vacuum like machine back and forth over his fur.After his back is done,the person does the legs then lifts his tail up and does the but hole and the dog begins to walk away.The women then has to grab the dog and hold him to finish her task.Once complete,she takes the hair out of the vacuum and dumps it into a big black trash bag.", "segments": [[0, 68.91], [68.91, 133.29], [134.2, 154.15], [154.15, 181.35]], "duration": 181.35, "id": 6909}, {"image_id": "v_yj7YkvTZ4zw.mp4", "caption": "A blonde women runs jumps and twist a lands on the padding. Another woman runs and jumps and she doesn't make it she falls onto the grass. She completely missed the jump altogether and hits the pole down when she falls. She is laughing down on the ground and a man comes up to help her up.", "segments": [[0, 5.76], [5.76, 12.93], [12.93, 19.79], [19.79, 31.16]], "duration": 31.16, "id": 6910}, {"image_id": "v_Q8EoKJNm4mc.mp4", "caption": "a group of people are sitting in a sauna fully clothed. One guy stands up with a violin. The guy begins playing the violin and dancing. The guy kicks his shoe off while dancing. The guy sits down and plays the violin.", "segments": [[0, 10.09], [6.83, 15.3], [13.34, 27.34], [29.29, 44.26], [46.54, 61.18]], "duration": 65.09, "id": 6911}, {"image_id": "v_YUFPWt0VQ1Y.mp4", "caption": "There is a group of marching band students playing the trumpets. They are dressed in maroon and yellow colored uniforms and white hats. There are some students playing the drums and some students playing the trumpet. They continue playing the band as they march along the streets.", "segments": [[14.67, 30.23], [30.23, 57.79], [57.79, 77.8], [77.8, 83.13]], "duration": 88.91, "id": 6912}, {"image_id": "v_rABAqfLcssA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a board with a kite along the ocean moving at a fast pace. The person continues riding along and eventually crashes while the camera zooms in on the rider.", "segments": [[0, 13.66], [12.74, 30.7]], "duration": 30.7, "id": 6913}, {"image_id": "v_5wkGeYBS7hQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys are standing in a room with many clear cups of beer on a table they are all standing around. The boys talk, laugh and tease each other before beginning a game of beer pong across a long table using a triangle shaped array of clear cups. One of the ping pongs lands in the cup and one of the boys begins to drink the beer. The group continue to play beer pong when one final player is able to throw and land a ping pong ball while standing with his back to the cups at which point the boys celebrate, and laugh.", "segments": [[0.95, 46.38], [46.38, 60.58], [61.53, 91.82], [91.82, 187.42]], "duration": 189.31, "id": 6914}, {"image_id": "v_3JNNjd9fv7U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling down next to a vacuum followed by several pictures of her vacuuming and moving around the carpet. More pictures are shown of the carpet as well as her kneeling down and she empties out a vacuum while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 62.49], [61.71, 156.22]], "duration": 156.22, "id": 6915}, {"image_id": "v_gDexNGeZln0.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen speaking to the camera and leads into a close up of the ground and another person sitting on the side. More shots are shown of logs and sticks as well as a fire pit and a boy cutting a stick.", "segments": [[0.9, 28.48], [29.38, 58.46]], "duration": 59.95, "id": 6916}, {"image_id": "v_OxPzQ4yqfwg.mp4", "caption": "An older woman sitting at the table reading her paper work. Her husband comes up behind her and reads through it with her. Roofers are on the roof fixing some issues, putting in some new shingles. A woman on the phone with the company walks up and hands the phone to her husband.", "segments": [[0, 2.33], [2.33, 12.41], [12.41, 35.68], [35.68, 51.71]], "duration": 51.71, "id": 6917}, {"image_id": "v_b5SYTLjp6HI.mp4", "caption": "A man walks into a gym and bends in front of a weight. the man tries to lift the weight two times and drops it. The man lifts the weight three times and walks away. The man lifts the weight two times. the man lifts the weight three times and walks away. The man lifts the weight two tines and removes his weight lifting belt.", "segments": [[0, 10.44], [11.93, 25.34], [26.09, 57.39], [58.88, 89.44], [90.93, 120], [121.49, 149.07]], "duration": 149.07, "id": 6918}, {"image_id": "v__JE5T2RKZvo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her sanding down a board in several locations. She then sands more objects and shows off a large selection of tools she has. She hammers down the sides of the board and ends with her painting the board.", "segments": [[7.68, 33.1], [33.69, 80.38], [78.02, 109.94]], "duration": 118.21000000000001, "id": 6919}, {"image_id": "v_gHhgZ0Bd4H4.mp4", "caption": "We see rolling credits rise up the screen. We see three people riding stationary bikes in a gym. The camera moves closer to the bikers. The lady stop and adjusts something on her bike. We wee the fourth rider in the scene. The lady is riding her bike slower. The lady is riding her bike slowly. We see the closing screen on a blue background.", "segments": [[0, 6.45], [7.53, 210.72], [24.73, 40.85], [65.58, 82.78], [87.08, 93.53], [126.86, 137.61], [187.06, 210.72], [210.72, 215.02]], "duration": 215.02, "id": 6920}, {"image_id": "v_6kBo1TR--dk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen wandering around an area with a woman running past them. The woman is seen speaking to the camera and continues to run around the beach area. She runs along the boardwalk as well as past people and ends with her running a race and being interviewed.", "segments": [[0, 59.49], [35.7, 114.53], [108.58, 145.76]], "duration": 148.74, "id": 6921}, {"image_id": "v_r8MwPAJWPDk.mp4", "caption": "People are rock climbing up rocks. A person falls off of the rock into the water below.", "segments": [[0, 132.45], [125.82, 132.45]], "duration": 132.45, "id": 6922}, {"image_id": "v_IlD4gfHmWIg.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast wearing a magenta leotard is performing on the horse bar. There is a panel of judges sitting across from her and evaluating her. She stands up straight on the bar and does a twist and pummel. She continues to successfully do front flips on the horse bar. She completes her round after she jumps off of the horse bar doing a back flip. Then the gymnast walks away from the performing area.", "segments": [[5.15, 11.71], [11.71, 43.1], [43.1, 66.52], [66.52, 85.26], [85.26, 90.41], [90.41, 92.29]], "duration": 93.69, "id": 6923}, {"image_id": "v_hJiaSHwOkcs.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on top of a horse. He begins getting chased around the arena by a man pushing a wheelbarrow. The horse runs from bull in the pen.", "segments": [[0, 82.66], [14.88, 47.95], [63.24, 82.66]], "duration": 82.66, "id": 6924}, {"image_id": "v_sEvP3GFbLdw.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a couch is seen followed by a person walking in and out of frame. The person then sits down and holds their feet up. The person then puts a pair of shoes on and walks out of frame.", "segments": [[3.02, 37.76], [37.76, 117.82], [100.45, 147.27]], "duration": 151.05, "id": 6925}, {"image_id": "v_5MuLI6Plf-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt is sitting and playing the guitar in front of a black backdrop. Initially he starts to play the guitar slowly to find the proper rhythm. Than he starts to play the notes faster and faster. In the end he looks at the guitar and adjusts his fingers as he finishes playing the song .", "segments": [[0, 180.63], [0, 61.41], [61.41, 102.06], [102.06, 180.63]], "duration": 180.63, "id": 6926}, {"image_id": "v_HppLOtjJY_Q.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are standing on a bridge. They are looking into the rapid waters below. Several people on canoes come through the bridge, which is the finish line.", "segments": [[0, 26.69], [34.2, 106.78], [110.95, 166.84]], "duration": 166.84, "id": 6927}, {"image_id": "v_OmE9IhdWFa0.mp4", "caption": "A model wearing a bikini opens directs the scene and talks behind an I-Pad screen. A meal is cooked in a frying pan. People ride on a boat and catch fish. Surfers ride large waves in the ocean. Jet skis pull surfers towards waves in the ocean.", "segments": [[8.13, 24.38], [28.07, 37.68], [45.8, 48.02], [50.97, 141.1], [57.62, 129.28]], "duration": 147.75, "id": 6928}, {"image_id": "v_XiG7rgPoKKI.mp4", "caption": "We see team of boaters in a competition in the sea. We see the race start and the boaters take off. They pass a small boat in the water. We see one team up close. We see a score board on the screen. The racers pass a banner and we see the green team again. The race is finished and we see the crowd clapping. We see the final scores and the scene ends.", "segments": [[0, 184.51], [53.51, 184.51], [74.72, 79.34], [99.63, 105.17], [108.86, 113.47], [133.77, 141.15], [166.98, 169.75], [178.97, 184.51]], "duration": 184.51, "id": 6929}, {"image_id": "v_eUvvxpAK3_8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and begins polishing a black shoe with a brush. He points around the shoe and flips the shoe around with his hands.", "segments": [[0, 44.9], [43.77, 75.47]], "duration": 75.47, "id": 6930}, {"image_id": "v_Ckkf840HZE4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding around on the water wake boarding behind a boat. The man is shown in several clips performing a trick with camera affects point to his movements. The man continues to ride around on the board while text appears to give instructions.", "segments": [[0, 49.59], [47.38, 169.7], [139.95, 218.19]], "duration": 220.39, "id": 6931}, {"image_id": "v_GKy0MNJZxDc.mp4", "caption": "There is a large gymnasium where three gymnasts are performing gymnastics. There's one gymnast in orange leotards swinging on the rod and another gymnast next to him also swinging on the bars. They both swing upside down and stand on their hands for a few seconds before swinging back down. The third gymnast is performing behind them, doing front and back flips. The gymnast in the orange leotards does another front swing and then gets off the bars and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 36.51], [1.51, 19.2], [6.02, 19.38], [16.56, 22.96], [22.77, 34.06]], "duration": 37.64, "id": 6932}, {"image_id": "v_v7OW60YncY4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to a camera and leads into he pouring liquid into a bowl and rubbing it into a wooden object. He then paints down the area with a brush and nails fabric to the back, creating a chair and having the camera pan down.", "segments": [[0, 73.96], [76.7, 136.97]], "duration": 136.97, "id": 6933}, {"image_id": "v_vcCwvRYqU2I.mp4", "caption": "We see a tree with leaves blowing int he wind. A man rakes his yard and talks to the camera. The man chooses a rake from four. The man throws some grass in the garbage. The man picks up and smells a twig with leaves. The man throws his rake into the yard. The man sprinkles leaves into the yard and rakes them up. We then see the twigs and leaves again.", "segments": [[0, 9.37], [9.37, 49.99], [45.3, 49.99], [50.77, 60.14], [69.52, 81.23], [82.79, 86.7], [98.41, 102.32], [146.06, 156.21]], "duration": 156.21, "id": 6934}, {"image_id": "v_k8C1Jb_xvh0.mp4", "caption": "A male worker walks up to an elephant. He gives the elephant a dart. The elephant and a woman take turns throwing darts at their targets.", "segments": [[0, 10.37], [12.32, 25.94], [26.59, 129.68]], "duration": 129.68, "id": 6935}, {"image_id": "v_Dv2T0R7HVBQ.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen sitting at the bottom of a pool. He begins moving closer to the camera while smiling. He then bumps into the wall and moves upwards.", "segments": [[0, 1.29], [0.77, 13.14], [12.46, 16.58]], "duration": 17.18, "id": 6936}, {"image_id": "v_iPPfX25MUQ0.mp4", "caption": "Tourists rides camels while people pull the camels with a rope. Men helps a couple to unload the camels and feed them.", "segments": [[0, 71.75], [71.75, 112.99]], "duration": 112.99000000000001, "id": 6937}, {"image_id": "v__--nxrRXdPg.mp4", "caption": "Athletes performs high jump successfully in a stadium full of people. An athlete jumps, but touch the horizontal rod. Other athletes perform high jump in a competition on front a crow.", "segments": [[8.35, 74.08], [74.08, 148.16], [148.16, 201.37]], "duration": 208.68, "id": 6938}, {"image_id": "v_wBgU5jXb_V4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is walking her horse out to a field to ride. The horses tail is braided back and she is wearing pink. The lady gets on the horse and ride it around hitting a ball around. The horses tail is no longer braided as they ride around in the sand.", "segments": [[0, 11.52], [11.14, 21.51], [21.51, 41.09], [41.86, 76.81]], "duration": 76.81, "id": 6939}, {"image_id": "v_JaBA8V-nuDg.mp4", "caption": "Three women are sitting in a room behind the table knitting scarves and hats before a logo appears.They all reappear and begin knitting a purple scarf as they talk.Next,each lady begins to talk and show pictures of who they are making the special garment for.", "segments": [[0, 55.16], [55.16, 133.45], [133.45, 177.94]], "duration": 177.94, "id": 6940}, {"image_id": "v_Yp9WuBrgbI4.mp4", "caption": "The shirtless man is doing crunches. The woman is doing crunches while her legs is on a machine. The woman is holding the man's feet as he crunches. The man is moving his legs while he has big yoga ball under his legs.", "segments": [[0, 8.11], [7.13, 24.64], [20.1, 43.78], [41.51, 64.85]], "duration": 64.85, "id": 6941}, {"image_id": "v_4P0zJEfqCoM.mp4", "caption": "A woman gets her eyebrow clamped. A person pushes a needle through her eyebrow. They twist an earring into the eyebrow. They clean around the earring with a qtip.", "segments": [[0, 19.6], [20.16, 57.69], [57.13, 78.97], [88.49, 96.89]], "duration": 112.00999999999999, "id": 6942}, {"image_id": "v_UYcpD3r6Ol0.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears and a black triangle with blue and green lights illuminating from it appear in the middle and red fancy lettering appear in the middle and read \"Lovey's Nails\".More lettering appear on different black screens and together they read \"MALEFICENT NAILS\"and \"FOR EASIER USE RED NAIL TIPS IF YOU HAVE USA PUNTAS ROJAS SI TIENES\".The woman is now removing nail polish from her nails on her left hand ,applies oil, then super glues fake nails onto her left hand and cuts the fake tipped nails into a pointed shape.The woman then opens up a small container of red thick liquid, takes a paint brush and applies it to her fake pointy tipped nails and applies a few coats onto each fake tipped nail, then once the red is dried she then applies flesh colored thick liquid over the entire nail include the red tips, shapes them, files,sands them down, then brushes off the powder with a brush.The woman then paints the top of the nails with a clear coat, then turns the nails over and paints the underside as well and puts her two hands together to show how it looks on the underside as well as the topside. The woman is now showing a close up of her face as she shows the near her face, then holds up a MAC lipstick that's named \"Russian Red\" and she applies it to her lips then smiles and shows of her newly done nails and lips by showing it at a few angles, and then finishing with still shot pictures and the word Shio on the last still shot.", "segments": [[0, 9.34], [9.34, 17.51], [17.51, 53.69], [53.69, 163.4], [163.4, 190.25], [190.25, 233.43]], "duration": 233.43, "id": 6943}, {"image_id": "v_tAleUKVZCD8.mp4", "caption": "Two teams play ice hockey the white team scores, and people in the bleaches cheers, then the red teams scores for his team, then they continue playing. The white team scores and players hug each other, the crowd applauds. After the red team score. The players go to dressing rooms in the half time. Then, the players continue playing and the red team scores and wins the competition.", "segments": [[0, 53.9], [54.59, 64.82], [64.82, 71.64], [72.33, 73.69], [74.37, 133.73]], "duration": 136.46, "id": 6944}, {"image_id": "v_iGXUvIRX77c.mp4", "caption": "People are playing the drums in a room. They begin marching back and forth in the room. A person in the back is playing the symbols.", "segments": [[0, 91.53], [2.75, 91.53], [36.16, 37.07]], "duration": 91.53, "id": 6945}, {"image_id": "v_DRWMUsADKFM.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a room and leads into a room rubbing paper down and putting a box in the middle. The woman wraps the box up in paper and pushing in the sides. She tapes up the sides and uses a ribbon to tie the box up and ends by unwrapping it and showing what's inside.", "segments": [[0.92, 56.74], [54.91, 128.11], [127.2, 181.19]], "duration": 183.02, "id": 6946}, {"image_id": "v_kPbae85fofk.mp4", "caption": "People including security guards are standing behind a fence in a mall. We see a young man in a fancy jacket talk and throw darts across the room. The man stops throwing and ducks down for a moment then continues to throw. A lady wipes something off the mans face and the man and his entourage begin to leave the area.", "segments": [[0, 107.49], [21.83, 91.81], [81.18, 88.45], [105.25, 111.97]], "duration": 111.97, "id": 6947}, {"image_id": "v_-ySxFjhhK4Y.mp4", "caption": "We see a man preparing and throwing shotput. We see a man running to measure the distance. We see a man standing and measure. We see people in the crowd cheering. We see the people in the bleachers again. We zoom in as the player walks away.", "segments": [[0, 152.37], [8.38, 11.43], [73.9, 77.71], [85.33, 88.37], [143.99, 147.8], [149.32, 152.37]], "duration": 152.37, "id": 6948}, {"image_id": "v_pQof_-tUNtY.mp4", "caption": "We see a box on fabric. A person wraps the box in the fabric and ties it up. We see the person wrap to bottles in the fabric together. They then put two bottles in a bag and tie it. We then see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 2.25], [2.25, 49.6], [48.85, 88.68], [89.43, 135.27], [136.78, 150.3]], "duration": 150.3, "id": 6949}, {"image_id": "v_hZD-CjWt0Rg.mp4", "caption": "A player's stats show on the screen. Montages of several indoor soccer games show. The stats of the player are shown again.", "segments": [[0, 5.85], [5.85, 161.24], [161.24, 167.09]], "duration": 167.09, "id": 6950}, {"image_id": "v_5kCv4zwc7-I.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a blue shirt holds up a pack of fake finger nails. She sticks them onto her finger nails. She is showing her finger nails to the camera.", "segments": [[11.65, 12.48], [39.95, 53.27], [135.67, 142.33]], "duration": 166.46, "id": 6951}, {"image_id": "v_kgmcYBRYkAk.mp4", "caption": "A boy in red overalls is playing hopscotch. A woman walks behind him and sits down. The boy finishes and reaches for the person filming.", "segments": [[0, 14.4], [1.13, 14.4], [15.37, 16.18]], "duration": 16.18, "id": 6952}, {"image_id": "v_yfikZ4E_uko.mp4", "caption": "Liquid is shown being poured into a bowl, followed by a person slicing up a pineapple and apple and mixing them into a bowl. The person then cuts up more fruits and adds it to the bowl and mixes it all around together to create a fruit bowl.", "segments": [[0, 60.41], [44.68, 125.85]], "duration": 125.85, "id": 6953}, {"image_id": "v_lb-TlBtrKcU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is outside in a large green field talking,holding up a bow and arrow in front of a white paper with a large target.Before she begins,she assembles the bow in the arrow and hits the board.She then demonstrates the proper way to put the bow in their again and how you should hold the arrow before releasing it.After,a row of people are shown and they all begin to shoot their bows and arrows.", "segments": [[0, 68.62], [68.62, 114.7], [114.7, 157.71], [157.71, 204.82]], "duration": 204.82, "id": 6954}, {"image_id": "v_KwY8nf4MqR4.mp4", "caption": "A small boy wearing a blue and yellow hoodie and gray sweat pants in standing in an outdoor tennis court. He is holding a blue racket as he bounces the yellow and orange tennis ball on the court. He starts with his first serve where the ball hits the net. Then he takes another ball, bounces it and serves again. The ball goes over the net and falls on the other side of the court. He gets another ball for the third time and drops it off his hands while trying to serve.", "segments": [[1.02, 2.88], [2.88, 10.35], [10.35, 19.17], [19.17, 26.29], [26.29, 31.55], [31.55, 33.92]], "duration": 33.93, "id": 6955}, {"image_id": "v_oTsTx2BhtgY.mp4", "caption": "We see the title on a black background. We see a knife and sharpener and a man holding them. We see the man cut a tomato and paper. The person uses a sharpens and then cuts the tomato, and paper easily. Sharpen a different knife and cuts a tomato and shows us the sharpener. We see the ending credits for the video.", "segments": [[0, 9.23], [9.23, 40.62], [43.39, 69.24], [71.09, 121.87], [125.56, 174.49], [175.41, 184.65]], "duration": 184.65, "id": 6956}, {"image_id": "v_sY8TfKQHe5w.mp4", "caption": "A commercial advertising a pumpkin cutter, a pumpkin knife, and a pumpkin light is shown using a family of two boys and one mother preparing pumpkins for the demonstration. A little boy is shown using a pumpkin cutter to cut faces into a pumpkin. The boy is then shown scooping out a pumpkin using a pumpkin scoop. A boy is then shown placing a pumpkin light inside of a pumpkin as the mother leans in and smiles between the two boys and the finished pumpkins which now have carved faces with glowing lights inside.", "segments": [[0.56, 26.34], [3.24, 7.04], [11.41, 13.8], [13.8, 23.1]], "duration": 28.17, "id": 6957}, {"image_id": "v_K1z2fiB9pUM.mp4", "caption": "Dozens of people are seen riding up a large, dusty hill while the camera pans around people riding on dirt bikes. The people ride all along the path while several others watch on the side and follow the riders as the continue riding along the track.", "segments": [[1.01, 119.25], [108.13, 202.12]], "duration": 202.12, "id": 6958}, {"image_id": "v__sgg_QEjcEE.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears with red and white letters on it that say \"DISCUS THROW Example of CORRECTION of a DELIVERY PROBLEM for a beginner\". A young lady is now standing on a concrete circle and she begins swinging her red discus, then swings her body and then throws it.A black screen appears with white letters that say \"Out of several faults we select ONE problem\", and the video continues to show the problem and words appear on the screen to explain them.The same young lady is now standing in a different area holding a hand towel as she practices her swings and words on the screen give tips.The girl is back on the concrete circle swinging her disc and she then throws the disc. A black screen appears again with red and white words that say \"OTHER SIMILAR EXERCISES ON THE SAME IDEA: FOCUS ON THE LOW POINT OF THE IMPLEMENT TRAJECTORY. A boy is now standing on the concrete circle and he's practicing his swings with a shirt. A man is now indoors and he's practicing his swings with a golf club. The outro screen is mainly white with a black design on it and the name of the company and a person.", "segments": [[0, 4.34], [4.34, 21.68], [21.68, 52.04], [52.04, 62.88], [62.88, 75.35], [75.35, 79.68], [79.68, 92.69], [92.69, 104.62], [104.62, 108.41]], "duration": 108.41, "id": 6959}, {"image_id": "v_5WCgpt2bEJw.mp4", "caption": "A man sets a timer on a table. He then tries to solver a color block puzzle. He finishes the puzzle in only slightly over 8 seconds.", "segments": [[0, 1.53], [1.93, 13.1], [13.42, 16.07]], "duration": 16.07, "id": 6960}, {"image_id": "v_aKvCtSitxJY.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing with a hula hoop in her hand. The girl talks to the camera. The girl demonstrates the hula hoop. The girl drops the hula hoop and poses.", "segments": [[0, 13.45], [9.61, 27.38], [21.61, 52.35], [49.47, 96.06]], "duration": 96.06, "id": 6961}, {"image_id": "v_1AEZ9fDDkz4.mp4", "caption": "A line of bikers prepare for a dirt bike race. They take off, racing over hills and around sharp corners, some falling off their bikes and kicking it angrily.", "segments": [[0, 51.1], [51.57, 94.62]], "duration": 94.62, "id": 6962}, {"image_id": "v_DbuQn8EOJx0.mp4", "caption": "A boy sits in a room and talks to a camera while holding a demonstrating how to use an electronic cigarette. The boy unscrews the cigarette to reveal the inside mechanism. The boy puts the cigarette back together and begins to smoke it as a woman walks by in the background, and then he continues to talk to the camera.", "segments": [[1.04, 100.18], [12.52, 26.61], [26.61, 102.26]], "duration": 104.35, "id": 6963}, {"image_id": "v_Zso0ZBs2y6E.mp4", "caption": "Close ups of fabric are shown and leads to a man putting them on a wall and a woman speaking to a great of men. A person lays out paper on a table and shows the men how to properly put wallpaper on. A man then speaks to the camera and ends with information being presented and the man putting down more paper.", "segments": [[0, 55.04], [51.43, 136.23], [134.43, 180.44]], "duration": 180.44, "id": 6964}, {"image_id": "v_0K1SrDmREzs.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is seen standing in a circle moving in a slow motion holding a discuss. She then spins herself around while holding the object and then throwing it off the distance.", "segments": [[0, 30.25], [27.89, 52.62]], "duration": 52.62, "id": 6965}, {"image_id": "v_BOckSaGr-uI.mp4", "caption": "A man in gray shirt is sitting on a chair.The man is pointing an empty canvas with his brush as he continue to talk. The man hold out his brush, dip the brush on the colors and began painting on the bigger canvas.", "segments": [[0, 31.17], [18.97, 115.19], [91.47, 135.51]], "duration": 135.51, "id": 6966}, {"image_id": "v_7WfF6FrZEuU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen smiling and speaking to the camera. Another man is seen sitting behind her with another man in front. The woman continues speaking while the man in front cleans the other's shoes.", "segments": [[0, 5.97], [6.34, 25.88], [22.99, 35.11]], "duration": 36.2, "id": 6967}, {"image_id": "v_RfXFS9fy-mI.mp4", "caption": "People are playing soccer in an indoor arena. They shoot and make a goal into the net. The players hug on the court.", "segments": [[0, 50.05], [21.52, 25.03], [23.78, 28.03]], "duration": 50.05, "id": 6968}, {"image_id": "v_7uE2pMuAM8I.mp4", "caption": "A person polish a shoe with a wrapped finger. Then, the person grabs polish paste and water to polish the shoe. After, the person put a drop of water on the shoe and continues polishing.", "segments": [[0, 11.22], [11.51, 39.56], [39.86, 59.05]], "duration": 59.05, "id": 6969}, {"image_id": "v_0h45uztur-o.mp4", "caption": "Wrapped presents are being shown lined up. A person is rolling out wrapping paper and using a ruler to hold it down. A box is set on top of the wrapping paper. The person begins wrapping the present. They are cutting the paper. They continue wrapping the present. They use tape to hold the paper on. They fold tissue paper to wrap around the middle of the box. They wrap curling ribbon around the box and tie it into a bow. The use the scissors to curl the ends of the bow. They stick a silver flower into the present.", "segments": [[0, 10.32], [12.04, 19.77], [19.77, 23.21], [23.21, 35.25], [32.67, 35.25], [36.11, 49.86], [48.14, 49.86], [79.09, 104.03], [109.18, 133.26], [138.41, 146.15], [148.73, 162.49]], "duration": 171.94, "id": 6970}, {"image_id": "v_w6kBE7BHHeU.mp4", "caption": "This is a video for arm wrestling tips. A screen with caption is shown describing the video. There are two men at an arm wrestling table a man in a white t-shirt and glasses is informing on how to properly prepare for an arm wrestling match with stance, arm position, finger position, wrist placement, body position, body and arm movement. Another black screen appears with captions. The man in the white t-shirt shows several ways to stand during an arm wrestling match with both feet on the ground and wrapping one leg around the arm wrestling table. Another black screen appears with caption about finding arm wrestling clubs. The man in the glasses while still at the arm wrestling table with the other man gives a website address and social media sites. The screen goes black and there are credits rolling followed by a company name.", "segments": [[0, 176.8], [0, 6.51], [6.51, 127.48], [127.48, 131.21], [132.14, 153.54], [157.26, 159.12], [160.05, 176.8], [177.73, 186.11]], "duration": 186.11, "id": 6971}, {"image_id": "v_sBx1HvNjs6s.mp4", "caption": "A bald man is talking and two pictures of a young male with nice hair flashes on the screen. The man then begins to work with a mannequin head that has a similar hairstyle as the boy in the pictures and he shows how the haircut was achieved while buzzing, cutting, combing and finger combing the hair. A black screen with white letters appear and they read \"Thanks for wathing! Please subscribe!!\".", "segments": [[0, 14.66], [14.66, 147.35], [147.35, 154.3]], "duration": 154.3, "id": 6972}, {"image_id": "v_y-HkIwa-jWM.mp4", "caption": "An older man passes a ball to a group of small kids and eventually kicks the ball. The man runs as other kids run and runs all the way to home plate. A woman runs in front of the base with the ball and the man trips over her. He helps her up as they both.", "segments": [[1.04, 8.98], [9.39, 28.6], [28.18, 34.44], [34.65, 41.75]], "duration": 41.75, "id": 6973}, {"image_id": "v_oN_5o1t_Lvk.mp4", "caption": "A girl demonstrates several advanced dance, and gymnastic moves in many different locations throughout a city. A girl stands on a grass covered field and paved sidewalk and performs several gymnastic flips and cheerleading moves. The girl then returns to the grass and does several more advanced backflips. The girl advances to a wooden walkway and performs dance moves and performs a walking handstand in another location. The video finally ends with the girl performing dance moves in a tunnel and sidewalk.", "segments": [[2.18, 203.39], [10.88, 64.17], [64.17, 138.13], [94.63, 185.99], [185.99, 215.36]], "duration": 217.53, "id": 6974}, {"image_id": "v_GlvfqDfvbKA.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera while seated at a drum set while another man plays drums in the background. The first man plays the drums. The first man stops playing and turns to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.51], [12.46, 75.52], [76.69, 77.86]], "duration": 77.86, "id": 6975}, {"image_id": "v_OUfVZuWyqJQ.mp4", "caption": "We see the white opening screen. A man in jump stilts throws a bag over his shoulder and leaves a bank. The man in jump stilts runs from the cops on a city street. The man pushes through a market. The man jumps over a stroller being pushed by a lady. The man jumps over a truck and over a fence losing the cops. The man runs through a skate park down a city street and up stairs. The man opens the bag and counts his cash. We see a closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 1.9], [2.14, 7.36], [9.26, 26.13], [12.11, 14.25], [14.25, 17.58], [18.77, 25.89], [26.37, 36.82], [37.06, 43.47], [43.47, 47.51]], "duration": 47.51, "id": 6976}, {"image_id": "v_9FaSaHgQSO8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are all seen riding around in bumper cars and driving around a track, bumping into one another. The people continue riding around and ends with a man and two children walking out.", "segments": [[0, 181.65], [60.55, 228.49]], "duration": 228.49, "id": 6977}, {"image_id": "v_xE5KichXWrA.mp4", "caption": "An intro shows on the screen introducing a winter throwing video. A man does spins around in a circle and completes the throw celebrating his distance. He prepares for another throw by getting himself into position. He completes the throw and prepares for another. He completes the next throw and prepares for the next. He completes the last throw and again celebrates a good distance. The video ends with text displayed on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.97], [9.97, 34.9], [34.9, 51.52], [51.52, 67.04], [67.04, 86.43], [86.43, 104.16], [104.16, 110.81]], "duration": 110.81, "id": 6978}, {"image_id": "v_Xi68dag0iGo.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in army fatigues is playing bagpipes while other people watch. A woman is shown in the background dancing around as he plays. When he is finished claim he laughs and jokes with the other people.", "segments": [[0, 138.21], [29.36, 39.39], [138.21, 143.22]], "duration": 143.22, "id": 6979}, {"image_id": "v_k5wY4N61bzU.mp4", "caption": "A still image is pictured with the words Dog Walk Across America shown over it.A middle aged couple is then shown siting on logs talking with their dogs roaming behind them and another man sitting on a big boulder rock.Then several images of dogs are shown and then the woman reappears alone.Then another set of images are shown where the dogs are being helped by vets.The man then reappears with the lady and they begin to talk again.Lastly,the man walks off and a black screen appears showing multiple websites.", "segments": [[0, 6.41], [6.41, 26.42], [26.42, 56.85], [56.05, 65.66], [65.66, 137.73], [137.73, 160.15]], "duration": 160.15, "id": 6980}, {"image_id": "v_wZeV6W1VEoM.mp4", "caption": "Some boys are inside a gym. They take turns stacking a pile of tires. After each addition, one of them jumps and stands at the top.", "segments": [[0, 7.94], [8.38, 40.58], [42.79, 88.23]], "duration": 88.23, "id": 6981}, {"image_id": "v_FGdCWm4gI3M.mp4", "caption": "A collection of skateboards lined up on a street in the upward position on their wheels and upside down on the platform. A skateboarder wearing a white helmet skates by followed by another skateboarder while the camera pans a group of skateboarder spectators watching from the street curb. A group of skateboarders perform tricks and maneuvers up and down the street. A view of a vehicle loaded with skateboards and skateboarding equipment. Another view of the skateboards lined up on the street in the upright position. Spectators watch from the street curb while a group of skateboarders take turns skating down hill and making a sharp spin stop at a designated spot.", "segments": [[0, 5.7], [5.7, 19.39], [19.39, 54.75], [54.75, 55.89], [57.03, 61.59], [60.45, 228.11]], "duration": 228.11, "id": 6982}, {"image_id": "v_s_hQSJVIN3c.mp4", "caption": "man is in a oofed gym stretching his leg and doing exercise in front of a chair. the man bend the other leg and stretch it.", "segments": [[0, 51.18], [51.88, 70.59]], "duration": 70.59, "id": 6983}, {"image_id": "v_m5YvKrjGtPM.mp4", "caption": "A man kneels to grab a weight while a man watch him. A topless fat man practice weight lift behind the man. A person lift a weight on back. Then, the man lifts the weight, after he drops the weight to the floor. Again, the man kneels again and lift the weight above his head and then drop it.", "segments": [[0, 4.7], [0, 18.4], [3.43, 6.98], [6.85, 13.58], [13.58, 25.38]], "duration": 25.38, "id": 6984}, {"image_id": "v_n9xULD7oYXc.mp4", "caption": "Two man sit at a table. The man closest to camera crochets. The man closest to camera scratches his ear.", "segments": [[0, 51.31], [0, 52.36], [41.37, 43.46]], "duration": 52.36, "id": 6985}, {"image_id": "v_7GSCDxBSFsw.mp4", "caption": "A person holds a javelin and prepares to launch it. Then, the man runs and launch the javelin.", "segments": [[0, 18.06], [18.8, 48.74]], "duration": 49.48, "id": 6986}, {"image_id": "v_htBt3oP9zuo.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to apply wallpaper to a wall. A woman holds up the various tools needed to apply wallpaper. The woman demonstrates the process before applying the paper in short demonstration segments. The woman then begins to apply the wallpaper to a wall step by step.", "segments": [[5.79, 157.95], [5.79, 27.29], [27.29, 53.75], [53.75, 165.4]], "duration": 165.4, "id": 6987}, {"image_id": "v_bqDxblFvgro.mp4", "caption": "A person's bare feet are shown walking up a flight of stairs. Then different men are shown diving in slow motion off the diving board into the water. Women and boys are also jumping, each landing in an outdoor pool.", "segments": [[0, 28.77], [28.77, 160.54], [167.04, 185.6]], "duration": 185.6, "id": 6988}, {"image_id": "v_vbWdGj1sfO8.mp4", "caption": "A female is laying on her back exercising inside of a gym. She is wearing black and pink and just looks very comfortable while she works out. She brings her arms up and her legs up to the center of her body. She does that repeatedly for a little while.", "segments": [[0, 2.1], [2.1, 4.15], [4.1, 7.14], [7.14, 11.08]], "duration": 11.08, "id": 6989}, {"image_id": "v_ruHObln9mwI.mp4", "caption": "We see a game of hockey being played. the players rush the field and start fighting. A person punches someone in the head. The coach is trying to fight another coach. A man climbs over the balcony to try and fight. The red team gathers and hugs each other.", "segments": [[0, 131.87], [5.93, 40.88], [27.03, 33.63], [42.2, 67.91], [69.23, 87.03], [100.88, 131.87]], "duration": 131.87, "id": 6990}, {"image_id": "v_BZQb9uWULOc.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting bored in a lounge. A man walks in holding a portable beer pong table. The people get excited for him. They play a few rounds of beer pong. A man holds up a ping pong ball in front of a group of people. Text appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.53], [10.53, 21.87], [21.87, 32.4], [32.4, 146.59], [147.4, 152.26], [152.26, 161.98]], "duration": 161.98, "id": 6991}, {"image_id": "v_5pqVrMgiMcs.mp4", "caption": "A skateboarder come rolling down a steep road. Skateboarders roll down the middle of public streets. The words \"Fair Oaks Longboarding\" along with credits appear over the skaters.", "segments": [[0, 8.58], [9.54, 166.93], [167.88, 190.78]], "duration": 190.78, "id": 6992}, {"image_id": "v_RatbnDSuY7w.mp4", "caption": "A man claps after performing a high jump on the field. We are shown the instant replay in slow motion a couple of times. He walks onto the field, shaking hands with his competitors.", "segments": [[0, 9.15], [9.67, 44.71], [45.76, 52.29]], "duration": 52.29, "id": 6993}, {"image_id": "v_jaaWdcA_COY.mp4", "caption": "There is a woman in a bikini walking past people with hula hoops. She goes to the grass and she begins hooping in circles, she is having a really good time dancing and hooping. Then, other people are dancing around and hooping also, doing tricks and just enjoying the day. Everyone is watching as the two girls hoop around outside of the store.", "segments": [[0, 12.68], [12.68, 49.86], [49.02, 115.78], [115.78, 169.02]], "duration": 169.02, "id": 6994}, {"image_id": "v_m0ZPQ8q4Qq4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is outside on a snowy day. She is playing hopscotch which is drawn on the driveway. She hops along each square, then turns and goes back to the beginning.", "segments": [[0, 2], [2.11, 9.17], [9.69, 11.75]], "duration": 11.75, "id": 6995}, {"image_id": "v_ae-aDWHvAGc.mp4", "caption": "Two women are shown standing behind a shuffle board table when one pushes a puck across the board. The other woman prepares her push and send it to a man standing on the other side. They push the puck several more times while the camera follows their movements.", "segments": [[0, 31.24], [24.23, 72.04], [76.5, 127.5]], "duration": 127.5, "id": 6996}, {"image_id": "v_MbEoZXWVc-I.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen hanging out around an area with several standing around a beer pong match. The people play beer pong back and fourth and a woman takes a drink in the end that is gross.", "segments": [[0, 78.57], [79.72, 114.71]], "duration": 114.71000000000001, "id": 6997}, {"image_id": "v_ZuuY0xffLYE.mp4", "caption": "The image and label of the presenter or stylist is shown. The presenter styles a female client's hair. The presenter speaks directly into the camera. The client spins slowly on a chair to present her hair. The stylist wets the client's hair. The stylist parts the clients hair. The stylist uses a brush and a blow dryer to add volume, texture and curl to the client's hair. The stylist sprays the clients hair. The stylist uses his hand to position the bangs. The stylist use his hand to add a gel product to the client hair. The client spins slowly on the chair to show of her hair style. The stylist name and credits are shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.85], [7.8, 184.21], [6.82, 9.75], [9.75, 17.54], [17.54, 42.89], [42.89, 58.48], [63.35, 110.14], [131.58, 143.28], [148.15, 156.92], [159.84, 179.34], [179.34, 185.19], [187.13, 194.93]], "duration": 194.93, "id": 6998}, {"image_id": "v_iYH0Ol3xIZU.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white asian inspired outfit stands outdoors, surrounded by trees, on the grass, and performs several slow martial arts and meditation moves. The scene begins with a bare green patch of cut grass surrounded by tall trees and a building in the background beyond the foliage. The man runs into the frame into the center of the grass, centers himself and does a leg lift followed by several slow hand movements up and down and around. The man continues to perform slow martial arts moves using feet, hands, knees, and shoulders moving around the grass patch and sometime stomping his feet on the ground.", "segments": [[0.71, 139.13], [0.71, 2.12], [2.82, 55.79], [55.79, 138.42]], "duration": 141.25, "id": 6999}, {"image_id": "v_kK9k01CtXnE.mp4", "caption": "This is a how to film on how to apply a seal to a roof. Black things are put on the side of the roof. The roof is sealed up.", "segments": [[0, 80.41], [8.44, 80.41], [55.48, 80.41]], "duration": 80.41, "id": 7000}, {"image_id": "v_MF3VcmCCgzY.mp4", "caption": "One woman and two men, wearing white pants, white shirt and black and white belts demonstrate martial arts moves, barefoot, on a large patch of grass in front of a body of water and a city scape of buildings. A woman with blonde hair in a ponytail and a black belt, demonstrates martial arts moves first exhibiting shoulder and arm moves and footwork. A man in a white belt demonstrates martial arts moves using knee bends. A third man in a black belt demonstrates martial arts moves exhibiting floor work, leg swipes and high kicks.", "segments": [[7.24, 206.81], [7.24, 22.75], [23.78, 52.74], [53.77, 206.81]], "duration": 206.81, "id": 7001}, {"image_id": "v_YcDlkZkPb6g.mp4", "caption": "A graphic shows on the screen for a website about basketball drills. Some young men on an indoor basketball court are shown doing some of the basketball drills. An older man begins explaining the drills while more footage is shown of the players demonstrating them. The screen goes black and more text reminds the viewer to visit the website for more information.", "segments": [[0, 9.37], [9.37, 19.77], [19.77, 198.78], [198.78, 208.14]], "duration": 208.14, "id": 7002}, {"image_id": "v_C26UfwZbHE0.mp4", "caption": "woman is talking to another standing in front of green lockers in a hallway, a man walks to the girls holding yellow roses on his hand. a woman walks in the hall holding a mouthwash and talking to the camera about it. woman is in front of a handwash cleaning his mouth with mouthwash. the woman is in the hall and talk to the boys and they seem impressed by her fresh breath.", "segments": [[0, 34.73], [34.73, 63.6], [63.6, 73.64], [73.64, 83.69]], "duration": 83.69, "id": 7003}, {"image_id": "v_OmlzSz6AKfI.mp4", "caption": "A child in a helmet is shown. Several other children in helmets on bikes ride off of a ramp. A man runs along side them. The cross a finish line.", "segments": [[0, 4.07], [7.8, 16.61], [12.2, 67.8], [64.75, 67.8]], "duration": 67.8, "id": 7004}, {"image_id": "v_PIr3WhkKB1o.mp4", "caption": "A special effect video clip appears with someone running on a treadmill and white words on the middle of the screen that read \"CityNews HEALTH\".A man and woman newscaster appear sitting on stools, both dressed in work attire and talking to the camera and to one another. The newscaster woman is now shown outdoors and talking to people on a beach, and clips of people sunbathing, applying suntan lotion, and different types of suntan lotions are show. The newscaster woman is now sitting on the beach, holding a bottle of suntan lotion and begins to apply lotion all over her arm. A new clip appears with the newscaster woman interviewing a Doctor, then a woman is shown sitting in a chair while the Doctor is standing up talking to her, and the banner below say's his name is \"DR PAUL COHEN DERMATOLOGIST\" and various clips of people playing in the sun play in between him talking.The newscaster woman is back indoors with the man she was shown with earlier and they end with a smile.", "segments": [[0, 4.81], [4.81, 27.49], [27.49, 57.04], [57.04, 75.59], [75.59, 118.2], [118.2, 137.44]], "duration": 137.44, "id": 7005}, {"image_id": "v_QtCNHRtycmg.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of men speaking to one another as well as riding on a dirt bike. More clips are shown of people riding around and cheering with one another. The riders continue to go around the track as well as show off jumps in the end.", "segments": [[0, 38.84], [30.52, 83.23], [79.9, 108.75]], "duration": 110.97, "id": 7006}, {"image_id": "v_8Yfm6gbKRho.mp4", "caption": "A man runs onto the field of a sporting game. Cricket players are pitched balls during a game in a large stadium. The cricket player hits a high pop fly that is caught. The cricket players pose for photos. The players all line up for a race on the adjacent track.", "segments": [[0, 5.53], [7.37, 58.49], [46.52, 58.03], [64.48, 74.61], [75.07, 92.11]], "duration": 92.11, "id": 7007}, {"image_id": "v_DBGsPnuwdnU.mp4", "caption": "People are riding bumper cars on a brown floor. A boy's red bumper car gets stuck on the column. A lady in a black jilbab waves. The lady bumper car collides with a man's. A guy walks across the brown floor.", "segments": [[0, 29], [3.91, 8.84], [15.51, 15.95], [21.46, 21.6], [27.11, 29]], "duration": 29.0, "id": 7008}, {"image_id": "v_PDEUAMa8aOU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen putting products into a woman's hair followed by blow drying her hair and brushing it down. The person then cuts the woman's hair several inches while moving slower in the end.", "segments": [[0, 60.82], [45.78, 125.41]], "duration": 125.41, "id": 7009}, {"image_id": "v_Z-6dR4H2dns.mp4", "caption": "a group of models are gathered at a car wash. Cars pull in, and the woman are using soap to soap down the cars. They then rinse and wipe the cars clean.", "segments": [[0, 19.16], [22.36, 99.8], [113.38, 159.68]], "duration": 159.68, "id": 7010}, {"image_id": "v_e8w3gmiv-mM.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is playing on the jungle gym while a man talks to him and records. He goes up the stairs and slides down the slide several times. When he is done he goes over and hugs a lady in a wheelchair.", "segments": [[0, 133.7], [4.46, 133.7], [133.7, 148.55]], "duration": 148.55, "id": 7011}, {"image_id": "v_2Mj26IwwEiY.mp4", "caption": "There's a home improvement specialist demonstrating how to remove wallpaper from walls. He starts of by preparing the space by moving furniture away from the walls and covering the furniture with plastic sheets for protection. He also removes the window treatments from windows. He shows how to take precautionary measures with respect to electrical wiring and switches and circuits. Then he shows how to use fans to ventilate the room. He takes a scour and begins to scour the wall paper. He uses a paint roller to soak the wall paper for easy removal. He then demonstrates how steam can be used too to loosen the wall paper. Then he begins to slowly peel off the paper from the wall. He re-wets the surface and uses a flat tool to remove any stubborn wall paper. He finally uses a sponge and soap water to clean the wall to remove any residual wall paper. He shows how to apply primer to prep the wall for painting. Information on how to use these techniques is provided on the Lowe's company website.", "segments": [[11.61, 16.89], [16.89, 26.38], [26.38, 37.99], [37.99, 45.38], [45.38, 55.93], [55.93, 63.32], [63.32, 83.37], [83.37, 109.76], [109.76, 132.97], [132.97, 155.14], [155.14, 169.91], [169.91, 186.8], [186.8, 194.18]], "duration": 211.07, "id": 7012}, {"image_id": "v_EFtxSXp1pck.mp4", "caption": "chef is sanding in front of a coutner with chopped ingredients in different plates and talking to the camera. man spray oil on the pan and add the mix of the eggs and the vegetables. man is standing in the kitchen talking to the camera giving a recipe.", "segments": [[0, 55.08], [55.08, 220.34], [0, 220.34]], "duration": 220.34, "id": 7013}, {"image_id": "v_tl2hDYGBfqU.mp4", "caption": "A \"Finale Coppa Italia\" beach soccer title screen appears featuring Sambenedettese and Catania. Men play professional soccer on a beach near the water. Players on the field celebrate a victory and pose for a photo.", "segments": [[0, 6.83], [7.96, 152.43], [153.57, 227.51]], "duration": 227.51, "id": 7014}, {"image_id": "v_ZdwkA72VMKE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are shuffling brooms across a floor with another pulling it on a string. One man follows behind and the two shuffling eventually move the puck into a hole. The three men cheer with each other and give each other big hugs.", "segments": [[0, 10.31], [1.21, 11.76], [14.1, 16.12]], "duration": 16.12, "id": 7015}, {"image_id": "v_K1_g97xCqKg.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with a closeup of a tire in an auto shop. The cameraman uses his hand to show a specific spot on the tire and zooms in closer. The man puts down the camera and begins working on the tire. He grabs the camera again to show different screws. The video ends showing both sides of the tire.", "segments": [[0, 11.56], [11.05, 33.16], [35.67, 57.78], [57.28, 75.36], [80.39, 100.49]], "duration": 100.49000000000001, "id": 7016}, {"image_id": "v_fT7dpRY0DTo.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans over the walls of a shower stall. A man plasters and installs tiles on the wall. The man talks to the camera. The man applies grout to the gaps between the tiles. The man measures and cuts a tile for installation in the shower. The man installs the soap dish. Scrolling text is shown on a blue screen.", "segments": [[5.54, 17.31], [18, 45.7], [45.01, 72.01], [72.7, 86.55], [86.55, 102.48], [102.48, 119.79], [120.48, 138.48]], "duration": 138.48, "id": 7017}, {"image_id": "v_wfUKi83iJCU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are showering in an outside shower. People are playing water polo in the water. They get out of the water and are walking next to the pool.", "segments": [[0, 25.01], [25.59, 95.95], [96.54, 116.31]], "duration": 116.31, "id": 7018}, {"image_id": "v_zrwpgILg7VI.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are in a mall and are watching people set up an area with a large black floor and a large black wall. Suddenly there are lit up people wearing light suits that are dancing on the black area and they change from 1-7 people, and alternate suit colors from white, then to red and then back to white again.Their light suits go out and the dance is over.", "segments": [[0, 29.56], [29.56, 155.01], [155.01, 159.8]], "duration": 159.79, "id": 7019}, {"image_id": "v_1oaJBEdY6ao.mp4", "caption": "A man driving a moving tractor steps around and looks towards the front. He begins moving again on the machine cutting the grass and steering the instrument. A man on a bike looks onward and laughs and the man eventually steps off.", "segments": [[0, 8.84], [8.05, 28.29], [28.68, 39.29]], "duration": 39.29, "id": 7020}, {"image_id": "v_nLddpveoSHE.mp4", "caption": "A tattooo artist is shown, interspersed with the artists speaking to the camera, giving tattoos. They show various images of their finished work coupled with actiively injecting ink and making designs.", "segments": [[0, 34.62], [37.54, 72.89]], "duration": 72.89, "id": 7021}, {"image_id": "v_g3InHLh678M.mp4", "caption": "A boy is walking across the stage with helmet and sword. The boy meets another boy where baby faces are shown on their faces. A man showing I'm bald words is above his head. The boys separate as question marks appear over their heads. A description of the video is shown. The boy s continue to spar across the stage. Pretend quotes are shown over their head and they continue to spar. The boy on the left turns into flames and they set back up and continue to spar. The stage lights up green and they separate and come back to spar. The stage lights up blue as silly quotes appear over the boy on the rights head.", "segments": [[0, 11.82], [11.82, 15.76], [15.76, 23.08], [23.08, 27.02], [27.02, 43.35], [43.35, 56.86], [56.86, 69.25], [69.25, 90.07], [90.07, 103.02], [103.02, 112.59]], "duration": 112.59, "id": 7022}, {"image_id": "v__B3Q8bTJWG4.mp4", "caption": "A man rides a horse into an arena. He jumps off the horse and ties a calf. He stands up and gets back on his horse. Two people come and lay the calf down on the arena.", "segments": [[0, 13.6], [13.6, 23.52], [22.67, 36.56], [44.21, 56.68]], "duration": 56.68, "id": 7023}, {"image_id": "v_H5TETCI731k.mp4", "caption": "A man talks indoors, then a lady talks in a field while girls runs on her side. The lady talks with girls who plays a game hitting a ball with a stick. Girls take turns to talk, while other players practice shooting balls to the goal and display the city of Baltimore, the players of the Ravens and the roads of the city.", "segments": [[3.03, 18.79], [18.79, 57.57], [57.57, 119.39]], "duration": 121.21, "id": 7024}, {"image_id": "v_8Ztw2YrUHRE.mp4", "caption": "A group of individuals are performing at a Holiday Baton Recital.The girls continue dancing,moving up and down and twirling the baton.The lights begin to flicker and the girls form a straight line in the back of the stage.During the recital,the girls do the same routine but instead of a horizontal line form a vertical one.Once they are done,they move towards the back of the stage and dance off behind the curtains.", "segments": [[0, 9.71], [9.71, 28.31], [28.31, 58.25], [58.25, 107.6], [107.6, 161.8]], "duration": 161.8, "id": 7025}, {"image_id": "v_pwPid8YHHpU.mp4", "caption": "A man puts on a matador outfit in a room. A matador fights with a bowl using a red cape in a stadium. Boys practice using the red cape together in the arena. People get autographs from the matador and are seen on the street interviewing about the event. The bull runs and charges aft the matador from a distance. The matador cheers to the crowd with his back facing the bull.", "segments": [[0, 7.55], [12.28, 188.85], [50.04, 64.21], [94.42, 115.2], [162.41, 169.02], [185.07, 188.85]], "duration": 188.85, "id": 7026}, {"image_id": "v_fxyqt18d-jo.mp4", "caption": "A man, in black t-shirt, stands alone in a kitchen, talks to a camera in an animated way and prepares a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The man holds up a jar of peanut butter and a bottle of jelly after pulling out two pieces of bread while standing in front of a kitchen countertop. The man puts jelly and peanut butter on the bread. The man bites into the sandwich, begins talking again, slams the sandwich down on a plate and walks off.", "segments": [[0.53, 103.45], [8.4, 33.08], [43.06, 76.14], [87.7, 104.5]], "duration": 105.02000000000001, "id": 7027}, {"image_id": "v_RZ8r5B69CLY.mp4", "caption": "People are shown on a volleyball court as they warm up. The girls volley the ball back and forth over the net. They try to keep the ball from their opponents as the game truly begins.", "segments": [[0, 28.27], [34.56, 57.6], [59.17, 104.72]], "duration": 104.72, "id": 7028}, {"image_id": "v_c1Gby2EHBzs.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a stick in his hands and speaking to the camera. The man attempts several times to hit the ball followed by him picking it up and hitting it off into the distance.", "segments": [[0.31, 10.25], [7.43, 20.4]], "duration": 20.92, "id": 7029}, {"image_id": "v_V9xuy-rVj9w.mp4", "caption": "A group of men and boys are on a snow capped hill. They lob snowballs and ride the cars, then they ski down the hill. They are shown skiing and performing many tricks, spinning and flipping as they go.", "segments": [[0, 17.43], [18.4, 149.13], [150.1, 193.68]], "duration": 193.68, "id": 7030}, {"image_id": "v_Z9o_h64qVeo.mp4", "caption": "We see a boy playing an accordion. The boy slides his hand across the keys. A piece of paper enters the scene on the lower right. The boy finishes and the screen goes black.", "segments": [[0, 165.49], [53.78, 58.75], [145.63, 163.83], [163.01, 165.49]], "duration": 165.49, "id": 7031}, {"image_id": "v_Y_slRMRs18I.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clips are shown. The hand drills a hole with an electric tool. The hand screws two nail into holes with an electric tool. The person leaves with the electric tool.", "segments": [[0, 8.98], [9.37, 18.94], [19.33, 31.05], [34.17, 35.35]], "duration": 39.06, "id": 7032}, {"image_id": "v_U0jlI70N_DQ.mp4", "caption": "Several kids are in a pool playing a game of water polo. One of the girls gets the ball and makes a shot into the net as the crowd cheers. The game resets and the teams begin to play again.", "segments": [[0, 103.79], [3.11, 20.76], [20.76, 103.79]], "duration": 103.78999999999999, "id": 7033}, {"image_id": "v_yqBRp0txs-c.mp4", "caption": "Two men are shown speaking at a party playing pong with two other men. The men keep getting the balls into the cups back and fourth and one jumps on the back of the other.", "segments": [[0, 17.94], [17.65, 59.82]], "duration": 59.82, "id": 7034}, {"image_id": "v_crz2vi_dguk.mp4", "caption": "A sink is covered in filth. A bottle is held up to the camera. The water runs over a sponge. The solution is poured on the sponge and the sink is cleaned.", "segments": [[0, 102.62], [15.52, 27.6], [31.91, 50.02], [44.84, 172.48]], "duration": 172.48, "id": 7035}, {"image_id": "v_LLLuBjEVHI8.mp4", "caption": "A teenage boy wearing a white shirt and black track pants is shooting hoops in an outdoor basketball court. There are a few cones arranged around the court. The boy continues running, dribbling and shooting hoops with the basketball. He hits a shot and makes a basket and then stops playing.", "segments": [[4.28, 18.03], [18.03, 32.9], [32.9, 41.46], [41.46, 45.07]], "duration": 45.07, "id": 7036}, {"image_id": "v_f9eW4rFQG-A.mp4", "caption": "A map is shown and then two large fish are shown in the water as a bird floats across the water.Two men are on a boat and they are sailing across the water over fish.An underwater view is then shown and you can see the bottom of the ducks body.Several men and boats are then shown and one mail catches a fish.After, a man dressed in all black is underwater and a water helicopter is shown then the man goes back under water holding the camera and playing with large fish.More are shown and males continue to jump off the boat, and show their findings underwater and dumping water on themselves and another map is shown.", "segments": [[0, 1.95], [1.95, 44.93], [42.98, 89.86], [89.86, 119.16], [119.16, 158.23], [157.26, 195.35]], "duration": 195.35, "id": 7037}, {"image_id": "v_lvd2InghJOo.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing racquetball . The ball comes around behind the players. They resume playing and jumping. The ball again gets by the players. The man in yellow restarts a new match. The man in blue walks to the window and messes with a sticker. The man in yellow tries to restart a new match. The man in blue hits the ball in the corner and it rolls back. They start another round of racquetball.", "segments": [[0, 16.45], [16.45, 19.08], [19.08, 26.98], [26.98, 28.3], [28.3, 70.41], [70.41, 76.33], [76.33, 101.34], [101.34, 107.92], [107.92, 131.61]], "duration": 131.61, "id": 7038}, {"image_id": "v_rLCRgksVNE8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is getting her nose pierced. The nose is cleaned before the piercing. She talks to the camera. The man pierces her nose.", "segments": [[0, 113.55], [0, 6.25], [39.17, 44.85], [44.28, 113.55]], "duration": 113.55, "id": 7039}, {"image_id": "v_Ha5KU-pp4gk.mp4", "caption": "A scenery of a residence is shown. A man appears from behind a hedge and he's holding a lime green hedge cutter and he begins to go around his hedges and starts cutting away at them first at the top, then he concentrates on the sides and towards the bottom.The man then moves his hedge cutter and concentrates on the top of the hedges.", "segments": [[0, 3.22], [3.22, 32.18], [32.18, 80.46]], "duration": 80.46000000000001, "id": 7040}, {"image_id": "v_i7rJN34TruM.mp4", "caption": "Four people are seen hitting a ball around a gymnasium back and fourth off the wall with a tennis racket. The men continue playing with one another and end by shaking hands with each other.", "segments": [[0.69, 22.76], [18.85, 44.37]], "duration": 45.98, "id": 7041}, {"image_id": "v_ODW0I_ITug0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of the camera holding onto a set of bagpipes. The man then begins playing the instrument in front of the camera. The man continues to play while taking breaks here and there and showing text in the end.", "segments": [[0, 52.73], [62.31, 148.59], [138.04, 188.85]], "duration": 191.73, "id": 7042}, {"image_id": "v_L2jO-evVIRE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen raking leaves around a lawn while three dogs stand near her and hold toys. The woman continues raking as the dog roam around her with toys and she gradually picks them up and throws them for the dogs.", "segments": [[0, 28.31], [21.78, 60.36]], "duration": 62.22, "id": 7043}, {"image_id": "v_HafSt7EDin0.mp4", "caption": "A basketball is focused on as it sits on a grass. Then it zooms out and a small girl is standing at the beginning of a hopscotch written in chalk, and a man is standing at the end and he throws a piece of chalk her way, it breaks, he hops to pick it up, she picks up the other piece and returns it to the chalk container off to the side. The girl returns to the beginning of the hopscotch and takes her turn, and they go back and forth and play taking turns jumping up and down the hopscotch.", "segments": [[0, 2.68], [2.68, 22.34], [22.34, 178.75]], "duration": 178.75, "id": 7044}, {"image_id": "v_b_iUgvzb1-0.mp4", "caption": "A woman bends forward extending her left left arm on front and raising her leg up while having the right hand over her shoulder. Then, the woman turns to the left and throw a ball and spin her body.", "segments": [[0, 27.56], [27.56, 44.1]], "duration": 44.1, "id": 7045}, {"image_id": "v_4kNx9rVwmAg.mp4", "caption": "A woman leads a class of boys and girl in exercise. They use steppers to jump up and down, and side to side. Then they run in place, hopping on and off the steppers. They slow down, cooling off before clapping.", "segments": [[0, 28.79], [29.75, 81.56], [82.52, 171.76], [175.6, 191.91]], "duration": 191.91, "id": 7046}, {"image_id": "v_qHu0fz_anTQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing at a table with a pile of scissors and supplies. She demonstrates how to cut cellophane and wrap it around a gift. She ties a string around the gift, showing off the final product.", "segments": [[0, 26.58], [30.29, 113.73], [114.97, 123.62]], "duration": 123.62, "id": 7047}, {"image_id": "v_CikGafc6H_8.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys are lined up, playing the drums. A couple of teams are inside the pool. They are playing a game of water polo.", "segments": [[0, 43.85], [49.57, 163.01], [167.78, 190.66]], "duration": 190.66, "id": 7048}, {"image_id": "v_asM7fbK_F-U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to someone off camera and leads into herself playing the drums. Another man steps into frame and begins playing the drums with a woman. A small child appears in front a bit grabbing onto the woman while she and the man still play drums.", "segments": [[0, 47.47], [27.85, 91.78], [86.72, 126.6]], "duration": 126.6, "id": 7049}, {"image_id": "v_wOZdXVdiB04.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen playing dodgeball against one another and throwing the ball back and fourth. Many people watch the game on the sidelines as people continue to play while some fall and walk in and out of frame.", "segments": [[0, 109.61], [34.29, 134.49]], "duration": 134.49, "id": 7050}, {"image_id": "v_9LhMNDcFW_k.mp4", "caption": "An Asian woman is standing while holding a card that has gold BYN letters on the back of it. A clip begins to play and it shows various men in a large field playing croquet while spectators look on. A young man is then presented with a large silver cup that is handed to him by an older man.", "segments": [[0, 5.14], [5.14, 83.07], [83.07, 85.64]], "duration": 85.64, "id": 7051}, {"image_id": "v_goH-zdx5urM.mp4", "caption": "A woman lies on her back doing abs. The woman raises her kneed to the chest and pull the head with her hands. Then, the woman stops and a dog approach to her.", "segments": [[0.46, 18.89], [6.14, 7.74], [19.23, 22.76]], "duration": 22.76, "id": 7052}, {"image_id": "v__LAABOgXU1s.mp4", "caption": "A man is taking a tire off a hub with a tool. He then puts the tire on top of the tool to finish taking it off.", "segments": [[0, 69.38], [70.03, 129.68]], "duration": 129.68, "id": 7053}, {"image_id": "v_BiIIco4EC2U.mp4", "caption": "A blindfolded man is seen sitting at a table with a timer coming on next to him attempting to solve a rubix cube. The man finishes the cube and timer stops while a person standing next to him records his time. Another man is seen walking around in the background while the camera pans around to more people solving cubes.", "segments": [[0, 90.04], [90.94, 114.35], [118.85, 180.07]], "duration": 180.07, "id": 7054}, {"image_id": "v_uGVkH6PjXLs.mp4", "caption": "A young lady is standing in a field of dirt with an ax in her hand attempting to cut down a log.The girl is not successful in her first attempt so she picks the log back up and tries again.", "segments": [[0, 17.12], [17.93, 32.3]], "duration": 32.3, "id": 7055}, {"image_id": "v_9hYyE1gofFQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl is shown on the gymnastics floor preparing to do a baton routine. The routine begins as she starts to dance around the floor and twirl her batons. The routine ends an she runs off the stage as the crowd cheers.", "segments": [[0, 42.75], [42.75, 161.78], [161.78, 167.65]], "duration": 167.65, "id": 7056}, {"image_id": "v_IucYlH_gAic.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen moving themselves along the water while also being shown in slow motion. The person pushes themselves under the water and continues moving underneath. The camera captures the man from several angles.", "segments": [[1.92, 26.27], [16.02, 43.56], [35.24, 61.82]], "duration": 64.06, "id": 7057}, {"image_id": "v_b7_ok8iTlT8.mp4", "caption": "There are distant view shots of areas around Los Angeles, Hollywood, and surrounding areas. A man then talks behind a table full of ingredients and cooking utensils. The man then shows off some of his vegetables and ingredients and smells them. He starts cooking by squeezing a lemon into a bowl of soaked vegetables. Then, he puts onions, lemon juice, pepper, oil, which he smells, and some other vegetables on a plate. He then shreds cheese onto a place with a shredder. He puts the shredded cheese onto the original plate. After, he picks some herbs and places them on a plate. He then adds salt and more pepper to the original plate. He then talks about a bottle of oil and adds some to the original plate. He also adds a different type of oil to the plate. There are then different clips and angles of the finished food plate.", "segments": [[0, 5.85], [8.36, 29.26], [30.09, 53.5], [30.09, 65.2], [65.2, 106.16], [109.51, 114.52], [114.52, 117.03], [117.86, 123.72], [125.39, 130.4], [133.75, 142.94], [143.78, 149.63], [152.97, 167.18]], "duration": 167.18, "id": 7058}, {"image_id": "v_bJ1vEQKX-hE.mp4", "caption": "A man completes a large set of push-ups and then introduces the concepts of dodgeball. A graphic is shown of the court. The two teams line up to play against one another. The concepts of ruling people out and blocking the ball are introduced. The teams congratulate each other, showing sportsmanship. More rules are shown on the screen, highlighting player safety.", "segments": [[0, 17.23], [22.61, 29.07], [30.14, 47.37], [87.2, 123.81], [161.49, 174.41], [177.64, 207.78]], "duration": 215.32, "id": 7059}, {"image_id": "v_pxfc6AIPrig.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen in several different shots performing tricks along the water while others ride around him. The man continues to perform tricks along the water and ends with the video fading to black.", "segments": [[0, 53.36], [48.16, 94.44]], "duration": 94.44, "id": 7060}, {"image_id": "v_twQbAuWVxlU.mp4", "caption": "A green figures walks down the street. An endless stream of other green figures appear. Each of the figures is walking a dog. The clip seems to be a loop.", "segments": [[0, 19.67], [0.49, 19.67], [1.67, 19.67], [2.26, 19.67]], "duration": 19.67, "id": 7061}, {"image_id": "v_icGrJ2XBxa0.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in kayaks on a river. They are rowing their oars. People are standing on the beach with medals around their necks.", "segments": [[0, 41.68], [21.43, 41.68], [43.16, 59.54]], "duration": 59.54, "id": 7062}, {"image_id": "v_Nq6cd5Xue9Q.mp4", "caption": "We see a man running on a track. The man uses a long stick to perform a long jump. We then see the man attempt and fail the long jump repeatedly. We see the man's shirt get stuck on the pole.", "segments": [[0, 13.32], [12.71, 13.92], [13.92, 121.05], [95.63, 101.07]], "duration": 121.05, "id": 7063}, {"image_id": "v_NfTfLk1D-tI.mp4", "caption": "A close up of drums are seen followed by a person walking into frame. The person sits down in front of the drums and begins playing them continuously. The man continues playing the drums faster and faster while the camera captures his movements.", "segments": [[0, 59.5], [57.21, 163.63], [114.43, 217.41]], "duration": 228.86, "id": 7064}, {"image_id": "v_NjFxN3xQqeY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen pushing a lawn mower along a yard and moving the machine all around the yard. Another man is seen grabbing a machine out of a truck as the other man continues to mow the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 27.93], [26.84, 69.64]], "duration": 72.53999999999999, "id": 7065}, {"image_id": "v_8VYre-lXqIo.mp4", "caption": "A pregnant woman is slowly moving in a room. She moves side to side as she goes. She lifts her feet and arms, doing several martial arts moves.", "segments": [[0, 33.7], [36.36, 103.77], [105.54, 177.38]], "duration": 177.38, "id": 7066}, {"image_id": "v_jQ2UoAENwlw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a chair look nervously at the camera while another man sits behind him. The man then begins tattooins the man's chest and the man looks up into the camera every now and then.", "segments": [[0, 32.86], [25.13, 64.44]], "duration": 64.44, "id": 7067}, {"image_id": "v_W74AfHdwWhM.mp4", "caption": "There is a woman shown throwing knives into wood and taking them out. In the end the other people who are there all sit down and eat popsicles.", "segments": [[16.7, 45.8], [80.28, 94.83]], "duration": 107.75999999999999, "id": 7068}, {"image_id": "v_bkRQgwbP0WM.mp4", "caption": "A man is showing a boy trying to solve a rubix cube. A timer is going to time the boy and other people around him are trying as well. On lookers are going from table to table to watch. A boy grabs a pen and the man solves the puzzle.", "segments": [[0, 29.6], [1.73, 31.68], [0.69, 31.68], [29.25, 33.58]], "duration": 34.62, "id": 7069}, {"image_id": "v_gOe72cTd0IA.mp4", "caption": "We see a black opening title screen. We see a boat floating in the ocean and people sitting on the boat. Three people are underwater in diving gear looking at the sealife. We see a man and a woman swimming together and the lady waves at the camera. The lady makes an explosion sign with her hands and waves. The lady takes her mouth piece out and shrugs her shoulders. We see the people back on the boat and the man and the girl hug each other. We see a balloon high in the sky.", "segments": [[0, 0.94], [0.94, 14.97], [17.78, 165.63], [72.05, 97.32], [102, 116.03], [133.81, 141.3], [165.63, 181.54], [184.35, 187.15]], "duration": 187.15, "id": 7070}, {"image_id": "v_H3pQJc8d8H8.mp4", "caption": "Three men in white are doing karate moves in a room.They do a few kicks in the air. Two of the men start fighting each other.", "segments": [[20.81, 160.06], [65.62, 68.82], [99.23, 136.85]], "duration": 160.06, "id": 7071}, {"image_id": "v_leJM3mgm_gU.mp4", "caption": "A large, blue ball is tossed in the air. A child runs to catch a blue, large ball. The child falls on the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 0.07], [1.21, 2.09], [2.23, 3.6]], "duration": 3.6, "id": 7072}, {"image_id": "v_UsexiHSzIQI.mp4", "caption": "A woman comes onto the screen to introduce a video about working out. The same woman is shown as she teaches a spin class with several participants. She takes a break from the bike and does tome abdominal exercises on the floor. The video ends with the closing credit shown at the end.", "segments": [[0, 10.51], [10.51, 85.41], [32.89, 66.68], [85.41, 91.35]], "duration": 91.35, "id": 7073}, {"image_id": "v_0w2XFd-Q9Eg.mp4", "caption": "A person sits on front a laptop and a cube puzzle. Then, the person solves a cube puzzle. After, the person solves the cube puzzle puts it on the laptop.", "segments": [[0, 4.18], [4.27, 17], [17.28, 18.48]], "duration": 18.58, "id": 7074}, {"image_id": "v_FNB1BMEtIvw.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening screen and we see landscapes and a sword. We see a lady talking, then a man. We see lots of people snowboarding. Two people shake hands on the landing. A man in a black room is interviewed then we see a man outside talking. People high five and we see a lady talking. A lady throws her arms in the air, people being sprayed, and a man with a sword.", "segments": [[0, 9.2], [9.2, 20.23], [21.15, 171.07], [41.39, 45.07], [50.59, 63.46], [137.96, 142.56], [154.52, 183.95]], "duration": 183.95, "id": 7075}, {"image_id": "v_AWryNQMbcd8.mp4", "caption": "Two small children are seen outside by a swingset. One swings back and fourth while the other stands on the side. One man kicks the other boy and he bends over.", "segments": [[0.02, 2.49], [0.78, 2.49], [1.53, 3.17]], "duration": 3.25, "id": 7076}, {"image_id": "v_ZW46Rcuhqac.mp4", "caption": "Beer and other alcohol is shown on a counter in a kitchen. A man takes a pitcher of beer and begins talking to the camera. The man proceeds to drink the entire pitcher of beer.", "segments": [[0, 5.37], [6.38, 20.48], [20.48, 33.58]], "duration": 33.58, "id": 7077}, {"image_id": "v_oNc2lJ9hV9E.mp4", "caption": "A lady speaks in a kitchen with a medal on the screen and we see shots of cake and cooking. We see the lady make a cake and give instructions. The lady takes and prepares her cake pans. The lady mixes her dry ingredients then mixes them in the mixer with red food coloring and pours them into cake pans cooks and cools them on racks. The lady makes frosting in the mixer and puts frosting in between the layers of cake and on top. The lady cuts the cake and we see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 19.08], [0.95, 175.54], [25.76, 63.92], [63.92, 112.57], [111.62, 166.95], [170.77, 190.8]], "duration": 190.8, "id": 7078}, {"image_id": "v_fghAmraOM9A.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a protective helmet speaks to the camera while standing outdoors next to a palm tree. The woman is standing on a sidewalk wearing rollerblades and protective gear. The woman speaks to the camera and demonstrates different techniques of skating down the sidewalk.", "segments": [[0, 5.92], [6.57, 24.33], [24.98, 131.5]], "duration": 131.5, "id": 7079}, {"image_id": "v_g5rkuDdjRVI.mp4", "caption": "We see two boys on a train talking. It gets dark in a tunnel. Someone throws something at a boy. We see the boys riding skateboards down a residential street. A man rides downhill backwards. We see a boy fall off his skateboard. We see a number three on a wall. We see a person jump off their skateboard.", "segments": [[0, 19.72], [17.35, 19.72], [18.14, 20.51], [20.51, 157.76], [45.75, 50.48], [138.04, 142.77], [150.66, 154.6], [155.39, 157.76]], "duration": 157.76, "id": 7080}, {"image_id": "v_7iTrw4kr8e0.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman looking into the mirror and putting makeup on. She puts glasses and looks down at the mirror. She turns herself away and ends with a logo shown.", "segments": [[0, 40.05], [42.91, 60.08], [59.67, 79.69]], "duration": 81.74, "id": 7081}, {"image_id": "v_5SyvdU5LWPk.mp4", "caption": "A group of lacrosse players are shown on a field. They run around, trying to get the ball away from each other. They are shown playing in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 9.97], [11.45, 57.24], [61.31, 73.86]], "duration": 73.86, "id": 7082}, {"image_id": "v_9qJbSz-eCq0.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a plastic head covering is shown eating ice cream. We see the inside of a plant, where cookies are crushed and put into containers of vanilla ice cream, then sorted. Ice cream fills the pints, and is mixed in a giant vault before other ingredients are added and the pints filled. We then see popsicles being created, before a man and woman are shown eating the treats.", "segments": [[0, 5.25], [9.18, 58.15], [58.15, 79.14], [80.45, 87.45]], "duration": 87.45, "id": 7083}, {"image_id": "v_goLVOzKw4U8.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing gloves holds a pair of pliers and putting an object in between. He sparks the object to create a flame and puts his mask on to protect himself. He continues flaming the object and shows off what he has burned.", "segments": [[0, 28.25], [28.9, 82.77], [83.43, 131.38]], "duration": 131.38, "id": 7084}, {"image_id": "v__pYDg0B6_tw.mp4", "caption": "A boy jumps on a diving board high. Then, the boy jumps and flips three time, but falls on his back making a big splash.", "segments": [[3.97, 6.55], [6.55, 19.75]], "duration": 19.85, "id": 7085}, {"image_id": "v_MD6p1s-N9rM.mp4", "caption": "A young man irons a shirt on an ironing board in a hallway. The man adjusts the camera and returns to ironing. The man finishes ironing and turns the camera away.", "segments": [[0, 16.1], [16.45, 65.09], [65.09, 69.99]], "duration": 69.99, "id": 7086}, {"image_id": "v_cWrOETjOOTc.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt is kneeling down. Another man in a black shirt is standing up in front of him. They are fixing something on a bike.", "segments": [[0, 4.55], [0.11, 4.55], [0.48, 4.55]], "duration": 4.55, "id": 7087}, {"image_id": "v_CpxGRgJgRPA.mp4", "caption": "A woman explains how to wrap a box with gift paper. Then, the woman cuts the paper and wraps around the box using tape. After, the woman folds the sides of the paper and cutting a piece to fit the box, then put tape to joint the ends while explaining.", "segments": [[0, 39.94], [39.94, 117.96], [117.03, 185.76]], "duration": 185.76, "id": 7088}, {"image_id": "v_U-VzZQGWOqA.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen licking an ice cream cone while the camera watching her eat. She continues eating the ice cream cone and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[1.2, 32.92], [25.44, 57.76]], "duration": 59.85, "id": 7089}, {"image_id": "v_Ck0IhZZI5CA.mp4", "caption": "A man in jeans and tshirt rolls a paint roller in the tray. The man applies more paint to the fence with a roller and getting more paint until he lifts the roller and is pleased. The man gets more paint on his brush from the tray. The man finishes painting the section of fence and then sets down his roller.", "segments": [[0, 3.23], [4.03, 56.47], [56.47, 61.31], [62.52, 80.67]], "duration": 80.67, "id": 7090}, {"image_id": "v_B2_qciB7U1Q.mp4", "caption": "Several people are longboarding and biking down a hill. A person has a white glove and is holding onto the person in front of them. Words go on the screen at the end.", "segments": [[0, 176.98], [131.82, 145.64], [178.83, 184.36]], "duration": 184.36, "id": 7091}, {"image_id": "v_Ga-6wy0Nboo.mp4", "caption": "man is snowboarding going down a hill sliding in zigzags passing small flags. man is talking to the camera in a dark room. man is snowboarding on the snowy slope and a video is showing the right position of the body when going side to side.", "segments": [[0, 17.51], [17.51, 19.46], [19.46, 194.58]], "duration": 194.58, "id": 7092}, {"image_id": "v_peaOnHl5YS8.mp4", "caption": "A man and daughter are seen sliding into frame wearing only socks and a long shirt. The two are seen holding mops and begin singing with one another. The two continue to dance around and sing with each other.", "segments": [[0.69, 11.58], [9.72, 31.95], [30.79, 45.14]], "duration": 46.3, "id": 7093}, {"image_id": "v_kvqX0QOgYDc.mp4", "caption": "Scuba diver swim and glide underwater in the ocean near a rock face. The scuba divers make hand gestures and joke. The men swim up close into view.", "segments": [[0, 97.29], [32.76, 54.11], [61.55, 93.82]], "duration": 99.28, "id": 7094}, {"image_id": "v_SnFWB9NLFjY.mp4", "caption": "A close up of skis are shown followed by a person pushing themselves along using sticks and skiing down the mountain. The person continuously riding down on the mountain using the skis and zooming past people and stopping at the bottom.", "segments": [[3.25, 105.14], [57.45, 211.36]], "duration": 216.78, "id": 7095}, {"image_id": "v_5pzCqex6S48.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing ready and putting his arms up by his sides. The man then jumps onto a set of uneven bars and begins performing a gymnastics routine. The man spins himself all around and ends by jumping off the side with his arms up.", "segments": [[0.93, 19.79], [18.55, 44.83], [38.03, 58.74]], "duration": 61.84, "id": 7096}, {"image_id": "v_sfPGQnxbJ3U.mp4", "caption": "men are in front of a mirror in a room. man is alone practicing kicks and punches. man wearing white shirt is stretching her legs bind the other man.", "segments": [[0, 30.05], [3, 30.05], [0, 29.9]], "duration": 30.05, "id": 7097}, {"image_id": "v_hYBctolxeqQ.mp4", "caption": "a boy sits in his room behind a large drum set. He plays the drums and cymbals gently. He speeds up his tempo and strength as he builds confidence.", "segments": [[0, 7.18], [15.02, 60.75], [64.66, 130.64]], "duration": 130.64, "id": 7098}, {"image_id": "v_Zf3RcqHO82M.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are sitting on a stage together. They are talking about the tango dance. They spin and twirl before an audience.", "segments": [[0, 31.74], [41.26, 171.38], [173.5, 211.58]], "duration": 211.57999999999998, "id": 7099}, {"image_id": "v_XPwpA67qHjA.mp4", "caption": "A news story is given about walking a slackline. People of all levels walk, lie, and meditate on the rope. Some people walk over oncoming canoers.", "segments": [[0, 19.81], [24.21, 173.88], [167.28, 220.1]], "duration": 220.1, "id": 7100}, {"image_id": "v_rdszlTqxBXs.mp4", "caption": "A woman put lipstick on her lips on front a mirror. Then She laugh with other teens next to her.", "segments": [[0, 10.43], [10.43, 15.93]], "duration": 15.93, "id": 7101}, {"image_id": "v_QU5R75IyQow.mp4", "caption": " A man is talking to a camera in his bathroom. He is then shown brushing, spraying, and styling a woman's hair before braiding it. she poses for the camera when he is finished.", "segments": [[0, 7.89], [9.33, 80.37], [94, 143.51]], "duration": 143.51, "id": 7102}, {"image_id": "v_Mkljhl3D9-Q.mp4", "caption": "The man instructs four women on cooking. The man adds oil, onions, garlic, and peppers to a pot. The man adds clams to the pot. The man adds broth to the pot. The man boils pasta in a separate pot. The women gather around a pot to see the pasta. The man finishes the sauce and pours it in a pot. The man adds the pasta. The man adds the pasta to the plate. The women try the pasta dish. Everyone laughs and seems happy. The man starts calling out tickets. The women cook the dish that the man had just taught them to make. The man helps them and gives them pointers. The women look anxious as they try to cook. The waiters start serving the plates.", "segments": [[2.96, 80.71], [2.96, 18.51], [19.25, 25.18], [28.14, 33.32], [34.8, 45.17], [45.17, 49.61], [49.61, 62.2], [64.42, 70.35], [72.57, 79.23], [80.71, 88.86], [88.12, 93.3], [99.97, 101.45], [101.45, 147.36], [105.15, 146.62], [112.55, 142.91], [144.39, 148.1]], "duration": 148.1, "id": 7103}, {"image_id": "v_aYC7F72n924.mp4", "caption": "A construction worker is standing in a building, holding a mop and bucket. He shows off the bucket and solution, then mops the floor in a demonstration. He gets the floor completely clean and shiny before standing to one side.", "segments": [[0, 7.14], [8.82, 63.45], [67.23, 84.03]], "duration": 84.03, "id": 7104}, {"image_id": "v_wM7FmqEj4PY.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a living room holding an iron. woman wearing a pink shirt is ironing a blue shirt. quiet living room is with old furnitures.", "segments": [[0, 18.86], [0, 20.06], [0.8, 20.06]], "duration": 20.06, "id": 7105}, {"image_id": "v_f0cxC1B5cbw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is raking leaves into a large pile. A man is running a lawn mower over leaves. He puts some of the leaves into a garden bed.", "segments": [[0, 54.9], [54.9, 171.56], [170.41, 228.74]], "duration": 228.74, "id": 7106}, {"image_id": "v_TSIz-6s4OeY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her ironing a pair of pants. The woman continues ironing the pants while moving the iron up and down.", "segments": [[0, 27.03], [27.03, 60.74]], "duration": 60.74, "id": 7107}, {"image_id": "v_daDd48y4x0g.mp4", "caption": "We see lots of plate of fancy food. We then zoom in on the plates. We see a shadow on the plates. A man on the right picks up a few plates.", "segments": [[0, 0.78], [0.68, 3.3], [3.97, 8.14], [9.4, 19.39]], "duration": 19.39, "id": 7108}, {"image_id": "v_t6trrsdhMEc.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing workout gear is standing upright and hanging onto a very long punching bag. Suddenly the woman jumps up and straddles the bag. Slowly, the woman drops her upper half of her body while still straddling the bag, and does 5 sit ups while the bag swings with her. The woman holds onto the bag, smiles, then jumps off.", "segments": [[0, 3.79], [3.79, 8.75], [8.75, 22.86], [22.86, 26.12]], "duration": 26.12, "id": 7109}, {"image_id": "v_4UIAc9irBLs.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a young girl swim in a pool. The young girl holds on to the woman as she swims. The young girl lets go and swims near the woman. The young girl and the woman hold hands and swim to the surface of the pool. The woman holds on to the girl.", "segments": [[0, 59.23], [0, 4.75], [4.75, 44.97], [45.61, 54.16], [54.48, 58.91]], "duration": 63.35, "id": 7110}, {"image_id": "v_dRiIYsAmNAc.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running around a sandy pit kicking a soccer ball around. The people continue playing soccer with one another and wait for a call in the end.", "segments": [[0.97, 32.38], [31.41, 63.14]], "duration": 64.76, "id": 7111}, {"image_id": "v_ZIHD-3iWCrE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a kitten in her lap. A guy is clipping the nails on the cat.", "segments": [[0, 57.91], [2.32, 57.91]], "duration": 57.91, "id": 7112}, {"image_id": "v_-QuFk_ThRNg.mp4", "caption": "Two bodybuilder women are seated at a table. They are arm wrestling, vieing to win. When there is a victor, the two women shake hands.", "segments": [[0, 10.83], [17.6, 119.13], [122.51, 135.37]], "duration": 135.37, "id": 7113}, {"image_id": "v_S3OJBVHL9y8.mp4", "caption": "The green and white team gets off the floor. The green and white team are pulling the rope in a tug of war contest. The red and black team are pulling the rope in a tug of war contest. The green and white team are repeatedly taking steps and the audience is cheering. The green and white team are standing holding the rope.", "segments": [[0, 0.88], [0, 139.21], [140.97, 143.62], [151.55, 175.34], [175.34, 176.22]], "duration": 176.22, "id": 7114}, {"image_id": "v_7hEUl8lziZs.mp4", "caption": "A man in a yellow shirt is on his knees layering cement on the floor. He stops for a second and looks up. The man goes back to layering the floor with cement.", "segments": [[0, 10.03], [10.03, 13.6], [13.72, 23.06]], "duration": 23.06, "id": 7115}, {"image_id": "v_259K1wC2IMk.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen pulling a mop out of a bucket followed by him pushing the mop across the floor. The camera pans to a woman in the distance and the boy continuing to push the mop along the floor.", "segments": [[0, 57.74], [47.02, 119.05]], "duration": 119.05, "id": 7116}, {"image_id": "v_CTxuJBTp_CQ.mp4", "caption": "A person spreads out the branches on a Christmas tree. The person drapes shiny tinsel strands around the tree. The person hangs Christmas bulbs on the tree. A child comes and watches the person decorating the tree then runs around playing. The person rolls up a sheer piece of fabric to put away.", "segments": [[0, 7.2], [7.2, 25.19], [26.99, 167.34], [106.16, 163.74], [169.14, 174.53]], "duration": 179.93, "id": 7117}, {"image_id": "v_9qFwSM8QLIE.mp4", "caption": "Various crowd scenes at a bullfight arena are shown. Matadors walk out into the ring area. A parade of horses and riders is shown. Scenes of matadors interacting with bulls are shown. The crowd cheers for a matador. Matadors are hoisted on people's shoulders and paraded.", "segments": [[0, 17.1], [17.1, 36.1], [38, 39.9], [39.9, 143.46], [143.46, 176.71], [176.71, 190.01]], "duration": 190.01, "id": 7118}, {"image_id": "v_l_Y_Xns6SpE.mp4", "caption": "The woman is leaning on the pool table focusing on the ball. The woman hit the ball and cheered . The woman hit the ball again and started jumping.", "segments": [[0, 18.06], [25.44, 39.12], [35.02, 54.72]], "duration": 54.72, "id": 7119}, {"image_id": "v_Lyi8-hf1rCw.mp4", "caption": "A man in a a leotard is blowing in his hands getting himself warmed up to start running. Once he starts he goes super fast jumping up and into the sand. They show a replay of his run and land in slow motion.When he is done he walks around the arena while being followed by a camera.", "segments": [[0, 6.39], [6.39, 18.64], [18.37, 34.61], [34.87, 53.24]], "duration": 53.24, "id": 7120}, {"image_id": "v_NOXPH0_y4Ww.mp4", "caption": "a little girl is standing in a kitchen and starts squeeze a lemon into a water bowl, a person is standing by her side. lttle girl suck her finger and smile while a woman walks throug kitchen and puts something in the counter. little girl is standing in the kitchen with her mouth open and play with her hair. the girl starts walking an sit in fronts of a counter with a bowl of fruits and talk to the camera, walks again in the kitchen and keep aqueezing lemons in the water bowl, woman starts helping her. woman clean her hands in the sink and the girl walks in the kitchen and keep squeezing the lemons.", "segments": [[0, 25.05], [26.1, 46.98], [46.98, 82.47], [82.47, 172.25], [172.25, 208.78]], "duration": 208.78, "id": 7121}, {"image_id": "v_XI6sjZg9Yeg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen laying floor down on the ground using a machine and others helping. Several shots are shown of the men pushing down the floor and using a torch underneath to keep it in place. The man continue working while showing the steam on the hot mats and the finished roof with done.", "segments": [[5.92, 88.87], [54.51, 161.15], [154.04, 228.69]], "duration": 236.98, "id": 7122}, {"image_id": "v_liNIRD7YwFQ.mp4", "caption": "A large wave is crashing toward the shore. A surfer is shown tearing through the water. A rainbow appears, then we see boats on the beach and more surfers in the waves.", "segments": [[0, 26.35], [33.18, 62.46], [79.05, 195.19]], "duration": 195.19, "id": 7123}, {"image_id": "v_p800u2wCKbE.mp4", "caption": "A news reporter is talking about a local fund raiser held by a nursery school. There are several people gathered to support the cause. There is a lemonade stand set up where people are purchasing lemonade to donate money for a cause. One of the parents is talking to the news reporter about the fund raiser. Three more parents are standing are chatting as they sip lemonade. A picture the girl, Hannah is shown for whom the fund raiser was held.", "segments": [[3.84, 8.7], [8.7, 13.96], [13.96, 33.19], [33.19, 36.83], [36.83, 39.46], [39.46, 40.47]], "duration": 40.47, "id": 7124}, {"image_id": "v_bR62246z9qA.mp4", "caption": "Cheerleaders with their hands in do a cheer. They go on the floor and stand still. They perform a cheer leading routine. Four girls are lifted and hold their legs. Two girls are lifted in the air and two girls are flipped then two girls lift the two girls. Four girls are lifted and hold two other girls up and a third is added. Two girls in the front held up a red sign. Three girls are lifted and they each hold another girl on their shoulders.", "segments": [[0, 2], [2, 29.97], [29.97, 199.81], [35.97, 47.95], [69.93, 82.92], [115.89, 131.87], [146.86, 151.85], [177.83, 194.81]], "duration": 199.81, "id": 7125}, {"image_id": "v_rcrhyi2EzZc.mp4", "caption": "Two young kids are his mother are standing in a kitchen washing dishes.The little girl takes a blue sponge cleans her dish and then gets down and begins walking around.Both the mother and son are still at the sink and she stands besides him and helps him clean his dish as well.", "segments": [[0, 13.96], [13.51, 40.07], [40.52, 90.05]], "duration": 90.05, "id": 7126}, {"image_id": "v_Y9wrTRY3mUI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people, children and families live, travel, and ice fish on a vast ice and snow covered piece of land. A group of men and a woman talk to a camera while showcasing fish caught and live fishing in ice holes on a snow and ice covered terrain. Several people fish in ice holes with children nearby while other drive across the ice terrain. Fish are shown , local animals native to the area, toilets, cars on the ice, children, people holding fish just caught and ice holes where the fish are coming from along with dogs pulling snow sleds.", "segments": [[1.14, 217.28], [9.15, 44.6], [12.58, 90.34], [45.74, 216.14]], "duration": 228.72, "id": 7127}, {"image_id": "v_mhPpeG3LrUk.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen sitting outdoors and holding up a bottle of sunscreen while speaking to the camera. The girl then shakes up the bottle, pours it into her hands, and rubs it all over her body.", "segments": [[0, 38.42], [44.29, 86.33]], "duration": 90.4, "id": 7128}, {"image_id": "v_x4qwV0Ti1Og.mp4", "caption": "A large track is shown with several people riding down on tubes at once. A man records a close up of a tube and pushing it into a woman standing in the snow. She begins talking on her phone and the same clip is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 12.99], [11.84, 28.59], [27.72, 48.8]], "duration": 57.75, "id": 7129}, {"image_id": "v_8bX1g0mefzM.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks showing a shoe, then she cleans it with a cloth. The woman puts oil in a cloth and polish the shoe. Then, the woman takes shoe polish and apply to the shoe.", "segments": [[0.7, 78.68], [80.79, 119.43], [121.54, 139.1]], "duration": 140.5, "id": 7130}, {"image_id": "v_QrKWO2uNNJ0.mp4", "caption": "A woman with a hat on stands and talks. She is playing with her hair and talking. Pictures of her hair are inserted.", "segments": [[0, 58.26], [31.07, 146.63], [145.66, 188.39]], "duration": 194.21, "id": 7131}, {"image_id": "v_o-S8I8lhQpo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is parasailing in the ocean. She goes through tough waves. She goes over a large wave, which knocks her over.", "segments": [[0, 19.1], [29.71, 188.89], [195.25, 212.23]], "duration": 212.23, "id": 7132}, {"image_id": "v_hiEVVSgAhls.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing a game of ping pong. People are playing basketball behind them. The man grabs the ball again and serves it across the table. The man is holding a phone and taking a picture with the girl.", "segments": [[0, 71.78], [6.84, 9.83], [11.54, 14.53], [72.63, 82.46]], "duration": 85.45, "id": 7133}, {"image_id": "v_U20a95sHi8E.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a car is seen followed by people walking into frame and washing the car. The people clean the exterior as well as interior and roll the car outside. They park the car and continue to wipe it down followed by drying it off in the end.", "segments": [[1.72, 20.24], [18.95, 62.87], [43.92, 82.25]], "duration": 86.12, "id": 7134}, {"image_id": "v_oFku30m99do.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in a bathroom wrapped up in a towel. The girl holds her hair up with one hand and rubs makeup on with the other.", "segments": [[0.38, 7.01], [5.27, 14.32]], "duration": 15.07, "id": 7135}, {"image_id": "v_InA8Xbg-hvo.mp4", "caption": "The words how to apply mascara appear. A woman with long black hair is talking to the camera. She holds up a wand of mascara. She then shows how to apply it, one eye at a time.", "segments": [[0, 8.28], [9.93, 40.55], [45.52, 70.34], [75.31, 165.51]], "duration": 165.51, "id": 7136}, {"image_id": "v_jcaOoRM6J80.mp4", "caption": "We see outdoor images then a man in a kitchen. We see ingredients on a table. The man mixes the ingredients in a mixer bowl. The man stirs the mix then turns the mixer back on. The man mixes the mix and pours it into cake pans. The man taps the pans then puts the cake in the oven. We see cookware, cupcakes, and the man cooking. Then see the bright end screen.", "segments": [[0, 11.84], [11.84, 15.07], [35.52, 85.03], [85.03, 111.94], [125.93, 190.52], [194.82, 208.81], [210.97, 212.04], [214.2, 215.27]], "duration": 215.27, "id": 7137}, {"image_id": "v_InwY966XXBY.mp4", "caption": "people are in a camp with a lot of camels sitting on the floor. a men is riding a camel and starts walking in the dessert passing by the piramids while a man is leading them with a rope. the camels stops and a man is taking a picture. men are riding camels in the dessert.", "segments": [[0, 21.64], [21.64, 70.75], [71.58, 80.74], [82.4, 166.46]], "duration": 166.46, "id": 7138}, {"image_id": "v_CLbEvGHmK8k.mp4", "caption": "A group of people perform simple step aerobics out on a sunny day. The aerobics instructor has the class switch to a new aerobics move in which the group dances their arms out in front of them and incorporate clapping as they take steps. Their next move is placing their hands up towards the sky as they take a step.", "segments": [[7, 85.77], [86.64, 125.15], [126.02, 167.16]], "duration": 175.03, "id": 7139}, {"image_id": "v_ig8RaXkocJ0.mp4", "caption": "A man has his hands in the air. Two wrestlers are shown jumping into the ring. They collapse as different people do the same jump.", "segments": [[0, 14.03], [37.78, 111.19], [124.14, 215.9]], "duration": 215.9, "id": 7140}, {"image_id": "v_bNvAqFcKzqU.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen wandering around a city square with a young child in the middle playing an instrument. The boy plays a saxophone while people walk past him and put money down. The boy continues playing while the camera captures his movements and others stop to watch.", "segments": [[0, 78.21], [64.21, 159.93], [128.41, 232.31]], "duration": 233.48, "id": 7141}, {"image_id": "v_BxzOUJbq28s.mp4", "caption": "A man with a beard is playing on a green drum. The man starts adding in a second drum to the mix. A third drum is added to the drumming mix.", "segments": [[0, 49.59], [49.59, 181.46], [181.46, 225.42]], "duration": 225.42000000000002, "id": 7142}, {"image_id": "v_P6ijX0vabJs.mp4", "caption": "A close up of an instrument is shown followed by a woman sitting into frame and speaking to the camera. She then picks up the flute and begins playing it and pausing to speak in between. She plays the instrument again and pauses to put it down and speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 61.32], [52.56, 167.53], [163.15, 218.99]], "duration": 218.99, "id": 7143}, {"image_id": "v__m8WprCWHF4.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears and quickly white words fly across it and they say \"Here it comes Set for full Screen\". A picture of a snowcapped mountain appears and white words on the screen say \"HARTEL PRODUCTIONS\".A wooden board appears at an outdoor area an it say's \"CLAM BEACH COUNTY PARK WELCOME NORTH DAY USE PARKING\", then in yellow some text appears that say \"THE DOG WALK\".Various still shots of people walking with dogs or walking alone along a road appear along with various shots of the area and titles of what they are.At the end there are still shots of dogs getting loaded into a car, the dogs in the car, a man loading the car with his walker, a closing sign and then yellow words appear that say \"THE END\" and it fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 3.21], [3.21, 7.48], [7.48, 14.96], [14.96, 84.93], [84.93, 106.84]], "duration": 106.84, "id": 7144}, {"image_id": "v_v8u8BiprYKs.mp4", "caption": "A lady kneels in front of bushes and talks. The lady uses gardening shears to trim the bush. The lady stands and trims the bushes. The lady kneels down again and continues to talk to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.01], [14.01, 44.84], [45.24, 65.65], [66.05, 79.26]], "duration": 80.06, "id": 7145}, {"image_id": "v_4o4Vh49v-q4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is standing in her bathroom and demonstrating how she rinses her mouth with mouth wash. She takes a sip of Listerine mouth was from her cup and holds it in her mouth for several seconds while her older brother video tapes her. Another little girl walks behind her and watches her rinse. She holds the mouth wash in her mouth for a long time and then spits it out in the sink.", "segments": [[9.38, 26.81], [26.81, 56.74], [56.74, 80.42], [80.42, 85.78]], "duration": 89.35, "id": 7146}, {"image_id": "v_Gms3Yt6RrV4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen talking with a camera very close to his face. Another man with a helmet on is standing near by. A third man is seen in a car next to the man talking. The man wearing the helmet starts down the street on a skateboard. The man goes down a few very steep hills on his skateboard. The man rides past a stop sign. The man with the camera and the man in the car follow filming the man on the skateboard. After the stop sign, the car passes the man on the skateboard. The car stops and the man on the skateboard stops just past them and picks up his skateboard.", "segments": [[0, 14.16], [14.9, 21.61], [22.35, 29.06], [29.81, 35.02], [35.02, 105.06], [105.81, 111.02], [35.02, 122.95], [120.71, 136.36], [137.85, 149.03]], "duration": 149.03, "id": 7147}, {"image_id": "v_qlq13iS0nEA.mp4", "caption": "A man with a guitar and a microphone performs a piece of music. A black screen with a graphic of a white guitar and a website appear. The man stops playing then the black screen with white guitar and website appear again.", "segments": [[4.24, 207.99], [0, 3.18], [207.99, 212.23]], "duration": 212.23, "id": 7148}, {"image_id": "v_teZ99ahe1zY.mp4", "caption": "Various people are shown riding around on horses holding sticks in the air and riding around one another. People walk in and out of frame and the people continue moving around on horses.", "segments": [[0, 40.82], [2.25, 37.96]], "duration": 40.82, "id": 7149}, {"image_id": "v_XwW5p80hYCg.mp4", "caption": "A logo and the words Master Lube TV show up on a black screen. A young man is standing and talking in a business while other young men are cleaning and detailing the inside and outside of a silver vehicle. The now cleaned vehicle pulls out of the garage and drives away from the business. The vehicle is now parked and two young men are wiping it down with a a dry cloth. More clips of the young man talking solo and all the cleaning they did previously replays. A red, white and blue flag with the words \"HAND CAR WASH\" blows in the wind. More clips of the young man talking solo and replays of the cleaning loops as words below the man show up and read \"MasterLube Hand Car Wash 750 Broadwater Ave (406) 294-5530. Flags are show again and it fades to a black screen with a logo and the words MasterLube.", "segments": [[0, 10.37], [10.37, 120.33], [120.33, 124.48], [124.48, 139.01], [139.01, 172.2], [172.2, 176.35], [176.35, 199.17], [199.17, 207.47]], "duration": 207.47, "id": 7150}, {"image_id": "v_Q5kU3DUXXZg.mp4", "caption": "Numerous different pictures of fitness people flash on the screen and the logo LA MUSCLE flashes quickly.A group of people appear and they are on bicycles pedaling and are doing a cardio workshop while the man in front wearing a headband is talking the whole time. The outro screen appears and it's a white screen that shoes the LA MUSCLE logo like it did in the beginning and the words \"For More Visit LAMUSCLE dot TV\".", "segments": [[0, 3.35], [3.35, 123.15], [123.15, 133.86]], "duration": 133.86, "id": 7151}, {"image_id": "v_1kMPW5huHWQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is completing a rubiks cube. A timer is sitting on the table next to him. He sets the completed rubiks cube down on the table.", "segments": [[10.7, 21.12], [28.15, 28.72], [48.43, 48.99]], "duration": 56.31, "id": 7152}, {"image_id": "v_cvEOK7xAPSs.mp4", "caption": "People running up the beach very quickly. Then they start to make strange faces towards the camera. They start bouncing and doing tricks on some kind of bouncy rope. Some of the the tricks look like they are very extreme.", "segments": [[0, 6.38], [6.04, 13.09], [13.43, 38.26], [38.6, 67.13]], "duration": 67.13, "id": 7153}, {"image_id": "v_RHfjDkr6mcc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing behind an ironing board ironing a shirt while speaking to the camera every now and then. The moves the shirt all around the table ironing it and holding it up in the end to present.", "segments": [[0, 103.45], [29.07, 135.22]], "duration": 135.22, "id": 7154}, {"image_id": "v_-fMxoShIXiM.mp4", "caption": "A woman with long, black, curly hair is wearing casual wear, talking, and squatting on a roof. The woman then stands up and walks to a part of the roof where she lifts up a black shingle on the roof.The woman is now on standing on the ground in front of the house smiling and talking. A large truck pulls up to the house and a man begins to unload shingles onto the roof. The woman is back on the roof with a shovel and is shoveling off all of the old shingles then she dumps them in a large dumpster. Men are now laying out long pieces of black material and nailing them into the roof, as well as nailing the shingles down.The roof is done and a view of the entire house is shown to show off the finished roof. The woman is standing in front of the home, smiling while talking.", "segments": [[0, 5.27], [5.27, 19.92], [19.92, 30.46], [30.46, 43.35], [43.35, 60.93], [60.93, 99.01], [99.01, 111.9], [111.9, 117.17]], "duration": 117.17, "id": 7155}, {"image_id": "v_wNvLv7PtvQg.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in out two people riding in a canoe together. The camera moves in closer and captures the people paddling further down the river.", "segments": [[0, 6.35], [6.82, 18.95]], "duration": 18.95, "id": 7156}, {"image_id": "v_jFqY3M37F-g.mp4", "caption": "We see a man siting and holding a drum. We then see the man playing on the drum. The man hits a drum off camera left. The man shuffles his hands on the drum. The man stops paying the drums.", "segments": [[0, 1.29], [1.29, 128.13], [67.95, 71.83], [87.36, 93.84], [127.49, 129.43]], "duration": 129.43, "id": 7157}, {"image_id": "v_4Xvn1xXvYdU.mp4", "caption": "A man in brown jacket is pulling out an arrow from the target board, then he was talking to the camera, then he pull out his bow and started to use it with his bow to hit the target board, he fired his bows several times. The man went to the target board and talked to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 170.56], [165.23, 213.21]], "duration": 213.21, "id": 7158}, {"image_id": "v_nt4Ag91306U.mp4", "caption": "A person is throwing a tennis ball up in the air and hits the ball. Two men begin talking about this tennis move and how you should properly hold your racket. The man demonstrates how to throw the ball up and how to swing. The man continues to discuss when to hit the ball for this move and how to execute it properly.", "segments": [[7.39, 20.31], [16, 116.34], [33.86, 54.79], [56.63, 123.11]], "duration": 123.11, "id": 7159}, {"image_id": "v_bESksIhdEvo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of a sink scrubbing it down with a sponge. The man continues wiping down the counter while occasionally looking at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 15.45], [6.96, 23.59]], "duration": 23.59, "id": 7160}, {"image_id": "v_W7JxYa-PiB8.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a hat is seen holding a tennis racket and bouncing a ball up and down. The man then serves the ball and leads into a tennis match between four people. The announcer laughs as the other team mates speak to each other and showing his hit again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 16.51], [13.76, 33.02], [30.04, 43.57]], "duration": 45.86, "id": 7161}, {"image_id": "v_gnKpguqHfag.mp4", "caption": "A green and yellow team Hockey team is pictured and there location is shown on a map.The video then reverts back to the game and shows the venue that the teams are playing in.After,several players are shown skating around the rink and then a bald Caucasian male is shown dressed in a black polo begins talking to the camera.Once finished,the bench is panned and the game begins with the referee standing in between the two teams and they begin playing.As they continue,the bald man is shows and continues talking and they continue to flash between him,the players, and the games.", "segments": [[0, 11.96], [11.96, 33.71], [33.71, 46.76], [33.71, 140.29], [141.38, 217.5]], "duration": 217.5, "id": 7162}, {"image_id": "v_BERvPz1e_AU.mp4", "caption": "Various athletes are seen standing together in the middle of a large stadium and leads into a woman throwing a shot put and then walking away. Several more people are seen walking up and throwing the object with a woman running with the american flag and standing on a podium with others.", "segments": [[6.69, 70.92], [51.52, 127.13]], "duration": 133.82, "id": 7163}, {"image_id": "v_B1u-Er4jXFA.mp4", "caption": "The camera zooms in on a chef spinning around a spatula in a pan and putting more ingredients into the pan. He stirs around the mixture and presses it to the side while setting down the spatula.", "segments": [[0, 19.54], [23.69, 83.13]], "duration": 83.13, "id": 7164}, {"image_id": "v_5BuDj1xkpiI.mp4", "caption": "We see a bottle of face wash. We see a person holding face wash then putting it on their face. They rinse the face and add the face wash with a brush. We see an illustration on how to add the wash using a brush. We see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 2.54], [3.8, 58.33], [58.96, 114.76], [116.03, 122.37], [122.37, 126.81]], "duration": 126.81, "id": 7165}, {"image_id": "v_LW5lcM_rKBY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a power drill with a potato on the end and people peeling around him. The man turns on the drill and peels the potato with another person pointing on the side.", "segments": [[0, 4.74], [4.43, 10.08]], "duration": 10.08, "id": 7166}, {"image_id": "v_7S7THbo8uds.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen holding each other's arms and leads into the men performing an arm wrestling match. One man smokes a cigarette while they continue to play and that man winds while holding his arms up.", "segments": [[0.39, 46.57], [35.61, 78.27]], "duration": 78.27, "id": 7167}, {"image_id": "v_GU_8hjy79VQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen with a large pole. A large crowd is in the stands in the background. The man with the pole runs and throws it and then hits the ground. The pole flies through the air and lands just past the number 85 on a field. Several man run out to the pole. Men are seen in the stands clapping. The man that threw the pole is seen putting a jacket on. Many people walk around and sit on the field. The man is seen throwing the pole again.", "segments": [[2.3, 3.26], [2.3, 24.17], [3.26, 9.79], [9.91, 13.05], [12.57, 14.38], [14.5, 15.83], [16.2, 21.75], [16.2, 21.63], [22.24, 24.17]], "duration": 24.17, "id": 7168}, {"image_id": "v_QhDPo3amF6o.mp4", "caption": "The bumper car ride is packed with people, already many are crashing. A man flashes the peace sign at the camera, having a good time. Car 9 has finally gotten going but he is crashing left and right. A man reverses into another car behind him. A large pile-up occurs in the middle of the track.", "segments": [[0, 11.4], [33.06, 45.02], [45.59, 61.55], [83.78, 94.61], [90.62, 106.01]], "duration": 113.99000000000001, "id": 7169}, {"image_id": "v_69SYd5feEBQ.mp4", "caption": "An elderly lady sits in a chair knitting and talking to the camera. The lady shakes her head slightly while looking at the camera. The lady pauses and looks out the window.", "segments": [[0, 92.93], [37.64, 41.82], [78.52, 83.17]], "duration": 92.93, "id": 7170}, {"image_id": "v_8ZjUZbykp4U.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting behind a drum set playing on the drums. The camera pans all around his movements while he speaks to the camera. More shots are shown of him playing as well as singing and other people playing instruments around him.", "segments": [[0, 21.21], [18.13, 58.62], [40.5, 75.98]], "duration": 77.14, "id": 7171}, {"image_id": "v_BxEnhkx2srY.mp4", "caption": "A boy prepares to do a high jump in a gym. He takes off running with the high jump stick. he makes the jump and lands on the safety pads.", "segments": [[0, 6.68], [6.68, 9.13], [9.13, 16.3]], "duration": 16.3, "id": 7172}, {"image_id": "v_kkEjwEXkz3w.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands with nails are shown followed by two women talking to the camera. Several objects on paper are shown while the women continue to speak and one start making designs on the nails.", "segments": [[0.39, 14.47], [16.43, 78.23]], "duration": 78.23, "id": 7173}, {"image_id": "v_MleVjHU-wI8.mp4", "caption": "We see a white opening screen. We then see a man holding something wrapped in a plastic bag. A woman joins the man. The man opens the plastic bag. The lady gift wraps the box for the man. The man takes a shot at the gift wrapping. The lady finishes wrapping the gift. The man folds an edge, and the lady tapes it. The man presents the box to the camera and talks. the closing screen is then seen and it goes black.", "segments": [[0, 3.48], [3.48, 34.85], [18.59, 226.51], [34.85, 42.98], [58.08, 89.44], [90.6, 119.64], [118.48, 203.28], [204.44, 206.76], [216.05, 226.51], [226.51, 232.32]], "duration": 232.32, "id": 7174}, {"image_id": "v_9ZnJyY_-Hzw.mp4", "caption": "A man walks across a tightrope, as seen from the view of the underside of the rope. A pan out of the river and a ferry is seen in Hong Kong. A man puts on a show as he balances in several different positions on a tightrope for a small crowd. Another man joins him,and they balance,walk, and do push ups.", "segments": [[0, 8.25], [10.79, 27.29], [31.73, 86.94], [88.84, 126.92]], "duration": 126.92, "id": 7175}, {"image_id": "v_3SL_Au0H0cw.mp4", "caption": "man is wearing a black kimono and isdoing yoga movements. man is standing in a large green grassy field. man is slowly walking practicing boxing movements.", "segments": [[0, 120.09], [3, 120.09], [0, 118.89]], "duration": 120.09, "id": 7176}, {"image_id": "v_r1dvt537JQU.mp4", "caption": "The man is kneeled down to the floor, but he stands up to raise his arm and get on the bars to perform his act. When he's done he flips off and bows, next a girl is shown sitting in the chair and then he is shown performing again but in slow motion. Next, a girl is shown swinging on the uneven bars and when she's done she goes to sit down and talk about what she does.", "segments": [[0, 74.14], [74.14, 114.34], [114.34, 178.66]], "duration": 178.66, "id": 7177}, {"image_id": "v_UCndppz9rWc.mp4", "caption": "manis wearing a white shirt and is walking in a green grass carrying a lawnmower. kid is standing in the field watching the man with the lawnmower. man stands and extends the hand to hold the kid.", "segments": [[0, 11.52], [0, 4.2], [0, 3.69]], "duration": 11.52, "id": 7178}, {"image_id": "v_7iPb7mLURVc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holing a baton in her hands. She continues speaking to the camera while spinning around the baton. She continues to spin around the baton and demonstrate how to properly twirl it.", "segments": [[0, 27.27], [27.27, 84.58], [74.01, 109.07]], "duration": 111.28999999999999, "id": 7179}, {"image_id": "v_oJ9BFy1KNlY.mp4", "caption": "A man stands indoors, on a platform, in front of three onlookers, and lifts a heavily weighted bar bell. A man approaches a barbell on the floor and stands before it preparing to lift it. The man then bends at the knees and puts his hands on the bar portion of the weight. The man then lifts the bell above his head and then lets the bell fall to the floor where it bounces a bit upon landing as the man turns and walks away from the weight.", "segments": [[0, 41.65], [0.84, 11.15], [11.99, 28.19], [28.61, 41.86]], "duration": 42.08, "id": 7180}, {"image_id": "v_q4rVY3sLQqA.mp4", "caption": "Two men describe lead climbing while one man in a bright green shirt climbs a climbing wall the other man wearing a dark green shirt holds the lead line and explains the process. The man in the dark green shirt places a strap and link to the climbing wall and loops a rope through the clip. The man reverses the strap position and loops the rope through the strap eye link. The man in the bright green shirt continue climbing to the top of the wall. The man in the dark green shirt continues talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.73, 36.35], [36.35, 105.4], [105.4, 132.3], [133.02, 136.66], [137.39, 145.38]], "duration": 145.38, "id": 7181}, {"image_id": "v_MLfEz9HPElE.mp4", "caption": "One woman throws something at another. Then, the two women play hopscotch.", "segments": [[0, 3.06], [3.66, 9.26]], "duration": 9.27, "id": 7182}, {"image_id": "v_0uh3HP895OA.mp4", "caption": "a woman is sitting behind a desk talking to the camera. A woman walks into a room and sits in a pew. The woman begins to knit. The woman then talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.43], [11.85, 35.54], [31.59, 71.08], [61.87, 120.45]], "duration": 131.63, "id": 7183}, {"image_id": "v_FMlWHXByLL0.mp4", "caption": "Kids are jump roping in a gym. They do flips over each other. People in the audience clap for them at the end.", "segments": [[0, 69.43], [37.14, 40.96], [68.39, 69.43]], "duration": 69.43, "id": 7184}, {"image_id": "v_DqT3NrqisLk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person's feet are seen as well as text on the screen. The person is seen taking the laces off and running the shoes under water. The person mixes ingredients into a bowl and scrubs the shoes using the tooth brush. She then sticks the shoes in the wash and shows them off afterwards.", "segments": [[1.61, 43.55], [44.36, 91.14], [79.85, 130.66], [125.02, 157.28]], "duration": 161.31, "id": 7185}, {"image_id": "v_7oBW5W6Fdok.mp4", "caption": "We see a man preparing to throw a hammer in track and field. The man shakes his legs and walks to the field. The man spins hard and throws the hammer. We see the hammer as it flies across the track.", "segments": [[0, 27.4], [27.4, 32.08], [32.97, 41.22], [43, 44.56]], "duration": 44.56, "id": 7186}, {"image_id": "v_xEnnIWce1ok.mp4", "caption": "Two men perform a flip move on a playground that leads to one being dropped on the ground. The camera zooms in on the fallen man while they all laugh together.", "segments": [[0.07, 5.03], [5.23, 13.08]], "duration": 13.77, "id": 7187}, {"image_id": "v_rA7qVOp47Qg.mp4", "caption": "A girl is riding on a white horse that is in an enclosed obstacle course, but it's just walking, trotting and running around the perimeter doing laps.Another girl is now the focus and she's riding on a taller brown horse who begins walking, trotting and they also stay on the perimeter of the area. When the brown horse is done going around in laps, it walks over to the white horse who is now in the middle of the area and it stops.", "segments": [[0, 48.77], [48.77, 143.22], [143.22, 154.83]], "duration": 154.82999999999998, "id": 7188}, {"image_id": "v_jmPV_y8YntQ.mp4", "caption": "There are several girls standing ready with their jump ropes in an indoor gym. They are ready to compete in competition. There are several people seated and standing that are watching the girls as they jump rope. The girls take turns and jump rope in a relay manner. They switch between the contestants and move from fast skipping to slower and steadier skipping.They take turns as they skip. After they stop, the crowd claps and cheers.", "segments": [[24.15, 49.91], [49.91, 87.74], [87.74, 103.03], [103.03, 127.18], [127.18, 134.42], [134.42, 152.93], [152.93, 160.98]], "duration": 160.98, "id": 7189}, {"image_id": "v__UlKLq9w_nw.mp4", "caption": "A group of people have gathered at an outdoor court. They are involved in a game of curling. Each person uses the stick to push the puck as a girl talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 13.37], [20.9, 72.72], [93.61, 167.16]], "duration": 167.16, "id": 7190}, {"image_id": "v_-gZjpAPEhR4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person's roller blades are shown with a man standing in frame. The person then lights up his blades and jumps in place. The person continues riding around and kicking his feet up while the sparks fly.", "segments": [[0.34, 16.01], [17.03, 50.07], [44.96, 67.45]], "duration": 68.13, "id": 7191}, {"image_id": "v_5mxY_p7N_Yw.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several clips of a hockey player moving around the ice and players speaking to the camera. The people continuing skating on the ice while practicing as players intervene to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[3.78, 69.93], [49.14, 170.11]], "duration": 189.01, "id": 7192}, {"image_id": "v_jBvGvVw3R-Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a gym preparing to lift a set of weights placed on a bar.Next the screen flashes to a younger male jerking and then drops the bar on the ground.Several more people are shown lifting weights and dropping them on the ground.The man begins to dance as he lifts and drops the bar and the continuation of weightlifting is repeated.After,the men continue walking around the gym eating a protein bar.", "segments": [[0, 27.33], [27.33, 78.7], [78.7, 137.73], [137.73, 210.96], [210.96, 218.62]], "duration": 218.62, "id": 7193}, {"image_id": "v_U697zTxxDHM.mp4", "caption": "A group of friends sit together against a fence at a skate park. People on roller blades do tricks on a ramp over steps. People on roller blades do tricks on a bench at the skate park. People do trucks on a railing down a ramp at the skate park. The roller skates ride on half pipe ramps.", "segments": [[0, 11.49], [15.32, 20.59], [21.55, 42.61], [43.57, 62.24], [68.47, 87.62]], "duration": 95.75999999999999, "id": 7194}, {"image_id": "v_lcVkXTsnR7A.mp4", "caption": "A guy climbs up the stairs carrying a black amplifier. The guy walks through a door he opened. The guy plays a harmonica with a microphone in one hand. The guy plays the guitar. The black amplifier is displayed on a table. The amplifier is displayed on a table.", "segments": [[1.14, 7.99], [9.13, 11.41], [17.12, 221.41], [29.67, 195.16], [122.12, 127.82], [224.83, 227.11]], "duration": 228.25, "id": 7195}, {"image_id": "v_im-nQ-KEzaQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera with various ingredients laid out as well as her cleaning. She lays out a newspaper and mixes various ingredients together into a spray bottle. She puts on gloves and using the newspaper to wipe down a window after she has sprayed it. She continues wiping down the window while speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[3.23, 43.99], [32.99, 71.16], [78.92, 108.68], [93.8, 126.79]], "duration": 129.38, "id": 7196}, {"image_id": "v_cYMweZa5J1I.mp4", "caption": "Guys stand or sit around their dirt bikes. Guys are riding their dirt bikes. A guy takes off his upper body armor while sitting on his dirt bike.", "segments": [[1.18, 225.53], [12.99, 232.62], [86.2, 88.56]], "duration": 236.16, "id": 7197}, {"image_id": "v_ouc67LyENuw.mp4", "caption": "Cows are running through fields with men chasing after them with sticks. The men are agitating the cows and causing them to fight with one another. The men are singing and dancing around the cows. The media interviews men from the crowd. A female reporter is holding a microphone while doing a news report. A large crowd of men are following her.", "segments": [[1.98, 83.65], [29.64, 42.81], [15.15, 59.28], [73.11, 96.82], [108.02, 129.75], [108.67, 129.75]], "duration": 131.73, "id": 7198}, {"image_id": "v_EjaS2rW81S4.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen kneeling on a beach helping a small child make sand castles. Many people are seen walking around the beach as the boy and older woman continue to make sand castles.", "segments": [[6.9, 76.82], [75.95, 169.17]], "duration": 172.62, "id": 7199}, {"image_id": "v_dEUFGAwRhEM.mp4", "caption": "A couple of large balloons are floating over the ocean water. Competitor boaters are shown racing in the water. They paddle quickly toward the finish mark.", "segments": [[0, 29.86], [41.59, 156.77], [165.3, 213.29]], "duration": 213.29, "id": 7200}, {"image_id": "v_J3coWVRd5do.mp4", "caption": "A girl runs down a track in slow motion. She takes a huge jump, hurling herself over a bar. She is shown performing the act again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 8.17], [8.39, 20.08], [21.85, 44.14]], "duration": 44.14, "id": 7201}, {"image_id": "v_kG7inHibWLU.mp4", "caption": "A girl knocks on a door but nobody answers. She dances and prepares food in front of the stove with another woman. She fights and then both girls separate.", "segments": [[0, 17.11], [9.41, 37.63], [33.36, 65]], "duration": 171.06, "id": 7202}, {"image_id": "v_gzyu1S2LNIw.mp4", "caption": "A small group of girls are seen standing ready holding flags and lead into them performing a routine. A man sits in front of them playing an instrument while they continue spinning and many on the sides watch.", "segments": [[0, 52.96], [32.14, 90.54]], "duration": 90.53999999999999, "id": 7203}, {"image_id": "v_e0Qj2F3V6fM.mp4", "caption": "The video stats explaining how to make Omelette muffins. She shows the ingredients and tell what to set the oven to. She mixes everything together and stirs it up with seasoning. She then puts it into the tray and into the oven to bake. Afterward she takes it out and shows the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 23.61], [23.61, 60.09], [62.24, 151.31], [152.38, 189.94], [191.01, 214.62]], "duration": 214.62, "id": 7204}, {"image_id": "v_FIzlf7jdsUY.mp4", "caption": "Pictures of people's hair is shown. A woman in a pink shirt has pictures of her hair. Words come on the screen at the end.", "segments": [[0, 149.61], [92.76, 131.65], [134.65, 149.61]], "duration": 149.61, "id": 7205}, {"image_id": "v_wFmczV8lv-I.mp4", "caption": "A group of gymnast enter front a side of a stadium.Next, a gymnast is shown on the bar and does multiple tricks consisting of flips and handstands then flips off to land and walks off.As a man runs near him,a replay is shown of the instances where he messed up and then his score is shown.Another man is shown doing various tricks and flips but instead of being above the bar,he starts out below the bar and comes on the top to do a hand stand before finally flipping off.Several other teams approach the bar and they too begin doing the same tricks in their competition.The winner then begins waving his flag and waving his hand to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 17.72], [17.72, 28.5], [28.5, 58.54], [58.54, 92.44], [92.44, 132.5], [131.73, 154.07]], "duration": 154.07, "id": 7206}, {"image_id": "v_TDWbRqIEcts.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in a room in front of a bookshelf with a cookie. The cookie is snatched from the man. We see the face of a young boy. We see ingredients added to a bowl. We switch and see a cat. We see ingredients in a mixer, then poured into a bowl then refrigerated. We see the cat appear again. A person shapes balls and coats them in powdered sugar. The cookies are baked. We see the man talking with a girl. We see the cookies and two mugs. We see the man with two kids.", "segments": [[0, 12.75], [10.84, 13.39], [18.48, 21.03], [22.31, 30.59], [30.59, 33.14], [33.78, 72.03], [72.66, 75.21], [76.49, 84.77], [85.41, 99.43], [100.71, 104.53], [104.53, 114.73], [115.37, 127.48]], "duration": 127.48, "id": 7207}, {"image_id": "v_gkhgAlVSKTI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen playing a set of bagpipes while people sit around her and watch. The girl continues playing as the camera watches her move her hands along the instrument and a man standing next to her to pose and throw change.", "segments": [[1.87, 57.44], [48.7, 123]], "duration": 124.88, "id": 7208}, {"image_id": "v_ybhc3-s7aYo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a large log holding an ax in his hands. He holds the ax up over his head while still looking down at the log. He swing the ax down and chops the log in half.", "segments": [[0.49, 5.89], [5.2, 15.89], [12.75, 19.23]], "duration": 19.62, "id": 7209}, {"image_id": "v_WidcZbpPEC0.mp4", "caption": "People are in a room talk to each other. Then, the men compete arm wrestling and the winner looks happy, while people \napplaud. A man drinks beer from a bottle.", "segments": [[8.76, 26.75], [26.75, 82.55], [61.79, 63.18]], "duration": 92.22999999999999, "id": 7210}, {"image_id": "v_XhqFJNRt-5g.mp4", "caption": "People are walking in front of a white fence. Behind the fence a man is riding a horse. He ropes a calf and throws it down onto the ground. He ties the legs of the calf and stands up. He gets back on his horse.", "segments": [[0, 5.11], [5.26, 13.31], [13.31, 18.88], [16.56, 18.26], [19.5, 30.95]], "duration": 30.95, "id": 7211}, {"image_id": "v_l8TsSm4Yh4M.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking around a paintball course and leads into clips of people playing paintball and speaking to one another. A man points to the camera and leads into more shots of people playing and working with one another.", "segments": [[1.64, 83.57], [60.63, 159.76]], "duration": 163.85, "id": 7212}, {"image_id": "v_UlGX-5x0Mak.mp4", "caption": "A boy holds an ice cream cone to a baby sitting in a high chair seat. The baby enjoys the ice cream cone.", "segments": [[0, 18.74], [18.74, 25.15]], "duration": 25.15, "id": 7213}, {"image_id": "v_rVmNL8rzHnU.mp4", "caption": "A man is putting wall paper on the wall, he is trying to measure it just right so that it is even with the rest. He cuts some of the paper and takes the plastic part off of the back so that it is sticky and begins pressing the adhesive side down on the wall. He starts to add pressure to it so that any bubbles get out and it looks nice and even. He stands back to look at the wall and make sure it look good, then shows a before and after photo.", "segments": [[0, 34.98], [33.98, 113.93], [113.93, 161.9], [161.9, 199.88]], "duration": 199.88, "id": 7214}, {"image_id": "v_znoMrA2qCbA.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling on a field. He picks up a heavy ball, and uses it to perform numerous exercise techniques. He then sets it back down on the grass.", "segments": [[0, 2.06], [3.91, 18.13], [18.54, 20.6]], "duration": 20.6, "id": 7215}, {"image_id": "v_a7oaRcmRZ5k.mp4", "caption": "A boat is seen riding along the water with a man driving others around. A person is seen riding on the back doing several flips and tricks on his board. The people watch the man as well as the camera as he continues flipping around and looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 41.99], [33.59, 103.36], [98.83, 129.2]], "duration": 129.2, "id": 7216}, {"image_id": "v_NJuf9o45A8U.mp4", "caption": "A man is snowboarding down a hill of snow. He is jumping in the air and doing tricks off of pipes.", "segments": [[0, 67.54], [8.1, 67.54]], "duration": 67.54, "id": 7217}, {"image_id": "v_LOhacn4jdT4.mp4", "caption": "A man walks around while adjusting a belt, with many other people in the room. The man walks through a tunnel flanked by several other men. The man gets on a stage and powders his hands. The man walks before a barbell with weights. The man lifts the weights. The man drops the weights. The man walks off stage as attendants move to the weight on stage. A replay of the lift is shown from a different angle.", "segments": [[0, 13.38], [13.38, 20.59], [20.07, 28.31], [28.31, 35.51], [35.51, 63.31], [64.33, 71.03], [71.54, 86.47], [86.47, 102.94]], "duration": 102.94, "id": 7218}, {"image_id": "v_S633fHu_NrU.mp4", "caption": "A lady is standing at the table with ingredients on the table. The woman pointed the ingredients such as red bell peppers, celery, carrots, chicken breast, olives, pickled gherkins, olive oil in the bottle, white wine in the bottle, mayonnaise, mustard and gruyere, salt and pepper. The lady touched the ingredients in the plates, then she sliced the chicken, put the mustard, mayonnaise and olive oil in a bowl, then added the vegetables, and then the plate is shown with the chicken salad.", "segments": [[0, 36.63], [20.7, 119.43], [67.68, 159.24]], "duration": 159.24, "id": 7219}, {"image_id": "v_GBTpVjwLxe0.mp4", "caption": "A kayak rider paddles against the current and maneuvers back and forth with his hips and paddle. The kayak rider dips into the water and recovers.", "segments": [[0, 22.76], [1.86, 6.62]], "duration": 23.22, "id": 7220}, {"image_id": "v_wMDyshGO2og.mp4", "caption": "A game is taking place between argentina and peru. People in the crowded stands gather and disperse. The men are shown on the court, playing the game and kicking the ball. The scoreboard is shown for comparison as the game ends.", "segments": [[0, 10.43], [15.64, 105.13], [110.34, 161.6], [165.08, 173.77]], "duration": 173.77, "id": 7221}, {"image_id": "v_ecWUNT_HcN8.mp4", "caption": "A large roof is seen close up followed by a person standing on a ladder and pushing down tiles. More people are seen working on the roof hammering down tiles as well as pushing them off and speaking to the camera. The camera continues to pan all around the roof as well as buildings around them and the men continuing to work.", "segments": [[5.85, 85.38], [71.34, 177.78], [167.25, 221.05]], "duration": 233.92000000000002, "id": 7222}, {"image_id": "v_f5xSylPY_bQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting down in front of a couch. She starts playing a flute. She continues playing the flute white looking down.", "segments": [[0, 18.22], [17.2, 36.43], [17.2, 202.41]], "duration": 202.41, "id": 7223}, {"image_id": "v_ynxngsa-IHU.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of a wall filled with hair products. Various scissors and combs are laid out on a mat. The salon stylist towels off then rubs hair products through the man's hair with his hands. The stylist combs out the persons hair and cuts it with scissors. The stylist trims the sideburns and around the ears. The stylist uses his hands to style the hair and blow drys it when finished cutting for the person to see.", "segments": [[2.07, 10.35], [11.38, 21.73], [22.77, 39.32], [40.36, 107.62], [108.65, 131.42], [133.49, 198.68]], "duration": 206.96, "id": 7224}, {"image_id": "v_ktfxYSZjJyM.mp4", "caption": "woman is in a lake windsurfing with a red windsurf. other people are in the back windsurfing in the lake. sailboat is standing in the back of people windsurfing.", "segments": [[0.09, 18.74], [0, 18.74], [0, 2.44]], "duration": 18.74, "id": 7225}, {"image_id": "v_1_PiNdPt6RU.mp4", "caption": "woman is eating bran flakes and putting some mascara, washing her teeth and cleaning her mouth with mouthwash. journalists are talking in the news.", "segments": [[0, 4.9], [5.05, 15.07]], "duration": 15.07, "id": 7226}, {"image_id": "v_HYYQ56oZSDM.mp4", "caption": "A woman and man dancing provocatively outside of a restaurant. She is wearing a very sexy short dress and kicking her legs up and down in heels. People are walking out od the restaurant. One of the workers is sitting on a stool smoking until they end their dance on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 39.64], [39.64, 71.77], [71.77, 112.48], [112.48, 214.25]], "duration": 214.25, "id": 7227}, {"image_id": "v_zPGc84TC74A.mp4", "caption": "We see the title screen on gray. Two men are playing squash. We see a transition urging practice. A transition starts but doesn't change to anything. The man in white wipes his brow with his sleeve. The end credits run up the screen.", "segments": [[0, 3], [3.6, 54], [14.7, 16.8], [35.4, 36.6], [51.9, 53.7], [54.3, 60]], "duration": 60.0, "id": 7228}, {"image_id": "v_zL_WLS1gPNw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is kneeling down on the ground next to a desk. She starts painting the desk white with a paint brush. She then starts painting two of the drawers orange.", "segments": [[0, 35.78], [35.78, 62.34], [85.65, 94.86]], "duration": 108.41, "id": 7229}, {"image_id": "v_-boJqGIgV9I.mp4", "caption": "A small girl is at an amusement park dart rewards game. A lady who is working at the stand comes and asks her how many darts she would like to use, she gives the girl the darts. The girl starts throwing darts, she is only able to hit one balloon, she asks for help but does not get it.", "segments": [[0, 20.22], [20.56, 34.04], [34.72, 67.41]], "duration": 67.41, "id": 7230}, {"image_id": "v_Ru18FF0tcuA.mp4", "caption": "A person is rowing at the edge of a boat. The person takes out a fishing hook. The person starts fishing at his edge.", "segments": [[0, 40.64], [45.59, 47.36], [48.06, 65.38]], "duration": 70.68, "id": 7231}, {"image_id": "v_iqmpDgATXbU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen performing a belly dancing routine on a large stage with other people watching on the sides. The woman continues dancing and spinning around the stage and ends with her posing and walking off.", "segments": [[0, 86.38], [87.31, 185.76]], "duration": 185.76, "id": 7232}, {"image_id": "v_drMXYzlmJQU.mp4", "caption": "grandma is talking with a little blond child sitting in a coach while is knitting in a red thread in a liing room. child holds the thread and run in the room pulling it and the woman is talking to him, the child grabs the thread from the floor and run in the living room.", "segments": [[0, 52.28], [52.28, 101.52]], "duration": 101.52000000000001, "id": 7233}, {"image_id": "v_ik8uSCSBv1U.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on a tennis court preparing to serve the ball. The man hits the tennis ball across the court. The man turns and walks back to his basket and grabs a ball from his pocket. The man bounces the ball on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 0.29], [0.29, 3.99], [3.99, 7.1], [7.1, 9.73]], "duration": 9.73, "id": 7234}, {"image_id": "v_86sxvTk3YEY.mp4", "caption": "An actor,Jason Stathom,is sitting in a blue reclining chair talking a late night tv host by the name of Jimmy Fallon who is sitting behind a desk.The two continue to speak then they both stand up in a joking manner and walk over to a table.They both stand at the ends of the table and begin arm wrestling and talking.After a long period of time passes,the actor wins and starts cheering for himself.", "segments": [[0, 42.87], [42.87, 99.28], [99.28, 197.43], [197.43, 225.63]], "duration": 225.63, "id": 7235}, {"image_id": "v_AntmYynwbhQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman in white shirt is posing with her short hair. A man in white shirt is cutting the hair of the girl in a studio with white background, then he braided the back of her hair, then continue to cut and style the girl's hair.", "segments": [[0, 28.25], [25.79, 122.81]], "duration": 122.81, "id": 7236}, {"image_id": "v_VXiaPftjWqQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down on a floor followed by shots of him putting plaster and tiles down are shown. He then drills into a bucket and lays plaster down, as well as placing tiles on the floor yet again and showing more shots of him working in the end.", "segments": [[0, 107.9], [105.69, 220.2]], "duration": 220.2, "id": 7237}, {"image_id": "v_osaJxzwVt6Q.mp4", "caption": "kid is standing in front of stage playing congas. behind him is a girl playing the tambourine and a boy playing the triangle. in the background kids standing on stage are playing drums.", "segments": [[0.99, 98.85], [0, 98.85], [0, 98.35]], "duration": 98.85, "id": 7238}, {"image_id": "v_4_yy5vswBn4.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting at a table. A woman steps onto the table and falls into his arms. She does a back flip off of him onto the floor. They begin dancing on the dance floor.", "segments": [[0, 4.65], [7.56, 18.62], [18.04, 20.94], [22.69, 116.36]], "duration": 116.36, "id": 7239}, {"image_id": "v_LkwkGj27pP8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen leaning onto a fence and continuously bending down to dip paint into a bucket. The woman brushes the fence continuously in front of her while the camera captures her from behind.", "segments": [[0.42, 13.12], [9.35, 26.24]], "duration": 27.91, "id": 7240}, {"image_id": "v_rKnQNI9PNFI.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a newscaster speak. We see a man in a room then a fight and men in an office before more fighting in an action movie. We return to the newscaster as she discusses a superhero movie. Her screen changes to the title screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.39], [2.39, 14.36], [15.16, 125.24], [125.24, 151.57], [151.57, 159.55]], "duration": 159.55, "id": 7241}, {"image_id": "v_8tI9IsSpgeI.mp4", "caption": "A man lifts large weight off the ground. He pushes it over his head before dropping it on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 14.53], [15.4, 21.69]], "duration": 21.69, "id": 7242}, {"image_id": "v_D99jYbtGO38.mp4", "caption": "A man throws a ball to his son, who catches it with a lacrosse stick. The boy flings it back and it sails to the right of the man.", "segments": [[0, 3.43], [4.66, 7.61]], "duration": 8.8, "id": 7243}, {"image_id": "v_sV6JEbmqDUw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown from various angles moving on an exercise machine and leads into the earth revolving. She places an item on the machine and several pictures of health are shown. She is again on the machine riding and finally folds up the machine in the end.", "segments": [[0, 12.66], [12.09, 22.45], [23.31, 57.56]], "duration": 57.56, "id": 7244}, {"image_id": "v_rvkVdD2u_yA.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in front of a net. He crouches down to the floor, crossing his ankles. He then goes forward and back several times, stretching.", "segments": [[0, 4.02], [6.03, 12.97], [14.79, 36.53]], "duration": 36.53, "id": 7245}, {"image_id": "v_fsz79uPkUSs.mp4", "caption": "A toddler is sitting down in front of a table,with her play make up laid out on the table.She then takes her foundation and puts it around her face.Next comes her eye shadow,then her lips but she ends up dropping it on the floor and has to go under the table to get it.Finally,she comes back and adds the finishing touches on her lips,she finishes off her lips and adds more color to her cheeks.", "segments": [[0, 16.93], [16.93, 62.74], [62.74, 139.43], [139.43, 199.18]], "duration": 199.18, "id": 7246}, {"image_id": "v_UOswYEzeJ-M.mp4", "caption": "A group of boys are playing ball on a court. They are being guided by their coach. They run with the balls, trying to make baskets.", "segments": [[0, 20.48], [22.19, 60.16], [61.87, 85.33]], "duration": 85.33, "id": 7247}, {"image_id": "v_oKdzcTnENks.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is playing hop scotch on the pavement. There is a truck behind him. He doesn't really play it right. He jumps on all of the numbers. He kind of runs through the game.", "segments": [[0, 7.56], [7.4, 11.26], [11.26, 17.21], [17.04, 22.19], [22.03, 32.16]], "duration": 32.16, "id": 7248}, {"image_id": "v_PQBeNLSdugw.mp4", "caption": "Young boys are shown doing a karate demo in front of the judges. They move back and forth and front to back performing various punches. They then relax and take a bow while the people behind them clap. They then continue on with their routine of play fighting. This continues on until the boy finish their routine to applause and then sit down.", "segments": [[0, 17.34], [17.34, 24.08], [24.08, 34.67], [34.67, 70.31], [70.79, 96.32]], "duration": 96.32, "id": 7249}, {"image_id": "v_ARkMGkD2RDs.mp4", "caption": "A dumbell appears on screen with the words \"Catalyst Athletics\" overlaid. A man lifts weights over his head in a gym. A woman then lifts weights over her head. A \"Catalyst Athletics\" logo appears with social media links.", "segments": [[0, 9.11], [9.32, 17.81], [18.02, 27.75], [27.75, 41.43]], "duration": 41.43, "id": 7250}, {"image_id": "v_E0xXymnjDkc.mp4", "caption": "People are standing outside playing volleyball. A man in a black shirt is talking to someone. A man in a gray shirt has his hands on his hips.", "segments": [[0, 56.12], [0, 4.49], [8.14, 9.54]], "duration": 56.12, "id": 7251}, {"image_id": "v_ujiWstJ3tt0.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling down on the ground sanding a wall with a silver utensil.The man stands up,looks back at the camera and continues doing his task.Now the man is back on his knees and continues to do what he was doing in the beginning.", "segments": [[0, 17.51], [17.22, 44.95], [44.95, 58.38]], "duration": 58.38, "id": 7252}, {"image_id": "v_r34VM4v0ShI.mp4", "caption": "Some supplies needed to shine shoes are shown. An older man shines a shoe and talks about how he shines shoes and how he learned to shine shoes as a child. The same man is shown shining another mans shoes. The same man shines shoes in a shop while other people sit or walk around. An old black and white photo is shown of a barber shop. The older man shines another shoe and talks about shining shoes. A different man is seen in the background walking away.", "segments": [[0, 8.87], [8.87, 67.52], [67.52, 76.38], [77.06, 92.07], [92.07, 95.48], [98.2, 132.98], [126.16, 131.62]], "duration": 136.4, "id": 7253}, {"image_id": "v_ABmZdlZEZOY.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of divers moving around the ocean and passing various fish and items under water. The diver comes above the water holding a tank and spins around while the camera follows.", "segments": [[0, 137.84], [135.03, 187.54]], "duration": 187.54, "id": 7254}, {"image_id": "v_8Qg395HjqFg.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white jacket picks up an iron. He places tin foil down onto a table. He puts bread on the tin foil with butter and cheese. He puts the iron on the sandwich. He opens the tin foil and cuts the sandwich in half. He takes a bit of the sandwich.", "segments": [[0, 24.05], [33.17, 48.93], [48.1, 71.32], [72.98, 113.61], [112.79, 134.35], [153.42, 160.89]], "duration": 165.86, "id": 7255}, {"image_id": "v_zSCZphJS2vA.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen walking up to a platform and begins spinning himself around and throwing an object off into the distance. His throw is shown again in slow motion and another man is seen spinning around then throwing the object with his hands up afterwards.", "segments": [[1.45, 55.74], [32.96, 96.46]], "duration": 96.94, "id": 7256}, {"image_id": "v_Z7gECmnHeKk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a piece of exercise equipment and rowing himself back and fourth on a machine. The man continues moving himself back and fourth as the camera captures him from several angles.", "segments": [[0, 32.39], [27.52, 69.66]], "duration": 69.66, "id": 7257}, {"image_id": "v_-C1nnsyw7R0.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a racetrack and is running to make a jump and people is standing around him. man is sitting in a room talking to the camera. man is running in a racetrack and jumping in the dust and man is sitting in a room talking. players are running playing american football and spectators are in the terraces. old man is talking in the room and the man in the race track is running and practicing the jump.", "segments": [[0, 21.37], [21.37, 24.71], [24.04, 60.77], [60.77, 79.47], [79.47, 133.56]], "duration": 133.56, "id": 7258}, {"image_id": "v_zUuT2FBf-Oc.mp4", "caption": "Two large pieces of decorated construction paper are shown with the words Happy Birthday all over them. We then see presents wrapped with the same wording.", "segments": [[0, 20.87], [21.95, 35.99]], "duration": 35.99, "id": 7259}, {"image_id": "v_TSVDMiy_FC4.mp4", "caption": "A close up pair of shoes is shown followed by various text instructions and tools laid out. A person is then seen rubbing down the show with a rag using several ingredients and zooming in on the clean pair of shoes.", "segments": [[0, 56.72], [30.06, 113.43]], "duration": 113.43, "id": 7260}, {"image_id": "v_iPU4muYW14Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing on a wooden floor. She is raising and lowering her arms, changing to different positions. She is displaying acts of tai chai for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 28.84], [34.25, 115.36], [118.07, 180.26]], "duration": 180.26, "id": 7261}, {"image_id": "v_mEjU4uJZccw.mp4", "caption": "a man is shown on a stage, playing a set of drums. The woman to one side is playing maracas. The man on the other side is playing an electric guitar.", "segments": [[0, 3.82], [5.21, 23.27], [35.07, 69.45]], "duration": 69.45, "id": 7262}, {"image_id": "v_kXCtmH4V0TI.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown entering a circular caged area with one side open. The man begins rotating a ball that is attached to a string around him. The man begins spinning his body quickly in circles. The man lets go of the string and the ball flies through the air.", "segments": [[0, 3.27], [3.21, 7.93], [7.99, 10.01], [10.07, 12.59]], "duration": 12.59, "id": 7263}, {"image_id": "v_uqT5jtfx8x0.mp4", "caption": "Two teams play polo holding poles to kick a ball on front a crowd in a field. People stand next to the scores boards. Then, a player get up the stage to receives a trophy, after a woman kiss the winner and other players on stage, and all rise the trophy.", "segments": [[0, 45.81], [46.16, 48.26], [48.26, 68.19]], "duration": 69.94, "id": 7264}, {"image_id": "v_HXn5ZpSEMqg.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screen. A man hold up a bench and opens the parts so he can set it up. He sticks a pin in and snaps his ski in. He then waxes the ski and removes the pin. He adjusts the parts of the bench. We see the bench in shots with the end credits.", "segments": [[0, 6.12], [6.12, 33.39], [33.39, 57.32], [62.33, 79.03], [80.14, 95.72], [95.72, 111.31]], "duration": 111.31, "id": 7265}, {"image_id": "v_x--RoqrwiLI.mp4", "caption": "A man in a large green field practices over seven hammer throws in the field with a measuring tape in front of him stretched along the ground. A bare chested man in black track pants spins a hammer throw around and around until he releases into a field in front of him. The man then goes on to perform at least six more hammer throws in the same way in the same location.", "segments": [[9.91, 132.15], [10.57, 29.07], [30.39, 113.64]], "duration": 132.15, "id": 7266}, {"image_id": "v_JgfVp6Estgw.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of landscapes are shown including deer heads and tree houses and leads into a man shooting a bow and arrow. He hits the stuffed animal and leads into more shots of him and another using the bow and arrow. The camera pans around areas that they hit and shows one man walking away.", "segments": [[0, 56.82], [51.23, 139.72], [145.31, 186.29]], "duration": 186.29, "id": 7267}, {"image_id": "v_Y34oqcxYmWc.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are dancing on a dance floor in front of a crowd of people. The crowd applauds for them. The couple hugs and bows for the crowd.", "segments": [[14.27, 169.07], [170.17, 194.32], [191.02, 211.88]], "duration": 219.57, "id": 7268}, {"image_id": "v_X1E7i3ocxKY.mp4", "caption": "A tattoo parlor is shown from the outside then inside. An array of tattoo choices are shown on a wall. An artist is shown drawing and coloring in tattoos on a piece of paper.", "segments": [[0, 26.71], [34.19, 161.36], [174.18, 213.72]], "duration": 213.72, "id": 7269}, {"image_id": "v_JkcoGLKl_0A.mp4", "caption": "A baby is riding a swing in the playground. A hand pushs her while she enjoys the ride. The man starts to play with her.", "segments": [[0, 30.05], [1.5, 15.62], [25.54, 29.3]], "duration": 30.05, "id": 7270}, {"image_id": "v_6okx-34bDEg.mp4", "caption": "People run in a marathon in the street. A man head the race and run alone in the street. Suddenly, the man crashes into the car and falls.", "segments": [[0, 12.69], [13.19, 35.6], [35.84, 39.08]], "duration": 49.78, "id": 7271}, {"image_id": "v_CmS2nSm5n2Q.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a blue shirt walking into a tall building where there's an indoor fencing arena. He walks into the arena and talks with two fencers. One of the fencers puts on a fencing suit on the man. The fencer then demonstrates and gives the man a lesson in fencing. He shows the man the various skills involved in fencing. The man is able to miss and evade every move of the fencer as he goes untouched by the sword. Then both the fencers remove their masks and shake hands. The fencer talks about his experience with the master fencer.", "segments": [[0, 17.43], [22.07, 46.47], [44.15, 61.58], [36.02, 58.09], [58.09, 133.61], [84.81, 177.76], [159.17, 183.57], [182.4, 219.58]], "duration": 232.36, "id": 7272}, {"image_id": "v_sJUUm0n4cXA.mp4", "caption": "A game of lacrosse begins and a boy by the name of Chase Madrid is highlights making scenes throughout the game.Several different games begin and a yellow circle is drawn around him for each play when he is running back and forth.When the highlight reel is finished,a black screen appears and shows the High School as well as the name for the player.", "segments": [[0, 86.46], [86.46, 178.95], [178.95, 201.06]], "duration": 201.06, "id": 7273}, {"image_id": "v_8v2sAylgkgc.mp4", "caption": "A man is at a park, where he and his wife, who is holding a baby, push two small children on the swings. The woman disappears as the man continues to push.", "segments": [[0, 32.34], [39, 63.41]], "duration": 63.41, "id": 7274}, {"image_id": "v_Kcy0A0DuckE.mp4", "caption": "A small group of kids are seen moving around a gymnasium throwing balls around. The kids throw the balls to one another while playing a game. The game continues on while the kids jump and down.", "segments": [[0, 39.13], [36.16, 84.77], [68.17, 114.41]], "duration": 118.56, "id": 7275}, {"image_id": "v_A0F6uT95xhA.mp4", "caption": "A man dances in in a big room. As he does the dance he explains how to do it.", "segments": [[16.48, 76.65], [16.48, 75.5]], "duration": 76.65, "id": 7276}, {"image_id": "v_3S_aifr5rG4.mp4", "caption": "These horses are walking in a grassy area by themselves and then a woman is shown brushing the horse's hair. The camera zooms in to shows the horse' nose and then the woman climbs onto the horse's saddle to ride it somewhere. Then two other people are hsown riding the horse's in different settings.", "segments": [[0, 5.96], [26.82, 29.05], [26.82, 148.98]], "duration": 148.98, "id": 7277}, {"image_id": "v_DIATqGGmG2g.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are siting outside talking with there feet crossed. One of the girls hands the other a container which she pulls a little paper out of that tells her what to do. She reads it and then does what the paper says to do. They take turns doing this, picking a note and then doing the task it says to do and they are having fun while doing so.", "segments": [[0, 36.55], [36.55, 85.29], [85.29, 135.9], [135.9, 187.46]], "duration": 187.46, "id": 7278}, {"image_id": "v_FRoL-CpfbJ4.mp4", "caption": "Water splashing on a watch tower. People sitting on the beach in a boat. music plays in the background as different people are sailing during different clips.", "segments": [[0, 8.38], [8.38, 24.1], [25.14, 209.54]], "duration": 209.54, "id": 7279}, {"image_id": "v_RBkieLmOUlQ.mp4", "caption": "Two boys in karate pants wrestle one another in the background. The group forms a circle and two of the boys begin to spar in a martial arts practice. the boy in pink top does a spinning kick.", "segments": [[0, 2.39], [1.47, 35.13], [24.46, 29.24]], "duration": 36.78, "id": 7280}, {"image_id": "v_-l5e1zVzQOQ.mp4", "caption": "A band plays music on stage. A man plays the drums intensely. A large screen shows the band above. People play the guitar on the stage.", "segments": [[0, 138.79], [9.72, 138.79], [23.59, 138.79], [54.82, 138.79]], "duration": 138.79, "id": 7281}, {"image_id": "v_vr7iD3pjmSU.mp4", "caption": "An archery competition montage video shows pitched battles taking place in fields, convention halls of hotels, indoor arenas, and warehouses. A logo for Archery Tag appears and an ad plays for another video and subscription.", "segments": [[0, 64.68], [65.87, 75]], "duration": 79.37, "id": 7282}, {"image_id": "v_ZVMGA4oF6xo.mp4", "caption": "A balded man is seen talking to a camera while rubbing his head and making grimace faces. He continues speaking to the camera and the video ends with him waving and shutting the camera off.", "segments": [[0, 31.61], [27.32, 107.14]], "duration": 107.14, "id": 7283}, {"image_id": "v_t6Hc2tHRrs4.mp4", "caption": "A group is shown together and racing on bmx bikes in a series of photos. Then we see people on bikes, performing stunts, going around a ring and jumping hills. A biker flies through the air, then we see a final photo of the winners with their medals.", "segments": [[0, 6.62], [9.63, 98.74], [102.36, 120.42]], "duration": 120.42, "id": 7284}, {"image_id": "v_HmqRZ4HPu1U.mp4", "caption": "A man in a yard starts his lawn mower. The man mows his lawn with headphones on his ears as his dog walks around the yard. the dog runs to get out of the way of the lawn mower and leaves the scene.", "segments": [[0, 2.96], [2.96, 32.86], [23.33, 27.44]], "duration": 32.86, "id": 7285}, {"image_id": "v_fVzpG-QQ1n8.mp4", "caption": "A cat is seen licking itself on a bed while a person continuously attempts to cut it's claws. The person scratches the cat while it continues to lick itself and attempts again to cut it's claws. Finally the person plays with the cat and the car continues licking.", "segments": [[0, 62.08], [32.39, 132.25], [128.65, 179.93]], "duration": 179.93, "id": 7286}, {"image_id": "v_KgfKmcsEMK0.mp4", "caption": "A guy is shaving a male's leg. The male laughs and messes with his shorts. The guy rinses the razor in a blue bowl full with soapy liquid.", "segments": [[0, 21.2], [4.03, 6.68], [2.97, 13.78]], "duration": 21.2, "id": 7287}, {"image_id": "v_BadeHG8y4PQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a volleyball while standing on a court and speaking. Female players train and practice behind him while he speaks.", "segments": [[0, 49.33], [51.22, 126.48]], "duration": 126.48, "id": 7288}, {"image_id": "v_X2GUUIGudxs.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a room wearing blue. He is applying a picture to the wall. He uses a tool to smooth it out. He cuts the paper at the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 188.04], [7.52, 188.04], [35.73, 110], [78.03, 111.88]], "duration": 188.04, "id": 7289}, {"image_id": "v_rVqeQ9D7EWo.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside a trailer. He begins to shovel snow in front of the trailer. He puts the snow shovel in the snow and continues talking.", "segments": [[5.81, 222.04], [20.93, 165.08], [161.59, 222.04]], "duration": 232.5, "id": 7290}, {"image_id": "v_PlUAKvaRd8s.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen sitting in a tube while others stand around him. The boy then begins riding down a snowy hill in the tube. The boy continues to ride until he reaches the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 8.44], [8.74, 21.69], [20.09, 27.66]], "duration": 29.12, "id": 7291}, {"image_id": "v_TV8putYbiCU.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands by a sink as she speaks. She turns on the faucet and wets the sink. She sprays the sink with a cleaner. She grabs a paper towel and wipes the sink. She turns on the water and wets the sink. She grabs another paper towel and wipes the sink. She finishes wiping the sink and speaks.", "segments": [[0, 33.98], [34.6, 42.01], [43.24, 53.13], [53.75, 89.58], [90.19, 107.49], [107.49, 117.99], [118.61, 123.55]], "duration": 123.55, "id": 7292}, {"image_id": "v_JFGJYIZ7ONE.mp4", "caption": "A team is playing basketball against another team. They chase the ball all over the court. They try to keep the ball away from their opponent, making baskets as they go.", "segments": [[0, 32.03], [33.6, 90.63], [93.76, 156.26]], "duration": 156.26, "id": 7293}, {"image_id": "v_5I5xXW25OXs.mp4", "caption": "Two men getting ready for a contest by doing paper scissors rocks to see who goes first. The men cross their arms and began drinking the liquids during the contest.", "segments": [[0, 4.05], [4.53, 23.85]], "duration": 23.85, "id": 7294}, {"image_id": "v_vl7OBBTv7KY.mp4", "caption": "an oreo cheesecake is on top of a table. oreos are in a bowl and the cooker is crushing them and melted butter and mixing and put it in a pan. whipping cream is meled in a bowl and beat until double its volume. in other bowl a cream cheese is mixed with sugar and vanilla and break oreo cookies in a bowl and mix it together and then drop it in the pan and top it off with oreo cookies.", "segments": [[0, 21.16], [21.16, 78.77], [78.77, 105.82], [105.82, 235.15]], "duration": 235.15, "id": 7295}, {"image_id": "v_J_CqwWJZTh4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking into a microphone and leads into her throwing darts at a person's head after spinning. The person wears a pumpkin head and more people are seen attempting to throw darts. In the end the man takes the pumpkin off of his head.", "segments": [[3.04, 88.12], [55.71, 161.05], [174.22, 199.55]], "duration": 202.57999999999998, "id": 7296}, {"image_id": "v_AR-VPPtV7ag.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown sitting down in front of a tree shuffling cards when someone hands him a drink. He then chugs the drink very quickly and points to the one who threw the drink.", "segments": [[0, 6.49], [6.22, 16.67]], "duration": 18.02, "id": 7297}, {"image_id": "v_FaiSWZFSHSE.mp4", "caption": "Several images of a bakery and a chef are shown and then a little animate guy comes along showing what the video will be about.A real chef then appears and begins cutting small layers of cakes and adding them together.Once all the layers of the cake are cut out and iced together,the fondant is placed on the cake as well as the icing and the desert is complete.", "segments": [[0, 49.64], [49.64, 137.19], [137.19, 180.51]], "duration": 180.51, "id": 7298}, {"image_id": "v_KzK4sf7RmRM.mp4", "caption": "Bags of icing are sitting on a counter. Someone puts the icing in cake and muffin pans. They bake them in the oven. They put them on a plate and start to ice them.", "segments": [[0, 27.24], [27.98, 80.24], [80.98, 117.79], [117.05, 147.24]], "duration": 147.24, "id": 7299}, {"image_id": "v_brSp5DB7OLs.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is shown taking wet clothes our of a bucket. Several people are around her washing clothes and tending to them. She looks back at the camera and seems to be having fun. A young boy jumps in front of the camera and is smiling. The little girls continue rinsing the clothes in the bucket as the young boy turns his back to the camera. The young girl continues on with her work and is shown being very focused in her task.", "segments": [[0, 10.13], [10.8, 18.57], [18.23, 25.32], [25.32, 33.76], [33.42, 49.63], [49.63, 67.52]], "duration": 67.52, "id": 7300}, {"image_id": "v_t2zLJ5mKTT8.mp4", "caption": "Water falls as a man stand on a jet ski. We see the man jet skiing and performing jumps on a lake. The man skis with his hand in the water as he bends down. We see the boat pass us with the skier in the air.", "segments": [[0, 3.41], [4.69, 78.49], [73.37, 77.21], [78.06, 85.31]], "duration": 85.31, "id": 7301}, {"image_id": "v_Np43Q2E8GCE.mp4", "caption": "Two women and a man are walking in the hallway looking at the carpets on display. A red van driven by a man passed, then a man walked towards the house, then a man is crouching on the carpeted floor cutting a piece or brown carpet, iron the carpet, press the carpet with heavy metal.", "segments": [[0.08, 3.19], [2.88, 15.58]], "duration": 15.58, "id": 7302}, {"image_id": "v_0XRZ2F5B7fQ.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman scrape frost off of a parked car's windows, windshield and wiper blades while a second woman talks to them from the side of the car in the snow. A man in a long black wool coat scrapes ice off of a blue car's windshield while a woman in a black fur collared coat talks to him from the side of the car. A second woman begins wiping snow off of the car's windshield wipers while talking to the woman in the fur hooded coat. The man gets in the back seat of the car and shuts the door behind him while the woman in the fur hooded coat waves at the other woman who is moving towards the drivers side car door.", "segments": [[0.31, 60.92], [0.62, 28.31], [28.92, 32.61], [32.3, 60.92]], "duration": 61.53, "id": 7303}, {"image_id": "v_juP0cn5B60Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while shots of homes are shown. People are then seen grooming dogs and holding up awards. The woman continues speaking to the camera while the dogs continue to be groomed behind her.", "segments": [[0.71, 27.73], [24.89, 50.48], [43.02, 67.9]], "duration": 71.1, "id": 7304}, {"image_id": "v_HGK_K2XqhTA.mp4", "caption": "A teen shakes his hand on front a glass of water while a youth watch him. Then, the teen takes the glass shaking his hand and drinks the water while the laugh. After, the youth takes the glass, then holds a cup while the teen fold his right hand. Next, the teen takes a cup and pretend to drink while making gestures of pain.", "segments": [[0, 7.19], [7.19, 32.12], [33.08, 54.18], [54.18, 95.89]], "duration": 95.89, "id": 7305}, {"image_id": "v_FK73jqIGUzE.mp4", "caption": "A boy welds on a piece of metal making sparkles. Then, the boy raise his helmet and talks.", "segments": [[0, 13.41], [13.49, 17.3]], "duration": 17.3, "id": 7306}, {"image_id": "v_AhWkUdag6NA.mp4", "caption": "A woman opens her mouth and smiles at the camera. People are going by, water sailing. They spin and turn in the water as they sail.", "segments": [[0, 10.22], [16.36, 91.34], [94.06, 136.32]], "duration": 136.32999999999998, "id": 7307}, {"image_id": "v_Cl0lsFUR5HE.mp4", "caption": "A vacant beach is visible and people began to pull their cars up against the coast.The sidewalk then appears and a boy begins to skateboard down the road near the beach.He continues doing tricks and skateboarding through the city passing people and cars.After a while,he sits down a takes a break and begins talking to another guy before he eventually gets back up to continue skateboarding.", "segments": [[0, 10.36], [10.36, 60.25], [60.25, 147.81], [147.81, 188.29]], "duration": 188.29, "id": 7308}, {"image_id": "v_GwIHO7HpGkY.mp4", "caption": "\nA man is standing on ice holding a fishing pole in his right hand and there's a very small hole in the ice in front of him and he drops his hook into the hole and tugs on his pole. The man then pulls on the fishing wire a few times and stands there holding his fishing pole, moving it, and winding it from time to time.The end of the pole begins to bend and the man starts pulling the pole and winding it up and he pulls a fish out of the hole and it lands onto the ice. The man grabs the fish from the ice and puts it right back into the hole he just pulled it out from while it's still attached to the hook and his wire.The man then begins to pull on the fishing wire, pulls his pole up and and down a few times, and then adjusts the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.39], [16.39, 56.2], [56.2, 63.81], [63.81, 70.25], [70.25, 117.08]], "duration": 117.08, "id": 7309}, {"image_id": "v_M2OoQFcDflU.mp4", "caption": "A tray of chips are shown on a table. A person is dealing cards onto the table. People sitting at the table give each other high fives.", "segments": [[4.23, 6.34], [5.74, 11.62], [18.56, 21.43]], "duration": 30.19, "id": 7310}, {"image_id": "v_dWBnXy2nauU.mp4", "caption": "The tile screen shows up with some names. A man starts throwing a shot-put several different times as names scroll at the bottom. A group can be seen behind watch him. A man is behind the last one thrown.", "segments": [[0, 3.79], [3.94, 12.27], [12.42, 20.61], [20.76, 30.3]], "duration": 30.3, "id": 7311}, {"image_id": "v_bmc11KqVbEE.mp4", "caption": "Words appear on the screen before it goes black. A man appears, using squeegees to wash a window in front of him while he speaks. He applies soap liberally before swiping it off with the rake. He stops cleaning the window, and says a few words in closing.", "segments": [[0, 7.35], [7.35, 32.35], [32.84, 88.22], [88.71, 98.03]], "duration": 98.03, "id": 7312}, {"image_id": "v_4fgIHu_Se3Q.mp4", "caption": "An athlete walks up to a beam. He mounts quickly, spinning and turning around it and jumping between the two bars several times. He finally dismounts, throwing his arms into the air before walking away.", "segments": [[0, 11.98], [12.49, 45.62], [46.13, 50.97]], "duration": 50.97, "id": 7313}, {"image_id": "v_fXdw7jwiP8g.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a black leotard is talking on a stage. She starts dancing for the camera. She shows several dance moves as she does them.", "segments": [[0, 6.91], [9.22, 39.17], [41.47, 57.6]], "duration": 57.6, "id": 7314}, {"image_id": "v_vULLe2qogZU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing a lacrosse game. They shoot at the goal and make the point.", "segments": [[0, 8.34], [4.04, 8.34]], "duration": 8.34, "id": 7315}, {"image_id": "v_Y39LnzOipck.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing and looking around and then cleans off a bowling ball and stands before a lane. The man throws the ball down and hits several pins.", "segments": [[0.6, 8.35], [8.15, 19.53]], "duration": 20.13, "id": 7316}, {"image_id": "v_qb_5_9xDYqc.mp4", "caption": "An African American male is standing outside next to a tall rock wall.The man continues touching the rock and begins stretching.After, he begins to actively and ferociously climb the wall and come down on the other side but he does it without any ropes attached to him.", "segments": [[0, 13.28], [13.28, 58.03], [57.33, 139.82]], "duration": 139.82, "id": 7317}, {"image_id": "v_0WRxp0X0edY.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman anchor are talking behind a desk and several television.The woman is then shown alone and she begins talking.An ice rink then appears and a woman begins coaching a man about specific techniques for a game.She has a brief interview and continues coaching people on Curling.More people are in the gym and they continue curling and more instructors begin having interviews.Clips are shown from a real curling game and the people begin to wait against the wall.", "segments": [[0, 3.98], [3.98, 26.28], [26.28, 65.29], [65.29, 85.99], [86.79, 136.15], [136.95, 159.24]], "duration": 159.24, "id": 7318}, {"image_id": "v_r_n1PfHvKI4.mp4", "caption": "There is a field with a kite laying in it. A man is preparing to fly the kite. The kite gets airborne and soars.", "segments": [[0, 10.59], [10.59, 43.24], [43.24, 176.47]], "duration": 176.47, "id": 7319}, {"image_id": "v_BUqr7or97JA.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a man performs arm wrestling. The man raise his t-shirt sleeve until the shoulder. A man walks in a room behind the wrestlers. The man bend the woman's arm, but the woman straight her arm and bend the arm of the man and win.", "segments": [[0, 31.51], [32.04, 34.69], [20.39, 24.89], [34.69, 52.96]], "duration": 52.96, "id": 7320}, {"image_id": "v_YL3MvJVk6u0.mp4", "caption": "A man prunes dead branches from fruit bearing plant stems in the winter. A man, in a field of dirt and fruit crops with bare branches from the winter, begins to prune dead branches from the fruit plants with a pruning tool and a hatchet. An image of the plants in fruit bearing months appears before returning to the man in the field pruning the dead branches.", "segments": [[0.23, 45.22], [0.23, 7.12], [36.04, 44.99]], "duration": 45.91, "id": 7321}, {"image_id": "v_edbczrXeEOk.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown performing a dive off of a board while a couple people watch on the sidelines and clap. The person performs several more tricks off of the high dive while more people watch on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 21.2], [22.07, 86.54]], "duration": 86.53999999999999, "id": 7322}, {"image_id": "v_EZdnNs-5tlo.mp4", "caption": "Children drives bumper cars in a carnival. A little girl bumps on the wall and gets stuck with other cars, then the girl gets free and continues riding. The little girl get stuck with other children, then she gets free and then rides the bumper car.", "segments": [[10.99, 141.25], [15.69, 36.1], [56.5, 109.86]], "duration": 156.94, "id": 7323}, {"image_id": "v_1BWF1U1dJ_w.mp4", "caption": "A person demonstrates how to make a mini meat and cheese sandwich platter with garnish. A large platter of prepared sandwiches displays. A persons hands is seen throwing different sandwich making ingredients into a shopping cart inside of a grocery store, the ingredients include rolls and lunch meat. A person is then seen putting a sandwich of cheese and meat together on white bread rolls with lettuce on a counter top. The person cuts the rolls apart to make individual sandwiches and then adds toothpicks and strawberries along with lettuce garnish to the platter which is then focused on by the camera as the finished product.", "segments": [[1.06, 105.91], [0, 5.3], [5.82, 19.06], [19.59, 65.66], [65.66, 105.91]], "duration": 105.91, "id": 7324}, {"image_id": "v_zruHn4r6_CY.mp4", "caption": "We see a sign with a mans' name. We see a man run and do a long jump on different tracks repeatedly with his name on a sign occasionally. We see the man on a blue track with ad signs. The man tumbles on his landing. The man lands on his back. The screen fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 0.57], [0, 113.94], [36.46, 46.72], [76.91, 79.76], [97.42, 101.41], [113.37, 113.94]], "duration": 113.94, "id": 7325}, {"image_id": "v_kqVIHq94kgs.mp4", "caption": "A woman mixes items together in a bowl. She rubs that onto a wooden table. She laughs and puts her hands in the air.", "segments": [[23.85, 32.32], [33.09, 38.48], [63.1, 63.87]], "duration": 76.95, "id": 7326}, {"image_id": "v_yDrTpm9c7MY.mp4", "caption": "woman is sitting on a wooden bench talking to the camera. woman is doing somersaults on a large green grassy field. woman is making a jump and slide and fell into the grass.", "segments": [[0, 9.25], [9.25, 65.15], [65.55, 80.43]], "duration": 80.43, "id": 7327}, {"image_id": "v_Ta70WnVT6Lc.mp4", "caption": "A video is shown of skateboarders at an outdoor skatepark. Interviews are shown and then a few races are shown.", "segments": [[0, 172.69], [47.49, 172.69]], "duration": 172.69, "id": 7328}, {"image_id": "v_TEkIJQljABs.mp4", "caption": "A small child seated at a table eats ice cream with a spoon while people walk by in the background. A pair of adult hands briefly enter the camera frame in the foreground. The child inserts her spoon into her ice cream container on the table. The child complains about something. The camera zooms in on the ice cream.", "segments": [[0, 27.56], [19.6, 20.74], [26.99, 36.93], [36.36, 51.99], [51.42, 56.82]], "duration": 56.82, "id": 7329}, {"image_id": "v_RNA9HtKreug.mp4", "caption": "We see people putting electronics on a foosball table. We see the bars moving and then see two men sitting at the table. We see a group of people playing foosball in a narrow room.", "segments": [[0, 30.07], [30.98, 48.29], [50.11, 91.12]], "duration": 91.12, "id": 7330}, {"image_id": "v_Wgm-mYzdnxc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen using a power drill in a large bowl filled with chocolate. Another person hands him a blender but the man continues using the drill in the bowl.", "segments": [[0, 16.35], [16.84, 32.69]], "duration": 32.69, "id": 7331}, {"image_id": "v_oLEagb_RGq8.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen standing behind a lawn mower in a yard. She begins pushing the lawn mower along the yard. She moves herself back on the lawn and looks into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.3], [5.31, 14], [13.08, 17.57]], "duration": 18.3, "id": 7332}, {"image_id": "v_i5K-DXt9djA.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are riding bikes quickly down a paved street. they stop, pumping air into their tires. they then replace the tubes and get back on their bikes. They continue riding down the road.", "segments": [[0, 39.58], [42.05, 84.1], [86.57, 146.76], [147.58, 164.9]], "duration": 164.9, "id": 7333}, {"image_id": "v_bdDzTqaiB3E.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in the bathtub using the shower to wash her clothes. She kicks the clothes around and steps around and kind of dances on them. Her boyfriend is recording her and himself in the mirror. He continues to watch her as she steps on the clothed, and then he turns the camera to his mother.", "segments": [[0, 9.39], [9.39, 34.87], [34.54, 50.97], [50.97, 67.06]], "duration": 67.06, "id": 7334}, {"image_id": "v_1SouLWwpbvU.mp4", "caption": "Several people are in a small room dressed in work out clothes going up and and on the stair step.They then turn around and start to dance on the stair step and intensifying the workout.Midway through,the instructor gets off and walks around while the rest of the class continues.After,the grab the stair step,place it against the wall and come back to their spots for the remainder of the workout.", "segments": [[0, 31.4], [31.4, 65.41], [65.41, 104.66], [105.31, 130.82]], "duration": 130.82, "id": 7335}, {"image_id": "v_9ddD5Ob93J0.mp4", "caption": "Steven Richardson, a store manager, discusses the topic of tire care for vehicles with 4 wheel drive. He explains that mismatched tires on 4 wheel drive vehicles cause wear and tear. He recommend that all 4 tires should be replaced at the same time. He advertises the website belletire dot com and says to use it to find a location near you.", "segments": [[0, 112.46], [12.93, 82.09], [82.09, 104.58], [104.58, 112.46]], "duration": 112.46000000000001, "id": 7336}, {"image_id": "v_sNnNDCx6RRA.mp4", "caption": "A ballerina is seen walking out onto a stage and leads into her performing a ballet routine. The girl spins herself around on her shoes while the audience watches her. She continues spinning and twirling around and ends by holding a pose and bowing.", "segments": [[0, 49.84], [51.62, 145.07], [114.81, 169.1]], "duration": 178.01, "id": 7337}, {"image_id": "v_cJcr6kWylI8.mp4", "caption": "A barefoot man is touching up a piece of wood furniture with a brush. He then moves the piece around to show the scuffs and buffs them out with a brush. The man shows the cleaned edges with his fingers.", "segments": [[0, 29.83], [39.28, 94.57], [110.58, 134.58]], "duration": 145.5, "id": 7338}, {"image_id": "v_Wir90-9HmAI.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting at a table speaking with cups of coffees on the table in front of them. The man is then seen sitting alone in various locations and then begins dancing on a wall. He then is shown waking up in his bed assuming it was all a dream.", "segments": [[0, 18.97], [17.13, 100.97], [100.35, 122.38]], "duration": 122.38, "id": 7339}, {"image_id": "v_YptHsVTHquc.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are dancing around each other. A girl moves around with a hula hoop doing various movements. The People continuing dancing around her in various motions. The girl spins her hula hoop around her head.", "segments": [[1.7, 170.48], [14.49, 155.99], [49.44, 126.16], [118.48, 170.48]], "duration": 170.48, "id": 7340}, {"image_id": "v_rs7er4e67ec.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with details of a field hockey team's victory in the final championship game. The stadium shows the two teams competing in the game hockey. The crowd is loudly cheering as one team becomes victorious. The players jump on each other with joy as they celebrate. There is a stage of singers performing live music as they celebrate the victory of the winning team.", "segments": [[18.84, 32.84], [32.84, 49.53], [49.53, 64.6], [64.6, 97.98], [97.98, 107.67]], "duration": 107.67, "id": 7341}, {"image_id": "v_YcAs1-6SYb4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing with a ball on a string. She is in a competition for athletics. She swings the ball around numerous times, then legs go and cheers as it lands far into the field.", "segments": [[0, 38.59], [46.78, 166.07], [168.4, 233.9]], "duration": 233.9, "id": 7342}, {"image_id": "v_zvAlL20-K4w.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen standing ready in the middle of a small circle and then throws a shot put off into the distance. The man walks away shaking his arms and his throw is shown again several times. Several more athletes are shown stepping up to the platform throwing the shot put and ending with a man in a hat speaking to the audience.", "segments": [[0.89, 30.19], [28.86, 68.82], [68.37, 87.02]], "duration": 88.78999999999999, "id": 7343}, {"image_id": "v_XSfG1M-Ik_A.mp4", "caption": "A lady in a bra and panties grabs and throws a shotput. IT goes through a window on a house and a cat runs. The man looks outside and sees the lady. the lady uses a pole to pole vault into the second story window and jump on the man. We see the title screen and the man's pants fly out the window.", "segments": [[0, 26.51], [26.51, 30.93], [31.71, 38.99], [39.25, 46.53], [47.05, 51.99]], "duration": 51.99, "id": 7344}, {"image_id": "v_d6lajCxMhPE.mp4", "caption": "A person holding a broom cleans the floor back and forth. The person turn the broom to collect the dust.", "segments": [[0, 30.66], [30.66, 37.89]], "duration": 38.08, "id": 7345}, {"image_id": "v_SfFjpnTKG7s.mp4", "caption": "Athletes runs on an outdoors track of a field and pole vault during practice. An athlete runs and pole vaults during an Olympic competition in a stadium. Athletes make a practice jumps and dive under the rope and onto the mat.", "segments": [[0, 201.45], [22.84, 85.15], [105.92, 185.87]], "duration": 207.68, "id": 7346}, {"image_id": "v_mXM5FOi_OoM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen outside in front of a porch pushing a mower back and fourth. He runs the mower along the grass and moves up and down the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 22.94], [25.8, 40.96]], "duration": 40.96, "id": 7347}, {"image_id": "v_yDWOqabreoU.mp4", "caption": "A girls has a pole and she is blindfolded. She swings at a pinata and misses. She steps closer and tries again, hitting it this time. She backs up as a dog comes into the picture. She keeps swinging at missing. She stops for moment, takes a hard swing and hits it.", "segments": [[0, 6.04], [6.36, 16.21], [16.21, 22.89], [22.89, 28.61], [28.61, 44.82], [44.82, 63.58]], "duration": 63.58, "id": 7348}, {"image_id": "v_C1TWr5XH8b0.mp4", "caption": "Various text is shown across the screen and leads into a man speaking and more tools being shown. The man rubs the tools along his skin and points back and fourth to the vacuum while speaking.", "segments": [[0, 27.67], [19.83, 92.23]], "duration": 92.22999999999999, "id": 7349}, {"image_id": "v_A_SU2jjfMJk.mp4", "caption": "A person walks into the view of the camera where there is an orange toy laying on the floor. The person begins to wipe their feet vigorously on the toy. The person kicks the toy away as the they finish wiping their feet on the toy.", "segments": [[0, 1.89], [1.89, 60.14], [60.14, 62.97]], "duration": 62.97, "id": 7350}, {"image_id": "v_hj88A5tvA0Y.mp4", "caption": "Various people are seen walking around a beach leading into men tightening up a rope and bouncing on the rope. Several people perform many tricks and jumps on the rope while others stand and watch on the side.", "segments": [[5.78, 101.07], [61.61, 168.45]], "duration": 192.52, "id": 7351}, {"image_id": "v_tYyTrDyzB6o.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding in a tube down a river while the camera zooms in on a persons feet. The people in tubes ride past others in the water. More people are seen riding down the river in tubes.", "segments": [[0, 9.52], [8.48, 20.73], [18.65, 25.43]], "duration": 26.08, "id": 7352}, {"image_id": "v_yuYqFaAnTxI.mp4", "caption": "A series of clips of the same woman performing pole vaults at different professional athletic events plays. A woman holding a pole runs on a track toward a goal line and performs a pole vault in front of event onlookers and supporters. The woman is then shown at two more event performing the same pole vault surrounded by onlookers and score takers.", "segments": [[0.53, 100.7], [2.65, 19.61], [20.14, 105.47]], "duration": 106.0, "id": 7353}, {"image_id": "v_o8RIoxL9FDE.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands in front of a mirror and rinses her mouth before pulling her face close to the mirror and looking at her teeth from a close up angle. A woman sits in front of a bathroom mirror squishing water in her mouth, as if rinsing her mouth. The woman then spits the water into the sink and looks at her teeth very close in the mirror before the scene fades out.", "segments": [[4.1, 16.97], [4.1, 10.18], [10.18, 16.74]], "duration": 23.41, "id": 7354}, {"image_id": "v_mBsIWxXJPY0.mp4", "caption": "We see people on skis falling hard. We see a person fly into a snow pile. A person skis and falls as they jump across a street. A person on skis is holding a line and falls then a person in white crashes into another and they both fall. A snowboarder can't hold the line and knocks over a person helping and falls himself.", "segments": [[0, 209.38], [50.25, 54.44], [74.33, 81.66], [131.91, 151.8], [172.73, 209.38]], "duration": 209.38, "id": 7355}, {"image_id": "v_dJAZplo9ke0.mp4", "caption": "A river surrounded by rocks apperas. Several people are floating through it in intertubes. They float down the river together through the rapids.", "segments": [[0, 4.45], [5.53, 25.48], [26.09, 30.7]], "duration": 30.7, "id": 7356}, {"image_id": "v_f025sQGYfJM.mp4", "caption": "A man and a man in green shirt is decorating the Christmas tree with his kid in gray shirt, they are putting the decorations while the woman is sitting on a chair by the tree and put the decors on the blue table. The lady helped the man and child to hang the decor in the Christmas tree, the man handed some decorations to the lady and she put it on the tree. The woman sat on the chair to arrange the christmas ball on the table, and helped them with the decorations. A lady in black top put more decorations to the christmas tree.", "segments": [[1, 56.02], [41.01, 139.04], [94.03, 195.06], [135.04, 195.06]], "duration": 200.06, "id": 7357}, {"image_id": "v_WEohpavjsIY.mp4", "caption": "A pair of dancer begins preforming at the latin dance cup. The woman shows off cleavage. The dancers begin spinning around each other. The dancers begin to preform seperately. The dancers begins moving again together for a big finish.", "segments": [[0, 27.96], [27.27, 36.14], [40.23, 99.55], [98.87, 118.64], [120.69, 136.37]], "duration": 136.37, "id": 7358}, {"image_id": "v_XSnPmf41ToA.mp4", "caption": "A woman slaps her cheek as she prepares on a field. She swings a ball around several times. She lets go, letting the ball fly through the air.", "segments": [[0, 10.98], [12.15, 24.7], [27.84, 78.41]], "duration": 78.41, "id": 7359}, {"image_id": "v_Po3-9ktM5Do.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a black top and with curly brown hair and bronze highlights is demonstrating how to use a diffuser to dry hair. She is using the blow dryer on medium heat to dry her hair. She blow dries the curls till the moisture from the hair is gone. After she's done using the blow dryer, she uses a wide tooth comb to comb through her curls. She then poofs up her hair and shows off her luscious curls.", "segments": [[15.61, 47.58], [47.58, 75.83], [75.83, 124.15], [124.15, 133.81], [133.81, 141.24]], "duration": 148.68, "id": 7360}, {"image_id": "v_3EuY86B4uTo.mp4", "caption": "A helicopter flies in some people who then start playing paintball. They run around obstacles and have a great time.", "segments": [[0, 57.35], [91.15, 204.84]], "duration": 204.84, "id": 7361}, {"image_id": "v_cgWhl3ZDuTQ.mp4", "caption": "A series of athletes are shown participating in a discus throw competition before a crowd. The crowd applauds the athletes as a man hands out prizes to the athletes. Journalists surround the athletes with cameras. More discus throw performances are shown. A camera crew focuses on a sweaty seated athlete. Yet another performance of discus throw is shown. Three people sit talking in front of an audience.", "segments": [[2.09, 77.84], [77.84, 91.05], [91.05, 95.92], [98, 111.9], [111.21, 116.77], [120.24, 136.92], [136.92, 139.01]], "duration": 139.01, "id": 7362}, {"image_id": "v_nnUYbsoLNqo.mp4", "caption": "The start of a race is shown as people run by and the finish is also shown. People in costumes are shown and people are generally having a great time.", "segments": [[3.9, 195.02], [42.91, 195.02]], "duration": 195.03, "id": 7363}, {"image_id": "v_NEthbdTgx-M.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of people riding down snowy hills and climbing up the side. Two people speak to the camera and show more shots of them climbing a mountain and various shots of the mountain. The people then ride around on skis while still speaking to the camera and show several shots of them riding down the snowy mountain.", "segments": [[0, 54.63], [48.69, 193.58], [198.33, 237.52]], "duration": 237.52, "id": 7364}, {"image_id": "v_aJsDVKt5Igs.mp4", "caption": "Two women and a little girl are walking outdoors, showing the little girl a group of boys in the distance. They throw a ball, and the girl kicks it before being led to a base. The group gathers together to congratulate her.", "segments": [[0, 8.1], [10.23, 34.73], [35.58, 42.61]], "duration": 42.61, "id": 7365}, {"image_id": "v_E50d5qFvzOI.mp4", "caption": "A video begins showing a man and woman holding each other and moving back and fourth. The couple moves their feet back and fourth while the man speaks to the camera. The woman eventually speaks the camera while performing several different dance moves for the camera to see.", "segments": [[0, 38.61], [35.32, 84.61], [84.61, 156.07]], "duration": 164.28, "id": 7366}, {"image_id": "v_8kjYbv52EcI.mp4", "caption": "Several canoes are shown in idle in murky water.Then a set of boys begin kayaking in the water and jumping off the trees.", "segments": [[0, 2.58], [2.8, 43]], "duration": 43.0, "id": 7367}, {"image_id": "v__L8VrJYsOAQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is washing their hands in a sink. Two women are standing by the sink washing their hands. Words come onto the screen.", "segments": [[14.1, 29.62], [29.62, 31.73], [38.08, 70.52]], "duration": 70.52, "id": 7368}, {"image_id": "v_vQ8NJRCSyb4.mp4", "caption": "Two men on one knee demonstrate a hip flexxer stretch in a therapy gym. The man wearing a black t-shirt uses the man wearing a green t-shirt as a model to demonstrate the hip flexxer stretch. The man in the black t-shirt adjusts the man in the green -t shirt a into different positions by slight positioning of the foot, leg, hips and arms.", "segments": [[0, 29.76], [29.76, 125.53], [125.53, 185.97]], "duration": 185.97, "id": 7369}, {"image_id": "v_wqlEUeJzNVc.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a gym with friends who make stupid signs at the camera. Then some dodgeball is played.", "segments": [[0, 41.63], [34.69, 138.76]], "duration": 138.76, "id": 7370}, {"image_id": "v_JGKjMJm0HRI.mp4", "caption": "A close up shot of children are seen riding around a bumper car game and running into one another. Two boys are seen bumping in to one another with several other kids riding around and hitting each other.", "segments": [[0, 9.07], [8.66, 41.24]], "duration": 41.24, "id": 7371}, {"image_id": "v_ORL5yMppl8E.mp4", "caption": "A kid fills a pot with water. He puts the pot on a stove and puts a lid on it. He adds salt and pasta to the pot. He puts the lid back on the pot. He stirs the pot and pours the pasta into a strainer. He pours the pasta back into the pan. He adds sauce and stirs it together.", "segments": [[19.09, 28.22], [29.05, 47.3], [47.3, 82.16], [82.99, 90.46], [87.14, 131.12], [134.44, 139.42], [141.91, 149.38]], "duration": 165.98, "id": 7372}, {"image_id": "v_0CTnYEE7rdo.mp4", "caption": "A man is skateboarding down a city street. He is seen talking to the camera in the middle of the road. Then we see him doing several different stunts as he winds in and out of traffic.", "segments": [[0, 10.38], [11.13, 51.92], [60.82, 148.34]], "duration": 148.34, "id": 7373}, {"image_id": "v_2YSsqivrvR4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting on the edge of a bed carrying a guitar. The person begins playing the guitar while looking over to the camera. The man continues playing and stops moving his hand out of frame.", "segments": [[0.75, 19.4], [21.26, 55.21], [39.54, 68.26]], "duration": 74.61, "id": 7374}, {"image_id": "v_P9jIpcRGeOk.mp4", "caption": "Several people are shown in images gathered outside a building. Two cartoon sumo wrestlers are engaged in a fight. They body slam each other as a referee watches.", "segments": [[0, 8.86], [10.17, 38.39], [39.7, 65.62]], "duration": 65.62, "id": 7375}, {"image_id": "v_MAXfslyf7Dw.mp4", "caption": "Sumos are standing in front of each other in a dust court and a referee dress in white suit is watching them. men stat wrestling and one of them if taking off the court.", "segments": [[0, 103.07], [103.07, 153.84]], "duration": 153.84, "id": 7376}, {"image_id": "v_nh1GBPeyyMo.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen cutting a piece of paper with scissors and then wrapping a box with paper. She tapes down the present and ties it in a bowl, finishes by cutting the excess string and placing a tag on top.", "segments": [[0, 44.48], [45.17, 136.87]], "duration": 136.87, "id": 7377}, {"image_id": "v_McFsP60TqH4.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting on the floor brushing her hair in front of a mirror. The girl continues to brush her hair and ends with her watching a video and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.63, 28.3], [22.64, 61.31]], "duration": 62.88, "id": 7378}, {"image_id": "v_FGtoyNOi6gg.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of a wooded area and several people bungee jumping off a bridge. Several shots of people jumping off the side and shown and many standing on the side and close ups of the jumpers.", "segments": [[0, 61.02], [63.12, 105.2]], "duration": 105.2, "id": 7379}, {"image_id": "v_W1Cp1UyY8S8.mp4", "caption": "Text appears on the screen briefly. A man is power washing a fence. It cuts to him power washing a different section. It fades to an open shot of the fence.", "segments": [[0, 6.54], [6.54, 92.56], [92.56, 174.84], [174.84, 186.99]], "duration": 186.99, "id": 7380}, {"image_id": "v_YoDlwg4eAEA.mp4", "caption": "Several alternating images of dishes of food appear. A recipe for greek dressing begins. The ingredients made from oilsand powders are mixed together and shaken in a jar, and poured onto a salad. It is then topped with blocks of cheese.", "segments": [[0, 14.44], [14.44, 23.24], [30.77, 72.22], [74.1, 125.6]], "duration": 125.6, "id": 7381}, {"image_id": "v_jqLwYHwYYPM.mp4", "caption": "A black screen appears and the yellow words appear on them read \"Extreme How-To presents\". The second black screen has yellow words that read \"Installing Heated Floor Tile\". A man is now standing and talking in the corner of a residential home, dressed in a long sleeved button up black shirt, brown long pants, shoes and wearing a hat. The man walks away from the corner and the next view is of a kneeling man using a tool to remove base molding from a wall, using a drill gun, measuring with a long ruler, then laying on the ground gray pieces of fabric with some wires attached to it. The man is then shown pressing buttons on a little white box and the man is now pointing to those wires attached to those gray pieces of fabric and the man starts putting wires into a gray pipe that is now shown on the wall. The man is back on the ground with a long tape measure and measuring the ground. The man is now holding a tile with ridges on all four sides and he takes a mallet and a tool to gently pound the pieces together. When the man reaches the wall he uses a pencil to measure the tile, takes it to a wet tile cutter and cuts it. The man is back in the house and piecing a small tile near some cabinets, then the man begins to grout, and uses a large,wet, yellow sponge to clean up the excess grout.The talking man from earlier appears back in the corner talking and yellow words appear on the screen that contain websites.", "segments": [[0, 2.1], [2.1, 4.2], [4.2, 29.43], [29.43, 70.43], [70.43, 94.61], [94.61, 100.91], [101.96, 138.75], [138.75, 159.78], [159.78, 204.98], [204.98, 210.23]], "duration": 210.23, "id": 7382}, {"image_id": "v_-wWtZjqIH9o.mp4", "caption": "A group of children of varying ages slide down a blue slide in a theme park. A group of children appear at the top of high slide. The children then slide down the slide, with one girl's headband coming down over her eyes. The children land and get up and run off.", "segments": [[1.93, 18.06], [1.93, 5.6], [6.86, 14.78], [15.17, 18.06]], "duration": 19.32, "id": 7383}, {"image_id": "v_pEr9p5-qUsU.mp4", "caption": "Several tables are set up in a large room. Several groups are playing beer pong. Some people are cheering about winning. Others look upset about losing.", "segments": [[0, 118.06], [25.77, 118.06], [29.97, 118.06], [34.76, 118.06]], "duration": 119.86, "id": 7384}, {"image_id": "v_2qN85UKyL2s.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a woman playing pool. The lady takes her turn shooting the ball. We see bright camera flashes. We see the lady taking the photos. The lady hands her pool stick to a man and shakes his hand. She shakes another man's hand and leaves.", "segments": [[0, 63.66], [10.8, 63.66], [11.57, 20.45], [23.92, 37.42], [65.2, 72.14], [71.76, 77.16]], "duration": 77.16, "id": 7385}, {"image_id": "v_A5-gsreb2zY.mp4", "caption": "A woman gets her nose clamped by a man sitting behind her head. He pierces through her septum. He cuts it and removes the clamp. The man puts an earring through the hole. He puts qtips in her nose to catch the blood.", "segments": [[0, 45.79], [26.05, 57.64], [44.21, 57.64], [105.8, 108.96], [138.17, 157.91]], "duration": 157.91, "id": 7386}, {"image_id": "v_dmiLuqRB09U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on a chair. She gets a dermal piercing in her cheek. The girl shows the piercing and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 68.19], [3.07, 68.19], [66.14, 68.19]], "duration": 68.19, "id": 7387}, {"image_id": "v_PRLlYhneNMk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen wearing funny hates and standing behind a table speaking to the camera. They then quickly wrap a present and show off a better present underneath. More shots are shown of them wrapping as they quickly move around and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 40.66], [37.84, 76.24], [77.37, 112.94]], "duration": 112.94, "id": 7388}, {"image_id": "v_s3EHHOAkQYE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding in a car panning to others while following behind a large group of people on bikes. The driver hands people water on the side as well as pulling them in to fix a bike. The car continues to follow and help the man as well as stopping to change a wheel and climbing back in the car.", "segments": [[0, 67.93], [64.36, 170.43], [143.02, 225.26]], "duration": 238.37, "id": 7389}, {"image_id": "v_s1E6EKs1MZw.mp4", "caption": "A man in a gorilla suit is playing a saxophone in the middle of a store. The employees look on and laugh at the person playing and use their phones to take pictures. The gorillas reaches out to grab one of the employees hands and the man is very embarrassed by it. They talk to each other a bit and the other employees begin to clap excitedly. The Gorilla suit man plays the sax some more as everyone is still laughing. He plays and plays to the camera as the video comes to an end.", "segments": [[0, 19.09], [19.09, 32.84], [32.08, 39.71], [39.71, 72.55], [72.55, 105.39], [105.39, 152.74]], "duration": 152.74, "id": 7390}, {"image_id": "v_0fw8it7Gj7k.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding up a piece of wood and rubbing it down while speaking to the camera and spraying down polish. The man wipes down the polish with a rag while continuing to speak to the camera and holding up the piece of wood in the end.", "segments": [[1.63, 87.31], [44.88, 158.29]], "duration": 163.19, "id": 7391}, {"image_id": "v_IV47aK7qJdY.mp4", "caption": "The dry brown and yellow leaves are on the ground, on top of green grass. A man with a leaf blower on his hand started to blew the leaves towards the center of the field. The man blew the leaves from the side of the road towards the tree, while another man with leaf blower walks on other side of the walkway.", "segments": [[0, 14.46], [8.46, 26.46], [18.01, 50.75]], "duration": 54.57, "id": 7392}, {"image_id": "v_7Sfl-Fmr_3E.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown working on a fence in the backyard. The man wears a blue outfit as he paints the wooden fence a red color. The man cleans the paint off of boards.", "segments": [[2.14, 14.96], [17.45, 59.11], [53.06, 65.16]], "duration": 71.22, "id": 7393}, {"image_id": "v_Ux4brKS0Sac.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while putting a box around some paper. He wraps the box in paper while using scissors to cut around the sides. The man tapes up the box and presents it to the camera.", "segments": [[0.6, 33.99], [33.4, 90.05], [82.3, 117.48]], "duration": 119.27000000000001, "id": 7394}, {"image_id": "v_Mvl-TR0rDdA.mp4", "caption": "We see the title for Kyla Ross on the parallel bars. The girls lifts, then lowers her arms. Kyla then jumps onto the short bar. She transfers to the tall bar, then back to the short one. She spins back to the tall one and spins. She flips to the short bar, then back to the tall and flips. She dismounts and hugs her coach. We see her final score on a black screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.84], [2.84, 4.1], [4.1, 7.26], [10.41, 15.46], [18.93, 34.38], [34.7, 45.74], [45.74, 53.31], [53.63, 63.09]], "duration": 63.09, "id": 7395}, {"image_id": "v_sEENChh3zno.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen jumping items into water and scrubbing a pan with a brush. She continues speaking to the camera as well as into the pan and demonstrating how to properly clean a pan.", "segments": [[0, 27.26], [26.21, 69.89]], "duration": 69.89, "id": 7396}, {"image_id": "v_jpvgI6bNO1g.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a forest and leads into a rope tied to a tree. A person is seen tightening the rope followed by walking along the rope. Several people are seen walking on the rope as well as bouncing and performing tricks.", "segments": [[0, 30.91], [24.93, 48.86], [61.82, 190.44]], "duration": 199.41, "id": 7397}, {"image_id": "v_doAvtD_jgiY.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl in gold doing a baton routine. The girl does a flip. the girls spins repeatedly and catches her baton. The girl spins and two batons roll in and she grabs each. The girl spins, catches her baton and poses for her finish as the crowd claps.", "segments": [[0, 36.57], [1.52, 3.22], [4.93, 9.85], [24.44, 31.26], [30.51, 37.9]], "duration": 37.9, "id": 7398}, {"image_id": "v_h4phcAYe0aE.mp4", "caption": "A person is raking leaves into a pile. A little boy is picking up the leaves and playing in the pile. The boy picks up a rake and starts raking the leaves.", "segments": [[0, 29.7], [1.34, 18.12], [17.97, 29.7]], "duration": 29.7, "id": 7399}, {"image_id": "v_XsqslHC79FQ.mp4", "caption": "There's a young girl wearing a brown sweater playing the violin. She strings the violin with her left hand while she uses the bow stick with her right hand. She continues playing her tune on the violin with full concentration without pausing. She constantly looks down at the violin as she plays the notes. After she finishes playing the violin, she smiles and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 235.67], [5.95, 229.72], [7.14, 220.2], [13.09, 226.15], [236.86, 238.05]], "duration": 238.05, "id": 7400}, {"image_id": "v_EJiyr-6l3ps.mp4", "caption": "A video of clipping a cats toenails is shown. Each paw is grabbed and the nail is pushed out and trimmed. The cat is oddly calm the whole time.", "segments": [[6.72, 69.97], [31.63, 49.02], [0, 79.06]], "duration": 79.06, "id": 7401}, {"image_id": "v_qnozppP4rm0.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is outside at the park talking to what appears to be her older brother.The two begin a face off and they drop down to the sidewalk drawing a long game of hopscotch.Once complete,they stand up,throw their chalk and the girl moves to the right of the game.The boy starts the game off and the girl begins her turn moving forward and backwards down the game.To show her up,the boy begins to dance across the pavement and the girl returns it by flipping down the game.Now its the boy's turn and he tries to flip but ends up falling and the girl starts to laugh at him.The young girl wins and the boy gives her his Xbox as a result.", "segments": [[0, 17.94], [17.13, 33.44], [33.44, 51.38], [51.38, 79.93], [79.93, 106.84], [106.84, 129.68], [128.87, 163.12]], "duration": 163.12, "id": 7402}, {"image_id": "v_MCsGSMze_6Q.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. There is a black and white TV show with two men on a stage talking and laughing. The right man gets up and walks to a piano. The man plays a grand piano. The man finishes and stands up. We see the crowd clapping. The men shake hands and the piano player walks away and the host talks and shimmies a bit.", "segments": [[0, 4.31], [5.17, 68.9], [70.62, 76.65], [77.51, 135.21], [136.07, 140.38], [141.24, 144.69], [145.55, 172.25]], "duration": 172.25, "id": 7403}, {"image_id": "v_8KPk9pH4wWw.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen waving his hands to the crowd and clapping followed by him running over a beam. His same shot is shown again in slow motion and hes seen speaking to a man.", "segments": [[1.32, 36.93], [47.92, 85.74]], "duration": 87.93, "id": 7404}, {"image_id": "v_yaK-giAk4e8.mp4", "caption": "A group of young men are in a kitchen, playing a game of beer pong. They cheer as they get the ball into a cup. A woman appears, and picks up one of the cups.", "segments": [[0, 7.39], [7.78, 22.05], [22.82, 25.5]], "duration": 25.5, "id": 7405}, {"image_id": "v_mWj6lO9PZCs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen pushing a lawn mower across some grass while speaking to the camera. The camera zooms in on plants in the yard and continues to follow the woman around as she cuts the grass. The camera wanders through a bunch of plants and trees in the end.", "segments": [[0, 42.08], [42.08, 126.96], [129.14, 145.1]], "duration": 145.1, "id": 7406}, {"image_id": "v_C7UEAqu1KtY.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a yard leading to a rake sitting up against a trash can. A man is seen stretching off into the distance and begins raking the leaves. He picks the leaves up and throws them in the trash as well as onto a blanket and handing it to a girl.", "segments": [[2.88, 57.63], [47.06, 146.96], [129.67, 177.69]], "duration": 192.1, "id": 7407}, {"image_id": "v_8lhODyltF2Q.mp4", "caption": "A person is riding a lawnmower with an umbrella through the rain. A light colored sedan passes on the road. The person on the mower drives up to the roadway.", "segments": [[0, 121.51], [13.97, 15.19], [94.17, 102.07]], "duration": 121.51, "id": 7408}, {"image_id": "v_yGPzIGJ_2B8.mp4", "caption": "woman is walking in a green grassy backyard. man is standing in a bacyard in front of a fence with a machine in front of him. woman is in the backyard and a man is behind her using a lawn mower to cut the grass. man is walking with some white plastic bags on the cloth.", "segments": [[0, 5.51], [6.01, 26.53], [26.53, 78.1], [79.1, 100.13]], "duration": 100.13, "id": 7409}, {"image_id": "v_AlLg4ZaxDoQ.mp4", "caption": "A person cooks on a wood cooker, then a person rafts in a river. Young men unpack a car and then carry raft boats in the jungle and pass a rope bridge. Young men raft in a narrow choppy river on individual boats. The young men falls from small cascades in the rocky river.", "segments": [[0, 18.89], [19.79, 70.16], [71.06, 118.74], [118.74, 139.43]], "duration": 179.91, "id": 7410}, {"image_id": "v_N3UOyPU2t0E.mp4", "caption": "Several pairs of shoes are shown as well as a large group of people socializing and pouring alcohol into glasses. The glasses are laid out on a table and several shots are shown of people playing beer pong. More shots are shown of people speaking to one another as well as playing beer pong in several locations and partying with one another. In the end medals are handed out and people wear them while celebrating in different spots.", "segments": [[6.89, 64.02], [51.21, 116.22], [91.59, 173.34], [167.43, 196.98]], "duration": 196.98, "id": 7411}, {"image_id": "v_mNq0NksbsZ4.mp4", "caption": "People are long boarding down a hill. A silver truck is parked next to the hill. A person falls off the long board onto the pavement.", "segments": [[0, 157.83], [22.88, 27.62], [52.87, 56.03]], "duration": 157.82999999999998, "id": 7412}, {"image_id": "v_FkMk9TZdea0.mp4", "caption": "White text says in memory of Paul Walker. A person is shown using a small brush to create an image of Paul Walker. Each detail is drawn one at a time, producing the final completed image.", "segments": [[0, 6.31], [9.46, 117.77], [121.98, 210.3]], "duration": 210.3, "id": 7413}, {"image_id": "v_NEKcJ0whvkg.mp4", "caption": "A person rolls in the grass after a fall and gets up to join a game of lacrosse. We see gear in the grass and a man speaking to the camera. Men play lacrosse and ladies cheer on the side. We see a man interviewed and a team huddle and see men play. A man in interviewed and we see the men play lacrosse. A man in red is interviewed and the teams shake hands, hold up their trophy and pose for photos.", "segments": [[0, 12.26], [12.26, 25.96], [25.96, 45.42], [46.14, 85.8], [85.8, 113.91], [114.64, 144.2]], "duration": 144.2, "id": 7414}, {"image_id": "v_ubgCjUUmP9I.mp4", "caption": "A male gymnast dressed red and white leotards is performing on a horse bar. He climbs up the horse bar and does backhand springs. He continues swiftly over the horse bar as he raises his body by pushing his body weight on his arms. He continues doing front and back hand springs. After he's done, he gets off the bar and walks towards the judges and other contestants. The spectators cheer for him and the judges shake hands with the gymnast.", "segments": [[9.64, 23.04], [23.04, 50.37], [50.37, 70.73], [70.73, 80.91], [80.91, 100.73], [100.73, 103.95]], "duration": 107.16, "id": 7415}, {"image_id": "v_2P555wnyj_8.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a room melting down an object with a utensil that is creating several sparks.Another male then walks behind the person and puts on a helmet for protection as he watches the man in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 20.95], [20.22, 48.72]], "duration": 48.72, "id": 7416}, {"image_id": "v_jVp2BsFOIVA.mp4", "caption": "Three kids swinging on the play set in the back yard. One of the boys climb and slides down the slide. More kids join and and they go down the slide together and move around the set very quickly. They start to swing on their tummies and just overall having a great time playing.", "segments": [[0, 31.71], [31.13, 64.57], [64, 93.4], [93.98, 115.31]], "duration": 115.31, "id": 7417}, {"image_id": "v_98SSjNuSxvM.mp4", "caption": "A series of words appear across the screen and they inform us that the men are attempting to row across the Atlantic.A man is then shown outside on his patio rowing and words indicate that it has been two hours and 1600 calories burned.After the man is shown again but this time he is exhausted and is forced to take a breath so he can breathe.Now the man is standing up and is taking to the camera and holds up his hand to show the blisters he has on his hands.", "segments": [[0, 37.72], [37.72, 91.89], [91.89, 126.71], [126.71, 193.45]], "duration": 193.45, "id": 7418}, {"image_id": "v_ADbp9ObJVxE.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a worship, talking in front of a piece of wood. He sands the piece of wood down, then wipes sealant or stain onto the wood.", "segments": [[0, 51.98], [55.61, 120.88]], "duration": 120.88, "id": 7419}, {"image_id": "v_U7MAQwyFeDQ.mp4", "caption": "Walking through the airport, flying on a plane and driving down the highway they get to where they are going. A man in a white mask is getting ready to go bungee jumping off a very high cliff, he stands with his arms out like they are wings on the edge. Then he jumps down, falling from a very high height, another man follows after him, and then the camera man himself takes the leap recording the entire fall. They all take turns jumping, one of them even goes down backwards.", "segments": [[0, 29.53], [40.16, 62.6], [62.6, 164.18], [164.18, 236.23]], "duration": 236.23, "id": 7420}, {"image_id": "v_gh5di42-RJo.mp4", "caption": "A small boy wearing a black and red striped shirt is sitting with a drum set and playing drums. A man wearing a pink shirt and black trousers is standing next to him. Another person wearing a denim shirt walks past the boy. the boy continues to drum the cymbals and the hi-hat in a rhythmic way as the people cheer for him. He alternately hits the cymbals and the snare drums with the sticks. He ends by hitting the cymbals.", "segments": [[3.43, 7.79], [7.79, 10.91], [10.91, 31.16], [31.16, 55.16], [55.16, 60.14], [60.14, 62.32]], "duration": 62.32, "id": 7421}, {"image_id": "v_RxuL7k7-hYQ.mp4", "caption": "Gymnasts swing on double bars during Olympic competition. Gymnast swings on double bars during practice in a gym.", "segments": [[20.01, 229.54], [20.01, 151.85]], "duration": 235.43, "id": 7422}, {"image_id": "v_hyk4wNZwwxc.mp4", "caption": "Several adults are a doing a stepping exercise onto platforms. They step on and of and spin around. They do a cart wheel off the platform. They end their exercise and step off.", "segments": [[0, 224.31], [19.07, 213.09], [25.8, 29.16], [206.36, 224.31]], "duration": 224.31, "id": 7423}, {"image_id": "v_i9DlXuEewE8.mp4", "caption": "A young teen age girl is sitting in a large chair talking on the phone and making faces.Two other females then begin dancing out front in the yard on a sidewalk.The girl then grabs her sweat pants and begins teaching her counterpart different dance steps and the first female reappears on the phone.", "segments": [[0, 33.04], [33.81, 85.29], [85.29, 153.68]], "duration": 153.68, "id": 7424}, {"image_id": "v_1uC0xzyx4Bc.mp4", "caption": "A person is showing how to install rubber tiles in a gym. The video shows several people working out in a gym on the flooring. The person shows how to prep the floor surface before installing the tiles. He demonstrates how to lay the tiles on the floor in a criss-cross manner. The video shows a simulation how the tiles can measured up and laid down one by one in order to get a perfect wall to to wall fit. A person also shows how to trim tiles to fit flush edge to edge without leaving a gap between tiles. Finally he shows how to use a vinegar solution to clean the tiles in order to maintain the quality of the tiles. The video ends with the information of the tile company.", "segments": [[18.02, 48.75], [48.75, 76.31], [76.31, 101.75], [101.75, 125.07], [125.07, 142.02], [142.02, 163.22], [163.22, 186.54], [186.54, 195.02]], "duration": 211.98, "id": 7425}, {"image_id": "v_C6DH4l7fop0.mp4", "caption": "A boy puts freshly baked cookies on a cooling rack. One gets stuck and he licks the spatula.", "segments": [[0, 29.35], [26.56, 29.35]], "duration": 29.35, "id": 7426}, {"image_id": "v_o0O-CwwSaGw.mp4", "caption": "A girl with long hair is shown speaking to the camera and leads into her spraying water all over a dog in the tub. She scrubs the dog with shampoo and runs again runs the water over the dog. She holds the dog with a towel and then blow dries the dog in her lap while combing him. The dog is shown again all dried off and shakes himself while looking at the camera and the girl speaks more.", "segments": [[0, 33.29], [32.56, 63.68], [62.96, 98.42], [101.31, 144.73]], "duration": 144.73, "id": 7427}, {"image_id": "v_ocvKEzb7OaE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt setting up a camera while sitting in front of a rub-ix cube and a electronic stop clock. Once the clock starts another man off camera and the man sitting in front of the cube starts to figure out the puzzle. Once the clock reaches 43 seconds both the men finish the puzzle and congratulate each other on completing the puzzle.", "segments": [[0, 1.6], [1.6, 46.08], [46.34, 53.27]], "duration": 53.27, "id": 7428}, {"image_id": "v_qkHBMmMlEr8.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking in a basketball gym. The man points at the boy. The man points to the right. We see a man making shots in a basketball hoop.", "segments": [[0, 24.96], [4.28, 6.77], [6.77, 8.56], [25.31, 71.31]], "duration": 71.31, "id": 7429}, {"image_id": "v_VD3kzQGuQnc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her pouring ice into a glass. She then mixes various ingredients into the glass and mixes them up in a shaker. The woman then puts the glass down and pours the mixture into glass presenting it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 21.73], [17.58, 48.58], [43.79, 62.65]], "duration": 63.93, "id": 7430}, {"image_id": "v_ko9efCldvgs.mp4", "caption": "A wooden outdoors stair case is shown outside of a white and brown horse.All of a sudden,a black dog comes around the corner and trots up the stairs and multiple replays are shown.Once the dog actually makes it to the top,he begins licking the person'a behind the camera shoe.", "segments": [[0, 3.94], [3.8, 11.24], [11.24, 14.88]], "duration": 14.88, "id": 7431}, {"image_id": "v_5rftu62ML_c.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are shown in various shots riding around in canoes. A man speaks to the camera while people walk around with the canoes and show off pictures. More people are seen using them as well as walking around.", "segments": [[0, 29.55], [23.75, 79.15], [76.51, 103.42]], "duration": 105.53999999999999, "id": 7432}, {"image_id": "v_escpZEdyNTI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen running hold a surf board, and is shown again looking at his phone and laughing. More people are seen in various locations checking their phone and ends with a woman riding an exercise bike.", "segments": [[0, 10.78], [10.47, 20.74]], "duration": 20.74, "id": 7433}, {"image_id": "v_7yg2zbiTJJ4.mp4", "caption": "A woman's hand picks up a stuffed animal surrounded by gifts. Gift wrapping accessories are shown. A woman lays out tissue paper and places a stuffed toy in the center. The woman wraps the toy in the tissue paper and tapes it shut. The woman lays out cellophane and places the wrapped toy on it. The woman cuts the cellophane and then proceeds to roll up the tissue paper covered toy. The woman twists the ends of the cellophane and tapes the package shut. Ribbon is placed around the ends of the package. The woman shows the package to the camera and sets it on a counter.", "segments": [[0, 2.81], [4.42, 8.03], [12.04, 14.05], [15.26, 25.29], [28.1, 36.94], [39.34, 50.59], [52.59, 63.83], [64.64, 73.47], [74.27, 80.3]], "duration": 80.3, "id": 7434}, {"image_id": "v_oxp7V1AKJWk.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is playing an arcade game. He picks up a ball and throws it at the pins. He turns around and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 136.62], [27.32, 40.99], [124.32, 127.74]], "duration": 136.62, "id": 7435}, {"image_id": "v_ijnNP7P5m28.mp4", "caption": "Men and women and kids are roasting marshmallow in the bonfire while others are skiing or resting on the chairs. A woman slide down the slope and the little girl came up to her and give her a kiss, then the woman help the little girl slide down the slope.", "segments": [[0, 35.84], [34.41, 128.31]], "duration": 143.36, "id": 7436}, {"image_id": "v_i7NKJhCdKx0.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside in the snow holding a rope that is attached to a snow mobile.The snow mobile starts to move and the person begins snowboarding throughout the field.They continue to move through the snow and the forest of trees into a parking lot by a cabin.", "segments": [[0, 39.02], [39.02, 115.12], [115.12, 195.12]], "duration": 195.12, "id": 7437}, {"image_id": "v_wHRHS7_4J_s.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen standing ready looking down at a violin. The girl is then seen playing the violin while moving her hands up and down. The girl continues playing the instrument and ends by looking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.68, 21.12], [15.75, 51.28], [51.62, 65.7]], "duration": 67.04, "id": 7438}, {"image_id": "v_bDiwuABU45I.mp4", "caption": "A man is rubbing sunscreen on his back. A girl is laying down on a towel on the beach behind him. A person in an orange shirt walks behind him.", "segments": [[0, 13.18], [0, 14.94], [26.54, 34.1]], "duration": 35.16, "id": 7439}, {"image_id": "v_yGCklVOLgk8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen falling into the water in front of a jump. Another person is seen riding along on skis past him. The man continues to ride as the camera zooms in on the water.", "segments": [[0, 14.97], [16.22, 42.12], [41.49, 60.52]], "duration": 62.39, "id": 7440}, {"image_id": "v_IiG80Vp4WyY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding an instrument in front of a large stack of instruments and speaking to the camera. The man then plays the instrument continuously and ends with him pausing and holding the instrument.", "segments": [[0, 57.65], [57.65, 202.27]], "duration": 202.27, "id": 7441}, {"image_id": "v_WOkHZ33CgAs.mp4", "caption": "Two men start fighting standing outside. One man throws the other man onto a table.", "segments": [[0, 20.92], [9.94, 20.92]], "duration": 20.92, "id": 7442}, {"image_id": "v_RZr2KLNE6qE.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on a baby wearing a baseball hat riding back and fourth on a swing set. The baby continuously rides back and fourth while another child rides a swing next to him.", "segments": [[0.06, 6.11], [3.21, 6.11]], "duration": 6.11, "id": 7443}, {"image_id": "v_4mfnfTpcfck.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls are sitting in an old car while a large group of cars behind them move around. Other people are shown wearing christmas attire and dancing in the streets of the car. A band is playing by a group of kids while the parade follows them full of people dancing.", "segments": [[0, 22.4], [24.64, 69.45], [69.45, 109.77]], "duration": 112.00999999999999, "id": 7444}, {"image_id": "v_qY8t0S0WWoA.mp4", "caption": "A man and a child paint a fence with brushes. A baby watches the man and the toddler painting.", "segments": [[0, 45.65], [39.03, 40.63]], "duration": 45.65, "id": 7445}, {"image_id": "v_iPiP-7UwAa4.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing on a stage while others watch on the side. The cheerleaders then begin performing a routine while throwing others up and flipping around. The group continues to perform on the stage and end by holding a pose and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 57.91], [47.69, 174.86], [170.32, 225.96]], "duration": 227.09, "id": 7446}, {"image_id": "v_uN8lcRwsBno.mp4", "caption": "A guy sits with his legs close to his chest. The guy is exercising by pulling a handle. The guy stops exercising fixes his reading glasses and touches his beard. The guy removes his legs from the exercise machine and touches the knob.", "segments": [[0, 2.48], [3.31, 151.49], [156.45, 161.42], [163.9, 165.56]], "duration": 165.56, "id": 7447}, {"image_id": "v_yPpKYckLbdI.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl jumping on a trampoline in doors. We see the girl spin in the air. The girl does a series of flips. The girl flips into blue boxes. The girl does a series of flips and a spin. We see a title screen and then see the girls bloopers. We see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.15], [3.84, 5.38], [24.59, 29.97], [35.34, 49.17], [58.39, 70.69], [115.25, 119.09], [140.61, 153.67]], "duration": 153.67000000000002, "id": 7448}, {"image_id": "v_SZXscHYG26Y.mp4", "caption": "The person is parasailing, he is holding the sail. The man is moving forwards towards the island. The person has his feet on the parasail board.", "segments": [[0, 80.64], [2.82, 75.8], [11.69, 75.8]], "duration": 80.64, "id": 7449}, {"image_id": "v_OqLrsVv44MY.mp4", "caption": "A woman smiling at the camera is shown scraping off her car with a scraper. She talks to the camera man while smiling at the camera and continuing to scrape.", "segments": [[0, 38.27], [3.06, 35.59]], "duration": 38.27, "id": 7450}, {"image_id": "v_lwo7fssfLiw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding onto a piece of exercise equipment with her arms. She moves the machine back and fourth while still laughing and smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[2.35, 40.31], [27.55, 65.51]], "duration": 67.19, "id": 7451}, {"image_id": "v_IVnPfvBZxKE.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures of ingredients are shown followed by pictures of the ingredients laid out on a cutting board. The pictures transition into more ingredients with hands covering them up and squeezing them into a ball. Pictures and video of the food being cooked in a pan are shown followed by a person taking it out and cutting it with a knife. Finally, a picture of the finished food product is shown.", "segments": [[0, 26.01], [19.65, 64.15], [65.31, 101.14], [107.5, 115.59]], "duration": 115.59, "id": 7452}, {"image_id": "v_ExcXXMZYGs0.mp4", "caption": "We see a opening title screen. We see people rafting down a river in a yellow raft. The raft is overturned and the people fall into the river. The people duck under branch of a low hanging tree and the right front man stands and dances. A man in the back of the raft walks forward. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 7.51], [8.45, 187.69], [23.46, 30.97], [81.64, 106.04], [170.8, 182.99], [182.99, 187.69]], "duration": 187.69, "id": 7453}, {"image_id": "v_MFeI2mRg6Ho.mp4", "caption": "Some team is playing a game on the field, one of them scores. The audience goes crazy and then the teams are back to trying to score into the goal. The guy from the yellow team has the ball on the stick, he's running quickly with it and he scores. They put the trophy in the air and yell with excitement.", "segments": [[0, 30.87], [30.87, 77.17], [77.17, 136.98], [136.98, 192.94]], "duration": 192.94, "id": 7454}, {"image_id": "v_VWmSZPIoBlw.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black coat is standing on the sidewalk. He walks up to a car and starts scraping the snow off the windows. The snow falls onto the ground in front of the car.", "segments": [[0, 2.61], [2.61, 18.65], [3.92, 18.65]], "duration": 18.65, "id": 7455}, {"image_id": "v_H2l7GraYFhI.mp4", "caption": "A band plays on a stage. A man in a suit plays the saxophone up front wearing sunglasses.", "segments": [[0, 189.14], [14.19, 189.14]], "duration": 189.14, "id": 7456}, {"image_id": "v_gRzHp84ptgE.mp4", "caption": "A man and a little girl are standing on a beach. The man picks up the girl and picks up a surf board. He goes surfing in the water with her on his back.", "segments": [[0, 17.88], [18.38, 23.34], [31.79, 75.99]], "duration": 99.34, "id": 7457}, {"image_id": "v_pF7z3Z_JSGk.mp4", "caption": "A man holds the back paws of a cat and clips its nails sitting on the floor. The man finishes one paw then wrestles with the cat. The man pets that cats stomach. The man examines the cats after the job is done.", "segments": [[0, 36.4], [37, 62.06], [68.03, 119.35], [101.45, 106.22]], "duration": 119.35, "id": 7458}, {"image_id": "v_P06Slwn3JG0.mp4", "caption": "A girl stands in a yard holding a rake. The girl rakes the leaves in a pile. the girl walks to a trampoline and gets a different rake and rakes the leaves in a circle. the girl put the rake back on the trampoline and talks to the camera. the girl jumps in, rolls around and throws the leaves around before standing and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.54], [8.54, 22.66], [23.31, 36.77], [37.76, 49.58], [49.91, 65.67]], "duration": 65.67, "id": 7459}, {"image_id": "v_I62kL8H81XA.mp4", "caption": "A cup with lemonade is next a jar with a lemonade. A bowl with three cups of cold water, a cup of lemon juice, a cup of water and a cup of sugar are on at table. Then, a person adds sugar, and lemon to pot with water to warm. Then, the person adds the lemonade to a jar and serves in a cup.", "segments": [[1.38, 13.38], [14.31, 24], [24.92, 47.07], [48.46, 72.92]], "duration": 92.3, "id": 7460}, {"image_id": "v_wIK83guBfM0.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a garage with newspaper on a table. He shows how to cut the top off a pumpkin, and removes the insides. Then he carves a design into the pumpkin, creating a novelty jackolantern.", "segments": [[0, 6], [7.11, 17.77], [18.66, 44.42]], "duration": 44.42, "id": 7461}, {"image_id": "v_R52e9UAE60k.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are shown riding on horses in the desert. A man talks to the camera while riding the horse and giving various shots of the land. He shows off the several other people on horses and continues talking about his adventure close up to the camera.", "segments": [[1.16, 76.8], [4.27, 23.66], [23.27, 77.58]], "duration": 77.58, "id": 7462}, {"image_id": "v_5HCYb6qfkdk.mp4", "caption": "A person opens a door and walks inside a kitchen. A woman sits on a kitchen counter shaving her legs in a sink.", "segments": [[0.31, 4.76], [4.76, 30.7]], "duration": 30.7, "id": 7463}, {"image_id": "v_zwX7e_5Koh0.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a group of women standing on a wood floor behind a piece of exercise equipment. The women then begin moving back and fourth and up and down on the equipment while the woman in front speaks out loud.", "segments": [[0, 72.22], [73.18, 192.59]], "duration": 192.59, "id": 7464}, {"image_id": "v_RKUEXxnXrm8.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates how to make an egg salad sandwich. A man starts talking to the camera in close up angle and then takes a bite of a sandwich. A grop of sandwich making materials is shown. An eggs is boiled in a pan, and then the eggs are run under cold water. Celery is chopped into bits along with other vegetables and then the eggs are mixed with this and a finished sandwich is shown.", "segments": [[0, 124.44], [0, 12.59], [12.59, 24.44], [25.18, 48.89], [54.81, 148.14]], "duration": 148.14, "id": 7465}, {"image_id": "v_pF8jt67vTDY.mp4", "caption": "Adults are playing a game of volley ball on a court. A crowd is watching them play.", "segments": [[0, 82.06], [5.74, 82.06]], "duration": 82.06, "id": 7466}, {"image_id": "v_O337_rGYZPc.mp4", "caption": "A close up of various objects in shown in a circle of dirt and leads into a person holding a bag. The person then opens the bag and points to the objects in dirt and lights a match. The objects catch fire and the camera zooms in on the objects burning.", "segments": [[0, 28.72], [32.6, 98.58], [97.03, 155.25]], "duration": 155.25, "id": 7467}, {"image_id": "v_NnLjEbG31ZE.mp4", "caption": "A group of friends ride inter tubes through small rapids in a tropical jungle. The group goes past large boulders popping up out of the water.", "segments": [[0, 46.51], [31.16, 36.74]], "duration": 46.51, "id": 7468}, {"image_id": "v_QRLye5j54ic.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing in the tall grass of a field. He is holding onto a kite in the air. He leans way back, being drug by the force of the wind.", "segments": [[0, 56.83], [64.48, 177.06], [194.55, 218.59]], "duration": 218.59, "id": 7469}, {"image_id": "v_mRe2xY_amWw.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into various text shown across the screen followed by cheerleaders performing a routine. Several shots of cheer leading performers are shown completing impressive stunts and moving across a stage while others watch.", "segments": [[0, 80.36], [55.98, 180.58]], "duration": 180.58, "id": 7470}, {"image_id": "v_ZBG-KhSyVgQ.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on the backs of horses. Three girls are talking to a camera. The horses are walking across a dirt road.", "segments": [[0, 28.89], [28.33, 41.67], [100.55, 107.22]], "duration": 111.11, "id": 7471}, {"image_id": "v_Io1OF2OkTWY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding onto a dog in a plane. Several clips are shown of the man in a plane with the dog as well as underwater. The man performs several activities with his dog in hand while a woman speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0.39, 18.95], [17.37, 60.4], [33.16, 76.58]], "duration": 78.95, "id": 7472}, {"image_id": "v_9GP266ETAuE.mp4", "caption": "A ball is shown swinging around followed by shots of scenery and people getting ready. A man records an athlete holding the ball and sitting on a bench. Various people are shown getting ready to perform followed by several people swinging the balls. Eventually several different women are shown performing the task while also warming up their throws.", "segments": [[0, 13.08], [13.81, 34.15], [34.88, 81.39], [82.11, 145.33]], "duration": 145.32999999999998, "id": 7473}, {"image_id": "v_i5jZVSzLbYQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen performing various flips and tricks in front of audience and leads into a young boy standing in the middle. The boy and man then battle against one another doing several tricks and ends with the an holding the boy's arm. He then claps to the boy and several people on the side clap.", "segments": [[0, 43.5], [40.5, 128.25], [132.75, 150]], "duration": 150.0, "id": 7474}, {"image_id": "v_8Uyi1KXdS50.mp4", "caption": "An elderly woman is seated in a chair. She is knitting with red yarn. She talks to the person with the camera as she knits.", "segments": [[0, 13.15], [15.34, 69.57], [73.95, 109.55]], "duration": 109.55, "id": 7475}, {"image_id": "v_98wL6zakU9o.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen pushing a sander along a ski and leads into another person tightening down a ski and spraying wax along the top. The person wipes it down and then uses a bar of wax on the sander along the ski.", "segments": [[0, 61.25], [34.8, 137.12]], "duration": 139.2, "id": 7476}, {"image_id": "v_TkNCytAQ5cw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is hosting a news segment that leads into clips of people working on the streets and protesting. Several women are interviewed by the camera and shows more clips of people working and protesting.", "segments": [[0, 42.73], [47.26, 100.54]], "duration": 100.53999999999999, "id": 7477}, {"image_id": "v_frWLB7ZxMNI.mp4", "caption": "We see a man shooting pool on a blue table. The man finishes and smiles as his friend claps his hands. We see the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 68.12], [68.88, 70.79], [71.17, 76.12]], "duration": 76.12, "id": 7478}, {"image_id": "v_xJNqBSJ7rqU.mp4", "caption": "A senior picture of a female is shown and then a screen flashes indicating that her highlights are about to be shown.Several videos of her are then shown running up against girls from other teams defending her territory and stripping the ball from the other opponents.", "segments": [[0, 28.46], [28.46, 177.87]], "duration": 177.87, "id": 7479}, {"image_id": "v__vbwjI1QA7g.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a room with dart game haging on the wall. he took one of the dart from the board and keeps talking, approaches to the camera and shows the sharp dart. he throw the dart to the board and lean on the wall. man open his arms and swings side to side, kneel on the floor. he take other dart into the board and with the head down starts yelling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.7], [8.16, 35.34], [35.34, 56], [56, 70.14], [69.59, 108.74]], "duration": 108.74000000000001, "id": 7480}, {"image_id": "v_GXEuuWhEMCY.mp4", "caption": "A man stands, screaming loudly as he lifts a barbell. He lifts a weight above his head. Another man is shown lifting a weight as a crowd watches. Several weight lifters continue lifting barbells. A man is shown lying down as he is injured.", "segments": [[0, 6.36], [10, 35.46], [36.37, 79.1], [79.1, 149.11], [154.56, 181.84]], "duration": 181.84, "id": 7481}, {"image_id": "v_8kC5L_Iu3KY.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting behind a set of drums playing them consistently. She continues to play the drums while the camera zooms in on her hands.", "segments": [[0.09, 2.87], [2.75, 6.25]], "duration": 6.32, "id": 7482}, {"image_id": "v_08ItAtlb60Q.mp4", "caption": "There are many trophies on display that you can win for doing a good job. Men on their bikes are waiting to start a race . Two men hit their knuckles together before the race begins. The audience is cheering and the riders are off going super fast trying to win.", "segments": [[0, 16.84], [16.44, 35.28], [35.28, 61.34], [61.34, 80.18]], "duration": 80.18, "id": 7483}, {"image_id": "v_9PGFsuE3Ye0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen doing karate in front of another with a knife and leads into a shot of a man bowling and text across his face. The man celebrates as people watch and clipart is shown as well as more shots of the man celebrating and bowling. The man holds a trophy in the end and screams to the camera and the audience. The camera then zooms in on a photo on a poster.", "segments": [[9.35, 43.85], [45.29, 101.36], [107.83, 122.21], [130.84, 143.78]], "duration": 143.78, "id": 7484}, {"image_id": "v_H9FxfosWRTE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling down before a large weight and speaking to the camera continuously. She moves her body around the weight and pointing around to demonstrate how to properly hold the weight.", "segments": [[0, 70.18], [36.65, 155.95]], "duration": 155.95, "id": 7485}, {"image_id": "v_jETKNHeojN8.mp4", "caption": "The woman says a few words in the beginning while the dancer stands silently. First the dancer makes sure her legs are positioned correctly. Then the ballet dancer brings one foot into a coupe. Next she straightens both legs and puts one leg in the front and brings it back down. She then repeats those 3 steps over again.", "segments": [[4.44, 13.88], [18.32, 28.87], [30.54, 41.64], [47.75, 51.63], [62.74, 103.82]], "duration": 111.03999999999999, "id": 7486}, {"image_id": "v_AyWXuUCDSjw.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see 5 men walking down the street sides by side. A man looks at the men. A lady looks at the men. Two men turn and look at each other. One man buys drinks as everyone stares at them. The five men drink their beers in one gulp. The men leave the bar drunk. We see a gray closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 0.74], [1.49, 28.63], [15.99, 18.59], [19.33, 21.93], [27.88, 34.2], [40.89, 46.47], [54.65, 62.45], [63.2, 69.15], [69.15, 74.35]], "duration": 74.35, "id": 7487}, {"image_id": "v_7LhKz7863kg.mp4", "caption": "woman wearing black clothes is laying down in the floor doing abs. woman doing abs in the floor have her fet tied to elastics. woman is doing exercise in a roofed gym.", "segments": [[0, 20.57], [0, 20.47], [0.62, 20.57]], "duration": 20.57, "id": 7488}, {"image_id": "v_AvjExlAl18I.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen performing a dance routine on a stage while an orchestra plays behind him. A woman then steps in and dances with the man while spinning his hat around and twirling on the stage. The two end by making a funny gesture and then walk off the stage to the side.", "segments": [[0, 38.7], [35.72, 127.25], [123.53, 148.83]], "duration": 148.82999999999998, "id": 7489}, {"image_id": "v_W0M9tXQV3Xg.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in next to several exercise bikes. He starts working out on one of the bikes. People are working out in the dark.", "segments": [[10.55, 76.7], [76.7, 132.31], [132.31, 191.75]], "duration": 191.75, "id": 7490}, {"image_id": "v_rdZ0TZcP0NU.mp4", "caption": "A group of people play polo on horses on a grass covered, fenced in field surrounded by onlookers and spectators. A man on a horse walks down the center of a line of people on a horse while holding a long mallet pole. A group of spectators standing and sitting on the grass look on from the side of the field. The game of polo begins and the people on the horses begin to swing their mallet poles across the ground.", "segments": [[1.37, 38.73], [1.37, 4.7], [10.96, 12.72], [13.5, 38.73]], "duration": 39.13, "id": 7491}, {"image_id": "v_h1bdAd1cXSw.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen walking to the end of a diving board and looking off into the camera. The boy then dives into the water and the camera captures him moving from underwater.", "segments": [[0.54, 8.53], [6.36, 26.13]], "duration": 27.08, "id": 7492}, {"image_id": "v_fg_R9Vrr1KI.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast mounts a high beam in a gym. He flips and does several springs. He then dismounts, throwing his arms up as he does so.", "segments": [[0, 7.34], [7.85, 33.68], [34.18, 50.64]], "duration": 50.64, "id": 7493}, {"image_id": "v_7-uMJ_5WsZM.mp4", "caption": "A large orange machine is shown moving down a road with a claw like arm and razor cutting down the grass.The cutting continues and the machine is being operated in different areas such as highways.", "segments": [[0, 76.21], [76.21, 133.7]], "duration": 133.7, "id": 7494}, {"image_id": "v_pHU2Ie4VQBg.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen performing a belly dancing routine on a small stage. She continues dancing and performing around the stage and finishes her dance with a posing, bowing, and walking off.", "segments": [[2.11, 185.95], [20.07, 211.3]], "duration": 211.3, "id": 7495}, {"image_id": "v_e9l3PzP4uGQ.mp4", "caption": "Various clip are shown of ingredients being laid out in bowls followed by a person mixing them all together. The person rolls them into balls and sets them on a plate, finally sticking them into the oven. She then pulls out the made cookies and gives the camera a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 71.09], [61.66, 126.94], [129.12, 145.08]], "duration": 145.07999999999998, "id": 7496}, {"image_id": "v_tQ9yPS_BJHQ.mp4", "caption": "People are driving bumper cars and crashing into each other. A green car crashes into a gold car. A blue car crashes into a gold car.", "segments": [[0, 60.72], [24.29, 29.45], [48.88, 51.61]], "duration": 60.72, "id": 7497}, {"image_id": "v_3UgGvKnelfY.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a large warehouse and shows clips of materials being made and men working. Machinery is shown pushing materials along while people watch on the sides. More products for homes are being pushed out and a machinery is shown carrying them away.", "segments": [[0.58, 42.18], [37.56, 90.14], [65.29, 114.99]], "duration": 115.57, "id": 7498}, {"image_id": "v_airowj9k5ro.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a slide is seen followed by an adult and a young child riding down the slide. The woman laughs with the baby and picks her up at the bottom.", "segments": [[0.3, 29.99], [29.99, 60.28]], "duration": 60.58, "id": 7499}, {"image_id": "v_5ZmZr2bguy0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in a large circle and bending herself forward. The woman then spins herself around and throws an object off into the distance. The woman does this several times afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 21.38], [13.96, 32.94], [29.89, 42.76]], "duration": 43.63, "id": 7500}, {"image_id": "v_O8TIRkB99Lo.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a doorway talking. The man climbs a ladder and adds a piece of wallpaper to the wall. The man uses a tool before turning to speak then smooths it out. The man speaks and uses another tool to cut a piece off then wipes the ceiling.", "segments": [[0, 8.82], [10.08, 51.66], [52.29, 82.52], [83.78, 125.99]], "duration": 125.99, "id": 7501}, {"image_id": "v_-kuXhOsHAc4.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A person walks up stairs into a room and sees beer poured from a keg and people talking. People stand and play beer pong while others watch. A man tries to blow a ball out of a cup. A man hits the ball away from the cup. The left team jumps and cheers. We see peoples faces up close and plates of food on a table. We see a lighted sign and end.", "segments": [[0, 3.49], [3.49, 56.99], [58.15, 160.49], [124.44, 130.25], [131.42, 138.39], [159.33, 165.14], [165.14, 222.13], [227.94, 232.6]], "duration": 232.6, "id": 7502}, {"image_id": "v_mXbrIyhXbQo.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing around a neighborhood on a pair of stilts. The man walks up the street and turns towards the back. He then begins jumping down the road and looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.43], [8.59, 23.42], [21.55, 29.98]], "duration": 31.23, "id": 7503}, {"image_id": "v_M_Jib8gkQpg.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps of a diving board backwards into a swimming pool. There is a big splash and the man surfaces smiling.", "segments": [[0.09, 4.52], [4.52, 8.31]], "duration": 8.62, "id": 7504}, {"image_id": "v_Q7R3ajucvyE.mp4", "caption": "The boy holds open his eyelids and places in a contact lens. The man tilts back his head and closes his eyes to adjust the contact lens. The man rubs his eyes then opens them wide to show the contacts.", "segments": [[0, 198.62], [187.85, 204.61], [209.39, 230.93]], "duration": 239.31, "id": 7505}, {"image_id": "v_w28ML-KpYdI.mp4", "caption": "a man is standing in his back yard. He is laughing as he paits the side of a shed. He uses a sprayer to apply the red paint.", "segments": [[0, 1.4], [1.82, 5.22], [5.36, 7.01]], "duration": 7.01, "id": 7506}, {"image_id": "v_Ww2_b9f6Kh0.mp4", "caption": "We see a man on a diving board high in the air. The man does a handstand and fall from the handstand into the water. The next man simply runs and dives while flipping into the water. The final man does a more traditional dive.", "segments": [[0, 4.2], [4.42, 17.24], [18.35, 27.63], [28.74, 44.21]], "duration": 44.21, "id": 7507}, {"image_id": "v_c-X500da7JU.mp4", "caption": "A person shows how to warp a gift like a professional and do fancy ornaments and ribbons on gifts. The woman arrange a gift basket and shows a pile of nice gifts. Then, the woman wraps gifts with different shapes and ornaments.", "segments": [[8.02, 25.19], [25.19, 30.92], [30.92, 50.68]], "duration": 57.26, "id": 7508}, {"image_id": "v_c81l0bAPiFo.mp4", "caption": "A lady kneels in a canoe as she rows on a lake. A lady attempts to stand on one foot in the boat and falls into the lake. A lady has one foot in the water and one in the boat and she starts doing push-ups on the boat. The lady finishes and shows her muscle to the camera. We see an emblem on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 7.18], [7.18, 24.71], [26.44, 46.55], [47.13, 49.71], [49.42, 57.47]], "duration": 57.47, "id": 7509}, {"image_id": "v_OhPSVjVQZ8o.mp4", "caption": "A young child wearing a helmet is climbing on monkey bars on a playground with a small boy underneath her. A person riding a bike goes around the young girl and she climbs until the last bar.", "segments": [[0, 9.81], [0.3, 9.36]], "duration": 9.96, "id": 7510}, {"image_id": "v_w6ofRgXA0xc.mp4", "caption": "A man in red short is pouring a bottle onto some wood. The man throws some paper on top of the wood. The man throws matches at the pile of wood. A fire begins to burn.", "segments": [[0, 29.88], [28.64, 37.97], [42.95, 78.44], [79.06, 124.51]], "duration": 124.51, "id": 7511}, {"image_id": "v_BEA4YVQv7Wk.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a large indoor pool and shows a man jumping off a diving board into the water. Several people are shown warming up and followed up by many jumping into the pool. A man instructs them on how to properly land in the water followed by several people jumping one at a time into the pool, including the camera man.", "segments": [[0, 23.57], [22, 132.01], [18.86, 157.15]], "duration": 157.15, "id": 7512}, {"image_id": "v_YbD0P8dH6Oc.mp4", "caption": "Two sumos prepares to wrestle in a ring while a judge stands in middle of them. Then the sumos wrestle, and the thin sumo throws the fat sumo to the floor. After, the fat sumo stands up and left the ring. The crow applaud, then men broom the ring.", "segments": [[0.43, 44.47], [44.91, 64.34], [64.77, 78.15], [78.15, 86.36]], "duration": 86.36, "id": 7513}, {"image_id": "v_JxBFSll-mDE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera holding a hockey stick and leads into him instructing other players. The man continue playing around one another while the man yells to them and the others continue playing.", "segments": [[0, 40.76], [38.41, 78.39]], "duration": 78.39, "id": 7514}, {"image_id": "v_46l7dmH8pCg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are in the backyard of a house, playing croquette. A woman uses the mallet to hit the ball, then others join in. A man holding a mallet and ball talks about the process of how to play the game, playing and hitting the ball and he explains it. He then puts his arms out at his sides.", "segments": [[0, 21.02], [21.54, 57.28], [62.53, 86.7], [92.48, 105.09]], "duration": 105.09, "id": 7515}, {"image_id": "v_V6lFpCjRKC8.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen standing around a court with many people sitting and watching on the sides. A person runs down with a pole vault and throws it off into the distance while the same clip is shown again in slow motion and another goes after.", "segments": [[0.64, 29.22], [28.58, 61.98]], "duration": 64.23, "id": 7516}, {"image_id": "v_9FAPy8NVDgY.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with an introduction to Recipes in Motion about quick spaghetti sauce. The video transitions into showing a ladle pouring the sauce onto noodles. Someone begins to cut various vegetable with a knife, this includes a green vegetable and onions. Next an empty metallic pan is shown as someone pours oil and the vegetables into it. They then begin stirring the vegetables with the oil. After this what other ingredients are added include tomatoes, spices and some type of liquid. Everything is being stirred together. The pan is removed and the stirred ingredients are blended. The blended ingredients are put back onto the man and a red substance from a can is poured onto the pan and mixed in. The sauce is completed and poured onto the noodles. The video ends with with an orange background with information on where to watch more videos.", "segments": [[0, 8.73], [8.73, 19.84], [20.64, 35.71], [36.51, 59.52], [59.52, 73.81], [64.29, 96.03], [73.02, 101.59], [102.38, 119.84], [120.64, 138.1], [138.1, 153.18], [153.18, 158.73]], "duration": 158.73, "id": 7517}, {"image_id": "v_ngE2y5ExVqw.mp4", "caption": "A teenager boy hits a Sponge Bob pi\u00f1ata covered his eyes with a cloth while woman takes pictures. A boy hits the pi\u00f1ata until it falls while the boy cover his eyes with a blue cloth. A man rubs his face with his hand and then he sticks his tong out.", "segments": [[20.07, 31.02], [27.67, 44.7], [52.91, 60.81]], "duration": 60.81, "id": 7518}, {"image_id": "v_hSnTYQ9osIg.mp4", "caption": "Two people are outside in ball dancing in a plaza as a group of people surround them and watch.People come and go to watch the two people dance and then they finally stop dancing,bow and grabs a cloth to wash their face.", "segments": [[0, 64.31], [63.66, 129.92]], "duration": 129.92, "id": 7519}, {"image_id": "v_3C4Nry679BA.mp4", "caption": "A woman places vegetable leaves in a bow. The camera pans right to show a man standing beside the woman. The man slices a cucumber on a plate.", "segments": [[0, 14.49], [1.3, 8.77], [4.35, 14.49]], "duration": 14.49, "id": 7520}, {"image_id": "v_2X4-yp_EFVE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen leading over the hood of the car while grabbing onto each other's hands. They then begin a game of arm wrestling and ends with one man winning and both looking at the camera and one holding his wrist.", "segments": [[0, 5.09], [5.79, 28.26]], "duration": 28.26, "id": 7521}, {"image_id": "v_fc3yCFrmkCU.mp4", "caption": "Video title or label are shown. A guy gestures the peace sign. A guy is snow board down a slope. A group in a row wave goodbye.", "segments": [[1.01, 2.03], [3.04, 4.06], [4.06, 199.78], [200.8, 201.81]], "duration": 202.82999999999998, "id": 7522}, {"image_id": "v_Z57GknpXOBg.mp4", "caption": "A man is getting ready to waterboard, there's a boat waiting for him to his right, and the white words on the right bottom corner say \"Spray Lake Watersports & Activity Centre\".The man goes in the water and as he's holding onto the bar connected to the rope and the boat, he is quickly waterboarding on the lake, sometimes using both hands to hold onto the bar and sometimes alternating hands.The man lets go of the bar and begins to slow towards a dock.A pair of hands are now holding a waterboard that has black and silver pair of shoes attached to it.A person is briefly shown waterboarding and the view goes to bubbling underwater.", "segments": [[0, 5.86], [5.86, 71.39], [71.39, 84.17], [84.7, 94.83], [94.83, 106.55]], "duration": 106.55, "id": 7523}, {"image_id": "v_RAaRFD5M8h4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a dog is seen with a person holding a razor. The person then holds up the dogs face and begins trimming around it's eyes. The person continues shaving and ends by combing it's face.", "segments": [[0, 29.33], [27.73, 80.52], [76.79, 105.58]], "duration": 106.65, "id": 7524}, {"image_id": "v_s_gb6Xi_J5g.mp4", "caption": "The little girl is on top of the monkey bar. A little kid in colorful shirt is crossing the monkey bar. The little girl fell from monkey bar and went back to the monkey bar.", "segments": [[0, 7.17], [5.66, 11.2], [10.95, 12.59]], "duration": 12.59, "id": 7525}, {"image_id": "v_ognXkeWL7h8.mp4", "caption": "A toddler paint her lips with a lipstick. Then, the toddler applies make up to her eyelids on front a blue mirror. Next, the toddle takes more make up from a palette to continues applying to her eyelids.", "segments": [[0, 15.15], [15.15, 42.62], [42.62, 189.41]], "duration": 189.41, "id": 7526}, {"image_id": "v__7AyUgKv3kU.mp4", "caption": "A kid is seen speaking to the camera and pans over to an older woman blowing leaves in yard. The woman speaks to the boy and he walks over to her while she still blows leaves around. In the end she's seen walking away past a fence.", "segments": [[0, 34.86], [34.14, 65.04], [63.96, 71.87]], "duration": 71.87, "id": 7527}, {"image_id": "v_uiG7A8lEdEg.mp4", "caption": "Players are playing lacrosse outdoors in front of an audience. A player is laying on the field. The player hits the ball into the goal. The audience and teammates celebrate the goal, and teammates pat each other on the shoulder. A guy removes his helmet.", "segments": [[0, 45.83], [0.69, 4.12], [29.56, 30.47], [37.58, 45.83], [42.39, 43.54]], "duration": 45.83, "id": 7528}, {"image_id": "v_mzXRehGBEOg.mp4", "caption": "A woman smiles at the camera. The woman rinses a toothbrush under water. The woman applies toothpaste to the toothbrush. The woman demonstrates brushing her teeth. The woman rinses the toothbrush under water again. The woman rinses her mouth with a glass of water. The woman towels her mouth and shows her teeth.", "segments": [[0, 5.18], [5.65, 8.47], [11.3, 14.12], [16, 79.55], [27.3, 29.66], [80.02, 81.44], [82.85, 86.14]], "duration": 94.15, "id": 7529}, {"image_id": "v_-eCMRApm6n4.mp4", "caption": "A girl shows how to make lemonade. She then rakes in the cash her parents helped her.", "segments": [[6.9, 191.11], [87.67, 195.05]], "duration": 197.01, "id": 7530}, {"image_id": "v_TrhOt1WyU7Y.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans to a kite flying around in the sky as well as people in a field. A man is seen off to the site controlling the kite with his hands. He continues flying the object around the sky with the camera following.", "segments": [[0, 16.31], [19.14, 44.86], [34.51, 59.29]], "duration": 62.74, "id": 7531}, {"image_id": "v_d-sWAcDYsbc.mp4", "caption": "A young man sits down on a chair in front of a drum set. He begins playing the drums, which are located inside of a living room. The playing continues until he puts down the drum sticks and looks at the camera with a shocked look. The video ends with the man getting up to turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.19], [3.19, 212.87], [209.68, 211.81], [210.74, 212.87]], "duration": 212.87, "id": 7532}, {"image_id": "v_cdO-xmdjM7Q.mp4", "caption": "A group of people walk holding inflatable boats and arrive to a lake, then the people sail in the lake. After, the people take the boats to sail on a narrow choppy river. The rafters arrive to a cascade and the boats fold when descend the cascade, then they continue rafting in the river.", "segments": [[0, 45.02], [45.02, 113.46], [114.36, 180.09]], "duration": 180.09, "id": 7533}, {"image_id": "v_zlAwW2Pxc1A.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a ladder. He is hanging wall paper onto a wall in front of him. He uses a tool to smooth out the wall paper once it's on the wall.", "segments": [[0, 5.96], [5.96, 89.43], [89.43, 96.14]], "duration": 149.05, "id": 7534}, {"image_id": "v_MSiXlMKPGKs.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of people standing together and moving around ice are shown as well as people playing shuffle board and yelling to one another. Several people are interviewed on the camera that intervenes with shots of shuffleboard and people rubbing their necks and speaking to one another.", "segments": [[0, 102.96], [80.73, 234.01]], "duration": 234.01, "id": 7535}, {"image_id": "v_3W92sMbvoaE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is riding an intertube down a snowy hill. She spins as she goes down, running into another person. She is knocked out of her intertube.", "segments": [[0, 10.84], [11.43, 24.95], [26.28, 29.7]], "duration": 29.7, "id": 7536}, {"image_id": "v_68oJj9QktGg.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of bulls running into people in busy streets and people becoming hurt by the bulls. Many more shots are shown of bulls hurting people in various locations while others try to help them on the side.", "segments": [[0, 90.94], [62.75, 181.88]], "duration": 181.88, "id": 7537}, {"image_id": "v_JtQSDGSKnsY.mp4", "caption": "A person uses a vacuum cleaner the clean the carpet of debris in a room sweeping it back and forth. The vacuum cleaner collecting bucket is moved in order to reach a new area of carpet. The person vacuums the carpet area around the couch. The person lifts up the head of the vacuum and examines the wheels underneath.", "segments": [[20.08, 127.18], [68.61, 76.14], [109.61, 126.35], [132.2, 146.43]], "duration": 167.35, "id": 7538}, {"image_id": "v_ZvVnXvKlKbQ.mp4", "caption": "Bowling pins are getting hit with bowling ball. A crowd cheers sitting behind the bowling alley. A man kisses a trophy in his hands.", "segments": [[10.06, 15.8], [28.01, 33.76], [117.08, 118.52]], "duration": 143.66, "id": 7539}, {"image_id": "v_wmmOt79-Azo.mp4", "caption": "People are standing in a room playing tennis. A woman picks up a ball that falls onto the ground. The girl walks up to the net.", "segments": [[0, 87.87], [60.63, 62.38], [86.11, 87.87]], "duration": 87.87, "id": 7540}, {"image_id": "v_yNHc-xADBm8.mp4", "caption": "A camp fire burns brightly in the night. The fire slowly grows in size. The scene becomes brighter and better lit. There are trees in the background.", "segments": [[0, 83.13], [3.74, 83.13], [11.64, 83.13], [21.2, 83.13]], "duration": 83.13, "id": 7541}, {"image_id": "v_EPql2nTJb9I.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are standing an a kitchen. The woman is chopping up various vegetables on a white tray.", "segments": [[0, 73.31], [9.53, 73.31]], "duration": 73.31, "id": 7542}, {"image_id": "v_-fjUWhSM6Hc.mp4", "caption": "A huge crowd is in the stands in an arena. A man throws a javelin. Photographers take pictures in the background. Several men run to where the javelin lands. The man that threw the javelin celebrates. Another man throws a javelin. People walk all around doing different things. Several men run out to where the javelin lands again. The second man to throw the javelin and a man in the stands celebrate. A third man throws a javelin so hard that he falls. The same men run to the the javelin's landing spot. The third man walks away looking disappointed. A fourth man throws a javelin. Again, the men run to where the javelin lands. The fourth man looks disappointed looking for his jacket. The first man to throw a javelin runs around celebrating and hugs another man. A man puts a gold medal around the neck of the first javelin thrower and shakes his hand. He puts a silver medal on the second thrower. He puts a bronze medal on the third thrower. All of the men shake hands. The gold medal winner talks to a news person. The silver medalist talks to a news person.", "segments": [[0, 198.14], [8.92, 16.84], [1.98, 198.14], [20.8, 21.79], [22.79, 23.78], [24.77, 26.75], [0.99, 198.14], [30.71, 31.7], [32.69, 35.66], [36.66, 40.62], [43.59, 44.58], [45.57, 47.55], [48.54, 52.51], [55.48, 57.46], [58.45, 62.41], [63.4, 74.3], [90.15, 97.09], [98.08, 105.01], [106, 109.97], [111.95, 115.91], [116.9, 165.44], [166.43, 198.14]], "duration": 198.14, "id": 7543}, {"image_id": "v_TsPh4-BsCYk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is shown holding a shot put and talking to the camera while standing in a large gym. She demonstrates how to properly throw the tool and performs several throws to show how it's one correctly.", "segments": [[0, 79.86], [79.86, 156.49]], "duration": 161.32999999999998, "id": 7544}, {"image_id": "v_1d6FGbM4FRM.mp4", "caption": "One person covers the floor with tiles. Then, another man come and help cover the floor with tiles.", "segments": [[0, 8.97], [8.97, 105.49]], "duration": 105.49000000000001, "id": 7545}, {"image_id": "v_zoSNO_k9RoM.mp4", "caption": "A person puts a contact lens in his right eye. Then, the person puts a contact lens in his left eye.", "segments": [[0, 18.68], [18.9, 45]], "duration": 45.0, "id": 7546}, {"image_id": "v_jXZ6WVxXgLA.mp4", "caption": "A man is using a large broom in a parking lot. He spins the broom in circles around him. The spinning brushes the piles of leaves out of the parking lot.", "segments": [[0, 1.55], [2.07, 7.49], [7.94, 12.91]], "duration": 12.91, "id": 7547}, {"image_id": "v_bFRqNqyVznA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding a rag and cleaner and leads into her spraying down the gloves and moving them along a piano. The woman continues wiping all around the piano and ends by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[2.28, 94.98], [72.95, 149.7]], "duration": 151.98, "id": 7548}, {"image_id": "v_p2P5g7HTJeY.mp4", "caption": "We see a green title screen. People are running around on a field playing a game of lacrosse. A man in white shorts sits down in front of the camera. A man knocks over one of his team mates. Two men almost crash into the camera. A group of players fight over the ball. A man hits the ball far across the field. The screen fades to green.", "segments": [[0, 3.27], [3.27, 157.61], [24.5, 30.22], [57.17, 60.43], [89.01, 97.18], [120.05, 127.4], [151.08, 154.35], [158.43, 163.33]], "duration": 163.32999999999998, "id": 7549}, {"image_id": "v_-KWToNMY1Lc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated on a horse and holding a lasso while assistants stand by and an audience watches. A cow is released and the man chases after it. The man lassos and ties it up. A man briefly enters the camera frame. Another man is seated on a horse and holding a lasso in the same setting. A cow is released and the second man chases after it. The second man lassos and ties it up. Two riders and two assistants enter the frame.", "segments": [[0, 16.41], [17.28, 18.14], [18.14, 44.05], [27.64, 29.37], [44.92, 53.12], [53.55, 55.28], [55.28, 79.04], [79.9, 86.38]], "duration": 86.38, "id": 7550}, {"image_id": "v_ZQU0p5OKC04.mp4", "caption": "A man bungee jumps from an elevated capsule into a body of water beneath him in a forest like environment. A man in a blue shirt is strapped into a bungee jumping harness. The man is then lifted into the air in a yellow capsule with a guide, high above a body of water. The man then jumps out of the capsule and falls the distance between the capsule and the water and plops into the water.", "segments": [[0.33, 21.24], [0.33, 2.54], [2.54, 12.39], [12.39, 21.24]], "duration": 22.13, "id": 7551}, {"image_id": "v_niHEMszTMBU.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt is standing in the woods explaining something. He then shows how to set up wood for a fire. The camera goes back to him standing. The camera goes to the fire being started. the camera goes back to him standing. The camera goes back to him building a different kind of campfire. He is standing in the woods again talking.", "segments": [[0, 31.23], [31.23, 43.83], [43.32, 46.35], [46.35, 62.97], [62.47, 67.5], [67.5, 83.12], [83.12, 100.75]], "duration": 100.75, "id": 7552}, {"image_id": "v_PzAjZbCEbLU.mp4", "caption": "a video of how to prevent RV roof leaks is shown, there is a roof of an RV and a man cleaning the glue around the leak. man is putting white glue around the leak.", "segments": [[0, 121.21], [121.21, 207.19]], "duration": 207.19, "id": 7553}, {"image_id": "v_XNzQVEmoJrY.mp4", "caption": "We see finger in front of the camera. A man in green walks unto a squash court. The light goes out and the room is dark.The man in green walks to the middle of the court and hits the ball back and forth. The man finishes and walks towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.68], [5.72, 17.17], [10.63, 16.77], [17.58, 80.15], [80.55, 81.78]], "duration": 81.78, "id": 7554}, {"image_id": "v_6q7LQZLC_N8.mp4", "caption": "A sailboat with dark red plum colored sails is riding on the ocean. The boat turns and we see it from behind as we move to the left side. The camera zoom in and out then flashes to another angle. We see the credits run over the video.", "segments": [[0, 151.19], [77.86, 108.85], [111.12, 130.02], [143.63, 151.19]], "duration": 151.19, "id": 7555}, {"image_id": "v_7qeiQKbWpLM.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast goes through her routine as her coach supervises. Graphics appear at the bottom of the screen that gives the girl's name and country she represents. Her coach walks to the uneven bars to position himself in case she falls. The coach walks up to the uneven bars a second time to position himself to catch her if needed and then walks across to the other side of the mats. She gets off the uneven bars and lands on the mat and poses.", "segments": [[0, 34.92], [0, 1.92], [5.59, 13.1], [16.76, 22.35], [32.3, 34.92]], "duration": 34.92, "id": 7556}, {"image_id": "v_8VPiqCCOPWg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen diving through colorful banners. The outside of a building is shown. We see a scoreboard, then women being prepped for swimming by their coaches. The women take turns diving off the high board, flipping as they go. The winner poses with a medal as everyone claps.", "segments": [[0, 12.92], [14.9, 19.87], [25.83, 57.62], [61.6, 180.81], [181.81, 198.69]], "duration": 198.69, "id": 7557}, {"image_id": "v_vijDPbwU6vA.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting around a campfire. A man in a hat stands up and chops wood. He gives a thumbs up and puts the ax over his shoulder.", "segments": [[0, 93.09], [16.29, 93.09], [87.5, 93.09]], "duration": 93.09, "id": 7558}, {"image_id": "v_ZKSORB5ygRM.mp4", "caption": "A man drives his car to the beach. He gears up for the surf. He then surfs across a large wave. He finishes and stands on the beach.", "segments": [[0, 8.45], [7.6, 12.67], [26.18, 130.9], [136.81, 168.9]], "duration": 168.9, "id": 7559}, {"image_id": "v_h0R04AFnor4.mp4", "caption": "A person touches the skin with a green light while cleaning the area. The person clean the leg with cotton. The person continues applying the green light.", "segments": [[0, 17.87], [17.87, 19.2], [19.47, 53.34]], "duration": 53.34, "id": 7560}, {"image_id": "v_9a6C5rvS56A.mp4", "caption": "There are 4 african american children skipping around on the concrete ground. 3 are wearing dresses and 1 of them is wearing a shirt and pants. After they're done skipping, they go to pick vegetables on the side of a building and put them into a blue bowl.", "segments": [[0.39, 59.84], [0.39, 77.95], [66.93, 77.95]], "duration": 78.74, "id": 7561}, {"image_id": "v_etG65un_AiQ.mp4", "caption": "A jet ski is parked and a man is riding one. We see a man's name on the screen and a man behind a boat and a man jet skiing and flipping around. Two men on a jet ski shake their hair. A person name is on the screen and we see a man jet ski. Another name and another man on the jet ski. We see the man as he prepares to ski riding behind the boat. We see the lake and then the closing credits.", "segments": [[0, 9.53], [10.48, 84.78], [85.73, 89.54], [95.26, 137.17], [138.12, 171.46], [147.65, 152.41], [172.41, 190.51]], "duration": 190.51, "id": 7562}, {"image_id": "v_UBtVJ-w9O28.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are outside standing in a circle hitting sticks as two males begin fighting.Next,two more men begin dancing around the circle making fighting movements.After,the men come into the circle in pairs and begin to dance around each other as if they are fighting each other.", "segments": [[0, 54.32], [54.32, 120.45], [120.45, 236.17]], "duration": 236.17000000000002, "id": 7563}, {"image_id": "v_3jb0w48ACkU.mp4", "caption": "A girl video records a man throwing lighting the end of a stick on fire. The man blows the stick of fire into a pile of wood and eventually creates a fire.", "segments": [[1.93, 35.01], [24.49, 41.24]], "duration": 42.96, "id": 7564}, {"image_id": "v_bL0bXUG2QWI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing on a gym. A man gets on his knees and lifts two weights. A man stands behind him and talks. The man stands up and kneels back down several times.", "segments": [[0, 107.16], [23.58, 77.16], [0, 77.16], [77.69, 107.16]], "duration": 107.16, "id": 7565}, {"image_id": "v_hEabp9fbqtw.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing white in front of a building. He is doing several martial arts moves. He moves very slowly as he demonstrates the moves.", "segments": [[0, 15.01], [36.02, 123.05], [129.06, 200.09]], "duration": 200.09, "id": 7566}, {"image_id": "v_iksziMLKsBQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a black intro screen. We see princess Diana and a man playing pool. Photographers stand up at the end of her table. The princess and her people exit the room. We go back to the black screen.", "segments": [[0, 0.86], [1.08, 27.55], [27.34, 29.7], [29.7, 35.73], [35.73, 43.05]], "duration": 43.05, "id": 7567}, {"image_id": "v_18qVzfQ9VAs.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing while wearing a pair of black boots. Her boots begin to move and kick as she starts dancing. She moves side to side, kicking in and out. The woman is fully shown as she stops dancing and begins to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.8], [8.15, 36.5], [37.21, 56.69], [57.05, 70.87]], "duration": 70.87, "id": 7568}, {"image_id": "v_ZIvekQVbCZ4.mp4", "caption": "A man is jumping rope in a room. A man behind him is stretching. A man behind him starts doing push ups.", "segments": [[0, 152.83], [112.66, 115.28], [123.14, 151.08]], "duration": 174.66, "id": 7569}, {"image_id": "v_zahB34blHyk.mp4", "caption": "There is a man wearing a blue hazmat suit spray painting a tall fence. He is using a spray paint hose to paint the wooden fence. He moves the hose back and forth to ensure he covers the entire surface area of the fence.", "segments": [[10.85, 21.89], [21.89, 35.95], [35.95, 37.56]], "duration": 40.17, "id": 7570}, {"image_id": "v_d-NsZZkxTa0.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is running around with a stick pushing and object, playing and having a lot of fun. The little girl goes forward playing for around 10 meters and then she goes back running. She touches a red plate and positions it and then runs again to the other side.", "segments": [[0, 51.58], [0, 34.39], [34.39, 52.11]], "duration": 52.11, "id": 7571}, {"image_id": "v_8Zgys8Vn-4Y.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown on skis riding behind a boat on water performing various tricks. The man continues doing several different tricks on the skis and the boat moving a lot faster.", "segments": [[1.78, 91.76], [93.54, 171.93]], "duration": 178.17000000000002, "id": 7572}, {"image_id": "v_71vVRQ4l8OI.mp4", "caption": "A gymnist is seen pushing himself up onto a set of uneven bars while several other people watch on the sidelines as well as perform. Several older men man runs into frame to check on the gymnast in back while the man on the bars continues his routine. The athlete does a back flip and finishes his routine while several others run into frame.", "segments": [[0, 13.02], [13.76, 38.32], [39.06, 49.13]], "duration": 49.13, "id": 7573}, {"image_id": "v_rduaWxRvcw0.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a head scarf is seated, talking to the camera. She takes rollers out of her hair, one at a time. She then styles her hair and displays it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.07], [38.97, 179.5], [185.4, 236.18]], "duration": 236.18, "id": 7574}, {"image_id": "v_vEiQlqCy-rI.mp4", "caption": "A goalie is shown saving several balls and being interviewed by a reporter. Many shots are shown of boys playing soccer and being interviewed and leads into the coach being interviewed. Many people enjoy watching the game and finish with more players being interviewed.", "segments": [[0, 26.59], [26.59, 85.61], [86.67, 106.35]], "duration": 106.35, "id": 7575}, {"image_id": "v_F_-w_z4B3bg.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen sitting before an instrument with another sitting on a drum set. The man moves sticks around while looking off into the distance and begins to play. Another boy walks in and out of frame and begins singing into a microphone.", "segments": [[0, 20.61], [19.33, 55.83], [54.97, 85.03]], "duration": 85.89, "id": 7576}, {"image_id": "v_44M2Ov9JzUE.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans in on a volleyball player while she plays a game with others. The camera pauses every now and then to capture her movements and pans around the other people playing.", "segments": [[0, 34.61], [20.37, 55.82]], "duration": 55.82, "id": 7577}, {"image_id": "v_jBnNbI48KjQ.mp4", "caption": "A host speaks to the camera with various musicians sitting behind him and leads into several shots of landscapes. The same man speaks to the camera and is shown riding on a surf board with several other surfers. The man is seen once again in the studio and is interviewed by a woman and another man.", "segments": [[0, 30.51], [30.51, 135.11], [143.83, 174.34]], "duration": 174.34, "id": 7578}, {"image_id": "v_PV8QJ4QJgtY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing and talking to the camera, as she pointed to the horse next to her. A woman in yellow is sitting on the horse, the horse walked around the ramp. The horse began running in circles as the older woman is watching.", "segments": [[6.96, 47.55], [31.32, 155.42], [134.54, 231.97]], "duration": 231.97, "id": 7579}, {"image_id": "v_5_UEjPqtnE0.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting before a fooseball table when one hands her the ball and she puts it into the game. The man then helps the girl play on the table by moving the poles all around and pushing the people.", "segments": [[1.42, 36.57], [23.79, 69.23]], "duration": 71.01, "id": 7580}, {"image_id": "v_5QBRDpzedoI.mp4", "caption": "A man is running down a track in slow motion doing several jumps and landing into a pit. The same man is shown several times through various clips in slow motion performing the long jump on a track field.", "segments": [[0, 17.09], [19.45, 117.87]], "duration": 117.87, "id": 7581}, {"image_id": "v_GSXP6BYeS-o.mp4", "caption": "1 A guy shows the tools to clip his cats nails. 2 The guy wraps up the cat. 3 The Guy cut the cats nails and the cat tries to bite him a few times. 4 The guy lets the cat go.", "segments": [[0, 35.64], [35.64, 57.57], [58.48, 166.32], [166.32, 182.76]], "duration": 182.77, "id": 7582}, {"image_id": "v_nwBb-WkaCYU.mp4", "caption": "A person is sitting behind a table doing a rubiks cube blind folded. A timer is on the desk in front of them. The person completes the rubiks cube and sets it down on the table.", "segments": [[0, 52.6], [1.1, 52.6], [52.32, 55.08]], "duration": 55.08, "id": 7583}, {"image_id": "v_MaYV3jnGr6g.mp4", "caption": "person is watching her hands with soap in a handwasher, put some solution into the pots, holds an eye contact with the index finger and with the other hands open her eye and put the contact in her eye, grab the other contact and with the other hands open the eye ad put it in the eye.now the person wash her hands and opens the eye and with the fingers grab the contact from the eye and put it into a pot, then she do the same with the other eye, open the eye and grab the contact from the eye and put it in the pot.", "segments": [[0, 98.19], [98.19, 160.96]], "duration": 160.96, "id": 7584}, {"image_id": "v_qRT0Z6Sz_Ck.mp4", "caption": "A person gets off a plane. A person is rollerblading through a city and hanging out with friends. This happens in many different places, but it basically the same thing.", "segments": [[0, 20.78], [25.15, 218.71], [173.87, 218.71]], "duration": 218.71, "id": 7585}, {"image_id": "v__xtOX9UCWmU.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown against a white background. He is playing a guitar with his hands. The chords and words appear at the bottom of the screen as he plays.", "segments": [[0, 17.03], [23.76, 55.14], [62.31, 89.65]], "duration": 89.65, "id": 7586}, {"image_id": "v_DozJpP2cClI.mp4", "caption": "Two people are playing badminton as someone records them with a video camera. A guy hurts himself as the other people watching him laugh at him. The people that were playing badminton go over and talk to other people that are sitting in lawn chairs. The boy goes into the house as the people continue to laugh.", "segments": [[0, 49.25], [21.36, 49.25], [49.25, 118.68], [71.21, 78.92]], "duration": 118.68, "id": 7587}, {"image_id": "v_G9ZEi6eRhi0.mp4", "caption": "There are about five to six young boys bouncing and jumping in an enclosed bouncy house with basketballs in their hands. The coach is guiding them by blowing the whistle as the children continue to bounce and jump. They take turns to throw the orange balls as instructed by their coach.", "segments": [[35.88, 95.01], [95.01, 126.24], [126.24, 132.89]], "duration": 132.89, "id": 7588}, {"image_id": "v_ZHVzukkU9sk.mp4", "caption": "Two cookies are shown on a plate. The ingredients are mixed into a bowl one at a time, adding eggs, sugar, and butter. The cookies are cut out of the dough. They are then baked and assembled.", "segments": [[0, 10.06], [10.62, 46.38], [50.29, 91.08], [91.64, 111.76]], "duration": 111.75999999999999, "id": 7589}, {"image_id": "v_dexjr5WGeqQ.mp4", "caption": "The woman shows the square mats and points to the different materials and features. The woman sweeps the floor to prep for a project. The woman uses a chalk line then tape to mark the floor. The woman sets in the square carpet pieces in place to cover the floor. The woman shows the finished floor off.", "segments": [[14.92, 86.88], [89.52, 93.9], [95.66, 115.84], [116.72, 141.29], [146.56, 175.52]], "duration": 175.52, "id": 7590}, {"image_id": "v_9AqHhUuE9bE.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting along side a road polishing a shoe. Some other people are seated nearby, and many individuals walk past him. A motorcycle drives by on the road. The man puts the shoe down and picks up another one to polish.", "segments": [[0, 5.89], [0, 33.67], [4.38, 6.9], [5.89, 33.67]], "duration": 33.67, "id": 7591}, {"image_id": "v_PMDpnLURLp8.mp4", "caption": "He grabs the long pole and begins to walk with it to the other side of the field. Then he positions himself and does a jump and lands. Everyone else begins to take their turns and start to run and jump also. They practice for a while and do it for a few more times.", "segments": [[0, 15.98], [16.89, 33.32], [33.32, 58.89], [58.43, 91.3]], "duration": 91.3, "id": 7592}, {"image_id": "v_kpnGg2lOBLM.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen jumping rope in a gymnasium while moving back and fourth with the camera. A woman stands in front to instruct the group and continue jumping rope and then stopping. The people then do a warm up with one another and stretch with the woman leading in front.", "segments": [[0, 79.47], [43.85, 144.33], [130.63, 174.47]], "duration": 182.7, "id": 7593}, {"image_id": "v_HUzoMRdSrZo.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a city scene at night. We see people playing soccer outdoors at night. A man falls on the ground. We see a man shifting the ball with his feet. We see two men high five each other. We see the closing tile screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.87], [3.01, 4.73], [4.73, 74.77], [42.54, 45.55], [48.98, 61.45], [72.62, 74.34], [74.77, 85.94]], "duration": 85.94, "id": 7594}, {"image_id": "v_MbCIH5bay4Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing ready outside a track and begins running towards a bar. The man then jumps over the bar and is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0.63, 16.6], [13.12, 30.52]], "duration": 31.63, "id": 7595}, {"image_id": "v_eepvgF5Fi_Q.mp4", "caption": "People sit at a black jack table. A man sits behind the table dealing the cards. A man cashes in chips with the dealer.", "segments": [[0, 139.07], [4.87, 139.07], [98.04, 101.52]], "duration": 139.07, "id": 7596}, {"image_id": "v_XLspZ5bof7o.mp4", "caption": "A lady is talking to the camera in a light room. She turns around and grabs a handful of hair. The lady starts braiding her hair adding more hair as she braids. The lady pulls her braid in front of her and adds a hair tie. She pulls her hair to loosen the braid and turns to the camera and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 15.25], [15.25, 28.8], [28.8, 138.09], [138.94, 149.95], [149.95, 169.44]], "duration": 169.44, "id": 7597}, {"image_id": "v_Io0_nTofT7w.mp4", "caption": "A row of teenaged boys are playing snare drums. A large bass drum and player appear. A girl playing a drum joins in.", "segments": [[0, 28.52], [35.41, 93.44], [96.39, 196.72]], "duration": 196.72, "id": 7598}, {"image_id": "v_OvSf6kk07uE.mp4", "caption": "Gymnasts stretch and prepare for a routine. They do a bunch of things with their shirts off.", "segments": [[0, 26.27], [52.54, 191.23]], "duration": 210.14, "id": 7599}, {"image_id": "v_zL0L9Faa5CA.mp4", "caption": "White text explains the process of knee injury. A man is shown doing athletic acts, including jumping on a mattress, and stretches for his knees before jumping again and again.", "segments": [[0, 9.96], [14.48, 90.51]], "duration": 90.51, "id": 7600}, {"image_id": "v_DLJFoRluYx4.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a bathroom in front of a mirror, holding a razor. The man begins speaking to the camera while showing the razor and its various parts. Soon he begins shaving his face while looking in the mirror. Afterward, he resumes speaking to the camera and showing how the razor performed. The man places the razor on a charging stand which shows a light illuminating, and then picks it back up. The video ends with the man touching his face to demonstrate the smooth job.", "segments": [[0, 178.41], [0, 72.26], [72.26, 132.92], [132.02, 178.41], [165.03, 171.28], [172.17, 178.41]], "duration": 178.41, "id": 7601}, {"image_id": "v__5by7Is4JEU.mp4", "caption": "Two men demonstrate jump rope stunts, tricks and techniques in an auditorium in front of a group of students. A man in a grey track suit performs jump rope tricks in front of a group of students. The man in the grey track suit finishes and the children clap. A second man walks beside the man and the two men begin to perform more tricks and stunts including backflips and dance moves during the demonstration.", "segments": [[0.41, 82.02], [0.82, 15.25], [12.36, 21.02], [67.59, 80.78]], "duration": 82.43, "id": 7602}, {"image_id": "v_hTx_y1ils70.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen hosting a news segment speaking to one another and showing several clips on the interior of a gym. The woman then climbs on the treadmill and gives it a try while still speaking to the man.", "segments": [[3.27, 112.36], [85.09, 207.27]], "duration": 218.18, "id": 7603}, {"image_id": "v_y7R4iEhqx9A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera holding a beer and leads into her drinking from the glass. She continues drinking the beer while laughing to the camera and nodding in agreement.", "segments": [[0, 36.35], [36.94, 58.17]], "duration": 58.17, "id": 7604}, {"image_id": "v_fIG7aXzSyMU.mp4", "caption": "A volunteer rakes leaves in a front yard. Volunteers carry and set up yard tools and cleaning products. A group of volunteers rake the leaves together in front of a house. Volunteers all eat together in a cafeteria. A man loads up bags of leaves and drops them off at a collection yard.", "segments": [[1.83, 28.36], [11.89, 24.24], [49.86, 64.04], [68.62, 74.1], [75.02, 91.03]], "duration": 91.49, "id": 7605}, {"image_id": "v_Iwgbi95VjXU.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a bathing suit is sitting on the beach. She is putting sand into a cup and building a sand castle. Another girl walks up and talks to her.", "segments": [[0, 150.88], [12.07, 150.88], [82.23, 92.04]], "duration": 150.88, "id": 7606}, {"image_id": "v_RRFC2NrZSf4.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt that has white words that say \"Plays well with self\" is sitting in a home and playing on two different bongos that are different in size, design and color.The man stops hitting the bongos and rests his left hand on the lighter colored bongo.Then the man moves his right leg as if he is going to stand up and the bongo moves without his leg support.", "segments": [[0, 51.26], [51.26, 52.85], [52.32, 52.85]], "duration": 52.85, "id": 7607}, {"image_id": "v_duGxOdcqg3I.mp4", "caption": "Stone cold steve austin in the ring sweating profusely. He looks over at the other wrestler breathing and sweating, they just look at each other for a while. They open beers and bump the together, then they start throwing beers to the audience. Then, austin rolls out of the ring and starts walking to the back.", "segments": [[0, 29.72], [28.73, 65.39], [65.39, 178.34], [178.34, 198.16]], "duration": 198.16, "id": 7608}, {"image_id": "v_Y1j_e1DXW6I.mp4", "caption": "A group of people line up against a wall in front of a set of balls at the start of a game in a gym. The group runs up to retrieve the balls. The group trows balls back and forth with an opposing team in a dodge ball game. A man gets hit multiple times as he runs forward on the court and retrieves balls.", "segments": [[0, 3.96], [3.96, 8.91], [8.91, 39.61], [20.01, 22.98]], "duration": 39.61, "id": 7609}, {"image_id": "v_oD45QIOK4z0.mp4", "caption": "The players from Brasil scores while people in the bleaches celebrate. A Brazilian player pass the ball to his playmate who scores and runs to celebrate, other Brazilian players scores many times. After, Brasil plays with other teems and scores many times. Then Brasil plays with players from other countries and scores. At the end, Brasil win the competition.", "segments": [[0, 49.99], [49.99, 122.33], [124.45, 161.68], [162.75, 204.23], [204.23, 212.74]], "duration": 212.74, "id": 7610}, {"image_id": "v_RYyGvn4MOr0.mp4", "caption": "People drive bumper cars in a carnival. A little girl follows a boy in a yellow bumper car. Then, the boy and the girl hit other bumper cars.", "segments": [[0, 12.98], [2.6, 6.43], [6.55, 12.98]], "duration": 12.98, "id": 7611}, {"image_id": "v_L4mSCZwXelk.mp4", "caption": "People are playing indoor soccer in an arena. People are sitting in the stands watching. Words come up on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 148.66], [102.57, 104.06], [146.43, 148.66]], "duration": 148.66, "id": 7612}, {"image_id": "v_bhRHD3bBNZY.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands in a room holding a hula hoop. She demonstrates how to use the hula hoop. She spins it using her hips and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 19.82], [23.6, 144.42], [145.36, 188.78]], "duration": 188.78, "id": 7613}, {"image_id": "v_hjsu3SGAdLs.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a blue shirt is playing the piano in a yard. There are two elephants standing behind him. One of the elephant is trying to play the piano with his trunk. The man continues to play the piano in a fast pace using various keys on the piano. He gives a big finish with the tune and then pats the elephant's trunk.", "segments": [[25.62, 45.33], [45.33, 52.55], [52.55, 67.66], [67.66, 93.28], [93.28, 98.53]], "duration": 131.38, "id": 7614}, {"image_id": "v_BqjNfptu17Q.mp4", "caption": "A guy stands on the shore of a beach holding a hockey stick balancing a ball. A hockey stick and a white ball lay on fake grass outside. A person moves a white ball with a hockey stick. A person demonstrates ten field hockey techniques. A guy uses a hockey stick to bounce a ball in the air. Greetings and credits are shown.", "segments": [[0, 3.73], [4.66, 7.93], [8.39, 89.06], [12.12, 81.6], [82.53, 89.06], [82.53, 92.79]], "duration": 93.25, "id": 7615}, {"image_id": "v_unz00-r84NY.mp4", "caption": "A boy plays with a ball in a yard. A boy swings and hits the ball out of the yard. The boy walks to retrieve the ball. The boy plays a game where he hits the ball and knocks down trash can lids. The boy swings a stick at the balls to hit them through a goal.", "segments": [[0, 14.65], [14.4, 16.14], [16.14, 18.63], [19.37, 35.02], [35.51, 49.67]], "duration": 49.67, "id": 7616}, {"image_id": "v_tb8KKdC7r-A.mp4", "caption": "People play shuffleboard in a gym. A woman throws a black puck, then she talks and continue playing. Old man wearing a cap talks in the gym . Two women talks side by side, one of the woman holds a pole.", "segments": [[3.89, 52.58], [11.41, 13.91], [22.25, 27.26], [43.95, 46.73]], "duration": 55.64, "id": 7617}, {"image_id": "v_TrFoFWXLMFg.mp4", "caption": "An infomercial shows a person using a razor on their leg while speaking to the camera. The woman continues shaving her legs and a close up of the tool is shown.", "segments": [[0.82, 26.21], [20.48, 53.52]], "duration": 54.61, "id": 7618}, {"image_id": "v_LNd1TrbshXM.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks into frame playing with her hair and parting it behind her. The woman continues braiding up her hair and shows off the end result while looking to the camera then away.", "segments": [[0, 65.88], [55.28, 151.44]], "duration": 151.44, "id": 7619}, {"image_id": "v_uqixFWxAQSA.mp4", "caption": "cars covered by a thick snow is shown and a man is cleaning the snow with a shovel in the windshield and all the car. car is going in street.", "segments": [[0, 209.54], [134.1, 151.91]], "duration": 209.54, "id": 7620}, {"image_id": "v_rua32XjJh54.mp4", "caption": "We see a man throwing a curling stone. We see a man, 2 girls, then an older man interviewed. We see a man throwing the stone. We see the older man interviewed. We see two boys talking in the rink. We see a young man with longer hair being interviewed followed by two girls. We see the boy curl, then be interviewed and a girl interviewed. We see the people curling, a girl speaks, and a group of girls talks before they walk away.", "segments": [[0, 12.08], [12.08, 63.2], [63.2, 80.86], [80.86, 83.64], [84.57, 92.01], [92.01, 118.03], [118.96, 152.42], [153.35, 185.88]], "duration": 185.88, "id": 7621}, {"image_id": "v_h3H6TzHC8Cc.mp4", "caption": "A referee wearing a white shirt in a boxing match starts a boxing match. Two girl boxers approach each other and start kick boxing. The taller boxer approaches the shorter boxer and hits the shorter boxer with a straight kick. Both boxers exchange punches and kicks in the center of the ring. The referee manages the fight while following and watching the fighters closely.", "segments": [[0, 3.11], [3.11, 18.04], [18.04, 42.29], [42.29, 88.32], [88.32, 124.39]], "duration": 124.39, "id": 7622}, {"image_id": "v_3bTGq7QDjUg.mp4", "caption": "Two people are tubing in a stream with lush water and huge rocks through out it.Once the two get around the curve,they hit two small hills and wade in the calmer part of the water.", "segments": [[0, 20.65], [20.33, 63.53]], "duration": 63.53, "id": 7623}, {"image_id": "v_Huz41aVo5eo.mp4", "caption": "man is waxing a woman's leg. woman is talking to the camera and showing how to wax the leg.", "segments": [[0, 9.43], [9.43, 157.15]], "duration": 157.15, "id": 7624}, {"image_id": "v_kkXSGwesZ0U.mp4", "caption": "Two people have their legs tied together and then receive instructions. They walk out to a ledge and then go bungee jumping over the edge.", "segments": [[0, 153.72], [98.9, 214.99]], "duration": 214.99, "id": 7625}, {"image_id": "v_vP-wI1egoHA.mp4", "caption": "A small group of children are seen riding around in bumper cars crashing into one another. The kids move all around the game hitting into one another. The game continues on with the kids playing and crashing into each other.", "segments": [[0, 27.14], [22.91, 86.23], [80.2, 113.37]], "duration": 120.61, "id": 7626}, {"image_id": "v_zH-fOiPLLxA.mp4", "caption": "A brush is attached to a power drill for scrubbing. The top of the sink is scrubbed then the bowl. It is wiped with a towel to finish.", "segments": [[0, 22.75], [7.72, 22.75], [28.09, 39.57]], "duration": 39.57, "id": 7627}, {"image_id": "v_o0d1PXKkJqM.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a pink shirt and a lady in a white tank top holding bagpipes in her hand. They are standing in a parking lot near a silver car. The lady begins playing her bagpipes as the man watches her play. She continues playing and after she's done, the man claps for her and gives her a hug.", "segments": [[7.2, 32.17], [32.17, 74.41], [74.41, 88.33], [88.33, 92.17]], "duration": 96.02000000000001, "id": 7628}, {"image_id": "v_3NFWgG4_6NI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen dancing with a hula hoop in a crowded area while people wander around behind her. The woman continues spinning the hoop around herself as people watch her spin around.", "segments": [[2.85, 80.81], [84.62, 179.69]], "duration": 190.15, "id": 7629}, {"image_id": "v__mupI51ie9A.mp4", "caption": "three kids are hitting a ball with a racket. They are ducking so it doesn't hit them in their heads. They are each taking turns hitting the ball. Moving around all over the court trying to catch it.", "segments": [[0, 11.06], [11.06, 28.01], [28.35, 44.26], [44.26, 69.15]], "duration": 69.15, "id": 7630}, {"image_id": "v_X6BHwIJKl-Q.mp4", "caption": "A person talks while sit in a boat holding a paddle. Then, the person sails in choppy waters, suddenly he pivote the boat away helping with the oar.", "segments": [[3.14, 49.51], [49.51, 69.73]], "duration": 69.73, "id": 7631}, {"image_id": "v__Wq1OGf0MHM.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids and adults are by a river. They get into rafts and float down stream. They paddle through the rapids and falls.", "segments": [[0, 17.9], [18.61, 66.58], [80.18, 143.18]], "duration": 143.18, "id": 7632}, {"image_id": "v_-Sp-gOEGy2o.mp4", "caption": "\"How to start a campfire with FiAir\" appears on screen. Wildlife Biologist Bryon Shissler sits outside by a campfire pit and speaks to the camera. He builds and lights a fire in the pit using the FiAir device. \"FiAir The handly little blower to feed your fires\" appears on screen.", "segments": [[0, 5.73], [6.88, 13.76], [14.91, 219.02], [220.17, 229.34]], "duration": 229.34, "id": 7633}, {"image_id": "v_XKA2W2735WM.mp4", "caption": "People watch a parade where people walk on front a marching band holding a banner and waving the viewers. A man cross the street holding a small flag and extend his hand. A group of soldiers holds rifles and flags on front a black car. A veteran make the military salute.", "segments": [[7.9, 104.06], [22.39, 26.35], [103.41, 131.73], [126.46, 131.73]], "duration": 131.73, "id": 7634}, {"image_id": "v_fZc3tkvUJe0.mp4", "caption": "A chef is seen speaking to a woman and leads into him holding knives and sharpening the sides. He then wipes the knife with a rag and continues sharpening the knives.", "segments": [[1.07, 54.6], [42.29, 106.53]], "duration": 107.07, "id": 7635}, {"image_id": "v_sra0ywgWITo.mp4", "caption": "A man walks over to another man upset and suggests an arm wrestling match. The men begin to hold hands and quickly move away while two women walk into scene. The men continue the match while look calm and the other looks struggled. The match continues as the men discuss their issues and the women watching yell at the men. The women then help the men arm wrestle and one punches the other to help one man win. The punched woman pulls the arms up and stabs them while the other man also stabs them. The women pull out duct tape and stuff one body into a bag.", "segments": [[5.62, 17.79], [16.86, 42.14], [42.14, 95.52], [96.46, 119.87], [119.87, 161.07], [161.07, 174.18], [175.12, 183.55]], "duration": 187.29, "id": 7636}, {"image_id": "v_mBAlD4A8swo.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on an exercise bike. He is working out on the bike. He is talking to the camera while working out.", "segments": [[0, 13.49], [0.61, 13.49], [1.21, 13.49]], "duration": 13.49, "id": 7637}, {"image_id": "v_QFxe74w7aNc.mp4", "caption": "A group of martial artists and drummers perform in a street competition. The martial artists in red pants and black shirts do kicks and flips. Drummers wearing all black and red hats play the drums. The performers finish their piece and the crowd applauds.", "segments": [[0, 118.77], [6.53, 75.42], [4.16, 96.2], [90.27, 96.2]], "duration": 118.77000000000001, "id": 7638}, {"image_id": "v_3HBAcaU552I.mp4", "caption": "A young boy and girl are standing over a sink with their mother talking. The mother instructs them on how to brush their teeth while laughing. The boy helps his younger sister brush his teeth. She gets them some water to gargle in their mouths. The boy and girl begin playing in the sink. The woman laughs at the children dribbling water.", "segments": [[1.86, 114.63], [8.67, 34.08], [28.5, 67.54], [30.98, 74.97], [60.72, 101], [87.99, 117.11]], "duration": 123.93, "id": 7639}, {"image_id": "v_eNE8O5cgYuE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is outside wind blowing a little bit through her hair, the view is outstanding. There is ia group of runners starting a marathon taking their time. It was scenic and beautiful out there, flowers blossoming and everything. A few of the runners talk about their experience to reporters.", "segments": [[0, 37.41], [37.41, 84.38], [84.38, 126.14], [126.14, 173.99]], "duration": 173.99, "id": 7640}, {"image_id": "v_ufgYKCfK2Vk.mp4", "caption": "She is dancing with a baton very gracefully all around the stage for her performance. She does handstands and all kinds of different intriguing moves. She throws the baton up and does a few cartwheels and lands in time to catch it. She accidentally drops the baton and picks its up and continues on and on until the end of her dance.", "segments": [[4.51, 33.4], [33.4, 92.99], [92.09, 125.49], [125.49, 180.56]], "duration": 180.56, "id": 7641}, {"image_id": "v_HcPhIfhQLmA.mp4", "caption": "kid is sanding in a room talking to the camera. anoher man appears on the room and is practicing a head lock. man throw the the kid in the bed and stands.", "segments": [[0, 5.73], [5.58, 26.6], [26.6, 31.86]], "duration": 31.86, "id": 7642}, {"image_id": "v_Y-dpHbPGQWE.mp4", "caption": "An opening screen with the title of a song is shown. We see a man playing a guitar in a recording studio. We see a ending screen with the man's youtube channel address on it.", "segments": [[0, 3.51], [3.51, 224.56], [224.56, 233.92]], "duration": 233.92000000000002, "id": 7643}, {"image_id": "v_F4FpAZJSV1g.mp4", "caption": "man is in a racetrack running to make a high jump into the dust. woman is putting numbers in a scoeboard. man is running in the middle of the field.", "segments": [[0, 22.6], [48.96, 54.61], [48.96, 69.21]], "duration": 94.16, "id": 7644}, {"image_id": "v_Iphl3YB-yYQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and pans over to a roof that is breaking apart. He points all over the roof and shows a man working on the roof while panning around again.", "segments": [[0, 43.62], [44.11, 96.94]], "duration": 96.94, "id": 7645}, {"image_id": "v_NtUIIxVvDsA.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in a car. They are standing around a large inflatable raft. They are rafting in choppy water of a river.", "segments": [[6.69, 13.38], [15.05, 28.42], [31.77, 167.2]], "duration": 167.2, "id": 7646}, {"image_id": "v_q8lLTxHen0I.mp4", "caption": "Various pictures are shown of people huddled up together as well as people playing soccer on a beach. More pictures are shown of people playing as well as one man receiving a trophy and celebrating with others.", "segments": [[0, 43.37], [45.63, 72.4]], "duration": 75.42, "id": 7647}, {"image_id": "v_JM7YQFgxu2I.mp4", "caption": "There is a little girl slowly sliding down the side with the comfort of holding her mother's hand, the first time she went down. The second time she went down on her belly without help.", "segments": [[0.76, 15.85], [23.48, 36.08]], "duration": 38.18, "id": 7648}, {"image_id": "v_Kwhp0DNop9I.mp4", "caption": "woman is ni seashore wearing a big hat and smiling. peolpe are scuba diving in the sea next to the pier with bags on their backs and showing the fishes and rocks on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 6.84], [6.84, 195.47]], "duration": 195.47, "id": 7649}, {"image_id": "v_R-VaPP7ToKQ.mp4", "caption": "A boy is sitting behind a table. He picks up a beer and takes a drink quickly. A woman grabs it away from him.", "segments": [[0, 4.25], [2.01, 3.86], [3.66, 6.6]], "duration": 6.6, "id": 7650}, {"image_id": "v_mc-1msYF8Xo.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of plated food are shown followed by a sandwich sitting on a table and a woman holding up pans. The woman then puts ingredients onto sandwich bread and mixes the two together and takes multiple bites.", "segments": [[7.43, 72.03], [42.88, 114.34]], "duration": 114.34, "id": 7651}, {"image_id": "v_xm7pETlJrwA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a bucket and pot. She pours water out of the pot into the bucket as well as some detergent. She then washing clothes in the bucket using water continuously as well as a toothbrush. She lays out the clothes in the end as well as hangs them up.", "segments": [[1.09, 36.98], [18.49, 100.06], [105.5, 166.41], [145.74, 212.09]], "duration": 217.53, "id": 7652}, {"image_id": "v_RK1L77bNTxg.mp4", "caption": "three people is in studio talking about news. a history about curling sport and the kids team playing in the field and scoring is shown in the screen. back to the studio reporters keep talking about the history.", "segments": [[0, 21.91], [20.96, 178.16], [179.11, 190.54]], "duration": 190.54, "id": 7653}, {"image_id": "v_-4VuHlphgL4.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing behind a couch, wearing a protective head covering. He is covering a couch with plastic, and tapes it in place. He speaks to the camera about what he did a little longer.", "segments": [[0, 13.39], [14.18, 128.38], [129.96, 157.53]], "duration": 157.53, "id": 7654}, {"image_id": "v_TQ22icNBoSI.mp4", "caption": "We see blue letters on a black screen and see a roof. Then we switch to more letters and roof has been sprayed with a solution. We are informed the roof has been cleaned and shown shots of the clean roof. We then see the front of the house. We are provided the phone number of the pressure washers.", "segments": [[0, 8.98], [8.98, 19.95], [20.29, 54.21], [54.21, 62.19], [62.19, 66.52]], "duration": 66.52, "id": 7655}, {"image_id": "v_T0wmRC8Ka2Y.mp4", "caption": "People are playing volleyball on a beach. The ball falls onto the ground and a guy in red shorts picks it up. A man in a black hat serves the ball.", "segments": [[0, 49.34], [46.38, 49.1], [49.1, 49.34]], "duration": 49.34, "id": 7656}, {"image_id": "v_TdFvHyfq97o.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside in a field of grass that is relatively low.However,in his hand he has a scythe and begins swinging it back and forth cutting the grass down further.As he cuts,several texts appear across the screen with white words about what he is doing and explaining the activity.", "segments": [[0, 19.26], [19.85, 40.3], [40.89, 59.26]], "duration": 59.26, "id": 7657}, {"image_id": "v_0S0fNrI4oVs.mp4", "caption": "A group of USA olympic fencing champions are shown competing in fencing interspersed with images and graphics advertising an upcoming fencing tournament in NYC. Several images of fencers are shows interspersed with video of the fencers walking. An image of a girl holding an American flag behind her appears. More still images of fencing and a slow motion video of a fencing competition appear before a final marketing graphic with a website on it.", "segments": [[0.43, 81.96], [7.72, 18.02], [25.75, 27.46], [32.18, 83.25]], "duration": 85.82, "id": 7658}, {"image_id": "v_iyGv338SnrQ.mp4", "caption": "An elderly woman lays on down against a brown pillow. She holds a harmonica to her mouth and plays it. The light in the room brightens. She finishes playing and laughs.", "segments": [[0, 70.06], [0, 57.8], [34.68, 40.98], [62.7, 70.06]], "duration": 70.06, "id": 7659}, {"image_id": "v_Iuk7PNmG3tQ.mp4", "caption": "Several players from the black and white team are playing ice hockey in the arena. One of the players from the black team hits the puck away from his opponent. The players from the white team try to prevent him from hitting a goal. An animated version of the game is shown on screen. Then the focus is back on the real game where a black team player is highlighted as he takes a shot on the goal. Again, another animated example is shown to explain how the game works. The black team player hits the puck on the opposite corner of the ice. As the black moves fast and towards the goal, it cause the goalie to fall down. The black team wins the goal and gets the victory in the game.", "segments": [[6.33, 12.08], [12.08, 18.98], [18.98, 33.36], [33.36, 44.86], [44.86, 77.65], [77.65, 81.1], [81.1, 83.97], [83.97, 85.7], [85.7, 86.27]], "duration": 115.03, "id": 7660}, {"image_id": "v_1f8iBakydSI.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans over a weight room and shows various people working on a machines. One man is seen running on an elliptical while another using a rowing machine in the back.", "segments": [[0, 9.29], [1.93, 13.77]], "duration": 13.77, "id": 7661}, {"image_id": "v_gfwSnetklbE.mp4", "caption": "A man is shoveling snow off of the top of a car. He walks around the car and starts shoveling the ground.", "segments": [[0, 101.71], [101.71, 118.96]], "duration": 118.96000000000001, "id": 7662}, {"image_id": "v_TXgzRTa2C38.mp4", "caption": "A person throws a bowling ball down a lane. They knock the pins down. They throw the ball at a spare and knock all the rest of the pins down.", "segments": [[6.92, 15.73], [12.9, 15.1], [23.27, 31.45]], "duration": 62.9, "id": 7663}, {"image_id": "v__CFadTE9L4I.mp4", "caption": "A woman washes clothes in a bucket with soap. The woman wrings out a towel. Someone is folding in the background while the woman continues washing the clothes.", "segments": [[0, 41.37], [48.89, 71.46], [70.83, 125.36]], "duration": 125.37, "id": 7664}, {"image_id": "v_HQFey_iCEw8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a baseball cap, shorts and a blue short sleeved shirt serves three tennis balls across a tennis net on a tennis court by himself. A man on a tennis court by himself serves a tennis ball with a tennis racket across a net. The man then serves two more balls across the net, the ball just land on the other side.", "segments": [[0.19, 12.35], [0.19, 2.07], [2.65, 12.35]], "duration": 12.93, "id": 7665}, {"image_id": "v_R3ffxWaI9QU.mp4", "caption": "A male athlete is running on a track. He jumps high into the air. He vaults backwards over a high beam. This is shown repeated in slow motion numerous times.", "segments": [[0, 3.5], [4.04, 5.26], [5.26, 7.41], [8.9, 26.96]], "duration": 26.96, "id": 7666}, {"image_id": "v_MZiBlBhpq-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man sits down with a guitar. The man begins playing the guitar. The man starts singing while playing the guitar. The man stops playing the guitar and stands up and walks toward the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.46], [2.46, 159.63], [19.65, 159.63], [157.99, 163.72]], "duration": 163.72, "id": 7667}, {"image_id": "v_yZLwR5EJ7Wc.mp4", "caption": "A man plays bagpipes in a city square while nobody pays attention. A cop tells him to stop.", "segments": [[0, 23.27], [18.73, 23.27]], "duration": 23.27, "id": 7668}, {"image_id": "v_BbFCkDdq3S0.mp4", "caption": "A boy runs slowly down a path. He takes a huge leap into the air. He lands in a giant sand pit.", "segments": [[0, 16.71], [17.59, 64.65], [65.97, 87.96]], "duration": 87.96000000000001, "id": 7669}, {"image_id": "v_ER0UPx6-VcM.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are playing inside a racquetball court. They are using racquets, balls, special shoes and protective glasses. They show how to stand and hit the ball.", "segments": [[0, 9.76], [10.15, 53.48], [54.65, 78.07]], "duration": 78.07, "id": 7670}, {"image_id": "v_Wiu7FVCc6DA.mp4", "caption": "A few men are in the woods running playing paintball. They are looking for the other to try to shoot them out, while staying close to their team mates. One of the men checks his gun and readjust his it and then keeps moving forward. He moves along to continue playing the game.", "segments": [[0, 24.56], [24.56, 55.52], [55.52, 82.74], [82.21, 106.77]], "duration": 106.77000000000001, "id": 7671}, {"image_id": "v_jIVP2bEWmJE.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing in a kitchen with two pieces of bread. He opens the fridge and takes out sandwich ingredients. He squirts mustard and mayo onto the sandwich. He then adds meat and cheese. Afterward, he puts the ingredients back into the fridge, zeroing in on the sandwich on the counter.", "segments": [[0, 8.77], [14.91, 80.71], [81.58, 123.69], [125.45, 158.78], [159.66, 175.45]], "duration": 175.45, "id": 7672}, {"image_id": "v_y4PXBhxpZHk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are shown in several shots playing a sport's game while hundreds of people watch on the sides. The men continue running around the field while close ups of coaches are shown and one scores a goal. One man kneels down and the others shake hands with players.", "segments": [[6.27, 59.91], [55.03, 105.19], [106.58, 139.32]], "duration": 139.32, "id": 7673}, {"image_id": "v_QElXIVBV-gk.mp4", "caption": "A lady chef wearing a stripe blouse talks in a kitchen. The lady chef describes the ingredients needed and the preparation for the creamy seafood pasta. The lady chef shows a step by step process for preparing the creamy seafood pasta dish and shows the final product.", "segments": [[0, 31.01], [31.01, 87.68], [87.68, 213.86]], "duration": 213.86, "id": 7674}, {"image_id": "v_2w3FSD235TY.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in a stable as he feeds a horse beside him. He talks extensively about the benefits of horse riding. He mounts a saddle onto the horse. He then leads the horse out, feeding him an apple as he continues to speak.", "segments": [[0, 23.66], [28.81, 102.88], [104.94, 186.22], [188.28, 205.77]], "duration": 205.77, "id": 7675}, {"image_id": "v_r96PJ548pn8.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing exercise equipment is shown talking to the camera and pointing to several areas on her body. She continues talking to the camera while performing several ab crunches to work your core. She then grabs a weight in both hands as well as a cat to use as a weight for the exercise. She bends forward and continues talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 29.32], [29.32, 75.81], [75.09, 106.56], [106.56, 143.04]], "duration": 143.04, "id": 7676}, {"image_id": "v_QyYbyFXmd-g.mp4", "caption": "A man is sen standing in front of a large group of people holding onto a rope. The man raises his arms and the two team begin a game of tug of war. Another game of tug of war occurs on the side and ends with the men standing straight.", "segments": [[3.09, 73.05], [79.22, 165.65], [137.87, 202.69]], "duration": 205.78, "id": 7677}, {"image_id": "v_uTc2-oAxgbc.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl sitting in a piercing parlor with a lady standing near her. The lady puts a clip on the girls lip and sticks a large needle through her lip. The lady slides the earring through the girls lip and puts a disinfectant on it.", "segments": [[0, 33.59], [33.59, 74.25], [83.09, 170.6]], "duration": 176.79, "id": 7678}, {"image_id": "v__qzzQdKJ7F0.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen speaking to the camera and holds up a bottle to the camera. The girl then begins painting her nails and showing them off to the camera. She continues to paint her nails as well as make funny faces to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.99], [15.05, 83.51], [57.29, 94.19]], "duration": 97.11, "id": 7679}, {"image_id": "v_ZQs0S7WwYiM.mp4", "caption": "A person puts carpets shims on the floor. The man measures the shims to fit in the corners. After, the person puts stripes on the border of the shims, then put the carpet.", "segments": [[3.98, 19.12], [19.12, 68.51], [68.51, 142.61]], "duration": 159.34, "id": 7680}, {"image_id": "v_7EPzlmJ25dA.mp4", "caption": "A man takes videos of him skiing and snowboarding down a mountain. He also goes through a forest.", "segments": [[0, 190.58], [97.69, 190.58]], "duration": 191.54, "id": 7681}, {"image_id": "v_W_scepAxfPA.mp4", "caption": "Two swimmers stand bow forward on a high dive platform. The divers dive from the platform into the water.", "segments": [[0, 4.65], [4.65, 12.4]], "duration": 12.4, "id": 7682}, {"image_id": "v_SEZvtGus0HU.mp4", "caption": "There are surfers riding on a very large wave.A white wave crashes down and the surfer below it disappears as the large white foam of the wave spreads to a very large area on the water. Men on water jets quickly go to the area where the surfers could be and they recover them from the water and quickly drive away from the wave as they pass other surfers and water jet drivers as they all continue to ride on the waves.Now the view changes to the view from a helicopter above and it shows the people on the water driving their water jets.A black screen appears and it includes white lettering that say's \"Shot on Red One by Mike Waltze\" and includes a website then the word \"Courtesy NanoGreensHawaii dot com Instant Organic Nutrition\".", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [10.3, 31.94], [31.94, 114.36], [114.36, 194.72], [194.72, 206.05]], "duration": 206.05, "id": 7683}, {"image_id": "v_Eq0Ibnq9sYA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen pushing a puck along some ice followed by people brushing ice with brooms in front of the puck. They continuously brush and end the puck in a circle and ends with the woman speaking to the others.", "segments": [[0, 16.69], [16.88, 39.27]], "duration": 39.27, "id": 7684}, {"image_id": "v_EWSMeiZqUHQ.mp4", "caption": "A class room is filled with students either sitting or standing. Suddenly, a group of boys begin to run around the classroom smiling, marching in place, and doing some dancing and exercises while the rest of the sitting class look on.The boys spread apart and end their routine then they walk towards one another while smiling.", "segments": [[0, 5.56], [5.56, 219.06], [219.06, 222.4]], "duration": 222.4, "id": 7685}, {"image_id": "v_XQWebGbAjxU.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a mat is shown surrounded by pucks and a stick sitting in the middle. The camera pans to people pushing the puck along the ice followed by a person pushing the puck into the middle.", "segments": [[0, 14.25], [12.59, 33.14]], "duration": 33.14, "id": 7686}, {"image_id": "v_XPctbL-V1ww.mp4", "caption": "A little boy in his pajamma's standing in the mirror watching himself brush his teeth. He moves forward a little and spits out some toothpaste. Then continues to brush, he puts the tooth brush down and grabs a cup of water gargles a bit and spits it out. He finds this very amusing, and does it over and over until the cup of water is empty and then he gets down off his stool and cleans his face with a towel.", "segments": [[0, 20.52], [19.32, 36.22], [36.82, 78.47], [78.47, 120.72]], "duration": 120.72, "id": 7687}, {"image_id": "v_f0hh9bwVfV0.mp4", "caption": "Some text appears on screen asking a question about a topic in SCUBA diving safety. The scene changes to show a lot of SCUBA air tanks and some more text explaining more about the question. A man is SCUBA diving underwater while holding his air tank in his hands and the text continues to explain. The air tank is seen floating on it's own on the sea bed. Another man is SCUBA diving and he lets go of his tank to demonstrate the buoyancy. The scene switches back to the group of air tanks with more text explaining. Another scene is shown with 2 tanks and a bag next to some trees.", "segments": [[0, 6.82], [6.82, 34.97], [34.97, 93.83], [93.83, 103.21], [103.21, 121.98], [121.98, 139.89], [139.89, 170.6]], "duration": 170.6, "id": 7688}, {"image_id": "v_0bosp4-pyTM.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a pocket knife while sitting on some rocks in the wilderness. Then he takes a small stone from the flowing river and smashes it on another stone. He starts to crush the small stone to smaller pieces. He grind it hard to make the pieces smaller. Then he takes a piece of bark and rubs the powered stone pieces onto it. The stone particles stick to the wet piece of wood. He then takes the knife and sharpens it against the wood piece. He then notices a little black and green poisonous frog sitting next to him. The frog then escapes and jumps away. He explains how the frog secretes a poisonous fluid that can be extremely harmful.", "segments": [[0, 28.91], [28.91, 41.63], [41.63, 61.29], [61.29, 60.71], [60.71, 70.54], [70.54, 76.9], [76.9, 85.57], [85.57, 94.24], [94.24, 114.48], [114.48, 115.64]], "duration": 115.64, "id": 7689}, {"image_id": "v_1tEJRzqqalM.mp4", "caption": "We see a pink opening screen. We see a lady brushing two miniature horses. The lady cleans the brown horses hooves. The lady cleans the hooves on the white and tan horse. The lady brushes the mane on both horses. The lady puts her supplies down. We see the ending title screen. We see black and white still images of the horses. We see the lady brush the brown horse again.", "segments": [[0, 6.94], [6.94, 57.81], [56.65, 93.65], [94.8, 137.58], [141.05, 178.04], [203.48, 206.95], [208.1, 212.73], [213.88, 224.29], [226.6, 231.23]], "duration": 231.23, "id": 7690}, {"image_id": "v_fwU91k-Vmb8.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of children are riding around in bumper cars. They go back and forth on the track. They bump into each other, smiling and laughing.", "segments": [[0, 13.56], [18.87, 86.7], [90.24, 117.96]], "duration": 117.96000000000001, "id": 7691}, {"image_id": "v_93bg_XU3OTg.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. The product's varying sizes are displayed. The guy pours product in a container and uses a brush to put the liquid on the surface of a metal object. The guy puts a white cloth on the edge. The guy runs the metal object repeatedly across the white cloth. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.87, 10.46], [13.95, 18.31], [22.66, 52.3], [56.66, 60.15], [78.46, 139.48], [156.04, 173.47]], "duration": 174.35, "id": 7692}, {"image_id": "v_DbZ0ns9s2X0.mp4", "caption": "A painting is shown followed by several pictures of painting tools and supplies. A person's hand then begins putting marks on the painting and dipping her brush continuously in the paint. The camera pans down the finished picture and a text is shown across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 20.82], [20.82, 148.44], [148.44, 181.02]], "duration": 181.02, "id": 7693}, {"image_id": "v_ygkcjkVqxAA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen playing Frisbee out in a back yard with a dog and performs several tricks with the dog. She continuously plays with several toys with the dog when another person watches on the side.", "segments": [[0, 23.2], [22.3, 45.05]], "duration": 45.05, "id": 7694}, {"image_id": "v_8P0N5psQrEI.mp4", "caption": "A Caucasian woman in late maternity is shown seated on a living room sofa. She puts on a sock on her left foot while crossing her leg and then proceeds to put on a tennis shoe on her left foot. She is cleary in discomfort as she proceeds to tie her shoe, which she rests on an ottoman. She takes a small break and then proceeds to put on her right shoe, She rests her right foot on the ottoman while she ties the shoe. The satisfied and exhausted woman sits back on the sofa and holds her large belly as she completes the task of putting her right shoe on.", "segments": [[2.75, 10.47], [10.47, 41.87], [41.87, 60.05], [60.05, 95.3], [95.86, 105.22]], "duration": 110.18, "id": 7695}, {"image_id": "v_0QDPpdms08g.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing in a gymnasium wearing boxing gloves. The men then go back and fourth with one another kicking and punching. The two continue to fight while the camera captures their movements.", "segments": [[0, 36.49], [23.33, 96.32], [87.35, 119.05]], "duration": 119.65, "id": 7696}, {"image_id": "v_2KsL5MBiZcc.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around a field with a ref speaking to the people. The players then begin a match of lacrosse with one another and run up and down the field playing.", "segments": [[0, 19.12], [18.32, 32.14]], "duration": 32.14, "id": 7697}, {"image_id": "v_HNIs8lFvKkA.mp4", "caption": "There are two people dressed in yellow shirts playing table tennis in a finished basement. There are three people seated on sofas next to them watching soccer television. Another person seated on the sofa is playing on his phone. The two players continue playing table tennis. The player on the right hits the ball which is opponent returns in a fast manner. The ball falls off the table. The person on the right runs to pick up the ball. They continue playing and serving the ball. A guy dressed in a black hoodie walks by. One of the player pauses to adjust the table. They continue playing table tennis as they talk to each other.", "segments": [[8.84, 24.32], [24.32, 36.48], [36.48, 55.27], [55.27, 71.85], [71.85, 106.12], [106.12, 141.49], [141.49, 163.6], [163.6, 174.65], [174.65, 185.71], [185.71, 214.45], [214.45, 221.08]], "duration": 221.07999999999998, "id": 7698}, {"image_id": "v_2bS6JfPF1mk.mp4", "caption": "Two young children are shown when one climbs across a set of monkey bars and the other steps out of frame. The girl makes it to the end of the bars and looks to the camera speaking and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 4.57], [5.51, 23.45]], "duration": 23.45, "id": 7699}, {"image_id": "v_H8K1E49607E.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a vest has several buckets on the street he is drumming with. Many people are standing around in amazement watching this man play, while some are recording with a camera. The man continues drumming faster and the crowd continues to cheer him on. Many people walk past and don't seem to notice the drummer.", "segments": [[0.97, 94.46], [8.28, 91.05], [40.41, 77.42], [57.46, 68.66]], "duration": 97.39, "id": 7700}, {"image_id": "v_O8JVA-scYlM.mp4", "caption": "A boy stands behind a table of food. He begins spreading mayonnaise on slices of bread. He puts lettuce on the bread. He stacks tomatoes on top of the lettuce on the bread. He puts chicken on top of the tomato. He puts one piece of bread on top of the other. He puts mayonnaise on top of the top piece of bread. He stacks the food up on the bread again. He tops it with a final piece of bread. He cuts the sandwich into four slices on a board. He puts a toothpick in each section of the sandwich. He moves the sandwich from the board onto a plate. He adds fries to the plate with the sandwich on it.", "segments": [[0, 5.41], [5.41, 16.91], [16.23, 24.35], [24.35, 29.76], [29.76, 37.2], [37.2, 39.9], [39.9, 46.66], [46.66, 62.22], [62.22, 66.95], [67.63, 87.92], [89.27, 98.06], [98.74, 118.35], [119.03, 135.26]], "duration": 135.26, "id": 7701}, {"image_id": "v_63Zt34YuyRk.mp4", "caption": "There's a NBC news reporter wearing a red sweater and white shirt talking about dog grooming by Scissor Wizard a grooming company. The representative from the company is talking about the services they offer and how those dogs participate in dog shows. A groomer is seen using shears to creatively trim the dog's hair and even dye it in colorful shades of red, green, yellow and blue.", "segments": [[10.15, 115.03], [115.03, 153.93], [153.93, 162.39]], "duration": 169.16, "id": 7702}, {"image_id": "v_z6GHmDSskgY.mp4", "caption": "Multiple people are in an exercise class in a room with lot of mirrors at a gym, and they are dancing as well as spinning around and stepping up onto a platform. A woman walks by the exercise room holding weights. A woman places the weights down on the rack. A woman walks by without holding any weights.", "segments": [[0, 189.73], [172.66, 178.35], [178.35, 181.19], [181.19, 184.04]], "duration": 189.73, "id": 7703}, {"image_id": "v_iZtie23nW_A.mp4", "caption": "A red mustang is being hosed down. Next, the workers rub soap over the car. After that, they both work on washing the soap off before applying another soap over the vehicle. They then use hoses to wash the car clean.", "segments": [[0, 5.75], [7.84, 13.32], [17.5, 35.53], [39.71, 52.24]], "duration": 52.25, "id": 7704}, {"image_id": "v_XKOeu8n7R7s.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen running around a basketball court playing a game of basketball. One player moves all around the net holding the ball and demonstrates how to properly shoot a hoop. He bounces the ball around a bit and more shots of the people playing are shown.", "segments": [[0, 32.76], [18.07, 55.72], [56.85, 67.02]], "duration": 75.3, "id": 7705}, {"image_id": "v_2zvN1cL1uik.mp4", "caption": "An intro starts with music player and foreign letter are presented across the screen. A man sits down in front of a hookah and begins talking to the camera. The man takes a hit of the hookah and coughs a bit. The man shows how to avoid coughing with a hookah by moving the tobacco around on the bowl. He sits down and takes another puff off the hookah. He then continues taking puffs off the device and talking about how to get clear hits.", "segments": [[0, 10.54], [10.54, 89.11], [22.04, 39.29], [32.58, 77.61], [84.32, 99.65], [84.32, 174.39]], "duration": 191.64, "id": 7706}, {"image_id": "v_sJ0Tc4nthOA.mp4", "caption": "Two people are shown holding fencing sticks and pointing towards each other. They move back and fourth and match with each other.", "segments": [[0, 21.98], [22.29, 61.91]], "duration": 61.91, "id": 7707}, {"image_id": "v_89rUyq2rCJ8.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding on a surfboard in the ocean. He does a big flip, landing back in the wave. The flip is repeated in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 7.05], [9.74, 34.61], [35.44, 41.45]], "duration": 41.45, "id": 7708}, {"image_id": "v_nlYl30Dqfc0.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in middle of stage talking to the camera and showing in slow motion dance moves. woman is making the movements quickly and showing the position of the hands. woman is showing salsa movements in a room.", "segments": [[0.79, 72.85], [72.85, 158.36], [0, 158.36]], "duration": 158.36, "id": 7709}, {"image_id": "v_KoeytdNfQ_M.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a dark field. He throws a frisbee through the air, and a dog catches it. The dog chases and does tricks to get the frisbee.", "segments": [[0, 13.63], [15.1, 44.57], [49, 73.68]], "duration": 73.68, "id": 7710}, {"image_id": "v_8qzR38WgsS8.mp4", "caption": "A group of young boys are on bicycles behind a sand preparing to take off and race down the course.The latch is let down and they all take off into the dirt and start to race in the dirt.Many of the boys keep going around the track and people are spread throughout the course holding up sticks.", "segments": [[0, 44.99], [45.62, 99.49], [98.22, 126.74]], "duration": 126.74, "id": 7711}, {"image_id": "v_rhOtqArO-3Y.mp4", "caption": "The video shows a canopy representing the Eastern Mountain Sports event. Several players are getting ready for the sporting event in an outdoor setting on a bright sunny day. There is a boy balancing on a tight rope. There are several other contestants walking on the tight rope. Several people watch the contestants perform. Two people are playing with a Frisbee as one person walks on the rope. A girl and boy try the tight rope together. There are people enjoying themselves on a hammock. The end credits thank the people and organizers of the event.", "segments": [[0, 12.72], [12.72, 37], [37, 76.31], [76.31, 137.59], [137.59, 173.44], [173.44, 150.31], [150.31, 172.28], [172.28, 223.15], [223.15, 231.25]], "duration": 231.25, "id": 7712}, {"image_id": "v_Dx9wjBdbZ1M.mp4", "caption": "The man is kicking the tile of the roof until it moved. The man pull out one tire of the roof and pointed on the sides of the tiles. He put back the tile, move it to its original place.", "segments": [[6.7, 11.24], [10.16, 26.36], [25.06, 38.24]], "duration": 43.21, "id": 7713}, {"image_id": "v_Fvc0-yNMFyE.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen riding around on bumper cars while bumping into one another. The kids continue driving the cars around when a man walks in and out of frame making sure the kids and parents are safe.", "segments": [[0, 102.09], [8.85, 118.03]], "duration": 118.03, "id": 7714}, {"image_id": "v_kXfYuIx31Bo.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a machine is shown followed by a man shoveling dirt around a floor. The man then uses the machine around the dirt and waters down the area afterwards. Another man is seen pouring water down on the ground and pasting white paper down.", "segments": [[0, 38.97], [32.19, 138.94], [141.48, 169.44]], "duration": 169.44, "id": 7715}, {"image_id": "v_aGu-FfGDdVI.mp4", "caption": "A man is in the murky waters, using a paddle. He is kayaking toward the camera and past other kayakers. He goes through the water faster, trying to keep up with the current.", "segments": [[0, 26.72], [28.7, 117.75], [118.74, 197.9]], "duration": 197.9, "id": 7716}, {"image_id": "v_nFhBmNJ9zN0.mp4", "caption": "A person rides a horse in a field kicking a ball with a curved stick. People play polo in the field riding horses. The man with the curved stick runs behind the other players and dispute the ball and scores. After, the person runs behind a player with blue t-shirt to hit the ball and score.", "segments": [[0, 56.19], [56.19, 193.77], [101.73, 124.98], [135.64, 152.11]], "duration": 193.77, "id": 7717}, {"image_id": "v_qNxA4UTadGo.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around a pool and audience and leads into a group of swimmers standing ready on the side. Afterwards several men are seen performing impressive dives into a pool that include flips and tricks and the divers receiving medals in the end.", "segments": [[0, 95.45], [65.73, 180.09]], "duration": 180.09, "id": 7718}, {"image_id": "v_NouHsmaE-xA.mp4", "caption": "People are in a rodeo arena while a man on a horse prepares a rope with a loop. Then,the man spins the loop and throw to catch a calf, then run and tie the calf. A young man enters the arena and untie the calf.", "segments": [[0, 18.1], [18.1, 38.46], [38.96, 50.27]], "duration": 50.27, "id": 7719}, {"image_id": "v_UOL8oxziVwU.mp4", "caption": "A bald man inside of a home is holding a camera and videotaping a woman on stilts. The camera pans to the woman, who is walking around the living room in the stilts. The man asks the woman to act like a movie character, and she agrees. The woman then grabs the camera, and the view is obscured by her hand.", "segments": [[0, 42.52], [4.68, 42.52], [20.83, 34.86], [37.63, 42.52]], "duration": 42.52, "id": 7720}, {"image_id": "v_AbVuOBhG634.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing outside, talking to the camera. She speaks extensively in her new york city location. At the end, a screen appears with contact information.", "segments": [[0, 48.06], [48.84, 137.21], [140.31, 155.04]], "duration": 155.04, "id": 7721}, {"image_id": "v_0je8CeAJABY.mp4", "caption": "First the man walks onto the stage in the beginning and shakes his head roughly. Then he wrestles a bald man in a wrestling match. Next he wrestles a man who has long short blonde hair and he wrestles a man who has a low haircut and he wins. The crowd starts cheering and roaring because of how many times he'd won.", "segments": [[0, 6.18], [6.84, 12.69], [12.69, 43.62], [43.62, 65.1]], "duration": 65.1, "id": 7722}, {"image_id": "v_NOGtIoZbEVg.mp4", "caption": "A young man sits on a bed. The man starts playing an acoustic guitar. The man starts singing while playing. The man pauses and rolls is eyes. The man finishes and looks up, then at the ground.", "segments": [[0, 0.68], [0.68, 131.53], [11.59, 131.53], [117.22, 119.95], [130.85, 136.3]], "duration": 136.3, "id": 7723}, {"image_id": "v_t19uSLVQGWA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting behind a drum set beginning to play while others watch him on the side. The man continues to play the drum set faster and faster and ends by stopping to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0.32, 26.85], [14.22, 60.65]], "duration": 63.18, "id": 7724}, {"image_id": "v_T6TgMYLrPII.mp4", "caption": "The woman is adjusting the matt, while the man is raising the pole. The woman is running with a pole, then she jumped over the yellow rope. The woman jumped over the rope while her coach is on the side of the tract watching and assisting her as she jumped over the pole.", "segments": [[0, 12.52], [11.95, 77.37], [49.49, 113.78]], "duration": 113.78, "id": 7725}, {"image_id": "v_plZs-3GtoOo.mp4", "caption": "A barber is shown using clippers on his client's head in a hair salon. He is shaving a man's head with shaving cream and a razor. He is also styling a boy's hair with gel and a comb. He is shaving a man's beard with shaving gel and a razor. He is also cutting a man's hair with scissors to give him a Mohawk. He is using clippers on a young man. The website is advertised on the screen with pictures of the website.", "segments": [[3.91, 5.87], [5.87, 10.11], [10.11, 14.34], [14.34, 18.91], [18.91, 34.56], [34.56, 61.29], [61.29, 65.2]], "duration": 65.2, "id": 7726}, {"image_id": "v_FRzN9ApCxW8.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside in a field of grass pushing a lawn mower back and forth.Once he makes it to the other side of the strip,the person with the camera walks closer to him and starts to talk to them.After,the guy with the lawn mower begins to laugh and continues cutting the yard.", "segments": [[0, 5.76], [5.42, 44.01], [43.33, 67.71]], "duration": 67.71, "id": 7727}, {"image_id": "v_3hSPAtKORgk.mp4", "caption": "A graphic of a boy kicking a soccer ball with 3 defender is seen. The ball is deflected by the defenders in the graphic. A soccer player kicks a ball that is blocked by a series of defenders and a goalie on and indoor field.", "segments": [[0, 39.75], [20.28, 39.75], [42.19, 81.13]], "duration": 81.13, "id": 7728}, {"image_id": "v_tHhdS8t9ytI.mp4", "caption": "docto is talking in a consulting room and mixing liquids into a test tube preparing coffee and talking to the camera about benefis of the coffee. coffe is being served in a cup and is shown the benefits of the coffee in the body.", "segments": [[0, 57.88], [57.88, 106.21]], "duration": 106.21000000000001, "id": 7729}, {"image_id": "v_Zob68l3snFo.mp4", "caption": "a man is in a boat in the water. a loaf of bread is thrown to fishes and their are fighting to eat it. man is diving ni deep sea through the shoals and corals.", "segments": [[0, 17.93], [17.15, 30.4], [31.18, 155.88]], "duration": 155.88, "id": 7730}, {"image_id": "v_--0edUL8zmA.mp4", "caption": "Four men are playing dodge ball in an indoor court. They start running towards the red balls after the coach blows the whistle. One of the players hits the ball on his opponent. The opponent strikes back at the other player, but he manages to dodge the ball. Next, the player hits another ball directly at his opponent standing opposite him. The player hits the ball hard on his opponent's leg. They continue playing several rounds of dodge ball. The player aims directly at one of his opponents and hits him on his leg. The game ends after the coach blows the whistle.", "segments": [[6.91, 69.14], [11.06, 69.14], [16.13, 69.14], [21.2, 69.14], [27.19, 69.14], [33.19, 72.36], [41.48, 72.36], [58.08, 72.36], [71.9, 72.36]], "duration": 92.18, "id": 7731}, {"image_id": "v_ABCRXwB5-JQ.mp4", "caption": "People sail in canoes in a river rowing oars. A young man plays the guitar in a boat, while a youth smoke a cigarette. Two young ladies sail a boat behind the men.", "segments": [[0, 49.69], [31.31, 40.5], [31.31, 37.27]], "duration": 49.69, "id": 7732}, {"image_id": "v_qxQWNu_MN94.mp4", "caption": "A man walks onto a diving board. He jumps off into the pool below him. Another person steps onto the diving board.", "segments": [[0, 1.99], [2.37, 5.68], [4.18, 4.53]], "duration": 6.97, "id": 7733}, {"image_id": "v_tIAdhrfT70I.mp4", "caption": "A fox news icon appears on the screen. A group of people are in a building, playing a game called beer pong. The news reporters gather in their studio to play beer pong. A male and female reporter attempt to throw the balls at the cups. The woman walks away laughing as the other reporters continue to talk. They resume playing before the fox news icon again appears onscreen.", "segments": [[0, 6.15], [6.91, 19.21], [20.74, 56.85], [57.62, 99.1], [99.87, 139.82], [140.59, 153.65]], "duration": 153.65, "id": 7734}, {"image_id": "v_cHSGL-OcMak.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen walking around on stilts in the middle of a street and sidewalk. The walk continue walking up and down the streets on stilts passing by people and speaking.", "segments": [[0.27, 30.1], [21.97, 53.7]], "duration": 54.24, "id": 7735}, {"image_id": "v_HlFnWOx53XU.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a field playing bagpipes. woman is standing in the middle of a parking lot playing bag pipes. a blue house is behind the woman that is playing bagpipes.", "segments": [[0, 75.07], [0, 77.39], [3.48, 77.39]], "duration": 77.39, "id": 7736}, {"image_id": "v_bw96D55q2FI.mp4", "caption": "A skateboarder comes by and rolls in a patch of dirt by the side walk.A man then begins to ride his skateboard from the top of the roof down an inclined road.The man then begins moving and skateboarding throughout the neighborhood and interacting with the people.All of a sudden,the man walks through the subway and gets off his skateboard until he gets to his destination.He then proceeds to skate through the city,jumping over the poles and the credits begin to roll.", "segments": [[0, 1.95], [1.95, 25.41], [25.41, 60.59], [60.59, 100.34], [100.34, 130.31]], "duration": 130.31, "id": 7737}, {"image_id": "v_6iSqTbL5WXY.mp4", "caption": "We see a white opening screen. We see a man dunk a basketball wearing jump stilts. We see another man bounce the ball and the jump stilt man dunks again. We then see the opening screen for the closing.", "segments": [[0, 1.97], [1.97, 11.14], [12.56, 19.12], [19.23, 21.85]], "duration": 21.85, "id": 7738}, {"image_id": "v_75u6o4tXGC0.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a kitchen cooking and showing the ingredients to a cook. man put the ingredients in a pan and cook the chicken with the salad and serve it in a plate.", "segments": [[0, 61.01], [61.01, 225.97]], "duration": 225.97, "id": 7739}, {"image_id": "v_LrmtSSUVRaQ.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about casino dealing. A man explains that they are at a casino dealing school where they will teach people how to deal. Another man begins to tell and about the basics for casino dealing. The video ends with the closing credits shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.7], [2.7, 21.58], [21.58, 101.43], [101.43, 107.9]], "duration": 107.9, "id": 7740}, {"image_id": "v_xPnNcv7ErXk.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen smiling to the camera and beginning to climb across monkey bars. She makes it to the other side and then waves to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.42], [9.64, 19.48]], "duration": 19.48, "id": 7741}, {"image_id": "v_zcdJNPYkIE0.mp4", "caption": "A scuba-diving man interacts underwater with a large fish. The man makes a pushing gesture towards the camera. The man makes several gestures towards the camera. The fish rams into the man and swims away.", "segments": [[0, 57.82], [21.81, 23.13], [45.93, 53.86], [57.82, 66.08]], "duration": 66.08, "id": 7742}, {"image_id": "v_yVbzejdydrw.mp4", "caption": "A man holds two swords out and pretends to hit another people holding swords. He demonstrates again and hands the swords to another man. He commentates on his ability while continuing to show several sword movements. Other men begin to fight with the swords. One man falls down and acts hurt to portray a role in the play Hamlet.", "segments": [[0, 11.01], [12.11, 22.57], [23.12, 60], [33.58, 75.41], [88.62, 103.48]], "duration": 110.09, "id": 7743}, {"image_id": "v_rMdojBVP-aM.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a woman standing in front of a dog balancing on a fence. The dog continues balancing on the fence while the camera pans around. The dog then jumps off the fence in the end.", "segments": [[0.44, 5.58], [5.58, 19.96], [18.2, 27.74]], "duration": 29.35, "id": 7744}, {"image_id": "v_liI1E_ZZV5w.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a white shoe and puts it on the ground.The man already has a shoe on his right foot and it tightens itself when he touches it.The man's face is shown and he's looking down at the shoes and then it shows the left shoe on the foot and it's tightening itself . The man stands up from the car and the scene reveals that it's Michael J Fox in the movie Back to the Future.", "segments": [[0, 1.91], [1.91, 4.89], [4.89, 9.97], [9.97, 12.7]], "duration": 12.69, "id": 7745}, {"image_id": "v_Oya9LWABkf4.mp4", "caption": "A girl is outside on a boat dock holding a three hula hoops in her hands.She starts swinging them in her hand,around her legs,wrist,and neck and stops briefly to adjust the camera.The young lady then appears again with twenty to thirty hula hoops around her body swinging them back and forth before advising you to subscribe to a channel.", "segments": [[0, 8.53], [8.53, 74.8], [74.3, 100.4]], "duration": 100.4, "id": 7746}, {"image_id": "v__WPcOFgi5vU.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing in an enclosed room holding tennis rackets and begin hitting the ball off the wall to one another. The men continue walking back and fourth with the ball and hitting it off the wall as well as bumping into the wall.", "segments": [[0.69, 138.83], [72.89, 138.83]], "duration": 138.82999999999998, "id": 7747}, {"image_id": "v_8zfA20hcc0o.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen passing a ball to one another and leads into a group of people playing soccer. The people move up and down the court while the camera follows their movements. Many people watch on the sides as the group continues to play.", "segments": [[0, 45.05], [41.13, 100.54], [90.74, 129.26]], "duration": 130.57, "id": 7748}, {"image_id": "v_pYYA4rARL1Y.mp4", "caption": "We see the opening title screens. We then see men spinning on the pommel horse with title screens clipped in between. We see a man throwing his legs over the pommel horse. We see a man in red spinning himself around the pommel horse quickly. A man in red and yellow spins fast on the pommel. We see a man dismount the pommel and throw his arms in the air. We then see the closing scenes.", "segments": [[0, 7.7], [7.7, 174.1], [7.7, 12.5], [30.78, 34.63], [55.79, 65.41], [152.94, 156.79], [157.75, 192.38]], "duration": 192.38, "id": 7749}, {"image_id": "v_R4ES1QLRvtg.mp4", "caption": "A person in dark winter gear is using a shovel to shovel the walkway of a parking garage. It is night time and the street is dimly lit with the street lights. He continues shoveling the entire pathway while several cars drive by on the main road nearby.He picks up the up snow and piles it up on the corner. After he finishes, he walks away.", "segments": [[23.42, 53.41], [53.41, 113.37], [113.37, 149.91], [149.91, 177.08], [177.08, 187.39]], "duration": 187.39, "id": 7750}, {"image_id": "v_ZO8ValsY3rE.mp4", "caption": "A woman holds a box with UV light to light the handle of the refrigerator, her hand, the microwave oven and utensils. Then, the woman wash and dry her hands and light a hand with the UV light. After, the woman takes off her ring and wash and wash her hands with soap and rinse with water.", "segments": [[6.98, 52.62], [53.16, 66.58], [66.58, 91.82]], "duration": 107.39, "id": 7751}, {"image_id": "v_cGqmHplppAU.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of people playing on the beach as well putting sunscreen on and carrying objects. A large explosion is shown followed by kids fishing with a man and more clips of people playing on the beach.", "segments": [[0, 88.84], [65.84, 209.03]], "duration": 209.03, "id": 7752}, {"image_id": "v_a50gTER-FsQ.mp4", "caption": "Three men walk into a building. They begin to play a game of curling. People are shown enjoying themselves at the curling hall and the trophies are shown that have been won. The men are shown in the locker preparing to curl. The men are shown all together posing on the ice.", "segments": [[0, 19.03], [19.03, 211.49], [19.03, 210.43], [86.71, 93.05], [195.63, 211.49]], "duration": 211.49, "id": 7753}, {"image_id": "v_FkSf3pxra3M.mp4", "caption": "Many judges sit around a field, waiting the performance of an athlete. An athlete approaches the field area. The athlete spins his body around and tosses a disc with maximum force.", "segments": [[0, 16.09], [1.13, 8.69], [8.77, 16.09]], "duration": 16.09, "id": 7754}, {"image_id": "v_cRDXBF2RcYI.mp4", "caption": "A person is laying back on a bed. A person puts wax on their leg. They put paper on it and rip off the hair.", "segments": [[0, 30.65], [0.77, 6.59], [6.28, 30.65]], "duration": 30.65, "id": 7755}, {"image_id": "v_ResZdSbk9kE.mp4", "caption": "man wearing a blue helmet is kayaking in river showing how to use a row. man in river is sitting in yellow kayak holding a row. man is fighting against the current in a kayak.", "segments": [[0, 96.99], [2.91, 96.99], [47.04, 96.99]], "duration": 96.99000000000001, "id": 7756}, {"image_id": "v_K-Jzu2AmuW4.mp4", "caption": "Two women and a man dance pop music while doing different steps. The women and the man rise the arms while dancing, then they continue dancing and turning.", "segments": [[0, 72.27], [72.27, 170.04]], "duration": 170.04, "id": 7757}, {"image_id": "v_3H7ZS0E90pY.mp4", "caption": "A girl jumps onto a balance beam. She does a gymnastic routine on the balance beam. She jumps off the beam and lands on the mat with her hands up. A woman in a blue shirt comes over and hugs her.", "segments": [[0, 10.79], [10.79, 96.59], [96.59, 98.21], [100.91, 107.93]], "duration": 107.93, "id": 7758}, {"image_id": "v_Wr_Eu2M7U9E.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks into a garage with a rolled up paper in her hand.Once she leaves,a black cat is shown and it begins to crawl over everything and then the lady comes and pets it.The female leaves and walks into a room and starts covering the room in wall paper.She forgets the scissors and walks out to grab them and comes back to apply more paper on the wall.A break is needed and the woman get a drink from the kitchen.Shortly after,the lady continues her tasks and then walks outside to take her cat out.The wall still isn't finished and she goes back to the room to finish it rolling the outside of it to ensure its smoothness.As she finishes,the cat comes in the room and starts playing with a ball before returning back outside.The women reappears in another set of clothes to finish the wall,she finally finishes and begins to throw her hands up and collapses on the bed.", "segments": [[0, 9.86], [8.76, 15.33], [15.33, 41.62], [41.62, 51.48], [51.48, 88.72], [88.72, 104.05], [104.05, 143.48], [143.48, 173.06], [173.06, 219.06]], "duration": 219.06, "id": 7759}, {"image_id": "v_ctFlPn4EfkU.mp4", "caption": "People are playing golf on the grass. A man hits the ball with a club. A man in a white hat walks behind him.", "segments": [[0, 76.51], [59.3, 61.21], [61.21, 61.59]], "duration": 76.51, "id": 7760}, {"image_id": "v_OK84hJx9daQ.mp4", "caption": "The final product and credits are shown. Ingredients are mixed and sauteed. Pasta is added to the fry pan. Tomato paste and dry ingredients is added to the pan. The final product is taken from the fry pan and placed on a white plate. The final product and credits of the clip are shown.", "segments": [[0, 6.09], [6.7, 50.57], [51.18, 65.19], [65.8, 105.41], [106.02, 116.38], [116.98, 121.86]], "duration": 121.86, "id": 7761}, {"image_id": "v_q66BG9h_7XI.mp4", "caption": "People are strapping on these Qloja machines to their feet. It takes a pretty long time to get them on and then they start to walk. They build up a little speed and start kind of running in a line. A line of about 15 people wearing these contraceptions are running on them, then a smaller group of three are bouncing up and down all around.", "segments": [[0, 31], [31, 64.73], [64.73, 114.88], [114.88, 182.35]], "duration": 182.35, "id": 7762}, {"image_id": "v_XumLmNQiRjk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is talking to the camera. People are playing a game of volleyball against each other.", "segments": [[0, 10.19], [10.67, 97.04]], "duration": 97.03999999999999, "id": 7763}, {"image_id": "v_V_rril47Z5Q.mp4", "caption": "Two people choreograph a routine with nunchucks. The girls drop the nunchucks then dance around. A third person joins and then leaves.", "segments": [[0, 162.34], [47.8, 77.46], [132.68, 162.34]], "duration": 164.82, "id": 7764}, {"image_id": "v_q3DzEgYmIV0.mp4", "caption": "A hand saw sits on top of a roof. A ladder leans on it. The roof is old and dilapidated. The camera then pans down.", "segments": [[0, 34.22], [2.22, 34.22], [4.11, 34.22], [28.91, 34.22]], "duration": 34.22, "id": 7765}, {"image_id": "v_Kq8g8jjodvc.mp4", "caption": "A weight lifter opens his mouth wide. He lifts a giant barbell with all his might. He lifts it to his chest, then over his head.", "segments": [[0, 5.47], [7.46, 33.58], [35.07, 49.75]], "duration": 49.75, "id": 7766}, {"image_id": "v_B0sXYJeZ8Xk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in a yard with a lawn mower in front of her. The girl then pushes the lawn mower along the yard. The camera moves in closer of the woman still pushing the mower and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.76, 16.76], [16.76, 35.29], [34.28, 47.99]], "duration": 50.78, "id": 7767}, {"image_id": "v_2R_TVXvocQs.mp4", "caption": "a man and a woman are dancing doing a zumba choreogaphy in the middle of stage. man wearing a grey shirts approach to stage and keeps dancing. woman wearing a pink shirt is in the background holding a white cellphone and taking pictures.", "segments": [[0, 5.08], [5.92, 169.23], [0, 169.23]], "duration": 169.23, "id": 7768}, {"image_id": "v_W_5Mx-mfNmU.mp4", "caption": "A couple wheels a small wagon and cooler in a park area. Sticks are collected then a ring of stones is construct with the sticks stacked together with twigs inside. The bundle of woods is lit on fire and more sticks are added to keep it going. The man sits down in a lawn chair and enjoys the day. The man screws a nozzle onto a propane tank and fuels the fire with it. The fire is put out with a bucket of water and covered in earth.", "segments": [[8.28, 13.94], [17.86, 33.55], [33.99, 49.24], [53.16, 57.95], [57.95, 65.36], [66.67, 76.25]], "duration": 87.15, "id": 7769}, {"image_id": "v_gyCXP8w8GRA.mp4", "caption": "A young team of boys are in a gym at a karate match.A woman walks her son out to the mat and begins fixing his mat and preparing him to face his opponent.The two individuals walk up to the mat and the referee gives them the signal to begin.As the boy is being approached,he kicks his opponent in the head.The boy that is kicked falls out on the ground and his mother rushes out to make sure he is okay as the other boy takes a knee.Once the boy is okay,the referee begins making several hand gestures and they conclude the match,the young boy goes to his mother and makes his way to who ever is holding the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.28], [4.28, 34.22], [34.22, 47.66], [47.66, 51.33], [51.33, 75.16], [75.77, 122.21]], "duration": 122.21, "id": 7770}, {"image_id": "v_f4k-dKaEZog.mp4", "caption": "A team of players run on a field. They are holding some sort of rackets. The swing them at each other. Some players run past a yellow line.", "segments": [[0, 9.03], [0.95, 9.03], [3.03, 7.27], [6.82, 8.58]], "duration": 9.03, "id": 7771}, {"image_id": "v_8olnQLX0hO8.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen walking down a dirt road followed by several shots of them riding in tubes and laughing to the camera. They continue riding down the river under trees and has more people holding the camera.", "segments": [[0, 65.32], [60.62, 117.7]], "duration": 117.7, "id": 7772}, {"image_id": "v_ral5Oaib_vk.mp4", "caption": "Opening credits show the upcoming activities. A man in plaid is standing at a microphone acknowledging the crowd. He begins playing the harmonica. The man stops playing and dances in place. The man continues to play his harmonica. The man stop splaying and thanks the crowd as the closing credits appear.", "segments": [[0, 24.86], [24.86, 34.18], [34.18, 133.61], [133.61, 150.18], [150.18, 190.57], [190.57, 207.15]], "duration": 207.15, "id": 7773}, {"image_id": "v_sR0hZeYm06I.mp4", "caption": "There's a little boy dressed in a red shirt and blue jeans seated on a black leather recliner. He is sitting with his hands stretched out. A man standing next to him with a small stick is tickling the boy's hand with the stick. The boy seems to like it and asks him to do it on his other hand too. The man tickles the little boy's other hand too. The boy smiles and asks for more.", "segments": [[7.57, 16.58], [16.58, 34.61], [34.61, 48.67], [48.67, 56.24], [56.24, 63.45], [63.45, 67.05]], "duration": 72.1, "id": 7774}, {"image_id": "v_mWOa-0w0Bls.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around grass and leads to a fence. The camera pans all around the fence with flowers on the side. The camera continues to pan around the fence and the different colors.", "segments": [[0, 43.29], [38.9, 89.72], [70.9, 119.83]], "duration": 125.48, "id": 7775}, {"image_id": "v_nobV1wL__iY.mp4", "caption": "A gun is seen moving around several corners and hitting people in various places. More shots of a person running around a paintball field as shown as well as pointing to others, shooting others, and hiding behind objects. The men group together in the end, give a thumbs up, and show more shots of people shooting.", "segments": [[0, 33.12], [34.7, 125.4], [134.86, 157.73]], "duration": 157.73, "id": 7776}, {"image_id": "v_NLkJgnrKaKM.mp4", "caption": "A man takes a hookah and exhales smoke rings. He inhales and does it again.", "segments": [[0.09, 9.32], [9.32, 17.93]], "duration": 17.93, "id": 7777}, {"image_id": "v_5fMtHNSIOAE.mp4", "caption": "Eight middle aged white men are on one of a rope attempting to win a game of tug-of-war outside in a field at what looks to be a tournament.As the game begins,the men all fall into a slanted position as they struggle to pull the rope.Suddenly, a man from the sides begins to talk to the man in the front and gets in his face as if he's giving him a pep talk to stay strong,win,and not let the other team get the best of him.The game continues and you can see that the team is being drug but they suddenly gain strength and pull the rope back to their side,then they all stand up as the game is finished.", "segments": [[0, 7.23], [7.23, 70.19], [70.19, 139.35], [139.35, 206.45]], "duration": 206.45, "id": 7778}, {"image_id": "v_2I9xymLVssI.mp4", "caption": "Two people get into an truck. They drive onto the street. A man carrying a ladder sets it against a house. The woman watches the man. The man looks at the roof of the house on the ladder. He shows her something and she holds it in her hand. A man talks in front of a house. A man climbs a ladder and looks at a roof. A man goes through a stack of papers. It shows the papers on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 18.29], [18.29, 30.12], [34.42, 41.95], [43.03, 44.1], [50.56, 61.31], [58.09, 61.31], [81.75, 110.79], [111.87, 130.16], [132.31, 162.43], [162.43, 172.11]], "duration": 215.13, "id": 7779}, {"image_id": "v_xYM6h31PrM0.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing before a beam raising her arms up and others watching on the side. The woman then performs a gymnasts routine in front of a large group of people. She falls off at one point and jumps back on to finish her routine and ends by jumping off the side.", "segments": [[0, 29.37], [29.94, 89.26], [88.11, 111.14]], "duration": 115.17, "id": 7780}, {"image_id": "v_qsTCTQo-wI8.mp4", "caption": "A man is explaining how to play the drums on bongos. He demonstrates how he alternates between three bongos. He later switches to a much slower beat and rhythm by drumming on the bongos. He explains how the beats on the drum changes as the rhythm changes. He then switches back to a faster beat and rhythm on the drums by alternating between two drums.", "segments": [[10.79, 36.3], [36.3, 72.61], [72.61, 118.72], [118.72, 187.4], [187.4, 196.23]], "duration": 196.23, "id": 7781}, {"image_id": "v_8lw8uAimUXI.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands at the end of a diving board. She lightly bounces up and down. She then does a backflip into the water.", "segments": [[0, 0.92], [1.01, 2.99], [3.19, 9.66]], "duration": 9.66, "id": 7782}, {"image_id": "v_2IRQ5fPwHV8.mp4", "caption": "A group of women are gathered in a room, then go to the beach. A woman photographs the others under the pier. They talk to the camera between shoots.", "segments": [[0, 37.91], [42.86, 131.05], [132.7, 164.84]], "duration": 164.84, "id": 7783}, {"image_id": "v_Fg_VZJAtByk.mp4", "caption": "A man takes a moment to himself before he starts playing the guitar. The man plays the guitar. The man quits playing the guitar.", "segments": [[0, 24.78], [25.77, 193.25], [194.24, 198.21]], "duration": 198.21, "id": 7784}, {"image_id": "v_7ToBC5eGg38.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen standing on a court wearing a hat and holding a tennis racket. The girl then throws the ball up into the air and hits it off into the distance. She looks back and smiles to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.54], [3.22, 6.99], [5.08, 8.72]], "duration": 9.08, "id": 7785}, {"image_id": "v_B0rorWq-j44.mp4", "caption": "An elderly lady in a neck brace yells at the camera in a grocery store. The lady vacuums the floor in the store. The lady dances to the music and pretends to play a guitar. The lady takes off her sunglasses and talks to the camera. We end seeing her standing in an aisle.", "segments": [[0, 18.11], [18.34, 28.35], [28.35, 29.54], [30.97, 44.07], [45.03, 47.65]], "duration": 47.65, "id": 7786}, {"image_id": "v_4A49mkP6HsM.mp4", "caption": "There is a group of Korean Pop singers performing on a stage. One of the singers is playing the violin while the audience cheers and claps for him. Then another singer grabs the mic and talks to the audience. The audience applaud and smile as they watch. The performer sings as he plays the violin and then bows down in front of the audience. The crowd cheers and claps for him.", "segments": [[16.15, 39.4], [39.4, 56.85], [56.85, 69.77], [69.77, 104], [104, 116.92], [116.92, 122.09]], "duration": 129.2, "id": 7787}, {"image_id": "v_TPzxIqu1JJg.mp4", "caption": "A text intro leads into several shots of a warehouse and people working with torches. People are seen using computers as well as magnets that leads into people making cakes. People use several tools and materials to make a large cake that moves around and brings it into an exhibit in the end.", "segments": [[0, 52.89], [45.01, 167.68], [110.29, 217.19]], "duration": 225.07, "id": 7788}, {"image_id": "v_HsklqPvsMEQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen aiming a paintball gun off into the distance in a large field. Many people watch on the side as the man aims. Suddenly another person comes into frame and plays with the man.", "segments": [[0, 14.52], [16.71, 39.18], [39.46, 53.43]], "duration": 54.8, "id": 7789}, {"image_id": "v_N3rFdrfE3q8.mp4", "caption": "A boy picks up a rake off the ground and carries it. A man goes down a slide wearing a blue helmet. He falls onto the ground after going down the slide.", "segments": [[0, 5], [5.52, 14.84], [14.84, 15.87]], "duration": 34.51, "id": 7790}, {"image_id": "v_7ZX3NHDmMZY.mp4", "caption": "People are in a swimming pool playing water polo. A woman is walking outside the pool. A man rubs his face while in the water before getting out of the water.", "segments": [[0, 218.97], [68.97, 71.16], [185.03, 218.97]], "duration": 218.97, "id": 7791}, {"image_id": "v_jgNeMnPVfkQ.mp4", "caption": "A player on the orange team skates with the puck until he is tripped up and falls. Player 18 on the grey team retrieves the puck and makes a break down the ice perused by defenders. Player 18 takes a shot on the goal. The goalie on the orange team blocks the shot and puts the puck back into play. Player 4 on the orange team takes the puck down the ice passing once to himself passed defenders. Player 4 takes a shot on the goal and scores. Player 4 and teammates celebrate and the win and skate off the ice.", "segments": [[0, 9.18], [5.3, 16.95], [15.89, 16.95], [16.95, 23.3], [22.6, 42.72], [43.07, 43.78], [43.43, 67.08]], "duration": 70.61, "id": 7792}, {"image_id": "v_9WDvq8LXrxU.mp4", "caption": "A seated man cleans a shoe in a classroom setting with other individuals. The man turns to the camera and smiles. The man laughs as he holds the shoe downwards.", "segments": [[0, 20.11], [7.34, 9.45], [19.51, 20.11]], "duration": 20.11, "id": 7793}, {"image_id": "v_fLvPz8W00l4.mp4", "caption": "A man shows the proper way to lift a kettlebell. He shows with his hips how not to do it.", "segments": [[0, 66.82], [54.06, 58.42]], "duration": 67.15, "id": 7794}, {"image_id": "v_c9bvuUO9Q0Q.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing outside with one being blindfolded and holding a bat. A person then pulls up a pinata and begins swinging at the object. The boy moves his hands around and continues to swing at the object.", "segments": [[1.73, 18.36], [11.45, 27.87], [31.54, 40.83]], "duration": 43.2, "id": 7795}, {"image_id": "v_uqiooW1OAXU.mp4", "caption": "People gather in a tour facility in the dessert. Then, people rides camels pulled by men. The caravan advance in the desert, while the camels walk in line. A white car parks behind the camels. Then, the man makes kneel the camels and people get down the camels. After, a group of tourists rides camels and pass on front the tour facility.", "segments": [[0, 22.16], [22.95, 47.48], [47.48, 109.2], [47.48, 65.68], [110, 138.48], [138.48, 155.89]], "duration": 158.27, "id": 7796}, {"image_id": "v_F1RpG1Vwi28.mp4", "caption": "There's a bald man with a goatee beard standing in his bathroom in front of a large mirror with an electric shaver in his hand. He is demonstrating how to shave off his beard and maintain it. Then he begins showing how to use the trimmer for his beard by adjusting the clipper size. He completely shaves his beard off. He then touches his skin to see how clean the shave is. He removes the hair off of the shaver and cleans it.", "segments": [[13.69, 27.37], [27.37, 56.04], [56.04, 74.29], [74.29, 97.1], [97.1, 116.65], [116.65, 124.47]], "duration": 130.33, "id": 7797}, {"image_id": "v_hPOtGLv1GzM.mp4", "caption": "People are riding bicycles on a track. A man crashes and lands on the track. A man in a hat is talking to the camera. People continue to ride bikes on the track and crashing.", "segments": [[0, 191.16], [34.41, 35.36], [54.48, 57.35], [54.48, 191.16]], "duration": 191.16, "id": 7798}, {"image_id": "v_p1yiPvIkRec.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting on a bench holding a rubix cube. The person then begins moving their hands around the solve the cube. The person solves the cube then turns the camera off.", "segments": [[0.1, 6.76], [0.74, 4.16], [4.63, 6.76]], "duration": 6.76, "id": 7799}, {"image_id": "v_HGtfDm5EOtc.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen swinging their arms and legs around one another while a group of people stand around and watch them. The men continue spinning around wile people clap and end with them shaking each other's hands.", "segments": [[0, 107.35], [45.79, 150.14]], "duration": 150.14, "id": 7800}, {"image_id": "v_n--fgqwuTTI.mp4", "caption": "A person is putting something on a chain of a bike. They use a blue tool to take the chain apart. They put it back together using a tool.", "segments": [[11.09, 34.11], [63.11, 75.05], [133.9, 144.99]], "duration": 170.57, "id": 7801}, {"image_id": "v_fRmHJKlQmmw.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing a gymnastic routine on a balance beam. He jumps off the beam onto a mat. Another man jumps onto a balance beam and does a routine.", "segments": [[0, 12.07], [12.19, 13.74], [14.34, 23.89]], "duration": 23.89, "id": 7802}, {"image_id": "v_EP9Ul7UdzYI.mp4", "caption": "Several men dressed for the cold are waiting in a room outside the snow. They go outside, prepared to ski. They begin skiing, going down a steep hill, moving side to side and angling through the snow covered trees.", "segments": [[0, 26.46], [28.57, 40.21], [69.84, 211.65]], "duration": 211.65, "id": 7803}, {"image_id": "v_ksk7okDk_wY.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are on an outdoor court on the beach. They are playing a game of volleyball. They kick and hit the ball back and forth, celebrating when they win as the crowd claps and cheers.", "segments": [[0, 4.07], [7.89, 32.31], [33.07, 50.88]], "duration": 50.88, "id": 7804}, {"image_id": "v_mdXSm8Yr6aU.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is on a swing set next to her baby brother. They are being pushed as they swing back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 27.62], [30.62, 120.07]], "duration": 120.07, "id": 7805}, {"image_id": "v_svSM-UqjNWE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting under an umbrella with a hookah stick in her mouth. She takes a couple puffs from the stick while blowing it into the camera and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 11.31], [11.07, 48.11]], "duration": 48.11, "id": 7806}, {"image_id": "v_FxGXQIH3-RQ.mp4", "caption": "People walk around cars and tents and sit in chairs in the background doing different things. A man and a dog are in the middle of a field preparing to play frisbee. The man throws a frisbee and the dog runs, catches it and brings it back. The dog is very excited preparing for his next trick. The man kneels down and throws frisbees for the dog as he rolls, flips and walks around. A second man joins the first man on the field and they both raise an arm and then turn to walk away together.", "segments": [[0, 159.8], [0, 26.37], [26.37, 40.75], [40.75, 47.14], [47.94, 150.21], [151.81, 159.8]], "duration": 159.8, "id": 7807}, {"image_id": "v_6_NquDQUFm0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen running back and fourth on a small track and leads into her putting a helmet on. She grabs a pole and runs down the track jumping over a bar and onto a mat. She jumps up and walks over to a group of people keeping her score.", "segments": [[0, 31.63], [29.19, 73.96], [68.12, 93.91]], "duration": 97.32, "id": 7808}, {"image_id": "v_c1eUdyyT4zg.mp4", "caption": "kids are driving bumper cars in an amusement park. parents are sitting on bumper cars with his children. man wearing a yellow vest is sitting on the background.", "segments": [[0, 32.25], [0.97, 32.25], [0.97, 30.8]], "duration": 32.25, "id": 7809}, {"image_id": "v_ffGPrFNbQkA.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen wearing protective hear and wandering around an area speaking to one another. Another person runs in and speaks to the others while holding a gun and others aiming over the sides. A woman grabs a toy giraffe while others react and others watch in the distance.", "segments": [[0, 43.11], [41.57, 109.32], [116.25, 151.66]], "duration": 153.97, "id": 7810}, {"image_id": "v_PBxI7l0AqAY.mp4", "caption": "A man is speaking about how things works while a woman works on a horse. As he speaks he washes his hands with some hand sanitizer. Then he gets soap and starts to wash his hands very throughly. He grabs a napkin and dries his hands off still continuing to speak.", "segments": [[0, 26.95], [26.18, 70.07], [70.84, 119.35], [119.35, 154]], "duration": 154.0, "id": 7811}, {"image_id": "v_j5D5FR6Xtps.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen holding a woman's long hair as well as a brush in his hands. The man continues playing with the hair and leads into him brushing the hair and braiding it.", "segments": [[0.55, 20.34], [18.86, 35.7]], "duration": 36.99, "id": 7812}, {"image_id": "v_E1Xsc4kfFRE.mp4", "caption": "A couple of kids are cheering at a bowling alley. They join other children, arguing over a bowling ball. They pick a ball, then bowl it down the lane.", "segments": [[0, 15.95], [18.73, 70.74], [74.9, 138.71]], "duration": 138.71, "id": 7813}, {"image_id": "v_UyORfPxpaGo.mp4", "caption": "A boy sitting on a bunk bed. Another boy approaches as he wraps his legs around his neck. The second boy spins him around and slams him to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 2.05], [2.05, 4.82], [4.82, 12.05]], "duration": 12.05, "id": 7814}, {"image_id": "v_M6xFXdXOzzc.mp4", "caption": "There are 4 people who are all playing badminton and the boy in the white shirt is the first one to serve to the man in the black shirt. Then the man wearing the black shirt serves to the boy whose wearing the gold shirt. Then the boy who's wearing the white shirt hits the shuttlecock and serves to the girl who's wearing the pink shirt and the game goes on and everyone keeps serving to each other and they all use different shuttlecocks.", "segments": [[0, 2.09], [11.5, 39.73], [17.78, 92.01]], "duration": 209.12, "id": 7815}, {"image_id": "v_br8Ao_UBEZA.mp4", "caption": "Two men enter the racquetball room. The two men start playing racquetball, running around the room trying to hit the ball. A man leaved the room and looks into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.66], [12.78, 71.76], [75.05, 78.35]], "duration": 82.48, "id": 7816}, {"image_id": "v_ptukoEe5jvI.mp4", "caption": "A group of beach goers play a game of volley ball on a busy beach wearing swimsuits. A woman dances after making a serve and hugs her friend. A player scores a point and gives teammate a high five. Beach goers are seen playing in the water.", "segments": [[0, 172.85], [84.62, 108.93], [124.23, 142.24], [173.75, 180.05]], "duration": 180.05, "id": 7817}, {"image_id": "v_HpQrpwNgCjc.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a high dive is shown followed by people walking up the steps. Suddenly a person is seen jumping off of the high dive and into the pool.", "segments": [[0, 5.57], [5.24, 11.15]], "duration": 11.15, "id": 7818}, {"image_id": "v_j_q_MOjw80Q.mp4", "caption": "A close up of ingredients are shown followed by a man licking the spoon and mixing ingredients into a pot. He mixes more ingredients in a blender and squishes them all into balls to put in the oven. He takes them out and finishes by decorating them.", "segments": [[0, 39.83], [37.74, 103.42], [75.47, 131.38]], "duration": 139.76, "id": 7819}, {"image_id": "v_bxRZ-Lvjgzk.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into A close up of a painting and a paintbrush swirling around and around. The hand holding the brush begins painting grass into the painting slowly down the picture.", "segments": [[0, 39.08], [36.71, 236.84]], "duration": 236.84, "id": 7820}, {"image_id": "v_F7V-FqgG3T8.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing in a room playing a game of tennis.Behind the man,there is a row of kids sitting against the wall where a row of kids are watching them play.The game continues,the child holds his own until the adult ends up hitting it and the kid is not able to return the ball.", "segments": [[0, 14.59], [14.59, 33.78], [33.78, 51.18]], "duration": 51.18, "id": 7821}, {"image_id": "v_5R3h6lxne90.mp4", "caption": "There are two news anchors, a lady and a gentleman both dressed in black presenting a news section. The lady is holding two small cards in her hands as she talks about the product to the viewers. There is another lady seated on a table along with two other women, demonstrating how to wear colored lenses in eyes. They are talking and discussing about the lenses and how it works. There's a commercial shown where the same lenses are worn by several people to show how it can be used. a doctor in a lab coat talks about the lenses too, while people are showing how to use them. Another news anchor also talks about the same lenses and how it has become a dangerous trend among teenagers. The lady news anchor comes back with the male news anchor to continue the program.", "segments": [[0, 34.59], [12.85, 33.6], [36.57, 89.93], [64.24, 89.93], [89.93, 131.44], [133.41, 168.99], [168.99, 181.84], [182.83, 197.65]], "duration": 197.65, "id": 7822}, {"image_id": "v_0lzqfDIWXtw.mp4", "caption": "Several players are shown on an ice rink. They are engaged in different games of curling. They use their bats to move the puck, high fiving when they are done.", "segments": [[0, 10.12], [13.07, 60.7], [62.39, 84.31]], "duration": 84.31, "id": 7823}, {"image_id": "v_BC0cgv8YgTg.mp4", "caption": "A cartoon network show is played. A blue character chops a block but fails several times.", "segments": [[0, 68.51], [32.98, 68.51]], "duration": 72.49, "id": 7824}, {"image_id": "v_lVMMPkvnid8.mp4", "caption": "Team of Bolivian bowlers get ready to start bowling by practicing a technique taught by Jason Belmont by putting two fingers in the holes and using two hands to spin the ball. The young amateur players begin to bowl using the two handed technique. The president of the Bowling Federation Marcelo Garafulic is introduced. The announcer begins explaining how the team of Bolivian bowlers are training and more practice is shown. Garafulic starts to explain clinics and the medals they have won breaking perfect games. The bowlers are shown practicing once again.", "segments": [[0, 28.47], [28.47, 77.51], [77.51, 100.44], [101.23, 117.84], [129.7, 143.94], [143.94, 158.18]], "duration": 158.18, "id": 7825}, {"image_id": "v_8GqAgX-kseE.mp4", "caption": "A boy is barefoot, pushing a lawn mower in his yard. A little girl runs by as he mows.", "segments": [[0, 8.45], [8.77, 21.39]], "duration": 21.39, "id": 7826}, {"image_id": "v_uaGy1W-EYWU.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a room with a crowd of people watching him as he prepares to perform.The male stands up right and puts a blue plastic chair between his legs and starts spinning around his head.Once he is done,another person comes up and he begins spinning around on his head as a colorful hula hoop begins spinning around his waist.He completes his performance and the crowd jumps up and congratulates the man.", "segments": [[0, 14.82], [14.82, 34.59], [34.21, 50.56], [50.56, 76.02]], "duration": 76.02, "id": 7827}, {"image_id": "v_gaILpaBa7M8.mp4", "caption": "A electric machine is attached to the end of a ping pong table and is moving with the motion senses of a person's hand.After,several balls are then thrown towards the paddle and returned by the machine.The person then walks across the table and begins hitting the balls faster and the machine speeds up to hit the ball.", "segments": [[0, 9.93], [9.53, 46.85], [46.46, 79.41]], "duration": 79.41, "id": 7828}, {"image_id": "v_CHkT4As5jZI.mp4", "caption": "A bartender talks about how to make a proper cocktail. He grabs a glass and puts ice in the glass. He then mixes vodka and soda together in the glass. He grabs a lemon and puts it in the glass to finish.", "segments": [[5.66, 18.65], [17.98, 27.64], [27.64, 45.62], [45.95, 56.27]], "duration": 66.6, "id": 7829}, {"image_id": "v_FV2TzKt9MdI.mp4", "caption": "People are working out in a gym. People are working out on spin bikes. A woman in a yellow tank top talks to the camera. A woman in a green tank top talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 16.85], [17.84, 140.71], [142.69, 152.6], [157.56, 198.18]], "duration": 198.18, "id": 7830}, {"image_id": "v_mZxvYV53uf0.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are practicing dance moves in front of their television set in their living room. One of the girls is wearing a red shirt and the other is wearing a dark blue shirt. They are practicing ball room dancing. they take turns to swing and twirl around each other's hands as they go around in circles. They also follow a pattern of their leg movements as they follow the steps rhythmically. After they finish, they both giggle and walk away.", "segments": [[18.04, 39.46], [39.46, 68.77], [68.77, 120.64], [120.64, 166.86], [166.86, 210.83], [210.83, 225.49]], "duration": 225.49, "id": 7831}, {"image_id": "v_IwSUfrzxFnU.mp4", "caption": "Two boys walk down a sidewalk near a pool. There are lots of people doing different things in and around the pool. Some boys jump off of the diving boards doing flips and other tricks.", "segments": [[0, 4.51], [5.41, 180.3], [17.13, 180.3]], "duration": 180.3, "id": 7832}, {"image_id": "v_AonniE_CsPY.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. People have their hands on a casino table. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.84, 3.93], [4.78, 19.95], [20.93, 28.1]], "duration": 28.1, "id": 7833}, {"image_id": "v_iazhs1cz_1Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting behind a piano. A child is sitting behind a keyboard playing it. Pictures of pianos are shown at the end.", "segments": [[26.03, 28.19], [36.87, 96.51], [181.09, 216.88]], "duration": 216.88, "id": 7834}, {"image_id": "v_TexMXN2yegk.mp4", "caption": "A man is carving a pumpkin. A man in a batman costume is shown. The man continues carving the pumpkin. A dog is chewing on a blue ball.", "segments": [[0, 133.02], [51.49, 53.64], [55.07, 134.45], [137.31, 143.04]], "duration": 143.04, "id": 7835}, {"image_id": "v_qcA3mFHfo84.mp4", "caption": "A girl is shown several times running on a track. She uses a pole to vault over a bar. She lands on a mat on the other side.", "segments": [[0, 9], [11.4, 40.82], [42.92, 60.02]], "duration": 60.02, "id": 7836}, {"image_id": "v_lVXgy-JU14Q.mp4", "caption": "The woman in black uniform threw the javelin ball. The small woman with yellow shirt and black sleeves threw the ball. The woman in white shirt and black pants stretched for a bit then threw the ball. The athletes one by one threw the javelin ball while on the sides are people who measures how far the it was thrown.", "segments": [[0, 15.06], [8.92, 30.68], [19.52, 41.27], [36.81, 111.55]], "duration": 111.55, "id": 7837}, {"image_id": "v_rbnlUn4UNSk.mp4", "caption": "We see two people under water in a pool. The people exchange one flipper. The men start to share a breather. The exchange their other flippers. The men change their air equipment. The right man is unable to find the arm hole.", "segments": [[0, 195.63], [9.98, 17.97], [33.94, 199.62], [76.85, 82.84], [86.84, 156.7], [177.66, 199.62]], "duration": 199.62, "id": 7838}, {"image_id": "v_rse-MW1helQ.mp4", "caption": "First the people are shown swimming backwards. Then they are shown playing volleyball in the water.", "segments": [[13.59, 97.05], [38.17, 97.05]], "duration": 129.41, "id": 7839}, {"image_id": "v_bru03d1k6DY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking in front of an image of two deer on a plain. We thensee a man talking as they drill holes in the ice. Some booth serve hot dogs to the people as they ice fish. A little boy and girl attempt to catch a fish. They are interviewed as they fish.", "segments": [[0, 7.71], [12.12, 38.57], [40.78, 171.93], [173.04, 198.39], [202.79, 220.43]], "duration": 220.43, "id": 7840}, {"image_id": "v_sjHCZWdopsQ.mp4", "caption": "The fingers are pressing the black keys. One finger is pressing one key. The fingers are moving to different keys and pressing them.", "segments": [[2.9, 76.26], [30.89, 83.02], [77.23, 193.07]], "duration": 193.07, "id": 7841}, {"image_id": "v_B8WIh6PUjE0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera using her hands and leads into her kneeling down dumping a bucket. She then uses a rake to rub it all the dirt around the tree while still stopping to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 44.7], [42.55, 107.72]], "duration": 107.72, "id": 7842}, {"image_id": "v_d44RiNHK6KA.mp4", "caption": "Two people are working out on exercise bikes. The one wearing a blue wig puts their hands in the air. People are in front of them also on exercise bikes.", "segments": [[0, 95.44], [39.13, 40.56], [65.37, 68.24]], "duration": 95.44, "id": 7843}, {"image_id": "v_Zi2Pah5-BXI.mp4", "caption": "The exterior a store is seen from the parking lot. A man sits on a wooden bench up against a window with trophies. The man talks while a seated with a tattoo artist working on his shoulder. The tattoo artist wipes the area that he is working on and continues drawing. The tattoo artist turns off the light and stops his work. The man stands up and shows off his tattoo.", "segments": [[0, 9.38], [11.73, 27.36], [28.92, 136.8], [75.82, 132.89], [136.02, 138.36], [138.36, 156.34]], "duration": 156.34, "id": 7844}, {"image_id": "v_6LADh__9LUI.mp4", "caption": "men are on sides of a car polishing a blue car in a hand car wash. blue car is inside a blue car wash and men are polishing it. men are holding clothes on them hands cleaning the car.", "segments": [[3.59, 65.32], [0, 65.32], [1.96, 65.32]], "duration": 65.32, "id": 7845}, {"image_id": "v_uyBGDfYo0qE.mp4", "caption": "A person is vacuuming in a hallway. A toddler in pajamas runs past frantically, running into other rooms and jumping excitedly because he wants to be picked up. He is angry when his mother goes into the bathroom with the vacuum. The woman gives the boy the vacuum, and he vacuums the floors.", "segments": [[0, 14.7], [15.37, 62.82], [63.49, 99.57], [98.24, 133.66]], "duration": 133.66, "id": 7846}, {"image_id": "v_FpxVS1Xpl1U.mp4", "caption": "people are sitting in chairs in pool. man and woman are talking and presenting the man that walks by the pool. man is weightlifting and doing a big jump from a trampoline and talking to the camera. a big platfom is shown and a man is being interviewed by a woman in top of trampoline. woman in audience is screaming and throwing kisses. man is on the 10 m trampoline and make a hand stand to make the jump to the pool. woman is impressed siting by the pool and have her hands on her face. presentator is interviewing the man.", "segments": [[0, 3.56], [3.56, 64], [64, 84.15], [84.15, 122.08], [123.27, 128.01], [128.01, 208.61], [200.31, 202.68], [216.9, 237.05]], "duration": 237.05, "id": 7847}, {"image_id": "v_dcclQadR-L0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are riding on horses on a field. They start a game of polo. They race their horses, trying to get the ball.", "segments": [[0, 6.73], [8.81, 26.44], [31.08, 46.39]], "duration": 46.39, "id": 7848}, {"image_id": "v_r0P0egQt-jU.mp4", "caption": "Women are standing on the sand watching while some other women surf. A few of them are out there in the ocean riding on the waves enjoying the ride. One of them only has one arm and she surfs so well, its amazing. They carry her over and then 4 girls stand while they get gifts for their performance and the one handed girl gets to talk about it.", "segments": [[0, 25.01], [25.01, 62.07], [62.07, 102.83], [102.83, 185.27]], "duration": 185.27, "id": 7849}, {"image_id": "v_KrHpGJBzjJk.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A woman in a dark room plays the drums with his hand. The camera tilts on it's side then goes back upright. We see the room around the lady. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.05], [3.43, 69.84], [25.95, 46.18], [50.76, 56.48], [69.84, 76.32]], "duration": 76.32, "id": 7850}, {"image_id": "v_ORI5ZNZARw8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on a piece of exercise equipment looking forward. She then grabs the lever in front and begins pulling herself. The girl then pulls herself back and fourth on the machine while the camera captures her movements.", "segments": [[0.36, 4.31], [5.03, 15.56], [12.81, 23.34]], "duration": 23.94, "id": 7851}, {"image_id": "v_7Zd7KlliqQw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen moving around in slow motion while the camera captures him from several angles. A pair of scissors and a comb is then seen close up and leads into a person cutting the man's hair. He finally blow dries the man's hair and is shown once again smiling and laughing to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 36.53], [35.9, 91.96], [93.22, 125.97]], "duration": 125.97, "id": 7852}, {"image_id": "v_XtqTatsTGNY.mp4", "caption": "The boy stands at the bottom of a small staircase and then he walks up to slide down the blue slide. When he's done sliding down he runs away and tries to go out the gate.", "segments": [[1.07, 73.6], [99.74, 102.94]], "duration": 106.67, "id": 7853}, {"image_id": "v_1stYB5_yR5k.mp4", "caption": "man is talking to the camera cleaning a wooden shed and start painting it. the man mix the paint and with a brush varnish all the shed. at the end the man talks to the camera and shows the materials list.", "segments": [[0, 109.16], [108.25, 138.27], [138.27, 181.93]], "duration": 181.93, "id": 7854}, {"image_id": "v_7V1ZHZRHFrg.mp4", "caption": "A treadmill is shown, then a woman, using the treadmill in the living room is shown, she is wearing blue top and black shorts. She adjusted the monitor, then a treadmill adjustments and meters are shown with numbers on it.", "segments": [[7.28, 92.52], [64.97, 95.64]], "duration": 103.96000000000001, "id": 7855}, {"image_id": "v_pwoy7UXdnAE.mp4", "caption": "We see a title screen fade in and out. A man and a dog walk in a training room. The man throws Frisbees for the dog to catch. The dog stands to catch the Frisbee the leans on the man. The dog jumps into the man's arms. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.47], [2.47, 19.77], [20.18, 78.27], [46.14, 58.91], [76.21, 80.33], [78.27, 82.39]], "duration": 82.39, "id": 7856}, {"image_id": "v_Y9EIH-A_ePo.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are outside in a yard. They are bouncing and throwing a ball to each other. They chase each other with the ball playfully. They run up to the camera and talk for a while.", "segments": [[0, 4.33], [5.41, 15.97], [15.97, 34.1], [36.26, 54.13]], "duration": 54.13, "id": 7857}, {"image_id": "v_E7rhlhVA0SY.mp4", "caption": "We see a Gelato store outside. We see a title screen for a cake. We then see a lady cooking. The lady puts gelato in a bowl. The lady puts rice crispies on it. The lady puts a dome in a chocolate dome and puts a crispies circle on it.The lady puts holes in a chocolate dome. The lady sprays the domes. The lady puts the red dome on top of a black one and put the dome with holes on top of it. The lady puts the cake in a display case. We see the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.68], [4.68, 8.19], [11.7, 200.08], [43.29, 49.14], [52.65, 69.03], [71.37, 117.01], [120.52, 138.07], [142.75, 174.34], [175.51, 200.08], [201.25, 223.48], [224.65, 234.01]], "duration": 234.01, "id": 7858}, {"image_id": "v_LaWCwEG6n3w.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing off in the distance with another standing around a hole. The person uses a fishing pole on the hole and attempts to pull out a fish. The person continues pulling while the other watches on the side.", "segments": [[0, 48.12], [57.38, 139.74], [124.01, 179.53]], "duration": 185.09, "id": 7859}, {"image_id": "v_padyJHC5Y5Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen brushing wet hair and rubbing lotion all throughout her hair. She then blow dries her hair and is seen again with her hair pinned up around the top. She blow dries the bottom of her hair and is then seen again with all of her hair pinned up. She undoes the pins to show off her new hair.", "segments": [[0, 35.72], [34.98, 68.47], [69.21, 116.1], [114.61, 148.84]], "duration": 148.84, "id": 7860}, {"image_id": "v_w30TFlJiRKA.mp4", "caption": "A little boy plays piano in a home, then, he bends to the left and talks. After, the boy continues playing the piano, then he takes a rest. The boy change clothes and continues playing the piano.", "segments": [[0, 95.83], [95.83, 151.92], [153.09, 233.72]], "duration": 233.72, "id": 7861}, {"image_id": "v_CsyHOM8ngZA.mp4", "caption": "A shaggy dog is getting a bath from a veterinarian. The veterinarian is blow drying the dog after washing it. A different vet is petting and brushing the dog. A video montage of the dog plays and then credits roll.", "segments": [[4.77, 67.94], [71.51, 134.68], [138.26, 171.63], [164.48, 232.42]], "duration": 238.38, "id": 7862}, {"image_id": "v_I4_jFA46Uio.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is standing in front of a kitchen sink. She has a bowl and a knife in her hand. She is peeling potatoes with the knife.", "segments": [[0, 8.05], [12.88, 26.3], [27.19, 35.78]], "duration": 35.78, "id": 7863}, {"image_id": "v_ufxyjYMKe7c.mp4", "caption": "Two boys in matching shirts sit on a sofa and talk with a candy toy in their hands as they hold the candy up to the camera, play with the candy toy buttons and talk. The two boys mock fight with the toy candy, which is shaped like a hand with retractable fingers, and the camera speeds up when they do this. The boys then switch toys and open the toy candy at which point they begin to eat the candy and talk while chewing. A closeup of the toy candy is then shown, with the candy lying on a maroon backdrop and posed.", "segments": [[0.63, 123.18], [38.96, 60.96], [60.33, 86.73], [104.32, 110.61]], "duration": 125.68, "id": 7864}, {"image_id": "v_GiHxeCLGNy8.mp4", "caption": "A person is at a camp fire poking around at the wood. The camera moves over to a little boy as he is talking to the camera person. The camera person continues to narrate the situation as he records the fire.", "segments": [[0, 37.06], [7.04, 9.64], [9.64, 37.06]], "duration": 37.06, "id": 7865}, {"image_id": "v_yL7tvoBkkkI.mp4", "caption": "Various people are seen from a bird's eye view working in rough conditions out in the open. They are scrubbing clothes and hanging them up while the camera pans around and watches.", "segments": [[0, 10.55], [10.16, 26.05]], "duration": 26.05, "id": 7866}, {"image_id": "v_FXl3qRRs9jw.mp4", "caption": "People are walking next to a bull. There is a large group walking behind the bull. There is another bull and they start fighting. The crowd is rallying around the bulls. A man in a red shirt is talking into a microphone. A man is putting a black shirt on.", "segments": [[0, 10.12], [10.12, 35.66], [36.15, 48.68], [36.15, 84.82], [85.78, 88.68], [94.46, 96.39]], "duration": 96.39, "id": 7867}, {"image_id": "v_fSVDG4h0lzM.mp4", "caption": "A middle age man is standing in the field preparing to hit a ball.Once the man hits the ball it is caught and the other teams jumps and cheers in excitement and there is replay.", "segments": [[0, 5.34], [5.34, 32.35]], "duration": 32.35, "id": 7868}, {"image_id": "v_RI8IORq_BbY.mp4", "caption": "A man shows how to sharpen a knife with a machine. Then, he sharpens knives against each other.", "segments": [[0, 50.31], [60.6, 113.76]], "duration": 114.33, "id": 7869}, {"image_id": "v_oezddremlnE.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a girl's hair is shown followed by a person braiding her hair. The person continues braiding the hair and the camera pans away from her face.", "segments": [[6.09, 85.2], [50.21, 136.92]], "duration": 152.14, "id": 7870}, {"image_id": "v_9PFlQcBl_jU.mp4", "caption": "Several people are outside watching a about four men bullfighting with a cape.Once the bull is caught,they start to move it and they have difficulty because the crowd is on their back.Next,a shirtless man lays down on the dirt,gets trampled by the bull and jumps up happy about what just happened.Another bull comes along,runs over a person and the person remains on the ground and a crowd of people come running over to him laying a blanket across his body.", "segments": [[0, 13.84], [13.12, 37.53], [37.89, 56.47], [56.11, 72.87]], "duration": 72.87, "id": 7871}, {"image_id": "v_p0-BGit7WAo.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen speaking with others while wrapping ballet shoes around him and walking past others. The man then steps into ballet class and interacts with the dancers and ends by drinking a beer.", "segments": [[0.28, 28.03], [20.18, 55.21]], "duration": 56.05, "id": 7872}, {"image_id": "v_oQ_PwsBgozM.mp4", "caption": "a lady and a young girl are in room with a Christmas tree. The lights are turned on on the tree an the little girl dances in front of it. A young boy plays with and takes ornaments off the tree and shows them to the camera. The man take it and shows it to the camera then puts it back.", "segments": [[0, 12.17], [12.17, 46.24], [47.06, 162.26], [97.36, 104.66]], "duration": 162.26, "id": 7873}, {"image_id": "v_ngwH6Zy5vb8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit is playing a piano. The audience stands up and claps for him. People are hugging and mingling on a stage.", "segments": [[29.36, 65.77], [19.97, 22.31], [180.87, 234.89]], "duration": 234.89, "id": 7874}, {"image_id": "v_pYbOylWZx-s.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black tank top describes cardio workout on a spin bike. The man in the black tank top mounts the spinning bike in intervals of 45 second cruise speed tension, the 15 seconds hard with tension up. Then cool down with cruise speed tension.", "segments": [[0, 84.51], [84.51, 119.02], [119.73, 140.85]], "duration": 140.85, "id": 7875}, {"image_id": "v_UojTppgtyCE.mp4", "caption": "An outdoor garden is seen and a man in tshirt stands in it holding a pair of sheers. Mellons are seen throughout the garden. The man points to the melons up against the wall and begins trimming them with his sheers throwing them to the side. The man walks over to the outer edge of the melon plants and picks up a large vine in one hand then trims off leafs with the other hand. The man does circular motions with his hands around his waste to demonstrate size. A garden website is seen.", "segments": [[0, 13.72], [15.44, 33.45], [36.88, 84.91], [85.76, 143.22], [147.51, 160.38], [162.09, 171.53]], "duration": 171.53, "id": 7876}, {"image_id": "v_yjOriMHCSdw.mp4", "caption": "A painted construction paper piece sits on a table along with a suitcase of supplies. I person cuts up a piece of construction paper. Designs are drawn on the paper with markers. The construction paper is folded over an item and a piece of tape secures the construction paper in the middle. The corners are folded like a present and peices of tape are used to secure the folded ends of the package. A ribbon is slid under the package and tied in a bow.", "segments": [[9.28, 35.56], [36.33, 49.47], [50.24, 69.57], [71.89, 87.35], [88.89, 103.58], [106.67, 135.27]], "duration": 154.6, "id": 7877}, {"image_id": "v_JiZCjH6ePq0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are in a gym playing dodgeball. A logo appears on the screen. A man is talking to the camera while people play dodgeball behind him. The man and players demonstrate dodgeball techniques. Captions appear on the screen periodically that explain dodgeball.", "segments": [[1.15, 13.81], [17.26, 19.56], [20.71, 42.58], [20.71, 223.25], [20.71, 230.16]], "duration": 230.16, "id": 7878}, {"image_id": "v__cLb2ZRS_4M.mp4", "caption": "many guys in all black stands on a grassy area with music instruments and does a sync performance in front of other people sitting on the grass watching.the guys play the drums and do movements back and forth as they play the drums that is connected to there body.the guys do hand movements and stomps there feet lightly as part of the performance.", "segments": [[0, 96.84], [96.84, 184.56], [184.56, 227.86]], "duration": 227.86, "id": 7879}, {"image_id": "v_pxt1-L_-H74.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing next to one another speaking to the camera and leads into the two performing a dance routine with one another. The people continue dancing around on the side of a road and ends with them posing and laughing.", "segments": [[7.85, 87.46], [108.77, 223.14]], "duration": 224.26, "id": 7880}, {"image_id": "v_eDm8bUVWxAM.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is talking. A bow and arrow is set up in the grass. A man shoots a bow and arrow while in the water.", "segments": [[0, 6.1], [6.1, 40.14], [40.64, 46.74]], "duration": 50.81, "id": 7881}, {"image_id": "v_5ytocb1ypRU.mp4", "caption": "A person using a chain saw is cutting down limbs off of a tree. The man uses an extension to cut a limb off the top of the tree.", "segments": [[0, 52.01], [52.4, 78.8]], "duration": 78.8, "id": 7882}, {"image_id": "v_ienRkMdn_OM.mp4", "caption": "A hand is put into a brush and moves the hair to be piled up and vaccumed with the other hand.The middle section is done and the horse stands still while being cut down.Now,the middle is done and the person moves to the back of the horse until all of the horse's body is cut down.", "segments": [[0, 34.03], [34.62, 83.32], [83.32, 117.35]], "duration": 117.35, "id": 7883}, {"image_id": "v_Ncfysce-svA.mp4", "caption": "A person plays an acoustic guitar while sitting on a beige sofa in jeans and a t-shirt. A room is shown with an acoustic guitar lying across a beige sofa and a stone art piece in front of the sofa with rocks in it. A person, face unseen, approaches the sofa and picks up the guitar. The person then sits down and plays the acoustic guitar, which has a capo on the neck, and plays until the scene fades to a Spanish subtitle.", "segments": [[0.52, 33.55], [0.52, 5.77], [5.94, 8.04], [8.56, 33.55]], "duration": 34.95, "id": 7884}, {"image_id": "v_H5Z__A99EG4.mp4", "caption": "There's a man doing a science experiment in his kitchen using a on liter Pepsi bottle that is filled with foam. There's a boy laying down on the floor with his legs stretched up against the cabinet. The man is holding a hose in one hand and blowing air into the bottle simultaneously. Then he drops the huge bubble from the bottle onto the boy's face.", "segments": [[8.89, 39.69], [39.69, 68.13], [68.13, 106.05], [106.05, 112.57]], "duration": 118.49000000000001, "id": 7885}, {"image_id": "v_j1IYrdjnY6M.mp4", "caption": "A web address is displayed on the slide. The name of a sunscreen is shown. The sunscreen bottle is shown. The price of the sunscreen is shown. The sunscreen bottle is presented. An information guideline is shown.", "segments": [[0, 4.06], [4.19, 7.08], [8, 11.67], [11.8, 14.03], [14.42, 18.48], [18.61, 26.22]], "duration": 26.22, "id": 7886}, {"image_id": "v_YJOoLvwqWCw.mp4", "caption": "two women are standing on a gym arm wrestling. in te background people are standingin the gym doing exercise. strong women are sitting in a chair arm wrestling.", "segments": [[0, 41.31], [0.41, 41.31], [0.41, 40.9]], "duration": 41.31, "id": 7887}, {"image_id": "v_ry-AEtNb4c0.mp4", "caption": "The title is on the screen. The screen switches to the man explaining his art. We see the man's artwork. We see the man talking again. He grabs paint on his brush. He discusses his painting technique. He is painting on the art. He cleans his brush on paper. He adds more paint to the brush. He is painting on the art again. He cleans his brush on the paper again. He adds white paint to the brush. He paints white on the artwork. He crosses his arms and talks. We see the title card.", "segments": [[0, 5.66], [5.66, 21.7], [21.7, 26.41], [26.41, 35.85], [35.85, 59.43], [59.43, 70.75], [71.7, 83.96], [83.96, 93.39], [93.39, 102.83], [102.83, 121.7], [121.7, 127.36], [127.36, 133.02], [137.73, 166.98], [172.64, 181.13], [182.07, 188.68]], "duration": 188.68, "id": 7888}, {"image_id": "v_6Kbv1OpIpaA.mp4", "caption": "A boy is sitting in the room with three guitars and begins to play all three of them with a violin bow.The man then begins to play the one guitar that is on his lap with his fingers and finishes the song.", "segments": [[0, 56.69], [56.69, 195.47]], "duration": 195.47, "id": 7889}, {"image_id": "v_3zDw5mwGIW0.mp4", "caption": "A person pours different colors of paint on a surface. Then, the woman paints flowers on the headboard of a bed.", "segments": [[0, 18.37], [18.37, 125.44]], "duration": 126.71, "id": 7890}, {"image_id": "v_0p3JN4KJsUs.mp4", "caption": "People practice ballet in a studio alone and in couples. Then, a boy and a girl dance ballet, then a man enter and dance with the girl. After, several couples dance ballet while other people observe.", "segments": [[7.79, 32.6], [32.6, 63.25], [63.25, 90.02]], "duration": 97.32, "id": 7891}, {"image_id": "v_WD40PRo1quM.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are seen dancing around a living room performing a tango routine. They spin each other round and round and ends with credits rolling.", "segments": [[0, 149.38], [22.61, 161.5]], "duration": 161.5, "id": 7892}, {"image_id": "v_wIcK3bQNqcA.mp4", "caption": "A person moves their fingers around the center of a bike's wheel. The person takes a black part and adds it. The person adds a smaller black part and fastens it. The person removes their hands from the center of the bike's wheel.", "segments": [[2.11, 35.13], [40.75, 92.03], [92.73, 133.48], [139.1, 140.5]], "duration": 140.5, "id": 7893}, {"image_id": "v_p771liKjycc.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are outside playing together at a playground.One boy jumps off and walks to the other side as the other one begins to do the monkey bars.After he makes it to the other side,he climbs off and runs to another set of monkey bars and follows through those as well.", "segments": [[0, 16.41], [16.41, 32.59], [32.35, 46.22]], "duration": 46.22, "id": 7894}, {"image_id": "v_qGf6earGAOc.mp4", "caption": "People are driving in a car down the street. A man is wake boarding in water full of berries. A van is driving on a road by the water.", "segments": [[0, 10.05], [17.48, 77.35], [81.28, 86.09]], "duration": 87.4, "id": 7895}, {"image_id": "v_zi_TdMQffkU.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting on a horse in front of a large crowd. The man then rides in on the horse and ropes up a calf. He ties up the calf while others ride in on horses to help.", "segments": [[0.65, 10.34], [11.64, 32.97], [29.31, 42.88]], "duration": 43.1, "id": 7896}, {"image_id": "v_0UR4hXxt68E.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders stand in a line in a large auditorium in preparation. The group of cheerleaders does a dance routine in all dancing in unison. Half of the group kneels on the floor and the other standing group exits to the sides. The remaining group stands back up and does a second dance routine together. The group of cheerleader end their routine and jump up and down before bowing to the crowd.", "segments": [[4.16, 9.35], [9.35, 82.1], [82.1, 87.29], [88.33, 190.18], [191.21, 203.69]], "duration": 207.84, "id": 7897}, {"image_id": "v_eGTZNTfgg24.mp4", "caption": "Various athletes are seen standing ready while one jumps in place and prepares himself. He then runs down a long track into a sand pit and sticks his hands in the air. A man holds a white fag up while the athlete celebrates and his jump and people's reactions in the audience are shown again.", "segments": [[0, 29.72], [28.77, 42.93], [43.87, 94.34]], "duration": 94.34, "id": 7898}, {"image_id": "v_5FM_xJGb-Tk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a little kayak type of of boat is paddling the boat. He is sitting by himself in it because it's so small it only fits one person really. He uses a lot of energy into paddling, going really fast. I believe he is probably practicing for an event late in the future.", "segments": [[0, 5.72], [5.72, 16.12], [16.12, 23.57], [23.57, 34.67]], "duration": 34.67, "id": 7899}, {"image_id": "v_2DMOP9Fy91U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing outside in front of a building. She begins dancing with hula hoops. She finishes and words come on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 132.65], [1.99, 132.65], [126.68, 132.65]], "duration": 132.65, "id": 7900}, {"image_id": "v_bPkk-z5n8MY.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen spinning and twirling batons in the city. A large group of people are seen sitting around the group watching. The group continues to dance around the city block while the camera pans around and watches them walk away.", "segments": [[0.31, 21.62], [20.99, 45.44], [41.36, 60.16]], "duration": 62.67, "id": 7901}, {"image_id": "v_jOUwMAGYImE.mp4", "caption": "A man sits on a stationary bike on a stage and starts working out. He sticks one leg up to the side. He gets off and does a hand stand.", "segments": [[3.73, 137.91], [80.51, 82.75], [140.9, 142.39]], "duration": 149.1, "id": 7902}, {"image_id": "v_MSfIKwQhLFk.mp4", "caption": "People dive into the pool and start swimming. A person reaches the end and takes their goggles off. They wave at the camera and smile. The other swimmers get to the finish line.", "segments": [[0, 9.33], [68.96, 72.07], [74.66, 79.33], [79.33, 103.7]], "duration": 103.7, "id": 7903}, {"image_id": "v_ivjnwAR91Sk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing on a stage with people watching on the sidelines. People take turns jumping onto a large mat over a beam and cheering with teammates. More shots are shown of kids fooling around while looking and laughing to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 44.3], [38.91, 95.18], [64.65, 113.74]], "duration": 119.72, "id": 7904}, {"image_id": "v_26qGsfI9tZ8.mp4", "caption": "A toddler climbs the steps of a playground. Then, the boy slides down until to reach the ground.", "segments": [[0, 33.72], [33.72, 49.23]], "duration": 49.23, "id": 7905}, {"image_id": "v_t6FuJ4L8sHY.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen standing on a soccer field and leads into one falling down and being helped back up. The same shot is shown again in slow motion and leads into one scoring a goal with others not paying attention. The same shot is shown again in slow motion several times and pans back to all the players.", "segments": [[0, 25.47], [25.04, 51.37], [50.07, 86.33]], "duration": 86.33, "id": 7906}, {"image_id": "v_L0QdLXym4F4.mp4", "caption": "A lady is filming a girl and a boy who are outdoors at a park playground. The young girl hangs an goes across the monkey bars using her arms while the young boy stands behind rails and watches. The jumps down at the end of the monkey bars and then jumps up and down and gives a high five to the excited woman filming her. The lady behind the camera then walks over and pans to the little boy who is now at the monkey bars and holds a conversation with him.", "segments": [[0, 30.7], [0.61, 17.19], [19.65, 21.03], [20.87, 30.7]], "duration": 30.7, "id": 7907}, {"image_id": "v_7MAADmeogHo.mp4", "caption": "A bike is seen upside down in a shop. A man shows how to remove a tire. He then replaces it and tightens it back into place.", "segments": [[0, 28.89], [29.96, 142.31], [148.73, 214]], "duration": 214.0, "id": 7908}, {"image_id": "v_Bhc8INrOToY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into clips of them skiing. The men move down all along the mountain while others are shown skiing next to them. The people continue riding down the hill and end by stopping at the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 64.55], [51.64, 172.53], [165.49, 228.86]], "duration": 234.73, "id": 7909}, {"image_id": "v_ie9PgZt9svA.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls on a rope jumping team do a routine in a large music hall. A group of girls jump rope individually. Three girls jump rope with two holding a single rope on each end. Three girls jump together inside of a single rope. A group of girls hold two ropes and take turns doing double dutch while members run through and jump the rope.", "segments": [[0, 207.05], [8.28, 19.67], [22.78, 55.9], [57.97, 74.54], [108.7, 207.05]], "duration": 207.05, "id": 7910}, {"image_id": "v_fcSJAHXHDvM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen moving in slow motion holding a tennis racket and throwing a ball up into the air. Arrows point around his body and show him hitting the ball while pausing to show off his body movements.", "segments": [[0, 28.98], [27.15, 73.36]], "duration": 73.37, "id": 7911}, {"image_id": "v_kUwCHpiuCuA.mp4", "caption": "A bicycle elliptical machine is sitting in living room by a couch.A dog appears on the couch and suddenly a person sits on the machine and turns it on.Once the machine is on,it begins to flash 30 minutes several times and the person begins to exercise on the machine pushing the bars back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 21.48], [21.48, 56.76], [56, 153.42]], "duration": 153.42000000000002, "id": 7912}, {"image_id": "v_sgPkVKPp1dU.mp4", "caption": "A man in black shirt lifted the barbel and started to carry it up and down for few times, while behind him, two men are removing the metal plates on another barbel. The man in black shirt added more weight on the barbel by adding yellow plates on both side, then continue weight lifting.", "segments": [[0.96, 58.36], [10.2, 58.36]], "duration": 63.78, "id": 7913}, {"image_id": "v_Ox16PeB954Q.mp4", "caption": "A man and child are sitting on a couch while the adult smokes hookah tobacco. The child grabs it as if to smoke only to have it pulled away. The child is then able to stick it in his own mouth but doesn't know what to do. He ends up sticking it back into the adults mouth and the adult continues to smoke from the hookah pipe.", "segments": [[0, 6.7], [8.04, 16.74], [16.52, 33.49], [33.49, 44.65]], "duration": 44.65, "id": 7914}, {"image_id": "v_7bUu05RIksU.mp4", "caption": "Business details are written in white text on a black background. Men wearing jackets pressure wash a white car in a parking lot. Two men wash a black SUV with a pressure washing hose. Men wash a white car using hand towels. The business details are seen before end credits for the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 18.93], [21.92, 43.83], [44.83, 76.7], [79.69, 110.57], [116.55, 199.23]], "duration": 199.23, "id": 7915}, {"image_id": "v_iUe1t0sN4Jo.mp4", "caption": "A man bowls several times down a lane. The screen of the score board is shown.", "segments": [[0, 43.01], [43.01, 54.1]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 7916}, {"image_id": "v_4w3QwJdzwsE.mp4", "caption": "A large boat with a wind sail on it is seen riding along a big storm with people on board. The boat tips over at one point when another boat comes by and falls over as well.", "segments": [[0, 27.17], [27.17, 69.66]], "duration": 69.66, "id": 7917}, {"image_id": "v_6pY2zz2_CCU.mp4", "caption": "woman is sitting on a couch with a cat on her legs, he grab a scisoors from the table next to her and starts cutting the front cat nails.she looks his back paws and gave her cat some cat food. the girl congratlate the cat and put him on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 31.71], [31.71, 64.19], [64.57, 76.42]], "duration": 76.42, "id": 7918}, {"image_id": "v_k74CgBa46bA.mp4", "caption": " A man without a shirt on sits outside by the trees and drinks out of a coffee cup. A person is seen petting a cat.", "segments": [[0, 26.97], [30.98, 37.72]], "duration": 42.15, "id": 7919}, {"image_id": "v_rob5gIT_pAw.mp4", "caption": "man is welding a metal machine in a room. man is talknig to the camera and is holding an emery in a machine room.", "segments": [[0, 4.88], [4.88, 60.98]], "duration": 60.98, "id": 7920}, {"image_id": "v_rliYO1sEYts.mp4", "caption": "A man kisses a girl on the beach. People are playing rock paper scissors on the beach. A man in a black shirt is standing on the beach.", "segments": [[21.59, 23.55], [0, 196.23], [121.66, 128.53]], "duration": 196.23, "id": 7921}, {"image_id": "v_7vECSCWxbDk.mp4", "caption": "A man plugs a cable into his guitar. He begins playing the guitar. He looks up and speaks. He goes back to playing his guitar. He looks up again and speaks as he makes hand gestures. He begins playing his guitar again. He glides his finger along his guitar.", "segments": [[4.17, 6.96], [7.65, 28.52], [29.22, 34.09], [34.78, 38.26], [38.96, 43.13], [43.83, 126.61], [127.31, 131.48]], "duration": 139.13, "id": 7922}, {"image_id": "v_UW1wC80VNd8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a kitchen, stirring food in a pot. She adds her gathered ingredients one a time as she talks, showing the pasta she is using. She then adds a bowlful of vegetables she has mixed.", "segments": [[0, 19.74], [22.82, 93.74], [94.98, 123.35]], "duration": 123.35, "id": 7923}, {"image_id": "v_rZMiqPMOpzA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in front of the camera holding an instrument. The man then begins playing the instrument while the camera captures is movements. The man continues to play moving his hands all along the instrument and finally turning the camera off.", "segments": [[0, 76.35], [63.26, 166.89], [131.98, 210.52]], "duration": 218.15, "id": 7924}, {"image_id": "v_KK7g7udEPuo.mp4", "caption": "A man is looking all over for his dog. He said he paid his dog 10 dollars to cut the grass and now he's gone. He finally finds the dog who is driving the riding lawn mower. According to the owner, the dog is asking for a raise. He continues mowing in not very straight lines as the other dogs watch.", "segments": [[0, 4.81], [4.81, 14.42], [15.79, 57], [57, 66.61], [15.79, 137.35]], "duration": 137.35, "id": 7925}, {"image_id": "v_OM_n35Vcw30.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are seen holding poles with another man and playing a game of shuffle board on a mat. The kids push the puck around back and fourth while walking around one another and ends with a woman stepping into frame and a close up of the young boy.", "segments": [[3.43, 121.05], [78.8, 228.39]], "duration": 228.39, "id": 7926}, {"image_id": "v_eBajcta4sD4.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a building as well as people inside posing for pictures and putting fencing gear on. More clips are shown of fencing objects, people watching on the sides, and others getting ready to fence. Several clips are then shown of two people fencing each other with a woman reffing on the sides and people watching on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 45.27], [37.93, 96.65], [100.32, 119.9]], "duration": 122.35, "id": 7927}, {"image_id": "v_JFA1iR09BUA.mp4", "caption": "A man is practicing in front of a mirror in a studio while another watches. They start taking turns in front of the mirror trying to perfect their moves. They are doing all kinds of crazy acrobatic flips and other moves. There is about six or seven men sitting up against the wall watching as the other flips around in the air.", "segments": [[0, 40.66], [40.66, 94.1], [94.1, 149.86], [149.86, 232.34]], "duration": 232.34, "id": 7928}, {"image_id": "v_ctWolbJDJyc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking down the length of a diving board while the camera zooms in. The man turns around and performs a back flip off of the board into the water.", "segments": [[0, 6.4], [6.31, 17.07]], "duration": 17.07, "id": 7929}, {"image_id": "v_m-BZKFg9k18.mp4", "caption": "A lady dances around on an aerobic stair in a fitness gym. The lady spins off of the step. The lady touches her toes to the step. The lady repeats the routine repeatedly. The lady steps off of her step in front of it and looks at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 38.72], [4.44, 6.05], [5.85, 7.66], [7.87, 36.7], [38.92, 40.33]], "duration": 40.33, "id": 7930}, {"image_id": "v_JTFEzdAw1L4.mp4", "caption": "An older woman throws a white ball towards a green cup. A young boy gives her back the ball. The woman throws the ball again. She does a dance and throws it again. She again throws the white ball. The young boy hands the woman the ball and she throws it again. The older woman starts laughing.", "segments": [[0, 4.68], [4.91, 8.92], [9.14, 10.93], [11.15, 24.53], [24.76, 28.77], [28.99, 35.24], [35.46, 44.61]], "duration": 44.61, "id": 7931}, {"image_id": "v_-ArIbKfZc2s.mp4", "caption": "A group of rafters paddle there raft down a river with rapids and obstacles. A group of rafter push off from a rock and turn there boat around to face the current. The rafters maneuver through a concrete structure. The group paddles around a large boulder sticking high up in the middle of the river. The group jumps from a rock into the river.", "segments": [[0, 18.19], [0, 158.67], [42.45, 60.64], [98.03, 117.24], [151.6, 202.13]], "duration": 202.13, "id": 7932}, {"image_id": "v_UD7HJBRK2Z4.mp4", "caption": "A light blue screen appears and it has multiple blue words that are not in English and they're scrolling from bottom to top. The direction of the scrolling letters change from bottom to top and now they're in the middle.A man wearing a white button up short sleeved shirt and black long pants is standing on green grass that's near water, with a large bush behind him and he's doing very slow coordinated movements.", "segments": [[0, 10.79], [10.79, 38.37], [38.37, 119.91]], "duration": 119.91, "id": 7933}, {"image_id": "v_Ptw9hFDV4ow.mp4", "caption": "A coach is training a boy and a girl to do kickboxing. There is a woman standing in a purple shirt, filming the coach teach the kids. Both the girl and the boy are taking turns in returning the punches and kicks to the coach. The coach is encouraging the students to constantly punch and return the kicks.", "segments": [[19.18, 27.48], [27.48, 74.15], [74.15, 102.15], [102.15, 103.7]], "duration": 103.7, "id": 7934}, {"image_id": "v_8OCTuqJVToU.mp4", "caption": "A small group of children are seen sitting around a pool while the camera pans around the pool. The kids kick their feet around and show one instructor helping a child. The man continues to swim around the pool with children and close ups of children.", "segments": [[0, 50.28], [50.28, 89.79], [86.8, 117.33]], "duration": 119.72, "id": 7935}, {"image_id": "v_LWAxCIy4PBw.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is pushing a mop. He closes an oven door that is open. He continues to mop the floor. He picks the mop up and puts it in the air. He sets it down and continues mopping.", "segments": [[0, 4.87], [7.31, 10.79], [11.83, 49.76], [49.76, 53.93], [53.93, 69.59]], "duration": 69.59, "id": 7936}, {"image_id": "v_qzt9U8tEdJQ.mp4", "caption": "Someone is shown driving down a snowy street in the Ukraine. Several skiers are skiing down the slopes on the side of a mountain. A close up is seen of some of the skiers as they go.", "segments": [[0, 7.35], [10.1, 113.88], [116.64, 183.68]], "duration": 183.68, "id": 7937}, {"image_id": "v_zJX_Oh4yVnc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding around on a dirt bike that leads into him speaking to the camera. He shows off his bike as well as camera and leads into several clips of him riding around. He continues to ride around on the track while also showing close ups of himself as well as the camera.", "segments": [[0, 70.27], [48.65, 157.83], [114.59, 211.88]], "duration": 216.2, "id": 7938}, {"image_id": "v_r7kQ1sko74M.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen playing a single drum standing next to a group of people also drumming. The boy continues drumming with the group and the camera pans around to people watching on the sides.", "segments": [[3.72, 72.94], [51.36, 138.44]], "duration": 148.86, "id": 7939}, {"image_id": "v_h7Tq3Gsj6lY.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown in several shots riding around on a skateboard. Close ups are shown of objects as well as skateboard and places you can buy them. More close ups are shown of products.", "segments": [[1.6, 29.82], [19.88, 47.14], [35.92, 60.93]], "duration": 64.13, "id": 7940}, {"image_id": "v_3LyyqeVeYkI.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy on a horse is released from a gate. He lassos a young calf on the dirt. He jumps off his horse and ties the calf.", "segments": [[0, 2.58], [2.83, 12.14], [12.8, 16.63]], "duration": 16.63, "id": 7941}, {"image_id": "v_aBmKEmXVCqM.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a elliptical working out. He moves his arms back and forth. There is a lake behind him.", "segments": [[0, 21.13], [1.69, 21.13], [0.53, 21.13]], "duration": 21.13, "id": 7942}, {"image_id": "v_b5GJUtjiWkQ.mp4", "caption": "Three kids are seen standing out in front of a house when one plays hop scotch to a person coming in frame. The camera follows the same girl hopping down a long path and continuing her way back to where she started.", "segments": [[0, 13.53], [13.11, 42.28]], "duration": 42.28, "id": 7943}, {"image_id": "v_JwdW7Tlc4gs.mp4", "caption": "A young man is sitting in his room. The young man started to play his guitar. The young man is moving his fingers as he press the threads on the guitar.", "segments": [[0, 179.61], [8.08, 179.61], [8.08, 164.34]], "duration": 179.61, "id": 7944}, {"image_id": "v_H5F01WIyJWI.mp4", "caption": "A blindfolded man is standing outside with vehicles parked behind him and he's playing a small set of bongos as well as a large set of bongos right next to it.The man quickly only hits the small bongos and then moves onto the big bongos going from his right to his left.On the return back going from his left to his right, he hits only the large bongos first, then hits the smaller bongos.", "segments": [[0, 51.74], [18.37, 19.66], [19.66, 20.95]], "duration": 51.74, "id": 7945}, {"image_id": "v_4p6OjaHHSDs.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a woman wearing glasses. She starts smoking a cigarette, then leans over. A woman in bed is laughing as she falls onto her own bed, still smoking.", "segments": [[0, 3], [3.19, 29.23], [30.17, 37.48]], "duration": 37.48, "id": 7946}, {"image_id": "v_ad5QOYLt_cI.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a table chopping vegetables and preparing a sandwich, he put in a bread butter cheese, avoado, and ham and a rolled sandwich. man talks o the camera and spread butter in bread slices with a knife put cheddar cheese, ham and ketchup and cut in four slices and serve them in a plate.", "segments": [[0, 50.72], [50.02, 140.9]], "duration": 140.9, "id": 7947}, {"image_id": "v_k9VKFjPYT3o.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue coat is talking outside by a rock. He is wearing a rock climbing harness. He begins climbing up the rock. He has a rope around his neck with different rock climbing tools. He gives another person a high five.", "segments": [[0, 19.24], [20.04, 24.05], [29.66, 64.93], [59.32, 75.35], [154.7, 156.3]], "duration": 160.31, "id": 7948}, {"image_id": "v_gh8rmWE-564.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen riding down a hill with one on skis and the other on a sled. The person then goes over a jump and crashes into a snowbank, showing the same shot again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 2.56], [2.56, 15.07]], "duration": 15.07, "id": 7949}, {"image_id": "v_tZ6Fjq6SJvQ.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman dressed in a black evening gown and a black suit dance in a ball room dance style in a large room with stone floors and grated windows. The man and woman begin with a fast dance with a lot of foot work twirling around the floor. The man and woman then begin a slow dance in which they glide, caress, spin and twirl each other across the floor at times lingering in smoldering postures that imply romance. The man and woman then begin to dance fast again utilizing fast twirls and foot work and with the man picking the woman up and spinning her around in the air until one final dip.", "segments": [[2, 191.06], [2, 81.03], [81.03, 160.05], [160.05, 192.06]], "duration": 200.06, "id": 7950}, {"image_id": "v__zkcTAj5Z8Q.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen swimming around with another person standing in the water. The boy continues to swim around with the other people as well as do flips under the water. The kids move under and over the water while the camera continues to follow them.", "segments": [[1.15, 22.24], [16.11, 59.44], [60.59, 75.55]], "duration": 76.7, "id": 7951}, {"image_id": "v_Qm6HmQv5uOo.mp4", "caption": "A man sings a song with someone plays an accordion in a restaurant. The man playing accordion breaks his instrument in half. The people are startled but continue on singing the song.", "segments": [[0, 32.27], [17.53, 23.1], [18.18, 31.45]], "duration": 32.76, "id": 7952}, {"image_id": "v_cwhkG3LhZO8.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is standing at the parking lot, he is not wearing a shirt, he talked to the camera. He then walked with both his elbows up towards the road. The boy is on stage playing a brown guitar, he is not wearing a shirt, there's a microphone in front of him, behind him is a man playing a guitar too.", "segments": [[0, 32.44], [8.37, 87.9], [23.02, 195.69]], "duration": 209.3, "id": 7953}, {"image_id": "v_hxQhQsl-N1k.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A guy is half kneeing on a gym floor. The guy starts pressing a weight in one hand.", "segments": [[0.14, 9.15], [0.05, 1.17], [1.21, 9.34]], "duration": 9.34, "id": 7954}, {"image_id": "v_IuY073Pr4E4.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera. The man walks towards a children's playground. The man hangs from mounted bar type devices in the playground. The man dismounts and walks back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.55], [2.55, 9.79], [9.58, 37.89], [38.53, 42.58]], "duration": 42.58, "id": 7955}, {"image_id": "v_bjtjeUcoxkg.mp4", "caption": "A man speaks to a camera. Another man shaves his face that is covered with shaving cream. The man shaves part of his neck. The man's razor is covered with shaving cream so he rinses the razor with water. The man speaks to the camera again. The shaving man again shaves part of his cheek area. The man returns to speak to the camera. An animation of shaving is shown. The man continues to speak to the camera. The shaving man shaves more towards his chin, including his upper cheek. The man speaks some more to the camera.", "segments": [[8.48, 17.57], [18.18, 25.45], [26.66, 29.08], [30.3, 32.11], [32.72, 44.23], [44.84, 53.93], [54.53, 63.02], [64.83, 75.13], [76.35, 83.01], [84.22, 96.34], [98.16, 115.73]], "duration": 121.19, "id": 7956}, {"image_id": "v_X487OD6H6LE.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting behind two congas with one shoulder rolled up.After he finishes talking,he begins hitting the conga.After several hits,he adds in the other conga and starts to hit the other conga.", "segments": [[0, 17.63], [17.21, 46.59], [46.17, 83.94]], "duration": 83.94, "id": 7957}, {"image_id": "v_PUJqlmTdlak.mp4", "caption": "A man shuffles a deck of cards and deals them. Four aces are shown face up on the table. A man sits at a table and plays blackjack.", "segments": [[29.06, 38.01], [84.95, 87.19], [84.95, 223.56]], "duration": 223.56, "id": 7958}, {"image_id": "v_NA8fCmbHwU8.mp4", "caption": "A team rides together on a bus. Teams play games of beach soccer. A man makes a bicycle kick in the sand. The winning team holds up a trophy together and celebrates. Teammates call from the bench and cheer.", "segments": [[3.78, 8.39], [12.16, 65.44], [62.5, 65.44], [65.86, 74.25], [41.53, 62.08]], "duration": 83.89, "id": 7959}, {"image_id": "v_I4wkBjpwAAU.mp4", "caption": "Two army men in the their uniforms are tied together and pulling each other in opposite direction as part of their training. There is a crowd of army officers watching them cheering for them as they do the strength training exercise. The game is over after one of the army officer's drags the other officer on the ground and wins the game.", "segments": [[16.3, 61], [61, 83.82], [83.82, 88.94]], "duration": 93.14, "id": 7960}, {"image_id": "v_NkvwL_M_lDg.mp4", "caption": "The man in blue shirt is strumming the drum in front of him. The young man strum the drum in front of him then the next drum. The young man strum the drums in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 53.04], [11.08, 75.2], [61.74, 158.31]], "duration": 158.31, "id": 7961}, {"image_id": "v_NdFbQ0l3R9k.mp4", "caption": "A young preteen female is standing in the corner of a room talking.The girl is then shown in a sparkly leotard inside of a gymnasium.After,she hops on the balance beam and begins to do tricks before she flips off of the balance beam.She then retreats back to the camera,says a few brief words and waves bye.", "segments": [[0, 9.78], [9.78, 16], [16, 58.68], [58.24, 88.91]], "duration": 88.91, "id": 7962}, {"image_id": "v_lly76lvHbB8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red shirt holds onto a disc and skates down the ice. He lets go of the disc and walks back.", "segments": [[0, 10.23], [10.23, 17.95]], "duration": 17.95, "id": 7963}, {"image_id": "v_7MWFfqhKgIY.mp4", "caption": "A little girl performs holding on the rings. A boy stands next a man, then he raise a hand and walks to perform on the parallel bards. The boy swing on the bars, and then jumps on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 11.61], [0, 17.24], [17.41, 33.16]], "duration": 33.16, "id": 7964}, {"image_id": "v_wjcCl0jPxO4.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a maroon shirt washing her face in the sink. An aesthetician is talking about skin care routines and giving tips on how to keep facial skin clean. The model washes her face and then dabs it dry gently with a towel.", "segments": [[5.91, 55.71], [55.71, 61.19], [61.19, 81.87]], "duration": 84.41, "id": 7965}, {"image_id": "v_bFgXdHQnTtQ.mp4", "caption": "Three girls exercise inside a house. The girls dance while jumping, spinning and moving the hips. Then, the girls one by one thrown to the ground, then stand and continue dancing. After, two girls kneel and a child stands on the legs and raise her arms, after the girls ends their performance.", "segments": [[0, 48.71], [48.71, 108.98], [110.63, 135.4], [137.05, 165.12]], "duration": 165.12, "id": 7966}, {"image_id": "v_-lER_VO9LUo.mp4", "caption": "Two dogs are walking on the sidewalk attached by a rope. Two people are walking on the sidewalk next to them. One of the people is carrying a water bottle.", "segments": [[0, 25.45], [0.89, 25.45], [17.69, 22.01]], "duration": 25.45, "id": 7967}, {"image_id": "v_T-rV3KKFOgg.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates how to wash the underbody of a car. A car is shown going through a commercial wash. They advertise their expertise in washing cars.", "segments": [[0, 10.05], [11.08, 41.99], [42.77, 51.53]], "duration": 51.53, "id": 7968}, {"image_id": "v_hh6Yt_LJPwQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen talking to people out in public followed by a man washing his mouth out and kissing another girl. He then presents the mouth to various people spread out through days and has the people speak to the camera about their experience.", "segments": [[0, 47.61], [65.09, 120.54]], "duration": 120.54, "id": 7969}, {"image_id": "v_G-zVpNXq224.mp4", "caption": "We see Ellen playing table tennis. A Table tennis player comes out. The new match is played.The man holds his arms out. Ellen ducks down near the table. The players shake hands, the lady hugs Ellen and laugh. We see the ending screen with Ellen on it.", "segments": [[0, 18.25], [25.94, 34.59], [30.74, 164.28], [74.94, 84.54], [138.35, 146.03], [174.85, 189.26], [187.34, 192.15]], "duration": 192.15, "id": 7970}, {"image_id": "v_N2fTZV7pnEw.mp4", "caption": "A man is skiin on a slope, quickly. He turns as he passes between other skiers on the way.The man continues until he is finished, then removes himself to the board and joins other skiers at the resting spot.", "segments": [[0, 36.75], [39.9, 114.46], [115.51, 210.02]], "duration": 210.02, "id": 7971}, {"image_id": "v_IrTqW6Qn8mI.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of leaves being blown. A person is blowing leaves with a leaf blower. They continue blowing the leaves across the yard.", "segments": [[0, 5.02], [7.03, 25.11], [26.71, 40.17]], "duration": 40.17, "id": 7972}, {"image_id": "v_D2Trvi7Im_s.mp4", "caption": "A woman is skating down a sidewalk outside. She rolls slowly past the camera. She keeps skating down the sidewalk past the ocean's edge.", "segments": [[0, 5.49], [6.76, 23.88], [25.57, 42.26]], "duration": 42.26, "id": 7973}, {"image_id": "v_eUCKEnKxG8w.mp4", "caption": "Two young girls are seen kneeling before a tub while speaking to the camera. The girls hold up a product and measure it out followed by putting it into their mouths and swishing it around. The girls then spit out the liquid and continue to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 31.84], [28.49, 118.15], [120.67, 157.54]], "duration": 167.59, "id": 7974}, {"image_id": "v_9BS1II6O7I0.mp4", "caption": "A young man solves a cube puzzle while a man stand on front him. Then, a man writes on a paper and shows the young man. The young man solves again the puzzle is less time, and the man takes note. After the young man solves again two times the puzzle in less time. At the end, the young man solves the puzzle in less time than the previous times, he raises happy from his chair.", "segments": [[0, 18.25], [18.25, 24.33], [24.84, 43.09], [44.1, 70.46], [71.98, 101.38]], "duration": 101.38, "id": 7975}, {"image_id": "v_sdMr24Qyrw8.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is sitting in a chair, awaiting nervously. The piercing artist paints a dot above her lip. He sanitizes his tools and proceeds to pierce the lip of the young girl. He inserts a ring into the piercing. He tightens the piercing and cleans around the piercing. The girl looks into a mirror handed to her by the piercing artist and looks pleased.", "segments": [[0, 16.73], [17.32, 22.7], [23.3, 71.08], [71.68, 81.24], [81.83, 109.91], [110.51, 119.47]], "duration": 119.47, "id": 7976}, {"image_id": "v_tseeGOVN_eY.mp4", "caption": "A child is seen turning on a faucet and begins washes dishes in a sink. The child turns the water off an on again while scrubbing the dishes and another person walking in to help.", "segments": [[0.53, 42.6], [28.4, 103.08]], "duration": 105.19, "id": 7977}, {"image_id": "v_opAcl-kukdU.mp4", "caption": "cherleader team wearing purple uniforms are doing a choreography on the middle of a wooden court. a lot of people are sitting on stands around the court. people is walking on sides of the wooden court in a roofed gym.", "segments": [[0, 179.24], [0, 177.44], [3.58, 179.24]], "duration": 179.24, "id": 7978}, {"image_id": "v_J0EWvkkxh5o.mp4", "caption": "We see a girl preparing to dive in an indoor pool. The girl jumps and stands looking scared of the height. The girl turns and dives into the water. The girl surfaces and swims to the edge of the pool.", "segments": [[0, 39.11], [5.62, 36.69], [35.09, 40.18], [44.19, 53.57]], "duration": 53.57, "id": 7979}, {"image_id": "v_BJ-1HVacaF4.mp4", "caption": "The video starts with a logo of the cathedrals of light. Next a group of people are shown. Then people are shown swimming in an underwater world. Reefs and rocks are shown underwater. Scuba divers are shown swimming deep into the water exploring what is around.", "segments": [[0, 10.19], [10.19, 21.51], [10.19, 164.12], [67.91, 115.45], [67.91, 226.37]], "duration": 226.37, "id": 7980}, {"image_id": "v_JFVZdzzJVr8.mp4", "caption": "Two men are next to the table wearing blue shirts and welding helmets. The man is holding a welding machine and working on a metal that causes sparks, next to him is another man watching closely on the metal. The lights lit up, the man is poking the metal.", "segments": [[0, 12.24], [5.96, 47.7], [42.05, 59.63]], "duration": 62.76, "id": 7981}, {"image_id": "v_gJKw6jGjiDE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast stands nervously awaiting her start. The crowd in the arena watches her. She climbs up to a bar and performs various flips, cartwheels, as well as doing the splits mid air. She jumps off the bar and lands on a blue mat.", "segments": [[0, 15.82], [0, 105.49], [16.35, 99.69], [100.21, 105.49]], "duration": 105.49000000000001, "id": 7982}, {"image_id": "v_6fgk5PKVS2o.mp4", "caption": "A person's car is shown from several angles with a person inside and leads into the car driving with people inside. The people are then shown in various angles riding up a snowy mountain and going down a hill. Close ups of the people's faces are shown as they go up and down the hill several times and landing at the bottom of a hill.", "segments": [[0, 44.99], [42.74, 133.85], [166.47, 224.96]], "duration": 224.96, "id": 7983}, {"image_id": "v_uBhuULfs3Hc.mp4", "caption": "A man is at a mound, spinning a disc around in circles. He lets go of the disc and watches it fly. A line of discs is shown before a group of people on the field, choosing their own disc. People are shown, one at a time, throwing the discs. The winner stands with his trophy, shaking hands of people who walk up to him.", "segments": [[0, 10.82], [11.54, 19.48], [20.2, 46.17], [49.77, 128.4], [130.56, 144.27]], "duration": 144.27, "id": 7984}, {"image_id": "v_4dyn1oKJO34.mp4", "caption": "Various clips are shown of people playing lacrosse followed by a man holding the stick and speaking to the camera. He moves the stick all around demonstrating how to properly play.", "segments": [[0, 37.88], [27.51, 79.74]], "duration": 79.74, "id": 7985}, {"image_id": "v_G9ynahMxUz8.mp4", "caption": "A little girl kicks a big pink ball to her mother, who catches it and kicks it back. They continue kicking and throwing the ball to each other, and a man joins in. The little girl chases down the ball, bringing it back.", "segments": [[0, 9.86], [11.34, 37.96], [45.35, 98.59]], "duration": 98.59, "id": 7986}, {"image_id": "v_2WwWzzO6rZQ.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast jumps onto a balance beam and do many tricks and flips and lands back on her feet.the gymnast does two nice back flips back to back while keeping her balance and landing prefect on her feet.finally the female gymnast finishes with a high twice flip off the balance beam in the air and lands on the mat prefect.", "segments": [[3.61, 90.19], [40.13, 45.09], [75.31, 90.19]], "duration": 90.19, "id": 7987}, {"image_id": "v_oT42qP2zIXo.mp4", "caption": "An intro appears of a person standing in front of objects on a counter, then a white screen appears with a picture of an owl and the words on the screen that include a website and the gray words \"Samurai Pro Knife Sharpener\".The man then picks up the two knives near his cutting board and demonstrates how they each cut a piece of green onion the cutting board, then he fastens the sharpener onto the counter, runs his knife through the sharpener a few times then goes back to showing how it cuts the green onion and how the blades look. The man is touching, holding and showing the camera a closer look of the sharpener. The outro is a person drawing the owl and the website onto a large piece of paper with markers, gives a thumbs up when they're done, then the screen goes to a digital white screen of the same owl that was just drawn and the website below it.", "segments": [[0, 17.84], [17.84, 114.82], [114.82, 147.4], [147.4, 155.16]], "duration": 155.16, "id": 7988}, {"image_id": "v_YPSV5JEqhBw.mp4", "caption": "Women are holding a ball and spinning around before throwing it onto the field. A man in a red shirt is holding a broom. People are watching them throw the balls.", "segments": [[0, 99.13], [22.3, 75.34], [2.48, 99.13]], "duration": 99.13, "id": 7989}, {"image_id": "v_1t0yXLlX1XE.mp4", "caption": "Several images of a bald man bowling are shown and then he appears and throws a curve ball.Several videos from different locations are shown of the curve ball and the ball almost goes to the gutter but curves about two to three feet away from the bowling pins.", "segments": [[0, 9.34], [9.34, 84.87]], "duration": 84.87, "id": 7990}, {"image_id": "v_lx5Yfoj7Gk8.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a machine is shown printing paper and leads into people working around the picture. The people continue working with the machine putting paper through and measuring it and laying it out on a table. The people are then seen hanging the paper up on a wall and presenting it in the end.", "segments": [[2.03, 35.55], [36.56, 82.27], [76.68, 98.52]], "duration": 101.57, "id": 7991}, {"image_id": "v_aUbSDHBZNEQ.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a dog is seen who proceeds to run away towards another dog. The big dog then leads the little dog around on a leash.", "segments": [[0.72, 17.57], [12.01, 34.42]], "duration": 35.85, "id": 7992}, {"image_id": "v_QJVtvcYcwac.mp4", "caption": "This a video tutorial on getting box braids. A screen pops up with several websites and social media addresses. There are stills of the processes to make the braids shown on a girl in a pink jacket. Then a video shows how the process looks in actual time using a comb and the technique of separating the braids as a woman braids the hair by hand. Then there is a front view of the little girl in pink as the woman behind her finishes up the braiding process at the front of her head. There are screen text that mentions how the hair looks six hours later. Then there are still shots of the results of her hair being braided.", "segments": [[0, 206.43], [11.35, 16.51], [22.71, 40.25], [45.41, 110.44], [111.47, 158.95], [164.11, 168.24], [170.3, 206.43]], "duration": 206.43, "id": 7993}, {"image_id": "v_Ycf5NG0xedg.mp4", "caption": "A waterfall appears on screen next to a river with the title \"H20 Adventures Savegre River\" overlaid. A group of people walk across a red suspension walking bridge above the river. A group of people wearing life vests and holding oars listen to instructions. Groups of people row inflatable rafts down the fast current river. People stand on shore talking and drinking beverages. Video credits appear on screen over video of a lizard on a rock. The screen goes completely black after the credits end.", "segments": [[0, 7.12], [8.31, 49.83], [51.02, 75.94], [77.12, 166.11], [167.3, 182.72], [183.91, 207.64], [208.82, 237.3]], "duration": 237.3, "id": 7994}, {"image_id": "v_aFGLXYcKD2M.mp4", "caption": "A couple of men are on an indoor tennis court. They lob the ball back and forth over the net. They hit the ball back to each other.", "segments": [[0, 23.69], [25.85, 116.31], [120.62, 143.59]], "duration": 143.59, "id": 7995}, {"image_id": "v_jGLJuL49zYE.mp4", "caption": "Two men alternatively dance on the street while pedestrian and road traffic pass by. Two women stop to watch the dancers. A man and a woman stop to watch the dancers.", "segments": [[0, 86.15], [38.77, 58.15], [66.76, 86.15]], "duration": 86.15, "id": 7996}, {"image_id": "v_Gpjx38IDVT0.mp4", "caption": "A boy is inside an outdoor net. He swings a ball on a rope very quickly. He lets it go and watches as it flies across the field.", "segments": [[0, 5.27], [5.49, 17.48], [17.59, 22.41]], "duration": 22.41, "id": 7997}, {"image_id": "v_TDwSu2nfSXw.mp4", "caption": "A boy dancing on the front of a book with describing credits. The boy is sitting in an empty room talking about his dance moves. The boy is standing in the room showing a move that starts with kicking his left foot out as he slowly turns and shows the rest of the current dance move.Next the boy starts with same move but moves quicker. The instructions to practice are shown as the boy is dancing in the almost empty room.", "segments": [[0, 14.16], [14.16, 24.36], [24.36, 69.69], [69.69, 97.45], [97.45, 112.75]], "duration": 113.31, "id": 7998}, {"image_id": "v_Uk_VxavVjP0.mp4", "caption": "People are floating down a river in tubes. The trees are shown above the water. A man puts his hands behind his head.", "segments": [[0, 63.07], [57.71, 63.07], [5.05, 11.04]], "duration": 63.07, "id": 7999}, {"image_id": "v_WjueR8K-nnI.mp4", "caption": "Children rides bumper cars in a carnival. The kids get stuck in the center, but they free and drive. A woman push a stroller in the street. Children bumps cars and ride around. The children gets off the bumper cars and walk to the exit.", "segments": [[0, 27.59], [27.59, 71.11], [9.2, 11.65], [71.11, 106.05], [106.66, 122.6]], "duration": 122.6, "id": 8000}, {"image_id": "v_3nvKiZeVfGY.mp4", "caption": "A person slides a heavy ball on the floor while holding a brush on his left hand. Then, two men brush the floor on front the heavy ball without touching it. People plays behind the person. The yellow ball reaches the center of the red circle.", "segments": [[0, 5.67], [5.74, 9.45], [5.82, 7.41], [9.83, 12.93]], "duration": 15.12, "id": 8001}, {"image_id": "v_pgBfTJzVB98.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing a red hat and sunglasses. He throws a dart in front of him. He makes a bulls eye on the dart board.", "segments": [[0, 54.57], [7.91, 39.29], [40.38, 48.02]], "duration": 54.57, "id": 8002}, {"image_id": "v_baktSTMnMv4.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of billiards players and shots are shown. The shots are trick shots in the second half of the video.", "segments": [[0, 84.44], [46.27, 94.46]], "duration": 95.41, "id": 8003}, {"image_id": "v_1_YFTTzzLrI.mp4", "caption": "A man sits at a table and a woman moves a box from him. He puts his hands on the table then begins to solve a rubix cube. The timer continues as he solves the cube.", "segments": [[0, 2.31], [2.17, 5.35], [5.93, 28.91]], "duration": 28.91, "id": 8004}, {"image_id": "v_J4UFrrwKUQA.mp4", "caption": "two men are standing in a sailing boat in sea. man is standing in a dock wearing a red bull shirt and then is in the saillboat.dolphins are swimming next to the boat. people are standing on a sunny day in a dock.", "segments": [[0, 19.03], [19.03, 41.51], [124.54, 131.45], [131.45, 172.97]], "duration": 172.97, "id": 8005}, {"image_id": "v_TssNxg5XJ-o.mp4", "caption": "A man is kneeling on the ice with another beside hide pulling string out of a hole. They continue to pull the string while the man beside him grabs a hook. He places the hook near the hole but the man grabs a fish on a string. The fish flops around and the man grabs the fish and holds him up.", "segments": [[2.34, 92.06], [6.54, 69.16], [20.56, 56.54], [55.61, 93.46]], "duration": 93.46000000000001, "id": 8006}, {"image_id": "v_D5iU1Qfy-wk.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a room laughing. The man joins a woman and man at a table eating. The man sees a bobble doll and pushes it. The man hits the doll and bounces a ball around the room knocking all the food off the table and making a mess. The people laugh and the man cleans up and creates a whirlpool in the well which breaks and he ball smashes walls. The man works out in a field. Dust rises from the man and leafs fly through the sky.", "segments": [[0, 0.92], [1.85, 19.42], [19.42, 40.69], [44.39, 85.09], [85.09, 146.13], [147.05, 184.97], [160, 177.57]], "duration": 184.97, "id": 8007}, {"image_id": "v_PEp22TMpoHA.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are on rafts,white water rafting through rocky waters.Eventually,they travel through the water and end up hitting a huge rock and losing their paddles.After,they continue to go through rocky parts of the water and slide down small hills.", "segments": [[0, 44.67], [44.67, 120], [120.88, 175.19]], "duration": 175.19, "id": 8008}, {"image_id": "v_teDceMxV9PA.mp4", "caption": "A reporter reports on a story about amputees and non amputees using replacement limbs with advanced technology or as leg extenders and performance enhancers for non amputees. A reporter sits at a reporters table during a news broadcast before the clip cuts to people wearing limb replacement technology. Several clips of men who are not amputees wearing amputee extender legs are shown with the subjects running and bounced in the street.", "segments": [[0, 112.85], [0, 17.49], [17.49, 110.59]], "duration": 112.85, "id": 8009}, {"image_id": "v_brewO_8bl4g.mp4", "caption": "Hulk Hogan is seen speaking to the camera while holding up his arms and another man stands in the background. The man continues speaking to the camera and leads into clips of a boy arm wrestling and another man holding up his arm.", "segments": [[0.43, 30.76], [32.47, 81.18]], "duration": 85.45, "id": 8010}, {"image_id": "v_WnYqWQ005Tc.mp4", "caption": "An Asian male is standing on a hard wood floor and begins talking and begins to do a spin on his head.After the clip,he comes back and shows how to properly place your hands on the floor.As he continues,he grabs a beanie and puts it on his hand to make him turn easier.The man then does the twist continuously and shows off the cricket position before returning to talk again.", "segments": [[0, 40.7], [40.7, 99.28], [99.28, 141.97], [141.97, 198.55]], "duration": 198.55, "id": 8011}, {"image_id": "v_nVN1rP8H688.mp4", "caption": "Various title cards flash in front of the screen. We see a dog, and a man with a selfie stick carrying a snowboard. The man is snowboarding and holding the selfie stick. The man is playing with the dog, and we see the dog close up. The man is snowboarding downhill. He stops to pet his dog again before snowboarding again. the man and the dog are walking in an area with little snow. The man mounts the board and snowboards before putting it in his truck. We see the Gopro screen.", "segments": [[0, 15.89], [15.89, 32.76], [32.76, 44.68], [45.67, 60.56], [60.56, 118.15], [120.13, 154.88], [153.89, 164.81], [165.8, 185.66], [185.66, 198.57]], "duration": 198.57, "id": 8012}, {"image_id": "v_Yyv8oxrFGV0.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are seen crowded around a table where more men are sitting and speaking. Eventually two men chug a beer followed down a line of more men drinking their beer. The men finish their beers and laugh and applaud one another while many watch on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 11.69], [11.34, 58.82], [58.82, 70.87]], "duration": 70.87, "id": 8013}, {"image_id": "v_SMpmoqIk3Ts.mp4", "caption": "Several individuals are in the water playing a game and the man throws an orange ball to a person.The person then takes the ball and throws it to the man sitting next to the goal.He then moves to the other side of the pool and grabs the goal.", "segments": [[0, 2.13], [2.01, 7.15], [7.03, 25.1]], "duration": 25.1, "id": 8014}, {"image_id": "v_Xhrk1wP8tCs.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting down next to a desk where a fitness equipment piece is placed. The man shows off the pedals of the equipment as well as a timer on the equipment. A woman is seen walking on the equipment. A man pulls the fitness equipment from under a desk. The man is seen by the desk again, talking about the fitness equipment.", "segments": [[0, 14.53], [14.87, 26.7], [27.71, 38.53], [38.87, 42.58], [42.92, 67.59]], "duration": 67.59, "id": 8015}, {"image_id": "v_Snw8Jf1DQwg.mp4", "caption": "A screenshot of a woman wearing a blue jumpsuit is standing in a pose holding two batons and white words on the middle of the screen say \"2 Baton Nicole\".The woman is now standing on a floor with a lot of colorful lines and dashes and she begins her 2 baton routine that includes a lot of twirling, spinning, and throwing and catching of the batons.Almost to the end of her routine the woman drops the baton twice, picks them up and continues to do her routine until the end.", "segments": [[0, 5.06], [5.06, 85.08], [85.08, 101.29]], "duration": 101.28999999999999, "id": 8016}, {"image_id": "v_On4V94fVLpg.mp4", "caption": "A lady speaks with two pumpkins on a table. A woman shows her palm. A person carves a pumpkin. A females gives an interview on carving kit. Children hold pumpkins with smiles on their faces. A man pulls the top of a pumpkin off. The lady presents a knife and a smaller knife. Two people sit with papers in front of them.", "segments": [[0, 16.58], [19.89, 25.7], [43.11, 96.16], [45.59, 117.71], [53.88, 74.61], [118.54, 123.51], [140.92, 154.19], [164.96, 165.79]], "duration": 165.79, "id": 8017}, {"image_id": "v_K9kVsnTQh-g.mp4", "caption": "A man in sweat shirt washes plates and cups in a sink with soapy water. The man picks up silverware soaking in sink and washes them off. The man washes pots and a cutting board. The man washes a coffee press gadget. The man turns off the water and drains the sink.", "segments": [[0, 22.98], [22.98, 40.85], [40.34, 62.81], [74.04, 86.8], [88.34, 102.12]], "duration": 102.12, "id": 8018}, {"image_id": "v_ssies4ErWus.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting on the edge of the water. A guy is chopping something on the ground. A woman gets up and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 43.82], [20.14, 43.82], [41.82, 43.82]], "duration": 44.26, "id": 8019}, {"image_id": "v_KdqoLhoXjS8.mp4", "caption": "A grooming room is shown and three people are washing different dogs.Other rooms are shown and the dogs continue being groomed and laying down on the ground waiting for their turn.After,the camera leaves the back of the office and the reception area is shown.", "segments": [[0, 41.89], [41.3, 92.17], [92.17, 119.7]], "duration": 119.7, "id": 8020}, {"image_id": "v_mNTO-xnsaTc.mp4", "caption": "People are paddling oars in a blue raft. They go over a wave in the water. They continue going down the river.", "segments": [[0, 14.44], [13.19, 16.92], [16.76, 31.05]], "duration": 31.05, "id": 8021}, {"image_id": "v_6PaTEwG8Ym4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated on a chair in a hair salon. He is getting a haircut from a hairdresser who is wearing a blue dress. The man is sitting with a camera in his hand. The hairdresser finishes cutting his hair and then steps back.", "segments": [[1.98, 7.28], [7.28, 13], [13, 18.41], [18.41, 19.97]], "duration": 20.81, "id": 8022}, {"image_id": "v_PNdG3SUdJzc.mp4", "caption": "A kneeling man attempts to start a fire while several others watch on. One of the spectators walks away briefly. The kneeling man starts a fire. One of the spectators kisses the kneeing man.", "segments": [[0, 28.47], [22.73, 31.35], [30.56, 52.25], [40.75, 42.06]], "duration": 52.25, "id": 8023}, {"image_id": "v_A0R3KFXD_BU.mp4", "caption": "A group of men sit around a bar flirting with a bartender behind the bar. The woman continues talking to the men while the camera pans around various groups of people nearby the bar. The woman sparks with her hands while also dealing cards for people at the bar.", "segments": [[0.7, 46.67], [12.84, 31.97], [33.6, 46.67]], "duration": 46.67, "id": 8024}, {"image_id": "v_izdf6Fm48Tc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera with a pair of shoes in front of him. He holds up the shoes as well as cleaning products and begins using them on the shoes. He wipes the shoes while still showing the cleaning products and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 72.89], [58.09, 169.7], [137.81, 222.09]], "duration": 227.79, "id": 8025}, {"image_id": "v_a9qztQPPsJg.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in font of a table talking about how to clean a white sneaker. man pour a liquid on water and cleans the shoe with a brush and with a wipe polish it.", "segments": [[0, 23.83], [23.83, 113.45]], "duration": 113.45, "id": 8026}, {"image_id": "v_7MDr4f1r8rI.mp4", "caption": "Girls are shown one at a time, using pvc pipes to vault in an indoor gym onto a mat. Finally a boy is shown vaulting as well.", "segments": [[0, 164.69], [167.68, 199.62]], "duration": 199.62, "id": 8027}, {"image_id": "v_P2HtcvFg3z8.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a cartoon earth is shown, followed by a cartoon man with a javelin. The man is then shown throwing three different javelins in competition, interspersed with words on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 18.96], [21.27, 92.49]], "duration": 92.49000000000001, "id": 8028}, {"image_id": "v_PY4304sV5fY.mp4", "caption": "An young male Caucasian is sitting in a room behind a keyboard.Before he plays,he begins to talk and make movements across three black keys with his right hand as he continues to talk.He finally begins to play and you can see his hand moving rapidly across the keyboard on the left side of the screen.For his final chords,he takes his hand off the board and moves his head around in a circle.", "segments": [[0, 34.7], [34.7, 107.58], [107.58, 158.77], [150.97, 173.52]], "duration": 173.52, "id": 8029}, {"image_id": "v_v5KAaaZD6uk.mp4", "caption": "Athletes are giving interviews, and some show off their participation medals. Athletes are boarding white buses. The buses move down the road. A person stacks tee shirts. Athletes wait at the start line. Athletes are running down the road. Athletes cross the finish line. The credits of the clip are shown.", "segments": [[1.13, 209.29], [23.76, 24.89], [26.02, 27.15], [28.28, 29.41], [31.68, 44.12], [46.38, 175.35], [152.72, 170.82], [210.42, 225.12]], "duration": 226.26, "id": 8030}, {"image_id": "v_i1s-HuRTr5k.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen sitting on the ground when a man walks over and hands him shoes. The man then puts on the shoes and begins moving around the field. The man kicks a ball around while the camera follows him from behind.", "segments": [[1.66, 63.83], [52.22, 126.83], [112.74, 160.82]], "duration": 165.79, "id": 8031}, {"image_id": "v_Nk4p-ah_PkA.mp4", "caption": "People playing a baseball game are shown on a large field with dozens of people watching on the side. The people continue playing the game and ends with several players running of the field in the end.", "segments": [[0.63, 31.28], [30.01, 63.18]], "duration": 63.18, "id": 8032}, {"image_id": "v_YmGXXV6ztUo.mp4", "caption": "An Asian man wearing glasses, a green shirt with yellow stripes is sitting down talking in a room.Still shot pictures of a book appear, and the man appears talking again, and then more black text on a white screen shows up.The man appears again but this time he's outdoors and he's holding a very large archery and is showing the right and the wrong way to draw his string back. The man then moves a plant and stands so that he's standing in between two of them on the ground and he begins holding his archery, and showing different ways to hold it.The man appears again back indoors and sitting down talking.", "segments": [[0, 14.42], [14.42, 104.3], [104.3, 117.61], [117.61, 199.72], [199.72, 221.91]], "duration": 221.91, "id": 8033}, {"image_id": "v_V4_SJyhRGqA.mp4", "caption": "A game of croquette is in progress. A man has lined up numerous colored balls. He moves down the line, hitting each ball through the goal.", "segments": [[0, 24.68], [28.58, 88.33], [92.87, 129.89]], "duration": 129.89, "id": 8034}, {"image_id": "v_7uk4sqUBhks.mp4", "caption": "This video is a tutorial showing people how to ski correctly. First it tells you what environment you should ski in. It also shows someone skiing in the snow to accompany the steps given.", "segments": [[0, 185.78], [5.57, 177.42], [6.5, 181.14]], "duration": 185.78, "id": 8035}, {"image_id": "v_gqJE_SZyoIc.mp4", "caption": "A man is working out on an elliptical machine. It shows the screen on the machine.", "segments": [[0, 105.91], [63.54, 75.72]], "duration": 105.91, "id": 8036}, {"image_id": "v_lEqYTrzaHsc.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a boat full of people flying on the water. The camera shows various angles of the boat moving along the water as well as close ups on the people on board.", "segments": [[0, 17.86], [16.63, 61.6]], "duration": 61.6, "id": 8037}, {"image_id": "v_EavcvmrlVLQ.mp4", "caption": "We see men playing a game of soccer and scoring repeatedly indoors. We see a goalie jumping around and a man shoot and score. We see a happy young man fanning his shirt.", "segments": [[0, 159.92], [64.77, 78.36], [149.52, 158.32]], "duration": 159.92000000000002, "id": 8038}, {"image_id": "v_UfYMJBu4HI0.mp4", "caption": "Apply the tiles in the same exact direction. The tile must be installed over the adhesive. Then roll immediately with a hundred-point roller. Cut tiles near the perimeter to ensure smooth installation.", "segments": [[34.85, 44.47], [48.07, 49.88], [51.08, 53.48], [72.71, 75.72]], "duration": 120.19, "id": 8039}, {"image_id": "v_QWhn9Ncvvso.mp4", "caption": "A person shows bacon on a dish, then puts mayonnaise on two pieces of bread. Then, the person puts bacon on a bread and lettuce and tomato on the other bread, then spread peeper and form the sandwich. Next, the person cuts the sandwich in half, then takes a half and gives a bite.", "segments": [[0, 120.45], [120.45, 199.16], [199.16, 234.94]], "duration": 238.52, "id": 8040}, {"image_id": "v_VGVIaQuhdcI.mp4", "caption": "A man uses a tool to even plaster on a wall. The man works on the wall below the visible frame of the camera. The man rises up in front of the camera and walks past it.", "segments": [[0, 42.38], [42.38, 63.74], [63.74, 65.71]], "duration": 65.71, "id": 8041}, {"image_id": "v_oXFKaTlg3p0.mp4", "caption": "People are riding in a boat in the water. The boat is pulling a tube with a man behind it. The person flies off of the tube. The boat is pulling the same tube with several young people on it. A person water skis behind the boat. A jet ski passes by the boat then we see the passengers.", "segments": [[0, 162.73], [13.02, 95.19], [95.19, 96.01], [97.64, 125.3], [125.3, 140.76], [140.76, 151.34]], "duration": 162.73, "id": 8042}, {"image_id": "v_Qzewn-dGdOI.mp4", "caption": "A man holding a red cape is standing in front of a bull. The bull hits him and knocks him to the ground. People carry the man off the arena.", "segments": [[6.82, 12.92], [12.18, 36.31], [35.82, 48.74]], "duration": 48.74, "id": 8043}, {"image_id": "v_K_I5LyzD8m0.mp4", "caption": "A barber rubs shaving cream on a man's bald head. The barber stops to clean his hands with a towel. The barber grabs a razor and slowly shaves the head of the man.", "segments": [[0, 6.22], [6.5, 11.91], [12.18, 54.13]], "duration": 54.13, "id": 8044}, {"image_id": "v_XP8pufIBsnM.mp4", "caption": "A young man bend to lift a weight to his shoulders, then he lifts the weight above his head. The young man lets the weight falls on the floor. After, the man flips, and then a man comes and hugs the young man.", "segments": [[0, 37.37], [37.37, 38.53], [38.99, 46.14]], "duration": 46.14, "id": 8045}, {"image_id": "v_DhYJl8KAZN4.mp4", "caption": "An intro comes onto the screen giving information for a percussion company. A man begins to play a set of drums with the camera showing him from several different angles. The camera shows his foot using a pedal to play the drums. As the video ends the closing credits are displayed.", "segments": [[0, 5.77], [5.77, 222.68], [215.76, 216.91], [223.84, 230.76]], "duration": 230.76, "id": 8046}, {"image_id": "v_Y4svcMuQgBw.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks and smiles while ironing a garment from a laundry room. A woman wearing a pink shirt and apron stands in a laundry room in front of a washer and dryer and talks facing the camera. The woman bends down to pick up a garment and then spreads it over an ironing table. The woman proceeds to iron the garment, stopping momentarily, to spray the garment with a liquid from a white spray bottle, then finishes ironing the garment and holds it to her face and cheeks and smiles.", "segments": [[0.82, 164.79], [0.82, 15.66], [17.3, 47.79], [50.26, 163.97]], "duration": 164.79, "id": 8047}, {"image_id": "v_6eQuZddoEcI.mp4", "caption": "Three athletes perform hammer throws at a professional sports event in front of an audience in bleachers and score keepers. A man spins a hammer throw sports hammer around and around again at a professional sports event and then lets it go to fly into a field surrounded by an audience in bleachers. The athlete walks away and looks disappointed as a scoreboard reveals the score. Two more athletes perform the same sport in the same way both letting the hammer fly in the air. A final scoreboard displays showing hammer throw scores.", "segments": [[0, 99.07], [4.46, 13.87], [13.87, 20.8], [20.8, 66.38], [66.38, 98.57]], "duration": 99.07, "id": 8048}, {"image_id": "v_z9PXpyWbXk8.mp4", "caption": "The kid is standing in the court. The little girl is sitting at the other end of a mat. The young boy run towards the mat and jump over the pole.", "segments": [[0, 2.19], [0.95, 7.06], [3.28, 7.06]], "duration": 7.06, "id": 8049}, {"image_id": "v_UdIoEWadRxI.mp4", "caption": "A woman bartender is standing behind a bar. An empty glass is in front of her as she talks. She adds ice to the glass with a scoop. She adds three different liquids from three bottles to the glass. She stirs and continues to talk about the drink.", "segments": [[0, 169.44], [16.18, 34.91], [42.57, 62.16], [68.97, 120.91], [128.57, 169.44]], "duration": 170.3, "id": 8050}, {"image_id": "v_fnZIksNLUXA.mp4", "caption": "We see people on a boat and then see quick shots of people on a boat in diving gear. We see people under water diving. A man holds a white thing and touches it over and over. Above water people are on the boat and a person falls into the water, we see people underwater diving and looking at sealife at night. A person falls back into the water and we are underwater near a shipwreck in the day. The men get on the boat after they are done.", "segments": [[0, 15.08], [15.08, 54.47], [37.71, 57.82], [58.66, 84.64], [85.48, 152.52], [154.19, 167.6]], "duration": 167.6, "id": 8051}, {"image_id": "v_I1P5GuVHFQA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up various objects and sharpening a stick. The man then puts a helmet on and attached the stick to a holder, leading into the man creating a spark and cutting an object. He pauses to speak more to the camera and looking down at the object to see how it turned out.", "segments": [[9.25, 71.95], [74, 170.62], [167.54, 205.57]], "duration": 205.57, "id": 8052}, {"image_id": "v_n--IF_1qqYA.mp4", "caption": "A man is mowing his lawn, he has chickens in his coop. The time is speed up so quickly so it looks like it is in double time. He walks around the yard looking around. The yard looks very green and very nicely kept.", "segments": [[0, 2.05], [2.05, 3.8], [3.44, 6.36], [6.26, 10.26]], "duration": 10.26, "id": 8053}, {"image_id": "v_0HrPpZa_xv8.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy on a horse runs after a cow. The cowboy jumps off the horse and runs after the cow. The cowboy ties the cow up.", "segments": [[0, 12.8], [12.91, 16.58], [16.58, 20.99]], "duration": 20.99, "id": 8054}, {"image_id": "v_oRR1nIUPbjo.mp4", "caption": "A person is sitting in a raft going down a stream. There are multiple people in a raft going in the river. Someone falls into the water and gets helped back in.", "segments": [[0, 132.11], [128.04, 141.26], [137.19, 143.29]], "duration": 203.25, "id": 8055}, {"image_id": "v_eMNvlcxXZj8.mp4", "caption": "People are working out in a room. They are stepping on stepping stools. They are dancing together while working out.", "segments": [[0, 109], [2.72, 109], [0.54, 109]], "duration": 109.0, "id": 8056}, {"image_id": "v_MZQmJZ_31O0.mp4", "caption": "We see a ladies eye and noes up close. We see the lady in the desert spinning hula hoops and performing tricks. The lady hula hoops with 10 or so golden hula hoops. The lady spins the hoop on her hand then transfers it to her leg stretched upward and we see her in the gold hoops again. The lady spins her body in and out of the hoops and we see her in a handstand with the hula hoop on her feet. She is in the gold hoops as they fall to the ground she then spins many pink hoops from her hands to her feet and as a skirt. We see the ending credits.", "segments": [[0, 4.48], [4.48, 207.03], [68.26, 79.45], [83.93, 107.43], [139.88, 158.91], [160.03, 208.15], [208.15, 223.81]], "duration": 223.81, "id": 8057}, {"image_id": "v_yauw3CrvbtY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is standing next to a swimming pool. A man is holding a camera filming him go up the stairs. He stands on a diving board and jumps into the pool below him. He gets out of the water and walks to give hugs to people.", "segments": [[1.86, 4.66], [39.15, 71.78], [71.78, 96.02], [97.88, 140.77]], "duration": 186.45, "id": 8058}, {"image_id": "v_y3r4IrZkgBo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on a tub with a towel wrapped around her and shaving her legs. She then laughs to the camera and runs out with a young boy pushing her to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 9.75], [9.23, 34.19]], "duration": 34.19, "id": 8059}, {"image_id": "v_cz20Wqx9d4Q.mp4", "caption": "Two men are sitting at a picnic table getting ready to arm wrestle. Various people are watching from the sides and the men begin to arm wrestle. A man is interviewed by the cameraman and shows off his biceps to the camera. Two men continue talking to the camera and eventually begin arm wrestling again. They play various matches of arm wrestling and interview a woman onlooker who also wants to arm wrestle. The man lets her win their arm wrestling match and the girl seems giddy.", "segments": [[0, 23.22], [23.22, 31.46], [32.95, 48.68], [54.67, 85.38], [86.13, 118.34], [118.34, 149.79]], "duration": 149.79, "id": 8060}, {"image_id": "v_1cccnJAK7TI.mp4", "caption": "A guy is tattooing a lady's upper arm. The lady is in pain. The guy whips with a white paper towel.", "segments": [[0, 66.08], [0, 54.19], [28.75, 66.08]], "duration": 66.08, "id": 8061}, {"image_id": "v_W6y6Vmk5edg.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen leaning across a long beam and begins performing a gymnastics routine. The girl flips and tricks along the beam while others watch on the side. The woman continues moving along the beam and ends by jumping off the side and walking off the stage.", "segments": [[0.91, 29.46], [29.01, 69.35], [54.39, 87.93]], "duration": 90.65, "id": 8062}, {"image_id": "v_Z4biLo6k5fI.mp4", "caption": "The faucet showing is then a hand attached the hose and tighten the hose. A straw is attached to a tank. The woman is washing the dog with the hose in the bathtub.", "segments": [[0, 37.44], [25.87, 65.36], [42.89, 136.16]], "duration": 136.16, "id": 8063}, {"image_id": "v_kMYZWwZXx3E.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a fence while text is being shown across. A person is shown in several shots spraying down the fence with a hose. In the end more clips are shown of the fence.", "segments": [[0.3, 19.01], [17.5, 44.65], [41.33, 57.63]], "duration": 60.34, "id": 8064}, {"image_id": "v_A6DBt7UgWEg.mp4", "caption": "A spinning disc with circles of color are shown, panning out a a film reel and the words films of india. A man is shown stretching before engaging in a tennis match in front of a crowd. He then speaks to the crowd amongst flashing cameras through a microphone. The man is occasionally shown playing tennis, then goes back to speaking to the group.", "segments": [[0, 17.73], [18.77, 105.32], [108.45, 168.94], [172.06, 208.56]], "duration": 208.56, "id": 8065}, {"image_id": "v_Gl3okOVEwgg.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at the foot of a large wall. He is stretching and staring at it looking like he might climb it. He looks up and down before putting a foot on the base of the wall. He then starts to climb higher and higher. He scales the wall very methodically. He eventually get to the very top with relative ease.", "segments": [[0, 13.61], [12.97, 25.28], [25.28, 29.82], [31.12, 72.61], [73.26, 108.92], [108.27, 129.66]], "duration": 129.66, "id": 8066}, {"image_id": "v_-fuvIQpA-QQ.mp4", "caption": "A teen boy is standing in a kitchen, holding a pitcher and talking. He fills the pitcher with water at the sink. He then mixes a powder into the water, creating a drink mix. He ads alcohol, then drinks from the pitcher to test the flavor.", "segments": [[0, 23.77], [28.73, 92.12], [101.04, 167.41], [174.34, 198.11]], "duration": 198.11, "id": 8067}, {"image_id": "v_nXr1r26HZis.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are inside a building. They are playing a game of foosball together. They kick the figures back and forth, trying to win the game.", "segments": [[0, 6.15], [8.75, 38.53], [41.6, 47.28]], "duration": 47.28, "id": 8068}, {"image_id": "v_LslQvR_4bkk.mp4", "caption": "A man practice ice hockey throwing a disc with a stick. Then, the player scores in a game and he is congratulated by teammates. Other player talks and talks when score while men plays ice hockey. A player talks and teams are playing in the ice court, and players score.", "segments": [[4.25, 33.15], [33.15, 98.6], [98.6, 137.7], [138.55, 161.49]], "duration": 169.99, "id": 8069}, {"image_id": "v_1JEQbXJC85w.mp4", "caption": "A man in tshirt leans on a kitchen counter next to bags of ingredients. The man presents each separate ingredient and holds them up showing each one. A pan of sliced sausage and peppers cooks on a stove. A pot of soup boils. Ingredients sit next to the stove top and are being used to prepare the food. A bowl of sliced vegetables has the pans ingredients added in. A bowl of colander of pasta is added into to bowl and shaken. A bag of cheese is held up. The man speaks up close to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.98], [29.1, 74.99], [80.59, 96.26], [97.38, 104.1], [105.22, 123.13], [126.48, 153.35], [154.47, 193.64], [195.88, 198.12], [201.48, 223.86]], "duration": 223.86, "id": 8070}, {"image_id": "v_bJx4unQR6nU.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks in an office. The woman explains how she curls her hair.", "segments": [[0, 71.26], [0.71, 71.26]], "duration": 71.26, "id": 8071}, {"image_id": "v_aT-0XxCqV5E.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing and sitting around a sand pit while a runner jumps inside it. The man is shown several times jumping with people measuring his jump afterwards and raking the sand.", "segments": [[0, 25.49], [21, 45.78]], "duration": 47.2, "id": 8072}, {"image_id": "v_UJfwaeMrZ7A.mp4", "caption": "A woman is on a concrete court outside. She is jumping across a chalk drawn hopscotch game. She goes back and forth over the puzzle twice.", "segments": [[0, 7.85], [8.23, 22.29], [22.42, 25.33]], "duration": 25.33, "id": 8073}, {"image_id": "v_nAkA1HfRwF8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen doing flips on a soft floor while moving in slow motion. The man continues performing several tricks across the floor and ends with a title sequence across the screen.", "segments": [[0.64, 18.43], [17.37, 42.38]], "duration": 42.38, "id": 8074}, {"image_id": "v_AVL31l6H1uI.mp4", "caption": "A lady in a suit talks in a white room. We see a man washing a car with a towel. We see the car being rinsed with a pressure washer and the wheel is wiped. the emblem appears on the screen as suds slip down a car.", "segments": [[0, 3.01], [3.16, 6.1], [6.1, 11.98], [12.21, 15.07]], "duration": 15.07, "id": 8075}, {"image_id": "v_r6r4Q9jLFvs.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a room with three walls and a glass wall behind him hitting a ball with a racket.A series of words are then shown as well as a YouTube video.The next screen comes around with a large hot air balloon and animated cars.", "segments": [[0, 18.87], [18.6, 37.75], [38.02, 54.71]], "duration": 54.71, "id": 8076}, {"image_id": "v_rVRNX-fClE4.mp4", "caption": "A blurry object is shown and white text shows up that reads \"Fun Shoe Shine\". As the picture becomes more clear there is a small silver can with a screw on lid and the writing on the can say's \"Dr Martens AirWair\". A pair of shiny black boots are standing and their black shoelaces are tied and the text \"After\" appears on the front left area of the boot. A few angles of the boots are shown and various words pop up in front of them. A person is then seen wiping the boot down with a cloth and more texts show up. A close up of the silver can being opened by a hand is showing the contents in it and how to use the contents on a boot. The can is then screwed tight again and the texts \"See you next time\" ends the video. Pop up texts occur throughout the entire time.", "segments": [[0, 8.74], [8.74, 12.9], [12.9, 19.55], [19.55, 39.52], [39.52, 51.17], [51.17, 77.37], [77.37, 83.2], [6.66, 83.2]], "duration": 83.2, "id": 8077}, {"image_id": "v_U4UHEGNFyz8.mp4", "caption": "A person is riding a bike down a dirt track. A little boy wearing red is riding a small bike down the track. A person falls down at the end.", "segments": [[10.33, 15.03], [93, 108.97], [185.99, 187.87]], "duration": 187.87, "id": 8078}, {"image_id": "v_3jEnu5mEYA4.mp4", "caption": "Food sizzling in hot oil in a black skillet on the stove, a long stemmed spoon sits in the skillet. Onions are added to the skillet. the skillet is stirred and the spoon removed. Salt is added and stirred in. The skillet gently sizzles as the mix cooks. Spices are added to the skillet. The flame is visible as the skillet sizzles more vigorously, the skillet is stirred and the food is browning. 4 eggs are broken into the skillet. The mixture is stirred and left to cook. Pasta is poured and stirred in to the mixture from a sieve. It is left to cook more. It is now plated and fresh herbs are sprinkled on top.", "segments": [[0, 6.19], [6.19, 10.61], [10.61, 14.15], [17.68, 31.83], [31.83, 44.21], [44.21, 54.82], [54.82, 69.85], [68.97, 92.84], [92.84, 115.83], [115.83, 148.55], [148.55, 166.23], [166.23, 176.84]], "duration": 176.84, "id": 8079}, {"image_id": "v_TcGhRsPTTRE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking around an area pointing to himself and speaking to the camera. The man then begins performing various martial arts moves and kicking towards the camera. The man continues moving around while the camera captures his movements.", "segments": [[0, 36.05], [30.55, 94.1], [83.1, 120.37]], "duration": 122.21, "id": 8080}, {"image_id": "v_hgzyQ_jHeJc.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast bows before walking up to the beam. He mounts the beam and begins to perform. He spins around the beam multiple times. He jumps off the beam in a finale.", "segments": [[0, 14.31], [15.02, 64.38], [65.09, 106.58], [106.58, 143.06]], "duration": 143.06, "id": 8081}, {"image_id": "v_-uICMT1yOcM.mp4", "caption": "A baby is sitting in a high chair. An ice cream pop goes into her mouth, and she chews a bite from it. She sticks out her tongue after every bite, licking at the air.", "segments": [[0, 12.18], [13.77, 36.02], [42.38, 105.94]], "duration": 105.94, "id": 8082}, {"image_id": "v_B-KSdR2ct00.mp4", "caption": "A woman is brushing her teeth. A woman approaches behind her. The woman stops brushing her teeth. A woman smiles really big.", "segments": [[0, 31.93], [3.97, 4.96], [32.12, 37.68], [38.27, 39.66]], "duration": 39.66, "id": 8083}, {"image_id": "v_Ds-LrRrLj9c.mp4", "caption": "A little girl wearing a brown bow is standing in front of the sink brushing her teeth.The little girl,then turns the water on and spits several times in the sink.Finally,she puts the brush down,rinses her mouth and dries it with a brown towel.", "segments": [[0, 25.77], [25.3, 54.89], [54.89, 95.46]], "duration": 95.46000000000001, "id": 8084}, {"image_id": "v_QLsdBUBpz_8.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen sitting on top of a slide and looking back towards the camera. The boy then pushes himself backwards down the slide while turning over in the end and jumping off.", "segments": [[0.44, 11.82], [9.63, 28.46]], "duration": 29.19, "id": 8085}, {"image_id": "v_ri5WJu1K0ak.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen speaking to the camera and begins playing with her hair. She pins up her and puts put a headband in her hair. She then puts in more fake hair as well as doing her makeup. She points to the camera in the end and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 44.88], [42.24, 104.72], [91.52, 141.69], [118.81, 168.97]], "duration": 176.01, "id": 8086}, {"image_id": "v_8yFimnZ8XhA.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting in a tube surrounded by a large group of people also sitting on tubes. The camera pans around to the various people sitting in the tubes. The girl jumps out of her tube and finds herself swimming in the water.", "segments": [[0, 30.36], [13.83, 27.05], [30.06, 60.12]], "duration": 60.12, "id": 8087}, {"image_id": "v_MEbEcvzdytY.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a red workout shirt is talking about the benefits of an elliptical cross trainer. Another woman in a pink tank top is demonstrating the use of the elliptical. The woman in red continues explaining the use of the elliptical. Then a demonstration of how the legs must move on the elliptical is shown. The woman in red further explains benefits of the workout with an elliptical. The woman on the machine continues to show the viewers the correct way to exercising on the elliptical. The host then concludes the tutorial.", "segments": [[9.57, 20.88], [20.88, 44.38], [44.38, 71.35], [71.35, 94.85], [94.85, 156.63], [156.63, 161.85], [161.85, 174.03]], "duration": 174.03, "id": 8088}, {"image_id": "v_15vwVfNA99o.mp4", "caption": "a woman is sitting at a table in a fast food restaurant while eating. She continually speaks to nobody as she eats.She stands up and grabs her purse, continuing to talk and laugh as she leaves.", "segments": [[0, 44.82], [46.57, 156.42], [160.81, 175.75]], "duration": 175.75, "id": 8089}, {"image_id": "v_Io8EwPbNUbE.mp4", "caption": "A video tutorial is shown of a family doing dishes at a campsite. Everything is thrown into two buckets. One with soap and the other to rinse.", "segments": [[0, 84.15], [4.63, 51.75], [33.24, 80.36]], "duration": 84.15, "id": 8090}, {"image_id": "v_b40ECuGuck8.mp4", "caption": "Woman throws a throwing knife at board. Three men throw knives. Knives hit a board. Two men throw throwing knives backwards. Man throws throwing knife. Woman throws throwing knife. A man and woman throw throwing knives. Man throws knife while laying down. Man demonstrates techniques to students. Dojo members practice techniques. Dojo members bow to the man.", "segments": [[10.05, 11.11], [13.22, 14.81], [15.34, 19.04], [24.33, 25.92], [28.03, 32.27], [32.8, 35.44], [44.43, 47.61], [48.66, 50.78], [56.6, 73.52], [73.52, 95.21], [95.74, 96.27]], "duration": 105.78999999999999, "id": 8091}, {"image_id": "v_TakNLlCbjvw.mp4", "caption": "A child walks by a hopscotch pattern. The child puts her palms on the hopscotch pattern. The child hops on the hopscotch pattern.", "segments": [[0, 3.67], [3.41, 5.77], [6.03, 52.48]], "duration": 52.48, "id": 8092}, {"image_id": "v_lu1bVIcDn4c.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is standing behind a counter with a black skillet on it.In her hands,she is holding two onions then the video rapidly shows her with a tomato,rutabaga and a bag of Cathedral City mature cheddar.Next,she begins cutting each of the ingredients and adds butter to a skillet.After it is fried for five minutes,the mushrooms go in the pot and three eggs are cracked.The rest of the contents are added into a measuring cup then eventually all of the contents are poured into a frying pan.After sometime,an omelette is created and put on a plate along with two slices of toast.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [4.23, 6.51], [6.51, 26.68], [26.35, 37.74], [37.09, 53.36], [54.34, 65.07]], "duration": 65.07, "id": 8093}, {"image_id": "v_deLpSUF1wio.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing in the woods with another boy. He lights a fire, then throws it at a pile. The two boys stare at the pile while it burns.", "segments": [[0, 3.66], [4.03, 12.75], [12.82, 14.65]], "duration": 14.65, "id": 8094}, {"image_id": "v_G12fEYNjIR0.mp4", "caption": "Team USA Women are in the Olympics.Tracy,Natalie, Nicole,Allison and Debbie are group photographed in multiple scenes.As Team USA scores,the team mates hug.", "segments": [[0, 48.83], [14.41, 47.61], [10.99, 16.85]], "duration": 48.83, "id": 8095}, {"image_id": "v_zGwcX0S4DVA.mp4", "caption": "People are riding camels in the desert. People are walking alongside camels. A lady looks down and to the side of her camel.", "segments": [[0, 51.43], [5.43, 51.43], [50.91, 51.69]], "duration": 51.69, "id": 8096}, {"image_id": "v_RbbjYXAxaPI.mp4", "caption": "A large crowd sits in a theater clapping and watching. Two women are seen on stage dancing. One of the women shows her talent balancing swords on her different parts of her body.", "segments": [[0, 133.86], [3.35, 28.78], [28.78, 132.52]], "duration": 133.86, "id": 8097}, {"image_id": "v_W_LjBXWG7wI.mp4", "caption": "Several shots of beaches are shown and leads into women in bikinis playing a game of volley ball. The girls continue playing then sit on the sides and touch each other's legs. They then put lotion all over their legs and begins shaving their legs and holding the ball laughing in the end.", "segments": [[0, 18.94], [19.44, 63.3], [62.8, 99.68]], "duration": 99.68, "id": 8098}, {"image_id": "v_4x08i2_AYKo.mp4", "caption": "A man walks on stilts into a park. Turns to his right and walks pass a row of benches. The man speeds up then returns to his initial speed. The man reaches the park's sign and comes to a stop.", "segments": [[0, 7.21], [5.77, 15.39], [15.87, 31.26], [32.94, 48.09]], "duration": 48.09, "id": 8099}, {"image_id": "v_kXP1tgr476c.mp4", "caption": "This man is sitting outdoors polishing another man's shoes and neither one of their faces are shown. The man is sitting on the ground and he is using a brown towel to polish the man's shoes. He also puts liquid onto a small brush and he puts it on the man's shoes.", "segments": [[0, 65.2], [1.3, 65.2], [60.31, 65.2]], "duration": 65.2, "id": 8100}, {"image_id": "v_elW8E-9bCRQ.mp4", "caption": "Two very tall men in tuxedos are dancing outside of a store. People are standing back watching them do their dance. One of the men puts his foot out while the other turns him in circles. When the dance is finally over both men shake hands and wave to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 29.95], [29.18, 69.12], [69.12, 108.29], [108.29, 153.6]], "duration": 153.6, "id": 8101}, {"image_id": "v_nM_6V_Z6IwI.mp4", "caption": "A man is in front of a mirror. He is covering his face in a white liquid substance. He then disappears for a while, and returns with a wet but clean face.", "segments": [[0, 7.33], [9.28, 35.18], [40.55, 97.71]], "duration": 97.71000000000001, "id": 8102}, {"image_id": "v_PLPUWZ7XZDo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is kneeling down on a blue mat. She grabs a while bar and holds it next to her. She puts the bar down and picks up a kettle bell. She lifts the kettle bell and puts it back down. She then picks it back up and lifts it up and down several times in front of her.", "segments": [[0, 145.8], [13.85, 73.63], [73.63, 75.09], [80.19, 98.41], [130.49, 142.15]], "duration": 145.8, "id": 8103}, {"image_id": "v_IWHN3TD8mMQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman introduces herself to the camera and begins to talk about the topic of the video, pasta. The camera shows the ingredients that go into cooking pasta. The woman drops salt in a pot of water and turns the burners on. Once, boiling, she adds the pasta in the pot. She stirs the pasta, and then empties the pot in a colander once the pasta is al dente. She returns the pasta to the pot and adds olive oil.", "segments": [[0, 18.89], [28.69, 40.58], [41.98, 51.08], [55.28, 65.08], [69.27, 97.26], [113.36, 123.85]], "duration": 139.95, "id": 8104}, {"image_id": "v_POafWgyeV0I.mp4", "caption": "A woman and male sports news reporter, report, during a live newscast, from behind a newscast table, on a story about the dangers of dodgeball in schools and whether or not a dodge ball hurts more than a soccer ball when hit with one or the other. Two newscasters talk to each other from behind a newscast table. The clip switches to display a series of video clips of different children playing dodgeball in gymnasiums and being hit by the dodgeball. The woman reporter then takes a group of men out to a enclosed, paved area, outdoors, and proceeds to throw both a dodgeball and soccer ball at them, at which point several of the men display that they have been hit and hurt by both balls.", "segments": [[0, 169.81], [1.7, 9.34], [11.04, 35.66], [92.55, 167.26]], "duration": 169.81, "id": 8105}, {"image_id": "v_aG5kKRuw0Fk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of women are seen standing on a stage hitting drums while another group of men play behind them. The group continuously plays in front of a large crowd and ends with credits rolling along the screen.", "segments": [[0, 113.89], [53.22, 212.88]], "duration": 212.88, "id": 8106}, {"image_id": "v_ZJWLTokAJbo.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is shown exercising on a black elliptical. She continues exercising and a close up of the machine is shown.Finally,she takes a sip of her water as she finishes her brisk workout and then Golds Gym appears in the middle of the screen.", "segments": [[0, 21.07], [21.71, 47.57], [47.25, 63.86]], "duration": 63.86, "id": 8107}, {"image_id": "v_TQco5PWc2JU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him with shaving cream. He then holds up a razor and begins shaving his face while old shots of movies are shown. The men continues shaving and ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 68.85], [66.56, 181.31], [148.03, 227.21]], "duration": 229.51, "id": 8108}, {"image_id": "v_Y4pyUctR49I.mp4", "caption": "A patient sitting in a hospital chair in a hospital room gets her nails done by a manicurist who is wearing a green blouse. The patient is listening to music as she is moving her feet to the rhythm of some music.", "segments": [[0, 31.12], [31.33, 42.05]], "duration": 42.05, "id": 8109}, {"image_id": "v_i887uArWX9w.mp4", "caption": "We see a game of Foosball being played. We pan up and see the players. We see the players on the left. A person spins the second from right bar.", "segments": [[0, 134.96], [20.24, 22.27], [53.98, 61.4], [129.56, 130.91]], "duration": 134.96, "id": 8110}, {"image_id": "v_C4V6fqELvPY.mp4", "caption": "A fast motion video shows a young boy beginning to climb across a set of monkey bars. The boy makes it across and jumps down while another person attempts right behind him.", "segments": [[0.03, 0.89], [0.56, 1.49]], "duration": 1.58, "id": 8111}, {"image_id": "v_9FJwDxnlW7Y.mp4", "caption": "A middle aged man is shoveling snow on a sidewalk while a medium sized brown dog chases the shovel. The man throws the snow and turns the other way to repeat the shoveling while the dog continues to chase the shovel. At the end of the sidewalk near a driveway a young woman in a black snowsuit lying on her stomach sees the dog chasing the shovel and laughs. The man now turns and runs down the sidewalk shoveling the snow again and the dog runs along with him. The man does not turn around and shovel the sidewalk again, but carries the snow in the shovel and walks away from the dog. The dog trails behind as if tired.", "segments": [[3.82, 28.61], [3.82, 16.4], [16.4, 24.23], [24.23, 28.23], [27.85, 35.1], [34.91, 38.15]], "duration": 38.15, "id": 8112}, {"image_id": "v_nGYqSqf0yCY.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a stage. They start playing a game of rock paper scissors. Men standing in referee shirts are standing behind them.", "segments": [[0, 198.11], [30.71, 65.38], [30.71, 124.81]], "duration": 198.11, "id": 8113}, {"image_id": "v_AZrI6X2XAUU.mp4", "caption": "a blond little kid with large hair sits in a table and holds a contact eye and put the contacts on his eyes. little kid is talking to the camera and is in a table wearnig a red uniform putting contact lenses on her eyes.", "segments": [[0, 44.12], [44.12, 107.6]], "duration": 107.6, "id": 8114}, {"image_id": "v_WtBr459dWY4.mp4", "caption": "woman wearing a red shirt is holdgina ball and is trying to throw the ball to someone when somebody throw her a ball and now she gots two and throw them. man is holding a red ball and is walking in a wooden court and throw the ball. people are playing dodgeball in a roofedwooden gym.", "segments": [[0, 32], [0, 32.97], [0, 96.97]], "duration": 96.97, "id": 8115}, {"image_id": "v_PV5Y3NeR5yQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing outside in the middle of the road doing tricks with a hula hoop,moving it around her hips and her arms.While she is performing,a woman is sitting behind her with her bags on the ground.When the girl is finished performing,she grabs a beanie,holds it up and then starts to ask for money from the crowd of people who was watching her.", "segments": [[0, 70.76], [70.76, 161.6], [161.6, 191.24]], "duration": 191.24, "id": 8116}, {"image_id": "v_kRBqJhxfWHc.mp4", "caption": "A woman in an orange shirt is drinking a glass of beer. The beer is pouring down the front of her shirt. People behind her are dancing. She finishes the drink and sets it down.", "segments": [[0, 62.41], [8.4, 62.41], [0, 80.02], [62.81, 80.02]], "duration": 80.02, "id": 8117}, {"image_id": "v_L73C-2b0yEw.mp4", "caption": "A man stand on front a table full of objects while people listen to the man. A woman exhibit granola bars and explains to people around the table. Then, a person put wax on skis with an electric small machine in a room full of skis.", "segments": [[0, 15.87], [15.87, 31.41], [31.73, 63.14]], "duration": 64.76, "id": 8118}, {"image_id": "v_aCJHnvM0Mkc.mp4", "caption": "A young Asian boy is standing in a living room with a mop in his hand.The boy bends down,picks up a spray bottle and squirts it on the floor.He then moves the broom back and forth and cleans the floor.", "segments": [[0, 11.8], [11.63, 19.96], [19.61, 34.71]], "duration": 34.71, "id": 8119}, {"image_id": "v_qcYRPEEitZU.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits in front of a large crowd while holding shaving cream and a razor. Another man is seen on stage shaving his face and the woman begins shaving her legs. The crowd cheers them on for the shaving competition.", "segments": [[1.14, 37.65], [13.31, 30.24], [1.9, 30.24]], "duration": 38.04, "id": 8120}, {"image_id": "v_mxY7J50ItrU.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing side by side with one another punching a bag one after the other. Many people are then shown kicking the bags next to one another.", "segments": [[0.77, 15.74], [9.26, 30.4]], "duration": 30.86, "id": 8121}, {"image_id": "v_wkJWeSw8FSE.mp4", "caption": "A man stands lighting a stick with campers in the background and a fire blazing. He sticks the cone into the fire and the end of the stick begins to catch fire.", "segments": [[0.52, 5.97], [6.18, 20.94]], "duration": 20.95, "id": 8122}, {"image_id": "v_xATeffo_kP4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a fooseball table is shown as well as people playing on the table. The game continues on as the people use the bars to move the game as the ball moves back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 104.31], [97.36, 231.81]], "duration": 231.81, "id": 8123}, {"image_id": "v_jCd-VeMUwRg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are wearing snorkeling gear in the edge of the ocean water. They are then seen under the water, exploring and looking at fish. They reach out to touch the fish as they swim by.", "segments": [[0, 22.55], [31.41, 82.14], [86.97, 161.05]], "duration": 161.05, "id": 8124}, {"image_id": "v_n1KeC6NXPUA.mp4", "caption": "A girl is playing on a playground. She goes backwards on the monkey bars. She shows her hands to the camera and continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 89.24], [4.91, 42.39], [50.86, 54.43]], "duration": 89.24, "id": 8125}, {"image_id": "v_aivuk1LvDv8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is playing a classical song on the piano in a black and white film. She begins to speed up the pace of the music she is playing. The camera shows her playing the piano from overhead. The audience applauds for the woman and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 33.38], [33.38, 51.06], [51.06, 123.71], [123.71, 130.92]], "duration": 130.92, "id": 8126}, {"image_id": "v_GWRqx0obKzA.mp4", "caption": "A group pose smiling for the camera. A group wave to the camera while more people in the background walk through the water. The group go rafting on the water. They wave again to the camera. The group are shown in their raft as they sail along the river. They are shown taking a break in the river. POV footage from one of the rafters. The group is out of the river and hiking.", "segments": [[5.18, 5.83], [5.83, 9.06], [13.27, 17.16], [14.89, 15.54], [21.04, 36.9], [38.2, 41.76], [44.67, 51.14], [52.11, 55.03]], "duration": 64.74, "id": 8127}, {"image_id": "v_nStBfiFl6RU.mp4", "caption": "A group of women dance in an aerobic class in a group inside a gym studio. The women jump up and down on alternating feet. The woman walk one way taking a few steps then back the other way during the routine.", "segments": [[0, 171.92], [49.86, 65.33], [85.1, 97.99]], "duration": 171.92000000000002, "id": 8128}, {"image_id": "v_s__e_v6aaq0.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is inside a living room. He is pushing and pulling a large vacuum cleaner. He is vacuuming the large living room rug.", "segments": [[0, 4.35], [5.55, 18.77], [19.37, 30.02]], "duration": 30.02, "id": 8129}, {"image_id": "v_xWxpAaPhknA.mp4", "caption": "People are jumping off diving boards into the pool below them. They are walking up a set of stairs to get to the diving board. A person does a back flip into the water.", "segments": [[0, 163.1], [57.08, 62.79], [90.52, 92.97]], "duration": 163.1, "id": 8130}, {"image_id": "v_b7Q-Jj9ZEH0.mp4", "caption": "The little girl slide down the yellow slide and fell on the pool of balls. The girl reach out the a hand as she climbs on the top of the slide. The girl slide down again and fell on the pool of ball but on her stomach.", "segments": [[0, 28.18], [25, 65.45], [62.27, 90.91]], "duration": 90.91, "id": 8131}, {"image_id": "v_N7kI8J6vfL8.mp4", "caption": "Girls are going down a small red slide. A man in a red shirt is standing behind them. He walks away towards the house.", "segments": [[0, 80.76], [7.27, 76.72], [77.13, 80.76]], "duration": 80.76, "id": 8132}, {"image_id": "v_iIhEO_NA8gk.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is outside running down the road between a forest and then ends up in the airport.She is sitting down playing on her iPad and then begins to board an airplane.The plane lands and she is in a cabin and begins skiing at a resort.As she is skating,she changes her skis and the screen is covered with a grey static like film and the person continues with her snow activities.", "segments": [[0, 27.64], [27.64, 81.81], [81.81, 113.87], [114.97, 221.1]], "duration": 221.1, "id": 8133}, {"image_id": "v_mZ6iJfRokTw.mp4", "caption": "A man is floating in the ocean water talking. He then talks to a group of people while drinking an energy drink. He bungee jumps off the side of a bridge. He is talking to the camera as he swings above the water.", "segments": [[0, 8.62], [12.6, 67.62], [77.56, 116.68], [118, 132.59]], "duration": 132.59, "id": 8134}, {"image_id": "v_bULPHJydFTQ.mp4", "caption": "We see a locker room, and the title screen. We see a man winding up to throw the hammer in track and field on his third attempt. After it's thrown we see men measuring the distance. We then see his fifth attempt and the measuring. We then see his sixth attempt and measuring. The camera zooms in on the man as he shakes another mans hand. We then see 8 men standing on platforms holding plaques.", "segments": [[0, 11.15], [11.15, 21.85], [21.41, 28.99], [30.77, 43.26], [48.16, 59.76], [57.97, 66.45], [67.78, 89.19]], "duration": 89.19, "id": 8135}, {"image_id": "v_J6ScF5n_Cug.mp4", "caption": "A young girl plays the clarinet. The girl pauses for a second to flip her music sheet standing in front of her. The young girl resumes playing her clarinet. The girl stops and looking pleased with her performance.", "segments": [[0, 64.01], [64.69, 71.5], [72.18, 130.74], [131.42, 136.19]], "duration": 136.19, "id": 8136}, {"image_id": "v_N4wKdmmX0lk.mp4", "caption": "A woman takes a few steps with a pair of jumping apparatus. The woman begins jumping around rapidly. The woman is joined by a man who is also jumping around in a pair of jumping apparatus.", "segments": [[0, 0.97], [1.16, 30.48], [30.67, 38.82]], "duration": 38.82, "id": 8137}, {"image_id": "v_lUk_dSjmIgM.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is cleaning the sink. The girl gets her shirt all wet. The girl points to the drain of the sink.", "segments": [[0, 103.38], [58.92, 65.13], [87.35, 94.07]], "duration": 103.38, "id": 8138}, {"image_id": "v_bcOFV26B3jk.mp4", "caption": "A lady kicks a ball in a field. The lady picks up the baby. The lady runs across the screen. The camera pans left and right to show the crowd standing around.", "segments": [[0, 1.03], [1.03, 1.95], [1.95, 6.06], [6.06, 20.53]], "duration": 20.53, "id": 8139}, {"image_id": "v_WElK913B33U.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman works out the a cardio machine. The stride length of the pedal is displayed in the screen. Then, the man comes to meet the woman that exercise. Then the man exercise, and the muscles of the abdomen are shown. The steps of the machine and the screen panel is shown.", "segments": [[2.54, 67.64], [67.64, 92.17], [92.17, 100.62], [102.31, 133.6], [136.98, 166.57]], "duration": 169.11, "id": 8140}, {"image_id": "v_OmIcycXGkG8.mp4", "caption": "A girl and a boy play ping pong in a basement type room with a ping pong table and florescent lights for lighting. The boy walks up to the camera for a close up. The boy and girl begin to play ping pong again.", "segments": [[0, 93.3], [93.3, 97.36], [97.36, 162.26]], "duration": 162.26, "id": 8141}, {"image_id": "v_HUvBb3Hmir8.mp4", "caption": "The young girl in gray shirt is brushing the thong, while the female in blue t-shirt is washing the pans, and the other girl is holding a sponge. The older girl in blue is washing the knife, while the other one is wiping the bowl. The girls put the clean dishes on the rack to dry it.", "segments": [[0, 94.51], [57.89, 199.66], [146.5, 236.29]], "duration": 236.29, "id": 8142}, {"image_id": "v_y20J3BbydOk.mp4", "caption": "kids are gathered around a wooden table in a kitchen. woman is cutting oranges and showing it to kids and squeezing it in a glass in the table.", "segments": [[0, 141.11], [30.34, 140.4]], "duration": 141.11, "id": 8143}, {"image_id": "v_dojDT4CtenU.mp4", "caption": "A group of athletes are shown standing on a mound, while one throws a ball to another player. The batter hits the ball into the stands and the moment is recaptured in 3-d. A reporter comments how amazing the hit was and replays it from various angles. The player is interviewed by a reporter and once again has his moment shown on tv.", "segments": [[0, 5], [5.39, 37.33], [39.64, 58.12], [58.5, 76.97]], "duration": 76.98, "id": 8144}, {"image_id": "v_cpy_BFGQoQ8.mp4", "caption": "Inside of a rock climbing store men are gathered around a jumping on a rope. The man in the green does some tricks and then a man in a hoodie jumps and walks on it. Someone has a camera and everyone is scattered around doing their own thing. The man in the green continues to jump on the rope until he take it down.", "segments": [[0, 14.51], [14.51, 41.18], [41.18, 65.99], [65.99, 93.6]], "duration": 93.6, "id": 8145}, {"image_id": "v_pq2xsK79FcQ.mp4", "caption": "A track and field long jumper from the Florida Gators dressed in blue and orange prepares to make his run while other participants, coaches and officials congregate around the track and field course. The Florida Gator long jumper begins his run with a gradual forward walk then a skip and a fast sprint to the sand pit jumping marker. The Florida Gator long jumper jumps and flies through the air and lands in the sand. The camera pans to the score board showing the long jumpers results.", "segments": [[0, 19.72], [19.93, 26.15], [26.15, 30.86], [30.43, 34.51]], "duration": 42.87, "id": 8146}, {"image_id": "v_Tz5eN8gV6F4.mp4", "caption": "An intro starts and leads to a woman standing next to a German Sheppard on a table. A fast motion watch around of the shop occurs then shows the woman brushing the dog with several instruments. She pets the dog a bit while continuing to brush him and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 22.03], [22.03, 93.02], [92.2, 159.93]], "duration": 163.19, "id": 8147}, {"image_id": "v_15HUSdsIHxg.mp4", "caption": "Little girls performs holding sticks moving around an spinning the sticks. The little girls hold the sticks up and jump turning around. Two women walk toward the door. After, the little girls spins on the floor, then continue jumping and spinning around. Next, the girls get together to salute.", "segments": [[0, 75.38], [75.38, 89.99], [50.25, 57.85], [89.4, 110.44], [111.02, 116.87]], "duration": 116.87, "id": 8148}, {"image_id": "v_2x-Xqt98Ek4.mp4", "caption": "A man plays tam-tam, and then he talks with crossed hands on a tan-tam. Then, the man plays tam-tam with his right hand and plays with sticks with the left hand.", "segments": [[0, 78.78], [79.48, 135.25]], "duration": 139.44, "id": 8149}, {"image_id": "v_E-XerA_sOjw.mp4", "caption": "A man walks out onto a playing field with a large Dalmatian. The man stops and throws the frisbee and returns it to the man. The dog runs around in circles on the field with the frisbee.", "segments": [[0, 12], [12.28, 22.37], [22.37, 54.57]], "duration": 54.57, "id": 8150}, {"image_id": "v_Tvzd_WIvBU4.mp4", "caption": "A person is cutting cordwood using a log splitter. The wood remaining is shown and stumps are cut up.", "segments": [[0, 68.03], [10.55, 68.03]], "duration": 68.03999999999999, "id": 8151}, {"image_id": "v_lgwDuuJy2zY.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a lake and shows a person riding around on a canoe. The person gets stuck before a rock and finally paddles themselves past. The person continues to get stuck around the area but moves down successfully.", "segments": [[0, 39.5], [43.29, 102.54], [104.05, 146.59]], "duration": 151.91, "id": 8152}, {"image_id": "v_di8Vr1fzUh8.mp4", "caption": "The man in suit is talking to the camera as people are behind him. The older man throw his darts on the dartboard and three darts landed on one place. The man positioned himself then throw the darts in the board and the darts are away from each other. The man continue to hit the board with darts.", "segments": [[0, 14.58], [12.76, 61.37], [53.47, 95.4], [53.47, 121.52]], "duration": 121.52, "id": 8153}, {"image_id": "v_XoeGnEtEq3U.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around a large group of women sitting in chair knitting and speaking to one another. Several shots are shown of women knitting and leading back into people helping one another knit and more pictures shown.", "segments": [[0, 112.78], [74.46, 218.99]], "duration": 218.99, "id": 8154}, {"image_id": "v_2FRzNpVz6f8.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of teammates are riding horses on the field. They are playing a game of polo. The people run on their horses, trying to hit the ball.", "segments": [[0, 7.06], [7.63, 39.26], [42.09, 56.5]], "duration": 56.5, "id": 8155}, {"image_id": "v_aXI9v77XV7A.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in front of a rock climbing wall. He starts climbing the rock climbing wall. A man in a yellow hat is talking. He climbs up the wall. Several people are climbing up the rock climbing wall.", "segments": [[0, 11.3], [11.3, 25.43], [50.15, 55.1], [72.05, 91.12], [72.05, 141.27]], "duration": 141.27, "id": 8156}, {"image_id": "v_XnBUb3qoFQM.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing black bathing trunks sitting on an inner tube as it slides down a tubing slide. A man wearing dark trunks stands on an enclosed water slide ride at a water park. Two men slide down a blue water slide at a water park and end up in a huge swimming pool. Different scenes of a group of people swimming in different parts of a water park.", "segments": [[0, 17.93], [18.88, 24.54], [24.54, 58.52], [58.52, 188.77]], "duration": 188.77, "id": 8157}, {"image_id": "v_5deGCvJOGg0.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in white curling gear is participating in the sport. He goes on the curling rink with his stick and rock. He is playing the sport while in another location there are two musicians performing. They are both singing as one musician is playing a guitar and the other is drumming a tambourine. The man continues to play curling on the ice rink as he pushes the rock with his curling stick. He is shown pictured with another young man. He is posing for pictures with different people while holding a broomstick in his hand. He is back in the curling rink, singing and twirling the curling stick in his hands.", "segments": [[29.84, 49.73], [49.73, 52.72], [52.72, 57.69], [57.69, 144.22], [144.22, 157.15], [157.15, 168.09], [168.09, 184.01], [184.01, 192.96]], "duration": 198.93, "id": 8158}, {"image_id": "v_-4WdzYpCJPU.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at a table holding a bow in his hand talking. He then goes outside and shoots an arrow at a target. A close up of the bow is shown.", "segments": [[12.2, 58.97], [61.01, 147.44], [160.66, 203.36]], "duration": 203.36, "id": 8159}, {"image_id": "v_n_hNYA5kWME.mp4", "caption": "We see a blue opening screen. We then see people solving Rubiks cubes in a competition. A boy finishes, throws his arms up and spins in his chair. We see a boy throw his arms and yells.", "segments": [[0, 10.58], [11.55, 192.45], [78.9, 83.71], [124.13, 140.49]], "duration": 192.45, "id": 8160}, {"image_id": "v_poFH53rF9uY.mp4", "caption": "A team prepares to play a game called hurling. Highlights of a game are shown and players are interviewed. Teammates cheer from the sidelines.", "segments": [[0, 13.76], [14.42, 95.01], [110.08, 131.05]], "duration": 131.05, "id": 8161}, {"image_id": "v_vREBYOCUCj0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue coat is standing in the snow talking. He begins skiing down a hill of snow. He continues talking to the camera.", "segments": [[7.25, 23.98], [24.54, 94.8], [94.8, 100.93]], "duration": 111.53, "id": 8162}, {"image_id": "v_YuCMWTdK_DY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking into a circle and looking off into the distance. The man stretches a bit and begins spinning himself around. He continues to spin and ends by walking away.", "segments": [[0, 6.79], [6.34, 20.83], [17.36, 29.58]], "duration": 30.19, "id": 8163}, {"image_id": "v_lXueRLwe3tk.mp4", "caption": "The man in blue shirt is holding a white spray bottle with green and black lid on it. He started spraying the contents of the bottle on the white car's hood. He wiped the hood and the back of the white car with a yellow cloth. He vacuum the floor of the car on the driver's side, wipe the dirt off the steering wheel using the yellow cloth. He wiped the meters, the side window and glass and the wheel. He is showing a white spray bottle with black lid, while he is holding a yellow cloth. He is wiping the edge of the car then showed the white spray bottle. A white car is shown being dirty and then the after where it is clean and shiny.", "segments": [[9.85, 121.95], [21.21, 40.14], [32.57, 70.44], [41.66, 96.19], [49.99, 78.02], [63.62, 90.13], [78.77, 96.95], [123.46, 141.64]], "duration": 151.49, "id": 8164}, {"image_id": "v_RW-nnJiVPsU.mp4", "caption": "A man puts on welding safety gear. The man starts welding something on a metal table. He stops welding, lifts his face mask and adjusts things in the table. He then lowers his face mask and starts welding again. He stops and lifts his mask again. He uses a tool to hit something on the table before sanding it. The man pulls off his gloves while walking to the camera. He brings the camera to the table to show the work he has done.", "segments": [[0, 22.55], [22.55, 48.32], [49.12, 86.97], [87.77, 122.4], [122.4, 123.21], [124.01, 145.75], [145.75, 147.36], [148.17, 161.05]], "duration": 161.05, "id": 8165}, {"image_id": "v_43gst-Mw43s.mp4", "caption": "a comic of a man telling how to wash with a detergent.a house is shown with a sentence of how to wash the rooftop. the numbers and address are shown in the advertising.", "segments": [[0, 20.73], [20.73, 44.09], [44.09, 75.37]], "duration": 75.37, "id": 8166}, {"image_id": "v_-y5p8UMdM20.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of signs and building as well as pictures of divers. Many people are seen speaking to the camera while taking turns diving off a board. More clips are shown of people diving and waving to the camera as well as speaking to one another and holding up a score.", "segments": [[0, 47.98], [28.93, 103.01], [90.31, 138.99]], "duration": 141.11, "id": 8167}, {"image_id": "v_vy5IRxiudmI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are inside a gym. They are lifting weights and dancing. Others are using recumbent bikes and pedaling quickly.", "segments": [[0, 5.5], [5.77, 41.24], [42.06, 54.99]], "duration": 54.99, "id": 8168}, {"image_id": "v_FBANd818hU4.mp4", "caption": "A man kicks a soccer ball, then he plays with other young men in the street, the man scores. Then, they continue playing and the young man scores, as well the man scores. Teams are playing indoor soccer and the man wearing a yellow t-shirt scores playing with several teams. The man dispute the ball with other player and kick it to a playmate, the man continues playing an scoring for his team.", "segments": [[3.33, 44.34], [44.34, 70.95], [72.05, 182.91], [182.91, 213.95]], "duration": 221.71, "id": 8169}, {"image_id": "v_W6Sz8ajVsjc.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a black shirt representing Pev's Paintball talking about the recreational game. He is holding a paintball gun in his hand as he talks about how the sport is played. A man dressed in a camouflage print outfit is hiding and running with a paintball gun. The Pev representative is explaining the features of the paintball gun and how to use if effectively.", "segments": [[7.46, 9.69], [9.69, 11.18], [11.18, 116.31], [116.31, 144.65]], "duration": 149.12, "id": 8170}, {"image_id": "v_olFThb2_GHM.mp4", "caption": "We see a man preparing to throw the discuss. He throws and walks away and we see it in slow motion. We see the next man walk up and throw and we see it again. A guy in yellow shorts throws and we see it again.", "segments": [[0, 15.93], [15.93, 59.29], [61.94, 115.92], [117.69, 176.98]], "duration": 176.98, "id": 8171}, {"image_id": "v_tjDOXnDswdA.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen holding a rube and spinning it around. The person turns the cube all over it's sides while attempting to solve the puzzle. The man connects all the sides and shows it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.88], [9.68, 35.1], [34.88, 44.55]], "duration": 45.0, "id": 8172}, {"image_id": "v_pXeVR0bf4Pk.mp4", "caption": "A man stands up in a raft. Several rafts are on the ground, filled with people. They listen to an instructor tell them what they need to do. They raft through the rapids of a heavily flowing river. One of the rafts capsizes at the end.", "segments": [[0, 8.93], [11.91, 18.85], [20.84, 38.7], [47.63, 170.68], [179.61, 198.46]], "duration": 198.46, "id": 8173}, {"image_id": "v_7I6v9c00aRA.mp4", "caption": "A man floats in calm water and holds onto a rope while waiting for the boat to drive. The man bare foot skis on a rope off the side of a boat attempting to stand up. The man stands up and immediately falls into the water at high speed.", "segments": [[0, 3.27], [3.27, 24.43], [24.43, 27.54]], "duration": 31.12, "id": 8174}, {"image_id": "v_rInf05YA7ww.mp4", "caption": "people are playing futsal in a roofed gym. referee is watching the game running side to side.", "segments": [[0, 66.21], [1.99, 66.21]], "duration": 66.21, "id": 8175}, {"image_id": "v_vt46wY2Q9JQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men are decorating a Christmas tree. They are putting red ribbon around the tree. A dresser is shown at the end.", "segments": [[0, 52.75], [2.19, 41.27], [53.84, 54.66]], "duration": 54.66, "id": 8176}, {"image_id": "v_CI6cPLeVCTk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen sitting on swings outside. The people then begin moving back and fourth. The people continuously swing back and fourth on the swingset.", "segments": [[0, 8.22], [2.88, 8.22], [4.9, 8.99]], "duration": 8.99, "id": 8177}, {"image_id": "v_nE0_PaRBXeA.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a blue shirt using the lat pull machine in a gym. There are a few other people running on the treadmill behind the man. He starts off by pulling the handles of the machine and then goes back and forth to exercise.", "segments": [[6.7, 17.57], [17.57, 29.52], [29.52, 33.87]], "duration": 36.22, "id": 8178}, {"image_id": "v_t8hx8ihRPGc.mp4", "caption": "A boy is shown going down a slide. A woman is talking to the camera at the park. Kids are shown playing on various equipment.", "segments": [[0, 11.23], [16.41, 122.67], [128.72, 172.78]], "duration": 172.78, "id": 8179}, {"image_id": "v_VcbMGRcN9Cc.mp4", "caption": "The video shows a slow motion of three people playing Foosball. There are two people standing on one side and a single player on the other side. They continue playing Foosball with each other.", "segments": [[10.21, 39.68], [39.68, 54.85], [54.85, 57.77]], "duration": 58.35, "id": 8180}, {"image_id": "v_o2hmponBzIE.mp4", "caption": "A small group of girls wearing costumes are seen walking out onto a gym floor and holding a pose in front of a large audience. The girls perform a dance routine with batons in their hand and end by lining up and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 37.16], [37.16, 137.63]], "duration": 137.63, "id": 8181}, {"image_id": "v_KlJqjBqpnjw.mp4", "caption": "A woman named Sapna appears in a photo. She is then seen demonstrating a variety of jump rope moves. She jumps forward and back, and side to side.", "segments": [[0, 5.64], [8.47, 42.34], [45.72, 112.9]], "duration": 112.9, "id": 8182}, {"image_id": "v_2GSSuYAWFc8.mp4", "caption": "Several pieces of belly button jewelry are shown. This is followed by a man disinfecting a woman's belly button. He then inserts a piercing using a clamp and a rod. The woman watches as the final studs are in place.", "segments": [[0, 20.13], [22.64, 59.75], [64.78, 98.11], [109.43, 125.78]], "duration": 125.78, "id": 8183}, {"image_id": "v_dL9mlqbG5CU.mp4", "caption": "A rock band is playing a rock song in a black an white environment. Several curlers are preparing for a curling match while the band plays. the band and the curlers are both on the ice interacting with one another. The video returns to the black and white environment where the curler and the band members are both singing. The video focuses on a woman getting ready to curl while the others watch. The video ends with the closing credits shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.96], [10.96, 32.87], [32.87, 165.44], [113.95, 209.27], [164.35, 186.26], [210.36, 219.13]], "duration": 219.13, "id": 8184}, {"image_id": "v_oKaNlV45bB8.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen brushing her tooth followed by close ups of a tooth brush. Shots are shown of her teeth close up as well as her still brushing. She continues brushing all along her teeth to demonstrate how it's done.", "segments": [[0, 19.11], [18.63, 67.35], [60.66, 94.57]], "duration": 95.53, "id": 8185}, {"image_id": "v_uaLMHEtFlNA.mp4", "caption": "A gopro ad appears on the screen. Someone wears the device as he uses a mower to mow his lawn. It is sped up as it shows every angle as he completes mowing the lawn, back and forth and going over the same spots until it is perfect.", "segments": [[0, 4.39], [8.78, 140.49], [143.12, 175.61]], "duration": 175.61, "id": 8186}, {"image_id": "v_vWNDj8KxmBg.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people performing flips and tricks in the middle of a floor while a light shines down in the middle. The kids continue spinning around one another and end by standing up together and falling down.", "segments": [[4.4, 36.09], [47.53, 86.71]], "duration": 88.03, "id": 8187}, {"image_id": "v_gdr6iVHHYcU.mp4", "caption": "Two women are in a room talking. A woman begins to put makeup on the other woman. She dabs the woman's face with a sponge.", "segments": [[5.4, 122.83], [43.87, 122.83], [53.99, 122.83]], "duration": 134.98, "id": 8188}, {"image_id": "v_p4qZGZenAoU.mp4", "caption": "A woman with her hair up in a towel introduces her video showing how she washes her face. She applies a moisturizer to her face while dancing around. She then dances in the living room with the moisturizer on. Finally, she returns to the bathroom and washes her face.", "segments": [[0, 72.56], [96.04, 122.71], [131.25, 192.07], [202.74, 213.41]], "duration": 213.42000000000002, "id": 8189}, {"image_id": "v_Xa1yH3vxlAk.mp4", "caption": "man is standing on side of car stuck in traffic. man holding bagpipes is walking in street between cars.", "segments": [[0, 45.4], [45.4, 137.58]], "duration": 137.57999999999998, "id": 8190}, {"image_id": "v_dPdeb0SgIw8.mp4", "caption": "A TV reporter is talking while shows a screen of a person playing hockey on ice. Then, the reporters talk and comment each other, while one of the man is on front a laptop.", "segments": [[0, 28.82], [28.82, 192.12]], "duration": 192.12, "id": 8191}, {"image_id": "v__3hVtPVXTmg.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen running towards a set of uneven bars and performing a routine on the bars. She swings all around and jumps on the mat to end her routine.", "segments": [[0, 15.36], [14.68, 45.86]], "duration": 45.86, "id": 8192}, {"image_id": "v_-XCESzrIWXA.mp4", "caption": "People are playing soccer in an indoor soccer arena. Two of the men hug on the court. A person kicks a ball into the goal.", "segments": [[14.55, 171.19], [75.32, 77.04], [152.36, 155.78]], "duration": 171.19, "id": 8193}, {"image_id": "v_2RpAv3irv1c.mp4", "caption": "A woman sprays lotion and brush her hair. Then, the woman makes a braid with the front hair and fasten it with a pin. After, the woman makes a pony tail and spray lotion to her hair.", "segments": [[2.42, 37.94], [37.94, 125.11], [125.11, 159]], "duration": 161.43, "id": 8194}, {"image_id": "v_cuyD4bT4Bvc.mp4", "caption": "initial logo is shown and a web page. man is in a skate park in white skates. man is sitting in a tube and make tricks in a skate park, other man is sitting watching him. little kid is talking to someone and watching the man in skates doing the tricks in skate park.", "segments": [[0, 10.24], [10.68, 25.37], [25.81, 33.38], [34.71, 89]], "duration": 89.0, "id": 8195}, {"image_id": "v_NzJkKwzPqvk.mp4", "caption": "An older woman is using a cue to play pool. She shoots the ball and walks away. Then she bangs cues with another person.", "segments": [[0, 9.53], [10.55, 43.91], [45.27, 68.08]], "duration": 68.08, "id": 8196}, {"image_id": "v_hhN1647pP88.mp4", "caption": "a man is wearing a safety vest. He is working with tools and sand. He uses the sand to spread evenly against the walls.", "segments": [[0, 30.24], [45.85, 121.95], [135.61, 195.12]], "duration": 195.12, "id": 8197}, {"image_id": "v_U89hsv1dzuQ.mp4", "caption": "man is smoking a cigarrette in a dark street. man is wearing a white t shirt smoking a cigarrette and watching to the camera. man is in the night in a dark field smoking.", "segments": [[0, 27.17], [0.41, 27.17], [0, 26.76]], "duration": 27.17, "id": 8198}, {"image_id": "v_3svMy4Kfjd8.mp4", "caption": "A guy is water boarding in a body of water. The guy messes with his hair. The guy gives hands gesture.", "segments": [[0, 115.81], [23.98, 24.57], [32.17, 32.76]], "duration": 116.97999999999999, "id": 8199}, {"image_id": "v_aYfWH960W0Q.mp4", "caption": "An athletic woman is seen running down a track with a large group of people watching her on the sidelines. She continues running and finishes the race while collapsing on the ground in the end and breathing heavily while crying. She sits back up crying and another woman helps her up, ending with a short clip of a girl running.", "segments": [[0, 42.26], [25.85, 87], [87.99, 99.43]], "duration": 99.43, "id": 8200}, {"image_id": "v_At7fzSxdiCg.mp4", "caption": "A man is running down the track at a track and field competition. He begins to take some rapid steps to give himself so leverage for a jump he is trying to make. He takes off into the air as he begins the jump. He lands on the ground as he completes the jump.", "segments": [[0, 11.34], [11.34, 23.98], [23.98, 34.23], [34.23, 43.61]], "duration": 43.61, "id": 8201}, {"image_id": "v_o18RrUlR-0Y.mp4", "caption": "A man with long beard is talking in the camera while a hand is brushing the side of his beard, then he continue talking while in his back the TV is running, then he closed up his beard, showed a man in green and the kid sitting next to him. The man in green shaves the man's beard on the side then brushed it then continue to shave the long beard leaving the stubble.", "segments": [[0, 49.37], [44.63, 135.26]], "duration": 135.26, "id": 8202}, {"image_id": "v_IfpcrV_cwHI.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a pool table is shown followed by a man hitting the ball. The man the celebrates and shakes the hands of the opponent. He walks around the audience celebrating with them and walks back to his bag.", "segments": [[1.46, 31.06], [23.29, 70.37], [61.63, 95.12]], "duration": 97.06, "id": 8203}, {"image_id": "v_XxyTLG8B-Ns.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera as he gets ready to ride the bumper cars. The man rides around in the bumper car bumping in to the other people while the camera watches. The camera zooms in on the people for a closer look. The ride ends and the people get out of the bumper cars.", "segments": [[0, 8.65], [8.65, 144.17], [76.41, 144.17], [131.2, 144.17]], "duration": 144.17000000000002, "id": 8204}, {"image_id": "v_Koxtbgzexmw.mp4", "caption": "Two boys play ping pong across a large ping pong table outdoors while a third boy watches from the sidelines. A boy in a t shirt with a wing graphic on it hits the ball towards the other shirtless player. The shirtless player returns the serve and the boy with the t-shirt misses the ball and has to pick it up and throw it to the other player for a re-serve. The two begin playing again while the boy in the middle on the sidelines observes the game.", "segments": [[0.06, 12.6], [0.19, 0.89], [1.53, 6.43], [6.49, 12.53]], "duration": 12.73, "id": 8205}, {"image_id": "v_XkWO7aqcC8Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is outdoors, cutting wires off a stack of sheetrock. He moves the sheets, then muds the floors before laying them down. The man presses the large sheets onto the ground.", "segments": [[0, 22.38], [24.69, 124.23], [125.77, 154.32]], "duration": 154.32, "id": 8206}, {"image_id": "v_BO0vQ6ASVlo.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a frisbee next to a dog, then the dog jumps above the back of the man and grabs a frisbee. The man throws a frisbee and the dog runs to get it, after the man does tricks with the dog. A person lie down with his feet up, then the dog stand on his feet and plays with the frisbee. The man plays with the dog frisbee doing tricks and throwing the frisbee.", "segments": [[0, 11.3], [11.3, 30.59], [31.06, 46.13], [46.13, 90.37]], "duration": 94.13, "id": 8207}, {"image_id": "v_M7tUnCF9lU4.mp4", "caption": "A lady standing beside the slide is holding a little child on top of the slide. She looked inside the tunnel and moved the little kid to show him and wave at the person.The lady hold the child while she push him down the slide. The lady slide the kid up back to the top. The lady hold the child and pushed him down the slide. The child sat on the bottom of the slide while looking away.", "segments": [[0, 3.44], [2.22, 8.89], [8.29, 21.22], [13.54, 31.53], [13.54, 40.43], [34.77, 40.43]], "duration": 40.43, "id": 8208}, {"image_id": "v_9Cs3CYCMH2w.mp4", "caption": "Two people are jump roping outside on a patio. The boy leaves and the girls starts jump roping by herself. The girl does a hand stand. The boy starts jump roping by himself. The girl does a flip in the air. The boy does a flip in the air.", "segments": [[0, 67.13], [29.2, 44.31], [41.28, 43.97], [44.98, 56.72], [57.73, 60.08], [61.09, 64.44]], "duration": 67.13, "id": 8209}, {"image_id": "v_wsc5GIgVwN8.mp4", "caption": "Several people are shown in a back ground of lasers are portrayed as members on a team.A man from the team then comes along and starts to skateboard down the road in a community environment.As he continues skating,he moves to a more rural area with large mountains and field in the open and points begin to rack up in the corner of the screen.", "segments": [[0, 24.18], [24.18, 101.91], [101.05, 172.73]], "duration": 172.73, "id": 8210}, {"image_id": "v_Z-C5yMAUmM4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting down taking a drink. She sets the drink down and starts talking.", "segments": [[0, 1.48], [1.48, 74.19]], "duration": 74.19, "id": 8211}, {"image_id": "v_MWdPh6J-YXM.mp4", "caption": "A man stretches in front of the camera. The camera cuts to scenes of the man on a small boat paddling. The camera cuts to scenes of various men paddling boats from various angles, with different backgrounds. The camera shows men putting boats away. The camera shows several men in a car. The camera shows quick clips of men exercising in a gym. The camera returns to scenes of men paddling boats. The camera cuts to accelerated footage of a car driving. The camera cuts to scenes of men relaxing and tossing a ball around. The camera cuts to a scene of a man sitting relaxing.", "segments": [[0, 6.86], [8.58, 30.87], [30.87, 89.18], [88.32, 96.04], [96.04, 96.9], [97.76, 120.05], [120.05, 144.92], [146.64, 156.93], [156.93, 162.07], [164.64, 167.22]], "duration": 171.5, "id": 8212}, {"image_id": "v_y7tActqdm9A.mp4", "caption": "Two wildebeests lock horns in a fight for dominance. The fight continues with the rest of the wildebeest herd looking on. The fight continues on as one wildabeast pushes the other away from the herd near a river. One wildebeest gives up and runs off as the other wildebeest chases.", "segments": [[0, 68.33], [63.18, 123.43], [123.43, 138.85], [139.59, 146.94]], "duration": 146.94, "id": 8213}, {"image_id": "v_JavaLreBqtI.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady sitting on a couch talking. The lady makes faces and claps her hands. We watch the lady pull rollers our out her braids. We see her hair up close. The lady makes a quote sign with her fingers.", "segments": [[0, 91.65], [9.62, 16.04], [25.2, 37.12], [58.66, 64.16], [69.65, 72.86]], "duration": 91.65, "id": 8214}, {"image_id": "v_NulnzF8avMI.mp4", "caption": "The gymnast gathers his focus, and mounts the pommel horse to begin his event. The audience watches and cheers as the announcers give their commentary. He goes up to a hand stand. He picks up his speed once he comes back down from the hand stand. The gymnast has a nice dismount. We watch the performance again in slow motion then see his smile as he is seated afterwords.", "segments": [[0, 6.94], [0, 92.56], [24.99, 27.3], [28.23, 35.17], [41.65, 46.28], [57.85, 92.56]], "duration": 92.56, "id": 8215}, {"image_id": "v_UqE_T7oG1Gc.mp4", "caption": "woman is talking to the camera and holding makeup brushes. woman is shoing a braid on her hair and its shownig how to do the braid.", "segments": [[0, 10.78], [10.78, 196.05]], "duration": 196.05, "id": 8216}, {"image_id": "v_87fIi0-1JVM.mp4", "caption": "A girl travels in a car while talking. The girl is in a piercing shop, then a man rubs her nose with a tissue and put a mark. After, the man pierce the nose of the girl and puts a tip. After, the man cleans the area, and the girl dry some tears on her face. After, the girl holds a camera on front her face and talks, also shows her piercing.", "segments": [[0, 14.61], [16.7, 59.49], [60.53, 99.14], [99.14, 121.06], [121.06, 208.73]], "duration": 208.73, "id": 8217}, {"image_id": "v_8381XS5ZDNs.mp4", "caption": "A piece of exercise equipment spins around on a panel when a woman suddenly appears. She climbs on the machine and begins exercising while the camera pans around her movements. She continues to use the equipment and eventually shows a picture of the equipment.", "segments": [[0, 15.49], [27.87, 41.29], [41.98, 68.82]], "duration": 68.82, "id": 8218}, {"image_id": "v_8kyg5u6o21k.mp4", "caption": "boy is putting a helmet and is fixing his skateboard.boy is going down an slope passing by houses till is dark.", "segments": [[0, 14.87], [14.87, 165.26]], "duration": 165.26, "id": 8219}, {"image_id": "v_jXIKHEsmVl4.mp4", "caption": "A guy is outside chopping wood. The ax gets stuck on the wood on his first try. The guy pulls the ax out. The guy keeps cutting the wood smaller and smaller.", "segments": [[0, 30.07], [2.26, 9.77], [9.77, 10.07], [12.93, 30.07]], "duration": 30.07, "id": 8220}, {"image_id": "v_SpEdr2o2TP0.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman are talking in a stable. The man helps the woman on the horse and she leads it around the arena. The woman gets off the horse and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[27.8, 65.54], [89.37, 178.74], [175.76, 183.71]], "duration": 198.6, "id": 8221}, {"image_id": "v_iSHPVCBsnLw.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen sitting on a couch watching tv and speaking back and fourth to one another. Another walks into frame speaking and holding a drink and the two men continue speaking to one another.", "segments": [[0, 26.39], [26.08, 59.92]], "duration": 62.09, "id": 8222}, {"image_id": "v_7m--xUKvqkc.mp4", "caption": "A hand holds a damp mop sign up to the camera. A person mops a floor, with the camera only picking up part of the person and the mop. The camera shows a close up of the mop head.", "segments": [[3.48, 7.46], [11.94, 92.55], [93.55, 99.52]], "duration": 99.52000000000001, "id": 8223}, {"image_id": "v_dKwPfFN7DpM.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown spinning in circles while throwing a shot put off into the distance. Several men are then shown over and over again throwing the object off into the distance in various locations.", "segments": [[0, 43.9], [30.77, 88.25]], "duration": 90.51, "id": 8224}, {"image_id": "v_800KXmqsK-w.mp4", "caption": "A group of people riding bumper cars. The attendant crosses the course dodging the bumper cars. The attendant hops onto a girls car and helps her maneuver the car. The attendant continues running across the course assisting drivers while the the other drivers continue to crash into each other.", "segments": [[0, 28.57], [29.49, 48.84], [48.84, 117.96], [117.04, 184.32]], "duration": 184.32, "id": 8225}, {"image_id": "v_3TVKXCyNObQ.mp4", "caption": "People skateboard down the road of a city. A group of teens meet on the road and watch a teen skateboard. A teen enters a skateboard ramp and skateboard around. A boy skateboards on a road passing a city and a field. Two teens skateboard on a road.", "segments": [[3.24, 49.74], [51.9, 64.87], [68.12, 83.26], [85.42, 169.75], [170.84, 204.35]], "duration": 216.25, "id": 8226}, {"image_id": "v_bW5HfDWUP3U.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on the floor with her shoes off. The woman puts one shoe on. Something is thrown at the woman and she attempts to catch it. The camera briefly shifts right to show another individual. The camera returns to the woman still putting the shoe on. The camera shifts right to several individuals in the room, waiting for the woman to put her shoes on. The camera shifts back to the woman, still putting her shoe on.The woman begins putting the other shoe on.", "segments": [[0, 4.12], [6.19, 28.87], [28.18, 30.24], [31.62, 32.3], [32.99, 70.79], [66.67, 74.23], [75.6, 97.6], [99.66, 137.46]], "duration": 137.46, "id": 8227}, {"image_id": "v_SIj-ti_70HQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands in front of a mirror smiling and begins brushing her hair. She continues brushing her hair and looking at herself in the mirror.", "segments": [[0, 8.15], [8.15, 18.32]], "duration": 18.32, "id": 8228}, {"image_id": "v_oNqtuh6qa2E.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside on a sidewalk with a silver camera in his hand filming something.As the camera turns,the man is filming someone on a one-seater paddling as he is playing a bag of pipes.The man continues,and a gruop of people crowd around him and watch him until he falls off the wheel.", "segments": [[0, 5.93], [5.93, 34.41], [34.11, 59.33]], "duration": 59.33, "id": 8229}, {"image_id": "v__6mQ9_DQr0Q.mp4", "caption": "Man approaches the weights before him. Man lifts up weights and drops them to the floor. Man lifts up weights and holds them for a while. Man shakes his hands in celebration. Man screams in celebration.", "segments": [[20.47, 23.89], [20.47, 152.71], [20.47, 151], [92.14, 92.99], [151.85, 153.56]], "duration": 170.62, "id": 8230}, {"image_id": "v_B-60jGEds7M.mp4", "caption": "A boat sails in the choppy waters of an ocean. The big waves moves the boat up and down. A person stands on front the boat wearing dark clothes.", "segments": [[0, 37.51], [37.51, 63.22], [63.76, 107.16]], "duration": 107.16, "id": 8231}, {"image_id": "v_98MoyGZKHXc.mp4", "caption": "A man drives a car, the car stops with a flat tire. The man turn off the emergency lights, and then uses a repair kit to inflate the tire. Then, the man advance the car a little and the tire inflates. After, the man drives his car.", "segments": [[2.81, 45.96], [45.96, 116.31], [117.25, 133.19], [133.19, 169.77]], "duration": 187.6, "id": 8232}, {"image_id": "v_d8u6MM00_ig.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen wandering around an arena when a man steps up to a weight. The man lifts the weight over his head and throws it on the ground. Several more men are seen attempting to lift the weight with others succeeding and cheering and others dropping the weight.", "segments": [[0, 10.3], [14.42, 30.9], [35.02, 137.35]], "duration": 137.35, "id": 8233}, {"image_id": "v_KfkNKhAWOII.mp4", "caption": "Graphics with \"FCC Presents\" followed by \"The Great Indoors with Tracy Briggs\" appear on screen. Briggs speaks to the camera from a kitchen. She begins preparing a potato and tomtatos to eat.", "segments": [[0, 15.97], [16.61, 24.28], [24.28, 127.78]], "duration": 127.78, "id": 8234}, {"image_id": "v_6rMF2jWbeUQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a wheelchair looking to the camera and wheels herself over to a side. She then puts her shoes on with another man's help while still smiling to the camera. She wheels herself away and claps in the end.", "segments": [[0, 35.26], [32.6, 105.79], [108.46, 130.41]], "duration": 133.07, "id": 8235}, {"image_id": "v_9zm9jW7_ANc.mp4", "caption": "The chef begins by removing and slicing the endive.The chef then places them in a bin,afterwards he slices and peels more.The chef then chops romaine and places them in a silver bin and mixes endive with the romaine.Finally he removes the salad mixture with a dressing on it from a round silver bowl and places the salad on a white plate.", "segments": [[0, 54.69], [0, 56.79], [0, 166.18], [0, 160.92]], "duration": 210.35, "id": 8236}, {"image_id": "v_7OTqYfUuAIw.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen kicking around in the middle of a room. The kid kicks both of his legs around while the camera pans around. Another child is seen kicking on the side while a dog walks in and out of frame.", "segments": [[0, 6.32], [6, 23.69], [20.53, 30.16]], "duration": 31.58, "id": 8237}, {"image_id": "v_KYl67H9-4TA.mp4", "caption": "A small child wearing a wig is seen holding a violin and speaking to the camera. She then plays a song on the violin moving his arms and hands back and fourth and ends by speaking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 37.67], [37.67, 235.43]], "duration": 235.43, "id": 8238}, {"image_id": "v_8z29qtUWwdU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen talking to the camera and presents his knife and sharpener. He then glides the knife down the sharpener and shows how other knives work with different sharpeners. He presents the knife one last time while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 55.98], [52.19, 153.72], [153.72, 189.78]], "duration": 189.78, "id": 8239}, {"image_id": "v_MFlYmFZ7xlo.mp4", "caption": "A man is mopping a floor. A woman is eating.", "segments": [[0, 34.78], [5.22, 9.22]], "duration": 34.78, "id": 8240}, {"image_id": "v_fjoaurNKg60.mp4", "caption": "A person washes there hands and closes a sink drain. The person removes a contact from the container and places on the tip of their finger. The person holds open one eyelid at a time and inserts the contact into their eye. A cleaner solution is sprayed into the container to clean it out. The contact lens is removed from the eye. Solution is sprayed on the contact lens resting in the palm of a hand before being placed back on the counter.", "segments": [[32.65, 37.15], [38.28, 75.43], [90.06, 123.83], [124.96, 138.47], [166.61, 185.75], [192.51, 221.78]], "duration": 225.15, "id": 8241}, {"image_id": "v_MkL-tApJgXc.mp4", "caption": "Text appears on the screen with regards to coffee possibly being bad for your health. It is then mention with text on the screen that it can lead to high blood pressure It is then mentioned that it can hurt your hair growth and that it doesn't have any vital nutrients in it. It is then shown that there are benefits and that one should moderate their intake to keep a balance. A website is then shown to get more information on this topic.", "segments": [[0, 4.36], [4.36, 44.59], [44.59, 60.69], [60.69, 67.06]], "duration": 67.06, "id": 8242}, {"image_id": "v_61sN9tqZHwk.mp4", "caption": "A series of masks are shown on a table. A yorkie dog is shown from several angles. We then see the dog winning competitions and getting groomed.", "segments": [[0, 3.68], [11.86, 35.17], [40.49, 81.79]], "duration": 81.78999999999999, "id": 8243}, {"image_id": "v_GEhtyurCwDQ.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see an electric shaver from various angles. The man unwraps the product and takes it out of the bag. The product is being taken out of it's packaging.The man shaves his hand then adds a guard and shaves his beard and the hairline in back. The man rinses the shaver and works on his neck. We then see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 1.98], [1.98, 24.69], [24.69, 71.12], [71.12, 88.9], [89.89, 141.25], [151.13, 186.69], [187.68, 197.56]], "duration": 197.56, "id": 8244}, {"image_id": "v_0AjYz-s4Rek.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman dressed in snow clothing are walking in the snow and they begin to drill into the ice ground with hand held red crank long drills. When they make a hole in the ice they put their fishing wire attached with bait into the hole and begin ice fishing until the woman catches a fish. After they're done fishing, they are now at a wood fire and the fish is cooking on the wood.", "segments": [[0, 6.55], [6.55, 71.21], [71.21, 81.85]], "duration": 81.85, "id": 8245}, {"image_id": "v_8DIfyvX7H8Y.mp4", "caption": "A man works on a kite. Another man holding a baby holds up the kite's spool. A third man works on a similar kite while the second man holds a spool. The men fly the kites from a rooftop. The scene changes to a nighttime view of the sky with some unidentified light.", "segments": [[0, 138.77], [0, 10.24], [147.87, 172.89], [172.89, 213.84], [213.84, 227.49]], "duration": 227.49, "id": 8246}, {"image_id": "v_EsVxUf4Ae2c.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on ice with his pole standing straight up beside him. The man grabs his fishing pole and starts fishing in the hole in the ice. The man appears to have caught something and kneels down to pull his fishing line by hand. The man pulls a fish out of the water and poses with it. The man unhooks the hook from the fish's mouth. The man kisses the fish and releases it back into the hole.", "segments": [[0, 7.67], [7.67, 31.94], [31.94, 50.25], [50.25, 61.32], [61.32, 73.67], [73.67, 85.17]], "duration": 85.17, "id": 8247}, {"image_id": "v_T6KP0pg7qxM.mp4", "caption": "A boy is sitting in a chair behind a counter. A girl comes up next to him and tries to feed him cereal. He starts throwing darts at a dartboard.", "segments": [[13.56, 28.25], [19.77, 22.6], [64.97, 71.75]], "duration": 112.99000000000001, "id": 8248}, {"image_id": "v_v8XN1ajGeIw.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a very dirty floor being cleaned with a large vacuum. Words on the screen explain the strength of the vacuum as the person continues. The floor is being cleaned at walking speed. The man continues to demonstrate the usage until an ad for the company appears at the end.", "segments": [[0, 15.99], [19.8, 70.05], [70.81, 114.21], [115.73, 152.28]], "duration": 152.28, "id": 8249}, {"image_id": "v_zQCqzIgIpHI.mp4", "caption": "A view is seen of the outside of an airport, then the wing of the flying plane. A man is on the plane wearing a mask. Several people are sleeping in the dark quarters. They arrive at a ski resort, and ride the lifts before donning skis and skiing down treacherous hills.", "segments": [[0, 28.42], [31.26, 39.78], [41.68, 53.99], [55.89, 189.45]], "duration": 189.45, "id": 8250}, {"image_id": "v_K8ZPkLVlAiA.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding the arm of a canister vacuum in a vacuum showroom. The man lifts the arm and shows it to the camera. The man then pretends, then actually vacuums the linoleum floor with the vacuum.", "segments": [[0, 23.45], [23.91, 34.49], [34.95, 91.98]], "duration": 91.98, "id": 8251}, {"image_id": "v_ovTKJgSWMKQ.mp4", "caption": "Scores are shown on a screen in front of pool water. A man towels off in a room. He enters the competition, shaking hands after his dive. Between dives, the scoreboard is shown again. The final scene is of the man backflipping off the diving board.", "segments": [[0, 17.68], [22.88, 43.69], [57.21, 125.86], [127.94, 193.47], [196.59, 208.03]], "duration": 208.03, "id": 8252}, {"image_id": "v_X2zoUDI1Gmc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen smiling to the camera holding up a blow dryer and various attachments. She is then seen again with wet hair and then sprays liquid into her hair and then blow dries her hair more. She then pins her hair up, attaches and attachment to the blow dryer, and dries her hair all around, spinning to the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 81.37], [76.09, 164.86], [156.41, 211.36]], "duration": 211.36, "id": 8253}, {"image_id": "v_KKrHX-pywBQ.mp4", "caption": "A young man wearing a white shirt and helmet and black pants is holding a skateboard in his hands as he walks. He puts the skateboard down and begins skating on an asphalt road. He flips the skateboard several times and goes on circles. Two people walk past him as he continues to skateboard. The man begins to speed up on his skateboard as he goes down the road. He also skates past a lake on a long and winding road. He skates past a field and mountains that are filled with greenery. He tries various stunts and tricks on his skateboard. He continues to skateboard through the roads. He falls off the skateboard on the side of the road, but gets right back on it and skates away.", "segments": [[8.71, 30.95], [30.95, 48.36], [48.36, 70.61], [70.61, 88.99], [88.99, 116.07], [116.07, 136.38], [136.38, 156.69], [156.69, 170.23], [170.23, 183.77], [183.77, 193.45]], "duration": 193.45, "id": 8254}, {"image_id": "v_GvvmZ1Bi1xk.mp4", "caption": "We see a finger on the lens and a shoulder. A woman pushes a lawn mower through the grass. The lady lifts the mower and backs up. The lady turns the mower.", "segments": [[0, 1.81], [1.81, 22.66], [7.82, 10.99], [19.49, 22.66]], "duration": 22.66, "id": 8255}, {"image_id": "v_lUX1nfb5rx0.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in font of a counter and is talking to the camera. a clean sink is shown and a woman claing the surface of water and wine with a cloth and then with an sponge. the woman put a cleaner on a cloth and cleans the sink, then the woman is talking and a white table covers the sink.", "segments": [[0, 19.08], [19.08, 74.92], [74.92, 141.36]], "duration": 141.36, "id": 8256}, {"image_id": "v_WGpz-hV-Ejw.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is standing on a court with a jump rope. She begins jumping in front of a table of judges. She hops, spins, and flips with the rope.", "segments": [[0, 10.92], [15.99, 49.15], [51.49, 78.02]], "duration": 78.02, "id": 8257}, {"image_id": "v_lwXIgNoLGhM.mp4", "caption": "We see people in a field holding flags. We see people playing paintball in the woods. We see people in lines like soldiers. We see the people in the woods in paint ball gear. We see an empty metal tank. We see the people in the woods again. We see inside the tank. We see the people walking through the field. We see people running with smoke. We see a ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 11.27], [21.52, 38.95], [39.97, 44.07], [45.1, 77.89], [78.92, 110.69], [111.72, 126.07], [127.09, 140.42], [141.44, 176.29], [178.34, 193.71], [194.74, 204.99]], "duration": 204.99, "id": 8258}, {"image_id": "v_XORmEz1vOeQ.mp4", "caption": "A man kneels down by a tree in a yard. He talks as he digs with his hands. He shows and instructs on how to apply and pack mulching around the base of the tree.", "segments": [[0, 6.82], [7.18, 30.87], [32.67, 71.8]], "duration": 71.8, "id": 8259}, {"image_id": "v_CYSyc4jy9-Q.mp4", "caption": "A person runs and jumps wearing bouncing shoes, and a man make a surprised face. People wearing bouncing shoes bounce and jumps in a gym, a presenter talks and also tries the bouncing shoes. A man bounce and jumps high in the beach, in the street. Then, men flip over wearing bouncing shoes, after a man plays basketball wearing bouncing shoes in a gym. A person rides a bike in the gym. Two men wearing bouncing shoes stand front to front in a TV set.", "segments": [[0, 9.56], [10.07, 41.28], [41.28, 54.37], [55.38, 71.48], [68.46, 70.98], [71.99, 89.1]], "duration": 100.68, "id": 8260}, {"image_id": "v_U0HiAZCgmd8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her pouring ice into a glass followed by various liquids. She mixes the liquids back and fourth and ends by presenting the drink and putting in a lemon with straw.", "segments": [[2.01, 37.89], [27.16, 65.38]], "duration": 67.06, "id": 8261}, {"image_id": "v_rLH89pN9I84.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks out onto the grass. Two small dogs follow her on leashes. She bends down and the dogs come up to her.", "segments": [[0, 26.42], [14.68, 108.63], [143.85, 146.79]], "duration": 195.72, "id": 8262}, {"image_id": "v_e_y8_3siD0c.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen standing ready before a game of hop scotch. The girl then begins hopping on the chalk. The girl hops all the way to the end and walks back to the screen.", "segments": [[0.24, 4.18], [3.32, 10.74], [10.9, 15.63]], "duration": 15.79, "id": 8263}, {"image_id": "v_yRjaK8wT4Rc.mp4", "caption": "A man is washing his hands in the sink. He takes a yellow rag and cleans the sink and faucet. A white bottle of cleaner is shown.", "segments": [[15.46, 28.35], [29.9, 83.51], [100, 103.1]], "duration": 103.1, "id": 8264}, {"image_id": "v_dyvB6XCWPZs.mp4", "caption": "People are rafting in rafts down a choppy river. People are jumping off a rock into the water. People are doing flips off the front of the raft. People are sitting on a boat pulling the rafts.", "segments": [[24.27, 182.03], [78.33, 91.56], [129.07, 147.83], [184.23, 220.64]], "duration": 220.64, "id": 8265}, {"image_id": "v_BSIV5tJ3bv4.mp4", "caption": "An athlete walks in front of a crowd rubbing his hands in powder and grabbing a weight set. He lifts the weights over his head and throws it down afterwards, raising his hands up with his coach.", "segments": [[0, 9.6], [9.05, 27.44]], "duration": 27.44, "id": 8266}, {"image_id": "v_HHxPjC6T2e0.mp4", "caption": "A unicorn pinata sways in the wind from a line. A woman swings wildly at it with a bat, as she is blindfolded.", "segments": [[0, 2.39], [2.96, 19.09]], "duration": 19.09, "id": 8267}, {"image_id": "v_fVg3StD8LL0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen hosting a news segment and speaking to the camera. The man is then seen helping another lay down plaster. The host continues helping the men tear up floor as well as lay it down and speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.46], [17.47, 44.59], [39.77, 57.24]], "duration": 60.26, "id": 8268}, {"image_id": "v_-Rv7tGWehRE.mp4", "caption": "We see a boy using jumpstilts on a residential street. The man stops jumping the first time. We see a person come outside then go inside. The jumping man faces and walks towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 60.07], [16.22, 18.02], [10.81, 31.24], [54.06, 60.07]], "duration": 60.07, "id": 8269}, {"image_id": "v_PD9e9MVHEyU.mp4", "caption": "We see the title screen on white A lady sits in a chair talking. The lady starts painting on her hand. We see the closing credits on a white screen.", "segments": [[0, 12.82], [12.82, 109.23], [109.78, 111.46]], "duration": 111.46000000000001, "id": 8270}, {"image_id": "v_ZoKdN--u6TU.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen pushing a puck down a table to another man standing on the other side. The other man then pushes a puck and the boys continue playing the game back and fourth. The camera zooms in on the men in the end as well as other people standing around the room.", "segments": [[0, 25.27], [26.67, 119.31], [117.91, 140.37]], "duration": 140.37, "id": 8271}, {"image_id": "v_aTrEYoCRL2k.mp4", "caption": "A man sitting in a leaf blower starts the machine and blows a large pile of leafs into the brush nearby. We we see the vehicle back and and go back and forth blowing the leaves. The cameraman stops the vehicle and gets out. We see the full vehicle from the front and see the field.", "segments": [[0, 42.51], [43.69, 213.75], [213.75, 222.01], [223.19, 236.18]], "duration": 236.18, "id": 8272}, {"image_id": "v_WYcTPQSXwRc.mp4", "caption": "A marching band plays in a parade while people watch stand on the sidewalk. The marching band pass on front a carnival and a green field. Then, the marching band arrives to a city. An old man holding a trophy walks on front the marching band. After, the marching band arrives to a bus station. A bond lady applaud, hug people and talks.", "segments": [[0, 48.51], [48.51, 68.1], [68.1, 107.28], [111.94, 133.4], [133.4, 166.05], [166.05, 186.57]], "duration": 186.57, "id": 8273}, {"image_id": "v_KGIDKn3t2Qk.mp4", "caption": "An intro is shown with a drink being poured into a glass and a caption about drink mixing. A girl begins to make a drink called a Mai Tai. She takes out all the things she will need to make the drink. She gets some ice into a glass and into the shaker. She adds in the rum, triple sec, syrup, sour mix, and puts the lid on the shaker. She shakes the shaker for a bit until it gets cold and pours the drink into the glass over the ice. She tops it off with a bit of sour mix and cherries, as well as a straw. The video ends with the closing caption.", "segments": [[0, 6.6], [7.55, 182.04], [10.38, 47.16], [47.16, 73.57], [74.51, 117.9], [118.84, 163.17], [163.17, 182.04], [182.04, 188.64]], "duration": 188.64, "id": 8274}, {"image_id": "v_r9OvUc28Qi8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are in an area walking, talking and hanging out.Two men with a referee in the middle appear on a stage and they are in an intense arm wrestling match. The man without a hat wins the match and is briefly interviewed where he's smiling and talking. Another match between two men begins and ones again the same man that won the first match wins again. He holds his right arm up flexing it while smiling and his name Allen Fisher pops up on the screen and a black screen with the words 25 Time World Champion ends the video.", "segments": [[0, 6.26], [6.26, 37.57], [37.57, 43.13], [43.13, 62.61], [62.61, 69.57]], "duration": 69.57, "id": 8275}, {"image_id": "v_5O1ttcUIUKk.mp4", "caption": "men are standing in a large green field playing lacrosse. people is around the field watching the game. men are running side to side of the ield playing lacrosse trying to score.", "segments": [[0, 95.41], [0, 89.21], [4.29, 89.21]], "duration": 95.41, "id": 8276}, {"image_id": "v_STwMeZMg_aA.mp4", "caption": "A boy pulls a string of a home fitness machine while talking. Then, the boy falls down the floor.", "segments": [[0, 7.24], [7.29, 10.12]], "duration": 10.12, "id": 8277}, {"image_id": "v_0dkIuFFlLRM.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a set of stairs and leads into people working out in a class. Several shots are shown of people working out together while a man speaks to the camera. The man continues speaking while more people are shown working out together.", "segments": [[0, 33.62], [27.46, 67.7], [57.29, 93.74]], "duration": 94.69, "id": 8278}, {"image_id": "v_p5H5ZmAwdH8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is lifting wallpaper as she tries to smooth it down without bubbles with a tool. She applies the tool smoothly, making sure to repeel and correct any mistakes as she goes along.", "segments": [[0, 19.03], [19.88, 84.59]], "duration": 84.59, "id": 8279}, {"image_id": "v_8HhihBmSS9s.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around a field that leads into a game of kickball. The people kick around the ball and cheer with one another as they score points on their side. Another team member scores a goal and their teammates run in with their arms up.", "segments": [[2.41, 64.41], [29.5, 86.69], [73.44, 120.4]], "duration": 120.4, "id": 8280}, {"image_id": "v_FWPJWq-uhUw.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man wearing a track suit and a bib number 171 is walking on a track and warming himself up. The man then grabs his necklace, puts it in his mouth and begins clapping above his head and a name below appears and it say's IRVING SALADINO. The man drops the necklace from his mouth and immediately begins to run and does his hop, skip and jump. Replays of the man's run and jump play and the man is shown celebrating himself, and with others on the field.", "segments": [[0, 18.26], [18.26, 42.41], [42.41, 84.83], [84.83, 117.82]], "duration": 117.82, "id": 8281}, {"image_id": "v_KFo88zRw5CM.mp4", "caption": "A man is waterskiing behind a boat while holding a rope. He tries to hold on as he zips to the side. He slips, splits, and falls into the water.", "segments": [[0, 20.48], [23.71, 59.99], [61.43, 71.84]], "duration": 71.84, "id": 8282}, {"image_id": "v_YO8EY7miuk8.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing together on a stage and lead into them playing the instruments and two men kneeling in front. The men then perform various martial arts around one another while the people stand around and watch.", "segments": [[0.87, 27.56], [16.83, 55.13]], "duration": 58.03, "id": 8283}, {"image_id": "v_4k-F7EXpcrM.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a rowing machine in a gym. A finger briefly covers part of the camera lens. The man continues to row as people walk by in the gym.", "segments": [[0, 2.59], [2.59, 3.58], [3.7, 11.03]], "duration": 11.03, "id": 8284}, {"image_id": "v_gvhjtFg8A-c.mp4", "caption": "A person moves a tire towards the gate. The gates close in their lanes. People are sitting on tires behind gates. A person moves their feet. When the gate is released, people slide down the ice on tires. A person celebrates and raises their hands.", "segments": [[0, 1.04], [1.57, 4.18], [1.04, 65.8], [25.59, 45.96], [66.32, 104.44], [86.69, 88.78]], "duration": 104.44, "id": 8285}, {"image_id": "v_avJNxcysMCk.mp4", "caption": "Many people are gathered at the finish line of a marathon, waiting for the runners to come in. Many runners start trickling in and slowing down stopping once they get to that point. There are many runners and some people on the sides but the stands are completely empty on that side. More and more men keep running in little by little.", "segments": [[0.96, 10.05], [10.53, 40.67], [40.67, 71.77], [71.77, 95.69]], "duration": 95.69, "id": 8286}, {"image_id": "v_WVxP7f_OyEs.mp4", "caption": "Some people are seen on water skis in the lake. A man talks to the camera, demonstrating how to water ski. Several moves and positions are shown as he talks.", "segments": [[0, 21.04], [31.55, 110.44], [116.58, 175.3]], "duration": 175.3, "id": 8287}, {"image_id": "v_qpeovDXc1cg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is drinking a cup of coffee. Coffee beans are shown in a cup. Web articles are being shown. A cup mug is being filled with coffee. People are riding bikes down the street.", "segments": [[0, 1.39], [20.22, 30.33], [31.03, 47.07], [50.55, 55.78], [58.57, 69.73]], "duration": 69.73, "id": 8288}, {"image_id": "v_PveTDlMybvU.mp4", "caption": "Motorcycle riders race around a dirt track during a competition. One rider crashes over a jump and falls off his bike. The other rider slows down and pulls off the track. The crashed rider crawls on the ground and is helped by another. The rider waves his arms to signal the others and takes the crashed bike off the course. The rider is seen crashing in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 59.57], [45.74, 49.46], [49.99, 59.57], [61.7, 71.27], [73.4, 85.1], [86.69, 100.52]], "duration": 106.37, "id": 8289}, {"image_id": "v_qpyAkXLIJz0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen standing around a room with some holding onto instruments. People are sitting at a table playing with cups. More people are seen drumming on the side while the people continue to play with cups. Eventually people play with a guitar and end by walking off the stage.", "segments": [[0.92, 35.1], [36.02, 87.75], [84.98, 152.41], [143.17, 181.04]], "duration": 184.74, "id": 8290}, {"image_id": "v_gjfa7WGhM6U.mp4", "caption": "A young man is sitting in a chair with his head down shaving his leg with an electric razor. The man stops and cleans out the razor. The man shakes the razor when it stops working until it starts again and continues to shave his leg.", "segments": [[0, 85.11], [85.11, 93.22], [93.8, 115.8]], "duration": 115.8, "id": 8291}, {"image_id": "v_eLeGJBfqURA.mp4", "caption": "A dog is outside in a large field and runs towards a man holding a yellow Frisbee.The man then begins walking and throws the frisbee for the dog to catch.He throws it several time and the dog catches each and every one.", "segments": [[0, 19.69], [19.69, 56.8], [56.8, 151.46]], "duration": 151.46, "id": 8292}, {"image_id": "v_Pyf_5Bffu5A.mp4", "caption": "kids are playing beach soccer in a dusty field. people are standing around the field in stands. man makes a goal and the team and people in stands are celebrating. man is doing a corner and scores a goal and ruun to his teammates to celebrate. the game start te game and men keeps running and scores another goal and celebrates while theres a repetition.", "segments": [[0, 198.37], [0, 188.45], [8.93, 34.71], [60.5, 99.18], [99.18, 198.37]], "duration": 198.37, "id": 8293}, {"image_id": "v_fm4ZaId1sL0.mp4", "caption": "An Asian woman wearing a blue shirt and begins talking and throwing her hands up at the camera.She then grabs an iron and continues to iron a yellow piece of cloth on the ironing board.Once the front is finished,she grabs it and flips it over so she can complete the ironing.", "segments": [[0, 5.78], [5.02, 12.78], [12.4, 15.21]], "duration": 15.21, "id": 8294}, {"image_id": "v_VpfLfFtu0d8.mp4", "caption": "We see meat and cheese on a counter. A man talks to the camera in a kitchen. The man spreads mustard on bread. The man assembles the sandwich. The sandwich is pressed. The man cuts the sandwich. The man plates all of the food.", "segments": [[4.28, 10.28], [12.85, 171.36], [40.27, 50.55], [72.83, 110.53], [119.1, 135.38], [143.95, 151.66], [155.94, 162.8]], "duration": 171.36, "id": 8295}, {"image_id": "v_ak8MVjE2p3Y.mp4", "caption": "There's a man sitting on a busy city street wearing a turban and smoking a cigarette. There are several people walking past him. He continues to smoke the cigarette as he inhales and exhales the smoke. There is a lot of traffic on the street as well as many people walking on the street.", "segments": [[15.16, 77], [34, 77], [52.02, 77.82], [71.68, 77.82]], "duration": 81.92, "id": 8296}, {"image_id": "v_dZ4y7J3ASEE.mp4", "caption": "A person throws a ball to a teen who runs and kick the ball. A teen grabs the ball in the air and throws to another girl. The falls on the ground an the girl takes it.", "segments": [[0, 13.64], [13.64, 27.28], [27.72, 29.03]], "duration": 29.03, "id": 8297}, {"image_id": "v_ZC65qkYMy9Q.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen standing around an arena while others stand to play shuffleboard. A man pushes a puck along several times while others do the same behind him. The people continue playing and end with a man speaking to the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 12.87], [11.56, 37.03], [32.83, 50.95]], "duration": 52.52, "id": 8298}, {"image_id": "v_XC6tvSBS0PA.mp4", "caption": "A young lady wearing a colorful swimsuit is underwater swimming in a pool.A screen flashes and shows step two as the girl demonstrates swimming with your feet close together.Next,a warning screen appears saying not to swim without goggles as the girl does the exact opposite.After,the girl is shown with an orange mermaid tail on swimming under water as she joins another \"mermaid\".", "segments": [[0, 37.73], [38.63, 75.46], [75.46, 131.16], [131.16, 179.68]], "duration": 179.68, "id": 8299}, {"image_id": "v_G6W6wen6n7w.mp4", "caption": "We see a man run and do a high jump 6'11 and see the replay. We then see the man jump at 6'9 and see the replay. The man jumps at 6'11 again and we see the replay. We see the man jump at 7'2 and we see the replay. We see the man jump at 8'3 using a springboard and we see the replay.", "segments": [[0, 6.34], [7.04, 17.61], [17.84, 27.47], [27.7, 37.09], [37.33, 46.95]], "duration": 46.95, "id": 8300}, {"image_id": "v_dFSGN8U8EnA.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of women putting lotion on themselves on a beach while the camera pans around from several sides. More shots are shown of women in various angles rubbing lotion all over their bodies and looking off into the distance seductively.", "segments": [[0, 48.42], [30.33, 101.63]], "duration": 106.42, "id": 8301}, {"image_id": "v_k_gAGeXhmHo.mp4", "caption": "There is a close up of several men and boys who are sweating. They play rock paper scissors, and the loser becomes enraged. He runs through the building and outdoors, screaming and hitting the air. The man is shown sitting on a chair, talking. He shakes up a bottle and takes a drink before choking. They replay the game, ending with him again talking while sitting in the chair.", "segments": [[0, 14.4], [17.1, 49.49], [52.19, 86.39], [89.09, 138.58], [141.28, 161.08], [161.98, 179.98]], "duration": 179.98, "id": 8302}, {"image_id": "v_4o7Abew2ExY.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a bucket ice fishing. He stands up and pulls a fish out of the hole. He cuts the hook out of the fish and throws the fish on the ice. He sits back down on the bucket.", "segments": [[0, 50.08], [52.23, 60.85], [60.85, 84.54], [96.39, 107.7]], "duration": 107.7, "id": 8303}, {"image_id": "v_nrC41oAR-F0.mp4", "caption": "A large mat is seen with a bar on top and two people watching on the sides. A man is then seen running in from the side. The man jumps over the beam and stands up on the mat.", "segments": [[0.12, 3.21], [2.05, 5.7], [5.14, 7.55]], "duration": 8.04, "id": 8304}, {"image_id": "v_agZNSscDJww.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing the bagpipes. People are playing a game of lacrosse outside. A man in a blue shirt is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.22], [3.89, 111.06], [100.51, 102.18]], "duration": 111.06, "id": 8305}, {"image_id": "v_p-uTwZ9Ph-A.mp4", "caption": "A man serves a ball to play squash with a partner. The men hit the ball to the wall. The man bounce the ball on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 0.95], [0.95, 11.95], [11.89, 13.58]], "duration": 13.58, "id": 8306}, {"image_id": "v_USoYnMSrWv0.mp4", "caption": "Four people play Foosball at a Foosball table. One of the girls playing pulls an arm out of place on the table. The same girl reaches across the table to control an arm on the other side. The girl on the other side tries to stop her. A fifth person sits in a chair watching.", "segments": [[0, 63.37], [0.95, 3.17], [23.45, 27.88], [24.4, 27.88], [0.95, 63.37]], "duration": 63.37, "id": 8307}, {"image_id": "v_chLoV5zQxVA.mp4", "caption": "The words \"How to Fly a Kite With No Wind\" appear on a black screen. Man wearing a yellow t-shirt appears in a large suburban field. The man puts together a rainbow colored kite with long yellow tails. The man drives a small green mowing tractor while holding the kite's string as it flies above. A young lady speaks on screen and then drives the tractor while holding the flying kite.", "segments": [[0, 4.9], [5.87, 28.39], [29.37, 149.8], [150.78, 167.42], [168.4, 195.81]], "duration": 195.81, "id": 8308}, {"image_id": "v_ztnt2EYuK3I.mp4", "caption": "A person in a black coat is scraping ice off of a window. A kid in a yellow coat is smiling at the camera. A boy in a green jacket is scraping the ice off of another car.", "segments": [[0, 12.33], [4.93, 11.34], [11.1, 12.33]], "duration": 12.33, "id": 8309}, {"image_id": "v_YtgiDWEY_1A.mp4", "caption": "The news shows a picture of a man name Albertinho Gazio, Meanwhile a woman walking out of her house in snow gear towards her parked car. The man behind the camera seems to be Albertinho, He is walking through the snow and talking, he and his wife and taking off the snow from the cars in the parking lot. His hands are extremely red from the snow but his wife is wearing gloves so she's unaffected. He takes a paper out of his pocket and reads through it, while his wife laughs at him before they start walking back inside.", "segments": [[0, 98.16], [98.16, 505.93], [505.93, 607.87], [607.87, 755.11]], "duration": 755.11, "id": 8310}, {"image_id": "v_g0Cp28ElIMk.mp4", "caption": "A girl put her foot on a line and then pulls herself up . Her feet are dirty but she is trying to balance on the rope. A man gets up on the rope trying to balance himself also, he has trouble maintaining his balance causing himself to almost fall quite a bit. He tried this over water and then he watches a woman try to balance herself.", "segments": [[1.98, 16.81], [16.81, 46.48], [46.48, 71.2], [71.2, 98.89]], "duration": 98.89, "id": 8311}, {"image_id": "v_jtyWcZGp4VA.mp4", "caption": "A person take on the hands a small and big brush and a com, and points a jug of detergent and a spray bottle. The person takes the big brush and brush the back leg of the dog from top to bottom. After, the person brushes the back leg of the dog using the big brush, then she small brush and the comb. Next, the person sprays the leg of the dog and combs.", "segments": [[0, 69.5], [71.68, 102.08], [103.17, 193.31], [194.39, 217.2]], "duration": 217.2, "id": 8312}, {"image_id": "v_xI4LLnFt6Io.mp4", "caption": "A person plays bagpipes on the streets as people pass by. The crowd is shown and someone takes a picture with the woman.", "segments": [[0, 184.04], [100.3, 120.55]], "duration": 184.04, "id": 8313}, {"image_id": "v_t5Br7yOUe4g.mp4", "caption": "There's a gymnast wearing red leotards performing gymnastics on a horse bar in a large stadium with spectators and a panel of judges. She begins by getting onto the horse bar and does a front flips and a couple back flips. Then she continues twisting her legs and does another side flips by twisting her body. She then gracefully does few more continuous back flips and jumps off the bar and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 95.3], [2.86, 28.59], [25.73, 72.42], [70.99, 95.3]], "duration": 95.3, "id": 8314}, {"image_id": "v_d8MgSp3oCoA.mp4", "caption": "Two sumos stand face to face on front a woman. Then, the sumos push each other while the woman watch them. After, a sumo falls on the ground heavily, then he stands. A man wearing yellow clothes approach the ring.", "segments": [[0, 39.87], [40.21, 54.55], [54.9, 68.54], [59.8, 69.94]], "duration": 69.94, "id": 8315}, {"image_id": "v_GjjRDUirW7g.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a box up to show an instrument inside. The man pulls out the harmonica and continues to show it off to the camera. The man plays the harmonica and pauses to hold it up to the screen as well as a picture.", "segments": [[0, 83.66], [61.13, 150.15], [111.54, 200.56]], "duration": 214.51, "id": 8316}, {"image_id": "v_ydJsJgdaEq4.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a hat is seen speaking to the camera and holding up various cleaning products. He then holds up a bottle and rag and begins wiping down a class door. He continues wiping down a door and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 34.92], [32.73, 77.47], [70.92, 106.93]], "duration": 109.11, "id": 8317}, {"image_id": "v_7_5VT6QCqNI.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera while styling a woman's hair. The man is showing various hair care products. The man is drying the woman's hair with a blow dryer. The man shows a hair brush. The man hands the woman the brush and blow dryer. The woman proceeds to dry her own hair. The man resumes blow drying the woman's hair. The man sprays the woman's hair with hairspray. A row of hair care products is shown. A logo for hair care products is shown.", "segments": [[3.68, 172.12], [15.65, 39.58], [38.66, 150.03], [87.44, 89.28], [103.09, 104.01], [103.09, 114.13], [114.13, 148.19], [156.47, 165.68], [179.49, 180.41], [182.25, 184.09]], "duration": 184.09, "id": 8318}, {"image_id": "v_tvzl11XL01k.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman dressed in a beige sweater demonstrating how to wrap Christmas gifts. she begins with cutting the gift wrapping paper neatly to fit the size of the box. She folds the paper evenly to cover the entire box. Then she uses scotch tape to seal the ends securely. She takes some decorative ribbon and other decorative items to top the box to add a special touch to the presents.", "segments": [[10.04, 23.69], [23.69, 39.34], [39.34, 56.61], [56.61, 72.27], [72.27, 79.09]], "duration": 80.3, "id": 8319}, {"image_id": "v_irnvsfchQX8.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A boy paddles a boat. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.19, 5.34], [6.49, 30.9], [31.47, 37.77]], "duration": 38.15, "id": 8320}, {"image_id": "v_3A26j50_awY.mp4", "caption": "We see a track with people standing around. We see a man with a javelin run. The man returns and we see another javelin thrower with him. A man in red and white runs down a track and performs a high jump. The camera is lowered and covered by a hand.", "segments": [[0, 0.93], [0.8, 3.73], [6.25, 16.23], [16.23, 21.95], [22.09, 26.61]], "duration": 26.61, "id": 8321}, {"image_id": "v_FaDD5MyZj88.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown doing a jump in slow motion on a track several times back to back. The camera shows several different angles of the athlete jumping in a line as well as into the pit on sand. He performs several long jumps back to back and shows off his distance acquired.", "segments": [[2.12, 136.71], [30.46, 59.5], [60.21, 141.67]], "duration": 141.67000000000002, "id": 8322}, {"image_id": "v_cxIfpBvuk0E.mp4", "caption": "A girl is lighting a cigarette and blowing smoke. An arm comes into view and the girl smells it. She smokes some more and blows smoke as she plays with her hair. She is saying something to the camera as she smokes. She thumps her ashes and continues to smoke. She turns around and then back to smoking. She sticks her tongue out. She pans over to a picture of a crazy looking woman and tries to imitate it. She continues to smoke and talk to the camera. She makes faces at the camera. She gets up close to the camera as someone walks behind her.", "segments": [[0, 13.43], [13.43, 18.22], [18.22, 38.36], [36.44, 55.62], [54.66, 56.58], [56.58, 74.8], [74.8, 80.55], [80.55, 123.71], [123.71, 149.6], [149.6, 170.7], [170.7, 191.8]], "duration": 191.8, "id": 8323}, {"image_id": "v_uLT7PmD_AJA.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen working on the head of a human and placing pieces of hair into the head. The person ties the hair into several braids and then transitions into pictures of the hair in an updo.", "segments": [[0, 29.01], [29.01, 120.88]], "duration": 120.88, "id": 8324}, {"image_id": "v_a5R0qO5NynU.mp4", "caption": "A woman does hula hoops outside and then in the dark alternating. A man takes a hula hoop and describes it before cutting back to the woman.", "segments": [[0, 53.69], [66.82, 229.09]], "duration": 238.63, "id": 8325}, {"image_id": "v_sC_hs-OXERg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen bending over a block of wood and sanding it own. He pours out more liquids in front of a group of people and rubs it all along the block of wood. He continues rubbing it down while people on the sidelines watch.", "segments": [[0, 32.66], [39.01, 128.84], [65.33, 176.02]], "duration": 181.46, "id": 8326}, {"image_id": "v_pcaPtKtS03E.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a christmas tree is shown followed by a young child hanging up ornaments. The girl walks back and fourth hanging up ornaments all over a tree. The girl continues to hang up ornaments while the camera captures her movements.", "segments": [[0, 62.43], [71.68, 174.57], [159.55, 223.13]], "duration": 231.23, "id": 8327}, {"image_id": "v_z4_OuffZPAo.mp4", "caption": "A man peels a potato while blindfolded and two little girls watch. The man finishes and holds up the potato to the camera. The man picks up a peel off the table. the man removes his blindfold.", "segments": [[0, 22.68], [21.97, 24.81], [25.09, 27.5], [27.64, 28.35]], "duration": 28.35, "id": 8328}, {"image_id": "v_VuEy38XdUgA.mp4", "caption": "The video starts with several people playing shuffleboard on a shuffleboard court. One person makes a shot with a black puck. The next person makes a shot with a yellow puck. The people continue to alternate shots between a yellow and a black puck.", "segments": [[0, 99.13], [0, 11.4], [11.4, 25.28], [25.28, 99.13]], "duration": 99.13, "id": 8329}, {"image_id": "v_pOO6H6d5SXI.mp4", "caption": "An elderly man is seated in the living room. He is playing an accordian. He continues playing the accordian for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 9.49], [11.68, 43.09], [51.85, 146.05]], "duration": 146.05, "id": 8330}, {"image_id": "v_6_XA3oKwwzU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is playing an acoustic guitar. A woman standing next to her is dancing and twirling a baton. Words are then shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 180.63], [7.49, 175.95], [175.95, 187.18]], "duration": 187.18, "id": 8331}, {"image_id": "v_9nh_6Hzg_aw.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown looking around a city and begins washing windows with his tools. He goes up and down the windows at a rapid pace and continues filming himself through the glass. He finishes the glass in record time and turns off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.96], [21.21, 181.25], [138.83, 192.82]], "duration": 192.82, "id": 8332}, {"image_id": "v_6Dt510HMEWA.mp4", "caption": "Some people are floating on the ocean on a yellow raft. They float by large rocks and cliffs.", "segments": [[0, 22.23], [24.25, 31.09]], "duration": 31.09, "id": 8333}, {"image_id": "v_GlAEgSWM2nQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in shorts is shown in front of some bushes and is trimming them with a manual trimmer. He is being very precise and going a very detailed job. He goes up and down the length of the bushes and is paying attention to every part of them. He then moves higher and higher getting the very top of the bush.", "segments": [[0, 5.78], [5.78, 18.99], [19.54, 25.6], [25.88, 55.06]], "duration": 55.06, "id": 8334}, {"image_id": "v_3fg_CB3rBSk.mp4", "caption": "kids are in a park around a squarepants bob sponge pi\u00f1ata pulling threads. woman is behind playground holding a bag and watching the kids. woman holds the pi\u00f1ata while kids keep pulling from the pi\u00f1ata. kid pulls the thread and opn the pi\u00f1ata and kneel in the floor picking up candies.", "segments": [[0, 129.53], [0, 51.5], [47.6, 129.53], [129.53, 156.06]], "duration": 156.06, "id": 8335}, {"image_id": "v_hV_Ud3zrAnA.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen jumping roping with one another as well as on their own as others watch on the side. The people performing several jumps and spins with the jump rope as well as shots that are shown in slow motion.", "segments": [[0.92, 45.7], [38.31, 92.32]], "duration": 92.32, "id": 8336}, {"image_id": "v_1AZxtWKkRlo.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders run onto a stage before a cheering audience. They get into formation, then begin dancing and flipping as male cheerleaders join them. They all continue dancing and flipping, doing hand springs. When they are finished, they jump up and down happily and walk off the stage, exhausted.", "segments": [[0, 13.53], [15.46, 78.27], [80.2, 144.95], [147.84, 193.26]], "duration": 193.26, "id": 8337}, {"image_id": "v_JNSaWuU8ky4.mp4", "caption": "Three people are seen kneeling on a small raft and flip themselves into the water. More people are seen padding along and move over to the people in the water. The people in the water climb back in and finally put themselves in a canoe.", "segments": [[0, 39.33], [48.99, 101.43], [104.19, 135.93]], "duration": 138.0, "id": 8338}, {"image_id": "v_0BXBfSWIR2k.mp4", "caption": "A wind surfer surfs against heavy waves. The surfer flings his board against a wave, flying high into the air. The surfer lands back on the waters and resumes his surf.", "segments": [[0, 1.04], [1.08, 3.7], [3.8, 6.73]], "duration": 6.73, "id": 8339}, {"image_id": "v_PBZScfP9ynI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is doing kickboxing in front of a mirrored wall. She high kicks her legs into the air. She alternates the kicks with punches.", "segments": [[0, 2.71], [3.02, 7.92], [8.08, 10.43]], "duration": 10.43, "id": 8340}, {"image_id": "v_FNHoSA0hLgM.mp4", "caption": "An older boy and a younger one are on a racquetball court. They hit the ball back and forth against the wall. They continue fighting over the ball, trying to beat each other in the game.", "segments": [[0, 9.8], [12.44, 33.16], [32.79, 75.37]], "duration": 75.37, "id": 8341}, {"image_id": "v__Z71mu4aQy4.mp4", "caption": "A cricket player hits a ball that is pitched. A player makes a diving catch in the outfield. The player smiles and is a good sport.", "segments": [[0, 28.48], [4, 36.71], [36.71, 47.07]], "duration": 47.07, "id": 8342}, {"image_id": "v_-z0ZvJD9gY4.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen spraying down a dog with water in the middle of an alleyway while the dog moves away from the water. The person continues spraying the dog with the hose and standing waiting for the dog.", "segments": [[1.11, 67.96], [40.33, 108.85]], "duration": 110.5, "id": 8343}, {"image_id": "v_mQoYAZ2BLDM.mp4", "caption": "Two people arm wrestle in a competition. The losers arm is hurt.", "segments": [[0, 68.08], [38.81, 65.7]], "duration": 68.08, "id": 8344}, {"image_id": "v_-y8LMGQt8uI.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen going up and down snowy mountains on skis and in ski cars. A view is then seen of the snowy mountains with a bridge in front.", "segments": [[0, 162.17], [179.51, 203.99]], "duration": 203.99, "id": 8345}, {"image_id": "v_CBN0dqyWB7w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down next to a car while speaking to the camera. The camera pans all around the car as well as the tire while the man continues to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[7.87, 49.38], [34.35, 141.7]], "duration": 143.13, "id": 8346}, {"image_id": "v_XkVicWlqTV4.mp4", "caption": "A man serves a ball in a beach volleyball game, then he run on front the net to receive the ball while people watch the game in a beach. A serves a ball and plays while people watch the game in a beach.", "segments": [[0, 32.07], [32.39, 64.78]], "duration": 64.78, "id": 8347}, {"image_id": "v_u_G3ZPXU35A.mp4", "caption": "A pair of french doors is shown on a house. A man demonstrates how to clean the glass in the windows of the doors. He scrubs them with a cloth, wiping them clean. He continues going down one door, cleaning each individual window.", "segments": [[0, 3.85], [4.55, 16.79], [17.83, 57.35], [58.05, 69.94]], "duration": 69.94, "id": 8348}, {"image_id": "v_aj1ole7T9hc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is mowing a lawn, pushing the mower back and forth. She covers half the lawn and driveway before the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 12.98], [14.94, 30.18]], "duration": 30.18, "id": 8349}, {"image_id": "v_cK1ssoaX768.mp4", "caption": "A group of men plays soccer in a sand area. A crowd watches from the the stands. A goalie tries to block a ball and does the splits but misses the ball.", "segments": [[0, 200.53], [0, 201.58], [57.44, 58.49]], "duration": 208.89, "id": 8350}, {"image_id": "v_iuEuMQUXLVw.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a kitchen and is eating a cake full of cream. a cake is in a pot on the counter, woman is speaking to the camera in the kitchen. cake mix is beat with a mixer, the woman keeps talking and mixing the cake. oil is in a pot. woman holds a green pot full of sand and its putted on the pressure cooker. put the mixer on the oily pot. the pression mix is open and then closed while the woman keeps talking in the kitchen, after a ime she open the pot and the cake is ready. a decorated cake is shown and the cakes along the pression pot.", "segments": [[0, 14.42], [14.42, 34.39], [34.39, 52.13], [52.13, 82.08], [82.08, 135.32], [135.32, 150.85], [150.85, 186.35], [186.35, 221.84]], "duration": 221.84, "id": 8351}, {"image_id": "v_c7Rxe5IzUQw.mp4", "caption": "A black and white video shows two people in a bedroom, playing guitars. They continue throughout the video, shaking somewhat as they play.", "segments": [[0, 60.84], [61.7, 171.39]], "duration": 171.39, "id": 8352}, {"image_id": "v_KU4twxFnX5Q.mp4", "caption": "A group of runners walk down a dirt path. They begin running, being passed by cars as they go. They continue running through the town together.", "segments": [[0, 13], [16.61, 73.66], [73.66, 144.43]], "duration": 144.43, "id": 8353}, {"image_id": "v_AOBkrb8yYS4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a ball is shown followed by a person hitting the ball in several locations. The man continues to demonstrate how to hit the ball in various angles as well as kneeling on the ground to shoot.", "segments": [[0, 50.91], [48.08, 113.13]], "duration": 113.13, "id": 8354}, {"image_id": "v_ZlHaPkhGr_g.mp4", "caption": "There's a girl with long brown hair playing the harmonica in a hospital elevator. The elevator door opens and several people enter the elevator. She continues playing her harmonica. There's a young boy and his mother who smile at the lady as she plays. Then they get off the elevator when they reach their level. The lady continues playing the harmonica as the elevator moves further and stops at other levels and more people walk in. People continue to get on and off the elevator but she continues to play her harmonica. A person enters the elevator with a man on a stretcher along with some other people. They smile at her and compliment her. They get off the elevator when they reach their desired level in the hospital.", "segments": [[16.18, 36.97], [36.97, 45.06], [45.06, 51.99], [51.99, 82.04], [82.04, 105.14], [105.14, 130.56], [130.56, 166.38], [166.38, 188.33], [188.33, 217.22], [217.22, 228.77]], "duration": 231.09, "id": 8355}, {"image_id": "v_An_CpsJkJMM.mp4", "caption": "A toddler wash his hands in the sink. Then, the toddler splash water on his face and smile. The toddled puts water on his face, and then moves his head.", "segments": [[0, 11.35], [11.35, 15.7], [15.84, 28.03]], "duration": 28.03, "id": 8356}, {"image_id": "v_e07y3QI4Kbg.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen arm wrestling with one another while one man holds their hands. The men then continue to wrestle with one slamming the other's hand down.", "segments": [[0, 14.85], [13.14, 30.93]], "duration": 30.93, "id": 8357}, {"image_id": "v_tA4KrZHGoYQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen huddled around and leads into a group of them riding down a river with one man's help. The ride continuously down the river bumping into rocks along the way and leads to them walking out on the side. Finally a picture of them all together in shown in the end.", "segments": [[9.96, 39.83], [38.01, 148.44], [152.06, 181.02]], "duration": 181.02, "id": 8358}, {"image_id": "v_-1CEVKeAyA8.mp4", "caption": "An older woman is seen sitting in a chair knitting while holding two needles and leads into her showing off her knitting basket and speaking to the camera. The woman continues speaking while holding the knitting tools and ends by fading to black.", "segments": [[3.04, 91.07], [62.74, 190.24]], "duration": 202.39, "id": 8359}, {"image_id": "v_5aMigcn2cU8.mp4", "caption": "A group of two women and two men pose together. They are then shown performing an art exercise called zumba inside a building. They dance back and forth in unison, then are shown posing together at the end as musical notes float across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 19.6], [23.52, 140.16], [142.12, 196.02]], "duration": 196.02, "id": 8360}, {"image_id": "v_IBkHS9Zl2z8.mp4", "caption": "A man in a brown coat and hat is shoveling the snow from his driveway. Pictures of the man are being shown. The man gets out a snowblower and starts snowblowing his driveway. A woman in a blue coat is talking. The man continues snowblowing before talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 31.26], [33.18, 40.83], [42.11, 78.48], [79.12, 88.69], [89.96, 127.61]], "duration": 127.61, "id": 8361}, {"image_id": "v_-UfNSW7yeSo.mp4", "caption": "A person welds a seam of a large metal pipe wearing protective mask. The person peers through a tiny hole in a piece of metal. The man finishes the weld and the seam is seen glowing red hot. A man taps the finished welled with a metal file.", "segments": [[0, 151.95], [5.37, 128.16], [69.07, 87.49], [91.32, 101.3]], "duration": 153.48, "id": 8362}, {"image_id": "v_vNzTWjEFr-Y.mp4", "caption": "The video shows a person's hand holding up an acoustic guitar. The Yamaha case of the guitar is also shown. A young man is seen playing his acoustic guitar. He is strumming his guitar to a tune.", "segments": [[7.3, 17.73], [17.73, 42.76], [42.76, 60.48], [60.48, 64.65]], "duration": 69.52, "id": 8363}, {"image_id": "v_7e035QnLp0c.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen in several locations walking along a long rope tied to two trees. The man continues performing several variations on how to walk on the rope as well as jumping up and down and continuing to walk.", "segments": [[6.17, 90.73], [53.73, 158.55]], "duration": 176.17000000000002, "id": 8364}, {"image_id": "v_99PtaOQbBIY.mp4", "caption": "Several cats are shown sitting around followed by a man speaking to the camera. More shots are shown of cars and leads into a woman cutting a cat's claws. Several products are shown laid out as well as several people holding cats and cutting their nails.", "segments": [[0, 37.66], [42.18, 112.99], [85.87, 146.13]], "duration": 150.65, "id": 8365}, {"image_id": "v_VoQ2VhCqir0.mp4", "caption": "men is holding a bucket and is standing in the oof of a house and its working on it. man is doing the mix in a bucket in a floor and in the roof again.", "segments": [[0, 62.62], [62.62, 150.88]], "duration": 150.88, "id": 8366}, {"image_id": "v_I-vi5EpjrFI.mp4", "caption": "Text is shown across the screen leading into two women speaking to one another. One takes a sip of mouth wash and spits it into the sink. She hands the container back to the woman who turns to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0.96, 23.25], [20.06, 45.54], [41.08, 60.83]], "duration": 63.69, "id": 8367}, {"image_id": "v_4l8r_wBuJ6Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is wearing a yellow vest. He is standing in front of a building cleaning a window. A person is seen looking out one of the windows.", "segments": [[0, 39.94], [1, 39.94], [13.58, 14.98]], "duration": 39.94, "id": 8368}, {"image_id": "v_3lla2AaJgNA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is using an iron on a board. She is showing how to iron baby clothes. She flips the clothing, buttoning it up as she goes.", "segments": [[0, 4], [6.06, 13.96], [15.15, 21.64]], "duration": 21.64, "id": 8369}, {"image_id": "v_g0RK-2ydod0.mp4", "caption": "A chef is seen standing before a table with various objects laid out and pulling a piece of food out of pot. He shows the object to the camera and begins peeling it out into a bowl. The person then cuts up the food and continues peeling more into a pot.", "segments": [[3.73, 75.55], [49.44, 151.11], [121.26, 184.68]], "duration": 186.55, "id": 8370}, {"image_id": "v_XqmMZs2-3ZI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on her little couch thinking about cookies. You are informed of all the ingredients needed to make a batch of delicious cookies and the equipment required to make them. She goes to the kitchen and turns on the oven and begins mixing ingredients in a kitchenaid. Once mixed nicely she places the cookie in the oven and when they done she returns to her couch with her teddy bear and munches out.", "segments": [[0, 12.54], [12.54, 43.38], [43.38, 71.61], [71.61, 104.54]], "duration": 104.53999999999999, "id": 8371}, {"image_id": "v_wfSh2F8ymIg.mp4", "caption": "A camera shows a person's feet riding down a snow mountain while spinning around in circles. The person continues spinning down the hill while a large crowd watches on the side and a young boy jumps up at the bottom.", "segments": [[0, 11.27], [9.85, 23.73]], "duration": 23.73, "id": 8372}, {"image_id": "v_3gQsAKZ71tU.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on a court. He hits a ball with a racket. Several different athletes are shown hitting balls. Some of them cheer at the end.", "segments": [[0, 17.57], [5.86, 17.57], [20.76, 98.48], [80.38, 98.48]], "duration": 106.46000000000001, "id": 8373}, {"image_id": "v_soeRPsbkfas.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown doing several different long jumps back to back while the camera captures him. He swings his arms around to demonstrate a proper move followed by several more jumps.", "segments": [[0, 23.11], [23.11, 63.32]], "duration": 63.32, "id": 8374}, {"image_id": "v_YonmpJvwmKM.mp4", "caption": "A man is pictured next to an ad for yoga. He is standing in a forest, making slow and graceful yoga moves. He stands on a platform, continuing the graceful movements. We then see him again in the woods, still performing yoga quietly.", "segments": [[0, 5.81], [10.46, 139.43], [141.76, 187.07], [189.39, 232.39]], "duration": 232.39, "id": 8375}, {"image_id": "v_ComW-O6dMW4.mp4", "caption": "These two men are shown spraying the exterior of the black car with soap. Then they started hand washing the car using their hands and a towel. They scrubbed almost everywhere to make the black turn into shine.", "segments": [[0.69, 4.82], [12.38, 137.6], [0, 137.6]], "duration": 137.6, "id": 8376}, {"image_id": "v_VNR1j2U7gE4.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing around a large room and hitting a tennis ball around with tennis rackets. The men hit the ball back and fourth to one another and run around the room at the same time.", "segments": [[0, 22.78], [17.7, 40.68]], "duration": 40.68, "id": 8377}, {"image_id": "v_dLOwmXV_yTw.mp4", "caption": "Holiday gift wrapping made easy, this glass store give a tutorial on how to wrap awkward shaped gifts. You place the object on the wrapping paper to start. After, you fold the tip of the paper, you grab the scissor and cut strips. Then you use tape to hold it down and top it off with a bow.", "segments": [[0, 20.19], [20.77, 43.84], [35.77, 55.96], [57.69, 115.38]], "duration": 115.38, "id": 8378}, {"image_id": "v_dG_jxrIaK6w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and pans it back to a piano. The man then begins playing the piano while the camera captures his movements. He continues to play and ends by turning off the camera and looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 18.84], [19.24, 58.91], [55.71, 78.15]], "duration": 80.16, "id": 8379}, {"image_id": "v_dY2iZq5T0zo.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are riding horses and playing polo. They fight over the ball in front of the watching crowd. When it's over, they pose for pictures outside the rodeo and stadium.", "segments": [[0, 18.92], [20.88, 90.04], [96.57, 130.5]], "duration": 130.5, "id": 8380}, {"image_id": "v_Qyruw9480BU.mp4", "caption": "A lady in a pink shirt stands in a laundry room talking to the camera. The camera zooms out to show us the whole room. The lady shows us a spray bottle and shakes it up. The lady then speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 118.25], [5.91, 18.33], [43.75, 88.69], [89.28, 118.25]], "duration": 118.25, "id": 8381}, {"image_id": "v_lEYr4d4vBWc.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a wall is shown followed by several clips of men opening a window. They're also seen working on a roof and putting tiles down on the side. They put in a window and end by closing up.", "segments": [[0, 67.09], [65.02, 148.63], [141.4, 194.04]], "duration": 206.43, "id": 8382}, {"image_id": "v_3ZJQHfrfR2M.mp4", "caption": "A man is cleaning leaves off a sidewalk with a broom and a shovel. The man sweeps the leaves in a circle and puts them in the bin. A yellow bus rides past the man. The man sweeps again and puts the leaves in the bin.", "segments": [[0, 40.06], [17.82, 27.04], [28.04, 36.25], [30.84, 35.25]], "duration": 40.06, "id": 8383}, {"image_id": "v_1ErQKcUju8o.mp4", "caption": "A tutorial is presented on how to do simple ballet moves. After showing the materials, the teacher touches the student to show perfect form.", "segments": [[14.05, 104.1], [0, 98.37]], "duration": 104.1, "id": 8384}, {"image_id": "v_VbP9fOp-Umg.mp4", "caption": "This young woman is dancing with the baton in her hands. She's in the middle of the street wearing a red tanktop, shorts, and flip flops. There are lots of people watching her while she does the batons outside. When she''s done, the music stops playing and a few people clap for her performance.", "segments": [[0, 44.96], [0, 191.31], [0, 185.57], [190.35, 191.31]], "duration": 191.31, "id": 8385}, {"image_id": "v_kDz85hnSKdo.mp4", "caption": "A man in a yellow life vest is sitting in a canoe. He is paddling from side to side. The camera goes underwater next to the canoe.", "segments": [[2.64, 29.05], [3.88, 29.05], [11.03, 12.12]], "duration": 31.07, "id": 8386}, {"image_id": "v_rcpsp52nguY.mp4", "caption": "A man walks across some snow carrying a large snow shovel. The man shovels a long path of snow. The man turns around and shovels a long path of snow again. The man shovels snow for a third time. The man shovels a really long path of snow at a different location. The man turns around and shovels a second path of snow, right next to the recent shoveled snow path.", "segments": [[7.31, 17.05], [17.86, 37.35], [38.16, 60.08], [60.89, 82], [84.44, 125.03], [125.84, 154.26]], "duration": 162.38, "id": 8387}, {"image_id": "v_WVaYjd1F8kg.mp4", "caption": "A person cuts a pepper and put in a bowl. Also, the person cook noodles in a pot. Then, the person fry mushrooms in a pan, add salt, garlic, tomatoes and roots. After, the person add the pepper and the noodles, mix and serves.", "segments": [[12.57, 50.27], [76.25, 78.76], [51.95, 123.17], [123.17, 162.55]], "duration": 167.57999999999998, "id": 8388}, {"image_id": "v_LFiGhD1OEws.mp4", "caption": "A group of young people play field hockey on a field while a man watches from a fence bordering the playing field. A man in field hockey goal gear stands in the center of a semi circle formed by young people dressed in field hockey attire. The man interviews from the sidelines while the people play field hockey and at one point is presented with a burgundy jersey by the players. The man then plays a game of field hockey in which he ends standing in the semi circle again tossing a ball up and down and looking into the camera while surrounded by players.", "segments": [[3.24, 17.49], [9.72, 11.01], [13.6, 38.87], [38.22, 128.27]], "duration": 129.57, "id": 8389}, {"image_id": "v_moqRG7uwZ4Q.mp4", "caption": "A view of a leaf blower lays on the ground in a yard. The leaf blower blows brown dried up leaves using the leaf blower. The leaves are blown away from some lawn furniture and blown towards the middle of the yard.", "segments": [[0, 18.25], [18.25, 65.18], [65.71, 104.29]], "duration": 104.28999999999999, "id": 8390}, {"image_id": "v_B-lmXhRr6bE.mp4", "caption": "A large black item is drawn on a long sheet of white paper. A person uses a brush to continue the painting. They add leaves, creating a black plant.", "segments": [[0, 23.6], [33.04, 128.39], [135.94, 188.8]], "duration": 188.8, "id": 8391}, {"image_id": "v_cffsp2tCT5k.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen cutting a hole in the top of a pumpkin followed by her scooping out seeds and cutting out the sides. The girl wipes off the pumpkin and puts on the top and shows the pumpkin in the dark.", "segments": [[9.5, 119.23], [89.68, 193.09]], "duration": 211.02, "id": 8392}, {"image_id": "v_VLmZ3M3wSbo.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen holding his eye open in front of a mirror and attempting to put a contact lens in. He drops the lens on the sink and again tries to put the contact into his eye. He drops the lens again and continues trying to put it into his eye and the camera moves around in the end.", "segments": [[0, 30.59], [30.07, 65.33], [65.85, 103.7]], "duration": 103.7, "id": 8393}, {"image_id": "v_ti3EHJLR2mU.mp4", "caption": "The video is a tutorial on how to make Alfredo sauce pasta. A lady with blond hair wearing a maroon tank top is demonstrating how to boil water to make bow-tie pasta. She then strains the pasta out in a bowl by throwing out the excess water. Then she takes a stick of butter and cuts it and adds to a saucepan. then she adds some milk and cheese to it and stirs it in with the cooked pasta. She adds some more milk and cheese to the pasta to make the sauce. She continues stirring the pasta in the saucepan. She serves the pasta in a square brown plate and takes a spoonful of the pasta to taste it. She is happy with the way it turned out.", "segments": [[17.63, 28], [28, 52.89], [52.89, 77.78], [77.78, 108.9], [108.9, 146.23], [146.23, 169.05], [169.05, 179.42], [179.42, 197.05], [197.05, 207.42]], "duration": 207.42000000000002, "id": 8394}, {"image_id": "v_LDjomH0-hYA.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a dress is dancing on a stage. Smoke is pumped out onto the stage behind her. She bows at the end and steps back.", "segments": [[0, 181.22], [92.03, 98.67], [182.16, 183.11]], "duration": 189.75, "id": 8395}, {"image_id": "v_f9Bo4yVcnDE.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black coat is chopping a piece of wood with an ax. He tries again and chops it again. He moves the stump and tries to chop it again. He continues to chop the wood.", "segments": [[0, 19.48], [19.48, 44.15], [62.33, 74.01], [74.66, 127.9]], "duration": 129.85, "id": 8396}, {"image_id": "v_QsfIM28uvHM.mp4", "caption": "A person hangs onto the handles of a kite flying overhead. The kite falls as the wind lessens. The kite blows hard in the air as the wind picks up again.", "segments": [[0, 26.22], [1.84, 6.03], [12.45, 26.08]], "duration": 26.22, "id": 8397}, {"image_id": "v_Q48_MDiak-w.mp4", "caption": "An athlete performs hammer Throw by spins a heavy ball several times with his body. Then, the athlete throws the ball to the field.", "segments": [[0, 8.65], [8.65, 13.2]], "duration": 13.2, "id": 8398}, {"image_id": "v_hSYfK-W2UJQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks, facing the camera while holding two dumbbells and then demonstrates a spin cycle exercise in front of a class in a gym. A woman stands and talks while facing the the camera, in a gym, with a wall of mirrors to her side and several people behind her standing near various pieces of gym equipment. The woman, now wearing a headset with a mic attached to the mouthpiece, starts cycling very fast on a spin cycle machine in front of a mirror with a class of people behind her who are also on spin cycle machines. The woman then lifts dumbbells with her arms while standing, lifts dumbbells while sitting on the floor and then returns to the spin cycle machine before the scene fades to black.", "segments": [[0.48, 89.97], [1.92, 27.9], [28.87, 62.06], [41.86, 90.93]], "duration": 96.22, "id": 8399}, {"image_id": "v_MYzG-TsW8w8.mp4", "caption": "Four men are outside in a field throwing a baseball to each other.A ball then rolls into a pond and a little boy grabs it and throws it.The scene moves to a playground and the boys begin going down the slide.More kids are shown and they are doing various activities as they play such as the see saw,monkey bars and swings.On the side,a boy begins pumping his tire and a small baby is shown bathing in a basin.", "segments": [[0, 10.41], [10.41, 13.08], [13.32, 28.58], [28.58, 39.23], [39.23, 48.44]], "duration": 48.44, "id": 8400}, {"image_id": "v_7rvrBulkd5c.mp4", "caption": "An exercise instructor is explaining the step. She steps up on it and begins to show the exercises. She goes in front of it and shows more exercises, stepping up and down and raising her arms as she steps. She stops and explains more. She turns back to the step and begins more advances steps. She stops for moment and shows the fast step again.", "segments": [[0, 12.26], [12.26, 25.5], [25.5, 52.47], [52.47, 66.21], [66.21, 83.37], [83.37, 98.08]], "duration": 98.08, "id": 8401}, {"image_id": "v_H3cFZelOk2Y.mp4", "caption": "Two team are in each other end of the rope while people are watching and two persons are taking pictures. The two teams began pulling the rope. The team in yellow shirt won and then two team shake hands and hugged each other and then gave a bow.", "segments": [[0, 74.87], [35.41, 132.53], [96.11, 202.34]], "duration": 202.34, "id": 8402}, {"image_id": "v_fllAtkXf7pw.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the video are shown. A lady sits back, talks, and drinks coffee. Credits of the clip are shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.46], [6.01, 30.06], [30.24, 36.43]], "duration": 36.43, "id": 8403}, {"image_id": "v_QinlLV8QKBU.mp4", "caption": "A old man puts salt to bowling water in a pot, then he adds pasta and let cook for one minute.Then, the man turns off the stove and puts on the pot a cloth and a lid and let it for 10 min. After, the man drains the pasta in the sink. A woman comes and taste the cooked pasta and gives a thump up.", "segments": [[0, 79.18], [79.18, 168.25], [168.25, 197.95], [197.95, 217.74]], "duration": 219.94, "id": 8404}, {"image_id": "v_ksvIIhvmSRM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in a tube speaking and leads into people walking around carrying tubes. Shots of the water is shown followed by people riding down a river on the tubes. The people continue to ride down one after the other while people watch on the side.", "segments": [[0, 31.39], [33.48, 150.68], [154.86, 202.99]], "duration": 209.27, "id": 8405}, {"image_id": "v_9RcCkU6dVD0.mp4", "caption": "A girl hits a pinata with an orange, toy bat. The bat falls and the girl picks it up. Behind her, a boy demonstrates how she should hit and cheers her on.", "segments": [[0, 37.22], [22.15, 26.24], [26.24, 32.57]], "duration": 37.22, "id": 8406}, {"image_id": "v_TL7hwQauhFo.mp4", "caption": "In an indoor court teams of men are playing soccer while audience sits in the stadium. The team in black is trying to prevent the other team in red from scoring, the goalie blocks the score. They run up and down the court trying to score and keep the other from scoring. The red team scores and it's 1-1, they continue back on the court til the game is over.", "segments": [[0, 26.46], [24.06, 85], [85, 109.06], [109.06, 160.38]], "duration": 160.38, "id": 8407}, {"image_id": "v_HEuC9ZEY91E.mp4", "caption": "People are going down a hill of snow on sleds. People are standing on the side of the hill watching them. People are making a snow man in the snow.", "segments": [[0, 85.05], [35.69, 37.97], [91.89, 151.88]], "duration": 151.88, "id": 8408}, {"image_id": "v_xCVZBvwhoWE.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing in a close room holding a tennis racket. The person then begins hitting the ball with the racket and walking around. Another person is seen walking in frame as well as out.", "segments": [[0, 2.96], [1.89, 16.44], [3.29, 12.99]], "duration": 16.44, "id": 8409}, {"image_id": "v_ApH2nZIq2tU.mp4", "caption": "An emblem appears on the screen. A band appears, walking down the street and across a field as they play for a crowd. Words appear on the screen talking about celebrating March 4th with a parade.", "segments": [[0, 3.58], [3.79, 27.15], [27.57, 42.1]], "duration": 42.1, "id": 8410}, {"image_id": "v_d14twk9O2Vw.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about a tour for a band. They are shown getting haircuts in a barbershop and commentating about the haircut. They are also shown jamming out in a session with several people dancing around and having a good time. The video ends with the closing credits shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 13.94], [13.94, 180.32], [46.47, 67.85], [180.32, 185.9]], "duration": 185.9, "id": 8411}, {"image_id": "v_8OA30kYcAUQ.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the video is shown. A man rakes brown leaves in a lawn. The man puts the leaves in a trashcan. The man stops and moves the trashcan. The man pulls out a black object from his pocket and presents it. The man screws the black object at the end of the rake handle. The man moves the trashcan and rakes. The man stop raking, walks toward a tree, and hangs the rake on the tree. The man removes a pair of rakes for the tree and lifts it above his head. The man uses the dual rakes to pick up the leaves and put them into the trashcan. The man lifts the dual rakes above his head and then pairs them together. The man takes the paired rakes back to the tree where he hangs them on a branch. The credits of the clips are shown.", "segments": [[0.84, 6.73], [7.58, 17.68], [18.52, 31.99], [32.83, 41.25], [42.09, 45.46], [46.3, 53.88], [54.72, 72.4], [73.24, 79.13], [78.29, 88.39], [89.24, 122.91], [123.75, 140.59], [141.43, 147.32], [162.48, 167.53]], "duration": 168.37, "id": 8412}, {"image_id": "v_0vJfctL116Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white apron is slicing lettuce on a board. She dries and cuts some cucumbers to put in a bowl of salad. She tosses the salad with her hands. She grabs a bottle of vinegar and pours it on top of the salad. She opens a bottle with her teeth and pours that onto the salad too. She puts more dressing on the salad. A lady in the background is pulling saran wrap out. She continues tossing the salad and mixing the dressing into it. A woman behind her pours seasoning onto the salad. A woman holds the bowl up and shows the salad while smiling. The woman who tossed the salad is washing her hands off on a towel.", "segments": [[4.44, 15.55], [17.03, 66.65], [66.65, 77.02], [77.02, 79.99], [80.73, 90.35], [90.35, 104.43], [100.72, 111.09], [105.91, 125.9], [121.46, 125.16], [126.64, 133.31], [135.53, 145.9]], "duration": 148.12, "id": 8413}, {"image_id": "v_BiZF6o-AU64.mp4", "caption": "A graphic plays that says \"StuntsAmazing\" with a link to their facebook page. A man shows off a variety of pool tricks on his pool table in his house. A graphic plays that says \"Subscribe\" and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [4.23, 133.85], [133.85, 140.9]], "duration": 140.9, "id": 8414}, {"image_id": "v_Ke29p3rcs1k.mp4", "caption": "a room with a table without painting is shown and a emery is on top of it. man walks into a room and use the emery on the top of the table. man take out the glasses and cleans the disc of the emery.", "segments": [[0, 50.62], [50.62, 111.81], [111.81, 151.09]], "duration": 151.09, "id": 8415}, {"image_id": "v_H-hgVm5G54Y.mp4", "caption": "We see a persons hand on the camera. A girl then shows us her brush. The girl uses the brush to brush her hair. She shows us her brush again. Her hand then covers the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.94], [8.08, 35.25], [36.72, 105.74], [105.74, 116.76], [146.13, 146.87]], "duration": 146.87, "id": 8416}, {"image_id": "v_5xgBlI9Xx0I.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is shown swinging back and fourth on uneven bars. He performs a routine swinging around and around while hundreds of people watch. He finishes by sticking his arms up in the air and bowing to the audience.", "segments": [[0, 20.53], [20.86, 51.49], [52.79, 65.18]], "duration": 65.18, "id": 8417}, {"image_id": "v_xww6n1FoJIM.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking about what is going on in the TV behind him as a news story. A group of people are in the field playing a game running all around. Many of the players are able to have a chance to speak about the team and stuff. They show the practice and the players and then they go back to the news anchors who continue to talk a little bit more about it.", "segments": [[0, 18.6], [18.6, 41.07], [41.07, 120.88], [120.88, 154.97]], "duration": 154.97, "id": 8418}, {"image_id": "v_ZW3SKczQzJU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen walking into a bathroom and looking through dirty toothbrushes. The person pours toothpaste out onto a brush and continuously brushes his teeth. He then brushes more and ends by rinsing his mouth out with mouth wash and showing off the sink.", "segments": [[0.68, 32.68], [38.13, 102.82], [89.88, 132.78]], "duration": 136.19, "id": 8419}, {"image_id": "v_kOVQPyzXkUY.mp4", "caption": "A guy type walks on a rope while holding a selfie stick recording him self.the guy type walks across water on a rope that has a short distance from the dock to a boat edge while people watch.guy's also bounce and do tricks on a pink type rope as well.guy's try to type walk across the water but falls in and some make it across.", "segments": [[8.97, 128.1], [10.89, 17.29], [37.15, 95.43], [101.84, 128.1]], "duration": 128.1, "id": 8420}, {"image_id": "v__I8sqYLhRKM.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are shown raking up leaves in a yard while continuously talking to the camera. The older girl shows the younger one how to rake while another girl stands by and watches on a nearby slide. The camera zooms in on the younger girl and watches her rake up the leaves.", "segments": [[0.72, 16.87], [9.88, 35.91], [36.39, 48.21]], "duration": 48.21, "id": 8421}, {"image_id": "v_gx6QvOXwetM.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are kneeling in the grass cutting the grass with a pair of scissors. They grab some pieces and use the scissors to cut it up. Then throw the grass they cut back behind them. They are going at it kind of quickly, they seem like very bored little kids with nothing else to do.", "segments": [[0, 2.61], [2.61, 7.48], [7.39, 12.52], [12.52, 18.02]], "duration": 18.02, "id": 8422}, {"image_id": "v_IdhpB7doBOE.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks facing a camera, in front of a dance studio advertisement sign, as four girls demonstrate ballet techniques in front of a ballet bar in a dance studio. A woman with blonde hair, and dressed in all black, stands in front of a dance studio advertisement and talks while facing the camera. The camera cuts away to four girls in ballet outfits and ballet shoes facing a ballet bar with their backs to the camera and demonstrating ballet knee bends. The girls then demonstrate ballet toe points as the camera cuts back to the lone woman who continues to talk facing the camera, until the scene fades to a marketing graphic.", "segments": [[5.01, 166.07], [10.01, 10.85], [34.22, 90.96], [92.63, 165.24]], "duration": 166.91, "id": 8423}, {"image_id": "v_Y7yGeNl7POk.mp4", "caption": "A little girl jumps hopscotch in the street. The little girl turns and jumps hopscotch.", "segments": [[0, 6.71], [6.71, 20.14]], "duration": 21.32, "id": 8424}, {"image_id": "v_d-uGSELb0N0.mp4", "caption": "Several individuals are shown playing volleyball in a gymnasium from the right side of the net while other people are engaging in other activity in the background. The camera pans left to show the team on the left side of the net. The camera returns to the team on the right side.", "segments": [[0, 67.66], [13.87, 24.7], [24.36, 67.66]], "duration": 67.66, "id": 8425}, {"image_id": "v_N0DA6RpIf5Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is raking leaves in a large yard. He uses the rake to push the leaves into piles. He continues to rake, clearing a path of dirt underneath.", "segments": [[0, 9.09], [9.66, 27.65], [28.78, 37.87]], "duration": 37.87, "id": 8426}, {"image_id": "v_1R25VGmqS9o.mp4", "caption": "A team on the field running around playing lacrosse. Everyone is running after each other trying to make the goal. Everyone is running a lot trying to prevent the other team from scoring. The girl in the red looks like she almost makes it before running off.", "segments": [[0, 16.6], [16.6, 33.21], [33.57, 49.81], [49.09, 72.19]], "duration": 72.19, "id": 8427}, {"image_id": "v_73LZVxxlJV8.mp4", "caption": "big skyscraper with a great view. men is cleaning the window on the outside hanging on the Scaffolding.", "segments": [[0, 7.87], [7.56, 62.97]], "duration": 62.97, "id": 8428}, {"image_id": "v_DrEsyzI2u4c.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen holding onto a piece of exercise equipment and kneeling while speaking to the camera. He continues speaking and begins moving his arms and body back and fourth.", "segments": [[0, 16.13], [16.31, 37.5]], "duration": 37.5, "id": 8429}, {"image_id": "v_oNYC_3fcGg0.mp4", "caption": "The man is surfing on the waves and fall in the water. The man is surfing while other surfers are behind him. The surfer is surfing over the water and fell near the rocks.", "segments": [[0, 143.09], [68.95, 143.09], [81.56, 143.09]], "duration": 148.28, "id": 8430}, {"image_id": "v_hvCYwmaukDw.mp4", "caption": "Men are dressed in soccer gear that have the PEPSI logo on their shirts and they are playing on a grassy field. Very large sumos start walking on the field with their own soccer ball in hand, and the soccer men approach them and the sumo points over to the PEPSI cooler filled with soda. The men and sumos begin a soccer game against one another and when a man tries to make a goal a sumo blocks the entire goal and in various other moves the sumo wins including a goal when a sumo fell and the soccer ball flew into the net. A man grabs a pepsi can and throws it to a sumo and all the sumos run to the cooler, drinks a pepsi, then they're shown walking off with the pepsi cooler.", "segments": [[0, 7.86], [7.86, 22.38], [22.38, 60.49], [50.81, 60.49]], "duration": 60.49, "id": 8431}, {"image_id": "v_lnvsb4-71BQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up several game of ping pong are played. The man continues hitting the ball while speaking to the camera and holding up ping pong tools. The man demonstrates how to properly hit the ball and move his body around and still hitting the ball.", "segments": [[1.28, 30.09], [31.37, 94.75], [95.39, 125.47]], "duration": 128.04, "id": 8432}, {"image_id": "v_q2VG0zzPJMw.mp4", "caption": "There's a welder in a blue shirt wearing a yellow protective helmet, welding a large metal pipe in a workshop. There's another welder wearing a blue protective suit and white helmet welding a metal piece on a workshop table. He is welding the metal piece with precision in a horizontal manner. There's a welding machine showing how it works on melting metal at high temperature.", "segments": [[0, 4.52], [3.58, 19.46], [13.23, 19.93], [19.77, 29.89]], "duration": 31.14, "id": 8433}, {"image_id": "v_gYchIiLd9Uw.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting on a bed speaking to the camera and leads into her performing gymnastic tricks on a trampoline. More shots are shown of several girls performing various flips and tricks on a gym floor and ending with a group of girl doing cheerleading lifts.", "segments": [[0, 16.5], [14.71, 89.17]], "duration": 89.17, "id": 8434}, {"image_id": "v_7-RbxFePrmU.mp4", "caption": "A girl is holding a toothbrush up to the camera. She uses the brush to brush her teeth. She scrubs her teeth back and forth for a long time.", "segments": [[0, 10.48], [12.95, 52.4], [56.72, 123.3]], "duration": 123.3, "id": 8435}, {"image_id": "v_ODx-nocNBos.mp4", "caption": "A person on the screen is showing a box containing sumo wrestling toys. The person gives a demonstration on how to use the toys. Next the person does several demonstrations of the sumo wrestling toy set using toys that they have made as well as toys from the set. At the end of the video the closing credits are shown.", "segments": [[0, 18.32], [18.32, 46.22], [45.35, 158.73], [158.73, 174.43]], "duration": 174.43, "id": 8436}, {"image_id": "v_bi_xkH87Rnw.mp4", "caption": "People watch a gymnast perform her routine. The gymnast stands on the side of the balance beam. The gyjmnast mounts the beam. The gymnast performs her routine on the beam. The gymnast almost falls, but catches herself. The gymnast dismounts and lands on the blue mat.", "segments": [[0, 87.7], [0, 4.82], [4.82, 6.14], [6.14, 81.56], [36.83, 40.34], [80.25, 87.7]], "duration": 87.7, "id": 8437}, {"image_id": "v_4-rJZdNgMX8.mp4", "caption": "The logo \"theksiny on skin\" and \"The #1 Way to Not Get a Cold or Flu\" is shown on screen. Dr Lisa Kellett speaks to the camera in a medical exam room next to a sink. The doctor demonstrates the steps to washing hands like doctors do. The logo and website address appears on screen again.", "segments": [[0, 3.45], [5.52, 17.24], [17.93, 101.36], [101.36, 137.9]], "duration": 137.9, "id": 8438}, {"image_id": "v_cdEBDjnH9xk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen putting objects onto a wall and place a board along the wall. He continues moving the objects on the wall and then nails them down with a nail gun and presents the shelves he's made.", "segments": [[5.58, 29.16], [29.47, 56.77]], "duration": 62.04, "id": 8439}, {"image_id": "v_sS1Zh8mqMOE.mp4", "caption": "A pair of shoes is displayed on a table while a man and a woman have a conversation. A woman challenges a man to arm wrestling. The man removes the shoes from the table. The woman and the man arm wrestle. The man beats the woman. He takes out the shoes and displays them back on the table. The woman and the man laugh as they carry on a conversation.", "segments": [[0, 12.97], [13.51, 16.76], [17.3, 19.46], [20, 83.79], [84.33, 85.41], [88.65, 108.11], [84.87, 108.11]], "duration": 108.11, "id": 8440}, {"image_id": "v_5v9p5jBN_Hg.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks in a gym. The woman stands on a lane, then she runs to perform a long jump that lands in the sand. The jump of the woman is repeated several times.", "segments": [[0.56, 17.47], [17.47, 25.93], [25.93, 104.84]], "duration": 112.72999999999999, "id": 8441}, {"image_id": "v_1AxGiLSmGZo.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen kite surfing along the water and one performing tricks. More people perform tricks and one fall off the side, immediately climbing back on.", "segments": [[0, 48.43], [38.5, 60.16]], "duration": 60.16, "id": 8442}, {"image_id": "v_9Rd8PpfRNmY.mp4", "caption": "A child paints her toenails with white nail polish on front a little child. A person enters the room and walk on front the children. Then, the child turns to listen somebody for a second and continues painting her toenails. After, a hand touches the back of the child twice who turns and then continues painting her toenails.", "segments": [[0, 45.28], [14.73, 17.3], [45.65, 53.38], [53.75, 72.16]], "duration": 73.63, "id": 8443}, {"image_id": "v_BC1VpNRFtXo.mp4", "caption": "A small group of men are seen sitting at a table playing various hand games with one another. Then moves their hands which are shown in slow motion and leads into one speaking on the phone and leaving the room. The camera pans around the other people as they laugh.", "segments": [[0, 37.39], [30.38, 119.19], [116.08, 155.81]], "duration": 155.81, "id": 8444}, {"image_id": "v_C8IEqXTBod0.mp4", "caption": "We see the title screen for the video. We change to a woman putting on her cold weather clothes. She grabs a shovel and walks away. We see the lady sitting and laying on a chair and reading. The lady is outside shoveling the snow and talking. We see articles online about shoveling. The lady is jumping and warming up. We see a snowy city and then people shoveling snow.", "segments": [[0, 1.5], [1.88, 10.51], [10.89, 15.02], [15.02, 21.78], [21.78, 36.05], [36.42, 40.93], [40.93, 45.81], [45.81, 75.09]], "duration": 75.09, "id": 8445}, {"image_id": "v_VkdPyMG-Gvo.mp4", "caption": "A man plays alone pool hitting balls with a pole while going around the pool table. Then, the man hit a ball that enters the basket. After, the man shake hands with people from the audience.", "segments": [[0, 167.75], [168.82, 176.25], [177.31, 186.87]], "duration": 212.35, "id": 8446}, {"image_id": "v_Y75Fvr71aRQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while text appears on the screen. The man continues speaking and leads into him playing an instrument. He pauses his playing to hold up his hand while playing again and then stopping.", "segments": [[1.45, 33.28], [37.62, 106.36], [106.36, 141.81]], "duration": 144.71, "id": 8447}, {"image_id": "v_oSQNry_U7oA.mp4", "caption": "A trainer wearing a wet suit gives a walrus treats and the walrus nods his head up in town in excitement at the beginning of a show. The trainer plays a small saxophone and the walrus nods and is given a treat. The walrus is handed the saxophone and it plays it while the dancing with the trainer.", "segments": [[0, 18.44], [17.94, 34.38], [35.38, 98.17]], "duration": 99.66, "id": 8448}, {"image_id": "v_2RxbcK90TeA.mp4", "caption": "A woman and one other person paddle in an orange canoe in a calm body of water surrounded by mountains, trees, and bushes. The woman is at the front of the canoe paddling and the other person, who is wearing a face covering hat, sits behind the woman. The two people paddle from the left and pass a line of bushes in front of a mountain. The two people then paddle further away from the mountain and closer to the middle of the body of water.", "segments": [[0.21, 21.08], [0.64, 4.9], [1.38, 13.2], [14.59, 20.02]], "duration": 21.29, "id": 8449}, {"image_id": "v_vMy5o7pvy4c.mp4", "caption": "A man swings his arms around over his head. He thin spins his whole body. The man releases the hammer and lowers his arms.", "segments": [[0, 0.52], [0.49, 5.17], [5.24, 6.94]], "duration": 6.94, "id": 8450}, {"image_id": "v_ITyNMYw_pxc.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen standing before a game of darts and begin throwing darts onto the board. The men look back and laugh with one another while still playing. The continue to play with others around them and end by shaking hands with another.", "segments": [[0, 17.72], [17.06, 48.23], [43.64, 63.98]], "duration": 65.62, "id": 8451}, {"image_id": "v_NTZ_mWvnHVY.mp4", "caption": "Two people are standing by the water one of the grabs some board. He puts it in the water and rides it, it goes pretty fast. He turns it a few times and passes by someone else on another one. He gets off and walks to a field with it above his head.", "segments": [[0, 13.82], [13.01, 73.16], [73.16, 129.26], [130.88, 162.59]], "duration": 162.59, "id": 8452}, {"image_id": "v_G1aYtrFJqUc.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing gloves is inside a building. He rolls up a carpet and sets it aside. He then sweeps and mops the floors until they are clean.", "segments": [[0, 5.93], [8.37, 35.24], [37.69, 69.79]], "duration": 69.78999999999999, "id": 8453}, {"image_id": "v_cfhc7tf8vU4.mp4", "caption": "A tall Black male is standing outside clapping trying to gain the crowds participation.The athlete then takes off and does a triple jump into the pit.Once he gets out of the pit,he walks around and a replay is shown to make sure that he didn't scratch and the jump can be counted.Another man approaches the run way and repeats the same step but ends up scratching.", "segments": [[0, 31.11], [31.11, 66.01], [65.25, 114.57], [114.57, 151.74]], "duration": 151.74, "id": 8454}, {"image_id": "v_gdisMpHS668.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen standing before a christmas tree with young children present as well. The people then all move around one another putting ornaments on the tree in fast motion. The girls continue putting items on the tree and end by smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0.68, 9.76], [7.99, 20.59], [20.46, 26.83]], "duration": 27.1, "id": 8455}, {"image_id": "v_0jvbBtMIA8k.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a chair next to a talk show host. A woman is hosting a beer pong tournament, and the two men go over to the table. They drink and try to throw the balls into the cups. The band plays in the background as the men play.", "segments": [[0, 20.19], [25.8, 94.22], [95.34, 191.8], [192.92, 224.33]], "duration": 224.32999999999998, "id": 8456}, {"image_id": "v_SmBEf-g82Ew.mp4", "caption": "A close up of tools and objects are shown laid out leading into several clips of a mean measuring a wall and laying plaster down on it. The man shows how to make plaster while transitioning with him making plaster and continues to show more clips of him laying it down.", "segments": [[3.6, 40.07], [34.67, 85.99]], "duration": 90.05, "id": 8457}, {"image_id": "v_tOEomEC1rY8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a chair while a woman behind her is holding a hair dryer. She begins drying the woman's hair. The woman is talking to the camera pointing at a hair dryer.", "segments": [[0, 25.98], [26.85, 58.9], [58.03, 86.61]], "duration": 86.61, "id": 8458}, {"image_id": "v_x2DTmwZa8yE.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting with a surgical mask on. He is cutting lemons up.", "segments": [[0, 6.11], [6.11, 16.07]], "duration": 16.07, "id": 8459}, {"image_id": "v_KptXzRFIvTw.mp4", "caption": "A person named Chad wearing a black and gray jacket is standing next to a Christmas tree and giving a tutorial on how to decorate it. He is holding a crystal star in his hands which he places on top of the tree. Then he takes some Christmas lights lights and twirls it around the branches of the tree. He takes a red garland and demonstrates how to wrap it around the tree. He then takes some red and gold ornaments and shows how to place them on the tree. He also takes a red ribbon and red berries to add to the tree. He stands next to the fully decorated tree as he completes his tutorial.", "segments": [[10.11, 20.95], [20.95, 48.4], [48.4, 62.12], [62.12, 96.08], [96.08, 122.08], [122.08, 135.08], [135.08, 144.48]], "duration": 144.48, "id": 8460}, {"image_id": "v_HhlWUEbHBUk.mp4", "caption": "A guy shows you how to make a drink,the guy pours ice in a tall glass,adds a half cup of a certain type of liquor and pour it in the cup with the ice.He then adds soda to the cup which makes the cup full to the top and starts to stir it up with a metal tool.the guy then squeezes three half limes into the cup and push the three lime to the bottom of the cup with the metal tool he use to stir the drink.finally he pours the drink from the tall glass to a shorter glass,adds a different type of liquor with a straw to finish it off.", "segments": [[0, 27.1], [27.1, 39.74], [39.74, 61.87], [61.87, 90.33]], "duration": 90.33, "id": 8461}, {"image_id": "v_kcPbEkv5UXE.mp4", "caption": "A girl plays a drum set in a city plaza for passing people. A lady walks up to watch the drummer play. The drummer plays a solo on the cymbal. The drummer ends the song and bows to the audience.", "segments": [[0, 205.88], [66.14, 213.35], [92.81, 103.47], [205.88, 213.35]], "duration": 213.35, "id": 8462}, {"image_id": "v_0qTzoVjsMpQ.mp4", "caption": "A man fills a hookah with water and sets it on a table. He puts tobacco in a device and covers it with tin foil. He pokes a hole in the top of the tin foil several times. He puts that onto the top of the hookah. He takes a smoke off the hookah and blows the smoke.", "segments": [[33.86, 41.76], [82.4, 125.29], [130.93, 151.25], [161.41, 168.18], [218.97, 225.75]], "duration": 225.75, "id": 8463}, {"image_id": "v_X1lLinc_yvo.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a kitchen in front of a camera and showing ingredients on top of table. woman is pouring the ingredients inside a kitchen aid and mixing them and explaining to the camera how to do the paste.", "segments": [[0, 48.37], [48.37, 201.55]], "duration": 201.55, "id": 8464}, {"image_id": "v_XPcBV3UatRI.mp4", "caption": "A toddler iron a garment on a toy board. The toddler sprays the garment and folds, then she continues ironing it. Then, the toddler fold again the garment and iron it.", "segments": [[0, 11.3], [11.6, 45.19], [45.19, 61.07]], "duration": 61.07, "id": 8465}, {"image_id": "v_zD_wAe6Eoxc.mp4", "caption": "A Caucasian male is outside holding up a skateboard.He then goes down a winding road and comes down skateboarding and the picture is still until he slides into a trick and then it is paused again.The routine continues and then the player stands up as continue to go down the road.Once he is completely finished, he goes back to where he originally started and keeps talking to the camera as he holds his skateboard in his left hand.After, the man turns around and shows how his brown cargo shorts are patched up with duct tape.", "segments": [[0, 15.86], [15.86, 54.38], [56.65, 137.08], [137.08, 207.32], [207.32, 226.58]], "duration": 226.57999999999998, "id": 8466}, {"image_id": "v_XKpx9fyNINg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person putting on a rack is shown followed by several women lifting up large amounts of weight. More people are seen lifting up the heavy weights over their head and throwing it down when they are done.", "segments": [[0, 28.26], [28.26, 194.89]], "duration": 194.89, "id": 8467}, {"image_id": "v_BbJeZoks_c4.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen sitting outside at a picnic table and leads into two people tying a rope around a tree. More people come to help and lead into a boy walking on the rope with a man's help. More people attempt to walk on the rope with other's help as well as by themselves.", "segments": [[0, 65.9], [59.42, 169.61], [144.76, 213.9]], "duration": 216.06, "id": 8468}, {"image_id": "v_UvuXGKesWS0.mp4", "caption": "The words Freestyle Swimming float across the screen. A man jumps in the pool and swims freestyle. The words BackStroke Style float across the screen. The same man swims backstroke down the lane from where he came. The words BreastStroke show up on the screen. The man does the breaststroke back across the pool.", "segments": [[0, 8.22], [8.22, 33.41], [33.41, 39.58], [39.58, 65.27], [65.27, 70.41], [70.41, 102.8]], "duration": 102.8, "id": 8469}, {"image_id": "v_8hkVzhEKqpY.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman news reporter are sitting in front of a tv screen as they talk. They then show clips from an outdoor volleyball game. The team mates hit the ball back and forth over the net. Afterward, they shake hands with their opponents.", "segments": [[0, 20.43], [22.47, 45.29], [46.31, 56.87], [60.95, 68.11]], "duration": 68.11, "id": 8470}, {"image_id": "v_gwbRqyRZguM.mp4", "caption": "A group of children are swinging together on a piece of equipment. They are shown in groups, swinging back and forth on the platform. They are located in an outdoor park.", "segments": [[0, 2.56], [4.22, 20.34], [20.73, 25.59]], "duration": 25.59, "id": 8471}, {"image_id": "v_Qt2ktBj1l-Y.mp4", "caption": "The typing noise from the typewriter is going in the beginning and the title of a story that was typed is shown. Then two men are shown shoveling snow outside off of statues and the ground and when they're done, someone falls to the ground.", "segments": [[0.81, 7.69], [7.69, 80.95]], "duration": 80.95, "id": 8472}, {"image_id": "v_E6LJROCxQPA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking across the yard leading into a long rope. The man jumps on the rope and attempts to walk across it. He continues walking and leads into him falling off.", "segments": [[0, 9.63], [9.44, 28.51], [25.81, 37.94]], "duration": 38.52, "id": 8473}, {"image_id": "v_9PRK4oy1hhY.mp4", "caption": "A reporter interview two boys and a little boy. Then, the big boys and the small boys play soccer table while the reporter continue the interview.", "segments": [[0, 15.55], [15.55, 38.41]], "duration": 38.41, "id": 8474}, {"image_id": "v_1-nEQf-TJPE.mp4", "caption": "A video of vodka being poured into a martini glass is shown. A woman stands behind a bar with bottles and ingredients. She mixes the alcohols into a glass, then shakes them up before decorating and displaying the drink.", "segments": [[0, 4.45], [5.01, 13.35], [15.02, 55.64]], "duration": 55.64, "id": 8475}, {"image_id": "v_M4db4WfqDoE.mp4", "caption": "A large snowy mountain is shown as well as people driving and people standing along a mountain. Several shots are shown of people on snowboards, performing tricks, and gesturing to the camera. The video continues on with impressive clips of people doing stunts as well as close ups of people riding.", "segments": [[0, 39.95], [41.58, 117.41], [114.97, 163.07]], "duration": 163.07, "id": 8476}, {"image_id": "v_I9kOPQ3J5HA.mp4", "caption": "A woman puts a harness on. A man clips a rope to the front of the woman's harness. He ties the rope into a knot.", "segments": [[0, 6.95], [34.27, 41.68], [45.39, 73.64]], "duration": 92.63, "id": 8477}, {"image_id": "v_ykdPTjsmfgY.mp4", "caption": "A person stands by a river. A group of people wearing vests kayak down a river. A person holds their paddle over their head. A couple of people are sitting by the river in a grassy area.The people kayaking approach a bridge. A couple of people sit near some cars next to the river.", "segments": [[0, 7.12], [7.83, 142.32], [31.31, 36.29], [51.95, 55.5], [99.62, 115.28], [122.39, 127.37]], "duration": 142.32, "id": 8478}, {"image_id": "v_BD_ON66t6rM.mp4", "caption": "A man is kayaking on water and moving his arms back and fourth quickly. The camera follows him moving through the water and eventually works his way towards a bridge.", "segments": [[0, 17.79], [18.52, 48.74]], "duration": 48.74, "id": 8479}, {"image_id": "v_hToIzZ3o6Ic.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip alongside a bucket of paint are shown. A hand paints a wardrobe white with a paintbrush. The hand picks up a white rug. The hand places two fingers inside the rug and proceeds to whip the painted wardrobe. The final product of the painted wardrobe is shown. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.65, 14.21], [14.86, 44.57], [45.22, 51.03], [51.68, 114.34], [114.98, 117.57], [118.21, 128.55]], "duration": 129.2, "id": 8480}, {"image_id": "v_cg0sa6wYA1U.mp4", "caption": "A person's arms are seen moving back and fourth in the water controlling a kayak under some tombs sticking out of the water. The man continues pushing his way along and ends with him sticking his pole into the water.", "segments": [[0, 98.29], [94.44, 192.73]], "duration": 192.73, "id": 8481}, {"image_id": "v_0Gr4aKQzGYk.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of a tattoo shop are shown followed by a woman sitting in a chair and a man getting items ready. She takes a sip of water and the man then pierces her lip with a needle. She is shown again in a picture of her new piercing.", "segments": [[0, 14.83], [14.5, 58.66], [59.68, 67.43]], "duration": 67.43, "id": 8482}, {"image_id": "v_eaFvnf8IF-I.mp4", "caption": "A man is playing an accordian while staring occasionally into the camera. The man changes his finger tips constantly and looks off into the distance while playing. The man continues his song and eventually finishes by smiling into the camera.", "segments": [[0, 66.78], [8.01, 20.03], [55.09, 66.78]], "duration": 66.78, "id": 8483}, {"image_id": "v_o1bO6f-Uo8A.mp4", "caption": "A man in the front yard showing how to mow the lawn. He first moves all the debris out of the way so that nothing gets caught in the mower before mowing. Then he uses a stethoscope to listen to the mower while he puts oil in it. He suggest that you finish mowing by sunset and if you are using a pushing mower you should keep your back striaght and arms bent.", "segments": [[0, 15.62], [15.62, 46.14], [46.14, 86.6], [86.6, 141.97]], "duration": 141.97, "id": 8484}, {"image_id": "v_m7vcstRI23E.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is standing in a kitchen in front of a bowl and sugar cookie mix. The girl starts showing the ingredients to her audience, before pouring the cookie mix into a bowl. She then adds butter and egg yolks, and stirs the whole thing up using a hand mixer. She rolls the dough in plastic wrap before spreading it back out and cutting into shapes with cookie cutters. The cookies are baked and ready to frost with sprinkles and frosting.", "segments": [[0, 11.93], [12.73, 39.77], [41.36, 93.86], [95.45, 139.99], [140.79, 159.08]], "duration": 159.07999999999998, "id": 8485}, {"image_id": "v_FkWxS_5VxsM.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A polished hands takes a piece of tape. The polished hands puts a piece of tape at the edge of a brown object. The hand paints turquoise polish on the tape. The hand cuts the the polished tape in strips. The hand puts the strip on a polished nail. The hand paints the nail with clear nail polish. The hand rubs a soaked cotton ball on a fingernail so the polish is removed. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.52, 10.32], [10.83, 14.45], [14.96, 19.09], [20.12, 31.47], [31.99, 44.89], [45.4, 69.14], [69.65, 76.36], [81, 98.55], [99.58, 103.19]], "duration": 103.19, "id": 8486}, {"image_id": "v_Jp7KeCimrMI.mp4", "caption": "A man stretches out shirts on an ironing board in a workshop area and uses a flat iron to steam press it. The man removes the ironed shirt and places it on a hanger. The man gives the shirt one more quick ironing on a single spot then hangs the shirt on a rack.", "segments": [[0, 52.96], [52.96, 64.53], [66.31, 89]], "duration": 89.0, "id": 8487}, {"image_id": "v_YotaXgC6Ee8.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps off a diving board into a pool several times. Another person is swimming in the pool. He does a flip and lands in the water before surfacing.", "segments": [[0, 110.53], [101.68, 110.53], [105, 110.53]], "duration": 110.53, "id": 8488}, {"image_id": "v_Z_1Zoc6lINU.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a lady sitting at a table with shoes and supplies talking to the camera. We see screens with shoes on them. The lady shows us various shoes. The lady shows us the shoe supplies. The lady adds a product to the shoes. The lady then wipes the product off with a towel. The lady then adds shoes wax to the shoe and wipes it off. We see the closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.21], [4.21, 203.23], [28.43, 36.86], [46.33, 62.13], [68.45, 91.61], [102.14, 143.21], [143.21, 161.11], [169.54, 193.76], [205.34, 210.61]], "duration": 210.61, "id": 8489}, {"image_id": "v_3UbQ0UDmbbw.mp4", "caption": "A man clears snow from a car in snow covered parking lot. A man in a narrow hallway holds and directs a camera in the hallway, presses a button in the hallway, then exits through the door in the hallway and goes outside. Once outside the camera picks up a snow covered parking lot filled with snow covered cars and one girl in pink pants. A man holding a long snow removing brush approaches a car and begins wiping snow off of the car at times gesturing wildly with his arms. The man clears the entire car with snow, with the brush and a shovel before the scene cuts to a vehicle driving down the street in the snow.", "segments": [[51.08, 366.05], [10.64, 31.92], [10.64, 65.97], [65.97, 185.16], [185.16, 397.98]], "duration": 425.65, "id": 8490}, {"image_id": "v_szdKUpvx9Sk.mp4", "caption": "We see men standing around in a casino holding beers. We see a man and put money on the table. The dealer counts the money and gives the man chips. The dealer deals a hands of blackjack and the we see the men clapping and the dealer laughing. We see the dealer give the man chips and the man stands in his group showing his friends his stack of chips. Two men cheer and throw their fists in the air and the me laugh and cheer and walk.", "segments": [[0, 15.9], [15.9, 48.53], [48.53, 84.51], [85.34, 129.69], [130.52, 144.75], [144.75, 167.34]], "duration": 167.34, "id": 8491}, {"image_id": "v_kHTcsP6nQdY.mp4", "caption": "A child slides down a slide. He pauses as another slides down. He slides down as she stops. He runs up to her and she slides down to the end.", "segments": [[0, 20.07], [20.07, 22.68], [22.94, 28.67], [28.67, 52.13]], "duration": 52.13, "id": 8492}, {"image_id": "v_G16xScfD5WM.mp4", "caption": "We see the title over a landscape. People are playing instruments in a field. We then see men practicing martial arts. A man kicks another man to the ground. We see a man toss another man over his back. A man does a flip, then does a back flip. We see the people playing instruments again. 130 We see words appear on the screen, and the end credits appear.", "segments": [[0, 4.15], [4.15, 8.82], [8.3, 93.41], [19.72, 24.39], [33.73, 36.84], [36.84, 40.48], [40.48, 42.03], [93.41, 103.78]], "duration": 103.78, "id": 8493}, {"image_id": "v_sMO2IlNgDuw.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen playing with a toy and putting lip stick on her lips. The camera is then seen moving around a room, walking down stairs and following the young girl. The girl walks back into her room to play with her toy while the camera follows.", "segments": [[0, 77.23], [76.35, 141.29], [138.66, 174.64]], "duration": 175.52, "id": 8494}, {"image_id": "v_klGP18026Ek.mp4", "caption": "Two men play games of rock paper scissors in front of a referee. A woman taps one of they on the back. They play a final game and a man celebrates his victory.", "segments": [[0, 84.63], [50.52, 52.68], [55.27, 85.06]], "duration": 86.36, "id": 8495}, {"image_id": "v_gGs1qNxsFTg.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting behind a table. He picks up a rubiks cube and completes it. A man stands next to him and writes something on a paper.", "segments": [[0, 19.9], [2.29, 17.71], [17.91, 19.9]], "duration": 19.9, "id": 8496}, {"image_id": "v_mOrhfrmmxAQ.mp4", "caption": "A boat is seen riding along the water with a person riding on skis behind. The person does a flip and lands backwards into the water.", "segments": [[0, 19.05], [13.95, 32.83]], "duration": 34.02, "id": 8497}, {"image_id": "v_Yp9DBq34bFQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen squeezing lotion out of a bottle onto her skin and rubbing it into her arms. More pictures are shown on the screen of people and lotions as well as steps on how to use it properly.", "segments": [[2.45, 26.11], [27.34, 81.61]], "duration": 81.61, "id": 8498}, {"image_id": "v_1Cf8TkmsbMU.mp4", "caption": "We see a young man speaking in a news studio. We see a man riding a stationary bike and see a photo of the man holding a cake. We see the man being interviewed cut with scenes of the man working out. We see the man in the image holding the cake again and see the man in the shirt which no longer fits and is too big. We see the man working out again. We see three newscasters in the studio.", "segments": [[0, 11.56], [12.24, 28.56], [29.24, 89.76], [90.44, 104.04], [104.72, 125.8], [125.8, 136]], "duration": 136.0, "id": 8499}, {"image_id": "v_LL_leiyIdVQ.mp4", "caption": "Various people are shown in the beginning in a large gymnasium performing several slips and tricks on a trampoline one at a time. The people continue jumping and flipping around the gym with one ending in a large pit in the end.", "segments": [[0, 101.82], [70.91, 181.81]], "duration": 181.81, "id": 8500}, {"image_id": "v_JnP5FDtEPVE.mp4", "caption": "The groomer sprays the brown dog. The dog runs around the shop. The groomer bushes the brown dog.", "segments": [[2.99, 3.89], [19.15, 42.19], [43.38, 49.67]], "duration": 59.84, "id": 8501}, {"image_id": "v_RoHYo2x9gbc.mp4", "caption": "We see three men in a field cutting tall grass with a scythe. We see the man take a handful of grass and wipe the scythe head with it. The man pulls something from his pocket and rubs it on the scythe. The men then return to cutting the grass.", "segments": [[0, 141.22], [57.2, 63.55], [64.26, 80.5], [81.2, 141.22]], "duration": 141.22, "id": 8502}, {"image_id": "v_8kNk_fzmTyI.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of water steaming and a young woman swimming back and fourth in the water. She comes up to the surface and speaks to the camera while several more shots of water are shown.", "segments": [[0, 36.68], [34.99, 84.31]], "duration": 84.31, "id": 8503}, {"image_id": "v_WmabLngcvas.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a camel followed by getting off and another man climbing on. The man then leads the other around on the camel. The man stops the camel and gets the other person off while climbing back on.", "segments": [[0, 30.41], [33.57, 91.85], [76.01, 122.25]], "duration": 126.69, "id": 8504}, {"image_id": "v_AtHnNOkaoUk.mp4", "caption": "A camera zooms in on a large truck that shows a person walking around from behind as well as another. The men begin pulling a rope and working from the back while the cameraman speaks to the camera. The man continues to pan around the snowy area and watch the men work from behind.", "segments": [[4.58, 96.22], [67.58, 171.82], [171.82, 229.09]], "duration": 229.09, "id": 8505}, {"image_id": "v_Zfak-LkgQfQ.mp4", "caption": "A logo fro a company pops up on a black screen. A man in a yellow jacket and orange helmet is shown ocean kayaking. Other kayakers are shown battling through waves and riding them. A set of photos show the kayakers navigating the ocean and crashing into waves.", "segments": [[0, 11.94], [13.93, 26.53], [29.18, 107.43], [108.76, 127.99]], "duration": 132.62, "id": 8506}, {"image_id": "v_Qq2vKc9hWUk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing inside a racquetball court. She starts hitting the ball, running after it. She trips and falls down, hitting the ground as a man rescues the ball.", "segments": [[0, 4.92], [5.38, 12.64], [14.51, 46.81]], "duration": 46.81, "id": 8507}, {"image_id": "v_cxVbaN4GxxU.mp4", "caption": "A man stands outside a tent. He looks inside the tent at a group of kids playing cards and a woman sitting outside. A boy walks through parked cars, smiling. He is then shown on a kayak in a lake. The rest of the family soon joins him.", "segments": [[0, 8.07], [10.76, 39.45], [39.45, 93.24], [95.03, 112.96], [114.76, 179.31]], "duration": 179.31, "id": 8508}, {"image_id": "v_MAZlsi4Bon8.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is at a party holding a stick and hitting a pinata. When the boy is done hitting it an adult walks towards the pinata. Another child standing with the adult also begins walking towards the pinata.", "segments": [[0, 10.61], [8.86, 10.61], [9.76, 10.61]], "duration": 10.61, "id": 8509}, {"image_id": "v_eS7ENymCpZE.mp4", "caption": "A rough ocean has large white capped waves and a sailboat traversing through it. The sailboat goes over the top of large waves and lands with a splash. The boat maneuvers and is tilted sideways as it goes over waves.", "segments": [[0, 64.73], [25.24, 45.63], [45.63, 61.82]], "duration": 64.73, "id": 8510}, {"image_id": "v_e4YsOfQR3sI.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits at a piano and plays in front of a small audience. The camera focuses on several men watching her. The woman sings with the piano. The camera captures the reaction of the members of the audience. The camera captures more reaction shots from the audience.", "segments": [[0, 160.5], [21.67, 28.09], [36.91, 160.5], [40.93, 72.22], [105.13, 140.43]], "duration": 160.5, "id": 8511}, {"image_id": "v_THPFtlx3gXw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a hill, celebrating before a crowd. He is shown on a bmx dirt bike, performing a plethora of stunts, wheelies, and spins for a crowd. Women are shown close up, dancing.", "segments": [[0, 10.77], [16.16, 183.12], [189.58, 215.44]], "duration": 215.44, "id": 8512}, {"image_id": "v_UMUGmKRkaxo.mp4", "caption": "Two boys play ping pong in a gym and one of the boys use a Nunchaku as a racket t o play and make tricks. A man pass on front the ping pong table and stand near the table. Then, the man joint one of the players and start to play, after, Bruce Lee appears in the screen of a smart phone that flips around. A boy does martial arts moves and braks a board, then he fix the Nunchaku and after use it to light a match in the mouth of the other boy.", "segments": [[0, 37.22], [2.52, 31.54], [31.54, 72.55], [78.23, 126.18]], "duration": 126.18, "id": 8513}, {"image_id": "v_lDriXPZt_Yg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding a bottle of purple nail polish up to the camera. She then applies it to her nails. When she is done, she shows off her nails and the polish one last time.", "segments": [[0, 9.59], [15.01, 62.54], [64.62, 83.38]], "duration": 83.38, "id": 8514}, {"image_id": "v_qeyCTRqPCN4.mp4", "caption": "Bullfighting is being advertised on the screen. There are clips of bull fights and man is talking about his bull fighting experience. The bull rolls a barrel while the clown is behind it. A trophy is awarded to the bull fighter.", "segments": [[0, 0.67], [6.03, 117.84], [113.82, 120.52], [117.84, 133.91]], "duration": 133.91, "id": 8515}, {"image_id": "v_V6s9eMtUnME.mp4", "caption": "A woman standing next to a vehicle talks to the camera while occasionally gesturing at the vehicle. The woman holds up a bottle of spray. The woman sprays the vehicle's window with the bottle. The woman uses a towel to clean the window. The woman talks to the camera again. The woman returns to cleaning the window. The woman talks to the camera once more.", "segments": [[0.52, 27.34], [27.34, 30.95], [31.47, 33.53], [33.01, 67.06], [66.03, 69.12], [69.12, 88.21], [88.21, 102.14]], "duration": 103.17, "id": 8516}, {"image_id": "v_M0mLgp8VxpY.mp4", "caption": "A shuffleboard is shown in a room. A man in a blue sweater throws a ball down the shuffleboard. A glass of beer is shown.", "segments": [[0, 12.9], [13.44, 45.15], [49.72, 50.53]], "duration": 53.76, "id": 8517}, {"image_id": "v_g6L-l5sgFEQ.mp4", "caption": "We see the title card and a pained dresser. A lady sits on the floor and discusses painting. The lady paints the dresser while talking about it. We see the painted end product. We see the end cards for the video.", "segments": [[0, 7.51], [8.26, 57.84], [57.84, 129.95], [129.95, 132.21], [132.96, 150.23]], "duration": 150.23, "id": 8518}, {"image_id": "v_OZiArYAPXDo.mp4", "caption": "An older video of bad quality begins to play and there are white words on red blocks that read \"Leichtathletik leicht gemacht Diskus\".A disc is flying through the air and lands on a field, then a still shot picture of a naked man holding a disc briefly appears until another clip plays of a man on a large field throwing a disc.A man is now sitting on a field and the words on the screen say that he is \"Lars Riedel\" and under it the word \"Olympiasieger\", and it shows him talking while switching back and forth to clips of a man on a field is holding a disc on the field, swinging it and then throwing it.The still shot picture of the naked man holding the dickus shows up again and then goes back to clips of the man who is now just walking on the field.", "segments": [[0, 4.62], [4.62, 50.85], [50.85, 169.18], [169.18, 184.9]], "duration": 184.89, "id": 8519}, {"image_id": "v_j3P7ttoKGeY.mp4", "caption": "A group of people begin to walk in a room and they begin to play a game of Foosball.The game begins to intensifies and the men begin to look at each other in the eye as they start to make goals.Once the first game is finished,another set of men begin to compete and starts to clip the ball over the people.Next,women join and starts to roll the ball on the edge of the table as they make goals.Finally,a man appears with a Nokia phone recording the game and shows video options of different tricks that were performed.", "segments": [[0, 15.62], [15.62, 34.56], [34.09, 57.29], [57.29, 73.86], [73.86, 94.69]], "duration": 94.69, "id": 8520}, {"image_id": "v_87hjft6OBiU.mp4", "caption": "There is a man shown lifting a weight that weighs over 90 pounds. There is a woman who's running on the treadmill behind him.", "segments": [[11.41, 61.66], [18.53, 63.8]], "duration": 71.28999999999999, "id": 8521}, {"image_id": "v_Tywf5EzWntY.mp4", "caption": "A skier is adjusting his shoes on the board. Then he is seen flying through the air on the water board. He is skiing while attached to the back of a boat.", "segments": [[0, 18.86], [24.36, 82.52], [91.16, 157.17]], "duration": 157.17000000000002, "id": 8522}, {"image_id": "v_6Lh3yNFvskc.mp4", "caption": "A player holding a basketball dribbles the ball, run and jump to throw the ball in the basket several times. A man throw a basketball in the court and then leave.", "segments": [[4.9, 44.93], [45.21, 52.56]], "duration": 54.46, "id": 8523}, {"image_id": "v_brY1jVHquE0.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen holding onto a stick in a living room while pushing a ball around. The boy continues pushing the ball around while the camera captures his movements. He stops to speak to the camera and continues hitting the ball around.", "segments": [[0, 19.78], [15.08, 52.96], [50.28, 67.04]], "duration": 67.04, "id": 8524}, {"image_id": "v_qtOP38458F4.mp4", "caption": "A male gymast prepares to mount a beam. He jumps up, doing an handstand on the bar. He then spins and flips several times. He dismounts, throwing his arms up in the air.", "segments": [[0, 4.08], [4.62, 12.5], [13.05, 43.49], [48.38, 54.36]], "duration": 54.36, "id": 8525}, {"image_id": "v_Y6rHCVo28kM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting in a chair with a woman standing behind him cutting his hair. She continuously combs his hair and measures it along the side. She finally finishes the cut and fades away from his face.", "segments": [[1.44, 45.43], [33.17, 116.82], [101.68, 140.61]], "duration": 144.22, "id": 8526}, {"image_id": "v_iZlG0UOtImQ.mp4", "caption": "A blond boy holding a pool stick is hitting balls on a pool table that is sectioned off from yellow tape while a large crowd is gathered outside of the yellow tape. The boy grabs another stick from under the pool table, puts it on the table, chalks his stick,and then successfully hits the ball into the hole despite a woman trying to distract him.The boy goes around the table and continues to hit the remaining balls into the holes, the crowd cheers him on, and he goes around the crowd and gives everyone high fives. The boy hugs the woman who was trying to distract him the whole time, he puts his stick down, and she hugs him again. A black screen appears and white words on the screen say \"The Black Widow Jeanette Lee Worlds Best Female Pool Player A Ron Hawks Video\".", "segments": [[0, 42.12], [42.12, 83.44], [83.44, 125.56], [125.56, 144.64], [144.64, 158.94]], "duration": 158.94, "id": 8527}, {"image_id": "v_0z7qHOca3D4.mp4", "caption": "An introduction graphic is seen with title. A large empty beach is seen seen from the shore. A bird is seen walking along the shoreline. A group rides horses along the coast line together. Different species of flowers are seen. The group rides up along the bluffs. A female rider rides near the waters edge. The group rides through loose sand and the horses kick it up into the air. The group rides along a dune section and through some low vegetation. The group rides at a gallup through the water and along the beach. The riders ride slowly and then it becomes later in the day and the sun is getting low. The beach is seen from a distance as the sun has set.", "segments": [[0, 5.2], [5.2, 13.28], [13.86, 15.01], [14.44, 38.69], [39.85, 41.58], [45.62, 57.17], [57.75, 61.21], [61.79, 65.26], [66.41, 75.65], [76.23, 82.58], [83.16, 98.17], [101.64, 115.5]], "duration": 115.5, "id": 8528}, {"image_id": "v_jQgAdClKvDE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a neon coat is driving a car with the camera on a stick outside the window. He drives quickly on the snow, laughing as he records himself. He and his passengers stand on a snowy mound, spinning as they record themselves. They then use saws to cut a path in the snow. They water ski on the frozen water path.", "segments": [[0, 21.34], [22.31, 91.16], [96.01, 150.32], [152.26, 169.71], [173.59, 193.96]], "duration": 193.96, "id": 8529}, {"image_id": "v_E33xUgVqEH0.mp4", "caption": "A person cleans an extremely dirty sink with a paper towel. The title, TubOTowels, appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 28.42], [28.59, 32.49]], "duration": 32.49, "id": 8530}, {"image_id": "v_E_Z4BceegCQ.mp4", "caption": "A young man in white runs on the stage dancing. Other men are dancing in the background. A smaller boy runs on stage, confused. A man with a microphone talks to the young kid. The young boy starts dancing. Everyone on the stage stops dancing. The men point to the singer. The singer in red starts dancing.", "segments": [[0, 15.64], [0, 57.18], [15.64, 20.55], [20.55, 30.83], [30.83, 57.18], [57.18, 64.33], [64.33, 69.69], [69.69, 89.35]], "duration": 89.34, "id": 8531}, {"image_id": "v_aTvt_fP243g.mp4", "caption": "A yellow cloth, yellow and green sponge, and a cif creme cleaner is placed on the counter next to a shallow sink with silver drainer. A hand pour a drop of Cif creme, wiped it with the green side of the sponge, wiped it in circular motion, then wipe the counter with yellow cloth.", "segments": [[0, 7.01], [5.2, 45.26]], "duration": 45.26, "id": 8532}, {"image_id": "v_uWguPHhQON4.mp4", "caption": "A man prepares his supplies near a picnic table and then sets one down. The man pours lighter fluid in a camp fire ring. The man retrieves matches which drops onto the fire and it erupts in flames.", "segments": [[0, 5.74], [9.18, 22.58], [26.4, 38.27]], "duration": 38.27, "id": 8533}, {"image_id": "v_VFvHqc5Bg-0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people in snow gear are shown snow boarding on snow covered snow slopes with visual emphasis shown to a particular snow boarder in a green coat. A man in a green coat snow sleds over many surfaces up and down slopes as he passes other snow sledders while surrounded by bare brown foliage and snow covered roofs and hills. As the man snowboards, one person he passes falls down and break his sled and several of the other skiers perform trick as they snowboard including snow boarding off of elevated platforms and doing jumps as they snow board.", "segments": [[0.87, 165.57], [6.97, 64.49], [64.49, 169.06]], "duration": 174.29, "id": 8534}, {"image_id": "v_w9LRKWLmw0A.mp4", "caption": "A little boy mops a wooden ramp, barefoot,outdoors with a mini mop and bucket of water. A young boy stands outside, without a shirt, barefoot and jeans and mops a wooden ramp with a yellow mini mop. The boy dunks the mop in water after awhile and continues to mop the ramp.", "segments": [[0, 142.26], [0.72, 26.72], [61.38, 138.65]], "duration": 144.43, "id": 8535}, {"image_id": "v_f--wWfsr0zA.mp4", "caption": "A news woman is speaking inside a news room. A couple of professional dancers are shown dancing and performing ballet on a stage, with the female occasionally shown speaking to the camera. She is seen walking out after a performance to see a room filled with people and do a press conference. A poster of three women is shown at the end.", "segments": [[0, 7.84], [16.2, 57.47], [60.08, 87.77], [93.52, 104.49]], "duration": 104.49000000000001, "id": 8536}, {"image_id": "v_1GQARL4coRo.mp4", "caption": "A man paddles a surfboard with a baby on the board in front of him. He momentarily lifts the baby up to a standing position. A woman moves towards the man and the baby. The man momentarily lifts the baby up to a standing position again. The man momentarily lifts the baby up to a standing position once more.", "segments": [[0, 107.22], [43, 52.43], [63.62, 78.35], [80.71, 86.6], [100.74, 106.63]], "duration": 117.82, "id": 8537}, {"image_id": "v_PcSnU_nGi5E.mp4", "caption": "The man in brown shirt is standing next to a pile of tennis ball while he is talking to the camera. He played tennis ball with another person. The man in purple shirt serve the ball while the black man hit the ball back.", "segments": [[1.65, 63.36], [4.94, 15.22], [59.25, 82.29]], "duration": 82.28999999999999, "id": 8538}, {"image_id": "v_6aHGUTy1iho.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around an athletic field with various people warming up and holding sticks. A girl holding a stick is spoken to by an instructor and she runs through and throws the pole. She walks back while another grabs a rope to estimate her distance.", "segments": [[0, 22.12], [23.35, 53.67], [55.72, 81.94]], "duration": 81.94, "id": 8539}, {"image_id": "v_gEqT50dX-iY.mp4", "caption": "A man explains a procedure holdings cloths and cleaning materials while showing the cloths. After, the man approaches to a window and starts to clean for an instant, and then continues explaining.", "segments": [[0, 52.65], [53.03, 74.55]], "duration": 76.86, "id": 8540}, {"image_id": "v_uavot-yVwhg.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A lady sits at a table with a shoe, water, salt, brush and towel. The lady puts salt it the water and dips the brush then brushes the shoe. The lady wipes the shoe with the towel and talks to the camera. We see an ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.9], [4.9, 26.48], [26.97, 65.7], [67.17, 88.25], [88.25, 98.06]], "duration": 98.06, "id": 8541}, {"image_id": "v_17ytsjuUCRA.mp4", "caption": "A dog is getting a bath outside. Soap is worked through the coat and then washed off.", "segments": [[0, 54.75], [16.43, 53.93]], "duration": 54.75, "id": 8542}, {"image_id": "v_6hsOVkC7hxA.mp4", "caption": "There's a shirtless man wearing denim jeans out in a forest. He is chopping wood from a cut tree bark with a hammer. He he hitting the chopped log of wood with all his force.", "segments": [[1.25, 3.51], [3.51, 5.72], [5.72, 6.17]], "duration": 6.43, "id": 8543}, {"image_id": "v_U-kPlTqXc_M.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around a table filled with solo cups and one catching a cup. The man then drinks from a cup and proceeds to collapse onto the table.", "segments": [[0.3, 5.58], [5.82, 11.51]], "duration": 12.12, "id": 8544}, {"image_id": "v_Cf7xy_HQ9H0.mp4", "caption": "A man is rollerblading outside in a parking lot. He does several tricks on his rollerblades. He does a cart wheel on the ground.", "segments": [[21.66, 180.49], [43.32, 180.49], [127.24, 132.66]], "duration": 180.49, "id": 8545}, {"image_id": "v_v1FHFQ1UZHw.mp4", "caption": " A man writing on the wall. Switches to a product being featured. The man writes on the wall again. He begins to apply product. Switches to the product again. He writes on the wall. He begins to lay out tools. Next he measures and levels the wall. He takes out the product and begins placing a coat on the crack in the wall. He then takes a roller and rolls it along the wall. Next he hangs and apply s a white sheet to the wall. He repeats the process in the different sections of the wall that need it. Now He writes on the wall again.Next a dog jumps in front of a wall. He writes again on the wall. Lettering appears on the screen for the product.", "segments": [[0, 7.4], [7.4, 14.79], [14.79, 24.65], [24.65, 27.94], [28.76, 30.4], [30.4, 37.8], [37.8, 47.66], [47.66, 57.52], [57.52, 71.49], [71.49, 83], [83, 109.29], [109.29, 137.23], [137.23, 144.63], [144.63, 150.38], [150.38, 155.31], [155.31, 164.35]], "duration": 164.35, "id": 8546}, {"image_id": "v_x39KxoQHEp4.mp4", "caption": "Several people float down a river in tubes. They pass through several rocks. The water gets rough as the past through some rocks. Several people stand up in the river.", "segments": [[0, 238.3], [120.34, 144.17], [122.72, 194.21], [214.47, 238.3]], "duration": 238.3, "id": 8547}, {"image_id": "v_C8fyaj592GA.mp4", "caption": "Individuals stand behind black platforms awaiting instructions. Individuals are using dance moves to exercise using the platform. The people do jumping jacks to the right of the platform. The individuals do jumping jacks at the left of the platform. The lady who had been instructing the group continuously claps her hands and begins to leave.", "segments": [[0, 1.11], [1.66, 110.92], [39.93, 41.04], [85.96, 88.18], [107.59, 110.92]], "duration": 110.92, "id": 8548}, {"image_id": "v_z6g5QbIPatk.mp4", "caption": "A girl holds up a white piece of paper and it has a drawing on it that is done in black ink. The girl then turns around and the video is sped up to show her drawing on a pumpkin near a kitchen while multiple people are moving about around her.The girl finishes the drawing and she begins to carve the design out of the pumpkin while the video is still in a sped up mode.The pumpkin is now done being carved and it appears on a black screen with just the carved out area illuminating in an orange color.The girl appears again holding up the white paper, runs out of the room and the screen goes back to black with just the pumpkin illuminating.", "segments": [[0, 4.1], [4.1, 31.77], [31.77, 172.19], [172.19, 193.71], [193.71, 204.99]], "duration": 204.99, "id": 8549}, {"image_id": "v_F12ga-do744.mp4", "caption": "A large man is seen standing on a large mat walking forward and screaming to the audience. The man then lifts the bar up then back down and screams out loud. The same clips is shown again immediately afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 18.38], [15.55, 39.58], [39.01, 55.41]], "duration": 56.54, "id": 8550}, {"image_id": "v_YPNLMBhuDS8.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding up a shoe and polish and pointing to objects. The man then rubs down the shoe with a rag while the camera zooms in on more products and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[5.25, 105.05], [91.04, 172.45]], "duration": 175.07999999999998, "id": 8551}, {"image_id": "v_-ew9R4QppTk.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in a white room playing congas a bongos. fat man wearing glasses is sitting on a chair in a white room. man is sitting in a room playing salsa music with the bongos.", "segments": [[0, 184.51], [5.54, 184.51], [0, 179.89]], "duration": 184.51, "id": 8552}, {"image_id": "v_ePAc9xK9fac.mp4", "caption": "woman is climbing a rock wall in a gym and a man is pulling the ropes. woman start descending from the rock wall.", "segments": [[0, 89.69], [89.06, 125.44]], "duration": 125.44, "id": 8553}, {"image_id": "v_SV-8M3HNk1s.mp4", "caption": "A clip is shown of a person on a wake board riding on some waves and crashing into the water. Several more clips are shown of people riding on the wake boards on the ocean waves gliding along.", "segments": [[0, 38.57], [37.53, 198.07]], "duration": 208.49, "id": 8554}, {"image_id": "v_m12BPEN6Y3s.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing a scarf is seen talking to the camera and begins mixing various ingredients into a bowl. She places the batter into circles on separate pans and shows the cookies she made after they are done.", "segments": [[0, 51.41], [50.51, 180.4]], "duration": 180.4, "id": 8555}, {"image_id": "v_4DmsWE6byuw.mp4", "caption": "A man is walking in circles in the center of a crowd. He begins to break dance. Several clips of men break dancing in different venues are shown, as they flip, spin, and perform for crowds.", "segments": [[0, 12.64], [14.94, 32.17], [35.04, 114.89]], "duration": 114.89, "id": 8556}, {"image_id": "v_vbLxVuLLPek.mp4", "caption": "There two men dressed Scottish kilts and attire standing in the courtyard. One of the men is playing the bagpipes and the other is playing the drums. A woman tourist walks past them as they continue to play.", "segments": [[18.06, 35.51], [35.51, 52.96], [52.96, 55.97]], "duration": 60.19, "id": 8557}, {"image_id": "v_d_6BVfxlAsI.mp4", "caption": "An empty poker table is shown followed by a woman dealing cards and speaking to the camera. She instructs on how to play the game while still speaking to the camera and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 85.3], [57.17, 181.49]], "duration": 181.49, "id": 8558}, {"image_id": "v_MINjkEBIIkA.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a room. They are throwing darts at a dartboard. A woman then comes and throws darts at a dartboard.", "segments": [[0, 26.57], [3.61, 26.57], [34.11, 36.41]], "duration": 65.6, "id": 8559}, {"image_id": "v_AgocNx3-De0.mp4", "caption": "People raft in a muddy river, then they camping on the shore to rest and play. Then, the man continue rafting in the river, and a man falls in the water and his friends rescue him, then they continue rafting. A woman and a man stands next a helicopter, then the helicopter fly.", "segments": [[3.05, 66.38], [66.38, 122.07], [123.6, 133.52]], "duration": 152.59, "id": 8560}, {"image_id": "v_wBy9_ZSfEVA.mp4", "caption": "People run dragging a large red kite through a field. The kite is in the air and the kids are standing under it watching it. The kite is in the air flying. A man and a little girl and a boy are flying the kite and holding the base of it. A little girl throws something on the ground.", "segments": [[0, 21.19], [21.94, 74.91], [74.91, 93.06], [93.82, 142.25], [146.03, 151.33]], "duration": 151.32999999999998, "id": 8561}, {"image_id": "v_saShR7NwjMg.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person leads into the person watching their hands and scrubbing it with soap. A man is shown scrubbing up his hands in a sink while demonstrating the proper way to wash hands and dip them under the water. The man dries it off with a rag in the end.", "segments": [[0.97, 58.95], [54.12, 155.59], [135.3, 165.26]], "duration": 193.28, "id": 8562}, {"image_id": "v_sz1772O9AUM.mp4", "caption": "A car drives into a car wash bay. The driver gets out and inserts money into a machine. The person then washes their car with a pressure washer. We see another machine, and a vending machine.", "segments": [[0, 8.63], [17.26, 26.8], [27.25, 63.59], [64.04, 90.84]], "duration": 90.84, "id": 8563}, {"image_id": "v_pK3OSevBqDw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing next to a fence while the camera pans around the lake nearby. The man bends down and begins painting the fence while the camera focuses on a person walking down. Another man walks up with a bucket and helps the man paint while the cameraman continues to look around.", "segments": [[0, 40.27], [39.58, 100.69], [88.19, 128.46]], "duration": 138.88, "id": 8564}, {"image_id": "v_wj_xmkHjItg.mp4", "caption": "A car is traveling through snow covered roads and trees before arriving at a cabin. The people put on skis and are shown going down the hills, skiing. They continue skiing, waving at the camera and showing a final panoramic view as the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 29.74], [35.04, 161.42], [162.48, 212.39]], "duration": 212.39, "id": 8565}, {"image_id": "v_kuPWb9E4aUQ.mp4", "caption": "A diver is swimming under the blue water. Two divers wearing their oxygen are under the water, they are holding onto the strong rope. The divers dive deeper to into the water, they swim towards a coral bed under the water. The people are riding the white boat towards the ocean.", "segments": [[0, 59.76], [26.85, 116.92], [57.16, 142.04], [106.53, 173.22]], "duration": 173.22, "id": 8566}, {"image_id": "v_KSbIw1m2KoU.mp4", "caption": "A female gymnast prepares to mount the bar. She mounts, then does several hand springs, forward flips, and back flips. Then she dismounts, throwing her arms up in the air.", "segments": [[0, 18.92], [21.15, 188.09], [192.54, 222.59]], "duration": 222.59, "id": 8567}, {"image_id": "v_5u-PL0wr3TU.mp4", "caption": "A toddler goes down on a slide in a playground full of people, when the toddler touches the floor, she stand and run. Suddenly, a man run behind the toddler.", "segments": [[0, 6.93], [6.87, 11.93]], "duration": 12.05, "id": 8568}, {"image_id": "v_yrGietojx78.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is holding a tool in his hand. He starts chopping weeds down in a field. He stops and puts the tool against a fence.", "segments": [[0, 131.7], [38.73, 131.7], [131.7, 140.85]], "duration": 140.85, "id": 8569}, {"image_id": "v_KEU4Sj6x1p4.mp4", "caption": "The race begins, one of the racer has a huge head start before the other even starts moving. They begin to run again but this time the man who had the head start takes his time and the man in the blue runs fast and jumps in the sand. He runs and jumps again, this time they show it again in slow motion. He just keeps practicing his run and jump over and over trying to get it perfect.", "segments": [[0, 32.08], [32.99, 72.4], [71.49, 102.65], [103.56, 183.3]], "duration": 183.3, "id": 8570}, {"image_id": "v_HXCLDIk4pgI.mp4", "caption": " A person is clearing snow with a red snow plow. They push the snow to the side in a pile. They finish plowing the driveway.", "segments": [[0, 119.82], [65.3, 76.68], [110.23, 119.82]], "duration": 119.82, "id": 8571}, {"image_id": "v_XazKuBawFCM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing on a field in a circle. She spins while holding a disc. she accidentally lets go, and the disc flies out behind her.", "segments": [[0, 10.74], [16.11, 77.84], [87.24, 134.21]], "duration": 134.21, "id": 8572}, {"image_id": "v__K88UOvtQPk.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen playing a saxophone while looking over to the camera and moving her hands up and down. The woman continues to play the instrument and ends by turning off the camera.", "segments": [[1.7, 32.99], [23.47, 63.6]], "duration": 68.03, "id": 8573}, {"image_id": "v_G6FhQuR3_88.mp4", "caption": "We see men playing instruments in a plaza. The front man turns around to the men behind him. The man in front grabs the microphone. The band finishes playing their instruments.", "segments": [[0, 134.07], [13.41, 16.09], [69.05, 72.4], [132.73, 134.07]], "duration": 134.07, "id": 8574}, {"image_id": "v_8liz3Fu7DGU.mp4", "caption": "On a a big field there is a lacrosse team playing a game , they are all moving around strategically. They throw the ball trying to make the goal while the other team tries to block them. They are running around you can see arrows to pointing to whats going on here and there. it is a very physical and hands on sport that requires stamina and energy.", "segments": [[0, 57.21], [57.21, 111.05], [111.05, 154.8], [154.8, 224.35]], "duration": 224.35, "id": 8575}, {"image_id": "v_kB0h-fHb_WU.mp4", "caption": "A guy with with leg extensions enter. The guy hops and flips on a trampoline. A man and woman remove an attachment from a cable and attach another. The cables are lifted up. The man and woman remove what they removed from the trampoline and leave. The guy with leg extensions leaves. Two people enter with a chair and bucket.", "segments": [[0, 5.33], [5.16, 26.47], [0, 14.65], [12.65, 16.48], [12.65, 24.64], [27.97, 29.47], [25.97, 33.3]], "duration": 33.3, "id": 8576}, {"image_id": "v_MKLoBzvca30.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white hat is holding a black ball and talking. People are playing a game of indoor soccer. A man in a white jacket is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 19.5], [35.62, 136.53], [136.53, 150.94]], "duration": 169.6, "id": 8577}, {"image_id": "v_dZa5ir3baH4.mp4", "caption": "A man prepares to run along an indoor track. He runs, taking very large strides. He jumps awkwardly into the sand, landing on his face.", "segments": [[0, 21.52], [24.7, 33.68], [33.87, 37.42]], "duration": 37.42, "id": 8578}, {"image_id": "v_yr_ZOq9ZB9E.mp4", "caption": "Three teenage boys carry their skateboards up a paved park trail. A camera mounted on the skateboard captures scenes of the young skaters cruising in different directions and performing different tricks. A skateboarder in a green hoodie skates on a narrow dirt trail lined with trees.", "segments": [[0, 22.56], [22.56, 173.62], [173.62, 196.19]], "duration": 196.19, "id": 8579}, {"image_id": "v_pajUG7Y6Gtk.mp4", "caption": "Three people are seen standing on a sandy field and lead into one scoring a goal. The men celebrate while his clip is shown again several times. The men continue to celebrate and begin playing the game again.", "segments": [[1.22, 27.49], [18.94, 43.68], [35.13, 58.34]], "duration": 61.09, "id": 8580}, {"image_id": "v_avGe67wRvxA.mp4", "caption": "A lady wipes lipstick off her face. The lady then lines her lips with a pencil. The lady stops and adjusts the camera. the camera move and we see a man next to the lady. the lady fixes her hair in the camera.", "segments": [[0, 9.63], [9.85, 23.55], [23.55, 29.33], [29.54, 34.9], [34.9, 42.82]], "duration": 42.82, "id": 8581}, {"image_id": "v_x-WGuz3_2Fc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while peeling potatoes and looking to the camera. The camera pans around the man continuously as he continues to peel the potatoes and speak.", "segments": [[0, 36.59], [26.14, 86.25]], "duration": 87.12, "id": 8582}, {"image_id": "v___wPHayoMgw.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is dressed in a zebra onesie sitting on her bed smoking a hookah.She takes two puffs,exhales the smoke and a spark flies from the end of the tube.The man behind the camera switches and then begins to smoke the hookah as the girl begins to record.Once he is finished,the hookah is given back to the girl and she starts to smoke.", "segments": [[0, 21.25], [21.25, 67.87], [67.87, 100.78], [100.09, 137.11]], "duration": 137.11, "id": 8583}, {"image_id": "v_t9UsqWspqZM.mp4", "caption": "A person dressed up as Darth Vader plays a violin on the sidewalk. People walk in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 56.69], [57.1, 82.76]], "duration": 82.76, "id": 8584}, {"image_id": "v_D2IDRG8_6To.mp4", "caption": "A young man is talking the the camera. The man stands with a stick in his hand. The man points away from himself. The man takes the stick and pushes pucks around the ground.", "segments": [[0, 30.88], [29.82, 64.96], [60.7, 105.42], [108.62, 212.97]], "duration": 212.97, "id": 8585}, {"image_id": "v_bt4cH91_KPI.mp4", "caption": "An excited man is seen talking to the camera and transitions into several shots of men winning games, beer, and being interviewed by the host. The men are then seen playing a game of beer pong with several others around and showing off a shaved head. A man is seen talking on a phone and more shots of the men playing beer pong are shown.", "segments": [[0, 26.9], [26.9, 59.18], [59.78, 119.56]], "duration": 119.56, "id": 8586}, {"image_id": "v_hJKX5ZulTgI.mp4", "caption": "A woman spins around, showing off her hair style. We see a black hair drying spinning on the screen. The woman is getting her hair styled in the background by another woman, while text covers the screen with instructions. The woman brushes and finalizes the style, and the client has a huge happy smile.", "segments": [[0, 6.87], [7.63, 26.71], [27.86, 65.64], [67.93, 76.32]], "duration": 76.32, "id": 8587}, {"image_id": "v_8ZqRn0ovdAI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a park bench playing guitar with a small boy beside him. The boy then begins playing a set of drums next to the man playing guitar. The two continue playing with one another and stop to wave to the camera and speak to one another.", "segments": [[0, 67.76], [40.97, 110.3], [93.75, 156]], "duration": 157.57, "id": 8588}, {"image_id": "v_ns8v94HCtlM.mp4", "caption": "A person is turning on a machine and watching a hose grow bigger while he spins the dial. He continues pressing buttons and begins grooming a dog. The person goes up and down on the dog and eventually makes him look good as new with different settings.", "segments": [[0, 11.45], [12.17, 29.35], [28.64, 71.59]], "duration": 71.59, "id": 8589}, {"image_id": "v_tHFF0OaIHoE.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is sitting in an empty bath tub shaving a man's leg that is thrown over the tub.As she continues,the dog comes and she shows the hair on the razor to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 10.72], [10.58, 27.84]], "duration": 27.84, "id": 8590}, {"image_id": "v_vvoqG7UQsdc.mp4", "caption": "There are two students, a boy and a girl in a pole vault runway. One of the students, a boy sprints with the pole on the runway while a person in blue the other student watch him perform. Then he jumps up high and lands a few feet away on the landing area. His actions are replayed in slow motion to capture his jump and landing.", "segments": [[0, 49.02], [6.86, 10.54], [9.8, 12.25], [11.76, 44.85]], "duration": 49.02, "id": 8591}, {"image_id": "v_eDMv3IHGpnA.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing very large glasses is talking into a black microphone while people behind him are dancing until he points into their direction and they all scatter off the dance floor. Men are dressed in red suits and each are taking turns break dancing alone as words on the screen are possibly naming the dancer.When the last man is dancing they all stop and strike a pose and DJ that has been playing this whole time continues to play music at his DJ station.", "segments": [[0, 8.52], [8.52, 210.94], [210.94, 213.07]], "duration": 213.07, "id": 8592}, {"image_id": "v_tilmCzSf1oc.mp4", "caption": "A boy in karate class bows before a performance. The boy performs a karate routine with hand scythes. The boy ends his routine and bows.", "segments": [[0, 3.15], [3.37, 18.32], [18.21, 19.78]], "duration": 22.48, "id": 8593}, {"image_id": "v_NiQaDgj8Z10.mp4", "caption": "A lady hula hoop with five hula hoops and one by one she takes on off of her and tosses it until she tossed away all five hula hoops she was hula hooping with.the lady then hula hoops with 300 hula hoops with will be a world record.the lady starts by putting the 300 hula hoops around her body as she bend over to get a good grip on them,she then stands straight up and starts to twirl all 300 hula hoops around her body.finally she manages to twirl all the hula hoop around her hole body and finishes with the hula hoops on the ground and she bows to the people who is watching her.", "segments": [[0, 53.39], [56.06, 64.73], [67.4, 105.44], [105.44, 133.47]], "duration": 133.47, "id": 8594}, {"image_id": "v_-AaOr1DI2no.mp4", "caption": "A lady stands in a living room and discusses. The lady easily pulls the wallpaper of the wall. A woman paints the wall with a liquid. The woman puts wallpaper on the area. The woman cuts the wallpaper with a box cutter. The woman paints the wallpaper with paint.", "segments": [[0.57, 103.07], [16.51, 88.26], [35.3, 41.57], [42.14, 60.93], [48.4, 51.82], [65.48, 77.44]], "duration": 113.88, "id": 8595}, {"image_id": "v_68kccxCgbys.mp4", "caption": "A title screen appears and then several paragraphs begin to roll over the screen.Next,a man with average sized curly black hair dressed in a suit begins to talk.When he is finished,a man is shown playing the saxophone at a night time television show and then the man comes back to finish talking.", "segments": [[0, 42.27], [41.19, 111.64], [111.64, 216.77]], "duration": 216.77, "id": 8596}, {"image_id": "v_bKVrokdj7HM.mp4", "caption": "There's a man wearing s white shirt playing the drum set in a room. He begins by playing the snare drum and the bass drum. Then he continues playing by hitting the cymbals and the hi-hat. He stops for a bit and then resumes playing the drum set. He plays rhythmically as he picks up speed and plays the drum set. Then he stops and gets up to turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 121.11], [5.56, 42.02], [36.46, 57.46], [66.11, 78.47], [75.38, 111.84], [113.07, 123.58]], "duration": 123.58, "id": 8597}, {"image_id": "v_gHk4mjlJ5cg.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A shirtless man talks in a gym. A lady runs past both ways then jumps rope behind the man. We see title screens with instructions. We see a lady jumping rope eleven different ways. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 7.38], [8.44, 88.59], [25.31, 85.42], [90.7, 102.3], [102.3, 205.65], [207.76, 210.92]], "duration": 210.92000000000002, "id": 8598}, {"image_id": "v_ajA_cE6b9AY.mp4", "caption": "a river is shown and a car is a dust path. men are rafting on a lake on the rapids.", "segments": [[0, 29.27], [28.65, 124.55]], "duration": 124.55, "id": 8599}, {"image_id": "v_GPR8rtfZr4A.mp4", "caption": "A graphic logo is seen that is black and white in color with the letter \"N\". A tv host stands in front of a camouflaged background. Two girls are seen walking in a photograph in baseball uniforms. A large group of fans crowds on a baseball field and surrounds a famous singer doing a performance. A red handball is rolled to a kicker during a kickball match who kicks it into the outfield for a run. Another man in tshirt and black sweats kicks a ball and runs around the bases trying to avoid being tagged with the ball. The same man rides on a skateboard in the city. The man is seen again in an up close video in a room.", "segments": [[0, 1.95], [2.34, 78.14], [8.99, 12.5], [15.24, 25], [28.52, 35.55], [42.58, 51.96], [58.99, 61.73], [62.9, 66.81]], "duration": 78.14, "id": 8600}, {"image_id": "v_E-6XZrDYRuM.mp4", "caption": "The title shows as a man ride a horse through an arena. There is then a showcase of horses jumping over obstacles. One of the pictures rotates around in a circle and the next video squeezes in on itself. It continues to show horse jumping over obstacles with video effects. A man walks side my side with with partner. The credits role with some praise.", "segments": [[0, 6.24], [6.24, 36.38], [36.38, 50.94], [50.94, 171.53], [175.69, 180.88], [181.92, 207.91]], "duration": 207.91, "id": 8601}, {"image_id": "v_Jth2Zlpr1gQ.mp4", "caption": "The woman in red top is standing. The woman stretches her arms one side first then the next one. The woman put her arms in front of her, then stretch out and turned around.", "segments": [[0, 49.09], [4.66, 29.7], [22.58, 49.09]], "duration": 49.09, "id": 8602}, {"image_id": "v_GKK32IWDlSE.mp4", "caption": "A man is outside on a track. He runs with a javelin in his hand.He throws it as far as he can, raising his arms in victory.", "segments": [[0, 6.39], [7.38, 26.07], [29.02, 98.38]], "duration": 98.38, "id": 8603}, {"image_id": "v_fgFU8vdsA8k.mp4", "caption": "A girl and a man are inside a high structure wearing bungee jumping equipment. The girl get out and stand on the border of the structure, then while the man puts a rope behind the girl. After, the girl jumps from the structure for a moment and then she gets up on the structure.", "segments": [[0, 21.41], [21.41, 109.91], [109.91, 142.73]], "duration": 142.73, "id": 8604}, {"image_id": "v_YDNEa5ZOf6c.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a hood is opening a paper, then he went down the stair and walked to a pathway. The woman is talking to the camera and showing the ground covered with snow. The man is standing next to the van and began scooping off the snow on the roof of the car, while the other person is using a broom to get the snow off the car.", "segments": [[0, 19.02], [11.66, 47.26], [41.12, 122.74]], "duration": 122.74, "id": 8605}, {"image_id": "v_Hub83eTB8mM.mp4", "caption": "A construction worker is standing and talking to the camera while holding a sprayer. He is very animated while he goes back to sanding and spraying.", "segments": [[0, 9.87], [11.25, 21.22]], "duration": 21.22, "id": 8606}, {"image_id": "v_9ZQY-ZfimYo.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown speaking to the camera excitedly and shows several shots of the man climbing a rock wall and various locations. Then man then continues speaking to the camera and demonstrates how to properly climb the wall while still speaking.", "segments": [[0, 54.49], [56.22, 172.99]], "duration": 172.99, "id": 8607}, {"image_id": "v_NurRl6_NLbg.mp4", "caption": "We see a blue intro screen. We see kids riding dirt bikes. We see another title screen and the intermediate riders are seen. We see the screen go blue again and we see the experts. Another title screen is shown and we see the credits.", "segments": [[0, 6.76], [7.61, 56.64], [54.95, 108.22], [109.06, 153.87], [155.56, 169.09]], "duration": 169.09, "id": 8608}, {"image_id": "v_IJUokB_p3Yo.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are sitting in a booth inside a building. They are talking about doing clips. They then talk while eating bowls of vanilla ice cream.", "segments": [[0, 13.91], [15.03, 40.07], [43.97, 111.32]], "duration": 111.32, "id": 8609}, {"image_id": "v_BLSycXOF3Ro.mp4", "caption": "A girl does hula hoop spinning a hula ring around her neck, body and hands. Then, a person gives a hula to the girl who spins simultaneously the two hula rings. After, a person gives another hula ring to the girl to do hula hooping with three rings. At the end the girl gives a hug to the person and a presenter talks.", "segments": [[2.76, 61.72], [61.72, 130.8], [130.8, 164.88], [164.88, 184.23]], "duration": 184.23, "id": 8610}, {"image_id": "v_zryPDx9WL08.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of a man warming up as well as performing martial arts tricks. A man speaks to the camera while several clips are shown of people flipping and doing tricks in various locations. The people jump and flip around one another and continue performing parkour.", "segments": [[0, 35.89], [38.19, 121.43], [91.64, 149.69]], "duration": 152.74, "id": 8611}, {"image_id": "v_OjQHQptSXk0.mp4", "caption": "A large parade of people marching down a street is shown with several hundred people watching on the side. The people continue playing the instruments as the camera pans around the large group of people and following the parade.", "segments": [[2.69, 119.74], [30.94, 111.67]], "duration": 134.54, "id": 8612}, {"image_id": "v_2Xfigl8xrXc.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a black shirt begins talking and then someone getting their legs waxed appears.As she talks,a layer of wax if placed on the leg and then a white piece of paper.", "segments": [[0, 9.81], [9.81, 57.73]], "duration": 57.73, "id": 8613}, {"image_id": "v_xYt__nSK8NA.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is seen looking to the camera smoking a cigarette and laughing to the camera. She continues taking puffs off the cigarette while looking into the camera and blowing smoke.", "segments": [[0, 20.44], [19.27, 46.99]], "duration": 46.99, "id": 8614}, {"image_id": "v_ZEChBNpLCyU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and begins laying out tarp next to a tree. The man cuts the tarp and begins putting mulch all around the tree.", "segments": [[0.7, 56.06], [32.94, 138.05]], "duration": 140.16, "id": 8615}, {"image_id": "v_xAI1y9izXOM.mp4", "caption": "Two men sit across a table and begin an arm wrestling match. They both struggle a bit until the man on the left eventually wins.", "segments": [[0, 12.9], [13.11, 40.14]], "duration": 40.96, "id": 8616}, {"image_id": "v_me4rMjlnTlI.mp4", "caption": "A small group of children are seen holding onto a rope with a man standing in front of them speaking to them. The kids continue pulling with adult's help and then cheer in the end.", "segments": [[0, 18.31], [17.97, 33.9]], "duration": 33.9, "id": 8617}, {"image_id": "v_BnkUgUQBED0.mp4", "caption": "We see a chair with a pillow on it. A man holding a cat sits down on the chair. The man clips the cats fingernails. The man strokes the cat's head. The man plays with the cat rocking it back and forth. The man stops the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.58], [6.2, 14.89], [14.89, 84.38], [83.76, 93.69], [94.93, 122.23], [122.23, 124.09]], "duration": 124.09, "id": 8618}, {"image_id": "v_5Ia1MCFut_8.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen climbing into a slide and edging her way closer to the edge. The girl then rides down the slide smiling and walks away.", "segments": [[0.09, 9.47], [5.82, 17.54]], "duration": 18.76, "id": 8619}, {"image_id": "v_X0IXZMr95TM.mp4", "caption": "A clear bottle pours a drink into a cocktail glass. A bartender picks up a stainless steel cup and scoops ice into it. The bartender pours liquors into a shot glass and dumps them into a cup. The bartender caps the cup and shakes vigorously. The contents of the mixing cup are poured into a martini glass.", "segments": [[0, 4.92], [22.15, 32], [32.98, 51.2], [57.6, 71.87], [71.87, 86.64]], "duration": 98.45, "id": 8620}, {"image_id": "v_V4tqzi5uw9Y.mp4", "caption": "A man touches his faces and waves. The man walks a mower across very tall growing grass.", "segments": [[0, 2.5], [3.19, 17.25]], "duration": 17.25, "id": 8621}, {"image_id": "v_eLVaojWbwHE.mp4", "caption": "A middle aged woman is standing in a room behind a table full of pain and various size brushes and an image of trees on a easel.In her left hand,she has a wheel of paint and begins to make stokes on the image to complete her picture.She goes back and forth from the paint to the board and shows how to make a tree and then cleans her brushes.", "segments": [[0, 22.99], [21.95, 103.46], [104.5, 209]], "duration": 209.0, "id": 8622}, {"image_id": "v_BCsfauy69xM.mp4", "caption": "A person is carving a pumpkin. We see two people side by side carving pumpkins. We see from inside the pumpkin as they are being carved. We see five pumpkins on a couch and in the dark lit from the inside. We see a closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.01], [9.01, 12.15], [12.15, 25.55], [25.97, 37.28], [37.28, 41.89]], "duration": 41.89, "id": 8623}, {"image_id": "v_Y82dz6aTwJ0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting on the couch and is putting her feet in a python printed heels.Once they are on she stands up and walks around as the camera zooms in on her red painted toe nails.", "segments": [[0, 18.51], [17.95, 37.01]], "duration": 37.01, "id": 8624}, {"image_id": "v_O2JUUFFdWpk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue costume throws something into the audience. He picks up a green can and takes a drink. He then plays rock paper scissors with another man across from him.", "segments": [[0, 7.58], [32.57, 53.78], [56.06, 151.5]], "duration": 151.5, "id": 8625}, {"image_id": "v_B3fiiuk0EqE.mp4", "caption": "A man shovels snow from a driveway. The camera pans to show another man using an electric shoveling machine to clear show from his driveway. The man finishes clearing snow and turns to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 7.48], [8.42, 91.68], [91.68, 93.55]], "duration": 93.55, "id": 8626}, {"image_id": "v_gYARGADLcmQ.mp4", "caption": "We see an animated opening screen. We see an aerial view of a beach with people all over. We see people building sand castles. We interview a judge, who then walks among the people. We see two men interviewed. We see an awning over the beach and canopies beyond that.", "segments": [[0, 14.09], [14.09, 25.35], [25.35, 105.36], [52.4, 70.43], [72.68, 103.67], [111.56, 112.69]], "duration": 112.69, "id": 8627}, {"image_id": "v_VQPfRCsSmQk.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman in a red sweater and white shirt and blue pants sitting in her living room on a brown leather sofa. She is holding a spray can of furniture polish in her hand. She also has a paper towel in her other hand which she uses to wipe the table. She sprays the wooden table surface with the spray and then wipes it with the white paper towel. She explains how to use the spray and wipe the furniture.", "segments": [[8.23, 43.64], [43.64, 55.99], [55.99, 67.93], [67.93, 74.93], [74.93, 78.22]], "duration": 82.34, "id": 8628}, {"image_id": "v_jYA_3BMF2d4.mp4", "caption": "We see a man standing in a room. The man starts performing tai chi. The man turns and faces left. The man turns to face right. The man makes his way to the right side of the room slowly. The screen then fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 12.13], [11.19, 180.95], [37.31, 55.03], [64.36, 70.89], [70.89, 174.42], [182.82, 186.55]], "duration": 186.55, "id": 8629}, {"image_id": "v_QEaQzeB94N4.mp4", "caption": "A young man plays the violin on a sidewalk for people passing by in downtown area. Two students walk by behind the musician while he plays. The woman on the bench has turned to watch facing the man play the song. A man drops change in the musician's cup after he plays.", "segments": [[0, 105.79], [45.9, 59.33], [81.72, 111.94], [109.15, 111.94]], "duration": 111.94, "id": 8630}, {"image_id": "v_w8LDUu66JWI.mp4", "caption": "Two cheerleaders exercise in a gym while talking. A cheerleader is in a room and then lift weight, while the other one talks on his phone. After, the cheerleaders talk and exercise. After, the cheerleaders exercise and also talk.", "segments": [[8.01, 52.86], [54.47, 62.48], [64.08, 120.95], [120.95, 147.38]], "duration": 160.2, "id": 8631}, {"image_id": "v_TI3WqIauOYs.mp4", "caption": "A man takes off his shirt. He starts doing karate moves on a blue mat. He does several flips in the air.", "segments": [[0, 5.38], [8.97, 89.75], [69.55, 89.75]], "duration": 89.75, "id": 8632}, {"image_id": "v_aAlbRFeu32E.mp4", "caption": "First the young woman is sleeping in her bed, but then she wakes up to say something. Next she is shown sitting at the restaurant eating fries and then she is shown in her room again, staring at the clothes on her bed and putting on her shoes. She is also shown doing fun things in the video and other girls are too.", "segments": [[0, 4.95], [15.69, 22.29], [23.94, 165.12]], "duration": 165.12, "id": 8633}, {"image_id": "v_ICM-GjDa9QY.mp4", "caption": "A young man puts detergent in a blue bucket, then shows and explains how to clean a screen windows using a squeegee. After, the young man cleans the wet screen with a cloth. The young man compares a dirt screen with the clean one and gives a thump up.", "segments": [[0, 81.65], [81.65, 113.94], [113.94, 126.6]], "duration": 126.6, "id": 8634}, {"image_id": "v_-HHybw--2XA.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a fenced in area and leads into a man and his dog performing tricks with a frisbee. The an continues to perform tricks with the dog using the toys and other dogs watching on the side.", "segments": [[2.71, 66.95], [51.4, 133.23]], "duration": 135.26, "id": 8635}, {"image_id": "v_rgrzN8ELIxI.mp4", "caption": "A collage of drawings and logos are seen in black and white that make up a larger logo. A beach is seen from the distance and houses are seen on a hillside in a small beach town. A surfer walks down towards the beach. Surfers ride large waves in the ocean.", "segments": [[0, 16.68], [17.73, 19.81], [19.81, 22.94], [22.94, 205.43]], "duration": 208.56, "id": 8636}, {"image_id": "v_w3DvA9405_o.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen looking off in the distance who holds onto a harmonica. She begins playing the harmonica while looking away from the camera. The continues playing the harmonica and stops to look down at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.28], [11.9, 32.99], [31.97, 65.29]], "duration": 68.01, "id": 8637}, {"image_id": "v_2VYZeOa6804.mp4", "caption": "A reporter broadcast from a TV studio set. Then he reporter shows interviews a male an a female player next a swimming pool while a group of players jump into the water. Two teams play water polo in the swimming pool while the reporter continues to interview people. A woman and a man writes the scores on a the game, then people applauds. The winner team gets out the water and celebrates, and then the reporter interviews the team members. Again, the team gets in the water, and then the reporter broadcast from a studio set.", "segments": [[11.42, 13.32], [15.22, 45.67], [20.93, 134.15], [105.61, 112.27], [136.06, 166.5], [167.45, 183.63]], "duration": 190.29, "id": 8638}, {"image_id": "v_j5V7kD_HeMw.mp4", "caption": "A man descends from a steam slope on his snowboard. Another catches air as he flies over a snowy hill. Another snowboarder sharply slides down a steep hill to the base. A man in grey is shown performing some tricks in the air. First person perspective of a snowboarder going down a hill is shown. Another snowboarder flies down the hill, expertly cutting left and right. Various footage of snowboarders descending large slopes is shown. First person perspective of snowboarder with fellow rider in front of him closes the video.", "segments": [[0, 5.38], [7.18, 13.46], [16.15, 29.61], [28.71, 35.89], [50.25, 54.74], [56.53, 65.51], [92.43, 148.96], [158.83, 179.47]], "duration": 179.47, "id": 8639}, {"image_id": "v_feUoPtDWe1Y.mp4", "caption": "The woman in white sweater is talking to the camera. The woman is holding a violin and stick. The woman put the violin between her neck and shoulder and began playing for few seconds then talked to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 92.31], [13.85, 35.54], [19.85, 87.7]], "duration": 92.31, "id": 8640}, {"image_id": "v_mkF3Rlj3JSs.mp4", "caption": "A girl gives tips on how to brush your hair with a round brush. She strokes the hair in front of her, covering her face. She flips her hair up and then finishes what she needs to do.", "segments": [[9.81, 167.63], [35.67, 134.64], [139.99, 178.33]], "duration": 178.32999999999998, "id": 8641}, {"image_id": "v_NLpWaffN3XM.mp4", "caption": "A girl demonstrates playing an acoustic guitar using her hands to create percussion noise on the body of the guitar. A girl enters a room where an acoustic guitar is leaning against a sofa and sits down on the sofa and begins to play the guitar. The girl uses her right hand to make beats with the guitar and picks chords with the left hand while staring intently at the guitar. The girl continues to play intensely, occasionally nodding her head to the rhythm.", "segments": [[1.08, 215.58], [1.08, 6.5], [6.5, 139.75], [139.75, 215.58]], "duration": 216.67000000000002, "id": 8642}, {"image_id": "v_8btD4-N4stM.mp4", "caption": "We see scene of a bullfighting with matadors in the ring and see them stabbing the bulls. We see images of bloody bulls and carcasses being dragged on the ground. We see images of a bull in a slaughterhouse. Words go across the screen about torturing the bulls. We then see a PETA ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 59.98], [19.76, 27.17], [27.87, 32.11], [48.69, 54.69], [60.33, 70.57]], "duration": 70.57, "id": 8643}, {"image_id": "v_3_hJrb_aDWU.mp4", "caption": "A kayak rider drifts in the bay of an ocean. Two kayak riders talk while sitting in their kayaks. The view of the surrounding mountains is seen.", "segments": [[0, 17.06], [18.57, 29.8], [19.65, 37.58]], "duration": 43.19, "id": 8644}, {"image_id": "v_TZ5Vd9eL5WA.mp4", "caption": "Two people are standing in a kitchen. A man moves a glass bowl off the counter. A woman begins chopping a tomato on a board.", "segments": [[0, 67.41], [16.51, 17.86], [24.27, 67.41]], "duration": 67.41, "id": 8645}, {"image_id": "v_unLrTQt07kI.mp4", "caption": "We a man washing dishes in a restaurant kitchen with two other men standing behind him on massaging his shoulder. Teh dishwasher shakes the man off his shoulders. The man in rear in blue walks out of the room. The other man pretends to wash dishes then washes his hands.", "segments": [[0, 43.98], [3.52, 4.84], [6.38, 9.02], [25.51, 43.98]], "duration": 43.98, "id": 8646}, {"image_id": "v_vV_d5bfNmBQ.mp4", "caption": "Men on the beach playing volleyball in the sand. One of the guys hits the ball over to the other side and they hit it back. Then on the other side of the beach there is a group of women also playing volleyball. They are playing a really good game, one of the girl lands right on her stomach.", "segments": [[0, 10.61], [10.08, 31.3], [31.3, 62.06], [62.06, 106.09]], "duration": 106.09, "id": 8647}, {"image_id": "v_0ivHmKR8cUw.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in front of a counter talking to the camera and showing drinks. woman grabbs the juice and liquor and and serve it in a cup. woman is showing in a bar how to prepare a cocktail.", "segments": [[0, 27.68], [27.68, 92.27], [0, 92.27]], "duration": 92.27000000000001, "id": 8648}, {"image_id": "v_4XfNexN6t04.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a blue shirt walks to some congas and sit down. The musician begins to play the congas in a small room. The man then gets up and approaches the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.4], [3.4, 29.88], [29.69, 37.83]], "duration": 37.83, "id": 8649}, {"image_id": "v_sYPd_0tC318.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman skurfing where the woman is towed on a surf board behind a sailboat. The woman surfer jumps up high as the sailboat sails in the water. The woman twists and turns around while on the surf board. The sailboat continues to pull the woman and she balances perfectly on the surfs as she twists and turns and spins on the surfs. She goes in a zig zag pattern making foamy waves in the water as the boats speeds up. The same surfing is watched on television as a guy and a another woman put several medals around the surfer's neck. The surfer pretends to fall down with the sheer weight of the medals.", "segments": [[46, 194.71], [67.4, 194.71], [108.06, 194.71], [138.01, 194.71], [156.2, 194.71], [191.5, 213.97], [205.41, 213.97]], "duration": 213.97, "id": 8650}, {"image_id": "v_7rd23-3wEyU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while leading into various pictures of speaking as well as smoking. The man continues speaking while showing pictures intermittently of smoking and cigarettes close up.", "segments": [[2.98, 103.41], [68.61, 191.9]], "duration": 198.86, "id": 8651}, {"image_id": "v_in5XF1bbYr0.mp4", "caption": "We see a series of opening screens. A person throws a frisbee as a dog catches them. A man raises his hands in the air and walks off and another person walks past the camera. We see a title screen. We see an image of the dog laying in the grass with words on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 11.49], [11.49, 77.53], [69.87, 77.05], [78.01, 85.18], [85.18, 95.71]], "duration": 95.71000000000001, "id": 8652}, {"image_id": "v_pCEg_GoXoU4.mp4", "caption": "Several shots are shown of scuba divers moving along the water and fish moving around them. More people are seen moving along the ocean while gesturing to the camera and capturing all the wildlife around them. In the end they're seen riding a boat together and waving to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 96.83], [68.22, 187.07], [193.67, 218.98]], "duration": 220.07999999999998, "id": 8653}, {"image_id": "v_J_ZY19xnhJU.mp4", "caption": "A little boy runs fast to his swing set and his dog runs after him. He climbs up the slide and and slide and his little brother comes up to play too. The mom comes over to play on the sea saw with one of the boys and he falls off. They play for a while going from one part of the set to the next.", "segments": [[0, 32.05], [31.05, 65.1], [65.1, 129.19], [130.19, 200.3]], "duration": 200.3, "id": 8654}, {"image_id": "v_Aqq8S79ZAhk.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a room and leads into two women speaking and pulling out rock tiles. The women then put plaster down followed by the rock tiles and showing off the finished shower in the end and people reacting.", "segments": [[1.2, 22.72], [23.32, 58.9]], "duration": 59.79, "id": 8655}, {"image_id": "v_g_T8qK7qTFI.mp4", "caption": "People in traffic in a city look irritated as a cop directs traffic. A man sticks something in his ears. A man in a green shirt mocks a cop and people laugh and clap. The cop gives the man a Pepsi. We see the man on the cricket field throwing a ball. The man drinks the Pepsi and we see the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.66], [9.98, 11.59], [11.91, 44.1], [44.42, 48.28], [49.25, 54.72], [55.04, 64.38]], "duration": 64.38, "id": 8656}, {"image_id": "v_FBbN6FHC7L8.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a red leotard demonstrates a ballet move traveling toe move. The ballet instructor shimmies across the floor taking small little side steps. The instructor demonstrates a spot turn ballet turns. The instructor than combines the side toe step with the spot turning move.", "segments": [[0, 9.89], [9.89, 28.35], [28.35, 45.5], [45.5, 65.94]], "duration": 65.94, "id": 8657}, {"image_id": "v_vZuy4OyWBsQ.mp4", "caption": "Two young teenage girls hold soapsuds in their hands in a kitchen. The girls throw the suds in each other's faces. One girl hops on the shoulders of the other. They begin to wash the dishes.", "segments": [[0, 7.39], [8.21, 83.71], [84.53, 94.38], [95.2, 164.14]], "duration": 164.14, "id": 8658}, {"image_id": "v_e6r-A-LAe2E.mp4", "caption": "A young boy and a small boy are on a fenced field. They kick a ball, then try to chase it down. The kids continue playing as a man joins, fighting over the ball.", "segments": [[0, 7.26], [7.85, 31.79], [31.98, 39.24]], "duration": 39.24, "id": 8659}, {"image_id": "v_4uwtqRBE4Kk.mp4", "caption": "a sea is shown with a green forest on seashore. blond man is standing in seashore and talking to the camera and surfing big waves on the sea. man is walking on seashore through a lot of people and talking to the camera and holding an award and talking about surfing the seashore.", "segments": [[0, 18.96], [18.96, 89.21], [90.33, 223.03]], "duration": 223.03, "id": 8660}, {"image_id": "v_M1J3XjExaW4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding onto a stick. He points down to balls in front of him as well as his body. He them demonstrates how to hit the ball properly while still speaking.", "segments": [[0, 26.91], [28.9, 70.26], [60.29, 97.17]], "duration": 99.66, "id": 8661}, {"image_id": "v_FRjVP5r9rqc.mp4", "caption": "An elderly woman pans to the camera and does various hand movements on the floor. The woman grabs several items of clothing and shows how she washes them in the sink. She holds a bar of soap and rubs it all over the clothes and dips it into the water. She continues cleaning the clothes off in the water and showing how she cleans her clothes.", "segments": [[0, 14.13], [14.53, 56.92], [27.85, 70.24], [57.32, 80.74]], "duration": 80.74, "id": 8662}, {"image_id": "v_ZBuPedt-oEE.mp4", "caption": "First the woman grabs some dishes to prepare something and puts them into a refrigerator. She then holds a cup under a foam dispenser and remove sit when it's filled up. She then tops it with crushed graham bears. next she gets a plate and a round stencil. she puts the plate under the dispenser and she removes it and slowly pulls the circle off of the cake once she is done smoothing the paste. Then she uses a knife to put lines on the sides of the cake. Next she puts cream on the edges from top to bottom. then she drizzles a little chocolate syrup on there. She is now done making the cake.", "segments": [[9.21, 144.29], [19.96, 144.29], [36.84, 144.29], [56.03, 144.29], [66.01, 144.29], [96.71, 144.29], [101.31, 144.29], [128.17, 144.29], [135.85, 144.29]], "duration": 153.5, "id": 8663}, {"image_id": "v_SMUWOVJ3bzE.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting before a piano and playing a song while wearing a halloween costume. The boy continues playing the instrument and ends by pulling his mask down.", "segments": [[0.7, 30.08], [26.24, 68.56]], "duration": 69.96000000000001, "id": 8664}, {"image_id": "v_YynqCEoHKCk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen performing a dance routine on a stage in front of a large audience. The woman continues dancing all around the stage and ends with a bow and walking off stage.", "segments": [[1.89, 96.6], [68.19, 184.67]], "duration": 189.41, "id": 8665}, {"image_id": "v_3ddoLUFrGsE.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a boy are making victory sign and smiling. The woman is putting make up to the boy's face, and then the boy shows his face. Then, the woman put make on a girl face. The boy and the girl look their faces on a mirror making funny faces and waving.", "segments": [[0, 2.41], [5.43, 61.58], [62.18, 99.61], [103.84, 120.74]], "duration": 120.74, "id": 8666}, {"image_id": "v_9wtMJoqGTg0.mp4", "caption": "A girl performances some gymnastics stunts. A girl stands in place facing a lady. The girl holds up her hand. The girl turn around and climbs the gymnastic, wooden bar. With her hands on the bar, the girl lifts and splits her legs above her head. The lady moves a platform to the left side of the bar. The girl sits on the bar with her hand raised. The girl knees on the bar. The girl stands on the bar. The girl lifts off the bar and land on edge of the bar. The girl back flips three times. The girl takes two steps and front flips. The girl lifts of the bar and lands in the same position. The girl turns, jumps in place, and back flips. The girl turns and spins with hands raised. The girl steps forward, jumps and turns. The girls steps forward and front flips and lands at the edge. The girl back flips three times off the bar and lands on a blue mat.", "segments": [[2.23, 89.28], [0, 2.68], [3.12, 3.57], [4.02, 9.37], [9.37, 12.95], [9.82, 18.3], [13.39, 14.73], [16.52, 17.86], [18.3, 21.43], [21.87, 29.46], [29.02, 33.03], [34.37, 38.84], [38.84, 40.62], [40.62, 50.89], [52.23, 57.14], [58.03, 66.96], [64.28, 71.87], [83.03, 89.28]], "duration": 89.28, "id": 8667}, {"image_id": "v_-v-Zail6TNw.mp4", "caption": "An eight year old girl is playing a harmonica on a stage. The camera zooms in on the girl as the girl begins to play harder and harder, taking deeper and deeper breaths. The girl stops playing, takes a look to her left really quickly, then beings to smile while looking at the camera and clapping.", "segments": [[0, 30.35], [9.79, 12.52], [30.35, 32.11]], "duration": 32.11, "id": 8668}, {"image_id": "v_QDjaaUtepHo.mp4", "caption": "A pink and yellow logo with lips appears on screen. A male hairdresser works on the hair of a seated woman in a luxury beauty salon. The man dries and applies product to the woman's hair.", "segments": [[0, 4.81], [5.61, 127.41], [128.21, 160.27]], "duration": 160.27, "id": 8669}, {"image_id": "v_c4f6d1GRDEw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of a table holding up a bar of wax and other objects. He pushes the wax into a sander and begins using it on a ski board. He moves the sander all along the board and ends by showing it off to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 35.81], [35.81, 115.49], [108.33, 176.36]], "duration": 179.05, "id": 8670}, {"image_id": "v_Eilil6FZhK8.mp4", "caption": "peolpe are running wearing stilts in an avenue. man is interviewing an old woman in the sreet. man is doing a high jump above a car in street. man is laying down in a wooden table and other man jumps above the table. men are jumping side to side wearing stilts. man is helping a woman wear the stilts and walks in a gym room playing basketball with oher players. people are in sreet wearing stilts and running and jumping . man are sitting around a bench in street outside a restaurant. team are jumping in stilts in the roofed gym.", "segments": [[0, 68.95], [45.97, 56.91], [64.57, 68.95], [72.23, 79.89], [79.89, 90.84], [90.84, 164.16], [165.26, 179.49], [169.64, 174.01], [182.77, 204.66]], "duration": 218.89, "id": 8671}, {"image_id": "v_htKhaMfxxrM.mp4", "caption": "An opening scene with a child with a light saber deflecting lasers as they hit the wall to introduce a show. A man in a blue t-shirt and glasses is standing in front of an old telephone booth and explains to his followers on Youtube how he had gone to the hospital to fix a damaged knee from an arm wrestling match. Then a video is shown of the incident where he damaged his knee at an arm wrestling match as these two men sit at a table with a referee overlooking as the man in the glasses at the end of the match falls off his chair and walks off stage.", "segments": [[0, 4.71], [5.65, 98.83], [99.77, 188.25]], "duration": 188.25, "id": 8672}, {"image_id": "v_wCGpPDYfs-s.mp4", "caption": "A band is playing music, while a woman in gray suit is singing, and behind her is a man in black suit is also singing, the guy in green shirt is playing the drum, the people in the big room are dancing and singing while others are sitting, two people are talking in one corner while the singing and dancing continue. The guy in green shirt plays the drums.", "segments": [[0, 146.38], [140.45, 197.81]], "duration": 197.81, "id": 8673}, {"image_id": "v_mdJHGKABLhU.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are smiling in a picture. Someone holds a razor over a sink. A man with shaving cream on his beard starts shaving. Words are written on the screen. The man continues shaving his beard. He wipes his face with a towel and smiles.", "segments": [[6.34, 9.96], [11.77, 12.67], [15.39, 27.16], [28.06, 40.13], [40.13, 49.49], [49.49, 53.41]], "duration": 60.35, "id": 8674}, {"image_id": "v_m3AbqJNPn-o.mp4", "caption": "A young girl has her hair pulled back and glasses on as someone marks here cartilage.Once it is marked,she begins smiling at the camera.The man then grabs a pair of tweezers and clips the girl's ear.The earring is finally in and the girl begins to smile in approval and touches her other ear.", "segments": [[0, 12.89], [12.89, 45.47], [45.47, 111.29], [111.97, 135.72]], "duration": 135.72, "id": 8675}, {"image_id": "v_nMK_jVy5ZuI.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of athletes running down a large track into a pit of sand. More people are shown running down the track performing impressive jumps as well as celebrating afterwards. Several clips are shown of athletes running down the track as well as jumping over beams and waving to the audience.", "segments": [[0, 59.65], [41.29, 140.4], [105.53, 174.35]], "duration": 183.53, "id": 8676}, {"image_id": "v_OMlpKhvmMpA.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are seen walking around a table filled with cups while laughing and smiling to one another. One man then jumps on the table and crashes it to the floor while others run around and laugh.", "segments": [[0, 14.79], [13.49, 32.51]], "duration": 32.51, "id": 8677}, {"image_id": "v_IjFlVNAWQec.mp4", "caption": "A view is seen of people in the ocean. The waters are rough, splashing harshly against the rocks. The people are being knocked off their surfboards.", "segments": [[0, 14.62], [15.09, 44.8], [45.27, 94.31]], "duration": 94.31, "id": 8678}, {"image_id": "v_ibIRzsC9NjY.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting on and riding camels outside. A person is walking and holding a string tied to the camel's face. A light brown liquid is being poured into small glasses.", "segments": [[0.19, 37.49], [0.38, 37.3], [30.68, 32.95]], "duration": 37.87, "id": 8679}, {"image_id": "v_7wBrvMGZROQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is working out on bars. He has a weight attached to his belt. He goes up and down on the bars.", "segments": [[0, 5.04], [0.05, 5.04], [0.18, 5.04]], "duration": 5.04, "id": 8680}, {"image_id": "v_g_cdSUwwk8Y.mp4", "caption": "We are shown the overgrown yard. A white truck is seen in a driveway. We see the cameraman's shadow. A person in blue is mowing the lawn. A person People are using leaf blowers. The camera pans to show the trees and the garden.", "segments": [[0, 13.98], [2.91, 11.65], [11.65, 28.54], [20.38, 23.3], [32.62, 92.61], [92.61, 116.49]], "duration": 116.49000000000001, "id": 8681}, {"image_id": "v_xywGFiZ0hqs.mp4", "caption": "In introduction with show title and website is seen. A woman stands in bathroom and then places a contact lens into her eye. The woman then takes the contact lens back out of her eye. The woman shows a pair of tweezers and uses them to take the contact out of her eye instead.", "segments": [[0, 20.19], [20.19, 51.59], [54.28, 69.98], [75.37, 88.82]], "duration": 89.72, "id": 8682}, {"image_id": "v_M_OPqcaCDYI.mp4", "caption": "A group of six are on a little boat sitting waiting for the whistle to blow. Once it is blown they begin to paddle as quickly as they possibly can, working very well together. They almost hit a wall of rocks but are able to turn in time not to and are able to continue in route. Waves, pick up and then they do hit a different wall of rock, where they turn around at to go back.", "segments": [[0, 56.18], [56.18, 91.42], [91.42, 139.03], [139.03, 190.45]], "duration": 190.45, "id": 8683}, {"image_id": "v_zTrI4pPFIlw.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast prepares to mount a beam. He mounts, then proceeds to do many flips and handsprings. When he is finished, he dismounts.", "segments": [[0, 18.01], [21.76, 100.56], [113.32, 150.09]], "duration": 150.09, "id": 8684}, {"image_id": "v_UtErFzrzcqk.mp4", "caption": "A girl hits a pi\u00f1ata blindfolded while the pi\u00f1ata goes up and down in a backyard. Then, the girl take off the cloth on her eyes and smile.", "segments": [[0, 37.11], [37.11, 38.45]], "duration": 38.45, "id": 8685}, {"image_id": "v_pLJhoqTpAaI.mp4", "caption": "A tire for a bicycle spins, and a man catches it. We see a question written on paper, then a man in a bike shop as he talks. He demonstrates how to remove the rubber of a tire from the frame and replace it. He then talks to the camera a little longer.", "segments": [[0, 6.09], [7.11, 31.47], [33.5, 91.37], [92.89, 101.52]], "duration": 101.52000000000001, "id": 8686}, {"image_id": "v_fMRgMeDs9Ck.mp4", "caption": "A mans hair is seen close up followed by a razor being used on the sides. A person is seen combing the person's hair while still using the trimmer. The man's head is also seen being shaven on the side.", "segments": [[0.26, 14.72], [13.69, 36.42], [36.94, 50.12]], "duration": 51.67, "id": 8687}, {"image_id": "v_-zfOvigQLdA.mp4", "caption": "There's a lady swimmer diving into an indoor pool from a tall diving board while a small group of people are watching her perform. The diver stands in one position first to adjust her stance and then gradually steps forward on the diving board. She jumps up high and twists her body as she makes the jump. She ends up hurting herself on the back as she misjudges the distance from the diving board as she falls into the pool.", "segments": [[0, 22.71], [0.61, 10.57], [10.2, 12.99], [12.63, 23.07]], "duration": 24.29, "id": 8688}, {"image_id": "v_9qNM5tNMxK4.mp4", "caption": "There are two players wearing a red and white shirt and the other wearing black and white shirt, playing racket ball in an indoor court with a few spectators. The player in red hits the ball with a front hand swing and his opponent leaps forward to return the ball. The player in red continues to swing his racket in a front hand as he never fails to miss a single shot. The player in black misses one shot, but he immediately grabs the ball and they continue to play again. Both the players continue on a great rally without missing a shot. The player in red runs swiftly across the court to hit the ball back. Then they play five rounds continuously using back hand swings until the player in black misses a shot. Then they begin their final round where the player in black and white ends the final shot. They end the game by shaking hands and walk out of the court.", "segments": [[0, 207.1], [10.35, 62.13], [53.85, 171.89], [62.13, 104.58], [86.98, 132.54], [105.62, 140.83], [125.29, 172.93], [151.18, 188.46], [184.32, 207.1]], "duration": 207.1, "id": 8689}, {"image_id": "v_0kykNR9FUWU.mp4", "caption": "A girl gymnast in red sparkly leotard is doing gymnastics on a horse bar. She swiftly jumps and does handsprings and back flips on the horse bar. There is a panel of judges watching her in the stadium in Nanning, China. She continues to gracefully walk on the horse bar as she jumps and does a back flip right onto the ground and then walks away.", "segments": [[9.77, 22.95], [22.95, 42], [42, 83.99], [83.99, 91.8]], "duration": 97.66, "id": 8690}, {"image_id": "v_980U7SiE0Nk.mp4", "caption": "Two girls are seen standing on a gymnasium floor in front of a large crowd. The girls then begin dancing around the area while twirling batons in their hands. They continue to spin around one another and end by holding a pose.", "segments": [[0, 6.88], [5.63, 125.18], [76.99, 125.18]], "duration": 125.18, "id": 8691}, {"image_id": "v_79jhPh0PzWQ.mp4", "caption": "Someone hits a bat against two balls. The balls go to a loop in the ground. They split apart and go different distances.", "segments": [[0, 2.79], [4.48, 11.3], [11.37, 14.68]], "duration": 14.68, "id": 8692}, {"image_id": "v_EoYvQ_pn8KE.mp4", "caption": "Two women sweep a floor together as a ball glides behind them. They sweep the floor again and one of the women stops for a second as her partner starts sweeping faster. They sweep the floor again with one woman furiously sweeping towards the end as her partner stops for a second and looks up.", "segments": [[1.14, 6.6], [7.51, 16.62], [17.08, 32.1]], "duration": 45.54, "id": 8693}, {"image_id": "v_EAp9xQx2o6k.mp4", "caption": "People warm out raising the hands and bending. Then, people work out doing stepper workout putting a feet each time. After, people turn before step on the stepper.", "segments": [[0, 8.52], [8.86, 39.53], [39.53, 68.15]], "duration": 68.15, "id": 8694}, {"image_id": "v_3zjhYw-TVQw.mp4", "caption": "There's a man in a blue shirt and beige pants sitting in front yard on brown mulch talking about lawn and garden care. He points to the brown mulch and the shrub near him as he explains the do's and don'ts about lawn care.", "segments": [[24.16, 54.36], [54.36, 60.08]], "duration": 63.58, "id": 8695}, {"image_id": "v_Z3DhUZhoRDA.mp4", "caption": "Wall paper on a wall is shown. A person puts a piece of wax paper on the wall paper. They run a brush down the front of the paper.", "segments": [[0, 44.89], [44.89, 54.31], [75.36, 110.83]], "duration": 110.83, "id": 8696}, {"image_id": "v_D1x5KVBdiuI.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen putting a weight on followed by a woman lifting a bar up over her head. Another person is seen after her lifting up a large set of weights over their heads. Several more people are seen lifting heavy weights over their heads while others watch on the side.", "segments": [[0.99, 63.21], [60.25, 143.21], [106.67, 189.63]], "duration": 197.53, "id": 8697}, {"image_id": "v_Yfg0bZbxjVg.mp4", "caption": "We see two opening title screens. A lady sits on a bathtub and talks while playing with a dog. The lady puts the dog in the water and washes him. The lady adds more soap. The lady rinses the dog and wraps in him in a mustard orange towel. the lady sits and talks as the dog sits in her lap. The ending credits roll up the screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.59], [5.73, 32.1], [33.24, 166.21], [137.55, 142.14], [168.5, 213.2], [214.35, 223.52], [226.96, 229.25]], "duration": 229.25, "id": 8698}, {"image_id": "v_X5Dsemc20pg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while presenting various liquids and ingredients. The man mixes ingredients into a glass with fruit for several drinks while stopping to have a drink. He continues making more drinks using different ingredients and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.95, 63.86], [45.75, 139.15], [116.27, 179.18]], "duration": 190.61, "id": 8699}, {"image_id": "v_6SFW4g4UVKI.mp4", "caption": "A man's face is moving back and forth. The man is shining a shoe.", "segments": [[0, 6.55], [6.55, 32.74]], "duration": 32.74, "id": 8700}, {"image_id": "v_kUxz_SPi72U.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down beside a tire while holding up various tools. The man then takes off a hubcap and places it back on the tire. He turns to speak to the camera.", "segments": [[0.36, 22.38], [19.86, 71.48], [19.86, 64.62]], "duration": 72.2, "id": 8701}, {"image_id": "v_iPk4GeFFcTQ.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen running down a long track and throwing a javelin off into the distance with others measuring his throw. The man walks away and high fives a man in the crowd while his score is shown and another steps up to the side.", "segments": [[0, 33.97], [26.94, 76.53]], "duration": 78.09, "id": 8702}, {"image_id": "v_gdi_m9LjRAw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside holding a chainsaw. He starts cutting down a tree next to him. He stands next to the tree talking.", "segments": [[2.09, 103.81], [16.17, 103.81], [100.68, 103.81]], "duration": 104.33, "id": 8703}, {"image_id": "v_wUsmKmxxHYQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while a woman swims back and fourth in the pool behind her. Clips are then shown close up on how to perform proper swimming techniques while the camera interments with the woman speaking.", "segments": [[4.42, 92.78], [67.16, 172.31]], "duration": 176.73, "id": 8704}, {"image_id": "v_fhtNAMK0Vqk.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a cowboy hat, sunglasses and yellow latex gloves is standing next to a horse in a stable. He is using a blow dryer to dry the horse's wet body. He moves the blow dryer back and forth all over the horse's back to dry it. He is also uses a scrubbing brush on the horse's back to clean the horse.", "segments": [[2.91, 6.93], [6.93, 13.99], [13.99, 26.18], [26.18, 27.7]], "duration": 27.7, "id": 8705}, {"image_id": "v_o6lTgyb_AkM.mp4", "caption": "A painter demonstrates various art pieces in her studio. She sits in her studio, speaking. She grabs a paintbrush and dips it into black paint repeatedly, as she paints a black tree. She grabs a sponge and dips it into green and blue paint while painting the leaves on the tree. She moves on to grab the paintbrush and dips it into black paint repeatedly, and moves on to paint another tree. With the same paint brush, this time dipping it into green paint, she paints the pines of three. She finishes her painting and speaks for a bit.", "segments": [[2.58, 10.32], [14.62, 19.78], [20.64, 55.04], [55.9, 94.6], [95.46, 116.95], [116.95, 164.25], [165.11, 169.41]], "duration": 171.99, "id": 8706}, {"image_id": "v_zCcUwVzaEac.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. A man sits on a track and talks as he is interviewed. Two men in red walk up the bleachers and one stops to talk to someone. A group of women walk behind the man being interviewer. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.77], [4.4, 120.55], [32.02, 53.37], [91.67, 94.81], [121.18, 125.57]], "duration": 125.57, "id": 8707}, {"image_id": "v_Bm6HrokioXU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing around with a large group of kids and leads into the kids play dodgbeall in a large gymnasium. A woman is seen speaking to the camera while more shots of the game are shown and the man speaking to the kids. They are all seen sitting together and the man interviews the kids in a classroom.", "segments": [[0, 27.55], [23.31, 69.41], [78.42, 105.98]], "duration": 105.97999999999999, "id": 8708}, {"image_id": "v_D5EgASje8MQ.mp4", "caption": "Lawrence Welk is playing an accordion and directing his band. He is joined by another accordion player. The band stands up to plan and the camera goes back and forth between the accordion players and the band. They continue to play the accordions with the band behind them.", "segments": [[0, 17.13], [17.13, 27.4], [27.4, 85.63], [85.63, 114.17]], "duration": 114.17, "id": 8709}, {"image_id": "v_w6xH78z3l08.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera in front of a car and begins taking a hubcap off. He slides the pieces off of the tire. Finally he puts the hubcap back in place.", "segments": [[0, 20.11], [21.87, 56.09], [46.57, 67.73]], "duration": 70.56, "id": 8710}, {"image_id": "v_xdl0lyO9ub0.mp4", "caption": "A man ina shirt that says beast mode is making a video on what the best free workouts to do without a gym are. He has a weight bar with no weight and he bends over a certain way.He shows you how to use the weight bar for different weight lifting positions. Once he is done with the weight bar he stands back and talks about it all.", "segments": [[0, 36.64], [36.64, 83.27], [83.27, 139.89], [139.89, 222.05]], "duration": 222.05, "id": 8711}, {"image_id": "v_vruB4ViPGuE.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting on a bench. A man is drinking from a coffee cup. A woman is drinking from a coffee cup.", "segments": [[0, 18.02], [2.25, 2.97], [4.87, 5.77]], "duration": 18.02, "id": 8712}, {"image_id": "v_2_Tgrk8iJpE.mp4", "caption": "An indoor court is filled with people wearing uniforms and playing dodgeball throwing the balls to either side of the team.A slow motion replay of a dodgeball being thrown and caught is replayed.A man quickly throws a ball and his target catches it, he turns around and walks with his right up straight up in the air while the rest of the players continue to play.A still shot picture of a man holding two balls and black words scrolling from the bottom to the top with the word and number \"JARDINE 77\" is at the top.", "segments": [[0, 19.15], [19.15, 41.85], [41.85, 63.83], [63.83, 70.93]], "duration": 70.93, "id": 8713}, {"image_id": "v_K5_Rm4MfF9o.mp4", "caption": "A man is swimming backward in lake water. The two men shown begin water skiing. They lose their gopro device, and have to scuba to find it, taking more than two weeks to locate the still working device.", "segments": [[0, 17.11], [20.67, 78.41], [86.25, 142.56]], "duration": 142.56, "id": 8714}, {"image_id": "v_Yd0q08-cpJU.mp4", "caption": "A curtain is seen, and a belly dancer walks onto the stage. She performs for the audience, shaking her hips and sucking her belly in and out. When she finishes, she throws her arms into the air and the screen goes black.", "segments": [[0, 12.53], [15.67, 114.06], [117.19, 125.34]], "duration": 125.34, "id": 8715}, {"image_id": "v_9DVsv84awMg.mp4", "caption": "\"EPBF Millennium Series\" appears on screen. Opened end of vehicle appears with \"www paint-supply net\" printed on bumper while tools are placed inside. The car drives down a dark black road with photoshopped objects popping up on either side. The end of the road appears with the word \"Paintball FAILs\" above it and pictures of paintball below it. The words \"Friendly Fire\" appear. A group of people play paintball on a grassy field with inflatable obstacles. The words \"Stupid Hopper\" appear. People once again play paintball on the field. The words \"1/3 Lauf\" appear. People again play paintball on the field. The word \"Fehlstart\" appears on screen. People play paintball on the field. Contact information for Paint Supply GmbH appears.", "segments": [[0, 2.14], [2.14, 7.47], [7.47, 20.28], [14.95, 20.28], [20.28, 25.62], [25.62, 39.5], [39.5, 43.77], [42.7, 167.6], [167.6, 169.74], [169.74, 187.89], [187.89, 191.09], [191.09, 206.04], [206.04, 213.51]], "duration": 213.51, "id": 8716}, {"image_id": "v_dRRht9vdYDE.mp4", "caption": "There are a few older gentlemen playing a game on ice. They have a coach to help them and he talks about how to curl. He talks about the steps and how to get in the hack, even demonstrating. He seems pretty professional walking on the ice with his shoes on while demonstrating.", "segments": [[0, 20.36], [20.87, 45.81], [45.81, 71.26], [71.26, 101.8]], "duration": 101.8, "id": 8717}, {"image_id": "v_DG9-yffcXS4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen pulling shades off of a window and removing the bars around the sides. Another man assists him by putting newer bars into the window as well as cutting the boards so they fit. In the end the camera pans around the new roof showing off it's great results.", "segments": [[0, 76.76], [73.88, 158.31], [156.39, 191.89]], "duration": 191.89, "id": 8718}, {"image_id": "v_TCcopbAANQ0.mp4", "caption": "A person is assembling a bike on a white cloth. They put on a blue apron and gloves. They put handle bars on the bike.", "segments": [[0, 158.13], [25.3, 28.46], [79.86, 82.23]], "duration": 158.13, "id": 8719}, {"image_id": "v_cAGABdvv5u8.mp4", "caption": "two men are riding a water bike in a sea while a big wave is behind them. a lot of scenes of people surfing on big waves on the sea and a city is in the background.", "segments": [[0, 7.68], [7.68, 219.29]], "duration": 219.29, "id": 8720}, {"image_id": "v_AV8q7nnOtq4.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen sitting in front of a drum kit and begins playing the set of drums for the camera. He continues playing the drums and finishes by hitting the cymbal one last time.", "segments": [[2.5, 75.38], [6.25, 81.62]], "duration": 83.28999999999999, "id": 8721}, {"image_id": "v_YQiTt8b6N60.mp4", "caption": "A close up is shown of a woman's eyes. She is sitting on a rock, then biking, then adorning scuba gear. She dives, swimming alongside tropical fish and a nursing shark. She is finally shown wearing sunglasses, smiling and laughing.", "segments": [[0, 8.93], [11.91, 103.24], [106.21, 186.62], [187.61, 198.53]], "duration": 198.53, "id": 8722}, {"image_id": "v__K3Cpdks6NQ.mp4", "caption": "There is very large group of people outside on a basketball court after sunset. They are all jumping up and down on these new pogo stick things that you wear like shoes. There are many young kids just bouncing up and down on them enjoying the evening. There are even a few people standing by and watching.", "segments": [[0, 10.93], [11.24, 25.82], [25.82, 41.61], [41.61, 60.74]], "duration": 60.74, "id": 8723}, {"image_id": "v_bV_X5E1-T50.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting and smoking cigarettes. Johnny cash is playing in the background and she has a drink in her hand. She stares into the camera while taking puffs on her cigarette. She fixes her hair a bit while looking into the camera. She smiles into the camera and leans closer.", "segments": [[0, 169.8], [0, 41.14], [33.26, 133.92], [74.4, 93.65], [138.29, 175.06]], "duration": 175.06, "id": 8724}, {"image_id": "v_G-fsWVYrAgc.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands on front a table with baby products, then the woman rolls up diapers and puts around a circular container with a ribbon. After, the woman puts diapers around a folded towel with a ribbon. Next, the woman fills the circular container with baby products and put on top the towel, a plush and a bottle.", "segments": [[7.63, 89.06], [89.06, 107.72], [108.57, 156.07]], "duration": 169.65, "id": 8725}, {"image_id": "v_WW0Sm6oDc9M.mp4", "caption": "A boy picks up a bowling ball and runs down the lane. He dives into the pins at the end. He runs back and falls onto the lane.", "segments": [[0, 8.14], [8.02, 9.74], [11.69, 15.13]], "duration": 22.92, "id": 8726}, {"image_id": "v_i0rC2mfp7mI.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in all black and a mask on is outside in a public place playing and instrument with bags in the middle and small keyboard on the outside of it.As he plays,multiple people walk by continuing on with their life.None of them acknowledge him and the hat in front of hi remains empty.", "segments": [[0, 11.3], [11.3, 18.99], [19.59, 24.03]], "duration": 24.03, "id": 8727}, {"image_id": "v_8w9pf_Ecm_U.mp4", "caption": "Two girls holding pom poms perform a dance routine in a gymnasium. Several people are shown watching in the background while the girls continue to do flexible moves. The grab canes and continue spinning the canes while doing splits and various other dance moves.", "segments": [[0.5, 100.08], [4.5, 33.03], [30.02, 95.08]], "duration": 100.08, "id": 8728}, {"image_id": "v_o_e0KLnKpj8.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady starting a lawn mower. The lady stops and looks at the camera. The lady starts then stops mowing. The lady tries to start the mower again. Another lady comes to help and falls over. The first lady finally gets the mowers started. the lady throws her arm in the air and mows the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 72.11], [13.89, 17.2], [31.09, 47.63], [47.63, 72.11], [81.37, 115.11], [113.78, 118.42], [119.08, 132.31]], "duration": 132.31, "id": 8729}, {"image_id": "v_I6gc2AjcYOY.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady washing a white towel in a sink. The lady lifts the towel up. The lady picks something up off the floor. The lady wrings out the towel in the sink. the lady then walks away.", "segments": [[0, 25.81], [8.82, 12.13], [16.76, 18.09], [26.03, 38.16], [38.38, 44.12]], "duration": 44.12, "id": 8730}, {"image_id": "v_b87ec6jTm_M.mp4", "caption": "We see a black screen with the intro. We see people in blue playing drums. A title screen appears and we see another team. Another title screen and a team with a man jumping a ribbon. The title appears twice and we see a red team. The title screen returns and we see a team in purple. The title returns 3 times and people are outdoors practicing. We see people perform in front of a crowd. We see a bunch of quick shots of teams, then the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 6.93], [6.93, 10.08], [10.71, 18.9], [18.9, 30.87], [30.87, 47.88], [47.88, 55.44], [56.7, 92.6], [91.34, 100.79], [101.42, 125.99]], "duration": 125.99, "id": 8731}, {"image_id": "v_w9cJ3FNGw_U.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy on a horse is released from a gate. He lassos a little calf. He dismounts, then ties the calf.", "segments": [[0, 12.24], [20.71, 81.89], [93.18, 188.25]], "duration": 188.25, "id": 8732}, {"image_id": "v_LxLvhGHwca8.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen wandering around a dark city while wearing stilts on their feet to walk. The people continue walking and jumping around on the stilts while waving to the camera and sitting on the ground.", "segments": [[0.77, 75.13], [64.28, 153.35]], "duration": 154.9, "id": 8733}, {"image_id": "v_27Pg4wHah2I.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated at a piano, looking confused as he plays and an elderly woman watches. He speeds his playing as she stands. The audience looks perplexed and amused, dancing in place. The people get up and dance to the music. He then walks away with his arm in a woman's.", "segments": [[0, 9.36], [10.29, 15.44], [17.78, 37.89], [38.36, 87.47], [87.47, 93.55]], "duration": 93.55, "id": 8734}, {"image_id": "v_UzCeMCr0lM8.mp4", "caption": "A woman peels a potatoes in a rustic kitchen. Then, the woman takes another potatoes and peels it with a knife. After, the woman puts the potatoe on adish.", "segments": [[0, 13.77], [14.06, 55.95], [56.24, 58.58]], "duration": 58.58, "id": 8735}, {"image_id": "v_YnG1Uhh2h5E.mp4", "caption": "Two young man and a man play pool hitting white balls with a cue stick. The young man hits balls that land in the pocket of the pool table. Then, the man puts the balls in a metal triangle and arrange others balls. After, the young man strikes the white ball but immidiately stop it with the cue sticks. Next, the young man strikes the balls and sends a white ball to a pocket. The man strikes a white ball and send balls in the pocket. At the end, the young man puts the ball inside a metal triangle.", "segments": [[4.42, 56.58], [56.58, 68.95], [70.72, 101.66], [101.66, 119.34], [120.22, 141.44], [143.21, 155.58], [156.47, 171.49]], "duration": 176.8, "id": 8736}, {"image_id": "v_rDWa3Z2IaIw.mp4", "caption": "Three girls are standing together on a green floor talking with one another about a sport.One person is then shown playing Field hockey and then comes back to talk about what she has just done.Next,they go over the correct ways to defend the ball and then they all begin talking one by one about the sport again.After,a screen appears with the question,\"What if the game is tied?\"and the young lady goes into detail for the answer.Finally the questions are answered and they all come back together and close out the video.", "segments": [[0, 29.94], [29.94, 80.94], [80.94, 139.7], [139.7, 179.62], [179.62, 221.75]], "duration": 221.75, "id": 8737}, {"image_id": "v_fo0gFCcKdtg.mp4", "caption": "People are paddling canoes in an indoor pool. A boy paddles a canoe. The boy leans to the side, and the canoe flips over. The boy swims to the surface of the water.", "segments": [[0, 51.27], [0, 29.22], [38.71, 39.73], [43.07, 51.27]], "duration": 51.27, "id": 8738}, {"image_id": "v_B69Fkd_L9gA.mp4", "caption": "There's man standing on his deck that is covered with snow. He is getting ready to get into his hot tub on his deck. He walks bare foot through the snow to get into his hot tub. He begins to shovel the snow off the deck to make it easier for him to walk. He clears the snow from the deck to create a pathway to the hot tub.", "segments": [[19.92, 55.23], [55.23, 94.17], [94.17, 126.77], [126.77, 160.27], [160.27, 167.51]], "duration": 181.09, "id": 8739}, {"image_id": "v_jTChoOFb05w.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of landscapes are shown as well as people driving and other's being interviewed. Several shots of people on the beach are shown and leads into people playing various sports on the beach. The people play back and fourth while others interview and many watch on the sides.", "segments": [[0, 40.64], [40.64, 130.22], [132.99, 184.72]], "duration": 184.72, "id": 8740}, {"image_id": "v_Qp_zbvHLwLk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen pushing a lawn mower along a yard and stopping to pull the string and get it going. The woman continues pushing the mower along the lawn and moving back to where she started.", "segments": [[0, 41.91], [18.67, 70.44]], "duration": 70.44, "id": 8741}, {"image_id": "v_Lr-FutvMXoA.mp4", "caption": "A person is pole volting over a beam followed by several more clips of people jumping. More people are shown using the bar to pole volt over a beam.", "segments": [[1.08, 27.25], [11.46, 40.45]], "duration": 43.26, "id": 8742}, {"image_id": "v_kyMsxlpBjlY.mp4", "caption": "There's a person mowing the lawn in his yard with a lawn mower while carrying his child on his back. The man walks up and down, straight across the yard as he mows the lawn. The child watches calmly while resting on the man's back. The man continues to mow the lawn with his black lawn mower.", "segments": [[0, 30.35], [2.12, 27.62], [3.03, 27.31], [5.77, 30.35]], "duration": 30.35, "id": 8743}, {"image_id": "v_rMevLL0KHzc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding on a horse around others while speaking to other people and kids holding up a sign. The kids continue to hold signs and look to the camera while more people ride around on horses. More clips are shown of people riding horses and kids wearing helmets.", "segments": [[0, 33.96], [39.86, 112.94], [112.94, 141.73]], "duration": 147.63, "id": 8744}, {"image_id": "v_hEoASC7qC28.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in the water holding a rope. He gets up and starts wake boarding.He falls back into the water.", "segments": [[0, 10.05], [10.64, 108.73], [115.83, 118.19]], "duration": 118.19, "id": 8745}, {"image_id": "v_vX0xxYxGj-4.mp4", "caption": "Two lines of people stand over a long rope. Each line picks up the rope and starts playing tug rope while a large crowd watches. The team wearing light blue shirts wins the round.", "segments": [[0, 3.25], [3.25, 76.09], [76.55, 92.79]], "duration": 92.78999999999999, "id": 8746}, {"image_id": "v_JQ3mObvro1s.mp4", "caption": "A white intro screen appears with small circle pictures of a man at the upper left, a woman at the bottom right, and the words \"HOOKED ON RUNNING Smart training for busy women\" in the middle.A woman wearing a hat, glasses and a long sleeved hot pink top is standing in front of a brick wall and talking. The woman is now standing behind a table and is putting crumpled up papers into a running shoe and stuffing it as much as she can. The woman then grabs a pink sole from the shoe and pours baking soda all over the top. The woman then grabs a toothbrush and the show she just stuffed and motions scrubbing but doesn't really do it, then puts both the toothbrush and the shoe out of sight. The woman grabs another pair of shoes, the right shoe is unlaced and the left shoe is laced and she's holding onto them then puts them down.", "segments": [[0, 9.84], [9.84, 30.28], [30.28, 63.59], [63.59, 79.48], [79.48, 96.14], [96.14, 151.39]], "duration": 151.38, "id": 8747}, {"image_id": "v_1ILXipBgbTs.mp4", "caption": "There are several people dressed in safety vests and helmets sailing in a speed boat to go tubing in water. They travel through the lake and arrive at a spot where they get off the boat and jump into the water with their tubes. They get onto the yellow tubes and float along the water.", "segments": [[6.03, 30.48], [30.48, 50.09], [50.09, 56.73]], "duration": 60.35, "id": 8748}, {"image_id": "v_Z8QrA66UVzI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of a window speaking to the camera while wearing a headpiece. The man then brushes along the sides of the window and points back and fourth to the window while speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 71.33], [69.59, 173.98]], "duration": 173.98, "id": 8749}, {"image_id": "v_f3spxjpfuxM.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown speaking to the camera then kneels down and presses carpet down with a tool. He then screws in the stairs and kneel down while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 103.67], [106.42, 183.49]], "duration": 183.49, "id": 8750}, {"image_id": "v_meMZuh8iNDs.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks and shows her long French braid. Then, the woman lie on the bed and brush her hair on the border of the bed. Then, the woman takes a lock of front hair and braid taking hair from sides. Then, the woman shows the braid while continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 60.69], [61.58, 69.61], [69.61, 139.22], [140.12, 178.49]], "duration": 178.49, "id": 8751}, {"image_id": "v_L5nqeFWufrE.mp4", "caption": "There's a diver participating in an event in a large stadium in lots of spectators. He is jumping off the dash board and diving into the deep swimming pool. While diving he accidentally bumps his head on the diving board and injures himself. He expresses pain as he gets off the pool and his coach comes to help him. The second time when the diver dives, he manages to successfully make it into the swimming pool without injuries. Another historic diving event is shown where the diver accidentally hurts his head on the diving board while diving into the pool.", "segments": [[3.93, 9.95], [9.95, 18.86], [18.86, 28.81], [28.81, 29.86], [29.86, 41.91], [41.91, 48.98]], "duration": 52.39, "id": 8752}, {"image_id": "v_oJCB2Zglcq4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing inside a fenced in area with a man sitting on a horse. The man rides into the pit and chases a calf with a rope. The man ties up the calf after it's caught and climbs back on the horse while another unties the calf.", "segments": [[0, 8.18], [8.85, 20.57], [19.46, 42.69]], "duration": 44.24, "id": 8753}, {"image_id": "v_r4bI22hGTg4.mp4", "caption": "There are kids bouncing in trampolines. Several kids are jumping up and down. The camera is very shaky.", "segments": [[0, 23.48], [0.82, 17.84], [17.72, 23.48]], "duration": 23.48, "id": 8754}, {"image_id": "v_ZsXJw0d3QbU.mp4", "caption": "Kids are sitting in bumper cars. They begin going and bumping into each other. People are standing behind the gate watching them. A man in a blue shirt is walking in front of them.", "segments": [[0, 114.17], [4.57, 114.17], [1.14, 114.17], [104.47, 114.17]], "duration": 114.17, "id": 8755}, {"image_id": "v_STaS53CNlZI.mp4", "caption": "An intro that's a blue screen with white words that read \"MegaZip Sentosa dot Singapore dot November 2010\" appear on the screen. Four people appear near a railing where they are all attached to harnesses.A man puts his hand on the woman's shoulder and guides her to the opening where she is to leave but a blue screen appears with the white words say \"yes\",then it goes back to the woman getting ready to jump and she bends her knees and a blue screen appears and say's \"no\", and she shakes her head and backs away.A blue screen appears again and it says \"OK Maybe\"and the woman once again gets ready to jump at the opening and at the same time the other man who is attached to the harness is also ready to go.A blue screen appears that say's \"no\" but the woman and the man do let go and they go zip lining across the heavily tree green forest below and a blue screen appears again and say's \"I Think She Said Yes?\". A new group is now harnessed and they are filmed taking their turns going down the zip line and the man holding the camera turns it to himself to reveal a close up shot of his smiling face as well as the scenery around him which include the forest below them and the beach at the ending point.They reach the end of the zip line and the worker begins to pull them to the landing point where a close up of the worker appears and he also has a big smile on his face while he other zip liners are standing there and smiling as well.The view changes to ground view and it shows what the zip liners look like from the ground. The blue outro appears and the words \"Sentosa MegaZip November 2010 The End\" are displayed.", "segments": [[0, 2.77], [2.77, 4.61], [4.61, 20.3], [20.3, 33.22], [20.3, 51.67], [51.67, 149.49], [149.49, 166.1], [166.1, 182.71], [182.71, 184.55]], "duration": 184.55, "id": 8756}, {"image_id": "v_goSGYjLTGnQ.mp4", "caption": "A young male dressed in an red jumpsuit is on the stage break dancing.Once he is finished,a group of guys swarm him and they all point to another boy so he can take the stage.The boy comes along and starts flipping and doing a variation of the robot.All of the men behind him then become his background dancers as the boy takes a microphone and begins singing.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [4.56, 24.75], [24.42, 49.17], [49.17, 65.13]], "duration": 65.13, "id": 8757}, {"image_id": "v_PUzd4mfmzqo.mp4", "caption": "A man in an outdoor basketball court explains how to do layup drills with both arms, over hand, underhand, right and left hand layup with two steps. He then goes to the hash marks on the court and shows various variations of a layup from various distances and how to do the drills for practice. He then comes back to the camera and explains what he did.", "segments": [[0, 64.15], [65.12, 185.65], [186.62, 194.4]], "duration": 194.4, "id": 8758}, {"image_id": "v_QfUTGmlNO1s.mp4", "caption": " A clip of an old tv show is shown with a woman washing dishes and a young girl stepping into frame. The woman hands the girl a glass of water and is shown again in various angles, ending with a woman washing clothes.", "segments": [[0, 7.31], [7.71, 20.02]], "duration": 20.02, "id": 8759}, {"image_id": "v_JWb0-VdfZI4.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen standing on the sidewalk and looking off into the distance. The girl then throws the rock and begins playing a game of hopscotch. She throws and hops several times while stopping to look to the camera.", "segments": [[0.56, 15.24], [18.35, 42.05], [42.9, 55.6]], "duration": 56.45, "id": 8760}, {"image_id": "v_YFTQImGp_nY.mp4", "caption": "A television announcer claps on her legs while singing introducing a show. A group of dancers in colorful costumes do an dance act with hula hoops. The audience is seen and members clap for the group. The older members of the group hold up poles for the children dancing to swing from. The hula hoop dancers get even more hoops for the finale. Confetti rains from the air onto the performers. The announcer stands up and claps for the group.", "segments": [[0, 30.48], [31.28, 150.79], [67.38, 146.78], [101.86, 117.1], [118.71, 152.4], [151.59, 158.81], [158.81, 160.42]], "duration": 160.42000000000002, "id": 8761}, {"image_id": "v_rCwolEeHY80.mp4", "caption": "A man sits with shears resting in hand in a rose garden. The man clips dead roses from a rose bush with shears. The man clips whole branches near the base of the rose bushes. Dying rose bush leaves a seen up close. Healthy rose bush leaves are seen up close.", "segments": [[0, 103.29], [14.36, 32.04], [33.69, 45.85], [67.39, 75.67], [81.2, 93.35]], "duration": 110.47, "id": 8762}, {"image_id": "v_boqfpo3YAps.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures are shown of a woman standing by herself as well as with friends. Video footage is then shown of her running alongside a large group of people while many watch on the sides. More pictures are shown of her finishing the race as well as others.", "segments": [[0, 57.78], [52.23, 172.24], [137.79, 211.13]], "duration": 222.24, "id": 8763}, {"image_id": "v_bEt8fGREAAA.mp4", "caption": "A man with a saxaphone around his neck talks to the camera in a dim room. The camera changes like a box spinning. The man looks around then he is playing his saxophone. A website a person the screen in the lower left corner and the screen fades.", "segments": [[0, 59.54], [58.93, 60.75], [60.75, 118.46], [115.43, 121.5]], "duration": 121.5, "id": 8764}, {"image_id": "v_sYJgYpQknw0.mp4", "caption": "The front of a large brown building with snow in front of it is shown.In the inside,there is a ping pong table and two adult males begin walking towards each other.They then begin playing ping pong with nun-chucks and using their feet to hit the ball.As the game progresses,more balls are added and they continue to play without missing one ball.The game intensifies and the man on the right misses the ball and the man congratulates himself.", "segments": [[0, 5.86], [6.51, 35.83], [35.18, 55.37], [55.37, 111.4], [114, 130.29]], "duration": 130.29, "id": 8765}, {"image_id": "v_3YDQ9wZtIgw.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running around a field playing a game of lacrosse with one another. The players run up and down the field while the camera captures their movements. The men continue playing around one another while people watch on the side and cheer them on.", "segments": [[0, 66.01], [68.37, 180.35], [175.64, 232.22]], "duration": 235.75, "id": 8766}, {"image_id": "v_qi5Oie047pQ.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is sitting up against the wall making a face as two people are standing in front of him.The girl on the left then takes a small tube of polish and begins to paints the boy's nail with red glitter.When she is finished,the boy is shown and he begins to laugh about the situation.", "segments": [[0, 12.25], [12.41, 26.99], [27.92, 31.02]], "duration": 31.02, "id": 8767}, {"image_id": "v_ybcStSlBGPc.mp4", "caption": "A lighted jack-o-lantern comes into focus. The jack-o-lantern moves towards the camera. A young woman is talking very animatedly in front of a white wall. The woman holds a small pumpkin in her hand while talking. The woman holds up a piece of paper with some stickers on it. The pumpkin is seen moving on it's own on a table with a black tablecloth. The pumpkin spins around showing some cartoon faces. An animation of a knife stabs the pumpkin and a cat runs back and forth next to the table. The pumpkin is replaced with other objects one at a time, a knife, a spoon, a candle, etc. The woman is wearing a sticker of a mustache on her face and draws on the small pumpkin with a black felt pen. The woman holds a knife and begins carving the pumpkin along the lines she drew. The woman scoops out the pumpkin seeds with a spoon and puts the seeds in a Halloween themed paper cup. The woman continues carving the face of the pumpkin to turn it into a jack-o-lantern. The woman cleans up the face of the jack-o-lantern with a towel and places the top with the stem back on. The woman places the candle inside the jack-o-lantern. The woman flicks on a disposable lighter. The lighted jack-o-lantern is seen once again moving on it's own on the black table. The video ends and shows a split screen with samples from three other videos the woman has made, with a \"Subscribe\" button in the middle.", "segments": [[0, 4.71], [4.71, 7.06], [7.06, 24.71], [24.71, 35.3], [35.3, 42.36], [42.36, 48.24], [48.24, 49.42], [49.42, 55.3], [55.3, 62.36], [62.36, 76.48], [76.48, 91.78], [91.78, 108.25], [108.25, 142.38], [142.38, 152.97], [152.97, 174.15], [174.15, 175.32], [175.32, 182.38], [182.38, 235.34]], "duration": 235.34, "id": 8768}, {"image_id": "v_weB3srg6o4c.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in a handwash and another man enters in the bathrrom and start a conversation. man is spreading toothpaste in toothbrush and wash their tooth.", "segments": [[0, 48.05], [48.69, 128.13]], "duration": 128.13, "id": 8769}, {"image_id": "v_EE1UoJSNyms.mp4", "caption": "A man rakes leaves from the yard into a pile and dumps them in a metal trash bin. The man puts his tools away in the shed and carries away a bag of leaves.", "segments": [[0, 25.69], [25.87, 35.43]], "duration": 35.43, "id": 8770}, {"image_id": "v_w2zTEQMg_v0.mp4", "caption": "A group of men and women of various ages are working out on elliptical exercise machines. A man, wearing only work out shorts, wipes sweat from his brown and leans against a wall. A fit woman's body in a white bikini exhibits as a woman and a man in work out clothes appear working out on elliptical machines. The woman and man then appear dressed in full casual attire before returning to the elliptical machines in work out gear, and cycling backwards and forwards on the elliptical machines again and showcasing fit profiles both alone and on the machine.", "segments": [[2.13, 141.33], [2.84, 4.97], [15.62, 38.35], [123.57, 141.33]], "duration": 142.04, "id": 8771}, {"image_id": "v_TN73eY7B208.mp4", "caption": "A group of female in a big studio are wearing black, they are in a formation, then the man in black vest and white pants walked at the center. The females and man started to march, then danced, putting their arms up, then down and then they go forward then backward, sideways, and move their arms side to side, they also shake their hips and body.", "segments": [[3.87, 31.93], [13.55, 193.52]], "duration": 193.52, "id": 8772}, {"image_id": "v_rDGbxMgkt7w.mp4", "caption": "Several women are outside on a stage doing several exercises and working out as a group.As they continue,several people begin to walk by the stage and watch them perform.The instructors continue to dance and amp up the other teams to dance and they end by clapping it off together.", "segments": [[0, 54.98], [54.03, 113.75], [113.75, 189.59]], "duration": 189.59, "id": 8773}, {"image_id": "v_obt6wudzHxY.mp4", "caption": "Instruction on how to braid your hair. A girl in a grey t-shirt demonstrates how to braid your hair and shows a step by step process. Some tips are displayed in print. The hair stylist shows the finished product while dresses in a black top and sunglasses.", "segments": [[0, 11.6], [12.21, 87.3], [87.91, 100.11], [101.95, 122.09]], "duration": 122.09, "id": 8774}, {"image_id": "v_J959vSGFedM.mp4", "caption": "A man is lying on his back on a tile floor. He is trying to do sit ups, slowing down and grimacing as the effort becomes more difficult with each one. He stops, lying back and laughing.", "segments": [[0, 2.68], [2.97, 24.16], [25.15, 28.26]], "duration": 28.26, "id": 8775}, {"image_id": "v_g-Egl6eXlX4.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a barber chair. Another man starts shaving the sides of his head. He blow dries his hair and styles it. He puts some gel in his hair.", "segments": [[3.52, 176.01], [14.08, 115.29], [127.61, 139.93], [139.93, 151.37]], "duration": 176.01, "id": 8776}, {"image_id": "v_XLOhMBLYy2g.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a lake and trees an leads into people pulling a rope along. A man ties the rope into place and shows several clips of people hanging on the rope as well as walking. More clips are shown of people walking along the rope as well as more landscapes.", "segments": [[1.19, 61.85], [58.28, 168.9], [148.68, 233.13]], "duration": 237.89, "id": 8777}, {"image_id": "v_x99PS_O6JW8.mp4", "caption": "A young man is talking to the camera outside while taking puffs off of a hookah. He puts the pipe away and takes a swing out of an energy drink. He moves the camera to show another man and continues smoking the hookah next to the other man. Both look into the camera while smoking and the boy still continues drinking the energy drink.", "segments": [[2.34, 111.22], [18.73, 24], [29.27, 105.37], [37.46, 111.22]], "duration": 117.08, "id": 8778}, {"image_id": "v_s9Q8SZbixV4.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are in a high school gym. Males are partnered with females and they are holding hands. Now they are all dancing the same dance. It appears to be some sort of tango dance. The men are twirling the girls around their hands. The men are leading the girls in the dance. The girls are twirling around the boys. The dancing continues for many more moments. The girls and boys separate. The girls twirl scarfs around, then the boys pick them up to finish.", "segments": [[5.87, 17.61], [15.27, 30.53], [30.53, 132.69], [12.92, 211.36], [41.1, 59.89], [35.23, 190.23], [69.28, 82.2], [106.86, 176.14], [173.79, 204.32], [185.53, 205.49]], "duration": 234.85, "id": 8779}, {"image_id": "v_nm2sHNDN7Lo.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in a pink shirt throw a ball in a cup in a game of beer pong. The man on the left team blows the ball out of the cup. The man and the two ladies laugh and cheer and he high fives one lady. The man makes hand signs.", "segments": [[0, 3], [3, 5.08], [5.08, 14.3], [11.51, 14.3]], "duration": 14.3, "id": 8780}, {"image_id": "v_Ig_AvatvYrk.mp4", "caption": "There is a young man dressed in a black shirt going round in circles to show his hair from the front and back. Then he takes a spray bottle and sprays his hair with water and combs it. He then takes a razor and begins shaving the sides and the back of his head. He takes a pair of scissors and starts trimming the top part of hair. He uses a black comb and scissors to point cut his hair. He holds the hair in his hand as he trims it. He takes the razor again and shaves the sides. He takes the scissors too and trims his hair. He then blow dries his hair. He takes a small amount of hair gel on his finger from the container and rubs it through the long section of his hair. He then combs the hair to style it. He runs his fingers through the hair to finish off the look. He rotates around to show his hairstyle from all angles.", "segments": [[10.46, 12.78], [12.78, 22.07], [22.07, 54.61], [54.61, 65.06], [65.06, 116.18], [116.18, 128.96], [128.96, 132.45], [132.45, 140.58], [140.58, 173.11], [173.11, 192.86], [192.86, 212.61], [212.61, 223.07], [223.07, 232.36]], "duration": 232.36, "id": 8781}, {"image_id": "v_fL8Gzk7ALxQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of people is gathered in a circle. Two men are in the circle demonstrating a martial art. Several men in the circle play an instrument.", "segments": [[0, 123.18], [0.62, 123.18], [0.62, 122.57]], "duration": 123.18, "id": 8782}, {"image_id": "v_pLcrLi5oAvU.mp4", "caption": "A hair dresser is cutting a mans hair, starting at the top. Then, he starts at the back cut and combing back there. After that he uses some clippers to clip some of the harder areas. Finally using the comb to style it a bit and give it finishing touches.", "segments": [[0, 37.47], [37.47, 74.94], [74.07, 122], [122.87, 174.29]], "duration": 174.29, "id": 8783}, {"image_id": "v_mhsotF4wdG8.mp4", "caption": "two guys appears in a backyard and are speaking to the camera. guys are in a wood surface playing rock paper scissors and the loser is given a wooden hit in the nuts and fell to the floor. man is talking to camera and other guys are in the back adn then talking to the winner. they are playing round two o rock paper scissors and again the loser is fiven a wooden hit in the nuts and a man is talking to the camera. the guys make the final round of rock paper scissors and the winner is announced, one of the men gaves a hit in the nuts to both guys.", "segments": [[0, 23.35], [23.35, 55.45], [55.45, 73.93], [72.96, 124.52], [124.52, 194.56]], "duration": 194.56, "id": 8784}, {"image_id": "v_JvFo4uTvmYs.mp4", "caption": "A person stands on a mat. They run down a runway holding a pole and vault over a bar. They land on their back on a mat.", "segments": [[0, 0.92], [1.76, 10.57], [12.62, 13.88]], "duration": 14.1, "id": 8785}, {"image_id": "v_ywl6JVt7-7I.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding around on a lawn mower cutting the grass in a large field. The young boy moves closer to the camera while still driving around and cutting the grass.", "segments": [[0, 21.25], [11.57, 34.55]], "duration": 34.55, "id": 8786}, {"image_id": "v_2CfCDcCuOO4.mp4", "caption": "A small dog is playing with a pink frisbee. A man in a white shirt and red shorts lays down and puts his feet in the air. The dog stands on top of the mans feet. People are watching them on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0, 91], [31.39, 32.76], [33.67, 39.59], [33.67, 91]], "duration": 91.0, "id": 8787}, {"image_id": "v_xZdCmghMcvU.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands by watching a chef removing leaves from a piece of lettuce. The chef shows the woman how to cut some parts of the lettuce. The chef and the woman have a long conversation regarding the lettuce.", "segments": [[0, 25.65], [26.37, 36.34], [37.06, 142.53]], "duration": 142.53, "id": 8788}, {"image_id": "v_KQvqRh1mY8c.mp4", "caption": "A man runs holding a pole with both hands. Then, she jumps high with the pole to pass over an horizontal bar. The man falls on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 6.57], [6.57, 8.15], [8.41, 12.81]], "duration": 13.14, "id": 8789}, {"image_id": "v_nSuPseBeQI0.mp4", "caption": "A couple of boys are riding skateboards. They watch another couple of men playing basketball. They argue, then the basketball players leave.", "segments": [[0, 4.96], [6.62, 19.1], [19.7, 30.08]], "duration": 30.08, "id": 8790}, {"image_id": "v_cRpzDPS6zeY.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are performing a couple's dance routine while other couples dance around them. A group of onlookers watch the couples spin around and continue the dance routine.", "segments": [[1.65, 162.16], [9.93, 157.19]], "duration": 165.47, "id": 8791}, {"image_id": "v_1SXVKikAHdM.mp4", "caption": "a box of rollerbldes is shown and the lid is opened amd tje accesories are shown with the rollerblades. man is in street skating and showing pictures of the skates.", "segments": [[0, 60.17], [60.17, 179.62]], "duration": 179.62, "id": 8792}, {"image_id": "v_erXZ0pZEtGE.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a parking lot is bouncing up and down with some kind of pogo stick attachments on her legs. The woman walks around the parking lot. The woman starts bouncing up and down while walking around. A man walks up and talks to the woman. The woman holds the man's hands for balance while bouncing.", "segments": [[0, 6.41], [6.72, 14.35], [14.35, 47.63], [47.94, 54.35], [54.35, 61.07]], "duration": 61.07, "id": 8793}, {"image_id": "v_u2uoYvo8J5s.mp4", "caption": "A man is opening his back door to let a little girl outside. The man is following the little girl. A little girl walks and points toward the camera. A dog enters the scene and the little girl jumps with happiness. The little girl walks around her slide. The little girl starts to climb up the slide and the man helps her get to the top. The little girl begins to play with the wheel and gets on her knees. The man helps the little girl go down the slide. The little girl goes to the swing and the man helps her into it. The little girl points at the camera. The man pushes the little girl on the swing.", "segments": [[0, 11.49], [0, 43.86], [9.4, 32.37], [25.06, 30.29], [36.55, 45.95], [43.86, 77.28], [76.24, 99.21], [99.21, 115.92], [115.92, 171.27], [152.47, 154.56], [174.4, 208.86]], "duration": 208.86, "id": 8794}, {"image_id": "v_YrMrSXH8k6k.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding a blow torch and begins using it while pulling his mask down. The man continuously sparks with the machine on a piece of metal. He stops in the end while taking off his mask and looking into the camera.", "segments": [[0.88, 19.33], [16.4, 43.34], [39.82, 55.93]], "duration": 58.56, "id": 8795}, {"image_id": "v_jmS3NFo4XCc.mp4", "caption": "We see a dart board swinging gently. Two darts, one red, one green hit the board. We change angle and two more darts hit the board. The screen fades to black and we see the end credits.", "segments": [[0, 4.11], [4.11, 15.87], [16.06, 35.06], [35.26, 39.17]], "duration": 39.17, "id": 8796}, {"image_id": "v_DR0hc7lT0hE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen backing away from the camera while speaking and holding a hula hoop. The man then swings the hula hoop all around himself while walking to the camera. Another man walks into frame and hula hoops with the man while still looking at the camera.", "segments": [[1.97, 37.5], [30.92, 101.96], [52.63, 130.25]], "duration": 131.57, "id": 8797}, {"image_id": "v_PF0c0UIsG0E.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting down and speaking to the camera while holding a hookah hose and another person is seen in frame. The man takes a puff from the pipe while speaking to the camera and hands it to the other man who also takes a hit. He blows the smoke out and the first man is still seen speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 30.31], [29.1, 68.7], [69.11, 80.83]], "duration": 80.83, "id": 8798}, {"image_id": "v_w8rTULZCkzk.mp4", "caption": "An introduction is shown for a video about how to clean running spikes. A guy explains that he will clean the spikes while showing the dirt on the spikes. He begins by brushing mud off the spikes into a sink. He puts a small amount of water into the sink and continues scrubbing. He takes them out of the sink and puts some newspaper inside the shows to help them dry.", "segments": [[0, 3.7], [3.7, 22.22], [22.22, 61.12], [61.12, 156.5], [156.5, 185.2]], "duration": 185.2, "id": 8799}, {"image_id": "v_cKFARm4dsws.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is getting on the swinging closing his little safety guard. He closes it and builds up some momentum to start going fast. He kicks his feet back and forth getting pretty high. He just enjoys his time swinging back and forth outside enjoying the day.", "segments": [[0, 1.17], [1.11, 3.67], [3.67, 6.84], [6.84, 11.12]], "duration": 11.12, "id": 8800}, {"image_id": "v_3WyJNIqDFQg.mp4", "caption": "A close up a chair is shown while the camera pans out backwards and text moves across the screen. The camera follows closely into the chair and leads into a woman sitting comfortable on the chair. The woman adjusts the seat and leads into several more close ups of the chair being shown.", "segments": [[0, 14.69], [14.02, 34.73], [35.39, 66.78]], "duration": 66.78, "id": 8801}, {"image_id": "v_W_iKlOPSDos.mp4", "caption": "We see a series of title screens. We see a speedboat speeding through a lake and a man jet skiing behind it. The screen flashes black and we see more jet skiing. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.87], [10.27, 67.92], [39.09, 41.86], [68.71, 78.97]], "duration": 78.97, "id": 8802}, {"image_id": "v_zlXs92vjuSU.mp4", "caption": "A young man named Sean wearing a beanie hat and black earring studs. He is demonstrating how to pierce his ear with stud earrings. He expresses severe pain as he tries to pierce his ear lobe. He takes an ice cube to soothe his ear lobe. Then he uses a cigarette lighter to heat the earring to sanitize it. He tries using a thumbtack to help the piercing but ends up causing severe bleeding in his ear. He then tries a rubber mallet to force the earring in. He cries and sobs in pain at his unsuccessful attempt of piercing his own ear lobe.", "segments": [[17.59, 42.87], [42.87, 78.05], [78.05, 90.14], [90.14, 107.72], [107.72, 140.7], [140.7, 163.79], [163.79, 196.76], [196.76, 217.65]], "duration": 219.85, "id": 8803}, {"image_id": "v_PQkambF3iEk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen fixing up a car and changing the tires on a vehicle. Another man walks into frame as well as several others recording the incident. A person climbs into the car and drives away with everyone watching.", "segments": [[0, 21.24], [22.04, 54.51], [54.11, 80.16]], "duration": 80.16, "id": 8804}, {"image_id": "v_evXdygHVzNc.mp4", "caption": "A teen spins holding a disc in his right hand, then the girl throws the disc while competing in a stadium. Then, another young woman spins around an throws a disc. A female spins and throw a disc far and she wins the competition. A man in the track raise a white flag on his right arm.", "segments": [[1.2, 17.16], [17.56, 33.52], [33.92, 77.81], [48.28, 49.48]], "duration": 79.81, "id": 8805}, {"image_id": "v_8LiO75NtXNw.mp4", "caption": "Gymnast from Ukraine performs long jump in a final competition. A man holds a white and a red flags. The gymnast runs in the track until a white line, and jumps to perform the long jump. Then, a woman from Germany performs the long jump, and after a girl from Australia jumps long on the sand box. The woman from Germany wins the competition, she runs and greats the public.", "segments": [[0, 50.43], [52.67, 53.79], [51.55, 109.83], [110.95, 170.35], [171.47, 224.14]], "duration": 224.14, "id": 8806}, {"image_id": "v_PNQpC_FlE2M.mp4", "caption": "A man in a vest is sitting in a boat.Then the man is in the water, holding a stick and a line attached to the boat. The boat begins to pull him in the water as he begins water skiing. He skis for a long while.", "segments": [[0, 5.91], [6.24, 20.04], [20.36, 47.95], [48.28, 65.69]], "duration": 65.69, "id": 8807}, {"image_id": "v_8xS6cDOq5do.mp4", "caption": "girls are sitting in a rom and boys are standing behind them boys starts comb the hair. woman wearing blue sweater crawl on all fours.boys keep combing the hair and putting some hair rolls on the girls. woman in the middle is irritated and stands and remove the rolls for th head and sits again and laugh a lot.", "segments": [[0, 50.29], [49.04, 57.84], [57.84, 93.05], [93.67, 125.74]], "duration": 125.74, "id": 8808}, {"image_id": "v_shZRGB58YBU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated on a stage. There is a room full of people watching him.He is playing a set of drums with his hands.", "segments": [[0, 16.64], [28.85, 160.87], [161.98, 221.89]], "duration": 221.89, "id": 8809}, {"image_id": "v_OTMkyaTCpqM.mp4", "caption": "An overhead view of a pool match. A man in a funny blue vest is shown as the next player to take a shot. He pauses and studies the table before taking his shot. He shoots and hits the blue ball in the corner right pocket.", "segments": [[0, 56.2], [8.23, 56.2], [15.04, 33.21], [38.03, 56.48]], "duration": 56.76, "id": 8810}, {"image_id": "v_eBEnQDNyzFk.mp4", "caption": "A close up of food is shown followed by two women speaking to the camera and presenting various ingredients. The women then mix the ingredients into a pot after the noodles are cooked and then mix everything together in a bowl. Finally the dish is shown on a plate in the end and the women eat the food.", "segments": [[1.96, 68.77], [42.24, 141.47], [130.66, 194.52]], "duration": 196.49, "id": 8811}, {"image_id": "v_ZtfdFFYa8vY.mp4", "caption": "black dog is walking in a treadmill in a white room. dog is running in the treadmill that is next to a drawer. dog is wearing a red necklace and is doing exercise.", "segments": [[0, 74], [0, 73.26], [0, 72.89]], "duration": 74.0, "id": 8812}, {"image_id": "v_yE0fDD_7FkM.mp4", "caption": "A girl is walking on a diving board. People are in the background watching. The girl jumps off the diving board into the swimming pool. There is a small splash in the water.", "segments": [[4.64, 18.83], [4.64, 54.59], [18.29, 49.68], [48.59, 54.59]], "duration": 54.59, "id": 8813}, {"image_id": "v_5qBzjfW-sMs.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen putting a piece of wood onto a bark and holds up an axe. He then swings the axe the bark breaking it in half, followed by him yelling into the air.", "segments": [[0, 5.53], [5.65, 12.7]], "duration": 12.7, "id": 8814}, {"image_id": "v_N2nNkWXYAYw.mp4", "caption": "A woman sits on the floor next a vacuum. The woman vacuums dirt on a hard floor. Then, the woman cleans waste on a carpet. After, the woman vacuums over a pillow using a smaller nozzle. Next, then woman put a new nozzle to clean narrow surfaces. Also the woman measures the pressure of suction and shows the inside of the vacuum.", "segments": [[10.68, 18.16], [19.23, 53.42], [54.49, 102.56], [103.63, 119.66], [120.72, 142.09], [143.16, 213.67]], "duration": 213.67000000000002, "id": 8815}, {"image_id": "v_yCqe0J1xgyc.mp4", "caption": "We see two girls representing China standing on diving boards above an Olympic size pool and dive in unison and we see their scores. We then see two girls representing the USA dive in unison and see their scores. Next are two girls representing Italy diving and scores are shown. Germany is the next team to dive and scores are shown for them.", "segments": [[0, 45.83], [46.83, 96.65], [98.64, 147.46], [151.45, 199.27]], "duration": 199.27, "id": 8816}, {"image_id": "v_M1_4oDuh2as.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing an apron is talking and picks up a bucket with supplies in it. She grabs a brush and cleans a window. She grabs a squeegee and removes the excess water from the window.", "segments": [[0, 17.37], [17.67, 31.75], [32.05, 52.11]], "duration": 59.9, "id": 8817}, {"image_id": "v___mIAEE03bE.mp4", "caption": "People are snowboarding down a large hill of snow. A person in a green jacket is snowboarding while holding a camera in front of them. The people get to the bottom and start taking their snowboards off.", "segments": [[0, 191.78], [128.55, 129.58], [193.85, 207.33]], "duration": 207.32999999999998, "id": 8818}, {"image_id": "v_0z_dyY_89ys.mp4", "caption": "A female news woman is talking to the camera in a news room. Another woman shows off a series of cleaning supplies. She instructs on how to use them, but not to mix certain elements. She pours the liquids into cups and changes into a sprayer bottle for cleaning a kitchen.", "segments": [[0, 11.09], [13.5, 32.31], [35.68, 64.61], [68.95, 96.43]], "duration": 96.43, "id": 8819}, {"image_id": "v_uYqNIBbz4_Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing outside holding a rope and tying it around a tree bark. He then axes the log on the ground and breaks it into two.", "segments": [[0.23, 23.45], [9.62, 23.45]], "duration": 23.45, "id": 8820}, {"image_id": "v_jA-KApGlXyA.mp4", "caption": " A person explains how to play squash holding a racket and a blue ball. Then, he continues explaining showing how to hit the ball on the wall.", "segments": [[0, 28.47], [28.47, 66.32]], "duration": 66.99, "id": 8821}, {"image_id": "v_EBhAGOXvPcA.mp4", "caption": "A bike is seen outside a building. A group of men are outside, drinking eer and talking while playing beer pong. They try to throw the ball into the glasses. They laugh and talk as they play.", "segments": [[0, 5.58], [6.38, 53.01], [55, 67.36], [69.35, 79.72]], "duration": 79.72, "id": 8822}, {"image_id": "v_eTIaRqgQ4Qg.mp4", "caption": "A camera is seen panning around a large lake followed by a person riding by on skis behind a jet ski. Two people are seen riding behind the jet ski and continuing to move along the water.", "segments": [[0.44, 33.17], [34.91, 86.41]], "duration": 87.28, "id": 8823}, {"image_id": "v_offWBoR4Ggg.mp4", "caption": "The player in yellow shirt kicked the ball towards the goal, and the goalkeeper was not able to catch it, another player in red shirt kicked the ball and the goalkeeper weren't able to catch it. The goalkeeper is standing in front of the net, the crowds are cheering.", "segments": [[0.52, 72.39], [63.01, 104.16]], "duration": 104.16, "id": 8824}, {"image_id": "v_MNduaJtXy1A.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around and smiling to one another. They begin playing a set of drums while another man is seen playing the piano. More people are seen on the sides dancing to the music.", "segments": [[0, 2.88], [1.92, 97.76], [80.51, 189.78]], "duration": 191.69, "id": 8825}, {"image_id": "v_Fi0PQwhsGs4.mp4", "caption": "Two men are outside talking to one another and they begin doing arm stretches.They then stop and do a series of Rock,Paper,Scissors.", "segments": [[0, 27.04], [27.27, 45.07]], "duration": 45.07, "id": 8826}, {"image_id": "v_d7gTlJhEwrM.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a pink shirt sprints down a track and jumps into sand. A replay of her jump is shown several times. She walks away onto the grass.", "segments": [[0, 69.07], [69.07, 93.09], [95.49, 120.12]], "duration": 120.12, "id": 8827}, {"image_id": "v_5KEq4f4dGto.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady painting her fingernails. We see a titles screen. The lady files and puts on a clear coat. The lady paints her finger nails blue. The lady adds a top coat of clear polish. The lady puts oil on her cuticles and we see the finished product. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 9.45], [16.07, 18.91], [22.69, 51.05], [54.83, 121.01], [124.79, 153.16], [154.1, 181.52], [184.35, 189.08]], "duration": 189.08, "id": 8828}, {"image_id": "v_nA9MM4baSdc.mp4", "caption": "This woman is shown playing the black harmonica. she stops for a little bit, but then she keeps going.", "segments": [[0, 75.6], [113.76, 115.2]], "duration": 144.0, "id": 8829}, {"image_id": "v_VEwZJ-5u_Xs.mp4", "caption": "People fly kites from a rooftop holding kite string pools. Several kites fly in the sky. A man holds a kite string pool while flying a kite.", "segments": [[0, 51.36], [51.36, 98.88], [98.88, 153.3]], "duration": 153.3, "id": 8830}, {"image_id": "v_IWXIEfaltJ4.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown holding up a piece of metal and places it along a wall. He then puts plaster along the metal and rubs the sander all over the wall while still looking back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 45.78], [44.63, 228.88]], "duration": 228.88, "id": 8831}, {"image_id": "v_TWhxFETOG8I.mp4", "caption": "Two teams play a game of indoor soccer. Players from the white team dribble and pass the ball all the way down field and make a goal. Players from the blue team dribble and pass all the way down field and make a goal. A member of the blue team battles two defenders near goal and makes a point. Players take corner kicks and assist a goals.", "segments": [[0, 129.99], [19.5, 27.3], [28.6, 36.4], [93.59, 105.29], [115.04, 129.99]], "duration": 129.99, "id": 8832}, {"image_id": "v_CcKeoeSZVnE.mp4", "caption": "Two women are smoking a hookah while seated on a couch. They take turns taking hits and blowing smoke. They are blowing the smoke in rings toward the camera.", "segments": [[0, 28.97], [32.32, 152.66], [156.01, 222.87]], "duration": 222.87, "id": 8833}, {"image_id": "v_uK0dxEMBXfY.mp4", "caption": "A man standing in a yard talks to the camera about his yard. The man motions he had across the yard. The man then mows his lawn with his mower. The man stops and shows the electrical cord on his mower.", "segments": [[0, 43.31], [9.42, 17.42], [42.84, 86.15], [85.21, 94.16]], "duration": 94.16, "id": 8834}, {"image_id": "v_QRcwvzq7QUM.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady standing in a news studio talking to the camera. We then see people in a field on horses. The people are playing polo on the horses. We see a man talking to the camera. We then see the people playing again. The man is talking to the camera again. We see the polo players on their horses. A man holds liquor in front of a horses mouth, We see the newscaster again.", "segments": [[0, 17.18], [18.45, 35], [40.09, 61.09], [61.09, 66.82], [66.82, 89.09], [90.36, 108.18], [108.81, 120.91], [121.54, 127.27]], "duration": 127.27, "id": 8835}, {"image_id": "v_PnY3FT_QqWo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a gated yard beside a girl on a horse. She walks away as the girl rides the horse carefully around the fence. She then takes the horse into a light trot as she rides.", "segments": [[0, 28.12], [33.32, 130.16], [132.25, 208.26]], "duration": 208.26, "id": 8836}, {"image_id": "v_1QjVfj0S8qQ.mp4", "caption": "A shirtless man scrapes roofing gravel using a shovel. The man stops and leans on the shovel for a moment to look at the amount of work that is ahead of him. The man continues to scrape the gravel roof and turns with his back towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 22], [22.31, 26.71], [27.66, 53.43]], "duration": 62.86, "id": 8837}, {"image_id": "v_4chhQzVxWkA.mp4", "caption": "A baby is swimming in a pool on its back. The baby is kicking its feet in the water. Someone's hand is holding that baby in the water.", "segments": [[4.58, 65.4], [22.56, 32.37], [4.91, 65.4]], "duration": 65.4, "id": 8838}, {"image_id": "v_m978SIFnHS8.mp4", "caption": "Dark nights are shown with lightning flashing through the sky.After,the video begins and several people are shown on a large boat sailing in the water.The weather begins to turn nasty and the people have to hold on for dear life so they won't die.In one instance,the boat begins to tip to the side and the people jump in joy that it didn't tip over as the horrid weather continues.", "segments": [[0, 44.53], [44.53, 95.57], [95.57, 160.73], [160.73, 217.2]], "duration": 217.2, "id": 8839}, {"image_id": "v_W-poAYW1pb0.mp4", "caption": "A group of runners are on a street, and a boston marathoner who has broken a record is shown talking in an interview after celebrating. News casters are shown talking about the man and others as they reach the end of the marathon. The runners are shown as a group, as men dressed as british solders enact a play for the crowds.", "segments": [[0, 20.27], [22.97, 96.61], [103.36, 135.12]], "duration": 135.12, "id": 8840}, {"image_id": "v_BGeB6KEQM94.mp4", "caption": "A man in peach sweater is skateboarding and then fell on the ground. A man in orange stop is skateboarding in the dark street and fell on the ground. A man in black shirt skateboard down the wide road and fell on the side of the road, the man showed his bleeding cuts in front of the camera. A the skateboarders are falling off their skateboards.", "segments": [[0, 19.1], [16.97, 81.69], [45.62, 115.64], [96.54, 212.18]], "duration": 212.18, "id": 8841}, {"image_id": "v_p7VTBhv3OLY.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in front of a net in a yard. Two boys are seen hitting a ball into the net. Then we see a game on a field with men hitting balls with nets into the goal.", "segments": [[0, 8.99], [10.38, 44.97], [48.43, 138.37]], "duration": 138.37, "id": 8842}, {"image_id": "v_d0h_l9bE1o0.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders are shown practicing their routine in a gymnasium. The scene transitions to one cheerleader being interviewed while others stretch in the background, with occasional cheerleader-related clips interspersed. A man wearing blue is interviewed in the same setting, with occasional cheerleader-related clips interspersed. Another man is interviewed in the same setting, with occasional cheerleader-related clips interspersed. The camera returns to the man in blue being interviewed, with short cheerleader action sequences. The camera returns to the first individual interviewed, with short cheerleader action sequences.", "segments": [[0, 20.57], [20.57, 36.81], [36.81, 109.36], [109.36, 134.26], [134.26, 179.74], [179.74, 216.55]], "duration": 216.55, "id": 8843}, {"image_id": "v_3k5dJSs2zkg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into several shots of people speaking and wearing heels. The women walk on the ground down a street while many watch and then all run down the road in heels.", "segments": [[0, 12.7], [10.33, 59.05]], "duration": 59.05, "id": 8844}, {"image_id": "v_g0B_4IlLn3g.mp4", "caption": "A girl is standing in her bathroom making giggly faces while holding a cup.She finally takes whatever is in the cub and begins to gags as she spits it into the sink.After her mouth is empty,she shows off a bottle of Crest mouthwash.", "segments": [[0, 9.15], [9.33, 24.7], [24.34, 36.6]], "duration": 36.6, "id": 8845}, {"image_id": "v_KAbo60mowhw.mp4", "caption": "A man plays catch with a dog in a dirt field while throwing a Frisbee. The man holds out the Frisbee in his hand to the dog. A woman plays catch with the dog throwing a Frisbee in a grassy park.", "segments": [[31.88, 108.84], [89.05, 103.34], [104.44, 207.78]], "duration": 219.87, "id": 8846}, {"image_id": "v_faF9-lWmK3Y.mp4", "caption": "The camera man opens a door and watches a woman leaving forward in a tub. The woman talks to the camera man while washing several clothes in a tub filled with water. The woman learns down exhausted and turns back to the camera man quickly then back to the tub.", "segments": [[0, 8.95], [15.39, 46.89], [55.12, 71.59]], "duration": 71.59, "id": 8847}, {"image_id": "v_vAzTt06gpgE.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are running down a road with various people cheering and clapping on the sides. A woman is high fiving the people as well other runners. More shots of people on the sides are shown while the runners continue running.", "segments": [[1.46, 143.93], [21.92, 40.18], [43.11, 146.12]], "duration": 146.12, "id": 8848}, {"image_id": "v_Mw_AIqw6rfM.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a horse track and leads into several men sitting on horses and one riding around swinging a stick. The men then begin playing a game on the horses and shaking each other's hands. The princess then hands a box to one of the players and stands near several others holding a trophy.", "segments": [[0, 31], [31.65, 93], [93, 129.17]], "duration": 129.17, "id": 8849}, {"image_id": "v_16g-sBraeKE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is showing her finger nails to the camera. A woman in a black shirt is sitting in a room talking to a camera. A person is doing someone else's nails on a table. They are putting fake fingernails on them. They are cutting the nails down. They begin painting the nails.", "segments": [[0, 7.88], [7.88, 40.54], [40.54, 200.46], [69.82, 73.2], [81.08, 92.35], [113.74, 182.44]], "duration": 225.23, "id": 8850}, {"image_id": "v_kpE3q-Hmd7A.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are inside of a gym space stepping on aerobic steppers at a fast pace. They look to be having a great time and begin reaching out with their arms and varying their workout. They continue on performing another series of similar workout with their steppers. They move side to side, alternating their movements to a specific rhythm. Their last of their workouts seem to be a compilation of everything they have been doing thus far and they are varying their movements within it.", "segments": [[0, 12.29], [12.29, 36.35], [36.35, 59.39], [59.39, 70.66], [70.14, 102.4]], "duration": 102.4, "id": 8851}, {"image_id": "v_NzRNlTfyYtI.mp4", "caption": "A woman uses a NordicTrack exercise machine. The exercise machine is shown by itself. The woman uses the machine again. The machine's digital display controls are shown. A splash screen of a woman and a show title are shown. The woman exercises on the machine again.", "segments": [[0, 16.2], [16.96, 19.6], [19.6, 22.61], [22.99, 33.16], [33.92, 38.82], [39.57, 75.37]], "duration": 75.37, "id": 8852}, {"image_id": "v_Wdp8yduPUX4.mp4", "caption": "Four people prepare to skateboard down a slope. The four individuals skateboard down the slope together or alone as spectators watch. The camera pans over background scenery. One of the individuals tends to his skateboard. The four individuals engage in more skateboarding down the slope. One of the individuals is again shown tending to his skateboard.", "segments": [[5.67, 13.77], [12.96, 84.22], [85.84, 88.27], [89.08, 89.89], [91.51, 147.38], [148.19, 150.62]], "duration": 161.96, "id": 8853}, {"image_id": "v_GTxmHim5JnY.mp4", "caption": "Two children twirl on a tire swing. Another child is swinging in another swing set. A very small child runs through the play area.", "segments": [[0, 15.14], [2.12, 5], [8.71, 12.19]], "duration": 15.14, "id": 8854}, {"image_id": "v_1FKoT6uFsjY.mp4", "caption": "A kid is sitting on the bed and waves to the camera. He is explaining his daily routine to the camera. He is putting red contacts in his eyes. The contact falls out of his eye and he puts it back in, but it falls out over and over. Finally he gets it to stay and he gives the camera close up and some moves.", "segments": [[0, 12.02], [12.02, 59.18], [59.18, 88.77], [88.77, 159.98], [159.98, 184.95]], "duration": 184.95, "id": 8855}, {"image_id": "v_znhZPUF6xQw.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of various girls performing gymnastics tricks on a large mat. The girls continue jumping and flipping around the area while the camera continues to capture their movements.", "segments": [[0.75, 39.62], [25.28, 71.69]], "duration": 75.47, "id": 8856}, {"image_id": "v_gMwjhe0Njkc.mp4", "caption": "A black and white image of a man is shown and then the man appears in a field throwing a discus.After,he continues throwing the discus and when he is finished,he is shown standing on a set of cubes as the winner.The participants shake each other hands and they both end up walking off.", "segments": [[0, 51.19], [51.19, 97.66], [97.66, 134.7]], "duration": 134.7, "id": 8857}, {"image_id": "v_2mVwrM0qOGw.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a room holding a bow and talking to another man. manis practicing shots with a bow to a board in a large field.", "segments": [[0, 76.82], [76.82, 182.9]], "duration": 182.9, "id": 8858}, {"image_id": "v_6EKVtCJ2nrs.mp4", "caption": "A man in black jacket holds a friend in both arms. The friend wearing a rope puts out her arms in preparation. The friend is thrown from the building wearing a bungee cord and swings in a wide arc over the ground below then back and forth. A woman in black jacket sits on a ramp and is pushed down by friends. The woman falls off the building and swings from a rope above the ground below.", "segments": [[0, 7.14], [1.86, 7.14], [7.14, 27.01], [27.01, 34.46], [34.15, 53.71]], "duration": 62.09, "id": 8859}, {"image_id": "v_NpfdyZntPbg.mp4", "caption": "A man wipes the bottom of a ski. He puts polish on the bottom of the ski and rubs it in. He takes a paper towel and wipes the bottom of the ski.", "segments": [[43.41, 57.88], [96.84, 192.56], [193.67, 207.03]], "duration": 222.61, "id": 8860}, {"image_id": "v_aDBSNU2trmo.mp4", "caption": "A point of view of a person shows himself sitting in a sled holding hands of two children in sleds. A person pushes the three down a hill while still holding hands and lets go at the bottom to meet with the others.", "segments": [[0, 25.3], [24.41, 59.54]], "duration": 59.54, "id": 8861}, {"image_id": "v_7rT8tqLyFa0.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a weight room with multiple screens on and computers on it.After he finishes talking,he gets on an ellipitacal and starts rowing.Next,he moves to another machine and does the same thing as well in a slightly different way.", "segments": [[0, 30.65], [30.65, 80.11], [80.81, 139.32]], "duration": 139.32, "id": 8862}, {"image_id": "v_D9DdNf-TIO8.mp4", "caption": "A bird is sitting on a bar over a bath tub. A dog is in the bathtub getting a shower. A person is rubbing soap into the dogs fur. The dog shakes itself off.", "segments": [[0, 59.25], [0.63, 59.25], [8.24, 42.14], [50.69, 53.23]], "duration": 63.37, "id": 8863}, {"image_id": "v_rv9jW-t3mT4.mp4", "caption": "An outdoor track and field meet is shown. Pole vaulters are shown in a competition. Some of them make their jumps while others do not.", "segments": [[0, 168.5], [14.77, 17.37], [76.43, 170.23]], "duration": 173.71, "id": 8864}, {"image_id": "v_Prt07JFztMI.mp4", "caption": "Two men are in an alley. They are bouncing up and down on sticks. There is a van in the foreground. There are also several buildings.", "segments": [[0, 8.96], [0, 8.28], [0.53, 8.28], [0.82, 8.28]], "duration": 9.68, "id": 8865}, {"image_id": "v_EmM2yXiiz5c.mp4", "caption": "A man rides a bicycle behind three men who are running in a professional race on a paved freeway lined with onlookers, spectators and participants. A man is riding a bicycle down a freeway wearing a helmet and sporting a paper tag on the front of the bicycle. Three men are running in front of the man on the bicycle with one of the men juggling three balls while running and one drinking water and waiving at the crowd. The men turn a bend while jogging and an onlooker starts clapping for them from behind.", "segments": [[0.16, 32], [1.13, 3.72], [3.07, 17.29], [19.07, 31.84]], "duration": 32.32, "id": 8866}, {"image_id": "v_64vbnwtL7I8.mp4", "caption": "Groups of people bowl games in a bowling alley. People in recorded video of the bowling match. Spectators sit and stand behind the railing watching the event. A man bowls a his turns standing backwards. People in the stands cheer for the bowler.", "segments": [[0, 3.19], [12.74, 28.67], [31.86, 122.97], [44.6, 116.6], [60.53, 106.41]], "duration": 127.43, "id": 8867}, {"image_id": "v_SSqVGeD2XaQ.mp4", "caption": "Three men are seen speaking and waving to the camera that leads into the men playing games with strangers on the street. The winner gets to kiss the man and the loser gets to slap him. Several shots are shown of him slapping and kissing girls as well as running around the area to find more people.", "segments": [[2.95, 41.94], [43.12, 86.84], [80.93, 114.01]], "duration": 118.14, "id": 8868}, {"image_id": "v_3rqesp6F95Q.mp4", "caption": "A few people are seen standing around various fooseball tables playing games with one another. The people continue to push the ball around back and fourth while the camera focuses on one game. The people keep track of their scores and others watch them in the distance.", "segments": [[0.42, 14.53], [10.79, 30.72], [29.06, 40.06]], "duration": 41.52, "id": 8869}, {"image_id": "v_k2U1lOpLqdk.mp4", "caption": "As a red cut scene passes a young man in a blue shirt is seen concentrating. Afterwards another man is seen on a curling rink releasing a rock stone as two other men use brooms to clear the way as the stone travels down the path. The act continues with the same men once more engaging in the same act. Afterwards another young man in a blue shirt repeats the same move as the white team looks on. Finally as spectators look on, a member of the white team releases a rock stone and two men from the team use brooms to clear the path.", "segments": [[0, 20.9], [22.03, 33.89], [33.89, 60.44], [60.44, 76.82], [80.21, 112.97]], "duration": 112.97, "id": 8870}, {"image_id": "v_Y-SehqCvzME.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while holding a guitar in his hands. The man begins playing the guitar and singing into a microphone. The man continues singing and playing and stops in the end.", "segments": [[0, 15.5], [15.5, 128.79], [113.29, 236.12]], "duration": 238.51, "id": 8871}, {"image_id": "v_mQ9e5RyHE_k.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera as well as several shots of a bowling alley and him bowling a ball. He continues speaking to the camera while showing several videos of him throwing the bowling ball and hitting several pins.", "segments": [[0, 65.76], [52.83, 112.41]], "duration": 112.41, "id": 8872}, {"image_id": "v_-V5_GMuMzc8.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting in a barber chair. Another man is giving him a hair cut. He then brushes off the mans neck.", "segments": [[17.32, 216.55], [17.32, 190.56], [191.65, 199.23]], "duration": 216.55, "id": 8873}, {"image_id": "v_Q0UzDeDra3U.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates how to change the tire on a car. A car drives through a street and then shows as being parked at which a man approaches the car holding a lug nut removal tool. The man removes the lug nuts and then jacks the car up. The man then removes the tire and pulls a spare tire off of the back of the car. The man then puts the new tire on the car.", "segments": [[5.4, 167.55], [26.12, 35.13], [36.03, 75.67], [76.57, 109.9], [110.8, 172.06]], "duration": 180.16, "id": 8874}, {"image_id": "v_uCdUm-lou7w.mp4", "caption": "A girl swings on monkey bars on an outdoor playground. The girl misses a monkey bar and then looses her grip and falls to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 11.59], [8.16, 13.17]], "duration": 13.17, "id": 8875}, {"image_id": "v_sZf6ijFwPDs.mp4", "caption": "A lady explains drinks and the mixing of them,she grabs a cup with ice and add some liquor to it by using a shot glass to get the right measurement.the lady then mix another type of liquor to the first type she poured in the glass.finally she adds a type of juice to the drink with a sliced orange and straw.", "segments": [[5.79, 45.93], [45.93, 57.1], [57.1, 82.76]], "duration": 82.76, "id": 8876}, {"image_id": "v_85DumZo8-ik.mp4", "caption": "A woman claps her hands together. She sprints down a track. She jumps into a pile of sand. She jumps up in the air.", "segments": [[2.18, 3.98], [3.89, 11.1], [11, 16.6], [17.45, 18.97]], "duration": 18.97, "id": 8877}, {"image_id": "v_uO2YgcdqoZg.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in a black wife-beater is near a fluorescent wall glass and is talking.As he is talking,several clips appear in between him where he is in a room with three walls and glass as the fourth wall while playing wall ball.The final scene is shown,and the male comes back talking before finally flashing a url at then end.", "segments": [[0, 43.39], [43.39, 106.56], [106.56, 152.23]], "duration": 152.23, "id": 8878}, {"image_id": "v_Mm6iYEyY9dI.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen standing in the middle of a large field holding instruments and standing in front of others. The man then begins playing the instruments one by one. Several kids then walk into frame using hula hoops while the man joins in still singing and clapping his hands.", "segments": [[0, 58.47], [70.16, 168.38], [161.36, 232.69]], "duration": 233.86, "id": 8879}, {"image_id": "v_D9A_9FH7e-A.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a ladies hands with nail polish on them. The lady puts tape on her finger around her nail and puts clear and white polish on them. The lady adds drops of nail polish to a glass of fluid and pulls it through. The lady puts her nail in the cup and uses a stick to remove the polish. The lady pulls the tape of then puts a clear coat over her fingernails. We then see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.09], [9.25, 13.46], [17.67, 58.88], [59.73, 102.63], [105.15, 138.8], [140.48, 154.78], [162.35, 168.24]], "duration": 168.24, "id": 8880}, {"image_id": "v_4eCKiA1czfk.mp4", "caption": "A person blows leaves using a leaf blower. Then, an area without leaves are shown next to the trees.", "segments": [[0, 79.72], [79.72, 87.12]], "duration": 87.12, "id": 8881}, {"image_id": "v_zT6ITDwPi0w.mp4", "caption": "A girl stands and talks in a public restroom. The girl goes into a stall and closes the door. She emerges and washes her hands. She takes a paper and drys her hands. Another person is washing their hands. The girl throws away the papertowel.", "segments": [[0, 1.45], [1.45, 3.94], [9.11, 30.03], [30.45, 40.8], [32.73, 41.43], [40.8, 41.43]], "duration": 41.43, "id": 8882}, {"image_id": "v_eOmL8f-yB40.mp4", "caption": "A man taps the top of a piano with a stick and talks to a large band sitting in front of him. He sits down at the piano and he and the band play. A large audience watches from near by. The man throws the stick behind the band. The man plays standing for a moment and then bows.", "segments": [[0, 6.89], [7.75, 144.59], [0, 172.13], [15.49, 17.21], [144.59, 172.13]], "duration": 172.13, "id": 8883}, {"image_id": "v_xOGOd2UJaMY.mp4", "caption": "People are standing in a circle clapping. Two people start fighting in the circle. Women are dancing and holding sticks.", "segments": [[0, 191.38], [16.27, 191.38], [92.82, 191.38]], "duration": 191.38, "id": 8884}, {"image_id": "v_EqqqGf4wLH0.mp4", "caption": "A Mexican band is playing and singing. The camera does a closeup on each member. There is a crowd listening to them. The band name is on the back of their shirts.", "segments": [[0, 156.49], [7.04, 118.15], [41.47, 65.73], [79.03, 94.68]], "duration": 156.49, "id": 8885}, {"image_id": "v_k6AzbT12a9c.mp4", "caption": "This man is on his hands and knees on the floor. This is being recorded from a tv screen and it's really loud. There's no one else in the room with this man and he looks like a woman who's being entered from behind.", "segments": [[0, 0.53], [0, 8.15], [5.62, 8.15]], "duration": 8.15, "id": 8886}, {"image_id": "v_DaDHatB3RbM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a canoe is seen moving along the water showing a person paddling in the front. Several more people are seen riding around in canoes and showing waterfalls as well as a fire.", "segments": [[1.4, 24.47], [15.15, 45.67]], "duration": 46.6, "id": 8887}, {"image_id": "v_nj5dMUGvOWo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is doing a gymnastics routine on uneven bars. A woman does flips on the bar. She jumps off and lands on a mat.", "segments": [[0, 52.48], [17.05, 52.48], [53.15, 66.85]], "duration": 66.85, "id": 8888}, {"image_id": "v_IDr50VT8BK8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a room talking. She picks up a red brush and begins brushing her hair. A Netflix advertisement is shown on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 227.34], [25, 192.82], [230.91, 232.1]], "duration": 238.05, "id": 8889}, {"image_id": "v_iCkDtX_mTII.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on an exercise machine. He pulls a bar in front of him and starts working out. He drops the bar and finishes.", "segments": [[0, 34], [3.74, 27.88], [27.37, 29.24]], "duration": 34.0, "id": 8890}, {"image_id": "v_lGvI5pyjpFg.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen standing behind a table squeezing limes while another washes dishes in the background. The girl continues juicing the fruit and walks towards the camera then back again.", "segments": [[0.64, 14.41], [15.3, 25.24]], "duration": 25.5, "id": 8891}, {"image_id": "v_oZa-yum3mcU.mp4", "caption": "The Duggar mom and a little girl walks up to another woman at a horse ranch and the words on the bottom left say the woman's name is Morgan Brown and she's the Equestrian Instructor.The woman leads them into the barn and she puts a helmet on the little girls head, they walk to get horses and at some point the Duggar mom put a helmet on as well. In between interviews they show the Duggar mom and the little girl getting instructions about their horse and then getting on their horses and riding on them in an enclosed area.The red and white TLC logo remains on the bottom right area of the screen the whole time.", "segments": [[0, 17.67], [17.67, 31.56], [31.56, 126.25], [0, 126.25]], "duration": 126.25, "id": 8892}, {"image_id": "v_B_heSKsoI9o.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into several people holding and shooting bows. The instructors assists the students while speaking to the camera and shows several shots of the person shooting the arrows.", "segments": [[0, 31.1], [23.65, 64.78]], "duration": 64.78, "id": 8893}, {"image_id": "v_c0Hix_5Vm8I.mp4", "caption": "A vans off the wall ad is shown. Multiple pictures flash across the screen. Men are shown drinking wine before performing numerous tricks on ski boards. Images of them in the air performing tricks and jumping are shown.", "segments": [[0, 10.89], [17.42, 79.5], [81.68, 162.26], [165.53, 217.8]], "duration": 217.8, "id": 8894}, {"image_id": "v_h49mHiWjXBA.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in an icetrack talking to the camera. people are playing curling in an ice court.", "segments": [[0, 15.31], [15.31, 218.73]], "duration": 218.73, "id": 8895}, {"image_id": "v_BIJK3xcjiKE.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people playing soccer in front of a large stadium. The people kick a ball all around the area as well as throw their hands up. More shots are shown of people playing against one another on different fields and celebrating.", "segments": [[1.6, 42.27], [43.87, 106.08], [97.31, 153.14]], "duration": 159.52, "id": 8896}, {"image_id": "v_icm5lX5pZE0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting behind a desk working on a computer. Several shots are shown of people printing off paper as well as paper close up. More clips are shown of people hanging up the wallpaper as well as shots of the city.", "segments": [[0.52, 36.5], [29.72, 74.56], [73.52, 99.59]], "duration": 104.28, "id": 8897}, {"image_id": "v_mhU_KzxJyr4.mp4", "caption": "A young male is sitting in the desert on top of a camel.The man begins talking to another male who has a red wrap on his head.The camel then lifts up and begins walking throughout the desert towards a group of kids and cars.", "segments": [[0, 6.74], [8.43, 16.3], [16.3, 56.19]], "duration": 56.19, "id": 8898}, {"image_id": "v_1PTNnaEu8xo.mp4", "caption": "A man is tying a yellow belt around the waist of a taller man who shakes his hand and then shakes everyone else. The man and another begin to do some karate moves against one another but they rarely make physical contact. There is a group of men standing around them watching them. When they are finished, they take all take a group photo together.", "segments": [[0, 29.42], [29.42, 80.89], [80.89, 126.65], [126.65, 163.42]], "duration": 163.42000000000002, "id": 8899}, {"image_id": "v_om1vXrpctVE.mp4", "caption": "Two large men are seen standing in a pit surrounded by others and one ref standing in the middle. The men then bow before one another as people continue to sweep the arena and lead into the men fighting. The men continuously wrestle one another while the ref moves around them and ends with them walking around then off stage.", "segments": [[3.07, 52.15], [46.01, 122.69], [117.33, 151.07]], "duration": 153.37, "id": 8900}, {"image_id": "v_q9y-83399Ao.mp4", "caption": "A person in a yellow cap is swimming in a swimming pool. A person in a white shirt is talking. The person is out of the water moving their arms.", "segments": [[0, 72.08], [72.78, 77.68], [115.48, 119.67]], "duration": 139.97, "id": 8901}, {"image_id": "v_NeUIHk1uCgA.mp4", "caption": "A woman mounts a beam with an audience in the background. The woman performs gymnastics on the beam. The woman dismounts from the beam.", "segments": [[0, 8.47], [8.47, 94.62], [94.62, 99.6]], "duration": 99.6, "id": 8902}, {"image_id": "v_34NXXCSWyzE.mp4", "caption": "A man riding a horse and swinging a rope around is seen chasing after a calf and eventually grabbing the animal with his rope. He holds the calf down and another man comes out to help the man tie up the calf. He then grabs his rope and rides out of the arena on his horse.", "segments": [[0, 49.35], [50.87, 97.93], [95.66, 151.84]], "duration": 151.84, "id": 8903}, {"image_id": "v_A1SuSeqDTEI.mp4", "caption": "We see a man preparing to get in a kayak. We then see the man riding in his kayak on a rough river. The man goes over a rock. We see a mountain near the river. The kayak is overturned in the river. We see the man on the shore. We see the man go over a waterfall. We see the man pull his kayak onto the shore. We see the kayak overturned and we then see the river running. We see the ending screens.", "segments": [[0, 28.98], [30.09, 157.14], [39.01, 41.23], [66.87, 69.1], [78.01, 85.81], [99.19, 104.76], [117.02, 125.93], [143.76, 150.45], [154.91, 176.08], [174.97, 222.89]], "duration": 222.89, "id": 8904}, {"image_id": "v_QCBaT1NJ32E.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen laughing to the camera and begins smoking a cigarette. The woman takes puffs off of her cigarette while looking into the camera. The woman continues lifting up her cigarette and blowing smoke into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 25.69], [25.69, 110.48], [107.06, 165.3]], "duration": 171.29, "id": 8905}, {"image_id": "v_g2uL6H3fP1c.mp4", "caption": "We see an animated opening screen. We see a man walking in a parking lot. The man starts performing martial arts moves. The man removes his shirt and necklace. The man flips around and does Capoeira moves. We see the man do a handstand on one hand. The man finishes, grabs his shirt, and walks off. We see video clips in the closing screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.93], [2.93, 24.45], [24.45, 41.08], [48.91, 60.64], [60.64, 178.02], [166.28, 170.2], [179, 185.85], [186.83, 195.63]], "duration": 195.63, "id": 8906}, {"image_id": "v_p0O-EsMFcL4.mp4", "caption": "An individual rides on an inner tube down a river with rocks in it. A man pushes the individual downstream. Another man pushes the individual further downstream.", "segments": [[0, 24.61], [0, 2.34], [9.48, 11.32]], "duration": 24.61, "id": 8907}, {"image_id": "v_UAFIstY4a8Q.mp4", "caption": "We see two opening screens for poker at a casino. We see the dealer speak and deal cards. We see a large jackpot sign. We see the dealer shuffle the cards. We see the man peek at his cards. The man peeks at his cards again. The dealer turns over the players cards. We see the closing screen for the casino.", "segments": [[0, 7.6], [8.45, 163.88], [22.81, 27.03], [34.63, 45.62], [51.53, 54.91], [95.46, 99.68], [131.78, 135.16], [164.73, 168.95]], "duration": 168.95, "id": 8908}, {"image_id": "v_Y3j1uDKRpPU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen wearing a suit and walk away. The man walks up to a large chair and sits down. Another man is seen standing in front of the chair and begins looking down at the man's feet.", "segments": [[0.13, 3.5], [3.96, 9.22], [7.85, 12.66]], "duration": 12.98, "id": 8909}, {"image_id": "v_c05oRliUOxk.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title scene. We see people riding horses through the mountains. We turn and see the canyon and river. A person in blue turns around a few times. We see a large white mound of snow. The person in the blue shirt looks up the mountain. We see a blue bar at the bottom of the screen. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 3.32], [3.32, 214.69], [48.69, 52.01], [152.72, 156.04], [163.79, 199.2], [187.03, 195.88], [213.59, 215.8], [216.91, 221.33]], "duration": 221.32999999999998, "id": 8910}, {"image_id": "v_wrf4MfW4MGg.mp4", "caption": "A man with long hair is seen brushing his face with a brush while holding his hand up and speaking to the camera. He then holds up the brush and grabs his hoodie while smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 9.27], [10.1, 16.7]], "duration": 16.7, "id": 8911}, {"image_id": "v_U_qCCwgS0OM.mp4", "caption": "Intro leads into A man mopping up dirt on a floor and showing the tools afterwards. Several shots of mops pushing around dirt is shown followed by the better mop being dipped into water and dripped on a table. A 3d mop shows how it works with a woman also moping up things on her floor. Several other shots of people mopping are shown as well as people shrugging and where to buy the mops.", "segments": [[0, 34.49], [32.89, 81.82], [83.42, 132.35], [133.96, 160.43]], "duration": 160.43, "id": 8912}, {"image_id": "v_X4IE65LtDzQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman and young girl are seen speaking to the camera while holding together a toy. The two create a hop scotch game with the toy and lay it down on the ground and show off the foam. The woman speaks to the camera while the girl hops along the game.", "segments": [[0, 39.67], [38.89, 129.13], [126.01, 155.57]], "duration": 155.57, "id": 8913}, {"image_id": "v_0bjHe_5nACw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera while holding a violin and continues with her playing the violin and pausing. The woman continues playing the instrument and stopping to speak to the camera and demonstrate how to play.", "segments": [[11.85, 69.83], [48.63, 116.59]], "duration": 124.69, "id": 8914}, {"image_id": "v_jwqotL-yNvE.mp4", "caption": "A video is shown of a first person view of someone exploring a large open field on the way to a track. Then, the person puts the camera down and begins working out on the track. The guys takes off his track suit and continues to work out. He flips himself over in the air and lands on a pile of sand. He proceeds to do some break dancing moves before the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 18.5], [19.34, 168.18], [65.59, 84.09], [116.05, 131.18], [132.86, 168.18]], "duration": 168.18, "id": 8915}, {"image_id": "v_Wx-fRCjU9r0.mp4", "caption": "Teams are playing ice hockey in the center so everyone who's sitting down can watch them. The blue team scores a goal first and then people start clapping and cheering. Next the blue team scores another one again and the crowd goes wild.", "segments": [[0, 90.67], [37.63, 57.58], [57.58, 90.67]], "duration": 90.67, "id": 8916}, {"image_id": "v_wt-PGxOkL_s.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen bending down in front of the camera and turn on a faucet of water. The woman continues uses the water and begins scrubbing down a shirt and stepping in the buckets. More shots are shown of them cleaning the clothes and ends by hanging them up.", "segments": [[0, 41.37], [41.37, 125.82], [116.34, 166.33]], "duration": 172.36, "id": 8917}, {"image_id": "v_Ls8ha6c0ye8.mp4", "caption": "a man is driving a car through a window. He gets a pass into a park area. He is shown driving, walking, and riding horses as he explores the area.", "segments": [[0, 16.09], [18.24, 34.33], [39.7, 214.58]], "duration": 214.57999999999998, "id": 8918}, {"image_id": "v_c8iet_4ndU0.mp4", "caption": "A girl is jumping and swinging on balance bars. A woman in a black shirt is standing under her watching. She helps her jump off and land on a mat.", "segments": [[0, 28.24], [3.33, 28.24], [28.6, 35.09]], "duration": 35.09, "id": 8919}, {"image_id": "v_9VGxxRNOdbM.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast put power chalk power on his hands and stands near the pommel horse. Then, the gymnast approach the pommel horse to spin around many times. Then, the gymnast stand on his hand and jumps to land on the floor, while people applaud.", "segments": [[0, 9.26], [9.26, 61.37], [61.37, 68.57]], "duration": 68.57, "id": 8920}, {"image_id": "v_JSDZWq777Mc.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up to the side of a cabin. He uses a large knife to cut through the grass. He swings the knife back and forth, cutting the grass and weeds.", "segments": [[0, 24.83], [37.67, 127.56], [129.27, 171.22]], "duration": 171.22, "id": 8921}, {"image_id": "v_xWY7A8Sf-HE.mp4", "caption": " A woman is standing on a field while people are gathered behind her. Several people run together, chasing each other.Kids are shown close up at the end.", "segments": [[0, 15.02], [21.33, 51.96], [52.56, 60.07]], "duration": 60.07, "id": 8922}, {"image_id": "v_6z6iFou8nW0.mp4", "caption": "A boy in a green shirt steps on a stool to reach the sink. A woman stands next to him. The little boy washes his hands in the sink. She wipes the sink with a paper towel. The boy dries his hands with a towel.", "segments": [[19.55, 25.47], [19.55, 118.47], [29.02, 97.14], [97.14, 103.66], [103.66, 106.03]], "duration": 118.47, "id": 8923}, {"image_id": "v_ctMcsGnutho.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera in a dealership and leads into several close ups of a car. The woman then presents various tools and begins taking off the tire off of the car. She pulls out a new tire and places it on the car, screwing it in place and showing where the tire is in the trunk. She closes the trunk and shows off the car while still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 73.69], [45.51, 138.71], [101.87, 187.48], [167.97, 213.48]], "duration": 216.74, "id": 8924}, {"image_id": "v_yXH7GcOduNo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in the middle of a sand pit and begins swinging an object around. She spins this around herself several times then begins swinging herself around. She continues swinging and finishes by throwing it off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 24.68], [24.68, 62.78], [54.55, 81.83]], "duration": 86.59, "id": 8925}, {"image_id": "v_h-N9TvaBax8.mp4", "caption": "woman is talking in news talking about a los angeles baseball player. me are in a street court playing dodgeball wearing dodgers uniform, people are watching the game and cars are passing by in the street. men wearing dodgers uniform are shown in pictures in a baseball field people on the terraces and the woman on the news talking about them.", "segments": [[0, 15.21], [15.21, 29.48], [29.16, 63.39]], "duration": 63.39, "id": 8926}, {"image_id": "v_AnbC-26sAI4.mp4", "caption": "Several various shots are shown of a large boat traveling along a tough storm. A man is seen steering the boat through the storm and talking to a camera with the video ending of more shots of the boat.", "segments": [[0, 39.05], [37.96, 108.46]], "duration": 108.46000000000001, "id": 8927}, {"image_id": "v_jqZg_FK2OlM.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a fenced in are and leads into a woman holding a paint brush. She brushes the side of the fence up and down while the camera continues looking around the side.", "segments": [[0, 11.06], [10.93, 25.43]], "duration": 25.43, "id": 8928}, {"image_id": "v_DkouAjobzac.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a man talking and smiling into a camera and several shots of people preparing a boat and riding along the water. Another woman is seen talking to the camera followed by several more shots of the boat along the water and people riding and steering the boat.", "segments": [[0, 67.62], [69.39, 177.94]], "duration": 177.94, "id": 8929}, {"image_id": "v_o1R8glzh0As.mp4", "caption": "Three men are seen walking in slow motion while another girl walks into frame and the group grab tubes from a pile. The people speak to the camera and are then seen sitting in the tubes and floating down a river. The people continuously ride down the river while bobbing back and fourth and are then seen sitting on a bus and speaking to one another.", "segments": [[0, 31.91], [29.63, 144.73], [142.45, 227.92]], "duration": 227.92000000000002, "id": 8930}, {"image_id": "v_kzdRUWpBXd4.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen dressed up in holiday gear and are seen throwing objects at one another. The people continue playing dodgeball against one another and end by dancing in the middle.", "segments": [[2.58, 67.12], [49.7, 126.5]], "duration": 129.08, "id": 8931}, {"image_id": "v_6ffxjwTIZHk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a green shirt is holding some papers and talking outside. He starts moving some dirt next to a tree with his hand. He steps away from the tree and continues talking.", "segments": [[0, 20.1], [21.15, 56.59], [56.06, 105.77]], "duration": 105.77000000000001, "id": 8932}, {"image_id": "v_Y53B2WdEbAg.mp4", "caption": "Several women are kneeling on the ground and working on preparing a soup. One of the women picks out some of the food from the grater. A woman slices some of the white vegetable into a yellow bowl.", "segments": [[0, 12.64], [1.78, 5.08], [6.61, 12.7]], "duration": 12.7, "id": 8933}, {"image_id": "v_iFDr-o61ewo.mp4", "caption": "A little boy carries a bower on his back and blow dead leaves of a backyard. Then, the little boy goes to other place to blow leaves. After, the little boy blow leaves near a tree.", "segments": [[0, 30.78], [30.78, 80.51], [80.51, 92.82]], "duration": 94.72, "id": 8934}, {"image_id": "v_Vf02ZDnbduk.mp4", "caption": "A piece of exercise equipment is put together through technology and then shown in real time. A person's hand turns a knob on the machine and begins running on the machine. Close ups of her feet are shown as well as several other angles of her running.", "segments": [[0, 15.13], [14.77, 37.82], [37.82, 72.03]], "duration": 72.03, "id": 8935}, {"image_id": "v_AQSiBbhLBhs.mp4", "caption": "A woman with very long hair is standing on a balcony showing off the length of her hair. She turns around and faces the camera continuing to brush her hair and display its length. She begins to twirl and sway her hair with her back to the camera and that is when the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 225.15], [25.89, 183.5], [183.5, 225.15]], "duration": 225.15, "id": 8936}, {"image_id": "v_2FcdD7WapJM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen unscrewing a bottle of mouth wash and pouring it into a cup. The girl then drinks from it and swishes it around her mouth. She spits out the mixture and shows off pictures in the end.", "segments": [[0, 16.65], [18.91, 36.97], [32.74, 55.04]], "duration": 56.45, "id": 8937}, {"image_id": "v_zLF5DSuDixg.mp4", "caption": "A compilation of shot put is put together, you see many different men getting prepared. They turn their bodies very quickly building up as much speed as they can before taking their shot. They practice and they do it professionally, it a serious sport that people really enjoy yo be a part of. They tend to get very excited when they do good on their throws.", "segments": [[0, 68.36], [68.36, 120.5], [120.5, 170.33], [170.33, 231.74]], "duration": 231.74, "id": 8938}, {"image_id": "v__032TQam_mY.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a purple coat is talking. She starts brushing a horse with the brush. She cleans the bottom of the horse's foot. She sprays the horse's tail and starts brushing it. She finishes and continues talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 6.56], [7.94, 26.6], [26.25, 36.96], [37.3, 59.75], [60.45, 69.08]], "duration": 69.08, "id": 8939}, {"image_id": "v_nfe_V3ei6ag.mp4", "caption": "A volleyball player throws the ball in the air. Her teammate catches it and throws it over the net. The volleyball player serves the ball. An opposing player dives to spike the ball. Her teammate throws the ball over the net. The volleyball player who dove earlier spikes the ball over the net. An opposing player hits the ball. Her teammate hits it back at her. The teammate spikes it over the net. The opposing player hits the ball. Her teammate throws the ball over the net to the opposing team. The opposing player hits the ball towards her teammate. Her teammate hits the ball. Her teammate hits the ball over the net. An opposing player dives and hits the ball. One of the teammates on the opposing team dives to catch and throw the out of bounds ball.", "segments": [[0, 1.94], [2.1, 8.23], [8.39, 9.2], [9.36, 10.01], [10.17, 11.46], [11.62, 12.91], [13.08, 15.34], [15.5, 16.63], [16.79, 18.73], [18.89, 19.69], [19.86, 22.28], [22.92, 23.73], [23.89, 24.7], [24.86, 26.31], [25.99, 27.93], [28.09, 32.29]], "duration": 32.29, "id": 8940}, {"image_id": "v_OoyoTLkSOuY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is wearing a towel and standing next to a bath tub. She puts shaving cream on her leg and shaves her leg.", "segments": [[0, 75.58], [46.86, 75.58]], "duration": 75.58, "id": 8941}, {"image_id": "v_BII4aKnegaU.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen taking a spin class together that leads into a man speaking to the camera. Shots of the gym are shown that lead into another cycling class with the man leading the group and still speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[1.06, 46.25], [22.86, 98.35]], "duration": 106.33, "id": 8942}, {"image_id": "v_EjUMR9v_8Pg.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are sitting down talking on a bench in front of a wall with several rims.The two then stand up and begin talking and you can see that they are in a junk yard.Finally,they begin dancing together and do rugged hip hop dance moves suited for the environment.", "segments": [[0, 17.75], [17.75, 78.51], [78.51, 136.53]], "duration": 136.53, "id": 8943}, {"image_id": "v_YPlsA_vTltk.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks in from the side and begins stomping in the room.The girl continues exercising and moves side to side and starts to put her foot up moving in a hip hop fashion.She then moves into a sort of squat of some sort and continues moving and then slides from left to right and continues dancing and crumping.", "segments": [[0, 36.62], [36.62, 84.01], [84.01, 215.41]], "duration": 215.41, "id": 8944}, {"image_id": "v_DuU7OKTAmsY.mp4", "caption": "We see people floating in a lake in purple rafts. A person puts their feet on a rock. The people hit the rough water. We see a red canoe on the shore. We pan over the river.", "segments": [[0, 126.17], [61.07, 70.47], [90.6, 115.43], [122.82, 126.17], [125.5, 134.23]], "duration": 134.23, "id": 8945}, {"image_id": "v_bFPfj889BhU.mp4", "caption": "People are riding in sail boats on the water. People are standing on a bar on a boat. People take the sail down off the boat.", "segments": [[0, 198.12], [60.1, 64.56], [159.17, 165.84]], "duration": 222.61, "id": 8946}, {"image_id": "v_lKSWdEIuJtM.mp4", "caption": "A back yard area is seen that leads into several kids and older man working on a ladder. The group cuts hedges along the side as well as throw them into a bucket and help the older man. The kids continue to help the other man by gathering leaves as he pushing them back towards the front.", "segments": [[3.14, 65.97], [48.17, 151.85], [156.04, 207.35]], "duration": 209.44, "id": 8947}, {"image_id": "v_opaWopwV74I.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting bent over and washing her laundry by hand in a bowl. Her friend comes by and talks to her and laugh before walking away again. She continues to scrub her clothes extensively, making sure its nice and clean before putting in another bucket. She washes and washes and throws them in the dry bucket when she is done.", "segments": [[0, 48.84], [48.84, 108.87], [109.89, 163.82], [163.82, 203.5]], "duration": 203.5, "id": 8948}, {"image_id": "v_v8fS--GlXF4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling down on the dirt when a bull comes running into the man. He knocks over the man and is dragged away, followed by his clip being shown again. Several more clips are shown of people chasing bulls and running away.", "segments": [[0, 16.16], [16.16, 60.93], [55.39, 90.01]], "duration": 92.32, "id": 8949}, {"image_id": "v_v3tNh1and0U.mp4", "caption": "A swimmer swims inside of a pool. The swimmer is seen wearing a training snorkel.", "segments": [[22.45, 130.5], [24.56, 130.5]], "duration": 140.32, "id": 8950}, {"image_id": "v_Gi55CA6ktE8.mp4", "caption": "A screen of fighters are shown and then two random images are selected.Once selected,the pictures move to the top corners of the screen and two people dressed in sumo uniforms stand in the middle of a round-about and begin fighting as cars travel around them.", "segments": [[0, 22.37], [22.37, 109.13]], "duration": 109.13, "id": 8951}, {"image_id": "v_rhDxMg72ofo.mp4", "caption": "An intro begins then shows pictures of a girl standing in the bathroom with long, straight hair. She then begins talking to the camera while stroking her hair followed by blow drying and brushing her hair. She then puts lotion into her hair and breaking her hair into sections. She straightens each section of hair and smiles in the end.", "segments": [[0, 27.92], [25.77, 110.61], [110.61, 170.75], [178.27, 214.79]], "duration": 214.79, "id": 8952}, {"image_id": "v_sYpC9oPhmY4.mp4", "caption": "A band is gathered outside a building. A leader is using a baton to instruct them. They are playing the drums for a small audience.", "segments": [[0, 9.74], [10.16, 35.58], [39.81, 84.71]], "duration": 84.71000000000001, "id": 8953}, {"image_id": "v_V4BNtCtuSQQ.mp4", "caption": "A guy in the backyard is mowing the lawn on a hot and sunny day while a lady records and narrates. He starts to go in a back and forth motion as he moves the mower. The guy changes direction as he continues to mow.", "segments": [[0, 34.88], [0, 20.75], [20.75, 34.88]], "duration": 34.88, "id": 8954}, {"image_id": "v_MnzVdvbvnMc.mp4", "caption": "A group of guards march down a driveway as they play the trumpets. A man heats a small pan with a flame. Three soldiers standing near watch him. The man grabs a paintbrush and moves it around in the pan. He takes the brush and brushes a shoe. He flames the shoe with the flame canister. He brushes the shoe again. He then flames the shoe some more.", "segments": [[0, 3.65], [13.83, 19.83], [17.22, 19.83], [20.09, 21.91], [21.91, 24.78], [24.78, 28.96], [33.39, 36.52], [36.52, 52.18]], "duration": 52.18, "id": 8955}, {"image_id": "v_-DTxZliHCTE.mp4", "caption": "A man is mowing the lawn on a yard and laughing and making jokes with friends that are watching. He begins to run with the lawn mover and nearly runs into something as his friends laugh in enjoyment. One of his friends tries to help him as he is mowing the lawn.", "segments": [[0, 46.91], [13.6, 18.76], [13.6, 35.65]], "duration": 46.91, "id": 8956}, {"image_id": "v_6aj1njn541k.mp4", "caption": "a girl is sitting in a chair talking. A woman walks up to the girl and wipes her earlobes. The woman then pierces the girl's ear. The girl puts her glasses on after her ears are pieced.", "segments": [[0, 28.48], [9.82, 42.22], [30.44, 100.16], [109, 196.4]], "duration": 196.4, "id": 8957}, {"image_id": "v_q6bl7g5JGng.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown smiling in an image as words go over his face. He is in and indoor court, showing a little boy how to hit a tennis ball against the wall with a racket. The boy tries several times.", "segments": [[0, 15.04], [17.89, 41.07], [43.1, 81.32]], "duration": 81.32, "id": 8958}, {"image_id": "v_AF8sbdPa4rE.mp4", "caption": "A man with no hands grabs a dart that is stuck to the board and walks backward. He then throws the dark up in the air to show it landed on the board.", "segments": [[0, 7.37], [8.06, 23.04]], "duration": 23.04, "id": 8959}, {"image_id": "v_F5IWShcFIN4.mp4", "caption": "A storm trooper is seen speaking to the camera and leads into a camera panning around a neighbor and the man walking around. Many kids stop to speak to the man as well as cars stopping to speak.", "segments": [[29.49, 84.5], [94.06, 137.91]], "duration": 159.43, "id": 8960}, {"image_id": "v_YBuNpnthXfE.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen playing a game of tug of war with other people walking around. The people play back and fourth while others watching on the side. One group then pulls another down and ends by walking away.", "segments": [[0, 34.8], [30.87, 82.5], [74.08, 107.19]], "duration": 112.25, "id": 8961}, {"image_id": "v_lsgB3WU-1r0.mp4", "caption": "A city skyline appears in front of a large river. Several businesses are shown from the outside. A fencing match commences inside a building.", "segments": [[0, 16.37], [23.53, 59.33], [61.38, 204.59]], "duration": 204.59, "id": 8962}, {"image_id": "v_2fs09c8gFsk.mp4", "caption": "We see people riding bumper cars. The camera moves down the row to the right. The girl in black gets stuck the gets going. The cars then come to a stop.", "segments": [[0, 101.29], [14.18, 24.31], [60.27, 80.02], [98.75, 101.29]], "duration": 101.28999999999999, "id": 8963}, {"image_id": "v_f2fyhNjY3EA.mp4", "caption": "Boats are seen sailing through dark ocean water. We see a first person view of sailing on a boat. The boats are seen floating through the water.", "segments": [[0, 15.05], [23.9, 69.93], [72.58, 88.52]], "duration": 88.52, "id": 8964}, {"image_id": "v_3YdmY4oPE5s.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around a field when one lady hits a ball. The people continue playing crochet on the lawn while walking around.", "segments": [[0.92, 28.61], [25.84, 59.99]], "duration": 61.53, "id": 8965}, {"image_id": "v_H9ejAfleKUg.mp4", "caption": "A camera is seen zooming in on a building and leads into a man climbing up a large rock. The man continuously climbs up the rock while looking around and finally makes it to the top while the camera pans around.", "segments": [[0, 73.27], [60.92, 164.65]], "duration": 164.65, "id": 8966}, {"image_id": "v_n-hsQkfdUk0.mp4", "caption": "A person plays tam-tam using three instruments. Other man plays the drums using two sticks.", "segments": [[4.74, 185.78], [7.58, 189.57]], "duration": 189.57, "id": 8967}, {"image_id": "v_wSTU_jI-FRU.mp4", "caption": "A cartoon yellow character is shown running with bulls behind him. Several sumo wrestlers are then shown running down a track. A gun fires, and they run again.", "segments": [[0, 5.26], [6.51, 30.79], [31.29, 50.06]], "duration": 50.06, "id": 8968}, {"image_id": "v_rjzQD0vwnP0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a car is seen followed by a person holding a scraper. The person pushes ice all along the car while looking to the camera. The person continues clearing off ice with the scraper while the camera captures her movements.", "segments": [[0, 56.85], [68.69, 175.28], [156.33, 230.95]], "duration": 236.87, "id": 8969}, {"image_id": "v_ntYIITLp90k.mp4", "caption": "A man gets on his bike. The tire is flat and he feels it. He hooks the air pump up to the tire. Tools are sitting on a brick wall. He turns the bike upside down to look at the tire. He takes a nut off of the wheel to get the tire off. He uses a tool to get the tire off of the wheel. He pumps a pump and then fills it with water. He rubs chalk on the tire and puts glue on it. He puts the tire back on the wheel. He puts the air pump on and fills it with air. He gets on his bike and rides away.", "segments": [[0, 8.05], [8.78, 10.97], [12.44, 13.9], [27.8, 39.5], [40.23, 44.62], [46.08, 51.94], [64.37, 68.03], [79.73, 87.78], [89.24, 98.02], [106.07, 111.92], [123.62, 128.01], [132.4, 142.64]], "duration": 146.3, "id": 8970}, {"image_id": "v_xMChLTVPzNI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing behind a counter speaking to the camera and pointing to various ingredients. She pours oil into a hot pan and begins mixing ingredients together in the pan. She boils noodles into a pot and mixes it together in the pan and serves it onto a plate.", "segments": [[3.67, 157.76], [31.18, 92.64], [93.55, 177.02]], "duration": 183.44, "id": 8971}, {"image_id": "v_fJ7gcHxxJMM.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a one piece bathing suit begins walking on a diving board that's located in a large indoor pool area with a lot of people in the stands.When the girl gets to the end of the diving board she jumps and then flips and spins into the pool. When the girl hits the water she makes a small splash.", "segments": [[0, 1.35], [1.35, 3.52], [3.52, 5.3]], "duration": 5.3, "id": 8972}, {"image_id": "v_YmVdnkDo0xQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen cleaning up a bathroom when a walks into frame and leads into a news article. A picture of a sign is shown followed by a person washing their hands as well as clips from tv shows. More shots are articles are shown and ends with people walking in a subway.", "segments": [[1.28, 14.08], [15.04, 51.84], [51.2, 62.4]], "duration": 64.0, "id": 8973}, {"image_id": "v_oOYaw6-b4SY.mp4", "caption": "A blurry vision shows two people in a gym with one punching and kicking the other holding gloves. The two continue to move around the gym practicing their kicks and punches.", "segments": [[2.62, 51], [35.96, 126.2]], "duration": 130.78, "id": 8974}, {"image_id": "v_9BR5LChbBLQ.mp4", "caption": "There's a black and red colored race car in a parking lot. A man wearing beige shorts begins cleaning the black race car with a cloth and a spray. He wipes the car down to make it shiny and clean. Both the cars are parked in the parking lot, looking clean and sparkly after a car wash. Information about Hand Job, mobile waterless car wash is shown on the screen.", "segments": [[10.52, 25.13], [25.13, 43.82], [43.82, 85.9], [85.9, 102.84], [102.84, 110.44]], "duration": 116.87, "id": 8975}, {"image_id": "v_AQ2-EcbX4dE.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around a large horse in a barn full of hay. The people brush the horse all along the sides when a woman comes out back to speak to them.", "segments": [[0, 8.16], [9.06, 14.98]], "duration": 14.98, "id": 8976}, {"image_id": "v_UB2GzjNzo3M.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding a bike in slow motion with a flag in the back and leads into several clips of people of all ages riding bikes. The people continuing riding around the dirt court while other stand ready on their bikes and interact with one another.", "segments": [[5.93, 145.96], [81.88, 229.03]], "duration": 237.32999999999998, "id": 8977}, {"image_id": "v_tJcbG_HGZE8.mp4", "caption": "A glue stick is shown on a table. A pair of scissors is on a table. A person gets on a computer and prints something. They stick that to their door.", "segments": [[15.17, 22.31], [37.47, 38.37], [39.26, 82.98], [84.76, 168.63]], "duration": 178.45, "id": 8978}, {"image_id": "v_zvXi08rTq3Y.mp4", "caption": "We see people riding bumper cars. A man is in the car with a small boy. We see an orange car come into the screen followed by a gold car.", "segments": [[0, 17.74], [0, 5.5], [13.75, 17.74]], "duration": 17.74, "id": 8979}, {"image_id": "v_vi8zTSA6bhY.mp4", "caption": "man is in a swinging make a kind of somervault on the air. the man makes the big jump in the air and lands in a bike and stat riding it. men iss swinging in a green grassy yard.", "segments": [[0, 3.91], [3.91, 13.03], [0, 13.03]], "duration": 13.03, "id": 8980}, {"image_id": "v_lnx8WSmcLF8.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast performs a routine on the horizontal bars. The gymnast spins and turns from one bar to the other, also holding on one hand. Then, the gymnast spins and jumps stand on the floor, then a flashback of the routine is presented.", "segments": [[0, 17.47], [17.47, 53.37], [53.86, 77.63]], "duration": 97.03999999999999, "id": 8981}, {"image_id": "v_Dty6AUdBdrE.mp4", "caption": "A little girl in gray and printed coat is standing at the center of dry leaves, she walked away from the pile of leaves, grab handful and put it on one side. A woman in gray sweater and blue pants walk from the girl's behind then towards her, the lady is carrying a rake. The little girl came up to her and try to reach for the rake. The woman adjusted the handle of the rake to make it shorter and handed to the girl. The little girl tried to rake but it wouldn't move so the woman sat beside the girl and take the rake from her, while the little girl got distracted by the kids running down the street. The little girl continue to rake, while the lady take a bigger rake and started to rake the leaves.", "segments": [[0, 44.35], [36.1, 148.51], [50.53, 148.51], [88.69, 148.51], [95.91, 206.26], [148.51, 206.26]], "duration": 206.26, "id": 8982}, {"image_id": "v_upic9S0oEhg.mp4", "caption": "Two men play a song on a guitars together in a dimly lit room. Ones down to play the acoustic guitar.", "segments": [[0, 102.05], [60.21, 80.62]], "duration": 102.05, "id": 8983}, {"image_id": "v_PI_A4uJ_fsI.mp4", "caption": "A man is setting up cameras and lighting in the background for some video shoot. A man is on a machine standing and using only his arms and feet to move on it. Then a woman gets on it taking the mans place and she uses the machine. They are creating a commercial advertisment for television viewers.", "segments": [[0, 17.48], [17.48, 99.05], [99.05, 146.63], [146.63, 194.21]], "duration": 194.21, "id": 8984}, {"image_id": "v_Gz0UlnBx6JU.mp4", "caption": "man is talking to the camera in a news studio and sart talking with a man that is part of a band. band is in a stage, men are playing drums. man is again in news studio with the band and man start laying drums.", "segments": [[0, 66.03], [66.03, 93.62], [93.62, 197.09]], "duration": 197.09, "id": 8985}, {"image_id": "v_Ci__IRtoMOo.mp4", "caption": "We see people riding in bumper cars. A girl is waving frilly toy. A little boy in gray smiles a the camera. We see a man in a red hat with a boy laughing hard. We see a traffic jam on the right. We zoom in on a lady in a white shirt. The lady in white smiles at the camera. The ride ends and the people all stand up.", "segments": [[0, 207.73], [7.31, 10.44], [33.4, 38.62], [62.63, 69.94], [82.46, 114.82], [129.44, 150.32], [175.37, 186.85], [206.68, 208.77]], "duration": 208.77, "id": 8986}, {"image_id": "v_w8lqIgJn09Y.mp4", "caption": "A man in an athletic uniform begins swinging a ball and a string around. He lets go and the ball hits the screen as he falls to the ground. The video is replayed at various speeds.", "segments": [[0, 12.03], [12.34, 14.5], [15.12, 61.7]], "duration": 61.7, "id": 8987}, {"image_id": "v_5Eb_NVjFah0.mp4", "caption": "We see a title screen slide down the screen . We then watch an older boy and a boy bowl in a bowling alley. A small boy in an orange shirt rolls the ball down the aisle. We watch an older boy in a green shirt roll the ball 5 times and get 4 strikes. We see a title screen and a slow motion of one of the shots of the older boy.", "segments": [[0, 5.55], [5.55, 104.28], [24.96, 41.05], [42.16, 90.41], [90.41, 110.94]], "duration": 110.94, "id": 8988}, {"image_id": "v_dtvIQ9Pd-Bg.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and the intro scene. A man in a kitchen has knifes and a sharpening block. The man wets the block and runs a knife across two different blocks. The man grabs a pole and sharpens the knife on it. The man wipes the knife on a towel. The man grabs and removes a lemon. The man shows us an upside down pot.", "segments": [[0, 5.1], [5.95, 18.69], [17.84, 71.36], [75.61, 124.88], [109.59, 112.98], [133.37, 143.57], [154.61, 167.35]], "duration": 169.9, "id": 8989}, {"image_id": "v_vPhAXENSjiw.mp4", "caption": "The cheerleading team comes out for a performance. A girl attempts multiple flips and sticks the landing. Another girls follows suit as the team works hard in the background. The team shows off some dance moves next and the crowd cheers. After some more team-flips the team poses and celebrates as the routine ends. Several members hug and talk. The judges submit their scores and the team anticipates the results. The team is crowned the winners of the competition.", "segments": [[0, 14.51], [15.55, 23.84], [24.87, 44.57], [74.62, 96.39], [116.08, 134.73], [146.14, 165.83], [166.86, 185.52], [190.7, 207.28]], "duration": 207.29, "id": 8990}, {"image_id": "v_qTvZtsi-3KU.mp4", "caption": "Some women are swimming in a pool. They have babies in their arms as they swim. They are teaching the babies to go under water and hold their breaths.", "segments": [[0, 10.71], [14.06, 64.29], [64.96, 133.93]], "duration": 133.93, "id": 8991}, {"image_id": "v_iNMxIXAcHYU.mp4", "caption": "First the man puts pink lipstick on his lips and he says he's a joker. Then he puts it on the side of his lips and the people laugh. Next he puts 2 thick lines of it under his eyes and he says something, he also attempts to put it on his chin, but the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 4.85], [10.7, 14.13], [14.13, 40.38]], "duration": 40.38, "id": 8992}, {"image_id": "v_XnrQRuchl7E.mp4", "caption": "This young woman is in the studio playing the piano. No one else is in there with her and she looks very serious about what she's doing. She is wearing a pink t-shirt and flower colored leggings, then at some point she stops.", "segments": [[0, 60.54], [16.93, 45.89], [64.45, 65.1]], "duration": 65.1, "id": 8993}, {"image_id": "v_-Xl95IW5H_s.mp4", "caption": "This is a tutorial on how to start a campfire. It shows the campfire burning on the ground. It starts with the things you will need to begin with. A designated place and some rocks arranged in a circle to create a pit. Some crumpled newspaper and a lighter along with a bucket of water. A man begins demonstrating how to place the newspaper and twigs on top of that. He then creates a pyramid shaped structure. He takes his lighter and lights the newspaper in several places to start the fire. The bonfire starts burning and continues to burn. He adds a few more twigs to keep the flames burning.", "segments": [[10.69, 16.04], [16.04, 22.28], [22.28, 27.62], [27.62, 32.97], [32.97, 70.39], [70.39, 81.98], [81.98, 93.56], [93.56, 116.73], [116.73, 139.01], [139.01, 139.9]], "duration": 178.21, "id": 8994}, {"image_id": "v_aIwFZCRFHx8.mp4", "caption": "First the people are all shown sitting in their cars in one long line. Then the cars get powered on and they are able to get driven. After the people are done driving they all get out of the cars.", "segments": [[0, 2.97], [19.28, 74.91], [96.41, 131.27]], "duration": 148.32999999999998, "id": 8995}, {"image_id": "v_NpKBAtQ5M6I.mp4", "caption": "An older man with a long ponytail and a pair of glasses is outside kneeling near a bike.The man has a pair of blue pliers in his hand and begins fixing the chain on the bike.Once the chain is on,he begins moving the pedal and demonstrates how the chain is operating.After awhile,he stops the chain and begins to take two links out of the chain on the bike.As the chain begins to hang down,the man puts it back in the right place and begins to spin the back wheel and begins to talk when he is finished.", "segments": [[0, 4.34], [4.34, 28.67], [28.67, 75.58], [75.58, 121.63], [121.63, 173.76]], "duration": 173.76, "id": 8996}, {"image_id": "v_n0Th8ZqMeGk.mp4", "caption": "A man is on a snowboard on a snowy hill. He glides over the thickly packed snow. He goes through a marker, and jumps over obstacles.", "segments": [[0, 37.61], [39.76, 138.61], [146.13, 214.9]], "duration": 214.9, "id": 8997}, {"image_id": "v_q3-S2tg4ULw.mp4", "caption": "Young boy talks to camera in front of drum set in a studio. Young boy plays on the drum set, and the cymbals, while intermittently speaking to the camera. The boy finishes up recording his drum session and returns to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 27.35], [29.91, 166.65], [166.65, 170.92]], "duration": 170.92000000000002, "id": 8998}, {"image_id": "v_9PqYL4zTnxY.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a driveway, doing tricks and stunts as she jumps rope. She increases speed, then stops as a man approaches her to discuss her technique. She then returns to demonstrating how to jump rope, and the various names of the moves.", "segments": [[0, 20.79], [22.87, 42.97], [48.51, 138.6]], "duration": 138.6, "id": 8999}, {"image_id": "v_mDqiAEB4Ads.mp4", "caption": "A view from indoors show a nice ocean view then pans to a man on his knees on the ground as he grouts some tiles and the white words on the screen say \"INSTALLING TILES WITH DITRA\".The man is then shown putting spacers in between tiles and measuring. The man then goes to another part of the room with a white bucket and an orange cloth and is wiping down wooden floorboards.The man is then shown pouring powder into a large white bucket, pouring water into it then mixing the contents with a hand drill. The man is then in a corner of the room and he's applying the mixture onto the floorboards then puts down an orange material. The man is then shown cutting the tiles with a manual hand cutter while another man is helping him by holding it, the the man holding the tile takes it away and sands it.The man is shown once again on his hands and knees and is applying putty onto the ground or the tile, putting the tiles down, adding spacers, then measuring that it's all even with a white circular leveler.A low view of the tiles are shown and a man is grouting, wiping tiles down and various views of the tiled room are shown.", "segments": [[0, 6.52], [6.52, 21.43], [21.43, 32.61], [32.61, 57.76], [57.76, 82.91], [82.91, 101.54], [101.54, 154.64], [154.64, 186.32]], "duration": 186.32, "id": 9000}, {"image_id": "v_Lfh5p8ReOYo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting at the end of a bed taking her shoes off and then baby's feet walking. Shots of furniture is shown that leads into a woman speaking, followed by several people vacuuming and stepping onto the carpet. A person adjusts the vacuum and continues using it while the woman speaks, and leads into a man playing with a baby.", "segments": [[0, 60.61], [59.68, 152], [145.47, 186.5]], "duration": 186.5, "id": 9001}, {"image_id": "v_vYxBAbbvSxc.mp4", "caption": "A GoPro camera is seen and then another screen appears showing that the camera has won awards. A camera is mounted on the helmet of a water skier and after he gets himself into position a man on a horse by a pond pull him for a ride. Near land he lets go and falls into the water, as he celebrates and points at the man on the horse as a dog runs by. A screen appears asking to submit footage to the GoPro awards.", "segments": [[0, 3.96], [4.4, 75.64], [75.64, 82.68], [83.12, 87.96]], "duration": 87.96000000000001, "id": 9002}, {"image_id": "v__6fbXk6y8X0.mp4", "caption": "We see a man kite surfing. We pass a person on the beach. The rider falls in the water. Water splashes and covers the camera lens. The person is riding in the other direction. We see the sand blowing in the wind.", "segments": [[0, 65.74], [49.07, 51.92], [60.02, 66.69], [62.4, 63.83], [68.12, 95.27], [82.89, 95.27]], "duration": 95.27000000000001, "id": 9003}, {"image_id": "v_nVk5nIE-6bM.mp4", "caption": "There are a lot of people gathered on the street to watch a parade or to be in the parade. There are 4 young people dressed in military attire carrying a red and white banner in a parade.They are then followed by a group of dancing girls that are all dressed in the same outfits that are red, white and black, but some are wearing white tops and the others are wearing red tops. They are then followed by a very large band that are playing different instruments and they are all in sync and one woman is enjoying it so much that she begins to dance while the band plays on.", "segments": [[0, 197.63], [0, 11.86], [11.86, 62.25], [62.25, 197.63]], "duration": 197.63, "id": 9004}, {"image_id": "v_mHWQrZW6-0M.mp4", "caption": "Several people canoe down a lake interspersed with several still photos of the lake stats and features. Several still photos of the lake are shown which includes browned and dry weeds/marsh and calm blue water along with a shallow body of water heavy with rocks. Two canoes with people in them are shown in the lake. An art mural of a blue and yellow fish is shown along with more still shots and video of people on the lake.", "segments": [[8.69, 114.18], [12.41, 111.7], [16.13, 19.86], [18.62, 114.18]], "duration": 124.11, "id": 9005}, {"image_id": "v_GBdj6erXjDM.mp4", "caption": "A girl sits in the drivers seat of a car and enjoys a ice cream cone. The girl laughs while trying to eat the ice cream. The girl licks the ice cream cone with the tip of her tongue.", "segments": [[0, 29.37], [11.02, 22.76], [27.02, 28.35]], "duration": 29.37, "id": 9006}, {"image_id": "v_YtPZMBePf5c.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen swirling a stick around a pot while a young boy on the side watches him work. The man teases the boy with a cone and lets the boy have it, only to be taken away again. The man then puts ice cream on the cone and smiles at the boy while he walks away and other's watch.", "segments": [[0, 11.26], [11.64, 28.72], [27.97, 37.55]], "duration": 37.55, "id": 9007}, {"image_id": "v_exhsUZg_xQA.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a track in a roofed gym and runs to make big jumps in front of judges.people are in terraces watching the boy. man claps after the man make the jumps.", "segments": [[0, 14.05], [6.95, 14.05], [12.43, 14.05]], "duration": 14.05, "id": 9008}, {"image_id": "v_4-_ZQGwppfI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen looking beyond the camera and showing the back of her head. She holds up various products and rubs them through her hair. She then pits up her hair while hairspraying it and feeling the texture afterwards. She finishes pinning up her hair and looking back at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 35.85], [36.97, 62.73], [63.85, 155.71], [151.23, 224.05]], "duration": 224.05, "id": 9009}, {"image_id": "v_IQvSj-3BGPo.mp4", "caption": "A man and a dog are standing in the middle of the field playing while he is holding a group of Frisbees. The man then throws all of the frisbees and the dog runs after them several times and catches them.In the middle of the routine,he grabs several frisbees and gives them to the dog one by one as he kneels down in front of him. Several tricks are done,and then the dog appears jump roping in the field,they go back to their regular routines and the owner picks up the dog and waves to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 35.71], [35.71, 75.49], [75.49, 133.64], [134.66, 204.03]], "duration": 204.03, "id": 9010}, {"image_id": "v_qmar8pDP5co.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with two sumo wrestlers on a sumo stage. There is a large crowd spectating, and a man in the center of the ring acting as referee. The two sumo wrestlers throw a white powder into the ring. The squat and clap their hands together, while a group of men hold flags and walk around the ring. Two other men hold brooms as sweep up some of the powder. The two sumo wrestlers walk out of the ring and again throw more powder. They collide into one another and back away. They again collide into each other and begin wrestling. The man in black sumo shorts throws the other man out of the ring. They bow and the loser exits the ring.", "segments": [[0, 166.37], [0, 176.05], [31.69, 36.97], [35.21, 51.06], [39.61, 83.63], [87.15, 104.75], [116.2, 124.12], [131.16, 146.12], [143.48, 150.53], [154.05, 176.05]], "duration": 176.05, "id": 9011}, {"image_id": "v_b1D6v3kZrHM.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the video are shown. A man stands with a bow and arrow. A man shots an arrow from bow. The credit of the clip is shown. A guy talks with his mouth and hand. An extended hand holding a pen is shown on a split screen. Several arrows hit the target. An arrow goes through the hole of a donut. An arrow cuts the string holding an apple. An arrow goes through the hole of a CD. Credit of the clip is presented. A guy talks while gesturing. Credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 2.43], [3.24, 27.53], [27.53, 144.95], [83.41, 84.22], [84.22, 93.13], [101.23, 104.46], [121.47, 122.28], [131.19, 132.81], [134.43, 138.48], [140.1, 144.95], [144.95, 145.76], [146.57, 158.72], [161.15, 161.96]], "duration": 161.96, "id": 9012}, {"image_id": "v_QRdQ8KIVf40.mp4", "caption": "Two men play billiards while taking turns to hit the ball with a stick, while a man plays billiards alone on back. A man and a child walk in a living room on back the table pool. A woman walks with a stick next to the men.", "segments": [[0, 195.58], [85.08, 108.55], [130.06, 136.91]], "duration": 195.58, "id": 9013}, {"image_id": "v_sDdgFSFaAdY.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about furniture repair. A woman is shown on the screen with gloves on and a cloth in her hand rubbing cream on a leather ottoman to repair the wear and tear. The video ends with the graphics for the closing credits at the end.", "segments": [[0, 25.14], [25.14, 163.39], [163.39, 167.58]], "duration": 167.57999999999998, "id": 9014}, {"image_id": "v_sHx5UcQQ1kU.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is shown speaking to the camera and eventually shows his hands moving objects. He places the objects together and begins shaving the sides with a sharp knife. He continues sharpening the object and shows the knife running across his bare skin.", "segments": [[0, 40.44], [39.46, 95.68], [97.65, 197.28]], "duration": 197.28, "id": 9015}, {"image_id": "v_R_EnlXwBvtA.mp4", "caption": "Two men in basketball shorts are playing racketball. They hit the ball back and forth against the wall. The men continue to serve and then hit and return each other's serves. They take a short break after one man scores. They continue to play and serve.", "segments": [[0, 185.95], [15.03, 174.68], [23.48, 48.84], [61.04, 95.79], [61.04, 185.95]], "duration": 187.83, "id": 9016}, {"image_id": "v_iqe_HmjojQ8.mp4", "caption": "A kickball player kicks the ball at home plate in a large arena. The player runs past the first base. The player then comes back to the first base and puts his foot on it.", "segments": [[0, 1.76], [1.89, 5.54], [5.58, 8.59]], "duration": 8.59, "id": 9017}, {"image_id": "v_y-7ZKlq2UFw.mp4", "caption": "There's a guitarist in a green shirt demonstrating how to play an acoustic guitar. Various types of guitars made from a variety of wood are shown. The guitarist is strumming the guitar with his pick as he plays his music. There are images of the guitar store and the kinds of guitars sold scrolling through the bottom of the screen. The guitarist continues playing his guitar.", "segments": [[18.46, 45.04], [45.04, 78.26], [78.26, 102.62], [102.62, 128.46], [128.46, 140.27]], "duration": 147.66, "id": 9018}, {"image_id": "v_ndET50Ccnr8.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen swimming around a pool throwing a ball around while several people watch on the sides. The people continue throwing the ball around to one another while the camera captures the game going on.", "segments": [[0, 82.49], [43.17, 154.18]], "duration": 154.18, "id": 9019}, {"image_id": "v_KVmuW9kwZV4.mp4", "caption": "A man at his dish washing job has a very unique way to do his dishes at a very fast speed. He throws all the plates one by one very fast. They all land into the sink on top of each other after he wipes them down, some of them fall out a bit. The he pushes them all down into the water.", "segments": [[0, 2], [2, 5.05], [5.49, 8.04], [8.42, 12.35]], "duration": 12.47, "id": 9020}, {"image_id": "v_nr34x_-K5c0.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is swimming around on a paddle board while another man gets behind and assists him. He then flips the man forward and the man demonstrates how to flip yourself back over. They do this several more times to become more comfortable with the move.", "segments": [[0, 147.6], [12.36, 30.14], [29.37, 149.14]], "duration": 154.55, "id": 9021}, {"image_id": "v_xSiT1pgUEm8.mp4", "caption": "There are six to eight people sailing down a turbulent water stream in a raft. They are all dressed in red gears and yellow helmets. They use the oars to sail themselves down the rapids. They are trying hard to stay afloat in the turbulent water as the boat gets bumpy sailing through the rapids. As they sail through they come across another group of rafters in the same rapids. They continue their journey through the rough water of the rapids.", "segments": [[15.19, 63.11], [63.11, 115.71], [115.71, 156.62], [156.62, 176.49], [176.49, 210.38], [210.38, 222.07]], "duration": 233.76, "id": 9022}, {"image_id": "v_CKWWRS9CpTY.mp4", "caption": "A group of runners are running in a marathon. A man high fives a woman in a crowd. The crowd around them cheers. A woman in white hat starts walking strangely. Another woman in a white hat falls to the ground. The other woman in the hat also falls. They both try to get up but they keep falling down. One of the women starts to crawl to the finish line. The other woman follows her. A man lifts one of the women and hugs her.", "segments": [[0, 49.63], [1.71, 2.99], [0, 85.57], [37.65, 42.36], [41.93, 42.78], [43.21, 44.49], [44.92, 56.47], [56.9, 79.15], [58.18, 79.58], [80, 85.57]], "duration": 85.57, "id": 9023}, {"image_id": "v_W3a7BIqWov4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen laying down on a bowling alley on the floor. The man then begins break dancing on the floor. The man kics a ball down a lane and people celebrate.", "segments": [[0.51, 11.24], [8.18, 22.14], [19.59, 33.55]], "duration": 34.06, "id": 9024}, {"image_id": "v_qCy-68g0oXw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a ping pong table and throws a ball off into the distance. A man takes a drink and leads into the two playing more beer pong. The men throw the ball back and fourth to one another while smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 34.43], [33.89, 76.94], [71.02, 106.53]], "duration": 107.6, "id": 9025}, {"image_id": "v_metrvLaYO1w.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a colorful mat. A woman does a karate move. A child standing behind her raises his hand.", "segments": [[0, 27.19], [6.8, 13.87], [16.45, 21.62]], "duration": 27.19, "id": 9026}, {"image_id": "v_d40Tv56RrnA.mp4", "caption": "The camera man captures a view of a thatched roof house. A young girl in a black blouse and a girl in a white tank top stand in a thatched roof house watching two woman washing clothes Filipino style. A girl in a pink blouse and a girl in a white t-shirt wash clothes in large tubs just outside the thatched roof house. The camera man pans the front of the washing area while the girl in the white t-shirt rinses the clothes.", "segments": [[0, 9.46], [9.46, 14.14], [13.95, 15.67], [15.67, 19.11]], "duration": 19.11, "id": 9027}, {"image_id": "v__ajGnJjNUX0.mp4", "caption": "An ad for Floorworks appears on the screen. A guest room is shown, displaying the dirty carpets. Men are shown replacing and repairing the floors with wooden slats that don't need glue to install. Final photos are shown of the new hardwood floors in the guest room.", "segments": [[0, 7.87], [8.47, 36.91], [38.12, 88.35], [93.19, 121.02]], "duration": 121.02, "id": 9028}, {"image_id": "v_yVQBdK8VQ_I.mp4", "caption": "A girl stands at a kitchen sink and demonstrates rinsing her mouth out with Crest whitening mouthwash. A girl stands by a sink talking and using had gestures. The girl then picks up a bottle of Crest whiting mouth wash and rinses her mouth for 60 seconds. The woman then spits the rinse out in the sink, and proceeds to talk to the camera again.", "segments": [[0, 150.52], [0, 50.43], [50.43, 121.48], [126.83, 145.93]], "duration": 152.81, "id": 9029}, {"image_id": "v_He7CDkVm_aE.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands with a child that is seated next to a counter. The woman applies a dry powder to the back of the girls hair and brushes in through. The woman get s a blow dryer and uses it while she brushes the girls hair to straighten it.", "segments": [[3.95, 35.56], [38.52, 56.3], [57.29, 197.56]], "duration": 197.56, "id": 9030}, {"image_id": "v_tbKBKWCh6rs.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in front of a mirror spreading cream on his face.man is kneeling and wash her face. the man grabs a green towel and wipe his face.", "segments": [[0, 22.5], [22.3, 34.98], [34.98, 40.91]], "duration": 40.91, "id": 9031}, {"image_id": "v_iEWe6IYVIuk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is adjusting her exercise machine. She adjusts the knobs and pushes the seat up. She then sits down on the seat and places her feet in the pedals. She begins to pedal slow then fast.", "segments": [[0, 49.35], [7.85, 11.64], [10.88, 29.11], [18.73, 49.35]], "duration": 50.62, "id": 9032}, {"image_id": "v_Db6sq4DjW7E.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A coach instructs players in a basketball court. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 4.95], [5.17, 36.4], [36.61, 43.07]], "duration": 43.07, "id": 9033}, {"image_id": "v_aKfUE-KeYWw.mp4", "caption": "This man is shown mowing the lawn while a big greyhound walks behind him. There is also another small dog in the yard who's just sitting down in one spot.", "segments": [[0, 34.69], [0, 42.05]], "duration": 42.05, "id": 9034}, {"image_id": "v_66-sCRx4QRI.mp4", "caption": "A man drives to the ocean and surfs on a surfboard, riding waves, before leaving the beach with his surfboard. A man gets in his truck, puts his surfboard in the back of his truck and drives. The man arrives at the beach, changes into a wets suit and begins to surf on a surfboard in the ocean, riding waves. The man then leaves the beach, in his wetsuit, with his surfboard under his arm.", "segments": [[4.28, 190.33], [4.28, 25.66], [26.73, 180.71], [180.71, 191.4]], "duration": 213.86, "id": 9035}, {"image_id": "v_AIZWoAbhUTY.mp4", "caption": "a man is crouched next to a girl on the beach. They are putting sand into a pile. They are trying to build a sand castle.", "segments": [[0, 22.51], [32.6, 90.03], [93.14, 155.23]], "duration": 155.23, "id": 9036}, {"image_id": "v_KOFXi1RYx_g.mp4", "caption": "An audience is sitting in the stands watching a game on the field. These riders get on their horses and start trying to score for their team. Someone makes it and one of the groups in the audience clap. When the game is over the riders all shake each others hands.", "segments": [[0, 15.83], [15.04, 36.41], [36.81, 64.51], [64.51, 79.16]], "duration": 79.16, "id": 9037}, {"image_id": "v_K_AFdv3PKp0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen using a large sander against a wall moving the machinery all along the wall. The man continues sanding the wall and ends with him keeping it steady.", "segments": [[0, 78.53], [10.99, 78.53]], "duration": 78.53, "id": 9038}, {"image_id": "v_IJ2m8Bi3LVE.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of a person close up wearing making and laughing at the camera. Various objects are then shown closely to the camera and the person pours liquid into a contact case. He then mixes the liquids with the contacts and puts them slowly into his eye while looking at the camera. He then takes his hands and pops out the contacts.", "segments": [[0, 43.12], [37.1, 98.27], [82.23, 161.44], [162.45, 200.55]], "duration": 200.55, "id": 9039}, {"image_id": "v_3CImIarFM30.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands are seen playing in dirt while moving their hands all around the soil. The person continues to play around in the soil while the camera watches their hand movements.", "segments": [[0.1, 5.82], [2.81, 9.3]], "duration": 10.22, "id": 9040}, {"image_id": "v_F_sbhegCsyg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are gathered at an outdoor park. They are dressed up, and they get into a raft. They white water raft down a river together.", "segments": [[26.21, 51.98], [26.21, 59.54], [59.98, 88.86]], "duration": 88.86, "id": 9041}, {"image_id": "v_mzxp9dHn0Rs.mp4", "caption": "People are playing soccer in an indoor arena. A man is sitting in front of a goal blocking balls. People are in the stands watching the game.", "segments": [[0, 206.9], [24.21, 69.33], [190.39, 203.59]], "duration": 220.1, "id": 9042}, {"image_id": "v_1KVxpHAC08g.mp4", "caption": "A young boy and girl sit next to each other. They are fed ice cream. The girl tries to eat the boys ice cream. The girl laughs at the end.", "segments": [[0, 137.21], [10.29, 137.21], [31.56, 43.22], [131.03, 137.21]], "duration": 137.21, "id": 9043}, {"image_id": "v_i9Yxt2k2aWg.mp4", "caption": "Someone is sleeping on a white couch. They get up and do crunches on the floor. They stand up and walk out the door.", "segments": [[0, 12.76], [15.24, 23.92], [23.39, 35.43]], "duration": 35.43, "id": 9044}, {"image_id": "v_cNvTm72aGcM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is on stage in front of a band. She is a belly dancer, and gyrates and shakes to the music. She dances slowly, dropping to the ground as she finishes.", "segments": [[0, 17.57], [19.52, 165.95], [170.83, 195.23]], "duration": 195.23, "id": 9045}, {"image_id": "v_dF2p3CMDe_g.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing no shirt plays a hand drum. A solo man spins his body around on his hands and does cartwheels. Two men do a practice karate routine and dodge kicks from the other opponent. The men both do hand stands then come together and touch hands. The man does jumping flips by himself. The two men do jumping kicks while they spar in a karate dance. The man stands on his hands and bends backwards to a horizontal position.", "segments": [[4.41, 5.88], [8.08, 22.77], [31.58, 67.57], [68.3, 83.73], [85.2, 95.48], [96.95, 121.92], [124.12, 144.69]], "duration": 146.89, "id": 9046}, {"image_id": "v__LmtW0w6ad4.mp4", "caption": "A man displays martial arts moves in a movie clip that shows the man fighting different people in several different locations in a city backdrop. A man is escorted into a room and left alone until he is attacked, violently, by a man who appears suddenly in the room with him, the two fight. The man is then shown in several other locations fighting with different men using martial arts skills until the clip fades to a marketing invitation to subscribe.", "segments": [[1.44, 110.66], [9.34, 33.77], [42.39, 139.4]], "duration": 143.71, "id": 9047}, {"image_id": "v_wJV-kQRmaGc.mp4", "caption": "A black banner overlay with the word POWERCHALK written in white and green is across the banner. When the banner overlay goes away a man jumps to the end of a diving board and then does a forward front flip and flips 5 times before he dives straight into the water in the pool. There are a lot of spectators standing on the sidelines.", "segments": [[0, 2.41], [2.41, 23.98], [0, 24.1]], "duration": 24.1, "id": 9048}, {"image_id": "v_SEebwJMNMQs.mp4", "caption": "A violinist is playing the violin in a music room.She adjusts the violin under her chin as she reads the music. At the end of her song she removes the violin and smiles.", "segments": [[32.07, 98.59], [32.07, 237.56], [32.07, 54.64]], "duration": 237.56, "id": 9049}, {"image_id": "v_p4Bm_NB_QoI.mp4", "caption": "A small group of girls are first seen walking out on a gymnasium floor with several people watching on the sidelines. The girls then perform a routine using batons while spinning and twirling. They make an ending pose while the audience claps and run off to the side.", "segments": [[0, 21.31], [23.17, 149.2], [150.13, 185.34]], "duration": 185.34, "id": 9050}, {"image_id": "v_hDpYoAAFwOA.mp4", "caption": "A man performs stunts on the back of a motorcycle, falls off, and injures himself at which point he falls to the ground and looks hurt. A man is hanging off of a moving bicycle on a down ramp. The man falls off of the bike and onto the ground with torn clothes. The camera pans the man's damaged clothes and helmet and his befallen face as he lays on the ground injured.", "segments": [[2.87, 47.07], [9.08, 19.83], [23.89, 33.45], [29.87, 45.88]], "duration": 47.79, "id": 9051}, {"image_id": "v_ADbpTpH4U7s.mp4", "caption": "Various ingredients are shown laid out on a table and leads into a person putting items into a bowl. The person is then seen cutting up fruit and laying it into a bowl. She pours more liquid in and presents it to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.89], [34.92, 73.95], [60.59, 101.16]], "duration": 102.7, "id": 9052}, {"image_id": "v_uoy7NjeESZc.mp4", "caption": "A group of bikers stand on the start line. Suddenly all the bikes fall from a stage. The scene of the fall of the bikers is repeated several times.", "segments": [[10.66, 15.74], [15.74, 18.78], [23.86, 95.93]], "duration": 101.52000000000001, "id": 9053}, {"image_id": "v_bzZMUbtgZho.mp4", "caption": "A man is surf boarding in the ocean on a blue surf board. The water looks greenish blue as the surfer surfs through big waves. The man is surfing near a beach by some hotels. The surfer continues to surf through tall waves without falling off.", "segments": [[28.36, 79.59], [79.59, 126.25], [126.25, 169.25], [169.25, 182.97]], "duration": 182.97, "id": 9054}, {"image_id": "v_Eo3PUIfZSJU.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast performs on the vault on front a crowd, she flips and falls from the vault. Then, the gymnast jumps, flips but staggers during her performance. The gymnast performs backward flips, then she continues with her routine. Next, the gymnast jumps and does a double flip and land stands on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 24.79], [24.79, 53.63], [53.63, 76.91], [76.91, 101.19]], "duration": 101.19, "id": 9055}, {"image_id": "v_scBelfrnHoI.mp4", "caption": "A man runs and jumps in various public locations with springs on his legs while spectators watch. A cameraman films the man while lying on the ground. The man with springs jumps over another man.", "segments": [[0, 163.79], [101.27, 115.35], [151.46, 152.34]], "duration": 176.11, "id": 9056}, {"image_id": "v_Zev1KxIua7o.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing in a large field holding instruments. One man leads in front as the group walks away and begins playing as a band. The group continues playing together and ends by walking away.", "segments": [[0, 50.57], [52.26, 123.06], [126.43, 164.36]], "duration": 168.57999999999998, "id": 9057}, {"image_id": "v_uICwWvS_AOo.mp4", "caption": "Four men ride in a convertible car and drive along a desert highway. Two friends ride down an escalator. The friends stand at a card table in a casino and play hands. The man makes a large bet and sits down to play a few hands at the table. The man accumulates a large number of chips. The man's friends win a hand and the couple celebrates. The man is tracked by security personnel and cameras. The woman falls back if her chair to the ground and the men help her up. The friend playing is gone and the chair is empty.", "segments": [[0, 10.5], [15.27, 26.72], [28.63, 55.35], [56.31, 113.57], [114.52, 119.29], [123.11, 134.56], [137.43, 155.56], [155.56, 184.19], [186.1, 190.87]], "duration": 190.87, "id": 9058}, {"image_id": "v_Hv3We5wjaJE.mp4", "caption": "A couple are in the flowing water of a river. They are sitting next to several buckets. They scrub clothing against the rocks, trying to clean them.", "segments": [[0, 17.02], [22.06, 85.72], [92.03, 126.06]], "duration": 126.06, "id": 9059}, {"image_id": "v_GySHt3Z6Lt4.mp4", "caption": "A person light wood to make fire. Then, a man blow the fire, while the person puts sticks on the nascent fire. After, the fire starts to growth bigger and bigger while the men put sticks on top.", "segments": [[0, 7.28], [7.28, 110.05], [110.05, 181.91]], "duration": 181.91, "id": 9060}, {"image_id": "v_b5GrYqt5tRQ.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are holding maracas in the their hands and playing to some Reggae music. One of the men begins singing in the microphone. The rest of the men join him in singing the chorus. They play the maracas as they sing the song. The men also dance as they sing and play the maracas The lead singer sings solo for some time while the others play their maracas. Then all the men join him in singing the song while playing their maracas.", "segments": [[7.38, 20.51], [20.51, 47.59], [47.59, 71.38], [71.38, 112.41], [112.41, 163.28], [163.28, 164.1]], "duration": 164.1, "id": 9061}, {"image_id": "v_ShiBZnuxlmc.mp4", "caption": "A blond athletic girl with a serious face has her hands all chalked up and is standing next to a wooden balance beam, dressed in a black and white decorated bodysuit, and the banner on the bottom of the screen say's her name is SHAWN JOHNSON 1ST PLACE AFTER 2ND ROTATION.The girl rubs her hands together a few times, the audience claps, she smiles and raises her two arms in the air, smiles, turns to the horse and runs and jumps until she lands on the balance beam.The girl immediately begins her routine and it includes a lot of flips, walking, twirls, hand movements, spins and etcetera. The girl goes to the furthest end of the balance beam, stares at the other end, quickly flips on the balance beam, and then flips off of the balance beam a few times, lands on her feet, raises her two arms in the air and the crowd cheers.", "segments": [[0, 2.27], [2.27, 23.26], [23.26, 103.26], [103.26, 113.48]], "duration": 113.47999999999999, "id": 9062}, {"image_id": "v_BCC6fxrmA9M.mp4", "caption": "Three men are interviewed, one of whom plays the piano and sings for the interviewer and his camera crew in a narrow hallway. Four men are in a room, three of whom are being interviewed by the fourth man who has blonde hair, is wearing glasses, and has a camera crew with him. The interviewer leads one of the men into the hallway to a piano, where the man has a seat. The man begins to play and sing as the camera crew, interviewer and onlookers watch, before the man ends the song, gets up and walks away.", "segments": [[4.11, 98.19], [4.11, 10.8], [12.34, 16.96], [16.96, 100.25]], "duration": 102.82, "id": 9063}, {"image_id": "v_-DphPPTybSY.mp4", "caption": "We see men in a room playing pool in a tournament. The man in the blue shirt approaches to shoot. The man walks away to exchange his pool stick. The man in blue makes his shot. The man then takes another shot. The man takes his third shot. The man makes his fourth shot. The man makes his final shot.", "segments": [[0, 158.38], [13.46, 16.63], [22.97, 29.3], [57.81, 72.86], [86.32, 98.2], [106.91, 121.16], [129.08, 134.63], [149.67, 158.38]], "duration": 158.38, "id": 9064}, {"image_id": "v_UkZiyYfO57g.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman speaking to the camera while several skiiers ride around her. The camera follows the girl riding down a snowy hill as well as riding up ski lifts and speaking again to the camera. Several more shots of her skiing are shown and ends with her waving to the camera and various pictures of skiers.", "segments": [[0, 28.86], [28.01, 100.17], [104.42, 169.79]], "duration": 169.79, "id": 9065}, {"image_id": "v_Cu8lmHiXkUU.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen playing a game of ping pong with one another. They hit the ball back and fourth across the table while people watch on the sides. The boys continue to play back and fourth while switching places and looking to the camera.", "segments": [[3.58, 127.85], [25.93, 159.14], [109.97, 176.12]], "duration": 178.81, "id": 9066}, {"image_id": "v_9SiYS0SEKTw.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing behind a bike speaking to the camera and showing close ups of the bike. The person continues speaking while showing off his gear and leads into him adjusting settings on his bike.", "segments": [[4.01, 97.14], [65.1, 197.29]], "duration": 200.3, "id": 9067}, {"image_id": "v_YMSMASHyl2Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in a black top is talking about American Grooming services for pets. She demonstrates all the various grooming services that her company provides for pets. There are several groomers working on dogs as they trim and shear pet hair and clip their nails. The groomers talk about where they have graduated from and how they got hired for the job. The video shows how different dogs are groomed by professional groomers that provide quality services.", "segments": [[15.44, 47.86], [47.86, 77.19], [77.19, 110.39], [110.39, 135.86], [135.86, 148.21]], "duration": 154.39, "id": 9068}, {"image_id": "v_s_H9cTp2tT8.mp4", "caption": "Various shots of people walking around a snowy mountain are shown followed by person playing games on horses. Many upscale people are seen watching on the sidelines as the horse game carries on and a winner is chosen. The people then arrive late at night dressed up and posing for pictures.", "segments": [[0, 10.05], [10.05, 40.5], [40.83, 64.81]], "duration": 64.81, "id": 9069}, {"image_id": "v_uDs0wOnwaAM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are all seen playing various matches of ping pong with one another down a line of tables.The people continuing hitting the ball back and fourth while the camera captures them from various angles and a close up of a young boy in the end.", "segments": [[0, 175.8], [63.93, 213.09]], "duration": 213.09, "id": 9070}, {"image_id": "v_v-xUwDARVb4.mp4", "caption": "A band is seen performing on stage while the camera pans around and captures them from several angles. The singer interacts with the band and continues playing while the audience cheers.", "segments": [[5.55, 102.32], [59.49, 156.26]], "duration": 158.64, "id": 9071}, {"image_id": "v_ZPLbrQ391jg.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several shots of a bike track as well as people moving along the track to race. The camera continues to capture the people riding around the track in slow motion with one person falling and several watching on the sides. The people then ride through the finish line an throw their arms up into the air.", "segments": [[1.87, 72.05], [40.23, 154.38], [153.45, 187.13]], "duration": 187.13, "id": 9072}, {"image_id": "v_b1s0BdtlFZs.mp4", "caption": "A man sits on a toilet with her leg up. A person holding a camera walks into the bathroom. The man rubs shaving cream on their legs.He begins to shave his leg in the sink.", "segments": [[0, 112.8], [4.51, 7.9], [18.61, 45.69], [46.25, 112.8]], "duration": 112.8, "id": 9073}, {"image_id": "v_FA4BDINxLmE.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a person walking on a rope is shown followed by and old man speaking to the camera and more shots of the person walking.More people are being interviewed while people walk behind them and show several more shots of people walking across a rope.", "segments": [[0, 74.85], [52.39, 166.33]], "duration": 166.32999999999998, "id": 9074}, {"image_id": "v_Yf49q7bGpkk.mp4", "caption": "A bull in a ring starts chasing two men. Several others run onto the ring, and the bull flips as they grab his horns and tail. They open the gate, but fail to get the bull back inside as he charges them.", "segments": [[0, 18.8], [21.62, 118.46], [130.69, 188.04]], "duration": 188.04, "id": 9075}, {"image_id": "v_V9nOM1VWdnc.mp4", "caption": "A person shows and explains a lemon squeezer and shows the part were the lemon goes. Then, the person points to two jugs on a table. Next, the person puts ice in a cup, and then squeeze a lemon using the lemon squeezer, add syrup and water from jugs. Then, the person put a cover on the cup and shake the mix.", "segments": [[0, 56.81], [56.81, 68.17], [68.8, 112.36], [112.36, 122.46]], "duration": 126.25, "id": 9076}, {"image_id": "v_cxxiokwoVgg.mp4", "caption": "People in a home get ready to go sled on the street covered with snow. Two young men sled on the road pulled by a car. Splashes of snow falls on the young men who are covered with snow. A young man stands from the sled and enters the car and other person takes his place on the sled. A young men goes down the road sledding while snow splay on them. A young person snowboards holding a rope attached to a car, at the end he falls.", "segments": [[1, 17.95], [18.94, 58.83], [59.82, 90.73], [92.73, 104.69], [104.69, 171.5], [172.49, 199.41]], "duration": 199.41, "id": 9077}, {"image_id": "v_KUorCsuIe2A.mp4", "caption": "We see a boy in a cap in a room laughing and sitting. We see the boy backstage talking to two men. The boy walks on the stage and talks to the judges. The boy performs a break dance. A judges mouth hangs open. The boy finises dancing and the judges give their feedback. The crowd lifts their arms in the air. The boy walks off stage and is interviewed. The boy walks away from the men.", "segments": [[0, 13.76], [23.58, 37.34], [39.3, 62.88], [64.85, 168.99], [77.62, 79.58], [112.01, 168.01], [161.13, 165.06], [168.99, 186.68], [190.61, 196.5]], "duration": 196.5, "id": 9078}, {"image_id": "v_N3xWCui6fNY.mp4", "caption": "A young girl plays an accordian. The girl turns her head to the right. The girl's playing slows.", "segments": [[0, 50.16], [29.09, 30.34], [40.38, 50.16]], "duration": 50.16, "id": 9079}, {"image_id": "v_XFySa1Gc-yM.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen curling her hair while speaking to the camera and leads into her speaking in front of judges. The judges critique her and she runs away happy and skipping out of the building.", "segments": [[0, 37.98], [37.98, 79.13]], "duration": 79.13, "id": 9080}, {"image_id": "v_SjwFCog0amE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are sitting, with their shoes in view. A man picks up a shoe and puts it on his foot. He then applies the other shoe, then ties the laces.", "segments": [[0, 7.09], [8.19, 23.74], [28.1, 54.57]], "duration": 54.57, "id": 9081}, {"image_id": "v_3tRTl23mhVQ.mp4", "caption": "man is chewing gum sitting on the grades. man is standing on ractrack holding a large pole and running to do a javelin throw. people is going down the stairs.", "segments": [[0, 7.05], [7.05, 67.18], [7.05, 22.5]], "duration": 67.18, "id": 9082}, {"image_id": "v_UrPn5-8yNgA.mp4", "caption": "A person is shaving their legs. A polished hand gestures at the person shaving. The person lows their head to see under their leg.", "segments": [[0, 191.15], [5.73, 21.03], [178.72, 191.15]], "duration": 191.15, "id": 9083}, {"image_id": "v_lidR3AK0ZzQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen bending down in front of a large set of weights and begins lifting it to her shoulders. She then bends down and puts the weights back down to her feet.", "segments": [[0, 11.92], [11.29, 17.79]], "duration": 17.79, "id": 9084}, {"image_id": "v_sVeC5VlDsjk.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures are shown of a beach and landscapes as well as people walking on the beach. Several clips are then shown of people riding along the water and surfing the waves. More shots are shown of people surfing in the water.", "segments": [[0.87, 44.43], [33.11, 125.45], [83.64, 166.4]], "duration": 174.24, "id": 9085}, {"image_id": "v_s2cXljpR-xk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to a woman outside that leads into a game of rock paper scissors. The girls slaps the man and he continues to play the game with several other girls on the street in various locations. When the man wins the girls kiss him on the cheek.", "segments": [[0, 40.02], [40.89, 140.06], [140.06, 173.99]], "duration": 173.99, "id": 9086}, {"image_id": "v_jjuitTS2cuM.mp4", "caption": "A little toddler is walking down the street holding her dog leash. The dog is walking ahead of her not pulling her, he is very gentle. The dog stops to sniff around and then begins walking again. The little girl trying to follow closely behind him.", "segments": [[0, 6.13], [6.31, 11.36], [11.18, 22], [22, 36.06]], "duration": 36.06, "id": 9087}, {"image_id": "v_M-bUoaIqtDk.mp4", "caption": "We see a person kitesufing in the sea. The person passes us and turns around. The person stops before taking off again.", "segments": [[0, 29.7], [8.91, 14.55], [15.44, 29.7]], "duration": 29.7, "id": 9088}, {"image_id": "v_YKLZAgdkFrk.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen speaking to the camera on the floor. Another woman is seen sitting on a swingset looking to the camera. The woman swings back and fourth while looking down at her hand.", "segments": [[0, 0.2], [0.61, 6.71], [6.51, 13.56]], "duration": 13.56, "id": 9089}, {"image_id": "v_PKLLNgcEuRI.mp4", "caption": "This man is wearing a blue t-shirt and white shorts and he is doing his gymnastic routine. Then he gets off and walks away to go somewhere else. There is also another man there with him who's walking around and he's wearing a green shirt.", "segments": [[0.04, 8.21], [8.16, 8.21], [7.42, 8.21]], "duration": 8.73, "id": 9090}, {"image_id": "v_Q684UQhx7yI.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a bull in a gate. The bull is released and a man on a horse chases after it. The man jumps off the horse and ties the bull up. The man stands up and walks back to his horse.", "segments": [[0, 12.51], [12.37, 15.27], [15.27, 20.51], [20.22, 29.1]], "duration": 29.1, "id": 9091}, {"image_id": "v_pzHDfjY-pFY.mp4", "caption": "A boy is floating in a raft as his father holds a rope attached to it. The boat floats away slowly, pulling the child as he stands in his raft. He is then pulled up toward the two men in the boat.", "segments": [[0, 52.05], [60.21, 166.36], [174.52, 204.12]], "duration": 204.12, "id": 9092}, {"image_id": "v_ir1jpnsK5p8.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Cars move on a road adjacent to a home. A person is power washing. The person is soaking up water and debris with a vacuum. A man is painting the wall, light blue. The man is painting the wall and floor of a roof, black. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 5.15], [6.62, 10.29], [11.03, 48.51], [49.25, 55.86], [74.97, 99.96], [100.7, 119.81], [141.13, 147.01]], "duration": 147.01, "id": 9093}, {"image_id": "v_aqpeiIMe47Q.mp4", "caption": "chiopped vegetables are in a bowls on top of table. the ingredients are mixed inside a bowl together with oil, pepper and mayonnaise.", "segments": [[0, 72.87], [72.87, 173.5]], "duration": 173.5, "id": 9094}, {"image_id": "v_6RdkwoTi-98.mp4", "caption": "A man performs a hammer throw in an outdoor area, caged in, surrounded by crowds of people watching. A man in a red t-shirt approaches a players circle on the ground inside of an enclosed metal fence area. The man spins a ball, attached to a rope, around and around. The man lets the ball goes and watches as it lands off screen.", "segments": [[0.07, 12.66], [0.26, 1.17], [1.63, 8.61], [8.74, 12.66]], "duration": 13.05, "id": 9095}, {"image_id": "v_BTG82umu8Ug.mp4", "caption": "A young woman is practicing on a track and field track, sprinting and high jumping over a high bar and landing on her feet while three men in the background are watching her practice. The woman jumps again, this time sprinting a little bit faster. The woman jumps again with a longer run up. Another young woman in the background is jogging by. The woman jumps again with an even longer run up and adds a small skip/hop to her initial run. A man in the background is jogging on the field while another man stands and stretches his legs. The woman doesn't clear the bar perfectly and it falls off of it's poles. The woman jumps again with an even longer run up and a more powerful skip/hop to start her run. The woman jumps again with the long run up and powerful skip at the beginning.", "segments": [[0, 1.78], [1.78, 3.82], [3.82, 6.5], [4.46, 6.5], [6.5, 12.74], [6.5, 11.21], [11.72, 12.74], [12.74, 20.63], [20.63, 25.47]], "duration": 25.47, "id": 9096}, {"image_id": "v_5g70tfGYWDk.mp4", "caption": "A couple of people are on an indoor tennis court. They lob the ball back and forth, playing a game of tennis. They continue playing, trying to win the game.", "segments": [[0, 12.14], [18.21, 46.07], [49.64, 71.43]], "duration": 71.43, "id": 9097}, {"image_id": "v_jM0l31xZj8E.mp4", "caption": "The screen is full of white bubbles and words, while a pair of hands plays the piano. The bubbles and words disappear and it is just the hands moving over the keyboard. The hands disappear and it is just the keyboard. The screen fades to black.", "segments": [[0, 13.46], [13.46, 69.84], [69.48, 71.66], [71.29, 72.75]], "duration": 72.75, "id": 9098}, {"image_id": "v__6TamBiyYWA.mp4", "caption": "A man appears before several targets on a back wall. He talks about the basics of archery. A woman is shown with an archery set. She pulls back the arrow, then shoots at her target as he talks.", "segments": [[0, 21.93], [27.61, 37.36], [39.79, 148.62], [152.68, 162.42]], "duration": 162.42000000000002, "id": 9099}, {"image_id": "v_YAjqqbSsFTg.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of colorful flowers are shown, including their identification tags. A man shows bees and different breeds, including a tree. He teaches us how to mulch a tree properly.", "segments": [[0, 19.99], [24.44, 93.3], [104.41, 148.1]], "duration": 148.1, "id": 9100}, {"image_id": "v_5wOmHw6Boj8.mp4", "caption": "A clear bottle of detergent is shown and a person begins cleaning a mug with a cloth.The person shows herself putting on the glove and goes back to washing the mug before finally showing her book on the product.", "segments": [[0, 4.55], [4.55, 39.59]], "duration": 39.59, "id": 9101}, {"image_id": "v_JQf_oSGY8q4.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman dressed in black playing billiards in front of some spectators. After she's done another lady takes her turn and hits a few shots. The second contestant aims and shoots the ball in the hole. She aims precisely and shoots the balls in the holes one by one, without missing a single shot. She continues to concentrate and shoots the balls till only one ball is left on the billiards table.", "segments": [[0, 37.68], [32.73, 185.44], [38.68, 82.31], [75.37, 143.79], [119, 198.34]], "duration": 198.34, "id": 9102}, {"image_id": "v_oTKYejnHLtE.mp4", "caption": "A magazine about saxophones is shown just before a pair of hands are shown playing a saxophone. Multiple screens begin to appear, showing the hands playing various notes on the screen. The screen goes backwards until the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 7.43], [7.71, 52], [52.86, 57.15]], "duration": 57.15, "id": 9103}, {"image_id": "v_QWFedtlPRYM.mp4", "caption": "Title screens show up on the video. A woman is holding a cloth in a kitchen. The woman begins running water in a bath tub and a sink. The woman washes a cloth in the sink. The woman lays the wet cloth on a dry one and dries it out. The woman puts the pair of pants on an ironing board. The ending credits appear.", "segments": [[0, 8.17], [8.6, 12.9], [13.33, 23.22], [28.81, 52.03], [54.18, 67.09], [69.24, 77.84], [78.27, 85.58]], "duration": 86.01, "id": 9104}, {"image_id": "v_oXKrreio9hg.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen standing ready with her arms up that leads into her running down and doing flips down a track into a pit. She puts her arms up to finish and her jumps are shown several more times in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 54.79], [49.57, 130.45]], "duration": 130.45, "id": 9105}, {"image_id": "v_P7bvD_CZH5M.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of many people standing on a surf board and pushing themselves along the water with a paddle. The people continue to paddle around the water while many people are seen sitting.", "segments": [[2.33, 131.79], [93.3, 227.43]], "duration": 233.26, "id": 9106}, {"image_id": "v_cSfs5ht9sro.mp4", "caption": "We see a person riding a ski lift. The person lifts the bar on the chair. The person hops off the lift and onto the slope. The person puts on their ski poles. The person skis swiftly down the ski slope. The person reaches the bottom of the slope and looks up. 320 The person's hand comes to the screen to turn off the camera.", "segments": [[0, 58.58], [44.19, 46.25], [58.58, 65.77], [67.83, 81.19], [65.77, 187.05], [181.91, 191.16], [201.43, 205.54]], "duration": 205.54, "id": 9107}, {"image_id": "v_8xsLp6lqijo.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on a skateboard. He picks up the skateboard and holds it in his hand. He puts the skateboard back down and continues skateboarding.", "segments": [[0, 53.44], [50.9, 96.71], [96.71, 127.25]], "duration": 127.25, "id": 9108}, {"image_id": "v_buBtMl9SUNk.mp4", "caption": "People dive in the water wearing diving suit, small and big fishes swim near the divers. The diver kneel on the sea floor waving their hands. Manta fish and a big fish swim in the water. The divers stands and continue swimming in the water.", "segments": [[4.63, 121.49], [121.49, 173.56], [174.72, 208.27], [209.43, 223.31]], "duration": 231.41, "id": 9109}, {"image_id": "v_UZBHdQZc0ZM.mp4", "caption": "men are holding snowslides from a deposit. old woman is sitting on snowslide and its going down a snowy slope. old woman is in snowslide going down snow track. a man and a woman are grabing the old lady fom the back in a slide. different people are going down slope holding snowslides with a rope. old women are sitting on woodn bench talking to the camera. old people are sitting and standing in front of a camera posing for a picture.", "segments": [[0, 6], [6, 27.32], [27.32, 43.98], [43.98, 55.3], [55.3, 63.3], [63.3, 107.27], [107.27, 133.26]], "duration": 133.26, "id": 9110}, {"image_id": "v_USaP2UCPBEc.mp4", "caption": "Text appears on the screen with a link. People in uniform march down the street. It cuts to the crowd looking on. A marchign band begins to walk down the street. Another set of uniformed people walk down the street. They stop and wave to the crowd. It goes back to the marching band. A horse and carriage walk down the street followed by the people in uniform. Two woman wave flags around. The rest of the people continue to march down the street.", "segments": [[0, 5.85], [5.85, 10.96], [10.96, 16.08], [16.08, 49.7], [48.97, 62.12], [62.12, 68.7], [68.7, 86.24], [86.24, 108.9], [109.63, 111.82], [111.82, 146.17]], "duration": 146.17000000000002, "id": 9111}, {"image_id": "v_lVe-7FnfNz8.mp4", "caption": "A girl is going across monkey bars on a playground. She gets to the end and jumps onto the ground. She puts her hands up in the air.", "segments": [[0, 12.68], [12.59, 14.49], [14.41, 17.25]], "duration": 17.25, "id": 9112}, {"image_id": "v_NNQQPZpzCOk.mp4", "caption": "Some women are on a boat attempting to figure out how to play shuffleboard. The girl makes a shuffleboard ahot and the girls all begin to celebrate. She continues to attempt make shots and act silly. She puts down the shuffleboard stick and the video ends.", "segments": [[0, 63.11], [11.99, 29.03], [29.03, 46.07], [46.07, 63.11]], "duration": 63.11, "id": 9113}, {"image_id": "v_jqLFT1c8WS8.mp4", "caption": "Videos of several men throwing the discus are shown in turn, with the men being watched by audiences and judges, and the throws replayed in slow motion after. Judges are shown evaluating the distance of the one of the throws. Judges are once again shown evaluating the distance of one of the throws.", "segments": [[0, 187.34], [38.4, 41.21], [166.73, 169.54]], "duration": 187.34, "id": 9114}, {"image_id": "v_bz9R-Xa5xqM.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt stands in a living room with a red and black accordion. The musician sitting in a chair holding a black accordion and prepares to demonstrate how to play an accordion. The man then demonstrates playing an accordian using a brown accordion.", "segments": [[0, 6.24], [6.86, 50.53], [51.78, 124.76]], "duration": 124.76, "id": 9115}, {"image_id": "v_0jeq5CeP2P0.mp4", "caption": "A kite is seen flying around the air with a person riding behind the kite on the sand. The camera continues to pan around the beach capturing the person flying a kite and him riding around and holding it.", "segments": [[2.43, 88.13], [35.06, 96.41]], "duration": 97.39, "id": 9116}, {"image_id": "v_kOIj7AgonHM.mp4", "caption": "A person with crazy hair appears and leads into her on a space ship with gravity essentially turned off. She shows off the various items carried on a space craft and puts a lotion into her hair. She combs the lotion in thoroughly and dries off her head with a towel. She points to the camera and combs through her hair one last time.", "segments": [[0, 31.94], [28.4, 82.52], [79.86, 130.44], [132.22, 177.47]], "duration": 177.47, "id": 9117}, {"image_id": "v_E6ePEI4UOtU.mp4", "caption": "A mop stands upright next to a bucket. A person absorbs all the water from a bowl using a mop. Water is poured into a large bucket. The mop in dunked in the bucket of water then spun dry in the tray. A soiled area of a hardwood floor is mopped clean. A mop is used around various furniture and appliances to get into corners of rooms.", "segments": [[1.58, 7.38], [7.91, 20.04], [23.74, 29.54], [33.76, 50.11], [54.33, 74.9], [82.81, 95.99]], "duration": 105.49000000000001, "id": 9118}, {"image_id": "v_5DBzvN5Qe_0.mp4", "caption": "A girl does flips in front of a room full of children. She uses a hula hoop to go in circles. She acts silly as she demonstrates how she can use the hula hoop.", "segments": [[0, 27.34], [29.44, 104.09], [114.6, 210.28]], "duration": 210.28, "id": 9119}, {"image_id": "v_Ay6oxBYCSnU.mp4", "caption": "Several players are on an ice rink. They are playing hockey against each other. One team scores a goal. Everyone cheers about the goal.", "segments": [[0, 39.45], [2.17, 39.45], [26.04, 39.45], [37.68, 39.45]], "duration": 39.45, "id": 9120}, {"image_id": "v_Mx-rOsiQTos.mp4", "caption": "We see a man get in riding leaf blower. We see the leaves being blown on the ground. We see a pipe on the machine. We return to seeing the leaves being blown. We see leaves blowing in the street. We see the ending title screen.", "segments": [[0, 25.2], [30.6, 78.31], [79.21, 83.71], [83.71, 136.82], [137.72, 170.12], [170.12, 180.03]], "duration": 180.03, "id": 9121}, {"image_id": "v_KYN1NR7l2zQ.mp4", "caption": "This man is shown standing in the water wearing his pool cap and his goggles are on top of his forehead. He then puts on the goggles on and shows us a couple of swimming techniques in the water and he goes back to talking.", "segments": [[0, 29.74], [18.17, 110.13]], "duration": 110.13, "id": 9122}, {"image_id": "v_m34BYRanODU.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks in a backyard wearing loose clothes. The woman exercise stepping on the mat.", "segments": [[2.28, 25.09], [25.09, 109.49]], "duration": 114.06, "id": 9123}, {"image_id": "v_2DvHUEFc5VA.mp4", "caption": "two men are sitting in front of a counter in a kitchen. men start mixing a cake. man is in the kitchen and pour some ingredients inside a cooking pot and mix them while is boiling water and put the pot on top of the boiled water. man start mixing in a kitchen aid and create a white cream.", "segments": [[0, 15.31], [15.31, 23.93], [23.93, 122.51], [122.51, 191.43]], "duration": 191.43, "id": 9124}, {"image_id": "v_6Ik0MQ53FBU.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a beach as well as several shots of cars and people riding bulls. Various people ride the bulls and sit in the cars as well as end with a game of volleyball and celebrating.", "segments": [[0, 38.18], [36.58, 80.39]], "duration": 80.39, "id": 9125}, {"image_id": "v_O_StqLLpAVI.mp4", "caption": "A bike with a deflated tire goes through the dirt. A man gets off the bike to look at it. He removes the tire from the bike. He replaces the tube of the tire and fixes the bike.", "segments": [[0, 22.04], [16.29, 46], [21.08, 54.62], [78.58, 191.66]], "duration": 191.66, "id": 9126}, {"image_id": "v_Pu85El6jhao.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red wet suit is sitting on a float talking casually. Next to hime are many other people on their own floats, just relaxing. They are floating through the river passing all the green scenery. The man in the red wet suit is leading the way.", "segments": [[0, 14.99], [14.99, 41.36], [41.36, 94.11], [94.71, 119.89]], "duration": 119.89, "id": 9127}, {"image_id": "v_iXaW8uyzBNs.mp4", "caption": "A man is riding a bike. He is talking on a cell phone in a kitchen. He is then talking on a phone near a garage. He starts painting a wooden fence. He sits down and eats food. He then finished painting the fence. He jumps in the air to celebrate.", "segments": [[0, 14.39], [29.74, 32.61], [41.25, 44.12], [79.62, 147.72], [144.84, 160.19], [162.11, 177.46], [174.58, 191.84]], "duration": 191.84, "id": 9128}, {"image_id": "v_c_NlYvL96y0.mp4", "caption": "A girl is stretching her body on a ballet bar. An instructor stands with a woman and talks about ballet. The girl dances and pans back to the instructor. The instructor talks about the tools you will need for ballet. She talks about various ballet moves to do at the barre while the dancer demonstrates.", "segments": [[0, 5.64], [5.01, 8.77], [8.77, 15.66], [20.67, 25.68], [26.93, 125.27]], "duration": 125.27, "id": 9129}, {"image_id": "v_cwCNZAsvf8U.mp4", "caption": "A females left leg and foot is in a bathtub as the lady shaves her leg.Once she is done with the front,she turns her legs to the left and right and shaves the sides in an upward motion.", "segments": [[0, 31.47], [31.12, 69.94]], "duration": 69.94, "id": 9130}, {"image_id": "v_8YTuNZ-mIaY.mp4", "caption": "A large group of men in uniform are gathered around to play some paintball. They start to run off and everyone is sneaking around trying to catch and shoot other people without getting caught. The field they are playing on is pretty cool, it has a lot of different hiding places. in the end they all take of most of their head gear and start walking back together.", "segments": [[0, 31.55], [32.68, 103.66], [103.66, 191.55], [191.55, 225.35]], "duration": 225.35, "id": 9131}, {"image_id": "v_G-xh30e4s8E.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a room in front of a flag. He is playing a black wind instrument. His fingers position over the holes. He is wearing sunglasses as he plays.", "segments": [[0, 160.04], [17.6, 160.04], [31.21, 160.04], [38.41, 160.04]], "duration": 160.05, "id": 9132}, {"image_id": "v_f2LGG2ocbu8.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen sitting around a pit with one man spinning around and throwing a ball off into the distance. People around him clap while more stand around and talk as well as watch the balls be thrown. The people grab the ball from the ground over and over again while occasionally looking over to the camera and panning back to the large crowd.", "segments": [[0, 59.24], [45.48, 170.3], [177.71, 211.56]], "duration": 211.56, "id": 9133}, {"image_id": "v_b0QGh__f7lU.mp4", "caption": "An older man is seen laughing to the camera and playing a large set of bongo drums. He continues playing along faster and faster and finishes by slapping the drum one final time.", "segments": [[0, 48.87], [46.8, 137.65]], "duration": 137.65, "id": 9134}, {"image_id": "v_aRdqcOaBvjk.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen close up riding on the back of a bike shooting a paint ball off into the distance. Several shots are shown of people riding around in cars shooting paint balls at one another. The people continue riding around on machines and jumping over obstacles.", "segments": [[0, 56.9], [52.09, 120.22], [96.17, 156.28]], "duration": 160.29, "id": 9135}, {"image_id": "v_LQAFcEvifrU.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around the inside of a car looking out showing other cars driving around. The car begins moving while looking around the sandy area and showing people inside the car. The camera leads into shots of people riding around on camels and leads into shots of people riding on the camels.", "segments": [[0, 36.95], [29.76, 112.9], [113.92, 205.27]], "duration": 205.27, "id": 9136}, {"image_id": "v_mM6F8DppWcQ.mp4", "caption": "A person skateboard down to the ramp, a woman is shown in the phone's screen and then a man. A boy rollerskate down the white railings as two other men walked up to him to give him high five. A young man in blue top roller blades in the railing and give high fives to his peers.", "segments": [[0, 19.16], [7.5, 40.81], [31.65, 166.58]], "duration": 166.57999999999998, "id": 9137}, {"image_id": "v_3w5xIOwFUXU.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing around table speaking and laughing to one another. Two men then drink out of ice containers and lead into more people drinking out of the containers. One team finishes before the other and everyone celebrates.", "segments": [[2.66, 79.92], [61.28, 131.43], [116.33, 174.95]], "duration": 177.61, "id": 9138}, {"image_id": "v_O1XzCrHZm34.mp4", "caption": "There are many women in a gym, wearing boxing gloves and athletic gear punching on hanging bags. The camera pans to show a wall and the words \"iLoveKickboxing dot com\" is on the wall along with a logo that includes a heart with wings and boxing gloves hanging from the bottom of the right wing. The room pans back to the rest of the room and continues to show many women still punching the hanging punching bags.", "segments": [[0, 34.06], [19.08, 25.21], [25.21, 34.06]], "duration": 34.05, "id": 9139}, {"image_id": "v_RgeVltfPDXQ.mp4", "caption": "Children swings a broom handle at a pinata in a backyard. The boy breaks the pinata open and candy spills on the ground. A woman runs up and adjusts the pinata. A woman runs up to get the broom stick but dodges to not get hit by the blindfolded child. The woman guides the boy up who is blindfolded toward the tree.", "segments": [[0, 186.65], [181.55, 198.89], [198.89, 203.99], [0, 7.14], [130.55, 141.77]], "duration": 203.99, "id": 9140}, {"image_id": "v_586OlQMU420.mp4", "caption": "A young blonde boy is shown in several still images, including several while skiing. He is then seen skiing down a large hill from multiple angles and videos. He lands on top of a small hill, falling over. We then see an image of him sleeping on a couch.", "segments": [[0, 26.68], [34.04, 116.84], [132.48, 163.76], [165.6, 184]], "duration": 184.0, "id": 9141}, {"image_id": "v_jhiJUgDpwFw.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is at a park and grabbing and hanging on triangles that are hanging and makes her way going forward and across 7 triangles. As soon as she reaches the end she goes back 3 triangles without turning around and then turns herself around on the 4th triangle and continues back to where she started . The young girl jumps down on the platform, smiles and waves.", "segments": [[0, 24.51], [24.51, 55.31], [55.31, 59.79]], "duration": 59.79, "id": 9142}, {"image_id": "v_QeIsJBPG8EM.mp4", "caption": "There's a young boy dressed in a black shirt and black shorts in a field playing with a hockey stick. He is hitting the ball into the goal with his stick. He swings the stick when another person throws the ball to him and aims it towards the goal.", "segments": [[2.01, 6.77], [6.77, 10.34], [10.34, 11.91]], "duration": 12.54, "id": 9143}, {"image_id": "v_ACki-MP9qdQ.mp4", "caption": "This woman is showing viewers how she makes a cheesecake shot. First she puts 3 quarters of an ounce of Baileys and the same amount of pineapple juice. Then she puts a quarter ounce of another liquid and she gets a 2 ounce shot glass and strains the drink from the ice in the shaker to put it into the glass.", "segments": [[5.29, 81.32], [5.29, 37], [41.07, 81.32]], "duration": 81.32, "id": 9144}, {"image_id": "v_l1oh52tqdPo.mp4", "caption": "A small white, medium size Christmas tree is standing in front of two green doors. A lady is carrying a bag that has a \"SNO-BOND FLOCK #1\" written on it. The lady put the sno-bond flock in a strainer and grab a water spray bottle. She started to sift the white stuff on the tree. After sifting she spray the dust towards the tree.", "segments": [[0, 33.39], [2.42, 8.82], [5.71, 21.45], [8.13, 24.74], [7.09, 28.2]], "duration": 34.6, "id": 9145}, {"image_id": "v_SHZ9fsusMGc.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a rubiks cube. He then starts to turn it. He stops and looks it over. Eventually he solves it and shows his time.", "segments": [[0, 53.65], [6.44, 15.83], [15.56, 25.22], [37.82, 53.65]], "duration": 53.65, "id": 9146}, {"image_id": "v_xfNYfCAlkM4.mp4", "caption": "A boy shows up on the screen and gets a cup of water and gargles it. He smiles and walks off the screen for a moment. He returns and continues gragling and laughing. A man comes onto the screen and invites people to subscribe to his videos.", "segments": [[0, 14.29], [14.09, 18.73], [18.92, 27.61], [27.8, 38.62]], "duration": 38.62, "id": 9147}, {"image_id": "v_IWHER8iS1B4.mp4", "caption": "woman is talking to the camera. kids are running in stage and jumping the rope. kids are siting on court watching the skipping rope competition.", "segments": [[0, 11.85], [11.85, 87.77], [0, 87.77]], "duration": 87.77, "id": 9148}, {"image_id": "v_yqFdxxWgvh8.mp4", "caption": "A woman puts ice in a glass. She dumps a bottle into the glass and adds juice. She stirs the drink and sets it down on the counter.", "segments": [[18.43, 29.02], [18.43, 70.02], [71.87, 77.4]], "duration": 92.14, "id": 9149}, {"image_id": "v_PAhJqXTzCOU.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a green cap sits in a car holding a coffee cup talking. He sets the camera on his dashboard and continues talking. He holds the coffee and takes several sips. He continues talking while holding the cup in his hand.", "segments": [[0, 220.86], [79.13, 220.86], [120.47, 220.86], [138.19, 220.86]], "duration": 236.22, "id": 9150}, {"image_id": "v_RP_PlV5Jzuc.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a horse is shown tied to a fence when a man walks in with a reef blower and pushing it towards the horses. He moves all around the animals flowing the air on their fur as the horses move around.", "segments": [[0, 13.47], [13.34, 25.66]], "duration": 25.66, "id": 9151}, {"image_id": "v_hLyHeVmMDGU.mp4", "caption": "A tether rope rises up on a bar. Athletes prepare for an event getting poles ready and chalking hands. Athletes pole vault over a high bar in a competition. Athletes and fans meet after the event talking and signing autographs. A graphic is seen of event sponsors and website on the screen with black backround.", "segments": [[4.64, 8.12], [10.44, 95.15], [54.54, 174.06], [182.19, 214.68], [228.6, 232.08]], "duration": 232.07999999999998, "id": 9152}, {"image_id": "v_QJKFphS_3UQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera holding an instrument and leads into her playing the flute. The camera continues to zoom in on her playing the instrument while she intervenes by speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 68.03], [55.6, 110.62]], "duration": 118.31, "id": 9153}, {"image_id": "v_PgS2F7NxNBg.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside of a wall with some sort of machine machine and begins talking.The man takes the hose and pressure washes the fence before caulking it.He then gets on his knees and adds spray paint to the machine and paints the wall.Finally,he goes back to the wall with his paint brush and fills in the missing spaces.", "segments": [[0, 21.02], [21.02, 66.58], [66.58, 122.65], [122.65, 175.21]], "duration": 175.21, "id": 9154}, {"image_id": "v_rYXmAD8u7N8.mp4", "caption": "Several people are talking into microphones on the stage. One of the men starts playing a violin. He gives the violin to another man who plays it. The audience starts clapping for them.", "segments": [[0, 84.23], [88.15, 103.82], [115.57, 177.28], [193.93, 194.9]], "duration": 195.88, "id": 9155}, {"image_id": "v_Y_sVqGm8AyU.mp4", "caption": "A woman gets her belly button clamped with a white clamp. She then gets her belly button pierced. The person removes the clamp and wipes it with a towel.", "segments": [[0, 77.99], [77.99, 167.67], [168.65, 176.45]], "duration": 194.97, "id": 9156}, {"image_id": "v_xJ3KAhVRr8c.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are inside a gym. They are using steppers for exercising. They jumping and climb back and forth over the steppers.", "segments": [[0, 13.76], [20.64, 76.16], [77.14, 98.27]], "duration": 98.27000000000001, "id": 9157}, {"image_id": "v_gvHcfC9snJA.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a white shirt is dancing. She holds a curling iron in her hair. She takes the curling iron out of her hair.", "segments": [[0, 6.73], [0, 4.48], [4.51, 6.73]], "duration": 6.73, "id": 9158}, {"image_id": "v_sV4vBuWGJng.mp4", "caption": "The video shows a tutorial from Howcast on how to create volume in a haircut. A lady hair dresser wearing a green shirt and pants is demonstrating a haircut on a model wearing a black tank top. She shows how to section the lady's hair and cuts the hair in a slanting manner. She explains how this technique helps in creating extra volume in the crown of the head.", "segments": [[15.74, 34.04], [34.04, 50.52], [50.52, 62.6], [62.6, 66.62]], "duration": 73.21000000000001, "id": 9159}, {"image_id": "v_vRf9sof3dwU.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera in an aggressive manner and leads into her holding up a hula hoop. The woman attempts to hula hoop several times and succeeds by using it on her neck and bending down to the camera.", "segments": [[0.63, 33.93], [27.59, 63.1]], "duration": 63.41, "id": 9160}, {"image_id": "v_Mzojo2EeWu8.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game of volleyball in the sand on the beach. People are playing drums on the beach. A woman in a yellow outfit is dancing. The team poses for a picture behind a banner.", "segments": [[0, 161.8], [122.97, 127.01], [135.91, 140.76], [160.18, 161.8]], "duration": 161.8, "id": 9161}, {"image_id": "v_OFn-c_XvIhU.mp4", "caption": "An suv full of friends drives out of a parking lot and onto a resort. A young girl who was in the car steps out of the car. The group of friends scuba dive among fishes in a large pool. They leave the pool excited and happy. One of the girls who was on the trip gives the trip a thumbs up.", "segments": [[0, 22.44], [22.89, 23.79], [24.23, 65.97], [66.87, 72.26], [74.05, 74.5]], "duration": 89.76, "id": 9162}, {"image_id": "v_3j4OdbgaoAM.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen hosting a new segment that leads into a large group of people standing and marching around a field. People are then seen riding around on horses playing a game with one another. Players speak to the camera as well as the audience and ends with a team standing all together.", "segments": [[0, 39.59], [30.01, 103.44], [88.75, 126.42]], "duration": 127.7, "id": 9163}, {"image_id": "v_k5wjc4OO1XM.mp4", "caption": "A man pours an egg into a small pan. He sets the pan onto a stove. He dumps the food out onto a plate.", "segments": [[0, 11.12], [16.68, 59.85], [59.2, 65.41]], "duration": 65.41, "id": 9164}, {"image_id": "v_3osNjmYjTGg.mp4", "caption": "A man pole vaults over a rope on a track of a sporting field. The man just barely makes his body over the rope.", "segments": [[0, 28.38], [7.8, 28.09]], "duration": 28.38, "id": 9165}, {"image_id": "v_rBGdFwbG118.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing glasses is talking in a parking lot. He walks into a car wash, where a green substance is being sprayed on the cars. The soap is then rinsed away with hoses.", "segments": [[0, 14.45], [15.3, 102.86], [107.11, 170.02]], "duration": 170.02, "id": 9166}, {"image_id": "v_E7NTSqMgx44.mp4", "caption": "A large marching band is seen walking down a street with a large group of people standing around and watching. The people continue marching and the camera ends with a credit scene.", "segments": [[0, 16.22], [7.16, 18.86]], "duration": 18.86, "id": 9167}, {"image_id": "v_uBT9n8wOKP4.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen wearing ear pieces on his head and blowing around the grass. He is holding a large machine and is seen pushing it all around the yard. He pauses for a moment to play with the grass, followed by him working more.", "segments": [[0.86, 14.48], [10.59, 33.92], [31.55, 42.78]], "duration": 43.21, "id": 9168}, {"image_id": "v_FtHP0PNqo2s.mp4", "caption": "A person is getting their legs waxed on a table. They rub some lotion onto their legs after. They show their clean waxed legs.", "segments": [[0, 138.36], [139.32, 168.9], [174.62, 179.39]], "duration": 190.85, "id": 9169}, {"image_id": "v_kk1Iqyox4c8.mp4", "caption": "A man walks up to a microphone while playing the sax. A group of baseball players wait on the field. The man continues to play the saxophone for the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 17.88], [22.46, 67.38], [76.09, 91.67]], "duration": 91.67, "id": 9170}, {"image_id": "v_kUTDgJmoRE8.mp4", "caption": "There's a young main in a white tank top and beige shorts practicing dancing with a woman wearing a gray shirt and blue shorts. They are practicing dancing in their living room with a flat screen television hanging on the wall. They are holding hands as they twirl around and dance.", "segments": [[11.28, 37.72], [37.72, 66.1], [66.1, 72.71]], "duration": 77.76, "id": 9171}, {"image_id": "v_2PBdNJcQcp4.mp4", "caption": "Women are dancing on a stage. They are swinging their hips from side to side. The dance is supposed to be sexy. They form a line as they dance. They turn their backs to the audience and dance. The lights go down. The dance is over.", "segments": [[0, 208.05], [7.62, 208.05], [50.11, 188.44], [130.71, 140.51], [187.35, 208.05], [208.05, 214.58], [214.58, 217.85]], "duration": 217.85, "id": 9172}, {"image_id": "v_Nh-RdjyfGNA.mp4", "caption": "People stand and talk at a tables. Teams of players play beach soccer. A player scores a goal with the soccer ball.", "segments": [[4.05, 7.02], [7.33, 20.89], [16.53, 20.74]], "duration": 31.19, "id": 9173}, {"image_id": "v_56McYSkE4uQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting behind a table solving a rubix cube while a timer records her. Two men are seen standing around her and write things down when the girl eventually finishes.", "segments": [[0, 44.91], [3.19, 49.09]], "duration": 49.09, "id": 9174}, {"image_id": "v_JJ0jtr07EGE.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting and driving in a bunch of bumper cards on a track. They slam and bump into each other, having fun.", "segments": [[0, 30.92], [36.61, 81.36]], "duration": 81.36, "id": 9175}, {"image_id": "v_r8qq4rU0tPE.mp4", "caption": "A large mountain covered in snow with scarce trees is visible.Someone begins skiing and then a man in an orange snow suit begins talking.The person continues skiing and then two males appear talking to one another.The person skiing then goes from the top of the mountain to the bottom and then hides behind a boulder of ice.", "segments": [[0, 13.56], [13.56, 46.11], [46.11, 124.76], [124.76, 180.81]], "duration": 180.81, "id": 9176}, {"image_id": "v_dTZZq23pYFY.mp4", "caption": "Two reporters report on a story about drinking too much coffee on a live news telecast. A dark haired woman reporter talks on camera before the camera cuts to a blonde haired reporter also talking on camera. The camera cuts to video of a coffee cup being filled with coffee while a written template explaining what the story is about appears beneath the cup. The camera then cuts to a four person news panel of people talking on camera.", "segments": [[0.46, 91.93], [4.14, 28.5], [32.63, 49.18], [57.46, 91.93]], "duration": 91.93, "id": 9177}, {"image_id": "v_9eJgsiS3xH8.mp4", "caption": "sailboat is in open sea with some people standing on it.men are siting on te sailboat and are driving it and talking to each other.", "segments": [[0, 35.72], [35.72, 105.07]], "duration": 105.07, "id": 9178}, {"image_id": "v_uHPrH22rPgU.mp4", "caption": "A guy is throwing darts across the room. The speed of the clip is quickened.", "segments": [[0, 12.12], [3.88, 12.12]], "duration": 12.12, "id": 9179}, {"image_id": "v_inbkDgHuRrY.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while it pans around the area and he climbs into a machine. He uses the machine to rip up the roof and ends with a close up of the machine.", "segments": [[0.51, 46.62], [28.18, 95.8]], "duration": 102.46000000000001, "id": 9180}, {"image_id": "v_kFmOtf_Ew1w.mp4", "caption": "Several clips are shown of people swimming in the water leading into a woman looking at the camera and still moving around under the water. The woman continues floating in the water followed by grabbing a boogie board and performing various moves around the water.", "segments": [[2.29, 130.37], [89.2, 217.28]], "duration": 228.72, "id": 9181}, {"image_id": "v_mi_zRluISrE.mp4", "caption": "A construction worker named Dave begins to show you how to grout. He starts on the wall and begins to explain what he is doing and why he is doing. Once the grout begins to dry he informs you that you should wipe it down with a sponge various times. With a finer sponge you go over it again and get it out while wet so it doesn't ruin the tile and all the work you have done.", "segments": [[0, 22.27], [22.27, 55.25], [55.25, 100.61], [100.61, 164.93]], "duration": 164.93, "id": 9182}, {"image_id": "v_7aydawW3AfE.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is sitting on a bed with her eyes closed. A woman kneels down and puts eye liner on the girl. The girl opens her eye and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 17.59], [2.45, 17.59], [17.87, 18.81]], "duration": 18.81, "id": 9183}, {"image_id": "v_tRgK4fFA8sE.mp4", "caption": "A person repairs a bike chain and installs the chain on a bike interspersed with an image of a woman talking. A woman looks into a camera and smiles while talking before the scene cuts away to a pair of hands working on a bike chain. A pair of hands work on a bike chain with tools and bolts. The hands install the chain on a blue bike on a dirt ground surface.", "segments": [[29.8, 161.1], [7.25, 29], [33.03, 103.1], [119.21, 158.68]], "duration": 161.1, "id": 9184}, {"image_id": "v_Z0GbQKiufUE.mp4", "caption": "A woman holding towels talks to the camera. The woman wipes the window behind her with a towel. The woman sprays a liquid on the window. The woman resumes wiping the window. The woman returns to talking to the camera.", "segments": [[5.96, 30.9], [30.9, 48.8], [48.8, 56.39], [56.93, 83.5], [82.96, 103.02]], "duration": 108.44, "id": 9185}, {"image_id": "v_bPw2rvCjXUE.mp4", "caption": "Two boys perform arm wrestling while people are watching, suddenly the boys free their hands. After, they continue competing, then the boy wearing purple t-shirt fold the hand of his rival. After, the continue performing arm wrestling and then free again the hands.", "segments": [[0, 73], [73, 106.41], [108.17, 175.89]], "duration": 175.89, "id": 9186}, {"image_id": "v_XyZoiuga6vw.mp4", "caption": "A man in blue stands in an auditorium. He does gymnastics on some equipment. People are watching from the stands. He spins his body about.", "segments": [[0, 49.58], [6.69, 38.42], [6.69, 47.34], [17.85, 37.68]], "duration": 49.58, "id": 9187}, {"image_id": "v_08afjR_3SwI.mp4", "caption": "Two people white water raft over a rocky, climactic, body of water in narrow canoes and with paddles. A person dressed in a red and black outfit stands in a red canoe and begins to put a piece of black equipment on. The person in the red and black outfit begins rafting in the red canoe over a tumultuous body of water filled with large rocks. The person in the red canoe approaches another canoe in the water, this one blue, the red canoe and blue canoe raft through the waters behind one another as the scene fades to black.", "segments": [[5.82, 60.91], [0.92, 6.12], [6.43, 42.85], [42.85, 61.22]], "duration": 61.22, "id": 9188}, {"image_id": "v_YMbZ7RFRuYI.mp4", "caption": "People compete bike-cross on a bumpy road. A person sprays water on the bumpy road where the bikers pass. A group of bikers leave the start line to start the motocross competition, while other group start to run bike-cross. A person wearing white top take pictures to the bikers. New groups of bikers start to run on the bumpy road to compete bike-cross.", "segments": [[0.9, 103.21], [23.33, 24.23], [104.1, 165.13], [76.28, 85.26], [166.03, 176.8]], "duration": 179.49, "id": 9189}, {"image_id": "v_S9QG5MAga68.mp4", "caption": "An ad for Vidal Sassoon appears. We then see their curling iron and hot roller set. A demonstration is shown for how to set and use the hot rollers and iron on a woman's hair. Her hair is shown in pretty curls all around her head.", "segments": [[0, 5.39], [7.18, 11.37], [17.36, 87.98], [92.17, 119.7]], "duration": 119.7, "id": 9190}, {"image_id": "v_U-N92yQynQA.mp4", "caption": "There is a badminton ladies double match taking place in an indoor court. There are several spectators watching the match as the doubles partners hit the shuttlecock with their rackets. The crowd cheers on as the match goes on and the players hit with their rackets back and forth.", "segments": [[5.74, 23.56], [23.56, 35.83], [35.83, 39]], "duration": 39.59, "id": 9191}, {"image_id": "v_K0e_DdvGP54.mp4", "caption": "A boy drinks something from a small cup in a bathroom. The boy runs into the room and jumps on the bed. The boy swallows the item in his mouth and covers his mouth with his hands.", "segments": [[0, 12.26], [12.76, 18.02], [19.14, 25.02]], "duration": 25.02, "id": 9192}, {"image_id": "v_8-WiWyjqAv4.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting along the water in a kayak holding a paddle. The person then begins moving along the water in the kayak. The person continues paddling and is then pulled back by a rope and his arms up cheering.", "segments": [[0.47, 10.08], [9.31, 21.25], [22.8, 30.71]], "duration": 31.02, "id": 9193}, {"image_id": "v_BWanQWn1OYQ.mp4", "caption": "A small group of girls are seen walking out onto a lake holding tubes and leads into others riding along in tubes. The people continue riding along the river on the tubes and the camera pans around the large group. The walk off shore and speak to one another followed by the tubes hung up and the bus parked.", "segments": [[5.56, 57.65], [47.23, 110.45], [90.3, 125.03]], "duration": 138.93, "id": 9194}, {"image_id": "v_rSGgal9LtDk.mp4", "caption": "A white Breville toaster is sitting on a counter being plugged.In front of the toaster, a block of white cream and a banana is sitting on a white plate.Next,two slices of bread are in the toaster going up and down.Once the bread is finished,it is put on the plate and the spread is put on both slices of the brad then the banana is cut up and put on the bread is put on top of the bananas.Now,the sandwich is cut is half and the person begins to eating it.", "segments": [[0, 11.68], [11.68, 45.66], [45.66, 55.22], [55.22, 162.48], [163.54, 212.39]], "duration": 212.39, "id": 9195}, {"image_id": "v_F53s94562zc.mp4", "caption": "There are two boys playing rock, paper, scissors. First they play one game and the boy who's shirtless loses and gets slapped. Next they play two more games, one person wins and the shirtless boy loses. Then the boy who's wearing a sweater loses and the other boy slaps him.", "segments": [[0, 10.5], [0, 0.68], [0.68, 8.19], [8.24, 10.5]], "duration": 10.5, "id": 9196}, {"image_id": "v_gUFRtx51OJc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a doctor's office with a doctor speaking to her and the camera. The doctor then holds an object up to the girl's lip. Finally the man pierces the girls lip and smiles down to her.", "segments": [[0.33, 20.84], [17.91, 46.24], [43.64, 61.22]], "duration": 65.13, "id": 9197}, {"image_id": "v_1dFLeGRT0NQ.mp4", "caption": "A boy stands at a podium, talking into a microphone. A group of girls are on stage together. They start dancing while using hula hoops. When they finish, one girl gathers the hoops and the crowd claps as the curtain closes.", "segments": [[0, 13.66], [15.94, 78.94], [81.97, 134.34], [136.62, 151.8]], "duration": 151.8, "id": 9198}, {"image_id": "v_MHAS5TK2eW0.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are exercizing in an aerobics class. They are using a stepper, dancing and jumping on and off the equipment.", "segments": [[0, 17.35], [18.05, 70.8]], "duration": 70.8, "id": 9199}, {"image_id": "v_AhsujXLZYWA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting down on the floor while holding a cat and cutting it's claws. The woman continues to hold the cat cutting his claws and then gets up and runs away in the end.", "segments": [[0, 31.62], [22.94, 58.9]], "duration": 62.0, "id": 9200}, {"image_id": "v_9Nj9WdaSQCs.mp4", "caption": "The words \"Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG)\" appear on a red screen. \"Code of Points 2013-2016\" appear briefly. Clips of Chellsie Memmel performing gymnastics olympic trials are shown. Various stats from her performance are shown on screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.92], [3.33, 5.83], [6.25, 59.99], [60.4, 83.31]], "duration": 83.31, "id": 9201}, {"image_id": "v_E0dqgXVU6wA.mp4", "caption": "This woman is doing a nail tutorial of how to create nyan cat nails. First paint all of your nails blue and do a big white stripe across them and dot little stars. Then use a tiny paintbrush to put rainbow colors and then use a plastic sandwich bag to make nyan cat and she pushes it onto her nail.", "segments": [[14.05, 187.62], [19.06, 24.08], [19.06, 193.64]], "duration": 200.67000000000002, "id": 9202}, {"image_id": "v_b8ftOk8tKxg.mp4", "caption": "A lady discusses and folds a towel. The lady washes her face with a powder from a box. The lady rinses her face and use a towel to dry up.", "segments": [[0, 2.2], [24.79, 64.45], [73.81, 110.17]], "duration": 110.17, "id": 9203}, {"image_id": "v_9nE6C-efQdc.mp4", "caption": "A woman trying to instruct big bang theory's way of playing rock paper scissors lizard spock. It shows a quick clip of Sheldon from big bang theory actually doing it. Then, she tries to demonstrate it a few times for the viewers. At the end she smiles and ends it with another big bang theory picture.", "segments": [[0, 15.62], [15.62, 30.53], [30.53, 117.87], [117.87, 142.01]], "duration": 142.01, "id": 9204}, {"image_id": "v_5n7NCViB5TU.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A man swings a metal object from hand to hand. The man spins and releases an object behind him, and the credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[1.21, 20.64], [22.47, 28.54], [30.36, 121.44]], "duration": 121.44, "id": 9205}, {"image_id": "v_d4prmED8v-w.mp4", "caption": "A pole vaulter runs up and launches himself over the bar. The vaulter introduces his challenge to the camera, which is to make it over ten times in a row in 20 minutes. He launches himself over 10 times successfully and easily gets under the 20 minute limit.", "segments": [[0, 6.33], [16.87, 41.11], [42.69, 94.35]], "duration": 105.42, "id": 9206}, {"image_id": "v_uegTBtD59R0.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen looking to the camera in several shots as well as a close up of a dirt bike. People are then shown in several shots riding around a track and performing tricks. The men ride around wooded areas as well as tracks in many shots.", "segments": [[2.05, 63.45], [48.1, 147.37], [127.93, 195.47]], "duration": 204.68, "id": 9207}, {"image_id": "v_uiCkFmebAZs.mp4", "caption": "There are many different people in the pool swimming and the words \"speedo How to guide series How to 'breathe' during your open water swim\" appear on the screen.A young lady in a bathing suit and a shower cap is sitting at the side of the pool talking while clips of her swimming are shown, and her name is Keri-anne Payne and is the 10km Open Water Silver Olympic Medalist.The outro appears and it's a black screen with a speedo logo and the word speedo.", "segments": [[0, 15.32], [15.32, 228.66], [228.66, 235.73]], "duration": 235.73, "id": 9208}, {"image_id": "v_5kdiJ2cC5_w.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands holding a violin against herself. The woman plays the violin. The woman stops playing the violin.", "segments": [[0, 7.76], [8.87, 190.75], [191.86, 221.8]], "duration": 221.8, "id": 9209}, {"image_id": "v_aOrDnKEJAwQ.mp4", "caption": "An \"eesa\" logo is shown on screen. Two men wearing scuba diving gear in an indoor pool talk to the camera. The camera follows one of the men underwater where numerous manmade obstacles are present. Other men dressed like astronauts are underwater with them. The scuba divers wave goodbye and credits roll.", "segments": [[0, 8.7], [9.42, 51.47], [51.47, 80.47], [81.19, 115.26], [115.99, 144.99]], "duration": 144.99, "id": 9210}, {"image_id": "v_PmyAt4zuLRY.mp4", "caption": "a woman wearing butterflies wings costume playing beerpong. a woman is wearing a catty costume is standing behind the table. woman is sitting in front of the table and dance when the woman fails the ball.", "segments": [[0, 15.46], [0, 15.54], [0.47, 15.54]], "duration": 15.54, "id": 9211}, {"image_id": "v_sYAAXumvtck.mp4", "caption": "Several bottles and nail tools sit on a table. A woman is filing her nails on the table with a white bar. She then paints her nails clear. She then places her finger nails into a white box that is lit up. The light turns off and she takes her hand out and lays it on the table. A nail polish bottle is shown on the screen. She paints her nails with that polish. She puts her hand back in the lit up box on the table. She does another coat of the nail polish. She puts her hand back in the lit up box. A bottle is shown on the table. She lays her hands flat on the table.", "segments": [[0, 7.87], [8.44, 21.93], [25.31, 42.74], [42.74, 56.8], [55.11, 62.43], [62.99, 67.49], [68.05, 78.17], [78.17, 80.42], [80.98, 91.11], [78.73, 80.42], [98.42, 107.42], [107.98, 112.48]], "duration": 112.47999999999999, "id": 9212}, {"image_id": "v_F8pv5rFrEm4.mp4", "caption": "We see gymnasts in a gym on each other shoulders. They then begin an aerobic dance. The people walk to their steps and step on them. The people moves the steps to the center of the room. A lady does a split on the floor and they finish. The ending title appears on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.03], [2.03, 88.14], [6.08, 8.61], [32.42, 36.98], [85.1, 91.18], [92.7, 101.31]], "duration": 101.31, "id": 9213}, {"image_id": "v_EHXpUlacN88.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing with one man in a bedroom. He bends down and begins picking up the other man. He finally throws the man down onto the bed.", "segments": [[0, 1.07], [1.17, 4.43], [4.4, 6.67]], "duration": 6.67, "id": 9214}, {"image_id": "v_MNSzt39_UbE.mp4", "caption": "Two groups of boys compete tug of war rope, while a man supervise the game and other people watch. A person takes a picture. The team on the left wins the competition.", "segments": [[0, 77.3], [72.37, 74.01], [77.71, 82.24]], "duration": 82.24, "id": 9215}, {"image_id": "v_w_wIOJrztdU.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of people standing on a beach as well as playing in the sand. Several more pictures are shown of people moving along the beach as well as helping others and shots of the scenery.", "segments": [[3.5, 65.83], [59.53, 140.06]], "duration": 140.06, "id": 9216}, {"image_id": "v_P79nFNUaysw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into shots of water boiling in a pot. He takes a bite of the of the pasta and ends with him still smiling to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 31.37], [30.26, 73.82]], "duration": 73.82, "id": 9217}, {"image_id": "v_WwwfCw1dYlg.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking inside a pool gym. A view is shown under the water, then it cuts back to him talking.", "segments": [[0, 102.16], [108.59, 142.89]], "duration": 142.89, "id": 9218}, {"image_id": "v_pElJ7U46XnQ.mp4", "caption": "A guy gets ready to lift weight. The guy lifts the weight. The guy dance around and then leaves the stage. A man carries a box into the stage.", "segments": [[0, 5.23], [7.85, 24.62], [31.6, 43.58], [41.19, 43.58]], "duration": 43.58, "id": 9219}, {"image_id": "v_rxEQaswh_Uo.mp4", "caption": "A boy is smiling up at the man whose shoe he is shining. The man is looking down at the boy. The boy is shining the mans shoes. The boy is talking to passerbys and pointing. A small kid walks away from the wall. The boy is wiping the mans shoes with a towel. He has started to rub with block. The boy gives a peace sign and grins.", "segments": [[0, 2.09], [2.09, 8.95], [8.95, 17.9], [17.9, 29.83], [29.83, 32.81], [32.81, 44.74], [44.74, 53.09], [53.09, 59.65]], "duration": 59.65, "id": 9220}, {"image_id": "v_MJpfymVwtGc.mp4", "caption": "A lady is lying down on a black bed, a woman in black sweater and wearing black gloves is rubbing a white cotton on the lady's belly button. Then the woman draw a dot on the belly button, piercing the navel with a thong, then the woman inserted a metal stick, then cleaned the pierce, then the woman inserted the belly button accessory, and tighten it then cleaned up the piercing.", "segments": [[0, 58.94], [34.83, 129.94]], "duration": 133.96, "id": 9221}, {"image_id": "v_mTtBz5d83C4.mp4", "caption": "There are several people sledding down a snowy slope in round snow tubes. They are going down the steep snowy slope at high speed. One of the people going down the slope raises his hand to his friend as he goes downhill.", "segments": [[2.03, 17.18], [17.18, 20.59], [20.59, 21.34]], "duration": 21.34, "id": 9222}, {"image_id": "v_g_65rfEiXPY.mp4", "caption": "A man cleans a large window using a long handle squeegee. Then, the man uses a long steel wiper to clean the window from right to left. After, the man takes a cloth and cleans the lower part of the window, then he continues cleaning the with a squeegee and a steel wipe.", "segments": [[0, 31.24], [32.02, 106.98], [106.98, 156.18]], "duration": 156.18, "id": 9223}, {"image_id": "v_tA7cF5wA6ZU.mp4", "caption": "A bald man is leading an orchestra.Several female singers are singing while a choir of younger people sing backup.A young drummer and a man playing the piano are near each other as the young boy looks around.As the singers and musicians finish the song,the conductor waves his wand to end the music.", "segments": [[0, 75.04], [0, 43.04], [53.33, 60.57], [70.85, 76.19]], "duration": 76.19, "id": 9224}, {"image_id": "v_NVtRGWuiEP4.mp4", "caption": "We see girls in a red costume gym performing a baton routine. Three girls walk past in the background. The girls next to them in pink perform their routine. The girls in the red uniforms finish and walk away. A team of girls in black and neon walk past behind the girls. The girls in pink finish their routine.", "segments": [[0, 74.56], [16.14, 29.21], [42.28, 149.9], [73.03, 93.01], [144.52, 151.43], [149.13, 153.74]], "duration": 153.74, "id": 9225}, {"image_id": "v_KylUHdDXuCg.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into several clips of people attempting to fight bulls from many generations. Several clips are shown of people interacting with the bulls as well as running around and people watching.", "segments": [[0, 33.41], [32.36, 102.31]], "duration": 104.4, "id": 9226}, {"image_id": "v_eqm20MDaeRQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen kneeling over a bucket on an old tv show. She is seen washing clothes in the bucket while looking off into the distance. She sighs to herself in exhaustion and continues washing the clothes when a shot of a washing machine is shown.", "segments": [[0.13, 3.58], [2.9, 4.05], [4.05, 13.49]], "duration": 13.49, "id": 9227}, {"image_id": "v_KuyaO3brwBc.mp4", "caption": "A man stands behind a shoe counter and describes how to clean them. The man talks about the three step program and answers frequently asked questions. The man scrubs to shine the shoe and adds some polish then sprays them.", "segments": [[0, 181.07], [37.12, 127.65], [138.52, 181.07]], "duration": 181.07, "id": 9228}, {"image_id": "v_AbzyaqyFI0Y.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen riding a kayak along a rough river and spinning himself around. More shots of him riding around shown and he continues to flip in the water.", "segments": [[0, 18.47], [17.61, 34.53]], "duration": 34.53, "id": 9229}, {"image_id": "v_Hi4YiQO47EM.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are talking next to a table with red solo cups and beer cans. A woman puts a red solo cup under a man's nose. A man tosses a ping pong ball into a red solo cup. The floor is shown along with a person's foot.", "segments": [[0, 76.78], [60.95, 63.72], [70.85, 77.97], [78.37, 79.16]], "duration": 79.16, "id": 9230}, {"image_id": "v_2mOQx0l1158.mp4", "caption": "A closeup of a bike is shown followed by a person unscrewing the handles on the bike and adjusting the sides. The person then screwed it a light in front of the handlebars and holds them in place.", "segments": [[23.71, 104.88], [128.59, 182.39]], "duration": 182.39, "id": 9231}, {"image_id": "v_5-SbGVTPM1c.mp4", "caption": "Men run down a track and leap backwards over a bar. A man waves a white flag once the land. An audience is watching them jump.", "segments": [[0, 179.75], [17.97, 19.77], [17.97, 179.75]], "duration": 179.75, "id": 9232}, {"image_id": "v_TrtuuE1K8pk.mp4", "caption": "A man put paint on the wall with a hose, while a person uses a flat mop to spread the paint. Then, the man puts paint around the window.", "segments": [[0, 57.07], [57.76, 69.17]], "duration": 69.17, "id": 9233}, {"image_id": "v_pYUqRy9Ujaw.mp4", "caption": "man is wearing a back wetsuit doing windsurf in a lake. man is windsurfing in a lake doing tricks. he man windsurfing say hi to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 71.21], [0, 60.17], [47.71, 60.17]], "duration": 71.21000000000001, "id": 9234}, {"image_id": "v_FiJi18WpPe8.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a blue and plaid school uniform stands in a school bathroom brushing her teeth and primping in the mirror. The girl begins facing the camera and brushing her teeth, leaning in to the camera at one point before leaning back to continue brushing teeth. The girl then turns towards the bathroom mirror and spits into the bathroom sink, then returns to brushing teeth and facing the camera again. The girl then moves to another sink that is further back in the bathroom, plays with her hair, primps in the mirror, all while another girl in a school uniform enters the bathroom and walks into a bathroom stall.", "segments": [[0.15, 30], [0.15, 5.7], [5.85, 11.1], [14.7, 30]], "duration": 30.0, "id": 9235}, {"image_id": "v_WzSZJ-yJX48.mp4", "caption": "Two men talk heatedly until a man comes and separates them. Number 99 leaves then goes back to finish talking. Number 69 walks across the field. We see number 69 hit the ball. he then argues with the catcher. A pitcher begins to pitch.", "segments": [[0, 6.26], [6.65, 52.06], [53.63, 61.46], [62.63, 68.11], [68.5, 72.42], [77.51, 78.29]], "duration": 78.28999999999999, "id": 9236}, {"image_id": "v_-fBTCykx4gM.mp4", "caption": "A little boy walk toward the sink. The boy stands on front the sink and puts toothpaste on the brush, and then brush the teeth. Then, the boy rinse his mouth and then show teeth and dry mouth.", "segments": [[9.32, 15.53], [15.53, 60.07], [60.58, 102.01]], "duration": 103.56, "id": 9237}, {"image_id": "v_3Hgwyprv8u4.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans all around a vacuum close up and shows a person's feet. The person walks around with the vacuum and pushes it along a rug. More shots are shown of the person using the attachments on the camera as well as showing how it's made.", "segments": [[0, 16.5], [14.81, 49.49], [44.44, 65.65]], "duration": 67.34, "id": 9238}, {"image_id": "v_avBlEff5U5U.mp4", "caption": "A man is in his front yard going back and forth mowing his lawn. The video then shows him mowing the lawn in a different location than the first location.", "segments": [[0, 27.84], [27.84, 58.61]], "duration": 58.61, "id": 9239}, {"image_id": "v_h-lKlgls9OI.mp4", "caption": "A recreation building is pictured and kids doing various activities ranging from basketball to swimming is shown.A set of young boys are picture din the water on their backs holding up a green ball and one throws it into the goal.The outside of the building is shown again and a flash of a car parked outside in the parking lot appears.", "segments": [[0, 4.73], [4.73, 29.9], [29.4, 49.83]], "duration": 49.83, "id": 9240}, {"image_id": "v_yFOZHa2pn1g.mp4", "caption": "A guy is putting a cloth shackles on a lady's ankles. The guy positions the lady at the edge. The lady bungee jumps when the guy removes his hand.", "segments": [[0, 47.27], [52.62, 82.94], [84.73, 177.48]], "duration": 178.38, "id": 9241}, {"image_id": "v_sO7ZGxFwbm8.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of javelin athletes throwing poles down a large track. Many people are shown running down the track throwing the javelin and watching where their pole lands.", "segments": [[0, 99.38], [66.64, 233.83]], "duration": 233.82999999999998, "id": 9242}, {"image_id": "v_ZLJJ5LxfE6o.mp4", "caption": "Men are doing karate moves in a gym. People are playing instruments next to them. A man in a white shirt is playing the drums in front of him.", "segments": [[25.66, 213.86], [58.81, 75.92], [180.71, 182.85]], "duration": 213.86, "id": 9243}, {"image_id": "v_jqKK2KH6l4Q.mp4", "caption": "AN intro screen showing a man perform Brazilian martial arts appears on the screen. It then shows a man doing the same martial arts in slow motion on some grass in what looks like a park. The man spins and kicks continuously and is highly skilled. The video then shows another man indoors giving a thumbs up, before jumping to two other men performing on a stage. A bunch of other men are performing martial arts inside of a gymnasium and classroom, while another man speaks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 25.77], [25.15, 38.65], [38.04, 63.19], [63.19, 85.27], [85.27, 122.7]], "duration": 122.7, "id": 9244}, {"image_id": "v_gxuere-ofCU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in front of a camera holding a harmonica in his hands. The man then begins playing several songs while pausing in between. He continues playing the instrument while looking off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 43.58], [42.22, 105.54], [87.84, 131.42]], "duration": 136.19, "id": 9245}, {"image_id": "v_CN0F45eLq1s.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a person jumping off of a boat into the water. A boat is in the water. A sail boat is in the water with people on it. People are sitting on the boat talking. A woman in a white bikini stands at the bow of the boat and a man stands behind her. People are sitting at the bow of the boat. A woman lies on her back wearing a bikini on the boat. People are walking in the sand in front of the camera. A view of the water and beach is shown. People are walking on the sand of the beach. A group of people are posing for a picture. People are taking pictures on the boat.", "segments": [[0, 4.78], [10.92, 12.96], [12.96, 23.88], [24.56, 34.8], [34.11, 38.21], [38.21, 53.22], [53.9, 57.31], [57.99, 58.68], [64.82, 73], [73.69, 81.19], [79.14, 81.87], [94.15, 136.45]], "duration": 136.45, "id": 9246}, {"image_id": "v_8twDb4CdhE0.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a woman is shown speaking to the camera holding an ice cream in front of her face. She takes multiple bites of the ice cream while the camera pans around her body and several other people surround her.", "segments": [[0, 7.56], [7.2, 35.99]], "duration": 35.99, "id": 9247}, {"image_id": "v_bscUMcCmyYw.mp4", "caption": "A girls hops across the pavement. A younger girl watches her. A mans arm is in the foreground. There is also a wooden deck.", "segments": [[1.15, 14.4], [1.8, 14.4], [3.38, 14.4], [4.46, 14.4]], "duration": 14.4, "id": 9248}, {"image_id": "v_4L0AI0f-cMs.mp4", "caption": "White text says the video is about how to make a belly cake. Two pieces of wrapped chocolate cake are shown as a hand adjusts and touches them. Instructions appear at the bottom of the screen before fondant baby parts are shown being placed after the cake is frosted. The cake is complete as a woman's stomach with a baby foot protruding from her dress.", "segments": [[0, 24.44], [30.26, 67.5], [72.15, 118.7], [151.29, 232.75]], "duration": 232.75, "id": 9249}, {"image_id": "v_ADy-2Y0jmXQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen hosting a news segment that leads into several clips of people measuring themselves and speaking to the camera. Many shots are shown of people drinking coffee while holding up larger pants and showing off the weight they had lost. More people are seen speaking to the camera while more products are shown as well as food being presented and a woman showing off her closet.", "segments": [[7.01, 99.29], [70.08, 174.04], [148.35, 219.6]], "duration": 233.62, "id": 9250}, {"image_id": "v_61iCOJ3Meus.mp4", "caption": "A boy in a white tshirt picks up his brother over head and body slams him onto the bed. The brother in army colored shirt gets up from bed.", "segments": [[0, 4.83], [4.97, 7.15]], "duration": 7.15, "id": 9251}, {"image_id": "v_YNVK-pb7fWM.mp4", "caption": "Two women are seen sitting in a park with one behind the other. One girl begins braiding the hair of another while sitting behind. The girl finishes the hair while the other looks back to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 14.78], [16.13, 40.05], [38.7, 52.14]], "duration": 53.76, "id": 9252}, {"image_id": "v_Vq7Mm98I5Qs.mp4", "caption": "A motorbike race is shown on dirt. The preparations include scantily clad women. Motorbikes are then shown jumping and doing agility things.", "segments": [[5.73, 229.18], [43.54, 66.46], [68.75, 217.72]], "duration": 229.18, "id": 9253}, {"image_id": "v_5FwNVOIGdVs.mp4", "caption": "A man gets on a red machine. He then backs up and begins to blow leaves with it. The leaves blow all over the driveway. Finally the driveway is cleared of the leaves.", "segments": [[0, 9.64], [4.34, 16.39], [22.17, 96.39], [91.09, 96.39]], "duration": 96.39, "id": 9254}, {"image_id": "v_nD4VObLUOuE.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening title screen. We see a man in an orange shirt twirl and spin to throw the hammer over 80km . Next we see a man in a blue shirt throw 73km. We see a man in a white shirt throw 75km. The man in orange goes again and throws 81km.", "segments": [[0, 1.84], [1.84, 23.47], [24.85, 43.25], [44.17, 68.56], [69.02, 92.02]], "duration": 92.02000000000001, "id": 9255}, {"image_id": "v_QlQrJ5WsWzo.mp4", "caption": "A man sits on top of a camel. The camel stands up and a man in front leads it. A red barn is seen behind them. The camel sits back down and the man gets off.", "segments": [[0, 13.28], [27.45, 156.71], [120.41, 169.11], [160.25, 177.08]], "duration": 177.07999999999998, "id": 9256}, {"image_id": "v_hcRf6HmOAzo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen standing in front of buckets and speaking to the camera. She pours water into a bucket while dragging it over as well as mixing cleaning into it and beginning to dump clothes. The woman dips the clothes into the bucket and shows where she hangs them and waving to the camera.", "segments": [[5.18, 61.29], [47.48, 107.9], [96.68, 167.46]], "duration": 172.64, "id": 9257}, {"image_id": "v_GcEutQTeAnA.mp4", "caption": "A man carefully washes the side of a car with a sponge. The man stands up and washes the windshield. He then moves along the back of the car washing the spoiler.", "segments": [[0, 16.9], [17.1, 30.38], [30.78, 34.41]], "duration": 40.24, "id": 9258}, {"image_id": "v_fsSCNCY0iQY.mp4", "caption": "A standing Asian woman wearing makeup is talking to a bunch of sitting Asian women who have no make up on their faces. The Asian woman with the make up claps and then hits a clock that has a 10 second timer. The women with no makeup quickly begin to apply makeup before the time runs out.Two women quickly apply makeup to their faces, but when they are done they have upset looks on their faces.The third woman puts make up and fake eyelashes onto a tray in front of her and then slams her face into the tray and rolls it side to side. When she lifts her head up her makeup is perfect and at the same time she pulls her hair out of a ponytail and shakes her hair free.The outro video is a purple screen with white words that read \"Beautiful and fast\" and ends with a white screen that has purple words readings \"Windows 8\" and the microsoft logo.", "segments": [[0, 14.92], [14.92, 17.15], [17.15, 57.79], [17.15, 41.6], [41.6, 51.12], [51.12, 57.79], [57.79, 63.51]], "duration": 63.51, "id": 9259}, {"image_id": "v_BbQ39yhaC54.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in a racquetball court. He talks about how to pose and swing the racquet. He demonstrates by hitting the ball back and forth against the wall.", "segments": [[0, 6.99], [12.99, 78.93], [80.92, 99.91]], "duration": 99.91, "id": 9260}, {"image_id": "v_ZkkTMR21XLc.mp4", "caption": "A man and woman biker are standing outside an event. They get into a raft and push it into a river. They ride the rapids, going over falls and paddling as they go.", "segments": [[0, 16.83], [20.89, 64.42], [66.74, 116.08]], "duration": 116.08, "id": 9261}, {"image_id": "v_w5lQ5vNAksM.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a room playing the flute. the man ends to play and laugh and thanks to the public. man is wearing a blue shirt and is sitting behind the man playing the flute.", "segments": [[0, 96.57], [96.57, 101.66], [0, 101.66]], "duration": 101.66, "id": 9262}, {"image_id": "v_JouywOCeGHI.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to a camera from an outdoors scene by a slope. Several quick cuts are shown explaining the terms behind belaying in the context of climbing. The man talks to the camera again. More quick scenes are shown explaining the process behind belaying in the context of climbing. The man talks to the camera once more.", "segments": [[0, 30.93], [30.93, 102.05], [103.09, 116.49], [117.52, 176.28], [176.28, 206.17]], "duration": 206.17000000000002, "id": 9263}, {"image_id": "v_p1_6T9d4ZuY.mp4", "caption": "The gymnast approaches the bar with a leap. She grasps the bar and begins to flip herself around the bar before leaping to the next bar and propelling herself up and over it repeatedly. She launches herself in the air and lands on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 2.89], [4.43, 29.29], [32.19, 38.55]], "duration": 38.55, "id": 9264}, {"image_id": "v_4rvACiBclFI.mp4", "caption": "A bunch of cars are driving while tilted on one side. The tires are taken off one of the cars.", "segments": [[0, 218.84], [36.47, 142.48]], "duration": 227.96, "id": 9265}, {"image_id": "v_bM5VpCdPOrw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to he camera and leads into clip of his truck driving and people riding behind. A man speaks to the ground with a stick as they wander around a deserted area and showing off various plants and wildlife in the area. He puts white clothing all over his body and several others and leads into the people riding camels with others leading in front.", "segments": [[5.31, 50.45], [43.37, 137.2], [141.62, 175.26]], "duration": 177.03, "id": 9266}, {"image_id": "v_yuxoNmlNcc8.mp4", "caption": "A flag is shown waving where it is stuck in the ground. A group of people are standing outside the building, some eating. A man shurgs at the camera as a game commences.", "segments": [[0, 9.54], [16.89, 93.98], [100.59, 146.84]], "duration": 146.84, "id": 9267}, {"image_id": "v_Q_kqplOxytU.mp4", "caption": "A small boy is immersed into pool water as he looks around. He floats and swims with his mother's help. He blows bubbles, and she removes him from the water.", "segments": [[0, 5.59], [9.03, 68.79], [70.94, 85.98]], "duration": 85.98, "id": 9268}, {"image_id": "v_hDf32SV0QN0.mp4", "caption": " A woman is sitting in front of a camera. She begins brushing her partially wet hair. She continues brushing, then stops and stares at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.88], [5.61, 65.54], [67.27, 86.24]], "duration": 86.24, "id": 9269}, {"image_id": "v_Skz2tom_Ag0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing on a tennis court on one side of the fence. Another person is seen standing on the other side and then hit a ball to one another. The person misses the birdie and walks over towards it.", "segments": [[0, 2.2], [2.02, 5.49], [4.67, 6.8]], "duration": 7.08, "id": 9270}, {"image_id": "v_cMoy7UJtlyA.mp4", "caption": "A man stands on a dock wearing a green shirt. He then rides a boat with a sail. He steers it through the lake. He stands on the dock again at the end.", "segments": [[0, 11.84], [11.84, 67.09], [29.6, 74], [84.85, 98.66]], "duration": 98.66, "id": 9271}, {"image_id": "v_W70Urhy8Yl4.mp4", "caption": "A couple are standing on a snowy hillside. A man walks over to a small red flag. He removes the flag, then pulls a line out of the ground. He pulls up a giant fish he caught.", "segments": [[0, 12.97], [15.75, 50.02], [53.72, 160.24], [162.09, 185.25]], "duration": 185.25, "id": 9272}, {"image_id": "v_xIU6DO35R_c.mp4", "caption": "A man scuffs a shoe in the street while another person sits and watches. She talks to the man and moves her hands to follow his movement.", "segments": [[0, 13.47], [13.47, 29.86]], "duration": 32.46, "id": 9273}, {"image_id": "v_q1e275n6R3c.mp4", "caption": "A pregnant lady prepares a pumpkin for decoration and carving. The lady places wax paper over the pumpkin and pokes holes over the wax paper drawing. The lady removes the wax paper and proceeds to cut out the the hole tracings of the mouth and eyes that was traced with the punched out holes from the wax paper. The completed carved pumpkins are displayed.", "segments": [[0, 32.15], [32.15, 63.41], [63.41, 138.42], [138.42, 178.61]], "duration": 178.61, "id": 9274}, {"image_id": "v_oQ_gE5_0xyc.mp4", "caption": "We see a few opening screens. We see a lady performs a baton routine in a arena. The lady spins and catches her baton. The lady flips forwards and backwards and catches her baton. The lady spins and catches her baton again. The lady flips multiple times and catches her baton before posing. The crowd claps and the lady waves.", "segments": [[0, 12.55], [13.45, 164.96], [40.34, 43.93], [81.58, 88.76], [144.34, 150.62], [157.79, 167.65], [168.55, 179.31]], "duration": 179.31, "id": 9275}, {"image_id": "v_GUbKGqYKj7U.mp4", "caption": "There are a lot of people at a park and some are playing while others are just watching. A man and a woman are standing at the entrance of the playing field and getting ready to play. When the ball rolls towards them, the man kicks it and runs while other players try and get into motion for the play.Another man runs towards the home base and dives onto the dirt to touch the base they are protecting and another man is trying to catch the ball to get the man out. The man attempts to catch the ball, misses it, falls on the ground to catch it, throws it at the head of the man who is already on the base and they all laugh and the team who just scored give one another high fives.", "segments": [[0, 41.77], [0, 5.22], [5.01, 16.29], [16.29, 22.35], [16.29, 41.77]], "duration": 41.77, "id": 9276}, {"image_id": "v_GbvZWitR2_g.mp4", "caption": "A kite is flying above a beach. Several people sit on the beach. The kite soars through the sky. Several people are in the water.", "segments": [[0, 160.78], [14.47, 160.78], [37.78, 160.78], [37.78, 156.76]], "duration": 160.78, "id": 9277}, {"image_id": "v_OHOi0ZSuDUg.mp4", "caption": "An old man plays the ukulele and a boy plays the tam-tams in the street. A person pass on front the players.", "segments": [[0, 224.17], [103.12, 105.36]], "duration": 224.17000000000002, "id": 9278}, {"image_id": "v_5vk8OuKkttU.mp4", "caption": "A set of instructions are shown transitioning back and fourth between a man laying down carpet on a set of stairs. The text continues showing while the man lays out paper all down the stairs.", "segments": [[6.51, 126.64], [17.37, 138.22]], "duration": 144.73, "id": 9279}, {"image_id": "v_JjRSGzdwtc0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking along a field and throwing a jump rope to another. Several clips are followed by people jump roping in various locations as well as with each other. The group continue dancing and jumping around public places and ends with a baby holding a rope.", "segments": [[0, 30.51], [23.47, 113.45], [91.54, 152.57]], "duration": 156.48, "id": 9280}, {"image_id": "v_zpJ91CkCiyw.mp4", "caption": "We see two men on a city street and the title loads. A man takes off his hood and talks to the camera. We see men in roller blades fall then skate down a railing. A person flashes a light at the camera. A man falls on the railing. A person falls at the bottom of the stairs and then the light is flashing again. We see a man fall down the railing three times. We see the men talk and shake hands before seeing the end screen.", "segments": [[0, 10.85], [10.85, 26.45], [26.45, 111.91], [46.12, 48.16], [52.9, 57.65], [60.36, 64.43], [62.4, 75.96], [84.1, 135.65]], "duration": 135.65, "id": 9281}, {"image_id": "v__5VJcnrEgbg.mp4", "caption": "A man hits a ball with a tennis racket. Another man joins him shortly after. Several different angles are shown as the group of four play before an audience, hitting the ball back and forth quickly. When they are done, the men walk away, patting each other on the backs.", "segments": [[0, 2.69], [3.03, 8.75], [13.46, 59.24], [60.92, 67.32]], "duration": 67.32, "id": 9282}, {"image_id": "v_3l7quTy4c2s.mp4", "caption": "A cheerleader girl stands in the grass. A young man wearing baseball hat greats her with a pie tin and jokes with her. The man pushes a pie tin in the girls face as a joke getting her very messy. A girl in gymnastics class does tumbling down a red mat with team looking on. A woman cheerleader boxes with a mascot during a football game. The mascot engulfs the girl and pulls her into his uniform. A cheer leading group comes together in a circle holding hands and flip team members when one falls to the ground. A group of cheerleaders in black to back flips on a track of football field. A group of girls hoist up[ a teammate to do a human pyramid. The teammate falls to the ground and lands on top of others. A man in Hawaiian shirt sets up a trampoline during a basketball competition. A group of cheerleaders hold up a woman together in front of the trampoline. The man comes back running and jumps on the trampoline but knocks the girl over while performing his stunt. A group of cheerleaders in red do somersaults on the field when one falls down. A cheerleader girl in black does a back hand spring and falls to the ground. A group of cheerleaders dance together with pom poms. Another group of cheerleaders in the background lift up teammates when one falls over. A group of cheerleaders in blue lift up teammates in competition when one falls to the ground. A girl in white shirt talks to the camera. the girl does a summersault but falls to the ground. A girl in green shirt with friends does a high kick on a field but falls to the ground. A cheerleader falls to the ground while dancing with group. A cheerleader is lifted up into the hands of team when she falls to the ground. A group of cheerleaders in yellow lift temmate in a pyramid but drop her. A group of women jump from a trampoline and do slam dunks during basketball competition. One girl misses the trampoline and runs into the mat. Men from the basketball team rush over to check on her.", "segments": [[0, 7.84], [4.36, 7.84], [7.84, 15.69], [19.17, 25.27], [27.89, 30.5], [29.63, 34.86], [35.73, 40.96], [41.83, 52.29], [53.16, 66.23], [67.1, 74.07], [74.94, 79.3], [79.3, 91.5], [91.5, 99.34], [99.34, 107.19], [105.44, 108.93], [108.93, 112.42], [113.29, 116.77], [117.65, 122], [122.87, 127.23], [127.23, 129.85], [129.85, 132.46], [132.46, 137.69], [137.69, 143.79], [144.66, 149.02], [149.02, 155.12], [156.86, 159.47], [160.35, 174.29]], "duration": 174.29, "id": 9283}, {"image_id": "v_FFCmoQp_xVA.mp4", "caption": "A man stands behind a bar talking to the camera. The man holds a drink up and puts it down. The man adds ice to a glass and two shots of a red liquor then another. The man puts a strainer on the glass and stirs the glass with a long metal stick. The man pours it into a martini glass. The man smiles and holds the drink in the air.", "segments": [[0, 3.75], [4.09, 8.17], [10.56, 31.67], [32.35, 50.74], [51.08, 63], [63.34, 68.11]], "duration": 68.11, "id": 9284}, {"image_id": "v_PVAHm5MjHdw.mp4", "caption": "A group of baton twirlers are practices their routine for an upcoming competition. The news announcer is commenting on the events. The coach is then interviewed stating what the girls are working on. Multiple twirlers are interviewed for their point of view on why they are working so hard. The coach states what she loves about the process and what is most important. The commentator announces where the competition will be help and states her name.", "segments": [[0, 172.87], [5.19, 155.59], [25.93, 50.13], [44.95, 122.74], [123.6, 165.09], [168.55, 172.87]], "duration": 172.87, "id": 9285}, {"image_id": "v__CJaovqcgtM.mp4", "caption": "A flat screen television is sitting on a stand showing the television show RAW.On the show,two men are wrestling each over moving on the ground.The fat man then picks up the skinny guy,drops him,and stands over him.", "segments": [[0, 1.19], [1.31, 6.25], [6.17, 8.17]], "duration": 8.17, "id": 9286}, {"image_id": "v_VqeeqABnpQk.mp4", "caption": "A dancer stands up from a chair. He pushes the chair towards him female dance partner. She sits on the chair. He walks towards her, picking her up from the chair and they dance. People in the audience applaud.", "segments": [[0, 3.93], [4.42, 10.3], [10.79, 13.74], [14.23, 92.73], [84.88, 86.35]], "duration": 98.13, "id": 9287}, {"image_id": "v_lHsPZ49cpG8.mp4", "caption": "People are playing a game on a field using horses. The camera person rides near the parking lot on the right. The camera person rides near the parking lot again. The person slows down near the goal.", "segments": [[0, 103.56], [33.66, 46.08], [88.03, 94.76], [100.97, 103.56]], "duration": 103.56, "id": 9288}, {"image_id": "v_jsqD1NB63hk.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen wearing goggles and speaking to the camera followed by him jumping into the pool. The boy gets out and is seen once again jumping into the pool and swimming to the side to present an object.", "segments": [[0, 35.42], [26.84, 73.44]], "duration": 74.56, "id": 9289}, {"image_id": "v_p8h3G0Tblqc.mp4", "caption": "A man introduces the basketball concepts of the video to the camera. The player starts from one side of the court and runs up and lays up the basketball in the net. He repeats around the court from every angle. The man returns to go over the concepts again as the video closes.", "segments": [[0, 12.23], [27.01, 36.69], [38.73, 75.42], [83.06, 101.91]], "duration": 101.91, "id": 9290}, {"image_id": "v_ySQBZ8hqBo4.mp4", "caption": "The athlete is balancing in the bean as the man took out the spring jumper. The athlete did cartwheel on the beam as the crowd applauded. When the female athlete finished her number, she jumped off the beam cartwheeling down the blue mat.", "segments": [[0, 9.02], [8.16, 74.28], [66.55, 85.87]], "duration": 85.87, "id": 9291}, {"image_id": "v_T8wY9ZQv8vQ.mp4", "caption": "The video is showing clips of gymnastics players performing tricks along a padded area, while judges and spectators look on and cheer. The first player hits her head at the end of her performance. The video continues to show many other gymnasts competing, with the audience cheering after the completion of each performance. The video ends with a male performer.", "segments": [[0, 175.78], [3.52, 7.03], [7.91, 175.78], [166.11, 175.78]], "duration": 175.78, "id": 9292}, {"image_id": "v_vDaDT1vUOfI.mp4", "caption": "A woman appears and disappears under the water as she swims in an olympic sized pool. She is seen swimming in a fishlike manner under the water. She displays several different swimming styles and moves.", "segments": [[0, 29.53], [30.4, 112.04], [116.39, 173.71]], "duration": 173.71, "id": 9293}, {"image_id": "v_xS6elK6Khs4.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in front of a fence sitting on a skateboard and speaking to the camera. Several shots are then shown of him speaking to the camera and performing various skateboarding tricks around a park.", "segments": [[6.17, 46.75], [44.11, 176.43]], "duration": 176.43, "id": 9294}, {"image_id": "v_UwZbkuVsPno.mp4", "caption": "Two men are standing on a basketball goal. They start doing layups, then stand talking to the camera again.", "segments": [[0, 25.96], [27.69, 57.68]], "duration": 57.68, "id": 9295}, {"image_id": "v_Xo4-GnduX8A.mp4", "caption": "Man talks to camera shooting video. Soccer players are shown practicing their moves. Soccer players take shots. Man is shoved off of the court. Man is congratulated for his goal. Man shakes his hand at the camera.", "segments": [[13.84, 14.99], [13.84, 207.54], [13.84, 175.25], [53.04, 54.19], [98, 99.16], [207.54, 209.84]], "duration": 230.6, "id": 9296}, {"image_id": "v_q1jvfsKWY5c.mp4", "caption": "These people are playing tug of war against sumo wrestler who are more than 4 times their size and the small people win against them. In the end the people and sumo wrestlers take selfies and the sumo wrestlers open the fanta and throw it on each other.", "segments": [[0, 65.51], [65.51, 89.75]], "duration": 89.75, "id": 9297}, {"image_id": "v_zOcXA1S_VPI.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black hat is talking. A man dribbles a basketball around some cones and shoots the ball. Two people are playing basketball. A man is dribbling a basketball on a court.", "segments": [[0, 24.68], [24.68, 32.64], [46.96, 50.94], [85.97, 88.35]], "duration": 159.2, "id": 9298}, {"image_id": "v_mVC8DBsg1i0.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a stool while the dog is in front of him, the dog is wearing a red leash. A white dog is hiding behind the wall. A man is brushing the dog's fur on his side first the at the back. The man started to shave the dog's front leg. A white dog is laying on the brown bed. The beige dog is laying on the rug while the man is shaving the beige. The white dog rubbing her face on the glass table, then the beige dog is standing on the glass sat then sat on the table, then the white dog is standing beside the beige dog.", "segments": [[1.65, 26.4], [27.23, 66.83], [28.88, 83.33], [54.45, 109.73], [61.88, 95.7], [75.08, 138.6], [107.25, 165]], "duration": 165.0, "id": 9299}, {"image_id": "v_Qmo9D73hWXY.mp4", "caption": "We see a person in hockey gear skate onto the ice. Another person enters and we watch two people play hockey. We see the puck drop in front of the camera. The person knocks the goalie to the ground. The goalie skates up to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.15], [20.37, 189.45], [119.17, 120.19], [138.52, 144.63], [197.6, 203.71]], "duration": 203.71, "id": 9300}, {"image_id": "v_TM_5fb15eXQ.mp4", "caption": "A guy is giving a lesson about snow boards he puts a big rub brand on the board to hold the foot placers in place.the guy shows the difference between snow boards and put them on a object to smoothing out the bottom of the board for better skiing.", "segments": [[0, 66.42], [66.42, 144.38]], "duration": 144.38, "id": 9301}, {"image_id": "v_9tAyfaBGwyg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is drawing a hopscotch board on the ground in chalk. She stands up and walks to the front of the hopscotch board. She begins jumping on the board.", "segments": [[19.46, 117.42], [116.74, 117.42], [118.09, 123.45]], "duration": 134.19, "id": 9302}, {"image_id": "v_SiBSwSu_REQ.mp4", "caption": "People are walking around the basketball court. A team of dancers walk onto the basketball court and stand at attention. As onlookers clap, the squad turns around in unison. The squad does their routine. The squad ends their routine and exits the floor.", "segments": [[0, 4.44], [4.44, 27.75], [27.75, 33.3], [33.3, 214.24], [214.24, 222.01]], "duration": 222.01, "id": 9303}, {"image_id": "v_I6VBFfeBqF0.mp4", "caption": "A man props his leg on the side of a tub. He is shaving his leg with a razor, revealing a tattoo underneath. When he is done, he wipes off the hair and shows a tattoo of homer simpson as the grim reaper.", "segments": [[0, 34.54], [41.28, 133.1], [133.94, 168.48]], "duration": 168.48, "id": 9304}, {"image_id": "v_tu6EkaMa9c8.mp4", "caption": "A tubing advertisement is on the screen. Tubers are going down the river. West Virginia advertisement is on the screen. A tuber goes under a plank with a dog on it. The camera is pointed towards the sky and trees. One tuber runs into branches, one stands up and falls over. the cameraman turns circles in his tube then has a snack. One guy gets his head tangled in branches. The video ends with advertisements.", "segments": [[0, 6.11], [6.11, 161.44], [16.58, 20.94], [26.18, 28.8], [43.63, 51.49], [52.36, 78.54], [89.89, 145.74], [157.08, 161.44], [161.44, 174.54]], "duration": 174.54, "id": 9305}, {"image_id": "v_cGNkR-JvaJs.mp4", "caption": "A sports logo flashes on the screen. A woman talking into a microphone wearing a white shirt. A man is playing pool behind a blue pool table. The woman continues talking in front of the pool table. The woman and the man talk to each other. A trophy flashes on the screen. The man and the woman continue talking. The man plays pool again. The man and woman continue talking to each other. It flashes back to the pool table. The man and woman continue talking and the woman laughs at what the man is saying. The man is now teaching the woman how to shoot the pool ball while standing behind her. The woman makes the shot and they celebrate with a high five. The man is telling the woman how to make another shot. She attempts the shot and makes it and they high five again. They continue talking and laughing. The woman lays down on the pool table and he shoots a ball out of her mouth. The woman is sitting in a chair next to the pool table talking into the microphone. A Maxim logo flashes on the screen.", "segments": [[0, 4.04], [7.27, 11.31], [18.58, 25.05], [25.85, 28.28], [31.51, 34.74], [37.17, 38.78], [44.44, 60.6], [60.6, 63.83], [65.44, 84.83], [84.83, 85.64], [84.83, 87.26], [87.26, 99.38], [99.38, 105.84], [105.03, 119.58], [119.58, 123.61], [123.61, 134.12], [134.12, 144.62], [147.05, 155.12], [155.93, 161.59]], "duration": 161.59, "id": 9306}, {"image_id": "v_WcQV3OzK_sc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen recording a small child who is having her hair combed by a woman standing behind her. Several people and kids watch on the side and the woman puts the girls hair into ponytails. She speaks to the camera and cuts the girls hair when the dad puts the hair on his head and makes the kids laugh. The woman continues cutting her hair while others watch and speaks to the camera, followed by the woman straightening the hair and showing it off in slow motion. The girl holds her hair and screams in excitement at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 44.79], [28.41, 55.72], [55.72, 120.18], [86.31, 182.45], [196.65, 218.5]], "duration": 218.5, "id": 9307}, {"image_id": "v_BKrUkWSo4Ig.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a man holding a violin and playing with his hands. The man continues to play and then pauses to speak to the camera while also demonstrating how to properly play.", "segments": [[0, 89.88], [86.63, 216.57]], "duration": 216.57, "id": 9308}, {"image_id": "v_m_B1Jb6Wwn0.mp4", "caption": "A man is cleaning the soles of his sneakers with the thin, metal end of a hose. The man places the hose back and starts to leave.", "segments": [[0, 29.14], [32.28, 34.9]], "duration": 34.9, "id": 9309}, {"image_id": "v_Z8xxgFpK-NM.mp4", "caption": "A man is dancing on a stage in white pants. Two people start dancing together on a stage. A man does several back flips on the stage. A person is playing a drum.", "segments": [[8.05, 24.16], [32.94, 68.82], [85.65, 93.71], [122.99, 124.45]], "duration": 146.42000000000002, "id": 9310}, {"image_id": "v_wuHLveuf6PQ.mp4", "caption": "Several person are seen riding down a hill on roller blades while a person on a police bike rides in front. At one point several people fall and trip over one another but keep riding their blades on.", "segments": [[0, 21.3], [19.66, 46.81]], "duration": 46.81, "id": 9311}, {"image_id": "v_KgGQ6dHKl8U.mp4", "caption": "A man mounted on a horse chases after a cow. He catches the cow with a rope. He mounts off the horse and hits the cow several times.", "segments": [[0, 9.7], [9.09, 9.45], [9.82, 24.24]], "duration": 24.24, "id": 9312}, {"image_id": "v_PIJd7_6RGpY.mp4", "caption": "A man stands around a fire pit, talking. The man lights a torch. The man uses the torch to light the wood in the fire pit. The man sits by the fire pit, enjoying the warmth.", "segments": [[0, 27.7], [28.1, 34.43], [34.82, 57.78], [63.32, 79.15]], "duration": 79.15, "id": 9313}, {"image_id": "v_Yb5b_xx1P9I.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt is checking food in a sandwich shop. The man then moves fast to make a hoagie sandwich by adding ingredients from the bins. The man wraps the sandwich in paper and puts it in a plastic bag. We see on a phone the man made the sandwich in 41 seconds. The man then takes the sandwich apart in the back.", "segments": [[0, 19.4], [20.35, 60.1], [60.1, 72.4], [72.88, 75.72], [88.49, 94.65]], "duration": 94.65, "id": 9314}, {"image_id": "v_IOmzDJjVUoQ.mp4", "caption": "A little in a pink shirt is going across the monkey bars. She hangs upside down from the bars. She smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.4], [12.58, 17.72], [17.45, 17.72]], "duration": 17.72, "id": 9315}, {"image_id": "v_bvBNoeCBDdg.mp4", "caption": "A title screen appears for a tutorial for hockey agility. A hockey player goes through several routines showing agility warm ups with a hockey stick and puck and drills with tires, small cones. Another title screen appear with a website just below it.", "segments": [[0, 6.05], [6.81, 142.91], [143.67, 151.23]], "duration": 151.23, "id": 9316}, {"image_id": "v_kcMJk5dg-Wc.mp4", "caption": "A small spout of water is shown outdoors between the forest and the rocks and is creating small waves.All of a sudden a person comes down the water kayaking.Once he gets to the bottom,the kayaker turns and the waves continue flowing washing up against the rocks.", "segments": [[0, 3.89], [3.82, 10.71], [10.71, 14.68]], "duration": 14.68, "id": 9317}, {"image_id": "v_pFh-8ICMTFY.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks while on a stair machine in a gym and shows proper footing. The woman walks on aerobic machine in the gym without the handles. The woman uses the arm bars while walking on the aerobic machine. The woman holds the arm grips to get off the machine.", "segments": [[0, 13.48], [15.67, 40.44], [40.44, 60.11], [66.67, 71.41]], "duration": 72.87, "id": 9318}, {"image_id": "v_N_zbcVs419E.mp4", "caption": "A person's hand is seen holding a paint brush. The hand then puts drops of ink on paper. The person's hand is seen again with the paint brush. The hand returns with an ink dropper and creates pictures with ink. The hand gently touches the picture with a paper towel.", "segments": [[7.13, 20.2], [22.58, 68.91], [70.1, 74.85], [76.04, 181.79], [181.79, 237.63]], "duration": 237.63, "id": 9319}, {"image_id": "v_G5ueYVLGtm8.mp4", "caption": "The woman in black shirt is bend over and hit the ball with mallet. The woman hit again the green ball causing it to hit the small pole. The woman in black cheered and began to walk.", "segments": [[0, 2.73], [2.42, 4.51], [4.27, 6.83]], "duration": 6.83, "id": 9320}, {"image_id": "v_jfFnL_o8QS0.mp4", "caption": "A stopwatch is shown and a crowd gathers for a game of field hockey. The documentary features the voice of a former player as archival footage is shown in color. Photos and video in black and white depicts the history of the game. The documentary then focuses on a famous player. After that, a famous manager is highlighted and former players talk about him.", "segments": [[0, 5.9], [7.09, 42.51], [46.06, 69.68], [72.04, 122.82], [134.63, 236.19]], "duration": 236.19, "id": 9321}, {"image_id": "v_p28XWij4U1c.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks to a camera and then demonstrates exercises that can be done from the playground using playground equipment including monkey bars. A woman in a red short sleeved shirt stands on the sand of a playground and talks facing the camera, while standing next to some monkey bars. The woman begins to use the monkey bars and pulls herself across the entire expanse of the bar without using feet for propulsion from bar to bar, using just upper arm and core strength to pull across the bars. The woman then climbs a wall and jumps off it in a gymnastic flip into the sand and begins to talk to the camera again.", "segments": [[6.62, 211.81], [6.62, 49.64], [51.85, 162.17], [182.03, 209.61]], "duration": 220.64, "id": 9322}, {"image_id": "v_bJj66H_WsDA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on the sidelines followed by a large group of people playing lacrosse. The players continue to move up and down the field past one another and many watching on the sides. The group continue to play and end by scoring a goal and the ref reacting.", "segments": [[1.47, 27.89], [25.93, 73.88], [71.92, 95.4]], "duration": 97.85, "id": 9323}, {"image_id": "v_xT6ejzSmftg.mp4", "caption": "A marching group of cadets in dark clothing comes into view in what appears to be a downtown city square. A drum corp is heard drumming proudly as the cadets march down the street. The marchers begin waving to the crowd and greeting the onlookers. A long train whistle is heard as the cadets continue to wave to the crowd. Behind the cadets, a marching band comes into view, dressed in white. The band marches by while playing cadet songs.", "segments": [[0, 12.06], [12.92, 20.67], [20.67, 32.73], [32.73, 44.79], [44.79, 90.44], [90.44, 169.68]], "duration": 172.26, "id": 9324}, {"image_id": "v_ZbfYwmb39H0.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of a goal holding a stick and speaking to the camera. Several shots of him speaking are shown and he demonstrates how to properly be a goalie. He moves back and fourth a bit while moving the stick while still holding his arms up and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 45.17], [31.72, 176.84], [47.09, 192.22]], "duration": 192.22, "id": 9325}, {"image_id": "v_mBZAFJ-Q6Mw.mp4", "caption": "A boy is drawing with chalk on concrete as he deals with the troubles of family life and school. He finishes drawing hopscotch boxes on the concrete as he begins to jump on the squares and begins to dance only to be reminded of the bullying at school. The young man is seen now break dancing and going through a routine. Back at home with his troubled family he is eating and day dreaming of dancing as the scene goes back to him dancing. He stops dancing to look at the hopscotch squares that are now faded and worn. In the classroom as the teacher is walking through the rows of desks he notices the young man asleep at his desk as he uses a ruler to tap him on his head to wake him. The young boy notices a note at his desk that has a picture of the hopscotch squares that says \"teach me\" followed by a smiley face. The credits roll as the concrete and the chalk marks of the hopscotch squares are shown.", "segments": [[0, 56.41], [58.67, 92.52], [93.65, 126.37], [127.49, 155.7], [157.96, 166.98], [168.11, 174.88], [176.01, 185.03], [190.68, 225.65]], "duration": 225.65, "id": 9326}, {"image_id": "v_vaqswUFfvMY.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast bend to rise weight above his head, while other men sit in the gym watch him. The gymnast drops the weight to the floor.", "segments": [[0, 10.24], [10.3, 11.91]], "duration": 11.91, "id": 9327}, {"image_id": "v_72F30o9V8v0.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown sitting on a fence and talking to the camera while pointing out horses. A girl is shown riding a horse while three others hold onto the horse and help. These people help various people on and off the horses. The people also walk through obstacle courses with the horses and keep one hand on at all times. The man stands in the middle applauding the riders and giving the horses direction. A boy smiles when he gets off the horse and several people congratulate him. The man finishes by talking about his camp and why you should join.", "segments": [[0, 23.39], [34.57, 57.96], [62.03, 139.3], [132.18, 156.59], [146.42, 172.86], [164.72, 178.96], [192.18, 203.36]], "duration": 203.36, "id": 9328}, {"image_id": "v_DR2sW3Wd8fo.mp4", "caption": "A video of the swan lake ballet is shown. They perform the act and interview some of the cast.", "segments": [[0, 175.81], [44.85, 179.4]], "duration": 179.4, "id": 9329}, {"image_id": "v_AoyoL-921Ws.mp4", "caption": "A large yard is shown followed by a young child pushing a lawn mower around. The boy continues pushing the lawn mower around while the camera watches from the side. The boy moves the mower all along the yard.", "segments": [[0, 19.32], [18.22, 55.76], [44.83, 71.43]], "duration": 72.89, "id": 9330}, {"image_id": "v_Tg3FU9Ro6KQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her holding up various nail polishes and beginning to a set of fake nails. She continues painting on the nails use several different colors and presents the nail to the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 71.56], [72.57, 201.59]], "duration": 201.59, "id": 9331}, {"image_id": "v_Hev5Vj0Jjuk.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls look up at an amusement park ride and wave there hands in fear and anticipation. The girls put on safety harnesses. The group climb up the stairs to the top of the platform. A girl stands on top of the platform with a rope and harness and prepares to jump. A pop band is seen singing a song and dancing. The girl jumps from the platform and bounces on the bungee cord in the air. The girl is met by the group members who congratulate her for the jump.", "segments": [[0, 34.76], [38.9, 41.38], [42.21, 51.31], [52.96, 107.58], [108.41, 113.38], [116.69, 139.86], [142.34, 165.51]], "duration": 165.51, "id": 9332}, {"image_id": "v_ygmYkKbS-4U.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt is sweeping the floor in a gym. He flips the broom over and lays it flat on the floor. He starts vacuuming around the floor. He vacuums the bottom of the broom.", "segments": [[0, 40.13], [39.56, 41.26], [65, 85.34], [89.86, 113.04]], "duration": 113.03999999999999, "id": 9333}, {"image_id": "v_sicaCRRCkiY.mp4", "caption": "A camera shows several different ingredients laid out on a table followed by someone mixing the ingredients together. They put the mixture on a pan to create cookies in the oven and show off the final results.", "segments": [[0, 6.9], [8.02, 16.05]], "duration": 16.05, "id": 9334}, {"image_id": "v_mPtCJg-j4SM.mp4", "caption": "A woman dressed in workout clothes and a jacket is walking down a hall and stops to talk about whats behind the door.Once she opens the door,the camera pans many workout machines and the woman begins talking to the program director.After they are done talking,the young woman begins working out with the rest of the class as the trainer walks by making sure they are working out properly.Finally,the workout is finished and everyone begins high-fiving one another and the woman begins to talk again.", "segments": [[0, 15.33], [15.33, 65.16], [65.16, 160.03], [160.03, 191.66]], "duration": 191.66, "id": 9335}, {"image_id": "v_m1pNOYN-DoI.mp4", "caption": "Four guys are throwing golf balls across a table to hit plastic cups. Two guys high five after one guy gets the golf ball into the plastic cup. Guys point at the camera and laugh. A guy takes the golf ball out of the cup and attempts to drink the liquid. A guy throws a golf ball with his back toward the table, lands it inside the cup, and leaves the room. The guys celebrate and give high fives.", "segments": [[2.07, 42.77], [11.73, 14.14], [17.94, 20.7], [22.77, 36.22], [40.01, 41.74], [45.53, 65.54]], "duration": 68.99, "id": 9336}, {"image_id": "v_UXX8k68S3_g.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen drawing on the side of a pumpkin and then leads into cutting out the outlines. The person then wipes a rag all over the pumpkin cleaning off its sides.", "segments": [[0.5, 48.56], [39.15, 97.62]], "duration": 99.1, "id": 9337}, {"image_id": "v_DCyLmohIwkQ.mp4", "caption": "A man slowly walks over and takes some equipment off of the wall as some dramatic music plays. He sets up the bow and gets his arrows. Next we see him outdoors as he walks across some grass towards a target. He pulls out an arrow and and sets it in his bow. After a few tries he gets a bulls-eye. He sets his bow and his arrows down onto a wooden platform.", "segments": [[0, 21.83], [22.61, 51.47], [52.25, 77.2], [77.98, 102.15], [102.93, 135.68], [139.58, 155.96]], "duration": 155.96, "id": 9338}, {"image_id": "v_Rx4gq8hrZ8s.mp4", "caption": "Four people plays soccer table indoors. A man shows a ball on a stick and demonstrates the movement of the ball on the soccer table. Then the mans shows the ball to the players, and one of them grab the ball and others play.", "segments": [[5.6, 81.81], [82.93, 191.64], [193.88, 220.78]], "duration": 224.14, "id": 9339}, {"image_id": "v_ydRycaBjMVw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting on a bench with other wiping his ear down with cleaner. The man looks at his phone while the other then begins piercing his ears. The man puts an earring in each hole while still speaking to the man and shoving off his earring.", "segments": [[0, 79.42], [59.27, 167.14], [128.02, 226.41]], "duration": 237.07999999999998, "id": 9340}, {"image_id": "v_17zMW3rzlR4.mp4", "caption": "Several professional men are placing wax on all types of skis.As they continue to place wax,they use tools to grind and smooth the skis.Finally, the use of cloths by the workers smooths and shines the skis.", "segments": [[0, 77.02], [11.24, 62.45], [26.65, 48.29]], "duration": 83.27, "id": 9341}, {"image_id": "v_-5h2E52tl4Q.mp4", "caption": "A middle aged female talks about a cleaning product. The female opens a container of cleaner and puts it on a rag. The female then uses the rag to rub the inside of the sink. The same female then uses a different rag to rub the sink surface. The female puts more cleaner on the rag and cleans the counter top.", "segments": [[0, 114.52], [12.02, 23.48], [24.05, 50.39], [53.82, 54.97], [62.99, 111.66]], "duration": 114.52000000000001, "id": 9342}, {"image_id": "v_Anvhv9FFv1Q.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera and leads into him presenting various objects and sharpening a knife on a board. The man demonstrates how to properly sharpen the knife using the tools and his hands while continuing to sharpen the knife on the board.", "segments": [[2.28, 134.35], [96.78, 226.58]], "duration": 227.72, "id": 9343}, {"image_id": "v_KanNWuKvkxs.mp4", "caption": "A woman talks and shows a little bottle. Then, the woman put on her eyes white contact lenses and continues explaining.", "segments": [[0, 24.07], [24.07, 126.67]], "duration": 126.67, "id": 9344}, {"image_id": "v_It-SVT1ICJM.mp4", "caption": "A couple of toys are wrestling on a table next to a stack of dvds. They kick and push each other down. A screen of stars in a black sky are shown.", "segments": [[0, 2.69], [2.88, 15.94], [16.23, 19.2]], "duration": 19.2, "id": 9345}, {"image_id": "v_xKPF_SpZ1gQ.mp4", "caption": "A calf and horse run out of a gate. The man catches the calf and ties it up.", "segments": [[0, 3.6], [6.69, 14.4]], "duration": 14.4, "id": 9346}, {"image_id": "v_5olJd75WWFw.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a black shirt is demonstrating how to polish wood and other surfaces using liquid polish and a white soft cloth. He pours some of the polish from the bottle onto the cloth and uses it to gently scrub ad rub it over the furniture and tabletop. He uses it over various surfaces to clean and polish the surfaces of wood, vinyl and leather.", "segments": [[8.21, 46.38], [46.38, 64.22], [64.22, 68.5]], "duration": 71.36, "id": 9347}, {"image_id": "v__Hi9gQEaT-Q.mp4", "caption": "A dog pushes a stroller down the sidewalk. A person in white passes the tree. The dog passes a small tree.", "segments": [[0, 16.07], [2.33, 3.62], [4.1, 5.46]], "duration": 16.07, "id": 9348}, {"image_id": "v_AEQ9zIG9LqA.mp4", "caption": "A man does several back flips on a red mat. A woman in a black shirt watches him go by and claps. He stands up and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 74.57], [53.72, 57.33], [74.57, 76.57]], "duration": 80.18, "id": 9349}, {"image_id": "v_1HWajOhmPVg.mp4", "caption": "Various text is shown across the screen that leads into a man hosting a news segment. An athlete is then seen spinning around in circles and throwing an object off into the distance. More text is shown across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 8.28], [8.41, 19.63], [17.62, 26.57]], "duration": 26.7, "id": 9350}, {"image_id": "v_PyM_VG5KFa4.mp4", "caption": "A channel is displaying some cool and incredible videos. A young boy is sitting outdoors on a wooden bench and drumming on a drum set that is made out of steel plates, cans and pots. A man just walked past him while the boy was drumming loudly. He continues to drum on the handmade drum set rhythmically. He plays in a fast manner without stopping. The screen shows details of how to subscribe to the channel.", "segments": [[4.67, 14.95], [14.95, 19.62], [19.62, 44.37], [44.37, 85.47], [85.47, 92.01], [92.01, 93.41]], "duration": 93.41, "id": 9351}, {"image_id": "v_DgdEQgh8TKU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing by the water holding an axe in one hand and a block of wood in the other. The man continues cutting wood while the camera pans to other people in the room and a woman speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0.78, 41.93], [25.86, 76.41]], "duration": 78.37, "id": 9352}, {"image_id": "v_9o_SlEkq-L0.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing in a yard of green grass and is shown mowing the lawn and when he's done there is a short exchange of a hand handing his hand one dollar bill. The man is then shown moving the grass again and when he's done he's once again indoors and this time getting three one dollar bills handed to him. He is once again back in the yard but this time he has the container filled with cut grass and a special effect makes it look like the cut grass is jumping into his container. A special effect shows the man quickly in one place and then in another spot that varies a lot all throughout the yard. The man goes back to mowing the yard and then back indoors to get one more dollar handed to him. The man is very happy about this and he's back in the yard celebrating by jumping and mowing the yard a little more. The man is then back indoors and a special effect shows a bunch of money flying into the air and straight into his hands and ends with a the man holding a bunch of money in his hands as they move.", "segments": [[0, 9.41], [9.41, 23.52], [23.95, 38.49], [38.49, 67.58], [73.14, 74.42], [74.85, 79.98], [80.41, 85.54]], "duration": 85.53999999999999, "id": 9353}, {"image_id": "v_PzeM5iOLQnk.mp4", "caption": "We see a man talking in a bike ship. the man points at a bike. The man takes off the handlebars on a bike and adjusts them.\nThe man puts the handlebars back on. The man moves to the front of the bike to adjust the handlebars. The man then finishes tightening the bolt on the handlebar. The man steps back when finished.", "segments": [[0, 110.34], [18.21, 22.62], [27.03, 59.03], [59.58, 86.07], [86.62, 97.1], [101.51, 105.93], [107.03, 110.34]], "duration": 110.34, "id": 9354}, {"image_id": "v_ozgrP6Znupc.mp4", "caption": "Two men talk to the camera, interspersed with action footage of them playing lacrosse. The man dressed in orange talks to the camera. The man in orange demonstrates passing the lacrosse ball against the wall. The man in orange talks to the camera again. Both men demonstrate passing the lacrosse ball against the wall. The man in orange talks to the camera a third time while demonstrating with his lacrosse stick. The man is briefly interrupted by a scene of him passing the ball against the wall. The two man practice passing the ball to each other with the wall. The man in orange talks to the camera a final time.", "segments": [[2.83, 13.2], [15.09, 16.98], [17.92, 27.82], [28.3, 36.78], [37.26, 42.44], [42.92, 67.91], [52.35, 56.59], [69.8, 89.6], [89.6, 91.96]], "duration": 94.32, "id": 9355}, {"image_id": "v_uklYBuQDwIw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting down on a string while others watch around her. A man is shown speaking to the camera while others take their turns balance on the rope. More shots are shown of the people walking along one another.", "segments": [[0, 30.17], [29.27, 74.74], [50.43, 89.6]], "duration": 90.05, "id": 9356}, {"image_id": "v_zFUUBWJ58UA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen walking up to a door and smiling to the camera while hanging up her coat. She puts an apron on and pours paint into a bucket while speaking to the camera. She is shown painting various furniture as well as showing it off in the end.", "segments": [[1.98, 41.01], [31.75, 97.89], [94.58, 130.96]], "duration": 132.29, "id": 9357}, {"image_id": "v_mEEovBtzwHc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting in a chair while speaking to the camera and leads into a close up of a tree and the woman putting ornaments on. The woman ties string all along the tree while the camera pans around and ends with her showing off the end result and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 46.54], [43.63, 145.43]], "duration": 145.43, "id": 9358}, {"image_id": "v_W4tmb8RwzQM.mp4", "caption": "A teen sits in a chair talking. The boy stands and we see him bouncing on a slackline in various locations. There is a second boy on a different line who walks away. The boy almost falls and steadys himself. The boy gets off and walks away. The boy walks to the camera and gestures with his hands.", "segments": [[0, 14.11], [14.11, 185.33], [103.48, 112.89], [143.94, 147.7], [181.57, 185.33], [185.33, 188.15]], "duration": 188.15, "id": 9359}, {"image_id": "v_nnWJGghixr0.mp4", "caption": "A black intro screen appears with white words and letters saying \"Eric Bristow's unique TV 'Robin Hood' Darts shot 1983 vs J Wilson\".An older looking video begins and two different men are throwing darts at a dartboard.When the men are done throwing darts, a dartboard is show and blue letters scroll up from the bottom to the top.", "segments": [[0, 7.06], [7.06, 39.61], [39.61, 45.53]], "duration": 45.54, "id": 9360}, {"image_id": "v_xPyj6pmYyEk.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about how to make linguine with clam sauce. Water is brought to a boil in a pot and the pasta is added to the pot. Parsley is finely chopped along with some garlic, and the clams are drained into a bowl to separate them from the juice. Olive oil goes into the pan with the garlic, red pepper, parsley, white wine, basil, salt, and clam juice to simmer, and the clams are added to the mixture at the end. The pasta is drained and added into the pan with the sauce. The pasta is then served with shredded cheese on top.", "segments": [[0, 31.15], [31.15, 47.77], [47.77, 86.19], [86.19, 159.91], [159.91, 184.84], [184.84, 207.68]], "duration": 207.68, "id": 9361}, {"image_id": "v_gWyBBQtsDhc.mp4", "caption": "A woman with long hair is seen speaking to the camera while moving her arms around and smiling while she speaks. She then begins brushing her long hair out and smiling back at the camera and waving.", "segments": [[0, 84.84], [81.58, 217.54]], "duration": 217.54, "id": 9362}, {"image_id": "v_-od9zDziq9U.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks up the the center of the stage and messes with her feet and gets in position. She pauses in that position before she begins to dance around. She does a split and some poses all around. She does some cart wheels and more dancing all around the court and finally she finishes.", "segments": [[0, 27.01], [27.91, 75.63], [75.63, 121.55], [121.55, 180.07]], "duration": 180.07, "id": 9363}, {"image_id": "v_MkouTZhtvEI.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are shown walking in holding bows and arrows and one making a shot. Several more people are shown making shots with their bows and arrows and celebrating in the end and standing on a podium waving.", "segments": [[0, 12.66], [12.37, 57.54]], "duration": 57.54, "id": 9364}, {"image_id": "v_AIxxMCcmIgM.mp4", "caption": "We see a man water skiing. We see the water spraying on the left. The man jumps over to the right. The man is bending down on the surfboard. The man performs a flip.", "segments": [[0, 83.64], [18.4, 25.93], [26.76, 29.69], [52.27, 58.13], [73.6, 79.04]], "duration": 83.64, "id": 9365}, {"image_id": "v_BfsCKU69hHs.mp4", "caption": "A pair of female hands uses an iron on a piece of baby clothing. The woman sets the iron aside and flips the clothing. The woman uses the iron on the other side of the clothing. The woman sets the iron aside.", "segments": [[0, 7.62], [7.76, 14.02], [14.56, 25.85], [25.72, 27.21]], "duration": 27.21, "id": 9366}, {"image_id": "v_MY6o5ZObFLE.mp4", "caption": "A man is sipping a drink on the beach. A girl is applying squirts of suntan lotion onto their bodies. Then then go into the water, swimming and walking in the surf.", "segments": [[0, 12.41], [13.79, 51.03], [55.17, 91.95]], "duration": 91.95, "id": 9367}, {"image_id": "v_1ATBCBUgflA.mp4", "caption": "Various ingredients are laid out on a table and leads into a person pouring the ingredients into a bowl. The person stirs thoroughly and then wipes down a table with a cloth.", "segments": [[0, 37.48], [36.46, 68.15]], "duration": 68.15, "id": 9368}, {"image_id": "v_vtYbJD2J8Tw.mp4", "caption": "A woman begins talking to the camera smiling and leads into her coming another woman's hair. She parts the hair into sections and places rollers into the woman's hair and talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 22.05], [23.11, 71.12]], "duration": 71.12, "id": 9369}, {"image_id": "v_GJz8FEFB70w.mp4", "caption": "Two people lift a large weight over their heads. They drop the weight to the ground. The weights are shown on each side.", "segments": [[0, 101.2], [42.65, 46.98], [103.37, 144.57]], "duration": 144.57, "id": 9370}, {"image_id": "v__4oBeoCuU7M.mp4", "caption": "Two cars are seen parked outside of a garage as a man focuses his camera.Once the camera is sin position,a man is shown with a steel mask on as he beats a piece on a concrete.The piece is on the concrete and he puts the bottom of the mask on and begins burning the metal.", "segments": [[0, 31.19], [31.81, 86.09], [85.46, 124.76]], "duration": 124.76, "id": 9371}, {"image_id": "v_USOc5S2-3zA.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a belly dancer outfit is on stage. She walks down the lane while dancing and singing. She gyrates her hips and arms as she performs.", "segments": [[0, 13.8], [16.87, 92], [94.3, 153.34]], "duration": 153.34, "id": 9372}, {"image_id": "v_azfkn6EsuJA.mp4", "caption": "A man is buffing down his skis in a garage. He changes position to give himself more leverage as he buffs. He moves the shis to another location when he is done.", "segments": [[0, 16.53], [7.52, 16.53], [15.87, 16.53]], "duration": 16.53, "id": 9373}, {"image_id": "v_8kGiDHAnTqY.mp4", "caption": "A man is helping a little girl go down a slide. She goes down the slide on her belly. She climbs up the side of the playground and goes down the slide again.", "segments": [[19.15, 41.77], [57.44, 73.97], [103.56, 127.93]], "duration": 174.06, "id": 9374}, {"image_id": "v_BWCMfPoKlMM.mp4", "caption": "A large group of athletes are seen standing around a track while some holding their arms up to clap. One runner makes his way down the track and jumps into a large sand pit and walks away.", "segments": [[1.28, 28.44], [21.52, 49.2]], "duration": 51.25, "id": 9375}, {"image_id": "v_NyL7m4JV8vQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in red runs jumps and flips over an obstacle. It is done over and over in slow motion. He then does it again for one last time. Then finally, they begin a race on a field a man wearing black crosses the finish line first.", "segments": [[0, 13.29], [13.79, 34.96], [37.91, 78.78], [78.29, 98.48]], "duration": 98.47999999999999, "id": 9376}, {"image_id": "v_tr1sNwRTMd8.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing number 177 is standing in place, she crosses her heart and get prepared to run. She breathes in deeply and starts to run really fast down the field. She jumps up high and lands right in the sand on to her butt, they show mulitple replays of her performance. She bends over and fixes her uniform, dusting off her bottom as she walks away.", "segments": [[0, 30.24], [30.24, 46.16], [46.16, 87.02], [87.02, 106.12]], "duration": 106.12, "id": 9377}, {"image_id": "v_2UJ4wqJt_Y8.mp4", "caption": "People are roller blading about in front of a building. A man roller blades fast. The man lifts his hands up in the air and starts to stop his roller blades.", "segments": [[0, 3.07], [0, 0.67], [0.75, 3.07]], "duration": 3.07, "id": 9378}, {"image_id": "v_VkRjs03YEjE.mp4", "caption": "The man in the corner kicks the ball straight into the net. The team runs around the court celebrating. A man in the stands climbs over the railing and runs onto the court celebrating. The group is in a bunch celebrating on the court. One of the players kicks the ball into the stands and walks off with his head down. A few players are standing in the corner looking like they are arguing. A bunch of players and spectators run the court toward the melee. Men are running along the edge of the court. The small group is still arguing and holding back fights. A small group is having an animated discussion. The two men walk back on to the court as the group starts talking again around the court floor and edge.", "segments": [[0, 7.03], [7.03, 14.07], [14.07, 19.93], [19.93, 29.31], [29.31, 44.55], [44.55, 50.42], [50.42, 64.49], [64.49, 100.83], [100.83, 131.32], [131.32, 132.49], [132.49, 234.5]], "duration": 234.5, "id": 9379}, {"image_id": "v_PuylbPlzbH0.mp4", "caption": "We see people holding their phones up to record. We then see a man playing a piano. The camera moves around the man's back. The crowd then claps for the man. The man then looks up and speaks.", "segments": [[0, 6.31], [6.09, 36.75], [16.23, 32.47], [36.98, 43.06], [43.29, 45.09]], "duration": 45.09, "id": 9380}, {"image_id": "v_NI-TZyAxJU0.mp4", "caption": "People raft down a narrow river between two mountains. People rafting passing troubled waters in the narrow river. People sail down the rocky river in an open space.", "segments": [[0, 23.31], [23.31, 87.22], [87.97, 150.37]], "duration": 150.37, "id": 9381}, {"image_id": "v_5V47VQHzWHc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seated at the front of a church and plays a song on an accordion. The man goes all the way down the scale than back up at the end of the song. The man finishes the song and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 114.5], [109.16, 114.5], [113.91, 116.87]], "duration": 118.65, "id": 9382}, {"image_id": "v_QgzpNg0Ponc.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen riding on a skateboard down a hill on his head. More shots are shown of people performing tricks on skateboards around an area. The people continue to perform tricks and ride around while other people watch on the side.", "segments": [[0, 17.96], [18.67, 102.71], [92.65, 142.21]], "duration": 143.65, "id": 9383}, {"image_id": "v_mLijl36SjJU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling onto a floor holding a bit of carpet and speaking to the camera. He peels off the layers and begins rubbing down the carpet. He pours liquid onto the carpet and pats it down with a paper towel. Finally the person vacuums up the carpet and is seen standing next to the vacuum.", "segments": [[0, 23.07], [25.23, 61.27], [61.99, 104.53], [108.85, 144.17]], "duration": 144.17000000000002, "id": 9384}, {"image_id": "v_QeH6IOAjy-4.mp4", "caption": "Three people are in the gym,one of the males is kneeling down and jerking a bar while the other is giving a massage to a woman.The male with the bar lifts the weights,drops it and then jumps in joy that he has lifted the weight,drops his belt and walks off.", "segments": [[0, 18.84], [18.84, 40.52]], "duration": 40.52, "id": 9385}, {"image_id": "v_CXSoih6nFME.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen adjusting the camera and showing off her face. She grabs some makeup and begins putting it all over her face. She continues putting on more makeup and showing it off to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 30.96], [30.96, 117.65], [102.17, 150.94]], "duration": 154.81, "id": 9386}, {"image_id": "v_uVHuVnv5XAk.mp4", "caption": "A man sprints down a track. The man jumps at the end of the track. The man's jump is shown from different angles an in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 8.48], [8.2, 11.88], [11.59, 56.55]], "duration": 56.55, "id": 9387}, {"image_id": "v_v-dxQNxdMrU.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around large city buildings and leads into people riding motocross bikes. More clips are seen of people performing tricks on the bike while hundreds watch on the sidelines. More people are seen riding around and waving their hands up in the end.", "segments": [[0, 17.84], [15.56, 70.46], [61.77, 89.22]], "duration": 91.51, "id": 9388}, {"image_id": "v_Nosx28FNB5E.mp4", "caption": "People start to play a game of pool. A man talks to the camera and laughs. Words are shown on the screen.", "segments": [[16.43, 69.74], [44.91, 46.74], [71.57, 73.03]], "duration": 73.03, "id": 9389}, {"image_id": "v_x8yuq2i72eo.mp4", "caption": "Four people are doing situps on the ground. The third person is paused. The farthest person is barely visible.", "segments": [[0, 8.48], [1.74, 4.41], [8.01, 8.48]], "duration": 8.48, "id": 9390}, {"image_id": "v_9hPFweZeIWs.mp4", "caption": "People are standing around an arena wearing cowboy hats. They release a calf from a box. A man on a horse runs after the calf. He ties the legs of the calf and gets up and walks away.", "segments": [[0, 82.18], [42.73, 43.96], [44.38, 50.54], [50.13, 82.18]], "duration": 82.18, "id": 9391}, {"image_id": "v_dZSjgAYlpS0.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing over a sink and with his right hand he's holding a drill that has a potato attached to the end of it, and the right hand is holding the hand peeler as the drill moves the potato and the peeler peels it.The man temporarily stops the drill to pull off a small piece of potato and a long piece of metal is shown sticking out of the drill.The man then puts another potato onto the pointy metal piece and continues to peel the potato. Once again he stops and then cleans off his peeler and then returns back to peeling the rest of the potato. The man stops the drill for the last time,lets it go and cleans the peeler once more with both hands as he throws the contents into the sink and.", "segments": [[0, 5.9], [5.9, 8.38], [8.38, 12.41], [12.41, 53.07], [53.07, 62.07]], "duration": 62.07, "id": 9392}, {"image_id": "v_eBITMlyTZhY.mp4", "caption": "A lady gets up from her seat and we see the orchestra playing music. The woman does a belly dancing routine on the stage. We see a camera enter the scene on the right. We see the back of the head of a man. We then see the woman next to the man. The woman finishes her dance and picks up her wrap. We see a somber lady holding a microphone.", "segments": [[0, 6.57], [8.77, 202.7], [25.2, 27.39], [40.54, 49.31], [60.26, 67.93], [201.61, 213.66], [218.04, 219.14]], "duration": 219.14, "id": 9393}, {"image_id": "v_Jifw8dC5yTM.mp4", "caption": "A young man in blue t-shirt walks through small dance studio room. The young man sets his stereo down on a chair. The man young man warms up and does a one handed handstand. The man does a break dance routine doing hand stands and spins. End credits are shown with names written in cursive.", "segments": [[0, 9.76], [11.26, 13.51], [13.51, 27.77], [27.77, 139.59], [139.59, 150.09]], "duration": 150.09, "id": 9394}, {"image_id": "v_xVQkf_TrX7U.mp4", "caption": "A big man dressed as batman is running around doing weird nonsensical stuff. He runs inside of the house and begins to start giving instructions on how to make the perfect batman sandwich. He is cutting up cheese and adding ham to the sandwich. He even cuts the bread into a batman shape before finally doing being done.", "segments": [[0, 15.36], [15.36, 61.43], [61.43, 106.11], [106.81, 139.62]], "duration": 139.62, "id": 9395}, {"image_id": "v_4VVIFV6XmKo.mp4", "caption": "Two men are in a small gym boxing and fighting one another.They continue fighting and hitting one another as a person stands in the corner showing them.After some time,they finish fighting and stand still across from one another in the gym.", "segments": [[0, 51.11], [51.68, 98.19], [98.19, 114.85]], "duration": 114.85, "id": 9396}, {"image_id": "v_pOyP_kDaskY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit reads off of a paper. A woman then begins to report a news story. A young boy plays the harmonica on the street. He stands on a dock telling his story.", "segments": [[0, 9.86], [10.84, 21.68], [26.61, 61.1], [54.2, 145.86]], "duration": 197.11, "id": 9397}, {"image_id": "v_ZFi592_m_NQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown on camera doing several moves with his arms and legs while smiling into the camera. He performs several more moves slowly and continues to speak and smile to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 56.6], [56.6, 117.3]], "duration": 136.4, "id": 9398}, {"image_id": "v_v_Vg4a8igc0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is bathing a white and brown puppy dog in a bathtub. the woman is using a hand held shower to wash the dog. The woman is holding the dog with its two front legs. She continues to wash the dog with the shower.", "segments": [[5.51, 13.96], [13.96, 29.02], [29.02, 34.53], [34.53, 36.37]], "duration": 36.73, "id": 9399}, {"image_id": "v_7knqgoHxuGE.mp4", "caption": "Several people are at a party. They are drinking and playing beer pong. There are people dancing and looking at their phones.", "segments": [[0, 38.13], [7.43, 28.98], [28.79, 38.13]], "duration": 38.13, "id": 9400}, {"image_id": "v_tES39s-LJsQ.mp4", "caption": "The name Seppe Smits appears on screen followed by \"Snow Boarding 2400 Hours A Day\". Video of Smits starting his day is intermixed with shots of him snowboarding. Social media hashtags on are shown on screen.", "segments": [[0, 14.51], [15.01, 90.55], [91.55, 100.06]], "duration": 100.06, "id": 9401}, {"image_id": "v_StM48dIvK-M.mp4", "caption": "People are participating in a tug of war match in a gym. The yellow team on the left side pulls the rope mostly to the left or wins. An adult grabs the arm of a blue team member.", "segments": [[0, 77.97], [0, 78.37], [78.37, 79.16]], "duration": 79.16, "id": 9402}, {"image_id": "v_IGamNJ5yIh4.mp4", "caption": "A group of men are on a sandy beach playing soccer while a lot of people are looking on.A man kicks the ball very hard, makes it in the goal and he throws his two arms up in the air and gives a team mate a high five and they all run back to get into place for the next play.The replay of the goal that was kicked is replayed but in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 8.91], [8.91, 28.11], [28.11, 39.59]], "duration": 39.59, "id": 9403}, {"image_id": "v_jhuRtkqUSSI.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans out on a man's back followed by a man performing a flipping dive into a pool. He is shown twice more performing impressing dives off the diving board and into the pool.", "segments": [[0, 19.4], [19.01, 38.79]], "duration": 38.79, "id": 9404}, {"image_id": "v_jE0XAclET5w.mp4", "caption": "A man is doing a rubiks cube behind a table. There is a timer on the table in front of him. He picks up another rubiks cube and starts completing it.", "segments": [[0, 167.16], [0.84, 167.16], [78.57, 167.16]], "duration": 167.16, "id": 9405}, {"image_id": "v_iJzt1rvGiOc.mp4", "caption": "A blond woman is sitting on a bed in a hotel room videotaping her self in a mirror with a white phone and talking to the camera. the woman stands up and points the camera to the door into the bathroom where a man is washing his sneakers in the sink with a brush. The blond woman walks back into the room and shows all the various pairs of sneakers the man has laying all over the hotel room. The blond woman walks back into the bathroom and video tapes the man holding the white sneakers. The man is now outside putting polish and plastic tape on the sneakers and he is detailing them with a toothbrush. There are various pictures of the end product of clean sneakers.", "segments": [[0, 24.57], [24.57, 45.36], [45.36, 67.1], [67.1, 103.96], [103.96, 177.67], [177.67, 189.01]], "duration": 189.01, "id": 9406}, {"image_id": "v_GPl7nFwqSgk.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing in a circle playing drums with one person in the middle instructing them. The camera pans around the group playing drums while people them on the side.", "segments": [[0, 109.11], [109.11, 202.06]], "duration": 202.06, "id": 9407}, {"image_id": "v_CpTIytatsno.mp4", "caption": "An athlete spins and throws a shot put on a large playing field of a stadium. The man celebrates and gives a thumbs up. A second athlete in grey shirt throws a shotput. The ball lands in the grass and the man is disappointed in the throw and walks away. A large man in yellow shirt and headband spins and throws a shut put that veers to the left of the field. The man is pleased with his shot and pumps his fist. The man gives high fives to his team mates. A rack of balls are seen in the grass behind scores for the game. The man awaits his score standing on the track among other athletes in the background.", "segments": [[3.89, 10.21], [10.21, 16.04], [17.99, 26.25], [28.19, 33.54], [34.03, 56.39], [56.39, 58.82], [59.31, 69.03], [70.97, 87.01], [88.47, 97.22]], "duration": 97.22, "id": 9408}, {"image_id": "v_64oq7grVNVs.mp4", "caption": "A young man clips the hair of several older men in an outdoor barber chair. The man cutting hair is inside a barber shop talking. Some still shots of the man cutting hair are shown. The man is seen again cutting a mans hair in the outdoor barber chair.", "segments": [[0, 11.44], [12.39, 95.32], [21.45, 35.27], [49.09, 95.32]], "duration": 95.32, "id": 9409}, {"image_id": "v_ntKbTDQUhDA.mp4", "caption": "A man is pouring shots of alcohol into a blender. He blends the drink together. He puts orange slices on two glasses. He pours the drink from the blender into the glasses and adds straws.", "segments": [[0, 66], [66, 71.08], [81.23, 85.04], [98.36, 126.92]], "duration": 126.92, "id": 9410}, {"image_id": "v_LVub7uinY-4.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen playing a baseball game on a field and leads into several more shots of them playing. The video continues with several clips of people hitting and catching the ball and ends with text across the screen.", "segments": [[0, 41.08], [34.39, 95.53]], "duration": 95.53, "id": 9411}, {"image_id": "v_RaYMOYWhba8.mp4", "caption": "A group of young boys are seen passing soccer balls to each along a large sandy beach. They continue running back and fourth on the sand and passing the ball to one another.", "segments": [[0, 152.81], [78.7, 152.81]], "duration": 152.81, "id": 9412}, {"image_id": "v_OVf4tUiUqA0.mp4", "caption": "Two workers are shown at a shop outdoors. They are washing down cars with soap, including the Maserati's tires. They then rinse the cars and wipe them clean. The final product is shown as a clean, shiny italian car.", "segments": [[0, 15.64], [18.99, 45.24], [48.04, 96.63], [97.19, 111.71]], "duration": 111.71000000000001, "id": 9413}, {"image_id": "v_yIIDIQDKVhI.mp4", "caption": "A man in a red polo shirt demonstrates the Kleva Sharp sharpener. He sharpens a dull butcher knife and cuts a tomato. The man in the red polo shirt then sharpens a dull steak knife and cuts a tomato into slices and then he cuts a cucumber into slices. The man demonstrating the Kleva Sharpener, he sharpens a garden clipper and slices a carrot. The demonstrator then sharpens a serated bread knife and slices a loaf of bread. A series of demonstrations of different knives cutting different foods. The Kleva Sharpener is dismounted from the table and stored in a cabinet drawer. The Kleva Sharpener is mounted on the refrigerator on a wall and on the table. He demonstrates the locking mechanism.", "segments": [[0, 15.91], [15.91, 32.61], [32.61, 46.92], [46.92, 73.96], [73.96, 88.28], [88.28, 96.23], [95.43, 103.39], [103.39, 138.38], [138.38, 159.06]], "duration": 159.06, "id": 9414}, {"image_id": "v_eGLD-0b1LV0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is speaking while standing next to an elliptical trainer. The mechanics of the elliptical machine are shown. We then see the woman on the machine, demonstrating how it works.", "segments": [[0, 11.2], [12.32, 62.73], [64.97, 112.01]], "duration": 112.00999999999999, "id": 9415}, {"image_id": "v_2mI7NL54yP8.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown on a bike riding across the snow.Then another group of people are riding in a cart through the snow.Three skiers are pictured on top of a mountain of a snow and they begin skiing.A skier is then panned up and down holding a set of skiis as well as people on mountain bikes and they begin racing.", "segments": [[0, 35.05], [35.9, 72.66], [72.66, 122.24], [122.24, 170.97]], "duration": 170.97, "id": 9416}, {"image_id": "v_KTk1Rh8Lgdw.mp4", "caption": "A woman puts rollers to a young lady, combing a portion of the hair and then coil on a roller. The young lady raise her left hand to pass a roller to the woman while taking. The young lady put a towel on front her face.", "segments": [[0, 176.17], [15.86, 18.5], [73.99, 79.28]], "duration": 176.17000000000002, "id": 9417}, {"image_id": "v_cC3dwwPPHKE.mp4", "caption": "Several views are shown of a machine from different angles. A woman uses an attachment to suck the wrinkles out of a shirt. She then hangs a pair of pants, and irons it smooth, creating a crease.", "segments": [[0, 10.08], [11, 50.39], [52.68, 91.63]], "duration": 91.63, "id": 9418}, {"image_id": "v_b993qWuMRBA.mp4", "caption": "We see a man in the upper corner and out over the hood of a car while driving. The car stops at an intersection. The car makes a u-turn. The man drives into a car wash and gets out. The man pressure washes ice off his car and continues rinsing his car. The man shows his wet car.", "segments": [[0, 105.4], [26.96, 51.47], [71.08, 83.34], [88.24, 120.1], [120.1, 441.2], [443.65, 490.22]], "duration": 490.22, "id": 9419}, {"image_id": "v_Zl6o69-R2DE.mp4", "caption": "man is talking to the camera is a snowy day outside a house. man is holding a shovel and cleaning the path from the snow. little kid is wearing red snow clothes and is standing nxt to a car. the man stops and is again talking to the camera with the shovel on his hands.", "segments": [[0, 17.17], [17.17, 62.56], [56.84, 62.97], [62.97, 81.78]], "duration": 81.78, "id": 9420}, {"image_id": "v_9KNOOoIK0zw.mp4", "caption": "A lady in a black tank top gives instruction on how to blow dry a girl's hair wearing a blue t-shirt. The hair stylist first places a liquid in her hand and rubs it into the models hair and then brushes clients hair. The lady in the black tank top uses the blow drier while combing the hair with a brush. Scenes of the finished product showing side views and back vies of the models hair.", "segments": [[0, 48.56], [48.56, 98.19], [98.19, 155.38], [155.38, 215.81]], "duration": 215.81, "id": 9421}, {"image_id": "v__eanWnL3FtM.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a blue shirt and a man wearing a dart shirt enter a stage surrounded by a crowd. The two men competes paper, scissors and rock on front a judge. The two men continues competing while the judge gives the start. Then, the two men continue competing, after the man wearing dark shirt wins the competition and people cheers.", "segments": [[0, 44.18], [45.37, 122.98], [122.98, 202.98], [202.98, 238.8]], "duration": 238.8, "id": 9422}, {"image_id": "v_WUdefl_j2-8.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting on a seat of the car watching by the window. man is snowboarding on snowy slope making high jumps. men are in a dark room with pots.", "segments": [[0, 6.83], [6.83, 85.06], [85.06, 124.18]], "duration": 124.18, "id": 9423}, {"image_id": "v_BVhUKjJrEw8.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clips are shown. Guys play polo sport on a dirt arena. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 4.11], [5.14, 175.74], [176.77, 202.46]], "duration": 205.54, "id": 9424}, {"image_id": "v_-c71seS8bWk.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a fox news segment with two anchors speaking. A woman is then interviewed followed by several pictures of mushrooms and people speaking with one another. A doctor examines a man and interviews the camera followed by people using household products and interviewing the reporter.", "segments": [[0, 35.21], [35.21, 86.41], [87.48, 213.37]], "duration": 213.37, "id": 9425}, {"image_id": "v_or7N8oeI-SY.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening screen on white. We see a lady sitting on the floor with a shoe, bucket of water, brush and soap. The lady shows us the items one at a time. We see an illustration of a thermometer. We see an illustration of a washer. The lady puts her shoe in the bucket and scrubs it with a the brush. She shows us the already cleaned shoe. We see a radiator illustration. The lady picks up the soap and we see an illustration of a shelf. The ending title screen plays.", "segments": [[0, 3.28], [3.28, 50.35], [21.89, 33.93], [21.89, 25.17], [39.4, 76.61], [54.72, 99.6], [107.26, 119.3], [119.3, 159.79], [197.01, 211.23], [213.42, 218.9]], "duration": 218.9, "id": 9426}, {"image_id": "v_zjAZ7m8TQ3E.mp4", "caption": "A woman and her child are outside of a cabin sitting on a wooden table talking to one another.The camera then pans the cabin and a large mountain of snow is shown.After,the woman and her daughter are seen on a flat standing ski lift with large donut tubes following behind them.Once they are at the top,they get into the tubes and race to the bottom along with several other people who are also at the place.", "segments": [[0, 28.75], [28.75, 60.82], [61.92, 81.82], [80.72, 221.15]], "duration": 221.15, "id": 9427}, {"image_id": "v_HGk9BqOuxCE.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in front of a chalk board holding a musical instrument and transitioning to the chalk board every now and then. A person's hand is seen using an ipod followed by more shots of the person talking and writing on a paper. The man then plays the instrument as the camera captures him from several angles while pausing to speak.", "segments": [[0, 60.13], [49.63, 139.35], [140.31, 190.89]], "duration": 190.89, "id": 9428}, {"image_id": "v_EjRE-fbECtg.mp4", "caption": "A man in white shirt and gray shorts is standing at the center of the court, while young people in black tops and black shorts are standing behind him. The young people where standing in a triangle form, the young man at the center start to perform by having his arms up then jump and do it again and some of the girls followed what he is doing.", "segments": [[2.42, 16.57], [7.68, 80.81]], "duration": 80.81, "id": 9429}, {"image_id": "v_1o-Fx2dGfpc.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting down holding a violin. She lifts the violin up and starts playing it. She finishes and lowers the violin.", "segments": [[5.07, 23.77], [23.77, 73.27], [73.66, 75.22]], "duration": 77.95, "id": 9430}, {"image_id": "v_H_Spgfds1iY.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen walking into an office and interviewing a man on television. Many people are watching the interview and one man speaks to a woman angrily. The woman strikes the man and more people are seen walking around and talking. The people walk into a bar and begin playing pool and speaking.", "segments": [[0, 12.5], [11.9, 58.33], [58.33, 97.62], [97.02, 119.05]], "duration": 119.05, "id": 9431}, {"image_id": "v_GYkKMTl-0Os.mp4", "caption": "A small group of women are seen standing around a kitchen with one stirring ingredients into a large pot. Another woman walks into frame when one woman pours more into the bowl and mixing it around. She hands a spoonful for a girl to try and another takes the bowl away from the table.", "segments": [[0, 43.26], [19.75, 50.16], [49.84, 62.69]], "duration": 62.69, "id": 9432}, {"image_id": "v_T3DSDybuBsU.mp4", "caption": "The camera pans around a large group of people holding bows and arrows followed by several shots of them shooting the arrows. Several man run across the field as they shoot arrows at them that lead into sword fights and people being injured. People throw sponges at a man, fist fight, and shoot more arrows at others.", "segments": [[0, 34.69], [23.98, 65.96], [65.96, 85.66]], "duration": 85.66, "id": 9433}, {"image_id": "v__dLbtK8_SHo.mp4", "caption": "The video is about a tennis tutorial and drill by Edgar Giffenig. There are two lady tennis players on a clay court who are demonstrating how to throw the ball up high to the partner. The player is shuffling behind the net and turning the racquet upside down in between the shots. Then the players demonstrate another drill as they shuffle on the tennis court in between shots and returning the balls. The player bounces the ball back with the tip of the racquet handle. They continue playing while demonstrating the tennis drill.", "segments": [[21.32, 54.37], [54.37, 109.81], [109.81, 134.33], [134.33, 157.79], [157.79, 189.77], [189.77, 201.5]], "duration": 213.23, "id": 9434}, {"image_id": "v_h1d-jcsWap8.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen peeling off potatoes into a box with pausing for a bit to speak to the camera. The person peels several potatoes and shows of a bowl full of potatoes while peeling even more.", "segments": [[0, 50.49], [42.22, 87.05]], "duration": 87.05, "id": 9435}, {"image_id": "v_8LTh7r2U8Fw.mp4", "caption": "An athlete walks onto a field outside. He runs with a javelin in the air. He throws the javelin as far as he can, repeating multiple times.", "segments": [[0, 27.49], [29.06, 58.13], [59.7, 157.11]], "duration": 157.11, "id": 9436}, {"image_id": "v_pV1b0Fs6qW8.mp4", "caption": "Three people are seen flying a kite in a field and text appears on the screen. A scary girl appears then leads into pictures of kids flying kites.", "segments": [[0, 15.35], [15.51, 31.32]], "duration": 31.32, "id": 9437}, {"image_id": "v_ZBZUrC4M5E8.mp4", "caption": "A buff man steps into a circle and puts the shot put on this shoulder.The man then spins around and throws the ball into the field.Once completed,he puts on a large neon shirt.Another man approaches the cirle and does the samething as someone comes to the field and measure how far the ball went.The contestants then come back and begin talking to each other before their scores are shown.An aerial view is then provided,then the camera pans the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 9.58], [11.37, 16.76], [16.76, 25.14], [25.14, 65.24], [65.24, 93.37], [93.37, 119.7]], "duration": 119.7, "id": 9438}, {"image_id": "v_lvAXZEUE0m8.mp4", "caption": "A man puts a harness on and steps on a bridge. He jumps off the bridge and bungee jumps over a body of water. A boat drives up and puts him in the boat.", "segments": [[0, 42.73], [41.97, 132], [132, 152.6]], "duration": 152.6, "id": 9439}, {"image_id": "v_bWYIL4KG8kM.mp4", "caption": "This girl is shown zooming in on people's teeth, eyes and other things on their face. Then she shows us the game of dodge ball is going.", "segments": [[0, 11.84], [11.84, 182.14]], "duration": 182.14, "id": 9440}, {"image_id": "v_soGmSXFO7wI.mp4", "caption": "A man walks onto a field before a crowd, holding a heavy ball into the air. He spins, then throws the ball as far as he can. A woman and several others follow, doing the same. The winners celebrate, holding up flags and hugging joyfully.", "segments": [[0, 8.34], [11.33, 24.44], [29.8, 95.97], [97.75, 119.21]], "duration": 119.21000000000001, "id": 9441}, {"image_id": "v_fgBFlwM466w.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen swimming in a pool holding various objects in his hands and showing how to put them on. He then swims down the pool with a breast stroke to the end and works his way back.", "segments": [[0, 75.64], [79.47, 191.5]], "duration": 191.5, "id": 9442}, {"image_id": "v_HRbBaePTCR8.mp4", "caption": "A man is driving a boat, then two men are sitting on the side of the boat, the man in black life vest is on the side of the boat then let go off the boat then start to wakeboard while he is holding on to the harness. The man continue to wake board, he flipped over and then wake board on the water.", "segments": [[0, 79.08], [67.13, 183.92]], "duration": 183.92, "id": 9443}, {"image_id": "v_AG6Rpvxxetg.mp4", "caption": "The video takes place in a gymnastics arena. A man is performing gymnastics on a beam while several others are watching. The man begins on the beam upside down. He then does several flips. The video ends as he performs a final flip and hops off the beam.", "segments": [[0, 9.27], [0, 8.25], [0, 3.24], [2.96, 6.9], [7, 9.27]], "duration": 9.27, "id": 9444}, {"image_id": "v_VHUC47iq1Wg.mp4", "caption": "Several clips of cricketers are shown. In them a someone throws a ball at a player. Another player hits the ball with his bat. Another player then catches the ball.", "segments": [[0, 212.02], [12.72, 212.02], [24.38, 212.02], [39.22, 212.02]], "duration": 212.02, "id": 9445}, {"image_id": "v_DCCD1fufXfY.mp4", "caption": "The little girl went out of the room. The boy get the bottle under the bed and is holding it and then drink it. The boy went back to bed and pretend to sleep while the girl went back in the room.", "segments": [[0, 8.09], [6.78, 30.52], [28.95, 52.17]], "duration": 52.17, "id": 9446}, {"image_id": "v_EVSuDXeNUYQ.mp4", "caption": "The cheer leading team walked towards the stage, while in the audience, their teammates, who are wearing red and white uniforms are cheering. The team started their cheer dance, where women are stood up on the the men's hands, they did pinwheels, jumped in the air, held some banners in the air, jumped high in the air and fell on their teammate's arms.", "segments": [[3.4, 53.52], [38.23, 162.26]], "duration": 169.9, "id": 9447}, {"image_id": "v_W80KSM1I47Q.mp4", "caption": "Video from the 1980's is shown. Celebrities play a game of tug of war outdoors. The team with Lou Ferrigno playing on it wins the contest. Ferrigno and other celebrities are interviewed.", "segments": [[0, 4.28], [5.36, 111.39], [112.46, 144.59], [145.66, 214.21]], "duration": 214.21, "id": 9448}, {"image_id": "v_Q9Fw56ZvXq4.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls are outside underneath a tent. A girl wipes off a yellow plate with a towel. Three girls are washing dishes in large tubs.", "segments": [[0, 1.17], [1.3, 6.62], [6.75, 12.98]], "duration": 12.98, "id": 9449}, {"image_id": "v_uwQDvcWzBy0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and leads into her putting several ingredients inside a mason jar. The woman uses tongs to layer items into the jar and then puts a lid on top. The woman puts a ribbon around the side as well as a label and smiles to the camera.", "segments": [[7.83, 75.13], [61.05, 121.31], [118.18, 150.26]], "duration": 156.53, "id": 9450}, {"image_id": "v_UBDcmeET6ys.mp4", "caption": "Individuals are exercising on various equipment. A male and a female move back and forth.", "segments": [[0, 30.54], [0.46, 30.54]], "duration": 30.54, "id": 9451}, {"image_id": "v_gf3JIm2C59g.mp4", "caption": "There's a middle aged couple demonstrating how to do ball room dancing. They are in a room with large mirrors on a wall and hardwood floors. They are showing how to move the foot back and forth in rhythm while twirling their hips.", "segments": [[16.56, 51.23], [51.23, 92.11], [92.11, 98.32]], "duration": 103.49000000000001, "id": 9452}, {"image_id": "v_32EWNGHBctI.mp4", "caption": "A professional tennis match is played during a tournament. The players talk on headsets during the match. A man prepares to serve the ball to start the match. The man serves the ball and scores a point. The opposing team has a turn to serve the ball.", "segments": [[0, 63.63], [4.52, 52.32], [12.27, 42.31], [42.31, 49.74], [51.68, 64.6]], "duration": 64.6, "id": 9453}, {"image_id": "v_yhWw7oJrUFo.mp4", "caption": "A girl wearing a black blouse describes how to bake in a kitchen. The baker pours flour into a clear bowl using a measuring cup. The baker then scoops out four level tablespoons from a yellow container of cornstarch and ads it to the bowl of flour. The baker pours the flour and cornstarch mixture into a sifter and begins sifting the ingredients three times.", "segments": [[0, 13.98], [13.32, 31.3], [31.3, 103.89], [103.89, 133.19]], "duration": 133.19, "id": 9454}, {"image_id": "v_nbgE4MAR0pc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen running down a long track while holding a pole. The person pole volts over the beam onto a mat and is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 11.21], [9.38, 20.39]], "duration": 20.39, "id": 9455}, {"image_id": "v_1Y1pKGFm-pQ.mp4", "caption": "A young man puts lipstick on his lips. Two reporters talk in a TV set with audience. Then, the young man brush his face, then people in the audience talk. After, the young men shows his face with make up.", "segments": [[0, 5.91], [6.41, 10.18], [10.35, 28.41], [28.58, 32.85]], "duration": 32.85, "id": 9456}, {"image_id": "v_aAZSPRL18Ss.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into a woman talking to a class sitting on bicycles and beginning to ride. She leads the class in a bicycle riding class and inspires her students to peddle hard like this. The people smile along with her as the camera pans over several shots of the people.", "segments": [[0, 14.47], [14.08, 49.68], [49.28, 78.23]], "duration": 78.23, "id": 9457}, {"image_id": "v_W4LIBSfe6bc.mp4", "caption": "A man does a tattoo on the waist area of a woman using a needle. The man cleans the area of the tattoo with a tissue. The man continues doing the tattoo and cleaning.", "segments": [[0.6, 12.02], [12.32, 15.33], [15.63, 60.11]], "duration": 60.11, "id": 9458}, {"image_id": "v_nY8a1E4QH5Q.mp4", "caption": "A dance class is choreographing a routine and everyone is generally in sync with each other. They move back and forth, up and down, and shake their chests.", "segments": [[0, 227.75], [68.44, 175.83]], "duration": 236.01, "id": 9459}, {"image_id": "v_yJezvcXU4YE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black vest is standing in a room. He throws darts at a dart board on the wall. A woman stands next to him watching. A man walks up and pulls the dart out of the board.", "segments": [[0, 3.06], [3.75, 12.92], [3.75, 17.93], [20.29, 20.57]], "duration": 27.8, "id": 9460}, {"image_id": "v_OzRxQDkrhTg.mp4", "caption": "Two teams are on the field playa game trying to score. One of the players on the blue team falls down on the field. Another blue player gets the ball from out of bounds, puts it on the line and hits back into the game. Te coaches start jumping with joy as well as the players.", "segments": [[0, 10.47], [10.14, 29.77], [29.45, 48.42], [48.42, 65.43]], "duration": 65.43, "id": 9461}, {"image_id": "v_1RYEOaCeV4k.mp4", "caption": "A lawn mower is shown on the ground. A man starts the lawn mower and begins mowing the lawn. They finish mowing the lawn and the lawn is shown.", "segments": [[0, 17.5], [15.75, 164.47], [165.34, 174.96]], "duration": 174.96, "id": 9462}, {"image_id": "v_h91i2x9Gouk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera holding up various mops and presenting them to the camera. She then dips the mops into a bucket and washes them along the floor. She continues speaking while holding up the mops as well as taking them apart and showing how they work.", "segments": [[0, 36.94], [41.2, 107.26], [97.31, 141.35]], "duration": 142.06, "id": 9463}, {"image_id": "v_G5gvb71BB5I.mp4", "caption": "A group of males are standing in a room getting dressed.All of a sudden,plenty of women and beach activities including swimming,volleyball and drinking are shown.Next,the man reappears but he is joined by teammates playing a game of beach soccer in a stadium surrounded by people.One team wins and they are shown bringing home their trophy and cheering and then it goes back to showing the rest of the team competing.", "segments": [[0, 4.23], [4.23, 12.69], [12.69, 118.43], [118.43, 211.48]], "duration": 211.48, "id": 9464}, {"image_id": "v_gjkK_eSIs2g.mp4", "caption": "A man is bending over picking up a heavy weight several times in a row and setting it down. A man is measuring another mans arm length. The man measures the length of the weight bar.", "segments": [[0, 152.1], [153.12, 164.27], [166.3, 199.76]], "duration": 202.8, "id": 9465}, {"image_id": "v_DqHWMWY-r1o.mp4", "caption": " A person throw a heavy in an stadium full of people, then people measure where the ball landed. Then, the man walks while reporters and cameramen follow him on the field. After, the man puts on a long sleeve shirt while a cameraman film him.", "segments": [[0, 40.18], [40.52, 60.95], [60.95, 68.11]], "duration": 68.11, "id": 9466}, {"image_id": "v_5ObgpPDmVPA.mp4", "caption": "woman is in sea scubadiving and a man is behind her. they are watching the fishes and trunks. men are scuba diving under the sea.", "segments": [[0, 11.17], [11.17, 168.41], [0, 186.09]], "duration": 186.09, "id": 9467}, {"image_id": "v_makIgB4X3q8.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A girl in a ponytail is speaking.The girl with her hair down is speaking in a bathroom and places her hand on the sink. The girl turns on the faucet to wet her toothbrush. The girl turns off the faucet, unscrews the toothpaste, and puts some toothpaste on her toothbrush. The girl brushes her teeth and spit in the sink. The girl rinse her toothbrush and places on the side of the sink. The credits of the video are shown on images of the video.", "segments": [[0.76, 7.56], [8.31, 11.34], [12.09, 18.14], [18.9, 27.21], [29.48, 44.59], [58.2, 77.85], [83.89, 96.74], [98.26, 151.16]], "duration": 151.16, "id": 9468}, {"image_id": "v_I5QbY8vlR54.mp4", "caption": "A large wave is crashing toward the shore. People are surfing behind the giant wave. The surfer maintains his balance as he surfs and goes beneath a second wave.", "segments": [[0, 13.26], [15.81, 43.62], [45.15, 51.02]], "duration": 51.02, "id": 9469}, {"image_id": "v_p3-tF0riSpQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is first seen speaking to the camera with text questions being asked to him. He is then seen putting a cleaner on his teeth and taking a bit of food. He continues speaking to the camera while occasionally eating food.", "segments": [[0, 29.75], [31.4, 78.23], [65.56, 107.42]], "duration": 110.18, "id": 9470}, {"image_id": "v_M7MDkkGdkas.mp4", "caption": "A woman is talking to a camera inside a kitchen. She turns on water, showing how to properly soap her hands. She then rinses and dries them.", "segments": [[0, 7.73], [8.76, 43.8], [44.31, 51.53]], "duration": 51.53, "id": 9471}, {"image_id": "v_reEjJfSUGa8.mp4", "caption": "The biker is cycling and jumping over the big ramps. The biker jumps in the ramp with his bike in front up. Four bikers raced and jumped over the ramps, the biker in white is leading in the race.", "segments": [[0, 87.21], [76.31, 156.99], [153.72, 218.04]], "duration": 218.04, "id": 9472}, {"image_id": "v_wvewX55VADs.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are standing in front of the camera and a woman shows how to properly perform the tango. She moves her feet in arms in a particular motion while the man does the same from a different angle. The man and woman finally piece together their instructions and perform the tango moves together.", "segments": [[0, 65.07], [24.94, 111.7], [116.04, 207.14]], "duration": 216.9, "id": 9473}, {"image_id": "v_Lt6waJFJWI0.mp4", "caption": "The players are holding a flat bat and running towards the balls. The players bounced the balls on the bat, some of them picked up the balls from the ground using the bat. The girl in blue jacket bounced the ball on her bat and she walked forward, but the ball fall on the ground. A girl in the black vest is picking up the ball from the ground using her bat. Two girls walked normally without chasing the balls. A girl on the field is trying to pick up the ball. The players are lined up and ready to pick up the balls from the ground using their bats. The players started to bounce their balls on their bat while running forward, some of the balls fell down on the ground and the players have to pick them up using the bat.", "segments": [[0, 15.92], [1.59, 14.65], [9.24, 14.65], [15.29, 21.02], [21.66, 28.98], [26.75, 32.48], [30.25, 41.72], [42.36, 61.15]], "duration": 63.69, "id": 9474}, {"image_id": "v_8CAvjawFn3w.mp4", "caption": "A man is on a galloping horse back riding for sport. Horse back riding is considered to be a sport, a fun one but still work. Like working with a team you have to work with a horse also, you have to communicate with a horse that doesn't speak. Make it know when you need to go faster, when it needs to jump and such.", "segments": [[0, 14.84], [14.39, 40.46], [40.01, 65.64], [65.64, 89.92]], "duration": 89.92, "id": 9475}, {"image_id": "v_esZMkzlZiuY.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen pushing a ball along the water and scoring into the goal. The people continue playing with the ball and swimming along the water. The ball is passed another to score a goal and then the game continues on.", "segments": [[0, 9.74], [10.07, 40.27], [42.87, 64.95]], "duration": 64.95, "id": 9476}, {"image_id": "v_aRZd3O6-PKw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing outside under a tent hitting a pinata with a stick.After about three strings,he moves and gives the stick to a young girl with a grey and black dress on.Once she has the stick,she is hitting in the wrong direction and then is redirected towards the pinata and still ends up missing it.", "segments": [[0, 12.73], [12.24, 40.13], [40.62, 97.89]], "duration": 97.89, "id": 9477}, {"image_id": "v_pspJX3Lyys0.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen spinning around and throwing a discuss while men on the field run to track his score. The athlete walks away and another steps up and throws the discuss. Several more people step up to throw the object and ends with one athlete winning and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 14.53], [14.04, 73.12], [73.61, 96.85]], "duration": 96.85, "id": 9478}, {"image_id": "v_A_Rh4tMM2xY.mp4", "caption": "There are two kids on the swing set while two old ladies standing beside them swinging them. The old lady in pink top went away, while the other old woman in purple continues to swing the boy. The old lady in pink shirt went back with a piece of paper to fan some air on her, while a little kid is walking towards the front of the bench. The old lady in purple continues to swing the boy, while the old lady in pink top stood and rest her back on the red bar of the swing. The lady in pink top came in front of the other boy with white shirt, and talked to him, started to push him on the swing, give him a kiss and continue to swing him from the side of the swing. The littler girl near the bench sat to pick up something from the blue ground.", "segments": [[4.21, 182.25], [20.02, 70.58], [42.14, 104.3], [48.46, 115.88], [74.8, 210.7], [189.63, 210.7]], "duration": 210.7, "id": 9479}, {"image_id": "v_cjS2B52jBbU.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing glasses is on a stage. He throws darts at a board, trying to hit the target while the crowd claps. Another competitor appears, doing the same. The winner walks onto the stage as camera flash, celebrating.", "segments": [[0, 7.88], [7.88, 36.02], [38.27, 67.54], [69.42, 75.05]], "duration": 75.05, "id": 9480}, {"image_id": "v_2wC0d2XUses.mp4", "caption": "Two kids are seen playing a game of shuffleboard on the side of a boat while the camera watches. The kids continue taking turns while running up and down the path on the boat.", "segments": [[0, 16.53], [15.61, 30.91]], "duration": 30.91, "id": 9481}, {"image_id": "v_9DIDpTlfBWs.mp4", "caption": "A chef is standing in front of a table and begins turning on a stove with a pan on it. The man then mixes various ingredients together and finally putting the ingredients on the stove top. He finishes the plate by making an omelette and serves it on a plate and cuts it up.", "segments": [[0, 30.98], [30.16, 110.86], [120.64, 163.03]], "duration": 163.03, "id": 9482}, {"image_id": "v_9uieGqu2TYA.mp4", "caption": "A black intro screen appears and it contains white words that say \"Named Gymnastic Elements Parallel bars\", then \"MUSIC: Nightwish Where were you last night\", and the last screen includes foreign words an email and a website.Various short clips of different men on different parallel bars in gymnasiums are doing handstands, swinging on them and doing various other tricks as spectators look on.The last man on the parallel bars seems to be practicing in a gym with no large group of spectators looking on.", "segments": [[0, 11.62], [11.62, 226.67], [226.67, 232.48]], "duration": 232.48, "id": 9483}, {"image_id": "v_zJNYqTVWqyY.mp4", "caption": "We see a small dog in a bathtub with the title over the top. A person wets the dog and puts shampoo on it. The person washes the dog with their hands. They stand the dog up and wash him. They rinse the soap off the dog. We see the wet little dog from above.", "segments": [[0, 198.64], [6.11, 35.65], [35.65, 169.1], [93.72, 102.88], [126.31, 182.34], [178.27, 203.73]], "duration": 203.73, "id": 9484}, {"image_id": "v_pi2AaadXnnI.mp4", "caption": "A woman is cleaning clothes on a table. She pours a bucket of water onto the clothing. She picks up a brush and scrubs the clothing. She pours more water onto the clothing. She picks up the clothing and sets it next to her.", "segments": [[0, 144.96], [55.81, 57.99], [87.7, 106.55], [113.8, 121.04], [136.99, 144.96]], "duration": 144.96, "id": 9485}, {"image_id": "v_MinmayCk2Nk.mp4", "caption": "We see a male gymnast prepare to use the pommel horse. The man mounts the pommel horse and spins his legs around it. The man does a handstand and dismounts. The man takes a bow and starts walking away.", "segments": [[0, 9.08], [9.08, 10.82], [29.95, 35.16], [35.74, 38.64]], "duration": 38.64, "id": 9486}, {"image_id": "v_ksyr3tHc0Vs.mp4", "caption": "Various text intro leads into a man holding a shot put and spinning himself around. The man throws the object off into the distance as the camera follows it's throw.", "segments": [[1.35, 17.21], [12.96, 35.4]], "duration": 38.69, "id": 9487}, {"image_id": "v_JB3h1trZ1cE.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit is talking into a microphone. People are water skiing in the water. A man falls down and is dragged by the boat through the water. A man turns around while water skiing and holds the rope with his foot. He crashes and falls into the water.", "segments": [[0, 14.11], [15.19, 47.21], [47.21, 62.95], [79.23, 100.39], [104.19, 108.53]], "duration": 108.53, "id": 9488}, {"image_id": "v_xootaiXcXZw.mp4", "caption": "Two men are doing Capoeira surrounded by a circle of people. The men take a break and being to perform for the people again. They shake hands and leave the circle allowing two other men to enter the circle. A man in blue and a man in grey greet each other in the middle of the circle. The other two men begin to perform Capoeira for the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 85.95], [43.83, 57.59], [79.93, 85.95], [85.95, 88.53], [88.53, 171.9]], "duration": 171.9, "id": 9489}, {"image_id": "v_xwu60huH3ds.mp4", "caption": "We see a dark opening screen. We see people grooming various dogs. We see a man fluff the fur on a large dog. We see a man blow dry a dog. We see a large black dog being blow dried. A man combs a dogs hair straight up. We see two dark ending screens.", "segments": [[0, 1.76], [1.76, 171.2], [7.94, 20.3], [73.25, 77.66], [78.54, 84.72], [137.67, 142.96], [171.2, 176.5]], "duration": 176.5, "id": 9490}, {"image_id": "v_2WKy0FvMtCM.mp4", "caption": "`A cookie is shown on a plate. Ingredients are being added to a glass bowl and being mixed together. Chocolate chips are added to the dough. The dough is flattened out onto a cookie sheet. Chocolate is drizzled over the top. Candies are placed on top of the cookie. The cookie is cut and placed on a plate. A fork is shown eating the cookie.", "segments": [[0, 8.65], [13.46, 64.42], [64.42, 70.18], [72.11, 94.22], [110.56, 119.22], [118.26, 141.33], [148.06, 154.79], [157.67, 174.02]], "duration": 192.29, "id": 9491}, {"image_id": "v_wZZUcxhISyE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is sitting in a booth. Her little girl shoves a vanilla ice cream cone in her face and laughs. The girl continues doing it, and the woman has to wipes her mouth and nose several times.", "segments": [[0.93, 6.17], [8.02, 38.87], [40.41, 61.7]], "duration": 61.7, "id": 9492}, {"image_id": "v_5rlLaok_U5M.mp4", "caption": "The player serves the birdie to start the match. Two teams compete in a badminton game in gymnasium. The teams have a long volley during the game. The player spikes the birdie down hard and scores a point.", "segments": [[0, 2.73], [0, 68.29], [0, 49.51], [46.78, 49.17]], "duration": 68.28999999999999, "id": 9493}, {"image_id": "v_Z-UR8n33TWc.mp4", "caption": "A sumo warrior is shown holding a pager. A larger sumo warrior is shown holding another pager. The sumo warriors face off and the larger one sits on and makes the smaller one disappear.", "segments": [[0, 4.32], [4.05, 7.82], [7.55, 26.98]], "duration": 26.98, "id": 9494}, {"image_id": "v_c7SweMMGQE8.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a picture of a horse followed by a person brushing and vacuuming hair off of a horse. The person continues brushing and vacuuming the hair and ending with the picture of the two together.", "segments": [[0, 66.65], [72.21, 138.86]], "duration": 138.86, "id": 9495}, {"image_id": "v_vJkL_4niC4w.mp4", "caption": "a man and a woman are sitting in front of a piano playing it together. people are gathered around the piano watching the people sitting on the piano. people on the piano stands and change the position in fornt of the piano.", "segments": [[0, 169.12], [23.68, 167.43], [125.15, 167.43]], "duration": 169.12, "id": 9496}, {"image_id": "v_6GIWY4-491k.mp4", "caption": "A man dressed in winter gear is sitting out in winter on a frozen lake. He is sitting there with fishing equipment fishing on the frozen lake. He uses a bait to fish and catches a mid size gray fish. He shows the two fish that he has caught. Then he puts his fishing net in a hole in the lake and continues fishing. He catches another dark gray fish and tosses it in his box. He continues fishing and catches more fish in that same hole. He collects the fish in a white bucket.", "segments": [[22.36, 52.85], [52.85, 93.5], [93.5, 119.93], [119.93, 138.22], [138.22, 153.47], [153.47, 171.76], [171.76, 185.99], [185.99, 195.14]], "duration": 203.27, "id": 9497}, {"image_id": "v_BH9zsAu6OMQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands on a track. She bends over on the track. She then runs down the track. She jumps and lands in the sand.", "segments": [[0, 136.07], [24.49, 36.74], [59.87, 114.98], [97.29, 136.07]], "duration": 136.07, "id": 9498}, {"image_id": "v_3oS_28utt2Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on a wave runner in the water. A person is surfing on a large wave in the water. The wave crashes over the surfer.", "segments": [[0, 9.82], [10.27, 73.67], [74.11, 89.29]], "duration": 89.28999999999999, "id": 9499}, {"image_id": "v_Lx_FcKpTZIw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is washing her hands over a sink. She rinses her hands off in the sink. She grabs a paper towel and dries her hands.", "segments": [[5.4, 37.43], [38.2, 63.67], [67.91, 77.17]], "duration": 77.17, "id": 9500}, {"image_id": "v_5N-PfYLyCpI.mp4", "caption": "Several people are hitting an instrument with sticks. Two men do flips in front of each other. Several more groups of people appear to be doing some kind of martial arts dance. They are surronded by clapping onlookers.", "segments": [[0, 11.02], [15.26, 27.13], [29.67, 169.54], [39.84, 169.54]], "duration": 169.54, "id": 9501}, {"image_id": "v_CP9NQpJD0-Y.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a room and discusses. The man holds up a coffee cup while talking. The man takes a few drinks from the coffee cup.", "segments": [[0, 42.82], [20.92, 42.82], [42.33, 89.04]], "duration": 97.32, "id": 9502}, {"image_id": "v_O9HLR19is-A.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in a bumper car holding a thumbs up and then begins driving around. The people continue driving around bumping into one another and ends with them standing up.", "segments": [[0, 30.93], [32.4, 147.29]], "duration": 147.29, "id": 9503}, {"image_id": "v_opxLlaEPxqw.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is seen standing ready holding a javelin and throwing it off into the distance. Several more people are seen throwing a javelin with their throw being shown again afterwards. The camera pans around the woman in the end and shows off their score.", "segments": [[0, 40.96], [30.43, 93.04], [77.82, 112.93]], "duration": 117.03, "id": 9504}, {"image_id": "v_VTbMcI6nw54.mp4", "caption": "A man talks about coaching gymnastics. A girl starts to do a routine on the uneven bars.", "segments": [[0, 63.93], [24.54, 63.93]], "duration": 64.57, "id": 9505}, {"image_id": "v_Hs1fGDcU6Js.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen kneeling on the floor and speaking to the camera. The man then flips over and begins doing leg exercises. His moves his body all around demonstrating proper exercises while still looking over and speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 47.04], [45.23, 134.78], [102.21, 175.48]], "duration": 180.91, "id": 9506}, {"image_id": "v_xBGgX2PqAo8.mp4", "caption": "A man sets up a camera in a bar. The man then talks to the camera. The man shoots pool alone. The bearded man walks past the table. The man finishes and talks to the camera before turning it off.", "segments": [[0, 1.19], [1.19, 13.04], [18.96, 220.42], [110.21, 119.69], [220.42, 237.01]], "duration": 237.01, "id": 9507}, {"image_id": "v_s1WQ4zNikKA.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans around a shower and zooms in on a person shaving their legs. The camera watches her move her arms all around her legs while the water runs down the drain.", "segments": [[0, 53.18], [45.25, 93.3]], "duration": 93.3, "id": 9508}, {"image_id": "v_pvFviIF1VGc.mp4", "caption": "A person pours water to a cup. A woman talks in a bar showing liquor bottles. Then, the woman put ice in a glass, then she adds liquors from three bottles. After, the woman add soda and put a straw.", "segments": [[0, 3.68], [5.82, 16.85], [17.15, 46.25], [46.25, 56.97]], "duration": 61.26, "id": 9509}, {"image_id": "v_OzAqwPQ-APY.mp4", "caption": "A diver is in the ocean in the keys of florida, he has a a pumpkin in his hand. He goes down with another diver and they begin carving the pumpkins underneath the water. They are craving about five or six of them making different faces. Then they line them up and put some light inside or something as fish swim around them casually.", "segments": [[0, 6.36], [6.36, 21.31], [21.31, 39.76], [39.76, 63.62]], "duration": 63.62, "id": 9510}, {"image_id": "v_pHq6Eb280uM.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a fooseball table is seen followed by people holding onto the sides. The people play the game back and fourth while the camera captures their movements. The men continue playing on the table and the video fades to white.", "segments": [[0, 42.18], [39.37, 129.34], [119.97, 179.96]], "duration": 187.46, "id": 9511}, {"image_id": "v_l9XzNcLiMKc.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are standing at the counter of a kitchen. They pour ingredients into a large bowl and mix it together. They pour the mixture into two round pans. They then take the cakes and stack them together with frosting in between. They eat the cake at the end.", "segments": [[0, 229.69], [36.75, 105.66], [109.1, 117.14], [132.07, 186.05], [196.39, 218.21]], "duration": 229.69, "id": 9512}, {"image_id": "v_JZ9mgVXPD-I.mp4", "caption": "A young man plays drums on a stage with lights dancing in the background. He finishes and stands up playing air drums.", "segments": [[0, 50.81], [51.12, 63.11]], "duration": 63.11, "id": 9513}, {"image_id": "v_lSbbzsOjwno.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen scrubbing a small dog down with soap next to a tub full of water. She pours more soap onto the dog and drags him over and leads into pictures of the dog all cleaned.", "segments": [[0, 18.53], [19.08, 55.31]], "duration": 55.31, "id": 9514}, {"image_id": "v_Vh8RINfopdk.mp4", "caption": "A person applies paint designs to a red fingernail on a plastic hand with a flexible black limb labeled \"nail trainer\". A brown plastic hand with a black plastic arm appears with white fingernail tips and red fingernails. A person's real hand appears and begins to apply white designs on one of the red fingernails on the plastic hand. The scene then fades to a closeup of one finished red fingernail with a complete white design from the plastic hand.", "segments": [[14.82, 49.86], [0.85, 14.53], [15.1, 49.57], [50.14, 56.98]], "duration": 56.98, "id": 9515}, {"image_id": "v_vu65aIIJHtU.mp4", "caption": "Cars are driving on a road. People are snowboarding down a hill of snow. People get back into their car and put the snowboard on top of the car.", "segments": [[5.94, 8.58], [11.22, 122.79], [77.9, 83.18]], "duration": 132.03, "id": 9516}, {"image_id": "v_XuSWH1lfcvI.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing before a set of uneven bars with his arms up. He then jumps up on the beam and swings himself around. The man continues to swing around on the bars and ends by jumping off the side and walking away.", "segments": [[0, 12.97], [12.39, 41.21], [40.34, 56.77]], "duration": 57.63, "id": 9517}, {"image_id": "v_nwpz-KGn46A.mp4", "caption": "She then is shown performing several different exercises as well as riding on a bicycle and leading a class.More shots of her are shown riding on the bike and wearing a headset to speak to others.", "segments": [[0, 37.28], [37.28, 71.01]], "duration": 71.01, "id": 9518}, {"image_id": "v_a5WhYgyH_C0.mp4", "caption": "A man in a pink shirt is holding a cord in his hand. He starts vacuuming the carpet in front of him.", "segments": [[0, 142.26], [91.76, 142.26]], "duration": 142.26, "id": 9519}, {"image_id": "v_y4Y8gD1mpTw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is doing a tutorial on how to do water marble nails using water. She uses a nail polish brush and dips it in water. She gives the instructions on how to start with a base coat of nail polish. Then she puts drops of different colored nail polish on the water surface. Then she dips her nail into that paint. She cleans off any excess nail polish that has smeared on the side of the nails with a paint brush and Q-tip. She finally shares information about herself and her social media accounts.", "segments": [[19.62, 34.53], [34.53, 63.56], [63.56, 86.32], [86.32, 102.8], [102.8, 120.85], [120.85, 142.03], [142.03, 150.67]], "duration": 156.94, "id": 9520}, {"image_id": "v_ZoKode_Gexg.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a kitchen, wearing a dress and pregnant. She is washing dishes in the sink and talking to the person with the camera. She smiles as the camera zooms in on her right eye.", "segments": [[0, 7.65], [9.32, 42.07], [43.03, 47.81]], "duration": 47.81, "id": 9521}, {"image_id": "v_djQnCU5MNJg.mp4", "caption": "A woman swings on a swing set. A baby swings beside her. They are both wearing red. The woman looks happy to swing.", "segments": [[0, 8.36], [0.29, 8.36], [0.54, 8.36], [1.09, 8.36]], "duration": 8.36, "id": 9522}, {"image_id": "v_xE43h7Kd9Oc.mp4", "caption": "Two boys are standing in a living room next to a tree and begin taking ornaments out of two plastic bins and decorating the tree.As the boys continue,the outside of the house is shown as rain comes thundering down.After,the boys receive help from a male and puts the tree topper on.Once that is finished,the young boys hug and kiss each other and the finish product of the tree is shown.", "segments": [[0, 59.3], [60.37, 83.01], [85.17, 133.69], [133.69, 215.62]], "duration": 215.62, "id": 9523}, {"image_id": "v_wfc_R5VnoHU.mp4", "caption": "Several animated people are in the water. Two people in scuba gear stand on the ledge of a platform while two other people watch from a platform above. The two people in scuba gear jump in the water. One person in scuba gear holds on to the other person in scuba gear and does something to her tank. One person pushes the other one away. Several people in scuba gear gather with one person still in the background. The people in scuba gear struggle and one persons mask floats away.", "segments": [[0, 30.16], [0, 2.1], [2.29, 6.49], [6.68, 12.6], [12.79, 14.7], [15.08, 22.14], [23.1, 29.97]], "duration": 38.17, "id": 9524}, {"image_id": "v_oEdRUyN6Kfo.mp4", "caption": "A large black dog and a little girl in a white blouse carries two hoolahoops in the living room. The little girl holds a hoola hoop in front of the dog and the dog walks through the hoolahoop. The little girl spins the other hoola hoop around her waste and spins it 10 or 12 times. The little girl walks up to the black dog and lets the dog lick her hand.", "segments": [[0, 3.32], [3.32, 19.28], [19.28, 31.93], [31.93, 41.47]], "duration": 41.47, "id": 9525}, {"image_id": "v_SBJWn8AjK-4.mp4", "caption": "Five boys are shown walking in a playground. The boys get onto the swings and begin to show how to do tricks. For the finale, all five guys get onto the swings and perform a back flip.", "segments": [[0, 9.65], [9.65, 52.16], [52.16, 60.3]], "duration": 60.3, "id": 9526}, {"image_id": "v_srSwfib_ogk.mp4", "caption": "A young woman gets in position to perform with a baton. She performs a gymnastics and twirling routine. She does cartwheels as part of her routine. She drops the baton, but picks it back up and continues with the routine. She loses her balance but is able to recover.", "segments": [[0, 6.74], [8.76, 133.49], [18.2, 20.23], [86.3, 88.99], [115.96, 117.31]], "duration": 134.84, "id": 9527}, {"image_id": "v_NO5J7RjTTTo.mp4", "caption": "Two boys at a young age are playing fooseball with each other. One grab the ball and puts it back into play. The boys continue to play the game back and fourth on the tabs.", "segments": [[0, 42.91], [6.1, 11.76], [11.76, 43.56]], "duration": 43.56, "id": 9528}, {"image_id": "v_JMJp9kFudNA.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown running around a field with a dog holding a frisbee into the hair. The man moves around the frisbee with the dog and performs several tricks in slow motion with the dog. He's shown in several more locations from various camera angles performing more and more tricks with the dog.", "segments": [[0, 23.51], [23.51, 109.72], [109.72, 156.75]], "duration": 156.75, "id": 9529}, {"image_id": "v_CvkyjR4yk60.mp4", "caption": "men are working in a tablein the background, a man in the center of the room start walking in circles and make break dance, a screen hanging is playing a rap video. the screen is playing a video and the credits are in the right side.", "segments": [[0, 160.32], [160.32, 197.93]], "duration": 197.93, "id": 9530}, {"image_id": "v_WiJMIl5Tp3A.mp4", "caption": "There are a few girls doing gymnastics in a gym. There's a young girl wearing an athletic tank top and shorts doing back flips in her backyard. She continues to back flips in a fast manner. She also does a back flip on the beach. Then she does some more back flips in her backyard and in a park. The girl then stretches her leg towards the back of her head to make her toes touch her head. Several pictures of the girl are shown where she has participated as a cheerleader and in many gymnastic events.", "segments": [[2.52, 24.36], [24.36, 28.56], [28.56, 31.08], [31.08, 68.04], [68.04, 110.04], [110.04, 147], [147, 161.28]], "duration": 168.0, "id": 9531}, {"image_id": "v_P0A0rMgjXGQ.mp4", "caption": "We see water on an opening screen. A man is measuring and cutting carpet while kneeling. The man adds a strip and puts a tool in the seam. The man runs a black item over the seam repeatedly then stands. We see the closing title screen.", "segments": [[0, 19.03], [20.62, 72.95], [72.95, 124.5], [125.29, 144.32], [145.11, 158.59]], "duration": 158.59, "id": 9532}, {"image_id": "v_IYbnF7LM2II.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen running around an enclosed room holding tennis rackets and hitting a ball around the room. The men continue hitting the ball around the room while the camera continues to follow their movements.", "segments": [[4.18, 53.65], [41.11, 128.89]], "duration": 139.34, "id": 9533}, {"image_id": "v_pS-BoCsMcpQ.mp4", "caption": "Men are swimming more or less in sync with the volleyballs. They stop and get a in a circle in the pool and start throwing the ball between each other. After that they start to swim and throw for a little bit. After, they put it all together and every one joins in to play.", "segments": [[0, 21.7], [21.04, 50.63], [49.98, 92.06], [92.06, 131.52]], "duration": 131.52, "id": 9534}, {"image_id": "v_ok6LTNirAPo.mp4", "caption": "A child sitting at restaurant table places his hands in a dessert. The child uses his hands to eat the food. The adult keeps the child from spilling the food on the floor and helps feed him.", "segments": [[0, 11.55], [11.85, 37.08], [37.39, 60.79]], "duration": 60.79, "id": 9535}, {"image_id": "v_vWz90CichbM.mp4", "caption": "The video starts showing the company logo for a roofing company. A voice is heard reciting the steps to applying ridges on a roof. As the voice recites the steps, an older man is shown on video performing these steps to a roof. As the voice says the steps are complete, the final shot shows a close up of the completed ridges. The video ends with the company logo.", "segments": [[0, 6.25], [6.25, 59.35], [6.64, 57], [53.49, 59.35], [60.13, 78.09]], "duration": 78.09, "id": 9536}, {"image_id": "v_0D9EmyHxhcg.mp4", "caption": "Several people are in a skate part rollerblading with one another.The people then move out to scenic places and starts to roller blade throughout the city.More people begin to skate and they start to make ramps in the alley way and going tricks in a skate park.", "segments": [[0, 46.67], [46.67, 124.46], [124.46, 194.47]], "duration": 194.47, "id": 9537}, {"image_id": "v_ktYgm8bRK-g.mp4", "caption": "A woman begins walking down a cobble stone sidewalk with brown boots and then she is seen twirling a hula hoop.With the hula hoop,the girl begins flipping and dancing with it between her legs.She progresses and adds another hula hip and both of them go on at the same time.In her next setting,she has about five around her body and continues to dance.She continues to do the same thing with different amounts and with other body parts as people come and take pictures of her displaying her talent.Lastly, another small videos appears showing advertisements for the Jump Rope sisters youtube page.", "segments": [[0, 6.81], [6.81, 25.74], [24.98, 48.45], [48.45, 86.31], [83.28, 136.28], [136.28, 151.42]], "duration": 151.42000000000002, "id": 9538}, {"image_id": "v_zLbSEo4xhVY.mp4", "caption": "A special effect intro of a man airborn on a waterboard with the words MMXIV HYPERLITE COLLECTION is on the screen.A few men appear near the lake and then a series of different clips and men on water boards play one after another as they all waterboard quickly on the water and some are doing flips while holding onto the rope.A woman in pink shorts appears and she is briefly shown water boarding as well. Now a man is sitting on a boat while a large remote controlled airplane is flying towards him, and a standing man quickly grabs it before it hits the face of the sitting man, and the sitting man turns to the camera to give a shocked and relief look on his face.The clips of various people waterboarding shows up again and they are all still holding onto the rope while standing on the boards and doing jumps, flips and other tricks.The outro clip begins and it's similar to the intro.", "segments": [[0, 7.21], [7.21, 60.89], [60.89, 65.69], [65.69, 70.5], [70.51, 152.23], [152.23, 160.24]], "duration": 160.23, "id": 9539}, {"image_id": "v_dsgQVrJi71g.mp4", "caption": "A man plugs a mowing machine, then he pushes the mower to cut the grass in a backyard. After, the man cuts the grass on the borders with garden scissors.", "segments": [[4.93, 84.35], [86.81, 121.29]], "duration": 123.14, "id": 9540}, {"image_id": "v_lcwR7eA-VOY.mp4", "caption": "Two wrestlers are up on a ring arguing. The referee stands by, instructing them on what to do. They finally get to the arm wrestling. The crowd around them cheers on. A guy jumps onto the ring and begins to fight with one of the wrestlers. The man leaves the ring and the wrestler approaches the other wrestler and beats him to the ground. The wrestler celebrates his win.", "segments": [[0, 80.85], [8.08, 79.95], [81.75, 140.14], [0, 179.67], [141.04, 150.92], [151.82, 158.11], [159.9, 179.67]], "duration": 179.67000000000002, "id": 9541}, {"image_id": "v_I2Ctmi7C56k.mp4", "caption": "Two little boys rake leaves in a backyard while a little girl watches and walks with them as they rake. The two little boys rake leaves with red handled rakes and a little girl watches them and hangs around while they rake. The two boys start raking to the right of the lawn and the little girl runs behind them. The boys then turn around and begin raking to the right side of the lawn.", "segments": [[0.73, 48.86], [0.73, 3.42], [6.35, 21.98], [27.11, 48.86]], "duration": 48.86, "id": 9542}, {"image_id": "v_-06dWmCzbxY.mp4", "caption": "A person rides down a rapid on an inter tube in a group of friends on a rocky river. The people in the intertubes are helped along by a river guides in polo shirt.", "segments": [[0, 65.53], [30.47, 50.46]], "duration": 65.53, "id": 9543}, {"image_id": "v_lMYtmGRAn8k.mp4", "caption": "A boy is standing next to a playground jumping rope. A person is jumping rope on a white mat. A man is kneeling down on the ground in front of a red table. He gets up and starts jumping rope.", "segments": [[0, 53.31], [53.31, 111.65], [111.65, 146.86], [147.86, 197.15]], "duration": 201.17000000000002, "id": 9544}, {"image_id": "v_i2e67kStfk4.mp4", "caption": "A child performs on the double uneven bars, while flipping around the bars. Then, the child flips and land stand on the floor, then walks.", "segments": [[0, 18.44], [18.55, 23.34]], "duration": 23.34, "id": 9545}, {"image_id": "v_EBOT5e2xAoQ.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several clips of track runners jumping over a bar with their jump being shown again in slow motion. Several more people are shown jumping over the bar with one hitting the bar and not jumping over.", "segments": [[4.42, 47.68], [42.77, 88.48]], "duration": 98.31, "id": 9546}, {"image_id": "v_EkwX8Swnut8.mp4", "caption": "A boy sits behind the wheel of car, driving and talking to the other passengers in the car. The car travels down a winding highway as the camera pans between the people talking at the time. The people in the car eventually arrive at a snow covered slope where they don ski apparel and begin to ski on the slopesdoing flips, going down hills and jumping off of elevated platforms. At one point of the boys falls on the ground and huddles in the fetal position on the snow. The scene then cuts to the boys back at home in the kitchen peparing things with a final image of a boy standing in the snow covered woods talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 21.97], [21.97, 47.42], [47.42, 168.84], [142.25, 202.38], [202.38, 231.29]], "duration": 231.29, "id": 9547}, {"image_id": "v_BfTjydFBQJU.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen standing in a gym with a man leading in front. The man leads the group in an exercise class that involves a beam on the floor. The people move up and down the beam while the man claps and smiles at the group.", "segments": [[1.36, 28.13], [27.68, 60.8], [49.91, 88.48]], "duration": 90.74, "id": 9548}, {"image_id": "v_Q159fj3M9NM.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast runs, then flips several times down an indoor track. Other girls follow suit, flipping quickly as they go. They dismount at the end, arms in the air.", "segments": [[0, 15.22], [19.37, 114.86], [119.71, 138.39]], "duration": 138.39, "id": 9549}, {"image_id": "v_YJxqF6aSs7s.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a camera as he stands talking beside a lake. He goes through tunnels, walks along bridges, and stands over cliffs. He drives down a road and records rafting on a white water river. People are shown diving into deep waters off of cliffs before rafting again.", "segments": [[0, 13.24], [16.92, 67.69], [69.9, 116.25], [116.99, 147.16]], "duration": 147.16, "id": 9550}, {"image_id": "v_GTV4XlxawgE.mp4", "caption": "man is running in a roofed gym and doing a high jump. man is doing a somersault in a roofed gym. two woman are standing in the gym by the jumping man. man is doing a somersault in a roofed gym in a racetrack.", "segments": [[0, 32.51], [32.51, 55.67], [48.28, 55.67], [55.67, 98.52]], "duration": 98.52000000000001, "id": 9551}, {"image_id": "v_bRVazNYfpGE.mp4", "caption": "There's a girl gymnast dressed in purple leotards doing flips on a horse bar in a large indoor stadium filled with spectators. She continues doing front flips and twisting her body around on the horse bar. She walks the entire horse bar and then finally jumps off the horse bar to successfully end her round. As she jumps down and walks away, the crowd cheer and applaud loudly.", "segments": [[8.52, 22.25], [22.25, 43.07], [43.07, 81.89], [81.89, 94.67]], "duration": 94.67, "id": 9552}, {"image_id": "v_WxefBZ7Iaow.mp4", "caption": "A blue raft is shown and a group of people are shown throwing them up in a pile.Finally,they are by the water and about eight of them are sitting on the raft traveling down the water.After a certain distance,they encounter a rock and a large wave and they all flip out of the raft.The rafting continues and eventually they are all shown standing outside in a field in a large circle talking and drinking about a job well done.", "segments": [[0, 17.43], [17.43, 55.33], [55.33, 114.44], [114.44, 151.58]], "duration": 151.57999999999998, "id": 9553}, {"image_id": "v_U8SmnfsEzOc.mp4", "caption": "A man is taking a bike apart on a subway. He is putting a tire back on the bike.", "segments": [[0, 189.22], [153.27, 169.35]], "duration": 189.22, "id": 9554}, {"image_id": "v_lsIiSTG2pn4.mp4", "caption": "Ladies are playing volley ball outside. A female hits the ball twice. A lady touches a teammate's arm.", "segments": [[0, 41.61], [22.68, 27.67], [36.41, 36.83]], "duration": 41.61, "id": 9555}, {"image_id": "v_js9SDSngI7A.mp4", "caption": " A coach align a group of teens in a basketball court, the teen on front holds a basketball ball. Three teens run and a boy throws the basketball to the basket, then the second teen grabs the ball and pass the ball to two teens disputing to have the ball. Then, three more boys run to practice the same steps. A young man wearing a yellow t-shirt practice basketball on the other basketball goal. After, a group of three boys runs to practice basketball shooting and blocking.", "segments": [[23.8, 53.27], [53.27, 68], [68.57, 82.17], [79.9, 81.6], [83.3, 100.3]], "duration": 113.34, "id": 9556}, {"image_id": "v_beASFdYJFUU.mp4", "caption": "Women are playing indoor hockey and competing. They begin fighting over the inflatable pucks. They are shown talking to the camera about the game. The women are again shown playing hockey in a competition with one another. A close up is shown of the puck.", "segments": [[0, 13.03], [15.63, 53.85], [57.32, 146.78], [150.25, 157.2], [160.67, 173.7]], "duration": 173.7, "id": 9557}, {"image_id": "v_UYUvjnlU9Ho.mp4", "caption": "There are some people playing croquet in their backyard that is covered with fall leaves. There's a teenage boy and a teenage girl playing croquet on some wooden boards. They use their wooden mallet to hit the ball down the wooden boards. Another group of young teenagers are also playing croquet in the yard. One of the teens wearing a yellow shirt pretends his mallet is a guitar and plays it. The teens continue playing croquet as they take turns to hit the ball with the mallet while another boy is playing with a black and white cat. The teens continue playing while the cat watches them. The teen in the yellow shirt plays with the black and white cat. One of the teen pose and aims to hit the ball with his mallet while the two other teens watch him. They continue playing croquet as they take turns to hit the balls one by one with the mallets. One of the teens then just drops his mallet down while the two other teens give each other high fives.", "segments": [[0, 202.83], [4.06, 15.21], [9.13, 23.33], [16.23, 49.69], [27.38, 31.44], [35.49, 65.92], [39.55, 55.78], [56.79, 75.05], [69.98, 124.74], [117.64, 171.39], [168.35, 202.83]], "duration": 202.82999999999998, "id": 9558}, {"image_id": "v_Lh3dhueuKmQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman is putting wall paper on a wall. She smooths the wall paper with her hands. She is rolling the wall paper onto the wall.", "segments": [[0, 145.4], [29.81, 145.4], [132.32, 145.4]], "duration": 145.4, "id": 9559}, {"image_id": "v_aSFtL7YEbDE.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are on a neatly mown field. They are playing a game of croquette. They hit the balls through the hoops with mallets.", "segments": [[0, 12.08], [14.71, 59.35], [64.6, 105.05]], "duration": 105.05, "id": 9560}, {"image_id": "v_bTlfN4vJkiY.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is wearing a bandana and mowing a large yard. He walks away from the camera as he pushes the mower. He then suddenly stops, chasing the person with the camera and knocking them over.", "segments": [[0, 5.26], [6.06, 14.52], [14.98, 22.87]], "duration": 22.87, "id": 9561}, {"image_id": "v_nlXavqvgf6A.mp4", "caption": "A boy is sitting on a ramp with the flaps up on his dirt bike waiting to go on the course.The boy then comes back and begins moving the pedals on the bicycle and then stands up on the bike.Another angle is shown and the ramps are let down and the boy begins riding down the pavement.", "segments": [[0, 34.58], [34.58, 114.27], [114.27, 150.35]], "duration": 150.35, "id": 9562}, {"image_id": "v_T1T3UvwZcKU.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen sitting a top of a slide with his tongue sticking out. He begins to go down the slide but falls off the side and is seen laying on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 3.27], [3.08, 6.22]], "duration": 6.22, "id": 9563}, {"image_id": "v_4uitkT3dDIM.mp4", "caption": "General technique is shown for throwing javelins. He then shows how to do it with crossovers.", "segments": [[0, 131.1], [32.12, 61.62]], "duration": 131.1, "id": 9564}, {"image_id": "v_ozkDsQ1UY1k.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a pool table is seen followed by a man hitting a ball. Another man steps up with the pool stick to aim his shot and hits the balls. The men take turns back and fourth playing pool until one wins and the camera pans to a man watching.", "segments": [[0, 43.84], [41.6, 160.76], [149.52, 220.34]], "duration": 224.84, "id": 9565}, {"image_id": "v_yw9W5dZ6T18.mp4", "caption": "The man is standing in the kitchen. He grab a tong and a silver, metal bowl with vegetables in it. The ingredients on the counter are in white containers. the chef is holding a small piece of nut.", "segments": [[0, 97.62], [6.04, 28.68], [12.08, 69.44], [84.53, 100.64]], "duration": 100.64, "id": 9566}, {"image_id": "v_fGMZvLvAMK4.mp4", "caption": "A skier holds a ski stick in his left hand and a pole in his right hand. Then, the man ski down the hill covered with snow. The man stops in middle of the hill. Then, the man continues skiing until arrives to a city.", "segments": [[0, 25.82], [25.82, 87.55], [87.55, 96.53], [96.53, 224.49]], "duration": 224.49, "id": 9567}, {"image_id": "v_OSndW3d2XxU.mp4", "caption": "a man is on a field in a circle. He starts spinning a ball around in circles. He then throws the ball as far as he can, but falls down.", "segments": [[0, 0.67], [0.99, 2.82], [3.14, 4.95]], "duration": 4.95, "id": 9568}, {"image_id": "v_K8G5CBJtluY.mp4", "caption": "A young man lying prone on a tiled floor with this hands behind his head and his knees bent attempts to perform a sit-up in front of a few friends. As he brings his elbows towards his knees, a loud crack can be heard as the man laughs, \"That hurt my ass.\" He attempts a second sit-up and with another cracking sound, exclaims and grabs his buttocks. The man says, \"one more\" and attempts another time, after which he says, \"that felt horrible.\" The man struggles through nine more attempts before giving up to the amusement of his friends.", "segments": [[0, 62.02], [1.74, 8.36], [10.8, 17.77], [22.65, 28.22], [31.71, 69.68]], "duration": 69.68, "id": 9569}, {"image_id": "v_I41kmlYZmt4.mp4", "caption": "A close up of a hedge is shown as well as a man using a tool to cut the hedge. The man speaks to the camera and continues using the tool on the hedge. Several shots are shown of his surroundings as well as other tools you can use and more grass being cut.", "segments": [[0, 30.28], [36.17, 132.9], [109.35, 162.34]], "duration": 168.23, "id": 9570}, {"image_id": "v_7CeAzJF2z4o.mp4", "caption": "A intro leads to a young man wearing a backwards baseball cap playing the guitar on a bed. The man strokes his fingers up and down the neck of the guitar while strumming the string and looking down at the neck.", "segments": [[0, 17.63], [16.7, 185.53]], "duration": 185.53, "id": 9571}, {"image_id": "v_erevt6avST0.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing at a counter. The store front is shown to the door. the man is still at the counter talking. A man is runnign around a course with a gun. The man is still talkign at the counter. A man in the course is aiming his gun. The man at the counter is showing a particular gun. A man at the course is running around aiming and shooting his gun. The man at the counter is still holding the gun talking. The man on the course runs around and shoots. The man at the counter continues to talk with the gun in his hand. The man at the course peers around a corner aiming his gun. The man at the counter is talking and motioning with the gun in his hand.", "segments": [[0, 2.35], [2.35, 7.05], [7.05, 8.81], [8.81, 15.85], [15.85, 17.61], [17.61, 18.2], [18.2, 48.14], [48.14, 54.6], [54.6, 62.23], [62.23, 66.34], [66.34, 78.09], [78.09, 83.96], [83.96, 117.42]], "duration": 117.42, "id": 9572}, {"image_id": "v_l8boztVhl7w.mp4", "caption": "A countdown is shown that leads into a person scoring a basket in a game. More text are shown counting down a list and showing another person scoring a point. Several more shots are shown of people performing impressive sport tactics while the list counts down.", "segments": [[0, 78.34], [57.6, 177.41], [119.81, 222.34]], "duration": 230.4, "id": 9573}, {"image_id": "v_0_IShglbOQ4.mp4", "caption": "A young boy is seen holding onto a lawn mower and pushing it along the yard. The boy continues to push the mower around while the camera captures his movements. He pushes the mower back where he started and looks back to the camera.", "segments": [[0.79, 24.02], [22.45, 53.95], [44.11, 73.25]], "duration": 78.76, "id": 9574}, {"image_id": "v_jHbf_E8aY1k.mp4", "caption": "A white screen is shown and various logos are shown on top of the screen as it goes to a black screen.A sun is rising and men are walking up a hill,pulling a rope,and reading a book.They continue to do various hobbies in the mountains and a man comes back and starts talking as the credits begin rolling.", "segments": [[0, 36.67], [35.96, 94.5], [94.5, 141.04]], "duration": 141.04, "id": 9575}, {"image_id": "v_I9_eKiGZPxc.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Vehicles are moving down a road. A lady stands and discusses. People are paddling down a rocky body of water. A person tries to lift an individual back into the inflated boat. A lady walks away from the inflated boat. The lady used her hands to over her face. People that are sitting on an inflated boat raise their paddles. An inflated boat flips over and the occupants falls overboard. The lady takes off her helmet. A guy gives the lady her white sandals. The lady blows a kiss. Guys are playing soccer outside. Two red team players chest bump. The credits of the clip are shown.", "segments": [[0, 2.56], [3.42, 5.98], [8.55, 35.04], [35.9, 88.04], [41.88, 46.16], [51.28, 59.83], [55.56, 58.12], [71.8, 72.65], [80.34, 81.2], [89.75, 90.6], [104.28, 105.99], [127.35, 128.21], [128.21, 133.34], [132.48, 133.34], [135.05, 170.95]], "duration": 170.95, "id": 9576}, {"image_id": "v_Z90-HZ_geSI.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into shots outside a dog groomers and inside where several dogs are tied it. Many woman are shown brushing the dogs and trimming their fur while giving them head scratches in between. More dogs are seen sitting in crates and barking at the camera while the wind blows on them.", "segments": [[0, 22.19], [20.03, 84.44], [85.52, 108.25]], "duration": 108.25, "id": 9577}, {"image_id": "v_kGxikShxkpQ.mp4", "caption": "Team mates are seen walking out onto a field surrounded by dozens of people and stand ready over a rope holding their arms up. The men then pull the rope against another team and end by falling down.", "segments": [[1.93, 37.43], [29.72, 76.41]], "duration": 77.18, "id": 9578}, {"image_id": "v__MYAaRrTeMQ.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding an axe and looking back to smile at the camera. The man then swings the axe down and hits a log of wood still smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.66], [1.53, 5.02]], "duration": 5.02, "id": 9579}, {"image_id": "v_C7sabT8febk.mp4", "caption": "Paint is shown being mixed on a styrofoam plate. A hand draws on a piece of paper using a brush and the mixed paint.", "segments": [[0, 27.82], [30.66, 113.56]], "duration": 113.56, "id": 9580}, {"image_id": "v_KgONRjXP8_Y.mp4", "caption": "A person dips a paint brush into a pan. They use the brush to paint the side of a table. They use large strokes, continuing to paint.", "segments": [[0, 3.09], [3.84, 18.81], [18.94, 24.75]], "duration": 24.75, "id": 9581}, {"image_id": "v_sOyox_6AG1w.mp4", "caption": "An intro for a running video that says Running appears on screen. A lady commentates over a video of a huge sum of people completing a marathon in New York City. The video goes to show the top 5 events in the marathons history, The lady commentates over every event, as the video countsdown from 5 to 1 while showing the events occur, She explains every event in detail.The video concludes with an outro image.", "segments": [[0, 4.72], [4.72, 20.65], [20.65, 112.08], [112.08, 117.98]], "duration": 117.97999999999999, "id": 9582}, {"image_id": "v_bzndhMU3izM.mp4", "caption": "We we an opening screen for a product. We see a person shoveling their sidewalk. The man reaches the house and turns to finish the other side of the walkway. We see a person spraying an item on their sidewalk. We then see two closing screens.", "segments": [[0, 3.86], [3.86, 168.86], [52.11, 101.32], [102.28, 167.89], [167.89, 192.98]], "duration": 192.98, "id": 9583}, {"image_id": "v_aWz9H0jTv3c.mp4", "caption": "Two men are in an inside court. They play a game of racquetball together. They take turns hitting the ball back and forth against the wall.", "segments": [[5.97, 34.96], [40.93, 125.35], [126.21, 170.55]], "duration": 170.55, "id": 9584}, {"image_id": "v_feqYwvoENzk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen putting her hair up in a pony tail with a man watching her on the side. She then plays the piano while smiling and the man continuing to watch her.", "segments": [[0, 35.6], [35.17, 84.75]], "duration": 84.75, "id": 9585}, {"image_id": "v_O8vPTn6Ho7w.mp4", "caption": "People are paddling in kayaks in a body of water. A man takes off in a green kayak. A man in a red jacket is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[12.76, 31.89], [57.4, 65.6], [150.34, 152.16]], "duration": 182.23, "id": 9586}, {"image_id": "v_dyobp97TugE.mp4", "caption": "A woman and a dog are playing on the grass with a frisbee. The dog has the frisbee in its mouth. The woman and the dog are playing with a rope.", "segments": [[0, 103.25], [63.4, 64.3], [119.55, 181.14]], "duration": 181.14, "id": 9587}, {"image_id": "v_qX7UMKN6ygM.mp4", "caption": "At the beach, a group of soccer balls lie next to a man who is kicking them at the goal, protected by a keeper. He boots them up and off his knee before shooting wide. He finally scores over the keeper. His final ball is saved once again by the keeper.", "segments": [[0, 8.33], [22.78, 32.42], [53.89, 58.28], [73.61, 87.63]], "duration": 87.63, "id": 9588}, {"image_id": "v_Wr69bnB86d0.mp4", "caption": "A man sits at a table and holds a screwdriver which he presses it against the tabletop. The man pretents to time himself and uses the screwdriver tool to pierce a hole in a full beer can that sprays some of its contents. The man holds up the can with the hole facing upwards. The man drinks the contents of the beer can from the hole after opening the top.", "segments": [[0, 30.92], [22.36, 54.23], [54.23, 74.68], [74.68, 91.8]], "duration": 95.13, "id": 9589}, {"image_id": "v_N8otQdjR96s.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting at a drum set. He is playing the drums and cymbals, and talking to the camera. He shows the mechanics of the pedals and the effects on the drums as he uses them.", "segments": [[0, 10.96], [14.61, 52.96], [53.87, 182.63]], "duration": 182.63, "id": 9590}, {"image_id": "v_mTmcz5NWNQA.mp4", "caption": "A group of people riding bmx dirt bikes come down a path together. Then spin around, taking sharp turns and curves on the track. When the race is over, they walk around handing out medals and posing for photos.", "segments": [[0, 36], [39.69, 95.99], [102.45, 184.6]], "duration": 184.6, "id": 9591}, {"image_id": "v_uZpVDAd7da8.mp4", "caption": " person with scissors kneels in the grass. We see the shadow of the cameraman over the person. The person is cutting grass with child proof scissors.", "segments": [[0, 2.34], [2, 10.79], [2.89, 22.25]], "duration": 22.25, "id": 9592}, {"image_id": "v_hP8wUI0qdaQ.mp4", "caption": "woman is talking to the camera in front of a large gym with a lot of estatic bikes in the background and people doing exercise. girl start doing exercise in the elliptical bike.", "segments": [[0, 28.36], [28.36, 162.05]], "duration": 162.05, "id": 9593}, {"image_id": "v_WFqm48C2BPk.mp4", "caption": "Various shots are shown of a boat riding along rough water conditions from several angles. The camera shows a board and leads back to the water, transitioning into people seen sitting inside the boat. The camera walks around more and captures views of the inside as well as the water.", "segments": [[0, 19.42], [17.41, 94.42], [93.75, 133.93]], "duration": 133.93, "id": 9594}, {"image_id": "v_ufK2mbJI0to.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen running around a soccer field playing a game of soccer. The kids continue to kick the ball around one another while others watch on the side. More shots are shown of the game as well as people playing with one another.", "segments": [[0, 35.76], [28.1, 96.22], [93.66, 162.63]], "duration": 170.3, "id": 9595}, {"image_id": "v_jMQP5ePI4eQ.mp4", "caption": "A man in a white shirt is sitting down playing a guitar. Next to the man is a smaller screen of a black and white video of a man singing and a woman.", "segments": [[0, 181.51], [12.71, 181.51]], "duration": 181.51, "id": 9596}, {"image_id": "v_LcmTBkWvV74.mp4", "caption": "A close up a girl smiling and pointing to her face is shown followed by a pair of pliers piercing her inner lip. The piercer pushes the scissor through her lip while she holds it up and presents the piercing in the end.", "segments": [[0, 36.99], [34.28, 180.43]], "duration": 180.43, "id": 9597}, {"image_id": "v_BfnM0eyjB5Q.mp4", "caption": "A woman is giving instructions on how to install and adjust a saddle on a bike. She uses a Allen key wrench to loosen up the bolt. Then she demonstrates how she can move the saddle after she loosens it. She hits it with her hand to push the jammed saddle. Then she shows how to adjust the saddle by moving it back and forth. She later demonstrates how to remove the saddle off. She puts the new one on and then uses tools to tighten it back on. She uses a screwdriver to tighten the screws and adjust the level. She then shows another saddle and demonstrates how to tighten the bolts to adjust the level of the saddle. She shows how to tighten the bolt to make sure the saddle fits snugly.", "segments": [[12.07, 27.84], [27.84, 46.41], [46.41, 62.18], [62.18, 82.6], [82.6, 103.95], [103.95, 119.73], [119.73, 133.65], [133.65, 151.28], [151.28, 181.91], [181.91, 185.62]], "duration": 185.62, "id": 9598}, {"image_id": "v_P1Ve5WrfTb8.mp4", "caption": "A boy in grey throws a ball at a a kid on the other side of the court. A boy in blue does an extraordinary flip in the air after catching the ball and lands. He throws the ball back at the other kid after landing. They are being watched by a group of kids standing behind them.", "segments": [[0, 12.63], [12.24, 36.32], [33.55, 56.84], [56.45, 78.95]], "duration": 78.95, "id": 9599}, {"image_id": "v_Cj3W6CW3Zbc.mp4", "caption": "Four men are working on the roof of a house. They are scraping the shingles off with shovels, knocking debris to the ground as they work.", "segments": [[0, 30.52], [31.13, 61.65]], "duration": 61.65, "id": 9600}, {"image_id": "v_dSHw52PBi5I.mp4", "caption": "People in an indoor pool watch on as multiple divers are taking turns and standing at the highest diving point with the word INDIANA on it as they do multiple flips before they land into the pool.A few woman take their turns jumping off of the highest diving point as they start in different ways, do multiple flips, then dive into the pool making small splashes as they hit the water.A blonde woman does a very slow handstand facing towards the pool, then pushes off and does multiple flips before she dives into the pool creating a small splash.When the women are finished diving, men take their turns diving from the highest point as well and they also do multiple flips before they hit the water creating a small splash.", "segments": [[0, 148.84], [0, 43.16], [25.3, 43.16], [43.16, 148.84]], "duration": 148.82999999999998, "id": 9601}, {"image_id": "v_zNpILhjhFbQ.mp4", "caption": "A person sits on a mat in a gym and does sit ups while holding her legs up. The person finishes the exercise routine and takes a break. A graphic is seen with a feather falling.", "segments": [[0.97, 17.83], [17.71, 19.17], [20.02, 22.32]], "duration": 24.27, "id": 9602}, {"image_id": "v_Yjkz62cLVdQ.mp4", "caption": "A man holds clips against a bracket placed on a wooden desk. He welds the metal bracket. The man finishes welding and picks up a stick from the wooden desk.", "segments": [[3.57, 15.72], [16.44, 126.5], [127.93, 142.94]], "duration": 142.94, "id": 9603}, {"image_id": "v_YVbMt3qsB3o.mp4", "caption": "A chubby man is standing outside in a field and throws a yellow medicine ball demonstrating exercising to strengthen athletes for shot put.The man is then pictured in a gym doing reps with the bar and then begins throwing a ball up against the tree.Another boy then begins throwing a bag of sand before the previous man comes back and starts using elliptical machines.Once finished,he returns back to a field and begins pulling the chain across the field and throwing kettle balls.", "segments": [[0, 9.22], [8.92, 24.29], [24.59, 32.9], [31.97, 61.49]], "duration": 61.49, "id": 9604}, {"image_id": "v_KiE-fFIz5ic.mp4", "caption": "A man in a hat is standing outside talking. People are practicing pole vaulting on a blue mat. A person is jumping over hurdles on a track. People are laying on a blue mat stretching.", "segments": [[3.22, 20.4], [22.55, 151.41], [151.41, 155.7], [184.7, 187.92]], "duration": 214.76, "id": 9605}, {"image_id": "v_WJwLjPDvLrY.mp4", "caption": "A group is on the beach, playing volleyball. They lob the ball back and forth over the net. The crowd cheers them on as they continue the competition.", "segments": [[0, 25.67], [30.09, 140.72], [146.03, 177.01]], "duration": 177.01, "id": 9606}, {"image_id": "v_PiDMuIRtgZo.mp4", "caption": "We see men playing hockey in an ice rink. A player in blue goes behind the goal close to the camera. The hockey puck slips past the goalie and into the goal net. The goalie gets up off the ground.", "segments": [[0, 49.95], [12.24, 17.98], [45.95, 48.45], [47.95, 49.95]], "duration": 49.95, "id": 9607}, {"image_id": "v_-lJS58hyo1c.mp4", "caption": "A lady walks to a barbell. She bends down and grabs the pole. The lady stands and lifts the weight over her head. The lady drops the barbell and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 1.06], [3.88, 10.41], [10.41, 31.24], [31.94, 34.77]], "duration": 35.3, "id": 9608}, {"image_id": "v_KpoH4pBp9fg.mp4", "caption": "a woman is standing inside a dark kitchen, talking. She shows a cake cooling on a metal rack. She demonstrates how to mix the ingredients in a mixer, then bake the cake. When it is done, she turns it onto the rack to cool.", "segments": [[0, 12.26], [14.49, 31.22], [39.02, 181.73], [185.08, 222.98]], "duration": 222.98, "id": 9609}, {"image_id": "v_n04zQqQI3wQ.mp4", "caption": "woman is with two kids in snow in a open land and they are on a inflatable sliding down a mountain. kids walks with the inflatable on their hands through the field and run to the mountain again.", "segments": [[0, 35.09], [35.09, 68.13]], "duration": 68.13, "id": 9610}, {"image_id": "v_ciS5DtShxA8.mp4", "caption": "A young boy has on a black and white soccer jersey and is sitting down on the floor next to a bed and begins putting on a long black soccer sock.The young boy then reaches for his shin guard and puts it over his right leg and then folds his sock down over it.Once that is finished,he reaches over for his other sock and begins to do the same thing on the left leg.Finally,he moves to his cleats and grabs a pair of orange Adidas soccer cleats and ties them up.Everything is completed and the child sits criss-cross and begins talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 17.78], [17.78, 56.09], [56.09, 151.85], [151.85, 228.46], [228.46, 273.6]], "duration": 273.6, "id": 9611}, {"image_id": "v_bBXbFpJMveI.mp4", "caption": "We see men skateboarding near a parking lot. We see two men talking to each other. We see the man in khakis stumble and fail repeatedly. We see a man holding a cell phone and talking to the skater. The men shake hands and the cameraman points at the skater. We see the subscribe screen. We see people riding and see a man ride a red toy kids skateboard and the cameraman kicks it across the lot. We then see the ending screen.", "segments": [[0, 115.98], [29, 40.42], [43.05, 58.87], [63.26, 71.17], [115.1, 127.4], [133.55, 141.46], [142.34, 165.19], [166.06, 175.73]], "duration": 175.73, "id": 9612}, {"image_id": "v_cHHVpBYfwdU.mp4", "caption": "A man leans over the camera he has placed on a dog. The dog runs through different rooms of the house, then to the door and outside. They go for a walk outside with the people and other dogs. He returns home, and looks in his water bowl.", "segments": [[0, 43.41], [46.84, 111.96], [115.38, 194.21], [198.78, 228.49]], "duration": 228.49, "id": 9613}, {"image_id": "v_VN-BUL75x5Y.mp4", "caption": "A woman sitting on the floor talks to the camera while petting a dog. The woman holds up some sort of tool while talking to the camera. The woman uses the tool to brush the dog while talking. The woman sets down the tool and pets the dog while talking to the camera. The woman talks to the camera about the tool. The dog and women get up from the ground. A sped up process of drawing an owl emblem is shown.", "segments": [[0, 4.69], [5.27, 33.4], [33.4, 63.28], [63.87, 72.66], [72.07, 105.47], [106.06, 108.4], [108.99, 114.26]], "duration": 117.19, "id": 9614}, {"image_id": "v_M1dEZrQWeRY.mp4", "caption": "A skier uses a wind drone to propel him across a flat slope.The skier uses the wind drone to do a few passes on a flat area of a ski resort. The camera pans across the ski area and views of the surrounding mountains. The skier does a pass by on a large flat area going very fast.", "segments": [[0, 10.9], [10.9, 21.8], [22.25, 32.24], [32.69, 90.81]], "duration": 90.81, "id": 9615}, {"image_id": "v_qJfhu80Ldgo.mp4", "caption": "A man squats down and lifts a bar of weights in a gym. He throws the bar down and it crashes into the floor and takes a deep breath.", "segments": [[0.15, 4.69], [4.99, 14.36]], "duration": 15.12, "id": 9616}, {"image_id": "v_5T7vTuJmYeQ.mp4", "caption": "A child swings on monkey bars. The child dismounts from the monkey bars. The child walks towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 8.63], [8.46, 8.86], [9.14, 11.36]], "duration": 11.36, "id": 9617}, {"image_id": "v_LFbW1KVHT8s.mp4", "caption": "a elder man is on water standing on a jet ski. The man begins to jet ski. The man takes on hand off of the handle. The man places both hands back on the handle and jet skis.", "segments": [[0, 11.07], [7.51, 28.07], [25.7, 46.65], [43.88, 79.06]], "duration": 79.06, "id": 9618}, {"image_id": "v_QsRW8dj-F7M.mp4", "caption": "A mascot is seen running around a field as the camera pans around a large audience. Several mascots are seen holing sticks on a field walking around one another and leads into them chasing a ball. The group continues running around the field as the mascots continue to chase the ball one after the other.", "segments": [[0.8, 50.2], [52.59, 122.71], [117.93, 158.56]], "duration": 159.36, "id": 9619}, {"image_id": "v_W5cGKWhOTOU.mp4", "caption": "There are 3 people at a store in a shoe section and there are two people on the ground trying on boots. The man on the ground removes his pink boot, throws it on the side and stands up smiling.The girl grabs his pink boot, tries it on her right foot and sits there modeling it while talking to the people around her. The girl then grabs the left boot, removes the stuff in it, tries it on and stands up to model them. The girl stands next to the guy and they smile, she gives a thumbs up and he hugs her from behind.", "segments": [[0, 8.13], [0, 17.94], [7.11, 30.13], [30.13, 57.89], [57.89, 67.71]], "duration": 67.71, "id": 9620}, {"image_id": "v_wLcpMJv83XY.mp4", "caption": "A still image of a man dressed in an Under Armour shirt and a pair of slacks is standing in one spot in a bowling alley.The man finally moves and throws the ball down the Alley.After,an instant replay is shown of the video being chopped and screwed with a circle highlighting the ball before it is thrown down the lane.", "segments": [[0, 67.6], [67.6, 128.44], [129.28, 169]], "duration": 169.0, "id": 9621}, {"image_id": "v_-3Ss9jSRbKk.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to do sit ups, in a gym room, using a woman who is simulating the exercise as an example. A woman kneels on the hardwood floors of a gym room and talks to the camera. The camera pans out and another woman is revealed lying on her back on a gym mat as the woman kneeling above her continues to talk. The woman lying down demonstrates how to do a sit up and the other woman continues to talk at times touching the other woman's stomach.", "segments": [[0, 67.32], [0, 6.09], [6.09, 22.33], [27.07, 66.65]], "duration": 67.66, "id": 9622}, {"image_id": "v_iFwmJi-I5sg.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing in the middle of a circle throwing a discuss off into the distance. The man walks back several times and is shown continuing to throw the object. The man continues to spin around while throwing the object off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 28.26], [16.49, 53.78], [51.81, 76.54]], "duration": 78.51, "id": 9623}, {"image_id": "v_FayB7ZswnAw.mp4", "caption": "two men are standing in a court room playing squash. man is wearing white shirt standing in a court room. men are standing in a court room behind transparent doors.", "segments": [[0, 9.96], [0, 9.81], [0.2, 9.96]], "duration": 9.96, "id": 9624}, {"image_id": "v_ZZImcxqa1_w.mp4", "caption": "A little boy is standing outside on the sidewalk he has his arms behind his back holding something. Then out of nowhere is starts to spin the thing in his hand, it looks really dangerous. He starts to turn along with it when he catches a lot of speed. Then he suddenly loses control of it and he ends up falling to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 3.67], [3.67, 9.06], [9.67, 16.15], [16.52, 24.47]], "duration": 24.47, "id": 9625}, {"image_id": "v_bDkSq9T55RI.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a red shirt is decorating a Christmas tree. He is using white lights to wrap the tree around to decorate it. He goes around the tree several times. Then he takes a gold colored garland and wraps the tree. Then he turns the lights on to light up the tree. He then stands besides the tree, pointing to it after the lights turn on.", "segments": [[4.85, 11.31], [11.31, 19.8], [19.8, 27.07], [27.07, 31.11], [31.11, 40.2], [40.2, 40.4]], "duration": 40.4, "id": 9626}, {"image_id": "v_nXD-q814KjI.mp4", "caption": "A man uses a hose to spray something vertically on a wooden wall. The man changes to spraying horizontally on the wall. The man manipulates the tip of the spray nozzle.", "segments": [[0, 19.45], [19.45, 22.61], [22.86, 25.26]], "duration": 25.26, "id": 9627}, {"image_id": "v_AA46-AbEGdk.mp4", "caption": "There's a girl gymnast dressed in shiny blue leotards performing gymnastics on a horse bar in front of many spectators in a large gymnasium. She gets on the horse bar and begins to do front flips and back flips. Then she does twisted backs flip while landing securely back on the horse bar. She continues her gymnastic moves and then securely jumps off the horse bar and lands on the ground. After she gets off the bar, she goes and hugs her coach. Slow motion actions of her gymnastic moves are replayed to show how she landed back on the ground from the horse bar. Then the gymnast walks past the where the panel of judges are seated.", "segments": [[0, 160.19], [7.79, 82.26], [50.22, 96.11], [82.26, 117.76], [111.7, 125.55], [122.95, 160.19], [162.78, 173.18]], "duration": 173.18, "id": 9628}, {"image_id": "v_NVNUT5iwLtw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen sitting on a rock and grabbing laundry out of a bucket. She then rubs down the clothes with a rag while smiling to the camera. She continues cleaning the cloth by hitting it on cement and washing it down with water.", "segments": [[0, 32.96], [31.44, 72.52], [54.26, 97.37]], "duration": 101.43, "id": 9629}, {"image_id": "v_p8tlnMtsTf8.mp4", "caption": "A helicopter is seen driving over an ocean where people are seen surfing. Several shots are shown of people riding along the water and others sitting. The people continue riding along the water while the helicopter rides around.", "segments": [[0, 40.63], [33.25, 83.12], [81.27, 115.75]], "duration": 123.14, "id": 9630}, {"image_id": "v_M9uQCTr2-r0.mp4", "caption": "Young boys are shown playing ping pong with one another in a large gymnasium serving one after the other. Another boy walks up to the table and starts playing with the other boys, which then turns into a two versus two game of Ping Pong. The boys take turns serving back and forth scoring points at random. The boy that was first shown is playing a third game now that is being kept score of by an official and scores the first 4 points. The boy is playing yet another tournament with a different child in Ping Pong and seems to possibly be falling behind a little in points.", "segments": [[0, 40.61], [40.61, 71.06], [71.06, 107.98], [107.98, 124.59], [124.59, 184.58]], "duration": 184.58, "id": 9631}, {"image_id": "v_aQQr1ad0v1I.mp4", "caption": "A man is showing off his motorbike. He gives a small talk about his bike first. Then he drives his bike on the track. He then does quick demonstrations on how his bike moves and how it sits. He then talks more about his bike while sitting on his bike. He then drives around a flat dirt track while cutting a few times to his talks describing his techniques. He ends by talking about his bike some more.", "segments": [[0, 188.99], [0, 5.67], [6.61, 9.45], [10.39, 22.68], [22.68, 80.32], [81.26, 109.61], [110.56, 185.21]], "duration": 188.99, "id": 9632}, {"image_id": "v_Ye3u6ujLEl0.mp4", "caption": "A swimmer puts on a pair of goggles getting ready. The swimmer pulls a muscle in the pool and jumps up onto the pool deck and stretches out his leg. A swimmer dives off from a board into the water with a splash. The athlete swims in a lane and pulls himself along with the float line. The swimmer swims underwater and pushes off the pool floor. The swimmer does a butterfly stroke in the pool lane.", "segments": [[22.96, 37.94], [55.91, 83.87], [87.86, 97.85], [98.85, 103.84], [141.78, 153.76], [177.73, 189.71]], "duration": 199.69, "id": 9633}, {"image_id": "v_V1ntLwOfkyE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast jumps onto a pummel horse. The gymnast performs many spins around the horse as he holds onto the two bars on the pummel horse. A couple of judges look on. The gymnast jumps off the pummel horse.", "segments": [[0, 7.02], [7.3, 50.25], [4.21, 56.15], [52.5, 56.15]], "duration": 56.15, "id": 9634}, {"image_id": "v_hkpYSfc5Ewc.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen jumping onto a set of uneven bars and performs a gymnastics routine in front of a large crowd. The man flips around the beams and ends with him jumping down with his arms up and waving to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 15.25], [14.53, 47.65]], "duration": 47.65, "id": 9635}, {"image_id": "v_Xag8E74bkpw.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a hat is seen sitting behind a large set of bongo drums. The woman plays on the drums continuously. The woman continues hitting the drums and ends by pointing to the camera and standing up.", "segments": [[2.03, 64.07], [24.33, 64.07], [68.93, 80.69]], "duration": 81.1, "id": 9636}, {"image_id": "v_UOkpGU7NAag.mp4", "caption": "A girl is going across a set of monkey bars. She gets to the end and stands on a wooden plank. She then goes back across the monkey bars in the other direction. She goes to another part of the playground and jumps up and down.", "segments": [[0, 15.07], [14.8, 17.49], [17.22, 31.76], [41.71, 53.82]], "duration": 53.82, "id": 9637}, {"image_id": "v_b-ex8bAnl5U.mp4", "caption": "man is in front of an automaic cashier and take some money of it, and go talk with some men in a room full of people.men are sittig in a blackjack table and are gambling in a casino and talking to each other while people is looking the game and walking around the table. dealing is spreading the cards and men fire up a tobacco.", "segments": [[0, 32.71], [33.73, 108.35], [108.35, 204.43]], "duration": 204.43, "id": 9638}, {"image_id": "v_Jb8YAhQ6EMk.mp4", "caption": "A woman washes a pot with soapy water while standing with her back to the camera at the kitchen sink. The woman turns and talks to the camera while washing the pot and smiles a bit as the camera shakily catches the activity. The woman rinses the pot off and then turns and holds it up in the air, dripping water, making a scary face, as if she is going to attack the camera man with it, but then turns away from the camera man and toward the sink counter.", "segments": [[0.54, 51.71], [0.54, 24.37], [40.61, 53.61]], "duration": 54.15, "id": 9639}, {"image_id": "v_csxC5H5uDb4.mp4", "caption": "Two individuals are in room painting and doing redecorating.Two men alternate going up and down on a ladder putting paste on the wall for the wall paper.These actions continue to take place until the whole wall is covered in white wall paper with large blue flowers on them as a girl sits down behind a row of books.", "segments": [[0, 7.31], [7.31, 27.6], [27.36, 47.17]], "duration": 47.17, "id": 9640}, {"image_id": "v_02yDi9BaDO8.mp4", "caption": "A woman in a red shirt is standing in a room. She starts working out on a blue mat. She stops and talks to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 77.81], [20.23, 77.81], [75.48, 77.81]], "duration": 77.81, "id": 9641}, {"image_id": "v_wBv1tu74S2E.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast stretches out and climbs onto a set of parallel double bars. The gymnast does a routine in a competition on the double bars with flips and turns. The gymnast dismounts from the equipment and lands on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 11.36], [12.44, 47.88], [40.04, 47.88]], "duration": 54.1, "id": 9642}, {"image_id": "v_-zHX3Gdx6I4.mp4", "caption": "A boy is running down a track. The boy lifts his body above the height of a pole. The boy lands on his back on to a red mat. The boy gets up from the mat. The boy celebrates by clapping and flexing both arms. A man stands and observes.", "segments": [[0, 9.31], [9.82, 13.59], [14.35, 16.61], [18.37, 21.14], [22.15, 28.95], [13.09, 50.34]], "duration": 50.34, "id": 9643}, {"image_id": "v_MYRsm8m9mk4.mp4", "caption": "There are several men playing tug of war on a sandy ground that is surrounded by mountains. They continue pulling the rope with force. Several spectators are watching them and cheering them as they continue to play. The players continue to pull the rope with concentration. Finally the victorious team raises their hands up and cheer and dance around in a circle.", "segments": [[9.89, 26.84], [26.84, 47.32], [47.32, 98.87], [98.87, 132.77], [132.77, 141.25]], "duration": 141.25, "id": 9644}, {"image_id": "v_4IRb308UjTA.mp4", "caption": "A woman opens the trunk of a car. She gets a spare tire out and sets it on the ground. She takes the old tire off. She puts the new tire on. She puts the hub of the tire on.", "segments": [[10.64, 11.55], [14.9, 17.03], [27.37, 32.84], [36.49, 45], [46.22, 48.35]], "duration": 60.81, "id": 9645}, {"image_id": "v_mbGDPga031E.mp4", "caption": "People play shuffleboard indoors and outdoors. A person observes when people plays shuffleboard in the street. A couple of old people play outdoor. Other people play shuffleboard pushing the balls in the triangle.", "segments": [[2.82, 55.38], [117.33, 124.84], [56.32, 108.89], [109.82, 179.29]], "duration": 187.73, "id": 9646}, {"image_id": "v_r5cjo7N6IEY.mp4", "caption": "A shadow is on the ground, caused by a designed shrub. A man is shown outdoors, showing off his multitude of decorative bushes in his yard. He clips and measures them to make sure they look their best. He finds two that look like boxers, and pretends to make them fight.", "segments": [[0, 1.94], [2.92, 17.11], [18.86, 32.67], [33.45, 38.89]], "duration": 38.89, "id": 9647}, {"image_id": "v_K-PpTJmmjhA.mp4", "caption": "An old woman talks in a costume shop. Then she puts a garment on the iron board, sprays water and iron the collar. After, the woman irons the sleeves of the garment and the body part. Next, the woman shows the ironed garment.", "segments": [[1.04, 16.68], [17.73, 92.81], [92.81, 203.35], [204.39, 208.56]], "duration": 208.56, "id": 9648}, {"image_id": "v_I_6Ok72DnJA.mp4", "caption": "A man is hanging wallpaper on a wall. He peels the sticky side from the backing paper. He is now applying the sticky side of the paper to the wall. He repeats this several more times on different parts of the wall.", "segments": [[0, 50.45], [1.54, 7.21], [11.07, 23.17], [22.39, 49.42]], "duration": 51.48, "id": 9649}, {"image_id": "v_GoVqtUSnshE.mp4", "caption": "A news woman is speaking from a news room. Then we see breaking news videos on the screen. A woman is shown drinking some kind of fluid on a dare, and the women take turns drinking the liquid.", "segments": [[0, 15.7], [21.31, 108.78], [111.03, 224.3]], "duration": 224.3, "id": 9650}, {"image_id": "v_cHdZ_dBVgDE.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman dressed in black and red stand in the middle of a room surrounded by a very large amount of people sitting and watching them. They dance and dance working very well together. They twist and turn and even do all kinds of nice moves together. The man bends down and swings the female across his back where she flips over and ends the dance.", "segments": [[0, 19.09], [19.09, 43.55], [43.55, 68.02], [68.02, 97.87]], "duration": 97.87, "id": 9651}, {"image_id": "v_hGUUlFxygmw.mp4", "caption": "A girl is sitting talking the the camera. The girl points the camera to the ground. A half manicure hand of another girl is seen on the floor. The first girl proceeds to polish the second girl's fingernails.", "segments": [[0, 27.54], [26.39, 60.81], [60.81, 118.18], [113.59, 229.48]], "duration": 229.48, "id": 9652}, {"image_id": "v_WvpiEwrWmWE.mp4", "caption": "A cheerleader perform graciously using a rod that spins in her right hand. Then, she takes another rod to perform and spins at the same time the rods. After, the cheerleader put one rod on the floor and continue performing only with one rod.", "segments": [[0, 45.01], [45.86, 105.31], [105.31, 169.85]], "duration": 169.85, "id": 9653}, {"image_id": "v_Bhz-WgJH8R0.mp4", "caption": "A group of skiers are riding down a hill. They split their line and create multiple lines. They split again to make 4 different lines. The all being and finish at the same time.", "segments": [[0, 42.35], [10.16, 19.91], [19.06, 34.52], [36.21, 42.35]], "duration": 42.35, "id": 9654}, {"image_id": "v_IZdVPuT8Hfs.mp4", "caption": "A person is helping a young man to jump behind the rails of a bridge and check the belts.Then, the man jumps down the bridge.", "segments": [[0, 52.44], [52.44, 93.65]], "duration": 93.65, "id": 9655}, {"image_id": "v_8l7SuE4_lCk.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen looking into the camera holding a toothbrush. The man then begins brushing his teeth in several shots. He continues brushing his teeth and showing off his mouth in the end.", "segments": [[0, 3.36], [3.36, 10.07], [8.9, 13.56]], "duration": 13.7, "id": 9656}, {"image_id": "v_CYj2ltxPNDo.mp4", "caption": "An athlete stands eagerly awaiting his turn while the judges prepare for his routine. A foreign commentator comments on his routine while he flips himself through the air. The man continues twirling and flipping on the bars for his gymnastic routine while audience members cheer loudly. The video slows down and shows the highlights of the routine in slow motion. The athlete rests on the couch while the judges finish their critiques. Eventually the man hears his score and smiles pleasingly.", "segments": [[0, 9.51], [9.51, 148.28], [27.56, 55.13], [43.72, 144.48], [149.23, 166.34], [168.24, 190.1]], "duration": 190.1, "id": 9657}, {"image_id": "v_E1b_DF716Q4.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting in front of the camera with several objects being held in front of her face. Two hand pulls a tube through next to her and the woman then puts the tubes in the girl's hair. In the end the woman takes the tubes out and the girl continues to look at the camera.", "segments": [[3.58, 46.5], [47.39, 140.39], [140.39, 178.84]], "duration": 178.84, "id": 9658}, {"image_id": "v_ucR3VztMyeE.mp4", "caption": "A girl starts to climb the monkey bars. She starts climbing forward to the end. She has difficulties in the middle of the bars. A woman appears looking to help. She finishes the climb very happy.", "segments": [[0, 1.38], [1.38, 26.61], [9.33, 18.65], [22.02, 30.58], [26.61, 30.58]], "duration": 30.58, "id": 9659}, {"image_id": "v_7hRls13HJow.mp4", "caption": "A person is filming a house and a dog walking into frame. A small girl is washing the floor with a mop and talking to the camera man. The camera man talks to the girl about cleaning and why she likes it. The girl finishes washing the floor.", "segments": [[0, 5.96], [6.63, 55], [24.52, 42.41], [42.41, 132.54]], "duration": 132.54, "id": 9660}, {"image_id": "v_Ax8GCogz6Yg.mp4", "caption": "An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about a jump rope competition. One person is shown doing a set of jump rope tricks. Two people are then shown doing more jump rope tricks. Next, four people are shown doing jump rope tricks in the gymnasium. Next a variety of tricks are being shown done by several different people on the floor in the gymnasium. The video then ends with the closing credits.", "segments": [[0, 10.83], [10.83, 17.72], [17.72, 35.45], [35.45, 44.31], [44.31, 188.07], [188.07, 196.93]], "duration": 196.93, "id": 9661}, {"image_id": "v_ANuV_fDgI54.mp4", "caption": "We see a red opening screen. Men pole vault in an outdoor field. A mans's face on the left of the screen moves back and out of the shot. The camera angle changes and we continue to watch the men pole vault.", "segments": [[0, 4.47], [5.58, 223.35], [4.47, 7.82], [182.03, 223.35]], "duration": 223.35, "id": 9662}, {"image_id": "v_dzsSiqXxfpw.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen lecturing a crowd while holding several green Frisbees in his hand. After talking to the crowd he calls out and a dog runs out on the stage to him.Initially he starts to play with the dog and the dog kept trying to grab the mans frisbees,than the man throws the Frisbees on the ground and starts to play fetch with the dog. At one point the dog starts to jump off the mans back as he chases after Frisbees. Also at another point the man grabs on to a Frisbee at one end and a dog at the other end and he starts to spin the dog around. In the end the man performs a trick with the dog and makes him do a back flip and grabs him and takes him off the stage .", "segments": [[0, 28.12], [29.68, 31.24], [34.37, 77.33], [76.55, 86.7], [86.7, 142.94], [142.94, 156.22]], "duration": 156.22, "id": 9663}, {"image_id": "v_HysxcMFrTkc.mp4", "caption": "A group of men dressed as redcoats march onto a stage. We then see a woman holding a flag in the center and many women alongside her as they jump on a massive jumprope. They perform many jumping and flipping tricks with the ropes, bringing in more ropes every few minutes. When they finish, they freeze in a pose and the screen turns black.", "segments": [[0, 12.1], [14.12, 42.35], [43.36, 178.49], [180.51, 201.69]], "duration": 201.69, "id": 9664}, {"image_id": "v_FI_1dsErIXE.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a yellow canister as he clears a wood board. He sprays the wood with the yellow canister. He takes a rag and cleans the wood. He speaks as he showcases the wood and presses his fingers on the board.", "segments": [[0, 10.61], [11.37, 15.16], [15.92, 75.03], [75.79, 151.58]], "duration": 151.57999999999998, "id": 9665}, {"image_id": "v_c6Cbq-WNq9M.mp4", "caption": "The exterior of a building is shown, including a waving American flag near the front door. A man appears and talks about a tree near the front of the building. He then demonstrates how to trim the tree, picking off branches at eye level and using a tool for taller branches. The company hat is then shown on the step, surrounded by leaves.", "segments": [[0, 18.31], [26.99, 52.05], [77.11, 160.96], [176.39, 192.77]], "duration": 192.77, "id": 9666}, {"image_id": "v_mb2fWzNSob0.mp4", "caption": "At the center of sandy field, has the cows fighting at the center, while the audience are watching on the sides, sitting on the ground. Three men are supervising the bullfighting, the bull push each other with their horns. A man got off from his truck, the other man pulled the bull off of his truck, the bull are tied on a poles. Two men are holding each end of the rope as the black bull stumped on the ground. The bulls are fighting at the center of the field, and the people are watching, one bull ran towards the audience.", "segments": [[0, 39.18], [10.05, 71.34], [40.19, 83.39], [82.39, 163.77], [131.62, 200.95]], "duration": 200.95, "id": 9667}, {"image_id": "v_tXNycNfALsE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is seen looking off in the distance and rubbing her hands together. She puts her hands up and begins performing a gymnastics routine on a beam. She moves herself all along the beam and ends by jumping down and others applauding.", "segments": [[0, 36.69], [30.02, 88.05], [84.72, 130.74]], "duration": 133.41, "id": 9668}, {"image_id": "v_2OEc8kPVn_Y.mp4", "caption": "An Asian woman is standing outside in a large field wearing a pink loose linen like outfit.She then puts her legs and hands out and begins to move like a ninja throughout the field.After she has moved left and right across the field,she then comes back to the middle of the field and stands still to complete her routine.", "segments": [[0, 34.04], [34.04, 113.83], [113.83, 212.77]], "duration": 212.77, "id": 9669}, {"image_id": "v_NzMZlzy5Q9A.mp4", "caption": "Two sumo wrestlers are shown in a ring as spectators and a referee watch. The wrestlers crouch down and run into each other. They briefly wrestle while one man gets thrown out of the ring. The winner performs a hand signal with the referee. The loser walks in the back as they show a replay of the win. The video ends with the host interviewing the loser, and showing the sumo ring.", "segments": [[0, 100.1], [0, 15.02], [14.01, 19.02], [31.03, 35.54], [39.54, 74.08], [74.58, 100.1]], "duration": 100.1, "id": 9670}, {"image_id": "v_4ZyPBOe4P0U.mp4", "caption": "A man in a tan shirt is talking. He sets his tennis racket down on the ground. Another man runs around on a tennis court.", "segments": [[0, 26.54], [25.27, 27.8], [46.12, 112.46]], "duration": 126.36, "id": 9671}, {"image_id": "v_bH7ORYDcI7A.mp4", "caption": "A black and white dog is standing near the main door of a house as he listens to the sound of helicopter. Then main door then opens and the dog steps back. There are two dog trainers in an enclosed room training a dog to jump and catch several Frisbee. the male trainer throws the Frisbee at the dog and the dog jumps and fetches it for him. The trainer continuously throws the Frisbee and dog jumps high up and grabs the Frisbee every time. There are several different trainers shown training and teaching their dogs tricks.", "segments": [[17.13, 21.89], [21.89, 51.4], [51.4, 87.57], [87.57, 114.23], [114.23, 172.29], [172.29, 190.38]], "duration": 190.38, "id": 9672}, {"image_id": "v_rScqKu8Mwhk.mp4", "caption": "An introduction for a vacuum demo is shown on the screen. The video shows the vacuum being tested against several different challenges by a boy and his father. The video ends with a screen showing the logo for the vacuum company.", "segments": [[0, 4.42], [4.42, 49.18], [49.18, 55.26]], "duration": 55.26, "id": 9673}, {"image_id": "v_7VbXyfF3kEw.mp4", "caption": "Two women wearing matching outfits are on their microphones and kind of half watching a boy play with a rubix cube. The boy is solving the cube pretty quickly the girl seems pretty shocked. Then a group of people start trying to a puzzle to see who is the fastest. Another boy in a blue shirt come up and starts to solve it and when he does the girls give hime a prize.", "segments": [[0, 20.65], [19.96, 50.93], [50.24, 89.47], [89.47, 137.65]], "duration": 137.65, "id": 9674}, {"image_id": "v_7lwrP2ma2TU.mp4", "caption": "A person observes an old samurai temple. A man holds an arch and shoots arrows, while men sit on the road sorts arrows. Three small boards are fix on the ground, suddenly and arrow hits one board. People gather on a road, then a old man gives a white box to a man dressed in white clothes.", "segments": [[0, 17.89], [17.89, 93.5], [93.5, 101.58], [101.58, 110.81]], "duration": 115.43, "id": 9675}, {"image_id": "v_gi0wjdtxaC4.mp4", "caption": "A boy does cartwheels and back hand springs on the grass as a friend watches and records. He stops for a moment and takes a break then continues to do more flips. Another guy comes onto the screen and attempts to do some flips on the grass.", "segments": [[0, 64.46], [9.99, 21.92], [21.92, 46.41]], "duration": 64.46, "id": 9676}, {"image_id": "v_ru4NMIVZqrg.mp4", "caption": "A girl walks out of a room and down a hall. She puts down her duffel bag before lying down on a table. Someone hands her a cup and she drinks it, then they work on tattooing her tongue. A rod is inserted into her tonue and clipped, creating a piercing. She sticks out her tongue at the camera, showing off her piercing.", "segments": [[0, 13.11], [14.04, 35.57], [37.44, 100.16], [101.1, 140.42], [142.29, 187.22]], "duration": 187.22, "id": 9677}, {"image_id": "v_r09mVf2dQnk.mp4", "caption": "A custodian sprays the counter of a sink with a spray bottle. The worker uses a brush to clean out the sink. The worker uses a hand towel to clean out the liquid in the sink.", "segments": [[4.6, 13.8], [20.32, 44.85], [47.54, 68.62]], "duration": 76.67, "id": 9678}, {"image_id": "v_ot4CuJqrN-Y.mp4", "caption": "A group of band mates are outside at a park. They are wearing revolutionary war era outfits. They play the drums in unison to a beat.", "segments": [[0, 15.47], [18.97, 60.89], [65.38, 99.82]], "duration": 99.82, "id": 9679}, {"image_id": "v_8TqqLqBb3sk.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in a kitchen while talking. She shows a bag, pushing on it with her fist. She closes it up, and shows how it stays in shape.", "segments": [[0, 14.25], [16.66, 23.45], [26.3, 43.84]], "duration": 43.84, "id": 9680}, {"image_id": "v__cU5aISTDBo.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a field of grass. A man picks up a long pole and starts running down a track. He jumps over a high bar and lands on a mat.", "segments": [[0, 44.49], [11.34, 20.02], [20.24, 24.47]], "duration": 44.49, "id": 9681}, {"image_id": "v_ij87GXkcdho.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen riding on exercise equipment while speaking to the camera. A man is seen speaking to the camera while more shots of the equipment are shown. People move all around the machine and lead with the man speaking more and showing how to adjust the machine.", "segments": [[1.02, 48.93], [38.74, 139.65], [122.32, 200.81]], "duration": 203.87, "id": 9682}, {"image_id": "v_3FUVKpQA6IY.mp4", "caption": "Some people are playing beer bong having a good time, the man throws fist and he makes it into the girls cup. She drinks her drink and then wets her ball in water before throwing her ball. Then, she takes a seat and the other guy takes his turn. Then it's the girl on the other teams turn, they keep taking their turns and drinking away, having a good time.", "segments": [[0, 16.2], [16.85, 47.3], [47.3, 97.19], [97.19, 129.59]], "duration": 129.59, "id": 9683}, {"image_id": "v_IytPbGtfo14.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady behind a bar talking. The lady pours ice in glass. The lady pours three shots of liquor into a cup. The lady pours other stuff in and shakes it. The lady pours the pours the drink into a glass. The lady adds some red stuff. The lady holds the glass and smiles.", "segments": [[0, 81.94], [7.78, 9.42], [31.55, 46.71], [51.22, 68.83], [70.88, 74.98], [76.21, 78.67], [80.31, 81.94]], "duration": 81.94, "id": 9684}, {"image_id": "v_8pR6NBu7Ay0.mp4", "caption": "The outside of a box containing a gun is shown. A man is joined by two others in front of a display of guns. They talk about the guns, then join a game of paintball outdoors, hiding behind obstacles as they shoot at each other.", "segments": [[0, 19.65], [23.58, 74.67], [78.6, 196.49]], "duration": 196.49, "id": 9685}, {"image_id": "v_J7LhH4IKvnM.mp4", "caption": "A large dog is standing in a bath tub. A woman in a pink shirt is scrubbing the dog with soap. She then starts washing the dog with a hose.", "segments": [[0, 84.04], [27.67, 49.2], [49.2, 85.58]], "duration": 102.49000000000001, "id": 9686}, {"image_id": "v_8EGM3zcvjs8.mp4", "caption": "Eight people are standing at the studio, one woman walked at the back of the group. The group started dancing, swirling, shaking their hips, rotating, their arms and hands are moving from side to side, in front.", "segments": [[0, 39.21], [38.28, 186.74]], "duration": 186.74, "id": 9687}, {"image_id": "v_Z2b84JjYdtw.mp4", "caption": "A slide of pictures shows performing a marching band and girls moving around. Then, marching bands play and girls perform holding flags.", "segments": [[2.43, 13.96], [14.11, 23.37]], "duration": 30.35, "id": 9688}, {"image_id": "v_M1SUIrWykRs.mp4", "caption": "Several people are surfing on a large wave in the water. A man and a little girl are swimming in the water.", "segments": [[0, 52.18], [53.64, 58.31]], "duration": 58.31, "id": 9689}, {"image_id": "v_giN7cA0EmLs.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are seen riding around in tubes while pushing themselves down a diver. The people continue to ride in the tubes down the river while looking towards the camera as well as laughing and smiling.", "segments": [[0, 40.6], [36.48, 117.67]], "duration": 117.67, "id": 9690}, {"image_id": "v_3LrLgh2rlAM.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing black is in a gym. He picks up some heavy barbells. He lifts the barbells over his head. He then drops the barbells onto the ground.", "segments": [[0, 15.25], [1.75, 7.24], [8.31, 13.34], [13.19, 15.25]], "duration": 15.25, "id": 9691}, {"image_id": "v_iRp-pWnPoYw.mp4", "caption": "A man walks out of a building and starts skateboarding. He is skateboarding in between cars. He walks into a building and sits down at a computer.", "segments": [[16.84, 24.32], [43.02, 45.83], [167.42, 179.58]], "duration": 187.06, "id": 9692}, {"image_id": "v_23-lat1nVJg.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady knitting and singing. We then see a ad for a beer.", "segments": [[0, 5.7], [5.8, 10.18]], "duration": 10.18, "id": 9693}, {"image_id": "v_Vk-aKj0R65o.mp4", "caption": "Two people are in a room, wearing fencing equipment. They fight with swords, passing back and forth as they jab at each other.", "segments": [[0, 81.03], [94.54, 180.07]], "duration": 180.07, "id": 9694}, {"image_id": "v_ooWk0EL6I7o.mp4", "caption": " A lady and a man kneel in a curling ring. They talk to each other and a broom enters the scene. they start to move forwards. The man stops and the lady stumbles.", "segments": [[0, 16.93], [0, 10.97], [16.29, 18.1], [18.1, 21.29]], "duration": 21.29, "id": 9695}, {"image_id": "v_Cb_R59_-0zU.mp4", "caption": "A man starts doing different things such as sneezing,cooking,using the restroom,and washing his face indicating when to wash your hands.A female then comes along and walks to a sink in the kitchen and begins to lather her hands.She then turns on the faucet and rinses her hands,dries them,and puts the napkin in the trash can.", "segments": [[0, 33], [33.5, 66.99], [67.49, 99.99]], "duration": 99.99000000000001, "id": 9696}, {"image_id": "v_jpSbO4LrEnc.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen wearing a back pack and riding away from the camera on roller blades. The person then rides back and hangs onto a sign swinging himself around then smiling at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 4.96], [4.69, 13.4]], "duration": 13.4, "id": 9697}, {"image_id": "v_Mk9n7isIyBs.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a pink and white shirt and black tights is standing in her front yard. She is holding two batons in her and twirling them. She twirls her body and turns around several times as she twirls the batons in both her hands. She also moves her foot back and forth and walks and lifts her foot as she twirls. She then throws the baton from underneath her leg and catches it with her other hand. she continues twirling the baton near a shady tree. she turns her entire body around as she twirls the batons. She finally bows down and holds the baton straight in her hand.", "segments": [[4.77, 16.36], [16.36, 29.31], [29.31, 60.66], [60.66, 81.79], [81.79, 97.47], [97.47, 110.42], [110.42, 130.87], [130.87, 136.32]], "duration": 136.32999999999998, "id": 9698}, {"image_id": "v_FCYdwCXRNVI.mp4", "caption": "We see a person welding in the dark. The person pauses and adjusts his helmet. The man lifts his helmet briefly. The man lifts and lowers his helmet. the man looks out from under his helmet. The man finishes and lifts his helmet.", "segments": [[0, 78.67], [16.65, 19.15], [26.64, 29.14], [40.79, 43.29], [68.26, 71.17], [80.75, 83.24]], "duration": 83.24, "id": 9699}, {"image_id": "v_QLVgy-1ydr0.mp4", "caption": "A male attaches a hollow stick on a bull whom chases him. A guy messes with a bull. A bull pushes a man down. The audience claps while standing. The bull is lured into a pen and the gates are close. The male gives a thumbs up and smiles. A male attaches two hollow sticks on a bull and runs off. The bull tackles the male. The male gets up and his face is bloody. People help the male and carry him away. The male leaves a black shoe behind. People discuss in a circle. The man nods his head. People walk off the rodeo dirt and the man covers his nose.", "segments": [[0, 11.85], [0, 190.62], [71.08, 73.23], [105.54, 106.62], [114.16, 117.39], [120.62, 121.69], [129.23, 159.39], [160.46, 162.62], [163.7, 168], [169.08, 174.47], [179.85, 184.16], [191.7, 196], [197.08, 201.39], [205.7, 215.39]], "duration": 215.39, "id": 9700}, {"image_id": "v_fZ_CmvF-_No.mp4", "caption": "A team of competition cheerleaders come running out into the field and get into formation.The girls squat down and they begin to do their cheer which consists of several stunts,tricks,and jumps across the mat.Once they are finished,the girls end in a stunt and the stunt man runs out to the group.", "segments": [[0, 29.38], [29.38, 220.37], [220.37, 226.02]], "duration": 226.02, "id": 9701}, {"image_id": "v_2cUJTeArPsI.mp4", "caption": "little kid is hanging from a pole in a playground. playground is shown in a dusty field in a big park. little kid is wearng pink shirt and is hanging from a side to side.", "segments": [[0, 14.54], [0, 14.46], [0.07, 14.54]], "duration": 14.54, "id": 9702}, {"image_id": "v_0UcBldDI0RA.mp4", "caption": "Joe Morin from Titan alloy is talking about welding aluminum. He is doing a tutorial on how to fix aluminum. He shows a new product called Nova, which is an electrode for cleaning dirty aluminum. He shows two aluminum plates that are joined together for demonstration purposes. He takes the Nova rod and shows how he can weld the two pieces together. He begins welding the two plates of aluminum. Then he hits the plates with a hammer and scrubs off the dust. He shows the back side of the plates and how it is welded together.", "segments": [[12.53, 17.22], [17.22, 27.4], [27.4, 46.97], [46.97, 57.93], [57.93, 85.33], [85.33, 100.21], [100.21, 116.65], [116.65, 117.43]], "duration": 156.57, "id": 9703}, {"image_id": "v_EzQL-i_MTdU.mp4", "caption": "A man at a professional sports event, lifts a large and heavy weight using knees, back and arm strength while a woman in a suit watches from the sidelines. A man wearing a \"USA\" shirt, or team uniform approaches a two sided weight as a woman watches from the side near a door. The man lifts the weight and the camera shows the process in slow motion. The man lifts the weight over his head and then drops it to mid body before letting it fall to the floor, at which he point he waives at an unseen audience, all while the woman on the sideline continues to observe.", "segments": [[0.28, 55.9], [0.85, 3.97], [5.96, 42], [24.97, 55.33]], "duration": 56.75, "id": 9704}, {"image_id": "v_b1PAqOmflgI.mp4", "caption": "A boy in a blue t-shirt bounces two basketballs in a gym while blocking another basketball player and making a goal with the ball. A boy bounces two basketballs between his legs. Another basketball player approaches him and tries to take the ball from him. The player in the blue shirt blocks him and makes the goal, and then proceeds to do it again, twice.", "segments": [[0.17, 33.85], [1.53, 6.12], [6.46, 11.23], [11.74, 33.17]], "duration": 34.02, "id": 9705}, {"image_id": "v_OLUOk4xfYWE.mp4", "caption": "man is playing piano with a lot of people gathered around him. man is holding a cellphone and is recording the man in the piano.", "segments": [[0, 161.76], [143.16, 146.4]], "duration": 161.76, "id": 9706}, {"image_id": "v_HBJzxWj7CaY.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of the camera speaking and various trips of people and sites are shown. Another man is interviewed followed by several more shots of the area. A panel of people speak to one another and people get ready for a race. Dozens of people line up and begin swimming in the ocean to race. Many more people are interviewed while the race continues and many people watch and discuss the events.", "segments": [[0, 29.5], [27.77, 65.08], [59.01, 82.43], [80.7, 112.8], [118.88, 173.55]], "duration": 173.55, "id": 9707}, {"image_id": "v_pf9u7M6vafU.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen sitting on a bed with two knitting needles and thread in her hands. The camera pans around her and watches her knit while she speaks and looks off into the distance.", "segments": [[0, 11.91], [11.91, 19.53]], "duration": 19.53, "id": 9708}, {"image_id": "v_2U0vMYnC49c.mp4", "caption": "A boy in red jacket holds a window scraper tool and remove snow from a car windshield. The boy turns the tool and uses the edge corner edge briefly. The boy continues to scrape the windshield as before with the broad side of the tool.", "segments": [[0, 36.95], [37.46, 42.77], [42.77, 50.62]], "duration": 50.62, "id": 9709}, {"image_id": "v_0GpNcvAVWVg.mp4", "caption": "We see the colorful title card. We see kids playing at the playground. The boy gets off the swing and we follow him to the slide. The boy finishes sliding and goes to a different part of the park and plays around. The boy slides and falls on the bridge before sliding down. He plays with the large swing with another kid. We see the end screen.", "segments": [[0, 2.91], [2.91, 164.01], [17.47, 25.23], [25.23, 126.16], [125.19, 137.81], [138.78, 153.34], [164.98, 194.1]], "duration": 194.1, "id": 9710}, {"image_id": "v_hgpekgU915k.mp4", "caption": "A person is holding someone on their shoulders. They spin around several times and fall over onto the floor. The man gets up and sits on the bed.", "segments": [[0.07, 3.21], [3.96, 5.8], [5.67, 13.65]], "duration": 13.65, "id": 9711}, {"image_id": "v_PvrozrgcGf0.mp4", "caption": "These girls are shown kneeling down on the floor and playing dress up One girl put's chap stick on her lips, cheeks, forehead, and under her eyes. Then another one puts a little makeup on the top of her eyes.", "segments": [[0, 35.48], [0, 53.09]], "duration": 53.36, "id": 9712}, {"image_id": "v_e5XATG2IK6Q.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen standing before a car holding a rag and looking at the camera. The boy uses the rag all over the car while the camera follows his movements. He continues moving around the car while another man sprays a hose and the boy wipes it down.", "segments": [[0, 25.82], [25.04, 115.81], [106.42, 151.03]], "duration": 156.5, "id": 9713}, {"image_id": "v_JXucFXh58VE.mp4", "caption": "Several people are seen drilling holes into the ice while looking down and speaking to the camera. Many pictures are shown of the people fishing as well as pulling fish out of a hole. More people sit by the holes and continue to pull out fish.", "segments": [[1.45, 41.29], [42.02, 96.35], [102.87, 142]], "duration": 144.89, "id": 9714}, {"image_id": "v_lV7tpgelpAY.mp4", "caption": "A group of people are on an obstacle course together. They are hiding behind the obstacles and shooting at each other with paint guns. They run around, then gather and hug when they are done.", "segments": [[0, 22.85], [24.88, 81.25], [88.36, 101.57]], "duration": 101.57, "id": 9715}, {"image_id": "v_T8P52q1gCNA.mp4", "caption": "Ingredients are mixed together in a silver bowl. It is then placed on a cookie sheet. The cooked food is then shown and broken in half.", "segments": [[14.86, 55], [56.98, 71.84], [75.31, 92.16]], "duration": 99.09, "id": 9716}, {"image_id": "v_kRVmpJILmjo.mp4", "caption": "A field is shown along with some mountains as a person begins driving down a road.After,men are shown and they get out and begin skateboarding down a road in the country.As the continue,a large hay stand is in the middle of the road and they all pass through it and they finish skating down the road.", "segments": [[0, 35.2], [36.34, 138.54], [139.68, 227.12]], "duration": 227.12, "id": 9717}, {"image_id": "v_LihSTWbJZJo.mp4", "caption": "A pile of trees are shown blowing outside on a cobblestone path outside of a building.As the leaves continue to blow a young boy walks into the scene clearing the path with his leaf blower.", "segments": [[0, 43.45], [43.45, 115.87]], "duration": 115.87, "id": 9718}, {"image_id": "v_LI3wIHFQkAk.mp4", "caption": "A man in a suit plays a flute on stage in front of a man playing a piano. They finish playing and the man playing the piano stands up.", "segments": [[0, 62.95], [63.62, 67.33]], "duration": 67.33, "id": 9719}, {"image_id": "v_zc7_D9RiOY0.mp4", "caption": "A scuba diver is under the water wearing oxygen in he mouth. The diver is holding his eye mask, and put it on. Another scuba diver took off his eye masks, while behind him are other scuba divers swimming, then he put back is masked on and give an okay sign with his fingers.", "segments": [[4.66, 13.31], [10.31, 31.27], [24.61, 60.87]], "duration": 66.53, "id": 9720}, {"image_id": "v_XgJ6iiK-gQo.mp4", "caption": "A man is hedging a bush in a yard. He cuts the thick brush up and down. He finishes the hedge, showing off his skills.", "segments": [[0, 12.95], [20.43, 48.64], [50.66, 57.56]], "duration": 57.56, "id": 9721}, {"image_id": "v_LXH96dFBVYk.mp4", "caption": "A bulls runs in the street goring people and throwing them to the floor, while the bulls is attached to a rope. The bull enters a home, then the bull continues goring people in the street. The bull enters a corral and attack a person behind the fence, then the bull continues fiercely goring people in the street. A person pet the bull through a window, after the bull clash with another bull that falls on the ground. The bull attacks a dog sit on front a door. The bull gores people and also attacks people on the sidewalk. The bull continues goring people's behind.", "segments": [[0, 37.88], [37.88, 62.39], [63.5, 98.04], [99.15, 109.18], [130.35, 137.03], [109.18, 183.83], [183.83, 222.82]], "duration": 222.82, "id": 9722}, {"image_id": "v__Ga4HoMl6yM.mp4", "caption": "First the man walks the blindfolded woman near the pinata and she starts swinging the broom to hit it. But she misses a few times because the pinata moves up and down in the air. After a while of trying, she hits the string the pinata is hanging from and knocks the pinata down, but has barely gotten any candy out.", "segments": [[1.41, 33.13], [3.17, 33.13], [27.32, 33.13]], "duration": 35.25, "id": 9723}, {"image_id": "v_DHWmzuAWxLM.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people seen sitting in the water followed by one riding behind a helicopter on a board and a woman speaking to the camera. The man continues to ride and then is seen up in the air with the helicopter and the pilots waving. The man then lets go of the helicopter, riding down on a parachute and landing safely back into the water. The man then lays down while his shot is shown again and the woman speaks to him.", "segments": [[0, 43.66], [34.25, 82.61], [82.61, 118.21], [120.22, 134.33]], "duration": 134.33, "id": 9724}, {"image_id": "v_5Vd6PEUWo64.mp4", "caption": "Two women are standing on a beach, wearing bikinis and holding a surf board. They are then shown walking onto the beach and posing for pictures in between surfing on the waves. They show how to do various surfing moves. They are then shown on the beach, sitting down as they talk.", "segments": [[0, 23.52], [26.04, 97.45], [100.81, 147.86], [149.54, 168.02]], "duration": 168.02, "id": 9725}, {"image_id": "v_WVkOtMX9Gg8.mp4", "caption": "Several men are seen hosting a news segment that leads into clips of people playing a game together and arguing with one another. More shots of people playing are shown as well as people celebrating and walking away. More shots are shown of the hosts speaking to one another and people hitting the ball and walking away.", "segments": [[4.99, 86.8], [74.82, 160.62], [137.68, 193.54]], "duration": 199.53, "id": 9726}, {"image_id": "v_Wq-eDa62BcI.mp4", "caption": "A person's hands demonstrates how to stye and comb a blonde haired doll. The person's hand begins to brush the doll's hair with a pink bristle brush before holding up a bottle of hair styling product. The hand sprays some of the hair style product on the doll's hair and then proceeds to brush the hair again. The hand then turns the doll around to showcase the finished style, the hand also gestures to areas around the dolls hair.", "segments": [[7.67, 125.93], [14.7, 28.13], [29.41, 70.32], [76.71, 127.21]], "duration": 127.85, "id": 9727}, {"image_id": "v_vcE8e-fQBhs.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of people performing impressing jumps and flips off of a high dive. More and more people jump off the various heights of the dives and two are shown at the same time in the end.", "segments": [[0, 85.92], [59.97, 179]], "duration": 179.0, "id": 9728}, {"image_id": "v_8O1cLqQrn4o.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while man people stand around behind him and practice. The men hit the badminton back and fourth while the older gentlemen continues to speak and point around the court.", "segments": [[0, 46.73], [36.99, 129.8]], "duration": 129.8, "id": 9729}, {"image_id": "v_G2soQTiGL10.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a table with one speaking to the camera. The people then assist one another putting ingredients into pans and flipping them around. The people continue mixing the food together and finish by presenting it onto a plate.", "segments": [[0, 75.84], [54.32, 153.72], [118.88, 196.76]], "duration": 204.96, "id": 9730}, {"image_id": "v_mTsEJFP3W1A.mp4", "caption": "A bicycle is shown in a room leaning up against a brown table.A person then walks into the room and starts to take pieces off of the bicycle.The pieces are then added back on the bike and tightened around the wheel.", "segments": [[0, 25.77], [24.74, 107.22], [107.22, 206.19]], "duration": 206.19, "id": 9731}, {"image_id": "v_iHQ-Kg4Fms8.mp4", "caption": "A man stand in the porch of a house looks around and smile. Then, the man grabs a cup and drinks, after he leaves.", "segments": [[0, 25.82], [25.82, 50.62]], "duration": 50.62, "id": 9732}, {"image_id": "v_i_Fs0Qrtu90.mp4", "caption": "A woman touched a black phone, and a screen of purple capsule like bacteria showed up. The person put back the phone, and started typing on the black keyboard. The bacteria shot is put in the scene. The woman put her hand on the mouse. She put her hand on the wooden desktop. The woman got up and walk towards the hallway. The woman saw a man and shake his hand. The woman went to the bathroom. The woman took off her ring, wash her hand, got home soap and rub it on her hand thoroughly and rinse it. The woman sneeze on her hand. She walks towards her office, put her hand on the desk and phone.", "segments": [[6.72, 224.05], [13.44, 36.97], [32.49, 76.18], [39.21, 76.18], [43.69, 104.18], [54.89, 104.18], [68.34, 113.15], [89.62, 142.27], [96.34, 162.44], [165.8, 217.33], [181.48, 217.33]], "duration": 224.05, "id": 9733}, {"image_id": "v_qqLiKDMtps8.mp4", "caption": "These two people shown here are riding their bikes over snowy humps outside. They've rode over dirt humps. They've also rode over sand humps in the building and other humps in a race.", "segments": [[0.84, 20.21], [30.31, 78.3], [56.41, 125.45]], "duration": 168.39, "id": 9734}, {"image_id": "v_V3Sz4WWJ2_M.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen holding up objects while speaking to a woman and rubbing the object along the wall. He then dips paper in water and begins hanging it up on the walls. He holds up a spray bottle to spray the walls while the others help. The people check the wall and take the paper off followed taking the actual wallpaper off and rubbing the wall.", "segments": [[3.13, 67.86], [44.89, 114.84], [83.52, 159.74], [133.64, 199.41]], "duration": 208.81, "id": 9735}, {"image_id": "v_3I6LMFdA2lc.mp4", "caption": "A baby is shown laying in bed while a comb gently brushes it's hair. The baby eventually smiling while the hand continues to brush the baby's head. The baby gently closes it's eyes and yawns while the brush continues to comb.", "segments": [[0.86, 86.4], [14.69, 44.93], [63.07, 76.9]], "duration": 86.4, "id": 9736}, {"image_id": "v_g4vyzwiJYWw.mp4", "caption": "A woman demonstrates how to wash the face by washing her face in sink. A woman stands over a sink and splashes water on her face. The woman then works up a lather with liquid soap she has poured onto her hands. The woman then washes her face in circular motions the woman then used a towel to dry her face.", "segments": [[1.51, 147.36], [9.82, 12.09], [12.85, 51.39], [51.39, 147.36]], "duration": 151.14, "id": 9737}, {"image_id": "v_Ti14bsS3RtU.mp4", "caption": "A roofing commercial demonstrates how to fix a slate roof on a house. A man cuts parts on a folding table outside and then installs a slate on a roof using power tools and tools from his tool belt. The man installs copper pieces to the slate roof that protrude from the roof. The man then cuts a copper pipe and does some soldering to the edges of a hole in the copper pipe before the camera cuts again to the roof and then a marketing graphic.", "segments": [[0, 208.98], [20.05, 57], [59.11, 129.82], [117.16, 207.93]], "duration": 211.09, "id": 9738}, {"image_id": "v_GBNj2k2OVGo.mp4", "caption": "A man with saxophone is playing at the center of the park while a woman is sitting by the fountain. The man is playing the saxophone. Behind him are people lining up at the atm. The camera came closer to the gold saxophone.The man continue playing while people walking past him. The man blow so hard on his saxophone. A white bird standing behind the man.", "segments": [[2.27, 226.81], [30.62, 226.81], [10.21, 75.98], [30.62, 60.11], [41.96, 130.42], [130.42, 187.12], [193.93, 224.54]], "duration": 226.81, "id": 9739}, {"image_id": "v_Z9gstJONME4.mp4", "caption": "A man is lifting weights in the gym. The ball goes to the man's chest for the first time. The man takes a break.", "segments": [[0, 35.3], [0.71, 1.59], [32.82, 33.53]], "duration": 35.3, "id": 9740}, {"image_id": "v_OO3NO29L50U.mp4", "caption": "A person's hand is shown sticking a pen into some water followed by a bit of nail polish. The water changes colors as the various paints are shown and the person creates a swirling pattern into the water.", "segments": [[0, 83.88], [87.97, 204.59]], "duration": 204.59, "id": 9741}, {"image_id": "v_UvPUywSVy1k.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen holding up various food items while laughing and speaking with others. The men then begin cooking together by mixing various ingredients and presenting them onto a plate. The recipe is then shown for how to cook the food and leads into clips of the food being cooked and presented with the men eating together.", "segments": [[0, 65.65], [33.71, 144.6], [140.16, 177.42]], "duration": 177.42000000000002, "id": 9742}, {"image_id": "v_1aNOjjLWjxc.mp4", "caption": "People are standing on a volleyball court. A man in a white hat is standing in the sand. A person in a black shirt serves the volleyball but it doesn't make it over the net.", "segments": [[0, 3], [0.09, 3], [0.57, 3]], "duration": 3.0, "id": 9743}, {"image_id": "v_9Pun6fgAg8Q.mp4", "caption": "Two teams play beach volleyball on front a crowd. A woman holds a smart phone. A man serves a ball. A man wearing a cap and plaid shirt pass on front the players.", "segments": [[0, 89.7], [7.18, 9.42], [11.66, 12.56], [7.18, 8.52]], "duration": 89.7, "id": 9744}, {"image_id": "v_QZi1yBFRZzc.mp4", "caption": "A pair of garden shears is shown. A woman is demonstrating how to use the garden shears in different situations. A younger girl demonstrates how to use the shears. An older man shows how he uses the shears. A young man is shown using the shears to reach something above his head. The original woman shown demonstrates using the shears on different plant types. The same woman shows how to use the telescoping handle of the shears and cutting plants that would be out of reach. The same woman walks down a path with the shears. The woman then shows how the shears work demonstrating on several other plants. A young woman is shown using the shears. An older man uses the shears. Another man is shown using the shears to reach tree limbs. The first woman shows additional features of the shears and the same examples of other people using the shears is shown again. The woman walks up a set of stairs with the shears. The same woman is shown in the store purchasing the shears.", "segments": [[0, 6.72], [6.72, 15.27], [15.27, 17.1], [17.1, 19.54], [19.54, 21.37], [21.98, 36.03], [36.64, 55.57], [56.18, 57.4], [58.02, 71.45], [71.45, 72.06], [73.28, 74.5], [75.11, 76.95], [78.17, 103.82], [105.04, 108.09], [108.7, 122.14]], "duration": 122.14, "id": 9745}, {"image_id": "v_fFoYCI-Si6s.mp4", "caption": "Two men are inside a gym. One is in boxing gloves and the other is wearing arm guards. They show off the different moves in punching and kicking.", "segments": [[0, 8.54], [9.76, 49.62], [51.65, 81.34]], "duration": 81.34, "id": 9746}, {"image_id": "v_x03YF3JbWjs.mp4", "caption": "A woman gives a hair tutorial. The woman ties her hair and prepares it so that it looks better.", "segments": [[5.15, 171.73], [25.76, 104.76]], "duration": 171.74, "id": 9747}, {"image_id": "v_n1JkJu0VjQk.mp4", "caption": "A young man in a white karate uniform practices some moves. He bows at the end and runs towards the camera.", "segments": [[0, 33.07], [27.11, 33.07]], "duration": 33.07, "id": 9748}, {"image_id": "v_aDrjDISgmLU.mp4", "caption": "men are standing in a field playing throwing a small piece of food into another man's mouth. man is talking in front of the camera and the team is standing in a big green grassy field. man starts playing cricket in the field.woman is talking to the camera in news.", "segments": [[0, 19.09], [19.09, 92.97], [92.35, 117.59], [116.98, 123.14]], "duration": 123.14, "id": 9749}, {"image_id": "v_xSpWBpHMxqY.mp4", "caption": "A girl is riding in the back seat of a car, playing lipstick to a baby girl in a car seat. The girl takes the wand, trying to put it on her own lips. She smiles broadly for the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.74], [19.17, 78.87], [79.3, 87.15]], "duration": 87.15, "id": 9750}, {"image_id": "v_bXJMw4gLmGM.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking inside a shop. He shows off an iron, then uses it to melt a piece of plastic. The man irons then brushes a long piece of metal.", "segments": [[0, 7.18], [9.57, 36.67], [40.66, 159.45]], "duration": 159.45, "id": 9751}, {"image_id": "v_iYdbam6e8cI.mp4", "caption": "People are roller blading down sets of stairs. A person falls into the street. A school bus is on the street behind them.", "segments": [[0, 188.38], [51.81, 53.69], [143.17, 146]], "duration": 188.38, "id": 9752}, {"image_id": "v_B5Zi054Fa5k.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black sweater quickly performs a Rubik cube challenge as the timer ticks. A man sits next to him watching. The man in the black sweater finishes and jumps up in excitement. The man that was sitting next to him stands up and is joined by other young men.", "segments": [[0, 104.38], [0, 106.8], [104.99, 106.19], [104.99, 120.68]], "duration": 120.68, "id": 9753}, {"image_id": "v_cXRWQa9tQLw.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders are posing on a stage. They break apart, going into an elaborate dance routine. They flip, toss, and throw each other, then jump up and down excitedly.", "segments": [[0, 12.48], [14.04, 92.83], [99.07, 156.01]], "duration": 156.02, "id": 9754}, {"image_id": "v_A_g93uJD-_8.mp4", "caption": "Two men cook omelettes on long pans in the street. People pass on front the men. A man puts scrambles eggs in the hot pan using two stick to turn over the eggs. Then the man adds more scrambled eggs while turning the omelette to make it bigger. After, he man wraps the omelette.", "segments": [[0, 7.97], [14.35, 20.73], [8.5, 41.46], [41.46, 101.52], [102.05, 106.3]], "duration": 106.3, "id": 9755}, {"image_id": "v_JKE9D1anR7I.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps onto parallel bars. He begins doing a gymnastic routine on the parallel bars. He does a jump off and lands on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 4.26], [3.51, 45.64], [45.64, 50.16]], "duration": 50.16, "id": 9756}, {"image_id": "v_Gn7Ha7l1uOk.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. A man stands in a stair rail holding a knife. A guy prepare to play the drums. The guy plays a drum set.", "segments": [[0, 5.08], [6.1, 11.18], [12.2, 20.33], [21.34, 203.27]], "duration": 203.27, "id": 9757}, {"image_id": "v_BR4dhPz42mQ.mp4", "caption": "A large crowd of people are seen standing in the middle of the street and lead into a dance performance as well as a music performance. The people continue moving around in the street and end with a finishing pose.", "segments": [[0, 59.51], [58, 100.87]], "duration": 100.87, "id": 9758}, {"image_id": "v_CQtu83639js.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans outside of a building and looks into a dark room where a man is exercising and speaking to the camera. The man continues riding on the equipment while moving faster and slower and the camera pans around his movements.", "segments": [[4.87, 78.66], [57.78, 137.14]], "duration": 139.23, "id": 9759}, {"image_id": "v_ZhPL4xb8JD0.mp4", "caption": "A horseman sits on a horse and a person stands on front a cattle squeeze chute. Suddenly, the horseman and a calf run to the the arena, while the horseman runs behind the calf spinning in the air a rope. After, the horseman throws the hoop and catch the calf, then quickly he lie the calf on the floor and tie the legs.", "segments": [[0, 7.29], [7.41, 11.27], [11.5, 22.11]], "duration": 22.11, "id": 9760}, {"image_id": "v_zHXpo62bCaQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman with blonde long hair is carrying a white hula hoops, the hula hoops has rainbow colored tape on parts of it. The girl walked towards the lake, she is walking barefoot on the grass. The camera turns towards her face, then she started swirling the hula hoops and put it on her. The girl started to do hula hoops tricks, first on her waist then up, then to her legs and arms.", "segments": [[0, 23.56], [6.54, 30.1], [16.36, 60.2], [30.75, 108.62]], "duration": 130.86, "id": 9761}, {"image_id": "v_M3jMJB_t024.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a foose ball table speaking to one another and leads into them playing the game. Many people continue to watch the game on the sidelines and look down at the game taking place.", "segments": [[0, 37.31], [32.6, 78.55]], "duration": 78.55, "id": 9762}, {"image_id": "v_VssVjdgvHrQ.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen standing before a sink turning on the faucet and wetting their hands. They then put soap on their hands, scrub the soap in, and rinse their hands through the water. Finally they use paper towels to dry their hands and throw it into the trash.", "segments": [[0.98, 28.47], [25.53, 73.63], [72.16, 96.21]], "duration": 98.17, "id": 9763}, {"image_id": "v_jLykQW_-IVw.mp4", "caption": "A woman is smoking a cigarette. She is sitting down and people are walking behind her. She continues to hold cigarette in one arm. People continue to walk behind her and in front. She continues to smoke and stare straight ahead.", "segments": [[0, 87.08], [0, 26.21], [24.43, 54.64], [24.43, 88.85], [55.98, 88.85]], "duration": 88.85, "id": 9764}, {"image_id": "v_xddZ9YjTGgo.mp4", "caption": "A young man in green shirt is standing at the goal, while the young player in blue kicked the ball to the goal, and the ball went inside the goal, the man in green shirt missed the ball. The man in red shirt run towards the ball, kicked the ball, and the goalkeeper wasn't able to block it, the player high five his teammates. The players are kicking the ball to the goal and the goalkeepers weren't able to block the ball.", "segments": [[0, 20.66], [17.6, 88.01], [78.06, 153.06]], "duration": 153.06, "id": 9765}, {"image_id": "v_F1MKU9-yXg0.mp4", "caption": "A young man in a green jacket is standing in front of a mound of dirt and is talking about his maintenance tasks.The man then comes in the back yard with a green wheelbarrow and dumps the dirt in the back yard.He then takes his rake and moves the dirt back and forth around the house evening it out.When complete,he disappears and a path of mulch is seen along the garage.", "segments": [[0, 17.56], [17.56, 46.61], [46.01, 91.41], [91.41, 121.07]], "duration": 121.07, "id": 9766}, {"image_id": "v_4U13LEMIdi4.mp4", "caption": "A cat is sitting in a cat bed. It is licking its paw. It then wipes its paw on its ear.", "segments": [[0, 12.15], [0.55, 10.38], [10.44, 12.15]], "duration": 12.15, "id": 9767}, {"image_id": "v_YWu9gYCBAas.mp4", "caption": "We see shots of a sink. A person sprays the sink with a bottle then uses scrub brushes to scrub the sink. The person rinses the sink the wipes it with a blue towel. The person then rinses the sink again and wipes it down with the blue towel again. The person sprays the sink with a solution and uses a small roller paint brush to run the solution into the sink. We see before and after shots of the sink.", "segments": [[0, 21.61], [22.69, 27.01], [28.09, 100.49], [100.49, 169.65], [169.65, 195.58], [196.66, 216.11]], "duration": 216.11, "id": 9768}, {"image_id": "v_7j8cTyXi5a4.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing behind a table. She picks up a rag and a bottle of oil. She puts oil onto the rag and starts to clean her boots with it.", "segments": [[7.55, 73.01], [22.24, 26.01], [26.01, 72.59]], "duration": 83.92, "id": 9769}, {"image_id": "v_YfWKbMPFmcU.mp4", "caption": "The outside of homes is shown by a woman in a pink shirt. She is painting one of the houses with blue paint. She is holding a bucket of paint.", "segments": [[0, 20.76], [63.12, 70.59], [92.18, 107.13]], "duration": 166.09, "id": 9770}, {"image_id": "v_fsyMiHRW3z4.mp4", "caption": "A woman stands by a yellow hopscotch and talks to the camera. The woman plays hopscotch on the painted concrete. The woman talks to the camera once again.", "segments": [[0, 25.42], [25.69, 44.35], [44.62, 54.08]], "duration": 54.08, "id": 9771}, {"image_id": "v_YfouQ4TJhmQ.mp4", "caption": "An old man in white shirt is brushing the the body of the brown horse. The girl in blue shirt standing beside the old man brushed the horse's fur, then the old man took over, brush the horse and the girl rub the horse's fur with her hands.", "segments": [[0, 21.17], [16.43, 55.71]], "duration": 55.71, "id": 9772}, {"image_id": "v_kKxNVwk7Evc.mp4", "caption": "A marching band is walking down a track. People carrying flags follows behind them. The drummers at at the back playing their drums.", "segments": [[0, 84.64], [26.59, 31.02], [40.33, 88.63]], "duration": 88.63, "id": 9773}, {"image_id": "v_7cpX1j9dwjA.mp4", "caption": "A colorful intro includes the white words that say \"World's Most DANGEROUS SPORTS Events\" and the green letters separately \"SRP\". Madrid Spain on a map appears and it quickly goes into various different clips of men in arenas holding red capes as they taunt angry bulls. Suddenly a bull doesn't go after the cape, and instead he goes after the man where the bull continues to attack him with his horns and throw him around on the dirt.People begin to run towards the bull and the man to help him and the injured man quickly gets carried and run out of the area of danger.The intro appears and it's a black screen with the green letters SRP, production credits along with the rights.", "segments": [[0, 5.07], [5.07, 5.99], [5.99, 86.63], [46.54, 89.4], [89.4, 92.16]], "duration": 92.16, "id": 9774}, {"image_id": "v_KjbZvsu0OxE.mp4", "caption": "A dog is seen wandering around a yard as well as a man speaking to the camera. The dog moves around the area while the man continues to speak to the camera. The dog runs back and fourth while the camera zooms in on his face.", "segments": [[0, 48.39], [46.77, 111.29], [110.48, 151.61]], "duration": 161.29, "id": 9775}, {"image_id": "v_701UoJ5pgeo.mp4", "caption": "A woman is in a kitchen talking. She pours cleaner in a sink and describes some cleaning tools. She puts a powder in the sink and squeezes a lemon over the powder. She pours a liquid over that and scrubs with a brush. She turns the water on for a second and then uses a stone on the sink before using the sprayer to rinse everything.", "segments": [[0, 142.76], [11.42, 56.39], [57.82, 73.52], [74.23, 97.07], [104.93, 137.76]], "duration": 142.76, "id": 9776}, {"image_id": "v_CoHVA7nr82A.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a welding device and adjusts it while showing his work area. The welder is held over a steel plate and moved slowly. The man pulls the welder over a copper colored piece of metal. The man puts down his face guard and welds a spot on a piece of metal. The man stops for a break. The man welds a line into a piece of material. The man holds up a hammer chisel over the bar of metal and chips off some pieces. the man uses a wire brush to clean the metal.", "segments": [[4.12, 33.95], [36.01, 83.34], [84.37, 120.38], [123.47, 134.78], [137.87, 143.01], [144.04, 170.79], [174.91, 195.49], [195.49, 202.69]], "duration": 205.78, "id": 9777}, {"image_id": "v_eksIn1NfWJg.mp4", "caption": "A person's eye is seen close up the camera holing a contact lens in their hands and holding their eye open. The person then puts the contact lens in their eye and rubs their eye while blinking multiple times.", "segments": [[0, 22.27], [22.04, 45.44]], "duration": 45.44, "id": 9778}, {"image_id": "v_yCAsVc5Tb_0.mp4", "caption": "We see the title card over the screen. We see people standing on a blue stage. They then perform a cheer leading routine. The men lift the women who spin into their arms. They all flip backwards together. The men hold the women by one leg and almost drop a lady. A girl brings letters onto the field. They use the letter to spell a word while standing in the air. They have different cards with color names on them. The men yell out of horns. Two women flip out of a stance, and they end in the air.", "segments": [[0, 0.82], [0.82, 9.78], [8.15, 163.05], [23.64, 26.09], [30.16, 34.24], [49.73, 52.99], [60.33, 74.19], [75, 98.65], [98.65, 120.66], [103.54, 119.03], [147.56, 163.05]], "duration": 163.05, "id": 9779}, {"image_id": "v_VufybWyvP98.mp4", "caption": "There are some swimmers playing water polo in an indoor swimming pool. One of the swimmers is underwater, trying to reach the ball. He throws the ball across to another swimmer who catches the ball. Two swimmers are under water trying to reach the ball. They pass the ball around as they swim through the water. Then the swimmers swim their way up and get out of the pool while some other swimmers are still inside the pool. One of the swimmers spits out water on the camera while still inside the pool. A few other swimmerd can be seen in the locker room drying themselves after the swim.", "segments": [[0, 84.49], [4.77, 26.73], [21, 41.53], [32.94, 53.94], [47.74, 63.97], [59.19, 75.42], [72.08, 85.45], [82.58, 93.56]], "duration": 95.47, "id": 9780}, {"image_id": "v_dvzwVrZkDiI.mp4", "caption": "A small child is seen looking up at the camera holding a coffee cup. The girl takes a drink out of the cup and puts it back down. She continues drinking out of the container and looks up to the camera.", "segments": [[0.11, 2.58], [2.47, 7.96], [7.03, 10.49]], "duration": 10.98, "id": 9781}, {"image_id": "v_wr2FC2P3hIs.mp4", "caption": "A row of clippers,brushes,and razors are being shown.Shortly after,the front of the building is shown and the name on the plaza is shown.A man with long curly hair is shown sitting in the barbershop getting his hair down and the barber is using a combination of scissors,brushes, and blow dryers to complete the look.Once done, a still image of the barber and his information is shown for advertisement.", "segments": [[0, 8.09], [8.09, 17.94], [17.94, 48.19], [48.19, 70.36]], "duration": 70.36, "id": 9782}, {"image_id": "v_zEdAxKm9SLA.mp4", "caption": "There's a person named Michael from the Wild flower Tool company who is doing a tutorial on telescopic head shears for gardening. He demonstrates the several features of the shears such as extendable handles. He is standing near a big hedge in a garden. He shows how to use the shears by cutting off some of the branches of the hedge. He then extends the handles of the shears to show how far he can reach hard to reach places on top of the hedge.", "segments": [[11.64, 31.25], [31.25, 59.44], [59.44, 86.4], [86.4, 112.14], [112.14, 121.33]], "duration": 122.56, "id": 9783}, {"image_id": "v_qRFZMO_mTGU.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks forward talking to the camera and putting her hands on her hips. A girl is shown playing field hockey and presents various clips of herself doing moves. She later is talking to the camera about her experiences with the sport and who exactly she is and why other people love her.", "segments": [[0, 17.79], [19.51, 77.47], [76.9, 113.63]], "duration": 114.78, "id": 9784}, {"image_id": "v_qwdavExYM_Y.mp4", "caption": "We see people walking with rafts up an escalator on a snowy field in a rafting park. A child almost falls on the left. We see the crowded escalator from a distance. We see a boy in a black coat running with his raft in tow.", "segments": [[0, 179.51], [71.81, 76.29], [132.84, 179.51], [160.67, 174.13]], "duration": 179.51, "id": 9785}, {"image_id": "v_r9AepFEEfsQ.mp4", "caption": "A man with glasses playing an accordion and smiling. The camera zooms in on his fingers going up and down the neck of the instrument. The man continues to play his song and smiles to the camera while moving up and down.", "segments": [[1.19, 58.39], [13.11, 17.87], [19.96, 58.99]], "duration": 59.58, "id": 9786}, {"image_id": "v_uuH0ieCzqkM.mp4", "caption": "A kid stands on a court as a group of judges watch him jump rope rapidly. Behind him, other competitors jump rope, too.", "segments": [[0, 36.53], [0.55, 36.34]], "duration": 36.53, "id": 9787}, {"image_id": "v_C9yUg3e1dEg.mp4", "caption": "A man is lifting a large weight over his head several times. A woman walks in front of him. A man in a black shirt stands behind him. Words come on the screen at the end.", "segments": [[0, 174.59], [58.49, 60.23], [91.66, 111.74], [164.99, 174.59]], "duration": 174.59, "id": 9788}, {"image_id": "v_twL4mmkCQ0s.mp4", "caption": "A backdrop screen with paws and dog bones appear and the words in red and black appear and read \"TEG's CANINE CLIPPERY Dog & Cat Grooming\".Clips of different dogs are shown getting baths, haircuts, and brushed while still shots of pictures appear between clips and they all include company name, website and phone number.The very last screen is a picture of a dog with it's eyes closed and 2 pairs of hands blow drying it with a brush above it's head, the company name, website, phone number and address.", "segments": [[0, 3.52], [3.52, 43.05], [43.05, 51.71]], "duration": 54.15, "id": 9789}, {"image_id": "v_TLJdzU44My4.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen sitting in a chair holding a vacuum in his hands. The boy speaks to the camera while still pushing the vacuum back and fourth. The camera moves closer to the boy and zooms in on his face while vacuuming.", "segments": [[1.11, 15.93], [14.16, 33.64], [32.75, 42.71]], "duration": 44.26, "id": 9790}, {"image_id": "v_InavXU3iWBE.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing on top of a truck. Two men jump onto a trampoline. One of the men lays down and the other man hits him. The man on the truck jumps onto the trampoline.", "segments": [[0, 20.25], [4.54, 20.25], [11.94, 20.25], [20.77, 25.96]], "duration": 25.96, "id": 9791}, {"image_id": "v__wl0vFvb8Bc.mp4", "caption": "A person's foot is shown and then it moves up slowly to their face. The camera pans out and shows a silver car. The person is holding a stick in their hands. The person is holding a hose and washing the car. They dip the stick into a bucket of soapy water and continue washing the car. They hold the hose up and pour the water on their face. They take their sunglasses off at the end and wipe their face.", "segments": [[0, 30.45], [36.86, 48.87], [51.28, 57.69], [57.69, 80.12], [80.12, 85.73], [122.58, 148.22], [153.83, 160.24]], "duration": 160.24, "id": 9792}, {"image_id": "v_7uhJ_0oKV6s.mp4", "caption": "Two people are standing in front of a street performance. We see a group of people as two use a jump rope. Several others jump in, jumping over the rope, flipping and doing stunts.", "segments": [[0, 4.96], [6.2, 37.2], [39.06, 62]], "duration": 62.0, "id": 9793}, {"image_id": "v_RZqM8Z0ocjE.mp4", "caption": "A volleyball coach stands by a net holding a ball and speaks. Two groups of girls run out to the middle of a court to grab volleyballs. They throw the balls at each other. The coach is seen giving instructions. The girls continue to throw the balls at each other. Two girls stand by the sidelines talking.", "segments": [[2.19, 10.03], [10.97, 18.17], [18.49, 24.76], [25.07, 33.22], [34.47, 42.93], [43.24, 48.88]], "duration": 62.67, "id": 9794}, {"image_id": "v_BNQPVf2Ia5Y.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing black pants, a plaid shirt and baseball cap trims a dark green hedge with an electric hedge trimmer. The man trims a smaller light green hedge with the trimmer. The man trims another hedge with trimmer. The scene is sped up and contains ambient noises.", "segments": [[0, 96.24], [96.24, 118.84], [118.84, 145.82], [0, 145.82]], "duration": 145.82, "id": 9795}, {"image_id": "v_cDe2GlvMEQg.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera indoors as well as outdoors. He points to several objects while leading into dirt being shown as well as plaster. People are seen putting plaster all over the walls while the man continues to speak.", "segments": [[0, 15.71], [15.02, 51.9], [46.44, 65.22]], "duration": 68.28999999999999, "id": 9796}, {"image_id": "v_uokQq9Xrjf8.mp4", "caption": "There's a fitness trainer representing The FitCast fitness in a gym demonstrating how to do a tall kneeling palloff press. He is kneeling down on the floor in a black shirt and gray sweat pants. He is pulling the handles of the palloff press with both hands towards his chest while keeping his back and shoulders up straight.", "segments": [[4.95, 12.11], [12.11, 21.62], [21.62, 24.75]], "duration": 26.05, "id": 9797}, {"image_id": "v_yOKDaH8Go0A.mp4", "caption": "A man in a garage stands over a plank of wood. The man takes some white paste out of a can, adds some coloring to it and mixes it. The man applies the brown colored paste to holes in the wood.", "segments": [[0, 33.96], [34.6, 86.5], [87.14, 128.15]], "duration": 128.15, "id": 9798}, {"image_id": "v_9-U2WOLIqB8.mp4", "caption": "A shot of pins are shown sitting on a lane followed by a man walking into frame. The man spins a ball to go around the pins to hit more in the end. The person spins another ball that is followed shortly afterwards.", "segments": [[0, 14.37], [13.93, 48.76], [50.5, 82.72]], "duration": 87.08, "id": 9799}, {"image_id": "v_kfW5sm39ZYE.mp4", "caption": "We see a flat tire on a car. the owner takes out the spare tire and tools. The person jacks up the car. The person puts their hand under the raised tire. The man takes off the bad tire. The man shows a screw in his tire. The man puts the spare tire on. The man lowers the car on the spare.", "segments": [[0, 10.45], [12.53, 51.18], [51.18, 88.79], [102.37, 105.5], [108.63, 126.39], [148.33, 162.95], [171.31, 185.93], [186.97, 208.91]], "duration": 208.91, "id": 9800}, {"image_id": "v_AFs_aK0DY7E.mp4", "caption": "A man jumps onto a balance beam. He does a gymnastics routine on the beam. He does a hand stand before jumping off onto a mat.", "segments": [[0, 15.01], [15.01, 50.99], [51.84, 56.66]], "duration": 56.66, "id": 9801}, {"image_id": "v__9e948mdwrs.mp4", "caption": "A man blows dead leaves of a backyard. A person makes a pile of dead leaves.", "segments": [[0, 72.8], [73.3, 99.73]], "duration": 99.72999999999999, "id": 9802}, {"image_id": "v_AK34mhNU28s.mp4", "caption": "A man holds a huge kite in a big field. A dog chases the man as he runs and jumps. The man brings the kite to the ground.", "segments": [[0, 88.22], [0, 83], [86.65, 104.4]], "duration": 104.4, "id": 9803}, {"image_id": "v_b1U1VmaZz7Y.mp4", "caption": "A man is pouring something onto a large camp fire. A dog walks around the camp site. A person in a yellow shirt holding a blanket walks around the fire.", "segments": [[0, 26.52], [38.76, 58.28], [52.75, 58.28]], "duration": 58.28, "id": 9804}, {"image_id": "v_kxXoosv0iDg.mp4", "caption": "A girl in a sparkly outfit dances on a hardwood floor. She brings out batons and twirls them around while dancing.She sits on the ground after finishing her performance.", "segments": [[0, 106.93], [37.4, 106.93], [106.35, 106.93]], "duration": 116.87, "id": 9805}, {"image_id": "v__ao0UwSJHWA.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen sitting in a large gym while speaking to the camera and sitting on a medicine ball. The man then bends forward onto the ball while still speaking to the camera. The man continues to balance on the ball and sits himself up as well as catches a ball.", "segments": [[3.34, 77.89], [55.64, 166.91], [120.17, 221.43]], "duration": 222.54, "id": 9806}, {"image_id": "v_fs2per3zoZQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men sit behind a table with a pumpkin on it. A man smashes the pumpkin with a hammer. He starts ripping out the seeds and handing them to the man next to him.", "segments": [[0, 105.91], [19.06, 103.26], [56.66, 66.72]], "duration": 105.91, "id": 9807}, {"image_id": "v_sJK-NjgOB6g.mp4", "caption": "A man lifts a young girl up to reach the sink in a bathroom. Both the man and the girl reach for their toothbrush and add toothpaste at the same time. They look in the mirror together as the man shows the girl how to brush her teeth properly. They rinse and smile at their clean teeth in the mirror. The man then teaches the girl to floss. They put their toothbrushes away and the man helps the girl back to the floor. They walk away together and turn off the bathroom light.", "segments": [[9.75, 13.17], [13.66, 21.46], [21.95, 66.82], [67.8, 76.09], [78.53, 83.89], [84.87, 91.21], [91.69, 97.55]], "duration": 97.55, "id": 9808}, {"image_id": "v_crxqFzslD0Y.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black shirt smiles at the camera. He pulls out a harmonica and begins to play it. He uses his hand to accentuate the notes. He finishes the song at the end.", "segments": [[0, 9.04], [18.07, 160.86], [28.02, 150.92], [149.11, 180.75]], "duration": 180.75, "id": 9809}, {"image_id": "v_boRX-UKXzy8.mp4", "caption": "A bumper car arena is shown followed by people driving around and bumping into one another. Several shots are shown of people crashing into one another and a man speaking to the camera in the end.", "segments": [[0, 55.22], [52.25, 118.75]], "duration": 118.75, "id": 9810}, {"image_id": "v_PG0ao4HkF8M.mp4", "caption": "A man hangs wallpaper on a blank wall. Each frame is rolled down and put on the wall.", "segments": [[0, 75.79], [20.92, 75.79]], "duration": 78.95, "id": 9811}, {"image_id": "v_WhhbKOSW7m0.mp4", "caption": "People are sitting in bleachers watching people. The people in the room are playing wall ball. A man in the stands puts his hands on his face.", "segments": [[6.58, 10.39], [10.39, 60.63], [55.43, 58.55]], "duration": 69.28999999999999, "id": 9812}, {"image_id": "v_x0TiekqVMj0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen performing a belly dancing routine in a dark room with one single line shown on her. She continues dancing around the room and ends by the room going dark as she spins.", "segments": [[0, 122.65], [81.76, 220.99]], "duration": 220.99, "id": 9813}, {"image_id": "v_uBCLX7hfZLQ.mp4", "caption": "A woman wearing a white shirt is sitting with her black and white cat on her lap. She is clipping the cats nails by holding the cat's paws in her hands. She continues clipping the cat's nails one by one. When she's done she kisses the cat. then she begins clipping a brown cat's nails. The cat sits calmly on her lap as she finishes clipping its nails.", "segments": [[16.43, 50.77], [50.77, 73.92], [73.92, 86.61], [86.61, 109.01], [109.01, 134.4], [134.4, 144.85]], "duration": 149.32999999999998, "id": 9814}, {"image_id": "v_R4yz8nXO5hI.mp4", "caption": "A person paints flowers onto a white canvas with a fine brush. The person removes the painting from the table and shows the finished product.", "segments": [[0, 80.06], [81.53, 97.15]], "duration": 97.64, "id": 9815}, {"image_id": "v_gGg-kio0dmU.mp4", "caption": "People are playing and swimming in a pool. a girl does a back flip off a board.", "segments": [[0, 8.64], [2.51, 8.64]], "duration": 8.64, "id": 9816}, {"image_id": "v_WXaFTEWJThM.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen filling up a sink with water and holding a rag in the water. She scrubs down her face and washing it off with the rag and smiling into the mirror.", "segments": [[0, 39.04], [39.43, 76.56]], "duration": 76.56, "id": 9817}, {"image_id": "v_rb-PUa4uGLQ.mp4", "caption": "A person wearing a costume is seen sitting in the middle of the street playing an accordion. The person continues playing while the camera zooms in and several cars and people move behind him.", "segments": [[0, 52.38], [13.16, 52.38]], "duration": 52.64, "id": 9818}, {"image_id": "v_FL9yhHtoc6c.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are dancing on a concrete ground at night under a street light. Both the man and the woman are wearing a black tank top and black shorts along with black shoes. They are dancing in a synchronized manner by following choreographed dance steps to a song. They move their hands as they lift their right leg up high while dancing. Then they shake their hips and their heads they lip sync to the song. when the music gets faster, they move their hands in a circular motion. They also lift their knees up high while shaking their bodies. They repeat the steps every time the chorus of the song plays. They lift their knees up high alternating between the two legs. They continue to dance as they hold up the palms of their hands straight up and move their hips. They repeat the steps as the chorus of the song repeats. Finally after the song ends, they both stand still with their hands on their hips.", "segments": [[9.93, 23.17], [23.17, 39.71], [39.71, 56.26], [56.26, 67.29], [67.29, 75.02], [75.02, 93.77], [93.77, 115.83], [115.83, 136.79], [136.79, 194.16], [194.16, 201.88], [201.88, 212.91], [212.91, 220.64]], "duration": 220.64, "id": 9819}, {"image_id": "v_tVbrnWNOmFY.mp4", "caption": "A man takes a patch and put on a wheel while explaining and showing materials . Then, the man takes the wheel of a bike to fix the hole of the tube by applying a patch. After, the man put the tube on the wheel and pump air in the wheel. Then, the man put and fix the wheel in the bike.", "segments": [[1, 22.04], [22.04, 138.24], [138.24, 180.31], [180.31, 198.34]], "duration": 200.34, "id": 9820}, {"image_id": "v_cDnJjAQtf-g.mp4", "caption": "Three men discuss the topic of playing water polo with kayaks. The scene changes to show a display of water polo with kayaks. Two boats crash as two men try to paddle their way to the ball, The men commentate over the scene, they players look severely injured. The display changes back to the men talking about the water polo, they are very intrigued and shocked. The scene reverts back to the water polo accident, the show banner concludes the video.", "segments": [[0, 9.62], [10.06, 20.55], [20.11, 34.54], [36.73, 60.34], [61.21, 87.45]], "duration": 87.45, "id": 9821}, {"image_id": "v_W-pFUV2O1l0.mp4", "caption": "A man is cutting another mans hair. He is demonstrating the types of cuts. He combs and snips the front of the mans hair. He parts the hair and continues pulling and trimming the front flip. He then turns the mans head and works on the back. He finishes haircut on the man.", "segments": [[0, 149.37], [25.52, 122.35], [48.79, 81.81], [64.55, 81.81], [82.56, 105.83], [111.09, 149.37]], "duration": 150.12, "id": 9822}, {"image_id": "v_hv3tNd_6qB4.mp4", "caption": "A woman dances while another stands in the background. A third woman sweeps the floor. The second woman starts walking around with a towel under one foot. The first woman stops dancing and starts walking around with a towel under one foot. The sweeping woman stops, jumps, and waves before resuming. The first woman pulls items out of a cabinet and places them on the floor. A fourth individual is briefly shown in the doorway.", "segments": [[0, 31.01], [0, 98.52], [15.81, 86.96], [34.66, 86.96], [98.52, 100.34], [104.6, 117.37], [116.76, 121.63]], "duration": 121.63, "id": 9823}, {"image_id": "v_DF8nlagyN6k.mp4", "caption": "Two people are on a white slab and they begin fencing one another.There are constant stops and the boy closest to the camera keeps winning.Both of them keep being reset but the outcome is no different and the lady on the side keeps walking back and forth clicking a black button.", "segments": [[0, 55.72], [55.72, 140.93], [140.93, 218.5]], "duration": 218.5, "id": 9824}, {"image_id": "v_CZveW9zX0s8.mp4", "caption": "A man is shown speaking to the camera and leads into a woman trimming the fur on a dog. The speaks more to the camera while other dogs are shown groomed and one woman walks away holding two excited dogs. More shots of dogs held are shown while the man speaks and the camera pans around the building.", "segments": [[0, 36.06], [38.18, 99.69], [93.33, 141.41]], "duration": 141.41, "id": 9825}, {"image_id": "v_9fnmcyUz5jg.mp4", "caption": "A logo shows that this video is presented by Expert Village. A man in a small blue boat discusses the topic of hand surfing in a hole and gives hints on how to perform this activity. The man demonstrates tricks that can be done while performing this activity.", "segments": [[0, 3.01], [3.01, 57.18], [57.55, 75.23]], "duration": 75.23, "id": 9826}, {"image_id": "v_1OmzECVyIww.mp4", "caption": "An athletic man is seen waving one arm up into the air and standing ready for a beam. The man then spins himself around the beam performing a gymnastics routine and ends with him jumping to the side and holding his arms up, smiling and waving to the crowd.", "segments": [[0, 2.29], [4.58, 45.81]], "duration": 45.81, "id": 9827}, {"image_id": "v_LHewj6shKGw.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are on a track, and they practice jumping over a low beam. They perform the motion several times, portraying the act in slow motion.", "segments": [[0, 37.98], [40.49, 71.66]], "duration": 71.66, "id": 9828}, {"image_id": "v_UxIXOCccW24.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen speaking to the camera wearing costume when another person steps into frame. Two people then battle one another in the costumes and run into one another. One person knocks the other on the ground and shows off a wrestling move.", "segments": [[0, 17.81], [15.27, 47.08], [44.22, 63.62]], "duration": 63.62, "id": 9829}, {"image_id": "v_-rwKyNnz89s.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen standing in a goal followed by a person kicking a boll. More clips are shown of people kicking a ball towards the goal while people watch on the sides. Several more people take their turn kicking a ball and end by running all together and cheering.", "segments": [[3.56, 51.59], [45.37, 129.88], [121.87, 171.69]], "duration": 177.91, "id": 9830}, {"image_id": "v_gBTnWp9VLz4.mp4", "caption": "A car drives behind another while filming several snowy houses and trees shown. Eventually two snowboarding are shown doing jumps and tricks down a mountain. Another does several flips and tricks while another performs the same down the mountain.", "segments": [[0, 31.22], [29.14, 112.4], [113.44, 208.14]], "duration": 208.14, "id": 9831}, {"image_id": "v_iMXdwkAGfM4.mp4", "caption": "A man sits in a chair while a standing man uses an electric razor on his beard. The man gently shaves the other man's beard until it is gone.The man sits in the chair, wiping himself off before standing up.", "segments": [[0, 33.85], [45.86, 194.34], [195.43, 218.36]], "duration": 218.36, "id": 9832}, {"image_id": "v_yqzV0O139Yk.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen standing on a field in front of ball when one bends over to balance on the ball. The woman then performs exercises on the ball with the man's assistance.", "segments": [[1.36, 47.76], [30.93, 84.15]], "duration": 90.98, "id": 9833}, {"image_id": "v_leKf6Q87IYg.mp4", "caption": "Several pictures of seen of a man wakeboarding and leading into him speaking to the camera. He demonstrates how to properly perform moves while standing on the lawn. It follows into the man riding around on a wakeboard.", "segments": [[0.88, 53.03], [45.08, 144.07], [119.32, 175.01]], "duration": 176.77, "id": 9834}, {"image_id": "v_PwbZimjxzps.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in front of a crowd pointing and speaking about the layout of a bullfighting ring. A demonstration of bullfighting is performed by a man with a pink cape and a man moving a fake bull object with a wheel. The bullfighter then demonstrates how to use his sword on the bull. Then the students wants to give it a try.", "segments": [[0, 35.19], [35.19, 83.7], [82.74, 135.05], [136.01, 190.22]], "duration": 190.22, "id": 9835}, {"image_id": "v_J1LIG037WzE.mp4", "caption": "Two men are seen fighting back and fourth on a set of mats using boxing gloves and pads. The men continue punching and kicking back and fourth while the camera continues to follow them around.", "segments": [[0.84, 68.65], [68.65, 163.25]], "duration": 167.44, "id": 9836}, {"image_id": "v_RrScnC2xQpw.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen kneeling before the camera and leads into her walking around her house. She zooms in on an oven and is shown taking a pan out full of cookies. She lays out a plate to clean off follows by grabbing the cookies and laying them on the plate.", "segments": [[0, 39.09], [34.75, 130.3], [115.53, 173.73]], "duration": 173.73, "id": 9837}, {"image_id": "v_ZeN0mrRQHg8.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are riding in bumper cars. They spin and move, hitting each other. The kids smile and laugh at each other as they collide.", "segments": [[0, 19.81], [21.72, 107.97], [111.17, 127.78]], "duration": 127.78, "id": 9838}, {"image_id": "v_pnN9AK7WKHU.mp4", "caption": "We see a person jet skiing. We see a red and black sail on a surfboard. We then see a yellow and blue sail. A yellow one passes a black one and keeps going, then the yellow one turns around. A yellowish green one appears on the screen. Three pass a red and blue one going in opposite directions. The rider of the red and blue one falls off his board.", "segments": [[0, 3.11], [3.11, 10.7], [10.7, 25.21], [25.21, 36.95], [43.85, 50.41], [50.07, 63.88], [63.53, 69.06]], "duration": 69.06, "id": 9839}, {"image_id": "v_UySzNwvkQKQ.mp4", "caption": "There are people standing in a large indoor court, on two different sides, with balls in the middle of the court.Suddenly people start running towards the balls and they begin to play dodge ball and pick them up and throw them at one another until one of the teams has only 1 person left standing.Only 1 guy remain standings and he attempts to hit someone else on the other team with a ball, and they in return do the same, they go back and forth doing this until a red ball finally hits the last guy standing on the team and he hits the floor.", "segments": [[0, 11.98], [11.98, 162.67], [162.67, 199.6]], "duration": 199.6, "id": 9840}, {"image_id": "v_xzoquwJYEZw.mp4", "caption": "man is standing in a wooden court talking to the camera. men are playing squash in a room holding rackets on his hands. the man is holding a racket and is talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 15.65], [14.03, 28.07], [28.07, 107.95]], "duration": 107.95, "id": 9841}, {"image_id": "v_kzvFQv5UCx4.mp4", "caption": "A man makes tattoos on the back head and neck of a person. Then, the man cleans the head and neck with a white tissue. After, the man continues making the tattoo on the side of the head while cleaning the paint.", "segments": [[6.53, 92.54], [92.54, 119.75], [119.75, 210.11]], "duration": 217.73, "id": 9842}, {"image_id": "v_YGBldj7DUq4.mp4", "caption": "A man is in a kayak in the water making turns with the help of an oar. Then, the man explains showing and moving the oar. After the man starts to row in the river and turning the kayak.", "segments": [[0, 28.08], [28.08, 138.22], [138.22, 215.97]], "duration": 215.97, "id": 9843}, {"image_id": "v_wP0jr86MNOw.mp4", "caption": "man is standing nex to a van wearing stilts. another man is sitting on the back part of a van is putting the stilts on his feet. men wearing stilts are walking in a parking lot to street. men are kneeling on the street and start jumping going down the paved slope.", "segments": [[0, 7.69], [7.69, 15.38], [15.38, 59.58], [59.58, 124.92]], "duration": 128.13, "id": 9844}, {"image_id": "v_X9CpU4ucYeg.mp4", "caption": "woman is standing in a kitchen talking to the camera and showing the lemons, jar and the bowl on the counter. woman is squeezing the lemon into a bowl and on the water. woman is ni front of the stove and pour sugar into water in a pan till boil. woman pour sugar in the jar with ice.", "segments": [[0, 46.28], [46.84, 66.6], [66.6, 82.96], [83.53, 112.87]], "duration": 112.87, "id": 9845}, {"image_id": "v_rG-WlnAoc3M.mp4", "caption": "A person wet a car with water, then he puts detergent to the car using a long squeegee. The man rinses the car with water. Then, the man cleans again with soap and water the car for the second time. The man cleans with a cloth and rinse with water the rims of the car. After, the man dry the car manually with a cloth. Next, the man cleans inside the car, then drives the car.", "segments": [[0, 21.42], [22.07, 31.16], [31.16, 64.91], [65.56, 92.82], [92.82, 114.24], [114.89, 122.03]], "duration": 129.82, "id": 9846}, {"image_id": "v_AA6nXQMyfhU.mp4", "caption": "A man sits at a table talking. The man, now standing, pours paint thinner n a rag and wipes the table with the rag. The man sits at the table again while talking. Now he is standing putting a polish on the table and shining it. He then cleans the table legs with a brush. He sits at the table talking for another moment. The scene changes and the man is seen standing in a garage.", "segments": [[0, 30.06], [33, 55.99], [56.57, 74.84], [75.43, 99.6], [100.77, 103.72], [104.31, 109.61], [111.97, 117.86]], "duration": 117.86, "id": 9847}, {"image_id": "v_VVLeWYKoNUE.mp4", "caption": "We see a person jet-skiing behind a boat. The boat runs aground into some brush. The skier is laying in the lake.", "segments": [[0, 10.89], [10.89, 14.4], [14.58, 18]], "duration": 18.0, "id": 9848}, {"image_id": "v_-5Yp-vToI2E.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing around a ballet room and leads into four performing a dance. The four continuously move together while holding hands and doing the same moves. The girls laugh together and continue dancing and ending by holding a pose.", "segments": [[0, 37.85], [27.37, 92.01], [65.81, 111.81]], "duration": 116.47, "id": 9849}, {"image_id": "v_zPl4spxrvg4.mp4", "caption": "A woman walks into frame speaking to the camera and pointing to a sign that leads into her speaking with a man in front of a bow and arrow. The man speaks to her and puts bowing equipment on the woman and holds out the bow for her. He teaches her how to properly hold the bow and the woman takes several turns shooting the bow and arrow. She cheers and continues shooting while the man speaks to her and shakes her hand as they walk away.", "segments": [[0, 47.88], [46.84, 103.04], [103.04, 139.47], [141.55, 208.17]], "duration": 208.17000000000002, "id": 9850}, {"image_id": "v_cy-RLevyo_8.mp4", "caption": "From the roof we see the street where a car is parked and a man standing on the room the man begins to pry up roof shingles. The man adds a fixed piece of shingles and nails hem down. The man finishes and walks away. We see the ruck on the street for the roofing company.", "segments": [[0, 81.84], [81.13, 125.25], [125.25, 133.79], [134.5, 142.33]], "duration": 142.32999999999998, "id": 9851}, {"image_id": "v_pu-2w-UxdYg.mp4", "caption": "The woman wipes down the furniture with acetone. Woman sprays silicone on table and wipes it off. Woman compares old section to cleaned section.", "segments": [[50.22, 82.11], [90.25, 116.72], [123.51, 135.72]], "duration": 135.72, "id": 9852}, {"image_id": "v_VNROQWtYhlw.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman dressed in a sparkly golden dress is eating a Magnum chocolate truffle ice cream bar. She talks about her favorite flavor being chocolate. She takes a bite off the ice cream bar as she savors the rich flavor. She answers questions about needing to have down time as an actor and enjoying her favorite ice cream bar. The video ends with a decadent chocolate ice cream bar being drizzled with rich chocolate.", "segments": [[28.67, 86], [86, 116.79], [116.79, 142.27], [142.27, 184.74], [184.74, 197.48]], "duration": 212.35, "id": 9853}, {"image_id": "v_NyNuB328oi0.mp4", "caption": "A ball is shown flying up in the sky while a large group of people stand around. A person is then seen grabbing the ball on the ground. The person catches the ball and the clip is shown again in slow motion.", "segments": [[0.17, 11.38], [9.7, 22.92], [24.09, 31.95]], "duration": 33.46, "id": 9854}, {"image_id": "v_4avZ79LB5n4.mp4", "caption": "At an outdoor poor facility people are in the pool and others are outside standing by. There are two boys on the diving board preparing to jump down. They get in a unique position and then simultaneously dive in together. They make a huge splash as they land inside the water.", "segments": [[0, 1.49], [1.36, 3.89], [3.83, 6.75], [6.68, 12.98]], "duration": 12.98, "id": 9855}, {"image_id": "v_InHt3sukfeg.mp4", "caption": "A picture of a patio set is shown followed by a woman scrubbing down the tables and chairs. She wipes them down with a rag and then shakes up a can and spray paints the furniture. More close ups are shown of the furniture while text instructions pan over the screen.", "segments": [[0, 42.02], [42.02, 136.55], [133.05, 175.07]], "duration": 175.07, "id": 9856}, {"image_id": "v_5qh_gx81Bd8.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a dance studio and shows how he sets up for different dance postures. The man in white tshirt does a spins while break dancing.", "segments": [[0, 124.97], [95.3, 179.81]], "duration": 179.81, "id": 9857}, {"image_id": "v_Lk_Xe9yQ8Zc.mp4", "caption": "man is in stage in the news. people are in street jumping the rope and dancing while people gathered around them are watching them. an old chinese woman is being interviewed. old man is talking to the camera. woman is holding a microphone talking to the camera jumping the rope. woman is jumping the rope and doing somersaults. women are being interviewed and behind her people are jumping the rope. people are in stage in competition jumping the rope. women are in street being interviewed and people keep jumping the rope.", "segments": [[0, 7.09], [7.09, 42.51], [43.3, 47.24], [48.02, 50.39], [50.39, 64.56], [64.56, 96.83], [96.83, 110.22], [110.22, 116.52], [116.52, 157.46]], "duration": 157.46, "id": 9858}, {"image_id": "v_of4bEaqQzOk.mp4", "caption": "The man in blue leotard raised the barbel, but he let go of the barbel and he fell on his back. The man in red leotard carried the barbel all the way up his head the crowd cheered. The athlete raised his barbel but wasn't able to go all the way up his head. The crowd is cheering while the athletes are able to raise the barbel all up his head.", "segments": [[0, 15.93], [17.92, 100.56], [77.66, 167.27], [125.46, 199.14]], "duration": 199.14, "id": 9859}, {"image_id": "v_cC1nvRqyXWs.mp4", "caption": "A man in blue gym shorts iron his clothes on an ironing board at home. The man sits down on the floor and folds his clothes and stacks them up.The man leaves the room and the room goes dark.", "segments": [[0, 4.41], [4.44, 6.11], [6.11, 6.43]], "duration": 6.43, "id": 9860}, {"image_id": "v_rbLCMaf3phk.mp4", "caption": "A man stands in a large arena. She throws a heavy ball really far. He does this again and again. He throws the balls really far.", "segments": [[0, 198.98], [16.13, 198.98], [59.16, 198.98], [76.36, 198.98]], "duration": 215.11, "id": 9861}, {"image_id": "v_Pso333FAp2w.mp4", "caption": "Outside a dog is laying down on the pavement when a human picks up a frisbee and throws it. The dog excitedly runs after it and come running back with it, bringing it back to his human. He disappears for a little bit and then you see him excitedly get ready to run for it again. Once he see's the frisbee flying he starts to run for it and brings it back every time.", "segments": [[0, 15.69], [15.69, 53.62], [53.62, 92.85], [92.85, 130.78]], "duration": 130.78, "id": 9862}, {"image_id": "v_t3Zg4mSksXk.mp4", "caption": "There are a few teenage boys skateboarding on a quiet streets in a neighborhood. They are going down the street, trying some stunts on the skateboard. There are a some leaves fallen on the curb. One of the boys bends down and skates in a seated position. The boys continue skateboarding through the streets, going past houses in the residential area.", "segments": [[20.67, 63.9], [63.9, 118.4], [118.4, 150.35], [150.35, 180.43], [180.43, 187.94]], "duration": 187.94, "id": 9863}, {"image_id": "v_H6hb3SIqdL4.mp4", "caption": "A man in a striped shirt prepares to throw dart at a dart board. The man throws three darts at the dartboard. The camera man pans to the side of the dartboard and zooms in on the darts as the man in the striped shirt reaches for the dart board.", "segments": [[0, 0.15], [0.53, 5.03], [4.95, 15]], "duration": 15.0, "id": 9864}, {"image_id": "v_3aQnQEL3USQ.mp4", "caption": "A boy wears jumping shoes to bounce in front a building and in a playground. Then, the boy gets up the steps of a building, and then take big steps and jump down high. A family of four wait the boy to pass the street. Then, the boy returns to the playground and jumps over a stone. After, the boy jumps high on the street until he arrives to a parking lot.", "segments": [[0, 69.94], [69.94, 128.22], [102.79, 108.08], [128.22, 131.4], [132.46, 211.93]], "duration": 211.93, "id": 9865}, {"image_id": "v_uRBE-ANigvs.mp4", "caption": "An intro shot of various athletes are shown. A man is then shown throwing a discus on a large field. Another man is also shown doing the same with a still shot of him afterwards showing his posture and his throw in slow motion. He is then shown walking away and feeling very confident about what he just accomplished.", "segments": [[0, 6.9], [6.9, 21.68], [21.19, 88.19], [88.19, 98.54]], "duration": 98.53999999999999, "id": 9866}, {"image_id": "v_4kbtdUz2M3M.mp4", "caption": "Various people are seen wandering around a beach, followed by waves moving along the water and people sitting in the water. Several people surfing the waves while people on the sidelines watch the athletes move.", "segments": [[0, 39.88], [39.88, 234.59]], "duration": 234.59, "id": 9867}, {"image_id": "v_00S8I27qDU4.mp4", "caption": "A lady holds a javelin on a track she puts it down. The scene starts over and we see a lady throw a javelin and walk away. We then see the throw measured and a man walks up as talks to the girl.", "segments": [[0, 7.86], [7.86, 28.06], [28.62, 37.41]], "duration": 37.41, "id": 9868}, {"image_id": "v__8m1tlowwKM.mp4", "caption": "A man with long sideburns wearing a red colored robe is playing the piano. there's another man in a blue shirt standing near him, busy engaged in packing some bags. The main in red continues playing the piano as the other man carries two bags and leaves. The man stops playing the piano and waves to the other person as he gets up and leaves.", "segments": [[18.87, 35.14], [35.14, 87.2], [87.2, 119.09], [119.09, 122.99]], "duration": 130.15, "id": 9869}, {"image_id": "v_TdZOfBHjU5g.mp4", "caption": "There's a person wearing blue latex gloves polishing a hexagonal wooden table to demonstrate French polishing technique. He is using a polishing sponge to polish the table top surface in circular motion. He then goes in up and down motion over the table surface to make it shiny. He meticulously goes over the entire surface making sure no part of the table is left untouched. He then starts polishing the surface of a dinning room buffet that has bamboo finish doors. He again polishes in circular motions on the top surface.", "segments": [[24.37, 67.3], [67.3, 113.72], [113.72, 155.5], [155.5, 183.35], [183.35, 212.36], [212.36, 222.8]], "duration": 232.07999999999998, "id": 9870}, {"image_id": "v_syAccI5soVw.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is seen performing a belly dancing routine in front of a large group of people. The girl continues swinging her arms and legs around in front of the audience and ends by bowing and blowing a kiss.", "segments": [[0, 106.57], [105.55, 202.99]], "duration": 202.99, "id": 9871}, {"image_id": "v_HGqaDftZe5s.mp4", "caption": "We see small kids ride BMX bikes on a dirt track in an arena. The kids ride past the camera. The kids start passing the finish line.", "segments": [[0, 38.43], [10.76, 21.33], [22.67, 34.78]], "duration": 38.43, "id": 9872}, {"image_id": "v_p4MMyVArVc0.mp4", "caption": "A woman is balancing on a tight rope outdoors. The woman is showing various acrobatic moves. The woman is bouncing on the wire. An animal is in the field in the background.", "segments": [[3.89, 126.56], [3.89, 118.77], [96.05, 129.8], [90.86, 96.05]], "duration": 129.8, "id": 9873}, {"image_id": "v_OT98MiVje0g.mp4", "caption": "A close up is seen of Christmas decorations. A man in Santa Claus costume plays a drum set in a home with a lit up Christmas tree. The man dressed up as Santa finishes playing the song on drums.", "segments": [[0, 4.08], [4.98, 84.72], [84.72, 90.61]], "duration": 90.61, "id": 9874}, {"image_id": "v_DeHIqrMlsU8.mp4", "caption": "The video begins with several shots of a person riding down a hill on a skateboard and doing tricks. The boy continues to ride around on a skateboard doing flips and tricks and the camera capturing him from several angles.", "segments": [[0, 73.7], [70.92, 139.07]], "duration": 139.07, "id": 9875}, {"image_id": "v_haUWdHvwpUo.mp4", "caption": "A man is giving instructions about playing the congo. He speaks with his hands and then he taps the top of the congo very lightly. He starts to tap lightly on the congo at a very slow tempo and after a little bit of doing that he stops to start talking again. Finally, he starts using both of his hands to build up an actual beat and talks some more about it.", "segments": [[0, 25.65], [25.65, 85.15], [85.15, 119], [119, 205.17]], "duration": 205.17000000000002, "id": 9876}, {"image_id": "v_DMUFb7gvUx4.mp4", "caption": "Men travel in a plane and arrives to the top of a mountain. Then, men get down the plane and ski down the hill. A person ski behind a man down the slope of the mountain. A snow removal clear the snow of the road. After, the men ski down the hill in middle of the trees. The men ski in a wood area that is uneven.", "segments": [[0, 18.16], [18.16, 65.37], [65.37, 79.9], [80.81, 83.53], [83.53, 132.56], [132.56, 181.59]], "duration": 181.59, "id": 9877}, {"image_id": "v_cErtrZrWhiQ.mp4", "caption": "Two men dressed in suits are facing one another with a hand on each others back, and holding hands with the other one and they dance in one direction, then back in another and then laugh and separate. Right where the men separate from dancing there is an Asian woman that is now the focus as she plays on an accordion keyboard.The woman stops playing, laughs and looks and says something.", "segments": [[0, 6.34], [6.34, 80.34], [80.34, 84.57]], "duration": 84.57, "id": 9878}, {"image_id": "v_gPjH9C9wdJw.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding a guitar and looks back and fourth between the camera and the guitar. He moves his hands up and down the neck of the guitar and sings softly to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 183.81], [30.33, 183.81]], "duration": 183.81, "id": 9879}, {"image_id": "v_fBxpQxIqGN8.mp4", "caption": "A person in pink does tai chi. She moves around but is basically doing the same basic thing. She stops and is still at the end.", "segments": [[0, 164.51], [20.56, 150.53], [157.11, 164.51]], "duration": 164.51, "id": 9880}, {"image_id": "v_IGXq7a7Jl7s.mp4", "caption": "Several athletes compete for the javelin world championships. The Russia Dimitri is 3rd bronze medal in the competition. the Japanese Jenki is silver medal. Till from Germany won the gold medal.", "segments": [[4.55, 131.86], [130.72, 158.01], [156.87, 173.92], [178.47, 226.21]], "duration": 227.35, "id": 9881}, {"image_id": "v_nvFtFFJXxB0.mp4", "caption": "An intro leads into hands seen playing a musical instrument while pausing the point on the instrument. He continues moving his hands around to play and is then seen speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 87.09], [31.75, 181.44]], "duration": 181.44, "id": 9882}, {"image_id": "v_xcrGhwE7R5E.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking in his kitchen. He shows how to mix a sauce into pasta, and season it. He then shows how to plate and serve the food.", "segments": [[0, 22.52], [29.72, 84.66], [102.67, 180.13]], "duration": 180.13, "id": 9883}, {"image_id": "v_cGtK7bs-TE8.mp4", "caption": "A fast motion video is shown of various people raking leaves around a yard. Two boys look around towards each other and continue raking the leaks until the yard is done.", "segments": [[0, 11.48], [12.39, 60.44]], "duration": 60.44, "id": 9884}, {"image_id": "v_CAW0CEuyvZo.mp4", "caption": "A girl is in front of a camera. She applies light pink lip gloss to her lips.", "segments": [[0, 0.71], [0.92, 3.93]], "duration": 3.93, "id": 9885}, {"image_id": "v_0e7-mNDgIXw.mp4", "caption": "A special effect intro that looks like a chalk board on wood appears and the words on it say SKI SCHOOL on the upper left, and the middle words say \"Ski Tips: FOOT ROTATION\" along with a website at the bottom and a blue circle icon on the upper right.A man skis into view and he's standing on a snowy mountain with a lot of trees and he's talking and looks like he's giving tips on how to ski as he physically demonstrates and continues to talk the whole time.The man is now back at his starting point where he was originally standing and he's talking again.The special affect screen appears with a wooden background and 4 different pictures on the screen with words under them.", "segments": [[0, 4.89], [4.89, 148.52], [148.52, 180.76], [180.76, 195.42]], "duration": 195.42, "id": 9886}, {"image_id": "v_hi07Rdf1r4Y.mp4", "caption": "A balded man is seen talking to the camera while another man stands above him and cuts his hair. The man sitting rubs his hand and holds his face into his hands.", "segments": [[0, 16.41], [15.87, 53.8]], "duration": 53.8, "id": 9887}, {"image_id": "v_IwViXKNNBEU.mp4", "caption": "A man prepares himself to throw a discus. Multiple people walk around and talk in the background. The man spins and throws the discus.", "segments": [[0, 1.72], [0, 9.85], [1.58, 9.85]], "duration": 9.85, "id": 9888}, {"image_id": "v_koSLx0E23gU.mp4", "caption": "We see an arena from out doors. We see people on trampoline performing flips in the arena. We see a person almost fall after flipping. The person lands and almost falls. A person flips multiple times down a strip on the ground. We see a man jump and land on the trampoline in slow motion. We see the ending title screens.", "segments": [[0, 4.9], [4.9, 101.05], [19.6, 22.66], [55.73, 60.02], [59.41, 65.53], [91.86, 100.44], [101.05, 122.49]], "duration": 122.49, "id": 9889}, {"image_id": "v_CQvmcZSfyhI.mp4", "caption": "A group of cheerleaders come from the side stage and begin smiling and waving to the crowd before settling into their formation.The routine begins and they start doing hurkies,throwing each other in the air and holding each other up.Doing the middle of the routine,half of the girls sit in the back behind the rest of the cheerleaders as they do a part of the routine.The routine ends and they all run across the stage with spirit fingers before leaving the stage.", "segments": [[0, 70.94], [70.94, 135.89], [135.89, 192.84], [192.84, 199.83]], "duration": 199.82999999999998, "id": 9890}, {"image_id": "v_APuN4vwgKJ4.mp4", "caption": "A woman standing at a counter speaking about making chocolate chip cookies. She combines and mixes the ingredients with a hand mixer. She then places flour into a bowl after she measures it along with baking soda. She adds it to the cookies dough and mixes it by hand then adds in the chocolate chips. She then measures out dough that is on a baking sheet for cooking. Placed in the oven and after they cool you have cookies.", "segments": [[0, 23.07], [23.07, 49.3], [49.3, 112.23], [112.23, 147.89], [147.89, 177.25], [177.25, 209.77]], "duration": 209.77, "id": 9891}, {"image_id": "v_DXluU6_7OXQ.mp4", "caption": "A girl stands up from a table in a kitchen. She and another girl have glasses and spoons. They proceed to eat the substance as they sit on the floor.", "segments": [[0, 24.52], [36.4, 82.46], [84.69, 148.59]], "duration": 148.59, "id": 9892}, {"image_id": "v_GldxuTsExZM.mp4", "caption": "A person holding a moose moves the puppet and leads into someone opening a box. The person pulls pumpkins out of the box and cuts a circle around the top. He scoops the seeds out of the pumpkin while using the moose and uses a marker to draw on its side. He cuts around the marker lines and puts a candle inside to make a jack o lantern.", "segments": [[0, 27.4], [27.4, 84.49], [86.77, 184.96], [184.96, 228.35]], "duration": 228.35, "id": 9893}, {"image_id": "v_dc9m-G9CKmQ.mp4", "caption": "A man speaking about how he will be sharpening knives today. He shows the tool that he will be using that is called chefs choice. He shows how to use it and how you can use it with either hand. Then he begins to sharpen one of his knives. After he is done sharpening it he demonstrates with a tomato how helpful it is.", "segments": [[0, 21.99], [21.31, 48.11], [48.8, 68.73], [68.04, 101.72], [101.72, 137.46]], "duration": 137.46, "id": 9894}, {"image_id": "v_YtFGG_7A_UU.mp4", "caption": "A middle aged white female is standing in a lobby of some sort next to a picture talking.She then reappears in another room of the same place and is talking in front of a mirror,vase,and plant.In her hand,she has a small circular container with shoe polish it and takes a rag and dips the rag in the container.The woman then proceeds to clean the male dress shoe with the cloth and polish.She then takes a brush and start going over the shoe with it and pauses briefly and begins talking.", "segments": [[0, 4.08], [4.08, 28.54], [27.86, 46.2], [46.2, 87.65], [86.97, 135.88]], "duration": 135.88, "id": 9895}, {"image_id": "v_r5oPTDuHhoE.mp4", "caption": "A group of girls are shown standing around a field huddled up together. The next shots are of the girls running around the field passing the ball back and fourth. A girl shoots the ball into the goal and achieves a point. Another later tries to shoot a goal but is blocked by the goalie.", "segments": [[0, 6.82], [6.82, 24.37], [23.96, 29.33], [29.33, 39.04]], "duration": 41.31, "id": 9896}, {"image_id": "v_A8q6beSMpEE.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding windex near his car door. The man then sprays the window with windex and wipes the window. The man rolls the window up. The man finishes and rolls the window down to wipe it some more.", "segments": [[0, 8.16], [8.16, 34.97], [34.39, 36.72], [52.75, 57.99]], "duration": 58.28, "id": 9897}, {"image_id": "v_WX1TLuHXCd8.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clips are shown. Guys are playing lacrosse on a field. A guy pushes a male to the ground. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0.45, 2.69], [3.14, 86.58], [7.63, 8.52], [87.03, 89.72]], "duration": 89.72, "id": 9898}, {"image_id": "v_FMtUqoxfR50.mp4", "caption": "A special effect intro screen appears, it's mainly red and contains words on it that say \"How to Improve Your Volleyball Spike\".In slow motion a man is on a volleyball court demonstrating moves as white text appears as he does certain movements.When he's done a red screen appears that include a website in white text that say's \"AcuSpike dot com\" and it includes a blue clip art going through it along with a white volleyball.", "segments": [[0, 4.86], [4.86, 59.63], [59.63, 64.82]], "duration": 64.82, "id": 9899}, {"image_id": "v_SO67XxdevPw.mp4", "caption": "An African American male gymnast in a blue leotard steps under two bars and begins stretching.He grabs the bars and pulls himself up into a hand stand on the bars.He continues to do acrobatic flips and continuous flips.His next set of flips consists of splits over the bars,followed by hand stands.Finally, he flips off the bars and lands on the mat to complete his performance.", "segments": [[0, 5.13], [5.13, 22.14], [22.46, 50.7], [49.74, 57.12], [57.76, 64.18]], "duration": 64.18, "id": 9900}, {"image_id": "v_hFtmkU7wdx4.mp4", "caption": "A sky with the sun is peeking through the clouds. A man is on a track in front of a crowd. He runs, doing a long jump in slow motion. He celebrates as he wins the medal. A man is shown talking about him. The credits appear at the end.", "segments": [[0, 6.58], [7.02, 15.35], [16.67, 51.32], [52.2, 61.85], [64.92, 77.2], [79.39, 87.73]], "duration": 87.73, "id": 9901}, {"image_id": "v_t6vWMTMooDc.mp4", "caption": "A man and a woman are standing in a living room with large sumo costumes on.The girl jumps up and then the man tries it to see how heavy the uniform is.Next,the man holds up a bag of lemons and begin to talk before they put their head equipment on.Now,it is time for the match and they begin wrestling with one another.However,they've added a feature to the match and each person has to put lemons in the other's hat to gain points.After several attempts,the girl wins and the score is 4 to 0.Now begins round two and the outcome is the same as the girl cheats to win.", "segments": [[0, 20], [20, 55.55], [55.55, 103.32], [103.32, 115.54], [116.65, 169.98], [169.98, 192.2], [192.2, 222.19]], "duration": 222.19, "id": 9902}, {"image_id": "v_ycBFz2RdgoY.mp4", "caption": "People windsurf on a large body of water. A park sign that reads \"Welcome to Kanaha Beach Park\" is shown. More windsurfers are shown racing across the water.", "segments": [[0, 14.91], [15.9, 18.88], [19.88, 198.76]], "duration": 198.76, "id": 9903}, {"image_id": "v_pt6XC-p_CFE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is seen speaking to the camera and holding up a tin. She then folds a piece of paper into an airplane and rubs it along the pan. She then puts a container into the pan while speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 18.84], [22.49, 87.54], [80.85, 118.54]], "duration": 121.58, "id": 9904}, {"image_id": "v_0PyY_iHBZHk.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to the camera while showing shots of people playing water polo. More clips are shown of people hitting the ball as well as the host speaking to another man. More clips are shown of people playing in the pool and laughing with one another.", "segments": [[0, 31.54], [34.16, 82.52], [59.39, 104.07]], "duration": 105.12, "id": 9905}, {"image_id": "v_J4FBxa5FWSo.mp4", "caption": "A man runs on a pair of stilts down an alley. He bounces over a bike as he runs. He then runs up the side trim of a building before disappearing around the corner.", "segments": [[0, 1.62], [2.01, 6.94], [7.2, 12.98]], "duration": 12.98, "id": 9906}, {"image_id": "v_0O589B9zr84.mp4", "caption": "Cartoon buildings are shown, then a pair of angels. We see a bucket filled with laundry. The video explains how washing clothes should involve soaking and brushing, and hand washing. Then it talks about rinsing and hanging the clothing to dry. We finally see an empty dryer before an ad for Laundry Bin Heaven.", "segments": [[0, 8.04], [9.77, 26.43], [27.01, 87.91], [88.49, 103.42], [104, 114.92]], "duration": 114.92, "id": 9907}, {"image_id": "v_smYAy6TYS3M.mp4", "caption": "A group of small children are on a playground. They take turns hopping across a game of hopscotch drawn on the sidewalk. They continue taking turns over and over.", "segments": [[0, 4.36], [5.37, 30.2], [32.21, 67.11]], "duration": 67.11, "id": 9908}, {"image_id": "v_OhydQlKoSUw.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen getting out of a car and walking around to the trunk to grab a surf board. The person is then seen wearing a suit and running down a boardwalk followed by him surfing. The man glides along the water in slow motion and is then seen speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 12.31], [12.69, 45.52], [57.46, 74.63]], "duration": 74.63, "id": 9909}, {"image_id": "v_tQT-iQIv-KY.mp4", "caption": "A group of coaches, gymnasts and parents stand and sit around a gym while a few of the gymnasts perform or practice. A young girl in purple does a balance beam routine. A girl in the back ground does a floor routine. When the floor routine ends the crowd all claps and several young gymnasts get up and walk around. A woman hold up a sign that says 965. The girl on the balance beam ends her routine and walks over and hugs a woman in purple.", "segments": [[0, 91.58], [8.7, 86.08], [14.19, 62.73], [62.73, 87.46], [64.56, 71.43], [84.71, 91.58]], "duration": 91.58, "id": 9910}, {"image_id": "v_COeXmBZpLSE.mp4", "caption": "An intro to Dancing with the Stars shows followed by a man playing piano and a couple looking off into the distance. The woman begins playing the piano when the man standing plays and grabs her. They twirl around a large stage surrounded by hundreds of people watching them dance. The man picks her up and twirls her around the music and ends with audience clapping.", "segments": [[0, 12.19], [11.09, 18.85], [18.29, 64.29], [65.96, 110.85]], "duration": 110.85, "id": 9911}, {"image_id": "v_IRmk1AM-yJE.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen playing a game of pool while others watch on the side and conversation. The men continue hitting the ball around the table and moving around.", "segments": [[3.17, 72.18], [53.14, 149.12]], "duration": 158.64, "id": 9912}, {"image_id": "v_37siIMJNG9Y.mp4", "caption": "A young girl is sitting down in front of a screen and begins talking as she is holding a bottle of blue mouthwash.The girl then takes the mouthwash and starts to put it over head and playing with is while making funny faces.After taking about it,the girls takes a gulp of it and starts to gargle it and holds it in her mouth.Finally,she spits it out and takes a drink of water before the replay is shown.", "segments": [[0, 22.58], [22.58, 49.58], [49.09, 78.54], [78.05, 98.17]], "duration": 98.17, "id": 9913}, {"image_id": "v_6uNhwOSZXco.mp4", "caption": "A man in a snow jacket is seated in a ski lift. A man in yellow jacket holds a rubber inter tube with a rope and a child in ski clothes sits down inside. The man pushes the child down a ski slope. The child goes down a set of hills on the intertube. A woman attempts to stop the child then retrieves his intertube. A group of young girls and boy pull intertubes up a hill. A child in green jacket gets into an intertube. The child is pushed down the ski slope and sleds to the bottom. A woman in grey sweatshirt retrieves the intertube at the bottom of the slope. A boy in green jacket is pushed down the ski slope. A woman an grey sweatshirt retrieves the intertube at the bottom of the slope.", "segments": [[0, 8.88], [10.5, 29.88], [28.26, 32.3], [32.3, 46.03], [45.22, 55.72], [56.52, 81.55], [85.59, 100.93], [100.93, 120.31], [121.93, 129.2], [130, 144.54], [144.54, 151]], "duration": 161.5, "id": 9914}, {"image_id": "v_9vqOA8KVcME.mp4", "caption": "A lady talks to the camera. We see the lady hold up bottle of witch hazel and a cotton pad and talks. The lady holds up a bottle of lotion. We see the lady put lotion on her face and then hold a small bottle of serum she puts on her face. We see teh lady with makeup on talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 207.03], [30.02, 40.37], [69.36, 103.52], [104.55, 187.36], [196.68, 207.03]], "duration": 207.03, "id": 9915}, {"image_id": "v_KYtV2vpwuVw.mp4", "caption": "1 A camera man watches men on bikes that are about to race. 2 The race begins with the guys on bikes. 3 One man wipes out. 4 The race ends and the guys take their bikes.", "segments": [[0, 41.95], [39.98, 57.74], [55.77, 62.19], [62.68, 98.71]], "duration": 98.71000000000001, "id": 9916}, {"image_id": "v_Y-CZasxVlx4.mp4", "caption": "A girl holding a guitar talks to the camera. The girl plays the guitar as she sits on the sofa. The girl stops playing and talks to the camera again while demonstrating.", "segments": [[0, 8.33], [8.33, 46.42], [51.18, 238.05]], "duration": 238.05, "id": 9917}, {"image_id": "v_QjoEYtjPa3w.mp4", "caption": "We see an opening instruction screen. We see a person holding a contact lens. We see another instruction screen and see the person inserts the lens on the left. Another screen of instructions and the person inserts the right lens. Two sets of Instructions appear an the person removes the left and right lens. the person waves bye to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 3.28], [3.28, 9.83], [9.83, 51.79], [51.79, 83.26], [85.23, 115.39], [115.39, 131.12]], "duration": 131.12, "id": 9918}, {"image_id": "v_5z6q_Ix3kWI.mp4", "caption": "A man is skiing very fast down a hillside and hops one for fun. He is now walking back up the mountain with difficulty. He skiis and walks up various hills. Skiis down a rather large hillside or mountain. He jumps off a hill and tries to do a 360 but falls. He skiis between some trees and on a path.", "segments": [[0, 20.54], [22.01, 37.41], [38.14, 49.88], [49.88, 67.48], [69.68, 73.35], [86.56, 136.43]], "duration": 146.7, "id": 9919}, {"image_id": "v_Atdxx_Pxnd4.mp4", "caption": "A cowboy runs out of a gate on a horse. He uses a lasso to rope a calf. He tries to tie up the calf, losing his rope.", "segments": [[0, 6.06], [8.78, 22.16], [23.21, 41.82]], "duration": 41.82, "id": 9920}, {"image_id": "v_9SEc3QVBCo4.mp4", "caption": "A man is working outside a house. He uses a hammer and clamp on the shingles. He knocks each shingle off the house with the hammer.", "segments": [[0, 3.97], [5.42, 16.97], [18.41, 24.07]], "duration": 24.07, "id": 9921}, {"image_id": "v_g5BPyMdlurg.mp4", "caption": "First this girl does a back bend and then another girl does a back walkover. Then someone else does a cartwheel and that same person does a round off. next someone does a front walkover and another girl does a standing back handspring along with other people who are doing gymnastic moves.", "segments": [[0, 3.1], [14.72, 20.14], [26.34, 44.16]], "duration": 154.95, "id": 9922}, {"image_id": "v_bSBmunE-1KQ.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing a bag is seen speaking to the camera and leads into a group of people riding in a raft. One person paddles around and turns the ground around, leading back into the man speaking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 44.35], [41.43, 116.7]], "duration": 116.7, "id": 9923}, {"image_id": "v_gCuRcP4txc0.mp4", "caption": "A group of drummers dressed in all white outfits perform a song. An instructor stands in front of the group giving instructions.", "segments": [[5.83, 48.32], [34.44, 44.16]], "duration": 55.54, "id": 9924}, {"image_id": "v_oBZ_oAUGO0E.mp4", "caption": "man is sitting in an ofice talking to the camera. a tattoo is shown in a back of a man and the man is tattoing him. man is standing laying no a stand getting a tatto on his back.", "segments": [[0, 7.75], [7.15, 119.19], [16.69, 119.19]], "duration": 119.19, "id": 9925}, {"image_id": "v_eElKkhIJXCs.mp4", "caption": "A group of kids are playing on a field. The coaches talk to them as they run. They engage in a game of lacrosse together.", "segments": [[0, 6.92], [7.22, 43.64], [45.14, 60.19]], "duration": 60.19, "id": 9926}, {"image_id": "v_oWaqaK58Tds.mp4", "caption": "A large group of people are seen standing on ice followed by various shots of curling tools and people playing the sport. A man is seen putting shoes on, walking along the ice while another helps him walk. The men continue to teach him how to glide along the ice and and use the brush to move the puck.", "segments": [[0, 41.85], [42.85, 78.72], [80.72, 199.3]], "duration": 199.3, "id": 9927}, {"image_id": "v_SIKxtWHWybU.mp4", "caption": "A man lays down on the floor over a mat. The man holds a weight ovebe his head. The man exercise holding the weight and raising the folded legs until the chest.", "segments": [[0, 1.05], [1.1, 2.56], [2.56, 9.13]], "duration": 9.13, "id": 9928}, {"image_id": "v_GkPmeXaNY0s.mp4", "caption": "A doctor is speaking while a nurse sits next to him in a medical office. He holds up a bottle of cleanser, and uses a rag to wipe it onto the woman's face, before wiping it clean again. It is also rubbed into her hands.", "segments": [[0, 28.68], [29.76, 92.54], [94.16, 108.23]], "duration": 108.22999999999999, "id": 9929}, {"image_id": "v_L9dtiopWGe4.mp4", "caption": "A table of various cut fruits appear on screen with the title \"Making Drinks\". A person cuts and squeezes lemons followed by the title \"Making Lemonade Is Easy and Fun\". Different items needed to make lemonade are shown and titled followed by interviews. Each step of making lemonade is shown and titled. People are interviewed drinking the lemonade. A \"Citrus Saturday\" logo appears with various supporting organization logos beneath.", "segments": [[0, 4.63], [5.01, 11.96], [11.96, 35.48], [35.87, 52.07], [52.45, 61.32], [61.71, 77.14]], "duration": 77.14, "id": 9930}, {"image_id": "v_wideKBXF-60.mp4", "caption": "An intro appears showing empty glasses, a card that say's \"Audi Polo Challenge 2014\", an Audi flag blowing in the wind, close up shots of a white horse, people with drinks, cars driving, polo riders getting on their horses, and a large group of people near and in a tent both standing and sitting.The polo match begins and the men are riding on hroses that are going very fast as they all attempt to hit the ball with their sticks. There are a lot of celebrities and even royalty at this polo event and every now and then they are shown, and sometimes they are also interviewed. Between matches the people all go out into the grass and put the patches of grass back into the holes that are missing them, and the polo game continues for another round.The polo match ends and Prince Harry and Prince William are seen separately receiving a white box from a man, while they talk and shake hands as people clap and take pictures.", "segments": [[0, 12.37], [12.37, 106.92], [11.49, 64.51], [64.51, 120.17], [120.17, 126.36]], "duration": 176.73, "id": 9931}, {"image_id": "v_q3NOVbRyFfw.mp4", "caption": "People are seen walking in the forest carrying tubes and lead into them sitting in the water. More people climb into the water and sit on top of their tubes. Several close ups are seen of the people riding on the tubes as well as swimming in the water.", "segments": [[0, 39.64], [49.03, 156.48], [117.88, 207.6]], "duration": 208.65, "id": 9932}, {"image_id": "v_uv7COBs24D8.mp4", "caption": "written instructions about how to makea hand lay down are in the screen. man is standing in a basket court dribbling the ball and doing shos to the basket. three basket players are doing shots and showing how to do a two steps technique.", "segments": [[0, 27.62], [0, 46.8], [46.8, 153.44]], "duration": 153.44, "id": 9933}, {"image_id": "v_BtKLAioC21g.mp4", "caption": "A man wearing ski goggles adjusts the camera. Several people are seen skiing down a steep slope. They continue skiing faster and faster as they go downhill.", "segments": [[0, 8.29], [9.33, 142], [145.11, 207.3]], "duration": 207.3, "id": 9934}, {"image_id": "v_Taw5ILRt9hI.mp4", "caption": "There's a woman with red colored hair wearing a black tank top and printed black tights skating on roller blades through the streets of a city. The streets don't have any cars but people are riding bikes or skateboarding. The woman swiftly skates through the crowded streets as she passes by several tourists walking leisurely.", "segments": [[7.55, 23.88], [23.88, 44.84], [44.84, 48.74]], "duration": 48.74, "id": 9935}, {"image_id": "v_8d7FyPzxzjg.mp4", "caption": "A man flies in the air with on a motorcycle. A man makes a motocross circuit using a heavy machine. People runs motocross on an bumpy road. people ride a motorcycle on ramps, and then flies and spin in the air.", "segments": [[21.37, 42.74], [54.25, 68.23], [69.05, 117.54], [118.37, 157]], "duration": 164.4, "id": 9936}, {"image_id": "v_8ZPV7ySIcbM.mp4", "caption": "men are walking to a bike shop and talks with the man inside.they are assembling different pieces of the bike.man says goodbye and leaves the shop and get home where man carry the bike and put it in a living room. man is wriing on white papers and is fixing the bike on the garage.", "segments": [[0, 16.36], [16.36, 87.91], [87.91, 120.63], [120.63, 204.45]], "duration": 204.45, "id": 9937}, {"image_id": "v_U0p4tW1LoPg.mp4", "caption": "A group of people wearing swim caps move around a pool and toss a ball around with a man on the sides waving a flag. They play a game of water polo and throw the ball around to each other. One throws the ball into the net and causes the people on the side to jump and cheer. A video of the event shows in slow motion followed by men on the sidelines watching.", "segments": [[0, 10.81], [10.21, 30.64], [33.34, 39.65], [39.35, 60.07]], "duration": 60.07, "id": 9938}, {"image_id": "v_tJLm2D4J3X0.mp4", "caption": "People are running down a track and jumping into a sand pit. People are standing on the side of the track watching them. The man is posing in front of a sign.", "segments": [[9.45, 177.53], [12.61, 177.53], [179.63, 186.98]], "duration": 210.1, "id": 9939}, {"image_id": "v_f-uRpjoKGLQ.mp4", "caption": "Two people are seen riding along on skis while speaking to one another and leads into them riding down a snowy hill. The people continuously push themselves quickly down a hill moving past several people and ending by stopping at the end.", "segments": [[0, 62.79], [59.59, 212.84]], "duration": 212.84, "id": 9940}, {"image_id": "v_4pSWTD4vAz0.mp4", "caption": "A dog rides on a boat with his owners. A crab is seen crawling on the bottom of a lake. People water ski behind a boat on a calm lake. The person lets go of the tug rope and glides towards the shore of the lake. The group prepare a chair on a sled with a rope on shore. A man is pulled on a sled from the shore then on the lake. The group removes the sled from the water and lifts it to drain the water.", "segments": [[0, 3.38], [4.23, 11.84], [17.76, 66.81], [65.12, 71.04], [74.42, 90.49], [94.72, 134.46], [137, 169.14]], "duration": 169.14, "id": 9941}, {"image_id": "v_S-8ogZOLiWU.mp4", "caption": "We see a man putting on gear and then hockey player walking to the rink. We see the crowd clapping. We see a game of hockey being played. We see people clapping in the crowd. A man's hand is shaken and see the whole team on the ice.", "segments": [[0, 7.95], [7.95, 9.79], [10.09, 38.84], [33.94, 38.23], [43.73, 61.16]], "duration": 61.16, "id": 9942}, {"image_id": "v_YD7pb5-CZdI.mp4", "caption": "An athlete is standing on a field. He is holding a large steel ball. He spins and throws the ball, then walks around the track waiting for his next turn.", "segments": [[0, 13.35], [15.46, 40.06], [41.47, 140.57]], "duration": 140.57, "id": 9943}, {"image_id": "v_Vckc3ZOollk.mp4", "caption": "Several outside views of a casino are shown. Card players and the dealer at a table are shown engaging in a game inside the casino. The dealer deals cards to each player. The dealer reveals the dealer's hand. One man talks to the camera while another man stands nearby.", "segments": [[0, 3.19], [4.79, 148.39], [54.25, 119.67], [139.61, 141.21], [148.39, 159.56]], "duration": 159.56, "id": 9944}, {"image_id": "v_TmnVK-cYrzg.mp4", "caption": "There's a little boy sitting on a bed in the bedroom. There is a laundry basket and a lot of clothes on the bed. The mother of the boy who is filming the video shows a vacuum cleaner. Then she turns the vacuum cleaner on and begins vacuuming the bedroom floor. The boy watches his mom vacuum as he jumps on the bed. the boy then lays down on the bed as he sees his mother finish the job. Then the boy gets off the bed and jumps down to the ground to look under the bedside table.", "segments": [[16.24, 46.5], [46.5, 67.16], [67.16, 84.14], [84.14, 103.33], [103.33, 116.61], [116.61, 129.9], [129.9, 145.4]], "duration": 147.61, "id": 9945}, {"image_id": "v_U_ZW0tTvf0k.mp4", "caption": "A girl is seen laying on a table with a man piercing her belly button below her. The girl screams in pain and the man finishes her piercing while she looks to the camera.", "segments": [[3.86, 39.91], [37.34, 84.98]], "duration": 85.84, "id": 9946}, {"image_id": "v_95L-8JtlwRU.mp4", "caption": "A pair of white and red nike shoes are shown. A man is using inserts to prepare the shoes. He then uses a brush and cleaning solution to wash the shoes.", "segments": [[0, 17.69], [25.28, 89.73], [104.27, 126.39]], "duration": 126.39, "id": 9947}, {"image_id": "v_BpiExjaNwvI.mp4", "caption": "A close up zooms in on a screen. Several adults and kids are outdoors. The kids are riding dirt bikes in a competition. They are shown racing around a course and over hills and taking sharp turns. A boy on a bike stops at the camera, looking intently.", "segments": [[0, 13.86], [18.02, 49.9], [52.67, 103.95], [104.65, 126.82], [128.9, 138.61]], "duration": 138.61, "id": 9948}, {"image_id": "v_99Mk5a8Tvyk.mp4", "caption": "There's a man wearing a red hat and a black shirt training and playing with his dog in a dog park. There are several other people in that park with their dogs, sitting under canopies. The man is throwing a Frisbee for the dog to fetch. The dog is running around and fetching the Frisbee for its owner. The dog jumps up high to catch the Frisbee. The man also throws a ball to the dog for him to fetch. The man lifts the dog up and walks away with it.", "segments": [[14.35, 33.72], [33.72, 60.98], [60.98, 85.37], [85.37, 104.74], [104.74, 111.91], [111.91, 128.41], [128.41, 135.58]], "duration": 143.48, "id": 9949}, {"image_id": "v_kxwTPAhlhpw.mp4", "caption": "A man is standing behind a bar talking. He puts ice in a glass. He pours shots into the glass. He stirs the drink with a straw.", "segments": [[5.81, 99.95], [30.22, 33.12], [36.03, 79.03], [80.77, 84.84]], "duration": 116.22, "id": 9950}, {"image_id": "v_n9Fqjdwh-L8.mp4", "caption": "A man is talking to the camera. A woman in an orange shirt is doing various karate moves. She does a back flip on the mat.", "segments": [[0, 11.06], [11.06, 88.52], [34.08, 35.85]], "duration": 88.52, "id": 9951}, {"image_id": "v_E0U3v4WLuEA.mp4", "caption": "A man demonstrates how to install some grips onto bicycle handles. First he installs some rings onto the grips themselves. Next he screws on some screws to have them ready. He then slides on the grips onto the handles of the bike. He completes the tightening of the grips with an Alan wrench. Last he inserts plugs into the end of the grips and the handle bars.", "segments": [[0, 119.98], [18, 43.79], [43.79, 52.79], [52.19, 58.79], [58.79, 72.59], [72.59, 79.79]], "duration": 119.97999999999999, "id": 9952}, {"image_id": "v_1SdH6HFnOZA.mp4", "caption": "men are playing beach football in a empty court. man kick another player on the head and he holds his head.", "segments": [[0, 56.1], [56.1, 75.83]], "duration": 123.3, "id": 9953}, {"image_id": "v_jPLJAYnjsBw.mp4", "caption": "Two woman are riding in a car. The passenger is talking to the camera. They are demonstrating dance moves. The driver is talking to the camera. The passenger is now talking to the camera. The driver is looking at the camera and smiling while driving. A girl is looking in a mirror holding a tattoo pattern on her shoulder. Another girl is lying on a bed while another girl gives her a tattoo. The other girl is sitting on a stool while a man gives her a tattoo her shoulder. A hand reaches out from behind the camera. A girl is talking to the camera with her hand on her shoulder. Another girl is talking to the camera and making hand gestures. Both girls are talking to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 80.83], [0, 9.09], [0, 56.58], [26.27, 68.71], [43.45, 60.63], [64.67, 80.83], [64.67, 92.96], [108.11, 143.48], [146.51, 157.63], [159.65, 160.66], [163.69, 173.79], [175.81, 196.02], [200.06, 202.08]], "duration": 202.07999999999998, "id": 9954}, {"image_id": "v_lp_Rwbp8S1k.mp4", "caption": "A man in a black coat is shoveling snow with a shovel. He picks up a large shovel full of snow and tosses it next to him. He continues shoveling the driveway.", "segments": [[0, 170.3], [70.67, 85.15], [70.67, 170.3]], "duration": 170.3, "id": 9955}, {"image_id": "v_1tRTSOnylOs.mp4", "caption": "A man is in an arena fighting a bull. He swings the cape and runs near other men, teasing the bull into chasing him. The bull slams into the side of a horse being ridden by a man before running back towards the man with the cape. The man on the horse rides away to the side.", "segments": [[0, 5.16], [5.51, 15.84], [16.18, 55.42], [58.18, 68.85]], "duration": 68.85, "id": 9956}, {"image_id": "v_iL__89eDRzg.mp4", "caption": "An intro comes onto the screen introducing the video clip. Two people are shown frolicking around in the lake. After that, they take off in motion in the water connected by a cord to a speed boat. The video ends when they both fall int the water.", "segments": [[0, 8.94], [9.39, 19.67], [20.11, 86.27], [86.27, 89.4]], "duration": 89.4, "id": 9957}, {"image_id": "v_THtDZ6g9csA.mp4", "caption": "A lady paints her fingernails a plum color. She then puts streaks and dots of black and silver on the nails to create a design. She finishes and shows her painted nails.", "segments": [[0, 21.18], [22.54, 52.14], [52.14, 54.31]], "duration": 54.31, "id": 9958}, {"image_id": "v_lR4vyq1WbyU.mp4", "caption": "A man is seen speaking to others off in the distance and begins pushing a man around a room. He continues pushing the man while many watch on the side. The man stands up and looks surprised as he's continuously pushed down.", "segments": [[1.13, 20.66], [15.78, 51.85], [37.95, 73.26]], "duration": 75.14, "id": 9959}, {"image_id": "v_RZpbFG3j-Bo.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the video are shown. A lady stands outside and talks. The lady is let in an office where she undergoes an eye exam. A eye contact is examined using a tool and a human hand. Several items associated with contacts lenses wear are displayed. A man washes his hand. A lady picks up a contact lens. A man writes the letter l on a paper. A hand bends a contact lens. A man puts a contact lens in. A lady puts each contact lens in. The lady shakes the man's hand. The credits of clip are shown.", "segments": [[2.41, 3.21], [4.82, 14.45], [15.26, 28.91], [32.12, 43.36], [44.16, 65.84], [69.86, 77.08], [80.3, 85.92], [89.13, 93.14], [93.95, 102.78], [103.58, 111.61], [112.41, 145.33], [151.76, 156.58], [146.14, 160.59]], "duration": 160.59, "id": 9960}, {"image_id": "v_Fpivz0Yie_Q.mp4", "caption": "A van towing a car drives by view of blue road signs are shown and in white letters they read \"WALTON\", \"Ontario's West Coast\" and \"MOTORCROSS TOWN\".A lot of people are now shown walking or riding bikes at a large gathering as other people are hanging out under tents.A group of men are at a starting line of a large motor cross track and they begin to go around and around while people watch on.When they are done going around the track various clips of people doing different things are shown again.", "segments": [[0, 4.03], [4.03, 53.34], [53.34, 176.13], [176.13, 201.29]], "duration": 201.29, "id": 9961}, {"image_id": "v_iaqFvTpoceI.mp4", "caption": "Cheerleaders are standing on a blue mat. They start doing a routine on the mat. They hold up signs in the air. They finish their routine and wave at the audience.", "segments": [[0, 194.89], [7.8, 194.89], [105.24, 120.83], [188.06, 194.89]], "duration": 194.89, "id": 9962}, {"image_id": "v_rYumFn7S1YA.mp4", "caption": "A woman is holding an athlete's ankle while sh is on the beam. The woman is making the athlete raiser her ankle a and walk to the beam, she guide the athlete as she walks. The athlete walked backwards with her ankle's up, then the woman guided her as she turns around.", "segments": [[4.61, 11.69], [26.58, 46.77], [36.5, 70.87]], "duration": 70.87, "id": 9963}, {"image_id": "v_qK2iRSxxRQU.mp4", "caption": "A bellydancer in green begins her routine, smiling for the audience. She is joined by two more dancers who are in red and each does their own moves before coming together. They again break for solo performances, each dancer getting a moment to show off. They return to dancing together and the performance ends.", "segments": [[0, 11.83], [14.19, 100.54], [104.09, 180.97], [185.7, 236.56]], "duration": 236.57, "id": 9964}, {"image_id": "v_RkBHHWFh2rk.mp4", "caption": "The video leads into several shots of people riding skateboards as well as riding on a tire and walking next to each other. They're seen looking and laughing to the camera while more shots of people riding down on skateboards are shown.", "segments": [[0, 73.05], [64.31, 141.33]], "duration": 158.8, "id": 9965}, {"image_id": "v_u1upxlAgsqM.mp4", "caption": "Three people do a basketball drill of driving to the hoop. They take turns playing different positions and doing a layup.", "segments": [[0, 45.18], [8, 45.42]], "duration": 47.07, "id": 9966}, {"image_id": "v_arTumJHoLB0.mp4", "caption": "A young man is seen looking off into the distance with lotion on his face. He continues rubbing the lotion in while looking away from the camera. He finishes putting in the sunscreen and looking away from the camera.", "segments": [[0, 2.93], [2.69, 9.77], [9.83, 11.73]], "duration": 12.21, "id": 9967}, {"image_id": "v_bMDyOXygNPM.mp4", "caption": "Several men are seen standing around an indoor court kicking a ball around. People watch the game on the sidelines as the players continue to run up and down the field. Different games are shown in between and the group continues to play.", "segments": [[0, 25.28], [13.83, 71.06], [61.05, 93.48]], "duration": 95.39, "id": 9968}, {"image_id": "v_GfSGZZSGH6g.mp4", "caption": "There are two roofers standing top of a building roof removing working on old roof removal. They are using roofing shovel to remove the shingles and tarp. One of the roofers is peeling off the tarp from the rooftop as he digs in the shovel underneath the tarp. The other roofer is helping him roll up the tarp as he peels it off.", "segments": [[0, 7.76], [0.23, 7.56], [0.89, 4.42], [3.88, 6.63]], "duration": 7.76, "id": 9969}, {"image_id": "v_1p_HYu0EZAk.mp4", "caption": "A camera pans over a sink full of dishes followed by a woman jogging over. She dances with the dishes and looks into the camera while she does them. A timer counts down how many dishes she's washed and she smiles to the camera.", "segments": [[0, 5.24], [5.46, 41.21], [4.1, 43.94]], "duration": 45.54, "id": 9970}, {"image_id": "v__N9LhaKnZv4.mp4", "caption": "A man talks in the woods holding a can and key chain. Then, the man takes the key chain and points the lower part of the can. After, the man pocks the lower part of the can and intermediately opens the can and drinks from the hole of the can.", "segments": [[2.9, 25.58], [25.58, 53.09], [53.09, 96.53]], "duration": 96.53, "id": 9971}, {"image_id": "v_a2vaM_aRHv4.mp4", "caption": "A list of ingredients is shown written in a list. Glass bowls are set on a counter with various ingredients for a dish. A person measures and cuts parchment paper using a cooking tin as a guide. The person measures ingredients in a glass bowl then adds them to an electric mixer to blend. The person brushes on oil to the parchment paper then sets it into a cooking tin. The tins are added to an oven to cook. The tins are shown fully cooked and then flipped over to empty cake onto table. The parchment paper is peeled off the cake. The cake is sliced into loaves with a serrated knife. The cake is seen on plates for serving.", "segments": [[14.18, 17.73], [18.61, 20.39], [20.39, 52.29], [53.18, 99.27], [100.15, 116.99], [120.54, 130.29], [123.2, 132.06], [139.15, 144.47], [150.67, 160.42], [165.74, 170.17]], "duration": 177.26, "id": 9972}, {"image_id": "v_6FPoGGaox4g.mp4", "caption": "A woman is helping a little boy slide down a slide. A woman is at the top of a slide helping a little boy slide down into the arms of another person in a red vest. A woman is helping the boy down a slide and the same person in the red vest catches them. The person in the red vest then kissed the child.", "segments": [[0, 8.55], [10.23, 15.7], [17.38, 24.11], [24.68, 28.04]], "duration": 28.04, "id": 9973}, {"image_id": "v_KaicDn9WDUo.mp4", "caption": "Ballerinas are dancing on a stage. They all come onto the stage and pose at the end. They bow and walk off the stage.", "segments": [[0, 183.25], [182.23, 183.25], [182.23, 204.75]], "duration": 204.75, "id": 9974}, {"image_id": "v_srXhWAGzd-s.mp4", "caption": "A person is shown cleaning off the outside of a car. The car is then driven inside of a shop. Inside a man starts detailing the car once again and cleaning off the outside. He spray paints parts of the car. He sprays cleaner on the inside and outside of the car. He wipes down all surfaces from inside and outside the car.", "segments": [[5.46, 25.1], [89.49, 105.86], [106.95, 175.71], [137.51, 156.06], [127.69, 210.63], [181.16, 210.63]], "duration": 218.27, "id": 9975}, {"image_id": "v_wott7JRSkOk.mp4", "caption": "Two men plays soccer table moving the players on the rods. A man wearing yellow shirt stroke the rod strong to hit the white ball. A person stands on front the soccer table.", "segments": [[0, 3.49], [3.52, 5.41], [0, 5.41]], "duration": 5.41, "id": 9976}, {"image_id": "v_6ZabZdqdLyA.mp4", "caption": "Two small children are playing on a swingset on a snow covered yard. One child runs over to a swingset, but decides to change over to a green swing. An adult helps the child onto the swing. The other child also wants to join the first child on the same swing, and holds the swing steady while the child climbs on. The child is able to climb on, and the two children enjoy swinging together as the adult pushes the swing forward.", "segments": [[0, 8.62], [11.13, 17.24], [17.6, 33.04], [33.4, 47.04], [47.4, 62.48]], "duration": 71.82, "id": 9977}, {"image_id": "v_RTS4mOH3cFY.mp4", "caption": "A residential security video is playing and shows an empty yard and road. A man walking two dogs show up walking on the side closer to the camera, and he quickly notices another dog from the other side of the road suddenly coming his way so he tries to tighten up his dogs leash to gain control of them, but the other dog begins running towards them and starts attacking the man's dogs. The man kicks the attack dog away and tries to regain control of his two dogs while the man and the other dog is on the other side of the road. The man picks up one of his dogs and they resume walking.", "segments": [[0, 21.14], [21.14, 41.59], [41.59, 90.69], [90.69, 136.37]], "duration": 136.37, "id": 9978}, {"image_id": "v_n6A8YtBAJX0.mp4", "caption": "We see a man and a boy playing by sliding a plastic thing around table. The camera shifts and we see more of the room. The camera angle changes and we see them playing the game from behind. A persons hand on the left enters the screen. The camera angle changes again and we are in front of the players. We see a boy in a sweater moving a chair to sit and join the game.", "segments": [[0, 179.82], [67.43, 79.12], [115.98, 143.85], [143.85, 148.35], [149.25, 179.82], [163.63, 179.82]], "duration": 179.82, "id": 9979}, {"image_id": "v_V-Yz865cbn4.mp4", "caption": "A young child is seen smiling to the camera and then begins dancing around. The boy continues dancing while the camera captures him moving up and down.", "segments": [[0.27, 13.65], [12.83, 26.21]], "duration": 27.3, "id": 9980}, {"image_id": "v_Hlc6FXX5kGs.mp4", "caption": "A baby girl is holding a compact, wiping the makeup pad against her cheek. She sits on the floor, continuing to play with the makeup, opening and closing the case, and wiping it onto her face.", "segments": [[0, 31.17], [35.54, 109.37]], "duration": 109.37, "id": 9981}, {"image_id": "v_mdwbRGlPn3A.mp4", "caption": "Three men are walking with the stilts. One of the men with stilts splits at the center. One of the men jumped so high several time with his stilts.", "segments": [[0, 29.21], [5.11, 16.5], [11.54, 29.21]], "duration": 29.21, "id": 9982}, {"image_id": "v_xwSeXFkTNlE.mp4", "caption": "A gymnast is patiently waiting to start his performance. He jumps on to the board and starts spinning really fast before he jumps off and walks around. He take a breath and the audience claps for him before he jumps back on it and starts spinning again. When he is done he walks down and shakes hands with all the team mates, before he gets on one last time.", "segments": [[0, 13.78], [12.97, 42.16], [42.16, 91.61], [91.61, 154.85]], "duration": 162.15, "id": 9983}, {"image_id": "v_bbDWLOPnWOY.mp4", "caption": "A man in a blue shirt moves to take his shot. He then talks to the other men. The man in black moves out of the shot. The man in black and blue throw their hands in the air. All of the men break out and react wildly to the last shot.", "segments": [[0, 37.19], [7.9, 18.85], [15.54, 24.45], [24.71, 28.53], [38.21, 50.95]], "duration": 50.95, "id": 9984}, {"image_id": "v_GnbyHdd-BjQ.mp4", "caption": "People are snowboarding down a hill of snow. They are sitting down drinking coffee. They are standing next to a body of water. They are snowboarding down a hill again. A girl is laying down sleeping. They are eating dinner around a table. They leave their snowboards and walk into a cabin.", "segments": [[0, 41.58], [42.65, 45.84], [51.17, 55.44], [59.7, 79.96], [115.14, 118.34], [135.4, 139.66], [179.11, 203.63]], "duration": 213.23, "id": 9985}, {"image_id": "v_mcDVNexy6Ps.mp4", "caption": "A woman is standing in front of a christmas tree, applying a wreath. She then hangs lights and ornaments. At the end, she adjusts the ornaments and adds a star to the top of the tree.", "segments": [[0, 6.26], [7.93, 28.17], [28.79, 41.73]], "duration": 41.73, "id": 9986}, {"image_id": "v_FJnCSFPoWVU.mp4", "caption": "A man is sitting on the rock, then people are climbing the big rocks without harness. People are walking in a rope attached to two trees.", "segments": [[0, 153.69], [152.63, 213.46]], "duration": 213.46, "id": 9987}, {"image_id": "v_0T14tLwBafQ.mp4", "caption": "We see people playing volleyball in sand with a dog. We see a man laying in the sand. The dog runs for the ball. A person throws the ball back and the dog returns. The dog tries to get the ball. A man kicks sand at and shoos the dog.", "segments": [[0, 38.47], [5.96, 7.5], [6.35, 9.04], [16.35, 21.93], [31.35, 32.5], [34.62, 38.47]], "duration": 38.47, "id": 9988}, {"image_id": "v_fxqzU9KGOsQ.mp4", "caption": "Several young kids are in a gym playing dodge wall with medium sized red balls.As they throw the balls,a little girl tries to join in on the action and begins following them and running from one side of the court to the other to chase the balls.", "segments": [[0, 23.02], [23.26, 47.95]], "duration": 47.95, "id": 9989}, {"image_id": "v_0McanL-Gob8.mp4", "caption": "A woman is lying down, showing off a tattoo on her side. A man in a surgical mask is preparing her as he continues his work on the tattoo. He cleans and wipes down the tattoo. She is finished, showing off the final product.", "segments": [[0, 38.88], [43.46, 156.67], [158.96, 195.55], [197.84, 228.72]], "duration": 228.72, "id": 9990}, {"image_id": "v_Oyi0X-rwUg8.mp4", "caption": "A man is holding another man on his shoulders in a wrestling ring as the crowd cheers and watches. the man throws the man on his shoulder to the ground. Both men lay on the ground int he ring.", "segments": [[0, 0.75], [0.68, 3.33], [3.5, 4.83]], "duration": 4.83, "id": 9991}, {"image_id": "v_snUWwTH8eQg.mp4", "caption": "teams are playing fusal in a small court running side to side of the court. a lot of people are celebrating the vicory and hugging.", "segments": [[0, 72.38], [72.38, 77.42]], "duration": 77.42, "id": 9992}, {"image_id": "v_ObOkhXGu7oY.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen walking into frame with a bar in her hands. She puts the bar down and begins exercising in a humerus way while speaking to the audience. The audience laughs at her movements while she continues to move and dance around the stage.", "segments": [[0, 65.16], [61.79, 170.77], [135.94, 221.33]], "duration": 224.7, "id": 9993}, {"image_id": "v_QIkDYInr17A.mp4", "caption": "Two young children are seen standing behind a table with one peeling lemons and a boy watching on the side. Another child is seen squeezing lemons and zooms in on the kids working. The kids continue to squeeze the lemon while looking and waving to the camera and speaking on the side.", "segments": [[3.64, 57.5], [33.48, 112.81], [106.99, 141.93]], "duration": 145.57, "id": 9994}, {"image_id": "v_adUapXmi-xA.mp4", "caption": "A person is seen sitting behind a table with one holding a piece of paper around him. The man then attempts to solve a rubix cube while a timer catches his score. The man writes down his score and the man attempts to solve the cube several more times while the boy helps.", "segments": [[2.42, 39.97], [40.57, 82.36], [84.78, 115.06]], "duration": 121.12, "id": 9995}, {"image_id": "v_xBtydVn3MVI.mp4", "caption": "A man films himself standing in a bathroom while holding a razor close to his face. He begins gently shaving the sides of his face and moves down towards his beard. He continues shaving the beard from all angles and eventually leaves nothing but a five 0 lock shadow.", "segments": [[4.35, 154.97], [16.54, 61.82], [61.82, 167.16]], "duration": 174.13, "id": 9996}, {"image_id": "v_-ypKYhjrlXw.mp4", "caption": "A medical worker is sitting at a table with a woman and talking to the camera. He moves a can and touches two other cans. He picks up a can and sprays it on the woman's arm and rubs it. He picks up another can and talks about it then sprays her arm again and rubs the cream in. He picks up a third container and puts it on her arm and rubs it in as well. He picks up a fourth tube and puts the cream on her hand and rubs it in. He does this again with a fifth cream. He then takes a compact of brown powder, presents it to the camera and puts it back down.", "segments": [[0, 37.24], [37.24, 74.48], [51.07, 74.48], [74.48, 94.7], [94.7, 110.66], [110.66, 151.1], [151.1, 180.89], [180.89, 212.81]], "duration": 212.81, "id": 9997}, {"image_id": "v_f-4PjtdFbP4.mp4", "caption": "A little girl is blowing leaves in fall outside of a house. She pauses for a moment to get a better grasp of the leaf blower. She walks by a little boy and continues to blow the leaves.", "segments": [[0, 2.98], [2.92, 7.11], [7.11, 12.7]], "duration": 12.7, "id": 9998}, {"image_id": "v_JN1mex2vCjI.mp4", "caption": "A man with a pony tail is seen walking along a rope with another man watching him and smiling in the background. The man turns around, loses his balance, and falls off the rope. The man watches attempts to walk and falls off as well in the end.", "segments": [[0, 13.01], [13.24, 17.66], [17.89, 46.46]], "duration": 46.46, "id": 9999}, {"image_id": "v_0IFJNGqjsUQ.mp4", "caption": "A man talks to the camera while holding a leash type of object with a bag in his hand. The scene transitions to the leash being use on a dog. The scene transitions to a closeup of the man disassembling and reassembling the leash. The scene transitions to the leash being used on a dog again. The man is shown in a closeup interacting with and petting the dog.", "segments": [[0, 10.63], [11.22, 18.9], [18.9, 87.98], [89.16, 95.07], [103.93, 109.24]], "duration": 118.1, "id": 10000}, {"image_id": "v_b0LY869JBrE.mp4", "caption": "A woman is showing her fingernails. A bottle of acetone is shown. The acetone is being poured into a small glass. A woman is now holding a napkin. A makeup brush is being held. A bottle of nail polish is shown. A person starts painting their fingernails. Another bottle of nail polish is shown. The person continues painting their nails. They use the makeup brush and dip it in the acetone. They rub the brush on their fingernail. They use a wooden stick to clean the side of their nails. A clear bottle of nail polish is shown. She then paints that over her nails.", "segments": [[0, 9.32], [10.17, 15.25], [22.03, 25.42], [27.11, 29.66], [30.5, 37.28], [38.98, 40.67], [41.52, 49.99], [49.99, 54.23], [56.77, 70.33], [73.72, 76.26], [84.73, 132.18], [132.18, 148.28], [148.28, 149.97], [155.06, 163.53]], "duration": 169.46, "id": 10001}, {"image_id": "v_6HyNydVIji4.mp4", "caption": "We see a lady holding a flute. We see the song title. We see a lady performing a song on a flute. The girl pauses and plays again. The girl finishes playing and smiles at the camera.", "segments": [[0, 1.12], [1.12, 4.49], [4.49, 223.21], [159.27, 164.88], [223.21, 224.33]], "duration": 224.32999999999998, "id": 10002}, {"image_id": "v_QyTiHhG9qf0.mp4", "caption": "Teens drive electric bumper cars in an oval circuit while people watch behind the fence. Two girls in a yellow car get stuck,but then they continue driving. All the cars are stuck on the track, then one car gets out and the others get free to continue driving. Then, all cars stop and the teen get out the cars.", "segments": [[2.9, 96.26], [25.33, 54.28], [92.64, 139.69], [139.69, 144.75]], "duration": 144.75, "id": 10003}, {"image_id": "v_A_4yI6vh03I.mp4", "caption": "The credits of the clip are shown. Instructions of how to pole vault is presented. A person holds a elongated, hollow stick. A guy runs with a elongated stick and uses it to elevate himself over a heighten hurdle.The top of the hurdle falls apart. A man uses an elongated stick to elevate himself over a heighten hurdle. The credits of the video are shown.", "segments": [[0, 6.31], [7.01, 129.01], [61, 67.31], [68.01, 78.53], [78.53, 79.93], [110.78, 126.2], [130.41, 140.23]], "duration": 140.23, "id": 10004}, {"image_id": "v_hPIHCG5n7RI.mp4", "caption": "A small group of people are seen playing a game of lacrosse on a field with a man walking towards them. The man yells to the players as they run up and down the field and continues to watch them as they play.", "segments": [[0, 49.71], [42.06, 109.25]], "duration": 109.25, "id": 10005}, {"image_id": "v_uh-H5Gmt4PI.mp4", "caption": "A bald man is standing in an industrial building with a lot of glass on the ceiling.The male's friend then grabs a bar and begins lifting weights and jerking.All of the actions continue but with different people as various people step up to grab the bar.", "segments": [[0, 17.41], [17.41, 63.29], [62.77, 105.49]], "duration": 105.49000000000001, "id": 10006}, {"image_id": "v_Bg-0ibLZrgg.mp4", "caption": "People surf in the ocean and a man pass under a huge wave. A man surfs in a small wave along the beach. Then, the man get out the water, after he takes surfboard and return to surf in a high wave. People swim in the beach.", "segments": [[0, 31.82], [31.82, 78.48], [81.66, 202.57], [171.81, 172.87]], "duration": 212.12, "id": 10007}, {"image_id": "v_nlkmPF8TBdQ.mp4", "caption": "People gather in a restaurant, then a cooker shows pasta and ingredients while talking. The cooker cuts and fries squid in a pot, then he adds salt and vinegar. Then, the cooker cut tomatoes and add to the squid, also adds garlic, pepper and green vegetables. After, the cooker adds water and covers the pot with aluminum paper. Next, the cooker add the pasta to the squid and mix, then he and serves in a dish while talking.", "segments": [[0, 46.26], [46.26, 71.57], [72.45, 106.49], [106.49, 110.85], [110.85, 171.08]], "duration": 174.57, "id": 10008}]}