diff --git "a/test_mismatched.jsonl" "b/test_mismatched.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/test_mismatched.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9847 +0,0 @@ -{"text1":"What have you decided, what are you going to do?","text2":"So what's your decision?","label":-1,"idx":0,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Women's clothing is characterized by great diversity in styles and short production runs.","text2":"Men's clothing typically has the most stylistic diversity unlike the blandness of women's fashion.","label":-1,"idx":1,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reports from two flight attendants in the coach cabin, Betty Ong and Madeline Amy Sweeney, tell us most of what we know about how the hijacking happened.","text2":"The report on the hijacking was over five hundred pages long.","label":-1,"idx":2,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about 9:20, security personnel at FAA headquarters set up a hijacking teleconference with several agencies, including the Defense Department.","text2":"The teleconference lasted for 13 straight hours.","label":-1,"idx":3,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" So we've got a couple of aircraft up there that have those instructions at this present time?","text2":"At the present time, there weren't any aircraft in the air, right?","label":-1,"idx":4,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have not seen the word list, but, from the directory of programs I can invoke on the monitor, I know it contains about 223,000 characters, or about 37,000 words.","text2":"There are no words on the lift.","label":-1,"idx":5,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"William Dillard's simple maxim1 succinctly captures the central'and perennial'inventory challenge facing retail managers.","text2":"Dillard believes retail managers are better off fixing their own problems.","label":-1,"idx":6,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said that saw drifted down and hit him right across the back of his thumb.","text2":"The hammer hit the back of this thumb.","label":-1,"idx":7,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One that will allow you to change pain into relief, anger into love, despair into opportunity -- and assure you that you'll be making central Indiana a better place to live, work and prosper.","text2":"We could not do these changes without your generous help.","label":-1,"idx":8,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one who generously supports the law school, you understand the importance of alumni contributions in providing an excellent legal education for our students.","text2":"You have no idea how important alumni contributions are. ","label":-1,"idx":9,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fact that Graham has found that citations for such usage exist (how old they may be is of little consequence) is not to be construed as evidence that they (necessarily) existed in sufficient profusion to warrant acceptance by the English-speaking populations.","text2":"The citations found shouldn't be used as proof of the point.","label":-1,"idx":10,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our entire profession will benefit greatly from this endowment.","text2":"This endowment will cause harm to our profession. ","label":-1,"idx":11,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Re the article on Cuthbert, Dickens uses intercourse to mean `communication between people' in A Christmas Carol when Scrooge says I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse to the third Spirit.","text2":"Dickens has used the term intercourse to signify communication between at least two people.","label":-1,"idx":12,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Center is assessing the ways in which youth programs in central Indiana introduce and explore diverse cultural experiences.","text2":"The center is finding ways youth programs can explore different cultures.","label":-1,"idx":13,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't try to make any stupid moves.","text2":"Do not do anything stupid. ","label":-1,"idx":14,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will the customer buy a substitute item if a particular item is out of stock or return to the same store at a later date to purchase the item when it is again in stock?","text2":"Sugar substitutes are actually a very popular item in today's America.","label":-1,"idx":15,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The phone call ended.","text2":"The phone call concluded.","label":-1,"idx":16,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"point-blank In ballistics, a weapon fired point-blank is one whose sights are aimed directly at a target so that the projectile speeds to its destination in a flat trajectory.","text2":"Nobody has ever survived being shot point-blank by a firearm.","label":-1,"idx":17,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and everything like that, because the people like that are the ones that are disappointed the most and then like end up nowhere.","text2":"The people like that are rarely disappointed and end up going great places.","label":-1,"idx":18,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, but uh, mom would always sit us around at home at the evenings, um, and tell us about her days growing up.","text2":"Mom works night shifts and leaves home at 5pm.","label":-1,"idx":19,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shared activities were especially crucial for children of mothers who had increased their hours of employment during the preceding 3 years, often from part-time to full-time.","text2":"Shared activities help children whose mothers have less time to spend with them.","label":-1,"idx":20,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teach children.","text2":"Educate children.","label":-1,"idx":21,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The focus was on the President's statement to the nation.","text2":"Everyone waited for the President's statement.","label":-1,"idx":22,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NEADS air defenders never located the flight or followed it on their radar scopes.","text2":"The NEADS defenders located the flight soon.","label":-1,"idx":23,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do the make-believe scenes just described, and others like them, serve as major sources of development?","text2":"The make-believe scenes help development.","label":-1,"idx":24,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And where are you from?","text2":"Where might you be from?","label":-1,"idx":25,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now she works at US Aid.","text2":"She is now employed by US Aid.","label":-1,"idx":26,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although product variety in apparel has historically been associated with the fashion end of the industry, the number of products available to U.S. consumers in almost every apparel category has grown significantly over the past two decades.","text2":"The fashion side of the clothing industry has always offered the least amount of choices.","label":-1,"idx":27,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soon after the Prophet's death, the question of choosing a new leader, or caliph, for the Muslim community, or Ummah, arose.","text2":"Soon after the Prophet died, they had to figure out how to choose a new leader.","label":-1,"idx":28,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the reconstruction project, elders took advantage of the opportunity not only to teach Hopi language and culture to their children, but also to restore a sense of balance and spiritual integrity to their community.","text2":"The elders restored a sense of balance to the community.","label":-1,"idx":29,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If a product has seasonal sales trends, then the manufacturer's inventory must rise to meet customer demand during peak seasonal demand.","text2":"The inventory of the manufacturer will increase well ahead of customer demand and seasonal trends.","label":-1,"idx":30,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Thus in the Chinese spoken language of that time we have two homophones, one meant `the Viet (people or kingdom),' the other simply `extreme, to exceed.","text2":"In the history of the Chinese language there is no word for 'the Viet'.","label":-1,"idx":31,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She uh, she'd had laryngitis and the doctor told her if you don't quit smoking you'll never talk.","text2":"30 years of heaving smoking put her voice at stake, her doctor told her.","label":-1,"idx":32,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh-huh, and I still do.","text2":"I'm not doing it.","label":-1,"idx":33,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A final instance will make my point.","text2":"There is no questioning my points because I am very experienced in the automotive industry.","label":-1,"idx":34,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Life isn't easy for Ted, but he's determined to raise his children himself and be a good role model for them.","text2":"Ted is determined to raise his children himself and be a good role model for them, but it is not always easy.","label":-1,"idx":35,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each return was associated with a processing cost roughly equivalent to 25 percent of its value.","text2":"If you return an item, there is a 25% processing cost. ","label":-1,"idx":36,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Computer layout systems also improve the quality of the finished apparel by preventing marker-makers from tilting the pieces by more than a predetermined amount, typically three or four degrees.","text2":"The precision of the computer system is what produces those results.","label":-1,"idx":37,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Accordingly, the last chapter of this book is devoted to our reflections on the impact of channel integration on certain public policy issues.","text2":"The book is critical of channel integration on public policy issues.","label":-1,"idx":38,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dozens of additional militants arrived on later flights.","text2":"The blockade stopped militants from arriving by aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":39,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I plowed through a bunch of them that summer.","text2":"I plowed through a bunch of them over the winter.","label":-1,"idx":40,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the al Qaeda representatives explained his it's easy to kill more people with uranium.","text2":"They never got their nuclear program completely implemented.","label":-1,"idx":41,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In contrast, a men's dress suit might be cut from a single ply, or from five or six plies of the same or different material.","text2":"Men's dress suits can be cut from a variety of plies or using different material.","label":-1,"idx":42,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President's guidance was we need to take them out.","text2":"The Vice President had no opinion of how we should proceed. ","label":-1,"idx":43,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can write my name on the deposit slip.","text2":"I can put my name on the slip to make it easier for you.","label":-1,"idx":44,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".characteristics of secular humanism .","text2":"Characteristics of secular humanism. ","label":-1,"idx":45,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet it would also be misleading to ignore the significance of these connections.","text2":"The significance of these connections can never be ignored by anyone.","label":-1,"idx":46,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there any particular reason?","text2":"Is there a specific reason?","label":-1,"idx":47,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Haznawi was selected by CAPPS.","text2":"CAPPS chose Haznawi.","label":-1,"idx":48,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are just some of the ways your gift can touch lives right here in central ","text2":"Ways your gift can make a difference here.","label":-1,"idx":49,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was an aircraft that in fact had not been hijacked at all.","text2":"It was a small jet that in fact was never hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":50,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His son told I think they've taken over the cockpit-An attendant has been stabbed- and someone else up front may have been killed.","text2":"His son said that someone may have been killed.","label":-1,"idx":51,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Urban did excellent with his cane, but with Cameron, Urban gets from point A to point B in a snap- quicker than I can take him.","text2":"Urban can get from point A to point B very quickly when he is with Cameron.","label":-1,"idx":52,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All right, this is Elissa Adams and Elissa, you've lived in Charlotte for--","text2":"Elissa Adams has been my friend for five years.","label":-1,"idx":53,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Prostrate is a more common word that prostate , so prostrate is what we get.","text2":"The word prostrate is used more often than prostate.","label":-1,"idx":54,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We Need Your Help Are you seeking a worthwhile cause that really changes people's lives for the better... where every dollar goes directly to provide services in the community...one you would be proud to be part of and support?","text2":"This company would like donations, and you would be donating to a worthwhile cause you'd be proud to support.","label":-1,"idx":55,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the family, Bronfenbrenner noted, continues to have primary responsibility for children's character development, it lacks the strength needed to do the job because parents and children no longer spend enough time together.","text2":"Bronfenbrenner said the family is responsible for the kid's character development.","label":-1,"idx":56,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They know.","text2":"They are aware of it. ","label":-1,"idx":57,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was compelled to pay strict attention (for four or five hours at a time) to setting, lighting, music, gesture, singing, pace of over-all presentation; to this or that role's performance, costume, formal distancing from the audience (Noh) or Globe-like intimacy with the audience (Kabuki); to traditional methods of men's playing women's parts, audience's anticipation and shouted recognition of favorite plays and actors and moments, tone of voice, etc.","text2":"I was paid a lot for this work.","label":-1,"idx":58,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result, between 1972 and 1992 the annual rate of new shopping-center construction outpaced the growth in population and potential consumers.","text2":"Consumer demand for new shopping centers was too high to keep up with.","label":-1,"idx":59,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".characteristics of secular humanism .","text2":"There are no characteristics of secular humanism. ","label":-1,"idx":60,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift of $100 could mean two days of overnight camping for an underprivileged child.","text2":"A child could camp overnight for two days in the city with $100.","label":-1,"idx":61,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YWCA programs are carried out on the YWCA campus, in schools, shelters, public housing communities, correctional facilities and other locations throughout central Indiana.","text2":"The YWCA programs are only carried out on the YWCA campus.","label":-1,"idx":62,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather than frustrating or disappointing the child, self-restraint is the route to maximum pleasure.","text2":"self-restraint could be difficult for children to execute.","label":-1,"idx":63,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That has greatly enhanced our response to new trends, reduced turnaround times and increased the flexibility of all those involved in the buying process.","text2":"Everyone involved in the buying process became less flexible due to this.","label":-1,"idx":64,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"of a chapter or an entry in a dictionary). ","text2":"Of a section in a dictionary","label":-1,"idx":65,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you feel like, do you think it would have been different if you had gone to school in Boston or someplace else up north?","text2":"Where schools are located has no bearing on performance. ","label":-1,"idx":66,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They have not a rag to cover their nakedness, and neither the weakness of age nor women's infirmities are any plea to excuse them, but they are driven by blows until they drop dead. ","text2":"The couldn't cover his nakedness.","label":-1,"idx":67,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Schools, too, Elkind maintains, hurry and stress children by assigning too much tedious work and rushing them from one subject to another, depriving them of time to think and a sense of completion.","text2":"Elkind maintains that too assigning too much tedious work can hurry and stress children.","label":-1,"idx":68,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does Daddy do voices when he does Three Little Pigs?","text2":"Does your dad change his voice when he reads Three Little Pigs before bedtime?","label":-1,"idx":69,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service told us they were anxious to move the President to a safer location, but did not think it imperative for him to run out the door.","text2":"The Secret Service was working diligently on a plan to relocated the President.","label":-1,"idx":70,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As neurons form connections, a new factor becomes vital in their stimulation.","text2":"Neurons form connections.","label":-1,"idx":71,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel-makers confront frequent changes in styles and new SKUs, while textile manufacturers seek long runs to keep capacity operating round-the-clock.","text2":"Textile manufactures usually seek short runs to continue operating all day.","label":-1,"idx":72,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(British linguist Deborah Cameron in Feminism and Linguistic Theory doubts these lacunae, suggesting that English is flexible, and that women are disadvantaged primarily by alienation from high language.)","text2":"Deborah Cameron doubts the gaps and instead proposes that the English language is not rigid and women are disadvantaged mainly due to lack of contact with high language.","label":-1,"idx":73,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We lived in uh, in dairy land country and uh, little things you missed which now I don't know if I like or not.","text2":"We lived in the country, and I don't know how I feel about it.","label":-1,"idx":74,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When an artilleryman broke and ran, the enemy could turn the guns to their own use.","text2":"During a battle, weapons were never left behind that could be used by the enemy.","label":-1,"idx":75,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Authors\/Publishers\/ Editors\/Agents Thrown to the Reviews and Reviewers","text2":"Chefs and manufacturers thrown to the reviews and reviewers.","label":-1,"idx":76,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, as we in the dictionary biz are only too well aware, an earlier citation might be found today or tomorrow, making the information obsolete.","text2":"We are not in the dictionary business.","label":-1,"idx":77,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now we, now we didn't, we didn't pay attention to the kids, we had forgotten about the kids, we were going to attend to my brother.","text2":"We totally forgot about the kids while focusing on my brother.","label":-1,"idx":78,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At approximately 9:36, Cleveland advised the Command Center that it was still tracking United 93 and specifically inquired whether someone had requested the military to launch fighter aircraft to intercept the aircraft.","text2":"Someone responded that they had indeed sent fighters up.","label":-1,"idx":79,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"General Arnold then called NORAD headquarters to report.","text2":"General Arnold put off calling NORAD headquarters.","label":-1,"idx":80,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are based, just like the traditional pun, on ","text2":"These and traditional puns aren't at all related to one another.","label":-1,"idx":81,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about 8:55, the controller in charge notified a New York Center manager that she believed United 175 had also been hijacked.","text2":"Before 9am the woman let someone know she thought there was a highjacking.","label":-1,"idx":82,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He continued to do so after he arrived in Sudan.","text2":"He stopped doing so after he arrived in Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":83,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Heads up man, it looks like another one coming in.","text2":"It looks like there isn't another one at all.","label":-1,"idx":84,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do enjoy reading the um, stories related to Guideposts or uh, what's another, Reader's Digest, they come in.","text2":"I hate reading magazines with stories in them.","label":-1,"idx":85,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Manufacturers'whether of suits, CDs, office products, or pasta'generally classify products in terms of product lines.","text2":"Manufacturers do not rely on production lines to organize their products.","label":-1,"idx":86,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Blankenships were kind of an odd couple in that uh both of them chewed tobacco and spit into little spittoons.","text2":"That habit the Blankenships had of chewing on tobacco was gross.","label":-1,"idx":87,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents who intervene in their child's TV viewing so it is in keeping with the zone transform the TV medium from a negative to a positive force in the child's mental life, and they promote favorable cognitive and social development in many other ways as well.","text2":"Parents who control their kid's tv viewing downplay social development.","label":-1,"idx":88,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Ah yeah, fond, fond memories.","text2":"I remember.","label":-1,"idx":89,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To the same question, American and Israeli urban children typically respond, I would want to see whose picture was the best, or I might be wondering whether she got more right than I did. ","text2":"The same question was not asked to American urban children.","label":-1,"idx":90,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The network included a major business enterprise in Cyprus; a services branch in Zagreb; an office of the Benevolence International Foundation in Sarajevo, which supported the Bosnian Muslims in their conflict with Serbia and Croatia; and an NGO in Baku, Azerbaijan, that was employed as well by Egyptian Islamic Jihad both as a source and conduit for finances and as a support center for the Muslim rebels in Chechnya.","text2":"In addition to branches in Zagreb and Bosnia, the network had an enterprise in South Africa.","label":-1,"idx":91,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It shows our address and phone number in Indianapolis, but through our Service Extension Office, we can put the person in contact with the volunteer representative in Clinton County.","text2":"We are able to transfer calls through our Service Extension Office.","label":-1,"idx":92,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year Jameson Camp is planning an Inaugural fund-raising The Jameson Grill!","text2":"Last year The Jameson Grill was the inaugural fund raising event presented by the Jameson Camp.","label":-1,"idx":93,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking aim at military slang because it is itinerant and erroneous misses the mark completely.","text2":"Milatary slang is not itinerant and erroneous.","label":-1,"idx":94,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know, but they're rather pleasant memories of childhood and I certainly wouldn't trade them for anything.","text2":"My childhood was pleasant. ","label":-1,"idx":95,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, the number of independent department stores'usually a single-site enterprise of relatively moderate size'declined dramatically in the 1980s.","text2":"During the 80's independent stores grew in popularity.","label":-1,"idx":96,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A wealth of research reveals that for children to develop at their best, the experiences adults provide must be adapted not just to children's general neurological progress, but also to their unique temperamental needs.","text2":"Lots of research reveals that for kids to develop at their best, adults need to adapt experiences to their unique temperaments and discuss it with them.","label":-1,"idx":97,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're just picking him up now.","text2":"We haven't picked him up yet.","label":-1,"idx":98,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My Big Brother acts like a friend, but since he's an adult I get to make use of all his experience.","text2":"I am an only child who has no siblings.","label":-1,"idx":99,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Brown does not know how that happened.","text2":"It is a mystery to Brown how that occurred.","label":-1,"idx":100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".the lecture was heavy with the importance of dream state, pulse and heart rate, vaginal tumescence and temperature change, rapid eye movement and the size and frequency of penal erection. ","text2":"The lecture stressed the importance of the dream state, heart rate and pulse, and temperature change.","label":-1,"idx":101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' This 19th-century neologism was obviously derived directly from the -nd marker of the active gerund in Latin, which suggests the therapist (active agent) rather than the patient (the recipient, the one the treatment acts upon).","text2":"The term neologism was first coined in the 20th century.","label":-1,"idx":102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Raymond Borel Junior, born September 20th 1968.","text2":"Raymond Borel Junior wasn't born on September.","label":-1,"idx":103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alamo , the site of the Texas defeat by Santa Ana; hoosegow from juzgado `court'; dinero `money,' a Spanish corruption of the Latin denarius; macho , from the same root as machete : he who wields a machete must be skillful and powerful, hence the word has come to mean `virile' and its associated noun, machismo , `virility.","text2":"The Texas defeat by Santa Ana happened at the Alamo. ","label":-1,"idx":104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miles's book is riddled with many similar distortions, convenient omissions, and ","text2":"Miles's book has a lot of omissions that historians were upset about.","label":-1,"idx":105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Examples of this type of linguistic osmosis as GI , poop , honcho , gook , and gung-ho , all of which are now understood by a substantial number of Americans who have never been in the military service.","text2":"These words are used by people who have never been in the military before.","label":-1,"idx":106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Best regards!","text2":"I wish the best for you and will talk to you soon hopefully.","label":-1,"idx":107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, too, one must examine the techniques used to group the many languages of the world.","text2":"I've examined countless techniques, but none of them could be used to group languages.","label":-1,"idx":108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He kept shining his light up.","text2":"For some reason, he kept the light fixed at the ground.","label":-1,"idx":109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fundamental changes in inventory policies in retail and manufacturing may significantly affect price levels as well.","text2":"The changes to policies will probably affect prices.","label":-1,"idx":110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The focus of department stores tends to be on the middle and higher portion of the fashion triangle; consequently, lean retailing came later to this segment of the industry.","text2":"The department stores specialization created unique entry barriers.","label":-1,"idx":111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you do gopher work?","text2":"Do you do gopher work a lot?","label":-1,"idx":112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NO FURTHER WORDS CAN BE REMEMBERED FOR CORRECT MULTIPLE OCCURRANCES OR FOR GO ON.","text2":"The program ran out of memory.","label":-1,"idx":113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The feminist position recognizes the power of language.","text2":"The feminists regard language as being powerful.","label":-1,"idx":114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He has horns on his head on his mask and he has a cape and he wears a black suit and a orange belt.","text2":"He doesn't wear a mask.","label":-1,"idx":115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, there is greater week-to-week variation than for the more popular size.","text2":"There is less weekly variation for this one than for the more popular one.","label":-1,"idx":116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 was hijacked between 8:51 and 8:54.","text2":"American 77 was hijacked shortly after noon.","label":-1,"idx":117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything else you want to talk about or is that pretty much all you had to say?","text2":"I think I have heard enough from you today.","label":-1,"idx":118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Right now no, but- Floor Okay?","text2":"That's a negative about right now.","label":-1,"idx":119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Keeping up the cabin posed constant diculties.","text2":"It was difficult to keep up with the housework.","label":-1,"idx":120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh yeah, man they were good cigarettes.","text2":"Those cigarettes were certainly good.","label":-1,"idx":121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Command There is a report of black smoke in the last position I gave you, fifteen miles south of Johnstown.","text2":"I gave a report of black smoke in the last position to command.","label":-1,"idx":122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of my favorite, one of my favorite stories is the one about with you and my brother Ryan, the one day that you went sledding.","text2":"You and Ryan have never gone sledding. ","label":-1,"idx":123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's what I've heard, it's extremely hard.","text2":"I've heard its like one of the hardest things a person can go through.","label":-1,"idx":124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This single software package can be made available through an in-house local area network or the World Wide Web.","text2":"The package can be made available through the Internet but not the in-house local area network.","label":-1,"idx":125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was a big book that has a lot of stories in it.","text2":"My mother gave me a big book with a collection of stories in it.","label":-1,"idx":126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It seems only natural that once an original language, or Ursprache , was posited, the next step was to speculate on its source, or Urheimat . That is what Renfrew has tried to do.","text2":"Renfrew was a renowned linguist, specialized in original languages.","label":-1,"idx":127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Experience (and a moment's thought) shows that names of people and places occur with equal, sometimes greater frequency in the language than a very large percentage of the words listed in dictionaries of almost any size (except the smallest), and on that ground they should not be treated as nonwords or as being outside the pale of lexicon.","text2":"Place's and people's names are as commonly or more commonly used than in language than a large portion of words collected in dictionaries (very breif dictionaries excepted), and on this basis they should not be considered nonwords or removed from accepted speech..","label":-1,"idx":128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Calls for help from families that need the crisis services VNS provides for their children ring throughout the season.","text2":"VNS doesn't provide crisis services for children.","label":-1,"idx":129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saudi government exiled the clerics and undertook to silence Bin Ladin by, among other things, taking away his passport.","text2":"Bin Laden could travel nowhere without the Saudi passport. ","label":-1,"idx":130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in between the houses you had this pasture where they kept the cows and bulls.","text2":"Cows and bulls were on the pasture between the houses. ","label":-1,"idx":131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Without the support of United Way of Central Indiana, Cecilia's story might not have had such a happy ending.","text2":"Ceclia would have a happy ending without United Way.","label":-1,"idx":132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like slides, monkey bars.","text2":"Like guns and knives.","label":-1,"idx":133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I now invite you to continue to support the mission and the message that is so important to building strong kids, strong families and strong communities.","text2":"In addition, you can direct your donation however you choose.","label":-1,"idx":134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah and why was that particular one special?","text2":"Why was that one normal?","label":-1,"idx":135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His job objectives call for him to do it in 30.","text2":"He usually did it in 35, but had to improve.","label":-1,"idx":136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our mission is to strengthen children and families, and we are now focusing our resources on children who have long-term, serious illnesses and their families.","text2":"Our goal is strictly limited to helping only orphaned children to find new homes at this time.","label":-1,"idx":137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know, but they're rather pleasant memories of childhood and I certainly wouldn't trade them for anything.","text2":"I have nothing but horrible memories of childhood. ","label":-1,"idx":138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Free admission to Audubon Nature Centers is another advantage of membership.","text2":"Audubon Nature Centers does not allow free admission under any circumstances.","label":-1,"idx":139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These substantial limestone benches will provide our students with a good place to sit while taking a break from their hectic schedules.","text2":"The limestone benches will be a terrible place for the students to sit while taking breaks from schoolwork. ","label":-1,"idx":140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh yes, and George Orwell books I read, uh, uh, um 1984 and what's the other one?","text2":"I haven't read any George Orwell novels and can't name any.","label":-1,"idx":141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview and for you helping with the research project at UNCC.","text2":"Thank you for helping with the research project. ","label":-1,"idx":142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He kept shining his light up.","text2":"He continued to shine his light upwards.","label":-1,"idx":143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess I encourage this method because I've always made my contributions this way, it's a painless method and at tax time I enjoy the deduction.","text2":"There are absolutely no tax benefits to using this method. ","label":-1,"idx":144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the customer must write, call, or e-mail these retailers with a specific purchase request, these firms are able to capture actual consumer demand rather than sales numbers alone.","text2":"When consumers have to directly communicate with retailers they are able to obtain information about what customers want rather than just what they end up purchasing.","label":-1,"idx":145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With year-end tax decisions on the horizon, I hope that you'll include our program in your charitable contributions.","text2":"Year-end tax decisions are coming up soon. ","label":-1,"idx":146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was closer with my dad when I was little, just because I did all the sports and everything like that and, I've always been close to my mom, it was never like I didn't like my mom, but, um, me my mom and I never really fight or anything like that, but now me and my mom are a lot closer.","text2":"I preferred spending time with my father, rather than my mother when I was younger. ","label":-1,"idx":147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's see, the others that I could think of that I read recently, there were some Civil War books written by Jeffrey Shaara and the other by his son Michael.","text2":"Jeffrey Shaara and his son Michael wrote about the Civil War.","label":-1,"idx":148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these volatile times as children and their parents are subjected to mounting pressures in the schools, home and workplace and issues of personal responsibility are too many times pushed into the background, our mission is even more critical.","text2":"We have to help now, when families are under more pressure than ever.","label":-1,"idx":149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controllers observed the plane in a rapid descent; the radar data terminated over Lower Manhattan.","text2":"The controllers saw the plane climbing rapidly.","label":-1,"idx":150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That has greatly enhanced our response to new trends, reduced turnaround times and increased the flexibility of all those involved in the buying process.","text2":"Turnaround times are one of the biggest hurdles in the industry.","label":-1,"idx":151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was compelled to pay strict attention (for four or five hours at a time) to setting, lighting, music, gesture, singing, pace of over-all presentation; to this or that role's performance, costume, formal distancing from the audience (Noh) or Globe-like intimacy with the audience (Kabuki); to traditional methods of men's playing women's parts, audience's anticipation and shouted recognition of favorite plays and actors and moments, tone of voice, etc.","text2":"I had to concentrate hard on the lighting and music.","label":-1,"idx":152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then when it's story day we bring in all kind of toys.","text2":"When it's story days, we get to take home books.","label":-1,"idx":153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please help good kids get better by sending us a contribution today.","text2":"Any amount of a contribution will help the kids get better.","label":-1,"idx":154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your opinions were valued and many improvements were made by having information about our school systems.","text2":"Your opinion was unhelpful. ","label":-1,"idx":155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From basketball, kickball, volleyball, archery, crafts, an egg toss, and even a walk through our creek, you will have plenty to do to get you good and hungry.","text2":"There will be a lot of physical activities such as archery and basketball to make you use energy and be hungry.","label":-1,"idx":156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Members of the law school's Maennerchor Society are the school's staunchest and most important supporters.","text2":"Every member of the Maennerchor Society is a strong supporter of the law school. ","label":-1,"idx":157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so that was really interesting, uh, in retrospect.","text2":"Looking back on it, it was quite mind-blowing. ","label":-1,"idx":158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The impact of these new policies on retailing and manufacturing sectors may have begun to show up in economy-wide measures of inventory.","text2":"Policies in the retail and manufacturing are having negative impacts on the economy.","label":-1,"idx":159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Authors extrapolated from Roentgen's 1895 discovery of x-rays and wrote of the heat-ray (H.","text2":"They ripped off Roentgen's intellectual property. ","label":-1,"idx":160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This resentment was further stoked by public understanding of how much oil income had gone straight into the pockets of the rulers, their friends, and their helpers.","text2":"There was no resentment that rules pocketed oil money.","label":-1,"idx":161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the subject matter might be viewed as an area of legitimate investigation, I am not sure I see the point in employing the subject style of language in the descriptive text, which would be far more telling were it restricted to the language of the linguistic clinician.","text2":"I think that using the subject style of language in the descriptive text is an important practice that should be employed by everyone.","label":-1,"idx":162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" (I vaguely remember a hymn I heard, and perhaps helped sing, that contains the phrase intercourse divine. ","text2":"Sex can be a religious experience for some people. ","label":-1,"idx":163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers had gained entry to the cockpit, and she did not know how.","text2":"She knew how the hijackers had tried to enter the cockpit, and prevented them from doing so.","label":-1,"idx":164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hannah related the story of her childhood and the genesis of her relationship with Eva and Charlie, who oered insights as well.","text2":"Hannah related the story of her occupation.","label":-1,"idx":165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was notified at 9:34 that American 77 was lost.","text2":"Everyone believed American 77 to be the result of a hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the clearest indicators of young children's understanding of stories, and other prereading skills, is the extent to which they can give elaborate, detailed accounts of past events.","text2":"A child being able to elaborate on a story is not an indicator that the child understands the story.","label":-1,"idx":167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Muskrats, according to my encyclopedia, look like giant rats, are found in and around the mudbanks bordering marshes and quiet ponds, have partially webbed feet, and do a good deal of swimming.","text2":"Muskrats look like rats.","label":-1,"idx":168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(And everyone should now take a few minutes to ponder the meaning of it in the preceding sentence.)","text2":"All should stop and think about the meaning of the sentence.","label":-1,"idx":169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's also assume that the average demand each week has been growing at a rate of about 1 percent, so that the average demand for the next week should be 10 times as much.","text2":"We cannot make assumptions when it comes to this model and it is dangerous.","label":-1,"idx":170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS ordered to battle stations the two F-15 alert aircraft at Otis Air Force Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts, 153 miles away from New York City.","text2":"These F-15s could be launched in less than 2 minutes. ","label":-1,"idx":171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the start, infants are equipped with capacities that draw adults into social exchanges with them.","text2":"This is how communication skills and social behavior are learned by infants.","label":-1,"idx":172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now point-of-sales information provides retailers with reliable information on market developments and hence gives them more leverage in dealing with direct suppliers and others further from ultimate consumers.","text2":"Point of sales information refers to the financial information obtained through transactions.","label":-1,"idx":173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"members of the bar.","text2":"Bar members are very professional. ","label":-1,"idx":174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I never wanted to do that.","text2":"I always knew that I would hate doing that. ","label":-1,"idx":175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If that is what M and S mean, why don't they just say so?","text2":"They have always been open about the meaning of M and S.","label":-1,"idx":176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result, the marginal costs for human sewing operators are lower than those of the complex robotic systems needed to guide sewing of limp fabric in most operations.","text2":"Robotic systems have lower marginal costs than human sewing operators.","label":-1,"idx":177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shared activities were especially crucial for children of mothers who had increased their hours of employment during the preceding 3 years, often from part-time to full-time.","text2":"Shared activities are bad for children whose mother start to work more.","label":-1,"idx":178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I ask you to join me again this year in supporting the program that is doing so much to preserve and protect our natural heritage.","text2":"This important program celebrates our Native American ancestors and their rich history.","label":-1,"idx":179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neurons seldom stimulated soon lose their connections as their fibers atrophy.","text2":"Neurons that don't get stimulated are waiting to be used.","label":-1,"idx":180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Resulting in reduced risk of teen pregnancy, suicide, truancy, substance abuse and so many other crises.","text2":"Teen pregnancy, suicide, drug abuse, and more will increase as a result.","label":-1,"idx":181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you don't like that?","text2":"So you prefer this over that? ","label":-1,"idx":182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The goal for Senior Challenge 1990 is to raise funds to purchase furnishings for the student lounges in the ET building and in the new building that will house Computer Technology and Engineering programs.","text2":"Our goal for the Senior Challenge is to raise enough money to buy new equipment.","label":-1,"idx":183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Looks for a piece resembling the clown's shoes but tries the wrong one)","text2":"(Tries the correct one, after looking for a piece resembling the clowns)","label":-1,"idx":184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Islam is both a faith and a code of conduct for all aspects of life.","text2":"Islam's followers follow its code of conduct exactly.","label":-1,"idx":185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were founded in 1989 by Ben and Luanne Russell who wanted to do something special for children here on Lake Martin.","text2":"We were founded in 2077 by John and Jane Doe.","label":-1,"idx":186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And when I was giving it to him, he said to me, There's going to be, a meeting now.","text2":"He told me that 'there's going to be a meeting now.'","label":-1,"idx":187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the following frequently quoted remarks, taken from a brief lecture in which Vygotsky eloquently summed up his conviction that pretend play is a central force in children's ","text2":"Vygotsky's lecture was insignificant and forgettable at best. ","label":-1,"idx":188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:58, the flight took a heading toward New York City.","text2":"At 8:58 in the morning, the flight headed toward New York City.","label":-1,"idx":189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just stay quiet.","text2":"Just stay quiet.","label":-1,"idx":190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Balancing these production alternatives clearly has implications for foreign competition and the current transformation of the U.S. apparel industry.","text2":"Without that alternatives there would be competition between foreign industries and domestic industries.","label":-1,"idx":191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most common flag for acronyms is, as one would expect, initially .","text2":"Acronym flags are decided by a panel of academics.","label":-1,"idx":192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The point is to make sure that even very slight shade variations will not be apparent in the final assembly.","text2":"No slight shade variations is the point, but is not completely necessary.","label":-1,"idx":193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We value your contributions to our programs.","text2":"Your support is very important to our programs.","label":-1,"idx":194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He moved to the NMCC shortly before 10:30, in order to join Vice Chairman Myers.","text2":"He moved to the NMCC well after 4 in the afternoon. ","label":-1,"idx":195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't even watch the news, but they're not reading the newspapers or new magazines or anything.","text2":"They are interested in historical data.","label":-1,"idx":196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"--to its most notorious use (cited in American Speech in 1962), The jokester, pretending to be a creature from outer space, pointed his cosmic ray gun (finger) at his friend's genitals and exclaimed, `Zap!","text2":"The jokester's finger was actually a weapon. ","label":-1,"idx":197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tell me when you feel it peeping out and then we'll run like hell.","text2":"When you sense it looking at us, inform me and we'll get out of here.","label":-1,"idx":198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Donations flowed through charities or other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).","text2":"Large charities received lots of donations flowing through.","label":-1,"idx":199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This summer, more than 300 children ages 4 through 14 will attend the YWCA of Indianapolis' Everyone belongs Summer Day Camp.","text2":"It is with great sadness that they had to make the difficult decision to close the camp.","label":-1,"idx":200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Immediately thereafter it was reported that a plane had hit the Pentagon.","text2":"Just beforehand, the Pentagon aircraft impact had been reported.","label":-1,"idx":201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those four planes, like all aircraft traveling above 10,000 feet, were required to emit a unique transponder signal while in flight.","text2":"All aircraft traveling above 10,00 feet are required to emit a unique transponder signal while in flight.","label":-1,"idx":202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do not know exactly how the hijackers gained access to the cockpit; FAA rules required that the doors remain closed and locked during flight.","text2":"The doors of the flight were required to remain locked and closed during the flight.","label":-1,"idx":203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A UPS is a mechanical overhead transport system that moves a unit of clothing from one work station to the next.","text2":"The system that moves units from one station to the next is called a UPS.","label":-1,"idx":204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He leans over and talks to the other children.","text2":"He walks away from the other children.","label":-1,"idx":205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, it was hard for him at first, I think because, um, like all of a sudden I was like so into softball, so into sports and everything like that and I'm still like, I'm still like that.","text2":"I never really got into any sports.","label":-1,"idx":206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In most cases, the chain of command authorizing the use of force runs from the president to the secretary of defense and from the secretary to the combatant commander.","text2":"The secretary to the combatant commander is always the first in the chain of command.","label":-1,"idx":207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These changes were not noticed for several minutes, however, because the same New York Center controller was assigned to both American 11 and United 175.","text2":"They should have had a different person assigned to each case. ","label":-1,"idx":208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is that oft-quoted example, near the opening of Trial by Jury , where Defendant asks, Is this the Court of the Exchequer? ","text2":"The Defendant asks a question about the court.","label":-1,"idx":209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I enjoy UNC-Charlotte.","text2":"I quite like UNC-Charlotte. ","label":-1,"idx":210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Bob and Sharon, parents of a 4-year- Our daughter, Lydia, could recite her ABCs and count from 1 to 20 by age 2 1\/2.","text2":"Lydia's ability to read her ABCs at 2 1\/2 isn't unusual for her stage of development.","label":-1,"idx":211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And here the deluge of printed matter abounds with such specimens that one would suppose them to be the rule rather than the exceptions.","text2":"There is absolutely no printed matter in the world.","label":-1,"idx":212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"See Willard Espy's delicious An Almanac of Words at Play, pp. 21 and 203.","text2":"Willard Espy wrote An Almanac of Words which can be found in 2 places of the book.","label":-1,"idx":213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are there particular stories either, either family stories that you might tell or stories about, um, you know things that have happened to people in the past?","text2":"There are stories told about ancestors.","label":-1,"idx":214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, believe me, she'll smash up in a village cupboard too, if she can't hide herself and settle down.","text2":"Unless she hides and settles down, she'll end up breaking apart a village cupboard.","label":-1,"idx":215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or maybe stories that, you know, some people just make up stories to tell.","text2":"Some people just make up stories to tell.","label":-1,"idx":216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What parts of the story were boring?","text2":"Which parts put you to sleep?","label":-1,"idx":217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teresa Morehead, a biology major, was serving on a hospital ship in Operation Desert Storm.","text2":"Teresa Morehead was a college biology major","label":-1,"idx":218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The results were overwhelmingly positive.","text2":"The results were terrible.","label":-1,"idx":219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If there is one operator for the short operation, then there will have to be several operators for the longer one just to keep the production line in balance.","text2":"Short operations may have a single operator.","label":-1,"idx":220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"). Einsteinian relativity theory, with its absolute maximum speed limit (the speed of light), might have put an end to such speculation had it not also included the concept of curvature of space.","text2":"The inclusion of the concept of curvature of space allows for FTL travel.","label":-1,"idx":221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She would have a better chance of getting help and delivering a healthy baby if she lived in Sweden.","text2":"Sweden has excellent medical care for mothers and babies.","label":-1,"idx":222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Scaolding provides parents and teachers with a sensible solution to the often-raised Is it better to be directive or nondirective when helping children learn?","text2":"Scolding focuses primarily on being non-directive, while encouraging the child to become proactive themselves.","label":-1,"idx":223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this may not be a realistic assumption for many situations, it makes it easier to understand the fundamentals of demand forecasting here.","text2":"This assumption is 100% accurate, don't you think?","label":-1,"idx":224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' It is not clear why Heinlein chose such an unpretty word for such a beautiful concept (maybe it is euphonious to the Martian auditory apparatus); it has, nevertheless, caught on.","text2":"Heinlein used an unattractive word to describe an appealing concept.","label":-1,"idx":225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From basketball, kickball, volleyball, archery, crafts, an egg toss, and even a walk through our creek, you will have plenty to do to get you good and hungry.","text2":"Our state of the art archery range will be the most popular attraction so we suggest going there strategically!","label":-1,"idx":226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On 9\/11, the defense of U.S. airspace depended on close interaction between two federal the FAA and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).","text2":"The FAA was completely responsible for defense of US airspace.","label":-1,"idx":227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Far from being mindless and infantile, slang in its wonderful vigor and versatility allows us to express how we really feel about persons, places, and things.","text2":"Slang helps us express how we fell.","label":-1,"idx":228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who became the Shia held that any leader of the Ummah must be a direct descendant of the Prophet; those who became the Sunni argued that lineal descent was not required if the candidate met other standards of faith and knowledge.","text2":"Sunnis believe that any leader of the Ummah has to be directly descended from the Prophet, the Shias believe leaders don't have to be.","label":-1,"idx":229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The year after her college graduation, Sarah married a devout classmate, entering into a culture in which family life was pivotal.","text2":"Sarah married a friend while she was still in college.","label":-1,"idx":230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gifts of $100 or more will be matched thanks to a special 25th Anniversary $100,000 Challenge Grant and will be placed in the Growth For Girls Fund.","text2":"It is expected that matched funding will be available for the next 10 years.","label":-1,"idx":231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of things are on your list?","text2":"Are there lots of things on the catalog you made?","label":-1,"idx":232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I chose disabled veterans because that's what I am.","text2":"I picked veterans who were disabled since I am part of that group. ","label":-1,"idx":233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only consequence of their selection was that their checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that they had boarded the aircraft.","text2":"Their checked bags were not allowed to be put on the plane until they confirmed the passengers were on the plane.","label":-1,"idx":234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is even harder to accurately cut the notches used by sewing operators to align cut parts.","text2":"Cutting the notches sewing operators use accurately is really hard.","label":-1,"idx":235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To work well, the emotional tone of scaolding must be warm, sympathetic, and responsive.","text2":"Scolding tone must be warm and responsive for it to work properly.","label":-1,"idx":236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his introduction to Heavens to Betsy and Other Curious Sayings (Harper and Row, 1955), Charles Earle Funk said that the very title of his book turned out eventually to be completely unsolvable. ","text2":"Charles Earle Funk was reluctant to write the introduction for the book.","label":-1,"idx":237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it kind of killed an hour out of our trip as far as time, but we had a lot of fun at that uh, that funeral.","text2":"The funeral was boring.","label":-1,"idx":238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gung-ho , which once had a positive connotation, is now used derisively among servicemen to describe `individuals or organizations in a state of active and zealous military enthusiasm,' and usually modifies other words such as sonofabitch, etc.","text2":"Gung-ho is an expression frequently used by servicemen to describe individuals with no ambition. ","label":-1,"idx":239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you um, what kinds of things do you read now other than some authors that you like mentioned.","text2":"What else do you read nowadays?","label":-1,"idx":240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously you're telling it to me.","text2":"You never told me!","label":-1,"idx":241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A familiar reasoning that in terms of job duties the sex or gender of the person who passes peanuts on an airplane is unimportant, editors of the Handbook of Nonsexist Language propose flight attendant rather than steward\/stewardess and oppose gratuitous regendering of job titles ( female flight attendant ). (A court case notes a male purser and a female stewardess with identical job descriptions, but different salary scales.)","text2":"A steward\/stewardess is the preferred term for someone who passes peanuts on an airplane.","label":-1,"idx":242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In spelling out the theory, the Engelmanns dismissed the legitimacy of biological readiness and proclaimed,","text2":"The Engelmann's saw their own view that they deemed legitimate.","label":-1,"idx":243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We very much appreciate your assistance.","text2":"We are glad you are helping us.","label":-1,"idx":244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Toddlers between ages 1 1\/2 and 2 generally use only realistic-looking objects while pretending'a toy telephone to talk into or a cup to drink from.","text2":"Toddlers usually just use realistic objects to play with because they want to be like their parents.","label":-1,"idx":245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How lucky you are!","text2":"You are so lucky!","label":-1,"idx":246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be sure, four names'Heather Gay, Brian O'Kill, Katherine Seed, and Janet Whitcut'appear on the Acknowledgements page, but so do names of a lot of other people (like Frank Kermode, Melvin Bragg, Clement Freud, Germaine Greer, Clive Jenkins, and Janet Street-Porter) whose direct connection with the book at hand would seem to be much more remote.","text2":"The names of many people appear on the Acknowledgements page of that book. ","label":-1,"idx":247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through them, adults help children construct increasingly elaborate images of themselves and teach them culturally accepted ways of organizing and interpreting their experiences.","text2":"Adults deconstruct children's images of themselves, which helps them learn how to interpret their experience.","label":-1,"idx":248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the past our relationship with the City has been quite good, but we have never been able to achieve 100 percent funding for the services the City expects and that which the community requires.","text2":"The community has suffered due to a lack of funding.","label":-1,"idx":249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Unfortunately, There are over 1,000 families each year who have a child diagnosed with a serious illness at Children's Hospital of Alabama.","text2":"This is very difficult time for families both emotionally and financially.","label":-1,"idx":250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"God's grace is found in His forgiveness and unconditional love.","text2":"God does not care to forgive anyone, and He doesn't love people.","label":-1,"idx":251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fighters were scrambled because of the report that American 11 was heading south, as is clear not just from taped conversations at NEADS but also from taped conversations at FAA centers; contemporaneous logs compiled at NEADS, Continental Region headquarters, and NORAD; and other records.","text2":"When it was thought that American 11 was heading south, fighters were launched in pursuit.","label":-1,"idx":252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A perennial language puzzler is the famous yes in response to very nearly all questions and declarations.","text2":"The perennial language puzzler is well-known for the famous yes response.","label":-1,"idx":253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After Maureen's job coach taught her how to do her job in a restaurant, we helped Maureen step out of the shadow sometimes cast over people with physical and mental disabilities and find a fulfilling job smack dab in the middle of society.","text2":"We helped Maureen reach her potential and conquer her physical and mental disabilities after her job coach taught her how to do her job in a restaurant.","label":-1,"idx":254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Goodwill has devised the programs that turned your investment into results.","text2":"The programs that turned your investment into results were devised by Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read my books from K-five and I read my books from first grade.","text2":"I enjoyed reading books from K-five and the ones from first grade.","label":-1,"idx":256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Labor costs represent a significant portion of cost for many garment categories,18 and U.S. wage levels far exceed those of competitors in countries like the People's Republic of China and Mexico.","text2":"The U.S are the largest garment producing country.","label":-1,"idx":257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once upon a time there was a playwright who knew little Latin and less Greek.","text2":"There was a playwright who know only a little Latin and almost no Greek.","label":-1,"idx":258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We look forward to your renewal as a Century II Fellow.","text2":"We are not accepting any renewals of Century II memberships.","label":-1,"idx":259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, you, people don't know unless I share it with them.","text2":"It isn't really obvious just looking at me, so I can choose who to tell or not.","label":-1,"idx":260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've come to see Luis Alonso, he says.","text2":"He said he came to see Luis Alonso.","label":-1,"idx":261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Everyone at the IU School of Dentistry is excited about the upcoming Fall Dental Alumni Conference to be held in Bloomington on September 16-18.","text2":"Everyone at the IU School of Dentistry signed up for the conference.","label":-1,"idx":262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gum-trees or rocks (in areas of sand) appear as signs of possible water.","text2":"When in areas of sand, the presence of rocks or gum-trees indicate the absence of water.","label":-1,"idx":263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sewing factories, in contrast, are not capital intensive and are rarely operated for more than one shift.","text2":"Sewing factories don't need a lot of capital.","label":-1,"idx":264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you want this? ","text2":"Do you throw this away?","label":-1,"idx":265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ong speculated that they had jammed their way in.","text2":"More than one person has suspected they forced their way in.","label":-1,"idx":266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Leprechaun is looking pretty tired, suggested Kevin, laying Sophie's stuffed leprechaun next to the teddy bear.","text2":"Kevin said that the stuffed leprechaun was not tired at all.","label":-1,"idx":267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More than four pages are devoted to cliches (under the guise of Lo and behold, it's man's best friend.","text2":"More than four pages were about cliches.","label":-1,"idx":268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller told us that he then knew it was a hijacking.","text2":"The air traffic controller immediately radioed other planes.","label":-1,"idx":269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The secular education reflected a strong cultural preference for technical fields over the humanities and social sciences.","text2":"Social sciences are preferred over technical fields as reflected by the secular education.","label":-1,"idx":270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Early introduction to this topic in a student's career helps produce an informed and caring practitioner who has a strong sense of community service and the needs of underserved populations.","text2":"Early introduction to this topic does not affect a student's sense of community.","label":-1,"idx":271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You didn't say anything about woman. ","text2":"You spoke too much about women","label":-1,"idx":272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have enclosed a packet of information about MCCOY and its work as well as an application with various options for supporting the youth of our community.","text2":"An application with various options for supporting our community youth is enclosed, I have also enclosed a packet of info about McCoy and it's work, please consider giving them your support.","label":-1,"idx":273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Remember I told you about the story my mother wrote and I can remember at the time and in some ways it's still true today.","text2":"If you recall, I told you about that story that my mother wrote but things were totally different then, so it's pretty dated and doesn't apply to today.","label":-1,"idx":274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The air defenders searched for United 93's primary radar return and tried to locate other fighters to scramble.","text2":"The defenders were trained for a lot of things, but not for this.","label":-1,"idx":275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The old system didn't begin to shift until the mid-nineteenth century, with the advent of a new kind of middleman.","text2":"The old system subsisted until the late 1990s.","label":-1,"idx":276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important thing we are doing is consumerization, to be the best in the business in delivering products customized for what the consumer wants.","text2":"Consumerization is the main reason why we can be the best in the business.","label":-1,"idx":277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In most instances, the main concern was the use of such aircraft to deliver weapons of mass destruction.","text2":"The main concern was that the planes would carry guns to distribute among terrorist.","label":-1,"idx":278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, they went through, they broke a soldier's leg, you could hear his moaning.","text2":"You could hear the solider trying out in pain.","label":-1,"idx":279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his poem The Menagerie , one of William Vaughan Moody's characters ","text2":"There were multiple characters in William Vaughan Moody's poem The Menagerie.","label":-1,"idx":280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly after 8:50, while NEADS personnel were still trying to locate the flight, word reached them that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.","text2":"The World Trade Center was hit by a plane after 8:50","label":-1,"idx":281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To mystify solvers even more, puzzlers may use words in an uncommon but perfectly legitimate sense, especially by attributing to certain words ending in -er the quality of agent noun.","text2":"Puzzlers will use words in the conventional manner and this will stump solvers. ","label":-1,"idx":282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A laser beam can seriously harm humans, and people may not notice the small-diameter beams of light in an industrial environment.","text2":"Laser beams used in industries have greater tendency to hurt someone than those sold for novelty.","label":-1,"idx":283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A third group of babies given massive stimulation'patterned crib bumpers and fancy mobiles beginning in the first few weeks of life'also reached for objects sooner than did unstimulated babies.","text2":"Babies that got no stimulation reached for objects sooner than other babies.","label":-1,"idx":284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait.","text2":"Kuwait was invaded by Iraq in 1990.","label":-1,"idx":285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The enclosed brochure provides information on the old law school building, the Society, and the programs supported by private funds.","text2":"The brochure does not offer any information about the programs that are partially or fully funded by private donations. ","label":-1,"idx":286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was uh, that was the most exciting part of you know, most important, most exciting part of going to school was getting there for me.","text2":"The most exciting part of going to school was walking there every day. ","label":-1,"idx":287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From its inception, the IDA Pursuit of Excellence Fund has supported and rewarded faculty for unique and outstanding effort on behalf of dentistry.","text2":"The IDA pursuit of excellence fund rewards faculty with a week old bagel and moldy cream cheese.","label":-1,"idx":288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once in Almy and Brown's Pawtucket plant, Slater found the existing machinery totally unsatisfactory.","text2":"Almy and Brown's Pawtucket plant machinery was revolutionary for its time.","label":-1,"idx":289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"MCCOY was reorganized as an independent, not-for-profit agency, separate from local government.","text2":"MCCOY is an agency that has separated themselves from the government.","label":-1,"idx":290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just stay quiet.","text2":"Stay quiet would benefit everyone.","label":-1,"idx":291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They could not meet conditions if their competitors were free to ignore them.","text2":"Competitors often placed employees in rival workplaces to spy on their practices.","label":-1,"idx":292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One method of capturing volatility is to look at the standard deviation of each establishment's inventory level and I\/S ratio for the two time periods.","text2":"Volatility can be captured by looking at the standard deviation of each establishment's history level and I\/S ratio for the two time periods. ","label":-1,"idx":293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When American 11 struck the World Trade Center at 8:46, no one in the White House or traveling with the President knew that it had been hijacked.","text2":"Nobody in the White House was aware that American 11 was hijacked before it struck the World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you think that the practice in some Muslim countries of amputating the hand of a thief is harsh, beware of participating in horse shows in England, where there is no capital punishment but the issue arises every few ","text2":"Muslim countries are notorious for having cruel and harsh punishments.","label":-1,"idx":295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, 12 or 13.","text2":"Um, any numbers under the number eleven. ","label":-1,"idx":296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The secular education reflected a strong cultural preference for technical fields over the humanities and social sciences.","text2":"A strong cultural preference was reflected by the secular education.","label":-1,"idx":297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then all the pieces of the patterns must be laid out for the various units so that they can be cut at the same time.","text2":"Cutting the pieces at the same time is more efficient and accurate.","label":-1,"idx":298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The entry list in L seems to be fuller than in W , but a quick direct comparison is not easily done.","text2":"The entry list in W seems to be fuller than in L.","label":-1,"idx":299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um one couple in particular the Blankenships had a apple tree in their back yard and we would go and we would pick apples and take them back to her place and make apple pies.","text2":"We made delicious pies with apples from the Blankenship's apple tree. ","label":-1,"idx":300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The Elephant and Castle, nitwit, and big cheese are other examples.","text2":"The Elephant and Castle is the most popular example of all.","label":-1,"idx":301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your investment is used efficiently -- 88 percent OF FUNDS RAISED ARE INVESTED DIRECTLY IN SERVICES THAT HELP MEET CRITICAL COMMUNITY NEEDS.","text2":"8% of funds go directly to help critical community needs.","label":-1,"idx":302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Though Azzam had been considered number one in the MAK, by August 1988 Bin Ladin was clearly the leader (emir) of al Qaeda.","text2":"Bin Laden was old and washed up by August 1988.","label":-1,"idx":303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"newsprint As a young boy I found it unnatural that this means merely paper.","text2":"My young self found the meaning of the word newsprint to be rather strange.","label":-1,"idx":304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does Daddy do voices when he does Three Little Pigs?","text2":"Does your mom read Three Little Pigs to you?","label":-1,"idx":305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, joint participation in make-believe with more expert cultural members is so important for development during early childhood that I devote an entire chapter to it.","text2":"The chapter is the only one in the entire work. ","label":-1,"idx":306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization that helps individuals in ___ County who have cancer.","text2":"The American Cancer Society does not seek making profit.","label":-1,"idx":307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1983 came Hezbollah's massacre of the Marines in Beirut.","text2":"Hezbollah massacres Marines in Beirut.","label":-1,"idx":308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While that information circulated within the FAA, we found no evidence that the hijacking was reported to any other agency in Washington before 8:46.","text2":"We found no evidence that the 9\/11 hijacking was reported to any other agency in Washington before 8:46 AM because of delays as the information circulated within the FAA which in hindsight was a major problem in coordinating agencies to respond in time to prevent the completion of the terrorists attacks. ","label":-1,"idx":309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our students must now fulfill the law school's legal writing requirements, and they encouraged to participate in a wide array of courses and programs that teach professional skills, such as trial practice, the law school's civil practice and criminal defense clinics, moot court, and client counseling.","text2":"Our students are not obligated to meet the law school's requirements relating to legal writing. ","label":-1,"idx":310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It could be a traditional story, like you find in a folk tale, or out of a book.","text2":"It could come from a book or have been passed down through the centuries.","label":-1,"idx":311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mechanism is landlord = LETTER, (`one who lets'), and character = LETTER, but the two LETTERs differ in both meaning and origin.","text2":"The word letter has two different meanings and origin.","label":-1,"idx":312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Overcoming Impulsive Action","text2":"Breaking away from impulsive action.","label":-1,"idx":313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You used to?","text2":"You worked as a dog therapist before?","label":-1,"idx":314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We might have done better with Arabic-speaking settlers.","text2":"We may have finished with Arabic speaking settlers. ","label":-1,"idx":315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That sounds like a good idea.","text2":"That does sound like the best thing ever.","label":-1,"idx":316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the United States did not comply, it would be at war with the Islamic nation, a nation that al Qaeda's leaders said desires death more than you desire life.","text2":"The Islamic nation's beliefs are such that it desires death more than Americans deserve life.","label":-1,"idx":317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Slang is slang precisely because it does not adhere to the well-defined meanings of standard usage.","text2":"Slang has some definition.","label":-1,"idx":318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Resources for this purpose are limited or non-existent.","text2":"For this purpose, resources are limited or non-existent.","label":-1,"idx":319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"87 percent (325) of the 344 homeless families (1,353 persons) assisted and sheltered at Catholic Social Services' Holy Family Shelter found independent housing.","text2":"7% of homeless families found housing after being helped by the shelter.","label":-1,"idx":320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking quite at random a single page (page 7) in the journals of the Gregory brothers recording an early (1846) exploration of country east and north of Perth, I find the word water used fifteen times.","text2":"The Gregory brothers had journals.","label":-1,"idx":321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky emphasized that to understand children's development, it is necessary to understand the social situations adults devise for them.","text2":"According to Vygotsky, understanding of social situations is unnecessary for understanding children's development.","label":-1,"idx":322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Japanese English is a great joy and a wondrous thing, as I have indicated.","text2":"I've shown that Japanese English is wonderful.","label":-1,"idx":323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you remember that one because it was read often or it was your favorite?","text2":"Did your sister tell you that story often?","label":-1,"idx":324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I just wanted a job.","text2":"All I wanted was a job.","label":-1,"idx":325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That makes it easier to use information acquired during the selling season for replenishment during the same season or for forecasting future demand.","text2":"All of the information collected now will be destroyed since it has no bearing on the future.","label":-1,"idx":326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Vygotsky, the object substitutions that permeate children's make-believe are crucial in this process.","text2":"Object substitutions are frequently used in children's make-believe as they are a coping mechanism. ","label":-1,"idx":327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anselmo tries, but he gets so frustrated and upset that I move in and help, even in the face of opposition from his dad.","text2":"Anselmo seemed like he could handle it well, so I left him to it.","label":-1,"idx":328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes, but I remember my mother reading to me the most.","text2":"My mother read to me the most of what I can remember. ","label":-1,"idx":329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What, what's phonics?","text2":"Can you tell me about phonics?","label":-1,"idx":330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:59:52, Jarrah changed tactics and pitched the nose of the airplane up and down to disrupt the assault.","text2":"Jarrah continued a steady, calm course, despite the assault.","label":-1,"idx":331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your support.","text2":"You can take your support with you. ","label":-1,"idx":332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He could present himself and his allies as victorious warriors in the one great successful experience for Islamic militancy in the 1980 the Afghan jihad against the Soviet occupation.","text2":"His claim to be a victorious warrior was well-received by his peers.","label":-1,"idx":333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sociodramatic play, involving joint make-believe with a partner, Piaget claimed, is not under way until age 3. As with other aspects of Piaget's theory, the direction of development for make-believe is from purely individual, egocentric symbols to social play and shared understanding.","text2":"Children play by themselves when they are two years old. ","label":-1,"idx":334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Financial assistance through the A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship Fund has helped many dental hygiene students achieve their career goal.","text2":"The Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship fund is only available to students who are 19 years of age. ","label":-1,"idx":335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So are they happy that you're going to be a teacher?","text2":"You're going to be a teacher - are they happy about your choice?","label":-1,"idx":336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even if this method of categorization is important from a marketing perspective, it often glosses over what is, in fact, common to many products that seem different and different about products that seem the same.","text2":"Despite the importance from the perspective of marketing, the method overlooks the similarities between two unlike products and the difference between similar products.","label":-1,"idx":337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Bin Ladin discovered that Fadl had skimmed about $110,000, and he asked for restitution.","text2":"Fadi had not skimmed any funds as far as Bin Laden could deduce. ","label":-1,"idx":338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Along with these accolades comes the challenge to sustain that level of excellence.","text2":"These accolades are for being the best surgeon the hospital.","label":-1,"idx":339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the ride the President learned about the attack on the Pentagon.","text2":"The President didn't learn of the attack on the Pentagon.","label":-1,"idx":340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He no longer had a country he could call his own.","text2":"He had his own country.","label":-1,"idx":341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Seventy-five years ago, the daily New, York World presented its readers with a new kind of puzzle that consisted of a grid and a list of clues.","text2":"New York World first offered crossword puzzles.","label":-1,"idx":342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again, the normalized data highlights the weekly deviation from the average demand.","text2":"The normalized data doesn't help in highlighting weekly deviations.","label":-1,"idx":343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, they're long things like this , they come down to here, and here another one goes on top, yes, very pretty, like, like between, orange, because they're fired, they're made of fired clay.","text2":"They are long and made of fired clay. You stack them on each other. ","label":-1,"idx":344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his introduction to Heavens to Betsy and Other Curious Sayings (Harper and Row, 1955), Charles Earle Funk said that the very title of his book turned out eventually to be completely unsolvable. ","text2":"The introduction to Heavens to Betsy and Other Curious Sayings was not written by Charles Earle Funk.","label":-1,"idx":345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Maggy thinks aloud with words, she converses with herself, in much the same way that she interacted with her mother.","text2":"When Maggy thinks aloud, her conversation with herself is very similar to the way she interacted with her mother.","label":-1,"idx":346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I should have remembered back as a freshmen, I read An American Tragedy.","text2":"I remember reading An American Tragedy when I was a freshman. ","label":-1,"idx":347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not only are the latest and best techniques important to delivering quality dental care, they also help to preserve the traditional quality of dental education offered by IU.","text2":"The latest technology in the dental field help improve IU's dental education.","label":-1,"idx":348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One founding member, Abu Hajer al Iraqi, used his position as head of a Bin Ladin investment company to carry out procurement trips from western Europe to the Far East.","text2":"Bin Ladin had an investment company which carried out procurement trips.","label":-1,"idx":349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was raised in West Lafayette.","text2":"I grew up in West Lafayette.","label":-1,"idx":350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He no longer had a country he could call his own.","text2":"He didn't have a country anymore.","label":-1,"idx":351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:03, the conference received reports of more missing aircraft, 2 possibly 3 aloft, and learned of a combat air patrol over Washington.","text2":"The conference got reports of seven missing planes.","label":-1,"idx":352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are minor quibbles.","text2":"Everybody always agrees no matter what. ","label":-1,"idx":353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even here, the channel perspective tells a somewhat different story.","text2":"The story is told in the same way by every channel. ","label":-1,"idx":354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President told us he was frustrated with the poor communications that morning.","text2":"The President was not pleased with communications that day. ","label":-1,"idx":355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, a complete economic analysis of the appropriate parameters for an (s, S) or (R, s, S) policy must include consideration of some of the softer costs and benefits of inventory.","text2":"A complete economic analysis of the appropriate parameters policy must include consideration for the softer costs.","label":-1,"idx":356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The IU School of Dentistry is limited in these times because it is impractical to raise tuition and fees sufficiently to offset lost state appropriations.","text2":"It is impractical to raise tuition and fees sufficiently to offset lost state appropriations because we have been squandering money needlessly, so the IU school of dentistry is currently experiencing limitations due to our own mismanagement. ","label":-1,"idx":357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, there is greater week-to-week variation than for the more popular size.","text2":"There is more variation for this one over the more popular size, but there is less variation for the least popular one.","label":-1,"idx":358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, many studies show that children's performance on tasks such as conservation can be improved with training.","text2":"Many studies show children show little improvements in skills when they are trained.","label":-1,"idx":359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It didn't last very long, but Miyares discovered he loved being a businessman.","text2":"It was only brief, but Miyares found he enjoyed being involved in business.","label":-1,"idx":360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A second one just hit the Trade Center.","text2":"The Trade Center was just hit once.","label":-1,"idx":361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If that aim is sincere (and, by and large, it seems to be), the fifth estate may yet turn the bright light of science and scholarship on itself.","text2":"Media outlets that operate outside of the mainstream media will remain shielded from the bright light of science and scholarship.","label":-1,"idx":362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your parents will be sad!","text2":"Your mom and dad will be ecstatic.","label":-1,"idx":363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will you help them change?","text2":"You should not help them change.","label":-1,"idx":364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The outcry from across the country over the loss of Steve Bricker has been significant.","text2":"Steve Bricker went missing when he was hiking the Appalachian trail.","label":-1,"idx":365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then the Command Center informed headquarters that controllers had lost track of United 93 over the Pittsburgh area.","text2":"The command center told headquarters that it was tracking United 93 closely.","label":-1,"idx":366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The academy also calls upon all French to send in further examples of linguistic pollution, observing ruefully that this is one museum which will be open 12 months a year.","text2":"The academy calls upon the french to show examples of language pollution.","label":-1,"idx":367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or who helps Michael, who has spina bifida, learn to talk, dress himself, and get around independently?","text2":"Michael needs a person to help him communicate.","label":-1,"idx":368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mom worked all week, weekends, and most evenings.","text2":"Dad also worked seven days a week and many evenings too.","label":-1,"idx":369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the type of defect and its location are deemed unacceptable, then the bolt of cloth is cut and a new ply started with enough overlap to ensure that all pattern pieces are whole and without defects.","text2":"If the defect type and its location are shown to be unacceptable then the cloth is cut and a new ply started to ensure the pattern pieces are without defects.","label":-1,"idx":370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us not forget marijuana which is simply `Mary Jane' in Mexico, or cucaracha , the `cockroach' that entered English via a popular song.","text2":"Marijuana is called the cockroach in Mexico","label":-1,"idx":371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To capture this idea of children selecting from social interaction in ways that fit their goals, some experts like to say that the child appropriates 'or adopts'tools of the mind.","text2":"No expert has ever said that children appropriate tools of the mind.","label":-1,"idx":372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The manager tried to notify the regional managers and was told that they were discussing a hijacked aircraft (presumably American 11) and refused to be disturbed.","text2":"The manager was rebuffed when he tried to notify regional managers.","label":-1,"idx":373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beginning to end.","text2":"The end is the best part.","label":-1,"idx":374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service logged Mrs. Cheney's arrival at the White House at 9:52, and she joined her husband in the tunnel.","text2":"Mrs Cheney was in a state of shock when she arrived at the White House.","label":-1,"idx":375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the Command Center learned Flight 77 was missing, neither it nor FAA headquarters issued an all points bulletin to surrounding centers to search for primary radar targets.","text2":"That Flight 77 was missing was not immediately of grave concern to the FAA or the Command Center.","label":-1,"idx":376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The actual making of custom jeans or any other item of custom apparel is slightly more complicated than making an equivalent item under standard production conditions.","text2":"Custom jeans take longer but are more worth the money.","label":-1,"idx":377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition to the fun stuff, important life-skills such as self-esteem, leadership, and interpersonal cooperation are being developed.","text2":"Fun stuff is just as important as important stuff","label":-1,"idx":378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is a liberal arts education still sufficient?","text2":"Is a liberal arts education enough?","label":-1,"idx":379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dr. O'Leary and Indiana University School of Dentistry have benefited all of us and this is a way we can show our appreciation in a tangible way.","text2":"This is an intangible way to show our appreciation for Dr. O'Leary.","label":-1,"idx":380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, in this context, I think back on what I derived from different kinds of Bunraku, Kyogen, Noh , and Kabuki . Never before had I been required to see and soak up that drama which depends on a whole array of techniques that have nothing intrinsically to do with words.","text2":"I never thought about what I derived from different types of dramas, such as Bunraku, Kyogen, Noh and Kabuki.","label":-1,"idx":381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Retailers now prefer to place relatively small orders before the season and then observe consumer response to the product offering before ordering more.","text2":"Retailers have learned to make smaller purchases before the season and then wait to see how consumers respond.","label":-1,"idx":382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, the roles of heredity and environment, of the child and important people in his or her life, so closely interconnect that according to some experts, their infiuence is inseparable.","text2":"Experts think that the roles of heredity and environment in a child's life are completely unrelated.","label":-1,"idx":383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, a deeply ingrained American belief is that satisfying a young child's desire for social contact and assistance will be habit forming, leading to a clingy, spoiled youngster.","text2":"An American belief is that satisfying a child's need to shoot automatic rifles will be habit forming, leading to a sharp shooting green horn able to take on the best Westworld has to offer.","label":-1,"idx":384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I thank all of you who are already supporting IUSD, and I look forward to welcoming many of our colleagues as new century Club members.","text2":"The Century club's membership numbers are increasing.","label":-1,"idx":385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"President of what?","text2":"What president?","label":-1,"idx":386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, tomorrow at four, he said to me. ","text2":"Yes he told me tomorrow at three.","label":-1,"idx":387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin, no longer constrained by the Sudanese, clearly thought that he had new freedom to publish his appeals for jihad.","text2":"Bin Ladin had shown restraint while in Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The conventional wisdom can no longer predict future industry dynamics or offer guideposts for private and public policies.","text2":"Conventional wisdom can be adjusted to provide accuarte predictions.","label":-1,"idx":389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And two days later, he came and visit her and then he knocked on the door and asked for her, and his, her, his mom, her mom told her, told him that she, she wasn't here, because she was dead for a long time and he goes, How can it be?","text2":"When he knocked the door, she answered.","label":-1,"idx":390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, tomorrow at four, he said to me. ","text2":"No he told me tomorrow at four.","label":-1,"idx":391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I found that by pointing to beer in a refrigerator, pulling up my collar, slapping my sides, and frowning'and by then throwing open my coat, mopping my brow, and smiling'I could get the desired unchilled beer ( hotto beeru ).","text2":"I do not own a refrigerator in my home.","label":-1,"idx":392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet, many prefer chair to chairperson on the grounds of brevity and because it avoids the awkwardness of the longer alternative.","text2":"Chairperson is the scientific term for someone that sits in a chair.","label":-1,"idx":393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These monies also help defray the cost of putting on activities for faculty and students such as the Herron Awards Night.","text2":"The money does not reduce the cost of putting on activities.","label":-1,"idx":394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other buying practices came from small shops.","text2":"There are more buying practices in small shops than large shops.","label":-1,"idx":395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basically because we both, um, always think we're right.","text2":"We essentially think we are always right.","label":-1,"idx":396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If for some reason you are unable to renew your membership, we still would like to thank you for your past support and hope that you will again join.","text2":"Failure to renew your membership means we would rather you don't bother rejoining. ","label":-1,"idx":397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Chapter VI of Vanity Fair , Thackeray reports on Joe Sedley's drunken avowal to wed Becky Sharp the next morning, even if he had to knock up the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth, in order to have him in readiness to perform the ceremony.","text2":"Joe Sedley is drunk and promises to wed Becky.","label":-1,"idx":398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How This Book Is Organized","text2":"This book is organized a certain way.","label":-1,"idx":399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A number of repairs and alterations will have to be completed at the present facility to assure their usability for a few more years.","text2":"The facility needs repairs and new facilities to be built.","label":-1,"idx":400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She believed this conversation occurred a few minutes, perhaps five, after they entered the conference room.","text2":"The conversation took place exactly five minutes after they went into the room.","label":-1,"idx":401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The next transmission came seconds American 11: Nobody move.","text2":"There was no other transmition made. ","label":-1,"idx":402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Retail Forecasting Challenge","text2":"The challenge of forecasting retail.","label":-1,"idx":403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After evaluating the law school building the I.U.","text2":"After evaluating the Harvard building.","label":-1,"idx":404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have such firms improved their competitive position along with the retailers they supply?","text2":"Have they enhanced their competitive status along with the merchants they supply?","label":-1,"idx":405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His job objectives call for him to do it in 30.","text2":"He had to do it in 30 to meet his job objectives.","label":-1,"idx":406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just check the appropriate box on the enclosed pledge card and return it in the reply envelope.","text2":"Return the card to the urban location using this envelope.","label":-1,"idx":407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"New faculty have been hired, and they have enhanced our course offerings with new and varied areas of expertise.","text2":"They have experience in the latest technological and scientific areas of study.","label":-1,"idx":408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basically if she couldn't hit a note he would digitize it so that she did.","text2":"He would digitize notes she couldn't hit. ","label":-1,"idx":409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other inversion flags are coming back, returning , and going West . Purists admit these only for answers that run horizontally in the grid.","text2":"In reality, these inversions also exist vertically in some puzzles.","label":-1,"idx":410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the customer must write, call, or e-mail these retailers with a specific purchase request, these firms are able to capture actual consumer demand rather than sales numbers alone.","text2":"Sales information is of no value to retailers.","label":-1,"idx":411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, I remember exactly going to the hospital and the uh, waiting room, but um, yeah, it's just something you don't know anybody goes through.","text2":"I can remember being inside the hospital's waiting room. ","label":-1,"idx":412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I could go on, but my ansible (FTL message receiver) is displaying a rpiority-one hyperspace is urgently required to mediate some tiff between local mutant reptillians and the invading rebel positronic androids.","text2":"A mediator is needed to settle an argument between local reptillians and invaders.","label":-1,"idx":413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For Pleasant Run to continue to serve abused and neglected children and their families, we need your support.","text2":"Pleasant Run needs donations in order to continue helping abused and neglected children.","label":-1,"idx":414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is another measure of the guild's success that we can hardly imagine an alternative to it.","text2":"We can't even think of an alternative to this since it is such a good measure of the success of the guild.","label":-1,"idx":415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is far less scholarship aid than is available at most law schools.","text2":"Less financial aid is available in comparison to other schools. ","label":-1,"idx":416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:19, the FAA's New England regional office called Herndon and asked that Cleveland Center advise Delta 1989 to use extra cockpit security.","text2":"Delta 1989 was advised to take increased security measures in the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The protocols did not contemplate an intercept.","text2":"The protocols didn't think about how to intercept it.","label":-1,"idx":418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"sometimes local events can generate chances for faculty and staff to assist the community because of their unique forms of expertise.","text2":"Sometimes local events offer faculty and staff opportunities to assist the community.","label":-1,"idx":419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year Jameson Camp is planning an Inaugural fund-raising The Jameson Grill!","text2":"This year The Jameson Grill will be the inaugural fund raising event presented by the Jameson Camp, it is currently in the planning stages and donations are welcome.","label":-1,"idx":420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other cities with branches of al Khifa included Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Tucson.","text2":"Al Khifa was mainly found in the Middle East.","label":-1,"idx":421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the interview suffers from a number of faults'for instance, it is not penetrating or thorough enough, probably because Aman is a better scholar, writer, and editor than interviewer, and it contains gratuitous information about the interviewer who cannot resist blowing his own horn'it is at least an attempt at documenting that has not, to my knowledge, been done before in the field of linguistics.","text2":"Aman talents as a scholar and writer exceed his skill as an interviewer, as his interview style is is neither deep or thorough - focusing too far on his own accomplishments. ","label":-1,"idx":422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Tries it and it fits; then attempts another piece and looks at her father)","text2":"Tries it and it does not fit, refrains from putting on another piece.","label":-1,"idx":423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The make-up of the grid has undergone various modifications in the course of time but the rules of the game have remained unchanged.","text2":"There has been no change to the rules of the game. ","label":-1,"idx":424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We never had any uh, never had any problems.","text2":"We have always had problems. ","label":-1,"idx":425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Scotland the checked material, of course, is tartan .","text2":"The Scottish material is usually considered for bagpipe performances.","label":-1,"idx":426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To go on using in its former sense a word whose meaning has changed is counterproductive.","text2":"To go on using it in its former sense could be considered more practical","label":-1,"idx":427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That genie that came out of that lamp scared me half to death!","text2":"I was scared of genies for many years.","label":-1,"idx":428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Winning an award is a tremendous honor for a Herron student.","text2":"Herron students don't care about winning awards.","label":-1,"idx":429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was the first specific report to the Secret Service of a direct threat to the White House.","text2":"The White House was facing a direct threat.","label":-1,"idx":430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I. I liked, uh, oh gosh, go ahead Dave you've got--","text2":"Dave please wait your turn.","label":-1,"idx":431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because linguists are constantly learning more and more about the relationships among languages, it is best to avoid using an older chart; for the same reason, it would be wise not to stake too much on the accuracy of even a current chart.","text2":"Older charts depicting linguistic relationships are sometimes inaccurate.","label":-1,"idx":432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously, that works only for kids familiar with New York City.","text2":"It works for every child, regardless of what they're familiar with. ","label":-1,"idx":433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want to leave, I said, but I don't want anybody to know.","text2":"I want to leave without anybody knowing. ","label":-1,"idx":434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Somewhere up northeast of Camp David.","text2":"They were northeast of Camp David in a secret bunker.","label":-1,"idx":435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we talk.","text2":"I don't think we talk.","label":-1,"idx":436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyone who doubts the impact of the proper use of simple language should read (or reread) Knut Hamsun's Growth of the Soil . Though a translation, it puts English polysyllabicity to shame.","text2":"Hamsun spoke at great length and used a large vocabulary. ","label":-1,"idx":437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's see I started in the music industry when I was very young, um, as a DJ and--","text2":"I was 97 when I started in the music industry. ","label":-1,"idx":438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only thing I did know for sure was here's a chance to change things for me and my children.","text2":"There's a chance to change things for my family so I'm going to take it.","label":-1,"idx":439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He could not reach key officials, including Secretary Rumsfeld, for a period of time.","text2":"He tried to contact his authorities for information.","label":-1,"idx":440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Woolf here suggests two lines of thought currently pursued by feminist linguists; feminists both seek to describe women's language and to explore the cluster of related conditions summarized under the rubric silence. ","text2":"According to Woolf, feminist are currently pursuing two lines of thought.","label":-1,"idx":441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can't go into it and be like, Oh!","text2":"You must know what's happening before you go in.","label":-1,"idx":442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we talk.","text2":"I think we talk in the evenings.","label":-1,"idx":443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed it does not.","text2":"It absolutely does.","label":-1,"idx":444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, because of that, my mother read to me a lot, you know, to help me, me feel better . So, she uh, she read a lot of Uncle Wiggly stories to me.","text2":"My mother never read to me. ","label":-1,"idx":445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The form you will need to claim your credit, and attach to your return, is enclosed.","text2":"The form is enclosed to get your credit.","label":-1,"idx":446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The new infrastructure created by the railroads and telegraph contributed to the growth of wholesale houses.","text2":"Many investors saw the potential of wholesale houses.","label":-1,"idx":447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The operative likely intended to round out the team for this flight, Mohamed al Kahtani, had been refused entry by a suspicious immigration inspector at Florida's Orlando International Airport in August.","text2":"The operative probably wanted to be watching from his hotel room.","label":-1,"idx":448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The answer is not clear unless we accept a policy of drawing up a (very) long list of taboo words.","text2":"The answer is very clear even if we don't use a list of taboo words.","label":-1,"idx":449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Retailers with more and more floor space were chasing fewer and fewer apparel-consumption dollars.","text2":"Retailers were in a position where floor space was shrinking while money spent on apparel was increasing.","label":-1,"idx":450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only one charity can touch the lives of individuals in need AND demonstrate an impact on our community's urgent needs.","text2":"Touching the lives of individuals in need and demonstrating an impact on the communities urgent needs, can be done by any charity.","label":-1,"idx":451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A clue for COCK might thus come to number one in the pecking order dominates hens and crows (a quizzical statement, unless the word crows is read as a verb) or creature with a cow's head and a bullock's rump found in a coop (first letter of cow plus last three letters of bullock ).","text2":"Clues may involve portions of words.","label":-1,"idx":452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before the pattern layout is made, there is the assortment problem of determining which apparel sizes should be included in a given marker.","text2":"The pattern layout can be made without the apparel size.","label":-1,"idx":453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, it made no sense at all.","text2":"It still made perfect sense.","label":-1,"idx":454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, elementary school age.","text2":"High school age.","label":-1,"idx":455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Family words and expressions crop up everywhere.","text2":"These words are really rare and hard to spot.","label":-1,"idx":456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a coup in 1977, military leaders turned to Islamist groups for support, and fundamentalists became more prominent.","text2":"Military leaders at one point had turned to Islamist groups for support. ","label":-1,"idx":457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It wasn't until the 1970s that these vestiges of formality gave way to blue jeans and T-shirts'the casual wear uniform.","text2":"It was a great relief that the vestiges of formality finally crumbled.","label":-1,"idx":458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Britain, as elsewhere, most books by feminist writers are reviewed by women, usually feminists.","text2":"Most feminist writers are reviewed by people like them.","label":-1,"idx":459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Evidence indicates that this conversation was the only notice received by either FAA headquarters or the Herndon Command Center prior to the second crash that there had been a second hijacking.","text2":"The phone conversation was the only notice received by FAA headquarters or Herndon Command Center prior to the second crash to even notify authorities there had been a second hijacking of a plane and this led to a delayed emergency military response and the other flight being directed into the second tower. ","label":-1,"idx":460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even St. Paul, later the unregenerate prophet of female inferiority, was forced to acknowledge the help he received from Lydia, the seller of purple dyes in Philippi.","text2":"St Paul hadn't been helped by anyone.","label":-1,"idx":461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another scheme revealed that Bin Ladin sought the capability to kill on a mass scale.","text2":"Bin Ladin was willing to sacrifice his life to commit a crime.","label":-1,"idx":462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even the most casual observers of social movements and language changes are conscious of what some might call the crusade for nonsexist language.","text2":"Not many people heard about the push for nonsexist language.","label":-1,"idx":463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You feel rewarded, enriched, uplifted.","text2":"In addition, you may take comfort knowing that 90% of your gift goes directly to the charity's cause.","label":-1,"idx":464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fact that Graham has found that citations for such usage exist (how old they may be is of little consequence) is not to be construed as evidence that they (necessarily) existed in sufficient profusion to warrant acceptance by the English-speaking populations.","text2":"No one found any evidence of such language being used,.","label":-1,"idx":465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first two chapters provide an overview and historical context.","text2":"The first two chapters include both a summary and the historical background.","label":-1,"idx":466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"About anything.","text2":"It's about nothing.","label":-1,"idx":467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When they all come, we finish it off.","text2":"They were planning it all out.","label":-1,"idx":468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, suppliers must be capable of using this data to allocate production capacity between short-cycle (modular) and standard (progressive bundle system) production lines.","text2":"Suppliers have to allocate some production capacity to standard production lines.","label":-1,"idx":469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The falling costs of conducting business between retailers and their suppliers may also explain why there has been relatively little vertical concentration across industries in the channel'no textile firms have gone into the manufacture of apparel or retail and few apparel firms have set up their own retail outlets.","text2":"Textile manufacturers of apparel or retail, and few apparel firms have set up their own retail outlets because of the falling costs of conducting business.","label":-1,"idx":470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please help more children in Hamilton County, like Becky, know about a safe positive place for them in their non-school hours.","text2":"Help kids in Hamilton County to find a safe place to go after school rather than hang out on the streets.","label":-1,"idx":471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They surveyed members of the staff and faculty councils, administrators and others and learned that we at IUPUI have a number of vital concerns.","text2":"It is important that the employee's concerns are taken seriously.","label":-1,"idx":472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" All mixed together!","text2":"Neatly organised according to their size and color.","label":-1,"idx":473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the first quarter century of its existence as a nation, Pakistan's identity had derived from Islam, but its politics had been decidedly secular.","text2":"Religious fundamentalism became a part of Pakistani politics thirty years after the nation was created.","label":-1,"idx":474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For some that decision was made in the recent past and for others, the distant past.","text2":"The decision was either made a long time ago or fairly recently. ","label":-1,"idx":475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, the MHA Alumni Association has become the strongest alumni group in the SPEA family.","text2":"The MHA Alumni Association abuses their power as the strongest alumni for SEPA.","label":-1,"idx":476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1980s, the Egyptian Islamist movement-badly battered in the government crackdown following President Sadat's assassination-was centered in two major the Islamic Group and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.","text2":"After President Sadat was assassinated there was a major crackdown on the Islamist movement in Egypt.","label":-1,"idx":477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These performance differences persist even after controlling for other characteristics of business units, such as size and product mix, which might also be associated with replenishment speed and technology adoption.","text2":"The practices were better indicators of performance than replenishment speed.","label":-1,"idx":478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're watching the airplane.","text2":"No one knows anything about where the plane is.","label":-1,"idx":479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The estimates of misfirings like this run as high as fifteen percent by those who fire flintlocks these days, when the expression signifies an intense but short-lived success or a person who fails to live up to his or her early promise.","text2":"Misfirings of flintlocks results in reduced success for participants.","label":-1,"idx":480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin, no longer constrained by the Sudanese, clearly thought that he had new freedom to publish his appeals for jihad.","text2":"With his new jihad rhetoric, Bin Ladin's support continued to grow.","label":-1,"idx":481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At approximately 10:30, the shelter started receiving reports of another hijacked plane, this time only 5 to 10 miles out.","text2":"There was no communication with the shelter about hijacked planes. ","label":-1,"idx":482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:08, Indianapolis Center asked Air Force Search and Rescue at Langley Air Force Base to look for a downed aircraft.","text2":"The Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center asked the Air Force Search and Rescue at Langley Air Force Base to look for a downed aircraft at 9:08 AM. ","label":-1,"idx":483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All proceeds of this project will be used to pay for the benches and additional upgrades for the student lounge.","text2":"The project has the support of all stakeholders. ","label":-1,"idx":484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The zone, as I'll call it from now on, is the dynamic region in which new capacities form as children tackle culturally meaningful tasks with a mentor's assistance.","text2":"\"The zone\" is a static region of the brain that has no ability to form new capabilities.","label":-1,"idx":485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These institutions, and the adults who run them, sustain civilization and provide the disciplines'however fragile they may seem'that keep our societies from reverting to barbarism.","text2":"The institutions sustain civilization.","label":-1,"idx":486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plotting the data in this way allows us to focus on the deviation of the weekly demand from the average weekly demand.","text2":"We don't plot the data with anything in particular in mind.","label":-1,"idx":487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in line with what we have said about narrative as a vital context for negotiating diering viewpoints, discussions in which family members disagree about feelings seem particularly helpful in prompting children to step back from the experience of emotion and refiect on its causes and consequences.","text2":"Disagreements between family members shape how a child deals with disagreements in their life.","label":-1,"idx":488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who We Are?","text2":"Get to know us.","label":-1,"idx":489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lewis in 1928, Arthur Clarke in 1951); space-flight (Arthur Clarke, 1949); space sickness (Clarke, 1951).","text2":"Arthur Clarke was brilliant and ahead of his time. ","label":-1,"idx":490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Decorative stitching is the third objective of sewing.","text2":"Decorative stitching is used in sewing.","label":-1,"idx":491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the poetry I remember and she taught us, you know, some poetry.","text2":"I don't remember any poetry.","label":-1,"idx":492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through Destination Services the Center works hand in hand with human resource departments.","text2":"The center uses destination services while working in conjunction with human resources departments","label":-1,"idx":493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:33, Hadley told the air threat conference I need to get word to Dick Myers that our reports are there's an inbound aircraft flying low 5 miles out.","text2":"Hadley attended the air threat conference and remained silent.","label":-1,"idx":494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its continuance seems assured.","text2":"It will assuredly continue.","label":-1,"idx":495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this section we review briefly the well-known news-vendor problem to illustrate the basic trade-offs retailers must make when determining inventory stocking levels.","text2":"The well-known news-vendor problem is reviewed in the next section.","label":-1,"idx":496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I plowed through a bunch of them that summer.","text2":"I made it through a lot of them over summer.","label":-1,"idx":497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the White House, the video teleconference was conducted from the Situation Room by Richard Clarke, a special assistant to the president long involved in counterterrorism.","text2":"Richard Clarke gave a video teleconference in the situation room.","label":-1,"idx":498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does that mean that the number of headwords equals the number of entries?","text2":"The headwords are the same size as the entries?","label":-1,"idx":499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have sent a check for $100 and hope that you will consider a like gift or more.","text2":"I would like for you to consider making a donation in the amount similar to mine. ","label":-1,"idx":500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feel free to call me at any time for additional information about Herron.","text2":"If you need any more info about Herron, I'm here.","label":-1,"idx":501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"even though it is generally acknowledged that Paris is n??mero uno in this area of human activity.","text2":"Paris is the epicenter of human activity because it has a huge population.","label":-1,"idx":502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We can only guess the number of spouses who work for a matching gift company or one of its subsidiaries.","text2":"The spouses have their contribution matched too. ","label":-1,"idx":503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"she said to them, to the guerrillas, Bastards!","text2":"She said they were such a blessing to their community.","label":-1,"idx":504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and having been assured that it was, Defendant (aside) commands himself to Be firm, be firm, my pecker. ","text2":"The defendant commands himself to be firm and have sex with the woman.","label":-1,"idx":505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At some time between 10:10 and 10:15, a military aide told the Vice President and others that the aircraft was 80 miles out.","text2":"Aides told the President that the plane was 8 miles away at noon.","label":-1,"idx":506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They feared it had been hijacked.","text2":"They were afraid it was highjacked. ","label":-1,"idx":507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Evidence accumulated later, including the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103, clearly showed that the operation did not curb Qadhafi's interest in terrorism.","text2":"They got more evidence that showed Qadhafi was no longer dangerous.","label":-1,"idx":508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now she works at US Aid.","text2":"She is now working at Red Cross.","label":-1,"idx":509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each operation is assigned to a single worker, who receives a bundle of unfinished garment parts and undertakes her single operation on each item in the bundle.","text2":"Each worker performs a single operation on each bundle.","label":-1,"idx":510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight data recorder (also recovered) indicates that Jarrah then instructed the plane's autopilot to turn the aircraft around and head east.","text2":"There was no flight data recorder on that flight. ","label":-1,"idx":511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do you do?","text2":"I'm interested in what you do.","label":-1,"idx":512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A major development of national significance has provided much prestige to the IUPUI Geography Department.","text2":"The geography department has received much prestige after a major development.","label":-1,"idx":513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time he issued his February 1998 declaration of war, Bin Ladin had nurtured that organization for nearly ten years.","text2":"Bin Laden had worked with the organization for almost a decade.","label":-1,"idx":514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh I know what I was going to tell you.","text2":"I remember what I was going to tell you.","label":-1,"idx":515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' When he looks at the map it is obvious that Vietnam is to the extreme south of the Chinese Empire.","text2":"He looks at the map and notices that Vietnam is west of the Chinese Empire.","label":-1,"idx":516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every service listed above is a reason for you to give to the 1996 Annual Appeal.","text2":"There's no reason to give to the Annual Appeal.","label":-1,"idx":517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now they tell you that's not good to do.","text2":"They don't like it when you do that.","label":-1,"idx":518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We simply do not know.","text2":"We are not aware of the alternatives to our first impression.","label":-1,"idx":519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet our research indicates that apparel leaders are building these new skills.","text2":"Apparel leaders are recruiting new talent to help familiarize them with the necessary skills to grow.","label":-1,"idx":520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so I changed my major without telling my parents.","text2":"My parents didn't know that I changed majors.","label":-1,"idx":521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I need a direction, a destination.","text2":"Direction and destination is optional. ","label":-1,"idx":522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Library resources including audio\/visual aids, flags on loan, and books, add to the Girl Scout experience so that girls and volunteers have the tools they need to make Girl Scouting a positive learning experience.","text2":"Libraries offer the tools that girls and volunteers need - everything from books to flags.","label":-1,"idx":523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, unlike a normal scramble order, this order did not include a distance to the target or the target's location.","text2":"The order included the target distance.","label":-1,"idx":524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The resulting cutbacks created enormous resentment among recipients who had come to see government largesse as their right.","text2":"The cutbacks made everyone happy.","label":-1,"idx":525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The word is from the Czech robota `forced labor.","text2":"In Czech, robot means 'forced labor'.","label":-1,"idx":526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An old college friend of mine who celebrated his twentieth birthday'meaning twenty years of AA sobriety'a couple of years ago, tells me that when he was on the skids and riding the rails from drunk tank to drunk tank, the favorite terms for muscat were muscadoodle and Napa Valley smoke .","text2":"Muscrat is a really bad drug for someone to do. ","label":-1,"idx":527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mass customization involves a number of preassembly innovations.","text2":"Customization involves a lot of innovations for postassembly.","label":-1,"idx":528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And be more productive when you have this sense of honoring and valuing.","text2":"Are you more productive when you have a sense of honor and value?","label":-1,"idx":529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first two chapters provide an overview and historical context.","text2":"Without historical context, the book is hard to understand.","label":-1,"idx":530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I've learned, um, at the end of this year how to manage my time, which I hasn't helped me out very much.","text2":"It took until the end of the year to learn to manage my time, and by then it was kinda too late.","label":-1,"idx":531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A decade later, the military establishment had another experience that evoked both Desert One and the withdrawal from Beirut.","text2":"The military never experienced another Desert One type situation, thankfully.","label":-1,"idx":532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I made up my mind that Muscat Ramble was almost certainly the original name of the tune.","text2":"I figure Muscat Ramble has to be the original name because I've seen it on old papers.","label":-1,"idx":533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pentagon had been struck by American 77 at 9:37:46.","text2":"The Pentagon was struck by an airplane after nine in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Pakistan, a military regime sought to justify its seizure of power by a pious public stance and an embrace of unprecedented Islamist influence on education and society.","text2":"The military regime in Pakistan did not justify its seizure of power at all.","label":-1,"idx":535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In short, Fun for Everyone!","text2":"To sum it up, everyone has described it as fun.","label":-1,"idx":536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So she, we would always fuss about her sitting with us but anyway this one morning I putting siding dad and I are putting siding on her house and nobody come to the door.","text2":"Dad fell off the ladder while I was putting the siding on her house. ","label":-1,"idx":537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Australia and Western Europe, child care is nationally regulated and liberally funded to ensure that it conforms to standards verified by research to foster children's learning, social competence, and emotional security.","text2":"Child care isn't nationally regulated in Australia although it is in Western Europe.","label":-1,"idx":538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every single one was subjected to an extremely active environment, not one that folded its hands and waited for the child to mature. ","text2":"All of them were the subject of an active environment. ","label":-1,"idx":539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This child, Becky, is six years old and lives with her father.","text2":"Becky is a 6 year old who lives with her dad.","label":-1,"idx":540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these volatile times as children and their parents are subjected to mounting pressures in the schools, home and workplace and issues of personal responsibility are too many times pushed into the background, our mission is even more critical.","text2":"Families are under little pressure right now because there's no personal responsibility.","label":-1,"idx":541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In appreciation of your generosity, I've enclosed a special bookmark printed with John Newton's familiar hymn, Amazing Grace.","text2":"Here's a special bookmark for you to say thanks for your generosity.","label":-1,"idx":542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about do you have a bike?","text2":"And you, do ride bikes too?","label":-1,"idx":543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift form identifying particular areas of need is attached for your reference.","text2":"Enclosed for you, is an award form describing certain areas of need in the Boston area.","label":-1,"idx":544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:05, Boston Center confirmed for both the FAA Command Center and the New England Region that the hijackers aboard American 11 said we have planes.","text2":"It was not until after 9:05 that the FAA Command Center was told about what the hijackers said.","label":-1,"idx":545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our approach to the problem was to use operations research techniques and computer simulations of demand to explore the appropriate inventory levels, taking into account the statistical nature of the weekly demand for each of the SKUs for a style.","text2":"Setting up the computer simulations was the easiest part.","label":-1,"idx":546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She was going to watch TV.","text2":"She was going to go exercise outside.","label":-1,"idx":547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hate to say that, but it is true!","text2":"I hate to say it, but it's true! ","label":-1,"idx":548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is an interesting, useful reference book containing information about the better-known writers of America.","text2":"This isn't a useful reference book and contains no information about the better known writers of America.","label":-1,"idx":549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, that sounds like fun.","text2":"That sounds like the best thing ever.","label":-1,"idx":550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lucky attendees can go home with a great prize.","text2":"There will be no prizes for any person","label":-1,"idx":551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A typical marker for men's pants is shown in Figure 8.1 (page 137).","text2":"Figure 8.1 shows what a marker for men's pants commonly looks like on page 150.","label":-1,"idx":552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The pattern pieces for each individual pair of jeans must first be modified.","text2":"Patterns are modified to keep up with changing trends.","label":-1,"idx":553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year our class is being challenged by the other reunion classes to raise funds.","text2":"The classes are unable to raise any funds. ","label":-1,"idx":554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marquis soon realized this was an emergency and instructed the airline's dispatcher responsible for the flight to contact the cockpit.","text2":"Marquis didn't think there was an emergency at all and took no action.","label":-1,"idx":555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"81 provides a hot, nutritious meal for a person aged 60+.","text2":"We serve hot meals to seniors on a daily basis.","label":-1,"idx":556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A nationally recognized innovator in Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, Steve is remembered as a gentleman whose care and concern for his students, friends and colleagues was warm and genuine.","text2":"Steve was a gentleman who genuinely cared about his students, friends and colleagues.","label":-1,"idx":557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Specifically, we matched data from the HCTAR survey to corresponding establishment-level data from the Department of Commerce's Longitudinal Research Database (LRD).","text2":"The Department of Commerce's Longitudinal Research Database (LRD) contains establishment-level data.","label":-1,"idx":558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And every stop we make, now you got to remember when those bus doors open what little heat that's in that bus goes out that door and the cold comes in. ","text2":"Don't open the bus doors every stop we make.","label":-1,"idx":559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do you try to counter that with your own children and will continue to try and counter that as grandchildren are added to your family?","text2":"Is it going to be up to your children to counter it with their children? ","label":-1,"idx":560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That seems like that was two or three weeks out of the school year in the spring especially that the fog would just be outrageous.","text2":"The fog was outrageous during the summer months. ","label":-1,"idx":561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 10 takes up these issues in detail.","text2":"In chapter 10, we will move on to a different topic.","label":-1,"idx":562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In both cases, the point is exactly opposite that identified by it is the position, institution, authority, etc. being referred to and not the occupant. ","text2":"In every case, every point was exactly how it was identified. ","label":-1,"idx":563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because none of these teleconferences-at least before 10:00- included the right officials from both the FAA and Defense Department, none succeeded in meaningfully coordinating the military and FAA response to the hijackings.","text2":"All of the most important people were in the teleconference.","label":-1,"idx":564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I told him, I don't cover for the guerrillas, or for you . Why would I cover for them?","text2":"I told him that I wouldn't cover for him, just like I wouldn't cover for the guerrillas, because I had no reason to want to cover for them.","label":-1,"idx":565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Islamic names often do not follow the Western practice of the consistent use of surnames.","text2":"Islamic names and Western names both use consistent surnames.","label":-1,"idx":566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, when parents and other adults apply good rearing practices, they serve as buers, or sources of protection, for children against threatening forces in the wider world.","text2":"When parents apply good practices, they are a source of protection against the bullies.","label":-1,"idx":567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD perceived the dominant threat to be from cruise missiles.","text2":"NORAD did not think that cruise missiles were the greatest threat.","label":-1,"idx":568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A handful might have led colorful existences, some are objects of interest because they died early, committed suicide, were related to (other) famous people, and so forth; but such information seldom reveals as much about their output as do the creations themselves, and in certain cases one is probably better off not knowing quite so much.","text2":"The creations usually reveal the most information about their output.","label":-1,"idx":569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kids today face overwhelming pressures, everything from trouble at home to gangs and drugs.","text2":"Gangs, drugs, and problems at home do not contribute to the pressures of growing up kids face today.","label":-1,"idx":570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At Super Summer Safari Camp, there are daily sports, nature, and arts activities.","text2":"There are many different things to do at the camp, which starts on the first of summer.","label":-1,"idx":571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He refers to those chilling lines at the end of III.ii, where Macbeth invokes Night's cover for the intended murder of Banquo.","text2":"He is talking about the part where Macbeth tries to murder Banquo.","label":-1,"idx":572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't imagine not reading.","text2":"I can picture myself reading less.","label":-1,"idx":573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It contains many photographs of writers, some quite early; these enliven the appearance of the book but accomplish little else, unless one is interested in what Samuel Clemens looked like at the age of 15 (as a printer's devil) or in the appearance of Hart Crane standing in the middle of a railroad track in Cleveland in 1916.","text2":"The book consists entirely of text, and this choice proves to be very effective.","label":-1,"idx":574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The future of Cathedral High School, under the leadership of President Steve Helmich, is indeed bright.","text2":"There is a brightness to the future of Cathedral under the instruction of its President. ","label":-1,"idx":575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are in a rapid descent . . . we are all over the place.","text2":"We are falling quickly all over the place.","label":-1,"idx":576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin Moves to Sudan By the fall of 1989, Bin Ladin had sufficient stature among Islamic extremists that a Sudanese political leader, Hassan al Turabi, urged him to transplant his whole organization to Sudan.","text2":"Bin Ladin was urged to move his operation to Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is a new outlook on how children acquire more complex and eective skills.","text2":"This causes a new outlook on how kids get more complex skills.","label":-1,"idx":578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I met some interesting people there, and, um, D'Angelo was probably one of the most interesting people that I met there and just, just one of the most down to earth artists that I, I have met in the industry.","text2":"D'Angelo was one of the most interesting people I met.","label":-1,"idx":579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or maybe even dinner for Mom at a local restaurant.","text2":"The local restaurant serves dinner.","label":-1,"idx":580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your generous support is very important.","text2":"I don't care about your support, it doesn't matter.","label":-1,"idx":581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For our purposes, note that high demand fluctuation decreases one's ability to forecast demand accurately.","text2":"The reason for this difficulty is in the volume of the demand.","label":-1,"idx":582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For instance, by substantially reducing work-in-process buffers in assembly, throughput time on the modular lines of business units in the HCTAR sample dropped to just two days, compared with nine days for standard assembly methods.","text2":"HCTAR methods are significantly more expensive than standard assembly methods.","label":-1,"idx":583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Charlotte's a good city, it's expanding and it's getting better.","text2":"Charlotte is getting bigger due to it's reputation of being more safe these days.","label":-1,"idx":584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No examples have been given of answers that consist of more than one word.","text2":"All of these are examples of answers that have more than one word.","label":-1,"idx":585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He would pick chewing gum up off the floor and chew it disgusting things he was a deviant little sucker.","text2":"He placed things he found laying on the floor in his mouth.","label":-1,"idx":586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even if textile products flowing to apparel sewn in this country (or in Mexico and the Caribbean Basin, where contractors assemble garments using U.S. textiles) decline, it is realistic to assume that some U.S. textile exports will increase in the near term and that there will be substantial increases in domestic industrial markets.","text2":"It is important to assume that exports will increase in the near term.","label":-1,"idx":587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now might be as good a time as any to reveal a theft I committed at an Air Force Base near Seymour, Indiana.","text2":"I did some bad things while in the air force. ","label":-1,"idx":588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we don't we'll die!","text2":"We'll die if we do!","label":-1,"idx":589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, over $10,000 in dental instruments, equipment, and supplies is needed to make the program successful.","text2":"A great deal of money is needed if the program is going to be successful.","label":-1,"idx":590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eminent child development theorists of the past attached great importance to the role of make-believe play in early development.","text2":"Imagination while playing also helps develop social skills in children.","label":-1,"idx":591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And finally, though perhaps of most importance to you, through the Campus Campaign you can continue to make your gift to any IUPUI program that matters to you.","text2":"It is important that people have the ability to make donations to the things they consider important. ","label":-1,"idx":592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Simply put, your generous contributions make all the difference between saving more of Indiana's natural areas, or never having another chance to do so.","text2":"Your contributions have done nothing to save more of Indiana's natural areas but we can try again another time.","label":-1,"idx":593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I said, Why did you come back, Victoria?","text2":"I asked, \"Why did you come back, Victoria?\"","label":-1,"idx":594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A hijacker responded,No.","text2":"The hijacker replied, no. ","label":-1,"idx":595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, tomorrow at four, he said to me. ","text2":"I am certain he gave me the right time.","label":-1,"idx":596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you please share your name?","text2":"Please give me your name.","label":-1,"idx":597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your investment in the Annual Campaign is sure to yield high returns.","text2":"The investment of 3,000 dollars you made will definitely be profitable.","label":-1,"idx":598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller United 93, understand you have a bomb on board.","text2":"The controller was not able to hear what the man was saying from the plane.","label":-1,"idx":599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some people (mistakenly) think that the slang term for a commode was named for Thomas Crapper , English plumber.","text2":"Thomas Crapper is a fitting name for a plumber.","label":-1,"idx":600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Leprechaun is looking pretty tired, suggested Kevin, laying Sophie's stuffed leprechaun next to the teddy bear.","text2":"Sophie has a stuffed leprechaun and a teddy bear.","label":-1,"idx":601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He entered into a partnership with Almy and Brown to erect perpetual card and spinning machines","text2":"Almy and Brown helped erect spinning machines.","label":-1,"idx":602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Money problems proved costly to Bin Ladin in other ways.","text2":"Bin Ladin's financial problems handicapped him in other ways.","label":-1,"idx":603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These monies also help defray the cost of putting on activities for faculty and students such as the Herron Awards Night.","text2":"The money is very beneficial when setting up events.","label":-1,"idx":604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A time for a youngster to enjoy the fun and benefits of residential camp living, dedicated staff and instruction, and a chance to make special friends.","text2":"The youngster has plenty of time to experiment","label":-1,"idx":605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you like the weather in Charlotte?","text2":"What's your opinion on Charlotte's weather?","label":-1,"idx":606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By participating in everyday routines and duties at home and in preschool, children develop a sense of responsible participation in family and community life.","text2":"That sense of participation in community is essential to their lives as adults.","label":-1,"idx":607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pattern layout may not seem important at first, until one sees a plaid mismatch when this jacket is buttoned.","text2":"Plaid must match when the jacket is buttoned for the plaid layout to be successful.","label":-1,"idx":608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The airplane rolled onto its back, and one of the hijackers began shouting Allah is the greatest.","text2":"The passengers were screaming in terror while the hijacker was shouting.","label":-1,"idx":609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A final instance will make my point.","text2":"There is much more evidence needed to convince you.","label":-1,"idx":610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He thinks, you know, it's just kind of that whole thing, he wants me to get everything now, because he thinks once you're his age, it's too late.","text2":"He thinks that people can only take risks at a young age.","label":-1,"idx":611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you are a fan of old-fashioned jazz'what is now known as traditional or trad jazz'you are familiar with one of the standard jump tunes of the genre'a tune most commonly called Muskrat Ramble . Even if you are not a fan, you must have heard it as least a dozen times.","text2":"Muskrat Ramble is traditional jazz played on the piano.","label":-1,"idx":612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading, spelling, doing phonics.","text2":"It includes, reading, math, and history.","label":-1,"idx":613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My older sister Rayona she put together that reunion.","text2":"My younger brother Brad planned the reunion.","label":-1,"idx":614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only Luis Alonso had gone out.","text2":"Luis Alonso was the sole person to leave.","label":-1,"idx":615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"analysand Another term from one of its words for `patient.","text2":"Another term is \"patient\".","label":-1,"idx":616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you do gopher work?","text2":"Do you do sales work?","label":-1,"idx":617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Namma-holes have been variously described; to Carnegie they are depressions on the surface of rocks, often with a rounded bottom, where stones are often found, suggesting that the stones have something to do with the formation of the holes.","text2":"To Carnegie, Namma-holes are just natural cracks within rocks with square bottoms.","label":-1,"idx":618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Animal Farm and they, yeah, it was so far in the future, and, my gosh, now it's the past.","text2":"The book was so advanced that even now it seems futuristic.","label":-1,"idx":619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The passenger replied that he did not see one.","text2":"The passenger should have seen one. ","label":-1,"idx":620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe it is more likely that Jarrah, the crucial pilot-trained member of their team, remained seated and inconspicuous until after the cockpit was seized; and once inside, he would not have been visible to the passengers.","text2":"Jarrah was running around the plane from the beginning.","label":-1,"idx":621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD perceived the dominant threat to be from cruise missiles.","text2":"Cruise missiles were not a significant threat to the United States.","label":-1,"idx":622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If they want to be emphatic about a large undertaking, they might say, I'm going to do it all!","text2":"They are enthusiastic about the work","label":-1,"idx":623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"William Dillard's simple maxim1 succinctly captures the central'and perennial'inventory challenge facing retail managers.","text2":"Maxim1 addresses inventory challenges faced by retailers.","label":-1,"idx":624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Yes, because you have less children, and can have more, time, or more, ability to get around to the people so they, will help out.","text2":"He said they'll be more inclined to help you out, because you can get there and you don't have any kids.","label":-1,"idx":625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among these Get Back (a sign flashed on TV to invite or command the viewer to return after the commercial, or maybe promising that the production will return then); Pants 50% Down (ad for a sale); in my side (for my part; on my side of the argument); Step the Pedal ' Water Will Flow (sign in a train lavatory); Drive-Thru Window (at the bank); How do you doing? ","text2":"Among these get back in my side.","label":-1,"idx":626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have an exciting year of exhibitions and events planned and hope you will choose to join us.","text2":"We don't want you to come this year.","label":-1,"idx":627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I also know that you like fantasy as well?","text2":"You like fantasy too, don't you?","label":-1,"idx":628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In June 1996, an enormous truck bomb detonated in the Khobar Towers residential complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that housed U.S.","text2":"A truck bomb in a complex in Dhahran did not go off until 3 years later, in 1999.","label":-1,"idx":629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your donation will help us all!","text2":"It will help us purchase valuable materials.","label":-1,"idx":630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for touching a life and helping to make our community a better place to live, work and prosper.","text2":"Thank you for touching the lives of families in our community","label":-1,"idx":631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A new cone of looper thread contains miles of thread and generally does not have to be replaced more frequently than a few times during a shift.","text2":"A new cone of looper thread will have to be replaced at least one hundred times during a shift.","label":-1,"idx":632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider making a contribution to help us SAVE OUR BABIES.","text2":"Please give a contribution for Save Our Monkeys.","label":-1,"idx":633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope you will join me in support of the Chancellor's Circle at IUPUI.","text2":"I hope we can support the Chancellor's Circle together.","label":-1,"idx":634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Setting Inventory Levels in the Store","text2":"Inventory levels for the store require setting","label":-1,"idx":635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about this time new powers were arising around the old Chinese heartland.","text2":"New powers began in the middle of China.","label":-1,"idx":636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens if their children get sick?","text2":"What if their kids end up with some disease that needs sustained medical resources, what will be done then?","label":-1,"idx":637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"3. Complete the form and send it, along with your gift, to the law school.","text2":"The school will highly appreciate your gift.","label":-1,"idx":638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" As a mother of an 18-month-old daughter with an M.A. in education who has decided to stay home to raise my child (a difficult and soul-wrenching decision), I resent the characterizsation of the full-time mother as one who is occupied with `laundry, shopping, preparing dinner,' to the exclusion of one-to-one contact with my child. ","text2":"The person in question is a mother of a 19 year old daughter only. ","label":-1,"idx":639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I reminded him of the bird and pachyderm houses, he remembered a lot the fiamingos, parrots, swans, elephants, hippos, and rhinos.","text2":"We had a fun time at the Movies, where we saw a movie about birds.","label":-1,"idx":640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Funk dismisses Queen Elizabeth I and Betsy Ross as possible eponymous sources and concludes, It is much more likely to have been derived in some way from the frontiersman's rifle or gun which, for some unknown reason, he always fondly called Betsy.","text2":"The name is derived from a frontiersman's rifle.","label":-1,"idx":641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the new dean for Engineering and Technology I am delighted to have this opportunity to contact you.","text2":"I am the new dean for Engineering and Technology and I am happy to be able to contact you.","label":-1,"idx":642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I now invite you to continue to support the mission and the message that is so important to building strong kids, strong families and strong communities.","text2":"Donations do not go to the communities.","label":-1,"idx":643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your investment is used efficiently -- 88 percent OF FUNDS RAISED ARE INVESTED DIRECTLY IN SERVICES THAT HELP MEET CRITICAL COMMUNITY NEEDS.","text2":"88% of funds go directly to help critical community needs.","label":-1,"idx":644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why is she still breathtaking when her child is already four?","text2":"Her child is four years old, yet she still looks wonderful.","label":-1,"idx":645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Bob and Sharon, parents of a 4-year- Our daughter, Lydia, could recite her ABCs and count from 1 to 20 by age 2 1\/2.","text2":"Bob and Sharon's daughter Lydia is 4 years old.","label":-1,"idx":646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center repeatedly tried and failed to contact the aircraft.","text2":"Passengers of the aircraft attempted to contact the Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center.","label":-1,"idx":647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah he did, didn't he?","text2":"He didn't do that.","label":-1,"idx":648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even more than under PBS, sewing tasks were broken down in minute detail, both as a means of increasing speed and decreasing skill requirements.","text2":"Tasks were reviewed step by step, as a way of increasing efficiency and lowering skill required.","label":-1,"idx":649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are two major types of sewing machines used in garment the lockstitch and the chain-stitch machine.","text2":"There are two main types of sewing machines in making garments.","label":-1,"idx":650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Battle for United 93 At 8:42, United Airlines Flight 93 took off from Newark (New Jersey) Liberty International Airport bound for San Francisco.","text2":"Flight 93 went from New Jersey to San Francisco.","label":-1,"idx":651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are flying very, very low.","text2":"The plane is flying very low to the ground. ","label":-1,"idx":652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And as March begins, we wanted to remind you to consider your contribution to the 1996 Annual Appeal.","text2":"We wanted to tell you to contribute at least $5000 to the campaign.","label":-1,"idx":653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 8 ( Getting Ready to Sew) describes the preassembly steps of apparel design","text2":"Chapter 8 describes preassembly in so much detail that it's boring to read.","label":-1,"idx":654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think Aunt Ann noticed that bird was ever in the house.","text2":"I don't think Aunt Ann noticed that bird was in the house because she is blind.","label":-1,"idx":655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pakistani military intelligence service probably had advance knowledge of his coming, and its officers may have facilitated his travel.","text2":"He never came to Pakistan at all.","label":-1,"idx":656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyway, this sent me to the big Oxford , where I found about a column-and-a-half on intercourse . As a noun it was first used of trade dealings between people of different localities.","text2":"Intercourse originally meant that people ate together","label":-1,"idx":657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I fortunately remembered when Mom and I left to go to the church to bring a wrench and couple pairs of pliers because of course the pews were bolted to the floor.","text2":"The pews were bolted to the floor to prevent theft.","label":-1,"idx":658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feeling constantly frazzled can, in and of itself, interfere with relaxed, patient investment in children.","text2":"Feeling frazzled can interfere with parenting.","label":-1,"idx":659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children 1 1\/2 to 3 years old can describe their memories verbally.","text2":"Children 1 to 3 years old can't remember anything.","label":-1,"idx":660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can do that on your, on your county roads and I think they call them a borough if I remember right up that way.","text2":"You are able to do that on a country road.","label":-1,"idx":661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Copy that?","text2":"Are you listening?","label":-1,"idx":662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As on American 11 and United 175, the hijackers used knives (reported by one passenger) and moved all the passengers (and possibly crew) to the rear of the aircraft (reported by one flight attendant and one passenger).","text2":"All the passengers were quickly moved to the back of the aircraft along with most of the crew under the guard of three hijackers.","label":-1,"idx":663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe this call would have taken place sometime before 10:10 to 10:15.","text2":"No calls appeared to have been made the morning of the attack.","label":-1,"idx":664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children sharpen this competency through conversing with adults, who add information, ask questions, and prompt children to increase the sophistication of their descriptions and explanations'in essence, who use an elaborative style of narrative talk.","text2":"Communicating with adults is one way that children increase this competency.","label":-1,"idx":665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ong speculated that they had jammed their way in.","text2":"No one had guessed that they would jam their way in.","label":-1,"idx":666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do your parents do?","text2":"Why don't your parents do anything?","label":-1,"idx":667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We also hope you'll take time out from your spring planting to make a gift in honor of Joe's garden.","text2":"Please come plant some flowers for Joe.","label":-1,"idx":668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does any reader need an entry like this one?","text2":"A reader does need an entry like this one.","label":-1,"idx":669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Caliphate-the institutionalized leadership of the Ummah-thus was a Sunni institution that continued until 1924, first under Arab and eventually under Ottoman Turkish control.","text2":"The Caliphate was last under Ottoman Turkish control in 1924.","label":-1,"idx":670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our goal for the remainder of this year is to raise $100,000.","text2":"We have already raised $100,000 so far this year.","label":-1,"idx":671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help.","text2":"Your help is requested.","label":-1,"idx":672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I urge you to join the Maennerchor Society this year.","text2":"Don't join the society. ","label":-1,"idx":673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They do not appear to do much rambling.","text2":"They don't do much rambling.","label":-1,"idx":674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:51, American 77 transmitted its last routine radio communication.","text2":"American 77 made its last routine radio communication at 8:51. ","label":-1,"idx":675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And `cause I was really involved in theater and stuff in high school and everything like that.","text2":"I was a main character in all of my high school's plays.","label":-1,"idx":676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps the most significant comment on the failure to distinguish between man generic and man `male human' appears on page 25:","text2":"There was an important comment about distinguishing between male human and male generic.","label":-1,"idx":677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Tasty Menu (printed on a menu); Big Heights Tahiragi (the Tahiragi high-rise apartment building); Build Saito (the Saito Building); pair glass (a pair of drinking glasses); Arrange Ball (Pachinko or pinball); History and Future Pavilion (Pavilion of Past and Future); fillet of minion (entanglement perhaps not so simple); Extra Interior (factory-printed sign on a roomier?","text2":"This is totally not a list.","label":-1,"idx":678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, more serious, and that was, that was a very interesting story because it was the first time I came upon a character who was real, who was afraid, who ran away who, uh, then came back and, uh, and conquered his fear which is something that we all have to do from time to time.","text2":"I was captivated by the story because of one of the characters.","label":-1,"idx":679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and Azzam agreed that the organization successfully created for Afghanistan should not be allowed to dissolve.","text2":"Bin Ladin and Azzam kept the organization together.","label":-1,"idx":680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most often, an electrically driven vertical reciprocating knife is used to cut the fabric.","text2":"The fabric cut by the electronic knife is colored pink.","label":-1,"idx":681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, he, he came looking for, yogurt, I don't know what he came looking for, for me to sell him.","text2":"He never sought anything except barbecue chicken.","label":-1,"idx":682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Back in 1931, however, when Bodenheim was coming into his own as a literary maverick, New York publisher Horace Liveright issued his novel' Naked on Roller Skates . The title is a grabber, but the book itself would be anathema to feminists since it features a heroine who wishes to be beaten and ","text2":"Horace Liverigh published Name on Roller Skates in 1931. ","label":-1,"idx":683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ten pages on (page 17), water occurs nine times but there are also the related words stream (twice), well (twice), pool, channel , and the circumlocution essential element. ","text2":"The term water occurs nine times, alongside related words on page 17.","label":-1,"idx":684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Look, ma'am, he says, you deserve to have your tongue cut out, because you are covering for the guerrillas.","text2":"He told me I deserved to have my tongue cut out for covering for the guerrillas. ","label":-1,"idx":685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was nice to at least be working for people who seemed to care about where they were and how things were handled.","text2":"The workers couldn't care less about the company.","label":-1,"idx":686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet to grant children adequate attention and involvement, there is no substitute for slowing down and reexamining the pace of everyday life.","text2":"Reexamining the pace of everyday life, gives insight on what steps to take next.","label":-1,"idx":687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the April meeting of the IDA Endowment Committee, a goal was set to raise funds to increase the IDA Pursuit of Excellence fund to a minimum of $1 million.","text2":" A goal was set to raise funds to increase the IDA Pursuit of Excellence fund to a minimum of $1 million at the April meeting of the IDA Endowment Committee..","label":-1,"idx":688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ambassador to the United States from Hungary His Excellency Geza Jeszenszky was present to add his accolades that evening.","text2":"Ambassadors from Ecuador and Italy were also present at the same event.","label":-1,"idx":689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, what's your favorite television shows?","text2":"What television show do you like the most?","label":-1,"idx":690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YL teens will make J.C. juniors happen again this year for 7 and 8 year old campers.","text2":"J.C. juniors will happen again this year for 7 and 8 year old campers, thanks to the YL teens who will make it happen.","label":-1,"idx":691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, to return to Mr. Delaney, swimmingly is associated with aquatic with a smooth gliding movement says OED . No confusion there, I would suggest.","text2":"Swimmingly has both a literal and figurative meaning.","label":-1,"idx":692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"relates to night destroying daylight in the sense that darkness will cancel the daylight's `bond,' whatever that may be.","text2":"The night and day are exactly the same.","label":-1,"idx":693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These cases offer a rational approach to inventory management for manufacturers, one that is premised on receiving accurate POS information from retailers and maintaining good working relationships with all channel players'for example, retail orders are not placed at the last minute and textile suppliers come through when they say they will.","text2":"Orders are always placed at the last minute and textile suppliers never deliver.","label":-1,"idx":694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Frustrated in their search for a decent living, unable to benefit from an education often obtained at the cost of great family sacrifice, and blocked from starting families of their own, some of these young men were easy targets for radicalization.","text2":"Some of these young men were easy targets for radicalization, because of their frustration in search for a decent living, blocked from starting families of their own, unable to benefit from an education often obtained at the cost of a great family sacrifice.","label":-1,"idx":695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anselmo tries, but he gets so frustrated and upset that I move in and help, even in the face of opposition from his dad.","text2":"I intercepted Anselmo's attempt as he started to get worked up emotionally.","label":-1,"idx":696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He entered into a partnership with Almy and Brown to erect perpetual card and spinning machines","text2":"He's not concerned erections.","label":-1,"idx":697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You cannot make a completely customized item of apparel with just four measurements.","text2":"It is very easy to make a completely customized item with only two measurements.","label":-1,"idx":698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The answer is not clear unless we accept a policy of drawing up a (very) long list of taboo words.","text2":"On that list of taboo words is the word sex.","label":-1,"idx":699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us reveal their dual ","text2":"They have dual purposes.","label":-1,"idx":700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Psychologist Rosalind Barnett and journalist Caryl Rivers conducted extensive interviews with 300 dual-earner couples in the Boston area and found that despite stress at work and at home, most were highly satisfied and found child rearing to be both manageable and pleasurable.","text2":"Most dual-earner couples in Boston are highly satisfied because there is a good school system there, so children are well taken care of while they are at work.","label":-1,"idx":701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As older preschoolers begin to attend to features of print, adults can combine shared book reading with scaolding of children's knowledge of letter names, letter-sound correspondences, and print conventions (for example, that books are read from left to right and top to bottom of the page, that spaces are used to separate words and periods to end sentences).","text2":"Adults are unable to share their reading skills when their kids start reading in school. ","label":-1,"idx":702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Observations of adult-child pairs reveal that the diverse ingredients of scaolding'matching the adult's assistance to the child's changing needs, suggesting eective strategies, posing questions that encourage children to think about higher-order relationships, and interacting warmly and praising children for competent performance'consistently relate to children's task engagement and learning.","text2":"Adult-child pairs has revealed nothing upon having the observations. ","label":-1,"idx":703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So she, he, my brother and his wife had two boys too.","text2":"I have two nephews thanks to my brother and his wife.","label":-1,"idx":704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 10 takes up these issues in detail.","text2":"Chapter 9 has only briefly touched on these problems and chapter 10 will analyse the ramifications as well as possible solutions.","label":-1,"idx":705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Labor conditions have deteriorated for a number of the decline in the coverage of collective bargaining agreements with their provisions for regulation of contract shops; the difficulty of policing contributions for health and pension funds from employers in this sector; the increase in immigrants, legal and illegal, concentrated in certain areas; the intense competition from imports; and the sharp drop in employment in apparel in some markets.","text2":"Most of this decline can be traced back to the loss of collective bargaining agreement coverage.","label":-1,"idx":706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other vital contexts for adult-child engagement include everyday routines and duties, mealtimes, and television viewing.","text2":"Children learn best when an adult models correct behavior. ","label":-1,"idx":707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about um, how about this story of Grandpop and his son, of your dad?","text2":"How about the strip club story of Grandpop and your dad?","label":-1,"idx":708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a lot more things have come up since then for people to do.","text2":"People have a lot more work to do now.","label":-1,"idx":709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am writing to you as a donor to SouthEast Neighborhood Development (SEND) to update you on both our accomplishments and the challenges we are tackling next.","text2":"I am updating you on what SEND has done the past year since you gave $1000.","label":-1,"idx":710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I find little to dispute with M and S in the matter of principle.","text2":"There is no agreement I can find with M and S on anything.","label":-1,"idx":711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is the one private, volunteer organization that exists to end the menace of cancer, to ease the pain of cancer victims and their families, to rehabilitate those who survive, and to enlighten and inform both the professional world and lay public about the latest developments in cancer.","text2":"One organization exists to end AIDS.","label":-1,"idx":712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to notes of the call, at about 9:45 the President told the Vice Sounds like we have a minor war going on here, I heard about the Pentagon.","text2":"The President was unable to contact anyone in his administration.","label":-1,"idx":713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society also has programs of research as well as children thru adult education programs.","text2":"The American Cancer Society offers educational programs for all ages.","label":-1,"idx":714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\How old were you?","text2":"What age were you?","label":-1,"idx":715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mel had brought along a plastic bag, as the beach was often littered with trash after a busy day.","text2":"After a busy day, the beach is likely to be littered with trash.","label":-1,"idx":716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're talking a lot about stories and, um, novels and children's books, was there any poetry that was your favorite?","text2":"We were not talking about stories such as novels and children's books.","label":-1,"idx":717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grocery stores now stock a profusion of toothbrushes, Home Depot has shelves and shelves of different light bulbs, and Dell offers custom-configured personal computers.","text2":"Grocery stores stock toothbrushes.","label":-1,"idx":718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, Damon contends, modern child-centeredness has been stretched to the point of unrestrained child gratification, resulting in a youth culture in which children and adolescents are less engaged, less purposeful, less accomplished academically, and more egoistic and antisocial than in previous generations.","text2":"Damon claims that children have been negatively affected by modern parenting. ","label":-1,"idx":719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although L has, in addition to the names, abbreviations, and only a few pages of miscellaneous materials'Handbook of Style, Ten Vexed points in English grammar'and some tables of moneys, weights and measures, etc., W has short sections on Foreign Words and Phrases (most of which are dispensable), Signs and Symbols, and Style, as well as one of those interminably boring listings of Colleges and Universities that clutter up most American college dictionaries.","text2":"None of these have any foreign language content.","label":-1,"idx":720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean man had hip replacements and bad knees and everything else and he'd get on his knees and play with that dog and give it it's medicine, put peanut butter on his finger and feed it to that dog to keep that dog alive.","text2":"He fed his dog with peanut butter. ","label":-1,"idx":721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Throughout the years the law school has continued to provide quality legal education.","text2":"Throughout the years the English school provided great legal education.","label":-1,"idx":722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well she can't find any of it.","text2":"She can't find any of it.","label":-1,"idx":723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then came back in oh my gosh the second hand smoke in there was enough to kill uh, a farm full of people.","text2":"The second hand smoke was nothing to worry about.","label":-1,"idx":724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The standardization of the way dictionaries estimate how much they contain need not, and should not, entail the standardization of what they contain.","text2":"When editing a dictionary, content should be subject to stringent rules while the amount of information should be informal and relaxed.","label":-1,"idx":725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not picking on the following authors; it is just a random catch.","text2":"I'm picking on the authors. ","label":-1,"idx":726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But my father loves the South, so, I guess it would be an adjustment for him if they moved so--.","text2":"My father would eagerly adjust away from the South-- ","label":-1,"idx":727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet our research indicates that apparel leaders are building these new skills.","text2":"There is no indication that apparel leaders are looking to grow those skills.","label":-1,"idx":728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Healthy Families New York is an effective voluntary home visiting program We train staff at sites across the state, and assist communities to develop the service for their families.","text2":"We, Healthy Families New York, train staff at sites across the state, and assist communities to develop the service for their families.","label":-1,"idx":729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After we receive your commitment, we will contact you about picking up your contribution.","text2":"We will contact you via telephone shortly after receiving your commitment. ","label":-1,"idx":730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember that?","text2":"Do you recall the time you saw the show?","label":-1,"idx":731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only stories I remember about Grandmom Mackton would be uh, when uh, Grandpop Mackton uh, he was a watch repairman and so forth and this was even actually before my time, I remember this just being translated to me from my dad um, my sisters Marsha and Rayona would be over there visiting with my mom and dad, and Grandpop would be working on a watch and he'd drop a part.","text2":"The stories about Grandpop Mackton are from when I was young.","label":-1,"idx":732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your concern and support of Indy Reads.","text2":"Indy Reads does not need support or concern.","label":-1,"idx":733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The properly dressed spaceman (Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1942) must have a space suit (from the pulp Science Wonder Stories, 1929) for his rendezvous with the aliens, of whom many are BEMs (bug-eyed monsters) or LGM (little green men).","text2":"Space men don't need suits and don't communicate with aliens. ","label":-1,"idx":734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(The child misunderstands the meaning of the word scale. ","text2":"The child misunderstands the word improvised explosive device.","label":-1,"idx":735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The campaign funds will help provide a resource library, training materials and equipment; development of progressive math and science programs; and the construction of new centers at three of our camp properties.","text2":"There wasn't enough funds from the campaign to really do anything with.","label":-1,"idx":736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although none of these operations actually involves sewing, they do take time to complete and are taken into account when determining the piece rate and normal workload for an operation.","text2":"All of these operations require actual sewing to be done.","label":-1,"idx":737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They began to be translated into English in the 1960s and 1970s.","text2":"The translation to English was a response to growing English migrants.","label":-1,"idx":738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No primary targets appeared.","text2":"The primary targets were not visible.","label":-1,"idx":739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Americans are working less than they did in 1965'about 6 fewer hours per week for men, 5 fewer for women.","text2":"The average American working week is longer today than it was in 1965.","label":-1,"idx":740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's an investment in our community through United Way of Central Indiana.","text2":"The United Way of Central Indiana is the worst thing to have happened to our community.","label":-1,"idx":741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His sociocultural theory has thoroughly collectivist cultural roots.","text2":"The roots of his theory are certainly collectivist.","label":-1,"idx":742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Or, in Nicholas Nickleby (Chapter XLVII), where that admirable novelist graphically portrays how old Arthur Gride again raised his hands, again chuckled, and again ejaculated. ","text2":"Nothing gross happened in this line.","label":-1,"idx":743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For in its Explanatory Notes (p.12)","text2":"The Explanatory notes begin on page 10.","label":-1,"idx":744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The textile and apparel industries have often been intertwined in public policy discussions about international trade, the Uruguay round of trade negotiations, the role of World Trade Organization, NAFTA and its labor side-accords, the renewal of fast-track negotiating authority, imports from China and human rights standards, and so on.","text2":"NAFTA's public policy discussions are intertwined with the textile and apparel industries.","label":-1,"idx":745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes, but I remember my mother reading to me the most.","text2":"My mother did not read to me that much. ","label":-1,"idx":746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And how old are they?","text2":"How old are they?","label":-1,"idx":747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does it affect their comprehension?","text2":"It doesn't affect their comprehension at all.","label":-1,"idx":748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dillard's became one of the first department stores in the late 1980s to build a centralized inventory-tracking system to provide its headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas, with real-time information on sales, by both store and item.","text2":"When Dillard's decided to implement a centralized inventory-tracking system, their sales figures saw an immediate spike. ","label":-1,"idx":749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda apparently purchased the cylinder, then discovered it to be bogus.","text2":"All Queda bought the cylinder and discovered it to be fake. ","label":-1,"idx":750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They explain, If your picture looks crooked, you would want to see your friend's paper to learn how to make it straight, or If you aren't sure what you're supposed to do, then you should check. ","text2":"If something is wrong, learn from your friend or ask for help, eventually check if need be.","label":-1,"idx":751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Golly, I never really got into poetry.","text2":"I really loved poetry through out my entire life.","label":-1,"idx":752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The machine then presses the die down on the fabric, cuts through the fabric, and unloads the machine.","text2":"The machine presses the die down to cut the thread.","label":-1,"idx":753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faced with this problem, some gun toters would skin, or sharpen the flint with a knife, creating a bevel in the flint, which could then make full contact and generate an adequate shower of sparks.","text2":"The shower of sparks was dangerous to be close to.","label":-1,"idx":754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each year funding is sought through grants and gifts from individuals.","text2":"The funding that it needs is about one million dollars","label":-1,"idx":755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Into adulthood, what books do you like now?","text2":"As an adult, what type of books do you prefer?","label":-1,"idx":756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once Sydney starts to take over strategies generated during joint problem solving, her father pulls back, reducing the assistance provided.","text2":"Sydney's father was of no assistance whatsoever to Sydney.","label":-1,"idx":757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In turn, we have the opportunity to extend that grace to others by meeting their physical and spiritual needs with kindness and compassion.","text2":"We don't feel like helping anyone meet their needs.","label":-1,"idx":758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On September 11, Captain John Ogonowski and First Officer Thomas McGuinness piloted the Boeing 767.","text2":"There were no Boeing 767s in the air on September 11.","label":-1,"idx":759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This use of the name as a derogatory noun is given in both the 1933 Supplements to the OED and in the recent one.","text2":"The name has been used as a derogatory known before.","label":-1,"idx":760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other than one civilian casualty, the operation seemed completely the intelligence headquarters was demolished.","text2":"The intelligence headquarters was destroyed.","label":-1,"idx":761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last year, their law firm solicitation program succeeded in obtaining a range of 57 percent to 100 percent contributing alumni -employed by participating firms.","text2":"The law firm's program was an utter failure and resulted in zero students accepting law firm jobs.","label":-1,"idx":762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of much more interest, however, are the common words used in English that were once compounds but are not easily recognized as such today.","text2":"All words in English that were once compounds are still easily recognized today.","label":-1,"idx":763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mrs. Feinsilver has an interesting article in this volume, too, Comment on Aman's `A Yiddish Minnie-Legend' and the Romanization of Yiddish. ","text2":"The article written by Mrs. Feinsilver in this volume was interesting.","label":-1,"idx":764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society also has programs of research as well as children thru adult education programs.","text2":"The American Cancer Society only cares about research and treatment of cancer.","label":-1,"idx":765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the aircraft was then flying over houses.","text2":"She replied the aircraft was flying over houses when Ted Olsen asked her location.","label":-1,"idx":766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These revelations, conveyed by the angel Gabriel, are recorded in the Qur'an.","text2":"The Qur'an records revelations from the angel Gabriel.","label":-1,"idx":767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I think what was worse about their place is not only the smoke hanging in the air, but they kept it at \/\/ 80 degrees.","text2":"I loved the smoke that loomed in the air in their house, really classy.","label":-1,"idx":768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eighty percent of our 6.000 alumni live in Indiana.","text2":"4800 of our alumni reside in Indiana. ","label":-1,"idx":769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"81 provides a hot, nutritious meal for a person aged 60+.","text2":"81 will provide a warm cozy bed for a shelter animal in need.","label":-1,"idx":770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't imagine not reading.","text2":"I can not picture myself not reading.","label":-1,"idx":771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you remember what you wore? ","text2":"What did you wear?","label":-1,"idx":772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this section we review briefly the well-known news-vendor problem to illustrate the basic trade-offs retailers must make when determining inventory stocking levels.","text2":"Retailers have to engage in basic trade-offs when determining how much inventory should be stocked.","label":-1,"idx":773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In upstate New York, NEADS personnel first learned of the shootdown order from this Floor You need to read this.","text2":"NEADS learned of the shootdown order from a paper that was circulating in the office.","label":-1,"idx":774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For those who are unfamiliar with computers and the need for a word-processing package, I should explain that when you buy what is fondly call a personal computer, you get three pieces of equipment (though they may be combined in some models or makes): a rectangular box with some slots in the front and sockets in the back, a monitor, which is nothing but a small TV set, and a keyboard, which looks like an ordinary typewriter keyboard but, in many models sold today, has a number of additional keys alongside those for the familiar alphanumeric on mine, nestled among some control keys on the right side is what is called a number pad, which resembles the key arrangement one sees on a small adding machine or calculator; on the left side is a double bank of five keys marked F1 through F10 which, when pressed alone or in combination with another key, perform certain functions, some of which are useful, others of which are evidently thought useful by the manufacturer but which I never use.","text2":"A computer is shaped like a washing machine.","label":-1,"idx":775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a former board member, the success of the YMCA is still important to me.","text2":"After I left the board, my interest in the YMCA waned.","label":-1,"idx":776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They have not a rag to cover their nakedness, and neither the weakness of age nor women's infirmities are any plea to excuse them, but they are driven by blows until they drop dead. ","text2":"The couldn't cover his clothes.","label":-1,"idx":777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is a Canadian Mountie always a man? ","text2":"Can we question the gender of Canadian Mounties?","label":-1,"idx":778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Lisa Lusk or Marcia Whited at 693-9222.","text2":"Please call 693-9222 if you would like more information.","label":-1,"idx":779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our camp staff worked all winter long planning some great activities to keep everyone safe and active this summer.","text2":"Our camp staff worked this summer to make fun winter activities.","label":-1,"idx":780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the power of conversation.","text2":"The weakness of conversation.","label":-1,"idx":781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alternatively, distri-bution operations that efficiently process finished products reinforce the benefits of a team-based assembly system.","text2":"Distribution operations are simply managed and anyone can do it.","label":-1,"idx":782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first is the dire shortage of acceptable child-care options in the United States, the second is the parental dilemma of never enough time. ","text2":"America has plenty of acceptable options for child care.","label":-1,"idx":783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our dad started going o on vacations by himself when holidays rolled around, so family get-togethers were rare.","text2":"Our dad started vacationing alone.","label":-1,"idx":784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I learned much about my father's experiences as a retail merchant through stories he related to my mother at Sofie, you'll never believe the customer who came into the store today.","text2":"By listening to my Father's experiences in retail I learned a lot.","label":-1,"idx":785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A subvariant of the anagram","text2":"A subvariety of anagram. ","label":-1,"idx":786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many other important areas where children, families, the elderly and disabled need our help.","text2":"There are two areas that need help.","label":-1,"idx":787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, um, Little Women, that was and, now I had three older sisters, and I always kind of envisioned us patterned after Little Women, and, because there were four girls in that family and I loved that story; read it over and over again.","text2":"I was very fond of the story Little Women and read it several times. ","label":-1,"idx":788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was so traumatic and, ah, Swiss Family Robinson.","text2":"I really found that to be very distressing. ","label":-1,"idx":789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing more.","text2":"That's it, done, finished","label":-1,"idx":790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have talked with, and attempted to recruit, many Afro-Americans for the doctoral program at the School of Dentistry.","text2":"I have made efforts towards recruiting Afro-Americans in the doctoral program.","label":-1,"idx":791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The center was already aware of the problem.","text2":"The center knew about the problem already.","label":-1,"idx":792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Support at this level is assisting the dental school in a variety of ways.","text2":"This level of support involved helping out the dental school in many ways. ","label":-1,"idx":793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This educational experience brings to light what an integral role the dental component plays in an individual's overall health.","text2":"Individual health relies quite heavily on the dental component. ","label":-1,"idx":794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some speculative suggestions, as the derivation (or reinforcement) from Seidlitz powders for take a powder are sheer nonsense.","text2":"Some believe the suggestions are pure nonsense.","label":-1,"idx":795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:59, Flight 175 passenger Brian David Sweeney tried to call his wife, Julie.","text2":"Flight 175 passenger Brian David Sweeney tried to call his wife at 8:59.","label":-1,"idx":796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They feared it had been hijacked.","text2":"They weren't worried about highjackers. ","label":-1,"idx":797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We figured we'd wait to go to your center.","text2":"We figured we'd hurry to your center immediately.","label":-1,"idx":798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The numbers of children who deserve our services are rising... as quickly as our programs can grow to serve them.","text2":"As our community expands, those in need also increase in number. ","label":-1,"idx":799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They certainly did me when first I came across them.","text2":"They did not do me when I first came across them.","label":-1,"idx":800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now his goals are set on moving up in the company.","text2":"Moving up in the company is his top priority.","label":-1,"idx":801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"-A 25 percent increase in credit hours for fall, 1992;","text2":"In 1992, there was a 25% boost in credit hours.","label":-1,"idx":802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"2. Contact your ward Alderman and lobby for his\/her support of the Humane Society's needs.","text2":"The humane society does not accept ward Alderman support.","label":-1,"idx":803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I went and stayed with Grandmom and Grandpop Borel in their little two bed, one bedroom apartment in NJ and uh, I guess I stayed five or six days.","text2":"My grandparents had a one bedroom apartment. ","label":-1,"idx":804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Better yet, the dubbed Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Marlon Brando, and company made me conscious of how I had originally heard Superman I , and of how I commonly ignore what pitch and range (apart from diction and idiom) contribute to any language.","text2":"The voice-overs increased my confusion but made me realize some linguistic differences.","label":-1,"idx":805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Points to the bottom of the puzzle)","text2":"Pointing to the bottom of the puzzle.","label":-1,"idx":806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only then did the already scrambled airplanes start moving directly toward Washington, D.C.","text2":"The scrambled airplanes moved towards DC.","label":-1,"idx":807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1983, community residents and organizations banded together to form the organization which is now called SEND.","text2":"SEND was originally called SAND.","label":-1,"idx":808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most often, an electrically driven vertical reciprocating knife is used to cut the fabric.","text2":"Fabric is most often cut with an electrically driven knife. ","label":-1,"idx":809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who respond with sympathy and patience to their child's inclinations and demands are as taken to task as those who set clear expectations and relentlessly insist that their child shape up and comply with them.","text2":"Everyone is sympathetic and patient with their child's demands.","label":-1,"idx":810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The event will be big!","text2":"None like it has ever been done.","label":-1,"idx":811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Back in 1931, however, when Bodenheim was coming into his own as a literary maverick, New York publisher Horace Liveright issued his novel' Naked on Roller Skates . The title is a grabber, but the book itself would be anathema to feminists since it features a heroine who wishes to be beaten and ","text2":"Horace Liveright published his book way before Bodenheim. ","label":-1,"idx":812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even here, the channel perspective tells a somewhat different story.","text2":"The story told by the channel is slightly different.","label":-1,"idx":813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The north border of the United States is with Canada, most of whose people share our common English speech.","text2":"A significant minority of Canadians speak French as their primary language.","label":-1,"idx":814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the clearest indicators of young children's understanding of stories, and other prereading skills, is the extent to which they can give elaborate, detailed accounts of past events.","text2":"When a child can elaborate very well, the understand the story very well.","label":-1,"idx":815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He alerted his supervisor, who assigned another controller to assist him.","text2":"The two controllers worked together to keep traffic flowing.","label":-1,"idx":816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:07, its representative on the air threat conference call stated that NORAD had no indication of a hijack heading to DC at this time.","text2":"Its representative on the conference call said that NORAD didn't know about a hijacking, though that was found to be false.","label":-1,"idx":817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"GENI also promotes the expansion of geography in teacher training curriculums and in K-12 curriculums.","text2":"GENI also promotes the expansion of other topics. ","label":-1,"idx":818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only stories I remember about Grandmom Mackton would be uh, when uh, Grandpop Mackton uh, he was a watch repairman and so forth and this was even actually before my time, I remember this just being translated to me from my dad um, my sisters Marsha and Rayona would be over there visiting with my mom and dad, and Grandpop would be working on a watch and he'd drop a part.","text2":"I remember my Dad telling me stories of when Grandpop Mackton was a watch repairman.","label":-1,"idx":819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are really old-time clues in new apparel; once wise to the system and having enough vocabulary entries in one's head (or a thesaurus handy on the shelf), it is not too difficult to decode them and arrive at the answer.","text2":"Clues are relatively easy to decode with a thesaurus.","label":-1,"idx":820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin understood better than most of the volunteers the extent to which the continuation and eventual success of the jihad in Afghanistan depended on an increasingly complex, almost worldwide organization.","text2":"Bin Ladin understood that jihad's success depended on world events.","label":-1,"idx":821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we step into the new millenium, we are excited about the many challenges facing us in Indianapolis as our international population continues to grow.","text2":"Illegal immigration is driving the growth of Indianapolis's international population.","label":-1,"idx":822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marines in Lebanon in 1983.","text2":"There was a war in Lebanon. ","label":-1,"idx":823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Webster's Third , as is well known, is not user-friendly.","text2":"Webster's Third is remarkably user friendly.","label":-1,"idx":824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had it not crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03, we estimate that United 93 could not have reached Washington any earlier than 10:13, and probably would have arrived before 10:23.","text2":"If it had not crashed in the Pennsylvania mountains at 10:03 it could have made it to Washington.","label":-1,"idx":825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have found no evidence to suggest that the Command Center acted on this request or issued any type of cockpit security alert.","text2":"A security alert was definitely issued, there is lots of evidence. ","label":-1,"idx":826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the White House, Vice President Dick Cheney had just sat down for a meeting when his assistant told him to turn on his television because a plane had struck the NorthTower of the World Trade Center.","text2":"Cheney was starting a meeting when he was told about the World Trade Center from someone who assumed it was just a fire.","label":-1,"idx":827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I asked people all over the campus to submit a few reasons why they felt alumni and friends would contribute at least $25 to Malone College in support of The Malone College Fund.","text2":"I only asked people in my dorm why they thought alumni would help the Malone College Fund.","label":-1,"idx":828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This essay was selected as the First Prize winner ($1,000) in the Sixth VERBATIM Essay Competition.","text2":"The Sixth VERBATIM Essay Competition winning piece was this one.","label":-1,"idx":829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Charlotte's a good city, it's expanding and it's getting better.","text2":"Charlotte is both getting bigger and improving.","label":-1,"idx":830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To do either leads parents and educators to become trapped in a false opposition, to vacillate, and to think in oversimplified ways about how best to help children realize their potential to learn and become personally and socially responsible.","text2":"Parents and educators get set free.","label":-1,"idx":831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through some 30 years so far, my DePauw education hasn't let me down.","text2":"My education was not useful 30 years ago.","label":-1,"idx":832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Similarly, reverend means `one who is to be revered,' ordinand is `one who is to be ordained'; an old standby of crossword compilers, deodand , is a `thing to be given to God,' and legend is `something to be read.","text2":"Reverend means someone without any sort of class. ","label":-1,"idx":833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then the Command Center informed headquarters that controllers had lost track of United 93 over the Pittsburgh area.","text2":"The command center told headquarters that the controllers didn't know where United 93 was.","label":-1,"idx":834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're not going to hear yourself on the tape.","text2":"You won't hear yourself on the tape. ","label":-1,"idx":835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the aircraft was then flying over houses.","text2":"She replied the aircraft was flying over many houses when Ted Olsen asked her location.","label":-1,"idx":836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is the story of an organization poised to seize its historical moment.","text2":"It is the account of an institution ready to seize its opportunity.","label":-1,"idx":837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From 1950 to 1995, domestic production of apparel doubled, while textile production, less vulnerable to imports, increased almost three times.","text2":"Domestic production of textiles and apparel did not increase from the years 1950-1995. ","label":-1,"idx":838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What is that?","text2":"What's that toy?","label":-1,"idx":839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But unlike transponder data, primary radar returns do not show the aircraft's identity and altitude.","text2":"The primary radar should indicate the identity of the aircraft. ","label":-1,"idx":840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This fund committee is still in place and I have served as Chairman of the fund since I was elected to that position by the committee in the late 1970's.","text2":"The fund committee was disbanded last year.","label":-1,"idx":841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It continued heading south for roughly a minute, before turning west and beginning to circle back.","text2":"The direction change happened when the terrorists took control.","label":-1,"idx":842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After evaluating the law school building the I.U.","text2":"Before evaluating the law school building. ","label":-1,"idx":843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bench sponsorships are available for a gift of $2500 or more to the School of Dentistry Class Reunion Challenge.","text2":"There is an ability to be a bench sponsor for a gift of $2500 or more.","label":-1,"idx":844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's that's very young.","text2":"That's like ancient.","label":-1,"idx":845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For some that decision was made in the recent past and for others, the distant past.","text2":"The decision was to drop out of college and become a clown. ","label":-1,"idx":846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe not in the same class with all the birds sing bass","text2":"Maybe where everyone sings the same.","label":-1,"idx":847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The best known member of this class is undoubtedly the ","text2":"The best known member of this class is - ","label":-1,"idx":848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among them the Ch'in (Mr.Henn's Chin ) and the Yueh . ","text2":"They do not include the Ch'in or the Yueh.","label":-1,"idx":849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Entire collections can be created in a day with the selected materials draped on a sketched figure or actual photograph of a model.","text2":"Entire collections are created in a day with materials draped on a sketched figure or photograph of a model.","label":-1,"idx":850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I chose to read the ones that had been read to me.","text2":"I like to read in my spare time.","label":-1,"idx":851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"L would be well advised, in future printings, to give a complete pronunciation key on the inside (front) cover of the book, an easily accessible place that is at present unused.","text2":"L should put a pronunciation key in Arial font in the book. ","label":-1,"idx":852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They can still be found today in so-called gift shops. ","text2":"The best place to find them is in gift shops.","label":-1,"idx":853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh definitely.","text2":"Not possible. ","label":-1,"idx":854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In classrooms, the same sequence of events prevails.","text2":"The same order of events can be observed in classrooms as well.","label":-1,"idx":855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mom's necklace is made out of a kind of abalone with a very colorful shell'pinks, purples, blues.","text2":"Mom's necklace is made from a type of colorless shell.","label":-1,"idx":856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lacking any evidence that the hijackers attempted to smuggle such illegal items past the security screening checkpoints, we believe the bombs were probably fake.","text2":"The bombs were probably fakes.","label":-1,"idx":857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Heading, speed, and altitude ran according to plan.","text2":"The altitude was not yet where the plan had called for it to be.","label":-1,"idx":858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Successful apparel manufacturers must now focus on their capability to respond accurately and efficiently to the stringent demands placed on them by new retailing practices.","text2":"Successful apparel manufacturers must focus on their capability to be inaccurate.","label":-1,"idx":859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Three a.m. is a rough time to be needing a ride to the hospital.","text2":"It is hard to get a ride to the hospital at three a.m. ","label":-1,"idx":860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like emotion knowledge, preschoolers' grasp of false belief grows out of conversations that touch on the mental lives of others.","text2":"Preschoolers understand false belief when it comes to other people.","label":-1,"idx":861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then I started paying him half the tuition bill.","text2":"I decided it was time to be more financially responsible.","label":-1,"idx":862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(This being said, one British publication does offer a special obscure-words puzzle, probably for the benefit of glossarial masochists.","text2":"The British publication is one of the most read in the country.","label":-1,"idx":863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although I greatly enjoyed Richard Lederer's article, I fear that one of his paragraphs is a load of brass monkey balls.","text2":"Richard Lederer's writing work is always perfect without error. ","label":-1,"idx":864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What, what are some of the first stories you remember?","text2":"I want to hear the stories.","label":-1,"idx":865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mosques, schools, and boardinghouses served as recruiting stations in many parts of the world, including the United States.","text2":"Mosques were places where recruits were enlisted. ","label":-1,"idx":866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I love historical novels.","text2":"I don't like historical novels.","label":-1,"idx":867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The environment has a crucial, profound impact.","text2":"The influence of environment is important.","label":-1,"idx":868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have a happy, healthy holiday.","text2":"Have an enjoyable holiday.","label":-1,"idx":869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Psychologist Rosalind Barnett and journalist Caryl Rivers conducted extensive interviews with 300 dual-earner couples in the Boston area and found that despite stress at work and at home, most were highly satisfied and found child rearing to be both manageable and pleasurable.","text2":"Out of 300 dual-earner couples interviewed in Boston, most of them were highly satisfied and enjoyed parenting.","label":-1,"idx":870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Excuse me. ","text2":"n\/a","label":-1,"idx":871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Radio communications from the plane were normal.","text2":"The radio communications were normal because nothing was going on to interfere with them.","label":-1,"idx":872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around this time Sweeney told Woodward that the hijackers were Middle Easterners, naming three of their seat numbers.","text2":"Sweeney gave the seat numbers of the hijackers to Woodward.","label":-1,"idx":873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers remained at the controls but must have judged that the passengers were only seconds from overcoming them.","text2":"The hijackers most likely did no know what the passengers were up to. ","label":-1,"idx":874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But as they get older, I think children are so involved in other things.","text2":"As the children move into adolescence, I think they get involved in less things.","label":-1,"idx":875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He directed the transition to an air threat conference call.","text2":"There was a different call on before the transition.","label":-1,"idx":876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This led some NORAD commanders to worry that NORAD was not postured adequately to protect the United States.","text2":"All NORAD commanders had full confidence in their organization's ability to defend the US.","label":-1,"idx":877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just because they don't have as much money as you, or they don't do the same things as you do, doesn't mean they're not a good person inside.","text2":"We're better than they are that's for sure.","label":-1,"idx":878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In response, Jarrah immediately began to roll the airplane to the left and right, attempting to knock the passengers off balance.","text2":"Jarrah kept the airplane steady to help the passengers maintain balance.","label":-1,"idx":879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Americans are working less than they did in 1965'about 6 fewer hours per week for men, 5 fewer for women.","text2":"Americans' working hours have decreased because many people have part-time jobs.","label":-1,"idx":880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The subject of nonsexist language is a matter of genuine concern, not only to women [see page 1 of this issue] but to everyone.","text2":"There is nothing in this issue related to sexism and language,","label":-1,"idx":881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Textile Industry Horizon","text2":"The textile industry , known as Horizon ","label":-1,"idx":882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This would logically appear to be a technical psychological coinage useful for referring to a personality or condition that is excessively rigid or stubborn.","text2":"It was a stubborn technical word to describe psychology.","label":-1,"idx":883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, but it's not real.","text2":"Yes, but it is fake.","label":-1,"idx":884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, but it's not real.","text2":"Yeah, that's absolutely factual.","label":-1,"idx":885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My hope is that you will want to join them.","text2":"I would be distressed if you decided to join.","label":-1,"idx":886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd a screamed.","text2":"I would have screamed your name.","label":-1,"idx":887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In building this Islamic army, he enlisted groups from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, and Eritrea.","text2":"Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, and Eritrea were where many groups of Islamic militants were recruited for an army.","label":-1,"idx":888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is something like the zone of current sports lingo in which a tennis player, say, enters a trance-like state, putting him on a roll where he can't miss a shot.","text2":"Occasionally, tennis players go on streaks where they play better than usual.","label":-1,"idx":889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Suddenly that native rose at the bedside, and bent over me with his right hand lifted and a dirk in it aimed at my throat; but Luigi grabbed his wrist, pulled him downward, and drove his own knife into the man's neck.","text2":"The native rose at the bedside bent over me.","label":-1,"idx":890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the first quarter century of its existence as a nation, Pakistan's identity had derived from Islam, but its politics had been decidedly secular.","text2":"Pakistani politics were largely not based around religion, despite the country's Islamic identity.","label":-1,"idx":891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But theTaliban, like the Sudanese, would eventually hear warnings, including from the Saudi monarchy.","text2":"The Taliban and the Sudanese heeded the warnings of the Saudi monarchy.","label":-1,"idx":892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor can I overstate the fear that every low-income mother throughout the United States and around the world must carry with her every that the consequences of poverty will ultimately catch up with her children, too.","text2":"I can't tell you how scared low-income moms are that they will not survive.","label":-1,"idx":893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All on board, along with an unknown number of people in the tower, were killed instantly.","text2":"As the plane hit an unknown number of people in the tower and all those on board, were killed instantly.","label":-1,"idx":894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, not so much stories about Grandmom and Grandpop, um--","text2":"I don't know anything about my extended family.","label":-1,"idx":895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So was an important part of being in high school?","text2":"What was the best part of college?","label":-1,"idx":896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I know uh, your father used to love it.","text2":"I am sure that your father did adore it. ","label":-1,"idx":897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were helping my niece and nephew paint a new house that they bought and uh, he uh, little Raymond was with us.","text2":"As if by magic, the house painted itself.","label":-1,"idx":898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bodenheim's glossary indicates the term was popular long before 1946.","text2":"The term was popular before 1946, according to the glossary. ","label":-1,"idx":899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that's how, I kept on, working and, with them.","text2":"That's the story of how I continued working with them.","label":-1,"idx":900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some within the Pentagon argued in the 1990s that the alert sites should be eliminated entirely.","text2":"Some in the Pentagon think that we should get rid of alert sites.","label":-1,"idx":901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On 9\/11, the defense of U.S. airspace depended on close interaction between two federal the FAA and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).","text2":"NORAD and the FAA failed in their duty to protect US airspace.","label":-1,"idx":902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . Run them to the White House.","text2":"When they get to the White House they need to stay there.","label":-1,"idx":903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A controller could also briefly lose a commercial aircraft's transponder signal, although this happened much less frequently.","text2":"A controller can lose a commercial aircraft's transponder signal, but not often.","label":-1,"idx":904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kinds of people?","text2":"What types of dogs?","label":-1,"idx":905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Still, he was just one among many diverse terrorist barons.","text2":"He was the only terrorist baron. ","label":-1,"idx":906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last year I managed one pool and the other pools are kind of small and like a few of our sisters are working for me.","text2":"I didn't manage any pools last year.","label":-1,"idx":907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But here in college you don't have, I mean you can do what you want to, come and go as you please.","text2":"Here in college, there are strict rules about what you can do and when you have to be home at night.","label":-1,"idx":908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you are a fan of old-fashioned jazz'what is now known as traditional or trad jazz'you are familiar with one of the standard jump tunes of the genre'a tune most commonly called Muskrat Ramble . Even if you are not a fan, you must have heard it as least a dozen times.","text2":"Muskrat Ramble is classical music.","label":-1,"idx":909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I think of grace, I am reminded of the many Salvation Army officers and employees who selflessly dedicate their lives to the poor and brokenhearted.","text2":"Salvation army officers and employees who selflessly dedicate their lives to the poor and brokenhearted are full of grace and compassion.","label":-1,"idx":910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A girl on the near northwest side walks past a community garden and playground today, where not long ago a vacant lot sat littered and loitered upon.","text2":"Previously a community garden and playground on the northwest side was empty and covered in litter.","label":-1,"idx":911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They did not, however, conform to the letter of Galef's definition'conjunct words of contradictory literal meaning.","text2":"They did not listen to Galef's letter.","label":-1,"idx":912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Heading, speed, and altitude ran according to plan.","text2":"Three key tasks of the plan were being executed accordingly.","label":-1,"idx":913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Labor costs represent a significant portion of cost for many garment categories,18 and U.S. wage levels far exceed those of competitors in countries like the People's Republic of China and Mexico.","text2":"Labor costs represent the most significant part of garment production.","label":-1,"idx":914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rethinking how to service stringent retail replenishment requirements for ever broadening product lines in more selling seasons has become a central business challenge.","text2":"Retail establishments are unreasonable with their terms and conditions for stocking purposes.","label":-1,"idx":915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes, I believe I have.","text2":"I can reassure you that I have done so recently.","label":-1,"idx":916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller spent the next several minutes handing off the other flights on his scope to other controllers and moving aircraft out of the way of the unidentified aircraft (believed to be United 175) as it moved southwest and then turned northeast toward New York City.","text2":"The controller juggled all th e flights on his scope on his own.","label":-1,"idx":917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although none of these operations actually involves sewing, they do take time to complete and are taken into account when determining the piece rate and normal workload for an operation.","text2":"These operations don't entail any actual sewing.","label":-1,"idx":918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The high value placed on self-restraint in Chinese culture leads shy children to receive very positive feedback from adults and peers.","text2":"The Chinese value self-restraint more than anything else.","label":-1,"idx":919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were four flight attendants.","text2":"There were no flight attendants.","label":-1,"idx":920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This organization included a financial support network that came to be known as the Golden Chain, put together mainly by financiers in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states.","text2":"The Golden Chain was the organization's financial support network. ","label":-1,"idx":921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several filled out the questionnaire and returned it with an apology why they couldn't give...at least they were honest!","text2":"Quite a few people who took the survey indicated they were in such poor financial condition that they couldn't even think of donating at this time.","label":-1,"idx":922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The protocols did not contemplate an intercept.","text2":"The protocols didn't think about how to intercept it, but the updated ones do.","label":-1,"idx":923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe we do our job well and are continually strengthening our reputation as a first-rate law school.","text2":"I am proud at how our employees have worked hard to elevate the reputation of our law school.","label":-1,"idx":924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"of a chapter or an entry in a dictionary). ","text2":"Of a chapter in an encyclopedia","label":-1,"idx":925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"About anything.","text2":"Some things will prove to be off limits.","label":-1,"idx":926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This chapter examines the reasons that different suppliers win and lose, reviewing many of the innovations we have discussed throughout.","text2":"The chapter is very in depth and long.","label":-1,"idx":927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, it is awkward to find Glasgow or Shake-speare in one part of the dictionary and Glaswegian or Shakespearian in another.","text2":"There really isn't much in there about Scotland.","label":-1,"idx":928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I love historical novels.","text2":"I like historical novels.","label":-1,"idx":929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know she wasn't going to claim me.","text2":"She wants to claim me, but you know she doesn't have the courage to do something like that.","label":-1,"idx":930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I had to let the dog in.","text2":"I had to put the dog inside.","label":-1,"idx":931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Wait, wait said the lady.\"","text2":"The lady told him to wait for the bus.","label":-1,"idx":932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result, between 1972 and 1992 the annual rate of new shopping-center construction outpaced the growth in population and potential consumers.","text2":"As a result, many centers faced bankruptcy.","label":-1,"idx":933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. I want to run into everybody just once ...They say a girl can't do it.","text2":"The girl wants to prove everybody wrong","label":-1,"idx":934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The early twentieth-century success of Wanamaker's and other department stores illustrates that the keys to effective retailing are providing customers with a variety of desirable products, procuring those products at a low enough cost to make a profit, marketing them well, and charging prices that reflect customers' willingness to pay.","text2":"Wanamaker's and other department stores came together and found a useful solution on effective retailing. ","label":-1,"idx":935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh I hated, I, well, I'll just tell you that later.","text2":"It is impossible for me to discuss that right now. ","label":-1,"idx":936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda apparently purchased the cylinder, then discovered it to be bogus.","text2":"Al Queda was too easily duped. ","label":-1,"idx":937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I was about three at the time.","text2":"I was 47 years old then. ","label":-1,"idx":938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of scary looking and I thought, Ooh!","text2":"I was a bit scared of how it looked.","label":-1,"idx":939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A few lines later she confounds him by prophesying that Banquo shall get kings. ","text2":"A bit further on she confused someone by predicting the future.","label":-1,"idx":940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The reports describe friendly contacts and indicate some common themes in both sides' hatred of the United States.","text2":"Reports suggest that the two groups are fighting one another.","label":-1,"idx":941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The short answer to these questions is It depends.\"","text2":"The answers to these questions vary.","label":-1,"idx":942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In scaolding, the child is viewed as a building'actively under construction.","text2":"In scolding, a child is viewed as a building which is under constant construction.","label":-1,"idx":943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dr. O'Leary and Indiana University School of Dentistry have benefited all of us and this is a way we can show our appreciation in a tangible way.","text2":"This is a way in which we can show our appreciation for Dr. O'Leary. ","label":-1,"idx":944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have seen such equipment working in a production setting in a knit goods manufacturer's facilities; however, we believe that its immediate potential use is limited for several reasons.","text2":"The potential of this kind of equipment is undoubtedly unlimited.","label":-1,"idx":945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He loves his brother and his wife, Does he live a double life?","text2":"He hates both his brother and wife.","label":-1,"idx":946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At approximately 9:36, Cleveland advised the Command Center that it was still tracking United 93 and specifically inquired whether someone had requested the military to launch fighter aircraft to intercept the aircraft.","text2":"Cleveland chose not to advise command at 9:36.","label":-1,"idx":947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Winter Sports Clinic helped Urban a lot, JoAnn said. ","text2":"JoAnn was trying to convince her grandmother that The Winter Sports Clinic was a good thing, because she wanted to work there and her grandmother's approval was important to her.","label":-1,"idx":948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are some quotes from people whose lives were touched by United Way agencies last ","text2":"United Way agencies doesn't touch peoples' lives.","label":-1,"idx":949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Faculty protest against apartheid at Cornell. ","text2":"Cornell is one of the most prestigious universities in America.","label":-1,"idx":950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"89 percent of the at-risk pregnant women served by St. Elizabeth Home have given birth to healthy babies.","text2":"89% of at-risk pregnant women gave birth to healthy babies.","label":-1,"idx":951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several of the Dulles controllers observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed and notified Reagan National Airport.","text2":"The controllers at Dulles didn't see anything on the radar and Reagan National Airport wasn't told of anything.","label":-1,"idx":952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any case, since the 1970s, such debates about the impact of international trade policy have been placed in a new economic context.","text2":"There have been debates since the 70s about the economics of the international trade policy.","label":-1,"idx":953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Second, a generic flight plan-prepared to get the aircraft airborne and out of local airspace quickly-incorrectly led the Langley fighters to believe they were ordered to fly due east (090) for 60 miles.","text2":"A generic flight plan made the Langley fighters fly the correct path immediately.","label":-1,"idx":954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hijacking of American 11 American Airlines Flight 11 provided nonstop service from Boston to Los Angeles.","text2":"American Airlines does not provide nonstop service. ","label":-1,"idx":955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The phone call ended.","text2":"The phone call continued.","label":-1,"idx":956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American Airlines' nationwide ground stop between 9:05 and 9:10 was followed by a United Airlines ground stop.","text2":"The ground stops lasted for quite a while. ","label":-1,"idx":957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some people (mistakenly) think that the slang term for a commode was named for Thomas Crapper , English plumber.","text2":"Some people think the commode was named for Thomas Crapper.","label":-1,"idx":958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet to grant children adequate attention and involvement, there is no substitute for slowing down and reexamining the pace of everyday life.","text2":"There is no need to stop and reevaluate the pace of everyday life.","label":-1,"idx":959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result of his participation, he was nominated to join the YMCA of the USA's International Committee.","text2":"He was nominated to join the YMCA because of his participation and great donation towards it.","label":-1,"idx":960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\So, these were your favorite parts?","text2":"Are those your only favourite parts of it?","label":-1,"idx":961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feel free to join us for any of the lectures which are held October April in our auditorium.","text2":"You are welcome to attend any of the lectures we hold in our auditorium from October through April.","label":-1,"idx":962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about do you have a bike?","text2":"Do you have a fast car?","label":-1,"idx":963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also at 8:52, a male flight attendant called a United office in San Francisco, reaching Marc Policastro.","text2":"Marc Policastro was the only person at the United office.","label":-1,"idx":964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why she's my hero?","text2":"Why she's my champion?","label":-1,"idx":965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was an unprecedented order.","text2":"This request had never occurred prior.","label":-1,"idx":966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card told us he was standing with the President outside the classroom when Senior Advisor to the President Karl Rove first informed them that a small, twin-engine plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.","text2":"Andrew Card was with the President outside of the classroom. ","label":-1,"idx":967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This marker, over 22 feet long, contains all of the 108 individual pieces of the shell fabric that make up six different pairs of pants.","text2":"This marker hold over 100 individual pieces of shell fabric.","label":-1,"idx":968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On reflection is a flag to indicate that parts is to be read backwards.","text2":"It is never necessary to read anything backwards. ","label":-1,"idx":969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So are they happy that you're going to be a teacher?","text2":"I think teaching is a noble profession and everyone should respect teachers.","label":-1,"idx":970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, when demand for an item was quite variable, with the highest Cv of 0.90, the optimal policy called for placing a production orders when inventory dropped to twelve weeks of demand, rather than the lower standard level of ten.","text2":"The optimal inventory policy shifted in proportion to the Cv amount.","label":-1,"idx":971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, what about now, like um, Thanksgiving's coming up, and families get together for that and for Christmas when, when you are um, you know eating dinner, or you know, just talking and everything.","text2":"Thanksgiving and Christmas are wonderful holidays because they bring families closer together.","label":-1,"idx":972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition to the fun stuff, important life-skills such as self-esteem, leadership, and interpersonal cooperation are being developed.","text2":"Important skills as well as fun stuff is learnt","label":-1,"idx":973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, such machines are used only where long production runs of a given size of T-shirt or sweatpants will allow a payback of their capital costs through round-the-clock or multi-shift operations.","text2":"The use of these machines makes sense when producing large quantities.","label":-1,"idx":974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reports from two flight attendants in the coach cabin, Betty Ong and Madeline Amy Sweeney, tell us most of what we know about how the hijacking happened.","text2":"Betty Ong and Madeline Amy Sweeney gave to reports on the hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin understood better than most of the volunteers the extent to which the continuation and eventual success of the jihad in Afghanistan depended on an increasingly complex, almost worldwide organization.","text2":"Bin Ladin understood that jihad's success depended on world events, especially between the US and the Middle East.","label":-1,"idx":976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Etymologists say it originally meant due??o de una casa `lord, or master, of a house' and is a contraction of duen de casa . Duen is the apocopated (cut-off) form of duemo , which stems from the Latin dominus . As the Spanish word evolved, the de was suffixed to the duen , the casa was omitted altogether, and el duende thus became the lord of the house. ","text2":"The origins of the word duende are shrouded in mystery and it has no known significance.","label":-1,"idx":977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During fantasy play, however, renouncing impulse and following social rules are central to the fun of playing.","text2":"Children usually know when they are purposely breaking social rules during fantasy play.","label":-1,"idx":978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then the pay-off begins for the entire community.","text2":"The entire community is part of the effort.","label":-1,"idx":979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you remember what I had in my sandwich on the wharf yesterday?","text2":"What flavor soup did I eat yesterday.","label":-1,"idx":980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"$1 invested in drug-and-alcohol treatment saves $11.00 in later costs of crime, unemployment, and other social problems.","text2":"Drug and alcohol treatment programs cut the costs of crime, unemployment rates and other social problems later and help the overall property values of a community.","label":-1,"idx":981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These restrictions ensure that the weave of the cloth is aligned along the length of the garment.","text2":"These restrictions ensure the weave of the cloth is aligned to the length of the garment.","label":-1,"idx":982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the above tour d'horizon, not all aspects of clue setting have passed in review.","text2":"Not all clue setting methods have passed a review.","label":-1,"idx":983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some people think that storytelling in our culture is, is uh vanishing, because of television and computerized games and email and so many other things that keep people from sharing stories and taking the time to read.","text2":"The instant gratification of computerized games is usurping reading. ","label":-1,"idx":984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And this time of year is an occasion to remember those not as fortunate as we are.","text2":"Many people spend Christmas alone and without cheer.","label":-1,"idx":985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Holidays are a time for sharing.","text2":"Sharing is a big part of the holidays.","label":-1,"idx":986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When a task lies at the outer edge of the child's current capabilities, more direct guidance is necessary to bring it within range of mastery.","text2":"If the child can't do the task, guiding them will allow them to potentially master it.","label":-1,"idx":987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are very grateful for your last contribution of $95, an investment which paid off by touching lives in hundreds of ways throughout central Indiana.","text2":"Your donation has affected lives in at least a hundred ways. ","label":-1,"idx":988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Overcoming Impulsive Action","text2":"Succumbing to impulsive action.","label":-1,"idx":989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When he came back, he said, Yes, so, he said, I'm going to leave here, he said, from your house for Chapeltique at four in the morning with the livestock.","text2":"I'm going to leave from your house for Chapeltique at four in the morning. ","label":-1,"idx":990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In now analyzing the terrorist programs carried out by members of this network, it would be misleading to apply the label al Qaeda operations too often in these early years.","text2":"It would be right to label al Qaeda as a terrorist organization during these years. ","label":-1,"idx":991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If children are masters of their own learning, then adult eorts to teach them new skills before they indicate they are interested or ready are doomed to failure.","text2":"Children will readily take to any subject they are given regardless of their own interests.","label":-1,"idx":992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the time of year when we give thanks for the warmth and love that surrounds us.","text2":"We appreciate everyone's love and support.","label":-1,"idx":993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One little girl runs in and gives a special hug to a member of our staff.","text2":"One girl ran in to hug a staff member who'd brought her a gift the day before.","label":-1,"idx":994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What, what's phonics?","text2":"What is math?","label":-1,"idx":995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I just wanted a job.","text2":"I wanted a part time job.","label":-1,"idx":996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel-makers confront frequent changes in styles and new SKUs, while textile manufacturers seek long runs to keep capacity operating round-the-clock.","text2":"Apparel-makers and textile manufacturers both confront issues when operating.","label":-1,"idx":997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"fin slang for `five-dollar bill,' from finf, the Yiddish word for `five.","text2":"Fin slang for 'five-dollar bill' is from finf.","label":-1,"idx":998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strengthen Families -- Help victims of child abuse and neglect, answer crisis hotlines, prevent family violence and counsel the mentally ill;","text2":"Help victims of child abuse and neglect in inner cities.","label":-1,"idx":999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eighty-one passengers boarded the flight with them (including the five terrorists).","text2":"There were sixty-one passengers not including the terrorists on the plane. ","label":-1,"idx":1000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, I'd always been a reader.","text2":"I never liked to read.","label":-1,"idx":1001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Figuring out how to assign products to plants rests on two findings explored in this chapter.","text2":"David J. Park was responsible for the findings on how to assign products to plants as shown in this chapter.","label":-1,"idx":1002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are no longer a state supported law school, for the state no longer provides the great bulk of our funding.","text2":"Eventually, state funding will increase again. ","label":-1,"idx":1003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Notwithstanding the identification of these emerging threats, by 9\/11 there were only seven alert sites left in the United States, each with two fighter aircraft on alert.","text2":"Fourteen fighter aircraft were on alert on 9\/11 in the US.","label":-1,"idx":1004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I remember many mornings walking down to the bus where you know whatever you had in your nose would freeze.","text2":"Walking to the bus, anything in our noses would freeze. ","label":-1,"idx":1005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:21, one of the American employees receiving Ong's call in North Carolina, Nydia Gonzalez, alerted the American Airlines operations center in Fort Worth, Texas, reaching Craig Marquis, the manager on duty.","text2":"There are no American Airlines in Texas","label":-1,"idx":1006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Imagine how proud he must be of his writing skills, and his reading skills!","text2":"I think he must be proud of his writing and reading skills.","label":-1,"idx":1007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am writing to you as a donor to SouthEast Neighborhood Development (SEND) to update you on both our accomplishments and the challenges we are tackling next.","text2":"I am updating you on what SEND has done in hopes that you will donate for the first time.","label":-1,"idx":1008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Money for programs, for equipment, and for repairs and improvements to club facilities.","text2":"The money is for buying the president a sports car.","label":-1,"idx":1009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' These, of course, are loanwords borrowed from languages that have (or had) grammatical gender.","text2":"Loanwords are original and never taken from other languages.","label":-1,"idx":1010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Charts showing the chief languages and their derivations can be found in many dictionaries'inside the front cover of The Random House Unabridged , for example.","text2":"Dictionaries never contain charts that show linguistic relationships.","label":-1,"idx":1011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It has become an industry adept at producing high-quality products in large runs competitively and its strengths and limitations must be understood in this context.","text2":"It has become an industry that likes to produce high-quality products.","label":-1,"idx":1012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the early 1930s, two systems of sewing and assembly emerged in the men's segment of the apparel the progressive bundle system (PBS) and the straight-line system (SLS).","text2":"By 1930 a single dominant system had taken over garment assembly: the progressive bundle system.","label":-1,"idx":1013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The degreed educators of the Social Health Association provide in-school presentations in three subjects.","text2":"The Social Health Association gives at-home presentations in 2 areas.","label":-1,"idx":1014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why am I writing today to ask you to support Purdue University?","text2":"I would like to tell you why I am writing to you today.","label":-1,"idx":1015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the fourth summer I've done it.","text2":"I've done it for ten summers now.","label":-1,"idx":1016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hoover Family Foundation can help us begin with thirty, inner-city young women.","text2":"The Hoover Family foundation employs women from the inner-city.","label":-1,"idx":1017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet Bin Ladin was in his weakest position since his early days in the war against the Soviet Union.","text2":"Bin Ladin was in a strong position.","label":-1,"idx":1018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Myself, and my brother and sister.","text2":"We are a family of three, our parents died in a tragic marshmallow roasting accident.","label":-1,"idx":1019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In our changing world, the sky is no longer the boundary to our travels.","text2":"In our changing world, one can travel wherever they want to.","label":-1,"idx":1020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Nothing in life is all mazel [`good luck'].","text2":"Lots of bad luck exists.","label":-1,"idx":1021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers probably did not know how to operate the cockpit radio communication system correctly, and thus inadvertently broadcast their message over the air traffic control channel instead of the cabin public-address channel.","text2":"The hijackers accidentally broadcast their message over the air traffic control channel instead of the cabin public-address channel, because they wanted law enforcement to stop them from carrying through with the hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":1022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess I was in a wing of the hospital where five or six other children in that whole wing of the hospital, well, in that, that wing and everybody went through the same treatments.","text2":"I was a kid in a wing of the hospital with only adults around.","label":-1,"idx":1023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Today, sound theories and educational strategies exist that are neither adult- nor child-centered but, instead, portray both as participating actively, jointly, and inseparably in the process of development.","text2":"Sound theories and educational strategies exist that are oriented towards children and adults alike.","label":-1,"idx":1024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One founding member, Abu Hajer al Iraqi, used his position as head of a Bin Ladin investment company to carry out procurement trips from western Europe to the Far East.","text2":"Abu Hajer al Iraqi did not have any involvement with Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":1025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, design, distribution centers, marketing'even cutting'as well as some short-cycle assembly remain in the market region.","text2":"Distribution centers, marketing and design still remain within market region.","label":-1,"idx":1026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin was conspicuous among the volunteers not because he showed evidence of religious learning but because he had access to some of his family's huge fortune.","text2":"The most significant reason for Bin Ladin's infamy is his religious learning.","label":-1,"idx":1027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky pointed out that we are used to thinking of the child's capacities in static or fossilized terms'as finished achievements.","text2":"To the contrary, children's capacities are constantly in flux, and treating them as such tends to produce higher-achieving adults.","label":-1,"idx":1028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By no means.","text2":"No way.","label":-1,"idx":1029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No matter the size of the donation, please know that your gift will be appreciated and make a difference.","text2":"You need to donate over $500 to be considered helpful to the cause.","label":-1,"idx":1030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And do you know when you were born?","text2":"Do you know your birthday since we're planning a party?","label":-1,"idx":1031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cobuild is intended for the foreign learner of English, whose dual concern is with understanding and using the core vocabulary of English, and who, having achieved that aim, can graduate to a dictionary for native speakers'like CED .","text2":"Cobuild's aim is to help Americans improve their knowledge of English grammar.","label":-1,"idx":1032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The final sentence is about as valid as would be the comment that nobody understands such an injunction as an order to write the address of the chairperson on a dozen envelopes, either.","text2":"Everyone understands what an injunction means under these circumstances.","label":-1,"idx":1033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you for sharing your experience with me.","text2":"Ugh, I wish you hadn't told me that.","label":-1,"idx":1034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you please share your name?","text2":"What is your name?","label":-1,"idx":1035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had to make other adjustments as well, for some al Qaeda members viewed Bin Ladin's return to Afghanistan as occasion to go off in their own directions.","text2":"Bin Ladin never returned to Afghanistan, keeping al Qaeda together.","label":-1,"idx":1036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The color and texture of the rest of the garments in the photograph can be changed with equal ease.","text2":"Changing the texture usually takes a couple seconds longer than changing the color of the garment.","label":-1,"idx":1037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He would pick chewing gum up off the floor and chew it disgusting things he was a deviant little sucker.","text2":"He ate things he found on the ground.","label":-1,"idx":1038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The approach is vindictive and castigatory.","text2":"The approach is neutral.","label":-1,"idx":1039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a story and I, you know, you knew it was fiction, but I would go back and read, when I could read myself, I read everything.","text2":"I read everything, which included dictionaries and film blurbs.","label":-1,"idx":1040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for your consideration.","text2":"We appreciate your donations.","label":-1,"idx":1041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're just picking him up now.","text2":"We're picking that man up now to take him to Washington.","label":-1,"idx":1042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Elsewhere in the White House, a series of 9:00 meetings was about to begin.","text2":"The meetings were about to start soon.","label":-1,"idx":1043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The press was standing behind the children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring.","text2":"The press was kept outside.","label":-1,"idx":1044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every single one was subjected to an extremely active environment, not one that folded its hands and waited for the child to mature. ","text2":"All of them wanted to be subjected to an active environment. ","label":-1,"idx":1045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents cannot erase their child's genetic propensities, but they can alter many of them in a favorable direction, especially if they have access to knowledge about eective child rearing and they intervene in early childhood, the years of greatest neurological malleability.","text2":"Parents can change their kid's genetics.","label":-1,"idx":1046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Labor conditions have deteriorated for a number of the decline in the coverage of collective bargaining agreements with their provisions for regulation of contract shops; the difficulty of policing contributions for health and pension funds from employers in this sector; the increase in immigrants, legal and illegal, concentrated in certain areas; the intense competition from imports; and the sharp drop in employment in apparel in some markets.","text2":"Conditions for workers have gotten better as collective bargaining agreement coverage has gone down.","label":-1,"idx":1047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Serve The Elderly And Disabled -- Provide meals and visits to the homebound, as well as speech, hearing and physical therapy for people with disabilities;","text2":"Help older people with their specific health and social needs.","label":-1,"idx":1048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an alumnus and Chairman of that activity, my function is to beat the drums for financial contributions of $1,000 (or more) per year from alumni and friends of the school.","text2":"My function as an alumnus and Chairman is to persuade alumni to financially contribute.","label":-1,"idx":1049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will go toward the general operating funds of the School or the Gallery, as you choose.","text2":"You will have no say in the way that the money is spent.","label":-1,"idx":1050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When you support United Way, you can be sure your investment is used 90 cents of every dollar raised go directly to programs and services that help people in need here in central Indiana.","text2":"90 cents of every dollar raised by the United Way goes directly to programs and services that help people in need in Indiana, rest assured that your investment is handled prudently.","label":-1,"idx":1051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the other hand, a wino with an empty paper bag on a ramble to maintain his muscat level'now that has a touch of poetry.","text2":"A wino with a paper bag is kind of poetic.","label":-1,"idx":1052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I dropped one of those sons of bitches on the floor again.","text2":"I am a clumsy fellow, always dropping things.","label":-1,"idx":1053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the clearest indicators of young children's understanding of stories, and other prereading skills, is the extent to which they can give elaborate, detailed accounts of past events.","text2":"A child being able to elaborate on a story is an indicator that the child understands the story.","label":-1,"idx":1054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Donations flowed through charities or other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).","text2":"Donations flowed through tax funds.","label":-1,"idx":1055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But my father loves the South, so, I guess it would be an adjustment for him if they moved so--.","text2":"My father will miss it, but will readily move--","label":-1,"idx":1056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were four flight attendants.","text2":"There were four flight attendants, both male and female.","label":-1,"idx":1057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I think the story that was, was a favorite was one that my mother made up herself, utilizing characters from, you know, like Bugs Bunny and, and Thumper and Bambi and all that.","text2":"The story was a favorite that used many fictional characters.","label":-1,"idx":1058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Spreading cloth out on a table in a way that leaves it flat but unstretched, without tension in the cloth, is more difficult than one would think.","text2":"Spreading fabric out so that it's unstretched, flat, and not tense is unbelievably simple.","label":-1,"idx":1059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1950, average hourly earnings in textiles were $1.23 an hour compared with $1.24 in apparel.","text2":"The average hourly earning in textiles were one cent less than those in apparel in 1950.","label":-1,"idx":1060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My big sister is ten and my little sister is four.","text2":"My big sister is ten years old and she is called Victoria.","label":-1,"idx":1061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Accordingly, the last chapter of this book is devoted to our reflections on the impact of channel integration on certain public policy issues.","text2":"The end of the book covers the impact of channel integration on a set of public policy issues.","label":-1,"idx":1062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your partnership with us has made it possible for hundreds of threatened species to survive -- and thousands of precious acres to remain natural and beautiful.","text2":"Because our efforts weren't enough, hundreds of species have become extinct.","label":-1,"idx":1063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She uh, she'd had laryngitis and the doctor told her if you don't quit smoking you'll never talk.","text2":"She just started smoking and there's no danger to get laryngitis.","label":-1,"idx":1064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, the assembly of that garment often involves sewing together pieces from prearranged bundles sent by the manufacturer.","text2":"Many times putting that garment together requires sewing together prearranged bundles by the manufacturer.","label":-1,"idx":1065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet even this angry landowner wound up living happily ever after with the Endangered Species Act.","text2":"The Endangered Species Act has caused many landowners, this one included, to live out horrible lives.","label":-1,"idx":1066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" By the most conservative estimates, the church's property in the Bay Area is worth uncountable millions. ","text2":"It is estimated that one of the church's property is worth millions.","label":-1,"idx":1067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking page 17 again, I was reminded that Giles is rather given to semi-serious poetic diction at times, and we find him referring to the presence of water in the Finke River as the stream purling over its stony floor or, quoting some bygone poet, brightly the brook through the green leaflets, giddy with joyousness, dances along. ","text2":"I was reminded the Giles tends to be poetic.","label":-1,"idx":1068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Over time, Maggy will start to interact with herself silently, inside her head. ","text2":"Maggy has not yet started to interact with herself.","label":-1,"idx":1069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our class has been challenged to support a program which will directly benefit the students at the IU School of Dentistry.","text2":"Our class is happy to support the program that benefits IU students.","label":-1,"idx":1070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around 400 B.C., Democritus theorized that a thing could be divided and divided until it became so small it could no longer be divided.","text2":"Democritus proposed that something could be divided so small it would be impossible to divide it further.","label":-1,"idx":1071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I try to help you. ","text2":"I do what I can to help you.","label":-1,"idx":1072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I forgot to ask you.","text2":"I did not ask you.","label":-1,"idx":1073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel, textile, and fiber firms and retailers have recently joined to launch the Quick Response Program, designed to improve information flow, standardize recording systems, and improve turnaround time throughout the system.","text2":"The apparel firms have a particular interest in the program's ability to improve the flow of information.","label":-1,"idx":1074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Mom came to the door and uh, she saw like this glow of light all around me as if the Lord had definitely cured me of leukemia.","text2":"My mom entered the door from the backyard when she saw me.","label":-1,"idx":1075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sydney's father keeps the task within Sydney's zone by temporarily reducing the diculty of the puzzle.","text2":"Sydney showed absolutely no problems solving the puzzle at its original level of difficulty.","label":-1,"idx":1076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Note that the information and manufacturing practices examined here are not specific to the apparel industry'in fact, most were originally introduced in other sectors'but are applicable to a wide variety of consumer product industries.","text2":"The information practices are not specific to the apparel industry.","label":-1,"idx":1077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the precise extent of family-work confiict in American culture is not clear, its presence and detrimental impact on parent-child interaction and children's development are well founded.","text2":"Even though the exact extent of family-work conflict in the U.S. is not clear, it has been proven that it is there and its negative impact on children has been proven.","label":-1,"idx":1078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is entitled to speculate on what outrageous proposal the narrator had made in Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, Vol. 2'Cities of the Plain (translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff'Modern Library, N.Y., 1934, Page 90) to cause the Duchess to say, Apart from your balls, can't I be of any use to you? ","text2":"The duchess didn't talk to him.","label":-1,"idx":1079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, too, one must examine the techniques used to group the many languages of the world.","text2":"It's easy for even a layman to understand the underlying principles, if they want to.","label":-1,"idx":1080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD and the FAA were unprepared for the type of attacks launched against the United States on September 11, 2001.","text2":"The FAA had trained for an attack like the one on 9\/11.","label":-1,"idx":1081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:32, the Command Center passed word of a possible hijacking to the Operations Center at FAA headquarters.","text2":"The Command Center said there might be a hijacking at 8:32.","label":-1,"idx":1082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The battles between men and aliens have featured manifold armament.","text2":"Arms play a large role in battles featuring humans and aliens.","label":-1,"idx":1083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Going to the game, shopping, making plans to take the train, giving directions to one another or to me'these little situations created high drama more often than not, but they also brought about utterances, sounds on which we could at least start to work.","text2":"We went to the game and went shopping.","label":-1,"idx":1084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A chain-stitch seam is strong and can be produced more quickly than a lockstitch seam.","text2":"A chain-stitch is weak.","label":-1,"idx":1085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have seen that children come into the world marvelously prepared to enter into partnerships with parents and other caregivers.","text2":"We've observed children being very ready to enter into partnerships with certain adults.","label":-1,"idx":1086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The future of Cathedral High School, under the leadership of President Steve Helmich, is indeed bright.","text2":"The future looks very dim under the authority of President Steve Helmich. ","label":-1,"idx":1087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's hard to believe that the holiday season is only two months away.","text2":"In two months' time, it will be the holidays.","label":-1,"idx":1088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The big bad wolf ate the grandma then she, then the big bad wolf tried to, eat red riding hood.","text2":"After eating the grandmother, the scary wolf attempted to devour Red Riding Hood, too.","label":-1,"idx":1089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By all accounts, the first 46 minutes of Flight 93's cross-country trip proceeded routinely.","text2":"The first part of Flight 93's trip was perfectly normal.","label":-1,"idx":1090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A given shirt must have a specified collar size and a given sleeve length.","text2":"The collar size of a shirt has to be specified.","label":-1,"idx":1091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So do you plan on working on it next year?","text2":"Are you planning to work on it in the future?","label":-1,"idx":1092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shirts with stripes, patterns, and uncommon colors constituted less than 30 percent of all dress shirts sold through the 1960s.","text2":"Dress shirts with odd colors and patterns made up less than 30% of sales in the 1960s.","label":-1,"idx":1093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The growth of the highway system around central cities and the rapid expansion of suburbs created new opportunities for shopping centers, malls, and other outlets closer to a growing number of two wage-earner families.","text2":"Suburbs expanded rapidly around cities, which created new commercial opportunities.","label":-1,"idx":1094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once in a while.","text2":"Occasionally, yes.","label":-1,"idx":1095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first commandment in the puzzlers' bible Thou shalt not waste words.","text2":"Words should be wasted in every puzzle. ","label":-1,"idx":1096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't care how many windows you break, he said.","text2":"He said that he cared about how many windows got broken.","label":-1,"idx":1097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kornbluth and Isaac Asimov, both in 1958); spaceship (by John Jacob Astor, son of the fur trader, 1894, C.S.","text2":"John Jacob Astor did not write anything at all. ","label":-1,"idx":1098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do think that Aman contributes something important to the linguistic literature, and I think he ought to view a bit more seriously (and less rancorously) the opportunities accorded him by his experience with these powerful, private parts of the language to pursue a theme of analysis of its impact and why and how it carries so much weight, both denotatively and connotatively.","text2":"Aman makes no great contributions to linguistic literature.","label":-1,"idx":1099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Air Force personnel.","text2":"There are no Air Force workers.","label":-1,"idx":1100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"a gathering for the purpose of caressing as an organised sport.","text2":"The petting party had once been a popular past time but was now formally acknowledged as a form of sport.","label":-1,"idx":1101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although I greatly enjoyed Richard Lederer's article, I fear that one of his paragraphs is a load of brass monkey balls.","text2":"Richard Lederer is a good writer that just made a mistake. ","label":-1,"idx":1102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had not taken on what he called the head of the snake.","text2":"The leader of the system wasn't confronted.","label":-1,"idx":1103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As cooing and babbling appear in the first half-year, adults again respond in kind, vocalizing and waiting for the baby to vocalize back.","text2":"At no point in a child's life do they coo or babble.","label":-1,"idx":1104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But all experts agree that subtle, sensitive, and mutually rewarding exchanges between parent and baby serve as the earliest context for intersubjectivity.","text2":"All experts agree that punishment is the best way for a parent to teach their child intersubjectivity.","label":-1,"idx":1105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So she, we would always fuss about her sitting with us but anyway this one morning I putting siding dad and I are putting siding on her house and nobody come to the door.","text2":"On this particular morning, Dad and I were putting siding on her house and no one came to the door. ","label":-1,"idx":1106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The terrorists who hijacked three other commercial flights on 9\/11 operated in five-man teams.","text2":"The 9\/11 terrorists operated 5 man teams with no loose strings.","label":-1,"idx":1107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't quarrel and grab, and if they had done so, Sophie or another make-believe character probably would have intervened and insisted on kind, considerate behavior.","text2":"Within the make-believe roles, Sophie was an authority figure.","label":-1,"idx":1108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hazmi brothers were also selected for extra scrutiny by the airline's customer service representative at the check-in counter.","text2":"The Hazmi brothers are five years apart in age.","label":-1,"idx":1109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since 1913, we have remained true to our mission of providing quality home health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay.","text2":"We have strayed completely from our mission of providing quality home health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay.","label":-1,"idx":1110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not only are the latest and best techniques important to delivering quality dental care, they also help to preserve the traditional quality of dental education offered by IU.","text2":"The latest and best techniques have been a bad influence on IU's dental education.","label":-1,"idx":1111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"better-equipped and -furnished?)","text2":"Better-equipped and furnished.","label":-1,"idx":1112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, the IU School of Law -Indianapolis has initiated a Law Firm Campaign.","text2":"The campaign is said to be the largest of any school across the whole of the United States of America.","label":-1,"idx":1113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every attempt would be made to have the hijacked aircraft squawk 7500 to help NORAD track it.","text2":"No attempts to help NORAD were made. ","label":-1,"idx":1114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now you can picture the part out of a watch how small this is and for a guy that in his probably sixties at that point difficult for him to see, lighting in that day and time not being what it is now, of course he'd lose his part and he'd say, Tootles, well first he'd have his fit, Nothing but damn junk, junk, junk!","text2":"He would continue to have fits about losing parts.","label":-1,"idx":1115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"was obviously derived directly from the - nd marker of the active gerund in Latin, which suggests the therapist (active agent) rather than the patient.","text2":"This was clearly derived from Latin, and suggests the therapist instead of the patient.","label":-1,"idx":1116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was now the second American aircraft in trouble.","text2":"This was the only American airplane in danger.","label":-1,"idx":1117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost 900 of us made new gifts in support of the things we care about.","text2":"We are willing to support things we care about. ","label":-1,"idx":1118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet they form a consensus, a set of variations on a unified theme.","text2":"This theme is the way a child develops.","label":-1,"idx":1119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you're going to school in those conditions.","text2":"There are no conditions you are dealing with at school. ","label":-1,"idx":1120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Suppose I put this piece here.","text2":"Imagine as though I placed the piece here.","label":-1,"idx":1121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a sad thing if people can't read!","text2":"It's heartbreaking if humans are incapable of reading.","label":-1,"idx":1122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More than five years of working at a local fast food chain had allowed her to keep food on the table and pay the rent for the small two-bedroom apartment they shared, but not much more.","text2":"Her wage at the local fast food chain kept her belly full and a roof over their head and little else.","label":-1,"idx":1123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" What's abalone?","text2":"What is abalone?","label":-1,"idx":1124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers attacked at 9:28.","text2":"At 9:28, the hijackers began their attack.","label":-1,"idx":1125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lee Hanson had heard a woman scream just before it cut off.","text2":"Lee Hanson had a full phone call.","label":-1,"idx":1126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:46, the flight reached its assigned cruising altitude of 35,000 feet.","text2":"The plane was cruising at 25,000 feet.","label":-1,"idx":1127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indy Reads students make gains in reading, writing and language.","text2":"Our students are dedicated to improving their literacy skills.","label":-1,"idx":1128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"International pressure on Sudan, together with strains in the world economy, hurt Sudan's currency.","text2":"Sudan's currency became the most valuable currency worldwide.","label":-1,"idx":1129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or who helps David learn important job skills that will enable him to become self-sufficient?","text2":"Or who trains David so that he can take care of himself?","label":-1,"idx":1130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A search for only would be futile.","text2":"A search wouldn't result in anything.","label":-1,"idx":1131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our staff could not have put on the Festival without them.","text2":"We could not have pulled off the festival without them.","label":-1,"idx":1132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A major development of national significance has provided much prestige to the IUPUI Geography Department.","text2":"The geography department is lacking prestige.","label":-1,"idx":1133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soon iron monkeys gave way to more expensive but corrosion-resistant brass monkeys.","text2":"Brass monkeys replaced iron monkeys because they resisted iron.","label":-1,"idx":1134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or do you think he kind of understands that's just the way?","text2":"Do you believe he knows that is just the way it is?","label":-1,"idx":1135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, some families in our community are wrestling with the problem of providing a safe and caring environment for their children during, before and after school hours.","text2":"It is hard for some families to provide a safe and caring environment. ","label":-1,"idx":1136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is a friendly, attractive picture-book.","text2":"The picture-book is dark and boring.","label":-1,"idx":1137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, the one out there.","text2":"Yes, only the one in the distance.","label":-1,"idx":1138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nineteen Americans were killed, and 372 were wounded.","text2":"372 Americans were injured but did not die. ","label":-1,"idx":1139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As neurons form connections, a new factor becomes vital in their stimulation.","text2":"Neurons delete connections.","label":-1,"idx":1140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This special season reminds us that God's mercy is available to each of us --regardless of who we are or what we we've done.","text2":"God's mercy is not available to all of us, even during this special season.","label":-1,"idx":1141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That sings.","text2":"That makes music.","label":-1,"idx":1142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was going to bother you, I said (), so you come with me, I say, I want you to do me a favor.","text2":"I desire that you do something that I want.","label":-1,"idx":1143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An event is organized for Italians.","text2":"This happening is for Italians. ","label":-1,"idx":1144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two law reviews provide opportunities for research and writing, as well as a forum for articles of state, national, and international interest","text2":"While the law reviews are interesting, they provide no opportunity to research.","label":-1,"idx":1145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, please consider renewing or increasing your contribution.","text2":"We hope you will contribute more than you did last year.","label":-1,"idx":1146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think it probably does, because they're just not reading as much.","text2":"Because they are just not reading as much, I think it probably does.","label":-1,"idx":1147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, notice Herron's window display at the city Center through October.","text2":"Herron has a window display up until the Fall.","label":-1,"idx":1148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At one point, she gets so carried away with her thesis that she suggests that females were responsible not only for all of human evolutionary biology but for the very notion of counting (in order to keep track of menstruation) and, probably by the same token, astronomy.","text2":"She takes her claims of giving all credit to females too far.","label":-1,"idx":1149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember the first jobs that you, that you did um, because, I, did you, I don't think you started working with your dad did you?","text2":"I don't care if you can remember anything about your first jobs.","label":-1,"idx":1150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"95 percent of the animals we take in come from Nashua.","text2":"Animals from Nashua make up 95% of the animals we accept.","label":-1,"idx":1151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the 1980s, awash in sudden oil wealth, Saudi Arabia competed with Shia Iran to promote its Sunni fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, Wahhabism.","text2":"Wahhabism did not originate in an Arab nation.","label":-1,"idx":1152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mass customization represents an innovative combination of new technologies in information, design, marker-making, and cutting.","text2":"Mass customization represents a combination of new technologies in design of outfits.","label":-1,"idx":1153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had I known such strange events would occur, I assure you I would have spent much more time studying physics in Minshall Lab and less time playing bridge in the Hub.","text2":"I do not regret spending a lot of time playing bridge.","label":-1,"idx":1154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you learned to read quite young, didn't you?","text2":"You learned to read before going to school, didn't you?","label":-1,"idx":1155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I liked them, but, yeah, no.","text2":"I liked working with them, but the work was hard.","label":-1,"idx":1156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Then, referring to a newspaper report her father had mentioned earlier in the day) This morning, it said (changes to a low-pitched, somber tone of voice), Two trains crashing'in India. ","text2":"Her father had mentioned an article in the newspaper earlier.","label":-1,"idx":1157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this same vein, the mirthless Milton adds his bit to the general hilarity of nations when, in describing Mount Etna in Book I of Paradise Lost (lines 236-7) he penned","text2":"Milton portrays nations in a serious light","label":-1,"idx":1158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I just wanted a job.","text2":"I am opposed to having a job.","label":-1,"idx":1159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although I greatly enjoyed Richard Lederer's article, I fear that one of his paragraphs is a load of brass monkey balls.","text2":"I enjoyed Richard Lederer's articles, but I'm afraid that one of his paragraphs was absolute crap. ","label":-1,"idx":1160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda apparently purchased the cylinder, then discovered it to be bogus.","text2":"Al Queda got a legitimate cylinder. ","label":-1,"idx":1161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the reconstruction project, elders took advantage of the opportunity not only to teach Hopi language and culture to their children, but also to restore a sense of balance and spiritual integrity to their community.","text2":"The reconstructions project caused a loss of balance in the community.","label":-1,"idx":1162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within the next 20 minutes, they would be followed by Hani Hanjour and two brothers, Nawaf al Hazmi and Salem al Hazmi.","text2":"Nawaf al Hazmi and Salem al Hazmi are borthers.","label":-1,"idx":1163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sources reported that one, or perhaps both, of these meetings was apparently arranged through Bin Ladin's Egyptian deputy, Zawahiri, who had ties of his own to the Iraqis.","text2":"Bin Ladin's Egyptian Deputy, Assad, undoubtedly arranged the meetings.","label":-1,"idx":1164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're investing in people, as well.","text2":"Your investment goes into people.","label":-1,"idx":1165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, And it's going to be very dangerous and it's very late.","text2":"He warns of the danger in the night time.","label":-1,"idx":1166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This special season reminds us that God's mercy is available to each of us --regardless of who we are or what we we've done.","text2":"Regardless of who you are or what horrible crime you have committed, this special season reminds us that God's mercy is available to all of us.","label":-1,"idx":1167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dental students are incurring more and more debt as they progress through school.","text2":"Dental school tuition has decreased and students are incurring less debt while they are in school.","label":-1,"idx":1168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the Pawtucket mill, the American cotton-spinning industry was launched.","text2":"Cotton-spinning in America was launched from the Pawtucket mill.","label":-1,"idx":1169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please identify whether you wish to support the General Scholarship Fund- or a particular scholarship (indicate name of this scholarship here):","text2":"There are two choices listed, the General Scholarship Fund or a particular scholarship.","label":-1,"idx":1170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one can recall the content of this conversation, but it was a brief call in which the subject of shootdown authority was not discussed.","text2":"The call, which was short, but featured no discussion of shootdown authority.","label":-1,"idx":1171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dozens of additional militants arrived on later flights.","text2":"Many militants arrived at a later time via plane.","label":-1,"idx":1172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She had to get a career going so there'd be money to live on and to send us to college.","text2":"She quit her job to spend more time with us rather than save for our future.","label":-1,"idx":1173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(After all, you can't have a good intergalactic war when the next galaxy is, at the speed of light, 2,200,000 years away.)","text2":"An intergalactic war would take hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years to fight.","label":-1,"idx":1174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The proofreading is slightly moronic, for the program cannot alert the user to an error like an for and, because an is a valid word in its memory; still, it is better than nothing.","text2":"It is a flawless proofreading program and never makes mistakes. ","label":-1,"idx":1175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They also merge objects that are alike into categories (such as vehicles, animals, birds, and eating utensils), laying the foundation for mentally representing their experiences and thinking eciently.","text2":"They are unable to merge objects that are alike to categories.","label":-1,"idx":1176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It could be a traditional story, like you find in a folk tale, or out of a book.","text2":"It could be one of those folk tales meant to teach morals.","label":-1,"idx":1177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Webster's Third New International Dictionary lists about 500 Yiddish words that have become part of our everyday conversations, ","text2":"There are roughly 500 Yiddish words that have become part of our everyday conversations.","label":-1,"idx":1178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alternatively, distri-bution operations that efficiently process finished products reinforce the benefits of a team-based assembly system.","text2":"An assembly system that emphasizes teamwork quickly and correctly finishes products.","label":-1,"idx":1179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After ordering the Otis fighters to battle stations, Colonel Marr phoned Major General Larry Arnold, commanding general of the First Air Force and NORAD's Continental Region.","text2":"Colonel Marr ordered the fighters to battle stations.","label":-1,"idx":1180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Airlines Flight 93 FAA Awareness.","text2":"FAA ignored all alerts towards Flight 93.l","label":-1,"idx":1181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This tragic background brings me to the story of Wanda Rudolph of Pensacola, Florida, who made a courageous decision on behalf of her family a year ago.","text2":"Wanda Rudolph made a cowardly decision last year that hurt her family.","label":-1,"idx":1182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This fund committee is still in place and I have served as Chairman of the fund since I was elected to that position by the committee in the late 1970's.","text2":"The fund committee continues to operate and I continue to hold the position of Chairman for the fund as I have since the late '70s.","label":-1,"idx":1183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A commercially available machine can automatically make the sleeves of T-shirts.","text2":"The machines that make the sleeves of T-shirts are becoming inferior and hard to come by today.","label":-1,"idx":1184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do your parents do?","text2":"What industries do your parents work in right now?","label":-1,"idx":1185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He thinks, you know, it's just kind of that whole thing, he wants me to get everything now, because he thinks once you're his age, it's too late.","text2":"He believes that I should do everything now before I get too old.","label":-1,"idx":1186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can write my name on the deposit slip.","text2":"I can't put my name on the slip.","label":-1,"idx":1187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secretary was informed of the second strike in New York during the briefing; he resumed the briefing while awaiting more information.","text2":"After the Secretary of Defense was informed of the second plane strike in New York of the towers during the briefing, he decided to resume the briefing while he was awaiting more information which some people believed was not the best response to the situation. ","label":-1,"idx":1188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Winter Sports Clinic helped Urban a lot, JoAnn said. ","text2":"JoAnn reported that The Winter Sports Clinic was of great help to Urban.","label":-1,"idx":1189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:21, it advised the Dulles terminal control facility, and Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets.","text2":"Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets at the best of Dulles terminal control facility.","label":-1,"idx":1190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Six minutes later, the air traffic control specialist in American's operations center contacted the FAA's Boston Air Traffic Control Center about the flight.","text2":"Two minutes later, the FAA's Boston Air Traffic Control Center was contacted about the flight from the air traffic control specialist in American.","label":-1,"idx":1191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Use of the UPC bar code system has the potential for significantly decreasing transaction costs with customers.","text2":"Customers love the bar code system because they can simply scan and go.","label":-1,"idx":1192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For our purposes, note that high demand fluctuation decreases one's ability to forecast demand accurately.","text2":"It's easier to forecast demand when there are high fluctuations in demand.","label":-1,"idx":1193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Little ones, like Baby Jessica, caught in the struggle between adoptive and birth parents.","text2":"There are infants, like Jessica, caught in the legalities between adoptive and birth parents. ","label":-1,"idx":1194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many thousands of such jokes in every language, for they depend for their humor on polysemy or homonymy, which exists in all languages.","text2":"Languages can contain many 1000s of jokes.","label":-1,"idx":1195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider this request carefully --it is very important to us, the future of dental care in Indiana and your private practice.","text2":"The future of dental care in Indiana hinges on this request. ","label":-1,"idx":1196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When will people learn that dictionaries are not the product of the collective imaginations of those who prepare them or the manifestations of the dreams of a single lexicographer but the result of lengthy, painstaking research to determine how the language is being used, the analysis and codification of the results, and then their organization into a usable reference source?","text2":"People all already know that a dictionary is not the product of the collective imaginations ","label":-1,"idx":1197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Simply put, your generous contributions make all the difference between saving more of Indiana's natural areas, or never having another chance to do so.","text2":"Because of your generous contributions, we have been able to save more of Indiana's natural areas versus never having another chance to do so.","label":-1,"idx":1198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:33, the tower supervisor at Reagan National Airport picked up a hotline to the Secret Service and told the Service's operations center that an aircraft [is] coming at you and not talking with us.","text2":"The Secret Service was informed that an aircraft was headed towards its operations center.","label":-1,"idx":1199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Force protection became a significant claim on the time and resources of the Department of Defense.","text2":"Force protection took a lot of resources from the Department of Defense.","label":-1,"idx":1200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What remained was the hard question of how deterrence could be effective when the adversary was a loose transnational network.","text2":"We didn't know how deterrence could be effective when the bad guy couldn't be clearly defined.","label":-1,"idx":1201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The SIDS Alliance is a non-profit, tax exempt national voluntary health organization, established over a decade ago to combat SIDS.","text2":"The SIDS Alliance is not tax exempt but they still appreciate your donation.","label":-1,"idx":1202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, too, one must examine the techniques used to group the many languages of the world.","text2":"The languages of the world are grouped with the help of specific techniques.","label":-1,"idx":1203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YL teens will make J.C. juniors happen again this year for 7 and 8 year old campers.","text2":"J.C. juniors will happen again this year for 7 and 8 year old campers, tin spite of the lazy YL teens who tried to screw it up.","label":-1,"idx":1204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The authors are not alone in getting this it is incorrect in some dictionaries.","text2":"Authors are very thorough with their fact checking. ","label":-1,"idx":1205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although these differences cannot all be directly attributed to the adoption of the practices per se, they do suggest'especially when combined with the significant inventory performance results reported previously'how important it is for manufacturers to be adept at using incoming information from lean retailing customers.","text2":"The use of information from lean retailing customers is the most important piece of information manufacturers can draw from this.","label":-1,"idx":1206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you're not sure if this was a true story or a made up story within your family.","text2":"You're not sure if this family story was told by your great-grandmother at one time. ","label":-1,"idx":1207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"-A 25 percent increase in credit hours for fall, 1992;","text2":"The credit hours needed increased dramatically in fall 1992.","label":-1,"idx":1208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just as disorienting are clues where the two meanings of the answer belong to different word ","text2":"Equally confusing are hints where two definitions of the answer are part of different words. ","label":-1,"idx":1209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We know that children do better when they have a network of caring adults to nurture and motivate them.","text2":"Adult involvement has little influence on child success.","label":-1,"idx":1210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"$1 invested in drug-and-alcohol treatment saves $11.00 in later costs of crime, unemployment, and other social problems.","text2":"Drug and alcohol treatment programs cost more to run than addressing crime costs and unemployment later, they are a waste of time and money.","label":-1,"idx":1211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Down the driveway?","text2":"Up and over the path?","label":-1,"idx":1212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saturday School offers various art classes in different media for young and old alike who wish to improve their artistic expertise but are not full-time Herron students.","text2":"Saturday school is restricted to teenagers only.","label":-1,"idx":1213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The actual making of custom jeans or any other item of custom apparel is slightly more complicated than making an equivalent item under standard production conditions.","text2":"Custom jeans take more time and effort than standard production jeans.","label":-1,"idx":1214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is little that it does not touch, being physically present in the architecture of schools, psychologically present when we talk and think about what makes us civilized, linguistically present in much of modern communication and in what we call educated usage.","text2":"There is nearly nothing that psychology is not involved with. ","label":-1,"idx":1215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is ten the most likely number to sell'or will at least ten pairs sell?","text2":"Only one will sell, right?","label":-1,"idx":1216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what is it you want to do when you graduate?","text2":"I want to become a male stripper!","label":-1,"idx":1217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the NMCC was advised of the hijacking of American 11, the scrambling of jets was not discussed.","text2":"NMCC should have scrambled the jets at that time. ","label":-1,"idx":1218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No wonder ' we've lost them already.","text2":"We've lost them already, unsurprisingly.","label":-1,"idx":1219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read, my parents had a lot of books.","text2":"My dad and mom owned plenty of books. ","label":-1,"idx":1220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Simply fill out the enclosed form and return it with your donation to Herron.","text2":"Complete this form and send it in to Herron along with a cash donation.","label":-1,"idx":1221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hochschild concludes, Many working families are both prisoners and architects of the time bind in which they find themselves. ","text2":"Hochschild thinks there is no reason for working families to feel imprisoned by their schedules.","label":-1,"idx":1222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, yes, they gave me some, and I left.","text2":"Yeah, they gave me a portion, then I left.","label":-1,"idx":1223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Of course we had to do it in a day because we couldn't take enough time everybody.","text2":"We had to do it in one day.","label":-1,"idx":1224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:53, FAA headquarters informed the Command Center that the deputy director for air traffic services was talking to Monte Belger about scrambling aircraft.","text2":"The scrambling aircraft was organised at 9:53.","label":-1,"idx":1225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through them, adults help children construct increasingly elaborate images of themselves and teach them culturally accepted ways of organizing and interpreting their experiences.","text2":"Only adults can help children construct elaborate images of themselves.","label":-1,"idx":1226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In our changing world, the sky is no longer the boundary to our travels.","text2":"In our changing world, the sky limits where one can go.","label":-1,"idx":1227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the Second Edition, published after the M and S Handbook and, presumably, in the next round they refer to, defines the word as a young person.","text2":"There is a second edition after the M and s handbook.","label":-1,"idx":1228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, they're long things like this , they come down to here, and here another one goes on top, yes, very pretty, like, like between, orange, because they're fired, they're made of fired clay.","text2":"They're very long, and stacked, and a pretty orange color. ","label":-1,"idx":1229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The trick is that they will not do anything unless and until you have installed what is called a Disk Operating System, which comes with the machine.","text2":"You don't need to have anything installed to make this work.","label":-1,"idx":1230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A second method has involved mobilizing public pressure on consumers, retailers, and manufacturers to raise the incentives for voluntary compliance with labor standards.","text2":"Raising incentives for non voluntary compliance with labor standards has started wars with the public consumers.","label":-1,"idx":1231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had I known such strange events would occur, I assure you I would have spent much more time studying physics in Minshall Lab and less time playing bridge in the Hub.","text2":"If I had know that abnormal events would occur, I would have spent more time studying physics.","label":-1,"idx":1232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My copilot and astrogator have arrived.","text2":"The copilot arrived. ","label":-1,"idx":1233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:47, seconds after the impact of American 11, United 175's transponder code changed, and then changed again.","text2":"After impact of American 11, the transponder code was altered on United 175.","label":-1,"idx":1234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:25, FAA's Herndon Command Center and FAA headquarters knew two aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center.","text2":"They didn't yet know about the planes hitting the World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":1235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rethinking how to service stringent retail replenishment requirements for ever broadening product lines in more selling seasons has become a central business challenge.","text2":"In general, product have been decreasing in variety and increasing increasing in quality while quantity stagnates.","label":-1,"idx":1236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only decision made during this time was to return to Washington.","text2":"The only decision made during this time was what was to be for lunch.","label":-1,"idx":1237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers attacked at 9:28.","text2":"The attack planned by the hijackers failed before 9:00.","label":-1,"idx":1238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given similarities to American 11 in hijacker seating and in eyewitness reports of tactics and weapons, as well as the contact between the presumed team leaders, Atta and Shehhi, we believe the tactics were similar on both flights.","text2":"There were no eyewitness reports on one of the flights.","label":-1,"idx":1239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even if textile products flowing to apparel sewn in this country (or in Mexico and the Caribbean Basin, where contractors assemble garments using U.S. textiles) decline, it is realistic to assume that some U.S. textile exports will increase in the near term and that there will be substantial increases in domestic industrial markets.","text2":"If textile imports decline, there could be an increase in domestic industrial markets.","label":-1,"idx":1240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The leaders of the unassuming Royal Knights Society can be a source of delight.","text2":"A source of enjoyment are the heads of the Royal Knight's Society. ","label":-1,"idx":1241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The best dictionary for me is the one that gives about the word or phrase that puzzles me the information I need at the moment I need it.","text2":"Dictionaries are essentially useless when they focus on explaining words that confuse me.","label":-1,"idx":1242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And it's hard to go from having like your whole day to go to classes and do whatever you want to do and space out everything then like having to like drive across town and go to work.","text2":"Working is different than just going to classes.","label":-1,"idx":1243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, biological makeup, everyday tasks, and the people who support children in mastery of those tasks vary greatly, resulting in wide individual dierences in specific skills.","text2":"Biological makeup leads to large differences between people raised in the same environment.","label":-1,"idx":1244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't know exactly where.","text2":"They don't know where they are.","label":-1,"idx":1245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Features one of the largest and most highly automated legal research collections in Indiana","text2":"India's legal research collection is rather small.","label":-1,"idx":1246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In helping children disengage thought from reality, pretend play is vital preparation for the much later development of abstract thinking, in which symbols are manipulated and hypothetical ideas are evaluated without referring to currently existing, real world conditions.","text2":"Pretend play isn't an essential part of preparing the development of thinking abstract.","label":-1,"idx":1247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, when a parent suggests to a young ball player, Watch me, keep your eyes on the ball! ","text2":"An example is when a parent tells a ball player to watch them and keep their eyes on the ball.","label":-1,"idx":1248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Brown does not know how that happened.","text2":"Brown was surprised that it had happened.","label":-1,"idx":1249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well with Brittney Spears I think what they probably do is they, um, they've got a lot of back up singers that can sing, and they kind of blend her voice into theirs when she can't quite do it.","text2":"They use backup singers to make Britney Spears sound better.","label":-1,"idx":1250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 1990 Senior Challenge is about to begin.","text2":"The senior challenge of 1990 is just about to start.","label":-1,"idx":1251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Aunt Ann has a lot of knick-knacks.","text2":"Aunt Ann doesn't have any antiques or trinket.","label":-1,"idx":1252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An interesting example of a derivative from the passive gerundive that has acquired a quasi-active meaning is reprimand from reprimendus , `one who is to be repressed.","text2":"Certain words are used more frequently amongst the English language.","label":-1,"idx":1253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller told his supervisor that he thought something was seriously wrong with the plane, although neither suspected a hijacking.","text2":"The supervisor knew that nothing was wrong with the plane.","label":-1,"idx":1254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We play outside on the equipment.","text2":"We play inside the house on the equipment.","label":-1,"idx":1255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1810, the Pawtucket, Rhode Island, enterprise begun with Slater's cunning had spawned a vibrant cotton-spinning industry throughout New England.","text2":"By 1810, Slater's enterprise in Pawtucket, Rhode Island had spawned a vibrant cotton-spinning industry throughout New England.","label":-1,"idx":1256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers quickly gained control and sprayed Mace, pepper spray, or some other irritant in the first-class cabin, in order to force the passengers and flight attendants toward the rear of the plane.","text2":"The hijackers used mace to force the passengers to the back of the plane.","label":-1,"idx":1257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These stories, more than any others, seemed deliberately aimed at teaching social and moral standards.","text2":"The stories were aimed at teaching math skills.","label":-1,"idx":1258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, thank you for sharing your experiences with me and your time.","text2":"I feel that you have wasted my time with your useless ramblings.","label":-1,"idx":1259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the magnitude of these differences varies as exchange rates fluctuate, under any realistic exchange-rate scenario, the labor cost differential is sufficiently high to put U.S. manufacturers at a very significant competitive disadvantage.","text2":"Non-U.S. manufacturers are not affected by varying exchange rates.","label":-1,"idx":1260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Headquarters had a hijack coordinator, who was the director of the FAA Office of Civil Aviation Security or his or her designate.","text2":"The director of the FAA was responsible for more than just hijack coordination. ","label":-1,"idx":1261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As business historian Robert Dalzell notes,","text2":"Business historian Robert Dalzell goes on to say","label":-1,"idx":1262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More recently alumni have responded generously to the special Bruce Townsend Endowed Professorship campaign, as more than $250,000 has now been given or pledged.","text2":"Alumni have been generous with their contributions.","label":-1,"idx":1263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(The law school had to raise tuition by 8 percent [1991-1992] and 12 percent [1992-1993]).","text2":"Tuition has to be raised by 10 percent for academic year 1994-1995.","label":-1,"idx":1264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This variation is due in part to the lower demand volumes during those periods relative to the middle of a product's life, but such fluctuations also occur because of the inherent uncertainty during the ramp up or ramp down of a product's life.","text2":"There are varying levels of demand throughout the life of a product.","label":-1,"idx":1265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If for some reason you are unable to renew your membership, we still would like to thank you for your past support and hope that you will again join.","text2":"If you can't renew your membership, we still thank you for your support in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":1266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A commercially available machine can automatically make the sleeves of T-shirts.","text2":"There are machines open to businesses which can automate the sleeve-making process.","label":-1,"idx":1267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, back to my In which Chinese language is America `me gook ?","text2":"China has a lot of different languages in its country.","label":-1,"idx":1268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With grateful appreciation of your support,","text2":"We really appreciate the support you offered.","label":-1,"idx":1269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Having rebuilt his fund-raising network, Bin Ladin had again become the rich man of the jihad movement.","text2":"Bin Ladin was considered a rich man after much fund raising within his network.","label":-1,"idx":1270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Copy that, sir.","text2":"No, sir.","label":-1,"idx":1271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My argument is not that the Chinese pronunciation for Viet is Yueh but that Mr. Henn errs when he translates the Chinese character as `extreme.","text2":"Mr. Henn is definitely not making an error when he translates the Chinese character in question.","label":-1,"idx":1272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If every English graduate takes this opportunity to pass along the gifts they have received, then in a few years, we can offer scholarships to a number of worthy undergraduates.","text2":"We can offer scholarships to undergraduates in a few years. ","label":-1,"idx":1273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A salute to Delaney for creating onomatoplazia , a much-needed new word.","text2":"onomatoplazia is derived from ancient Latin.","label":-1,"idx":1274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sensitive emotional messages conveyed through gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice are basic to it.","text2":"Sensitive urgent messages conveyed through yelling, punching and driving to Mexico on a whim.","label":-1,"idx":1275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:34, word of the hijacking had reached FAA headquarters.","text2":"The FAA found out soon about the terrorists.","label":-1,"idx":1276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I pretty much remember the whole thing.","text2":"I can remember everything from that whole day.","label":-1,"idx":1277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I thought it was, uh, uh, it was at first a part of the story I didn't like, but afterward, uh, you know, it certainly taught a lesson.","text2":"I could see the lesson the story was trying to convey.","label":-1,"idx":1278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Air Force personnel.","text2":"People who work for the Air Force.","label":-1,"idx":1279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is correct.","text2":"Affirmative.","label":-1,"idx":1280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Third, the lead pilot and local FAA controller incorrectly assumed the flight plan instruction to go 090 for 60 superseded the original scramble order.","text2":"The local FAA controller assumed command and correctly followed the original scramble order.","label":-1,"idx":1281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their diaspora has been so successful that most of us unreflectingly see schools as the natural dispensers, controllers, instruments, and structures of education'and of educated discourse'everywhere on earth.","text2":"Without the work of their diaspora, the world would be a less educated place.","label":-1,"idx":1282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\Stories I liked, yeah.","text2":"I like all types of stories.","label":-1,"idx":1283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pierre he would always say, I don't care.","text2":"I always got plenty of concern and advice from Pierre.","label":-1,"idx":1284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"L would be well advised, in future printings, to give a complete pronunciation key on the inside (front) cover of the book, an easily accessible place that is at present unused.","text2":"L should put a partial pronunciation key on the back of the book. ","label":-1,"idx":1285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now you can picture the part out of a watch how small this is and for a guy that in his probably sixties at that point difficult for him to see, lighting in that day and time not being what it is now, of course he'd lose his part and he'd say, Tootles, well first he'd have his fit, Nothing but damn junk, junk, junk!","text2":"He never complained about losing parts.","label":-1,"idx":1286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And where are you from?","text2":"Where did you go?","label":-1,"idx":1287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And is there anything in particular you want to talk about?","text2":"Is there something specific you want to chat regarding? ","label":-1,"idx":1288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tell me when you feel it peeping out and then we'll run like hell.","text2":"If ever you notice it looking at us, give me a nudge and we'll try and escape from the vicious monster.","label":-1,"idx":1289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Proposition 4 Instead of fashion as the saving grace of the channel, basic and fashion-basic products will prove critical to its long-term survival.","text2":"Basic products aren't going to aid in the long-term survival of the channel.","label":-1,"idx":1290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This special season reminds us that God's mercy is available to each of us --regardless of who we are or what we we've done.","text2":"Regardless of who you are or what you have done, this special season reminds us that God's mercy is available to all of us.","label":-1,"idx":1291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"See Willard Espy's delicious An Almanac of Words at Play, pp. 21 and 203.","text2":"An Almanac of Words at play is an easy read.","label":-1,"idx":1292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Attitudes toward women, often assumed to be natural and hence sacred, are not easily changed.)","text2":"Changing the view on women would be very difficult.","label":-1,"idx":1293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The year after her college graduation, Sarah married a devout classmate, entering into a culture in which family life was pivotal.","text2":"Sarah got married the year after she graduated from college.","label":-1,"idx":1294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although early forays into electronic data management relied on mainframe computers, between 1988 and 1991 the company installed 45,000 cash registers equipped with microprocessors and storage capabilities.","text2":"Mainframe computers stored most of the company's data, well through 2009.","label":-1,"idx":1295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But for other reasons they are not directly comparable.","text2":"They're directly and immediately comparable for obvious reasons.","label":-1,"idx":1296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The award was presented at the annual All-Class Reunion in front of over 500 family, friends, and alumni of Dear Old Cathedral.","text2":"The award was given out at an All-Class reunion in front of friends, family, and alumni.","label":-1,"idx":1297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hannah related the story of her childhood and the genesis of her relationship with Eva and Charlie, who oered insights as well.","text2":"Hannah related the story of growing up and everyone was impressed with what she had become.","label":-1,"idx":1298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Cleveland Center controllers began to try to identify the possible source of the transmissions, and noticed that United 93 had descended some 700 feet.","text2":"The sources of the transmissions were being searched for by the Cleveland Center controllers.","label":-1,"idx":1299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It didn't matter what we were doing'birthday celebrations, dinner with friends, outings to movies and plays, shopping excursions, or leisurely breakfasts; Hannah hungered to be part of our family.","text2":"Hannah wanted to be included in our family because her family ignored her.","label":-1,"idx":1300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I pretty much remember the whole thing.","text2":"I don't remember anything about it at all.","label":-1,"idx":1301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Battle for United 93 At 8:42, United Airlines Flight 93 took off from Newark (New Jersey) Liberty International Airport bound for San Francisco.","text2":"The flight did not end up in the right destination.","label":-1,"idx":1302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Things are bustling at Herron in preparation for the new school year.","text2":"Herron has five projects to do for next school year.","label":-1,"idx":1303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miller and Swift treat this problem and seem to believe that it has been ","text2":"Miller and Swift were decided by a committee to be the best people to treat the problem.","label":-1,"idx":1304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The theory was largely shelved for two thousand years until several physicists produced theories which led to the fact that the atom could be split.","text2":"Several physicists have proved that atoms can be split","label":-1,"idx":1305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My older sister Rayona she put together that reunion.","text2":"My older sister Rayona planned that reunion for our family.","label":-1,"idx":1306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Interacting with our faculty and their fellow, students, they develop skills and perspectives that will help them meet the complex challenges that face our society in the coming years.","text2":"They develop social, physical, and mental skills that will help them meet the challenges of society. ","label":-1,"idx":1307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any case, Bin Ladin found it necessary both to cut back his spending and to control his outlays more closely.","text2":"Regardless, expenses needed to be reduced by Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":1308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They surveyed members of the staff and faculty councils, administrators and others and learned that we at IUPUI have a number of vital concerns.","text2":"The university employees share a concern for several issues.","label":-1,"idx":1309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ We were there working.","text2":"We were over there working.","label":-1,"idx":1310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they went on, they didn't make it to the house.","text2":"They successfully made it to the home.","label":-1,"idx":1311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In which part of the country?","text2":"What part of the country did you grow up in?","label":-1,"idx":1312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The weight of this fictional weaponry has popularized the death ray from its pulp SF origins to serious contemporary consideration as laser technology has advanced.","text2":"Laser technology has vaulted the death ray from science fiction into the realm of serious consideration. ","label":-1,"idx":1313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Millions, pursuing secular as well as religious studies, were products of educational systems that generally devoted little if any attention to the rest of the world's thought, history, and culture.","text2":"Millions were products of educational systems that devoted lots of attention to the rest of the world's thoughts and culture.","label":-1,"idx":1314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the figure, we assume that the order-fulfillment rate equals 97 percent and the order-fulfillment lead time is three weeks.","text2":"The order-fulfillment rate is a little under one hundred percent in the image.","label":-1,"idx":1315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The microphone was keyed, and immediately one of the hijackers said, Nobody move.","text2":"The hijackers told people to move around freely.","label":-1,"idx":1316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From a lifetime of undisciplined reading with innocent pencil in hand and malice prepense in mind, I have gleaned a harvest of what I am pleased to denominate Red Pants items, a sampling of which follows.","text2":"I have read a lot when I was younger.","label":-1,"idx":1317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's why I stand out in my family.","text2":"I really blend in with my family.","label":-1,"idx":1318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was the first specific report to the Secret Service of a direct threat to the White House.","text2":"The White House was never endangered.","label":-1,"idx":1319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My neighbor had about four, five grown boys.","text2":"My neighbor never had any kids. ","label":-1,"idx":1320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd say quite a few.","text2":"Definitely not many.","label":-1,"idx":1321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just means `well.","text2":"It's supposed to have good intentions.","label":-1,"idx":1322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They involved a number of defensive measures, including caution not only about strange cars and trucks but also about unknown aircraft overhead.","text2":"There were several about defensive measures including unknown aircraft flying overhead that could be enemy combatants.","label":-1,"idx":1323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That seems like that was two or three weeks out of the school year in the spring especially that the fog would just be outrageous.","text2":"It was never foggy during the school year. ","label":-1,"idx":1324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And they've picked you, he said to me. ","text2":"He said to me that I've been picked out of over one hundred candidates.","label":-1,"idx":1325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" On its way towards Washington?","text2":"The plane may have been on its way towards Washington.","label":-1,"idx":1326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" It happens to be the third most famous diamond in the whole world, she boasted.\"","text2":"The diamond is not very famous because she did not promote it.","label":-1,"idx":1327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ambassador to the United States from Hungary His Excellency Geza Jeszenszky was present to add his accolades that evening.","text2":"The evening's event was marred by derogatory remarks made by the Hungarian ambassador.","label":-1,"idx":1328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(After all, you can't have a good intergalactic war when the next galaxy is, at the speed of light, 2,200,000 years away.)","text2":"Intergalactic war is likely because wormhole technologies enable instantaneous travel between galaxies.","label":-1,"idx":1329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She'd never given that much money before.","text2":"She frequently gives that amount of money or more. ","label":-1,"idx":1330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can prove what you can do.","text2":"You have to learn first.","label":-1,"idx":1331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1983 came Hezbollah's massacre of the Marines in Beirut.","text2":"Hezbollah was too afraid to attack US Marines.","label":-1,"idx":1332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His outstanding leadership skills will serve Cathedral exceptionally well.","text2":"He never used to be this skillful until he came to Cathedral. ","label":-1,"idx":1333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The annual number of units of outerwear created in the United States has remained remarkably constant over the last several decades, varying from 12.5 units per capita in 1967 to 13.4 units in 1995, while the number of production workers has continued to drop, from 1,098,200 in 1960 to 664,400 in 1997.","text2":"The United States produces more female outwear than men's outerwear.","label":-1,"idx":1334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Absolutely does.","text2":"No way in hell.","label":-1,"idx":1335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps it is just as well, for only by the means available to modern science are we now able to preserve some of the artifacts that we find and, through radiocarbon dating, determine their approximate age.","text2":"Radiocarbon dating can be used to figure out how old an object is.","label":-1,"idx":1336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The third group comprises definitions proper.","text2":"There are only two groups of clues.","label":-1,"idx":1337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Vygotsky, infants are biologically endowed with basic perceptual, attentional, and memory capacities that they share with other animals.","text2":"Vygotsky believes that babies share memory capacities with other animals.","label":-1,"idx":1338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his poem The Menagerie , one of William Vaughan Moody's characters ","text2":"There weren't any characters in William Vaughan Moody's poem The Menagerie.","label":-1,"idx":1339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(This being said, one British publication does offer a special obscure-words puzzle, probably for the benefit of glossarial masochists.","text2":"Glossarial masochists would have no interest in a special obscure-words puzzle.","label":-1,"idx":1340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"*$156 will pay for all three programs for one grade level","text2":"156 dollars will pay for seven programs across multiple grade levels. ","label":-1,"idx":1341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among examples of the first are spit and polish, on the spot, on the square, stick one's neck out , etc.","text2":"Some examples of the first are loogie and swoop, hit the handle and kill the turkey.","label":-1,"idx":1342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A search for only would be futile.","text2":"A search would be great.","label":-1,"idx":1343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NEADS air defenders never located the flight or followed it on their radar scopes.","text2":"They never watched the flight on the radar scopes.","label":-1,"idx":1344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Typically, these programs result in the frequent delivery of small quantities of items to the retailer'it would not be uncommon for a blue jeans manufacturer to ship a carton of one dozen blue jeans of mixed styles and sizes to a particular store.","text2":"These programs often feature large items being delivered infrequently.","label":-1,"idx":1345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Seconds later she said,Oh my God we are way too low.","text2":"She knew they were too low.","label":-1,"idx":1346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The term dictionary entry includes all vocabulary entries as well as all boldface entries in the separate sections of the back matter headed Abbreviations and Symbols for Chemical Elements, Foreign Words and Phrases, Biographical Names, Geographical Names, and Colleges and Universities. ","text2":"Dictionary entries are limited to vocabulary entries and no types of names.","label":-1,"idx":1347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In upstate New York, NEADS personnel first learned of the shootdown order from this Floor You need to read this.","text2":"NEADS learned of the shootdown order from a paper.","label":-1,"idx":1348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just about everyone I know has experienced these kinds of things over the years to mark this day.","text2":"No one I know has ever experienced things like these to mark this day.","label":-1,"idx":1349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What unmitigated nonsense!","text2":"It is absolutely not true.","label":-1,"idx":1350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda also established cooperative but less formal relationships with other extremist groups from these same countries; from the African states of Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Uganda; and from the Southeast Asian states of Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.","text2":"Al Qaeda kept to themselves and did not make any external alliances.","label":-1,"idx":1351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his introduction to Heavens to Betsy and Other Curious Sayings (Harper and Row, 1955), Charles Earle Funk said that the very title of his book turned out eventually to be completely unsolvable. ","text2":"Charles Earle Funk could not figure out what the title meant.","label":-1,"idx":1352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My daddy or my friends at school.","text2":"My school friends or my dad plays with me.","label":-1,"idx":1353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reagan National controllers then vectored an unarmed National Guard C- 130H cargo aircraft, which had just taken off en route to Minnesota, to identify and follow the suspicious aircraft.","text2":"The controllers at Reagan told a National Guard aircraft to follow the plane and be prepared to shoot it down.","label":-1,"idx":1354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In March 1998, after Bin Ladin's public fatwa against the United States, two al Qaeda members reportedly went to Iraq to meet with Iraqi intelligence.","text2":"Iraqi intelligence officials did not want to meet with any al Qaeda members.","label":-1,"idx":1355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A girl on the near northwest side walks past a community garden and playground today, where not long ago a vacant lot sat littered and loitered upon.","text2":"People used to take hard drugs and fight where the community garden now sits.","label":-1,"idx":1356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By no means.","text2":"It has never been so.","label":-1,"idx":1357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I don't think that too many of them were made up some of them seemed kind of funny at the time.","text2":"The stories were boring and weren't funny.","label":-1,"idx":1358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An integral part of that reputation has been the professional success of our alumni.","text2":"We have a good reputation because our alumni have been successful in their careers.","label":-1,"idx":1359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is a Canadian Mountie always a man? ","text2":"Canadian Mounties can also be women.","label":-1,"idx":1360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On 9\/11, the four hijacked aircraft were monitored mainly by the centers in Boston, New York, Cleveland, and Indianapolis.","text2":"Four aircraft were hijacked and monitored by the centers.","label":-1,"idx":1361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All of our initiatives are to drive consumer value.","text2":"We drive consumer value using all of our ingenuity.","label":-1,"idx":1362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We must pass this tradition along.","text2":"We need to teach this tradition to future generations.","label":-1,"idx":1363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Five Americans and two officials from India were killed.","text2":"Five americans were saved at the last minute by US forces.","label":-1,"idx":1364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pressing the teddy bear's and the leprechaun's arms together and the lollipop-turned-pacifier between them, Sophie readily came up with a solution.","text2":"Even after playing the teddy bear and the lollipop, Sophie could not come up with a solution.","label":-1,"idx":1365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An investment with many returns of relief, love and opportunity.","text2":"Your investment won't get a return.","label":-1,"idx":1366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were there other people who told you stories when you were very young grandparents perhaps?","text2":"Did you tell your grandparents stories when they were very young?","label":-1,"idx":1367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under pressure from Congress, President Clinton soon ordered the withdrawal of U.S. forces.","text2":"Clinton ordered that US forces leave Kosovo immediately.","label":-1,"idx":1368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Checks should be made payable to IU Foundation.","text2":"Make a donation to the IU foundation to receive a gift.","label":-1,"idx":1369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And work hard.","text2":"And work diligently, putting in a lot of effort","label":-1,"idx":1370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly after 8:50, while NEADS personnel were still trying to locate the flight, word reached them that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.","text2":"The World Trade Center was never hit by anything.","label":-1,"idx":1371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Any fabric left after the order is completed is kept by the subcontractor, providing an incentive to squeeze the pattern pieces more than a designer might want.","text2":"Designers are constantly warning each other about subcontractors with a tendency to squeeze pattern pieces.","label":-1,"idx":1372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Figure 6.1 shows a demand distribution having these properties.","text2":"Figure 6.1 shows an abnormal demand distribution.","label":-1,"idx":1373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking aim at military slang because it is itinerant and erroneous misses the mark completely.","text2":"Military slang is not good.","label":-1,"idx":1374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was pretty much, you know, on my own and I'm not used to that because in high school--","text2":"I was unused to being on my own.","label":-1,"idx":1375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet Bin Ladin was in his weakest position since his early days in the war against the Soviet Union.","text2":"Bin Ladin participated in the war against the Soviet Union.","label":-1,"idx":1376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When you support United Way, you can be sure your investment is used 90 cents of every dollar raised go directly to programs and services that help people in need here in central Indiana.","text2":"90 cents of every dollar raised by the United Way goes directly into the pockets of our chairman and board members, it doesn't go towards helping people in Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":1377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 1990 Senior Challenge is about to begin.","text2":"This senior challenge has the highest turnout ever.","label":-1,"idx":1378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"65 percent of participants will indicate that being in YMCA programs has helped them stay out of trouble.","text2":"YMCA participants claim no correlation between program attendance and other aspects of life. ","label":-1,"idx":1379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Compounding native English words or elements produces all classes of combinations' farmhouse ; underst and twenty-one ; herewith ; into ; someone ; because ; good grief . It is also a gradual process, as evidenced by the sequence of to day, to-day, today .","text2":"Compounding of English words \/ elements creates all sorts of new words.","label":-1,"idx":1380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's hard to believe that the holiday season is only two months away.","text2":"We are already preparing for the next calendar year.","label":-1,"idx":1381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He appeals to people disoriented by cyclonic change as they confront modernity and globalization.","text2":"He has no appeal to anybody.","label":-1,"idx":1382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During that dialogue, the adult continually assesses the child's progress and creates the zone by keeping the task proximal 'slightly above the child's level of independent functioning.","text2":"The adult isn't supposed to assess the child's progress at any point.","label":-1,"idx":1383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet since World War II, shifting tastes in clothes, rising real incomes, and domestic and foreign competition within the textile and apparel industries have markedly reduced the proportion of consumer budgets expended on apparel and its upkeep (laundry and dry cleaning).","text2":"Consumers have had no shifts in the tastes of clothing. ","label":-1,"idx":1384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps you have heard your student talk about the visiting artists who present slide lectures at Herron about their work, sit in on classes, and mingle with the students.","text2":"Artists come to sit in on classes because they have really bad short-term memories and have forgotten all art theory that they have learned. ","label":-1,"idx":1385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are so grateful for your generous contribution to last year's auction.","text2":"We look forward to similar levels of support at this year's auction.","label":-1,"idx":1386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had a small poodle named Fifi, it was disgusting, but I learned uh, you know how you learn respect for, for people in, in, different ways um, for you know, for all Grandpop didn't say much Grandpop had more love and affection for that dog and showed it to that dog probably more than most parents show to their kids today.","text2":"Though Grandpop didn't say much, it was obvious how much he loved his poodle Fifi.","label":-1,"idx":1387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about um, what you do for recess?","text2":"I could care less about what you do in your free time.","label":-1,"idx":1388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, Bin Ladin had another a substantial, worldwide organization.","text2":"A worldwide organization supported Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":1389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Both then saw the second aircraft hit the World Trade Center.","text2":"They both watched in horror as the second aircraft hit the WTC.","label":-1,"idx":1390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller attempted again to raise United 93 several times, with no response.","text2":"United 93 responded.","label":-1,"idx":1391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But for basic and fashion basic apparel products, for which frequent replenishment orders are becoming the norm, the practice of sourcing some of the assembly and sewing operations from nearby lower wage regions and countries is emerging.","text2":"The frequency of replenishments orders for basic and fashion basic apparel products is becoming the industry norm.","label":-1,"idx":1392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My copilot and astrogator have arrived.","text2":"The copilot never made it.","label":-1,"idx":1393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift may be designated for the school's general endowment, a particular scholarship or program, or a combination of needs.","text2":"Your support may go towards the general endowment. ","label":-1,"idx":1394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An another academic year comes to an end, I am pleased to report that your IU School of Dentistry is continuing its leadership role in advancing dental education.","text2":"The IU School of Dentistry is continuing its leadership role in advancing dental education. ","label":-1,"idx":1395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Tasty Menu (printed on a menu); Big Heights Tahiragi (the Tahiragi high-rise apartment building); Build Saito (the Saito Building); pair glass (a pair of drinking glasses); Arrange Ball (Pachinko or pinball); History and Future Pavilion (Pavilion of Past and Future); fillet of minion (entanglement perhaps not so simple); Extra Interior (factory-printed sign on a roomier?","text2":"Again, this is a list so difficult to parse.","label":-1,"idx":1396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the Pentagon was struck, Secretary Rumsfeld went to the parking lot to assist with rescue efforts.","text2":"Rumsfeld helped rescue attempts within the parking lot. ","label":-1,"idx":1397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The commander of NORAD, General Ralph Eberhart, was en route to the NORAD operations center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, when the shootdown order was communicated on the air threat conference call.","text2":"General Ralph Eberhart was the commander of NORAD and was heading to Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado.","label":-1,"idx":1398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service logged Mrs. Cheney's arrival at the White House at 9:52, and she joined her husband in the tunnel.","text2":"The Secret Service did not record the arrival of Mrs Cheney.","label":-1,"idx":1399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can I keep the shell?","text2":"I don't want the shell.","label":-1,"idx":1400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its purpose is to encourage collaboration and cooperation between the various agencies, programs, and systems that serve our community's youth.","text2":"Encouraging collaboration and cooperation between the various agencies, programs, and systems that serve our community's youth.is the purpose of the group.","label":-1,"idx":1401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" On Modern Marriage' is a very badly written essay ...and the reader wants to shout, Martial your thoughts! ","text2":"The essay is the best I've read.","label":-1,"idx":1402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We want the world to know how strongly we oppose NAFTA expansion and fast track.","text2":"We are strongly against the expansion of NAFTA.","label":-1,"idx":1403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Latin may provide a good analogy to what I experienced in Japan.","text2":"Latin is analogous to what I experienced when I was in Japan.","label":-1,"idx":1404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, I kept on, and finally when I saw that life was really expensive, and I didn't have, I couldn't work anymore since I'm not a professional, then I decided to come (to the US), because also, well, the, there in that area, since now there wasn't anywhere to work, I had left hidden from the guerrillas, and, well, that's what I continued.","text2":"I was earning plenty of money to live on comfortably.","label":-1,"idx":1405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Center is assessing the ways in which youth programs in central Indiana introduce and explore diverse cultural experiences.","text2":"The center is finding ways youth programs can explore STEM topics.","label":-1,"idx":1406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This means that skilled sewing operators do not need to be able to read a language to follow instructions.","text2":"All sewing operators need to learn a few languages in order to be able to follow instructions.","label":-1,"idx":1407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Four, right.","text2":"Eight, right.","label":-1,"idx":1408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We all hear about today's increases in neglect, abuse and abandonment of those who can't fight children.","text2":"Now more than ever, vulnerable children face neglect, abuse, and abandonment. ","label":-1,"idx":1409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(A third possibility, though naturally not treated by M and S, is out-and-out misanthropy vs. misogyny, for the notion of simple man-hating should not be ruled out entirely.","text2":"(Scenario number three, unmentioned by M and S, is blatant hatred of humanity as opposed to woman-hating, because simple misanthropy is a possibility.","label":-1,"idx":1410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Macroeconomic Inventories, Business Cycles, and Price Levels","text2":"Microeconomic inventories and quantity levels.","label":-1,"idx":1411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The goal of MCCOY, Inc. has been to make a difference.","text2":"MCCOY wants to have a positive impact","label":-1,"idx":1412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is that the big van?","text2":"Is that a small van?","label":-1,"idx":1413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the areas we've decided to focus on is development.","text2":"We want to improve our development","label":-1,"idx":1414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The __ Unit can help your company save money by promoting good health practices.","text2":"We will help your employees stay on top of health practices.","label":-1,"idx":1415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In helping children disengage thought from reality, pretend play is vital preparation for the much later development of abstract thinking, in which symbols are manipulated and hypothetical ideas are evaluated without referring to currently existing, real world conditions.","text2":"Pretend play is important when it comes to developing abstract thinking.","label":-1,"idx":1416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My copilot and astrogator have arrived.","text2":"The copilot was the astrogator as well. ","label":-1,"idx":1417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Evidence indicates that this conversation was the only notice received by either FAA headquarters or the Herndon Command Center prior to the second crash that there had been a second hijacking.","text2":"The phone conversation was the only notice received by FAA headquarters or Herndon Command Center prior to the second crash to even notify authorities there had been a second hijacking of a plane.","label":-1,"idx":1418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Duende is very difficult to define.","text2":"it is hard to define Duende","label":-1,"idx":1419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is drawn to conclude that the work is the product of some disembodied corporate entity.","text2":"One is apt to determine that a disembodied corporate entity produced the work.","label":-1,"idx":1420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, Gloria, what's your age?","text2":"Gloria, when's your birthday?","label":-1,"idx":1421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The savings can add up for the contractor, since the apparel manufacturer that supplied the cloth might not notice.","text2":"Apparel manufacturers usually don't know to check for contractors who will try to save this way.","label":-1,"idx":1422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an arts patron, you know that the Herron School of Art has a rich tradition in art education, shaping the talents and genius of some of Indiana's most noted artists and designers.","text2":"As someone that does not patron the arts we hope you would consider giving us a donation.","label":-1,"idx":1423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I'm going to ask a final question that, um, I mean, you're my parents, and you imparted a lot of, uh, a lot of the love of reading to me.","text2":"The question is a big one, so you should answer carefully.","label":-1,"idx":1424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And how old are they?","text2":"How old are your brothers?","label":-1,"idx":1425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is an argument that is persuasive but scarely convincing.","text2":"This argument will turn everyone to the right direction.","label":-1,"idx":1426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once children can read and write, they can explore the insights of countless authors and partake in their rich array of experiences.","text2":"Reading and writing opens up experiences for children to access.","label":-1,"idx":1427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plans to attack the United States were developed with unwavering singlemindedness throughout the 1990s.","text2":"There were no plans to attack the United States in the 1990s.","label":-1,"idx":1428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are an important part in making sure these young people are matched with caring adult mentors.","text2":"The economic return of mentoring these young people is immense.","label":-1,"idx":1429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When, um, I was little, I lived more, near Lake Norman side of Charlotte.","text2":"When I was a child I moved near the Lake Norman side of Charlotte.","label":-1,"idx":1430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"oxymoron Not a name for dumb cattle, but a rhetorical device that couples opposites into descriptions effective for their cold as hell, honest as a politician.","text2":"Cold as Hell and honest for a politician are examples of an oxymoron.","label":-1,"idx":1431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Khifa recruited American Muslims to fight in Afghanistan; some of them would participate in terrorist actions in the United States in the early 1990s and in al Qaeda operations elsewhere, including the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in East Africa.","text2":"American Muslims never fought in Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":1432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact, this overriding emphasis on peers as a source of positive development is itself a product of our culture.","text2":"Development is mainly a product of social interactions.","label":-1,"idx":1433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since everthing is to be found in Shakespeare, it is not surprising that on at least two occasions the Board has contributed his own Red Pants nuggets.","text2":"Shakespeare was really popular with the board. ","label":-1,"idx":1434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The amount ordered should be sufficient so that the number of units on hand plus those that are on order equal some maximum stocking quantity, S.13 For a particular item, our store buyer may reorder when the inventory level falls below s equals 4 units, in a quantity that brings the current inventory up to S equals 8 units.","text2":"The amount in which is ordered should be sufficient so that the number of units on hand plus those that are on order equal some stock quantity.","label":-1,"idx":1435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The high value placed on self-restraint in Chinese culture leads shy children to receive very positive feedback from adults and peers.","text2":"The Chinese value self-restraint.","label":-1,"idx":1436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Better yet, the dubbed Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Marlon Brando, and company made me conscious of how I had originally heard Superman I , and of how I commonly ignore what pitch and range (apart from diction and idiom) contribute to any language.","text2":"I was reminded of how I commonly ignore the pitch and range contributions to language.","label":-1,"idx":1437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again there was nothing.","text2":"There was nothing.","label":-1,"idx":1438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And remember, gifts made before December 31, 1992, will still provide you with maximum tax deduction benefits.","text2":"Your gifts are tax deductible.","label":-1,"idx":1439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To chart the development of shy and sociable children, psychologist Jerome Kagan followed several hundred youngsters from infancy into the school years, repeatedly observing their behavior and measuring their physiological responses to highly stimulating, unfamiliar events.","text2":"Psychologist Jerome Kagan has observed shy and sociable children for years.","label":-1,"idx":1440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each generation of girls faces new new technology, new moral issues, new opportunities.","text2":"Girls do not face new technology or moral issues.","label":-1,"idx":1441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One cannot but admire a standard dictionary that defines middle-aged as between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner and says that the verb perpetrate means to execute or commit (esp.an offence, a poem, or a pun). ","text2":"Perpetrate is a commonly used word in the English language.","label":-1,"idx":1442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among the sources that reflect other important events of that morning, there is no documentary evidence for this call, but the relevant sources are incomplete.","text2":"There is no evidence that the call happened, but reporters said it did.","label":-1,"idx":1443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Then, referring to a newspaper report her father had mentioned earlier in the day) This morning, it said (changes to a low-pitched, somber tone of voice), Two trains crashing'in India. ","text2":"Her father had never mentioned anything about a newspaper report earlier in the day.","label":-1,"idx":1444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The campaign funds will help provide a resource library, training materials and equipment; development of progressive math and science programs; and the construction of new centers at three of our camp properties.","text2":"The campaign funds were added up and over the sum of $100,000 that can help support many things.","label":-1,"idx":1445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh really, what kind of jobs do you do for your, your dad?","text2":"You don't do anything for your dad?","label":-1,"idx":1446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not only had they left out the R ; they'd changed the K to C .","text2":"They changed the spelling to today's versions.","label":-1,"idx":1447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A contribution of $395 provides full participation in the Club for a boy or girl for one year; however, your gift in any amount can make a difference in a child's life.","text2":"Giving $395 makes one kid a full member of the Club, but you can split a membership with others if you can't donate that much.","label":-1,"idx":1448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ I think yeah, Ryan and I were there.","text2":"Ryan and I were there because we couldn't find a cab.","label":-1,"idx":1449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that's how, I kept on, working and, with them.","text2":"That's the tale of how I immediately halted all work with them.","label":-1,"idx":1450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Notwithstanding the identification of these emerging threats, by 9\/11 there were only seven alert sites left in the United States, each with two fighter aircraft on alert.","text2":"There were twelve alert sites in the United States on 9\/11.","label":-1,"idx":1451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"b) A worker in a shoe factory who smooths and polishes the forepart of the heel, called the breast of the shoe in the trade.","text2":"The workers initially labeled the individual parts of a shoe as a joke, but they remain in use.","label":-1,"idx":1452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Islam is both a faith and a code of conduct for all aspects of life.","text2":"Islam says nothing about how to handle daily life.","label":-1,"idx":1453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin moved to Sudan in 1991 and set up a large and complex set of intertwined business and terrorist enterprises.","text2":"Bin Ladin ran clean businesses while in Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":1454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know she wasn't going to claim me.","text2":"You very well have the knowledge to see that she wasn't going to claim me.","label":-1,"idx":1455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And now we can sit around drink beer by the pool, smoke cigarettes and tell stories without somebody dying.","text2":"We can sit around while drinking beer by the pool and smoking cigarettes.","label":-1,"idx":1456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These programs established a widespread feeling of entitlement without a corresponding sense of social obligations.","text2":"Some felt they were not entitled without social obligations.","label":-1,"idx":1457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe you can remember a time in your own life when you were shown grace... when someone reached out to you with answers you couldn't find yourself.","text2":"When you couldn't find any answers in life, maybe you remember when someone reached out to you and showed you grace and monetary help.","label":-1,"idx":1458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Egyptian spiritual guide based in New Jersey, the Blind Sheikh, whom Bin Ladin admired, was also in the network.","text2":"The network contained many other people based in the United States.","label":-1,"idx":1459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1998, we served a total of 31,484 low-income individuals through job training and placement assistance, youth and senior programming, family counseling, emergency assistance, and much more.","text2":"We were not able to serve anyone due to a legal investigation that closed our services down.","label":-1,"idx":1460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The top and bottom threads are locked together by passing the loop of the top thread around the bobbin.","text2":"The top and bottom threads are locked together into a fancy pattern by passing the loop of the top thread around the bobbin.","label":-1,"idx":1461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At farmers' markets, families would display the vegetables they grew or sell eggs from their chickens.","text2":"Vegetables grown by the families would be displayed at farmers' markets. ","label":-1,"idx":1462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus Americans are blamed when Israelis fight with Palestinians, when Russians fight with Chechens, when Indians fight with Kashmiri Muslims, and when the Philippine government fights ethnic Muslims in its southern islands.","text2":"Therefore, all conflicts involving Muslims are blamed on America, regardless of location.","label":-1,"idx":1463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"95 in Canada'but I do not think that the ghost of my Scottish father glowered (good Scots word, that) at me when I bought my copy of it.","text2":"I did not buy myself a copy.","label":-1,"idx":1464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope you will join me in supporting this scholarship opportunity by sending your check today made payable to the Peale Scholarship Fund.","text2":"Please join me in supporting the Peale Scholarship fund and send your check today.","label":-1,"idx":1465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you feel like you did well this sem, this year, or if you had to do it over what would you do differently?","text2":"You did really poorly this year, I hope you feel bad about how it went.","label":-1,"idx":1466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The man who was shot out of the cannon during each show was asked by his wife to quit his high-risk job, much to the distress of the great P.T.","text2":"They found a new person to shoot out of the cannon in future shows.","label":-1,"idx":1467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Re the article on Cuthbert, Dickens uses intercourse to mean `communication between people' in A Christmas Carol when Scrooge says I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse to the third Spirit.","text2":"It was common for Dickens to use the word intercourse to mean communication between people. ","label":-1,"idx":1468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My sisters and I decided we would all ride up together in \/\/ the upchuck wagon.","text2":"Me and my sisters agreed that we'd be all riding the upchuck wagon together to cross the mountain pass.","label":-1,"idx":1469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have two sisters.","text2":"I have no sisters.","label":-1,"idx":1470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The size of retail establishments also grew during this period because of two important trends.","text2":"The establishments decreased in size at the time.","label":-1,"idx":1471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know they're all like, Oh good!","text2":"They think it is horrible.","label":-1,"idx":1472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have seen that children come into the world marvelously prepared to enter into partnerships with parents and other caregivers.","text2":"We have seen children come into the world wholly unprepared to have any sort of relationship with parents or other adults.","label":-1,"idx":1473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"50 years later most of what they say and experienced didn't exist anymore.","text2":"Most of their history doesn't exist anymore, 50 years later. ","label":-1,"idx":1474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what's the one you identified with the most?","text2":"Which one was totally not you?","label":-1,"idx":1475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Exercise planners also assumed that the aircraft would originate from outside the United States, allowing time to identify the target and scramble interceptors.","text2":"The people who made these plans were bad at their jobs.","label":-1,"idx":1476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I reminded him of the bird and pachyderm houses, he remembered a lot the fiamingos, parrots, swans, elephants, hippos, and rhinos.","text2":"He reminded me of the bird and pachyderm houses.","label":-1,"idx":1477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can stop it.","text2":"Stop spreading rumors.","label":-1,"idx":1478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How have you shared it over the years?","text2":"Over the years how have you shared your knowledge about life?","label":-1,"idx":1479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Usually, they come in sets of three, one with its hands over its eyes, one over its ears, and one over its they were said to represent See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. ","text2":"Normally, there is a set of three gestures which represent See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil.","label":-1,"idx":1480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact I think she still does now . But she made up a lot of stories then, um, sometimes they had us, my sister and me, in the stories, and then sometimes, the just were from I don't know where.","text2":"She usually read stories from a book written by others. ","label":-1,"idx":1481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the end of the turn, it was descending through 2,200 feet, pointed toward the Pentagon and downtown Washington.","text2":"It was plummeting to the ground, just seconds from hitting the Pentagon.","label":-1,"idx":1482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft was in a rapid descent.","text2":"The aircraft continued at its normal speed.","label":-1,"idx":1483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maxwell Bodenheim is no longer the cat's pajamas.","text2":"Maxwell used to be the cat's pajamas","label":-1,"idx":1484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I, uh, went off to do my thing and he went off to, to some other things, and, uh, anyway, um, to make a long story fairly short, I got married, and being married gave me a little bit of freedom as far as what I need to do to make money because my wife was working and making enough to support us.","text2":"I got married, and my wife worked to support us. ","label":-1,"idx":1485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was the closest seat, she was only on the bus a few minutes and then we were dumping the elementary kids and we had plenty of room again.","text2":"She stayed for the whole bus ride.","label":-1,"idx":1486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under these conditions, a marker will not be as efficient as the standard production markers shown in Figures 8.1 and 8.2 (page 137) because the amount of cloth that can be saved for a single ply does not justify the time required to reach high levels of cloth utilization.","text2":"Figures 8.1 and 8.2 illustrate the situation to an adequate degree.","label":-1,"idx":1487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A time for a youngster to enjoy the fun and benefits of residential camp living, dedicated staff and instruction, and a chance to make special friends.","text2":"A youngster can have time to make special friends","label":-1,"idx":1488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the past, you have been generous in your support of programs in the School of Liberal Arts.","text2":"You have previously been generously supportive of programs. ","label":-1,"idx":1489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Right now.","text2":"Let's go. ","label":-1,"idx":1490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important thing we are doing is consumerization, to be the best in the business in delivering products customized for what the consumer wants.","text2":"The most important thing we are doing is marketing.","label":-1,"idx":1491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In increasing numbers, alumni and friends are providing the private resources necessary for scholarships, faculty support and other items which enrich the school's curriculum related programs.","text2":"Private resources dedicated to our school have sadly dwindled in recent years.","label":-1,"idx":1492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" On Modern Marriage' is a very badly written essay ...and the reader wants to shout, Martial your thoughts! ","text2":"The essay is terrible.","label":-1,"idx":1493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Help People Become Self-Sufficient -- offer shelter for homeless families, disaster relief, employment and training, neighborhood support centers and specialized transportation;","text2":"Offering shelter for homeless families, disaster relief, employment and training, neighborhood support centers and specialized transportation does nothing to help people to become self sufficient and is a waste of money.","label":-1,"idx":1494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only fund raising event in the world where you can bring your entire family, other employees, or maybe even your neighbors.","text2":"We hope that you bring your entire family, other employees, and all of your neighbors to the fund raising event.","label":-1,"idx":1495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among these Get Back (a sign flashed on TV to invite or command the viewer to return after the commercial, or maybe promising that the production will return then); Pants 50% Down (ad for a sale); in my side (for my part; on my side of the argument); Step the Pedal ' Water Will Flow (sign in a train lavatory); Drive-Thru Window (at the bank); How do you doing? ","text2":"The Drive-Thru Window was closed when I arrived.","label":-1,"idx":1496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, the same way I went out to another, er, e, cousin, his name is Cristobal, and I said, Cristobal, do you have to, what are you doing tomorrow?","text2":"The man's name was Cristobal, and I spoke to him.","label":-1,"idx":1497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It can also rapidly identify discrepancies between invoices and actual shipments, once again lowering the cost of the transaction for both parties.","text2":"Using sorting algorithms the software identifies discrepancies between shipments and invoices.","label":-1,"idx":1498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart wrote of hard-core pornography, so do I of science I shall not attempt further to define the kind of material ...embraced within that short-hand description.","text2":"I intend to perform a more in-depth analysis of Potter Stewart's works.","label":-1,"idx":1499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"10 As we would expect, if the cost of carrying inventory is very low, the quick line is not used; that is, the quick-line capacity ratio equals zero.","text2":"The cost of carrying inventory is not the only variable to determine if the quick line is used.","label":-1,"idx":1500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The children and families who come to Pleasant Run are given the opportunity to become happy, loving, and productive members of our society.","text2":"Pleasant Run operates on one rule: do not talk about Pleasant Run.","label":-1,"idx":1501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Windows is compounded from the Icelandic words vindr `wind' + auga `eye,' a window being the eye of a house.","text2":"Windows is originally from the Icelandic language","label":-1,"idx":1502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then all the pieces of the patterns must be laid out for the various units so that they can be cut at the same time.","text2":"You can cut the patterns at the same time without laying all the pieces out.","label":-1,"idx":1503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our commitment to schools and neighborhoods has a long tested record of accomplishment.","text2":"All funds raised with help small business owners. ","label":-1,"idx":1504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift is a wise investment in the community.","text2":"In the community, your gift is a wise investment.","label":-1,"idx":1505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This led to the association of rapid acceleration with gunning, and to give it the gun was soon extended to automobiles, speedboats, and objects and matters nonmechanical.","text2":"Gunning soon became associated with a rapid acceleration.","label":-1,"idx":1506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What attitude should feminists take to women's suggested more frequent use of tag endings; It's a nice day, isn't it? ","text2":"How should people feel about feminists suggested use of tags?","label":-1,"idx":1507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"while dialing with their hands or without acting out the event at all.","text2":"Sometimes the event wasn't acted at all.","label":-1,"idx":1508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For any particular reason or you just like the area?","text2":"Do you just like the area, or is there something specific you like about it?","label":-1,"idx":1509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(And everyone should now take a few minutes to ponder the meaning of it in the preceding sentence.)","text2":"The sentence should be skipped and forgotten about.","label":-1,"idx":1510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Recent speculation has it that they were not slaves but'what would one call them?","text2":"What would they be called if not slaves?","label":-1,"idx":1511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As for the quality of the palindromes'well, they are rarely sheer poetry.","text2":"The palindromes usually aren't good poetry.","label":-1,"idx":1512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A New York Times story by Hubert Saal on flamenco (March 22, 1987) speaks of the mysterious duende as a kind of gypsy soul, which flies only on the wings of spontaneity and improvisation. ","text2":"In 1987, there were no stories in the New York Times about Hubert Saal.","label":-1,"idx":1513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please sent yours to the author, c\/o Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 01867, not to VERBATIM.","text2":"Please take yours to the nearest police station and not to the author.","label":-1,"idx":1514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"International pressure on Sudan, together with strains in the world economy, hurt Sudan's currency.","text2":"Sudan's currency was weakened by other nation's actions.","label":-1,"idx":1515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be sure, four names'Heather Gay, Brian O'Kill, Katherine Seed, and Janet Whitcut'appear on the Acknowledgements page, but so do names of a lot of other people (like Frank Kermode, Melvin Bragg, Clement Freud, Germaine Greer, Clive Jenkins, and Janet Street-Porter) whose direct connection with the book at hand would seem to be much more remote.","text2":"John Smith's name appears on the Acknowledgements page of that book. ","label":-1,"idx":1516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now his goals are set on moving up in the company.","text2":"He set his goals to move up in the company because of the financial gain.","label":-1,"idx":1517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We invite you to consider a contribution.","text2":"Please do not try sending us any donations or money, we don't need it.","label":-1,"idx":1518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each generation of girls faces new new technology, new moral issues, new opportunities.","text2":"Each generation of girls faces new opportunities for employment. ","label":-1,"idx":1519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cher's gem stood unrivaled until I recently heard a Monday Night Football savant announce to the nation that despite confusion among the officials on the field, a touchdown had indeed been scored, because the plane of the ball broke the goal line. ","text2":"I did not hear any news regarding the disputed touchdown. ","label":-1,"idx":1520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We bring together dedicated adult learners and committed, well-trained volunteers.","text2":"We bring adult learners and trained volunteers together.","label":-1,"idx":1521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our commitment to schools and neighborhoods has a long tested record of accomplishment.","text2":"Six school and neighborhood projects are currrently in development.","label":-1,"idx":1522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In each, the role of parents and teachers as agents of change is vigorous and profound, although not sovereign and exclusive.","text2":"Parents and teachers do not have much power to change a child's life.","label":-1,"idx":1523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However you like.","text2":"Whichever way you desire.","label":-1,"idx":1524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Australia and Western Europe, child care is nationally regulated and liberally funded to ensure that it conforms to standards verified by research to foster children's learning, social competence, and emotional security.","text2":"Child care is regulated by the nation in Western Europe.","label":-1,"idx":1525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the standpoint of language, Ventris's work was more important, particularly because it filled in a gap in our knowledge of the early states of Indo-European languages.","text2":"Ventris'work was so important because it showed us what early European languages were like. ","label":-1,"idx":1526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributions will be used to cover program and membership costs for girls in financial need; subsidize the cost of Girl Scout camp; and provide training and resources to leaders, parents and adult volunteers.","text2":"Donations to Girl Scouts mostly pay staff salaries.","label":-1,"idx":1527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just means `well.","text2":"It just wants you to fail.","label":-1,"idx":1528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly before 9:10, suspecting that American 77 had been hijacked, American headquarters concluded that the second aircraft to hit the World Trade Center might have been Flight 77.","text2":"Shortly before 9:10 in the morning, American headquarters suspected that American Flight 77 was the second aircraft to hit the second World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":1529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, many studies show that children's performance on tasks such as conservation can be improved with training.","text2":"Many studies show performance by children on tasks like conservation can be improved with training.","label":-1,"idx":1530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Competitive information-integrated channels may also reduce aggregate price levels, as expressed by price markup policies that in the past have reflected the incomplete information of channel participants.","text2":"Price markup policies have changed significantly in the last decade.","label":-1,"idx":1531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anselmo tries, but he gets so frustrated and upset that I move in and help, even in the face of opposition from his dad.","text2":"Anselmo tends to lose control of his emotions even though he always tries to put in his best work.","label":-1,"idx":1532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To build upon our past successes and to launch these new initiatives, we need your support.","text2":"We don't need your help to launch new initiatives ","label":-1,"idx":1533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This assistance was funneled through the Pakistani military intelligence service (Inter- Services Intelligence Directorate, or ISID), helped train the rebels and distribute the arms.","text2":"This assistance was also funneled through other services.","label":-1,"idx":1534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beginning in the late 1970s, Wal-Mart sought to reduce its costs by using emerging information technologies to track consumer sales at the checkout counter, monitor its inventory of goods within and across stores, and then supply its stores on an ongoing basis via highly efficient, centralized distribution methods.","text2":"The emerging information technologies were developed by research conducted by Walmart.","label":-1,"idx":1535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I told him, I don't cover for the guerrillas, or for you . Why would I cover for them?","text2":"My voice was quiet when I told him that I wouldn't cover for him.","label":-1,"idx":1536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first is the dire shortage of acceptable child-care options in the United States, the second is the parental dilemma of never enough time. ","text2":"Parents are increasingly unhappy about the lack of options for child-care.","label":-1,"idx":1537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The enclosed brochure provides information on the old law school building, the Society, and the programs supported by private funds.","text2":"In the brochure that is enclosed, there is detailed information about the history of the Society. ","label":-1,"idx":1538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The leaders of the unassuming Royal Knights Society can be a source of delight.","text2":"There is no enjoyment to be hand from the leaders of the Royal Knights Society. ","label":-1,"idx":1539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More to our point, information integration has added a new dimension to these long-standing controversies.","text2":"The integration of information might help resolve these well established controversies.","label":-1,"idx":1540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They live similar lives, conduct similar courses, and with similar subventions go to similar conferences and give similar papers on every continent (much as David Lodge describes them in Small World ). They are not as tightly knit as other fraternities, past and present (Knights Templar, Freemasons, Jesuits, Mafia, Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross, corporate executives of Coca-Cola or Chrysler, or managers of labor unions).","text2":"Each member is wildly different and they share little in common.","label":-1,"idx":1541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turns out it was 226 miles to New Market from PA and 320 miles from NC to New Market.","text2":"We had to go 226 miles to New Market before resting.","label":-1,"idx":1542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only in the 1980s, with the development of another system of mass distribution that includes new technology, new management methods, and new links to manufacturing'lean retailing'did the role of the buyer significantly diminish.","text2":"The buyer has always been the most important thing in business.","label":-1,"idx":1543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Punch Ross to Stop Child Abuse. ","text2":"Do not punch Ross if you want to stop child abuse.","label":-1,"idx":1544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Custom clothing may therefore be financially available to a wider audience in the future, opening a new market in which domestic apparel manufacturers can compete.","text2":"Custom clothing might be more affordable in the future if the technology advances.","label":-1,"idx":1545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Discussion with my gun-loving friends supports Funk's penultimate etymology.","text2":"This etymology is supported by talking with friends who are gun enthusiasts.","label":-1,"idx":1546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Still, he was just one among many diverse terrorist barons.","text2":"He was just one of many lead terrorists. ","label":-1,"idx":1547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the call ended, Mrs. Cheney and the Vice President moved from the tunnel to the shelter conference room.","text2":"Mrs. Cheney, the Vice President and their entourage were in the shelter conference room after the call.","label":-1,"idx":1548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:46:40, American 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.","text2":"Several people watched in terror as a plane struck the North Tower.","label":-1,"idx":1549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two law reviews provide opportunities for research and writing, as well as a forum for articles of state, national, and international interest","text2":"Opportunities for writing and research, and a forum for important articles, come in the form of two law reviews.","label":-1,"idx":1550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One caller reported that a flight attendant had been killed.","text2":"One caller reported that one flight attendant was dead and another passenger was in critical condition.","label":-1,"idx":1551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These performance differences persist even after controlling for other characteristics of business units, such as size and product mix, which might also be associated with replenishment speed and technology adoption.","text2":"These differences weren't present after the characteristics of business units were controlled for.","label":-1,"idx":1552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This order would be combined with other replenishment orders for Levi jeans destined for the same store, thereby reducing shipping costs.","text2":"The orders were all shipped separately, even though it costs more to ship.","label":-1,"idx":1553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your membership fee assures your receiving notices of exhibition openings, lectures, discounts for Saturday School and the Pre-College Workshop, and invitations to the Janus Ball, artists' dinners and other Friends only events.","text2":"The membership fee is low enough that you can easily afford it and the benefits are vital to your success as a student.","label":-1,"idx":1554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the, the fragments, as they call them, cut him here [indicates several parts of body], cut him here, cut his here, cut him here, and I don't know where else, but there were many, but the deepest one was this one . He didn't say anything.","text2":"The fragments cut up his body all over, including one particularly deep cut.","label":-1,"idx":1555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, children have an important say in the socialization process.","text2":"Kids have a say in socialization, deciding who they want to play with.","label":-1,"idx":1556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have been intrigued now and again, starting as a small boy, by words which seem to act in exactly the opposite fashion, words which point away from their meaning, words which seem almost mischievously to mislead.","text2":"I have felt intrigued every now and again.","label":-1,"idx":1557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(The child misunderstands the meaning of the word scale. ","text2":"The child doesn't seem to know the true meaning of the word scale.","label":-1,"idx":1558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There's still time for you to take part by attending the remaining events and by making a gift to Herron in honor of its tremendous continuous influence on the Indianapolis art scene.","text2":"Herron has no influence on the Indianapolis art scene. ","label":-1,"idx":1559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or take two of the most popular verbs we use to describe somebody who has been dismissed from the job' fired and discharged . Both are metaphors that compare the unfortunate victim to a projectile shot out of a gun or cannon.","text2":"The terms \"fired\" and \"discharged\" are still used to mean dismissal from a job, even though they are metaphors for projectiles leaving a weapon.","label":-1,"idx":1560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President remained in the classroom for another five to seven minutes,","text2":"The President stayed in the classroom until the CIA cleared him.","label":-1,"idx":1561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one else been there no one else had ever experienced or written about what they'd seen and brought it back.","text2":"I was the first person to write down what I had seen. ","label":-1,"idx":1562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you'll stay here for the four years and then move, or would you transfer schools?","text2":"Will you move in order to transfer schools? ","label":-1,"idx":1563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe you can remember a time in your own life when you were shown grace... when someone reached out to you with answers you couldn't find yourself.","text2":"When you couldn't find any answers in life, maybe you remember when someone reached out to you and showed you grace.","label":-1,"idx":1564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The new infrastructure created by the railroads and telegraph contributed to the growth of wholesale houses.","text2":"Railroads created a new infrastructure while telegraphs did not.","label":-1,"idx":1565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, I definitely like the weather in Charlotte, so that would be kind of a shock for me to have those winters, but I'll be able to adjust to it.","text2":"I'm not used to harsh winters, but I'll get used to it. ","label":-1,"idx":1566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is very economical of space and involves a clever computer ploy, but it does not provide a particularly useful synonym dictionary, for, as we all know, synonymy in language does not yield to the commutative law of mathematics; in language, Things equal to the same thing are not (necessarily) equal to each other. ","text2":"Synonymy bears strong similarities to the commutative law of mathematics.","label":-1,"idx":1567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All the way through that hour and 15 minute bus route old Robbie get off, he'd stand outside the bus, let the kids on and he'd get back in.","text2":"He would never let the children on the bus.","label":-1,"idx":1568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd say quite a few.","text2":"More than usual, I think.","label":-1,"idx":1569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that time I spent with them was the coolest because grandmom would let me smoke and at 12, 13 years old you know being able to sit there and smoke cigarettes with grandma.","text2":"My grandma was a very strict person and I didn't wanna spend time with her.","label":-1,"idx":1570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These fighters, part of the 113th Wing of the District of Columbia Air National Guard, launched out of Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in response to information passed to them by the Secret Service.","text2":"The Secret Service informed the D.C. Air National Guard, who then launched from a site in Maryland.","label":-1,"idx":1571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because he knew that I was going to do what I wanted to do without disrespecting my parents or do anything like that because I was still like not going to run out in a rampage and kind and be like a horrible person, but it was just like my life now and--","text2":"He was aware of what I wanted to do without over reacting.","label":-1,"idx":1572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Scholarships are essential for attracting the best and brightest students to study law at our school.","text2":"Scholarships aren't important when it comes to attracting high caliber students.","label":-1,"idx":1573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin Moves to Sudan By the fall of 1989, Bin Ladin had sufficient stature among Islamic extremists that a Sudanese political leader, Hassan al Turabi, urged him to transplant his whole organization to Sudan.","text2":"Hassan al Turabi wanted nothing to do with Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":1574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had not taken on what he called the head of the snake.","text2":"The head of the snake was not taken on.","label":-1,"idx":1575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . We're, we're involved with something else, we have other aircraft that may have a similar situation going on here.","text2":"We have several aircraft with the same situation going on. ","label":-1,"idx":1576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, referring to her daughter's breakup, my friend complained, It wasn't that she did it but how she did it.","text2":"Referring to her daughter's break was about she did it, not how she did.","label":-1,"idx":1577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Notice how the mother provides details and, by asking who and what, encourages her young daughter to enrich the narrative.","text2":"The mother is encouraging her daughter in the hopes of making her a stronger reader. ","label":-1,"idx":1578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His reaction was described by Scooter Libby as quick and decisive, in about the time it takes a batter to decide to swing.","text2":"His reaction was quick and decisive, though misguided in retrospect.","label":-1,"idx":1579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In short, Fun for Everyone!","text2":"In great detail, everyone will be miserable.","label":-1,"idx":1580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The woman prepared food, but she only gave it to the children.","text2":"She made the food for herself.","label":-1,"idx":1581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet when it is there it is unmistakable, inspiring our awe, quickening our memory'.","text2":"The reference is popular and can be found almost anywhere.","label":-1,"idx":1582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" There you have it!","text2":"We have been unable to establish a conclusion.","label":-1,"idx":1583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1983 came Hezbollah's massacre of the Marines in Beirut.","text2":"Hezbollah was trying to instigate a war when it attacked the Marines.","label":-1,"idx":1584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He has to eat on time and properly to maintain his energy and blood sugar level.","text2":"He is required to eat on time to remind healthy","label":-1,"idx":1585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turabi sought to persuade Shiites and Sunnis to put aside their divisions and join against the common enemy.","text2":"The Sunnis and Shiites kept fighting and decided not to set aside their differences.","label":-1,"idx":1586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He then returned to a holding room shortly before 9:15, where he was briefed by staff and saw television coverage.","text2":"His staff failed to brief any new information.","label":-1,"idx":1587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you remember what I had in my sandwich on the wharf yesterday?","text2":"Do you know the kind of sandwich I ate yesterday?","label":-1,"idx":1588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each week, about 3 children in this state die from child abuse or neglect.","text2":"Neglect or abuse is the cause of about 3 children deaths per week in this state.","label":-1,"idx":1589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went to college for two weeks and dropped out.","text2":"He dropped out of college after a couple weeks.","label":-1,"idx":1590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Talia and Jim can be heard saying impatiently, You aren't any good at this! ","text2":"Talia and Jim can often be hard speaking impatiently.","label":-1,"idx":1591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given limited information on sales, this meant that these retailers purchased large inventories of goods that they would then push to consumers","text2":"The retailers never built up an inventory at all.","label":-1,"idx":1592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Similarly, a 2-year-old who says that the sun disappearing below the horizon is sleepy is likely to receive an alternative explanation.","text2":"Most two year olds think that the sun setting means it's sleepy.","label":-1,"idx":1593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, there were names like The Pokey Little Puppy, um, Mr. Bear Squash You All Flat, um, just, they were just little stories about animals and they had Big Golden Books and Little Golden Books and my mother, I know she bought me every one of them and read them to me.","text2":"My mom told me stories that she made up herself as she had no books to read from. ","label":-1,"idx":1594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A central feature of information-integrated channels'indeed, the basis for our term lean retailing'is the effective management of inventories at the SKU level.\"","text2":"A focal component of data coordinated channels'indeed, the reason for our term inclined retailing'is the successful administration of inventories at the SKU level.","label":-1,"idx":1595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't get nervous!","text2":"Calm down and relax!","label":-1,"idx":1596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Both new faculty will have credentials in the environmental field.","text2":"The new faculty members will be experienced in the environmental field.","label":-1,"idx":1597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What are your least favorite stories?","text2":"What are the stories that you really dislike reading?","label":-1,"idx":1598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among the many important roles it plays, the most significant is that this fund allows 114 of the student body the opportunity to attend Cathedral through the help of financial aid.","text2":"The fund allowed more students to attend last year. ","label":-1,"idx":1599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They also merge objects that are alike into categories (such as vehicles, animals, birds, and eating utensils), laying the foundation for mentally representing their experiences and thinking eciently.","text2":"They merge objects that are alike to categories.","label":-1,"idx":1600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Community needs are everyone's business.","text2":"Community needs are no one's business, but that of the government.","label":-1,"idx":1601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Digging up the roots of this exclamation has given many a scholar calluses and a bent back.","text2":"The scholars work very hard for their discoveries. ","label":-1,"idx":1602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was below the norm for Tuesday mornings during the summer of 2001.","text2":"It was an unnaturally cool day that day in 2001. ","label":-1,"idx":1603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another of his happy expressions is inner-wards, meaning `since,' as in.","text2":"He has multiple happy expressions.","label":-1,"idx":1604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Donations flowed through charities or other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).","text2":"Charities and other NGOs were the avenue donations flowed through.","label":-1,"idx":1605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In scaolding, the adult encourages the child to grapple with questions and problems and, thereby, to contribute significantly to the dialogue.","text2":"Scaolding is a necessary part of the child's development.","label":-1,"idx":1606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is a liberal arts education still sufficient?","text2":"Has a liberal arts education ever mattered?","label":-1,"idx":1607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Details on these plots appear in chapter 3.","text2":"Chapter 3 contains further information on these plots.","label":-1,"idx":1608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Radar data show the Langley fighters airborne at 9:30.","text2":"Langley fighters left the train station at 9:30.","label":-1,"idx":1609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Spreading cloth out on a table in a way that leaves it flat but unstretched, without tension in the cloth, is more difficult than one would think.","text2":"Spreading fabric so that it's flat but without causing tension is harder than it looks.","label":-1,"idx":1610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The program will be evaluated using the YMCA of the USA's Youth Development Survey based on The Search Institute's Youth Asset Model.","text2":"The YMCA is going to evaluate all of their programs. ","label":-1,"idx":1611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several iterations of these initial design steps could add weeks or months to the process before production began.","text2":"The design team will skip straight to production.","label":-1,"idx":1612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's conversations about artistic trends.","text2":"Art is the only thing that is discussed.","label":-1,"idx":1613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At some time between 10:10 and 10:15, a military aide told the Vice President and others that the aircraft was 80 miles out.","text2":"The Vice President, among others, was informed that the plane was 80 miles away.","label":-1,"idx":1614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers at centers rely so heavily on transponder signals that they usually do not display primary radar returns on their radar scopes.","text2":" Controllers at centers rely so heavily on transponder signals that they usually do not display primary radar returns on their radar scopes.","label":-1,"idx":1615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whatever the case, that decision was a defining moment in your life and the beginning of a productive and rewarding future.","text2":"That decision had no bearing on your future and was inconsequential.","label":-1,"idx":1616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The address (Obras Completas, Aguilar, Madrid, 1963) is a 5,000-word virtuoso performance in which he describes duende variously as the spirit of the earth, with Dionysian roots, and as the mysterious spirit of sorrowful Spain. ","text2":"There is no such thing as spirits.","label":-1,"idx":1617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" When did he land?","text2":"What time did he land?","label":-1,"idx":1618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Piaget's contribution to the field of child development is enormous.","text2":"Piaget was the village idiot, who didn't know a thing about raising children.","label":-1,"idx":1619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Oh, God, I don't know.","text2":"I don't have any clue what they want.","label":-1,"idx":1620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, thank you very much.","text2":"Thanks for your help.","label":-1,"idx":1621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the effects of lean retailing are sweeping across many industries, it is imperative that everyone involved understand how inventory policies have been affected.","text2":"Inventory policies have been affected negatively by lean retailing.","label":-1,"idx":1622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mail your check today (or charge your gift) to help us stop the misuse of vulnerable natural land.","text2":"You should give us money to protect the environment.","label":-1,"idx":1623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even more than under PBS, sewing tasks were broken down in minute detail, both as a means of increasing speed and decreasing skill requirements.","text2":"The tasks were much harder to perform before this review was executed.","label":-1,"idx":1624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As noted in the 1988 Economic Report of the President,Adoption of just-in-time inventory management by manufacturers also represents a significant development, since changes in inventories have often been an important source of business-cycle fluctuations.","text2":"Adoption of inventory management represents only a small development.","label":-1,"idx":1625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So it was the cheerleaders dated the football players?","text2":"Are the cheerleaders dating the football players?","label":-1,"idx":1626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The light beam did cut through the plies, but it melted the polyester fibers at the sides of the burn and fused the edges of the cloth together.","text2":"The light beam was a failed idea in an attempt to cut cloth.","label":-1,"idx":1627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alternatively, distri-bution operations that efficiently process finished products reinforce the benefits of a team-based assembly system.","text2":"There are no benefits to using a team to assemble anything.","label":-1,"idx":1628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"WHY GIVE?","text2":"You shouldn't give.","label":-1,"idx":1629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They're still a few that you get in the classroom who are avid readers and they just stand out.","text2":"All of the children are enthusiastic readers.","label":-1,"idx":1630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um one couple in particular the Blankenships had a apple tree in their back yard and we would go and we would pick apples and take them back to her place and make apple pies.","text2":"We picked apples from the Blankenship's apple tree and used them to make apple pies. ","label":-1,"idx":1631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the verb kvell , which exactly expresses that emotion, is already (like other Yiddish loanwords, such as chutzpah, meshugga and nosh ) to be found in the Supplement to the Oxford-English Dictionary .","text2":"Kvell does not appear in the Oxford-English Dictionary's supplement even though many other loanwords do.","label":-1,"idx":1632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the 1980s, awash in sudden oil wealth, Saudi Arabia competed with Shia Iran to promote its Sunni fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, Wahhabism.","text2":"Saudi Arabia became rich from oil.","label":-1,"idx":1633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I, uh, too often, much too often, see people, um, feeling superior somehow because they don't read, they don't think, they don't experience other ideas.","text2":"Superiority complexes are common in modern day society.","label":-1,"idx":1634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their conservatism?","text2":"They are totally liberal about everything.","label":-1,"idx":1635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In June 1996, an enormous truck bomb detonated in the Khobar Towers residential complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that housed U.S.","text2":"The Khobar Towers, which was part of a complex that housed the U.S., suffered a bombing in 1996.","label":-1,"idx":1636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you felt like you didn't even have anybody there to guide you?","text2":"You felt there was adequate people there to guide you.","label":-1,"idx":1637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider an increase in your contribution to the Girl Scout Annual Campaign.","text2":"For the annual Girl Scouts campaign please consider an increase in your donation.","label":-1,"idx":1638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you find one just like it for Grandpa?","text2":"I don't think Grandpa would want this.","label":-1,"idx":1639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What about the people that didn't do that?","text2":"All of them did it, there's no need to worry.","label":-1,"idx":1640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each hour of instruction costs approximately $100, of which the United Way Of Central Indiana pays $60.","text2":"Each hour of education costs $20 and the government pays it all.","label":-1,"idx":1641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On September 11, the flight carried 58 passengers.","text2":"The flight carried 58 passengers on September 11.","label":-1,"idx":1642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please, make a tax deductible gift to Community Centers of Indianapolis in 1999, and know that COMPANY is playing an important part in meeting the needs of its community.","text2":"COMPANY is playing an important part in meeting the needs of the Community Centers of Indianapolis in 1999, please make a very generous tax deductible gift.","label":-1,"idx":1643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The future of Cathedral High School, under the leadership of President Steve Helmich, is indeed bright.","text2":"President Steve Helmich also attended Cathedral High School as a youth. ","label":-1,"idx":1644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strange to say, however, that interest does not seem to be more than a few hundred years if the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Indians, the Chinese and other peoples were curious about their own prehistory, I have not heard of it.","text2":"People have only been interested in pre-history for a few hundred years. ","label":-1,"idx":1645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We'd be sitting there waiting on daylight to be able to go to work.","text2":"We could be waiting for it to get light outside for us to work.","label":-1,"idx":1646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The lesson then taken from Libya was that terrorism could be stopped by the use of U.S. air power that inflicted pain on the authors or sponsors of terrorist acts.","text2":"We learned in Libya that terrorism could be halted if the US used air power.","label":-1,"idx":1647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, thank you very much.","text2":"Thanks so much.","label":-1,"idx":1648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, some families in our community are wrestling with the problem of providing a safe and caring environment for their children during, before and after school hours.","text2":"Safe environments are not usually a problem. ","label":-1,"idx":1649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the al Qaeda representatives explained his it's easy to kill more people with uranium.","text2":"Uranium makes it easy to kill large numbers of people.","label":-1,"idx":1650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hijacking of United 175 United Airlines Flight 175 was scheduled to depart for Los Angeles at 8:00.","text2":"United Airlines Flight 175 was delayed twenty minutes.","label":-1,"idx":1651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These two related historical issues'the ascendancy of a particular system of clothing assembly and the role of unions'have a direct bearing on what is now happening in retail-apparel-textile channels.","text2":"Unions have made business for textile firms a lot more difficult.","label":-1,"idx":1652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Japanese English is a great joy and a wondrous thing, as I have indicated.","text2":"Japanese English is a great tool for learning, mixing the best of both cultures.","label":-1,"idx":1653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their inability to adapt to changing consumer tastes and the emergence of new retail channels that targeted specific consumer segments'specialty stores (especially so-called category killers ), catalog stores, and mass merchants'led to erosion in market share.","text2":"Large stores were able to quickly adapt to the tastes of customers so they didn't lose market share.","label":-1,"idx":1654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A clear signal to Bin Ladin that his days in Sudan were numbered came when the government advised him that it intended to yield to Libya's demands to stop giving sanctuary to its enemies.","text2":"Many enemies of Libya lived in Syria.","label":-1,"idx":1655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Support Goodwill with a generous donation today.","text2":"Give an ample donation today to goodwill. ","label":-1,"idx":1656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"highbinder Not a hip-length legging nor a Rocky Mountain farm implement, but incredibly enough a swindler or crook, especially of the Chinese variety.","text2":"Highbinder is taken to mean a swindler or crook.","label":-1,"idx":1657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even words which are usually of more general reference are brought into relation with water in a text like this.","text2":"Words usually used in more specific contexts are brought into relation with water in such a text.","label":-1,"idx":1658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The passenger replied that he did not see one.","text2":"The passenger said that he did not see one. ","label":-1,"idx":1659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just a little longer, and then we'll go inside. ","text2":"We will go in right now.","label":-1,"idx":1660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will go toward the general operating funds of the School or the Gallery, as you choose.","text2":"You will have to decide where the money goes; it cannot be distributed between two purposes.","label":-1,"idx":1661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Deliveries made a day late are sometimes refused and sent back.","text2":"Late deliveries were rejected and sent back sometimes.","label":-1,"idx":1662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The terrorists who hijacked three other commercial flights on 9\/11 operated in five-man teams.","text2":"the 9\/11 terrorists operated 5 man teams.","label":-1,"idx":1663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The stories, both real and fictional, that parents and teachers relate to or jointly construct with young children are laced with cultural beliefs and values.","text2":"There are no cultural beliefs in the parents' stories.","label":-1,"idx":1664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Namma-holes have been variously described; to Carnegie they are depressions on the surface of rocks, often with a rounded bottom, where stones are often found, suggesting that the stones have something to do with the formation of the holes.","text2":"At first, Carnegie was not sure of how to describe the structure of Namma-holes.","label":-1,"idx":1665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have such transpositions a name?","text2":"Do the transpositions have a name?","label":-1,"idx":1666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To build upon our past successes and to launch these new initiatives, we need your support.","text2":"We need your support to build up new successes ","label":-1,"idx":1667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another of his happy expressions is inner-wards, meaning `since,' as in.","text2":"He has no happy expressions.","label":-1,"idx":1668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are so grateful for your generous contribution to last year's auction.","text2":"Last year's auction was disappointing.","label":-1,"idx":1669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They do not appear to do much rambling.","text2":"They don't do much rambling through the desert.","label":-1,"idx":1670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their upward mobility?","text2":"They could move?","label":-1,"idx":1671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Until the emergence of mass retail, the wholesaler-jobber dominated the distribution of consumer dry goods to general clothing, upholstered furnishings, hardware, drugs, tobacco, furniture, china, and glassware.","text2":"The emergence of the wholesale-jobber was death knell for mass retail.","label":-1,"idx":1672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift will make a difference.","text2":"Your donation will help to make a difference.","label":-1,"idx":1673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marines, the 1992 bombing in Aden, and especially the 1993 firefight in Somalia after which the United States left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat and your dead with you.","text2":"The United States was involved in a firefight in 1993 in Somalia. ","label":-1,"idx":1674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several filled out the questionnaire and returned it with an apology why they couldn't give...at least they were honest!","text2":"Many people completed the survey but did not give a financial gift because they said it was too expensive for them.","label":-1,"idx":1675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, do you want names of them?","text2":"Would you like their names?","label":-1,"idx":1676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next year at this time, my letter of solicitation will have a new address, the address of the new Science building on Michigan Street.","text2":"I will do many addresses by this time next year, including the new Science building on Michigan Street.","label":-1,"idx":1677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Definitely, I'm feeling the pressure from my dad.","text2":"I feel that I am being pressured by my father. ","label":-1,"idx":1678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He thinks, you know, it's just kind of that whole thing, he wants me to get everything now, because he thinks once you're his age, it's too late.","text2":"He thinks that you're never too old to get everything.","label":-1,"idx":1679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The relationship between al Qaeda and Iran demonstrated that Sunni-Shia divisions did not necessarily pose an insurmountable barrier to cooperation in terrorist operations.","text2":"Iran's relationship with Al Queda proved that Sunni-Shia infighting, posed an insurmountable barrier when it came to collaborating on terrorist attacks.","label":-1,"idx":1680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Between 3 and 6 years, children's descriptions of special, one-time events'a family excursion, a grandparent's visit, a first trip to the dentist'become better organized and more elaborate.","text2":"Between the ages of 3-6 years, children become much better at describing special one-time events. ","label":-1,"idx":1681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She would have a better chance of getting help and delivering a healthy baby if she lived in Sweden.","text2":"Delivering a healthy baby wouldn't have been a possibility if she was in Sweden.","label":-1,"idx":1682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh my father.","text2":"My only living parent.","label":-1,"idx":1683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The program will be evaluated using the YMCA of the USA's Youth Development Survey based on The Search Institute's Youth Asset Model.","text2":"The program will never be evaluated. ","label":-1,"idx":1684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, Damon contends, modern child-centeredness has been stretched to the point of unrestrained child gratification, resulting in a youth culture in which children and adolescents are less engaged, less purposeful, less accomplished academically, and more egoistic and antisocial than in previous generations.","text2":"Damon contends that children are worse overall than they ever have been in America.","label":-1,"idx":1685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through Destination Services the Center works hand in hand with human resource departments.","text2":"The center uses specific software programs while working in conjunction with human resources departments.","label":-1,"idx":1686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I appreciate it, Tracy.","text2":"Tracy, it is not of worth to me. ","label":-1,"idx":1687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"bosom pressers, breast buffers, chick sexers Not names for denizens of Manhattan's 42nd Street, although the functions suggested doubtless occur there if the price is right.","text2":"It is illegal for sexual services to be provided in exchange for money.","label":-1,"idx":1688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although L has, in addition to the names, abbreviations, and only a few pages of miscellaneous materials'Handbook of Style, Ten Vexed points in English grammar'and some tables of moneys, weights and measures, etc., W has short sections on Foreign Words and Phrases (most of which are dispensable), Signs and Symbols, and Style, as well as one of those interminably boring listings of Colleges and Universities that clutter up most American college dictionaries.","text2":"W has a boring list of schools.","label":-1,"idx":1689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A painting (1988) by Andrew Festing of about 156 of the 290 Members of Parliament who had earlier been omitted from a portrait of Members, drawn by lot, who had been immortalized in 1987 by June Mendoza.","text2":"June Mendoza painted 156 members of Parliament in 1988","label":-1,"idx":1690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From this applicant pool, only 250 students were selected to enroll for this fall.","text2":"Every person in the applicant pool was chosen to enroll.","label":-1,"idx":1691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly after 10:10, and having no knowledge either that United 93 had been heading toward Washington or that it had crashed, he explicitly instructed the Langley negative- negative clearance to shoot aircraft over the nation's capital.","text2":"The person conveyed that no one had permission to down any planes.","label":-1,"idx":1692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think at Christmas and I'm getting a knife set.","text2":"I believe I will receive an assortment of knives for Christmas.","label":-1,"idx":1693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, children's progress is evaluated dierently in open education than in traditional education.","text2":"Furthermore, children's progression is understood differently in open and traditional education.","label":-1,"idx":1694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1961, the percentage using traditional bundles had fallen to 26 percent; PBS had risen to 69 percent of all production workers, and line systems remained uncommon at 5 percent.","text2":"Traditional bundles remained the industry standard in 1961, comprising 69 percent of all workers.","label":-1,"idx":1695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing, that is, except peace of mind.","text2":"Nothing at all is provided.","label":-1,"idx":1696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We maintain a kind of juggling act as we try to keep tuition costs in line.","text2":"Tuition costs are still much too high. ","label":-1,"idx":1697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in one sense they are.","text2":"It is accurate in at least one way.","label":-1,"idx":1698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ A wise decision\/\/ yeah.","text2":"It was not a very good decision. ","label":-1,"idx":1699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The big bad wolf ate the grandma then she, then the big bad wolf tried to, eat red riding hood.","text2":"The wolf, the grandma, and Red Riding Hood became great friends.","label":-1,"idx":1700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Schliemann, who discovered the site of Troy, used the evidence in Homer's Iliad to determine his digging site, where any ruins had long since disappeared from view.","text2":"Schliemann located where the city of Troy was once located.","label":-1,"idx":1701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there any particular reason?","text2":"There is no reason for that to occur.","label":-1,"idx":1702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center immediately began speculating about other aircraft that might be in danger, leading them to worry about a transcontinental flight-Delta 1989-that in fact was not hijacked.","text2":"Transcontinental flight-Delta 1989 was hijacked despite the efforts of Boston Center's speculating.","label":-1,"idx":1703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This chapter covers the key steps in retail inventory forecasting demand, choosing appropriate stocking strategies, and determining order quantities and frequencies.","text2":"The next chapter will discuss ongoing inventory management and storage.","label":-1,"idx":1704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Successful performance includes providing high levels of order completeness, short lead times for new products, and rapid response to requests for replenishment.","text2":"High levels of order completeness indicate successful performance. ","label":-1,"idx":1705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I lived working all of my life with livestock.","text2":"I've never stepped foot near an animal in all my life.","label":-1,"idx":1706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Gerber system first made it possible for a computer to guide the cutting knife anywhere on the cutting table.","text2":"The Gerber system was developed in 2015. ","label":-1,"idx":1707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have especially appreciated this generosity and hope you have been pleased with the growth and development of the School.","text2":"The School has grown and has developed. ","label":-1,"idx":1708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Needless to say, this is a must if we are going to continue to offer a top-notch education to our young people.","text2":"Our programs are designed to target adults going back to school for retraining.","label":-1,"idx":1709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They possess neither a Vatican nor a Vicar-General to report to, and, although the guild can at times be arcane (with Latin charters and capping ceremonies), by and large its doings are overt and benign.","text2":"The guild's lack of Vatican means that their activities are often highly unethical and harmful to the public.","label":-1,"idx":1710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"WHY GIVE?","text2":"Why would you give money?","label":-1,"idx":1711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you like the weather in Charlotte?","text2":"Is the weather in Charlotte really nice?","label":-1,"idx":1712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NEADS commander told us he did not pass along the order because he was unaware of its ramifications.","text2":"He did not pass on the order to others.","label":-1,"idx":1713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My daddy or my friends at school.","text2":"My school friends or my dad.","label":-1,"idx":1714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The issue was still undecided when the President conferred with the Vice President at about the time Air Force One was taking off.","text2":"The issue was undecided when Bush talked with Cheney as Air Force One was taking off.","label":-1,"idx":1715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ensure the future of tomorrow's leaders.","text2":"Protect the future of tomorrow's leaders with your generous donation.","label":-1,"idx":1716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those in the shelter wondered if the aircraft had been shot down pursuant to this authorization.","text2":"People taking sheltered wondered if the plane had been fired upon following the order.","label":-1,"idx":1717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\Stories I liked, yeah.","text2":"Yes I liked the stories.","label":-1,"idx":1718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are there any particular stories that your family tells now?","text2":"Why don't your family ever tell you any stories?","label":-1,"idx":1719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Ted decided the children deserved a chance to start over in another town, no matter how difficult it might prove to be.","text2":"Ted moved the children to a small down in central Texas.","label":-1,"idx":1720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, I remember exactly going to the hospital and the uh, waiting room, but um, yeah, it's just something you don't know anybody goes through.","text2":"I don't recall any details about going to, or being inside of the hospital. ","label":-1,"idx":1721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's imaginative play, Vygotsky pointed out, contains an interesting paradox.","text2":"Only adults have imaginative play.","label":-1,"idx":1722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The make-up of the grid has undergone various modifications in the course of time but the rules of the game have remained unchanged.","text2":"The rules have remained the same for this game. ","label":-1,"idx":1723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tell 'em if there's more out there, which we don't know, let's get 'em over Manhattan.","text2":"We do not know if there are any more out there. ","label":-1,"idx":1724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A well-constructed clue comprises only words necessary for conveying, in a deceptive way, the information solvers require to find the answer.","text2":"The best kind of clue is one that spoils the answer with no investigation necessary.","label":-1,"idx":1725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift will make a difference.","text2":"Your gift is very important in order to build a better future.","label":-1,"idx":1726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Way of Central Indiana adds value to your investment.","text2":"Central Indiana's United Way adds value to your investment.","label":-1,"idx":1727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The IUPUI Staff Council scholarship, awarded for the first time last summer, is the direct result of the Campus Campaign.","text2":"The money raised during the Campus Campaign has no direct impact on students.","label":-1,"idx":1728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given the size of its logistics challenge, Federated also chose to redesign its methods of moving goods from suppliers to stores.","text2":"Federated decided to change the way it moved goods from suppliers.","label":-1,"idx":1729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I usually go home once or twice a month.","text2":"Sometimes, I go home more than once or twice a month. ","label":-1,"idx":1730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was an aircraft that in fact had not been hijacked at all.","text2":"The aircraft was very much in fact hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":1731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:19, Ong The cockpit is not answering, somebody's stabbed in business class-and I think there's Mace-that we can't breathe-I don't know, I think we're getting hijacked.","text2":"At 8:19, Ong, There's mace in the air, the cockpit is not answering, someone has been stabbed in business class and I think we are being hijacked ","label":-1,"idx":1732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In response to researchers' queries, they frequently say that babies should be trained to be self-reliant from the first few months.","text2":"According to research, children can learn to be independent at a very young age if taught. This will help them be better prepared for life events.","label":-1,"idx":1733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Muslim organization called al Khifa had numerous branch offices, the largest of which was in the Farouq mosque in Brooklyn.","text2":"A Muslim organization had a lot of branch offices, including one in Brooklyn, and was suspected of terrorism","label":-1,"idx":1734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To make it interesting, a little competition has been proposed --the class which contributes the most money and the class with the highest participation will be honored.","text2":"A small competition has been proposed, to make it more appealing.","label":-1,"idx":1735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The extreme Islamist version of history blames the decline from Islam's golden age on the rulers and people who turned away from the true path of their religion, thereby leaving Islam vulnerable to encroaching foreign powers eager to steal their land, wealth, and even their souls.","text2":"The biased historical recall says that Islamic decline is due to leadership becoming less pious.","label":-1,"idx":1736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this dialogue, which lasted only a few minutes, Mel conveyed important social values and a wealth of information to Ben'about responsibility for preserving the environment, about safety precautions, about the wonders of an unusual sea creature, about the beauty and utility of natural objects, and even about world geography.","text2":"Mel conveyed social values to Ben.","label":-1,"idx":1737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Authors\/Publishers\/ Editors\/Agents Thrown to the Reviews and Reviewers","text2":"Authors often make useful reviewers and critics.","label":-1,"idx":1738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"President Reagan ordered air strikes against Libya.","text2":"Reagan outlined specific areas to target in the airstrikes.","label":-1,"idx":1739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Stream is often said not to be used in Australia except in metaphorical ways, normally being replaced by creek . Warburton's sandbanks intercept the stream, which finally splits into narow water-courses and spreads itself over the plains, and so it ends as a creek suggests a somewhat more complex relation between the two words.","text2":"They may also use river differently as well.","label":-1,"idx":1740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The kinds of services we provide help people deal with obstacles like health care, transportation and child care -problems that are big enough on their own without being compounded by factors like physical and mental disabilities, illiteracy and lack of job skills.","text2":"Disabilities, illiteracy, and a lack of job skills make obstacles such as health care even more difficult to manage. ","label":-1,"idx":1741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then along came lean retailing and the need for rapid replenishment'manufacturers are now expected to replenish products in less than a week.","text2":"Lean retailing came along and changed what was expected out of manufacturers. ","label":-1,"idx":1742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"a gathering for the purpose of caressing as an organised sport.","text2":"A party put together for the means of spitting as a leisure activity.","label":-1,"idx":1743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Scheduled to depart the gate at 8:00, the Boeing 757's takeoff was delayed because of the airport's typically heavy morning traffic.","text2":"The airport normally did not have much traffic in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":1744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My speech, of course, is very hesitant and often discouraging.","text2":"My speech is always very enthusiastic and encouraging. ","label":-1,"idx":1745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes I wonder about the extent of my own vocabulary, too, but really, not when I'm interviewing a client.","text2":"My clients aren't bothered by my vocabulary, which I consider to be adequate.","label":-1,"idx":1746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe it was a Dodge wasn't it?","text2":"I think it was a Dodge.","label":-1,"idx":1747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft had witnessed the hijackers' efforts to defeat the passengers' counterattack.","text2":"The passengers worked together to fight the terrorists.","label":-1,"idx":1748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a brief moment of reflection, he was recorded remarking that This is a new type of war.","text2":"He stated that this was a new type of war.","label":-1,"idx":1749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this dialogue, which lasted only a few minutes, Mel conveyed important social values and a wealth of information to Ben'about responsibility for preserving the environment, about safety precautions, about the wonders of an unusual sea creature, about the beauty and utility of natural objects, and even about world geography.","text2":"Mel conveyed social values to Ben because he wanted him to be successful.","label":-1,"idx":1750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Command There is a report of black smoke in the last position I gave you, fifteen miles south of Johnstown.","text2":"There was no report of black smoke 15 miles south of Johnstown.","label":-1,"idx":1751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Besides a firm sense of an inner self, autobiographical memory depends on organizing personal experiences in narrative form so they become part of a life story.","text2":"Autobiographical memory depends on organizing personal experiences of primarily happy events in narrative form.","label":-1,"idx":1752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help.","text2":"We need your contribution.","label":-1,"idx":1753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"People have different reference needs at different times.","text2":"People have different reference needs for different subjects.","label":-1,"idx":1754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Both then saw the second aircraft hit the World Trade Center.","text2":"They did not see the second aircraft hit the WTC.","label":-1,"idx":1755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These worrisome findings are not an inherent part of the TV medium.","text2":"The findings should be further examined for other causes.","label":-1,"idx":1756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the ILGWU, standardizing wages required regulation through collective bargaining of the network of contractors and submanufacturers working for jobbers and manufacturers.","text2":"The ILGWU had to collectively bargain through many levels of manufacturers and jobbers in order to standardize wages.","label":-1,"idx":1757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given limited information on sales, this meant that these retailers purchased large inventories of goods that they would then push to consumers","text2":"The retailers bought a lot of goods that they would heavily promote to consumers.","label":-1,"idx":1758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this section we review briefly the well-known news-vendor problem to illustrate the basic trade-offs retailers must make when determining inventory stocking levels.","text2":"This section was short but gave a lot of information.","label":-1,"idx":1759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What is that?","text2":"Who is that?","label":-1,"idx":1760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A variation on this theme occurs in Alba de C??spedes' The Secret (translated from the Italian by Isabel Simon and Schuster, New York, 1958, page 114) where she confides that I still had a whole afternoon before me to spend, and I used it to tidy up my drawers.","text2":"The Secret was translated from Italian because it was so popular.","label":-1,"idx":1761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" There you have it!","text2":"Just as I expected!","label":-1,"idx":1762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or do you feel you're ready for the change?","text2":"Are you ready for a shift in responsibilities?","label":-1,"idx":1763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To mystify solvers even more, puzzlers may use words in an uncommon but perfectly legitimate sense, especially by attributing to certain words ending in -er the quality of agent noun.","text2":"Puzzlers must have a good command of the English language. ","label":-1,"idx":1764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you for sharing your experience with me.","text2":"Thanks for telling me about your college experience.","label":-1,"idx":1765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The operative likely intended to round out the team for this flight, Mohamed al Kahtani, had been refused entry by a suspicious immigration inspector at Florida's Orlando International Airport in August.","text2":"The operative probably wanted to be on the flight.","label":-1,"idx":1766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"70 percent of participants will report a minimum of 3 hours per week doing homework outside of school.","text2":"A majority of the participants do not do any homework.","label":-1,"idx":1767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:03, the conference received reports of more missing aircraft, 2 possibly 3 aloft, and learned of a combat air patrol over Washington.","text2":"The conference got reports of missing planes.","label":-1,"idx":1768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More than five years of working at a local fast food chain had allowed her to keep food on the table and pay the rent for the small two-bedroom apartment they shared, but not much more.","text2":"The person she shared an apartment with contributed nothing towards rent.","label":-1,"idx":1769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faculty and Student Awards Annual presentations of Chancellor's awards encourage outstanding work among faculty, staff, and students.","text2":"The Chancellor's awards are limited to faculty and staff only.","label":-1,"idx":1770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fax had been sent from thousands of miles away by the followers of a Saudi exile gathered in one of the most remote and impoverished countries on earth.","text2":"The fax came from a long way from there. ","label":-1,"idx":1771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He moved to the NMCC shortly before 10:30, in order to join Vice Chairman Myers.","text2":"He moved to the NMCC before 10:30 AM.","label":-1,"idx":1772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nice talking to you.","text2":"Hated that conversation with you.","label":-1,"idx":1773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Three basic themes emerge from Qutb's writings.","text2":"The themes are central to culture in the area.","label":-1,"idx":1774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you are a fan of old-fashioned jazz'what is now known as traditional or trad jazz'you are familiar with one of the standard jump tunes of the genre'a tune most commonly called Muskrat Ramble . Even if you are not a fan, you must have heard it as least a dozen times.","text2":"Muskrat Ramble is traditional jazz.","label":-1,"idx":1775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" And he's heading into Washington?","text2":"He is heading to Washington?","label":-1,"idx":1776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He defected and became a star informant for the United States.","text2":"He never defected or became an informant.","label":-1,"idx":1777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA interviewed the screeners later; none recalled anything unusual or suspicious.","text2":"There were multiple screeners, but none of them could recall suspicious activity when interviewed by the FAA, because they could not remember the specific scene.","label":-1,"idx":1778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among the sources that reflect other important events of that morning, there is no documentary evidence for this call, but the relevant sources are incomplete.","text2":"There is ample evidence that the call happened and lasted 7 minutes.","label":-1,"idx":1779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"it is imperative that we reach the Board of Directors' goal of 100 percent participation.","text2":"Reaching the Board of Directors' goal of 100 percent participation is imperative.","label":-1,"idx":1780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Oh, God, I don't know.","text2":"I know.","label":-1,"idx":1781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also reinforced its London base and its other offices around Europe, the Balkans, and the Caucasus.","text2":"It reinforced its French base and others in Southern Asia.","label":-1,"idx":1782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our approach to the problem was to use operations research techniques and computer simulations of demand to explore the appropriate inventory levels, taking into account the statistical nature of the weekly demand for each of the SKUs for a style.","text2":"Operations research techniques were a part of our approach.","label":-1,"idx":1783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within the FAA, the administrator, Jane Garvey, and her acting deputy, Monte Belger, had not been told of a confirmed hijacking before they learned from television that a plane had crashed.","text2":"The crashes of the hijacked planes did not appear on TV.","label":-1,"idx":1784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The conventional wisdom explains the industry's decline in this Apparel, particularly women's apparel, is driven by price-based competition among generally small manufacturing and contracting establishments.","text2":"The industry has contracted as a result of the fierce price wars in the manufacturing and contracting sector.","label":-1,"idx":1785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This led to the association of rapid acceleration with gunning, and to give it the gun was soon extended to automobiles, speedboats, and objects and matters nonmechanical.","text2":"Slowing down to a crawl became known as gunning it.","label":-1,"idx":1786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, my uncle in FL who uh had his own airplane and decided one thing he always wanted to do was land his airplane on the highway so he arranged one day to coincidentally run out of gas nowhere near an airport so he could have the experience of landing his plane on the highway and taxiing up to a gas station to fill it up and take off again.","text2":"None of my uncles ever owned airplanes. ","label":-1,"idx":1787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Features one of the largest and most highly automated legal research collections in Indiana","text2":"The research collection is located in India.","label":-1,"idx":1788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fantasy play makes its appearance in the second year of life, a time when children must start to suppress impulses and accept that certain desires will remain unsatisfied.","text2":"Fantasy play only emerges around the fifth year of a child's life.","label":-1,"idx":1789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Retailers with more and more floor space were chasing fewer and fewer apparel-consumption dollars.","text2":"Floor space was expanding while apparel-consumption dollars were shrinking with retailers.","label":-1,"idx":1790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Slang is slang precisely because it does not adhere to the well-defined meanings of standard usage.","text2":"Slang is extremely well-defined. ","label":-1,"idx":1791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The air defenders searched for United 93's primary radar return and tried to locate other fighters to scramble.","text2":"The defenders attempted to find other fighters to send out.","label":-1,"idx":1792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But she betrays her own elitist insensitivity when she describes a flight attendant as the person who passes peanuts on an airplane. ","text2":"She betrays her own insensitivity when she talks about the flight attendant who gives out peanuts.","label":-1,"idx":1793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Charts showing the chief languages and their derivations can be found in many dictionaries'inside the front cover of The Random House Unabridged , for example.","text2":"The inside front cover of The Random House Unabridged contains three different charts.","label":-1,"idx":1794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe other people who survived leukemia or other diseases that you know were life threatening like that or I mean, do you ever try to find out other people's experiences?","text2":"I like to hear other people's stories and share my experiences with them.","label":-1,"idx":1795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin understood better than most of the volunteers the extent to which the continuation and eventual success of the jihad in Afghanistan depended on an increasingly complex, almost worldwide organization.","text2":"Bin Ladin understood that jihad's success depended only on what happened in Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":1796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if the additional $10,000 is not approved by the Board of Aldermen in January our Board of Trustees will be forced to cut services.","text2":"Our funding is sufficient to maintain the current level of services.","label":-1,"idx":1797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This means that skilled sewing operators do not need to be able to read a language to follow instructions.","text2":"Skilled sewing operators can follow instructions without reading anything.","label":-1,"idx":1798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does any reader need an entry like this one?","text2":"A reader might need an entry like this one.","label":-1,"idx":1799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In turn, we have the opportunity to extend that grace to others by meeting their physical and spiritual needs with kindness and compassion.","text2":"We have a chance to help others by offering kindness.","label":-1,"idx":1800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Look, ma'am, he says, you deserve to have your tongue cut out, because you are covering for the guerrillas.","text2":"He said he did not suspect me of anything. ","label":-1,"idx":1801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The trick is that they will not do anything unless and until you have installed what is called a Disk Operating System, which comes with the machine.","text2":"The thing requires the presence of the Disk Operating System. ","label":-1,"idx":1802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But here in college you don't have, I mean you can do what you want to, come and go as you please.","text2":"Here in college you can eat breakfast at midnight and nobody yells at you if you don't go to class.","label":-1,"idx":1803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These worrisome findings are not an inherent part of the TV medium.","text2":"The findings are inherent to the TV medium.","label":-1,"idx":1804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sydney's father keeps the task within Sydney's zone by temporarily reducing the diculty of the puzzle.","text2":"Sydney's father made the puzzle easier in order to make it more doable for Sydney.","label":-1,"idx":1805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I lived working all of my life with livestock.","text2":"Livestock is where I have worked practically my entire life.","label":-1,"idx":1806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although L has, in addition to the names, abbreviations, and only a few pages of miscellaneous materials'Handbook of Style, Ten Vexed points in English grammar'and some tables of moneys, weights and measures, etc., W has short sections on Foreign Words and Phrases (most of which are dispensable), Signs and Symbols, and Style, as well as one of those interminably boring listings of Colleges and Universities that clutter up most American college dictionaries.","text2":"L has a popular, brief style handbook.","label":-1,"idx":1807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, the reason I choose to go to school here is because my parents live around 30 minutes away, and I wanted to be away from home, yet be able to go home, if I needed to, so--","text2":"I picked this school because my parents live nearby and I could go home there if I needed to.","label":-1,"idx":1808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"better-equipped and -furnished?)","text2":"The house was well furnished.","label":-1,"idx":1809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A minute later, Flight 11 turned south.","text2":"Flight 11 turned around.","label":-1,"idx":1810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin moved to Sudan in 1991 and set up a large and complex set of intertwined business and terrorist enterprises.","text2":"Bin Ladin made a fortune off his illegal activity in Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":1811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center knew of a problem on the flight in part because just before 8:25 the hijackers had attempted to communicate with the passengers.","text2":"The hijackers attempted to talk to the passengers, so Boston knew the flight had a problem.","label":-1,"idx":1812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:08, Indianapolis Center asked Air Force Search and Rescue at Langley Air Force Base to look for a downed aircraft.","text2":"The Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center asked the Air Force Search and Rescue at Langley Air Force Base to look for a downed aircraft at 9:08 AM because the transponder could not longer transmit the location of the plane to the traffic tower. ","label":-1,"idx":1813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President asked to speak to the President, but it took time for the call to be connected.","text2":"The connection between the Vice President and the President had to be secure.","label":-1,"idx":1814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're watching the airplane.","text2":"We are looking at the jet.","label":-1,"idx":1815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Right after the Pentagon was hit, NEADS learned of another possible hijacked aircraft.","text2":"NASA learned of another possible hijacked aircraft","label":-1,"idx":1816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also reinforced its London base and its other offices around Europe, the Balkans, and the Caucasus.","text2":"Offices in Europe, the Balkans, and the Caucasus were adjusted.","label":-1,"idx":1817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beginning to end.","text2":"Start to finish.","label":-1,"idx":1818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just got painted today!","text2":"It will get painted tomorrow. ","label":-1,"idx":1819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More generally, the size of a dictionary is a function of two the number of items entered (its macrostructure ), and the amount of information given about them (its microstructure ).","text2":"The size of a dictionary is determined by how many entries there are and how long each entry is.","label":-1,"idx":1820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That, I thought, was really absurd.","text2":"Everything he did was out of line. ","label":-1,"idx":1821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did your parents read stories to you also?","text2":"Did you read stories with your friends?","label":-1,"idx":1822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, over $10,000 in dental instruments, equipment, and supplies is needed to make the program successful.","text2":"More than 10K will have to be invested in order to make the program work.","label":-1,"idx":1823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No more treatments, no more.","text2":"The treatments are painful.","label":-1,"idx":1824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, when demand for an item was quite variable, with the highest Cv of 0.90, the optimal policy called for placing a production orders when inventory dropped to twelve weeks of demand, rather than the lower standard level of ten.","text2":"The optimal inventory policy depended on the Cv level to some extent.","label":-1,"idx":1825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The answer is not clear unless we accept a policy of drawing up a (very) long list of taboo words.","text2":"The list of taboo words would be very long.","label":-1,"idx":1826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, yes, they gave me some, and I left.","text2":"Yeah, they gave me a portion reluctantly, so then I left.","label":-1,"idx":1827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite the discussions about military assistance, no one from FAA headquarters requested military assistance regarding United 93.","text2":"The FAA frequently requested assistance from the military.","label":-1,"idx":1828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Manufacturer's Dilemma in a Lean World","text2":"The manufacturer has many dilemmas. ","label":-1,"idx":1829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now his goals are set on moving up in the company.","text2":"He has no desire to move up in the company because he hates it.","label":-1,"idx":1830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Agents propelled him out of his chair and told him he had to get to the bunker.","text2":"He was told to go to the bunker after agents forced him out of his seat.","label":-1,"idx":1831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NOW OUR FIRST INVITATION TO We invite each contributor and her\/his guest to attend our annual Department Reception for Graduating Seniors and Their Guests.","text2":"We are having an annual Department reception. ","label":-1,"idx":1832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We went to Chimney Rock on a number of occasions.","text2":"We went to Chimney Rock only on weekends. ","label":-1,"idx":1833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The issue of nonsexist language envisions men and women as subject (or object) of language.","text2":"Men and women are regarded as the object of language.","label":-1,"idx":1834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It resumed at 9:37 as an air threat conference call,* which lasted more than eight hours.","text2":"At 9:37, the call turned into an air threat teleconference. ","label":-1,"idx":1835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I know it's true that he landed on the highway we had the newspaper clippings to prove it.","text2":"I know for sure that he landed on the road.","label":-1,"idx":1836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a world where manufacturers must supply an increasing number of products with fashion elements, speed and flexibility are crucial capabilities for firms wrestling with product proliferation, whether they are retailers trying to offer a wide range of choices to consumers or manufacturers responding to retail demands for shipments.","text2":"Changing demands are forcing manufacturers to supply hundreds of different shoes.","label":-1,"idx":1837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And by doing this, United Way makes your investment count.","text2":"United Way will do nothing to make your investment count.","label":-1,"idx":1838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would be sad.","text2":"I'd be happy.","label":-1,"idx":1839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" What's abalone?","text2":"Is abalone a real thing?","label":-1,"idx":1840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center called NEADS at 9:41 and identified Delta 1989, a 767 jet that had left Logan Airport for Las Vegas, as a possible hijack.","text2":"Boston Identified a US Air flight going to Atlanta.","label":-1,"idx":1841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Force protection became a significant claim on the time and resources of the Department of Defense.","text2":"Force protection took very fiew resources from the Department of Defense, so it was easy to do.","label":-1,"idx":1842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The average hourly earnings of U.S. employees in textile mill products (SIC 22) went from $4.66 in 1979 to $10.02 in 1997'an increase of 115 percent and more than the increase in all manufacturing or nondurable manufacturing.","text2":"U.S. textile employees are some of the highest paid in their industry worldwide.","label":-1,"idx":1843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I try to weave some personal experience into the conversation.","text2":"Integrating personal experience helps build a better connection. ","label":-1,"idx":1844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Setting Inventory Levels in the Store","text2":"Volume Settings in the Store's Speakers","label":-1,"idx":1845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We help people train for and find jobs that make it possible for them to get off of welfare.","text2":"In addition to training, we help people find jobs.","label":-1,"idx":1846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each week, about 3 children in this state die from child abuse or neglect.","text2":"234 children die in this country due to shark attacks.","label":-1,"idx":1847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyway, I treasure that table.","text2":"I really like that table.","label":-1,"idx":1848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Born and raised in, in uh, \/\/ NC.","text2":"I was born in Europe.","label":-1,"idx":1849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He repeatedly calls on his followers to embrace martyrdom since the walls of oppression and humiliation cannot be demolished except in a rain of bullets.","text2":"He urges his followers to violently sacrifice themselves.","label":-1,"idx":1850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about, about three weeks later, then arrived a group of about four, at my brother's house, and told him, that they were coming to, to be, that is to take control of the place, where we lived.","text2":"At about three weeks later, they were coming.","label":-1,"idx":1851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The goal of MCCOY, Inc. has been to make a difference.","text2":"MCCOY does not care about its impact","label":-1,"idx":1852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"b) A worker in a shoe factory who smooths and polishes the forepart of the heel, called the breast of the shoe in the trade.","text2":"The forepart of the heel of a shoe is called the breast.","label":-1,"idx":1853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I know uh, your father used to love it.","text2":"I know your father used to hate it. ","label":-1,"idx":1854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Lipschitz, sighed the lady.\"","text2":"The lady was silent.","label":-1,"idx":1855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He leans over and talks to the other children.","text2":"He casually leans over to talk to the other children.","label":-1,"idx":1856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was a big book that has a lot of stories in it.","text2":"There was a huge photo album.","label":-1,"idx":1857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When parents and teachers use dialogic reading consistently over several weeks to several months, children show gains in language development, print knowledge, and writing progress that are still present six months to a year later.","text2":"Children benefit from parents using dialogic reading.","label":-1,"idx":1858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who has benefited from our partnership?","text2":"Who have we benefited?","label":-1,"idx":1859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was initial resistance, however.","text2":"At first, there was resistance to it.","label":-1,"idx":1860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the first case study, we assume that the retailer places an order every Sunday night and that the order must be filled during that week.","text2":"This isn't necessarily an accurate depiction of retailer practices.","label":-1,"idx":1861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Young Muslims from around the world flocked to Afghanistan to join as volunteers in what was seen as a holy war-jihad-against an invader.","text2":"Muslims were eager to volunteer to fight a holy war against an invader and found the chance in Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":1862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A big responsibility!","text2":"A sizeable, but important responsibility. ","label":-1,"idx":1863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that self-written?","text2":"That was written by someone else?","label":-1,"idx":1864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society also has programs of research as well as children thru adult education programs.","text2":"The American Cancer Society visits schools to demystify cancer for young kids.","label":-1,"idx":1865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your help, the International Center of Indianapolis will continue to serve our multicultural community in central Indiana into the next century.","text2":"The International Center will continue serving the Indiana community only until next century.","label":-1,"idx":1866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, how old do you remember being--","text2":"How old were you last year?","label":-1,"idx":1867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The goal of MCCOY, Inc. has been to make a difference.","text2":"We want to make a difference","label":-1,"idx":1868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I liked them, but, yeah, no.","text2":"I didn't like them.","label":-1,"idx":1869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you know who he is?","text2":"Do you know that person?","label":-1,"idx":1870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm the only girl, you know, besides my cousin's kids who are like two and three.","text2":"There are several other boys. ","label":-1,"idx":1871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, so they came in through the interior door there, they turned like this, and came in through the door, and, and they knocked. ","text2":"The entered through the interior door and knocked to announce themselves.","label":-1,"idx":1872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I don't know those are the, the sort of stick out in my mind about visiting Asheville.","text2":"I remember those things vividly after vacationing in Asheville.","label":-1,"idx":1873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"W9 not only calls our attention to the definition of vocabulary entry in this book, but also introduces us to a wholly new notion, that of dictionary entry :","text2":"W9 highlights the definition of vocabulary entry and brings up the idea of dictionary entry.","label":-1,"idx":1874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We moved from down there up here at a very young age and we don't remember a lot about the old as they call it their home.","text2":"We cannot remember since we were young.","label":-1,"idx":1875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Leprechaun is looking pretty tired, suggested Kevin, laying Sophie's stuffed leprechaun next to the teddy bear.","text2":"Kevin picked the stuffed leprechaun out of Sophie's vast collection of stuffed animals.","label":-1,"idx":1876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The precise crash time has been the subject of some dispute.","text2":"There has been some disagreement over the exact time of the crash.","label":-1,"idx":1877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet since World War II, shifting tastes in clothes, rising real incomes, and domestic and foreign competition within the textile and apparel industries have markedly reduced the proportion of consumer budgets expended on apparel and its upkeep (laundry and dry cleaning).","text2":"Consumers have spent less on laundry and dry cleaning since WWII.","label":-1,"idx":1878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At this point, the Indianapolis controller had no knowledge of the situation in New York.","text2":"The Indianapolis controller knew that there was a situation going on in New York.","label":-1,"idx":1879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Stopover crises counseling for youth.","text2":"The youth need to be helped out","label":-1,"idx":1880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Setting Inventory Levels in the Store","text2":"It's not good to get inventory levels for the store wrong","label":-1,"idx":1881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the, the fragments, as they call them, cut him here [indicates several parts of body], cut him here, cut his here, cut him here, and I don't know where else, but there were many, but the deepest one was this one . He didn't say anything.","text2":"The grenade that went off cut up his body pretty badly.","label":-1,"idx":1882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin bolstered his links to extremists in South and Southeast Asia, including the Malaysian-Indonesian JI and several Pakistani groups engaged in the Kashmir conflict.","text2":"Bin Ladin never traveled to Kashmir to meet the groups.","label":-1,"idx":1883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a hot day.","text2":"The time of day was 1:00 PM.","label":-1,"idx":1884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My sisters and I decided we would all ride up together in \/\/ the upchuck wagon.","text2":"Me and my sisters decided that we'd be all riding the upchuck wagon together.","label":-1,"idx":1885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But unlike a mass merchant that typically manages over 125,000 separate items in a large store, the Dillard's system uses this information to manage over one million SKUs in one of its flagship stores.","text2":"The Dillard's system manages over a million SKUs in one of its first stores.","label":-1,"idx":1886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were also rootless but experienced operatives, such as Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who-though not necessarily formal members of someone else's organization-were traveling around the world and joining in projects that were supported by or linked to Bin Ladin, the Blind Sheikh, or their associates.","text2":"Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in particular, financially supported significant portions of Bin Ladin's operations.","label":-1,"idx":1887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result, the marginal costs for human sewing operators are lower than those of the complex robotic systems needed to guide sewing of limp fabric in most operations.","text2":"Human sewing operators are happy to be employed and not automated out of work.","label":-1,"idx":1888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A painting (1988) by Andrew Festing of about 156 of the 290 Members of Parliament who had earlier been omitted from a portrait of Members, drawn by lot, who had been immortalized in 1987 by June Mendoza.","text2":"The painting was by Andrew Festing from 1988.","label":-1,"idx":1889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have not seen the word list, but, from the directory of programs I can invoke on the monitor, I know it contains about 223,000 characters, or about 37,000 words.","text2":"The word list is available on the computer.","label":-1,"idx":1890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By making a TinkerToy stand for a lollypop or a folded blanket stand for a sleeping baby, children step back from reality.","text2":"Children immerse into their imagination by doing make-believe activities.","label":-1,"idx":1891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please continue with your neighbors to see to it that no expectant mother goes without medical care... no child goes without nourishment.","text2":"Help make sure a pregnant woman doesn't go without medical care in Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":1892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, that was told to me and I saw that genie coming out of the bottle in the picture in the book was not about a kind and loving genie.","text2":"The genie as depicted in the illustration was not the sort that would be generous of heart.","label":-1,"idx":1893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was no response.","text2":"There was a response.","label":-1,"idx":1894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consumers have definitely benefited because these practices afford them a greater choice of products at lower average prices.","text2":"These practices have only hampered customer choices and narrowed the range of products they could select.","label":-1,"idx":1895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel-makers confront frequent changes in styles and new SKUs, while textile manufacturers seek long runs to keep capacity operating round-the-clock.","text2":"Changes in styles and SKUs occur every couple of months.","label":-1,"idx":1896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read, my parents had a lot of books.","text2":"We had less than 10 books at home. ","label":-1,"idx":1897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In several countries, a dynastic state already existed or was quickly established under a paramount tribal family.","text2":"Paramount tribal families were the usual leaders of dynastic states. ","label":-1,"idx":1898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your investment in the Annual Campaign is sure to yield high returns.","text2":"The investment you made in the Annual Campaign will surely bring you a profit.","label":-1,"idx":1899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What about the people that didn't do that?","text2":"What are we gonna do with the ten people who refused to do that?","label":-1,"idx":1900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He believes native wells are essentially rock-holes (depressions in rock) buried in fairly shallow sand, which, when hollowed out by the natives, appear to be wells.","text2":"He does not believe that native wells are buried in fairly shallow sand.","label":-1,"idx":1901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"ELM members receive our quarterly Bulletin, the best source of information on environmental issues in Massachusetts.","text2":"Our Bulletin is the best source of information on environmental issues in Massachusetts, Elm members receive it quarterly for free.","label":-1,"idx":1902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The battles between men and aliens have featured manifold armament.","text2":"Humans and aliens typically engage in fist fights.","label":-1,"idx":1903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Windows is compounded from the Icelandic words vindr `wind' + auga `eye,' a window being the eye of a house.","text2":"Windows is an Icelandic compound word","label":-1,"idx":1904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or maybe stories that, you know, some people just make up stories to tell.","text2":"Stories, even made up, are fun to listen to.","label":-1,"idx":1905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I never wanted to do that.","text2":"I had always had a strong desire to do that. ","label":-1,"idx":1906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"). Einsteinian relativity theory, with its absolute maximum speed limit (the speed of light), might have put an end to such speculation had it not also included the concept of curvature of space.","text2":"Einstein did not come up with the theory of relativity. ","label":-1,"idx":1907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My mom's not real organized when it comes to things like that.","text2":"My mom's not organized when it comes to frozen food.","label":-1,"idx":1908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, what are the contexts in which the citations were found?","text2":"Where were the citations located?","label":-1,"idx":1909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each return was associated with a processing cost roughly equivalent to 25 percent of its value.","text2":"You can exchange an item for something of equal value. ","label":-1,"idx":1910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Nonsexist Word Finder , subtitled A Dictionary of Gender-Free Usage , opens with a foreword by Miller and Swift.","text2":"The Sexist Word Finder contains a foreword written by Miller and Swift.","label":-1,"idx":1911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The teens have undertaken a volunteer project to regularly visit with sick children at a local hospital.","text2":"The teens have said they do not want to help any longer","label":-1,"idx":1912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When people consider the U.S. apparel industry, they often think of New York City's Seventh Avenue, which is driven by new design, constantly changing seasonal offerings, and a willingness by consumers to pay a premium for the cutting edge of fashion.","text2":"The U.S. apparel industry is constantly changing and requires a lot of money.","label":-1,"idx":1913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whenever we need him, he's there.","text2":"He is hard to find in times of need.","label":-1,"idx":1914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had I known such strange events would occur, I assure you I would have spent much more time studying physics in Minshall Lab and less time playing bridge in the Hub.","text2":"I wish I had spent more time studying physics.","label":-1,"idx":1915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eleven seconds into the descent, the FAA's air traffic control center in Cleveland received the first of two radio transmissions from the aircraft.","text2":"FAA air traffic controllers got radio messages as the planes started to descend, saying they were going to crash immediately.","label":-1,"idx":1916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well I remember tales about some of our relations.","text2":"I remember stories about my cousin Thelma. ","label":-1,"idx":1917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Purdue belongs to all of us (Hoosier and non-Hoosier alike), and it will be no better than those of us who love and support it.","text2":"We all love Purdue, and that is shown in the support we grant it.","label":-1,"idx":1918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Others in the agency were aware of it, as we explained earlier in this chapter.","text2":"We explained earlier in this chapter that others in the agency knew of it.","label":-1,"idx":1919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Starting over can be very hard -- especially for people who don't have family or financial resources to draw from in an emergency.","text2":"People always find it difficult to start over without family or financial resources.","label":-1,"idx":1920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't try to make any stupid moves.","text2":"Do something idiotic. ","label":-1,"idx":1921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two planes had struck the World Trade Center, and Boston Center had heard from FAA headquarters in Washington that American 11 was still airborne.","text2":"Only one plane had struck the World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":1922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you could state your name and your um, date of birth your age and where you were born and where, just basically, just a brief sketch of all the places you've lived, real quickly if you can.","text2":"I do not want to know your personal information. ","label":-1,"idx":1923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Critique, one hears, of a theatrical entertainment","text2":"Newspapers devote a whole section to critiquing theatrical entertainment.","label":-1,"idx":1924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gregory uses stream in the way normal in England; Giles consistently refers to gens in the hills of central Australia, though glen is not current (outside place-names) in contemporary Australian English.","text2":"Gregory uses stream in an abnormal way in England.","label":-1,"idx":1925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first operational evidence that something was abnormal on United 175 came at 8:47, when the aircraft changed beacon codes twice within a minute.","text2":"It is normal for an aircraft to change beacon codes.","label":-1,"idx":1926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the conference room table was White House Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten.","text2":"Joshua Bolten worked in London and had nothing to do with the White House.","label":-1,"idx":1927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your opinions were valued and many improvements were made by having information about our school systems.","text2":"Having information about school systems is the only way it will improve.","label":-1,"idx":1928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Weekly free time for privileged Americans with demanding careers is still plentiful.","text2":"Privileged Americans have weekly freetime.","label":-1,"idx":1929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Serve The Elderly And Disabled -- Provide meals and visits to the homebound, as well as speech, hearing and physical therapy for people with disabilities;","text2":"Provide healthy meals to the elderly and disabled.","label":-1,"idx":1930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I asked people all over the campus to submit a few reasons why they felt alumni and friends would contribute at least $25 to Malone College in support of The Malone College Fund.","text2":"I handed out papers for people to write down why they felt alumni would assist the Malone College Fund.","label":-1,"idx":1931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I guess at that point she figured it was too late so she might as well make the best of the situation.","text2":"She might as well try to find the positive in the situation.","label":-1,"idx":1932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Annually SIDS claims the lives of approximately 3,000 babies in the United States.","text2":"SIDS claims the lives of 3,000 English babies each day.","label":-1,"idx":1933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The YWCA is housed at the YWCA Resource and Conference Center on 22 beautiful acres of grounds including amenities such as a 50 meter olympic-size outdoor pool with attached junior and baby pools, equipped playground, shelter and picnic areas, basketball court, soccer and softball fields.","text2":"The YWCA is very small and doesn't have a lot of facilities.","label":-1,"idx":1934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a byproduct of those experiences, parents repeatedly approached me with concerns about how to foster their child's development in the early years.","text2":"From those experiences, parents constantly came to me voicing their worries about their child's development.","label":-1,"idx":1935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, by the 1992-94 period, firms with all four technologies had lower standard deviations in total inventories compared with less technically innovative ones.This impact on volatility is even more striking when examining variation in I\/S ratios for the 1992-1994 period (see Figure 14.","text2":"The firms that used the four technologies had less variability in their inventories.","label":-1,"idx":1936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I found that by pointing to beer in a refrigerator, pulling up my collar, slapping my sides, and frowning'and by then throwing open my coat, mopping my brow, and smiling'I could get the desired unchilled beer ( hotto beeru ).","text2":"I pointed to the beer in my refrigerator.","label":-1,"idx":1937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well what do you have?","text2":"What do you have then, if you don't mind me asking about this, since you don't seem to find it very important to keep a secret.","label":-1,"idx":1938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The passenger replied that he did not see one.","text2":"The passenger said that they saw one. ","label":-1,"idx":1939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm going to be a big movie star one day!","text2":"I'm just going to be a janitor until I die.","label":-1,"idx":1940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One little girl runs in and gives a special hug to a member of our staff.","text2":"One girl ran in to hug a staff member.","label":-1,"idx":1941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, minutes later, NEADS was told that an unknown plane was 6 miles southwest of the White House.","text2":"NEADS was never told that there was a plane near the White House, just that one was in Pennsylvania.","label":-1,"idx":1942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't care what they call it.","text2":"I really mind what they call it.","label":-1,"idx":1943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The falling costs of conducting business between retailers and their suppliers may also explain why there has been relatively little vertical concentration across industries in the channel'no textile firms have gone into the manufacture of apparel or retail and few apparel firms have set up their own retail outlets.","text2":"Costs between retailers and suppliers have increased, causing increased vertical concentration across industries.","label":-1,"idx":1944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, they tool him away, we didn't see him anymore, they took him to San Miguel, I don't know, if in that vehicle, surely in the same car they were riding in, they took him to the hospital.","text2":"They took the man to the hospital.","label":-1,"idx":1945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There has been no entirely satisactory definition of science all proposals seem to exclude some work which individual readers would include in the genre.","text2":"There is not a single definition of science that all individual readers can agree on.","label":-1,"idx":1946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A typical production pants marker is about 265 inches long and 59.75 inches wide.","text2":"Typical production markers are 300 inches long.","label":-1,"idx":1947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's probably why I'm a theater major so I can kind of, you know, do what plays I want and then move on.","text2":"I want to be in several different plays because I don't want to commit to one style.","label":-1,"idx":1948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess I encourage this method because I've always made my contributions this way, it's a painless method and at tax time I enjoy the deduction.","text2":"There are tax incentives if you choose to use this method. ","label":-1,"idx":1949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Red Riding Hood I think.","text2":"I think the story he read was Red Riding Hood.","label":-1,"idx":1950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I never wanted to do that.","text2":"But I had never had any desire to do that. ","label":-1,"idx":1951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Little Women when Meg died, Oh dear!","text2":"I did not say anything when Meg died. ","label":-1,"idx":1952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The February 1998 fatwa thus seems to have been a kind of public launch of a renewed and stronger al Qaeda, after a year and a half of work.","text2":"Al Qaeda helped relaunch itself with a February 1998 fatwa.","label":-1,"idx":1953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe that there was a pond even that it kind of overlooked in the back.","text2":"I think there was a pond.","label":-1,"idx":1954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do the make-believe scenes just described, and others like them, serve as major sources of development?","text2":"The make-believe scenes help development of timid children.","label":-1,"idx":1955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 10:03, when United 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, there had been no mention of its hijacking and the FAA had not yet been added to the teleconference.","text2":"There was no teleconference about the hijackings. ","label":-1,"idx":1956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each of them defines a separate meaning of the answer.","text2":"The answer is really complicated.","label":-1,"idx":1957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Overcoming Impulsive Action","text2":"Undertaking therapy for overcoming impulsive action.","label":-1,"idx":1958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the Pawtucket mill, the American cotton-spinning industry was launched.","text2":"Cotton-spinning in America was launched from the Sawdust mill.","label":-1,"idx":1959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd always been read to, so I think, yes, I mean I did read to my children, to you guys, to you and your brothers.","text2":"I read to my children since I'd always been read to.","label":-1,"idx":1960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their the system discourages working because unemployment provides benefits that many entry-level jobs don't include.","text2":"Starting at an entry-level job can sometimes have fewer benefits than being unemployed.","label":-1,"idx":1961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Experience (and a moment's thought) shows that names of people and places occur with equal, sometimes greater frequency in the language than a very large percentage of the words listed in dictionaries of almost any size (except the smallest), and on that ground they should not be treated as nonwords or as being outside the pale of lexicon.","text2":"The names of people and places that are not obscure are usually more common than most words found in dictionaries.","label":-1,"idx":1962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most innovative firms were approximately four times as profitable, achieving average profit margins of 11.","text2":"Firms that had the most innovation had average profit margins of more than 10.","label":-1,"idx":1963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's really impressive.","text2":"That's the greatest thing ever.","label":-1,"idx":1964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, it made no sense at all.","text2":"It was nonsensical because language had changed so much.","label":-1,"idx":1965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I offer the following as a sampler of words that delightfully and sometimes disconcertingly confuse.","text2":"These words have never confused anyone before, to my delight.","label":-1,"idx":1966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Any fabric left after the order is completed is kept by the subcontractor, providing an incentive to squeeze the pattern pieces more than a designer might want.","text2":"The subcontractor is expected to return any left over fabric to the designer.","label":-1,"idx":1967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then her father introduces a special form of strategic thinking called distancing.","text2":"Strategic thinking consists of multiple methods, however distancing is not considered one of them.","label":-1,"idx":1968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In other words, based on what they knew about a group of languages which were documented, they tried to imagine the language that they sprang from.","text2":"Based on groups of languages documented they tried imagining the languages they developed from. ","label":-1,"idx":1969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores of American high school graduates plummeted and concern over the academic preparation of American children and youths became widespread, a back to basics movement arose that, by 1980, was in full swing.","text2":"The concerns of kids not learning enough spread after low SAT scores were found.","label":-1,"idx":1970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The distribution system that emerged after 1870 would not be challenged until more than a century later.","text2":"It took more than a century for the distribution system that emerged after 1870 to be challenged. ","label":-1,"idx":1971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"passerine It ought to be a bird of passage, but it isn't.","text2":"Passerine is not a bird of passage","label":-1,"idx":1972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 10 takes up these issues in detail.","text2":"More in depth discussion of these topics can be found in chapter 10.","label":-1,"idx":1973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope you will join me in support of the Chancellor's Circle at IUPUI.","text2":"I am not going to give any support to the Chancellor's Circle.","label":-1,"idx":1974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the NMCC was advised of the hijacking of American 11, the scrambling of jets was not discussed.","text2":"NMCC did not discuss scrambling the jets at all. ","label":-1,"idx":1975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help.","text2":"We don't need your help.","label":-1,"idx":1976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously, if all alumni were to contribute $1,000 in 1991, we would have a tremendous story to tell.","text2":"If every alumni gave $1000 in 1991 we'd have something amazing to tell. ","label":-1,"idx":1977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Free admission to Audubon Nature Centers is another advantage of membership.","text2":"Another advantage of membership is free admission to Audubon Nature Centers.","label":-1,"idx":1978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"European city, home of the first person without perverse words","text2":"The residents of all European cities use perverse words on a daily basis.","label":-1,"idx":1979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe you can remember a time in your own life when you were shown grace... when someone reached out to you with answers you couldn't find yourself.","text2":"When you couldn't find any answers in life, you probably remember that no one showed you any grace.","label":-1,"idx":1980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Emboldened rather than satisfied, the Islamists continued to push for power-a trend especially clear in Egypt.","text2":"Satisfied, Islamic extremists stopped their seemingly endless bid for power.","label":-1,"idx":1981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Observations of adult-child pairs reveal that the diverse ingredients of scaolding'matching the adult's assistance to the child's changing needs, suggesting eective strategies, posing questions that encourage children to think about higher-order relationships, and interacting warmly and praising children for competent performance'consistently relate to children's task engagement and learning.","text2":"Children who are observed act differently compared to when they are not. ","label":-1,"idx":1982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What else is on this list here?","text2":"Is there any other stuff on this catalog? ","label":-1,"idx":1983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes, I believe I have.","text2":"Yes I am certain that I have.","label":-1,"idx":1984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are all too familiar with Indiana's budget pinch and the pressures on state government to cut expenditures.","text2":"Indiana has had a deficit for a few years.","label":-1,"idx":1985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are no longer a state supported law school, for the state no longer provides the great bulk of our funding.","text2":"We will always be a state funded school.","label":-1,"idx":1986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each year funding is sought through grants and gifts from individuals.","text2":"Funding is sought through the government's help","label":-1,"idx":1987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your generosity will help people help themselves.","text2":"People will take advantage of your generosity. ","label":-1,"idx":1988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is much more efficient than most other non-profits and government-run programs.","text2":"This is a 48% more efficient than most non-profits.","label":-1,"idx":1989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You treated me with dignity and made me and my child feel there was hope for the future.","text2":"Me and my child were treated well by you.","label":-1,"idx":1990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At this point, the Indianapolis controller had no knowledge of the situation in New York.","text2":"The Indianapolis would find out about the situation in New York later.","label":-1,"idx":1991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is absolutely the last time that I will ask you to please donate a million dollars to the IUPUI Geology Alumni Fund.","text2":"Will you donate two million? ","label":-1,"idx":1992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1961, the percentage using traditional bundles had fallen to 26 percent; PBS had risen to 69 percent of all production workers, and line systems remained uncommon at 5 percent.","text2":"Line systems proved unpopular due to the increased level of cooperation required.","label":-1,"idx":1993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next the designs that passed this stage went through a technical design step in which details were added and patterns made.","text2":"The technical design stage is for adding details and patterns to the work.","label":-1,"idx":1994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And here the deluge of printed matter abounds with such specimens that one would suppose them to be the rule rather than the exceptions.","text2":"There is printed matter left in space as space debris.","label":-1,"idx":1995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, there is now on that United 93.","text2":"United 93 did not make any communication with FAA or terminal centers.","label":-1,"idx":1996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They arrived at night, but they brought them for me.","text2":"They don't typically come at night but they did this time.","label":-1,"idx":1997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before I got to Goodwill, I was on a mission.","text2":"I went to a charity.","label":-1,"idx":1998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"96 percent (173) of the 177 at-risk children enrolled in St. Mary's early childhood program demonstrated an increase in their social, emotional, physical, cognitive, speech and language development.","text2":"96% of at-risk kids saw their skills decrease.","label":-1,"idx":1999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are occasional hidden entries, as the list of diseases'among them the dread mohogus 'under the entry for Fowlenzia . (In the VERBATIM family, some suffer from Fowler's pip , an affliction affecting language fanatics who base a slavish purism on a literal interpretation of Modern English Usage .)","text2":"Fowler's pip affects Modern English Usage.","label":-1,"idx":2000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other inversion flags are coming back, returning , and going West . Purists admit these only for answers that run horizontally in the grid.","text2":"Inversion flags are no longer used.","label":-1,"idx":2001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No problem!","text2":"I'm happy with it.","label":-1,"idx":2002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Schools, too, Elkind maintains, hurry and stress children by assigning too much tedious work and rushing them from one subject to another, depriving them of time to think and a sense of completion.","text2":"Elkind maintains that stress is not caused by assigning tedious work.","label":-1,"idx":2003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For others, he offers simplistic conspiracies to explain their world.","text2":"The conspiracies are were simple in nature.","label":-1,"idx":2004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will the customer buy a substitute item if a particular item is out of stock or return to the same store at a later date to purchase the item when it is again in stock?","text2":"Customers are loyal to their brands and will never buy the substitute.","label":-1,"idx":2005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Henry Henn gets a linguistic maggie's drawers for 'Nam, Gook, Gung- Nonsense [XIV,2].","text2":"Henry got a drawers for 'Nam.","label":-1,"idx":2006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the wetland celebrated by Gene Stratton-Porter in her books, poems and photographs.","text2":"It is now in danger of being lost and destroyed.","label":-1,"idx":2007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They leave Pleasant Run, generally, ready and able to contribute to society.","text2":"They leave Pleasant Run incapable of contributing to society.","label":-1,"idx":2008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They spend most of their time outdoors, playing games with new friends, discovering flowers they've never seen, and creating treasures from sticks, rocks and leaves.","text2":"They occupy themselves outside.","label":-1,"idx":2009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She's a valuable part of the DBA and also consults with wives of disabled persons.","text2":"She is the most valuable part of the DBA.","label":-1,"idx":2010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For one hour they captivated their large audience of children and adults with stunning acrobatics and death defying spins from the rafters-","text2":"For an hour, they played basketball.","label":-1,"idx":2011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, and if another, another person did that, they were going to kill him too.","text2":"The next person who did that would be let free.","label":-1,"idx":2012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You see it, I think you see it in their, in how they do in school.","text2":"The low grades and constant absences from school show it, it's evident.","label":-1,"idx":2013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Well it's starting to get cool now that's how you justify it.","text2":"The party is starting to get cool now.","label":-1,"idx":2014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A national emphasis on controlling teen pregnancies and taking responsibility for one's actions is already emerging as a major issue in the 1996 elections.","text2":"Teen pregnancy and responsibility is one of the major issues in the 1996 election. ","label":-1,"idx":2015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had a small poodle named Fifi, it was disgusting, but I learned uh, you know how you learn respect for, for people in, in, different ways um, for you know, for all Grandpop didn't say much Grandpop had more love and affection for that dog and showed it to that dog probably more than most parents show to their kids today.","text2":"Grandpop loved his poodle Fifi more than anyone else.","label":-1,"idx":2016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such analyses of language pass as traditional in form if not in content.","text2":"The content of these language analyses is always nontraditional.","label":-1,"idx":2017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even the most casual observers of social movements and language changes are conscious of what some might call the crusade for nonsexist language.","text2":"Some consider certain aspects of our language to be sexist and focused on one gender.","label":-1,"idx":2018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you forgot to shake it in the morning your cereal was kind of disgusting.","text2":"Your cereal would be delicious only if you did not shake it in the morning. ","label":-1,"idx":2019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He could not reach key officials, including Secretary Rumsfeld, for a period of time.","text2":"He contacted Rumsfeld that instant.","label":-1,"idx":2020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouts Opportunity of Hoosier 'Capital Council' would like to invite you to join us in an investment in our future business and community leaders.","text2":"You are invited to invest in our future business and community leaders through Girl Scouts Opportunity of Hoosier 'Capital Council.'","label":-1,"idx":2021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You suggest something.","text2":"You have no say in the matter.","label":-1,"idx":2022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about um, what you do for recess?","text2":"Do you like long walks on the beach or going to the playground?","label":-1,"idx":2023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faculty Recruitment and Development Discretionary funds are especially needed to attract and retain faculty members.","text2":"Faculty Recruitment funds are needed to retain employees.","label":-1,"idx":2024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Namma-holes have been variously described; to Carnegie they are depressions on the surface of rocks, often with a rounded bottom, where stones are often found, suggesting that the stones have something to do with the formation of the holes.","text2":"To Carnegie, Namma-holes are depressions on the surgface of rocks, often with a rounded bottom.","label":-1,"idx":2025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You didn't say anything about woman. ","text2":"You did not speak about women","label":-1,"idx":2026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The old system didn't begin to shift until the mid-nineteenth century, with the advent of a new kind of middleman.","text2":"A new kind of middleman led to a shift away from the old system.","label":-1,"idx":2027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even if this method of categorization is important from a marketing perspective, it often glosses over what is, in fact, common to many products that seem different and different about products that seem the same.","text2":"If the method took into account more specifically about products, the model would be extremely accurate.","label":-1,"idx":2028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Up and down the street?","text2":"Going up and down the road?","label":-1,"idx":2029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For many Muslims, a good government would be one guided by the moral principles of their faith.","text2":"For some, faith represents the foundation of a good Muslim government.","label":-1,"idx":2030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In America, work proceeded space during the 1930s, largely under the direction of Raven McDavid, Hans Kurath, and, later, Harold Allen; more recently, Lee Pedersen and others have investigated American English dialects.","text2":"McDavid, Kurath and Allen have investigated American English dialects.","label":-1,"idx":2031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:46, the flight reached its assigned cruising altitude of 35,000 feet.","text2":"The cruising altitude of the plane was 35,000 feet.","label":-1,"idx":2032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you'll stay here for the four years and then move, or would you transfer schools?","text2":"Will you transfer halfway through your four years? ","label":-1,"idx":2033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS considered scrambling alert fighters from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia to New York, to provide backup.","text2":"It would take the alert fighters a long time to get from Virginia to New York.","label":-1,"idx":2034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, children have an important say in the socialization process.","text2":"Kids have no say in socialization.","label":-1,"idx":2035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When he arrived in Afghanistan, they controlled much of the country, but key centers, including Kabul, were still held by rival warlords.","text2":"They controlled the key centers of the country.","label":-1,"idx":2036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, he, he came looking for, yogurt, I don't know what he came looking for, for me to sell him.","text2":"The yogurt was the cream of the cow gods, and granted a set of pristine udders to anyone who consumed it.","label":-1,"idx":2037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, the same way I went out to another, er, e, cousin, his name is Cristobal, and I said, Cristobal, do you have to, what are you doing tomorrow?","text2":"I never met Cristobal or asked what he was doing tomorrow, I only heard he was a good chum.","label":-1,"idx":2038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Word-Cross, as it was called, started its existence as just another little Sunday supplement feature, with no pretensions to permanence.","text2":"Crosswords, or Word-Crosses, were originally introduced in the Wednesday paper.","label":-1,"idx":2039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Soviet government has the problem of balancing the widely diverse needs and values of people from 15 states or republics within a military bureaucracy.","text2":"The Soviet government believed in the diverse needs and views of people","label":-1,"idx":2040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ivor Brown, in one of his delightful books on words, Random Words (1971), writes that Cuthbert had been an honored English name, but that somehow during the 1914'18 war it ceased to be a name and became an insult and was used of slackers who evaded military service.","text2":"Cuthbert was a common Greek first name back in antiquity.","label":-1,"idx":2041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 175 was hijacked between 8:42 and 8:46, and awareness of that hijacking began to spread after 8:51.","text2":"The plane was known to be hijacked soon after the event.","label":-1,"idx":2042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Blankenships were kind of an odd couple in that uh both of them chewed tobacco and spit into little spittoons.","text2":"Chewing tobacco was a favorite of the Blankenships.","label":-1,"idx":2043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were placed on battle stations at 9:09.","text2":"The Langley military fighter pilots were ordered to fly and leave their battle stations at 10:09 AM. ","label":-1,"idx":2044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Incidentally, I seem to recall reading somewhere that skins as slang for `dollars' dates from frontier days when trappers used animal skins as currency, and is therefore much older than early 20th-century Harlem.","text2":"I read in the encyclopedia that the slang term \"skins\" for dollars dates back to frontier days. ","label":-1,"idx":2045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or retailers might not even notice if an unplanned substitution had been made because their information systems were equally as primitive.","text2":"Retailers had primitive information systems which could cause unplanned substitutions to go unnoticed.","label":-1,"idx":2046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is one place in apparel manufacturing where teamwork has been quite successful.","text2":"Individual work, not teamwork, is what worked in this place.","label":-1,"idx":2047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a Matchmaker you will receive a description of your match and be identified as a Matchmaker on a plaque in the Big Sisters office, in the agency newsletter and annual report.","text2":"The plaque is small.","label":-1,"idx":2048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One may be indulged a giggle even though he is sure that Isak Dinesen did not intend an impropriety when she recorded in Out of Africa (Part V, Chapter 4) how Fathima's big white cock came strutting up before me. ","text2":"Isak Dinesen didn't mean to be improper when she described a big white cock in Out of Africa.","label":-1,"idx":2049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was it as recently as last year that you could find your way around, or has it been so long that if you were to visit the main campus you could not recognize it?","text2":"The campus has never changed in all its years of existence.","label":-1,"idx":2050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When she was not helping with the crops and the garden, she could be seen washing and hanging out huge baskets of clothes.","text2":"When the crops and the garden were finished, she washed and hung out the clothes.","label":-1,"idx":2051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Scott's The Bride of Lammermoor (Chapter VII), one reads about a boy cudgelling an ass, and one goes back over the passage to reassure himself that it does not contain a typographical error for cuddling. ","text2":"In the first chapter of The Bride of Lammermoor, a child was killed by an ass.","label":-1,"idx":2052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eort and participation, in turn, predicted better academic performance, which sustained the child's willingness to try hard in the future.","text2":"doing better in school makes a child willing to try harder later on.","label":-1,"idx":2053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Similarly, reverend means `one who is to be revered,' ordinand is `one who is to be ordained'; an old standby of crossword compilers, deodand , is a `thing to be given to God,' and legend is `something to be read.","text2":"Reverend is a term that means \"one who is revered.\" ","label":-1,"idx":2054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I recall, a number of stories.","text2":"I remember a funny story about my brother.","label":-1,"idx":2055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In early Christianity likewise, women found not merely a role, but an instrument of resistance to male domination; in choosing to be a bride of Christ they inevitably cocked a snook at lesser male fry.","text2":"In early Christianity women defied men by giving themselves to god so that they would not be a tool to man. ","label":-1,"idx":2056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"has provided a solution of sorts to the perennial ancillary problem of the neutral he as the pronoun of reference in the language.","text2":"has additionally solved the issue of gender in most instances in the language that would be handled by a neuter gender in some other languages.","label":-1,"idx":2057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Very few dentists will deny that Indiana is lacking in qualified, well-trained dental assistants.","text2":"Most dentist have seen that Indiana leads the nation in the number of qualified dental assistants.","label":-1,"idx":2058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, many a soldier was actually chained to his gun to ensure bravery.","text2":"All soldiers were chained to their guns because it ensured combat-readiness.","label":-1,"idx":2059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift of $100 could mean two days of overnight camping for an underprivileged child.","text2":"An underprivileged child needs money to camp overnight.","label":-1,"idx":2060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mission Crew Commander, This is what I foresee that we probably need to do.","text2":"Let's do it this way and see how it goes.","label":-1,"idx":2061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In scaolding, the child is viewed as a building'actively under construction.","text2":"Children are never viewed as a building in progress.","label":-1,"idx":2062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the power of conversation.","text2":"Talking is very important between individuals.","label":-1,"idx":2063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dr. O'Leary and Indiana University School of Dentistry have benefited all of us and this is a way we can show our appreciation in a tangible way.","text2":"We have formerly shown appreciation for the University Schol of Dentist in the past.","label":-1,"idx":2064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin is said to have asked for space to establish training camps, as well as assistance in procuring weapons, but there is no evidence that Iraq responded to this request.","text2":"Bin Ladin didn't ask anyone for any favors and stayed under the radar.","label":-1,"idx":2065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What have you decided, what are you going to do?","text2":"You don't have a choice here.","label":-1,"idx":2066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 6 discusses, under A Few More Words, a number of suffixes ( -trix, -ess , etc.) and words ( hero\/ heroine, alumnus\/alumna\/alumni\/alumnae , etc.) that apparently offend the they campaign for the elimination of la diff??rence . My own attitude is that I find such terms not in the least Why should a woman object to being called a heroine, a divorc??e, or an actress any more than being called a female or a woman?","text2":"I don't get why any woman would have a problem with being called a gendered term.","label":-1,"idx":2067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are these early, biologically based temperamental styles destined to last, restricting learning opportunities for shy children while opening new doors for their sociable counterparts?","text2":"Are these late temperamental styles destined to linger?","label":-1,"idx":2068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If every English graduate takes this opportunity to pass along the gifts they have received, then in a few years, we can offer scholarships to a number of worthy undergraduates.","text2":"We can offer a scholarship to one worthy undergraduate. ","label":-1,"idx":2069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His mother, your great grandmother, wiped away his tears and said, Don't cry, one day you'll own that factory.","text2":"Your great grandmother has never cried.","label":-1,"idx":2070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, 12 or 13.","text2":"Um, the two numbers that come after eleven. ","label":-1,"idx":2071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uphill both ways.","text2":"Skyward the only two ways.","label":-1,"idx":2072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service was getting this information directly from the FAA.","text2":"The information came to the Secret Service from the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":2073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have talked with, and attempted to recruit, many Afro-Americans for the doctoral program at the School of Dentistry.","text2":"I haven't tried to recruit any Afro-Americans into the doctoral program.","label":-1,"idx":2074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, children of all ages actively join in, striving for a shared view of the world.","text2":"Even some adults choose to participate, in the hopes that they will expand their worldviews.","label":-1,"idx":2075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As it turns out, Fleance escapes to fulfill the prophecy of Banquo begetting a line of kings.","text2":"It turns out the prophecy of Banquo begetting a line of kings was fulfilled with Fleance's escape","label":-1,"idx":2076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You'll get the chance to visit local artists' studios.","text2":"You are banned from meeting local artists.","label":-1,"idx":2077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jarrah continued to roll the airplane sharply left and right, but the assault continued.","text2":"The assault stopped as Jarrah continued to fly the plane.","label":-1,"idx":2078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Word-Cross, as it was called, started its existence as just another little Sunday supplement feature, with no pretensions to permanence.","text2":"Today, crosswords are in the top 5 of leisure puzzle activities.","label":-1,"idx":2079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything in particular that comes to mind?","text2":"Is there anything non particular that you can think of?","label":-1,"idx":2080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center knew of a problem on the flight in part because just before 8:25 the hijackers had attempted to communicate with the passengers.","text2":"The Boston Center was unable to detect a problem with the flight. ","label":-1,"idx":2081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because they are short'some reduced to only one syllable'such words are not immediately apparent as compounds, and their true nature is exposed only by word archaeology.","text2":"One syllable words are not recognized easily as a compound word.","label":-1,"idx":2082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At Goodwill, Michael's counselors felt that his personable demeanor could be a major attribute and identified for him a possible job-match where his people skills could shine.","text2":"Michael couldn't apply his people skills at his work for Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":2083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The answers depend on the garment as well as on just how custom-made it really was.","text2":"There are no variations on the amount of custom making in jeans.","label":-1,"idx":2084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"$1 invested in drug-and-alcohol treatment saves $11.00 in later costs of crime, unemployment, and other social problems.","text2":"Drug and alcohol treatment costing 1 dollar in prevention, saves 11.00 later due to the costs of crime, unemployment and other social problems.","label":-1,"idx":2085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(The law school had to raise tuition by 8 percent [1991-1992] and 12 percent [1992-1993]).","text2":"The law school neglected to raise tuition by 8 percent in 1991.","label":-1,"idx":2086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we need to scramble Langley right now.","text2":"Langley should get moving immediately.","label":-1,"idx":2087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. and Mrs. Platter, you've always been there to help when we've counted on you.","text2":"You've helped so many children, Mr. and Mrs. Platter.","label":-1,"idx":2088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So coordinate with the FAA.","text2":"Coordinate with the FAA","label":-1,"idx":2089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To chart the development of shy and sociable children, psychologist Jerome Kagan followed several hundred youngsters from infancy into the school years, repeatedly observing their behavior and measuring their physiological responses to highly stimulating, unfamiliar events.","text2":"Psychologist Jerome Kagan has never done any work on young children.","label":-1,"idx":2090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..Let's Overcome Literacy. ","text2":"Literacy is at the root of all evil.","label":-1,"idx":2091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As far as we are concerned, they are all targets.","text2":"They are all targets in our eyes, since bin Laden has said more attacks are imminent. ","label":-1,"idx":2092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The officials who issued these orders did not know that there were additional hijacked aircraft, or that one such aircraft was en route to Washington.","text2":"The officials who issued these orders to strike did not know about the other aircrafts.","label":-1,"idx":2093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Ah yeah, fond, fond memories.","text2":"Yes, I remeber it fondly.","label":-1,"idx":2094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD said it had conflicting reports.","text2":"It was said that there were reports which conflicted.","label":-1,"idx":2095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His rhetoric selectively draws from multiple sources-Islam, history, and the region's political and economic malaise.","text2":"He gets his rhetoric solely from history.","label":-1,"idx":2096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this way, modular assembly systems only yield real advantages in the presence of the other three practices.","text2":"The advantages of modular assembly systems are obvious on their own.","label":-1,"idx":2097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They did this on 9\/11 when the transponder signals for three of the aircraft disappeared.","text2":"Staff did nothing to locate the planes when the transponder signals for three of the aircraft disappeared. ","label":-1,"idx":2098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enemy is a combination of the Latin in `not' + amicus `friend,' and is thus a doublet with inimical . That enemy could be related to amiable , is more than a little ironic.","text2":"Enemy is an old word and can be ironic","label":-1,"idx":2099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Britain, as elsewhere, most books by feminist writers are reviewed by women, usually feminists.","text2":"Most feminists are reviewed by men.","label":-1,"idx":2100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the down words, they prefer turning up, traveling North , etc.","text2":"Down words prefer to turn up.","label":-1,"idx":2101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was discussion of the need for rules of engagement.","text2":"The need for rules of engagement were spoken of.","label":-1,"idx":2102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"President Reagan ordered air strikes against Libya.","text2":"Reagan vetoed the use of air strikes against Libya.","label":-1,"idx":2103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Great things are underway at Herron!","text2":"There are awesome things happening at Herron. ","label":-1,"idx":2104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our student population is changing and greater demands are placed on students and their families.","text2":"Our new students are a lot more poor than our old students. ","label":-1,"idx":2105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:34, word of the hijacking had reached FAA headquarters.","text2":"The FAA headquarters found out about the hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":2106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" One scholar, Allen Josephs of the University of West Florida, surmised that from duquendio or duquende to duende is a short step, especially in Andalusia, where gypsy mastery would be precisely flamenco mastery. ","text2":"Allen Joseph was never accepted into the university of west florida.","label":-1,"idx":2107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was composed of his own al Qaeda Shura together with leaders or representatives of terrorist organizations that were still independent.","text2":"The organization was solely comprised of al Qaeda operatives.","label":-1,"idx":2108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've read The Cat in the Hat about 475 times.","text2":"I've read The Cat in the Hat more than anyone.","label":-1,"idx":2109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, she cam, my daughter came almost green, pale, and she said to me, Mama, she said to me, Those are guerrillas!","text2":"My daughter informed me they were guerrillas.","label":-1,"idx":2110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In time, the former would encompass numerous companies and a global network of bank accounts and nongovernmental institutions.","text2":"The organization utilized several companies, bank accounts, and institutions.","label":-1,"idx":2111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you remember that one because it was read often or it was your favorite?","text2":"Where did you hear that story?","label":-1,"idx":2112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center called NEADS at 9:41 and identified Delta 1989, a 767 jet that had left Logan Airport for Las Vegas, as a possible hijack.","text2":"The plane crashed before any action could be taken.","label":-1,"idx":2113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents who intervene in their child's TV viewing so it is in keeping with the zone transform the TV medium from a negative to a positive force in the child's mental life, and they promote favorable cognitive and social development in many other ways as well.","text2":"Parents who control their kid's tv viewing promote social development.","label":-1,"idx":2114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maintaining Miyares' schedule would be a busy job for nearly anyone.","text2":"Miyare is retied and does not have anything currently on their schedule.","label":-1,"idx":2115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other threats were identified during the late 1990s, including terrorists' use of aircraft as weapons.","text2":"Terrorist threats using aircraft as weapons were identified in the 1990s.","label":-1,"idx":2116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The approach is vindictive and castigatory.","text2":"They had always employed this particular approach. ","label":-1,"idx":2117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feeling constantly frazzled can, in and of itself, interfere with relaxed, patient investment in children.","text2":"Feeling frazzled can interfere with parenting small children.","label":-1,"idx":2118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important knit goods products are hosiery, knit underwear, and knit outerwear'popular casual wear items like T-shirts, polo shirts, and sweatpants.","text2":"The fastest selling of the knit goods is outerwear items like t-shirts.","label":-1,"idx":2119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are indications that by then the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common Kurdish enemy.","text2":"To help the Kurds, America sent over munitions and soldiers.","label":-1,"idx":2120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The point is to make sure that even very slight shade variations will not be apparent in the final assembly.","text2":"The point of this is that there be a lot of shade variation so it looks more interesting.","label":-1,"idx":2121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA may have been tracking the progress of United 93 on a display that showed its projected path to Washington, not its actual radar return.","text2":"The FAA thought the plane was all alright.","label":-1,"idx":2122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm the only girl, you know, besides my cousin's kids who are like two and three.","text2":"There are many other girls. ","label":-1,"idx":2123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So could you reiterate the message, quote-unquote, um, that you got from the story, from your point of view?","text2":"Could you tell me the story, word-for-word, please?","label":-1,"idx":2124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a curious sensation to have a cabaret girl stop her professional smiling and knee-patting, forget about passing scotch and veggies while carrying on in rudimentary English ( What is your hobby? ","text2":"It is uninteresting to see a cabaret girl stop her professional smiling.","label":-1,"idx":2125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship enables the dental hygiene program to provide financial assistance to students so that they can concentrate on their education while in school.","text2":"Students who qualify for the A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship are given four thousand dollars per semester. ","label":-1,"idx":2126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I dropped one of those sons of bitches on the floor again.","text2":"God dammit, I dropped it again.","label":-1,"idx":2127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His mother, your great grandmother, wiped away his tears and said, Don't cry, one day you'll own that factory.","text2":"Your great grandmother was sad.","label":-1,"idx":2128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That won't bother you?","text2":"Are you sure that's okay with you?","label":-1,"idx":2129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not anymore, no.","text2":"That is definitely over.","label":-1,"idx":2130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We bring together dedicated adult learners and committed, well-trained volunteers.","text2":"Children and adults work together as volunteers.","label":-1,"idx":2131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's a faith based upon love, not hate.","text2":"However, some people misinterpret the motives and let their zeal overcome them.","label":-1,"idx":2132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have become more open-minded, more responsible, and, most importantly, I have gained a lot more self-confidence.","text2":"The most important thing learned was self-confidence.","label":-1,"idx":2133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um one couple in particular the Blankenships had a apple tree in their back yard and we would go and we would pick apples and take them back to her place and make apple pies.","text2":"The Blankenships didn't have any trees in their backyard. ","label":-1,"idx":2134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/But the gas station part\/\/ you're not sure about.","text2":"You're sure about what happened at the gas station.","label":-1,"idx":2135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Endeavor held our attention and focused our imaginations once more upon the stars, and renewed our commitment to the knowledge and curiosity that made such a mission possible.","text2":"The mission of commitment to the knowledge and curiosity is possible","label":-1,"idx":2136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were seven children - but they were family, and Wanda's mother, even though she was getting on in years, was determined to keep them together, no matter how difficult it would be financially.","text2":"None of the seven children were related to each other.","label":-1,"idx":2137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kornbluth and Isaac Asimov, both in 1958); spaceship (by John Jacob Astor, son of the fur trader, 1894, C.S.","text2":"Spaceship was written by John Jacob Astor in 1894.","label":-1,"idx":2138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have many needs, both for the overall operation of the Department, and for special programs like DING FEST.","text2":"There was no dinging allowed.","label":-1,"idx":2139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you're going to school in those conditions.","text2":"There are conditions you are going to school in. ","label":-1,"idx":2140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just goes boom, boom.","text2":"It does not do anything at all.","label":-1,"idx":2141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last spring, we surveyed the MHA alumni to find out what types of programs we would value and thus, would like the Alumni Association to be involved in.","text2":"We would appreciate it if the Alumni Association was involved.","label":-1,"idx":2142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dear Classmates of 1943:","text2":"Dear Teachers:","label":-1,"idx":2143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' When the Boers first saw a strange animal in South Africa, they called it aardvark , a Dutch word for `earth pig.","text2":"The Boers name the animal the earth eater","label":-1,"idx":2144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The top and bottom threads are locked together by passing the loop of the top thread around the bobbin.","text2":"No bobbin is required to lock the top and bottom threads together.","label":-1,"idx":2145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" How does the story end? ","text2":"How does the novel finish?","label":-1,"idx":2146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This interest in literacy is well founded.","text2":"Interest in literacy isn't well founded.","label":-1,"idx":2147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, the demand peak for the 43-regular occurs in week 10, which was only an average demand week for the 46-regular.","text2":"The demand peak happens in week 10, which was 10 times higher than 46-regular.","label":-1,"idx":2148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They know that Hamlet and Lear are gay.","text2":"They found out that Hamlet and Lear are gay last week","label":-1,"idx":2149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In most instances, the main concern was the use of such aircraft to deliver weapons of mass destruction.","text2":"The main concern was that the planes would have WMD on them.","label":-1,"idx":2150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so I changed my major without telling my parents.","text2":"My parents knew all about my major change.","label":-1,"idx":2151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet here the conventional wisdom misses other significant measures of performance.","text2":"The normal thoughts don't include important performance measures.","label":-1,"idx":2152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why would I want to get involved, you ask?","text2":"You're asking me why I want to get involved again, for the second year in a row?","label":-1,"idx":2153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would think that the words grand and stretch would be known to more people than two of the words the author gives as being familiar ( chippy and hootch ).","text2":"The author uses outdated words in his writings. ","label":-1,"idx":2154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mere fact that two practices have been adopted, however, does not tell the whole story.","text2":"There is more to the story than the implementation of those two practices.","label":-1,"idx":2155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sir Boss had managed to find him at the abbey, during his two days' absence, and now he came back in the nick of time to fight Sir Mador for the queen.","text2":"Sir Boss spent quite a long time looking for him, and he had almost given up.","label":-1,"idx":2156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this might help explain the Judeo-Christian-Muslim tendencies to subjugate women, treating them essentially as chattel, it does not account for a similar treatment accorded them in other cultures, notably that of Japan.","text2":"This explains why some cultures think less of women, but not all cultures.","label":-1,"idx":2157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is another measure of the guild's success that we can hardly imagine an alternative to it.","text2":"It is not a very good measure of the success of the guild.","label":-1,"idx":2158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, it is awkward to find Glasgow or Shake-speare in one part of the dictionary and Glaswegian or Shakespearian in another.","text2":"Glasgow is included in the book.","label":-1,"idx":2159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well we found out a couple of days later when the neighbor walked over and informed my dad that he found BB in the filter pump of his swimming pool.","text2":"The neighbor talke to our dad.","label":-1,"idx":2160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in between the houses you had this pasture where they kept the cows and bulls.","text2":"The houses were owned by farmers. ","label":-1,"idx":2161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By repeatedly listening to and participating in narrative conversation, children develop mental scripts for the way narratives are typically organized.","text2":"Children like to copy other people's narrative techniques.","label":-1,"idx":2162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since 1981, the Geography Department at IUPUI has graduated 67 geographers.","text2":"67 geographers graduated from IUPUI since 1981.","label":-1,"idx":2163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Henry Henn gets a linguistic maggie's drawers for 'Nam, Gook, Gung- Nonsense [XIV,2].","text2":"Henry did not get anything for 'Nam.","label":-1,"idx":2164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only a handful of 3-year-olds but many 4-year-olds can explain why Pam would look in the marked Because she thinks there's Band-Aids in it, but there aren't any. ","text2":"Pam would look in the marked in order to gain advantage.","label":-1,"idx":2165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that children actually, the innocence of children, the unconditional love of children, is the way that we, now, that I'm an adult, that adults need to be with each other, and that the greatest lesson in that, when you can be like a little child, then you are doing what's pleasing to God.","text2":"Adults should never love unconditionally the way children do.","label":-1,"idx":2166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My theory is that the r got put in there simply because muskrat is a more common word than muscat . It is the same reason most of us","text2":"I think the r is there just because muskrat is common and it got auto-corrected.","label":-1,"idx":2167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the Adirondacks you canoe on the Raquette River, and quickly the trip takes a radical swerve toward bliss.","text2":"The journey down the Raquette River is not particularly interesting.","label":-1,"idx":2168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eleven seconds into the descent, the FAA's air traffic control center in Cleveland received the first of two radio transmissions from the aircraft.","text2":"FAA air traffic controllers got radio messages as the planes started to descend. ","label":-1,"idx":2169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" When you say Man, said Oedipus, you include woman too.","text2":"Men and women are both included by Oedipus","label":-1,"idx":2170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kind of letting them down.","text2":"They had high expectations for my grades and I didn't do well.","label":-1,"idx":2171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do they praise you a lot?","text2":"Do they often give you compliments? ","label":-1,"idx":2172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President strongly wanted to return to Washington and only grudgingly agreed to go elsewhere.","text2":"The president wanted to go back to Washington but was denied this for his own safety.","label":-1,"idx":2173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, other firm characteristics, such as business-unit size or product type, might also be correlated with adoption of innovative practices and performance outcomes.","text2":"Product type is usually correlated with adoption of innovative practices and performance outcomes.","label":-1,"idx":2174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But theTaliban, like the Sudanese, would eventually hear warnings, including from the Saudi monarchy.","text2":"The Taliban and the Sudanese were in communication with the Saudi monarchy.","label":-1,"idx":2175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is almost one month I haven't met you.","text2":"It has only been about one week and we've already met.","label":-1,"idx":2176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky's concept of the zone clarifies for us the meaning of true quality time. ","text2":"Vygotsky's concept of the zone isn't the only concept that helps us give meaning to true quality time.","label":-1,"idx":2177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They decided, and acted.","text2":"They decided to wait after they made a decision.","label":-1,"idx":2178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"heavens to Betsy!","text2":"\"Oh my,\" she exclaimed, \"Heavens to Betsy!\" ","label":-1,"idx":2179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These cost savings will be used to reduce prices and compete more aggressively with Dell and Gateway 2000 that do not work through distributors.","text2":"The savings will allow a reduction in prices that will ensure they are able to compete with Dell and Gateway 2000 successfully.","label":-1,"idx":2180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Best regards!","text2":"Screw off!","label":-1,"idx":2181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award.","text2":"Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award is a famous award","label":-1,"idx":2182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I said, Why did you come back, Victoria?","text2":"I didn't care why Victoria came back. ","label":-1,"idx":2183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the military had what seemed an excellent example of how to do it.","text2":"The military had looked it over carefully.","label":-1,"idx":2184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The academy also calls upon all French to send in further examples of linguistic pollution, observing ruefully that this is one museum which will be open 12 months a year.","text2":"Languages are becoming pollution due to slang. ","label":-1,"idx":2185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are not so sure.","text2":"We are not certain.","label":-1,"idx":2186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So um, you know, it was different people would read for different reasons and I think your mother has, um, you know, she's educated herself at the library.","text2":"It was different people who would read for differing reasons.","label":-1,"idx":2187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These programs established a widespread feeling of entitlement without a corresponding sense of social obligations.","text2":"There was a sense of entitlement without social obligations.","label":-1,"idx":2188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft had witnessed the hijackers' efforts to defeat the passengers' counterattack.","text2":"The passengers did not fight back.","label":-1,"idx":2189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, Sir, I've gone in, and I don't know, the house is big, and I went inside, I told him, I haven't seen anyone.","text2":"I told him the house was too big to know if anyone was hiding in any nooks or crannies. ","label":-1,"idx":2190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please, make a tax deductible gift to Community Centers of Indianapolis in 1999, and know that COMPANY is playing an important part in meeting the needs of its community.","text2":"COMPANY is not playing an important part in meeting the needs of the Community Centers of Indianapolis in 1999, please avoid giving them money.","label":-1,"idx":2191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On 9\/11, the four hijacked aircraft were monitored mainly by the centers in Boston, New York, Cleveland, and Indianapolis.","text2":"The four aircraft never got the attention of the control centers.","label":-1,"idx":2192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the effects of lean retailing are sweeping across many industries, it is imperative that everyone involved understand how inventory policies have been affected.","text2":"It's not important that inventory policies are well known.","label":-1,"idx":2193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA may have been tracking the progress of United 93 on a display that showed its projected path to Washington, not its actual radar return.","text2":"The FAA tried to stop the plane from crashing.","label":-1,"idx":2194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, who, it hit the ground.","text2":"It stayed aloft.","label":-1,"idx":2195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I care about the plight of the millions of women who are forced to raise their children in poverty housing, and I am grateful - as Mother's Day approaches -that I am in position to help make the essential foundation of a decent home possible for these mothers and their children.","text2":"I'm grateful I am able to donate money to help the plight of millions of mothers who live in poverty housing.","label":-1,"idx":2196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although product variety in apparel has historically been associated with the fashion end of the industry, the number of products available to U.S. consumers in almost every apparel category has grown significantly over the past two decades.","text2":"Consumers have too many choices when it comes to apparel.","label":-1,"idx":2197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By joining in conversation and listening to the narrative dialogues of others, children develop an understanding of their own and others' rich mental lives.","text2":"Children enjoy talking with others about lives.","label":-1,"idx":2198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have two sisters.","text2":"I have two sisters.","label":-1,"idx":2199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No allowance has been made in the above calculations for the pronunciation key appearing on each odd-numbered page of the W .","text2":"The document would change dramatically if these allowances were made.","label":-1,"idx":2200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The properly dressed spaceman (Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1942) must have a space suit (from the pulp Science Wonder Stories, 1929) for his rendezvous with the aliens, of whom many are BEMs (bug-eyed monsters) or LGM (little green men).","text2":"Aliens are ugly creatures. ","label":-1,"idx":2201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kinds of people?","text2":"How old were they?","label":-1,"idx":2202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this same public testimony, NORAD officials stated that at 9:24, NEADS received notification of the hijacking of American 77.","text2":"Officials said they got word an American flight had been highjacked.","label":-1,"idx":2203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be able to distinguish among types of yes 'to be able to discern when that word means no or perhaps or yes, I don't think so 'that would mean that one had become intimately Japanese.","text2":"Japanese people can always differentiate the differences among different kinds of 'yes.'","label":-1,"idx":2204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider this request carefully --it is very important to us, the future of dental care in Indiana and your private practice.","text2":"The request of note should be given no consideration whatsoever. ","label":-1,"idx":2205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Asked whether he approved of terrorism and of attacks on civilians, he We believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans.","text2":"He claimed that Americans are the worst thieves and terrorists in the world, when asked about whether he approved of terrorism and attacks on civilians.","label":-1,"idx":2206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do fun stuff that we both like.","text2":"There are fun things that we both enjoy.","label":-1,"idx":2207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For any particular reason or you just like the area?","text2":"Do you like the city nightlife?","label":-1,"idx":2208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, the Secret Service was relying on projections and was not aware the plane was already down in Pennsylvania.","text2":"The Secret Service knew full well that the plane was down in Pennsylvania. ","label":-1,"idx":2209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neurons seldom stimulated soon lose their connections as their fibers atrophy.","text2":"Neurons that don't get stimulated atrophy instead and can never be reactivated.","label":-1,"idx":2210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Library resources including audio\/visual aids, flags on loan, and books, add to the Girl Scout experience so that girls and volunteers have the tools they need to make Girl Scouting a positive learning experience.","text2":"Library resources aren't available to troop leaders or Girl Scouts.","label":-1,"idx":2211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you had relatives or close friends with cancer, you will appreciate our request for money.","text2":"Our request for money would be appreciated by you if you had relatives with cancer.","label":-1,"idx":2212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A third key element is the Sharia, the code of law derived from the Qur'an and the Hadith.","text2":"The code of law is the final key element.","label":-1,"idx":2213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, for the low volume 43-regular, the maximum weekly demand is about four times the average.","text2":"There is no better choice for the situation but the 43 regular.","label":-1,"idx":2214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, yeah when Dad busted my ear because he stopped moving.","text2":"I don't have a dad.","label":-1,"idx":2215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's probably why I'm a theater major so I can kind of, you know, do what plays I want and then move on.","text2":"I want to be in plays so I'm majoring in theater.","label":-1,"idx":2216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Seconds later she said,Oh my God we are way too low.","text2":"No one cared that the plane was low.","label":-1,"idx":2217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So your younger cousin was just a beginning reader herself reading stories to you?","text2":"She never learned to read.","label":-1,"idx":2218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At that same time, American 11 had its last routine communication with the ground when it acknowledged navigational instructions from the FAA's air traffic control (ATC) center in Boston.","text2":"American 11 had its last routine communication with the ground, but also had other instances of communication after this.","label":-1,"idx":2219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the words of psychologist William Damon, they are demoralized,123 a term that suggests a break with their social world, a deficiency in internalization of worthwhile values and goals.","text2":"Damon said they are encouraged.","label":-1,"idx":2220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No she doesn't at all.","text2":"Nope she does not.","label":-1,"idx":2221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This book appears to have been diligently researched and has much to recommend it as an adjunct to most libraries, public and private, large and small, general and specialized.","text2":"The book was so popular that many libraries and stores carry it. ","label":-1,"idx":2222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nineteen Americans were killed, and 372 were wounded.","text2":"50 Americans had a broken leg. ","label":-1,"idx":2223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Second Edition of the Random House Unabridged follows a similar practice, and I find it speculative, spurious, and specious except for the documentation of relatively recent coinages.","text2":"The Seventh Edition of the Random House Unabridged follows none of the previous practice, and I find it speculative.","label":-1,"idx":2224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"...fires, the constant collapse of buildings, and the thousand perils of the savage city ' and poets reciting in the month of August.","text2":"Buildings are collapsing and there are fires.","label":-1,"idx":2225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The airplane rolled onto its back, and one of the hijackers began shouting Allah is the greatest.","text2":"All of the hijackers on the plane stayed silent throughout.","label":-1,"idx":2226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the microstructure of dictionaries includes more than just it can embrace examples, illustrations, synonym essays, usage essays, etymologies, and all sorts of other information.","text2":"The macrostructure of dictionaries consists of examples and illustrations.","label":-1,"idx":2227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Urban did excellent with his cane, but with Cameron, Urban gets from point A to point B in a snap- quicker than I can take him.","text2":"Urban would take longer to get from point A to point B if he did not have Cameron.","label":-1,"idx":2228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those in the shelter wondered if the aircraft had been shot down pursuant to this authorization.","text2":"People in the shelter imagined the order would bring about the plane's destruction.","label":-1,"idx":2229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, yeah when Dad busted my ear because he stopped moving.","text2":"Last year my Dad busted my ear because he stopped moving.","label":-1,"idx":2230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And every stop we make, now you got to remember when those bus doors open what little heat that's in that bus goes out that door and the cold comes in. ","text2":"It's very hot outside the bus.","label":-1,"idx":2231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, a car was coming by with a white flag that meant peace and in that car there was a friend of Luis Alonso's and also a guerrilla came in that car.","text2":"The white flag meant they were looking for trouble. ","label":-1,"idx":2232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this environment, ordering large quantities of products far in advance of the selling season is simply too costly.","text2":"Bulk buying would cost very little to do.","label":-1,"idx":2233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or who helps David learn important job skills that will enable him to become self-sufficient?","text2":"Or who helps David learn how to hustle the streets and sell drugs?","label":-1,"idx":2234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their sense of being overworked and overcommitted, with few moments to spare, must be taken seriously.","text2":"One must take their sense of being overworked and overcommitted seriously.","label":-1,"idx":2235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, Bin Ladin had another a substantial, worldwide organization.","text2":"As the war waged on, support for Bin Ladin waned.","label":-1,"idx":2236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Weekly free time for privileged Americans with demanding careers is still plentiful.","text2":"Privileged Americans have weekly freetime but poor people don't.","label":-1,"idx":2237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean man had hip replacements and bad knees and everything else and he'd get on his knees and play with that dog and give it it's medicine, put peanut butter on his finger and feed it to that dog to keep that dog alive.","text2":"The dog would bite his finger when he was fed. ","label":-1,"idx":2238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It began at 9:29, with a brief two aircraft had struck the World Trade Center, there was a confirmed hijacking of American 11, and Otis fighters had been scrambled.","text2":"The brief said two aircraft had struck the towers and one other plane was hijacked, so the government sprung into action.","label":-1,"idx":2239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the early 1930s, two systems of sewing and assembly emerged in the men's segment of the apparel the progressive bundle system (PBS) and the straight-line system (SLS).","text2":"In the garment business, men were better suited to assembly using the straight-line system.","label":-1,"idx":2240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She's a valuable part of the DBA and also consults with wives of disabled persons.","text2":"She is a consultant of wives and invalids, as well as a part of the DBA.","label":-1,"idx":2241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A nationally recognized innovator in Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, Steve is remembered as a gentleman whose care and concern for his students, friends and colleagues was warm and genuine.","text2":"Steven is remembered as a surly, mean and obnoxious dick. ","label":-1,"idx":2242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, thank you for sharing your experiences with me and your time.","text2":"You shared your time and experience with me so I thank you.","label":-1,"idx":2243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now you can picture the part out of a watch how small this is and for a guy that in his probably sixties at that point difficult for him to see, lighting in that day and time not being what it is now, of course he'd lose his part and he'd say, Tootles, well first he'd have his fit, Nothing but damn junk, junk, junk!","text2":"This guy was getting old and losing his eyesight, and he'd have a hard time seeing the small parts.","label":-1,"idx":2244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite the discussions about military assistance, no one from FAA headquarters requested military assistance regarding United 93.","text2":"There were discussions made about military assistance. ","label":-1,"idx":2245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This, while perhaps not strictly an example of a traveler's denunciation, is certainly appropriate to the article as a choice description of one of the Babylons of the world.","text2":"There are many other words that would have been appropriate to use. ","label":-1,"idx":2246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the conference room table was White House Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten.","text2":"Joshua Bolten is no longer the White House Deputy Chief of Staff.","label":-1,"idx":2247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"[Make-believe] play creates a zone of proximal development in the child.","text2":"Make-believe can affect children's development.","label":-1,"idx":2248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Taliban seemed to open the doors to all who wanted to come to Afghanistan to train in the camps.","text2":"Seemingly anyone who wanted to train in Afghanistan for the Taliban was welcome.","label":-1,"idx":2249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what else do you want me to tell you?","text2":"He wanted him to say that he loved him.","label":-1,"idx":2250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Keeping up the cabin posed constant diculties.","text2":"It was difficult to keep up with the housework because there was so much of it.","label":-1,"idx":2251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If all this is too complicated to follow, let me you look up word X and get synonyms A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. You look up the synonyms for word A, and you get synonyms X, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Even the definition provided for the sub-listings is identical in wording to that of the word originally sought.","text2":"With this method you cannot look up synonyms because the sub-listings would just be identical.","label":-1,"idx":2252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD said it had conflicting reports.","text2":"NORAD never said anything about conflicting reports or any other errors. ","label":-1,"idx":2253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The entry list in L seems to be fuller than in W , but a quick direct comparison is not easily done.","text2":"L's entry list appears to be more full than W's.","label":-1,"idx":2254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft had witnessed the hijackers' efforts to defeat the passengers' counterattack.","text2":"The passengers had made a counterattack.","label":-1,"idx":2255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"...fires, the constant collapse of buildings, and the thousand perils of the savage city ' and poets reciting in the month of August.","text2":"Buildings are collapsing because of the fires.","label":-1,"idx":2256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The new infrastructure created by the railroads and telegraph contributed to the growth of wholesale houses.","text2":"Railroads created a new infrastructure.","label":-1,"idx":2257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important Egyptian in Bin Ladin's circle was a surgeon, Ayman al Zawahiri, who led a strong faction of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.","text2":"The Egyptian Islamic Jihad had no leaders, and Bin Ladin was not fond of surgeons.","label":-1,"idx":2258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The defense of U.S. airspace on 9\/11 was not conducted in accord with preexisting training and protocols.","text2":"Because of the panic, the defense of US airspace was not conducted according to protocol on 9\/11.","label":-1,"idx":2259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any event, it seems unfair not to have listed them on the title page, assuning (as I presume we must) that their contributions were more or less equal.","text2":"They were not listed on the title page. ","label":-1,"idx":2260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As I say, American political non-fiction doesn't exactly lend itself to that.","text2":"American political non-fiction does exactly lend itself to that.","label":-1,"idx":2261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gifts of $100 or more will be matched thanks to a special 25th Anniversary $100,000 Challenge Grant and will be placed in the Growth For Girls Fund.","text2":"Gifts of $50 or more are eligible for matching funds.","label":-1,"idx":2262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please give the largest gift you can to Goodwill today.","text2":"Please don't give a gift to goodwill ever. ","label":-1,"idx":2263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does that mean that the number of headwords equals the number of entries?","text2":"There are more entries than headwords?","label":-1,"idx":2264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pull it down!","text2":"Push it up.","label":-1,"idx":2265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help to continue our work, particularly as we enable area families with low incomes to become home owners.","text2":"As we enable area families with low incomes to become home owners, we need your help and donations to continue our work.","label":-1,"idx":2266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, a passenger reported that an announcement had been made by the pilot that the plane had been hijacked.","text2":"The passengers knew that the plane was hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":2267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Others, emphasizing women's particular values, urge retention of this and other features of women's talk (for example, women frequently assume noncompetitive roles in conversation), suggesting that women's talk encourages participation and the likelihood of consensus.","text2":"Female values in conversation encourage participation and reaching consensus.","label":-1,"idx":2268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With so many conflicting pressures in our society today-the Girl Scout program is a proven solution and supporting friends like you help to make it happen.","text2":"The Girl Scout program is no longer relevant today.","label":-1,"idx":2269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Traditional auto retailing focuses on selling product lines in production quantities that were largely determined in advance of distribution.","text2":"The production quantities of traditional auto retail were often determined just a few days before distribution.","label":-1,"idx":2270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were some were history books in there, too.","text2":"It contained some history books too.","label":-1,"idx":2271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We never had any uh, never had any problems.","text2":"There has never been a time when we have had problems. ","label":-1,"idx":2272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Times [20 February 1988] reports that the restoration of a 400-year-old statue of Fame, at Wilton House, Wiltshire, may include the replacement of her famous trumpets, weathered away from each hand but not before prompting the expression `blowing your own trumpet.","text2":"The restoration of Fame, a 400 year old statue may include replacing the trumpets.","label":-1,"idx":2273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft that spotted the black smoke was the same unarmed Air National Guard cargo plane that had seen American 77 crash into the Pentagon 27 minutes earlier.","text2":"The plane that saw the smoke wasn't the same as the one that saw the Pentagon crash.","label":-1,"idx":2274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feel free to call me at any time for additional information about Herron.","text2":"I know nothing about Herron, so I'm not the best person to reach out to.","label":-1,"idx":2275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So American 11 isn't the hijack at all then, right?","text2":"American 11 crash was due other reasons than hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":2276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So coordinate with the FAA.","text2":"Coordinate with the FAA already.","label":-1,"idx":2277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Air traffic controllers heard the transmission; Ong did not.","text2":"Ong was able to hear the transmission while the air traffic controllers could not.","label":-1,"idx":2278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What parts of the story were boring?","text2":"What were the most exciting parts of the story?","label":-1,"idx":2279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From basketball, kickball, volleyball, archery, crafts, an egg toss, and even a walk through our creek, you will have plenty to do to get you good and hungry.","text2":"There won't be much to do and you will be sleeping all day.","label":-1,"idx":2280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One method of capturing volatility is to look at the standard deviation of each establishment's inventory level and I\/S ratio for the two time periods.","text2":"There is no method to capture volatility. ","label":-1,"idx":2281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I'm sure you probably have.","text2":"I don't believe you did anything.","label":-1,"idx":2282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I learned much about my father's experiences as a retail merchant through stories he related to my mother at Sofie, you'll never believe the customer who came into the store today.","text2":"My father never talked about his work experiences at home.","label":-1,"idx":2283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I cannot say that I agree with everything she says nor with every item selected for inclusion, but, on the whole, the book comes off as a very good treatment of the subject.","text2":"The book runs for too long and has too many pages.","label":-1,"idx":2284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We found no evidence that video teleconference participants had any prior information that American 77 had been hijacked and was heading directly toward Washington.","text2":"We know nothing about what video teleconference participants knew.","label":-1,"idx":2285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In return, we promise.","text2":"In return, we refuse to.","label":-1,"idx":2286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But they can change the configuration of their scopes so they can see primary radar returns.","text2":"They change their configuration to see radar returns. ","label":-1,"idx":2287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Battle for United 93 At 8:42, United Airlines Flight 93 took off from Newark (New Jersey) Liberty International Airport bound for San Francisco.","text2":"The flight was from San Francisco to Newark Liberty.","label":-1,"idx":2288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This use of the name as a derogatory noun is given in both the 1933 Supplements to the OED and in the recent one.","text2":"The use of the name as a derogatory known has never been mentioned and probably never will be.","label":-1,"idx":2289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I told him, I don't cover up anybody, I said.","text2":"I told him to relax that I would cover it up.","label":-1,"idx":2290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it does say E = mc?? ; the version with the capital M and C is, essentially, meaningless to those familiar with the conventional symbolism used in physics.","text2":"E = MC should be written with capital letters because that's the original form.","label":-1,"idx":2291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From this applicant pool, only 250 students were selected to enroll for this fall.","text2":"Only 250 students were selected for enrollment form this particular applicant pool.","label":-1,"idx":2292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I'm sure you remember parts of it.","text2":"And I am certain that you can recall certain elements of it. ","label":-1,"idx":2293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(And everyone should now take a few minutes to ponder the meaning of it in the preceding sentence.)","text2":"Everyone should take 5 minutes and think about the sentence's meaning.","label":-1,"idx":2294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the military had what seemed an excellent example of how to do it.","text2":"It seemed like an excellent example for the military.","label":-1,"idx":2295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How much assistance a child needs depends not just on cognitive maturity but also on other child characteristics.","text2":"In addition to cognitive maturity, a child's ability to trust others will determine how much assistance they need.","label":-1,"idx":2296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, retailers that work with suppliers employing a more complete set of information, distribution, and manufacturing innovations need not eliminate as many of their unsold products at the end of season via price reductions.","text2":"The sales off reduced items increases most of the time.","label":-1,"idx":2297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When the local civil aviation security office of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) later investigated these security screening operations, the screeners recalled nothing out of the ordinary.","text2":"These security screening operations were never investigated by anyone.","label":-1,"idx":2298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was the stereotypical high school.","text2":"Unique experience in high school.","label":-1,"idx":2299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I cannot say that I agree with everything she says nor with every item selected for inclusion, but, on the whole, the book comes off as a very good treatment of the subject.","text2":"The book does a good job of discussing the subject.","label":-1,"idx":2300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's earliest efforts at make-believe also reveal how challenging they find the task of detaching thought from reality.","text2":"Children's earliest efforts make-believe show how easy it is for them to detach thought from reality. ","label":-1,"idx":2301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said to him. ","text2":"I said hello to him.","label":-1,"idx":2302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it does say E = mc?? ; the version with the capital M and C is, essentially, meaningless to those familiar with the conventional symbolism used in physics.","text2":"E = mc should be written without capitalizing the M and C because that violates conventional physics symbolism.","label":-1,"idx":2303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fax had been sent from thousands of miles away by the followers of a Saudi exile gathered in one of the most remote and impoverished countries on earth.","text2":"The fax came from a machine inside the building. ","label":-1,"idx":2304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again, that seen and not heard kind of thing.","text2":"To be heard but not seen.","label":-1,"idx":2305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In summary, NEADS received notice of the hijacking nine minutes before it struck the North Tower.","text2":"The North Tower might have been saved if NEADS had been alerted earlier.","label":-1,"idx":2306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Things are bustling at Herron in preparation for the new school year.","text2":"Herron is not doing anything for the next school year.","label":-1,"idx":2307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our goal for the remainder of this year is to raise $100,000.","text2":"We are aiming to raise $100,000 in what's left of the year.","label":-1,"idx":2308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And counting tens and hundreds to 200.","text2":"They've learned counting tens and hundreds to 200.","label":-1,"idx":2309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No Challenge too Great for These Vets","text2":"Some challenges are too great for these vets.","label":-1,"idx":2310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will, rather, treat those words and phrases, created in SF, which are now in common non-SF use.","text2":"The SF words remaines in SF use. ","label":-1,"idx":2311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The data suggest that when a manufacturer chooses the same inventory policy for all products, its order-fulfillment rate for highly variable products is usually worse than for low variation products.","text2":"Manufacturer's with a blanket inventory policy had better order-fulfillment rates when dealing with highly variable products.","label":-1,"idx":2312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although these differences cannot all be directly attributed to the adoption of the practices per se, they do suggest'especially when combined with the significant inventory performance results reported previously'how important it is for manufacturers to be adept at using incoming information from lean retailing customers.","text2":"It's impossible to give the practices all the credit for these differences.","label":-1,"idx":2313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At least ten passengers and two crew members shared vital information with family, friends, colleagues, or others on the ground.","text2":"There were at least ten passengers on the flight.","label":-1,"idx":2314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His outstanding leadership skills will serve Cathedral exceptionally well.","text2":"Cathedral will make great use of his exemplary leadership skills. ","label":-1,"idx":2315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the first use of computer-assisted pattern layout in the 1970s, computers and specialized information technologies have spread widely in the industry.","text2":"The spread of computers and specialized information technologies didn't truly take off until the 1990s.","label":-1,"idx":2316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A huge group of soldiers are coming!","text2":"A tiny force of toddlers are walking backwards!","label":-1,"idx":2317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The roots of these polarized perspectives can be found in centuries-old, dramatically opposing philosophies about the nature of children and child development.","text2":"The origins of the differing viewpoints is founded in ancient philosophies about the nature of children and their development.","label":-1,"idx":2318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But he realizes it's not like that.","text2":"He is mentally challenged and has no idea that things are like that.","label":-1,"idx":2319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet survival in both sectors belongs only to the fittest adopters of the new order of retailing and the channel.","text2":"Only the fittest conformers that can implement the new order will survive in both sectors.","label":-1,"idx":2320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But that use apparently was rare in those times.","text2":"In those times that use was very rare.","label":-1,"idx":2321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did they ever tell you factual stories about the area that you lived in?","text2":"Did they ever tell you true stories of crime in the area?","label":-1,"idx":2322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Antony and Cleopatra (Act IV, Scene VIII, lines 14 et seq .) Antony commands the wounded Scarus to","text2":"Scarus commands Antony to do something.","label":-1,"idx":2323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you um, what kinds of things do you read now other than some authors that you like mentioned.","text2":"What did you read when you were growing up?","label":-1,"idx":2324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"SPEA and the City of Indianapolis have a unique partnership.","text2":"SPEA has no support from the city.","label":-1,"idx":2325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Account # 32-142-08, our Friends of Women's Studies account, which is to be used for student scholarships, to supplement Friends activities when all other sources of income have been exhausted and, eventually, to encourage WOST scholarship through research grants to WOST students and faculty.","text2":"The Friends of Women's Studies account isn't used for scholarships at all.","label":-1,"idx":2326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, um, she read, I forgot about the nursery rhymes.","text2":"She told \"Peter Pan\" so wonderfully, the kids didn't want to sleep.","label":-1,"idx":2327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not so its cousin, time warp (fathered by Walter M. Miller in 1954: They showed me a dozen pictures of moppets with LTR-guns, moppets in time-warp suits, moppets wearing Captain Chronos costumes.","text2":"I saw pictures of moppets with LTR-guns, time-warp suits, and Captain Chronos costumes.","label":-1,"idx":2328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Black cover.","text2":"The album cover had an all black picture.","label":-1,"idx":2329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well we found out a couple of days later when the neighbor walked over and informed my dad that he found BB in the filter pump of his swimming pool.","text2":"Our dad never found out about the BB.","label":-1,"idx":2330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, Sir, I've gone in, and I don't know, the house is big, and I went inside, I told him, I haven't seen anyone.","text2":"I told him I had been in, but had not seen anyone in the house. ","label":-1,"idx":2331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"80 percent of participants will have established short and long-term goals for self sufficiency in adulthood as measured by staff checklists.","text2":"A large percentage of participants have established self-sufficiency oriented goals.","label":-1,"idx":2332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The best known member of this class is undoubtedly the ","text2":"No one knows who it is. ","label":-1,"idx":2333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I recall, a number of stories.","text2":"Some stories come to mind.","label":-1,"idx":2334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is possible that NORAD commanders would have ordered a shootdown in the absence of the authorization communicated by the Vice President, but given the gravity of the decision to shoot down a commercial airliner, and NORAD's caution that a mistake not be made, we view this possibility as unlikely.","text2":"It is highly likely that NORAD commanders would have ordered a shootdown without authorization.","label":-1,"idx":2335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This assistance was funneled through the Pakistani military intelligence service (Inter- Services Intelligence Directorate, or ISID), helped train the rebels and distribute the arms.","text2":"ISID received no assistance for the rebels.","label":-1,"idx":2336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As news of the hijackings filtered through the FAA and the airlines, it does not seem to have occurred to their leadership that they needed to alert other aircraft in the air that they too might be at risk.","text2":"The FAA didn't tell other planes about the hijackings.","label":-1,"idx":2337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" By the most conservative estimates, the church's property in the Bay Area is worth uncountable millions. ","text2":"The church's property in the Bay Area is worth 100 dollars.","label":-1,"idx":2338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us reveal their dual ","text2":"Lift the lid on their dual.","label":-1,"idx":2339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't kick against the pricks,","text2":"The cactus often pricked people who were unaware of their surroundings.","label":-1,"idx":2340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have these events put our law school on easy street?","text2":"There have been no events that might concern our school.","label":-1,"idx":2341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One hand holds the marker on the lay, the other guides the electric knife.","text2":"One hand holds the marker and writes carefully.","label":-1,"idx":2342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then when it's story day we bring in all kind of toys.","text2":"We bring many different toys whenever it's story day.","label":-1,"idx":2343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He refers to those chilling lines at the end of III.ii, where Macbeth invokes Night's cover for the intended murder of Banquo.","text2":"Macbeth is hidden by the Night well enough to kill Banquo.","label":-1,"idx":2344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you feel like, do you think it would have been different if you had gone to school in Boston or someplace else up north?","text2":"Would a school preference have affected things? ","label":-1,"idx":2345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(This being said, one British publication does offer a special obscure-words puzzle, probably for the benefit of glossarial masochists.","text2":"The special obscure-words puzzle is likely for those who enjoy torture through words.","label":-1,"idx":2346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition to the fun stuff, important life-skills such as self-esteem, leadership, and interpersonal cooperation are being developed.","text2":"None of them learn important life skills","label":-1,"idx":2347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, in lexicographers' frequent reliance on best authors as a source, dictionaries draw evidence from men, more frequently published and admired, and not women.","text2":"Dictionaries are typically considered better when written by men.","label":-1,"idx":2348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beyond the theology lies the simple human fact that most Muslims, like most other human beings, are repelled by mass murder and barbarism whatever their justification.","text2":"Mass murder and barbarism are encouraged by all the Muslims.","label":-1,"idx":2349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 19 men were aboard four transcontinental flights.","text2":"The men were spread out on different planes for a reason.","label":-1,"idx":2350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"not to mention Poe's odd allusion in For Annie :","text2":"Poe didn't write the story For Annie","label":-1,"idx":2351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society is, of course, such an organization, but it is much more than just that.","text2":"The American Cancer Society is an organization that does very little.","label":-1,"idx":2352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Third, NEADS needed orders to pass to the pilots.","text2":"NEADS did not need anything.","label":-1,"idx":2353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the focus of a magnifying glass, play contains all developmental tendencies in condensed form and is itself a major source of development.","text2":"Play contains developmental tendencies.","label":-1,"idx":2354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, partners in teaching and learning do not need to attain the intersubjective heights of lovers to accomplish their goals.","text2":"Although teaching partners do not need to obtain the intersubjective heights of lovers to attain their goals, it is helpful to do so.","label":-1,"idx":2355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Antony and Cleopatra (Act IV, Scene VIII, lines 14 et seq .) Antony commands the wounded Scarus to","text2":"Antony commands Scarus to do something.","label":-1,"idx":2356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why am I writing today to ask you to support Purdue University?","text2":"You obviously know why I am calling to talk to you about Purdue University.","label":-1,"idx":2357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens if they can't pay their heating or electric bill because of extreme temperatures?","text2":"Will their utilities be shut off despite the severe weather?","label":-1,"idx":2358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The failure to find a primary radar return for American 77 led us to investigate this issue further.","text2":"They were eventually able to identify American 77 on radar.","label":-1,"idx":2359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The amount ordered should be sufficient so that the number of units on hand plus those that are on order equal some maximum stocking quantity, S.13 For a particular item, our store buyer may reorder when the inventory level falls below s equals 4 units, in a quantity that brings the current inventory up to S equals 8 units.","text2":"There is a lot of inventory and the items that are on display are all in stock currently.","label":-1,"idx":2360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through narrative, children build an autobiographical self permeated with cultural beliefs and values; come to understand that people have rich mental lives and may view the same events dierently; and acquire negotiation strategies for resolving disputes and getting along with others.","text2":"Children don't understand anything from reading books and such. ","label":-1,"idx":2361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She quotes (and, presumably, accepts) another source which holds that woman first awakened in humankind the capacity to recognize abstracts. ","text2":"She quotes another source that says a woman can recognize abstracts.","label":-1,"idx":2362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How appropriate!","text2":"How fitting!","label":-1,"idx":2363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers probably did not know how to operate the cockpit radio communication system correctly, and thus inadvertently broadcast their message over the air traffic control channel instead of the cabin public-address channel.","text2":"The hijackers accidentally broadcast their message over the air traffic control channel instead of the cabin public-address channel, probably because they didn't know how to operate the cockpit radio correctly.","label":-1,"idx":2364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think he resents that now or--?","text2":"Do you imagine him being so happy?","label":-1,"idx":2365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are requesting your continued support to meet the needs of our growing membership.","text2":"We need your support to grow our membership.","label":-1,"idx":2366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She often has a drawing or craft project which she made in school.","text2":"She often makes art projects in school because art is her favorite class.","label":-1,"idx":2367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite grim work lives, Rosie and Henry, who had little schooling themselves, sent nine of their children to college and some to graduate school.","text2":"Henry and Rosie had at least nine children.","label":-1,"idx":2368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us reveal their dual ","text2":"Let's help keep their dual purposes hidden.","label":-1,"idx":2369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We also hope you'll take time out from your spring planting to make a gift in honor of Joe's garden.","text2":"Please take some time to make a donation in honor of Joe's garden.","label":-1,"idx":2370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel, textile, and fiber firms and retailers have recently joined to launch the Quick Response Program, designed to improve information flow, standardize recording systems, and improve turnaround time throughout the system.","text2":"Retailers refused to join the launch of the Quick Response Program.","label":-1,"idx":2371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some are quite unique and their reporters cannot imagine their origin; others, like Penn Station , what one family terms a child's misinterpretation of a famous line or phrase, are the generic term comes from the Lord's Prayer' And lead us not into Penn Station. ","text2":"Children change words in famous lines or phrases.","label":-1,"idx":2372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's a brick mason, which he builds like buildings.","text2":"His occupation is in masonry.","label":-1,"idx":2373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Air Force personnel.","text2":"The Air Force workers enjoy their job.","label":-1,"idx":2374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one consequence, the number of business failures among U.S. apparel manufacturers climbed from 227 in 1975 to a high of 567 in 1993.","text2":"1993 was a great year for the U.S. apparel manufacturers, none of them failed.","label":-1,"idx":2375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How have you shared it over the years?","text2":"Over the years you have kept it to yourself.","label":-1,"idx":2376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My grandfather had a real interesting history books.","text2":"My grandfather's history books were interesting. ","label":-1,"idx":2377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the, the fragments, as they call them, cut him here [indicates several parts of body], cut him here, cut his here, cut him here, and I don't know where else, but there were many, but the deepest one was this one . He didn't say anything.","text2":"He was completely unharmed by the fragments and escaped unscathed.","label":-1,"idx":2378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service told us they were anxious to move the President to a safer location, but did not think it imperative for him to run out the door.","text2":"The Secret Service did not think it was urgent to relocate the President.","label":-1,"idx":2379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The event will be big!","text2":"This will be a big event!","label":-1,"idx":2380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It shows our address and phone number in Indianapolis, but through our Service Extension Office, we can put the person in contact with the volunteer representative in Clinton County.","text2":"It costs us money each time we use the Service Extension Office.","label":-1,"idx":2381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, have you ever gotten hurt on the playground before?","text2":"Is your playground safe?","label":-1,"idx":2382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, my brother said, I'm going to cut her rope, I'm not going to be able to untie her, he said, Because it's really difficult with, by the time I untie her, they'll kill me, he says. ","text2":"My brother said, I don't have time to untie her because they'll kill me, I am going to have to just leave her here.","label":-1,"idx":2383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your investment in the Annual Campaign is sure to yield high returns.","text2":"Your investment in Tesla Motors will surely be for nothing.","label":-1,"idx":2384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To stand and continue firing when under heavy attack on the battlefield took courage because artillerymen usually lacked infantry weapons.","text2":"It takes bravery to stand against gunfire, but many of the artillerymen only thought they were standing with their brothers-in-arms. ","label":-1,"idx":2385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year your gift can go farther!","text2":"Your gift will have the same effect as always. ","label":-1,"idx":2386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who respond with sympathy and patience to their child's inclinations and demands are as taken to task as those who set clear expectations and relentlessly insist that their child shape up and comply with them.","text2":"Those who sympathize with their child's demands do so with patience.","label":-1,"idx":2387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By age 8 to 10, most brain regions have taken on specific functions, so brain plasticity declines.","text2":"Most regions take on functions by age 10, so they are less flexible.","label":-1,"idx":2388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Elena Nikolaidi Gives Distinguished Rectal. ","text2":"Distinguished Rectal is being given regularly by Elena Nikolaidi.","label":-1,"idx":2389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You cannot make a completely customized item of apparel with just four measurements.","text2":"You usually need at least eight measurements for a custom item.","label":-1,"idx":2390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A knife set?","text2":"A set of napkins?","label":-1,"idx":2391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 8 ( Getting Ready to Sew) describes the preassembly steps of apparel design","text2":"Chapter 7 of the book describes preassembly steps.","label":-1,"idx":2392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"AS YOU CAN SEE, INVESTING IN UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA MAKES GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.","text2":"IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE FOR A BUSINESS TO INVEST IN UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA. ","label":-1,"idx":2393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society is, of course, such an organization, but it is much more than just that.","text2":"The American Cancer Society is an organization that does more than any other cancer group.","label":-1,"idx":2394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As you know, the Annual Fund is an integral part of Cathedral's financial infra-structure each year.","text2":"The Cathedral does not need money from the Annual Fund. ","label":-1,"idx":2395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I say to him, OK.","text2":"I said to him that it was alright.","label":-1,"idx":2396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because inner cities retained a high proportion of lower income families, increased purchasing power for shelter, food, and clothing shifted to the suburbs.","text2":"Purchasing power stayed in the inner city. ","label":-1,"idx":2397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I liked the fact that the adults were made to wait.","text2":"The adults went first, which is the way its should be.","label":-1,"idx":2398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under A, for example, the lexicographers provide entries for Adam, Ad feminam, ageism, Ain't I a Woman (Sojourner Truth's speech), and amniocentesis . Z is limited to three Zamani Soweto sisters, Zeitgeist (`Spirit of liberty, equality, and sorority'), and Zugassent (a term for male continence as practised by the Oneida utopian community).","text2":"The three Zamani Soweto sisters were born in South Africa.","label":-1,"idx":2399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the family, Bronfenbrenner noted, continues to have primary responsibility for children's character development, it lacks the strength needed to do the job because parents and children no longer spend enough time together.","text2":"Bronfenbrenner said the family is not responsible for the kid's character development.","label":-1,"idx":2400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The target remained in Indianapolis Center's airspace for another six minutes, then crossed into the western portion of Washington Center's airspace at 9:10.","text2":"The target was in the airspace for a short time, then crossed over to another one at 9:10.","label":-1,"idx":2401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also Went-worth\/Flexner and Chapman both cite the term the leather as meaning a kick, but they date the term from 1946, citing a passage from Damon he would give his fallen foe what we called `the leather,' meaning a few boots abaft the ears.","text2":"Went-worth\/Flexner and Chapman trace the phrase \"the leather\" to Damon (1946), but both agree that the phrase undoubtedly is of an earlier origin.","label":-1,"idx":2402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The issue of nonsexist language envisions men and women as subject (or object) of language.","text2":"Nonsexist language emphasizes the gender-neutral aspect of communication.","label":-1,"idx":2403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This landlord is quite a character.","text2":"The landlord was dull and typical. ","label":-1,"idx":2404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:25, the Command Center advised FAA headquarters of the situation.","text2":"The Command Center contacted the FAA headquarters and the federal agencies.","label":-1,"idx":2405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Raymond Borel Junior, born September 20th 1968.","text2":"On the 20th of September on the year 1968, Raymond Borel Junior was born.","label":-1,"idx":2406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To work well, the emotional tone of scaolding must be warm, sympathetic, and responsive.","text2":"scolding tone doesn't matter; it works the same no matter which tone is used.","label":-1,"idx":2407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've come to see Luis Alonso, he says.","text2":"Luis Alonso was an old school friend.","label":-1,"idx":2408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The industry underwent another substantial restructuring in the 1980s, and product lines became even more concentrated.","text2":"The industry was restructured in the 1980's because it was failing.","label":-1,"idx":2409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A painting (1988) by Andrew Festing of about 156 of the 290 Members of Parliament who had earlier been omitted from a portrait of Members, drawn by lot, who had been immortalized in 1987 by June Mendoza.","text2":"The painting by Andrew Festing bettered than by June Mendoza.","label":-1,"idx":2410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a world where manufacturers must supply an increasing number of products with fashion elements, speed and flexibility are crucial capabilities for firms wrestling with product proliferation, whether they are retailers trying to offer a wide range of choices to consumers or manufacturers responding to retail demands for shipments.","text2":"The demands are staying the same and are having no effect on the manufacturers.","label":-1,"idx":2411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Similarly, a 2-year-old who says that the sun disappearing below the horizon is sleepy is likely to receive an alternative explanation.","text2":"All 2-year-olds know that the sun setting means the earth is turning.","label":-1,"idx":2412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The more children view, the more likely they are to endorse such stereotypes.","text2":"The more kids see, the more likely they are to subscribe to sterotypes.","label":-1,"idx":2413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the White House, the video teleconference was conducted from the Situation Room by Richard Clarke, a special assistant to the president long involved in counterterrorism.","text2":"Richard Clarke had worked with the president for just one year.","label":-1,"idx":2414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Could you describe her?","text2":"Could you write down some details about her character?","label":-1,"idx":2415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the large majority of people, memory for autobiographical events begins around age 3.61 Practically none of us can retrieve happenings at younger ages'a phenomenon called infantile amnesia.","text2":"Children begin to memorize things well at the age of 5.","label":-1,"idx":2416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I care about the plight of the millions of women who are forced to raise their children in poverty housing, and I am grateful - as Mother's Day approaches -that I am in position to help make the essential foundation of a decent home possible for these mothers and their children.","text2":"I don't feel any concern for the mothers and children in poverty housing.","label":-1,"idx":2417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Intrusion because one of the new Scholars couldn't be here to receive her award.","text2":"There were serious circumstances that prevented one of the new Scholars from attending the ceremony.","label":-1,"idx":2418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hardly any attention has been paid to one-element clues.","text2":"One-element clues are commonplace.","label":-1,"idx":2419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it is arguably the simplest philosophically and, though this is relatively unimportant, the least attractive.","text2":"It is the most basic in philosophy. ","label":-1,"idx":2420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 7:50, Majed Moqed and Khalid al Mihdhar boarded the flight and were seated in 12A and 12B in coach.","text2":"Khalid al Mihdhar and Majed Moqed planned their seating arrangement beforehand.","label":-1,"idx":2421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He leans over and talks to the other children.","text2":"He leans over and starts talking to the other children.","label":-1,"idx":2422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, children of all ages actively join in, striving for a shared view of the world.","text2":"Children young and old participate, hoping to gain a better understanding of the world.","label":-1,"idx":2423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neither of the firsthand accounts mentioned any stabbings or the threat or use of either a bomb or Mace, though both witnesses began the flight in the first-class cabin.","text2":"The witnesses never mentioned the stabbings or bomb threat.","label":-1,"idx":2424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The properly dressed spaceman (Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1942) must have a space suit (from the pulp Science Wonder Stories, 1929) for his rendezvous with the aliens, of whom many are BEMs (bug-eyed monsters) or LGM (little green men).","text2":"A proper space man must wear a space suit in order to meet aliens. ","label":-1,"idx":2425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Aunt Ann has a lot of knick-knacks.","text2":"Aunt Ann has a lot of knick-knacks.","label":-1,"idx":2426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, we try to augment this on-going effort with special opportunities for the students, like the Visiting Artists Series, the latest computer graphic equipment, the best faculty and the most meaningful art exhibitions.","text2":"All students attend art exhibitions.","label":-1,"idx":2427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Write and let us know what you are doing and how you are faring in the journey of life.","text2":"We would not like to know how you're doing. ","label":-1,"idx":2428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, that sounds like fun.","text2":"That sounds very enjoyable. ","label":-1,"idx":2429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The goal for Senior Challenge 1990 is to raise funds to purchase furnishings for the student lounges in the ET building and in the new building that will house Computer Technology and Engineering programs.","text2":"This year's Senior Challenge goal is to raise funds for new furnishing for the the ET building and new building student lounges.","label":-1,"idx":2430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In summary, NEADS received notice of the hijacking nine minutes before it struck the North Tower.","text2":"The North Tower was struck 9 minutes after NEADS was notified.","label":-1,"idx":2431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Garvey, Belger, and other senior officials from FAA headquarters participated in this video teleconference at various times.","text2":"Senior officials were in on the video teleconference. ","label":-1,"idx":2432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I had to let the dog in.","text2":"I had to let the dog in since it was whining.","label":-1,"idx":2433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He may have made an attempt to stop the hijackers in front of him, not realizing that another was sitting behind him.","text2":"He must have known there was another hijacker behind him.","label":-1,"idx":2434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In February 1998, the 40-year-old Saudi exile Usama Bin Ladin and a fugitive Egyptian physician, Ayman al Zawahiri, arranged from their Afghan headquarters for an Arabic newspaper in London to publish what they termed a fatwa issued in the name of a World Islamic Front.","text2":"Usama Bin Ladin, a 40 year old exile, took part in the arrangement for the publication of an Arabic newspaper in London.","label":-1,"idx":2435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please help more children in Hamilton County, like Becky, know about a safe positive place for them in their non-school hours.","text2":"Help kids in Hamilton County to find a safe place to go after school.","label":-1,"idx":2436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"oops! full stop' or you'll be drummed out of the corps.","text2":"The corps is referring to the corporations.","label":-1,"idx":2437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Frustrated in their search for a decent living, unable to benefit from an education often obtained at the cost of great family sacrifice, and blocked from starting families of their own, some of these young men were easy targets for radicalization.","text2":"Frustrated in their search for good health, unable to benefit from the public health system, some of these old men were easy targets for radicalization.","label":-1,"idx":2438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Babies cry for liquor an' all the birds sing bass.","text2":"Babies don't want liquor, birds don't sing. ","label":-1,"idx":2439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Old English hlof , `loaf' + dige or dirge , variants of durge `kneader,' combine to make lady . Apparently, the first kneaders of bread were ladies.","text2":"Various words related to kneading and breadmaking make up 'lady.'","label":-1,"idx":2440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He writes, Receiving the Challenger Scholarship was a great honor and continues to be a source of inspiration to me as I work toward my doctorate degree.","text2":"He writes that receiving the Scholarship would only weigh him down with more responsibility and he hopes not to get it.","label":-1,"idx":2441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even so, use of bar codes has become the norm for apparel-makers and retailers; to date, few channel partners have failed to make this change.","text2":"It is unusual for apparel retailers to use bar codes.","label":-1,"idx":2442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, actually when I went the whole first year, the whole first semester, because I worked at the pool on campus for a year.","text2":"I did not have to work at all my first year.","label":-1,"idx":2443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"not to mention Poe's odd allusion in For Annie :","text2":"Poe made a weird allusion in For Annie","label":-1,"idx":2444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other threats were identified during the late 1990s, including terrorists' use of aircraft as weapons.","text2":"Terrorists had already used an aircraft as a weapon before. ","label":-1,"idx":2445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So that one you really enjoyed and you read over and over again?","text2":"So you really enjoyed that novel?","label":-1,"idx":2446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I said, Why did you come back, Victoria?","text2":"I asked her why she returned. ","label":-1,"idx":2447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because a worker may have a day's work in the carts in front of her, it is easy to see how individual bundles of parts can be misplaced'which, in turn, will hold up the assembly of some SKUs.","text2":"Because a worker may not be well rested and could have a day's work in the carts in front of her, she may misplace bundles of individual parts. ","label":-1,"idx":2448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I enclose a copy of the Indiana tax form you will need to file with your return plus an envelope to use for sending your contribution to the IU Foundation.","text2":"The Indiana tax form is double sided and standard letter sized.","label":-1,"idx":2449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If these vignettes strike sympathetic chords, then science fiction's words, phrases, and lore have permeated your thought and language.","text2":"The only way to know if science fiction' words, phrases, and lore have permeated your thought and language is to assess whether or not these vignettes strike sympathetic chords. ","label":-1,"idx":2450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sophie is socially engaged throughout!","text2":"Sophie is reclusive ","label":-1,"idx":2451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In most cases, the chain of command authorizing the use of force runs from the president to the secretary of defense and from the secretary to the combatant commander.","text2":"There are some cases where the secretary to the combatant commander is first in the chain of command.","label":-1,"idx":2452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A second one just hit the Trade Center.","text2":"The Trade Center was hit by a second one.","label":-1,"idx":2453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" I hope the committee recognizes ad homonym [personalized] arguments are the weakest kind of arguments.","text2":"I think ad homonym arguments are the strongest kind.","label":-1,"idx":2454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the fixture was designed to hold ten shirts of a particular color and size, for instance, it is both wasteful of space and visually unappealing to put only three shirts out'even if an economic analysis recommends the lower quantity.","text2":"The appeal is a result of the look of the fixture as it is dated.","label":-1,"idx":2455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This information, sent via EDI, can then be used to check incoming orders against purchase orders and authorize payments to suppliers.","text2":"The information sent is used only for checking orders and payments.","label":-1,"idx":2456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This letter is our 1997 request for a gift to the Annual Campaign for support of our operating budget.","text2":"This is a denial of all donations to the Annual Campaign. ","label":-1,"idx":2457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you want this? ","text2":"Do you want these?","label":-1,"idx":2458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Really?","text2":"Is that so?","label":-1,"idx":2459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well they get candy, Mom.","text2":"They get candy if they were good in school, Mom.","label":-1,"idx":2460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A VERY SPECIAL PROJECT FOR STUDENTS","text2":"The project will add to the student's culture. ","label":-1,"idx":2461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:46:40, American 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.","text2":"American 123 was actually the plane and it hit the South Tower.","label":-1,"idx":2462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two trends over the past twenty-five years have compounded the problems inherent in the traditional retail model.","text2":"The two trends have separated the intrinsic problems in the traditional retail model.","label":-1,"idx":2463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these conversations, we arrange events in logical, sequential order, and we focus on explaining unusual, hard-to-interpret occurrences, often by dwelling on characters' intentions and perspectives.","text2":"These conversations help children to think about what happened and learn from their experiences.","label":-1,"idx":2464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"titmouse Not any kind of rodent, noticeably mammalian or otherwise, but merely a small bird.","text2":"It was a rat with wings taped onto its back.","label":-1,"idx":2465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said to him, I have a lot to do, I said to him.","text2":"I told him I was free.","label":-1,"idx":2466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When out-of-the-ordinary events occur and we experience clashing views, we often look for a good listener'a friend or a loved one we can talk to.","text2":"We like to be alone during difficult times.","label":-1,"idx":2467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An efficient marker will have larger sizes of pants balanced with smaller sizes.","text2":"The balance means that assembly goes much faster.","label":-1,"idx":2468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As on American 11 and United 175, the hijackers used knives (reported by one passenger) and moved all the passengers (and possibly crew) to the rear of the aircraft (reported by one flight attendant and one passenger).","text2":"All passengers were allowed to remain in their seats.","label":-1,"idx":2469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't miss the opening of the last one at the National Art Museum of Sport on Thursday, November 5 from 5:30-8:00 p.m.","text2":"Go ahead and miss the chance of the opening of the last one!","label":-1,"idx":2470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think he resents that now or--?","text2":"Do you imagine him resenting that now?","label":-1,"idx":2471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would most appreciate receiving your generous check made payable to the American Cancer Society and sent to me in the enclosed envelope, if you have not already done so.","text2":"You can make your check out to the American Cancer Society.","label":-1,"idx":2472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Primary textile manufacturing includes both the spinning of raw cotton and other fibers into yarn and the weaving of yarn into greige goods, or unfinished cloth.","text2":"Textile manufacturing involves spinning raw cotton.","label":-1,"idx":2473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next year at this time, my letter of solicitation will have a new address, the address of the new Science building on Michigan Street.","text2":"This time next year, I'll be dead.","label":-1,"idx":2474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The stories I remember being told, the most, came out of the Little Golden Books.","text2":"Most of the stories I remember came from the Little Golden Books.","label":-1,"idx":2475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pull it down!","text2":"Pull on it.","label":-1,"idx":2476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have talked with, and attempted to recruit, many Afro-Americans for the doctoral program at the School of Dentistry.","text2":"I have been able to recruit a good number of Afro-Americans for the doctoral program.","label":-1,"idx":2477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents and teachers also act as gatekeepers for young children.","text2":"Teachers act as gatekeepers for young children.","label":-1,"idx":2478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That man was Samuel Maverick.","text2":"The man goes by Sam.","label":-1,"idx":2479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With great eort, he resisted, turning and twisting in his seat until, finally, when the Rabbi blew the shofar (ceremonial ram's horn), Chaim could bear it no longer!","text2":"Chaim had struggled to resist and remain seated for an hour.","label":-1,"idx":2480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Minutes went by and word arrived of an aircraft down in Pennsylvania.","text2":"After several minutes, word came in that an aircraft had been shot down by the air force over Pennsylvania.","label":-1,"idx":2481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What remained was the hard question of how deterrence could be effective when the adversary was a loose transnational network.","text2":"We didn't know how deterrence could be effective when the bad guy was so far away.","label":-1,"idx":2482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its purpose is to encourage collaboration and cooperation between the various agencies, programs, and systems that serve our community's youth.","text2":"There is no useful purpose,their is no collaboration or cooperation between the various agencies, programs, and systems that serve our community's youth.","label":-1,"idx":2483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The __ Unit can help your company save money by promoting good health practices.","text2":"The Unit is able to help save your company funds by advocating for good practices when it comes to health.","label":-1,"idx":2484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other facilities, not on alert, would need time to arm the fighters and organize crews.","text2":"it would take one hour to organize crews and arm firefighters.","label":-1,"idx":2485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And every stop we make, now you got to remember when those bus doors open what little heat that's in that bus goes out that door and the cold comes in. ","text2":"Opening the bus doors will let the heat out and the cold in.","label":-1,"idx":2486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They go too far, though, when they attack I lost my job in place of They fired me on the grounds that such phrasing contributes to the harmful stereotype of `woman as victim.","text2":"I was fired over an issue of semantics and gender issues.","label":-1,"idx":2487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because a worker may have a day's work in the carts in front of her, it is easy to see how individual bundles of parts can be misplaced'which, in turn, will hold up the assembly of some SKUs.","text2":"The assembly of some SKUs can be held up by workers misplacing individual bundles of parts.","label":-1,"idx":2488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening.","text2":"The world leader thought that he should project strength and calm until he could get a better grip of the situation. ","label":-1,"idx":2489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to the radar reconstruction, American 77 reemerged as a primary target on Indianapolis Center radar scopes at 9:05, east of its last known position.","text2":"Indianapolis tried to contact American 77 to see what was going on.","label":-1,"idx":2490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"GOD BLESS YOU.","text2":"God bless for your charity work","label":-1,"idx":2491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributing members of the winning classes will receive an added bonus, of a tuition waived registration to a nonrestricted CE Course, at the dental school during the 1991-92 academic year.","text2":"All member of the winning classes who gave, are entitled to an added bonus. ","label":-1,"idx":2492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I once asked Ory about it and he said, `It's m-u-s-c-a-t'.","text2":"Ory said that it was m-u-s-c-a-t.","label":-1,"idx":2493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Endeavor held our attention and focused our imaginations once more upon the stars, and renewed our commitment to the knowledge and curiosity that made such a mission possible.","text2":"The mission of commitment to the knowledge and curiosity is impossible","label":-1,"idx":2494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the verb kvell , which exactly expresses that emotion, is already (like other Yiddish loanwords, such as chutzpah, meshugga and nosh ) to be found in the Supplement to the Oxford-English Dictionary .","text2":"There are several Yiddish loanwords in the Oxford-English Dictionary's supplement, including kvell.","label":-1,"idx":2495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know, echoes and stuff like that.","text2":"Not echoes or anything like that.","label":-1,"idx":2496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We also hope you'll take time out from your spring planting to make a gift in honor of Joe's garden.","text2":"Your gift can help hundreds of others like Joe.","label":-1,"idx":2497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I had aunts and my grandmother, one of my grandmothers read to me too.","text2":"My uncles and grandfathers read to me exclusively. ","label":-1,"idx":2498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"has provided a solution of sorts to the perennial ancillary problem of the neutral he as the pronoun of reference in the language.","text2":"has added to the problems inherent in using he in non-masculine senses.","label":-1,"idx":2499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that told to you or did you read that?","text2":"If you did read about it, where?","label":-1,"idx":2500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You have been a loyal friend by contributing $1,000 annually to the law school, and we are grateful for your past support.","text2":"We appreciate your future support a great deal. ","label":-1,"idx":2501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was a big book that has a lot of stories in it.","text2":"There was a huge book with a collection of stories in it.","label":-1,"idx":2502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turabi headed the National Islamic Front in a coalition that had recently seized power in Khartoum.","text2":"Many lives were lose when power was changed in Khartoum.","label":-1,"idx":2503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We generally make an exception for the more familiar English usage of Bin as part of a last name, as in Bin Ladin.","text2":"The more familiar usage of Bin in English is as part of a last name. ","label":-1,"idx":2504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The officials who issued these orders did not know that there were additional hijacked aircraft, or that one such aircraft was en route to Washington.","text2":"The officials who issued these orders knew full well of every other hijacked airplane at the time.","label":-1,"idx":2505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The principal architects of this approach, Sidney Hillman, founding president of the Amalgamated, and David Dubinsky, long-time president of the ILGWU, were cutters and came out of this craft-group.","text2":"Sidney Hillman did not know David Dubinsky personally as she had left the craft-group before he joined.","label":-1,"idx":2506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Y staff trained in conflict resolution and adolescent programs guide the youth through a process of skill and esteem building.","text2":"Staff are training in conflict resolution to help adolescents.","label":-1,"idx":2507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or do you think he kind of understands that's just the way?","text2":"I hope he understands.","label":-1,"idx":2508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why is she still breathtaking when her child is already four?","text2":"She took good care of herself ever since she gave birth.","label":-1,"idx":2509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, design, distribution centers, marketing'even cutting'as well as some short-cycle assembly remain in the market region.","text2":"Everything except design remains in the market region.","label":-1,"idx":2510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The occasions when duende grips a singer, dancer or torero are punctuated with cries of OH","text2":"A performer in the grip of duende is better than ever before. ","label":-1,"idx":2511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you felt like you didn't even have anybody there to guide you?","text2":"You had the feeling that there wasn't anyone there to give you guidance?","label":-1,"idx":2512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have also enclosed a reply envelope for your convenience.","text2":"I also have enclosed an envelope with a return address.","label":-1,"idx":2513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:49, the commander of NORAD directed all air sovereignty aircraft to battle stations, fully armed.","text2":"The commander of NORAD sent all aircraft to battle stations, ready to shoot down any other hijacked planes.","label":-1,"idx":2514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, Bodenheim appends to his book a short glossary of Harlem words used in the course of the novel.","text2":"Everyone wished Bodenheim would include a glossary, it would make the book easier to understand. ","label":-1,"idx":2515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An interesting example of a derivative from the passive gerundive that has acquired a quasi-active meaning is reprimand from reprimendus , `one who is to be repressed.","text2":"An example of a derivative from the passive gerundive is one who is to be repressed.","label":-1,"idx":2516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My neighbor had about four, five grown boys.","text2":"My neighbor raised his kids right next door. ","label":-1,"idx":2517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The SIDS Alliance and its 50 Affiliates throughout the United States are dedicated to eliminating SIDS through research, serving SIDS families, and educating professionals and the general public about SIDS.","text2":"The SIDS Alliance is dedicated to eliminating SIDS by 2025.","label":-1,"idx":2518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, the demand peak for the 43-regular occurs in week 10, which was only an average demand week for the 46-regular.","text2":"43-regular is essentially the same as the 46-regular.","label":-1,"idx":2519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To determine the optimal quantity for a SKU, the retailer finds the number of units to order so that the expected marginal cost of stocking an additional unit and not being able to sell it equals the expected marginal cost of not stocking that unit when it would have sold if available.","text2":"The retailer finds the number of units and tries to sell them anyway they can, but they do not use expected marginal cost.","label":-1,"idx":2520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"HOW ALUMNI CONTRIBUTIONS HELP TO SUPPORT THE LAW SCHOOL","text2":"The way that the law school is supported in part by contributions from alumni. ","label":-1,"idx":2521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Suppose I put this piece here.","text2":"The piece is part of a larger puzzle.","label":-1,"idx":2522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If there is one operator for the short operation, then there will have to be several operators for the longer one just to keep the production line in balance.","text2":"It's not unusual to have several operators for a short operation in order to keep the production line imbalanced.","label":-1,"idx":2523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, more serious, and that was, that was a very interesting story because it was the first time I came upon a character who was real, who was afraid, who ran away who, uh, then came back and, uh, and conquered his fear which is something that we all have to do from time to time.","text2":"The character's name was Mars Delaney.","label":-1,"idx":2524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please make check payable to the Indiana University Foundation.","text2":"If you write a check be sure to make sure that it's for a thousand dollars.","label":-1,"idx":2525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Chinese do pronounce it chih , meaning `directly, at once.","text2":"The Chinese do not have an equivalent of the word, which means with delay or indirectly.","label":-1,"idx":2526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . [Y]ou couldn't see any airplanes, and no one told us anything.","text2":"Smoke obscured the sight of aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":2527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, many studies show that children's performance on tasks such as conservation can be improved with training.","text2":"Children have been shown to improve with training much faster than adults.","label":-1,"idx":2528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How lucky you are!","text2":"You are so lucky to have won the lottery!","label":-1,"idx":2529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The channel perspective, however, indicates why the demand uncertainty and risk associated with today's apparel industry offer new opportunities for U.S. firms.","text2":"Today's apparel industry has uncertainty and risk associated with it.","label":-1,"idx":2530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I wanted to be there ...I had my second chance to change my life.","text2":"This was my second chance and I wanted to be present.","label":-1,"idx":2531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When you support United Way, you can be sure your investment is used 90 cents of every dollar raised go directly to programs and services that help people in need here in central Indiana.","text2":"90 cents of every dollar raised by the United Way goes directly to programs and services that help people in need in Indiana, rest assured that it does not go to our board members in the form of high pay checks.","label":-1,"idx":2532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They increasingly insist that children engage in socially appropriate conduct.","text2":"They refused to give any comments about what children should do.","label":-1,"idx":2533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" When you say Man, said Oedipus, you include woman too.","text2":"Oedipus does not have a distinction between men and women","label":-1,"idx":2534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is a quiet humor in Yiddish and a gratitude for every day of life, every crumb of success, each encounter of love.","text2":"The yiddish have quiet humor and are gracious for everything. ","label":-1,"idx":2535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It seems only natural that once an original language, or Ursprache , was posited, the next step was to speculate on its source, or Urheimat . That is what Renfrew has tried to do.","text2":"After discovering the source of a language, it seemed natural to continue the investigation around the concept of original languages.","label":-1,"idx":2536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have also enclosed a brief report on those areas which would be helped by your annual contribution.","text2":"Your annual contribution will have little impact.","label":-1,"idx":2537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inputs to garment production are relatively fabric, thread, accessories like buttons and zippers, labor, and a modest level of capital investment.","text2":"Garment production requires a few key elements plus a fertile economic climate.","label":-1,"idx":2538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through Destination Services the Center works hand in hand with human resource departments.","text2":"The center does not work in conjunction with human resources departments, they are separate entities.","label":-1,"idx":2539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because safety stock is directly dependent on demand uncertainty, increasing product variety increases retail safety-stock requirements.","text2":"There is a lot of uncertainty in the retail business.","label":-1,"idx":2540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faculty and Student Awards Annual presentations of Chancellor's awards encourage outstanding work among faculty, staff, and students.","text2":"The Chancellor's awards promote outstanding faculty, staff and students' work.","label":-1,"idx":2541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My neighbor had about four, five grown boys.","text2":"My neighbor had 4 or 5 grown children. ","label":-1,"idx":2542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The four men boarded the plane between 7:39 and 7:48.","text2":"The four of them got on the plane between 10:00 and 11:00 at night.","label":-1,"idx":2543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In instances in which American stories referred to young children's misbehavior, mothers frequently deemphasized these acts, attributing them to the child's spunk and assertiveness.","text2":"Mother's want the best for their child, but they do not want to be criticized for how they raise them.","label":-1,"idx":2544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was particularly interested in one that would allow me to designate a variety of typestyles during keyboard-ing, ideally one that showed the styles on the monitor as the text was being typed.","text2":"I am an expert in picking typestyles.","label":-1,"idx":2545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was only one set of fighters circling Washington during that time frame-the Langley F-16s.","text2":"The fighters were circling the Pentagon only.","label":-1,"idx":2546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Originally, they were probably imported from India, but were later mass-produced in places such as Birmingham to grace Victorian and Edwardian mantelshelves.","text2":"They continued to always produce them in India and nowhere else. ","label":-1,"idx":2547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have seen that children come into the world marvelously prepared to enter into partnerships with parents and other caregivers.","text2":"We have seen girls much more so than boys come into the world prepared to enter into partnerships with parents.","label":-1,"idx":2548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They spend most of their time outdoors, playing games with new friends, discovering flowers they've never seen, and creating treasures from sticks, rocks and leaves.","text2":"These folks never get off the living room couch.","label":-1,"idx":2549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Small, private high schools face a constant pressure to raise funds in order to keep up with the public funded schools with their unlimited access to taxpayer dollars.","text2":"All schools have unlimited access to taxpayer funding.","label":-1,"idx":2550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For more than 160 years, since the Anglos arrived in Texas, there has been a culture transfer back and forth across the Rio Grande.","text2":"Since the Anglos arrived in Texas, for more than 160 years, there has been a culture transfer back and forth across the Rio Grande.","label":-1,"idx":2551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:55, before entering the classroom, the President spoke to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who was at the White House.","text2":"The president spoke to the advisor before the classroom.","label":-1,"idx":2552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lee Hanson had heard a woman scream just before it cut off.","text2":"The woman scream was a cry for help.","label":-1,"idx":2553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Endeavor held our attention and focused our imaginations once more upon the stars, and renewed our commitment to the knowledge and curiosity that made such a mission possible.","text2":"Our commitment to not only knowledge and curiosity but also honor","label":-1,"idx":2554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He directed the transition to an air threat conference call.","text2":"He changed it to an air threat conference call.","label":-1,"idx":2555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The letters of the answer are left in their original order but spread over two or more ","text2":"The letter orders of the answer are always changed. ","label":-1,"idx":2556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"over-determined A misleading term in psychoanalytic jargon used to describe a condition with many causes (thus, multi-determined would be better).","text2":"An over-determined condition is one that has a single cause.","label":-1,"idx":2557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A decade later, the military establishment had another experience that evoked both Desert One and the withdrawal from Beirut.","text2":"The military had another experience like Desert One that changed how they trained soldiers.","label":-1,"idx":2558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The nation is renowned for its gift-giving, as we all know.","text2":"The nation is also renown for creating many new industries.","label":-1,"idx":2559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only fund raising event in the world where you can bring your entire family, other employees, or maybe even your neighbors.","text2":"You cannot bring anyone to this fundraising event.","label":-1,"idx":2560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now she works at US Aid.","text2":"She started working at US Aid just last month.","label":-1,"idx":2561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift may be made when the pledge is submitted or anytime prior to December 31, 1992.","text2":"Your gift can be made when the pledge is submitted or prior to Dec. 31, 1992","label":-1,"idx":2562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are really old-time clues in new apparel; once wise to the system and having enough vocabulary entries in one's head (or a thesaurus handy on the shelf), it is not too difficult to decode them and arrive at the answer.","text2":"These are newly made clues for old apparel.","label":-1,"idx":2563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His goal was to provide the elegant shopping experience of major European boutiques while satisfying the American desire for product diversity.","text2":"He wanted to attract both European and Americans customers.","label":-1,"idx":2564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, yes, they gave me some, and I left.","text2":"No, they would not give me any but I stayed anyway.","label":-1,"idx":2565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Federal, state and local governments are freezing or withdrawing much-needed funding sources for people who are truly in need.","text2":"Due to budget constraints, the government is withdrawing funds from needy people.","label":-1,"idx":2566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many anagrams spread over two or more ","text2":"No anagrams were spread over multiple ones. ","label":-1,"idx":2567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miles's book is riddled with many similar distortions, convenient omissions, and ","text2":"Miles's book has a lot of omissions.","label":-1,"idx":2568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've come to see Luis Alonso, he says.","text2":"He said that he hadn't come to see Luis Alonso.","label":-1,"idx":2569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Management The Final Ingredient in Enhanced Performance","text2":"Management is The Most Important Ingredient in Enhanced Performance.","label":-1,"idx":2570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Black cover.","text2":"The album cover was all white.","label":-1,"idx":2571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, do you want names of them?","text2":"Would you like their address?","label":-1,"idx":2572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, long hours in child care during infancy and the preschool years are linked to less favorable parent-child interaction.","text2":"There is a correlation between babies spending long hours in child care and less favorable relations between parents and children.","label":-1,"idx":2573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I chose disabled veterans because that's what I am.","text2":"Being part of that group allows me to identify better. ","label":-1,"idx":2574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:48, a representative from the White House shelter asked if there were any indications of another hijacked aircraft.","text2":"The White House did not want information on other hijacked aircraft. ","label":-1,"idx":2575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you remember that one because it was read often or it was your favorite?","text2":"Do you remember that story because you heard it often?","label":-1,"idx":2576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the officer who took the call explained, [I was] about to push the alert button when the tower advised that the aircraft was turning south and approaching Reagan National Airport.","text2":"The officer thought it might have been a hijacked plane.","label":-1,"idx":2577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I'm sure you remember parts of it.","text2":"I do not know whether you are able to recall any parts of it. ","label":-1,"idx":2578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They funded huge infrastructure projects, vastly expanded education, and created subsidized social welfare programs.","text2":"There was no investment in the education system.","label":-1,"idx":2579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He defected and became a star informant for the United States.","text2":"Everything the informant said was true.","label":-1,"idx":2580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, we're going to talk about today childhood stories and what I'm wondering is what are the stories you remember as children?","text2":"Since you don't remember any childhood stories, we will talk about something else.","label":-1,"idx":2581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait.","text2":"Iraq invaded many countries, including Kuwait in 1990.","label":-1,"idx":2582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.","text2":"There is much evidence showing Al queda's plotting with Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":2583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My objection to the form of the reference is that its wording suggests, there is more information about the etymology of lento to be found under lithe , but that does not actually turn out to be the all the user has learned is that lento and lithe are (or might be) cognates.","text2":"The etymology of lithe does not contain lento. ","label":-1,"idx":2584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grandmom smoked Saratoga 120 cigarettes which are about eight and a half inches long.","text2":"My grandma never smoked a day in her life.","label":-1,"idx":2585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your help, we can change that.","text2":"If you help we are able to change.","label":-1,"idx":2586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Probably depended on which night it was.","text2":"It varied from night to night.","label":-1,"idx":2587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Native and only language!","text2":"I do not speak any other languages.","label":-1,"idx":2588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If for some reason you are unable to renew your membership, we still would like to thank you for your past support and hope that you will again join.","text2":"Many who have failed to renew their membership, continued supporting in other ways. ","label":-1,"idx":2589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also had an Advisory Council (Shura) made up of Bin Ladin's inner circle.","text2":"It had a group of people closely associated with Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":2590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. in Bere Regis, who was born in the village and who speaks with a delicious Dorset burr, always uses I instead of me. ","text2":"Bere speaks with a local accent.","label":-1,"idx":2591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's hard to believe that the holiday season is only two months away.","text2":"The holidays are already upon us.","label":-1,"idx":2592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition to these factors, consumer tastes often shift rapidly, sometimes within a single season.","text2":"Another factor is the quick and constant change in consumer tastes.","label":-1,"idx":2593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now consider the lament of an NBC Today guest that an undertaking had been frustrated and now we're back to ground zero. ","text2":"Don't consider anything from NBC's guests. ","label":-1,"idx":2594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the last page is a short biographical note about the authors in which, through pronoun references, we learn that both are women.","text2":"The last page make it clear that the authors are women.","label":-1,"idx":2595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"9 percent decline from 1979 to 1997 compares with a 31.3 percent drop for textile mill products and 37.6 percent for all apparel workers.","text2":"The number of apparel workers has declined by 37.6 percent.","label":-1,"idx":2596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Harshly critical of the child-centered tenor of Elkind's message and pulling in the reverse direction is William Damon's Greater Expectations,46 an impassioned plea to parents and teachers to eradicate what the author characterizes as a rising, insidious culture of indulgence in America's homes and Too many children'the auent and the poor alike'are drifting through their childhood years without finding the skills, virtues or sense of purpose that they will need to sustain a fruitful life. ","text2":"Damon wrote \"Greater Expectations. about raising children to be independen.t","label":-1,"idx":2597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"65 percent of participants will indicate that being in YMCA programs has helped them stay out of trouble.","text2":"65% of YMCA program participants claim the program helps them stay out of trouble. ","label":-1,"idx":2598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the standpoint of language, Ventris's work was more important, particularly because it filled in a gap in our knowledge of the early states of Indo-European languages.","text2":"Early languages were primitive. ","label":-1,"idx":2599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No allowance has been made in the above calculations for the pronunciation key appearing on each odd-numbered page of the W .","text2":"Allowances have been made in the above calculations for the pronunciation key.","label":-1,"idx":2600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nice talking to you.","text2":"It was wonderful conversing with you.","label":-1,"idx":2601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I fortunately remembered when Mom and I left to go to the church to bring a wrench and couple pairs of pliers because of course the pews were bolted to the floor.","text2":"The pews were all stacked loosely in one corner of the room.","label":-1,"idx":2602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:17, the Command Center advised headquarters of its conclusion that United 93 had indeed crashed.","text2":"It seemed to the Command Center that United 93 had crashed when they could no longer find it.","label":-1,"idx":2603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was the closest seat, she was only on the bus a few minutes and then we were dumping the elementary kids and we had plenty of room again.","text2":"She was on the bus a short time before we dropped off the kids.","label":-1,"idx":2604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I usually go home once or twice a month.","text2":"I generally visit home at least once a month. ","label":-1,"idx":2605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Similarly, when in Chapter XXXIV of the same novel, Mrs. Bute reminds her husband that You'd have been screwed in goal, Bute, if I had not kept your money, she was not speaking of pleasures deferred.","text2":"Mr. Brute needed money to achieve his goals and keep his wife. ","label":-1,"idx":2606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He'll work it off.","text2":"He will recover from this and excel in whatever else he chooses to do.","label":-1,"idx":2607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:10, the pilots over Washington were emphatically told, negative clearance to shoot.","text2":"The pilots over Washington were explicitly told at 10:10 that they did not have clearance to shoot, because Bush and Cheney couldn't be reached to give authorization.","label":-1,"idx":2608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Department stores, with a wide range of goods arranged in departments, provided one-stop shopping","text2":"Department stores each carried a different type of specialized good.","label":-1,"idx":2609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, how was the suit, shirt, pants, or pair of jeans made?","text2":"The suit, pants, and jeans were made differently from the shirt.","label":-1,"idx":2610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and the Afghan Arabs drew largely on funds raised by this network, whose agents roamed world markets to buy arms and supplies for the mujahideen, or holy warriors.","text2":"Agents of the network purchased arms and supplies on world markets.","label":-1,"idx":2611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can we save the last of our ancient forests from the chainsaw?","text2":"There are only 2000 miles of ancient forests left in the USA, the rest have fallen victim to chainsaws. ","label":-1,"idx":2612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plotting the data in this way allows us to focus on the deviation of the weekly demand from the average weekly demand.","text2":"Weekly demand normally heavily deviates from the average weekly demand.","label":-1,"idx":2613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President's reaction was that the incident must have been caused by pilot error.","text2":"The President's first assumption was that it was a terrorist attack.","label":-1,"idx":2614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about the day that um, how about the day that I would, to help you with the two by six's.","text2":"Do you know any services that might help you with the two by six's?","label":-1,"idx":2615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To do either leads parents and educators to become trapped in a false opposition, to vacillate, and to think in oversimplified ways about how best to help children realize their potential to learn and become personally and socially responsible.","text2":"Parents and educators get trapped in false opposition.","label":-1,"idx":2616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And two days later, he came and visit her and then he knocked on the door and asked for her, and his, her, his mom, her mom told her, told him that she, she wasn't here, because she was dead for a long time and he goes, How can it be?","text2":"He had met up with her 2 days ago.","label":-1,"idx":2617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went from the parking lot to his office (where he spoke to the President), then to the Executive Support Center, where he participated in the White House video teleconference.","text2":"He went into the White House after he spoke to the President.","label":-1,"idx":2618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When the Sudanese refused to hand over three individuals identified as involved in the assassination plot, the UN Security Council passed a resolution criticizing their inaction and eventually sanctioned Khartoum in April 1996.","text2":"This sanction escalated the conflict, and Sudan fought back in 1998.","label":-1,"idx":2619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now that apparel manufacturers face more stringent order-fulfillment requirements and are expected to provide a much wider range of products to retailers, the costs of large amounts of in-process inventory have grown tremendously.","text2":"Apparel manufacturers face more stringent order-fulfillment requirements.","label":-1,"idx":2620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A detailed investigation produced a list of new procedures that would become customary for forces deployed abroad.","text2":"An investigation showed a lot of new procedures that would become customary.","label":-1,"idx":2621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They used knives (as reported by two passengers and a flight attendant), Mace (reported by one passenger), and the threat of a bomb (reported by the same passenger).","text2":"One passenger said they used mace and a bomb threat.","label":-1,"idx":2622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only a third of the terms have found their way into The Dictionary of American Slang , compiled and edited by Harold Wentworth and Stuart Berg Flexner (Thomas Y. Crowell, 1967) or Robert Chapman's New Dictionary of American Slang (Harper and Row, 1986).","text2":"The Dictionary of American Slang contains all of the most important terms.","label":-1,"idx":2623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His reaction was described by Scooter Libby as quick and decisive, in about the time it takes a batter to decide to swing.","text2":"His reaction was too slow and indecisive. ","label":-1,"idx":2624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marines in Lebanon in 1983.","text2":"Marines were in Lebanon in 1983. ","label":-1,"idx":2625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers quickly gained control and sprayed Mace, pepper spray, or some other irritant in the first-class cabin, in order to force the passengers and flight attendants toward the rear of the plane.","text2":"The hijackers pushed the passengers forward using brute force.","label":-1,"idx":2626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In some instances, ancient languages have been decoded, some from multilingual inscriptions.","text2":"Even with the help of multilingual inscriptions the recovery of ancient languages is not possible.","label":-1,"idx":2627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, the reason I choose to go to school here is because my parents live around 30 minutes away, and I wanted to be away from home, yet be able to go home, if I needed to, so--","text2":"I went to this school because my parents decided for me.","label":-1,"idx":2628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Television promotes positive social behavior in young children only when it is free of violent content.","text2":"Kids can watch violent TV programs and still gain social benefits.","label":-1,"idx":2629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Account # 32-142-08, our Friends of Women's Studies account, which is to be used for student scholarships, to supplement Friends activities when all other sources of income have been exhausted and, eventually, to encourage WOST scholarship through research grants to WOST students and faculty.","text2":"Research grants are given to facilitate WOST scholarship.","label":-1,"idx":2630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This fund committee is still in place and I have served as Chairman of the fund since I was elected to that position by the committee in the late 1970's.","text2":"The fund committee is not dead as rumored, but still operates and I am still its Chairman as I've been since 1978.","label":-1,"idx":2631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If every English graduate takes this opportunity to pass along the gifts they have received, then in a few years, we can offer scholarships to a number of worthy undergraduates.","text2":"We can offer these undergraduate scholarships immediately. ","label":-1,"idx":2632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The present volume, only one year in arrears, includes an interview by Aman with Lillian Mermin Feinsilver, an authority on Yiddish and author of The Taste of Yiddish . At the end of the interview is a good bibliography of Feinsilver's work.","text2":"The present volume has an interview with Lillian Mermin Feinsilver, by Aman.","label":-1,"idx":2633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, there are times when it is awkward and illogical to use a male metaphor for a woman.","text2":"Female metaphors are more appropriate in some situations.","label":-1,"idx":2634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before age 4, most children assume that physical experience determines mental experience'that if Band-Aids are in the unmarked box, everyone will just know where they are.","text2":"Children age 6 assume that physical experience determines mental experience.","label":-1,"idx":2635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He draws on fundamentalists who blame the eventual destruction of the Caliphate on leaders who abandoned the pure path of religious devotion.","text2":"Fundamentalists blame the destruction of the Caliphae on leaders who weren't dedicated to religious devotion.","label":-1,"idx":2636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"3. Complete the form and send it, along with your gift, to the law school.","text2":"Fill out the form and send it with your gift to the school. ","label":-1,"idx":2637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The word is from the Czech robota `forced labor.","text2":"The word is derived from French.","label":-1,"idx":2638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have no knowledge to tell you about Japan.","text2":"I can't wait to tell you so much about Japan!","label":-1,"idx":2639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers had gained entry to the cockpit, and she did not know how.","text2":"She wasn't sure how the hijackers had managed to enter the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":2640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make your check payable to IU Foundation.","text2":"Fill in the check's payee as IU Foundation.","label":-1,"idx":2641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As neurons form connections, a new factor becomes vital in their stimulation.","text2":"Neurons form connections in the brain at birth.","label":-1,"idx":2642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once in Almy and Brown's Pawtucket plant, Slater found the existing machinery totally unsatisfactory.","text2":"Slater was impressed with the Pawtucket plant's machinery as everything he needed was available.","label":-1,"idx":2643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And because children build competencies by engaging in real activities in real contexts, dierent skills vary in maturity within the same child!","text2":"Kids engage in real activities to build competencies.","label":-1,"idx":2644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, many a soldier was actually chained to his gun to ensure bravery.","text2":"Soldiers chained to their guns often performed less effectively as a result.","label":-1,"idx":2645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He told us he based this authorization on his earlier conversation with the President.","text2":"He said the authorization was from the Vice President.","label":-1,"idx":2646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He would in fact become Bin Ladin's deputy some years later, when they merged their organizations.","text2":"He would use his organization to battle Bin Ladin's.","label":-1,"idx":2647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some speculative suggestions, as the derivation (or reinforcement) from Seidlitz powders for take a powder are sheer nonsense.","text2":"Seidlitz powders harbor unanimous agreement.","label":-1,"idx":2648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:25, FAA's Herndon Command Center and FAA headquarters knew two aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center.","text2":"It had become known that two planes had hit the World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":2649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In response, Jarrah immediately began to roll the airplane to the left and right, attempting to knock the passengers off balance.","text2":"Jarrah tried to make the passengers lose their balance.","label":-1,"idx":2650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It would appear that neither the market imports of textiles nor the immigration of low-skilled workers has had an appreciable negative impact on the wages of the textile industry or its major sectors.","text2":"The textile industry has collapsed under the stress of foreign imports.","label":-1,"idx":2651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because like he saw that like, I think he saw that I was like him before I would admit that I was like him.","text2":"He didn't notice a thing because he was both blind and deaf.","label":-1,"idx":2652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of September 11, Secretary Rumsfeld was having breakfast at the Pentagon with a group of members of Congress.","text2":"Rumsfeld was eating breakfast with Congressmen.","label":-1,"idx":2653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD asked three times before 10:03 to confirm the presence of the FAA in the teleconference.","text2":"Nobody asked NORAD whether the FAA was in the teleconference.","label":-1,"idx":2654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was nice to at least be working for people who seemed to care about where they were and how things were handled.","text2":"The workers appreciated the company and worked extra hard.","label":-1,"idx":2655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or perhaps a specific person comes to mind --such as a sister, a grandfather or a daughter --whose life is characterized by grace.","text2":"Or perhaps you have a close person you know, whose life is ruined.","label":-1,"idx":2656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The impact of these new policies on retailing and manufacturing sectors may have begun to show up in economy-wide measures of inventory.","text2":"New policies are having ann impact on measures of inventory across the economy.","label":-1,"idx":2657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The news of a reported bomb on board United 93 spread quickly at NEADS.","text2":"News of a bomb spread to NEADS.","label":-1,"idx":2658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight had already crashed by the time they learned it was hijacked.","text2":"They followed the hijacked plane and then watched it crash.","label":-1,"idx":2659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why is this so?","text2":"I know why this is.","label":-1,"idx":2660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So we still have no way of knowing whether Longman's macrostructure is smaller or larger than W9 's!","text2":"The W9's macrostructure is larger than the Longman's structure.","label":-1,"idx":2661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grass, on the other hand, might make sense for Chanel, for many of the flowers used in Chanel perfumes are cultivated at Grasse, a town in southern France.","text2":"Chanel uses flowers from Grasse in its perfumes. ","label":-1,"idx":2662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Successful apparel manufacturers must now focus on their capability to respond accurately and efficiently to the stringent demands placed on them by new retailing practices.","text2":"Successful apparel manufacturers must focus on the ability to respond accurately.","label":-1,"idx":2663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She believed this conversation occurred a few minutes, perhaps five, after they entered the conference room.","text2":"She did not believe that any talk happened that day.","label":-1,"idx":2664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Blankenships were kind of an odd couple in that uh both of them chewed tobacco and spit into little spittoons.","text2":"Though Mr. Blankenship liked to chew tobacco, Mrs. Blankenship hated it.","label":-1,"idx":2665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, life there in the country is, nice, tranquil.","text2":"City living is calm and serene. ","label":-1,"idx":2666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Aficionados of duende who enjoyed George Bria's exegesis, ( Gypsy Soul and Something More [XV, 1], of its magical quality, should refer to the works of George Frazier, another of its champions.","text2":"Those people who like to eat duende should still well clear of George Frazier's works that discuss duende.","label":-1,"idx":2667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of like eating it with whipping cream.","text2":"It didn't taste like something mixed with whipping cream, but gelatin.","label":-1,"idx":2668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not all of verbal aggression is concerned with four-letter words; much of it (and many of the four-letter words) involves insults, racist and other prejudicial language, and other parts of the nether reaches of language formerly represented largely by asterisks.","text2":"Much of verbal aggression involves insults and prejudicial language.","label":-1,"idx":2669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did your parents read stories to you also?","text2":"Did your parents, as well as your grandparents, read to you?","label":-1,"idx":2670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like, I mean, if let's say, I make it really big, you know, big, famous person or whatever, I'll live here.","text2":"I will live here if I make it big. ","label":-1,"idx":2671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The precise crash time has been the subject of some dispute.","text2":"The proposed times vary by up to a few minutes.","label":-1,"idx":2672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of things do you learn in school?","text2":"What are you taught in school?","label":-1,"idx":2673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They discovered that not only are people's gross estimates of time per week devoted to work 6 to 8 hours higher than those recorded in their diaries, but free time'time unencumbered by any obligations'has actually increased!","text2":"They found that people estimated time used for work to be higher than what actually gets recorded by 6-8 hours. ","label":-1,"idx":2674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the precise extent of family-work confiict in American culture is not clear, its presence and detrimental impact on parent-child interaction and children's development are well founded.","text2":"Family-work conflict in the U.S. has not been proven to affect children negatively.","label":-1,"idx":2675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps it is just as well, for only by the means available to modern science are we now able to preserve some of the artifacts that we find and, through radiocarbon dating, determine their approximate age.","text2":"Carbon dating is a way to tell what stuff is made of.","label":-1,"idx":2676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Poet Muriel Rukeyser envisions Oedipus old and blinded asking the Sphinx why he hadn't recognized his own mother.","text2":"The Poet asked the Sphinx who his father was","label":-1,"idx":2677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indiana University and the health profession suffered a significant loss with the passing of Dr. Steven L. Bricker on March 21, 1994.","text2":"Dr Steven L. Bricker passed on March 21, 1994 after having eaten a piece of pie that was over 50 days old.","label":-1,"idx":2678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It didn't matter what we were doing'birthday celebrations, dinner with friends, outings to movies and plays, shopping excursions, or leisurely breakfasts; Hannah hungered to be part of our family.","text2":"Hannah wanted to be included in our family.","label":-1,"idx":2679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time it reappeared in primary radar coverage, controllers had either stopped looking for the aircraft because they thought it had crashed or were looking toward the west.","text2":"Controllers never stopped looking for the aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":2680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only Luis Alonso had gone out.","text2":"Luis Alonso was the only person brave enough to leave safety.","label":-1,"idx":2681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, as far as having an impact on me, I guess, uh, being a good girl and doing all the right things.","text2":"It influenced both my morals and my behaviour. ","label":-1,"idx":2682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I urge you to continue to make a difference in the lives of individuals like Cecilia and her son.","text2":"I hope you continue to make a different for people.","label":-1,"idx":2683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That makes a big difference in the amount available to establish a scholarship to benefit geography majors.","text2":"The amount available is set in stone. ","label":-1,"idx":2684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The textile and apparel industries have often been intertwined in public policy discussions about international trade, the Uruguay round of trade negotiations, the role of World Trade Organization, NAFTA and its labor side-accords, the renewal of fast-track negotiating authority, imports from China and human rights standards, and so on.","text2":"The United States apparel industries are some of the largest in the world.","label":-1,"idx":2685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"President of what?","text2":"Did they just win an election?","label":-1,"idx":2686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus Americans are blamed when Israelis fight with Palestinians, when Russians fight with Chechens, when Indians fight with Kashmiri Muslims, and when the Philippine government fights ethnic Muslims in its southern islands.","text2":"Americans are blamed for conflicts beyond military ones as well,","label":-1,"idx":2687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Intrusion because one of the new Scholars couldn't be here to receive her award.","text2":"All of the new Scholars were there to receive their rewards.","label":-1,"idx":2688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, \/\/ she would have smoking all the whole way.","text2":"She would rather be smoking the whole way here.","label":-1,"idx":2689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the ILGWU, standardizing wages required regulation through collective bargaining of the network of contractors and submanufacturers working for jobbers and manufacturers.","text2":"The ILGWU had only one or two phone calls to make to enforce and standardize wags.","label":-1,"idx":2690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pattern layout may not seem important at first, until one sees a plaid mismatch when this jacket is buttoned.","text2":"Pattern layout is important only for plaid jackets with buttons.","label":-1,"idx":2691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And as parents recount the misdeeds of their children, the children gain access to others' evaluations of their egocentric, inconsiderate acts.","text2":"The misdeeds of the children were recounted by the parents.","label":-1,"idx":2692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nonetheless, our analysis suggests a number of steps that might be taken to improve compliance with U.S. labor standards in the presence of information-integrated channels.","text2":"There are steps that could be taken with the intention of meeting US labor standards.","label":-1,"idx":2693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Interacting with our faculty and their fellow, students, they develop skills and perspectives that will help them meet the complex challenges that face our society in the coming years.","text2":"Skills and perspectives are developed while interacting with our facility, as well as their fellow students. ","label":-1,"idx":2694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"People have different reference needs at different times.","text2":"Reference needs aren't always the same each time.","label":-1,"idx":2695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Suddenly that native rose at the bedside, and bent over me with his right hand lifted and a dirk in it aimed at my throat; but Luigi grabbed his wrist, pulled him downward, and drove his own knife into the man's neck.","text2":"The native sat beside me and lay dormant.","label":-1,"idx":2696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or maybe even dinner for Mom at a local restaurant.","text2":"The local restaurant only serves breakfast.","label":-1,"idx":2697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You'll get the chance to visit local artists' studios.","text2":"You can visit with and receive instruction from local artists.","label":-1,"idx":2698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he, they would get down there and they'd find it and find it for him.","text2":"He would get down there and find it himself.","label":-1,"idx":2699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This chapter examines the reasons that different suppliers win and lose, reviewing many of the innovations we have discussed throughout.","text2":"The reasons that suppliers win or lose is explained in the chapter.","label":-1,"idx":2700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and the Afghan Arabs drew largely on funds raised by this network, whose agents roamed world markets to buy arms and supplies for the mujahideen, or holy warriors.","text2":"The Afghan Arabs as well as bin Laden did not depend financially on the network.","label":-1,"idx":2701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They stabbed members of the flight crew (reported by a flight attendant and one passenger).","text2":"The flight crew were all in good health.","label":-1,"idx":2702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Resources for this purpose are limited or non-existent.","text2":"Resources for this purpose are plentiful.","label":-1,"idx":2703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The conventional wisdom explains the industry's decline in this Apparel, particularly women's apparel, is driven by price-based competition among generally small manufacturing and contracting establishments.","text2":"The women's apparel industry is still flourishing and nets high percentage growth year by year.","label":-1,"idx":2704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Note that the information and manufacturing practices examined here are not specific to the apparel industry'in fact, most were originally introduced in other sectors'but are applicable to a wide variety of consumer product industries.","text2":"Most practices were taken after they were seen to be successful in the long run.","label":-1,"idx":2705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like my great-grandfather's brothers and da-da-da-da and then my dad had one brother and my two older cousins were both guys.","text2":"My father had no siblings; he was an only child. ","label":-1,"idx":2706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We appreciate your taking time to read about Futures for Children, I hope you are inspired to become a Sponsor and\/or a Member.","text2":"I hope you don't want to join or sponsor Futures for Children.","label":-1,"idx":2707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet when given a plastic replica of a push-button phone, Lynnay readily put the receiver to her ear and pretended to converse.","text2":"Lynnay was the mother who would humor her child when given a plastic replica phone.","label":-1,"idx":2708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the friction between the table and the cloth will leave this layer ( ply ) of cloth stretched; just how much will depend on the amount of friction between the two.","text2":"The friction between the table and cloth is useful in shrinking the fabric down to a usable size.","label":-1,"idx":2709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For Pleasant Run to continue to serve abused and neglected children and their families, we need your support.","text2":"Pleasant Run operates entirely on government funding rather than donations.","label":-1,"idx":2710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, so they came in through the interior door there, they turned like this, and came in through the door, and, and they knocked. ","text2":"They waited outside for a response from the homeowner.","label":-1,"idx":2711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any case, since the 1970s, such debates about the impact of international trade policy have been placed in a new economic context.","text2":"Since the early 2000s, there have been debates about the impact of interplanetary trade.","label":-1,"idx":2712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If I, he's like, You're not going to do anything, da-da-da.","text2":"He is always saying that I'm about to do something.","label":-1,"idx":2713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"titmouse Not any kind of rodent, noticeably mammalian or otherwise, but merely a small bird.","text2":"It had wings, feathers, and warm blood coursing through its veins.","label":-1,"idx":2714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If a part must be reworked, it is done on the operator's own time.","text2":"The operator must rework parts over their lunch break.","label":-1,"idx":2715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will Quick Response succeed?","text2":"Quick Response is a well made program.","label":-1,"idx":2716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do you do? ","text2":"You don't know how you are doing?","label":-1,"idx":2717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The annual number of units of outerwear created in the United States has remained remarkably constant over the last several decades, varying from 12.5 units per capita in 1967 to 13.4 units in 1995, while the number of production workers has continued to drop, from 1,098,200 in 1960 to 664,400 in 1997.","text2":"Over the last decades, the number of outwear created annually in the United States has remained constant.","label":-1,"idx":2718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The second case developed how suppliers must use this new perspective on demand to plan production or sourcing strategies.","text2":"The old perspective can still be used to great effect.","label":-1,"idx":2719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He redoubled his efforts to ascertain the flight's altitude.","text2":"He had no way of figuring out the plane's altitude.","label":-1,"idx":2720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a member, you'll get a year's worth of insightful AUDUBON issues.","text2":"The free membership includes AUDUBON news for a year.","label":-1,"idx":2721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But very soon, children's contribution increases, as can be seen in this short excerpt of a mother talking with her nearly 3-year-old daughter about a recent Halloween ","text2":"This excerpt portrays a father communicating with his son on Christmas day.","label":-1,"idx":2722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The sounds of fighting continued outside the cockpit.","text2":"Outside the cockpit, the fighting sounds continued.","label":-1,"idx":2723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The color and texture of the rest of the garments in the photograph can be changed with equal ease.","text2":"It's possible to easily change the color of the garments in the picture.","label":-1,"idx":2724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A child playing storekeeper experiences firsthand the reasons for having customers line up to pay, for making change accurately, and for being polite.","text2":"A child playing storekeeper first learns politeness from their experience.","label":-1,"idx":2725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To stand and continue firing when under heavy attack on the battlefield took courage because artillerymen usually lacked infantry weapons.","text2":"Artillerymen were brave in battle, as lacking infantry weapons, they still stood against the enemy. ","label":-1,"idx":2726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shy and sociable children also require dierent adult interventions to promote exploration of their surroundings'an activity that (as Piaget pointed out) is essential for optimal cognitive development.","text2":"The adults encouraged the children to explore.","label":-1,"idx":2727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No decision since his decision to return to the field during the Vietnam War had as much impact on Miyares.","text2":"The decision to return to the field during the Vietnam War had a great impact on Miyares.","label":-1,"idx":2728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Bin Ladin later set up an NGO in Nairobi as a cover for operatives there.)","text2":"The workers felt uneasy being in the base at Nairobi.","label":-1,"idx":2729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ambassador to the United States from Hungary His Excellency Geza Jeszenszky was present to add his accolades that evening.","text2":"Geza Jeszenszky, the Hungarian Ambassador to the United States, made a gracious statement at the evening's event.","label":-1,"idx":2730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those in the shelter wondered if the aircraft had been shot down pursuant to this authorization.","text2":"People in the white house knew the plane had been shot down.","label":-1,"idx":2731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They know.","text2":"They are completely unaware of it. ","label":-1,"idx":2732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were four flight attendants.","text2":"Four flight attendants were on board.","label":-1,"idx":2733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are so grateful for your generous contribution to last year's auction.","text2":"Last year's auction saw several generous contributions.","label":-1,"idx":2734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President recalled urging the President not to return to Washington.","text2":"The Vice President ordered the President to go to Washington.","label":-1,"idx":2735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ordering a lock-step description of physical, intellectual, and emotional milestones at each age, Gesell aimed to reassure uneasy parents that children's problematic behaviors were merely a phase'part of a biologically based sequence requiring understanding, not correction.","text2":"Problematic behaviors are actually initially learned from the parent. ","label":-1,"idx":2736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We went to Linville Caverns once and we went to Sliding Rock and Biltmore House and some of the other attractions that are up that way in the western part of the state.","text2":"We never visited any of North Carolina's tourist attractions. ","label":-1,"idx":2737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are some quotes from people whose lives were touched by United Way agencies last ","text2":"These are quotes from people who were helped by United Way agencies in May.","label":-1,"idx":2738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the day that you put the, the shower and the tub in.","text2":"It was really boring when you went out to buy the shower and tub but never put them in. ","label":-1,"idx":2739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When it comes to the driving force behind the late twentieth-century industrial transformation, lean retailing is at the forefront of that revolution.","text2":"Lean retailing was the vanguard of the industrial revolution of the late twentieth-century.","label":-1,"idx":2740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So she, he, my brother and his wife had two boys too.","text2":"My brother and his wife are currently childless.","label":-1,"idx":2741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":", or the `sound effect for sudden destruction' (int.)","text2":"The sound for sudden destruction. ","label":-1,"idx":2742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the very end of the last century, there was a crisis at the Barnum and Bailey Circus.","text2":"There was a crisis at the circus at the beginning of the last century.","label":-1,"idx":2743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1998, we served a total of 31,484 low-income individuals through job training and placement assistance, youth and senior programming, family counseling, emergency assistance, and much more.","text2":"Within the year 1998 we helped over 30,000 poor individuals by offering job training, counseling and many more.","label":-1,"idx":2744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you very much and thank you for sharing your story with me.","text2":"I found that hearing your story helped me feel less alone, having had similar struggles.","label":-1,"idx":2745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do you do then?","text2":"Well are you doing then?","label":-1,"idx":2746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How appropriate!","text2":"It looked great.","label":-1,"idx":2747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There's another aircraft?","text2":"There are multiple planes being hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":2748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important knit goods products are hosiery, knit underwear, and knit outerwear'popular casual wear items like T-shirts, polo shirts, and sweatpants.","text2":"The most significant of the leather goods is hosiery.","label":-1,"idx":2749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are not taught to speak Latin (a dead language), and the Japanese are not taught to speak English.","text2":"We do not know Latin because we were not taught it.","label":-1,"idx":2750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These cases offer a rational approach to inventory management for manufacturers, one that is premised on receiving accurate POS information from retailers and maintaining good working relationships with all channel players'for example, retail orders are not placed at the last minute and textile suppliers come through when they say they will.","text2":"There has never been a case for textile suppliers not to do good on their promises.","label":-1,"idx":2751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Depending on the experiences they oer, they open up or close o a great many avenues for learning.","text2":"They open up a lot of avenues for learning when they read to small children.","label":-1,"idx":2752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"...fires, the constant collapse of buildings, and the thousand perils of the savage city ' and poets reciting in the month of August.","text2":"Poets recite in the month of June.","label":-1,"idx":2753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not picking on the following authors; it is just a random catch.","text2":"I'm not picking on the authors. ","label":-1,"idx":2754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well meantime my Mom is running around she doesn't hardly know that we left.","text2":"While we already left, my Mom still ran around not noticing.","label":-1,"idx":2755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I once asked Ory about it and he said, `It's m-u-s-c-a-t'.","text2":"Ory is likely the best authority to ask about the spelling, as he invented it.","label":-1,"idx":2756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's one of the few times you won't find the two together.","text2":"They rarely have time to meet anymore.","label":-1,"idx":2757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gung-ho , which once had a positive connotation, is now used derisively among servicemen to describe `individuals or organizations in a state of active and zealous military enthusiasm,' and usually modifies other words such as sonofabitch, etc.","text2":"In addition to sonofabitch, servicemen often use gung-ho in conjunction with the word mule.","label":-1,"idx":2758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the most part, the book consists of a rewriting of history, from the dawn of time, with the purpose of demonstrating two main the fact that women were responsible for all the important contributions to the advancement of civilization (as the development of agriculture, for instance), often despite the arrogance and stupidity of men; and the fact that women have long been subjected to domination by men.","text2":"The book mostly rewrites history.","label":-1,"idx":2759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:32, the Command Center passed word of a possible hijacking to the Operations Center at FAA headquarters.","text2":"The command center never told the FAA about a potential hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":2760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Digging up the roots of this exclamation has given many a scholar calluses and a bent back.","text2":"Scholars show no wear or tear from their work. ","label":-1,"idx":2761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They explain, If your picture looks crooked, you would want to see your friend's paper to learn how to make it straight, or If you aren't sure what you're supposed to do, then you should check. ","text2":"If your picture looks crooked, nothing is wrong, you are Picasso and will be rich someday.","label":-1,"idx":2762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even if this method of categorization is important from a marketing perspective, it often glosses over what is, in fact, common to many products that seem different and different about products that seem the same.","text2":"This method of categorization is finely tuned and works great.","label":-1,"idx":2763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He believes native wells are essentially rock-holes (depressions in rock) buried in fairly shallow sand, which, when hollowed out by the natives, appear to be wells.","text2":"He believes that native wells are buried in fairly shallow sand.","label":-1,"idx":2764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do fun stuff that we both like.","text2":"There is nothing fun to do that we both like doing.","label":-1,"idx":2765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, some of its 18th-century members gave our species the elevated title Homo sapiens , as if thinking of themselves while labeling all the birds, beasts, and bugs in creation.","text2":"Our species was given the title Homo Sapiens by some of the 18th century members.","label":-1,"idx":2766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Technically, it is not a spoonerism.","text2":"The definition is interchangeable due to new diction arising.","label":-1,"idx":2767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's one thing about this school is they just give you like certain classes to take and they don't let you pick and choose what you want to take and stuff.","text2":"This school assigns you classes that you don't get to choose from.","label":-1,"idx":2768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These factors increase the need for financial support from alumni and friends.","text2":"The need for financial support is being increased by these factors.","label":-1,"idx":2769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you had to pick out of all of them?","text2":"Even if you had to choose out of all of them?","label":-1,"idx":2770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What can be done to prevent more catastrophic oil spills?","text2":"We can't do anything to prevent oil spills.","label":-1,"idx":2771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are based, just like the traditional pun, on ","text2":"The traditional pun is based off of German literature.","label":-1,"idx":2772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"European city, home of the first person without perverse words","text2":"A European city where one person didn't use perverse words.","label":-1,"idx":2773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Monarchies in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Jordan still survive today.","text2":"There are still monarchies in Saudi Arabia and Morocco, though people have more rights than they used to.","label":-1,"idx":2774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a sad thing if people can't read!","text2":"All humans should be able to read things.","label":-1,"idx":2775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They leave Pleasant Run, generally, ready and able to contribute to society.","text2":"When they leave Pleasant Run they are usually ready to make contributions to society.","label":-1,"idx":2776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Ted decided the children deserved a chance to start over in another town, no matter how difficult it might prove to be.","text2":"Ted though the kids were brats and weren't entitled to anything from anyone.","label":-1,"idx":2777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the user wants to find out about misplaced adjectives and adverbs , reference is made to the entry Electric shaver for women with delicate floral design on the handle. ","text2":"The electric shaver for women with floral design on the handle is a good example of misplaced adjectives and adverbs.","label":-1,"idx":2778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is almost certain to be in your area.","text2":"A hundred are almost certain to be in your area.","label":-1,"idx":2779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now point-of-sales information provides retailers with reliable information on market developments and hence gives them more leverage in dealing with direct suppliers and others further from ultimate consumers.","text2":"Retailers have less leverage with suppliers due to point of sales information.","label":-1,"idx":2780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marines, the 1992 bombing in Aden, and especially the 1993 firefight in Somalia after which the United States left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat and your dead with you.","text2":"The United States was involved in a firefight in the summer of 1993 in Somalia. ","label":-1,"idx":2781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can parents and teachers actually witness young children undergoing these social-to-psychological transformations?","text2":"Social-to-psychological transformations happen with young children.","label":-1,"idx":2782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the following frequently quoted remarks, taken from a brief lecture in which Vygotsky eloquently summed up his conviction that pretend play is a central force in children's ","text2":"Vygotsky's brief lecture is frequently quoted by other people. ","label":-1,"idx":2783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A given shirt must have a specified collar size and a given sleeve length.","text2":"There's no need to specify the size of a shirt collar.","label":-1,"idx":2784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..to observe someone or something that has it is to feel icy fingers running down our spine.","text2":"It's not that bad to watch, some might even call it therapeutic and claim to enjoy the experience.","label":-1,"idx":2785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You arranged for my daughter to see a doctor and to have her medications renewed.","text2":"You organized for my daughter's medications to be renewed.","label":-1,"idx":2786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our camp staff worked all winter long planning some great activities to keep everyone safe and active this summer.","text2":"It will be a lot of fun and everyone will enjoy it.","label":-1,"idx":2787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One rapidly runs out of hands and must resort to fingers and toes, for after years of laboriously categorizing these languages, the number of different main branches (called families and subfamilies) came to about ten.","text2":"Scholars initially thought that there were six main branches.","label":-1,"idx":2788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is the story of an organization poised to seize its historical moment.","text2":"It is the account of an institution which will never seize its moment in history.","label":-1,"idx":2789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Management The Final Ingredient in Enhanced Performance","text2":"Management, the Worst Thing You Could Do for Enhanced Performance.","label":-1,"idx":2790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hoover Family Foundation can help us begin with thirty, inner-city young women.","text2":"The Hoover Family foundation can assist us with a group of inner-city young women.","label":-1,"idx":2791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My reasoning is that it is not likely that Kid Ory or Ray Gilbert had ever seen a muskrat, and it's even less likely that they or anyone else has ever seen a muskrat doing anything that we would be likely to think of as rambling.","text2":"Kid Ory probably hasn't seen a muskrat in the wild.","label":-1,"idx":2792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Chair of Diagnostic Sciences for Indiana University School of Dentistry, Steve Bricker set a standard for excellence to which we all aspire.","text2":"Steve Bricker failed in every way and no one should try to emulate him. ","label":-1,"idx":2793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one in the traveling party had any information during this time that other aircraft were hijacked or missing.","text2":"The travelling party knew that the aircraft was missing.","label":-1,"idx":2794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Competing in the transformed retail-apparel-textile channel now requires a set of management practices for both domestic and international sourcing.","text2":"International sourcing doesn't require a set list of management practices.","label":-1,"idx":2795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the day that you put the, the shower and the tub in.","text2":"I remember the day you put the shower and the tub in, it was a really hot and humid day, honestly.","label":-1,"idx":2796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider an increase in your contribution to the Girl Scout Annual Campaign.","text2":"We appreciate all donations but now we need your help more than ever. ","label":-1,"idx":2797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although little systematic evidence exists on the precise ingredients of such ties, I recently became familiar with the bond forged between Hannah, a 21-year-old college student, and her Aunt Eva and Uncle Charlie, two of my university colleagues.","text2":"There is not much systematic evidence on the ingredients of certain ties.","label":-1,"idx":2798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through his relationship with Mullah Omar-and the monetary and other benefits that it brought the Taliban-Bin Ladin was able to circumvent restrictions; Mullah Omar would stand by him even when otherTaliban leaders raised objections.","text2":"Bin Ladin gained ruling authority over the Taliban through his personal connection to Mullah Omar.","label":-1,"idx":2799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All these repairs, along with support for our outstanding faculty, the provision for exciting visiting artists and exhibitions at the Herron Gallery , and student scholarships\/awards are essential to the continued maintenance of educational quality at the school, but they all cost money.","text2":"It isn't free to give students scholarships as well as make repairs and pay teachers. ","label":-1,"idx":2800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you don't like that?","text2":"So, you quite like such a thing? ","label":-1,"idx":2801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An old college friend of mine who celebrated his twentieth birthday'meaning twenty years of AA sobriety'a couple of years ago, tells me that when he was on the skids and riding the rails from drunk tank to drunk tank, the favorite terms for muscat were muscadoodle and Napa Valley smoke .","text2":"My friend is still an alcoholic and never became sober. ","label":-1,"idx":2802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They provide scholarship dollars which aid students and enable the school to compete with other public and private law schools for outstanding young people.","text2":"Offering scholarships allow the school to be able to compete for the best students.","label":-1,"idx":2803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, and the neighbors, and a niece of mine and a cousin lived there, and bullets went through my nephew's, and he had a five-year-old daughter, who was the only one who was there, because her mom, had gone to bring water, and she stayed, because of the firefight, she also stayed inside, so that she wouldn't, the little girl locked herself in, and thank God, she survived.","text2":" The little girl grew up, and she is now living well.","label":-1,"idx":2804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Calls for help from families that need the crisis services VNS provides for their children ring throughout the season.","text2":"VNS fields a lot of calls for help from families with children.","label":-1,"idx":2805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, how old do you remember being--","text2":"What is your first memory? ","label":-1,"idx":2806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He appeals to people disoriented by cyclonic change as they confront modernity and globalization.","text2":"He uses this appeal to his advantage.","label":-1,"idx":2807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A RED NUGGET!","text2":"The nugget is red and worth a lot.","label":-1,"idx":2808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would say about a mile.","text2":"It was close to a mile.","label":-1,"idx":2809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NEADS commander told us he did not pass along the order because he was unaware of its ramifications.","text2":"The commander was worried about the ramifications further on.","label":-1,"idx":2810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin's Worldview Despite his claims to universal leadership, Bin Ladin offers an extreme view of Islamic history designed to appeal mainly to Arabs and Sunnis.","text2":"Bin Ladin's view of Islamic history mainly appeals to white Americans.","label":-1,"idx":2811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lewis in 1928, Arthur Clarke in 1951); space-flight (Arthur Clarke, 1949); space sickness (Clarke, 1951).","text2":"Arthur Clarke did not write anything worthy of note. ","label":-1,"idx":2812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So it was the cheerleaders dated the football players?","text2":"Do you like dating football players?","label":-1,"idx":2813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your continuing support of Indiana University.","text2":"We don't care whether you're supporting Indiana University or not.","label":-1,"idx":2814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So American 11 isn't the hijack at all then, right?","text2":"Hijacking the airplane was part of the American 11 attack.","label":-1,"idx":2815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. Anson's interpretation is one that has been advanced before and is dealt with, for example, in Kenneth Muir's Arden edition.","text2":"Kenneth Muir's Arden edition has already explored Mr. Anson's later interpretation.","label":-1,"idx":2816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The sources cited here as SF have been classed as such by at least one reputable critic.","text2":"The sources sited as \"SF\" have been classified so by at least one critic. ","label":-1,"idx":2817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is what they say :","text2":"What they state is the following:","label":-1,"idx":2818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" No, this is not an exercise, not a test.","text2":"This is not a practice run.","label":-1,"idx":2819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During those times, she asked lots of questions about our work and home lives, and also about her parents, especially their early Was my mom close to her mom?","text2":"She asked many personal questions during those times.","label":-1,"idx":2820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I say to him, OK.","text2":"He was concerned about his position in the company.","label":-1,"idx":2821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other articles include Is George Bush a Wimp ?, The Moving Spray Can (on graffiti in England), On the Pronunciation of Cunnilingus in Dictionaries, and numerous others on a wide variety of subjects; these are interspersed with short bits and pieces, cartoons, and asides generally attributed to Folklore and, presumably, gathered by the editor.","text2":"The magazine proved that George Bush is a strong man.","label":-1,"idx":2822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The third group comprises definitions proper.","text2":"For example, a clue for book could be \"a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other materials, fastened together to hinge at one side\".","label":-1,"idx":2823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"89 percent of the at-risk pregnant women served by St. Elizabeth Home have given birth to healthy babies.","text2":"89% of at-risk pregnant women gave birth to healthy babies and 30% were given up for adoption.","label":-1,"idx":2824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, when followed up during the first few years of school, children who spent their kindergarten year in a highly teacher-directed classroom achieve more poorly than do agemates who come from kindergartens emphasizing play and hands-on, small-group projects.","text2":"Teacher-directed classrooms produced the best test scoring students.","label":-1,"idx":2825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its memory is strongest among the Arabs.","text2":"Its memory is the weakest among the Arabs.","label":-1,"idx":2826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One hand holds the marker on the lay, the other guides the electric knife.","text2":"No one holds the market.","label":-1,"idx":2827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the way, Teresa is back and safe.","text2":"Teresa is now missing and could be in danger","label":-1,"idx":2828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Take the words shot, shoot , and shooting . Sure as shooting, some hotshot big shot is bound to shoot the breeze and shoot this big mouth off about taking a cheap shot potshot at some troubleshooting competitor.","text2":"There are many expressions that use words like shot, shoot, and shooting.","label":-1,"idx":2829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A typical production pants marker is about 265 inches long and 59.75 inches wide.","text2":"Sometimes production pants markers have to be longer and wider to accommodate plus sizes.","label":-1,"idx":2830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft was in a rapid descent.","text2":"The airplane started to descend quickly. ","label":-1,"idx":2831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an arts patron, you know that the Herron School of Art has a rich tradition in art education, shaping the talents and genius of some of Indiana's most noted artists and designers.","text2":"We are hoping your contributions will help us to continue to operate.","label":-1,"idx":2832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They can dwell on virtually any aspect of experience'of living and working together.","text2":"They cannot remember ever having lived or worked together.","label":-1,"idx":2833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel, textile, and fiber firms and retailers have recently joined to launch the Quick Response Program, designed to improve information flow, standardize recording systems, and improve turnaround time throughout the system.","text2":"The Quick Response Program is expected in part to help improve turnaround times throughout the system.","label":-1,"idx":2834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You'd walk down the road with a dollar bill in your hand now this is in the mid-seventies, but still milk was twice that in the store I guess.","text2":"In the mid-seventies, milk cost two dollars in the store.","label":-1,"idx":2835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Scheduled to depart the gate at 8:00, the Boeing 757's takeoff was delayed because of the airport's typically heavy morning traffic.","text2":"The airplane's takeoff was delayed by over 30 minutes by the substantial traffic.","label":-1,"idx":2836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result of the current economic climate, alumni support is more critical than ever before.","text2":"Alumni support is even more important than ever because of the economic conditions we face today.","label":-1,"idx":2837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One program, which has experienced immediate results, is the Sista Friends program.","text2":"The Sista Friends program had results immediately.","label":-1,"idx":2838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, culture aects the likelihood that parents and teachers will respond to shy children in ways that foster their development.","text2":"Culture influences how parents respond to shy children when they have to bring them out of their shell.","label":-1,"idx":2839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It seems only natural that once an original language, or Ursprache , was posited, the next step was to speculate on its source, or Urheimat . That is what Renfrew has tried to do.","text2":"Renfrew tried to make assumption about the source of the established original languages. ","label":-1,"idx":2840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so I changed my major without telling my parents.","text2":"I changed majors secretly because I was unsure if I was going to stick with it.","label":-1,"idx":2841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sophie is socially engaged throughout!","text2":"Sophie is relating throughout! ","label":-1,"idx":2842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These U.S. firms do so through electronic data interchange (EDI), automated distribution centers, and sophisticated inventory management'a triumph of information technology, speed, and flexibility over low labor rates.","text2":"The U.S firms do so through an EDI.","label":-1,"idx":2843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sewing factories, in contrast, are not capital intensive and are rarely operated for more than one shift.","text2":"Sewing factories need a lot of capital.","label":-1,"idx":2844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Old English hlof , `loaf' + dige or dirge , variants of durge `kneader,' combine to make lady . Apparently, the first kneaders of bread were ladies.","text2":"The oldest bread makers were always men. ","label":-1,"idx":2845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many members of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis can't afford to go to camp without financial assistance, and that's why we need you!","text2":"Financial assistance is necessary for many kids attending camp.","label":-1,"idx":2846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All the way through that hour and 15 minute bus route old Robbie get off, he'd stand outside the bus, let the kids on and he'd get back in.","text2":"Robbie would let the kids get on the bus and then get back on.","label":-1,"idx":2847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we saw earlier, preschools and kindergartens that emphasize drill on academic skills are detrimental.","text2":"Children learn best when a lot of academic-based stress is placed on them.","label":-1,"idx":2848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The numbers of children who deserve our services are rising... as quickly as our programs can grow to serve them.","text2":"As quickly as we grow, the need of our children grows. ","label":-1,"idx":2849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The women and girls working in the factory could not escape because the company had locked the doors to the stairs from the outside, ostensibly to prevent theft by employees.","text2":"The women were unable to leave the factory because the company locked all of the doors to the stairs from the outside.","label":-1,"idx":2850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, um, after my first semester was over with and I had like a real Theater class, I knew that's what I still wanted to do.","text2":"I never had any formal theater training.","label":-1,"idx":2851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When people consider the U.S. apparel industry, they often think of New York City's Seventh Avenue, which is driven by new design, constantly changing seasonal offerings, and a willingness by consumers to pay a premium for the cutting edge of fashion.","text2":"The U.S. apparel industry is constantly changing.","label":-1,"idx":2852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In other words, based on what they knew about a group of languages which were documented, they tried to imagine the language that they sprang from.","text2":"No languages evolve.","label":-1,"idx":2853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, a deeply ingrained American belief is that satisfying a young child's desire for social contact and assistance will be habit forming, leading to a clingy, spoiled youngster.","text2":"A spoiled child is the result of satisfying the child's desire for assistance and social contact.","label":-1,"idx":2854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The school will devote the year to educating both internal and external groups about advancements in oral health care and how those advancements benefit citizens from around the state and elsewhere.","text2":"The education about new technologies and methodologies in oral healthcare is important for the overall oral heal of a person.","label":-1,"idx":2855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the standpoint of language, Ventris's work was more important, particularly because it filled in a gap in our knowledge of the early states of Indo-European languages.","text2":"Ventris' work was worthless. ","label":-1,"idx":2856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".the lecture was heavy with the importance of dream state, pulse and heart rate, vaginal tumescence and temperature change, rapid eye movement and the size and frequency of penal erection. ","text2":"The lecture only briefly touched on the dream state and pulse and heart rate.","label":-1,"idx":2857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Woodward asked Sweeney to look out the window to see if she could determine where they were.","text2":"Woodward looked out the window and told Sweeney where they were.","label":-1,"idx":2858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Effective merchandising requires matching the retailer's product mix to the tastes and incomes of its targeted customers.","text2":"The products must match the income and tastes of the target customers.","label":-1,"idx":2859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"UNCC is a good school, it's probably the right size, I wouldn't want to go to a bigger school so--.","text2":"UNCC is good because the board choose not to expand the school too greatly.","label":-1,"idx":2860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such systems have the potential to develop patterns and color fabrics; adapt apparel patterns for custom-made suits, shirts, pants, and other garments; and evaluate production sourcing alternatives to maximize profit while allowing for demand uncertainty.","text2":"Such systems are the only way to develop color fabrics.","label":-1,"idx":2861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In scaolding, the adult encourages the child to grapple with questions and problems and, thereby, to contribute significantly to the dialogue.","text2":"The child is given answers without any problems in scaolding.","label":-1,"idx":2862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, among the Zinacanteco Indians of southern Mexico, girls become expert weavers of complex garments through the informal guidance of adults.","text2":"It's been 100 years and the Zinacanteco Indians are still the worst weavers in history.","label":-1,"idx":2863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's that's very young.","text2":"Six is too young.","label":-1,"idx":2864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The man who was shot out of the cannon during each show was asked by his wife to quit his high-risk job, much to the distress of the great P.T.","text2":"The wife of the man who was shot out of a cannon wanted him to quit his job.","label":-1,"idx":2865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS warned the FAA's Cleveland Center to watch Delta 1989.","text2":"Delta 1989 had delivered reports of suspicious activity on board.","label":-1,"idx":2866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, there is greater week-to-week variation than for the more popular size.","text2":"There is more variety week-to-week for this one than for the more popular one.","label":-1,"idx":2867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know, do I have any other fantastic stories I've told you?","text2":"I can't remember if I've ever told you a few of my stories, but do you remember a few about a certain somebody you know?","label":-1,"idx":2868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I liked the fact that the adults were made to wait.","text2":"The adults were made to wait, which I thought was great, kid's should always be first.","label":-1,"idx":2869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, when parents and other adults apply good rearing practices, they serve as buers, or sources of protection, for children against threatening forces in the wider world.","text2":"When parents apply good practices, they are a source of protection.","label":-1,"idx":2870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In ensuing weeks, Bin Ladin delivered an often-repeated lecture on the need to cut off the head of the snake.","text2":"Bin Ladin repeated the same lecture often. ","label":-1,"idx":2871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among Bessie's numbers were Dying Gambler's Blues, Sing Sing Prison Blues , and one I had never heard called Black Mountain Blues , which has the imcomparable lines,","text2":"Bessie did not have a single song, she wish she had though. ","label":-1,"idx":2872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a bunch of my grandfather's old tools were in there odd things like, like scythes and things that you would find only on a farm even though the house itself was not on farmland.","text2":"My grandfather never owned a scythe. ","label":-1,"idx":2873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading is the basis of all learning.","text2":"Reading does not serve as the basis for all types of learning. ","label":-1,"idx":2874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The terrorists who hijacked three other commercial flights on 9\/11 operated in five-man teams.","text2":"The 9\/11 terrorists operated 10 man teams.","label":-1,"idx":2875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, I just can't think of what one.","text2":"I know precisely which one it is!","label":-1,"idx":2876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, 12 or 13.","text2":"Um, some pair of numbers over eleven. ","label":-1,"idx":2877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think it's so important.","text2":"There is some importance I believe there to be.","label":-1,"idx":2878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, building on Sophie's theme, he placed a teddy bear on another part of the rug and offered, I think Ted's tired, too.","text2":"He threw his teddy bear across the room in disgust.","label":-1,"idx":2879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember storybooks or children's novels that you read growing up or you like?","text2":"What storybooks or children's novels did you read?","label":-1,"idx":2880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then she recalled hearing him say, Yes sir.","text2":"She remembered having heard him say \"yes sir\".","label":-1,"idx":2881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, the Secret Service was relying on projections and was not aware the plane was already down in Pennsylvania.","text2":"The Secret Service did not yet know that the plane had already crashed.","label":-1,"idx":2882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not all of verbal aggression is concerned with four-letter words; much of it (and many of the four-letter words) involves insults, racist and other prejudicial language, and other parts of the nether reaches of language formerly represented largely by asterisks.","text2":"There are other forms of verbal aggression, but many people don't even consider these other forms to be aggressive.","label":-1,"idx":2883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is quite versatile and, as I required, allows me to create certain kinds of files in which I am able to style the text as I wish, but I shall not go into that here.","text2":"There are only a few preset text styles.","label":-1,"idx":2884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm making my family sound really bad, but they're really not that bad!","text2":"I love my family, except when I don't and badmouth them.","label":-1,"idx":2885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A rough comparison yields ","text2":"The comparison yielded no results.","label":-1,"idx":2886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Scott's The Bride of Lammermoor (Chapter VII), one reads about a boy cudgelling an ass, and one goes back over the passage to reassure himself that it does not contain a typographical error for cuddling. ","text2":"Readers would often laugh at the scene presented in chapter VII.","label":-1,"idx":2887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1995-1996, the Defense Department began to invest effort in planning how to handle the possibility of a domestic terrorist incident involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD).","text2":"The Defense Department started planning how to deal with domestic terrorism using a WMD in 1995, in response to threats at the Olympics.","label":-1,"idx":2888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our problem now is how to teach him to go out and catch his own fish instead of waiting to catch Harry behind the aviary.","text2":"Now we need to teach him to fish on his own.","label":-1,"idx":2889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\ Hanks, I never heard that.","text2":"That's never been known to me.","label":-1,"idx":2890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you help support this wonderful event by furnishing any type of products or services that can be used as prizes for our activities or as a raffle prize?","text2":"Any products or services that could be used as prizes in our silent auction would be greatly appreciated, please help to support this wonderful event.","label":-1,"idx":2891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All right, Kevin agreed.","text2":"Kevin agreed to do what she had asked him to.","label":-1,"idx":2892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The answers depend on the garment as well as on just how custom-made it really was.","text2":"Some genes are more custom than others.","label":-1,"idx":2893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Steve Cauthens has devoted his life to resurfacing.","text2":"Steve Cauthens isn't dedicated to resurfacing. ","label":-1,"idx":2894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 7 examines what this entails from the manufacturer's perspective.","text2":"Chapter 7 examines what this means from the manufacturer's perspective.","label":-1,"idx":2895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does that make for a lot of pressure to have a lot of money?","text2":"Did you come from a rich background?","label":-1,"idx":2896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I met some interesting people there, and, um, D'Angelo was probably one of the most interesting people that I met there and just, just one of the most down to earth artists that I, I have met in the industry.","text2":"D'Angelo is a boring, stuck-up snob. ","label":-1,"idx":2897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Demand for a legal education remains high.","text2":"The demand for a legal education is high because of the economic climate.","label":-1,"idx":2898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in between the houses you had this pasture where they kept the cows and bulls.","text2":"There was no pasture between the houses. ","label":-1,"idx":2899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inventory carrying cost should reflect not only the cost of capital tied up in inventory, but also the risk of holding that inventory.","text2":"Inventories have an associated carrying cost which is in part composed of the risk of holding inventory.","label":-1,"idx":2900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A well-constructed clue comprises only words necessary for conveying, in a deceptive way, the information solvers require to find the answer.","text2":"A well-constructed clue is a deceptive clue made up of only what's needed.","label":-1,"idx":2901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This use of the name as a derogatory noun is given in both the 1933 Supplements to the OED and in the recent one.","text2":"The name Griswold has become an insult in certain tribal societies. ","label":-1,"idx":2902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When out-of-the-ordinary events occur and we experience clashing views, we often look for a good listener'a friend or a loved one we can talk to.","text2":"We seek out comfort from people we're close with.","label":-1,"idx":2903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this jeremiad, males are viewed as the enemy, and are so characterized throughout the book, which concludes with exhortations to engage the foe and a strident call to arms (though not men's).","text2":"This book is not about male vs female struggles.","label":-1,"idx":2904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again, that seen and not heard kind of thing.","text2":"To be seen but not heard type of situation.","label":-1,"idx":2905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a curious sensation to have a cabaret girl stop her professional smiling and knee-patting, forget about passing scotch and veggies while carrying on in rudimentary English ( What is your hobby? ","text2":"It is a curious sensation to have a cabaret girl stop her professional smiling.","label":-1,"idx":2906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, and the neighbors, and a niece of mine and a cousin lived there, and bullets went through my nephew's, and he had a five-year-old daughter, who was the only one who was there, because her mom, had gone to bring water, and she stayed, because of the firefight, she also stayed inside, so that she wouldn't, the little girl locked herself in, and thank God, she survived.","text2":"There was a commotion outside, but no shots were fired.","label":-1,"idx":2907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Federal, state and local governments are freezing or withdrawing much-needed funding sources for people who are truly in need.","text2":"The funding sources for needy people are being frozen and withdrawn.","label":-1,"idx":2908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two minutes later, it disappeared completely from radar at Indianapolis Center, which was controlling the flight.","text2":"The plane fell of radar.","label":-1,"idx":2909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"$500 summer sponsor pays for a visit from a professional artist, magician, or zookeeper.","text2":"A $500 donation will enable a professional artist, magician, or zookeeper to visit.","label":-1,"idx":2910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time it reappeared in primary radar coverage, controllers had either stopped looking for the aircraft because they thought it had crashed or were looking toward the west.","text2":"Controllers stopped looking for the aircraft because they thought it had crashed, and they were tired.","label":-1,"idx":2911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, wildlife is returning to the area.","text2":"Wildlife is returning to the area now.","label":-1,"idx":2912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A number of your fellow alumni have expressed an interest in establishing an English Alumni Scholarship Fund to offer tuition support to an English major who promises to make a contribution to life after graduating.","text2":"Some alumni wanted to support other majors. ","label":-1,"idx":2913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The next chapter analyzes the building blocks of lean retailing, drawing on the retailers described above as well as others.","text2":"This book is about the advantage of having so much money in the textile industry.","label":-1,"idx":2914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to sociocultural theory, as adults'and more expert peers as well'help children participate in culturally meaningful activities, the communication between them becomes part of children's thinking.","text2":"Communication between a child and adult becomes part of a child's thinking, according to sociocultural theory.","label":-1,"idx":2915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A rough comparison yields ","text2":"An easy comparison amounted to nothing.","label":-1,"idx":2916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support of Social Health Association can help us make a real difference in the lives of our children.","text2":"Your donation to Social Health Association will help animals in our community.","label":-1,"idx":2917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She struggled with one of the hijackers who killed or otherwise silenced her.","text2":"The person tussled with the criminal.","label":-1,"idx":2918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each type feeds in separate threads above and below the fabric, and these two threads must be connected in some fashion to form a stitch.","text2":"Glue has recently been the only conjoining agent that industries use to hold together threads in clothes.","label":-1,"idx":2919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Everyone at the IU School of Dentistry is excited about the upcoming Fall Dental Alumni Conference to be held in Bloomington on September 16-18.","text2":"Everyone at the IU School of Dentistry is thrilled about the upcoming conference.","label":-1,"idx":2920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Than Ines says to him, What was it?","text2":"She wanted him to give her a straight answer.","label":-1,"idx":2921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, children's progress is evaluated dierently in open education than in traditional education.","text2":"Children's progression is understood through the same ways in both open-classroom and traditional education.","label":-1,"idx":2922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then the expected (average) demand is the solid black trend line shown in Figure 6.3.","text2":"This is the most illustrative means of depicting the concept.","label":-1,"idx":2923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This retreading of English, this adjusting of it, altering it, bandaging, and plastering it to promote a particular vision of society is the most widely perceived activity of feminists interested in language.","text2":"There are no women who are interested in language.","label":-1,"idx":2924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A psychological self is not firmly in place until age 3 or 4. ","text2":"Age 3 or 4 is when a psychological self is really in place.","label":-1,"idx":2925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By extension, a point-blank question or accusation is one that is direct and straightforward 'right to the mark.","text2":"An accusation can be made point-blank if it's direct and straightforward.","label":-1,"idx":2926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:53, FAA headquarters informed the Command Center that the deputy director for air traffic services was talking to Monte Belger about scrambling aircraft.","text2":"The FAA headquarters told the command center to do nothing.","label":-1,"idx":2927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When plies of cloth are piled high'a foot or more is not unusual'there are often wrinkles in the plies after they are cut.","text2":"When the cloth layers piled up, there can be wrinkles in the plies after cutting.","label":-1,"idx":2928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This story ended happily... perhaps because of your past contribution.","text2":"You have not contributed and therefore cannot have had any impact on this story ","label":-1,"idx":2929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The time was 9:34.","text2":"It was 8:29.","label":-1,"idx":2930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This macroeconomic link may prove to be the most profound implication of the adoption of firm-level information technology and manufacturing practices.","text2":"It may be the case that this macroeconomic link is more important for the adoption of firm-level information technology than anything else.","label":-1,"idx":2931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, ya know everybody just left the room.","text2":"Everyone entered the room. ","label":-1,"idx":2932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In now analyzing the terrorist programs carried out by members of this network, it would be misleading to apply the label al Qaeda operations too often in these early years.","text2":"Al Qaeda was peaceful in the early years. ","label":-1,"idx":2933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It did so by separating those subassembly processes that were standard across products from those that were distinctive to specific laser-jet products.","text2":"The same subassembly processes were used across all products.","label":-1,"idx":2934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We would be delighted to welcome you as a new member of the CENTURY CLUB.","text2":"We would be very happy to accept you as a member of the Century Club.","label":-1,"idx":2935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Below are the words and meanings noted since an earlier account of new one-letter words in the Summer, 1987, issue of VERBATIM.","text2":"There is no list of one-letter words.","label":-1,"idx":2936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" We can't confirm that.","text2":"That is an unfounded rumor.","label":-1,"idx":2937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lee Hanson then called the Easton Police Department and relayed what he had heard.","text2":"Lee Hanson was able to call from the plane. ","label":-1,"idx":2938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, The fact, you, I, you can be there, I said, or I can stay here and you go in, I said, you don't see where I get off to.","text2":"I told them they do not see where I get off.","label":-1,"idx":2939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also had an Advisory Council (Shura) made up of Bin Ladin's inner circle.","text2":"Bin Ladin's inner circle was composed of only a few men.","label":-1,"idx":2940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, the roles of heredity and environment, of the child and important people in his or her life, so closely interconnect that according to some experts, their infiuence is inseparable.","text2":"Some experts think that the roles of heredity and environment in a child's life are inseparable. ","label":-1,"idx":2941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the areas we've decided to focus on is development.","text2":"The development is an important thing for us","label":-1,"idx":2942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our Father, which art in heaven, Harold be Thy name.","text2":"Harold, our father, resides in heaven. ","label":-1,"idx":2943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The response was an Afghan national resistance movement that defeated Soviet forces.","text2":"An Afghan national resistance movement defeated Soviet forces.","label":-1,"idx":2944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She often has a drawing or craft project which she made in school.","text2":"She never makes art projects in school because funding was cut.","label":-1,"idx":2945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We must pass this tradition along.","text2":"We should forget about this tradition forever.","label":-1,"idx":2946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A number of repairs and alterations will have to be completed at the present facility to assure their usability for a few more years.","text2":"The facility is doing fine, no help is needed.","label":-1,"idx":2947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I try to weave some personal experience into the conversation.","text2":"I like to integrate personal experience when I talk to someone. ","label":-1,"idx":2948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift of sharing can bring comfort and hope to those most in need during this holiday season.","text2":"During this holiday season a gift of sharing can bring comfort and hope to those in need.","label":-1,"idx":2949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, the MHA Alumni Association has become the strongest alumni group in the SPEA family.","text2":"The strongest alumni in the SEPA family is the MHA.","label":-1,"idx":2950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once again, we are writing to ask for your support.","text2":"We do not at all need your support. ","label":-1,"idx":2951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those four planes, like all aircraft traveling above 10,000 feet, were required to emit a unique transponder signal while in flight.","text2":"Aircraft emit a unique signal while in flight.","label":-1,"idx":2952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The question a manager faces in this situation can be stated as For which dress shirts is it more profitable to pay $13.75 per shirt ($7.15 materials plus $6.60 production costs) but have a two-week production lead time, rather than $13.15 with an eleven-week lead time?","text2":"In this circumstance, a manager faces a question about prices and lead times.","label":-1,"idx":2953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feel free to join us for any of the lectures which are held October April in our auditorium.","text2":"You will need express permission if you want to attend any of our lectures.","label":-1,"idx":2954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a fixed period of time (e.g., every week), the retailer checks the inventory level.","text2":"Retailers are not the ones who check inventory level.","label":-1,"idx":2955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Instead the City provided only 14 percent ($57,000) of our 1999 revenues.","text2":"The city gave us just 14 percent of our income in 1999.","label":-1,"idx":2956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I, uh, too often, much too often, see people, um, feeling superior somehow because they don't read, they don't think, they don't experience other ideas.","text2":"I often do not see people.","label":-1,"idx":2957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift to ICI will help us meet this challenge.","text2":"To meet our challenges the ICI depends on gifts like yours.","label":-1,"idx":2958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any case, since the 1970s, such debates about the impact of international trade policy have been placed in a new economic context.","text2":"The international trade policy is responsible for most of the United States wealth.","label":-1,"idx":2959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A detailed investigation produced a list of new procedures that would become customary for forces deployed abroad.","text2":"An investigation showed a lot of new procedures that would become customary under the new administration.","label":-1,"idx":2960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The WYCA of Indianapolis still focuses on, supports, and gives empowerment to women and their families.","text2":"The WYCA supports people of both genders and their families.","label":-1,"idx":2961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The news of a reported bomb on board United 93 spread quickly at NEADS.","text2":"News of an explosive reached NEADS.","label":-1,"idx":2962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh definitely.","text2":"I definitely will. ","label":-1,"idx":2963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin appeared to have in Afghanistan a freedom of movement that he had lacked in Sudan.","text2":"In Afghanistan, Bin Ladin had greater freedom than in Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":2964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although none of these operations actually involves sewing, they do take time to complete and are taken into account when determining the piece rate and normal workload for an operation.","text2":"Many feel that the completion time shouldn't be factored into the costs.","label":-1,"idx":2965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As on American 11 and United 175, the hijackers used knives (reported by one passenger) and moved all the passengers (and possibly crew) to the rear of the aircraft (reported by one flight attendant and one passenger).","text2":"One passenger reported that the hijackers used knives.","label":-1,"idx":2966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"50 years later most of what they say and experienced didn't exist anymore.","text2":"Their experiences died off because no one carried them on. ","label":-1,"idx":2967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather, it means mind-to-mind communication without any observable intermediary'ESP.","text2":"Instead, it's necessary to have mind-to-mind communication without ESP.","label":-1,"idx":2968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Observations of adult-child pairs reveal that the diverse ingredients of scaolding'matching the adult's assistance to the child's changing needs, suggesting eective strategies, posing questions that encourage children to think about higher-order relationships, and interacting warmly and praising children for competent performance'consistently relate to children's task engagement and learning.","text2":"Observing adult-child pairs has revealed that the diverse ingredients of scolding match the adult's assistance to the child's changing needs, suggesting effective strategies, posing questions that encourage children to think about higher-order relationships, and interacting warmly and praising children for competent performance which is consistently related to children's task engagement and learning.","label":-1,"idx":2969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once upon a time there was a playwright who knew little Latin and less Greek.","text2":"Knowing Latin and Greek improves the writing abilities of a playwright.","label":-1,"idx":2970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Where did they grow up?","text2":"Where are some of the places they've gone since becoming adults?","label":-1,"idx":2971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ten pages on (page 17), water occurs nine times but there are also the related words stream (twice), well (twice), pool, channel , and the circumlocution essential element. ","text2":"The author had a strong obsession with water and liquids.","label":-1,"idx":2972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" On its way towards Washington?","text2":"The plane was believed to be heading towards boston.","label":-1,"idx":2973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Talia and Jim's fear of helping 7-year-old Anselmo with his homework, lest they create a dependent, immature child, is a peculiarly Western'and profoundly American'preoccupation.","text2":"Most American parents want to raise independent and mature children.","label":-1,"idx":2974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The year after her college graduation, Sarah married a devout classmate, entering into a culture in which family life was pivotal.","text2":"Sarah married into a very religious, Christian family.","label":-1,"idx":2975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This feat was accomplished in much the same way that Slater brought cotton spinning to the United States, through the agency of a crafty Boston merchant, Francis Cabot Lowell.","text2":"A Boston merchant was used to accomplish this feat.","label":-1,"idx":2976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consumers have definitely benefited because these practices afford them a greater choice of products at lower average prices.","text2":"Practices such as these help consumers and gives them a wider variety of products to choose from.","label":-1,"idx":2977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fowler lists five instances where a careless writer can go wrong.","text2":"Fowler believes no writer can go wrong. ","label":-1,"idx":2978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By repeatedly listening to and participating in narrative conversation, children develop mental scripts for the way narratives are typically organized.","text2":"Children can don't learn through narrative conversation.","label":-1,"idx":2979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you very much and thank you for sharing your story with me.","text2":"I'm sorry, but I felt like your story disrespected many of us in the room, and I don't think I can honestly thank you for your time.","label":-1,"idx":2980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One cannot but admire a standard dictionary that defines middle-aged as between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner and says that the verb perpetrate means to execute or commit (esp.an offence, a poem, or a pun). ","text2":"A middle-aged person is neither young nor old.","label":-1,"idx":2981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Remembering the we have some planes remark, Boston Center guessed that Delta 1989 might also be hijacked.","text2":"Boston Center assumed that another plane was hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":2982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's time to celebrate that achievement and to prepare for an even more productive future.","text2":"The amount of productiveness in the future looked bleak.","label":-1,"idx":2983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, the Secret Service was relying on projections and was not aware the plane was already down in Pennsylvania.","text2":"The Secret Service was using computer technology to project where the plane would go next.","label":-1,"idx":2984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Opponents of today's rulers have few, if any, ways to participate in the existing political system.","text2":"The current political system fosters the participation of the opponents of today's rulers.","label":-1,"idx":2985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In classrooms, the same sequence of events prevails.","text2":"This sequence of events rarely prevails in classrooms.","label":-1,"idx":2986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This news prompted the Secret Service to order the immediate evacuation of the Vice President just before 9:36.","text2":"In the morning, this news triggered the immediate evacuation of a high ranking official because it was considered an immediate threat.","label":-1,"idx":2987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The air traffic control system handled it with great skill, as about 4,500 commercial and general aviation aircraft soon landed without incident.","text2":"4,500 aircraft were landed without incident, thanks to the air traffic control system.","label":-1,"idx":2988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The form you will need to claim your credit, and attach to your return, is enclosed.","text2":"The form will be mailed to you at a later date.","label":-1,"idx":2989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President remained in the classroom for another five to seven minutes,","text2":"The President left the classroom immediately.","label":-1,"idx":2990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In February 1998, the 40-year-old Saudi exile Usama Bin Ladin and a fugitive Egyptian physician, Ayman al Zawahiri, arranged from their Afghan headquarters for an Arabic newspaper in London to publish what they termed a fatwa issued in the name of a World Islamic Front.","text2":"Usama Bin Ladin had been planning the publications for decades and it was finally coming to fruition.","label":-1,"idx":2991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a number of contacts were made through intermediaries, the officer set the price at $1.","text2":"The officer had intended to set the price higher.","label":-1,"idx":2992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If there is one operator for the short operation, then there will have to be several operators for the longer one just to keep the production line in balance.","text2":"It's been found that balanced production lines tend to increase productivity.","label":-1,"idx":2993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So are they happy that you're going to be a teacher?","text2":"They're probably pissed that you're going to be a teacher...","label":-1,"idx":2994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important knit goods products are hosiery, knit underwear, and knit outerwear'popular casual wear items like T-shirts, polo shirts, and sweatpants.","text2":"The most important of the knit goods include hosiery, knit underwear, and outerwear items like t-shirts.","label":-1,"idx":2995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Definitely, I'm feeling the pressure from my dad.","text2":"I do not feel any kind of pressure from my parents. ","label":-1,"idx":2996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Textile Industry Horizon","text2":"The Hat industry, known as horizon. ","label":-1,"idx":2997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this same vein, the mirthless Milton adds his bit to the general hilarity of nations when, in describing Mount Etna in Book I of Paradise Lost (lines 236-7) he penned","text2":"Milton generalises the hilarity of nations in his writing","label":-1,"idx":2998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He knew right then that it was a miracle, miracle child.","text2":"He knew at that moment that the child was a miracle.","label":-1,"idx":2999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Different channel players now share detailed information on daily sales; investments in technologies mutually benefit both retailers and suppliers; and because of the effective use of information and manufacturing technologies, risk has been reduced across the entire channel.","text2":"Effective use of information and manufacturing technologies has not decreased the risk in investing in technology.","label":-1,"idx":3000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're there early in the morning to beat the heat.","text2":"We'll be there around 2 PM, just in time for some sun.","label":-1,"idx":3001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The airplane rolled onto its back, and one of the hijackers began shouting Allah is the greatest.","text2":"A hijacker was shouting while the plane was rolling.","label":-1,"idx":3002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I cannot say that I agree with everything she says nor with every item selected for inclusion, but, on the whole, the book comes off as a very good treatment of the subject.","text2":"The book is a poor treatment of the subject, in my opinion.","label":-1,"idx":3003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is not, strictly speaking, a subject pertinent to the title of the book.","text2":"That is not necessarily relevant to the book's title.","label":-1,"idx":3004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, because of that, my mother read to me a lot, you know, to help me, me feel better . So, she uh, she read a lot of Uncle Wiggly stories to me.","text2":"My mother read Uncle Wiggly stories to me to help me feel better. ","label":-1,"idx":3005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, Really?","text2":"I did not reply. ","label":-1,"idx":3006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\So, these were your favorite parts?","text2":"So are these the parts which you hated?","label":-1,"idx":3007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to make this decision for a SKU with a given level of demand variation, this firm's managers should weigh the increased unit costs arising from manufacturing smaller lots against the benefits this might create in shortening production lead times, which would reduce the amount of inventory the firm must hold for that product.","text2":"Firm managers don't have to think about increased unit costs when dealing with the SKU.","label":-1,"idx":3008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read the backs of cereal boxes.","text2":"I never read anything on cereal boxes.","label":-1,"idx":3009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This variation is due in part to the lower demand volumes during those periods relative to the middle of a product's life, but such fluctuations also occur because of the inherent uncertainty during the ramp up or ramp down of a product's life.","text2":"How low demand drops once a product has been out for awhile can indicate how much longer it should remain in production.","label":-1,"idx":3010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indiana University and the health profession suffered a significant loss with the passing of Dr. Steven L. Bricker on March 21, 1994.","text2":"When Dr. Steven L. Bricker passed on March 21, 1994, the health profession suffered a great loss.","label":-1,"idx":3011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's get 100 percent participation from our graduates.","text2":"Our graduates have been known to contribute immensely. ","label":-1,"idx":3012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Word-Cross, as it was called, started its existence as just another little Sunday supplement feature, with no pretensions to permanence.","text2":"Nobody expected crosswords to be prolific when they were first introduced.","label":-1,"idx":3013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The growing presence of fashion-basic elements in myriad consumer products means that all retailers and suppliers may find new competitive opportunities using replenishment.","text2":"Replenishment may be a new competitive opportunity for retailers and suppliers.","label":-1,"idx":3014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, if you know of or come across someone who needs our help, please give the card to him or her.","text2":"Please give the card to anyone you know who needs our help with bills or food.","label":-1,"idx":3015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers track airliners such as the four aircraft hijacked on 9\/11 primarily by watching the data from a signal emitted by each aircraft's transponder equipment.","text2":"It is always possible to track the location of these signals.","label":-1,"idx":3016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Seventy-five years ago, the daily New, York World presented its readers with a new kind of puzzle that consisted of a grid and a list of clues.","text2":"The original puzzle was 12 squares high and wide.","label":-1,"idx":3017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is that the big van?","text2":"Does your family have a big van?","label":-1,"idx":3018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I. I liked, uh, oh gosh, go ahead Dave you've got--","text2":"Dave you may go ahead.","label":-1,"idx":3019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feel free to call me at any time for additional information about Herron.","text2":"You can even call me at the weekends after noon.","label":-1,"idx":3020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" That's the last report.","text2":"That last report raised tension in everyone's minds.","label":-1,"idx":3021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most but not all in this core swore fealty (or bayat) to Bin Ladin.","text2":"The majority in this central group swore Bin Ladin bayat (fealty).","label":-1,"idx":3022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Get the weeds.","text2":"Obtain the weeds.","label":-1,"idx":3023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I spent a lot of time at my cousin's house from about the time I was about three probably I was about eight or nine.","text2":"From approximately age three to approximately age nine, I spent a lot of time at my cousin's house. ","label":-1,"idx":3024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's obvious from the beautiful carvings of teeth on the surface that we had a good instruction in dental anatomy.","text2":"The beautiful carvings on teeth proved that we had good dental anatomy instruction.","label":-1,"idx":3025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller attempted again to raise United 93 several times, with no response.","text2":"United 93 gave no response.","label":-1,"idx":3026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With this goal, the real beneficiaries of our class gift will be the students who follow us.","text2":"We will directly benefit from our class gift.","label":-1,"idx":3027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"reuseable disposable plates draft beer in a bottle in-store warehouse sale boneless bar-b-p ribs","text2":"Disposable plates and draft beer were sold in the store warehouse sale. ","label":-1,"idx":3028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It resumed at 9:37 as an air threat conference call,* which lasted more than eight hours.","text2":"At noon, the air threat teleconference was over. ","label":-1,"idx":3029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you felt like you didn't even have anybody there to guide you?","text2":"You would have performed better with someone to guide you?","label":-1,"idx":3030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Wells prototype, a controllable time-space traveler, is used allusively by historians and forecasters (C.","text2":"The Wells prototype does not control matter or time.","label":-1,"idx":3031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said to me, we can't say.","text2":"He told me that they could not explain. ","label":-1,"idx":3032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saudi government arrested four perpetrators, who admitted being inspired by Bin Ladin.","text2":"Four people who were arrested by the Saudis admitted being inspired by Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":3033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The third group comprises definitions proper.","text2":"Proper definitions may be used.","label":-1,"idx":3034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even here, the channel perspective tells a somewhat different story.","text2":"The channel has a different perspective on the story because its owners are involved in politics. ","label":-1,"idx":3035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An event is organized for Italians.","text2":"Only Italians are invited to this happening. ","label":-1,"idx":3036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller told us that he then knew it was a hijacking.","text2":"The controller thought that the plane had crashed,","label":-1,"idx":3037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We often hear about economic poverty, but what some of these young people are growing up with is emotional poverty-they have often given up on hope and the possibility of a successful future.","text2":"Young people of today are all looking forward to a successful future.","label":-1,"idx":3038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mention of a third aircraft was not a reference to American 77.","text2":"Mention of the third plane was not referencing American 77.","label":-1,"idx":3039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The uninitiated may find these examples too bizarre for words.","text2":"The layman will recognize these things and can articulate them well. ","label":-1,"idx":3040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can parents and teachers actually witness young children undergoing these social-to-psychological transformations?","text2":"Young children don't undergo social-to-psychological transformations.","label":-1,"idx":3041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We know that children do better when they have a network of caring adults to nurture and motivate them.","text2":"On average, students with caring adults earn college degrees at a 20% higher rate.","label":-1,"idx":3042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think it's so important.","text2":"I believe it is not important at all.","label":-1,"idx":3043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now we, now we didn't, we didn't pay attention to the kids, we had forgotten about the kids, we were going to attend to my brother.","text2":"We totally forgot about my brother while attending to the kids.","label":-1,"idx":3044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"General Arnold then called NORAD headquarters to report.","text2":"The reports told the full story of what had happened.","label":-1,"idx":3045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A chain-stitch seam is strong and can be produced more quickly than a lockstitch seam.","text2":"A chain-stitch is strong.","label":-1,"idx":3046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then the pay-off begins for the entire community.","text2":"Following that, the community begins to suffer.","label":-1,"idx":3047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..Let's Overcome Literacy. ","text2":"Let's not let literacy hold us down.","label":-1,"idx":3048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's obvious from the beautiful carvings of teeth on the surface that we had a good instruction in dental anatomy.","text2":"It is clear from the beautiful teeth carvings that we had terrible dental anatomy instruction.","label":-1,"idx":3049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"W lists etymologies near the beginning of those entries that have them, directly following the inflected forms (if any); L places them at the end of the entry.","text2":"W shows Etymologies while L positions them near the end of the entry.","label":-1,"idx":3050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hijacking of United 175 United Airlines Flight 175 was scheduled to depart for Los Angeles at 8:00.","text2":"United Airlines Flight 175 was scheduled to depart at 8:00, for Los Angeles.","label":-1,"idx":3051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and I remember Mickey Mouse stories.","text2":"I can remember stories about Mickey Mouse.","label":-1,"idx":3052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, minutes later, NEADS was told that an unknown plane was 6 miles southwest of the White House.","text2":"NEADS was told that there was a plane near the White House.","label":-1,"idx":3053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do you do?","text2":"I was wondering what it is that you do.","label":-1,"idx":3054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I said to him, Oh, well, I'm going to go when it's morning.","text2":"I told him I'd be leaving in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":3055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At least we got some kind of play.","text2":"There is some play in it.","label":-1,"idx":3056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once young children realize that words, gestures, and other symbols are distinct from external reality, they are well on the way to using those representations as effective mental tools, calling on them to overcome impulses.","text2":"Young children can use symbols as effective mental tools.","label":-1,"idx":3057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The battles between men and aliens have featured manifold armament.","text2":"Alien technology is typically far more advanced than human.","label":-1,"idx":3058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mercifully, L has omitted such dating.","text2":"The dating has been included by L.","label":-1,"idx":3059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In increasing numbers, alumni and friends are providing the private resources necessary for scholarships, faculty support and other items which enrich the school's curriculum related programs.","text2":"The support we receive from alumni and friends of the school has been increasing. ","label":-1,"idx":3060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I, I like, uh, uh, those kinds of things that talk about why people do what they do when they're in positions of political power or aspiring to positions of political power.","text2":"The only things I'm interested in are those that focus on the motivations of individuals in politically powerful positions. ","label":-1,"idx":3061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Can we not reverse the approbation in which lawyers are held by the public today? ","text2":"Can we not reverse the standard that lawyers are held to? ","label":-1,"idx":3062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And when I was giving it to him, he said to me, There's going to be, a meeting now.","text2":"He said to me that 'the meeting was cancelled.'","label":-1,"idx":3063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were Oedipus alive today he might offer the same solution to the riddle.","text2":"Oedipus would have a completely different view now","label":-1,"idx":3064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If NEADS had not placed that call, the NEADS air defenders would have received no information whatsoever that the flight was even missing, although the FAA had been searching for it.","text2":"The FAA immediately contacted the NEADS fighters and ordered them to search for the flight. ","label":-1,"idx":3065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have made clear that holding inventory can be expensive to a supplier, whether it manufactures or sources its products, in several ways.","text2":"It is very expensive for a supplier to hold inventory for several reasons.","label":-1,"idx":3066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The numbers of children who deserve our services are rising... as quickly as our programs can grow to serve them.","text2":"Our programs have no need to expand.","label":-1,"idx":3067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"[Make-believe] play creates a zone of proximal development in the child.","text2":"Children like to develop.","label":-1,"idx":3068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And counting tens and hundreds to 200.","text2":"Count to 200 in tens and hundreds.","label":-1,"idx":3069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Needless to say, this is a must if we are going to continue to offer a top-notch education to our young people.","text2":"We are committed to providing the best educational opportunities to students.","label":-1,"idx":3070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or perhaps a specific person comes to mind --such as a sister, a grandfather or a daughter --whose life is characterized by grace.","text2":"Or perhaps you have witnessed someone else's life that is full of God's grace.","label":-1,"idx":3071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An integral part of that reputation has been the professional success of our alumni.","text2":"The professional success of our alumni has affected our reputation.","label":-1,"idx":3072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the callers from United 93 also reported that he thought the hijackers might possess a gun.","text2":"One of the callers from United 93 said he thought the hijackers were armed.","label":-1,"idx":3073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A second method has involved mobilizing public pressure on consumers, retailers, and manufacturers to raise the incentives for voluntary compliance with labor standards.","text2":"Another method involves mobilizing the public pressure on the consumers, retailers and manufacturers.","label":-1,"idx":3074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:00, FAA and airline officials began to comprehend that attackers were going after multiple aircraft.","text2":"The FAA were not aware of any attacks until 10:00.","label":-1,"idx":3075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With help from a dissident member of the royal family, he managed to get out of the country under the pretext of attending an Islamic gathering in Pakistan in April 1991.","text2":"He was not able to escape the country in April 1991 and was stuck there.","label":-1,"idx":3076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this same public testimony, NORAD officials stated that at 9:24, NEADS received notification of the hijacking of American 77.","text2":"NEADS knew nothing about any planes being taken over.","label":-1,"idx":3077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These institutions, and the adults who run them, sustain civilization and provide the disciplines'however fragile they may seem'that keep our societies from reverting to barbarism.","text2":"The institutions sustain civilization by inspiring people.","label":-1,"idx":3078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, did that go on for a long time until you were able to begin reading stories on your own?","text2":"Did that continue even as you read on your own? ","label":-1,"idx":3079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even St. Paul, later the unregenerate prophet of female inferiority, was forced to acknowledge the help he received from Lydia, the seller of purple dyes in Philippi.","text2":"St Paul had to acknowledge the help he got from Lydia who had done a lot for him.","label":-1,"idx":3080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From 9:09 to 9:13, the Otis fighters stayed in this holding pattern.","text2":"The fights stayed flying in a pattern.","label":-1,"idx":3081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apart from these words and lake , words and phrases directly associated with thoughts of water and reinforcing the sense of obsession include pool, springs, drainage hole, clay hole, flood, channel, water-courses, water-hole, rock-hole, drink, drinkable, running water, stream , and native well .","text2":"There are no words that have anything to do with water.","label":-1,"idx":3082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What are your least favorite stories?","text2":"What kind of stories do you sometimes find offputting?","label":-1,"idx":3083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"OK go ahead.","text2":"Stop right there.","label":-1,"idx":3084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can do that on your, on your county roads and I think they call them a borough if I remember right up that way.","text2":"You are prohibited from doing that in the country. ","label":-1,"idx":3085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They increasingly insist that children engage in socially appropriate conduct.","text2":"They were adamant that we heed their advice, without any room for negotiation.","label":-1,"idx":3086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, by the 1992-94 period, firms with all four technologies had lower standard deviations in total inventories compared with less technically innovative ones.This impact on volatility is even more striking when examining variation in I\/S ratios for the 1992-1994 period (see Figure 14.","text2":"The four technologies were very common in many different fields.","label":-1,"idx":3087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, now, well, like I told you, there were plenty of times that, that we had encounters like that.","text2":"I never told you that we had encounters like that.","label":-1,"idx":3088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's all silver.","text2":"That's all gold.","label":-1,"idx":3089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cobuild is intended for the foreign learner of English, whose dual concern is with understanding and using the core vocabulary of English, and who, having achieved that aim, can graduate to a dictionary for native speakers'like CED .","text2":"Cobuild is meant for foreigners trying to learn English.","label":-1,"idx":3090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So long, Space Cadets!","text2":"The space men left to go home. ","label":-1,"idx":3091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I think the story that was, was a favorite was one that my mother made up herself, utilizing characters from, you know, like Bugs Bunny and, and Thumper and Bambi and all that.","text2":"The story was terrible written and deserved to be burned.","label":-1,"idx":3092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think that's why they expect so much more of me.","text2":"They expected more of me.","label":-1,"idx":3093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The nine assets are known to enhance school success, educational aspirations, and the development of positive behaviors.","text2":"The assets are known to help with educational aspirations.","label":-1,"idx":3094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A subvariant of the anagram","text2":"There's too many anagram classifications. ","label":-1,"idx":3095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their sense of being overworked and overcommitted, with few moments to spare, must be taken seriously.","text2":"Their sense of overwork is the most serious factor.","label":-1,"idx":3096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you learned to read quite young, didn't you?","text2":"Didn't you learn to read as an adult?","label":-1,"idx":3097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Right now no, but- Floor Okay?","text2":"Floor is Okay, right?","label":-1,"idx":3098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the Adirondacks you canoe on the Raquette River, and quickly the trip takes a radical swerve toward bliss.","text2":"The Raquette River traverses the Adirondacks.","label":-1,"idx":3099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At Goodwill, Michael's counselors felt that his personable demeanor could be a major attribute and identified for him a possible job-match where his people skills could shine.","text2":"Michael was good in dealing with people and he could use this skill at Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":3100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, the cycle time for the long-cycle plant represents the number of weeks typical for offshore production.","text2":"The cycle time is represented by the number of hours typical for offshore production in this case.","label":-1,"idx":3101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gung-ho was popularized in WWII by Lt.Evans Fordyce Carlson.","text2":"Fordyce Carlson never used gung-ho.","label":-1,"idx":3102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you like it or?","text2":"Did you like it or is there an alternative?","label":-1,"idx":3103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had awesome cars and they strutted around with their awesome clothes and the other people who didn't really didn't hang out with our group of friends.","text2":"They had awesome cars, clothes, and other friends. ","label":-1,"idx":3104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, he claimed that the world was beset with barbarism, licentiousness, and unbelief (a condition he called jahiliyya, the religious term for the period of ignorance prior to the revelations given to the Prophet Mohammed).","text2":"There would be an uprising and a day of judgment, he predicted.","label":-1,"idx":3105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you had to pick out of all of them?","text2":"You'd still be happy about this, even if you had to choose out of all of them?","label":-1,"idx":3106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" One scholar, Allen Josephs of the University of West Florida, surmised that from duquendio or duquende to duende is a short step, especially in Andalusia, where gypsy mastery would be precisely flamenco mastery. ","text2":"Allen Josephs is a scholar of the university of west Florida.","label":-1,"idx":3107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, they tool him away, we didn't see him anymore, they took him to San Miguel, I don't know, if in that vehicle, surely in the same car they were riding in, they took him to the hospital.","text2":"They were praying they would make it to the hospital in time. ","label":-1,"idx":3108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President recalled urging the President not to return to Washington.","text2":"The Vice President was worried about the President's safety.","label":-1,"idx":3109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, Really?","text2":"Is that so?","label":-1,"idx":3110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:21, it advised the Dulles terminal control facility, and Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets.","text2":"Dulles terminal control facility did nothing to convince its controllers to look for targets.","label":-1,"idx":3111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your tax-deductible contribution can make a measurable difference!","text2":"Your contribution can make a difference.","label":-1,"idx":3112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're there early in the morning to beat the heat.","text2":"We'll arrive at around 4 AM because I hate the sun.","label":-1,"idx":3113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Harshly critical of the child-centered tenor of Elkind's message and pulling in the reverse direction is William Damon's Greater Expectations,46 an impassioned plea to parents and teachers to eradicate what the author characterizes as a rising, insidious culture of indulgence in America's homes and Too many children'the auent and the poor alike'are drifting through their childhood years without finding the skills, virtues or sense of purpose that they will need to sustain a fruitful life. ","text2":"Damon wrote \"Lower Expectations.\"","label":-1,"idx":3114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have no knowledge to tell you about Japan.","text2":"I don't know anything about Japan.","label":-1,"idx":3115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just fill out the enclosed pledge card and send it in the return envelope today.","text2":"Fill out the pledge card and return it with $50.","label":-1,"idx":3116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"100 percent of campership contributions directly support camp scholarships.","text2":"Only 50 percent of your donation will go to camp scholarships.","label":-1,"idx":3117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mom worked all week, weekends, and most evenings.","text2":"Mom only worked on weekdays and had the weekends off.","label":-1,"idx":3118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Adopting more of these practices also decreases the growth of inventory levels.","text2":"If these practices are adopted, inventory levels will definitely increase.","label":-1,"idx":3119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The annual number of units of outerwear created in the United States has remained remarkably constant over the last several decades, varying from 12.5 units per capita in 1967 to 13.4 units in 1995, while the number of production workers has continued to drop, from 1,098,200 in 1960 to 664,400 in 1997.","text2":"The annual number of units of outerwear made in the United States has decline rapidly over the last several decades.","label":-1,"idx":3120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"lowing Has no reference to height or the lack of it, but is the sound commonly made by Oliver Goldsmith's herd.","text2":"Iowing is the sound that Oliver Goldsmith's cows make when they're hungry.","label":-1,"idx":3121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Passengers on three flights reported the hijackers' claim of having a bomb.","text2":"Our government took no legal action against Zacarias Moussaoui.","label":-1,"idx":3122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, imaginative wish fulfillment can, at times, be counterproductive.","text2":"Of course fulfilling the desires of imagination can be counterproductive. ","label":-1,"idx":3123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are not taught to speak Latin (a dead language), and the Japanese are not taught to speak English.","text2":"We were taught Latin as a child.","label":-1,"idx":3124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eighty percent of our 6.000 alumni live in Indiana.","text2":"None of are alumni live in Indiana. ","label":-1,"idx":3125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember that?","text2":"Do you recall that?","label":-1,"idx":3126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And ah, she, she made it up, a story about a, me and my cousin Phil, ah, going on this trip to the Canadian Northwest to hunt and meeting these little characters, uh, while we were there.","text2":"She wasn't there and wanted to hurt us by making up the story.","label":-1,"idx":3127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want to leave, I said, but I don't want anybody to know.","text2":"I don't care who knows I leave. ","label":-1,"idx":3128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She reported that the flight had been hijacked, and the hijackers had knives and box cutters.","text2":"A woman made a report about hijackers on the flight.","label":-1,"idx":3129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A hijacker responded,No.","text2":"The hijacker did not respond with anything. ","label":-1,"idx":3130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I urge you to join the Maennerchor Society this year.","text2":"I urge you to join the maennerchor society. ","label":-1,"idx":3131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 7 examines what this entails from the manufacturer's perspective.","text2":"Chapter 7 exclusively explores a biography of Karl Marx.","label":-1,"idx":3132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can we save the last of our ancient forests from the chainsaw?","text2":"There are no more ancient forests, they were all cut down. ","label":-1,"idx":3133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most of the year, this patio is filled with students sitting on inadequate seating.","text2":"There are around 200 students crammed together on this patio most of the year.","label":-1,"idx":3134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the magnitude of these differences varies as exchange rates fluctuate, under any realistic exchange-rate scenario, the labor cost differential is sufficiently high to put U.S. manufacturers at a very significant competitive disadvantage.","text2":"Manufacturers are not at a disadvantage because the labor cost differential is low.","label":-1,"idx":3135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Becky is a friendly, bright little girl who often gets confused and will refer to a female staff person as mommy.","text2":"Becky is smart but sometimes calls our staff \"mom.\"","label":-1,"idx":3136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe we do our job well and are continually strengthening our reputation as a first-rate law school.","text2":"The strengths of our staff have made this a first-rate law school.","label":-1,"idx":3137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is very economical of space and involves a clever computer ploy, but it does not provide a particularly useful synonym dictionary, for, as we all know, synonymy in language does not yield to the commutative law of mathematics; in language, Things equal to the same thing are not (necessarily) equal to each other. ","text2":"The laws of linguistics have very little in common to the laws of mathematics.","label":-1,"idx":3138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ice cold milk and uh, pull it out of course it was whole milk and cream on top.","text2":"We skimmed the milk first.","label":-1,"idx":3139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can put a ladybug and see a ladybug about that big on the television.","text2":"The television will have nothing but static.","label":-1,"idx":3140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our ability to provide the Girl Scout program to our membership and reach out to more girls depends on the generosity of a caring community and companies like . Your investment in Girl Scouting is sure to help build tomorrow's leaders today","text2":"The caring community supporting the Girl Scout program allows us to reach out to and provide more opportunities for girls.","label":-1,"idx":3141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This pattern of expansion through building alliances extended to the United States.","text2":"The pattern of expansion occured via building alliances in the US government.","label":-1,"idx":3142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean, shall we put it down?","text2":"No, I meant should we put it up?","label":-1,"idx":3143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:19, Ong The cockpit is not answering, somebody's stabbed in business class-and I think there's Mace-that we can't breathe-I don't know, I think we're getting hijacked.","text2":"At 8:19, Ong, There's mace in the air, the cockpit is not answered and verified that everything is under control.","label":-1,"idx":3144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, Indianapolis Center never saw Flight 77 turn around.","text2":"Indianapolis Center were clearly able to see the plane carrying Flight 77 when it turned around.","label":-1,"idx":3145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Critique, one hears, of a theatrical entertainment","text2":"The type of criticism you might hear about theatrical entertainment.","label":-1,"idx":3146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year's Annual Campaign goal is $65,000.","text2":"We wish to reach $250,000 to fund us.","label":-1,"idx":3147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They arrived at night, but they brought them for me.","text2":"They didn't bring them to me because they only deliver during the day.","label":-1,"idx":3148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We help people train for and find jobs that make it possible for them to get off of welfare.","text2":"Most of the people who have taken our training cannot find jobs.","label":-1,"idx":3149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship enables the dental hygiene program to provide financial assistance to students so that they can concentrate on their education while in school.","text2":"Financial assistance is provided to dental hygiene students through the A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship. ","label":-1,"idx":3150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..Let's Overcome Literacy. ","text2":"Let's let literacy take over.","label":-1,"idx":3151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The \"r\" fits in naturally.","text2":"The letter was only recently introduced, but it fits perfectly.","label":-1,"idx":3152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a member, you'll get a year's worth of insightful AUDUBON issues.","text2":"You'll get news on AUDUBON for a year as a member.","label":-1,"idx":3153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For many Muslims, a good government would be one guided by the moral principles of their faith.","text2":"Muslims with great moral principles are members of their government.","label":-1,"idx":3154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They were more like my friend and I wasn't like a number in their classroom.","text2":"I felt like I didn't belong in the classroom.","label":-1,"idx":3155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores of American high school graduates plummeted and concern over the academic preparation of American children and youths became widespread, a back to basics movement arose that, by 1980, was in full swing.","text2":"The schools began to try to teach kids more after finding low SAT scores.","label":-1,"idx":3156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Nonsexist Word Finder , subtitled A Dictionary of Gender-Free Usage , opens with a foreword by Miller and Swift.","text2":"The Nonsexist Word Finder was published by Penguin Books.","label":-1,"idx":3157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After I worked there, then, that, I went to, San Miguel, because my daughter, also, had, she needed me.","text2":"I left San Miguel to be close to my daughter.","label":-1,"idx":3158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(British linguist Deborah Cameron in Feminism and Linguistic Theory doubts these lacunae, suggesting that English is flexible, and that women are disadvantaged primarily by alienation from high language.)","text2":"There is indeed a gap to be found and English is not flexible for women.","label":-1,"idx":3159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was going to bother you, I said (), so you come with me, I say, I want you to do me a favor.","text2":"I want you to do whatever you want, no favors asked here.","label":-1,"idx":3160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In many cases, the choice is between a more expensive plant'probably located close to the market'that provides shorter lead times and a more distant supplier that takes longer to make items but does so at a lower unit cost.","text2":"Locating plants closer to markets can reduce shipping costs as well.","label":-1,"idx":3161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I'm sure you probably have.","text2":"I have faith that you have done something. ","label":-1,"idx":3162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It can be done, but it is rare.","text2":"It is rarely done but still possible.","label":-1,"idx":3163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I hear them talk about how they'll never own their own home, I tell them there's hope for us, that I'm living proof and everything I've prayed on every night has been answered.","text2":"I like to tell others about my story and how I didn't have hope but am living proof that they too can someday have their own place.","label":-1,"idx":3164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Can we not reverse the approbation in which lawyers are held by the public today? ","text2":"Lawyers are held too highly in the public eye. ","label":-1,"idx":3165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 93 was proceeding normally at that time.","text2":"The flight was fine at that time.","label":-1,"idx":3166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By participating in everyday routines and duties at home and in preschool, children develop a sense of responsible participation in family and community life.","text2":"Children develop a sense of family life when they're involved in regular routines.","label":-1,"idx":3167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This child, Becky, is six years old and lives with her father.","text2":"Becky is a 6 year old who lives with her dad and she is fighting cance.","label":-1,"idx":3168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a handful of slips taken from the top of my stack, I found at least one clear-cut Nevada is much more sparsely populated than eastern states, according to Robin MacNeil (MacNeil\/Lehrer News Report, PBS, 29 May 1986).","text2":"Nevada is sparsely populated.","label":-1,"idx":3169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The discussion by women about women's language is lively; the discussion of the related and complementary topic, women's silence, is elaborate, complex, and a bit sad.","text2":"Discussions about women's language and women's silence are never lively.","label":-1,"idx":3170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You suggest something.","text2":"I am interested in what you would like do to.","label":-1,"idx":3171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"True, one can find different from , etc., in an entry so headed, but for absolute constructions one is referred to an entry called Covered with onions, relish, and ketchup, I ate a hotdog at the ball-park. ","text2":"You can find answers under a certain heading, but absolute constructions are found in another entry.","label":-1,"idx":3172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, it's like this , in plenty of shapes, I see that here, they also have some shaped like tejas too.","text2":"There are circles and rectangle shaped ones as well.","label":-1,"idx":3173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The __ Unit can help your company save money by promoting good health practices.","text2":"We are not able to help in the area of health practices.","label":-1,"idx":3174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only other one I know","text2":"I don't know of any.","label":-1,"idx":3175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The upcoming year offers even more exciting opportunities.","text2":"We are not expecting more exciting opportunities this upcoming year,","label":-1,"idx":3176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The increase in women seeking ready-made clothing and home furnishings also contributed to the rise of the department store as did newspaper advertising.","text2":"Newspaper advertising did nothing to contribute to the rise of department stores.","label":-1,"idx":3177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, referring to her daughter's breakup, my friend complained, It wasn't that she did it but how she did it.","text2":"Her daughter was happy that she broke up.","label":-1,"idx":3178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The treatment ranges from an explanation of a term to a list of alternatives.","text2":"The treatment contains, among other things, a list of alternatives.","label":-1,"idx":3179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So jumped on one of the horses back.","text2":"We jumped on the donkey's back.","label":-1,"idx":3180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sir Boss had managed to find him at the abbey, during his two days' absence, and now he came back in the nick of time to fight Sir Mador for the queen.","text2":"Sir Boss found him at the abbey, and this resulted in his return to fight Sir Mador.","label":-1,"idx":3181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The father can beget new offspring safe from Macbeth's hand; the son is the palpable threat.","text2":"The fathers threat is from the son.","label":-1,"idx":3182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My dad, um, `cause I wasn't really like I was a girl, I mean I was a girl.","text2":"I was a girl but did not necessarily act like one. ","label":-1,"idx":3183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, many eminent child development researchers have countered Harris's thesis.","text2":"Many child development experts agree with Harris.","label":-1,"idx":3184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is entitled to speculate on what outrageous proposal the narrator had made in Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, Vol. 2'Cities of the Plain (translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff'Modern Library, N.Y., 1934, Page 90) to cause the Duchess to say, Apart from your balls, can't I be of any use to you? ","text2":"The duchess asked if she could help him.","label":-1,"idx":3185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The objective was to get up in the air-as fast and as high as possible-and then decide where to go.","text2":"The objective was to get high in the sky very quickly.","label":-1,"idx":3186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, in this context, I think back on what I derived from different kinds of Bunraku, Kyogen, Noh , and Kabuki . Never before had I been required to see and soak up that drama which depends on a whole array of techniques that have nothing intrinsically to do with words.","text2":"I have never worked with drama techniques that are not related to the meaning of the words until now.","label":-1,"idx":3187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I cannot however be compared to Japanese I have never been to Japan, and I am self-taught; I can read and write Japanese (slowly) for I did learn both the Katakana and Hiragana syllabaries (47 signs each) as well as a few thousand Chinese characters.","text2":"Chinese is a difficult language to learn to write.","label":-1,"idx":3188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I remember another book that you read that that I didn't read but that, uh, painting was made `84?","text2":"I really have a long list of books to read that you recommended me.","label":-1,"idx":3189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We very much appreciate your assistance.","text2":"We do not need your help at all.","label":-1,"idx":3190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather, by the end of the first year, their exploration of the physical world is confident, persistent, and complex.","text2":"After the first year ends, they finally stop exploring the physical world.","label":-1,"idx":3191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the callers ended her message as Everyone's running up to first class.","text2":"The end of one message stated that all the passengers were heading to first class. ","label":-1,"idx":3192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A message that goes from pole to pole","text2":"The message is incomplete. ","label":-1,"idx":3193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I hear them talk about how they'll never own their own home, I tell them there's hope for us, that I'm living proof and everything I've prayed on every night has been answered.","text2":"I use myself as an example to others who think they can't have a place of their own.","label":-1,"idx":3194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In other words, based on what they knew about a group of languages which were documented, they tried to imagine the language that they sprang from.","text2":"Every language develops from another. ","label":-1,"idx":3195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thanking you in advance for your support, we remain,","text2":"To acknowledge your support, you will be provided with a plaque expressing our appreciation.","label":-1,"idx":3196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Past experience suggests, however, that in this field voluntary measures need to be reinforced by regulatory authority.","text2":"Voluntary measures in in this field, like raising wages, need to be reinforced by regulatory authority.","label":-1,"idx":3197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While Mr. Conniff is doubtless aware of the connection, he does not mention the fact that Johnson's poem is throughout a very close and respectful pastiche of the Latin poet Juvenal's Satire III, on the city of Rome.","text2":"Mr. Conniff did not tell Johnson that his poem was respectful of Juvenal's Satire III.","label":-1,"idx":3198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I asked people all over the campus to submit a few reasons why they felt alumni and friends would contribute at least $25 to Malone College in support of The Malone College Fund.","text2":"I asked people why they thought alumni would support the Malone College Fund.","label":-1,"idx":3199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But then, also a lot of the same, that, uh, that deal with the D and D and it was a much cleaner environment.","text2":"That deal with the D and D was something I wasn't fond of. ","label":-1,"idx":3200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I spent a lot of time at my cousin's house from about the time I was about three probably I was about eight or nine.","text2":"I spent my summer vacations at my cousin's house. ","label":-1,"idx":3201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among examples of the first are spit and polish, on the spot, on the square, stick one's neck out , etc.","text2":"Some examples of the first are on the spot, on the square, stick one's neck out and spit and polish.","label":-1,"idx":3202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I said to him, Oh, well, I'm going to go when it's morning.","text2":"I might not see him again, and I knew I wouldn't really miss him, but I thought that he might miss me.","label":-1,"idx":3203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, culture aects the likelihood that parents and teachers will respond to shy children in ways that foster their development.","text2":"Culture influences how parents respond to shy children.","label":-1,"idx":3204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For those who are unfamiliar with computers and the need for a word-processing package, I should explain that when you buy what is fondly call a personal computer, you get three pieces of equipment (though they may be combined in some models or makes): a rectangular box with some slots in the front and sockets in the back, a monitor, which is nothing but a small TV set, and a keyboard, which looks like an ordinary typewriter keyboard but, in many models sold today, has a number of additional keys alongside those for the familiar alphanumeric on mine, nestled among some control keys on the right side is what is called a number pad, which resembles the key arrangement one sees on a small adding machine or calculator; on the left side is a double bank of five keys marked F1 through F10 which, when pressed alone or in combination with another key, perform certain functions, some of which are useful, others of which are evidently thought useful by the manufacturer but which I never use.","text2":"Computers are usually sold with keyboards.","label":-1,"idx":3205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is that we must think of the law school, in financial terms, as a private institution.","text2":"We must think of law schools as public ones. ","label":-1,"idx":3206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, children have an important say in the socialization process.","text2":"Kids have a say in socialization.","label":-1,"idx":3207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, when a parent suggests to a young ball player, Watch me, keep your eyes on the ball! ","text2":"An example is when one parent suggests to another that they should not look at the ball.","label":-1,"idx":3208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then when, well, since I lived alone, only with my son, they, would seek me out because, I always had, everything, because I had all kinds of animals, including doves from Castile, uh, turkeys, ducks, hens, pigs, cows, all kinds of animals.","text2":"Since I lived with my son they would come to be since I had a variety of animals.","label":-1,"idx":3209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"oops! full stop' or you'll be drummed out of the corps.","text2":"You will likely be drummed out by the corps.","label":-1,"idx":3210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the promise she and her fellow recipients, Penny Wright (elementary education), Cynthia Browning (physics) and Sandra Van Vlymen (elementary education), all hold for the future is impressive.","text2":"She and her fellow recipients hold an impressive promise for the future.","label":-1,"idx":3211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beyond the theology lies the simple human fact that most Muslims, like most other human beings, are repelled by mass murder and barbarism whatever their justification.","text2":"Most Muslims have some principle similarities with the Christians.","label":-1,"idx":3212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, it was dark, they really couldn't see.","text2":"Though it was extremely underlit, they managed to see just fine.","label":-1,"idx":3213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe many of the questions are being asked because the Campaign for Indiana (IU's major fundraising effort that started in 1985) is ending and many who supported IUSD through the campaign are wondering how they can continue their support.","text2":"IU's major fundraising effort began in 1998","label":-1,"idx":3214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, my brother said, I'm going to cut her rope, I'm not going to be able to untie her, he said, Because it's really difficult with, by the time I untie her, they'll kill me, he says. ","text2":"My brother said, I don't have time to untie her because they'll kill me, I am going to have to cut the rope to save time.","label":-1,"idx":3215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For 4- and 5-year-olds, questions more often address narrative organization ( What happens next? ); analyses of characters ( Why did the little girl want a teddy bear? ); and connections between the book and the child's everyday life ( Have you ever seen a fire engine on its way to a fire? ","text2":"The questions for 4 and 5 year olds include narrative organization, character analysis, and connections between book and daily life.","label":-1,"idx":3216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet the vast majority of design in the apparel industry has little to do with the way clothing is created in the high-fashion world.","text2":"A lot more happens in the apparel industry than what people see in the high-fashion world.","label":-1,"idx":3217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I usually hazard a guess in such first encounters, ?\u00a0la the game of Dictionary. ","text2":"I generally allow myself to guess during first encounters.","label":-1,"idx":3218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This means that skilled sewing operators do not need to be able to read a language to follow instructions.","text2":"Sewing operators do not need to spend time learning a language, in order to follow instructions.","label":-1,"idx":3219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For some, it's a matter of weeks or months; for others, it's years.","text2":"Some face a span of weeks or months, while others have to wait for years.","label":-1,"idx":3220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The event will be big!","text2":"This will be a small event.","label":-1,"idx":3221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Writers Related to Writers Schooldays (which colleges and universities spawned which writers) American Literary Pseudonyms American Literary Title Sources Literary Hoaxes, Frauds, and Plagiarism in American Literature The Profession of ","text2":"Looking at those writers who did not attend college or university.","label":-1,"idx":3222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then snow, ice uh, I can remember me and another boy once we got about sixth or seventh grade we'd stop uh, you couldn't run with chains on your bus on state maintained highways.","text2":"Buses had to always have chains for snow and ice.","label":-1,"idx":3223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I remember another book that you read that that I didn't read but that, uh, painting was made `84?","text2":"There was a book that you read but I have not read yet.","label":-1,"idx":3224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The results were overwhelmingly positive.","text2":"THe results were great.","label":-1,"idx":3225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A huge group of soldiers are coming!","text2":"These soldiers mean business, do not take them lightly.","label":-1,"idx":3226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dillard's also purchased computing capacity for individual stores and its headquarters office, along with the necessary equipment to connect stores to the head office via electronic data transmission.","text2":"Dillard's continued to use mainframe technology because they couldn't afford in-house information storage.","label":-1,"idx":3227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most innovative firms were approximately four times as profitable, achieving average profit margins of 11.","text2":"Different firms had different approaches to innovating.","label":-1,"idx":3228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well what do you have?","text2":"You don't have anything, do you?","label":-1,"idx":3229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some of Bin Ladin's associates later took credit.","text2":"Associates of Bin Laden stated later that they had no role in the attacks.","label":-1,"idx":3230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, I don't know if it was because it was the accent, or if there's more than one, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna reconfirm that for you, and I'll get back to you real quick.","text2":"My accent creates great difficulties to our conversation.","label":-1,"idx":3231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Old English hlof , `loaf' + dige or dirge , variants of durge `kneader,' combine to make lady . Apparently, the first kneaders of bread were ladies.","text2":"All breadmakers used to be women, making up the word 'lady.'","label":-1,"idx":3232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the 9:36 call to NEADS about the unidentified aircraft a few miles from the White House, the Langley fighters were ordered to Washington, D.C.","text2":"The fighters were ordered to hold position and didn't go to Washington.","label":-1,"idx":3233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When he came back, he said, Yes, so, he said, I'm going to leave here, he said, from your house for Chapeltique at four in the morning with the livestock.","text2":"I will have my livestock with me when I leave for Chapeltique in the morning. ","label":-1,"idx":3234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But cloth is rarely cut this way, even when only one ply is cut at a time.","text2":"This fashion has been replaced over the years. ","label":-1,"idx":3235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe this call would have taken place sometime before 10:10 to 10:15.","text2":"It was believed a call from the passengers happened some time in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":3236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said to him. ","text2":"To him, I spoke.","label":-1,"idx":3237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his winning essay [XIV, 4] on Shakespeare's extensive use of legal language, Mr. D.S.","text2":"In his winning essay on Stalin's extensive use of legal language, Mr. D.S.","label":-1,"idx":3238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't get nervous!","text2":"It's going to be okay. Just take a deep breath.","label":-1,"idx":3239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had it not crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03, we estimate that United 93 could not have reached Washington any earlier than 10:13, and probably would have arrived before 10:23.","text2":"We estimate that United 93 could have reached Washington before 10:23 if it had not crashed earlier in Pennsylvania.","label":-1,"idx":3240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After these model stock levels are set, data about product sales and current retail inventory levels are transmitted electronically to the manufacturer.","text2":"Many retailers have come to appreciate the efficiency of these electronic systems.","label":-1,"idx":3241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift may be made when the pledge is submitted or anytime prior to December 31, 1992.","text2":"Your gift can be made when the pledge is submitted or prior to Dec. 31, 2056","label":-1,"idx":3242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's really impressive.","text2":"That's very magnificent. ","label":-1,"idx":3243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Four, right.","text2":"Four beers.","label":-1,"idx":3244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin eventually enjoyed a strong financial position in Afghanistan, thanks to Saudi and other financiers associated with the Golden Chain.","text2":"Bin Ladin was given money by Saudi and other financiers.","label":-1,"idx":3245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enemy is a combination of the Latin in `not' + amicus `friend,' and is thus a doublet with inimical . That enemy could be related to amiable , is more than a little ironic.","text2":"Enemy is a new word from Modern English","label":-1,"idx":3246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Unfortunately, There are over 1,000 families each year who have a child diagnosed with a serious illness at Children's Hospital of Alabama.","text2":"At Children's Hospital of Alabama, over 1,000 families a year have a child diagnosed with a serious illness.","label":-1,"idx":3247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, the cycle time for the long-cycle plant represents the number of weeks typical for offshore production.","text2":"Offshore production typically requires a great number of weeks to finish a product.","label":-1,"idx":3248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" I can't get this one in.","text2":"I can't get this thing in.","label":-1,"idx":3249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result of his well-meant and highly-appreciated gesture is that there is now in the deathless literature of entomology a robber fly species named Proctacanthus rodecki James, which is roughly translated Rodeck's thorny anus. ","text2":"The robber fly species Proctacanthus rodecki James went extinct several years ago.","label":-1,"idx":3250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By age 3 months, a complex communication system is in place in which parent and baby each respond in an appropriate and carefully timed fashion to the other's cues.","text2":"Children are not able to communicate with their parents until they are at least a year old.","label":-1,"idx":3251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:07, its representative on the air threat conference call stated that NORAD had no indication of a hijack heading to DC at this time.","text2":"Its representative on the conference call said that NORAD had identified two hijackings.","label":-1,"idx":3252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other significant editorial the Feminist Dictionary lexicogaphers refuse to label a word like herstory a coinage.","text2":"Lexicographers do not want to call the word herstory a coinage.","label":-1,"idx":3253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller told us that he then knew it was a hijacking.","text2":"The worker explained at that moment he realized what was happening.","label":-1,"idx":3254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In describing the close connection between brain growth and experience, I have used the expression appropriate stimulation. ","text2":"I used the stimulation that was inappropriate for the expression.","label":-1,"idx":3255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Into this category fall three additional items which, because I never ordered them from the menu, I cannot recommend'or even reliably Steak Bites Teriyaki Sauce, Lunch of Junior, and Lady's Salad with Whipped Cream. ","text2":"The categories of items contain 3 additional items.","label":-1,"idx":3256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the mid- 1980s, it had been set up as one of the first outposts of Azzam and Bin Ladin's MAK.","text2":"In the 1980s, it was one of the first outposts for Azzam. ","label":-1,"idx":3257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I get over to the house.","text2":"I got to the house and saw corpse.","label":-1,"idx":3258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Way's ultimate success comes down to individuals like you and me and how we respond to human need.","text2":"United Way depends on you and me to help people in need.","label":-1,"idx":3259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Grandpop, he'd calm down, Tootles, you see this part here.","text2":"After screaming for hours, grandpa would then settle down, Tootles, look at this.","label":-1,"idx":3260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well meantime my Mom is running around she doesn't hardly know that we left.","text2":"We already left for Florida while my Mom still ran around not noticing.","label":-1,"idx":3261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His sociocultural theory has thoroughly collectivist cultural roots.","text2":"His theory is accepted by a small group of people.","label":-1,"idx":3262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our student population is changing and greater demands are placed on students and their families.","text2":"More demands are being placed on students than earlier due to the difference in the population.","label":-1,"idx":3263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the help of new transportation and communications systems, the first company to market a wide variety of consumer goods exclusively by mail and parcel post was Montgomery Ward, formed in 1872.","text2":"Montgomery Ward was the first business to widely market mail-order consumer goods.","label":-1,"idx":3264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Payment of these awards is made from interest and dividends generated by the principal.","text2":"Payment of these awards come directly from the principle. ","label":-1,"idx":3265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like the checkpoints in Boston, it lacked closed-circuit television surveillance so there is no documentary evidence to indicate when the hijackers passed through the checkpoint, what alarms may have been triggered, or what security procedures were administered.","text2":"The checkpoint did not have closed-circuit television surveillance, but there were witnesses at the scene.","label":-1,"idx":3266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the assault was sustained.","text2":"The assault continued for 26 minutes on board the plane.","label":-1,"idx":3267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During this period, two hardcover versions of the Addenda Sections were published' 6,000 Words (1976) and 9,000 Words . Now the hardcover version of the 7873-main-entry 1986 Addenda Section, appearing simultaneously as 12,000 Words (1986), permits an updating of the statistics.","text2":"The hardcover version of the 1986 Addenda Section appears as over 10,000 words.","label":-1,"idx":3268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jeans-makers have tried to satisfy the majority by making many different styles and sizes, but for some customers there still are not enough choices.","text2":"Jean-makers satisfy all customers by making jeans of all different styles and sizes.","label":-1,"idx":3269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To make it interesting, a little competition has been proposed --the class which contributes the most money and the class with the highest participation will be honored.","text2":"No kind of competition could make this interesting.","label":-1,"idx":3270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They provide scholarship dollars which aid students and enable the school to compete with other public and private law schools for outstanding young people.","text2":"Without scholarship funds, the best students would choose to go to other schools. ","label":-1,"idx":3271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, adults in some non-Western cultures regard American parents as rather merciless in pushing their young children toward independence'for example, when they insist that infants sleep alone rather than with their parents, or when they take pleasure in the earliest possible mastery of motor skills, such as crawling and walking, long before the child has acquired the reasoning powers to avoid steep staircases and busy roadways.","text2":"Adults from countries other than America sometimes interpret American parenting tendencies as merciless. ","label":-1,"idx":3272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Where's that?","text2":"Where is that?","label":-1,"idx":3273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other food names that have passed through the Texas pipeline into common usage are chile, enchilada, taco, tamale, tortilla, fr?\u00adjol, frito, picante, jalape??o, nacho, mescal, tequila , and margarita . It may be interesting to note the Spanish borrowed chile, tamale, mescal , and mesquite from the indigenous Indians before passing them on to us.","text2":"A majority of American food names went to Mexico.","label":-1,"idx":3274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the 9:36 call to NEADS about the unidentified aircraft a few miles from the White House, the Langley fighters were ordered to Washington, D.C.","text2":"The fighters were sent to Washington after the 9:36 call to NEADS.","label":-1,"idx":3275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under pressure from Congress, President Clinton soon ordered the withdrawal of U.S. forces.","text2":"Clinton ordered that US forces leave.","label":-1,"idx":3276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Purdue has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.","text2":"I have been associated with Perdue for a long time. ","label":-1,"idx":3277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather, it means mind-to-mind communication without any observable intermediary'ESP.","text2":"Mind-to-mind communication is an emerging and exciting technology.","label":-1,"idx":3278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Approximately 80 percent of the school's alumni reside in Indiana, with more than 2,200 living and working in Marion County and the seven contiguous counties.","text2":"Over three-quarters of the school's alumni lived in the state of Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":3279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The weight of this fictional weaponry has popularized the death ray from its pulp SF origins to serious contemporary consideration as laser technology has advanced.","text2":"Only modern day lasers, operating at 6000 KW or above, can be considered for use as a \"death ray\". ","label":-1,"idx":3280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want to encourage you to continue to support your alma mater with contributions to the McDonald Fund and to increase your contribution, if possible.","text2":"Please continue to support your alma mater by giving to the McDonald Fund.","label":-1,"idx":3281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"10 As we would expect, if the cost of carrying inventory is very low, the quick line is not used; that is, the quick-line capacity ratio equals zero.","text2":"The quick line is not necessary as long as carrying inventory does not cost much.","label":-1,"idx":3282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that is probably as it should be.","text2":"Things are most likely going the way that they should.","label":-1,"idx":3283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enclosed please find background materials for your review.","text2":"I've deleted the background materials to erase the evidence.","label":-1,"idx":3284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Management The Final Ingredient in Enhanced Performance","text2":"The Last Thing Needed For Better Performance: Management. ","label":-1,"idx":3285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are sure that the nation owes a debt to the passengers of United 93.","text2":"The passengers of United 93 are heroes. ","label":-1,"idx":3286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within two minutes, at 9:26, the pilot, Jason Dahl, responded with a note of Ed, confirm latest mssg plz-Jason.","text2":"Jason was able to contact Ed at 9:26.","label":-1,"idx":3287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can get off welfare.","text2":"You don't have to still be on welfare.","label":-1,"idx":3288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens if their children get sick?","text2":"And if their kids fall ill, then what?","label":-1,"idx":3289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We've had about 10 cases of botulism among the 105 sick or injured pelicans that we've received in the last two months, which is about as many botulism cases as we normally get in an entire year.","text2":"There haven't been any cases of botulism in the past two months.","label":-1,"idx":3290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It shows our address and phone number in Indianapolis, but through our Service Extension Office, we can put the person in contact with the volunteer representative in Clinton County.","text2":"It shows an address and phone number from Clinton County.","label":-1,"idx":3291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Scheduled to depart the gate at 8:00, the Boeing 757's takeoff was delayed because of the airport's typically heavy morning traffic.","text2":"There was usually a lot of traffic in the morning at the airport.","label":-1,"idx":3292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, suppliers must be capable of using this data to allocate production capacity between short-cycle (modular) and standard (progressive bundle system) production lines.","text2":"Suppliers can use the data to make fast decisions about its production capacities.","label":-1,"idx":3293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us consider two recent British dictionaries.","text2":"There are at least two recent British dictionaries.","label":-1,"idx":3294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time it reappeared in primary radar coverage, controllers had either stopped looking for the aircraft because they thought it had crashed or were looking toward the west.","text2":"Controllers stopped looking for the plane because they thought it crashed.","label":-1,"idx":3295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Caliphate-the institutionalized leadership of the Ummah-thus was a Sunni institution that continued until 1924, first under Arab and eventually under Ottoman Turkish control.","text2":"After 1924, the Ottoman Turkish were driven out.","label":-1,"idx":3296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouts of Hoosier Capital Council would like to invite you to join us in an investment opportunity---an investment in our future business and community leaders.","text2":"Girl Scouts of Hoosier would appreciate if you could invest in our business.","label":-1,"idx":3297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lots of them.","text2":"There were a lot of books.","label":-1,"idx":3298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to sociocultural theory, as adults'and more expert peers as well'help children participate in culturally meaningful activities, the communication between them becomes part of children's thinking.","text2":"Participation in culturally meaningful activities has no impact on a child's thinking.","label":-1,"idx":3299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, these salesmen provided a flow of information to their headquarters on changing demand in -various localities as well as the credit ratings of local storekeepers and merchants.","text2":"Salesmen were constantly communicating with their headquarters.","label":-1,"idx":3300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are one of those committed citizens that can change the world.","text2":"You can't change the world no matter what you do.","label":-1,"idx":3301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another major textile company, Milliken, has a degree of common ownership with a retail business, Mercantile, although these arrangements remain unusual.","text2":"Mercantile is frustrated that the arrangements with Milliken have been odd for so long.","label":-1,"idx":3302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The roots of these polarized perspectives can be found in centuries-old, dramatically opposing philosophies about the nature of children and child development.","text2":"Recent advances in science has not relieved many of these conflicts.","label":-1,"idx":3303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I care about the plight of the millions of women who are forced to raise their children in poverty housing, and I am grateful - as Mother's Day approaches -that I am in position to help make the essential foundation of a decent home possible for these mothers and their children.","text2":"As Mother's Day approaches, I'm grateful I am able to help the millions of mothers in poverty housing.","label":-1,"idx":3304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was initial resistance, however.","text2":"Initially, there was no resistance.","label":-1,"idx":3305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the school is to maintain and improve upon its programs, it needs our help.","text2":"The school has some of the finest programs and doesn't need any help.","label":-1,"idx":3306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There has been no entirely satisactory definition of science all proposals seem to exclude some work which individual readers would include in the genre.","text2":"There is a definition of science that a majority of individual readers agree upon.","label":-1,"idx":3307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We can be proud of the graduates of our law school.","text2":"We can be proud of students that graduate from our school. ","label":-1,"idx":3308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or e-mail me.","text2":"If you have questions, call me!","label":-1,"idx":3309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While Mr. Conniff is doubtless aware of the connection, he does not mention the fact that Johnson's poem is throughout a very close and respectful pastiche of the Latin poet Juvenal's Satire III, on the city of Rome.","text2":"Mr. Connif told Johnson that his poem was respectful of Juvenal's Satire III.","label":-1,"idx":3310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Instead the City provided only 14 percent ($57,000) of our 1999 revenues.","text2":"The city made available 100 percent of our 1999 income.","label":-1,"idx":3311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most do, of course, use them that way.","text2":"They are commonly used in this manner.","label":-1,"idx":3312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think at Christmas and I'm getting a knife set.","text2":"It doesn't seem like I'll be getting any kind of knives for the holidays.","label":-1,"idx":3313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was just, well I always thought the one with um, about Aunt Ann and the bird.","text2":"I always thought the one with Aunt Ann and the bird was a funny story.","label":-1,"idx":3314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soaks are shallow wells sunk near the base of an outcrop to tap an underground reservoir.","text2":"Soaks are shallow wells that tap into a reservoir.","label":-1,"idx":3315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In March 1998, after Bin Ladin's public fatwa against the United States, two al Qaeda members reportedly went to Iraq to meet with Iraqi intelligence.","text2":"Iraq was visited by two al Qaeda members in March 1998.","label":-1,"idx":3316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We figured we'd wait to go to your center.","text2":"We figured we'd wait before we went to your center.","label":-1,"idx":3317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, high-quality involvement with children requires a certain quantity of time'actually, a great deal, as I'll argue in this book.","text2":"To conclude, a large quantity of time is required in order to be really involved with children.","label":-1,"idx":3318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From a lifetime of undisciplined reading with innocent pencil in hand and malice prepense in mind, I have gleaned a harvest of what I am pleased to denominate Red Pants items, a sampling of which follows.","text2":"I never read anything.","label":-1,"idx":3319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens if they can't pay their heating or electric bill because of extreme temperatures?","text2":"What would happen if poor families refuse to stop overpaying utility bills in severe weather?","label":-1,"idx":3320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Johnson had no trouble finding fairly exact counterparts in his London of the eighteenth century for many of the blights of Juvenal's ancient Rome, but there was really nothing to match the horror of the amateur poetry reading in Trajan's time; the closest analogy Johnson could come up with, an elegant one under the circumstances, is his female atheist. ","text2":"The amateur poetry reading of Trajan's time was of the highest standard.","label":-1,"idx":3321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in other narrative talk, the adult increases the complexity of his or her questioning to fit the child's language progress.","text2":"As the child language progresses, the adult will often revert to baby talk.","label":-1,"idx":3322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The approach is vindictive and castigatory.","text2":"There is a vindictiveness and causticity to the approach ","label":-1,"idx":3323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions or suggestions for SEND's programs, please do not hesitate to call me.","text2":"I don't want to hear any questions about SEND's programs.","label":-1,"idx":3324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although early forays into electronic data management relied on mainframe computers, between 1988 and 1991 the company installed 45,000 cash registers equipped with microprocessors and storage capabilities.","text2":"45,000 cash registers equipped with microprocessors and storage capabilities was very expensive to install.","label":-1,"idx":3325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The notice NEADS received at 9:24 was that American 11 had not hit the World Trade Center and was heading for Washington, D.C.","text2":"There was information detailing that American 11 was still headed from Washington DC. ","label":-1,"idx":3326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Wanda's miracle isn't just the house, which will make it possible for the children to achieve some privacy and basic space from one another.","text2":"Wanda's children will have a decent level of privacy and living space.","label":-1,"idx":3327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well we found out a couple of days later when the neighbor walked over and informed my dad that he found BB in the filter pump of his swimming pool.","text2":"The neighbor found a BB in his pool filter.","label":-1,"idx":3328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's that's very young.","text2":"That's not very old.","label":-1,"idx":3329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then along came lean retailing and the need for rapid replenishment'manufacturers are now expected to replenish products in less than a week.","text2":"Replenished products must meet a standard to be sold.","label":-1,"idx":3330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to a report in The Times [30 October 1987], Nearly 3,000 people have signed a petition urging Mr Kenneth Baker, Secretary of State for Education and Science, to make grammar, including syntax, compulsory to `encourage the clear and accurate expression of meaning.","text2":"The report in The Times was biased towards the petition.","label":-1,"idx":3331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is in cursive.","text2":"The cursive writing on it appears to be a signature.","label":-1,"idx":3332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is that we must think of the law school, in financial terms, as a private institution.","text2":"Law schools are more exclusive than others. ","label":-1,"idx":3333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about the day that um, how about the day that I would, to help you with the two by six's.","text2":"When do you think I should help you with the two by six's?","label":-1,"idx":3334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He defected and became a star informant for the United States.","text2":"One of the informants for the United States had defected prior to becoming an informant.","label":-1,"idx":3335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In appreciation of your generosity, I've enclosed a special bookmark printed with John Newton's familiar hymn, Amazing Grace.","text2":"The bookmark is laminated for longevity.","label":-1,"idx":3336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President's guidance was we need to take them out.","text2":"The Vice President's opinion was that this needed to be done.","label":-1,"idx":3337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' An appropriate name it is for the object in which we sit ourselves down to rest.","text2":"The name is appropriate for something we rest and eat in.","label":-1,"idx":3338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What if your contribution to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful would only cost you 10-25 percent of its full value?","text2":"Your donation to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful may only cost you 10-25% of its full value. ","label":-1,"idx":3339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his winning essay [XIV, 4] on Shakespeare's extensive use of legal language, Mr. D.S.","text2":"Shakespeare is often referred to as a literary genius.","label":-1,"idx":3340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have made clear that holding inventory can be expensive to a supplier, whether it manufactures or sources its products, in several ways.","text2":"The inventory that is being held takes up storage and shelf space.","label":-1,"idx":3341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, when a parent suggests to a young ball player, Watch me, keep your eyes on the ball! ","text2":"A good example is when a parent tells their child to watch them and keep their eyes on the ball. ","label":-1,"idx":3342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are an important part in making sure these young people are matched with caring adult mentors.","text2":"Your support does not directly impact young people.","label":-1,"idx":3343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Feminist Dictionary includes new words and new definitions; words from utopian literature suggest what might be ; definitions are elaborate, the stated aim to stimulate research or theoretical development.","text2":"Feminist dictionaries have new definitions and words inside.","label":-1,"idx":3344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you hit anything?","text2":"You missed every hit, didn't you.","label":-1,"idx":3345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The conventional wisdom can no longer predict future industry dynamics or offer guideposts for private and public policies.","text2":"Future industry dynamics can still be predicted.","label":-1,"idx":3346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strange to say, however, that interest does not seem to be more than a few hundred years if the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Indians, the Chinese and other peoples were curious about their own prehistory, I have not heard of it.","text2":"People were ignorant so they didn't much care for history. ","label":-1,"idx":3347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Black Hawk down joined Desert One as a symbol among Americans in uniform, code phrases used to evoke the risks of daring exploits without maximum preparation, overwhelming force, and a well-defined mission.","text2":"Black Hawk Down became a symbol of the risks for US forces, making them leery of going to war.","label":-1,"idx":3348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD had no information either.","text2":"NORAD had information to report.","label":-1,"idx":3349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview and for you helping with the research project at UNCC.","text2":"Your interview will be the control for the project. ","label":-1,"idx":3350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Young Muslims from around the world flocked to Afghanistan to join as volunteers in what was seen as a holy war-jihad-against an invader.","text2":"Young Muslims that saw it as a jihad flocked to Afghanistan to volunteer.","label":-1,"idx":3351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miyares isn't satisfied with the figures.","text2":"Miyares hopes the figures could be better","label":-1,"idx":3352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I pretty much remember the whole thing.","text2":"I mostly remember the whole thing.","label":-1,"idx":3353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Adoption of this assembly technique involves altering the physical layout of sewing machines as well as human resource changes in training requirements, compensation systems, and methods of supervision.","text2":"To use the new technique, changes in the setup and systems must be made.","label":-1,"idx":3354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"80 percent of participants will have established short and long-term goals for self sufficiency in adulthood as measured by staff checklists.","text2":"The most common long-term goal set forward by participants was the acquisition of residence. ","label":-1,"idx":3355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I try to help you. ","text2":"I don't make an effort to help you.","label":-1,"idx":3356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many thousands of such jokes in every language, for they depend for their humor on polysemy or homonymy, which exists in all languages.","text2":"The most humorous language is usually considered to be German.","label":-1,"idx":3357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you like it or?","text2":"I did not like it at all.","label":-1,"idx":3358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faced with this problem, some gun toters would skin, or sharpen the flint with a knife, creating a bevel in the flint, which could then make full contact and generate an adequate shower of sparks.","text2":"The bevel would create sparks without making full contact.","label":-1,"idx":3359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is even harder to accurately cut the notches used by sewing operators to align cut parts.","text2":"There can be no mistakes when cutting the notches.","label":-1,"idx":3360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That has greatly enhanced our response to new trends, reduced turnaround times and increased the flexibility of all those involved in the buying process.","text2":"Response to new trends has been greatly enhanced by this.","label":-1,"idx":3361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we need to scramble Langley right now.","text2":"Langley doesn't need to be brought into this.","label":-1,"idx":3362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"a gathering for the purpose of caressing as an organised sport.","text2":"A party where petting is turned into a formal game with rules and winners.","label":-1,"idx":3363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Michael Sims felt that way at age 39 -- the day he earned a job.","text2":"Michael Sims got his only job when he was 39 years old.","label":-1,"idx":3364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In general, to maximize operating profit, a manufacturer must know the factory's overall cycle time, work-in-process carrying costs, finished or hanging goods carrying costs, unit production costs, and unit selling price, as well as the Cv for each SKU of a given style.","text2":"The factory's work-in-process carrying costs aren't a detail that manufacturers need to know.","label":-1,"idx":3365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But only rarely did they collaborate and, with few exceptions, their work was not correlated in a systematic way.","text2":"They always contributed. ","label":-1,"idx":3366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know that it will be a very big culture shock, because I've grown up going to Boston all the time.","text2":"I'm sure it will be very new to me because I've grown up going to Boston ever since.","label":-1,"idx":3367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have such transpositions a name?","text2":"That transposition method is technically already given a name.","label":-1,"idx":3368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help to continue our work, particularly as we enable area families with low incomes to become home owners.","text2":"As we enable area families with low incomes to become home owners we need your help to continue our work.","label":-1,"idx":3369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I really believe that our support of DePauw does matter.","text2":"I really think that our support of DePauw is important.","label":-1,"idx":3370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I look forward to your response, membership support, and having the opportunity to be of service.","text2":"I am happy to read your reply, offer my service, and receive membership support.","label":-1,"idx":3371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No decision since his decision to return to the field during the Vietnam War had as much impact on Miyares.","text2":"The decision to return to the field had the greatest impact on Miyares.","label":-1,"idx":3372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why is she still breathtaking when her child is already four?","text2":"She gained a lot of weight since her child was born.","label":-1,"idx":3373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lee Hanson then called the Easton Police Department and relayed what he had heard.","text2":"No one told the Easton Police what had happened.","label":-1,"idx":3374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only thing I did know for sure was here's a chance to change things for me and my children.","text2":"There's a chance to change things for my family.","label":-1,"idx":3375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were you close with her when you were growing up?","text2":"When you were growing up were you close with her at all? ","label":-1,"idx":3376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this jeremiad, males are viewed as the enemy, and are so characterized throughout the book, which concludes with exhortations to engage the foe and a strident call to arms (though not men's).","text2":"This book is anti-male.","label":-1,"idx":3377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Before the invention of the printing press, manuscripts had to be copied by hand.","text2":"It took a lot of time to copy before the printing press","label":-1,"idx":3378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, it made no sense at all.","text2":"It was nonsensical.","label":-1,"idx":3379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've lived here all of my life.","text2":"All of my life I have lived here.","label":-1,"idx":3380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't be nervous.","text2":"You have an anxiety disorder.","label":-1,"idx":3381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The call for parenting advice has led to a proliferation of volumes, filling shelf after shelf in virtually every general-purpose bookstore and public library.","text2":"Public libraries strictly carry classic literature.","label":-1,"idx":3382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And finally, though perhaps of most importance to you, through the Campus Campaign you can continue to make your gift to any IUPUI program that matters to you.","text2":"It is not possible for you to have any say in where your donation go. ","label":-1,"idx":3383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But then like, I know people like that and they're people just like anybody else is.","text2":"They were unique in that they did not act like anybody else.","label":-1,"idx":3384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are therefore requesting your cooperation.","text2":"Your cooperation is completely useless.","label":-1,"idx":3385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plans to attack the United States were developed with unwavering singlemindedness throughout the 1990s.","text2":"It was determined that the United States would be the only target, but that it would be a worthy target.","label":-1,"idx":3386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As noted in the 1988 Economic Report of the President,Adoption of just-in-time inventory management by manufacturers also represents a significant development, since changes in inventories have often been an important source of business-cycle fluctuations.","text2":"The 1988 Economic Report of The President was approved by the majority of Congress.","label":-1,"idx":3387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had joined al Qaeda and taken the oath of fealty to Bin Ladin, serving as one of his business agents.","text2":"Serving as a business agent, he joined al Qaeda.","label":-1,"idx":3388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Similarly, a 2-year-old who says that the sun disappearing below the horizon is sleepy is likely to receive an alternative explanation.","text2":"There are young children who say that the sun setting is sleepy.","label":-1,"idx":3389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He has horns on his head on his mask and he has a cape and he wears a black suit and a orange belt.","text2":"The villain wears a mask with horns on his head.","label":-1,"idx":3390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turabi headed the National Islamic Front in a coalition that had recently seized power in Khartoum.","text2":"Khartoum has peacefully always been ruled by the same group.","label":-1,"idx":3391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet not every aspect of apparel production depends on new technologies; in fact, automated sewing processes and the use of robots on the apparel shop floor have not turned out to be profitable or effective.","text2":"Technology has changed apparel making in every aspects, robots now make up the workforce of the industry.","label":-1,"idx":3392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That, I thought, was really absurd.","text2":"It was very absurd.","label":-1,"idx":3393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many other important areas where children, families, the elderly and disabled need our help.","text2":"There are a lot of important areas that need help and have no funding.","label":-1,"idx":3394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why don't we do this in spite of not don't have a funeral let's just get together.","text2":"Let's just get together instead of having a funeral.","label":-1,"idx":3395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is administered through the Indiana University Foundation.","text2":"This is administered by the college of the absurd. ","label":-1,"idx":3396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything else you want to talk about or is that pretty much all you had to say?","text2":"You can talk to me if there is something else on your mind?","label":-1,"idx":3397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And do you know when you were born?","text2":"Do you know your birthday?","label":-1,"idx":3398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It would appear that neither the market imports of textiles nor the immigration of low-skilled workers has had an appreciable negative impact on the wages of the textile industry or its major sectors.","text2":"Textile imports have not negatively damaged the textile industry.","label":-1,"idx":3399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS warned the FAA's Cleveland Center to watch Delta 1989.","text2":"NEADS told the FAA's Cleveland Center to be aware of Delta 1989.","label":-1,"idx":3400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(The child misunderstands the meaning of the word scale. ","text2":"Children learning English often get confused by its large vocabulary.","label":-1,"idx":3401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then the expected (average) demand is the solid black trend line shown in Figure 6.3.","text2":"Figure 4.5 represents the expected demand as a black trend line.","label":-1,"idx":3402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The term dictionary entry includes all vocabulary entries as well as all boldface entries in the separate sections of the back matter headed Abbreviations and Symbols for Chemical Elements, Foreign Words and Phrases, Biographical Names, Geographical Names, and Colleges and Universities. ","text2":"To avoid confusion, dictionary entries must include all variations of a word or name","label":-1,"idx":3403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe we do our job well and are continually strengthening our reputation as a first-rate law school.","text2":"The reputation of our school is at an all-time low.","label":-1,"idx":3404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you don't know who your Alderman is, contact the Mayor's office at 594-3341.","text2":"You can reach your Alderman on the telephone.","label":-1,"idx":3405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In scaolding, the adult encourages the child to grapple with questions and problems and, thereby, to contribute significantly to the dialogue.","text2":"The child wrestles with problems and questions during scaolding.","label":-1,"idx":3406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One rapidly runs out of hands and must resort to fingers and toes, for after years of laboriously categorizing these languages, the number of different main branches (called families and subfamilies) came to about ten.","text2":"The number of main branches was eventually found to be five.","label":-1,"idx":3407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For many Muslims, a good government would be one guided by the moral principles of their faith.","text2":"There is no involvement of the faith in the Muslim government.","label":-1,"idx":3408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, yeah when Dad busted my ear because he stopped moving.","text2":"Dad busted my ear because he stopped moving.","label":-1,"idx":3409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The report of American 11 heading south was the first; Delta 1989 was the second.","text2":"The first report of the flight heading south was American 11 and the second report was Delta 1989, other than the terrorists on the plane, no authorities knew at the time what was about to happen with these two planes. ","label":-1,"idx":3410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It continued heading south for roughly a minute, before turning west and beginning to circle back.","text2":"It went south for a very short time and then changed direction.","label":-1,"idx":3411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They funded huge infrastructure projects, vastly expanded education, and created subsidized social welfare programs.","text2":"They helped out a lot with subsidized welfare programs.","label":-1,"idx":3412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or take two of the most popular verbs we use to describe somebody who has been dismissed from the job' fired and discharged . Both are metaphors that compare the unfortunate victim to a projectile shot out of a gun or cannon.","text2":"These comparisons to firearms have been popular for decades and continue to be used today.","label":-1,"idx":3413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Competitive information-integrated channels may also reduce aggregate price levels, as expressed by price markup policies that in the past have reflected the incomplete information of channel participants.","text2":"Aggregate price levels are increased by competitive information integrated channels.","label":-1,"idx":3414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The environment has a crucial, profound impact.","text2":"The environment has no impact.","label":-1,"idx":3415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Keeping it in mind can help parents and teachers interact with children in ways that lead their development forward.","text2":"The way that parents and teachers interact with children leads their forward development.","label":-1,"idx":3416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, many eminent child development researchers have countered Harris's thesis.","text2":"Many child development experts disagree with Harris an his latest research about sociability.","label":-1,"idx":3417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can participate in enjoyable, worthwhile activities with some very interesting people in over 500 U.S. and Canada chapters.","text2":"In over 500 U.S. and Canada chapters, you can participate in enjoyable, worthwhile activities with some very interesting people.","label":-1,"idx":3418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Clue syntax deserves a more thorough examination than space permits; but perhaps it would be best to comment on some aspects of the ethics of compiling clues.","text2":"Space permits are a complex subject which require the deepest scrutiny.","label":-1,"idx":3419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its purpose is to encourage collaboration and cooperation between the various agencies, programs, and systems that serve our community's youth.","text2":"Encouraging collaboration and cooperation between the various agencies, programs, and systems that serve our community's youth.is the purpose of the group which is in dire need of additional funding.","label":-1,"idx":3420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouting benefits parent\/child relationships.","text2":"The bond between a parent and child are strengthened by Girl Scouting.","label":-1,"idx":3421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They did not, however, conform to the letter of Galef's definition'conjunct words of contradictory literal meaning.","text2":"They will never listen to Galef's letter.","label":-1,"idx":3422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:21, the Command Center, some FAA field facilities, and American Airlines had started to search for American 77.","text2":"The Command Center never looked for the plane, assuming it was fine.","label":-1,"idx":3423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went on to warn that If the present injustice continues . . . , it will inevitably move the battle to American soil.","text2":"The battle was currently overseas.","label":-1,"idx":3424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The cartoon.","text2":"The animation.","label":-1,"idx":3425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I haven't met one person at UNC-Charlotte that I didn't meet in my high school.","text2":"I have met many people at UNC-Charlotte that I did not meet in my high school.","label":-1,"idx":3426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am proud to say that our law school and fellow graduates play a significant role both in Indiana and the nation.","text2":"The impact of law school graduates is said to be pretty poor.","label":-1,"idx":3427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the Command Center learned Flight 77 was missing, neither it nor FAA headquarters issued an all points bulletin to surrounding centers to search for primary radar targets.","text2":"An APB was issued by the FAA as soon as Flight 77 was known to be missing.","label":-1,"idx":3428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And none of the information conveyed in the White House video teleconference, at least in the first hour, was being passed to the NMCC.","text2":"The information was not shown in the White House.","label":-1,"idx":3429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we describe in Chapter 7, manufacturers have essentially two choices in supplying replenishables.","text2":"Manufacturers don't have any choices when it comes to supplying replenishables.","label":-1,"idx":3430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After ordering the Otis fighters to battle stations, Colonel Marr phoned Major General Larry Arnold, commanding general of the First Air Force and NORAD's Continental Region.","text2":"Colonel Marr did not have enough authority to declare any soldiers to take action on the situation.","label":-1,"idx":3431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Saudi pressures on the Bin Ladin family also probably took some toll.","text2":"The Bin Ladin family was surrounded by enemy forces hired by the Saudi government.","label":-1,"idx":3432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President told us he was frustrated with the poor communications that morning.","text2":"They President was amazed at how good the communications were. ","label":-1,"idx":3433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only consequence of their selection was that their checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that they had boarded the aircraft.","text2":"Their checked bags were not allowed to be put on the plane and they had to get left behind.","label":-1,"idx":3434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 19 men were aboard four transcontinental flights.","text2":"On four flights, there were a total of 19 men.","label":-1,"idx":3435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Re the article on Cuthbert, Dickens uses intercourse to mean `communication between people' in A Christmas Carol when Scrooge says I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse to the third Spirit.","text2":"Charles Dickens has only used the word intercourse to imply sexual relations.","label":-1,"idx":3436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing more.","text2":"I'm all out of things to say","label":-1,"idx":3437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller told his supervisor that he thought something was seriously wrong with the plane, although neither suspected a hijacking.","text2":"The controller told his supervisor that something was wrong.","label":-1,"idx":3438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hijacking of American 11 American Airlines Flight 11 provided nonstop service from Boston to Los Angeles.","text2":"American Airlines provided a nonstop service from Boston to Los Angeles. ","label":-1,"idx":3439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what is it you want to do when you graduate?","text2":"What would you like to do when you finish school?","label":-1,"idx":3440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bolten told us he wanted to make sure the President was told that the Vice President had executed the order.","text2":"Bolton was insistent that information regarding the Vice President's order reached the president.","label":-1,"idx":3441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center knew of a problem on the flight in part because just before 8:25 the hijackers had attempted to communicate with the passengers.","text2":"The Boston Center was pretty sure hijackers would cause a problem on the flight.","label":-1,"idx":3442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:32, controllers at the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed.","text2":"Controllers from the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control found an eastbound target moving very fast at 9;32.","label":-1,"idx":3443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't know exactly where.","text2":"They know exactly where.","label":-1,"idx":3444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Babies cry for liquor an' all the birds sing bass.","text2":"These are some very strange song lyrics. ","label":-1,"idx":3445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and then they ask my sister what would she like for my son.","text2":"It's ridiculous that my sister's kid gets more attention than mine. ","label":-1,"idx":3446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were not scrambled in response to United 93; NORAD did not have 47 minutes to intercept the flight; NORAD did not even know the plane was hijacked until after it had crashed.","text2":"Only after the crash did NORAD know that the plane had been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":3447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those four planes, like all aircraft traveling above 10,000 feet, were required to emit a unique transponder signal while in flight.","text2":"Those four planes were below 10,000 feet.","label":-1,"idx":3448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hijacking of United 175 United Airlines Flight 175 was scheduled to depart for Los Angeles at 8:00.","text2":"The flight was never scheduled to depart for Los Angeles.","label":-1,"idx":3449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin eventually enjoyed a strong financial position in Afghanistan, thanks to Saudi and other financiers associated with the Golden Chain.","text2":"Bin Ladin was never given money to further his cause.","label":-1,"idx":3450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eighty-one passengers boarded the flight with them (including the five terrorists).","text2":"Out of the eighty-one passengers half of them were female. ","label":-1,"idx":3451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was it as recently as last year that you could find your way around, or has it been so long that if you were to visit the main campus you could not recognize it?","text2":"Would you recognize your way around the main campus if you came to visit, or has it been too a long time?","label":-1,"idx":3452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, what about now, like um, Thanksgiving's coming up, and families get together for that and for Christmas when, when you are um, you know eating dinner, or you know, just talking and everything.","text2":"No one visits with their families on holidays.","label":-1,"idx":3453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A minute later, the deputy director stated that it had just been confirmed that American 11 was still airborne and heading toward D.C.","text2":"After a short pause the agency official let them know the plane was still flying.","label":-1,"idx":3454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"President of what?","text2":"What secretary?","label":-1,"idx":3455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They can dwell on virtually any aspect of experience'of living and working together.","text2":"They have experience living and working together in the past.","label":-1,"idx":3456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight had already crashed by the time they learned it was hijacked.","text2":"The flight had crashed before they even realized it'd been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":3457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After U.S. troops deployed to Somalia in late 1992, al Qaeda leaders formulated a fatwa demanding their eviction.","text2":"The U.S. troops heeded the demands of Al Qaeda to leave.","label":-1,"idx":3458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other governments in the region, such as those of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and even Libya, which were targets of some of these groups, added their own pressure.","text2":"The Egyptian government, along with others from the area, were targets of some of these groups. ","label":-1,"idx":3459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Wait, wait said the lady.\"","text2":"The lady told him to go now.","label":-1,"idx":3460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes I wonder about the extent of my own vocabulary, too, but really, not when I'm interviewing a client.","text2":"I don't stop to think about my vocabulary while in the middle of an interview.","label":-1,"idx":3461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet sales of some of the less popular sizes, such as the 43-regular, are only a few hundred a year.","text2":"The popularity of the 43 regular is low due to better alternatives at similar price points.","label":-1,"idx":3462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These measurements, along with the style of jeans and the type of fabric, are sent to a sewing plant where they are cut, sewn, and then mailed to the customer.","text2":"The sewing plant sends customisation requests to the headquarters where the apparel is produced.","label":-1,"idx":3463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These monkeys held pyramids of cannonballs for each gun in a muzzleloading battery on a battleship.","text2":"Monkeys were efficient at lading cannonballs on a ship.","label":-1,"idx":3464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's conversations with elaborative-style parents increase in complexity as language development proceeds, creating a zone of proximal development in which narrative competence expands.","text2":"Elaborative-style parents do the best job of encouraging these traits in their kids.","label":-1,"idx":3465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She said, I'm going shoe shopping, and kept on smoking.","text2":"She was silent in response. ","label":-1,"idx":3466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A typical production pants marker is about 265 inches long and 59.75 inches wide.","text2":"Typical production pants markers have a width of 59.75 inches.","label":-1,"idx":3467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is unlikely that Bin Ladin could have returned to Afghanistan had Pakistan disapproved.","text2":"If Pakistan had not approved, Bin Ladin would likely not been able to return to Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":3468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The sources cited here as SF have been classed as such by at least one reputable critic.","text2":"None of the critics classified anything as SF. ","label":-1,"idx":3469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strengthen Families -- Help victims of child abuse and neglect, answer crisis hotlines, prevent family violence and counsel the mentally ill;","text2":"Help destroy families and terrorize the mentally ill.","label":-1,"idx":3470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said that saw drifted down and hit him right across the back of his thumb.","text2":"The saw hit the back of this thumb.","label":-1,"idx":3471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, retailers that work with suppliers employing a more complete set of information, distribution, and manufacturing innovations need not eliminate as many of their unsold products at the end of season via price reductions.","text2":"Retailers work with suppliers and those who do need not eliminate as many of their unsold products at the end of the season.","label":-1,"idx":3472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through them, adults help children construct increasingly elaborate images of themselves and teach them culturally accepted ways of organizing and interpreting their experiences.","text2":"Adults help children learn culturally accepted ways of organizing and interpreting their experiences.","label":-1,"idx":3473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were heading east, not north, for three reasons.","text2":"The Langley fighters were under order to fly east.","label":-1,"idx":3474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miller and Swift treat this problem and seem to believe that it has been ","text2":"This problem is not treated by anyone.","label":-1,"idx":3475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No allowance has been made in the above calculations for the pronunciation key appearing on each odd-numbered page of the W .","text2":"Allowance has not been made in the above calculations for the pronunciation key.","label":-1,"idx":3476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's also assume that the average demand each week has been growing at a rate of about 1 percent, so that the average demand for the next week should be 10 times as much.","text2":"We can work under the assumption that the mean demand every week grows.","label":-1,"idx":3477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your help, we can change that.","text2":"We can change thanks to people devoting their time and resources.","label":-1,"idx":3478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In what country were you born?","text2":"What country were you born in?","label":-1,"idx":3479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember storybooks or children's novels that you read growing up or you like?","text2":"What storybooks do you still read from your childhood? ","label":-1,"idx":3480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, Indianapolis Center never saw Flight 77 turn around.","text2":"Flight 77 had to turn around because they were out of fuel.","label":-1,"idx":3481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When all of a sudden, a girl went by, I was washing (clothes), a girl went by, and she told me she was going to here mom's, her name is Victoria.","text2":"I met a girl named Victoria. She didn't care that I was washing clothes. ","label":-1,"idx":3482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whatever its derivation, duende as artistic inspiration found its apostle and guru in Andalusian-born Federico Garcia Lorca, lyric poet and dramatist who was murdered in 1936, at age 38, in the early days of the Spanish Civil War.","text2":"Many artists were murdered during the Spanish Civil War. ","label":-1,"idx":3483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They were off up the hill a little ways.","text2":"They were up ahead a bit.","label":-1,"idx":3484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you recall, when we were in the grad program and making much less money than we now pay in taxes, we were awarded a Prentice Scholarship.","text2":"If you recall that we were awarded the Prentice Scholarships when we were in need.","label":-1,"idx":3485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about do remember any stories that, that you've been told by your, by your sisters about them growing up or have they told stories about you growing up that you can remember?","text2":"Are any of the stories your sisters shared embarrassing?","label":-1,"idx":3486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I, I like, uh, uh, those kinds of things that talk about why people do what they do when they're in positions of political power or aspiring to positions of political power.","text2":"I really don't enjoy anything which focuses on politicians and the motivations that drive their behaviour.","label":-1,"idx":3487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By extension, a point-blank question or accusation is one that is direct and straightforward 'right to the mark.","text2":"Beating around the bush is a good example of a point-blank accusation.","label":-1,"idx":3488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But one must contend not only with the way the word might be used today but with the evidence of centuries of culture reflected in billions upon billions upon billions of words of text all of which shape the way we think and speak.","text2":"Billions of words of text shape the way we think and speak to this day","label":-1,"idx":3489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing, you know, nothing more to do.","text2":"There's still loads to be done.","label":-1,"idx":3490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your assistance will allow the continuance of offering these programs at reasonable rates.","text2":"Your assistance will make new programs and allow the continuance of offering these at reasonable rates. ","label":-1,"idx":3491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A scaffold was built so that a rifleman' who fired a single-shot, muzzle-loading shoulder weapon'could step up and shoot over the top of the trench.","text2":"There was no solution for riflemen to be able to shoot over a trench.","label":-1,"idx":3492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The first is the Hope diamond, then comes the Kohinoor, and then comes this one, which is called the Lipschitz. ","text2":"The first diamond is called Kohinoor, followed by Lipschitz and Hope.","label":-1,"idx":3493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition are building relationships that will hopefully bear great fruit in the years to come.","text2":"A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition are collaborating to the benefit of each other.","label":-1,"idx":3494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They did this on 9\/11 when the transponder signals for three of the aircraft disappeared.","text2":"Staff did this to try to locate the planes when the transponder signals for three of the aircraft disappeared so they could attempt an emergency intervention after investigation of the flight issues. ","label":-1,"idx":3495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I ask you to join me again this year in supporting the program that is doing so much to preserve and protect our natural heritage.","text2":"Please don't give your support to that atrocious program this year.","label":-1,"idx":3496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a Chevy.","text2":"It was a blue Chevy.","label":-1,"idx":3497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyway, I treasure that table.","text2":"That table has been in my family for generations.","label":-1,"idx":3498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Right now.","text2":"Hold on. ","label":-1,"idx":3499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here and there in this morass of misunderstanding, Miles treads on solid ground if one can agree with the eminent anthropologist Joseph Campbell.","text2":"Miles work is full of misunderstanding.","label":-1,"idx":3500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Ted decided the children deserved a chance to start over in another town, no matter how difficult it might prove to be.","text2":"The man decided the kids should get a fresh start elsewhere.","label":-1,"idx":3501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A number of your fellow alumni have expressed an interest in establishing an English Alumni Scholarship Fund to offer tuition support to an English major who promises to make a contribution to life after graduating.","text2":"Your fellow alumni do not want to support students. ","label":-1,"idx":3502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Appearing rushed, impatient, and inattentive to the child's comments, they contribute little information and ask the same short-answer questions over and Do you remember Halloween? ","text2":"Seeming impatient and inattentive to their child's comments, they ask the same questions.","label":-1,"idx":3503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Second Edition of the Random House Unabridged follows a similar practice, and I find it speculative, spurious, and specious except for the documentation of relatively recent coinages.","text2":"The Second Edition of the Random House Unabridged is over four hundred pages.","label":-1,"idx":3504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1980s, the Egyptian Islamist movement-badly battered in the government crackdown following President Sadat's assassination-was centered in two major the Islamic Group and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.","text2":"Thousands of jihadists were imprisoned in the government crackdown.","label":-1,"idx":3505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet when given a plastic replica of a push-button phone, Lynnay readily put the receiver to her ear and pretended to converse.","text2":"Lynnay wouldn't do anything with a plastic replica phone.","label":-1,"idx":3506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA interviewed the screeners later; none recalled anything unusual or suspicious.","text2":"Although the screeners were there, none could recall anything unusual when interviewed by the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":3507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess it was 1979, my dad bought me a little Yamaha 80 motorcycle I could cruise through the fields and dirt roads and so forth which uh, I had real good luck with that I guess up until um, I don't know what year that was there.","text2":"I have never owned a Yamaha 80 motorcycle. ","label":-1,"idx":3508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact, the retail systems of both Wanamaker and Walton integrated a variety of innovations that had already been pioneered by other retailers.","text2":"Walton's retail system was ultimately the most successful.","label":-1,"idx":3509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"heavens to Betsy!","text2":"She did not exclaim anything at all. ","label":-1,"idx":3510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is drawn to conclude that the work is the product of some disembodied corporate entity.","text2":"The conclusions that one is drawn to make are usually misleading.","label":-1,"idx":3511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As it turns out, Fleance escapes to fulfill the prophecy of Banquo begetting a line of kings.","text2":"Fleance could not escape.","label":-1,"idx":3512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these conversations, we may not agree with our partner's point of view, but we usually acknowledge that we comprehend and appreciate it'and our partner generally does the same.","text2":"We do not acknowledge our partner's view if we disagree.","label":-1,"idx":3513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American Airlines' nationwide ground stop between 9:05 and 9:10 was followed by a United Airlines ground stop.","text2":"No airlines had ground stops that day. ","label":-1,"idx":3514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But then like, I know people like that and they're people just like anybody else is.","text2":"They are not typical as they have a unique attitude towards others.","label":-1,"idx":3515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Oh, God, I don't know.","text2":"I don't know.","label":-1,"idx":3516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just got painted today!","text2":"It couldn't get painted yesterday because of the weather.","label":-1,"idx":3517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We thank you for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you.","text2":"We are sorry that you won't be supporting us.","label":-1,"idx":3518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:59, an Air Force lieutenant colonel working in the White House Military Office joined the conference and stated he had just talked to Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley.","text2":"In the afternoon, a high ranking officer joined the conference and mentioned that he had just discussed with Stephen Hadley.","label":-1,"idx":3519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sophie is socially engaged throughout!","text2":"Sophie is socially engaged and well liked by her peers!","label":-1,"idx":3520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\Stories I liked, yeah.","text2":"I hated the stories.","label":-1,"idx":3521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"1 suggests that the most innovative firms are able to produce and deliver their products in less than half the time of the least innovative apparel suppliers.","text2":"Innovative firms produce and deliver products faster than their less-innovative competitors. ","label":-1,"idx":3522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Talia and Jim can be heard saying impatiently, You aren't any good at this! ","text2":"There are a lot of children like Talia.","label":-1,"idx":3523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin Moves to Sudan By the fall of 1989, Bin Ladin had sufficient stature among Islamic extremists that a Sudanese political leader, Hassan al Turabi, urged him to transplant his whole organization to Sudan.","text2":"Bin Ladin agreed to a temporary relocation.","label":-1,"idx":3524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teacher ratings are even more precise, since teachers are familiar with many children and therefore have a broader basis for judging whether a particular child is high, low, or intermediate on dimensions of temperament.","text2":"Teacher ratings are the most precise way of judging a child's temperament, as the teachers are exposed to many children.","label":-1,"idx":3525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then her father introduces a special form of strategic thinking called distancing.","text2":"Distancing is a special form of strategic thinking that her father introduces.","label":-1,"idx":3526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. and Mrs. Platter, you've always been there to help when we've counted on you.","text2":"We've always been able to rely on your help, Mr. and Mrs. Platter.","label":-1,"idx":3527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The big bad wolf ate the grandma then she, then the big bad wolf tried to, eat red riding hood.","text2":"Red Riding Hood was terrified as the big bad wolf tried to eat her.","label":-1,"idx":3528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1992, the mean response time for replenishing products that the supplier had agreed to provide on this basis was 2.9 weeks among those business units that had adopted none of the four practices.","text2":"The mean response time in 2017 has improved by a factor of four.","label":-1,"idx":3529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The academy also calls upon all French to send in further examples of linguistic pollution, observing ruefully that this is one museum which will be open 12 months a year.","text2":"There is no such proof to show of language pollution.","label":-1,"idx":3530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But cloth is rarely cut this way, even when only one ply is cut at a time.","text2":"That method is widely used. ","label":-1,"idx":3531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Between 3 and 6 years, children's descriptions of special, one-time events'a family excursion, a grandparent's visit, a first trip to the dentist'become better organized and more elaborate.","text2":"Children's descriptions of one-time events become better organized, more elaborate, and more clearly spoken around the ages of 3-6 years. ","label":-1,"idx":3532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Probably depended on which night it was.","text2":"It didn't matter which night it was.","label":-1,"idx":3533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Animal Farm and they, yeah, it was so far in the future, and, my gosh, now it's the past.","text2":"We still saw how Animal Farm was relevant in today's world.","label":-1,"idx":3534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This doubtless reflects psychoanalytic theory's cherished insistence that the patient actually does the analyzing in the long run and thus is more truly the active partner.","text2":"This fits with the notion that patients eventually do more to analyze themselves than the psychiatrist does.","label":-1,"idx":3535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 8 ( Getting Ready to Sew) describes the preassembly steps of apparel design","text2":"Preassembly steps of apparel design can be found in chapter 8.","label":-1,"idx":3536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we obtain our goal soon, the fund can begin to be used for excellence in teaching and research.","text2":"There won't be any teaching unless the funding goal is met.","label":-1,"idx":3537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, the same way I went out to another, er, e, cousin, his name is Cristobal, and I said, Cristobal, do you have to, what are you doing tomorrow?","text2":"I asked Cristobal if the world was flat, and he nodded emphatically at me as he walked off the edge.","label":-1,"idx":3538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe that there was a pond even that it kind of overlooked in the back.","text2":"I think the new house had a pond.","label":-1,"idx":3539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two trends over the past twenty-five years have compounded the problems inherent in the traditional retail model.","text2":"Issues inherent to the retail model have been compounded by more than one trend.","label":-1,"idx":3540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think that's why they expect so much more of me.","text2":"I did a lot of work for them, but they expected more.","label":-1,"idx":3541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But none of the other callers reported the presence of a firearm.","text2":"There was no firearm,","label":-1,"idx":3542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I appreciate it, Tracy.","text2":"Thank you Tracy, I value it. ","label":-1,"idx":3543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The point is to make sure that even very slight shade variations will not be apparent in the final assembly.","text2":"The goal is for there to be no variety in shade visible in the final assembly.","label":-1,"idx":3544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When, um, I was little, I lived more, near Lake Norman side of Charlotte.","text2":"I have never been near the Lake Norman side of Charlotte.","label":-1,"idx":3545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the instance of a memorial gift, the card is sent to the family of the deceased.","text2":"The gift card is sent to the pastor who did the service.","label":-1,"idx":3546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Feminist Dictionary includes new words and new definitions; words from utopian literature suggest what might be ; definitions are elaborate, the stated aim to stimulate research or theoretical development.","text2":"Feminist dictionaries are no different from others.","label":-1,"idx":3547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You suggest something.","text2":"You could suggest something.","label":-1,"idx":3548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kornbluth and Isaac Asimov, both in 1958); spaceship (by John Jacob Astor, son of the fur trader, 1894, C.S.","text2":"John Jacob Astor wrote many books. ","label":-1,"idx":3549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, joint participation in make-believe with more expert cultural members is so important for development during early childhood that I devote an entire chapter to it.","text2":"Make-believing with more experienced cultural members positively impacts a child in early childhood development.","label":-1,"idx":3550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And whatever they got, I read.","text2":"I read whatever they had.","label":-1,"idx":3551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Chair of Diagnostic Sciences for Indiana University School of Dentistry, Steve Bricker set a standard for excellence to which we all aspire.","text2":"Steve Bricker was chair of diagnostic sciences for indiana school of dentistry. ","label":-1,"idx":3552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"High demand uncertainty, previously associated only with fashion products, is now pervasive, characterizing even those items once regarded as basics'such as power tools, industrial seals, men's dress shirts, and blue jeans.","text2":"Fashion products used to be the only product unaffected by high demand uncertainty.","label":-1,"idx":3553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1992, the mean response time for replenishing products that the supplier had agreed to provide on this basis was 2.9 weeks among those business units that had adopted none of the four practices.","text2":"The mean response time for replenishing products that the supplier had agreed to provide on this basis was 2.9 weeks.","label":-1,"idx":3554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, we're going to talk about today childhood stories and what I'm wondering is what are the stories you remember as children?","text2":"Are there any childhood stories you remember?","label":-1,"idx":3555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope to see you there!","text2":"I have seen you there before. ","label":-1,"idx":3556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Way's ultimate success comes down to individuals like you and me and how we respond to human need.","text2":"United Way fails because of help from people like you.","label":-1,"idx":3557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This had the effect of puzzling some clerks, of occasionally leading to communication (finger-pinching for clothespins worked, for example), and most often of bringing out the clerks' sense of humor, expressed in good-natured if frustrated laughter.","text2":"This usually made the clerks laugh, revealing their sense of humor.","label":-1,"idx":3558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Money for programs, for equipment, and for repairs and improvements to club facilities.","text2":"Most of the money will go towards the repairs and improvement of the facilities.","label":-1,"idx":3559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My big sister is ten and my little sister is four.","text2":"I don't have sisters.","label":-1,"idx":3560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean, I wasn't a particular snobby one, but there were some that were, so--","text2":"They are all very humble, except for this one.","label":-1,"idx":3561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be able to distinguish among types of yes 'to be able to discern when that word means no or perhaps or yes, I don't think so 'that would mean that one had become intimately Japanese.","text2":"There are many phrases that do not translate well from English to Japanese.","label":-1,"idx":3562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the 1980s, many American psychologists and educators'doubting the Piagetian view of development and desiring to account for wide variation in children's competencies'embraced Vygotsky's ideas with enthusiasm.","text2":"Many psychologists embraced Vygotsky's ideas when they doubted Piaget.","label":-1,"idx":3563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A handful might have led colorful existences, some are objects of interest because they died early, committed suicide, were related to (other) famous people, and so forth; but such information seldom reveals as much about their output as do the creations themselves, and in certain cases one is probably better off not knowing quite so much.","text2":"None of them ever committed suicide or were related to other famous people.","label":-1,"idx":3564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, building on Sophie's theme, he placed a teddy bear on another part of the rug and offered, I think Ted's tired, too.","text2":"He placed an old, brown teddy bear on the rug his mother had purchased.","label":-1,"idx":3565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support enables the students to apply their knowledge and participate in the community.","text2":"Your support helps students to use their knowledge and be active community members.","label":-1,"idx":3566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Copy that, sir.","text2":"I heard that.","label":-1,"idx":3567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, Indianapolis Center never saw Flight 77 turn around.","text2":"Indianapolis Center was not able to see Flight 77 when it turned around.","label":-1,"idx":3568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think it's so important.","text2":"I believe it is a matter of life or death.","label":-1,"idx":3569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some within the Pentagon argued in the 1990s that the alert sites should be eliminated entirely.","text2":"Alert sites are costing the government a lot of money.","label":-1,"idx":3570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I got a strange sort of corroboration from my good friend Rosy McHargue, who is now pushing eighty-seven years and has spent most of his life playing clarinet and sax with some of the best jazzbands'Benny Goodman, Red Nichols, Ted Weems, and a slew of others.","text2":"Rosy McHargue plays a variety of instruments, including the clarinet and sax.","label":-1,"idx":3571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Department stores proved to be one of the most adversely affected retail sectors.","text2":"The retail sector has shifted more towards tech investments.","label":-1,"idx":3572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet just because many U.S. manufacturers rely on foreign contractors for a good portion of garment assembly, it does not mean sewing in a factory requires little or no skill.","text2":"Companies save 50% of profits by paying foreign people less money for jobs.","label":-1,"idx":3573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These boxes come with wires (called cables for some reason) that allow them to be connected to one another and into a power source.","text2":"The converter boxes can be linked together.","label":-1,"idx":3574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the past, you can also contribute directly to the IGGS Scholarship Fund.","text2":"You may make donations directly towards the IGGS Scholarship Fund.","label":-1,"idx":3575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"spike one's guns If an army had to fall back and abandon its field artillery, the simplest way to render its guns useless was to jam a spike into the fuse hole.","text2":"Putting a spike in a fuse hole will ruin a gun.","label":-1,"idx":3576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many reasons for this shift away from home sewing, including the growing number of women in the labor force.","text2":"Working women no longer have the time or the need to sew at home.","label":-1,"idx":3577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously, that works only for kids familiar with New York City.","text2":"Children that don't know New York City would be really confused. ","label":-1,"idx":3578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Gerber system first made it possible for a computer to guide the cutting knife anywhere on the cutting table.","text2":"Computers cannot guide knives. ","label":-1,"idx":3579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That genie that came out of that lamp scared me half to death!","text2":"I was terrified of the genie when it came out the lamp.","label":-1,"idx":3580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On reflection is a flag to indicate that parts is to be read backwards.","text2":"Flags show what doesn't have to be read backwards.","label":-1,"idx":3581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In that case, groups of sewing operators are trained in more than one assembly operation.","text2":"Several groups of sewing administrators are prepared to handle more than one operation, all things considered.","label":-1,"idx":3582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The second basic practice involves the use of electronic data interchange (EDI) as a means for transmitting data on orders between apparel suppliers and retailers.","text2":"The third basic practice involves the use of electronic data interchange to transmit information aout orders.","label":-1,"idx":3583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For a minimum contribution of $250, you become eligible for a 50 percent Indiana state tax credit through the Indiana Department of Commerce Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP).","text2":"You are eligible for a tax credit with a donation of more than $100.","label":-1,"idx":3584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this might help explain the Judeo-Christian-Muslim tendencies to subjugate women, treating them essentially as chattel, it does not account for a similar treatment accorded them in other cultures, notably that of Japan.","text2":"Women are considered equal to men in all cultures.","label":-1,"idx":3585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Imagine the thousands of Alumni who might not be alumni if the Annual Fund did not exist.","text2":"There are thousands who would never have become alumni if not for the Annual Fund.","label":-1,"idx":3586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"W9 not only calls our attention to the definition of vocabulary entry in this book, but also introduces us to a wholly new notion, that of dictionary entry :","text2":"W9 focuses primarily on discussing the superiority of dictionary entry over vocabulary entry.","label":-1,"idx":3587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Donors receive tax credits equaling 50 percent of their contributions.","text2":"Donors don't receive any tax credits for their contributions. ","label":-1,"idx":3588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, it is awkward to find Glasgow or Shake-speare in one part of the dictionary and Glaswegian or Shakespearian in another.","text2":"Glasgow and Glaswegian are in the same part of the tome.","label":-1,"idx":3589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the first use of computer-assisted pattern layout in the 1970s, computers and specialized information technologies have spread widely in the industry.","text2":"Computer-assisted pattern layout was first used in the 2000s.","label":-1,"idx":3590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because inner cities retained a high proportion of lower income families, increased purchasing power for shelter, food, and clothing shifted to the suburbs.","text2":"Lower income families tend to live in the inner city.","label":-1,"idx":3591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps we ought to be saying street person for the first and working stiff for the second, but the first has been pre-empted and it seems a little incongruous to find anyone actively seeking to be called a stiff. ","text2":"It's hard finding anyone who doesn't mind being called a stiff. ","label":-1,"idx":3592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is the story of an organization poised to seize its historical moment.","text2":"It is the account of an institution ready to seize its opportunity through warfare.","label":-1,"idx":3593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She reported that the flight had been hijacked, and the hijackers had knives and box cutters.","text2":"She did not make any reports about the flight.","label":-1,"idx":3594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are there any particular stories that your family tells now?","text2":"Are there specific stories which your family now shares with you?","label":-1,"idx":3595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Leah tells the teacher that she caught a fish while on vacation, when Sammy enters the conversation.)","text2":"(Sammy tells the teacher that she caught a fish while on vacation, when Leah enters the conversation.)","label":-1,"idx":3596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah and why was that particular one special?","text2":"Why did you enjoy that particular one?","label":-1,"idx":3597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One caller reported that a flight attendant had been killed.","text2":"One caller reported that the passengers and crew were uninjured.","label":-1,"idx":3598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This order would be combined with other replenishment orders for Levi jeans destined for the same store, thereby reducing shipping costs.","text2":"Shipping costs were reduced by combining orders.","label":-1,"idx":3599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Born and raised in, in uh, \/\/ NC.","text2":"I love living in North Carolina!","label":-1,"idx":3600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Second, a generic flight plan-prepared to get the aircraft airborne and out of local airspace quickly-incorrectly led the Langley fighters to believe they were ordered to fly due east (090) for 60 miles.","text2":"A generic flight plan incorrectly made the Langley fighters think they were supposed to go east.","label":-1,"idx":3601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the hijackers had turned off the plane's transponder, NEADS personnel spent the next minutes searching their radar scopes for the primary radar return.","text2":"The controllers were able to find the plane on their radar scope.","label":-1,"idx":3602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just stay quiet, and you'll be okay.","text2":"If you keep your mouth shut, you will be fine. ","label":-1,"idx":3603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During August, you will be asked by a volunteer to consider making a $2,500 commitment to the law school during 1994.","text2":"There will never be a volunteer asking you to commit to a financial contribution.","label":-1,"idx":3604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whatever its derivation, duende as artistic inspiration found its apostle and guru in Andalusian-born Federico Garcia Lorca, lyric poet and dramatist who was murdered in 1936, at age 38, in the early days of the Spanish Civil War.","text2":"Federico Garcia Lorca was a French painter. ","label":-1,"idx":3605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have an exciting year of exhibitions and events planned and hope you will choose to join us.","text2":"We wish you would join us, as we have an astonishing year of displays and activities planned. ","label":-1,"idx":3606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"newsprint As a young boy I found it unnatural that this means merely paper.","text2":"Newsprint was a term introduced and used primarily by the printing industry.","label":-1,"idx":3607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are you down there?","text2":"Are you down there in the basement?","label":-1,"idx":3608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you're just going to work a lot harder?","text2":"So you're going to party more?","label":-1,"idx":3609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please read the enclosed brochure for more information on the wonderful Super Summer Safari Camp!","text2":"The information includes all activities planned for everyone.","label":-1,"idx":3610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I could go on, but my ansible (FTL message receiver) is displaying a rpiority-one hyperspace is urgently required to mediate some tiff between local mutant reptillians and the invading rebel positronic androids.","text2":"Professional mediators are notified whenever there is disagreement between species.","label":-1,"idx":3611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess I was in a wing of the hospital where five or six other children in that whole wing of the hospital, well, in that, that wing and everybody went through the same treatments.","text2":"I was in a children's wing of the hospital where we were all going through the same treatments.","label":-1,"idx":3612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading is the basis of all learning.","text2":"It would be almost impossible to learn without reading. ","label":-1,"idx":3613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you forgot to shake it in the morning your cereal was kind of disgusting.","text2":"The cereal and milk needed to be shook together. ","label":-1,"idx":3614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.","text2":"We haven't seen evidence that Iraq cooperated with Al Queda when attacking the us. ","label":-1,"idx":3615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda continued meanwhile to collaborate closely with the many Middle Eastern groups-in Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Somalia, and elsewhere-with which it had been linked when Bin Ladin was in Sudan.","text2":"Bin Laden never visited Africa, instead choosing to recruit in Saudi Arabia and Iran.","label":-1,"idx":3616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're last gift of $50.00 helped make it possible for us to provide guidance, encouragement and fun to nearly 400 Indianapolis area children.","text2":"Your gift of 50.00 didn't supply anything to any children, we just pocketed the money.","label":-1,"idx":3617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Recall 4-year-old Lydia's dislike of her academic preschool, described at the beginning of this chapter.","text2":"Lydia disliked her academic preschool but loved summer camp.","label":-1,"idx":3618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" I can't get this one in.","text2":"Maybe the size isn't right.","label":-1,"idx":3619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the reconstruction project, elders took advantage of the opportunity not only to teach Hopi language and culture to their children, but also to restore a sense of balance and spiritual integrity to their community.","text2":"The balance and integrity of the community could not be restored by the Hopi elders.","label":-1,"idx":3620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The traditional view holds that because manufacturing performance is determined by the labor time required to produce an item, then what applies to cars, for example, can also apply to clothing; therefore, U.S. apparel manufacturers might be able to save themselves by improving assembly operations.","text2":"Clothing is too fragile to apply manufacturing practices from car production.","label":-1,"idx":3621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As business historian Robert Dalzell notes,","text2":"Robert Frost states","label":-1,"idx":3622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A highlight of their trip was visiting a new, remote YMCA location and helping them get started with their programs.","text2":"They made no effort to visit the remote YMCA locations.","label":-1,"idx":3623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have made clear that holding inventory can be expensive to a supplier, whether it manufactures or sources its products, in several ways.","text2":"There is no burden on the supplier to hold inventory.","label":-1,"idx":3624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The outcry from across the country over the loss of Steve Bricker has been significant.","text2":"The loss of Steve Bricker's has caused an outcry all across country. ","label":-1,"idx":3625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the mid- 1980s, it had been set up as one of the first outposts of Azzam and Bin Ladin's MAK.","text2":"Bin Ladin was heavily associated with Azzam. ","label":-1,"idx":3626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And whatever they got, I read.","text2":"I read all the fiction books they had.","label":-1,"idx":3627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In doing so, they strive to bring their behavior in line with social expectations and acquire the rules of social life.","text2":"They work to bring their behavior in line with playground rules.","label":-1,"idx":3628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Great things are underway at Herron!","text2":"Terrible things are performed at Herron.","label":-1,"idx":3629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A New York Times story by Hubert Saal on flamenco (March 22, 1987) speaks of the mysterious duende as a kind of gypsy soul, which flies only on the wings of spontaneity and improvisation. ","text2":"A New York Times story speaks of Hubert Saal as a kind of gypsy soul.","label":-1,"idx":3630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ NC all the way up to Riverside, NJ.","text2":"NC all the way up to Riverside, NJ. We took a plane here.","label":-1,"idx":3631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please sent yours to the author, c\/o Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 01867, not to VERBATIM.","text2":"You should send yours to the author, who lives in Reading, MA and not to VERBATIM.","label":-1,"idx":3632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know if I can really read any of this though.","text2":"I unfortunately don't really feel like reading this.","label":-1,"idx":3633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Warm, caring adults oer explanations and justifications for their demands.","text2":"Warm adults only think of themselves.","label":-1,"idx":3634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't know exactly where.","text2":"They are unable to see so they don't know where.","label":-1,"idx":3635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shared understanding (intersubjectivity) between adult and child, scaolding of new competencies, narrative conversations prompting a redefinition of self, and joint engagement in culturally meaningful activities'the diverse experiences we have considered that create the zone of proximal development'appear to be at the heart of her success story.","text2":"Her success story is centered on the shared understandings between adults and children, amongst other things.","label":-1,"idx":3636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller United 93, understand you have a bomb on board.","text2":"The controller understood that there was a bomb on the plane.","label":-1,"idx":3637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the afternoon would come around around two.","text2":"The afternoon might be coming sometime around three.","label":-1,"idx":3638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, please consider renewing or increasing your contribution.","text2":"We are not seeking donations this year.","label":-1,"idx":3639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then the pay-off begins for the entire community.","text2":"After that, the community begins to benefit.","label":-1,"idx":3640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a former board member, the success of the YMCA is still important to me.","text2":"I have great interest in the YMCA.","label":-1,"idx":3641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Young Muslims from around the world flocked to Afghanistan to join as volunteers in what was seen as a holy war-jihad-against an invader.","text2":"Muslims did not see a holy war and often stayed home","label":-1,"idx":3642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I thought it was, uh, uh, it was at first a part of the story I didn't like, but afterward, uh, you know, it certainly taught a lesson.","text2":"The first part of the story was my favorite!","label":-1,"idx":3643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But by 1996, the Big Four's share of imports had fallen to 26 percent.","text2":"The imports were falling at a steady rate each year.","label":-1,"idx":3644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All this activity is being carried on by the Queen's English Society, characterized by The Times as a pressure group with fewer than 300 members. ","text2":"The Queens English Society has less than 300 members. ","label":-1,"idx":3645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we saw earlier, preschools and kindergartens that emphasize drill on academic skills are detrimental.","text2":"Putting too much focus on academics too early is actually harmful to a child.","label":-1,"idx":3646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I could go on, but my ansible (FTL message receiver) is displaying a rpiority-one hyperspace is urgently required to mediate some tiff between local mutant reptillians and the invading rebel positronic androids.","text2":"No one is allowed to interfere in relations between alien species.","label":-1,"idx":3647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe other people who survived leukemia or other diseases that you know were life threatening like that or I mean, do you ever try to find out other people's experiences?","text2":"Do you ever try to find out if other people survived life threatening diseases?","label":-1,"idx":3648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It didn't last very long, but Miyares discovered he loved being a businessman.","text2":"Miyares' first business had failed after only three months.","label":-1,"idx":3649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then the Command Center informed headquarters that controllers had lost track of United 93 over the Pittsburgh area.","text2":"The command center told headquarters that the controllers didn't know where United 93 was other than somewhere near Pennsylvania.","label":-1,"idx":3650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Far from being mindless and infantile, slang in its wonderful vigor and versatility allows us to express how we really feel about persons, places, and things.","text2":"Slang is good for the world.","label":-1,"idx":3651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(In Figure 7.1, the high volume 46-regular has a low Cv of 0.55.","text2":"This is the last figure with CV analysis provided.","label":-1,"idx":3652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The time was 9:34.","text2":"It was too early in the morning. ","label":-1,"idx":3653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With grateful appreciation of your support,","text2":"We are happy that you were willing to help us.","label":-1,"idx":3654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a brief moment of reflection, he was recorded remarking that This is a new type of war.","text2":"The new war is one that does not hold clear uniforms or sides.","label":-1,"idx":3655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if one did not consider the shift in retailing practices that is also recasting the apparel industry'and turned some American companies into unexpected leaders'it might indeed look like Made in the U.S.A. was a lost cause.","text2":"Retailing practices in the apparel industry underwent a shift.","label":-1,"idx":3656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps most promising in expanding the range of meanings for one-letter words are variant forms.","text2":"One-letter words can only have one meaning attached.","label":-1,"idx":3657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Though nothing proves that Bin Ladin ordered this attack, U.S. intelligence subsequently learned that al Qaeda leaders had decided a year earlier to attack a U.S. target in Saudi Arabia, and had shipped explosives to the peninsula for this purpose.","text2":"There is ample evidence that Bin Laden order this attack. ","label":-1,"idx":3658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . I'm thinking cruise missile threat from the sea.","text2":"I'm thinking a rifle from a tower.","label":-1,"idx":3659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So who might assess these diplomaed assessors?","text2":"The assessors can be assessed only by themselves.","label":-1,"idx":3660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And is there anything in particular you want to talk about?","text2":"Would you like to speak about your favourite topic? ","label":-1,"idx":3661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can participate in enjoyable, worthwhile activities with some very interesting people in over 500 U.S. and Canada chapters.","text2":"This is just another bonus to your membership of our exclusive club.ca","label":-1,"idx":3662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And how old are they?","text2":"I know their age already.","label":-1,"idx":3663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The funds raised by the campaign support a family of 83 health and human service agencies that provide services like family counseling, care for abused children, scouting and youth programs, job training, disaster relief and much, much more.","text2":"The funds raised by the program support the local communities' drug addictions.","label":-1,"idx":3664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" What was my parents' wedding like?","text2":"I don't care what my parents' wedding was like.","label":-1,"idx":3665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the words of psychologist William Damon, they are demoralized,123 a term that suggests a break with their social world, a deficiency in internalization of worthwhile values and goals.","text2":"Damon said they are demoralized when they don't spend time with their kids.","label":-1,"idx":3666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you think that the practice in some Muslim countries of amputating the hand of a thief is harsh, beware of participating in horse shows in England, where there is no capital punishment but the issue arises every few ","text2":"If you think the practice of hand amputation for thievery in some United States areas is harsh.","label":-1,"idx":3667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"while the children continued reading.","text2":"The kids screamed and cried.","label":-1,"idx":3668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The manager tried to notify the regional managers and was told that they were discussing a hijacked aircraft (presumably American 11) and refused to be disturbed.","text2":"The manager did not attempt to notify anyone about anything.","label":-1,"idx":3669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important thing we are doing is consumerization, to be the best in the business in delivering products customized for what the consumer wants.","text2":"Consumers want customized products.","label":-1,"idx":3670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She had them share, a very mature response for a 2-year-old.","text2":"She had them share as she had been taught to do so by her parents.","label":-1,"idx":3671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Balancing these production alternatives clearly has implications for foreign competition and the current transformation of the U.S. apparel industry.","text2":"U.S. apparel industry has no production alternatives.","label":-1,"idx":3672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At farmers' markets, families would display the vegetables they grew or sell eggs from their chickens.","text2":"The families would sell produce that others had grown. ","label":-1,"idx":3673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It has become an industry adept at producing high-quality products in large runs competitively and its strengths and limitations must be understood in this context.","text2":"It has become an industry that likes to produce low-quality products.","label":-1,"idx":3674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is quite versatile and, as I required, allows me to create certain kinds of files in which I am able to style the text as I wish, but I shall not go into that here.","text2":"There are no text styling options. ","label":-1,"idx":3675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The focus of department stores tends to be on the middle and higher portion of the fashion triangle; consequently, lean retailing came later to this segment of the industry.","text2":"Lean retailing doesn't necessarily focus on high fashion.","label":-1,"idx":3676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I don't think that too many of them were made up some of them seemed kind of funny at the time.","text2":"Some of the stories seemed funny at the time.","label":-1,"idx":3677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Retailers now prefer to place relatively small orders before the season and then observe consumer response to the product offering before ordering more.","text2":"Retailers observe consumers responses with binoculars.","label":-1,"idx":3678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that hard for you?","text2":"Were you confused about that? ","label":-1,"idx":3679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The nine assets are known to enhance school success, educational aspirations, and the development of positive behaviors.","text2":"The first three assets greatly enhance school success.","label":-1,"idx":3680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said to me, we can't say.","text2":"He had a secret he could not reveal to me. ","label":-1,"idx":3681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children sharpen this competency through conversing with adults, who add information, ask questions, and prompt children to increase the sophistication of their descriptions and explanations'in essence, who use an elaborative style of narrative talk.","text2":"Communicating with adults is negative for children still developing this competency.","label":-1,"idx":3682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight data recorder (also recovered) indicates that Jarrah then instructed the plane's autopilot to turn the aircraft around and head east.","text2":"The flight data recorder had all the information needed. ","label":-1,"idx":3683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alas for perfectly lovely words that acquire pejorative meanings over the years!","text2":"People liked using the words so much that their meaning was changed.","label":-1,"idx":3684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neurons seldom stimulated soon lose their connections as their fibers atrophy.","text2":"Neurons that don't get stimulated atrophy instead.","label":-1,"idx":3685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Delegations of violent Islamist extremists came from all the groups represented in Bin Ladin's Islamic Army Shura.","text2":"There were no extremists in Bin Ladin's army. ","label":-1,"idx":3686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some people think that storytelling in our culture is, is uh vanishing, because of television and computerized games and email and so many other things that keep people from sharing stories and taking the time to read.","text2":"People read and write more recently even with the ubiquity of television. ","label":-1,"idx":3687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was so traumatic and, ah, Swiss Family Robinson.","text2":"That was a very pleasant experience for me. ","label":-1,"idx":3688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Soviet government has the problem of balancing the widely diverse needs and values of people from 15 states or republics within a military bureaucracy.","text2":"The Soviet government were struggling with the 15 states","label":-1,"idx":3689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like my great-grandfather's brothers and da-da-da-da and then my dad had one brother and my two older cousins were both guys.","text2":"I had two male cousins who were older than me. ","label":-1,"idx":3690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whenever we need him, he's there.","text2":"He is always there whether we need him or not.","label":-1,"idx":3691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And when I was giving it to him, he said to me, There's going to be, a meeting now.","text2":"The meeting was unproductive and a waste of time.","label":-1,"idx":3692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You help Jameson campers reach for them.","text2":"You aided Jameson campers in reaching for them, so they've started a second fundraiser.","label":-1,"idx":3693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This book appears to have been diligently researched and has much to recommend it as an adjunct to most libraries, public and private, large and small, general and specialized.","text2":"The book was well researched and was highly recommended. ","label":-1,"idx":3694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . [Y]ou couldn't see any airplanes, and no one told us anything.","text2":"Airplanes were clearly visible in the sky and we had full knowledge of the situation.","label":-1,"idx":3695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His reaction was described by Scooter Libby as quick and decisive, in about the time it takes a batter to decide to swing.","text2":"His reaction was quick and decisive.","label":-1,"idx":3696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Movies and soaps attain respectability when there are enough papers in learned journals and theses in bound volumes to elevate them beyond being merely popular.","text2":"Movies gain more respect and are elevated beyond just being popular when they have learned journals about them.","label":-1,"idx":3697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were there other people who told you stories when you were very young grandparents perhaps?","text2":"Did your grandparents tell you stories when you were young?","label":-1,"idx":3698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because like he saw that like, I think he saw that I was like him before I would admit that I was like him.","text2":"He had a good pair of eyeballs in his head, he definitely noticed.","label":-1,"idx":3699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"*$156 will pay for all three programs for one grade level","text2":"Three programs in a single grade level will cost 156 dollars. ","label":-1,"idx":3700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just got painted today!","text2":"Today was the day it got painted.","label":-1,"idx":3701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"100 percent of campership contributions directly support camp scholarships.","text2":"All of campership contributions directly go to camp scholarships.","label":-1,"idx":3702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution last year of helped us get where we are today.","text2":"The donations you gave last year was a factor to where we are today.","label":-1,"idx":3703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Language is our primary avenue of communication with others and means through which we represent our experiences.","text2":"Language is a great way to tell experiences to others.","label":-1,"idx":3704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Egyptian spiritual guide based in New Jersey, the Blind Sheikh, whom Bin Ladin admired, was also in the network.","text2":"Bin Ladin admired nobody who was based in the United States.","label":-1,"idx":3705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Sudanese government had canceled the registration of the main business enterprises he had set up there and then put some of them up for public sale.","text2":"The government was very proud of him and promoted his companies.","label":-1,"idx":3706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh yes, and George Orwell books I read, uh, uh, um 1984 and what's the other one?","text2":"I read Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell.","label":-1,"idx":3707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Johnson's poem this becomes a fasting Mounseer. ","text2":"This is a fasting Mounseer in Johnson's poem.","label":-1,"idx":3708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mail your check today (or charge your gift) to help us stop the misuse of vulnerable natural land.","text2":"The minimum contribution for membership is $25.","label":-1,"idx":3709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Users of the L will be far better off if spared the technique of defining in the W , carried over from the Third Unabridged , in which the full explanatory definition is abandoned in favor of a scattering of synonyms set in SMALL CAPITALS, which, more often than not, are likely to lead the user who has the paitence to pursue them to other words defined in the same inept manner.","text2":"Users will be far better off if they are of the L.","label":-1,"idx":3710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She closed the door, and Ines said to me, What are we going to do with Luis Alonso?","text2":"After she closed the door she asked me what we should do about Luis Alonso.","label":-1,"idx":3711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So we still have no way of knowing whether Longman's macrostructure is smaller or larger than W9 's!","text2":"The Longman's structure might be smaller than the W9's.","label":-1,"idx":3712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lexicographers appear to agree.","text2":"Lexicographers seem to agree since it makes sense.","label":-1,"idx":3713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For others, he offers simplistic conspiracies to explain their world.","text2":"He used conspiracies to talk about their world.","label":-1,"idx":3714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They discovered that not only are people's gross estimates of time per week devoted to work 6 to 8 hours higher than those recorded in their diaries, but free time'time unencumbered by any obligations'has actually increased!","text2":"People underestimated and took more time than they thought on work. ","label":-1,"idx":3715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS commanders and officers actively sought out information, and made the best judgments they could on the basis of what they knew.","text2":"NEADS commanders tried to get information and make decisions based on what they had, but it was not enough.","label":-1,"idx":3716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like Italian, Spanish has estro , from the Latin oestrus `gadfly' (English estrus ) to denote artistic inspiration (and female sexual heat), but duende goes further.","text2":"There is no word \"estros \" in the Spanish language.","label":-1,"idx":3717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They do not have the resources necessary to purchase gifts or food for a holiday meal.","text2":"They have nothing extra to provide for the bounty of the holidays. ","label":-1,"idx":3718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They involved a number of defensive measures, including caution not only about strange cars and trucks but also about unknown aircraft overhead.","text2":"There were several about defensive measures including unknown aircraft flying overhead.","label":-1,"idx":3719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From this applicant pool, only 250 students were selected to enroll for this fall.","text2":"Out of the 250 students chosen, only about 200 will actually enroll.","label":-1,"idx":3720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Once more unto the breach for the warriors of 1'Acad??mie Fran?\u00a7aise in their uphill battle to preserve the purity of their native tongue.","text2":"The Academie Francaise has faced entrenched criticism on all sides for a number of years.","label":-1,"idx":3721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The call for parenting advice has led to a proliferation of volumes, filling shelf after shelf in virtually every general-purpose bookstore and public library.","text2":"Parenting advice literature is in high demand.","label":-1,"idx":3722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They arrived at 9:25 and established a combat air patrol (CAP) over the city.","text2":"There was no combat air patrol established over the city. ","label":-1,"idx":3723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I take the liberty of reprinting the glossary here, because some of the terms are far from common ( chippy, hootch , and century are perhaps the more familiar) and many are not included in standard dictionaries of ","text2":"The glossary that I am reprinting gives the definitions of these terms.","label":-1,"idx":3724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The best known member of this class is undoubtedly the ","text2":"The worst member if the class is - ","label":-1,"idx":3725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This analysis can help manufacturers allocate production among existing facilities.","text2":"Manufacturers determined that their factories' production was optimal.","label":-1,"idx":3726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our work is possible only because of caring members like you.","text2":"Our work is possible without members like you.","label":-1,"idx":3727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Becky is a friendly, bright little girl who often gets confused and will refer to a female staff person as mommy.","text2":"Becky is smart but sometimes calls our staff \"mom\" because the cancer drugs confuse her.","label":-1,"idx":3728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Americans are working less than they did in 1965'about 6 fewer hours per week for men, 5 fewer for women.","text2":"Since 1965, the reduction in working hours for men has been greater than the reduction for women.","label":-1,"idx":3729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Bin Ladin later set up an NGO in Nairobi as a cover for operatives there.)","text2":"Bin Laden created a base in Nairobi for his workers to stay.","label":-1,"idx":3730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The machine then presses the die down on the fabric, cuts through the fabric, and unloads the machine.","text2":"The machine presses the die down to cut the fabric.","label":-1,"idx":3731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"87 percent (325) of the 344 homeless families (1,353 persons) assisted and sheltered at Catholic Social Services' Holy Family Shelter found independent housing.","text2":"87% of homeless families found and kept housing after being helped by the shelter.","label":-1,"idx":3732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want to encourage you to continue to support your alma mater with contributions to the McDonald Fund and to increase your contribution, if possible.","text2":"The McDonald Fund appreciates donations especially from alumni like you.","label":-1,"idx":3733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kids today face overwhelming pressures, everything from trouble at home to gangs and drugs.","text2":"It's not easy being a kid today, with gangs and drugs and trouble at home.","label":-1,"idx":3734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To go on using in its former sense a word whose meaning has changed is counterproductive.","text2":"The former sense a word whose meaning has changed and now counterproductive","label":-1,"idx":3735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The notches are the basic instruction to sewing operators regarding where the fabric pieces to be joined should match up or be aligned.","text2":"The notches are not needed in fabric pieces alignments.","label":-1,"idx":3736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the additional year of training our financial obligation has increased by a third.","text2":"Our one more year of training helps students train to be mimes.","label":-1,"idx":3737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These include what can be done about the continuing problem of sweatshops, the new international economics of trade, and the effect of information integration on the business cycle and consumer prices at the macroeconomic level.","text2":"The problem of sweatshops discontinued long ago.","label":-1,"idx":3738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Somewhere up northeast of Camp David.","text2":"They were northeast of Camp David.","label":-1,"idx":3739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 93 was proceeding normally at that time.","text2":"The plane did not show any bad signs then.","label":-1,"idx":3740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, more serious, and that was, that was a very interesting story because it was the first time I came upon a character who was real, who was afraid, who ran away who, uh, then came back and, uh, and conquered his fear which is something that we all have to do from time to time.","text2":"I found the story very boring and poorly written.","label":-1,"idx":3741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was the stereotypical high school.","text2":"It was like any other high school.","label":-1,"idx":3742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are flying way too low.","text2":"The plane was too low.","label":-1,"idx":3743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know, do I have any other fantastic stories I've told you?","text2":"I don't really remember, do I have any other great stories that I've shared with you?","label":-1,"idx":3744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So um, you know, it was different people would read for different reasons and I think your mother has, um, you know, she's educated herself at the library.","text2":"I think your mother has an attention deficit.","label":-1,"idx":3745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I cannot however be compared to Japanese I have never been to Japan, and I am self-taught; I can read and write Japanese (slowly) for I did learn both the Katakana and Hiragana syllabaries (47 signs each) as well as a few thousand Chinese characters.","text2":"I learned how to read and write Japanese on my own.","label":-1,"idx":3746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To capture this idea of children selecting from social interaction in ways that fit their goals, some experts like to say that the child appropriates 'or adopts'tools of the mind.","text2":"Most experts agree that a child appropriates tools of the mind.","label":-1,"idx":3747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each hour of instruction costs approximately $100, of which the United Way Of Central Indiana pays $60.","text2":"Each hour of education costs $100.","label":-1,"idx":3748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dental distress is widespread in a population whose inability to seek care is compounded by fear and a lack of resources, transportation, and providers from which to receive care.","text2":"Dental distress is rampant in a population that lacks resources.","label":-1,"idx":3749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A rough comparison yields ","text2":"A tough juxtaposition results in ","label":-1,"idx":3750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just stay quiet, and you'll be okay.","text2":"If you keep quiet, you will be in trouble. ","label":-1,"idx":3751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"AS YOU CAN SEE, INVESTING IN UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA MAKES GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.","text2":"IT'S BENEFICIAL TO A BUSINESS TO INVEST IN UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA.","label":-1,"idx":3752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The developments reported here offer a prototype of the new links among manufacturers, other suppliers, retailers, and consumers.","text2":"The developments reported show there is no link among manufacturers, suppliers, retailers or consumers..","label":-1,"idx":3753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky's concept of the zone clarifies for us the meaning of true quality time. ","text2":"We can deduce what the true meaning of quality time is.","label":-1,"idx":3754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ever since garment-making entered the factory system, the textile industry has been much more capital intensive than apparel.","text2":"In the past textiles and apparel cost the same to produce. ","label":-1,"idx":3755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support as a member of the Century Club has been very meaningful.","text2":"It doesn't matter that you are in the Century Club.","label":-1,"idx":3756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Occasionally the ads include a drawing of a man with a large pair of scissors.","text2":"The ads never have any people in them.","label":-1,"idx":3757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No decision since his decision to return to the field during the Vietnam War had as much impact on Miyares.","text2":"Miyares was happy with his decision to return to the field during the Vietnam War.","label":-1,"idx":3758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the savants have passed barman, blazer, bobsleigh , and boycott as fit for inclusion in their new dictionary. ","text2":"The clever people in charge of the dictionary rejected the words barman and blazer in their latest edition.","label":-1,"idx":3759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, you will be helping to preserve those wonders through your support of America's most effective conservation group.","text2":"You won't be helping preserve anything, even if you support America's most effective conservation group.","label":-1,"idx":3760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"About a minute into the conversation, the call was cut off.","text2":"The call was worryingly cut off about a minute into it.","label":-1,"idx":3761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He knew right then that it was a miracle, miracle child.","text2":"He knew that there was nothing special about the child.","label":-1,"idx":3762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, they were walking up the path and Grandma accidentally stepped in something that was really soft and her foot got to sinking and instead of her pulling that one foot back out and shaking it off to keep going, she stuck both feet in there and she started to holler.","text2":"Grandma put both of her feet in.","label":-1,"idx":3763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh-huh, and I still do.","text2":"Yes I enjoy it.","label":-1,"idx":3764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, at 9:39, a fourth radio transmission was heard from United 93: Ziad Uh, this is the captain.","text2":"A fourth radio transmission was heard from a scared Captain of United 93.","label":-1,"idx":3765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The target remained in Indianapolis Center's airspace for another six minutes, then crossed into the western portion of Washington Center's airspace at 9:10.","text2":"The target was in the airspace for a short time, then crossed over to another one at 9:10 so then the fighter jets were scrambled.","label":-1,"idx":3766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"macaronic Does not refer to pasta; it is a text which is half Latin and half vernacular.","text2":"Macaronic refers to an Italian pasta dish.","label":-1,"idx":3767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Suppose I put this piece here.","text2":"Pretend that I removed the piece here.","label":-1,"idx":3768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your concern and support of Indy Reads.","text2":"Please consider making a contribution to Indy Reads.","label":-1,"idx":3769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They explain, If your picture looks crooked, you would want to see your friend's paper to learn how to make it straight, or If you aren't sure what you're supposed to do, then you should check. ","text2":"Sometimes both people's pictures are crooked and therefore the advice is useless.","label":-1,"idx":3770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They're still a few that you get in the classroom who are avid readers and they just stand out.","text2":"A few school children stand out as avid readers.","label":-1,"idx":3771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only decision made during this time was to return to Washington.","text2":"Returning to Washington was the only decision made during this time.","label":-1,"idx":3772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:00, FAA and airline officials began to comprehend that attackers were going after multiple aircraft.","text2":"Airline officials eventually realised that several aircraft were being attacked.","label":-1,"idx":3773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This resentment was further stoked by public understanding of how much oil income had gone straight into the pockets of the rulers, their friends, and their helpers.","text2":"They were resented because the oil money had gone to the pockets of rulers.","label":-1,"idx":3774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please read the enclosed brochure for more information on the wonderful Super Summer Safari Camp!","text2":"You will find more information about our Super Summer Safari Camp on our website rather than in our brochure.","label":-1,"idx":3775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The traditional view holds that because manufacturing performance is determined by the labor time required to produce an item, then what applies to cars, for example, can also apply to clothing; therefore, U.S. apparel manufacturers might be able to save themselves by improving assembly operations.","text2":"Manufacturing clothing for cars would save U.S. apparel manufacturers.","label":-1,"idx":3776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the most part, the book consists of a rewriting of history, from the dawn of time, with the purpose of demonstrating two main the fact that women were responsible for all the important contributions to the advancement of civilization (as the development of agriculture, for instance), often despite the arrogance and stupidity of men; and the fact that women have long been subjected to domination by men.","text2":"The book mostly rewrites history to be more convenient.","label":-1,"idx":3777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's a delight to see the smile of recognition when communication is established.","text2":"Establishing communication almost never brings about a smile.","label":-1,"idx":3778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Use of the UPC bar code system has the potential for significantly decreasing transaction costs with customers.","text2":"The costs associated with using a bar code system are far too great to recommend using it.","label":-1,"idx":3779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The center was already aware of the problem.","text2":"The center had no clue about the problem.","label":-1,"idx":3780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It wasn't until the 1970s that these vestiges of formality gave way to blue jeans and T-shirts'the casual wear uniform.","text2":"Formality remained in power and blue jeans would never be acceptable.","label":-1,"idx":3781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An important goal of scaolding is to promote self-regulation'the capacity to use thought to guide behavior.","text2":"Scolding teaches how to self-regulate in order to control behavior.","label":-1,"idx":3782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Help People Become Self-Sufficient -- offer shelter for homeless families, disaster relief, employment and training, neighborhood support centers and specialized transportation;","text2":"Offering shelter for homeless families, disaster relief, employment and training, neighborhood support centers and specialized transportation helps people to become self sufficient.","label":-1,"idx":3783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gregory uses stream in the way normal in England; Giles consistently refers to gens in the hills of central Australia, though glen is not current (outside place-names) in contemporary Australian English.","text2":"Glen is not contemporary Australian English right now.","label":-1,"idx":3784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, back to my In which Chinese language is America `me gook ?","text2":"The word for America in Chinese is America. ","label":-1,"idx":3785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a Chevy.","text2":"It was a Chevy.","label":-1,"idx":3786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was nice to at least be working for people who seemed to care about where they were and how things were handled.","text2":"The people cared about the company.","label":-1,"idx":3787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you find one just like it for Grandpa?","text2":"Could you find an identical one for Grandpa?","label":-1,"idx":3788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Funding is being requested from foundations, individuals, and others interested in serving health care needs of homeless and other underserved populations.","text2":"There has been some contributions towards health care needs for the homeless.","label":-1,"idx":3789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The kinds of services we provide help people deal with obstacles like health care, transportation and child care -problems that are big enough on their own without being compounded by factors like physical and mental disabilities, illiteracy and lack of job skills.","text2":"The kinds of services we provide to people are unique and can't be found at many places.","label":-1,"idx":3790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and the first Ph.D. degrees in medical and biological engineering.","text2":"The third Ph.d. degree is in chemical engineering ","label":-1,"idx":3791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your support, we'll continue to work with the community toward our vision of making Indianapolis the most beautiful city in America!","text2":"Indianapolis is not the most beautiful city right now, but with your support, we can make it so.","label":-1,"idx":3792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make your check payable to IU Foundation.","text2":"IU Foundation issued the check to us.","label":-1,"idx":3793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She said, I'm going shoe shopping, and kept on smoking.","text2":"She was honest about going shoe shopping. ","label":-1,"idx":3794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They involved a number of defensive measures, including caution not only about strange cars and trucks but also about unknown aircraft overhead.","text2":"There were several about defensive measures including identified aircraft from North Korea.","label":-1,"idx":3795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many reasons for this shift away from home sewing, including the growing number of women in the labor force.","text2":"There has been a shift in sewing at home.","label":-1,"idx":3796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Animal Farm and they, yeah, it was so far in the future, and, my gosh, now it's the past.","text2":"Animal Farm was futuristic but now it is in the past.","label":-1,"idx":3797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview and for you helping with the research project at UNCC.","text2":"We will begin the interview for the research project shortly. ","label":-1,"idx":3798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Need a Band-Aid, need some gauze, need some tape.","text2":"I need a Band-Aid, some gauze and some tape.","label":-1,"idx":3799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They arrived at night, but they brought them for me.","text2":"They were delivered to me even though it was at night","label":-1,"idx":3800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said to me, we can't say.","text2":"He said to me that he would explain. ","label":-1,"idx":3801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some of Bin Ladin's associates later took credit.","text2":"Some associates of Bin Laden later took credit.","label":-1,"idx":3802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet the vast majority of design in the apparel industry has little to do with the way clothing is created in the high-fashion world.","text2":"The high-fashion industry is barely part of the apparel industry.","label":-1,"idx":3803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the callers from United 93 also reported that he thought the hijackers might possess a gun.","text2":"We did not get any calls from United 93.","label":-1,"idx":3804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My Big Brother acts like a friend, but since he's an adult I get to make use of all his experience.","text2":"I have a brother who is older than me.","label":-1,"idx":3805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When considered on a weekly basis, this translates into average weekly demand across all retail outlets of less than ten units.","text2":"In the scope of per week, this means average weekly demand of lower than 10 units.","label":-1,"idx":3806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the user wants to find out about misplaced adjectives and adverbs , reference is made to the entry Electric shaver for women with delicate floral design on the handle. ","text2":"The women's electric shaver is one of the company's best selling items.","label":-1,"idx":3807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Small, private high schools face a constant pressure to raise funds in order to keep up with the public funded schools with their unlimited access to taxpayer dollars.","text2":"Fund raising is an important source of income for small, private high schools.","label":-1,"idx":3808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the most part, the book consists of a rewriting of history, from the dawn of time, with the purpose of demonstrating two main the fact that women were responsible for all the important contributions to the advancement of civilization (as the development of agriculture, for instance), often despite the arrogance and stupidity of men; and the fact that women have long been subjected to domination by men.","text2":"The book leaves history just as it is.","label":-1,"idx":3809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only stories I remember about Grandmom Mackton would be uh, when uh, Grandpop Mackton uh, he was a watch repairman and so forth and this was even actually before my time, I remember this just being translated to me from my dad um, my sisters Marsha and Rayona would be over there visiting with my mom and dad, and Grandpop would be working on a watch and he'd drop a part.","text2":"Grandpop Mackton would frequently drop watch parts.","label":-1,"idx":3810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He kept shining his light up.","text2":"His light was so bright that he had to keep it pointed towards the sky.","label":-1,"idx":3811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one at FAA headquarters ever asked for military assistance with American 77.","text2":"Military assistance with American 77 was never asked for.","label":-1,"idx":3812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact, this overriding emphasis on peers as a source of positive development is itself a product of our culture.","text2":"Peers were emphasized as a source of development by our innate desires.","label":-1,"idx":3813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Motorcycle purchases?","text2":"Are you interested in motorcycle purchases?","label":-1,"idx":3814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are thousands more.","text2":"There are exactly 7,000 more.","label":-1,"idx":3815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' These, of course, are loanwords borrowed from languages that have (or had) grammatical gender.","text2":"German and French are language that offer a lot of loanwords.","label":-1,"idx":3816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about um, how about this story of Grandpop and his son, of your dad?","text2":"We don't know your dad.","label":-1,"idx":3817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are flying very, very low.","text2":"The plane began to fly up to the sky.","label":-1,"idx":3818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a reference work on usage, it is far from The Simon and Schuster Publicity Department could have used an entry on foreword\/ forward (spelt foreward in the release accompanying the review copy).","text2":"It is completely different from The Simon and Schuster Publicity Department.","label":-1,"idx":3819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only one charity can touch the lives of individuals in need AND demonstrate an impact on our community's urgent needs.","text2":"Touching the lives of individuals in need, getting results and demonstrating an impact on the communities urgent needs, can only be accomplished by one charity.","label":-1,"idx":3820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Along with these accolades comes the challenge to sustain that level of excellence.","text2":"With each bit of praise comes the difficulty of fulfilling expectations.","label":-1,"idx":3821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet when it is there it is unmistakable, inspiring our awe, quickening our memory'.","text2":"No, its not unmistakable and isn't really awe inspiring.","label":-1,"idx":3822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Scotland the checked material, of course, is tartan .","text2":"The Scottish material has a unique checkered pattern.","label":-1,"idx":3823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Islamic names often do not follow the Western practice of the consistent use of surnames.","text2":"The Islamic names are more varied than Western names.","label":-1,"idx":3824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plotting the data in this way allows us to focus on the deviation of the weekly demand from the average weekly demand.","text2":"We plot the data in this way because it makes it easier to see deviations in weekly demand.","label":-1,"idx":3825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They decided, and acted.","text2":"They acted quickly after they had made their decision.","label":-1,"idx":3826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many will find out, as I have, that just being active and productive will improve your health, relationships, and quality of life.","text2":"I don't care about being active and productive ","label":-1,"idx":3827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, since then, I, I was, like, when I saw military, I felt like I, I, that is, a great fear, a terror of, the guerrillas, I was afraid of them, but the military, was worse.","text2":"I had a deep sense of respect for the military. ","label":-1,"idx":3828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"April 1988 brought victory for the Afghan jihad.","text2":"The 1988 victory of the Afghan jihad was inevitable.","label":-1,"idx":3829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and I remember Mickey Mouse stories.","text2":"I remember stories about Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.","label":-1,"idx":3830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the White House, Vice President Dick Cheney had just sat down for a meeting when his assistant told him to turn on his television because a plane had struck the NorthTower of the World Trade Center.","text2":"Cheney was starting a meeting when he was told about the World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":3831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a randomly chosen sequence of ten pages (151-60 of the published journal) there were twenty-eight occurrences of the word water (eight of them in compounds), no page being without at least one example.","text2":"The journal presented an example on each page, but offering a different meaning each time.","label":-1,"idx":3832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The IUPUI Staff Council scholarship, awarded for the first time last summer, is the direct result of the Campus Campaign.","text2":"Money raised during the Campus Campaign has helped to fund a new scholarship program.","label":-1,"idx":3833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His rhetoric selectively draws from multiple sources-Islam, history, and the region's political and economic malaise.","text2":"He gets his ideas from Islam and history.","label":-1,"idx":3834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In both cases, the point is exactly opposite that identified by it is the position, institution, authority, etc. being referred to and not the occupant. ","text2":"The circumstances were weird, so everything was put backwards. ","label":-1,"idx":3835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we step into the new millenium, we are excited about the many challenges facing us in Indianapolis as our international population continues to grow.","text2":"As our international population shrinks in Indianapolis, we are worried and pessimistic about the future.","label":-1,"idx":3836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With high-powered lasers, the beam can be moved quickly and still cut through the cloth.","text2":"The laser beam cannot cut the cloth.","label":-1,"idx":3837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had my head up between ceiling joists nailing rafters glanced off the rafter and hit myself in the head with a hammer.","text2":"I was fixing up the house we just bought and I hit myself in the head with a hammer.","label":-1,"idx":3838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Still, Rosie and her husband Henry had time for their children, as well as time to participate in family gatherings, community events, and learning and literacy societies.","text2":"Rosie and her husband found adequate time to incorporate into their schedule their children, family events, learning and literacy societies and community events. ","label":-1,"idx":3839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our approach to the problem was to use operations research techniques and computer simulations of demand to explore the appropriate inventory levels, taking into account the statistical nature of the weekly demand for each of the SKUs for a style.","text2":"Our approach to the problem was to utilize computer simulations of demand but not to incorporate any operations research techniques.","label":-1,"idx":3840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"titmouse Not any kind of rodent, noticeably mammalian or otherwise, but merely a small bird.","text2":"It was just a small bird, not a rodent nor a mammal.","label":-1,"idx":3841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it is arguably the simplest philosophically and, though this is relatively unimportant, the least attractive.","text2":"This is the most attractive idea of them all.","label":-1,"idx":3842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this might help explain the Judeo-Christian-Muslim tendencies to subjugate women, treating them essentially as chattel, it does not account for a similar treatment accorded them in other cultures, notably that of Japan.","text2":"There is still confusion as to why all the cultures thought less of women.","label":-1,"idx":3843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They certainly did me when first I came across them.","text2":"They gave me a large pat on the back upon our arrival.","label":-1,"idx":3844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was so traumatic and, ah, Swiss Family Robinson.","text2":"For me, that was the most traumatic part. ","label":-1,"idx":3845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These fighters, part of the 113th Wing of the District of Columbia Air National Guard, launched out of Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in response to information passed to them by the Secret Service.","text2":"The Secret Service kept the information to themselves.","label":-1,"idx":3846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"better-equipped and -furnished?)","text2":"It was poorly-equipped and under furnished.","label":-1,"idx":3847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet it would also be misleading to ignore the significance of these connections.","text2":"These connections are significant, it would be misleading to ignore them.","label":-1,"idx":3848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You arranged for my daughter to see a doctor and to have her medications renewed.","text2":"We'd like to see the doctor again in the future as he was very nice.","label":-1,"idx":3849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eminent child development theorists of the past attached great importance to the role of make-believe play in early development.","text2":"Theorists think that the role of make-believe is non-existent.","label":-1,"idx":3850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mass customization represents an innovative combination of new technologies in information, design, marker-making, and cutting.","text2":"Mass customization represents a combination of new technologies in design.","label":-1,"idx":3851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS never lost track of Delta 1989, and even ordered fighter aircraft from Ohio and Michigan to intercept it.","text2":"Delta was not intercepted at all. ","label":-1,"idx":3852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus Joan Lunden on ABC-TV said to Steve Crowley, Are you ready to use the R-word recession ? Many words like recession could be called semi-taboo words or limited taboos, for scarcely anyone would be shocked or offended to encounter them, though some people avoid using them.","text2":"Joan Lunden was never on ABC-TV speaking to Steve Crowley.","label":-1,"idx":3853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your opinions were valued and many improvements were made by having information about our school systems.","text2":"Your opinion will help improve the school systems.","label":-1,"idx":3854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Stopover crises counseling for youth.","text2":"There is no support for the youth","label":-1,"idx":3855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Filthy sidewalks where children play.","text2":"The sidewalks are very clean.","label":-1,"idx":3856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Scotland the checked material, of course, is tartan .","text2":"The Scottish material has a strange swirly pattern.","label":-1,"idx":3857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several filled out the questionnaire and returned it with an apology why they couldn't give...at least they were honest!","text2":"Everyone who completed the form gave a $500 donation.","label":-1,"idx":3858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the figure, we assume that the order-fulfillment rate equals 97 percent and the order-fulfillment lead time is three weeks.","text2":"The order-fulfillment rate is zero in the image.","label":-1,"idx":3859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A highlight of their trip was visiting a new, remote YMCA location and helping them get started with their programs.","text2":"They didn't have much time to spend at the remote YMCA locations.","label":-1,"idx":3860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Schliemann, who discovered the site of Troy, used the evidence in Homer's Iliad to determine his digging site, where any ruins had long since disappeared from view.","text2":"He earned world wide acclaim for figuring out where the location was.","label":-1,"idx":3861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The bird that, that flew into the house.","text2":"The yellow bird that flew into the house.","label":-1,"idx":3862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That makes a big difference in the amount available to establish a scholarship to benefit geography majors.","text2":"The amount available for a scholarship can differ. ","label":-1,"idx":3863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I prefer the latter approach, though I have of ten thought it might be only fair to mark such entries with some symbol (like a death's head).","text2":"I am clueless as to how to handle this situation.","label":-1,"idx":3864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bench sponsorships are available for a gift of $2500 or more to the School of Dentistry Class Reunion Challenge.","text2":"You can customize the bench however you like. ","label":-1,"idx":3865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turns out it was 226 miles to New Market from PA and 320 miles from NC to New Market.","text2":"There was 226 miles between New Market and PA","label":-1,"idx":3866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then he said to me that, they're going to set up a board, he said to me, where they're going to appoint, he said to me, a president, vice president, secretary, treasurers, and all that.","text2":"He said they were going to set up a cage match for professional wrestling.","label":-1,"idx":3867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since sense 2 is the opposite in meaning of sense 1, it has been frequently criticized as a misuse.","text2":"It's appropriate because sense 1 is identical to sense 2.","label":-1,"idx":3868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He alerted his supervisor, who assigned another controller to assist him.","text2":"The supervisor didn't assign anyone else to work with him.","label":-1,"idx":3869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What are your least favorite stories?","text2":"What stories do you enjoy reading the most?","label":-1,"idx":3870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift may be designated for the school's general endowment, a particular scholarship or program, or a combination of needs.","text2":"We will designate where you gift goes, you have no say in the matter. ","label":-1,"idx":3871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I urge you to join the Maennerchor Society this year.","text2":"You have to join the maennerchor society. ","label":-1,"idx":3872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In that context, one is given to wonder about the circumstances in languages that have grammatical, not sex gender.)","text2":"French, for example, is a language that uses sex genders in its grammar.","label":-1,"idx":3873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the year I have been in private practice, I have found myself drawing on all aspects of my education.","text2":"During the year I have been in private practice, I have utilized my education.","label":-1,"idx":3874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, mothers who frequently label and explain emotions have preschoolers who use more emotion words in conversation.","text2":"Preschools use emotional words no matter how their mothers communicate or the words they use.","label":-1,"idx":3875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we made modest progress in three months.","text2":"I can't believe we've made no progress in seven months.","label":-1,"idx":3876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"WHY GIVE?","text2":"Why should you give?","label":-1,"idx":3877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All Muslims-as he defined them-therefore must take up arms in this fight.","text2":"No Muslims need to be part of the fight.","label":-1,"idx":3878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"members of the bar.","text2":"Not members of the bar. ","label":-1,"idx":3879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He wasn't real supportive about it at all.","text2":"He was wholeheartedly supportive about it.","label":-1,"idx":3880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Dad, look at this shell.","text2":"Look at the stick I found.","label":-1,"idx":3881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are therefore requesting your cooperation.","text2":"Your cooperation is being requested by us.","label":-1,"idx":3882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin apparently honored this pledge, at least for a time, although he continued to aid a group of Islamist extremists operating in part of Iraq (Kurdistan) outside of Baghdad's control.","text2":"There were no areas in Iraq outside of Baghdad's control.","label":-1,"idx":3883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's never been on welfare and he's always had a job doing manual labor.","text2":"He depends on welfare, since he has never had a job.","label":-1,"idx":3884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 93 was proceeding normally at that time.","text2":"The plane was already showing bad signs.","label":-1,"idx":3885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their inability to adapt to changing consumer tastes and the emergence of new retail channels that targeted specific consumer segments'specialty stores (especially so-called category killers ), catalog stores, and mass merchants'led to erosion in market share.","text2":"Mass merchants eventually lost market share due to lack of adaptation to changing tastes.","label":-1,"idx":3886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the effects of lean retailing are sweeping across many industries, it is imperative that everyone involved understand how inventory policies have been affected.","text2":"Lean retailing is causing everyone involved in industry to understand something important.","label":-1,"idx":3887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" A gringo , from griego `Greek,' is one whose speech sounds like Greek to me. ","text2":"In my mind, a gringo is someone who sounds like a person from Georgia.","label":-1,"idx":3888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:05, Boston Center confirmed for both the FAA Command Center and the New England Region that the hijackers aboard American 11 said we have planes.","text2":"Bsoton Center only told the FAA Command Center about what the hijackers said.","label":-1,"idx":3889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Employer resistance to unionization, arising from the highly competitive conditions in apparel markets and the significant percentage of total costs arising from labor, further compounded the problem.","text2":"Unionization was resisted by employers, but favored by workers.","label":-1,"idx":3890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A new cone of looper thread contains miles of thread and generally does not have to be replaced more frequently than a few times during a shift.","text2":"A new cone of looper thread does not have to be replaced often during a shift.","label":-1,"idx":3891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Individuals who are being emancipated are eligible to receive up to $500 from the Fund if they formally apply and meet four 1. Release by the courts 2. Successful completion of all life skills tests 3. Positive termination of his or her Pleasant Run program 4. Possession of a high school diploma or GED","text2":"If you meet certain requirements, you are eligible to receive $500 upon emancipation.","label":-1,"idx":3892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Call United Airlines-Tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to LA.","text2":"Call United airline and tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to LA.","label":-1,"idx":3893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But one must contend not only with the way the word might be used today but with the evidence of centuries of culture reflected in billions upon billions upon billions of words of text all of which shape the way we think and speak.","text2":"There are only a few million texts and words which shape how we speak and think.","label":-1,"idx":3894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(And of us Canadians too, except for a few who like to toff-up their speech just ever so.)","text2":"There's never been a Canadian who's put up an act to make their vocabulary more robust.","label":-1,"idx":3895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Below are the words and meanings noted since an earlier account of new one-letter words in the Summer, 1987, issue of VERBATIM.","text2":"Here is a new list of one-letter words and meanings ","label":-1,"idx":3896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A fatwa is normally an interpretation of Islamic law by a respected Islamic authority, but neither Bin Ladin, Zawahiri, nor the three others who signed this statement were scholars of Islamic law.","text2":"A fatwa is an interpretation of Islamic law by a respected Islamic authority.","label":-1,"idx":3897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would feel the same way if I paid to see the Rockettes only find that they were Rockets. ","text2":"I wouldn't mind paying to see the Rockettes and then end up watching the Rockets.","label":-1,"idx":3898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the time of year when we give thanks for the warmth and love that surrounds us.","text2":"As an expression of our gratitude, we will be having an open house in December.","label":-1,"idx":3899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:47, seconds after the impact of American 11, United 175's transponder code changed, and then changed again.","text2":"United 175 had hijackers that were well aware of how to deal with the transponders. ","label":-1,"idx":3900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I'm going to ask a final question that, um, I mean, you're my parents, and you imparted a lot of, uh, a lot of the love of reading to me.","text2":"I've already got all my questions answered, no need to listen to me.","label":-1,"idx":3901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Elsewhere in the White House, a series of 9:00 meetings was about to begin.","text2":"The White House had organised a bunch of meetings for nine am.","label":-1,"idx":3902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can't go into it and be like, Oh!","text2":"You can't be surprised when you walk in.","label":-1,"idx":3903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've lived here all of my life.","text2":"I never have any intentions of moving out of this city.","label":-1,"idx":3904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the promise she and her fellow recipients, Penny Wright (elementary education), Cynthia Browning (physics) and Sandra Van Vlymen (elementary education), all hold for the future is impressive.","text2":"She and her fellow recipients all hold a promise for the future, but it isn't really noteworthy or impressive in any regard.","label":-1,"idx":3905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in one sense they are.","text2":"In no way can we say that they are.","label":-1,"idx":3906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, mothers who frequently label and explain emotions have preschoolers who use more emotion words in conversation.","text2":"Preschoolers with mothers who explain emotions, use more emotion words in their communications.","label":-1,"idx":3907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She reported that the flight had been hijacked, and the hijackers had knives and box cutters.","text2":"The hijackers had guns, in addition to knives and box cutters.","label":-1,"idx":3908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh yeah, man they were good cigarettes.","text2":"Man, these cigarettes taste horrible.","label":-1,"idx":3909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alamo , the site of the Texas defeat by Santa Ana; hoosegow from juzgado `court'; dinero `money,' a Spanish corruption of the Latin denarius; macho , from the same root as machete : he who wields a machete must be skillful and powerful, hence the word has come to mean `virile' and its associated noun, machismo , `virility.","text2":"The Alamo, the big casino in Michigan. ","label":-1,"idx":3910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most common flag for acronyms is, as one would expect, initially .","text2":"One particular flag is the most common for acronyms.","label":-1,"idx":3911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The nation is renowned for its gift-giving, as we all know.","text2":"The nation is renown for its gift-taking, as we all knew.","label":-1,"idx":3912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mel had brought along a plastic bag, as the beach was often littered with trash after a busy day.","text2":"Mel did not bring a plastic bag because the beach had not been busy that day.","label":-1,"idx":3913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is a friendly, attractive picture-book.","text2":"This picture-book is pleasing to look at.","label":-1,"idx":3914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's a brick mason, which he builds like buildings.","text2":"He enjoys the hard manual labor of brick laying.","label":-1,"idx":3915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 93 would ordinarily have taken off about 15 minutes after pulling away from the gate.","text2":"United 93 would usually take off 45 minutes after it pulled away from the gate at the airport because it was always running late.","label":-1,"idx":3916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember what kind of stories they were?","text2":"Do you remember if the stories were happy?","label":-1,"idx":3917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, because of that, my mother read to me a lot, you know, to help me, me feel better . So, she uh, she read a lot of Uncle Wiggly stories to me.","text2":"I didn't usually feel good so my mother read to me.","label":-1,"idx":3918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I refuse, out of conservatism and sheer curmudgeonliness to give up English grammar (like the neutral pronouns of reference) when I cannot paraphrase without losing what little elegance there may be in my writing, and I refuse to sacrifice metonyms, metaphors, allusions, and other figures of speech that contain male referents, substituting big liar for Baron Munchhausen and Peeping Thomasina for Peeping Tom or trying to get around saying or writing Pollyanna, say uncle, raise Cain , or Jesus Christ !","text2":"I would give up on English grammar if given the chance.","label":-1,"idx":3919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of playground equipment do you have?","text2":"What's your favorite playground equipment?","label":-1,"idx":3920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A decade later, the military establishment had another experience that evoked both Desert One and the withdrawal from Beirut.","text2":"The military had another experience like Desert One.","label":-1,"idx":3921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, as the end of 1993 approaches, we ask that you remember what your law school education has meant to you and to support the Law School Annual Fund.","text2":"We have no desire for your support of the fund.","label":-1,"idx":3922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't care how many windows you break, he said.","text2":"He expressed indifference to the idea of broken windows.","label":-1,"idx":3923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Write and let us know what you are doing and how you are faring in the journey of life.","text2":"You are faring in the journey of life. ","label":-1,"idx":3924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Following the birth of her child, Cecilia received job training at another United Way funded agency.","text2":"Cecilia got job training.","label":-1,"idx":3925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After Moqed set it off, a screener wanded him.","text2":"A screener used a wand on Moqed after he set it off.","label":-1,"idx":3926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turn back the hands of time and remember when you made the decision to become a dental hygienist.","text2":"Think about the present and focus on the now only. ","label":-1,"idx":3927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is little that it does not touch, being physically present in the architecture of schools, psychologically present when we talk and think about what makes us civilized, linguistically present in much of modern communication and in what we call educated usage.","text2":"Nothing in this world has to do with psychology. ","label":-1,"idx":3928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had already revoked his citizenship, however, and would not tolerate his presence in their country.","text2":"He was a citizen of the country, and was welcomed.","label":-1,"idx":3929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teacher ratings are even more precise, since teachers are familiar with many children and therefore have a broader basis for judging whether a particular child is high, low, or intermediate on dimensions of temperament.","text2":"Teachers are not familiar with many children and are thus less likely to be able to determine a child's temperament.","label":-1,"idx":3930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Part of HCTAR's research effort has resulted in new automatic marker-making software based on computational geometry techniques.","text2":"New automatic marker-making software has been a part of HCTAR's research efforts.","label":-1,"idx":3931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If all goes well, retailers allocate space to different goods efficiently, responding to shifts in consumer tastes (stocking the hits and discontinuing flops); setting pricing policies (markups and markdowns) to deal with both the direct cost of goods and the nature of consumer demand; and controlling inventory to reduce exposure to risk.","text2":"The nature of consumer demand has a direct effect on the cost of goods. ","label":-1,"idx":3932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our Father, which art in heaven, Harold be Thy name.","text2":"Our mother, who resides in heaven, is called Mary.","label":-1,"idx":3933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will, rather, treat those words and phrases, created in SF, which are now in common non-SF use.","text2":"It will treat the words created in SF as common non-SF use. ","label":-1,"idx":3934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NMCC learned about United 93 from the White House.","text2":"The NMCC learned about United 93 from the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":3935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Payment of these awards is made from interest and dividends generated by the principal.","text2":"Payment of these awards is over three thousand dollars every month. ","label":-1,"idx":3936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The funds raised by the campaign support a family of 83 health and human service agencies that provide services like family counseling, care for abused children, scouting and youth programs, job training, disaster relief and much, much more.","text2":"Funds raised support important programs like care for abused children, counseling, job training, and more.","label":-1,"idx":3937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teachers' communication plays a vital role in children's eort and learning.","text2":"A teacher is able to communicate to a child.","label":-1,"idx":3938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just goes boom, boom.","text2":"It makes a noise.","label":-1,"idx":3939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I, I like, uh, uh, those kinds of things that talk about why people do what they do when they're in positions of political power or aspiring to positions of political power.","text2":"I enjoy learning about the motivations that drive people who are either already in powerful political positions, or who aspire to be in such positions. ","label":-1,"idx":3940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most do, of course, use them that way.","text2":"It is not clear how they are used.","label":-1,"idx":3941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Three a.m. is a rough time to be needing a ride to the hospital.","text2":"Three a.m. is the ideal time to get a ride to the hospital.","label":-1,"idx":3942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Wells prototype, a controllable time-space traveler, is used allusively by historians and forecasters (C.","text2":"The Wells prototype was an important factor of history. ","label":-1,"idx":3943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My son was already two, not even two years old, like, like about, like a year and a half.","text2":"My son was ten years old at the time.","label":-1,"idx":3944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the school is to maintain and improve upon its programs, it needs our help.","text2":"Its classes are so dull and boring that a kindergartner would feel they were in a mentally challenged program.","label":-1,"idx":3945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not only had they left out the R ; they'd changed the K to C .","text2":"They changed the letters.","label":-1,"idx":3946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We found no evidence, however, that American Airlines sent any cockpit warnings to its aircraft on 9\/11.","text2":"No evidence was found of cockpit warnings being sent on 9\/11.","label":-1,"idx":3947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the hijackers had turned off the plane's transponder, NEADS personnel spent the next minutes searching their radar scopes for the primary radar return.","text2":"The hijackers kept the transponder turned on in the plane.","label":-1,"idx":3948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" That's the last report.","text2":"There were several other reports a few minutes later.","label":-1,"idx":3949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a reference work on usage, it is far from The Simon and Schuster Publicity Department could have used an entry on foreword\/ forward (spelt foreward in the release accompanying the review copy).","text2":"It is very close to The Simon and Schuster.","label":-1,"idx":3950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers at centers rely so heavily on transponder signals that they usually do not display primary radar returns on their radar scopes.","text2":" Controllers at centers rely on sight the most.","label":-1,"idx":3951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The increase in women seeking ready-made clothing and home furnishings also contributed to the rise of the department store as did newspaper advertising.","text2":"The increase in the demand of ready-made clothing and home furnishings helped department stores to progress.","label":-1,"idx":3952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many Muslims look back at the century after the revelations to the Prophet Mohammed as a golden age.","text2":"The century after the revelations of the Prophet is seen as a golden age by Muslims.","label":-1,"idx":3953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When Talia finally responds, she does so out of desperation'to stop Anselmo's agitated appeals, which are about to escalate beyond control.","text2":"Anselmo responds out of desperation to stop Talia's agitated appeals.","label":-1,"idx":3954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The microphone was keyed, and immediately one of the hijackers said, Nobody move.","text2":"The hijackers told everyone to stay put.","label":-1,"idx":3955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had awesome cars and they strutted around with their awesome clothes and the other people who didn't really didn't hang out with our group of friends.","text2":"They had other friends who were also awesome. ","label":-1,"idx":3956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's an investment in our community through United Way of Central Indiana.","text2":"United Way of Central Indiana invests in our community.","label":-1,"idx":3957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All proceeds of this project will be used to pay for the benches and additional upgrades for the student lounge.","text2":"The student lounge will receive upgrades through the funds received from the project. ","label":-1,"idx":3958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He was, and is, right.","text2":"He was correct and continues to be.","label":-1,"idx":3959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the good old days, we were taught that the pyramids were built by tens of thousands of slaves.","text2":"Thousands of slaves built the pyramids.","label":-1,"idx":3960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These two related historical issues'the ascendancy of a particular system of clothing assembly and the role of unions'have a direct bearing on what is now happening in retail-apparel-textile channels.","text2":"Retail-apparel-textile channels have been impacted by unions.","label":-1,"idx":3961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what school do you go to?","text2":"You don't study.","label":-1,"idx":3962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among them the Ch'in (Mr.Henn's Chin ) and the Yueh . ","text2":"The Yueh and the Ch'in are included among them.","label":-1,"idx":3963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Aunt Ann has a lot of knick-knacks.","text2":"Aunt Ann has a lot of knick-knacks in her basement.","label":-1,"idx":3964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Duende is very difficult to define.","text2":"Duende is a tough subject to talk about","label":-1,"idx":3965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Suddenly that native rose at the bedside, and bent over me with his right hand lifted and a dirk in it aimed at my throat; but Luigi grabbed his wrist, pulled him downward, and drove his own knife into the man's neck.","text2":"There were native people who had their land taken from them.","label":-1,"idx":3966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"OK, he said, Let me, wait for me here, I'm going to let dad know, and Cristobal's neighbors' friends.","text2":"I do not want to go tell Cristobal's neighbors' friends or dad.","label":-1,"idx":3967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, that was told to me and I saw that genie coming out of the bottle in the picture in the book was not about a kind and loving genie.","text2":"I didn't see any genie depicted in the book,","label":-1,"idx":3968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our camp staff worked all winter long planning some great activities to keep everyone safe and active this summer.","text2":"Our camp staff spent the winter preparing activities for the summer.","label":-1,"idx":3969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"George H.W.Bush was scheduled to visit Kuwait to be honored for his rescue of that country in the Gulf War of 1991.","text2":"George H W Bush was going to visit Iraq to be honored for his son's work in the country.","label":-1,"idx":3970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The more children view, the more likely they are to endorse such stereotypes.","text2":"The more kids see, the more likely they are to subscribe to sterotypes about black people.","label":-1,"idx":3971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, Talia assists inappropriately, by doing the task for him.","text2":"Talia refused to assist him in any form or fashion.","label":-1,"idx":3972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Labor conditions have deteriorated for a number of the decline in the coverage of collective bargaining agreements with their provisions for regulation of contract shops; the difficulty of policing contributions for health and pension funds from employers in this sector; the increase in immigrants, legal and illegal, concentrated in certain areas; the intense competition from imports; and the sharp drop in employment in apparel in some markets.","text2":"Conditions for workers have taken a turn for the worse.","label":-1,"idx":3973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At one point, she gets so carried away with her thesis that she suggests that females were responsible not only for all of human evolutionary biology but for the very notion of counting (in order to keep track of menstruation) and, probably by the same token, astronomy.","text2":"She claims that females are responsible for all of human evolutionary biology.","label":-1,"idx":3974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, you, people don't know unless I share it with them.","text2":"People always seem to know before I say anything.","label":-1,"idx":3975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a reference work on usage, it is far from The Simon and Schuster Publicity Department could have used an entry on foreword\/ forward (spelt foreward in the release accompanying the review copy).","text2":"It is not close to The Simon and Schuster Publicity Department.","label":-1,"idx":3976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" This is absolutely putting the horse before the cart. ","text2":"This is the wrong order.","label":-1,"idx":3977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If I, he's like, You're not going to do anything, da-da-da.","text2":"He says that I am not going to do anything.","label":-1,"idx":3978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So nobody knows what they're going to be yet and considering Chris is raising them, that doesn't, you know, say too much for them two little girls.","text2":"Chris is raising the two little girls. ","label":-1,"idx":3979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think I'd like to meet up with that genie!","text2":"I'd be in trouble if I ever met the genie.","label":-1,"idx":3980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like, I mean, if let's say, I make it really big, you know, big, famous person or whatever, I'll live here.","text2":"I will only live here on certain conditions. ","label":-1,"idx":3981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But most important, it must have a managerial system capable of coordinating these elements on an ongoing basis.","text2":"A competent managerial system that is capable of consistently coordinating these elements is a necessity.","label":-1,"idx":3982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This news prompted the Secret Service to order the immediate evacuation of the Vice President just before 9:36.","text2":"In the morning, this news triggered the immediate evacuation of a high ranking official.","label":-1,"idx":3983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We would be there until \/\/ five, \/\/ six o'clock at night.","text2":"We would be there until 5 or 6pm","label":-1,"idx":3984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I guess the thing I remember most about my grandmother's personality is that she was extremely frugal.","text2":"The one thing I can recall about my grandma is just how stingy she was.","label":-1,"idx":3985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think he had on a short sleeve.","text2":"I don't think he had on a shirt at all.","label":-1,"idx":3986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, New York Center declared ATC zero-meaning that aircraft were not permitted to depart from, arrive at, or travel through New York Center's airspace until further notice.","text2":"ATC zero meant that aircraft were not allowed to depart from, arrive at, or travel through New York Center's airspace.","label":-1,"idx":3987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Pakistan, a military regime sought to justify its seizure of power by a pious public stance and an embrace of unprecedented Islamist influence on education and society.","text2":"The people were open to the stance of the regime since it had potential to benefit them.","label":-1,"idx":3988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His son told I think they've taken over the cockpit-An attendant has been stabbed- and someone else up front may have been killed.","text2":"The flight attendant was stabbed and eventually died.","label":-1,"idx":3989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a hot day.","text2":"The day was sweltering.","label":-1,"idx":3990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Poet Muriel Rukeyser envisions Oedipus old and blinded asking the Sphinx why he hadn't recognized his own mother.","text2":"Poet Muriel Rukeyser did not recognize his own mother","label":-1,"idx":3991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" As a mother of an 18-month-old daughter with an M.A. in education who has decided to stay home to raise my child (a difficult and soul-wrenching decision), I resent the characterizsation of the full-time mother as one who is occupied with `laundry, shopping, preparing dinner,' to the exclusion of one-to-one contact with my child. ","text2":"Her M.A. in education was actually a backup plan, she meant to be a lawyer.","label":-1,"idx":3992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the way, Teresa is back and safe.","text2":"Teresa has been safely returned","label":-1,"idx":3993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One little girl runs in and gives a special hug to a member of our staff.","text2":"One girl ran in to kick a staff member she hated.","label":-1,"idx":3994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several iterations of these initial design steps could add weeks or months to the process before production began.","text2":"There will be multiple versions and finalization of the first few design steps before production can begin.","label":-1,"idx":3995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we step into the new millenium, we are excited about the many challenges facing us in Indianapolis as our international population continues to grow.","text2":"Indianapolis's international population continues to grow and we hope to meet the challenges that arise.","label":-1,"idx":3996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So nobody knows what they're going to be yet and considering Chris is raising them, that doesn't, you know, say too much for them two little girls.","text2":"Chris is raising the two little girls well, though. ","label":-1,"idx":3997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, New York Center declared ATC zero-meaning that aircraft were not permitted to depart from, arrive at, or travel through New York Center's airspace until further notice.","text2":"New York Center did not declare ATC zero, so aircraft were still permitted to travel through the airspace.","label":-1,"idx":3998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basic and fashion-basic apparel categories now constitute the lion's share of industry sales, accounting for approximately 72 percent of all shipments.","text2":"Basic and fashion-basic apparel constitutes less than half of the industry sales.","label":-1,"idx":3999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The bird that, that flew into the house.","text2":"The pig that left the house.","label":-1,"idx":4000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:32, controllers at the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed.","text2":"All of the controllers at the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control saw a primary radar target at exactly 9:32 on the dot.","label":-1,"idx":4001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I recall, a number of stories.","text2":"I don't remember any stories.","label":-1,"idx":4002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"even though it is generally acknowledged that Paris is n??mero uno in this area of human activity.","text2":"Nothing happens in Paris.","label":-1,"idx":4003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reference to the designated section in Appendix A reveals a brief discussion of the subject of sex-linked metaphors which quite correctly points out that many common metaphors, metonyms, and allusions refer to males' Achilles' heel, before you can say Jack Robinson, Bluebeard, David and Goliath , and many more.","text2":"Reference to the designated section in Appendix A reveals a brief discussion of the kama sutra.","label":-1,"idx":4004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He did things very slowly and I don't think that wasn't necessarily the weed that he smoked, I think he just had a style of working and that was how he did it.","text2":"He was a fast worker. ","label":-1,"idx":4005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the lay is made by hand, then the cloth is generally cut directly by hand-guided electric knives that slice through the cloth on the table.","text2":"If the lay is made by hand, then the cloth must be thrown out.","label":-1,"idx":4006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their the system discourages working because unemployment provides benefits that many entry-level jobs don't include.","text2":"Having a job is always better than being unemployed.","label":-1,"idx":4007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In time, the former would encompass numerous companies and a global network of bank accounts and nongovernmental institutions.","text2":"The organization remained local.","label":-1,"idx":4008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet even this angry landowner wound up living happily ever after with the Endangered Species Act.","text2":"This angry landowner lived a happy life thanks to The Endangered Species Act.","label":-1,"idx":4009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, high-quality involvement with children requires a certain quantity of time'actually, a great deal, as I'll argue in this book.","text2":"Children take up more time than anything else in a parent's life.","label":-1,"idx":4010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whether a unit of apparel is assembled in China or the United States, the overall process is quite similar.","text2":"Assembling apparel is different in China than in the United States.","label":-1,"idx":4011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Note that this buyer would be ordering more than she expects to sell (the mean value of the distribution, 180 units).","text2":"The buyer expects demand will be higher than supply.","label":-1,"idx":4012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The trick is that they will not do anything unless and until you have installed what is called a Disk Operating System, which comes with the machine.","text2":"The machine is complicated for the average user.","label":-1,"idx":4013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, you don't have to answer to anybody except yourself.","text2":"You're the only one you have to answer to.","label":-1,"idx":4014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(And of us Canadians too, except for a few who like to toff-up their speech just ever so.)","text2":"Canadians who toff-up their speech are a bit snobby.","label":-1,"idx":4015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These cost savings will be used to reduce prices and compete more aggressively with Dell and Gateway 2000 that do not work through distributors.","text2":"Monetary savings will reduce costs and allow them to compete with companies such as Dell and Gateway 2000 that do not need distributors.","label":-1,"idx":4016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think that story telling continues to be important and why?","text2":"Why do you think storytelling is unimportant?","label":-1,"idx":4017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Six minutes later, the air traffic control specialist in American's operations center contacted the FAA's Boston Air Traffic Control Center about the flight.","text2":"The air traffic control specialist in American's operations center contacted the FAA's Boston Air Traffic Control Center by telephone.","label":-1,"idx":4018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This system will probably cost $100,000, and a demonstration in a shopping mall is currently under way.","text2":"The shopping mall needs an addition to fit the demonstration inside.","label":-1,"idx":4019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center immediately began speculating about other aircraft that might be in danger, leading them to worry about a transcontinental flight-Delta 1989-that in fact was not hijacked.","text2":"Boston Center speculated about aircraft that may be at risk, including transcontinental flight-Delta 1989.","label":-1,"idx":4020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions or suggestions for SEND's programs, please do not hesitate to call me.","text2":"I am only available between 9am and 5pm.","label":-1,"idx":4021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And like my cousins like, one of my cousins, he's just like slack; he dropped out of high school his senior year.","text2":"My cousin thought he'd just live off his parents forever.","label":-1,"idx":4022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was now the second American aircraft in trouble.","text2":"There were not two American aircrafts that had been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":4023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He claimed it was more important for Muslims to kill Americans than to kill other infidels.","text2":"The plan was always to murder Jews in Israel first.","label":-1,"idx":4024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Quite simply, very few organizations do more (or more important) work to save the balance and beauty of nature plus the acquisition and maintenance of wildlife sanctuaries all over America.","text2":"We are one of the top activist organizations for preserving nature.","label":-1,"idx":4025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other buying practices came from small shops.","text2":"Only large shops offer buying practices.","label":-1,"idx":4026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like Dr. Seuss.","text2":"This story is written like Dr. Seuss.","label":-1,"idx":4027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, funny.","text2":"How utterly dull.","label":-1,"idx":4028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributing members of the winning classes will receive an added bonus, of a tuition waived registration to a nonrestricted CE Course, at the dental school during the 1991-92 academic year.","text2":"The tuition waived registration is more popular than the nonrestricted CE Course. ","label":-1,"idx":4029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was horrible.","text2":"It was unpleasant.","label":-1,"idx":4030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For instance, by substantially reducing work-in-process buffers in assembly, throughput time on the modular lines of business units in the HCTAR sample dropped to just two days, compared with nine days for standard assembly methods.","text2":"Studies show that HCTAR methods are significantly slower and more inefficient than standard assembly methods.","label":-1,"idx":4031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One who counts and recounts.","text2":"Person who counts and recounts for the business. ","label":-1,"idx":4032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I know he had on blue jeans.","text2":"I know he had white shorts.","label":-1,"idx":4033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At approximately 10:30, the shelter started receiving reports of another hijacked plane, this time only 5 to 10 miles out.","text2":"The shelter was informed that there was another hijacked plane closing fast. ","label":-1,"idx":4034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In narrative, we express the folk psychology of our culture'our deeply ingrained assumptions about human desires, emotions, and beliefs, and our judgments of certain ones as more acceptable than others.","text2":"There are deeply ingrained cultural roots that dictate ideas about beliefs.","label":-1,"idx":4035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The second case developed how suppliers must use this new perspective on demand to plan production or sourcing strategies.","text2":"This new perspective is not very important when planning production.","label":-1,"idx":4036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our work is possible only because of caring members like you.","text2":"We need at least 1000 member contributions to accomplish our goals.","label":-1,"idx":4037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I should have remembered back as a freshmen, I read An American Tragedy.","text2":"I don't recall ever having read An American Tragedy. ","label":-1,"idx":4038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"GOD BLESS YOU.","text2":"You'll receive no thanks from me. ","label":-1,"idx":4039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Batman Beyond and I don't know.","text2":"He likes to watch Batman especially Batman Beyond.","label":-1,"idx":4040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"bosom pressers, breast buffers, chick sexers Not names for denizens of Manhattan's 42nd Street, although the functions suggested doubtless occur there if the price is right.","text2":"There are many sexual services that can be provided for money.","label":-1,"idx":4041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A child playing storekeeper experiences firsthand the reasons for having customers line up to pay, for making change accurately, and for being polite.","text2":"A child playing storekeeper learns nothing of value at all.","label":-1,"idx":4042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps the most significant comment on the failure to distinguish between man generic and man `male human' appears on page 25:","text2":"It is not essential to distinguish when speaking of males.","label":-1,"idx":4043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After I worked there, then, that, I went to, San Miguel, because my daughter, also, had, she needed me.","text2":"I didn't like San Miguel as much as I did the place I worked at before.","label":-1,"idx":4044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"True, the official language of the province of Quebec is French; and true, we have borrowed a few words from there; lacrosse , for example.","text2":"French is the official language of Quebec","label":-1,"idx":4045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The pattern pieces for each individual pair of jeans must first be modified.","text2":"Patterns must be modified constantly.","label":-1,"idx":4046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, um, is there anything else you'd like to add?","text2":"Is there anything additional you'd like to include?","label":-1,"idx":4047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and the first Ph.D. degrees in medical and biological engineering.","text2":"The first PH.D. degrees are medical and biological engineering ","label":-1,"idx":4048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said, Yes, you know, he said, You can count on them, and me, too, if, if you need me.","text2":"You can count on us, you know. ","label":-1,"idx":4049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Command Center kept looking for American 77.","text2":"American 77 was never found.","label":-1,"idx":4050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's see I started in the music industry when I was very young, um, as a DJ and--","text2":"I started in the music industry as a DJ. ","label":-1,"idx":4051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1998, Bin Ladin had a distinctive appeal, as he focused on attacking America.","text2":"By 1998, Bin Laden was set on attacking the United States. ","label":-1,"idx":4052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States.","text2":"Iraq wanted to plot with Al Queda but couldn't. ","label":-1,"idx":4053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The present volume, only one year in arrears, includes an interview by Aman with Lillian Mermin Feinsilver, an authority on Yiddish and author of The Taste of Yiddish . At the end of the interview is a good bibliography of Feinsilver's work.","text2":"Lillian Mermin Feinsilver is of the Jewish religious background.","label":-1,"idx":4054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Answer 34,700 opportunities to change a life!","text2":"There are a lot of opportunities","label":-1,"idx":4055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Donors receive tax credits equaling 50 percent of their contributions.","text2":"The tax credits that the donors receive equals 50% of their contributions. ","label":-1,"idx":4056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As older preschoolers begin to attend to features of print, adults can combine shared book reading with scaolding of children's knowledge of letter names, letter-sound correspondences, and print conventions (for example, that books are read from left to right and top to bottom of the page, that spaces are used to separate words and periods to end sentences).","text2":"Parents can help out their kids with their reading assignment by pointing out the uses of punctuation and reading format. ","label":-1,"idx":4057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The entries themselves are more or less helpful, depending on the information one is seeking.","text2":"The entries' usefulness does not depend on what information one is seeking.","label":-1,"idx":4058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, the IU School of Law -Indianapolis has initiated a Law Firm Campaign.","text2":"IU School of Law is in the city of Indianapolis.","label":-1,"idx":4059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In building this Islamic army, he enlisted groups from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, and Eritrea.","text2":"Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, and Eritrea had no involvement in the Islamic army, with no groups joining it being native to any of these countries.","label":-1,"idx":4060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift, made through Indiana University Foundation, is tax-deductible.","text2":"Anything that you give Indiana University Foundation you will have to pay taxes on. ","label":-1,"idx":4061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two planes had struck the World Trade Center, and Boston Center had heard from FAA headquarters in Washington that American 11 was still airborne.","text2":"FAA headquarters knew that two planes had struck the World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":4062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"OK, he said, Let me, wait for me here, I'm going to let dad know, and Cristobal's neighbors' friends.","text2":"Since I'm going to tell them, wait here for me for I need a ride.","label":-1,"idx":4063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the fourth summer I've done it.","text2":"I'm getting tired of it since I've done it for so many summers.","label":-1,"idx":4064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help in continuing the work of Jameson Camp.","text2":"The Jameson Camp does not need any assistance","label":-1,"idx":4065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, many a soldier was actually chained to his gun to ensure bravery.","text2":"Many soldiers were chained to guns to prevent cowardice.","label":-1,"idx":4066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the cost required to install such a system is steep, running to $4,000 or more per workstation.","text2":"The costs of installation are usually never recovered compared to current set-ups.","label":-1,"idx":4067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Experience (and a moment's thought) shows that names of people and places occur with equal, sometimes greater frequency in the language than a very large percentage of the words listed in dictionaries of almost any size (except the smallest), and on that ground they should not be treated as nonwords or as being outside the pale of lexicon.","text2":"People and place names are nonwords because they are found in dictionaries.","label":-1,"idx":4068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the end of the turn, it was descending through 2,200 feet, pointed toward the Pentagon and downtown Washington.","text2":"It was climbing up to 15,000 feet.","label":-1,"idx":4069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us consider two recent British dictionaries.","text2":"American dictionaries could also help in this situation.","label":-1,"idx":4070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor did the military have 47 minutes to respond to United 93, as would be implied by the account that it received notice of the flight's hijacking at 9:16.","text2":"The military could not respond in 47 minutes. ","label":-1,"idx":4071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The letters of the answer are left in their original order but spread over two or more ","text2":"The letters of the answer stay in their original order but are spread out. ","label":-1,"idx":4072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"tsuris the gamut of painful emotions'some real, some imagined, some self-inflicted.","text2":"Some of the gamuts of painful emotions are imagined, some real and self inflected. ","label":-1,"idx":4073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maintaining Miyares' schedule would be a busy job for nearly anyone.","text2":"Miyare is busy seven days a week.","label":-1,"idx":4074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He entered into a partnership with Almy and Brown to erect perpetual card and spinning machines","text2":"Without the partnership, he would be unable to erect anything.","label":-1,"idx":4075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She had them share, a very mature response for a 2-year-old.","text2":"As a 2 year old, having them share was a very mature response.","label":-1,"idx":4076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lucky attendees can go home with a great prize.","text2":"Some attendees will receive prizes","label":-1,"idx":4077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we hid it from her didn't we?","text2":"I believe that we did not reveal it to her.","label":-1,"idx":4078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the hijackers had turned off the plane's transponder, NEADS personnel spent the next minutes searching their radar scopes for the primary radar return.","text2":"The hijackers turned off the transponder, and thus controllers had to search their scopes for the plane.","label":-1,"idx":4079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking demand variability into account becomes even more important given recent trends toward product proliferation.","text2":"Product proliferation has been on an upward trend recently.","label":-1,"idx":4080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've read The Cat in the Hat about 475 times.","text2":"I've never read The Cat in the Hat.","label":-1,"idx":4081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If that is what M and S mean, why don't they just say so?","text2":"If that is the definition for S and M, why has it never been mentioned?","label":-1,"idx":4082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft was piloted by Captain Jason Dahl and First Officer Leroy Homer, and there were five flight attendants.","text2":"The flight attendants were skilled at their jobs. ","label":-1,"idx":4083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There's still time for you to take part by attending the remaining events and by making a gift to Herron in honor of its tremendous continuous influence on the Indianapolis art scene.","text2":"Herron continues to make tremendous contributions to the art scene in Indianapolis. ","label":-1,"idx":4084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, what about now, like um, Thanksgiving's coming up, and families get together for that and for Christmas when, when you are um, you know eating dinner, or you know, just talking and everything.","text2":"Families get together to eat dinner and talk on Thanksgiving and Christmas.","label":-1,"idx":4085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Federal, state and local governments are freezing or withdrawing much-needed funding sources for people who are truly in need.","text2":"The finding sources have remained untouched by any branch of the government, ","label":-1,"idx":4086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When considered on a weekly basis, this translates into average weekly demand across all retail outlets of less than ten units.","text2":"This average weekly demand from all outlets at 10 units is extremely low and needs to be improved.","label":-1,"idx":4087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In our changing world, the sky is no longer the boundary to our travels.","text2":"In our evolving world, the sky is not longer the limit to our travels.","label":-1,"idx":4088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think Aunt Ann noticed that bird was ever in the house.","text2":"Aunt Ann loves that bird, she talks to it every other day.","label":-1,"idx":4089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is in cursive.","text2":"This writing is in cuneiform.","label":-1,"idx":4090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" (I vaguely remember a hymn I heard, and perhaps helped sing, that contains the phrase intercourse divine. ","text2":"I vaguely remember a hymn saying that sex is divine. ","label":-1,"idx":4091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through its community-based allocation system, United Way makes sure each year that the community's highest priorities, as set by community leaders like you, are served well.","text2":"The United Way has no idea what the community needs. ","label":-1,"idx":4092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about does Mommy ever tell you any stories?","text2":"Does your mom tell you bed time stories?","label":-1,"idx":4093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even the most casual observers of social movements and language changes are conscious of what some might call the crusade for nonsexist language.","text2":"Even casual observers have heard of the so-called crusade for nonsexist language.","label":-1,"idx":4094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Panting red pants into the West.","text2":"Longing for colorful trousers into the West.","label":-1,"idx":4095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, building on Sophie's theme, he placed a teddy bear on another part of the rug and offered, I think Ted's tired, too.","text2":"He placed a teddy bear on another part of the rug, in line with Sophie's theme.","label":-1,"idx":4096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The present volume, only one year in arrears, includes an interview by Aman with Lillian Mermin Feinsilver, an authority on Yiddish and author of The Taste of Yiddish . At the end of the interview is a good bibliography of Feinsilver's work.","text2":"An authority on Arabic and author of The Taste Of Ackbar.","label":-1,"idx":4097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a bunch of my grandfather's old tools were in there odd things like, like scythes and things that you would find only on a farm even though the house itself was not on farmland.","text2":"My grandfather owned a scythe. ","label":-1,"idx":4098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Support at this level is assisting the dental school in a variety of ways.","text2":"There have been a lot of contributions to assist the dental school. ","label":-1,"idx":4099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We found no evidence, however, that American Airlines sent any cockpit warnings to its aircraft on 9\/11.","text2":"Cockpit warnings would have made more pilots aware of the danger.","label":-1,"idx":4100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider making a contribution to help us SAVE OUR BABIES.","text2":"Please give a contribution for Save Our Babies to help defeat SIDS.","label":-1,"idx":4101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" It happens to be the third most famous diamond in the whole world, she boasted.\"","text2":"The diamond is the third most famous in the world according to her.","label":-1,"idx":4102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their upward mobility?","text2":"No question was asked.","label":-1,"idx":4103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had attended Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia.","text2":"The Abdul Aziz University is located in the United States of America.","label":-1,"idx":4104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the past, you can also contribute directly to the IGGS Scholarship Fund.","text2":"Any amount of contributions are deeply appreciated.","label":-1,"idx":4105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Instead the City provided only 14 percent ($57,000) of our 1999 revenues.","text2":"We rely heavily on private donors to provide our income.","label":-1,"idx":4106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We all hear about today's increases in neglect, abuse and abandonment of those who can't fight children.","text2":"Children are a force to be reckoned with!","label":-1,"idx":4107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A variation on this theme occurs in Alba de C??spedes' The Secret (translated from the Italian by Isabel Simon and Schuster, New York, 1958, page 114) where she confides that I still had a whole afternoon before me to spend, and I used it to tidy up my drawers.","text2":"The Secret was translated from German.","label":-1,"idx":4108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They struggled, under difficult circumstances, to improvise a homeland defense against an unprecedented challenge they had never before encountered and had never trained to meet.","text2":"It was easy for them to defend themselves against this threat.","label":-1,"idx":4109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes that's true.","text2":"Yeah, she is blonde. That's true.","label":-1,"idx":4110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I need a change and Boston's the place I've always looked to live at, so--","text2":"I have been planning on moving fairly soon. ","label":-1,"idx":4111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many need furniture, linens and other basic necessities to begin lives on their own.","text2":"A lot of people are without furniture, linens and other basic needs which is necessary when starting out own their own.","label":-1,"idx":4112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since 1913, we have remained true to our mission of providing quality home health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay.","text2":"We have remained true to our mission of providing quality home health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay, since 1913","label":-1,"idx":4113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(This manufacturer essentially followed an (R, s, S) policy as described in Chapter 6, with R = time period between orders= seven days, S = target inventory level = fourteen weeks, and s = reorder point = ten weeks.)","text2":"There's only three chapters and they all cover retail sales strategies.","label":-1,"idx":4114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The difficulty of measuring these costs is further exacerbated by the fact that a given product may be attractive to different consumers at different prices, so determining the appropriate full price for a product is not an easy task.","text2":"All customers are willing to pay the same price for an item.","label":-1,"idx":4115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Rousseauian view provided the substrate for the twentieth-century counterpoint to a belief in the powerful role of children's inborn characteristics.","text2":"Rousseauian views have been adapted before to explain child behavior. ","label":-1,"idx":4116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For your timely reply, you have my deepest thanks.","text2":"You could have sent me an answer sooner.","label":-1,"idx":4117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The average annual course load for first-year students in the day program (31 credit hours) costs $4,453 for residents and $11,588 for non-residents.","text2":"The average annual course load for first year day students costs more for residents than for non-residents.","label":-1,"idx":4118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This new Building contains state-of-the-art labs that give our students the hands on training necessary for a good education in engineering and technology.","text2":"The new building is only for academically successful students","label":-1,"idx":4119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One method for improving targeting would be to require each garment to include a bar code label that shows the place and time of fabrication.","text2":"The method of using a bar code label is going to be effective.","label":-1,"idx":4120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That man was Samuel Maverick.","text2":"The man was Samuel Jackson.","label":-1,"idx":4121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and Azzam agreed that the organization successfully created for Afghanistan should not be allowed to dissolve.","text2":"Bin Ladin and Azzam kept the organization together to benefit the terrorist network.","label":-1,"idx":4122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An important goal of scaolding is to promote self-regulation'the capacity to use thought to guide behavior.","text2":"While scolding is an effective method of teaching self-control, teaching the value of self-control can also have positive effects.","label":-1,"idx":4123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, um, after my first semester was over with and I had like a real Theater class, I knew that's what I still wanted to do.","text2":"I fell in love with theater from my very first class.","label":-1,"idx":4124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But my father loves the South, so, I guess it would be an adjustment for him if they moved so--.","text2":"My father would have to adjust, as he loves the South, so--","label":-1,"idx":4125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And now that I know your own son is considering purchasing a motorcycle those stories hopefully can help him make \/\/ a wise decision \/\/.","text2":"It is dangerous for him to ride a motorcycle so hopefully, this will dissuade him. ","label":-1,"idx":4126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President's guidance was we need to take them out.","text2":"We depended on the guidance the Vice President offered in this situation.","label":-1,"idx":4127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All these repairs, along with support for our outstanding faculty, the provision for exciting visiting artists and exhibitions at the Herron Gallery , and student scholarships\/awards are essential to the continued maintenance of educational quality at the school, but they all cost money.","text2":"It costs no money to make repairs, support faculty and give students scholarships. ","label":-1,"idx":4128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Three a.m. is a rough time to be needing a ride to the hospital.","text2":"It is easier to get a ride to the hospital during the day. ","label":-1,"idx":4129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have such firms improved their competitive position along with the retailers they supply?","text2":"They will probably never improve their competitive position.","label":-1,"idx":4130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This variation is due in part to the lower demand volumes during those periods relative to the middle of a product's life, but such fluctuations also occur because of the inherent uncertainty during the ramp up or ramp down of a product's life.","text2":"There's no uncertainty during the points of ramping up or ramping down a product's life.","label":-1,"idx":4131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the early attachment bond that builds between caregiver and baby during the first year of life.","text2":"This bond is continually strengthened each day that the caregiver cares for the baby.","label":-1,"idx":4132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one at FAA headquarters ever asked for military assistance with American 77.","text2":"Military assistance was immediately asked for American 77.","label":-1,"idx":4133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, I suppose it had some kind of great significance.","text2":"To be honest, I think it was completely meaningless. ","label":-1,"idx":4134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The objective was to get up in the air-as fast and as high as possible-and then decide where to go.","text2":"The objective was to go underground and hide.","label":-1,"idx":4135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It contains many photographs of writers, some quite early; these enliven the appearance of the book but accomplish little else, unless one is interested in what Samuel Clemens looked like at the age of 15 (as a printer's devil) or in the appearance of Hart Crane standing in the middle of a railroad track in Cleveland in 1916.","text2":"Though the book shows photos of writers, this has little purpose.","label":-1,"idx":4136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1793, the firm of Almy, Brown and Slater was operating a seventy-two-spindle mill, producing high-quality yarn.","text2":"The seventy-two-spindle mill was increased from sixty-five the previous year.","label":-1,"idx":4137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, Gloria, what's your age?","text2":"Gloria, did you mow the lawn?","label":-1,"idx":4138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" We can't confirm that.","text2":"No, that certainly isn't the case.","label":-1,"idx":4139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They also merge objects that are alike into categories (such as vehicles, animals, birds, and eating utensils), laying the foundation for mentally representing their experiences and thinking eciently.","text2":"They merge objects that are alike to categories as a sorting exercise.","label":-1,"idx":4140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Note that some double-dealing has also gone on with the word character !) A third layer of camouflage is added ","text2":"Camouflage is put on a third time. ","label":-1,"idx":4141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' The Chinese character is simply a phonological rendering of a Viet word meaning `people.","text2":"The Chinese character is a phonological rendering of a Vietnamese word that is popular in tattoos.","label":-1,"idx":4142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:54, the aircraft deviated from its assigned course, turning south.","text2":"The airplane was flying a westward course until 8:54 when it deviated from it,","label":-1,"idx":4143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This single software package can be made available through an in-house local area network or the World Wide Web.","text2":"It would probably be easier to access the package if it was available through the Internet.","label":-1,"idx":4144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you're just going to work a lot harder?","text2":"Are you just going to work harder?","label":-1,"idx":4145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" An owner of a Greenwich Village barbershop survived being shot in the neck as he slept by a gunman who broke into his house.","text2":"A Greenwich Village barber was shot in the neck by a gunman.","label":-1,"idx":4146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inadvertent substitution of ground zero for square one , while luminously ludicrous, is not self-canceling and hence does not convey the empty sense of morox.","text2":"The substitution for ground zero for square one doesn't convey the same idea.","label":-1,"idx":4147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Prostrate is a more common word that prostate , so prostrate is what we get.","text2":"The word prostrate is used less often than prostate.","label":-1,"idx":4148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky emphasized that to understand children's development, it is necessary to understand the social situations adults devise for them.","text2":"Vygotsky's theories about children's development are wholly incorrect.","label":-1,"idx":4149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, while many Americans grew wealthier during the 1980s and 1990s, the rate of childhood poverty in America was actually rising by 20 percent!","text2":"Many Americans got wealthier during the 80's and 90's, but people also got poorer.","label":-1,"idx":4150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is what he had to say about Saint Cuthbert, an English monk who became Bishop of Lindisfarne and who died in the year 687:","text2":"Saint Cuthbert was a German monk who died in 793.","label":-1,"idx":4151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My instructor played a role like no other instructor I've ever had I appreciate everything that Goodwill has done for me.","text2":"I am so thankful for what Goodwill and my instructor has done for me.","label":-1,"idx":4152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fact that the pictures are a full page each with captions that seesaw across the bottoms (as palindromes will) would be frustrating were it not for the quality of the drawings.","text2":"The pictures are a full page and have captions that distract from them.","label":-1,"idx":4153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, the inability to supply product to retailers or customers is another costly risk.","text2":"It can be costly if there's an inability to supply retailers.","label":-1,"idx":4154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In each, the role of parents and teachers as agents of change is vigorous and profound, although not sovereign and exclusive.","text2":"Parents and teachers are not the only agents of change, but their effect is profound.","label":-1,"idx":4155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 1990 Senior Challenge is about to begin.","text2":"The 1990 senior challenge has just ended.","label":-1,"idx":4156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would be sad.","text2":"I would want to be cheered up.","label":-1,"idx":4157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we had only that scene to go by we would never really know, and all because of a Puzzling Pronoun 'or two!","text2":"If we only had that scene to go by, we would never truly know. ","label":-1,"idx":4158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one consequence, the number of business failures among U.S. apparel manufacturers climbed from 227 in 1975 to a high of 567 in 1993.","text2":"A high of business failures for U.S. apparel manufacturing happened in 1993.","label":-1,"idx":4159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He repeatedly calls on his followers to embrace martyrdom since the walls of oppression and humiliation cannot be demolished except in a rain of bullets.","text2":"Followers can only martyr themselves while in possession of a gun.","label":-1,"idx":4160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The list of children who want to attend camp this year grows longer every day, and it's important that we send every one of them.","text2":"The list of children interested in camp keeps shrinking.","label":-1,"idx":4161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From its inception, the IDA Pursuit of Excellence Fund has supported and rewarded faculty for unique and outstanding effort on behalf of dentistry.","text2":"The IDA pursuit of excellence fund rewards and supports faculty that has shown outstanding effort. ","label":-1,"idx":4162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the sewing room is in the same building as the cutting room, then cut goods are sent over many times a day.","text2":"Sewing rooms are always separate from the cutting rooms.","label":-1,"idx":4163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That makes a big difference in the amount available to establish a scholarship to benefit geography majors.","text2":"Other majors will also benefit from a scholarship. ","label":-1,"idx":4164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At that same time, American 11 had its last routine communication with the ground when it acknowledged navigational instructions from the FAA's air traffic control (ATC) center in Boston.","text2":"American 11 acknowledged navigational instructions from the FAA's air traffic control center in Boston.","label":-1,"idx":4165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kuwaiti security services warned Washington that Iraqi agents were planning to assassinate the former president.","text2":"Kuwaiti security told the government that Iraq was going to assassinate the former President.","label":-1,"idx":4166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He redoubled his efforts to ascertain the flight's altitude.","text2":"He redoubled his efforts to figure out how high the plane was, hoping it was not going to crash into a city.","label":-1,"idx":4167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are some quotes from people who have been helped by United Way of Central Indiana ","text2":"Some people have been helped by United Way.","label":-1,"idx":4168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" (I vaguely remember a hymn I heard, and perhaps helped sing, that contains the phrase intercourse divine. ","text2":"I don't remember ever hearing a hymn refer to sex as divine. ","label":-1,"idx":4169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can I keep the shell?","text2":"Would you be happy if I kept the shell?","label":-1,"idx":4170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For a time, it may not have been clear to Bin Ladin that the Taliban would be his best bet as an ally.","text2":"The Taliban was not Bin Laden's best bet to be come an ally.","label":-1,"idx":4171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every channel has its particular history, elements, and dynamics, and retail-apparel-textile channels are no exception.","text2":"Retail-apparel-textile channels have their own dynamics and history. ","label":-1,"idx":4172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because linguists are constantly learning more and more about the relationships among languages, it is best to avoid using an older chart; for the same reason, it would be wise not to stake too much on the accuracy of even a current chart.","text2":"All charts that depict linguistic relationships will eventually be proven wrong.","label":-1,"idx":4173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have also enclosed a brief report on those areas which would be helped by your annual contribution.","text2":"There are several areas in which you could help.","label":-1,"idx":4174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Very close to my family.","text2":"I hold my family in high regard.","label":-1,"idx":4175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Between June 21 and August 31, 45 youth will spend 20 hours a week developing life management and work ethic skills, learning the computer, visiting area colleges, and interacting with guest speakers.","text2":"The youth will watch tv and eat candy all week. ","label":-1,"idx":4176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Adoption of this assembly technique involves altering the physical layout of sewing machines as well as human resource changes in training requirements, compensation systems, and methods of supervision.","text2":"This new assembly technique is much more effiecient and cheap.","label":-1,"idx":4177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He believed American 77 had experienced serious electrical or mechanical failure, or both, and was gone.","text2":"He thought American 77 was having mechanical trouble or had crashed.","label":-1,"idx":4178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have found no evidence to suggest that the Command Center acted on this request or issued any type of cockpit security alert.","text2":"There was no evidence that the commence center acted or issues a security alert. ","label":-1,"idx":4179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In their December, 1995 review of the nation's best charities, U.S.","text2":"The best charities in the nation were reviewed and presented in December 1995.","label":-1,"idx":4180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A central feature of information-integrated channels'indeed, the basis for our term lean retailing'is the effective management of inventories at the SKU level.\"","text2":"It would not work correctly if the management of inventories is not done right.","label":-1,"idx":4181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"of a chapter or an entry in a dictionary). ","text2":"of a letter in a dictionary","label":-1,"idx":4182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have you ever helped your dad?","text2":"Have you assisted your dad before?","label":-1,"idx":4183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah he did, didn't he?","text2":"Did he do that?","label":-1,"idx":4184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the 1850s, a Texas lawyer acquired a small herd of cattle on Matagorda Island.","text2":"The lawyer's herd of cattle was the last herd that ever lived.","label":-1,"idx":4185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, you, people don't know unless I share it with them.","text2":"Unless I share it with them, people don't know.","label":-1,"idx":4186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We asked a screening expert to review the videotape of the hand-wanding, and he found the quality of the screener's work to have been marginal at best.","text2":"The screening expert reviewed the videotape of the hand-wanding.","label":-1,"idx":4187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything your parents ever told you about her, stories that they ever did like when they were kids?","text2":"Did your pet gerbil ever communicate any information about where your parents are buried?","label":-1,"idx":4188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As business historian Robert Dalzell notes,","text2":"Robert Dalzell has a PhD in history and an MBA as well.","label":-1,"idx":4189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" In court, a prime CBS objective will be to refute characterizations of Adams by Westmoreland's witnesses as a rouge elephant within the CIA. ","text2":"CBS will try and prove that everyone in the CIA was just like Adams.","label":-1,"idx":4190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Additionally, it will help provide the Girl Scout experience to girls at risk or girls in hard to serve areas like the Indiana Girls School and the Juvenile Justice Center.","text2":"Your help would help in providing Girl Scouts' services at the Indiana Justice Center.","label":-1,"idx":4191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And ah, she, she made it up, a story about a, me and my cousin Phil, ah, going on this trip to the Canadian Northwest to hunt and meeting these little characters, uh, while we were there.","text2":"She fabricated the story about me and my cousin Phil's trip to the Canadian Northwest.","label":-1,"idx":4192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, we try to augment this on-going effort with special opportunities for the students, like the Visiting Artists Series, the latest computer graphic equipment, the best faculty and the most meaningful art exhibitions.","text2":"Students are not permitted to attend art exhibitions.","label":-1,"idx":4193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the Pentagon was struck, Secretary Rumsfeld went to the parking lot to assist with rescue efforts.","text2":"Rumsfeld fled the scene after the pentagon was struck. ","label":-1,"idx":4194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're proud of our children and all that they overcome.","text2":"Our children have overcome things, and because of this, we're proud of them.","label":-1,"idx":4195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other facilities, not on alert, would need time to arm the fighters and organize crews.","text2":"There were some facilities that were not already on alert.","label":-1,"idx":4196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that children actually, the innocence of children, the unconditional love of children, is the way that we, now, that I'm an adult, that adults need to be with each other, and that the greatest lesson in that, when you can be like a little child, then you are doing what's pleasing to God.","text2":"We please God by giving unconditional love just as children do.","label":-1,"idx":4197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are two major types of sewing machines used in garment the lockstitch and the chain-stitch machine.","text2":"There is one major type of sewing machines, the lockstitch machine.","label":-1,"idx":4198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking an uncomfortably short speculative step was Stanley Kubrick's 1963 film, Dr.","text2":"Stankley Kubrick makes way too controversial movies. ","label":-1,"idx":4199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The purpose of the Fund will be to help Indiana University to continue to excel in teaching and research in graduate periodontics.","text2":"The Indiana University excels at research in graduate periodontics.","label":-1,"idx":4200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The C-130H pilot spotted it, identified it as a Boeing 757, attempted to follow its path, and at 9:38, seconds after impact, reported to the control looks like that aircraft crashed into the Pentagon sir.","text2":"The pilot told control it had crashed into a building.","label":-1,"idx":4201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Kenkyusha dictionary has even three signs for it, -chi and -ni in Hiragana, following the Chinese character which in my naive innocence I would pronounce tadachi by itself.","text2":"I had perfect pronunciation while using the Chinese words.","label":-1,"idx":4202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:48, a representative from the White House shelter asked if there were any indications of another hijacked aircraft.","text2":"The White House was sure that there were more hijacked aircraft. ","label":-1,"idx":4203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She's a valuable part of the DBA and also consults with wives of disabled persons.","text2":"She does not do consulting.","label":-1,"idx":4204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, for the low volume 43-regular, the maximum weekly demand is about four times the average.","text2":"The 43 regular is low volume and has an upper limit for weekly demand around four times higher than average.","label":-1,"idx":4205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Goodwill has devised the programs that turned your investment into results.","text2":"Goodwill devised those programs to help everyone in the community to get a good job.","label":-1,"idx":4206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For a time, it may not have been clear to Bin Ladin that the Taliban would be his best bet as an ally.","text2":"Bin Laden soon met with Taliban leaders to make them an ally.","label":-1,"idx":4207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But they can change the configuration of their scopes so they can see primary radar returns.","text2":"The radar displays lots of things. ","label":-1,"idx":4208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The size of retail establishments also grew during this period because of two important trends.","text2":"The retail locations began to stock more products, which increased size.","label":-1,"idx":4209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These programs focus on keeping the family together by providing counseling and other services to the entire family.","text2":"We have found that by treating the entire family, we get much better results.","label":-1,"idx":4210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Oh, he wants a lollipop as well.","text2":"He would never want a lollipop in a million years.","label":-1,"idx":4211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This order would be combined with other replenishment orders for Levi jeans destined for the same store, thereby reducing shipping costs.","text2":"The replenishment orders would be fulfilled shortly after being placed.","label":-1,"idx":4212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, strange little memories like that about my grandmother's house.","text2":"I don't have any memories from my grandmother's house.","label":-1,"idx":4213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Simply fill out the enclosed form and return it with your donation to Herron.","text2":"You can donate money without filling out any forms.","label":-1,"idx":4214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, I remember exactly going to the hospital and the uh, waiting room, but um, yeah, it's just something you don't know anybody goes through.","text2":"I sat down when I was in the hospital waiting room. ","label":-1,"idx":4215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through narrative, children build an autobiographical self permeated with cultural beliefs and values; come to understand that people have rich mental lives and may view the same events dierently; and acquire negotiation strategies for resolving disputes and getting along with others.","text2":"Children discover a lot of things in life when they start reading. ","label":-1,"idx":4216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turabi sought to persuade Shiites and Sunnis to put aside their divisions and join against the common enemy.","text2":"Sunnis an Shiites were asked to put aside differences to fight the same enemy.","label":-1,"idx":4217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us go back in Chinese history to the beginning of the Warring (or Contending) States Period.","text2":"Let us go back in Italian history to the start of the Warring States Period.","label":-1,"idx":4218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have no quarrel with Renfrew's theory'notwithstanding the generally received wisdom that has placed the homeland north of the Black Sea region and the Volga steppes.","text2":"Renfrew is a smart man. ","label":-1,"idx":4219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please help good kids get better by sending us a contribution today.","text2":"The contribution you send will cause the kids to get worse. ","label":-1,"idx":4220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is the one private, volunteer organization that exists to end the menace of cancer, to ease the pain of cancer victims and their families, to rehabilitate those who survive, and to enlighten and inform both the professional world and lay public about the latest developments in cancer.","text2":"One organization exists to end cancer.","label":-1,"idx":4221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"ELM members receive our quarterly Bulletin, the best source of information on environmental issues in Massachusetts.","text2":"Our Bulletin is the best source of information on environmental issues in Massachusetts, Elm members receive it only once per year.","label":-1,"idx":4222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before I got to Goodwill, I was on a mission.","text2":"I had been on a quest.","label":-1,"idx":4223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just stay quiet, and you'll be okay.","text2":"Keeping your mouth shut is the worst thing you can do. ","label":-1,"idx":4224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In instances in which American stories referred to young children's misbehavior, mothers frequently deemphasized these acts, attributing them to the child's spunk and assertiveness.","text2":"American mothers tend to keep their children from playing or interacting with the outside world.","label":-1,"idx":4225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider a corporate donation of $2 Million or more to support Girl Scout programs and activities throughout Central Indiana.","text2":"Your donation will help Girl Scout programs and activities across the region.","label":-1,"idx":4226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just check the appropriate box on the enclosed pledge card and return it in the reply envelope.","text2":"Check the appropriate box and then throw everything in the trash.","label":-1,"idx":4227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we will see, a helpful parent or teacher interacts dierently when assisting the child with tasks having clear learning goals, such as working a puzzle or mastering a homework assignment; when engaging the child in an open-ended conversation; and when enlisting the child in duties and routines of everyday living.","text2":"As we will discover, helpful parents interact directly when helping a child.","label":-1,"idx":4228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was an unprecedented order.","text2":"This was unprecedented.","label":-1,"idx":4229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such a style marks both a reference work, A Feminist Dictionary , and the writings of theologian Mary Daly.","text2":"Mary Daly is a feminist who created a dictionary.","label":-1,"idx":4230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kind of letting them down.","text2":"Disappointing them sort of.","label":-1,"idx":4231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Forster's A Passage to India (Chapter XXXI) a vivid picture is created by the sentence Tangles like this still interrupted their intercourse. ","text2":"Forester did not write A Passage to India","label":-1,"idx":4232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think Aunt Ann noticed that bird was ever in the house.","text2":"I don't think Aunt Ann noticed that bird in the house.","label":-1,"idx":4233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are requesting your continued support to meet the needs of our growing membership.","text2":"We would do better without your support.","label":-1,"idx":4234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Which reminds us of the zaftig `buxom, well-rounded' blonde who wore an enormous diamond to a charity ball.","text2":"It reminds us of the well-endowed woman with diamonds at a charity function.","label":-1,"idx":4235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The upcoming year offers even more exciting opportunities.","text2":"There will be more exciting opportunities this upcoming year.","label":-1,"idx":4236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The stories, both real and fictional, that parents and teachers relate to or jointly construct with young children are laced with cultural beliefs and values.","text2":"The cultural beliefs are passed down from generation to generation.","label":-1,"idx":4237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When Talia finally responds, she does so out of desperation'to stop Anselmo's agitated appeals, which are about to escalate beyond control.","text2":"Talia is afraid of what will happen if she doesn't respond because of Anselmo's temper.","label":-1,"idx":4238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I thank all of you who are already supporting IUSD, and I look forward to welcoming many of our colleagues as new century Club members.","text2":"There are a lot of people supporting IUSD already.","label":-1,"idx":4239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All this activity is being carried on by the Queen's English Society, characterized by The Times as a pressure group with fewer than 300 members. ","text2":"The Queens English Society is no longer active.","label":-1,"idx":4240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The C-130H pilot spotted it, identified it as a Boeing 757, attempted to follow its path, and at 9:38, seconds after impact, reported to the control looks like that aircraft crashed into the Pentagon sir.","text2":"The pilot told everyone the plan had crashed into the White House.","label":-1,"idx":4241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he, they would get down there and they'd find it and find it for him.","text2":"They spend so much time searching for it for him. ","label":-1,"idx":4242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A salute to Delaney for creating onomatoplazia , a much-needed new word.","text2":"Props to this person for making up a new term.","label":-1,"idx":4243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um she was always a very active person.","text2":"She ran every morning.","label":-1,"idx":4244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read the backs of cereal boxes.","text2":"I read all my cereal boxes.","label":-1,"idx":4245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mechanism is landlord = LETTER, (`one who lets'), and character = LETTER, but the two LETTERs differ in both meaning and origin.","text2":"There are only two meanings for the word letter.","label":-1,"idx":4246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So could you reiterate the message, quote-unquote, um, that you got from the story, from your point of view?","text2":"Could you tell me the gist of the story?","label":-1,"idx":4247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost all its neurons'cells that store and transmit information'are in place by the second trimester of pregnancy.","text2":"Neurons' cells store information.","label":-1,"idx":4248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the yellow house?","text2":"In the yellow house?","label":-1,"idx":4249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just fill out the enclosed pledge card and send it in the return envelope today.","text2":"We don't have a pledge card.","label":-1,"idx":4250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And now that I know your own son is considering purchasing a motorcycle those stories hopefully can help him make \/\/ a wise decision \/\/.","text2":"Your son is well equipped to make his own decisions based on his experiences. ","label":-1,"idx":4251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS never lost track of Delta 1989, and even ordered fighter aircraft from Ohio and Michigan to intercept it.","text2":"They completely lost track of the delta flight. ","label":-1,"idx":4252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These substantial limestone benches will provide our students with a good place to sit while taking a break from their hectic schedules.","text2":"The students will be able to get some respite on these limestone benches. ","label":-1,"idx":4253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, it is a world-class university.","text2":"Moreover, it is a very terrible university.","label":-1,"idx":4254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uphill both ways.","text2":"Ascending this way and that way.","label":-1,"idx":4255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Table 7.2 reports the recommendations derived from the method.","text2":"The recommendations drawn from the method are reported in Table 7.2.","label":-1,"idx":4256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We must move ineluctably to a consideration of perfectly reputable words which, having acquired sexual connotations, cause adolescent'and often adult' hilarity, even when read by a person of only mildly prurient mind.","text2":"We have to think about words that have sexual meanings.","label":-1,"idx":4257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"50 years later most of what they say and experienced didn't exist anymore.","text2":"50 years later their experiences and sayings are still thriving. ","label":-1,"idx":4258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet survival in both sectors belongs only to the fittest adopters of the new order of retailing and the channel.","text2":"Survival in both sectors is necessary for developmental growth.","label":-1,"idx":4259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like Italian, Spanish has estro , from the Latin oestrus `gadfly' (English estrus ) to denote artistic inspiration (and female sexual heat), but duende goes further.","text2":"The Spanish language has the word estros which means artistic inspiration.","label":-1,"idx":4260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" So we've got a couple of aircraft up there that have those instructions at this present time?","text2":"Right now, the instructions were transmitted to the aircraft?","label":-1,"idx":4261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost all its neurons'cells that store and transmit information'are in place by the second trimester of pregnancy.","text2":"Neurons' cells discard information.","label":-1,"idx":4262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I really believe that our support of DePauw does matter.","text2":"I think that supporting DePauw benefits our community.","label":-1,"idx":4263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Purdue belongs to all of us (Hoosier and non-Hoosier alike), and it will be no better than those of us who love and support it.","text2":"Purdue belongs to us all, and depends on those of us who support it.","label":-1,"idx":4264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to a report in The Times [30 October 1987], Nearly 3,000 people have signed a petition urging Mr Kenneth Baker, Secretary of State for Education and Science, to make grammar, including syntax, compulsory to `encourage the clear and accurate expression of meaning.","text2":"Over 3,000 signatures have been collected on a petition to Mr. Kenneth Baker.","label":-1,"idx":4265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's conversations with elaborative-style parents increase in complexity as language development proceeds, creating a zone of proximal development in which narrative competence expands.","text2":"Children demonstrate more complexity in language when they converse with elaborative-style parents.","label":-1,"idx":4266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a pretty good distance.","text2":"It was pretty far.","label":-1,"idx":4267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're sweating.","text2":"You're sweating, you have sweat all over your forehead.","label":-1,"idx":4268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're talking a lot about stories and, um, novels and children's books, was there any poetry that was your favorite?","text2":"There are many stories that we have yet to read as of right now.","label":-1,"idx":4269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turabi sought to persuade Shiites and Sunnis to put aside their divisions and join against the common enemy.","text2":"The Sunnis and Shiites agreed to put aside their differences.","label":-1,"idx":4270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Healthy Families New York is an effective voluntary home visiting program We train staff at sites across the state, and assist communities to develop the service for their families.","text2":"Healthy Families New York does not have any locations in New York.","label":-1,"idx":4271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With its transponder off, it is possible, though more difficult, to track an aircraft by its primary radar returns.","text2":"It is difficult to track a plane when the transponder is off. ","label":-1,"idx":4272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Where are you from in Charlotte?","text2":"Are you from the main part of Charlotte?","label":-1,"idx":4273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, please provide your phone number in case we have any questions.","text2":"Please give us your phone number so we can contact you with questions.","label":-1,"idx":4274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A number of your fellow alumni have expressed an interest in establishing an English Alumni Scholarship Fund to offer tuition support to an English major who promises to make a contribution to life after graduating.","text2":"Your fellow alumni have interest in establishing a scholarship fund. ","label":-1,"idx":4275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two hundred and eighty-two thousand human beings died and tens of thousands more were left burned, maimed, and homeless.","text2":"Almost three hundred thousand human beings were affected.","label":-1,"idx":4276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On 9\/11, the four hijacked aircraft were monitored mainly by the centers in Boston, New York, Cleveland, and Indianapolis.","text2":"Four aircraft were hijacked and monitored by the centers before they crashed 30 minutes later.","label":-1,"idx":4277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, now, well, like I told you, there were plenty of times that, that we had encounters like that.","text2":"Just as I have told you, there were many instances where we had encounters such as that.","label":-1,"idx":4278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The press was standing behind the children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring.","text2":"The press was located behind the kids and their phones let off deafening noises all at once.","label":-1,"idx":4279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let our families and children know that you want them to have the same kinds of memories of the holidays you will have.","text2":"You can deliver a message to our families and children that you wish them the same holiday memories that you have.","label":-1,"idx":4280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In that context, one is given to wonder about the circumstances in languages that have grammatical, not sex gender.)","text2":"Some languages have grammatical genders.","label":-1,"idx":4281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He refers to those chilling lines at the end of III.ii, where Macbeth invokes Night's cover for the intended murder of Banquo.","text2":"Macbeth does not care about the time of day for murdering Banquo.","label":-1,"idx":4282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In building this Islamic army, he enlisted groups from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, and Eritrea.","text2":"The middle east was full of Islamists from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, and Eritrea, who were willing to join this Islamic army.","label":-1,"idx":4283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do you try to counter that with your own children and will continue to try and counter that as grandchildren are added to your family?","text2":"How do you maintain the current trajectory with your grandchildren? ","label":-1,"idx":4284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Vygotsky, the object substitutions that permeate children's make-believe are crucial in this process.","text2":"Vygotsky declines to accept that object substitutions feature in children's make-believe.","label":-1,"idx":4285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With this goal, the real beneficiaries of our class gift will be the students who follow us.","text2":"We are providing them with a great opportunity.","label":-1,"idx":4286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution will make a difference in a child's life.","text2":"A child will be helped by your donation.","label":-1,"idx":4287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When a task lies at the outer edge of the child's current capabilities, more direct guidance is necessary to bring it within range of mastery.","text2":"Guidance isn't necessary for children to master it.","label":-1,"idx":4288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With grateful appreciation of your support,","text2":"You did not support us and we do not care.","label":-1,"idx":4289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In ensuing weeks, Bin Ladin delivered an often-repeated lecture on the need to cut off the head of the snake.","text2":"Bin Ladin was afraid to say the word snake out loud. ","label":-1,"idx":4290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It should also be noted that idiomatic expressions are not much used in American English.","text2":"Idioms about life are not used very often in American English.","label":-1,"idx":4291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since everthing is to be found in Shakespeare, it is not surprising that on at least two occasions the Board has contributed his own Red Pants nuggets.","text2":"It was surprising for the board to contribute some. ","label":-1,"idx":4292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In scaolding, the child is viewed as a building'actively under construction.","text2":"Children who are scolded for their actions are often quick to correct their mistakes.","label":-1,"idx":4293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among Bessie's numbers were Dying Gambler's Blues, Sing Sing Prison Blues , and one I had never heard called Black Mountain Blues , which has the imcomparable lines,","text2":"Bessie had a song called Dying Gambler's Blues. ","label":-1,"idx":4294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, at 9:39, a fourth radio transmission was heard from United 93: Ziad Uh, this is the captain.","text2":"A fourth radio transmission was heard from the Captain of United 93.","label":-1,"idx":4295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once Sydney starts to take over strategies generated during joint problem solving, her father pulls back, reducing the assistance provided.","text2":"Sydney's father initially provided her with assistance.","label":-1,"idx":4296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these conversations, we arrange events in logical, sequential order, and we focus on explaining unusual, hard-to-interpret occurrences, often by dwelling on characters' intentions and perspectives.","text2":"These conversations look at things in a very random and unorganized way.","label":-1,"idx":4297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, other firm characteristics, such as business-unit size or product type, might also be correlated with adoption of innovative practices and performance outcomes.","text2":"There are multiple characteristics that have the potential of being correlated with adoption of innovative practices and performance outcomes.","label":-1,"idx":4298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As detailed in Chapter 5, our research indicates that the prevalence of information technologies, advanced distribution and logistics operations, along with the other related services apparel suppliers provide to retailers have grown dramatically since 1988, particularly among business units that supply a large percentage of lean retailers.","text2":"All the chapters contain highly detailed researches.","label":-1,"idx":4299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The next chapter analyzes the building blocks of lean retailing, drawing on the retailers described above as well as others.","text2":"The following section breaks down the building squares of lean retailing, drawing on the retailers portrayed above and also others.","label":-1,"idx":4300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, since then, I, I was, like, when I saw military, I felt like I, I, that is, a great fear, a terror of, the guerrillas, I was afraid of them, but the military, was worse.","text2":"I do not trust any authority figure.","label":-1,"idx":4301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teachers' communication plays a vital role in children's eort and learning.","text2":"There are many teachers who can not communicate to children.","label":-1,"idx":4302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had attended Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia.","text2":"There is a university located in the nation of Saudi Arabia.","label":-1,"idx":4303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true face of Islam, President Bush observed.","text2":"President Bush told Americans to recognize that Islam is not the face of terror.","label":-1,"idx":4304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" That thunder is way up in the sky, far away, Deb explains, pointing o in the distance.","text2":"Deb's claims about thunder being far away in the sky were right.","label":-1,"idx":4305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At this point, the Indianapolis controller had no knowledge of the situation in New York.","text2":"The Indianapolis controller did not know what was going on in New York.","label":-1,"idx":4306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, apparel suppliers must invest in technology and capital improvements to package, label, route, and move products rapidly from their production operations directly to the retailer.","text2":"Most apparel suppliers are well aware of their need to invest in technology and capital improvements relating to packaging, routing, and moving products.","label":-1,"idx":4307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to grant these awards a fifth year, your continued support is critical.","text2":"We want to stop giving out these awards, so please don't donate. Five years is enough. ","label":-1,"idx":4308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make our society better.","text2":"Improve our society.","label":-1,"idx":4309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The lock, stock, and barrel are the three main components of a gun that together compose essentially the entire weapon.","text2":"A gun doesn't contain a stock in most cases.","label":-1,"idx":4310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his poem Mr Nixon (from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ), Ezra Pound's Mr. Nixon advises kindly","text2":"Mr. Nixon is being kind to win the approval of others.","label":-1,"idx":4311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From 9:09 to 9:13, the Otis fighters stayed in this holding pattern.","text2":"The planes were following a hijacked plane.","label":-1,"idx":4312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think it probably does, because they're just not reading as much.","text2":"I think it does not make it justice, because they do not understand the material properly.","label":-1,"idx":4313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center called NEADS at 9:41 and identified Delta 1989, a 767 jet that had left Logan Airport for Las Vegas, as a possible hijack.","text2":"Boston identified a plan from there may have a hijack situation.","label":-1,"idx":4314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A central feature of information-integrated channels'indeed, the basis for our term lean retailing'is the effective management of inventories at the SKU level.\"","text2":"The main feature of information-integrated channels is the mismatched arrangement of the inventory.","label":-1,"idx":4315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One may be indulged a giggle even though he is sure that Isak Dinesen did not intend an impropriety when she recorded in Out of Africa (Part V, Chapter 4) how Fathima's big white cock came strutting up before me. ","text2":"Isak Dinesen was trying to be crude when she described a big white cock in Out of Africa.","label":-1,"idx":4316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is that oft-quoted example, near the opening of Trial by Jury , where Defendant asks, Is this the Court of the Exchequer? ","text2":"The Defendant has no questions about the court.","label":-1,"idx":4317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The form you will need to claim your credit, and attach to your return, is enclosed.","text2":"Keep the enclosed form to claim your credit at the event.","label":-1,"idx":4318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Purdue has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.","text2":"I have only recently become involved with Perdue. ","label":-1,"idx":4319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other threats were identified during the late 1990s, including terrorists' use of aircraft as weapons.","text2":"No one was aware of the possible terrorist threat. ","label":-1,"idx":4320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A chain-stitch seam is strong and can be produced more quickly than a lockstitch seam.","text2":"A chain-stitch is strong enough to go through any fabric.","label":-1,"idx":4321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Haznawi was selected by CAPPS.","text2":"CAPPS could not agree but finally decided to settle on Haznawi.","label":-1,"idx":4322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite grim work lives, Rosie and Henry, who had little schooling themselves, sent nine of their children to college and some to graduate school.","text2":"Rosie and Henry had twelve children in general, and three did not go to college.","label":-1,"idx":4323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When an artilleryman broke and ran, the enemy could turn the guns to their own use.","text2":"Artillerymen often ran, leaving their guns to the enemy.","label":-1,"idx":4324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By all accounts, the first 46 minutes of Flight 93's cross-country trip proceeded routinely.","text2":"The first part of Flight 93's trip was troubled from the first moment it was in the air.","label":-1,"idx":4325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the start, infants are equipped with capacities that draw adults into social exchanges with them.","text2":"Infants are unable to draw adults into social exchanges with them until they're older.","label":-1,"idx":4326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not picking on the following authors; it is just a random catch.","text2":"I have much respect for the authors. ","label":-1,"idx":4327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However you like.","text2":"I wanted to make the milkshake with strawberries.","label":-1,"idx":4328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In December, bombs exploded at two hotels in Aden where U.S. troops routinely stopped en route to Somalia, killing two, but no Americans.","text2":"Multiple explosives were detonated at two spots that were popular with AMerican troops at the end of the year.","label":-1,"idx":4329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then I started paying him half the tuition bill.","text2":"I didn't pay any of my tuition, I let him pay it all.","label":-1,"idx":4330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saturday School offers various art classes in different media for young and old alike who wish to improve their artistic expertise but are not full-time Herron students.","text2":"Saturday School offers classes for people who are not full-time students.","label":-1,"idx":4331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the time he was writing, Michener noted that dictionaries had not caught up with the current meaning.","text2":"Michener realized that dictionaries were behind the times.","label":-1,"idx":4332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, time went on.","text2":"Time stood still.","label":-1,"idx":4333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Airlines Flight 93 FAA Awareness.","text2":"United Airlines Flight 93 was supposed to arrive in Cleveland but headed east towards D.C.","label":-1,"idx":4334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each worker specializes in one, or at most a few, sewing operations.","text2":"Each worker does 20 sewing operations.","label":-1,"idx":4335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your donation will help us all!","text2":"You can help us all with your donation!","label":-1,"idx":4336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neither of the firsthand accounts mentioned any stabbings or the threat or use of either a bomb or Mace, though both witnesses began the flight in the first-class cabin.","text2":"The stabbings and bomb threat were reported.","label":-1,"idx":4337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also aided a Pakistani group engaged in insurrectionist attacks in Kashmir.","text2":"Kashmir was the site of insurrectionist attacks by a Pakistani group.","label":-1,"idx":4338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to the reporting, Iraqi officials offered Bin Ladin a safe haven in Iraq.","text2":"Iraqi officials did not agree with what Bin Ladin was doing.","label":-1,"idx":4339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once in Almy and Brown's Pawtucket plant, Slater found the existing machinery totally unsatisfactory.","text2":"Slater was frustrated with the quality of machinery at Almy and Brown's Pawtucket plant.","label":-1,"idx":4340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This story ended happily... perhaps because of your past contribution.","text2":"Your past contribution may be the reason why this story ended on a positive note.","label":-1,"idx":4341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet here the conventional wisdom misses other significant measures of performance.","text2":"The normal thoughts include many ways to measure performance.","label":-1,"idx":4342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The time of notification of the crash of United 93 was 10:15.","text2":"There was more than one notification between 10:00 and 11:00.","label":-1,"idx":4343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Macroeconomic Inventories, Business Cycles, and Price Levels","text2":"Level of prices, cycles of business, and inventories of macroeconomics.","label":-1,"idx":4344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:32, controllers at the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed.","text2":"Nobody at the Dulles Terminal Radar Approach Control observed any radar targets until 10:00.","label":-1,"idx":4345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other than that, I get more out of reading Reader's Digest or Guide, Guideposts stories.","text2":"I get more out of reading Reader's Digest.","label":-1,"idx":4346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who We Are?","text2":"Who We Are?","label":-1,"idx":4347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, so we uh, put some plans together.","text2":"We put some plans together about the trip.","label":-1,"idx":4348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During August, you will be asked by a volunteer to consider making a $2,500 commitment to the law school during 1994.","text2":"In August, a volunteer will ask you to make a financial commitment to the school.","label":-1,"idx":4349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Webster's Third New International Dictionary lists about 500 Yiddish words that have become part of our everyday conversations, ","text2":"No Yiddish words are listed in Webster's Third New International Dictionary.","label":-1,"idx":4350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean you have smoked potatoes and smoked roast beef, smoked sandwiches, smoked syrup, everything tasted like smoke.","text2":"All the food was ruined because of the smoke.","label":-1,"idx":4351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The standardization of the way dictionaries estimate how much they contain need not, and should not, entail the standardization of what they contain.","text2":"The content of a dictionary should not be subject to strict, formalized rules; it inhibits the languages inherent creativity.","label":-1,"idx":4352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some are quite unique and their reporters cannot imagine their origin; others, like Penn Station , what one family terms a child's misinterpretation of a famous line or phrase, are the generic term comes from the Lord's Prayer' And lead us not into Penn Station. ","text2":"The Lord's Prayer advises believers against going to Penn Station.","label":-1,"idx":4353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This statement was incorrect.","text2":"This was a true statement.","label":-1,"idx":4354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, the assembly of that garment often involves sewing together pieces from prearranged bundles sent by the manufacturer.","text2":"Without the prearranged bundles the garment cannot be assembled at all.","label":-1,"idx":4355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This new Building contains state-of-the-art labs that give our students the hands on training necessary for a good education in engineering and technology.","text2":"Students can only gain book knowledge in the new building","label":-1,"idx":4356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Checks should be made payable to IU Foundation.","text2":"Make out the check to the PS Foundation.","label":-1,"idx":4357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, in lexicographers' frequent reliance on best authors as a source, dictionaries draw evidence from men, more frequently published and admired, and not women.","text2":"Men write better than women when it comes to dictionaries.","label":-1,"idx":4358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A third key element is the Sharia, the code of law derived from the Qur'an and the Hadith.","text2":"The Sharia is a third key element.","label":-1,"idx":4359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dental students are incurring more and more debt as they progress through school.","text2":"Dental school tuition has increased and students are incurring more and more debt while they are in school in part because the cost of living is also skyrocketing.","label":-1,"idx":4360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The center was already aware of the problem.","text2":"The center had started putting counter-measures in order.","label":-1,"idx":4361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, these salesmen provided a flow of information to their headquarters on changing demand in -various localities as well as the credit ratings of local storekeepers and merchants.","text2":"Continued growth was a result of salesmen and their reports on local storekeepers and merchants.","label":-1,"idx":4362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once in a while.","text2":"No, never.","label":-1,"idx":4363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And counting tens and hundreds to 200.","text2":"They've learned how to count to ten.","label":-1,"idx":4364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They would guide you and kind of show you what you need to do and stuff?","text2":"They offered almost no guidance and never showed you what you were supposed to do. ","label":-1,"idx":4365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What if your contribution to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful would only cost you 10-25 percent of its full value?","text2":"Your donation to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful will cost you 50% of the full value.","label":-1,"idx":4366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please continue that tradition by completing and returning the enclosed pledge card.","text2":"Please stop the tradition and ignore the pledge card.","label":-1,"idx":4367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are some quotes from people whose lives were touched by United Way agencies last ","text2":"United Way agencies collected quotes from people they helped.","label":-1,"idx":4368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What else is on this list here?","text2":"Is there a lot more on this listing?","label":-1,"idx":4369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But cloth is rarely cut this way, even when only one ply is cut at a time.","text2":"Cloth is almost never cut in this fashion even with cutting one ply. ","label":-1,"idx":4370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I lived working all of my life with livestock.","text2":"I am in an intimate relationship with all of my cattle. It's a poly-amoo-rous agreement.","label":-1,"idx":4371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd a screamed.","text2":"I would have screamed.","label":-1,"idx":4372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is what he had to say about Saint Cuthbert, an English monk who became Bishop of Lindisfarne and who died in the year 687:","text2":"Saint Cuthbert was the first person to be named Bishop of Lindisfarne.","label":-1,"idx":4373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, notice Herron's window display at the city Center through October.","text2":"Herron does not bother to showcase anything.","label":-1,"idx":4374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift to ICI will help us meet this challenge.","text2":"To meet our challenges the ICI depends on volunteers and gifts like yours.","label":-1,"idx":4375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading it makes you feel the same way you do after a walk in the deep woods, or a swim in a crystal-clear lake.","text2":"You feel the way you do after walking in deep woods, or swimming in a crystal-clear lake when you read it. ","label":-1,"idx":4376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is not, strictly speaking, a subject pertinent to the title of the book.","text2":"That subject is exactly in line with the title of the book.","label":-1,"idx":4377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inputs to garment production are relatively fabric, thread, accessories like buttons and zippers, labor, and a modest level of capital investment.","text2":"Garment production requires a few key elements.","label":-1,"idx":4378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our class has been challenged to support a program which will directly benefit the students at the IU School of Dentistry.","text2":"Our class has been left out of the program that benefits students at IU.","label":-1,"idx":4379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a number of contacts were made through intermediaries, the officer set the price at $1.","text2":"The officer was in charge of setting the price.","label":-1,"idx":4380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"oxymoron Not a name for dumb cattle, but a rhetorical device that couples opposites into descriptions effective for their cold as hell, honest as a politician.","text2":"Dumb cattle is of no value to any farmers.","label":-1,"idx":4381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was it the freedom aspect of it or?","text2":"Did the freedom part ...?","label":-1,"idx":4382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this jeremiad, males are viewed as the enemy, and are so characterized throughout the book, which concludes with exhortations to engage the foe and a strident call to arms (though not men's).","text2":"This book is anti-male and is too ardently feminist.","label":-1,"idx":4383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They're still a few that you get in the classroom who are avid readers and they just stand out.","text2":"The school children have more important priorities than reading.","label":-1,"idx":4384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Safire should take note.","text2":"Safire is not taking enough advice.","label":-1,"idx":4385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do not know who from Defense participated, but we know that in the first hour none of the personnel involved in managing the crisis did.","text2":"Most people in the conference were in shock and unable to think clearly.","label":-1,"idx":4386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This system will probably cost $100,000, and a demonstration in a shopping mall is currently under way.","text2":"A demonstration of a system that costs $100,000 is currently under way.","label":-1,"idx":4387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of playground equipment do you have?","text2":"What structures do you have at your playground?","label":-1,"idx":4388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" An owner of a Greenwich Village barbershop survived being shot in the neck as he slept by a gunman who broke into his house.","text2":"The gunman knew the barber and wanted to settle a score.","label":-1,"idx":4389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My grandfather had a real interesting history books.","text2":"My grandfather only had books about fairy tales. ","label":-1,"idx":4390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"relates to night destroying daylight in the sense that darkness will cancel the daylight's `bond,' whatever that may be.","text2":"Daylight's bond is what holds the light in place. Night seeks to destroy it.","label":-1,"idx":4391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, a deeply ingrained American belief is that satisfying a young child's desire for social contact and assistance will be habit forming, leading to a clingy, spoiled youngster.","text2":"America is the leader of spoiled children worldwide.","label":-1,"idx":4392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Saudi pressures on the Bin Ladin family also probably took some toll.","text2":"The Bin Ladin family certainly didn't experience any heat from the Saudis.","label":-1,"idx":4393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Needless to say, this is a must if we are going to continue to offer a top-notch education to our young people.","text2":"We will continue to offer top-notch educational opportunities in the future.","label":-1,"idx":4394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Probably depended on which night it was.","text2":"Some nights were better than others.","label":-1,"idx":4395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sydney looks for the clown's shoes but fails to find them.","text2":"Sydney does not find the clown's shoes.","label":-1,"idx":4396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two hundred and eighty-two thousand human beings died and tens of thousands more were left burned, maimed, and homeless.","text2":"Almost three hundred thousand human beings were affected by the war.","label":-1,"idx":4397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among sympathetic peers in Afghanistan were a few of the warlords still fighting for power and Abu Zubaydah, who helped operate a popular terrorist training camp near the border with Pakistan.","text2":"Abu Zubaydah did not want to leave Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":4398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gifts of $100 or more will be matched thanks to a special 25th Anniversary $100,000 Challenge Grant and will be placed in the Growth For Girls Fund.","text2":"A special grant allows gifts of $100 or more to be matched.","label":-1,"idx":4399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 began turning south, away from the White House, at 9:34.","text2":"At 9:35, American 77 headed for New York. ","label":-1,"idx":4400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet here the conventional wisdom misses other significant measures of performance.","text2":"The normal thoughts don't include important performance measures such as customers and demand.","label":-1,"idx":4401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next, we move to the inventory bridge between retailers and suppliers.","text2":"Now we will focus on addressing the inventory links between retails and suppliers.","label":-1,"idx":4402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have no quarrel with Renfrew's theory'notwithstanding the generally received wisdom that has placed the homeland north of the Black Sea region and the Volga steppes.","text2":"I have many problems with Renfrew's theory. ","label":-1,"idx":4403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One cannot but admire a standard dictionary that defines middle-aged as between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner and says that the verb perpetrate means to execute or commit (esp.an offence, a poem, or a pun). ","text2":"Middle-aged people are too young to have truly lived life.","label":-1,"idx":4404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Retailers with more and more floor space were chasing fewer and fewer apparel-consumption dollars.","text2":"A lot of retailers went bankrupt trying to make sense of it.","label":-1,"idx":4405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Michael Sims felt that way at age 39 -- the day he earned a job.","text2":"Michael Sims never worked in his life.","label":-1,"idx":4406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lots of them.","text2":"A lot of them.","label":-1,"idx":4407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How can adults build interdependent relationships with children that foster the development of culturally meaningful skills and mature, autonomous behavior?","text2":"Children appreciate being given autonomy because it makes them feel respected.","label":-1,"idx":4408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The authors are not alone in getting this it is incorrect in some dictionaries.","text2":"Authors are completely alone with receiving correct information. ","label":-1,"idx":4409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any event, it seems unfair not to have listed them on the title page, assuning (as I presume we must) that their contributions were more or less equal.","text2":"All contributors were listed on the title page. ","label":-1,"idx":4410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have also enclosed a reply envelope for your convenience.","text2":"I have written down the address on a piece of paper, for you to write to.","label":-1,"idx":4411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When people consider the U.S. apparel industry, they often think of New York City's Seventh Avenue, which is driven by new design, constantly changing seasonal offerings, and a willingness by consumers to pay a premium for the cutting edge of fashion.","text2":"The U.S. apparel industry is very stagnant.","label":-1,"idx":4412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What would change for that boy or girl?","text2":"What would stay the same for that boy or girl?","label":-1,"idx":4413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They stitch him up good went back to work later that afternoon.","text2":"They sewed up his open wounds nicely and got back to work later that afternoon.","label":-1,"idx":4414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin moved to Sudan in 1991 and set up a large and complex set of intertwined business and terrorist enterprises.","text2":"Bin Ladin performed illegal activity while in Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":4415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then came back in oh my gosh the second hand smoke in there was enough to kill uh, a farm full of people.","text2":"The smoke that appeared was so strong, it could have killed many people.","label":-1,"idx":4416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My hope is that you will want to join them.","text2":"It costs nothing to join except your free time.","label":-1,"idx":4417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A scaffold was built so that a rifleman' who fired a single-shot, muzzle-loading shoulder weapon'could step up and shoot over the top of the trench.","text2":"A scaffold was built to keep from getting shot after going over the trench.","label":-1,"idx":4418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we had only that scene to go by we would never really know, and all because of a Puzzling Pronoun 'or two!","text2":"A word or two can make a huge difference in meaning. ","label":-1,"idx":4419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin was conspicuous among the volunteers not because he showed evidence of religious learning but because he had access to some of his family's huge fortune.","text2":"His family's fortune allowed him to fund much of his personal war.","label":-1,"idx":4420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support as a member of the Century Club has been very meaningful.","text2":"You are a member of the Century Club.","label":-1,"idx":4421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Bin Ladin later set up an NGO in Nairobi as a cover for operatives there.)","text2":"Bin Laden chose not to set up a base in Nairobi.","label":-1,"idx":4422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We now turn to the role of national leadership in the events that morning.","text2":"National leadership was ill-equipped to handle the situation.","label":-1,"idx":4423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said, Yes, you know, he said, You can count on them, and me, too, if, if you need me.","text2":"They offered no help at all.","label":-1,"idx":4424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ten pages on (page 17), water occurs nine times but there are also the related words stream (twice), well (twice), pool, channel , and the circumlocution essential element. ","text2":"The circumlocution 'essential element' was absent from page 17.","label":-1,"idx":4425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feeling constantly frazzled can, in and of itself, interfere with relaxed, patient investment in children.","text2":"Feeling frazzled does not interfere with parenting.","label":-1,"idx":4426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the figure, we assume that the order-fulfillment rate equals 97 percent and the order-fulfillment lead time is three weeks.","text2":"The order-fulfillment rate can never go past one hundred percent.","label":-1,"idx":4427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Balancing these production alternatives clearly has implications for foreign competition and the current transformation of the U.S. apparel industry.","text2":"Balance the production alternatives obviously has implied conclusions for non domestic competition and the current changes to the U.S. apparel industry.","label":-1,"idx":4428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's also assume that the average demand each week has been growing at a rate of about 1 percent, so that the average demand for the next week should be 10 times as much.","text2":"The average demand for the following week will be 10 times as much only if no complications arise.","label":-1,"idx":4429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe it is more likely that Jarrah, the crucial pilot-trained member of their team, remained seated and inconspicuous until after the cockpit was seized; and once inside, he would not have been visible to the passengers.","text2":"We believe that Jarrah stayed in his seat until they had control of the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":4430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I think of grace, I am reminded of the many Salvation Army officers and employees who selflessly dedicate their lives to the poor and brokenhearted.","text2":"Salvation army officers and employees who selflessly dedicate their lives to the poor and brokenhearted are crass, egocentric people, they lack all grace.","label":-1,"idx":4431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The IU School of Dentistry is limited in these times because it is impractical to raise tuition and fees sufficiently to offset lost state appropriations.","text2":"It is impractical to raise tuition and fees sufficiently to offset lost state appropriations so the IU school of dentistry is currently experiencing limitations, please consider giving us a donation.","label":-1,"idx":4432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But as they get older, I think children are so involved in other things.","text2":"Children are so engrossed in so many things as they grow up.","label":-1,"idx":4433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can get off welfare.","text2":"You need to stay on welfare.","label":-1,"idx":4434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The C-130H pilot spotted it, identified it as a Boeing 757, attempted to follow its path, and at 9:38, seconds after impact, reported to the control looks like that aircraft crashed into the Pentagon sir.","text2":"The person flying the plane did not actually see the crash.","label":-1,"idx":4435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope to see you there!","text2":"Hopefully, I will see you there.","label":-1,"idx":4436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During those times, she asked lots of questions about our work and home lives, and also about her parents, especially their early Was my mom close to her mom?","text2":"My mom and her mom were very close.","label":-1,"idx":4437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two checked bags; two did not.","text2":"All four of them checked bags.","label":-1,"idx":4438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will Quick Response succeed?","text2":"Is Quick Response going to work out?","label":-1,"idx":4439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are just some of the ways your gift can touch lives right here in central ","text2":"Your gift isn't making a difference to any lives.","label":-1,"idx":4440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A national emphasis on controlling teen pregnancies and taking responsibility for one's actions is already emerging as a major issue in the 1996 elections.","text2":"The 1996 election has had no major, contentious issues so far. ","label":-1,"idx":4441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's their's.","text2":"None of them know him. ","label":-1,"idx":4442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In several countries, a dynastic state already existed or was quickly established under a paramount tribal family.","text2":"No countries were home to a dynastic state. ","label":-1,"idx":4443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The purpose of the Fund will be to help Indiana University to continue to excel in teaching and research in graduate periodontics.","text2":"Graduate periodontics is the speciality of the University of Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":4444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are generally capable of conducting ourselves in the company of others who have been group-educated to college level.","text2":"There is a capability of conducting ourselves when we are with educational peers.","label":-1,"idx":4445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of my favorite, one of my favorite stories is the one about with you and my brother Ryan, the one day that you went sledding.","text2":"You and Ryan have a funny sledding story. ","label":-1,"idx":4446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' It is not clear why Heinlein chose such an unpretty word for such a beautiful concept (maybe it is euphonious to the Martian auditory apparatus); it has, nevertheless, caught on.","text2":"People took interest in the concept because it was revolutionary.","label":-1,"idx":4447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"New faculty have been hired, and they have enhanced our course offerings with new and varied areas of expertise.","text2":"We haven't hired any new faculty. ","label":-1,"idx":4448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The big crate.","text2":"The tiny tin.","label":-1,"idx":4449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The lesson then taken from Libya was that terrorism could be stopped by the use of U.S. air power that inflicted pain on the authors or sponsors of terrorist acts.","text2":"We learned in Libya that terrorism could never be halted, just diverted elsewhere.","label":-1,"idx":4450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 80 reservation communities in the .Southwest, over 2,000 American Indian children participate in Futures' Friendship Program, building cross-cultural ties with adult mentors 'from around the nation and Europe.","text2":"Native American children are participants in the Friendship Program.","label":-1,"idx":4451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's one thing about this school is they just give you like certain classes to take and they don't let you pick and choose what you want to take and stuff.","text2":"It is mandatory that the school selects the classes for you.","label":-1,"idx":4452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The teens have undertaken a volunteer project to regularly visit with sick children at a local hospital.","text2":"The sick children see the volunteers often","label":-1,"idx":4453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Going to the game, shopping, making plans to take the train, giving directions to one another or to me'these little situations created high drama more often than not, but they also brought about utterances, sounds on which we could at least start to work.","text2":"There are no more shops that are open after 11 pm.","label":-1,"idx":4454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ordering a lock-step description of physical, intellectual, and emotional milestones at each age, Gesell aimed to reassure uneasy parents that children's problematic behaviors were merely a phase'part of a biologically based sequence requiring understanding, not correction.","text2":"Gesell believes that problematic behaviors that children may have were only part of a phase. ","label":-1,"idx":4455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lean retailing and the restructuring of manufacturing supply have also affected the economy as a whole in the area of inventories.","text2":"Consumers will benefits from the impacts of lean retailing and the restructuring of manufacturing supplies.","label":-1,"idx":4456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other articles include Is George Bush a Wimp ?, The Moving Spray Can (on graffiti in England), On the Pronunciation of Cunnilingus in Dictionaries, and numerous others on a wide variety of subjects; these are interspersed with short bits and pieces, cartoons, and asides generally attributed to Folklore and, presumably, gathered by the editor.","text2":"An article mentioned that George Bush is a wimp.","label":-1,"idx":4457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now that was uh, man the most flavorful cigarette I'd ever smoked, course at 12 what did you ever smoke you know?","text2":"At 12, that was the best cigarette I've smoked, mainly because that was the only cigarette I ever smoked.","label":-1,"idx":4458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And it's hard to go from having like your whole day to go to classes and do whatever you want to do and space out everything then like having to like drive across town and go to work.","text2":"I like just having to worry about my school work.","label":-1,"idx":4459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fun is fun, but those who might rely on such a book are quite serious about the information they are seeking, and it is unfair to play fast and loose with their sincerity.","text2":"People who expect a book to entertain them are expecting too much.","label":-1,"idx":4460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This manufacturer's standard approach to rapid replenishment requests was simply to carry large inventories.","text2":"The demand of rapid replenishment varies from industry to industry.","label":-1,"idx":4461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There would probably be little chance of a refund if the place were run by a feminist.","text2":"Feminists would never offer refunds.","label":-1,"idx":4462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One hopes he will continue his annual chronicle.","text2":"Hopefully his yearly chronicles continue.","label":-1,"idx":4463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would say about a mile.","text2":"The walk was close to a mile.","label":-1,"idx":4464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Airlines Flight 93 FAA Awareness.","text2":"There was a raised awareness by FAA for United Airlines Flight 93.","label":-1,"idx":4465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is one place in apparel manufacturing where teamwork has been quite successful.","text2":"Teamwork has also been successful in several other areas of apparel manufacturing.","label":-1,"idx":4466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Jameson Grill has been designed to be nothing but fun for you, your family, employees, and maybe even your neighbors.","text2":"The Jameson grill was designed to be a dour and unpleasant experience for everyone.","label":-1,"idx":4467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next, when looking at a Chinese character, the symbol can be purely phonetic, purely semantic, or a combination of both.","text2":"A Chinese character can be phonetic, but not semantic.","label":-1,"idx":4468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They stitch him up good went back to work later that afternoon.","text2":"They sewed him up badly and just got back to their jobs later that afternoon.","label":-1,"idx":4469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our ability to provide the Girl Scout program to our membership and reach out to more girls depends on the generosity of a caring community and companies like . Your investment in Girl Scouting is sure to help build tomorrow's leaders today","text2":"Girl Scouts offers a scholarship fund to help further girls' education and leadership potential.","label":-1,"idx":4470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Home Services for adults and seniors.","text2":"Offering adults and seniors in home services.","label":-1,"idx":4471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its history is also recognized by the Maennerchor Society--whose members are the school's staunchest and most important supporters.","text2":"The members of the Maennerchor Society are all the most important supporters of the school.","label":-1,"idx":4472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many, we may hope, have not yet been found.","text2":"Many are yet to be found.","label":-1,"idx":4473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly after 10:10, and having no knowledge either that United 93 had been heading toward Washington or that it had crashed, he explicitly instructed the Langley negative- negative clearance to shoot aircraft over the nation's capital.","text2":"If allowed to shoot they could have saved lives.","label":-1,"idx":4474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I played all three, and the few other G.I.s in the room, which was quite large'big enough for a fair-sized dance with a small orchestra'either paid no attention or asked me to put on something by Glenn Miller or Jimmy or Tommy Dorsey instead.","text2":"The other G.I.s in the room liked Glenn Miller's tunes.","label":-1,"idx":4475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then the soldiers would pass through just the same.","text2":"The soldiers never bothered us.","label":-1,"idx":4476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If all this is too complicated to follow, let me you look up word X and get synonyms A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. You look up the synonyms for word A, and you get synonyms X, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Even the definition provided for the sub-listings is identical in wording to that of the word originally sought.","text2":"Using the sub-listing synonyms is useful for finding a better word.","label":-1,"idx":4477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A competing approach to reducing plant throughput time involves team-based sewing or modular production, which we will discuss at length in the next chapter.","text2":"We will talk about modular production in detail in the last chapter.","label":-1,"idx":4478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(In 1994, 35 million soccer balls were produced there, one-quarter by children.)","text2":"35 million balls were produced, with over 1\/4 being produced by children.","label":-1,"idx":4479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Toddlers between ages 1 1\/2 and 2 generally use only realistic-looking objects while pretending'a toy telephone to talk into or a cup to drink from.","text2":"Toddlers don't like to use realistic objects to play with.","label":-1,"idx":4480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These revelations, conveyed by the angel Gabriel, are recorded in the Qur'an.","text2":"According to the Qur'an, revelations were conveyed by Simon Peter.","label":-1,"idx":4481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, apparel suppliers must invest in technology and capital improvements to package, label, route, and move products rapidly from their production operations directly to the retailer.","text2":"There is no need for apparel suppliers to invest in technology and capital improvements relating to packaging, routing, and moving products.","label":-1,"idx":4482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I had to let the dog in.","text2":"I had to let the cat in.","label":-1,"idx":4483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The air traffic control system handled it with great skill, as about 4,500 commercial and general aviation aircraft soon landed without incident.","text2":"There were 5,000 aircraft in the air on that day.","label":-1,"idx":4484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's just that, what a firefight!","text2":"That was some firefight!","label":-1,"idx":4485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Annually SIDS claims the lives of approximately 3,000 babies in the United States.","text2":"SIDS claims the lives of 3,000 American babies each year and the number continues to rise.","label":-1,"idx":4486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When it comes to the driving force behind the late twentieth-century industrial transformation, lean retailing is at the forefront of that revolution.","text2":"If lean retailing didn't come about, there wouldn't have been any industrial transformation at all.","label":-1,"idx":4487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the ride the President learned about the attack on the Pentagon.","text2":"The president gained knowledge of the Pentagon attack.","label":-1,"idx":4488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nonetheless, the initial trompe l'oeil is there.","text2":"There was no style.","label":-1,"idx":4489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other than that, I get more out of reading Reader's Digest or Guide, Guideposts stories.","text2":"I don't think Reader's Digest helps me at all.","label":-1,"idx":4490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, but uh, mom would always sit us around at home at the evenings, um, and tell us about her days growing up.","text2":"We we were not allowed to play outside after sundown and were forced to listen to mom's stories.","label":-1,"idx":4491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't remember reading anything, foreign authors.","text2":"I can not recall reading anything.","label":-1,"idx":4492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But none of the other callers reported the presence of a firearm.","text2":"Some callers didn't report seeing a firearm.","label":-1,"idx":4493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The report of American 11 heading south was the first; Delta 1989 was the second.","text2":"The first report of the flight heading south was American 11 and the second report was Delta 1989.","label":-1,"idx":4494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And another, another technique that they kind a use is chorusing, where they will allow you to basically record your vocal the same, the same verse, or the same whatever, the same words, the same lyrics on a few different tracks, and they'll kind a blend it all together so that it, it almost sounds like one very full voice.","text2":"Chorusing is a recording technique that doesn't change the sound of one's voice at all. ","label":-1,"idx":4495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:10, the pilots over Washington were emphatically told, negative clearance to shoot.","text2":"The pilots over Washington were explicitly told at 10:10 that they did not have clearance to shoot.","label":-1,"idx":4496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pierre, Pierre, I don't care.","text2":"I'm very interested Pierre.","label":-1,"idx":4497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The failure to find a primary radar return for American 77 led us to investigate this issue further.","text2":"They couldn't find American 77, so they looked harder for it.","label":-1,"idx":4498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Currently, about 15 percent of the textile production and nonsupervisory workforce is organized compared with 25 percent in the apparel industry.","text2":"A higher percentage of the textile production and blue collar workforce is organized than apparel industry workers. ","label":-1,"idx":4499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're sweating.","text2":"You're fresh and dry.","label":-1,"idx":4500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The YWCA is housed at the YWCA Resource and Conference Center on 22 beautiful acres of grounds including amenities such as a 50 meter olympic-size outdoor pool with attached junior and baby pools, equipped playground, shelter and picnic areas, basketball court, soccer and softball fields.","text2":"The YWCA Resource and Conference Center has 22 acres of ground and a variety of amenities and facilities and fields. ","label":-1,"idx":4501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These stories, more than any others, seemed deliberately aimed at teaching social and moral standards.","text2":"The stories were aimed at teaching social skills that will be used in adulthood.","label":-1,"idx":4502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Adoption of this assembly technique involves altering the physical layout of sewing machines as well as human resource changes in training requirements, compensation systems, and methods of supervision.","text2":"The new technique does not require much change to be adopted.","label":-1,"idx":4503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think they know.","text2":"I don't think that they know at all.","label":-1,"idx":4504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The two ROWs differ in pronunciation as well as in meaning and origin.","text2":"You could pronounce the two ROWs the same. ","label":-1,"idx":4505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What causes this early memory blackout, and how is it that after age 3, certain events dierentiate themselves from a multitude of everyday experiences so they stand out for a lifetime?","text2":"What is the cause of lack of memories before the age of 3?","label":-1,"idx":4506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once a week, this retailer places a replenishment order with its supplier and receives a shipment.","text2":"Replenishment orders are placed monthly to receive shipments.","label":-1,"idx":4507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps we ought to be saying street person for the first and working stiff for the second, but the first has been pre-empted and it seems a little incongruous to find anyone actively seeking to be called a stiff. ","text2":"They were all called street person before the distinction. ","label":-1,"idx":4508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From there I went to a place called Battery Studios, which had everything that, that I was looking for.","text2":"Then I went to work for Battery Studios.","label":-1,"idx":4509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Additionally, it will help provide the Girl Scout experience to girls at risk or girls in hard to serve areas like the Indiana Girls School and the Juvenile Justice Center.","text2":"That will help towards providing Girl Scout services in Indiana and Dallas.","label":-1,"idx":4510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In mid-1998, the situation reversed; it was Iraq that reportedly took the initiative.","text2":"It was surprising that Iraq took the initiative in mid 1998.","label":-1,"idx":4511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As for the answer, it is better to avoid very learned or rare words unknown to all but a few lexicographers.","text2":"Feel free to use any complex or rare words.","label":-1,"idx":4512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please join us as we prepare for and enter into the 21st century.","text2":"We will not be continuing in the 21st century. ","label":-1,"idx":4513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One may be indulged a giggle even though he is sure that Isak Dinesen did not intend an impropriety when she recorded in Out of Africa (Part V, Chapter 4) how Fathima's big white cock came strutting up before me. ","text2":"Isak Dinesen didn't think of the potential double entendre when she described a big white cock in Out of Africa.","label":-1,"idx":4514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The distribution system that emerged after 1870 would not be challenged until more than a century later.","text2":"The distribution system that emerged after 1870 was challenged in 1885.","label":-1,"idx":4515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Table 7.2 reports the recommendations derived from the method.","text2":"The recommendations drawn from the method are reported in Table 8.1.","label":-1,"idx":4516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of things do you learn in school?","text2":"Did you make any friends at school?","label":-1,"idx":4517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because we were driving from \/\/ NC all the way up to Riverside, NJ.","text2":"We were taking a road trip from NC to California.","label":-1,"idx":4518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"--to its most notorious use (cited in American Speech in 1962), The jokester, pretending to be a creature from outer space, pointed his cosmic ray gun (finger) at his friend's genitals and exclaimed, `Zap!","text2":"The jokester pointed his finger at his companion's genitals. ","label":-1,"idx":4519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mere fact that two practices have been adopted, however, does not tell the whole story.","text2":"The details of the story will not be revealed until more practices are documented.","label":-1,"idx":4520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No primary targets appeared.","text2":"The primary targets eluded them, so they would continue to look.","label":-1,"idx":4521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"America is also held responsible for the governments of Muslim countries, derided by al Qaeda as your agents.","text2":"al Qaeda supported the governments of Muslim countries.","label":-1,"idx":4522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even the remnants we have from early languages that had a writing system are relatively Classical Latin and Greek, Hebrew, and a few other languages are better documented than others; but for most all we have to go on are a handful of tablets here, a few inscriptions there, barely enough in many cases to allow us to identify the language, let alone draw any conclusions regarding its structure or meaning.","text2":"We can only rely on tablets, which are not enough to draw conclusions regarding language structure and meaning.","label":-1,"idx":4523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In describing the close connection between brain growth and experience, I have used the expression appropriate stimulation. ","text2":"I used the stimulation appropriate for the expression.","label":-1,"idx":4524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were down, I had my son under me, on the floor, Ines had one, and Ines brother, that is, the boy's uncle, had the other boy under him.","text2":"My son was on top of me, and was too obese for me to throw him off.","label":-1,"idx":4525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Kenkyusha dictionary has even three signs for it, -chi and -ni in Hiragana, following the Chinese character which in my naive innocence I would pronounce tadachi by itself.","text2":"I ignorantly mispronounced the Chinese words. ","label":-1,"idx":4526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They established what they called a base or foundation (al Qaeda) as a potential general headquarters for future jihad.","text2":"They were never able to establish a base for their operations. ","label":-1,"idx":4527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because weekly demand variability is a key determinant of the finished inventory a manufacturer must hold, each firm should conduct an assessment of the demand variability of each item in the product line.","text2":"Each firm is supposed to conduct an assessment of demand variability from the product line. ","label":-1,"idx":4528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The largest numbers came from the Middle East.","text2":"The Middle East was the largest source.","label":-1,"idx":4529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was the first notice to the military that American 77 was missing, and it had come by chance.","text2":"The military began a search for American 77. ","label":-1,"idx":4530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a coup in 1977, military leaders turned to Islamist groups for support, and fundamentalists became more prominent.","text2":"Military leaders did not turn to Islamist groups for help.","label":-1,"idx":4531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor did the military have 47 minutes to respond to United 93, as would be implied by the account that it received notice of the flight's hijacking at 9:16.","text2":"The military did not have 47 minutes to respond to United 93. ","label":-1,"idx":4532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Kenkyusha dictionary has even three signs for it, -chi and -ni in Hiragana, following the Chinese character which in my naive innocence I would pronounce tadachi by itself.","text2":"I ignorantly mispronounced the Chinese words while traveling to China. ","label":-1,"idx":4533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And my one sister Rayona she reminds me of that story and laughs every time we tell it.","text2":"My sister doesn't tell me stories, that'd be weird.","label":-1,"idx":4534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the assault was sustained.","text2":"The assault ended quickly.","label":-1,"idx":4535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD said it had conflicting reports.","text2":"NORAD said several different times that it had conflicting reports.","label":-1,"idx":4536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"95 in Canada'but I do not think that the ghost of my Scottish father glowered (good Scots word, that) at me when I bought my copy of it.","text2":"My father passed away 5 years ago.","label":-1,"idx":4537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Between June 21 and August 31, 45 youth will spend 20 hours a week developing life management and work ethic skills, learning the computer, visiting area colleges, and interacting with guest speakers.","text2":"The youth will be better prepared for adult responsibilities after this week. ","label":-1,"idx":4538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For some, it's a matter of weeks or months; for others, it's years.","text2":"The average wait-time for a foster child is above one year.","label":-1,"idx":4539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(A third possibility, though naturally not treated by M and S, is out-and-out misanthropy vs. misogyny, for the notion of simple man-hating should not be ruled out entirely.","text2":"M and S do not deal with hatred of humanity or simply of women, because it runs counter to their previous arguments.","label":-1,"idx":4540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I pay half of my, everything.","text2":"I only pay a little bit of everything.","label":-1,"idx":4541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From Oh What a Paradise it Seems , by John ","text2":"John wrote about what a paradise it was.","label":-1,"idx":4542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ice with a little bit of snow on top of it and we were in a little toboggan sled there not the, not the kind roll up there like a plastic sheet, but a boat sled.","text2":"We used a boat sled as the ice was slippery. ","label":-1,"idx":4543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a Matchmaker you will receive a description of your match and be identified as a Matchmaker on a plaque in the Big Sisters office, in the agency newsletter and annual report.","text2":"Matchmakers don't receive anything for matching.","label":-1,"idx":4544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess I was in a wing of the hospital where five or six other children in that whole wing of the hospital, well, in that, that wing and everybody went through the same treatments.","text2":"Having friends my age at the hospital helped me get through my treatment.","label":-1,"idx":4545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Chinese do pronounce it chih , meaning `directly, at once.","text2":"The word, which means directly or at once, is pronounced \"chih\" by the Chinese.","label":-1,"idx":4546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Social and Economic Malaise In the 1970s and early 1980s, an unprecedented flood of wealth led the then largely unmodernized oil states to attempt to shortcut decades of development.","text2":"The oil states were never able to increase their development.","label":-1,"idx":4547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I find little to dispute with M and S in the matter of principle.","text2":"M and S have written many papers on this subject.","label":-1,"idx":4548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your support, we'll continue to work with the community toward our vision of making Indianapolis the most beautiful city in America!","text2":"Your support can help us continue our mission of making Indianapolis the most beautiful city in America!","label":-1,"idx":4549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The elaborative style is considerably better at fostering preschoolers' narrative skill, since 2- and 3-year-olds who experience it produce more coherent and detailed personal stories when followed up 1 to 2 years later.","text2":"Narrative skill in preschoolers is developed better with the elaborative styles.","label":-1,"idx":4550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are losing natural areas and habitats at an alarming rate.","text2":"Natural areas and habitats are growing at an astounding rate.","label":-1,"idx":4551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It arose in reaction to the child passivity exacted in traditional classrooms, where pupils sat at their desks, listening to teachers transmit ready-made knowledge, and used textbooks as the main medium of learning.","text2":"Pupils often slept in these classes as the information was not engaging. ","label":-1,"idx":4552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the words of psychologist William Damon, they are demoralized,123 a term that suggests a break with their social world, a deficiency in internalization of worthwhile values and goals.","text2":"Damon said they are demoralized.","label":-1,"idx":4553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're proud of our children and all that they overcome.","text2":"Our children have overcome more obstacles than we have.","label":-1,"idx":4554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" What was my parents' wedding like?","text2":"I'm interested in knowing more about my parents' wedding.","label":-1,"idx":4555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But for basic and fashion basic apparel products, for which frequent replenishment orders are becoming the norm, the practice of sourcing some of the assembly and sewing operations from nearby lower wage regions and countries is emerging.","text2":"Some nearby lower wage regions and countries include Malaysia.","label":-1,"idx":4556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your membership fee assures your receiving notices of exhibition openings, lectures, discounts for Saturday School and the Pre-College Workshop, and invitations to the Janus Ball, artists' dinners and other Friends only events.","text2":"Paying the membership cost will ensure that you are notified of events such exhibitions, lectures and events.","label":-1,"idx":4557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Faculty protest against apartheid at Cornell. ","text2":"Cornell had seen a protest against apartheid by faculty.","label":-1,"idx":4558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"( Gender is preferred to sex in designating the cultural construct rather than the purely biological.","text2":"Sex is regarded by most people as being nothing more than a cultural construct.","label":-1,"idx":4559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' An appropriate name it is for the object in which we sit ourselves down to rest.","text2":"This name is totally unrelated to resting.","label":-1,"idx":4560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Between June 21 and August 31, 45 youth will spend 20 hours a week developing life management and work ethic skills, learning the computer, visiting area colleges, and interacting with guest speakers.","text2":"The youth will spend time learning life management skills. ","label":-1,"idx":4561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The developments reported here offer a prototype of the new links among manufacturers, other suppliers, retailers, and consumers.","text2":"Manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and consumers found this report invaluable.","label":-1,"idx":4562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is, I suppose, likely that people with little money must think of money more than the well-off do and that the hungry will dwell on thoughts of food and the thirsty on drink.","text2":"We definitely know whether the rich or poor think about money more.","label":-1,"idx":4563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The four men passed through the security checkpoint, owned by United Airlines and operated under contract by Argenbright Security.","text2":"The security checkpoint was not being operated properly.","label":-1,"idx":4564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Lisa Lusk or Marcia Whited at 693-9222.","text2":"Don't contact Lisa Lusk, she doesn't work here anymore.","label":-1,"idx":4565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Elsewhere in the White House, a series of 9:00 meetings was about to begin.","text2":"The White House had no events that morning.","label":-1,"idx":4566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It began at 9:29, with a brief two aircraft had struck the World Trade Center, there was a confirmed hijacking of American 11, and Otis fighters had been scrambled.","text2":"The brief said the airspace was all clear.","label":-1,"idx":4567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess I encourage this method because I've always made my contributions this way, it's a painless method and at tax time I enjoy the deduction.","text2":"The deduction is as big as the amount you choose to pay. ","label":-1,"idx":4568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, with me at gunpoint, two behind, followed me so I opened the door, and there was nothing in the house, thank God, because there was no one there.","text2":"This is an example of an armed robbery gone wrong.","label":-1,"idx":4569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, they went through, they broke a soldier's leg, you could hear his moaning.","text2":"The soldier shot himself in the face.","label":-1,"idx":4570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were Oedipus alive today he might offer the same solution to the riddle.","text2":"Oedipus did not ever change his thinking","label":-1,"idx":4571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We generally make an exception for the more familiar English usage of Bin as part of a last name, as in Bin Ladin.","text2":"We generally modify foreigners' names for more familiar English usage. ","label":-1,"idx":4572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But there is no evidence that the hijackers manipulated passenger levels or purchased additional seats to facilitate their operation.","text2":"There's no evidence of the highjackers manipulating seating. ","label":-1,"idx":4573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is also evidence that around this time Bin Ladin sent out a number of feelers to the Iraqi regime, offering some cooperation.","text2":"Bin Ladin's attempts to befriend the Iraqi regime failed.","label":-1,"idx":4574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm making my family sound really bad, but they're really not that bad!","text2":"I only sing praises for my family, I promise.","label":-1,"idx":4575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a byproduct of those experiences, parents repeatedly approached me with concerns about how to foster their child's development in the early years.","text2":"The early years of development are vital to the child and must be fostered carefully with my methods.","label":-1,"idx":4576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, he, is, when, a shell like this falls that went into the ground, but, a lot.","text2":"There are many seedlings that will fall from trees.","label":-1,"idx":4577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They would guide you and kind of show you what you need to do and stuff?","text2":"They would provide you with guidance and explain what you needed to do. ","label":-1,"idx":4578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Second, NEADS did not have accurate information on the location of United 93.","text2":"NEADS had the correct location of the plane.","label":-1,"idx":4579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The zone, as I'll call it from now on, is the dynamic region in which new capacities form as children tackle culturally meaningful tasks with a mentor's assistance.","text2":"Experts refer to the dynamic region mentioned as \"the zone\".","label":-1,"idx":4580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"W lists etymologies near the beginning of those entries that have them, directly following the inflected forms (if any); L places them at the end of the entry.","text2":"Etymologies are listed by Z, while W shows the weather in various states.","label":-1,"idx":4581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, the main, I, The Red Badge of Courage, the main character, at first I had never, you know, all of the cowboy stories that I saw or read, it was, uh, uh, you know, the good the bad and the good were very good and the bad were very bad.","text2":"The main character was called The Red Badge of Courage.","label":-1,"idx":4582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would feel the same way if I paid to see the Rockettes only find that they were Rockets. ","text2":"I don't like paying for one thing and getting another.","label":-1,"idx":4583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I know he had on blue jeans.","text2":"He had blue skinny jeans.","label":-1,"idx":4584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This manufacturer's standard approach to rapid replenishment requests was simply to carry large inventories.","text2":"Rapid inventory replenishment can only be accomplished by relocating factories to be close to consumers.","label":-1,"idx":4585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The manufacturer must deliver the ordered product quickly to the retailer.","text2":"Delays can cost retailers customers.","label":-1,"idx":4586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The officials who issued these orders did not know that there were additional hijacked aircraft, or that one such aircraft was en route to Washington.","text2":"It was not known by the officials who ordered these things.","label":-1,"idx":4587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers had gained entry to the cockpit, and she did not know how.","text2":"She was supposed to prevent hijackers from entering the cockpit, but they got by her.","label":-1,"idx":4588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the Sudanese regime acting as intermediary, Bin Ladin himself met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early 1995.","text2":"Bin Laden met with Iraqi intelligence officer Khartoum in 1994 to 1995.","label":-1,"idx":4589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After we receive your commitment, we will contact you about picking up your contribution.","text2":"We will contact you shortly after receiving your commitment.","label":-1,"idx":4590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Specifically singling out U.S. forces for attack, the language resembled that which would appear in Bin Ladin's public fatwa in August 1996.","text2":"The U.S. forces knew of the impending attack against them.","label":-1,"idx":4591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' When he looks at the map it is obvious that Vietnam is to the extreme south of the Chinese Empire.","text2":"Vietnam's proximity to the Chinese Empire is obvious to him from looking at the map.","label":-1,"idx":4592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Labor costs represent a significant portion of cost for many garment categories,18 and U.S. wage levels far exceed those of competitors in countries like the People's Republic of China and Mexico.","text2":"U.S. wage levels do not exceed those of competitors in other countries.","label":-1,"idx":4593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, even a small swing in demand from week to week translates into high relative variation'that is, into a high coefficient of variation.","text2":"There must be a large change in demand between weeks for us to see a significant change in the coefficient of variation.","label":-1,"idx":4594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mom's necklace is made out of a kind of abalone with a very colorful shell'pinks, purples, blues.","text2":"The type of abalone used in Mom's necklace is very colorful.","label":-1,"idx":4595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, you will be helping to preserve those wonders through your support of America's most effective conservation group.","text2":"America's most effective conservation group has been around for almost a century now.","label":-1,"idx":4596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For reference, some of the measurements are highlighted and presented as darkened lines on the processed image.","text2":"None of the measurements are highlighted.","label":-1,"idx":4597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What about the people that didn't do that?","text2":"Some people didn't do that, what's gonna happen to them?","label":-1,"idx":4598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any event, it seems unfair not to have listed them on the title page, assuning (as I presume we must) that their contributions were more or less equal.","text2":"When I contacted them for comment, they would not discuss it. ","label":-1,"idx":4599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Manufacturers have told us that hand-cutting with skilled cutters is as accurate as computer-cutting.","text2":"Skilled cutters take over ten years of experience before they achieve accuracy levels of computing. ","label":-1,"idx":4600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, my uncle in FL who uh had his own airplane and decided one thing he always wanted to do was land his airplane on the highway so he arranged one day to coincidentally run out of gas nowhere near an airport so he could have the experience of landing his plane on the highway and taxiing up to a gas station to fill it up and take off again.","text2":"I had an uncle in Florida who flew his airplane to North Carolina. ","label":-1,"idx":4601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A second one just hit the Trade Center.","text2":"The Trade Center was hit by a second one about 20 seconds ago.","label":-1,"idx":4602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once they are developed or altered, and their fragile ecosystems are disrupted, we lose them forever.","text2":"Particularly wet and particularly dry ecosystems are particularly fragile.","label":-1,"idx":4603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Decorative stitching is the third objective of sewing.","text2":"Decorative stitching is used in sewing to make things look a little better.","label":-1,"idx":4604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because units typically are sold during the delivery lead time, the actual inventory in stock rarely reaches eight units.","text2":"Actual inventory does not necessarily mean that we have the item in stock as inventory count could be in error. ","label":-1,"idx":4605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Regardless of geographic location, it is always difficult for a contractor to know if it has the latest information on sewing patterns and other construction details.","text2":"Information rarely reaches contractors in time for them to make the product correctly.","label":-1,"idx":4606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a story and I, you know, you knew it was fiction, but I would go back and read, when I could read myself, I read everything.","text2":"You knew that the story wasn't real,","label":-1,"idx":4607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your continuing support of Indiana University.","text2":"Your ongoing support of Indiana University is appreciated.","label":-1,"idx":4608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, there are times when it is awkward and illogical to use a male metaphor for a woman.","text2":"Male metaphors could never be awkward and illogical.","label":-1,"idx":4609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What did Pierre always say?","text2":"What did Pierre always say to the lion?","label":-1,"idx":4610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's one of the few times you won't find the two together.","text2":"They are rarely not together.","label":-1,"idx":4611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes, but I remember my mother reading to me the most.","text2":"My mother stayed home and so had more time to read to me. ","label":-1,"idx":4612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, the one out there.","text2":"Yes, that one over yonder.","label":-1,"idx":4613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This resentment was further stoked by public understanding of how much oil income had gone straight into the pockets of the rulers, their friends, and their helpers.","text2":"The rulers didn't care that they pocketed the money.","label":-1,"idx":4614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under pressure from Congress, President Clinton soon ordered the withdrawal of U.S. forces.","text2":"Clinton ordered that US forces stay the course.","label":-1,"idx":4615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His head was bound with pansies over-blown,","text2":"The pansies were blown by a dragon, just off stage.","label":-1,"idx":4616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"9 percent decline from 1979 to 1997 compares with a 31.3 percent drop for textile mill products and 37.6 percent for all apparel workers.","text2":"1979 to 1997 saw a decline double that of the equivalent in apparel workers and textile mill products.","label":-1,"idx":4617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you're not already a partner and want to be a part of our future, we'd like to talk to you.","text2":"If you're not a partner but want to be, we'd love to talk to you.","label":-1,"idx":4618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are some quotes from people who have been helped by United Way of Central Indiana ","text2":"Some people have been helped by United Way's homeless vet program.","label":-1,"idx":4619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In response, Jarrah immediately began to roll the airplane to the left and right, attempting to knock the passengers off balance.","text2":"All the passengers fell down after Jarrah began his maneuvers.","label":-1,"idx":4620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its success encouraged Sunni fundamentalists elsewhere.","text2":"The Sunni's were discouraged after the success.","label":-1,"idx":4621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you're not already a partner and want to be a part of our future, we'd like to talk to you.","text2":"If you're not a partner but want to be, we'd love to talk to you about how you can set up a recurring donation.","label":-1,"idx":4622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of scary looking and I thought, Ooh!","text2":"I wasn't afraid of its appearance.","label":-1,"idx":4623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Woodward asked Sweeney to look out the window to see if she could determine where they were.","text2":"Sweeney was asked by Woodward to look out the window to see where they were.","label":-1,"idx":4624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result of the current economic climate, alumni support is more critical than ever before.","text2":"We no longer need alumni support because of the economy.","label":-1,"idx":4625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nice talking to you.","text2":"Wonderful to talk to you about the stock market.","label":-1,"idx":4626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My reasoning is that it is not likely that Kid Ory or Ray Gilbert had ever seen a muskrat, and it's even less likely that they or anyone else has ever seen a muskrat doing anything that we would be likely to think of as rambling.","text2":"Kid Ory probably hasn't seen a muskrat.","label":-1,"idx":4627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When they all come, we finish it off.","text2":"We complete it when they come.","label":-1,"idx":4628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would most appreciate receiving your generous check made payable to the American Cancer Society and sent to me in the enclosed envelope, if you have not already done so.","text2":"I am not accepting checks, please send only cash.","label":-1,"idx":4629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(A familiar but irrelevant complaint against feminists is that they lack charm, as though an unappealing style negates the justice of a cause.","text2":"Those complaining feminists have no charm are all sexist.","label":-1,"idx":4630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please use the enclosed envelope so we can help you.","text2":"We are going to harm everyone who uses the enclosed envelope.","label":-1,"idx":4631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller responded, seconds Somebody call Cleveland?","text2":"There was no response from the control tower.","label":-1,"idx":4632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And work hard.","text2":"And Work consistently hard, all of the time","label":-1,"idx":4633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I got a strange sort of corroboration from my good friend Rosy McHargue, who is now pushing eighty-seven years and has spent most of his life playing clarinet and sax with some of the best jazzbands'Benny Goodman, Red Nichols, Ted Weems, and a slew of others.","text2":"Rosy McHargue is almost eighy-seven years old and plays the clarinet.","label":-1,"idx":4634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, I'd always been a reader.","text2":"I've always liked to read fiction.","label":-1,"idx":4635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For every dollar of public support Goodwill received last year, we returned $1.","text2":"Goodwill gave back individual dollar bills to private citizens last year. ","label":-1,"idx":4636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their diaspora has been so successful that most of us unreflectingly see schools as the natural dispensers, controllers, instruments, and structures of education'and of educated discourse'everywhere on earth.","text2":"Their diaspora has been so successful that there is evidence of their endeavors throughout the world.","label":-1,"idx":4637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is that oft-quoted example, near the opening of Trial by Jury , where Defendant asks, Is this the Court of the Exchequer? ","text2":"The Defendant asks a sarcastic question about the court.","label":-1,"idx":4638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, the elementary school, as you got to the high school, of course that was different than it is down here, our elementary school only ran until sixth grade and we went to the high school building at seventh grade so you had seven through 12 all in one big building.","text2":"The building for the high school was quite large.","label":-1,"idx":4639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, seeing people with no real creative potential getting paid to do music wasn't very encouraging or inspiring to me.","text2":"Seeing people who weren't very talented musicians getting paid was very uninspiring.","label":-1,"idx":4640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You treated me with dignity and made me and my child feel there was hope for the future.","text2":"You made me and my son feel hopeful.","label":-1,"idx":4641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, your Class of 1943 celebrates its golden anniversary, and it's time once again to reminisce about your days at DePauw.","text2":"The class of 1943 will celebrate their golden anniversary.","label":-1,"idx":4642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hazmi brothers were also selected for extra scrutiny by the airline's customer service representative at the check-in counter.","text2":"The Hazmi brothers were chosen for extra screening.","label":-1,"idx":4643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President stated that he called the President to discuss the rules of engagement for the CAP.","text2":"The VP said he called the president to discuss the rules of engagement.","label":-1,"idx":4644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A few lines later she confounds him by prophesying that Banquo shall get kings. ","text2":"She never mentioned kings to anyone.","label":-1,"idx":4645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft that spotted the black smoke was the same unarmed Air National Guard cargo plane that had seen American 77 crash into the Pentagon 27 minutes earlier.","text2":"The Air National Guard plane had not moved from the vicinity after witnessing the Pentagon attack,","label":-1,"idx":4646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pentagon proposed 12 targets for Tomahawk missiles.","text2":"The Pentagon proposed some targets for the missiles.","label":-1,"idx":4647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They named him Spiderman because of the way Miyares clung to the walls and blindly felt his way along the VA's Western Blind Rehabilitation Center (WBRC) at Palo Alto, California.","text2":"Miyarers had no actual relationship to Stan Lee or Peter Parker.","label":-1,"idx":4648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whatever the case, that decision was a defining moment in your life and the beginning of a productive and rewarding future.","text2":"Regardless, that decision was a turning point for you and the start of a productive and rewarding future.","label":-1,"idx":4649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Caliphate-the institutionalized leadership of the Ummah-thus was a Sunni institution that continued until 1924, first under Arab and eventually under Ottoman Turkish control.","text2":"The Caliphate was last under Arab control.","label":-1,"idx":4650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm like--","text2":"We were having a conversation about life.","label":-1,"idx":4651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because he knew that I was going to do what I wanted to do without disrespecting my parents or do anything like that because I was still like not going to run out in a rampage and kind and be like a horrible person, but it was just like my life now and--","text2":"He knew that I wanted to runaway from my parents house.","label":-1,"idx":4652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were about 150 miles away.","text2":"The Langley fighter planes were over 1500 miles away.","label":-1,"idx":4653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Certainly, in the case of the Crown , as ample evidence will show, reference is so made specifically to avoid mentioning a particular regent and not as a figure of speech employed for rhetorical effect.","text2":"In the case of the crown, reference is used as a figure of speech. ","label":-1,"idx":4654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, a well-formed lockstitch is smooth and appears the same when viewed from either the top or bottom ply.","text2":"A well-formed lockstitch displays distinctly different patterns when viewed from the top vs. the bottom.","label":-1,"idx":4655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps it is just as well, for only by the means available to modern science are we now able to preserve some of the artifacts that we find and, through radiocarbon dating, determine their approximate age.","text2":"Carbon dating is a brand new technology.","label":-1,"idx":4656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With high-powered lasers, the beam can be moved quickly and still cut through the cloth.","text2":"The laser beam can cut the cloth.","label":-1,"idx":4657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enemy is a combination of the Latin in `not' + amicus `friend,' and is thus a doublet with inimical . That enemy could be related to amiable , is more than a little ironic.","text2":"Enemy is an compounded word from Latin","label":-1,"idx":4658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The data suggest that when a manufacturer chooses the same inventory policy for all products, its order-fulfillment rate for highly variable products is usually worse than for low variation products.","text2":"Retailers always keep this in mind when determining whether a manufacturer is a good fit.","label":-1,"idx":4659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through social life, it makes contact with and is infiuenced by other, more expert minds, permitting transfer of the values, knowledge, and skills essential for success in a particular culture.","text2":"Social life has no influence on skills necessary for success.","label":-1,"idx":4660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of 9\/11, the existing protocol was unsuited in every respect for what was about to happen.","text2":"The existing protocol on 9\/11 was not at all prepared to deal with the events of the day.","label":-1,"idx":4661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around 9:00, the FAA, American, and United were facing the staggering realization of apparent multiple hijackings.","text2":"At noon the information came in that there were multiple hijackings.","label":-1,"idx":4662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The savings can add up for the contractor, since the apparel manufacturer that supplied the cloth might not notice.","text2":"Contractors typically don't save very much before the apparel manufacturer supplying the cloth takes note.","label":-1,"idx":4663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More to our point, information integration has added a new dimension to these long-standing controversies.","text2":"The integration of information has made these well established controversies more complex.","label":-1,"idx":4664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Bin Ladin may have no longer felt safe in Sudan, where he had already escaped at least one assassination attempt that he believed to have been the work of the Egyptian or Saudi regimes, or both.","text2":"Bin Ladin always felt at home in Sudan, never feeling unsafe at any moment.","label":-1,"idx":4665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your gift of sharing, we provide needed home care services to the most, give emergency respite to families of children at risk for neglect or abuse, help establish a Seniors to Seniors program to provide companionship and homemaker services to homebound citizens.","text2":"Your contribution provides home care services, emergency respite services and helps to establish senior programs.","label":-1,"idx":4666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the large majority of people, memory for autobiographical events begins around age 3.61 Practically none of us can retrieve happenings at younger ages'a phenomenon called infantile amnesia.","text2":"Most people can't remember anything at the age of 1 to 3.","label":-1,"idx":4667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or the mealtimes that have the entire family trying to find a place to sit and balance their plates while eating wherever they can find a place?","text2":"Or the family members who have to sit on the floor at mealtime?","label":-1,"idx":4668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But by 1996, the Big Four's share of imports had fallen to 26 percent.","text2":"The imports of the Big Hour were up to over 30 percent.","label":-1,"idx":4669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is what he had to say about Saint Cuthbert, an English monk who became Bishop of Lindisfarne and who died in the year 687:","text2":"In 687, a monk who had been made Bishop of Lindisfarne died.","label":-1,"idx":4670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, the one out there.","text2":"No, of course not that one.","label":-1,"idx":4671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To capture this idea of children selecting from social interaction in ways that fit their goals, some experts like to say that the child appropriates 'or adopts'tools of the mind.","text2":"Children are known to select social interactions in ways that fit their goals.","label":-1,"idx":4672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that is probably as it should be.","text2":"That defiantly should not have happened that way.","label":-1,"idx":4673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He redoubled his efforts to ascertain the flight's altitude.","text2":"He redoubled his efforts to figure out how high the plane was.","label":-1,"idx":4674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Clue syntax deserves a more thorough examination than space permits; but perhaps it would be best to comment on some aspects of the ethics of compiling clues.","text2":"Space permits are less deserving of scrutiny than clue syntax, though there are ethics issues with compiling clues.","label":-1,"idx":4675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does it shoot things?","text2":"Does it protect things from fire?","label":-1,"idx":4676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And none of the information conveyed in the White House video teleconference, at least in the first hour, was being passed to the NMCC.","text2":"The White House knew of the attacks immediately.","label":-1,"idx":4677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The machines are massive in size because they must be rigid to achieve cutting along the entire silhouette.","text2":"The massive machines must be rigid to cut along the entire silhouette.","label":-1,"idx":4678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In helping children disengage thought from reality, pretend play is vital preparation for the much later development of abstract thinking, in which symbols are manipulated and hypothetical ideas are evaluated without referring to currently existing, real world conditions.","text2":"Abstract thinking is essential for children's functioning in society.","label":-1,"idx":4679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service logged Mrs. Cheney's arrival at the White House at 9:52, and she joined her husband in the tunnel.","text2":"Mr and Mrs Cheney went to the White House.","label":-1,"idx":4680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The WYCA of Indianapolis still focuses on, supports, and gives empowerment to women and their families.","text2":"The WYCA raised ten million dollars last year.","label":-1,"idx":4681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is a famous letter penned by Rupert Brooke to his friend, Edward Marsh, from somewhere near Fiji (p.","text2":"Edward Marsh found an unknown letter somewhere near Fiji.","label":-1,"idx":4682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Iran's 1979 revolution swept a Shia theocracy into power.","text2":"A Shia theocracy was in two countries in 1979.","label":-1,"idx":4683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Digging up the roots of this exclamation has given many a scholar calluses and a bent back.","text2":"The scholars have calluses and back pain from digging. ","label":-1,"idx":4684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. the worst fourflushers.","text2":"The fourflushes were great","label":-1,"idx":4685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were about 150 miles away.","text2":"The fighters were exactly 150 miles away.","label":-1,"idx":4686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The secular education reflected a strong cultural preference for technical fields over the humanities and social sciences.","text2":"The secular education baselessly believes that technical fields are more important than humanities.","label":-1,"idx":4687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, many products sold in retail outlets, particularly basic and fashion-basic items, can now be replenished after the start of the selling season.","text2":"Most products can't be replenished if selling season has already begun.","label":-1,"idx":4688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Jameson Grill has been designed to be nothing but fun for you, your family, employees, and maybe even your neighbors.","text2":"The Jameson grill was designed to be fun for everyone!","label":-1,"idx":4689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What was I to do in the men's community bath at a Japanese hotel (a ryokan ), besides wash?","text2":"I shouldn't wash in a Japanese community bath. ","label":-1,"idx":4690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What can be done to prevent more catastrophic oil spills?","text2":"Oil spill significantly damage the economy, and cause gigantic budget losses.","label":-1,"idx":4691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing more.","text2":"I'm just getting started","label":-1,"idx":4692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We might have done better with Arabic-speaking settlers.","text2":"We were far from finished with the Arabs. ","label":-1,"idx":4693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the 1991-1992 academic year, only $135,00 was available for scholarship assistance.","text2":"No scholarships were awarded during the 1991-1992 academic year.","label":-1,"idx":4694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Before the invention of the printing press, manuscripts had to be copied by hand.","text2":"Manuscripts were copied by hand previously","label":-1,"idx":4695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do they do it a lot?","text2":"Do they often do it?","label":-1,"idx":4696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grace is sometimes defined as undeserved favor.","text2":"It is difficult to give undeserved favor. ","label":-1,"idx":4697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last spring, we surveyed the MHA alumni to find out what types of programs we would value and thus, would like the Alumni Association to be involved in.","text2":"The Alumni Association is not as active as we would like.","label":-1,"idx":4698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other articles include Is George Bush a Wimp ?, The Moving Spray Can (on graffiti in England), On the Pronunciation of Cunnilingus in Dictionaries, and numerous others on a wide variety of subjects; these are interspersed with short bits and pieces, cartoons, and asides generally attributed to Folklore and, presumably, gathered by the editor.","text2":"A famous magazine has an article that says that George Bush is a wimp.","label":-1,"idx":4699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about 8:55, the controller in charge notified a New York Center manager that she believed United 175 had also been hijacked.","text2":"The worker didn't anyone know until 9:15am.","label":-1,"idx":4700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Which reminds us of the zaftig `buxom, well-rounded' blonde who wore an enormous diamond to a charity ball.","text2":"It doesn't remind us of anything.","label":-1,"idx":4701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a '56 graduate, I have since witnessed many changes in both legal education and the law school.","text2":"Things are much different for law students than they were when I graduated in '56, as both coursework and schools have gone through changes.","label":-1,"idx":4702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This essay was selected as the First Prize winner ($1,000) in the Sixth VERBATIM Essay Competition.","text2":"It was chosen and awarded a substantial cash prize for the VERBATIM contest run last year.","label":-1,"idx":4703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Headquarters had a hijack coordinator, who was the director of the FAA Office of Civil Aviation Security or his or her designate.","text2":"There was no one at headquarters that had any knowledge on how to deal with hijackers. ","label":-1,"idx":4704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miller and Swift treat this problem and seem to believe that it has been ","text2":"This problem is treated by Miller and Swift, and they seem to believe that it has been.","label":-1,"idx":4705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I got a strange sort of corroboration from my good friend Rosy McHargue, who is now pushing eighty-seven years and has spent most of his life playing clarinet and sax with some of the best jazzbands'Benny Goodman, Red Nichols, Ted Weems, and a slew of others.","text2":"Rosy McHargue is a young person who likes to high jump.","label":-1,"idx":4706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Solicitor General Olson tried unsuccessfully to reach Attorney General John Ashcroft.","text2":"Solicitor General Olson successfully reached Attorney General Ashcroft.","label":-1,"idx":4707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With year-end tax decisions on the horizon, I hope that you'll include our program in your charitable contributions.","text2":"I do not want our program included. ","label":-1,"idx":4708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD confirmed that American 11 was airborne and heading toward Washington, relaying the erroneous FAA information already mentioned.","text2":"No one had any idea if the jet had crashed.","label":-1,"idx":4709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Second, a generic flight plan-prepared to get the aircraft airborne and out of local airspace quickly-incorrectly led the Langley fighters to believe they were ordered to fly due east (090) for 60 miles.","text2":"A generic flight plan incorrectly made the Langley fighters think they were supposed to go east, so they were far from the hijacked plane.","label":-1,"idx":4710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And another, another technique that they kind a use is chorusing, where they will allow you to basically record your vocal the same, the same verse, or the same whatever, the same words, the same lyrics on a few different tracks, and they'll kind a blend it all together so that it, it almost sounds like one very full voice.","text2":"Chorusing always improves the sound of a recording. ","label":-1,"idx":4711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two checked bags; two did not.","text2":"Two of them did not check any bags.","label":-1,"idx":4712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda continued meanwhile to collaborate closely with the many Middle Eastern groups-in Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Somalia, and elsewhere-with which it had been linked when Bin Ladin was in Sudan.","text2":"Several Middle Eastern countries held groups that Al Qaeda worked tightly with.","label":-1,"idx":4713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The light beam did cut through the plies, but it melted the polyester fibers at the sides of the burn and fused the edges of the cloth together.","text2":"The light beam melted polyester fibers, which made the cloth edges fuse.","label":-1,"idx":4714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What is that?","text2":"What's that thing?","label":-1,"idx":4715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Chinese do pronounce it chih , meaning `directly, at once.","text2":"The word originates from China.","label":-1,"idx":4716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think you can be proud, just as I am, of the graduates of your law school and of their accomplishments.","text2":"I don't think that you will ever be proud of your graduates.","label":-1,"idx":4717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, have you ever gotten hurt on the playground before?","text2":"Have you ever hurt yourself while playing on the playground?","label":-1,"idx":4718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's conversations with elaborative-style parents increase in complexity as language development proceeds, creating a zone of proximal development in which narrative competence expands.","text2":"Children with elaborative-style parents are unable to develop complexity in language.","label":-1,"idx":4719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many need furniture, linens and other basic necessities to begin lives on their own.","text2":"Many people do not have enough clothes to begin on their own.","label":-1,"idx":4720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for touching a life and helping to make our community a better place to live, work and prosper.","text2":"Thank you for making the community better","label":-1,"idx":4721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Well it's starting to get cool now that's how you justify it.","text2":"It is starting to be quite lame now, I believe.","label":-1,"idx":4722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know if I can really read any of this though.","text2":"Luckily, I will be able to read this with absolute ease.","label":-1,"idx":4723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Public health dentistry is an essential component of a well-rounded dental education.","text2":"Public health dentistry is an insignificant part of dental education.","label":-1,"idx":4724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We can only guess the number of spouses who work for a matching gift company or one of its subsidiaries.","text2":"We can just guess the amount of spouses working for the company. ","label":-1,"idx":4725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these conversations, we may not agree with our partner's point of view, but we usually acknowledge that we comprehend and appreciate it'and our partner generally does the same.","text2":"Recognizing our partner's view is valuable in keeping them emotionally settled.","label":-1,"idx":4726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cher's gem stood unrivaled until I recently heard a Monday Night Football savant announce to the nation that despite confusion among the officials on the field, a touchdown had indeed been scored, because the plane of the ball broke the goal line. ","text2":"It took the officials ten hours to come to a conclusion about the touchdown.","label":-1,"idx":4727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strangelove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. ","text2":"The bomb was a looming threat during the cold war.","label":-1,"idx":4728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My mom's not real organized when it comes to things like that.","text2":"My mom is always organized.","label":-1,"idx":4729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(A familiar but irrelevant complaint against feminists is that they lack charm, as though an unappealing style negates the justice of a cause.","text2":"People make stupid complaints about feminists.","label":-1,"idx":4730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They would guide you and kind of show you what you need to do and stuff?","text2":"They were always there to guide you, no matter what you had to do. ","label":-1,"idx":4731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of my favorite, one of my favorite stories is the one about with you and my brother Ryan, the one day that you went sledding.","text2":"My favourite story is you and Ryan sledding. ","label":-1,"idx":4732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And here the deluge of printed matter abounds with such specimens that one would suppose them to be the rule rather than the exceptions.","text2":"The deluge of printed matter abounds with such specimens.","label":-1,"idx":4733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The principal architects of this approach, Sidney Hillman, founding president of the Amalgamated, and David Dubinsky, long-time president of the ILGWU, were cutters and came out of this craft-group.","text2":"Sidney Hillman and David Dubinsky were both part of the craft-group once.","label":-1,"idx":4734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The resulting cutbacks created enormous resentment among recipients who had come to see government largesse as their right.","text2":"The cutbacks created a lot of resentment.","label":-1,"idx":4735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If I had, if I was retired, I would definitely be working in aliteracy, um, you know, volunteer literacy capacity.","text2":"If I had, I would definitely be working in aliteracy,","label":-1,"idx":4736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This would logically appear to be a technical psychological coinage useful for referring to a personality or condition that is excessively rigid or stubborn.","text2":"It was a word only used in the psychology world.","label":-1,"idx":4737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strangelove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. ","text2":"I still worry about the bomb.","label":-1,"idx":4738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the wetland celebrated by Gene Stratton-Porter in her books, poems and photographs.","text2":"Gene Stratton-Porter celebrated this wetland in her books, poems, and photographs.","label":-1,"idx":4739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The north border of the United States is with Canada, most of whose people share our common English speech.","text2":"Canada and the United Sates largely share a common language in English.","label":-1,"idx":4740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It really did, because a lot of the people on my group, their friends were well off.","text2":"In my group a lot of my pals were better off.","label":-1,"idx":4741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And like my cousins like, one of my cousins, he's just like slack; he dropped out of high school his senior year.","text2":"My cousins are all college graduates.","label":-1,"idx":4742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My theory is that the r got put in there simply because muskrat is a more common word than muscat . It is the same reason most of us","text2":"I think the r is there just because muskrat is common.","label":-1,"idx":4743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After NEADS learned of the hijacking at 10:07, NORAD would have had from 6 to 16 minutes to locate the flight, receive authorization to shoot it down, and communicate the order to the pilots, who (in the same span) would have had to authenticate the order, intercept the flight, and execute the order.","text2":"NEADS learned of the hijacking at 9:57 an hour after NORAD did.","label":-1,"idx":4744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:19, Ong The cockpit is not answering, somebody's stabbed in business class-and I think there's Mace-that we can't breathe-I don't know, I think we're getting hijacked.","text2":"At 8:19, Ong, the cockpit is not answering, someone has been stabbed in business class and I think we are being hijacked and that the pilot and copilot are dead.","label":-1,"idx":4745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mihdhar and Moqed placed their carry-on bags on the belt of the X-ray machine and proceeded through the first metal detector.","text2":"Mihdhar and Moqed ran through security knowing they had a secret.","label":-1,"idx":4746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our goal for the remainder of this year is to raise $100.00 to meet the 2000 operating budget.","text2":"Our goal for the rest of the day is to make $10.","label":-1,"idx":4747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I refuse, out of conservatism and sheer curmudgeonliness to give up English grammar (like the neutral pronouns of reference) when I cannot paraphrase without losing what little elegance there may be in my writing, and I refuse to sacrifice metonyms, metaphors, allusions, and other figures of speech that contain male referents, substituting big liar for Baron Munchhausen and Peeping Thomasina for Peeping Tom or trying to get around saying or writing Pollyanna, say uncle, raise Cain , or Jesus Christ !","text2":"I like my writing style to be eloquent and as descriptive as possible.","label":-1,"idx":4748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"America is also held responsible for the governments of Muslim countries, derided by al Qaeda as your agents.","text2":"To al Qaeda, the governments of Muslim countries were American agents.","label":-1,"idx":4749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1810, the Pawtucket, Rhode Island, enterprise begun with Slater's cunning had spawned a vibrant cotton-spinning industry throughout New England.","text2":"By 1810, Slater's cotton-spinning industry had begun to see some success in New England.","label":-1,"idx":4750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All right, this is Elissa Adams and Elissa, you've lived in Charlotte for--","text2":"This is Elissa Adams who has lived in Ink, Alaska her whole life.","label":-1,"idx":4751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As noted in the 1988 Economic Report of the President,Adoption of just-in-time inventory management by manufacturers also represents a significant development, since changes in inventories have often been an important source of business-cycle fluctuations.","text2":"Inventory changes are an important part of the fluctuations of the business cycle.","label":-1,"idx":4752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a privilege and honor to be asked to serve as your Annual Fund class representative.","text2":"Being your Annual Fund class representative is an appointment of high esteem. ","label":-1,"idx":4753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The feminist position recognizes the power of language.","text2":"The feminists don't realize how redundant language is.","label":-1,"idx":4754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, the next day, I left early in the morning for San Miguel, to see my daughter, and when I was coming back, I went by my brother's, which was a place in, a town called Chapeltique, and I arrived at his place, and I said, his name is Salomon, and I said, Brother, I am here to see if you'll give me posada (lodging), we call it, like you give someone a place to live in your own house.","text2":"I was glad to have had a place to stay while visiting family.","label":-1,"idx":4755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Once more unto the breach for the warriors of 1'Acad??mie Fran?\u00a7aise in their uphill battle to preserve the purity of their native tongue.","text2":"The Academie Francaise has finally given up its endeavor to preserve their native language's purity.","label":-1,"idx":4756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Very few dentists will deny that Indiana is lacking in qualified, well-trained dental assistants.","text2":"Most dentist will agree that Indiana is well staffed with qualified dental assistants.","label":-1,"idx":4757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Islamic names often do not follow the Western practice of the consistent use of surnames.","text2":"Consistent use of surnames is not always followed by Islamic naming schemes.","label":-1,"idx":4758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It won't be too different, but the style of the city is a little different, so--","text2":"The city is not that edgy.","label":-1,"idx":4759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, not so much stories about Grandmom and Grandpop, um--","text2":"They were alive when I was hearing the stories.","label":-1,"idx":4760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I offer the following as a sampler of words that delightfully and sometimes disconcertingly confuse.","text2":"I'm happy to be offering the following sampler of words.","label":-1,"idx":4761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Language is our primary avenue of communication with others and means through which we represent our experiences.","text2":"Language is not a way to tell experiences to others.","label":-1,"idx":4762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There's another aircraft?","text2":"Is there more than one plane?","label":-1,"idx":4763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if order lead times are long, the buyer must order up to a larger number S to meet demand during the replenishment lead time.","text2":"The order must meet the demand requirement next time if the order lead times are longer than expected.","label":-1,"idx":4764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is no evidence that Herndon took such action.","text2":"It was not apparent that Herndon did that. ","label":-1,"idx":4765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Custom clothing may therefore be financially available to a wider audience in the future, opening a new market in which domestic apparel manufacturers can compete.","text2":"Custom clothing might be less affordable in the future.","label":-1,"idx":4766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe it is more likely that Jarrah, the crucial pilot-trained member of their team, remained seated and inconspicuous until after the cockpit was seized; and once inside, he would not have been visible to the passengers.","text2":"We believe that Jarrah stayed in his seat until they had control of the cockpit and then he slipped in so the passengers didn't notice.","label":-1,"idx":4767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But she betrays her own elitist insensitivity when she describes a flight attendant as the person who passes peanuts on an airplane. ","text2":"She honors her own insensitivity when she talks about the flight attendant who gives out peanuts.","label":-1,"idx":4768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With simple spreading machines, the operator must look for fabric defect indicators placed in the selvage by the textile manufacturer.","text2":"With simple spreading machines, operators have to look for fabric defects using indicators in the selvage.","label":-1,"idx":4769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were they the same, or different?","text2":"Was there anything different about them, or were they exactly the same?","label":-1,"idx":4770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda continued meanwhile to collaborate closely with the many Middle Eastern groups-in Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Somalia, and elsewhere-with which it had been linked when Bin Ladin was in Sudan.","text2":"Among the groups Al Qaeda worked with in Lebanon were the government opposed Hyussan rebels.","label":-1,"idx":4771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's just that, what a firefight!","text2":"I never saw a fight so tense before.","label":-1,"idx":4772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One method for improving targeting would be to require each garment to include a bar code label that shows the place and time of fabrication.","text2":"A method to fix targeting is to include a bar code label on each garment.","label":-1,"idx":4773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, um, Little Women, that was and, now I had three older sisters, and I always kind of envisioned us patterned after Little Women, and, because there were four girls in that family and I loved that story; read it over and over again.","text2":"I didn't enjoy reading any book quite as much as I enjoyed reading Little Women.","label":-1,"idx":4774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and everything like that, because the people like that are the ones that are disappointed the most and then like end up nowhere.","text2":"The people like that are disappointed the most and end up nowhere.","label":-1,"idx":4775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was just, well I always thought the one with um, about Aunt Ann and the bird.","text2":"I always thought it was the one with Uncle Bob and the dog.","label":-1,"idx":4776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"George H.W.Bush was scheduled to visit Kuwait to be honored for his rescue of that country in the Gulf War of 1991.","text2":"George H W Bush was going to visit Kuwait to get an award relating to the Gulf War.","label":-1,"idx":4777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 began deviating from its flight plan at 8:54, with a slight turn toward the south.","text2":"American 77 left the flight plan at 8:54.","label":-1,"idx":4778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the military had what seemed an excellent example of how to do it.","text2":"It didn't seem like a good example for the military.","label":-1,"idx":4779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He draws on fundamentalists who blame the eventual destruction of the Caliphate on leaders who abandoned the pure path of religious devotion.","text2":"Fundamentalists blame the destruction of the Caliphae on leaders who were too dedicated to religious devotion.","label":-1,"idx":4780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We've only been able to save about 5 of those 10 birds, by supporting them with I\/V fluids given through the wing bones (the preferred method in birds).","text2":"The five we weren't able to save were likely beyond saving anyway.","label":-1,"idx":4781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously, that works only for kids familiar with New York City.","text2":"It only works for kids familiar with New York City. ","label":-1,"idx":4782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All Muslims-as he defined them-therefore must take up arms in this fight.","text2":"All Muslims must be part of the fight.","label":-1,"idx":4783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why is this so?","text2":"Why is this bench broken?","label":-1,"idx":4784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The conventional wisdom can no longer predict future industry dynamics or offer guideposts for private and public policies.","text2":"Currently, future dynamics can't be predicted with conventional wisdom.","label":-1,"idx":4785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Right now.","text2":"This instant.","label":-1,"idx":4786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I liked the fact that the adults were made to wait.","text2":"The adults were made to wait, which I thought was great.","label":-1,"idx":4787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The school will devote the year to educating both internal and external groups about advancements in oral health care and how those advancements benefit citizens from around the state and elsewhere.","text2":"The school will dedicate this year to the anti candy campaigns.","label":-1,"idx":4788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to industry experts, that depends on whether it diffuses down to the high-fashion, quick turnaround segments of the industry or, like much new technology in this industry, is adapted to suit the needs of firms still committed to mass production.","text2":"All it comes down to, according to industry experts, is the technology.","label":-1,"idx":4789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He draws on fundamentalists who blame the eventual destruction of the Caliphate on leaders who abandoned the pure path of religious devotion.","text2":"Fundamentalists blame the destruction of the Caliphae on leaders who weren't dedicated to religious devotion of the Muslims.","label":-1,"idx":4790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have these events put our law school on easy street?","text2":"These events have occurred before regarding our law school\/","label":-1,"idx":4791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Straightforward definitions (of all three varieties were gradually replaced by play on words, ambiguous phrasings, jumble games, and other verbal pranks.","text2":"Straightforward definitions proved too cryptic for many, prompting the change.","label":-1,"idx":4792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the large majority of people, memory for autobiographical events begins around age 3.61 Practically none of us can retrieve happenings at younger ages'a phenomenon called infantile amnesia.","text2":"Most people can remember thins well at age 1","label":-1,"idx":4793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, Daly describes the title of one of her early books, Gyn\/Ecology , as saying exactly what I mean to say. ","text2":"Daly refuses to explain the book title.","label":-1,"idx":4794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller responded, seconds Somebody call Cleveland?","text2":"\"Somebody call Cleveland\" was the response of the controller.","label":-1,"idx":4795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening.","text2":"The President of the United States felt that he should project strength and calm.","label":-1,"idx":4796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But unlike transponder data, primary radar returns do not show the aircraft's identity and altitude.","text2":"The transponder gives enough information to identify and track the aircraft. ","label":-1,"idx":4797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In March 1998, after Bin Ladin's public fatwa against the United States, two al Qaeda members reportedly went to Iraq to meet with Iraqi intelligence.","text2":"Bin Ladin first issued a fatwa against the United States in 1999.","label":-1,"idx":4798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I think the story that was, was a favorite was one that my mother made up herself, utilizing characters from, you know, like Bugs Bunny and, and Thumper and Bambi and all that.","text2":"My mother plagiarized the story and never made up anything.","label":-1,"idx":4799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cartoonists might depict a child asking a parent about Neanderthal women, but that is recognizably a joke that depends for its humor on the characterization of the questioner as a that it is a child is irrelevant; it might be Edith Bunker.","text2":"Cartoonists would never make a scene about kids.","label":-1,"idx":4800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since this linguistic-statistical study of an obsession might well prove to be an important contribution to psycholinguistics, I decided to make a larger sample of watery words, choosing the straightforward journals of Colonel Peter Egerton Warburton, who led an expedition across the western interior of Australia in 1873-4.","text2":"Warburton led an expedition across Australia.","label":-1,"idx":4801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 80 reservation communities in the .Southwest, over 2,000 American Indian children participate in Futures' Friendship Program, building cross-cultural ties with adult mentors 'from around the nation and Europe.","text2":"Of the 2,000 children, over half of them are Navajo.","label":-1,"idx":4802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dillard's also purchased computing capacity for individual stores and its headquarters office, along with the necessary equipment to connect stores to the head office via electronic data transmission.","text2":"Dillard's bought the equipment to store information in each store because they don't trust the mainframe computers.","label":-1,"idx":4803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now I'm starting my whole lifeguard thing this summer.","text2":"I will be a lifeguard for many summers. ","label":-1,"idx":4804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what is it you want to do when you graduate?","text2":"What would you enjoy doing once you drop out?","label":-1,"idx":4805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was the first notice to the military that American 77 was missing, and it had come by chance.","text2":"The military was notified that American 77 was missing. ","label":-1,"idx":4806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turn back the hands of time and remember when you made the decision to become a dental hygienist.","text2":"You decided to become a dental hygienist because you wanted to help people out. ","label":-1,"idx":4807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if one did not consider the shift in retailing practices that is also recasting the apparel industry'and turned some American companies into unexpected leaders'it might indeed look like Made in the U.S.A. was a lost cause.","text2":"The new practices of the retail industry would appear to make it look like \"Made in the USA\" is still going strong.","label":-1,"idx":4808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He ordered all American Airlines flights in the Northeast that had not taken off to remain on the ground.","text2":" He ordered all American Airlines flights in the Northeast that had not taken off to not take off.","label":-1,"idx":4809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was it the freedom aspect of it or?","text2":"Was it the new freedom that led you to party too much?","label":-1,"idx":4810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More generally, the size of a dictionary is a function of two the number of items entered (its macrostructure ), and the amount of information given about them (its microstructure ).","text2":"The size of a dictionary is determined entirely by its macrostructure.","label":-1,"idx":4811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:46:40, American 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.","text2":"The North Tower of the World Trade center in New York City was rocked by the impact of a plane a little before 9 in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":4812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The neuropathy and blindness caused him to cling to the center walls for balance and orientation.","text2":"He was afraid because he knew that the security guards were close behind him, and he was impeded by his blindness and balance issues in an unfamiliar environment.","label":-1,"idx":4813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For every dollar of public support Goodwill received last year, we returned $1.","text2":"Goodwill gave back $1 for every dollar we got last year. ","label":-1,"idx":4814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your partnership with us has made it possible for hundreds of threatened species to survive -- and thousands of precious acres to remain natural and beautiful.","text2":"Thanks to your help many endangered species continue to survive.","label":-1,"idx":4815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly after 10:10, and having no knowledge either that United 93 had been heading toward Washington or that it had crashed, he explicitly instructed the Langley negative- negative clearance to shoot aircraft over the nation's capital.","text2":"Perission was given for any threat to be shot down.","label":-1,"idx":4816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I urge you to continue to make a difference in the lives of individuals like Cecilia and her son.","text2":"I hope you don't continue to make a different for people.","label":-1,"idx":4817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because people want to work.","text2":"People want to be employed.","label":-1,"idx":4818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He then returned to his office for his daily intelligence briefing.","text2":"He then went back to his office for his regular intelligence report holding a coffee.","label":-1,"idx":4819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Details on these plots appear in chapter 3.","text2":"Chapter 3 elaborates further on the central plots.","label":-1,"idx":4820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basic and fashion-basic apparel categories now constitute the lion's share of industry sales, accounting for approximately 72 percent of all shipments.","text2":"72 percent is more than half of all shipments.","label":-1,"idx":4821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I know it's true that he landed on the highway we had the newspaper clippings to prove it.","text2":"I can't prove that he landed on the highway.","label":-1,"idx":4822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Keeping it in mind can help parents and teachers interact with children in ways that lead their development forward.","text2":"Parents and teachers can't have any noticeable impact on children's development.","label":-1,"idx":4823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"was obviously derived directly from the - nd marker of the active gerund in Latin, which suggests the therapist (active agent) rather than the patient.","text2":"Latin is one of the oldest languages in the world.","label":-1,"idx":4824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they got the whole schedule thing for the next year with the tuition bill on it and everything like that and my mom was reading it and it said, Major THEA, and she was like, What is this?","text2":"My mom read my schedule and saw I majored in Theater.","label":-1,"idx":4825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your support.","text2":"Your support has helped tremendously. ","label":-1,"idx":4826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 6 discusses, under A Few More Words, a number of suffixes ( -trix, -ess , etc.) and words ( hero\/ heroine, alumnus\/alumna\/alumni\/alumnae , etc.) that apparently offend the they campaign for the elimination of la diff??rence . My own attitude is that I find such terms not in the least Why should a woman object to being called a heroine, a divorc??e, or an actress any more than being called a female or a woman?","text2":"The sixth chapter doesn't mention gender or sex at any point.","label":-1,"idx":4827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus Joan Lunden on ABC-TV said to Steve Crowley, Are you ready to use the R-word recession ? Many words like recession could be called semi-taboo words or limited taboos, for scarcely anyone would be shocked or offended to encounter them, though some people avoid using them.","text2":"People would avoid using a word like recession even though it's not shocking or off color.","label":-1,"idx":4828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Way's ultimate success comes down to individuals like you and me and how we respond to human need.","text2":"United Way's success depends on women like you and me.","label":-1,"idx":4829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not so its cousin, time warp (fathered by Walter M. Miller in 1954: They showed me a dozen pictures of moppets with LTR-guns, moppets in time-warp suits, moppets wearing Captain Chronos costumes.","text2":"Instead of moppets, I saw pictures of robots with LTR-guns, time-warp suits, and Captain Chronos costumes.","label":-1,"idx":4830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first operational evidence that something was abnormal on United 175 came at 8:47, when the aircraft changed beacon codes twice within a minute.","text2":"They knew something was wrong when the craft changed beacon codes swiftly.","label":-1,"idx":4831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since the end of World War II, textile-mill products and apparel have both been characterized by substantial reductions in employment; at the same time these sectors show substantial increases in output, including shifts to higher-value products and higher productivity.","text2":"Textile-mill products and apparel have not had a reduction in employment since World War II.","label":-1,"idx":4832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Going to the game, shopping, making plans to take the train, giving directions to one another or to me'these little situations created high drama more often than not, but they also brought about utterances, sounds on which we could at least start to work.","text2":"We stayed inside all day.","label":-1,"idx":4833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now I'm starting my whole lifeguard thing this summer.","text2":"I will never be a lifeguard in my lifetime. ","label":-1,"idx":4834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just a little longer, and then we'll go inside. ","text2":"We will stay out and swing some more, then go in.","label":-1,"idx":4835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It entails better engineering of specific sewing tasks, including some specialized sewing machines, to reduce the amount of time required for each task.","text2":"Non-specialized sewing machines is used to reduce the amount of time required for each task.","label":-1,"idx":4836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Motorcycle purchases?","text2":"Motorcycle buys?","label":-1,"idx":4837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The air traffic control system handled it with great skill, as about 4,500 commercial and general aviation aircraft soon landed without incident.","text2":"The air traffic control system showed utter incompetence when handling it.","label":-1,"idx":4838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The subject of nonsexist language is a matter of genuine concern, not only to women [see page 1 of this issue] but to everyone.","text2":"Everyone should be worried about language","label":-1,"idx":4839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And my one sister Rayona she reminds me of that story and laughs every time we tell it.","text2":"My sister retells me that tale and chuckles every time.","label":-1,"idx":4840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She used to be a waitress for the longest, longest time.","text2":"She was a waitress for about 20 years before she quit.","label":-1,"idx":4841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the yellow house?","text2":"In the yellow house that's next to the blue one?","label":-1,"idx":4842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Imagine the thousands of Alumni who might not be alumni if the Annual Fund did not exist.","text2":"The Annual Fund has not helped many people overall.","label":-1,"idx":4843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 11 is still in the air?","text2":"Is United 12 Underground?","label":-1,"idx":4844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:17, the Command Center advised headquarters of its conclusion that United 93 had indeed crashed.","text2":"According to the Command Center United 93 had crashed.","label":-1,"idx":4845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gum-trees or rocks (in areas of sand) appear as signs of possible water.","text2":"When in areas of sand, the presence of rocks or gum-trees might indicate the presence of water or clay.","label":-1,"idx":4846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who did you give that direction to?","text2":"Who was that direction given to?","label":-1,"idx":4847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD had no information either.","text2":"NORAD had not been looking for information.","label":-1,"idx":4848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was now the second American aircraft in trouble.","text2":"This was not the second American plane in danger.","label":-1,"idx":4849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Having no real anesthesia to ease the agony of amputation or surgery, a surgeon of two centuries ago offered wounded soldiers the only pain reducer available'a bullet to bite on.","text2":"Instead of any sort of pain reliever, soldiers were asked to suffer through surgery on sheer will alone.","label":-1,"idx":4850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Great things are underway at Herron!","text2":"Many people are invited to take part in the events occurring at Herron.","label":-1,"idx":4851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do enjoy reading the um, stories related to Guideposts or uh, what's another, Reader's Digest, they come in.","text2":"I like reading Guideposts and Readers Digest.","label":-1,"idx":4852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Antony and Cleopatra (Act IV, Scene VIII, lines 14 et seq .) Antony commands the wounded Scarus to","text2":"Antony commands Scarus to do something dangerous.","label":-1,"idx":4853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I now invite you to continue to support the mission and the message that is so important to building strong kids, strong families and strong communities.","text2":"You can support strong kids, families, and communities with your donation.","label":-1,"idx":4854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But once you got to that point you still stopped at the elementary school and we would help those kids get off the bus, we would have emergency drills and that sort of thing.","text2":"The bus stopped at the elementary school.","label":-1,"idx":4855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a '56 graduate, I have since witnessed many changes in both legal education and the law school.","text2":"The legal education system has not made changes in 100 years.","label":-1,"idx":4856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, thank you for sharing your experiences with me and your time.","text2":"Your experiences were very interesting to me because you have done many strange things.","label":-1,"idx":4857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Typically, these programs result in the frequent delivery of small quantities of items to the retailer'it would not be uncommon for a blue jeans manufacturer to ship a carton of one dozen blue jeans of mixed styles and sizes to a particular store.","text2":"Small item quantities are delivered often with these programs.","label":-1,"idx":4858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To have something to fall back on and everything like that.","text2":"To have a backup plan.","label":-1,"idx":4859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the bottom thread does not have to be encircled by the top thread, the bottom thread can come from a large cone stored above the machine.","text2":"The bottom thread doesn't have to have the top thread go around it.","label":-1,"idx":4860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, the next day, I left early in the morning for San Miguel, to see my daughter, and when I was coming back, I went by my brother's, which was a place in, a town called Chapeltique, and I arrived at his place, and I said, his name is Salomon, and I said, Brother, I am here to see if you'll give me posada (lodging), we call it, like you give someone a place to live in your own house.","text2":"I went early the next morning for San Miguel to see my family.","label":-1,"idx":4861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have such transpositions a name?","text2":"Transposing in such a way is unique to this area.","label":-1,"idx":4862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The stories I remember being told, the most, came out of the Little Golden Books.","text2":"The Little Golden Books should be part of every child's youth. ","label":-1,"idx":4863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Over $500 was raised.","text2":"More than $500 had been raised. ","label":-1,"idx":4864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly before 9:10, suspecting that American 77 had been hijacked, American headquarters concluded that the second aircraft to hit the World Trade Center might have been Flight 77.","text2":"American headquarters believed Flight 77 was the first of two hijacked planes to hit the World Trade Center shortly before 9:10.","label":-1,"idx":4865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here and there in this morass of misunderstanding, Miles treads on solid ground if one can agree with the eminent anthropologist Joseph Campbell.","text2":"Miles is very rarely correct about anything in this work.","label":-1,"idx":4866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously, if all alumni were to contribute $1,000 in 1991, we would have a tremendous story to tell.","text2":"Everyone would help out so much. ","label":-1,"idx":4867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is drawn to conclude that the work is the product of some disembodied corporate entity.","text2":"One is left with no idea about what produced the work.","label":-1,"idx":4868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us not forget marijuana which is simply `Mary Jane' in Mexico, or cucaracha , the `cockroach' that entered English via a popular song.","text2":"A name for marijuana is the cockroach","label":-1,"idx":4869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just as disorienting are clues where the two meanings of the answer belong to different word ","text2":"The clues aren't confusing at all, easily distinguishable. ","label":-1,"idx":4870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While the Command Center was told about this other aircraft at 9:01, New York Center contacted New York terminal approach control and asked for help in locating United 175.","text2":"New York Center decided keeping the airways clear and not messaging other terminals was the best decision.","label":-1,"idx":4871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then when, well, since I lived alone, only with my son, they, would seek me out because, I always had, everything, because I had all kinds of animals, including doves from Castile, uh, turkeys, ducks, hens, pigs, cows, all kinds of animals.","text2":"I have always had pets since I myself was a child.","label":-1,"idx":4872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, now, well, like I told you, there were plenty of times that, that we had encounters like that.","text2":"We were told many times that we could not cross the fence.","label":-1,"idx":4873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Right after the Pentagon was hit, NEADS learned of another possible hijacked aircraft.","text2":"NEADS learned of another possible hijacked aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":4874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since 1981, the Geography Department at IUPUI has graduated 67 geographers.","text2":"One 5 geographers graduated from IUPUI's Geography Department since 1900.","label":-1,"idx":4875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are not so sure.","text2":"We are not certain what became of the last plane.","label":-1,"idx":4876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She said, I'm going shoe shopping, and kept on smoking.","text2":"She was smoking and was continuing to. ","label":-1,"idx":4877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He and the cleric Azzam had joined in creating a Bureau of Services (Mektab al Khidmat, or MAK), which channeled recruits into Afghanistan.","text2":"The cleric had sworn off violence and refused to help in any way.","label":-1,"idx":4878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Winning an award is a tremendous honor for a Herron student.","text2":"Herron students are excited when receiving awards.","label":-1,"idx":4879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One hand holds the marker on the lay, the other guides the electric knife.","text2":"One hand holds the marker.","label":-1,"idx":4880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Japanese English is a great joy and a wondrous thing, as I have indicated.","text2":"There is nothing interesting about Japanese English and I don't see it as being useful.","label":-1,"idx":4881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The more children view, the more likely they are to endorse such stereotypes.","text2":"The more kids see, the less likely they are to subscribe to sterotypes.","label":-1,"idx":4882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indiana University competes with 54 other dental schools throughout the country for the very brightest and most highly qualified candidates.","text2":"Indiana University is regarded as one of the top dental schools in the country.","label":-1,"idx":4883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After these model stock levels are set, data about product sales and current retail inventory levels are transmitted electronically to the manufacturer.","text2":"Manufacturers can receive information about product sales electronically.","label":-1,"idx":4884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As can be seen from the chapter headings, some of the material is trivial, but nonetheless interesting for that.","text2":"Everything in this is insanely dull.","label":-1,"idx":4885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nineteen Americans were killed, and 372 were wounded.","text2":"200 Americans were killed.","label":-1,"idx":4886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He'll work it off.","text2":"That person never works or does anything.","label":-1,"idx":4887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you think that the practice in some Muslim countries of amputating the hand of a thief is harsh, beware of participating in horse shows in England, where there is no capital punishment but the issue arises every few ","text2":"Some belief amputating the hand of a thief is harsh (this occurs in some Muslim countries).","label":-1,"idx":4888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Faculty protest against apartheid at Cornell. ","text2":"Faculty protest against apartheid at Berkeley.","label":-1,"idx":4889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mention of a third aircraft was not a reference to American 77.","text2":"Mention of the third plane was not referencing American 76.","label":-1,"idx":4890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pentagon proposed 12 targets for Tomahawk missiles.","text2":"The Pentagon proposed some targets for the missiles that were just inside Libya.","label":-1,"idx":4891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pressing the teddy bear's and the leprechaun's arms together and the lollipop-turned-pacifier between them, Sophie readily came up with a solution.","text2":"If she hadn't played with the teddy bear or the lollipop, Sophie would have not had an idea.","label":-1,"idx":4892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grass, on the other hand, might make sense for Chanel, for many of the flowers used in Chanel perfumes are cultivated at Grasse, a town in southern France.","text2":"None of the flowers used in Chanel perfumes come from Grasse. ","label":-1,"idx":4893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Filthy sidewalks where children play.","text2":"Children play on the sidewalks with their friends.","label":-1,"idx":4894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Approximately 80 percent of the school's alumni reside in Indiana, with more than 2,200 living and working in Marion County and the seven contiguous counties.","text2":"Exactly 81% of the school's alumni lived in Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":4895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, The fact, you, I, you can be there, I said, or I can stay here and you go in, I said, you don't see where I get off to.","text2":"I did not want them to know everything about where I go.","label":-1,"idx":4896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the Command Center learned Flight 77 was missing, neither it nor FAA headquarters issued an all points bulletin to surrounding centers to search for primary radar targets.","text2":"Neither the Command Center nor the FAA HQ sent out an APB for Flight 77.","label":-1,"idx":4897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your generous support is very important.","text2":"Your support is very important.","label":-1,"idx":4898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"members of the bar.","text2":"Bar members. ","label":-1,"idx":4899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These measurements, along with the style of jeans and the type of fabric, are sent to a sewing plant where they are cut, sewn, and then mailed to the customer.","text2":"Customers can opt to receive their orders directly from the sewing plant through self-collection or postage.","label":-1,"idx":4900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:58, the flight took a heading toward New York City.","text2":"The flight headed to New York City at 8:58.","label":-1,"idx":4901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That process did not always go smoothly.","text2":"The process was difficult.","label":-1,"idx":4902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And none of the information conveyed in the White House video teleconference, at least in the first hour, was being passed to the NMCC.","text2":"The White House would have made special orders in the first hour.","label":-1,"idx":4903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"SPEA and the City of Indianapolis have a unique partnership.","text2":"There is a formidable partnership between SPE and the city.","label":-1,"idx":4904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Wanda's miracle isn't just the house, which will make it possible for the children to achieve some privacy and basic space from one another.","text2":"Each child will have their own room.","label":-1,"idx":4905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How does a retail buyer even begin to approach the problem of making forecasts at such a minute level of detail?","text2":"Retail buyers are forced to speculate price points.","label":-1,"idx":4906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 was hijacked between 8:51 and 8:54.","text2":"The hijackers got hold of American 77 between 8:51 and 8:54 and maintained their control.","label":-1,"idx":4907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact, this overriding emphasis on peers as a source of positive development is itself a product of our culture.","text2":"Our culture created the emphasis on peer groups as a source of development.","label":-1,"idx":4908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At IUPUI, where we continue to face critical shortages of full-time faculty, we will have to make special efforts.","text2":"We must make some efforts due to critical shortages.","label":-1,"idx":4909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controllers observed the plane in a rapid descent; the radar data terminated over Lower Manhattan.","text2":"Radar data stopped when the plane was over Manhattan.","label":-1,"idx":4910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your assistance will allow the continuance of offering these programs at reasonable rates.","text2":"These programs will be offered at reasonable rates because of your assistance.","label":-1,"idx":4911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember that?","text2":"When did you do that?","label":-1,"idx":4912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Social and Economic Malaise In the 1970s and early 1980s, an unprecedented flood of wealth led the then largely unmodernized oil states to attempt to shortcut decades of development.","text2":"The oil states tried to shortcut decades of development in order to catch up with other countries in the east.","label":-1,"idx":4913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Talia and Jim's fear of helping 7-year-old Anselmo with his homework, lest they create a dependent, immature child, is a peculiarly Western'and profoundly American'preoccupation.","text2":"The Western culture promotes raising immature and dependent children.","label":-1,"idx":4914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD asked three times before 10:03 to confirm the presence of the FAA in the teleconference.","text2":"NORAD asked whether the FAA was present in the teleconference.","label":-1,"idx":4915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is unlikely that Bin Ladin could have returned to Afghanistan had Pakistan disapproved.","text2":"Pakistan's approval is what spurred Bin Ladin's return to Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":4916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some are quite unique and their reporters cannot imagine their origin; others, like Penn Station , what one family terms a child's misinterpretation of a famous line or phrase, are the generic term comes from the Lord's Prayer' And lead us not into Penn Station. ","text2":"Penn Station comes from a misinterpretation of the Lord's Prayer.","label":-1,"idx":4917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . We're, we're involved with something else, we have other aircraft that may have a similar situation going on here.","text2":"These aircraft are in danger by their situations. ","label":-1,"idx":4918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even the remnants we have from early languages that had a writing system are relatively Classical Latin and Greek, Hebrew, and a few other languages are better documented than others; but for most all we have to go on are a handful of tablets here, a few inscriptions there, barely enough in many cases to allow us to identify the language, let alone draw any conclusions regarding its structure or meaning.","text2":"We have plenty of documentation that we can use to study the structure and meaning of the languages.","label":-1,"idx":4919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then when, well, since I lived alone, only with my son, they, would seek me out because, I always had, everything, because I had all kinds of animals, including doves from Castile, uh, turkeys, ducks, hens, pigs, cows, all kinds of animals.","text2":"They never sought me out since I do not own a single pet.","label":-1,"idx":4920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The big crate.","text2":"The shipping container.","label":-1,"idx":4921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know that it will be a very big culture shock, because I've grown up going to Boston all the time.","text2":"Going to a new school will definitely be a new experience for me as I have been in Boston all my life.","label":-1,"idx":4922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Specifically, we matched data from the HCTAR survey to corresponding establishment-level data from the Department of Commerce's Longitudinal Research Database (LRD).","text2":"Data from the HCTAR survey contradicts data from the Department of Commerce's Longitudinal Research Database (LRD).","label":-1,"idx":4923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for industry generally specified minimum wage rates, overtime after forty hours of work per week, and a prohibition of child labor.","text2":"The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in the year 1938.","label":-1,"idx":4924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"hogget Nothing to do with pigs.","text2":"Pigs have everything to do with hogget","label":-1,"idx":4925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The next transmission came seconds American 11: Nobody move.","text2":"The next transmition on America 11 was \"nobody move\". ","label":-1,"idx":4926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an Indiana resident supporting IU, you are entitled to a credit against your State taxes for your gift.","text2":"If you support IU, you're not entitled anything for your contributions.","label":-1,"idx":4927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Over time, Maggy will start to interact with herself silently, inside her head. ","text2":"Maggy will start to interact with herself in 12 months.","label":-1,"idx":4928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Manufacturers'whether of suits, CDs, office products, or pasta'generally classify products in terms of product lines.","text2":"Products are generally classified in terms of production lines.","label":-1,"idx":4929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am concerned, however, about the plans that exist for continuing this award in the future.","text2":"I do not wish to continue this award in the future","label":-1,"idx":4930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, if I was able to get educational opportunities in school, I would transfer, but I'm happy with school here, with my sorority, with the city, with, I mean I'm happy with the way things are right now, so probably when I graduate.","text2":"After I graduate I may transfer for better a better education.","label":-1,"idx":4931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you hit anything?","text2":"Did you catch any prey?","label":-1,"idx":4932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The idea is to test the solvers' skill in deciphering clues rather than their familiarity with the recondite recesses of the lexicon.","text2":"The solvers' ability to decipher clues is being tested rather than their vocabulary.","label":-1,"idx":4933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is an interesting, useful reference book containing information about the better-known writers of America.","text2":"This book contains references that are useful pertaining to well known authors of America.","label":-1,"idx":4934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So he said, OK, that's fine.","text2":"He said it's fine. ","label":-1,"idx":4935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, partners in teaching and learning do not need to attain the intersubjective heights of lovers to accomplish their goals.","text2":"Only teaching partners who are also lovers are able to realize their goals.","label":-1,"idx":4936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When, all of a sudden, at daybreak, my, my brother went to, to bring a, to the well close by there, two jugs of water, his wife and he, and I stayed in the house, making coffee.","text2":"We would not start anything around the house til we had our coffee.","label":-1,"idx":4937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was closer with my dad when I was little, just because I did all the sports and everything like that and, I've always been close to my mom, it was never like I didn't like my mom, but, um, me my mom and I never really fight or anything like that, but now me and my mom are a lot closer.","text2":"My mother and I have a much closer relationship now than we did when I was younger. ","label":-1,"idx":4938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please continue with your neighbors to see to it that no expectant mother goes without medical care... no child goes without nourishment.","text2":"Help make sure a pregnant woman goes without medical care until she can pay for it.","label":-1,"idx":4939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's a faith based upon love, not hate.","text2":"Love dominates this religion.","label":-1,"idx":4940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Five Americans and two officials from India were killed.","text2":"Five americans were killed.","label":-1,"idx":4941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late nineteenth century, these uses of great and small became obsolete, but to go great guns continued to allude to the loudness, forcefulness, and large size of long-ago cannons and still means to `proceed with considerable momentum, to go full steam ahead, at full bore.","text2":"The expression remained in use today to the ubiquitous use ever since its inception.","label":-1,"idx":4942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Becky is a friendly, bright little girl who often gets confused and will refer to a female staff person as mommy.","text2":"Becky is not smart and never speaks to people.","label":-1,"idx":4943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last but not least, responding to lean retailing requirements ultimately necessitates much more sophisticated demand forecasting, production planning, and manufacturing strategies than the practices employed by traditional suppliers.","text2":"The demand often fluctuates, and only Jesus could truly know what it would be at any given moment.","label":-1,"idx":4944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only then did the already scrambled airplanes start moving directly toward Washington, D.C.","text2":"The scrambled airplanes never moved towards DC, focusing instead on PA.","label":-1,"idx":4945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Additionally, it will help provide the Girl Scout experience to girls at risk or girls in hard to serve areas like the Indiana Girls School and the Juvenile Justice Center.","text2":"That would help in providing the Girl Scout experience in hard to reach areas.","label":-1,"idx":4946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An investment with many returns of relief, love and opportunity.","text2":"There are a lot of returns on your investment and they'll all make you feel great.","label":-1,"idx":4947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once young children realize that words, gestures, and other symbols are distinct from external reality, they are well on the way to using those representations as effective mental tools, calling on them to overcome impulses.","text2":"Young children can easily learn that gestures and other symbols are not real.","label":-1,"idx":4948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was composed of his own al Qaeda Shura together with leaders or representatives of terrorist organizations that were still independent.","text2":"It was made up of not only al Qaeda Shura, Bin Laden's organization, but many unaffiliated radical groups.","label":-1,"idx":4949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"OK go ahead.","text2":"You may pass.","label":-1,"idx":4950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some people think that storytelling in our culture is, is uh vanishing, because of television and computerized games and email and so many other things that keep people from sharing stories and taking the time to read.","text2":"People don't share stories or take the time to read as much anymore. ","label":-1,"idx":4951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Boston Center immediately began speculating about other aircraft that might be in danger, leading them to worry about a transcontinental flight-Delta 1989-that in fact was not hijacked.","text2":"Transcontinental flight-Delta 1989 was the only flight that Boston Center speculated could have been at risk.","label":-1,"idx":4952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What causes this early memory blackout, and how is it that after age 3, certain events dierentiate themselves from a multitude of everyday experiences so they stand out for a lifetime?","text2":"What is the cause of us remembering everything that happens before we are 3?","label":-1,"idx":4953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A New York Times story by Hubert Saal on flamenco (March 22, 1987) speaks of the mysterious duende as a kind of gypsy soul, which flies only on the wings of spontaneity and improvisation. ","text2":"Spontaneity and improvisation are two important qualities of Hubert Saal.","label":-1,"idx":4954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, seeing people with no real creative potential getting paid to do music wasn't very encouraging or inspiring to me.","text2":"Seeing people who can't sing still get hired was unfortunate.","label":-1,"idx":4955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ensure the future of tomorrow's leaders.","text2":"Protect the future of tomorrow's leaders.","label":-1,"idx":4956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm trying to remember.","text2":"I really want to find a way to remember this, but knowing my memory, I can't.","label":-1,"idx":4957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Take him to the First Med Place.","text2":"First Med Place was all a hoax, it never even existed and no one has talked about it since the '30s.","label":-1,"idx":4958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And it had to do with the description of all the cowboy paraphernalia that was, ah, existent at the time.","text2":"It was about the paraphernalia that cowboys had at that point in time. ","label":-1,"idx":4959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All these repairs, along with support for our outstanding faculty, the provision for exciting visiting artists and exhibitions at the Herron Gallery , and student scholarships\/awards are essential to the continued maintenance of educational quality at the school, but they all cost money.","text2":"It only costs about $100 total to make repairs and pay faculty. ","label":-1,"idx":4960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Second Edition of the Random House Unabridged follows a similar practice, and I find it speculative, spurious, and specious except for the documentation of relatively recent coinages.","text2":"I find the second edition of the Random House Unabridged to be spurious, speculative and specious.","label":-1,"idx":4961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why is this so?","text2":"Why so is this?","label":-1,"idx":4962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I look forward to your response, membership support, and having the opportunity to be of service.","text2":"The membership support you provide is of particular interest to me.","label":-1,"idx":4963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American Airlines Flight 77 FAA Awareness.","text2":"Flight 77 brought awareness to the FAA","label":-1,"idx":4964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you're not already a partner and want to be a part of our future, we'd like to talk to you.","text2":"If you're not a partner, we'd don't want to talk to you, since you haven't supported us.","label":-1,"idx":4965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will you help them change?","text2":"It is up to you to help them change.","label":-1,"idx":4966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did a number on your toe didn't it?","text2":"It didn't make a difference to your feet at all, did it?","label":-1,"idx":4967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their upward mobility?","text2":"Moving up is impossible.","label":-1,"idx":4968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In several countries, a dynastic state already existed or was quickly established under a paramount tribal family.","text2":"A dynastic state already existed in more than one country.","label":-1,"idx":4969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fifteen years ago, few people north of San Antonio had heard of burritos, fajitas, flautas , or chalupas . Today, thanks to franchise Mexican restaurants, they have become a part of America's vocabulary.","text2":"Mexican restaurants have added to America's vocabulary.","label":-1,"idx":4970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, my mother was probably so busy running around taking care of all of us, I guess she read, um, I think she read biographical things rather than um, novels.","text2":"Mothers are typically overloaded with chores all the time.","label":-1,"idx":4971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, the reason I choose to go to school here is because my parents live around 30 minutes away, and I wanted to be away from home, yet be able to go home, if I needed to, so--","text2":"I picked this school because I don't really wanna live with my crazy parents but if I needed to get something from home I could, because they live nearby.","label":-1,"idx":4972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Crossword puzzles soon become very popular in America, and perhaps even more so in Britain.","text2":"Crossword puzzles are possibly more popular in Britain than America. ","label":-1,"idx":4973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In now analyzing the terrorist programs carried out by members of this network, it would be misleading to apply the label al Qaeda operations too often in these early years.","text2":"It would be inaccurate to label al Qaeda a terrorist organization in these years. ","label":-1,"idx":4974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, the demand peak for the 43-regular occurs in week 10, which was only an average demand week for the 46-regular.","text2":"What's more, the top request for the 43-regular happens in week 10, which was just a normal request week for the 46-regular.","label":-1,"idx":4975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One hopes he will continue his annual chronicle.","text2":"He wrote articles for The New York Times.","label":-1,"idx":4976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Accordingly, the last chapter of this book is devoted to our reflections on the impact of channel integration on certain public policy issues.","text2":"The book doesn't talk about channel integration or their impact on public policy issues.","label":-1,"idx":4977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The growth of the highway system around central cities and the rapid expansion of suburbs created new opportunities for shopping centers, malls, and other outlets closer to a growing number of two wage-earner families.","text2":"The highway system was a big motivator for people to travel the country.","label":-1,"idx":4978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"High demand uncertainty, previously associated only with fashion products, is now pervasive, characterizing even those items once regarded as basics'such as power tools, industrial seals, men's dress shirts, and blue jeans.","text2":"High demand uncertainty in other areas is the result of retailers not paying attention to trends.","label":-1,"idx":4979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, I definitely like the weather in Charlotte, so that would be kind of a shock for me to have those winters, but I'll be able to adjust to it.","text2":"The winters here are extreme!","label":-1,"idx":4980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, but that they weren't going to steal, they weren't going to kill, neither would they harm the people, but it we didn't, if we worked with them.","text2":"They slaughtered them all showing no mercy.","label":-1,"idx":4981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To work well, the emotional tone of scaolding must be warm, sympathetic, and responsive.","text2":"Scolding children is not generally recommended.","label":-1,"idx":4982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When they all come, we finish it off.","text2":"We finish it before they get here.","label":-1,"idx":4983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reagan National controllers then vectored an unarmed National Guard C- 130H cargo aircraft, which had just taken off en route to Minnesota, to identify and follow the suspicious aircraft.","text2":"The controllers at Reagan told a National Guard aircraft to monitor the plane from the ground.","label":-1,"idx":4984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Interestingly, parents who are warm, communicative, and firm but appropriate in their expectations have children who are less drawn to TV, particularly violent TV.","text2":"Parents have a large role in the children's desire for TV consumption.","label":-1,"idx":4985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is correct.","text2":"Yes, as far as we know.","label":-1,"idx":4986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such a style marks both a reference work, A Feminist Dictionary , and the writings of theologian Mary Daly.","text2":"Mary Daly has not written anything.","label":-1,"idx":4987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For one hour they captivated their large audience of children and adults with stunning acrobatics and death defying spins from the rafters-","text2":"For an hour, they did amazing acrobatics hanging from a trapeze. ","label":-1,"idx":4988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the effects documented for retail-apparel-textile channels are more pervasive across other sectors similarly affected by channel integration, these changes could imply lower GDP volatility.","text2":"These changes could imply a much higher and even dangerous GDP volatility.","label":-1,"idx":4989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Adopting more of these practices also decreases the growth of inventory levels.","text2":"Inventory levels do not grow if these practices are put into use.","label":-1,"idx":4990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turn back the hands of time and remember when you made the decision to become a dental hygienist.","text2":"Try to remember when you decided to become a dental hygienist. ","label":-1,"idx":4991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are based, just like the traditional pun, on ","text2":"The traditional pun is based on something.","label":-1,"idx":4992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, if you know of or come across someone who needs our help, please give the card to him or her.","text2":"This card should be used by you only, please don't give it to anyone else.","label":-1,"idx":4993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Safire should take note.","text2":"Safire should ignore that.","label":-1,"idx":4994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, Bin Ladin had another a substantial, worldwide organization.","text2":"Bin Ladin had only local support.","label":-1,"idx":4995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The focus was on the President's statement to the nation.","text2":"Everyone was distracted by the prospect of more planes.","label":-1,"idx":4996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In each listing below, the boldface word is the word at which Framework stopped, offering to SUGGEST a substitute; the words following are the substitutions it suggested.","text2":"Framework always picked out the best term to use.","label":-1,"idx":4997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is a famous letter penned by Rupert Brooke to his friend, Edward Marsh, from somewhere near Fiji (p.","text2":"In the letter, Rupert Brooke described his latest adventures in great detail.","label":-1,"idx":4998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the help of new transportation and communications systems, the first company to market a wide variety of consumer goods exclusively by mail and parcel post was Montgomery Ward, formed in 1872.","text2":"Montgomery Ward entered the mail-order business about a decade after the first widely marketed companies did so.","label":-1,"idx":4999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Real work.","text2":"Enjoyable employment","label":-1,"idx":5000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's probably why I'm a theater major so I can kind of, you know, do what plays I want and then move on.","text2":"I am not interested in being in multiple plays.","label":-1,"idx":5001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From The Once and Future King , by T. H. ","text2":"The Once and Future King is by T.H.","label":-1,"idx":5002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you please share your name?","text2":"What should I call you?","label":-1,"idx":5003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No Challenge too Great for These Vets","text2":"These vets are able to handle any challenge.","label":-1,"idx":5004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Imagine the thousands of Alumni who might not be alumni if the Annual Fund did not exist.","text2":"The hope is that the Annual Fund will continue to be given out for many years.","label":-1,"idx":5005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"she said to them, to the guerrillas, Bastards!","text2":"She called the guerrillas bastards. ","label":-1,"idx":5006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sixteen seconds later, a passenger yelled,Roll it!","text2":"A passenger yelled the instructions sixteen seconds later.","label":-1,"idx":5007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Similarly, reverend means `one who is to be revered,' ordinand is `one who is to be ordained'; an old standby of crossword compilers, deodand , is a `thing to be given to God,' and legend is `something to be read.","text2":"Reverands deserve the up most respect from everyone. ","label":-1,"idx":5008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship.","text2":"We have never seen any evidence that the contacts ever collaborated with the operations.","label":-1,"idx":5009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift will make a difference.","text2":"You can't do anything to make a difference, you're useless.","label":-1,"idx":5010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were some were history books in there, too.","text2":"There were math books too.","label":-1,"idx":5011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please join us as we prepare for and enter into the 21st century.","text2":"Join us as we prepare to enter the 21st century.","label":-1,"idx":5012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who respond with sympathy and patience to their child's inclinations and demands are as taken to task as those who set clear expectations and relentlessly insist that their child shape up and comply with them.","text2":"Some sympathize with their child's needs, while others set clear expectations.","label":-1,"idx":5013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Employer resistance to unionization, arising from the highly competitive conditions in apparel markets and the significant percentage of total costs arising from labor, further compounded the problem.","text2":"Employers worked with workers to form unions that benefitted them both.","label":-1,"idx":5014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe not in the same class with all the birds sing bass","text2":"Maybe not where everyone sings the same.","label":-1,"idx":5015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time the military learned about the flight, it had crashed.","text2":"The military knew about the plane before the crash.","label":-1,"idx":5016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During their visit with us, they worked at resident and day camps, enjoyed homestays, toured the Indianapolis area, and visited YMCA branches.","text2":"When they visited, they had to take part in home-says.","label":-1,"idx":5017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only other one I know","text2":"I only know of one other one.","label":-1,"idx":5018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How This Book Is Organized","text2":"The book was incredibly disorganized before.","label":-1,"idx":5019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of like eating it with whipping cream.","text2":"It was disgusting, like eating whipped cream.","label":-1,"idx":5020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With help from a dissident member of the royal family, he managed to get out of the country under the pretext of attending an Islamic gathering in Pakistan in April 1991.","text2":".The member of the royal family that assisted him was the crown prince.","label":-1,"idx":5021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything else you want to talk about or is that pretty much all you had to say?","text2":"Did you say everything you needed to say to me?","label":-1,"idx":5022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the microstructure of dictionaries includes more than just it can embrace examples, illustrations, synonym essays, usage essays, etymologies, and all sorts of other information.","text2":"The microstructure of encyclopedias includes similar types of information.","label":-1,"idx":5023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said, But, don't you ever tell, that I told you, because-, he said.","text2":"He explained that I should never reveal that he had told me.","label":-1,"idx":5024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A perennial language puzzler is the famous yes in response to very nearly all questions and declarations.","text2":"A perennial lanugage puzzler is not famous at all.","label":-1,"idx":5025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do you try to counter that with your own children and will continue to try and counter that as grandchildren are added to your family?","text2":"How will you do it differently with your children? ","label":-1,"idx":5026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The father can beget new offspring safe from Macbeth's hand; the son is the palpable threat.","text2":"The son wants to kill him to marry his mom","label":-1,"idx":5027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To go on using in its former sense a word whose meaning has changed is counterproductive.","text2":"Words which are in their former sense tend to be more formal.","label":-1,"idx":5028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By shifting attitudes and teaching youth to understand each other, we halt the violence that plagues our schools and neighborhoods.","text2":"We teach youth to understand each other, which stops the violence in our schools.","label":-1,"idx":5029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The time of notification of the crash of United 93 was 10:15.","text2":"At 10:15 the notification of the crash took place.","label":-1,"idx":5030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Free admission to Audubon Nature Centers is another advantage of membership.","text2":"The first and biggest advantage of membership is free beer.","label":-1,"idx":5031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In that case, groups of sewing operators are trained in more than one assembly operation.","text2":"Groups of operators are prepared to handle ten different types of assemblies.","label":-1,"idx":5032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to make this decision for a SKU with a given level of demand variation, this firm's managers should weigh the increased unit costs arising from manufacturing smaller lots against the benefits this might create in shortening production lead times, which would reduce the amount of inventory the firm must hold for that product.","text2":"Increased unit costs are a factor that firm managers need to consider when examining a SKY with demand variability above a certain amount.","label":-1,"idx":5033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this way, modular assembly systems only yield real advantages in the presence of the other three practices.","text2":"Real advantages of modular assembly systems are only seen coupled with the other three practices.","label":-1,"idx":5034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is very economical of space and involves a clever computer ploy, but it does not provide a particularly useful synonym dictionary, for, as we all know, synonymy in language does not yield to the commutative law of mathematics; in language, Things equal to the same thing are not (necessarily) equal to each other. ","text2":"Synonymy does not conform with the commutative law of mathematics.","label":-1,"idx":5035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I don't know those are the, the sort of stick out in my mind about visiting Asheville.","text2":"Those things stick out in my mind about visiting Asheville.","label":-1,"idx":5036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"ELM members receive our quarterly Bulletin, the best source of information on environmental issues in Massachusetts.","text2":"Our Bulletin is the best source of information on environmental issues in Massachusetts, Elm members receive it quarterly.","label":-1,"idx":5037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift of sharing can bring comfort and hope to those most in need during this holiday season.","text2":"During this holiday season a gift of sharing will not be enough to give comfort and hope to those in need.","label":-1,"idx":5038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If that aim is sincere (and, by and large, it seems to be), the fifth estate may yet turn the bright light of science and scholarship on itself.","text2":"Media outlets that operate outside of the mainstream media do not mind confronting themselves with the bright light of science and scholarship.","label":-1,"idx":5039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nancy May and her husband promptly did so.","text2":"Nancy May is married.","label":-1,"idx":5040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Than Ines says to him, What was it?","text2":"She did not want to even ask.","label":-1,"idx":5041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Usually, they come in sets of three, one with its hands over its eyes, one over its ears, and one over its they were said to represent See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. ","text2":"Covering your eyes, ears, and mouth prevents evil spirits from entering your body.","label":-1,"idx":5042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The nine assets are known to enhance school success, educational aspirations, and the development of positive behaviors.","text2":"The nine assets lead to the development of negative behaviors.","label":-1,"idx":5043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Recent speculation has it that they were not slaves but'what would one call them?","text2":"They were definitely slaves?","label":-1,"idx":5044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"About a minute into the conversation, the call was cut off.","text2":"The call continued without problem.","label":-1,"idx":5045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When plies of cloth are piled high'a foot or more is not unusual'there are often wrinkles in the plies after they are cut.","text2":"It is better to not have high piles, in order to prevent wrinkles in the plies.","label":-1,"idx":5046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My sisters and I decided we would all ride up together in \/\/ the upchuck wagon.","text2":"Me and my sisters agreed that only they would be riding the upchuck wagon without me.","label":-1,"idx":5047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the last page is a short biographical note about the authors in which, through pronoun references, we learn that both are women.","text2":"There was a misprint in the authors note, which could point to one of them being a man.","label":-1,"idx":5048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other food names that have passed through the Texas pipeline into common usage are chile, enchilada, taco, tamale, tortilla, fr?\u00adjol, frito, picante, jalape??o, nacho, mescal, tequila , and margarita . It may be interesting to note the Spanish borrowed chile, tamale, mescal , and mesquite from the indigenous Indians before passing them on to us.","text2":"Certain words went from Native Americans to the Spanish and then to English Americans.","label":-1,"idx":5049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, a car was coming by with a white flag that meant peace and in that car there was a friend of Luis Alonso's and also a guerrilla came in that car.","text2":"A car with a white flag meant they were peaceful.","label":-1,"idx":5050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The primary funding source is the YMCA International Open, which will be held next year on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at noon at Pebble Brook Golf Club.","text2":"The YMCA International Open started at 9am on the 15th of July.","label":-1,"idx":5051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then came back in oh my gosh the second hand smoke in there was enough to kill uh, a farm full of people.","text2":"Many people were worried about the effects of the smoke.","label":-1,"idx":5052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neither do the rest of us who feel the positive results of their success.","text2":"The rest of us, who feel the positive results of their sucess, do neither.","label":-1,"idx":5053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within the FAA, the administrator, Jane Garvey, and her acting deputy, Monte Belger, had not been told of a confirmed hijacking before they learned from television that a plane had crashed.","text2":"The FAA administrator and her acting deputy first learned of the hijacking and crashes from television. ","label":-1,"idx":5054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're last gift of $50.00 helped make it possible for us to provide guidance, encouragement and fun to nearly 400 Indianapolis area children.","text2":"We were able to provide guidance, encouragement and fun to almost 400 Indianapolis children because of your last gift of $50.00, please consider giving more this year.","label":-1,"idx":5055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"W9 not only calls our attention to the definition of vocabulary entry in this book, but also introduces us to a wholly new notion, that of dictionary entry :","text2":"Dictionary entry is tightly tied to the idea of vocabulary entry.","label":-1,"idx":5056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No more treatments, no more.","text2":"Continue the treatments.","label":-1,"idx":5057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, Damon contends, modern child-centeredness has been stretched to the point of unrestrained child gratification, resulting in a youth culture in which children and adolescents are less engaged, less purposeful, less accomplished academically, and more egoistic and antisocial than in previous generations.","text2":"Damon contends that children are exactly as they have ever been in previous generations. ","label":-1,"idx":5058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society is, of course, such an organization, but it is much more than just that.","text2":"The American Cancer Society is an organzation that does a lot.","label":-1,"idx":5059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, the assembly of that garment often involves sewing together pieces from prearranged bundles sent by the manufacturer.","text2":"Creating the garment does not require anything from the manufacturer.","label":-1,"idx":5060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several passengers had terminated phone calls with loved ones in order to join the revolt.","text2":"The passengers were successful in their revolt.","label":-1,"idx":5061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Write and let us know what you are doing and how you are faring in the journey of life.","text2":"We would like an email to know this information. ","label":-1,"idx":5062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:34, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport advised the Secret Service of an unknown aircraft heading in the direction of the White House.","text2":"The Secret Service did not know about the aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":5063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Four, right.","text2":"Four.","label":-1,"idx":5064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shy and sociable children also require dierent adult interventions to promote exploration of their surroundings'an activity that (as Piaget pointed out) is essential for optimal cognitive development.","text2":"Children will explore their surroundings without any interventions by adults.","label":-1,"idx":5065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result of his well-meant and highly-appreciated gesture is that there is now in the deathless literature of entomology a robber fly species named Proctacanthus rodecki James, which is roughly translated Rodeck's thorny anus. ","text2":"There's a robber fly species who goes by the name of Proctacanthus rodecki James.","label":-1,"idx":5066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For Pleasant Run to continue to serve abused and neglected children and their families, we need your support.","text2":"Pleasant Run is also seeking willing foster parents to provide loving homes to children.","label":-1,"idx":5067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If a product has seasonal sales trends, then the manufacturer's inventory must rise to meet customer demand during peak seasonal demand.","text2":"The manufacturer's inventory will increase according to seasonal sales trends.","label":-1,"idx":5068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is almost certain to be in your area.","text2":"One of those chapters needs to be somewhere around here.","label":-1,"idx":5069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Table 7.2 reports the recommendations derived from the method.","text2":"Table 7.2 is the most comprehensive of its type to date.","label":-1,"idx":5070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Emboldened rather than satisfied, the Islamists continued to push for power-a trend especially clear in Egypt.","text2":"Islamists have been pushing for power all over the world, especially Egypt.","label":-1,"idx":5071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I haven't met one person at UNC-Charlotte that I didn't meet in my high school.","text2":"There are many people who attend UNC-Charlotte.","label":-1,"idx":5072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, actually when I went the whole first year, the whole first semester, because I worked at the pool on campus for a year.","text2":"I was employed at the pool during my first year.","label":-1,"idx":5073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In July, an Iraqi delegation traveled to Afghanistan to meet first with the Taliban and then with Bin Ladin.","text2":"An Iraqi delegation met with the Taliban and Bin Ladin in the summer.","label":-1,"idx":5074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, Usama Asmurai, also known as Wali Khan, worked with Bin Ladin in the early 1980s and helped him in the Philippines and in Tajikistan.","text2":"In the 1980s Usama Asmuri AKA Wali Khan, worked with Bin Laden in the Philippines and Tajikista, Khan is also tied to 911.","label":-1,"idx":5075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I hear them talk about how they'll never own their own home, I tell them there's hope for us, that I'm living proof and everything I've prayed on every night has been answered.","text2":"I try not to give people hope and let them know they will not ever have a home.","label":-1,"idx":5076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the callers ended her message as Everyone's running up to first class.","text2":"Everyone headed for the economy section on the plane. ","label":-1,"idx":5077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel assembly is described in the next chapter, but for now it is enough to say that all the pieces for a custom garment must be kept together during assembly.","text2":"More details about apparel assembly is in the next chapter, and then the final chapter covers apparel marketing.","label":-1,"idx":5078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When it left the ground at 8:42, the flight was running more than 25 minutes late.","text2":"The flight was right on time with it left.","label":-1,"idx":5079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The microphone was keyed, and immediately one of the hijackers said, Nobody move.","text2":"The hijackers would kill someone if they had to move.","label":-1,"idx":5080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He and the cleric Azzam had joined in creating a Bureau of Services (Mektab al Khidmat, or MAK), which channeled recruits into Afghanistan.","text2":"The religious leader had assisted in creating a new group to traffic people into the middle east.","label":-1,"idx":5081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although small-scale retailing continues, it is clear that an increasing proportion of retailing will be concentrated among a decreasing number of larger enterprises.","text2":"Small scale retailing will only be possible for another 15 years.","label":-1,"idx":5082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, but uh, mom would always sit us around at home at the evenings, um, and tell us about her days growing up.","text2":"We frequently listened to mom's childhood stories in the evenings.","label":-1,"idx":5083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet, many prefer chair to chairperson on the grounds of brevity and because it avoids the awkwardness of the longer alternative.","text2":"People would rather use the name chair than chairperson.","label":-1,"idx":5084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, the date given for the adjective lemon (as in lemon flavor, lemon color ) would draw one to the conclusion that those retarded speakers of the language needed some 300 years to use the noun as a modifier.","text2":"It may have taken 300 years for lemon to be used as an adjective. ","label":-1,"idx":5085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they went on, they didn't make it to the house.","text2":"The zombies got to them before the building did.","label":-1,"idx":5086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ivor Brown, in one of his delightful books on words, Random Words (1971), writes that Cuthbert had been an honored English name, but that somehow during the 1914'18 war it ceased to be a name and became an insult and was used of slackers who evaded military service.","text2":"Brown is an expert on language and has written many books.","label":-1,"idx":5087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' The Chinese character is simply a phonological rendering of a Viet word meaning `people.","text2":"The Chinese character is a phonological rendering of a Korean word.","label":-1,"idx":5088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the Pentagon was struck, Secretary Rumsfeld went to the parking lot to assist with rescue efforts.","text2":"The pentagon was attacked by terrorist cells and there was chaos. ","label":-1,"idx":5089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No examples have been given of answers that consist of more than one word.","text2":"None of these examples consist of more than a single word.","label":-1,"idx":5090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do you do? ","text2":"How are you?","label":-1,"idx":5091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It arose in reaction to the child passivity exacted in traditional classrooms, where pupils sat at their desks, listening to teachers transmit ready-made knowledge, and used textbooks as the main medium of learning.","text2":"There is a passiveness to the way children glean information when they just sit at their desks as teachers speak. ","label":-1,"idx":5092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this dialogue, which lasted only a few minutes, Mel conveyed important social values and a wealth of information to Ben'about responsibility for preserving the environment, about safety precautions, about the wonders of an unusual sea creature, about the beauty and utility of natural objects, and even about world geography.","text2":"Mel conveyed moral values to Ben.","label":-1,"idx":5093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He again asked for authorization to engage.","text2":"He once more requested the authorization to engage.","label":-1,"idx":5094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I prefer the latter approach, though I have of ten thought it might be only fair to mark such entries with some symbol (like a death's head).","text2":"My approach is absolutely correct.","label":-1,"idx":5095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Chair of Diagnostic Sciences for Indiana University School of Dentistry, Steve Bricker set a standard for excellence to which we all aspire.","text2":"Steve Bricker set a standard for excellence as well as help turn a large portion of the student population into pineapples. ","label":-1,"idx":5096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support enables the students to apply their knowledge and participate in the community.","text2":"Your support assists students in being proactive community leaders.","label":-1,"idx":5097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Usually, they come in sets of three, one with its hands over its eyes, one over its ears, and one over its they were said to represent See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. ","text2":"The statements - See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil - have no known representation.","label":-1,"idx":5098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The goal for Senior Challenge 1990 is to raise funds to purchase furnishings for the student lounges in the ET building and in the new building that will house Computer Technology and Engineering programs.","text2":"We will also be responsible for helping pick out new furnishings for the lounges.","label":-1,"idx":5099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's conversations about artistic trends.","text2":"The conversations concern artistic trends.","label":-1,"idx":5100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During that dialogue, the adult continually assesses the child's progress and creates the zone by keeping the task proximal 'slightly above the child's level of independent functioning.","text2":"The child's progress is very easy to pinpoint.","label":-1,"idx":5101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider a corporate donation of $2 Million or more to support Girl Scout programs and activities throughout Central Indiana.","text2":"We do not need donations from corporate sponsors.","label":-1,"idx":5102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Support at this level is assisting the dental school in a variety of ways.","text2":"Support entails leaving the dental school to its own devices. ","label":-1,"idx":5103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are flying way too low.","text2":"The plane was about to hit the ground.","label":-1,"idx":5104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whenever we need him, he's there.","text2":"He is always there when he is needed by us.","label":-1,"idx":5105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even words which are usually of more general reference are brought into relation with water in a text like this.","text2":"Words usually used in more generic contexts are brought into relation with water in such a text.","label":-1,"idx":5106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This statement was incorrect.","text2":"The statement was false.","label":-1,"idx":5107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result, the marginal costs for human sewing operators are lower than those of the complex robotic systems needed to guide sewing of limp fabric in most operations.","text2":"Human sewing operators come with lower marginal costs.","label":-1,"idx":5108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, Momma and I took trips back and forth to Chapel Hill and went through a couple of treatments and uh, you know, uh, ( ) uh, I had, had to have different shots each time I went back.","text2":"Momma and I took trips to Loving, Virginia for my treatments.","label":-1,"idx":5109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is a physical and social measure of the guild's success.","text2":"The social quantification of the guild's success is that.","label":-1,"idx":5110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The channel perspective, however, indicates why the demand uncertainty and risk associated with today's apparel industry offer new opportunities for U.S. firms.","text2":"Today's apparel industry has no risk or uncertainty.","label":-1,"idx":5111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even St. Paul, later the unregenerate prophet of female inferiority, was forced to acknowledge the help he received from Lydia, the seller of purple dyes in Philippi.","text2":"St Paul had to acknowledge the help he got from Lydia.","label":-1,"idx":5112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think I'd like to meet up with that genie!","text2":"I'd love to meet the genie!","label":-1,"idx":5113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To make it interesting, a little competition has been proposed --the class which contributes the most money and the class with the highest participation will be honored.","text2":"A little competition is most likely to draw more money and attention.","label":-1,"idx":5114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From 1950 to 1995, domestic production of apparel doubled, while textile production, less vulnerable to imports, increased almost three times.","text2":"Over a span of 45 years, domestic production of apparel doubled, while textile production tripled. ","label":-1,"idx":5115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strengthen Families -- Help victims of child abuse and neglect, answer crisis hotlines, prevent family violence and counsel the mentally ill;","text2":"Help victims of abuse and violence to strengthen families.","label":-1,"idx":5116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And where are you from?","text2":"I am from Eastern Europe on travel business.","label":-1,"idx":5117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In summary, NEADS received notice of the hijacking nine minutes before it struck the North Tower.","text2":"NEADS did not know about the hijacking until the North Tower had already been hit.","label":-1,"idx":5118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sydney looks for the clown's shoes but fails to find them.","text2":"Sydney found the clown's shoes behind the couch.","label":-1,"idx":5119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bodenheim's glossary indicates the term was popular long before 1946.","text2":"According to Bodenheim, the term was in use before 1946. It is still in use today as a matter of fact.","label":-1,"idx":5120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm trying to remember.","text2":"I'm attempting to find a way to remember.","label":-1,"idx":5121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, long hours in child care during infancy and the preschool years are linked to less favorable parent-child interaction.","text2":"Long hours in child care during infancy and preschool is associated with close bonds between parents and children.","label":-1,"idx":5122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller told his supervisor that he thought something was seriously wrong with the plane, although neither suspected a hijacking.","text2":"The controller told his supervisor that he thought the plane was crashing.","label":-1,"idx":5123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope to see you there!","text2":"I have no interest at all in seeing you. ","label":-1,"idx":5124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And because children build competencies by engaging in real activities in real contexts, dierent skills vary in maturity within the same child!","text2":"Kids engage in play activities to build competencies.","label":-1,"idx":5125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was pretty much, you know, on my own and I'm not used to that because in high school--","text2":"Being on my own was challenging because I had not experienced it previously when I was in high school","label":-1,"idx":5126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, over $10,000 in dental instruments, equipment, and supplies is needed to make the program successful.","text2":"The program can be started with no investment.","label":-1,"idx":5127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The manufacturer must deliver the ordered product quickly to the retailer.","text2":"Ordered products need to be delivered to the retailer quickly.","label":-1,"idx":5128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The environment has to be empowered with the capacity to transform the universal baby. ","text2":"The environment has the needs to transform the baby.","label":-1,"idx":5129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support enables the students to apply their knowledge and participate in the community.","text2":"Your support is of no benefit to the students.","label":-1,"idx":5130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is almost one month I haven't met you.","text2":"It's almost been a month and we still haven't met.","label":-1,"idx":5131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In some instances, ancient languages have been decoded, some from multilingual inscriptions.","text2":"Multilingual inscriptions have helped to understand some ancient languages.","label":-1,"idx":5132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That genie that came out of that lamp scared me half to death!","text2":"The genie didn't scare me in the least.","label":-1,"idx":5133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well she can't find any of it.","text2":"She found all of it.","label":-1,"idx":5134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because weekly demand variability is a key determinant of the finished inventory a manufacturer must hold, each firm should conduct an assessment of the demand variability of each item in the product line.","text2":"All firms are required to conduct assessments of demand variability from the product line.","label":-1,"idx":5135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1933 Garcia Lorca gave a lecture in Buenos Aires on the Teor?\u00ada y Juego del Duende (`Theory and Play of Duende '), which has become the bible of the initiates.","text2":"Garcia Lorca was killed by a stray bullet in 1928.","label":-1,"idx":5136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I know it's true that he landed on the highway we had the newspaper clippings to prove it.","text2":"He landed a passenger plane on the highway.","label":-1,"idx":5137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another of his happy expressions is inner-wards, meaning `since,' as in.","text2":"He has 10 happy expressions.","label":-1,"idx":5138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, it was dark, they really couldn't see.","text2":"There wasn't much light, so they couldn't really observe things.","label":-1,"idx":5139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"gun moll a double clipping of gonif's Molly, Yiddish for `thief's girl.","text2":"There are many words in the Yiddish language.","label":-1,"idx":5140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or high school?","text2":"Perhaps high school?","label":-1,"idx":5141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is a friendly, attractive picture-book.","text2":"This picture book shows colorful art.","label":-1,"idx":5142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plus, Native American artifacts are plentiful...and ruts created by covered wagon traffic on the- Oregon Trail are still clearly visible.","text2":"Today no trace remains of either Native American artifacts or wagon traffic on the Oregon Trail.","label":-1,"idx":5143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"). Einsteinian relativity theory, with its absolute maximum speed limit (the speed of light), might have put an end to such speculation had it not also included the concept of curvature of space.","text2":"Einsteins relativity theory defines the maximum speed limit as the speed of light.","label":-1,"idx":5144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"95 percent of the animals we take in come from Nashua.","text2":"Nashua has an extremely high stray dog population.","label":-1,"idx":5145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Rousseauian view provided the substrate for the twentieth-century counterpoint to a belief in the powerful role of children's inborn characteristics.","text2":"The important counterpoint to children's inborn characteristics is analyzed by the Rousseauian view. ","label":-1,"idx":5146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to grant these awards a fifth year, your continued support is critical.","text2":"We will be able to grant these awards for a fifth year whether you help us or not. ","label":-1,"idx":5147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their conservatism?","text2":"They are conservative.","label":-1,"idx":5148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But as they get older, I think children are so involved in other things.","text2":"The amount of media a child consumes leads them to stimulus overload.","label":-1,"idx":5149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I need a direction, a destination.","text2":"We could not find our way without a destination or direction. ","label":-1,"idx":5150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He did things very slowly and I don't think that wasn't necessarily the weed that he smoked, I think he just had a style of working and that was how he did it.","text2":"He smoked weed when he worked. ","label":-1,"idx":5151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Money for programs, for equipment, and for repairs and improvements to club facilities.","text2":"Funds to be used on programs, equipment and facilities.","label":-1,"idx":5152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . [Y]ou couldn't see any airplanes, and no one told us anything.","text2":"No airplanes were visible and we weren't kept abreast of information.","label":-1,"idx":5153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We maintain a kind of juggling act as we try to keep tuition costs in line.","text2":"We can't juggle tuition costs, they are what they are.","label":-1,"idx":5154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many members of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis can't afford to go to camp without financial assistance, and that's why we need you!","text2":"A donation of even $20 will help these children have a great summer.","label":-1,"idx":5155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since everthing is to be found in Shakespeare, it is not surprising that on at least two occasions the Board has contributed his own Red Pants nuggets.","text2":"Everything was found in Shakespeare, so it's not surprising that the board contributed some. ","label":-1,"idx":5156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 10:03, when United 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, there had been no mention of its hijacking and the FAA had not yet been added to the teleconference.","text2":"By 10:03, the FAA had not been added to the teleconference. ","label":-1,"idx":5157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking page 17 again, I was reminded that Giles is rather given to semi-serious poetic diction at times, and we find him referring to the presence of water in the Finke River as the stream purling over its stony floor or, quoting some bygone poet, brightly the brook through the green leaflets, giddy with joyousness, dances along. ","text2":"I was reminded the Giles tends to be poetic when he describes nature.","label":-1,"idx":5158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"UNCC is a good school, it's probably the right size, I wouldn't want to go to a bigger school so--.","text2":"I don't think that I would wish to attend a larger school than UNCC.","label":-1,"idx":5159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As will be described in chapter 7, al Qaeda contacts with Iran continued in ensuing years.","text2":"Al Qaeda received substantial sums of money from contacts in Iran.","label":-1,"idx":5160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the down words, they prefer turning up, traveling North , etc.","text2":"Down words prefer to remain down. ","label":-1,"idx":5161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well they get candy, Mom.","text2":"Mom, they never get anything.","label":-1,"idx":5162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The same argument can be used to explain why growing product variety has increased demand variation at the SKU As variety grows, demand is distributed among an increasing number of SKUs, thereby reducing the pooling effects of demand aggregation.","text2":"An increase in demand variation at the SKU is due to an increase in product variety.","label":-1,"idx":5163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The entries themselves are more or less helpful, depending on the information one is seeking.","text2":"One should seek out more than just the entries should they need help.","label":-1,"idx":5164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eort and participation, in turn, predicted better academic performance, which sustained the child's willingness to try hard in the future.","text2":"Children who try hard will ultimately succeed. ","label":-1,"idx":5165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are you down there?","text2":"Oh you're on the upper floor.","label":-1,"idx":5166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When American 11 struck the World Trade Center at 8:46, no one in the White House or traveling with the President knew that it had been hijacked.","text2":"The President was aware of American 11's hijacking before it struck the World Trade Center.","label":-1,"idx":5167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The early age of retailing was marked by the expansion of stores within major metropolitan areas, but in the early 1960s, retailers started flocking to large, enclosed suburban malls and non-enclosed strip malls. ","text2":"Retail was marked by the reduction of stores within metro areas.","label":-1,"idx":5168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's one thing about this school is they just give you like certain classes to take and they don't let you pick and choose what you want to take and stuff.","text2":"This school allows you to pick and choose whatever classes you want to take.","label":-1,"idx":5169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Funk dismisses Queen Elizabeth I and Betsy Ross as possible eponymous sources and concludes, It is much more likely to have been derived in some way from the frontiersman's rifle or gun which, for some unknown reason, he always fondly called Betsy.","text2":"Funk doubts that Queen Elizabeth I and Betsy Ross have had anything to do with the name.","label":-1,"idx":5170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Could you describe her?","text2":"Could you stop talking about her?","label":-1,"idx":5171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Golly, I never really got into poetry.","text2":"I was given a lot of poetry homework that I did not enjoy.","label":-1,"idx":5172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The enclosed brochure provides information on the old law school building, the Society, and the programs supported by private funds.","text2":"The brochure inside provides details about the programs that are financially supported by private funding. ","label":-1,"idx":5173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes I, I remember one story he told me in the yellow house.","text2":"From time to time I think about that story he told me in the yellow house.","label":-1,"idx":5174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 7:50, Majed Moqed and Khalid al Mihdhar boarded the flight and were seated in 12A and 12B in coach.","text2":"Majed Moqed and Khalid al Midhar were seated on an airplane.","label":-1,"idx":5175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thanking you in advance for your support, we remain,","text2":"Your support is appreciated.","label":-1,"idx":5176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The young child speaking to herself when tempted by a forbidden object ( Don't touch! )","text2":"The kid spoke to herself when thinking about touching the object.","label":-1,"idx":5177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Similarly, when in Chapter XXXIV of the same novel, Mrs. Bute reminds her husband that You'd have been screwed in goal, Bute, if I had not kept your money, she was not speaking of pleasures deferred.","text2":"Mrs. Brute reminded her husband that if he hadn't kept his money, hr would be screwed. ","label":-1,"idx":5178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"sometimes local events can generate chances for faculty and staff to assist the community because of their unique forms of expertise.","text2":"Faculty and staff love local events that give the chances to help the community.","label":-1,"idx":5179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only Luis Alonso had gone out.","text2":"Luis Alonso refused to leave, preferring that others went in his place.","label":-1,"idx":5180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For others, he offers simplistic conspiracies to explain their world.","text2":"The conspiracies are not used to explain views.","label":-1,"idx":5181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many, we may hope, have not yet been found.","text2":"Many of them have already been discovered.","label":-1,"idx":5182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They were off up the hill a little ways.","text2":"They were at the bottom of the hill.","label":-1,"idx":5183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They could not meet conditions if their competitors were free to ignore them.","text2":"If one workplace employed better conditions, other competitors undercut them by keeping their conditions worse.","label":-1,"idx":5184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But she betrays her own elitist insensitivity when she describes a flight attendant as the person who passes peanuts on an airplane. ","text2":"She betrays her own insensitivity when she talks about the flight attendant who gives out peanuts and how it's a good idea.","label":-1,"idx":5185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather, it means mind-to-mind communication without any observable intermediary'ESP.","text2":"Yes, mind-to-mind communication can only exist with ESP.","label":-1,"idx":5186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do you do then?","text2":"What do you like doing for fun?","label":-1,"idx":5187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ A wise decision\/\/ yeah.","text2":"It was a good decision. ","label":-1,"idx":5188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were some were history books in there, too.","text2":"The bundle included history books too.","label":-1,"idx":5189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" While we didn't generate as much gift income as you did, we were extremely pleased with the results, the overall favorable response to the nature of this ask, and the additional notes and comments received from these non-donors.","text2":"We raised less donations than your organization but feel that the outcome was favorable and that we gained much needed input from people who did not contribute. ","label":-1,"idx":5190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I told him, I don't cover for the guerrillas, or for you . Why would I cover for them?","text2":"I told him that I would cover for him.","label":-1,"idx":5191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But very soon, children's contribution increases, as can be seen in this short excerpt of a mother talking with her nearly 3-year-old daughter about a recent Halloween ","text2":"This excerpt portrays a mother communicating with her daughter about a recent event.","label":-1,"idx":5192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I chose disabled veterans because that's what I am.","text2":"I am not part of a disabled veteran group. ","label":-1,"idx":5193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such a style marks both a reference work, A Feminist Dictionary , and the writings of theologian Mary Daly.","text2":"Mary Daly, a feminist writer, has her own personal style.","label":-1,"idx":5194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a privilege and honor to be asked to serve as your Annual Fund class representative.","text2":"Serving as Annual Fund class representative comes wth many powers. ","label":-1,"idx":5195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hardly any attention has been paid to one-element clues.","text2":"One-element clues are not oft used.","label":-1,"idx":5196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers remained at the controls but must have judged that the passengers were only seconds from overcoming them.","text2":"The hijackers probably knew that the passengers were about to take over. ","label":-1,"idx":5197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was particularly interested in one that would allow me to designate a variety of typestyles during keyboard-ing, ideally one that showed the styles on the monitor as the text was being typed.","text2":"I had to pick one typestyle and couldn't change it.","label":-1,"idx":5198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Right after the Pentagon was hit, NEADS learned of another possible hijacked aircraft.","text2":"NEADS learned of another possible hijacked aircraft very soon after the Pentagon was hit.","label":-1,"idx":5199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the triangle's bottom are basic products that remain in a retailer's or manufacturer's collection for several years, such as men's white dress shirts or underwear.","text2":"Basic products can feel found at the triangle's bottom.","label":-1,"idx":5200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teach children.","text2":"Educate children about abuse.","label":-1,"idx":5201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"William Dillard's simple maxim1 succinctly captures the central'and perennial'inventory challenge facing retail managers.","text2":"Retail managers are plagued with issues and praise Dillard as a God-send.","label":-1,"idx":5202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controllers observed the plane in a rapid descent; the radar data terminated over Lower Manhattan.","text2":"The controllers warned local authorities of the situation.","label":-1,"idx":5203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The life-changing experiences that are made possible because of YMCA International work will remain with the youth and adults who participate for a lifetime!","text2":"There is no evidence that the YMCA has long - term benefits. ","label":-1,"idx":5204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And now that I know your own son is considering purchasing a motorcycle those stories hopefully can help him make \/\/ a wise decision \/\/.","text2":"Your son can learn from those experience if he buys a motorcycle.","label":-1,"idx":5205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Bleak House (Chapter XXIV) Dickens may cause some readers to blush when he wrote of Mr. George's blush that He reddened a little through his brown. ","text2":"Dickens did not write about Mr. George.","label":-1,"idx":5206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time the military learned about the flight, it had crashed.","text2":"The military could have taken down the plane.","label":-1,"idx":5207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So what did you actually do?","text2":"What was your job at the studio?","label":-1,"idx":5208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything your parents ever told you about her, stories that they ever did like when they were kids?","text2":"Did they tell you how she was secretly ripping her favorite pages out of books from libraries?","label":-1,"idx":5209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, notice Herron's window display at the city Center through October.","text2":"Herron showcases this until October in the center of the city.","label":-1,"idx":5210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These programs focus on keeping the family together by providing counseling and other services to the entire family.","text2":"Counseling services are provided for the whole family.","label":-1,"idx":5211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The lesson then taken from Libya was that terrorism could be stopped by the use of U.S. air power that inflicted pain on the authors or sponsors of terrorist acts.","text2":"We learned in Libya that terrorism could be halted if the US used air power without losing American lives.","label":-1,"idx":5212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These include what can be done about the continuing problem of sweatshops, the new international economics of trade, and the effect of information integration on the business cycle and consumer prices at the macroeconomic level.","text2":"Included is what can be done about the new international economics of trade.","label":-1,"idx":5213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two hundred and eighty-two thousand human beings died and tens of thousands more were left burned, maimed, and homeless.","text2":"Less than one hundred thousand human beings were affected.","label":-1,"idx":5214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the conclusions drawn by the OED's definers and commentators often cannot be supported by citational evidence'at least, not the citational evidence that appears in the published work.","text2":"OED's claims need to be more thoroughly investigated before people read their work.","label":-1,"idx":5215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Vygotsky, infants are biologically endowed with basic perceptual, attentional, and memory capacities that they share with other animals.","text2":"These shared memory capacities are assumed and have never been proven.","label":-1,"idx":5216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These U.S. firms do so through electronic data interchange (EDI), automated distribution centers, and sophisticated inventory management'a triumph of information technology, speed, and flexibility over low labor rates.","text2":"The firms exist in the U.S as they do also in other developed nations.","label":-1,"idx":5217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Deliveries made a day late are sometimes refused and sent back.","text2":"There was no time limit for when a delivery could be made.","label":-1,"idx":5218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Straightforward definitions (of all three varieties were gradually replaced by play on words, ambiguous phrasings, jumble games, and other verbal pranks.","text2":"Clear definitions were replaced to be more humorous.","label":-1,"idx":5219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The report of American 11 heading south was the first; Delta 1989 was the second.","text2":"The first report of the flight heading south was Delta 1989 and the second report was American 11.","label":-1,"idx":5220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(After all, you can't have a good intergalactic war when the next galaxy is, at the speed of light, 2,200,000 years away.)","text2":"It's difficult to have intergalactic wars because they are so far apart.","label":-1,"idx":5221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was raised in West Lafayette.","text2":"I have never been to West Lafayette before. ","label":-1,"idx":5222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Looking at these figures, or at the books themselves, one would assume that the two dictionaries are of roughly the same size.","text2":"The two dictionaries also seem to have the same amount of pages.","label":-1,"idx":5223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President remembered placing a call to the President just after entering the shelter conference room.","text2":"The Vice President did not enter the shelter at all. ","label":-1,"idx":5224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact, the retail systems of both Wanamaker and Walton integrated a variety of innovations that had already been pioneered by other retailers.","text2":"Walton's retail system borrowed from the ideas that had been utilized by other retailers.","label":-1,"idx":5225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 93 would ordinarily have taken off about 15 minutes after pulling away from the gate.","text2":"United 93 would usually take off 15 minutes after it pulled away from the gate at the airport but that day it was delayed 15 extra minutes.","label":-1,"idx":5226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card told us he was standing with the President outside the classroom when Senior Advisor to the President Karl Rove first informed them that a small, twin-engine plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.","text2":"Andrew Card advised the President how to act. ","label":-1,"idx":5227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know they're all like, Oh good!","text2":"They think it is good.","label":-1,"idx":5228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under the leadership of Dean H. William Gilmore, the second floor of the school was completely renovated this year.","text2":"Floor 2 of the school was renovated this year. ","label":-1,"idx":5229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to the reporting, Iraqi officials offered Bin Ladin a safe haven in Iraq.","text2":"Bin Ladin was offered a safety in Iraq by Iraqi officials.","label":-1,"idx":5230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, the bond here is Banquo's lease on life and his fatherhood, with great alluding to the supernatural powers of the witches, especially the Third Witch.","text2":"Banquo makes no mention of witches and their supernatural powers.","label":-1,"idx":5231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The issue was still undecided when the President conferred with the Vice President at about the time Air Force One was taking off.","text2":"The issue was decided immediately.","label":-1,"idx":5232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The manufacturer must deliver the ordered product quickly to the retailer.","text2":"Ordered products don't have to be delivered to the retailer quickly.","label":-1,"idx":5233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have to set some goals for myself next year.","text2":"I have to set some weight loss goals for next year.","label":-1,"idx":5234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Language is our primary avenue of communication with others and means through which we represent our experiences.","text2":"Language is a way that we communicate with others and tell our stories.","label":-1,"idx":5235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"analysand Another term from one of its words for `patient.","text2":"Another term is \"patient\", depending on what the person is doing.","label":-1,"idx":5236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tribal factions interfered with the supply missions.","text2":"Tribal factions got in the way of the supply missions between the Afghans and the Kurds.","label":-1,"idx":5237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Well, yes.","text2":"Yes.","label":-1,"idx":5238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing could stop you except perhaps retaliation in kind.","text2":"However, we're unwilling to go that far.","label":-1,"idx":5239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Another entry under L is Laadan , a language constructed by linguist Suzette Hayden Elgin and first used in her science fiction novel Native Tongue , a language which is designed to contain many woman function words not included in English.","text2":"Suzette Hayden Elgin created the Laadan language as an experiment in linguistics.","label":-1,"idx":5240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every attempt would be made to have the hijacked aircraft squawk 7500 to help NORAD track it.","text2":"Every attempt to help NORAD track it was made. ","label":-1,"idx":5241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We value your contributions to our programs.","text2":"We hope to maintain and possibly increase programs with your continuing support.","label":-1,"idx":5242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lee Hanson had heard a woman scream just before it cut off.","text2":"There was a woman screaming on the phone.","label":-1,"idx":5243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would be sad.","text2":"I would be downtrodden.","label":-1,"idx":5244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Panting red pants into the West.","text2":"Longing for black trousers into the West.","label":-1,"idx":5245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We could then stop asking the L-question : what is the future of the one-letter word?","text2":"Is there a future for the one letter word is a question we may stop asking.","label":-1,"idx":5246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Naturally, contractors for sewing assembly will not be allowed access to estimates of production costs and information about other suppliers; however, once a change is made in a garment's design, then everyone involved will have access to and can work from the identical information base.","text2":"Information about other suppliers is what sewing assembly contractors are typically most interested in.","label":-1,"idx":5247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, when followed up during the first few years of school, children who spent their kindergarten year in a highly teacher-directed classroom achieve more poorly than do agemates who come from kindergartens emphasizing play and hands-on, small-group projects.","text2":"Students from kindergartens emphasizing hands-on projects were the best in tests.","label":-1,"idx":5248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"newsprint As a young boy I found it unnatural that this means merely paper.","text2":"As a boy, I found paper to be very unnatural.","label":-1,"idx":5249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shirts with stripes, patterns, and uncommon colors constituted less than 30 percent of all dress shirts sold through the 1960s.","text2":"Plain black or plain white shirts accounted for 70% of dress shirt sales in the 1960s.","label":-1,"idx":5250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" When you say Man, said Oedipus, you include woman too.","text2":"Oedipus said that men are completely different to women","label":-1,"idx":5251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And it had to do with the description of all the cowboy paraphernalia that was, ah, existent at the time.","text2":"It barely mentioned anything about cowboy paraphernalia ","label":-1,"idx":5252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you feel like, do you think it would have been different if you had gone to school in Boston or someplace else up north?","text2":"If you went to a different school, do you think that would have changed things?","label":-1,"idx":5253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The average annual course load for first-year students in the day program (31 credit hours) costs $4,453 for residents and $11,588 for non-residents.","text2":"The annual course load for first-years costs unconscionably more for non-residents than for residents.","label":-1,"idx":5254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" He-American 11 is a hijack?","text2":"Is Amercan 11 a hijack?","label":-1,"idx":5255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm trying to remember.","text2":"I don't want to remember.","label":-1,"idx":5256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our class has been challenged to support a program which will directly benefit the students at the IU School of Dentistry.","text2":"Our ask has been asked to support a program to benefit IU students.","label":-1,"idx":5257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She does packages like First Aid stuff.","text2":"She receives First Aid packages and files them.","label":-1,"idx":5258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This book appears to have been diligently researched and has much to recommend it as an adjunct to most libraries, public and private, large and small, general and specialized.","text2":"The book was poorly researched and no one wanted to read it. ","label":-1,"idx":5259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No Challenge too Great for These Vets","text2":"Other vets are unable to handle some challenges.","label":-1,"idx":5260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"100 percent of campership contributions directly support camp scholarships.","text2":"We want all of the funds to go directly to providing a child with a fun summer.","label":-1,"idx":5261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Similarly, when in Chapter XXXIV of the same novel, Mrs. Bute reminds her husband that You'd have been screwed in goal, Bute, if I had not kept your money, she was not speaking of pleasures deferred.","text2":"Mrs. Brute didn't remind her husband about anything. ","label":-1,"idx":5262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This interest in literacy is well founded.","text2":"It is well founded to have interest in literacy.","label":-1,"idx":5263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 began turning south, away from the White House, at 9:34.","text2":"American 77 was on course for the White House after 9:34.","label":-1,"idx":5264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:33, the tower supervisor at Reagan National Airport picked up a hotline to the Secret Service and told the Service's operations center that an aircraft [is] coming at you and not talking with us.","text2":"Reagan National Airport did not notify the Secret Service about the rogue airplane.","label":-1,"idx":5265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Linguists examining Classical Greek, Latin, German, English, Slavic, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Lithuanian, Iranian, Hindi, and the other languages of India and Europe found that there were correspondences among many of the common words.","text2":"European languages are too similar to discern.","label":-1,"idx":5266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last but not least, responding to lean retailing requirements ultimately necessitates much more sophisticated demand forecasting, production planning, and manufacturing strategies than the practices employed by traditional suppliers.","text2":"No amount of careful thought or analysis is necessary to determine what the demand will be like.","label":-1,"idx":5267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There has been no entirely satisactory definition of science all proposals seem to exclude some work which individual readers would include in the genre.","text2":"The readers have agreed upon one definition of science.","label":-1,"idx":5268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were founded in 1989 by Ben and Luanne Russell who wanted to do something special for children here on Lake Martin.","text2":"They wanted to make an amusement park for children only, here on Lake Martin.","label":-1,"idx":5269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also aided a Pakistani group engaged in insurrectionist attacks in Kashmir.","text2":"It aided a Pakistani group engaged in insurrectionist attacks in Florida.","label":-1,"idx":5270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"God's grace is found in His forgiveness and unconditional love.","text2":"God's grace is found in His holy pardon and limitless love.","label":-1,"idx":5271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are very grateful for your last contribution of $95, an investment which paid off by touching lives in hundreds of ways throughout central Indiana.","text2":"Your investment has not been received.","label":-1,"idx":5272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And every year she comes out at night and asks people for rides home because she never get, she never got a chance to go visit her, her parents.","text2":"She always asks her parents for a ride home.","label":-1,"idx":5273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Need a Band-Aid, need some gauze, need some tape.","text2":"I need a Band-Aid, gauze and tape for my leg.","label":-1,"idx":5274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And ah, she, she made it up, a story about a, me and my cousin Phil, ah, going on this trip to the Canadian Northwest to hunt and meeting these little characters, uh, while we were there.","text2":"The story of me and Phil's trip to Canada's northwest region was true.","label":-1,"idx":5275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They do not have the resources necessary to purchase gifts or food for a holiday meal.","text2":"They are not lacking, and do not need our help. ","label":-1,"idx":5276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was horrible.","text2":"It was delightful.","label":-1,"idx":5277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did your parents read stories to you also?","text2":"Were you also read stories by your mom and dad?","label":-1,"idx":5278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Resulting in reduced risk of teen pregnancy, suicide, truancy, substance abuse and so many other crises.","text2":"This leads to a lower risk of teenage pregnancy and suicide.","label":-1,"idx":5279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The SIDS Alliance is a non-profit, tax exempt national voluntary health organization, established over a decade ago to combat SIDS.","text2":"The SIDS Alliance is tax exempt.","label":-1,"idx":5280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think he had on a short sleeve.","text2":"I think he wore a short sleeve t-shirt yesterday.","label":-1,"idx":5281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What was I to do in the men's community bath at a Japanese hotel (a ryokan ), besides wash?","text2":"Community baths are common in Japan. ","label":-1,"idx":5282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What attributes did she have that made you, um, respect her and view her as your hero even to this day?","text2":"What qualities did she have that made her your hero?","label":-1,"idx":5283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your interest in the Peace Education Program.","text2":"This is not the first time we have thanked you for your interest. ","label":-1,"idx":5284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was no response.","text2":"They didn't say anything.","label":-1,"idx":5285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers immediately began to move aircraft out of its path, and asked other aircraft in the vicinity to look for American 11.","text2":"Controllers started moving planes out of the way in case American 11 had a bomb on board.","label":-1,"idx":5286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the first use of computer-assisted pattern layout in the 1970s, computers and specialized information technologies have spread widely in the industry.","text2":"The 1970s is when computer-assisted pattern layout was first used.","label":-1,"idx":5287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among sympathetic peers in Afghanistan were a few of the warlords still fighting for power and Abu Zubaydah, who helped operate a popular terrorist training camp near the border with Pakistan.","text2":"Abu Zubaydah operated his terrorist group within Pakistani borders.","label":-1,"idx":5288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he was more active in naturally shopping and, and some, some positive feedback.","text2":"He like to shop naturally.","label":-1,"idx":5289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because we were driving from \/\/ NC all the way up to Riverside, NJ.","text2":"We were driving from NC to Riverside, NJ.","label":-1,"idx":5290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They have not a rag to cover their nakedness, and neither the weakness of age nor women's infirmities are any plea to excuse them, but they are driven by blows until they drop dead. ","text2":"The couldn't cover his nakedness so he just strutted around.","label":-1,"idx":5291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Army's answer to Sgt.","text2":"The Army never responded to the Sgt.","label":-1,"idx":5292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"9 percent decline from 1979 to 1997 compares with a 31.3 percent drop for textile mill products and 37.6 percent for all apparel workers.","text2":"The 1979 to 1997 decline is three times lower than the losses experienced in textile mill products and all apparel workers.","label":-1,"idx":5293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An investment with many returns of relief, love and opportunity.","text2":"There are a lot of returns on your investment.","label":-1,"idx":5294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pentagon had been struck by American 77 at 9:37:46.","text2":"The Pentagon building was hit by an airplane after nine o'clock.","label":-1,"idx":5295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Vygotsky, the object substitutions that permeate children's make-believe are crucial in this process.","text2":"Vygotsky understands that make-believe among children is permeated by object substitutions.","label":-1,"idx":5296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're sterile.","text2":"You made sure to clean thoroughly. ","label":-1,"idx":5297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before she died.","text2":"Something happened before she died.","label":-1,"idx":5298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you have any, do you have any sisters or brothers?","text2":"Do you have any brothers or sisters? I think I've seen your brother, or is he your cousin?","label":-1,"idx":5299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But for basic and fashion basic apparel products, for which frequent replenishment orders are becoming the norm, the practice of sourcing some of the assembly and sewing operations from nearby lower wage regions and countries is emerging.","text2":"Most assembly and sewing operations are paid the highest wages possible.","label":-1,"idx":5300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" He-American 11 is a hijack?","text2":"There were no hijacked planes.","label":-1,"idx":5301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The textile and apparel industries have often been intertwined in public policy discussions about international trade, the Uruguay round of trade negotiations, the role of World Trade Organization, NAFTA and its labor side-accords, the renewal of fast-track negotiating authority, imports from China and human rights standards, and so on.","text2":"The textile and apparel industries have not been interconnected to NAFTA or discussions about international trade.","label":-1,"idx":5302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a world where manufacturers must supply an increasing number of products with fashion elements, speed and flexibility are crucial capabilities for firms wrestling with product proliferation, whether they are retailers trying to offer a wide range of choices to consumers or manufacturers responding to retail demands for shipments.","text2":"Changing demands are forcing manufacturers to supply a diversity of products.","label":-1,"idx":5303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I forgot to ask you.","text2":"It slipped my mind to ask you.","label":-1,"idx":5304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift, made through Indiana University Foundation, is tax-deductible.","text2":"You can deduct gifts on your taxes because it's considered a charity. ","label":-1,"idx":5305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, my mother was probably so busy running around taking care of all of us, I guess she read, um, I think she read biographical things rather than um, novels.","text2":"My mother read us storybooks and novels and was never busy.","label":-1,"idx":5306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want him to hurt me so I'll get wise.","text2":"It is not his place to hurt me, I do not like it. ","label":-1,"idx":5307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We simply do not know.","text2":"We have it figured out.","label":-1,"idx":5308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On 9\/11, the defense of U.S. airspace depended on close interaction between two federal the FAA and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).","text2":"NORAD and the FAA both had a role to play in defending US airspace.","label":-1,"idx":5309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the poetry I remember and she taught us, you know, some poetry.","text2":"I remember some poetry she taught us.","label":-1,"idx":5310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These monies also help defray the cost of putting on activities for faculty and students such as the Herron Awards Night.","text2":"The money help pay for activities for staff and students.","label":-1,"idx":5311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The SIDS Alliance is a non-profit, tax exempt national voluntary health organization, established over a decade ago to combat SIDS.","text2":"The SIDS Alliance is tax exempt up to $5000.","label":-1,"idx":5312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of you responded in a positive manner by increasing your contribution or contributing to the fund for the first time.","text2":"Some of you responded positively by giving us 50 thousand dollars. ","label":-1,"idx":5313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A UPS is a mechanical overhead transport system that moves a unit of clothing from one work station to the next.","text2":"A UPS is an overhead moving system is the most important machine in the production line because it is the one who quickly moves units from one station to the next.","label":-1,"idx":5314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA representative who finally joined the call at 10:17 had no familiarity with or responsibility for hijackings, no access to decisionmakers, and none of the information available to senior FAA officials.","text2":"One representative from the FAA had no knowledge of hijackings. ","label":-1,"idx":5315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Conducts research on law reform issues currently facing Indiana and the nation","text2":"Does research on law reform issues facing our state and the country. ","label":-1,"idx":5316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The time of notification of the crash of United 93 was 10:15.","text2":"At 10:15 there was no notification of the airplane crash.","label":-1,"idx":5317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I plowed through a bunch of them that summer.","text2":"I read through a lot of books over the summer.","label":-1,"idx":5318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sixteen seconds later, a passenger yelled,Roll it!","text2":"All passengers remained quiet for the next few minutes.","label":-1,"idx":5319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:17, the Command Center advised headquarters of its conclusion that United 93 had indeed crashed.","text2":"The headquarters was advised that United 93 was still airborne. ","label":-1,"idx":5320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you have any, do you have any sisters or brothers?","text2":"You're an only child.","label":-1,"idx":5321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we don't we'll die!","text2":"We'll die if we don't do what they say!","label":-1,"idx":5322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How This Book Is Organized","text2":"This book isn't organized at all.","label":-1,"idx":5323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A typical marker for men's pants is shown in Figure 8.1 (page 137).","text2":"Figure 8.1 is located in the middle of page 137.","label":-1,"idx":5324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miyares isn't satisfied with the figures.","text2":"Miyares was happy with the figures that he got","label":-1,"idx":5325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He may have made an attempt to stop the hijackers in front of him, not realizing that another was sitting behind him.","text2":"He successfully apprehended one of the hijackers.","label":-1,"idx":5326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah and why was that particular one special?","text2":"What was special about that one?","label":-1,"idx":5327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One that will allow you to change pain into relief, anger into love, despair into opportunity -- and assure you that you'll be making central Indiana a better place to live, work and prosper.","text2":"Thanks to you the community is in shambles. ","label":-1,"idx":5328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When American 11 struck the World Trade Center at 8:46, no one in the White House or traveling with the President knew that it had been hijacked.","text2":"The White House was not aware of the other planes, either.","label":-1,"idx":5329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tell 'em if there's more out there, which we don't know, let's get 'em over Manhattan.","text2":"We know that there are plenty more going on out there. ","label":-1,"idx":5330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Retailers now prefer to place relatively small orders before the season and then observe consumer response to the product offering before ordering more.","text2":"Retailers place large orders at the end of a season.","label":-1,"idx":5331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"96 percent (173) of the 177 at-risk children enrolled in St. Mary's early childhood program demonstrated an increase in their social, emotional, physical, cognitive, speech and language development.","text2":"96% of at-risk kids improved their skills when the program was expanded.","label":-1,"idx":5332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At least ten passengers and two crew members shared vital information with family, friends, colleagues, or others on the ground.","text2":"Only five passengers shared any information with people on the ground.","label":-1,"idx":5333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The question a manager faces in this situation can be stated as For which dress shirts is it more profitable to pay $13.75 per shirt ($7.15 materials plus $6.60 production costs) but have a two-week production lead time, rather than $13.15 with an eleven-week lead time?","text2":"The managers is immune from dealing with apparel prices and lead times.","label":-1,"idx":5334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"89 percent of the at-risk pregnant women served by St. Elizabeth Home have given birth to healthy babies.","text2":"9% of at-risk pregnant women gave birth to healthy babies.","label":-1,"idx":5335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lean retailing is the major such change that retailers are adopting to reduce significantly the costs associated with product variety.","text2":"Stores are adopting lean retailing because it is expensive to have variety.","label":-1,"idx":5336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Winter Sports Clinic helped Urban a lot, JoAnn said. ","text2":"JoAnn told everyone that she was really angry with The Winter Sports Clinic, because they had let down her friend Urban.","label":-1,"idx":5337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We simply do not know.","text2":"We have no idea.","label":-1,"idx":5338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We can be proud of the graduates of our law school.","text2":"Our school breeds quality and intelligent lawyers. ","label":-1,"idx":5339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's all silver.","text2":"The bracelet is all silver.","label":-1,"idx":5340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be able to distinguish among types of yes 'to be able to discern when that word means no or perhaps or yes, I don't think so 'that would mean that one had become intimately Japanese.","text2":"To be able to tell the difference between types of 'yes' is something that is not intimately Japanese.yes","label":-1,"idx":5341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Having no real anesthesia to ease the agony of amputation or surgery, a surgeon of two centuries ago offered wounded soldiers the only pain reducer available'a bullet to bite on.","text2":"Two hundred years ago, anesthesia was not used and surgeons would just give the soldiers a bullet to bite down on to relieve pain. ","label":-1,"idx":5342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teach children.","text2":"Educate adults.","label":-1,"idx":5343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The February 1998 fatwa thus seems to have been a kind of public launch of a renewed and stronger al Qaeda, after a year and a half of work.","text2":"Al Qaeda ceased its operation effective from February 1998.","label":-1,"idx":5344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Jameson Grill has been designed to be nothing but fun for you, your family, employees, and maybe even your neighbors.","text2":"The Jameson grill was designed to be fun for everyone, come in and visit us, we think you'll agree!","label":-1,"idx":5345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they went through, since they were carrying him away like that.","text2":"Since they were carrying him away, they proceeded on through and escaped.","label":-1,"idx":5346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Having rebuilt his fund-raising network, Bin Ladin had again become the rich man of the jihad movement.","text2":"Bin Ladin was given money by people who agreed with his views.","label":-1,"idx":5347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two checked bags; two did not.","text2":"The two who checked bags were the two oldest of the group.","label":-1,"idx":5348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Specifically singling out U.S. forces for attack, the language resembled that which would appear in Bin Ladin's public fatwa in August 1996.","text2":"Bin Laden singled out U.S. forces to be attacked.","label":-1,"idx":5349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What are the appropriate labor standards?","text2":"Inquiring about appropriate labor standards.","label":-1,"idx":5350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the new dean for Engineering and Technology I am delighted to have this opportunity to contact you.","text2":"In the future, I will be available by email or phone should you have any questions.","label":-1,"idx":5351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"while dialing with their hands or without acting out the event at all.","text2":"It's preferable that they're able to act out this event.","label":-1,"idx":5352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's imaginative play, Vygotsky pointed out, contains an interesting paradox.","text2":"Children like to have crazy imaginative play.","label":-1,"idx":5353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are actually two things at work in the Handbook : one is a genuine concern, when a generalized statement about people is to be made, about being unfair to women through the use of references which, though denotatively neutral, carry the strong scent of maleness.","text2":"The handbook's concern is fair considering that most generalized statements were seen to have been written by men.","label":-1,"idx":5354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The donations will enable the __ Unit to continue supporting the research, educational and service programs.","text2":"Research, educational and service programs are all enabled by donations.","label":-1,"idx":5355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their sense of being overworked and overcommitted, with few moments to spare, must be taken seriously.","text2":"Their sense of being overworked and overcommitted is a trivial matter.","label":-1,"idx":5356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know, do I have any other fantastic stories I've told you?","text2":"I don't have any more stories at all.","label":-1,"idx":5357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's see, the others that I could think of that I read recently, there were some Civil War books written by Jeffrey Shaara and the other by his son Michael.","text2":"Michael was sucked into the topic because of his father. ","label":-1,"idx":5358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When an artilleryman broke and ran, the enemy could turn the guns to their own use.","text2":"If an enemy retreated their guns could be used.","label":-1,"idx":5359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am pleased to have survived nearly five months as Geology's new chairman.","text2":"I'm glad to be the Geology's chairman for nearly five months.","label":-1,"idx":5360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This new Building contains state-of-the-art labs that give our students the hands on training necessary for a good education in engineering and technology.","text2":"Students can gain hands on training in the new building","label":-1,"idx":5361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first commandment in the puzzlers' bible Thou shalt not waste words.","text2":"The first rule for puzzlers is not to waste words. ","label":-1,"idx":5362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it kind of killed an hour out of our trip as far as time, but we had a lot of fun at that uh, that funeral.","text2":"We didn't want to go at first but when we got there we had a lot of fun.","label":-1,"idx":5363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Piedras de Sal, that was, like a, pretty, level, place where, they gathered.","text2":"They gathered at Piedras de Sal.","label":-1,"idx":5364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We lived in uh, in dairy land country and uh, little things you missed which now I don't know if I like or not.","text2":"You missed little things in the country.","label":-1,"idx":5365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nobody understands an injunction to address the chair as an order to talk to a piece of furniture.","text2":" Nobody understands an injunction to address the chair","label":-1,"idx":5366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our Father, which art in heaven, Harold be Thy name.","text2":"Our father, who resides in heaven with his wife, is called Harold.","label":-1,"idx":5367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had joined al Qaeda and taken the oath of fealty to Bin Ladin, serving as one of his business agents.","text2":"He was one of al Qaeda's most important business agents after swearing fealty to Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":5368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the Second Edition, published after the M and S Handbook and, presumably, in the next round they refer to, defines the word as a young person.","text2":"The first edition is much less proficient than the second","label":-1,"idx":5369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American Airlines Flight 77 FAA Awareness.","text2":"Flight 77 serves as an example of precautions the FAA need to take.","label":-1,"idx":5370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're sterile.","text2":"You are sterile. ","label":-1,"idx":5371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Khifa recruited American Muslims to fight in Afghanistan; some of them would participate in terrorist actions in the United States in the early 1990s and in al Qaeda operations elsewhere, including the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in East Africa.","text2":"American Muslims were recruited to fight in Afghanistan by Al Khifa. ","label":-1,"idx":5372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And as parents recount the misdeeds of their children, the children gain access to others' evaluations of their egocentric, inconsiderate acts.","text2":"The parents talked about all the good things the children had done.","label":-1,"idx":5373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Starting over can be very hard -- especially for people who don't have family or financial resources to draw from in an emergency.","text2":"Starting is always the easiest part, even for people with no financial resources.","label":-1,"idx":5374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said, But, don't you ever tell, that I told you, because-, he said.","text2":"He was worried about having told me about it. ","label":-1,"idx":5375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the conclusions drawn by the OED's definers and commentators often cannot be supported by citational evidence'at least, not the citational evidence that appears in the published work.","text2":"OED's commentators can not be supported by evidence in the work.","label":-1,"idx":5376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thanking you in advance for your support, we remain,","text2":"Your support is anonymous, so we will be unable to express our thanks personally.","label":-1,"idx":5377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The way it works is after completing an article, chapter of a book, or whatever it is that I am working on, I press a few keys and the program automatically scans every word of text, comparing each with a dictionary contained in the program.","text2":"I have an automatic dictionary scanner","label":-1,"idx":5378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In each listing below, the boldface word is the word at which Framework stopped, offering to SUGGEST a substitute; the words following are the substitutions it suggested.","text2":"Framework picked out other words that would work.","label":-1,"idx":5379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, um, is there anything else you'd like to add?","text2":"The time has passed for you to add anything else.","label":-1,"idx":5380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Users of the L will be far better off if spared the technique of defining in the W , carried over from the Third Unabridged , in which the full explanatory definition is abandoned in favor of a scattering of synonyms set in SMALL CAPITALS, which, more often than not, are likely to lead the user who has the paitence to pursue them to other words defined in the same inept manner.","text2":"Users of the L will be far better off if spared the technique of defining in the W, as opposed to defining what the W is.","label":-1,"idx":5381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did a number on your toe didn't it?","text2":"The brick falling on your foot did a number on your toe, didn't it?","label":-1,"idx":5382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We must move ineluctably to a consideration of perfectly reputable words which, having acquired sexual connotations, cause adolescent'and often adult' hilarity, even when read by a person of only mildly prurient mind.","text2":"We have to think about words that have sexual meanings that didn't start out that way until the Internet came along.","label":-1,"idx":5383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"reuseable disposable plates draft beer in a bottle in-store warehouse sale boneless bar-b-p ribs","text2":"The sale had so many great deals on lots of products. ","label":-1,"idx":5384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soaks are shallow wells sunk near the base of an outcrop to tap an underground reservoir.","text2":"Soaks are shallow wells that tap into a reservoir under the mountain.","label":-1,"idx":5385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can prove what you can do.","text2":"Show what you can do.","label":-1,"idx":5386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even though she's no longer physically on the planet.","text2":"She died when I was four years old.","label":-1,"idx":5387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again, that seen and not heard kind of thing.","text2":"I wanted to be seen and heard.","label":-1,"idx":5388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The call then ended, at about 9:34.","text2":"The call was over at around noon. ","label":-1,"idx":5389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around this time Sweeney told Woodward that the hijackers were Middle Easterners, naming three of their seat numbers.","text2":"Sweeney could only remember three of the seat numbers of the the hijackers. ","label":-1,"idx":5390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will go toward the general operating funds of the School or the Gallery, as you choose.","text2":"It is your choice whether the money will go to the gallery or the school.","label":-1,"idx":5391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They echo the old question, posed regularly by missionaries, anthropologists, and linguists, as to whether women speak (or chatter, a word used only for females and nonhumans) a different language, a dialect, a genderlect with each other and with men, whether they can, do, or should speak what the title of Dale Spender's book calls Man Made Language . The answers often appear in measured, academic prose.","text2":"The questions they are asking are all new and unique.","label":-1,"idx":5392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Practically all the manufacturers were first-generation Jewish immigrants.","text2":"There were also high amounts of Italian manufacturers.","label":-1,"idx":5393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please continue that tradition by completing and returning the enclosed pledge card.","text2":"Please fill out and send back the enclosed pledge card to continue that tradition.","label":-1,"idx":5394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"$500 summer sponsor pays for a visit from a professional artist, magician, or zookeeper.","text2":"To have one of these professional come would be life-changing.","label":-1,"idx":5395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The proofreading is slightly moronic, for the program cannot alert the user to an error like an for and, because an is a valid word in its memory; still, it is better than nothing.","text2":"The proofreading program is far from perfect but it's the only one available.","label":-1,"idx":5396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reagan National controllers then vectored an unarmed National Guard C- 130H cargo aircraft, which had just taken off en route to Minnesota, to identify and follow the suspicious aircraft.","text2":"The controllers at Reagan told a National Guard aircraft to follow the plane.","label":-1,"idx":5397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the past our relationship with the City has been quite good, but we have never been able to achieve 100 percent funding for the services the City expects and that which the community requires.","text2":"Despite getting on well with the city, we've never had enough funding.","label":-1,"idx":5398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What would change for that boy or girl?","text2":"What new circumstance would that boy or girl find themselves in?","label":-1,"idx":5399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The neuropathy and blindness caused him to cling to the center walls for balance and orientation.","text2":"The man appreciated the sight of the beautiful paintings on the walls: as he stood placidly, he marvelled at the fine details of dress of the figures in the paintings, and the care that the artist had put into painting every dewdrop.","label":-1,"idx":5400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You used to?","text2":"You never did that before in your life?","label":-1,"idx":5401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"2. Contact your ward Alderman and lobby for his\/her support of the Humane Society's needs.","text2":"Thanks to your efforts last year, we raised $100,000.","label":-1,"idx":5402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A psychological self is not firmly in place until age 3 or 4. ","text2":"A psychological self is a big step in a child's development.","label":-1,"idx":5403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do you do then?","text2":"What time do you sleep?","label":-1,"idx":5404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Practically all the manufacturers were first-generation Jewish immigrants.","text2":"First-generation Jewish immigrants were not one of the groups responsible for manufacturing.","label":-1,"idx":5405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Johnson's poem this becomes a fasting Mounseer. ","text2":"This does not be come a fasting Mounseer in Johnson's poem.","label":-1,"idx":5406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, life there in the country is, nice, tranquil.","text2":"Country living is much more simple than being in a city.","label":-1,"idx":5407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now we, now we didn't, we didn't pay attention to the kids, we had forgotten about the kids, we were going to attend to my brother.","text2":"The kids were going to be fine but my brother was dying.","label":-1,"idx":5408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even so, use of bar codes has become the norm for apparel-makers and retailers; to date, few channel partners have failed to make this change.","text2":"The use of bar codes is greater now than it was 5 years ago.","label":-1,"idx":5409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the magnitude of these differences varies as exchange rates fluctuate, under any realistic exchange-rate scenario, the labor cost differential is sufficiently high to put U.S. manufacturers at a very significant competitive disadvantage.","text2":"The differences between exchange rates can vary, but the difference between labor and cost puts manufacturers at a disadvantage.","label":-1,"idx":5410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, he, is, when, a shell like this falls that went into the ground, but, a lot.","text2":"A shell like this falls into the ground.","label":-1,"idx":5411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is a small arsenal of words and expressions that turn out to be figurative spark-offs from the language of guns and cannons.","text2":"Great authors always use figurative language in their writings.","label":-1,"idx":5412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So that one you really enjoyed and you read over and over again?","text2":"To clarify, you read that one repeatedly? ","label":-1,"idx":5413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Opponents of today's rulers have few, if any, ways to participate in the existing political system.","text2":"The current political system, by its very design, hinders the participation of the opponents of today's rulers.","label":-1,"idx":5414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the law school's assistant dean for development, I am especially sensitive about our efforts to create new or increased sources of income.","text2":"I feel I am not good enough at my job to find new income sources.","label":-1,"idx":5415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about the time when the Taliban were making their final drive toward Jalalabad and Kabul, Bin Ladin issued his August 1996 fatwa, saying that We . . . have been prevented from addressing the Muslims, but expressing relief that by the grace of Allah, a safe base here is now available in the high Hindu Kush mountains in Khurasan.","text2":"Bin Ladin was not prevented from addressing Muslims prior to his August 1996 fatwa.","label":-1,"idx":5416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the triangle's bottom are basic products that remain in a retailer's or manufacturer's collection for several years, such as men's white dress shirts or underwear.","text2":"Underwear is the most common product type that remains in a retailer's collection for seven years.","label":-1,"idx":5417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe that this is the best format in which to contribute our class gift since it benefits all concerned.","text2":"We think that this is the best way to give. ","label":-1,"idx":5418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She tells me that the 3,666 people we helped find jobs in 1998 earned approximately $49 million dollars.","text2":"She tells me that the 3,666 people that we helped find jobs earned nearly $50 million dollars over the past ten years. ","label":-1,"idx":5419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have enclosed a packet of information about MCCOY and its work as well as an application with various options for supporting the youth of our community.","text2":"An application with various options for boycotting our community youth programs is enclosed, I don't recommend wasting your money or time, I have also enclosed a packet of info about McCoy and it's work which is also a scam outfit.","label":-1,"idx":5420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Third, NEADS needed orders to pass to the pilots.","text2":"The third thing was that NEADS was in need of orders.","label":-1,"idx":5421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We invite you to consider a contribution.","text2":"We extend an offer for you to think about contributing.","label":-1,"idx":5422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are generally capable of conducting ourselves in the company of others who have been group-educated to college level.","text2":"We find ourselves able to mix well with the uneducated. ","label":-1,"idx":5423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each worker specializes in one, or at most a few, sewing operations.","text2":"Each worker does one or a few sewing operations in the factory.","label":-1,"idx":5424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first two chapters provide an overview and historical context.","text2":"The initial two chapters jump straight into the main body of the book.","label":-1,"idx":5425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are sure that the nation owes a debt to the passengers of United 93.","text2":"This country does not owe a thing to the passengers of United 93.","label":-1,"idx":5426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1992, the mean response time for replenishing products that the supplier had agreed to provide on this basis was 2.9 weeks among those business units that had adopted none of the four practices.","text2":"The mean response time in 1992 was 2.9 months.","label":-1,"idx":5427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They used knives (as reported by two passengers and a flight attendant), Mace (reported by one passenger), and the threat of a bomb (reported by the same passenger).","text2":"The hijackers had multiple weapons, and a hidden bomb.","label":-1,"idx":5428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The largest numbers came from the Middle East.","text2":"The Middle East was not a major contributor.","label":-1,"idx":5429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The defense of U.S. airspace on 9\/11 was not conducted in accord with preexisting training and protocols.","text2":"On 9\/11, the defense of airspace was conducted exactly as the protocol outlines it","label":-1,"idx":5430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe once in a while.","text2":"About every other month or so","label":-1,"idx":5431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These measurements, along with the style of jeans and the type of fabric, are sent to a sewing plant where they are cut, sewn, and then mailed to the customer.","text2":"Detailed information of an apparel is disseminated to a sewing plant for production.","label":-1,"idx":5432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, um, she read, I forgot about the nursery rhymes.","text2":"She read the nursery rhymes, even though I forgot.","label":-1,"idx":5433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An efficient marker will have larger sizes of pants balanced with smaller sizes.","text2":"Efficient markers will balance smaller pant sizes with larger ones.","label":-1,"idx":5434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When considered on a weekly basis, this translates into average weekly demand across all retail outlets of less than ten units.","text2":"Checking the weekly scope, demand from retail outlets peak at 25 units.","label":-1,"idx":5435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another class, equally important in cryptoland, is that of Graphic Clue Elements.","text2":"Graphic clue elements are important in cryptoland. ","label":-1,"idx":5436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"FAA rules allow use of this seat by documented and approved individuals, usually air carrier or FAA personnel.","text2":"FAA personnel need to go through dozens of evaluations to have this role.","label":-1,"idx":5437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here and there in this morass of misunderstanding, Miles treads on solid ground if one can agree with the eminent anthropologist Joseph Campbell.","text2":"Miles work is renowned for it's clarity and truth.","label":-1,"idx":5438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To the first, they say that America had attacked Islam; America is responsible for all conflicts involving Muslims.","text2":"They were told the America attacked Islam and is responsible for Muslim conflicts.","label":-1,"idx":5439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While Mr. Conniff is doubtless aware of the connection, he does not mention the fact that Johnson's poem is throughout a very close and respectful pastiche of the Latin poet Juvenal's Satire III, on the city of Rome.","text2":"Mr. Conniff did not want to tell Johnson that his poem was respectful of Juvenal's Satire III.","label":-1,"idx":5440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His son told I think they've taken over the cockpit-An attendant has been stabbed- and someone else up front may have been killed.","text2":"His son did not see anything that happened.","label":-1,"idx":5441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This makes them an especially powerful tool for assisting children in building an internal mental life infused with a cultural worldview.","text2":"They had assisted many other children before. ","label":-1,"idx":5442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The same argument can be used to explain why growing product variety has increased demand variation at the SKU As variety grows, demand is distributed among an increasing number of SKUs, thereby reducing the pooling effects of demand aggregation.","text2":"More product variety decreases demand variation at the SKU.","label":-1,"idx":5443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are flying very, very low.","text2":"The plane flew lower to the ground.","label":-1,"idx":5444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can parents and teachers actually witness young children undergoing these social-to-psychological transformations?","text2":"Teachers and parents often miss these transformations in young children.","label":-1,"idx":5445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other buying practices came from small shops.","text2":"Small shops offer other buying methods.","label":-1,"idx":5446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most of the year, this patio is filled with students sitting on inadequate seating.","text2":"This patio has more than enough seating for all of our students. ","label":-1,"idx":5447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm like--","text2":"I was saying.","label":-1,"idx":5448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you um, what kinds of things do you read now other than some authors that you like mentioned.","text2":"Do you read many other authors now?","label":-1,"idx":5449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about, about three weeks later, then arrived a group of about four, at my brother's house, and told him, that they were coming to, to be, that is to take control of the place, where we lived.","text2":"I wanted to fly out of the country as soon as they arrived.","label":-1,"idx":5450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. in Bere Regis, who was born in the village and who speaks with a delicious Dorset burr, always uses I instead of me. ","text2":"Bere Regis was born in San Francisco.","label":-1,"idx":5451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" That's the last report.","text2":"The was the last report given.","label":-1,"idx":5452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The purpose of the Fund will be to help Indiana University to continue to excel in teaching and research in graduate periodontics.","text2":"The University of Indiana has a mediocre level of teaching available.","label":-1,"idx":5453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Calls for help from families that need the crisis services VNS provides for their children ring throughout the season.","text2":"Families need crisis services the most in December.","label":-1,"idx":5454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember what kind of stories they were?","text2":"Do you remember what kind of toys you had?","label":-1,"idx":5455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These cost savings will be used to reduce prices and compete more aggressively with Dell and Gateway 2000 that do not work through distributors.","text2":"Dell and Gateway 2000 use distributors which means they have higher costs.","label":-1,"idx":5456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What factors contributed to Hannah's turnabout?","text2":"Hannah has never turned about in her entire life, and she's not going to stop now.","label":-1,"idx":5457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the time of year when we give thanks for the warmth and love that surrounds us.","text2":"It's tough to keep going when nobody supports us.","label":-1,"idx":5458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Answer 34,700 opportunities to change a life!","text2":"There is no way to help out","label":-1,"idx":5459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lean retailing is the major such change that retailers are adopting to reduce significantly the costs associated with product variety.","text2":"Lean retailing is over half of the cost of having a variety.","label":-1,"idx":5460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To determine the optimal quantity for a SKU, the retailer finds the number of units to order so that the expected marginal cost of stocking an additional unit and not being able to sell it equals the expected marginal cost of not stocking that unit when it would have sold if available.","text2":"Hats often sell with high profits so they are quite popular with retailers.","label":-1,"idx":5461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was you know, you kind of felt important at that point because you've, you've graduated to next level of adolescence, you're now helping the bus driver.","text2":"Helping the bus driver made you less important. ","label":-1,"idx":5462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD asked three times before 10:03 to confirm the presence of the FAA in the teleconference.","text2":"The FAA was present in the teleconference with NORAD.","label":-1,"idx":5463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On September 11, the flight carried 58 passengers.","text2":"The flight carried 158 passengers on September 11.","label":-1,"idx":5464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..um, most impact on me?","text2":"Biggest influence on me?","label":-1,"idx":5465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\How old were you?","text2":"Were you 12?","label":-1,"idx":5466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" And he's heading into Washington?","text2":"He is heading to Washington, D.C?","label":-1,"idx":5467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He told us he based this authorization on his earlier conversation with the President.","text2":"He said the authority came from the President.","label":-1,"idx":5468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All of our initiatives are to drive consumer value.","text2":"Consumer's having value makes a consumer buy more product.","label":-1,"idx":5469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" I can't get this one in.","text2":"I can get this thing in easily.","label":-1,"idx":5470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It began at 9:29, with a brief two aircraft had struck the World Trade Center, there was a confirmed hijacking of American 11, and Otis fighters had been scrambled.","text2":"The brief said two aircraft had struck the towers and one other plane was hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":5471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"GENI also promotes the expansion of geography in teacher training curriculums and in K-12 curriculums.","text2":"GENI promotes every topic except for geography. ","label":-1,"idx":5472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miles suggests that such domination is a recent phenomenon'only a couple of thousand years old'for she points to the clear superiority of women in (primitive) religions and matriarchies, right on through to the Egyptian dynastic rulers.","text2":"Miles points out the superiority of women in primitive religions and matriarchies.","label":-1,"idx":5473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, biological makeup, everyday tasks, and the people who support children in mastery of those tasks vary greatly, resulting in wide individual dierences in specific skills.","text2":"Biological makeup leads to large differences between people.","label":-1,"idx":5474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were helping my niece and nephew paint a new house that they bought and uh, he uh, little Raymond was with us.","text2":"We unfortunately painted some of the windows shut!","label":-1,"idx":5475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ice cold milk and uh, pull it out of course it was whole milk and cream on top.","text2":"We would pull the milk out when it was cold.","label":-1,"idx":5476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I offer the following as a sampler of words that delightfully and sometimes disconcertingly confuse.","text2":"This is a variety of words that can occasionally cause confusion.","label":-1,"idx":5477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indiana University competes with 54 other dental schools throughout the country for the very brightest and most highly qualified candidates.","text2":"Indiana University has a horrible reputation among dental schools.","label":-1,"idx":5478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Donors receive tax credits equaling 50 percent of their contributions.","text2":"Only the top tier donors receive tax credits. ","label":-1,"idx":5479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In which part of the country?","text2":"What part of the country?","label":-1,"idx":5480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A final instance will make my point.","text2":"My point will be complete with this final instance.","label":-1,"idx":5481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through writers like Qutb, and the presence of Egyptian Islamist teachers in the Saudi educational system, Islamists already had a strong intellectual influence on Bin Ladin and his al Qaeda colleagues.","text2":"Islamists had a strong influence on Bin Laden and al Qaeda. ","label":-1,"idx":5482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among the many important roles it plays, the most significant is that this fund allows 114 of the student body the opportunity to attend Cathedral through the help of financial aid.","text2":"The fund allows 114 students to attend Cathedral.","label":-1,"idx":5483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then the soldiers would pass through just the same.","text2":"The soldiers burned down my village. ","label":-1,"idx":5484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your parents will be sad!","text2":"Your parents will be miserable!","label":-1,"idx":5485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, as far as having an impact on me, I guess, uh, being a good girl and doing all the right things.","text2":"It influenced in a negative way, resulting in me being a bad person.","label":-1,"idx":5486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plus, Native American artifacts are plentiful...and ruts created by covered wagon traffic on the- Oregon Trail are still clearly visible.","text2":"There is still evidence of wagon ruts on the Oregon Trail as well as numerous Native American artifacts.","label":-1,"idx":5487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the White House, Vice President Dick Cheney had just sat down for a meeting when his assistant told him to turn on his television because a plane had struck the NorthTower of the World Trade Center.","text2":"Cheney was starting a meeting so they waited to tell him about the WTC.","label":-1,"idx":5488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around 400 B.C., Democritus theorized that a thing could be divided and divided until it became so small it could no longer be divided.","text2":"Around 400 B.C., Plato theorized that a thing could be divided and divided until it became so small it could no longer be divided.","label":-1,"idx":5489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I shudder to think what a future archaeologist might make of those or of GOD!","text2":"I love to think what a future archaeologist thinks of all that. ","label":-1,"idx":5490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not so its cousin, time warp (fathered by Walter M. Miller in 1954: They showed me a dozen pictures of moppets with LTR-guns, moppets in time-warp suits, moppets wearing Captain Chronos costumes.","text2":"Moppets used advanced technologies to battle the interdimensional forces of evil.","label":-1,"idx":5491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But by 1996, the Big Four's share of imports had fallen to 26 percent.","text2":"The amount of imports of the Big Four were down to 26 percent in 1996.","label":-1,"idx":5492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He claimed it was more important for Muslims to kill Americans than to kill other infidels.","text2":"The argument he made was that the priority had to be for Muslims to kill people from the US.","label":-1,"idx":5493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The title character of this dark comedy seriously considered plans for and the beneficial results of nuclear holocaust; such contemplation is strangelovian .","text2":"The main character in the dark comedy is trying to find good things in the nuclear holocaust. ","label":-1,"idx":5494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That conclusion is based on a version of events that we now know is incorrect.","text2":"Now we know the conclusion is based on incorrect facts, however we have revised it with new facts.","label":-1,"idx":5495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lee Hanson then called the Easton Police Department and relayed what he had heard.","text2":"The Easton Police Department got information from Lee Hanson's call.","label":-1,"idx":5496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This feat was accomplished in much the same way that Slater brought cotton spinning to the United States, through the agency of a crafty Boston merchant, Francis Cabot Lowell.","text2":"The feat had been previously thought to be impossible.","label":-1,"idx":5497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How can we assist you?","text2":"How may we help you?","label":-1,"idx":5498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It can be done, but it is rare.","text2":"It is a very difficult thing to do.","label":-1,"idx":5499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You arranged for my daughter to see a doctor and to have her medications renewed.","text2":"I'm furious because my daughter's medications were stopped by the doctor you arranged for us to see.","label":-1,"idx":5500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft was piloted by Captain Jason Dahl and First Officer Leroy Homer, and there were five flight attendants.","text2":"There were five flight attendants on the aircraft. ","label":-1,"idx":5501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"T-shirts, which are consumed in the United States every year by the billions, are a good example.","text2":"T-Shirts are bought billions of time in the U.S","label":-1,"idx":5502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Below are the words and meanings noted since an earlier account of new one-letter words in the Summer, 1987, issue of VERBATIM.","text2":"The list of one-letter words grows every year. ","label":-1,"idx":5503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because none of these teleconferences-at least before 10:00- included the right officials from both the FAA and Defense Department, none succeeded in meaningfully coordinating the military and FAA response to the hijackings.","text2":"None of the teleconferences had the right people in them so the response was too weak.","label":-1,"idx":5504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under these conditions, a marker will not be as efficient as the standard production markers shown in Figures 8.1 and 8.2 (page 137) because the amount of cloth that can be saved for a single ply does not justify the time required to reach high levels of cloth utilization.","text2":"Standard production markers are less efficient than markers made under these circumstances.","label":-1,"idx":5505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or you may cancel your membership and owe nothing.","text2":"You can cancel your membership but it will cost you.","label":-1,"idx":5506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is one place in apparel manufacturing where teamwork has been quite successful.","text2":"Teamwork has worked out pretty well in this area of apparel manufacturing.","label":-1,"idx":5507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Holidays are a time for sharing.","text2":"The holidays are not a good time for sharing.","label":-1,"idx":5508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What attributes did she have that made you, um, respect her and view her as your hero even to this day?","text2":"What did she do that made you feel she was your hero?","label":-1,"idx":5509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shirts with stripes, patterns, and uncommon colors constituted less than 30 percent of all dress shirts sold through the 1960s.","text2":"Shirts with wild and colorful patterns made up the majority of sales in the 1960s.","label":-1,"idx":5510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An efficient marker will have larger sizes of pants balanced with smaller sizes.","text2":"Efficient markers will have only the larger sizes without any of the smaller ones.","label":-1,"idx":5511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At IUPUI, where we continue to face critical shortages of full-time faculty, we will have to make special efforts.","text2":"There aren't any shortages, everything is fine.","label":-1,"idx":5512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This charmer is Shoshonean in origin, an example of the onomatoplazia which readily occurs when the etymology in question is not from your usual, garden variety, linguistic roots.","text2":"Onomatoplazia can happen when an etymology isn't sourced from normal linguistic roots.","label":-1,"idx":5513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although product variety in apparel has historically been associated with the fashion end of the industry, the number of products available to U.S. consumers in almost every apparel category has grown significantly over the past two decades.","text2":"U.S consumers choices in apparel are growing.","label":-1,"idx":5514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to industry experts, that depends on whether it diffuses down to the high-fashion, quick turnaround segments of the industry or, like much new technology in this industry, is adapted to suit the needs of firms still committed to mass production.","text2":"According to experts of the industry, that's dependent on what it comes down to, high fashion or quick turn around or new technology. ","label":-1,"idx":5515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are actually two things at work in the Handbook : one is a genuine concern, when a generalized statement about people is to be made, about being unfair to women through the use of references which, though denotatively neutral, carry the strong scent of maleness.","text2":"Generalized statements seem to usually be unfair to women.","label":-1,"idx":5516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ice with a little bit of snow on top of it and we were in a little toboggan sled there not the, not the kind roll up there like a plastic sheet, but a boat sled.","text2":"We rode a plastic sheet on thick snow. ","label":-1,"idx":5517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also at 8:52, a male flight attendant called a United office in San Francisco, reaching Marc Policastro.","text2":"The United office that the flight attendant called was located in New York","label":-1,"idx":5518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My grandfather had a real interesting history books.","text2":"My grandfather had books about the Civil War. ","label":-1,"idx":5519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The response was an Afghan national resistance movement that defeated Soviet forces.","text2":"An Afghan national resistance movement defeated Soviet forces in Kabul very quickly.","label":-1,"idx":5520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe that your support will be returned many times over through quality education, which elevates our entire profession.","text2":"Your help will not make a difference that can be noticed at all.","label":-1,"idx":5521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He would in fact become Bin Ladin's deputy some years later, when they merged their organizations.","text2":"He would merge his group with Bin Ladin's in an attempt to make them both stronger.","label":-1,"idx":5522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers immediately began to move aircraft out of its path, and asked other aircraft in the vicinity to look for American 11.","text2":"Controllers started moving planes out of the way.","label":-1,"idx":5523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a surprise to hear, first, an American commentator on a televised golf tourney describe a reverse-necked putter colloquially, and then to hear the Japanese broadcaster translate that description into a terse sentence or two ending with the expression bassackawad putta. ","text2":"The Japanese broadcaster didn't change anything the American said in the translation.","label":-1,"idx":5524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess it was 1979, my dad bought me a little Yamaha 80 motorcycle I could cruise through the fields and dirt roads and so forth which uh, I had real good luck with that I guess up until um, I don't know what year that was there.","text2":"I could cruise through the country if I wanted. ","label":-1,"idx":5525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's their's.","text2":"Although they don't like to admit it, their whole family belongs to him, really.","label":-1,"idx":5526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, what are the contexts in which the citations were found?","text2":"I don't care in what or where they were discovered.","label":-1,"idx":5527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But most important, it must have a managerial system capable of coordinating these elements on an ongoing basis.","text2":"Coordinating these elements constantly is what our managerial system is capable of.","label":-1,"idx":5528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They matter, and our support to them matters.","text2":"We do not support them. ","label":-1,"idx":5529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Steve Cauthens has devoted his life to resurfacing.","text2":"Steve Cauthen's life revolved around resurfacing. ","label":-1,"idx":5530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the time of its founding, al Qaeda had employed training and indoctrination to identify worthy candidates.","text2":"Training with al Qaeda is a grueling and disheartening process.","label":-1,"idx":5531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, ya know everybody just left the room.","text2":"They all left the room. ","label":-1,"idx":5532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"point-blank In ballistics, a weapon fired point-blank is one whose sights are aimed directly at a target so that the projectile speeds to its destination in a flat trajectory.","text2":"Point-blank in ballistics is shooting as far away as possible, aiming nowhere close to your target.","label":-1,"idx":5533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The pattern pieces for each individual pair of jeans must first be modified.","text2":"By not modifying patterns, manufacturers are able to produce thousands more pairs of jeans.","label":-1,"idx":5534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I still recall, and I'm sure your mother does too Whose woods these are, I think I know His house is in the village though; and I won't go beyond that but, uh, you recall that Gail, when we were, when I was in college and we were first dating that was a, a favorite poem of, uh, us and our friends.","text2":"I think I know his house is located in the village.","label":-1,"idx":5535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the subject matter might be viewed as an area of legitimate investigation, I am not sure I see the point in employing the subject style of language in the descriptive text, which would be far more telling were it restricted to the language of the linguistic clinician.","text2":"Linguistic clinicians are very good at identifying the subject matter of a text.","label":-1,"idx":5536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Slurvian, however, is not confined to English.","text2":"English is not the only one with Slurvian.","label":-1,"idx":5537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:49, the commander of NORAD directed all air sovereignty aircraft to battle stations, fully armed.","text2":"The commander of NORAD sent all aircraft to battle stations.","label":-1,"idx":5538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I asked him which animals we saw at the zoo, and he mentioned girae and zebra.","text2":"There are no animals in the zoo as the zoo was closed.","label":-1,"idx":5539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our students must now fulfill the law school's legal writing requirements, and they encouraged to participate in a wide array of courses and programs that teach professional skills, such as trial practice, the law school's civil practice and criminal defense clinics, moot court, and client counseling.","text2":"Our students are now required to meet the legal writing conditions that the law school has established.","label":-1,"idx":5540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" I hope the committee recognizes ad homonym [personalized] arguments are the weakest kind of arguments.","text2":"It would be great if the committee realized that ad homonyms are weak.","label":-1,"idx":5541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1793, the firm of Almy, Brown and Slater was operating a seventy-two-spindle mill, producing high-quality yarn.","text2":"The firm produced high-quality yarn.","label":-1,"idx":5542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Bob and Sharon, parents of a 4-year- Our daughter, Lydia, could recite her ABCs and count from 1 to 20 by age 2 1\/2.","text2":"Bob and Sharon's daughter Lydia is 3 years old.","label":-1,"idx":5543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Others in the agency were aware of it, as we explained earlier in this chapter.","text2":"As explained at the end of the chapter, others in the agency were not unaware of it.","label":-1,"idx":5544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, you don't have to answer to anybody except yourself.","text2":"Once you're grown up, you set your own rules and have to discipline yourself.","label":-1,"idx":5545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I ask you to join me again this year in supporting the program that is doing so much to preserve and protect our natural heritage.","text2":"Please support this program that protects our national heritage.","label":-1,"idx":5546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's a delight to see the smile of recognition when communication is established.","text2":"The establishment of communication can bring about a smile of recognition.","label":-1,"idx":5547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Raymond Borel Junior, born September 20th 1968.","text2":"A human being was born on September 20th 1968.","label":-1,"idx":5548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By participating in everyday routines and duties at home and in preschool, children develop a sense of responsible participation in family and community life.","text2":"Participating in regular duties at home doesn't help children develop a sense of responsible family life.","label":-1,"idx":5549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was then but a small step to the space warp, permitting faster-than-light (FTL to SF pros) travel by straight-line shortcutting across the curves of space.","text2":"The recent breakthrough in propulsion technology paved the way for faster-than-light travel.","label":-1,"idx":5550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Tries it and it fits; then attempts another piece and looks at her father)","text2":"Tries it and it ends up fitting, places another piece.","label":-1,"idx":5551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of September 11, Secretary Rumsfeld was having breakfast at the Pentagon with a group of members of Congress.","text2":"Rumsfeld was eating breakfast with Congressmen when he was alerted to the news.","label":-1,"idx":5552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of these young men, such as the enormous number trained only in religious schools, lacked the skills needed by their societies.","text2":"The men had all the skills needed by society.","label":-1,"idx":5553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Probably more likely my mother than anyone else.","text2":"It definitely wasn't my mother.","label":-1,"idx":5554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The second case developed how suppliers must use this new perspective on demand to plan production or sourcing strategies.","text2":"Suppliers use a new perspective when they plan strategies.","label":-1,"idx":5555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to the radar reconstruction, American 77 reemerged as a primary target on Indianapolis Center radar scopes at 9:05, east of its last known position.","text2":"Indianapolis saw American 77 at 9:05 just east of it's last position.","label":-1,"idx":5556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We asked a screening expert to review the videotape of the hand-wanding, and he found the quality of the screener's work to have been marginal at best.","text2":"The screener's work was better than some, but not the best.","label":-1,"idx":5557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The title character of this dark comedy seriously considered plans for and the beneficial results of nuclear holocaust; such contemplation is strangelovian .","text2":"The main character discusses everything bad about a nuclear holocaust. ","label":-1,"idx":5558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have seen such equipment working in a production setting in a knit goods manufacturer's facilities; however, we believe that its immediate potential use is limited for several reasons.","text2":"One of the reasons why we believe that this equipment might be limited is because it has poor efficiency.","label":-1,"idx":5559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"-A 25 percent increase in credit hours for fall, 1992;","text2":"There was no change in credit hours in 1992.","label":-1,"idx":5560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now consider the lament of an NBC Today guest that an undertaking had been frustrated and now we're back to ground zero. ","text2":"Consider that an NBC Today guest was frustrated and we're back and square one. ","label":-1,"idx":5561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also had an Advisory Council (Shura) made up of Bin Ladin's inner circle.","text2":"Bin Ladin did not associate closely with anyone.","label":-1,"idx":5562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you see the bunkbeds and mattresses on the floor that put seven of the kids(as young as two and as old as 12) in the same bedroom?","text2":"There are seven kids in five bedrooms.","label":-1,"idx":5563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fact that the pictures are a full page each with captions that seesaw across the bottoms (as palindromes will) would be frustrating were it not for the quality of the drawings.","text2":"The pictures are tiny.","label":-1,"idx":5564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, when I was about 12, I guess I was 11 or 12.","text2":"It happened just before my teenage years. ","label":-1,"idx":5565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But British law strictly prohibited the export of drawings, plans, or models of these new technologies.","text2":"British law allows anyone to export models of these new technologies to any country.","label":-1,"idx":5566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Wells prototype, a controllable time-space traveler, is used allusively by historians and forecasters (C.","text2":"The Wells prototype is a controllable time and space traveler. ","label":-1,"idx":5567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, the number of independent department stores'usually a single-site enterprise of relatively moderate size'declined dramatically in the 1980s.","text2":"Large chain stores pushed independent stores out of business.","label":-1,"idx":5568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The list of children who want to attend camp this year grows longer every day, and it's important that we send every one of them.","text2":"We will try to make sure that all the children interested in camp will attend.","label":-1,"idx":5569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what school do you go to?","text2":"What school do you go to?","label":-1,"idx":5570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Successful apparel manufacturers must now focus on their capability to respond accurately and efficiently to the stringent demands placed on them by new retailing practices.","text2":"Apparel manufacturers often fail at customer service.","label":-1,"idx":5571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Recall 4-year-old Lydia's dislike of her academic preschool, described at the beginning of this chapter.","text2":"Remember Lydia's dislike of her academic preschool which was described at the start of this chapter.","label":-1,"idx":5572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maledicta is not for everyone's taste, and some may even go so far as to maintain that the subject of its attention is not a valid one for investigation.","text2":"Everyone likes Maledicta.","label":-1,"idx":5573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, then, the dust from the, the tiles, was falling, because, well, they were destroying them, right?","text2":"They did not care about the dust.","label":-1,"idx":5574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The high cost and lack of production-floor flexibility after the mechanical conveyers are installed have limited the number of factories adopting these systems.","text2":"The installation of mechanical conveyer systems in factories has no effect on production-floor flexibility.","label":-1,"idx":5575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I dropped one of those sons of bitches on the floor again.","text2":"Those things are easy to hold so I never dropped any of them.","label":-1,"idx":5576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they went through, since they were carrying him away like that.","text2":"Since they were carrying him away, they stopped and didn't go on through.","label":-1,"idx":5577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In June 1996, an enormous truck bomb detonated in the Khobar Towers residential complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that housed U.S.","text2":"The bomb attack on the Khobar towers was both devastating and tragic. ","label":-1,"idx":5578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These stories, more than any others, seemed deliberately aimed at teaching social and moral standards.","text2":"The stories were aimed at teaching social skills.","label":-1,"idx":5579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sources reported that one, or perhaps both, of these meetings was apparently arranged through Bin Ladin's Egyptian deputy, Zawahiri, who had ties of his own to the Iraqis.","text2":"Zawahiri, an Egyptian deputy, reportedly arranged at least one of these meetings.","label":-1,"idx":5580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributions to DING FEST are especially important because we believe that our initial investment will result in substantial earnings for the Department.","text2":"An initial investment in DING FEST is needed for the Department to make enough money.","label":-1,"idx":5581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two hundred pages further on there is less exuberance in the circumlocution that fluid so terribly scarce in the region, and in three other references water is simply water . Giles is not always waxing poetic and may, like other explorers, be useful as a source for the history of Australian and general English.","text2":"Two hundred pages in, they say there is no fluid in the area because of the drought.","label":-1,"idx":5582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Over $500 was raised.","text2":"We did not reach our fundraising goal. ","label":-1,"idx":5583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even though she's no longer physically on the planet.","text2":"She's not here anymore.","label":-1,"idx":5584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Remembering the we have some planes remark, Boston Center guessed that Delta 1989 might also be hijacked.","text2":"Delta 1989 was not returning radio signals to the terminal.","label":-1,"idx":5585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It did so by separating those subassembly processes that were standard across products from those that were distinctive to specific laser-jet products.","text2":"Generic subassembly processes were separated from distinctive one for specific laser-jet products.","label":-1,"idx":5586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By all accounts, the first 46 minutes of Flight 93's cross-country trip proceeded routinely.","text2":"The first part of Flight 93's trip was perfectly normal but then all hell broke loose.","label":-1,"idx":5587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are all too familiar with Indiana's budget pinch and the pressures on state government to cut expenditures.","text2":"The state government is being pushed to lower expenses.","label":-1,"idx":5588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I asked him which animals we saw at the zoo, and he mentioned girae and zebra.","text2":"I asked him which animals we viewed at the zoo.","label":-1,"idx":5589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm kind of going to do what I'm going to do.","text2":"I'm not going to do anything.","label":-1,"idx":5590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, um, she read, I forgot about the nursery rhymes.","text2":"She and I both forgot to read the nursery rhymes.","label":-1,"idx":5591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once again, there was no immediate information about the fate of the inbound aircraft.","text2":"Detailed information was available about what happened to the aircraft that was inbound.","label":-1,"idx":5592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They can dwell on virtually any aspect of experience'of living and working together.","text2":"They really enjoyed the experience of living together under the same roof.","label":-1,"idx":5593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we hid it from her didn't we?","text2":"We showed it to her when she was old enough, didn't we?","label":-1,"idx":5594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Punch Ross to Stop Child Abuse. ","text2":"In order to stop child abuse, Ross needs to be punched.","label":-1,"idx":5595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At Super Summer Safari Camp, there are daily sports, nature, and arts activities.","text2":"There are no activities at the summer camp.","label":-1,"idx":5596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even more than under PBS, sewing tasks were broken down in minute detail, both as a means of increasing speed and decreasing skill requirements.","text2":"Breaking the tasks down was impossible, it was simply too complicated a process.","label":-1,"idx":5597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I really believe that our support of DePauw does matter.","text2":"I believe that our support of DePauw is useless.","label":-1,"idx":5598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"L would be well advised, in future printings, to give a complete pronunciation key on the inside (front) cover of the book, an easily accessible place that is at present unused.","text2":"In the future, L should put a pronunciation key in the book. ","label":-1,"idx":5599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do the make-believe scenes just described, and others like them, serve as major sources of development?","text2":"The make-believe scenes stall development.","label":-1,"idx":5600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When the local civil aviation security office of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) later investigated these security screening operations, the screeners recalled nothing out of the ordinary.","text2":"The local civil aviation security office said they saw nothing unusual, but they were lying.","label":-1,"idx":5601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From The Once and Future King , by T. H. ","text2":"From the Once and Previous King by T.H.","label":-1,"idx":5602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The women and girls working in the factory could not escape because the company had locked the doors to the stairs from the outside, ostensibly to prevent theft by employees.","text2":"The company knowingly locked the doors while the women were still working inside.","label":-1,"idx":5603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am pleased to have survived nearly five months as Geology's new chairman.","text2":"It has been challenging and I look forward to the future in this position.","label":-1,"idx":5604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President remembered placing a call to the President just after entering the shelter conference room.","text2":"The Vice President recalled entering the shelter then calling the President. ","label":-1,"idx":5605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By making a TinkerToy stand for a lollypop or a folded blanket stand for a sleeping baby, children step back from reality.","text2":"Children benefit from stepping out of reality for a while.","label":-1,"idx":5606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Starting over can be very hard -- especially for people who don't have family or financial resources to draw from in an emergency.","text2":"A fresh start can be difficult, especially for people with no one to depend on in emergencies.","label":-1,"idx":5607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The balance practice law throughout the country and live in 48 different states.","text2":"While they live in 48 different states and contribute to the community, the law is practiced by the balance.","label":-1,"idx":5608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went to college for two weeks and dropped out.","text2":"He never attended any college classes.","label":-1,"idx":5609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will take the very best from all of us to ensure that her future shines as brightly as has her past.","text2":"Some of us will try harder than others. ","label":-1,"idx":5610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps you have heard your student talk about the visiting artists who present slide lectures at Herron about their work, sit in on classes, and mingle with the students.","text2":"Maybe you have heard about artists eating gutter sandwiches. ","label":-1,"idx":5611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your parents will be sad!","text2":"Your parents will feel terrible when you leave.","label":-1,"idx":5612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" (Confirming Sammy's meaning) You need to take the scales o, don't you?","text2":"To confirm Sammy's meaning, you need to take the scales, don't you?","label":-1,"idx":5613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Get the weeds.","text2":"Get the plants.","label":-1,"idx":5614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His use of the word tank to refer to a hollowed-out reservoir ( Gibson dug a small tank and the water soon cleared ) antedates the OED , for instance.","text2":"Using the word tank to talk about a hollowed-out reservoir was common after the creation of the OED.","label":-1,"idx":5615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Can we not reverse the approbation in which lawyers are held by the public today? ","text2":"We have to reverse the approbation for lawyers. ","label":-1,"idx":5616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is in the classic style, commonly labeled concise or quick. ","text2":"Concise ones are in the classic style. ","label":-1,"idx":5617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the callers ended her message as Everyone's running up to first class.","text2":"The caller was heading up to first class as she spoke. ","label":-1,"idx":5618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Both new faculty will have credentials in the environmental field.","text2":"They have over a decade of experience.","label":-1,"idx":5619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. I want to run into everybody just once ...They say a girl can't do it.","text2":"They say a girl can do it","label":-1,"idx":5620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reports from two flight attendants in the coach cabin, Betty Ong and Madeline Amy Sweeney, tell us most of what we know about how the hijacking happened.","text2":"All flight attendants in the cabin refused to report on what occurred.","label":-1,"idx":5621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My dad, um, `cause I wasn't really like I was a girl, I mean I was a girl.","text2":"There are many girls that I know who would find what I do as girly.","label":-1,"idx":5622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now that was uh, man the most flavorful cigarette I'd ever smoked, course at 12 what did you ever smoke you know?","text2":"I was 12 years old when I first started smoking and it was still the best cigarette I've ever tasted.","label":-1,"idx":5623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The leaders of the unassuming Royal Knights Society can be a source of delight.","text2":"The leaders of the Royal Knights Society can be humorous. ","label":-1,"idx":5624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our goal for the remainder of this year is to raise $100.00 to meet the 2000 operating budget.","text2":"We would be delighted to raise even more than $100.","label":-1,"idx":5625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The largest numbers came from the Middle East.","text2":"The volume coming from the Middle East remained steady.","label":-1,"idx":5626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We appreciate your taking time to read about Futures for Children, I hope you are inspired to become a Sponsor and\/or a Member.","text2":"We appreciate you spending these last 2 hours to read about the history of Futures for Children.","label":-1,"idx":5627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you learned to read quite young, didn't you?","text2":"You were a young reader, weren't you?","label":-1,"idx":5628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They began to be translated into English in the 1960s and 1970s.","text2":"The translation to English also occurred in 1966.","label":-1,"idx":5629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This feat was accomplished in much the same way that Slater brought cotton spinning to the United States, through the agency of a crafty Boston merchant, Francis Cabot Lowell.","text2":"The feat was never accomplished.","label":-1,"idx":5630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Talia and Jim can be heard saying impatiently, You aren't any good at this! ","text2":"Talia and Jim spoke very softly.","label":-1,"idx":5631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The results were overwhelmingly positive.","text2":"The results were better than anyone expected.","label":-1,"idx":5632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you help support this wonderful event by furnishing any type of products or services that can be used as prizes for our activities or as a raffle prize?","text2":"Any products or services that could be used as prizes would be greatly appreciated, please help to support this wonderful event.","label":-1,"idx":5633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does it affect their comprehension?","text2":"I'm not concerned if it affects their comprehension. ","label":-1,"idx":5634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is a quiet humor in Yiddish and a gratitude for every day of life, every crumb of success, each encounter of love.","text2":"The Yiddish aren't grateful for anything at all.","label":-1,"idx":5635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you like the weather in Charlotte?","text2":"I've heard the weather in Charlotte is really bad, is that true?","label":-1,"idx":5636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA was asked to provide an update, but the line was silent because the FAA had not been added to the call.","text2":"The FAA had been trying to contact the other agencies for several minutes.","label":-1,"idx":5637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jamal Ahmed al Fadl, a Sudanese-born Arab, had spent time in the United States and had been recruited for the Afghan war through the Farouq mosque in Brooklyn.","text2":"Al Fadl found his way to Afghanistan via Brooklyn's Farouq mosque.","label":-1,"idx":5638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He wasn't sending them there for nothing.","text2":"He sent them there just to do nothing at all.","label":-1,"idx":5639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have been intrigued now and again, starting as a small boy, by words which seem to act in exactly the opposite fashion, words which point away from their meaning, words which seem almost mischievously to mislead.","text2":"The intrigue is usually triggered by many things that happen every day.","label":-1,"idx":5640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Bleak House (Chapter XXIV) Dickens may cause some readers to blush when he wrote of Mr. George's blush that He reddened a little through his brown. ","text2":"Mr. George has brown skin. The reddenning showed through it.","label":-1,"idx":5641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Account # 32-142-08, our Friends of Women's Studies account, which is to be used for student scholarships, to supplement Friends activities when all other sources of income have been exhausted and, eventually, to encourage WOST scholarship through research grants to WOST students and faculty.","text2":"There are over ten thousand dollars available in scholarships.","label":-1,"idx":5642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The lean retailer can also transfer to its suppliers the functions (and costs) of creating floor-ready merchandise, activities that traditional retailers handled in the past.","text2":"Traditional retailers handle every step of the merchandise process.","label":-1,"idx":5643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It hasn't?","text2":"It's still stuck? ","label":-1,"idx":5644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Mom came to the door and uh, she saw like this glow of light all around me as if the Lord had definitely cured me of leukemia.","text2":"My mom came to the door and just saw darkness around me.","label":-1,"idx":5645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In time, the former would encompass numerous companies and a global network of bank accounts and nongovernmental institutions.","text2":"It held bank accounts in 25 different nations.","label":-1,"idx":5646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The occasions when duende grips a singer, dancer or torero are punctuated with cries of OH","text2":"There are no signs when someone is taken by duende. ","label":-1,"idx":5647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Manufacturers have told us that hand-cutting with skilled cutters is as accurate as computer-cutting.","text2":"Manufacturers assert that skilled cutters can be as accurate as computer cutting when they hand cut. ","label":-1,"idx":5648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My instructor played a role like no other instructor I've ever had I appreciate everything that Goodwill has done for me.","text2":"I had the worst job and instructor at the Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":5649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As further ammunition to support my bulletproof contention that our language is loaded with guns and cannons, I'll conclude by gunning for items that have the word gun in them.","text2":"I have more proof that our language is filled with guns and cannons.","label":-1,"idx":5650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NMCC learned about United 93 from the White House.","text2":"The NMCC learned about United 93 from the White House.","label":-1,"idx":5651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, your gift to Social Health is vitally important to our success and can accomplish the ","text2":"You will help us reach our fundraising goals.","label":-1,"idx":5652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He may have made an attempt to stop the hijackers in front of him, not realizing that another was sitting behind him.","text2":"He might not have realized that there was a hijacker sitting behind him.","label":-1,"idx":5653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is far less scholarship aid than is available at most law schools.","text2":"Far more financial help than any other school. ","label":-1,"idx":5654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Jesus, uh, actually made all the adults move aside, and let the little children come up.","text2":"Jesus made the kids move aside and had the adults come up.","label":-1,"idx":5655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did the wolf ever eat her?","text2":"Did the dog lick her?","label":-1,"idx":5656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:02 that morning, an assistant to the mission crew commander at NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector in Rome, New York, was working with his colleagues on the floor of the command center.","text2":"An assistant at NORAD was working with colleagues at the command center. ","label":-1,"idx":5657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" This is absolutely putting the horse before the cart. ","text2":"This is the expected order of events.","label":-1,"idx":5658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor did any manager at FAA headquarters pass any of the information it had about United 93 to the military.","text2":"The managers passed along every bit of information to the military.","label":-1,"idx":5659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is absolutely the last time that I will ask you to please donate a million dollars to the IUPUI Geology Alumni Fund.","text2":"The IUPUI Geology Alumni Fund requires a donation of $1 million.","label":-1,"idx":5660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their inability to adapt to changing consumer tastes and the emergence of new retail channels that targeted specific consumer segments'specialty stores (especially so-called category killers ), catalog stores, and mass merchants'led to erosion in market share.","text2":"Consumer tastes shift very quickly in the market.","label":-1,"idx":5661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From Oh What a Paradise it Seems , by John ","text2":"John wrote about what a paradise it was in the town.","label":-1,"idx":5662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller looked for primary radar returns.","text2":"The controller was looking for nothing in particular. ","label":-1,"idx":5663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Nonsexist Word Finder , subtitled A Dictionary of Gender-Free Usage , opens with a foreword by Miller and Swift.","text2":"The Nonsexist Word Finder opens with a foreword written by Miller and Swift.","label":-1,"idx":5664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, they tool him away, we didn't see him anymore, they took him to San Miguel, I don't know, if in that vehicle, surely in the same car they were riding in, they took him to the hospital.","text2":"They left the man in a ditch on the side of the road.","label":-1,"idx":5665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I spent a lot of time at my cousin's house from about the time I was about three probably I was about eight or nine.","text2":"I rarely visited my cousin's house during my entire childhood. ","label":-1,"idx":5666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Proposition 4 Instead of fashion as the saving grace of the channel, basic and fashion-basic products will prove critical to its long-term survival.","text2":"Basic products are part of what will help the channel survive long-term.","label":-1,"idx":5667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is that we must think of the law school, in financial terms, as a private institution.","text2":"We must think of law school as a private school. ","label":-1,"idx":5668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then snow, ice uh, I can remember me and another boy once we got about sixth or seventh grade we'd stop uh, you couldn't run with chains on your bus on state maintained highways.","text2":"Buses couldn't have chains on their wheels on highways.","label":-1,"idx":5669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . Run them to the White House.","text2":"Get them over to the White House.","label":-1,"idx":5670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution may also be used to support our year-round programs for children.","text2":"WHatever you dpnate will only be used for one time events,","label":-1,"idx":5671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the very end of the last century, there was a crisis at the Barnum and Bailey Circus.","text2":"The circus had to be closed down after the crisis.","label":-1,"idx":5672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think they know.","text2":"I think they are very aware of this and all of the details surrounding it.","label":-1,"idx":5673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition are building relationships that will hopefully bear great fruit in the years to come.","text2":"A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition would never get along with each other.","label":-1,"idx":5674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a sad thing if people can't read!","text2":"It's hilarious if a person can't read.","label":-1,"idx":5675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For instance it gives played as the proper pronunciation for plaid 'although, with delicate condescension, it parenthetically notes, by the English also `plad.","text2":"The word plaid is not given ant proper pronunciation. ","label":-1,"idx":5676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Egyptian spiritual guide based in New Jersey, the Blind Sheikh, whom Bin Ladin admired, was also in the network.","text2":"Bin Ladin admired the Blind Sheikh, an Egyptian spiritual guide.","label":-1,"idx":5677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The traditional view holds that because manufacturing performance is determined by the labor time required to produce an item, then what applies to cars, for example, can also apply to clothing; therefore, U.S. apparel manufacturers might be able to save themselves by improving assembly operations.","text2":"Manufacturing performance is measured by how long an item is in production, so all production would benefit from the same practices.","label":-1,"idx":5678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even after you said that you learned to read the story of Trumpet the Dog, after you began to read on your own did sometimes your cousins or other people still read or tell stories to you even though you could read?","text2":"Did your mother tell stories to you after you learned to read?","label":-1,"idx":5679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result of his participation, he was nominated to join the YMCA of the USA's International Committee.","text2":"He was nominated to join the YMCA because of his participation.","label":-1,"idx":5680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When offered by feminists, the answers frequently appear in a style that is marked by word play dependent on written forms; a style that is unconventional, mannered, at its best witty; a style that suggests alternatives to those styles that feminists would designate male-influenced.","text2":"Feminists have an unconventional way of writing.","label":-1,"idx":5681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the above tour d'horizon, not all aspects of clue setting have passed in review.","text2":"It is expected that all methodologies will be reviewed in the future.","label":-1,"idx":5682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children sharpen this competency through conversing with adults, who add information, ask questions, and prompt children to increase the sophistication of their descriptions and explanations'in essence, who use an elaborative style of narrative talk.","text2":"Children also increase this competency through reading and writing.","label":-1,"idx":5683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shy and sociable children also require dierent adult interventions to promote exploration of their surroundings'an activity that (as Piaget pointed out) is essential for optimal cognitive development.","text2":"Exploration of the children's surroundings required different interventions from adults.","label":-1,"idx":5684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I was about three at the time.","text2":"I was two years and 11 months old then. ","label":-1,"idx":5685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secretary was informed of the second strike in New York during the briefing; he resumed the briefing while awaiting more information.","text2":"After the Secretary of Defense was informed of the second plane strike in New York of the towers during the briefing, he decided to resume the briefing while he was awaiting more information.","label":-1,"idx":5686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ NC all the way up to Riverside, NJ.","text2":"From Florida to Italy.","label":-1,"idx":5687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What causes this early memory blackout, and how is it that after age 3, certain events dierentiate themselves from a multitude of everyday experiences so they stand out for a lifetime?","text2":"What causes this early memory blackout, and how are memories formed?","label":-1,"idx":5688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every channel has its particular history, elements, and dynamics, and retail-apparel-textile channels are no exception.","text2":"Retail-apparel-textile also has its own designs. ","label":-1,"idx":5689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other cities with branches of al Khifa included Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Tucson.","text2":"Al Khifa was confined to Middle Eastern borders.","label":-1,"idx":5690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In early 1992, the al Qaeda leadership issued a fatwa calling for jihad against the Western occupation of Islamic lands.","text2":"Al Qaeda's leadership issued a fatwa that called for peace among Muslim nations.","label":-1,"idx":5691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was an aircraft that in fact had not been hijacked at all.","text2":"The airplane was never actually hijacked in this case.","label":-1,"idx":5692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not entirely in agreement with the RHD treatment, for, personally, I believe that youth has lately appeared more and more often in context like youth center, youth rehabilitation , etc., where the context is clearly common-gender, and the foregoing is merely set out as a warning to those who try to predict what lexicographers are likely to do.","text2":"Lexicographers are crazy folk and will do anything. Predict them at your own peril.","label":-1,"idx":5693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Piaget's contribution to the field of child development is enormous.","text2":"The contribution Piaget made to the child rearing field is vast.","label":-1,"idx":5694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The early age of retailing was marked by the expansion of stores within major metropolitan areas, but in the early 1960s, retailers started flocking to large, enclosed suburban malls and non-enclosed strip malls. ","text2":"Retail was marked by the expansion of stores within metro areas.","label":-1,"idx":5695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you don't like that?","text2":"So, you dislike such a thing? ","label":-1,"idx":5696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh-huh, and I still do.","text2":"I'm still engaged in it.","label":-1,"idx":5697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Black Hawk down joined Desert One as a symbol among Americans in uniform, code phrases used to evoke the risks of daring exploits without maximum preparation, overwhelming force, and a well-defined mission.","text2":"Black Hawk Down became a symbol of the risks for US forces.","label":-1,"idx":5698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within the FAA, the administrator, Jane Garvey, and her acting deputy, Monte Belger, had not been told of a confirmed hijacking before they learned from television that a plane had crashed.","text2":"Few within the FAA knew about the hijacking until the crashes were televised.","label":-1,"idx":5699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hazmi brothers were also selected for extra scrutiny by the airline's customer service representative at the check-in counter.","text2":"The Hazmi brothers were let through with no extra scrutiny.","label":-1,"idx":5700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only now, for example, is the soap opera (with its enormous social impact) beginning to be recognized as a fit topic for academic analysis.","text2":"Soap opera is getting recognized as an important topic because of it's impact on women.","label":-1,"idx":5701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She believed this conversation occurred a few minutes, perhaps five, after they entered the conference room.","text2":"It was her belief that this conversation took place several minutes after they went into the room.","label":-1,"idx":5702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The notice NEADS received at 9:24 was that American 11 had not hit the World Trade Center and was heading for Washington, D.C.","text2":"American 11 sent a notice right before impact that it hit a building. ","label":-1,"idx":5703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Besides a firm sense of an inner self, autobiographical memory depends on organizing personal experiences in narrative form so they become part of a life story.","text2":"Other than a sense of an inner self, there is a type of memory that depends on organizing personal experiences. ","label":-1,"idx":5704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This assistance was funneled through the Pakistani military intelligence service (Inter- Services Intelligence Directorate, or ISID), helped train the rebels and distribute the arms.","text2":"ISID is the abbreviation for Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate.","label":-1,"idx":5705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lucky attendees can go home with a great prize.","text2":"There will be a reward for certain attendees","label":-1,"idx":5706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the assault was sustained.","text2":"The assault continued.","label":-1,"idx":5707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Delegations of violent Islamist extremists came from all the groups represented in Bin Ladin's Islamic Army Shura.","text2":"Violent Islamists really appreciated Bin Laden's message. ","label":-1,"idx":5708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before she died.","text2":"She will never die.","label":-1,"idx":5709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Having rebuilt his fund-raising network, Bin Ladin had again become the rich man of the jihad movement.","text2":"Bin Ladin was always poor.","label":-1,"idx":5710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is, I suppose, likely that people with little money must think of money more than the well-off do and that the hungry will dwell on thoughts of food and the thirsty on drink.","text2":"It is possible that people with little money think of money more than the well-off do.","label":-1,"idx":5711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If a part must be reworked, it is done on the operator's own time.","text2":"If a part must be reworked, the operator can do it for overtime pay.","label":-1,"idx":5712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the afternoon would come around around two.","text2":"The afternoon may be coming sometime around two. ","label":-1,"idx":5713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grace is sometimes defined as undeserved favor.","text2":"Grace can be described as deserved favor. ","label":-1,"idx":5714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several of the Dulles controllers observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed and notified Reagan National Airport.","text2":"The target on radar was an airplane hijacked by terrorists.","label":-1,"idx":5715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe this call would have taken place sometime before 10:10 to 10:15.","text2":"It was believed the call happened in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":5716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, children of all ages actively join in, striving for a shared view of the world.","text2":"The process is such that only adults are ever drawn to it; children do not have the required mental capacity.","label":-1,"idx":5717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This analysis can help manufacturers allocate production among existing facilities.","text2":"Production can be allocated between existing factories.","label":-1,"idx":5718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two minutes later, it disappeared completely from radar at Indianapolis Center, which was controlling the flight.","text2":"The flight disappeared from radar at the DC location.","label":-1,"idx":5719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, when I was about 12, I guess I was 11 or 12.","text2":"I was 13. ","label":-1,"idx":5720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1998, Bin Ladin had a distinctive appeal, as he focused on attacking America.","text2":"Bin Laden would only think of attacking the United States. ","label":-1,"idx":5721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was the favorite part of the story!","text2":"That was the most disliked part of the story!","label":-1,"idx":5722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had already revoked his citizenship, however, and would not tolerate his presence in their country.","text2":"His citizenship was revoked, and he was not allowed in the country. ","label":-1,"idx":5723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This, while perhaps not strictly an example of a traveler's denunciation, is certainly appropriate to the article as a choice description of one of the Babylons of the world.","text2":"This was appropriate to the article to choose to describe the Babylonians. ","label":-1,"idx":5724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Originally, they were probably imported from India, but were later mass-produced in places such as Birmingham to grace Victorian and Edwardian mantelshelves.","text2":"It was more convenient to produce them in Birmingham than it was in India. ","label":-1,"idx":5725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, while many Americans grew wealthier during the 1980s and 1990s, the rate of childhood poverty in America was actually rising by 20 percent!","text2":"Many Americans got wealthier during the 80's and 90's, but people also got poorer in the cities.","label":-1,"idx":5726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is a new outlook on how children acquire more complex and eective skills.","text2":"This causes a new outlook on how kids get more complex skills for adulthood.","label":-1,"idx":5727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, funny.","text2":"Hilarious.","label":-1,"idx":5728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were Oedipus alive today he might offer the same solution to the riddle.","text2":"Oedipus would have the same solution now","label":-1,"idx":5729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly before 9:10, suspecting that American 77 had been hijacked, American headquarters concluded that the second aircraft to hit the World Trade Center might have been Flight 77.","text2":"American Headquarters concluded that Flight 77 was the second aircraft to hit the World Trade Center shortly before 9:10.","label":-1,"idx":5730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Rousseau, adult training served only to thwart the child's inherently perceptive intelligence and moral sense, which unfolded naturally as children moved through a sequence of developmental stages.","text2":"Rousseau was truly a visionary for his time.","label":-1,"idx":5731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When Talia finally responds, she does so out of desperation'to stop Anselmo's agitated appeals, which are about to escalate beyond control.","text2":"Anselmo's appeals are about to get out of control.","label":-1,"idx":5732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had it not crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03, we estimate that United 93 could not have reached Washington any earlier than 10:13, and probably would have arrived before 10:23.","text2":"United 93 could have reached Washington at 10:04 had it not crashed in Pennsylvania.","label":-1,"idx":5733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet it would also be misleading to ignore the significance of these connections.","text2":"It would be completely true to state that these connections were of no real significance.","label":-1,"idx":5734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its memory is strongest among the Arabs.","text2":"The Arabs remember it most strongly. ","label":-1,"idx":5735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The treatment ranges from an explanation of a term to a list of alternatives.","text2":"There are no explanations of terms in the treatment.","label":-1,"idx":5736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm trying to bring him up here and get you-There he is right there.","text2":"He is right there and I am trying to bring him up here. ","label":-1,"idx":5737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You feel rewarded, enriched, uplifted.","text2":"We appreciate your donation, even if you do not experience any benefit.","label":-1,"idx":5738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It does mean that some Muslims tend to be uncomfortable with distinctions between religion and state, though Muslim rulers throughout history have readily separated the two.","text2":"All Muslims demand an Islamic theocracy in accordance with the tenets of Islam.","label":-1,"idx":5739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She closed the door, and Ines said to me, What are we going to do with Luis Alonso?","text2":"We slammed the door in his face and went back like nothing happened.","label":-1,"idx":5740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To build upon our past successes and to launch these new initiatives, we need your support.","text2":"You can help us by donating money","label":-1,"idx":5741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, the main, I, The Red Badge of Courage, the main character, at first I had never, you know, all of the cowboy stories that I saw or read, it was, uh, uh, you know, the good the bad and the good were very good and the bad were very bad.","text2":"In the other cowboy stories I had read, the good people were actually secretly bad.","label":-1,"idx":5742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that hard for you?","text2":"Had that presented difficulty to you? ","label":-1,"idx":5743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Native and only language!","text2":"My own language.","label":-1,"idx":5744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Manufacturers have told us that hand-cutting with skilled cutters is as accurate as computer-cutting.","text2":"Hand cutting is never as accurate as computing. ","label":-1,"idx":5745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By shifting attitudes and teaching youth to understand each other, we halt the violence that plagues our schools and neighborhoods.","text2":"We have lowered the rate of school violence in the past years.","label":-1,"idx":5746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was improvised by civilians who had never handled a hijacked aircraft that attempted to disappear, and by a military unprepared for the transformation of commercial aircraft into weapons of mass destruction.","text2":"The airplane was handled by professionals with military experience.","label":-1,"idx":5747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"FAA rules allow use of this seat by documented and approved individuals, usually air carrier or FAA personnel.","text2":"FFA rules let air carrier and FAA personnel use this seat.","label":-1,"idx":5748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grocery stores now stock a profusion of toothbrushes, Home Depot has shelves and shelves of different light bulbs, and Dell offers custom-configured personal computers.","text2":"Home depots tend to only stock one type of lightbulb.","label":-1,"idx":5749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your gift of sharing, we provide needed home care services to the most, give emergency respite to families of children at risk for neglect or abuse, help establish a Seniors to Seniors program to provide companionship and homemaker services to homebound citizens.","text2":"Your tax deductible contribution provides home care services, emergency respite services and helps to establish senior programs.","label":-1,"idx":5750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, while many Americans grew wealthier during the 1980s and 1990s, the rate of childhood poverty in America was actually rising by 20 percent!","text2":"Many Americans got wealthier during the 80's and 90's,and no one got poorer.","label":-1,"idx":5751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How does a retail buyer even begin to approach the problem of making forecasts at such a minute level of detail?","text2":"Forecasts are impossible to create until the point of hard sale.","label":-1,"idx":5752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift will help make this year's concert more special by providing funds for costumes, programs and lighting.","text2":"Donations have no bearing on the concert's production needs.","label":-1,"idx":5753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was particularly interested in one that would allow me to designate a variety of typestyles during keyboard-ing, ideally one that showed the styles on the monitor as the text was being typed.","text2":"I liked the one that let me pick various typestyles.","label":-1,"idx":5754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And you're going to school in those conditions.","text2":"One of the conditions is people picking on you. ","label":-1,"idx":5755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"point-blank In ballistics, a weapon fired point-blank is one whose sights are aimed directly at a target so that the projectile speeds to its destination in a flat trajectory.","text2":"If sights are aimed straight at a target so that the projectile velocity is flat, then it is being fired point-blank.","label":-1,"idx":5756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What was I to do in the men's community bath at a Japanese hotel (a ryokan ), besides wash?","text2":"What should I do in a mens community bath in Japan besides wash? ","label":-1,"idx":5757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, there has been an appreciable growth in relatively unskilled immigrants in some localities such as major metropolitan areas around the country.","text2":"The biggest cities across the country appreciate the cheap labor that offer unskilled immigrants.","label":-1,"idx":5758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The importance of family mealtimes is underscored by the fact that the most widely used research instrument for assessing the quality of young children's home environments asks parents whether the child eats at least one meal a day with a parent.","text2":"Family mealtimes are considered important because they're a useful means of research.","label":-1,"idx":5759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember the first jobs that you, that you did um, because, I, did you, I don't think you started working with your dad did you?","text2":"Can you recall the first jobs you performed?","label":-1,"idx":5760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Myself, and my brother and sister.","text2":"My siblings and myself.","label":-1,"idx":5761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fighters were scrambled because of the report that American 11 was heading south, as is clear not just from taped conversations at NEADS but also from taped conversations at FAA centers; contemporaneous logs compiled at NEADS, Continental Region headquarters, and NORAD; and other records.","text2":"In fact, American 11 had turned north to land at a nearby airport.","label":-1,"idx":5762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents cannot erase their child's genetic propensities, but they can alter many of them in a favorable direction, especially if they have access to knowledge about eective child rearing and they intervene in early childhood, the years of greatest neurological malleability.","text2":"Parents can't change their kid's genetics so they have to focus on their environment.","label":-1,"idx":5763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The growth of the highway system around central cities and the rapid expansion of suburbs created new opportunities for shopping centers, malls, and other outlets closer to a growing number of two wage-earner families.","text2":"The highway system was shrinking, along with the suburbs.","label":-1,"idx":5764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some argue that the growing pace of technology makes a liberal arts education less valuable in the '90s.","text2":"Some people point to technological advance to support the notion that liberal arts education will be useless in the '90s.","label":-1,"idx":5765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He left a message on their home answering machine that the plane had been hijacked.","text2":"The message he left said that the plane had been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":5766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are there particular stories either, either family stories that you might tell or stories about, um, you know things that have happened to people in the past?","text2":"We do not tell stories about the past.","label":-1,"idx":5767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. I want to run into everybody just once ...They say a girl can't do it.","text2":"The girl wants to run into everybody","label":-1,"idx":5768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't think of a story that, uh, had a real negative impact on me.","text2":"There were reasons as to why I forget about the negative aspects of my life.","label":-1,"idx":5769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The idea is to test the solvers' skill in deciphering clues rather than their familiarity with the recondite recesses of the lexicon.","text2":"Familiarity with lexicon is far more important than the ability to solve clues.","label":-1,"idx":5770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe it was a Dodge wasn't it?","text2":"I know it was a Toyota.","label":-1,"idx":5771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, it was hard for him at first, I think because, um, like all of a sudden I was like so into softball, so into sports and everything like that and I'm still like, I'm still like that.","text2":"I think he had a tough time because I really liked sports.","label":-1,"idx":5772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, but that they weren't going to steal, they weren't going to kill, neither would they harm the people, but it we didn't, if we worked with them.","text2":"They were not intending to kill and steal nor hurt anyone.","label":-1,"idx":5773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I've learned, um, at the end of this year how to manage my time, which I hasn't helped me out very much.","text2":"By then I'd already failed a few classes and it there was no way to pull up my GPA.","label":-1,"idx":5774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When he arrived in Afghanistan, they controlled much of the country, but key centers, including Kabul, were still held by rival warlords.","text2":"They controlled much of the country except the key centers which were controlled by rival warlords.","label":-1,"idx":5775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A VERY SPECIAL PROJECT FOR STUDENTS","text2":"A very amazing opportunity for students. ","label":-1,"idx":5776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is crucial that parents exercise their gatekeeper role with respect to TV, limiting how much and what young children watch'to about an hour to an hour-and-a-half a day and to programs that are child-appropriate and informative and that teach positive social attitudes and behaviors.","text2":"Young children would be happy to watch television all day if they were allowed.","label":-1,"idx":5777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens when people are living on the edge -- barely able to survive ?\u20ac\u201c- and an unexpected emergency arises?","text2":"When people are living pay check to pay check how are they supposed to pay when an emergency occurs?","label":-1,"idx":5778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are job titles for, ","text2":"These jobs have existed since the Industrial Revolution.","label":-1,"idx":5779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:21, the Command Center, some FAA field facilities, and American Airlines had started to search for American 77.","text2":"The Command Center started to search for the plane, assuming it had crashed.","label":-1,"idx":5780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Any fabric left after the order is completed is kept by the subcontractor, providing an incentive to squeeze the pattern pieces more than a designer might want.","text2":"The subcontractor keeps the fabric left over from the order.","label":-1,"idx":5781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children learn and practice thinking by participating in purposeful activities, organized by their cultural community.","text2":"Children enjoy participating in activities offered by their cultural community which improve their thought process.","label":-1,"idx":5782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this may not be a realistic assumption for many situations, it makes it easier to understand the fundamentals of demand forecasting here.","text2":"This will be the most realistic assumptions we will be having until we understand the fundamentals of forecasting 100%.","label":-1,"idx":5783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In increasing numbers, alumni and friends are providing the private resources necessary for scholarships, faculty support and other items which enrich the school's curriculum related programs.","text2":"Our supporting partners will continue to make greater strides in providing scholarships.","label":-1,"idx":5784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This had the effect of puzzling some clerks, of occasionally leading to communication (finger-pinching for clothespins worked, for example), and most often of bringing out the clerks' sense of humor, expressed in good-natured if frustrated laughter.","text2":"This revealed that the clerks had no sense of humor whatsoever.","label":-1,"idx":5785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't remember reading anything, foreign authors.","text2":"I remember reading everything.","label":-1,"idx":5786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like emotion knowledge, preschoolers' grasp of false belief grows out of conversations that touch on the mental lives of others.","text2":"Preschoolers don't understand false belief.","label":-1,"idx":5787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS ordered to battle stations the two F-15 alert aircraft at Otis Air Force Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts, 153 miles away from New York City.","text2":"There were two F-15 on alert 153 miles away. ","label":-1,"idx":5788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thousands of residents still live in sub-standard conditions, our teen pregnancy rate is the highest in the state, only one-third of residents have high school diplomas, and half of our residents have little hope of participating in community improvements because they do not own their home.","text2":"Many residents live in poor conditions, including high teen pregnancy rates, low rate of high school completion, and lack of home ownership. ","label":-1,"idx":5789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of things do you learn in school?","text2":"What kind of things are you learning at the new school?","label":-1,"idx":5790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These U.S. firms do so through electronic data interchange (EDI), automated distribution centers, and sophisticated inventory management'a triumph of information technology, speed, and flexibility over low labor rates.","text2":"Automated distribution centers are not used for this process.","label":-1,"idx":5791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President asked to speak to the President, but it took time for the call to be connected.","text2":"There was no attempt from the Vice President to talk to the President.","label":-1,"idx":5792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Purdue has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.","text2":"Perdue is an important part of my life. ","label":-1,"idx":5793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, partners in teaching and learning do not need to attain the intersubjective heights of lovers to accomplish their goals.","text2":"It's not necessary for teaching partners to attain the intersubjective heights of lovers in order to accomplish their goals.","label":-1,"idx":5794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Into adulthood, what books do you like now?","text2":"Has your taste in books changed now that you've reached adulthood?","label":-1,"idx":5795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He spent most of his time with my grandfather learning things like how to work on cars and how to build things paint things and that translates over cause my dad does just about everything; he can fix about anything and build just about anything and repair just about anything.","text2":"Dad never learned anything from my grandfather. ","label":-1,"idx":5796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" As a mother of an 18-month-old daughter with an M.A. in education who has decided to stay home to raise my child (a difficult and soul-wrenching decision), I resent the characterizsation of the full-time mother as one who is occupied with `laundry, shopping, preparing dinner,' to the exclusion of one-to-one contact with my child. ","text2":"The person in question is a mother of an 18-month-old daughter.","label":-1,"idx":5797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inadvertent substitution of ground zero for square one , while luminously ludicrous, is not self-canceling and hence does not convey the empty sense of morox.","text2":" The substitution for ground zero for square one conveys the same idea.","label":-1,"idx":5798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Definitely study!","text2":"Study, for sure!","label":-1,"idx":5799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ice with a little bit of snow on top of it and we were in a little toboggan sled there not the, not the kind roll up there like a plastic sheet, but a boat sled.","text2":"We rode a boat sled on ice with snow on top. ","label":-1,"idx":5800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One method for improving targeting would be to require each garment to include a bar code label that shows the place and time of fabrication.","text2":"Adding a bar code label to the garments is not a method for improving targeting.","label":-1,"idx":5801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To have something to fall back on and everything like that.","text2":"I wanted to take risks without any care about what I could fall back on if I failed.","label":-1,"idx":5802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers remained at the controls but must have judged that the passengers were only seconds from overcoming them.","text2":"The passengers were able to subdue the hijackers. ","label":-1,"idx":5803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late nineteenth century, these uses of great and small became obsolete, but to go great guns continued to allude to the loudness, forcefulness, and large size of long-ago cannons and still means to `proceed with considerable momentum, to go full steam ahead, at full bore.","text2":"The expression 'to go great guns' has fallen into obscurity after the nineteenth century.","label":-1,"idx":5804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I learned much about my father's experiences as a retail merchant through stories he related to my mother at Sofie, you'll never believe the customer who came into the store today.","text2":"My Father often told my mother about his experiences at work.","label":-1,"idx":5805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We bring together dedicated adult learners and committed, well-trained volunteers.","text2":"Volunteers help our adult learners gain valuable skills.","label":-1,"idx":5806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' We use in their original Latin forms addenda and corrigenda meaning `things to be added\/corrected.","text2":"Latin is a completely dead language with no contemporary use.","label":-1,"idx":5807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went on to warn that If the present injustice continues . . . , it will inevitably move the battle to American soil.","text2":"He warned that the battle would move to American soil if the injustice continued.","label":-1,"idx":5808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, Daly describes the title of one of her early books, Gyn\/Ecology , as saying exactly what I mean to say. ","text2":"Daly gave clarification about the book title.","label":-1,"idx":5809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our problem now is how to teach him to go out and catch his own fish instead of waiting to catch Harry behind the aviary.","text2":"Our problem now is to get him to actually eat something.","label":-1,"idx":5810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The issue was still undecided when the President conferred with the Vice President at about the time Air Force One was taking off.","text2":"The issue was undecided when Bush talked with Cheney as Air Force One was taking off, but a decision was made before they landed.","label":-1,"idx":5811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Depending on the experiences they oer, they open up or close o a great many avenues for learning.","text2":"They close up a lot of avenues for learning.","label":-1,"idx":5812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Millions, pursuing secular as well as religious studies, were products of educational systems that generally devoted little if any attention to the rest of the world's thought, history, and culture.","text2":"Millions were products of educational systems that devoted little attention to the rest of the world's thoughts and culture.","label":-1,"idx":5813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Time-travelers need not be scientists or super-heroes.","text2":"Time-travelers don't have to be extraordinary.","label":-1,"idx":5814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the yellow house?","text2":"In the pink apartment?","label":-1,"idx":5815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In mid-1998, the situation reversed; it was Iraq that reportedly took the initiative.","text2":"Iraq took the initiative, reversing the situation in mid 1998.","label":-1,"idx":5816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What remained was the hard question of how deterrence could be effective when the adversary was a loose transnational network.","text2":"Deterrance is great when the adversary is a loose transnational network.","label":-1,"idx":5817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, wildlife is returning to the area.","text2":"Wildlife is returning to the area now that construction has stopped.","label":-1,"idx":5818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The teens have undertaken a volunteer project to regularly visit with sick children at a local hospital.","text2":"The volunteers want to increase their help at the hospital","label":-1,"idx":5819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or maybe even dinner for Mom at a local restaurant.","text2":"The local restaurant serves dinner from 6pm to 10pm.","label":-1,"idx":5820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His skiing awards include the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic 1988 Linne Howard Spirit Award, the San Diego Hall of Champions Museum 1990 Disabled Athlete of the Year Award, and the 1990 and '91 U.S.","text2":"The National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic 1988 Linne Howard Spirit Award, and the San Diego Hall of Champions Museum 1990 Disabled Athlete of the Year Award are among the awards he earned for skiing. ","label":-1,"idx":5821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Really?","text2":"That's not true at all. ","label":-1,"idx":5822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That sings.","text2":"It doesn't make any noise.","label":-1,"idx":5823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gum-trees or rocks (in areas of sand) appear as signs of possible water.","text2":"When in areas of sand, the presence of rocks or gum-trees might indicate the presence of water.","label":-1,"idx":5824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, in lexicographers' frequent reliance on best authors as a source, dictionaries draw evidence from men, more frequently published and admired, and not women.","text2":"Women and men and perceived the same when it comes to dictionary creation.","label":-1,"idx":5825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, do you want names of them?","text2":"Would you like the names of the books?","label":-1,"idx":5826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The woman prepared food, but she only gave it to the children.","text2":"She wanted the children to be taken care of before the adults.","label":-1,"idx":5827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through its community-based allocation system, United Way makes sure each year that the community's highest priorities, as set by community leaders like you, are served well.","text2":"The United Way ensures that the highest priorities of the community are served well. ","label":-1,"idx":5828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps most promising in expanding the range of meanings for one-letter words are variant forms.","text2":"One-letter words typically only have one meaning that is well-known.","label":-1,"idx":5829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Radio communications from the plane were normal.","text2":"There was nothing abnormal about radio communications from the plane.","label":-1,"idx":5830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift is a wise investment in the community.","text2":"Your gift is an useless investment.","label":-1,"idx":5831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They came back with lots of reasons ! We hope you find your reasons on the list.","text2":"The respondents offered up various grounds from which we constructed a comprehensive list and we believe you will find your reason on that list.","label":-1,"idx":5832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We grew up here in Albemarle.","text2":"We have lived here our whole lives.","label":-1,"idx":5833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A contribution of $395 provides full participation in the Club for a boy or girl for one year; however, your gift in any amount can make a difference in a child's life.","text2":"Giving $395 makes twelve kids members for a year!","label":-1,"idx":5834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nonetheless, the initial trompe l'oeil is there.","text2":"The initial art style is there.","label":-1,"idx":5835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"...Well, you get the idea.","text2":"This is easy to understand.","label":-1,"idx":5836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fundamental changes in inventory policies in retail and manufacturing may significantly affect price levels as well.","text2":"The prices may go up due to the changes.","label":-1,"idx":5837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"even though it is generally acknowledged that Paris is n??mero uno in this area of human activity.","text2":"Paris is the epicenter of human activity.","label":-1,"idx":5838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this may not be a realistic assumption for many situations, it makes it easier to understand the fundamentals of demand forecasting here.","text2":"In spite of the fact that this may not be a reasonable suspicion for some circumstances, it makes it less demanding to comprehend the essentials of interest gauging here.","label":-1,"idx":5839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you know who he is?","text2":"No one knows that person.","label":-1,"idx":5840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pierre, Pierre, I don't care.","text2":"I am not to be bothered, Pierre.","label":-1,"idx":5841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that time I spent with them was the coolest because grandmom would let me smoke and at 12, 13 years old you know being able to sit there and smoke cigarettes with grandma.","text2":"12 or 13 was probably the coolest I felt because my grandma would actually let me smoke with her.","label":-1,"idx":5842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ We were there working.","text2":"We were in the library working.","label":-1,"idx":5843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of like eating it with whipping cream.","text2":"It was like eating something mixed with whipping cream.","label":-1,"idx":5844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Library resources including audio\/visual aids, flags on loan, and books, add to the Girl Scout experience so that girls and volunteers have the tools they need to make Girl Scouting a positive learning experience.","text2":"Some libraries go so far as to offer programming especially for Girl Scouts.","label":-1,"idx":5845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the customer must write, call, or e-mail these retailers with a specific purchase request, these firms are able to capture actual consumer demand rather than sales numbers alone.","text2":"Retailers use this more detailed information to improve their inventory. ","label":-1,"idx":5846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As our senior year draws to a close, we challenge you to participate in this worthy project.","text2":"Be part of this project as our final year comes to an end.","label":-1,"idx":5847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the other hand, figurative or exaggerated expression would probably have been a simplified improvement over metaphorical or hyperbolic expression, which might be tough going for someone who had to look up literally to begin with.","text2":"Conversely, it might have been simpler to use the phrase \"figurative or exaggerated expression\" rather than \"metaphorical or hyperbolic expression,\" as this would be difficult for those unfamiliar with the word \"literally.\"","label":-1,"idx":5848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So do you plan on working on it next year?","text2":"Will you definitely be working on it within the next year?","label":-1,"idx":5849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Admittedly, lowing is also onomatopoeic.","text2":"Lowing sounds how it does, no matter the pronunciation,","label":-1,"idx":5850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because none of these teleconferences-at least before 10:00- included the right officials from both the FAA and Defense Department, none succeeded in meaningfully coordinating the military and FAA response to the hijackings.","text2":"None of the teleconferences had the right people in them.","label":-1,"idx":5851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cartoonists might depict a child asking a parent about Neanderthal women, but that is recognizably a joke that depends for its humor on the characterization of the questioner as a that it is a child is irrelevant; it might be Edith Bunker.","text2":"Cartoon makers might make a scene with kids questioning about Neanderthal women as a joke.","label":-1,"idx":5852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even words which are usually of more general reference are brought into relation with water in a text like this.","text2":"Words usually used in more generic contexts are brought into relation with water in such a text because of the historical context.","label":-1,"idx":5853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Different channel players now share detailed information on daily sales; investments in technologies mutually benefit both retailers and suppliers; and because of the effective use of information and manufacturing technologies, risk has been reduced across the entire channel.","text2":"Because channel players share daily sales information, investors feel more comfortable putting money into technologies that benefit retailers and suppliers.","label":-1,"idx":5854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does Daddy do voices when he does Three Little Pigs?","text2":"Does your dad do voices when he reads Three Little Pigs?","label":-1,"idx":5855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Figuring out how to assign products to plants rests on two findings explored in this chapter.","text2":"This chapter will cover how to start your own retail business.","label":-1,"idx":5856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now I'm starting my whole lifeguard thing this summer.","text2":"This summer, I am going to be a lifeguard. ","label":-1,"idx":5857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The address (Obras Completas, Aguilar, Madrid, 1963) is a 5,000-word virtuoso performance in which he describes duende variously as the spirit of the earth, with Dionysian roots, and as the mysterious spirit of sorrowful Spain. ","text2":"I enjoyed the performance.","label":-1,"idx":5858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the situation Wanda then found herself in bore that out.","text2":"Wanda was ready to give up on trying to overcome her problems.","label":-1,"idx":5859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The behaviorist presumption that development can be mechanically engineered by social input, guaranteeing brighter, socially more mature children, is not borne out by the evidence.","text2":"Behaviorist presumptions do not always have evidence of the claims they make.","label":-1,"idx":5860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each hour of instruction costs approximately $100, of which the United Way Of Central Indiana pays $60.","text2":"Each hour of education costs $100 because health educators make a lot of money.","label":-1,"idx":5861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the effects documented for retail-apparel-textile channels are more pervasive across other sectors similarly affected by channel integration, these changes could imply lower GDP volatility.","text2":"The GDP has been especially volatile within the last five years.","label":-1,"idx":5862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, a car was coming by with a white flag that meant peace and in that car there was a friend of Luis Alonso's and also a guerrilla came in that car.","text2":"We were always looking for signs of peace.","label":-1,"idx":5863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do not know who from Defense participated, but we know that in the first hour none of the personnel involved in managing the crisis did.","text2":"Every member of Defence was eagerly working to solve this sitatuion.","label":-1,"idx":5864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I prefer the latter approach, though I have of ten thought it might be only fair to mark such entries with some symbol (like a death's head).","text2":"I have a preference for one way to deal with this.","label":-1,"idx":5865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In narrative, we express the folk psychology of our culture'our deeply ingrained assumptions about human desires, emotions, and beliefs, and our judgments of certain ones as more acceptable than others.","text2":"Our cultural assumptions deem and all emotions as acceptable. ","label":-1,"idx":5866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Gerber system first made it possible for a computer to guide the cutting knife anywhere on the cutting table.","text2":"Computers can use knives with the Gerber system.","label":-1,"idx":5867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so is there anything in particular about growing up that you want to share that maybe changed you as a person?","text2":"Is there anything of interest about your growing up that you would care to share?","label":-1,"idx":5868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about does Mommy ever tell you any stories?","text2":"Does your mom tell you stories?","label":-1,"idx":5869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"*$160 will pay for one program for an entire grade.","text2":"$160 will cover a whole grade of up to 200 students for the program.","label":-1,"idx":5870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, the main, I, The Red Badge of Courage, the main character, at first I had never, you know, all of the cowboy stories that I saw or read, it was, uh, uh, you know, the good the bad and the good were very good and the bad were very bad.","text2":"The Red Badge of Courage was neither completely good nor completely bad. ","label":-1,"idx":5871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 10:03:11 impact time is supported by previous National Transportation Safety Board analysis and by evidence from the Commission staff 's analysis of radar, the flight data recorder, the cockpit voice recorder, infrared satellite data, and air traffic control transmissions.","text2":"It was after 10 in the morning that there was an impact.","label":-1,"idx":5872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is something like the zone of current sports lingo in which a tennis player, say, enters a trance-like state, putting him on a roll where he can't miss a shot.","text2":"Tennis players never are able to get into a hot streak.","label":-1,"idx":5873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The early twentieth-century success of Wanamaker's and other department stores illustrates that the keys to effective retailing are providing customers with a variety of desirable products, procuring those products at a low enough cost to make a profit, marketing them well, and charging prices that reflect customers' willingness to pay.","text2":"Department stores find that procuring items at a low enough cost regardless of desirability will get a profit. ","label":-1,"idx":5874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After we receive your commitment, we will contact you about picking up your contribution.","text2":"You must provide us with details about when ad where to pick up your contribution because we cannot contact you.","label":-1,"idx":5875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The average hourly earnings of U.S. employees in textile mill products (SIC 22) went from $4.66 in 1979 to $10.02 in 1997'an increase of 115 percent and more than the increase in all manufacturing or nondurable manufacturing.","text2":"From 1979 t0 1997, the average earnings for a textile employee in the U.S. fell by 50 percent.","label":-1,"idx":5876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Copy that?","text2":"Do you understand?","label":-1,"idx":5877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Radio communications from the plane were normal.","text2":"The radio communications had stopped, which was abnormal.","label":-1,"idx":5878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Compounding native English words or elements produces all classes of combinations' farmhouse ; underst and twenty-one ; herewith ; into ; someone ; because ; good grief . It is also a gradual process, as evidenced by the sequence of to day, to-day, today .","text2":"Compounding English words does not result in new words.","label":-1,"idx":5879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I take the liberty of reprinting the glossary here, because some of the terms are far from common ( chippy, hootch , and century are perhaps the more familiar) and many are not included in standard dictionaries of ","text2":"There is no need to reprint the glossary because every term is in a standard dictionary.","label":-1,"idx":5880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President entered the underground tunnel leading to the shelter at 9:37.","text2":"The Vice President reached the shelter at 9:40.","label":-1,"idx":5881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"2. Contact your ward Alderman and lobby for his\/her support of the Humane Society's needs.","text2":"The Human Society needs your help lobbying.","label":-1,"idx":5882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every single one was subjected to an extremely active environment, not one that folded its hands and waited for the child to mature. ","text2":"None of them were exposed to a very active environment. ","label":-1,"idx":5883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She struggled with one of the hijackers who killed or otherwise silenced her.","text2":"The woman was stabbed by the people who stole the plane.","label":-1,"idx":5884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one recent analyst commented, theories and the popular literature for parents have done their share to undermine the wavering self-confidence of American parents. ","text2":"The confidence of American parents can never be undermined, no matter the circumstances.","label":-1,"idx":5885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, so we uh, put some plans together.","text2":"We planned something together.","label":-1,"idx":5886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So she, we would always fuss about her sitting with us but anyway this one morning I putting siding dad and I are putting siding on her house and nobody come to the door.","text2":"Someone came to the door while Dad and I were putting up the siding on her house. ","label":-1,"idx":5887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So coordinate with the FAA.","text2":"Coordinate with NASA","label":-1,"idx":5888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean, shall we put it down?","text2":"What I am saying is, should it be put down?","label":-1,"idx":5889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of September 11, Secretary Rumsfeld was having breakfast at the Pentagon with a group of members of Congress.","text2":"Rumsfeld was sitting in his office alone.","label":-1,"idx":5890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some within the Pentagon argued in the 1990s that the alert sites should be eliminated entirely.","text2":"Some in the Pentagon think we should keep alert sites around forever.","label":-1,"idx":5891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The four men passed through the security checkpoint, owned by United Airlines and operated under contract by Argenbright Security.","text2":"The checkpoint was operated under contract by a security company.","label":-1,"idx":5892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the savants have passed barman, blazer, bobsleigh , and boycott as fit for inclusion in their new dictionary. ","text2":"Barman, blazer, bobsleigh, and boycott would not have have been included were it not for people who think they know better than everyone else.","label":-1,"idx":5893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President remembered placing a call to the President just after entering the shelter conference room.","text2":"The Vice President did not stay on the phone with the President long. ","label":-1,"idx":5894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Archaeology is a popular pursuit, and its manifest results not only receive considerable publicity but can be seen in museums.","text2":"Archaeology is unpopular and its results tend to be hidden away from the public.","label":-1,"idx":5895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If I had, if I was retired, I would definitely be working in aliteracy, um, you know, volunteer literacy capacity.","text2":"I would like to also work as a pharmacist.","label":-1,"idx":5896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The balance practice law throughout the country and live in 48 different states.","text2":"The balance practice law in only a small part of the country.","label":-1,"idx":5897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But a definition can range from a single-word synonym ( entry 4b(3) : HEADWORD) to the 117 words of W9's definition of vocabulary entry 'and beyond!","text2":"Vocabulary definitions, like \"and beyond,\" tend to have more synonyms than single words.","label":-1,"idx":5898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The description of the pronunciation of English is much fuller in the front matter of the W , but, as the only people who read the front matter of dictionaries seem to be students (who are enjoined to under pain of death) and other lexicographers, the absence of comprehensive coverage of the subject in L would not appear to be a serious omission.","text2":"There are several scholarly articles that aid in understanding. ","label":-1,"idx":5899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One program, which has experienced immediate results, is the Sista Friends program.","text2":"There have been no results from the Sista Friends program. ","label":-1,"idx":5900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Looking at these figures, or at the books themselves, one would assume that the two dictionaries are of roughly the same size.","text2":"The two dictionaries are seemingly similar in shape and size.","label":-1,"idx":5901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution will make a difference in a child's life.","text2":"Children are waiting by the phone to take your call.","label":-1,"idx":5902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His skiing awards include the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic 1988 Linne Howard Spirit Award, the San Diego Hall of Champions Museum 1990 Disabled Athlete of the Year Award, and the 1990 and '91 U.S.","text2":"None of his awards were for winter sports.","label":-1,"idx":5903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Noah and Suzanne, parents of a 2-year- When our parents were raising us, they seemed confident of their power and infiuence.","text2":"Noah and Suzanne had many children and experiences dealing with young folk.","label":-1,"idx":5904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once again, there was no immediate information about the fate of the inbound aircraft.","text2":"Nothing was known about what happened to the plane.","label":-1,"idx":5905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nonetheless, our analysis suggests a number of steps that might be taken to improve compliance with U.S. labor standards in the presence of information-integrated channels.","text2":"Information-integrated channels are often the least in compliance with US standards.","label":-1,"idx":5906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"gun moll a double clipping of gonif's Molly, Yiddish for `thief's girl.","text2":"Gun moll is a single clipping of gonif's Molly.","label":-1,"idx":5907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In that context, one is given to wonder about the circumstances in languages that have grammatical, not sex gender.)","text2":"languages do not differentiate between the sexes.","label":-1,"idx":5908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The high value placed on self-restraint in Chinese culture leads shy children to receive very positive feedback from adults and peers.","text2":"The Chinese do not value self-restraint.","label":-1,"idx":5909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You have been a loyal friend by contributing $1,000 annually to the law school, and we are grateful for your past support.","text2":"We do not care if you supported us in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":5910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It contains many photographs of writers, some quite early; these enliven the appearance of the book but accomplish little else, unless one is interested in what Samuel Clemens looked like at the age of 15 (as a printer's devil) or in the appearance of Hart Crane standing in the middle of a railroad track in Cleveland in 1916.","text2":"Samuel Clemens and Hart Crane were both very handsome people.","label":-1,"idx":5911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, elementary school age.","text2":"Five years old.","label":-1,"idx":5912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA was asked to provide an update, but the line was silent because the FAA had not been added to the call.","text2":"The FAA was no allowed into the call because they were not a useful source.","label":-1,"idx":5913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Individuals who are being emancipated are eligible to receive up to $500 from the Fund if they formally apply and meet four 1. Release by the courts 2. Successful completion of all life skills tests 3. Positive termination of his or her Pleasant Run program 4. Possession of a high school diploma or GED","text2":"Individuals may receive $500, whether they graduated from high school or not.","label":-1,"idx":5914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your investment is used efficiently -- 88 percent OF FUNDS RAISED ARE INVESTED DIRECTLY IN SERVICES THAT HELP MEET CRITICAL COMMUNITY NEEDS.","text2":"88% of funds go directly to help critical community needs downtown.","label":-1,"idx":5915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, some of its 18th-century members gave our species the elevated title Homo sapiens , as if thinking of themselves while labeling all the birds, beasts, and bugs in creation.","text2":"The Royal Society was responsible for the term Homo Sapiens.","label":-1,"idx":5916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lexicographers appear to agree.","text2":"Lexicographers seem to be in agreement about this.","label":-1,"idx":5917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please make check payable to the Indiana University Foundation.","text2":"If you write a check make it out to the Indiana University Foundation.","label":-1,"idx":5918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think they do that so much anymore.","text2":"I don't think they read anymore.","label":-1,"idx":5919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm trying to bring him up here and get you-There he is right there.","text2":"He just got here so I brought him up. ","label":-1,"idx":5920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(And of us Canadians too, except for a few who like to toff-up their speech just ever so.)","text2":"Some Canadians like to make it seem as if they can speak more robustly. ","label":-1,"idx":5921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one in the traveling party had any information during this time that other aircraft were hijacked or missing.","text2":"No one knew the other aircraft was hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":5922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When it left the ground at 8:42, the flight was running more than 25 minutes late.","text2":"The flight was already running late.","label":-1,"idx":5923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even after you said that you learned to read the story of Trumpet the Dog, after you began to read on your own did sometimes your cousins or other people still read or tell stories to you even though you could read?","text2":"Did you ever learn to read?","label":-1,"idx":5924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I think what was worse about their place is not only the smoke hanging in the air, but they kept it at \/\/ 80 degrees.","text2":"It felt like Hell in there, way too hot for me.","label":-1,"idx":5925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All these elements-including religion-combined in an explosive compound.","text2":"Religion was the strongest element of these. ","label":-1,"idx":5926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather, by the end of the first year, their exploration of the physical world is confident, persistent, and complex.","text2":"This exploration of the physical world helps them to understand their place in it.","label":-1,"idx":5927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Throughout the years the law school has continued to provide quality legal education.","text2":"Throughout the years the law school continued to provide legal education.","label":-1,"idx":5928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or do you feel you're ready for the change?","text2":"Are you now prepared for the change?","label":-1,"idx":5929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tribal factions interfered with the supply missions.","text2":"Tribal factions got in the way of the supply missions.","label":-1,"idx":5930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More to our point, information integration has added a new dimension to these long-standing controversies.","text2":"The well established controversies have remained unchanged in spite of information integration.","label":-1,"idx":5931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, seeing people with no real creative potential getting paid to do music wasn't very encouraging or inspiring to me.","text2":"I didn't mind if they weren't very talented.","label":-1,"idx":5932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like the checkpoints in Boston, it lacked closed-circuit television surveillance so there is no documentary evidence to indicate when the hijackers passed through the checkpoint, what alarms may have been triggered, or what security procedures were administered.","text2":"Everything the hijackers did was caught on the CCTV.","label":-1,"idx":5933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Skohn, as in John , is given as the proper pronunciation, but it reports that in the south of England often (it is) pronounced `skoan.","text2":"In Southern England, they pronounce John as skoan. ","label":-1,"idx":5934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember storybooks or children's novels that you read growing up or you like?","text2":"Do you remember what adult fiction you read as a kid? ","label":-1,"idx":5935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The Elephant and Castle, nitwit, and big cheese are other examples.","text2":"There are at least three other examples to look at.","label":-1,"idx":5936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I helped people put their music and their vocals to tape.","text2":"I didn't ever help record vocals.","label":-1,"idx":5937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the expansion of basic and fashion-basic garments in the U.S. market.","text2":"Fashion-basic garments have experienced more growth in the US market than basic garments.","label":-1,"idx":5938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These changes were not noticed for several minutes, however, because the same New York Center controller was assigned to both American 11 and United 175.","text2":"Changes weren't noticed for a while because the same controller was assigned to both flights.","label":-1,"idx":5939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel Assembly and the Demands of Rapid Replenishment","text2":"Rapid replenishment puts unnecessary strain on the manufacturer's apparel assembly.","label":-1,"idx":5940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We generally make an exception for the more familiar English usage of Bin as part of a last name, as in Bin Ladin.","text2":"We generally do not make exceptions to form names into familiar English usage.","label":-1,"idx":5941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a pretty good distance.","text2":"The distance was quite short.","label":-1,"idx":5942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These differences include a larger disparity in compensation between those highly educated and those who are not, particularly high school dropouts.","text2":"High school dropouts are lazy, so they make less money.","label":-1,"idx":5943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you could state your name and your um, date of birth your age and where you were born and where, just basically, just a brief sketch of all the places you've lived, real quickly if you can.","text2":"Quickly state your name, age and birthday, and life locations. ","label":-1,"idx":5944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the 1980s, many American psychologists and educators'doubting the Piagetian view of development and desiring to account for wide variation in children's competencies'embraced Vygotsky's ideas with enthusiasm.","text2":"Piaget and Vygotsky had the exact same ideas concerning children's development.","label":-1,"idx":5945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of things are on your list?","text2":"Is that all that is on your list?","label":-1,"idx":5946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hope you will be present.","text2":"We hope you do not dare show your face at the event.","label":-1,"idx":5947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even after you said that you learned to read the story of Trumpet the Dog, after you began to read on your own did sometimes your cousins or other people still read or tell stories to you even though you could read?","text2":"Did people read or tell stories to you after you learned to read?","label":-1,"idx":5948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is also evidence that around this time Bin Ladin sent out a number of feelers to the Iraqi regime, offering some cooperation.","text2":"Bin Ladin is believed to have offered cooperation to the Iraqi regime.","label":-1,"idx":5949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"bosom pressers, breast buffers, chick sexers Not names for denizens of Manhattan's 42nd Street, although the functions suggested doubtless occur there if the price is right.","text2":"There isn't much sexual action going on in Manhattan's 42nd Street.","label":-1,"idx":5950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 was hijacked between 8:51 and 8:54.","text2":"At some time between 8:51 and 8:54 the hijackers got hold of American 77.","label":-1,"idx":5951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" While we didn't generate as much gift income as you did, we were extremely pleased with the results, the overall favorable response to the nature of this ask, and the additional notes and comments received from these non-donors.","text2":"Our campaign was a complete failure.","label":-1,"idx":5952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The difficulty of measuring these costs is further exacerbated by the fact that a given product may be attractive to different consumers at different prices, so determining the appropriate full price for a product is not an easy task.","text2":"Pricing affects how attractive a certain product is to customers.","label":-1,"idx":5953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the first case study, we assume that the retailer places an order every Sunday night and that the order must be filled during that week.","text2":"This is the only case study that was conducted.","label":-1,"idx":5954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin, no longer constrained by the Sudanese, clearly thought that he had new freedom to publish his appeals for jihad.","text2":"Bin Ladin had to show greater restraint without Sudanese protection.","label":-1,"idx":5955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Figure 6.1 shows a demand distribution having these properties.","text2":"Figure 6.1 shows a demand distribution that has these characteristics.","label":-1,"idx":5956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To do this, firms need a planning tool that translates demand variation into inventory targets by weighing, for each SKU, the opportunity for more sales against higher inventory carrying costs.","text2":"Firms need a planning tool to be able to do this.","label":-1,"idx":5957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As you know, the Annual Fund is an integral part of Cathedral's financial infra-structure each year.","text2":"The Annual Fund is necessary to the Cathedral's finances. ","label":-1,"idx":5958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He turned on a television, and in her home so did Louise Sweeney.","text2":"He turned on a television, and Louise turned her television on at home to watch the terrorist attack on 9\/11.","label":-1,"idx":5959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In recent years, many retailers have been hampered in their efforts to reduce in-store stocking levels by the size and shape of the fixtures in which their products are displayed.","text2":"Many retailers have been hampered in their efforts to reduce in-store stocking levels by the size and shape of the fixtures in which their products are displayed.","label":-1,"idx":5960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, when parents and other adults apply good rearing practices, they serve as buers, or sources of protection, for children against threatening forces in the wider world.","text2":"When parents apply bad practices, they are a source of protection.","label":-1,"idx":5961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh yeah, man they were good cigarettes.","text2":"Those cigarettes were the best I ever had.","label":-1,"idx":5962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pentagon proposed 12 targets for Tomahawk missiles.","text2":"The Pentagon proposed some targets for the nuclear bombs.","label":-1,"idx":5963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please, make a tax deductible gift to Community Centers of Indianapolis in 1999, and know that COMPANY is playing an important part in meeting the needs of its community.","text2":"COMPANY is playing an important part in meeting the needs of the Community Centers of Indianapolis in 1999, please make a tax deductible gift.","label":-1,"idx":5964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so I was working with a few people anyway, um, went away to school and got more into it and managed to do a little business deal with a few friends of mine that enabled me to get some equipment to actually produce music on a more professional level.","text2":"I didn't go away to school.","label":-1,"idx":5965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift of sharing can bring comfort and hope to those most in need during this holiday season.","text2":"During this holiday season a monetary contribution can bring comfort and hope to those in need.","label":-1,"idx":5966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shelby stood like one stricken.","text2":"Shelby stood like one who had been gifted with divine powers.","label":-1,"idx":5967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:54, the aircraft deviated from its assigned course, turning south.","text2":"The aircraft was still on its assigned course at 8:54.","label":-1,"idx":5968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are job titles for, ","text2":"They're job titles.","label":-1,"idx":5969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, that sounds like fun.","text2":"That sounds like the most boring thing imaginable. ","label":-1,"idx":5970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It kind of gets tiring and that's what I don't like, you know, I don't like to talk about myself when I go around my family.","text2":"I love to talk to my family about myself. ","label":-1,"idx":5971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost always, children pick the marked container.","text2":"Children consistently choose the marked container.","label":-1,"idx":5972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Army's answer to Sgt.","text2":"The Army gave a reply to the Sgt.","label":-1,"idx":5973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When offered by feminists, the answers frequently appear in a style that is marked by word play dependent on written forms; a style that is unconventional, mannered, at its best witty; a style that suggests alternatives to those styles that feminists would designate male-influenced.","text2":"Feminists write in a particular style to escape male-influenced definitions.","label":-1,"idx":5974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An old college friend of mine who celebrated his twentieth birthday'meaning twenty years of AA sobriety'a couple of years ago, tells me that when he was on the skids and riding the rails from drunk tank to drunk tank, the favorite terms for muscat were muscadoodle and Napa Valley smoke .","text2":"An old friend of mine celebrated being sober for twenty years and said his favorite term for muscat was muscadoodle. ","label":-1,"idx":5975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now that apparel manufacturers face more stringent order-fulfillment requirements and are expected to provide a much wider range of products to retailers, the costs of large amounts of in-process inventory have grown tremendously.","text2":"Apparel manufacturers face more stringent order-fulfillment requirements for online businesses.","label":-1,"idx":5976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The four men boarded the plane between 7:39 and 7:48.","text2":"The passengers got on the plane between 7:39 and 7:48.","label":-1,"idx":5977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes, I remember all the things about Trumpet the Dog.","text2":"I remember everything about Trumpet the Dog. ","label":-1,"idx":5978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dinnertime recaps of daily events also permit today's children, isolated from the adult world of real work, to gain access to their parents' daily lives.","text2":"Children don't learn more about their parents' lives during dinnertime usually.","label":-1,"idx":5979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember what kind of stories they were?","text2":"Do you remember the type of stories they were?","label":-1,"idx":5980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some were Saudis, and among them was Usama Bin Ladin.","text2":"None of them were Saudis.","label":-1,"idx":5981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lariat is compounded from the Spanish la `the' + reata `lasso.","text2":"Lariat is compounded by English words","label":-1,"idx":5982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such analyses of language pass as traditional in form if not in content.","text2":"The form of these language analyses passes as traditional.","label":-1,"idx":5983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Elena Nikolaidi Gives Distinguished Rectal. ","text2":"Distinguished rectal is given by Elena Nikolaidi.","label":-1,"idx":5984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if the additional $10,000 is not approved by the Board of Aldermen in January our Board of Trustees will be forced to cut services.","text2":"If we don't get an extra $10,000, services will have to be cut.","label":-1,"idx":5985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's this toy bazooka?","text2":"It's this giant gun here?","label":-1,"idx":5986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Excuse me. ","text2":"n\/a","label":-1,"idx":5987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our records indicate that last year you contributed $100.00 to our organization.","text2":"Our records show that you skipped your annual donation last year.","label":-1,"idx":5988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As media analysts try to make sense of the most heinous of these acts, including the recent spate of family, school, and neighborhood murders and maimings, parental retreat from a troubled child's life almost invariably surfaces as a contributing factor.","text2":"When trying to determine why violent acts in children occur it is almost always associated with the parents retreating from their lives.","label":-1,"idx":5989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Health and Encourages a lifelong commitment to maintaining a healthy body.","text2":"It ensures a sustained goal of keeping oneself physically healthy.","label":-1,"idx":5990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The reports describe friendly contacts and indicate some common themes in both sides' hatred of the United States.","text2":"Both groups share a hatred for the US, according to the reports.","label":-1,"idx":5991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And two days later, he came and visit her and then he knocked on the door and asked for her, and his, her, his mom, her mom told her, told him that she, she wasn't here, because she was dead for a long time and he goes, How can it be?","text2":"He knows where she lived.","label":-1,"idx":5992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky pointed out that we are used to thinking of the child's capacities in static or fossilized terms'as finished achievements.","text2":"Vygotsky believes that we imagine children's capacities to be constantly changing, never reaching a final point.","label":-1,"idx":5993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the callers from United 93 also reported that he thought the hijackers might possess a gun.","text2":"The last caller from United 93 alerted us that the hijackers had weapons.","label":-1,"idx":5994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Simply fill out the enclosed form and return it with your donation to Herron.","text2":"Fill out the form and send it to Herron along with a donation.","label":-1,"idx":5995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then the soldiers would pass through just the same.","text2":"The soldiers would come through just like anyone else.","label":-1,"idx":5996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even so, use of bar codes has become the norm for apparel-makers and retailers; to date, few channel partners have failed to make this change.","text2":"The majority of apparel retailers use bar codes.","label":-1,"idx":5997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indy Reads students make gains in reading, writing and language.","text2":"Indy Reads does not help with reading, writing or language.","label":-1,"idx":5998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Crossword puzzles soon become very popular in America, and perhaps even more so in Britain.","text2":"The British people are better at crosswords. ","label":-1,"idx":5999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, in this context, I think back on what I derived from different kinds of Bunraku, Kyogen, Noh , and Kabuki . Never before had I been required to see and soak up that drama which depends on a whole array of techniques that have nothing intrinsically to do with words.","text2":"It was easy for me to understand those different techniques.","label":-1,"idx":6000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One caller reported that a flight attendant had been killed.","text2":"A flight attendant had been killed according to one caller.","label":-1,"idx":6001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In early 1992, the al Qaeda leadership issued a fatwa calling for jihad against the Western occupation of Islamic lands.","text2":"Al Qaeda's leadership issued a fatwa that called for jihad.","label":-1,"idx":6002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're investing in people, as well.","text2":"People aren't helped by your investment.","label":-1,"idx":6003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" All mixed together!","text2":"All combined to make it harder for you to find.","label":-1,"idx":6004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The degreed educators of the Social Health Association provide in-school presentations in three subjects.","text2":"The Social Health Association gives in-school presentations in three areas.","label":-1,"idx":6005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apart from these words and lake , words and phrases directly associated with thoughts of water and reinforcing the sense of obsession include pool, springs, drainage hole, clay hole, flood, channel, water-courses, water-hole, rock-hole, drink, drinkable, running water, stream , and native well .","text2":"There were signs of obsession with anything related to water.","label":-1,"idx":6006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please continue with your neighbors to see to it that no expectant mother goes without medical care... no child goes without nourishment.","text2":"Help make sure a pregnant woman doesn't go without medical care.","label":-1,"idx":6007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope you will join me in support of the Chancellor's Circle at IUPUI.","text2":"I hope we can all contribute funds towards the Chancellor's Circle.","label":-1,"idx":6008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just about everyone I know has experienced these kinds of things over the years to mark this day.","text2":"Just about everyone I know has had a bad experience with these kinds of things.","label":-1,"idx":6009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That man was Samuel Maverick.","text2":"The man's name was Samuel Maverick.","label":-1,"idx":6010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Piedras de Sal, that was, like a, pretty, level, place where, they gathered.","text2":"I thought the place was beautiful.","label":-1,"idx":6011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What attitude should feminists take to women's suggested more frequent use of tag endings; It's a nice day, isn't it? ","text2":"People don't really want to discuss the feminists' use of tags.","label":-1,"idx":6012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A third group of babies given massive stimulation'patterned crib bumpers and fancy mobiles beginning in the first few weeks of life'also reached for objects sooner than did unstimulated babies.","text2":"Babies that got massive stimulation reached for objects sooner than other babies.","label":-1,"idx":6013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Health and Encourages a lifelong commitment to maintaining a healthy body.","text2":"They believe people are too hung up on health and fitness.","label":-1,"idx":6014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Less than a minute later, the Cleveland controller and the pilots of aircraft in the vicinity heard a radio transmission of unintelligible sounds of possible screaming or a struggle from an unknown origin.","text2":"Cleveland controllers heard transmissions that were unintelligible but sounded like screaming.","label":-1,"idx":6015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With high-powered lasers, the beam can be moved quickly and still cut through the cloth.","text2":"The laser beam can cut the cloth with complete precision.","label":-1,"idx":6016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NOW OUR FIRST INVITATION TO We invite each contributor and her\/his guest to attend our annual Department Reception for Graduating Seniors and Their Guests.","text2":"Each contributor may not have a guest attend. ","label":-1,"idx":6017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each type feeds in separate threads above and below the fabric, and these two threads must be connected in some fashion to form a stitch.","text2":"The threads have to meet each other to form a stitch which holds the fabric together.","label":-1,"idx":6018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Educators inspired by Piaget's work hope that by repeatedly applying cognitive structures in stimulating environments, children will notice and amend deficiencies in their thinking.","text2":"Educators applied Piaget's work in helping children develop their thinking.","label":-1,"idx":6019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, and perhaps most important, mealtimes allow parents to enter into their children's world and hear about the many facets of their lives, ranging from what the child did at school that day to refiections on how to solve peer or sibling problems.","text2":"Mealtimes are a great opportunity for parents to hear from their children.","label":-1,"idx":6020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's their's.","text2":"He belongs to them.","label":-1,"idx":6021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This child, Becky, is six years old and lives with her father.","text2":"Becky is 10 and lives with her aunt.","label":-1,"idx":6022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Still, he was just one among many diverse terrorist barons.","text2":"Many people hate the united states. ","label":-1,"idx":6023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ong speculated that they had jammed their way in.","text2":"One person has supposed they forced their way in.","label":-1,"idx":6024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many, of course, but unaccountably, they are not the focus of this book.","text2":"There are other books which discuss them.","label":-1,"idx":6025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But a definition can range from a single-word synonym ( entry 4b(3) : HEADWORD) to the 117 words of W9's definition of vocabulary entry 'and beyond!","text2":"A definition might have only one synonym, or it can have a very large number.","label":-1,"idx":6026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think her first name was Patricia, and I don't really recall her last name, but she was a French artist.","text2":"She was a French artist possibly named Patricia. ","label":-1,"idx":6027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Public health dentistry is an essential component of a well-rounded dental education.","text2":"Public health dentistry is a vital part of a well-rounded dental education.","label":-1,"idx":6028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Really?","text2":"\"Oh, yeah?\" he asked. ","label":-1,"idx":6029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS commanders and officers actively sought out information, and made the best judgments they could on the basis of what they knew.","text2":"NEADS commanders tried to get information and make decisions based on what they had.","label":-1,"idx":6030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am proud to say that our law school and fellow graduates play a significant role both in Indiana and the nation.","text2":"Fellow graduates play a large role on a national, but also local (Indiana) scale.","label":-1,"idx":6031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"while the children continued reading.","text2":"The kids kept reading.","label":-1,"idx":6032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Bin Ladin discovered that Fadl had skimmed about $110,000, and he asked for restitution.","text2":"Fadi had taken over a hundred thousand dollars before being asked for restitution. ","label":-1,"idx":6033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you remember what I had in my sandwich on the wharf yesterday?","text2":"Did I have a ham sandwich yesterday?","label":-1,"idx":6034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" All mixed together!","text2":"All jumbled up.","label":-1,"idx":6035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Part of HCTAR's research effort has resulted in new automatic marker-making software based on computational geometry techniques.","text2":"HCTAR's research effort failed to yield a new marker-making software.","label":-1,"idx":6036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As older preschoolers begin to attend to features of print, adults can combine shared book reading with scaolding of children's knowledge of letter names, letter-sound correspondences, and print conventions (for example, that books are read from left to right and top to bottom of the page, that spaces are used to separate words and periods to end sentences).","text2":"When preschoolers start reading, their parents can share their basic reading skills and knowledge with their kids. ","label":-1,"idx":6037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They could not meet conditions if their competitors were free to ignore them.","text2":"When one workplace improved worker conditions, its competitors followed suit.","label":-1,"idx":6038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hmm Describe her and what she did?","text2":"I know her and I know what she did.","label":-1,"idx":6039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Piaget's contribution to the field of child development is enormous.","text2":"Piaget was a great man, with a fabulous haircut.","label":-1,"idx":6040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not only had they left out the R ; they'd changed the K to C .","text2":"They kept the spelling the same.","label":-1,"idx":6041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Urban did excellent with his cane, but with Cameron, Urban gets from point A to point B in a snap- quicker than I can take him.","text2":"Urban takes a very long time to get from point A to point B.","label":-1,"idx":6042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are occasional hidden entries, as the list of diseases'among them the dread mohogus 'under the entry for Fowlenzia . (In the VERBATIM family, some suffer from Fowler's pip , an affliction affecting language fanatics who base a slavish purism on a literal interpretation of Modern English Usage .)","text2":"The list of diseases contains the dread mohogus.","label":-1,"idx":6043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the first quarter century of its existence as a nation, Pakistan's identity had derived from Islam, but its politics had been decidedly secular.","text2":"Pakistan had always been a Hindu nation, and its politics were dominated by religion.","label":-1,"idx":6044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The uninitiated may find these examples too bizarre for words.","text2":"The layman may find these things hard to describe. ","label":-1,"idx":6045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They go too far, though, when they attack I lost my job in place of They fired me on the grounds that such phrasing contributes to the harmful stereotype of `woman as victim.","text2":"I didn't lose my job over a small issue of phrasing.","label":-1,"idx":6046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Early introduction to this topic in a student's career helps produce an informed and caring practitioner who has a strong sense of community service and the needs of underserved populations.","text2":"Early introduction to this topic helps a student develop positive life-long community service skills.","label":-1,"idx":6047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Victim of injustice could be grounded.","text2":"Those unfairly maligned might be grounded.","label":-1,"idx":6048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This retreading of English, this adjusting of it, altering it, bandaging, and plastering it to promote a particular vision of society is the most widely perceived activity of feminists interested in language.","text2":"Feminists should stop trying to rewrite the English language.","label":-1,"idx":6049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of course, other firm characteristics, such as business-unit size or product type, might also be correlated with adoption of innovative practices and performance outcomes.","text2":"Adoption of innovative practices and performance outcomes is only associated with one characteristic, product type.","label":-1,"idx":6050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When it left the ground at 8:42, the flight was running more than 25 minutes late.","text2":"The flight was already running late because of a heavy storm.","label":-1,"idx":6051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alas for perfectly lovely words that acquire pejorative meanings over the years!","text2":"Wonderful words gain negative connotations over time. ","label":-1,"idx":6052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, time went on.","text2":"Time continued.","label":-1,"idx":6053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through its community-based allocation system, United Way makes sure each year that the community's highest priorities, as set by community leaders like you, are served well.","text2":"united Way has invented a unique community-based allocation system.","label":-1,"idx":6054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For a time, it may not have been clear to Bin Ladin that the Taliban would be his best bet as an ally.","text2":"Bin Laden may not have known for a time that the Taliban would be his best ally.","label":-1,"idx":6055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of things are on your list?","text2":"What are some of the items that are on your listing?","label":-1,"idx":6056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Get the weeds.","text2":"Grab that hippo!","label":-1,"idx":6057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Time-travelers need not be scientists or super-heroes.","text2":"Traveling through time was so easy that an average Joe could do it.","label":-1,"idx":6058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Originally, they were probably imported from India, but were later mass-produced in places such as Birmingham to grace Victorian and Edwardian mantelshelves.","text2":"They were first imported from India but later were produced in Birmingham to send to England. ","label":-1,"idx":6059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mrs. Feinsilver has an interesting article in this volume, too, Comment on Aman's `A Yiddish Minnie-Legend' and the Romanization of Yiddish. ","text2":"Nothing about any of the articles in this volume were interesting.","label":-1,"idx":6060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, and you took up the trade too.","text2":"So you took advantage of the trade he was been offering you for the longest time.","label":-1,"idx":6061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are just five of the ways we have accomplished our mission in 1999.","text2":"There are only four ways we can list that we accomplished our mission in 1999.","label":-1,"idx":6062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Bin Ladin discovered that Fadl had skimmed about $110,000, and he asked for restitution.","text2":"The money Bid Laden discovered was being taken was from a slush fund sponsored by Iranian military generals. ","label":-1,"idx":6063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Women's clothing is characterized by great diversity in styles and short production runs.","text2":"Sometimes the diversity involved in women's clothing can be too much for retailers to properly account for.","label":-1,"idx":6064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That conclusion is based on a version of events that we now know is incorrect.","text2":"We know now that the conclusion is based on events that are incorrect.","label":-1,"idx":6065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think her first name was Patricia, and I don't really recall her last name, but she was a French artist.","text2":"Patricia was a blonde. ","label":-1,"idx":6066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we describe in Chapter 7, manufacturers have essentially two choices in supplying replenishables.","text2":"There are two choices available for manufacturers to supply replenishables.","label":-1,"idx":6067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers at NEADS located an unknown primary radar track, but it kind of faded over Washington.","text2":"Controllers at NEADS saw something they didn't understand on the radar.","label":-1,"idx":6068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he sat and talked with these little children, and he hugged them, and loved them all.","text2":"As he sat and spoke to the young children, he realized how much he disliked most of them.","label":-1,"idx":6069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He then returned to his office for his daily intelligence briefing.","text2":"He then stayed in the lobby for his regular intelligence report.","label":-1,"idx":6070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In recent years, many retailers have been hampered in their efforts to reduce in-store stocking levels by the size and shape of the fixtures in which their products are displayed.","text2":"The fixtures are very good for predicting a certain kind of feeling in the store.","label":-1,"idx":6071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"GOD BLESS YOU.","text2":"Lord bless","label":-1,"idx":6072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I get over to the house.","text2":"I reached the hospital.","label":-1,"idx":6073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As news of the hijackings filtered through the FAA and the airlines, it does not seem to have occurred to their leadership that they needed to alert other aircraft in the air that they too might be at risk.","text2":"The FAA immediately told all planes about the threat.","label":-1,"idx":6074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's one of the few times you won't find the two together.","text2":"They do not like to spend any time apart.","label":-1,"idx":6075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Help People Become Self-Sufficient -- offer shelter for homeless families, disaster relief, employment and training, neighborhood support centers and specialized transportation;","text2":"Offering shelter for homeless families, disaster relief, employment and training, neighborhood support centers and specialized transportation helps people to become self sufficient without a safety net communities will fail.","label":-1,"idx":6076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:47, seconds after the impact of American 11, United 175's transponder code changed, and then changed again.","text2":"There was no change in the transponder code of United 175.","label":-1,"idx":6077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/But the gas station part\/\/ you're not sure about.","text2":"You were too drunk to remember about the gas station.","label":-1,"idx":6078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do your parents do?","text2":"What kind of jobs do your parents have?","label":-1,"idx":6079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:21, one of the American employees receiving Ong's call in North Carolina, Nydia Gonzalez, alerted the American Airlines operations center in Fort Worth, Texas, reaching Craig Marquis, the manager on duty.","text2":"The American Airlines operations is located in Texas.","label":-1,"idx":6080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its success encouraged Sunni fundamentalists elsewhere.","text2":"The success led Sunni's everywhere to be encouraged.","label":-1,"idx":6081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the sewing room is in the same building as the cutting room, then cut goods are sent over many times a day.","text2":"It is more convenient to have the sewing rooms in the same building as the cutting rooms.","label":-1,"idx":6082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift form identifying particular areas of need is attached for your reference.","text2":"Enclosed for you, is an award form describing certain areas of need.","label":-1,"idx":6083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The press was standing behind the children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring.","text2":"The press was located behind the kids.","label":-1,"idx":6084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This chapter covers the key steps in retail inventory forecasting demand, choosing appropriate stocking strategies, and determining order quantities and frequencies.","text2":"This chapter focuses primarily on financing strategies.","label":-1,"idx":6085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I look forward to your response, membership support, and having the opportunity to be of service.","text2":"I await your inevitable rejection with impending displeasure.","label":-1,"idx":6086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Stopover crises counseling for youth.","text2":"Counsel the youth about the crises","label":-1,"idx":6087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fundamental changes in inventory policies in retail and manufacturing may significantly affect price levels as well.","text2":"The inventory policies will not change and will stay the same.","label":-1,"idx":6088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers track airliners such as the four aircraft hijacked on 9\/11 primarily by watching the data from a signal emitted by each aircraft's transponder equipment.","text2":"6 aircraft were hijacked on september 11th.","label":-1,"idx":6089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In December, bombs exploded at two hotels in Aden where U.S. troops routinely stopped en route to Somalia, killing two, but no Americans.","text2":"The January bombings resulted in the death of 2 Americans.","label":-1,"idx":6090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The WYCA of Indianapolis still focuses on, supports, and gives empowerment to women and their families.","text2":"The WYCA of Indianapolis gives empowerment to women and their families.","label":-1,"idx":6091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were founded in 1989 by Ben and Luanne Russell who wanted to do something special for children here on Lake Martin.","text2":"Ben and Luanne Russel wanted to do something special for children here on Lake Martin, and we were founded in 1989 by them.","label":-1,"idx":6092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hardly any attention has been paid to one-element clues.","text2":"They are viewed as rather bland by most puzzle crafters.","label":-1,"idx":6093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The drive to gain advantage from economies of scale and the role of manufacturing technology in textiles have also affected the people who work in the industry.","text2":"The technology has been improving and changing the way the workers did their jobs.","label":-1,"idx":6094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We went to Chimney Rock on a number of occasions.","text2":"We've never been to Chimney Rock. ","label":-1,"idx":6095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grandmom smoked Saratoga 120 cigarettes which are about eight and a half inches long.","text2":"Those really long Saratoga 120 cigarettes are what grandma smoked.","label":-1,"idx":6096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, a well-formed lockstitch is smooth and appears the same when viewed from either the top or bottom ply.","text2":"A well-formed lockstitch looks the same no matter if you view it from the top or the bottom.","label":-1,"idx":6097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within minutes of the second impact, Boston Center instructed its controllers to inform all aircraft in its airspace of the events in New York and to advise aircraft to heighten cockpit security.","text2":"Boston Center told the aircraft to secure their cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":6098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teacher ratings are even more precise, since teachers are familiar with many children and therefore have a broader basis for judging whether a particular child is high, low, or intermediate on dimensions of temperament.","text2":"Teachers are familiar with many children and have a broader basis for determining a child's temperament.","label":-1,"idx":6099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It didn't last very long, but Miyares discovered he loved being a businessman.","text2":"It has lasted ever since, and Miyares has continually resented being a businessmen.","label":-1,"idx":6100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Movies and soaps attain respectability when there are enough papers in learned journals and theses in bound volumes to elevate them beyond being merely popular.","text2":"The movie Crash was elevated from its extensive viewpoint on racism.","label":-1,"idx":6101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a good thing that the technical staff at MicroSoft is not being asked to field questions about its Spelling Check; I am not sure I would want to hear the answers.","text2":"The MicroSoft staff are not being questioned on their spelling check","label":-1,"idx":6102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And do you know when you were born?","text2":"Do you know your anniversary?","label":-1,"idx":6103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The primary funding source is the YMCA International Open, which will be held next year on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at noon at Pebble Brook Golf Club.","text2":"The YMCA International Open will be held at the Pebble Brook Gold CLub.","label":-1,"idx":6104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Third, the lead pilot and local FAA controller incorrectly assumed the flight plan instruction to go 090 for 60 superseded the original scramble order.","text2":"The local FAA controller had initially begun carrying out the scramble order.","label":-1,"idx":6105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bolten told us he wanted to make sure the President was told that the Vice President had executed the order.","text2":"Bolton didn't believe the president need to know who called the order.","label":-1,"idx":6106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marines in Lebanon in 1983.","text2":"The national guard was in Lebanon in 1983","label":-1,"idx":6107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, we try to augment this on-going effort with special opportunities for the students, like the Visiting Artists Series, the latest computer graphic equipment, the best faculty and the most meaningful art exhibitions.","text2":"Students have the opportunity to use the latest computer graphic equipment.","label":-1,"idx":6108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ever since garment-making entered the factory system, the textile industry has been much more capital intensive than apparel.","text2":"After the factory system was introduced, apparel costs more to produce than textiles.","label":-1,"idx":6109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift will help make this year's concert more special by providing funds for costumes, programs and lighting.","text2":"Most donations are used directly on performance needs.","label":-1,"idx":6110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Archaeology is a popular pursuit, and its manifest results not only receive considerable publicity but can be seen in museums.","text2":"Museums sometimes display items that were found by archaeologists.","label":-1,"idx":6111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For instance it gives played as the proper pronunciation for plaid 'although, with delicate condescension, it parenthetically notes, by the English also `plad.","text2":"Plaid can be pronounced in many different ways. ","label":-1,"idx":6112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Goodwill has devised the programs that turned your investment into results.","text2":"Goodwill didn't devise any programs.","label":-1,"idx":6113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The funds raised by the campaign support a family of 83 health and human service agencies that provide services like family counseling, care for abused children, scouting and youth programs, job training, disaster relief and much, much more.","text2":"The disaster relief program requires the most funding of the 83 programs.","label":-1,"idx":6114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These performance differences persist even after controlling for other characteristics of business units, such as size and product mix, which might also be associated with replenishment speed and technology adoption.","text2":"Even after controlling for the size of business units, these differences in performance are still present.","label":-1,"idx":6115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And all the adults were standing around, not really paying much attention to the children, because children, of course, were supposed seen and, uh, not heard, and not really much being seen, actually.","text2":"We children were all dressed up and going nuts in our scratchy Sunday clothes.","label":-1,"idx":6116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, if you know of or come across someone who needs our help, please give the card to him or her.","text2":"Please give the card to anyone you know who needs our help.","label":-1,"idx":6117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No more treatments, no more.","text2":"No further treatments.","label":-1,"idx":6118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, so they came in through the interior door there, they turned like this, and came in through the door, and, and they knocked. ","text2":"They broke into the house and knocked on my bedroom door.","label":-1,"idx":6119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of these young men, such as the enormous number trained only in religious schools, lacked the skills needed by their societies.","text2":"A lot of the young males did not have the abilities required by their societies.","label":-1,"idx":6120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among them the Ch'in (Mr.Henn's Chin ) and the Yueh . ","text2":"Mr. Henn's spelling of Ch'in is at odd with mainstream interpretations.","label":-1,"idx":6121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But then, also a lot of the same, that, uh, that deal with the D and D and it was a much cleaner environment.","text2":"It was much of the same environment with no differences. ","label":-1,"idx":6122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I told him, I don't cover up anybody, I said.","text2":"I already told him I was not going to cover up for anybody.","label":-1,"idx":6123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By reducing order-fulfillment lead times, lean retailers are able to reduce the level of safety stock required to deal effectively with a given level of demand variation.","text2":"Cutting down on the amount of time it takes to fill an order means retailers don't have to order extra merchandise to cover delays. ","label":-1,"idx":6124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"10 As we would expect, if the cost of carrying inventory is very low, the quick line is not used; that is, the quick-line capacity ratio equals zero.","text2":"The quick line is used if the costs of carrying inventory are low.","label":-1,"idx":6125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing, you know, nothing more to do.","text2":"There isn't anything else to do.","label":-1,"idx":6126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If they want to be emphatic about a large undertaking, they might say, I'm going to do it all!","text2":"The want to do it all emphatically","label":-1,"idx":6127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If one is by himself, he, she, or it is alone.","text2":"If you are by yourself you are alone","label":-1,"idx":6128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know, echoes and stuff like that.","text2":"Echoes and other forms of repetition.","label":-1,"idx":6129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Probably more likely my mother than anyone else.","text2":"My mother was the most likely one.","label":-1,"idx":6130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 11: Nobody move please.","text2":"Everybody stay still.","label":-1,"idx":6131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in line with what we have said about narrative as a vital context for negotiating diering viewpoints, discussions in which family members disagree about feelings seem particularly helpful in prompting children to step back from the experience of emotion and refiect on its causes and consequences.","text2":"Disagreements between family members affect how children deal with emotions and causes.","label":-1,"idx":6132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" A gringo , from griego `Greek,' is one whose speech sounds like Greek to me. ","text2":"By definition, a gringo is someone who sounds like a person from Greece.","label":-1,"idx":6133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I helped people put their music and their vocals to tape.","text2":"I was a recording engineer.","label":-1,"idx":6134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How have you shared it over the years?","text2":"Over the years how have you shared it?","label":-1,"idx":6135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now might be as good a time as any to reveal a theft I committed at an Air Force Base near Seymour, Indiana.","text2":"I never stole anything in Indiana. ","label":-1,"idx":6136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(A familiar but irrelevant complaint against feminists is that they lack charm, as though an unappealing style negates the justice of a cause.","text2":"If you lack charm or style your cause becomes completely irrelevant.","label":-1,"idx":6137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I don't know.","text2":"I know some, but not what you want. ","label":-1,"idx":6138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe many of the questions are being asked because the Campaign for Indiana (IU's major fundraising effort that started in 1985) is ending and many who supported IUSD through the campaign are wondering how they can continue their support.","text2":"Many supporters are also wondering where they can donate materials. ","label":-1,"idx":6139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"About a minute into the conversation, the call was cut off.","text2":"The call was cut off about a minute into it.","label":-1,"idx":6140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:59, an Air Force lieutenant colonel working in the White House Military Office joined the conference and stated he had just talked to Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley.","text2":"In the morning, a high ranking officer joined the conference and mentioned that he had just discussed with Stephen Hadley.","label":-1,"idx":6141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before she died.","text2":"She was in pain before she died.","label":-1,"idx":6142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was uh, that was the most exciting part of you know, most important, most exciting part of going to school was getting there for me.","text2":"Getting to school was the most exciting part for me. ","label":-1,"idx":6143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are not so sure.","text2":"We are certain that is true.","label":-1,"idx":6144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More recently alumni have responded generously to the special Bruce Townsend Endowed Professorship campaign, as more than $250,000 has now been given or pledged.","text2":"The Bruce Townsend Endowed Professorship campaign is one of our most popular campaigns in recent years. ","label":-1,"idx":6145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed it does not.","text2":"It doesn't.","label":-1,"idx":6146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh mostly because my dad, my dad's side of the family were Southern Baptists from the mountains of North Carolina, my mom was a Catholic from California which, oh, just scared everybody right there.","text2":"My dad was a Southern Baptist and my mom was a Catholic. ","label":-1,"idx":6147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to the radar reconstruction, American 77 reemerged as a primary target on Indianapolis Center radar scopes at 9:05, east of its last known position.","text2":"Indianapolis was unable to identify American 77 as a primary target.","label":-1,"idx":6148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Following the birth of her child, Cecilia received job training at another United Way funded agency.","text2":"Ceclia didn't do anything.","label":-1,"idx":6149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was just, well I always thought the one with um, about Aunt Ann and the bird.","text2":"I always thought it was the one with Aunt Ann and the bird.","label":-1,"idx":6150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so is there anything in particular about growing up that you want to share that maybe changed you as a person?","text2":"There are many instances of my childhood that I would like to share.","label":-1,"idx":6151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will you help them change?","text2":"Will you help them change?","label":-1,"idx":6152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hannah related the story of her childhood and the genesis of her relationship with Eva and Charlie, who oered insights as well.","text2":"Hannah related the story of growing up.","label":-1,"idx":6153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for industry generally specified minimum wage rates, overtime after forty hours of work per week, and a prohibition of child labor.","text2":"The FLSA was largely considered to be a major victory for worker's rights.","label":-1,"idx":6154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"General Arnold then called NORAD headquarters to report.","text2":"A report was made to NORAD headquarters.","label":-1,"idx":6155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most but not all in this core swore fealty (or bayat) to Bin Ladin.","text2":"Those who did not swear bayat (allegiance) were viewed with suspicion. ","label":-1,"idx":6156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Of course we had to do it in a day because we couldn't take enough time everybody.","text2":"We had to finish the project in one day.","label":-1,"idx":6157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Has always evoked for me images of muscles or funereal trimmings or infected tissue, instead of twilight or evening.","text2":"infected tissue was never evoked for me.","label":-1,"idx":6158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fact that Graham has found that citations for such usage exist (how old they may be is of little consequence) is not to be construed as evidence that they (necessarily) existed in sufficient profusion to warrant acceptance by the English-speaking populations.","text2":"The citations go back to the 12th century.","label":-1,"idx":6159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I know uh, your father used to love it.","text2":"I know your father did and still loves it. ","label":-1,"idx":6160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More than five years of working at a local fast food chain had allowed her to keep food on the table and pay the rent for the small two-bedroom apartment they shared, but not much more.","text2":"Her promotion to manager of the local fast food chain meant that she could afford a new car among other luxuries.","label":-1,"idx":6161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Community needs are everyone's business.","text2":"Community needs are the concern of everyone.","label":-1,"idx":6162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Millions, pursuing secular as well as religious studies, were products of educational systems that generally devoted little if any attention to the rest of the world's thought, history, and culture.","text2":"Millions were products of educational systems that devoted little attention to the rest of the world's thoughts and culture unless they were Greek or Roman.","label":-1,"idx":6163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you watch um, what is that new thing that everyone that all the kids are watching?","text2":"What's the new show that the young people are watching these days?","label":-1,"idx":6164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each week, about 3 children in this state die from child abuse or neglect.","text2":"Losing 3 kids per week because of child abuse or neglect is terrible.","label":-1,"idx":6165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so I was working with a few people anyway, um, went away to school and got more into it and managed to do a little business deal with a few friends of mine that enabled me to get some equipment to actually produce music on a more professional level.","text2":"After I went away to school, I obtained equipment that enabled me to produce professional-level music. ","label":-1,"idx":6166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because it was more diverse.","text2":"The diversity is in question as everyone here is White.","label":-1,"idx":6167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I think I identified with Jo.","text2":"I believe I understood Jo.","label":-1,"idx":6168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Immediately thereafter it was reported that a plane had hit the Pentagon.","text2":"The plane crashing into the Pentagon was reported an instant later.","label":-1,"idx":6169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many anagrams spread over two or more ","text2":"These anagrams are very hard to figure out. ","label":-1,"idx":6170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think you can be proud, just as I am, of the graduates of your law school and of their accomplishments.","text2":"I think that you will be proud of your graduates no matter what.","label":-1,"idx":6171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again there was nothing.","text2":"There was something.","label":-1,"idx":6172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a good thing that the technical staff at MicroSoft is not being asked to field questions about its Spelling Check; I am not sure I would want to hear the answers.","text2":"The Microsoft Staff are being asked to field questions","label":-1,"idx":6173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As of September 11, 2001, the FAA was mandated by law to regulate the safety and security of civil aviation.","text2":"The FAA has to regulate civil aviation safety and security.","label":-1,"idx":6174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A fatwa is normally an interpretation of Islamic law by a respected Islamic authority, but neither Bin Ladin, Zawahiri, nor the three others who signed this statement were scholars of Islamic law.","text2":"A fatwa is an interpretation of the Bible.","label":-1,"idx":6175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Very close to my family.","text2":"I don't enjoy my family's company.","label":-1,"idx":6176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or high school?","text2":"Or University?","label":-1,"idx":6177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's conversations about artistic trends.","text2":"Science is always the topic at hand.","label":-1,"idx":6178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, it's like this , in plenty of shapes, I see that here, they also have some shaped like tejas too.","text2":"There are a lot of different shapes, and even some shaped like tejas.","label":-1,"idx":6179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Victim of injustice could be grounded.","text2":"No on who suffers injustice should be grounded.","label":-1,"idx":6180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. Anson's interpretation is one that has been advanced before and is dealt with, for example, in Kenneth Muir's Arden edition.","text2":"Kenneth Muir's Arden is widely known as the definitive text on the subject.","label":-1,"idx":6181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The entries themselves are more or less helpful, depending on the information one is seeking.","text2":"The entries aren't always very helpful.","label":-1,"idx":6182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"SPEA and the City of Indianapolis have a unique partnership.","text2":"SPEA has a partnership with the city.","label":-1,"idx":6183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You'd walk down the road with a dollar bill in your hand now this is in the mid-seventies, but still milk was twice that in the store I guess.","text2":"Milk always cost less than a dollar.","label":-1,"idx":6184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With year-end tax decisions on the horizon, I hope that you'll include our program in your charitable contributions.","text2":"Our program does not really need charitable contributions. ","label":-1,"idx":6185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Serve The Elderly And Disabled -- Provide meals and visits to the homebound, as well as speech, hearing and physical therapy for people with disabilities;","text2":"Leave the elderly and disabled to fend for themselves.","label":-1,"idx":6186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's why I stand out in my family.","text2":"That is the reason I am different then my family members.","label":-1,"idx":6187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They did not, however, conform to the letter of Galef's definition'conjunct words of contradictory literal meaning.","text2":"They did listen to Galef's letter.","label":-1,"idx":6188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I asked him which animals we saw at the zoo, and he mentioned girae and zebra.","text2":"He also saw an elephant and a penguin.","label":-1,"idx":6189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the 1980s, awash in sudden oil wealth, Saudi Arabia competed with Shia Iran to promote its Sunni fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, Wahhabism.","text2":"Wahhabism gave day to current jihad practices.","label":-1,"idx":6190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a surprise to hear, first, an American commentator on a televised golf tourney describe a reverse-necked putter colloquially, and then to hear the Japanese broadcaster translate that description into a terse sentence or two ending with the expression bassackawad putta. ","text2":"It was a suprise to hear the American commentator describe a putter casually, but the Japanese broadcaster translate it differently.","label":-1,"idx":6191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well I remember tales about some of our relations.","text2":"I don't recall any stories about any of my relatives. ","label":-1,"idx":6192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was discussion of the need for rules of engagement.","text2":"Talk of giving into demands was the only subject spoken of.","label":-1,"idx":6193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the fixture was designed to hold ten shirts of a particular color and size, for instance, it is both wasteful of space and visually unappealing to put only three shirts out'even if an economic analysis recommends the lower quantity.","text2":"The fixture was designed to hold only five shirts.","label":-1,"idx":6194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If these vignettes strike sympathetic chords, then science fiction's words, phrases, and lore have permeated your thought and language.","text2":"If you feel apathy, then science fiction's words have permeated your thoughts. ","label":-1,"idx":6195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As of September 11, 2001, the FAA was mandated by law to regulate the safety and security of civil aviation.","text2":"The FAA only deals with directing planes.","label":-1,"idx":6196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about do remember any stories that, that you've been told by your, by your sisters about them growing up or have they told stories about you growing up that you can remember?","text2":"You don't have any sisters; just a brother.","label":-1,"idx":6197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The environment has to be empowered with the capacity to transform the universal baby. ","text2":"The environment isn't empowered to transform anything at all.","label":-1,"idx":6198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"George H.W.Bush was scheduled to visit Kuwait to be honored for his rescue of that country in the Gulf War of 1991.","text2":"George H W Bush was going to visit Kuwait.","label":-1,"idx":6199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then she recalled hearing him say, Yes sir.","text2":"Then she recalled hearing him say something to her the previous day.","label":-1,"idx":6200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She had to get a career going so there'd be money to live on and to send us to college.","text2":"She had to start her career in order to send us to school.","label":-1,"idx":6201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an Indiana resident supporting IU, you are entitled to a credit against your State taxes for your gift.","text2":"You can get out of your State taxes if you're supporting IU.","label":-1,"idx":6202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The way it works is after completing an article, chapter of a book, or whatever it is that I am working on, I press a few keys and the program automatically scans every word of text, comparing each with a dictionary contained in the program.","text2":"I cannot spell well so i need a dictionary","label":-1,"idx":6203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By this time, American 11 had taken a dramatic turn to the south.","text2":"The plane was being tracked by radar to keep an eye on it.","label":-1,"idx":6204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin bolstered his links to extremists in South and Southeast Asia, including the Malaysian-Indonesian JI and several Pakistani groups engaged in the Kashmir conflict.","text2":"The only ties that Bin Ladin has in Asia are to Afghani militants.","label":-1,"idx":6205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Everybody has to read stuff in school.","text2":"Reading in school is important for everyone to improve their skills.","label":-1,"idx":6206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Born and raised in, in uh, \/\/ NC.","text2":"I'm a North Carolina native.","label":-1,"idx":6207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many Muslims look back at the century after the revelations to the Prophet Mohammed as a golden age.","text2":"This golden age had much scientific advancement.","label":-1,"idx":6208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He then returned to his office for his daily intelligence briefing.","text2":"He then went back to his office for his regular intelligence report.","label":-1,"idx":6209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For instance, by substantially reducing work-in-process buffers in assembly, throughput time on the modular lines of business units in the HCTAR sample dropped to just two days, compared with nine days for standard assembly methods.","text2":"The time it takes to manufacture products was significantly lower using HCTAR methods.","label":-1,"idx":6210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Before the invention of the printing press, manuscripts had to be copied by hand.","text2":"The printing press made things a lot slower","label":-1,"idx":6211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She had them share, a very mature response for a 2-year-old.","text2":"As a 10 year old, it was very immature that she did not want to have them share.","label":-1,"idx":6212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Movies and soaps attain respectability when there are enough papers in learned journals and theses in bound volumes to elevate them beyond being merely popular.","text2":"Movies and soaps can never attain respectability no matter what happens.","label":-1,"idx":6213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The early age of retailing was marked by the expansion of stores within major metropolitan areas, but in the early 1960s, retailers started flocking to large, enclosed suburban malls and non-enclosed strip malls. ","text2":"Retail was marked by the expansion of stores within metro areas on the East Coast.","label":-1,"idx":6214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Textile firms, however, have been players in multiple supply channels.","text2":"Textile firms found that joining supply channels was a better means of generating business.","label":-1,"idx":6215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you do feel like you like Charlotte as an area?","text2":"Do you like living in Charlotte?","label":-1,"idx":6216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this same vein, the mirthless Milton adds his bit to the general hilarity of nations when, in describing Mount Etna in Book I of Paradise Lost (lines 236-7) he penned","text2":"Milton does not believe nations are a good thing","label":-1,"idx":6217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, I just can't think of what one.","text2":"I know it is here somewhere.","label":-1,"idx":6218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While that information circulated within the FAA, we found no evidence that the hijacking was reported to any other agency in Washington before 8:46.","text2":"We found no evidence that the 9\/11 hijacking was reported to any other agency in Washington before 8:46 AM because of delays as the information circulated within the FAA. ","label":-1,"idx":6219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know, echoes and stuff like that.","text2":"Echoes and similar things.","label":-1,"idx":6220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or who helps Michael, who has spina bifida, learn to talk, dress himself, and get around independently?","text2":"Michael is a fast learner and in spite of having spina bifida, he is willing to cooperate.","label":-1,"idx":6221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The friction between the second ply and the first can create a wrinkle in the first ply.","text2":"This friction is something to be avoided at all costs.","label":-1,"idx":6222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 10:03:11 impact time is supported by previous National Transportation Safety Board analysis and by evidence from the Commission staff 's analysis of radar, the flight data recorder, the cockpit voice recorder, infrared satellite data, and air traffic control transmissions.","text2":"There was in fact an impact after 10 o'cock.","label":-1,"idx":6223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More than four pages are devoted to cliches (under the guise of Lo and behold, it's man's best friend.","text2":"More than four pages were about cliches on TV.","label":-1,"idx":6224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And `cause I was really involved in theater and stuff in high school and everything like that.","text2":"I didn't take any interest in theater in high school.","label":-1,"idx":6225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It wasn't until the 1970s that these vestiges of formality gave way to blue jeans and T-shirts'the casual wear uniform.","text2":"Casual wear uniforms, T-shirts, and blue jeans weren't allowed until the 1970s.","label":-1,"idx":6226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or you may cancel your membership and owe nothing.","text2":"Alternatively, you can annul your membership and face no fees.","label":-1,"idx":6227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This doubtless reflects psychoanalytic theory's cherished insistence that the patient actually does the analyzing in the long run and thus is more truly the active partner.","text2":"Patients are generally a passive partner and do minimal work or analysis over the long term.","label":-1,"idx":6228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight had already crashed by the time they learned it was hijacked.","text2":"The flight had crashed before they even realized it'd been hijacked, according to the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":6229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"...Well, you get the idea.","text2":"You get the point.","label":-1,"idx":6230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In appreciation of your generosity, I've enclosed a special bookmark printed with John Newton's familiar hymn, Amazing Grace.","text2":"I was going to get you a bookmark but there was unfortunately none available.","label":-1,"idx":6231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If all goes well, retailers allocate space to different goods efficiently, responding to shifts in consumer tastes (stocking the hits and discontinuing flops); setting pricing policies (markups and markdowns) to deal with both the direct cost of goods and the nature of consumer demand; and controlling inventory to reduce exposure to risk.","text2":"Retailers allocate space for gods depending on whether they're hit or miss with regard to spurring demand. ","label":-1,"idx":6232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"highbinder Not a hip-length legging nor a Rocky Mountain farm implement, but incredibly enough a swindler or crook, especially of the Chinese variety.","text2":"Highbinder makes reference towards a Rocky Mountain farm implement.","label":-1,"idx":6233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, how was the suit, shirt, pants, or pair of jeans made?","text2":"There's no question as to how the pants were made.","label":-1,"idx":6234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh I know what I was going to tell you.","text2":"I remembered that I was going to remind you to get groceries.","label":-1,"idx":6235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fantasy play makes its appearance in the second year of life, a time when children must start to suppress impulses and accept that certain desires will remain unsatisfied.","text2":"Around the second year of life, children should start accepting that some wishes will not be granted.","label":-1,"idx":6236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Minutes went by and word arrived of an aircraft down in Pennsylvania.","text2":"After several minutes, word came in that an aircraft had crashed in Pennsylvania.","label":-1,"idx":6237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and the first Ph.D. degrees in medical and biological engineering.","text2":"The first PH.D. degree is mechanical engineering","label":-1,"idx":6238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He believed American 77 had experienced serious electrical or mechanical failure, or both, and was gone.","text2":"He thought American 77 was having mechanical trouble or had crashed but never imagined a hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":6239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just off on your own adventure with never a thought about us.","text2":"You are off on your own adventure. ","label":-1,"idx":6240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The real issue is what spirit the parent puts into managing the child and what attitude is engendered in the child as a result.","text2":"The child is endangered with very spirited discipline. ","label":-1,"idx":6241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This gift will help maintain our educational programs and labs so students will have the best training available.","text2":"Monetary support will help educational programs and labs that ensure students receive quality training.","label":-1,"idx":6242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said, Yes, you know, he said, You can count on them, and me, too, if, if you need me.","text2":"He let me know we could rely on them. ","label":-1,"idx":6243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The network included a major business enterprise in Cyprus; a services branch in Zagreb; an office of the Benevolence International Foundation in Sarajevo, which supported the Bosnian Muslims in their conflict with Serbia and Croatia; and an NGO in Baku, Azerbaijan, that was employed as well by Egyptian Islamic Jihad both as a source and conduit for finances and as a support center for the Muslim rebels in Chechnya.","text2":"The network had no connection to Cyprus or Sarajevo.","label":-1,"idx":6244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He spent most of his time with my grandfather learning things like how to work on cars and how to build things paint things and that translates over cause my dad does just about everything; he can fix about anything and build just about anything and repair just about anything.","text2":"My dad knows how to build furniture. ","label":-1,"idx":6245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support as a member of the Century Club has been very meaningful.","text2":"Your membership in the Century Club has been important.","label":-1,"idx":6246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The machine then presses the die down on the fabric, cuts through the fabric, and unloads the machine.","text2":"The machine presses the die down to cut the fabric and does it ten times faster than a person would.","label":-1,"idx":6247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lean retailing is the major such change that retailers are adopting to reduce significantly the costs associated with product variety.","text2":"Stores believe it is cheaper to have product variety.","label":-1,"idx":6248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have especially appreciated this generosity and hope you have been pleased with the growth and development of the School.","text2":"We are pleased with the growth and development of the School. ","label":-1,"idx":6249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"God's grace is found in His forgiveness and unconditional love.","text2":"God welcomes all sinners and gives them love.","label":-1,"idx":6250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can we save the last of our ancient forests from the chainsaw?","text2":"Can we stop the chainsaw from destroying the last of our ancient forests? ","label":-1,"idx":6251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, that was told to me and I saw that genie coming out of the bottle in the picture in the book was not about a kind and loving genie.","text2":"The illustration of the genie was in the last chapter of the book.","label":-1,"idx":6252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet to grant children adequate attention and involvement, there is no substitute for slowing down and reexamining the pace of everyday life.","text2":"There is nothing better than to slow down and reevaluate the everyday pace.","label":-1,"idx":6253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The best dictionary for me is the one that gives about the word or phrase that puzzles me the information I need at the moment I need it.","text2":"The best dictionaries are the ones that explain words that confuse me.","label":-1,"idx":6254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No problem!","text2":"Sure thing!","label":-1,"idx":6255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sensitive emotional messages conveyed through gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice are basic to it.","text2":"Emotional messages are sent with gestures, facial expressions and tones of voice.","label":-1,"idx":6256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because inner cities retained a high proportion of lower income families, increased purchasing power for shelter, food, and clothing shifted to the suburbs.","text2":"The suburbs are where rich people live.","label":-1,"idx":6257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes that's true.","text2":"That's fake!","label":-1,"idx":6258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"oops! full stop' or you'll be drummed out of the corps.","text2":"The corps will likely pay a lot of attention to you.","label":-1,"idx":6259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every channel has its particular history, elements, and dynamics, and retail-apparel-textile channels are no exception.","text2":"Retail-apparel-textile does not have it's own history.","label":-1,"idx":6260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Current DBA data shows 32 percent of all persons assisted by DBA are veterans; 10 per cent are service connected disabled veterans; and 22 per cent are non- service connected veterans.","text2":"DBA likes to help veterans in their life","label":-1,"idx":6261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By age 8 to 10, most brain regions have taken on specific functions, so brain plasticity declines.","text2":"Most regions take on functions by age 10, so they are less flexible and can't do things like learn languages.","label":-1,"idx":6262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This summer, more than 300 children ages 4 through 14 will attend the YWCA of Indianapolis' Everyone belongs Summer Day Camp.","text2":"At least 300 children this summer will be at the YWCA for the Summer Day Camp.","label":-1,"idx":6263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is what they say :","text2":"They never said anything at all.","label":-1,"idx":6264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the additional year of training our financial obligation has increased by a third.","text2":"Our financial obligation hasn't increased in any way. ","label":-1,"idx":6265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before age 4, most children assume that physical experience determines mental experience'that if Band-Aids are in the unmarked box, everyone will just know where they are.","text2":"Children experience significant cognitive development after the age of 4.","label":-1,"idx":6266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He again asked for authorization to engage.","text2":"He once more requested the authorization to engage the planes quickly.","label":-1,"idx":6267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In February 1998, the 40-year-old Saudi exile Usama Bin Ladin and a fugitive Egyptian physician, Ayman al Zawahiri, arranged from their Afghan headquarters for an Arabic newspaper in London to publish what they termed a fatwa issued in the name of a World Islamic Front.","text2":"Usama Bin Ladin was not an exile and had no plans.","label":-1,"idx":6268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because units typically are sold during the delivery lead time, the actual inventory in stock rarely reaches eight units.","text2":"The actual inventory in stock usually exceeds 12 units.","label":-1,"idx":6269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Robert A. Heinlein envisaged a more optimistic future in his 1961 novel, Stranger in a Strange Land . Its Martian-reared main character advocates advancing the empathic capability of the human mind so humans can grok `embrace others with profound, intuitive understanding.","text2":"The novel by Heinlein proposed a gentler, kinder future in which humans could learn to be more accepting and understanding of each other.","label":-1,"idx":6270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, the Langley pilots were never briefed about the reason they were scrambled.","text2":"The pilots were fully briefed and instructed about the situation.","label":-1,"idx":6271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Muskrats, according to my encyclopedia, look like giant rats, are found in and around the mudbanks bordering marshes and quiet ponds, have partially webbed feet, and do a good deal of swimming.","text2":"Muskrats look like rats and bite people.","label":-1,"idx":6272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An another academic year comes to an end, I am pleased to report that your IU School of Dentistry is continuing its leadership role in advancing dental education.","text2":"The IU School of Dentistry has no role in advancing dental education. ","label":-1,"idx":6273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The way it works is after completing an article, chapter of a book, or whatever it is that I am working on, I press a few keys and the program automatically scans every word of text, comparing each with a dictionary contained in the program.","text2":"The program scans each word as it is written","label":-1,"idx":6274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am concerned, however, about the plans that exist for continuing this award in the future.","text2":"I plan to continue this award in the future","label":-1,"idx":6275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I also worked with The Roots while I was there and their sessions were just hectic.","text2":"The recording sessions with The Roots were hectic.","label":-1,"idx":6276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The cartoon.","text2":"The animated movie is good.","label":-1,"idx":6277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miles's book is riddled with many similar distortions, convenient omissions, and ","text2":"Miles's book was all fact.","label":-1,"idx":6278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His head was bound with pansies over-blown,","text2":"Over-blown pansies held his head still.","label":-1,"idx":6279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Iran's 1979 revolution swept a Shia theocracy into power.","text2":"A Shia theocracy came into power in Iran in 1979.","label":-1,"idx":6280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1995-1996, the Defense Department began to invest effort in planning how to handle the possibility of a domestic terrorist incident involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD).","text2":"The Defense Department started planning how to deal with foreign terrorism using a WMD in 1995.","label":-1,"idx":6281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enclosed is a corporate sponsorship package that includes a sample auction book from last year's event, JCC market statistics and an overview of the many programs that will be preserved and strengthened through your generous support.","text2":"The corporate sponsorship package includes advertising discounts.","label":-1,"idx":6282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next, we move to the inventory bridge between retailers and suppliers.","text2":"We have finished reviewing the inventory bridge between retails and suppliers.","label":-1,"idx":6283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His skiing awards include the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic 1988 Linne Howard Spirit Award, the San Diego Hall of Champions Museum 1990 Disabled Athlete of the Year Award, and the 1990 and '91 U.S.","text2":"He received numerous awards for disabled athletes.","label":-1,"idx":6284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Figure 6.1 shows a demand distribution having these properties.","text2":"Figure 6.1 shows a right skewed demand histogram.","label":-1,"idx":6285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think you can be proud, just as I am, of the graduates of your law school and of their accomplishments.","text2":"I think you can be proud of your graduates and their accomplishments ","label":-1,"idx":6286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, they acquire practical skills and a wealth of knowledge about their physical and social surroundings.","text2":"They get no practical skills or knowledge about what is happening around them.","label":-1,"idx":6287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please give the largest gift you can to Goodwill today.","text2":"Please give goodwill a large gift because we are going bankrupt. ","label":-1,"idx":6288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The children and families who come to Pleasant Run are given the opportunity to become happy, loving, and productive members of our society.","text2":"Families who move to Pleasant Run have both a lot to offer and a lot to gain.","label":-1,"idx":6289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Saudi officials apparently wanted Bin Ladin expelled from Sudan.","text2":"Saudi officials knew Bin Ladin was in Sudan, and did not like his influence in the area.","label":-1,"idx":6290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You see it, I think you see it in their, in how they do in school.","text2":"It's hard to see it based on what they do in class.","label":-1,"idx":6291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or take two of the most popular verbs we use to describe somebody who has been dismissed from the job' fired and discharged . Both are metaphors that compare the unfortunate victim to a projectile shot out of a gun or cannon.","text2":"There is no real like between the jargon surrounding firearms and being discharged from a job.","label":-1,"idx":6292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will take the very best from all of us to ensure that her future shines as brightly as has her past.","text2":"We must all strive our very best to male sure her future shines as brightly as her past. ","label":-1,"idx":6293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By joining in conversation and listening to the narrative dialogues of others, children develop an understanding of their own and others' rich mental lives.","text2":"Children develop an understanding of their own and others' lives by talking to them.","label":-1,"idx":6294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fifteen years ago, few people north of San Antonio had heard of burritos, fajitas, flautas , or chalupas . Today, thanks to franchise Mexican restaurants, they have become a part of America's vocabulary.","text2":"The Mexican terms for food has been ubiquitous throughout the states for a long time.","label":-1,"idx":6295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing, that is, except peace of mind.","text2":"A sense of comfort is provided.","label":-1,"idx":6296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one consequence, the number of business failures among U.S. apparel manufacturers climbed from 227 in 1975 to a high of 567 in 1993.","text2":"The loss of so many apparel manufacturers was dire to the clothing industry.","label":-1,"idx":6297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The standardization of the way dictionaries estimate how much they contain need not, and should not, entail the standardization of what they contain.","text2":"When setting rules for the amount of information dictionaries contain, the rules concerning content matter should not be the primary concern.","label":-1,"idx":6298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this environment, ordering large quantities of products far in advance of the selling season is simply too costly.","text2":"Buying smaller amounts would cost less.","label":-1,"idx":6299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is a new outlook on how children acquire more complex and eective skills.","text2":"This causes a new outlook on how kids get more insecurities.","label":-1,"idx":6300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Along with these accolades comes the challenge to sustain that level of excellence.","text2":"It's easy to maintain that level of excellence and win more accolades.","label":-1,"idx":6301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution will make a difference in a child's life.","text2":"Your donation may or may not help a child.","label":-1,"idx":6302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Soviet government has the problem of balancing the widely diverse needs and values of people from 15 states or republics within a military bureaucracy.","text2":"The Soviet government were inexperienced at the time","label":-1,"idx":6303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The friction between the second ply and the first can create a wrinkle in the first ply.","text2":"The friction between the first and second plies could cause the first ply to wrinkle.","label":-1,"idx":6304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reference to the designated section in Appendix A reveals a brief discussion of the subject of sex-linked metaphors which quite correctly points out that many common metaphors, metonyms, and allusions refer to males' Achilles' heel, before you can say Jack Robinson, Bluebeard, David and Goliath , and many more.","text2":"Appendix A contains a discussion of sex-linked metaphors and other forms of metaphorical language.","label":-1,"idx":6305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In both cases, the point is exactly opposite that identified by it is the position, institution, authority, etc. being referred to and not the occupant. ","text2":"In both cases the point was opposite of what it was identified as. ","label":-1,"idx":6306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Different channel players now share detailed information on daily sales; investments in technologies mutually benefit both retailers and suppliers; and because of the effective use of information and manufacturing technologies, risk has been reduced across the entire channel.","text2":"Investing in technology benefits both retailers and suppliers, and because of the use of information and manufacturing technologies, negative implications have been diminished.","label":-1,"idx":6307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just fill out the enclosed pledge card and send it in the return envelope today.","text2":"Fill out the pledge card and return it.","label":-1,"idx":6308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When she was not helping with the crops and the garden, she could be seen washing and hanging out huge baskets of clothes.","text2":"She helped with the crops and the garden, but never with washing clothes.","label":-1,"idx":6309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During those times, she asked lots of questions about our work and home lives, and also about her parents, especially their early Was my mom close to her mom?","text2":"During those times she never asked any questions relating to our home lives.","label":-1,"idx":6310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1998, Bin Ladin had a distinctive appeal, as he focused on attacking America.","text2":"Bin Laden never wanted to attack the United States. ","label":-1,"idx":6311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In everyday conversation, the events discussed resemble the mini-stories of our spontaneous autobiographies.","text2":"It would be helpful if everyone would write out their stories to share.","label":-1,"idx":6312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, he, he came looking for, yogurt, I don't know what he came looking for, for me to sell him.","text2":"He arrived in search of yogurt, but I can't say what he sought that I could offer him.","label":-1,"idx":6313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading, spelling, doing phonics.","text2":"The lesson plan includes spelling, reading, and phonics.","label":-1,"idx":6314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I try to help you. ","text2":"I can do many things to be helpful.","label":-1,"idx":6315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In everyday conversation, the events discussed resemble the mini-stories of our spontaneous autobiographies.","text2":"The events in daily conversation are like autobiography stories.","label":-1,"idx":6316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Times [20 February 1988] reports that the restoration of a 400-year-old statue of Fame, at Wilton House, Wiltshire, may include the replacement of her famous trumpets, weathered away from each hand but not before prompting the expression `blowing your own trumpet.","text2":"The Fame statue is 100 years old and is made out of solid gold.","label":-1,"idx":6317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your gift of sharing, we provide needed home care services to the most, give emergency respite to families of children at risk for neglect or abuse, help establish a Seniors to Seniors program to provide companionship and homemaker services to homebound citizens.","text2":"Your contribution doesn't help to provide home care services, emergency respite services and helps to establish senior programs.","label":-1,"idx":6318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"David Galef has coined the term morox [XIV, 2] to designate unintentional, inelegant oxymorons such as many fewer problems, largely insignificant , and barely clothed . I collect solecisms of all sorts that I hear on television broadcasts.","text2":"I watch television to collect many different solecisms.","label":-1,"idx":6319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The lock, stock, and barrel are the three main components of a gun that together compose essentially the entire weapon.","text2":"A gun contains three central pieces upon which everything else is based on.","label":-1,"idx":6320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' The Chinese character is simply a phonological rendering of a Viet word meaning `people.","text2":"The Chinese character is a phonological rendering of a Vietnamese word.","label":-1,"idx":6321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to evaluate the performance of different inventory options, it is important to emphasize the less straightforward costs involved.","text2":"The less straightforward costs involved should be emphasized in the evaluation of different inventory options and their performance.","label":-1,"idx":6322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and I remember Mickey Mouse stories.","text2":"I can't recall any stories involving Mickey Mouse.","label":-1,"idx":6323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\So, these were your favorite parts?","text2":"So those were the parts that you liked the most?","label":-1,"idx":6324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They began to be translated into English in the 1960s and 1970s.","text2":"The translation to English did not start until the 1980s.","label":-1,"idx":6325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For in its Explanatory Notes (p.12)","text2":"The Explanatory Notes continue on to page 13.","label":-1,"idx":6326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are generally capable of conducting ourselves in the company of others who have been group-educated to college level.","text2":"We would rather not mix ourselves with the less educated. ","label":-1,"idx":6327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most do, of course, use them that way.","text2":"Most people use them that way.","label":-1,"idx":6328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Following the birth of her child, Cecilia received job training at another United Way funded agency.","text2":"Cecilia got job training and now she is a cook.","label":-1,"idx":6329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and then they ask my sister what would she like for my son.","text2":"Furthermore, they ask my sister what she would want for my own son.","label":-1,"idx":6330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President asked to speak to the President, but it took time for the call to be connected.","text2":"A communication between the President and the Vice President was not possible immediately.","label":-1,"idx":6331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A commercially available machine can automatically make the sleeves of T-shirts.","text2":"The machines can make sleeves twice as fast as a human could.","label":-1,"idx":6332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, and you took up the trade too.","text2":"And you also went ahead with the swap.","label":-1,"idx":6333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It hasn't?","text2":"It finished already? ","label":-1,"idx":6334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, I kept on, and finally when I saw that life was really expensive, and I didn't have, I couldn't work anymore since I'm not a professional, then I decided to come (to the US), because also, well, the, there in that area, since now there wasn't anywhere to work, I had left hidden from the guerrillas, and, well, that's what I continued.","text2":"I didn't have enough money to afford the cost of living, so I decided to move to America.","label":-1,"idx":6335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I said to him, his name is Pedro, I said, Pedro, I came to bother you.","text2":"His name was actually Roberto, and he was a she.","label":-1,"idx":6336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Imagine how proud he must be of his writing skills, and his reading skills!","text2":"He doesn't know how to write, does he?","label":-1,"idx":6337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Japanese has a verb inflection which expresses causation or permission'in English, to make someone or to let someone do something. ","text2":"Japanese verbs are very simple and are always uninflected.","label":-1,"idx":6338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were they the same, or different?","text2":"There were some similarities and some differences.","label":-1,"idx":6339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This letter is our 1997 request for a gift to the Annual Campaign for support of our operating budget.","text2":"We hope that you will match your gift from last year for this year's campaign. ","label":-1,"idx":6340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, with me at gunpoint, two behind, followed me so I opened the door, and there was nothing in the house, thank God, because there was no one there.","text2":"I was the one who held two people at gunpoint. ","label":-1,"idx":6341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Note that this buyer would be ordering more than she expects to sell (the mean value of the distribution, 180 units).","text2":"The supply would be higher than the demand.","label":-1,"idx":6342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Another entry under L is Laadan , a language constructed by linguist Suzette Hayden Elgin and first used in her science fiction novel Native Tongue , a language which is designed to contain many woman function words not included in English.","text2":"The artificial language Laadan contains many woman function words.","label":-1,"idx":6343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And every year she comes out at night and asks people for rides home because she never get, she never got a chance to go visit her, her parents.","text2":"She tries to substitute not having her parents ride her home by asking people for rides.","label":-1,"idx":6344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And every year she comes out at night and asks people for rides home because she never get, she never got a chance to go visit her, her parents.","text2":"Asking people for rides makes her feel like she's with her parents. ","label":-1,"idx":6345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"*$160 will pay for one program for an entire grade.","text2":"$160 will cover a whole grade for the program.","label":-1,"idx":6346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He left a message on their home answering machine that the plane had been hijacked.","text2":"He made the call from his business cell phone.","label":-1,"idx":6347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our entire profession will benefit greatly from this endowment.","text2":"This endowment will help our profession by allowing us to continue our education.","label":-1,"idx":6348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or who helps David learn important job skills that will enable him to become self-sufficient?","text2":"Or who takes their time to teach David critical job and life skills?","label":-1,"idx":6349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Home Services for adults and seniors.","text2":"Offering adults and seniors in home services for the betterment of the community.","label":-1,"idx":6350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each worker specializes in one, or at most a few, sewing operations.","text2":"Each worker does one or a few sewing operations.","label":-1,"idx":6351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nonetheless, our analysis suggests a number of steps that might be taken to improve compliance with U.S. labor standards in the presence of information-integrated channels.","text2":"There's no way to comply with the impossible standards of the US.","label":-1,"idx":6352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every year, thousands of people come to Goodwill.","text2":"People come to Goodwill to get training and guidance.","label":-1,"idx":6353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So do you plan on working on it next year?","text2":"Will you have given up on it by next year?","label":-1,"idx":6354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your help, we can change that.","text2":"We will never change.","label":-1,"idx":6355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have many needs, both for the overall operation of the Department, and for special programs like DING FEST.","text2":"We have various needs in particular with helping with DING FEST.","label":-1,"idx":6356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who did you give that direction to?","text2":"Who did you give that direction to just now?","label":-1,"idx":6357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in other narrative talk, the adult increases the complexity of his or her questioning to fit the child's language progress.","text2":"As the child grows and learns, the adult will ask age appropriate questions.","label":-1,"idx":6358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What unmitigated nonsense!","text2":"Not all of it is nonsense, though.","label":-1,"idx":6359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mass customization represents an innovative combination of new technologies in information, design, marker-making, and cutting.","text2":"Mass customization represents a combination of old technologies in design.","label":-1,"idx":6360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In many cases, the choice is between a more expensive plant'probably located close to the market'that provides shorter lead times and a more distant supplier that takes longer to make items but does so at a lower unit cost.","text2":"Plants located closer to the market are often more expensive to operate.","label":-1,"idx":6361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This interest in literacy is well founded.","text2":"Being literate opens many doors in life.","label":-1,"idx":6362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In early 1992, the al Qaeda leadership issued a fatwa calling for jihad against the Western occupation of Islamic lands.","text2":"Al Qaeda's leadership issued a fatwa that called for jihad against Americans and especially Bush.","label":-1,"idx":6363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And there was a wounded, a wounded woman by, by a bullet too, that they had brought, since she was a nurse, and there we were.","text2":"A bullet is very powerful as they have a high velocity when fired out of a gun.","label":-1,"idx":6364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No further intelligence came in about terrorist acts planned by Iraq.","text2":"There was no more information about terrorism planned by Iraq that was supposed to affect forces on the ground.","label":-1,"idx":6365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For 4- and 5-year-olds, questions more often address narrative organization ( What happens next? ); analyses of characters ( Why did the little girl want a teddy bear? ); and connections between the book and the child's everyday life ( Have you ever seen a fire engine on its way to a fire? ","text2":"The age group of 4 and 5 learns best with questions that can apply the book to everyday life.","label":-1,"idx":6366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Red Riding Hood I think.","text2":"I don't think its Red Riding Hood.","label":-1,"idx":6367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was going to bother you, I said (), so you come with me, I say, I want you to do me a favor.","text2":"What I desire is something you will not like one bit, oh no.","label":-1,"idx":6368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I had aunts and my grandmother, one of my grandmothers read to me too.","text2":"One of my grandmothers and my aunt read to me. ","label":-1,"idx":6369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As your class representatives for the 1999- 2000 Annual Fund Drive, we are certain that we can significantly improve upon last years' results.","text2":"Last year's results were very positive. ","label":-1,"idx":6370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:59:52, Jarrah changed tactics and pitched the nose of the airplane up and down to disrupt the assault.","text2":"Jarrah evasively raised and lowered the the front of the plane at 9:59:52.","label":-1,"idx":6371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please help more children in Hamilton County, like Becky, know about a safe positive place for them in their non-school hours.","text2":"Help kids in Hamilton County to find a safe place to go during a tornado.","label":-1,"idx":6372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As for the quality of the palindromes'well, they are rarely sheer poetry.","text2":"The palindromes usually are good poetry.","label":-1,"idx":6373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The list of children who want to attend camp this year grows longer every day, and it's important that we send every one of them.","text2":"The number of children who want to attend camp keeps increasing.","label":-1,"idx":6374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Managing Inventory in a Lean Retailing Environment","text2":"Managing Supply in a Traditional Retailing Environment","label":-1,"idx":6375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tribal factions interfered with the supply missions.","text2":"Tribal factions helped greatly with the supply missions.","label":-1,"idx":6376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Remembering the we have some planes remark, Boston Center guessed that Delta 1989 might also be hijacked.","text2":"Boston Center confirmed that all other planes were safe and accounted for.","label":-1,"idx":6377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These fighters, part of the 113th Wing of the District of Columbia Air National Guard, launched out of Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in response to information passed to them by the Secret Service.","text2":"The National Guard responded to the situation swiftly,","label":-1,"idx":6378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After these model stock levels are set, data about product sales and current retail inventory levels are transmitted electronically to the manufacturer.","text2":"Even after model stock levels are set, manufacturers can't receive data on inventory levels electronically.","label":-1,"idx":6379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The campaign funds will help provide a resource library, training materials and equipment; development of progressive math and science programs; and the construction of new centers at three of our camp properties.","text2":"The money from the campaigns will be able to support many things such as developing science programs and building new centers on three properties.","label":-1,"idx":6380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They stabbed members of the flight crew (reported by a flight attendant and one passenger).","text2":"The terrorists tried to kill the flight crew.","label":-1,"idx":6381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, I suppose it had some kind of great significance.","text2":"It seemed to be the most necessary thing.","label":-1,"idx":6382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YMCA leadership can influence these constructive efforts in the community to expand youth development programs.","text2":"Youth development programs and the community will not benefit from the influence of YMCA leadership.","label":-1,"idx":6383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For one hour they captivated their large audience of children and adults with stunning acrobatics and death defying spins from the rafters-","text2":"For an hour, they did amazing acrobatics.","label":-1,"idx":6384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions or suggestions for SEND's programs, please do not hesitate to call me.","text2":"I am open to suggestions for SEND's programs.","label":-1,"idx":6385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In turn, we have the opportunity to extend that grace to others by meeting their physical and spiritual needs with kindness and compassion.","text2":"We don't expect payment or rewards for the help we give to other people.","label":-1,"idx":6386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some were Saudis, and among them was Usama Bin Ladin.","text2":"Some were Saudis and some were Iraqis.","label":-1,"idx":6387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your donation will help us all!","text2":"We don't need your donation.","label":-1,"idx":6388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Successful performance includes providing high levels of order completeness, short lead times for new products, and rapid response to requests for replenishment.","text2":"Successful performance includes short lead times for new products and good customer reviews. ","label":-1,"idx":6389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Warm, caring adults oer explanations and justifications for their demands.","text2":"Warm adults meet the demands of their kids.","label":-1,"idx":6390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fowler lists five instances where a careless writer can go wrong.","text2":"Fowler listed 5 ways a careless writer can go wrong. ","label":-1,"idx":6391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"President Reagan ordered air strikes against Libya.","text2":"Air strikes against Libya were ordered by Reagan.","label":-1,"idx":6392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or high school?","text2":"Attending high school is important.","label":-1,"idx":6393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the interview suffers from a number of faults'for instance, it is not penetrating or thorough enough, probably because Aman is a better scholar, writer, and editor than interviewer, and it contains gratuitous information about the interviewer who cannot resist blowing his own horn'it is at least an attempt at documenting that has not, to my knowledge, been done before in the field of linguistics.","text2":"Toshito Aman's interview with Dr. James Trill of Cambridge was filled with gratuitous information about the interviewer. ","label":-1,"idx":6394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We value your contributions to our programs.","text2":"We are disappointed in you and the level of support you have contributed.","label":-1,"idx":6395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This story ended happily... perhaps because of your past contribution.","text2":"This story ended happily, like a dozen others, all impacted by your contribution.","label":-1,"idx":6396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you, dear reader, probably own a dictionary.","text2":"You probably own a thesaurus as well.","label":-1,"idx":6397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It can also rapidly identify discrepancies between invoices and actual shipments, once again lowering the cost of the transaction for both parties.","text2":"It can also identify discrepancies rapidly between the shipments made and their invoices.","label":-1,"idx":6398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, I definitely like the weather in Charlotte, so that would be kind of a shock for me to have those winters, but I'll be able to adjust to it.","text2":"The winters here are fairly mild. ","label":-1,"idx":6399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As far as we are concerned, they are all targets.","text2":"No one else is a target.","label":-1,"idx":6400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our staff could not have put on the Festival without them.","text2":"The festival would have succeeded with or without them.","label":-1,"idx":6401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Attitudes toward women, often assumed to be natural and hence sacred, are not easily changed.)","text2":"People change their attitude on women quite easily.","label":-1,"idx":6402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am pleased to have survived nearly five months as Geology's new chairman.","text2":"I've been the chairman for over a year.","label":-1,"idx":6403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And now we can sit around drink beer by the pool, smoke cigarettes and tell stories without somebody dying.","text2":"We can't drink beer or smoke cigarettes.","label":-1,"idx":6404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You see, it is Belmaine's wife who was doing the dragging.","text2":"Belamine's wife was dragging it to the store.","label":-1,"idx":6405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Points to the bottom of the puzzle)","text2":"Pointing to the top of the puzzle.","label":-1,"idx":6406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess it was 1979, my dad bought me a little Yamaha 80 motorcycle I could cruise through the fields and dirt roads and so forth which uh, I had real good luck with that I guess up until um, I don't know what year that was there.","text2":"I cruised through the country on my Yamaha 80 motorcycle. ","label":-1,"idx":6407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faced with this problem, some gun toters would skin, or sharpen the flint with a knife, creating a bevel in the flint, which could then make full contact and generate an adequate shower of sparks.","text2":"Gun toters faced a problem that caused them to create a bevel with flint.","label":-1,"idx":6408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While the Command Center was told about this other aircraft at 9:01, New York Center contacted New York terminal approach control and asked for help in locating United 175.","text2":"New York Center contacted the terminal and requesting help finding United 175.","label":-1,"idx":6409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are some quotes from people who have been helped by United Way of Central Indiana ","text2":"No one has been helped by United Way.","label":-1,"idx":6410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among these Get Back (a sign flashed on TV to invite or command the viewer to return after the commercial, or maybe promising that the production will return then); Pants 50% Down (ad for a sale); in my side (for my part; on my side of the argument); Step the Pedal ' Water Will Flow (sign in a train lavatory); Drive-Thru Window (at the bank); How do you doing? ","text2":"Among these we did not get back.","label":-1,"idx":6411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every service listed above is a reason for you to give to the 1996 Annual Appeal.","text2":"There are a lot of reasons to give to the Annual Appeal.","label":-1,"idx":6412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Well, yes.","text2":"No.","label":-1,"idx":6413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But unlike a mass merchant that typically manages over 125,000 separate items in a large store, the Dillard's system uses this information to manage over one million SKUs in one of its flagship stores.","text2":"The Dillard's system is much more efficient than the systems used in other stores.","label":-1,"idx":6414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to evaluate the performance of different inventory options, it is important to emphasize the less straightforward costs involved.","text2":"It is important that one does not emphasize the less straightforward costs involved.","label":-1,"idx":6415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh I hated, I, well, I'll just tell you that later.","text2":"I will talk to you about something I hate later.","label":-1,"idx":6416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have no knowledge to tell you about Japan.","text2":"I can't recall Japan well because I visited when I was a toddler.","label":-1,"idx":6417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one can recall the content of this conversation, but it was a brief call in which the subject of shootdown authority was not discussed.","text2":"A later call covered the subject of shootdown authority.","label":-1,"idx":6418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Staff was in contact with the White House Situation Room, but as far as we could determine, no one with the President was in contact with the Pentagon.","text2":"The Situation Room attempted to contact the Pentagon, not knowing that the plane had already collided with it.","label":-1,"idx":6419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, imaginative wish fulfillment can, at times, be counterproductive.","text2":"It is never counter productive to dream. ","label":-1,"idx":6420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She often has a drawing or craft project which she made in school.","text2":"She often makes art projects in school.","label":-1,"idx":6421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Authors\/Publishers\/ Editors\/Agents Thrown to the Reviews and Reviewers","text2":"Publishers, authors, editors and agents cast to the reviews and those who review.","label":-1,"idx":6422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Very few dentists will deny that Indiana is lacking in qualified, well-trained dental assistants.","text2":"Most dentist will agree that Indiana is short of well-trained dental assistants.","label":-1,"idx":6423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ordering a lock-step description of physical, intellectual, and emotional milestones at each age, Gesell aimed to reassure uneasy parents that children's problematic behaviors were merely a phase'part of a biologically based sequence requiring understanding, not correction.","text2":"Gesell was adamant with parents that problematic behaviors required immediate correction. ","label":-1,"idx":6424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once they are developed or altered, and their fragile ecosystems are disrupted, we lose them forever.","text2":"Ecosystems are fragile - they can be lost forever if they are altered.","label":-1,"idx":6425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By age 3 months, a complex communication system is in place in which parent and baby each respond in an appropriate and carefully timed fashion to the other's cues.","text2":"The development of timed communication is necessary for a child to learn how to understand conversational flow.","label":-1,"idx":6426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"reuseable disposable plates draft beer in a bottle in-store warehouse sale boneless bar-b-p ribs","text2":"The sale was a lie, nothing was on sale. ","label":-1,"idx":6427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A third key element is the Sharia, the code of law derived from the Qur'an and the Hadith.","text2":"The first key element is the Sharia.","label":-1,"idx":6428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We Need Your Help Are you seeking a worthwhile cause that really changes people's lives for the better... where every dollar goes directly to provide services in the community...one you would be proud to be part of and support?","text2":"Donating to this company means you will definitely make a great impact on other's lives.","label":-1,"idx":6429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Nothing in life is all mazel [`good luck'].","text2":"There is more than just good luck in life.","label":-1,"idx":6430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Tries it and it fits; then attempts another piece and looks at her father)","text2":"Playing a game of dress up.","label":-1,"idx":6431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Members of the law school's Maennerchor Society are the school's staunchest and most important supporters.","text2":"None of the Maennerchor Society's members support the law school. ","label":-1,"idx":6432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight never turned off its transponder.","text2":"The commercial airliner never shut off it's transponder for fear of malfunction. ","label":-1,"idx":6433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to a senior al Qaeda detainee, the government of Sudan seized everything Bin Ladin had possessed there.","text2":"The Sudan government took all of Bin Laden's belongings.","label":-1,"idx":6434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Support Goodwill with a generous donation today.","text2":"Please refrain from giving anything to the goodwill today. ","label":-1,"idx":6435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Between 3 and 6 years, children's descriptions of special, one-time events'a family excursion, a grandparent's visit, a first trip to the dentist'become better organized and more elaborate.","text2":"Around the ages of 7-8 years, children lose the ability to describe events. ","label":-1,"idx":6436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We would be delighted to welcome you as a new member of the CENTURY CLUB.","text2":"Unfortunately, we would not welcome you into the Century Club.","label":-1,"idx":6437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So it was the cheerleaders dated the football players?","text2":"The football players and cheerleaders like each other.","label":-1,"idx":6438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help in continuing the work of Jameson Camp.","text2":"The Jameson Camp needs help to continue","label":-1,"idx":6439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each type feeds in separate threads above and below the fabric, and these two threads must be connected in some fashion to form a stitch.","text2":"Clothing that is poorly made will often have poor stitching done.","label":-1,"idx":6440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"T-shirts, which are consumed in the United States every year by the billions, are a good example.","text2":"T-Shirts are purchased less in the U.S than cars, which stand at around 4 million a year.","label":-1,"idx":6441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I helped people put their music and their vocals to tape.","text2":"I recorded people's music and vocals.","label":-1,"idx":6442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is an argument that is persuasive but scarely convincing.","text2":"The discussion won't change any minds.","label":-1,"idx":6443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Entire collections can be created in a day with the selected materials draped on a sketched figure or actual photograph of a model.","text2":"Collections are often mass produced within the following week of their release.","label":-1,"idx":6444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":", is incomplete.","text2":"There is missing evidence.","label":-1,"idx":6445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next year at this time, my letter of solicitation will have a new address, the address of the new Science building on Michigan Street.","text2":"This time next year I will be addressing the new Science building on Michigan Street.","label":-1,"idx":6446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We could then stop asking the L-question : what is the future of the one-letter word?","text2":"There is no debate about the future of the one letter word.","label":-1,"idx":6447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"65 percent of participants will indicate that being in YMCA programs has helped them stay out of trouble.","text2":"YMCA program participants have lower incidents of crime then non-participants. ","label":-1,"idx":6448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can get off welfare.","text2":"Welfare is good for society.","label":-1,"idx":6449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet they form a consensus, a set of variations on a unified theme.","text2":"They do not come together in a unified way.","label":-1,"idx":6450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Michael Sims felt that way at age 39 -- the day he earned a job.","text2":"Michael Sims got a job when he was 39 years old.","label":-1,"idx":6451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There's another aircraft?","text2":"This is the only one.","label":-1,"idx":6452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pentagon had been struck by American 77 at 9:37:46.","text2":"The Pentagon was never struck by an airplane at any time.","label":-1,"idx":6453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But Sears Roebuck and Co. outstripped Montgomery Ward in the 1890s.","text2":"In the 1890s, Sears Roebuck and Co. outstripped Montgomery Ward.","label":-1,"idx":6454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want to leave, I said, but I don't want anybody to know.","text2":"It's okay if you know, but nobody else. ","label":-1,"idx":6455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We found no evidence that video teleconference participants had any prior information that American 77 had been hijacked and was heading directly toward Washington.","text2":"According to the evidence we could find, video teleconference participants had no prior information that American 77 had been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":6456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Lipschitz, sighed the lady.\"","text2":"The lady signed because she was so frustrated.","label":-1,"idx":6457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I enclose a copy of the Indiana tax form you will need to file with your return plus an envelope to use for sending your contribution to the IU Foundation.","text2":"I have sent an empty envelope to you and you will have to print out a copy of the Indiana tax form.","label":-1,"idx":6458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of you responded in a positive manner by increasing your contribution or contributing to the fund for the first time.","text2":"All of you responded negatively and didn't help contribute at all. ","label":-1,"idx":6459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:46, the flight reached its assigned cruising altitude of 35,000 feet.","text2":"The plane was travelling at the proper speed at that time.","label":-1,"idx":6460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A familiar reasoning that in terms of job duties the sex or gender of the person who passes peanuts on an airplane is unimportant, editors of the Handbook of Nonsexist Language propose flight attendant rather than steward\/stewardess and oppose gratuitous regendering of job titles ( female flight attendant ). (A court case notes a male purser and a female stewardess with identical job descriptions, but different salary scales.)","text2":"Instead of calling them steward\/stewardess, we should call them flight attendants.","label":-1,"idx":6461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think that story telling continues to be important and why?","text2":"Why is storytelling so important now?","label":-1,"idx":6462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a colored ink-jet printing of the pattern can be made on basic plain fabric to help identify and demonstrate the desired colors in future discussions with textile mills.","text2":"Using a colored ink-jet printer on fabric takes experience if you want good results.","label":-1,"idx":6463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He again asked for authorization to engage.","text2":"He did not ask for the authorization to engage again.","label":-1,"idx":6464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"BMW will also need to combine information technologies, planning and forecasting methods, and production techniques to implement such strategies.","text2":"BMW needs to innovate.","label":-1,"idx":6465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said, But, don't you ever tell, that I told you, because-, he said.","text2":"He said that I should tell everyone that it was he who had told me. ","label":-1,"idx":6466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"New faculty have been hired, and they have enhanced our course offerings with new and varied areas of expertise.","text2":"Our new faculty bring a range of new areas of expertise and will enhance our course offerings.","label":-1,"idx":6467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now that apparel manufacturers face more stringent order-fulfillment requirements and are expected to provide a much wider range of products to retailers, the costs of large amounts of in-process inventory have grown tremendously.","text2":"Apparel manufacturers face more lax order-fulfillment requirements.","label":-1,"idx":6468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm like--","text2":"I never spoke a word.","label":-1,"idx":6469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alas for perfectly lovely words that acquire pejorative meanings over the years!","text2":"Derogatory words are a wonderful asset!","label":-1,"idx":6470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were there other people who told you stories when you were very young grandparents perhaps?","text2":"Did your grandparents tell you stories about their childhoods when you were young?","label":-1,"idx":6471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I fortunately remembered when Mom and I left to go to the church to bring a wrench and couple pairs of pliers because of course the pews were bolted to the floor.","text2":"We had to bring wrenches and pliers because the pews were bolted to the floor.","label":-1,"idx":6472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a privilege and honor to be asked to serve as your Annual Fund class representative.","text2":"It is a very big dishonor to be named Annual Fund class representative. ","label":-1,"idx":6473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's all silver.","text2":"That's made of pure silver.","label":-1,"idx":6474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true face of Islam, President Bush observed.","text2":"President Bush told Americans that radicals were the face of terror.","label":-1,"idx":6475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps you have heard your student talk about the visiting artists who present slide lectures at Herron about their work, sit in on classes, and mingle with the students.","text2":"Maybe you know about artists coming to present, listen to classes and talk to students. ","label":-1,"idx":6476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I remember many mornings walking down to the bus where you know whatever you had in your nose would freeze.","text2":"Our boogers would freeze while walking to the bus. ","label":-1,"idx":6477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um she was always a very active person.","text2":"She was a couch potato.","label":-1,"idx":6478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We moved from down there up here at a very young age and we don't remember a lot about the old as they call it their home.","text2":"We only moved here recently.","label":-1,"idx":6479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyway, I treasure that table.","text2":"I could not stand that table.","label":-1,"idx":6480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were you close with her when you were growing up?","text2":"Was she super distant from you all throughout your life? ","label":-1,"idx":6481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"*$160 will pay for one program for an entire grade.","text2":"$1600 will cover a whole grade for the program for one hour.","label":-1,"idx":6482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They struggled, under difficult circumstances, to improvise a homeland defense against an unprecedented challenge they had never before encountered and had never trained to meet.","text2":"They struggled to wage a defense against this new challenge.","label":-1,"idx":6483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Authors extrapolated from Roentgen's 1895 discovery of x-rays and wrote of the heat-ray (H.","text2":"Heat rays are not a thing invented,nor are xrays. ","label":-1,"idx":6484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You see it, I think you see it in their, in how they do in school.","text2":"With how they do in class, I think you can see it.","label":-1,"idx":6485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, \/\/ she would have smoking all the whole way.","text2":"She doesn't smoke, you know that. ","label":-1,"idx":6486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In their December, 1995 review of the nation's best charities, U.S.","text2":"The 1995 review was of the worst charities in the nation.","label":-1,"idx":6487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Staff was in contact with the White House Situation Room, but as far as we could determine, no one with the President was in contact with the Pentagon.","text2":"The Pentagon was not in contact with the Situation Room.","label":-1,"idx":6488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before age 4, most children assume that physical experience determines mental experience'that if Band-Aids are in the unmarked box, everyone will just know where they are.","text2":"Children respond differently to the situation after the age of 4, when compared to before age 4.","label":-1,"idx":6489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have to set some goals for myself next year.","text2":"I need to put forth some self objectives in the next year.","label":-1,"idx":6490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many will find out, as I have, that just being active and productive will improve your health, relationships, and quality of life.","text2":"I have found out that being active and productive enhance a person's life","label":-1,"idx":6491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The upcoming year offers even more exciting opportunities.","text2":"There were not many exciting opportunities this year.","label":-1,"idx":6492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The authors are not alone in getting this it is incorrect in some dictionaries.","text2":"Authors aren't alone with incorrect information in some dictionaries. ","label":-1,"idx":6493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For your timely reply, you have my deepest thanks.","text2":"Thank you for replying so soon.","label":-1,"idx":6494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In most cases, the chain of command authorizing the use of force runs from the president to the secretary of defense and from the secretary to the combatant commander.","text2":"The President is usually top of the chain in command when it comes to authorizing use of force.","label":-1,"idx":6495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributions will be used to cover program and membership costs for girls in financial need; subsidize the cost of Girl Scout camp; and provide training and resources to leaders, parents and adult volunteers.","text2":"Membership scholarships, camp costs, and training resources are where donations are spent.","label":-1,"idx":6496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It will take the very best from all of us to ensure that her future shines as brightly as has her past.","text2":"It will take any amount of effort we put in to secure her future's brightness. ","label":-1,"idx":6497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My argument is not that the Chinese pronunciation for Viet is Yueh but that Mr. Henn errs when he translates the Chinese character as `extreme.","text2":"Mr. Henn makes an error when he translates the Chinese character in question.","label":-1,"idx":6498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For our purposes, note that high demand fluctuation decreases one's ability to forecast demand accurately.","text2":"It's harder to forecast demand when there are high fluctuations in demand.","label":-1,"idx":6499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" He-American 11 is a hijack?","text2":"American 11 was hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":6500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the next chapter shows, the changes now under way have their roots in new technologies, just as technical advances in transportation and communication shifted the industrial landscape at the end of the last century.","text2":"The next chapter talks about how to summon the spirit of Cthulu into your home without him (immediately) devouring your soul.","label":-1,"idx":6501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution helped make it possible for us to provide our students a quality education.","text2":"Your contribution is not enough to provide students with a quality education.","label":-1,"idx":6502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything your parents ever told you about her, stories that they ever did like when they were kids?","text2":"Did your parents mention anything about the woman?","label":-1,"idx":6503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A UPS is a mechanical overhead transport system that moves a unit of clothing from one work station to the next.","text2":"A UPS is a system that throws away excess cloth.","label":-1,"idx":6504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They arrived at 9:25 and established a combat air patrol (CAP) over the city.","text2":"There was a combat air patrol over the city. ","label":-1,"idx":6505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the bottom thread does not have to be encircled by the top thread, the bottom thread can come from a large cone stored above the machine.","text2":"The bottom thread doesn't have to have the top thread go around it because it is already tight.","label":-1,"idx":6506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want him to hurt me so I'll get wise.","text2":"I want to be wiser to the world, so I want him to treat me tougher. It makes the reality of the world clearer. ","label":-1,"idx":6507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:53, FAA headquarters informed the Command Center that the deputy director for air traffic services was talking to Monte Belger about scrambling aircraft.","text2":"The FAA headquarters informed the command center on what to do.","label":-1,"idx":6508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Effective merchandising requires matching the retailer's product mix to the tastes and incomes of its targeted customers.","text2":"The product mix should aim to show only the most expensive products to make more income.","label":-1,"idx":6509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kind of letting them down.","text2":"Really impressed them.","label":-1,"idx":6510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Y staff trained in conflict resolution and adolescent programs guide the youth through a process of skill and esteem building.","text2":"The staff are unable to help all of the youth involved in adolescent programs.","label":-1,"idx":6511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Use of the UPC bar code system has the potential for significantly decreasing transaction costs with customers.","text2":"The bar code system has great ability to reduce transaction expenses.","label":-1,"idx":6512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that children actually, the innocence of children, the unconditional love of children, is the way that we, now, that I'm an adult, that adults need to be with each other, and that the greatest lesson in that, when you can be like a little child, then you are doing what's pleasing to God.","text2":"God wants us to love others whether they are nice to us or not.","label":-1,"idx":6513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During August, you will be asked by a volunteer to consider making a $2,500 commitment to the law school during 1994.","text2":"It is hoped that all who are asked for a financial commitment will respond positively.","label":-1,"idx":6514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are in a rapid descent . . . we are all over the place.","text2":"We are falling quickly to the ground.. we are all over the place.","label":-1,"idx":6515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for industry generally specified minimum wage rates, overtime after forty hours of work per week, and a prohibition of child labor.","text2":"Overtime after working 40 hours in a week wasn't one of the improvements introduced by the FLSA.","label":-1,"idx":6516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I think what was worse about their place is not only the smoke hanging in the air, but they kept it at \/\/ 80 degrees.","text2":"The even worse characteristic regarding their house was they stabilized the AC at 80 degrees.","label":-1,"idx":6517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His head was bound with pansies over-blown,","text2":"The flowers were daisies.","label":-1,"idx":6518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky concluded that make-believe play has two crucial features that distinguish it from other childhood activities.","text2":"Vygotsky pointed out that make-believe is similar to all other childhood activities.","label":-1,"idx":6519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In its limited adoptions in the 1930s, the SLS sewing room was organized in short rows of sewing machines based on the sequence of operations for the garment.","text2":"The garments flowed through the room from one side to the other to increase efficiency.","label":-1,"idx":6520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Points to the bottom of the puzzle)","text2":"Pointing at the carpet.","label":-1,"idx":6521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, thank you very much.","text2":"Thanks for nothing.","label":-1,"idx":6522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within minutes of the second impact, Boston Center instructed its controllers to inform all aircraft in its airspace of the events in New York and to advise aircraft to heighten cockpit security.","text2":"The aircraft successfully heighten its cockpit security. ","label":-1,"idx":6523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A subvariant of the anagram","text2":"No subvariety for anagrams. ","label":-1,"idx":6524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Command Center kept looking for American 77.","text2":"The Command Center did not stop looking for American 77.","label":-1,"idx":6525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Design information systems, such as the Gerber Garment Technology software discussed above, can also greatly affect how and when design changes are made.","text2":"The fluidity of Gerber's software allows it to be used to make changes throughout the entire production process.","label":-1,"idx":6526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's just that, what a firefight!","text2":"The firefight was postponed.","label":-1,"idx":6527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More than four pages are devoted to cliches (under the guise of Lo and behold, it's man's best friend.","text2":"More than four pages were about hard facts.","label":-1,"idx":6528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At Goodwill, Michael's counselors felt that his personable demeanor could be a major attribute and identified for him a possible job-match where his people skills could shine.","text2":"Michael really enjoyed talking to people.","label":-1,"idx":6529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, we're going to talk about today childhood stories and what I'm wondering is what are the stories you remember as children?","text2":"Were there any childhood stories that were read to you?","label":-1,"idx":6530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But only rarely did they collaborate and, with few exceptions, their work was not correlated in a systematic way.","text2":"They were too busy to contribute. ","label":-1,"idx":6531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have also enclosed a brief report on those areas which would be helped by your annual contribution.","text2":"You will find the report interesting.","label":-1,"idx":6532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How can adults build interdependent relationships with children that foster the development of culturally meaningful skills and mature, autonomous behavior?","text2":"Adults shouldn't be concerned about building relationships with children that encourage mature behavior.","label":-1,"idx":6533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" We can't confirm that.","text2":"We aren't able to say for sure.","label":-1,"idx":6534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the additional year of training our financial obligation has increased by a third.","text2":"Our financial obligation has grown by a third because of one more year of training. ","label":-1,"idx":6535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He has to eat on time and properly to maintain his energy and blood sugar level.","text2":"He really enjoys eating food to stay healthy ","label":-1,"idx":6536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 80 reservation communities in the .Southwest, over 2,000 American Indian children participate in Futures' Friendship Program, building cross-cultural ties with adult mentors 'from around the nation and Europe.","text2":"There are no participants from the Southwest in the Friendship Program.","label":-1,"idx":6537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we described in Chapter 4, many have transformed their warehouses into modern distribution centers to facilitate the receipt and distribution of these smaller orders.","text2":"This development is in response to the changes in how consumers are buying products.","label":-1,"idx":6538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like Dr. Seuss.","text2":"Similar to Dr. Seuss.","label":-1,"idx":6539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of much more interest, however, are the common words used in English that were once compounds but are not easily recognized as such today.","text2":"Compounds are created by combining two words to create new meaning.","label":-1,"idx":6540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a coup in 1977, military leaders turned to Islamist groups for support, and fundamentalists became more prominent.","text2":"Military leaders turned to roughly half of the Islamist groups for support.","label":-1,"idx":6541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Once more unto the breach for the warriors of 1'Acad??mie Fran?\u00a7aise in their uphill battle to preserve the purity of their native tongue.","text2":"The people at Academie Francaise are once again battling to keep their native language pure.","label":-1,"idx":6542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And because children build competencies by engaging in real activities in real contexts, dierent skills vary in maturity within the same child!","text2":"Kids engage in real activities to build competencies for adulthood.","label":-1,"idx":6543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think that's why they expect so much more of me.","text2":"No one ever expects anything from me.","label":-1,"idx":6544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As further ammunition to support my bulletproof contention that our language is loaded with guns and cannons, I'll conclude by gunning for items that have the word gun in them.","text2":"Our language can be described as figurative.","label":-1,"idx":6545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, they acquire practical skills and a wealth of knowledge about their physical and social surroundings.","text2":"They get practical skills and a lot of knowledge about what is happening around them when they spend time with adults.","label":-1,"idx":6546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once a week, this retailer places a replenishment order with its supplier and receives a shipment.","text2":"The retailer specifies what they need more of.","label":-1,"idx":6547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Than Ines says to him, What was it?","text2":"She asked him what it was.","label":-1,"idx":6548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact, the retail systems of both Wanamaker and Walton integrated a variety of innovations that had already been pioneered by other retailers.","text2":"Walton's retail system borrowed from other retailers but Wanamaker's didn't.","label":-1,"idx":6549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't imagine not reading and for pure enjoyment and, uh, for growth, broadening your knowledge base.","text2":"I only read when I am forced to for school.","label":-1,"idx":6550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lariat is compounded from the Spanish la `the' + reata `lasso.","text2":"Lariat is a compound work in Spanish","label":-1,"idx":6551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Note that some double-dealing has also gone on with the word character !) A third layer of camouflage is added ","text2":"After the fourth layer of camouflage it will be complete. ","label":-1,"idx":6552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, some of its 18th-century members gave our species the elevated title Homo sapiens , as if thinking of themselves while labeling all the birds, beasts, and bugs in creation.","text2":"Our species was given the title of Homo Sephonas, as if thinking of them as birds.","label":-1,"idx":6553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are just some of the ways your gift can touch lives right here in central ","text2":"You make a one-off gift or gift on a monthly basis.","label":-1,"idx":6554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Money problems proved costly to Bin Ladin in other ways.","text2":"Bin Laden got a boost with financing from Saudi Arabia.","label":-1,"idx":6555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1980s, diminishing oil revenues, the economic drain from many unprofitable development projects, and population growth made these entitlement programs unsustainable.","text2":"Entitlement programs were made unstable by the plummeting oil revenues, population growth and economic drains from financially unsuccessful development projects.","label":-1,"idx":6556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, the Langley pilots were never briefed about the reason they were scrambled.","text2":"The Langley pilots were confused by the lack of instructions.","label":-1,"idx":6557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After Moqed set it off, a screener wanded him.","text2":"Moqed never set it off, so he never had to be wanded.","label":-1,"idx":6558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But once you got to that point you still stopped at the elementary school and we would help those kids get off the bus, we would have emergency drills and that sort of thing.","text2":"We had emergency drills at the elementary school.","label":-1,"idx":6559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just stay quiet.","text2":"Just make as much noise as possible.","label":-1,"idx":6560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If children are masters of their own learning, then adult eorts to teach them new skills before they indicate they are interested or ready are doomed to failure.","text2":"If children are in charge of their own learning, than the effort by adults to teach them skills they are uninterested in is doomed to fail.","label":-1,"idx":6561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A bartender will be available and we will have a chance to enjoy reminiscing the equivalent of our four academic years together and the happenings during the time that has transpired since our graduation 50 years ago.","text2":"There will be drinks and I will enjoy catching up with everyone since graduation 50 years ago.","label":-1,"idx":6562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NO FURTHER WORDS CAN BE REMEMBERED FOR CORRECT MULTIPLE OCCURRANCES OR FOR GO ON.","text2":"Additional words can be remembered on demand when using the \"GO ON\" mode.","label":-1,"idx":6563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We all hear about today's increases in neglect, abuse and abandonment of those who can't fight children.","text2":"Children have no way to defend themselves against those in positions of power. ","label":-1,"idx":6564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Three basic themes emerge from Qutb's writings.","text2":"His writings show two basic themes.","label":-1,"idx":6565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I made up my mind that Muscat Ramble was almost certainly the original name of the tune.","text2":"I figure Muscat Ramble has to be the original name.","label":-1,"idx":6566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were not scrambled in response to United 93; NORAD did not have 47 minutes to intercept the flight; NORAD did not even know the plane was hijacked until after it had crashed.","text2":"The fighters were not scrambled in response to the hijacking due to poor communication and a lack of preparation.","label":-1,"idx":6567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, as the end of 1993 approaches, we ask that you remember what your law school education has meant to you and to support the Law School Annual Fund.","text2":"We want you to support the Law School annual fund.","label":-1,"idx":6568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shelby stood like one stricken.","text2":"Shelby had the mannerisms of someone who was stricken.","label":-1,"idx":6569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 11 is still in the air?","text2":"Is American Flying 11 flying?","label":-1,"idx":6570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I'm sure you probably have.","text2":"You have had an experience that I am aware of.","label":-1,"idx":6571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:33, Hadley told the air threat conference I need to get word to Dick Myers that our reports are there's an inbound aircraft flying low 5 miles out.","text2":"Hadley wanted to warn Dick Myers about a low flying aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":6572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The air defenders searched for United 93's primary radar return and tried to locate other fighters to scramble.","text2":"The defenders were all sick with the flu and stayed home that day.","label":-1,"idx":6573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"OK go ahead.","text2":"It's fine to go ahead.","label":-1,"idx":6574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Wadi , for instance, would describe an inland creek rather well.","text2":"Wadi could describe an inland creek quite well.","label":-1,"idx":6575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" A gringo , from griego `Greek,' is one whose speech sounds like Greek to me. ","text2":"In my mind, a gringo is someone who sounds like a person from Greece.","label":-1,"idx":6576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember anything that, um, I mean, there are always books that I liked, I always had to read everything but uh, there were certain things that I liked more than others, do remember anything you liked in particular, um, about stuff you had to read maybe in your English class or um, things like that?","text2":"Did you read books in your English classes?","label":-1,"idx":6577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sources reported that one, or perhaps both, of these meetings was apparently arranged through Bin Ladin's Egyptian deputy, Zawahiri, who had ties of his own to the Iraqis.","text2":"Zawahiri had many Iraqi colleagues, which influenced his decisions to set up the meetings.","label":-1,"idx":6578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or maybe stories that, you know, some people just make up stories to tell.","text2":"The only stories told are true stories because those are the only ones that matter.","label":-1,"idx":6579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Smoking the whole way.","text2":"There was never any smoke. ","label":-1,"idx":6580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No wonder ' we've lost them already.","text2":"While there was a high chance of this happening, it still feels bad.","label":-1,"idx":6581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mail your check today (or charge your gift) to help us stop the misuse of vulnerable natural land.","text2":"Mail your check today to help us prevent ducklings from taking over Brazil.","label":-1,"idx":6582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children learn and practice thinking by participating in purposeful activities, organized by their cultural community.","text2":"Children's thought process worsens by participating in activities offered by their cultural community.","label":-1,"idx":6583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They increasingly insist that children engage in socially appropriate conduct.","text2":"They got more demanding about enforcing certain mannerisms on children.","label":-1,"idx":6584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ELM staff at 617-742-2553.","text2":"Please do not contact the ELM staff we are very busy and don't have time for frivolous questions.","label":-1,"idx":6585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The balance practice law throughout the country and live in 48 different states.","text2":"While they live in 48 different states, the balance practice law.","label":-1,"idx":6586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Second, NEADS did not have accurate information on the location of United 93.","text2":"The location of United 93 was not known by NEADS.","label":-1,"idx":6587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will you make a financial gift to Big Sisters in 1999 that will ensure that more young people receive the guidance they need, that more young people stay in school, stay off drugs and make good choices?","text2":"Young people are at risk of dropping out of school and doing drugs.","label":-1,"idx":6588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For your timely reply, you have my deepest thanks.","text2":"I am grateful that you replied so fast, because I needed to know the information you gave me as soon as possible.","label":-1,"idx":6589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the 1970s onward, religion had become an increasingly powerful force in Pakistani politics.","text2":"Religion's role became less of a force in Pakistani politics beginning in the 1970s.","label":-1,"idx":6590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the areas we've decided to focus on is development.","text2":"We are not going to consider development","label":-1,"idx":6591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The zone, as I'll call it from now on, is the dynamic region in which new capacities form as children tackle culturally meaningful tasks with a mentor's assistance.","text2":"I'll refer to the region in which new capacities form as children tackle culturally meaningful tasks with a mentor's assistance. as \"The zone\" from now on.","label":-1,"idx":6592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the law school's assistant dean for development, I am especially sensitive about our efforts to create new or increased sources of income.","text2":"I feel emotional concerning our efforts to invent new income streams.","label":-1,"idx":6593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did the wolf ever eat her?","text2":"Did the wolf devour her?","label":-1,"idx":6594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's never been on welfare and he's always had a job doing manual labor.","text2":"He has always had a job, and has never been on welfare.","label":-1,"idx":6595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But unlike transponder data, primary radar returns do not show the aircraft's identity and altitude.","text2":"The primary radar does not indicate the aircraft's identity. ","label":-1,"idx":6596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every year, thousands of people come to Goodwill.","text2":"Thousands of people come to Goodwill every year.","label":-1,"idx":6597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Naturally, contractors for sewing assembly will not be allowed access to estimates of production costs and information about other suppliers; however, once a change is made in a garment's design, then everyone involved will have access to and can work from the identical information base.","text2":"Contractors engaged in sewing assembly can't access production cost estimates.","label":-1,"idx":6598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather than frustrating or disappointing the child, self-restraint is the route to maximum pleasure.","text2":"self-restraint is the route to pain.","label":-1,"idx":6599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I was about three at the time.","text2":"I was approximately three years old then. ","label":-1,"idx":6600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Features one of the largest and most highly automated legal research collections in Indiana","text2":"Automating the research collection was a good decision.","label":-1,"idx":6601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A few lines later she confounds him by prophesying that Banquo shall get kings. ","text2":"Her prophecy failed to come to be.","label":-1,"idx":6602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:10, the pilots over Washington were emphatically told, negative clearance to shoot.","text2":"The pilots over Washington were explicitly told at 10:10 that they had full clearance to shoot down planes.","label":-1,"idx":6603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No matter the size of the donation, please know that your gift will be appreciated and make a difference.","text2":"Even small donations can be used in efficient ways by our committee.","label":-1,"idx":6604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are therefore requesting your cooperation.","text2":"Your cooperation is going to be really useful.","label":-1,"idx":6605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin's Worldview Despite his claims to universal leadership, Bin Ladin offers an extreme view of Islamic history designed to appeal mainly to Arabs and Sunnis.","text2":"Bin Ladin knows that his view of Islamic history is extreme.","label":-1,"idx":6606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For 4- and 5-year-olds, questions more often address narrative organization ( What happens next? ); analyses of characters ( Why did the little girl want a teddy bear? ); and connections between the book and the child's everyday life ( Have you ever seen a fire engine on its way to a fire? ","text2":"Four and five year olds shouldn't be asked any questions during reading.","label":-1,"idx":6607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YWCA programs are carried out on the YWCA campus, in schools, shelters, public housing communities, correctional facilities and other locations throughout central Indiana.","text2":"YWCA programs are carried out in a variety of locations throughout central Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":6608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was notified at 9:34 that American 77 was lost.","text2":"They found American 77's radio signal and discovered it landed.","label":-1,"idx":6609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miles suggests that such domination is a recent phenomenon'only a couple of thousand years old'for she points to the clear superiority of women in (primitive) religions and matriarchies, right on through to the Egyptian dynastic rulers.","text2":"The Egyptian dynastic rulers were known to subjugate women.","label":-1,"idx":6610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're investing in people, as well.","text2":"Your investment goes into people, not just number.","label":-1,"idx":6611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time the military learned about the flight, it had crashed.","text2":"The plane crashed before the military knew.","label":-1,"idx":6612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, adults in some non-Western cultures regard American parents as rather merciless in pushing their young children toward independence'for example, when they insist that infants sleep alone rather than with their parents, or when they take pleasure in the earliest possible mastery of motor skills, such as crawling and walking, long before the child has acquired the reasoning powers to avoid steep staircases and busy roadways.","text2":"Adults from non-Western countries think it is admirable to push young children towards independence. ","label":-1,"idx":6613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what else do you want me to tell you?","text2":"So what more would you like me to say about it to you?","label":-1,"idx":6614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes I wonder about the extent of my own vocabulary, too, but really, not when I'm interviewing a client.","text2":"In some cases, I would lose my train of thought in the middle of an interview.","label":-1,"idx":6615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so that was really interesting, uh, in retrospect.","text2":"And thinking back, that was actually very interesting. ","label":-1,"idx":6616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the Clubhouse Monitor at Bent Tree Apartments, he now provides customer service for 50 to 60 tenants each night.","text2":"At the Clubhouse Monitor he is now a dancer.","label":-1,"idx":6617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Club is made up of alumni, faculty, staff and friends who support the school with annual gifts of $100 or more.","text2":"The Club is exclusive to faculty, who give gifts of over $1000.","label":-1,"idx":6618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't miss the opening of the last one at the National Art Museum of Sport on Thursday, November 5 from 5:30-8:00 p.m.","text2":"This is the last opportunity to see it ever as part of an exhibit, catch it on Thursday November 5, doors open at 5:30!","label":-1,"idx":6619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I remember many mornings walking down to the bus where you know whatever you had in your nose would freeze.","text2":"I have never walked down to a bus. ","label":-1,"idx":6620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Ah yeah, fond, fond memories.","text2":"I don't remember it happily.","label":-1,"idx":6621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who have driven along the New York State Thruway west of Albany encounter a string of town names that (presumably) reflect the nationalities of their original settlers.","text2":"The New York State Thruway continues west of Albany.","label":-1,"idx":6622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went to college for two weeks and dropped out.","text2":"He could not pay attention to his classes in college.","label":-1,"idx":6623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We've only been able to save about 5 of those 10 birds, by supporting them with I\/V fluids given through the wing bones (the preferred method in birds).","text2":"We've been able to save 100\/100 ducks by giving them IV fluids.","label":-1,"idx":6624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again, the normalized data highlights the weekly deviation from the average demand.","text2":"On a weekly average, the deviation increases over time.","label":-1,"idx":6625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many thousands of such jokes in every language, for they depend for their humor on polysemy or homonymy, which exists in all languages.","text2":"Most jokes depend on crude words and childishness","label":-1,"idx":6626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"True, one can find different from , etc., in an entry so headed, but for absolute constructions one is referred to an entry called Covered with onions, relish, and ketchup, I ate a hotdog at the ball-park. ","text2":"Absolute constructions are a rare case and have special exceptions.","label":-1,"idx":6627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"analysand Another term from one of its words for `patient.","text2":"Another term is \"doctor.\"","label":-1,"idx":6628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dear Classmates of 1943:","text2":"Dear Friends:","label":-1,"idx":6629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the year I have been in private practice, I have found myself drawing on all aspects of my education.","text2":"I have never used anything from my education, in the whole year of my private practice.","label":-1,"idx":6630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A time for a youngster to enjoy the fun and benefits of residential camp living, dedicated staff and instruction, and a chance to make special friends.","text2":"The youngster will not experience anything beneficial","label":-1,"idx":6631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to notes of the call, at about 9:45 the President told the Vice Sounds like we have a minor war going on here, I heard about the Pentagon.","text2":"The President called the Vice President before calling any members of Congress.","label":-1,"idx":6632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well with Brittney Spears I think what they probably do is they, um, they've got a lot of back up singers that can sing, and they kind of blend her voice into theirs when she can't quite do it.","text2":"Britney Spears has trouble reaching high notes.","label":-1,"idx":6633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:00:26, a passenger in the background said,In the cockpit.","text2":"A terrorist said at 10.","label":-1,"idx":6634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The man who was shot out of the cannon during each show was asked by his wife to quit his high-risk job, much to the distress of the great P.T.","text2":"The wife of the man who was shot out of the cannon pressed him to keep his job.","label":-1,"idx":6635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The label said, MUSKAT RAMBLE.","text2":"Their label was Muskat Ramble because there had been a typo.","label":-1,"idx":6636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I usually hazard a guess in such first encounters, ?\u00a0la the game of Dictionary. ","text2":"I don't waste my time guessing such things, there are better methods.","label":-1,"idx":6637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we say the Chinese language we refer, of course, to the written language.","text2":"One does not need to create a distinction between the Chinese written language and spoken language.","label":-1,"idx":6638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Batman Beyond and I don't know.","text2":"One is Batman Beyond.","label":-1,"idx":6639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This analysis can help manufacturers allocate production among existing facilities.","text2":"Existing factories do not operate at full capacity and the manufacturers don't realize it.","label":-1,"idx":6640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. in Bere Regis, who was born in the village and who speaks with a delicious Dorset burr, always uses I instead of me. ","text2":"Some people use the word I in place of the word me.","label":-1,"idx":6641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your concern and support of Indy Reads.","text2":"Than you for support and interest in Indy Reads.","label":-1,"idx":6642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why she's my hero?","text2":"Why I would worship her if I could?","label":-1,"idx":6643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, they were walking up the path and Grandma accidentally stepped in something that was really soft and her foot got to sinking and instead of her pulling that one foot back out and shaking it off to keep going, she stuck both feet in there and she started to holler.","text2":"Grandma did not know what was going on.","label":-1,"idx":6644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said to him. ","text2":"I didn't say anything to him.","label":-1,"idx":6645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, mothers who frequently label and explain emotions have preschoolers who use more emotion words in conversation.","text2":"Preschoolers are highly receptive to the things their mothers do and say.","label":-1,"idx":6646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On behalf of all IUSD students, I would like to personally thank you for your past support of dental education.","text2":"The IUSD students are thankful for support of dental education.","label":-1,"idx":6647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Overstocks at the close of a season were then marked down for clearance, warehoused in inventory for future sales, or sold to a secondary market supplying discount retailers.","text2":"At the end of a season, overstocks are marked down for clearance, saved for sales in the future or sold to discount retailers.","label":-1,"idx":6648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we had only that scene to go by we would never really know, and all because of a Puzzling Pronoun 'or two!","text2":"We would have known regardless of the scene missing or existing. ","label":-1,"idx":6649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He alerted his supervisor, who assigned another controller to assist him.","text2":"The supervisor had another controller work with him.","label":-1,"idx":6650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The SIDS Alliance and its 50 Affiliates throughout the United States are dedicated to eliminating SIDS through research, serving SIDS families, and educating professionals and the general public about SIDS.","text2":"The SIDS Alliance knows they can't eliminate SIDS.","label":-1,"idx":6651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"oxymoron Not a name for dumb cattle, but a rhetorical device that couples opposites into descriptions effective for their cold as hell, honest as a politician.","text2":"An oxymoron isn't a rhetorical device, but another name for stupid livestock.","label":-1,"idx":6652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know she wasn't going to claim me.","text2":"She claimed me years ago.","label":-1,"idx":6653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1950, average hourly earnings in textiles were $1.23 an hour compared with $1.24 in apparel.","text2":"The textile workers made a significantly higher hourly wage on average than workers in apparel.","label":-1,"idx":6654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":", or the `sound effect for sudden destruction' (int.)","text2":"The sound effect for sudden destruction is loud and grating. ","label":-1,"idx":6655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this may seem obvious today, Wanamaker shook up the existing retail world in the 1870s by seeking to understand his customers' preferences as a basis for making merchandising choices.","text2":"Relying on customer preference when choosing merchandise was a new discovery when Wanamaker did it in the 1870s.","label":-1,"idx":6656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have lately been reading accounts of the exploration of the western and northwestern deserts of Australia in the 1870s and I have become very aware of the effect absent necessities might have on the frequency of particular items in discourse.","text2":"Absent necessities in the deserts of Australia might have effects on the frequency of particular items in discourse.","label":-1,"idx":6657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Far from being mindless and infantile, slang in its wonderful vigor and versatility allows us to express how we really feel about persons, places, and things.","text2":"Slang does no help people express themselves.","label":-1,"idx":6658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, and if another, another person did that, they were going to kill him too.","text2":"The person who jumped out was shot, instantly.","label":-1,"idx":6659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No examples have been given of answers that consist of more than one word.","text2":"Answers that are made up of one word are bothersome.","label":-1,"idx":6660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Filthy sidewalks where children play.","text2":"Children play on the sidewalks.","label":-1,"idx":6661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bench sponsorships are available for a gift of $2500 or more to the School of Dentistry Class Reunion Challenge.","text2":"The cost of sponsoring a bench is $250 or more. ","label":-1,"idx":6662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a fixed period of time (e.g., every week), the retailer checks the inventory level.","text2":"A retailer will check inventory level after some set amount of time.","label":-1,"idx":6663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you feel like you did well this sem, this year, or if you had to do it over what would you do differently?","text2":"Would you still teach in heels, or have you learned that flats are more comfortable?","label":-1,"idx":6664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It can also rapidly identify discrepancies between invoices and actual shipments, once again lowering the cost of the transaction for both parties.","text2":"The software does a great job of recording what is on the invoice but can't tell anything about the actual shipment.","label":-1,"idx":6665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fowler lists five instances where a careless writer can go wrong.","text2":"Fowler knows a lot about writing. ","label":-1,"idx":6666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its success encouraged Sunni fundamentalists elsewhere.","text2":"The Sunni's rose up and tried to work hard.","label":-1,"idx":6667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD perceived the dominant threat to be from cruise missiles.","text2":"Hijackings were not seen as the biggest threat by NORAD.","label":-1,"idx":6668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We thank you for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you.","text2":"Thanks for considering us.","label":-1,"idx":6669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because units typically are sold during the delivery lead time, the actual inventory in stock rarely reaches eight units.","text2":"Units are typically sold during the delivery lead time.","label":-1,"idx":6670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess, actually it would, because in high school, I was on a State cheerleading championship squad, and they don't have squads like that up north as much, my cousins tell me from their high school.","text2":"Up north, the cheerleading squads are different. ","label":-1,"idx":6671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 93 would ordinarily have taken off about 15 minutes after pulling away from the gate.","text2":"United 93 would usually take off 15 minutes after it pulled away from the gate at the airport.","label":-1,"idx":6672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Until the emergence of mass retail, the wholesaler-jobber dominated the distribution of consumer dry goods to general clothing, upholstered furnishings, hardware, drugs, tobacco, furniture, china, and glassware.","text2":"Tobacco and Furniture were among the wares sold by the wholesale-jobber.","label":-1,"idx":6673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:07, its representative on the air threat conference call stated that NORAD had no indication of a hijack heading to DC at this time.","text2":"Its representative on the conference call said that NORAD didn't know about a hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":6674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other governments in the region, such as those of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and even Libya, which were targets of some of these groups, added their own pressure.","text2":"Adding their own pressure was a way of ensuring their safety; The Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, and Libyan governments were concerned for their own safety, as they were also targets. ","label":-1,"idx":6675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The other thing is that generalized statements employing reference to males constitute a not-so-subtle form of propaganda interpretable either as pro-male, anti-female, or both.","text2":"Generalized statements employing reference to males constitute a form of propaganda.","label":-1,"idx":6676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I want to encourage you to continue to support your alma mater with contributions to the McDonald Fund and to increase your contribution, if possible.","text2":"The McDonald Fund does not accept donations from alumni. ","label":-1,"idx":6677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ A wise decision\/\/ yeah.","text2":"I approve of the decision because it's what I would have done. ","label":-1,"idx":6678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, to return to Mr. Delaney, swimmingly is associated with aquatic with a smooth gliding movement says OED . No confusion there, I would suggest.","text2":"The OED, unsurprisingly, says that swimmingly has an associated meaning of aquatic with a smooth gliding movement.","label":-1,"idx":6679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These boxes come with wires (called cables for some reason) that allow them to be connected to one another and into a power source.","text2":"The boxes do not come with any wires or cables.","label":-1,"idx":6680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service was getting this information directly from the FAA.","text2":"The Secret Service got all of its intelligence from the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":6681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And `cause I was really involved in theater and stuff in high school and everything like that.","text2":"I was very active in my high school's theater.","label":-1,"idx":6682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Solicitor General Olson tried unsuccessfully to reach Attorney General John Ashcroft.","text2":"Solicitor General Olson's attempts to reach Attorney General John Ashcroft were unsuccessful.","label":-1,"idx":6683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year our class is being challenged by the other reunion classes to raise funds.","text2":"There will be a competition between reunion classes to raise funds.","label":-1,"idx":6684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps the most significant comment on the failure to distinguish between man generic and man `male human' appears on page 25:","text2":"There is a huge difference between male generic and male human.","label":-1,"idx":6685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact I think she still does now . But she made up a lot of stories then, um, sometimes they had us, my sister and me, in the stories, and then sometimes, the just were from I don't know where.","text2":"Some of her stories also came from her own past. ","label":-1,"idx":6686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, at least one general rule emerges from the cases we have The cycle time of a fast production facility can be no more than a week or two.","text2":"Cycle times in facilities that emphasize fast production can't be shorter than 2 months.","label":-1,"idx":6687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If a part must be reworked, it is done on the operator's own time.","text2":"The operator reworks parts on their own time.","label":-1,"idx":6688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of 9\/11, the existing protocol was unsuited in every respect for what was about to happen.","text2":"The existing protocol on 9\/11 was not at all prepared to deal with the events of the day, especially the concurrent hijackings.","label":-1,"idx":6689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I guess the thing I remember most about my grandmother's personality is that she was extremely frugal.","text2":"My grandmother always did have a lavish side to her.","label":-1,"idx":6690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did they ever tell you factual stories about the area that you lived in?","text2":"Did they ever tell you true stories of the area?","label":-1,"idx":6691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the short while since Goodwill helped him find his job, Robert has learned to thoroughly clean a motel room in about 40 minutes.","text2":"Robert got a job at the local Motel 6.","label":-1,"idx":6692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, the bond here is Banquo's lease on life and his fatherhood, with great alluding to the supernatural powers of the witches, especially the Third Witch.","text2":"Banquo's lease on life and fatherhood are pitted against the ambitions of the witches.","label":-1,"idx":6693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"People have different reference needs at different times.","text2":"People always have the same reference needs.","label":-1,"idx":6694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other than one civilian casualty, the operation seemed completely the intelligence headquarters was demolished.","text2":"The intelligence headquarters was destroyed by a single bomb.","label":-1,"idx":6695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think it probably does, because they're just not reading as much.","text2":"I think it probably doesn't, because they are just reading that much.","label":-1,"idx":6696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To do this, firms need a planning tool that translates demand variation into inventory targets by weighing, for each SKU, the opportunity for more sales against higher inventory carrying costs.","text2":"Firms don't have any need to find opportunity for more sales against higher carrying costs.","label":-1,"idx":6697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, beyond my grandparents I hadn't seen any of them, I guess, but they began to take on a personality and something I could kind of see in my imagination.","text2":"In my head, they took on their own personalities and traits - despite never seeing them.","label":-1,"idx":6698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our records indicate that last year you contributed $100.00 to our organization.","text2":"We were very grateful to receive your contribution.","label":-1,"idx":6699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, my brother said, I'm going to cut her rope, I'm not going to be able to untie her, he said, Because it's really difficult with, by the time I untie her, they'll kill me, he says. ","text2":"My brother said to me, I don't have time to untie her because they'll kill me, I am going to have to cut the rope to save time.","label":-1,"idx":6700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can stop it.","text2":"Don't stop it.","label":-1,"idx":6701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Computer layout systems also improve the quality of the finished apparel by preventing marker-makers from tilting the pieces by more than a predetermined amount, typically three or four degrees.","text2":"The computer systems don't have any impact on the quality of the finished garment.","label":-1,"idx":6702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That sounds like a good idea.","text2":"That honestly might be the worst idea ever concocted. ","label":-1,"idx":6703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin appeared to have in Afghanistan a freedom of movement that he had lacked in Sudan.","text2":"Bin Ladin enjoyed greater freedom in general while in Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":6704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A controller could also briefly lose a commercial aircraft's transponder signal, although this happened much less frequently.","text2":"A pilot can lose a commercial aircraft's repeater signal.","label":-1,"idx":6705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a bird that perches.","text2":"This type of bird is prone to perching.","label":-1,"idx":6706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would most appreciate receiving your generous check made payable to the American Cancer Society and sent to me in the enclosed envelope, if you have not already done so.","text2":"Please send your check by the end of the year.","label":-1,"idx":6707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many a raucous snigger has been sniggered from the pure-minded use of a word that suggests unmentionable parts of the human body.","text2":"Certain words in English can be used to ensure privacy.","label":-1,"idx":6708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And another, another technique that they kind a use is chorusing, where they will allow you to basically record your vocal the same, the same verse, or the same whatever, the same words, the same lyrics on a few different tracks, and they'll kind a blend it all together so that it, it almost sounds like one very full voice.","text2":"Chorusing is a recording technique.","label":-1,"idx":6709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. Davidson's observations on the Scottishness of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary [XV,1] bear out my own formed over sixteen years of using one.","text2":"Mr. Davidson supports my observations on the Scottishness of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary [XV,1].","label":-1,"idx":6710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Jesus, uh, actually made all the adults move aside, and let the little children come up.","text2":"Jesus let the little children come forward.","label":-1,"idx":6711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you tell parents that?","text2":"Did you talk to your parents and let them know that?","label":-1,"idx":6712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I get over to the house.","text2":"I went to the house.","label":-1,"idx":6713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uphill both ways.","text2":"Downhill as many ways as possible.","label":-1,"idx":6714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am proud to say that our law school and fellow graduates play a significant role both in Indiana and the nation.","text2":"Most successful graduates are likely to work outside of Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":6715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children 1 1\/2 to 3 years old can describe their memories verbally.","text2":"Children 1 to 3 years old have the ability to describe their memories with words.","label":-1,"idx":6716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers quickly gained control and sprayed Mace, pepper spray, or some other irritant in the first-class cabin, in order to force the passengers and flight attendants toward the rear of the plane.","text2":"The hijackers were able to push the passengers and flight attendants to the back of the plane.","label":-1,"idx":6717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I went and stayed with Grandmom and Grandpop Borel in their little two bed, one bedroom apartment in NJ and uh, I guess I stayed five or six days.","text2":"There were three beds in the apartment. ","label":-1,"idx":6718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"b) A worker in a shoe factory who smooths and polishes the forepart of the heel, called the breast of the shoe in the trade.","text2":"The shoe factory workers don't have to polish the shoes.","label":-1,"idx":6719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not surprisingly, cutters were the highest paid workers receiving day rates.","text2":"The cutters were the cheapest labor in the production.","label":-1,"idx":6720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A big responsibility!","text2":"A small accountability. ","label":-1,"idx":6721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Dad, look at this shell.","text2":"Look at the shell I found.","label":-1,"idx":6722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Goodwill provides jobs at Goodwill.","text2":"Goodwill has many positions open at all times.","label":-1,"idx":6723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United 175 was hijacked between 8:42 and 8:46, and awareness of that hijacking began to spread after 8:51.","text2":"No one knew about the hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":6724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the past, you have been generous in your support of programs in the School of Liberal Arts.","text2":"You have previously supported programs at other schools. ","label":-1,"idx":6725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Asked whether he approved of terrorism and of attacks on civilians, he We believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans.","text2":"He said that Americans are wonderful people who should be immune to attacks, when asked about whether he approved of terrorism and attacks on civilians.","label":-1,"idx":6726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not surprisingly, cutters were the highest paid workers receiving day rates.","text2":"Cutters were paid the most of the workers.","label":-1,"idx":6727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I said to him, his name is Pedro, I said, Pedro, I came to bother you.","text2":"Pedro didn't take too kindly to that, and called all his cousins to whoop my butt.","label":-1,"idx":6728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is a small arsenal of words and expressions that turn out to be figurative spark-offs from the language of guns and cannons.","text2":"It is very hard to find a correlation between these words and figurative spark-offs from the language.","label":-1,"idx":6729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My hope is that you will want to join them.","text2":"I would be happy if you're interested in joining them.","label":-1,"idx":6730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enclosed is a corporate sponsorship package that includes a sample auction book from last year's event, JCC market statistics and an overview of the many programs that will be preserved and strengthened through your generous support.","text2":"Donations help to support many programs.","label":-1,"idx":6731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:21, one of the American employees receiving Ong's call in North Carolina, Nydia Gonzalez, alerted the American Airlines operations center in Fort Worth, Texas, reaching Craig Marquis, the manager on duty.","text2":"The American employees work for American Airlines","label":-1,"idx":6732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have been unable to identify the source of this mistaken FAA information.","text2":"The FAA received some mistaken information.","label":-1,"idx":6733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I thought it was, uh, uh, it was at first a part of the story I didn't like, but afterward, uh, you know, it certainly taught a lesson.","text2":"The beginning of the story I did not really care for much.","label":-1,"idx":6734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"FAA rules allow use of this seat by documented and approved individuals, usually air carrier or FAA personnel.","text2":"The seat is only allowed by the president of the united states.","label":-1,"idx":6735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Home Services for adults and seniors.","text2":"In hospital services for adults and seniors.","label":-1,"idx":6736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, the number of independent department stores'usually a single-site enterprise of relatively moderate size'declined dramatically in the 1980s.","text2":"Non-chain department stores started to become less common in the 80's","label":-1,"idx":6737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Currently, about 15 percent of the textile production and nonsupervisory workforce is organized compared with 25 percent in the apparel industry.","text2":"The majority of the apparel industry remains without unions.","label":-1,"idx":6738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In each, the role of parents and teachers as agents of change is vigorous and profound, although not sovereign and exclusive.","text2":"Children are impacted the most at home and in the classroom, so the role of parents and teachers as agents of change is vigorous and profound.","label":-1,"idx":6739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The real issue is what spirit the parent puts into managing the child and what attitude is engendered in the child as a result.","text2":"There is no issue with how much vigor a parent disciplines their child. ","label":-1,"idx":6740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Goodwill provides jobs at Goodwill.","text2":"Goodwil does not provide jobs at Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":6741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our mission is to strengthen children and families, and we are now focusing our resources on children who have long-term, serious illnesses and their families.","text2":"The families of seriously ill children suffer tremendously during these times.","label":-1,"idx":6742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Real work.","text2":"Substanative employment","label":-1,"idx":6743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In one interval checked, W reveals Montague (Romeo's family name), Montmorency (a kind of cherry), Montrachet (wine), monuron (a herbicide), moon-eye (a fish), moon-eyed (open-eyed), and moonflower , as headwords not in L ; the same interval in L reveals montbretia (a plant), Montessorian (teaching method), month of Sundays , Montilla , -mony (suffix) Moog synthesizer , moon daisy (the oxeye), moon-faced , moonglow , and moonrat , which do not appear in W . Leaving aside the plants and animals, which are differently distributed for American and British users, the only significant omission from L is Montrachet , while the important words omitted from W are Montessorian , month of Sundays , -mony , Moog synthesizer , moon-faced , and moonglow . The last word is not in the RHD II , but it should be, for the L citation is from Henry Miller and the word also appears in the lyrics written for the popularized rendition of Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony.","text2":"Romeo's family name is never revealed in W or in any other part.","label":-1,"idx":6744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During fantasy play, however, renouncing impulse and following social rules are central to the fun of playing.","text2":"Breaking social rules is part of what makes fantasy play fun.","label":-1,"idx":6745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faculty Recruitment and Development Discretionary funds are especially needed to attract and retain faculty members.","text2":"Faculty Recruitment funds are running low.","label":-1,"idx":6746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..um, most impact on me?","text2":"Most positive influence on me?","label":-1,"idx":6747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's a delight to see the smile of recognition when communication is established.","text2":"When communication is not established, a frown of sadness is brought upon.","label":-1,"idx":6748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Little ones, like Baby Jessica, caught in the struggle between adoptive and birth parents.","text2":"It is most heartbreaking when babies, like Jessica, are caught in custody battles between adoptive and birth parents. ","label":-1,"idx":6749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In their December, 1995 review of the nation's best charities, U.S.","text2":"The best charities were often ones that everybody had heard of.","label":-1,"idx":6750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But one must contend not only with the way the word might be used today but with the evidence of centuries of culture reflected in billions upon billions upon billions of words of text all of which shape the way we think and speak.","text2":"It is impossible to count the number of words which we use","label":-1,"idx":6751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Traditional auto retailing focuses on selling product lines in production quantities that were largely determined in advance of distribution.","text2":"The production quantities of traditional auto retail were determined well before distribution.","label":-1,"idx":6752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is a small arsenal of words and expressions that turn out to be figurative spark-offs from the language of guns and cannons.","text2":"This is a group of words and expressions which are really less literal than perceived.","label":-1,"idx":6753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like slides, monkey bars.","text2":"You know, playground equipment.","label":-1,"idx":6754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh really, what kind of jobs do you do for your, your dad?","text2":"Now that you're old enough, what kind of jobs do you do for your dad?","label":-1,"idx":6755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?","text2":"Is there nothing else you'd like to speak about? ","label":-1,"idx":6756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know uh, any other fantastic tales that I have.","text2":"I don't really remember any amazing stories I have to tell.","label":-1,"idx":6757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although we continue to track down criminals who did their dirt in WWII, we do business with and carry on other normal relations with the descendants of the Nazis and of those who bombed Pearl Harbor.","text2":"Most criminals tracked down from WWII are Nazis as opposed to bombers of Pearl Harbor. ","label":-1,"idx":6758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The failure to find a primary radar return for American 77 led us to investigate this issue further.","text2":"There was no failure to find American 77 at all.","label":-1,"idx":6759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're not going to hear yourself on the tape.","text2":"You will hear Susie on the tape. ","label":-1,"idx":6760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inner core of al Qaeda continued to be a hierarchical top-down group with defined positions, tasks, and salaries.","text2":"The inner core of al Qaeda was randomly organized, not hierarchical.","label":-1,"idx":6761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the subject matter might be viewed as an area of legitimate investigation, I am not sure I see the point in employing the subject style of language in the descriptive text, which would be far more telling were it restricted to the language of the linguistic clinician.","text2":"I think that the subject style of language in the descriptive text is mostly only useful when employed by linguistic clinicians.","label":-1,"idx":6762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyway, this sent me to the big Oxford , where I found about a column-and-a-half on intercourse . As a noun it was first used of trade dealings between people of different localities.","text2":"The big Oxford was very interested in intercourse","label":-1,"idx":6763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These differences include a larger disparity in compensation between those highly educated and those who are not, particularly high school dropouts.","text2":"Those who are more educated earn more than those who are not, especially if they didn't complete high school.","label":-1,"idx":6764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I don't know.","text2":"Therefore, I do not have an idea about it. ","label":-1,"idx":6765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mercifully, L has omitted such dating.","text2":"L decided to leave out the dating.","label":-1,"idx":6766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I find little to dispute with M and S in the matter of principle.","text2":"I don't disagree with S and M in the core belief.","label":-1,"idx":6767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In return, we promise.","text2":"We want to repay your help.","label":-1,"idx":6768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/But the gas station part\/\/ you're not sure about.","text2":"You're not positive about the gas station bit.","label":-1,"idx":6769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the conference room table was White House Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten.","text2":"Joshua Bolten, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, was at the conference room table.","label":-1,"idx":6770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Smoking the whole way.","text2":"The smoke was very inconvenient to me. ","label":-1,"idx":6771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you had relatives or close friends with cancer, you will appreciate our request for money.","text2":"You will appreciate our request for money because you care about your relatives.","label":-1,"idx":6772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm going to be a big movie star one day!","text2":"Someday, I will be a big movie star.","label":-1,"idx":6773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year your gift can go farther!","text2":"You can make your gift have maximum benefit. ","label":-1,"idx":6774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lacking any evidence that the hijackers attempted to smuggle such illegal items past the security screening checkpoints, we believe the bombs were probably fake.","text2":"The bombs were confirmed to be authentic.","label":-1,"idx":6775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he was more active in naturally shopping and, and some, some positive feedback.","text2":"He didn't really like to shop.","label":-1,"idx":6776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Absolutely does.","text2":"It undeniably fit him.","label":-1,"idx":6777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another scheme revealed that Bin Ladin sought the capability to kill on a mass scale.","text2":"Bin Ladin wanted to keep his illegal activity on a small scale.","label":-1,"idx":6778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers immediately began to move aircraft out of its path, and asked other aircraft in the vicinity to look for American 11.","text2":"Controllers didn't think to move planes away from American 11.","label":-1,"idx":6779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe once in a while.","text2":"Every hour of every day","label":-1,"idx":6780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hate to say that, but it is true!","text2":"I don't want to offend anyone, but this is a fact. ","label":-1,"idx":6781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Batman Beyond and I don't know.","text2":"Superman and some other stupid superhero movie.","label":-1,"idx":6782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will Quick Response succeed?","text2":"Will Quick Response fail?","label":-1,"idx":6783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From there I went to a place called Battery Studios, which had everything that, that I was looking for.","text2":"Battery Studios had all the best co workers and clientele.","label":-1,"idx":6784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once a week, this retailer places a replenishment order with its supplier and receives a shipment.","text2":"The retailer receives a shipment each week after the order is filed.","label":-1,"idx":6785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, there are times when it is awkward and illogical to use a male metaphor for a woman.","text2":"Some situations don't call for the use of male metaphors for women.","label":-1,"idx":6786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't think of a story that, uh, had a real negative impact on me.","text2":"I can not recall a story that had a real negative impact on me.","label":-1,"idx":6787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why don't we do this in spite of not don't have a funeral let's just get together.","text2":"I bet people will be happier without a funeral.","label":-1,"idx":6788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And it had to do with the description of all the cowboy paraphernalia that was, ah, existent at the time.","text2":"It featured very detailed descriptions of cowboy tools and clothing","label":-1,"idx":6789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ivor Brown, in one of his delightful books on words, Random Words (1971), writes that Cuthbert had been an honored English name, but that somehow during the 1914'18 war it ceased to be a name and became an insult and was used of slackers who evaded military service.","text2":"Ivor Brown had a book published in 1971.","label":-1,"idx":6790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was an unprecedented order.","text2":"This had happened before.","label":-1,"idx":6791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think that's hard for your dad maybe that you're closer with your mom now than you are your dad?","text2":"Does your dad have a hard time being around you?","label":-1,"idx":6792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if the additional $10,000 is not approved by the Board of Aldermen in January our Board of Trustees will be forced to cut services.","text2":"The Board of Trustees is very eager to cut services.","label":-1,"idx":6793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How can we assist you?","text2":"Sorry we are closed.","label":-1,"idx":6794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that's how, I kept on, working and, with them.","text2":"It's a pretty short story, no details or people to link to the word \"them\" I used earlier.","label":-1,"idx":6795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All of our initiatives are to drive consumer value.","text2":"None of our initiatives have anything to do with consumer value.","label":-1,"idx":6796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The guild's gentler cohesion and lack of obvious international hierarchies have contributed to its marked success and curious anonymity.","text2":"Lack of obvious international hierarchies and gentler cohesion have contributed to the guild's marked success and curious anonymity.","label":-1,"idx":6797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, actually when I went the whole first year, the whole first semester, because I worked at the pool on campus for a year.","text2":"I was previously a lifeguard.","label":-1,"idx":6798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously you're telling it to me.","text2":"You're telling me that story about when you were in school.","label":-1,"idx":6799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important Egyptian in Bin Ladin's circle was a surgeon, Ayman al Zawahiri, who led a strong faction of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.","text2":"Ayman al Zawahiri was the most important surgeon in Bin Ladin's circle.","label":-1,"idx":6800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within two minutes, at 9:26, the pilot, Jason Dahl, responded with a note of Ed, confirm latest mssg plz-Jason.","text2":"Jason took 10 minutes to compose the message to Ed.","label":-1,"idx":6801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The women and girls working in the factory could not escape because the company had locked the doors to the stairs from the outside, ostensibly to prevent theft by employees.","text2":"The girls found an open door to the doors to the stairs.","label":-1,"idx":6802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Though nothing proves that Bin Ladin ordered this attack, U.S. intelligence subsequently learned that al Qaeda leaders had decided a year earlier to attack a U.S. target in Saudi Arabia, and had shipped explosives to the peninsula for this purpose.","text2":"Bin Laden did not order the attack at all. ","label":-1,"idx":6803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to sociocultural theory, as adults'and more expert peers as well'help children participate in culturally meaningful activities, the communication between them becomes part of children's thinking.","text2":"Children's thinking is a result of communication between the child and adult.","label":-1,"idx":6804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh, elementary school age.","text2":"Younger than high school age.","label":-1,"idx":6805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you do gopher work?","text2":"Have you done gopher work?","label":-1,"idx":6806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through narrative, children build an autobiographical self permeated with cultural beliefs and values; come to understand that people have rich mental lives and may view the same events dierently; and acquire negotiation strategies for resolving disputes and getting along with others.","text2":"When children read books, they realize that they don't always share the same view with the author. ","label":-1,"idx":6807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It, in turn, was informed by the Secret Service's contacts with the FAA.","text2":"The FAA did not establish a line of communication with the secret service during this time.","label":-1,"idx":6808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The label said, MUSKAT RAMBLE.","text2":"Their label was Muskat Ramble.","label":-1,"idx":6809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In ensuing weeks, Bin Ladin delivered an often-repeated lecture on the need to cut off the head of the snake.","text2":"Bin Ladin was forgetful of lectures he had already given. ","label":-1,"idx":6810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Textile firms, however, have been players in multiple supply channels.","text2":"Multiple supply channels have seen textile firms emerging as players.","label":-1,"idx":6811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The environment has a crucial, profound impact.","text2":"Environment has a greater influence than genetics.","label":-1,"idx":6812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Where did they grow up?","text2":"Where was the location they were raised?","label":-1,"idx":6813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, did that go on for a long time until you were able to begin reading stories on your own?","text2":"When did you start reading stories on your own?","label":-1,"idx":6814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" So we've got a couple of aircraft up there that have those instructions at this present time?","text2":"The aircraft did what the present instructions demanded?","label":-1,"idx":6815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Where's that?","text2":"I know where that is.","label":-1,"idx":6816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through some 30 years so far, my DePauw education hasn't let me down.","text2":"I have completely forgotten my education after 30 years.","label":-1,"idx":6817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read my books from K-five and I read my books from first grade.","text2":"I both read books from K-five and the ones I had from first grade.","label":-1,"idx":6818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't imagine not reading and for pure enjoyment and, uh, for growth, broadening your knowledge base.","text2":"It is hard for me to imagine not reading just for pleasure.","label":-1,"idx":6819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had to make other adjustments as well, for some al Qaeda members viewed Bin Ladin's return to Afghanistan as occasion to go off in their own directions.","text2":"After Bin Ladin returned to Afghanistan, some al Queda members went their separate ways.","label":-1,"idx":6820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Appearing rushed, impatient, and inattentive to the child's comments, they contribute little information and ask the same short-answer questions over and Do you remember Halloween? ","text2":"They are fully attentive to their children's comments.","label":-1,"idx":6821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It should also be noted that idiomatic expressions are not much used in American English.","text2":"Idioms are not relatively used as often in American English.","label":-1,"idx":6822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"while dialing with their hands or without acting out the event at all.","text2":"They always act out the event.","label":-1,"idx":6823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The estimates of misfirings like this run as high as fifteen percent by those who fire flintlocks these days, when the expression signifies an intense but short-lived success or a person who fails to live up to his or her early promise.","text2":"The expression can refer to both people who don't meet their early potential or experience intense, short-term success.","label":-1,"idx":6824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've got to go.","text2":"I need to go to the grocery.","label":-1,"idx":6825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But regardless of the activity, the adult adapts his or her support so the child can make use of it.","text2":"Dependant on the activity, the adult adapts his or her support so the child can make use of it.","label":-1,"idx":6826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Died with both feet and talking the whole way.","text2":"He was known as a talkative man, even during his dying days.","label":-1,"idx":6827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yiddish is especially versatile in describing those poor souls who inhabit the world of the ineffectual, and each is assigned a distinct place in the gallery of pathetic schmo, schmendrik, schnook, schmegegge, schlep, schlub, schmuck, putz, klutz, kvetch , and nudnik . Yiddish easily coins new names for new a nudnik is a `pest'; a phudnik is a `nudnik with a Ph.D.' The rich nuances that suffuse this roll call are seen in the timeless distinction between a schlemiel `clumsy jerk' and a schlimazel `habitual loser': the schlemiel inevitably trips and spills his hot soup'all over the schlimazel.","text2":"Yiddish has a plethora of words for each type of ineffectual individual.","label":-1,"idx":6828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hijacking of American 11 American Airlines Flight 11 provided nonstop service from Boston to Los Angeles.","text2":"American Airlines provides both nonstop and change overs to Los Angeles. ","label":-1,"idx":6829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And finally, though perhaps of most importance to you, through the Campus Campaign you can continue to make your gift to any IUPUI program that matters to you.","text2":"The Campus Campaign is the best way to give to the university.","label":-1,"idx":6830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have sent a check for $100 and hope that you will consider a like gift or more.","text2":"I have sent in a money order for $10, can you match that?","label":-1,"idx":6831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 11 is still in the air?","text2":"Is American 11 flying or has it landed?","label":-1,"idx":6832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As literary critics, feminists look not only at images of women in literature but at women as writers and readers.","text2":"Feminists are the best critics out there,","label":-1,"idx":6833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It kind of gets tiring and that's what I don't like, you know, I don't like to talk about myself when I go around my family.","text2":"I dislike discussing my accomplishments around my family. ","label":-1,"idx":6834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Community needs are everyone's business.","text2":"Community needs are the concern of everyone, together we stand divided we fall.","label":-1,"idx":6835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Financial assistance through the A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship Fund has helped many dental hygiene students achieve their career goal.","text2":"The Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship fund provides financial help that has made it possible for dental hygienists to make their goal. ","label":-1,"idx":6836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An integral part of that reputation has been the professional success of our alumni.","text2":"Our alumni have not been successful at all.","label":-1,"idx":6837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I think I identified with Jo.","text2":"Jo was just human, like all the rest of us.","label":-1,"idx":6838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"was obviously derived directly from the - nd marker of the active gerund in Latin, which suggests the therapist (active agent) rather than the patient.","text2":"It was obviously derived from Mandarin, which suggests the therapist rather than the beagle.","label":-1,"idx":6839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was the closest seat, she was only on the bus a few minutes and then we were dumping the elementary kids and we had plenty of room again.","text2":"The elementary kids took up a lot of room.","label":-1,"idx":6840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many other important areas where children, families, the elderly and disabled need our help.","text2":"There are a lot of important areas that need help.","label":-1,"idx":6841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These cases offer a rational approach to inventory management for manufacturers, one that is premised on receiving accurate POS information from retailers and maintaining good working relationships with all channel players'for example, retail orders are not placed at the last minute and textile suppliers come through when they say they will.","text2":"Retail orders are placed in advance and textile suppliers provide materials as promised.","label":-1,"idx":6842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Part of HCTAR's research effort has resulted in new automatic marker-making software based on computational geometry techniques.","text2":"The automatic marker-making software is expected to greatly improve the current process.","label":-1,"idx":6843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She does packages like First Aid stuff.","text2":"She bundles up things for First Aid.","label":-1,"idx":6844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the promise she and her fellow recipients, Penny Wright (elementary education), Cynthia Browning (physics) and Sandra Van Vlymen (elementary education), all hold for the future is impressive.","text2":"She promises to end world hunger by 2020 and abolish all wars within the next decade.","label":-1,"idx":6845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was below the norm for Tuesday mornings during the summer of 2001.","text2":"The morning was average on the fateful Tuesday. ","label":-1,"idx":6846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The outcry from across the country over the loss of Steve Bricker has been significant.","text2":"No one really paid attention to the loss of Steve Bricker. ","label":-1,"idx":6847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the cost required to install such a system is steep, running to $4,000 or more per workstation.","text2":"Workstations can cost more than $4,000 each to install.","label":-1,"idx":6848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is quite versatile and, as I required, allows me to create certain kinds of files in which I am able to style the text as I wish, but I shall not go into that here.","text2":"It is versatile and allows text styling.","label":-1,"idx":6849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soon after the Prophet's death, the question of choosing a new leader, or caliph, for the Muslim community, or Ummah, arose.","text2":"Soon after the Prophet died, they knew exactly how to choose a new leader.","label":-1,"idx":6850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It won't be too different, but the style of the city is a little different, so--","text2":"The city is wildly different.","label":-1,"idx":6851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then along came lean retailing and the need for rapid replenishment'manufacturers are now expected to replenish products in less than a week.","text2":"Lean retailing started but manufacturers were held to the same expectations as always.","label":-1,"idx":6852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, believe me, she'll smash up in a village cupboard too, if she can't hide herself and settle down.","text2":"Trust me, a woman like her cannot fit into a village cupboard.","label":-1,"idx":6853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the fourth summer I've done it.","text2":"I've done it for four summers.","label":-1,"idx":6854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sociodramatic play, involving joint make-believe with a partner, Piaget claimed, is not under way until age 3. As with other aspects of Piaget's theory, the direction of development for make-believe is from purely individual, egocentric symbols to social play and shared understanding.","text2":"Children usually don't start playing with others until the age of 3. ","label":-1,"idx":6855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've lived here all of my life.","text2":"I have only lived here for a year.","label":-1,"idx":6856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That did a number on the inside of his leg.","text2":"The car crash did a number to the inside of his leg.","label":-1,"idx":6857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the effects documented for retail-apparel-textile channels are more pervasive across other sectors similarly affected by channel integration, these changes could imply lower GDP volatility.","text2":"The changes documented could cause a lower GDP volatility.","label":-1,"idx":6858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This statement was incorrect.","text2":"There was not enough information to make a correct statement.","label":-1,"idx":6859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they went through, since they were carrying him away like that.","text2":"Since they were carrying him away, they proceeded on through.","label":-1,"idx":6860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The behaviorist presumption that development can be mechanically engineered by social input, guaranteeing brighter, socially more mature children, is not borne out by the evidence.","text2":"It has been proven that development can be mechanically engineered.","label":-1,"idx":6861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are seeking to build partnerships between businesses and our not-for-profit agency.","text2":"We do not currently partner with businesses.","label":-1,"idx":6862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card told us he was standing with the President outside the classroom when Senior Advisor to the President Karl Rove first informed them that a small, twin-engine plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.","text2":"Andrew Card was in Washington, DC and not with the President. ","label":-1,"idx":6863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We know that children do better when they have a network of caring adults to nurture and motivate them.","text2":"Having supporting adults has a positive influence on children.","label":-1,"idx":6864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization that helps individuals in ___ County who have cancer.","text2":"The American Cancer Society is a corporation that attempts to make a profit.","label":-1,"idx":6865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If all this is too complicated to follow, let me you look up word X and get synonyms A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. You look up the synonyms for word A, and you get synonyms X, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Even the definition provided for the sub-listings is identical in wording to that of the word originally sought.","text2":"You can look up multiple synonyms for a given word, and the sub-listings will be identical to that word.","label":-1,"idx":6866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turned out after all the treatments were done, I was the only survivor in the particular wing of the hospital.","text2":"So many people died because the treatments were done unsafely.","label":-1,"idx":6867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He wasn't sending them there for nothing.","text2":"He was not bringing him there for no reason.","label":-1,"idx":6868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a randomly chosen sequence of ten pages (151-60 of the published journal) there were twenty-eight occurrences of the word water (eight of them in compounds), no page being without at least one example.","text2":"The word water was used twenty-eight times over ten pages.","label":-1,"idx":6869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among the many important roles it plays, the most significant is that this fund allows 114 of the student body the opportunity to attend Cathedral through the help of financial aid.","text2":"The fund does not provide financial aid for students. ","label":-1,"idx":6870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Muslim organization called al Khifa had numerous branch offices, the largest of which was in the Farouq mosque in Brooklyn.","text2":".A Muslim organization had a lot of branch offices, but none were in the US.","label":-1,"idx":6871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do fun stuff that we both like.","text2":"There are over 10 fun things that we both like to do.","label":-1,"idx":6872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Definitely study!","text2":"Studying is pointless!","label":-1,"idx":6873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enclosed please find background materials for your review.","text2":"Once you've had a chance to review these materials, I need a reply by next Friday.","label":-1,"idx":6874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart wrote of hard-core pornography, so do I of science I shall not attempt further to define the kind of material ...embraced within that short-hand description.","text2":"I don't consider Potter Stewart's work to be appropriate for the scientific community.","label":-1,"idx":6875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor did any manager at FAA headquarters pass any of the information it had about United 93 to the military.","text2":"The managers were not qualified to do their assigned jobs.","label":-1,"idx":6876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Interestingly, parents who are warm, communicative, and firm but appropriate in their expectations have children who are less drawn to TV, particularly violent TV.","text2":"Violent TV is especially attractive to children with parents that have firm but appropriate expectations.","label":-1,"idx":6877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The elaborative style is considerably better at fostering preschoolers' narrative skill, since 2- and 3-year-olds who experience it produce more coherent and detailed personal stories when followed up 1 to 2 years later.","text2":"Part of the reason for this is that it's easier to remember events in terms of stories.","label":-1,"idx":6878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The protocols did not contemplate an intercept.","text2":"The protocols didn't think about how to intercept it because it was simply too dangerous.","label":-1,"idx":6879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers at NEADS located an unknown primary radar track, but it kind of faded over Washington.","text2":"Controllers at NEADS saw something they didn't understand on the radar so they discounted it.","label":-1,"idx":6880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He continued to do so after he arrived in Sudan.","text2":"He went to Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":6881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That sings.","text2":"That item makes music.","label":-1,"idx":6882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By this time, American 11 had taken a dramatic turn to the south.","text2":"The plane had turned to the north at that time.","label":-1,"idx":6883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so I was working with a few people anyway, um, went away to school and got more into it and managed to do a little business deal with a few friends of mine that enabled me to get some equipment to actually produce music on a more professional level.","text2":"My business deal with was five friends. ","label":-1,"idx":6884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Notice how the mother provides details and, by asking who and what, encourages her young daughter to enrich the narrative.","text2":"The mother is providing a severe lack of details and is actively discouraging her adult daughter. ","label":-1,"idx":6885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"70 percent of participants will report a minimum of 3 hours per week doing homework outside of school.","text2":"70 percent of participants do some of their homework at home.","label":-1,"idx":6886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consumers have definitely benefited because these practices afford them a greater choice of products at lower average prices.","text2":"These products range from hair growth supplements to vibrating teddy bears.","label":-1,"idx":6887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pierre he would always say, I don't care.","text2":"Pierre often expressed indifference.","label":-1,"idx":6888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the April meeting of the IDA Endowment Committee, a goal was set to raise funds to increase the IDA Pursuit of Excellence fund to a minimum of $1 million.","text2":"A goal was set to raise funds to decrease the IDA Pursuit of Excellence fund and to focus on something else at the April meeting of the IDA Endowment Committee..","label":-1,"idx":6889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"passerine It ought to be a bird of passage, but it isn't.","text2":"Passerine should be considered a bird of passage","label":-1,"idx":6890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed it is an amusing, albeit utterly wasteful pastime to pursue the quest for Red Pants examples.","text2":"It's amusing and worthwhile.","label":-1,"idx":6891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In early Christianity likewise, women found not merely a role, but an instrument of resistance to male domination; in choosing to be a bride of Christ they inevitably cocked a snook at lesser male fry.","text2":"Women could simply choose not to marry and men would have been find with that. ","label":-1,"idx":6892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neither do the rest of us who feel the positive results of their success.","text2":"We don't criticize them, because we feel the positie effects.","label":-1,"idx":6893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who have driven along the New York State Thruway west of Albany encounter a string of town names that (presumably) reflect the nationalities of their original settlers.","text2":"People who drive along the New York State Thruway never encounter any town names.","label":-1,"idx":6894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's a faith based upon love, not hate.","text2":"The faith is based upon hate.","label":-1,"idx":6895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service told us they were anxious to move the President to a safer location, but did not think it imperative for him to run out the door.","text2":"The Secret Service had no plans and saw no reason to move the President.","label":-1,"idx":6896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last year I managed one pool and the other pools are kind of small and like a few of our sisters are working for me.","text2":"I managed the largest pool; the others are smaller.","label":-1,"idx":6897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" That thunder is way up in the sky, far away, Deb explains, pointing o in the distance.","text2":"Deb pointed while talking about how far away the thunder was.","label":-1,"idx":6898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Thus in the Chinese spoken language of that time we have two homophones, one meant `the Viet (people or kingdom),' the other simply `extreme, to exceed.","text2":"During that period perhaps 300 years ago, two words in spoken Chinese, one denoting the Viet people and one denoting something being extreme or exceeding, had the same sound and form.","label":-1,"idx":6899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the past, you can also contribute directly to the IGGS Scholarship Fund.","text2":"At this time we are not able to apply funds for a specific scholarship.","label":-1,"idx":6900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He was, and is, right.","text2":"He was right about the decision.","label":-1,"idx":6901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The word is from the Czech robota `forced labor.","text2":"The term robot has been adapted from the Czech word 'robota'.","label":-1,"idx":6902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's time to celebrate that achievement and to prepare for an even more productive future.","text2":"Now is the time to prepare for a more productive future.","label":-1,"idx":6903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At IUPUI, where we continue to face critical shortages of full-time faculty, we will have to make special efforts.","text2":"Full-time faculty may become more available in the future.","label":-1,"idx":6904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jamal Ahmed al Fadl, a Sudanese-born Arab, had spent time in the United States and had been recruited for the Afghan war through the Farouq mosque in Brooklyn.","text2":"Al Fadl had dreamed of fighting in Afghanistan for all of his life.","label":-1,"idx":6905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we don't we'll die!","text2":"We'll die if we don't!","label":-1,"idx":6906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Unfortunately, There are over 1,000 families each year who have a child diagnosed with a serious illness at Children's Hospital of Alabama.","text2":"No children are diagnosed with illnesses at the Children's Hospital of Alabama.","label":-1,"idx":6907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All this activity is being carried on by the Queen's English Society, characterized by The Times as a pressure group with fewer than 300 members. ","text2":"The Times does not approve of the activities of the Society.","label":-1,"idx":6908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We grew up here in Albemarle.","text2":"We did not grow up in Albermarle.","label":-1,"idx":6909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or the mealtimes that have the entire family trying to find a place to sit and balance their plates while eating wherever they can find a place?","text2":"Or how the family has ample room to sit and eat their meals leisurely?","label":-1,"idx":6910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The first is the Hope diamond, then comes the Kohinoor, and then comes this one, which is called the Lipschitz. ","text2":"The correct order of the diamonds is: Hope, Kohinoor and Lipschitz.","label":-1,"idx":6911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:34, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport advised the Secret Service of an unknown aircraft heading in the direction of the White House.","text2":"The Secret Service found out about the aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":6912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't imagine not reading and for pure enjoyment and, uh, for growth, broadening your knowledge base.","text2":"I always have my nose in a book.","label":-1,"idx":6913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh my father.","text2":"My brother.","label":-1,"idx":6914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The big crate.","text2":"The large box.","label":-1,"idx":6915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't even watch the news, but they're not reading the newspapers or new magazines or anything.","text2":"They have no interest in the news.","label":-1,"idx":6916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time he issued his February 1998 declaration of war, Bin Ladin had nurtured that organization for nearly ten years.","text2":"Bin Laden had worked with the organization for almost a decade and finally was in charge of it.","label":-1,"idx":6917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does any reader need an entry like this one?","text2":"A reader never need an entry like this one.","label":-1,"idx":6918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Aficionados of duende who enjoyed George Bria's exegesis, ( Gypsy Soul and Something More [XV, 1], of its magical quality, should refer to the works of George Frazier, another of its champions.","text2":"Duende has inspired many authors to extol its virtues.","label":-1,"idx":6919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These include what can be done about the continuing problem of sweatshops, the new international economics of trade, and the effect of information integration on the business cycle and consumer prices at the macroeconomic level.","text2":"Sweatshops are the most important problem that is included.","label":-1,"idx":6920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider a corporate donation of $2 Million or more to support Girl Scout programs and activities throughout Central Indiana.","text2":"Please consider supporting the Girl Scouts in Central Indiana with a corporate donation.","label":-1,"idx":6921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fact that the pictures are a full page each with captions that seesaw across the bottoms (as palindromes will) would be frustrating were it not for the quality of the drawings.","text2":"The pictures are a full page.","label":-1,"idx":6922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Winning an award is a tremendous honor for a Herron student.","text2":"Receiving awards is honorable for Herron students.","label":-1,"idx":6923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For a minimum contribution of $250, you become eligible for a 50 percent Indiana state tax credit through the Indiana Department of Commerce Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP).","text2":"You can get a tax credit for a contribution of $250 or more.","label":-1,"idx":6924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Charts showing the chief languages and their derivations can be found in many dictionaries'inside the front cover of The Random House Unabridged , for example.","text2":"The Random House Unabridged contains a chart that shows linguistic relationships.","label":-1,"idx":6925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's what I've heard, it's extremely hard.","text2":"I've heard that its really hard!","label":-1,"idx":6926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet not every aspect of apparel production depends on new technologies; in fact, automated sewing processes and the use of robots on the apparel shop floor have not turned out to be profitable or effective.","text2":"Not every aspect of apparel production relies on new technology, automated sewing process and robots have turned out to be expensive an not profitable.","label":-1,"idx":6927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"passerine It ought to be a bird of passage, but it isn't.","text2":"A bird of passage is passerine","label":-1,"idx":6928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We must move ineluctably to a consideration of perfectly reputable words which, having acquired sexual connotations, cause adolescent'and often adult' hilarity, even when read by a person of only mildly prurient mind.","text2":"We have to think about words that have scientific meanings.","label":-1,"idx":6929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The defense of U.S. airspace on 9\/11 was not conducted in accord with preexisting training and protocols.","text2":"The defense of US airspace was conducted unconventionally on 9\/11.","label":-1,"idx":6930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe it was a Dodge wasn't it?","text2":"It was a Dodge Charger, if I recall correctly.","label":-1,"idx":6931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Harshly critical of the child-centered tenor of Elkind's message and pulling in the reverse direction is William Damon's Greater Expectations,46 an impassioned plea to parents and teachers to eradicate what the author characterizes as a rising, insidious culture of indulgence in America's homes and Too many children'the auent and the poor alike'are drifting through their childhood years without finding the skills, virtues or sense of purpose that they will need to sustain a fruitful life. ","text2":"Damon wrote \"Greater Expectations.\"","label":-1,"idx":6932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is important because aggregate inventory volatility has historically made up a significant portion of the volatility of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).","text2":"Aggregate inventory volatility has nominal relevance to GDP and is not take seriously by economists.","label":-1,"idx":6933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Competitive information-integrated channels may also reduce aggregate price levels, as expressed by price markup policies that in the past have reflected the incomplete information of channel participants.","text2":"Aggregate price levels may be reduced by the competitive information channels.","label":-1,"idx":6934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"*$156 will pay for all three programs for one grade level","text2":"This grade level is the least expensive per program, at 156 dollars for three. ","label":-1,"idx":6935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Slang is slang precisely because it does not adhere to the well-defined meanings of standard usage.","text2":"Slang isn't well-defined.","label":-1,"idx":6936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Still, Rosie and her husband Henry had time for their children, as well as time to participate in family gatherings, community events, and learning and literacy societies.","text2":"Rosie and her husband were great at time management and still worked full time. ","label":-1,"idx":6937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our work is possible only because of caring members like you.","text2":"Our work is member-supported.","label":-1,"idx":6938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It would appear that neither the market imports of textiles nor the immigration of low-skilled workers has had an appreciable negative impact on the wages of the textile industry or its major sectors.","text2":"Low-skilled immigrants are preferred to nationals.","label":-1,"idx":6939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had already revoked his citizenship, however, and would not tolerate his presence in their country.","text2":"He had his citizenship revoked, and was viewed as a danger to the country. ","label":-1,"idx":6940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The objective was to get up in the air-as fast and as high as possible-and then decide where to go.","text2":"The objective was to get high in the sky very quickly because he was the safest there.","label":-1,"idx":6941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A RED NUGGET!","text2":"The nugget is red.","label":-1,"idx":6942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a byproduct of those experiences, parents repeatedly approached me with concerns about how to foster their child's development in the early years.","text2":"No one came to me to seek advice about their children.","label":-1,"idx":6943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And all the adults were standing around, not really paying much attention to the children, because children, of course, were supposed seen and, uh, not heard, and not really much being seen, actually.","text2":"The adults were doting on the kids and cheering them on as they played their game.","label":-1,"idx":6944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a member, you'll get a year's worth of insightful AUDUBON issues.","text2":"Membership includes a free gift.","label":-1,"idx":6945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's never been on welfare and he's always had a job doing manual labor.","text2":"He has never needed welfare, since he can support himself with manual jobs.","label":-1,"idx":6946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I usually go home once or twice a month.","text2":"I never ever visit home. ","label":-1,"idx":6947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once in a while.","text2":"It's kind of uncommon. ","label":-1,"idx":6948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that told to you or did you read that?","text2":"I have no questions for you.","label":-1,"idx":6949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Command Center kept looking for American 77.","text2":"The Command Center decided to stop looking for American 77.","label":-1,"idx":6950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A contribution of $395 provides full participation in the Club for a boy or girl for one year; however, your gift in any amount can make a difference in a child's life.","text2":"Giving $395 makes one kid a full member of the Club.","label":-1,"idx":6951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a hot day.","text2":"The night was cold.","label":-1,"idx":6952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They echo the old question, posed regularly by missionaries, anthropologists, and linguists, as to whether women speak (or chatter, a word used only for females and nonhumans) a different language, a dialect, a genderlect with each other and with men, whether they can, do, or should speak what the title of Dale Spender's book calls Man Made Language . The answers often appear in measured, academic prose.","text2":"They ask the same questions that others do.","label":-1,"idx":6953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Quite simply, very few organizations do more (or more important) work to save the balance and beauty of nature plus the acquisition and maintenance of wildlife sanctuaries all over America.","text2":"While we are not one of the top organizations advocating for nature, we do our best.","label":-1,"idx":6954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your interest in the Peace Education Program.","text2":"We won't be thanking you for the interest you have shown the Peace Education Program.","label":-1,"idx":6955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A knife set?","text2":"Does the knife collection come with other utensils?","label":-1,"idx":6956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the Sudanese regime acting as intermediary, Bin Ladin himself met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early 1995.","text2":"Bin Laden didn't meet with any officers in the 90s.","label":-1,"idx":6957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As our senior year draws to a close, we challenge you to participate in this worthy project.","text2":"This isn't a project worth investing in.","label":-1,"idx":6958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:05, Boston Center confirmed for both the FAA Command Center and the New England Region that the hijackers aboard American 11 said we have planes.","text2":"Boston Center did not correctly report what the hijackers said.","label":-1,"idx":6959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What, what are some of the first stories you remember?","text2":"What do you remember of the stories?","label":-1,"idx":6960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since sense 2 is the opposite in meaning of sense 1, it has been frequently criticized as a misuse.","text2":"It is not obvious that sense 1 is completely opposite to sense 2, thus the confusion.","label":-1,"idx":6961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The increase in women seeking ready-made clothing and home furnishings also contributed to the rise of the department store as did newspaper advertising.","text2":"The increase in woman buying clothing and home furnishing is one of the main things that helped department stores.","label":-1,"idx":6962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award.","text2":"Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award is an annual award","label":-1,"idx":6963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The target remained in Indianapolis Center's airspace for another six minutes, then crossed into the western portion of Washington Center's airspace at 9:10.","text2":"The target stayed in the Indianapolis Center's airspace for hours.","label":-1,"idx":6964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By reducing order-fulfillment lead times, lean retailers are able to reduce the level of safety stock required to deal effectively with a given level of demand variation.","text2":"Having to carry safety stock id not cost effective for retailers. ","label":-1,"idx":6965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went from the parking lot to his office (where he spoke to the President), then to the Executive Support Center, where he participated in the White House video teleconference.","text2":"He took part in the video teleconference at the White House.","label":-1,"idx":6966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This tragic background brings me to the story of Wanda Rudolph of Pensacola, Florida, who made a courageous decision on behalf of her family a year ago.","text2":"Wanda Rudolph made a decision to benefit her family last year that involved her taking a job far away from them.","label":-1,"idx":6967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center repeatedly tried and failed to contact the aircraft.","text2":"The aircraft was contacted by the Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center.","label":-1,"idx":6968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because a worker may have a day's work in the carts in front of her, it is easy to see how individual bundles of parts can be misplaced'which, in turn, will hold up the assembly of some SKUs.","text2":"The missteps of individual workers can have no effect on slowing down assembly.","label":-1,"idx":6969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It could be a traditional story, like you find in a folk tale, or out of a book.","text2":"It is probably an invention of the internet.","label":-1,"idx":6970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Woodward asked Sweeney to look out the window to see if she could determine where they were.","text2":"Woodward asked Sweeney to look out the window to determine where they were because Woodward was blind.","label":-1,"idx":6971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inputs to garment production are relatively fabric, thread, accessories like buttons and zippers, labor, and a modest level of capital investment.","text2":"Garment production has no necessary elements.","label":-1,"idx":6972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So what did you actually do?","text2":"Who was she?","label":-1,"idx":6973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Evidence indicates that this conversation was the only notice received by either FAA headquarters or the Herndon Command Center prior to the second crash that there had been a second hijacking.","text2":"The FAA headquarters and Herndon Command Center received multiple phone calls from concerned pilots and passengers about the hijacking of the second plane.","label":-1,"idx":6974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once again, we are writing to ask for your support.","text2":"We have written to you for several years asking for your support. ","label":-1,"idx":6975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contact Dr. Rosenberg for details.","text2":"Dr. Rosenburg does not want to be contacted.","label":-1,"idx":6976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ NC all the way up to Riverside, NJ.","text2":"North Carolina all the way up to Riverside in the state of New Jersey.","label":-1,"idx":6977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Native and only language!","text2":"Not my native language but one of many I know.","label":-1,"idx":6978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Best regards!","text2":"My best to you!","label":-1,"idx":6979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Delegations of violent Islamist extremists came from all the groups represented in Bin Ladin's Islamic Army Shura.","text2":"Violent Islamists from all groups joined Bin Ladin's army. ","label":-1,"idx":6980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why don't we do this in spite of not don't have a funeral let's just get together.","text2":"I don't wanna get together with you guys, let's just hold a funeral.","label":-1,"idx":6981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jarrah continued to roll the airplane sharply left and right, but the assault continued.","text2":"The assault continued even after Jarrah started to roll the airplane sharply left and right.","label":-1,"idx":6982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In spelling out the theory, the Engelmanns dismissed the legitimacy of biological readiness and proclaimed,","text2":"The Englemenn's chose not to dismiss the legitimacy of the biological readiness.","label":-1,"idx":6983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But very soon, children's contribution increases, as can be seen in this short excerpt of a mother talking with her nearly 3-year-old daughter about a recent Halloween ","text2":"This excerpt was recorded in July of last year.","label":-1,"idx":6984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, the elementary school, as you got to the high school, of course that was different than it is down here, our elementary school only ran until sixth grade and we went to the high school building at seventh grade so you had seven through 12 all in one big building.","text2":"The elementary school went to the sixth grade where high school had the rest of the grades.","label":-1,"idx":6985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because safety stock is directly dependent on demand uncertainty, increasing product variety increases retail safety-stock requirements.","text2":"Safety stock is directly dependent on how customers feel that day.","label":-1,"idx":6986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A liberal arts education is even more valuable today precisely because technology outdates itself so rapidly.","text2":"Liberal Arts degrees offers higher paying jobs.","label":-1,"idx":6987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is even harder to accurately cut the notches used by sewing operators to align cut parts.","text2":"Cutting the notches sewing operators use accurately is incredibly easy.","label":-1,"idx":6988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Charlotte's a good city, it's expanding and it's getting better.","text2":"Charlotte is deteriorating and isn't appealing at all.","label":-1,"idx":6989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There's still time for you to take part by attending the remaining events and by making a gift to Herron in honor of its tremendous continuous influence on the Indianapolis art scene.","text2":"Herron requires gifts of funding in order to continue their influence on the Indianapolis art scene.","label":-1,"idx":6990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through some 30 years so far, my DePauw education hasn't let me down.","text2":"My DePauw education is still useful to this day.","label":-1,"idx":6991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have lately been reading accounts of the exploration of the western and northwestern deserts of Australia in the 1870s and I have become very aware of the effect absent necessities might have on the frequency of particular items in discourse.","text2":"Absent necessities in the deserts of Australia will have no effects on the frequency of particular items in discourse.","label":-1,"idx":6992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A VERY SPECIAL PROJECT FOR STUDENTS","text2":"The project is absolutely unextraordinary. ","label":-1,"idx":6993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution last year of helped us get where we are today.","text2":"You didn't support us enough last year and we saw huge reductions in our growth.","label":-1,"idx":6994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As for the quality of the palindromes'well, they are rarely sheer poetry.","text2":"The palindromes usually aren't good poetry because they are so difficult.","label":-1,"idx":6995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the less pleasant ways in which such rank can be pulled is to label the linguistically less secure illiterate. ","text2":"The less secure someone is linguistically, the more likely they are to be called illiterate.","label":-1,"idx":6996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The sources cited here as SF have been classed as such by at least one reputable critic.","text2":"The critics worked hard to classify sources. ","label":-1,"idx":6997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh mostly because my dad, my dad's side of the family were Southern Baptists from the mountains of North Carolina, my mom was a Catholic from California which, oh, just scared everybody right there.","text2":"Everyone in my dad's family is Catholic. ","label":-1,"idx":6998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A more specific class, e.g., male bird , makes solution easier, whereas a more general class, e.g., animal , would complicate the puzzler's task.","text2":"The puzzler would be puzzled by general words but would have it easier with specific words. ","label":-1,"idx":6999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky concluded that make-believe play has two crucial features that distinguish it from other childhood activities.","text2":"Vygotsky concluded that make-believe two important aspects that separates it from other childhood activities.","label":-1,"idx":7000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, at least one general rule emerges from the cases we have The cycle time of a fast production facility can be no more than a week or two.","text2":"In a perfect world, cycle times would be a mere 3 days.","label":-1,"idx":7001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President strongly wanted to return to Washington and only grudgingly agreed to go elsewhere.","text2":"The president believed he is needed in Washington more than ever.","label":-1,"idx":7002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:34, word of the hijacking had reached FAA headquarters.","text2":"The FAA never knew there was a hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":7003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm trying to bring him up here and get you-There he is right there.","text2":"He is nowhere to be found so I cannot bring him. ","label":-1,"idx":7004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd a screamed.","text2":"I'd stay silent.","label":-1,"idx":7005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After I worked there, then, that, I went to, San Miguel, because my daughter, also, had, she needed me.","text2":"I went to San Miguel to be there for my daughter.","label":-1,"idx":7006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gung-ho was popularized in WWII by Lt.Evans Fordyce Carlson.","text2":"Fordyce Carlson used gung-ho in WWII.","label":-1,"idx":7007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I enjoy UNC-Charlotte.","text2":"I quite dislike UNC-Charlotte. ","label":-1,"idx":7008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Leah tells the teacher that she caught a fish while on vacation, when Sammy enters the conversation.)","text2":"(Sammy enters the conversation as Leah is telling the teacher about a fish she caught while on vacation.)","label":-1,"idx":7009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On reflection is a flag to indicate that parts is to be read backwards.","text2":"A flag shows parts that need to be read backwards. ","label":-1,"idx":7010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have been unable to identify the source of this mistaken FAA information.","text2":"We have identified the source of the mistaken information.","label":-1,"idx":7011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My daddy or my friends at school.","text2":"I play alone.","label":-1,"idx":7012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Poet Muriel Rukeyser envisions Oedipus old and blinded asking the Sphinx why he hadn't recognized his own mother.","text2":"The Poet was blinded by the Sphinx","label":-1,"idx":7013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They stabbed members of the flight crew (reported by a flight attendant and one passenger).","text2":"The flight crew was stabbed.","label":-1,"idx":7014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, good books on archaeology assimilable by laymen are not easy to find, and if the reader can tolerate its shortcomings and is not overly concerned about the precise birthplace of Indo-European, Archaelogy and Language provides an interesting march through the millennia of prehistory in seven-league boots.","text2":"Readers who are concerned about the precise birthplace of Indo-European are advised to read Archaelogy and Language.","label":-1,"idx":7015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the very end of the last century, there was a crisis at the Barnum and Bailey Circus.","text2":"The Barnum and Baily Circus had a crisis at the end of the last century.","label":-1,"idx":7016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I met some interesting people there, and, um, D'Angelo was probably one of the most interesting people that I met there and just, just one of the most down to earth artists that I, I have met in the industry.","text2":"I met two people who were more interesting than D'Angelo.","label":-1,"idx":7017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes, I remember all the things about Trumpet the Dog.","text2":"I don't recall anything about Trumpet the Dog. ","label":-1,"idx":7018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although small-scale retailing continues, it is clear that an increasing proportion of retailing will be concentrated among a decreasing number of larger enterprises.","text2":"The number of large enterprises is increasing. ","label":-1,"idx":7019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One method of capturing volatility is to look at the standard deviation of each establishment's inventory level and I\/S ratio for the two time periods.","text2":"There are only two methods of capturing volatility, one is to look at standard deviation of inventory level and I\/S ratios.","label":-1,"idx":7020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are flying way too low.","text2":"The plane was in high altitude.","label":-1,"idx":7021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other significant editorial the Feminist Dictionary lexicogaphers refuse to label a word like herstory a coinage.","text2":"Herstory is a word that has been coined by lexicographers.","label":-1,"idx":7022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Both new faculty will have credentials in the environmental field.","text2":"The new faculty are ignorant about the environment.","label":-1,"idx":7023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With simple spreading machines, the operator must look for fabric defect indicators placed in the selvage by the textile manufacturer.","text2":"Only highly trained operators can detect these fabric defects.","label":-1,"idx":7024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 10:03, when United 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, there had been no mention of its hijacking and the FAA had not yet been added to the teleconference.","text2":"The teleconference was over by 10:04 am. ","label":-1,"idx":7025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't say words like Love, and I don't mention Jesus, I don't talk about any deity, um, because that's part of the respect, too.","text2":"I try not to say anything disrespectful.","label":-1,"idx":7026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because they are short'some reduced to only one syllable'such words are not immediately apparent as compounds, and their true nature is exposed only by word archaeology.","text2":"One syllable words are detected easily as a compound word. Using them in context help to define them.","label":-1,"idx":7027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now point-of-sales information provides retailers with reliable information on market developments and hence gives them more leverage in dealing with direct suppliers and others further from ultimate consumers.","text2":"Good information on market developments is provided to retailers from point of sales information.","label":-1,"idx":7028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Air traffic controllers heard the transmission; Ong did not.","text2":"Air traffic controllers knew that Ong would be unable to hear the transmission.","label":-1,"idx":7029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If one is by himself, he, she, or it is alone.","text2":"When you are alone you are with everyone","label":-1,"idx":7030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was it the freedom aspect of it or?","text2":"Was it the strict discipline aspect of it?","label":-1,"idx":7031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us go back in Chinese history to the beginning of the Warring (or Contending) States Period.","text2":"The beginning of the Warring States period is a time in Chinese history.","label":-1,"idx":7032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Controllers track airliners such as the four aircraft hijacked on 9\/11 primarily by watching the data from a signal emitted by each aircraft's transponder equipment.","text2":"Planes are tracked by analyzing data signals.","label":-1,"idx":7033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President stated that he called the President to discuss the rules of engagement for the CAP.","text2":"The VP said he called the president to discuss the relief efforts at the WTC.","label":-1,"idx":7034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"$500 summer sponsor pays for a visit from a professional artist, magician, or zookeeper.","text2":"$500 is not enough for a professional artist, magician, or zookeeper.","label":-1,"idx":7035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most of the year, this patio is filled with students sitting on inadequate seating.","text2":"There is inadequate seating for the students on this patio area.","label":-1,"idx":7036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sydney's father keeps the task within Sydney's zone by temporarily reducing the diculty of the puzzle.","text2":"Given enough time, Sydney would have been able to solve the puzzle at its original difficulty level.","label":-1,"idx":7037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nancy May and her husband promptly did so.","text2":"Nancy May does not have a husband..","label":-1,"idx":7038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After ordering the Otis fighters to battle stations, Colonel Marr phoned Major General Larry Arnold, commanding general of the First Air Force and NORAD's Continental Region.","text2":"The Otis fighters are trained in preparation of emergencies such as this one.","label":-1,"idx":7039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the time he was writing, Michener noted that dictionaries had not caught up with the current meaning.","text2":"Michener noticed how updated the dictionaries have become.","label":-1,"idx":7040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1980s, diminishing oil revenues, the economic drain from many unprofitable development projects, and population growth made these entitlement programs unsustainable.","text2":"After 1990, entitlement programs had become exceedingly viable and affordable thanks to profitable development and population regression.","label":-1,"idx":7041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet when it is there it is unmistakable, inspiring our awe, quickening our memory'.","text2":"When it is in that located you cannot mistake it, it inspires us.","label":-1,"idx":7042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These worrisome findings are not an inherent part of the TV medium.","text2":"The TV medium does not necessarily include these findings.","label":-1,"idx":7043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the verb kvell , which exactly expresses that emotion, is already (like other Yiddish loanwords, such as chutzpah, meshugga and nosh ) to be found in the Supplement to the Oxford-English Dictionary .","text2":"Since kvell also expresses the same emotion, its place in the dictionary is redundant.","label":-1,"idx":7044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think he resents that now or--?","text2":"I hope he does not hate me for this.","label":-1,"idx":7045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You cannot make a completely customized item of apparel with just four measurements.","text2":"Four measurements is not enough to make a fully custom item.","label":-1,"idx":7046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":", or the `sound effect for sudden destruction' (int.)","text2":"There is no sound got sudden destruction. ","label":-1,"idx":7047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the end of the turn, it was descending through 2,200 feet, pointed toward the Pentagon and downtown Washington.","text2":"It was plummeting to the ground.","label":-1,"idx":7048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before I got to Goodwill, I was on a mission.","text2":"I was always at Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":7049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most innovative firms were approximately four times as profitable, achieving average profit margins of 11.","text2":"The most innovative firms were perplexity the least profitable.","label":-1,"idx":7050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A given shirt must have a specified collar size and a given sleeve length.","text2":"The sleeve length can be adjusted as the shirt is sewn.","label":-1,"idx":7051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make your donation today so Indy Reads can continue teaching people to read and help them achieve their dreams.","text2":"Your donation will help Indy Reads find new volunteers.","label":-1,"idx":7052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"[Make-believe] play creates a zone of proximal development in the child.","text2":"Children don't believe in make-believe play.","label":-1,"idx":7053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its history is also recognized by the Maennerchor Society--whose members are the school's staunchest and most important supporters.","text2":"The school receives no support from the Maennerchor Society's members.","label":-1,"idx":7054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I refuse, out of conservatism and sheer curmudgeonliness to give up English grammar (like the neutral pronouns of reference) when I cannot paraphrase without losing what little elegance there may be in my writing, and I refuse to sacrifice metonyms, metaphors, allusions, and other figures of speech that contain male referents, substituting big liar for Baron Munchhausen and Peeping Thomasina for Peeping Tom or trying to get around saying or writing Pollyanna, say uncle, raise Cain , or Jesus Christ !","text2":"I wouldn't give up English grammar because it has elegance.","label":-1,"idx":7055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To have something to fall back on and everything like that.","text2":"I wanted to have a backup in case things didn't work out.","label":-1,"idx":7056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each generation of girls faces new new technology, new moral issues, new opportunities.","text2":"Every new generation of girls face new technology.","label":-1,"idx":7057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, it's like this , in plenty of shapes, I see that here, they also have some shaped like tejas too.","text2":"There are only ones shaped like tejas.","label":-1,"idx":7058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When he arrived in Afghanistan, they controlled much of the country, but key centers, including Kabul, were still held by rival warlords.","text2":"They had started to control much of the country before they had ever arrived.","label":-1,"idx":7059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A new cone of looper thread contains miles of thread and generally does not have to be replaced more frequently than a few times during a shift.","text2":"A new cone of looper thread contains miles of thread, making it the easiest part of the system to take care of.","label":-1,"idx":7060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Funding is being requested from foundations, individuals, and others interested in serving health care needs of homeless and other underserved populations.","text2":"Funding is being requested from several sources, to help with serving the needs of the homeless.","label":-1,"idx":7061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's what I've heard, it's extremely hard.","text2":"Everything I've heard says its like a walk in the park!","label":-1,"idx":7062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the officer who took the call explained, [I was] about to push the alert button when the tower advised that the aircraft was turning south and approaching Reagan National Airport.","text2":"The air officer pressed the alert button for the next aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":7063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What about fictional stories?","text2":"How about fictional stories?","label":-1,"idx":7064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is entitled to speculate on what outrageous proposal the narrator had made in Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, Vol. 2'Cities of the Plain (translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff'Modern Library, N.Y., 1934, Page 90) to cause the Duchess to say, Apart from your balls, can't I be of any use to you? ","text2":"The duchess asked if she could help him with anything non-sexual.","label":-1,"idx":7065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA interviewed the screeners later; none recalled anything unusual or suspicious.","text2":"No screeners were available to be interviewed by the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":7066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were placed on battle stations at 9:09.","text2":"The Langley military fighter pilots were ordered to respond and leave their battle stations at 9:09 AM. ","label":-1,"idx":7067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Myself, and my brother and sister.","text2":"Only I am left, nobody else. It's so cold here...so lonely.","label":-1,"idx":7068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:02 that morning, an assistant to the mission crew commander at NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector in Rome, New York, was working with his colleagues on the floor of the command center.","text2":"The commander at NORAD was working with colleagues at the command center. ","label":-1,"idx":7069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these conversations, we may not agree with our partner's point of view, but we usually acknowledge that we comprehend and appreciate it'and our partner generally does the same.","text2":"In these conversations we usually recognize our partner's view even if we disagree.","label":-1,"idx":7070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true face of Islam, President Bush observed.","text2":"President Bush told Americans that Islam is the face of terrorism.","label":-1,"idx":7071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" No, this is not an exercise, not a test.","text2":"The exercises had already been completed.","label":-1,"idx":7072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then the expected (average) demand is the solid black trend line shown in Figure 6.3.","text2":"The line shown in Figure 6.3 represents the trend of the expected demand.","label":-1,"idx":7073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The final sentence is about as valid as would be the comment that nobody understands such an injunction as an order to write the address of the chairperson on a dozen envelopes, either.","text2":"The final was absolutely brilliant juris prudence,.","label":-1,"idx":7074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, your Class of 1943 celebrates its golden anniversary, and it's time once again to reminisce about your days at DePauw.","text2":"The class of 1943 still reminisces about their old days at DePauw.","label":-1,"idx":7075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about this time new powers were arising around the old Chinese heartland.","text2":"The powers in the middle of China did not like each other.","label":-1,"idx":7076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Copy that?","text2":"Talk to me.","label":-1,"idx":7077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The growing presence of fashion-basic elements in myriad consumer products means that all retailers and suppliers may find new competitive opportunities using replenishment.","text2":"Fashion-basic elements are continually dwindling from presence in consumer products.","label":-1,"idx":7078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he sat and talked with these little children, and he hugged them, and loved them all.","text2":"As he sat and spoke to the young children about life, he hugged them and felt a lot of love for all of them.","label":-1,"idx":7079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I said to him, his name is Pedro, I said, Pedro, I came to bother you.","text2":"I told Pedro that I have arrived to bug you.","label":-1,"idx":7080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your help, the International Center of Indianapolis will continue to serve our multicultural community in central Indiana into the next century.","text2":"The International Center of Indianapolis, with your help, intends to keep serving the central Indiana multicultural community for decades to come.","label":-1,"idx":7081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only decision made during this time was to return to Washington.","text2":"The only decision made during this time was to return to the White House.","label":-1,"idx":7082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, she cam, my daughter came almost green, pale, and she said to me, Mama, she said to me, Those are guerrillas!","text2":"My daughter told me the giraffe was having a baby. ","label":-1,"idx":7083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Manufacturer's Dilemma in a Lean World","text2":"The lean world provides a dilemma for the manufacturer. ","label":-1,"idx":7084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" An owner of a Greenwich Village barbershop survived being shot in the neck as he slept by a gunman who broke into his house.","text2":"The gunman was shot in the neck after breaking into the barber's house.","label":-1,"idx":7085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within minutes of the second impact, Boston Center instructed its controllers to inform all aircraft in its airspace of the events in New York and to advise aircraft to heighten cockpit security.","text2":"The Boston Center didn't tell the controllers to inform any aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":7086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center repeatedly tried and failed to contact the aircraft.","text2":"The Indianapolis Air Traffic Control Center failed to contact the aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":7087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make your donation today so Indy Reads can continue teaching people to read and help them achieve their dreams.","text2":"Your donation to Indy Reads will help them continue their mission to improve people's literacy.","label":-1,"idx":7088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The description of the pronunciation of English is much fuller in the front matter of the W , but, as the only people who read the front matter of dictionaries seem to be students (who are enjoined to under pain of death) and other lexicographers, the absence of comprehensive coverage of the subject in L would not appear to be a serious omission.","text2":"Almost everyone reads the front sections of dictionaries. ","label":-1,"idx":7089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Maggy thinks aloud with words, she converses with herself, in much the same way that she interacted with her mother.","text2":"When Maggy thinks aloud, her conversation with herself is completely different to the way she interacted with her mother.","label":-1,"idx":7090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, apparel suppliers must invest in technology and capital improvements to package, label, route, and move products rapidly from their production operations directly to the retailer.","text2":"It is important for apparel suppliers to quickly move products from production to the retailer.","label":-1,"idx":7091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Nothing in life is all mazel [`good luck'].","text2":"There is just good luck for Jewish people.","label":-1,"idx":7092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fun is fun, but those who might rely on such a book are quite serious about the information they are seeking, and it is unfair to play fast and loose with their sincerity.","text2":"People who expect a book to do something for them are expecting too little.","label":-1,"idx":7093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you see the bunkbeds and mattresses on the floor that put seven of the kids(as young as two and as old as 12) in the same bedroom?","text2":"There are seven kids in one bedroom.","label":-1,"idx":7094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some argue that the growing pace of technology makes a liberal arts education less valuable in the '90s.","text2":"Everyone knows that liberal arts education will forever be useful.","label":-1,"idx":7095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This news prompted the Secret Service to order the immediate evacuation of the Vice President just before 9:36.","text2":"In the morning, this news triggered the immediate evacuation of the service staff.","label":-1,"idx":7096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Indianapolis Center continued searching for the aircraft, two managers and the controller responsible for American 77 looked to the west and southwest along the flight's projected path, not east-where the aircraft was now heading.","text2":"They did not locate the plane until it crashed.","label":-1,"idx":7097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This letter is our 1997 request for a gift to the Annual Campaign for support of our operating budget.","text2":"We are requesting a gift to support our operating budget.","label":-1,"idx":7098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It won't be too different, but the style of the city is a little different, so--","text2":"The city's style is a tad bit different.","label":-1,"idx":7099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With simple spreading machines, the operator must look for fabric defect indicators placed in the selvage by the textile manufacturer.","text2":"Simple spreading machines can automatically detect fabric defects even if their operator misses them.","label":-1,"idx":7100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller looked for primary radar returns.","text2":"The controllers looked for primary radar returns. ","label":-1,"idx":7101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're just picking him up now.","text2":"We're picking that man up now.","label":-1,"idx":7102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"over-determined A misleading term in psychoanalytic jargon used to describe a condition with many causes (thus, multi-determined would be better).","text2":"Most professionals would prefer to use the term multi-determined instead.","label":-1,"idx":7103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Into this category fall three additional items which, because I never ordered them from the menu, I cannot recommend'or even reliably Steak Bites Teriyaki Sauce, Lunch of Junior, and Lady's Salad with Whipped Cream. ","text2":"There are many categories of items left unlisted.","label":-1,"idx":7104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This makes them an especially powerful tool for assisting children in building an internal mental life infused with a cultural worldview.","text2":"Children can be helped by them to build a life with a diverse worldview. ","label":-1,"idx":7105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, at least one general rule emerges from the cases we have The cycle time of a fast production facility can be no more than a week or two.","text2":"Cycle times in facilities that emphasize fast production can't go longer than a 2 weeks.","label":-1,"idx":7106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What did Pierre always say?","text2":"What did Bob always say?","label":-1,"idx":7107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA representative who finally joined the call at 10:17 had no familiarity with or responsibility for hijackings, no access to decisionmakers, and none of the information available to senior FAA officials.","text2":"The FAA was not the right department to handle hijackings. ","label":-1,"idx":7108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These calls between family, friends, and colleagues took place until the end of the flight and provided those on the ground with firsthand accounts.","text2":"There were two brothers who were able to speak in accurate detail of the hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":7109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet they form a consensus, a set of variations on a unified theme.","text2":"They all come together in a unified way.","label":-1,"idx":7110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That process did not always go smoothly.","text2":"The process always went smoothly. ","label":-1,"idx":7111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An award of $500.00 is given yearly to a graduate student in each class who excels in scholarship.","text2":"Every year a graduate student who is failing gets a gift of $2000. ","label":-1,"idx":7112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For more than 160 years, since the Anglos arrived in Texas, there has been a culture transfer back and forth across the Rio Grande.","text2":"For less than 80 years, since the Anglos arrived in Texas, there has been a culture transfer forth and back across the Rio Grande.","label":-1,"idx":7113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One alternate existence, the ideal state, was considered by the ancients (e.g.","text2":"Many different dimensions exist beyond our reach. ","label":-1,"idx":7114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then snow, ice uh, I can remember me and another boy once we got about sixth or seventh grade we'd stop uh, you couldn't run with chains on your bus on state maintained highways.","text2":"Me and another boy were in middle school.","label":-1,"idx":7115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At some time between 10:10 and 10:15, a military aide told the Vice President and others that the aircraft was 80 miles out.","text2":"The Vice President was told that the plane was heading toward them.","label":-1,"idx":7116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"About anything.","text2":"Anything goes.","label":-1,"idx":7117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Though nothing proves that Bin Ladin ordered this attack, U.S. intelligence subsequently learned that al Qaeda leaders had decided a year earlier to attack a U.S. target in Saudi Arabia, and had shipped explosives to the peninsula for this purpose.","text2":"There is no proof that Bin Laden order the attack. ","label":-1,"idx":7118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the situation Wanda then found herself in bore that out.","text2":"That was realized in the situation that Wanda was then in.","label":-1,"idx":7119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"she said to them, to the guerrillas, Bastards!","text2":"She was not scared of the guerrillas.","label":-1,"idx":7120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These revelations, conveyed by the angel Gabriel, are recorded in the Qur'an.","text2":"The Qur'an details a holy mission for its followers.","label":-1,"idx":7121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also at 8:52, a male flight attendant called a United office in San Francisco, reaching Marc Policastro.","text2":"A male flight attendant contacted Marc Polilcastro by telephone.","label":-1,"idx":7122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Others, emphasizing women's particular values, urge retention of this and other features of women's talk (for example, women frequently assume noncompetitive roles in conversation), suggesting that women's talk encourages participation and the likelihood of consensus.","text2":"It is important to reach a balance between male and female values in language.","label":-1,"idx":7123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, the NEADS mission crew commander was dealing with the arrival of the Langley fighters over Washington, D.C., sorting out what their orders were with respect to potential targets.","text2":"The NEADS mission crew commander did a good job of dealing with the Langley fighters.","label":-1,"idx":7124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Oh, he wants a lollipop as well.","text2":"His desire is to have a lollipop.","label":-1,"idx":7125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A minute later, the deputy director stated that it had just been confirmed that American 11 was still airborne and heading toward D.C.","text2":"The director was on vacation in Florida at the time.","label":-1,"idx":7126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I, uh, too often, much too often, see people, um, feeling superior somehow because they don't read, they don't think, they don't experience other ideas.","text2":"I much too often see people feeling superior.","label":-1,"idx":7127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My dad, um, `cause I wasn't really like I was a girl, I mean I was a girl.","text2":"I love to do things that most people would classify as having guys do.","label":-1,"idx":7128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beginning to end.","text2":"Just the middle part.","label":-1,"idx":7129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Regardless of geographic location, it is always difficult for a contractor to know if it has the latest information on sewing patterns and other construction details.","text2":"Regardless of location, it is difficult for contractors to know the latest information and details.","label":-1,"idx":7130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can do that on your, on your county roads and I think they call them a borough if I remember right up that way.","text2":"You would not be able to do that on city street.","label":-1,"idx":7131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Demand for a legal education remains high.","text2":"There is still a high demand for legal education.","label":-1,"idx":7132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for your consideration.","text2":"If you would like, your name can be included on community projects that we manage.","label":-1,"idx":7133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through social life, it makes contact with and is infiuenced by other, more expert minds, permitting transfer of the values, knowledge, and skills essential for success in a particular culture.","text2":"Those skills which are essential for success are sometimes passed on through social interaction.","label":-1,"idx":7134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At approximately 9:36, Cleveland advised the Command Center that it was still tracking United 93 and specifically inquired whether someone had requested the military to launch fighter aircraft to intercept the aircraft.","text2":"Cleveland told command at 9:36 they were tracking United 93.","label":-1,"idx":7135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He wasn't real supportive about it at all.","text2":"He did not agree with it and refused to care about it.","label":-1,"idx":7136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was uh, that was the most exciting part of you know, most important, most exciting part of going to school was getting there for me.","text2":"What I most enjoyed about school was lunch time. ","label":-1,"idx":7137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For some, it's a matter of weeks or months; for others, it's years.","text2":"The wait is about one to two weeks in all cases.","label":-1,"idx":7138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Heads up man, it looks like another one coming in.","text2":"Keep track of the one coming in.","label":-1,"idx":7139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I need a change.","text2":"I do not like what I am currently doing. ","label":-1,"idx":7140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a story and I, you know, you knew it was fiction, but I would go back and read, when I could read myself, I read everything.","text2":"When I was unable to read the book to myself.","label":-1,"idx":7141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"kibitzer `one who comments, often in the form of unwanted advice, during a game, often cards.","text2":"A kititzer comments when they aren't asked to.","label":-1,"idx":7142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is a famous letter penned by Rupert Brooke to his friend, Edward Marsh, from somewhere near Fiji (p.","text2":"Rupert Brooke wrote a famous letter to Edward Marsh.","label":-1,"idx":7143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Custom clothing may therefore be financially available to a wider audience in the future, opening a new market in which domestic apparel manufacturers can compete.","text2":"Custom clothing might be more affordable in the future.","label":-1,"idx":7144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And there was a wounded, a wounded woman by, by a bullet too, that they had brought, since she was a nurse, and there we were.","text2":"The woman was never wounded by a bullet.","label":-1,"idx":7145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They provide scholarship dollars which aid students and enable the school to compete with other public and private law schools for outstanding young people.","text2":"It is not important to the school to offer scholarships. ","label":-1,"idx":7146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our commitment to schools and neighborhoods has a long tested record of accomplishment.","text2":"We have made great strides in helping to improve our schools and neighborhoods.","label":-1,"idx":7147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was the first specific report to the Secret Service of a direct threat to the White House.","text2":"The Secret Service escorted everyone out of the White House as a precaution.","label":-1,"idx":7148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Critique, one hears, of a theatrical entertainment","text2":"That's more like praise, rather than criticism, of theatrical entertainment.","label":-1,"idx":7149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They decided, and acted.","text2":"They acted after they had made their decision.","label":-1,"idx":7150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I'm going to ask a final question that, um, I mean, you're my parents, and you imparted a lot of, uh, a lot of the love of reading to me.","text2":"I'm about to inquire one last question concerning the joy of reading you gave me as parents.","label":-1,"idx":7151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"MCCOY was reorganized as an independent, not-for-profit agency, separate from local government.","text2":"They used to have close ties with the government.","label":-1,"idx":7152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Before the pattern layout is made, there is the assortment problem of determining which apparel sizes should be included in a given marker.","text2":"Before the pattern layout is created, apparel sizes have to be decided.","label":-1,"idx":7153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . We're, we're involved with something else, we have other aircraft that may have a similar situation going on here.","text2":"There is nothing going on with any of our aircraft. ","label":-1,"idx":7154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enclosed is a corporate sponsorship package that includes a sample auction book from last year's event, JCC market statistics and an overview of the many programs that will be preserved and strengthened through your generous support.","text2":"Last year our auction raised $250,000.","label":-1,"idx":7155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, there is now on that United 93.","text2":"There were several bombs on United 93.","label":-1,"idx":7156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other facilities, not on alert, would need time to arm the fighters and organize crews.","text2":"All of the facilities were on full alert.","label":-1,"idx":7157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, your gift to Social Health is vitally important to our success and can accomplish the ","text2":"Your donation is not important.","label":-1,"idx":7158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What, what's phonics?","text2":"When should you teach phonics?","label":-1,"idx":7159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps most promising in expanding the range of meanings for one-letter words are variant forms.","text2":"The number of meanings for one-letter words can grow.","label":-1,"idx":7160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We thank you for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you.","text2":"If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email us.","label":-1,"idx":7161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please continue that tradition by completing and returning the enclosed pledge card.","text2":"Please continue that tradition by filling out and sending back the pledge card inside this pamphlet.","label":-1,"idx":7162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The guild's gentler cohesion and lack of obvious international hierarchies have contributed to its marked success and curious anonymity.","text2":"The guild's gentler cohesion and lack of obvious international hierarchies have made the guild fail.","label":-1,"idx":7163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a brief moment of reflection, he was recorded remarking that This is a new type of war.","text2":"He said that this battle is one we have fought many times before.","label":-1,"idx":7164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Current DBA data shows 32 percent of all persons assisted by DBA are veterans; 10 per cent are service connected disabled veterans; and 22 per cent are non- service connected veterans.","text2":"DBA will no longer do business with veterans","label":-1,"idx":7165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other than one civilian casualty, the operation seemed completely the intelligence headquarters was demolished.","text2":"The intelligence headquarters was in perfect condition after the attack.","label":-1,"idx":7166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And as parents recount the misdeeds of their children, the children gain access to others' evaluations of their egocentric, inconsiderate acts.","text2":"The children had many errors while they were growing up.","label":-1,"idx":7167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kids today face overwhelming pressures, everything from trouble at home to gangs and drugs.","text2":"A lot of kids grow up to be in gangs or end up in jail.","label":-1,"idx":7168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our mission is to strengthen children and families, and we are now focusing our resources on children who have long-term, serious illnesses and their families.","text2":"We are making a special effort to help children with long-term illnesses.","label":-1,"idx":7169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And remember, gifts made before December 31, 1992, will still provide you with maximum tax deduction benefits.","text2":"You should donate soon so it can be reflected the next time you file taxes.","label":-1,"idx":7170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It hasn't?","text2":"It didn't? ","label":-1,"idx":7171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Family words and expressions crop up everywhere.","text2":"Family words only developed linguistically in the past 100 years.","label":-1,"idx":7172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to notes of the call, at about 9:45 the President told the Vice Sounds like we have a minor war going on here, I heard about the Pentagon.","text2":"The President told the Vice President that it sounded like a minor war was occurring. ","label":-1,"idx":7173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you feel like you did well this sem, this year, or if you had to do it over what would you do differently?","text2":"Would you change anything about how you did this year, or do you feel like it went really well?","label":-1,"idx":7174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Interacting with our faculty and their fellow, students, they develop skills and perspectives that will help them meet the complex challenges that face our society in the coming years.","text2":"No one is allowed to interact with each other here.","label":-1,"idx":7175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"87 percent (325) of the 344 homeless families (1,353 persons) assisted and sheltered at Catholic Social Services' Holy Family Shelter found independent housing.","text2":"87% of homeless families found housing after being helped by the shelter.","label":-1,"idx":7176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And these ties, coupled with our classroom experience, are a valuable part of our DePauw education.","text2":"DePauw offers the best classroom experience.","label":-1,"idx":7177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At Super Summer Safari Camp, there are daily sports, nature, and arts activities.","text2":"There are art activities at the summer camp.","label":-1,"idx":7178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope you will join me in supporting this scholarship opportunity by sending your check today made payable to the Peale Scholarship Fund.","text2":"You can make a donation today by credit card.","label":-1,"idx":7179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During their visit with us, they worked at resident and day camps, enjoyed homestays, toured the Indianapolis area, and visited YMCA branches.","text2":"Visitors aren't welcome to visit different YMCA branches. ","label":-1,"idx":7180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well she can't find any of it.","text2":"She can't find any of the medicines.","label":-1,"idx":7181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were seven children - but they were family, and Wanda's mother, even though she was getting on in years, was determined to keep them together, no matter how difficult it would be financially.","text2":"Wanda's mother kept 7 children together as they were family.","label":-1,"idx":7182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last spring, we surveyed the MHA alumni to find out what types of programs we would value and thus, would like the Alumni Association to be involved in.","text2":"We do not want the Alumni Association to have anything to do with it.","label":-1,"idx":7183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To mystify solvers even more, puzzlers may use words in an uncommon but perfectly legitimate sense, especially by attributing to certain words ending in -er the quality of agent noun.","text2":"To stump solvers, the puzzlers may use words in an unexpected way. ","label":-1,"idx":7184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the family, Bronfenbrenner noted, continues to have primary responsibility for children's character development, it lacks the strength needed to do the job because parents and children no longer spend enough time together.","text2":"Bronfenbrenner said the family is responsible for the kid's character development outside of school.","label":-1,"idx":7185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm kind of going to do what I'm going to do.","text2":"I am going to make risky choices without fear of consequences.","label":-1,"idx":7186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The phone call ended.","text2":"The phone call ended after screams were heard.","label":-1,"idx":7187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not surprisingly, cutters were the highest paid workers receiving day rates.","text2":"The rates for a cutter were almost double the rates of any other worker.","label":-1,"idx":7188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"kibitzer `one who comments, often in the form of unwanted advice, during a game, often cards.","text2":"A kititzer comments only when asked to.","label":-1,"idx":7189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They struggled, under difficult circumstances, to improvise a homeland defense against an unprecedented challenge they had never before encountered and had never trained to meet.","text2":"They struggled to wage a defense against this new challenge that the entire world had never seen before.","label":-1,"idx":7190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Details on these plots appear in chapter 3.","text2":"These plots are not discussed further.","label":-1,"idx":7191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"while the children continued reading.","text2":"The kids kept reading the books the President gave them.","label":-1,"idx":7192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I need a change.","text2":"I require a change. ","label":-1,"idx":7193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One alternate existence, the ideal state, was considered by the ancients (e.g.","text2":"The ancients only believed in this one existence.","label":-1,"idx":7194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turabi headed the National Islamic Front in a coalition that had recently seized power in Khartoum.","text2":"Khartoum recently had a switch of power due to Turabi.","label":-1,"idx":7195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so is there anything in particular about growing up that you want to share that maybe changed you as a person?","text2":"Is there anything that you would like to keep private about your growing up?","label":-1,"idx":7196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within two minutes, at 9:26, the pilot, Jason Dahl, responded with a note of Ed, confirm latest mssg plz-Jason.","text2":"The pilot, Jason Dahl, responded at 9:26. ","label":-1,"idx":7197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My speech, of course, is very hesitant and often discouraging.","text2":"I want my speech to be less hesitant and more encouraging.","label":-1,"idx":7198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He turned on a television, and in her home so did Louise Sweeney.","text2":"He turned on a television, and Louise Sweeney turned her television too.","label":-1,"idx":7199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"May you experience God's grace this Easter season and throughout the year.","text2":"During this year's Easter holiday and all the other days I will experience the love of God.","label":-1,"idx":7200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They do not have the resources necessary to purchase gifts or food for a holiday meal.","text2":"They cannot provide holiday gifts or a family meal.","label":-1,"idx":7201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The actual making of custom jeans or any other item of custom apparel is slightly more complicated than making an equivalent item under standard production conditions.","text2":"It is stupid to buy custom jeans.","label":-1,"idx":7202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would say about a mile.","text2":"It was next door a few yards.","label":-1,"idx":7203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you find one just like it for Grandpa?","text2":"Grandpa would really enjoy this, do you think you could find something similar for him to have?","label":-1,"idx":7204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributions to DING FEST are especially important because we believe that our initial investment will result in substantial earnings for the Department.","text2":"DING FEST does not require any funding, and is simply looking for even more support.","label":-1,"idx":7205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How can adults build interdependent relationships with children that foster the development of culturally meaningful skills and mature, autonomous behavior?","text2":"Adults should have relationships with children that are interdependent and encouraging of mature behavior.","label":-1,"idx":7206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under the leadership of Dean H. William Gilmore, the second floor of the school was completely renovated this year.","text2":"The second floor hasn't been renovated recently. ","label":-1,"idx":7207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The distribution system that emerged after 1870 would not be challenged until more than a century later.","text2":"The distribution system that emerged after 1870 worked very well so it was not challenged until more than a century later. ","label":-1,"idx":7208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He turned on a television, and in her home so did Louise Sweeney.","text2":"He turned on a television and Louise Sweeney came over to watch.","label":-1,"idx":7209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" By the most conservative estimates, the church's property in the Bay Area is worth uncountable millions. ","text2":"The church's property is situated in an expensive area.","label":-1,"idx":7210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such savings can add up to many millions of dollars for large manufacturers.","text2":"Large manufacturers can save as much as a few hundred dollars.","label":-1,"idx":7211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that told to you or did you read that?","text2":"Is it something you were told or did you read about it?","label":-1,"idx":7212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A controller could also briefly lose a commercial aircraft's transponder signal, although this happened much less frequently.","text2":"A controller can lose a commercial aircraft's transponder signal.","label":-1,"idx":7213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A knife set?","text2":"Is this a batch of knives?","label":-1,"idx":7214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We've had about 10 cases of botulism among the 105 sick or injured pelicans that we've received in the last two months, which is about as many botulism cases as we normally get in an entire year.","text2":"We have had a substantial increase in the botulism cases in our pelican population.","label":-1,"idx":7215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"T-shirts, which are consumed in the United States every year by the billions, are a good example.","text2":"The most expensive T-shirt brands are BAPE and Supreme.","label":-1,"idx":7216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support of Social Health Association can help us make a real difference in the lives of our children.","text2":"Your donation to Social Health Association will help children get an education and health care.","label":-1,"idx":7217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Technically, it is not a spoonerism.","text2":"In technicality it is considered a spoonerism.","label":-1,"idx":7218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A customer for Levi's custom jeans is asked to try on the style that comes closest to the fit she wants.","text2":"Levi's custom jeans expanded their business into the neighboring city.","label":-1,"idx":7219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although these differences cannot all be directly attributed to the adoption of the practices per se, they do suggest'especially when combined with the significant inventory performance results reported previously'how important it is for manufacturers to be adept at using incoming information from lean retailing customers.","text2":"The practices directly account for all these differences.","label":-1,"idx":7220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next the designs that passed this stage went through a technical design step in which details were added and patterns made.","text2":"The technical design step adds a frame and changes the canvas.","label":-1,"idx":7221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Linguists examining Classical Greek, Latin, German, English, Slavic, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Lithuanian, Iranian, Hindi, and the other languages of India and Europe found that there were correspondences among many of the common words.","text2":"European languages hold nothing in common. ","label":-1,"idx":7222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So was an important part of being in high school?","text2":"Did you like being in high school?","label":-1,"idx":7223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fighters were scrambled because of the report that American 11 was heading south, as is clear not just from taped conversations at NEADS but also from taped conversations at FAA centers; contemporaneous logs compiled at NEADS, Continental Region headquarters, and NORAD; and other records.","text2":"Taped conversations show that no fighters were scrambled to track American 11.","label":-1,"idx":7224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Incidentally, I seem to recall reading somewhere that skins as slang for `dollars' dates from frontier days when trappers used animal skins as currency, and is therefore much older than early 20th-century Harlem.","text2":"I remember reading that the slang term \"skins\" began in the early 20th-century Harlem.","label":-1,"idx":7225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller looked for primary radar returns.","text2":"No radars were returned that day. ","label":-1,"idx":7226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The drive to gain advantage from economies of scale and the role of manufacturing technology in textiles have also affected the people who work in the industry.","text2":"People who work in the industry were also affected by the changing role of technology.","label":-1,"idx":7227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?","text2":"Is there more you would like to speak regarding? ","label":-1,"idx":7228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does that make for a lot of pressure to have a lot of money?","text2":"Do you feel under pressure to make a lot of money?","label":-1,"idx":7229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?","text2":"Is there something you are not telling me? ","label":-1,"idx":7230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Annually SIDS claims the lives of approximately 3,000 babies in the United States.","text2":"SIDS claims the lives of 3,000 American babies each year.","label":-1,"idx":7231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read my books from K-five and I read my books from first grade.","text2":"I didn't like reading, so I tossed my books out from K-five and first grade without reading them.","label":-1,"idx":7232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many need furniture, linens and other basic necessities to begin lives on their own.","text2":"Everyone has exactly everything they need to begin lives on their own.","label":-1,"idx":7233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The friction between the second ply and the first can create a wrinkle in the first ply.","text2":"The friction between the first and second plies will cause the second ply to wrinkle.","label":-1,"idx":7234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Etymologists say it originally meant due??o de una casa `lord, or master, of a house' and is a contraction of duen de casa . Duen is the apocopated (cut-off) form of duemo , which stems from the Latin dominus . As the Spanish word evolved, the de was suffixed to the duen , the casa was omitted altogether, and el duende thus became the lord of the house. ","text2":"Duende was originally only eaten by the master of the house.","label":-1,"idx":7235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neither do the rest of us who feel the positive results of their success.","text2":"The rest of us do too, because the positive effects are only felt by the management.","label":-1,"idx":7236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What are the appropriate labor standards?","text2":"perfect knowledge of all things labor standard related","label":-1,"idx":7237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, among the Zinacanteco Indians of southern Mexico, girls become expert weavers of complex garments through the informal guidance of adults.","text2":"For instance, Zinacanteco Indian girls turned into proficient weavers of intricate garments with the casual help of adults.","label":-1,"idx":7238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No wonder ' we've lost them already.","text2":"We haven't lost anyone, unsurprisingly.","label":-1,"idx":7239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Way of Central Indiana adds value to your investment.","text2":"United Way of Central Indiana adds value to your investment in real estate.","label":-1,"idx":7240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many will find out, as I have, that just being active and productive will improve your health, relationships, and quality of life.","text2":"I really value my health, relationship, and quality of my life","label":-1,"idx":7241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, even a small swing in demand from week to week translates into high relative variation'that is, into a high coefficient of variation.","text2":"The data points for demand measured weekly are weighted for the entire year.","label":-1,"idx":7242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, who, it hit the ground.","text2":"The other flight hit the ground.","label":-1,"idx":7243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And as March begins, we wanted to remind you to consider your contribution to the 1996 Annual Appeal.","text2":"We think contributing is a bad idea.","label":-1,"idx":7244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:21, it advised the Dulles terminal control facility, and Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets.","text2":"Dulles terminal control facility frantically urged its controllers to look for targets.","label":-1,"idx":7245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, W shows for leeway the date 1669; from my experience with even above-average users, that is usually taken to mean that 1669 was the first time that leeway appeared in one day it did not exist; the next, Presto!","text2":"W shows for leeway the date 1669, because this is the most rational guess.","label":-1,"idx":7246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In upstate New York, NEADS personnel first learned of the shootdown order from this Floor You need to read this.","text2":"NEADS learned of the shootdown order from the President himself.","label":-1,"idx":7247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mass customization involves a number of preassembly innovations.","text2":"Customization involves a lot of innovations for preassembly.","label":-1,"idx":7248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He repeatedly calls on his followers to embrace martyrdom since the walls of oppression and humiliation cannot be demolished except in a rain of bullets.","text2":"Followers of him are urged to embrace stances of peace and love toward all peoples.","label":-1,"idx":7249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh yes, and George Orwell books I read, uh, uh, um 1984 and what's the other one?","text2":"I read two Orwell novels, 1984 and another which I can't remember.","label":-1,"idx":7250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the 1850s, a Texas lawyer acquired a small herd of cattle on Matagorda Island.","text2":"A Texas lawyer had a herd of cattle on Matagorda Island.","label":-1,"idx":7251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributions will be used to cover program and membership costs for girls in financial need; subsidize the cost of Girl Scout camp; and provide training and resources to leaders, parents and adult volunteers.","text2":"Most donations are spent for summer camp costs.","label":-1,"idx":7252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The two ROWs differ in pronunciation as well as in meaning and origin.","text2":"The two ROWs were different in pronunciation. ","label":-1,"idx":7253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I haven't met one person at UNC-Charlotte that I didn't meet in my high school.","text2":"I have yet to meet one person at UNC-Charlotte that I did not meet in my high school.","label":-1,"idx":7254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"America is also held responsible for the governments of Muslim countries, derided by al Qaeda as your agents.","text2":"The governments of Muslim countries were thought by al Qaeda to be puppet governments.","label":-1,"idx":7255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But Sears Roebuck and Co. outstripped Montgomery Ward in the 1890s.","text2":"Sears Roebuck and Co. carried better products so they were able to outstrip Montgomery Ward in the 1890s.","label":-1,"idx":7256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please use the enclosed envelope so we can help you.","text2":"Please make use of the enclosed envelope for help.","label":-1,"idx":7257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Golly, I never really got into poetry.","text2":"I never really got into poetry at all.","label":-1,"idx":7258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I, uh, went off to do my thing and he went off to, to some other things, and, uh, anyway, um, to make a long story fairly short, I got married, and being married gave me a little bit of freedom as far as what I need to do to make money because my wife was working and making enough to support us.","text2":"My wife earned $35,000 a year. ","label":-1,"idx":7259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When parents and teachers use dialogic reading consistently over several weeks to several months, children show gains in language development, print knowledge, and writing progress that are still present six months to a year later.","text2":"Children who use dialogic reading do not benefit from it.","label":-1,"idx":7260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you don't know who your Alderman is, contact the Mayor's office at 594-3341.","text2":"The position of Alderman is currently vacant until the Mayor appoints a new one.","label":-1,"idx":7261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are minor quibbles.","text2":"There are small disagreements.","label":-1,"idx":7262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost all its neurons'cells that store and transmit information'are in place by the second trimester of pregnancy.","text2":"Neurons' cells store information and are created in utero.","label":-1,"idx":7263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Life isn't easy for Ted, but he's determined to raise his children himself and be a good role model for them.","text2":"Ted is determined to raise his children himself and be a good role model for them, but it is not always easy, sometimes he wonder if it is worth it.","label":-1,"idx":7264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Scott's The Bride of Lammermoor (Chapter VII), one reads about a boy cudgelling an ass, and one goes back over the passage to reassure himself that it does not contain a typographical error for cuddling. ","text2":"In the seventh chapter of Scott's book, a boy was bludgeoning an ass.","label":-1,"idx":7265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last year, their law firm solicitation program succeeded in obtaining a range of 57 percent to 100 percent contributing alumni -employed by participating firms.","text2":"The law firm's program accomplished a range of between 57 to 100 percent students employed by law firms.","label":-1,"idx":7266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Both then saw the second aircraft hit the World Trade Center.","text2":"The two of them then watched as the second plane crashed into the WTC.","label":-1,"idx":7267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soon iron monkeys gave way to more expensive but corrosion-resistant brass monkeys.","text2":"Iron monkeys remained in use in order to save money.","label":-1,"idx":7268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Saudi pressures on the Bin Ladin family also probably took some toll.","text2":"The Bin Ladin family was likely affected by pressure from the Saudis.","label":-1,"idx":7269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are sure that the nation owes a debt to the passengers of United 93.","text2":"We are confident that the passengers of United 93 are owed a debt by this country. ","label":-1,"idx":7270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Forster's A Passage to India (Chapter XXXI) a vivid picture is created by the sentence Tangles like this still interrupted their intercourse. ","text2":"Tangles is a character in Forester's A Passage to India.","label":-1,"idx":7271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As will be described in chapter 7, al Qaeda contacts with Iran continued in ensuing years.","text2":"Iran made some contact with members of al Qaeda.","label":-1,"idx":7272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With so many conflicting pressures in our society today-the Girl Scout program is a proven solution and supporting friends like you help to make it happen.","text2":"You help to make the Girl Scout program happen","label":-1,"idx":7273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They do not appear to do much rambling.","text2":"They do a lot of rambling.","label":-1,"idx":7274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Intrusion because one of the new Scholars couldn't be here to receive her award.","text2":"One of the recipients of the award wasn't present.","label":-1,"idx":7275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Little ones, like Baby Jessica, caught in the struggle between adoptive and birth parents.","text2":"The babies involved in these situations have little to worry about. ","label":-1,"idx":7276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Family words and expressions crop up everywhere.","text2":"Certain words reoccur all the time.","label":-1,"idx":7277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A fellow who skinned his flint was looked upon as being a parsimonious, penny-pinching, stingy cheapskate'a veritable skinflint.","text2":"Being a skinflint was like a death sentence for men.","label":-1,"idx":7278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gregory uses stream in the way normal in England; Giles consistently refers to gens in the hills of central Australia, though glen is not current (outside place-names) in contemporary Australian English.","text2":"Contemporary Australian English is vastly different from the past.","label":-1,"idx":7279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky's concept of the zone clarifies for us the meaning of true quality time. ","text2":"Vygotsky's concept of the zone did nothing to clarify any concepts.","label":-1,"idx":7280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All right, Kevin agreed.","text2":"Kevin agreed to it.","label":-1,"idx":7281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of you responded in a positive manner by increasing your contribution or contributing to the fund for the first time.","text2":"Many of you responded by contributing to the fund for the very first time.","label":-1,"idx":7282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For a minimum contribution of $250, you become eligible for a 50 percent Indiana state tax credit through the Indiana Department of Commerce Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP).","text2":"500 people took advantage of this tax credit last year.","label":-1,"idx":7283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Rousseau, adult training served only to thwart the child's inherently perceptive intelligence and moral sense, which unfolded naturally as children moved through a sequence of developmental stages.","text2":"Adult training was determined to be the pillar of raising a child.","label":-1,"idx":7284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More generally, the size of a dictionary is a function of two the number of items entered (its macrostructure ), and the amount of information given about them (its microstructure ).","text2":"Most dictionaries try to strike a balance between completeness and portability.","label":-1,"idx":7285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The howlers in my collection that I most cherish, however, depend for their charm on skewed syntax.","text2":"I hate the howlers the most.","label":-1,"idx":7286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most viewed today's youngsters as too out-of-control and undirected.","text2":"Today's young adults are not properly guided by their parents.","label":-1,"idx":7287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Feminist Dictionary includes new words and new definitions; words from utopian literature suggest what might be ; definitions are elaborate, the stated aim to stimulate research or theoretical development.","text2":"Feminists insist on creating new terms and definitions.","label":-1,"idx":7288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now they tell you that's not good to do.","text2":"You shouldn't do that.","label":-1,"idx":7289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:32, the Command Center passed word of a possible hijacking to the Operations Center at FAA headquarters.","text2":"The Command Center said there might be a hijacking at 8:32, 15 minutes after it happened.","label":-1,"idx":7290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It did so by separating those subassembly processes that were standard across products from those that were distinctive to specific laser-jet products.","text2":"The subassembly processes are simpler for specific laser-jet products.","label":-1,"idx":7291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The average annual course load for first-year students in the day program (31 credit hours) costs $4,453 for residents and $11,588 for non-residents.","text2":"The average 31 credit hour course load for first-year students in the day program costs nearly three times more for non-residents than for residents.","label":-1,"idx":7292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another major textile company, Milliken, has a degree of common ownership with a retail business, Mercantile, although these arrangements remain unusual.","text2":"Milliken and Mercantile are not major textile companies.","label":-1,"idx":7293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mission Crew Commander, This is what I foresee that we probably need to do.","text2":"I don't foresee anything and we don't need to do anything.","label":-1,"idx":7294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turned out after all the treatments were done, I was the only survivor in the particular wing of the hospital.","text2":"After the treatments were all finished, I spent a lot of time with the friend I had made in the same wing of the hospital.","label":-1,"idx":7295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the White House, the video teleconference was conducted from the Situation Room by Richard Clarke, a special assistant to the president long involved in counterterrorism.","text2":"In the Situation Room, Richard Clarke was nowhere to be found.","label":-1,"idx":7296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But British law strictly prohibited the export of drawings, plans, or models of these new technologies.","text2":"British law doesn't allow export of plans of these new technologies for a certain period of time.","label":-1,"idx":7297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Then, referring to a newspaper report her father had mentioned earlier in the day) This morning, it said (changes to a low-pitched, somber tone of voice), Two trains crashing'in India. ","text2":"Her father always read the newspaper and talked about the reports that interested him.","label":-1,"idx":7298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The industry underwent another substantial restructuring in the 1980s, and product lines became even more concentrated.","text2":"The industry was restructured in the 1980's.","label":-1,"idx":7299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are losing natural areas and habitats at an alarming rate.","text2":"Natural areas and habitats are disappearing too fast.","label":-1,"idx":7300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you do feel like you like Charlotte as an area?","text2":"You must hate Charlotte as an area...","label":-1,"idx":7301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You'll get the chance to visit local artists' studios.","text2":"You will be permitted to visit local artists' studios.","label":-1,"idx":7302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secretary was informed of the second strike in New York during the briefing; he resumed the briefing while awaiting more information.","text2":"After the Secretary of Defense was informed of the second plane strike in New York of the towers during the briefing, he immediately excused himself and tried to coordinate a national emergency response to deal with the danger and loss of life happening at Ground Zero. ","label":-1,"idx":7303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ah, the favorite part of the story was the fact that I had somehow bought an old Model T Ford.","text2":"The best part of the whole story was when I purchased Model T Ford. ","label":-1,"idx":7304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking an uncomfortably short speculative step was Stanley Kubrick's 1963 film, Dr.","text2":"Stanley Kubrick's 1963 film was really uncomfortable. ","label":-1,"idx":7305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It entails better engineering of specific sewing tasks, including some specialized sewing machines, to reduce the amount of time required for each task.","text2":"Other sewing machines are also utilized.","label":-1,"idx":7306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like Italian, Spanish has estro , from the Latin oestrus `gadfly' (English estrus ) to denote artistic inspiration (and female sexual heat), but duende goes further.","text2":"The word estros is used more often to describe female sexual heat. ","label":-1,"idx":7307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if order lead times are long, the buyer must order up to a larger number S to meet demand during the replenishment lead time.","text2":"The buyer must produce their own goods if order lead times are long.","label":-1,"idx":7308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The importance of family mealtimes is underscored by the fact that the most widely used research instrument for assessing the quality of young children's home environments asks parents whether the child eats at least one meal a day with a parent.","text2":"Family mealtimes aren't particularly valuable as a research instrument.","label":-1,"idx":7309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If they want to be emphatic about a large undertaking, they might say, I'm going to do it all!","text2":"The do not want to be emphatic when offering it all","label":-1,"idx":7310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If one is by himself, he, she, or it is alone.","text2":"You are not with anyone when alone","label":-1,"idx":7311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Of course we had to do it in a day because we couldn't take enough time everybody.","text2":"We had several weeks to finish the project.","label":-1,"idx":7312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The machines are massive in size because they must be rigid to achieve cutting along the entire silhouette.","text2":"The machines must be strong to cut along the silhouette.","label":-1,"idx":7313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, life there in the country is, nice, tranquil.","text2":"Country life is nice and tranquil.","label":-1,"idx":7314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well with Brittney Spears I think what they probably do is they, um, they've got a lot of back up singers that can sing, and they kind of blend her voice into theirs when she can't quite do it.","text2":"Britney Spears never uses backup singers.","label":-1,"idx":7315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within the next 20 minutes, they would be followed by Hani Hanjour and two brothers, Nawaf al Hazmi and Salem al Hazmi.","text2":"They were not followed by two brothers, Nawaf al Hazmi and Salem al Hazmi.","label":-1,"idx":7316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we obtain our goal soon, the fund can begin to be used for excellence in teaching and research.","text2":"Excellent teaching cannot be guaranteed without enough funding.","label":-1,"idx":7317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Babies cry for liquor an' all the birds sing bass.","text2":"Babies cry for alcohol, the birds sing brass. ","label":-1,"idx":7318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She uh, she'd had laryngitis and the doctor told her if you don't quit smoking you'll never talk.","text2":"The doctor said her laryngitis will worsen and she'll lose her voice if she doesn't quit smoking.","label":-1,"idx":7319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Imagine how proud he must be of his writing skills, and his reading skills!","text2":"He is an excellent sci-fi writer because of his skills.","label":-1,"idx":7320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You see, it is Belmaine's wife who was doing the dragging.","text2":"Belamine's wife refused to drag it.","label":-1,"idx":7321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All these elements-including religion-combined in an explosive compound.","text2":"Religion was one of the elements that combined to spell disaster. ","label":-1,"idx":7322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is no evidence that Herndon took such action.","text2":"There was plenty of evidence that Herndon took that action. ","label":-1,"idx":7323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next, when looking at a Chinese character, the symbol can be purely phonetic, purely semantic, or a combination of both.","text2":"A Chinese character can be phonetic or semantic.","label":-1,"idx":7324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, it is a world-class university.","text2":"Moreover, it has received many awards that recognize its world-class education.","label":-1,"idx":7325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky emphasized that to understand children's development, it is necessary to understand the social situations adults devise for them.","text2":"Adults sometimes devise social situations for children.","label":-1,"idx":7326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In everyday conversation, the events discussed resemble the mini-stories of our spontaneous autobiographies.","text2":"The events in our lives are much too boring to be in an autobiography.","label":-1,"idx":7327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also Went-worth\/Flexner and Chapman both cite the term the leather as meaning a kick, but they date the term from 1946, citing a passage from Damon he would give his fallen foe what we called `the leather,' meaning a few boots abaft the ears.","text2":"Using the phrase \"the leather\" to mean a kick was cited by both Went-worth\/Flexner and Chapman, which they trace to the 1946 writing of Damon in which he mentions giving a bested enemy \"the leather,\" by which he indicated a \"few boots abaft the ears.\"","label":-1,"idx":7328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Red Riding Hood I think.","text2":"I think its Red Riding Hood.","label":-1,"idx":7329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The address (Obras Completas, Aguilar, Madrid, 1963) is a 5,000-word virtuoso performance in which he describes duende variously as the spirit of the earth, with Dionysian roots, and as the mysterious spirit of sorrowful Spain. ","text2":"the address is a long but skilful performance.","label":-1,"idx":7330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost always, children pick the marked container.","text2":"Children consider the mark to be a sign that the container has more interesting contents.","label":-1,"idx":7331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two minutes later, it disappeared completely from radar at Indianapolis Center, which was controlling the flight.","text2":"The plane vanished from radar because it crashed.","label":-1,"idx":7332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, increasingly pressured adult lives have contributed to parental diculties in granting children the attention they need.","text2":"As the lives of adults become more stressful, giving their kids the attention they need becomes more difficult.","label":-1,"idx":7333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Design information systems, such as the Gerber Garment Technology software discussed above, can also greatly affect how and when design changes are made.","text2":"Design information systems like Gerber Garment Technology software can increase how and when design changes are made.","label":-1,"idx":7334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this environment, ordering large quantities of products far in advance of the selling season is simply too costly.","text2":"Buying in bulk in advance costs too much.","label":-1,"idx":7335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the year I have been in private practice, I have found myself drawing on all aspects of my education.","text2":"I have found my education helpful, in the past year I have been in private practice.","label":-1,"idx":7336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Five Americans and two officials from India were killed.","text2":"Five americans were killed in an attack in India.","label":-1,"idx":7337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were helping my niece and nephew paint a new house that they bought and uh, he uh, little Raymond was with us.","text2":"My niece and nephew had a new place and we helped them paint it.","label":-1,"idx":7338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because it was more diverse.","text2":"There is no more diversity here.","label":-1,"idx":7339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We've only been able to save about 5 of those 10 birds, by supporting them with I\/V fluids given through the wing bones (the preferred method in birds).","text2":"We've saved five birds with IV fluids.","label":-1,"idx":7340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"True, the official language of the province of Quebec is French; and true, we have borrowed a few words from there; lacrosse , for example.","text2":"The official language of the province is English","label":-1,"idx":7341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will you make a financial gift to Big Sisters in 1999 that will ensure that more young people receive the guidance they need, that more young people stay in school, stay off drugs and make good choices?","text2":"Young people should leave school and do drugs.","label":-1,"idx":7342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the help of new transportation and communications systems, the first company to market a wide variety of consumer goods exclusively by mail and parcel post was Montgomery Ward, formed in 1872.","text2":"Timepieces were one of the first types of products sold by Montgomery Ward.","label":-1,"idx":7343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well meantime my Mom is running around she doesn't hardly know that we left.","text2":"My mom noticed us leaving and ran to catch up.","label":-1,"idx":7344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"macaronic Does not refer to pasta; it is a text which is half Latin and half vernacular.","text2":"Macaronic does not refer to pasta but instead, it is a text which is half Latin and half vernacular.","label":-1,"idx":7345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The teens have also decided to raise money to provide camperships for other campers because they know what Jameson has meant to them.","text2":"The campers and teens want to give back","label":-1,"idx":7346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, long hours in child care during infancy and the preschool years are linked to less favorable parent-child interaction.","text2":"Long hours in child care during infancy can lead to less favorable parent-child interaction which can lead to mental illness.","label":-1,"idx":7347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing, you know, nothing more to do.","text2":"Its time to move on to the next thing.","label":-1,"idx":7348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"not to mention Poe's odd allusion in For Annie :","text2":"Poe made multiple allusions in the story For Annie","label":-1,"idx":7349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Scholarships are essential for attracting the best and brightest students to study law at our school.","text2":"When it comes to attracting the best and smartest students to study at our school, scholarships are a necessity.","label":-1,"idx":7350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An important goal of scaolding is to promote self-regulation'the capacity to use thought to guide behavior.","text2":"Scolding exists primarily to impart a sense of shame, creating an inherent sense of unease when doing something undesirable.","label":-1,"idx":7351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"spike one's guns If an army had to fall back and abandon its field artillery, the simplest way to render its guns useless was to jam a spike into the fuse hole.","text2":"Some soldiers would take home guns and spike as souvenirs.","label":-1,"idx":7352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a '56 graduate, I have since witnessed many changes in both legal education and the law school.","text2":"In my years of experience I have seen educational practices and law school be revamped.","label":-1,"idx":7353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teachers' communication plays a vital role in children's eort and learning.","text2":"A teachers' communication to a child plays a vital role in a child's learning.","label":-1,"idx":7354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tell me when you feel it peeping out and then we'll run like hell.","text2":"When you notice it looking at us, tell me and we'll try and negotiate with it.","label":-1,"idx":7355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How can we assist you?","text2":"We are here if you need assistance.","label":-1,"idx":7356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the fixture was designed to hold ten shirts of a particular color and size, for instance, it is both wasteful of space and visually unappealing to put only three shirts out'even if an economic analysis recommends the lower quantity.","text2":"If the fixture was designed to hold ten shirts, it is both wasteful of space and visually unappealing.","label":-1,"idx":7357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To the first, they say that America had attacked Islam; America is responsible for all conflicts involving Muslims.","text2":"America has worked to change the way they are viewed by Islam.","label":-1,"idx":7358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All right, this is Elissa Adams and Elissa, you've lived in Charlotte for--","text2":"Elissa Adams lived in Charlotte.","label":-1,"idx":7359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Has always evoked for me images of muscles or funereal trimmings or infected tissue, instead of twilight or evening.","text2":"The person has always evoked for me images of muscles.","label":-1,"idx":7360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, funny.","text2":"I genuinely thought it was funny.","label":-1,"idx":7361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"...Well, you get the idea.","text2":"There is no way to explain this.","label":-1,"idx":7362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Radar data show the Langley fighters airborne at 9:30.","text2":"Langeley fighters were airborne at 9:30.","label":-1,"idx":7363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But unlike a mass merchant that typically manages over 125,000 separate items in a large store, the Dillard's system uses this information to manage over one million SKUs in one of its flagship stores.","text2":"The Dillard's system only manages a few hundred SKUs in a store.","label":-1,"idx":7364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You see, it is Belmaine's wife who was doing the dragging.","text2":"Belamine's wife was dragging it.","label":-1,"idx":7365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, Daly describes the title of one of her early books, Gyn\/Ecology , as saying exactly what I mean to say. ","text2":"Daly let people know that the title is meant to say what they believe it does.","label":-1,"idx":7366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I went and stayed with Grandmom and Grandpop Borel in their little two bed, one bedroom apartment in NJ and uh, I guess I stayed five or six days.","text2":"My grandparents were happily married and comfortable there. ","label":-1,"idx":7367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(In 1994, 35 million soccer balls were produced there, one-quarter by children.)","text2":"Some children enjoyed making the soccer balls in 1994.","label":-1,"idx":7368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But none of the other callers reported the presence of a firearm.","text2":"Every caller said that they saw a gun.","label":-1,"idx":7369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That conclusion is based on a version of events that we now know is incorrect.","text2":"That conclusion was based on a true version of events.","label":-1,"idx":7370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A competing approach to reducing plant throughput time involves team-based sewing or modular production, which we will discuss at length in the next chapter.","text2":"In the next section, we will talk about modular production.","label":-1,"idx":7371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I had aunts and my grandmother, one of my grandmothers read to me too.","text2":"The women of my family took a more prominent role reading to me. ","label":-1,"idx":7372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"GENI also promotes the expansion of geography in teacher training curriculums and in K-12 curriculums.","text2":"Geography in teacher training is promoted by GENI. ","label":-1,"idx":7373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes that's true.","text2":"That's true.","label":-1,"idx":7374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"May you experience God's grace this Easter season and throughout the year.","text2":"I do not celebrate Easter because I do not feel God's grace.","label":-1,"idx":7375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were down, I had my son under me, on the floor, Ines had one, and Ines brother, that is, the boy's uncle, had the other boy under him.","text2":"My offspring was beneath me, and another child was underneath the uncle.","label":-1,"idx":7376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller responded, seconds Somebody call Cleveland?","text2":"There must have been a longer discussion between the controller and the airplane pilots.","label":-1,"idx":7377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the poetry I remember and she taught us, you know, some poetry.","text2":"I remember some poetry my mom taught me.","label":-1,"idx":7378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several iterations of these initial design steps could add weeks or months to the process before production began.","text2":"There will be at least two separate teams working on the first steps for the same project.","label":-1,"idx":7379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to the reporting, Iraqi officials offered Bin Ladin a safe haven in Iraq.","text2":"Iraqi officials agreed with what Bin Ladin was doing.","label":-1,"idx":7380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Communist government in Afghanistan gained power in 1978 but was unable to establish enduring control.","text2":"A communist government in Afghanistan was in power in 1978 but couldn't keep it, losing control after just a few months.","label":-1,"idx":7381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is the wetland celebrated by Gene Stratton-Porter in her books, poems and photographs.","text2":"Gene Stratton-Porter did not talk about these wetlands in her works. ","label":-1,"idx":7382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:21, the Command Center, some FAA field facilities, and American Airlines had started to search for American 77.","text2":"The Command Center started to search for the plane.","label":-1,"idx":7383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think I'd like to meet up with that genie!","text2":"I wouldn't like to meet that genie!","label":-1,"idx":7384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only thing I did know for sure was here's a chance to change things for me and my children.","text2":"There's no chance to change things for my family.","label":-1,"idx":7385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sociodramatic play, involving joint make-believe with a partner, Piaget claimed, is not under way until age 3. As with other aspects of Piaget's theory, the direction of development for make-believe is from purely individual, egocentric symbols to social play and shared understanding.","text2":"Children develop social relationships and tend to play with others as early as one year old. ","label":-1,"idx":7386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Though Azzam had been considered number one in the MAK, by August 1988 Bin Ladin was clearly the leader (emir) of al Qaeda.","text2":"By August 1988 Bin Laden was clearly the leader (emir) of al Qaeda, even though Azzam had been considered number one in the MAK.","label":-1,"idx":7387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Victim of injustice could be grounded.","text2":"The legal system inadvertently creates many victims.","label":-1,"idx":7388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She was going to watch TV.","text2":"Her intention was to view some TV.","label":-1,"idx":7389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . I'm thinking cruise missile threat from the sea.","text2":"A see based cruise missile might be a good tactic.","label":-1,"idx":7390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Islam is both a faith and a code of conduct for all aspects of life.","text2":"A faith can also be a code of conduct.","label":-1,"idx":7391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Evidence accumulated later, including the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103, clearly showed that the operation did not curb Qadhafi's interest in terrorism.","text2":"They got more evidence that showed Qadhafi was still interested in terrorism.","label":-1,"idx":7392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another major textile company, Milliken, has a degree of common ownership with a retail business, Mercantile, although these arrangements remain unusual.","text2":"Milliken's common ownership arrangements with Mercantile are strange.","label":-1,"idx":7393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In each listing below, the boldface word is the word at which Framework stopped, offering to SUGGEST a substitute; the words following are the substitutions it suggested.","text2":"Framework chose the words shown in italics.","label":-1,"idx":7394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":", is incomplete.","text2":"That is enough.","label":-1,"idx":7395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grandmom smoked Saratoga 120 cigarettes which are about eight and a half inches long.","text2":"Grandma is a very heavy smoker, about a pack of Saratoga 120s a day.","label":-1,"idx":7396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Over $500 was raised.","text2":"There was no money raised. ","label":-1,"idx":7397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And whatever they got, I read.","text2":"I didn't read anything.","label":-1,"idx":7398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who became the Shia held that any leader of the Ummah must be a direct descendant of the Prophet; those who became the Sunni argued that lineal descent was not required if the candidate met other standards of faith and knowledge.","text2":"Shias believe that any leader of the Ummah has to be directly descended from the Prophet, the Sunnis believe leaders don't have to be.","label":-1,"idx":7399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The light beam did cut through the plies, but it melted the polyester fibers at the sides of the burn and fused the edges of the cloth together.","text2":"The light beam successfully cut without any issues.","label":-1,"idx":7400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do they do it a lot?","text2":"Don't they ever do it?","label":-1,"idx":7401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"David Galef has coined the term morox [XIV, 2] to designate unintentional, inelegant oxymorons such as many fewer problems, largely insignificant , and barely clothed . I collect solecisms of all sorts that I hear on television broadcasts.","text2":"Morox was coined by many different people to designate intentional oxymorons.","label":-1,"idx":7402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Saudi officials apparently wanted Bin Ladin expelled from Sudan.","text2":"Bin Ladin was in Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":7403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, what's your favorite television shows?","text2":"What television show do you like in the evening?","label":-1,"idx":7404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I say to him, OK.","text2":"I said to him that it was not okay.","label":-1,"idx":7405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"it is imperative that we reach the Board of Directors' goal of 100 percent participation.","text2":"Reaching the Board of Directors' goal of 100 percent participation is necessary for the program to continue.","label":-1,"idx":7406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The second basic practice involves the use of electronic data interchange (EDI) as a means for transmitting data on orders between apparel suppliers and retailers.","text2":"Using electronic data interchange to transmit information about orders is one of the basic practices.","label":-1,"idx":7407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, W shows for leeway the date 1669; from my experience with even above-average users, that is usually taken to mean that 1669 was the first time that leeway appeared in one day it did not exist; the next, Presto!","text2":"It is usually taken that 1670 was the first time that leeway appeared.","label":-1,"idx":7408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Where's that?","text2":"Is it easy to find?","label":-1,"idx":7409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An order to an apparel factory'whether from a retailer, jobber, or a manufacturer contracting out different stages of the work'specifies the total number of units to be made of a particular design, with a given fabric, and with a certain number of units in each size.","text2":"Order to apparel factories vary weekly depending on what is in style and what isn't.","label":-1,"idx":7410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They possess neither a Vatican nor a Vicar-General to report to, and, although the guild can at times be arcane (with Latin charters and capping ceremonies), by and large its doings are overt and benign.","text2":"The guild may be arcane but its activities are generally harmless.","label":-1,"idx":7411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This educational experience brings to light what an integral role the dental component plays in an individual's overall health.","text2":"Dental components are of the utmost importance compared to feet.","label":-1,"idx":7412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They arrived at 9:25 and established a combat air patrol (CAP) over the city.","text2":"The combat air patrol over the city lasted for days. ","label":-1,"idx":7413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift will help make this year's concert more special by providing funds for costumes, programs and lighting.","text2":"Donations provide funding for costumes worn by the company's performers.","label":-1,"idx":7414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The machines are massive in size because they must be rigid to achieve cutting along the entire silhouette.","text2":"The smaller machines cut best along the silhouette.","label":-1,"idx":7415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather than frustrating or disappointing the child, self-restraint is the route to maximum pleasure.","text2":"self-restraint is the route to pleasure.","label":-1,"idx":7416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She had to get a career going so there'd be money to live on and to send us to college.","text2":"She had to stay late at the office many nights to get ahead in her career. ","label":-1,"idx":7417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went from the parking lot to his office (where he spoke to the President), then to the Executive Support Center, where he participated in the White House video teleconference.","text2":"The President did not speak to him at all.","label":-1,"idx":7418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My first recollection I was three.","text2":"My first memory was kindergarten.","label":-1,"idx":7419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I pay half of my, everything.","text2":"I was forced to pay half of everything.","label":-1,"idx":7420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm going to be a big movie star one day!","text2":"I'm going to be a famous actor in Hollywood someday.","label":-1,"idx":7421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was the stereotypical high school.","text2":"High school was boring.","label":-1,"idx":7422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then all the pieces of the patterns must be laid out for the various units so that they can be cut at the same time.","text2":"Various units have different patterns.","label":-1,"idx":7423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you know who he is?","text2":"Do you know that person that popped up on the screen?","label":-1,"idx":7424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1983, community residents and organizations banded together to form the organization which is now called SEND.","text2":"SEND was created by community residents in 1973.","label":-1,"idx":7425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My older sister Rayona she put together that reunion.","text2":"My bigger sister Rayona planned that reunion.","label":-1,"idx":7426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Admittedly, lowing is also onomatopoeic.","text2":"Lowing is definitely not an onomatopoeic word","label":-1,"idx":7427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, there is now on that United 93.","text2":"There is now on Flight United 93.","label":-1,"idx":7428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On September 11, Captain John Ogonowski and First Officer Thomas McGuinness piloted the Boeing 767.","text2":"Captain John Ogonowski and First Officer Thomas McGuinness were not originally supposed to pilot the plane.","label":-1,"idx":7429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As further ammunition to support my bulletproof contention that our language is loaded with guns and cannons, I'll conclude by gunning for items that have the word gun in them.","text2":"There is little basis to back up my idea.","label":-1,"idx":7430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Taliban seemed to open the doors to all who wanted to come to Afghanistan to train in the camps.","text2":"The Taliban closed its doors to all outsiders, never training with anyone not already initiated.","label":-1,"idx":7431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because safety stock is directly dependent on demand uncertainty, increasing product variety increases retail safety-stock requirements.","text2":"Safety stock is directly dependent on demand uncertainty.","label":-1,"idx":7432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do enjoy reading the um, stories related to Guideposts or uh, what's another, Reader's Digest, they come in.","text2":"I relate to a lot of the stories in Reader's Digest.","label":-1,"idx":7433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a bird that perches.","text2":"It likes to perch because it elongates its spine.","label":-1,"idx":7434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Alamo , the site of the Texas defeat by Santa Ana; hoosegow from juzgado `court'; dinero `money,' a Spanish corruption of the Latin denarius; macho , from the same root as machete : he who wields a machete must be skillful and powerful, hence the word has come to mean `virile' and its associated noun, machismo , `virility.","text2":"Alamo, the greatly revered site of the Texas defeat by Santa Ana. ","label":-1,"idx":7435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The school will devote the year to educating both internal and external groups about advancements in oral health care and how those advancements benefit citizens from around the state and elsewhere.","text2":"The school will dedicate this year to the education about progress in oral health care and how the advancements help citizens everywhere.","label":-1,"idx":7436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Another entry under L is Laadan , a language constructed by linguist Suzette Hayden Elgin and first used in her science fiction novel Native Tongue , a language which is designed to contain many woman function words not included in English.","text2":"Most woman function words in Laadan can be found in English.","label":-1,"idx":7437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not sure that I should have characterized the perpetuation of obsolete or archaic meanings as counterproductive : perhaps wrong, misleading, ambiguous, or old-fashioned would have been closer to the mark; phrased another way, I must agree that people ought to use words in their current senses if they expect to be understood.","text2":"I think people should you words they way they're meant to be used in today's contexts if they'd like to be understood.","label":-1,"idx":7438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. Davidson's observations on the Scottishness of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary [XV,1] bear out my own formed over sixteen years of using one.","text2":"Mr. Davidson's findings contradict my own opinions of the Scottishness of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary [XV,1].","label":-1,"idx":7439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On behalf of all IUSD students, I would like to personally thank you for your past support of dental education.","text2":"The students of IUSD are grateful for donations.","label":-1,"idx":7440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two trends over the past twenty-five years have compounded the problems inherent in the traditional retail model.","text2":"The two trends originated in Europe and spread quickly. ","label":-1,"idx":7441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Steve Cauthens has devoted his life to resurfacing.","text2":"Steve Cauthen doesn't have a life outside of resurfacing.","label":-1,"idx":7442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As literary critics, feminists look not only at images of women in literature but at women as writers and readers.","text2":"There are many literary critics in the world.","label":-1,"idx":7443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were heading east, not north, for three reasons.","text2":"There was no reason for the Langley fighters to be heading east.","label":-1,"idx":7444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other vital contexts for adult-child engagement include everyday routines and duties, mealtimes, and television viewing.","text2":"There is no correlation between child behavior and the role of adults. ","label":-1,"idx":7445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However you like.","text2":"No way you like.","label":-1,"idx":7446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Rousseau, adult training served only to thwart the child's inherently perceptive intelligence and moral sense, which unfolded naturally as children moved through a sequence of developmental stages.","text2":"Adult training thwarted child smartness and sense of morality, Rousseau wrote.","label":-1,"idx":7447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please make check payable to the Indiana University Foundation.","text2":"Please make all checks payable to Buffalo Bill Inc. ","label":-1,"idx":7448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The award was presented at the annual All-Class Reunion in front of over 500 family, friends, and alumni of Dear Old Cathedral.","text2":"Receiving the award is always a great honor.","label":-1,"idx":7449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other significant editorial the Feminist Dictionary lexicogaphers refuse to label a word like herstory a coinage.","text2":"Lexicographers have issues with words like herstory.","label":-1,"idx":7450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once they are developed or altered, and their fragile ecosystems are disrupted, we lose them forever.","text2":"Once ecosystems are altered, they become stronger and flourish.","label":-1,"idx":7451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, beyond my grandparents I hadn't seen any of them, I guess, but they began to take on a personality and something I could kind of see in my imagination.","text2":"I can't imagine them, there's just not enough to work with because I haven't met them.","label":-1,"idx":7452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ted Olson asked for her location and she replied that the aircraft was then flying over houses.","text2":"She replied the aircraft was flying over mountains when Ted Olsen asked her location.","label":-1,"idx":7453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Exercise planners also assumed that the aircraft would originate from outside the United States, allowing time to identify the target and scramble interceptors.","text2":"The planners accounted for possible domestic hijackings.","label":-1,"idx":7454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this may seem obvious today, Wanamaker shook up the existing retail world in the 1870s by seeking to understand his customers' preferences as a basis for making merchandising choices.","text2":"The customers felt like they were valued more highly since their preferences were being catered to.","label":-1,"idx":7455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, a complete economic analysis of the appropriate parameters for an (s, S) or (R, s, S) policy must include consideration of some of the softer costs and benefits of inventory.","text2":"A complete economic analysis of the appropriate parameters policy must consider cost-benefit analysis.","label":-1,"idx":7456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Until the emergence of mass retail, the wholesaler-jobber dominated the distribution of consumer dry goods to general clothing, upholstered furnishings, hardware, drugs, tobacco, furniture, china, and glassware.","text2":"The wholesale-jobber made more money from selling drugs than glassware.","label":-1,"idx":7457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and everything like that, because the people like that are the ones that are disappointed the most and then like end up nowhere.","text2":"I feel sorry for those people who are disappointed all the time and end up nowhere.","label":-1,"idx":7458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the early attachment bond that builds between caregiver and baby during the first year of life.","text2":"There is no significant bond between a caregiver and a baby.","label":-1,"idx":7459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And there was a wounded, a wounded woman by, by a bullet too, that they had brought, since she was a nurse, and there we were.","text2":"A wounded woman was wounded by a bullet.","label":-1,"idx":7460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the down words, they prefer turning up, traveling North , etc.","text2":"Put words in the opposite direction. ","label":-1,"idx":7461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, but it's not real.","text2":"True, but that's never happened before.","label":-1,"idx":7462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Exercise planners also assumed that the aircraft would originate from outside the United States, allowing time to identify the target and scramble interceptors.","text2":"Creators of the exercise had counted on the planes having an overseas origin.","label":-1,"idx":7463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What about fictional stories?","text2":"Do you write fictional stories?","label":-1,"idx":7464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He claimed it was more important for Muslims to kill Americans than to kill other infidels.","text2":"The kill Americans first strategy was very popular among terrorists.","label":-1,"idx":7465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gung-ho was popularized in WWII by Lt.Evans Fordyce Carlson.","text2":"Fordyce Carlson invented gung-ho.","label":-1,"idx":7466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of, it was nice.","text2":"It wasn't nice, I hated it.","label":-1,"idx":7467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(In Figure 7.1, the high volume 46-regular has a low Cv of 0.55.","text2":"In Figure 8.1, the high volume 46-regular has a low CV of 0.75.","label":-1,"idx":7468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouts of Hoosier Capital Council would like to invite you to join us in an investment opportunity---an investment in our future business and community leaders.","text2":"Girl Scouts would like you to invest at least 3,000 dollars in this investment opportunity.","label":-1,"idx":7469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the friction between the table and the cloth will leave this layer ( ply ) of cloth stretched; just how much will depend on the amount of friction between the two.","text2":"Certain tables produce higher friction than others, and that has to be taken into account when designing them.","label":-1,"idx":7470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Take him to the First Med Place.","text2":"First Med Place is somewhere you can take people.","label":-1,"idx":7471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the conclusions drawn by the OED's definers and commentators often cannot be supported by citational evidence'at least, not the citational evidence that appears in the published work.","text2":"OED has provided evidence so that you know what you are reading is true.","label":-1,"idx":7472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We asked a screening expert to review the videotape of the hand-wanding, and he found the quality of the screener's work to have been marginal at best.","text2":"A screening expert reviewed the videotape of the hand-wanding, and found that the screener's work was some of the best work he had ever seen.","label":-1,"idx":7473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the other hand, figurative or exaggerated expression would probably have been a simplified improvement over metaphorical or hyperbolic expression, which might be tough going for someone who had to look up literally to begin with.","text2":"Someone who needs help with the word \"literally\" would find the words \"metaphorical or hyperbolic\" easier to understand than \"figurative or exaggerated.\"","label":-1,"idx":7474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft was in a rapid descent.","text2":"The aircraft was ready for a quick descent. ","label":-1,"idx":7475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My first recollection I was three.","text2":"I was three, the first I remember.","label":-1,"idx":7476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can write my name on the deposit slip.","text2":"I can put my name on the slip.","label":-1,"idx":7477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shared activities were especially crucial for children of mothers who had increased their hours of employment during the preceding 3 years, often from part-time to full-time.","text2":"Some mothers are working more hours at their jobs.","label":-1,"idx":7478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us not forget marijuana which is simply `Mary Jane' in Mexico, or cucaracha , the `cockroach' that entered English via a popular song.","text2":"Mary Jane is a colloquial name for marijuana","label":-1,"idx":7479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President stated that he called the President to discuss the rules of engagement for the CAP.","text2":"The VP said he called the president to discuss the rules of engagement in case a war was imminent.","label":-1,"idx":7480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Second, NEADS did not have accurate information on the location of United 93.","text2":"NEADS had only a suspected location of the aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":7481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This had the effect of puzzling some clerks, of occasionally leading to communication (finger-pinching for clothespins worked, for example), and most often of bringing out the clerks' sense of humor, expressed in good-natured if frustrated laughter.","text2":"Very few could understand the nature of the question, though it did amuse them.","label":-1,"idx":7482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several passengers had terminated phone calls with loved ones in order to join the revolt.","text2":"There was a revolt aboard the flight that passengers had started.","label":-1,"idx":7483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is much more efficient than most other non-profits and government-run programs.","text2":"This is a lot more efficient than most non-profits.","label":-1,"idx":7484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In general, to maximize operating profit, a manufacturer must know the factory's overall cycle time, work-in-process carrying costs, finished or hanging goods carrying costs, unit production costs, and unit selling price, as well as the Cv for each SKU of a given style.","text2":"Factory cycle times are important for manufacturers to know when maximizing operating profit.","label":-1,"idx":7485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was initial resistance, however.","text2":"The resistance faded quickly.","label":-1,"idx":7486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let our families and children know that you want them to have the same kinds of memories of the holidays you will have.","text2":"We want you to have great holiday memories and to wish the same for our families and children.","label":-1,"idx":7487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Admittedly, lowing is also onomatopoeic.","text2":"Lowing is admittedly onomatopoeic.","label":-1,"idx":7488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Died with both feet and talking the whole way.","text2":"Everything was pretty quiet during his death, he lost both feet too.","label":-1,"idx":7489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did the wolf ever eat her?","text2":"Did the wolf catch her and eat her?","label":-1,"idx":7490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the 1970s onward, religion had become an increasingly powerful force in Pakistani politics.","text2":"Religion became a more powerful force in Pakistani politics beginning in the 1970s leading to more extremism in that country. ","label":-1,"idx":7491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Acting Deputy Administrator Belger was frustrated to learn later in the morning that the military had not been on the call.","text2":"The Administrator was angry at the military.","label":-1,"idx":7492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one at FAA headquarters ever asked for military assistance with American 77.","text2":"People at FAA headquarters were too shy to ask for military assistance.","label":-1,"idx":7493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their conservatism?","text2":"They are not liberal at all.","label":-1,"idx":7494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the Clubhouse Monitor at Bent Tree Apartments, he now provides customer service for 50 to 60 tenants each night.","text2":"He now provides customer service for 50 to 60 tenants each night, at the Clubhouse Monitor at Bent Tree Apartments.","label":-1,"idx":7495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Past experience suggests, however, that in this field voluntary measures need to be reinforced by regulatory authority.","text2":"Regulatory authority will not be necessary to reinforce these measures.","label":-1,"idx":7496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On September 11, Captain John Ogonowski and First Officer Thomas McGuinness piloted the Boeing 767.","text2":"The pilots of Boeing 767 on September 11 were Captain John Ogonowski and First Officer Thomas McGuinness.","label":-1,"idx":7497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anent earlier items by Timothy Hayes [XI, 4] and by Richard Lederer [XII, 4] on the oxymoron , I submit some oxymora found in local ","text2":"Oxymorons are when two words are placed together that are opposites of each other. ","label":-1,"idx":7498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The weight of this fictional weaponry has popularized the death ray from its pulp SF origins to serious contemporary consideration as laser technology has advanced.","text2":"Contemporary thought claims that, no matter how advanced laser technology is, a death ray is not possible.","label":-1,"idx":7499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Acting Deputy Administrator Belger was frustrated to learn later in the morning that the military had not been on the call.","text2":"Belger was glad the military did not help out.","label":-1,"idx":7500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers probably did not know how to operate the cockpit radio communication system correctly, and thus inadvertently broadcast their message over the air traffic control channel instead of the cabin public-address channel.","text2":"The hijackers accidentally broadcast their message over the air traffic control channel instead of the cabin public-address channel, probably because they were too stupid to know how to operate the cockpit radio correctly.","label":-1,"idx":7501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is important because aggregate inventory volatility has historically made up a significant portion of the volatility of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).","text2":"A large part of GDP consists of aggregate inventory volatility.","label":-1,"idx":7502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We lived in uh, in dairy land country and uh, little things you missed which now I don't know if I like or not.","text2":"I didn't like living in dairy land country.","label":-1,"idx":7503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"kibitzer `one who comments, often in the form of unwanted advice, during a game, often cards.","text2":"A kititzer comments when they aren't asked to, annoying people.","label":-1,"idx":7504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the past our relationship with the City has been quite good, but we have never been able to achieve 100 percent funding for the services the City expects and that which the community requires.","text2":"While we have had a poor relationship with the city, they've always funded us 100 percent.","label":-1,"idx":7505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She closed the door, and Ines said to me, What are we going to do with Luis Alonso?","text2":"We knew if he stayed with us we could be arrested.","label":-1,"idx":7506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And be more productive when you have this sense of honoring and valuing.","text2":"There is no reason to honor or value anything, because it does not affect productivity.","label":-1,"idx":7507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, um, Little Women, that was and, now I had three older sisters, and I always kind of envisioned us patterned after Little Women, and, because there were four girls in that family and I loved that story; read it over and over again.","text2":"My least favourite book to read was a story called Little Women. ","label":-1,"idx":7508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were also rootless but experienced operatives, such as Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who-though not necessarily formal members of someone else's organization-were traveling around the world and joining in projects that were supported by or linked to Bin Ladin, the Blind Sheikh, or their associates.","text2":"Bin Ladin was not formally linked to Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, but was supported by them.","label":-1,"idx":7509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, as far as having an impact on me, I guess, uh, being a good girl and doing all the right things.","text2":"In regards to its impact, it encouraged me to be a good girl. ","label":-1,"idx":7510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The four men boarded the plane between 7:39 and 7:48.","text2":"The men got on the plane between 7:39 and 7:48 in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":7511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" It's a pacifier, explained Sophie, renaming the object.","text2":"Sophie did not know how to call the object.","label":-1,"idx":7512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A minute later, Flight 11 turned south.","text2":"A few minutes later, Flight 11 was in trouble. ","label":-1,"idx":7513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" When did he land?","text2":"When did she land?","label":-1,"idx":7514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, he claimed that the world was beset with barbarism, licentiousness, and unbelief (a condition he called jahiliyya, the religious term for the period of ignorance prior to the revelations given to the Prophet Mohammed).","text2":"It was his belief that people across the globe are more rational and pious than at any time in history.","label":-1,"idx":7515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Minutes went by and word arrived of an aircraft down in Pennsylvania.","text2":"After several minutes, word came in that an aircraft had crashed in Pennsylvania and there were no survivors.","label":-1,"idx":7516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It can be done, but it is rare.","text2":"It is never attempted because it is impossible.","label":-1,"idx":7517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Club is made up of alumni, faculty, staff and friends who support the school with annual gifts of $100 or more.","text2":"The Club is made up of over two hundred supportive members.","label":-1,"idx":7518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Henry Henn gets a linguistic maggie's drawers for 'Nam, Gook, Gung- Nonsense [XIV,2].","text2":"Henry wanted to get drawers for 'Nam.","label":-1,"idx":7519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again, the normalized data highlights the weekly deviation from the average demand.","text2":"An average demand can be calculated weekly.","label":-1,"idx":7520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But British law strictly prohibited the export of drawings, plans, or models of these new technologies.","text2":"Exporting drawings of these new technologies is not allowed under British law.","label":-1,"idx":7521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, your Class of 1943 celebrates its golden anniversary, and it's time once again to reminisce about your days at DePauw.","text2":"The class of 1943 is not celebrating their anniversary this year.","label":-1,"idx":7522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His sociocultural theory has thoroughly collectivist cultural roots.","text2":"The theory's roots are extremely anti-collectivist.","label":-1,"idx":7523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They matter, and our support to them matters.","text2":"They themselves deeply appreciate our support. ","label":-1,"idx":7524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The relationship between al Qaeda and Iran demonstrated that Sunni-Shia divisions did not necessarily pose an insurmountable barrier to cooperation in terrorist operations.","text2":"Iran's relationship with Al Queda proved that Sunni-Shia infighting, doesn't come into play when it comes to attacking the west they are united.","label":-1,"idx":7525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his poem Mr Nixon (from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ), Ezra Pound's Mr. Nixon advises kindly","text2":"Mr. Nixon doesn't advise and isn't kind.","label":-1,"idx":7526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From its inception, the IDA Pursuit of Excellence Fund has supported and rewarded faculty for unique and outstanding effort on behalf of dentistry.","text2":"The IDA pursuit of excellence fund doesn't give anything to anyone. ","label":-1,"idx":7527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please sent yours to the author, c\/o Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 01867, not to VERBATIM.","text2":"Addison-Wesley is happy to read your letters and fix your problems.","label":-1,"idx":7528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyone who doubts the impact of the proper use of simple language should read (or reread) Knut Hamsun's Growth of the Soil . Though a translation, it puts English polysyllabicity to shame.","text2":"Knut Hamsun's Growth of the Soil uses simple language.","label":-1,"idx":7529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we need to scramble Langley right now.","text2":"Langley would be better equipped to deal with the situation.","label":-1,"idx":7530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . These guys are smart.","text2":"They are intelligent. ","label":-1,"idx":7531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An order to an apparel factory'whether from a retailer, jobber, or a manufacturer contracting out different stages of the work'specifies the total number of units to be made of a particular design, with a given fabric, and with a certain number of units in each size.","text2":"An order to an apparel factory only includes the number of units needed.","label":-1,"idx":7532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about the day that um, how about the day that I would, to help you with the two by six's.","text2":"You don't know how to work with the two by six's, do you?","label":-1,"idx":7533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The estimates of misfirings like this run as high as fifteen percent by those who fire flintlocks these days, when the expression signifies an intense but short-lived success or a person who fails to live up to his or her early promise.","text2":"The expression refers to people who experience steady, long-lasting success.","label":-1,"idx":7534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many reasons for this shift away from home sewing, including the growing number of women in the labor force.","text2":"Home sewing has never experienced any shifts away from it.","label":-1,"idx":7535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The gift that I am asking you to make will be used to continue our mission of helping people prepare for, find and keep jobs.","text2":"In order to continue our mission of helping prepare for and find and keep jobs, I am asking you to make a gift.","label":-1,"idx":7536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We maintain a kind of juggling act as we try to keep tuition costs in line.","text2":"We juggle trying to keep tuition costs reasonable. ","label":-1,"idx":7537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They know.","text2":"They are aware, but lacking knowledge. ","label":-1,"idx":7538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In contrast, a men's dress suit might be cut from a single ply, or from five or six plies of the same or different material.","text2":"Men's dress suits are one of the few ways in which men's garments demonstrate more variety.","label":-1,"idx":7539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not anymore, no.","text2":"It's been a while and I don't see it happening again.","label":-1,"idx":7540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, the bond here is Banquo's lease on life and his fatherhood, with great alluding to the supernatural powers of the witches, especially the Third Witch.","text2":"It makes a strong allusion to the Third Witch's supernatural power.","label":-1,"idx":7541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Air traffic controllers heard the transmission; Ong did not.","text2":"Ong was unable to hear the transmission.","label":-1,"idx":7542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And they've picked you, he said to me. ","text2":"He said to me that I have been selected by them.","label":-1,"idx":7543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Opponents of today's rulers have few, if any, ways to participate in the existing political system.","text2":"The current political system hinders the participation of the opponents of today's rulers.","label":-1,"idx":7544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . These guys are smart.","text2":"We did not think they were intelligent. ","label":-1,"idx":7545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pull it down!","text2":"Bring it down.","label":-1,"idx":7546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last but not least, responding to lean retailing requirements ultimately necessitates much more sophisticated demand forecasting, production planning, and manufacturing strategies than the practices employed by traditional suppliers.","text2":"Responding to retail requirements requires intricate foresight into how much demand there will be.","label":-1,"idx":7547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mass customization involves a number of preassembly innovations.","text2":"Customization involves a lot of innovations for preassembly of suits.","label":-1,"idx":7548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You help Jameson campers reach for them.","text2":"You didn't help Jameson campers at all.","label":-1,"idx":7549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thousands of residents still live in sub-standard conditions, our teen pregnancy rate is the highest in the state, only one-third of residents have high school diplomas, and half of our residents have little hope of participating in community improvements because they do not own their home.","text2":"Most residents are unable to provide adequately for their families due to the lack of education and ability to adapt their skills. ","label":-1,"idx":7550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we obtain our goal soon, the fund can begin to be used for excellence in teaching and research.","text2":"The funding will be used for research.","label":-1,"idx":7551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, among the Zinacanteco Indians of southern Mexico, girls become expert weavers of complex garments through the informal guidance of adults.","text2":"Girls of the Zinacanteco Indians of southern Mexico are fast learners, learning to weave with just a little help from adults.","label":-1,"idx":7552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, the NEADS mission crew commander was dealing with the arrival of the Langley fighters over Washington, D.C., sorting out what their orders were with respect to potential targets.","text2":"Langley fighters were due to arrive over Washington, DC.","label":-1,"idx":7553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The YWCA is housed at the YWCA Resource and Conference Center on 22 beautiful acres of grounds including amenities such as a 50 meter olympic-size outdoor pool with attached junior and baby pools, equipped playground, shelter and picnic areas, basketball court, soccer and softball fields.","text2":"The YWCA has been located here since it was founded.","label":-1,"idx":7554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouting benefits parent\/child relationships.","text2":"Involvement in Girl Scouts weakens the closeness of parent and child.","label":-1,"idx":7555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our dad started going o on vacations by himself when holidays rolled around, so family get-togethers were rare.","text2":"Our dad started vacationing with us.","label":-1,"idx":7556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we described in Chapter 4, many have transformed their warehouses into modern distribution centers to facilitate the receipt and distribution of these smaller orders.","text2":"The fourth chapter included description of how quite a few have made distribution centers out of their warehouses.","label":-1,"idx":7557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is almost certain to be in your area.","text2":"In your area, one is almost certain to be there.","label":-1,"idx":7558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution may also be used to support our year-round programs for children.","text2":"The money you donate might be used to help kids.","label":-1,"idx":7559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not entirely in agreement with the RHD treatment, for, personally, I believe that youth has lately appeared more and more often in context like youth center, youth rehabilitation , etc., where the context is clearly common-gender, and the foregoing is merely set out as a warning to those who try to predict what lexicographers are likely to do.","text2":"The phrase youth has entered the regular vocabulary in a many non gender specific ways.","label":-1,"idx":7560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But all experts agree that subtle, sensitive, and mutually rewarding exchanges between parent and baby serve as the earliest context for intersubjectivity.","text2":"But all experts would agree that subtle rewarding exchanges between parent and baby serve as the earliest context for intersubjectivity. ","label":-1,"idx":7561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're talking a lot about stories and, um, novels and children's books, was there any poetry that was your favorite?","text2":"We were discussing stories such as novels and children's books.","label":-1,"idx":7562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His use of the word tank to refer to a hollowed-out reservoir ( Gibson dug a small tank and the water soon cleared ) antedates the OED , for instance.","text2":"Using the word tank to talk about a hollowed-out reservoir is not accepted anymore.","label":-1,"idx":7563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A hijacker responded,No.","text2":"The hijacker said no in a firm voice. ","label":-1,"idx":7564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The teens have also decided to raise money to provide camperships for other campers because they know what Jameson has meant to them.","text2":"The teens thoroughly dislike the Jameson Camp","label":-1,"idx":7565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Sudanese government had canceled the registration of the main business enterprises he had set up there and then put some of them up for public sale.","text2":"Their government had his business registration dissolved and sold some of them off.","label":-1,"idx":7566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is possible that NORAD commanders would have ordered a shootdown in the absence of the authorization communicated by the Vice President, but given the gravity of the decision to shoot down a commercial airliner, and NORAD's caution that a mistake not be made, we view this possibility as unlikely.","text2":"NORAD commanders had the ability to order a shootdown.","label":-1,"idx":7567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" One scholar, Allen Josephs of the University of West Florida, surmised that from duquendio or duquende to duende is a short step, especially in Andalusia, where gypsy mastery would be precisely flamenco mastery. ","text2":"Allen Josephs is considered the most influential scholar in florida.","label":-1,"idx":7568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had a small poodle named Fifi, it was disgusting, but I learned uh, you know how you learn respect for, for people in, in, different ways um, for you know, for all Grandpop didn't say much Grandpop had more love and affection for that dog and showed it to that dog probably more than most parents show to their kids today.","text2":"Fifi was never shown love and affection.","label":-1,"idx":7569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' This 19th-century neologism was obviously derived directly from the -nd marker of the active gerund in Latin, which suggests the therapist (active agent) rather than the patient (the recipient, the one the treatment acts upon).","text2":"Neologism is a Latin term which describes a therapist who treats patients.","label":-1,"idx":7570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We now turn to the role of national leadership in the events that morning.","text2":"Let's look at the role of the victims during the events that morning.","label":-1,"idx":7571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" On Modern Marriage' is a very badly written essay ...and the reader wants to shout, Martial your thoughts! ","text2":"The essay is terrible because the author has never been married.","label":-1,"idx":7572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So long, Space Cadets!","text2":"Hello space cadets! ","label":-1,"idx":7573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"96 percent (173) of the 177 at-risk children enrolled in St. Mary's early childhood program demonstrated an increase in their social, emotional, physical, cognitive, speech and language development.","text2":"96% of at-risk kids improved their skills.","label":-1,"idx":7574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a pretty good distance.","text2":"The walk was a pretty good distance.","label":-1,"idx":7575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Latin may provide a good analogy to what I experienced in Japan.","text2":"My experience in Japan was unforgettable.","label":-1,"idx":7576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She would have a better chance of getting help and delivering a healthy baby if she lived in Sweden.","text2":"Getting help and having a healthy baby would be more likely in Sweden.","label":-1,"idx":7577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do not know when the word, standing alone, came into common use with an explicit sexual sense.","text2":"When the word is used in conjunction with another, the sexual inference becomes diluted.","label":-1,"idx":7578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The size of retail establishments also grew during this period because of two important trends.","text2":"Retail establishments increased in size during this time period.","label":-1,"idx":7579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dozens of additional militants arrived on later flights.","text2":"The militants used state-sponsored aircraft for transportation.","label":-1,"idx":7580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is she who had addressed Macbeth, in I. ii, as that shalt be king hereafter. ","text2":"This women was the mother of Macbeth.","label":-1,"idx":7581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What did Pierre always say?","text2":"What was the phrase Pierre always said?","label":-1,"idx":7582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One hopes he will continue his annual chronicle.","text2":"One can hope he will cease his annual chronicles.","label":-1,"idx":7583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your support of Social Health Association can help us make a real difference in the lives of our children.","text2":"Your donation to Social Health Association will help children.","label":-1,"idx":7584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although we continue to track down criminals who did their dirt in WWII, we do business with and carry on other normal relations with the descendants of the Nazis and of those who bombed Pearl Harbor.","text2":"There has been a continuity of business with descendants of Nazis.","label":-1,"idx":7585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such spellings and soundings are hardly surprising, however delightful.","text2":"The spellings and sounds were quite surprising when I first noticed them.","label":-1,"idx":7586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I guess, actually it would, because in high school, I was on a State cheerleading championship squad, and they don't have squads like that up north as much, my cousins tell me from their high school.","text2":"Up north has the same cheerleading squads as here. ","label":-1,"idx":7587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about does Mommy ever tell you any stories?","text2":"Does your dad tell you stories?","label":-1,"idx":7588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one who generously supports the law school, you understand the importance of alumni contributions in providing an excellent legal education for our students.","text2":"You will give generously again, as you have done in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":7589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was improvised by civilians who had never handled a hijacked aircraft that attempted to disappear, and by a military unprepared for the transformation of commercial aircraft into weapons of mass destruction.","text2":"The commercial aircraft was never suspected by the authorities to be used to cause destruction.","label":-1,"idx":7590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, time went on.","text2":"Life went on.","label":-1,"idx":7591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was notified at 9:34 that American 77 was lost.","text2":"American 77 was confirmed to be lost at 9:34.","label":-1,"idx":7592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember any stories or do you have any stories about your grandparents?","text2":"What do you remember about your grandparents?","label":-1,"idx":7593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Clue syntax deserves a more thorough examination than space permits; but perhaps it would be best to comment on some aspects of the ethics of compiling clues.","text2":"Compiling clues can be ethically suspect.","label":-1,"idx":7594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Real work.","text2":"Real ponies","label":-1,"idx":7595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had my head up between ceiling joists nailing rafters glanced off the rafter and hit myself in the head with a hammer.","text2":"I was nailing rafters and I hit myself in the head with a hammer.","label":-1,"idx":7596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Immediately thereafter it was reported that a plane had hit the Pentagon.","text2":"The Pentagon impact was reported with many other relevant events.","label":-1,"idx":7597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you wouldn't stay in Charlotte?","text2":"It's great that you are staying in Charlotte.","label":-1,"idx":7598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the new dean for Engineering and Technology I am delighted to have this opportunity to contact you.","text2":"The dean of Engineering and Technology has been working here for five years.","label":-1,"idx":7599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each of them defines a separate meaning of the answer.","text2":"Each of them defines a different meaning of answer. ","label":-1,"idx":7600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your tax-deductible contribution can make a measurable difference!","text2":"Your withdrawal can make a difference.","label":-1,"idx":7601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If I, he's like, You're not going to do anything, da-da-da.","text2":"He knows that I won't be doing anything anytime soon.","label":-1,"idx":7602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marquis soon realized this was an emergency and instructed the airline's dispatcher responsible for the flight to contact the cockpit.","text2":"The airline's dispatcher was successful in contacting the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":7603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The high cost and lack of production-floor flexibility after the mechanical conveyers are installed have limited the number of factories adopting these systems.","text2":"The number of factories adopting the use of mechanical conveyers are limited due to the high cost and lack of production-floor flexibility after they are installed.","label":-1,"idx":7604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, as the end of 1993 approaches, we ask that you remember what your law school education has meant to you and to support the Law School Annual Fund.","text2":"All alumni should donate to the fund.","label":-1,"idx":7605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We must pass this tradition along.","text2":"This tradition is highly valuable.","label":-1,"idx":7606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then her father introduces a special form of strategic thinking called distancing.","text2":"Distancing is an effective method of strategic thinking, introduced by her father.","label":-1,"idx":7607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens if they can't pay their heating or electric bill because of extreme temperatures?","text2":"With severe weather, what will occur if they aren't able to pay their utility bills?","label":-1,"idx":7608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bolten told us he wanted to make sure the President was told that the Vice President had executed the order.","text2":"Bolton was concerned that the President knew the Vice president executed the order.","label":-1,"idx":7609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd always been read to, so I think, yes, I mean I did read to my children, to you guys, to you and your brothers.","text2":"I remember my mother reading me stories and I wanted the experience for my children.","label":-1,"idx":7610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inventory carrying cost should reflect not only the cost of capital tied up in inventory, but also the risk of holding that inventory.","text2":"The risk of holding inventory is a cash flow problem.","label":-1,"idx":7611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because he knew that I was going to do what I wanted to do without disrespecting my parents or do anything like that because I was still like not going to run out in a rampage and kind and be like a horrible person, but it was just like my life now and--","text2":"I did not think my parents were worthy of my respect.","label":-1,"idx":7612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To stand and continue firing when under heavy attack on the battlefield took courage because artillerymen usually lacked infantry weapons.","text2":"The artillerymen ducked for cover when being shot at, as they were denied the necessary weapons to fight back. ","label":-1,"idx":7613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The next transmission came seconds American 11: Nobody move.","text2":"The highjackers took command of everyone involved. ","label":-1,"idx":7614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To put it differently, it is not (yet) the function of the dictionary to show that articles (definite or indefinite) are not usually found preceding man in senses 2 and 3 but are invariably present before sense 1 uses.","text2":"Articles are not usually found preceding man in sense 2.","label":-1,"idx":7615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This gift will help maintain our educational programs and labs so students will have the best training available.","text2":"Your gift isn't used to benefit students.","label":-1,"idx":7616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eleven seconds into the descent, the FAA's air traffic control center in Cleveland received the first of two radio transmissions from the aircraft.","text2":"FAA air traffic controllers got no radio messages from the plane.","label":-1,"idx":7617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each operation is assigned to a single worker, who receives a bundle of unfinished garment parts and undertakes her single operation on each item in the bundle.","text2":"Garments are created completely by machinery.","label":-1,"idx":7618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are losing natural areas and habitats at an alarming rate.","text2":"We must promote conservation efforts to prevent habitat loss.","label":-1,"idx":7619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Frustrated in their search for a decent living, unable to benefit from an education often obtained at the cost of great family sacrifice, and blocked from starting families of their own, some of these young men were easy targets for radicalization.","text2":"Families from the lower class have a hard time, and they often become radicalized.","label":-1,"idx":7620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing could stop you except perhaps retaliation in kind.","text2":"Not even a show of force could stop you.","label":-1,"idx":7621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't imagine not reading.","text2":"I read so very frequently whenever I have time to.","label":-1,"idx":7622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As can be seen from the chapter headings, some of the material is trivial, but nonetheless interesting for that.","text2":"There is stuff included that isn't important. ","label":-1,"idx":7623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Macroeconomic Inventories, Business Cycles, and Price Levels","text2":"High price levels.","label":-1,"idx":7624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Perhaps we ought to be saying street person for the first and working stiff for the second, but the first has been pre-empted and it seems a little incongruous to find anyone actively seeking to be called a stiff. ","text2":"Street person out to be the characterization for the second. ","label":-1,"idx":7625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please help good kids get better by sending us a contribution today.","text2":"Your contribution will help kids get better.","label":-1,"idx":7626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does he ever let you hammer things in?","text2":"Does he let you use a hammer?","label":-1,"idx":7627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing could stop you except perhaps retaliation in kind.","text2":"Retaliation may successfully stop you.","label":-1,"idx":7628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These two related historical issues'the ascendancy of a particular system of clothing assembly and the role of unions'have a direct bearing on what is now happening in retail-apparel-textile channels.","text2":"Retail-apparel-textile channels have never been impacted by unions.","label":-1,"idx":7629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another class, equally important in cryptoland, is that of Graphic Clue Elements.","text2":"There are many, many classes in cryptoland. ","label":-1,"idx":7630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who did you give that direction to?","text2":"Who did you neglect to give that direction to?","label":-1,"idx":7631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:48, a representative from the White House shelter asked if there were any indications of another hijacked aircraft.","text2":"The White House wanted to know if there were any other hijacked aircraft. ","label":-1,"idx":7632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution may also be used to support our year-round programs for children.","text2":"The charity takes donations from big companies.","label":-1,"idx":7633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, increasingly pressured adult lives have contributed to parental diculties in granting children the attention they need.","text2":"As parents have increased stress from their daily commutes, paying attention to their kids becomes harder.","label":-1,"idx":7634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Club is made up of alumni, faculty, staff and friends who support the school with annual gifts of $100 or more.","text2":"The Club is made up of members who contribute gifts to the school.","label":-1,"idx":7635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My first recollection I was three.","text2":"I think I was three the first time I ate jello egg.","label":-1,"idx":7636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lacking any evidence that the hijackers attempted to smuggle such illegal items past the security screening checkpoints, we believe the bombs were probably fake.","text2":"The bombs were probably fake, but we can't be sure because of the other failings of the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":7637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the less pleasant ways in which such rank can be pulled is to label the linguistically less secure illiterate. ","text2":"People in the Southern United States are often illiterate.","label":-1,"idx":7638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" In court, a prime CBS objective will be to refute characterizations of Adams by Westmoreland's witnesses as a rouge elephant within the CIA. ","text2":"CBS is involved in a court case.","label":-1,"idx":7639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' An appropriate name it is for the object in which we sit ourselves down to rest.","text2":"It's an appropriate name for something we rest in.","label":-1,"idx":7640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a surprise to hear, first, an American commentator on a televised golf tourney describe a reverse-necked putter colloquially, and then to hear the Japanese broadcaster translate that description into a terse sentence or two ending with the expression bassackawad putta. ","text2":"The American commentator's description was incorrect, and the translation fixed it.","label":-1,"idx":7641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't care what they call it.","text2":"I don't mind what they call it.","label":-1,"idx":7642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens when people are living on the edge -- barely able to survive ?\u20ac\u201c- and an unexpected emergency arises?","text2":"People living on the edge with no money, have no problems paying for an emergency.","label":-1,"idx":7643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our founders underwrite administrative and fundraising costs so that other contributions go to provide services to the, children and their families.","text2":"Our founders aren't happy to underwrite the administrative and fund raising costs.","label":-1,"idx":7644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They echo the old question, posed regularly by missionaries, anthropologists, and linguists, as to whether women speak (or chatter, a word used only for females and nonhumans) a different language, a dialect, a genderlect with each other and with men, whether they can, do, or should speak what the title of Dale Spender's book calls Man Made Language . The answers often appear in measured, academic prose.","text2":"They ask the question that has been asked time and time again.","label":-1,"idx":7645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, there were names like The Pokey Little Puppy, um, Mr. Bear Squash You All Flat, um, just, they were just little stories about animals and they had Big Golden Books and Little Golden Books and my mother, I know she bought me every one of them and read them to me.","text2":"I can recall almost all the names of the characters in the stories. ","label":-1,"idx":7646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thousands of young women helped to build the church of God with their body, blood and bones when frenzied fathers, husbands or fianc??s preferred to see them die by fire, sword or the fangs of wild beasts rather than live to flout [sic] the duty and destiny of womanhood.","text2":"Thousands of women would have died rather than be slaves to the \"duty and destiny\" of womanhood. ","label":-1,"idx":7647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"1 suggests that the most innovative firms are able to produce and deliver their products in less than half the time of the least innovative apparel suppliers.","text2":"Innovative firms carry less debt.","label":-1,"idx":7648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Panting red pants into the West.","text2":"Longing for colorful trousers into the West all week.","label":-1,"idx":7649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the 9:36 call to NEADS about the unidentified aircraft a few miles from the White House, the Langley fighters were ordered to Washington, D.C.","text2":"The fighters flew at full speed to Washington.","label":-1,"idx":7650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1998, we served a total of 31,484 low-income individuals through job training and placement assistance, youth and senior programming, family counseling, emergency assistance, and much more.","text2":"All of the individuals that we have helped have expressed gratitude for the organization and in someway depend on it.","label":-1,"idx":7651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This retreading of English, this adjusting of it, altering it, bandaging, and plastering it to promote a particular vision of society is the most widely perceived activity of feminists interested in language.","text2":"Feminists who are interested in language tend to make dramatic changes to English.","label":-1,"idx":7652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do not know when the word, standing alone, came into common use with an explicit sexual sense.","text2":"Using the word by itself is rare, especially during topics of a sexual nature.","label":-1,"idx":7653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just off on your own adventure with never a thought about us.","text2":"We have been in touch with you recently. ","label":-1,"idx":7654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Looks for a piece resembling the clown's shoes but tries the wrong one)","text2":"(Searches for an item resembling the clown's shoes, but tries the wrong one)","label":-1,"idx":7655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Less than a minute later, the Cleveland controller and the pilots of aircraft in the vicinity heard a radio transmission of unintelligible sounds of possible screaming or a struggle from an unknown origin.","text2":"The screaming abruptly came to an end and the controller was unable to identify the plane.","label":-1,"idx":7656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From there I went to a place called Battery Studios, which had everything that, that I was looking for.","text2":"Battery Studios was the worst.","label":-1,"idx":7657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mission Crew Commander, This is what I foresee that we probably need to do.","text2":"This is what I'm thinking about doing.","label":-1,"idx":7658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He appeals to people disoriented by cyclonic change as they confront modernity and globalization.","text2":"People who are disoriented by modernization find him appealing.","label":-1,"idx":7659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Definitely, I'm feeling the pressure from my dad.","text2":"My father intentionally puts a lot of pressure on me. ","label":-1,"idx":7660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of 9\/11, there were only 37 passengers on United 93-33 in addition to the 4 hijackers.","text2":"On 9\/11, there were less than 50 passengers on United 93-33.","label":-1,"idx":7661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And this time of year is an occasion to remember those not as fortunate as we are.","text2":"We should remember less fortunate people at this time of year.","label":-1,"idx":7662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, \/\/ she would have smoking all the whole way.","text2":"You know very well that she'd be smoking this entire way here if she were still alive.","label":-1,"idx":7663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens if their children get sick?","text2":"What is going to be done if their kids get killed?","label":-1,"idx":7664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is she who had addressed Macbeth, in I. ii, as that shalt be king hereafter. ","text2":"Someone spoke to Macbeth in the play.","label":-1,"idx":7665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As it turns out, Fleance escapes to fulfill the prophecy of Banquo begetting a line of kings.","text2":"If Fleance didn't escape he would not have fullfilled a prophecy.","label":-1,"idx":7666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When plies of cloth are piled high'a foot or more is not unusual'there are often wrinkles in the plies after they are cut.","text2":"Plies of cloth can be piled very high, without any wrinkles in the plies after cutting.","label":-1,"idx":7667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin bolstered his links to extremists in South and Southeast Asia, including the Malaysian-Indonesian JI and several Pakistani groups engaged in the Kashmir conflict.","text2":"Bin Ladin developed ties with Pakistani groups fighting in Kashmir.","label":-1,"idx":7668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The best dictionary for me is the one that gives about the word or phrase that puzzles me the information I need at the moment I need it.","text2":"The best dictionaries only contain words that are commonly misunderstood by the general population.","label":-1,"idx":7669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of 9\/11, there were only 37 passengers on United 93-33 in addition to the 4 hijackers.","text2":"There were no passengers on United 93-33 that day. ","label":-1,"idx":7670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So American 11 isn't the hijack at all then, right?","text2":"The American 11 tragedy could have been caused by technical airplane problems.","label":-1,"idx":7671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a good thing that the technical staff at MicroSoft is not being asked to field questions about its Spelling Check; I am not sure I would want to hear the answers.","text2":"The MicroSoft staff did not make a good spelling check","label":-1,"idx":7672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They live similar lives, conduct similar courses, and with similar subventions go to similar conferences and give similar papers on every continent (much as David Lodge describes them in Small World ). They are not as tightly knit as other fraternities, past and present (Knights Templar, Freemasons, Jesuits, Mafia, Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross, corporate executives of Coca-Cola or Chrysler, or managers of labor unions).","text2":"The uniformity of their courses and papers is a deliberate tactic to create a coherent message.","label":-1,"idx":7673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Within the next 20 minutes, they would be followed by Hani Hanjour and two brothers, Nawaf al Hazmi and Salem al Hazmi.","text2":"Nawaf al Hazmi and Salem al Hazmi were working with Hani Hanjour while following them.","label":-1,"idx":7674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So what did you actually do?","text2":"What did you do?","label":-1,"idx":7675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in line with what we have said about narrative as a vital context for negotiating diering viewpoints, discussions in which family members disagree about feelings seem particularly helpful in prompting children to step back from the experience of emotion and refiect on its causes and consequences.","text2":"Disagreements between family members have no effect on children.","label":-1,"idx":7676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is much more efficient than most other non-profits and government-run programs.","text2":"This is a lot less efficient than most non-profits.","label":-1,"idx":7677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You treated me with dignity and made me and my child feel there was hope for the future.","text2":"You insulted me and my child and treated us poorly.","label":-1,"idx":7678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year's Annual Campaign goal is $65,000.","text2":"The $65,000 goal this year is $10,000 more than last year and would help the girls more than ever.","label":-1,"idx":7679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I also worked with The Roots while I was there and their sessions were just hectic.","text2":"The recording sessions were strictly business and very efficiently run.","label":-1,"idx":7680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Pakistan, a military regime sought to justify its seizure of power by a pious public stance and an embrace of unprecedented Islamist influence on education and society.","text2":"Within Pakistan there was a justification of a rise to power by putting forth a pious and good public stance.","label":-1,"idx":7681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, some families in our community are wrestling with the problem of providing a safe and caring environment for their children during, before and after school hours.","text2":"We are now offering in-house services to help provide safe environments. ","label":-1,"idx":7682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I still recall, and I'm sure your mother does too Whose woods these are, I think I know His house is in the village though; and I won't go beyond that but, uh, you recall that Gail, when we were, when I was in college and we were first dating that was a, a favorite poem of, uh, us and our friends.","text2":"The house that I recall is red with a white picket fence.","label":-1,"idx":7683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help in continuing the work of Jameson Camp.","text2":"The Jameson Camp is in trouble financially","label":-1,"idx":7684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin was conspicuous among the volunteers not because he showed evidence of religious learning but because he had access to some of his family's huge fortune.","text2":"Bin Ladin was notable because of his access to money.","label":-1,"idx":7685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The developments reported here offer a prototype of the new links among manufacturers, other suppliers, retailers, and consumers.","text2":"This report shows a sample of new links between manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and consumers.","label":-1,"idx":7686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Forster's A Passage to India (Chapter XXXI) a vivid picture is created by the sentence Tangles like this still interrupted their intercourse. ","text2":"Tangles interrupted the intercourse of a man and a tiger. ","label":-1,"idx":7687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had to make other adjustments as well, for some al Qaeda members viewed Bin Ladin's return to Afghanistan as occasion to go off in their own directions.","text2":"Al Qaeda members generally viewed Bin Ladin's return to Afghanistan as a negative event.","label":-1,"idx":7688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to a senior al Qaeda detainee, the government of Sudan seized everything Bin Ladin had possessed there.","text2":"The Sudanese government decided not to take Bin Laden's belongings.","label":-1,"idx":7689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Take him to the First Med Place.","text2":"You need to take him to the First Med Place so that he can get his rash checked out.","label":-1,"idx":7690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that hard for you?","text2":"Had that been simple for you? ","label":-1,"idx":7691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Muskrats, according to my encyclopedia, look like giant rats, are found in and around the mudbanks bordering marshes and quiet ponds, have partially webbed feet, and do a good deal of swimming.","text2":"Muskrats look like dogs.","label":-1,"idx":7692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When, all of a sudden, at daybreak, my, my brother went to, to bring a, to the well close by there, two jugs of water, his wife and he, and I stayed in the house, making coffee.","text2":"We had to go to the well ourselves to get water to make coffee. ","label":-1,"idx":7693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think they do that so much anymore.","text2":"I think they still do that.","label":-1,"idx":7694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The lean retailer can also transfer to its suppliers the functions (and costs) of creating floor-ready merchandise, activities that traditional retailers handled in the past.","text2":"Traditional retailers formerly handled creating floor-ready merchandise.","label":-1,"idx":7695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your continuing support of Indiana University.","text2":"Continuing to support Indiana University will eventually lead to a bad outcome.","label":-1,"idx":7696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NEADS air defenders never located the flight or followed it on their radar scopes.","text2":"The flight was not considered a problem by NEADS defenders.","label":-1,"idx":7697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you do feel like you like Charlotte as an area?","text2":"Do you think Charlotte is a place you'd like to stay long-term, buy a house?","label":-1,"idx":7698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' We use in their original Latin forms addenda and corrigenda meaning `things to be added\/corrected.","text2":"English is derived from classic Latin.","label":-1,"idx":7699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The news of a reported bomb on board United 93 spread quickly at NEADS.","text2":"News of a bomb didn't reach NEADS.","label":-1,"idx":7700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So who might assess these diplomaed assessors?","text2":"Who is well equipped to assess the assessors.","label":-1,"idx":7701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After Moqed set it off, a screener wanded him.","text2":"Moqed passed the wanding after setting it off.","label":-1,"idx":7702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Aux armes, citoyens ! Let us strive to get dictionary publishers to cry their wares in ways that allow us to compare them.","text2":"Dictionaries are very expensive.","label":-1,"idx":7703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They know that Hamlet and Lear are gay.","text2":"Hamlet and Lear are both bisexual.","label":-1,"idx":7704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It really did, because a lot of the people on my group, their friends were well off.","text2":"My friends were dirt poor.","label":-1,"idx":7705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have two sisters.","text2":"I have two younger sisters.","label":-1,"idx":7706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The woman prepared food, but she only gave it to the children.","text2":"She made the food but only served it to the children.","label":-1,"idx":7707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the following frequently quoted remarks, taken from a brief lecture in which Vygotsky eloquently summed up his conviction that pretend play is a central force in children's ","text2":"Vygotsky was so excited and animated when he held a brief lecture on children, which made it unforgettable. ","label":-1,"idx":7708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the law school's assistant dean for development, I am especially sensitive about our efforts to create new or increased sources of income.","text2":"I just do my job as an assistant dean, and no attachment to any of our efforts.","label":-1,"idx":7709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His goal was to provide the elegant shopping experience of major European boutiques while satisfying the American desire for product diversity.","text2":"He wanted to attract only American customers.","label":-1,"idx":7710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does that mean that the number of headwords equals the number of entries?","text2":"There should be as many headwords as entries?","label":-1,"idx":7711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This information, sent via EDI, can then be used to check incoming orders against purchase orders and authorize payments to suppliers.","text2":"The payments sent to suppliers is authorized with the information recieved.","label":-1,"idx":7712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The discussion by women about women's language is lively; the discussion of the related and complementary topic, women's silence, is elaborate, complex, and a bit sad.","text2":"The discussion of women's silence is elaborate and complex.","label":-1,"idx":7713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Woolf here suggests two lines of thought currently pursued by feminist linguists; feminists both seek to describe women's language and to explore the cluster of related conditions summarized under the rubric silence. ","text2":"The feminists rely on the patriarchal nature of human society to argue in favor of women's language.","label":-1,"idx":7714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in other narrative talk, the adult increases the complexity of his or her questioning to fit the child's language progress.","text2":"The adult will match the age level of the child when talking to them.","label":-1,"idx":7715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vice President has cleared.","text2":"No one knows where the vice president is.","label":-1,"idx":7716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was the first notice to the military that American 77 was missing, and it had come by chance.","text2":"The military was not told that American 77 was missing. ","label":-1,"idx":7717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the focus of a magnifying glass, play contains all developmental tendencies in condensed form and is itself a major source of development.","text2":"Play contains developmental tendencies for children to develop into adults.","label":-1,"idx":7718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saudi government arrested four perpetrators, who admitted being inspired by Bin Ladin.","text2":"No perpetrators were arrested by the Saudi government.","label":-1,"idx":7719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, suppliers must be capable of using this data to allocate production capacity between short-cycle (modular) and standard (progressive bundle system) production lines.","text2":"Suppliers don't need this data for any purposes at all.","label":-1,"idx":7720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Healthy Families New York is an effective voluntary home visiting program We train staff at sites across the state, and assist communities to develop the service for their families.","text2":"We have over 9000 locations across the state.","label":-1,"idx":7721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have become more open-minded, more responsible, and, most importantly, I have gained a lot more self-confidence.","text2":"There are many things one can learn.","label":-1,"idx":7722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've read The Cat in the Hat about 475 times.","text2":"I've read The Cat in the Hat nearly 500 times.","label":-1,"idx":7723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I guess the thing I remember most about my grandmother's personality is that she was extremely frugal.","text2":"My granny was the cheapest person I've ever known.","label":-1,"idx":7724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Take the words shot, shoot , and shooting . Sure as shooting, some hotshot big shot is bound to shoot the breeze and shoot this big mouth off about taking a cheap shot potshot at some troubleshooting competitor.","text2":"There are very few expressions about shooting in common language.","label":-1,"idx":7725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sure as shootin', I've just shot my wad'lock, stock, and barrel'demonstrating how guns and cannons echo through our language.","text2":"The references to firearms from speech originate from ancient times.","label":-1,"idx":7726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, when demand for an item was quite variable, with the highest Cv of 0.90, the optimal policy called for placing a production orders when inventory dropped to twelve weeks of demand, rather than the lower standard level of ten.","text2":"The optimal inventory policy was independent of the Cv level.","label":-1,"idx":7727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Consumers' League, organized in 1899, adopted a voluntary label to be attached to garments made by manufacturers that abided by labor standards'that is, they obeyed state factory laws, manufactured on their premises, employed no children under 16, and used no overtime work.","text2":"Fewer than 10% of manufacturers employ underage workers","label":-1,"idx":7728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We can only guess the number of spouses who work for a matching gift company or one of its subsidiaries.","text2":"We know exactly how many spouses contributed. ","label":-1,"idx":7729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Individuals who are being emancipated are eligible to receive up to $500 from the Fund if they formally apply and meet four 1. Release by the courts 2. Successful completion of all life skills tests 3. Positive termination of his or her Pleasant Run program 4. Possession of a high school diploma or GED","text2":"individuals have 30 days from the date of emancipation to provide documentation supporting their claim.","label":-1,"idx":7730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There would probably be little chance of a refund if the place were run by a feminist.","text2":"The same result would happen if white supremacists would run the place.","label":-1,"idx":7731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Steve Sullivan, Heartland Golf Cars and Equipment) We are long-time supporters of Keep Indianapolis Beautiful.","text2":"Heartland Golf Cars and Equipment has been supporting Keep Indianapolis Beautiful for 10 years.","label":-1,"idx":7732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The degreed educators of the Social Health Association provide in-school presentations in three subjects.","text2":"The Social Health Association gives in-school presentations in three areas, stress management, healthy eating, and abuse prevention.","label":-1,"idx":7733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Died with both feet and talking the whole way.","text2":"He was babbling the whole way when he passed away.","label":-1,"idx":7734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American Airlines' nationwide ground stop between 9:05 and 9:10 was followed by a United Airlines ground stop.","text2":"Both American Airlines and United Airlines had ground stops. ","label":-1,"idx":7735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can prove what you can do.","text2":"Prove yourself.","label":-1,"idx":7736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said to him, I have a lot to do, I said to him.","text2":"I informed him I had a lot to get done.","label":-1,"idx":7737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".the lecture was heavy with the importance of dream state, pulse and heart rate, vaginal tumescence and temperature change, rapid eye movement and the size and frequency of penal erection. ","text2":"The anatomy lecture, which occurred early in the morning, detailed much about the bodies functions.","label":-1,"idx":7738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be sure, the W usage note, even with its verbosity and the oxymoron pure hyperbole, is more helpful than L 's cryptic disapproved of by some speakers ; but the definitions are better in L because they assume that if a user does not know the meaning of literally , then that of literal is unlikely to be that obvious.","text2":"The W usage note is far more difficult to the user than L's.","label":-1,"idx":7739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All proceeds of this project will be used to pay for the benches and additional upgrades for the student lounge.","text2":"Some of the proceeds from the project will be held pending new developments. ","label":-1,"idx":7740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Third, the lead pilot and local FAA controller incorrectly assumed the flight plan instruction to go 090 for 60 superseded the original scramble order.","text2":"Both the lead pilot and local FAA controller thought the flight plan instruction should replace the original scramble order.","label":-1,"idx":7741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In what country were you born?","text2":"Were you born in the US?","label":-1,"idx":7742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the 1980s, many American psychologists and educators'doubting the Piagetian view of development and desiring to account for wide variation in children's competencies'embraced Vygotsky's ideas with enthusiasm.","text2":"They however eventually realized that both views had significant value.","label":-1,"idx":7743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She tells me that the 3,666 people we helped find jobs in 1998 earned approximately $49 million dollars.","text2":"She tell me that we helped over 3,500 people earn about $49 million dollars","label":-1,"idx":7744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The sounds of fighting continued outside the cockpit.","text2":"The sounds of fights ceased.","label":-1,"idx":7745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the expansion of basic and fashion-basic garments in the U.S. market.","text2":"Basic garments and fashion-basic garments haven't experienced any growth in the US market.","label":-1,"idx":7746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"fin slang for `five-dollar bill,' from finf, the Yiddish word for `five.","text2":"The Yiddish word for love is 'lucka.'","label":-1,"idx":7747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, joint participation in make-believe with more expert cultural members is so important for development during early childhood that I devote an entire chapter to it.","text2":"Joint participation in make believe is irrelevant in development during early childhood. ","label":-1,"idx":7748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Little Women when Meg died, Oh dear!","text2":"I said 'oh dear!' when Meg died.","label":-1,"idx":7749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then I started paying him half the tuition bill.","text2":"I began to pay part of my tuition.","label":-1,"idx":7750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We appreciate your taking time to read about Futures for Children, I hope you are inspired to become a Sponsor and\/or a Member.","text2":"We appreciate your involvement, and hope you've been encouraged to join or sponsor Futures for Children.","label":-1,"idx":7751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It does mean that some Muslims tend to be uncomfortable with distinctions between religion and state, though Muslim rulers throughout history have readily separated the two.","text2":"Most Muslims have no problem whatsoever with the separation of church and state.","label":-1,"idx":7752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet not every aspect of apparel production depends on new technologies; in fact, automated sewing processes and the use of robots on the apparel shop floor have not turned out to be profitable or effective.","text2":"Robots for sewing tend to break down and are thus not profitable compared to regular workers.","label":-1,"idx":7753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Depending on the experiences they oer, they open up or close o a great many avenues for learning.","text2":"They open up a lot of avenues for learning.","label":-1,"idx":7754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do they do it a lot?","text2":"Do they run regularly?","label":-1,"idx":7755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the instance of a memorial gift, the card is sent to the family of the deceased.","text2":"The gift card is sent to the person who died's family.","label":-1,"idx":7756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such systems have the potential to develop patterns and color fabrics; adapt apparel patterns for custom-made suits, shirts, pants, and other garments; and evaluate production sourcing alternatives to maximize profit while allowing for demand uncertainty.","text2":"Creation of patterns for custom-made suits is not supported by such systems.","label":-1,"idx":7757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are an important part in making sure these young people are matched with caring adult mentors.","text2":"Your support enables young people to build relationships.","label":-1,"idx":7758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each year funding is sought through grants and gifts from individuals.","text2":"Funding is sought through donations from individuals","label":-1,"idx":7759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Entire collections can be created in a day with the selected materials draped on a sketched figure or actual photograph of a model.","text2":"Collections can take years to produce, as the clothes have to be handmade.","label":-1,"idx":7760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are seeking to build partnerships between businesses and our not-for-profit agency.","text2":"Our not-for-profit agency would like to partner with businesses.","label":-1,"idx":7761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Motorcycle purchases?","text2":"Car purchases?","label":-1,"idx":7762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, the elementary school, as you got to the high school, of course that was different than it is down here, our elementary school only ran until sixth grade and we went to the high school building at seventh grade so you had seven through 12 all in one big building.","text2":"They had all grades within one building. ","label":-1,"idx":7763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. Davidson's observations on the Scottishness of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary [XV,1] bear out my own formed over sixteen years of using one.","text2":"Mr. Davidson is more familiar with the Scottishness of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary [XV,1] than I am.","label":-1,"idx":7764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I guess at that point she figured it was too late so she might as well make the best of the situation.","text2":"She gave up after all the bad things that happened.","label":-1,"idx":7765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Television promotes positive social behavior in young children only when it is free of violent content.","text2":"Violent content makes children more violent.","label":-1,"idx":7766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other food names that have passed through the Texas pipeline into common usage are chile, enchilada, taco, tamale, tortilla, fr?\u00adjol, frito, picante, jalape??o, nacho, mescal, tequila , and margarita . It may be interesting to note the Spanish borrowed chile, tamale, mescal , and mesquite from the indigenous Indians before passing them on to us.","text2":"Food being delicous allows language to pass across borders easier.","label":-1,"idx":7767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These monkeys held pyramids of cannonballs for each gun in a muzzleloading battery on a battleship.","text2":"Cats held cannonballs for guns for ships.","label":-1,"idx":7768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A liberal arts education is even more valuable today precisely because technology outdates itself so rapidly.","text2":"A liberal arts education may have long term value.","label":-1,"idx":7769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President's reaction was that the incident must have been caused by pilot error.","text2":"it took ten minutes for the President to be informed that it was a terror attack.","label":-1,"idx":7770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ I think yeah, Ryan and I were there.","text2":"Ryan and I weren't there.","label":-1,"idx":7771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Consumers' League, organized in 1899, adopted a voluntary label to be attached to garments made by manufacturers that abided by labor standards'that is, they obeyed state factory laws, manufactured on their premises, employed no children under 16, and used no overtime work.","text2":"The Consumers' League was founded in 2010 and adopted a mandatory clothing label","label":-1,"idx":7772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of 9\/11, the existing protocol was unsuited in every respect for what was about to happen.","text2":"The existing protocol had been written specifically to deal with this type of event.","label":-1,"idx":7773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My mom's not real organized when it comes to things like that.","text2":"My mom is messy when it comes to stuff like that.","label":-1,"idx":7774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A typical marker for men's pants is shown in Figure 8.1 (page 137).","text2":"Figure 8.1 illustrates what the common marker for men's pants looks lie.","label":-1,"idx":7775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Aux armes, citoyens ! Let us strive to get dictionary publishers to cry their wares in ways that allow us to compare them.","text2":"Dictionary publishers easily allow us to compare them.","label":-1,"idx":7776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But for other reasons they are not directly comparable.","text2":"They're not comparable because they aren't even in the same social class.","label":-1,"idx":7777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And in one sense they are.","text2":"In another sense, it is as well.","label":-1,"idx":7778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The howlers in my collection that I most cherish, however, depend for their charm on skewed syntax.","text2":"I cherish the howlers the most.","label":-1,"idx":7779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beyond the theology lies the simple human fact that most Muslims, like most other human beings, are repelled by mass murder and barbarism whatever their justification.","text2":"Mass murder and barbarism are not accepted by most Muslims.","label":-1,"idx":7780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The operative likely intended to round out the team for this flight, Mohamed al Kahtani, had been refused entry by a suspicious immigration inspector at Florida's Orlando International Airport in August.","text2":"The operative probably wanted to be on the flight but his documents looked sketchy and he was kept back.","label":-1,"idx":7781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Tell 'em if there's more out there, which we don't know, let's get 'em over Manhattan.","text2":"We are concerned that there are more out there. ","label":-1,"idx":7782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that time I spent with them was the coolest because grandmom would let me smoke and at 12, 13 years old you know being able to sit there and smoke cigarettes with grandma.","text2":"My grandma really didn't have the best judgment when it came to kids, you know, letting me smoke when it was 12 although it felt really cool.","label":-1,"idx":7783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"over-determined A misleading term in psychoanalytic jargon used to describe a condition with many causes (thus, multi-determined would be better).","text2":"A condition that has many causes is said to be over-determined.","label":-1,"idx":7784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's earliest efforts at make-believe also reveal how challenging they find the task of detaching thought from reality.","text2":"Early on, children find it challenging to separate the fantasy of their thoughts from reality.","label":-1,"idx":7785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A wealth of research reveals that for children to develop at their best, the experiences adults provide must be adapted not just to children's general neurological progress, but also to their unique temperamental needs.","text2":"Lots of research reveals that for kids to develop at their best, adults don't need to adapt experiences to their unique temperaments.","label":-1,"idx":7786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Attitudes toward women, often assumed to be natural and hence sacred, are not easily changed.)","text2":"The preconceptions regarding women were seen as normal at some point in history.","label":-1,"idx":7787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:51, American 77 transmitted its last routine radio communication.","text2":"American 77 never stopped routine communication.","label":-1,"idx":7788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year our class is being challenged by the other reunion classes to raise funds.","text2":"There needs to be competition in order to raise funds.","label":-1,"idx":7789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are thousands more.","text2":"There are thousands in addition to those ones.","label":-1,"idx":7790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel Assembly and the Demands of Rapid Replenishment","text2":"Computer storage and the ease of inventory replenishment.","label":-1,"idx":7791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The proofreading is slightly moronic, for the program cannot alert the user to an error like an for and, because an is a valid word in its memory; still, it is better than nothing.","text2":"The proofreading program has faults.","label":-1,"idx":7792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under A, for example, the lexicographers provide entries for Adam, Ad feminam, ageism, Ain't I a Woman (Sojourner Truth's speech), and amniocentesis . Z is limited to three Zamani Soweto sisters, Zeitgeist (`Spirit of liberty, equality, and sorority'), and Zugassent (a term for male continence as practised by the Oneida utopian community).","text2":"The lexicographers have the following entries under Z: Zeitgeist and Zugassent.","label":-1,"idx":7793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(British linguist Deborah Cameron in Feminism and Linguistic Theory doubts these lacunae, suggesting that English is flexible, and that women are disadvantaged primarily by alienation from high language.)","text2":"A women can succeed just as well if given the opportunity to dwell within the context of high language.","label":-1,"idx":7794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Times [20 February 1988] reports that the restoration of a 400-year-old statue of Fame, at Wilton House, Wiltshire, may include the replacement of her famous trumpets, weathered away from each hand but not before prompting the expression `blowing your own trumpet.","text2":"The Fame statue was built to honor the American farmers.","label":-1,"idx":7795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This landlord is quite a character.","text2":"The landlord is quite the character. ","label":-1,"idx":7796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's see I started in the music industry when I was very young, um, as a DJ and--","text2":"I was fifteen when I started in the music industry. ","label":-1,"idx":7797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It continued heading south for roughly a minute, before turning west and beginning to circle back.","text2":"The flight path never deviated or changed course.","label":-1,"idx":7798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can stop it.","text2":"Stop it.","label":-1,"idx":7799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda also established cooperative but less formal relationships with other extremist groups from these same countries; from the African states of Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Uganda; and from the Southeast Asian states of Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.","text2":"Al Qaeda was not against making peace treaties with certain groups.","label":-1,"idx":7800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The \"r\" fits in naturally.","text2":"The \"r\" doesn't belong there.","label":-1,"idx":7801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Spreading cloth out on a table in a way that leaves it flat but unstretched, without tension in the cloth, is more difficult than one would think.","text2":"Certain kinds of cloth are more prone to tension than others.","label":-1,"idx":7802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his winning essay [XIV, 4] on Shakespeare's extensive use of legal language, Mr. D.S.","text2":"Mr. D.S. wrote a winning essay on Shakespeare's use of legal language.","label":-1,"idx":7803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In response to researchers' queries, they frequently say that babies should be trained to be self-reliant from the first few months.","text2":"Children need to coddled and shielded until at least 10 years of age,","label":-1,"idx":7804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Webster's Third , as is well known, is not user-friendly.","text2":"Webster's Third isn't seen as being user friendly.","label":-1,"idx":7805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the start, infants are equipped with capacities that draw adults into social exchanges with them.","text2":"Adults are drawn into social exchanges with infants almost immediately.","label":-1,"idx":7806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Design information systems, such as the Gerber Garment Technology software discussed above, can also greatly affect how and when design changes are made.","text2":"Design information systems failed to change how design changes were made.","label":-1,"idx":7807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now consider the lament of an NBC Today guest that an undertaking had been frustrated and now we're back to ground zero. ","text2":"NBC Today treats its guests terribly with no hospitality.","label":-1,"idx":7808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The color and texture of the rest of the garments in the photograph can be changed with equal ease.","text2":"The texture and color of the garments in the picture can't be changed easily.","label":-1,"idx":7809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because people want to work.","text2":"All of them wanted to retire early.","label":-1,"idx":7810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you remember what you wore? ","text2":"Did you wear a blue shirt?","label":-1,"idx":7811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With great eort, he resisted, turning and twisting in his seat until, finally, when the Rabbi blew the shofar (ceremonial ram's horn), Chaim could bear it no longer!","text2":"Chaim remained seated and resisted the urge the whole time.","label":-1,"idx":7812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1933 Garcia Lorca gave a lecture in Buenos Aires on the Teor?\u00ada y Juego del Duende (`Theory and Play of Duende '), which has become the bible of the initiates.","text2":"Garcia Lorca gave a lecture in 1933 which ended up holding importance.","label":-1,"idx":7813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have not seen the word list, but, from the directory of programs I can invoke on the monitor, I know it contains about 223,000 characters, or about 37,000 words.","text2":"The word list contains 37,000 words.","label":-1,"idx":7814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Monarchies in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Jordan still survive today.","text2":"Monarchies no longer exist.","label":-1,"idx":7815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This marker, over 22 feet long, contains all of the 108 individual pieces of the shell fabric that make up six different pairs of pants.","text2":"This marker can still take more than 108 pieces of shell fabric.","label":-1,"idx":7816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1961, the percentage using traditional bundles had fallen to 26 percent; PBS had risen to 69 percent of all production workers, and line systems remained uncommon at 5 percent.","text2":"PBS had become the most popular method by the early 1960s.","label":-1,"idx":7817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the time he was writing, Michener noted that dictionaries had not caught up with the current meaning.","text2":"Michener needed to use a dictionary to complete what he was writing.","label":-1,"idx":7818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD confirmed that American 11 was airborne and heading toward Washington, relaying the erroneous FAA information already mentioned.","text2":"NORAD knew the plane was in the air as well as where it was going.","label":-1,"idx":7819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we will see, a helpful parent or teacher interacts dierently when assisting the child with tasks having clear learning goals, such as working a puzzle or mastering a homework assignment; when engaging the child in an open-ended conversation; and when enlisting the child in duties and routines of everyday living.","text2":"As we shall note, helpful parents do not interfere with children doing tasks.","label":-1,"idx":7820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution last year of helped us get where we are today.","text2":"Your donations have been put completely and directly to use in support of the organization.","label":-1,"idx":7821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've got to go.","text2":"I can hang out.","label":-1,"idx":7822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only then did the already scrambled airplanes start moving directly toward Washington, D.C.","text2":"The scrambled airplanes moved towards DC when they heard that the plane was near the White House.","label":-1,"idx":7823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among sympathetic peers in Afghanistan were a few of the warlords still fighting for power and Abu Zubaydah, who helped operate a popular terrorist training camp near the border with Pakistan.","text2":"Abu Zubaydah was a terrorist from the Middle East.","label":-1,"idx":7824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 began deviating from its flight plan at 8:54, with a slight turn toward the south.","text2":"American 77 never left its flight plan.","label":-1,"idx":7825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or do you feel you're ready for the change?","text2":"You are very sheltered and accustomed to where you are, you won't ever be ready for anything else.","label":-1,"idx":7826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please join us as we prepare for and enter into the 21st century.","text2":"This century will present new challenges for us that we are prepared to face.","label":-1,"idx":7827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the interview suffers from a number of faults'for instance, it is not penetrating or thorough enough, probably because Aman is a better scholar, writer, and editor than interviewer, and it contains gratuitous information about the interviewer who cannot resist blowing his own horn'it is at least an attempt at documenting that has not, to my knowledge, been done before in the field of linguistics.","text2":"The interview does not suffer at all from the presence of a unpracticed questioner. ","label":-1,"idx":7828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had joined al Qaeda and taken the oath of fealty to Bin Ladin, serving as one of his business agents.","text2":"He had never joined al Qaeda, and was diametrically opposed to Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":7829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This would logically appear to be a technical psychological coinage useful for referring to a personality or condition that is excessively rigid or stubborn.","text2":"It was the word used to refer a stubborn or rigid personality.","label":-1,"idx":7830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's why I stand out in my family.","text2":"I try to be unique compared to those I am related to.","label":-1,"idx":7831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was the favorite part of the story!","text2":"The best part of the story involved a little man.","label":-1,"idx":7832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The two CEs are telescoped.","text2":"The two CEs are elongated. ","label":-1,"idx":7833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin apparently honored this pledge, at least for a time, although he continued to aid a group of Islamist extremists operating in part of Iraq (Kurdistan) outside of Baghdad's control.","text2":"Bin Laden aided extremists in Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":7834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The editors disclaim objectivity.","text2":"The editors claim to be impartial.","label":-1,"idx":7835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is a Canadian Mountie always a man? ","text2":"Canadian Mounties are only exclusively men that aren't Canadian.","label":-1,"idx":7836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turned out after all the treatments were done, I was the only survivor in the particular wing of the hospital.","text2":"Well, I found out that I was the only person who lived from the hospital wing I was in.","label":-1,"idx":7837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, strange little memories like that about my grandmother's house.","text2":"I have strange memories like that at my grandmother's house.","label":-1,"idx":7838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That did a number on the inside of his leg.","text2":"His leg turned out to be unaffected, thankfully.","label":-1,"idx":7839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given similarities to American 11 in hijacker seating and in eyewitness reports of tactics and weapons, as well as the contact between the presumed team leaders, Atta and Shehhi, we believe the tactics were similar on both flights.","text2":"The team leaders, Atta and Shehhi, are both male.","label":-1,"idx":7840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a fixed period of time (e.g., every week), the retailer checks the inventory level.","text2":"The period of time in which a retailer checks inventory level is entirely up to the retailer.","label":-1,"idx":7841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The reports describe friendly contacts and indicate some common themes in both sides' hatred of the United States.","text2":"The United States has battle the two groups for over a decade.","label":-1,"idx":7842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NMCC learned about United 93 from the White House.","text2":"The NMCC learned about United 93 from the White House when they released a press statement.","label":-1,"idx":7843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miyares isn't satisfied with the figures.","text2":"Miyares is ambitious about the figures, as he wanted more","label":-1,"idx":7844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most viewed today's youngsters as too out-of-control and undirected.","text2":"Today's generation are the most well-behaved kids in history.","label":-1,"idx":7845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet the vast majority of design in the apparel industry has little to do with the way clothing is created in the high-fashion world.","text2":"The high-fashion world is pretty much what the apparel industry is all about.","label":-1,"idx":7846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"hogget Nothing to do with pigs.","text2":"It does not pertain about pigs","label":-1,"idx":7847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In early Christianity likewise, women found not merely a role, but an instrument of resistance to male domination; in choosing to be a bride of Christ they inevitably cocked a snook at lesser male fry.","text2":"These women were smart to take away what men wanted, and men were very cruel. ","label":-1,"idx":7848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When he came back, he said, Yes, so, he said, I'm going to leave here, he said, from your house for Chapeltique at four in the morning with the livestock.","text2":"I'm not leaving. ","label":-1,"idx":7849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In response to researchers' queries, they frequently say that babies should be trained to be self-reliant from the first few months.","text2":"Researchers say that children should be taught to be more independent from a young age.","label":-1,"idx":7850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Webster's Third New International Dictionary lists about 500 Yiddish words that have become part of our everyday conversations, ","text2":"Webster's Second New International Dictionary had far fewer Yiddish words, and the Third Edition increased this number dramatically.","label":-1,"idx":7851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..um, most impact on me?","text2":"The thing that didn't move me at all?","label":-1,"idx":7852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have no quarrel with Renfrew's theory'notwithstanding the generally received wisdom that has placed the homeland north of the Black Sea region and the Volga steppes.","text2":"I don't have a problem with Renfrew's theory. ","label":-1,"idx":7853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Piedras de Sal, that was, like a, pretty, level, place where, they gathered.","text2":"They gathered near the library entrance.","label":-1,"idx":7854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Computer layout systems also improve the quality of the finished apparel by preventing marker-makers from tilting the pieces by more than a predetermined amount, typically three or four degrees.","text2":"The computer system will make the quality of the finished garment higher.","label":-1,"idx":7855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. Anson's interpretation is one that has been advanced before and is dealt with, for example, in Kenneth Muir's Arden edition.","text2":"Mr. Anson's interpretation is refreshingly new and incisive.","label":-1,"idx":7856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the cost required to install such a system is steep, running to $4,000 or more per workstation.","text2":"Workstations never cost more than $20 to install.","label":-1,"idx":7857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I've got to go.","text2":"I must be leaving.","label":-1,"idx":7858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Early introduction to this topic in a student's career helps produce an informed and caring practitioner who has a strong sense of community service and the needs of underserved populations.","text2":"Early introduction to this topic helps students develop a strong sense of community.","label":-1,"idx":7859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, beyond my grandparents I hadn't seen any of them, I guess, but they began to take on a personality and something I could kind of see in my imagination.","text2":"The fact that I never met my extended family didn't stop me from imagining how they'd be.","label":-1,"idx":7860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our goal for the remainder of this year is to raise $100,000.","text2":"We have already surpassed our goal for this year.","label":-1,"idx":7861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The next chapter analyzes the building blocks of lean retailing, drawing on the retailers described above as well as others.","text2":"The last chapter is about the building blocks of lean retailing.","label":-1,"idx":7862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean you have smoked potatoes and smoked roast beef, smoked sandwiches, smoked syrup, everything tasted like smoke.","text2":"The smoke did not effect the food.","label":-1,"idx":7863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Copy that, sir.","text2":"I understand what you want.","label":-1,"idx":7864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were also rootless but experienced operatives, such as Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who-though not necessarily formal members of someone else's organization-were traveling around the world and joining in projects that were supported by or linked to Bin Ladin, the Blind Sheikh, or their associates.","text2":"Ramzi Yousef was a member of Bin Ladin's organization.","label":-1,"idx":7865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This gift will help maintain our educational programs and labs so students will have the best training available.","text2":"We use your contributions to update equipment for the labs.","label":-1,"idx":7866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of scary looking and I thought, Ooh!","text2":"I thought it looked like a zombie.","label":-1,"idx":7867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The falling costs of conducting business between retailers and their suppliers may also explain why there has been relatively little vertical concentration across industries in the channel'no textile firms have gone into the manufacture of apparel or retail and few apparel firms have set up their own retail outlets.","text2":"The reason there has been very little vertical concentration across industries could be due to the falling costs of conducting business between retailers and their suppliers.","label":-1,"idx":7868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would think that the words grand and stretch would be known to more people than two of the words the author gives as being familiar ( chippy and hootch ).","text2":"The words \"hootch\" and \"chipper\" are common and widely known.","label":-1,"idx":7869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In December, bombs exploded at two hotels in Aden where U.S. troops routinely stopped en route to Somalia, killing two, but no Americans.","text2":"The bombing resulted in tighter security procedures for military abroad.","label":-1,"idx":7870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That's really impressive.","text2":"That's absolutely horrible.","label":-1,"idx":7871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, I don't know if it was because it was the accent, or if there's more than one, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna reconfirm that for you, and I'll get back to you real quick.","text2":"I don't need to get to you back, everything is as clear as possible.","label":-1,"idx":7872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two planes had struck the World Trade Center, and Boston Center had heard from FAA headquarters in Washington that American 11 was still airborne.","text2":"Boston Center was in communication with FAA headquarters.","label":-1,"idx":7873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\How old were you?","text2":"What height are you?","label":-1,"idx":7874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are minor quibbles.","text2":"Disagreements between friends don't last.","label":-1,"idx":7875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" When did he land?","text2":"When did he land the plane?","label":-1,"idx":7876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dinnertime recaps of daily events also permit today's children, isolated from the adult world of real work, to gain access to their parents' daily lives.","text2":"Children can learn more about their parents' lives during dinnertime.","label":-1,"idx":7877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every year, thousands of people come to Goodwill.","text2":"Every year, millions of people come to Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":7878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"( Gender is preferred to sex in designating the cultural construct rather than the purely biological.","text2":"Gender is used to indicate the cultural construct side of it.","label":-1,"idx":7879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Force protection became a significant claim on the time and resources of the Department of Defense.","text2":"Force protection took a lot of resources from the Department of Defense, making their budget go up 50%.","label":-1,"idx":7880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"McCoy invites the support of The __ Company Foundation in the amount of $10,000.00 to support such activities.","text2":"McCoy extends an invitation to support the foundation for $10,000.","label":-1,"idx":7881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kuwaiti security services warned Washington that Iraqi agents were planning to assassinate the former president.","text2":"Kuwaiti security told the government that Iraq was going to assassinate the former President when he vistited for humanitarian reasons.","label":-1,"idx":7882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because weekly demand variability is a key determinant of the finished inventory a manufacturer must hold, each firm should conduct an assessment of the demand variability of each item in the product line.","text2":"All firms can skip any product line assessment of their items.","label":-1,"idx":7883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are not taught to speak Latin (a dead language), and the Japanese are not taught to speak English.","text2":"We speak more than one language fluently.","label":-1,"idx":7884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Certainly, in the case of the Crown , as ample evidence will show, reference is so made specifically to avoid mentioning a particular regent and not as a figure of speech employed for rhetorical effect.","text2":"To avoid mentioning a particular regent, reference is made specifically. ","label":-1,"idx":7885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That, I thought, was really absurd.","text2":"It wasn't absurd at all. ","label":-1,"idx":7886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then Grandpop, he'd calm down, Tootles, you see this part here.","text2":"Grandpa will not settle down at all.","label":-1,"idx":7887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft was piloted by Captain Jason Dahl and First Officer Leroy Homer, and there were five flight attendants.","text2":"The flew with no flight attendants that day. ","label":-1,"idx":7888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would think that the words grand and stretch would be known to more people than two of the words the author gives as being familiar ( chippy and hootch ).","text2":"I think the words \"grand\" and \"stretch\" would be more widely familiar than the words \"chippy\" and \"hootch\". ","label":-1,"idx":7889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had awesome cars and they strutted around with their awesome clothes and the other people who didn't really didn't hang out with our group of friends.","text2":"I disliked their cars and clothes, but hung with their friends. ","label":-1,"idx":7890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As your class representatives for the 1999- 2000 Annual Fund Drive, we are certain that we can significantly improve upon last years' results.","text2":"We believe that we can do better than last year's results. ","label":-1,"idx":7891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Woolf here suggests two lines of thought currently pursued by feminist linguists; feminists both seek to describe women's language and to explore the cluster of related conditions summarized under the rubric silence. ","text2":"Woolf criticized women's language for being hypocritical.","label":-1,"idx":7892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grace is sometimes defined as undeserved favor.","text2":"Undeserved favor can be referred to as grace. ","label":-1,"idx":7893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are requesting your continued support to meet the needs of our growing membership.","text2":"Your monetary donation helps our cause.","label":-1,"idx":7894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A handful might have led colorful existences, some are objects of interest because they died early, committed suicide, were related to (other) famous people, and so forth; but such information seldom reveals as much about their output as do the creations themselves, and in certain cases one is probably better off not knowing quite so much.","text2":"One will probably never know much about their outputs because the information was not recorded.","label":-1,"idx":7895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This led some NORAD commanders to worry that NORAD was not postured adequately to protect the United States.","text2":"Seven NORAD commanders were dissatisfied with NORAD's posture.","label":-1,"idx":7896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ensure the future of tomorrow's leaders.","text2":"You cannot ensure the future of tomorrow's leaders with some paltry donation.","label":-1,"idx":7897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Archaeology is a popular pursuit, and its manifest results not only receive considerable publicity but can be seen in museums.","text2":"All of the manifest results of archaeology can be seen in museums.","label":-1,"idx":7898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight never turned off its transponder.","text2":"The flight immediately turned off it's transponder.","label":-1,"idx":7899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I should have remembered back as a freshmen, I read An American Tragedy.","text2":"An American Tragedy was the only book I read when I was a freshman. ","label":-1,"idx":7900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't remember reading anything, foreign authors.","text2":"I recall that I am a doctor.","label":-1,"idx":7901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship.","text2":"We have found no evidence that the contacts ever directly participated in the attacks.","label":-1,"idx":7902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But he realizes it's not like that.","text2":"The man understands that it's different than that.","label":-1,"idx":7903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have also enclosed a reply envelope for your convenience.","text2":"I have included a postage free envelope, for your convenience.","label":-1,"idx":7904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah he did, didn't he?","text2":"He did do the voices, didn't he?","label":-1,"idx":7905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is that the big van?","text2":"Is that van really big?","label":-1,"idx":7906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It, in turn, was informed by the Secret Service's contacts with the FAA.","text2":"The FAA was informed by the Secret Service.","label":-1,"idx":7907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the Second Edition, published after the M and S Handbook and, presumably, in the next round they refer to, defines the word as a young person.","text2":"In the next round they refer to, defines the word as an old person","label":-1,"idx":7908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, Usama Asmurai, also known as Wali Khan, worked with Bin Ladin in the early 1980s and helped him in the Philippines and in Tajikistan.","text2":"In the 1980s Usama Asmuri AKA Wali Khan, worked with Bin Laden in the Philippines and Tajikistan.","label":-1,"idx":7909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite the discussions about military assistance, no one from FAA headquarters requested military assistance regarding United 93.","text2":"The discussions about military assistance were not successful because they were not plentiful enough.","label":-1,"idx":7910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . These guys are smart.","text2":"These guys are stupid. ","label":-1,"idx":7911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Women's clothing is characterized by great diversity in styles and short production runs.","text2":"Women's clothing is characterized by diversity in style and production runs which end quickly.","label":-1,"idx":7912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although early forays into electronic data management relied on mainframe computers, between 1988 and 1991 the company installed 45,000 cash registers equipped with microprocessors and storage capabilities.","text2":"Early electronic data was managed on mainframe computers.","label":-1,"idx":7913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm kind of going to do what I'm going to do.","text2":"I'm going to do what I want.","label":-1,"idx":7914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who has benefited from our partnership?","text2":"Our partnership does not exist. ","label":-1,"idx":7915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you want this? ","text2":"This here, would you like it?","label":-1,"idx":7916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At least ten passengers and two crew members shared vital information with family, friends, colleagues, or others on the ground.","text2":"Most of the passengers did not share information with people on the ground.","label":-1,"idx":7917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, culture aects the likelihood that parents and teachers will respond to shy children in ways that foster their development.","text2":"Culture influences how parents respond to loud children.","label":-1,"idx":7918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did a number on your toe didn't it?","text2":"That did a considerable amount of damage to your toe, did it not?","label":-1,"idx":7919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On behalf of all IUSD students, I would like to personally thank you for your past support of dental education.","text2":"The students of IUSD are ungrateful. ","label":-1,"idx":7920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"80 percent of participants will have established short and long-term goals for self sufficiency in adulthood as measured by staff checklists.","text2":"The staff checklists measured only short term health goals. ","label":-1,"idx":7921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"it is imperative that we reach the Board of Directors' goal of 100 percent participation.","text2":"Reaching the Board of Directors' goal of 100 percent participation is not important.","label":-1,"idx":7922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our problem now is how to teach him to go out and catch his own fish instead of waiting to catch Harry behind the aviary.","text2":"He's been spoiled by the easy access to pre-caught fish.","label":-1,"idx":7923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Practically all the manufacturers were first-generation Jewish immigrants.","text2":"First-generation Jewish immigrants were one of the groups responsible for manufacturing.","label":-1,"idx":7924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin's Worldview Despite his claims to universal leadership, Bin Ladin offers an extreme view of Islamic history designed to appeal mainly to Arabs and Sunnis.","text2":"Bin Ladin's view of Islamic history is extreme.","label":-1,"idx":7925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and al Qaeda have given answers to both these questions.","text2":"Neither Bin Ladin nor al Qaeda have responded to either of these questions.","label":-1,"idx":7926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maintaining Miyares' schedule would be a busy job for nearly anyone.","text2":"Anyone would have trouble keeping up with Miyare's schedule.","label":-1,"idx":7927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But their financial performance, as measured by inventory levels or profitability, may differ substantially.","text2":"Performance, financially, tend not to be measured. ","label":-1,"idx":7928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"FAA guidance to controllers on hijack procedures assumed that the aircraft pilot would notify the controller via radio or bysquawkinga transponder code of 7500-the universal code for a hijack in progress.","text2":"The FAA told controllers how to handle hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":7929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Communist government in Afghanistan gained power in 1978 but was unable to establish enduring control.","text2":"Afghanistan was always run by al quaeda and was never communist.","label":-1,"idx":7930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Manufacturer's Dilemma in a Lean World","text2":"The world is fat. ","label":-1,"idx":7931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once Sydney starts to take over strategies generated during joint problem solving, her father pulls back, reducing the assistance provided.","text2":"Sydney's confidence improved as she started to take over.","label":-1,"idx":7932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This pattern of expansion through building alliances extended to the United States.","text2":"The pattern of expansion occurred by destroying alliances.","label":-1,"idx":7933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about the time when the Taliban were making their final drive toward Jalalabad and Kabul, Bin Ladin issued his August 1996 fatwa, saying that We . . . have been prevented from addressing the Muslims, but expressing relief that by the grace of Allah, a safe base here is now available in the high Hindu Kush mountains in Khurasan.","text2":"Bin Ladin issued a fatwa in August 1996.","label":-1,"idx":7934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1970s, Gerber Garment Technology was supplying the automotive and apparel industries with its GERBERcutter, allowing firms to cut cloth and nonwoven material more effectively.","text2":"Nonwoven materials other than cloth are not compatible with the GERBERcutter.","label":-1,"idx":7935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have you ever helped your dad?","text2":"Have you helped your mom before?","label":-1,"idx":7936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An award of $500.00 is given yearly to a graduate student in each class who excels in scholarship.","text2":"Every year a graduate student gets $500.00 if they excel in school.","label":-1,"idx":7937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And remember, gifts made before December 31, 1992, will still provide you with maximum tax deduction benefits.","text2":"Donating will not give you any tax benefit.","label":-1,"idx":7938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A fellow who skinned his flint was looked upon as being a parsimonious, penny-pinching, stingy cheapskate'a veritable skinflint.","text2":"Those people who skinned their flints were looked upon as generous.","label":-1,"idx":7939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Social and Economic Malaise In the 1970s and early 1980s, an unprecedented flood of wealth led the then largely unmodernized oil states to attempt to shortcut decades of development.","text2":"The then mostly unmodernized oil states tried to shortcut many years of development.","label":-1,"idx":7940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around this time Sweeney told Woodward that the hijackers were Middle Easterners, naming three of their seat numbers.","text2":"Sweeney gave five of the seat numbers to Woodward. ","label":-1,"idx":7941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We would be delighted to welcome you as a new member of the CENTURY CLUB.","text2":"The Century Club does not just accept anyone.","label":-1,"idx":7942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I reminded him of the bird and pachyderm houses, he remembered a lot the fiamingos, parrots, swans, elephants, hippos, and rhinos.","text2":"Talking with him, I reminded him of all the different type of animals.","label":-1,"idx":7943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other vital contexts for adult-child engagement include everyday routines and duties, mealtimes, and television viewing.","text2":"It is also important for adults to engage with children in other everyday activities. ","label":-1,"idx":7944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Little Women when Meg died, Oh dear!","text2":"Meg is from several well-known stories.","label":-1,"idx":7945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During that dialogue, the adult continually assesses the child's progress and creates the zone by keeping the task proximal 'slightly above the child's level of independent functioning.","text2":"The child's progress is supposed to be assessed continuously by the adult.","label":-1,"idx":7946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe many of the questions are being asked because the Campaign for Indiana (IU's major fundraising effort that started in 1985) is ending and many who supported IUSD through the campaign are wondering how they can continue their support.","text2":"There are many who have supported IUD before and wish to continue to do so. ","label":-1,"idx":7947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And that is probably as it should be.","text2":"All is right with the world.","label":-1,"idx":7948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The feminist position recognizes the power of language.","text2":"With the proper wording, one can use language to remove or promote a controversial idea.","label":-1,"idx":7949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Proposition 4 Instead of fashion as the saving grace of the channel, basic and fashion-basic products will prove critical to its long-term survival.","text2":"The fashion-basic products will account for more of the channel's long-term survival than the basic products.","label":-1,"idx":7950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saudi government arrested four perpetrators, who admitted being inspired by Bin Ladin.","text2":"Bin Ladin inspired hundreds of terrorists around the world.","label":-1,"idx":7951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To the first, they say that America had attacked Islam; America is responsible for all conflicts involving Muslims.","text2":"They don't say that America has attacked Islam nor are they responsible for conflicts with Muslims.","label":-1,"idx":7952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She said her flight was being hijacked by six individuals who had moved them to the rear of the plane.","text2":"They had been moved to the back of the plane by the hijackers.","label":-1,"idx":7953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That sounds like a good idea.","text2":"That has the features of a great plan.","label":-1,"idx":7954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Wadi , for instance, would describe an inland creek rather well.","text2":"Wadi was an expert in the field of hydrography.","label":-1,"idx":7955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, wildlife is returning to the area.","text2":"Wildlife is leaving the area.","label":-1,"idx":7956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"MCCOY was reorganized as an independent, not-for-profit agency, separate from local government.","text2":"MCCOY has now changed to a for-profit agency.","label":-1,"idx":7957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This marker, over 22 feet long, contains all of the 108 individual pieces of the shell fabric that make up six different pairs of pants.","text2":"This marker can only hold one piece of shell fabric.","label":-1,"idx":7958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Managing Inventory in a Lean Retailing Environment","text2":"Lean retailing represents challenges to traditional inventory management.","label":-1,"idx":7959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This single software package can be made available through an in-house local area network or the World Wide Web.","text2":"It's possible to make the single software package available on the Internet.","label":-1,"idx":7960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My objection to the form of the reference is that its wording suggests, there is more information about the etymology of lento to be found under lithe , but that does not actually turn out to be the all the user has learned is that lento and lithe are (or might be) cognates.","text2":"Lento's etymology is found under lithe. ","label":-1,"idx":7961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I shudder to think what a future archaeologist might make of those or of GOD!","text2":"I hate to think what a future archaeologist thinks of all that. ","label":-1,"idx":7962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After U.S. troops deployed to Somalia in late 1992, al Qaeda leaders formulated a fatwa demanding their eviction.","text2":"Al Qaeda was fine with the U.S. troops being there and didn't ask them to leave.","label":-1,"idx":7963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean, I wasn't a particular snobby one, but there were some that were, so--","text2":"Some of them were very snobby, even if this one was not.","label":-1,"idx":7964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Less than a minute later, the Cleveland controller and the pilots of aircraft in the vicinity heard a radio transmission of unintelligible sounds of possible screaming or a struggle from an unknown origin.","text2":"The radio transmission didn't have any possible signs of screaming.","label":-1,"idx":7965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well what do you have?","text2":"So, what've you got?","label":-1,"idx":7966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Of much more interest, however, are the common words used in English that were once compounds but are not easily recognized as such today.","text2":"There are words in English that were once compounds but are hardly recognized as that today.","label":-1,"idx":7967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(A third possibility, though naturally not treated by M and S, is out-and-out misanthropy vs. misogyny, for the notion of simple man-hating should not be ruled out entirely.","text2":"M and S deal directly with misanthropy, misogyny, and misandry.","label":-1,"idx":7968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Department stores proved to be one of the most adversely affected retail sectors.","text2":"Department stores are a dying business model.","label":-1,"idx":7969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Managing Inventory in a Lean Retailing Environment","text2":"Lean retailing environments have an effect on necessary inventory management practices.","label":-1,"idx":7970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the microstructure of dictionaries includes more than just it can embrace examples, illustrations, synonym essays, usage essays, etymologies, and all sorts of other information.","text2":"The microstructure of dictionaries includes not just definitions but also examples, illustrations, and other relevant information.","label":-1,"idx":7971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ah, the favorite part of the story was the fact that I had somehow bought an old Model T Ford.","text2":"The story did not mention cars of any kind. ","label":-1,"idx":7972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They were more like my friend and I wasn't like a number in their classroom.","text2":"Were they nice to you in the classroom>","label":-1,"idx":7973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin apparently honored this pledge, at least for a time, although he continued to aid a group of Islamist extremists operating in part of Iraq (Kurdistan) outside of Baghdad's control.","text2":"Bin Laden always honored his word.","label":-1,"idx":7974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or perhaps a specific person comes to mind --such as a sister, a grandfather or a daughter --whose life is characterized by grace.","text2":"Or perhaps remember someone close to you whose life if full of grace.","label":-1,"idx":7975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Muslim organization called al Khifa had numerous branch offices, the largest of which was in the Farouq mosque in Brooklyn.","text2":"A Muslim organization had a lot of branch offices, including one in Brooklyn.","label":-1,"idx":7976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Back in 1931, however, when Bodenheim was coming into his own as a literary maverick, New York publisher Horace Liveright issued his novel' Naked on Roller Skates . The title is a grabber, but the book itself would be anathema to feminists since it features a heroine who wishes to be beaten and ","text2":"Horace's book was offensive to many women. ","label":-1,"idx":7977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. the worst fourflushers.","text2":"The fourflushes did a bad job","label":-1,"idx":7978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They discovered that not only are people's gross estimates of time per week devoted to work 6 to 8 hours higher than those recorded in their diaries, but free time'time unencumbered by any obligations'has actually increased!","text2":"People overestimate based on a perception of needing to appear busy. ","label":-1,"idx":7979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sewing factories, in contrast, are not capital intensive and are rarely operated for more than one shift.","text2":"Sewing factories don't need a lot of capital because the machines are cheap.","label":-1,"idx":7980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American Airlines Flight 77 FAA Awareness.","text2":"Flight 77 reinforced the job that the FAA was doing and showed citizens their competence.","label":-1,"idx":7981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But theTaliban, like the Sudanese, would eventually hear warnings, including from the Saudi monarchy.","text2":"The Saudi monarchy issued no warnings to the Taliban or Sudanese.","label":-1,"idx":7982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift is a wise investment in the community.","text2":"The community will be forever thankful for your charity.","label":-1,"idx":7983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's this toy bazooka?","text2":"Is it this pistol?","label":-1,"idx":7984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do they praise you a lot?","text2":"Do they often criticize you? ","label":-1,"idx":7985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lexicographers appear to agree.","text2":"Lexicographers don't seem like they are in unison about the matter.","label":-1,"idx":7986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller United 93, understand you have a bomb on board.","text2":"The controller assumed that the radio call was a prank.","label":-1,"idx":7987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anent earlier items by Timothy Hayes [XI, 4] and by Richard Lederer [XII, 4] on the oxymoron , I submit some oxymora found in local ","text2":"Timothy Hayes and Richard Lederer discussed the oxymoron together. ","label":-1,"idx":7988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under these conditions, a marker will not be as efficient as the standard production markers shown in Figures 8.1 and 8.2 (page 137) because the amount of cloth that can be saved for a single ply does not justify the time required to reach high levels of cloth utilization.","text2":"Standard production markers are more efficient than markers made in these circumstances.","label":-1,"idx":7989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why she's my hero?","text2":"Why I have no respect for her?","label":-1,"idx":7990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beginning in the late 1970s, Wal-Mart sought to reduce its costs by using emerging information technologies to track consumer sales at the checkout counter, monitor its inventory of goods within and across stores, and then supply its stores on an ongoing basis via highly efficient, centralized distribution methods.","text2":"Monitoring its supply stores was the sole goal of Walmart's in the late 1970's","label":-1,"idx":7991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"McCoy invites the support of The __ Company Foundation in the amount of $10,000.00 to support such activities.","text2":"The McCoy's were only able to donate $10 this year.","label":-1,"idx":7992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We would be there until \/\/ five, \/\/ six o'clock at night.","text2":"We would be there until 5 or 6pm helping at the office","label":-1,"idx":7993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Heads up man, it looks like another one coming in.","text2":"Stay alert, there is another one coming.","label":-1,"idx":7994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sure as shootin', I've just shot my wad'lock, stock, and barrel'demonstrating how guns and cannons echo through our language.","text2":"Our language has many natural references to firearms.","label":-1,"idx":7995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember any stories or do you have any stories about your grandparents?","text2":"You didn't have any Grandparents, right?","label":-1,"idx":7996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD and the FAA were unprepared for the type of attacks launched against the United States on September 11, 2001.","text2":"The attacks were unlike any terrorism that ever come before.","label":-1,"idx":7997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we described in Chapter 4, many have transformed their warehouses into modern distribution centers to facilitate the receipt and distribution of these smaller orders.","text2":"The fifth chapter included description of how warehouses are being turned into distribution centers.","label":-1,"idx":7998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No further intelligence came in about terrorist acts planned by Iraq.","text2":"There was a great deal of top-secret information about terrorism planned by Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":7999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the first chapter of Uncle Tom's Cabin , Miss Stowe offers a dialogue between Haley and Mr. Shelby, part of which goes, `Well,' said Haley, after they had both silently picked their nuts for a season, `what do you say?","text2":"At the beginning of Uncle Tom's Cabin, Haley and Mr. Shelby discuss.","label":-1,"idx":8000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, retailers that work with suppliers employing a more complete set of information, distribution, and manufacturing innovations need not eliminate as many of their unsold products at the end of season via price reductions.","text2":"Retailers never really worth with their suppliers and try to exploit them,","label":-1,"idx":8001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Solicitor General Olson tried unsuccessfully to reach Attorney General John Ashcroft.","text2":"Olson's attempts to reach Ashcroft were unsuccessful, so he tried a different tack.","label":-1,"idx":8002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mom worked all week, weekends, and most evenings.","text2":"Mom worked a great amount and didn't have as much free time as other people.","label":-1,"idx":8003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The young child speaking to herself when tempted by a forbidden object ( Don't touch! )","text2":"The child kept their mouth shut and wasn't tempted to touch the object.","label":-1,"idx":8004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Incidentally, I seem to recall reading somewhere that skins as slang for `dollars' dates from frontier days when trappers used animal skins as currency, and is therefore much older than early 20th-century Harlem.","text2":"I believe that the slang term \"skins\" for dollar bills dates back to a time before the early 20th century. ","label":-1,"idx":8005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Educators inspired by Piaget's work hope that by repeatedly applying cognitive structures in stimulating environments, children will notice and amend deficiencies in their thinking.","text2":"Educators apply Piaget's theories and suggestion most of the times they are working with children.","label":-1,"idx":8006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yiddish is especially versatile in describing those poor souls who inhabit the world of the ineffectual, and each is assigned a distinct place in the gallery of pathetic schmo, schmendrik, schnook, schmegegge, schlep, schlub, schmuck, putz, klutz, kvetch , and nudnik . Yiddish easily coins new names for new a nudnik is a `pest'; a phudnik is a `nudnik with a Ph.D.' The rich nuances that suffuse this roll call are seen in the timeless distinction between a schlemiel `clumsy jerk' and a schlimazel `habitual loser': the schlemiel inevitably trips and spills his hot soup'all over the schlimazel.","text2":"The Yiddish language is poor at distinguishing between the different aspects of incompetence.","label":-1,"idx":8007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Do you remember what you wore? ","text2":"They didn't wear anything.","label":-1,"idx":8008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What have you decided, what are you going to do?","text2":"Are you going to move, or stay here?","label":-1,"idx":8009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost 900 of us made new gifts in support of the things we care about.","text2":"There are no causes we care enough abut to give a gift.","label":-1,"idx":8010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When the local civil aviation security office of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) later investigated these security screening operations, the screeners recalled nothing out of the ordinary.","text2":"The security screening operations were investigated by the local civil aviation security office of the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":8011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:25, FAA's Herndon Command Center and FAA headquarters knew two aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center.","text2":"The World Trade Center had collapsed by that time.","label":-1,"idx":8012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think her first name was Patricia, and I don't really recall her last name, but she was a French artist.","text2":"She was an Italian artist named Donatella. ","label":-1,"idx":8013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I shudder to think what a future archaeologist might make of those or of GOD!","text2":"I hate to think what a future archaeologist thinks of all the cave drawings.","label":-1,"idx":8014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With this goal, the real beneficiaries of our class gift will be the students who follow us.","text2":"Our class gift will benefit the students who come after us.","label":-1,"idx":8015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What if your contribution to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful would only cost you 10-25 percent of its full value?","text2":"Your contribution will help Keep Indianapolis Beautiful for years to come.","label":-1,"idx":8016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If Jarrah did know that the passengers were making calls, it might not have occurred to him that they were certain to learn what had happened in New York, thereby defeating his attempts at deception.","text2":"If Jarrah knew passengers were calling, he might not have realized they would hear about the events in New York, or he would have taken all the cell phones.","label":-1,"idx":8017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's earliest efforts at make-believe also reveal how challenging they find the task of detaching thought from reality.","text2":"Usually at the age of 2, children find the task of detaching thought from reality to be difficult.","label":-1,"idx":8018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jeans-makers have tried to satisfy the majority by making many different styles and sizes, but for some customers there still are not enough choices.","text2":"The customers who are not satisfied are unreasonable in their expectations.","label":-1,"idx":8019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Hoover Family Foundation can help us begin with thirty, inner-city young women.","text2":"The Hoover Family foundation has no interest in assisting us.","label":-1,"idx":8020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now that was uh, man the most flavorful cigarette I'd ever smoked, course at 12 what did you ever smoke you know?","text2":"I had my first cigarette when I was 20 and it was horrendous.","label":-1,"idx":8021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When it comes to the driving force behind the late twentieth-century industrial transformation, lean retailing is at the forefront of that revolution.","text2":"Lean retailing didn't work then, it wouldn't work now.","label":-1,"idx":8022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, with me at gunpoint, two behind, followed me so I opened the door, and there was nothing in the house, thank God, because there was no one there.","text2":"I was held at gunpoint with two behind me.","label":-1,"idx":8023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is a quiet humor in Yiddish and a gratitude for every day of life, every crumb of success, each encounter of love.","text2":"Yiddish is a great and loving religion to belong to. ","label":-1,"idx":8024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In general, to maximize operating profit, a manufacturer must know the factory's overall cycle time, work-in-process carrying costs, finished or hanging goods carrying costs, unit production costs, and unit selling price, as well as the Cv for each SKU of a given style.","text2":"This is why manufacturers often work with multiple factories at once.","label":-1,"idx":8025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The deputy director for operations mentioned the Delta flight and concluded that that would be the fourth possible hijack.","text2":"The deputy director for operations took interest in hijacking airplanes.","label":-1,"idx":8026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"European city, home of the first person without perverse words","text2":"The first person to not have perverse words was a reclusive scientist.","label":-1,"idx":8027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just because they don't have as much money as you, or they don't do the same things as you do, doesn't mean they're not a good person inside.","text2":"Them being different and not having as much as you have does not mean they're not decent people.","label":-1,"idx":8028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since 1981, the Geography Department at IUPUI has graduated 67 geographers.","text2":"67 geographers graduated from IUPUI with honors since 1981.","label":-1,"idx":8029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were placed on battle stations at 9:09.","text2":"The Langley military fighter pilots were ordered to respond and leave their battle stations at 9:09 AM to try to intersect the planes and rescue the passengers and crew members. ","label":-1,"idx":8030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe once in a while.","text2":"Perhaps occasionally","label":-1,"idx":8031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year your gift can go farther!","text2":"We provide matching funds, up to $500.","label":-1,"idx":8032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, And it's going to be very dangerous and it's very late.","text2":"He says everything will be alright, and there will be no danger.","label":-1,"idx":8033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shared understanding (intersubjectivity) between adult and child, scaolding of new competencies, narrative conversations prompting a redefinition of self, and joint engagement in culturally meaningful activities'the diverse experiences we have considered that create the zone of proximal development'appear to be at the heart of her success story.","text2":"Fighting, violence and abuse appear to be at the heart of her success story.","label":-1,"idx":8034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nothing, that is, except peace of mind.","text2":"We understand that you may feel uncertain, so feel free to email us with any questions.","label":-1,"idx":8035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its continuance seems assured.","text2":"Its continuance is the best case scenario.","label":-1,"idx":8036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think at Christmas and I'm getting a knife set.","text2":"If I get the array of knives as a Christmas gift, I will be very happy.","label":-1,"idx":8037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think they know.","text2":"I believe that they may know.","label":-1,"idx":8038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The subject of nonsexist language is a matter of genuine concern, not only to women [see page 1 of this issue] but to everyone.","text2":"All language is inherently sexist at best.","label":-1,"idx":8039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mrs. Feinsilver has an interesting article in this volume, too, Comment on Aman's `A Yiddish Minnie-Legend' and the Romanization of Yiddish. ","text2":"Mrs. Feinsilver's article was interesting but hard to read through.","label":-1,"idx":8040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An another academic year comes to an end, I am pleased to report that your IU School of Dentistry is continuing its leadership role in advancing dental education.","text2":"The IU School of Dentistry is continuing its leadership role in advancing dental education, by providing its students with state-of-the-art technology and up-to-date research materials. ","label":-1,"idx":8041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because it was more diverse.","text2":"It would then be more diverse.","label":-1,"idx":8042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a decision made with a mother's heart.","text2":"The mother's decision was entirely selfless.","label":-1,"idx":8043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These institutions, and the adults who run them, sustain civilization and provide the disciplines'however fragile they may seem'that keep our societies from reverting to barbarism.","text2":"The institutions contribute to the downfall of civilization.","label":-1,"idx":8044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basically because we both, um, always think we're right.","text2":"Even when we disagree we refuse to admit any wrong doing.","label":-1,"idx":8045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These factors increase the need for financial support from alumni and friends.","text2":"Financial support from alumni is no longer necessary due to these factors.","label":-1,"idx":8046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" It's a pacifier, explained Sophie, renaming the object.","text2":"Sophie was the first to rename the object. ","label":-1,"idx":8047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Garvey, Belger, and other senior officials from FAA headquarters participated in this video teleconference at various times.","text2":"No one from the FAA participated in the video teleconference. ","label":-1,"idx":8048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During this period, two hardcover versions of the Addenda Sections were published' 6,000 Words (1976) and 9,000 Words . Now the hardcover version of the 7873-main-entry 1986 Addenda Section, appearing simultaneously as 12,000 Words (1986), permits an updating of the statistics.","text2":"The 1986 Addenda Section covers a range of mathematical calculations.","label":-1,"idx":8049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for your generous support.","text2":"I am sure you will be generous with your donation so let me thank you in advance.","label":-1,"idx":8050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So was an important part of being in high school?","text2":"What was an important aspect of high school?","label":-1,"idx":8051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are there particular stories either, either family stories that you might tell or stories about, um, you know things that have happened to people in the past?","text2":"Are there any particular stories that are told about people in the past?","label":-1,"idx":8052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Checks should be made payable to IU Foundation.","text2":"Make the check out to IU Foundation.","label":-1,"idx":8053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, it is a world-class university.","text2":"Moreover, it is a university that offers a world-class education.","label":-1,"idx":8054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We found no evidence, however, that American Airlines sent any cockpit warnings to its aircraft on 9\/11.","text2":"The cockpits warnings were made and have proof of their existence.","label":-1,"idx":8055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about, about three weeks later, then arrived a group of about four, at my brother's house, and told him, that they were coming to, to be, that is to take control of the place, where we lived.","text2":"At about five months later was when I arrived at my brother's house.","label":-1,"idx":8056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the United States did not comply, it would be at war with the Islamic nation, a nation that al Qaeda's leaders said desires death more than you desire life.","text2":"al Qaeda renounces violence in the name of religion.","label":-1,"idx":8057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"1 suggests that the most innovative firms are able to produce and deliver their products in less than half the time of the least innovative apparel suppliers.","text2":"Innovation is not shown to create a direct correlation with production time.","label":-1,"idx":8058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So could you reiterate the message, quote-unquote, um, that you got from the story, from your point of view?","text2":"I can only remember a few of the names, not the overall message of the story.","label":-1,"idx":8059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"gun moll a double clipping of gonif's Molly, Yiddish for `thief's girl.","text2":"Gun moll is a double clipping of gonif's Molly.","label":-1,"idx":8060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Beginning in the late 1970s, Wal-Mart sought to reduce its costs by using emerging information technologies to track consumer sales at the checkout counter, monitor its inventory of goods within and across stores, and then supply its stores on an ongoing basis via highly efficient, centralized distribution methods.","text2":"Walmart used emerging information technologies to track consumer sales beginning in the late 1970's","label":-1,"idx":8061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have found no evidence to suggest that the Command Center acted on this request or issued any type of cockpit security alert.","text2":"The security alert was never issued by authorities. ","label":-1,"idx":8062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"W lists etymologies near the beginning of those entries that have them, directly following the inflected forms (if any); L places them at the end of the entry.","text2":"The etymologies are quite complex and not even the researchers fully understand them.","label":-1,"idx":8063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But regardless of the activity, the adult adapts his or her support so the child can make use of it.","text2":"Regardless of the activity, the adult will likely adapt his or her support so the child can benefit from it.","label":-1,"idx":8064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus Joan Lunden on ABC-TV said to Steve Crowley, Are you ready to use the R-word recession ? Many words like recession could be called semi-taboo words or limited taboos, for scarcely anyone would be shocked or offended to encounter them, though some people avoid using them.","text2":"Bankruptcy is a word that is considered to be semi-taboo.","label":-1,"idx":8065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the above tour d'horizon, not all aspects of clue setting have passed in review.","text2":"None of the clue setting aspects have been reviewed.","label":-1,"idx":8066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once children can read and write, they can explore the insights of countless authors and partake in their rich array of experiences.","text2":"Reading is more beneficial than a child when compared to writing.","label":-1,"idx":8067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin eventually enjoyed a strong financial position in Afghanistan, thanks to Saudi and other financiers associated with the Golden Chain.","text2":"Bin Ladin had plenty of money by seeking assistance from people that agreed with his views, like Saudi.","label":-1,"idx":8068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Technically, it is not a spoonerism.","text2":"It is a spoonerism after all.","label":-1,"idx":8069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have many needs, both for the overall operation of the Department, and for special programs like DING FEST.","text2":"We want to make DING FEST a large success but we need your help.","label":-1,"idx":8070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think, uh, that intellectual stimulation is very important I think thinking is very important I think reading is a part of that.","text2":"I never even thought about that before.","label":-1,"idx":8071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Schools, too, Elkind maintains, hurry and stress children by assigning too much tedious work and rushing them from one subject to another, depriving them of time to think and a sense of completion.","text2":"The factor that stresses children the most is the rushing from one subject to another, according to Elkind.","label":-1,"idx":8072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This organization included a financial support network that came to be known as the Golden Chain, put together mainly by financiers in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states.","text2":"The Golden Chain was not a financial support network. ","label":-1,"idx":8073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And then when it's story day we bring in all kind of toys.","text2":"It's more fun during story days because in addition to storytelling, we also get to play with a lot of toys.","label":-1,"idx":8074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they got the whole schedule thing for the next year with the tuition bill on it and everything like that and my mom was reading it and it said, Major THEA, and she was like, What is this?","text2":"My parents never found out that my major was in Theater.","label":-1,"idx":8075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What, what are some of the first stories you remember?","text2":"The stories are hard to remember.","label":-1,"idx":8076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The label said, MUSKAT RAMBLE.","text2":"THey had no label.","label":-1,"idx":8077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mere fact that two practices have been adopted, however, does not tell the whole story.","text2":"The two practices describe all of the changes in recent times.","label":-1,"idx":8078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He did things very slowly and I don't think that wasn't necessarily the weed that he smoked, I think he just had a style of working and that was how he did it.","text2":"He had a slow style of working. ","label":-1,"idx":8079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am concerned, however, about the plans that exist for continuing this award in the future.","text2":"The award is really important to many people","label":-1,"idx":8080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then he said to me that, they're going to set up a board, he said to me, where they're going to appoint, he said to me, a president, vice president, secretary, treasurers, and all that.","text2":"The board would contain old, prehistoric aged dinosaur people as members.","label":-1,"idx":8081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Their diaspora has been so successful that most of us unreflectingly see schools as the natural dispensers, controllers, instruments, and structures of education'and of educated discourse'everywhere on earth.","text2":"The failure of their diaspora is apparent in how we view schools with mistrust.","label":-1,"idx":8082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Up and down the street?","text2":"Just stay on the corner of the street?","label":-1,"idx":8083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some of Bin Ladin's associates later took credit.","text2":"Some associates of Bin Laden later took credit for the 911 attacks.","label":-1,"idx":8084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since the end of World War II, textile-mill products and apparel have both been characterized by substantial reductions in employment; at the same time these sectors show substantial increases in output, including shifts to higher-value products and higher productivity.","text2":"Textile-mill products and apparel have had reduction in employment since the end of World War II.","label":-1,"idx":8085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A clue for COCK might thus come to number one in the pecking order dominates hens and crows (a quizzical statement, unless the word crows is read as a verb) or creature with a cow's head and a bullock's rump found in a coop (first letter of cow plus last three letters of bullock ).","text2":"These types of clues are rare, as they are extremely difficult.","label":-1,"idx":8086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Heading, speed, and altitude ran according to plan.","text2":"Heading, speed- all measurements were running according to the plan.","label":-1,"idx":8087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My reasoning is that it is not likely that Kid Ory or Ray Gilbert had ever seen a muskrat, and it's even less likely that they or anyone else has ever seen a muskrat doing anything that we would be likely to think of as rambling.","text2":"Kid Ory probably has certainly seen a muskrat.","label":-1,"idx":8088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The two ROWs differ in pronunciation as well as in meaning and origin.","text2":"The two ROWs were more difficult than just one ROW. ","label":-1,"idx":8089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We'd be sitting there waiting on daylight to be able to go to work.","text2":"We prefer to work in the daytime when it is light outside.","label":-1,"idx":8090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If a product has seasonal sales trends, then the manufacturer's inventory must rise to meet customer demand during peak seasonal demand.","text2":"The manufacturer's inventory never changes, regardless of customer demand.","label":-1,"idx":8091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As our senior year draws to a close, we challenge you to participate in this worthy project.","text2":"If we reach more than 50% participation in this project, there will be a prize. ","label":-1,"idx":8092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By reducing order-fulfillment lead times, lean retailers are able to reduce the level of safety stock required to deal effectively with a given level of demand variation.","text2":"It is a good idea to have lots of extra merchandise in stock.","label":-1,"idx":8093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The sounds of fighting continued outside the cockpit.","text2":"The sounds included thumps and screaming.","label":-1,"idx":8094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This tragic background brings me to the story of Wanda Rudolph of Pensacola, Florida, who made a courageous decision on behalf of her family a year ago.","text2":"Wanda Rudolph made a decision to benefit her family last year.","label":-1,"idx":8095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your tax-deductible contribution can make a measurable difference!","text2":"Your contribution can make a difference for single mothers.","label":-1,"idx":8096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The relationship between al Qaeda and Iran demonstrated that Sunni-Shia divisions did not necessarily pose an insurmountable barrier to cooperation in terrorist operations.","text2":"Iran's relationship with Al Queda proved that Sunni-Shia infighting, didn't pose a barrier when it came to collaborating on terrorist attacks.","label":-1,"idx":8097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At approximately 10:30, the shelter started receiving reports of another hijacked plane, this time only 5 to 10 miles out.","text2":"The door was closed in the shelter and everyone took cover. ","label":-1,"idx":8098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Cleveland Center controllers began to try to identify the possible source of the transmissions, and noticed that United 93 had descended some 700 feet.","text2":"The controllers noticed that United 93 was at the same altitude.","label":-1,"idx":8099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dillard's also purchased computing capacity for individual stores and its headquarters office, along with the necessary equipment to connect stores to the head office via electronic data transmission.","text2":"Dillard's bought in-house computing for its stores, and equipment necessary to connect to the head office.","label":-1,"idx":8100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read, my parents had a lot of books.","text2":"I read my parent's books when I ran out of things to read. ","label":-1,"idx":8101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Excuse me. ","text2":"n\/a","label":-1,"idx":8102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Goodwill provides jobs at Goodwill.","text2":"Goodwill provides jobs, if you want to work at Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":8103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shortly after 8:50, while NEADS personnel were still trying to locate the flight, word reached them that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.","text2":"The World Trade Center was hit several times afterward.","label":-1,"idx":8104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite grim work lives, Rosie and Henry, who had little schooling themselves, sent nine of their children to college and some to graduate school.","text2":"None of Rosie and Henry's children went to college.","label":-1,"idx":8105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our staff could not have put on the Festival without them.","text2":"The festival would have been a failure without them.","label":-1,"idx":8106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also reinforced its London base and its other offices around Europe, the Balkans, and the Caucasus.","text2":"Base reinforcement was made possible by the generous allocation of new funding.","label":-1,"idx":8107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eighty percent of our 6.000 alumni live in Indiana.","text2":"The rest of our alumni are living out of the country. ","label":-1,"idx":8108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I wanted to be there ...I had my second chance to change my life.","text2":"This was my last chance and I blew it. ","label":-1,"idx":8109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The young child speaking to herself when tempted by a forbidden object ( Don't touch! )","text2":"The kid was happy when thinking about the object.","label":-1,"idx":8110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saudi government exiled the clerics and undertook to silence Bin Ladin by, among other things, taking away his passport.","text2":"The Saudi government took Bin Laden's passport away. ","label":-1,"idx":8111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost always, children pick the marked container.","text2":"Children are invariably drawn to unmarked containers.","label":-1,"idx":8112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most important Egyptian in Bin Ladin's circle was a surgeon, Ayman al Zawahiri, who led a strong faction of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.","text2":"Ayman al Zawahiri was the most important Egyptian in Bin Ladin's group, and led an Islamic Jihad faction.","label":-1,"idx":8113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Safire should take note.","text2":"Safire should listen.","label":-1,"idx":8114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soaks are shallow wells sunk near the base of an outcrop to tap an underground reservoir.","text2":"Soaks are deep wells that tap into a reservoir.","label":-1,"idx":8115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This landlord is quite a character.","text2":"He was an eccentric night owl. ","label":-1,"idx":8116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Very close to my family.","text2":"I spend a lot of time with my family.","label":-1,"idx":8117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contributions to the school in the past have been very important to us, and I sincerely hope that you will make a financial investment in the IU School of Dentistry this year.","text2":"You contributions have been very useless to us in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":8118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"tsuris the gamut of painful emotions'some real, some imagined, some self-inflicted.","text2":"Painful emotions are always someone else's fault. ","label":-1,"idx":8119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:54, the aircraft deviated from its assigned course, turning south.","text2":"The plane originally was not intended to fly on a southward course.","label":-1,"idx":8120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Purdue belongs to all of us (Hoosier and non-Hoosier alike), and it will be no better than those of us who love and support it.","text2":"Purdue belongs to the Hoosiers only, since they are the ones that love and support it the most.","label":-1,"idx":8121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will you make a financial gift to Big Sisters in 1999 that will ensure that more young people receive the guidance they need, that more young people stay in school, stay off drugs and make good choices?","text2":"Money funds the services that offer guidance to young people.","label":-1,"idx":8122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As detailed in Chapter 5, our research indicates that the prevalence of information technologies, advanced distribution and logistics operations, along with the other related services apparel suppliers provide to retailers have grown dramatically since 1988, particularly among business units that supply a large percentage of lean retailers.","text2":"Since 1999, apparel suppliers have provided to suppliers have grown dramatically.","label":-1,"idx":8123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, the date given for the adjective lemon (as in lemon flavor, lemon color ) would draw one to the conclusion that those retarded speakers of the language needed some 300 years to use the noun as a modifier.","text2":"Usage of lemon as an adjective happened soon after. ","label":-1,"idx":8124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading, spelling, doing phonics.","text2":"It includes reading, spelling, and phonics.","label":-1,"idx":8125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But all experts agree that subtle, sensitive, and mutually rewarding exchanges between parent and baby serve as the earliest context for intersubjectivity.","text2":"There are many times when an expert would also say to teach a child the right way of doing something and not just punish them.","label":-1,"idx":8126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet Bin Ladin was in his weakest position since his early days in the war against the Soviet Union.","text2":"Bin Ladin regained a strong position after this.","label":-1,"idx":8127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By shifting attitudes and teaching youth to understand each other, we halt the violence that plagues our schools and neighborhoods.","text2":"We are not concerned about stopping the violence in our schools and neighborhoods.","label":-1,"idx":8128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and having been assured that it was, Defendant (aside) commands himself to Be firm, be firm, my pecker. ","text2":"The defendant commands himself to be firm.","label":-1,"idx":8129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said to him, I have a lot to do, I said to him.","text2":"I was already behind schedule.","label":-1,"idx":8130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Certainly because they sense its eectiveness, borne out by decades of research.","text2":"There are over thousand of researches done on this issue.","label":-1,"idx":8131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And be more productive when you have this sense of honoring and valuing.","text2":"A sense of honor and value contribute to a more productive individual.","label":-1,"idx":8132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other than that, I get more out of reading Reader's Digest or Guide, Guideposts stories.","text2":"I get more out of reading magazines.","label":-1,"idx":8133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shelby stood like one stricken.","text2":"Shelby was easily frightened and not very confident.","label":-1,"idx":8134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I enjoy UNC-Charlotte.","text2":"I like all aspects of UNC-Charlotte. ","label":-1,"idx":8135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You help Jameson campers reach for them.","text2":"You aided Jameson campers in reaching for them.","label":-1,"idx":8136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This was below the norm for Tuesday mornings during the summer of 2001.","text2":"It was below the norm for summer mornings. ","label":-1,"idx":8137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like slides, monkey bars.","text2":"You know, monkey bars and slides.","label":-1,"idx":8138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given similarities to American 11 in hijacker seating and in eyewitness reports of tactics and weapons, as well as the contact between the presumed team leaders, Atta and Shehhi, we believe the tactics were similar on both flights.","text2":"There was contact between the team leaders on both flights.","label":-1,"idx":8139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, I suppose it had some kind of great significance.","text2":"I am sure it had a big importance. ","label":-1,"idx":8140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's see, the others that I could think of that I read recently, there were some Civil War books written by Jeffrey Shaara and the other by his son Michael.","text2":"I haven't read any civil war books recently. ","label":-1,"idx":8141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if one did not consider the shift in retailing practices that is also recasting the apparel industry'and turned some American companies into unexpected leaders'it might indeed look like Made in the U.S.A. was a lost cause.","text2":"These shifts in practices have resulted in more production being sourced abroad.","label":-1,"idx":8142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For more than 160 years, since the Anglos arrived in Texas, there has been a culture transfer back and forth across the Rio Grande.","text2":"Across the Rio Grande, hundreds of cultures thrive and interwine with each other.","label":-1,"idx":8143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is correct.","text2":"That is faulty information.","label":-1,"idx":8144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents who intervene in their child's TV viewing so it is in keeping with the zone transform the TV medium from a negative to a positive force in the child's mental life, and they promote favorable cognitive and social development in many other ways as well.","text2":"Parents who control their kid's tv viewing promote social development in kids under the age of 10.","label":-1,"idx":8145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his poem Mr Nixon (from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ), Ezra Pound's Mr. Nixon advises kindly","text2":"Ezra's Mr. Nixon is being kind and advising.","label":-1,"idx":8146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Duende is very difficult to define.","text2":"Duende is an easy thing to define","label":-1,"idx":8147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A message that goes from pole to pole","text2":"The message is all encompassing. ","label":-1,"idx":8148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 began turning south, away from the White House, at 9:34.","text2":"American 77 routed itself away from the White House at 9:34.","label":-1,"idx":8149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YL teens will make J.C. juniors happen again this year for 7 and 8 year old campers.","text2":"J.C. juniors will happen again this year for 7 and 8 year old campers and will be a rousing success, thanks to the YL teens who will make it happen.","label":-1,"idx":8150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No she doesn't at all.","text2":"Of course she does.","label":-1,"idx":8151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin is said to have asked for space to establish training camps, as well as assistance in procuring weapons, but there is no evidence that Iraq responded to this request.","text2":"Bin Ladin asked Iraq for a favor in his operations.","label":-1,"idx":8152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If that is what M and S mean, why don't they just say so?","text2":"It seems the definitions of M and S should have been mentioned by now.","label":-1,"idx":8153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Maggy thinks aloud with words, she converses with herself, in much the same way that she interacted with her mother.","text2":"When Maggy thinks aloud, her conversation with herself is very similar to the way she interacted with her mother when she was a kid.","label":-1,"idx":8154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you're not sure if this was a true story or a made up story within your family.","text2":"You're positive that this family story is true. ","label":-1,"idx":8155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These programs established a widespread feeling of entitlement without a corresponding sense of social obligations.","text2":"The programs made the feeling that there were no entitlements.","label":-1,"idx":8156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh I hated, I, well, I'll just tell you that later.","text2":"I don't intend to tell you about that later. ","label":-1,"idx":8157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a lot more things have come up since then for people to do.","text2":"The people are getting bored because there's nothing left to do.","label":-1,"idx":8158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In July, an Iraqi delegation traveled to Afghanistan to meet first with the Taliban and then with Bin Ladin.","text2":"The Taliban refused to meet with an Iraqi delegation in Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":8159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And it's hard to go from having like your whole day to go to classes and do whatever you want to do and space out everything then like having to like drive across town and go to work.","text2":"I don't have a job during the school year.","label":-1,"idx":8160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet when given a plastic replica of a push-button phone, Lynnay readily put the receiver to her ear and pretended to converse.","text2":"Lynnay would pretend to talk on the phone when someone gave her a fake plastic phone.","label":-1,"idx":8161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just a little longer, and then we'll go inside. ","text2":"We will stay out a bit longer, then go in.","label":-1,"idx":8162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Khifa recruited American Muslims to fight in Afghanistan; some of them would participate in terrorist actions in the United States in the early 1990s and in al Qaeda operations elsewhere, including the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in East Africa.","text2":"Many terrorist actions occurred in the United States in the early 1990s.","label":-1,"idx":8163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is in cursive.","text2":"Cursive writing is etched on it.","label":-1,"idx":8164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He went on to warn that If the present injustice continues . . . , it will inevitably move the battle to American soil.","text2":"He claimed that the battle would stay where it was.","label":-1,"idx":8165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The Elephant and Castle, nitwit, and big cheese are other examples.","text2":"There are only two other examples being provided.","label":-1,"idx":8166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These changes were not noticed for several minutes, however, because the same New York Center controller was assigned to both American 11 and United 175.","text2":"The changes were noticed right away. ","label":-1,"idx":8167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He loves his brother and his wife, Does he live a double life?","text2":"He loves both his brother and his wife.","label":-1,"idx":8168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The notice NEADS received at 9:24 was that American 11 had not hit the World Trade Center and was heading for Washington, D.C.","text2":"The notice was incorrect and sent on purpose to confuse people. ","label":-1,"idx":8169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If all goes well, retailers allocate space to different goods efficiently, responding to shifts in consumer tastes (stocking the hits and discontinuing flops); setting pricing policies (markups and markdowns) to deal with both the direct cost of goods and the nature of consumer demand; and controlling inventory to reduce exposure to risk.","text2":"Changes in consumer taste lead to the inefficient allocation of space for goods.","label":-1,"idx":8170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The teens have also decided to raise money to provide camperships for other campers because they know what Jameson has meant to them.","text2":"Jameson means a lot for the teens and campers","label":-1,"idx":8171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he was more active in naturally shopping and, and some, some positive feedback.","text2":"He liked to browse for clothes and buy things that he liked.","label":-1,"idx":8172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whatever its derivation, duende as artistic inspiration found its apostle and guru in Andalusian-born Federico Garcia Lorca, lyric poet and dramatist who was murdered in 1936, at age 38, in the early days of the Spanish Civil War.","text2":"Federico Garcia Lorca was a poet who died during the Spanish Civil War. ","label":-1,"idx":8173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite its high costs and negative impact on the bottom line, being left with unwanted apparel products'or running out of fashion hits'was viewed by most traditional retailers as a cost of doing business.","text2":"Being left with unwanted products was seen as part of business.","label":-1,"idx":8174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes I, I remember one story he told me in the yellow house.","text2":"I don't remember him telling me any story.","label":-1,"idx":8175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does it shoot things?","text2":"Is it able to fire at stuff?","label":-1,"idx":8176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about the time when the Taliban were making their final drive toward Jalalabad and Kabul, Bin Ladin issued his August 1996 fatwa, saying that We . . . have been prevented from addressing the Muslims, but expressing relief that by the grace of Allah, a safe base here is now available in the high Hindu Kush mountains in Khurasan.","text2":"Many Muslims rejoiced over Bin Ladin's August 1996 fatwa.","label":-1,"idx":8177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A clear signal to Bin Ladin that his days in Sudan were numbered came when the government advised him that it intended to yield to Libya's demands to stop giving sanctuary to its enemies.","text2":"Bin Ladin knew that he could stay in Syria indefinitely.","label":-1,"idx":8178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since this linguistic-statistical study of an obsession might well prove to be an important contribution to psycholinguistics, I decided to make a larger sample of watery words, choosing the straightforward journals of Colonel Peter Egerton Warburton, who led an expedition across the western interior of Australia in 1873-4.","text2":"Warburton led an expedition across Australia trying to find gold.","label":-1,"idx":8179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a randomly chosen sequence of ten pages (151-60 of the published journal) there were twenty-eight occurrences of the word water (eight of them in compounds), no page being without at least one example.","text2":"None of the pages of the published journal contained the word water.","label":-1,"idx":8180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Look, ma'am, he says, you deserve to have your tongue cut out, because you are covering for the guerrillas.","text2":"He said he would torture me for helping the guerillas.","label":-1,"idx":8181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are you down there?","text2":"Are you down there?","label":-1,"idx":8182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Despite its high costs and negative impact on the bottom line, being left with unwanted apparel products'or running out of fashion hits'was viewed by most traditional retailers as a cost of doing business.","text2":"Unwanted apparel costs were able to be absorbed.","label":-1,"idx":8183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Linguists examining Classical Greek, Latin, German, English, Slavic, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Lithuanian, Iranian, Hindi, and the other languages of India and Europe found that there were correspondences among many of the common words.","text2":"There are many things corresponding in European languages. ","label":-1,"idx":8184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" How does the story end? ","text2":"The story does not end.","label":-1,"idx":8185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But only rarely did they collaborate and, with few exceptions, their work was not correlated in a systematic way.","text2":"They rarely contributed. ","label":-1,"idx":8186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We've had about 10 cases of botulism among the 105 sick or injured pelicans that we've received in the last two months, which is about as many botulism cases as we normally get in an entire year.","text2":"Many of the cases of botulism have been fatal for the birds.","label":-1,"idx":8187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During this period, two hardcover versions of the Addenda Sections were published' 6,000 Words (1976) and 9,000 Words . Now the hardcover version of the 7873-main-entry 1986 Addenda Section, appearing simultaneously as 12,000 Words (1986), permits an updating of the statistics.","text2":"During this period, four hardcover versions of the Addenda Sections were published.","label":-1,"idx":8188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Keeping up the cabin posed constant diculties.","text2":"It was easy to keep up with the housework.","label":-1,"idx":8189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President told us he was frustrated with the poor communications that morning.","text2":"The President ordered better communication protocol in the future. ","label":-1,"idx":8190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We can be proud of the graduates of our law school.","text2":"We aren't proud of our students, they won't be graduating. ","label":-1,"idx":8191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We often hear about economic poverty, but what some of these young people are growing up with is emotional poverty-they have often given up on hope and the possibility of a successful future.","text2":"There are only two forms of poverty: economic and emotional.","label":-1,"idx":8192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the 1850s, a Texas lawyer acquired a small herd of cattle on Matagorda Island.","text2":"The lawyer's herd of cattle was the only one on Matagorda Island.","label":-1,"idx":8193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I played all three, and the few other G.I.s in the room, which was quite large'big enough for a fair-sized dance with a small orchestra'either paid no attention or asked me to put on something by Glenn Miller or Jimmy or Tommy Dorsey instead.","text2":"I couldn't bear the atmosphere in the room, but I had no choice but to keep playing.","label":-1,"idx":8194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"spike one's guns If an army had to fall back and abandon its field artillery, the simplest way to render its guns useless was to jam a spike into the fuse hole.","text2":"The manufacturing of the artillery guns made them impossible to be manipulated.","label":-1,"idx":8195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, ya know everybody just left the room.","text2":"The room was vacant for a long time. ","label":-1,"idx":8196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, children's progress is evaluated dierently in open education than in traditional education.","text2":"Children's progression is understood in the context of the whole individual in traditional education.","label":-1,"idx":8197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In contrast, a men's dress suit might be cut from a single ply, or from five or six plies of the same or different material.","text2":"Men's dress suits can never be cut from single ply.","label":-1,"idx":8198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there any particular reason?","text2":"What is your thoughts about it?","label":-1,"idx":8199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Over time, Maggy will start to interact with herself silently, inside her head. ","text2":"Maggy will never interact with herself.","label":-1,"idx":8200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your membership fee assures your receiving notices of exhibition openings, lectures, discounts for Saturday School and the Pre-College Workshop, and invitations to the Janus Ball, artists' dinners and other Friends only events.","text2":"Your membership costs will give you entrance to one meeting detailing what school will be like and that is all.","label":-1,"idx":8201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With great eort, he resisted, turning and twisting in his seat until, finally, when the Rabbi blew the shofar (ceremonial ram's horn), Chaim could bear it no longer!","text2":"Chaim had been patient, but he could not take it any longer.","label":-1,"idx":8202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he sat and talked with these little children, and he hugged them, and loved them all.","text2":"As he sat and spoke to the young children, he hugged them and felt a lot of love for all of them.","label":-1,"idx":8203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fax had been sent from thousands of miles away by the followers of a Saudi exile gathered in one of the most remote and impoverished countries on earth.","text2":"The fax was a most important fax. ","label":-1,"idx":8204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading is the basis of all learning.","text2":"Reading serves as the foundation for all forms of learning. ","label":-1,"idx":8205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\ Hanks, I never heard that.","text2":"Thought this is the first time I've heard about it, I'm sure it won't be the last.","label":-1,"idx":8206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fragmented, polarized theories of the past are giving way to more equitable theories emphasizing that the child and the social environment interact and that the contributions of each to development cannot be separated and weighted in a simplistic, one-sided manner.","text2":"The theories of the past are evolving into new ones.","label":-1,"idx":8207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hope you will be present.","text2":"We are hoping for you to grace us with your presence.","label":-1,"idx":8208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they went on, they didn't make it to the house.","text2":"They never made it to the building.","label":-1,"idx":8209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' It is not clear why Heinlein chose such an unpretty word for such a beautiful concept (maybe it is euphonious to the Martian auditory apparatus); it has, nevertheless, caught on.","text2":"The concept put forward by Heinlein was forgettable.","label":-1,"idx":8210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, you will be helping to preserve those wonders through your support of America's most effective conservation group.","text2":"You'll simultaneously be helping preserve those wonders with your support.","label":-1,"idx":8211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have been intrigued now and again, starting as a small boy, by words which seem to act in exactly the opposite fashion, words which point away from their meaning, words which seem almost mischievously to mislead.","text2":"I have never felt intrigued about anything in my entire lifetime. ","label":-1,"idx":8212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Together, we believe that our reunion classes can make a contribution which will be very meaningful for the students at the school.","text2":"We believe that our reunion classes will donate to help the students.","label":-1,"idx":8213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Where are you from in Charlotte?","text2":"Where in Charlotte are you from?","label":-1,"idx":8214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, imaginative wish fulfillment can, at times, be counterproductive.","text2":"Desires if the imagination rarely represent an accurate picture of reality. ","label":-1,"idx":8215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the call ended, Mrs. Cheney and the Vice President moved from the tunnel to the shelter conference room.","text2":"Mrs. Cheney and the Vice President remained in the tunnel after the end of the call.","label":-1,"idx":8216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just as disorienting are clues where the two meanings of the answer belong to different word ","text2":"It would be easier to understand with experience with the subject. ","label":-1,"idx":8217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the user wants to find out about misplaced adjectives and adverbs , reference is made to the entry Electric shaver for women with delicate floral design on the handle. ","text2":"If the user wants to find out about a product that uses perfect adjectives and adverbs, reference is made to the entry electric shaver for women.","label":-1,"idx":8218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was then but a small step to the space warp, permitting faster-than-light (FTL to SF pros) travel by straight-line shortcutting across the curves of space.","text2":"Thus, faster-than-light travel was proven to be impossible.","label":-1,"idx":8219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All on board, along with an unknown number of people in the tower, were killed instantly.","text2":"An unknown number of people in the tower and all those on board, were able escape unharmed.","label":-1,"idx":8220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I told him, I don't cover up anybody, I said.","text2":"I was not going to take the blame for this.","label":-1,"idx":8221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We now turn to the role of national leadership in the events that morning.","text2":"Let's look at the position of national leadership during the morning happenings. ","label":-1,"idx":8222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She quotes (and, presumably, accepts) another source which holds that woman first awakened in humankind the capacity to recognize abstracts. ","text2":"She quotes another source that says a woman can recognize abstracts better than all men.","label":-1,"idx":8223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These differences include a larger disparity in compensation between those highly educated and those who are not, particularly high school dropouts.","text2":"High school dropouts tend to make less money than those who are highly educated because they choose to do lower-income jobs.","label":-1,"idx":8224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS considered scrambling alert fighters from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia to New York, to provide backup.","text2":"NEADS thought about sending alert fighters to New York for backup.","label":-1,"idx":8225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" It's a pacifier, explained Sophie, renaming the object.","text2":"Sophie gave the object a new name: pacifier. ","label":-1,"idx":8226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It also aided a Pakistani group engaged in insurrectionist attacks in Kashmir.","text2":"Pakistanis were violent. ","label":-1,"idx":8227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you very much and thank you for sharing your story with me.","text2":"I really appreciate you sharing this with me, and I want to thank you for doing that. ","label":-1,"idx":8228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"HOW ALUMNI CONTRIBUTIONS HELP TO SUPPORT THE LAW SCHOOL","text2":"Alumni contributions could not possibly help support any law school.","label":-1,"idx":8229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But time is marching on and I know all of you will want to make plans to attend the 1991 IU Fall Dental Conference.","text2":"But the days are running out, and I know you will want to attend the IU conference.","label":-1,"idx":8230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What do you do?","text2":"You don't do anything, do you?","label":-1,"idx":8231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one else been there no one else had ever experienced or written about what they'd seen and brought it back.","text2":"Everyone who went there wrote down what they had seen. ","label":-1,"idx":8232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These restrictions ensure that the weave of the cloth is aligned along the length of the garment.","text2":"Before these restriction cloth often went unused and turned into scraps.","label":-1,"idx":8233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Simply put, your generous contributions make all the difference between saving more of Indiana's natural areas, or never having another chance to do so.","text2":"Because of your generous contributions, we have been able to save more of Indiana's natural areas and wildlife.","label":-1,"idx":8234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what else do you want me to tell you?","text2":"Don't ask me to say anymore about the subject.","label":-1,"idx":8235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year Jameson Camp is planning an Inaugural fund-raising The Jameson Grill!","text2":"his year The Jameson Grill will be the inaugural fund raising event presented by the Jameson Camp, it is currently in the planning stages.","label":-1,"idx":8236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think that's hard for your dad maybe that you're closer with your mom now than you are your dad?","text2":"Has this made you closer to your dad?","label":-1,"idx":8237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The \"r\" fits in naturally.","text2":"The \"r\" is right where it belongs.","label":-1,"idx":8238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such spellings and soundings are hardly surprising, however delightful.","text2":"I've had more than decade of experience with this language.","label":-1,"idx":8239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What happens when people are living on the edge -- barely able to survive ?\u20ac\u201c- and an unexpected emergency arises?","text2":"When people are living on the edge and are barely able to survive, what happens when an emergency happens? ","label":-1,"idx":8240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This conventional rule also holds for the members of a third class, the Phonic Clue Elements.","text2":"The rule only holds for the second class","label":-1,"idx":8241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We help people train for and find jobs that make it possible for them to get off of welfare.","text2":"The training we provide for people help them get off welfare.","label":-1,"idx":8242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It resumed at 9:37 as an air threat conference call,* which lasted more than eight hours.","text2":"The teleconference was classified so no one could discuss it. ","label":-1,"idx":8243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Probably more likely my mother than anyone else.","text2":"It could have been my father.","label":-1,"idx":8244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" There you have it!","text2":"There you go!","label":-1,"idx":8245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about um, what you do for recess?","text2":"What activities do you enjoy doing during recess?","label":-1,"idx":8246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The commander of NORAD, General Ralph Eberhart, was en route to the NORAD operations center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, when the shootdown order was communicated on the air threat conference call.","text2":"The commander of NORAD was vacationing in Hawaii when the shootdown order was communicated.","label":-1,"idx":8247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"the power of conversation.","text2":"Th strength of a conversation.","label":-1,"idx":8248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A minute later, the deputy director stated that it had just been confirmed that American 11 was still airborne and heading toward D.C.","text2":"It was confirmed that the flight had crashed into the ocean.","label":-1,"idx":8249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But regardless of the activity, the adult adapts his or her support so the child can make use of it.","text2":"Children who listen to their parents will likely get more support from them in the future.","label":-1,"idx":8250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We went to Chimney Rock on a number of occasions.","text2":"We went to Chimney Rock several times. ","label":-1,"idx":8251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The roots of these polarized perspectives can be found in centuries-old, dramatically opposing philosophies about the nature of children and child development.","text2":"The basis of these polarized perspective is from recent breakthroughs in technology.","label":-1,"idx":8252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also Went-worth\/Flexner and Chapman both cite the term the leather as meaning a kick, but they date the term from 1946, citing a passage from Damon he would give his fallen foe what we called `the leather,' meaning a few boots abaft the ears.","text2":"The phrase \"the leather\" means to give a friend one's extra cash (Went-worth\/Flexner and Chapman, 1946).","label":-1,"idx":8253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These calls between family, friends, and colleagues took place until the end of the flight and provided those on the ground with firsthand accounts.","text2":"Family and friends spoke to one another until the end of the flight providing details.","label":-1,"idx":8254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're proud of our children and all that they overcome.","text2":"We feel shameful of what our children have done,","label":-1,"idx":8255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any case, Bin Ladin found it necessary both to cut back his spending and to control his outlays more closely.","text2":"Bin Ladin needed to reduce non-essential expenditures dramatically.","label":-1,"idx":8256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Australia and Western Europe, child care is nationally regulated and liberally funded to ensure that it conforms to standards verified by research to foster children's learning, social competence, and emotional security.","text2":"The approach taken by Western Europe and Australia is clearly what the world should do going forward.","label":-1,"idx":8257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And by doing this, United Way makes your investment count.","text2":"Your investment with United Way matters.","label":-1,"idx":8258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Iran's 1979 revolution swept a Shia theocracy into power.","text2":"Iran's 1979 revolution began a democracy.","label":-1,"idx":8259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When offered by feminists, the answers frequently appear in a style that is marked by word play dependent on written forms; a style that is unconventional, mannered, at its best witty; a style that suggests alternatives to those styles that feminists would designate male-influenced.","text2":"Males write in a style that feminists view as appealing.","label":-1,"idx":8260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Weekly free time for privileged Americans with demanding careers is still plentiful.","text2":"Privileged Americans have no freetime.","label":-1,"idx":8261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When will people learn that dictionaries are not the product of the collective imaginations of those who prepare them or the manifestations of the dreams of a single lexicographer but the result of lengthy, painstaking research to determine how the language is being used, the analysis and codification of the results, and then their organization into a usable reference source?","text2":"Dictionaries are not the product of the collective imaginations ","label":-1,"idx":8262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, a complete economic analysis of the appropriate parameters for an (s, S) or (R, s, S) policy must include consideration of some of the softer costs and benefits of inventory.","text2":"There are many costs associated with running a retail business.","label":-1,"idx":8263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, how old do you remember being--","text2":"At what age was your first memory?","label":-1,"idx":8264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, even a small swing in demand from week to week translates into high relative variation'that is, into a high coefficient of variation.","text2":"The coefficient of variation can increase a lot with just a small change in weekly demand.","label":-1,"idx":8265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, Bodenheim appends to his book a short glossary of Harlem words used in the course of the novel.","text2":"Bodenheim included a glossary of Harlem words at the back of his novel, that he used. ","label":-1,"idx":8266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some also ask, What can we do to stop these attacks?","text2":"We do not care to stop the attacks.","label":-1,"idx":8267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On September 11, the flight carried 58 passengers.","text2":"The flight carried 58 passengers, not that many, on September 11.","label":-1,"idx":8268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is crucial that parents exercise their gatekeeper role with respect to TV, limiting how much and what young children watch'to about an hour to an hour-and-a-half a day and to programs that are child-appropriate and informative and that teach positive social attitudes and behaviors.","text2":"Parents don't have a gatekeeping function with respect to how their kids consume TV.","label":-1,"idx":8269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' When the Boers first saw a strange animal in South Africa, they called it aardvark , a Dutch word for `earth pig.","text2":"The boers name a strange animal aardvark","label":-1,"idx":8270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you see the bunkbeds and mattresses on the floor that put seven of the kids(as young as two and as old as 12) in the same bedroom?","text2":"There are seven kids in one bedroom because they're too poor for anything else.","label":-1,"idx":8271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, New York Center declared ATC zero-meaning that aircraft were not permitted to depart from, arrive at, or travel through New York Center's airspace until further notice.","text2":"New York center stayed at ATC zero throughout the day.","label":-1,"idx":8272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In recent years, many retailers have been hampered in their efforts to reduce in-store stocking levels by the size and shape of the fixtures in which their products are displayed.","text2":"In recent years, many retailers have been happy to reduce in-store stocking levels.","label":-1,"idx":8273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When I think of grace, I am reminded of the many Salvation Army officers and employees who selflessly dedicate their lives to the poor and brokenhearted.","text2":"Salvation army officers and employees who selflessly dedicate their lives to the poor and brokenhearted are full of grace.","label":-1,"idx":8274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The channel perspective, however, indicates why the demand uncertainty and risk associated with today's apparel industry offer new opportunities for U.S. firms.","text2":"This channel perspective is good for today's apparel industry.","label":-1,"idx":8275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please read the enclosed brochure for more information on the wonderful Super Summer Safari Camp!","text2":"Our brochure for the Super Summer Safari Camp has all the necessary information.","label":-1,"idx":8276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Somewhere up northeast of Camp David.","text2":"They were southwest of Camp David.","label":-1,"idx":8277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a Chevy.","text2":"It wasn't a Chevy.","label":-1,"idx":8278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When, um, I was little, I lived more, near Lake Norman side of Charlotte.","text2":"I really loved the time I spent on the Lake Norman side.","label":-1,"idx":8279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The term dictionary entry includes all vocabulary entries as well as all boldface entries in the separate sections of the back matter headed Abbreviations and Symbols for Chemical Elements, Foreign Words and Phrases, Biographical Names, Geographical Names, and Colleges and Universities. ","text2":"A dictionary entry includes Foreign Words and phrases, vocabulary entries, and Geographical Names.","label":-1,"idx":8280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given the size of its logistics challenge, Federated also chose to redesign its methods of moving goods from suppliers to stores.","text2":"The stores were grateful that Federated redesigned its methods.","label":-1,"idx":8281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The February 1998 fatwa thus seems to have been a kind of public launch of a renewed and stronger al Qaeda, after a year and a half of work.","text2":"Before its relaunch, al Qaeda's membership and support had been flagging.","label":-1,"idx":8282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your assistance will allow the continuance of offering these programs at reasonable rates.","text2":"Your assistance won't help anything.","label":-1,"idx":8283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His goal was to provide the elegant shopping experience of major European boutiques while satisfying the American desire for product diversity.","text2":"He might also wanted to attract Asian customers.","label":-1,"idx":8284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD had no information either.","text2":"There was no information from NORAD.","label":-1,"idx":8285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grocery stores now stock a profusion of toothbrushes, Home Depot has shelves and shelves of different light bulbs, and Dell offers custom-configured personal computers.","text2":"A variety of lightbulbs tends to be the most profitable model.","label":-1,"idx":8286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you, dear reader, probably own a dictionary.","text2":"The chances of you owning a dictionary are slim.","label":-1,"idx":8287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what school do you go to?","text2":"What school do you go to? You're a football player, right?","label":-1,"idx":8288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He could present himself and his allies as victorious warriors in the one great successful experience for Islamic militancy in the 1980 the Afghan jihad against the Soviet occupation.","text2":"The 1980 Afghan jihad was a complete failure for Islamic militants.","label":-1,"idx":8289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every service listed above is a reason for you to give to the 1996 Annual Appeal.","text2":"There are a lot of reasons to give to the Annual Appeal but especially because the government cut the funding.","label":-1,"idx":8290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In other words, you know, it might be painful for you, or inconvenient for you adult people, but, Let the children come to me, and forbid them not, don't stop them from coming.","text2":"Don't let the children come, even if you really want to.","label":-1,"idx":8291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the next chapter shows, the changes now under way have their roots in new technologies, just as technical advances in transportation and communication shifted the industrial landscape at the end of the last century.","text2":"The following chapter goes over how budding technologies in transportation have transformed the industrial landscape.","label":-1,"idx":8292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The IUPUI Staff Council scholarship, awarded for the first time last summer, is the direct result of the Campus Campaign.","text2":"The new scholarship will be around for many years.","label":-1,"idx":8293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But here in college you don't have, I mean you can do what you want to, come and go as you please.","text2":"There's a lot of freedom in college - you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.","label":-1,"idx":8294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have an exciting year of exhibitions and events planned and hope you will choose to join us.","text2":"We wish you would join us, as we have an astonishing year of displays, games, carnival rides, and other things planned. ","label":-1,"idx":8295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the 1970s onward, religion had become an increasingly powerful force in Pakistani politics.","text2":"Religion became a more powerful force in Pakistani politics beginning in the 1970s.","label":-1,"idx":8296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, who, it hit the ground.","text2":"It hit the ground.","label":-1,"idx":8297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The donations will enable the __ Unit to continue supporting the research, educational and service programs.","text2":"We rely solely on donations for supporting research, educational and service programs.","label":-1,"idx":8298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we made modest progress in three months.","text2":"It's been three months and we've made some progress.","label":-1,"idx":8299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I also know that you like fantasy as well?","text2":"Don't you like fantasy as well as sci-fi?","label":-1,"idx":8300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since 1913, we have remained true to our mission of providing quality home health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay.","text2":"We have remained true to our mission of providing caring quality home health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay, since 1913","label":-1,"idx":8301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are one of those committed citizens that can change the world.","text2":"You can change the world, committed citizen.","label":-1,"idx":8302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other inversion flags are coming back, returning , and going West . Purists admit these only for answers that run horizontally in the grid.","text2":"Inversion flags are typically used for horizontal answers.","label":-1,"idx":8303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anent earlier items by Timothy Hayes [XI, 4] and by Richard Lederer [XII, 4] on the oxymoron , I submit some oxymora found in local ","text2":"Timothy Hayes and Richard Lederer know nothing of oxymoron.","label":-1,"idx":8304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:00:26, a passenger in the background said,In the cockpit.","text2":"A passenger said at 10:00","label":-1,"idx":8305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This macroeconomic link may prove to be the most profound implication of the adoption of firm-level information technology and manufacturing practices.","text2":"This macroeconomic link has no relevant to the adoption of firm-level information technology.","label":-1,"idx":8306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe that your support will be returned many times over through quality education, which elevates our entire profession.","text2":"I think that your help will be rewarded greatly with the quality education provided that progresses the entire industry and profession.","label":-1,"idx":8307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be sure, four names'Heather Gay, Brian O'Kill, Katherine Seed, and Janet Whitcut'appear on the Acknowledgements page, but so do names of a lot of other people (like Frank Kermode, Melvin Bragg, Clement Freud, Germaine Greer, Clive Jenkins, and Janet Street-Porter) whose direct connection with the book at hand would seem to be much more remote.","text2":"Only one name appears on the Acknowledgements page of that book. ","label":-1,"idx":8308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an alumnus and Chairman of that activity, my function is to beat the drums for financial contributions of $1,000 (or more) per year from alumni and friends of the school.","text2":"Persuading alumni to financially contribute is not a part of my function.","label":-1,"idx":8309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Psychologist Rosalind Barnett and journalist Caryl Rivers conducted extensive interviews with 300 dual-earner couples in the Boston area and found that despite stress at work and at home, most were highly satisfied and found child rearing to be both manageable and pleasurable.","text2":"Most of the dual-earner couples interviewed in Boston remarked that they felt like failures as parents.","label":-1,"idx":8310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for your generous support.","text2":"I am sure you will be generous with your support so let me thank you in advance.","label":-1,"idx":8311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Better yet, the dubbed Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Marlon Brando, and company made me conscious of how I had originally heard Superman I , and of how I commonly ignore what pitch and range (apart from diction and idiom) contribute to any language.","text2":"I instantly spotted the pitch and range differences in the language.","label":-1,"idx":8312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The cartoon.","text2":"The soap opera.","label":-1,"idx":8313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we say the Chinese language we refer, of course, to the written language.","text2":"There is a distinction between the Chinese written language and the spoken language.","label":-1,"idx":8314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mention of a third aircraft was not a reference to American 77.","text2":"Mention of the third plane was not referencing American 77 or any other flight.","label":-1,"idx":8315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We grew up here in Albemarle.","text2":"We lived in Albermarle when we were young.","label":-1,"idx":8316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most often, an electrically driven vertical reciprocating knife is used to cut the fabric.","text2":"Electric knives are the least used tool to cut the fabric.","label":-1,"idx":8317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed it does not.","text2":"It does in other ways, though.","label":-1,"idx":8318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift may be made when the pledge is submitted or anytime prior to December 31, 1992.","text2":"Your gift can be made when the pledge is submitted or, if you like, prior to Dec. 31, 1992","label":-1,"idx":8319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Funk dismisses Queen Elizabeth I and Betsy Ross as possible eponymous sources and concludes, It is much more likely to have been derived in some way from the frontiersman's rifle or gun which, for some unknown reason, he always fondly called Betsy.","text2":"Funk believes that Queen Elizabeth I is the origin of the name.","label":-1,"idx":8320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faculty Recruitment and Development Discretionary funds are especially needed to attract and retain faculty members.","text2":"Faculty Recruitment and Development Discretionary funds will not help at all with faculty retainment.","label":-1,"idx":8321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The kinds of services we provide help people deal with obstacles like health care, transportation and child care -problems that are big enough on their own without being compounded by factors like physical and mental disabilities, illiteracy and lack of job skills.","text2":"The services we provide to people do not help them deal with big obstacles. ","label":-1,"idx":8322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouts Opportunity of Hoosier 'Capital Council' would like to invite you to join us in an investment in our future business and community leaders.","text2":"The Girl Scouts of Hoosier Capital Council support future business and community leaders.","label":-1,"idx":8323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In return, we promise.","text2":"We pledge reciprocally.","label":-1,"idx":8324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So long, Space Cadets!","text2":"Bye space cadets! ","label":-1,"idx":8325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through his relationship with Mullah Omar-and the monetary and other benefits that it brought the Taliban-Bin Ladin was able to circumvent restrictions; Mullah Omar would stand by him even when otherTaliban leaders raised objections.","text2":"Bin Ladin had to abide strictly by the rules even though he had a relationship with Mullah Omar.","label":-1,"idx":8326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YWCA programs are carried out on the YWCA campus, in schools, shelters, public housing communities, correctional facilities and other locations throughout central Indiana.","text2":"The YWCA programs are easily accessible because they are carried out in various locations.","label":-1,"idx":8327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since the end of World War II, textile-mill products and apparel have both been characterized by substantial reductions in employment; at the same time these sectors show substantial increases in output, including shifts to higher-value products and higher productivity.","text2":"World War II ending made textile-mills have less employment.","label":-1,"idx":8328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The difficulty of measuring these costs is further exacerbated by the fact that a given product may be attractive to different consumers at different prices, so determining the appropriate full price for a product is not an easy task.","text2":"There are any complicated factors that go into determining the retail price of products.","label":-1,"idx":8329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One who counts and recounts.","text2":"People that jump away in fear. ","label":-1,"idx":8330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saturday School offers various art classes in different media for young and old alike who wish to improve their artistic expertise but are not full-time Herron students.","text2":"To be in Saturday School one must be a part-time student.","label":-1,"idx":8331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What parts of the story were boring?","text2":"What were the uninteresting parts?","label":-1,"idx":8332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Shared understanding (intersubjectivity) between adult and child, scaolding of new competencies, narrative conversations prompting a redefinition of self, and joint engagement in culturally meaningful activities'the diverse experiences we have considered that create the zone of proximal development'appear to be at the heart of her success story.","text2":"She was a proud and successful mother, despite getting pregnant at such a young age.","label":-1,"idx":8333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Every attempt would be made to have the hijacked aircraft squawk 7500 to help NORAD track it.","text2":"NORAD is the authority on radars. ","label":-1,"idx":8334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was raised in West Lafayette.","text2":"I have many fond memories of West Lafayette. ","label":-1,"idx":8335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Monarchies in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Jordan still survive today.","text2":"There are still monarchies in Saudi Arabia and Morocco.","label":-1,"idx":8336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Textile Industry Horizon","text2":"The textile industry, formerly known as horizon. ","label":-1,"idx":8337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last year I managed one pool and the other pools are kind of small and like a few of our sisters are working for me.","text2":"I managed one pool last year, and a few of our sisters are working for me.","label":-1,"idx":8338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The network included a major business enterprise in Cyprus; a services branch in Zagreb; an office of the Benevolence International Foundation in Sarajevo, which supported the Bosnian Muslims in their conflict with Serbia and Croatia; and an NGO in Baku, Azerbaijan, that was employed as well by Egyptian Islamic Jihad both as a source and conduit for finances and as a support center for the Muslim rebels in Chechnya.","text2":"The Benevolence International Foundation provided assistance to Bosnian Muslims.","label":-1,"idx":8339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only other one I know","text2":"I only know of one other building.","label":-1,"idx":8340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I forgot to ask you.","text2":"I asked you already.","label":-1,"idx":8341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"hogget Nothing to do with pigs.","text2":"Hogget is not a thing about pigs","label":-1,"idx":8342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although small-scale retailing continues, it is clear that an increasing proportion of retailing will be concentrated among a decreasing number of larger enterprises.","text2":"Small-scale retailing continues despite larger enterprises doing the majority of transactions. ","label":-1,"idx":8343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Enclosed please find background materials for your review.","text2":"Here are the background materials to be reviewed.","label":-1,"idx":8344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Effective merchandising requires matching the retailer's product mix to the tastes and incomes of its targeted customers.","text2":"The tastes and incomes of the target customers varies greatly based on geographic area.","label":-1,"idx":8345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let our families and children know that you want them to have the same kinds of memories of the holidays you will have.","text2":"You can let our families know that your holiday memories are better than theirs. ","label":-1,"idx":8346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In instances in which American stories referred to young children's misbehavior, mothers frequently deemphasized these acts, attributing them to the child's spunk and assertiveness.","text2":"Mother's tended to place less emphasis on the acts of misbehavior in their child.","label":-1,"idx":8347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But there is no evidence that the hijackers manipulated passenger levels or purchased additional seats to facilitate their operation.","text2":"The highjackers came on as normal passengers. ","label":-1,"idx":8348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Last year, their law firm solicitation program succeeded in obtaining a range of 57 percent to 100 percent contributing alumni -employed by participating firms.","text2":"Most alumni only took the jobs because there were no other jobs to take.","label":-1,"idx":8349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Miles suggests that such domination is a recent phenomenon'only a couple of thousand years old'for she points to the clear superiority of women in (primitive) religions and matriarchies, right on through to the Egyptian dynastic rulers.","text2":"Human history was shaped by both women and men in equal measure.","label":-1,"idx":8350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please identify whether you wish to support the General Scholarship Fund- or a particular scholarship (indicate name of this scholarship here):","text2":"You can donate as much money as you want.","label":-1,"idx":8351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have especially appreciated this generosity and hope you have been pleased with the growth and development of the School.","text2":"The School has not grown nor has it developed. ","label":-1,"idx":8352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of these young men, even if able to study abroad, lacked the perspective and skills needed to understand a different culture.","text2":"Many of the young men full understood new cultures through their studies.","label":-1,"idx":8353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Emboldened rather than satisfied, the Islamists continued to push for power-a trend especially clear in Egypt.","text2":"In a trend that is prevalent in Egypt, the emboldened Islamists continued to push for power.","label":-1,"idx":8354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In what country were you born?","text2":"When were you born?","label":-1,"idx":8355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1970s, Gerber Garment Technology was supplying the automotive and apparel industries with its GERBERcutter, allowing firms to cut cloth and nonwoven material more effectively.","text2":"Cutting cloth without the GERBERcutter is extremely inefficient.","label":-1,"idx":8356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This system will probably cost $100,000, and a demonstration in a shopping mall is currently under way.","text2":"The system is very cheap, only costing $10.","label":-1,"idx":8357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In classrooms, the same sequence of events prevails.","text2":"In classrooms especially, this sequence of events is ideal.","label":-1,"idx":8358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, strange little memories like that about my grandmother's house.","text2":"I have strange memories of the food at grandmother's house.","label":-1,"idx":8359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From The Once and Future King , by T. H. ","text2":"There are many famous novels written by T.H.","label":-1,"idx":8360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Recall 4-year-old Lydia's dislike of her academic preschool, described at the beginning of this chapter.","text2":"Remember Lydia's favorite part of the day was spending time at her academic preschool.","label":-1,"idx":8361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whether a unit of apparel is assembled in China or the United States, the overall process is quite similar.","text2":"The overall process of apparel assembling is similar in China or the United States.","label":-1,"idx":8362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean, I wasn't a particular snobby one, but there were some that were, so--","text2":"They are usually snobby because they live in a fancy neighborhood.","label":-1,"idx":8363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an Indiana resident supporting IU, you are entitled to a credit against your State taxes for your gift.","text2":"The gift would have been able to pay off State taxes without the credit.","label":-1,"idx":8364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A child playing storekeeper experiences firsthand the reasons for having customers line up to pay, for making change accurately, and for being polite.","text2":"When a kid pretends to be the owner of a shop, they learn why they need customers to stand in line.","label":-1,"idx":8365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was only one set of fighters circling Washington during that time frame-the Langley F-16s.","text2":"There were no other fighters around Washington at that time.","label":-1,"idx":8366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well I remember tales about some of our relations.","text2":"I remember stories about some of our relatives. ","label":-1,"idx":8367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The notches are the basic instruction to sewing operators regarding where the fabric pieces to be joined should match up or be aligned.","text2":"Without the notches, the sewing operators would have a hard time with alignments.","label":-1,"idx":8368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening.","text2":"The President thought he should run around like a chicken with its head cut off to look weak to the people.","label":-1,"idx":8369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He would in fact become Bin Ladin's deputy some years later, when they merged their organizations.","text2":"He would merge his group with Bin Ladin's.","label":-1,"idx":8370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By this time, American 11 had taken a dramatic turn to the south.","text2":"The plane had already turned south by this time.","label":-1,"idx":8371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, a passenger reported that an announcement had been made by the pilot that the plane had been hijacked.","text2":"The passengers were not informed about the hijacking.","label":-1,"idx":8372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, the NEADS mission crew commander was dealing with the arrival of the Langley fighters over Washington, D.C., sorting out what their orders were with respect to potential targets.","text2":"The NEADS mission crew commander was not responsible for the Langley fighters.","label":-1,"idx":8373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're watching the airplane.","text2":"There is a camera pointed to the plane.","label":-1,"idx":8374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The north border of the United States is with Canada, most of whose people share our common English speech.","text2":"North of the United States is Canada, whose population mostly speak French.","label":-1,"idx":8375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, they acquire practical skills and a wealth of knowledge about their physical and social surroundings.","text2":"They get practical skills and a lot of knowledge about what is happening around them.","label":-1,"idx":8376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are two major types of sewing machines used in garment the lockstitch and the chain-stitch machine.","text2":"The lockstitch machine is better at garment making that the chain-stitch machine.","label":-1,"idx":8377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Slater mill not only copied British technology but recreated that country's arrangement of family labor, which included young children, six-day weeks, the minimum twelve-hour day, Sabbath schools, and payment of wages partly in goods and partly in cash.","text2":"British technology was superior to Slater mill's technology.","label":-1,"idx":8378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" I hope the committee recognizes ad homonym [personalized] arguments are the weakest kind of arguments.","text2":"I think ad homonym arguments are the weakest kind of argument.","label":-1,"idx":8379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result, between 1972 and 1992 the annual rate of new shopping-center construction outpaced the growth in population and potential consumers.","text2":"New shopping centers were being created where demand didn't exist.","label":-1,"idx":8380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, unlike a normal scramble order, this order did not include a distance to the target or the target's location.","text2":"This was an emergency so regular procedure was thrown out.","label":-1,"idx":8381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does he ever let you hammer things in?","text2":"Did you use a hammer on him?","label":-1,"idx":8382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Feel free to join us for any of the lectures which are held October April in our auditorium.","text2":"There are many lectures held from October to April, and you are welcome to attend as many as you want.","label":-1,"idx":8383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider making a gift by returning the enclosed contribution card.","text2":"You should not offer a donation.","label":-1,"idx":8384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We Need Your Help Are you seeking a worthwhile cause that really changes people's lives for the better... where every dollar goes directly to provide services in the community...one you would be proud to be part of and support?","text2":"The company does not need any help and can fund its efforts.","label":-1,"idx":8385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, the roles of heredity and environment, of the child and important people in his or her life, so closely interconnect that according to some experts, their infiuence is inseparable.","text2":"The roles of heredity and environment, like a child having a two-parent family, are inseparable according to some experts. ","label":-1,"idx":8386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, believe me, she'll smash up in a village cupboard too, if she can't hide herself and settle down.","text2":"I'm confident that she'll be able to settle down without needing to hide.","label":-1,"idx":8387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A variation on this theme occurs in Alba de C??spedes' The Secret (translated from the Italian by Isabel Simon and Schuster, New York, 1958, page 114) where she confides that I still had a whole afternoon before me to spend, and I used it to tidy up my drawers.","text2":"The Secret was translated from Italian.","label":-1,"idx":8388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They established what they called a base or foundation (al Qaeda) as a potential general headquarters for future jihad.","text2":"They created a base as a possible headquarters.","label":-1,"idx":8389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the time he issued his February 1998 declaration of war, Bin Ladin had nurtured that organization for nearly ten years.","text2":"Bin Ladin fought for peace.","label":-1,"idx":8390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They established what they called a base or foundation (al Qaeda) as a potential general headquarters for future jihad.","text2":"They established what they called a foundation for jihad in the distant future.","label":-1,"idx":8391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And so that was really interesting, uh, in retrospect.","text2":"In retrospect, it was not very interesting at all","label":-1,"idx":8392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Overstocks at the close of a season were then marked down for clearance, warehoused in inventory for future sales, or sold to a secondary market supplying discount retailers.","text2":"Overstocks were burned in an enormous bonfire at the end of the season.","label":-1,"idx":8393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Chapter VI of Vanity Fair , Thackeray reports on Joe Sedley's drunken avowal to wed Becky Sharp the next morning, even if he had to knock up the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth, in order to have him in readiness to perform the ceremony.","text2":"Joe Sedley is sober and runs away.","label":-1,"idx":8394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This information, sent via EDI, can then be used to check incoming orders against purchase orders and authorize payments to suppliers.","text2":"EDI is not necessary to check incoming orders.","label":-1,"idx":8395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"has provided a solution of sorts to the perennial ancillary problem of the neutral he as the pronoun of reference in the language.","text2":"has created a possible work-around to the on-going secondary issue of the neutral \"he\" language's reference pronoun.","label":-1,"idx":8396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The second basic practice involves the use of electronic data interchange (EDI) as a means for transmitting data on orders between apparel suppliers and retailers.","text2":"After these two, there are basic practices that require implementing usually.","label":-1,"idx":8397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about do you have a bike?","text2":"You look like a cyclist, do you have a bike?","label":-1,"idx":8398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Department stores proved to be one of the most adversely affected retail sectors.","text2":"Department stores face a lot of negative effects.","label":-1,"idx":8399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Kuwaiti security services warned Washington that Iraqi agents were planning to assassinate the former president.","text2":"Kuwaiti security told the government that Iran was going to assassinate the former First Lady.","label":-1,"idx":8400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Command There is a report of black smoke in the last position I gave you, fifteen miles south of Johnstown.","text2":"Command did not see the report I gave them, so I had to remind them.","label":-1,"idx":8401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have something common in addition to being orthodontists who graduated from the I.U.","text2":"We have more in common than just being orthodontist graduates from I.U.","label":-1,"idx":8402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plans to attack the United States were developed with unwavering singlemindedness throughout the 1990s.","text2":"A proposed idea to hit the United States with an attack grew with a strong singlemindedness in the 1990s.","label":-1,"idx":8403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My objection to the form of the reference is that its wording suggests, there is more information about the etymology of lento to be found under lithe , but that does not actually turn out to be the all the user has learned is that lento and lithe are (or might be) cognates.","text2":"The wording will be fixed in the next version. ","label":-1,"idx":8404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have something common in addition to being orthodontists who graduated from the I.U.","text2":"We have one other thing in common, besides being this year's orthodontist graduates from the I.U.","label":-1,"idx":8405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President strongly wanted to return to Washington and only grudgingly agreed to go elsewhere.","text2":"The president wanted to get as far away from the attacks as possible.","label":-1,"idx":8406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We never had any uh, never had any problems.","text2":"We may have come close to having problems in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":8407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are actually two things at work in the Handbook : one is a genuine concern, when a generalized statement about people is to be made, about being unfair to women through the use of references which, though denotatively neutral, carry the strong scent of maleness.","text2":"The unfairness to women is completely made up, as the handbook never refers to people in general.","label":-1,"idx":8408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He was, and is, right.","text2":"He has always been wrong.","label":-1,"idx":8409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In spelling out the theory, the Engelmanns dismissed the legitimacy of biological readiness and proclaimed,","text2":"The Engelmann's didn't see the biological readiness as legitimate.","label":-1,"idx":8410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A fellow who skinned his flint was looked upon as being a parsimonious, penny-pinching, stingy cheapskate'a veritable skinflint.","text2":"Someone who skinned his flint was thought of as being miserly.","label":-1,"idx":8411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel assembly is described in the next chapter, but for now it is enough to say that all the pieces for a custom garment must be kept together during assembly.","text2":"When making custom garments, it's not suggested to keep all the pieces together during the assembly.","label":-1,"idx":8412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the type of defect and its location are deemed unacceptable, then the bolt of cloth is cut and a new ply started with enough overlap to ensure that all pattern pieces are whole and without defects.","text2":"Overlapping the new plies over the defect one is a new strategy in the industry which has greatly reduced waste.","label":-1,"idx":8413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under the leadership of Dean H. William Gilmore, the second floor of the school was completely renovated this year.","text2":"Other floors were also renovated this year. ","label":-1,"idx":8414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While that information circulated within the FAA, we found no evidence that the hijacking was reported to any other agency in Washington before 8:46.","text2":"We found a lot of evidence that the 9\/11 hijacking was reported to many other agencies in Washington before 8:46 AM but because of internal delays in those agencies no one acted on the information fast enough to stop the terrorists. ","label":-1,"idx":8415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider this request carefully --it is very important to us, the future of dental care in Indiana and your private practice.","text2":"Your private practice is less important to us than dental care in Indiana. ","label":-1,"idx":8416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, since then, I, I was, like, when I saw military, I felt like I, I, that is, a great fear, a terror of, the guerrillas, I was afraid of them, but the military, was worse.","text2":"Whenever I saw military personnel I would be overcome with fear.","label":-1,"idx":8417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and having been assured that it was, Defendant (aside) commands himself to Be firm, be firm, my pecker. ","text2":"The defendant commands himself to be soft.","label":-1,"idx":8418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about 9:20, security personnel at FAA headquarters set up a hijacking teleconference with several agencies, including the Defense Department.","text2":"There was a hijacking teleconference with several agencies.","label":-1,"idx":8419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When she was not helping with the crops and the garden, she could be seen washing and hanging out huge baskets of clothes.","text2":"She helped with the crops and the garden as well as washed and hung out clothing.","label":-1,"idx":8420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, unlike a normal scramble order, this order did not include a distance to the target or the target's location.","text2":"A normal command to scramble has a location.","label":-1,"idx":8421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a former board member, the success of the YMCA is still important to me.","text2":"I have seen several young peoples' lives impacted first-hand.","label":-1,"idx":8422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hate to say that, but it is true!","text2":"It's not true!","label":-1,"idx":8423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President entered the underground tunnel leading to the shelter at 9:37.","text2":"The Vice President traveled to the shelter by walking aboveground.","label":-1,"idx":8424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking demand variability into account becomes even more important given recent trends toward product proliferation.","text2":"Demand variability is of lesser importance as product proliferation increases.","label":-1,"idx":8425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He ordered all American Airlines flights in the Northeast that had not taken off to remain on the ground.","text2":" He ordered all American Airlines flights in the Northeast that had not taken off to remain on the ground for their safety.","label":-1,"idx":8426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was then but a small step to the space warp, permitting faster-than-light (FTL to SF pros) travel by straight-line shortcutting across the curves of space.","text2":"Faster-than-light travel worked by creating shortcuts across curves of space.","label":-1,"idx":8427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Discussion with my gun-loving friends supports Funk's penultimate etymology.","text2":"Gun-lovers are always happy to talk about their guns.","label":-1,"idx":8428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We moved from down there up here at a very young age and we don't remember a lot about the old as they call it their home.","text2":"We were very young when we moved here.","label":-1,"idx":8429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..to observe someone or something that has it is to feel icy fingers running down our spine.","text2":"To observe it induces not just a shiver down the spine, but also a feeling of nausea and extreme anxiety. ","label":-1,"idx":8430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our founders underwrite administrative and fundraising costs so that other contributions go to provide services to the, children and their families.","text2":"Administrative and fund raising costs are underwritten to benefit children and their families.","label":-1,"idx":8431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indiana University and the health profession suffered a significant loss with the passing of Dr. Steven L. Bricker on March 21, 1994.","text2":"Dr. Steven L. Bricker passed on July, 29 1985. ","label":-1,"idx":8432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our students must now fulfill the law school's legal writing requirements, and they encouraged to participate in a wide array of courses and programs that teach professional skills, such as trial practice, the law school's civil practice and criminal defense clinics, moot court, and client counseling.","text2":"The majority of our students are choosing to get involved in the courses that will teach them about things like client counseling. ","label":-1,"idx":8433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For every dollar of public support Goodwill received last year, we returned $1.","text2":"Goodwill gave back nothing last year with the money that it received. ","label":-1,"idx":8434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Britain, as elsewhere, most books by feminist writers are reviewed by women, usually feminists.","text2":"Most feminist writers are reviewed by people like them because no one else wants to read it.","label":-1,"idx":8435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But there is no evidence that the hijackers manipulated passenger levels or purchased additional seats to facilitate their operation.","text2":"The highjackers absolutely meddled with seats and bought them. ","label":-1,"idx":8436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, increasingly pressured adult lives have contributed to parental diculties in granting children the attention they need.","text2":"Increasingly pressured adult lives make it easier for the parents to pay attention to their kids.","label":-1,"idx":8437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An order to an apparel factory'whether from a retailer, jobber, or a manufacturer contracting out different stages of the work'specifies the total number of units to be made of a particular design, with a given fabric, and with a certain number of units in each size.","text2":"An order to an apparel factory gives the total units, the design, fabric, and sizes needed for the final product.","label":-1,"idx":8438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Oh, he wants a lollipop as well.","text2":"He also wants a juice box.","label":-1,"idx":8439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe that there was a pond even that it kind of overlooked in the back.","text2":"I don't think there was a pond.","label":-1,"idx":8440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I made up my mind that Muscat Ramble was almost certainly the original name of the tune.","text2":"I figure Muscat Ramble has to be the new name.","label":-1,"idx":8441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was discussion of the need for rules of engagement.","text2":"Discussion on how to proceed happened.","label":-1,"idx":8442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As cooing and babbling appear in the first half-year, adults again respond in kind, vocalizing and waiting for the baby to vocalize back.","text2":"During the infancy stage is when children being to coo and babble.","label":-1,"idx":8443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the lay is made by hand, then the cloth is generally cut directly by hand-guided electric knives that slice through the cloth on the table.","text2":"If the lay is made by hand, it is less desirable.","label":-1,"idx":8444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not all of verbal aggression is concerned with four-letter words; much of it (and many of the four-letter words) involves insults, racist and other prejudicial language, and other parts of the nether reaches of language formerly represented largely by asterisks.","text2":"Insults and prejudicial language are never taken to be forms of verbal aggression.","label":-1,"idx":8445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an alumnus and Chairman of that activity, my function is to beat the drums for financial contributions of $1,000 (or more) per year from alumni and friends of the school.","text2":"Persuading alumni to financially contribute is part of my function and I have already reached my goal for this year.","label":-1,"idx":8446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A message that goes from pole to pole","text2":"The message is of great importance. ","label":-1,"idx":8447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You didn't say anything about woman. ","text2":"You did not mention every possible outcome","label":-1,"idx":8448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We went to Linville Caverns once and we went to Sliding Rock and Biltmore House and some of the other attractions that are up that way in the western part of the state.","text2":"We also visited Grandfather Mountain. ","label":-1,"idx":8449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All on board, along with an unknown number of people in the tower, were killed instantly.","text2":"An unknown number of people in the tower and all those on board, were killed instantly.","label":-1,"idx":8450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The gift that I am asking you to make will be used to continue our mission of helping people prepare for, find and keep jobs.","text2":"Your gift will not effect our mission to train people, it doesn't matter if you donate.","label":-1,"idx":8451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think, uh, that intellectual stimulation is very important I think thinking is very important I think reading is a part of that.","text2":"Thinking about thinking is very important.","label":-1,"idx":8452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some also ask, What can we do to stop these attacks?","text2":"We want to prevent further attacks from happening.","label":-1,"idx":8453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pakistani military intelligence service probably had advance knowledge of his coming, and its officers may have facilitated his travel.","text2":"The Pakistani military most likely knew he was coming.","label":-1,"idx":8454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lots of them.","text2":"There wasn't a lot of them.","label":-1,"idx":8455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indiana University competes with 54 other dental schools throughout the country for the very brightest and most highly qualified candidates.","text2":"There are 54 other dental schools competing with Indiana University.","label":-1,"idx":8456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ever since garment-making entered the factory system, the textile industry has been much more capital intensive than apparel.","text2":"Factories have made it more expensive to get into making textiles. ","label":-1,"idx":8457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A second method has involved mobilizing public pressure on consumers, retailers, and manufacturers to raise the incentives for voluntary compliance with labor standards.","text2":"Public pressure on consumers comes in the forms of advertising campaigns.","label":-1,"idx":8458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are job titles for, ","text2":"These are symbols.","label":-1,"idx":8459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, Momma and I took trips back and forth to Chapel Hill and went through a couple of treatments and uh, you know, uh, ( ) uh, I had, had to have different shots each time I went back.","text2":"After all the shots, we always got ice cream on the way home from Chapel Hill.","label":-1,"idx":8460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To better help us assist you, write, fax or E-mail and tell us more about yourself...background, employment\/business experience, likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, disability, etc., and your current or planned business activity, if known.","text2":"There is no way to get in contact with the company for information on donation, and the company does not care who you are.","label":-1,"idx":8461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Health and Encourages a lifelong commitment to maintaining a healthy body.","text2":"Running, swimming, and playing basketball all contribute to a healthy body.","label":-1,"idx":8462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I appreciate it, Tracy.","text2":"Thanks, it is important to me Tracy. ","label":-1,"idx":8463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inventory carrying cost should reflect not only the cost of capital tied up in inventory, but also the risk of holding that inventory.","text2":"Inventories do not have an associated carrying cost in part composed of the risk of holding inventory.","label":-1,"idx":8464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Schliemann, who discovered the site of Troy, used the evidence in Homer's Iliad to determine his digging site, where any ruins had long since disappeared from view.","text2":"No one knows where Troy may have existed.","label":-1,"idx":8465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Together, we believe that our reunion classes can make a contribution which will be very meaningful for the students at the school.","text2":"We are certain that our reunion classes will not help the students.","label":-1,"idx":8466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, Talia assists inappropriately, by doing the task for him.","text2":"Talia felt guilty about assisting him inappropriately like this.","label":-1,"idx":8467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All right, Kevin agreed.","text2":"Kevin said he would not do it.","label":-1,"idx":8468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was closer with my dad when I was little, just because I did all the sports and everything like that and, I've always been close to my mom, it was never like I didn't like my mom, but, um, me my mom and I never really fight or anything like that, but now me and my mom are a lot closer.","text2":"I did not get along very well with my father when I was younger because we had nothing in common. ","label":-1,"idx":8469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Though Azzam had been considered number one in the MAK, by August 1988 Bin Ladin was clearly the leader (emir) of al Qaeda.","text2":"Azzam was considered number one due to his public appearance.","label":-1,"idx":8470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Etymologists say it originally meant due??o de una casa `lord, or master, of a house' and is a contraction of duen de casa . Duen is the apocopated (cut-off) form of duemo , which stems from the Latin dominus . As the Spanish word evolved, the de was suffixed to the duen , the casa was omitted altogether, and el duende thus became the lord of the house. ","text2":"Duende is derived from latin and Spanish words which roughly mean \"lord of the house\".","label":-1,"idx":8471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was it as recently as last year that you could find your way around, or has it been so long that if you were to visit the main campus you could not recognize it?","text2":"The campus hasn't changed at all in the past five years.","label":-1,"idx":8472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were you close with her when you were growing up?","text2":"When you were growing up, did you know her well enough to know if she might rob a bank for vacation money? ","label":-1,"idx":8473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\\\\ Hanks, I never heard that.","text2":"Of course, I've known about that for quite some time.","label":-1,"idx":8474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If Jarrah did know that the passengers were making calls, it might not have occurred to him that they were certain to learn what had happened in New York, thereby defeating his attempts at deception.","text2":"If Jarrah knew passengers were calling, he would know they would hear about the events in New York and he liked knowing they were scared.","label":-1,"idx":8475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That won't bother you?","text2":"We're doing it no matter how you feel. ","label":-1,"idx":8476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There would probably be little chance of a refund if the place were run by a feminist.","text2":"Feminists always give refunds, no matter what the situation is.","label":-1,"idx":8477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My argument is not that the Chinese pronunciation for Viet is Yueh but that Mr. Henn errs when he translates the Chinese character as `extreme.","text2":"the Chinese pronunciation for Viet is only Yueh under certain circumstances.","label":-1,"idx":8478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our ability to provide the Girl Scout program to our membership and reach out to more girls depends on the generosity of a caring community and companies like . Your investment in Girl Scouting is sure to help build tomorrow's leaders today","text2":"Our ability to provide the Girl Scout program depends on the profit of local drug dealers.","label":-1,"idx":8479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around 9:00, the FAA, American, and United were facing the staggering realization of apparent multiple hijackings.","text2":"As the realization of multiple hijackings set in, they looked frantically for more information.","label":-1,"idx":8480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, referring to her daughter's breakup, my friend complained, It wasn't that she did it but how she did it.","text2":"Referring to her daughter's break was about how she did it.","label":-1,"idx":8481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean man had hip replacements and bad knees and everything else and he'd get on his knees and play with that dog and give it it's medicine, put peanut butter on his finger and feed it to that dog to keep that dog alive.","text2":"The man never had hip replacements. ","label":-1,"idx":8482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When a task lies at the outer edge of the child's current capabilities, more direct guidance is necessary to bring it within range of mastery.","text2":"The children all mastered it after getting direct guidance.","label":-1,"idx":8483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even though she's no longer physically on the planet.","text2":"She's right over there in the kitchen.","label":-1,"idx":8484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were not scrambled in response to United 93; NORAD did not have 47 minutes to intercept the flight; NORAD did not even know the plane was hijacked until after it had crashed.","text2":"NORAD knew well in advance that the plane had been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":8485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A huge group of soldiers are coming!","text2":"A large force of armed men are advancing!","label":-1,"idx":8486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the other hand, a wino with an empty paper bag on a ramble to maintain his muscat level'now that has a touch of poetry.","text2":"A wino with a paper bag is kind of poetic in a sad way.","label":-1,"idx":8487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do not know exactly how the hijackers gained access to the cockpit; FAA rules required that the doors remain closed and locked during flight.","text2":"The hijackers had discovered some way to gain access to the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":8488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One rapidly runs out of hands and must resort to fingers and toes, for after years of laboriously categorizing these languages, the number of different main branches (called families and subfamilies) came to about ten.","text2":"There were around ten main branches that were discovered after years of categorization.","label":-1,"idx":8489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The top and bottom threads are locked together by passing the loop of the top thread around the bobbin.","text2":"Passing the loop of the top thread around the bobbin locks the top and bottom threads together.","label":-1,"idx":8490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Even if textile products flowing to apparel sewn in this country (or in Mexico and the Caribbean Basin, where contractors assemble garments using U.S. textiles) decline, it is realistic to assume that some U.S. textile exports will increase in the near term and that there will be substantial increases in domestic industrial markets.","text2":"There is no correlation between textile imports and domestic markets.","label":-1,"idx":8491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:55, before entering the classroom, the President spoke to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who was at the White House.","text2":"The President knew about the flight before the class.","label":-1,"idx":8492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He then returned to a holding room shortly before 9:15, where he was briefed by staff and saw television coverage.","text2":"He returned to a room where he saw TV coverage and was briefed by staff.","label":-1,"idx":8493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet even this angry landowner wound up living happily ever after with the Endangered Species Act.","text2":"The Endangered Species Act has been around since 1999.","label":-1,"idx":8494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A detailed investigation produced a list of new procedures that would become customary for forces deployed abroad.","text2":"An investigation showed a lot of new procedures that would be outlawed for the forces.","label":-1,"idx":8495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.","text2":"We have a hijacked aircraft that has just crashed in the woods.","label":-1,"idx":8496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" This is absolutely putting the horse before the cart. ","text2":"This is unconventional, but a good solution.","label":-1,"idx":8497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How much assistance a child needs depends not just on cognitive maturity but also on other child characteristics.","text2":"The level of required assistance for a child is based solely on that child's cognitive maturity.","label":-1,"idx":8498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet survival in both sectors belongs only to the fittest adopters of the new order of retailing and the channel.","text2":"Most are advancing in both sections despite not adopting the newest order.","label":-1,"idx":8499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't think they do that so much anymore.","text2":"I don't think that's done anymore.","label":-1,"idx":8500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As detailed in Chapter 5, our research indicates that the prevalence of information technologies, advanced distribution and logistics operations, along with the other related services apparel suppliers provide to retailers have grown dramatically since 1988, particularly among business units that supply a large percentage of lean retailers.","text2":"Chapter 5 has a detailed piece of research.","label":-1,"idx":8501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So he said, OK, that's fine.","text2":"He said he was pretty worried about it. ","label":-1,"idx":8502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe other people who survived leukemia or other diseases that you know were life threatening like that or I mean, do you ever try to find out other people's experiences?","text2":"Do you ever try to find out who died from leukemia?","label":-1,"idx":8503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Consumers' League, organized in 1899, adopted a voluntary label to be attached to garments made by manufacturers that abided by labor standards'that is, they obeyed state factory laws, manufactured on their premises, employed no children under 16, and used no overtime work.","text2":"Manufacturers that abide by labor standards include a label on their garments","label":-1,"idx":8504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nobody understands an injunction to address the chair as an order to talk to a piece of furniture.","text2":"Not a single person didn't understand the injunction to address the chair.","label":-1,"idx":8505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cobuild is intended for the foreign learner of English, whose dual concern is with understanding and using the core vocabulary of English, and who, having achieved that aim, can graduate to a dictionary for native speakers'like CED .","text2":"Cobuild is primarily for students who are already at an intermediate level.","label":-1,"idx":8506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like Dr. Seuss.","text2":"Similar to J.R.R. Tolkien ","label":-1,"idx":8507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"BMW will also need to combine information technologies, planning and forecasting methods, and production techniques to implement such strategies.","text2":"Planning and forecasting are the weakest areas in BMWs business model.","label":-1,"idx":8508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Primary textile manufacturing includes both the spinning of raw cotton and other fibers into yarn and the weaving of yarn into greige goods, or unfinished cloth.","text2":"Textile manufacturing involves spinning raw polyester.","label":-1,"idx":8509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soon iron monkeys gave way to more expensive but corrosion-resistant brass monkeys.","text2":"Iron monkeys performed very poorly and the extra expense was worthwhile.","label":-1,"idx":8510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we talk.","text2":"I'm pretty sure we talk.","label":-1,"idx":8511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He then returned to a holding room shortly before 9:15, where he was briefed by staff and saw television coverage.","text2":"He was told more by his staff and by watching TV coverage.","label":-1,"idx":8512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Passengers on three flights reported the hijackers' claim of having a bomb.","text2":"Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested due to alleged intent of participation in terrorist attacks.","label":-1,"idx":8513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such savings can add up to many millions of dollars for large manufacturers.","text2":"A large manufacturer can save millions.","label":-1,"idx":8514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dental distress is widespread in a population whose inability to seek care is compounded by fear and a lack of resources, transportation, and providers from which to receive care.","text2":"Dental distress is worsened by a lack of transportation.","label":-1,"idx":8515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I remember another book that you read that that I didn't read but that, uh, painting was made `84?","text2":"Did you read the book I told you about yet?","label":-1,"idx":8516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If NEADS had not placed that call, the NEADS air defenders would have received no information whatsoever that the flight was even missing, although the FAA had been searching for it.","text2":"The NEADS air defenders were able to provide crucial support to the FAA in searching for the flight.","label":-1,"idx":8517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your generous support is very important.","text2":"Your generous support to my grandma is very important.","label":-1,"idx":8518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With help from a dissident member of the royal family, he managed to get out of the country under the pretext of attending an Islamic gathering in Pakistan in April 1991.","text2":"He was able to escape the country with the assistance of someone in the royal family.","label":-1,"idx":8519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Noah and Suzanne, parents of a 2-year- When our parents were raising us, they seemed confident of their power and infiuence.","text2":"Noah and Suzanne were not parents and seemed meek and unsure of what to do.","label":-1,"idx":8520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make our society better.","text2":"Burn the world down to ashes. ","label":-1,"idx":8521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another scheme revealed that Bin Ladin sought the capability to kill on a mass scale.","text2":"Bin Ladin wanted to commit a terrible large-scale crime.","label":-1,"idx":8522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He directed the transition to an air threat conference call.","text2":"The transition was made to a call about healthcare.","label":-1,"idx":8523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was only one set of fighters circling Washington during that time frame-the Langley F-16s.","text2":"The Langley F-16s were circling Washington.","label":-1,"idx":8524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And my one sister Rayona she reminds me of that story and laughs every time we tell it.","text2":"My sister is also a flaming and open lesbian. Unrelated.","label":-1,"idx":8525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maledicta is not for everyone's taste, and some may even go so far as to maintain that the subject of its attention is not a valid one for investigation.","text2":"Not everyone likes Maledicta.","label":-1,"idx":8526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is important because aggregate inventory volatility has historically made up a significant portion of the volatility of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).","text2":"It's important to reduce aggregative inventory volatility in order to keep competition high and costs low.","label":-1,"idx":8527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be sure, the W usage note, even with its verbosity and the oxymoron pure hyperbole, is more helpful than L 's cryptic disapproved of by some speakers ; but the definitions are better in L because they assume that if a user does not know the meaning of literally , then that of literal is unlikely to be that obvious.","text2":"The W usage note is only slightly more helpful than L's. ","label":-1,"idx":8528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything in particular that comes to mind?","text2":"Is there anything specific that you can think of?","label":-1,"idx":8529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"lowing Has no reference to height or the lack of it, but is the sound commonly made by Oliver Goldsmith's herd.","text2":"Oliver Goldsmith's herd has a characteristic sound associated with it.","label":-1,"idx":8530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We might have done better with Arabic-speaking settlers.","text2":"The Arabs were friendly. ","label":-1,"idx":8531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can you help support this wonderful event by furnishing any type of products or services that can be used as prizes for our activities or as a raffle prize?","text2":"Please don't donate any products or services to this event, we have all we need.","label":-1,"idx":8532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"True, the official language of the province of Quebec is French; and true, we have borrowed a few words from there; lacrosse , for example.","text2":"Quebec was inhabitated by French people initially","label":-1,"idx":8533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Punch Ross to Stop Child Abuse. ","text2":"Ross committed child abuse so in order to defeat if, he needs to be punched.","label":-1,"idx":8534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:25, the Command Center advised FAA headquarters of the situation.","text2":"The FAA headquarters heard of the situation at 9:25.","label":-1,"idx":8535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dental students are incurring more and more debt as they progress through school.","text2":"Dental school tuition has increased and students are incurring more and more debt while they are in school.","label":-1,"idx":8536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The importance of family mealtimes is underscored by the fact that the most widely used research instrument for assessing the quality of young children's home environments asks parents whether the child eats at least one meal a day with a parent.","text2":"It's always important for the child to eat with the parent at least once a day.","label":-1,"idx":8537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That makes it easier to use information acquired during the selling season for replenishment during the same season or for forecasting future demand.","text2":"This makes it simpler for the information obtained during this season to be of use during current and future seasons.","label":-1,"idx":8538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sydney looks for the clown's shoes but fails to find them.","text2":"Sydney was not looking hard enough for the clown's shoes.","label":-1,"idx":8539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' This 19th-century neologism was obviously derived directly from the -nd marker of the active gerund in Latin, which suggests the therapist (active agent) rather than the patient (the recipient, the one the treatment acts upon).","text2":"Neologism was a term used in Europe to describe therapists.","label":-1,"idx":8540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You used to?","text2":"it's something you once did?","label":-1,"idx":8541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kinds of people?","text2":"What types of humans?","label":-1,"idx":8542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But that use apparently was rare in those times.","text2":"The use of the word Happy was rare in the 17th century.","label":-1,"idx":8543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the afternoon would come around around two.","text2":"The afternoon may be coming at one point around two hours from now.","label":-1,"idx":8544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To put it differently, it is not (yet) the function of the dictionary to show that articles (definite or indefinite) are not usually found preceding man in senses 2 and 3 but are invariably present before sense 1 uses.","text2":"The function of the dictionary may eventually change.","label":-1,"idx":8545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Where did they grow up?","text2":"On what continent did they stay?","label":-1,"idx":8546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Absolutely does.","text2":"Without a doubt it does.","label":-1,"idx":8547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's get 100 percent participation from our graduates.","text2":"Whatever level of participation we receive from our graduates is okay. ","label":-1,"idx":8548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But if order lead times are long, the buyer must order up to a larger number S to meet demand during the replenishment lead time.","text2":"Orders from China often take longer than expected.","label":-1,"idx":8549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking aim at military slang because it is itinerant and erroneous misses the mark completely.","text2":"Military slang is itinerant and erroneous.","label":-1,"idx":8550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Slater mill not only copied British technology but recreated that country's arrangement of family labor, which included young children, six-day weeks, the minimum twelve-hour day, Sabbath schools, and payment of wages partly in goods and partly in cash.","text2":"The Slater mill is completely influenced by British technology and work customs.","label":-1,"idx":8551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ELM staff at 617-742-2553.","text2":"Please do not hesitate to contact the ELM staff at 617-742-2553 if you have any questions or need further guidance.","label":-1,"idx":8552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"70 percent of participants will report a minimum of 3 hours per week doing homework outside of school.","text2":"Some participants do more homework than others.","label":-1,"idx":8553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When all of a sudden, a girl went by, I was washing (clothes), a girl went by, and she told me she was going to here mom's, her name is Victoria.","text2":"I was washing clothes when a girl named Victoria passed by, saying she was going to her mother's house. ","label":-1,"idx":8554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents cannot erase their child's genetic propensities, but they can alter many of them in a favorable direction, especially if they have access to knowledge about eective child rearing and they intervene in early childhood, the years of greatest neurological malleability.","text2":"Parents can't change their kid's genetics.","label":-1,"idx":8555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But most important, it must have a managerial system capable of coordinating these elements on an ongoing basis.","text2":"There are no managerial systems capable of coordinating these elements.","label":-1,"idx":8556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.","text2":"The aircraft cannot reach New York, so you need to authorize some firepower up there to stop them from reaching their target.","label":-1,"idx":8557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We went to Linville Caverns once and we went to Sliding Rock and Biltmore House and some of the other attractions that are up that way in the western part of the state.","text2":"We visited Linville Caverns, Sliding Rock, and Biltmore House.","label":-1,"idx":8558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I cannot however be compared to Japanese I have never been to Japan, and I am self-taught; I can read and write Japanese (slowly) for I did learn both the Katakana and Hiragana syllabaries (47 signs each) as well as a few thousand Chinese characters.","text2":"Japanese and Chinese alphabets are similar to the alphabet used in Western countries.","label":-1,"idx":8559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(The law school had to raise tuition by 8 percent [1991-1992] and 12 percent [1992-1993]).","text2":"Tuition has to be raised by 8 percent for academic year 1991-1992.","label":-1,"idx":8560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, And do you think you can help me?","text2":"I asked, so you're telling me you will not help me?","label":-1,"idx":8561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YMCA leadership can influence these constructive efforts in the community to expand youth development programs.","text2":"It is not the first time when YMCA proved that it can direct these constructive efforts into expanding educational programs. ","label":-1,"idx":8562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does that make for a lot of pressure to have a lot of money?","text2":"Do you not want to make money?","label":-1,"idx":8563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".. the worst fourflushers.","text2":"The fourflushers were bad","label":-1,"idx":8564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the present case, ACTUALLY is such a loosely used filler word in the language (like really , I mean , y'know , etc.) as to be almost useless as a substitute (except literally ).","text2":"\"Actually\" is such a loosely used filler word in British English.","label":-1,"idx":8565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Primary textile manufacturing includes both the spinning of raw cotton and other fibers into yarn and the weaving of yarn into greige goods, or unfinished cloth.","text2":"Textile manufacturing involves spinning raw cotton into cotton fabrics for clothing.","label":-1,"idx":8566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I guess at that point she figured it was too late so she might as well make the best of the situation.","text2":"She might as well try to make the best of the situation after losing her job.","label":-1,"idx":8567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about 9:20, security personnel at FAA headquarters set up a hijacking teleconference with several agencies, including the Defense Department.","text2":"None of the deparments were able to communicate with one another during the morning. ","label":-1,"idx":8568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't kick against the pricks,","text2":"Always kick against the pricks, no matter what.","label":-1,"idx":8569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Well, yes.","text2":"Maybe.","label":-1,"idx":8570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pressing the teddy bear's and the leprechaun's arms together and the lollipop-turned-pacifier between them, Sophie readily came up with a solution.","text2":"Playing with the teddy bear, leprechaun and lollipop, Sophie got an idea.","label":-1,"idx":8571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, my uncle in FL who uh had his own airplane and decided one thing he always wanted to do was land his airplane on the highway so he arranged one day to coincidentally run out of gas nowhere near an airport so he could have the experience of landing his plane on the highway and taxiing up to a gas station to fill it up and take off again.","text2":"I had an uncle in Florida who landed his own airplane on the highway. ","label":-1,"idx":8572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the short while since Goodwill helped him find his job, Robert has learned to thoroughly clean a motel room in about 40 minutes.","text2":"The man quickly tidies up rooms.","label":-1,"idx":8573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When out-of-the-ordinary events occur and we experience clashing views, we often look for a good listener'a friend or a loved one we can talk to.","text2":"We are comforted by talking to people we're close to.","label":-1,"idx":8574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't care how many windows you break, he said.","text2":"Seven windows eventually got broken.","label":-1,"idx":8575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're sweating.","text2":"You're sweating.","label":-1,"idx":8576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A highlight of their trip was visiting a new, remote YMCA location and helping them get started with their programs.","text2":"They visited a remote YMCA in order to help them start their programs.","label":-1,"idx":8577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously you're telling it to me.","text2":"You're telling me, of course.","label":-1,"idx":8578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the school is to maintain and improve upon its programs, it needs our help.","text2":"The institution requires our aid in order to improve its programs.","label":-1,"idx":8579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, what's your favorite television shows?","text2":"What is your favorite book?","label":-1,"idx":8580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In its limited adoptions in the 1930s, the SLS sewing room was organized in short rows of sewing machines based on the sequence of operations for the garment.","text2":"The SLS sewing room had long rows of machines.","label":-1,"idx":8581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I urge you to continue to make a difference in the lives of individuals like Cecilia and her son.","text2":"I hope you continue to make a different for people by giving $50 a month.","label":-1,"idx":8582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some argue that the growing pace of technology makes a liberal arts education less valuable in the '90s.","text2":"Some say that technological advances make liberal arts education obsolete in the '90s.","label":-1,"idx":8583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do not know when the word, standing alone, came into common use with an explicit sexual sense.","text2":"It is unclear how the singular word came to have such an explicit meaning.","label":-1,"idx":8584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1810, the Pawtucket, Rhode Island, enterprise begun with Slater's cunning had spawned a vibrant cotton-spinning industry throughout New England.","text2":"By 1810, Slater's cotton-spinning enterprise had failed in finding success in New England.","label":-1,"idx":8585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Retail Forecasting Challenge","text2":"The challenge of forecasting retail isn't real.","label":-1,"idx":8586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I. I liked, uh, oh gosh, go ahead Dave you've got--","text2":"Dave has something on his mind.","label":-1,"idx":8587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Payment of these awards is made from interest and dividends generated by the principal.","text2":"Interest and dividends that are created by the principal allows us to pay out these awards. ","label":-1,"idx":8588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't kick against the pricks,","text2":"Do not attempt to fight against the pricks.","label":-1,"idx":8589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of these young men, such as the enormous number trained only in religious schools, lacked the skills needed by their societies.","text2":"Religious schools did not offer great education outside of the religion itself.","label":-1,"idx":8590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Besides a firm sense of an inner self, autobiographical memory depends on organizing personal experiences in narrative form so they become part of a life story.","text2":"It is only a firm sense of inner self that autobiographical memory depends on.","label":-1,"idx":8591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Can I keep the shell?","text2":"Could I hold on to the shell?","label":-1,"idx":8592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By age 3 months, a complex communication system is in place in which parent and baby each respond in an appropriate and carefully timed fashion to the other's cues.","text2":"Parents and babies are able to establish a form of communication based on timed cues by the time the baby is 3 months old.","label":-1,"idx":8593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:58, the flight took a heading toward New York City.","text2":"At 8:58, the plane turned away from New York City.","label":-1,"idx":8594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Call United Airlines-Tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to LA.","text2":"Call United airline and tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to Sand Francisco.","label":-1,"idx":8595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Seconds later she said,Oh my God we are way too low.","text2":"The woman was worried about being too low.","label":-1,"idx":8596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Resources for this purpose are limited or non-existent.","text2":"The resources are lacking, because of neccesary secrecy.","label":-1,"idx":8597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next, the manufacturer must determine what percentage of its total capacity should be allocated to the quick line (we call this percentage the quick-line capacity ratio), with the remainder allocated to the regular line.","text2":"There is a quick line and a regular line.","label":-1,"idx":8598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This manufacturer's standard approach to rapid replenishment requests was simply to carry large inventories.","text2":"Traditional manufacturers held large inventories so they could offer replenishment quickly.","label":-1,"idx":8599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyway, this sent me to the big Oxford , where I found about a column-and-a-half on intercourse . As a noun it was first used of trade dealings between people of different localities.","text2":"I read a book that had a lot of information on intercourse","label":-1,"idx":8600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My Big Brother acts like a friend, but since he's an adult I get to make use of all his experience.","text2":"I am the youngest child in my family.","label":-1,"idx":8601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Competing in the transformed retail-apparel-textile channel now requires a set of management practices for both domestic and international sourcing.","text2":"International sourcing must have a proper set of management practices associated with it.","label":-1,"idx":8602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"highbinder Not a hip-length legging nor a Rocky Mountain farm implement, but incredibly enough a swindler or crook, especially of the Chinese variety.","text2":"The specification towards the Chinese variety was largely because of standards of race.","label":-1,"idx":8603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to a report in The Times [30 October 1987], Nearly 3,000 people have signed a petition urging Mr Kenneth Baker, Secretary of State for Education and Science, to make grammar, including syntax, compulsory to `encourage the clear and accurate expression of meaning.","text2":"The petition addressed to the Secretary of State for Education and Science has under 3,000 signatures.","label":-1,"idx":8604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why would I want to get involved, you ask?","text2":"You want to know why I want to get involved? ","label":-1,"idx":8605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And he, they would get down there and they'd find it and find it for him.","text2":"They would continue searching for it until they would find it.","label":-1,"idx":8606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the time of its founding, al Qaeda had employed training and indoctrination to identify worthy candidates.","text2":"Al Qaeda recruits are selected after training and indoctrination.","label":-1,"idx":8607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He could not reach key officials, including Secretary Rumsfeld, for a period of time.","text2":"He was unable to reach key officials.","label":-1,"idx":8608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next the designs that passed this stage went through a technical design step in which details were added and patterns made.","text2":"Technical design is the longest step in the process because the details are intricate.","label":-1,"idx":8609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That won't bother you?","text2":"If you don't agree, we can do something else. ","label":-1,"idx":8610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have a happy, healthy holiday.","text2":"Have a very bad holiday.","label":-1,"idx":8611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first operational evidence that something was abnormal on United 175 came at 8:47, when the aircraft changed beacon codes twice within a minute.","text2":"The beacon codes changes signalled something was off.","label":-1,"idx":8612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"While the Command Center was told about this other aircraft at 9:01, New York Center contacted New York terminal approach control and asked for help in locating United 175.","text2":"New York Center had tried every other airport and terminal to help find the missing plane.","label":-1,"idx":8613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basically if she couldn't hit a note he would digitize it so that she did.","text2":"She had no trouble hitting any notes.","label":-1,"idx":8614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A girl on the near northwest side walks past a community garden and playground today, where not long ago a vacant lot sat littered and loitered upon.","text2":"Where once there was a garden and playground, now there is a vacant, dirty lot.","label":-1,"idx":8615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Again there was nothing.","text2":"There was nothing of sunbstance.","label":-1,"idx":8616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So that one you really enjoyed and you read over and over again?","text2":"You only read that novel once due to lack of enjoyment? ","label":-1,"idx":8617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight data recorder (also recovered) indicates that Jarrah then instructed the plane's autopilot to turn the aircraft around and head east.","text2":"The flight data recorder was recovered and had information. ","label":-1,"idx":8618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He believes native wells are essentially rock-holes (depressions in rock) buried in fairly shallow sand, which, when hollowed out by the natives, appear to be wells.","text2":"This is primitive agriculture, but a lot of modern agriculture is derived from this primitive example.","label":-1,"idx":8619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inner core of al Qaeda continued to be a hierarchical top-down group with defined positions, tasks, and salaries.","text2":"The inner core of al Qaeda was a hierarchical top-down group prior to this.","label":-1,"idx":8620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you had relatives or close friends with cancer, you will appreciate our request for money.","text2":"If you had distant friends with cancer you wouldn't appreciate our request for food.","label":-1,"idx":8621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't know that it will be a very big culture shock, because I've grown up going to Boston all the time.","text2":"I adapt well in any type of situation, so I won't be surprised with anything new.","label":-1,"idx":8622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No primary targets appeared.","text2":"The most important targets appeared.","label":-1,"idx":8623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(In 1994, 35 million soccer balls were produced there, one-quarter by children.)","text2":"No soccer balls were ever produced by children.","label":-1,"idx":8624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here is what they say :","text2":"What they don't say will shock you even more.","label":-1,"idx":8625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I found that by pointing to beer in a refrigerator, pulling up my collar, slapping my sides, and frowning'and by then throwing open my coat, mopping my brow, and smiling'I could get the desired unchilled beer ( hotto beeru ).","text2":"There is also a slab of meat in my fridge.","label":-1,"idx":8626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A more specific class, e.g., male bird , makes solution easier, whereas a more general class, e.g., animal , would complicate the puzzler's task.","text2":"The puzzler had a high IQ thus these words were no challenge. ","label":-1,"idx":8627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In that case, groups of sewing operators are trained in more than one assembly operation.","text2":"Most sewing operators only know how to deal with one assembly operation.","label":-1,"idx":8628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By making a TinkerToy stand for a lollypop or a folded blanket stand for a sleeping baby, children step back from reality.","text2":"Children are not capable of stepping out of reality.","label":-1,"idx":8629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Whatever the case, that decision was a defining moment in your life and the beginning of a productive and rewarding future.","text2":"Without that decision you probably would still be stuck in a lower position.","label":-1,"idx":8630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now might be as good a time as any to reveal a theft I committed at an Air Force Base near Seymour, Indiana.","text2":"I should confess to what I stole at thr Air Force Base in Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":8631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet sales of some of the less popular sizes, such as the 43-regular, are only a few hundred a year.","text2":"The 43 regular is not as popular and only sell a couple hundred every year.","label":-1,"idx":8632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, he claimed that the world was beset with barbarism, licentiousness, and unbelief (a condition he called jahiliyya, the religious term for the period of ignorance prior to the revelations given to the Prophet Mohammed).","text2":"He says that the world is rife with savage and blasphemous beliefs similar to the ignorance that pre-dated Mohammed.","label":-1,"idx":8633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, and perhaps most important, mealtimes allow parents to enter into their children's world and hear about the many facets of their lives, ranging from what the child did at school that day to refiections on how to solve peer or sibling problems.","text2":"Mealtimes are the most common way parents hear from their children.","label":-1,"idx":8634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"OK, he said, Let me, wait for me here, I'm going to let dad know, and Cristobal's neighbors' friends.","text2":"I'm going to tell dad and Cristobal's neighbors' friends, so wait for me here.","label":-1,"idx":8635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although little systematic evidence exists on the precise ingredients of such ties, I recently became familiar with the bond forged between Hannah, a 21-year-old college student, and her Aunt Eva and Uncle Charlie, two of my university colleagues.","text2":"Unfortunately, it is a fact that I never went to university. ","label":-1,"idx":8636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our dad started going o on vacations by himself when holidays rolled around, so family get-togethers were rare.","text2":"Our dad started vacationing alone because he liked the quiet.","label":-1,"idx":8637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider making a gift by returning the enclosed contribution card.","text2":"A donation from you would be appreciated.","label":-1,"idx":8638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh really, what kind of jobs do you do for your, your dad?","text2":"What jobs do you do for your dad?","label":-1,"idx":8639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only now, for example, is the soap opera (with its enormous social impact) beginning to be recognized as a fit topic for academic analysis.","text2":"Soap opera is now getting recognized as a fit topic for analysis.","label":-1,"idx":8640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The drive to gain advantage from economies of scale and the role of manufacturing technology in textiles have also affected the people who work in the industry.","text2":"The workers were unaffected by the drive to gain advantage.","label":-1,"idx":8641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fifteen years ago, few people north of San Antonio had heard of burritos, fajitas, flautas , or chalupas . Today, thanks to franchise Mexican restaurants, they have become a part of America's vocabulary.","text2":"The Mexican terms for food came in through Texas.","label":-1,"idx":8642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They can still be found today in so-called gift shops. ","text2":"They can be found in gift shops today.","label":-1,"idx":8643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Radar data show the Langley fighters airborne at 9:30.","text2":"Langely fighters were supposed to be airborne at 9:00, therefore they were late.","label":-1,"idx":8644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, the first book I guess I really remember is she bought us a Bible stories.","text2":"Bible Stories is the first book I really remember. ","label":-1,"idx":8645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouts of Hoosier Capital Council would like to invite you to join us in an investment opportunity---an investment in our future business and community leaders.","text2":"Girl Scouts of Hoosier do not give any investment opportunities.","label":-1,"idx":8646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But then, also a lot of the same, that, uh, that deal with the D and D and it was a much cleaner environment.","text2":"It was a much cleaner environment than where I was.","label":-1,"idx":8647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Gung-ho , which once had a positive connotation, is now used derisively among servicemen to describe `individuals or organizations in a state of active and zealous military enthusiasm,' and usually modifies other words such as sonofabitch, etc.","text2":"The meaning of the expression, gung-ho, has evolved in the military.","label":-1,"idx":8648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By contributing $1,000 you can support one match for one year.","text2":"We are hoping to support 250 matches this year.","label":-1,"idx":8649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They came back with lots of reasons ! We hope you find your reasons on the list.","text2":"Others cited various grounds! We have the expectation that you might find your justifications on the ledger.","label":-1,"idx":8650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There was no response.","text2":"The lack of response was chilling.","label":-1,"idx":8651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the first chapter of Uncle Tom's Cabin , Miss Stowe offers a dialogue between Haley and Mr. Shelby, part of which goes, `Well,' said Haley, after they had both silently picked their nuts for a season, `what do you say?","text2":"At the beginning of Uncle Tom's Cabin, the dialogue between Haley and Mr. Shelby is short.","label":-1,"idx":8652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The same argument can be used to explain why growing product variety has increased demand variation at the SKU As variety grows, demand is distributed among an increasing number of SKUs, thereby reducing the pooling effects of demand aggregation.","text2":"In addition to a growth in variety, general population interest can also increase demand variation at the SKU.","label":-1,"idx":8653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Successful performance includes providing high levels of order completeness, short lead times for new products, and rapid response to requests for replenishment.","text2":"Successful performance doesn't involve providing high levels of order completeness or rapid responce to requests for replenishment.","label":-1,"idx":8654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:00:26, a passenger in the background said,In the cockpit.","text2":"A passenger said loudly at 10:00","label":-1,"idx":8655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The mechanism is landlord = LETTER, (`one who lets'), and character = LETTER, but the two LETTERs differ in both meaning and origin.","text2":"The two letters, do not differ in meaning or origin.","label":-1,"idx":8656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The life-changing experiences that are made possible because of YMCA International work will remain with the youth and adults who participate for a lifetime!","text2":"Future generations are also likely to reap the benefits of YMCA involvement. ","label":-1,"idx":8657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider an increase in your contribution to the Girl Scout Annual Campaign.","text2":"The monthly campaign is about to end.","label":-1,"idx":8658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(This manufacturer essentially followed an (R, s, S) policy as described in Chapter 6, with R = time period between orders= seven days, S = target inventory level = fourteen weeks, and s = reorder point = ten weeks.)","text2":"Chapter 6 is the last chapter in the book.","label":-1,"idx":8659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our records indicate that last year you contributed $100.00 to our organization.","text2":"We can see that you gave us $100 last year.","label":-1,"idx":8660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Scaolding provides parents and teachers with a sensible solution to the often-raised Is it better to be directive or nondirective when helping children learn?","text2":"Scolding helps provide a comfortable solution to the parental question of if it is better to be directive or non-directive in a child's education.","label":-1,"idx":8661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The other thing is that generalized statements employing reference to males constitute a not-so-subtle form of propaganda interpretable either as pro-male, anti-female, or both.","text2":"Generalized statements cannot constitute a form of propaganda. ","label":-1,"idx":8662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the early 1930s, two systems of sewing and assembly emerged in the men's segment of the apparel the progressive bundle system (PBS) and the straight-line system (SLS).","text2":"The progressive bundle system and straight-line systems were two systems of assembling garments that existing in the 1930s.","label":-1,"idx":8663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who joined the Taliban movement, espousing a ruthless version of Islamic law, perhaps could bring order in chaotic Afghanistan and make it a cooperative ally.","text2":"The Taliban advocated for a completely secular state.","label":-1,"idx":8664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The question a manager faces in this situation can be stated as For which dress shirts is it more profitable to pay $13.75 per shirt ($7.15 materials plus $6.60 production costs) but have a two-week production lead time, rather than $13.15 with an eleven-week lead time?","text2":"The manager is responsible for making all final decisions affecting profitability.","label":-1,"idx":8665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only a third of the terms have found their way into The Dictionary of American Slang , compiled and edited by Harold Wentworth and Stuart Berg Flexner (Thomas Y. Crowell, 1967) or Robert Chapman's New Dictionary of American Slang (Harper and Row, 1986).","text2":"Harold Wentworth was one of the editors of The Dictionary of American Slang.","label":-1,"idx":8666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Y staff trained in conflict resolution and adolescent programs guide the youth through a process of skill and esteem building.","text2":"Staff are responsible for their own training in conflict resolution.","label":-1,"idx":8667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The hijackers attacked at 9:28.","text2":"The hijackers had immediately took over by 9:28.","label":-1,"idx":8668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you'll stay here for the four years and then move, or would you transfer schools?","text2":"Will you move or transfer schools after four years here? ","label":-1,"idx":8669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is a liberal arts education still sufficient?","text2":"Is there value in a liberal arts education?","label":-1,"idx":8670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But that use apparently was rare in those times.","text2":"That use was apparently common in those times.","label":-1,"idx":8671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean, shall we put it down?","text2":"What I mean is, I think we should put it down.","label":-1,"idx":8672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh definitely.","text2":"Of course.","label":-1,"idx":8673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because the bottom thread does not have to be encircled by the top thread, the bottom thread can come from a large cone stored above the machine.","text2":"The bottom thread has to have the top thread go around it.","label":-1,"idx":8674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We need your help to continue our work, particularly as we enable area families with low incomes to become home owners.","text2":"As we enable area families with low incomes to become home owners, we are flush with money and don't need your help.","label":-1,"idx":8675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As for the answer, it is better to avoid very learned or rare words unknown to all but a few lexicographers.","text2":"Only lexicographers are able to understand learned words in this context.","label":-1,"idx":8676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh my father.","text2":"My dad.","label":-1,"idx":8677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:59, Flight 175 passenger Brian David Sweeney tried to call his wife, Julie.","text2":"Flight 175 passenger Brian David Sweeney tried to call his wife in fear at 8:59","label":-1,"idx":8678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it is arguably the simplest philosophically and, though this is relatively unimportant, the least attractive.","text2":"It definitely is the right idea.","label":-1,"idx":8679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The call for parenting advice has led to a proliferation of volumes, filling shelf after shelf in virtually every general-purpose bookstore and public library.","text2":"In fact, this genre is the most rapidly growing in the industry.","label":-1,"idx":8680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The fragmented, polarized theories of the past are giving way to more equitable theories emphasizing that the child and the social environment interact and that the contributions of each to development cannot be separated and weighted in a simplistic, one-sided manner.","text2":"The theories of the past are still subscribed to today.","label":-1,"idx":8681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We play outside on the equipment.","text2":"The equipment won't fit inside so we can't play there.","label":-1,"idx":8682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The nation is renowned for its gift-giving, as we all know.","text2":"The gift-giving that the nation is responsible for is renown.","label":-1,"idx":8683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed it is an amusing, albeit utterly wasteful pastime to pursue the quest for Red Pants examples.","text2":"It's amusing but wasteful.","label":-1,"idx":8684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you had to pick out of all of them?","text2":"Even if you had to choose just one?","label":-1,"idx":8685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, the IU School of Law -Indianapolis has initiated a Law Firm Campaign.","text2":"The IU School of Law has yet to initiate any lawful campaigns.","label":-1,"idx":8686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The description of the pronunciation of English is much fuller in the front matter of the W , but, as the only people who read the front matter of dictionaries seem to be students (who are enjoined to under pain of death) and other lexicographers, the absence of comprehensive coverage of the subject in L would not appear to be a serious omission.","text2":"Not including all of the details on the subject is not a big deal. ","label":-1,"idx":8687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Windows is compounded from the Icelandic words vindr `wind' + auga `eye,' a window being the eye of a house.","text2":"The Icelandic words het and dows from Windows","label":-1,"idx":8688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution helped make it possible for us to provide our students a quality education.","text2":"Your support has helped us build new research labs for our students.","label":-1,"idx":8689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have sent a check for $100 and hope that you will consider a like gift or more.","text2":"I have been donating at least $100 every year.","label":-1,"idx":8690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If NEADS had not placed that call, the NEADS air defenders would have received no information whatsoever that the flight was even missing, although the FAA had been searching for it.","text2":"The FAA had been searching fro the flight but neglected to notify the NEADS air defenders.","label":-1,"idx":8691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One who counts and recounts.","text2":"Individual doing counting and recounting. ","label":-1,"idx":8692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is in the classic style, commonly labeled concise or quick. ","text2":"The classic style is, by far, the best style. ","label":-1,"idx":8693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because like he saw that like, I think he saw that I was like him before I would admit that I was like him.","text2":"I feel like he noticed that I was similar to him before I agreed that I was like him.","label":-1,"idx":8694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are indications that by then the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common Kurdish enemy.","text2":"Ansar al Islam was aided by Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":8695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Bleak House (Chapter XXIV) Dickens may cause some readers to blush when he wrote of Mr. George's blush that He reddened a little through his brown. ","text2":"Mr. George was blushing because she say a naked lady.","label":-1,"idx":8696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA was asked to provide an update, but the line was silent because the FAA had not been added to the call.","text2":"The FAA was not added to the call by mistake.","label":-1,"idx":8697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The other thing is that generalized statements employing reference to males constitute a not-so-subtle form of propaganda interpretable either as pro-male, anti-female, or both.","text2":"Generalized statements employing reference to females constitute a form of propaganda.","label":-1,"idx":8698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, and if another, another person did that, they were going to kill him too.","text2":"If another person did that they intended to kill him as well. ","label":-1,"idx":8699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Almost 900 of us made new gifts in support of the things we care about.","text2":"900 new gifts is an unusual number to receive.","label":-1,"idx":8700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your support, we'll continue to work with the community toward our vision of making Indianapolis the most beautiful city in America!","text2":"We do not want to make Indianapolis the most beautiful city in America.","label":-1,"idx":8701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A familiar reasoning that in terms of job duties the sex or gender of the person who passes peanuts on an airplane is unimportant, editors of the Handbook of Nonsexist Language propose flight attendant rather than steward\/stewardess and oppose gratuitous regendering of job titles ( female flight attendant ). (A court case notes a male purser and a female stewardess with identical job descriptions, but different salary scales.)","text2":"The Handbook of Nonsexist Language says the sex or gender of the person who passes peanuts on an airplane is unimportant. ","label":-1,"idx":8702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That process did not always go smoothly.","text2":"It was not always easy to ensure that the process went smoothly.","label":-1,"idx":8703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" What's abalone?","text2":"Why is abalone?","label":-1,"idx":8704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to evaluate the performance of different inventory options, it is important to emphasize the less straightforward costs involved.","text2":"Cutting costs is a businesses prime directive for managing their finances.","label":-1,"idx":8705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do they praise you a lot?","text2":"Do they give you constructive feedback? ","label":-1,"idx":8706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For those who are unfamiliar with computers and the need for a word-processing package, I should explain that when you buy what is fondly call a personal computer, you get three pieces of equipment (though they may be combined in some models or makes): a rectangular box with some slots in the front and sockets in the back, a monitor, which is nothing but a small TV set, and a keyboard, which looks like an ordinary typewriter keyboard but, in many models sold today, has a number of additional keys alongside those for the familiar alphanumeric on mine, nestled among some control keys on the right side is what is called a number pad, which resembles the key arrangement one sees on a small adding machine or calculator; on the left side is a double bank of five keys marked F1 through F10 which, when pressed alone or in combination with another key, perform certain functions, some of which are useful, others of which are evidently thought useful by the manufacturer but which I never use.","text2":"Computers can be circular shaped.","label":-1,"idx":8707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Remember I told you about the story my mother wrote and I can remember at the time and in some ways it's still true today.","text2":"If you recall, I told you about that story that my mother wrote that is still pretty much true today.","label":-1,"idx":8708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"More recently alumni have responded generously to the special Bruce Townsend Endowed Professorship campaign, as more than $250,000 has now been given or pledged.","text2":"The school does not really need money contributed by alumni. ","label":-1,"idx":8709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the situation Wanda then found herself in bore that out.","text2":"It was at odds with the circumstances Wanda was in.","label":-1,"idx":8710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A clue for COCK might thus come to number one in the pecking order dominates hens and crows (a quizzical statement, unless the word crows is read as a verb) or creature with a cow's head and a bullock's rump found in a coop (first letter of cow plus last three letters of bullock ).","text2":"Portions of words may never be combined for an answer.","label":-1,"idx":8711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift, made through Indiana University Foundation, is tax-deductible.","text2":"Whatever you give to Indiana University Foundation you can deduct on your taxes.","label":-1,"idx":8712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The treatment ranges from an explanation of a term to a list of alternatives.","text2":"The treatment explains what the term 'door' means.","label":-1,"idx":8713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet sales of some of the less popular sizes, such as the 43-regular, are only a few hundred a year.","text2":"43 regular sells incredibly well.","label":-1,"idx":8714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS ordered to battle stations the two F-15 alert aircraft at Otis Air Force Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts, 153 miles away from New York City.","text2":"There were no fighter aircraft on alert. ","label":-1,"idx":8715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you think that story telling continues to be important and why?","text2":"Is storytelling still important, and if so why?","label":-1,"idx":8716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He no longer had a country he could call his own.","text2":"He didn't have a country anymore and he was angry about it.","label":-1,"idx":8717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a lot more things have come up since then for people to do.","text2":"People are getting tired because of all the new things that need to be done.","label":-1,"idx":8718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking quite at random a single page (page 7) in the journals of the Gregory brothers recording an early (1846) exploration of country east and north of Perth, I find the word water used fifteen times.","text2":"The Gregory brothers couldn't write.","label":-1,"idx":8719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His outstanding leadership skills will serve Cathedral exceptionally well.","text2":"Cathedral has no use for his terrible leadership skills.","label":-1,"idx":8720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let's get 100 percent participation from our graduates.","text2":"We strive to receive full participation from our graduates. ","label":-1,"idx":8721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 7:50, Majed Moqed and Khalid al Mihdhar boarded the flight and were seated in 12A and 12B in coach.","text2":"Majed Moqed and Khalid al Midhar were not on the airplane at 7:50.","label":-1,"idx":8722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, then, the dust from the, the tiles, was falling, because, well, they were destroying them, right?","text2":"They were wrecking the tiles causing the dust to form.","label":-1,"idx":8723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He writes, Receiving the Challenger Scholarship was a great honor and continues to be a source of inspiration to me as I work toward my doctorate degree.","text2":"He would not get the Scholarship that year.","label":-1,"idx":8724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among examples of the first are spit and polish, on the spot, on the square, stick one's neck out , etc.","text2":"Some examples of the terminology used in archery.","label":-1,"idx":8725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The IU School of Dentistry is limited in these times because it is impractical to raise tuition and fees sufficiently to offset lost state appropriations.","text2":"It is impractical to raise tuition and fees sufficiently to offset lost state appropriations so the IU school of dentistry is currently experiencing limitations.","label":-1,"idx":8726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The stories I remember being told, the most, came out of the Little Golden Books.","text2":"I wasn't told any stories as I was growing up. ","label":-1,"idx":8727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, have you ever gotten hurt on the playground before?","text2":"Do they lock up your playground?","label":-1,"idx":8728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To better help us assist you, write, fax or E-mail and tell us more about yourself...background, employment\/business experience, likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, disability, etc., and your current or planned business activity, if known.","text2":"In order to contact the company, email, write, or fax them and make yourself known to them.","label":-1,"idx":8729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did they ever tell you factual stories about the area that you lived in?","text2":"Did they ever tell you false stories?","label":-1,"idx":8730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Under A, for example, the lexicographers provide entries for Adam, Ad feminam, ageism, Ain't I a Woman (Sojourner Truth's speech), and amniocentesis . Z is limited to three Zamani Soweto sisters, Zeitgeist (`Spirit of liberty, equality, and sorority'), and Zugassent (a term for male continence as practised by the Oneida utopian community).","text2":"The lexicographers offer numerous entries for A, but there are none under Z.","label":-1,"idx":8731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet just because many U.S. manufacturers rely on foreign contractors for a good portion of garment assembly, it does not mean sewing in a factory requires little or no skill.","text2":"Many U.S. manufacturers outsource their menial jobs to foreign countries.","label":-1,"idx":8732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But they can change the configuration of their scopes so they can see primary radar returns.","text2":"They don't mess with the configuration scopes. ","label":-1,"idx":8733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mosques, schools, and boardinghouses served as recruiting stations in many parts of the world, including the United States.","text2":"Mosques were the best places to find new recruits. ","label":-1,"idx":8734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The two CEs are telescoped.","text2":"There was one single, short CE. ","label":-1,"idx":8735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As I say, American political non-fiction doesn't exactly lend itself to that.","text2":"American political non-fiction is very boring.","label":-1,"idx":8736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When the Sudanese refused to hand over three individuals identified as involved in the assassination plot, the UN Security Council passed a resolution criticizing their inaction and eventually sanctioned Khartoum in April 1996.","text2":"Sudan was sanctioned due to not cooperating with the investigation into an assassination plot.","label":-1,"idx":8737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A perennial language puzzler is the famous yes in response to very nearly all questions and declarations.","text2":"There are many people who act in the perennial language.","label":-1,"idx":8738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 1793, the firm of Almy, Brown and Slater was operating a seventy-two-spindle mill, producing high-quality yarn.","text2":"The mill produced woven doormats.","label":-1,"idx":8739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once young children realize that words, gestures, and other symbols are distinct from external reality, they are well on the way to using those representations as effective mental tools, calling on them to overcome impulses.","text2":"Young children cannot understand that symbols are distinct from reality.","label":-1,"idx":8740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the Clubhouse Monitor at Bent Tree Apartments, he now provides customer service for 50 to 60 tenants each night.","text2":"He was able to get that job thanks to Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":8741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inner core of al Qaeda continued to be a hierarchical top-down group with defined positions, tasks, and salaries.","text2":"The rest of al Qaeda was a hierarchical top-down group as well.","label":-1,"idx":8742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They know that Hamlet and Lear are gay.","text2":"They understand that Lear and Hamlet aren't straight","label":-1,"idx":8743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think we hid it from her didn't we?","text2":"I think we did the chest from her, didn't we?","label":-1,"idx":8744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When the Sudanese refused to hand over three individuals identified as involved in the assassination plot, the UN Security Council passed a resolution criticizing their inaction and eventually sanctioned Khartoum in April 1996.","text2":"Sudan turned over the three individuals involved in the assassination plan.","label":-1,"idx":8745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is administered through the Indiana University Foundation.","text2":"This is applied through the Indiana University Foundation. ","label":-1,"idx":8746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the first chapter of Uncle Tom's Cabin , Miss Stowe offers a dialogue between Haley and Mr. Shelby, part of which goes, `Well,' said Haley, after they had both silently picked their nuts for a season, `what do you say?","text2":"At the beginning of Uncle Tom's Cabin, there is no discussion between Haley and Mr. Shelby.","label":-1,"idx":8747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Wait, wait said the lady.\"","text2":"The lady told him to wait.","label":-1,"idx":8748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She tells me that the 3,666 people we helped find jobs in 1998 earned approximately $49 million dollars.","text2":"She didn't tell me anything about the earnings of the people we helped to find jobs in 1998.","label":-1,"idx":8749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Certainly because they sense its eectiveness, borne out by decades of research.","text2":"After evaluating decades of research, it is shown to be ineffective and useless.","label":-1,"idx":8750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This macroeconomic link may prove to be the most profound implication of the adoption of firm-level information technology and manufacturing practices.","text2":"Implementing information technology at firm-level is a difficult process requiring costly expertise.","label":-1,"idx":8751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The precise crash time has been the subject of some dispute.","text2":"Everyone agrees on the precise time of the crash.","label":-1,"idx":8752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Agents propelled him out of his chair and told him he had to get to the bunker.","text2":"The agents told him to avoid the bunker.","label":-1,"idx":8753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was you know, you kind of felt important at that point because you've, you've graduated to next level of adolescence, you're now helping the bus driver.","text2":"Your help meant you were in a higher grade. ","label":-1,"idx":8754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Note that some double-dealing has also gone on with the word character !) A third layer of camouflage is added ","text2":"Now we apply the first layer of camouflage. ","label":-1,"idx":8755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Regardless of geographic location, it is always difficult for a contractor to know if it has the latest information on sewing patterns and other construction details.","text2":"Information regarding products is quickly and easily transmitted to producers.","label":-1,"idx":8756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not anymore, no.","text2":"Yes, that's an everyday occurrence.","label":-1,"idx":8757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In mid-1998, the situation reversed; it was Iraq that reportedly took the initiative.","text2":"Iraq remained completely passive in the situation throughout 1998.","label":-1,"idx":8758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, many products sold in retail outlets, particularly basic and fashion-basic items, can now be replenished after the start of the selling season.","text2":"Selling season used to mark when items couldn't be replenished anymore.","label":-1,"idx":8759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have been unable to identify the source of this mistaken FAA information.","text2":"A spy was responsible for sending mistaken information to the FAA.","label":-1,"idx":8760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the present case, ACTUALLY is such a loosely used filler word in the language (like really , I mean , y'know , etc.) as to be almost useless as a substitute (except literally ).","text2":"The word \"actually\" is rarely ever used as a filler word.","label":-1,"idx":8761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basic and fashion-basic apparel categories now constitute the lion's share of industry sales, accounting for approximately 72 percent of all shipments.","text2":"Industry sales for basic and fashion-basic apparel are still growing.","label":-1,"idx":8762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I pay half of my, everything.","text2":"I pay fifty-percent of all of my bills.","label":-1,"idx":8763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the last page is a short biographical note about the authors in which, through pronoun references, we learn that both are women.","text2":"The short biographical note is on the second page of the book.","label":-1,"idx":8764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As media analysts try to make sense of the most heinous of these acts, including the recent spate of family, school, and neighborhood murders and maimings, parental retreat from a troubled child's life almost invariably surfaces as a contributing factor.","text2":"There is no way affect on the amount of violence performed by children and how close their parents are involved in their lives.","label":-1,"idx":8765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No matter the size of the donation, please know that your gift will be appreciated and make a difference.","text2":"Any contribution will have an impact and be greatly recognized.","label":-1,"idx":8766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It should also be noted that idiomatic expressions are not much used in American English.","text2":"Idiomatic expressions are quite common in American English compared to British English.","label":-1,"idx":8767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some were Saudis, and among them was Usama Bin Ladin.","text2":"Among the Saudis was Usama Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":8768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA may have been tracking the progress of United 93 on a display that showed its projected path to Washington, not its actual radar return.","text2":"The FAA knew the plane was not on the right path.","label":-1,"idx":8769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He continued to do so after he arrived in Sudan.","text2":"He was interested in traveling to Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":8770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If, because of the depressed stock market, your assets are not liquid enough for you to come up with one million dollars this year, then we can consider one of the other alternate ways to achieve our goal.","text2":"We really don't need any money from you, we would just like a little extra. ","label":-1,"idx":8771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the type of defect and its location are deemed unacceptable, then the bolt of cloth is cut and a new ply started with enough overlap to ensure that all pattern pieces are whole and without defects.","text2":"If the defect type is unacceptable then the garment is instantly removed from the lot and trashed.","label":-1,"idx":8772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um I don't know those are the, the sort of stick out in my mind about visiting Asheville.","text2":"I don't remember anything in Asheville.","label":-1,"idx":8773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The life-changing experiences that are made possible because of YMCA International work will remain with the youth and adults who participate for a lifetime!","text2":"The YMCA has lifelong impacts. ","label":-1,"idx":8774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a handful of slips taken from the top of my stack, I found at least one clear-cut Nevada is much more sparsely populated than eastern states, according to Robin MacNeil (MacNeil\/Lehrer News Report, PBS, 29 May 1986).","text2":"Nevada is sparsely populated in the northern part.","label":-1,"idx":8775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Haznawi was selected by CAPPS.","text2":"CAPPS did not choose Haznawi.","label":-1,"idx":8776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The theory was largely shelved for two thousand years until several physicists produced theories which led to the fact that the atom could be split.","text2":"Atoms cannot be split and it is proven","label":-1,"idx":8777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"May you experience God's grace this Easter season and throughout the year.","text2":"My family celebrates Easter so we can have a closer experience to God.","label":-1,"idx":8778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Fun is fun, but those who might rely on such a book are quite serious about the information they are seeking, and it is unfair to play fast and loose with their sincerity.","text2":"People who expect a book to do something for them are expecting too much.","label":-1,"idx":8779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basically if she couldn't hit a note he would digitize it so that she did.","text2":"She couldn't hit a high C.","label":-1,"idx":8780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, to return to Mr. Delaney, swimmingly is associated with aquatic with a smooth gliding movement says OED . No confusion there, I would suggest.","text2":"The OED says that swimmingly lacks any associated meaning.","label":-1,"idx":8781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The editors disclaim objectivity.","text2":"It is difficult to remain objective while discussing such a delicate topic.","label":-1,"idx":8782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are seeking to build partnerships between businesses and our not-for-profit agency.","text2":"We currently have 45 existing partnerships with businesses.","label":-1,"idx":8783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only in the 1980s, with the development of another system of mass distribution that includes new technology, new management methods, and new links to manufacturing'lean retailing'did the role of the buyer significantly diminish.","text2":"The role of the buyer significantly diminished in the 1980s.","label":-1,"idx":8784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They matter, and our support to them matters.","text2":"Our support to them is important. ","label":-1,"idx":8785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The manager tried to notify the regional managers and was told that they were discussing a hijacked aircraft (presumably American 11) and refused to be disturbed.","text2":"The regional managers were discussing the hijacking of American 11.","label":-1,"idx":8786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A customer for Levi's custom jeans is asked to try on the style that comes closest to the fit she wants.","text2":"The customer couldn't find a suitable style that would fit them.","label":-1,"idx":8787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lariat is compounded from the Spanish la `the' + reata `lasso.","text2":"Spanish has a lot of compound words","label":-1,"idx":8788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Interestingly, parents who are warm, communicative, and firm but appropriate in their expectations have children who are less drawn to TV, particularly violent TV.","text2":"Children with communicative parents are less interested in violent TV.","label":-1,"idx":8789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or retailers might not even notice if an unplanned substitution had been made because their information systems were equally as primitive.","text2":"The replacement of a plant product went unnoticed for months by retailers.","label":-1,"idx":8790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, what are the contexts in which the citations were found?","text2":"The spot they were found is critical to understanding the meaning.","label":-1,"idx":8791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Basically because we both, um, always think we're right.","text2":"We were never right about anything.","label":-1,"idx":8792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A nationally recognized innovator in Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, Steve is remembered as a gentleman whose care and concern for his students, friends and colleagues was warm and genuine.","text2":"Steven is dead now after being hit by a large mac truck.","label":-1,"idx":8793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Note that this buyer would be ordering more than she expects to sell (the mean value of the distribution, 180 units).","text2":"If supply is higher than demand, there will be no profits.","label":-1,"idx":8794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This pattern of expansion through building alliances extended to the United States.","text2":"The pattern of expansion occured via building alliances.","label":-1,"idx":8795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The howlers in my collection that I most cherish, however, depend for their charm on skewed syntax.","text2":"I cherish the howlers the most because they are so cute.","label":-1,"idx":8796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Robert A. Heinlein envisaged a more optimistic future in his 1961 novel, Stranger in a Strange Land . Its Martian-reared main character advocates advancing the empathic capability of the human mind so humans can grok `embrace others with profound, intuitive understanding.","text2":"Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein outlined a bright future wherein Martians try to get humans to develop empathy and their feelings.","label":-1,"idx":8797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And this time of year is an occasion to remember those not as fortunate as we are.","text2":"At this special time, we should focus only on our own families.","label":-1,"idx":8798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to a senior al Qaeda detainee, the government of Sudan seized everything Bin Ladin had possessed there.","text2":"The Sudan government stored Bin Laden's belongings in a safe house.","label":-1,"idx":8799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Brown does not know how that happened.","text2":"Brown created a detailed plan for that, and all worked exactly as he imagined.","label":-1,"idx":8800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller spent the next several minutes handing off the other flights on his scope to other controllers and moving aircraft out of the way of the unidentified aircraft (believed to be United 175) as it moved southwest and then turned northeast toward New York City.","text2":"The controller handed the other flights over to different controllers and told the other planes to move out of the way.","label":-1,"idx":8801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ELM staff at 617-742-2553.","text2":"Please do not hesitate to contact the ELM staff at 617-742-2553 if you have any questions.","label":-1,"idx":8802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What kind of playground equipment do you have?","text2":"What do you do when the playground is closed?","label":-1,"idx":8803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mr. and Mrs. Platter, you've always been there to help when we've counted on you.","text2":"Mr. and Mrs. Platter, you haven't been pulling your weight in helping us.","label":-1,"idx":8804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Turns out it was 226 miles to New Market from PA and 320 miles from NC to New Market.","text2":"There was over 200 miles between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.","label":-1,"idx":8805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think, uh, that intellectual stimulation is very important I think thinking is very important I think reading is a part of that.","text2":"I believe that intellectual stimulation is vital.","label":-1,"idx":8806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not entirely in agreement with the RHD treatment, for, personally, I believe that youth has lately appeared more and more often in context like youth center, youth rehabilitation , etc., where the context is clearly common-gender, and the foregoing is merely set out as a warning to those who try to predict what lexicographers are likely to do.","text2":"The speaker does not feel the proliferation of the term youth is non-gender specific.","label":-1,"idx":8807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Naturally, contractors for sewing assembly will not be allowed access to estimates of production costs and information about other suppliers; however, once a change is made in a garment's design, then everyone involved will have access to and can work from the identical information base.","text2":"Contractors engaged in sewing assembly are allowed access to information about other suppliers.","label":-1,"idx":8808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or retailers might not even notice if an unplanned substitution had been made because their information systems were equally as primitive.","text2":"The information system was complex and made it obvious when something was substituted.","label":-1,"idx":8809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A RED NUGGET!","text2":"The nugget is blue.","label":-1,"idx":8810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, did that go on for a long time until you were able to begin reading stories on your own?","text2":"Did that persist until you started reading on your own? ","label":-1,"idx":8811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 6 discusses, under A Few More Words, a number of suffixes ( -trix, -ess , etc.) and words ( hero\/ heroine, alumnus\/alumna\/alumni\/alumnae , etc.) that apparently offend the they campaign for the elimination of la diff??rence . My own attitude is that I find such terms not in the least Why should a woman object to being called a heroine, a divorc??e, or an actress any more than being called a female or a woman?","text2":"I find this entire work to be really boring.","label":-1,"idx":8812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A laser beam can seriously harm humans, and people may not notice the small-diameter beams of light in an industrial environment.","text2":"Laser beams emit small-diameter beams of light that are not very obvious to the human eye.","label":-1,"idx":8813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And these ties, coupled with our classroom experience, are a valuable part of our DePauw education.","text2":"DePauw does not consider the classroom experience to be very valuable.","label":-1,"idx":8814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" That thunder is way up in the sky, far away, Deb explains, pointing o in the distance.","text2":"Deb said that the thunder was very close and on the ground.","label":-1,"idx":8815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . I'm thinking cruise missile threat from the sea.","text2":"I think a cruise missile from the sea as a threat.","label":-1,"idx":8816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Slater mill not only copied British technology but recreated that country's arrangement of family labor, which included young children, six-day weeks, the minimum twelve-hour day, Sabbath schools, and payment of wages partly in goods and partly in cash.","text2":"The Slater mill did not copy Britain's family labor arrangement at all. ","label":-1,"idx":8817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once again, there was no immediate information about the fate of the inbound aircraft.","text2":"The inbound plane had crashed.","label":-1,"idx":8818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Currently, about 15 percent of the textile production and nonsupervisory workforce is organized compared with 25 percent in the apparel industry.","text2":"In the past much of the workforce in both textile and apparel industries were organized.","label":-1,"idx":8819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please identify whether you wish to support the General Scholarship Fund- or a particular scholarship (indicate name of this scholarship here):","text2":"There are is only one choice of donation, a specific scholarship. ","label":-1,"idx":8820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such systems have the potential to develop patterns and color fabrics; adapt apparel patterns for custom-made suits, shirts, pants, and other garments; and evaluate production sourcing alternatives to maximize profit while allowing for demand uncertainty.","text2":"The development of patterns and color fabrics is possible due to such systems.","label":-1,"idx":8821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nancy May and her husband promptly did so.","text2":"Nancy May and her husband promptly did so out of fear.","label":-1,"idx":8822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In some instances, ancient languages have been decoded, some from multilingual inscriptions.","text2":"Having multilingual inscriptions makes it much easier to decode ancient languages.","label":-1,"idx":8823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Specifically singling out U.S. forces for attack, the language resembled that which would appear in Bin Ladin's public fatwa in August 1996.","text2":"Bin Laden chose not to single out the U.S. forces for attack.","label":-1,"idx":8824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The notches are the basic instruction to sewing operators regarding where the fabric pieces to be joined should match up or be aligned.","text2":"The notches help the sewing operators with match-ups and alignment.","label":-1,"idx":8825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Overstocks at the close of a season were then marked down for clearance, warehoused in inventory for future sales, or sold to a secondary market supplying discount retailers.","text2":"Overstocks at the end of the season were deeply discounted and very affordable.","label":-1,"idx":8826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't miss the opening of the last one at the National Art Museum of Sport on Thursday, November 5 from 5:30-8:00 p.m.","text2":"Be sure to catch the opening of the last one located within the National Art Museum of Sport, it will close by 8pm!","label":-1,"idx":8827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like emotion knowledge, preschoolers' grasp of false belief grows out of conversations that touch on the mental lives of others.","text2":"Preschoolers understand false belief.","label":-1,"idx":8828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"United Way of Central Indiana adds value to your investment.","text2":"United Way of Indiana subtracts value of your investment.","label":-1,"idx":8829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They had not taken on what he called the head of the snake.","text2":"The head of the snake was confronted vigilantly.","label":-1,"idx":8830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or who helps Michael, who has spina bifida, learn to talk, dress himself, and get around independently?","text2":"Michael is able to get around by himself and doesn't need anyone to help him with anything.","label":-1,"idx":8831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this way, modular assembly systems only yield real advantages in the presence of the other three practices.","text2":"The other three practices are more widely known than modular assembly systems. ","label":-1,"idx":8832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In which part of the country?","text2":"When was this?","label":-1,"idx":8833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, they went through, they broke a soldier's leg, you could hear his moaning.","text2":"They went and broke the leg of the soldier.","label":-1,"idx":8834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The make-up of the grid has undergone various modifications in the course of time but the rules of the game have remained unchanged.","text2":"The game is played by almost everyone here. ","label":-1,"idx":8835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Department stores, with a wide range of goods arranged in departments, provided one-stop shopping","text2":"Consumers demanded one-stop shopping.","label":-1,"idx":8836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one can recall the content of this conversation, but it was a brief call in which the subject of shootdown authority was not discussed.","text2":"A recording is available of the lengthy call in which shootdown authority is talked about.","label":-1,"idx":8837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dillard's became one of the first department stores in the late 1980s to build a centralized inventory-tracking system to provide its headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas, with real-time information on sales, by both store and item.","text2":"Dillard's was trying to decide if it would be profitable to implement a centralized inventory-tracking system, but in the end, analysis resulted in the company passing on the opportunity. ","label":-1,"idx":8838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, the next day, I left early in the morning for San Miguel, to see my daughter, and when I was coming back, I went by my brother's, which was a place in, a town called Chapeltique, and I arrived at his place, and I said, his name is Salomon, and I said, Brother, I am here to see if you'll give me posada (lodging), we call it, like you give someone a place to live in your own house.","text2":"I left that night never to see my family again.","label":-1,"idx":8839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"High demand uncertainty, previously associated only with fashion products, is now pervasive, characterizing even those items once regarded as basics'such as power tools, industrial seals, men's dress shirts, and blue jeans.","text2":"In the past, fashion products were the only goods that were associated with high demand uncertainty.","label":-1,"idx":8840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the time of its founding, al Qaeda had employed training and indoctrination to identify worthy candidates.","text2":"Al Qaeda candidates are chosen on the battlefield following moments of valor.","label":-1,"idx":8841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't say words like Love, and I don't mention Jesus, I don't talk about any deity, um, because that's part of the respect, too.","text2":"Respect is not something that is important to me.","label":-1,"idx":8842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You'd walk down the road with a dollar bill in your hand now this is in the mid-seventies, but still milk was twice that in the store I guess.","text2":"I walked down the road in the seventies.","label":-1,"idx":8843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If that aim is sincere (and, by and large, it seems to be), the fifth estate may yet turn the bright light of science and scholarship on itself.","text2":"Media outlets that operate outside of the mainstream media might end up confronting themselves with the bright light of science and scholarship.","label":-1,"idx":8844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, I kept on, and finally when I saw that life was really expensive, and I didn't have, I couldn't work anymore since I'm not a professional, then I decided to come (to the US), because also, well, the, there in that area, since now there wasn't anywhere to work, I had left hidden from the guerrillas, and, well, that's what I continued.","text2":"I was nervous about coming to the US.","label":-1,"idx":8845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ We were there working.","text2":"We were there sleeping.","label":-1,"idx":8846,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the 1991-1992 academic year, only $135,00 was available for scholarship assistance.","text2":"The amount available to scholarships increased from the 1991-1992 school year to 1992-1993.","label":-1,"idx":8847,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Department stores, with a wide range of goods arranged in departments, provided one-stop shopping","text2":"Department stores aimed to provide an all-in-one experience to consumers.","label":-1,"idx":8848,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know, but they're rather pleasant memories of childhood and I certainly wouldn't trade them for anything.","text2":"I have pleasant memories of childhood. ","label":-1,"idx":8849,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among the sources that reflect other important events of that morning, there is no documentary evidence for this call, but the relevant sources are incomplete.","text2":"There is no evidence that the call happened.","label":-1,"idx":8850,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Stream is often said not to be used in Australia except in metaphorical ways, normally being replaced by creek . Warburton's sandbanks intercept the stream, which finally splits into narow water-courses and spreads itself over the plains, and so it ends as a creek suggests a somewhat more complex relation between the two words.","text2":"In Australia, stream and creek carry the same connotation.","label":-1,"idx":8851,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An interesting example of a derivative from the passive gerundive that has acquired a quasi-active meaning is reprimand from reprimendus , `one who is to be repressed.","text2":"A horrible example is the derivative from the passive gerundive which means one who like to oppress people.","label":-1,"idx":8852,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next, we move to the inventory bridge between retailers and suppliers.","text2":"The inventory bridge between retailers and suppliers is very complex and multifaceted.","label":-1,"idx":8853,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 19 men were aboard four transcontinental flights.","text2":"All 19 men were aboard a single flight.","label":-1,"idx":8854,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the less pleasant ways in which such rank can be pulled is to label the linguistically less secure illiterate. ","text2":"Labeling someone illiterate is one of the more pleasant ways.","label":-1,"idx":8855,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller spent the next several minutes handing off the other flights on his scope to other controllers and moving aircraft out of the way of the unidentified aircraft (believed to be United 175) as it moved southwest and then turned northeast toward New York City.","text2":"The controller handed the other flights over to different controllers and told the other planes to move out of the way, thinking United 175 could blow up at any second.","label":-1,"idx":8856,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is also evidence that around this time Bin Ladin sent out a number of feelers to the Iraqi regime, offering some cooperation.","text2":"there is no evidence that Bin Ladin sent anyone or anything to Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":8857,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She'd never given that much money before.","text2":"That was the most money she's ever given. ","label":-1,"idx":8858,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His job objectives call for him to do it in 30.","text2":"The objectives for his job require him to do it in 15.","label":-1,"idx":8859,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So he said, OK, that's fine.","text2":"He said not to worry about it. ","label":-1,"idx":8860,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or do you think he kind of understands that's just the way?","text2":"Do you honestly believe he thinks I'm telling him the truth?","label":-1,"idx":8861,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Small, private high schools face a constant pressure to raise funds in order to keep up with the public funded schools with their unlimited access to taxpayer dollars.","text2":"Small, private high schools face continuous financial obstacles.","label":-1,"idx":8862,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of, it was nice.","text2":"It was nice having you here.","label":-1,"idx":8863,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In doing so, they strive to bring their behavior in line with social expectations and acquire the rules of social life.","text2":"They work to bring their behavior in line with social rules of the school.","label":-1,"idx":8864,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"AS YOU CAN SEE, INVESTING IN UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA MAKES GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.","text2":"INVESTING IN UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA IS ONE OF MANY THINGS THAT CAN BENEFIT A BUSINESS.","label":-1,"idx":8865,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um she was always a very active person.","text2":"She was never an inactive person.","label":-1,"idx":8866,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to grant these awards a fifth year, your continued support is critical.","text2":"We can't grant an award for the fifth year in a row if you don't donate. ","label":-1,"idx":8867,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But Sears Roebuck and Co. outstripped Montgomery Ward in the 1890s.","text2":"Sears Roebuck and Co. never outstripped Montgomery Ward.","label":-1,"idx":8868,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By no means.","text2":"Definitely.","label":-1,"idx":8869,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"FAA guidance to controllers on hijack procedures assumed that the aircraft pilot would notify the controller via radio or bysquawkinga transponder code of 7500-the universal code for a hijack in progress.","text2":"The FAA told controllers how to handle hijacking by using a universal code over the radio continuously until they land.","label":-1,"idx":8870,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Yes, because you have less children, and can have more, time, or more, ability to get around to the people so they, will help out.","text2":"He said with no kids and all that time on your hands, I doubt they'll help you.","label":-1,"idx":8871,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one recent analyst commented, theories and the popular literature for parents have done their share to undermine the wavering self-confidence of American parents. ","text2":"Popular literature for parents is more about making money than providing useful information.","label":-1,"idx":8872,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel assembly is described in the next chapter, but for now it is enough to say that all the pieces for a custom garment must be kept together during assembly.","text2":"It's important to keep all the custom garment pieces together during assembly.","label":-1,"idx":8873,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sir Boss had managed to find him at the abbey, during his two days' absence, and now he came back in the nick of time to fight Sir Mador for the queen.","text2":"Sir Boss could not find him, and Sir Mador eventually had to go without an opponent.","label":-1,"idx":8874,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lean retailing and the restructuring of manufacturing supply have also affected the economy as a whole in the area of inventories.","text2":"The economy in the domain of inventories remains unchanged in spite of the advent of lean retailing.","label":-1,"idx":8875,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ice cold milk and uh, pull it out of course it was whole milk and cream on top.","text2":"The milk was cold with cream on top.","label":-1,"idx":8876,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After a number of contacts were made through intermediaries, the officer set the price at $1.","text2":"All contacts were made without intermediaries.","label":-1,"idx":8877,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Everybody has to read stuff in school.","text2":"Reading is not important and will not help you in school.","label":-1,"idx":8878,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What else is on this list here?","text2":"Thanks, I don't need to know what else is on the list.","label":-1,"idx":8879,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She'd never given that much money before.","text2":"She would not give that much money again. ","label":-1,"idx":8880,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make your check payable to IU Foundation.","text2":"You wrote the wrong payee for the check, change it to IU Foundation.","label":-1,"idx":8881,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Employer resistance to unionization, arising from the highly competitive conditions in apparel markets and the significant percentage of total costs arising from labor, further compounded the problem.","text2":"The workers unionized to protect their rights and safety in the workplace.","label":-1,"idx":8882,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 11: Nobody move please.","text2":"Anyone who moves will be apprehended.","label":-1,"idx":8883,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:59:52, Jarrah changed tactics and pitched the nose of the airplane up and down to disrupt the assault.","text2":"Jarrah had learned his evasive move in his training.","label":-1,"idx":8884,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Quite simply, very few organizations do more (or more important) work to save the balance and beauty of nature plus the acquisition and maintenance of wildlife sanctuaries all over America.","text2":"With your support, we have saved over 100,000 acres of nature.","label":-1,"idx":8885,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you recall, when we were in the grad program and making much less money than we now pay in taxes, we were awarded a Prentice Scholarship.","text2":"You will recall that when we needed the support, the Prentice Scholarship did nothing to help.","label":-1,"idx":8886,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the other hand, figurative or exaggerated expression would probably have been a simplified improvement over metaphorical or hyperbolic expression, which might be tough going for someone who had to look up literally to begin with.","text2":"Also, gearing one's word choice to the audience's level of comprehension may be a general means of improving clarity.","label":-1,"idx":8887,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the sewing room is in the same building as the cutting room, then cut goods are sent over many times a day.","text2":"If the sewing rooms and cutting rooms are not in the same building, production is slowed.","label":-1,"idx":8888,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, the inability to supply product to retailers or customers is another costly risk.","text2":"There are no costs associated with not being able to supply retailers.","label":-1,"idx":8889,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Mom came to the door and uh, she saw like this glow of light all around me as if the Lord had definitely cured me of leukemia.","text2":"Mom saw me surrounded by light and knew the Lord had cured me of my leukemia.","label":-1,"idx":8890,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" And he's heading into Washington?","text2":"He has landed?","label":-1,"idx":8891,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Where are you from in Charlotte?","text2":"You've never been to Charlotte, have you?","label":-1,"idx":8892,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Elena Nikolaidi Gives Distinguished Rectal. ","text2":"Stay out of my butt.","label":-1,"idx":8893,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I mean you have smoked potatoes and smoked roast beef, smoked sandwiches, smoked syrup, everything tasted like smoke.","text2":"All the food we had tasted like smoke.","label":-1,"idx":8894,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What attributes did she have that made you, um, respect her and view her as your hero even to this day?","text2":"You know she did really embarrassing things that are not expected of heroes?","label":-1,"idx":8895,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No she doesn't at all.","text2":"She does what she wants but not that.","label":-1,"idx":8896,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mosques, schools, and boardinghouses served as recruiting stations in many parts of the world, including the United States.","text2":"There were no places to recruit people in the United States. ","label":-1,"idx":8897,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many anagrams spread over two or more ","text2":"A bunch of anagrams are spread out over at least two. ","label":-1,"idx":8898,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" On its way towards Washington?","text2":"The plane's new destination was to crash into an important government building.","label":-1,"idx":8899,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor did the military have 47 minutes to respond to United 93, as would be implied by the account that it received notice of the flight's hijacking at 9:16.","text2":"The military had exactly 47 minutes notice to respond to United 93. ","label":-1,"idx":8900,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It, in turn, was informed by the Secret Service's contacts with the FAA.","text2":"The FAA received information about the actions that were taken by the Secret service.","label":-1,"idx":8901,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why am I writing today to ask you to support Purdue University?","text2":"What is the reason for me writing to ask you to support Purdue University?","label":-1,"idx":8902,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To do this, firms need a planning tool that translates demand variation into inventory targets by weighing, for each SKU, the opportunity for more sales against higher inventory carrying costs.","text2":"The planning tool would be complex to use.","label":-1,"idx":8903,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many, of course, but unaccountably, they are not the focus of this book.","text2":"Though there are few of them, this book will find room the describe them.","label":-1,"idx":8904,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Were they the same, or different?","text2":"They were not alike at all.","label":-1,"idx":8905,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I believe that your support will be returned many times over through quality education, which elevates our entire profession.","text2":"You can tangibly see the results of your support as quickly as a year with the new graduates.","label":-1,"idx":8906,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year's Annual Campaign goal is $65,000.","text2":"The objective this year is to campaign for $65,000.","label":-1,"idx":8907,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He moved to the NMCC shortly before 10:30, in order to join Vice Chairman Myers.","text2":"It was before 11 o'clock that he moved to the NMCC.","label":-1,"idx":8908,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So your younger cousin was just a beginning reader herself reading stories to you?","text2":"She was just starting out to read?","label":-1,"idx":8909,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' Thus in the Chinese spoken language of that time we have two homophones, one meant `the Viet (people or kingdom),' the other simply `extreme, to exceed.","text2":"The verbal language of China at the time had two words with similar spelling and sound, one denoted 'the Viet' and another signified 'extreme, to exceed'.","label":-1,"idx":8910,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes, I remember all the things about Trumpet the Dog.","text2":"Trumpet the Dog was a mutt. ","label":-1,"idx":8911,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maxwell Bodenheim is no longer the cat's pajamas.","text2":"The cat's pajamas are not Maxwell anymore","label":-1,"idx":8912,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And as March begins, we wanted to remind you to consider your contribution to the 1996 Annual Appeal.","text2":"We wanted to tell you to contribute to the campaign.","label":-1,"idx":8913,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for your generous support.","text2":"I am sure you will be cheap and will not support us, thanks for nothing.","label":-1,"idx":8914,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Japanese has a verb inflection which expresses causation or permission'in English, to make someone or to let someone do something. ","text2":"The idea of permission can be conveyed using verb inflection in Japanese.","label":-1,"idx":8915,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Anyone who doubts the impact of the proper use of simple language should read (or reread) Knut Hamsun's Growth of the Soil . Though a translation, it puts English polysyllabicity to shame.","text2":"This is because Hamsun himself was illiterate.","label":-1,"idx":8916,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is crucial that parents exercise their gatekeeper role with respect to TV, limiting how much and what young children watch'to about an hour to an hour-and-a-half a day and to programs that are child-appropriate and informative and that teach positive social attitudes and behaviors.","text2":"Parents are effectively the gatekeepers when it comes to television consumption.","label":-1,"idx":8917,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1980s, the Egyptian Islamist movement-badly battered in the government crackdown following President Sadat's assassination-was centered in two major the Islamic Group and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.","text2":"The Egyptian government did not retaliate for the assassination of President Sadat.","label":-1,"idx":8918,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since sense 2 is the opposite in meaning of sense 1, it has been frequently criticized as a misuse.","text2":"Sense 1 and 2 are opposite in meaning but sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably.","label":-1,"idx":8919,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Cleveland Center controllers began to try to identify the possible source of the transmissions, and noticed that United 93 had descended some 700 feet.","text2":"The controllers were not able to locate the source of the transmissions.","label":-1,"idx":8920,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Some also ask, What can we do to stop these attacks?","text2":"We wonder how we can stop the next attacks.","label":-1,"idx":8921,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like the checkpoints in Boston, it lacked closed-circuit television surveillance so there is no documentary evidence to indicate when the hijackers passed through the checkpoint, what alarms may have been triggered, or what security procedures were administered.","text2":"Since the checkpoint lacked CCTV, there is no evidence to prove when the hijackers went through the checkpoint, what alarms were triggered, or what security procedures were performed.","label":-1,"idx":8922,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This doubtless reflects psychoanalytic theory's cherished insistence that the patient actually does the analyzing in the long run and thus is more truly the active partner.","text2":"Psychiatrists save themselves a great deal of effort by teaching patients to treat themselves.","label":-1,"idx":8923,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were about 150 miles away.","text2":"The distance from the fighters sent from Langley was around 150 miles.","label":-1,"idx":8924,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Deliveries made a day late are sometimes refused and sent back.","text2":"Deliveries had to be made within 24 hours, else they would be rejected.","label":-1,"idx":8925,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dinnertime recaps of daily events also permit today's children, isolated from the adult world of real work, to gain access to their parents' daily lives.","text2":"Dinnertime is an important means of getting children accustomed to adult life.","label":-1,"idx":8926,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cartoonists might depict a child asking a parent about Neanderthal women, but that is recognizably a joke that depends for its humor on the characterization of the questioner as a that it is a child is irrelevant; it might be Edith Bunker.","text2":"Cartoonists might make a scene involving Neanderthal men.","label":-1,"idx":8927,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contact Dr. Rosenberg for details.","text2":"She will be able to answer all your questions.","label":-1,"idx":8928,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Secret Service was getting this information directly from the FAA.","text2":"The Secret Service got this information from the President.","label":-1,"idx":8929,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was pretty much, you know, on my own and I'm not used to that because in high school--","text2":"I was used to always being on my own. ","label":-1,"idx":8930,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, Usama Asmurai, also known as Wali Khan, worked with Bin Ladin in the early 1980s and helped him in the Philippines and in Tajikistan.","text2":"In the 1980s Usama Asmuri AKA Wali Khan, didn't know Bin Laden.","label":-1,"idx":8931,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During their visit with us, they worked at resident and day camps, enjoyed homestays, toured the Indianapolis area, and visited YMCA branches.","text2":"They worked at day camps, took part in home-stays and tours in the Indianapolis area when they visited.","label":-1,"idx":8932,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Communist government in Afghanistan gained power in 1978 but was unable to establish enduring control.","text2":"A communist government in Afghanistan was in power in 1978 but couldn't keep it.","label":-1,"idx":8933,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He loves his brother and his wife, Does he live a double life?","text2":"Love is a very powerful emotion.","label":-1,"idx":8934,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Television promotes positive social behavior in young children only when it is free of violent content.","text2":"TV helps children grow socially only if there is no violent content.","label":-1,"idx":8935,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One is in the classic style, commonly labeled concise or quick. ","text2":"The classic style is not quick nor concise. ","label":-1,"idx":8936,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A bartender will be available and we will have a chance to enjoy reminiscing the equivalent of our four academic years together and the happenings during the time that has transpired since our graduation 50 years ago.","text2":"There will be no alcohol there.","label":-1,"idx":8937,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With your help, the International Center of Indianapolis will continue to serve our multicultural community in central Indiana into the next century.","text2":"The International Center of Indianapolis is closing this year.","label":-1,"idx":8938,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus, your gift to Social Health is vitally important to our success and can accomplish the ","text2":"Your donation to Social Health is very important to us and can help us accomplish","label":-1,"idx":8939,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A minute later, Flight 11 turned south.","text2":"The next minute, nothing happened.","label":-1,"idx":8940,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He ordered all American Airlines flights in the Northeast that had not taken off to remain on the ground.","text2":"He ordered all American Airlines flights in the Northeast that had not taken off to take off immediately.","label":-1,"idx":8941,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the mid- 1980s, it had been set up as one of the first outposts of Azzam and Bin Ladin's MAK.","text2":"Azzam and MAK were associated with no outposts at all. ","label":-1,"idx":8942,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So who might assess these diplomaed assessors?","text2":"The assessors had been terrorizing them for over five years.","label":-1,"idx":8943,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many a raucous snigger has been sniggered from the pure-minded use of a word that suggests unmentionable parts of the human body.","text2":"No such sniggering has occurred and there have been no reports thus far.","label":-1,"idx":8944,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President recalled urging the President not to return to Washington.","text2":"The Vice President did not want the President to go to Washington.","label":-1,"idx":8945,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She said her flight was being hijacked by six individuals who had moved them to the rear of the plane.","text2":"She said that the hijackers moved them to the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":8946,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What about fictional stories?","text2":"How about non-fiction? ","label":-1,"idx":8947,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I don't think that too many of them were made up some of them seemed kind of funny at the time.","text2":"Some of the stories she told seemed funny at the time.","label":-1,"idx":8948,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 11: Nobody move please.","text2":"Everyone, please move.","label":-1,"idx":8949,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents and teachers also act as gatekeepers for young children.","text2":"The primary gatekeepers for young children are parents and teachers.","label":-1,"idx":8950,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As for the answer, it is better to avoid very learned or rare words unknown to all but a few lexicographers.","text2":"You should stay away from complex and rare words.","label":-1,"idx":8951,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When all of a sudden, a girl went by, I was washing (clothes), a girl went by, and she told me she was going to here mom's, her name is Victoria.","text2":"There was no one that came by when I was doing chores. ","label":-1,"idx":8952,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like, I mean, if let's say, I make it really big, you know, big, famous person or whatever, I'll live here.","text2":"I will move somewhere if I make it big. ","label":-1,"idx":8953,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Certainly because they sense its eectiveness, borne out by decades of research.","text2":"After evaluating decades of research, it is shown to be effective.","label":-1,"idx":8954,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Notwithstanding the identification of these emerging threats, by 9\/11 there were only seven alert sites left in the United States, each with two fighter aircraft on alert.","text2":"One year after 9\/11, there were twenty alert sites in the United States.","label":-1,"idx":8955,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Figuring out how to assign products to plants rests on two findings explored in this chapter.","text2":"Figuring out a way to assign products to plats depends on findings explored in this chapter.","label":-1,"idx":8956,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She used to be a waitress for the longest, longest time.","text2":"She was working as a waitress for a really long time.","label":-1,"idx":8957,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although we continue to track down criminals who did their dirt in WWII, we do business with and carry on other normal relations with the descendants of the Nazis and of those who bombed Pearl Harbor.","text2":"There no normal relations that we do with descendants of Nazis.","label":-1,"idx":8958,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For reference, some of the measurements are highlighted and presented as darkened lines on the processed image.","text2":"SOme of the measurements are highlighted.","label":-1,"idx":8959,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Into this category fall three additional items which, because I never ordered them from the menu, I cannot recommend'or even reliably Steak Bites Teriyaki Sauce, Lunch of Junior, and Lady's Salad with Whipped Cream. ","text2":"There are no category of items at all.","label":-1,"idx":8960,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No, they're long things like this , they come down to here, and here another one goes on top, yes, very pretty, like, like between, orange, because they're fired, they're made of fired clay.","text2":"They are short squat pieces you find on the ground. ","label":-1,"idx":8961,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To determine the optimal quantity for a SKU, the retailer finds the number of units to order so that the expected marginal cost of stocking an additional unit and not being able to sell it equals the expected marginal cost of not stocking that unit when it would have sold if available.","text2":"Optimal quantity for a SKU is determined by the retailer, so the marginal cost of stocking a unit and how it sells equals the expected marginal cost.","label":-1,"idx":8962,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although little systematic evidence exists on the precise ingredients of such ties, I recently became familiar with the bond forged between Hannah, a 21-year-old college student, and her Aunt Eva and Uncle Charlie, two of my university colleagues.","text2":"Three of Hannah's relatives were my university colleagues when I attended. ","label":-1,"idx":8963,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In fact I think she still does now . But she made up a lot of stories then, um, sometimes they had us, my sister and me, in the stories, and then sometimes, the just were from I don't know where.","text2":"She made up a lot of stories that had my sister as a character. ","label":-1,"idx":8964,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, the first book I guess I really remember is she bought us a Bible stories.","text2":"Bible Stories had a blue cover. ","label":-1,"idx":8965,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With the Sudanese regime acting as intermediary, Bin Ladin himself met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early 1995.","text2":"Bin Laden didnt want to hear anything Khartoum said. ","label":-1,"idx":8966,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do not know exactly how the hijackers gained access to the cockpit; FAA rules required that the doors remain closed and locked during flight.","text2":"It is well known how the hijackers were able to gain access to the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":8967,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a decision made with a mother's heart.","text2":"It was the type of decision a mother would make.","label":-1,"idx":8968,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By extension, a point-blank question or accusation is one that is direct and straightforward 'right to the mark.","text2":"Point-blank questions will intimidate anyone that's asked them.","label":-1,"idx":8969,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The environment has to be empowered with the capacity to transform the universal baby. ","text2":"The environment had other powers to transform the baby.","label":-1,"idx":8970,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It has become an industry adept at producing high-quality products in large runs competitively and its strengths and limitations must be understood in this context.","text2":"It has become an industry that likes to produce high-quality products to maximized products.","label":-1,"idx":8971,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Compounding native English words or elements produces all classes of combinations' farmhouse ; underst and twenty-one ; herewith ; into ; someone ; because ; good grief . It is also a gradual process, as evidenced by the sequence of to day, to-day, today .","text2":"This includes words like underwear.","label":-1,"idx":8972,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":". . . Run them to the White House.","text2":"Don't take them to the White House.","label":-1,"idx":8973,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around 9:00, the FAA, American, and United were facing the staggering realization of apparent multiple hijackings.","text2":"The staggering realization of multiple hijackings hit them around 9:00.","label":-1,"idx":8974,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Everybody has to read stuff in school.","text2":"You have to know how to read to do your work at school.","label":-1,"idx":8975,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My son was already two, not even two years old, like, like about, like a year and a half.","text2":"My son was close to the age of two at the time.","label":-1,"idx":8976,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a Matchmaker you will receive a description of your match and be identified as a Matchmaker on a plaque in the Big Sisters office, in the agency newsletter and annual report.","text2":"You'll be recognized as a Matchmaker if you match.","label":-1,"idx":8977,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you wouldn't stay in Charlotte?","text2":"You would not stay in Charlotte?","label":-1,"idx":8978,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:03, the conference received reports of more missing aircraft, 2 possibly 3 aloft, and learned of a combat air patrol over Washington.","text2":"The conference got reports of missing planes and immediately worked to find them.","label":-1,"idx":8979,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only in the 1980s, with the development of another system of mass distribution that includes new technology, new management methods, and new links to manufacturing'lean retailing'did the role of the buyer significantly diminish.","text2":"New technology usually diminishes the role of the buyer like it did in the 1980s.","label":-1,"idx":8980,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And the day that you put the, the shower and the tub in.","text2":"The day you put the shower and the tub in.","label":-1,"idx":8981,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Throughout the years the law school has continued to provide quality legal education.","text2":"Throughout many years the law school prvided great legal education.","label":-1,"idx":8982,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Having no real anesthesia to ease the agony of amputation or surgery, a surgeon of two centuries ago offered wounded soldiers the only pain reducer available'a bullet to bite on.","text2":"This is where the term \"just bite the bullet\" came from.","label":-1,"idx":8983,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To the same question, American and Israeli urban children typically respond, I would want to see whose picture was the best, or I might be wondering whether she got more right than I did. ","text2":"The response give by Israeli children were vastly different and amazing.","label":-1,"idx":8984,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now they tell you that's not good to do.","text2":"They think you should do that.","label":-1,"idx":8985,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, at 9:39, a fourth radio transmission was heard from United 93: Ziad Uh, this is the captain.","text2":"A fourth radio transmission was heard from a passenger of United 93.","label":-1,"idx":8986,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The deputy director for operations mentioned the Delta flight and concluded that that would be the fourth possible hijack.","text2":"There was no airplane implicated in a terrorist act.","label":-1,"idx":8987,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Since this linguistic-statistical study of an obsession might well prove to be an important contribution to psycholinguistics, I decided to make a larger sample of watery words, choosing the straightforward journals of Colonel Peter Egerton Warburton, who led an expedition across the western interior of Australia in 1873-4.","text2":"Warburton led an expedition across Germany.","label":-1,"idx":8988,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He's a brick mason, which he builds like buildings.","text2":"He has a white collar job.","label":-1,"idx":8989,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This makes them an especially powerful tool for assisting children in building an internal mental life infused with a cultural worldview.","text2":"The powerful tool is useful in destroying any culture within children. ","label":-1,"idx":8990,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Educators inspired by Piaget's work hope that by repeatedly applying cognitive structures in stimulating environments, children will notice and amend deficiencies in their thinking.","text2":"Educators view Piaget as ridiculous, and do not bother with his theories.","label":-1,"idx":8991,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each operation is assigned to a single worker, who receives a bundle of unfinished garment parts and undertakes her single operation on each item in the bundle.","text2":"This process of manufacturing results in a 15% increased efficiency rate.","label":-1,"idx":8992,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I rode a bike to Goodwill in the rain and snow.","text2":"It was very difficult to ride my bike in the rain and snow to Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":8993,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Pakistani military intelligence service probably had advance knowledge of his coming, and its officers may have facilitated his travel.","text2":"The Pakistani military tried to find the officers that helped him with his travel.","label":-1,"idx":8994,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet just because many U.S. manufacturers rely on foreign contractors for a good portion of garment assembly, it does not mean sewing in a factory requires little or no skill.","text2":"Companies that have their products manufactured in the U.S are the ones that end up being most succesful.","label":-1,"idx":8995,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor did any manager at FAA headquarters pass any of the information it had about United 93 to the military.","text2":"None of the managers at headquarters relayed information they possessed to the military.","label":-1,"idx":8996,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Will the customer buy a substitute item if a particular item is out of stock or return to the same store at a later date to purchase the item when it is again in stock?","text2":"Would a customer choose to buy the item's substitute if the item they originally wanted to purchase wasn't in stock or will they wait for it to be restocked at a later period of time.","label":-1,"idx":8997,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was kind of, it was nice.","text2":"It was kind of nice.","label":-1,"idx":8998,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through his relationship with Mullah Omar-and the monetary and other benefits that it brought the Taliban-Bin Ladin was able to circumvent restrictions; Mullah Omar would stand by him even when otherTaliban leaders raised objections.","text2":"Bin Ladin benefited from his relationship with Mullah Omar by being able to get around restrictions.","label":-1,"idx":8999,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first commandment in the puzzlers' bible Thou shalt not waste words.","text2":"Every single word used is of importance. ","label":-1,"idx":9000,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So we still have no way of knowing whether Longman's macrostructure is smaller or larger than W9 's!","text2":"The Longman's macrostructure is as efficient as the W9's.","label":-1,"idx":9001,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1995-1996, the Defense Department began to invest effort in planning how to handle the possibility of a domestic terrorist incident involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD).","text2":"The Defense Department started planning how to deal with domestic terrorism using a WMD in 1995.","label":-1,"idx":9002,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The 10:03:11 impact time is supported by previous National Transportation Safety Board analysis and by evidence from the Commission staff 's analysis of radar, the flight data recorder, the cockpit voice recorder, infrared satellite data, and air traffic control transmissions.","text2":"There was only one impact and it occurred before 7 in the morning.","label":-1,"idx":9003,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Army's answer to Sgt.","text2":"The army answered the Sgt.'s letter.","label":-1,"idx":9004,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He wasn't real supportive about it at all.","text2":"He did not show any support.","label":-1,"idx":9005,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Two hundred pages further on there is less exuberance in the circumlocution that fluid so terribly scarce in the region, and in three other references water is simply water . Giles is not always waxing poetic and may, like other explorers, be useful as a source for the history of Australian and general English.","text2":"Two hundred pages in, they say there is too much water.","label":-1,"idx":9006,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Therefore, such machines are used only where long production runs of a given size of T-shirt or sweatpants will allow a payback of their capital costs through round-the-clock or multi-shift operations.","text2":"Such machines are never used for long production runs of a given size.","label":-1,"idx":9007,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":", is incomplete.","text2":"That's insufficient.","label":-1,"idx":9008,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hochschild concludes, Many working families are both prisoners and architects of the time bind in which they find themselves. ","text2":"Hochschild has sympathy for working families and the time bind in which they find themselves.","label":-1,"idx":9009,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lewis in 1928, Arthur Clarke in 1951); space-flight (Arthur Clarke, 1949); space sickness (Clarke, 1951).","text2":"Arthur Clarke wrote Space Flight in 1949 and Space Sickness in 1951. ","label":-1,"idx":9010,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember the first jobs that you, that you did um, because, I, did you, I don't think you started working with your dad did you?","text2":"No they were too far back to remember.","label":-1,"idx":9011,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember anything that, um, I mean, there are always books that I liked, I always had to read everything but uh, there were certain things that I liked more than others, do remember anything you liked in particular, um, about stuff you had to read maybe in your English class or um, things like that?","text2":"Do you remember anything specific about a book you had read in English class that you enjoyed?","label":-1,"idx":9012,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Note that the information and manufacturing practices examined here are not specific to the apparel industry'in fact, most were originally introduced in other sectors'but are applicable to a wide variety of consumer product industries.","text2":"Other sectors stole practices from the apparel industry.","label":-1,"idx":9013,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are occasional hidden entries, as the list of diseases'among them the dread mohogus 'under the entry for Fowlenzia . (In the VERBATIM family, some suffer from Fowler's pip , an affliction affecting language fanatics who base a slavish purism on a literal interpretation of Modern English Usage .)","text2":"The entry for Fowlenzia contains a list of diseases that affect language fanatics.","label":-1,"idx":9014,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please give the largest gift you can to Goodwill today.","text2":"Today, please give goodwill a large present. ","label":-1,"idx":9015,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1933 Garcia Lorca gave a lecture in Buenos Aires on the Teor?\u00ada y Juego del Duende (`Theory and Play of Duende '), which has become the bible of the initiates.","text2":"Garcia Lorca grew up very poor and ended up successful by his death.","label":-1,"idx":9016,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I can't think of a story that, uh, had a real negative impact on me.","text2":"I can think of all the stories that had a negative impact on me.","label":-1,"idx":9017,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I rode a bike to Goodwill in the rain and snow.","text2":"No matter the weather, I rode my bike to Goodwill.","label":-1,"idx":9018,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You can participate in enjoyable, worthwhile activities with some very interesting people in over 500 U.S. and Canada chapters.","text2":"You can participate in enjoyable, dangerous activities with some very criminal people in over 5000 Canada and U.S. chapters.","label":-1,"idx":9019,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Together, we believe that our reunion classes can make a contribution which will be very meaningful for the students at the school.","text2":"We believe that our reunion classes will assist students.","label":-1,"idx":9020,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh mostly because my dad, my dad's side of the family were Southern Baptists from the mountains of North Carolina, my mom was a Catholic from California which, oh, just scared everybody right there.","text2":"My mom was from northern California. ","label":-1,"idx":9021,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin appeared to have in Afghanistan a freedom of movement that he had lacked in Sudan.","text2":"Bin Ladin had relatively little freedom in Afghanistan compared to Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":9022,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Past experience suggests, however, that in this field voluntary measures need to be reinforced by regulatory authority.","text2":"Voluntary measures have needed to have been reinforced by regulatory authority in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":9023,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, as we in the dictionary biz are only too well aware, an earlier citation might be found today or tomorrow, making the information obsolete.","text2":"We in the dictionary business are aware.","label":-1,"idx":9024,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what's the one you identified with the most?","text2":"Can you identify the one that resonated with your moral values the most?","label":-1,"idx":9025,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A liberal arts education is even more valuable today precisely because technology outdates itself so rapidly.","text2":"A liberal arts degree is quickly outdated.","label":-1,"idx":9026,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So um, you know, it was different people would read for different reasons and I think your mother has, um, you know, she's educated herself at the library.","text2":"It was the same people who would read for different reasons.","label":-1,"idx":9027,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I rode a bike to Goodwill in the rain and snow.","text2":"I only rode my bike to Goodwill when it was warm and sunny.","label":-1,"idx":9028,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mercifully, L has omitted such dating.","text2":"The omitted dating information cannot be recovered.","label":-1,"idx":9029,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We found no evidence that video teleconference participants had any prior information that American 77 had been hijacked and was heading directly toward Washington.","text2":"Video teleconference participants had prior information that American 77 had been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":9030,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Indianapolis Center continued searching for the aircraft, two managers and the controller responsible for American 77 looked to the west and southwest along the flight's projected path, not east-where the aircraft was now heading.","text2":"The people trying to find the American looked in the wrong place.","label":-1,"idx":9031,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And like my cousins like, one of my cousins, he's just like slack; he dropped out of high school his senior year.","text2":"I have a cousin who is a lazy high school dropout.","label":-1,"idx":9032,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In doing so, they strive to bring their behavior in line with social expectations and acquire the rules of social life.","text2":"They work to bring their behavior in line with social rules.","label":-1,"idx":9033,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By age 8 to 10, most brain regions have taken on specific functions, so brain plasticity declines.","text2":"Most regions take on functions by age 10, so they are more flexible.","label":-1,"idx":9034,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"David Galef has coined the term morox [XIV, 2] to designate unintentional, inelegant oxymorons such as many fewer problems, largely insignificant , and barely clothed . I collect solecisms of all sorts that I hear on television broadcasts.","text2":"David Galef coined the tern morox in the 19th century.","label":-1,"idx":9035,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I read the backs of cereal boxes.","text2":"I read the text on cereal boxes' backs.","label":-1,"idx":9036,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, please provide your phone number in case we have any questions.","text2":"Please give us your address so we can send you tax forms.","label":-1,"idx":9037,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Call United Airlines-Tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to LA.","text2":"Call United airline and tell them it's Flight 175, Boston to LA leaving at 3am.","label":-1,"idx":9038,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My speech, of course, is very hesitant and often discouraging.","text2":"My speech is clearly often lacking in encouragement.","label":-1,"idx":9039,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Looks for a piece resembling the clown's shoes but tries the wrong one)","text2":"(Looks through the shoes, attempting to find shoes which resemble the clowns, tries the incorrect one)","label":-1,"idx":9040,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sometimes I, I remember one story he told me in the yellow house.","text2":"The story he told me in the yellow house was really good.","label":-1,"idx":9041,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Saudi government exiled the clerics and undertook to silence Bin Ladin by, among other things, taking away his passport.","text2":"The Saudi government reissued Bin Laden's passport. ","label":-1,"idx":9042,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the triangle's bottom are basic products that remain in a retailer's or manufacturer's collection for several years, such as men's white dress shirts or underwear.","text2":"Basic products can not be found in the triangle's bottom.","label":-1,"idx":9043,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result is an argument that is persuasive but scarely convincing.","text2":"The point is interesting.","label":-1,"idx":9044,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Jesus, uh, actually made all the adults move aside, and let the little children come up.","text2":"Jesus saw how neglected the children were and wanted to make sure they were cared for.","label":-1,"idx":9045,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Bin Ladin may have no longer felt safe in Sudan, where he had already escaped at least one assassination attempt that he believed to have been the work of the Egyptian or Saudi regimes, or both.","text2":"Bin Ladin's attempted assassination was by the work of federal agents sanctioned by the Saudi prince.","label":-1,"idx":9046,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our entire profession will benefit greatly from this endowment.","text2":"this gift will help our entire profession greatly. ","label":-1,"idx":9047,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the focus of a magnifying glass, play contains all developmental tendencies in condensed form and is itself a major source of development.","text2":"Play contains no developmental tendencies.","label":-1,"idx":9048,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:19, the FAA's New England regional office called Herndon and asked that Cleveland Center advise Delta 1989 to use extra cockpit security.","text2":"Herndon was asked to tell Delta 1989 to relax security in the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":9049,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, he, is, when, a shell like this falls that went into the ground, but, a lot.","text2":"The shell like this stayed put.","label":-1,"idx":9050,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the next chapter shows, the changes now under way have their roots in new technologies, just as technical advances in transportation and communication shifted the industrial landscape at the end of the last century.","text2":"Technologies such as the engine-powered hang glider have revolutionized the way people commute to work.","label":-1,"idx":9051,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the short while since Goodwill helped him find his job, Robert has learned to thoroughly clean a motel room in about 40 minutes.","text2":"Robert found his job by looking on Craigslist.","label":-1,"idx":9052,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If, because of the depressed stock market, your assets are not liquid enough for you to come up with one million dollars this year, then we can consider one of the other alternate ways to achieve our goal.","text2":"If you don't have money available to give us one million dollars, then we can find another way to get the money. ","label":-1,"idx":9053,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They stitch him up good went back to work later that afternoon.","text2":"They sewed him up well and got back to work later that afternoon.","label":-1,"idx":9054,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the Adirondacks you canoe on the Raquette River, and quickly the trip takes a radical swerve toward bliss.","text2":"The journey typically takes a total of 5 days.","label":-1,"idx":9055,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They were more like my friend and I wasn't like a number in their classroom.","text2":"I was treated as a friend and not another number.","label":-1,"idx":9056,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I think I identified with Jo.","text2":"Jo was a squirrel. You can't identify as a squirrel.","label":-1,"idx":9057,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Who has benefited from our partnership?","text2":"Can we benefit anyone else?","label":-1,"idx":9058,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The children and families who come to Pleasant Run are given the opportunity to become happy, loving, and productive members of our society.","text2":"Pleasant Run is accepting no new family or children at this time.","label":-1,"idx":9059,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He writes, Receiving the Challenger Scholarship was a great honor and continues to be a source of inspiration to me as I work toward my doctorate degree.","text2":"We thinks receiving the Scholarship would be honorable and that it is a source of inspiration for him.","label":-1,"idx":9060,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pattern layout may not seem important at first, until one sees a plaid mismatch when this jacket is buttoned.","text2":"For a pattern layout to look nice, the plaid must mismatch when the jacket is buttoned.","label":-1,"idx":9061,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And now we can sit around drink beer by the pool, smoke cigarettes and tell stories without somebody dying.","text2":"We can sit around and drink german beer by the pool without somebody falling through the roof.","label":-1,"idx":9062,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is far less scholarship aid than is available at most law schools.","text2":"We need more money to help students pay their tuition. ","label":-1,"idx":9063,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us go back in Chinese history to the beginning of the Warring (or Contending) States Period.","text2":"The nation of China has some of the richest but most violent of histories.","label":-1,"idx":9064,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we will see, a helpful parent or teacher interacts dierently when assisting the child with tasks having clear learning goals, such as working a puzzle or mastering a homework assignment; when engaging the child in an open-ended conversation; and when enlisting the child in duties and routines of everyday living.","text2":"As we will see, the best parents are the ones who assist their children directly.","label":-1,"idx":9065,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these volatile times as children and their parents are subjected to mounting pressures in the schools, home and workplace and issues of personal responsibility are too many times pushed into the background, our mission is even more critical.","text2":"We have to help now, when families are under more pressure than ever at work and school to perform better than anyone else.","label":-1,"idx":9066,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This chapter examines the reasons that different suppliers win and lose, reviewing many of the innovations we have discussed throughout.","text2":"Previously discussed innovations are not covered in this chapter.","label":-1,"idx":9067,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does he ever let you hammer things in?","text2":"Does he let you hammer things into the wall?","label":-1,"idx":9068,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our student population is changing and greater demands are placed on students and their families.","text2":"Our student population hasn't changed in 100 years. ","label":-1,"idx":9069,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd say quite a few.","text2":"Probably quite a lot.","label":-1,"idx":9070,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I don't care what they call it.","text2":"I have had it called a dozen different names.","label":-1,"idx":9071,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are just five of the ways we have accomplished our mission in 1999.","text2":"These are five out of the twenty ways we have finished our mission in 1999.","label":-1,"idx":9072,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't quarrel and grab, and if they had done so, Sophie or another make-believe character probably would have intervened and insisted on kind, considerate behavior.","text2":"If they had become aggressive, one of the pretend characters would intervene in some way.","label":-1,"idx":9073,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the way, Teresa is back and safe.","text2":"Teresa went back by taking a cab","label":-1,"idx":9074,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have enclosed a packet of information about MCCOY and its work as well as an application with various options for supporting the youth of our community.","text2":"An application with various options for supporting our community youth is enclosed, I have also enclosed a packet of info about McCoy and it's work.","label":-1,"idx":9075,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One alternate existence, the ideal state, was considered by the ancients (e.g.","text2":"An alternate existence was considered by the ancients. ","label":-1,"idx":9076,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The growing presence of fashion-basic elements in myriad consumer products means that all retailers and suppliers may find new competitive opportunities using replenishment.","text2":"Fashion-basic elements in consumer products always create competitive opportunities.","label":-1,"idx":9077,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I wanted to be there ...I had my second chance to change my life.","text2":"I knew I could use this opportunity to turn my life around.","label":-1,"idx":9078,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One program, which has experienced immediate results, is the Sista Friends program.","text2":"It only took a few days for the Sista Friends program to have results.","label":-1,"idx":9079,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS warned the FAA's Cleveland Center to watch Delta 1989.","text2":"FAA received a message confirming the false alarm surround Delta 1989.","label":-1,"idx":9080,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This chapter covers the key steps in retail inventory forecasting demand, choosing appropriate stocking strategies, and determining order quantities and frequencies.","text2":"This chapter includes information on inventory forecasting and stocking strategies, amongst other things.","label":-1,"idx":9081,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An award of $500.00 is given yearly to a graduate student in each class who excels in scholarship.","text2":"The graduate student can do whatever they want with the $500.","label":-1,"idx":9082,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't even watch the news, but they're not reading the newspapers or new magazines or anything.","text2":"They are reading the news everyday.","label":-1,"idx":9083,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The conventional wisdom explains the industry's decline in this Apparel, particularly women's apparel, is driven by price-based competition among generally small manufacturing and contracting establishments.","text2":"The manufacturing and contracting sector has had their own internal rivalry on price point management.","label":-1,"idx":9084,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Examples of this type of linguistic osmosis as GI , poop , honcho , gook , and gung-ho , all of which are now understood by a substantial number of Americans who have never been in the military service.","text2":"Many Americans have never been in the military.","label":-1,"idx":9085,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:33, Hadley told the air threat conference I need to get word to Dick Myers that our reports are there's an inbound aircraft flying low 5 miles out.","text2":"Dick Myers was in charge of responding to errant aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":9086,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouting benefits parent\/child relationships.","text2":"Engagement in activities together is what creates the strongest bond in Girl Scouts.","label":-1,"idx":9087,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most viewed today's youngsters as too out-of-control and undirected.","text2":"A lot of them see today generation of kids as too wild.","label":-1,"idx":9088,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As the officer who took the call explained, [I was] about to push the alert button when the tower advised that the aircraft was turning south and approaching Reagan National Airport.","text2":"The officer wanted to push the alert button.","label":-1,"idx":9089,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The neuropathy and blindness caused him to cling to the center walls for balance and orientation.","text2":"He spread his arms and hands against the walls and kept his body pressed against them, because he found it difficult to balance and was unable to see.","label":-1,"idx":9090,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributions to DING FEST are especially important because we believe that our initial investment will result in substantial earnings for the Department.","text2":"DING FEST will need more money at first to succeed.","label":-1,"idx":9091,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"An event is organized for Italians.","text2":"This event is for Americans only. ","label":-1,"idx":9092,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At least we got some kind of play.","text2":"The play is enough to make a difference.","label":-1,"idx":9093,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because linguists are constantly learning more and more about the relationships among languages, it is best to avoid using an older chart; for the same reason, it would be wise not to stake too much on the accuracy of even a current chart.","text2":"Older charts on linguistic relationships are always reliable.","label":-1,"idx":9094,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we describe in Chapter 7, manufacturers have essentially two choices in supplying replenishables.","text2":"We will describe more about these two choices in chapter 10.","label":-1,"idx":9095,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, um, is there anything else you'd like to add?","text2":"Anything else you want to say before we end the interview?","label":-1,"idx":9096,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eighty-one passengers boarded the flight with them (including the five terrorists).","text2":"There was a total of eighty-one people on the plane.","label":-1,"idx":9097,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Garvey, Belger, and other senior officials from FAA headquarters participated in this video teleconference at various times.","text2":"The video teleconference was run entirely by the FAA. ","label":-1,"idx":9098,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The result of his well-meant and highly-appreciated gesture is that there is now in the deathless literature of entomology a robber fly species named Proctacanthus rodecki James, which is roughly translated Rodeck's thorny anus. ","text2":"The insect was named in his honor because he was the one who discovered it.","label":-1,"idx":9099,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Everyone at the IU School of Dentistry is excited about the upcoming Fall Dental Alumni Conference to be held in Bloomington on September 16-18.","text2":"No one at the IU School of Dentistry has shown interest in the upcoming conference.","label":-1,"idx":9100,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The father can beget new offspring safe from Macbeth's hand; the son is the palpable threat.","text2":"The father does not fear the son.","label":-1,"idx":9101,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As I say, American political non-fiction doesn't exactly lend itself to that.","text2":"American political non-fiction does not lend itself to that.","label":-1,"idx":9102,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A well-constructed clue comprises only words necessary for conveying, in a deceptive way, the information solvers require to find the answer.","text2":"The information solvers are stumped by well-constructed clues.","label":-1,"idx":9103,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The industry underwent another substantial restructuring in the 1980s, and product lines became even more concentrated.","text2":"The industry was restructured in the 1990's.","label":-1,"idx":9104,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The old system didn't begin to shift until the mid-nineteenth century, with the advent of a new kind of middleman.","text2":"Middleman innovation was needed in order to make the shift.","label":-1,"idx":9105,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" (Confirming Sammy's meaning) You need to take the scales o, don't you?","text2":"Sammy is running a massage parlour.","label":-1,"idx":9106,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the precise extent of family-work confiict in American culture is not clear, its presence and detrimental impact on parent-child interaction and children's development are well founded.","text2":"The negative impact on children by family-work conflict in the U.S. has been proven in tests done since the 80s. ","label":-1,"idx":9107,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" While we didn't generate as much gift income as you did, we were extremely pleased with the results, the overall favorable response to the nature of this ask, and the additional notes and comments received from these non-donors.","text2":"Although we raised less financially than you did, we are happy with the fact that in addition to the donations raised we also got very good feed back and data from those who didn't donate.","label":-1,"idx":9108,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When parents and teachers use dialogic reading consistently over several weeks to several months, children show gains in language development, print knowledge, and writing progress that are still present six months to a year later.","text2":"Children who get dialogic reading from parents are smarter.","label":-1,"idx":9109,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With its transponder off, it is possible, though more difficult, to track an aircraft by its primary radar returns.","text2":"The transponder is the most important piece of equipment on the plane. ","label":-1,"idx":9110,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, uh, Gloria, what's your age?","text2":"How old are you, Gloria?","label":-1,"idx":9111,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only a handful of 3-year-olds but many 4-year-olds can explain why Pam would look in the marked Because she thinks there's Band-Aids in it, but there aren't any. ","text2":"None of the 4 year olds are able to explain why Pam would look in the marked.","label":-1,"idx":9112,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"tsuris the gamut of painful emotions'some real, some imagined, some self-inflicted.","text2":"Some pain is not needed, we do it ourselves to feel something. ","label":-1,"idx":9113,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, you don't have to answer to anybody except yourself.","text2":"I'm the boss, you must answer to me.","label":-1,"idx":9114,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The call then ended, at about 9:34.","text2":"The call was over at around 9:34. ","label":-1,"idx":9115,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One that will allow you to change pain into relief, anger into love, despair into opportunity -- and assure you that you'll be making central Indiana a better place to live, work and prosper.","text2":"You are making central Indiana a better community to live in.","label":-1,"idx":9116,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eminent child development theorists of the past attached great importance to the role of make-believe play in early development.","text2":"Imagination while playing really helps the development of children.","label":-1,"idx":9117,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thousands of young women helped to build the church of God with their body, blood and bones when frenzied fathers, husbands or fianc??s preferred to see them die by fire, sword or the fangs of wild beasts rather than live to flout [sic] the duty and destiny of womanhood.","text2":"These women should be celebrated and respected, what they did was ahead of their time. ","label":-1,"idx":9118,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"relates to night destroying daylight in the sense that darkness will cancel the daylight's `bond,' whatever that may be.","text2":"Daylight's bond is what protects us from vampires. ","label":-1,"idx":9119,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given the size of its logistics challenge, Federated also chose to redesign its methods of moving goods from suppliers to stores.","text2":"Federated refused to budge on their method for moving goods.","label":-1,"idx":9120,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was a decision made with a mother's heart.","text2":"Only a cruel person could make such a decision.","label":-1,"idx":9121,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The inadvertent substitution of ground zero for square one , while luminously ludicrous, is not self-canceling and hence does not convey the empty sense of morox.","text2":"The substitution for ground zero for square one doesn't convey the same idea and should be changed.","label":-1,"idx":9122,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other governments in the region, such as those of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and even Libya, which were targets of some of these groups, added their own pressure.","text2":"The Egyptian government was not targeted by any groups, and did not influence the outcome of the events.","label":-1,"idx":9123,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are no longer a state supported law school, for the state no longer provides the great bulk of our funding.","text2":"Most of our funding comes fro sources other than the state.","label":-1,"idx":9124,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A bartender will be available and we will have a chance to enjoy reminiscing the equivalent of our four academic years together and the happenings during the time that has transpired since our graduation 50 years ago.","text2":"I'm excited for my school reunion.","label":-1,"idx":9125,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It just means `well.","text2":"It only wants the best for you.","label":-1,"idx":9126,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once children can read and write, they can explore the insights of countless authors and partake in their rich array of experiences.","text2":"Reading and writing has no impact on the experiences a child can partake in.","label":-1,"idx":9127,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the early attachment bond that builds between caregiver and baby during the first year of life.","text2":"There is a bond that is formed between a caregiver and a baby.","label":-1,"idx":9128,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have become more open-minded, more responsible, and, most importantly, I have gained a lot more self-confidence.","text2":"There is no room to grow or learn. ","label":-1,"idx":9129,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Not only are the latest and best techniques important to delivering quality dental care, they also help to preserve the traditional quality of dental education offered by IU.","text2":"The latest and best techniques help deliver quality dental care.","label":-1,"idx":9130,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are all too familiar with Indiana's budget pinch and the pressures on state government to cut expenditures.","text2":"Indiana's budget has plenty of excess.","label":-1,"idx":9131,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They named him Spiderman because of the way Miyares clung to the walls and blindly felt his way along the VA's Western Blind Rehabilitation Center (WBRC) at Palo Alto, California.","text2":"They called Miyares Batman because of his billionaire status and passion for vigilante justice.","label":-1,"idx":9132,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't be nervous.","text2":"Do not feel anxious.","label":-1,"idx":9133,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For the 1991-1992 academic year, only $135,00 was available for scholarship assistance.","text2":"Less than $150,000 was available for scholarships during the 1991-1992 school year.","label":-1,"idx":9134,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Life isn't easy for Ted, but he's determined to raise his children himself and be a good role model for them.","text2":"Ted doesn't care about being a good role model for his children.","label":-1,"idx":9135,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one in the traveling party had any information during this time that other aircraft were hijacked or missing.","text2":"The travelling party would have been worried had they knew.","label":-1,"idx":9136,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The impact of these new policies on retailing and manufacturing sectors may have begun to show up in economy-wide measures of inventory.","text2":"The economy is not affected by the retailing and manufacturing sectors.","label":-1,"idx":9137,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pierre he would always say, I don't care.","text2":"Pierre preferred to mind his own business.","label":-1,"idx":9138,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Into adulthood, what books do you like now?","text2":"Why don't you read books, now that you're an adult?","label":-1,"idx":9139,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There is no evidence that Herndon took such action.","text2":"Herndon had done that sort of thing before. ","label":-1,"idx":9140,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, by the 1992-94 period, firms with all four technologies had lower standard deviations in total inventories compared with less technically innovative ones.This impact on volatility is even more striking when examining variation in I\/S ratios for the 1992-1994 period (see Figure 14.","text2":"The four technologies were not in use between 1992 and 1994.","label":-1,"idx":9141,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At least we got some kind of play.","text2":"We didn't get any play at all.","label":-1,"idx":9142,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you remember anything that, um, I mean, there are always books that I liked, I always had to read everything but uh, there were certain things that I liked more than others, do remember anything you liked in particular, um, about stuff you had to read maybe in your English class or um, things like that?","text2":"Are you able to read?","label":-1,"idx":9143,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I try to weave some personal experience into the conversation.","text2":"I try to keep my private life private in conversation. ","label":-1,"idx":9144,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' We use in their original Latin forms addenda and corrigenda meaning `things to be added\/corrected.","text2":"Some words from Latin are still used in modern English.","label":-1,"idx":9145,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Seventy-five years ago, the daily New, York World presented its readers with a new kind of puzzle that consisted of a grid and a list of clues.","text2":"The original crossword puzzle was printed in Japan.","label":-1,"idx":9146,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As an arts patron, you know that the Herron School of Art has a rich tradition in art education, shaping the talents and genius of some of Indiana's most noted artists and designers.","text2":"Being a patron of the arts you must be aware of the traditions of the Herron School of Art.","label":-1,"idx":9147,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about do remember any stories that, that you've been told by your, by your sisters about them growing up or have they told stories about you growing up that you can remember?","text2":"Do you recall any stories your sisters told you about when you were young?","label":-1,"idx":9148,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How about um, how about this story of Grandpop and his son, of your dad?","text2":"How about this story of grandpa and your dad?","label":-1,"idx":9149,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin is said to have asked for space to establish training camps, as well as assistance in procuring weapons, but there is no evidence that Iraq responded to this request.","text2":"Bin Ladin was in talks with many Middle Eastern nations for aid.","label":-1,"idx":9150,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They possess neither a Vatican nor a Vicar-General to report to, and, although the guild can at times be arcane (with Latin charters and capping ceremonies), by and large its doings are overt and benign.","text2":"The guild is often feared by the uneducated for its arcane practices.","label":-1,"idx":9151,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And these ties, coupled with our classroom experience, are a valuable part of our DePauw education.","text2":"The classroom experience is one of the most valued parts of DePauw.","label":-1,"idx":9152,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The short answer to these questions is It depends.\"","text2":"The answers to these questions depend on the type of question. ","label":-1,"idx":9153,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To do either leads parents and educators to become trapped in a false opposition, to vacillate, and to think in oversimplified ways about how best to help children realize their potential to learn and become personally and socially responsible.","text2":"Parents and educators get trapped in false opposition if they try and control kids.","label":-1,"idx":9154,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Down the driveway?","text2":"Descending the drive?","label":-1,"idx":9155,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is there anything in particular that comes to mind?","text2":"Is there anything negative that comes to mind?","label":-1,"idx":9156,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Third, NEADS needed orders to pass to the pilots.","text2":"The pilots were able to receive orders.","label":-1,"idx":9157,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From 9:09 to 9:13, the Otis fighters stayed in this holding pattern.","text2":"The fighters stayed in formation for 10 minutes.","label":-1,"idx":9158,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The occasions when duende grips a singer, dancer or torero are punctuated with cries of OH","text2":"There is a particular moment when duende grips a performer. ","label":-1,"idx":9159,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"YMCA leadership can influence these constructive efforts in the community to expand youth development programs.","text2":"The YMCA leadership is able to improve the learning community and development programs for youth.","label":-1,"idx":9160,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Aficionados of duende who enjoyed George Bria's exegesis, ( Gypsy Soul and Something More [XV, 1], of its magical quality, should refer to the works of George Frazier, another of its champions.","text2":"People who are interested in duende should read books by George Frazier.","label":-1,"idx":9161,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition are building relationships that will hopefully bear great fruit in the years to come.","text2":"A Providers Council and a Youth Coalition relationship would help others like them to build relationships.","label":-1,"idx":9162,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Up and down the street?","text2":"You just play up and down the street?","label":-1,"idx":9163,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That makes it easier to use information acquired during the selling season for replenishment during the same season or for forecasting future demand.","text2":"The information gathered now will be useful in the future,","label":-1,"idx":9164,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The stories, both real and fictional, that parents and teachers relate to or jointly construct with young children are laced with cultural beliefs and values.","text2":"They stories parents tell have cultural beliefs in them.","label":-1,"idx":9165,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late nineteenth century, these uses of great and small became obsolete, but to go great guns continued to allude to the loudness, forcefulness, and large size of long-ago cannons and still means to `proceed with considerable momentum, to go full steam ahead, at full bore.","text2":"To go great guns still means 'to proceed with considerable moment, to go full steam ahead'.","label":-1,"idx":9166,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, I'd always been a reader.","text2":"I've always liked reading.","label":-1,"idx":9167,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But it kind of killed an hour out of our trip as far as time, but we had a lot of fun at that uh, that funeral.","text2":"We had a lot of fun at the funeral and it killed an hour out of our trip.","label":-1,"idx":9168,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A fatwa is normally an interpretation of Islamic law by a respected Islamic authority, but neither Bin Ladin, Zawahiri, nor the three others who signed this statement were scholars of Islamic law.","text2":"A fatwa is an interpretation of Islamic law by a respected Islamic authority that lives in Iran.","label":-1,"idx":9169,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Most but not all in this core swore fealty (or bayat) to Bin Ladin.","text2":"No one swore fealty to Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":9170,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Textile firms, however, have been players in multiple supply channels.","text2":"Textile firms have never been players in any of the supply channels.","label":-1,"idx":9171,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's an investment in our community through United Way of Central Indiana.","text2":"Our hometown would be nothing without United Way of Central Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":9172,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is, I suppose, likely that people with little money must think of money more than the well-off do and that the hungry will dwell on thoughts of food and the thirsty on drink.","text2":"It is equally possible however, that people with lots of money think of managing their money more.","label":-1,"idx":9173,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one recent analyst commented, theories and the popular literature for parents have done their share to undermine the wavering self-confidence of American parents. ","text2":"The self confidence of American parents is cut short by the theories and popular literature for parents.","label":-1,"idx":9174,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each return was associated with a processing cost roughly equivalent to 25 percent of its value.","text2":"There is no cost to return an item. ","label":-1,"idx":9175,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Or, in Nicholas Nickleby (Chapter XLVII), where that admirable novelist graphically portrays how old Arthur Gride again raised his hands, again chuckled, and again ejaculated. ","text2":"He ejaculated because he was sexually aroused.","label":-1,"idx":9176,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I liked them, but, yeah, no.","text2":"I enjoyed them.","label":-1,"idx":9177,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So your younger cousin was just a beginning reader herself reading stories to you?","text2":"After she learned to read she would read you stories?","label":-1,"idx":9178,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Still, Rosie and her husband Henry had time for their children, as well as time to participate in family gatherings, community events, and learning and literacy societies.","text2":"Rosie and her husband couldn't fit anything but work on their schedule. ","label":-1,"idx":9179,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We are in a rapid descent . . . we are all over the place.","text2":"We are falling slowly to the ground with no issues.","label":-1,"idx":9180,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, Momma and I took trips back and forth to Chapel Hill and went through a couple of treatments and uh, you know, uh, ( ) uh, I had, had to have different shots each time I went back.","text2":"I went to Chapel Hill for lots of appointments for treatment.","label":-1,"idx":9181,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe that this is the best format in which to contribute our class gift since it benefits all concerned.","text2":"You may give however you wish to give. ","label":-1,"idx":9182,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We figured we'd wait to go to your center.","text2":"We figured we'd wait before we went to your center because of the mayhem that was happening.","label":-1,"idx":9183,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To better help us assist you, write, fax or E-mail and tell us more about yourself...background, employment\/business experience, likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, disability, etc., and your current or planned business activity, if known.","text2":"You can contact the company through social media for help with donations.","label":-1,"idx":9184,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Webster's Third , as is well known, is not user-friendly.","text2":"Webster's Third is the latest release of the Webster's dictionary.","label":-1,"idx":9185,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This conventional rule also holds for the members of a third class, the Phonic Clue Elements.","text2":"The conventions hold for the third class of people","label":-1,"idx":9186,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Skohn, as in John , is given as the proper pronunciation, but it reports that in the south of England often (it is) pronounced `skoan.","text2":"There are many different pronunciations for John.","label":-1,"idx":9187,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In many cases, the choice is between a more expensive plant'probably located close to the market'that provides shorter lead times and a more distant supplier that takes longer to make items but does so at a lower unit cost.","text2":"More distant locations almost always result in higher total unit costs.","label":-1,"idx":9188,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, there has been an appreciable growth in relatively unskilled immigrants in some localities such as major metropolitan areas around the country.","text2":"The biggest cities across the country have seen an increase in unskilled immigrants.","label":-1,"idx":9189,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In short, Fun for Everyone!","text2":"To put it briefly, anyone can have fun!","label":-1,"idx":9190,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hmm Describe her and what she did?","text2":"Describe her. What did she do with your brother's money?","label":-1,"idx":9191,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The behaviorist presumption that development can be mechanically engineered by social input, guaranteeing brighter, socially more mature children, is not borne out by the evidence.","text2":"There is no evidence to support the presumption that development can be engineered.","label":-1,"idx":9192,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you, dear reader, probably own a dictionary.","text2":"The chances are great that you own a dictionary.","label":-1,"idx":9193,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A competing approach to reducing plant throughput time involves team-based sewing or modular production, which we will discuss at length in the next chapter.","text2":"The first chapter of this book discusses modular production.","label":-1,"idx":9194,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make our society better.","text2":"Make the world a better place.","label":-1,"idx":9195,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"First, the Langley pilots were never briefed about the reason they were scrambled.","text2":"Langley pilots were never briefed because their action represented a top secret plan.","label":-1,"idx":9196,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Obviously, if all alumni were to contribute $1,000 in 1991, we would have a tremendous story to tell.","text2":"If no alumni gave anything, it would be okay we would have lots of money. ","label":-1,"idx":9197,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To be sure, the W usage note, even with its verbosity and the oxymoron pure hyperbole, is more helpful than L 's cryptic disapproved of by some speakers ; but the definitions are better in L because they assume that if a user does not know the meaning of literally , then that of literal is unlikely to be that obvious.","text2":"The W usage note is more helpful than L's.","label":-1,"idx":9198,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That seems like that was two or three weeks out of the school year in the spring especially that the fog would just be outrageous.","text2":"The fog was outrageous for some weeks during school. ","label":-1,"idx":9199,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How appropriate!","text2":"How uncalled for.","label":-1,"idx":9200,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But their financial performance, as measured by inventory levels or profitability, may differ substantially.","text2":"The financial performance may differ substantially. ","label":-1,"idx":9201,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Time-travelers need not be scientists or super-heroes.","text2":"Only a true super-hero can become a time-traveler.","label":-1,"idx":9202,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Manufacturers'whether of suits, CDs, office products, or pasta'generally classify products in terms of product lines.","text2":"Products are organized based on how complex the production or assembly process is.","label":-1,"idx":9203,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Here are just five of the ways we have accomplished our mission in 1999.","text2":"These are only five of the ways we have accomplished our 1999 mission.","label":-1,"idx":9204,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All Muslims-as he defined them-therefore must take up arms in this fight.","text2":"All Muslims seem to want to join the fight.","label":-1,"idx":9205,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In America, work proceeded space during the 1930s, largely under the direction of Raven McDavid, Hans Kurath, and, later, Harold Allen; more recently, Lee Pedersen and others have investigated American English dialects.","text2":"American English has some of the most varying ranges of dialects within the country.","label":-1,"idx":9206,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Tasty Menu (printed on a menu); Big Heights Tahiragi (the Tahiragi high-rise apartment building); Build Saito (the Saito Building); pair glass (a pair of drinking glasses); Arrange Ball (Pachinko or pinball); History and Future Pavilion (Pavilion of Past and Future); fillet of minion (entanglement perhaps not so simple); Extra Interior (factory-printed sign on a roomier?","text2":"This is a list of various things. Not sure what exactly.","label":-1,"idx":9207,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We look forward to your renewal as a Century II Fellow.","text2":"Century II Fellow must renew their membership.","label":-1,"idx":9208,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I think he had on a short sleeve.","text2":"I believe his clothing was that of a short sleeve.","label":-1,"idx":9209,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I love historical novels.","text2":"I love to read historical novels every chance I get.","label":-1,"idx":9210,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What attitude should feminists take to women's suggested more frequent use of tag endings; It's a nice day, isn't it? ","text2":"There i no question about how feminist tags should be perceived.","label":-1,"idx":9211,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He has horns on his head on his mask and he has a cape and he wears a black suit and a orange belt.","text2":"He wears a mask with horns on his head.","label":-1,"idx":9212,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"FAA guidance to controllers on hijack procedures assumed that the aircraft pilot would notify the controller via radio or bysquawkinga transponder code of 7500-the universal code for a hijack in progress.","text2":"The FAA had no protocol for hijackings.","label":-1,"idx":9213,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's time to celebrate that achievement and to prepare for an even more productive future.","text2":"There were currently no plans for the future.","label":-1,"idx":9214,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm the only girl, you know, besides my cousin's kids who are like two and three.","text2":"My cousin's children are two and three years old. ","label":-1,"idx":9215,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The discussion by women about women's language is lively; the discussion of the related and complementary topic, women's silence, is elaborate, complex, and a bit sad.","text2":"Discussion of women's language by women is always lively.","label":-1,"idx":9216,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The call then ended, at about 9:34.","text2":"The call should have gone on longer than 9:34. ","label":-1,"idx":9217,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a colored ink-jet printing of the pattern can be made on basic plain fabric to help identify and demonstrate the desired colors in future discussions with textile mills.","text2":"You can print the pattern in color on basic fabric to use in discussions with textile mills.","label":-1,"idx":9218,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization that helps individuals in ___ County who have cancer.","text2":"The American Cancer Society is only going to help you if you have cancer.","label":-1,"idx":9219,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The two CEs are telescoped.","text2":"The two CEs that are telescoped are better than the rest. ","label":-1,"idx":9220,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The FAA representative who finally joined the call at 10:17 had no familiarity with or responsibility for hijackings, no access to decisionmakers, and none of the information available to senior FAA officials.","text2":"Every representative at the FAA knew about hijackings. ","label":-1,"idx":9221,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Girl Scouts Opportunity of Hoosier 'Capital Council' would like to invite you to join us in an investment in our future business and community leaders.","text2":"You should not invest in future business leaders or community leaders.","label":-1,"idx":9222,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the savants have passed barman, blazer, bobsleigh , and boycott as fit for inclusion in their new dictionary. ","text2":"Those clever people have allowed barman and blazer to be included in the dictionary.","label":-1,"idx":9223,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They were off up the hill a little ways.","text2":"They walked faster and were up the hill a little ways.","label":-1,"idx":9224,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The title character of this dark comedy seriously considered plans for and the beneficial results of nuclear holocaust; such contemplation is strangelovian .","text2":"The main character is very strange and scary. ","label":-1,"idx":9225,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reading it makes you feel the same way you do after a walk in the deep woods, or a swim in a crystal-clear lake.","text2":"It's pretty boring to read, and doesn't spark the imagination at all.","label":-1,"idx":9226,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Robert A. Heinlein envisaged a more optimistic future in his 1961 novel, Stranger in a Strange Land . Its Martian-reared main character advocates advancing the empathic capability of the human mind so humans can grok `embrace others with profound, intuitive understanding.","text2":"Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein was dystopian and saw humans' future as doomed to war.","label":-1,"idx":9227,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only a handful of 3-year-olds but many 4-year-olds can explain why Pam would look in the marked Because she thinks there's Band-Aids in it, but there aren't any. ","text2":"Most 3 year olds cannot explain why Pam would look in the marked.","label":-1,"idx":9228,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As your class representatives for the 1999- 2000 Annual Fund Drive, we are certain that we can significantly improve upon last years' results.","text2":"We do not believe that last year's results are beatable. ","label":-1,"idx":9229,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Conducts research on law reform issues currently facing Indiana and the nation","text2":"Does not conduct any research on law reform issues. ","label":-1,"idx":9230,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only one charity can touch the lives of individuals in need AND demonstrate an impact on our community's urgent needs.","text2":"Touching the lives of individuals in need and demonstrating an impact on the communities urgent needs, can only be accomplished by one charity.","label":-1,"idx":9231,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"UNCC is a good school, it's probably the right size, I wouldn't want to go to a bigger school so--.","text2":"UNCC is getting way too large for me.","label":-1,"idx":9232,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Al Qaeda also established cooperative but less formal relationships with other extremist groups from these same countries; from the African states of Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Uganda; and from the Southeast Asian states of Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.","text2":"Al Qaeda made connections with similar groups from other countries.","label":-1,"idx":9233,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's this toy bazooka?","text2":"It is this play rocket launcher? ","label":-1,"idx":9234,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of these young men, even if able to study abroad, lacked the perspective and skills needed to understand a different culture.","text2":"Studying abroad often didn't help understanding a new culture for many men.","label":-1,"idx":9235,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your interest in the Peace Education Program.","text2":"Gratification is ours for your interest in the Peace Education Program. ","label":-1,"idx":9236,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Also, the date given for the adjective lemon (as in lemon flavor, lemon color ) would draw one to the conclusion that those retarded speakers of the language needed some 300 years to use the noun as a modifier.","text2":"The actual date of lemon's usage as an adjective is subject to debate. ","label":-1,"idx":9237,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Let us consider two recent British dictionaries.","text2":"There is only one recent British dictionary.","label":-1,"idx":9238,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that self-written?","text2":"Was that written by yourself?","label":-1,"idx":9239,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To put it differently, it is not (yet) the function of the dictionary to show that articles (definite or indefinite) are not usually found preceding man in senses 2 and 3 but are invariably present before sense 1 uses.","text2":"Articles are never present before sense 1 uses.","label":-1,"idx":9240,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have to set some goals for myself next year.","text2":"I have no goals in mind for myself.","label":-1,"idx":9241,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This conventional rule also holds for the members of a third class, the Phonic Clue Elements.","text2":"The rule does not necessary hold for all","label":-1,"idx":9242,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Leah tells the teacher that she caught a fish while on vacation, when Sammy enters the conversation.)","text2":"(Leah is talking about one of many fish she caught while on vacation to her teacher, Sammy enters the conversation.)","label":-1,"idx":9243,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sure as shootin', I've just shot my wad'lock, stock, and barrel'demonstrating how guns and cannons echo through our language.","text2":"Our language forbids speaking of weapons and firearms.","label":-1,"idx":9244,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No further intelligence came in about terrorist acts planned by Iraq.","text2":"There was no more information about terrorism planned by Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":9245,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, please provide your phone number in case we have any questions.","text2":"Please give us your phone number so we can contact you with questions about how you want your gift applied.","label":-1,"idx":9246,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He spent most of his time with my grandfather learning things like how to work on cars and how to build things paint things and that translates over cause my dad does just about everything; he can fix about anything and build just about anything and repair just about anything.","text2":"My grandfather taught my dad how to work on cars, build things, and paint things. ","label":-1,"idx":9247,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We often hear about economic poverty, but what some of these young people are growing up with is emotional poverty-they have often given up on hope and the possibility of a successful future.","text2":"Young people of today are growing up in emotional poverty.","label":-1,"idx":9248,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" (Confirming Sammy's meaning) You need to take the scales o, don't you?","text2":"To discount Sammy's meaning, You don't need to take the scales, right?","label":-1,"idx":9249,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Financial assistance through the A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship Fund has helped many dental hygiene students achieve their career goal.","text2":"The Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship fund hasn't ever helped anyone. ","label":-1,"idx":9250,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What unmitigated nonsense!","text2":"It makes complete sense.","label":-1,"idx":9251,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift of $100 could mean two days of overnight camping for an underprivileged child.","text2":"Charging a poor child $100 could mean multiple days of camping.","label":-1,"idx":9252,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With so many conflicting pressures in our society today-the Girl Scout program is a proven solution and supporting friends like you help to make it happen.","text2":"The Girl Scout program has been a proven solution more than any other program.","label":-1,"idx":9253,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His use of the word tank to refer to a hollowed-out reservoir ( Gibson dug a small tank and the water soon cleared ) antedates the OED , for instance.","text2":"Using the word tank to talk about a hollowed-out reservoir predates the OED.","label":-1,"idx":9254,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you wouldn't stay in Charlotte?","text2":"It is surprising to hear that you don't want to stay in Charlotte.","label":-1,"idx":9255,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only now, for example, is the soap opera (with its enormous social impact) beginning to be recognized as a fit topic for academic analysis.","text2":"Soap opera is not a relevant topic for any kind of analysis.","label":-1,"idx":9256,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After Maureen's job coach taught her how to do her job in a restaurant, we helped Maureen step out of the shadow sometimes cast over people with physical and mental disabilities and find a fulfilling job smack dab in the middle of society.","text2":"We did nothing to help Maureen reach her potential and conquer her physical and mental disabilities after her job coach taught her how to do her job, she still failed at her work.","label":-1,"idx":9257,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By repeatedly listening to and participating in narrative conversation, children develop mental scripts for the way narratives are typically organized.","text2":"Children can learn about how narratives are organized through conversation.","label":-1,"idx":9258,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The SIDS Alliance and its 50 Affiliates throughout the United States are dedicated to eliminating SIDS through research, serving SIDS families, and educating professionals and the general public about SIDS.","text2":"The SIDS Alliance is dedicated to eliminating SIDS.","label":-1,"idx":9259,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Competing in the transformed retail-apparel-textile channel now requires a set of management practices for both domestic and international sourcing.","text2":"Many suppliers prefer domestic sourcing over international sourcing to handle the issues.","label":-1,"idx":9260,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The most common flag for acronyms is, as one would expect, initially .","text2":"The most popular flag for acronyms is not currently known.","label":-1,"idx":9261,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Lisa Lusk or Marcia Whited at 693-9222.","text2":"Marcia Whited will help you if you would like more information.","label":-1,"idx":9262,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Oh I know what I was going to tell you.","text2":"I forgot what I was going to tell you.","label":-1,"idx":9263,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These monkeys held pyramids of cannonballs for each gun in a muzzleloading battery on a battleship.","text2":"Monkeys held shapes of cannonballs from guns.","label":-1,"idx":9264,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Make your donation today so Indy Reads can continue teaching people to read and help them achieve their dreams.","text2":"Your donations will help buy books and provide training for Indy Reads volunteers.","label":-1,"idx":9265,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1983, community residents and organizations banded together to form the organization which is now called SEND.","text2":"SEND was originally formed in 1983 under a different name.","label":-1,"idx":9266,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking demand variability into account becomes even more important given recent trends toward product proliferation.","text2":"Demand variability is of greater importance as product proliferation increases.","label":-1,"idx":9267,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Support Goodwill with a generous donation today.","text2":"If you don't give goodwill a generous donation we will burn goodwill to the ground. ","label":-1,"idx":9268,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award.","text2":"Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award is given monthly","label":-1,"idx":9269,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then he said to me that, they're going to set up a board, he said to me, where they're going to appoint, he said to me, a president, vice president, secretary, treasurers, and all that.","text2":"He explained to me that the people were aiming at constructing a board.","label":-1,"idx":9270,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As far as we are concerned, they are all targets.","text2":"They are all targets in our eyes.","label":-1,"idx":9271,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It didn't matter what we were doing'birthday celebrations, dinner with friends, outings to movies and plays, shopping excursions, or leisurely breakfasts; Hannah hungered to be part of our family.","text2":"Hannah wanted to be included in her family.","label":-1,"idx":9272,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you don't know who your Alderman is, contact the Mayor's office at 594-3341.","text2":"You can find out the name of your Alderman by calling 594-3341.","label":-1,"idx":9273,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ I think yeah, Ryan and I were there.","text2":"Ryan and I were there, if I recall correctly.","label":-1,"idx":9274,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is absolutely the last time that I will ask you to please donate a million dollars to the IUPUI Geology Alumni Fund.","text2":"I will ask you again to donate. ","label":-1,"idx":9275,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Strangelove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. ","text2":"The way that I learned not to fret and love the bomb instead.","label":-1,"idx":9276,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:59, an Air Force lieutenant colonel working in the White House Military Office joined the conference and stated he had just talked to Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley.","text2":"In the morning, a high ranking officer joined the conference and mentioned that he had just discussed with Stephen Hadley about golf.","label":-1,"idx":9277,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The donations will enable the __ Unit to continue supporting the research, educational and service programs.","text2":"Your donations are not going to go towards research.","label":-1,"idx":9278,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My instructor played a role like no other instructor I've ever had I appreciate everything that Goodwill has done for me.","text2":"My instructor gave me excellent guidance and training for my job.","label":-1,"idx":9279,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In one interval checked, W reveals Montague (Romeo's family name), Montmorency (a kind of cherry), Montrachet (wine), monuron (a herbicide), moon-eye (a fish), moon-eyed (open-eyed), and moonflower , as headwords not in L ; the same interval in L reveals montbretia (a plant), Montessorian (teaching method), month of Sundays , Montilla , -mony (suffix) Moog synthesizer , moon daisy (the oxeye), moon-faced , moonglow , and moonrat , which do not appear in W . Leaving aside the plants and animals, which are differently distributed for American and British users, the only significant omission from L is Montrachet , while the important words omitted from W are Montessorian , month of Sundays , -mony , Moog synthesizer , moon-faced , and moonglow . The last word is not in the RHD II , but it should be, for the L citation is from Henry Miller and the word also appears in the lyrics written for the popularized rendition of Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony.","text2":"W reveals Romeo's family name, which is Montague.","label":-1,"idx":9280,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many, we may hope, have not yet been found.","text2":"It would be in everyone's best interest if they weren't found.","label":-1,"idx":9281,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We very much appreciate your assistance.","text2":"We are glad you are assisting us, despite your busy schedule.","label":-1,"idx":9282,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In 1950, average hourly earnings in textiles were $1.23 an hour compared with $1.24 in apparel.","text2":"Apparel was easy work than textiles.","label":-1,"idx":9283,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Another class, equally important in cryptoland, is that of Graphic Clue Elements.","text2":"Graphic clue elements are unimportant factors. ","label":-1,"idx":9284,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Examples of this type of linguistic osmosis as GI , poop , honcho , gook , and gung-ho , all of which are now understood by a substantial number of Americans who have never been in the military service.","text2":"Gung-ho is not known by very many Americans.","label":-1,"idx":9285,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The average hourly earnings of U.S. employees in textile mill products (SIC 22) went from $4.66 in 1979 to $10.02 in 1997'an increase of 115 percent and more than the increase in all manufacturing or nondurable manufacturing.","text2":"From 1979 to 1997, the average earnings for U.S. textile employees rose over 100 percent.","label":-1,"idx":9286,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In order to make this decision for a SKU with a given level of demand variation, this firm's managers should weigh the increased unit costs arising from manufacturing smaller lots against the benefits this might create in shortening production lead times, which would reduce the amount of inventory the firm must hold for that product.","text2":"The precise level of demand variation warranting this analysis depends on the particulars of the SKU.","label":-1,"idx":9287,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, The fact, you, I, you can be there, I said, or I can stay here and you go in, I said, you don't see where I get off to.","text2":"They knew where I got off since they followed me home.","label":-1,"idx":9288,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They can still be found today in so-called gift shops. ","text2":"You can not find them in gift shops anymore.","label":-1,"idx":9289,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The resulting cutbacks created enormous resentment among recipients who had come to see government largesse as their right.","text2":"The cutbacks created a lot of resentment from the people who thought a democratic government was guaranteed.","label":-1,"idx":9290,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Given limited information on sales, this meant that these retailers purchased large inventories of goods that they would then push to consumers","text2":"If they had more info, the retailers would buy appropriate amounts and be less forceful on consumers.","label":-1,"idx":9291,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marines, the 1992 bombing in Aden, and especially the 1993 firefight in Somalia after which the United States left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat and your dead with you.","text2":"The United States has never been involved in military operations in Somalia. ","label":-1,"idx":9292,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Teresa Morehead, a biology major, was serving on a hospital ship in Operation Desert Storm.","text2":"Teresa Morehead changed his major to biology during college","label":-1,"idx":9293,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Had my head up between ceiling joists nailing rafters glanced off the rafter and hit myself in the head with a hammer.","text2":"I stubbed my toe on the table.","label":-1,"idx":9294,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Taking an uncomfortably short speculative step was Stanley Kubrick's 1963 film, Dr.","text2":"Kubrick's film was very comfortable and easy to sit through.","label":-1,"idx":9295,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky pointed out that we are used to thinking of the child's capacities in static or fossilized terms'as finished achievements.","text2":"Vygotsky brought to light that we typically think of children's capacities as fixed.","label":-1,"idx":9296,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Approximately 80 percent of the school's alumni reside in Indiana, with more than 2,200 living and working in Marion County and the seven contiguous counties.","text2":"Less than half of the school's alumni currently lives in Indiana.","label":-1,"idx":9297,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Ah, the favorite part of the story was the fact that I had somehow bought an old Model T Ford.","text2":"The purchasing of the Model T Ford was a crucial element of the story. ","label":-1,"idx":9298,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Members of the law school's Maennerchor Society are the school's staunchest and most important supporters.","text2":"The law school's most fervent and notable supporters are members of the Maennerchor Society.","label":-1,"idx":9299,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Or, in Nicholas Nickleby (Chapter XLVII), where that admirable novelist graphically portrays how old Arthur Gride again raised his hands, again chuckled, and again ejaculated. ","text2":"Nicholas Nickleby chuckled as he ejaculated.","label":-1,"idx":9300,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is a physical and social measure of the guild's success.","text2":"That is only a social measure of the guild's success. ","label":-1,"idx":9301,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In July, an Iraqi delegation traveled to Afghanistan to meet first with the Taliban and then with Bin Ladin.","text2":"The Iraqi delegation preferred to meet with the Taliban before seeing Bin Ladin.","label":-1,"idx":9302,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We believe that this is the best format in which to contribute our class gift since it benefits all concerned.","text2":"We do not think your money should go to this format. ","label":-1,"idx":9303,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This charmer is Shoshonean in origin, an example of the onomatoplazia which readily occurs when the etymology in question is not from your usual, garden variety, linguistic roots.","text2":"Shoshonean is a word invented by a famous linguist called George Shoshone.","label":-1,"idx":9304,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She quotes (and, presumably, accepts) another source which holds that woman first awakened in humankind the capacity to recognize abstracts. ","text2":"She quotes another source that says a man can recognize abstracts.","label":-1,"idx":9305,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider making a contribution to help us SAVE OUR BABIES.","text2":"Please give a contribution for Save Our Babies.","label":-1,"idx":9306,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As we saw earlier, preschools and kindergartens that emphasize drill on academic skills are detrimental.","text2":"Having children go to a prestigious, academics-focused preschool is bad for them.","label":-1,"idx":9307,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Bin Ladin may have no longer felt safe in Sudan, where he had already escaped at least one assassination attempt that he believed to have been the work of the Egyptian or Saudi regimes, or both.","text2":"At one point, Bin Ladin felt unsafe in the country of Sudan.","label":-1,"idx":9308,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to Vygotsky, infants are biologically endowed with basic perceptual, attentional, and memory capacities that they share with other animals.","text2":"Vygotsky believes that babies and animals share nothing in common in the way that they think.","label":-1,"idx":9309,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rather, by the end of the first year, their exploration of the physical world is confident, persistent, and complex.","text2":"After the first year ends, they're more confident in their exploring the physical world.","label":-1,"idx":9310,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If the United States did not comply, it would be at war with the Islamic nation, a nation that al Qaeda's leaders said desires death more than you desire life.","text2":"This is the justification for al Qaeda's actions against innocent citizens.","label":-1,"idx":9311,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After NEADS learned of the hijacking at 10:07, NORAD would have had from 6 to 16 minutes to locate the flight, receive authorization to shoot it down, and communicate the order to the pilots, who (in the same span) would have had to authenticate the order, intercept the flight, and execute the order.","text2":"NEADS learned of the hijacking at 10:07, before anyone else.","label":-1,"idx":9312,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jamal Ahmed al Fadl, a Sudanese-born Arab, had spent time in the United States and had been recruited for the Afghan war through the Farouq mosque in Brooklyn.","text2":"Denmark was the country where Al Fadl pursued his postdoctorate studies, before returning to Yemen to work as a teacher.","label":-1,"idx":9313,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You have been a loyal friend by contributing $1,000 annually to the law school, and we are grateful for your past support.","text2":"We appreciate the support you have given in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":9314,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Notice how the mother provides details and, by asking who and what, encourages her young daughter to enrich the narrative.","text2":"The mother encourages her young daughter by providing details and asking who and what. ","label":-1,"idx":9315,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Decorative stitching is the third objective of sewing.","text2":"Decorative stitching is no longer used in sewing.","label":-1,"idx":9316,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"3. Complete the form and send it, along with your gift, to the law school.","text2":"Submit your gift through our website via PayPal ","label":-1,"idx":9317,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We invite you to consider a contribution.","text2":"We will accept any contribution big or small.","label":-1,"idx":9318,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, if I was able to get educational opportunities in school, I would transfer, but I'm happy with school here, with my sorority, with the city, with, I mean I'm happy with the way things are right now, so probably when I graduate.","text2":"I'd prefer not to transfer even if I could I'm quite enjoying myself with school and stuff here.","label":-1,"idx":9319,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In one interval checked, W reveals Montague (Romeo's family name), Montmorency (a kind of cherry), Montrachet (wine), monuron (a herbicide), moon-eye (a fish), moon-eyed (open-eyed), and moonflower , as headwords not in L ; the same interval in L reveals montbretia (a plant), Montessorian (teaching method), month of Sundays , Montilla , -mony (suffix) Moog synthesizer , moon daisy (the oxeye), moon-faced , moonglow , and moonrat , which do not appear in W . Leaving aside the plants and animals, which are differently distributed for American and British users, the only significant omission from L is Montrachet , while the important words omitted from W are Montessorian , month of Sundays , -mony , Moog synthesizer , moon-faced , and moonglow . The last word is not in the RHD II , but it should be, for the L citation is from Henry Miller and the word also appears in the lyrics written for the popularized rendition of Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony.","text2":"W first and foremost reveals Romeo's family name, which is Montague","label":-1,"idx":9320,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and the Afghan Arabs drew largely on funds raised by this network, whose agents roamed world markets to buy arms and supplies for the mujahideen, or holy warriors.","text2":"The network purchased over a million AK-47 rifles on world markets.","label":-1,"idx":9321,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I thank all of you who are already supporting IUSD, and I look forward to welcoming many of our colleagues as new century Club members.","text2":"The Century Club is not accepting any new members. ","label":-1,"idx":9322,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As you know, the Annual Fund is an integral part of Cathedral's financial infra-structure each year.","text2":"The Annual Fund is quite low this year. ","label":-1,"idx":9323,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They came back with lots of reasons ! We hope you find your reasons on the list.","text2":"There was only one reason offered and it is certain to be the same as yours.","label":-1,"idx":9324,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Warm, caring adults oer explanations and justifications for their demands.","text2":"Warm adults meet the demands.","label":-1,"idx":9325,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Sudanese government had canceled the registration of the main business enterprises he had set up there and then put some of them up for public sale.","text2":"They were successful in crippling him financially.","label":-1,"idx":9326,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By contributing $1,000 you can support one match for one year.","text2":"You can support a single match for only $100 per year.","label":-1,"idx":9327,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(This manufacturer essentially followed an (R, s, S) policy as described in Chapter 6, with R = time period between orders= seven days, S = target inventory level = fourteen weeks, and s = reorder point = ten weeks.)","text2":"Chapter 6 covers an R,S,S policy that can be useful for manufacturers.","label":-1,"idx":9328,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Furthermore, when followed up during the first few years of school, children who spent their kindergarten year in a highly teacher-directed classroom achieve more poorly than do agemates who come from kindergartens emphasizing play and hands-on, small-group projects.","text2":"Highly teacher-directed classroom students were compared to hands-on students.","label":-1,"idx":9329,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As literary critics, feminists look not only at images of women in literature but at women as writers and readers.","text2":"Feminists would never research art or literature by other women.","label":-1,"idx":9330,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is almost one month I haven't met you.","text2":"We've met before but I haven't seen you for a month.","label":-1,"idx":9331,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' These, of course, are loanwords borrowed from languages that have (or had) grammatical gender.","text2":"Other languages have grammatical genders.","label":-1,"idx":9332,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The answers depend on the garment as well as on just how custom-made it really was.","text2":"Custom-made jeans are better fitting.","label":-1,"idx":9333,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor can I overstate the fear that every low-income mother throughout the United States and around the world must carry with her every that the consequences of poverty will ultimately catch up with her children, too.","text2":"I can't tell you how scared low-income moms are that they will not survive because of job loss or increased expenses.","label":-1,"idx":9334,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then she recalled hearing him say, Yes sir.","text2":"She couldn't remember if he said anything to her or not.","label":-1,"idx":9335,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was the favorite part of the story!","text2":"That was the best part of the story!","label":-1,"idx":9336,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So jumped on one of the horses back.","text2":"The horses back was jumped on.","label":-1,"idx":9337,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are many, of course, but unaccountably, they are not the focus of this book.","text2":"They will not be covered in this book despite their number.","label":-1,"idx":9338,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through writers like Qutb, and the presence of Egyptian Islamist teachers in the Saudi educational system, Islamists already had a strong intellectual influence on Bin Ladin and his al Qaeda colleagues.","text2":"Islamist writers had the strongest influence on Bin Laden. ","label":-1,"idx":9339,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was horrible.","text2":"It was awful.","label":-1,"idx":9340,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Each of them defines a separate meaning of the answer.","text2":"They all have the same meaning of answer. ","label":-1,"idx":9341,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, there were names like The Pokey Little Puppy, um, Mr. Bear Squash You All Flat, um, just, they were just little stories about animals and they had Big Golden Books and Little Golden Books and my mother, I know she bought me every one of them and read them to me.","text2":"My mother bought me a lot of books with short storys about animals. ","label":-1,"idx":9342,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Plus, Native American artifacts are plentiful...and ruts created by covered wagon traffic on the- Oregon Trail are still clearly visible.","text2":"Native Americans used to build wagons for traversing the Oregon Trail.","label":-1,"idx":9343,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They certainly did me when first I came across them.","text2":"They did me when I first came across them.","label":-1,"idx":9344,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The letters of the answer are left in their original order but spread over two or more ","text2":"Spreading the letters out makes them easier to read. ","label":-1,"idx":9345,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the good old days, we were taught that the pyramids were built by tens of thousands of slaves.","text2":"A long time ago, no one knew how the pyramids were really built.","label":-1,"idx":9346,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Neither of the firsthand accounts mentioned any stabbings or the threat or use of either a bomb or Mace, though both witnesses began the flight in the first-class cabin.","text2":"The witnesses were in the first class cabin.","label":-1,"idx":9347,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and al Qaeda have given answers to both these questions.","text2":"Both Osama Bin Ladin and al Qaeda have answered these two questions.","label":-1,"idx":9348,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And work hard.","text2":"Don't put effort into work; instead, only do the bare minimum.","label":-1,"idx":9349,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, but that they weren't going to steal, they weren't going to kill, neither would they harm the people, but it we didn't, if we worked with them.","text2":"They wanted to cooperate with us but on their terms.","label":-1,"idx":9350,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are thousands more.","text2":"After this, there will be no more.","label":-1,"idx":9351,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But time is marching on and I know all of you will want to make plans to attend the 1991 IU Fall Dental Conference.","text2":"But time is fleeting, and I know you will want to start registering for the 1991 IU conference.","label":-1,"idx":9352,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nonetheless, the initial trompe l'oeil is there.","text2":"Trompe l'oeil could be there.","label":-1,"idx":9353,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, a passenger reported that an announcement had been made by the pilot that the plane had been hijacked.","text2":"The pilot announced that the plane had been hijacked.","label":-1,"idx":9354,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Agents propelled him out of his chair and told him he had to get to the bunker.","text2":"He was moved out of his chair and told what to do because he was in shock.","label":-1,"idx":9355,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yeah, when I was about 12, I guess I was 11 or 12.","text2":"I was young and naive then, I wasn't ready for it. ","label":-1,"idx":9356,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship.","text2":"We have found evidence that the contacts participated in the acts.","label":-1,"idx":9357,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The flight never turned off its transponder.","text2":"The transponder was never shut off.","label":-1,"idx":9358,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You know they're all like, Oh good!","text2":"They do not know what makes it good.","label":-1,"idx":9359,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The NEADS commander told us he did not pass along the order because he was unaware of its ramifications.","text2":"The commander told people to follow the order.","label":-1,"idx":9360,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"With its transponder off, it is possible, though more difficult, to track an aircraft by its primary radar returns.","text2":"It is easy to track an airplane without a transponder signal. ","label":-1,"idx":9361,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And they've picked you, he said to me. ","text2":"They didn't choose me, he said to me.","label":-1,"idx":9362,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"International pressure on Sudan, together with strains in the world economy, hurt Sudan's currency.","text2":"Sudan's currency was on the verge of collapsing for many decades.","label":-1,"idx":9363,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you recall, when we were in the grad program and making much less money than we now pay in taxes, we were awarded a Prentice Scholarship.","text2":"You will recall that without the Prentice Scholarship, we would have not graduated.","label":-1,"idx":9364,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She used to be a waitress for the longest, longest time.","text2":"She was a diner cook for 20 years.","label":-1,"idx":9365,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"and then they ask my sister what would she like for my son.","text2":"I can't believe they have the audacity to ask my sister about my son, even though it's not her kid, it's mine.","label":-1,"idx":9366,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As will be described in chapter 7, al Qaeda contacts with Iran continued in ensuing years.","text2":"Al Qaeda had no connections or contacts with Iran.","label":-1,"idx":9367,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The award was presented at the annual All-Class Reunion in front of over 500 family, friends, and alumni of Dear Old Cathedral.","text2":"The award was mailed to the recipient.","label":-1,"idx":9368,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, Talia assists inappropriately, by doing the task for him.","text2":"Talia then proceeded to do the job for him.","label":-1,"idx":9369,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The extreme Islamist version of history blames the decline from Islam's golden age on the rulers and people who turned away from the true path of their religion, thereby leaving Islam vulnerable to encroaching foreign powers eager to steal their land, wealth, and even their souls.","text2":"Islam declined due to European colonialism.","label":-1,"idx":9370,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Pierre, Pierre, I don't care.","text2":"I'm not interested in it Pierre.","label":-1,"idx":9371,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once again, we are writing to ask for your support.","text2":"We have corresponded with you to ask for your support. ","label":-1,"idx":9372,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From a lifetime of undisciplined reading with innocent pencil in hand and malice prepense in mind, I have gleaned a harvest of what I am pleased to denominate Red Pants items, a sampling of which follows.","text2":"I will follow with a sampling of my harvest from a lifetime of undisciplined reading.","label":-1,"idx":9373,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you forgot to shake it in the morning your cereal was kind of disgusting.","text2":"Your cereal would be disgusting if you forgot to shake it in the morning. ","label":-1,"idx":9374,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So jumped on one of the horses back.","text2":"We wanted to ride the horse.","label":-1,"idx":9375,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Public health dentistry is an essential component of a well-rounded dental education.","text2":"Without public health dentistry, a dental education is not complete.","label":-1,"idx":9376,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No one else been there no one else had ever experienced or written about what they'd seen and brought it back.","text2":"There was no written recording of what they had seen there. ","label":-1,"idx":9377,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For some that decision was made in the recent past and for others, the distant past.","text2":"The decision was made yesterday by everyone. ","label":-1,"idx":9378,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I have lately been reading accounts of the exploration of the western and northwestern deserts of Australia in the 1870s and I have become very aware of the effect absent necessities might have on the frequency of particular items in discourse.","text2":"The reasons as to why these necessities are absent, are still unclear.","label":-1,"idx":9379,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:34, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport advised the Secret Service of an unknown aircraft heading in the direction of the White House.","text2":"The aircraft posed a threat to the Secret Service.","label":-1,"idx":9380,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many a raucous snigger has been sniggered from the pure-minded use of a word that suggests unmentionable parts of the human body.","text2":"Much sniggering has occurred with the use of a word that suggests the unmentionables of the human body.","label":-1,"idx":9381,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, many products sold in retail outlets, particularly basic and fashion-basic items, can now be replenished after the start of the selling season.","text2":"After the start of selling season, many products can be replenished.","label":-1,"idx":9382,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thus Americans are blamed when Israelis fight with Palestinians, when Russians fight with Chechens, when Indians fight with Kashmiri Muslims, and when the Philippine government fights ethnic Muslims in its southern islands.","text2":"Therefore, the Russians and French are blamed for conflicts with Muslims.","label":-1,"idx":9383,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Eort and participation, in turn, predicted better academic performance, which sustained the child's willingness to try hard in the future.","text2":"Success always leads to more success.","label":-1,"idx":9384,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What would change for that boy or girl?","text2":"What would become different for that boy or girl?","label":-1,"idx":9385,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Rethinking how to service stringent retail replenishment requirements for ever broadening product lines in more selling seasons has become a central business challenge.","text2":"Increased product variety faces a bottleneck with the strict retail policies on stock quotas.","label":-1,"idx":9386,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Skohn, as in John , is given as the proper pronunciation, but it reports that in the south of England often (it is) pronounced `skoan.","text2":"Skoan is not a pronunciation of John. ","label":-1,"idx":9387,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait.","text2":"In August 1990, Kuwait invaded Iraq.","label":-1,"idx":9388,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A scaffold was built so that a rifleman' who fired a single-shot, muzzle-loading shoulder weapon'could step up and shoot over the top of the trench.","text2":"A scaffold was built so a weapon could be shot over a trench.","label":-1,"idx":9389,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These substantial limestone benches will provide our students with a good place to sit while taking a break from their hectic schedules.","text2":"The limestone benches will be painted in blue and white. ","label":-1,"idx":9390,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contributing members of the winning classes will receive an added bonus, of a tuition waived registration to a nonrestricted CE Course, at the dental school during the 1991-92 academic year.","text2":"Regardless of contribution, no member of the winning class will receive an added bonus. ","label":-1,"idx":9391,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, design, distribution centers, marketing'even cutting'as well as some short-cycle assembly remain in the market region.","text2":"Marketing is responsible for most of the success of the industry.","label":-1,"idx":9392,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A psychological self is not firmly in place until age 3 or 4. ","text2":"A psychological self is in place at age 2.","label":-1,"idx":9393,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In a handful of slips taken from the top of my stack, I found at least one clear-cut Nevada is much more sparsely populated than eastern states, according to Robin MacNeil (MacNeil\/Lehrer News Report, PBS, 29 May 1986).","text2":"Nevada is densely populated.","label":-1,"idx":9394,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hochschild concludes, Many working families are both prisoners and architects of the time bind in which they find themselves. ","text2":"Hochschild thinks working families are both prisoners and architects of their tight schedules.","label":-1,"idx":9395,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This organization included a financial support network that came to be known as the Golden Chain, put together mainly by financiers in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states.","text2":"The Golden Chain was successful at providing financial support. ","label":-1,"idx":9396,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It entails better engineering of specific sewing tasks, including some specialized sewing machines, to reduce the amount of time required for each task.","text2":"Specialized sewing machines is used to reduce the amount of time required for each task.","label":-1,"idx":9397,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, minutes later, NEADS was told that an unknown plane was 6 miles southwest of the White House.","text2":"NEADS was told that there was a plane near the White House and they scrambled to shoot it down.","label":-1,"idx":9398,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But their financial performance, as measured by inventory levels or profitability, may differ substantially.","text2":"Their financial performance are measured by inventory levels each quarter.","label":-1,"idx":9399,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sixteen seconds later, a passenger yelled,Roll it!","text2":"A passenger yelled the instructions sixteen seconds later and the others rushed to comply.","label":-1,"idx":9400,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Around 400 B.C., Democritus theorized that a thing could be divided and divided until it became so small it could no longer be divided.","text2":"Democritus was a Greek philosopher, and amongst the most famous throughout history.","label":-1,"idx":9401,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The data suggest that when a manufacturer chooses the same inventory policy for all products, its order-fulfillment rate for highly variable products is usually worse than for low variation products.","text2":"Manufacturer's choosing a blanket inventory policy have a hard time with order-fulfillment rates in highly variable products.","label":-1,"idx":9402,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:55, before entering the classroom, the President spoke to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who was at the White House.","text2":"The President went into the classroom at nine a.m.","label":-1,"idx":9403,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're sterile.","text2":"You're dirty. ","label":-1,"idx":9404,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or e-mail me.","text2":"If you have questions, call me and I will find someone who can answer them.","label":-1,"idx":9405,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The savings can add up for the contractor, since the apparel manufacturer that supplied the cloth might not notice.","text2":"Contractors can save quite a bit of money like this before the apparel manufacturer notices anything amiss.","label":-1,"idx":9406,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Could you describe her?","text2":"Could you explain what she is like?","label":-1,"idx":9407,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"HOW ALUMNI CONTRIBUTIONS HELP TO SUPPORT THE LAW SCHOOL","text2":"How alumni contributions help to support Harvard.","label":-1,"idx":9408,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have a happy, healthy holiday.","text2":"Have a great, long and blessed holiday.","label":-1,"idx":9409,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I also worked with The Roots while I was there and their sessions were just hectic.","text2":"The recording sessions were so hectic we could barely get anything done.","label":-1,"idx":9410,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many Muslims look back at the century after the revelations to the Prophet Mohammed as a golden age.","text2":"The Muslims look at this period as a time of sorrow.","label":-1,"idx":9411,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, Really?","text2":"I said, Oh, yeah?","label":-1,"idx":9412,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NEADS considered scrambling alert fighters from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia to New York, to provide backup.","text2":"NEADS never considered sending backup forces to New York.","label":-1,"idx":9413,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In his poem The Menagerie , one of William Vaughan Moody's characters ","text2":"One of the characters in William Vaughan Moody's poem The Menagerie was tall.","label":-1,"idx":9414,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At about 8:55, the controller in charge notified a New York Center manager that she believed United 175 had also been hijacked.","text2":"The controller contacted the plane directly.","label":-1,"idx":9415,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD confirmed that American 11 was airborne and heading toward Washington, relaying the erroneous FAA information already mentioned.","text2":"NORAD ordered fight jets to follow the flight.","label":-1,"idx":9416,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"When will people learn that dictionaries are not the product of the collective imaginations of those who prepare them or the manifestations of the dreams of a single lexicographer but the result of lengthy, painstaking research to determine how the language is being used, the analysis and codification of the results, and then their organization into a usable reference source?","text2":"A single lexicographer can provide a large amount towards the making of a dictionary, however.","label":-1,"idx":9417,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or e-mail me.","text2":"If you have questions, call someone else.","label":-1,"idx":9418,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All these elements-including religion-combined in an explosive compound.","text2":"Religion was not one of the elements combined in an explosive compound.","label":-1,"idx":9419,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He told us he based this authorization on his earlier conversation with the President.","text2":"The President said he can be an authority due to the situation.","label":-1,"idx":9420,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I still recall, and I'm sure your mother does too Whose woods these are, I think I know His house is in the village though; and I won't go beyond that but, uh, you recall that Gail, when we were, when I was in college and we were first dating that was a, a favorite poem of, uh, us and our friends.","text2":"Your mother does not who whose woods these are.","label":-1,"idx":9421,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Chapter 7 examines what this entails from the manufacturer's perspective.","text2":"Chapter 6 discussed the meaning of what it is to be in a Capitalist society.","label":-1,"idx":9422,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dental distress is widespread in a population whose inability to seek care is compounded by fear and a lack of resources, transportation, and providers from which to receive care.","text2":"Dental distress is not common in a population that lacks resources or transportation.","label":-1,"idx":9423,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Lipschitz, sighed the lady.\"","text2":"The lady sighed.","label":-1,"idx":9424,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is she who had addressed Macbeth, in I. ii, as that shalt be king hereafter. ","text2":"Being king was never mentioned to Macbeth at any point.","label":-1,"idx":9425,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As in the first case study, we assume that the retailer places an order every Sunday night and that the order must be filled during that week.","text2":"There was a case study that was conducted before this one.","label":-1,"idx":9426,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children learn and practice thinking by participating in purposeful activities, organized by their cultural community.","text2":"Children's thought process improves by participating in activities offered by their cultural community.","label":-1,"idx":9427,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have these events put our law school on easy street?","text2":"Might these events have put our law school on easy street?","label":-1,"idx":9428,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The idea is to test the solvers' skill in deciphering clues rather than their familiarity with the recondite recesses of the lexicon.","text2":"The solvers' all failed the test of their clue solving abilities.","label":-1,"idx":9429,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He wasn't sending them there for nothing.","text2":"He sent them there because they need to work for him.","label":-1,"idx":9430,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What a curious sensation to have a cabaret girl stop her professional smiling and knee-patting, forget about passing scotch and veggies while carrying on in rudimentary English ( What is your hobby? ","text2":"Part of a cabaret girls' job is to smile.","label":-1,"idx":9431,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such savings can add up to many millions of dollars for large manufacturers.","text2":"The largest manufacturers use every trick they can to acquire those savings.","label":-1,"idx":9432,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do think that Aman contributes something important to the linguistic literature, and I think he ought to view a bit more seriously (and less rancorously) the opportunities accorded him by his experience with these powerful, private parts of the language to pursue a theme of analysis of its impact and why and how it carries so much weight, both denotatively and connotatively.","text2":"Because of Aman's contribution, he is almost certainly going to be remembered by linguistic aficionados. ","label":-1,"idx":9433,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Six minutes later, the air traffic control specialist in American's operations center contacted the FAA's Boston Air Traffic Control Center about the flight.","text2":"The FAA's Boston Air Traffic Control Center was contacted six minutes later.","label":-1,"idx":9434,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:33, the tower supervisor at Reagan National Airport picked up a hotline to the Secret Service and told the Service's operations center that an aircraft [is] coming at you and not talking with us.","text2":"The tower supervisor called the Secret Service multiple times after 9:33.","label":-1,"idx":9435,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I chose to read the ones that had been read to me.","text2":"I do not like to read the things that were read to me.","label":-1,"idx":9436,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Uh, my mother was probably so busy running around taking care of all of us, I guess she read, um, I think she read biographical things rather than um, novels.","text2":"My mother was too busy to read us novels.","label":-1,"idx":9437,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vygotsky concluded that make-believe play has two crucial features that distinguish it from other childhood activities.","text2":"Vygotsky demonstrated the two crucial features that distinguish make-believe from other childhood activities.","label":-1,"idx":9438,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, And do you think you can help me?","text2":"I asked, so do you think you can help me with this project?","label":-1,"idx":9439,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' When he looks at the map it is obvious that Vietnam is to the extreme south of the Chinese Empire.","text2":"Looking at the map makes it obvious that the Chinese Empire has little influence on Vietnam.","label":-1,"idx":9440,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They funded huge infrastructure projects, vastly expanded education, and created subsidized social welfare programs.","text2":"They wanted to increase their social spending.","label":-1,"idx":9441,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Contact Dr. Rosenberg for details.","text2":"For details, contact Dr. Rosenberg.","label":-1,"idx":9442,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Langley fighters were heading east, not north, for three reasons.","text2":"There was more than one reason why the fighters were heading east.","label":-1,"idx":9443,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I'm sure you remember parts of it.","text2":"And I know with absolute certainty that you remember more than just a few elements of it. ","label":-1,"idx":9444,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consider the expansion of basic and fashion-basic garments in the U.S. market.","text2":"The US market has seen the growth of fashion-basic garments.","label":-1,"idx":9445,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Three basic themes emerge from Qutb's writings.","text2":"The writings display three basic themes.","label":-1,"idx":9446,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We play outside on the equipment.","text2":"The equipment is outside and we play on it.","label":-1,"idx":9447,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contributions to the school in the past have been very important to us, and I sincerely hope that you will make a financial investment in the IU School of Dentistry this year.","text2":"I hope that you will donate some funds to the School of Dentistry.","label":-1,"idx":9448,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maybe not in the same class with all the birds sing bass","text2":"Maybe not where everyone sings the same because it makes the song sound bad.","label":-1,"idx":9449,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet, many prefer chair to chairperson on the grounds of brevity and because it avoids the awkwardness of the longer alternative.","text2":"Chairperson is too long of a name to be used in normal conversation.","label":-1,"idx":9450,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I would feel the same way if I paid to see the Rockettes only find that they were Rockets. ","text2":"I would not like to pay to see the Rockettes and find out I was actually seeing the Rockets.","label":-1,"idx":9451,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" No, this is not an exercise, not a test.","text2":"This is just a test.","label":-1,"idx":9452,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The extreme Islamist version of history blames the decline from Islam's golden age on the rulers and people who turned away from the true path of their religion, thereby leaving Islam vulnerable to encroaching foreign powers eager to steal their land, wealth, and even their souls.","text2":"The radicals think the fall of Islam was because those in charge got too fanatical.","label":-1,"idx":9453,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From the Pawtucket mill, the American cotton-spinning industry was launched.","text2":"The Pawtucket mill was one of the highest producing mills of its type in the century.","label":-1,"idx":9454,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These programs focus on keeping the family together by providing counseling and other services to the entire family.","text2":"Counseling services are provided to the children to prepare them for the family splitting apart.","label":-1,"idx":9455,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Occasionally the ads include a drawing of a man with a large pair of scissors.","text2":"Even more rarely the ads include a drawing of a woman with scissors.","label":-1,"idx":9456,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Marquis soon realized this was an emergency and instructed the airline's dispatcher responsible for the flight to contact the cockpit.","text2":"Marquis told the dispatcher of the flight to get in contact with the cockpit.","label":-1,"idx":9457,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(In Figure 7.1, the high volume 46-regular has a low Cv of 0.55.","text2":"Figure 7.1 illustrates an item with a CV of 0.55.","label":-1,"idx":9458,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not sure that I should have characterized the perpetuation of obsolete or archaic meanings as counterproductive : perhaps wrong, misleading, ambiguous, or old-fashioned would have been closer to the mark; phrased another way, I must agree that people ought to use words in their current senses if they expect to be understood.","text2":"I disagree, people should be allowed to use words in any way they please.","label":-1,"idx":9459,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For instance it gives played as the proper pronunciation for plaid 'although, with delicate condescension, it parenthetically notes, by the English also `plad.","text2":"The word plaid is given a proper pronunciation but in English it could be said as plad. ","label":-1,"idx":9460,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And I've learned, um, at the end of this year how to manage my time, which I hasn't helped me out very much.","text2":"I learned early this year how to manage my time and its been great.","label":-1,"idx":9461,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The focus was on the President's statement to the nation.","text2":"The President's statement was somber, but resolute.","label":-1,"idx":9462,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I need a change and Boston's the place I've always looked to live at, so--","text2":"I will likely stay living where I am. ","label":-1,"idx":9463,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Others in the agency were aware of it, as we explained earlier in this chapter.","text2":"Earlier in this chapter we explained that others in the agency knew of it and had access to other information.","label":-1,"idx":9464,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, the cycle time for the long-cycle plant represents the number of weeks typical for offshore production.","text2":"The number of weeks is represented by the cycle time in the long-cycle plant.","label":-1,"idx":9465,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The amount ordered should be sufficient so that the number of units on hand plus those that are on order equal some maximum stocking quantity, S.13 For a particular item, our store buyer may reorder when the inventory level falls below s equals 4 units, in a quantity that brings the current inventory up to S equals 8 units.","text2":"The amount ordered should be sufficient so that the number of units on hand equal roughly more than some of the maximum stocking quanitity.","label":-1,"idx":9466,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you have any, do you have any sisters or brothers?","text2":"Do you have any brothers or sisters?","label":-1,"idx":9467,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're last gift of $50.00 helped make it possible for us to provide guidance, encouragement and fun to nearly 400 Indianapolis area children.","text2":"We were able to provide guidance, encouragement and fun to almost 400 Indianapolis children because of your last gift of $50.00","label":-1,"idx":9468,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this same public testimony, NORAD officials stated that at 9:24, NEADS received notification of the hijacking of American 77.","text2":"NORAD officials blatantly lied when they testified.","label":-1,"idx":9469,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We'd be sitting there waiting on daylight to be able to go to work.","text2":"We haven't worked a day in our lives.","label":-1,"idx":9470,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am writing to you as a donor to SouthEast Neighborhood Development (SEND) to update you on both our accomplishments and the challenges we are tackling next.","text2":"I am updating you on what SEND has done.","label":-1,"idx":9471,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In most instances, the main concern was the use of such aircraft to deliver weapons of mass destruction.","text2":"The main concern was that the planes would have WMD on them and would drop them on NYC.","label":-1,"idx":9472,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I know he had on blue jeans.","text2":"He had blue jeans on.","label":-1,"idx":9473,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In America, work proceeded space during the 1930s, largely under the direction of Raven McDavid, Hans Kurath, and, later, Harold Allen; more recently, Lee Pedersen and others have investigated American English dialects.","text2":"In America, work proceeded space during the 1830s, largely under the direction of Kennedy.","label":-1,"idx":9474,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several of the Dulles controllers observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed and notified Reagan National Airport.","text2":"There was something on radar travelling east and moving quickly.","label":-1,"idx":9475,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So I need a change and Boston's the place I've always looked to live at, so--","text2":"I've always looked to live in Boston. ","label":-1,"idx":9476,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Slurvian, however, is not confined to English.","text2":"English is a main language for Slurvian.","label":-1,"idx":9477,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Holidays are a time for sharing.","text2":"Sharing through donations to charity is a big part of the holidays.","label":-1,"idx":9478,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who joined the Taliban movement, espousing a ruthless version of Islamic law, perhaps could bring order in chaotic Afghanistan and make it a cooperative ally.","text2":"Joining up with the Taliban was thought to be a chance to achieve stability in Afghanistan.","label":-1,"idx":9479,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By 9:00, FAA and airline officials began to comprehend that attackers were going after multiple aircraft.","text2":"Attackers were going after a total of three aircraft.","label":-1,"idx":9480,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The aircraft that spotted the black smoke was the same unarmed Air National Guard cargo plane that had seen American 77 crash into the Pentagon 27 minutes earlier.","text2":"A cargo plane belonging to the Air National guard saw the black smoke.","label":-1,"idx":9481,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are there any particular stories that your family tells now?","text2":"Do your family members regularly share certain stories with you?","label":-1,"idx":9482,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Parents and teachers also act as gatekeepers for young children.","text2":"Parents act as gatekeepers for children, however teachers do not.","label":-1,"idx":9483,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Next, the manufacturer must determine what percentage of its total capacity should be allocated to the quick line (we call this percentage the quick-line capacity ratio), with the remainder allocated to the regular line.","text2":"Everything must go on the quick line. ","label":-1,"idx":9484,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only consequence of their selection was that their checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that they had boarded the aircraft.","text2":"The checked bags were put on the plane five minutes after they got word that the passengers boarded the plane.","label":-1,"idx":9485,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We want the world to know how strongly we oppose NAFTA expansion and fast track.","text2":"We want the world to know we are heavily invested and approve of NAFTA expansion.","label":-1,"idx":9486,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We were down, I had my son under me, on the floor, Ines had one, and Ines brother, that is, the boy's uncle, had the other boy under him.","text2":"The uncle kind of liked having the boy beneath him.","label":-1,"idx":9487,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your generosity will help people help themselves.","text2":"Your giving will begin a learning process. ","label":-1,"idx":9488,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because they are short'some reduced to only one syllable'such words are not immediately apparent as compounds, and their true nature is exposed only by word archaeology.","text2":"One syllable words are never a compound word. ","label":-1,"idx":9489,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Authors extrapolated from Roentgen's 1895 discovery of x-rays and wrote of the heat-ray (H.","text2":"Authors from Roentgen's 1895 discovery bred heat rays from x rays. ","label":-1,"idx":9490,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Demand for a legal education remains high.","text2":"Very few organizations require a legal education now.","label":-1,"idx":9491,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I said to him, Oh, well, I'm going to go when it's morning.","text2":"I planned to leave in the morning but I didn't say anything to him.","label":-1,"idx":9492,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As cooing and babbling appear in the first half-year, adults again respond in kind, vocalizing and waiting for the baby to vocalize back.","text2":"As cooing and babbling appear in the first half-year, vocalizing and waiting for the baby to vocalize back is something that adults respond to.","label":-1,"idx":9493,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.","text2":"We need to you to get some firepower up there, because the hijacked airplane is headed to New York.","label":-1,"idx":9494,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Those who joined the Taliban movement, espousing a ruthless version of Islamic law, perhaps could bring order in chaotic Afghanistan and make it a cooperative ally.","text2":"The Taliban's iron handed rule brought peace through repression.","label":-1,"idx":9495,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Now, I don't know if it was because it was the accent, or if there's more than one, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna reconfirm that for you, and I'll get back to you real quick.","text2":"I will reconfirm it to you in order to be sure you understand.","label":-1,"idx":9496,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Without the support of United Way of Central Indiana, Cecilia's story might not have had such a happy ending.","text2":"Ceclia wouldn't have a healthy baby without United Way.","label":-1,"idx":9497,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I hope you will join me in supporting this scholarship opportunity by sending your check today made payable to the Peale Scholarship Fund.","text2":"You will be helping the future of tomorrow with your generosity.","label":-1,"idx":9498,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NOW OUR FIRST INVITATION TO We invite each contributor and her\/his guest to attend our annual Department Reception for Graduating Seniors and Their Guests.","text2":"Each contributor is only allowed to have one guest. ","label":-1,"idx":9499,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He left a message on their home answering machine that the plane had been hijacked.","text2":"He called home and talked to a person.","label":-1,"idx":9500,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And Wanda's miracle isn't just the house, which will make it possible for the children to achieve some privacy and basic space from one another.","text2":"Wanda's misfortune continues with the fact that the children still have to live in cramped conditions.","label":-1,"idx":9501,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Japanese has a verb inflection which expresses causation or permission'in English, to make someone or to let someone do something. ","text2":"Japanese verb inflections do not indicate whether verbs are part, present or future tense.","label":-1,"idx":9502,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And all the adults were standing around, not really paying much attention to the children, because children, of course, were supposed seen and, uh, not heard, and not really much being seen, actually.","text2":"The adults expected the children to be quiet and stay out of their way.","label":-1,"idx":9503,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children 1 1\/2 to 3 years old can describe their memories verbally.","text2":"Children 1 to 3 years have better memories than children of 5 years old.","label":-1,"idx":9504,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We would be there until \/\/ five, \/\/ six o'clock at night.","text2":"We wouldn't go there.","label":-1,"idx":9505,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bodenheim's glossary indicates the term was popular long before 1946.","text2":"The term is not found in the glossary.","label":-1,"idx":9506,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Maxwell Bodenheim is no longer the cat's pajamas.","text2":"Maxwell Bodenheim is still the cat's pajamas","label":-1,"idx":9507,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Soon after the Prophet's death, the question of choosing a new leader, or caliph, for the Muslim community, or Ummah, arose.","text2":"Soon after the Prophet died, they had to figure out how to choose a new leader within the next week.","label":-1,"idx":9508,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Toddlers between ages 1 1\/2 and 2 generally use only realistic-looking objects while pretending'a toy telephone to talk into or a cup to drink from.","text2":"Toddlers usually just use realistic objects to play with.","label":-1,"idx":9509,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'd always been read to, so I think, yes, I mean I did read to my children, to you guys, to you and your brothers.","text2":"I never read to my kids.","label":-1,"idx":9510,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As can be seen from the chapter headings, some of the material is trivial, but nonetheless interesting for that.","text2":"The titles of each chapter came from specific maps.","label":-1,"idx":9511,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for touching a life and helping to make our community a better place to live, work and prosper.","text2":"Thank you for committing crimes in this community","label":-1,"idx":9512,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"macaronic Does not refer to pasta; it is a text which is half Latin and half vernacular.","text2":"The macaronic is a physical tablet one can look at.","label":-1,"idx":9513,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't be nervous.","text2":"You should feel very anxious.","label":-1,"idx":9514,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thousands of residents still live in sub-standard conditions, our teen pregnancy rate is the highest in the state, only one-third of residents have high school diplomas, and half of our residents have little hope of participating in community improvements because they do not own their home.","text2":"Residents are fine with the way things are currently going, and don't plan to change how things are. ","label":-1,"idx":9515,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its history is also recognized by the Maennerchor Society--whose members are the school's staunchest and most important supporters.","text2":"The Maennerchor Society recognizes the school's history, being its most important supporters.","label":-1,"idx":9516,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the present case, ACTUALLY is such a loosely used filler word in the language (like really , I mean , y'know , etc.) as to be almost useless as a substitute (except literally ).","text2":"The word \"actually\" is a filler word such as \"i mean\" or \"y'know\".","label":-1,"idx":9517,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have you ever helped your dad?","text2":"Have you helped your dad with chores before?","label":-1,"idx":9518,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To chart the development of shy and sociable children, psychologist Jerome Kagan followed several hundred youngsters from infancy into the school years, repeatedly observing their behavior and measuring their physiological responses to highly stimulating, unfamiliar events.","text2":"Psychologist Jerome Kagan has talked to shy and sociable children for years.","label":-1,"idx":9519,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Is ten the most likely number to sell'or will at least ten pairs sell?","text2":"Will exactly ten be sold, or at the very least will that be the number that sells?","label":-1,"idx":9520,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There are indications that by then the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common Kurdish enemy.","text2":"Ansar al Islam was allied with the Kurdish army.","label":-1,"idx":9521,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, I just can't think of what one.","text2":"Hmm I just cannot put my finger on which one.","label":-1,"idx":9522,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Headquarters had a hijack coordinator, who was the director of the FAA Office of Civil Aviation Security or his or her designate.","text2":"There was a hijack specialist at headquarters. ","label":-1,"idx":9523,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Take the words shot, shoot , and shooting . Sure as shooting, some hotshot big shot is bound to shoot the breeze and shoot this big mouth off about taking a cheap shot potshot at some troubleshooting competitor.","text2":"Words about shooting are in every part of our lives.","label":-1,"idx":9524,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The entry list in L seems to be fuller than in W , but a quick direct comparison is not easily done.","text2":"L's entry list of diamond cutters seems to be fuller than W's.","label":-1,"idx":9525,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President's reaction was that the incident must have been caused by pilot error.","text2":"The President did not initially think it was a terrorist incident.","label":-1,"idx":9526,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or the mealtimes that have the entire family trying to find a place to sit and balance their plates while eating wherever they can find a place?","text2":"What about at dinner time when family members struggle to find a place to sit and eat?","label":-1,"idx":9527,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a bunch of my grandfather's old tools were in there odd things like, like scythes and things that you would find only on a farm even though the house itself was not on farmland.","text2":"My grandfather owned a saw. ","label":-1,"idx":9528,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A national emphasis on controlling teen pregnancies and taking responsibility for one's actions is already emerging as a major issue in the 1996 elections.","text2":"Voters want election participants to help cut down on teen pregnancy by providing proper sex education in public schools. ","label":-1,"idx":9529,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Why would I want to get involved, you ask?","text2":"I don't want to have anything to do with it. ","label":-1,"idx":9530,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then, and the neighbors, and a niece of mine and a cousin lived there, and bullets went through my nephew's, and he had a five-year-old daughter, who was the only one who was there, because her mom, had gone to bring water, and she stayed, because of the firefight, she also stayed inside, so that she wouldn't, the little girl locked herself in, and thank God, she survived.","text2":"The five year old girl survived the firefight incident, and I was - and am - so glad that she did.","label":-1,"idx":9531,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, Sir, I've gone in, and I don't know, the house is big, and I went inside, I told him, I haven't seen anyone.","text2":"I saw multiple people inside the home. ","label":-1,"idx":9532,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You feel rewarded, enriched, uplifted.","text2":"You will experience many benefits from this.","label":-1,"idx":9533,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The focus of department stores tends to be on the middle and higher portion of the fashion triangle; consequently, lean retailing came later to this segment of the industry.","text2":"Lean retailers decided to target only high end fashion.","label":-1,"idx":9534,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"..to observe someone or something that has it is to feel icy fingers running down our spine.","text2":"An ice-cold chill is sent down the spine of anyone who witnesses someone or something that has it.","label":-1,"idx":9535,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Like my great-grandfather's brothers and da-da-da-da and then my dad had one brother and my two older cousins were both guys.","text2":"My father had both a brother and a sister. ","label":-1,"idx":9536,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It really did, because a lot of the people on my group, their friends were well off.","text2":"I wish I was well off like my friends.","label":-1,"idx":9537,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The theory was largely shelved for two thousand years until several physicists produced theories which led to the fact that the atom could be split.","text2":"It took a long time for proof of atom splitting","label":-1,"idx":9538,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Prostrate is a more common word that prostate , so prostrate is what we get.","text2":"The word prostrate is often misunderstood for the word prostate.","label":-1,"idx":9539,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She was going to watch TV.","text2":"She wanted to rewatch the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie.","label":-1,"idx":9540,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After evaluating the law school building the I.U.","text2":"Post-evaluation of the building the law school was in.","label":-1,"idx":9541,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The final sentence is about as valid as would be the comment that nobody understands such an injunction as an order to write the address of the chairperson on a dozen envelopes, either.","text2":"The last sentence is a load of crap.","label":-1,"idx":9542,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you in advance for your consideration.","text2":"We are sorry that you won't be considering us.","label":-1,"idx":9543,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He'll work it off.","text2":"He is capable of recovering from this.","label":-1,"idx":9544,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Conducts research on law reform issues currently facing Indiana and the nation","text2":"This law reform research is very important to our school. ","label":-1,"idx":9545,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Resulting in reduced risk of teen pregnancy, suicide, truancy, substance abuse and so many other crises.","text2":"This hotline helps prevent teenage pregnancy, suicide, and substance abuse.","label":-1,"idx":9546,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I said, And do you think you can help me?","text2":"I asked, so do you think you can help me?","label":-1,"idx":9547,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And a colored ink-jet printing of the pattern can be made on basic plain fabric to help identify and demonstrate the desired colors in future discussions with textile mills.","text2":"You cannot use an ink-jet printer on fabric, so you would need to use a hand drawn sample for discussions with the textile mills.","label":-1,"idx":9548,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Lean retailing and the restructuring of manufacturing supply have also affected the economy as a whole in the area of inventories.","text2":"The economy in the domain of inventories have been changed by lean retailing and the restructuring of manufacturing supply.","label":-1,"idx":9549,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"sometimes local events can generate chances for faculty and staff to assist the community because of their unique forms of expertise.","text2":"Faculty and staff are not invited to local events.","label":-1,"idx":9550,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Which reminds us of the zaftig `buxom, well-rounded' blonde who wore an enormous diamond to a charity ball.","text2":"It reminds us of things that are done that are inappropriate.","label":-1,"idx":9551,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A wealth of research reveals that for children to develop at their best, the experiences adults provide must be adapted not just to children's general neurological progress, but also to their unique temperamental needs.","text2":"Lots of research reveals that for kids to develop at their best, adults need to adapt experiences to their unique temperaments.","label":-1,"idx":9552,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you tell parents that?","text2":"Did your parents hear about that on their own or from you?","label":-1,"idx":9553,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is possible that NORAD commanders would have ordered a shootdown in the absence of the authorization communicated by the Vice President, but given the gravity of the decision to shoot down a commercial airliner, and NORAD's caution that a mistake not be made, we view this possibility as unlikely.","text2":"NORAD would have made a mistake if they had ordered a shootdown without authorization.","label":-1,"idx":9554,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"April 1988 brought victory for the Afghan jihad.","text2":"The Afghan jihad was unsuccessful, coming to an end in May of 1989.","label":-1,"idx":9555,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Discussion with my gun-loving friends supports Funk's penultimate etymology.","text2":"Talking with my friends who like guns disproves Funk's etymology.","label":-1,"idx":9556,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you watch um, what is that new thing that everyone that all the kids are watching?","text2":"Was it the new Price is Right show hosted by Bernie Sanders?","label":-1,"idx":9557,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Indianapolis Center continued searching for the aircraft, two managers and the controller responsible for American 77 looked to the west and southwest along the flight's projected path, not east-where the aircraft was now heading.","text2":"The flight was headed in directly westward trajectory.","label":-1,"idx":9558,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Taliban seemed to open the doors to all who wanted to come to Afghanistan to train in the camps.","text2":"All people who showed up to train in the camps with the Taliban were allowed in.","label":-1,"idx":9559,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The primary funding source is the YMCA International Open, which will be held next year on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at noon at Pebble Brook Golf Club.","text2":"The funding from the YMCA International Open is all going to the CEO.","label":-1,"idx":9560,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Among Bessie's numbers were Dying Gambler's Blues, Sing Sing Prison Blues , and one I had never heard called Black Mountain Blues , which has the imcomparable lines,","text2":"Bessie was a famous singer with many songs! ","label":-1,"idx":9561,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Such analyses of language pass as traditional in form if not in content.","text2":"These kind of language analyses have a nontraditional form. ","label":-1,"idx":9562,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And what's the one you identified with the most?","text2":"Which one did you see yourself most in?","label":-1,"idx":9563,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They live similar lives, conduct similar courses, and with similar subventions go to similar conferences and give similar papers on every continent (much as David Lodge describes them in Small World ). They are not as tightly knit as other fraternities, past and present (Knights Templar, Freemasons, Jesuits, Mafia, Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross, corporate executives of Coca-Cola or Chrysler, or managers of labor unions).","text2":"Though they are not as close as other historical fraternities, they are very similar to one another in many ways.","label":-1,"idx":9564,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If, because of the depressed stock market, your assets are not liquid enough for you to come up with one million dollars this year, then we can consider one of the other alternate ways to achieve our goal.","text2":"If your assets aren't liquid and you can't give us any money then we are screwed and ruined. ","label":-1,"idx":9565,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Only a third of the terms have found their way into The Dictionary of American Slang , compiled and edited by Harold Wentworth and Stuart Berg Flexner (Thomas Y. Crowell, 1967) or Robert Chapman's New Dictionary of American Slang (Harper and Row, 1986).","text2":"All of the terms are in The Dictionary of American Slang.","label":-1,"idx":9566,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In these conversations, we arrange events in logical, sequential order, and we focus on explaining unusual, hard-to-interpret occurrences, often by dwelling on characters' intentions and perspectives.","text2":"These conversations look at the sequential order of things.","label":-1,"idx":9567,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Dillard's became one of the first department stores in the late 1980s to build a centralized inventory-tracking system to provide its headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas, with real-time information on sales, by both store and item.","text2":"Dillard's, one of the largest department stores, is headquartered in in Little Rock, Arkansas. ","label":-1,"idx":9568,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Things are bustling at Herron in preparation for the new school year.","text2":"Herron is busy for the preparation for the new school year.","label":-1,"idx":9569,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Dad, look at this shell.","text2":"Look at the shell I found in the ocean.","label":-1,"idx":9570,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Writers Related to Writers Schooldays (which colleges and universities spawned which writers) American Literary Pseudonyms American Literary Title Sources Literary Hoaxes, Frauds, and Plagiarism in American Literature The Profession of ","text2":"Ivy League universities produce a glut of quality writers.","label":-1,"idx":9571,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Have such firms improved their competitive position along with the retailers they supply?","text2":"How long before they improve their competitive position?","label":-1,"idx":9572,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How lucky you are!","text2":"No one is as unlucky as you.","label":-1,"idx":9573,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This summer, more than 300 children ages 4 through 14 will attend the YWCA of Indianapolis' Everyone belongs Summer Day Camp.","text2":"The children look forward to the summer camp every year.","label":-1,"idx":9574,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, good books on archaeology assimilable by laymen are not easy to find, and if the reader can tolerate its shortcomings and is not overly concerned about the precise birthplace of Indo-European, Archaelogy and Language provides an interesting march through the millennia of prehistory in seven-league boots.","text2":"Archaelogy and Language is not the ideal book for someone who wants to know the precise birthplace of Indo-European.","label":-1,"idx":9575,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have something common in addition to being orthodontists who graduated from the I.U.","text2":"We have nothing else in common besides being graduates from the same school.","label":-1,"idx":9576,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My big sister is ten and my little sister is four.","text2":"My little sister is four but my big sister is ten.","label":-1,"idx":9577,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It was composed of his own al Qaeda Shura together with leaders or representatives of terrorist organizations that were still independent.","text2":"The group was an amalgamation of al Qaeda Shura and many non-affiliated terrorist cells.","label":-1,"idx":9578,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Slurvian, however, is not confined to English.","text2":"Slurvian is only in English.","label":-1,"idx":9579,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Are these early, biologically based temperamental styles destined to last, restricting learning opportunities for shy children while opening new doors for their sociable counterparts?","text2":"Are these early temperamental styles destined to linger?","label":-1,"idx":9580,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indy Reads students make gains in reading, writing and language.","text2":"With Indy Reads, students can improve their reading, writing and language.","label":-1,"idx":9581,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, then, the dust from the, the tiles, was falling, because, well, they were destroying them, right?","text2":"They spent the whole day cleaning up the dust.","label":-1,"idx":9582,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A salute to Delaney for creating onomatoplazia , a much-needed new word.","text2":"onomatoplazia was coined by an English teacher.","label":-1,"idx":9583,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Steve Sullivan, Heartland Golf Cars and Equipment) We are long-time supporters of Keep Indianapolis Beautiful.","text2":"Keep Indianapolis Beautiful does not receive support from Heartland Golf Cars and Equipment","label":-1,"idx":9584,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, they were walking up the path and Grandma accidentally stepped in something that was really soft and her foot got to sinking and instead of her pulling that one foot back out and shaking it off to keep going, she stuck both feet in there and she started to holler.","text2":"Grandma stepped on a hard surface.","label":-1,"idx":9585,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What factors contributed to Hannah's turnabout?","text2":"Hannah turned about immediately, why?","label":-1,"idx":9586,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You are one of those committed citizens that can change the world.","text2":"You can change the world by voting and donating money to good causes.","label":-1,"idx":9587,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 8:59, Flight 175 passenger Brian David Sweeney tried to call his wife, Julie.","text2":"Flight 198 passenger Brian David Sweeney tried to call his wife","label":-1,"idx":9588,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His mother, your great grandmother, wiped away his tears and said, Don't cry, one day you'll own that factory.","text2":"Your great grandmother was crying.","label":-1,"idx":9589,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Appearing rushed, impatient, and inattentive to the child's comments, they contribute little information and ask the same short-answer questions over and Do you remember Halloween? ","text2":"They do not realize that their child is commenting, and they repeat the same question.","label":-1,"idx":9590,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The commander of NORAD, General Ralph Eberhart, was en route to the NORAD operations center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, when the shootdown order was communicated on the air threat conference call.","text2":"General Ralph Eberhart, a very experienced commander of NORAD.","label":-1,"idx":9591,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One founding member, Abu Hajer al Iraqi, used his position as head of a Bin Ladin investment company to carry out procurement trips from western Europe to the Far East.","text2":"Abu Hajer al Iraqi carried out procurement trips in South Asia.","label":-1,"idx":9592,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"--to its most notorious use (cited in American Speech in 1962), The jokester, pretending to be a creature from outer space, pointed his cosmic ray gun (finger) at his friend's genitals and exclaimed, `Zap!","text2":"The jokester pointed a real ray gun at his companion. ","label":-1,"idx":9593,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"You're not going to hear yourself on the tape.","text2":"You are the only speaker on the tape. ","label":-1,"idx":9594,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The President remained in the classroom for another five to seven minutes,","text2":"The President stayed in the classroom.","label":-1,"idx":9595,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Other cities with branches of al Khifa included Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Tucson.","text2":"Al Khifa was located in several American cities.","label":-1,"idx":9596,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The time was 9:34.","text2":"It was 9:34. ","label":-1,"idx":9597,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Grass, on the other hand, might make sense for Chanel, for many of the flowers used in Chanel perfumes are cultivated at Grasse, a town in southern France.","text2":"Chanel uses roses in its perfumes.","label":-1,"idx":9598,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They used knives (as reported by two passengers and a flight attendant), Mace (reported by one passenger), and the threat of a bomb (reported by the same passenger).","text2":"The hijackers did not use any weapons.","label":-1,"idx":9599,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"His rhetoric selectively draws from multiple sources-Islam, history, and the region's political and economic malaise.","text2":"The views of his are based on where he is from.","label":-1,"idx":9600,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I, uh, went off to do my thing and he went off to, to some other things, and, uh, anyway, um, to make a long story fairly short, I got married, and being married gave me a little bit of freedom as far as what I need to do to make money because my wife was working and making enough to support us.","text2":"My wife was unemployed after we got married. ","label":-1,"idx":9601,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A number of repairs and alterations will have to be completed at the present facility to assure their usability for a few more years.","text2":"The facility needs about ten thousands dollars of help.","label":-1,"idx":9602,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although this may seem obvious today, Wanamaker shook up the existing retail world in the 1870s by seeking to understand his customers' preferences as a basis for making merchandising choices.","text2":"Wanamaker never thought to use customer preference to make merchandising choices.","label":-1,"idx":9603,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"heavens to Betsy!","text2":"She was so exasperated, she said, \"Heavens to Betsy!\"","label":-1,"idx":9604,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These calls between family, friends, and colleagues took place until the end of the flight and provided those on the ground with firsthand accounts.","text2":"There were no phone calls successfully made from aboard the flight.","label":-1,"idx":9605,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well, I chose to read the ones that had been read to me.","text2":"I chose to read the ones that had been read to me.","label":-1,"idx":9606,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How do you do? ","text2":"Are you doing well?","label":-1,"idx":9607,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In sum, high-quality involvement with children requires a certain quantity of time'actually, a great deal, as I'll argue in this book.","text2":"You don't need to spend any time with your children and you'll still be plenty involved in their lives.","label":-1,"idx":9608,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As of September 11, 2001, the FAA was mandated by law to regulate the safety and security of civil aviation.","text2":"The FAA has to regulate civil aviation safety and security, except where the TSA is in charge.","label":-1,"idx":9609,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores of American high school graduates plummeted and concern over the academic preparation of American children and youths became widespread, a back to basics movement arose that, by 1980, was in full swing.","text2":"The SAT scores for high school students went up.","label":-1,"idx":9610,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Was that self-written?","text2":"The text was in fact plagiarized. ","label":-1,"idx":9611,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If Jarrah did know that the passengers were making calls, it might not have occurred to him that they were certain to learn what had happened in New York, thereby defeating his attempts at deception.","text2":"If Jarrah knew passengers were calling, he might not have realized they would hear about the events in New York.","label":-1,"idx":9612,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Money problems proved costly to Bin Ladin in other ways.","text2":"Bin Laden never had any financial concerns.","label":-1,"idx":9613,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That did a number on the inside of his leg.","text2":"It did a considerable amount of damage to the inside of his leg.","label":-1,"idx":9614,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I do think that Aman contributes something important to the linguistic literature, and I think he ought to view a bit more seriously (and less rancorously) the opportunities accorded him by his experience with these powerful, private parts of the language to pursue a theme of analysis of its impact and why and how it carries so much weight, both denotatively and connotatively.","text2":"I think Aman contributes a significant contribution to linguistic literature.","label":-1,"idx":9615,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its continuance seems assured.","text2":"It is doomed.","label":-1,"idx":9616,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A gift form identifying particular areas of need is attached for your reference.","text2":"Nothing is attached to it.","label":-1,"idx":9617,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What factors contributed to Hannah's turnabout?","text2":"What are the reasons for Hannah's reversion?","label":-1,"idx":9618,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If I had, if I was retired, I would definitely be working in aliteracy, um, you know, volunteer literacy capacity.","text2":"If I had, I would definitely be working with children.","label":-1,"idx":9619,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This charmer is Shoshonean in origin, an example of the onomatoplazia which readily occurs when the etymology in question is not from your usual, garden variety, linguistic roots.","text2":"There are no known examples of onomatoplazia because the concept is entirely theoretical in nature.","label":-1,"idx":9620,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many members of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis can't afford to go to camp without financial assistance, and that's why we need you!","text2":"Even though they could afford it on their own, we subsidize portions of their camp experience.","label":-1,"idx":9621,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I was compelled to pay strict attention (for four or five hours at a time) to setting, lighting, music, gesture, singing, pace of over-all presentation; to this or that role's performance, costume, formal distancing from the audience (Noh) or Globe-like intimacy with the audience (Kabuki); to traditional methods of men's playing women's parts, audience's anticipation and shouted recognition of favorite plays and actors and moments, tone of voice, etc.","text2":"I didn't have to concentrate at all on the setting of the performance.","label":-1,"idx":9622,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I'm making my family sound really bad, but they're really not that bad!","text2":"I'm badmouthing my family, but they aren't as awful as I make them sound.","label":-1,"idx":9623,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the April meeting of the IDA Endowment Committee, a goal was set to raise funds to increase the IDA Pursuit of Excellence fund to a minimum of $1 million.","text2":"A goal was set to raise funds to increase the IDA Pursuit of Excellence fund to a minimum of $1 million at the April meeting of the IDA Endowment Committee, donations are being actively sought.","label":-1,"idx":9624,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Although the NMCC was advised of the hijacking of American 11, the scrambling of jets was not discussed.","text2":"NMCC specifically discussed scrambling the jets. ","label":-1,"idx":9625,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What are the appropriate labor standards?","text2":"Being entirely unaware of options related to labor standards. ","label":-1,"idx":9626,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And by doing this, United Way makes your investment count.","text2":"United Way makes your investment count for dozens of people.","label":-1,"idx":9627,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through social life, it makes contact with and is infiuenced by other, more expert minds, permitting transfer of the values, knowledge, and skills essential for success in a particular culture.","text2":"Contact with other people is the only way to gain essential skills.","label":-1,"idx":9628,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition to these factors, consumer tastes often shift rapidly, sometimes within a single season.","text2":"Consumers will stay with one product as long as it is good.","label":-1,"idx":9629,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"There were seven children - but they were family, and Wanda's mother, even though she was getting on in years, was determined to keep them together, no matter how difficult it would be financially.","text2":"Each of the children had a different father.","label":-1,"idx":9630,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"What can be done to prevent more catastrophic oil spills?","text2":"Preventing more catastrophic oil spills--what can be done for that?","label":-1,"idx":9631,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He had attended Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia.","text2":"The Abdul Aziz University is a very prestigious institution in Saudi Arabia.","label":-1,"idx":9632,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"How much assistance a child needs depends not just on cognitive maturity but also on other child characteristics.","text2":"The amount of required assistance varies from child to child, depending on their cognitive maturity and a host of other traits.","label":-1,"idx":9633,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"According to industry experts, that depends on whether it diffuses down to the high-fashion, quick turnaround segments of the industry or, like much new technology in this industry, is adapted to suit the needs of firms still committed to mass production.","text2":"The experts of the industry have decided that this is dependent on several factors after conducting years of research.","label":-1,"idx":9634,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you hit anything?","text2":"Did you land any shots?","label":-1,"idx":9635,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contributions to the school in the past have been very important to us, and I sincerely hope that you will make a financial investment in the IU School of Dentistry this year.","text2":"You recently donated money to the School of Engineering. ","label":-1,"idx":9636,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In addition, there has been an appreciable growth in relatively unskilled immigrants in some localities such as major metropolitan areas around the country.","text2":"Unskilled immigrants tend to go to smaller towns across the country.","label":-1,"idx":9637,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Recent speculation has it that they were not slaves but'what would one call them?","text2":"They were gatherers and not slaves at all?","label":-1,"idx":9638,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They go too far, though, when they attack I lost my job in place of They fired me on the grounds that such phrasing contributes to the harmful stereotype of `woman as victim.","text2":"I would like to sue my former employer for firing me unlawfully.","label":-1,"idx":9639,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Finally, and perhaps most important, mealtimes allow parents to enter into their children's world and hear about the many facets of their lives, ranging from what the child did at school that day to refiections on how to solve peer or sibling problems.","text2":"Mealtimes are not well suited for hearing from children, as they could choke while eating.","label":-1,"idx":9640,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nor can I overstate the fear that every low-income mother throughout the United States and around the world must carry with her every that the consequences of poverty will ultimately catch up with her children, too.","text2":"I can't tell you how happy low-income moms are that they are doing a great job.","label":-1,"idx":9641,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The controller attempted again to raise United 93 several times, with no response.","text2":"United 93 gave no response to any attempts of communication.","label":-1,"idx":9642,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, it was hard for him at first, I think because, um, like all of a sudden I was like so into softball, so into sports and everything like that and I'm still like, I'm still like that.","text2":"He was unhappy that I was into softball.","label":-1,"idx":9643,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The bird that, that flew into the house.","text2":"The bird that flew into the house.","label":-1,"idx":9644,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our founders underwrite administrative and fundraising costs so that other contributions go to provide services to the, children and their families.","text2":"There is no benefit to children and their families as a result of our founders' actions.","label":-1,"idx":9645,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well they get candy, Mom.","text2":"Well mom, candy was given to them.","label":-1,"idx":9646,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Latin may provide a good analogy to what I experienced in Japan.","text2":"Latin and my experience in Japan are incomparable.","label":-1,"idx":9647,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"McCoy invites the support of The __ Company Foundation in the amount of $10,000.00 to support such activities.","text2":"McCoy has always been generous with their donations.","label":-1,"idx":9648,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, the inability to supply product to retailers or customers is another costly risk.","text2":"This is a risk that management often refuses to take.","label":-1,"idx":9649,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This, while perhaps not strictly an example of a traveler's denunciation, is certainly appropriate to the article as a choice description of one of the Babylons of the world.","text2":"It was not appropriate to use to describe Babylonians in the article. ","label":-1,"idx":9650,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We do not know who from Defense participated, but we know that in the first hour none of the personnel involved in managing the crisis did.","text2":"None of the personnel from defense helped the crisis in the first hour.","label":-1,"idx":9651,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" The first is the Hope diamond, then comes the Kohinoor, and then comes this one, which is called the Lipschitz. ","text2":"The first diamond, Hope, is the most important one because it is the heavier than the other two.","label":-1,"idx":9652,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This year, please consider renewing or increasing your contribution.","text2":"Please consider doubling your contribution from lat year.","label":-1,"idx":9653,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Did you like it or?","text2":"Did you hate it or is there something else?","label":-1,"idx":9654,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The first is the dire shortage of acceptable child-care options in the United States, the second is the parental dilemma of never enough time. ","text2":"There aren't a lot of child-care choices available in America.","label":-1,"idx":9655,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At that same time, American 11 had its last routine communication with the ground when it acknowledged navigational instructions from the FAA's air traffic control (ATC) center in Boston.","text2":"American 11 did not have routine communication with the ground and did not receive the instructions from the ATC.","label":-1,"idx":9656,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"All the way through that hour and 15 minute bus route old Robbie get off, he'd stand outside the bus, let the kids on and he'd get back in.","text2":"He wanted to help the children board the bus.","label":-1,"idx":9657,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They feared it had been hijacked.","text2":"The highjacking was terrible. ","label":-1,"idx":9658,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As a result of his participation, he was nominated to join the YMCA of the USA's International Committee.","text2":"He didn't participate, do he could not be nominated to join the YMCA.","label":-1,"idx":9659,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That was you know, you kind of felt important at that point because you've, you've graduated to next level of adolescence, you're now helping the bus driver.","text2":"Helping the bus driver meant you're now more important. ","label":-1,"idx":9660,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Or you may cancel your membership and owe nothing.","text2":"If you keep your membership you will have to pay a fine.","label":-1,"idx":9661,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Today, sound theories and educational strategies exist that are neither adult- nor child-centered but, instead, portray both as participating actively, jointly, and inseparably in the process of development.","text2":"Theories and educational strategies are solely geared towards adult development.","label":-1,"idx":9662,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Occasionally the ads include a drawing of a man with a large pair of scissors.","text2":"Every now and then the ads feature a man with scissors on them.","label":-1,"idx":9663,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"During the ride the President learned about the attack on the Pentagon.","text2":"The Pentagon attack came to the President's attention during a ride to the War Room.","label":-1,"idx":9664,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I usually hazard a guess in such first encounters, ?\u00a0la the game of Dictionary. ","text2":"There is nothing wrong with using your imagination and making an educated guess.","label":-1,"idx":9665,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I am not sure that I should have characterized the perpetuation of obsolete or archaic meanings as counterproductive : perhaps wrong, misleading, ambiguous, or old-fashioned would have been closer to the mark; phrased another way, I must agree that people ought to use words in their current senses if they expect to be understood.","text2":"People who don't use words in their current senses are happier.","label":-1,"idx":9666,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Retail Forecasting Challenge","text2":"There is a big challenge when forecasting retail.","label":-1,"idx":9667,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The response was an Afghan national resistance movement that defeated Soviet forces.","text2":"An Afghan national resistance movement lost to Soviets quickly.","label":-1,"idx":9668,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Funding is being requested from foundations, individuals, and others interested in serving health care needs of homeless and other underserved populations.","text2":"Nothing is being done to help the homeless with their health care needs.","label":-1,"idx":9669,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your gift to ICI will help us meet this challenge.","text2":"ICI doesn't need contributions to meet our challenges.","label":-1,"idx":9670,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In its limited adoptions in the 1930s, the SLS sewing room was organized in short rows of sewing machines based on the sequence of operations for the garment.","text2":"There were short rows of sewing machines in the SLS sewing room.","label":-1,"idx":9671,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We want the world to know how strongly we oppose NAFTA expansion and fast track.","text2":"NAFTA was put into place by President Bill Clinton of the United States.","label":-1,"idx":9672,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thousands of young women helped to build the church of God with their body, blood and bones when frenzied fathers, husbands or fianc??s preferred to see them die by fire, sword or the fangs of wild beasts rather than live to flout [sic] the duty and destiny of womanhood.","text2":"Women didn't have to die, men would have simply let them be. ","label":-1,"idx":9673,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hmm Describe her and what she did?","text2":"Describe her. What did she do?","label":-1,"idx":9674,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If these vignettes strike sympathetic chords, then science fiction's words, phrases, and lore have permeated your thought and language.","text2":"You can know that science fiction's words, phrases, and lore have permeated your thought and language if you feel sympathy towards these vignettes.","label":-1,"idx":9675,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Many of these young men, even if able to study abroad, lacked the perspective and skills needed to understand a different culture.","text2":"Understanding a different culture was difficult for many young men.","label":-1,"idx":9676,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A laser beam can seriously harm humans, and people may not notice the small-diameter beams of light in an industrial environment.","text2":"A laser beam is a very safe device that even children can play with without supervision.","label":-1,"idx":9677,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Johnson had no trouble finding fairly exact counterparts in his London of the eighteenth century for many of the blights of Juvenal's ancient Rome, but there was really nothing to match the horror of the amateur poetry reading in Trajan's time; the closest analogy Johnson could come up with, an elegant one under the circumstances, is his female atheist. ","text2":"Nothing was seen to match the horror of the amateur poetry reading in Trajan's time.","label":-1,"idx":9678,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A third group of babies given massive stimulation'patterned crib bumpers and fancy mobiles beginning in the first few weeks of life'also reached for objects sooner than did unstimulated babies.","text2":"Babies that got massive stimulation reached for objects sooner than other babies, which continued into childhood.","label":-1,"idx":9679,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just about everyone I know has experienced these kinds of things over the years to mark this day.","text2":"These kinds of things have been experienced over the years by nearly everybody.","label":-1,"idx":9680,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Black cover.","text2":"It had a black cover.","label":-1,"idx":9681,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, a well-formed lockstitch is smooth and appears the same when viewed from either the top or bottom ply.","text2":"A well-formed lockstitch, smooth and symmetrical, is difficult to achieve.","label":-1,"idx":9682,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"On the morning of 9\/11, there were only 37 passengers on United 93-33 in addition to the 4 hijackers.","text2":"The four hijackers had hijacked planes in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":9683,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Thank you for your support.","text2":"Very grateful for your help.","label":-1,"idx":9684,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After the call ended, Mrs. Cheney and the Vice President moved from the tunnel to the shelter conference room.","text2":"Mrs. Cheney and the Vice President could be found in the shelter conference room after the call ended.","label":-1,"idx":9685,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But the friction between the table and the cloth will leave this layer ( ply ) of cloth stretched; just how much will depend on the amount of friction between the two.","text2":"But the friction between table and cloth can leave the cloth stretched depending on the amount of friction.","label":-1,"idx":9686,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But a definition can range from a single-word synonym ( entry 4b(3) : HEADWORD) to the 117 words of W9's definition of vocabulary entry 'and beyond!","text2":"All definition entries include equal numbers of synonyms.","label":-1,"idx":9687,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Without the support of United Way of Central Indiana, Cecilia's story might not have had such a happy ending.","text2":"Ceclia wouldn't have a happy ending without United Way.","label":-1,"idx":9688,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because people want to work.","text2":"They all wanted to be brought on full-time.","label":-1,"idx":9689,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At the same time, biological makeup, everyday tasks, and the people who support children in mastery of those tasks vary greatly, resulting in wide individual dierences in specific skills.","text2":"Biological makeup leads to subtle differences between people.","label":-1,"idx":9690,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Moreover, these salesmen provided a flow of information to their headquarters on changing demand in -various localities as well as the credit ratings of local storekeepers and merchants.","text2":"The headquarters didn't need or want information from the lowly salesmen.","label":-1,"idx":9691,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed it is an amusing, albeit utterly wasteful pastime to pursue the quest for Red Pants examples.","text2":"It's amusing but wasteful to tell jokes like that.","label":-1,"idx":9692,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I need a direction, a destination.","text2":"A direction and destination was needed. ","label":-1,"idx":9693,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"81 provides a hot, nutritious meal for a person aged 60+.","text2":"81 will give a warm and healthy meal for someone over the age of 60.","label":-1,"idx":9694,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is a bird that perches.","text2":"It is a bird that avoids perching.","label":-1,"idx":9695,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Once upon a time there was a playwright who knew little Latin and less Greek.","text2":"At one time, there was a playwright who was excellently fluent both Latin and Greek.","label":-1,"idx":9696,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In this case, how was the suit, shirt, pants, or pair of jeans made?","text2":"There's a question about how the suit was made?","label":-1,"idx":9697,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As media analysts try to make sense of the most heinous of these acts, including the recent spate of family, school, and neighborhood murders and maimings, parental retreat from a troubled child's life almost invariably surfaces as a contributing factor.","text2":"If parents stay involved in their kids lives they have less chance of committing violent acts.","label":-1,"idx":9698,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But once you got to that point you still stopped at the elementary school and we would help those kids get off the bus, we would have emergency drills and that sort of thing.","text2":"We would hurry the kids off the bus and leave.","label":-1,"idx":9699,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Reference to the designated section in Appendix A reveals a brief discussion of the subject of sex-linked metaphors which quite correctly points out that many common metaphors, metonyms, and allusions refer to males' Achilles' heel, before you can say Jack Robinson, Bluebeard, David and Goliath , and many more.","text2":"The discussion in Appendix A reveals that there are more male sex-linked metaphors than female metaphors.","label":-1,"idx":9700,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He could present himself and his allies as victorious warriors in the one great successful experience for Islamic militancy in the 1980 the Afghan jihad against the Soviet occupation.","text2":"The Soviets attempted to occupy Afghanistan in 1980.","label":-1,"idx":9701,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Its memory is strongest among the Arabs.","text2":"The Arabs have good memory, so its memory is strongest for them.","label":-1,"idx":9702,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I need a change.","text2":"I would like things to stay the same. ","label":-1,"idx":9703,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Wadi , for instance, would describe an inland creek rather well.","text2":"The inland creek was difficult for Wadi to describe.","label":-1,"idx":9704,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Cher's gem stood unrivaled until I recently heard a Monday Night Football savant announce to the nation that despite confusion among the officials on the field, a touchdown had indeed been scored, because the plane of the ball broke the goal line. ","text2":"I recently learned that it was determined that a touchdown had been scored.","label":-1,"idx":9705,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In Chapter VI of Vanity Fair , Thackeray reports on Joe Sedley's drunken avowal to wed Becky Sharp the next morning, even if he had to knock up the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth, in order to have him in readiness to perform the ceremony.","text2":"Joe Sedley is drunk and promises to wed Becky even though he hates her.","label":-1,"idx":9706,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you're not sure if this was a true story or a made up story within your family.","text2":"You're not sure if this family story is true or made-up.","label":-1,"idx":9707,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By contributing $1,000 you can support one match for one year.","text2":"Each match can be supported by $1000 per year.","label":-1,"idx":9708,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This educational experience brings to light what an integral role the dental component plays in an individual's overall health.","text2":"The educational program shows the lack of important dental components play with regard to overall health. ","label":-1,"idx":9709,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" How does the story end? ","text2":"How does the story resolve?","label":-1,"idx":9710,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After NEADS learned of the hijacking at 10:07, NORAD would have had from 6 to 16 minutes to locate the flight, receive authorization to shoot it down, and communicate the order to the pilots, who (in the same span) would have had to authenticate the order, intercept the flight, and execute the order.","text2":"NEADS learned of the hijacking at 10:07.","label":-1,"idx":9711,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, Bodenheim appends to his book a short glossary of Harlem words used in the course of the novel.","text2":"A glossary of slang in a book is really useful. ","label":-1,"idx":9712,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He would pick chewing gum up off the floor and chew it disgusting things he was a deviant little sucker.","text2":"He was disgusting the way he chewed up gum he found on the ground.","label":-1,"idx":9713,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Then they got the whole schedule thing for the next year with the tuition bill on it and everything like that and my mom was reading it and it said, Major THEA, and she was like, What is this?","text2":"My mom had a suspicion I had changed majors.","label":-1,"idx":9714,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Your contribution helped make it possible for us to provide our students a quality education.","text2":"Your support helped us provide a quality education for our students.","label":-1,"idx":9715,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"My theory is that the r got put in there simply because muskrat is a more common word than muscat . It is the same reason most of us","text2":"I think the r is there just because people aren't smart.","label":-1,"idx":9716,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mihdhar and Moqed placed their carry-on bags on the belt of the X-ray machine and proceeded through the first metal detector.","text2":"The men were going through security at the airport.","label":-1,"idx":9717,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But I also know that you like fantasy as well?","text2":"You've never liked fantasy, have you?","label":-1,"idx":9718,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"lowing Has no reference to height or the lack of it, but is the sound commonly made by Oliver Goldsmith's herd.","text2":"It refers to a word that Oliver Goldsmith made up out of random letters.","label":-1,"idx":9719,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yiddish is especially versatile in describing those poor souls who inhabit the world of the ineffectual, and each is assigned a distinct place in the gallery of pathetic schmo, schmendrik, schnook, schmegegge, schlep, schlub, schmuck, putz, klutz, kvetch , and nudnik . Yiddish easily coins new names for new a nudnik is a `pest'; a phudnik is a `nudnik with a Ph.D.' The rich nuances that suffuse this roll call are seen in the timeless distinction between a schlemiel `clumsy jerk' and a schlimazel `habitual loser': the schlemiel inevitably trips and spills his hot soup'all over the schlimazel.","text2":"Speakers of Yiddish are often focused on the personality trait of competence.","label":-1,"idx":9720,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Evidence accumulated later, including the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103, clearly showed that the operation did not curb Qadhafi's interest in terrorism.","text2":"They got more evidence that showed Qadhafi was still interested in terrorism directed towards the United States.","label":-1,"idx":9721,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But, um, after my first semester was over with and I had like a real Theater class, I knew that's what I still wanted to do.","text2":"I took a Theater class and decided that was what I wanted to continue doing.","label":-1,"idx":9722,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Today, sound theories and educational strategies exist that are neither adult- nor child-centered but, instead, portray both as participating actively, jointly, and inseparably in the process of development.","text2":"Educational theories which portray both adults and children as participating actively are the most effective.","label":-1,"idx":9723,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He says, Yes, because you have less children, and can have more, time, or more, ability to get around to the people so they, will help out.","text2":"He said you have more time, because you have less children and more opportunity to get around to the people, so they will help you out.","label":-1,"idx":9724,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In narrative, we express the folk psychology of our culture'our deeply ingrained assumptions about human desires, emotions, and beliefs, and our judgments of certain ones as more acceptable than others.","text2":"Human desires carry much more negative consequences in one culture to another. ","label":-1,"idx":9725,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is an interesting, useful reference book containing information about the better-known writers of America.","text2":"America is home to some of the world's most renowned authors.","label":-1,"idx":9726,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We have seen such equipment working in a production setting in a knit goods manufacturer's facilities; however, we believe that its immediate potential use is limited for several reasons.","text2":"There are many reasons why the equipment might have limited potential.","label":-1,"idx":9727,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"American 77 began deviating from its flight plan at 8:54, with a slight turn toward the south.","text2":"American 77 left the flight plan at 8:54 but no one noticed for ten minutes.","label":-1,"idx":9728,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The early twentieth-century success of Wanamaker's and other department stores illustrates that the keys to effective retailing are providing customers with a variety of desirable products, procuring those products at a low enough cost to make a profit, marketing them well, and charging prices that reflect customers' willingness to pay.","text2":"Providing customer with products they desire was an early key to success for Wanamaker's.","label":-1,"idx":9729,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, back to my In which Chinese language is America `me gook ?","text2":"In what Chinese language is the word for America \"me gook?\"","label":-1,"idx":9730,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Hope you will be present.","text2":"We will be waiting for you.","label":-1,"idx":9731,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Specifically, we matched data from the HCTAR survey to corresponding establishment-level data from the Department of Commerce's Longitudinal Research Database (LRD).","text2":"Data from the HCTAR survey corresponds exactly with the Department of Commerce's Longitudinal Research Database (LRD).","label":-1,"idx":9732,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yet our research indicates that apparel leaders are building these new skills.","text2":"We have found that apparel leaders are in fact developing the skills in question.","label":-1,"idx":9733,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"A more specific class, e.g., male bird , makes solution easier, whereas a more general class, e.g., animal , would complicate the puzzler's task.","text2":"Less specific words made the task easier for the puzzler. ","label":-1,"idx":9734,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"However, for the low volume 43-regular, the maximum weekly demand is about four times the average.","text2":"The 43 regular has a demand that is way below average.","label":-1,"idx":9735,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The only fund raising event in the world where you can bring your entire family, other employees, or maybe even your neighbors.","text2":"This is the only fund raising event that exists where you can bring anyone you want. ","label":-1,"idx":9736,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He believed American 77 had experienced serious electrical or mechanical failure, or both, and was gone.","text2":"He thought American 77 was just fine.","label":-1,"idx":9737,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The high cost and lack of production-floor flexibility after the mechanical conveyers are installed have limited the number of factories adopting these systems.","text2":"Though the adoption of mechanical conveyer systems by factories has been limited, they have still had a significant impact on the industry.","label":-1,"idx":9738,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Yes, I believe I have.","text2":"No, I have never done that.","label":-1,"idx":9739,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jeans-makers have tried to satisfy the majority by making many different styles and sizes, but for some customers there still are not enough choices.","text2":"Some customers are not satisfied with the variety of jeans available.","label":-1,"idx":9740,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Faculty and Student Awards Annual presentations of Chancellor's awards encourage outstanding work among faculty, staff, and students.","text2":"The Chancellor's awards are a prestigious recognition for faculty, staff and students.","label":-1,"idx":9741,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Consequently, the MHA Alumni Association has become the strongest alumni group in the SPEA family.","text2":"SEPA doesn't have an alumni group that could be considered the strongest.","label":-1,"idx":9742,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apart from these words and lake , words and phrases directly associated with thoughts of water and reinforcing the sense of obsession include pool, springs, drainage hole, clay hole, flood, channel, water-courses, water-hole, rock-hole, drink, drinkable, running water, stream , and native well .","text2":"A large portion of the journal was focused on the study of water.","label":-1,"idx":9743,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"From Oh What a Paradise it Seems , by John ","text2":"John wrote about what a hell it was.","label":-1,"idx":9744,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After U.S. troops deployed to Somalia in late 1992, al Qaeda leaders formulated a fatwa demanding their eviction.","text2":"Al Qaeda demanded the U.S. troops leave Somalia in 1992.","label":-1,"idx":9745,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Looking at these figures, or at the books themselves, one would assume that the two dictionaries are of roughly the same size.","text2":"The figures show that the sizes of these two dictionaries isn't similar at all.","label":-1,"idx":9746,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 10:02 that morning, an assistant to the mission crew commander at NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector in Rome, New York, was working with his colleagues on the floor of the command center.","text2":"The commander was unavailable thus the assistant worked with the command center. ","label":-1,"idx":9747,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Apparel Assembly and the Demands of Rapid Replenishment","text2":"Apparel assembly and the requests of rapid replenishment.","label":-1,"idx":9748,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Keeping it in mind can help parents and teachers interact with children in ways that lead their development forward.","text2":"The parents have the best chance to influence children in beneficial ways.","label":-1,"idx":9749,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Children's imaginative play, Vygotsky pointed out, contains an interesting paradox.","text2":"Children's imaginative play is a paradox.","label":-1,"idx":9750,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and Azzam agreed that the organization successfully created for Afghanistan should not be allowed to dissolve.","text2":"Bin Ladin and Azzam dissolved the organization. ","label":-1,"idx":9751,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And, and you took up the trade too.","text2":"Why didn't you take up the trade?","label":-1,"idx":9752,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Definitely study!","text2":"You studying helps motivate me to study. ","label":-1,"idx":9753,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It is something like the zone of current sports lingo in which a tennis player, say, enters a trance-like state, putting him on a roll where he can't miss a shot.","text2":"Tennis players often go on one hot streak per game.","label":-1,"idx":9754,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Indeed, many eminent child development researchers have countered Harris's thesis.","text2":"Many child development experts disagree with Harris.","label":-1,"idx":9755,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please consider making a gift by returning the enclosed contribution card.","text2":"Please think about offering a donation.","label":-1,"idx":9756,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the instance of a memorial gift, the card is sent to the family of the deceased.","text2":"The gift card is sent to the person who died's family to pay for the funeral.","label":-1,"idx":9757,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Please use the enclosed envelope so we can help you.","text2":"We can only help those who use the enclosed envelope.","label":-1,"idx":9758,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"See Willard Espy's delicious An Almanac of Words at Play, pp. 21 and 203.","text2":"An Almanac of Words at Play was written by a woman.","label":-1,"idx":9759,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"NORAD and the FAA were unprepared for the type of attacks launched against the United States on September 11, 2001.","text2":"The government had no idea about 9\/11 style attacks.","label":-1,"idx":9760,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Our goal for the remainder of this year is to raise $100.00 to meet the 2000 operating budget.","text2":"For the rest of the year we plan on raising $100.","label":-1,"idx":9761,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"No problem!","text2":"No way!","label":-1,"idx":9762,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Typically, these programs result in the frequent delivery of small quantities of items to the retailer'it would not be uncommon for a blue jeans manufacturer to ship a carton of one dozen blue jeans of mixed styles and sizes to a particular store.","text2":"Retailers wouldn't be able to make these programs work without the frequent deliveries.","label":-1,"idx":9763,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Right now no, but- Floor Okay?","text2":"Right now is fine.","label":-1,"idx":9764,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"By the late 1970s, Gerber Garment Technology was supplying the automotive and apparel industries with its GERBERcutter, allowing firms to cut cloth and nonwoven material more effectively.","text2":"Gerber Garment Technology has improved the efficiency of cutting cloth.","label":-1,"idx":9765,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Don't try to make any stupid moves.","text2":"Smart moves would help in this situation. ","label":-1,"idx":9766,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At one point, she gets so carried away with her thesis that she suggests that females were responsible not only for all of human evolutionary biology but for the very notion of counting (in order to keep track of menstruation) and, probably by the same token, astronomy.","text2":"She writes that females had nothing to do with evolutionary biology.","label":-1,"idx":9767,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The principal architects of this approach, Sidney Hillman, founding president of the Amalgamated, and David Dubinsky, long-time president of the ILGWU, were cutters and came out of this craft-group.","text2":"David Dubinsky has never taken interest in craft.","label":-1,"idx":9768,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Vice President entered the underground tunnel leading to the shelter at 9:37.","text2":"The underground tunnel led to the shelter.","label":-1,"idx":9769,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, if I was able to get educational opportunities in school, I would transfer, but I'm happy with school here, with my sorority, with the city, with, I mean I'm happy with the way things are right now, so probably when I graduate.","text2":"I am about to transfer to a new school.","label":-1,"idx":9770,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" It happens to be the third most famous diamond in the whole world, she boasted.\"","text2":"The diamond's shine and size and history make it famous.","label":-1,"idx":9771,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Does it shoot things?","text2":"Does it make a loud noise when it's shot?","label":-1,"idx":9772,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So you're just going to work a lot harder?","text2":"So you're going to study more, go to office hours, ask questions, stay home more to do your homework?","label":-1,"idx":9773,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I once asked Ory about it and he said, `It's m-u-s-c-a-t'.","text2":"When asked, Ory was not sure about the spelling of the word.","label":-1,"idx":9774,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This is administered through the Indiana University Foundation.","text2":"This is administered by The Indiana University Foundation as well as the Foundation For a More Perfect Life. ","label":-1,"idx":9775,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the past, you have been generous in your support of programs in the School of Liberal Arts.","text2":"You have not supported programs in the past. ","label":-1,"idx":9776,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The Center is assessing the ways in which youth programs in central Indiana introduce and explore diverse cultural experiences.","text2":"The center is finding ways youth programs can explore different cultures by eating their foods and appreciating their music.","label":-1,"idx":9777,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"fin slang for `five-dollar bill,' from finf, the Yiddish word for `five.","text2":"The fin slang for 'five-dollar bill' is 'umph.'","label":-1,"idx":9778,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just because they don't have as much money as you, or they don't do the same things as you do, doesn't mean they're not a good person inside.","text2":"Us and them aren't that much different inside.","label":-1,"idx":9779,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We're there early in the morning to beat the heat.","text2":"We'll be there early when it isn't too hot yet.","label":-1,"idx":9780,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"\/\/ Smoking the whole way.","text2":"She was smoking the entire time. ","label":-1,"idx":9781,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"' When the Boers first saw a strange animal in South Africa, they called it aardvark , a Dutch word for `earth pig.","text2":"The Boers named the eath pig aardvark","label":-1,"idx":9782,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This led to the association of rapid acceleration with gunning, and to give it the gun was soon extended to automobiles, speedboats, and objects and matters nonmechanical.","text2":"Rapid acceleration was typical of artillery at the time.","label":-1,"idx":9783,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"If we say the Chinese language we refer, of course, to the written language.","text2":"In actuality though, these two facets of the language are not too different.","label":-1,"idx":9784,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"(Steve Sullivan, Heartland Golf Cars and Equipment) We are long-time supporters of Keep Indianapolis Beautiful.","text2":"Heartland Golf Cars and Equipment are long-time Keep Indianapolis Beautiful supporters.","label":-1,"idx":9785,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Through writers like Qutb, and the presence of Egyptian Islamist teachers in the Saudi educational system, Islamists already had a strong intellectual influence on Bin Ladin and his al Qaeda colleagues.","text2":"Islamists had no influence at all on Bin Laden. ","label":-1,"idx":9786,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The elaborative style is considerably better at fostering preschoolers' narrative skill, since 2- and 3-year-olds who experience it produce more coherent and detailed personal stories when followed up 1 to 2 years later.","text2":"Elaborative styles make it impossible for preschoolers to develop narrative skills.","label":-1,"idx":9787,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mihdhar and Moqed placed their carry-on bags on the belt of the X-ray machine and proceeded through the first metal detector.","text2":"The two men were not worried about anything showing on the metal detector.","label":-1,"idx":9788,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Bin Ladin and al Qaeda have given answers to both these questions.","text2":"Osama and al Qaeda have given the same answer to both of these questions.","label":-1,"idx":9789,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Remember I told you about the story my mother wrote and I can remember at the time and in some ways it's still true today.","text2":"If you recall, I told you about that story that my mother wrote about politics and politicians that is still pretty much true today.","label":-1,"idx":9790,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Several passengers had terminated phone calls with loved ones in order to join the revolt.","text2":"All calls remained alive during the passengers revolt.","label":-1,"idx":9791,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"It's obvious from the beautiful carvings of teeth on the surface that we had a good instruction in dental anatomy.","text2":"Everyone admired the beautiful carvings of teeth on the surface.","label":-1,"idx":9792,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"To the same question, American and Israeli urban children typically respond, I would want to see whose picture was the best, or I might be wondering whether she got more right than I did. ","text2":"American and Israeli urban children would often respond.","label":-1,"idx":9793,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These are really old-time clues in new apparel; once wise to the system and having enough vocabulary entries in one's head (or a thesaurus handy on the shelf), it is not too difficult to decode them and arrive at the answer.","text2":"Some vocabulary is more difficult than others.","label":-1,"idx":9794,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I enclose a copy of the Indiana tax form you will need to file with your return plus an envelope to use for sending your contribution to the IU Foundation.","text2":"I have included a printed copy of the Indiana tax form.","label":-1,"idx":9795,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For any particular reason or you just like the area?","text2":"You probably hate this city, don't you.","label":-1,"idx":9796,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In the good old days, we were taught that the pyramids were built by tens of thousands of slaves.","text2":"We were taught that slaves built the pyramids.","label":-1,"idx":9797,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They did this on 9\/11 when the transponder signals for three of the aircraft disappeared.","text2":"Staff did this to try to locate the planes when the transponder signals for three of the aircraft disappeared. ","label":-1,"idx":9798,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"The A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship enables the dental hygiene program to provide financial assistance to students so that they can concentrate on their education while in school.","text2":"The A. Rebekah Fisk Memorial Scholarship cannot be applied to by dental hygiene students. ","label":-1,"idx":9799,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"One of the al Qaeda representatives explained his it's easy to kill more people with uranium.","text2":"al Quaeda had no interest in uranium.","label":-1,"idx":9800,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"BMW will also need to combine information technologies, planning and forecasting methods, and production techniques to implement such strategies.","text2":"There is no way BMW can improve production techniques.","label":-1,"idx":9801,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Crossword puzzles soon become very popular in America, and perhaps even more so in Britain.","text2":"Crossword puzzles did not catch on in Britain at all ","label":-1,"idx":9802,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" Noah and Suzanne, parents of a 2-year- When our parents were raising us, they seemed confident of their power and infiuence.","text2":"Noah and Suzanne appeared to have confidence in their power and influence.","label":-1,"idx":9803,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"As one who generously supports the law school, you understand the importance of alumni contributions in providing an excellent legal education for our students.","text2":"You know the need for alumni contributions to the law school. ","label":-1,"idx":9804,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Has always evoked for me images of muscles or funereal trimmings or infected tissue, instead of twilight or evening.","text2":"The images of muscle were fascinating in the evening","label":-1,"idx":9805,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"That is a physical and social measure of the guild's success.","text2":"This is not the first time the guild's success has been measured so.","label":-1,"idx":9806,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But then like, I know people like that and they're people just like anybody else is.","text2":"I know people such as them and they are people just like anyone else.","label":-1,"idx":9807,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She does packages like First Aid stuff.","text2":"She puts First Aid ingredients in boxes then ship them out to the needy.","label":-1,"idx":9808,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":" In court, a prime CBS objective will be to refute characterizations of Adams by Westmoreland's witnesses as a rouge elephant within the CIA. ","text2":"CBS was sued over a news story that they aired on 60 Minutes.","label":-1,"idx":9809,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"But he realizes it's not like that.","text2":"He's a smart guy who knows what's going on in the world.","label":-1,"idx":9810,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"These boxes come with wires (called cables for some reason) that allow them to be connected to one another and into a power source.","text2":"Wires as also known as cables.","label":-1,"idx":9811,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Because we were driving from \/\/ NC all the way up to Riverside, NJ.","text2":"We were on a family vacation from NC to Riverside, NJ.","label":-1,"idx":9812,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Vice President has cleared.","text2":"They left the building.","label":-1,"idx":9813,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This led some NORAD commanders to worry that NORAD was not postured adequately to protect the United States.","text2":"NORAD had more than one commander at the time.","label":-1,"idx":9814,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Well thank you for sharing your experience with me.","text2":"I'm glad you shared that with me, thank you.","label":-1,"idx":9815,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"I take the liberty of reprinting the glossary here, because some of the terms are far from common ( chippy, hootch , and century are perhaps the more familiar) and many are not included in standard dictionaries of ","text2":"Standard dictionaries don't include some of these uncommon terms.","label":-1,"idx":9816,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Nevertheless, good books on archaeology assimilable by laymen are not easy to find, and if the reader can tolerate its shortcomings and is not overly concerned about the precise birthplace of Indo-European, Archaelogy and Language provides an interesting march through the millennia of prehistory in seven-league boots.","text2":"Archaelogy and Language is the only good book on archaeology that laymen can read.","label":-1,"idx":9817,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They named him Spiderman because of the way Miyares clung to the walls and blindly felt his way along the VA's Western Blind Rehabilitation Center (WBRC) at Palo Alto, California.","text2":"Miyarers would cling to the walls and blindly feel his way around, earning him the nickname Spiderman.","label":-1,"idx":9818,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Mel had brought along a plastic bag, as the beach was often littered with trash after a busy day.","text2":"Mel brings a plastic bag on days when the beach has been busy so that he can pick up all of the trash. ","label":-1,"idx":9819,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:25, the Command Center advised FAA headquarters of the situation.","text2":"The FAA headquarters was contacted and informed about the situation at 11:00.","label":-1,"idx":9820,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"So, I don't know.","text2":"Therefore, I do have much knowledge on the topic. ","label":-1,"idx":9821,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Saudi officials apparently wanted Bin Ladin expelled from Sudan.","text2":"Bin Ladin was in Saudi Arabia, and the Sudanese were unhappy.","label":-1,"idx":9822,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Traditional auto retailing focuses on selling product lines in production quantities that were largely determined in advance of distribution.","text2":"This made more sense to do in the case of automobiles.","label":-1,"idx":9823,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"For example, W shows for leeway the date 1669; from my experience with even above-average users, that is usually taken to mean that 1669 was the first time that leeway appeared in one day it did not exist; the next, Presto!","text2":"It is usually taken that 1669 was the first time that leeway appeared.","label":-1,"idx":9824,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Sensitive emotional messages conveyed through gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice are basic to it.","text2":"Women tend to communicate more emotionally than men.","label":-1,"idx":9825,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He said that saw drifted down and hit him right across the back of his thumb.","text2":"Someone knocked over the saw and it hit the back of his thumb.","label":-1,"idx":9826,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Um, the first book I guess I really remember is she bought us a Bible stories.","text2":"I don't remember the first book she bought us. ","label":-1,"idx":9827,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"After Maureen's job coach taught her how to do her job in a restaurant, we helped Maureen step out of the shadow sometimes cast over people with physical and mental disabilities and find a fulfilling job smack dab in the middle of society.","text2":"Your contribution helped us to help Maureen reach her potential and conquer her physical and mental disabilities after her job coach taught her how to do her job in a restaurant.","label":-1,"idx":9828,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"And uh, so we uh, put some plans together.","text2":"We didn't plan anything.","label":-1,"idx":9829,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"95 percent of the animals we take in come from Nashua.","text2":"Few of the animals we take are from Nashua.","label":-1,"idx":9830,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"We look forward to your renewal as a Century II Fellow.","text2":"We can't wait for you to renew your Century membership.","label":-1,"idx":9831,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They don't quarrel and grab, and if they had done so, Sophie or another make-believe character probably would have intervened and insisted on kind, considerate behavior.","text2":"If they had become aggressive, nothing would exist to prevent continued aggression.","label":-1,"idx":9832,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"She said her flight was being hijacked by six individuals who had moved them to the rear of the plane.","text2":"The plane had been hijacked a few minutes before the call.","label":-1,"idx":9833,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"95 in Canada'but I do not think that the ghost of my Scottish father glowered (good Scots word, that) at me when I bought my copy of it.","text2":"I bought a copy for myself.","label":-1,"idx":9834,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"They spend most of their time outdoors, playing games with new friends, discovering flowers they've never seen, and creating treasures from sticks, rocks and leaves.","text2":"These people like to camp.","label":-1,"idx":9835,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"He and the cleric Azzam had joined in creating a Bureau of Services (Mektab al Khidmat, or MAK), which channeled recruits into Afghanistan.","text2":"Azzam was arrested by the US military and sent to Gito.","label":-1,"idx":9836,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At farmers' markets, families would display the vegetables they grew or sell eggs from their chickens.","text2":"Each family owned their own farm and land. ","label":-1,"idx":9837,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Just check the appropriate box on the enclosed pledge card and return it in the reply envelope.","text2":"Return the card with the envelope provided.","label":-1,"idx":9838,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Need a Band-Aid, need some gauze, need some tape.","text2":"I don't need anything, thanks.","label":-1,"idx":9839,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"In any case, Bin Ladin found it necessary both to cut back his spending and to control his outlays more closely.","text2":"Bin Ladin spent freely and carelessly due to the wealth at hand.","label":-1,"idx":9840,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Jarrah continued to roll the airplane sharply left and right, but the assault continued.","text2":"Jarrah rolled the airplane sharply left and right and then dove steeply.","label":-1,"idx":9841,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Do you watch um, what is that new thing that everyone that all the kids are watching?","text2":"What you watch is none of my concern, I don't care.","label":-1,"idx":9842,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"Acting Deputy Administrator Belger was frustrated to learn later in the morning that the military had not been on the call.","text2":"The military could have helped the situation.","label":-1,"idx":9843,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"At 9:19, the FAA's New England regional office called Herndon and asked that Cleveland Center advise Delta 1989 to use extra cockpit security.","text2":"Cleveland Center was able to contact Delta 1989 within a few minutes.","label":-1,"idx":9844,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":"This essay was selected as the First Prize winner ($1,000) in the Sixth VERBATIM Essay Competition.","text2":"This piece was rejected from the VERBATIM Essay Competition held in 2025.","label":-1,"idx":9845,"label_text":"unlabeled"} -{"text1":".characteristics of secular humanism .","text2":"I have no idea what secular humanism even is. ","label":-1,"idx":9846,"label_text":"unlabeled"}